GIFT OF MICHAEL REE^ ^> ii THE FIFTEEN DECISIVE BATTLES OF THE WOELD : FROM IIAEATIION TO -WATERLOO. ki I THE FIFTEEN DECISIVE BATTLES OF THE WOELD: FROM MARATHON TO ■WATERLOO. SIE EDWAED CEEASY, M.A. LATE CHIEF JUSTICE OF CEYLON, AUTHOR OF "THE RISE AND PROGRESS OF THE ESGLISH CONSTITUTION.'' TWENTY- NINTII EDITION. LONDON : RICHAllD BENTLEY & SON, NEW BURLINGTON STREET, 1879. 3x^ LONDON : R. CLAY. SONS, AND TAYLOR, BREAD STREET HILL. S^bimto TO ROBERT GORDON LATHAM, M.D., F.E.S. Late Fellow of King's College, Cambridge ; Fellow of tJie Royal College of Physicians, London Member of the Ethnological Society, Neiv York; Late Professor of the English and Literature, in University College, London, HIS FRIEND THE AUTHOR. Ir is an honourable characteristic of the Spirit of this Age, that projects of violence and warfare are regarded among civilized states with gradually increasing aversion. The Universal Peace Society certainly does not, and prohably never will, enrol the majority of statesmen among its members. Eut everf'those who look upon the Appeal of Battle as occasionally unavoidable in international con- troversies, concur in thinking it a deplorable necessity, only to be resorted to when all peaceful modes of arrangement have been vainly tried ; and when the law of self-defence justifies a State, like an individual, in using force to protect itself from imminent and serious injury^ For a writer, therefore, of the present day to choose battles for his favourite topic, merely because they were battles, merely because so many myriads of troops were arrayed in them, and so many hundreds or thousands of human beings stabbed, hewed, or shot each other to death during them, would argue strange weakness or depravity of mind. Yet it cannot be denied that a fearful and wonderful interest is attached to these scenes of carnage. There is undeniable greatness in the disciplined courage, and in the love of honour, which make the combatants confront agony and destruction. And the powers of the human intellect are rarely more strongly displayed than they are in the Commander, who regulates, arrays, and wields at his will these masses of armed disputants ; who, cool yet daring, in the midst of peril, reflects on all, and provides for all, ever ready with fresh resources and designs, 33 the vicissitudes of the storm of slaugJiter requu-e. But these viii PREFACE. qualities, however high they may appear, are to be found in the "basest as well as in the noblest of mankind. Catiline was as bravo a soldier as Leonidas, and a much better officer. Alva surpassed the Prince of Orange in the field ; and Suwarrow was the military superior of Kosciusko. To adopt the emphatic words of Byron ; — " 'Tis the Cause makes all, . Degrades or hallows courage in its fall." ^ There are some battles, also, which claim our attention, inde- pendently of the moral worth of the combatants, on account of their enduring importance, and by reason of the practical influence on our own social and political condition, which we can trace up to the results of those engagements. They have for us an abiding and actual interest, both while we investigate the chain of causes and effects, by which they have helped to make us what we are; and also while we speculate on what we probably shouia have been, if any one of those battles had come to a different termination. HaUam has admirably expressed this in his remarks on the victory gained by Charles Martel, between Tours and Poictiers, over the invading Saracens. He says of it, that " it may justly be reckoned among those few battles of which a contrary event would have essentially varied the drama of the world in all its subsequent scenes : with Marathon, Arbela, the Metaurus, Chalons, and Leipsic."^ It was the perusal of this note of Hallam's that first led me to the consideration of my present subject. I certainly differ from that great historian as to the comparative importance of some of the battles which he thus enu- merates, and also of some which he omits. It^is probable, indeed, that no two historical inquirers would entirely agree in their lists of the Decisive Battles of the World. Different minds will naturally vary in the impressions which particular events make on them ; and in the degree of interest with which they watch the career, and reflect on the importance, of different historical personages. But our con- currence in our catalogues is of little moment, provided we learn to look on these great historical events in the spirit which HaUam's observations indicate. Those remarks should teach us to watch how the interests cf many states are often involved in the collisions PREFACE, ix between a few j and how the effect of those collisions is not limited to a single age, but may give an impulse which will sway the fortunes of successive generations of mankind. Most valuable also is the mental discipline which is thus acquired, and by which we are trained not only to observe what has heen, and what is, hut also to ponder on what might have been.* • We thus learn not to judge of the wisdom of measures too exclu- sively by the results. We learn to apply the juster standard of seeing what the circumstances and the probabilities were that sur- rounded a statesman or a general at the time when he decided on his plan : we value him not by his fortune, but by his npoa/p£u ravra on HaTexoii^voi. fiev iQeXoKUKeov, ws SeairiiTr) ipya^S/xevoi' iXevOepwBevTcuv 5e aitrhs cKaaros kavrcf irpodvfleiTO Karepy'dCeffdai. — HerOD. lib. v. C. 87. Mr. Grote's comment on this is one of the most eloquent and philosoplucal passages in his admirable Fourth Volume. "^'he expression 'larjyoplrj XPW''- The flying Mede, his shaftless broken bow ; The fiery Greek, his red pursuing spear ; IMountains above, Earth's, Ocean's plain below. Death in the front, Destruction in the rear ! , Such was the scene. — Byron's Childe Harold. ^ < Mr. Grote well remarks that this battle of the ships must have em- phatically recalled to -^schylus [and others of the Athenian combatants] the fifteenth book of the Iliad, — AiiTis Se Spifxeia fxa-xv irapct vrjvah irvxOv' (pair]s K ciKixTJTas kuL dreipias aXXi^\oi(riv ^vTfaO* Iv iroXffxcj)' 6)S iffavneyws ifxdxouTe. C'Ektw^ , ] BATTLE OF MARATHON. 25 saving the rest. They pushed off from the fatal shore ; but even here the skill of Datis did not desert him, and he sailed round to the western coast of Attica, in hopes to find the city unprotected, and to gain possession of it from some of the partisans of Hippias. Miltiades, however, saw and counteracted his manoeuvre. Leaving Aristides, and the troops of his tribe, to guard the spoil and the Rlain,^ the Athenian commander led his conquering army by a rapid "EKTCcp 8e irpvfiprjs veds rl'^aro irouro'rrSpoiOf KaKrjs, Q}Kvd\ov, ^ npcaTe(ri\aov eveiKev is Tpoirjv, ouS* avris diTT^yaye iraTpiSa ya7av. rovnep S^ irep\ vr]bs 'Axctioi re Towes re S^ovv dX\7^\ovs avTOffxehdv' ov5' &pa roiye tS^odu diKcis dfx(p]s /xevov, ovde r' dK6vT0ov, dkh' oty iyyvQev itfrdixivoi, %va Bv^bv exoyres, o^eai Srj ireXfKecrcri koL d^ivriffi fidxouTO, Kal ^Icpeffiv ix^yd\oiyo/xaxot repose. A separate tumulus was raised over the bodies of the slain Platseans, and another over the light-armed slaves who had taken part and had fallen in the battle. 2 There was also a distinct sepulchral monument to the general to whose genius the victory was mainly due. MUtiades did not live long after his achievement at Marathon, but he lived long enough to experience a lamentable reverse of his popularity and good fortune. As soon as the Persians had quitted the western coasts of the ^gean, he proposed to an assembly of the Athenian people that they should lit out seventy galleys, with a proportionate force of soldiers and military stores, and place them at his disposal; not telling them whither he meant to proceed, but promising them that if they would equip the force he asked for, and give him discretionary powers, he would lead it to a land where there was gold in abundance to be won with ease; The Greeks of that time believed in the existence of Eastern realms teeming with gold, as firmly as the Europeans of the sixteenth century believed in Eldorado of the West. The Athenians probably thought that the recent victor of Marathon, and former officer of Darius, was about to guide them on a secret expedition against some wealthy and unprotected cities of treasure in the Persian dominions. The armament was voted and equipped, and sailed eastward from Attica, no one but Miltiades knowing its destina- tion, until the Greek isle of Pares was reached, when his true object appeared. In former years, while connected with the Persians as' prince of the Chersonese, MUtiades had been involved in a quarrel with one of the leading men among the Parians, who had injured his credit and caused some slights to be put upon him at the court of the- Persian satrap, Hydarnes. The feud had ever since rankled in the heart of the Athenian chief, and he now 1 Pausanias states, with implicit belief, that the battle-field was haunted at night by supernatural beings, and that the noise of combatants and the snorting of horses were heard to resound on it. The superstition has survived the change of creeds, and the shepherds of the neighbourhood still believe that spectral warriors contend on the plain at midnight, and they say that they have heard the shouts of the combatants and the neighing of the steeds. — Seo Grote and Thirlwall. 2 It is probable that the Greek light-armed irregulars were active in the attack on the Persian ships, and it was in this attack that the Greeks suffered their principal loss. 28 BA TTLE OF MARA THON. attacked Paros for the sake of avenging liiniself on his ancient enemy. His pretext, as general of the Athenians, was, that the Parians had aided the armament of Datis with a war-galley. The Parians pretended to treat ahout terms of surrender, but used the time which they thus gained in repairing the defective parts of the fortifications of their city ; and they then set the Athenians at defiance. So far, says Herodotus, the accounts of all the Greeks agree. But the Parians, in after years, told also a wild legend, how a captive priestess of a Parian temple of the Deities of the Earth promised Miltiades to give him the means of capturing Pares : how, at her bidding, the Athenian general went alone at night and forced his way into a holy shrine, near the city gate, but with what purpose it was not known : how a supernatural awe came over him, and in his flight he fell and fractured his leg: how an oracle afterwards forbad the Parians to punish the sacri- legious and traitorous priestess, "because it was fated that Miltiades should come to an ill end, and she was only the instrument to lead him to evil." Such was the tale that Herodotus heard at Paros. Certain it was that Miltiades either dislocated or broke his leg during an unsuccessful siege of that city, and returned home in evil plight with his baffled and defeated forces. The indignation of the Athenians was proportionate to the hope and excitement which his promises had raised. Xanthippus, the head of one of the first families in Athens, indicted him before the supreme popular tribunal for the capital offence of having deceived the people. His guilt was undeniable, and the Athenians passed their verdict accordingly. But the recollections of Lemnos and Marathon, and the sight of the fallen general, who lay stretched on a couch" before them, pleaded successfully in mitigation of punishment, and the sentence was commuted from death to a fine of fifty talents. This was paid by his son, the afterwards illus- trious Cimon, Miltiades dying, soon after the trial, of the injury which he had received at Paros. ^ 1 Tho common-place calumnies against the Athenians respecting Miltiades have been well answered by Sir EdWard Bulwer Lytton in his " Else and Fall of Athens," and Bishop Thtrlwall in the second volume of his "History of Greece ; " , but they have received their most complete refutation from Mr. Grote in the fourth volume of his History, p. 490 et seq., and notes. I quite concur with him that, " looking to the practice of the Athenian dicastery in criminal cases, fifty talents was the minor penalty actually proposed by the defenders of Miltiades themselves as a substitute for tho punishm'ent of death. In those penal cases at Athens, where the punishment Avas not fixed before- hand by the terms of the law, if the person accused was found guilty, it was customary to submit to the jurors subsequently and separately, the question BA TTLE OF MARA THON. 29 The melancholy end of Miltiades, after his elevation to such a height of power and glory, must often have been recalled to the mind of the ancient Greeks by the sight of one, in particular, of the memorials of the great battle which he won. This was the remarkable statue (minutely described by Pausranias) which the Athenians, in the time of Pericles, caused to be hewn out of a huge block of marble, which, it was believed, had been provided by Datis to form a trophy of the anticipated victory of the Persians. Phidias fashioned out of this a colossal image of the goddess Nemesis, the deity whose peculiar function was -to visit the exuberant prosperity both of nations and individuals with sudden and awful reverses. This statue was placed in a temple of the goddess at Ehamnus, about eight miles from Marathon. Athens herself contained nume- rous memorials of her primary great victory. Panenus, the cousin of Phidias, represented it in fresco on the walls of the painted porch ; and, centuries afterwards, the figures of Miltiades and Cal-^ limachus at the head of the Athenians were conspicuous in the fresco. The tutelary deities were exhibited taking part in the fray. In the back-ground were seen the Phoenician galleys ; and nearer to the spectator, the Athenians and the Plataeans (distinguished by their leathern helmets) were chasing routed Asiatics into the marshes and the sea. The battle was sculptured also on the Temple of Victory in the Acropolis ; and even now there may be traced on the ixieze the figures of the Persian combatants with their lunar as to the amoimt of punishment. First, the accuser named the penalty which he thought suitable ; next, the accused person was called upon to name an amount of penalty for himself, and the jurors were constrained to take their choice between these two ; no third gradation of penalty being admissible for consideration. Of course, under such circumstances, it was the interest of the accused party to name, even in his own case, some real and serious penalty, something which the jurors might be likely to deem not wholly inadequate to his crime just proved ; for if he proposed some penalty only trifling, he drove them to prefer the heavier sentence recommended by his opponent." The stories of Miltiades having been cast into prison and died there, and of his having been saved from death only by the interposition of the Prytanis of the day, are, I think, rightly rejected by Mr. Grote as the fictions of after ages. The silence of Herodotus respecting them is decisive. It is true that Plato, in the Gorgias, says that the Athenians passed a vote to throw Miltiades into the Barathrum, and speaks of the interposition of the Prytanis in liis favour ; but it is to be remembered that Plato, with all his transcendent genius, was (as Niebuhr has termed him) a very indifferent patriot, who loved to blacken the character of his country's democratic insti- tutions ; and if the fact was that the Prytanis, at the trial of Miltiades, opposed the vote of capital punishment, and spoke in favour of the milder, sentence, Plato (in a passage written to show the misfortunes that befell Athenian statesmen) would readily exaggerate this fact into tha story that appears in his text. so BATTLE OF MARATHON, shields, their bows and quivers, their curved scimetars, their loose trowsers, and Phrygian tiaras.^ ' These and other memorials of Marathon were the produce of the meridian age of Athenian intellectual splendour — of the age of Phidias and Pericles. Por it was not merely by the generation of men whom the battle liberated from Hippias and the Medes, that the transcendent importance of their victory was gratefully recog- nised. Through the whole epoch of her prosperity, through the long Olympiads of her decay, through centuries after her fall, Athens looked back on the day of Marathon as the brightest of her national existence. \. Py a natural blending of patriotic pride with grateful piety, the very spirits of the Atheniansjwho fell at Marathon were deified by their countrymen. The inhabitants of the districts of Marathon paid religious rites to them ; and orators solemnly invoked them in their most impassioned adjurations before the assembled men of Athens. " iN'othing was omitted that could keep alive the remem- brance of a deed which had first taught the Athenian people to know its own strength, by measuring it with the power which had subdued the greater part of the known world. The consciousness thus awakened fixed its character, its station, and its destiny; it was the spring of its later great actions and ambitious enterprises." 2 '^ It was not indeed by one defeat, however signal, that the pride of Persia could be broken, and her dreams of universal empire be dispelled. Ten years afterwards she renewed her attempts upon Europe on a grander scale of enterprise, and was repulsed by Greece with greater and reiterated loss. Larger forces and heavier slaughter than had been seen at Marathon signalized the conflicts of Greeks and Persians at'Artemisium, Salamis, Platsea, and the Eurymedon. But mighty and momentous as these battles were, they rank not with Marathon in importance. They originated no new impulse. They turned back no current of fate. They were merely con- firmatory of the already existing bias which Marathon had created. The day of Marathon is the critical epoch in the history of the two nations. It broke for ever the spell of Persian invincibility, which had paralysed men's minds. It generated among the Greeks the spirit which beat back Xerxes, and afterwards led on Xenophon, Agesilaus, and Alexander, in terrible retaliation, through their Asiatic campaigns. It secured for mankind the intellectual trea- sures of Athens, the growth of free institutions, the liberal enlighten- ment of the Western world, and the gradual ascendancy for many Bges of the great principles of European civilization. * Wordsworth's "Groece," p. 115. 2 TLirlwall. BATTLE OF MARATHON. %\ EXPLANATORY REMARKS OK SOME OF THE CIRCUMSTANCES OF THE BATTLE OF MARATHON. !N"oTHiNG is said by Herodotus of tlie Persian cavalry taking any part in the battle, althougli he mentions that Hippias recommended the Persians to land at Marathon, because the plain was favourable for cavalry evolutions. In the life of Miltiades, which is usually cited as the production of Cornelius Nepos, but which I believe to be of no authority whatever, it is said that Miltiades protected his flanks from the enemy's horse by an abattis of felled trees. While he was on the high ground he would not have required this defence; and it is not -likely that the Persians would have allowed him to erect it on the plain. Bishop Thirlwall calls our attention to a passage in Suidas, where the proverb Xwpts (VTret? is said to have originated from some Ionian Greeks, who were serving compulsorily in the army of Datis, contriving to inform Miltiades that the Persian cavalry had gone away, whereupon Miltiades immediately joined battle and gained the victory. There may probably be a gleam of truth in this legend. If Datis's cavalry was numerous, as the abundant pastures of Euboea were close at hand, the Persian general, when he thought, from the inaction of his enemy, that they did not mean to come down from the heights and give battle, might naturally send the larger part of his horse back across the channel to the neighbour- hood of Eretria, where he had already left a detachment, and where his military stores must have been deposited. The knowledge of such a .movement would of course confirm Miltiades in his resolution to bring on a speedy engagement. But, in truth, whatever amount of cavalry we suppose Datis to have had with liim on the day of Marathon, their inaction in the battle is intelligible, if we believe the attack of the Athenian spear- men to have been as sudden as it was rapid. The Persian horse- soldier, on an alarm being given, had to take the shackles off his horse, to strap the saddle on, and bridle him, besides equipping himself (see Xenoph. Anab. lib. iii. c. 4); and when each individual horseman was ready, the line had to be formed ; and the time tliat it takes to form the Oriental cavalry in line for a charge, has, in all ages, been observed ty Europeans. The wet state of the marshes at each end of the plain, in the. time of year when the battle was fought, has been adverted to by M>* Wordsworth ; and this would hinder the Persian general from 32 SYNOPSIS OF INTERVENING EVENTS. arranging and employing liis horsemen on his extreme wings, while it also enabled the Greeks, as they came forward, to occupy the whole breadth of the practicable ground with an unbroken line of levelled spears, against which, if any Persian horse advanced, they would be driven back in confusion upon their own foot. Even numerous and fully-arrayed bodies of cavalry have been repeatedly broken, both in ancient and modern warfare, by resolute charges of infantry. For instance, it was by an attack of some picked cohorts that Caesar routed the Pompeian cavalry, which had previously defeated his own at Pharsalia. I have represented the battle of Marathon as beginning in the afternoon, and ending towards evening. If it had lasted all day, Herodotus would have probably mentioned that fact. That it ended towards evening is, I think, proved by the line from the " Yespse " which I have already quoted, and to which my attention was called by Sir Edward Bulwer Lytton's account of the battle. I think that the succeeding lines in Aristophanes, also already quoted, justify the description which I have given of the rear-ranks of the Persians keeping up a flight of arrows over the heads of their comrades against the Greeks. SYNOPSIS OF EVENTS BETWEEN THE BATTLE OF MAEATHON, B. c. 490, AND THE DEFEAT OF THE ATHENIANS AT SYRACUSE, B.C. 413. B.O. 490 to 487. All Asia is filled with the preparations made by King Darius for a new expedition against Greece. Themistocl-es persuades the Athenians to leave off dividing the proceeds of their silver mines among themselves, and to employ the money in strengthening their navy. 487. Egypt revolts from the Persians, and delays the expedition against Greece. 485. Darius dies, and Xerxes his son becomes King of Persia in his stead. 484. Z-'he Persians recover Egypt. 480 Xerxes invades Greece. Indecisive actions between the Persian and Greek fleets at Artemisium. Destruction of the three hundred Spartans at Thermopylae. The Athenians abandon Attica and go on shipboard. Great naval victory of the Greeks at Salamis. Xerxes returns to Asia, leaving a chosen army under Mardonius, to carry on the war against the Greeks, SYNOPSIS or INTERVENING EVENTS. ^^ 478. Mardonius and his army destroyed by the Greeks at Platsea. The Greeks land in Asia Minor, and defeat a Persian force at Mycalo. In this and the following years the Persians lose all their conquests in Europe, and many on the coast of Asia. 477. Many of the Greek maritime states take Athens as their leader, instead of Sparta. 466. Victories of Cimon over the Persians at the Eurymedon. 464. Revolt of the Helots against Sparta. Third Messenian war. 460. Egypfagain revolts against Persia. The Athenians send a powerful armament to aid the Egyptians, which, after gaining some successes, is destroyed, and Egypt submits. This war lasted six years. 457. Wars in Greece between the Athenian and several Pelo- ponnesian states. Immense exertions of Athens at this time. "There is an original inscription still preserved in the Louvre, wliich attests the energies of Athens at this crisis, when Athens, like England in modern wars, at once sought conquests abroad, and repelled enemies at home. At the period we now advert to (b.o. 457), an Athenian armament of two hundred galleys was engaged in a bold though unsuccessful expedition against Egypt. The Athenian crews had landed, had won a battle ; they had then re-embarked and sailed up the Nile, and were busily besieging the Persian garrison in Memphis. As the complement of a trireme galley was at least two hundred men, we cannot estimate the forces then employed by Athens against Egypt at less than forty thousand- men. At the same time she kept squadrons on the coasts of Phoenicia and Cyprus, and yet maintained a home-fleet that enabled her to defeat her Peloponnesian enemies at Cecryphalse and ^gina, capturing in the last engagement seventy galleys. This last fact may give us some idea of the strength of the Athenian home-fleet that gained the victory ; and by adopting the same ratio of multi- plying whatever number of galleys we suppose to have been employed, by two hundred, so as to gain the aggregate number of the crews, we may form some estimate of the forces which this little Greek state then kept on foot. Between sixty and seventy thou- sand men must have served in her fleets during that year. Her tenacity of purpose was equal to her boldness of enterprise. Sooner than yield or withdraw from any of their expeditions the Athenians at this very time, when Corinth sent an army to attack their garri- son at Megara, did not recall a single crew or a single soldier from yEgina or from abroad ; but the lads and old men, who had been left to guard the city, fought and won a battle against these nevr 34 SYNOPSIS OF INTERVENING EVENTS, assailants. The inscription which we have referred to is graven on a votive tablet to the memory of the dead, erected in that year by tii9 Erecthean tribe, one of the ten into which the Athenians were divided. It shows, as Thirlwall has remarked, " that the Athenians were conscious of the greatness of their own effort ;" and in it this little civic community of the ancient world still " records to us with emphatic simplicity, that * its slain fell in Cyprus, in Egypt, in Phoenicia, at Haliae, in x^gina, and in Megara, in the same yeary^^ 455. A thirty years' truce concluded between Athens and Lace- dsemon. 440. The Samians endeavour to throw off the supremacy of Athens. Samos completely reduced to subjection. Pericles is now sole director of the Athenian councils. 431. Commencement of the great Peloponnesian war, in which Sparta, at the head of nearly all the Peloponnesian states, and aided by the Boeotians and some of the other Greeks beyond the Isthmus, endeavours to reduce the power of Athens, and to restore indepen- dence to the Greek maritime states who were the subject allies of Athens. At the commencement of the war the Peloponnesian armies repeatedly invade and ravage Attica, but Athens herseK is impregnable, and her fleets secure her the dominion of the sea. ' 430. Athens visited by a pestilence, which sweeps off large numbers of her population. 425. The Athenians gain great advantages over the Spartans at Sphacteria, and by occupying Cythera; but they suffer a severe defeat in Boeotia, and the Spartan general, Brasidas, leads an expe- dition to the Thracian coasts, and conquers many of the most valuable Athenian possessions in those regions. 421. Nominal truce for thirty years between Athens and Sparta, but hostilities continue on the Thracian coast and in other quarters. 415. The Athenians send an expedition to conquer Sicily. * TflBans of the Athenian Kavy. DEFEAT OF THE ATHENIANS. 35 CHAPTER II. DEFEAT OF THE ATHENIANS AT SYRACUSE, B.C. 413. " The Romans knew not, and could not know, liow deeply the grcatne&s of their own posterity, and the fate of the whole Western world, were involved in the destruction of the fleet of Athens in the harbour of Syracuse. Had that great expedition xwoved victorious, the energies of Greece during the next eventful century would have found their field in the West no less than in the East ; Greece, and not Rome, might have conquered Carthage ; Greek instead of Latin might have been at this day the principal element of the language of Spain, of France, and of Italy ; and the laws of Athens, rather than of Rome, might be the foundation of the lawoTthe civilized world." — Arnold. "The great expedition to Sicily, one of the most decisive events in the history of the world." — Niebuhr. Few cities have undergone more memorable sieges during ancient and mediaeval times, than has the city of Syracuse. Athenian, Carthaginian, Roman, Vandal, Byzantine, Saracen, and Norman, have in turns beleaguered her walls; and the resistance which she successfully opposed to some of her early assailants was of the deepest importance, not only to the fortunes of the generations then in bemg, but to all the subsequent current of human events. To adopt the eloquent expressions of Arnold respecting the check which she gave to the Carthaginian arms, " Syracuse was a break- water, which God's providence raised up to protect the yet imma- ture strength of Rome." And her triumphant repulse of the great Athenian expedition against her was of even more wide-spread and enduring importance. It forms a decisive epoch in the strife for universal empire, in which all the great states of antiquity succes- sively engaged and failed. The present city of Syracuse is a place of little or no military strength, as the fire of artillery from the neighbouring heights would almost completely command it. But in ancient warfare its position, and the care bestowed on its walls, rendered it formidably strong against the means of offence which then were employed by bosiegiiig armies. D 3 36 DEFEAT OF THE ATHENIANS The ancient city, in the time of the Peloponnesian war, was chiefly built on the knob of land which projects into the sea on the eastern coast of Sicily, between two bays ; one of which, to the north, was called the bay of Thapsus, while the southern one formed the great harbour of the city of Syracuse itself. A small island, or peninsula (for such it soon was rendered), lies at the south-eastern extremity of this knob of land, stretching almost entirely across the mouth of the great harbour, and rendering it nearly land-locked. This island comprised the original settlement of the first Greek colonists from Corinth, who founded Syracuse two ''''U!iUlillli;iiliil!iilI!(l!!l'!!li,!;li||lii 'i'iiiililP' PLAN OF THE CITY OF SYllACUbE, thousand five hundred years ago ; and the modern city has shrunk again into these primary limits. But, in the fifth century before our ei?a, the growing wealth and population of the Syracusans had led them to occupy and include within their city walls portion after portion of the mainland lying next to the little isle ; so that at the time of the Athenian expedition the seaward part of the land between the two bays already spoken of was built over, and fortified from bay to bay ; constituting the larger part of Syracuse. The landward wall, therefore, of the city traversed this knob of land, which continues to slope upwards from the sea, and which to AT SYRACUSE, B.C. 413. 37 tlie west of tlie old fortifications (that is, towards tlie interior of Sicily) rises rapidly for a mile or two, but diminishes in width, and finally terminates in a long narrow ridge, between which and Mount Hybla a succession of chasms and uneven low ground extend. On each flank of this ridge the descent is steep and precipitous from its summits to the strips of level land that lie immediately below it, both to the south-west and north-west. The usual mode of assailing fortified towns in the time of the Peloponnesian war, was to build a double wall round them, sufficiently strong to check any sally of the garrison from within, or any attack of a relieving force from without. The interval within the two walls of the circumvallation was roofed over, and formed barracks, in which the besiegers posted themselves, and awaited the effects of want or treachery among the besieged in producing a surrender. And, in every Greek city of those days, as in every Italian republic of the middle ages, the rage of domestic sedition between aristocrats and democrats ran high. Eancorous refugees swarmed in the camp of every invading enemy; and every blockaded city was sure to contain within its walls a body of intriguing malcontents, who were eager to purchase a party-triumph at the expense of a national disaster. Famine and faction were the allies on whom besiegers relied. The generals of that time trusted to the operation of these sure confederates as soon as they could establish a complete blockade. They rarely ventured on the attempt to storm any fortified post. For the military engines of antiquity were feeble in breaching masonry, before the improvements which the first Dionysius eff'ected in the mechanics of destruction ; and the lives of spearmen the boldest and most highly-trained would, of course, have been idly spent in charges against unshattered walls. A city built close to the sea, like Syracuse, was impregnable, save by the combined operations of a superior hostile fleet and a superior hostile army. And Syracuse, from her size, her popu- lation, and her military and naval resources, not unnaturally thought herself secure from finding in another Greek city a foe capable of sending a sufficient armament to menace her with capture and subjection. But in the spring of 414 B.C. the Athenian navy was mistress of her harbour and the adjacent seas ; an Athenian army had defeated her troops, and cooped them within the town ; and from bay to bay a blocka.ding-wall was being rapidly carried across- the strips of level ground and the high ridge outside the city (then termed Epipolae), which, if completed, would have cut the Syracusans olf from all succour from the interior of Sicily, 38 DEFEAT OF THE ATHENIANS and have left them at the mercy of tnw Athenian generals. The besiegers' works were, indeed, unfinished ; but every day the unfortified interval in their lines grew narrower, and with it diminished all apparent hope of safety for the beleaguered town. ' Athens was now staking the flower of her forces, and the accu- mulated fruits of seventy years of glory, on one bold throw for the dominion of the "Western world. As JSTapoleon from Mount CcBur de Lion pointed to St. Jean dAcre, and told his staff that the capture of that town would decide his destiny, and would change the face of the world ; so the Athenian officers, from the heights of Epipolse, must have looked on Syracuse, and felt that with its fall all the known powers of the earth would fall beneath them. They must have felt also that Athens, if repulsed there, must pause for ever in her career of conquest, and sink from an imperial republic into a ruined and subservient community. At Marathon, the first in date of the Great Battles of the World, we beheld Athens struggling for self-preservation against the in- vading armies of the East. At Syracuse she appears as the ambitious and oppressive invader of others. In her, as in other republics of old and of modern times, the same energy that had inspired the most heroic efforts in defence of the national independence, soon ^earned to employ itself in daring and unscrupulous schemes of self- ggrandizement at the expense of neighbouring nations. In the interval between the Persian and Peloponnesian wars she had rapidly grown into a conquering and dominant state, the chief of a thousand tributary cities, and the mistress of the largest and best- manned navy that the Mediterranean had yet beheld. The occupa- tions of her territory by Xerxes and Mardonius, in the second Persian war, had forced her whola population to become mariners ; and the glorious results of that struggle confirmed them in their zeal for their country's service at sea. The voluntary suffrage of the Greek cities of the coasts and islands of the jiJllgean first placed Athens at the head of the confederation formed for the further pro- secution of the war against Persia. But this titular ascendancy was soon converted by her into practical and arbitrary dominion. She protected them from piracy and the Persian power, which soon fell into decrepitude and decay ; but she exacted in return implicit obedience to herself. She claimed and enforced a prerogative of taxing them at her discretion ; and proudly refused to be account- able for her mode of expending their supplies. Eemonstrance against her assessments was treated as factious disloyalty; and refusal to pay was promptly punished as revolt. . Permitting and encouraging her subject allies to furnish aU their contingents '\\\ AT SYRACUSE, B.C. 413. money, instead of part consisting of ships and men, the sovereign republic gained the double object of training her own citizens by constant and well-paid service in her fleets, and of seeing her con- federates lose their skill and discipline by inaction, and become more and more passive and powerless under her yoke. Their towns were generally dismantled j while the imperial city herseK was for- tified with the greatest care and sumptuousness : the accumulated revenues from her tributaries serving to strengthen and adorn to the utmost her havens, her docks, her arsenals, her theatres, and her shrines ; and to array her in that plenitude of architectural magnificence, the ruins of which stiU attest the intellectual grandeur of the age and people, which produced a Pericles to plan and a Phidias to execute. All republics that acquire supremacy over other nations, rule them selfishly and oppressively. There is no exception to this in either ancient or modern times. Carthage, Eome, Venice, Genoa, Florence, Pisa, Holland, and Eepublican Prance, all tyrannized over every province and subject state where they gained authority. But none of them openly avowed their system of doing so upon prin- ciple, with the candour which the Athenian republicans displayed, when any remonstrance was made against the severe exactions which they imposed upon their vassal allies. They avowed that their empire was a tyranny, and frankly stated that they solely trusted to force and terror to uphold it. They appealed to what they called '' the eternal law of nature, that the weak should be coerced by the strong."^ Sometimes they stated, and not without some truth, that the unjust hatred of Sparta against themselves forced them to be unjust to others in self-defence. To be safe they must be powerful; and to be powerful they must plunder and coerce their neighbours. They never dreamed of communicating any franchise, or share in office, to their dependents ; but jealously monopolized every post of command, and all political and judicial power ; exposing themselves to every risk with unflinching gallantry ; enduring cheerfully the laborious training and severe discipline which their sea-service required j venturing readily on every ambitious scheme ; and never suffering difficulty or disaster to shake their tenacity of purpose. Their hope was to acquire unbounded empire for their country, and the means of maintaining each of the thirty thousand citizens who made up the sovereign republic, in exclusive devotion to military occupations, and to those brilliant sciences and arts in which Athens already had reached the meridian of intellectual Bplendour. * Aci Kae^ffrvTOS rbv ^aw virh SvyaruTtpoi KaTiipy^adai. — THUa i. 77 40 DEFEAT OF THE ATHENIANS Her great political dramatist speaks of the Athenian empire as comprehending a thousand states. The language of the stage must not be taken too literally ; but the number of the dependencies of Athens, at the time when the Peloponnesian confederacy attacked her, was undoubtedly very great. With a few trifling exceptions, all the islands of the ^gean, and all the Greek cities, which in that age fringed the coasts of Asia Minor, the Hellespont, and Thrace, paid tribute to Athens, and, implicitly obeyed her orders. The iEgean Sea was an Attic lake. Westward of Greece, her influence, though strong, was not equally predominant. She had colonies and allies among the wealthy and populous Greek settlements in Sicily and South Italy, but she had no organized system of confederates in those regions j and her galleys brought her no tribute from the western seas. The extension of her empire over Sicily was the favourite project of her ambitious orators and generals. While her great statesman Pericles lived, his commanding genius kept his countrymen under control, and forbade them to risk the fortunes of Athens in distant enterprises, while they had unsubdued and powerful enemies at their own doors. He taught Athens this maxim j but he also taught her to know and to use her own strength, and when Pericles had departed, the bold spirit which he had fostered overleaped the salutary limits which he had prescribed. When her bitter enemies, the Corinthians, succeeded, in 431 B.C., in inducing Sparta to attack her, and a confederacy was formed of five-sixths of the continental Greeks, all animated by anxious jealousy and bitter hatred of Athens ; when armies far superior in numbers and equipment to those which had marched against the Persians were poured into the Athenian territory, and laid it waste to the city walls ; the general opinion was that Athens would, in two or three years at the farthest, be reduced to submit to the requisitions of her invaders. But her strong fortifications, by w^hich she was girt and linked to her principal haven, gave her, in those ages, almost all the advantages of an insular position. Pericles had made her trust to her empire of the seas. Every Athenian in those days was a practised seaman. A state indeed whose members, of an age fit for service, at no time exceeded thirty thousand, and whose territorial extent did not equal half Sussex, could only 'have acquired such a naval dominion as Athens once held, by devoting, and zealously training, all its sons to service in its fleets. In order to man the numerous galleys which she sent out, she necessarily employed also large numbers of hired mariners and slaves at the oar j but the staple of her crews was Athenian, and all posts of command were held by native citizens. It was by reminding them AT SYRACUSE, B c. 413. 41 of tliis, of their long practice in seamanship, and the certain superiority which their discipline gave them over the enemy's marine, that their great minister mainly encouraged them to resist the combined power of Lacedaemon and her allies. He taught them that Athens might thus reap the fruit of lier zealous devotion to maritime affairs ever since the invasion of the Modes ; " she had not, indeed, perfected herself; but the reward of her superior training was the rule of the sea — a mighty dominion, for it gave her the rule of much fair land beyond its waves, safe from the idle ravages with which the Lacedoemonians might harass Attica, but never could subdue Athens."^ Athens accepted the war with which her enemies threatened her, rather than descend from her pride of place. And though the a^vful visitation of the Plague came upon her, and swept away more of her citizens than the Dorian spear laid low, she held her own gallantly against her foes. If the Peloponnesian armies in irresistible strength wasted every spring her corn lands, her vine- yards, and her olive groves with fire and sword, she retaliated on their coasts with her fleets ; which, if resisted, were only resisted to display the pre-eminent skill and bravery of her seamen. Some of her subject-allies revolted, but the revolts were in general sternly and promptly quelled. The genius of one enemy had, indeed, inflicted blows on her power in Thrace which she was unable to remedy ; but he fell in battle in the tenth year of the 'war ; and with the loss of Brasidas the Lacedaemonians seemed to have lost all energy and judgment. Both sides at length grew weary of the war; and in 421 B.C. a truce of fifty years was concluded, which, though ill kept, and though many of the confederates of Sparta refused to recognise it, and hostilities still continued in many parts of Greece,' protected the Athenian territory from the ravages of enemies, and enabled Athens to accumulate large sums out of the proceeds of her annual revenues. So also, as a few years passed by, the havoc which the pestilence and the sword had made in her population was repaired; and in 415 B.C. Athens was full of bold and restless spirits, who longed for some field of distant enterprise, wherein they might signalize themselves, and aggrandize the state ; and wTio looked on the alarm of Spartan hostility as a mere old woman's, tale. When Sparta had wasted their territory she had done her worst ; and the fact of its always being in her power to do so, seemed a strong reason for seeking to increase the trans- marine dominion of Athens. The West was now the quarter towards which the thoughts of 1 Time, lib. i. sec. 144. 42 DEFEA T OF THE A THENIAN^ every aspiring Athenian were directed. From the very beginnii^g of the war Athens had kept up an interest in Sicily; and hei squadrons had from time to time appeared on its coasts and taken part in the dissensions in which the Sicilian Greeks were universally engaged one against the other. There were plausible grounds for a direct quarrel, and an open attack by the Athenians upon Syracuse. With the capture of Syracuse all Sicily, it was hoped, would be secured. Carthage and Italy were next to be assailed. "With large levies of Iberian mercenaries she then meant to overwhelm her Peloponnesian enemies. The Persian monarchy lay in hopeless imbecility, inviting Greek invasion; nor did the known world contain the power that seemed capable of checking the growing might of Athens, if Syracuse once could be hers. The national historian of Kome has left us, as an episode of his great work, a disquisition on the probable effects that would have followed, if Alexander the Great had invaded Italy. Posterity has generally regarded that disquisition as proving Livy's patriotism more strongly than his impartiality or acuteness. Yet, right or wrong, the speculations of the Eoman writer were directed to the consideration of a very remote possibility. To whatever age Alex- ander's life might have been prolonged, the East would have furnished full occupation for his martial ambition, as well as for those schemes of commercial grandeur and imperial amalgamation of nations, in which the truly great qualities of his mind loved to display themselves. With his death the dismemberment of his empire among his generals was certain, even as the dismember- ment of ISTapoleon's empire among his marshals would certainly have ensued, if he had been cut off in the zenith of his power. Rome, also, was far weaker when the Athenians were in Sicily, than she was a century afterwards, in Alexander's time. There can be little doubt but that Rome would have been blotted out from the independent powers of » the West, had she been attacked at the end of the fifth century B.C., by an Athenian army, largely aided by Spanish mercenaries, and flushed with triumphs over Sicily and Africa ; instead of the collision between her and Greece having been deferred until the latter had sunk into decrepitude, and the Roman Mars had grown into full vigour. The armament which the Athenians equipped against Syracuse was in every way worthy of the state which formed such projects of universal empire ; and it has been truly termed " the noblest that ever yet had been sent forth by a free and civilized common- wealth."^ The fleet consisted of one hundred and thirty-four war- * Arnold's History of Rome. AT SVRAC[/SE,B.c ^13' 43 galleys, with a multitude of store ships. A powerful force of the best heavy-armed infantry that Athens and her allies could furnish was sent on board, together with a smaller number of slingers and bowmen. The quality of the forces was even more remarkable than the number. The zeal of individuals vied with that of the republic in giving every galley the best possible crew, and every troop the most perfect accoutrements. And with private as well as public wealth eagerly lavished on all that could give splendour as well as efficiency to the expedition, the fated fleet began its voyage for the Sicilian shores in the summer of 415 B.C. The Syracusans themselves, at the time of the Peloponnesian war, were a bold and turbulent democracy, tyrannizing over the weaker Greek cities in Sicily, and trying to gain in that island the same arbitrary supremacy which Athens maintained along the eastern coast of the Mediterranean. In numbers and in spirit they were fully equal to the Athenians, but far inferior to them in military and naval discipline. When the probability of an Athenian invasion was first publicly discussed at Syracuse, and efforts were made by some of the wiser citizens to improve the state of the national defences, and prepare for the impending danger, the rumours of coming war and the proposals for preparation were received by the mass of the Syracusans with scornful in- credulity. The speech of one of their popular orators is preserved to us in Thucydides,^ and many of its topics might, by a slight alteration of names and details, serve admirably for the party among ourselves at present which opposes the augmentation of our forces, and derides the idea of our being in any peril from the sudden attack of a French expedition. The Syracusan orator told his countrymen to dismiss with scorn the visionary terrors which a set of designing men among themselves strove to excite, in order to get power and influence thrown into their own hands. He told them that Athens knew her own interest too well to think of wantonly provoking their hostility : — " Uven if the enemies were to come^* said he, " so distant from their resources^ and opposed to such a poTcer as ours, tlieir destruction would be easy and inevitable. Their ships will have enough to do to get to our island at all, and to carry such stores of all sorts as will be needed. They cannot there- fore carry, besides, an army large enough to cope with such a popu^ lation as ours. They will Imve no fortified place from which to commence their operations; but must rest them on no better base than a set of wretched tents, and such means as the necessities of the moment ^ Lib. vi. sec. 36 et seq., Arnold's edition. I have almost literally tran- scribed some of the marguial epitomes of the original speech. 44 DEFEAT OF THE ATHENIANS ivill allow them. But in truth I do not believe that they would even be able to effect a disemba,rkation. Let us, therefore, set at nought these reports as altogether of home manufacture ; and be sure that if any enemy does come, tlie state will Jcnow how to defend itself in a manner worthy of the national honour." Sucli assertions pleased the Syracusan assembly; and their counterparts find favour now among some portion of the English public. But the invaders of Syracuse came; made good their landing in Sicily; and, if they had promptly attacked the city itself, instead of wasting nearly a year in desultory operations in other parts of the island, the Syracusans must have paid the penalty of their self-sufficient carelessness in submission to the Athenian yoke. But, of the three generals who led the Athenian expedition, two only were men of abiKty, and one was most weak and incompetent. Fortunately for Syracuse, Alcibiades, the most skilful of the three, was soon deposed from his command by a factious and fanatic vote of his fellow-countrymen, and the other competent one, Lamachus, fell early in a skirmish : while, more fortunately still for her, the feeble and vacillating Nicias remained unrecalled and unhurt, to assume the undivided leadership of the Athenian army and fleet, and to mar, by alternate over-caution and over-carelessness, every chance of success which the early part of the operations offered. Still, even under him, the Athenians nearly won the town. They defeated the raw levies of the Syracusans, cooped them within the walls, and, as before mentioned, almost effected a continuous fortification from bay to bay over Epipolse, the comple- tion of which would certainly have been followed by capitulation. Alcibiades, the most complete example of genius without principle that history produces, the Bolingbroke of antiquity, but with high military talents superadded to diplomatic and oratorical powers, on being summoned home from his command in Sicily to take his trial before the Athenian tribunal, had escaped to Sparta ; and he exerted himself there with all the selfish rancour of a renegade to renew the war with Athens, and to send instant assistance to Syracuse. When we read his words in the pages of Thucydides (who was himself an exile from Athens at this period, and may probably have been at Sparta, and heard Alcibiades speak), we are at loss whether most to admire or abhor his subtile and traitorous counsels. After an artful exordium, in which he tried to disarm the suspicions which he felt must be entertained of him, and to point out to the Spartans how completely his interests and theirs were identified, through hatred of the Athenian democracy, he thus proceeded : — AT SYRACUSE, B.C. 413. 45 ** TIear me, at any rate, on the matters wliich require your grave attention, and which I, from the personal knowledge that I have of them, can and ought to bring before you. We Athenians sailed to Sicily with the design of subduing, first the Greek cities there, and next those in Italy. Then we intended to make an attempt on the dominions of Carthage, and on Carthage itself.^ If all these projects succeeded (nor did we limit ourselves to them in these quarters), we intended to increase our fleet with the inexhaustible supplies of ship timber which Italy affords, to put in requisition the whole military force of the conquered Greek states, and also to hire large armies of the barbarians ; of the Iberians,^ and others in those regions, who are allowed to make the best possible soldiers. Tlien, when we had done all this, we intended to assail Pelopon- nesus with our collected force. Our fleets would blockade you by sea, and desolate your coasts; our armies would be landed at difi'erent points, and assail your cities. Some of these we expected to storm,^ and others we meant to take by surrounding them with fortified lines. We thought that it would thus be an easy matter thoroughly to war you down; and then we should become the masters of the whole Greek race. As for expense, we reckoned that each conquered state would give us supplies of money and pro- visions sufficient to pay for its own conquest, and furnish the means for the conquest of its neighbours. " Such are the designs of the present Athenian expedition to Sicily, and you have heard them from the lips of the man who, of all men living, is most accurately acquainted with them. The other Athenian generals, who remain with the expedition, will endeavour to carry out these plans. And be sure that without your speedy interference they will all be accomplished. The Sicilian Greeks are deficient in military training ; but still if they could be at once brought to combine in an organized resistance to Athens, they 1 Arnold, in his notes on this passage, well reminds the reader that Agathoclas, with a Greek force far inferior to that of the Athenians at this period, did, a century afterwards, very nearly conquer Carthage. 3 It will be remembered that Spanish infantry were the staple of tho Carthaginian armies. Doubtless Alcibiades and other leading Athenians had ma The effect of the presence of a Spartan officer on the troops of the other Greeks, seems to have been like the effect of tlie presence of an Eughsh office j upon native Indian troops. 48 DEFEAT OF THE ATHENIANS were solely intent on completing their fortifications on the southern side towards the harbour, Gylippus turned their position by occupy- ing the high ground in the extreme rear of Epipolae. He then marched through the unfortified interval of Nicias's lines into the besieged town ; and, joining his troops with the Syracusan forces, after some engagements with varying success, gained the mastery over Nicias, drove the Athenians from Epipolae, and hemmed them into a disadvantageous position in the low grounds near the great harbour. The attention of all Greece was now fixed on Syracuse ; and every enemy of Athens felt the importance of the opportunity now offered of checking her ambition, and, perhaps, of strikiug a deadly blow at her power. Large reinforcements from Corinth, Thebes, and other cities, now reached the Syracusans ; while the baffled and dispirited Athenian general earnestly besought his countrymen to recall him, and represented the further prosecution of the siege as hopeless. But Athens had made it a maxim never to let difficulty or disaster drive her back from any enterprise once undertaken, so long as she possessed the means of making any effort, however desperate, for its accomplishment. With indomitable pertinacity she now decreed, instead of recalling her first armament from before Syracuse, to send out a second, though her enemies near home had now renewed open warfare against her, and by occupying a perma- nent fortification in her territory, had severely distressed her popu- lation, and were pressing her with almost all the hardships of an actual siege. She still was mistress of the sea, and she sent forth another fleet of seventy galleys, and another army, which seemed to drain the very last reserves of her military population, to try if Syracuse could not yet be won, and the honour of the Athenian arms be preserved from the stigma of a retreat. Hers was, indeed, a spirit that might be broken, but never would bend. At the head of this second expedition she wisely placed her best general, Demosthenes, one of the most distinguished officers whom the long Peloponnesian war had produced, and who, if he had originally held the Sicilian command, would soon have brought Syracuse to submission. The fame of Demosthenes the general, has been dimmed by the superior lustre of his great countryman, Demosthenes the orator. "When the name of Demosthenes is mentioned, it is the latter alone that is thought of. The soldier has found no biographer. Yet out of the long list of the great men of the Athenian republic, there aie few that deserve to stand higher than this brave, though finally AT SYRACUSE, b.c. 413. 49 ansuccessful, leader of her fleets and armies in the first half of the Peloponnesian war. In his first campaign in iEtolia he had shown some of the rashness of youth, and had received a lesson of caution, by which he profited throughout the rest of his career, but without losing any of his natural energy in enterprise or in execution. He had performed the eminent service of rescuing JS'aupactus from a powerful hostile armament in the seventh year of the war ; he had then, at the request of the Acarnanian republics, taken on himself the office of commander-in-chief of all their forces, and at their head he had gained some important advantages over the enemies of Athens in Western Greece. His most celebrated exploits had been the occu- pation of Pylos on the Messenian coast, the successful defence of that place against the fleet and armies of Lacedaemon, and the subsequent capture of the Spartan forces on the isle of Sphacteria; which was the severest blow dealt to Sparta throughout the war, and which had mainly caused her to humble herself to make the truce with Athens. Demosthenes was as honourably unknown in the war of party politics at Athens, as he was eminent in the war against the foreign enemy. We read of no intrigues of his on either the aristocratic or democratic side. He was neither in the interest of Nicias, nor of Cleon. His private character was free from any of the stains which polluted that of Alcibiades. On all these points the silence of the comic dramatist is decisive evidence in his favour. He had also the moral courage, not always combined with physical, of seeking to do his duty to his country, irrespectively of any odium that he himself might incur, and unhampered by any petty jealousy of those who were associated with him in command. There are few men named in ancient history, of whom posterity would gladly know more, or whom we sympathise with more deeply in the calamities that befel them, than Demosthenes, the son of Alcisthenes, who, in the spring of the year 413 B.C., left Piraeus at the head of the second Athenian expedition against Sicily. His arrival was critically timed ; for Gylippus had encouraged the Syracusans to attack the Athenians under Nicias by sea as well as by land, and by an able stratagem of Ariston, one of the admirala of the Corinthian auxiliary squadron, the Syracusans and their con- federates had inflicted on the fleet of Nicias the first defeat that the Athenian navy had ever sustained from a numerically inferior foe. Gylippus was preparing to follow up his advantage by fresh attacks on the Athenians on both elements, when the arrival of Demos- thenes completely changed the aspect of affairs, and restored the superiority to the invaders. With seventy-three war-galleys in the highest state of efficiency, and brilliantly equipped, with a force of 50 DEFEAT OF THE ATHENIANS five thousand picked men of the regular infantry of Athens and her allies, and a still larger number of bowmen, javelin-men, and slingers on board, Demosthenes rowed round the great harbour with loud cheers and martial music, as if in defiance of the Syra- cusans and their confederates. His arrival had indeed changed their newly-born hopes into tl.?e deepest consternation. The re- sources of Athens seemed inexhaustible, and resistance to her hopelsss. They had been told that she was reduced to the bist extremities, and that her territory was occupied by an enemy ; and yet, here they saw her, as if in prodigality of power, sending forth, to make foreign conquests, a second armament, not inferior to that with which Mcias had first landed on the Sicilian shores. With the intuitive decision of a great commander, Demosthenes at once saw that the possession of Epipolse was the key to the pos- session of Syracuse, and he resolved to make a prompt and vigorous attempt to recover that position, while his force was unimjpaired, and the consternation which its arrival had produced among the besieged remained unabated. The Syracusans and their allies had run out an outwork along Epipolae from the city walls, intersecting the fortified lines of circumvallation which Nicias had commenced, but from which they had been driven by Gjlippus.^ Could Demos- thenes succeed in storming this outwork, and in re-establishing the Athenian troops on the high ground, he might fairly hope to be able to resume the circumvallation of the city, and become the conqueror of Syracuse : for, when once the besiegers' lines were completed, the number of the troops with which Gylippus had garrisoned the place would only tend to exhaust the stores of pro- visions, and accelerate its downfall. An easily-repelled attack was first made on the outwork in the day-time, probably more with the view of blinding the besieged to the nature of the main operations than with any expectation of succeeding in an open assault, with every disadvantage of the ground to contend against. But, when the darkness had set in, Demosthenes formed his men in columns, each soldier taking with him five days' provisions, and the engineers and workmen of the camp following the troops with their tools, and all portable imple- ments of fortification, so as at once to secure any advantage of ground that the army might gain. Thus equipped and prepared, he led his men along by the foot of the southern flank of Epipolaj, in a direction towards the interior of the island, till he came imme- diately below the narrow ridge that forms the extremity of the high 1 See plan at p. 36. AT SYRACUSE, I3. c. 413. 51 ground looking westward. He then wheeled his vanguard to the right, sent them rapidly up the paths that wind along the face of the cliff, and succeeded in completely surprising the Syracusan out- posts, and in placing his troops fairiy on the extreme summit of the all-important Epipolae. Thence the Athenians marched eagerly down the slope towards the town, routing some Syracusan detach- ments that were quartered in their way, and vigorously assailing the unprotected part of the outwork. All at first favoured them. The outwork was abandoned by its garrison, and the Athenian engineers began to dismantle it. In vain Gylippus brought up fresh troops to check the assault : the Athenians broke and drove them back, and continued to press hotly forward, in the full con- fidence of victory. But, amid the general consternation of the Syracusans and their confederates, one body of infantry stood firm. This was a brigade of their Boeotian allies, which was posted low down the slope of Epipolae, outside the city walls. Coolly and steadily the Boeotian infantry formed their Hne, and, undismayed by the current of flight around them, advanced against the ad- vancing Athenians. This was the crisis of the battle. But the Athenian van was disorganized by its own previous successes ; and, yielding to the unexpected charge thus made on it by troops in perfect order, and of the most obstinate courage, it was driven back in confusion upon the other divisions of the army that still con- tinued to press forward. When once the tide was thus turned, the Syracusans passed rapidly from the extreme of panic to the extreme of vengeful daring, and with all their forces they now fiercely assailed the embarrassed and receding Athenians. In vain did the ofl^ers of the latter strive to re-form their line. Amid the din and the shouting of the fight, and the confusion inseparable upon a night engagement, especially one where many thousand combatants were pent and whirled together in a narrow and uneven area, the neces- sary manoeuvres were impracticable j and though many companies still fought on dQsperately, wherever the moonlight showed them the semblance of a foe,^ they fought without concert or subordina- tion ; and not unfrequently, amid the deadly chaos, Athenian troops assailed each other. Keeping their ranks close, the Syracusans and their allies pressed on against the disorganized masses of the besiegers ; and at length drove them, with heavy daughter, over the cUffe, * ^Hy \Ctv ySip ffeX-^vT] Xafiirpci, 4(i>pa>v 5e ovrus dW-^Kov^, &5 iv treXiivr} cIkSs ttJp nlv 8\piv ToO ff(i>ixaTos TrpoopS,v Ttjv 5h yvoSffiv rov oiKciov d.iri(Tru(rQai. — ThuO. lib. vii. 44. Compare Tacitus's description of the night engagement in the civil war between Vespasian and Vitellius : " Neutro incUnaverat fortuna, doneo adultdnoctfl, Iwna ostcmkret acies, falleretque." — Hist. hb. uK. sec 23, 52 SYNOPSIS OF INTERVENING EVENTS. wMch, scarce an hour before, they had scaled full of hope, and apparently certain of success. This defeat was decisive of the event of the siege. The Athenians afterwards struggled only to protect themselves from the vengeance which the Syracusans sought to wreak in the complete destruction of their invaders. Never, however, was vengeance more complete and terrible. A series of sea-fights followed, in which the Athenian galleys were utterly destroyed or captured. The mariners and soldiers who escaped death in disastrous engagements, and in a vain attempt to force a retreat into the interior of the island, became prisoners of war. Mcias and Demosthenes were put to death in cold blood ; and their men either perished miserably in the Syra- cusan dungeons, or were sold into slavery to the very persons whom, in their pride of power, they had crossed the seas to enslave. All danger from Athens to the independent nations of the West was now for ever at an end. She, indeed, continued to struggle against her combined enemies and revolted allies with unparalleled gallantry; and many more years of varying warfare passed away before she surrendered to their arms. But no success in subsequent conquests could ever have restored her to the pre-eminence in enter- prise, resources, and maritime skill which she had acquired before her fatal reverses in Sicily. Nor among the rival Greek republics, whom her own rashness aided to crush her, was there any capable of reorganizing her empire, or resuming her schemes of conquest. The dominion of Western Europe was left for Eome and Carthage to dispute two centuries later, in conflicts still more terrible, and with even higher displays of military daring and genius, than Athens had witnessed either in her rise, her meridian, or her fall. SYNOPSIS OF THE EVENTS BETWEEN THE DEFEAT OF THE ATHENIANS AT SYRACUSE, AND THE BATTLE OF AEBELA. 412 B.C. Many of the subject allies of Athens revolt from her, on her disasters before Syracuse being known ; the seat of war is transferred to the Hellespont and eastern side of the ^gean. 410. The Carthaginians attempt to make conquests in Sicily. 407. Cyrus the Younger is sent by the king of Persia to take the government of all the maritime parts of Asia Minor, and with orders to help the Lacedaemonian fleet against the Athenian. 406. Agrigentum taken by the Carthaginians. 405. The last Athenian fleet destroyed by Lysander at -^gospo- tamos. Athens closely besieged. Eise of the power of Dionysius at Syracuse. SYNOPSIS OF INTERVENING EVENTS. 53 404. Athens surrenders. End of the Peloponnesian war. The ascendancy of Sparta complete throughout Greece. 403. Thrasybulus, aided by the Thebans and with the connivance of one of the Spartan kings, liberates Athens from the Thirty Tyrants, and restores the democracy. 401. Cyrus the Younger commences his expedition into Upper Asia to dethrone his brother Artaxerxes Mnemon. He takes with him an auxiliary force of ten thousand Greeks. He is killed in battle at Cunaxa ; and the ten thousand, led by Xenophon, effect their retreat in spite of the Persian armies and the natural obstacles of their march. 399. In tliis, and the five following years, the Lacedaemonians under Agesilaus and other commanders, carry on war against the Persian satraps in Asia Minor. 396. Syracuse is besieged by the Carthaginians, and successfully defended by Dionysius. 394. Eome makes her first great stride in the career of conquest by the capture of Yeii. 393. The Athenian admiral, Conon, in conjunction with the Persian satrap Pharnabazus, defeats the Lacedaemonian fleet off Cnidus, and restores the fortifications of Athens. Several of the former allies of Sparta in Greece carry on hostilities against her. 388. The nations of Northern Europe now first appear in authentic history. The Gauls overrun great part of Italy, and burn Kome. Rome recovers from the blow, but her old enemies, the ^quians and Yolscians, are left completely crushed by the Gallic invaders. 387. The peace of Antalcidas is concluded among the Greeks by the mediation, and under the sanction, of the Persian king. 378 to 361. Eresh wars in Greece. Epaminondas raises Thebes to be the leading state of Greece, and the supremacy of Sparta is destroyed at the battle of Leuctra. Epaminondas is killed in gaining the victory of Mantinea, and the power of Thebes falls with him. The Athenians attempt a balancing system between Sparta and Thebes. 359. Philip becomes king of Macedon. 357. The Social War breaks out in Greece, and lasts three years. Its result checks the attempt of Athens to regain her old maritime empire. 356. Alexander the Great is born. 343. Rome begins her wars with the Samnites : they extend over a period of fifty years. The 'result of this obstinate contest is to secure for her the dominion of Italy. 54 SYNOPSIS OF INTERVENING EVENTS. 340. Fresh attempts of the Carthaginians upon Syracuse. Timoleon defeats them with great slaughter. 338. Philip defeats the confederate armies of Athens and Thebes at Chgeronea, and the Macedonian supremacy over Greece is firmly established. 336. Philip is assassinated, and Alexander the Great becomes king of Macedon. He gains several victories over the northern barbarians who had attacked Macedonia, and destroys Thebes, which, in conjunction with Athens, had taken up arms against the Macedonians. 334 Alexander passes the Hellespont. BATTLE OF ARBELA. - 55 ^^ OF THE NIVERSITY^ CHAPTER III. THE BATTIE OP ARBELA, B.C. 331. •• Alexander deserves the glory whicli he has enjoyed for so many centuries and among all nations ; but what if he had been beaten at Arbela, having the Euphrates, the Tigris, and the deserts in his rear, without any strong places of refuge, nine hundred leagues from Macedonia ? " — Napoleon. " Asia beheld with astonishment and awe the uninterrupted progress of a hero, the sweep of whose conquests was as wide and rapid as that of her own barbaric kings, or the Scythian or Chaldsean hordes ; but, far unlike the transient whirlwinds of Asiatic warfare, the advance of the Macedonian leader was no less deliberate than rapid ; at every step the Greek power took root, and the language and the civilization of Greece were i)lanted from the shores of the -^gean to the banks of the Indus, from the Caspian and the great Hyrcanian plain to the cataracts of the Nile ; to exist actually for nearly a thousand years, and in their effects to endure for ever." — Arnold. A LONG and not uninstructivo list might be made out of illustrious men, whose characters have been vindicated during recent times from aspersions which, for centuries had been thrown on them. The spirit of modern inquiry, and the tendency of modern scholarship, both of which are often said to be solely negative and destructive, have, in truth, restored to splendour, and almost created anew, far more than they have assailed with censure, or dismissed from con- sideration as unreal. The truth, of many a brilliant narrative of brilliant exploits has of late years been triumphantly demonstrated ; and the shallowness of the sceptical scoffs with which little minds have carped at the great minds of antiquity, has been in many instances decisively exposed. 'The laws, the politics, and the lines of action adopted or recommended by eminent men and powerful nations have been examined with keener investigation, and con- sidered with more comprehensive judgment, than formerly were brought to bear on these subjects. The result has been at least as often favourable as unfavourable to the persons and the states BO scrutinized; and many an oft-repeated slander against both measures and men has thus been silenced, we may hone, for ever. 56 BATTLE OF ARBELA. The veracity of Herodotus, the pure patriotism of Pericles, oi Demosthenes, and of the Gracchi, the wisdom of Cleisthenes and of Licinius as constitutional reformers, may be mentioned as facts which recent writers have cleared from unjust suspicion and cen- sure. And it might he easily shown that the defensive tendency which distinguishes the present and recent best historians of Ger- many, France, and England, has been equally manifested in the spirit in which they have treated the heroes of thought and the heroes of action who lived during what we term the Middle Ages, and whom it was so long the fashion to sneer at or neglect. The name of the victor of Arbela has led to these reflections ; for, although the rapidity and extent of Alexander's conquests have through all ages challenged admiration and amazement, the grandeur of genius which he displayed in his schemes of commerce, civiliza- tion, and of comprehensive union and unity amongst nations, has, until lately, been comparatively unhonoured. This long-continued depreciation was of early date. The ancient rhetoricians — a class of babblers, a school for lies and scandal, as Niebuhr justly termed them — chose among the stock themes for their commonplaces, the character and exploits of Alexander. They had their followers in every age; and until a very recent period, all who wished to " point a moral or adorn a tale " about unreasoning ambition, extra- vagant pride, and the formidable frenzies of free will when leagued with free power, have never failed to blazon forth the so-called madman of Macedonia as one of the most glaring examples. With- out doubt, many of these writers adopted with implicit credence traditional ideas, and supposed, with uninquiring philanthropy, that in blackening Alexander they were doing humanity good service. But also, without doubt, many of his assailants, like those of other great men, have been mainly instigated by " that strongest of all antipathies, the antipathy of a second-rate mind to a first-rate one,"^ and by the envy which talent too often bears to genius. Arrian, who wrote his history of Alexander when Hadrian was emperor of the Eoman world, and when the spirit of declamation and dogmatism was at its full height, but who was himself, unlike the dreaming pedants of the schools, a statesman and a soldier of practical and proved ability, well rebuked the malevolent aspersions which he heard continually thrown upon the memory of the great conqueror of the East. He truly says, " Let the man who speaks ovil of Alexander not merely bring forward those passages oi Alexander's life which were really evil, but let him collect an J 1 De Stael. BATTLE OF ARBELA. 57 review all the actions of Alexander, and then let him thoroughly consider first who and what manner of man he himself is, and what has been his own career ; and then let him consider who and what manner of man Alexander was, and to what an eminence of human grandeur he arrived. Let him consider that Alexander was a king, and the undisputed lord of the two continents ; and that his name is renowned throughout the whole earth. Let the evil-speaker against Alexander bear all this in mind, and then let him reflect on hia own insignificance, the pettiness of his own circumstances and afi'airs, and the blunders that he makes about these, paltry and trifling as they are. Let him then ask himself whether he is a fit person to censure and revile such a man as Alexander. I believe that there was in his time no nation of men, no city, nay, no single individual, with whom Alexander's name had not become a familiar word. I therefore hold that such a man, who was like no ordinary mortal, was not born into the world without some special providence."^ And one of the most distinguished soldiers and writers of our own nation, Sir "Walter Ealeigh, though he failed to estimate justly the full merits of Alexander, has expressed his sense of the grandeur of the part played in the world by " The Great Ema- thian Conqueror" in language that well deserves quotation : — "So much hath the spirit of some one man excelled as it hath undertaken and efi'ected the alteration of the greatest states and commonweals, the erection of monarchies, the conquest of king- doms and empires, guided handfuls of men against multitudes of equal bodily strength, contrived victories beyond all hope and discourse of reason, converted the fearful passions of his own followers into magnanimity, and the valour of his enemies into cowardice; such spirits have been stirred up in simdry ages of the world, and in divers parts thereof, to erect and cast down again, to establish and to destroy, and to bring all things, persons, and states to the same certain ends, which the infinite spirit of the Universal, piercing, moving, and governing all things, hath or- dained. Certainly, the things that this king did were marvellous, and would hardly have been undertaken by any one else : and though his father had determined to have invaded the Lesser Asia, it is like that he would have contented himself with some part thereof, and not have discovered the river of Indus, as this man did." ^ A higher authority than either Arrian or Ealeigh may now be referred to by those who wish to know the real merit of Alexander * Arrian, lib. vii. ad finem. ' " The Historie of the World," by Sir "Walter Raleigh, Knight, p. 628. 58 BATTLE OF ARBELA. as a general, and how far the commonplace assertions are true, that his successes were the mere results of fortunate rashness and unreasoning pugnacity. Napoleon selected Alexander as one of the seven greatest generals whose noble deeds history has handed down to us, and from the study of whose campaigns the principles of war are to be learned. The critique of the greatest conqueror of modern times on the military career of the great conqueror of the old world, is no less graphic than true. "Alexander crossed the Dardanelles 334 B.C., with an army of about forty thousand men, of which one-eighth was cavalry; he forced the passage of the Granicus in opposition to an army under Memnon, the Greek, who commanded for Darius on the coast of Asia, and he spent the whole of the year 333 in establishing his power in Asia Minor. He was seconded by the Greek colonists, who dwelt on the borders of the Black Sea, and on the Mediter- ranean, and in Smyrna, Ephesus, Tarsus, Miletus, &c. The kings of Persia left their provinces and towns to be governed accord- ing to their own particular laws. Their empire was a union of confederated states, and did not form one nation j this facilitated its conquest. As Alexander only wished for the throne of the monarch, he easily effected the change, by respecting the customs, manners, and laws of the people, who experienced no change in their condition. "In the year 332, he met with Darius at the head of sixty thou- sand men, who had taken up a position near Tarsus, on the banks of the Issus, in the province of Cilicia. He defeated him, entered Syria, took Damascus, which contained all the riches of the Great King, and laid siege to T'yre. This superb metropolis of the com- merce of the world detained him nine months. He took Gaza after a siege of two months ; crossed the Desert in seven days ; entered Pelusium and Memphis, and founded Alexandria. In less than two years, after two battles and four or five sieges, the coasts of the Black Sea from Phasis to Byzantium, those of the Mediterranean as far as Alexandria, all Asia Minor, Syria, and Egypt, had submitted to his arms. - . "In 331, he repassed the Desert, encamped in Tyre, recrossed Syria, entered Damascus, passed the Euphrates and Tigris, and defeated Darius on the field of Arbela, when he was at the head of a still stronger army than that which he commanded on the Issus, and Babylon opened her gates to him. In 330, he overran Susa, and took that city, Persepolis, and Pasargada, which contained the tomb of Cyrus. In 329, he directed his course northward, entered Ecbatana, and extended his ocaquests to the coasts of the Caspian, BATTLE OF ARBELA 59 punished Bessus, the cowardly assassin of Daiius, penetrated into Scythia, and subdued the Scythians. In 328, he forced the passage of the Oxus, received sixteen thousand recruits from Macedonia, and reduced the neighbouring people to subjection. In 327, he crossed the Indus, vanquished Poms in a pitched battle, took him prisoner, and treated him as a king. He contemplated passing the Ganges, but his army refused. He sailed down the Indus, in the year 326, with eight hundred vessels ; having arrived at the ocean, he sent !N"earchus with a fleet to run along the coasts of the Indian Ocean and the Persian Gulf, as far as the mouth of the Euphrates. In 325, he took sixty days in crossing from Gedrosia, entered Keramania, returned to Pasargada, Persepolis, and Susa, and married Statira, the daughter of Darius. In 324, he marched once more to the north, passed Ecbatana, and terminated his career at Babylon."! The enduring importance of Alexander's conquests is to be esti- mated not by the duration of his own life and empire, or even by the duration of the kingdoms which his generals after his death formed out of the fragments of that mighty dominion. In every region of the world that he traversed, Alexander planted Greek settlements, and founded cities, in the populations of which the Greek element at once asserted its predominance. Among his suc- cessors, the Seleucidce and the Ptolemies imitated their great captain in blending schemes of civilization, of commercial intercourse, and of literary and scientific research with aU their enterprises of military aggrandizement, and with all their systems of civil administration. Such was the ascendancy of the Greek genius, so wonderfully com- prehensive and assimilating was the cultivation which it introduced, that, within thirty years after Alexander crossed the Hellespont, the language, the literature, and the arts of Hellas, enforced and promoted by the arms of semi-HeUenic Macedon, predominated in every country from the shores of that sea to the Indian waters. Even sullen Egypt acknowledged the intellectual supremacy of Greece; and the language of Pericles and Plato became the lan- guage of the statesmen and the sages who dwelt in the mysterious land of the Pyramids and the Sphinx. It is not to be supposed that this victory of the Greek tongue was so complete as to exter- minate the Coptic, the Syrian, the Armenian, the Persian, or the other native languages of the numerous nations and tribes between the iEgean, the laxertes, the Indus, and the Nile ; they survived as provincial dialects. Each probably was in use as the vulgar tongue ^ See Count Montholo&'s Memoirs oi Napoleon. 6o BATTLE OF ARBELA. of its own district. But every person with the slightest pretence to education spoke Greek. Greek was universally the State lan- guage, and the exclusive language of all literature and science. It formed also for the merchant, the trader, and the traveller, as well as for the courtier, the government official, and the soldier, the organ of intercommunication among the myriads of mankind inhabiting these large portions of the Old World. ^ Throughout Asia Minor, Syria, and Egypt, the Hellenic character that was thu? imparted, remained in full vigour down to the time of the Maho- metan conquests. The infinite value of this to humanity in the highest and hoHest point of view has often been pointed out ; and the workings of the finger of Providence have been gratefully recognised by those who have observed how the early growth and progress of Christianity were aided by that diffusion of the Greek language and civilization throughout Asia Minor, Syria, and Egypt which had been caused by the Macedonian conquest of the East. In Upper Asia, beyond the Euphrates, the direct and material influence of Greek ascendancy was more short-lived. Yet, during the existence of the Hellenic kingdoms in these regions, especially of the Greek kingdom of Bactria, the modern Bokhara, very impor- tant efi'ects were produced on the intellectual tendencies and tastes of the inhabitants of those countries and of the adjacent ones, by the animating contact of the Grecian spirit. Much of Hindoo science and philosophy, much of the Kterature of the later Persian king- dom of the Arsacidse, either originated from, or was largely modified by, Grecian influences. So, also, the learning and science of the Arabians were in a far less degree the result of original invention and genius, than the reproduction, in an altered form, of the Greek philosophy and the Greek lore, acquired by the Saracenic con- querors together with their acquisition of the provinces which Alexander had subjugated nearly a thousand years before the armed disciples of Mahomet commenced their career in the East. It is weU. known that Western Europe in the Middle Ages drew its philosophy, its arts, and its science, principally from Arabian teachers. And thus we see how the intellectual influence of ancient Greece, poured on the Eastern world by Alexander's victories, and then brought back to bear on Mediaeval Europe by the spread of the Saracenic powers, has exerted its action on the elements of modern civilization by this powerful, though indirect channel, as well as by the more obvious efi'ects of the remnants of classic 1 Seo Arnold, Hist. Rome, ii. 406. BATTLE OF ARBELA. 61 civilization which survived in Italy, Ganl, Britain, and Spain, after the irruption of the Germanic nations.^ These considerations invest the Macedonian triumphs in the East "svith never-dying interest, such as the most showy and sanguinary successes of mere " low ambition and the pride of kings," however they may dazzle for a moment, can never retain with posterity. "Whether the old Persian empire, which Cyrus founded, could have survived much longer than it did, even if Darius had been vic- torious at Arbela, may safely be disputed. That ancient dominion, like the Turkish at the present time, laboured under every cause of decay and dissolution. The satraps, like the modern pachas, con- tinually rebelled against the central power, and Egypt, in particular, was almost always in a state of insurrection against its nominal sovereign. There was no longer any effective central control, 01 any internal principle of unity fused through the huge mass of the empire, and binding it together. Persia was evidently about to fall ; but, had it not been for Alexander's invasion of Asia, she would most probably have fallen beneath some other Oriental power, as Media and Babylon had formerly fallen before herself, and as, in after times, the Parthian supremacy gave way to the revived ascendancy of Persia in the East, under the sceptres of the Arsa- cidse. A revolution that merely substituted one Eastern power for another would have been utterly barren and unprofitable to mankind. Alexander's victory at Arbela not only overthrew an Orients dynasty, but estabhshed European rulers in its stead. It broke the monotony, of the Eastern world by the impression of Westeru energy and, superior civilization; even as England's present mission is to break up the mental and moral stagnation of India and Cathay, by pouring upon and through them the impulsive current of Anglo-Saxon commerce and conquest. Arbela, the city which has furnished its name to the decisive battle that gave Asia to Alexander, lies more than twenty milea from the actual scene of conflict. The little village then named Gaugamela is close to the spot where the armies met, but has ceded the honour of naming the battle to its more euphonious neighbour. Gaugamela is situate in one of the wide plains that lie between the Tigris and the mountains of Kurdistan. A few undulating hillocks diversify the surface of this sandy track ; but the ground is generally level, and admirably qualified for the evolutions of cavalry, and also calculated to give the larger of two armies th? ^ See Humboldt's Cosmos. 62 BATTLE OF ARBELA, full advantage of numerical superiority. The Persian king (who, before he came to the throne, had proved his personal valour as a soldier, and his skill as a general) had wisely selected this region for the third and decisive encounter betvyeen his forces and the invaders. The previous defeats of his troops, however severe they had been, were not looked 0*1 as irreparable. The Granicus had been fought by his generals rashly and without mutual concert. And, though Darius himself had commanded and been beaten at Issus, that defeat might be attributed to the disadvantageous nature of the ground ; where, cooped up between the mountains, the river, and the sea, the numbers of the Persians confused and clogged alike the general's skill and the soldiers' prowess, so that their very strength became their weakness. Here, on the broad plains of Kurdistan, there was scope for Asia's largest host to array its lines, to wheel, to skirmish, to condense or expand its squadrons, to manoeuvre, and to charge at will. Should Alexander and his scanty band dare to plunge into that living sea of war, their destruction seemed inevitable. Darius felt, however, the critical nature to himself as well as to his adversary of the coming encounter. He could not hope to retrieve the consequences of a third overthrow. The great cities of Mesopotamia and Upper Asia, the central provinces of the Persian empire, were certain to be at the mercy of the victor. Darius knew also the Asiatic character well enough to be aware how it yields to the prestige of success, and the apparent career of destiny. He felt that the diadem was now either to be firmly replaced on his own brow, or to be irrevocably transferred to the head of his European conqueror. He, therefore, during the long interval left him after the battle of Issus, while Alexander was subjugating Syria and Egypt, assiduously busied himself in se- lecting the best troops which his vast empire supplied, and in training his varied forces to act together with some uniformity of discipline and system. The hardy mountaineers of Affghanistan, Bokhara, Khiva, and Thibet, were then, as at present, far different from the generality of Asiatics in warlike spirit and endurance. From these districts Darius collected large bodies of admirable infantry; and the countries of the modern Kurds and Turkomans supplied, as they do now, squadrons of horsemen, strong, skilful, bold, and trained to a life of constant activity and warfare. It is not uninteresting to notice that the ancestors of our own late enemies, the Sikhs, served as allies of Darius against the Macedonians. They are spoken of in Arriau as Indians who dwelt near Bactria. They BATTLE OF ARBELA. 63 were attached to the troops of that satrapy, and their cavab*^ ivas one of the most formidable forces in the whole Persian army. Besides these picked troops, contingents also came in from the numerous other provinces that yet obeyed the Great King. Alto- gether, the hors-e are said to have been forty thousand, the scythe- bearing chariots two hundred, and the armed elephants fifteen in number. The amount of the infantry is uncertain ; but the know- ledge which both ancient and modern times supply of the usual r fsharacter of Oriental armies, and of their populations of camp- followers, may warrant us in believing that many myriads were prepared to fight, or to encumber those who fought, for the last ' Darius. Y^ The position of the Persian king near Mesopotamia was chosen f with great military skill. It was certain that Alexander on his return from Egypt must march northward along the Syrian coast, before he attacked the central provinces of the Persian empire. A direct eastward march from the lower part of Palestine across the great Syrian Desert was then, as now, utterly impracticable. Marching eastward from Syria, Alexander would, on crossing the Euphrates, arrive at the vast Mesopotamian plains. The wealthy capitals of the empire, Babylon, Susa, and Persepolis, would then lie to his south ; and if he marched down through Mesopotamia to attack them, Darius might reasonably hope to follow the Mace- donians with his immense force of cavalry, and, without even risking a pitched battle, to harass and finally overwhelm them. We may remember that three centuries afterwards a Eoman army under Crassus was thus actually destroyed by the Oriental archers and horsemen in these very plains ;^ and that the ancestors of the Parthians who thus vanquished the Eoman legions, served by thousands under King Darius. Jf, on the contrary, Alexander should defer his march against Babylon, and first seek an encounter with the Persian army, the country on each side of the Tigris in this latitude was highly advantageous for such an army as Darius commanded ; and he had close in his rear the mountainous districts of Northern Media, where he himself had in early life been satrap, where he had acquired reputation as a soldier and a general, and where he justly expected to find loyalty to his person, and a safe in case of defeat.^ 1 See Mitford. 2 Mitford' s remarks on the strategy of Darius in his last campaign are very iust. After having been unduly admired as an historian, Mitford is now unduly neglected. His partiality, and his deficiency in scholarship, have been exposed sufficiently to make him no longer a dangerous guide as to 64 BA TTLE OF ARBELA. His great antagonist came on across the Euphrates against him, at the head of an army which Arriau, copying from the journals of Macedonian officers, states to have consisted of forty thousand foot, and seyen thousand horse. In studying the campaigns of Alex- ander, we possess the peculiar advantage of deriving our information from two of Alexander's generals of division, who bore an important part in all his enterprises. Aristobulus and Ptolemy (who after- wards became king of Egypt) kept regular journals of the military events which they vntnessed ; and these journals were in the pos- session of Arrian, when he drew up his history of Alexander's expedition. The high character of Arrian for integrity makes us confident that he used them fairly, and his comments on the occa- sional discrepancies between the two Macedonian narratives prove that he used them sensibly. He frequently quotes the very words of his authorities : and his history thus acquires a charm such as very few ancient or modern military narratives possess. The anec- dotes and expressions which he records we fairly believe to bo genuine, and not to be the coinage of a rhetorician, like those in Curtius. In fact, in reading Arrian, we read General Aristobulus and General Ptolemy on the campaigns of the Macedonians ; and it is like reading General Jomini or General Eoy on the campaigns of the Erench. The estimate which we find in Arrian of the strength of Alex- ander's army, seems reasonable when we take into account both the losses which he had sustained, and the reinforcements which he had received since he left Europe. Indeed, to Englishmen, who know with what mere handfuls of men our own generals have, at Plassy, at Assaye, at Meeanee, and other Indian battles, routed large hosts of Asiatics, the disparity of numbers that we read of in the victories won by the Macedonians over the Persians presents nothing incredible. The army which Alexander now led, was wholly composed of veteran troops in the highest possible state of equipment and discipline, enthusiastically devoted to their leader, and full of confidence in his military genius and his victorious destiny. The celebrated Macedonian phalanx formed the main strength of his infantry. This force had been raised and organized by his father Philip, who on his accession to the Macedonian throne needed a numerous and quickly-formed army, and who, by lengthening the Greek politics ; while the clearness and brilliancy of his narrative, and the strong common sense of his remarks (where his party prejudices do n jt interfere) must always make his volumes valuable as well as entertaining. BATTLE OF ARBELA. 65 spear of the ordinary Greek phalanx, and increasing the depth of tlie files, brought the tactic of armed masses to the greatest efficiency of which it was capable with such materials as he possessed.^ Ilo formed his men sixteen deep, and placed in their grasp the sarissa^ as the Macedonian pike was called, which was four-and-twenty feet in length, and when couched for action, reached eighteen feet in front of the soldier : so that, as a space of about two feet was allowed betw^een the ranks, the spears of the five files behind him projected in advance of each front-rank man. The phalangite soldier was fully equipped in the defensive armour of the regular Greek infantry. And thus the phalanx presented a ponderous and bristling mass, which, as long as its order was kept compact, was sure to bear down all opposition. The defects of such an organization are obvious, and were proved in after years, when the Macedonians were opposed to the Eoman legions. But it is clear that, under Alexander, the phalanx was not the cumbrous unwieldy body which it was at Cynoscephalaj and Pydna. His men were veterans ; and he could obtain from them an accuracy of movement and steadiness of evolution, such as probably the recruits of his father would only have floundered in attempting, and such as certainly were imprac- ticable in the phalanx when handled by his successors : especially as under them it ceased to be a standing force, and became only a nr.ilitia.2 Under Alexander the phalanx consisted of an aggregate of eighteen thousand men, who were divided into six brigades of three thousand each. These were again subdivided into regiments and companies ; and the men were carefully trained to wheel, to face about, to take more ground, or to close up, as the emergencies of the battle required. Alexander also arrayed, in the intervals of the regiments of his phalangites, troops armed in a different manner, which could prevent their line from, being pierced, and their com- panies taken in flank, when the nature of the ground prevented a close formation ; and which could be withdrawn, when a favourable opportunity arrived for closing up the phalanx or any of its brigades for a charge, or when it was necessary to prepare to receive cavalry. Besides the phalanx, Alexander had a considerable force of infantry who were called shield-bearers : they were not so heavily armed as the phalangites, or as was the case with the Greek regular infantry in general ; but they were equipped for close fight, as well as for skirmishing, and were far superior to the ordinary irregular troops of Greek warfare. They were about six thousand strong, 1 See Nicbulir's Hist, of Eome, iii, 46G. * See Fi'ibuhr. 66 BATTLE OF ARBELA, Besiiles these, he had several bodies of Greek regular Infantry ; and ho had archers, slingers, and javelin-men, who fought also with broadsword and target. These were principally supplied to him by the highlanders of Illyria and Thracia. The main strength of his cavalry consisted in two chosemi corps of cuirassiers, one Macedonian, and one Thessalian, each of which was about fifteen hundred strong. They were provided with long lances and heavy swords, and horse as well as man was fully equipped with defensive armour. Other regiments of regular cavalry were less heavily armed, and there were several bodies of light horsemen, whom Alexander's conquests in Egypt and Syria had enabled him to mount superbly. A little before the end of August, Alexander crossed the Euphrates at Thapsacus, a small corps of Persian cavalry under Mazaeus retiring before him. Alexander was too prudent to march down through the Mesopotamian deserts, and continued to advance eastward with the intention of passing the Tigris, and then, if he was unable' to find Darius and bring him to action, of marching southward on the left side^ of that river along the skirts of a mountainous district, where his men would suffer less from heat and thirst, and where provisions would be more abundant. Darius, finding that his adversary was not to be enticed into the march through Mesopotamia against his capital, determined to remain on the battle-ground which he had chosen on the left of the Tigris; where, if his enemy met a defeat or a check, the destruction of the invaders would be certain with two such rivers as the Euphrates and the Tigris in their rear. The Persian king availed himself to the utmost of every advantage in his power. He caused a large space of ground to be carefully levelled for the operation of his scythe-armed chariots ; and he deposited his mili- tary stores in the strong town of Arbela, about twenty miles in his rear. The rhetoricians of after ages have loved to describe Darius Codomannus as a second Xerxes in ostentation and imbecility; but a fair examination of his generalship in this his last campaign, shows that he was worthy of bearing the same name as his great predecessor, the royal son of Hystaspes. On learning that Darius was with a large army on the left of the Tigris, Alexander hurried forward and crossed that river without opposition. He was at first unable to procure any certain intelligence of the precise position of the enemy, and after giving his army a short interval of rest, he marched for four days down the left bank of the river. A moralist may pause upon the fact, that Alexander must in this march have passed within a few- miles of the remains of Nineveh, the great city of the prim'aBval BATTLE OF ARBELA. 67 conquerors of the human race. Neither the Macedonian king nor any of his followers knew what those vast mounds had once been. They had already become nameless masses of grass-grown ruins; and it is only within the last few years that the intellectual energy of one of our own countrymen has rescued I^ineveh from its long centuries of oblivion.^ On the fourth day of Alexander's southward march, his advanced guard reported that a body of the enemy's cavalry was in sight. He instantly formed his army in order for battle, and directing them to advance steadily, he rode forward at the head of some squadrons of cavalry, and charged the Persian horse whom he found before him. This was a mere reconnoitring party, and they broke and fled immediately; but the Macedonians made some prisoners, and from them Alexander found that Darius was posted only a few miles off, and learned the strength of the army that he had with him. On receiving this news, Alexander halted, and gave his men repose for four days, so that they should go into action fresh and vigorous. He also fortified his camp, and deposited in it all his military stores, and all his sick and disabled soldiers; intending to advance upon the enemy with the serviceable part of his army perfectly unencumbered. After this halt, he moved forward, while it was yet dark, with the intention of reaching the enemy, and attacking them at break of day. About half-way between the camps there were some undulations of the ground, which concealed the two armies from each other's view. But, on Alexander arriving at their summit, he saw by the early light the Persian host arrayed before him ; and he probably also observed traces of some engineering operation having been carried on along part of the ground in front of them. Not knowing that these marks had been caused by the Persians having levelled the ground for the free use of their war-chariots, Alexander suspected that hidden pitfalls had been prepared with a view of disordering the approach of his cavaby. He summoned a council of war forthwith. Some uf the officers were for attacking instantly at all hazards, but the more prudent opinion of Parmenio prevailed, and it was determined not to advance farther till the battle-ground had been carefully surveyed. Alexander halted his army on the heights ; and taking with him some light-armed infantry and some cavalry, he passed part of the day in reconnoitring the enemy, and observifig the nature of 1 See Layard's "Nineveh," and also Vaux's "Nineveh and Persepolis," p. 16, v9 68 BA TTLE OF ARBELA . the ground which he had to fight on. Darius wisely refrained from moving from his position to attack the Macedonians on the eminences which they occupied, and the two armies remained until night without molesting each other. On Alexander's return to his head-quarters, he summoned his generals and superior officers together, and telling them that he well knew that ihtir zeal wanted no exhortation, he besought them to do their utmost in encouraging and instructing those whom each commanded, to do their b&st in the next day's battle. They were to remind them that they were now not going to fight for a province, as they had hitherto fought, but they were about to decide by their swords the dominion of all Asia. Each officer ought to impress this upon his subalterns, and they should urge it on their men. Their natural courage required no long words to excite its ardour : but they should be reminded of the paramount importance of steadiness in action. The silence in the ranks must be unbroken as long as silence was proper ; but when the time came for the charge, the shout and the cheer must be full of terror for the foe. The officers were to be alert in receiving and communicating orders ; and every one was to act as if he felt that the whole result of the battle depended on his own single good conduct. Having thus briefly instructed his generals, Alexander ordered that the army should sup, and take their rest for the night. Darkness had closed over the tents of the Macedonians, when Alexander's veteran general, Parmenio, came to him, and proposed that they sliould make a night attack on the Persians. ^ The King is said to have answered, that he scorned to filch a victory, and that Alexander must conquer openly and fairly. Arrian justly remarks that Alexander's resolution was as wise as it was spirited. Besides the confusion and uncertainty which are inseparable from night engagements, the value of Alexander's victory would have been impaired, if gained under circumstances which might supply the enemy with any excuse for his defeat, and encourage him to renew the contest. It was necessary for Alexander not only to beat Darius, but to gain such a victory as should leave his rival without apology for defeat, and without hope of recovery. The Persians, in fact, expected, and were prepared to meet a night attack. Such was the apprehension that Darius entertained of it, that he formed his troops at evening in order of battle, and kept them under arms all night. The efi'ect of this was, that the morning found them jaded and dispirited, while it brought their adversaries all fresh and vigorous against them. The written order of battle, which Darius himself caused to b^ BATTLE OP- Al^nKLA. 69 drawn up, fell into the hands of the Macedonians after the engage- ment, and Aristohulus copied it into his journal. We thus possess, through Arrian, unusually authentic information as to the com- position and arrangement of the Persian army. On the extreme left were the Bactrian, Daan, and Arachosian cavalry. Ilext to these Darius placed the troops from Persia proper, both horse and foot. Then came the Susians, and next to these the Cadusians. These forces made up the left wing. Darius's own station was in the centre. This was composed of the Indians, the Carians, the Mardian archers, and the division of Persians who were distinguished by the golden apples that formed knobs of their spears. Here also were stationed the body-guard of the Persian nobility. Besides these, there were in the centre, formed in deep order, the XJxian and Babylonian troops, and the soldiers from the Red Sea. The brigade of Greek mercenaries, whom Darius had in his service, and who were alone considered fit to stand in the charge of the Mace- donian phalanx, was drawn up on either side of the royal chariot. The right wing was composed of the Ccelosyrians and Mesopota- mians, the Medes, the Parthians, the Sacians, the Tapurians, Hyr- canians, Albanians, and Sacesinse. In advance of the line on the left wing were placed the Scythian cavahy, with a thousand of the Bactrian horse, and a hundred scythe-armed chariots. The elephants and fifty scythe-armed chariots were ranged in front of the centre ; and fifty more chariots, with the Armenian and Cappadocian cavalry, were drawn up in advance of the right wing. Thus arrayed, the great host of King Darius passed the night, that to many thousands of them was the last of their existence. The morning of the first of October,^ two thousand one hundred and eighty-two years ago, dawned slowly to their wearied watching, and they could hear the note of the Macedonian trumpet sounding to arms, and could see King Alexander's forces descend from their tents on the heights, and form in order of battle on the plain. There was deep need of skill, as weU as of valour, on Alexander's side; and few battle-fields have witnessed more consummate general- ship than was now displayed by the Macedonian king. There were no natural barriers by which he could protect his flanks ; and not only was he certain to be overlapped on either wing by the vast lines of the Persian army, but there was imminent risk of theii circling round him and charging him in the rear, while he advanced against their centre. He formed, therefore, a second or reserve line, ^ See Clinton's " Fasti Hellenici." The battle was fought eleven days after an eclipse of the moon, wliich gives the means of fixing the precise date. 70 BATTLE OF ARE EL A. which was to wheel pound, if required, or to detach troops to either flank, as the enemy's movements might necessitate : and thus, with their whole army ready at any moment to be thrown into one vast hollow square, the Macedonians advanced in two lines against the enemy, Alexander himself leading on the right wing, and the renowned phalanx forming the centre, while Parmenio commanded on the left. Such was the general nature of the disposition which Alexander made of his army. But we have in Arrian the details of the position of each brigade and regiment ; and as we know that these details were taken from the journals of Macedonian generals, it is in- teresting to examine them, and to read the names and stations of ^ CkVALRY. H INFANTFT v:-- *K^-f PCYAL HOK%C CVAK3S PLAN OF THE BATTLE OF ARBELA. King Alexander's generals and colonels in this the greatest of his battles. The eight troops of the royal horse-guards formed the right of Alexander's line. Their captains were Cleitus (whose regiment was on the extreme right, the post of peculiar danger), Glaucias, Ariston, Sopolis, Heracleides, Demetrias, Meleager, and Hegelochus. Philotas was general of the whole division. Then came the shield-bearing infantry : Mcanor was their general. Then came the phalanx, in six brigades. Coenus's brigade was on the right, and nearest to the shield-bearers ; next to this stood the brigade of Perdiccas, then Meleager's, then Polysperchon's j and tlieu the brigade of Am ynias. BA TTLE OF ARBELA. 71 but which was now commanded by Simmias, as Amynias had been sent to Macedonia to levy recruits. Then came the infantry of the left wing, under the command of Craterus. Next to Crateras's infantry were placed the cavalry regiments of the allies, with Eriguius for their general. The Thessalian cavalry, commanded by Philippus, were next, and held the extreme left of the whole army. The whole left wing was entrusted to the command of Parmenio, who had round his person the Pharsalian troop of cavalry, which was the strongest and best amid all the Thessalian horse-regiments. The centre of the second line was occupied by a body of phalangite infantry, formed of companies, which were drafted for this purpose fi'om each of the brigades of their phalanx. The officers in command of this corps were ordered to be ready to face about, if the enemy should succeed in gaining the rear of the army. On the right of this reserve of infantry, in the second line, and behind the royal horse-guards, Alexander placed half the Agrian light-armed infantry under Attains, and with them Brison's body of Macedonian archers, and Oleander's regiment of foot. He also placed in this part of his army Menidas's squadron of cavalry, and Areiies's and Ariston's light horse. Menldas was ordered to watch if the enemy's cavalry tried to turn the flank, and if they did so, to charge them before they wheeled completely round, and so take them in flank them- selves. A similar force was arranged on the left- of the second line for the same purpose. The Thracian infantry of Sitalces was placed there, and Ooeranus's regiment of the cavalry of the Greek allies, and Agathon's troops of the Odrysian irregular horse. The extreme left of the second line in this quarter was held by Andromachus's cavalry. A division of Thracian infantry was left in guard of the camp. In advance of the right wing and centre was scattered a number of light-armed troops, of javelin-men and bowmen, with the intention of warding off the charge of the armed chariots.^ Oonspicuous by the brilliancy of his armour, and by the chosen band of officers who were round his person, Alexander took his own station, as his custom was, in the right wing, at the head of his cavalry : and when all the arrangements for the battle were com- plete, and his generals were fully instructed how to act in each probable emergency, he began to lead his men towards the enemy. It was ever his custom to expose his life freely in battle, and to emulate the personal prowess of his great ancestor, Achilles. Per- 1 Kleber's arrangement of his troops at the battle of Heliopolis, where, witt ten thousand Europeans, he had to encounter eighty thousand Asiatics in an open plain, is worth comparing with Alexander's tactics at Arbela. See TMors's " Iliatoire du Consulat," &c. vol. ii. livre v. 75 BA TTLE OF ARBELA. haps in the bold enterprise of conquering Persia, it was politic for Alexander to raise his army's daring to the utmost by the example of his own heroic valour : and, in his subsequent campaigns, the love of the excitement, of "the rapture of the strife," may have made him, lil^e Murat, continue from choice a custom which lie commenced from duty. But he never suffered the ardour of tlie soldier to make him lose the coolness of the general; and at Arbela, in particular, he showed that he could act up to his favourite Homeric maxim of being 'AixcpSrepov, fiaariXevs t' dyaOds KparepSs r alxfJ-VT^^s. Great reliance had been placed by the Persian king on the effects of the scythe-bearing chariots. It was designed to launch these against the Macedonian phalanx, and to follow them up by a heavy charge of cavalry, which it was hoped would find the ranks of the spearmen disordered by the rush of the chariots, and easily destroy tnis most formidable part of Alexander's force. In front, therefore, of the Persian centre, where Darius took his station, and which it was supposed the phalanx would attack, the ground had been care- fully levelled and smoothed, so as to aUow the chariots to charge over it with their full sweep and speed. As the Macedonian army approached the Persian, Alexander found that the front of his whole line barely equalled the front of the Persian centre, so that he was outflanked on his right by the entire left wing of the enemy, and by their entire right wing on hig left. His tactics were to assail some one point of the hostile army, and gain a decisive advantage ; while he refused, as far as possible, the encounter along the rest of the line. He therefore inclined his order of march to the right, so as to enable his right wing and centre to come into collision with the enemy on as favourable terms as possible though the manoeuvre might in some respects compromise his left. The effect of this oblique movement was to bring the phalanx and his own wing nearly beyond the limits of the ground which the Persians, had prepared for the operations of the chariots ; and Darius, fearing to lose the benefit of this arm against the most important parts of the Macedonian force, ordered the Scythian and Bactrian cavalry, who were drawn up on his extreme left, to charge round upon Alexander's right wing, and check its further lateral progress. Against these assailants Alexander sent from his second line Menidas's cavalry. As these proved too few to make head against the enemy, he ordered Ariston also from the second lino with his liglit horse, and Oleander with his foot, in support of BATTLE OF ARDELA. 73 Menidas. The Bactrians and Scythians now began to give way, Lut Darius reinforced them by the mass of Bactrian cavalry from his main line, and an obstinate cavalry fight now took place. The Bactrians and Scythians were numerous, and were better armed than the horsemen under Menidas and Ariston; and the loss at first was heaviest on the Macedonian side. But still the European cavalry stood the charge of the Asiatics, and at last, by their superior discipline, and by acting in squadrons that supported each other, instead of fighting in a confused mass like the barbarians,^ the Macedonians broke their adversaries, and drove them off the field. Darius now directed the scythe-armed chariots to be driven against Alexander's horse-guards and the phalanx ; and these for- midable vehicles were accordingly sent rattling across the plain, against the Macedonian line. When we remember the alarm which the war-chariots of the Britons created among Caesar's legions, wo shall not be prone to deride this arm of ancient warfare as always useless. The object of the chariots was to create unsteadiness in the ranks against which they were driven, and squadrons of cavalry followed close upon them, to profit by such disorder. But the Asiatic chariots were rendered ineffective at Arbela by the light- armed troops whom Alexander had specially appointed for the service, and who, wounding the horses and drivers with their missile weapons, and running alongside so as to cut the traces or seize the reins, marred the intended charge ; and the few chariots that reached the phalanx passed harmlessly through the intervals which the spearmen opened for them, and were easily captured in the rear. 1 *A\\^ Koi &s r&s vpoff0o\As avrcou i^^xovro ol MaKeBSves, Ka\ fiia Kar* XXa irpomriirTovres i^doOovv itc rijs rd^eus. — AriUAN, lib. iii. C. 13. The best explanation of this may be found in Napoleon's account of the cavalry fights between the French and the Mamelukes : — " Two Mamelukes were able to make head against three Frenchmen, because they were better armed, better mounted, and better trained ; they had two pair of pistols, a blunderbuss, a carbine, a helmet with a vizor, and a coat of mail ; they had several horses, and several attendants on foot. One hundred cuirassiers, however, were not afraid of one hundred Mamelukes ; three hundred could beat an equal number, and one thousand could easily put to the rout fifteen hundred, so great is the influence of tactics, order, and evolutions ! Leclerc and Lasalle presented their men to the Mamelukes in several lines. When the Arabs were on the point of overwhelming the first, the second came to its assistance on the right and left ; the Mamelukes then halted and wheeled, in order to turn the wings of this new line ; this moment was always seized upon to charge them, and they were uniformly broken." — MoNxnoLON's History of the Captivity of Napoleon, iv. 70. 74 BATTLE OF ARBELA. A mass of the Asiatic cavalry was now, for the second time, col- lected against Alexander's extreme right, and moved round it, with the view of gaining the flank of his army. At the critical moment, Aretes, with his horsemen from Alexander's second line, dashed on the Persian squadrons when their own flanks were exposed by thia evolution. While Alexander thus met and baffled all the flanking attacks of the enemy with ti'oops brought up from his second line, he kept his own horse-guards and the rest of the front line of his wing fresh, and ready to take advantage of the first opportunity for striking a decisive blow. This soon came. A large body of horse, who were posted on the Persian left wing nearest to the centre, quitted their station, and rode off to help their comrades in the cavalry fight that still was going on at the extreme right of Alex- ander's wing against the detachments from his second line. This made a huge gap in the Persian array, and into this space Alexander instantly dashed with his guard; and then pressing towards his left, he soon began to make havoc in the left flank of the Persian centre. The shield-bearing infantry now charged also among the reeling masses of the Asiatics ; and five of the brigades of the phalanx, with the irresistible might of their sarissas, bore down the Greek mercenaries of Darius, and dug their way through the Persian centre. In the early part of the battle, Darius had showed skiU and energy j and he now for some time encouraged his men, by voice and example, to keep firm. But the lances of Alexander's cavalry, and the pikes of the phalanx now gleamed nearer and nearer to him. His charioteer was struck down by a javelin at his side j and at last Darius's nerve failed him ; and, descending from his chariot, he mounted on a fleet horse and galloped from the plain, regardless of the state of the battle in other parts of the field, where matters were going on much more favourably for his cause, and where his presence might have done much towards gaining a victory. Alexander's operations with his right and centre had exposed his left to an immensely preponderating force of the enemy. Parmenio kept out of action as long as possible ; but Mazaeus, who com- manded the Persian right wing, advanced against him, completely outflanked him, and pressed him severely with reiterated charges by superior numbers. Seeing the distress of Parmenio's wing, Simmias, who commanded the sixth brigade of the phalanx, which was next to the left wing, did not advance with the other brigades in the great charge upon the Persian centre, but kept back to cover Par- menio's troops on their right flank ; as otherwise they would have been completely surrounded and cut off from the rest of tlie Mace- BA TTLE OF ARE EL A. 75 donian army. By so doing, Simmias had unavoidably opened a gap in the Macedonian left centre ; and a large column of Indian and Persian horse, from the Persian right centre, had galloped forward through this interval, and right through the troops of the Macedonian second line. Instead of then wheeling round upon Parmenio, or upon the rear of Alexander's conquering wing, the Indian and Persian cavalry rode straight on to the Macedonian camp, over- powered the Thracians who were left in charge of it, and began to plunder. This was stopped by the phalangite troops of the second line, who, after the enemy's horsemen had rushed by them, faced about, countermarched upon the camp, killed many of the Indians and Persians in the act of plundering, and forced the rest to ride off again. Just at this crisis, Alexander had been recalled from his pursuit of Darius, by tidings of the distress of Parmenio, and of his inability to bear up any longer against the hot attacks of Mazaeus. Taking his horse-guards with him, Alexander rode towards the part of the field where his left wing was fighting ; but on his way thither he encountered the Persian and Indian cavalry, on their return from his camp. These men now saw that their only chance of safety was to cut their way through ; and in one huge column they charged desperately upon the Macedonians. There was here a close hand- to-hand fight, which lasted some time, and sixty of the royal horse-guards fell, and three generals, who fought close to Alexan- der's side, were wounded. At length the Macedonian discipline and valour again prevailed, and a large number of the Persian and Indian horsemen were cut down; some few only succeeded in breaking through and riding away. Eelieved of these obsti- nate enemies, Alexander again formed his horse-guards, and led them towards Parmenio ; but by this time that general also was victorious. Probably the news of Darius's flight had reached Mazaeus, and had damped the ardour of the Persian right wing ; while the tidings of their comrades' success must have propor- tionally encouraged the Macedonian forces under Parmenio. His Thessalian cavalry particularly distinguished themselves by their gallantry and persevering good conduct; and by the time that Alexander had ridden up to Parmenio, the whole Persian army was in full flight from the field. It was of the deepest importance to Alexander to secure the person of Darius, and he now urged on the pursuit. The river Lycus was between the field of battle and the city of Arbela, whither the fugitives directed their course, and the ^passage of this river was even more destructive to the Persians than the swords 76 S YNOPSIS OF E VENTS and spears of the Macedonians had been in the engagement.^ The narrow bridge was soon choked up by the flying thousands who rushed towards it, and vast numbers of the Persians threw them- selves, or were hurried by others, into the rapid stream, and perished in its waters. Darius had crossed it, and had ridden on through Arbela without halting. Alexander reached that city on the next day, and made himself master of all Darius's treasure and stores j but the Persian king, unfortunately for himself, had fled too fast for his conqueror : he had only escaped to perish by the treachery of his Eactrian satrap, Bessus. A few days after the battle Alexander entered Babylon, "the oldest seat of earthly empire" then in existence, as its acknowledged lord and master. There were yet some campaigns of his brief and bright career to be accomplished. Central Asia was yet to witness the march of his phalanx. He was yet to efi'ect that conquest of Afighanistan in which England since has failed. His generalship, as well as his valour, were yet to be signalised on the banks of the Hydaspes, and the field of Chillianwallah \ and he was yet to precede the Queen of England in annexing the Punjaub to the dominions of an European sovereign. But the crisis of his career was reached; the great object of his mission was accomplished; and the ancient Persian empire, which once menaced all the nations of the earth with subjection, was irreparably crushed, when Alex- ander had won his crowning victory at Arbela. SYNOPSIS OF EVENTS BETWEEN THE BATTLE OF ARBELA AND THE BATTLE OF THE METAUEUS. B.C. 330. The Lacedaemonians endeavour to create a rising in Greece against the Macedonian power; they are defeated by Antipater, Alexander's viceroy; and their king, Agis, falls in the battle. 330 to 327. Alexander's campaigns in Upper Asia. " Having conquered Darius, Alexander pursued his way, encountering diffi- culties which would have appalled almost any other general, through Bactriana, and taking Bactra, or Zariaspa, (now Balkh), the chief city of that province, where he spent the winter. Crossing tlie Oxus, he advanced in the following spring to Marakanda ^ I purposely omit any statement of the loss in the battle. There is a palpable error of the transcribers in the numbers whick we find in our present manuscripts of Arrian ; and Curtius is of no authority. AFTER ARBELA. 77 (Samarcand) to replace the loss of horses which he had sustained ill crossing the Caucasus, to obtain supplies from the rich valley of Sogd (the Mahometan Paradise of Mader-al-Nahr), and to enforce the submission of Transoxiana. The northern limit of his march is probably represented by the modern Uskand, or Aderkand, a village on the laxartes, near the end of the Fergdnah district. In Margiana he founded another Alexandria. Eeturning from the north, he led on his army in the hope of conquering India, till at length, marching in a line apparently nearly parallel with the Kdbul river, he arrived at the celebrated rock Aornos, the position of which must have been on the right bank of the Indus, at some distance from Attock ; and it may perhaps be represented by the modern Akora." — (Yaux.) 327, 326. Alexander marches through Affghanistan to the Piin- jaub. He defeats Porus. His troops refuse to march towards the Ganges, and he commences the descent of the Indus. On his march he attacks and subdues several Indian tribes, among others the Malli ; in the storming of whose capital (Mooltan), he is severely wounded. He directs his admiral, IlTearchus, to sad round from the Indus to the Persian Gulf; and leads the army back across Scinde and Beloochistan. 324. Alexander returns to Babylon. " In the tenth year after he had crossed the Hellespont, Alexander, having won his vast dominion, entered Babylon ; and resting from his career in that oldest seat of earthly empire, he steadily surveyed the mass of various nations which owned hie sovereignty, and revolved in his mind the great work of breathing into this huge but inert body the living spiri,t of Greek civilization. In the bloom of youthful man- hood, at the age of thirty-two, he paused from the fiery speed of his earlier course ; and for the first time gave the nations an opportunity of offering their homage before his throne. They came from all the extremities of the earth to propitiate his anger, to celebrate his greatness, or to solicit his protection. . . . History may allow us to think that Alexander and a Roman ambassador did meet at Babylon ; that the greatest man of the ancient world saw and spoke with a citizen of that great nation, which was destined to succeed him in his appointed work, and to found a wider and still more enduring empire. They met, too, in Babylon, almost beneath the shadow of the temple of Bel, perhaps the earliest monument ever raised by human pride and power, in a city stricken, as it were, by the word of God's heaviest judgment, as the symbol of greatness apart from and opposed to goodness." — (Arnold.) 78 SYNOPSIS OF EVENTS 323. Alexander dies at Babylon. On Ms death Deing known at Greece, tlie Athenians, and Others of the southern states, take up arms to shake off the domination of Macedon. They are at first successful,; but the return of some of Alexander's veterans from Asia enables Antipater to prevail over them. 317 to 289. Agathocles is tyrant of Syracuse; and carries on repeated wars with the Carthaginians; in the course of which (311) he invades Africa, and reduces the Carthaginians to great distress. 306. After a long series of wars with each other, and after all the heirs of Alexander had been murdered, his principal surviving generals assume the title of king, each over the provinces which ho has occupied. The four chief among them were Antigonua, Ptolemy, Lysimachus, and Seleucus. Antipater was now dead, but his son Cassander succeeded to his power in Macedonia and Greece. 301. Seleucus and Lysimachus defeat Antigonus at Ipsus. An- tigonus is killed in the battle. 280. Seleucus, the last of Alexander's captains, is assassinated. Of all Alexander's successors, Seleucus had formed the most power- ful empire. He had acquired all the provinces between Phrygia and the Indus. He extended his dominion in India beyond the limits reached by Alexander. Seleucus had some sparks of his great master's genius in promoting civilization and commerce, as well as in gaining victories. Under his successors, the Seleucidse, this vast empire rapidly diminished ; Bactria became independent, and a separate dynasty of Greek kings ruled there in the year 125, when it was overthrown by the Scythian 4ribes. Parthia threw off its allegiance to the Seleucidse in 250 B.C., and the powerful Parthian kingdom, which afterwards proved so formidable a foe to Rome, absorbed nearly all the provinces west of the Euphrates, that had obeyed the first Seleucus. Before the battle of Ipsus, Mithridates, a Persian prince of the blood-royal of the Achsemenidse, had escaped to Pontus, and founded there the kingdom of that name. Besides the kingdom ef Seleucus, which, when limited to Syria, Palestine, and parts of Asia Minor, long survived^ the most im- portant kingdom formed by a general of Alexander was that of the Ptolemies m Egypt. The throne of Macedonia was long and obsti- nately contended for by Cassander, Polysperchon, Lysimachus, Pyrrhus, Antigonus, and others ; but at last was secured by the dynasty of Antigonus Gonatas. The old republics of southern Greece suffered severely during these tumults, and the only AFTER ARBELA, 79 Greek states that showed any strength and spirit were the cities of the Achaean league, the -^tolians, and the islanders of Ehodes. 290. Eome had now thoroughly subdued the Samnites and the Etruscans, and had gained numerous victories over the Cisalpine Gauls. Wishing to confirm her dominion in Lower Italy, she be- came entangled in a war with Pyrrhus, fourth king of Epirus, who was called over by the Tarentines to aid them. Pyrrhus was at first victorious, but in the year 275 was defeated by the Koman legions in a pitched battle. He returned to Greece, remarking of Sicily, O'lav aTroXeiTrofxev Kap-)(r}8ovLoifi[uence that adorn Arnold's third volume, and cause such deep regret that that volume should have been the last, and its great and good author have been cut olT with liis work thus incomplete. 90 BATTLE OF THE METAURUS, had partly brought out of Spain, and partly levied among the Gauls and Ligurians on his way. At this time Hannibal, with his unconquered, and seemingly unconquerable army, had been eleven years in Italy, executing with strenuous ferocity the vow of hatred to Eome which had been sworn by him while yet a child at the bidding of his father, Hamilcar ; who, as he boasted, had trained up his three sons, Hannibal, Hasdrubal, and Mago, like three lion's whelps, to prey upon the Romans. But Hannibal's latter cam- paigns had not been signalised by any such great victories as marked the first years of his invasion of Italy. The stern spirit of Eoman resolution, ever highest in disaster and danger, had neither bent nor despaired beneath the merciless blows which " the dire African " dealt her in rapid succession at Trebia, at Tlirasymene, and at Cannae. Her population was thinned by repeated slaughter in the field ; poverty and actual scarcity wore down the survivors, through the fearful ravages which Hannibal's cavalry spread through their corn-fields, their pasture-lands, and their vineyards; many of her allies went over to the invader's side ; and new clouds of foreign war threatened her from Macedonia and Gaul. But Eome receded not. Eich and poor among her citizens vied with each other in devotion to their country. The wealthy placed their stores, and all placed their lives at the state's disposal. And though Hannibal could not be driven out of Italy, though every year brought its sufferings and sacrifices, Eomo felt that her constancy had not been exerted in vain. If she was weakened by the continual strife, so was Hannibal also; and it was clear that the unaided resources of his army were unequal to the task of her destruction. The single deer-hound could not pull down the quarry which he had so furiously assailed. Eome not only stood fiercely at bay, but had pressed back and gored her antagonist, that still, however, watched her in act to spring. She was weary, and bleeding at every pore ; and there seemed to be little hope of her escape, if the other hound of old Hamilcar's race should come up in time to aid his brother in the death-grapple. Hasdrubal had commanded the Carthaginian armies in Spain for some time, with varying but generally unpropitious fortune. He had not the full authority over the Punic forces in that country which his brother and his father had previously exercised. The faction at Carthage, which was at feud with his family, succeeded in fettering and interfering with his power ; and other generals were from time to time sent into Spain, whose errors and mis- conduct caused the reverses that Hasdrubal met with. This is expressly attested by the Greek historian Polybius, who v/as the BATTLE OF THE METAURUS. 91 intimate friend of the younger Africanus, and drew liis information respecting the second Punic war from the best possible authorities, liivy gives a long narrative of campaigns between the Eoman commanders in Spain and Hasdrubal, which is so palpably deformed by fictions and exaggerations as to be hardly deserving of attention. 1 It is clear that in the year 208 B.C., at least, Hasdrubal out- manoeuvred Publius Scipio, who held the command of the Eoman forces in Spain ; and whose object was to prevent him from passing the Pyrenees and marching upon Italy. Scipio expected that Hasdrubal would attempt the nearest route, along the coast of the Mediterranean; and he therefore carefully fortified and guarded the passes of the eastern Pyrenees. But Hasdrubal passed these mountains near their western extremity; and then, with a con- siderable force of Spanish infantry, with a small number of African troops, with some elephants and much treasure, he marched, not directly towards the coast of the Mediterranean, but in a north- eastern line towards the centre of Gaul. He halted for the winter in the territory of the Arverni, the modern Auvergne; and con- ciliated or purchased the good-will of the Gauls in that region so far, that he not only found friendly winter quarters among them, but great numbers of them enlisted under him, and on the approach of spring marched with him to invade Italy. By thus entering Gaul at the south-west, and avoiding its southern maritime districts, Hasdrubal kept the Eomans in com- plete ignorance of his precise operations and movements in that country ; all that they knew was that Hasdrubal had bafiled Scipio's attempts to .detain him in Spain ; that he had crossed the Pyrenees with soldiers, elephants, and money, and that he was raising fresh forces among the Gauls. The spriiig was sure to bring him into Italy; and then would come the real tempest of the war, when from the north and from the south the two Carthaginian armies, each under a son of the Thunderbolt,^ were to gather together around the seven hills of Eome. In this emergency the Eomans looked among themselves earnestly and anxiously for leaders fit to meet the perils of the coming campaign. The senate recommended the people to elect, as one of their consuls, Gains Claudius !N'ero, a patrician of one of the families of 1 See the excellent criticisms of Sir Walter Ealcigli on this, in his " History of the World," book v. chap. iii. sec. 11. 2 Hamilcar was surnamed Barca, which means the Thunderbolt. Sultan B;ijazot had the similar suruame of Yildcrim. 92 BATTLE OF THE METAURUS. tlie great Claudian house. Nero had served during the preceding years of the war, both against Hannibal in Italy, and against Has- drubal in Spain ; but it is remarkable that the histories, which wo possess, record no successes as having been achieved by him either before or after his great campaign of the Metaurus. It proves much for the sagacity of the leading men of the senate, that they recognised in Nero the energy and spirit which were required at this crisis, and it is equally creditable to the patriotism of the people, that they followed the advice of the senate by electing a general who had no showy exploits to recommend him to their choice. It was a matter of greater difficulty to find a second consul ; the laws required that one consul should be a plebeian ; and the plebeian nobility had been fearfully thinned by the events of the war. While the senators anxiously deliberated among themselves what fit colleague for Nero could be nominated at the coming comitia, and sorrowfully recalled the names of Marcellus, Gracchus, and other plebeian generals who were no more — one taciturn and moody old man sat in sullen apathy among the conscript fathers. This was Marcus Livius, who had been consul in the year before the beginning of this war, and had then gained a victory over the Illyrians. After his consulship he had been impeached before the people on a charge of peculation and unfair division of the spoils among his soldiers : the verdict was unjustly given against him, and the sense of this wrong, and of the indignity thus put upon him, had rankled unceasingly in the bosom of Livius, so that for eight years after his trial he had Hved in seclusion at his country seat, taking no part in any affairs of state. Latterly the censors had compelled him to come to Eome and resume his place in the senate, where he used to sit gloomily apart, giving only a silent vote. At last an unjust accusation against one of his near kinsmen made him break silence ; and he harangued the house in words of weight and sense, which drew attention to him, and taught the senators that a strong spirit dwelt beneath that unimposing exterior. Now, while they were debating on what noble of a plebeian house was fit to assume the perilous honours of the consulate, some of the elder of them looked on Marcus Livius, and remembered that in the very last triumph which had been celebrated in the streets of Rome this grim old man had sat in the car of victory ; and that he had offered the last grand thanksgiving sacrifice for the success of the Eonian arms that had bled before Capitoline Jove. There had been no triumphs since Hannibal came into Italy. "^ Tlio 1 Marcellus had been only allowed an ovation for the conquest of Syracuse. BATTLE OF THE METAURUS. 93 lUyrian campaign of Livius was tho last that had been so honoured ; perhaps it might be destined for him now to renew the long- interrupted series. The senators resolved that Livius should bo put in nomination as consul with JN'ero ; the people were willing to elect him ; the only opposition came from himself. He taunted them with their inconsistency in honouring a man they had con- victed of a base crime. " If I am innocent," said he, " why did you place such a stain on me ? If I am guilty, why am I more fit for a second consulship than I was for my first one % " The other senators remonstrated with him, urging the example of the great Camillus, who, after an unjust condemnation on a similar charge, both served and saved his country. At last Livius ceased to object ; and Caius Claudius Nero and Marcus Livius were chosen consuls of Rome. A quarrel had long existed between the two consuls, and the senators strove to effect a reconciliation between them before the campaign. Here again Livius for a long time obstinately resisted the wish of his fellow-senators. He said it was best for the state that he and Nero should continue to hate one another. Each would do his duty better, when he knew that he was watched by an enemy in the person of his own colleague. At last the entreaties of the senators prevailed, and Livius consented to forego the feud, and to co-operate with Nero in preparing for the coming struggle. , As- soon as the winter snows were thawed, Hasdrubal com- menced his march from Auvergne to the Alps. He experienced none of the difficulties which his brother had met with from the mountain tribes. Hannibal's army had been the first body of regular troops that had ever traversed the regions ; and, as wild animals assail a traveller, the natives rose against it instinctively, in imagined defence of their own habitations, which they supposed to be the objects of Carthaginian ambition. But the fame of the war, with which Italy had now been convulsed for eleven years, had penetrated into the Alpine passes ; and the mountaineers understood that a mighty city, southward of the Alps, was to be attacked by the troops whom they saw marching among them. They not only opposed no resistance to the passage of Hasdrubal, but many of them, out of the love of enterprise and plunder, or allured by the high pay that he offered, took service with him; and thus he advanced upon Italy with an army that gathered strength at every league. It is said, also, that some of the most important engineer- ing works which Hannibal had constructed, were found by Has- drubal still in existence, and materially favoured the speed of his advance. He thus emerged into Italy from the Alpine valleys Q4 BATTLE OF THE METAURUS. much sooner than had been anticipated. Many warriors of ti;» Ligurian trihes joined him; and, crossing the river Po, he marched down its southern hank to the city of Placentia, which he wished to secure as a base for his future operations. Placentia resisted him as bravely as it had resisted Hannibal eleven years before ; and for some time Hasdrubal was occupied with a fruitless siege before its walls. Six armies were levied for the defence of Italy when the long- dreaded approach of Hasdrubal was announced. Seventy thousand Eomans served in the fifteen legions of which, with an equal number of Italian allies, those armies and the garrisons were com- posed. Upwards of thirty thousand more Eomans were serving in Sicily, Sardinia, and Spain. The whole number of Eoman citizens of an age fit for military duty scarcely exceeded a hundred and thirty thousand. The census taken before the war had shown a total of two hundred and seventy thousand, which had been diminished by more than half durmg twelve years. These numbers are fearfully emphatic of the extremity to which Eome was reduced, and of her gigantic efforts in that great agony of her fate. Not merely men, but money and military stores, were drained to the utmost ; and if the armies of that year should be swept off by a repetition of the slaughters of Thrasymene and Cannae, all felt that Eome would cease to exist. Even if the campaign were to be marked by no decisive success on either side, her ruin seemed certain. In South Italy Hannibal had either detached Eome's alHes from her, or had impoverished them by the ravages of his army. If Hasdrubal could have done the same in Upper Italy ; if Struria, Umbria, and Northern Latium had either revolted or been laid waste, Eome must have sunk beneath sheer starvation ; for the hostile or desolated territory would have yielded no supplies of corn for her population ; and money, to purchase it from abroad, there was none. Instant victory was a matter of life and death. Three of her six armies were ordered to the north, but the first of these was required to overawe the disaffected Etruscans. The second army of the north was pushed forward, under Porcius, the prsetor, to meet and keep in check the advanced troops of Hasdrubal; while the third, the grand army of the north, which was to be under the immediate command of the consul Livius, who had the chief com- mand in all North Italy, advanced more slowly in its support. There were similarly three armies in the south, under the orders of the other consul, Claudius Nero. The lot had decided that Livius was to be opposed to Hasdrubal, and ^ihat Nero should face HannibaL And " when all was ordered BATTLE OF THE METAURUS. 95 as themselves thought best, the two consuls went forth of the city ; each his several way. The people of Rome were now quite other- wise affected, than they had been, when L. -^milius Paulus and C. Terentius Yarro were sent against Hannibal. They did no longer take upon them to direct their generals, or bid them dispatch, and win the victory betimes ; but rather they stood in fear, lest all diligence, wisdom, and valour should prove too little. For since, few years had passed, wherein some one of their generals had not been slain ; and since it was manifest, that if either of these present consuls were defeated, or put to the worst, the two Carthaginians would forthwith join, and make short work with the other : it seemed a greater happiness than could be expected, that each of them should return home victor ; and come off with honour from such mighty opposition as he was like to find. With extreme difficulty had Kome held up her head ever since the battle of Cannse ; though it were so, that Hannibal alone, with little help from Carthage, had continued the war in Italy. But there was now arrived another son of Amilcar ; and one that, in his present expedition, had seemed a man of more sufficiency than Hannibal himself. For, whereas in that long and dangerous march through barbarous nations, over great rivers and mountains, that were thought unpassable, Hannibal had lost a great part of his army; this Asdrubal, in the same places, had multiplied his numbers ; and gathering the people that he found in the way, descended from the Alps like a rolling snow- ball, far greater than he came over the Pyrenees at his first setting out of Spain. These considerations, and the like, of which fear presented many unto them, caused the people of Eome to wait ujDon their consuls out of the to'svn, like a pensive traiii of mourners ; thinking upon Marcellus and Crispinus, upon whom, in the like sort, they, had given attendance the last year, but saw neither of them return alive from a less dangerous war. Particularly old Q. Pabius gave his accustomed advice to M. Livius, that he should abstain from giving or taking battle, until he well understood the enemies' condition. But the consul made him a fro ward answer, and said, that he would fight the very first day, for that he thought it long till he should either recover his honour by victory, or, by seeing the overthrow of his own unjust citizens, satisfy himself with the joy of a great, though not an honest revenge. But his meaning was better than his words." ^ Hannibal at this period occupied with his veteran but much reduced forces the extreme south of Italy. It had not been 1 Sir "Walter Raleigh 96 BATTLE OF THE METAURUS. expected cillicr by f'lieiid or foe, that llasdrubal would effect his passage of the Alps so early in the year as actually occurred. And even when Hannibal learned that liis brother was in Italy, and had advanced as far as Placentia, he was obliged to pause for further intelligence, before he himself commenced active operations, as he could not tell whether his brother might not be invited into Etruria, to aid the party there that was disaffected to Rome, or v/hether he would march down by the Adriatic Sea. Hannibal led his troops out of their winter quarters in Bruttium, and marched northward as far as Canusium. I^ero had his head- quarters near Venusia, with an army which he had increased to forty thousand foot and two thousand five hundred horse, by incorporating under his own command some of the legions which had been intended to act under other generals in the south. There was another Roman army twenty thousand strong, south of Hannibal, at Tarentum. The strength of that city secured this Roman force from any attack by Hannibal, and it was a serious matter to march northward and leave it in his rear, free to act against all his depots and allies in the friendly part of Italy, which for the last two or three campaigns had served him for a base of his operations. Moreover, Nero's army was so strong that Hannibal could not concentrate troops enough to assume the offensive against it without weakening his garrisons, and relinquishing, at least for a time, his grasp upon the southern provinces. To do this before he was certainly informed of his brother's operations would have been an useless sacrifice ; as Nero could retreat before him upon the other Roman armies near the capital, and Hannibal knew by experience that a mere advance of his army upon the walls of Rome would have no effect on the fortunes of the war. In the hope, probably, of inducing Nero to follow him, and of gaining an opportunity of out-manoeuvring the Roman consul and attacking him on his march, Hannibal moved into Lucania, and then back into Apulia ; — he again marched down into Bruttium, and strengthened his army by a levy of recruits in that district. Nero followed him, but gave him no chance of assail- ing him at a disadvantage. Some partial encounters seem to have taken place ; but the consul could not prevent Hannibal's junction with his Bruttian levies, nor could Hannibal gain an opportunity of surprising and crushing the consul.^ Hannibal returned to hib 1 The annalists whom Livy copied, spoke of Nero's gaining repeated victories over Hannibal, and killing and taking his men by tens of thousands. The falsehood of all this is self-evident. If Nero could thus always beat Hannibal, the Romans would not have been in such an agony of dread about Hasdrubal, as all writers describe. Indeed, we have the express testimony ol BATTLE OF THE METAURUS. 9^ former head-quarters at Caiiusium, and halted there in expectation of further tidings of his brother's movements. Nero also resumed his former position in observation of the Carthaginian army. Meanwhile, Ilasdrubal had raised the siege of Placentia, and was advancing towards Ariminum on the Adriatic, and driving before him the Roman army under Porcius. Nor when the consul Livius had come up, and united the second and third armies of the north, could he make head against the invaders. The Romans still fell back before Hasdrubal, beyond Ariminum, beyond the Metaurus, Polybius tliat such statements as we read in Liry of Marcellus, Kero, and others gaining victories over Hannibal in Italy, must bo all fabrications of « Roman vanity. Polybius states (lib. xv. sec. 16) that Hannibal was never defeated before the battle of Zama ; and in another passage (book ix. chap. 3) he mentions that after the defeats which Hannibal hiflicted on the Romans iu the early years of the war, they no longer dared face his anny in a pitched battle on a fair field, and yet they resolutely maintained the war. He rightly explains this by referring to the superiority of Hannibal's cavaliy, the arm which gained him all his victories. By keeping within fortified lines, or close to the sides of the mountains when Hannibal approached them, the Romans rendered his cavalry InefFectivo ; and a glance at the geography of 1 Italy will show how an army can traverse the greater part of that country | without venturing far from tho high grounds. H 98 BA TTLE OF THE META URUS, and as far as the little town of Sena, to the south-east of that rivci. Ilasdrubal was not unmindful of the necessity of acting in concert with his brother. He sent messengers to Hannibal to announce liis own line of march, and to propose that they should unite their armies in Soath TJmbria, and then wheel round against Rome. Those messengers traversed the greater part of Italy in safety ; but, when close to the object of their mission, were captured by a Roman detachment; and Hasdrubal's letter, detailing his whole plan of the campaign, was laid, not in his brother's hands, but in those of the commander of the Roman armies of the south. Nero .saw at once the full importance of the crisis. The two sons of Hamilcar were now within two hundred miles of each other, and if Rome were to be saved, the brothers must never meet alive. ITero instantly ordered seven thousand picked men, a thousand being cavalry, to hold themselves in readiness for a secret expedi- tion against one of Hannibal's garrisons ; and as soon as night had set in, he hurried forward on his bold enterprise : but he quickly left the southern road towards Lucania, and wheeling round, pressed northward with the utmost rapidity towards Picenum. He had, during the preceding afternoon, sent messengers to Rome, who were to lay Hasdrubal's letters before the senate. There was a law forbidding a consul to make war or to march his army beyond the limits of the province assigned to him; but in such an emergency Nero did not wait for the permission of the senate to execute his project, but informed them that he was already on his march to join Livius against Hasdrubal. He advised them to send the two legions which formed the home garrison, on to Narnia, so as to defend that pass of the Flaminian road against Hasdrubal, in case he should march upon Rome before the consular armies could attack him. They were to supply the place of these two legions at Rome by a levy en masse in the city, and by ordering up the reserve legion from Capua. These were his communications to the senate. He also sent horsemen forward along his line of march, with orders to the local authorities to bring stores of provisions and refreshments of every kind to the road-side, and to have relays of carriages ready for the conveyance of the wearied soldiers. Such were the precautions which he took for accelerating his march ; and when he had advanced some little distance from his camp, he briefly informed his soldiers of the real object of their expedition. He told them that there never was a design more seemingly audacious, and more really safe. He said he was leading them to a certain victory, for his colleague had an army large enough to balance the enemy already, so that their swords would decisively BATTLE OF THE ME TAURUS. 99 turn the scale. The very rumour that a fresh consul and a fresh army had come up, when heard on the battle-field (and he would take care that they should not be heard of before they were seen and felt) would settle the campaign. They would have all the credit of the victory, and of having dealt the final decisive blow. He appealed to the enthusiastic reception which they already met with on their line of march as a proof and an omen of their good fortune.^ And, indeed, their whole path was amidst the vows and prayers and praises of their countrymen. The entire population of the districts through which they passed, flocked to the road-side to see and bless the deliverers of their country. Food, drink, and refreshments of every kind were eagerly pressed on their acceptance. Each peasant thought a favour was conferred on him, if one of Nero's chosen band would accept aught at his hands. The soldiers caught the full spirit of their leader. Night and day they marched forwards, taking their hurried meals in the ranks, and resting by relays in the waggons which the zeal of the country-people provided, and which followed in the rear of the column. Meanwhile, at Eome, the news of Nero's expedition had caused the greatest excitement and alarm. All men felt the full audacity of the enterprise, but hesitated what epithet to apply to it. It was evident that Nero's conduct would be judged of by the event, that most unfair criterion, as the Koman historian truly terms it.^ People reasoned on the perilous state in which Nero had left the rest of his army, without a general, and deprived of the core of its strength, in the vicinity of the terrible Hannibal. They speculated on how long it would take Hannibal to pursue and overtake Nero himself, and his expeditionary force. They talked over the former disasters of the war, and the fall of both the consuls of the last year. AU these calamities had come on them while they had only one Carthaginian general and army to deal with in Italy. Now they had two Punic wars at one time. They had two Carthaginian armies ; they had almost two Hannibals in Italy. Hasdrubal was sprung from the same father ; trained up in the same hostility to Rome ', equally practised in battle against its legions ; and, if the comparative speed and success with which he had crossed the Alps was ? fair test, he was even a better general than his brother. With fea' for their interpreter of every rumour, they exaggerated the strength of their enemy's forces in every quarter, and criticised and distrusted their own. 1 Livy, lib. xxvii. c. 45. a **Adparebab (quo nihil iuiquius est) ex eventu famam habitunim." — LiVY, Ub. xxvil c. 44. H 2 lalchral monument, the inscription on which records that it was erected to the memory of M. Coelius, who foil " Bdlo Variano." 128 ARMINIUS. entangled in the difficulties of the country, and assailing their columns on the march. In the following year the Romans were inactive ; but in the year afterwards Germanicus led a fresh invasion. He placed liis army on ship-board, and sailed to the mouth of the Ems, where he dis- embarked, and marched to the "Weser, where he encamped, probably in the neighbourhood of Minden. Arminius had collected his army on the other side of the river; and a scene occurred, which is powerfully told by Tacitus, and which is the subject of a beautiful poem by Praed. It has been already mentioned that the brother of Arminius, like himself, had been trained up, while young, to serve in the Eoman armies ; but, unlike Arminius, he not only refused to quit the Roman service for that of his country, but fought against his country with the legions of Germanicus. He had assumed the Roman name of Flavins, and had gained considerable distinction in the Roman service, in which he had lost an eye from a wound in battle. When the Roman outposts approached the river Weser, Arminius called out to them from the opposite bank, and expressed a wish to see his brother. Flavius stepped forward, and Arminius ordered his own followers to retire, and requested that the archers should be removed from the Roman bank of the river. This was done : and the brothers, who apparently had not seen each other for some years, began a conversation from the opposite sides of the stream, in which Arminius questioned his brother respecting the loss of his eye, and what battle it had been lost in, and what reward he had received for his wound. Elavius told him how the eye was destroyed, and mentioned the increased pay that he had on account of its loss, and showed the collar and other military decorations that had been given him. Arminius mocked at these as badges of slavery ; and then each began to try to win the other over ; Flavins boasting the power of Rome, and her generosity to the submissive ; Arminius appealing to him in the name of their country's gods, of the mother that had borne them, and by the holy names of father- land and freedom, not to prefer being the betrayer to being the champion of his country. They soon proceeded to mutual taunts and menaces, and Flavins called aloud for his horse and his arms, that he might dash across the river and attack his brother; nor would he have been checked from doing so, had not the Roman general, Stertinius, run up to him, and forcibly detained him. Arminius stood on the other bank, threatening the renegade, and defying him to battle. I shall not be thought to need apology for quoting here the stanzas in which Praed haa described this scene — a scene among the most ARMINIUS. I2t) afTccting, as well as tho most striking, that history supplies. It makes us reflect on the desolate position of Arniinius, with his wife and child captives in the enemy's hands, and with his brother a renegade in arms against him. The great liberator of our German race stood there, with every source of human happiness denied him, except tho consciousness of doing his duty to his country. " Back, back ! ho fears not foaming flood Who fears not steel-clad line : — No warrior thou of German blood, No brother thou of mine. Go, earn Rome's chain to load thy neck, Her gems to deck thy hilt ; And blazon honour's hapless wreck With all the gauds of guilt. " But wouldst thou have mo share the prey ? By all that I have done, — The Varian bones that day by day Lie whitening in the sun, The legion's trampled panoply, The eagle's shattered wing, — I would not be for earth or sky So scorn'd and mean a thing. " Ho, call me here the wizard, boy, Of dark and subtle skill, To agonise but not destroy, To curse, but not to kill. When swords are out, and shriek and shoat Leave little room for prayer, No fetter on man's arm or heart Hangs half so heavy there. " I curse him by tho gifts the land Hath won from him and Rome — The riving axe, the wasting brand, Rent forest, blazing home. I curse him by our country's gods, The terrible, the dark, The breakers of the Roman rods. The smiters of the bark. ** Oh misery, that such a ban On such a brow should be ! Why comes he not in battle's van His country's chief to be ? — To stand a comrade by my side, The sharer of my fame, And worthy of a brother's x)ride And of a brother's name ? K I30 ARMIN/US. " But it is past ! — where heroes p'-ess And cowards bend the knee Arminius is not brotherless ; His brethren are the free. They come around : — one hour, and liglit Will fade from turf and tide, Then onward, onward to the fight With darkness for our guide. " To-night, to-night, when we shall nicot In combat face to face, Then only would Arminius greet The renegade's embrace. The canker of Rome's guilt shall be Upon his dying name ; And as he lived in slavery, So shall he fall in shame. On the day after the Romans liad reached the Weser, G« rmanicufi led his army across that river, and a partial encounter took place, in which Arminius was successful. But on the succeeding day a general action was fought, in which Arminius was severely wounded, and the German infantry routed with heavy loss. The horsemen of the two armies encountered without either party gaining the advantage. But the Roman army remained master of the ground, and claimed a complete victory. Germanicus erected a trophy in the field, with a vaunting inscription, that the nations between the Rhine and the Elbe had been thoroughly conquered by his army. But that army speedily made a final retreat to the left bank of the Rhine ; nor was the effect of their campaign more durable than their trophy. The sarcasm with which Tacitus speaks of certain other triumphs of Roman generals over Germans, may apply to the pageant which Germanicus celebrated on his return to Rome from his command of the Roman army of the Rhine. The Germans were " triumphati potius quam victi." After the Romans had abandoned their attempts on Germany, we find Arminius engaged in hostilities with Maroboduus, the king of the Suevi and Marcomanni, who was endeavouring to bring the other German tribes into a state of dependency on him. Arminius was at the head of the Germans who took up arms against this home invader of their liberties. After some minor engagements, a pitched battle was fought between the two confederacies, a.d. 16, in which the loss on each side was equal ; but Maroboduus con- fessed the ascendency of his antagonist by avoiding a renewal of the engagement, and by imploring the intervention of the Romans in liis defence. The younger Drusus then commanded the Roman ARMINITAZ 731 legions in ttie province of lUyricum, and by his mediation a peace was concluded between Arminius and Marobpduus, by the terms of which it is evident that the latter must have renounced hia ambitious schemes against the freedom of the other German tribes. Arminius did not long survive this second war of independence, which he successfully waged for his country. He was assassinated in the thirty-seventh year of his age, by some of his own kinsmen, who conspired against him. Tacitus says that this happened while he was engaged in a civil war, which had been caused by his at- tempts to make himself king over his countrymen. It is far more probable (as one of the best biographers^ of Arminius has observed) that Tacitus misunderstood an attempt of Arminius to extend his influence as elective war-chieftain of the Cherusci, and other tribes, for an attempt to obtain the royal dignity. When we remember that his father-in-law and his brother were renegades, we can well understand that a party among his kinsmen may have been bitterly hostile to him, and have opposed his authority with the tribe by open violence, and when that seemed ineffectual, by secret assassination. Arminius left a name, wliich the historians of the nation against which he combated so long and so gloriously have delighted to honour. It is from the most indisputable source, from the lips of enemies, that we know his exploits.^ His Ciountrymen made history, but did not write it. But his memory lived among them in the lays of their bards, who recorded " The deeds he did, the fields he won, The freedom he restored." Tacitus, many years after the death of Arminius, says of him, "Canitur adhuc barbaras apud gentes." As time passed on, the gratitude of ancient Germany to her great deliverer grew into adora- tion, and divine honours were paid for centuries to Arminius by every tribe of the Low Germanic division of the Teutonic races, 'i'he Irmin-sul, or the column of Herman, near Eresburg, the modern Stadtberg, was the chosen object of worship to the descendants of the Cherusci, the Old Saxons, and in defence of which they fought most desperately against Charlemagne and his christianized Franks. " Irmin, in the cloudy Olympus of Teutonic belief, appears as a king and a warrior; and the pillar, the * Irmin-sul,' bearing the statue, and considered as the symbol of the deity, was the Palladium * Dr. Plate, in Biographical Dictionary, commenced by the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge. ' See Tacitus, Ann. Hb. ii. sec. 88 ; Velleius Paterculus, Hb. ii. sec. 118. e2 132 ARMINWS. of the Saxon nation, until tlic temple of Eresliurg was destroyed "by Charlemagne, and the column itself transferred to the monastery of Corbey, where, perhaps, a portion, of the rude rock idol yet remains, covered by the ornaments of the Gothic era."^ Traces of the worship of Arminius are to be found among our Anglo-Saxon ancestors, after their settlement in this island. One of the four great highways was held to be under the protection of the deity, and was called the " Irmin-street." The name Arminius is, of course, the mere Latinized form of " Herman," the name by which the hero and the deity w^ere known by every man of Low German blood, on either side of the German Sea. It means, etymo- logically, the "War-man," the "man of hosts." No other explana- tion of the worship of the " Irmin-sul," and of the name of the " Irmin-street," is so satisfactory as that which connects them with the deified Arminius. We know for certain of the existence of other columns of an analogous character. Thus, there was the Eoland-seule in North Germany ; there was a Thor-seule in Sweden, and (what is more important) there was an Athelstan-seule in Saxon England.2 There is at the present moment a song respecting the Irmin- sul current in the bishopric of Minden, one version of which might seem only to refer to Charlemagne having pulled down the Irmin-sul : — " Herman, sla dennen, Sla pipen, sla tnimmcn, Do Kaiser will kummeii, Met hamer iin stangeii, Will Herman uphangcn." But there is another version, which probably is the oldest, and which clearly refers to the great Arminius : — " Un Herman slang dermen ; Slang pipen, slang tmmmcn ; De fiirsten sind kammen, Met all eren-mannen Hebt Varus nphangen. " 3 About ten centuries and a half after the demolition of the Irmin-sul, and nearly eighteen after the death of Arminius, the > Palgrave on the English Commonwealth, vol. ii. p. 140. * See Lappenburg's Anglo-Saxons, p. 376. For nearly all the philo- logical and ethnograpliical facts respecting Arminius, I am indebted to Dr. K. G. Latham. 3 Sec Grimm, Deutsche Mythologie, p. 329. ARMTNIUS. 133 TOodern Germans conceived the idea of rendering tardy homage to their great hero j and, accordingly some eight or ten years ago, a general subscription was organized in Germany, for the purpose of erecting, on the Osning — a conical mountain, which forms the highest summit of the Teutoberger Wald, and is eighteen hundred feet above the level of the sea — a colossal bronze statue of Arminius. The statue was designed by Bandel. The hero was to stand up- lifting a sword in his right hand, and looking towards the Ehine. The height of the statue was to be eighty feet from the base to the point of the sword, and was to stand on a circular Gothic temple, ninety feet high, and supported by oak trees as columns. The mountain, where it was to be erected, is wild and stern, and over- looks the scene of the battle. It was calculated that the statue would be clearly visible at a distance of sixty miles. The temple is nearly finished, and the statue itself has been cast at the copper works at Lemgo. But there, through want of funds to set it up, it has lain for some years, in disjointed fragments, exposed to the mutilating homage of relic-seeking travellers. The idea of honour- ing a hero who belongs to all Germany, is not one which the present rulers of that divided country have any wish to encourage ; and the statue may long continue to lie there, and present too true a type of the condition of Germany herself.^ Surely this is an occasion in which Englishmen might well prove, by acts as well as words, that we also rank Arminius among our heroes. I have quoted the noble stanzas of one of our modern English poets on Arminius, and I will conclude this memoir with one of the odes of the great poet of modern Germany, Klopstock, on the victory to 'which we owe our freedom, and Arminius mainly owes his fame. Klopstock calls it the "Battle of Winfield." The epithet of " Sister of Cannae" shows that Klopstock followed some chronologers, according to whom. Yarns was defeated on the anni- versary of the day on which Paulus and Varro were defeated by Hannibal. 1 Ou tlvo subject of tliis statue I must repeat an acknowledgment of my my fiicnJ Mr. Henry rcarson. ' 134 AKMTNTUS. SONG OF TRIUMPH AFTER TPIE VICTORY OF HERRMAN, THE DELIVERER OF GERMANY FROM THE ROMANS. FROM KLOPSTOCK's " HEREMAN UKD DIE FUR^TEN." Supposed to he sung by a Chorus of Bards. A CHORUS. Sister of Carnife ! i Winfield's 2 fight ! We saw thee with thy streaming bloody hair, With fiery eye, bright with the world's despair, Sweep by Walhalla's bards from out our sight, Herrman outspake — " Now Victory or Death ! " The Romans, ..." Victory ! " And onward rushed their eagles witli the cry. —So ended i\\Q first day. " Victory or Death ! " began Tlxen, first, the Roman chief ; and Herrman spake Not, but home struck : the eagles fluttered— brake. — So sped the second day. TWO CHORUSES. And the third came. . . . The cry was " Flight or Death ! " Flight left they not for them who'd make them slaves — Men who stab children ! — flight for them/ ... no ! graves ! — 'Twas their last day. I ^(A TWO BARDS. ) '^"Yet spared they messengers : two came to Rome. ^_x^ How drooped the plume ! the lance was left to trail Down in the dust behind : their cheek was pale : So came the messengers to Rome. High in his hall the Imperator sate — Octavianus Coesar Augustus sate. They filled up wine-cups, wine-cups filled they up For him the highest, Jove of all their state. The flutes of Lydia hushed before thefr voice, Before the messengers — the " Highest" sprung — The god 3 against the marble pillars, wning By the dread words, striking his brow, and thrice Cried he aloud in anguish — • Vai'us ! Varus ! Give back my legions, Varus ! " 1 Tie battle of Cannae, B.C. 216 — Hannibal's victory over the Romans. 2 Winfield— the probable site of the " HerrmQnschladt. See supra, 3 Augustus was worshipped as a defty in his lifetime. SYNOPSIS OF EVENTS, 135 And now the worltl-wide conquerors shrunk and feared For fatherland and home 'Pile lance to raise ; and 'mongst those false to Rome The death-lot rolled, 1 and still they shrunk and feared i " For she her face hath turned, The victor goddess," cried these cowards — (for aye Be it !) — " from Rome and Romans, and her day Is done ! " — And still he mourned, And cried aloud in anguish — " Varus ! Varus t V Give back my legions, Varus ! " * SYNOPSIS OF EVENTS BETWEEN ARMINIUS'S VICTORY OVER VARUS, AND THE BATTLE OF CHALONS. A.D. 43. The Eomans commence the conquest of Britain, Claudius being then Emperor of Eome. The population of this island was then Celtic. In about forty years all the tribes south of the Clyde were subdued, and their land made a Eoman province. 58 — 60. Successful campaigns of the Roman general Corbula against the Parthians. 64. First persecution of the Christians at Rome under Nero. 68 — 70. Civil wars in the Roman world. The emperors Nero, Galba, Otho, and Vitellius, cut off successively by violent deaths. Vespasian becomes emperor. 70. Jerusalem destroyed by the Romans under Titus. 83. Futile attack of Domitian on the Germans. 86. Beginning of the wars between the Romans and the Dacians. 98 — 117. Trajan, emperor of Rome. Under him the empire acquires its greatest territorial extent by his conquests in Dacia and in the East. His successor, Hadrian, abandons the provinces beyond the Euphrates, which Trajan had conquered. 138—180. Era of the Antonines. 167 — 176. A long and desperate war between Rome and a great confederacy of the German nations. Marcus Antoninus at last succeeds in repelling them. 192 — 197. Civil wars throughout the Roman world. Severua becomes emperor. He relaxes the discipline of the soldiers. After his death in 211, the series of military insurrections, civil wars, and murders of emperors recommences. 1 See supra, pp. 124, 125. a I have taken this translation from an anonymous writwr in Fras^r, >▼© ^ears ago. ,36 SYNOPSIS OF EVENTS. 226. Artaxerxes (Ardisheer) overthrows the Parthian, and rey stores the Persian kingdom in Asia. He attacks the lloman possessions in the East. 250. The Goths invade the Eoman provinces. The emperor Dccius is defeated and slain by them. 253 — 260. The Franks and Alemanni invade Gaul, Spain, and A frica. The Goths attack Asia Minor and Greece. The Persians conquer Armenia. Their king, Sapor, defeats the Eoman emperor Valerian, and takes him prisoner. General distress of the Eoman empire. 268 — 283. The emperors Claudius, Aurelian, Tacitus, Probus, and Cams defeat the various enemies of Eome, and restore order in the Eoman state. 285. Diocletian divides and re-organizes the Eoman empire. After his abdication in 305 a fresh series of civil wars and con- fusion ensues. Constantine, the first Christian emperor, reunites the empire in 324. 330. Constantine makes Constantinople the seat of empire instead of Eome. 363. The emperor Julian is killed in action against the Persians. 364 — 375. The empire is again divided, Valentinian being emperor of the "West, and Valens of the East. Valentinian repulses the Alemanni, and other German invaders from Gaul. Splendour of the Gothic kingdom under Hermanric, north of the Danube. 375 — 395. The Huns attack the Goths, who implore the pro- tection of the Eoman emperor of the East. The Goths are allowed to pass the Danube, and to settle in the Eoman provinces. A war soon breaks out between them and the Eomans, and the emperor Valens and his army are destroyed by them. They ravage the Eoman territories. The emperor Theodosius reduces them to sub- mission. They retain settlements in Thrace and Asia Minor. 395. Final division of the Eoman empire between Arcadius and Honorius, the two sons of Theodosius. The Goths revolt, and under Alaric attack various parts of both the Eoman empires. 410. Alaric takes the city of Eome. 412. The Goths march into Gaul, and in 414 into Spain, which had been already invaded by hosts of Vandals, Suevi, Alani, and other Germanic nations. Britain is formally abandoned by the Eoman emperor of the West. 428. Genseric, king of the Vandals, conquers the Eoman pro vince of North Africa. 441. The Huns attack tho Eastern empire. S/1 TTLE OF^ CHALONS. 137 V^ OF THE UNIVERSITY, THE BxVTTLE OP CHALONS, A.D. 451. " Tlie discomfiture of tlie mighty attempt of Attila to found a new auli- Christian djoiasty upon the wreck of the temporal power of Rome, at th« end of the term of twelve hundred years, to which its duration had been limited by the forebodings of the heathen." — Hebbeet. A BROAD expanse of plains, the Campi Catalaunici of the ancients, spreads far and wide around the city of Chalons, in the north-east of France. The long rows of poplars, through which the river Marne winds its way, and a few thinly-scattered villages, are almost the only objects that vary the monotonous aspect of the greater part of this region. But about five miles from Chalons, near the little hamlets of Chape and Cuperly, the ground is indented and heaped up in ranges of grassy mounds and trenches, which attest the work of man's hand in ages past ; and which, to the practised eye, demonstrate that this quiet spot has once been the fortified position of a huge military host. Local tradition gives to these ancient earthworks the name of Attila's Camp. Nor is there any reason to question the correctness of the title,' or to doubt that behind these very^^amparts it was that, 1400 years ago, the most powerful heathen king -that ever ruled in Europe mustered the remnants of his vast army, which had striven on these plains against the Christian soldiery of Thoulouse and Eome. Here it was that Attila prepared to resist to the death his victors in the field ; and here he heaped up the treasures of his camp in one vast pile, which was to be his funeral pyre should his camp be stormed. It was liere that the Gothic and Italian forces watched, but dared not assail, their enemy in his despair, after that great and terrible day of battle, when " The sound Of conflict was o'erpast, the shout of all "Whom earth could send from her remotest bounds, Heathen or faithful ; — from thy hundred mouths, That feed the Caspian with Riphean snows, I3J1 BATTLE OF CHALONS. Huge Volga ! from famed Hypanis, wliich once Cradled the Hun ; from all the countless realms Between Imaus and that utmost strand Where columns of Herculean rock confront The blown Atlantic ; Roman, Goth, and Hun, And Scythian strength of chivalry, that tread The cold Codanian shore, or what far lands Inhospitable drink Cimmerian floods, Franks, Saxons, Suevic, and Sarmartian chiefs, , And who from green Armorica or Spain Flocked to the work of death." ^ The victory which, the Eoman general Aetius, with his Gothic allies, had then gained over the Huns, was the last victory of Imperial Kome. But among the long Fasti of her triumphs, few can be found that, for their importance and ultimate benefit to mankind, are comparable with this expiring effort of her arms. It did not, indeed, open to her any new career of conquest; it did not consolidate the relics of her power; it did not turn the rapid ebb of her fortunes. The mission of Imperial Rome was, in truth, already accomplished. She had received and trans- mitted through her once ample dominion the civilization of Greece. She had broken up the barriers of narrow nationalities among the various states and tribes that dwelt around the coast of the Mediterranean. She had fused these and many other races into one organized empire, bound together by a community of laws, of government, and institutions. Under the shelter of her full power the True Faith had arisen in the earth, and during the years of her decline it had been nourished to maturity, and had over- spread aU the provinces that ever obeyed her sway.^ For no beneficial purpose to mankind could the dominion of the seven- hiUed city have been restored or prolonged. But it was all- important to mankind what nations should divide among them Kome's rich inheritance of empire : whether the Germanic and Gothic warriors should form states and kingdoms out of the frag- ments of her dominions, and become the free members of the commonwealth of Christian Europe ; or whether pagan savages from the wilds of Central Asia should crush the relics of classic civilization, and the early institutions of the christianized Germans, in one hopeless chaos of barbaric conquest. The Christian Visi- goths of King Theodoric fought and triumphed at Chalons, side by side with the legions of Aetius. Their joint victory over the Ilunnish host not only rescued for a time from destruction the old . * Herbert's Attila, book i. line 13. a ^c the Introduction to Ranke's History of the Popoj* BATTLE OF CHALONS. 139 age of EOme, "but preserved for centuries of power and glory the Germanic element in the civilization of modern Europe. In order to estimate the full importance to mankind of the battle of Chalons, we must keep steadily in mind who and what the Germans were, and the important distinctions between them and the numerous other races that assailed the Eoman Empire : and it is to be understood that the Gothic and the Scandinavian nations are included in the German race. ITow, " in two remarkable traite the Germans differed from the Sarmatic, as well as from the Slavic nations, and, indeed, from all those other races to whom the Greeks and Eomans gave the designation of barbarians. I allude to their personal freedom and regards for the rights of men ; secondly, to the respect paid by them to the female sex, and the chastity for which the latter were celebrated among the people of the iN'orth. These were the foundations of that probity of character, self-respect, and purity of manners which may be traced among the Germans and Goths even during .pagan times, and which, when their senti- ments were enlightened by Christianity, brought out those splendid traits of character which, distinguish the age of chivalry and romance."^ "What the intermixture of the German stock with the classic, at the fall of the Western Empire, has done for mankind, may be best felt by watching, with Arnold, over how large a portion of the earth the influence of the German element is now extended. " It affects, more or less, the whole west of Europe, from the head of the Gulf of Bothnia to the most southern promontory of Sicily, from the Oder and the Adriatic to the Hebrides and to Lisbon. It is true that the language spoken over a large portion of this space is not predominantly German ; but even in France, and Italy, and Spain, the' influence of the Franks, Burgundians, Visigoths, Ostro- goths, and Lombards, while it has coloured even the language, has in blo«d and institutions left its mark legibly and indelibly. Germany, the Low Countries, Switzerland for the most part, Den- mark, ITorway, and Sweden, and our own islands, are all in language, in blood, and in institutions, German most decidedly. But all South America is peopled with Spaniards and Portuguese ; all North America, and all Australia, with Englishmen. I say nothing of the prospects and influence of the German race in Africa and in India : it is enough to say that half of Europe, and all America and Australia, are German, more or less completely, in race, fn language, or in institutions, or in all."^ By the middle of the fifth century, Germanic nations had settled ^ Seo Prichard's Researches into the Physical History of Mankind, vol. iii. D, ^. « Arnold's LecU'^B on IJodern History, p. 35. I40 BA TTLE OF CHALONS. themselves in many of the fairest regions of the Eoman empire, had imposed their yoke on the provincials, and had undergone, to a considerable extent, that moral conquest which the arts and refine- ments of the vanquished in arms have so often achieved over the rough victor. The Visigoths held the north of Spain and Gaul south of the Loire. Franks, Alemanni, Alans, and Eurgundiana had established themselves in other Gallic provinces, and the Suevi were masters of a large southern portion of the Spanish peninsula. A king of the Vandals reigned in North Africa, and the Ostrogoths had firmly planted themselves in the provinces north of Italy. Of these powers and principalities, that of the Visigoths, under their king Theodoric, son of Alaric, was by far the first in power and in civilization. The pressure of the Huns upon Europe had first been felt in the fourth century of our era. They had long been formidable to the Chinese empire j but the ascendency in arms which another nomadic tribe of Central Asia, the Sienpi, gained over them, drove the Huns from their Chinese conquests westward ; and this movement once being communicated to the whole 'chain of barbaric nations that dwelt northward of the Black Sea and the Eoman empire, tribe after tribe of savage warriors broke in upon the barriers of civilized Europe, "velut unda supervenit undam." The Huns crossed the Tanais into Europe in 375, and rapidly reduced to subjection the Alans, the Ostrogoths, and other tribes that were then dwelling along the course of the Danube. The armies of the Eoman emperor that tried to check their progress were cut to pieces by them ; and Panonia and other provinces south of the Danube were speedily occupied by the victorious cavaby of these neiv invaders. Not merely the degenerate Eomans, but the bold and hardy warriors of Germany and Scandinavia were appalled at the numbers, the fero- city, the ghastly appearance, and the lightning-like rapidity of the Huns. Strange and loathsome legends were coined and credited, which attributed their origin to the union of " Secret, black, and midnight hags " with the evil spirits of the wilderness. Tribe after tribe, and city after city, fell before them. Then came a pause in their career of conquest in South-western Europe, caused probably by dissensions among their chiefs, and also by their arms being employed in attacks upon the Scandinavian nations. 13ut when Attila (or Atzel, as he' is called in the Hungarian lan- guage) became their ruler, the torrent of their arms was directed with augmented terrors upon the west and the south j and thei? BATTLE OF CHALONS. 141 myriads marched beneath the guidance of one master-mind to the OYerthrow both of the new and the old powers of the earth. Eecent events have thrown such a strong interest over everything connected with the Hungarian name, that even the terrible name of Attila now impresses us the more vividly through our sympathising admiration of the exploits of those who claim to be descended from liis warriors, and " ambitiously insert the name of Attila among their native kings." The authenticity of this martial genealogy is denied by some writers, and questioned by more. But it is at least certain that the Magyars of Arpad, who are the immediate ancestors of the bulk of the modern Hungarians, and who conquered the country which bears the name of Hungary in a.d. 889, were of the same stock of mankind as were the Huns of Attila, even if they did not belong to the same subdivision of that stock, iffor is there any improbability in the tradition, that after Attila's death many of his warriors remained in Hungary, and that their descendants afterwards joined the Huns of Arpad in their career of conquest. It is certain that Attila made Hungary the seat of his empire. It seems also susceptible of clear proof that the territory was then called Hungvar, and Attila's soldiers Hungvari. Both the Huns of Attila and those of Arpad came from the family of nomadic nations, whose primitive regions were those vast wildernesses of High Asia which are included between the Altaic and the Himalayan mountain-chains. The in- roads of these tribes upon the lower regions of Asia and into Europe, have caused many of the most remarkable revolutions in the history of the world. There is every reason to believe that swarms of these nations made their way into distant parts of the earth, at periods long before the date of the Scythian invasion of Asia, which is the earliest inroad of the nomadic race that history records. The first, as far as we can conjecture, in respect to the time of their descent were the Finnish and Ugrian tribes, who appear to have come down from the Altaic border of High Asia towards the north-west, in which direction they advanced to the Uralian mountains. There they established themselves : and that mountain chain, with its valleys and pasture-lands, became to them a new country, whence they sent out colonies on every side ; but the Ugrian colony, which under Arpad occupied Hungary, and became the ancestors of the bulk of the present Hungarian nation, did not quit their settlements on the Uralian mountains till a very late period, not until four centuries after the time when Attila led from the primary seats of the nomadic races in High Asia the host with which he advanced into the heart of France.^ That host was Turkish; but closely Seo Prichard's Researches into the Physiol History of Mankind. 14^ BATTLE OF CHALONS. allied in origin, language, and habits, with the Finno-Ugrian settlers on the Ural. Attila's fame has not come down to us through the partial and suspicious medium of chroniclers and poets of his own race. It is not from Hunnish authorities that we learn the extent of his might : it is from his enemies, from the literature and the legends of the nations whom he afflicted with his arms, that we draw the unques- tionable evidence of his greatness. Besides the express narratives of Byzantine, Latin, and Gothic writers, we have the strongest proof of the stern reality of Attila's conquests in the extent to which he and his Huns have been the themes of the earliest German and Scandinavian lays. Wild as many of these legends are, they bear concurrent and certain testimony to the awe with which the memory of Attila was regarded by the bold warriors who composed and delighted in them. Attila's exploits, and the wonders of his unearthly steed and magic sword, repeatedly occur in the Sagas of Norway and Iceland; and the celebrated Niebelungen Lied, the most ancient of Germanic poetry, is fall of them. There Etsel, or Attila, is described as the wearer of twelve mighty crowns, and as promising to his bride the lands of thirty kings, whom his irresis- tible sword has subdued. He is, in fact, the hero of the latter part of this remarkable poem ; and it is at his capital city, Etselenburgh, which evidently corresponds to the modem Buda, that much of its action takes place. When we turn from the legendary to the historic Attila, we see clearly that he was not one of the vulgar herd of barbaric con- querors. Consummate military skill may be traced in his cam- paigns ; and he relied far less on the brute force of armies for the aggrandizement of his empire, than on the unbounded influence over the affections of friends and the fears of foes which his genius enabled him to acquire. Austerely sober in his private life, severely just on the judgment-seat, conspicuous among a natioa of warriors for hardihood, strength, and skill in every martial exercise, grave and deliberate in counsel, but rapid and remorseless in execution, he gave safety and security to all who were under his dominion, while he waged a warfare of extermination against all who opposed or sought to escape from it. He watched the national passions, the prejudices, the creeds, and the superstitions of the varied nations over which he ruled, and of those which he sought to reduce beneath his sway : all these feelings he had the skill to turn to his own account. His own warriors believed him to be the inspired favourite of their deities, and followed him with fanatic zeal : his enemies looked on him as the pre-appointed minister of Heaven's BATTLE OF CHALONS. 143 wrath against themselves ; and, though they believed not in Ida creed, their own made them tremble before him. In one of his early campaigns, he appeared before his troops with an ancient iron sword in his grasp, which he told them was the god of war whom their ancestors had worshipped. It is certain that the womadic tribes of Northern Asia, whom Herodotus described under the name of Scythians, from the earliest times worshipped as their god a bare sword. That sword-god was supposed, in Attila's time, to have disappeared from earth ; but the Hunnish king now claimed to have received it by special revelation. It was said that a herds- man, who was tracking in the desert a wounded heifer by the drops of blood, found the mysterious sword standing fixed in the ground, as if it<^had been darted down from heaven. The herdsman bore it to Attila, who thenceforth was believed by the Huns to wield the Spirit of Death in battle ; and the seers prophesied that that sword was to destroy the world. A Eoman,^ who was on an embassy to the Hunnish camp, recorded in his memoirs Attila's acquisition of this supernatural weapon, and the immense influence over the minds of the barbaric tribes which its possession gave him. In the title which he assumed, we shall see the skill with which he availed him- self of the legends and creeds of other nations as well as of his own. He designated himself "Attila, Descendant of the Great Nimrod. Nurtured in Engaddi. By the Grace of God, King of the Huns, the Goths, the Danes, and the Medes. The Dread of the World." Herbert states that Attila is represented on an old medallion with a Teraphim, or a head, on his breast ; and the same writer adds: "We know, from the * Hamartigenea ' of Prudentius, that Nimrod, with a snaky-haired head, was the object of adoration to the heretical followers of Marcion ; and the same head was the palladium set up by Antiochus Epiphanes over the gates of Antioch, though it has been called the visage of Charon. The memory of Nimrod was certainly regarded with mystic veneration by many ; and by asserting himself to be the heir of that mighty hunter before the Lord, he vindicated to himself at least the whole Babylonian kingdom. " The singular assertion in his style, that he was nurtured in Engaddi, where he certainly had never been, will be more easily understood on reference to the twelfth chapter of the Book of Eovelation, concerning the woman clothed with the sun, who was to bring forth in the wilderness — * where she hath a place prepared of God' — a man-child, who was to contend with the dragon having eeven heads and ten horns, and rule all nations with a rod of iron, ' Priscus, 144 BATTLE OF CHALONS, Tliis prophecy was at that time understood universally by the sincere Christians to refer to the birth of Constantine, who was to oyerwhelm the paganism of the city on the seven hills, and it is still 60 explained ; but it is evident that the heathens must have looked on it in a different light, and have regarded it as a foretelling of the birth of that Great One who should master the temporal power of liome. The assertion, therefore, that he was nurtured in Engaddi, 13 a claim to be looked upon as that man-child who was to be brought forth in a place prepared of God in the wilderness. Engaddi means, a place of palms and vines, in the desert ; it was hard by Zoar, the city of refuge, which was saved in the vale of Siddim, or Demons, • when the rest were destroyed by fire and brimstone from the Lord in heaven, and might, therefore, be especially called a place prepared of God in the wilderness." It is obvious enough why he styled himself " By the Grace of God, King of the Huns and Goths j" and it seems far from difficult to see why he added the names of the Medes and the Danes. His armies had been engaged in warfare against the Persian kingdom of the Sassanidae ; and it is certain^ that he meditated the attack and overthrow of the Medo-Persian power. Probably some of the northern provinces of that kingdom had been compelled to pay him tribute ; and this would account for his styling himself King of the Medes, they being his remotest subjects to the south. Prom a similar cause he may have called himseK King of the Danes, as his power may well have extended northwards as far as the nearest of the Scandinavian nations ; and this mention of Medes and Danes as his subjects would serve at once to indicate the vast extent of his dominion.'* The extensive territory north of the Danube and Elack Sea, and eastward of Caucasus, over which Attila ruled, first in conjunction with his brother Bleda, and afterwards alone, cannot be very accu- rately defined ; but it must have comprised within it, besides the Huns, many nations of Slavic, Gothic, Teutonic, and Finnish origin. South also of the Danube, the country from the river Sau as far as Novi in Thrace was a JIunnish province. Such was the empire of the Huns in a.d. 445 ; a memorable year, in which Attila founded Buda on the Danube as his capital city ; and ridded himself of his brother by a crime, which seems to have been prompted not only ^ See the narrative of Priscus. • In the " Niebelungen-Lied," tlie old poet who describes the reception of the herome Chrimhild by Attila [Etsel] says that Attila's dominions were so vast, that among his subject- warriors theio wore Russian, Greek, Wallachian, Polish, and. even Danish knights. BATTLE OF CHALONS. 145 l)y selfish ambition, but also by a desire of turning to his purpose the legends and forebodings which then were universally spread throughout the Roman empire, and must have been well known to the watchful and ruthless Hun. The year 445 of our era completed the twelfth century from the foundation of Eome, according to the best chronologers. It had always been believed among the Eomans that the twelve vultures which were said to have appeared to Eomulus when he founded the city, signified the time during which the Roman power should endure. The twelve vultures denoted twelve centuries. This interpretation of the vision of the birds of destiny was current among learned Romans, even when there were yet many of the twelve centuries to run, and while the imperial city was at the zenith of its power. But as the allotted time drew nearer and nearer to its conclusion, and as Rome grew weaker and weaker beneath the blows of barbaric invaders, the terrible omen was more and more talked and thought of ; and in Attila's time, men watched for the momentary extinction of the Roman state with the last beat of the last vulture's wing. Moreover, among the numerous legends connected with the foundation of the city, and the fratricidal death of Remus, there was one most terrible one, which told that Romulus did not put his brother to death in accident, or in hasty quarrel, but that " He slew his gallant twin "With inexpiable sin," deliberately, and in compliance with the warnings of supernatural powers. The shedding of a brother's blood was believed to have been the price at which the founder of Rome had purchased fi'om destiny her twelve centuries of existence.^ We may imagine, therefore, with what terror in this, the twelve- hundredth year after the foundation of Rome, the inhabitants of the Roman empire must have heard the tidings that the royal brethren, Attila and Eleda, had founded a new capitol on the Danube, which was designed to rule over the ancient capitol on the Tiber ; and that Attila, like Romulus, had consecrated the founda- tions of his new city by murdering his brother ; so that, for the new cycle of centuries then about to commence, dominion had bejen bought from the gloomy spirits of destiny in favour of the Hun, by a sacrifice of equal awe and value with that which had formerly obtained it for the Romans. ^ See a curious justification of Attila's murder of his brother, by a zealous Hungarian advocate, in the note to Pray's " Annales Huunoruni," p. 11?. The example of liomulus is the main authority quoted. L 146 BATTLE OF CHALONS. It is to be remembered that not only the pagans, but also tfte Christians of that age, knew and believed in these legends and omens, however they might differ as to the nature of the super- human agency by which such mysteries had been made known to mankind. And we may observe, with Herbert, a modern learned dignitary of our Church, how remarkably this augury was fulfilled. For, "if to the twelve centuries denoted by the twelve vultures that appeared to Romulus, we add for the six birds that appeared to Eemus six lustra, or periods of five years each, by which the Romans were wont to number their time, it brings us precisely to the year 476, in which the Roman empire was finally extinguished by Odoacer." An attempt to assassinate Attila, made, or supposed to have been made, at the instigation of Theodosius the Younger, the Emperor of Constantiaople, drew the Hunnish armies, in 445, upon the Eastern empire, and delayed for a time the destined blow against Rome, Probably a more important cause of delay was the revolt of some of the Hunnish tribes to the north of the Black Sea against Attila, which broke out about this period, and is cursorily mentioned by the Byzantine writers. Attila quelled this revolt ; and having thus consolidated his power, and having punished the presumption of the Eastern Roman emperor by fearful ravages of his fairest provinces, Attila, A.D. 450, prepared to set his vast forces in motion for the conquest of Western Europe. He sought unsuccessfully by diplo- matic intrigues to detach the King of the Visigoths from his alliance with Rome, and he resolved first to crush the power of Theodoric, and then to advance with overwhelming power to trample out the last sparks of the doomed Roman empire. A strong invitation from a Roman princess gave him a pretext for the war, and threw an air of chivalric enterprise over his inva- sion. Honoria, sister of Valentinian III., the Emperor of the West, had sent to Attila to offer him her hand, and her supposed right to share in the imperial power. This had been discovered by the Romans, and Honoria had been forthwith closely imprisoned. Attila now pretended to take up arms in behalf of his self-promised bride, and proclaimed that he was about to march to Rome to redress Honoria's wrongs. Ambition and spite against her brother must have been the sole motives that led the lady to woo the royal Hun ; for A.ttila's face and person had all the national ugliness of his race, and the description given of him by a Byzantine ambassador must have been well known in the imperial courts. Herbert has well versified the portrait drawn by Prisons of the great enemy of both Byzantium and Rome : — BATTLE OF CHALONS. 147 " TeiTific was his semblance, in no mould Of beautiful proportion cast ; his limbs Nothing exalted, but with sinews braced Of Chalybsean temper, agile, lithe. And swifter than the roe ; his ample chest Was overbrowed by a gigantic head. With eyes keen, deeply sunk, and small, that gleam'U Strangely in wrath, as though some spirit unclean Within that corporal tenement install'd Look'd from its windows, but with tcraper'd fire Beam'd mildly on the unresisting. Thin His beard and hoary ; his flat nostrils crown'd A cicatrised, swart visage, — ^but withal That questionable shape such glory woro That mortals quail'd beneath him," Two chiefs of the Franks, who were then settled on the Lower Rhine, were at this period engaged in a feud with each other : and while one of them appealed to the Romans for aid, the other in- voked the assistance and protection of the Huns. Attila thus obtained an ally whose co-operation secured for him the passage of the Rhine ; and it was this circumstance which caused him to talco a northward route from Hungary for his attack upon Gaul. The muster of the Hunnish hosts was swollen by warriors of every tribe that they had subjugated ; nor is there any reason to suspect the old chroniclers of wilful exaggeration in estimating Attila's army at seven hundred thousand strong. Having crossed the Rhine, pro- bably a little below Coblentz, he defeated the King of the Bur- gundians, who endeavoured to bar his progress. He then divided his vast forces into two armies, — one of which marched north-west upon Tongres and Arras, and the other cities of that part of France ; while the main body, under Attila himself, marched up the Moselle, and destroyed Besan^on, and other towns in the country of the Burgundians. One of the latest and best biographers of Attila ^ well observes, that, "having thus conquered the eastern part of France, Attila prepared for an invasion of the West Gothic terri- tories beyond the Loire, He marched upon Orleans, where he in- tended to force the passage of that river; and only a little attention is requisite to enable us to perceive that he proceeded on a sys- tematic plan : he had his right wing on the north, for the protectiou of his Frank allies ; his left wing on the south, for the purpose of preventing the, Burgundians from rallying, and of menacing the passes of the Alps from Italy ; and he led his centre towards the cluef object of the campaign — the conquest of Orleans, and an easy 1 Biographical Dictionary commenced by the Useful Knowledge Society iulSil. L 2 14? BATTLE OF CHALONS, ''' J assage Lito the West Gothic dominion. The whole plan is very like that of the allied powers in 1814, with this difference, that their left wing entered Prance through the defiles of the Jura, in the direction of Lyons, and that the military object of the campaign was the capture of Paris." It was not until the year 451 that the Huns commenced the siege of Orleans ; and during their campaign in Eastern Gaul, the Roman general Aetius had strenuously exerted himself in collecting and organizing such an army as might, when united to the soldiery of the Visigoths, be fit to face the Huns in the field. He enlisted every subject of the Eoman empire whom patriotism, courage, or compulsion could collect beneath the standards ; and round these troops, which assumed the once proud title of the legions of Eome, he arrayed the large forces of barbaric auxiliaries whom pay, per- suasion, or the general hate and dread of the Huns, brought to the camp of the last of the Roman generals. King Theodoric exerted himself with equal energy. Orleans resisted her besiegers bravely as in after times. The passage of the Loire was skilfully defended against the Huns ; and Aetius and Theodoric, after much manoeu- vring and difficulty, effected a junction of their armies to the south of that important river. On the advance of the allies upon Orleans, Attila instantly broke up the siege of that city, and retreated towards the Marne. He did not choose to risk a decisive battle with only the central corps of his army against the combined power of his enemies j and he therefore fell back upon his base of operations ; calling in his wings from Arras and Besan9on, and concentrating the whole of the Hunnish forces on the vast plains of Chalons- sur-Marne. A glance at the map will show how scientifically this place was chosen by the Hunnish general, as the point for his scattered forces to converge upon j and the nature of the ground was eminently favourable for the operations of cavalry, the arm in which Attila's strength peculiarly lay. It was during the retreat from Orleans that a Christian hermit is reported to have approached the Hunnish king, and said to hira, ** Thou art the Scourge of God for the chastisement of Christians." Attila instantly assumed this new title of terror, which thenceforth became the appellation by which he was most widely and most fearfully known. The confederate armies of Romans and Visigoths at last met their great adversary, face to face, on the ample battle-ground of the Chalons plains. Aetius commanded on the right of the allies ; I King Theodoric on the left; and Sangipan, king of the Alans, I BATTLE OF CHALONS. 149 whose fidelity was suspected, was placed purposely in the centro and in the very front of the battle. Attila commanded his centre in person, at the head of his own countrymen, while the Ostrogoths, the Gepidse, and the other subject allies of the Huns, were drawn up on the wings. Some manoeuvring appears to have occurred before the engagement, in which Aetius had the advantage, inasmuch aa he succeeded in occupying a sloping hill, which commanded the left flank of the Huns. Attila saw the importance of the position taken by Aetius on the high ground, and commenced the battle by a furious attack on this part of the Eoman line, in which he seems to have detached some of his best troops from his centre to aid his left. The Eomans having the advantage of the ground, repulsed the Huns, and while the allies gained this advantage on their right, their left, under King Theodoric, assailed the Ostrogoths, who formed the right of Attila's army. The gallant king was himself struck down by a javelin, as he rode onward at the head of his men, and his own cavalry charging over him trampled him to death in the confusion. But the Visigoths, infuriated, not dispirited, by their monarch's fall, routed the enemies opposed to them, and then wheeled upon the flank of the Hunnish centre, which had been engaged in a sanguinary and indecisive contest with the Alans. In this peril Attila made his centre fall back upon his camp ; and when the shelter of its entrenchments and waggons had once been gained, the Hunnish archers repulsed, without difficulty, the charges of the vengeful Gothic cavalry. Aetius had not pressed the advantage which he gained on his side of the field, and when night fell over the wild scene of havoc, Attila's left was still un- broken, but his right had been routed, and his centre forced back upon his camp. Expecting an assault on the morrow, Attila stationed his best archers in front of the cars and waggons, which were drawn up as a fortification along his lines, and made every preparation for a des- perate resistance. Eut the " Scourge of God " resolved that no man should boast of the honour of having either captured or slain him j and he caused to be raised in the centre of his encampment a huge pyramid of the wooden saddles of his cavalry : round it he heaped the spoils and the wealth that he had won ; on it he stationed his wives who had accompanied him in the campaign ; and on the summit he placed himself, ready to perish in the flames, and baulk the victorious foe of their choicest booty, should theyi succeed in storming his defences. i But when the morning broke, and revealed the extent of tho carnage, with which the plains were heaped for miles, the successful ; 1 50 6- Y NO PS IS OF E VENTS. allies saw also and respected the resolute attitude of their antagonist Neither were any measures taken to blockade him in his camp, and so to extort by famine that submission which- it was too plainly perilous to enforce with the sword. Attila was allowed to march back the remnants of his army without molestation, and even with the semblance of success. It is probable that the crafty Aetius was unwilling to be too victorious. He dreaded the glory which his allies the Visigoths had acquired ; and feared that Rome might find a second Alaric in Prince Thorismund, who had signalized himself in the battle, and had been chosen on the field to succeed his father Theodoric. He persuaded the young king to return at once to his capital : and thus relieved himself at the same time of the presence of a dangerous friend, as well as of a formidable though beaten foe. Attila's attacks on the Western empire were soon renewed ; but never with such peril to the civilized world as had menaced it before his defeat at Chalons. And on his death, two years after that battle, the vast empire which his genius had founded was soon dissevered by the successful revolts of the subject nations. The name of the Huns ceased for some centuries to inspire terror in Western Europe, and their ascendency passed away with the life of the great king by whom it had been so fearfully augmented.^ SYNOPSIS OF EVENTS BETWEEN THE BATTLE OF CHALONS, :'A.D. 451, AND THE BATTLE OF TOUKS, 732. A.D. 476. The Eoman empire of the West extinguished by Odoacer. 481. Establishment of the French monarchy in Gaul by Clovis. 455 — 582. The Saxons, Angles, and Frisians conquer Britain, except the northern parts, and the districts along the west coast. The German conquerors found eight independent kingdoms. 533 — 568. The generals of Justinian, the Emperor of Constanti- • If I Beem to have given fewer of the details of the battle itself than its importance would warrant, my excuse must be, that Gibbon has enriched our language with a description of it, too long for quotation and too splendid for nvalry. I have not, however, taken altogether the same view of it that he has. The notes to Mr. Herbert's poem of " Attila " bring together nearly all the authorities on the subject. ^ YNOPSIS OF E VENTS. 1 5 1 uoplo, conquer Italy and ^N'ortli Africa ; and these countries are foi a short time annexed to the Roman Empire of the East. 568 — 570. The Lombards conquer great part of Italy. 570 — 627. The wars between the Emperors of Constantinople and the. Kings of Persia are actively continued. Q%2. The Mahometan era of the Hcgiro. Mahomet is driven ^rom Mecca, and is received as prince of Medina, 629 — 632. Mahomet conquers Arabia. 632 — 651. The Mahometan Arabs invade and conquer Persia. 632 — 709. They attack the Roman Empire of the East. They conquer Syria, Egypt, and Africa. 709 — 713. They cross the straits of Gibraltar, and invade and conquer Spain. "At the death of Mohammed, in 632, his temporal and reli- gious sovereignty embraced and was limited by the Ai'abian penin- sula. The Roman and Persian empires, engaged in tedious and indecisive hostility upon the rivers of Mesopotamia and the Armenian mountains, were viewed by the ambitious fanatics of his creed as their quarry. In the very first year of Mohammed's immediate successor, Abubeker, each of these mighty empires was invaded. The crumbling fabric of Eastern despotism is never secured against rapid and total subversion ; a few victories, a few sieges, carried the Arabian arms from the Tigris to the Oxus, and overthrew, with the Sassanian dynasty, the ancient and famous religion they had professed. Seven years of active and unceasing warfare sufficed to subjugate the rich province of Syria, though defended by numerous armies and fortified cities ; and the Khalif Omar had scarcely returned thanks for the accomplishment of this conquest, 'when Amrou, his lieutenant, announced to him tho entire reduction of Egypt. After some interval, the Saracens won their way along the coast of Africa, as far as the PiUars of Hercules, and a third province was irretrievably torn from the Greek empire. These western conquests introduced them to fresh enemies, and ushered in more splendid successes. Encouraged by the disunion of the Visigoths, and invited by treachery, Musa, the general of a master who sat beyond the opposite extremity of the Mediter- ranean Sea, passed over into Spain, and within about two years the name of Mohammed was invoked under tho Pyrenees." — • Uallam. 1^2 BA TTLE OF TO UR^. CHAPTEE VIL THE BATTLE OF TOURS, A.D. 732. " The events that rescued our ancestors of Britain, and our neighbours cl Gaul, from the civil and religious yoke of the Koran."— Gibbon. The broad tract of champaign country which, intervenes between the cities of Poictiers and Tours is principally composed of a suc- cession of rich pasture lands, which are traversed and fertilized by the Cher, the Creuse, the Yienne, the Claine, the Indre, and other tributaries of the river Loire. Here and there, the ground swells into picturesque eminences ; and occasionally a belt of forest land, a brown heath, or a clustering series t)f vineyards, breaks the mono- tony of the wide-spread meadows ; but the general character of the land is that of a grJtssy plain, and" it seems naturally adapted for the evolutions of numerous armies, especially of those vast bodies of cavalry which principally decided the fate of nations during the centuries that followed the downfall of Eome, and preceded the consolidation of the modern European powers. This region has been signalized by more than one memorable conflict ; but it is principally interesting to the historian, by having been the scene of the great victory won by Charles Martel over the Saracens, a.d. 732, which gave a decisive check to the career of Arab conquest in Western Europe, rescued Christendom from Islam, preserved the relics of ancient and the germs of modern civilization, and re-established the old superiority of the Indo- European over the Semitic family of mankind. Sismondi and Michelet have underrated the enduring interest of this great Appeal of Battle between the champions of the Crescent and the Cross. But, if French writers have slighted the exploits of their national hero, the Saracenic trophies of Charles Martel have had full justice done to them by English and German his- torians. Gibbon devotes several pages of his great work^ to the 1 YoL vii. p. 17, et seq. Gibbon's remark, that if the Saracen conquest Had not then been checked, " Perhaps the interpretation of the Koran would l^ATTLE OF TOURS. 153 narrative of the "battle of Tours, and to the consideration of the consequences which probably would have resulted, if Abderrah- man's enterprise had not been crushed by the Prankish chief. SchlegeP speaks of this "mighty victory" in terms of fervent gratitude ; and tells how " the arms of Charles Martel saved and delivered the Christian nations of the West from the deadly grasp of all-destroying Islam ;" and Eanke^ points out, as "one of the most important epochs in the history of the world, the commence- ment of the eighth century ; when, on the one side, Mahommed- anism threatened to overspread Italy and Gaul, and on the other, the ancient idolatry of Saxony and Friesland once more forced its way across the Khine. In this peril of Christian institutions, a youthful prince of Germanic race, Karl Martell, arose as their champion ; maintained them with all the energy which the neces- sity for self-defence calls forth, and finally extended them into new regions." Arnold ranks the victory of Charles Martel even higher than the victory of Arminius,^ ''among those signal deliverances which have affected for centuries the happiness of mankind." In fact, the more we test its importance, the higher we shall be led to estimate it j and, though the authentic details which we possess of its circum- stances and its heroes are but meagre, we can trace enough of its general character to make us watch with deep interest this encounter between the rival conquerors of the decaying Roman empire. That old classic world, the history of which occupies so large a portion of our early studies, lay, in the eighth century of our era, utterly exanimate and overthrown. On the north the German, on the south the Arab, was rending away its provinces. At last the spoilers encountered one another, each striving for the full mastery of the prey. Their conflict brought back upon the memory of Gibbon the old Homeric simile, where the strife of Hector and Patroclus over the dead body of Cebriones is compared to the combat of two lions, that in their hate and hunger fight together on the mountain-tops over the carcase of a slaughtered stag : and the reluctant yielding of the Saracen power to the superior might of the Northern warriors, might not inaptly recall those other lines of the same book of the Iliad, where the downfall of Patroclus now be taught in the achools of Oxford, and her pulpits might ilcmonstrats to a circumcised people the sanctity and truth of the revelation of Mahomet," nas almost an air of regret. 1 Philosophy of History, p. 331. 3 History of the Reformation in Germany, voL i. p. .'>. ' History of the later Roman Commomvealth, vol. ii. p. 317. 154 BATTLE OF TOURS. buneath Hector is likened to the forced yielding of the panting and exhausted wild boar, that had long and furiously fought with a superior beast of prey for the possession of the fountain among the rocks, at which each burned to drink. ^ Although three centuries had passed away since the Germanic conquerors of Eome had crossed the Khine, never to repass that frontier stream, no settled system of institutions or government, no amalgamation of the various races into one people, no uniformity of language or habits, had been established in the country, at the time when Charles Martel was called on to repel the menacing tide of Saracenic invasion from the south. Gaul was not yet France. In that, as in other provinces of the Eoman empire of the West, the dominion of the Caesars had been shattered as early as the fifth century, and barbaric kingdoms and principalities had promptly arisen on the ruins of the Eoman power. But few of these had any permanency; and none of them consolidated the rest, or any considerable number of the rest, into one coherent and organized civil and political society. The great bulk of the popu- lation still consisted of the conquered provincials, that is to say, of Eomanized Celts, of a Gallic race which had long been under the dominion of the Csesars, and had acquired, together with no slight infusion of Eoman blood, the language, the literature, the laws, and the civilization of Latium. Among these, and dominant over them, roved or dwelt the German victors : some retaining nearly all the rude independence of their primitive national character; others, softened and disciplined by the aspect and contact of the manners and institutions of civilized life. For it is to be borne in mind, that the Eoman empire in the West was not crushed by any sudden avalanche of barbaric invasion. The German conquerors came across the Ehine, not in enormous hosts, but in bands of a few thousand warriors at a time. The conquest of a province was the result of an infinite series of partial local invasions, carried on by little armies of this description. The victorious warriors either retired with their booty, or fixed themselves in the invaded district, "H-t* opeos Kopvffjcri nepl Krafievrjs i\dle put themselves in motion. *' The Normans moved on to the assault, and the English de- fended themselves well. Some were striking, others urging on- wards ; all were bold, and cast aside fear. And now, behold, that battle was gathered, whereof the fame is yet mighty. " Loud and far resounded the bray of the horns ; and the shocks of the lances, the mighty strokes of maces, and the quick clashing of swords. One while the Englishmen rushed on, another while they fell back ; one while the men from over the sea charged on- wards, and again at other times retreated. The l^ormans shouted *Dex aie,' the English ^ people 'Out.' Then came the cunning manoeuvres, the rude shocks and strokes of the lance and blows of the swords, among the sergeants and soldiers, both English and Norman. " When the English fall, the Normans shout. Each side taunts and defies the other, yet neither knoweth what the other saith ; and the Normans say the Enghsh bark, because they understand not their speech. " Some wax strong, others weak : the brave exult, but the cowards tremble, as men who are sore dismayed. The Normans press on the assault, and the English defend their post well : they pierce the hauberks, and cleave the shields, receive and return mighty blows. Again, some press forwards, others yield ; and thus in various ways the struggle proceeds. In the plain was a fosse, which the Normans had now behind them, having passed it in the fight without regarding it. But the English charged, and drove the Normans hefore them till they made them fall back upon this fosse, overthrowing into it horses and men. Many were to be seen falling therein, rolling one over the other, with their faces to the earth, and unable to rise. Many of the English, also, whom the Normans drew down along with them, died there. At no time during the day's battle did so many Normans die as perished in that fosse. So those said who saw the dead. *' The varlets who were set to guard the harness began to abandon it as they saw the loss of the Frenchmen, when thrown back upon the fosse without power to recover themselves. Eeing greatly alarmed at seeing the difficulty in restoring order, they began to quit the harness, and sought around, not knowing where to find shelter. Then Duke "William's brother, Odo, the good priest, the 33ishop of Bayeux, galloped up, and said to them, * Stand fast ! stand fast ! be quiet and move not ! fear nothing, for if God please, we shall conquer yet.' So they took courage, and rested where ,S? BATTLE OF HASTINGS. chey were ; and Odo returned galloping Lack to where tlie battle was most fierce, and was of great service on that day. He had put a hauberk on, over a white aube, wide in the body, with the sleeve tight \ and sat on a white horse, so that all might recognise him. In his hand he held a mace, and wherever he saw most need he held up and stationed the knights, and often urged them on to assault and strike the enemy. " From nine o'clock in the morning, when the combat began, till three o'clock came, the battle was up and down, this way and that, and no one knew who would conquer and win the land. Both sides stood so firm and fought so well, that no one could guess which would prevail. The Norman archers with their bows shot thickly upon the English ; but they covered themselves with their shields, so that the arrows could not reach their bodies, nor do any mischief, how true soever was their aim, or however well they shot. Then the ISTormans determined to shoot their arrows upwards into the air, so that they might fall on their enemies' heads, and strike their faces. The archers adopted this scheme, and shot up into the air towards the English; and the arrows in falling struck their heads and faces, and put out the eyes of many j and all feared to open their eyes, or leave their faces unguarded. " The arrows now flew thicker than rain before the wind ; fast sped the shafts that the English called * wibetes.' Then it was that an arrow, that had been thus shot upwards, struck Harold above his right eye, and put it out. In his agony he drew the arrow and threw it away, breaking it with his hands : and the pain to his head was so great, that he leaned upon his shield. So the English were wont to say, and still say to the French, that the ^rrow was well shot which was so sent up against their king ; and that the archer won them great glory, who thus put out Harold's eye. " The Normans saw that the English defended themselves well, and were so strong in their position that they could do little against them. So they consulted together privily, and arranged to draw sir, and pretend to flee, till the English should pursue and scatter themselves over the field ; for they saw that if they could once get thfldr enemies to break their ranks, they might be attacked and discomfited much more easily. As they had said, so they did. The Normans by little and little fled, the English following them. As the one fell back, the other pressed after; and when the French- men retreated, the English thought and cried out that the men oi France fled, and would never return. " Thus they were deceived by the pretended flight, and great mischief thereby befell them; for if they had not mQved from their BA TILE OF HASTINGS. 1 89 position, it is not likely that they would have been conquered at all ; but like fools they broke their lines and pursued. " The !N'ormans were to be seen following up their stratagem, retreating slowly so as to draw the English further on. As they still flee, the English pursue ; they push out their lances and stretch forth their hatchets : following the Normans, as they go rejoicing in the success of their scheme, and scattering them- selves over the plain. And the English meantime jeered and insulted their foes with words. * Cowards,' they cried, ' you came hither in an evil hour, wanting our lands, and seeking to seize our property, fools that ye were to come ! iN'ormandy is too far oJ0P, and you will not easily reach it. It is of little use to run back ; unless you can cross the sea at a leap, or can drink it dry, your sons and daughters are lost to you. " The Normans bore it all, but in fact they knew not what the English said : their language seemed like the baying of dogs, which they could not understand. At length they stopped and turned round, determined to recover their ranks ; and the barons might bo heard crying * Dex aie !' for a halt. Then the Normans resumed their former position, turning their faces towards the enemy j and their men were to be seen facing round and rushing onwards to a fresh melee; the one party assaulting the other j this man striking, another pressing onwards. One hits, another misses j one flies, another pursues ; one is aiming a stroke, while another discharges his blow. Norman strives with Englishman again, and aims his blows afresh. One flies, another pursues swiftly : the combatants are many, the plain wide, the battle and the melee fierce. On every hand they fight hard, the blows are heavy, and the struggle becomes fierce. " The Normans were playing their part well, when an English knight came rushing up, having in his company a hundred men, furnished with various arms. He wielded a northern hatchet, with the blade a full foot long ; and was well armed after his manner, being tall, bold, and of noble carriage. In the front of the battle where the Normans thronged most, he came bounding on swifter than the stag, many Normans falling before him and his company. He rushed straight upon a Norman who was armed and riding on a war-horse, and tried with his hatchet of steel to cleave his helmet; but the blow miscarried, and the sharp blade glanced down before the s?.ddle-bow, driving through the horse's neck down to the ground, so that both horse and master fell together to the earth. I know not whether the Englishman struck another blow ; but tlio Normans who saw the stroke were astonished, ard about to abandon j^u BATTLE OF HASTINGS. the assault, when Eoger de Mongomeri came galloping up, with his lance set, and heeding not the long-handled axe, which the English- man wielded aloft, struck him down, and left him stretched upon the ground. Then Eoger cried out, * Frenchmen, strike ! the day is ours !' And again a fierce melee was to be seen, with many a blow of lance and sword ; the English still defending themselves, killing the horses and cleaving the shields. " There was a French soldier of noble mien, who sat his horse gallantly. He spied two Englishmen who were also carrying them- selves boldly. They were both men of great worth, and had become companions in arms and fought together, the one protecting the other. They bore two long and broad bills, and did great mischief to the Normans, killing both horses and men. The French soldier looked at them and their bills, and was sore alarmed, for he was afraid of losing his good horse, the best that he had ; and would willingly have turned to some other quarter, if it would not have looked like cowardice. He soon, however, recovered his courage, and spurring his horse gave him the bridle, and galloped swiftly forward. Fearing the two bills, he raised his shield, and struck one of the Englishmen with his lance on the breast, so that the iron passed out at his back. At the moment that he fell the lance broke, and the Frenchmen seized the mace that hung at his right side, and struck the other Englishman a blow that completely broke his skull. " On the other side was an Englishman who much annoyed the French, continually assaulting them with a keen-edged hatchet. He had a helmet made of wood, which he had fastened down to his coat, and laced round his neck, so that no blows could reach his head. The ravage he was making was seen by a gallant ISTorman knight, who rode a horse that neither fire nor water could stop in its career, when its master urged it on. The knight spurred, and his horse carried him on well till he charged the Englishman, striking him over the helmet, so that it fell down over his eyes ; and as he stretched out his hand to raise it and uncover the face, the Norman cut off his right hand, so that his hatchet fell to the ground. Another Norman sprang forward and eagerly seized the prize with both his hands, but he kept it little space, and paid dearly for it, for as he stooped to pick up the hatchet, an English- man with his long-handled axe struck him over the back, breaking all his bones, so that his entrails and lungs gushed forth. The knight of the good horse meantime returned without injuiy ; but on his way he met another Englishman, and •bore him down under his horse, wounding him grievously, and trampling him altogether under foot. BATTLE OF HASTINGS. 191 '* And now might be heard the loud clang and cry of battle, and the clashing of lances. The English stood firm in their barricades, and shivered the lances, beating them into pieces with their bills and maces. The Xormans drew their swords, and hewed down the barricades, and the English in great trouble fell back upon their standard, where were collected the maimed and wounded. "There were many knights of Chauz, who jousted and made attacks. The English knew not how to joust, or bear arms on horseback, but fought with hatchets and bills. A man when he wanted to strike with one of their hatchets, was obliged to hold it with both his hands, and could not at the same time, as it seems to me, both cover himself and strike with any freedom. " The English fell back towards the standard, which was upon a rising ground, and the I^ormans followed them across the vallej'-, attacking them on foot and horseback. Then Hue de Mortemer, with the sires D'Auviler, D'Onebac, and St. Cler, rode up and charged, overthrowing many. " Eobert Fitz Erneis fixed his lance, took his shield, and, gallop- ing towards the standard, with his keen-edged sword struck an Englishman who was in front, killed him, and then drawing back his sword, attacked many others, and pushed straight for the standard, trying to beat it down, but the English surrounded it, and killed him witli their bills. He was found on the spot, when they afterwards sought for him, dead, and lying at the standard's foot. " Duke William pressed close upon the English with his lance ; striving hard to reach the standard with the great troop he led ; and seeking earnestly for Harold, on whose account the whole war was. The Normans follow their lord, and press around him ; they ply their blows upon the English ; and these defend themselves stoutly, striving hard with their enemies, returning blow for blow. " One of them was a man of great strength, a wrestler, who did great mischief to the Normans with his hatchet ; all feared him, for he struck down a great many Normans. The Duke spurred on his horse, and aimed a blow at him, but he stooped, and so escaped the stroke ; then jumping on one side, he lifted his hatchet aloft, and as the Duke bent to avoid the blow the Englishman boldly struck him on the head, and beat in his helmet, though without doing much injury. He was very near falling, however, but bearing on his stirrups he recovered himself immediately; and when he thought to have revenged himself upon the churl by killing him, he had escaped, dreading the Duke's blow. He ran back in among the English, but he was not safe even there; for the Normana seeing liim, pursued and caught him ; and having pierced him 192 BATTLE OF HASTINGS. through and through with their lances, left him dead on the ground. " Where the throng of the battle was greatest, the men of Kent and Essex fought wondrously well, and made the Normans again retreat, but without doing them much injury. And when the Duke saw his men fall back and the English triumphing over them, his spirit rose high, and he seized his shield and his lance, which a vassal handed to him, and took his post by his standard. "Then those who kept close guard by him and rode where ho rode, being about a thousand armed men, came and rushed with closed ranks upon the English ; and with the weight of their good horses, and the blows the knights gave, broke the press of the enemy, and scattered the crowd before them, the good Duke leading them on in front. Many pursued and many fled ; many were the Englishmen who fell around, and were trampled under the horses, crawling upon the earth, and not able to rise. Many of the richest and noblest men fell in that rout, but the English still rallied in places j smote down those whom they reached, and maintained the combat the best they could j beating down the men and killing the horses. One Englishman watched the Duke, and plotted to kill him ; he would have struck him with his lance, but he could not, for the Duke struck him first, and felled him to the earth. "Loud was now the clamour, and great the slaughter; many a soul then quitted the body it inhabited. The living marched over the heaps of dead, and each side was weary of striking. Ho charged on who could, and he who could no longer strike still pushed forward. The strong struggled with the strong; some failed, others triumphed ; the cowards fell back, the brave pressed on ; and sad was his fate who fell in the midst, for he had little chance of rising again ; and many in truth fell, who never rose at all, being crushed under the throng. " And now the I^ormans pressed on so far, that at last they had reached the standard. There Harold had remained, defending himself to the utmost ; but he was sorely wounded in his eye by the arrow, and suffered grievous pain from the blow. An armed man came in the throng of the battle, and struck him on the ven- taille of his helmet, and beat him to the ground ; and as he sought: to recover himself, a knight beat him down again, striking him on the thick of his thigh, down to the bone. " Gurth saw the English falling around, and that there was no- r-^medy. He saw his race hastening to ruin, and despaired of any Hid ; he would have fled but could not, for the throng continually ir creased. And the Duke pushed on till he reached him, and BATTLE OF HASTINGS. 193 struck him with great force. Whether he died of that blow I know not, but it was said that he fell under it, and rose no more. " The standard was beaten down, the golden standard was taken, and Harold and the best of his friends were slain ; but there was so much eagerness, and throng of so many around, seeking to kill him, that I know not who it was that slew him. " The English were in great trouble at having lost their king, and at the Duke's having conquered and beat down the standard j but they still fought on, and defended themselves long, and in fact till the day drew to a close. Then it clearly appeared to all that the' standard was lost, and the news had spread throughout the army| that Harold for certain was dead ; and all saw that there was no longer any hope, so they left the field, and those fled who could, i " William fought well \ many an assault did he lead, many a' blow did he give, and many receive, and many fell dead under his hand. Two horses were killed under him, and he took a third at time of need, so that he fell not to the ground ; and he lost not a drop of blood. But whatever any one did, and whoever lived or died, this is certain, that William conquered, and that many of the English fled from the field, and many died on the spot. Then he returned thanks to God, and in his pride ordered his standard to be brought and set up on high where the English standard had stood; and that was the signal of his having conquered and beaten down the foe. And he ordered his tent to be raised on the spot among the dead, and had his meat brought thither, and his supper prepared there. "Then he took off his armour; and the barons and knights,' pages and squires came, when he had unstrung his shield : and they took ihe helmet from his head, and the hauberk from his back, and saw the heavy blows upon his shield, and how his helmet was dinted in. And all greatly wondered, and said, ' Such a baron never bestrode war-horse, or dealt such blows, or did such feats of arms ; neither has there been on earth such a knight since Eollant and Olivier.' "Thus they lauded and extolled him greatly, and rejoiced in what they saw ; but grieving also for their friends who were slain in the battle. And the Duke stood meanwhile among them of noble stature and mien ; and rendered thanks to the King of Glory, through whom he had the victory; and thanked the knights around him, mourning also frequently for the dead. And he ate and drank among the dead, and made his bed that night upon the field. /, " The morrow was Sunday ; and those who had slept upon the field of battle, keeping watch around, and suffering great fatigue, o 194 BATTLE OF HASTINGS. bestirred themselves at break of day and souglit tut and buried such of the bodies of their dead friends as they might find. The noblo ladies of the land also came, some to seek their husbands, and othcra their fathers, sons, or brothers. They bore the bodies to their villages, and interred them at the churches; and the clerks and priests of the country were ready, and at the request of their friends, took the bodies that were found, and prepared graves and laid them therein. " King Harold was carried and buried at Yarham ; but I know not who it was that bore him thither, neither do I know who buried him. Many remained on the field, and many had fled in the night." Such is a Norman account of the battle of Hastings,^ which does fuU justice to the valour of the Saxons, as well as to the skill on your peuple that was Assembled there in grete nombre, caused in grete partie, as y trowe, of lakke of sadde beleve, and of unlevefulle double, that thei hadde of a disciple and lyme of tlie Feende, called the Pucelle, that used f ah enchantments and sorcerle. " TJie whiche strooJce and discomfiture not oonly lessed in grete partie the nombre of your peuple there, but as well wiihdrewe the courage of the remenant in merveillous wyse, and couraiged your adverse partie and ennemys to assemble them forthwith in grete nombre.^' When Charles had been anointed King of France, Joan believed that her mission was "accomplished. And in truth the deliverance of Erance from the English, though not completed for many years afterwards, was then insured. The ceremony of a royal coronation. and anointment was not in those days regarded as a mere costly formality. It was believed to confer the sanction and the grace of heaven upon the prince, who had previously ruled with mere human authority. Thenceforth he was the Lord's Anointed. Moreover, one of the difficulties that had previously lain in the way of many Frenchman when called on to support Charles VII. was now removed. He had been publicly stigmatised, even by his own parents, as no true son of the royal race of France. The queen-mother, the English, and the partisans of Burgundy, called him the " Pretender to the title of Dauphin ;" but those who had been led to doubt his legitimacy, were cured of their scepticism by the victories of the Holy Maid, and by the fulfilment of her pledges. They thought that heaven had now declared itself iii favour of Charles as the true heir of the crown of St. Louis ; and the tales about his being spurious were thenceforth regarded as mere English calumnies. With this strong tide of national feeling in his favour, with victorious generals and soldiers round him, and a dispirited and divided enemy before him, he could not fail to conqaer; though his own imprudence and misconduct, and the stubborn valour which some of the English still displayed, pro- longed the war in France nearly to the time when the civil war of the Eoses broke out in England, and insured for France peace and repose. 1 Vol. X. p. 403. AT ORLEANS. 215 Joan knelt before the new-crowned king in the cathedral of Rheinis, and shed tears of joy. She said that she had then fid- filled the work which the Lord had commanded her. The young girl now asked for her dismissal. She wished to return to her peasant home, to tend her parent's flocks again, and to live at her own will in her native village.^ She had always believed that her career* would be a short one. But Charles and his captains were loth to lose the presence of one who had such an influence upon the soldiery and the people. They persuaded her to stay with the army. She stilt^ showed the same bravery and zeal for the cause of France. She was as fervent as before in her prayers, and as exem- plary in all religious duties. She still heard her Heavenly Voices, but she now no longer thought herself the appointed minister of heaven to lead her countrymen to certain victory. Our admiration for her courage and patriotism ought to be increased a hundred-fold by her conduct throughout the latter part of her career, amid dangers, against which she no longer believed herself to be divinely secured. Indeed she believed herself doomed to perish in little more than a year; 2 but she still fought on as resoiutely, if not as exultingly as ever. As in the case of Arminius, the interest attached to indi\idual heroism and virtue makes us trace the fate of Joan of Arc after she had saved her country. She served well with Charles's army in the capture of Laon, Soissons, Compeigne, Beauvais, and other strong places; but in a premature attack on Paris, in September 1429, the French were repulsed, and Joan was severely wounded. In the winter she was again in the field with some of the French troops ; and in the following spring she threw herself into the fortress of Compeigne, which she had herself won for the French king in the preceding autumn, and which was now besieged by a strong Burgundian force. She was taken prisoner in a sally from Compeigne, on the 24th of May, and was imprisoned by the Burgundians first at Arras, and then at a place called Crotoy, on the Flemish coast, until November, when for payment of a large sum of money, she was given up to the English, and taken to Rouen, which was then their m'ain stronghold in France. " Sorrow it were, and shame to toll, The butchery that there befell : " 1 " Jo voudrais bien qu'il voulut me faire ramencr aupres mcs p6ro et mere, & garder leurs brebis ct bctail, ct faire ce qne je voudrois t'aire." ^ " Des le commencement ello avait dit, Ml mo faut employer: je ne durcrai cj^u'un an, ou gucre plus." — Micuelet, v. p. 101. 2i6 SYNOPSIS OF EVENTS TO And the revolting details of tlie cruelties practised upon this young girl may be left to those, whose duty as avowed biographers, it is to describe them.^ She was tried befoi-e an ecclesiastical tribunal on the charge of witchcraft, and on the 30th of May, 1431, she was burnt alive in the market-place at Eouen. I will add but one remark on the character of the truest heroine that the world has ever seen. If any person can be found in the present age who would join in the scoffs of Voltaire against the Maid of Orleans and the Heavenly Voices by which she believed herself inspired, let him read the life of the wisest and best man that the heathen nations ever produced. Let him read of the Heavenly Voice, by which Socrates believed himself to be constantly attended; which cautioned him on his way from the field of battle at Delium, and which from his boyhood to the time of his death visited him with unearthly warnings.^ Let the modern reader reflect upon this ; and then, unless he is pre- pared to term Socrates either fool or impostor, let him not dare to deride or vilify Joan of Arc. SYNOPSIS OF EVENTS BETWEEN JOAN OF ARC'S VICTORY AT ORLEANS, A.T). 1429, AND THE DEFEAT OF THE SrANISII ARMADA, A.D. 1588. , , ' A.D. 1452. Final expulsion of the English from France. 1453. Constantinople taken, and the Koman empire of the East destroyed by the Turkish Sultan Mahomet II. 1455. Commencement of the civil wars in England between the Houses of York and Lancaster. 1479. Union of the Christian kingdoms of Spain under Ferdinand and Isabella. >492. Capture of Grenada by Ferdi;;iand and Isabella, and end of the Moorish dominion in Spain. 1 The whole of the " Proces de Condamnation et de Rehabilitation de Jeanne d' Arc " has been published iu five volumes, by the Societe de I'Histoiro de France. All the passages from contemporary chroniclers and poets are added ; and the most ample materials are thus given for acquiring full in- formation on a subject which is, to an Englishman, one of painful interest. There is an admirable essay on Joan of Arc, in the 138th number of the Quarterly. 2 See Cicero, de Divinatione, lib. i. sec. 41 ; and see the words of Socrates himself, in Plato, Apol. Soc. "Ori fxoi Qei6v n koI Zaifxdviov yiyveTai. 'E//0I 5< THE DEFEAT OF THE ARMADA. 217 1492. Columbus discovers the New "World. 1494. Charles VIII. of Erance invades Italy. 1497. Expedition of Vasco di Gama to the East Indies round the Cape of Good Hope. 1503. Naples conquered from the Erench by the great Spanish general, Gonsalvo of Cordova. 1508. League of Cambray, by the Pope, the Emperor, and the King of Erance, against Venice. 1509. Albuquerque establishes the empire of the Portuguese in the East Indies. 151 &. Death of Eerdinand of Spain; he is succeeded by his grandson Charles, afterwards the Emperor Charles V. 1517. Dispute between Luther and Tetzel respecting the sale of indulgences, which is the immediate cause of the Reformation. 1519. Charles V. is elected Emperor of Germany. 1520. Cortez conquers Mexico. 1525. Francis I. of Erance defeated and taken prisoner by the imperial army at Pavia. 1529. League of Smalcald formed by the Protestant princes of Germany. 1533. Henry VIII. renounces the Papal supremacy. 1533. Pizarro conquers Peru. 1556. Abdication of the Emperor Charles V. Philip II. becomes King of Spain, and Eerdinand I. Emperor of Germany. 1557. Elizai3eth becomes Queen of England. 1557. The Spaniards defeat the French at the battle of St Quentin. 1571. Don John of Austria at the head of the Spanish fleet, aided by the Venetian and the Papal squadrons, defeats the Turka at Lepanto. 1572. Massacre of the Protestants in France on St. Bartholomew's day. 1579, The Netherlands revolt against Spain. 1580. Philip II. conquers Portj 21 8 DEFEAT OF CHAPTER X. THE DEFEAT OF THE SPANISH' ARMADA, A.D. 1588. " In that memorable year, wlien tlie dark cloud gathered round our coasts, when Europe stood by in fearful suspense to behold what should be the result of that great cast in the game of human politics, what the craft of Rome, the power of Philip, the genius of Farnese, could achieve against the island- queen, with her Drakes and Cecils,— in that agony of the Protestant faith and English name." — Hallam, Const. Hist. vol. i. p. 220. On the afternoon of tlie 19th of July, a.d. 1588, a group of English captains was collected at the Bowling Green on the Hoe at Plymouth, whose equals have never before or since been brought together, even at that favourite mustering-place of the heroes of the British navy. There was Sir Francis Drake, the first English circumnavigator of the globe, the terror of every Spanish coast in the Old World and the New ; there was Sir John Hawkins, the rough veteran of many a daring voyage on the African and" American seas, and of many a desperate battle j there was Sir Martin Fr^r bisher, one of the earliest explorers of the Arctic seas in search of tFat North-West Passage which is still the darling object of England's boldest mariners. There was the high- admiral of England, Lord Howard of EfTingham, prodigal of all things in his country's cause, and who had recently had the noble daring to refuse to dismantle part of the fleet, though the Queen had sent him orders to do so, in consequence of an exaggerated report that the enemy had been driven back and shattered by a storm. Lord Howard (whom contemporary writers describe as being of a wise and noble courage, skilful in sea matters, wary and provident, and of great esteem among the sailors) resolved to risk his sovereign's anger, and to keep the ships afloat at his own charge, rather than that England should run the peril of losing their protection. Another of our Elizabethan sea-kings, Sir Walter Ealeigh, was at that time commissioned to raise and equip the land-forces of Corn- wall ; but, as he was also commander of Plymouth, we may well believe that he must have availed himself of the opportunity of consulting with the lord admiral and other high officers which wj^ THE SPANISH ARATADA. ?ig offered by the EnglisL fleet putting into that port ; and we may look on Ealeigh as one of the group that was assembled at the Bowling Green on the Hoe. Many other brave men and skilful mariners, besides the chiefs whose names have been mentioned, were there, enjoying, with true sailor-like merriment, tlieir temporary relaxation from duty. In the harbour lay the English fleet with which they had just returned from a cruise to Cornnna in search of information respecting the real condition and movements of the hostile Armada. Lord Howard had ascertained that our enemies, though tempest- tost, were still formidably strong; and fearing that part of their fleet might make for England in his absence, he had hurried back to the Devonshire coast. He resumed his station at Plymouth, and waited there for certain tidings of the Spaniard's approach. A match at bowls was being played, in which Drake and other high officers of the fleet were engaged, when a small armed vessel was seen running before the wind into Plymouth harbour, with all sc?ls set. Her commander landed in haste, and eagerly sought the place where the English lord-admiral and his captains were standing. His name was Fleming; he was the master of a Scotch privateer; and he told the English officers that he had that morning seen the Spanish Armada oft' the Cornish coast. At this exciting information the captains began to hurry down to the water, and there was a shouting for the ship's boats : but Drake coolly checked his com- rades, and insisted that the match should be played out. He said that there was plenty of time both to win the game and beat the Spaniards. The best and bravest match that ever was scored was resumed accordingly. Drake and his friends aimed their last bowls with the same steady calculating coolness with which they were about to point their guns. The winning cast was made ; and then they went on board and prepared for action, with their hearts as light and their nerves as firm as they had been on the Hoe Bowling Green. j\Ieanwliile the messengers and signals had been despatched fast and far through England, to warn each town and village that the enemy had come at last. In every seaport there was instant making ready by land and by sea ; in every shire and every city there was instant mustering of horse and man.^ But England's best defence then, as ever, w^as her fleet ; and after warping laboriously out of 1 In Macaiilay's Ballad on the Spanish Annada, the transmission of the tidings of tlic Armada's approach, and the arming of the English nation, are magnificently described. The progress of the fire-signals is dci)icted in lines which are worthy of comparison with the renowned passage in tlie Agamemnon, which describes the transmission of the beacon-light announcing the fall of Troy, from Mount Ida to Argos. 2 20 DEFEAT Oh Plynieutli harbour against the wind, the lord-admiral stood west- ward under easy sail, keeping an anxious look-out for the Armada, the approach of which was soon announced by Cornish fishing-boats, and signals from the Cornish cliffs. The England of our own days is so strong, and the Spain of our own days is so feeble, that it is not possible, without some reflection and care, to comprehend the full extent of the peril which England then ran from the power and the ambition of Spain, or to appreciate the importance of that crisis in the history of the world. We had then no Indian or Colonial Empire save the feeble germs of our North American settlements, which Ealeigh and Gilbert had re- cently planted. Scotland was a separate kingdom ; and Ireland was then even a greater source of weakness, and a worse nest of rebellion than she has been in after times. Queen Elizabeth had found at her accession an encumbered revenue, a divided people, and an unsuccessful foreign war, in which the last remnant of our possessions in France had been lost ; she had also a formidable pre- tender to her crown, whose interests were favoured by all the Eoman Catholic powers ; and even some of her subjects were warped by- religious bigotry to deny her title, and to look on her as an heretical usurper. It is true that during the years of her reign which had passed away before the attempted invasion of 1588, she had revived the commercial prosperity, the national spirit, and the national loyalty of England. But her resources, to cope with the colossal power of Philip II., still seemed most scanty ; and she had not a single foreigii ally, except the Dutch, who were themselves struggling hard, and, as it seemed, hopelessly, to maintain their revolt against Spain. On the other hand, Philip IT. was absolute master of an empire so superior to the other states of the world in extent, in resources, and especially in military and naval forces, as to' make the project of enlarging that empire into a universal monarchy seem a perfectly feasible scheme ; and Philip had both the ambition to form that project, and the res )lution to devote all his energies, and all his means, to its realization. Since the downfall of the Eoman empire no such preponderating power had existed in the world. During the mediaeval centuries the chief European kingdoms were slowly moulding themselves out of the feudal chaos. And, though their wars with each other were numerous and desperate, and several of their respective kings figured for a time as mighty conquerors, none of them in those times acquired the consistency and jDcrfect organi- zation which are requisite for a long-sustained career of aggrandize- ment. After the consolidation of the great kingdoms, they for some THE SPANISH ARMADA . 221 timo kq)t each other in mutual check. During the first half of tho sixteenth century, tho balancing system was L'uccessfully practised by European statesmen. But when Philip II. reigned, France had become so miserably weak through her civil wars, that he had nothing to dread from the rival state, w^hich had so long curbed hia father the Emperor Charles V. In Germany, Italy, and Poland he bad either zealous friends and dependents, or weak and divided enemies. Against the Turks he had gained great and glorious successes ; and he might look round the continent of Europe with- out discerning a single antagonist of whom he could stand in awe. Spain, when he acceded to the throne, was at the zenith of her power. The hardihood and spirit which the Arragonese, the Castilians, and the other nations of the peninsula had acquired during centuries of free institutions and successful war against the Moors, had not yet become obliterated. Charles V. had, indeed, destro3''ed the liberties of Spain; but that had been done too recently for its full evil to be felt in Philip's time. A people can- not be debased in a single generation ; and the Spaniards under Charles Y. and Philip II. proved the truth of the remark, that no nation is ever so formidable to its neighbours, for a time, as is a nation, which, after being trained up in self-government, passes sud- denly under a despotic ruler. The energy of democratic institutions survives for a few generations, and to it are superadded the decision and certainty, which are the attributes of government, when all its powers are directed by a single mind. It is true that this preter- natural vigour is short-lived : national corruption and debasement gradually follow the loss of the national liberties ; but there is an interval before their workings are felt, and in that interval the most ambitious schemes of foreign conquest are often successfully under- taken. Philip had also the advantage of finding himself at the head of a large standing army in a perfect state of discipline and equipment, in an age when, except some few insignificant corps, standing armies were unknown in Christendom. The renown of the Spanish troops was justly high, and the infantry in particular was con- sidered the best in the world. His fleet, also, was far more numerous, and better appointed, than that of any other European power ; and both his soldiers and his sailors had the confidence in themselves and their commanders, which a long career of successful warfare alone can create. Besides the Spanish crown, Philip succeeded to tho kingdom of Naples and Sicily, the Duchy of Milan, Eranche-Comt6, and the Motherlands. In Africa he possessed Tunis, Oran, the Cape Verel, Z32 DEFEAT OF and the Canary Islands ; and in Asia, the Philippine and Sunda Islands, and a part of the Moluccas. Bej^ond the Atlantic he was lord of the most splendid portions of the ITew world which " Columbus found for Castile and Leon." The empires of Peru and Mexico, iN'ew Spain, and Chili, with their abundant mines of the precious metals, Hispaniola and Cuba, and many other of the American Islands, were provinces of the sovereign of Spain. Philip had, indeed, experienced the mortification of seeing the inhabitants of the Netherlands revolt against his authority, nor could he succeed in bringing back beneath the Spanish sceptre all the possessions which his father had bequeathed to him. But he had reconquered a large number of the towns and districts that originally took up arms against him. Belgium was brought more thoroughly into implicit obedience to Spain than she had been before her insurrection, and it was only Holland and the six other Northern States that still held out against his arms. The contest had also formed a compact and veteran army on Philip's side, which, under his great general, the Prince of Parma, had been trained to act togetlier under all difficulties and all vicissitudes of warfare ; and on whoso steadiness and loyalty perfect reliance might be placed throughout any enterprise, however difficult and tedious. Alexander Parnese, Prince of Parma, captain-general of the Spanish armies, and governor of the Spanish possessions in the Netherlands, was beyond all comparison the greatest military genius of his age. He was also highly distinguished for political wisdom and sagacity, and for his great administrative talents. He was idolised by his troops, whose affections he knew how to win without relaxing their discipline or diminishing his own authority. Pre-eminently cool and circumspect in his plans, but swift and energetic when the moment arrived for striking a decisive blow, neglecting no risk that caution could provide against, conciliating even the populations of the districts which he attacked by his scrupulous good faith, his moderation, and his address, Parnese was one of the most formidable generals that ever could be placed at the head of an army designed not only to win battles, but to effect conquests. Happy it is for England and the world that this island was saved from becoming an arena for the exhibition of his powers. Whatever diminution the Spanish empire might have sustained in the Netherlands, seemed to be more than compensated by the acquisition of Portugal, which Philip had completely conquered in 1580. Not only that ancient kingdom itself, but all the fruits of the maritime enterprises of the Portuguese had fallen into Philip's hards All tlie Portuguese colonies in America^ Africa, and the THE SPANISH ARMADA. 2-y East Indies, acknowledged the sovereignty of the King of Spain ; who thus not only united the whole Iberian peninsula under his single sceptre, but had acquired a transmarine empire, little inferior in wealth and extent to that which he had inherited at his acces- sion. The splendid victory which his fleet, in conjunction with the Papal and Venetian galleys, had gained at Lepanto over the Turks, had deservedly exalted the fame of the Spanish marine throughout Christendom; and when Philip had reigned thirty-five years, the vigour of his empire seemed unbroken, and the glory of the Spanish arms had increased, and was increasing throughout the world. One nation only had been his active, his persevering, and his successful foe. England had encouraged his revolted subjects in Flanders against him, and given them the aid in men and money without which they must soon have been humbled in the dust. English ships had plundered his colonies ; had defied his supremacy in the New World, as weU as the Old; they had inflicted igno- minious defeats on his squadrons; they had captured his cities, and burned his arsenals on the very coasts of Spain. The English had made Philip himself the object of personal insult. He was held up to ridicule in their stage plays and masks, and these scoffs at the man had (as is not unusual in such cases) excited the anger of the absolute king, even more vehemently than the injuries inflicted on his power.^ Personal as well as political revengo urged him to attack England. Were she once subdued, the Dutch must submit ; France could not cope with him, the empire would not oppose him; and universal dominion seemed sure to be the result of the conquest of that malignant island. There was yet another and a stronger feeling which armed King Philip against England. He was one of the sincerest and sternest bigots of his age. He looked on himself, and was looked on by others, as the appointed champion to extirpate heresy and re-establish the Papal power throughout Europe. A powerful reaction against Protestantism had taken place since the commencement of tho second half of the sixteenth century, and Philip believed that ho was destined to complete it. The Eeform doctrines had been thoroughly rooted out from Italy and Spain. Belgium, which had [)reviously been half Protestant, had been reconquered both in allegiance and creed by Philip, and had become one of tho most Catholic countries in the world. Half Germany had been won back to the old faith. In Savoy, in Switzerland, and many other countries, the progress of the counter-Reformation had been rapid and decisive. The Catholic league seemed victorious in FranceL * See Ranke'a Hist. Popes, voL ii. p. 170. 224 DEFEAT OF The Papal Court itself had shaken off the supineness of recent centuries ; and, at the head of the Jesuits and the other new eccle- siastical orders, was displaying a vigour and a boldness worthy of the days of Hildebrand or Innocent III. Throughout continental Europe, the Protestants, discomfited and and dismayed, looked to England as their protector and refuge. England was the acknowledged central point of Protestant power and policy j and to conquer England was to stab Protestantism to the very heart. Sixtus V., the then reigning pope, earnestly exhorted Philip to this enterprise. And when the tidings reached Italy and Spain that the Protestant Queen of England had put to death her Catholic prisoner, Mary Queen of Scots, the fury of the Vatican and Escurial knew no bounds. The Prince of Parma, who was appointed military chief of the expedition, collected on the coast of Flanders a veteran force that was to play a principal part in the conquest of England. Besides the troops who were in his garrisons, or under his colours, five thousand infantry were sent to him from northern and central Italy, four thousand from the kingdom of Naples, six thousand from Castile, three thousand from Arragon, three thousand from Austria and Germany, together with four squadrons of heavy- armed horse ; besides which he received forces from the Eranche- Comt^ and the Walloon country. By his command, the forest of Waes was felled for the purpose of building flat-bottomed boats, which, floating down the rivers and canals to Meinport and Dun- kerque, were to carry this large army of chosen troops to the mouth of the Thames, under the escort of the great Spanish fleet. Gun- carriages, fascines, machines used in sieges, together with every material requisite for building bridges, forming camps, and raising fortresses, were to be placed on board the flotillas of the Prince of Parma, who followed up the conquest of the Netherlands, whilst he was making preparations for the invasion of this island. Favoured by the dissensions between the insurgents of the United Provinces and Leicester, the Prince of Parma had recovered Deventer, as well as a fort before Zutphen, which the English commanders, Sir William Stanley, the friend of Babington, and Sir Eoland York, had surrendered to him, when with their troops they passed over to the service of Philip II., after the death of Mary Stuart, and he had also made himself master of the Sluys. His intention was to leave to the Count de Mansfeldt sufficient forces tx) follow up the war with the Dutch, which had now become a secondary object, whilst he himself went at the head of fifty thousand men of the Armada and the flotilla, to acccmpUsh the THE SPANISH ARMADA. 225 princijial enlerprise — that enterprise, which, ia tlie highest degree, affected the interests of the pontifical authority. In a bull, in- tended to be kept secret until the day of landing, Sixtus Y., renew- ing the anathema fulminated against Elizabeth by Pius V. and Gregory XIII., affected to depose her from our throne.^ Elizabeth was denounced as a murderous heretic whose destruction was an instant duty. A formal treaty was concluded (in June, 1587), by which the pope bound himself to contribute a million of scudi to the expenses of the war ; the money to be paid as soon as the king had actual possession of "an English port. Philip, on his part, strained the resources of his vast empire to the utmost. The French Catholic chiefs eagerly co-operated with him. In the sea-ports of the Mediterranean, and along almost the whole coast from Gibraltar to Jutland, the preparations for the great armament were urged forward with all the earnestness of religious zeal, as well as of angry, ambition. — " Thus," says the German historian of the Popes,^ " thus did the united powers of Italy and Spain, from which such mighty, influences had gone forth over the whole world, now rouse them- selves for an attack upon England ! The king had already compiled, from the archives of Simancas, a statement of the claims which he had to the throne of that country on the extinction of the Stuart line ; the most brilliant prospects, especially that of an universal dominion of the seas, were associated in his mind with this enter- prise. Everything seemed to conspire to such end j the predomi- nance of Catholicism in Germany, the renewed attack upon the Huguenots in JFrance, the attempt upon Geneva, and the enterprise against England. At the same moment a thoroughly Catholic prince, Sigismund III., ascended the throne of Poland, with the prospect also of future succession to the throne of Sweden. But whenever any principle or power, be it what it may, aims at un- limited supremacy in Europe, some vigorous resistance to it, having its origin in the deepest springs of human nature, invariably arises. Philip II. had had to encounter newly-awakened powers, braced by the vigour of youth, and elevated by a sense of their future destiny. The intrepid corsairs, who had rendered every sea insecure, now clustered round the coasts of their native island. The Protestanta in a body, — even the Puritans, although they had been subjected to as severe oppressions as the Catholics, — rallied round their queen, who now gave admirable proof of her masculine courage, and her princely talent of winning the affections, and leading the minds, and preserving the allegiance of men." 1 See JNlignet's Mary .^^eoii of Scots, vol. iL 2 Rankc, vol ii. p. 172. Q 2::6 UEFEAT.OF Eanko should have added that the English Catholics at this crisis proved themselves as loyal to their queen, and true to their country, as were the most vehement anti-Catholic zealots in the island. Some few traitors there were ; but, as a body, the English- men who held the ancient faith, stood the trial of their patriotism nobly. The lord-admiral himself was a Catholic, and (to adopt the words of Hallam) " then it was that the Catholics in every county repaired to the standard of the lord-lieutenant, imploring that they might not be suspected of bartering the national independence for their religion itself." The Spaniard found no partisans in the coiintry which he assailed, nor did England, self- wounded, " Lie at the proud foot of her enemy." For some time the destination of the enormous armament of Philip was not publicly announced. Only Philip himself, the Pope Sixtus, the Duke of Guise, and Philip's favourite minister, Mendoza, at first knew its real object. Kumours were sedulously spread that it wasf;designed to proceed to the Indies to realize vast projects of distant conquest. Sometimes hints were dropped by Philip's ambassadors in foreign courts, that his master had resolved on a decisive effort to crush his rebels in the Low Countries. But Elizabeth and her statesmen could not view the gathering of such a storm without feeling the probability of its bursting on their own shores. As early as the spring of 1587, Elizabeth sent Sir Francis Drake to cruise off the Tagus. Drake sailed into the Bay of Cadiz and the Lisbon Roads, and burnt much shipping and military stores, causing thereby an important delay in the progress of the Spanish preparations. Drake called this "Singeing the King of of Spain's beard." Elizabeth also increased her succours of troops to the Netherlanders, to prevent the Prince of Parma from over- whelming them, and from thence being at full leisure to employ his army against her dominions. Each party at this time thought it politic to try to amuse its adversary by pretending to treat for peace, and negotiations were opened at Ostend in the beginning of 1588, which were prolonged during the first six months of that year. Nothing real was effected, and probably nothing real had been intended to be effected by them. But, in the meantime, each party had been engaged in important communications with the chief powers in France, in which Elizabeth seemed at first to have secured a great advantage, but in which Philip ultimately prevailed. " Henry III. of France was alarmed at the negotiations that were going on at Ostend; rHE SPANISH AKMA DA. 227 nnd ha especially dreaded any accommodation between Spain and England, in consequence of which Philip II. might be enabled to subdue the United Provinces, and make himself master of France. In order, therefore, to dissuade Elizabeth from any arrangement, ho offered to support her, in case she were attacked by the Spaniards, with twice the number of troops, which he was bound by the treaty of 1574 to send to her assistance. He had a long conference with her ambassador, Stafford, upon this subject, and told him that the Pope and the Catholic king had entered into a league against the queen, his mistress, and had invited himself and the Venetians to join them, but they had refused to do so. ' If the Queen of England,' he added, 'concludes a peace with the Catholic king, that peace will not last three months, because the Catholic king will aid the League with all his forces to overthrow her, and you may imagine what fate is reserved for your mistress after that.' On the other hand, in order most effectually to frustrate this negotiation, he pro- posed to Philip II. to form a still closer union between the two crowns of France and Spain : and, at the same time, he secretly despatched a confidential envoy to Constantinople to warn the Sultan, that if he did not again declare war against the Catholic King, that monarch, who already possessed the jSTetherlands, Por- tugal, Spain, the Indies, and nearly all Italy, would soon make himself master of England, and would then turn the forces of all Europe against the Turks." ^ But Philip had an ally in France, who was far more powerful than the French king. This was the Duke of Guise, the chief of the League, and the idol of the fanatic partisans of the Eomish faith. Philip prevailed on Guise openly to take up arms against Henry III. (who was reviled by the Leaguers as a traitor to the true Church, and a secret friend to the Huguenots); and thus prevent the French king from interfering in favour of Queen Elizabeth. "With this object, the commander, Juan Iniguez Moreo, was despatched by him in the early part of April to the Duke of Guise at Soissons. He met with complete success. Ho offered the Duke of Guise, as soon as he took the field against Henry III., three hundred thousand crowns, six thousand infantry, and twelve hundred pikemen, on behalf of the king his master, who would, in addition, withdraw his ambassador from' the court of France, and accredit an envoy to the Catholic party. A treaty was concluded on these conditions, and the Duke of Guise entered Paris, where he was expected by the Leaguers, and whence he ex- pelled Henry III. on the 12th of May, by the insurrection of the 1 Mignet'a Historj of Mary Queen of Scots, vol. ii. ^2 228 DEFEAT OF barricades. A fortnight after this insurrection, whicli reduced Henry III. to impotence, and, to use the language of the Prince of Parma, did not even ' permit him to assist the Queen of England with his tears, as he needed them all to weep over his own misfortunes,' the Spanish fleet left the Tagus and sailed towards the British isles." ^ Meanwhile in England, from the sovereign on the throne to the peasant in the cottage, all hearts and hands made ready to meet the imminent deadly peril. Circular letters from the queen were sent round to the lord-lieutenants of the several counties requiring them "to call together the best sort of gentlemen under their lieutenancy, and to declare unto them these great preparations and arrogant thrcatenings, now burst forth in action upon the seas, wherein every man's particular state, in the highest degree, could be touched in respect of country, liberty, wives, children, lands, lives, and (which was specially to be regarded) the profession of the true and sincere religion of Christ : and to lay before them the infinite and unspeakable miseries that would fall out upon any such change, which miseries were evidently seen by the fruits of that hard and cruel government holden in countries not far distant. We do look," said the queen, " that the most part of them should have, upon this instant extraordinary occasion, a larger proportion of furniture, both for horsemen and footmen, but especially horse- men, than hath been certified ; thereby to be in their best strength against any attempt, or to be employed about our own person, or otherwise. Hereunto as we doubt not but by your good endea- vours they will be the rather conformable, so also we assure our- selves, that Almighty God will so bless these their loyal hearts borne towards us, their loving sovereign, and their natural country, that all the attempts of any enemy whatsoever shall be made void and frustrate, to their confusion, your comfort, and to God's high glory." 2 Letters of a similar kind were also sent by the council to each of the nobility, and to the great cities. The primate called on the clergy for their contributions; and by every class of the com- munity the appeal was responded to with liberal zeal, that offered more even than the queen required. The boasting threats of the Spaniards had roused the spirit of the nation ; and the whole people "were thoroughly irritated to stir up their whole forces for Iheir defence against such prognosticated conquests j so that, in a very short time, all the whole realm, and CA'^ery corner were fur- nished with armed men, on horseback and on foot; and these ^ Mignet. a Strype, cited in Soutliey's Naval History. THE SPANISH ARMADA. 2:9 continually trained, exercised, and put into bands, in warlike manner, as in no age ever was before in this realm. There was no sparing of money to provide horse, armour, weapons, powder, and all necessaries ; no, nor want of provision of pioneers, carriages, and victuals, in every county of the realm, without exception, to attend upon the armies. And to this general furniture every man voluntarily offered, very many their services personally without wages, others money for armour and weapons, and to wage soldiers : a matter strange, and never the like heard of in this realm or else- where. And this general reason moved all men to large contri- butions, that when a conquest was to be withstood wherein all should be lost, it was no time to spare a portion."^ Our lion-hearted queen showed herself worthy of such a people. A camp was formed at Tilbury \ and there Elizabeth rode through the ranks, encouraging her captains and her soldiers by her pre- sence and her words. One of the speeches which she addressed to them during this crisis has been preserved; and, though often quoted, it must not be omitted here. "My loving people," she said, "we have been persuaded by some that are careful of our safety, to take heed how we commit ourselves to armed multitudes for fear of treachery ; but I assure you I do not desire to live to distrust my faithful and loving people. Let tyrants fear! I have always so behaved myself, that, under God, I have placed my chiefest strength and safeguard in the loyal hearts and good will of my subjects ; and, therefore, I am come amongst you, as you see, at this time, not for my recreation or disport, but being resolved, in the midst and heat of the battle, to live or die amongst you all, to lay down for my God, for my kingdom, and for my people, my honour and my blood, even in the dust. I know I have the body but of a weak and feeble woman, but I have the heart and stomach of a king, and of a King of England too ; and think it foul scorn that Parma, or Spain, or any prince of Europe, should dare to invade the borders of my realm ; to which, rather than any dishonour shall grow by me, I myself will take up arms, I myself will be your general, judge, and re warder of every one of your virtues in the field. 1 know already for your forwardness you have deserved rewards and crowns ; and we do assure you, on the word of a prince, they shall bo duly paid you. In the meantime, my lieutenant-general shall be in my stead, than whom never prince commanded a more noble or worthy subject, not doubting but by your obedience to my 1 Copy of contemporary letter in tlio Harleian Collection, quoted by Soutliey. 210 PEFEA T OF general, by your concord in the camp, and your valour in the field, we shall shortly have a famous victory over those enemies of my God, of my kingdom, and of my people." "We have minute proofs of the skill with which the government of Elizabeth made its preparations; for the documents still exist which were drawn up at that time by the ministers and military men who were consulted by Elizabeth respecting the defence of the country. 1 Among those summoned to the advice of their queen at this crisis, were Sir Walter Ealeigh, Lord Grey, Sir Erancis Knolles, Sir Thomas Leighton, Sir John Norris, Sir Richard Grenville, Sir Richard Bingham, and Sir Roger Williams ; and the biographer of Sir Walter Raleigh observes that " These councillors were chosen by the queen, as being not only men bred to arms, and some of them, as Grey, Norris, Bingham, and Grenville, of high military talents, but of grave experience in affairs of state, and in the civO. government of provinces, — qualities by no means unim portant, when the debate referred not merely to the leading of an army or the plan of a campaign, but to the organization of a militia, and the communication with the magistrates for arming the peasantry, and encouraging them to a resolute and simultaneous resistance. Erom some private papers of Lord Burleigh, it appears that Sir Walter took a principal share in these deliberations ; and the abstract of their proceedings, a document still preserved, is supposed to have been drawn up by him. They first prepared a list of places where it was likely the Spanish army might attempt a descent, as well as of those which lay most exposed to the force under the Duke of Parma. They next considered the speediest and most effectual means of defence, whether by fortification or the muster of a military array; and, lastly, deliberated on the course to be taken for fighting the enemy if he should land." Some of Elizabeth's advisers recommended that the whole care and resources of the government should be devoted to the equip- ment of the armies, and that the enemy, when he attempted to land, should be welcomed with a battle on the shore. But the wiser counsels of Raleigh and others prevailed, who urged the importance of fitting out a fleet,. that should encounter the Spaniards at sea, and, if possible, prevent them from approaching the land at all. In Raleigh's great work on the " History of the World," he takes occasion, when discussing some of the events of the first Punic war, to give his reasonings on the proper policy of England when menaced with invasion. Without doubt, we have there the sub- stance of the advice which he gave to Elizabeth's council ; and the ^ Sec note iu Tytler's life of llaleigh, p. 71. THE SPANISH ARMADA. 231 remarks ol such a man, on such a subject, have a general and en- during interest, "beyond the immediate peril which called them forth. Ealeigh says -?■ — "Surely I hold that the best way is to keep our enemies from treading upon our ground : wherein if we fail, then must we seek to make him wish that he had stayed at his own home. In such a case if it should happen, our judgments are to weigh many particular circumstances, that belongs not unto this discourse. But making the question general, the positive, Whether England, without the help of her fleet, be able to debar an enemy from landing ; I hold that it is unable so to do j and therefore I think it most dangerous to make the adventure. For the encouragement of a first victory to an enemy, and the discouragement of being beaten, to the invaded, may draw after it a most perilous con- sequence. " Great difference I know there is, and a diverse consideration to be had, between such a country as France is, strengthened with many fortified places ; and this of ours, where our ramparts are but the bodies of men. But I say that an army to be transported over sea, and to be landed again in an enemy's country, and the place left to the choice of the invader, cannot be resisted on the coast of England, without a fleet to impeach it; no, nor on the coast of France, or any other country ; except every creek, port, or sandy bay, had a powerful army, in each of them, to make opposition. For let the supposition be granted that Kent is able to furnish twelve thousand foot, and that those twelve thousand be layed in the three best landing-places within that country, to wit, three thousand at Margat, three thousand at the Nesse, and six thousand, at Foulkstone, that is, som<3what equally distant from them both; as also that two of these troops (unless some other order be thought more fit) be directed to strengthen the third, when they shall see the enemies' fleet to head towards it : I say, that notwith- standing this provision, if the enemy, setting sail from the Isle of Wight, in the first watch of the night, and towing their long boats at their sterns, shall arrive by dawn of day at the Nesse, and thrust their army on shore there, it will be hard for those three thousand that are at Margat (twenty-and-four long miles from thence), to come time enough to reinforce their fellows at the ^Nesse. Nay, how shall they at Foulkstone bo able to do it, who are nearer by more than half the way 1 seeing that the enemy, at his first arrival, will either make his entrance by force, with three or four shot of great artillery, and quickly put the first three thousand that are entrenched at the Nesse to run, or else give them so much to do 1 Historio of tlio World, pp. 799-801. 232 DEFEAT OF that they shall be glad to send for help to Foulkstone, and perhaps j to Margat, whereby those places will be left bare. !N"ow let ual suppose that all the twelve thousand Kentish soldiers arrive at the " Nesse, ere the enemy can be ready to disembarque his army, so that he will find it unsafe to land in the face of so many prepared to with- stand him, yet must we believe that he will play the best of his own game (having liberty to go which way he list), and under covert of the night, set sail towards the east, where what shall hinder him to take ground either at Margat, the Downes, or else- where, before they, at the Nesse, can be well aware of his departure? Certainly there is nothing more easy than to do it. Yea, the like may be said of Weymouth, Purbeck, Poole, and of all landing- places on the south-west. For there is no man ignorant, that ships, without putting themselves out of breath, will easily outrun the souldiers that coast them. * Les armees ne volent point enposte;^ — * Armies neither flye, nor run post,' saith a marshal of France. And I know it to be true, that a fleet of ships may be seen at sunset, and after it at the Lizard, yet by the next morning they may recover Portland, whereas an army of foot shall not be able to masch it in six dayes. Again, when those troops lodged on the sea-shores, shall be forced to run from place to place in vain, after a fleet of ships, they will at length sit down in the midway, and leave all at adventure. But say it were otherwise, that the invading enemy will offer to land in some such place, where there shall be an army of ours ready to receive him ; yet it cannot be doubted, but that when the choice of all our trained bands, and the choice of our commanders and captains, shall be drawn together (as they were at Tilbury in the year 1588) to attend the person of the prince, and for the defence of the city of London ; they that remain to guard the coast can be of no such force as to encounter an army like unto that wherewith it was intended tJiat the Prince of Parma should have landed in England. " For end of this digression, I hope that this question shall never come to trial ; his majestie's many moveable forts will forbid the experience. And although the English will no less disdain that any nation under heaven can do, to be beaten, upon their own ground, or elsewhere, by a foreign enemy ; yet to entertain those that shall assail us with their own beef in their bellies, and before they eat of our Kentish capons, I take it to be ihe wisest way ; to do which his majesty, after God, will emj^loy his good ships on thp sea, and not trust in any intrenchment upon the shore." The introduction of steam as a propelling power at sea, has added tenfold weight to these arguments of Ealeigh. On the othnv harvi, THE SPANISH ARMADA. 233 a well-constructed system of railways, especially of coast-lines, aided by the operation of tlie electric telegraph, would give facilities for concentrating a defensive army to oppose an enemy on landing, and for moving troops from place to place in observation of the move- ments of the hostile fleet, such as would have astonished Sir Walter even more than the sight of vessels passing rapidly to and fro without the aid of wind or tide. The observation of the French marshal, whom he quotes, is now no longer correct. Armies can bo made to pass from place to place almost with the speed of wings, and far more rapidly than any post-travelling that was known in the Elizabethan or any other age. Still, the presence of a sufficient armed force at the right spot, at the right time, can never be made a matter of certainty; and even after the changes that have taken place, no one can doubt but that the policy of Raleigh is that which England should ever seek to follow in defensive war. At the time of the Armada, that policy certainly saved the country, if not from conquest, at least from deplorable calamities. If indeed the enemy had landed, we may be sure that he would have been heroically opposed. But history shows us so many examples of the superiority of veteran troops over new levies, however numerous and brave, that without disparaging our countrymen's soldierly merits, we may well be thankful that no trial of them was then made on English land. Especially must we feel this, when we contrast the high military genius of the Prince of Parma, who would have headed the Spaniards, with the imbecility of the Earl of Leicester, to whom the deplorable spirit of favouritism, which formed the greatest blemish in Elizabeth's character, had then committed the chief command of the English armies. The ships of the royal navy at this time amounted to no more than thirty-six ; but the most serviceable merchant vessels were collected from all the ports of the country; and the citizens of London, Bristol, and the other great seats of commerce, showed as liberal a zeal in equipping and manning vessels as the nobility and gentry displayed in mustering forces by land. The seafaring popu- lation of the coast, of every rank and station, was animated by tho same ready spirit; and the whole number of seamen who came forward to man the English fleet was 17,472. The number of the ships that were collected was 191 ; and the total amount of their tonnage 31,985. There was one ship in the fleet (the Triumph) of 1100 tons, one of 1000, one of 900, two of 800 each, three of 600, five of 500, five of 400, six of 300, six of 250, twenty of 200, and the residue of inferior burden. Application was made to the Dutch for assistance ; and, as Stowe expresses it, " The Hollanders came 234 DEFEAT OF d fulF roundly in, with threescore sail, hrave ships of war, fierce and of spleen, not so much for England's aid, as in just occasion for their own defence; these men foreseeing the greatness of the danger that might ensue, if the Spaniards should chance to win the day and get the mastery over them; in due regard whereof their manly courage was inferior to none." i "We have more minute information of the numhers and equipment of the hostile forces than we have of our own. In the first volume of Hakluyt's " Voyages," dedicated to Lord Effingham, who com- manded against the Armada, there is given (from the contemporary foreign writer, Meteran) a more complete and detailed catalogue than has perhaps ever appeared of a similar armament. , " A very large and particular description of this navie was put in print and puhhshed by the Spaniards ; wherein was set downe the number, names, and burthens of the shippes, the number of mariuers and soldiers throughout the whole fleete; likewise the quantitie of then' ordinance, of their armour, of bullets, of match, of gun-poulder, of victuals, and of all their n avail furniture, was in the saide description particularized. Unto all these were added the names of the governours, captaines, noblemen, and gentlemen volun- taries, of whom there was so great a multitude, that scarce was there any family of accompt, or any one principall man throughout all Spaine, that had not a brother, sonne, or kinsman in that fleete ; who all of them were in good hope to purchase unto themselves in that navie (as they termed it) invincible, endless glory and renown, and to possess themselves of great seigniories and riches in England, and in the Low Countreys. But because the said description was translated and published out of Spanish into divers other languages, we will here only make an abridgement or brief rehearsal thereof. " Portugal furnished and set foorth under the conduct of the Duke of Medina Sidonia, generall of the fleete, ten galeons, two zabraes, 1300 mariners, 3300 souldiers, 300 great pieces, with all requisite furniture. " Biscay, under the conduct of John Martines de Eicalde, admiral of the whole fleete, set forth tenne galeons, four pataches, 700 mariners, 2000 souldiers, 260 great pieces, &c. " Guipusco, under the conduct of Michael de Orquendo, tenne galeons, four pataches, 700 mariners, 2000 souldiers, 310 great pieces. " Italy with the Levant islands, under Martine de Vertendona, ten galeons, 800 mariners, 2000 souldiers, 310 great pieces, &c. " Castile, under Diego Elores de Valdez, fourteen galeons, two pataches, 1700 mariners, 2400 souldiers^ and 380 great pieces, &c. THE SPANISH ARMADA. 235 ** Andaluzia, under the conduct of Petro de Valdez, ten galeons, one jatache, 800 mariners, 2400 souldiers, 280 great pieces, &c. ''Item, under tlie conduct of John Lopez de Medina, twenty- three great Flemish hulkes, with 700 mariners, 3200 souldiers, and 400 great pieces. "Item, under Hugo de Mongada, foure gaUiasses, containing 1200 gally-slaves, 460 mariners, 870 souldiers, 200 great pieces, &c. *' Item, under Diego de Mandrana, foure gallies of Portugall, with 888 gally-slaves, 360 mariners, twenty great pieces, and other requisite furniture. "Item, under Anthonie de Mendoza, twenty- two pataches and zabraes, with 574 mariners, 488 souldiers, and 193 great pieces. " Besides the ships aforementioned, there were twenty caravels row^ed with oares, being appointed to perform necessary services under the greater ships, insomuch that all the ships appertayn- ing to this navie amounted unto the summe of 150, eche one being sufficiently provided of furniture and victuals. " The number of mariners in the saide fleete were above 8000, of slaves 2088, of souldiers 20,000 (besides noblemen and gentlemen voluntaries), of great cast pieces 2600. The aforesaid ships were of an huge and incredible capacitie and receipt : for the whole fleeto was large enough to containe the burthen of 60,000 tunnes. "The galeons were 64 in number, being of an huge bignesse, and very flately built, being of marveilous force also, and so high, that they resembled great castles, most fit to defend themseh^ee and to withstand any assault, but in giving any other ships the encounter farr inferiour unto the English and Dutch ships, which can with great dexteritie weild and turne themselves at all assayes The upperworke of the said galeons was of thicknesse and strength sufficient to bear off musket-shot. The lower worke and the timbers thereof were out of measure strong, being framed of plankes and ribs foure or five foote in thicknesse, insomuch that no bullets could pierce them, but such as were discharged hard at hand; which afterward prooved true, for a great number of bullets were found to sticke fast within the massie substance of those thicke plankes. Great and well pitched cables were twined about the masts of their shippes, to strengthen them against the battery of shot. "The galliasses were of such bignesse, that they contained within them chambers, chapels, turrets, pulpits, and other commodities of great houses. The galliasses were rowed with great oares, thero being in eche one of them 300 slaves for the same purpose, and were able to do great service with the force of their ordinance. All these, together with the residue aforenamed, were furnished and 236 DEFEAT OF ■ beautified with trumpets, streamers, banners, warlike ensignes, and other such like ornaments. " Their pieces of brazen ordinance were 1600, and of yron 1000. "The bullets thereto belonging were 120 thousand. " Item of gun-poulder, 5600 quintals. Of matche, 1200 quintals. Of muskets and kaleivers, 7000. Of haleberts and partisans, 10,000. " Moreover they had great store of canons, double-canons, culver- ings and field-pieces for land services. " Likewise they were provided of all instruments necessary on land to conveigh and transport their furniture from place to place ; as namely of carts, wheeles, wagons, &c. Also they had spades, mattocks, and baskets, to set pioners to worke. They had in like sort great store of mules and horses, and whatsoever else was requisite for a land-armie. They were so well stored of biscuit, that for the space of halfe a yeero, they might allow eche person in the whole fleete halfe a quintall every month ; whereof the whole summe amounteth unto an hundreth thousand quintals. "Likewise of wine they had 147 thousand pipes, sufficient also for halfe a yeeres expedition. Of bacon, 6500 quintals. Of cheese, three thousand quintals. Besides fish, rise, beanes, pease, oilo, vinegar, &c. "Moreover they had 12,000 pipes of fresh water, and all other necessary provision, as, namely, candles, lanternes, lampes, sailes, hempe, oxe-hides, and lead to stop holes that should be made with the battery of gun-shot. To be short, they brought all things expedient, either for a fleete by sea, or for an armie by land. "This navie (as Diego Pimentelli afterward confessed) was esteemed by the king himselfe to containe 32,000 persons, and to cost him every day 30 thousand ducates. " There were in the said navie five terzaes of Spaniards (which terzaes the Frenchmen call regiments), under the command of five governours, termed by the Spaniards masters of the field, and amongst the rest there were many olde and expert souldiers chosen out of the garisons of Sicilie, Naples, and Tergera. Their captaines or colonels were Diego Pimentelli, Don Francisco de Toledo, Don Alon^o de Lujon, Don Mcolas de Isla, Don Augustin de Mexia ; who had each of them thirty-two companies under their conduct. Besides the which companies, there were many bands also of Castihans and Portugals, every one of which had their peculiar governours, captains, officers, colours, and weapons." While this huge armada was making ready in the southern ports of the Spanish dominions, the Prince of Parma, with almost in- credible toil and skill, collected a squadron of war-ships at Dunkirk, THE SPANISH ARMADA. 337 and liis flotilla of other ships and of liat-bottomed boats for the transport to England of the picked troops, which were designed to he the main instruments in subduing England. Thousands of workmen were employed, night and day, in the construction of these vessels, in the ports of Flanders and Brabant. One hundred of the kind called hendes, built at Antwerp, Bruges, and Ghent, and laden with provision and ammunition, together "with sixty flat-bottomed boats, each capable of carrying thirty horses, were brought, by means of canals and fosses, dug expressly for the purpose, to Meuport and Dunkirk. One hundred smaller vessels were equipped at the former place, and thirty- two at Dun- kirk, provided with twenty thousand empty barrels, and with materials for making pontoons, for stopping up the harbours, and raising forts and entrenchments. The army which these vessels were designed to convey to England amounted to thirty thousand strong, besides a body of four thousand cavalry, stationed at Courtroi, composed chiefly of the ablest veterans of Europe ; in- vigorated by rest, (the siege of Sluys having been the only enterprise in which they were employed during the last campaign,) and excited by the hopes of plunder and the expectation of certain conquest.'' And " to this great enterprise and imaginary conquest, divers princes and noblemen came from divers countries ; out of Spain came the Duke of Pestrana, who was said to be the son of Ruy Gomez de Silva, but was held to be the king's bastard ; the Marquis of Bourgou, one of the Archduke Ferdinand's sons, by Philippina Welserine ; Don Vespasian Gonzaga, of the house of Mantua, a great soldier, who had been viceroy in Spain ; Giovanni de Medici, Bastard of' Florence ; Amedo, Bastard of Savoy, with many such like, besides others of meaner quality."^ Philip had been advised by the deserter. Sir William Stanley, not to attack England in the first instance, but firs]; to efl'ect a land- ing and secure a strong position in Ireland; his admiral, Santa Cruz, had recommended him to make sure, in the first instance, of some large harbour on the coast of Holland or Zealand, where the Armada, having entered the Channel, might find shelter in case of storm, and whence it could sail without difficulty -for England ; but Philip rejected both these counsels, and directed that England itself should be made the immediate object of attack ; and on the 20th of ^lay the Armada left the Tagus, in the pomp and pride of supposed invincibility, and amidst the shouts of thousands, who believed that England was already conquered. But steering to the northward, and ^ Davis's Holland, vol, ii. p. 219. s Orimstoue, cited in Southey. 238 DFFEA T OF before it was clear of the coast of Spain, the Armada was assauec by a violent storm, and driven back with considerable damage to tho ports of Biscay and Galicia. It had, however, sustained its heaviest loss before it left the Tagus, in the death of the veteran admiral Santa Cruz, who had been destined to guide it against England. This experienced sailor, notwithstanding his diligence and suc- cess, had been unable to keep pace with the impatient ardour of his master. Philip II. had reproached him with his dilatoriness, and had said with ungrateful harshness, " You make an ill return for all my kindness to you." These words cut the veteran's heart, and proved fatal to Santa Cruz. Overwhelmed with fatigue and grief, he sickened and died. Philip II. had replaced him by Alonzo Perez de Gusman, Duke of Medina Sidonia, one of the most power- ful of the Spanish grandees, but wholly unqualified to command such an expedition. lie had, however, as his lieutenants, two sea- men of proved skill and bravery, Juan de Martinez Eecalde of Biscay, and Miguel Orquendo of Guipuzcoa. The report of the storm which had beaten back the Armada reached England with much exaggeration, and it was supposed by some of the queen's counsellors that the invasion would now be deferred to another year. But Lord Howard of Effingham, the lord high-admiral of the English fleet, judged more wisely that the danger was not yet passed, and, as already mentioned, had the moral courage to refuse to dismantle his principal ships, though he received orders to that effect. But it was not Howard's design to keep tho English fleet in costly inaction, and to wait patiently in our own harbours, till the Spaniards had recruited their strength, and sailed forth again to attack us. The English seamen of that age (like their successors) loved to strike better than to parry, though, when emergency required, they could be patient and cautious in their bravery. It was resolved to proceed to Spain, to learn the enemy's real condition, and to deal him any blow for which there might be opportunity. In this bold policy we may well believe him to have been eagerly seconded by those who commanded under him. Howard and Drake sailed accordingly to Corunna, hoping to surprise and attack some part of the Armada in that harbour ; but when near the coast of Spain, the north wind, which had blown up to that time, veered suddenly to the south \ and fearing that the Spaniards might put to sea and pass him unobserved, Howard returned to the entrance of tho Channel, where he cruised for some time on the look-out for the enemy. In part of a letter written Ly him at this period, he speaks of the difficulty of guarding so large a breadth of sea, — a difficulty that ought not to be forgotten when THE SPANISH ARMADA. 239 modern scliemes of defence against hostile fleets from the south aro discussed. "I myself," he wrote, "do lie in the midst of the Channel, with the greatest force ; Sir Francis Drake hath twenty- ships, and four or five pinnaces, which lie towards Ushant; and Mr. Hawkins, with as many more, lieth towards ScUly. Thus we are ftxin to do, or else with this wind they might pass us by, and we never the wiser. — The Sleeve is another manner of thing than it was taken for : we find it by experience and daily observation to be 100 miles over : a large room for me to look unto ! " But after some time further reports that the Spaniards were inactive in their harbour, where tliey were suffering severely from sickness, caused Howard also to relax in his vigilance j and he returned to Plymouth with the greater part of his fleet. On the 12th of July, the Armada having completely refitted, sailed again for the Channel, and reached it without obstruction or observation by the English. The design of the Spaniards was, that the Armada should give them, at least for a time, the command of the sea, and that it should join the squadron which Parma had collected, off Calais. Then, escorted by an overpowering naval force, Parma and his army were to embark in their flotilla, and cross the sea to England, where they were to be landed, together with the troops which the Armada brought from the ports of Spain. The scheme was not dissimilar to one formed against England a little more than two centuries afterwards. As Napoleon, in 1805, waited with his army and flotilla at Boulogne, looking for Villeneuve to drive away the English cruisers, and secure h,ini a passage across the Channel, so Parma, in 1588, waited for Medina Sidonia to drive away the Dutch and English squadrons that watched his flotilla, and to enable his veterans to cross the sea to the land that they were to conquer. Thanks to Providence, in each case England's enemy waited in vain ! Although the numbers of sail which the queen's government, and the patriotic zeal of volunteers, had collected for the defence of England, exceeded the number- of sail in the Spanish fleet, the English ships were, collectively, far inferior in size to their adver- saries ; their aggregate tonnage being less by half than that of the enemy. In the number of guns, and weight of metal, the dispro- portion was still greater. The English admiral was also obliged to subdivide his force ; and Lord Henry Seymour, with forty of the best Dutch and English ships, was employed in blockading the iiostile ports in Flanders, and in preventing the Prince of Parma from coming out of Dunkirk. 240 DEFEA T OP The orders of King Philip to the Duke de Medina Sidonia were, that he should, on entering the Channel, keep near the French coast, and, if attacked by the English ships, avoid an action, and steer on to Calais roads, where the Prince of Parma's squadron was to join him. The hope of surprising and destroying the English fleet in Plymouth, led the Spanish admiral to deviate from these orders, and to stand across to the English shore ; but, on finding that Lord Howard was coming out to meet him, he resumed the original plan, and determined to bend his way steadily towards Calais and Dunkirk, and to keep merely on the defensive against such squadrons of the English as might come up with him. It was on Saturday, the 20th of July, that Lord Effingham came in sight of his formidable adversaries. The Armada was drawn up in form of a crescent, which from horn to horn measured some seven miles. There was a south-west wind ; and before it the vast vessels sailed slowly on. The English let them pass by ; and then, following in the rear, commenced an attack on them. A running fight now took place, in which some of the best ships of the Spaniards were captured ; many more received heavy damage ; while the English vessels, which took care not to close with* their huge antagonists, but availed themselves of their superior celerity in tacking and manoeuvring, suffered little comparative loss. Each day added not only to the spirit, but to the number of Effingham's force. Ealeigh, Oxford, Cumberland, and Sheffield joined him ; and " the gentle- men of England hired ships from all parts at their own charge, and with one accord came flocking thither as to a set field, where glory was to be attained, and faithful service performed unto their prince and their country." Ealeigh justly praises the English admiral for his skilful tactics. He says,i " Certainly, he that will happily perform a fight at sea, must be skilful in making choice of vessels to fight in ; he must believe that there is more belonging to a good man-of-war, upon the waters, than great daring ; and must know that there is a great deal of difference between fighting loose or at large and grappling. The guns of a slow ship pierce as well, and make as great holes, as those in a swift. To clap ships together, without consideration, belongs rather to a madman than to a man of war ; for by such an ignorant bravery was Peter Strossie lost at the Azores, when he fought against the Marquis of Santa Cruza. In like sort had the Lord Charles Howard, Admiral of England, been lost in the year 1588, if he had not been better advised, than a great many malignant fools were, that found fault with his demeanour. The Spaniards had an army aboard 1 Historie cf the World, p. 791. THE SPANISH ARMADA 24t thern, and he had none ; they had more ships than he had, and of higher building and charging ; so that, had he entangled himself with those groat and powerful vessels, he had greatly endangered this kingdom of England. For, twenty men upon the defences are equal to a hundred that board and enter ; whereas then, contrari- wise, the Spaniards had a hundred, for twenty of ours, to defend themselves withall. But our admiral knew his advantage, and held it : which, had he not done, he had not been worthy to have held his head." The Spanish admiral also showed great judgment and firmness in following the line of conduct that had been traced out for him ; and on the 27th of July he brought his fleet unbroken, though sorely distressed, to anchor in Calais roads. But the King of Spain had calculated ill the number and activity of the English and Dutch fleets ; as the old historian expresses it, " It seemeth that the Duke of Parma and the Spaniards grounded upon a vain and presump- tuous expectation, that all the ships of England and of the Low Countreys would at the first sight of the Spanish and Dunkerk navie have betaken themselves to flight, yeelding them sea-room, and endeavouring only to defend themselves, their havens, and sea- coasts from invasion. "Wherefore their intent and purpose was, that the Duke of Parma, in his small and flat-bottomed ships should, as it were, under the shadow and wings of the Spanish fleet, convey over all liis troupes, armour, and warlike provisions, and with their forces so united, should invade England ; or, while the English fleet were busied in fight against the Spanish, should enter upon any part of the coast which he thought to be most convenient. Which invasion (as the captives afterwards confessed) the Duke of Parma thought first to have attempted by the river of Thames; upon the banks whereof, having at the first arrivall landed twenty or thirty thousand of his principall souldiers, he supposed that he might easily have wonne the citie of London ; both because his small shippes should have followed and assisted his land-forces, and also for that the citie itselfe was but meanely fortified and easie to ouercome, by reason of the citizens' dclicacie and discontinuance from the warres, who, with continuall and constant labour, might be vanquished, if they yielded not at the first assault." ^ But the English and Dutch found ships and mariners enough to Keep the Armada itself in check, and at the same time to block up Parma's flotilla. The greater part of Seymour's squadron left its cruising ground ofl" Dunkirk to join the English admiral ofi' Calais ; but the Dutch manned about five-and- thirty sail of good ships, ^ ILikluytVVoyagcs, vol. i. p. 601. 2n DEFEAT OF with a strong force of soldiers on board, all well seasoned to tlio sea-service, and with these they blockaded the Flemish ports that were in Parma's power. Still it was resolved by the Spanish admiral and the prince to endeavour to effect a junction, which the English seamen were equally resolute to prevent : and bolder measures on our side now became necessary. The Armada lay off Calais, with its largest ships ranged outside, " like strong castles fearing no assault ; the lesser placed in the middle ward." The English admiral could not attack them in their position without great disadvantage, but on the night of the 29th he sent eight fire-ships among them, with almost equal effect to that of the fire-ships which the Greeks so often employed against tlie Turkish fleets in their late war of independence. The Spaniards cut their cables and put to sea in confusion. One of the largest galeasses ran foul of another vessel and was stranded. The rest of the fleet was scattered about on the Elemish coast, and when the morning broke, it was with difficulty and delay that they obeyed their admiral's signal to range themselves round him near Grave- lines. Now was the golden opportunity for the English to assail them, and prevent them from ever letting loose Parma's flotilla against England ; and nobly was that opportunity used. Drake and Eenner were the first English captains who attacked the un- wieldy leviathans : then came Eenton, Southwell, Burton, Cross, Eaynor, and then the lord admiral, with Lord Thomas Howard and Lord Sheffield. The Spaniards only thought of forming and keeping close together, and were driven by the English past Dun- kirk, and far away from the Prince of Parma, who in watching their defeat from the coast, must, as Drake expressed it, have chafed like a bear robbed of her whelps. This was indeed the last and the decisive battle between the two fleets. It is, perhaps, best described in the very words of the contemporary writer as we may read them in Hakluyt.^ " Upon the 29 th of July in the morning, the Spanish fleet after the forsayd tumult, having arranged themselues againe into order, were, within sight of Greveling, most bravely and furiously encoun- tered by the English ; where they once again got the wind of the Spaniards ; who suffered themselues to be deprived of the com- modity of the place in Caleis road, and of the advantage of the wind neer unto Dunkerk, rather than they would change their array or separate their forces now conjoyned and united together, standing only upon their defence. "And howbeit there were -many excellent and warlike ships in 1 Vol. i. p. 602. THE SPANISH ARMADA, 243 the English fleet, yet scarce were there 22 or 23 among them all, which matched 90 of the Spanish ships in the bigness, or could conveniently assault them. Wherefore the English ships using their prerogative of nimble steerage, whereby they could turn and wield themselves with the wind which way they listed, came often times very near upon the Spaniards, and charged them so sore, that now and then they were but a pike's length asunder : and so continually giving them one broadside after another, they discharged all their shot both great and small upon them, spending one whole day from morning till night in that violent kind of conflict, untill such time as powder and bullets failed them. In regard of which want they thought it convenient not to pursue the Spaniards any longer, because they had many great vantages of the English, namely, for the extraordinary bigness of their ships, and also for that they were so neerley conjoyned, and kept together in so good array, that they could by no meanes be fought withall one to one. The English thought, therefore, that they had right well acquitted themselues, in chasing the Spaniards first from Caleis, and then from Dunkerk, and by that meanes to have hindered them from joyning with the Duke of Parma his forces, and getting tlie wind of them, to have driven them from their own coasts. " The Spaniards that day sustained great loss and damage, having many of their shippes shot thorow and thorow, and they discharged likewise great store of ordinance against the English j who, indeed, sustained some hindrance, but not comparable to the Spaniard's loss : for they lost not any one ship or person of account, for very diligent inquisition being made, the English men all that time wherein the, Spanish navy sayled upon their seas, are not found to haue wanted aboue one hundred of their people : albeit Sir Francis Drake's ship was pierced with shot aboue forty times, and his very cabbon was twice shot thorow, and about the conclusion of the fight, the bed of a certaine gentleman lying weary thereupon, was taken (|uite from under him with the force of a bullet. Likewise, as the Earle of Northumberland and Sir Charles Blunt were at dinner upon a time, the bullet of a demy-culverin brake thorow the middest of their cabben, touched their feet, and strooke downo two of the standers by, with many such accidents befalling the English shippes, which it were tedious to rehearse." It reflects little credit on the English Government that the English fleet was so deficiently supplied with ammunition, as to be unable to complete the destruction of the invaders. But enough was done to ensure it. Many of the largest Spanish ships were sunk or captured in the action of this day. And at length the r2 244 DEFFA T OF THE SPANISH ARMADA. Spanish, admiral, despairing of success, fled northward with a southerly wind, in the hope of rounding Scotland, and so returning to Spain without a farther encounter with the English fleet. Lord Effingham left a squadron to continue the blockade of the Prince of Parma's armament ; feut that wise general soon withdrew his troops to more promising fields of action. Meanwhile the lord- admiral himself, and Drake chased the vincible Armada, as it was now termed, for some distance northward ; and then, when it seemed to bend away from the Scotch coast towards Norway, it was thought best, in the words of Drake, " to leave them to those boisterous and uncouth northern seas." The sufferings and losses which the unhappy Spaniards sustained in their flight round Scotland and Ireland, are well known. Of their whole Armada only fifty-three shattered vessels brought back their beaten and wasted crews to the Spanish coast which they had quitted in such pageantry and pride. Some passages from the writings of those who took part in the struggle, have been already quoted ; and the most spirited descrip- tion of the defeat of the Armada which ever was penned, may perhaps be taken from the letter which our brave vice-admiral Drake wrote in answer to some mendacious stories by which the Spaniards strove to hide their shame. Thus does he describe the scenes in which he played so important a part : ^ " They were not ashamed to publish, in sundry languages in print, great victories in words, which they pretended to have obtained against this realm, and spread the same in a most false sort over all parts of Erance, Italy, and elsewhere ; when, shortly afterwards, it was happily manifested in very deed to all nations, how their navy, which they termed invincible, consisting of one hundred and forty sail of ships, not only of their own kingdom, but strengthened with the greatest argosies, Portugal carracks, Elorentines, and large hulks of other countries, were by thirty of her majesty's own ships of war, and a few of our own merchants, by the wise, valiant, and advantageous conduct of the Lord Charles Howard, high-admiral of England, beaten and shuffled together even from the Lizard in Cornwall, first to Portland, when they shamefully left Don Pedro de Valdez with his mighty ship ; from Portland to Calais, where they lost Hugh de Mon^ado, with the galleys of which he was captain; and from Calais driven with squibs from their anchors, were chased out of the sight of England, round about Scotland and Ireland. Where, for the sympathy of 1 See Strype, and the notes to the Life of Drake, in the " Biograpliia Britanuica." S YNOPSIS OF E VENTS. 245 tlioir religion, hoping to find succour and assistance, a great part of them were crushed against the rocks, and those others that landed, being very many in number, were, notwithstanding, broken, slain, and taken ; and so sent from village to village, coupled in nalters, to be shipped into England, where her majesty, of her princely and invincible disposition, disdaining to put them to death, and scorning either to retain or to entertain them, they were all sent back again to their countries, to witness and recount the worthy achievement of their invincible and dreadful navy. Of which the number of soldiers, the fearful burthen of their ships, the commanders' names of every squadron, with all others, their magazines of provision were put in print, as an army and navy irresistible and disdaining prevention : with all which their great and terrible ostentation, they did not in all their sailing round about England so much as sink or take one ship, bark, pinnace, or cockboat of ours, or even burn so much as one sheep-cote on this land." SYNOPSIS OF EVENTS BETWEEN THE DEFEAT OF THE SPANISH ARMADA, A.D. 1588; AND THli BATTLE OF BLENHEIM, A.D. 1704. A.D, 1594. Henry lY. of France conforms to the Roman Catholic Church, and ends the civil wars that had long desolated France. 1598. Philip II. of Spain dies, leaving a ruined navy and an exhausted kingdom. 1603. Death of Queen Elizabeth. The Scotch dynasty of the Stuarts succeeds to the throne of I^ngland. 1619. Commencement of the Thirty Years' War in Germany. 1624 — 1642. Cardinal Richelieu is minister of France. He breaks the power of the nobility, reduces the Huguenots to complete subjection ; and by aiding the Protestant German princes in the latter part of the Thirty Years' War, he humiliates France's ancient rival, Austria. 1630. Gustavus Adolphus, King of Sweden, marches into Ger- many to the assistance of the Protestants, who were nearly crushed Dy the Austrian armies. He gains several great victories, and, after his death, Sweden, under his statesmen and generals, continues to take a leading part in the war. 1640. Portugal throws off the Spanish yoke : and the House of Braganza begins to reign. 246 S YNOPSIS OF E VENTS. 1642. Commencement of the civil war in England betweec Charles I. and his parliament. 1648. The Thirty Years' War in Germany ended by the treaty of Westphalia. 1653. Oliver Cromwell lord-protector of England. 1660. Eestoration of the Stuarts to the English throne. 1661. Louis XIV. takes the administration of affairs in France into his own hands. 1667 — 1668. Louis XIY. makes war in Spain, and conquers a large part of the Spanish K'etherlands. 1672. Louis makes war upon Holland, and almost overpowers it. Charles II. of England is his pensioner, and England helps the French in their attacks upon Holland until 1674. Heroic resist- ance of the Dutch under the Prince of Orange. 1674. Louis conquers Franche-Comte. 1679. Peace of Mmeguen. 1681. Louis invades and occupies Alsace. 1682. Accession of Peter the Great to the throne of Eussia. 1685. Louis commences a merciless persecution of his Protestant subjects. 1688. The glorious Eevolution in England. Expulsion of James II. William of Orange is made King of England. James takes refuge at the French court, and Louis undertakes to restore him. General war in the west of Europe. 1697. Treaty of Ryswick. Charles XII. becomes King of Sweden. 1700. Charles II. of Spain dies, having bequeathed his dominions to Philip of Anjou, Louis XIV. 's grandson. Defeat of the Russians at Narva, by Charles XII. 1701. William III. forms a "Grand Alliance" of Austria, the Empire, the United Provinces, England, and other powers, against France. 1702. King William diesj but his successor, Queen Anne, adheres to the Grand Alliance, and war is proclaimed against France. BATTLE OF BLENHEIM. 247 CHAPTER XI. THE BATTLE OP BLENHEIM, 1701. "Tlio decisive blow struck at Blenlieim resounded through every part of Europe : 'it at once destroyed the vast fabric of power which it had taken Louis XIV., aided by the talents of Turenne, and the genius of Yauban, so long to construct." — Alison. Though more slowly moulded and less imposingly A^ast than the empire of Napoleon, the power which Louis XIV. had acquired and was acquiring at the commencement of the eighteenth century, was almost equally menacing to the general liberties of Europe. If tested by the amount of 'permanent aggrandisement which each procured for France, the ambition of the royal Bourbon was more successful than were the enterprises of the imperial Corsican. All the provinces that Bonaparte conquered, were rent again from France within twenty years from the date when the very earliest of them was acquired. France is not stronger by a single city or a single acre -for all the devastating wars of the Consulate and the Empire. But she still possesses Franche-Comtt^ Alsace, and part of Flanders. She has still the extended boundaries which Louis XIY. gave her. And the royal Spanish marriages, a few years ago, proved clearly how enduring has been the political influence which the arts and arms of France's " Grand Monarque " obtained for her southward of the Pyrenees. When Louis XIV. took the reins of government into his own hands, after the death of Cardinal Mazarin, there was a nnion of ahility with opportunity, such as France had not seen since the days of Charlemagne. Moreover, Louis's career was no brief one. For upwards of forty years, for a period nearly equal to the dura- tion of Charlemagne's reign, Louis steadily followed an aggressive and a generally successful policy. He passed a long youth and manhood of triumpli, before the military genius of Marlborough made him acquainted with humiliation and defeat. The great Bourbon lived too long. He should not have outstayed our two 24S BATTLE OF BLENHEIM English kings — one his dependent, James II., the other his antago- nist, William III. Had he died in the year within which they died, his reign would be cited as unequalled in the French annals for its prosperity. But he lived on to see his armies beaten, his cities captured, and his kingdom wasted by disastrous war. It is as if Charlemagne had survived to be defeated by the Northmen, and to witness the misery and shame that actually fell to the lot of his descendants. Still, Louis XIV. had forty years of success ; and from the per- manence of their fruits we may judge what the results would have been if the last fifteen years of his reign had been equally fortunate. Had it not been for Blenheim, all Europe might at this day suffer under the effect of Erench conquests resem- bling those of Alexander in extent, and those of the Romans in durability. When Louis XIY. began to govern, he found all the materials for a strong government ready to his hand. Richelieu had com- pletely tamed the turbulent spirit of the Erench nobility, and had subverted the " imperium in imperio " of the Huguenots. The faction of the Erondeurs in Mazarin's time had had the effect of making the Parisian parliament utterly hateful and contemptible in the eyes of the nation. The Assemblies of the States-General were obsolete. The royal authority alone remained. The King was the State. Louis knew his position. He fearlessly avowed it, and he fearlessly acted up to it.^ IS'ot only was his government a strong one, but the country which he governed was strong : strong in its geographical situation, in the compactness of its territory, in the number and martial spirit of its inhabitants, and in their complete and undivided nation- ality. Louis had neither a Hungary nor an Ireland in his do- minions. And it was not till late in his reign, when old age had made his bigotry more gloomy, and had given fanaticism the mastery over prudence, that his persecuting intolerance caused the civil war in the Cevennes. Like Napoleon in after-times, Louis XIV. saw clearly that the great wants of Erance were " ships, colonies, and commerce." But Louis did more than see these wants : by the aid of his great minister, Colbert, he supplied them. One of the surest proofs of the genius of Louis was his skill in finding out genius in others, and his promptness in calling it into action. Under him, 1 " Quand Louis XIV. dit, * L'etat, c'est moi :* il n'y eut daus cette parole ni cnflure, ni vanterie, mais la simple enonciation d'un fait." — Michelet, Histoire Moderne, vol. ii. p. 106. BATTLE OF BLENHEIM. 249 I/>iivois organized, Turenne, Conde, Villars, and Berwick, led the armies of France ; and Vauban fortified her frontiers. Through- out his reign, French diplomacy was marked by skilfulness and activity, and also by comprehensive far-sightedness, such as the representatives of no other nation possessed. Guizot's testimony to the vigour that was displayed through every branch of Louis XIV. 's government, and to the extent to which France at present is indebted to him, is remarkable. He says, that, "taking the public services of every kind, the finances, the departments of roads and public works, the military administration, and all the establishments which belong to every branch of administration, there is not one that will not be found to have had its origin, its development, or its greatest perfection, under the reign of Louis XIV." 1 And he points out to us, that "the government of Louis XIV. was the first that presented itseK to the eyes of Europe as a power acting upon sure grounds, which had not to dispute its existence with inward enemies, but was at ease as to its territory and its people, and solely occupied with the task of administering government, properly so called. All the European governments had been previously thrown into incessant wars, which deprived them of all security as well as of all leisure, or so harassed by internal parties or antagonists, that their time was passed in fighting for existence. The government of Louis XIV. was the first to appear as a busy thriving administration of affairs, as a power at once definitive and progressive, which was not afraid to innovate, because it could reckon securely on the future. There have been in fact very few governments equally innovating. Com- pare it with a government of the same nature, the unmixed monarchy of Philip II. in Spain ; it was more absolute than that of Louis XIV., and yet it was far less regular and tranquil. How did Philip II. succeed in establishing absolute power in Spain? By stifling all activity in the country, opposing himself to every species of amehoration, and rendering the state of Spain com- pletely stagnant. The government of Louis XIV., on the contrary, exhibited alacrity for all sorts of innovations, and showed itself favourable to the progress of letters, arts, wealth, in short, of civilization. This was the veritable cause of its preponderance in Europe, which arose to such a pitch, that it became the type of a government not only to sovereigns, but also to nations, during the seventeenth century." While France was thus strong and united in herself, and ruled by a martial, an ambitious, and (with all his faults) an enlightened 1 History of European Civilization, Lecture 13. 250 BA TTLK OF BLENHEIM. and high-spirited sovereign, what European power was there fit to cope with her, or keep her in> check % " As to Germany, the ambitious projects of the German branch of Austria had been entirely defeated, the peace of the empire had been restored, and almost a new constitution formed, or an old revived, by the treaties of Westphalia ; nay^ the, imperial eagle was not only fallen, hut her wings were clipped."^ As to Spain, the Spanish branch of the Austrian house had sunk equally low. Philip II. left his successors a ruined monarchy. He left them something worse ; he left them his example and his principles of government, founded in ambition, in pride, in igno- rance, in bigotry, and all the pedantry of state. ^ It is not, therefore, to be wondered at, that France, in the first war of Louis XIY., despised the opposition of both branches of the once predominant house of Austria. Indeed, in Germany the French king acquired allies among the princes of the Empire against the emperor himself. He had a still stronger support in Austria's misgovernment of her own subjects. The words of Bolingbroke on this are remarkable, and some of them sound as if written within the last three years. Bolingbroke says, "It was not merely the want of cordial co-operation among the' princes of the Empire that disabled the emperor from acting with vigour in the cause of his family then, nor that has rendered the house of Austria a dead weight upon all her allies ever since. Bigotry, and its inseparable companion, cruelty, as well as the tyranny and' avarice of the court of Vienna, created in those days, and has maintained in ours, almost a perpetual diversion of the imperial arms from all effectual opposition to France. / mean to speak of the troubles in Hungary. Whatever tliey became in their progress, they were caused originally hy the usurpations and persecutions of th( emperor : and wlien the Hungarians were called rebels first, they were called so for no other reason than this, that they would not be slaves. ^ Bolingbroke, vol. ii. p. 378. Lord Bolingbroke's " Letters on the Use of History," and his "Sketch of the History and State of Europe," abound with remarks on Louis XIV. and his contemporaries, of which the substance is as sound as the style is beautiful. Unfortunately, like all his other works, they contain also a large proportion of sophistry and misrepresentation. The best test to use before we adopt any opinion or assertion of Bolingbroke's, is to consider whether in writing it he was thinking either] of Sir Eobert "Walpole or of Revealed Eeligion. When either of these objects of his hatred waa before his mind, he scrupled at no artifice or exaggeration that might servo the purpose of his malignity. On most other occasions he may be followed with advantage, as he always may be read with pleasure. Bolingbroke, vol. IL p. 378. BATTLE OF BLENHEIM. 2$i The dominion of the emperor being less supportable than that of the Turks, this unhappy people opened a door to the latter to infest the empire, instead of malung their country, what it had been before, a barrier against the Ottoman power. France became a sure though secret ally of the Turks, as well as the Hungarians, and has found her account in it, by keeping the emperor in per- petual alarms on that side, while she has ravaged the Empire and the Low Countries on the other." ^ If, after having seen the imbecility of Germany and Spain against the France of Louis XIV., we turn to the two o^ly remaining European powers of any importance at that time, to England and to Holland, we find the position of our own country as to European politics, from 1660 to 1688, most jminful to con- template. From 1660 to 1688, ''England, by the return of the Stuarts, was reduced to a nullity." The words are Michelet's,^ and though severe they are just. They are, in fact, not severe enough : for when England, under her restored dynasty of the Stuarts, did take any part in European politics, her conduct, or rather her king's conduct, was almost invariably wicked and dishonourable. Bolingbroke rightly says that, previous to the Eevolution of 1 688, during the whole progress that Louis XIV. made in obtaining such exorbitant power, as gave him well-grounded hopes of acquir- ing at last to his family the Spanish monarchy, England had been either an idle spectator of what passed on the continent, or a faint and uncertain ally against France, or a warm and sure ally on her side, or a partial mediator between her and the powers confederated together in their common defence. But though the court of England submitted to abet the usurpations of France, and the King of England stooped to be her pensioner, the crime was not national. On the contrary, the nation cried out loudly against it even whilst it was being committed.^ Holland alone, of all the European powers, opposed from the very beginning a steady and uniform resistance to the ambition and power of the French king. It was against Holland that the fiercest attacks of France were made, and though often apparently on the eve of complete success, they were always ultimately baffled by the stubborn bravery of the Dutch, and the heroism of their leader, William of Ojange. ^Vllen he became king of England, the power of this country was thrown decidedly into the scale against France; but though the contest was thus rendered less unequal, though 1 Bolingbroko, vol. ii. p. 397. ' Histoirc Moderne, vol. ii. p. 106. 3 Boliugbrokc, vol. ii. p. 418. Ip BATTLE OF BLENHEIM. William acted throughout " with invincible firmness, like a palnol and a hero," ^ France had the general superiority in every war and in every treaty : and the commencement of the eighteenth century found the last league against her dissolved, all the forces of the confederates against her dispersed, and many disbanded ; while France continued armed, with her veteran forces by sea and land increased, and held in readiness to act on all sides, whenever the opportunity should arise for seizing on the great prizes which, from the very beginning of his reign, had never been lost sight of by her king. This is not the place for any narrative of the first essay which Louis XIV. made of his power in the war of 1667 ; of his rapid conquest of Flanders and Franche-Comte ; of the treaty of Aix-la- Chapelle, which "was nothing more than a composition between the bully and the bullied /'^ of his attack on Holland in 1672 ; of the districts and barrier-towns of the Spanish Netherlands which were secured to him by the treaty of Ximeguen in 1678 ; of how, after this treaty, he " continued to vex both Spain and the Empire, and to extend his conquests in the Low Countries and on the Rhine, both by the pen and the sword; how he took Luxembourg by force, stole Strasburg, and bought Casal;" of how the league of Augsburg was formed against him in 1686, and the election of William of Orange to the English throne in 1688, gave a new spirit to the opposition which France encountered ; of the long and chequered war that followed, in which the French armies were generally victorious on the continent, though his fleet was beaten at La Hogue, and his dependent, James 11. , was defeated at the Boyne ; or of the treaty of Kyswick, which left France in possession of Roussillon, Artois, and Strasburg, which gave Europe no security against her claims on the Spanish succession, and which Louis regarded as a mere truce, to gain breathing- time before a more decisive struggle. It must be borne in mind that the ambition of Louis in these wars was twofold. It had its immediate and its ulterior objects. Its immediate object was to conquer and annex to France the neighbouring provinces and towns that were most con- venient for the increase of her strength ; but the ulterior object of Louis, from the time of his marriage to the Spanish Infanta in 1659, was to acquire for the house of Bourbon the whole empire of Spain. A formal renunciation of all right to the Spanish succession had been made at the time of the marriage ; but such renunciations were never of any practical efi'ect, and many casuists and jurists of the age even held them to be intrinsically void. As time passed ^ Boliugbroke, vol. ii. p. 404. a Ibid. p. 329. BATTLE OF BLENHEIM, 253 on, and the prospect of Charles II. of Spain dying without lineal heirs became more and more certain, so did the claims of the house of Bourbon to the Spanish crown after his death become matters of urgent interest to French ambition on the one hand, and to the other powers of Europe on the other. At length the unhappy King of Spain died. By his will he appointed Philip, Duke of Anjou, one of Louis XIY.'s grandsons, to succeed him on the throne of Spain, and strictly forbade any partition of his dominions. Louis well knew that a general European war would follow if he accepted for his house the crown thus bequeathed. But he had been pre- paring for this crisis throughout his reign. He sent his grandson into Spain as King Philip V. of that country, addressing to him on his departure the memorable words, " There are no longer any Pyrenees." The empire, which now received the grandson of Louis as its king, comprised, besides Spain itself, the strongest part of the Netherlands, Sardinia, Sicily, Naples, the principality of Milan, and other possessions in Italy, the Philippines and Manilla Islands in Asia, and, in the New World, besides California and Florida, the greatest part of Central and of Southern America. Philip was well received in Madrid, where he was crowned as King Philip V. in the beginning of 1701. The distant portions of his empire sent in their adhesion ; and the house of Bourbon, either by its French or Spanish troops, now had occupation both of the kingdom of Francis I., and of the fairest and amplest portion of the empira of the great rival of Francis, Charles Y. Loud was the wrath of Austria, whose princes were the rival claimants 'of the Bourbons for the empire of Spain. The indigna- tion of William III., though not. equally loud, was far more deep and energetic. By his exertions a league against the house of Bourbon was formed between England, Holland, and the Austrian Fanperor, which was subsequently joined by the Kings of Portugal and Prussia, by the Duke of Savoy, and by Denmark. Indeed, the alarm throughout Europe was now general and urgent. It was clear that Louis aimed at consolidating France and the Spanish dominions into one preponderating empire. At the moment when Philip was departing to take possession of Spain, Louis had issued letters- patent in his favour to the effect of preserving his rights to tho throne of France. And Louis had himself obtained possession of the important frontier of the Spanish Netherlands, with its numerous fortified cities, which were given up to his troops under pretence of securing them for the young King of Spain. Whether the formal union of the two crowns was likely to take place speedily 254 BA TTLE OF BLENHEIM. or not, it was evident that the resources of the whole Spanish monarchy were now virtually at the French king's disposal. The peril that seemed to menace the empire, England, Holland^ and the other independent powers, is well summed up by Alison : " Spain had threatened the liberties of Europe in the end of the sixteenth century, Erance had all but overthrown them in the close of the seventeenth. What hope was there of their being able to make head against them both, united under such a monarch as Louis XIY.r'i Our knowledge of the decayed state into which the Spanish power had fallen, ought not to make us regard their alarms as chimerical. Spain possessed enormous resources, and her strength was capable of being regenerated by a vigorous ruler. "We should remember what Alberoni effected, even after the close of the War of Succession. By what that minister did in a few years, we may judge what Louis XIV. would have done in restoring the maritime and military power of that great country which nature has so largely gifted, and which man's misgovernment has so debased. The death of King William on the 8th of March, 1702, at first seemed likely to paralyse the league against Erance, for " notwith- standing the ill-success with which he made war generally, he was looked upon as the sole centre of union that could keep together the great confederacy then forming ; and how much the Erench feared from his life, had appeared a few years before, in the extravagant and indecent joy they expressed on a false report of his death. A short time showed how vain the fears of some, and the hopes of others were.'^ ^ Queen Anne, within three days after her accession, went down to the House of Lords, and there declared her resolution to support the measures planned by her predecessor, who had been " the great support, not only of these kingdoms, but of all Europe." Anne was married to Prince George of Denmark, and by her acces- sion to the English throne the confederacy against Louis obtained the aid of the troops of Denmark; but Anne's strong attachment to one of her female friends led to far more important advantages to the anti-Gallican confederacy, than the acquisition of many armies, ibr it gave them Marlborough as their Captain-General. There are few successful commanders on whom Eame has shone so unwillingly as upon John Churchill, Duke of Marlborough, I'rince of the Holy Eoman Empire, — victor of Blenheim, Eamihes, Oudenarde, and Malplaquet, — captor of Liege, Bonn, Limburg, Landau, Ghent, Bruges, Antwerp, Oudenarde, Ostend, Moniu, ^ I\Tilitary History of the Duke of MarlLomugli, p. 32. 2 I>uliug1.)roke, vol. ii. p. 415. BATTLE OF BLENHEIM. 255 Dendermonde, Ath, Lille, Tournay, Mons, Doiiay, Aire, Betliune, and Bouchain ; who never fought a battle that he did not win, and never besieged a place that he did not take. Marlborough's own private character is the cause of this. Military glory may, and too often does, dazzle both contemporaries and posterity, until the crimes as well as the vices of heroes are forgotten. But even a few stains of personal meanness will dim a soldier's reputation irrepar- ably ; and Marlborough's faults were of a peculiarly base and mean order. Our feelings towards historical personages are in this respect like our feelings towards private acquaintances. There are actions of that shabby nature, that, however much they may be outweighed by a man's good deeds on a general estimate of his character, we never can feel any cordial liking for the person who has been guilty of them. Thus, with respect to the Duke of Marlborough, it goes against our feelings to admire the man, who owed his first advance- ment in life to the court-favour which he and his family acquired through his sister becoming one of the mistresses of the Duke of York. It is repulsive to know that Marlborough laid the founda- tion of his wealth by being the paid lover of one of the fair and frail favourites of Charles II. His treachery and ingratitude to his patron and benefactor, James II., stand out in dark relief, even in that age of thankless perfidy. He was almost equally disloyal to his new master, King William ; and a more un-English act cannot be recorded than Godolphin's and Marlborough's betrayal to the French court in 1694 of the expedition then designed against Brest, an act of treason which caused some hundreds of English soldiers and sailors to be helplessly slaughtered on the beach in Camaret Bay. It is, however, only in his military career that we have now to consider him ; and there are very few generals, of either ancient or modern times, whose campaigns will bear a comparison with those of Marlborough, either for the masterly skill with which they were planned, or for the bold yet prudent energy with which each plan was carried into execution. Marlborough had served while young under Turenne, and had obtained the marked praise of that great tactician. It would be difiicult, indeed, to name a single quality which a general ought to have, and with which Marlborough was not eminently gifted. What principally attracted the notice of contemporaries, was the imperturbable evenness of his spirit. Voltaire ^ says of liim : — " He had, to a degree above all other generals of his time, that calm courage in the midst of tumult, that serenity of soul in danger, * Siecle do Louis Quatorzo, 256 BATTLE OF BLENHEIM. which the English call a cool head [que les Anglais appellent cold headj tete/roide], and it was perhaps this quality, the greatest gift of nature for command, which formerly gave the English so many advantages over the French in the plains of Cressy, Poicti'3rs, and Agincourt." King William's knowledge of Marlborough's high abilities, though he knew his faitlilessness equally well, is said to have caused that sovereign in his last illness to recommend Marlborough to his successor as the fittest person to command her armies : but Mail- borough's favour with the new queen by means of his wife, was so high, that he was certain of obtaining the highest employment : and the war against Louis opened to him a glorious theatre for the display of those military talents, which he had before only had an opportunity of exercising in a subordinate character, and on far less conspicuous scenes. He was not only made captain-general of the English forces at home and abroad, but such was the authority of England in the council of the Grand Alliance, and Marlborough was so skilled in winning golden opinions from all whom he met with, that, on his reaching the Hague, he was received with transports of joy by the Dutch, and it was agreed by the heads of that republic, and the minister of the emperor, that Marlborough should have the chief command of all the allied armies. It must indeed, in justice to Marlborough, be borne in mind, that mere military skill was by no means all that was required of him in this arduous and invidious station. Had it not been for his un- rivalled patience and sweetness of temper, and his marvellous ability in discerning the character of those with whom he had to act, his intuitive perception of those who were to be thoroughly trusted, and of those who were to be amused with the mere semblance of respect and confidence, — had not Marlborough possessed and em- ployed, while at the head of the allied armies, all the qualifications of a polished courtier and a great statesman, he never would have led the allied armies to the Danube. The Confederacy would not have held together for a single year. His great political adversary, Bolingbroke, does him ample justice here. Bolingbroke, after refer- ring to the loss which King William's death seemed to inflict on the cause of the Allies, observes that, " By his death, the Duke of Marl- borough was raised to the head of the army, and, indeed, of the Confederacy ; where he, a new, a private man, a subject, acquired by merit and by management, a more deciding influence, than high bu'th, confirmed authority, and even the crown of Great Britain, had given to King William. Not only all the parts of that vast iiiachine, the Grand Alliance, were kept more compact and entire ; BATTLE OF BLENHEIM. 257 but a more rapid and vigorous motion was given to the whole ; and instead of languishing and disastrous campaigns, we saw every scene of the war full of action. All those wherein he appeared, and many of those wherein he was not then an actor, but abettor, however, of their action, were crowned with the most triumphant success. " I take with pleasure this opportunity of doing justice to that gi'eat man, whose faults I knew, whose virtues I admired ; and whose memory, as the greatest general and as the greatest minister that our country, or perhaps any other, has produced, I honour."^ War was formally declared by the Allies against France on the 4th of May, 1702. The principal scenes of its operation were, at first, Flanders, the Upper Ehine, and JN'orth Italy. Marlborough headed the allied troops in Flanders during the first two years of the war, and took some towns from the enemy, but nothing decisive occurred. Nor did any actions of importance take place during this period, between the rival armies in Italy. But in the centre of that line from north to south, from the mouth of the Scheldt to the mouth of the Po, along which the war was carried on, the generals of Louis XIV. acquired advantages in 1703, which threat- ened one chief member of the Grand Alliance with utter destruction. France had obtained the important assistance of Bavaria, as her confederate in the war. The Elector of this powerful German state made himself master of the strong fortress of Ulm, and opened a communication with the French armies on the Upper Ehine. By this junction, the troops of Louis were enabled to assail the Emperor in the very heart of Germany. In the autumn of the year 1703, the combined armies of the Elector and French king completely defeated the Imperialists in Bavaria ; and in the following winter they made themselves masters of the important cities of Augsburg and Passau. Meanwhile the French army of the Upper Ehine and Moselle had beaten the allied armies opposed to them, and taken Treves and Landau. At the same time the discontents in Hungary with Austria agaui broke out into open insurrection, so as to distract the attention, and complete the terror of the Emperor and his council at Vienna. Louis XIV. ordered the next campaign to be commenced by his liTOops on a scale of grandeur and with a boldness of enterprise, such as even Napoleon's military schemes have seldom equalled. On the extreme left of the line of the war, in the Netherlands, the French armies were to act only on the defensive. The fortresses in the hands of the French there, were so many and so strong that no serious impression seemed likely to bo made by the Allies on the ^ Bolingbroko, vol. ii. p. 4J-5. B 258 BATTLE OF BLENHEIM, French frontier in that quarter during one campaign ; and that od« campaign was to give France such triumphs elsewhere as would (it was hoped) determine the war. Large detachments were, therefore, to be made from the French force in Flanders, and they were to be led by Marshal Villeroy to the Moselle and Upper Ehine. The French army already in the neighbourhood of those rivers was to march under Marshal Tallard through the Black Forest, and join the Elector of Bavaria and the French troops that were already with the Elector under Marshal Marsin. Meanwhile the French army of Italy was to advance through the Tyrol into Austria, and the whole forces were to combine between the Danube and the Inn. A strong body of troops was to be despatched into Hungary, to assist and organize the insurgents in that kingdom ; and the French grand army of the Danube was then, in collected and irresistible migh^ to march upon Vienna, and dictate terms of peace to the Emperor. High military genius was shown in the formation of this plan, but it was met and baffled by a genius higher stilL Marlborough had watched, with the deepest anxiety, the progress of the French arms on the Ehine and in Bavaria, and he saw the futility of carrying on a war of posts and sieges in Flanders, while death-blows to the empire were being dealt on the Danube. He resolved therefore to let the war in Flanders languish for a year, while he moved with all the disposable forces that he could collect to the central scenes of decisive operations. Such a march was in itself difficult, but Marlborough had, in the first instance, to over- come the still greater difficulty of obtaining the consent and cheerful co-operation of the AUies, especially of the Dutch, whose frontier it was proposed thus to deprive of the larger part of the force which had hitherto been its protection. Fortunately, among the many slothful, the many foolish, the many timid, and the not few treacherous rulers, statesmen, and generals of different nations with whom he had to deal, there were two men, eminent both in ability and integrity, who entered fully into Marlborough's projects, and who, from the stations which they occupied, were enabled materially to forward them. One of these was the Dutch statesman Heinsius^ who had been the cordial supporter of King William, and who now, with equal zeal and good faith, supported Marlborough in the councils of the Allies ; the other was the celebrated general. Prince Eugone, whom the Austrian cabinet had recalled from the Italian frontier, to take the command of one of the Emperor's armies in Germany. To these two great men, and a few more, Marlborough communicated his plan freely and unreservedly ; but to the general councils of his allies ho only disclosed part of his daring scheme. He proposed to BATTLE OF BLENHEPM. 259 the Dutch that he should inarch from Flanders to the Upper Ehine and Moselle, with the British troops and part of the foreign auxili- aries, and commence vigorous operations against the French armies in that quarter, whilst General Auverquerque, with the Dutch and the remainder of the auxiliaries, maintained a defensive war in the Netherlands. Having with difficulty obtained the consent of the Dutch to this portion of his project, he exercised the same diplomatic zeal, with the same success, in urging the King of Prussia, and other princes of the empire, to increase the number of the troops which they supplied, and to post them in places convenient for his own intended movements. Marlborough commenced his celebrated march on the 19th of May. The army, which he was to lead, had been assembled by his brother, General Churchill, at Bedburg, not far from Maestricht on the Meuse : it included sixteen thousand English troops, and con- sisted of fifty-one battalions of foot, and ninety-two squadrons of horse. Marlborough was to collect and join with him on his march the troops of Prussia, Luneburg, and Hesse, quartered on the Rhino, and eleven Dutch battalions that were stationed at Eothweil.^ He had only marched a single day, when the series of interruptions, complaints, and requisitions from the other leaders of the Allies began, to which he seemed doomed throughout his enterprise, and v/hich would have caused its failure in the hands of any one not gifted with the firmness and the exquisite temper of Marlborough. One specimen of these annoyances and of Marlborough's mode of dealing with them may suffice. On his encamping at Kupen, on the 20th, he received an express from Auverquerque pressing him to halt, because Villeroy, who commanded the French army in Flanders, had quitted the lines which he had been occupying, and crossed the Meuse at Namur with thirty-six battalions and forty- five squadrons, and was threatening the town of Huys. At the same time Marlborough received letters from the Margrave of Baden and Count Wratislaw, who commanded the Imperialist forces at Stollholfen near the left bank of the Ehine, stating that Tallard had made a movement, as if intending to cross the Ehiue. and urging him to hasten his march towards the lines of Stollhofien. Marlborough was not diverted by these applications from the prose- cution of his grand design. Conscious that the army of Villeroy would be too much reduced to undertake offijnsive operations, by the detachments which had already been made towards the Ehine, and those which must follow his own march, he halted only a daj to quiet the alarms of Auverquerque. To satisfy also the margrave 1 Coxe's Life of Marlborough. b2 26o BATTLE OF BLENHEIM. he ordered the troops of Hompesch and Bulow to draw towards Philipsburg, though with private injunctions not to proceed beyond a certain distance. He even exacted a promise to the same effect from Count Wratislaw, who at this juncture arrived at the camp to attend him during the whole campaign.^ Marlborough reached the Ehine at Coblentz, where he crossed that river, and then marched along its right bank to Broubach and Mentz. His march, though rapid, was admirably conducted, so as to save the troops from all unnecessary fatigue ; ample supplies of provisions were ready, and the most perfect discipline was main- tained. By degrees Marlborough obtained more reinforcements from the Dutch and the other confederates, and he also was left more at liberty by them to follow his own course. Indeed, before even a blow was struck, his enterprise had paralysed the enemy, and had materially relieved Austria from the pressure of the war. Villeroy, with his detachments from the French-Flemish army, was completely bewildered by Marlborough's movements ; and, unable to divine where it was that the English general meant to strike his blow, wasted away the early part of the summer between Flanders and the Moselle without effecting anything. ^ Marshal Tallard, who commanded forty-five thousand men at Strasburg, and who had been destined by Louis to march early in the year into Bavaria, thought that Marlborough's march along the Rhine was preliminary to an attack upon Alsace ; and the marshal therefore kept his forty-five thousand men back in order to support France in that quarter. Marlborough skilfully encouraged his apprehensions by causing a bridge to be constructed across the Rhine at Philipsburg, and by making the Landgrave of Hesse advance, his artillery at Manheim, as if for a siege of Landau. Meanwhile the Elector of Bavaria and Marshal Marsin, suspecting that Marlborough's design might be what it really proved to be, forbore to press upon the Austrians opposed to them, or to send troops into Hungary; and they kept back so as to secure their communications with France. Thus, when Marlborough, at the beginning of June, left the Rhine and marched for the Danube, the numerous hostile armies were uncombined, and unable to check him. " With such skill and science had this enterprise been concerted, 1 Coxe. 2 " Marshal Yilleroy," says Voltah-e, "wlio had wished to follow Marlborough on his first marches, suddenly lost sight of him altogether, and only learned where he really was, on hearing of his victory at Donauwcrt." — SilcU di Louis XI Y. BATTLE OF BLENHEIM. 261 that at the very moment ■when it assumed a specific direction, the enemy was no longer enabled to render it abortive. As the march was now to be bent towards the Danube, notice was given for the Prussians, Palatines, and Hessians, who were stationed on the lihine, to order their march so as to join the main body in its progress. At the same time directions were sent to accelerate the advance of the Danish auxiliaries, who were marching from the Netherlands." ^ Crossing the river Neckar, Marlborough marched in a south- eastern direction to Mundelshene, where he had his first personal interview with Prince Eugene, who was destined to be his colleague on so many glorious fields. Thence, through a difficult and danger- ous country, Marlborough continued his march against the Bava- rians, whom he encountered on the 2d of July, on the heights of the Schullenberg, near Donauwert. Marlborough stormed their entrenched camp, crossed the Danube, took several strong places in Bavaria, and made himself completely master of the Elector's dominions, except the fortified cities of Munich and Augsburg. But the Elector's army, though defeated at Donauwert, was still numerous and strong ; and at last Marshal Tallard, when thoroughly apprised of the real nature of Marlborough's movements, crossed the Khine. He was suffered through the supineness of the German general at Stollhoffen, to march without loss through the Black Eorest, and united his powerful army at Biberach near Augsburg, with that of the Elector and the French troops under Marshal Marsin, who had previously been co-operating with the Bavarians. On the other hand, Marlborough re-crossed the Danube, and on the 11th of August united his army with the Imperialist forces under Prince Eugene. The combined armies occupied a position near Hochstadt, a little higher up the left bank of the Danube than Donauwert, the scene of Marlborough's recent victory, and almost exactly on the ground where Marshal Yillars and the Elector had defeated an Austrian army in the preceding year. The French marshals and the Elector were now in position a little farther to the east, between Blenheim and Lutzingen, and with the little stream of the Nebel between them and the troops of Marlborough and Eugene. The Gallo-Bavarian army consisted of about sixty thousand men, and they had sixty-one pieces of artillery. The army of the Allies was about fifty-six thousand strong, with fifty- two guns. 2 1 Coxe. 2 A short time before the "War of the Succession the musquet and bayonet had been made the arms of all the French infantry. It had formerly been 262 BATTLE OF BLENHEIM. \ Altliougli the French army of Italy had been unable to pcnetrai into Austria, and although the masterly strategy of Marlboroug' had hitherto warded off the destruction with which the cause of the Allies seemed menaced at the beginning of the campaign, the peril was still most serious. It was absolutely necessary for Marlborough to attack the enemy, before Villeroy should be roused into action. There was nothing to stop that general and his army from marching into Franconia, whence the Allies drew their principal supplies \ and besides thus distressing them, he might, by marching on and joining his army to those of Tallard and the Elector, form a mass which would overwhelm the force under Marlborough and Eugene. On the other hand, the chances of a battle seemed perilous, and the fatal consequences of a defeat were certain. The inferiority of the Allies in point of number was not very great, but still it was not to be disregarded ; and the advantage which the enemy seemed to have in the composition of their troops was striking. Tallard and Marsin had forty-five thousand Frenchmen under them, all veterans, and all trained to act together : the Elector's own troops also were good soldiers. Marlborough, like Wellington at Waterloo, headed an army, of which the larger proportion consisted not of English, but of men of many different nations, and many different languages. He was also obliged to be the assailant in the action, and thus to expose his troops to comparatively heavy loss at the commencement of the battle, while the enemy would fight under the protection of the villages and lines which they were actively engaged in strengthening. The consequences of a defeat of the confederated army must have broken up the Grand Alliance, and realised the proudest hopes of the French king. Mr. Alison, in his admirable military history of the Duke of Marlborough, has truly stated the effects which would have taken place if France had been successful in the w«r. And, when the position of the Confederates at the time when Blenheim was fought is remembered j when we recollect the exhaustion of Austria, the menacing insurrection of Hungary, the feuds and jealousies of the German princes, the strength and activity of the Jacobite party in England, the imbecility of nearly all the Dutch statesmen of the time, and the weakness of Holland if deprived of her allies, we may adopt his words in speculating on what would have ensued, if France had been victorious in the battle, and " if a power, animated by the ambition, guided by the fanaticism, and directed by the ability of that of Louis XIY., had usual to mingle pike-men with musqueteers. The other Eiropean nations followed the example of France, and the weapons used at Blenheim were •ubstantially the same as those still employed. BATTLE OF BLENHEIM. 263 gained the ascendancy in Europe. Beyond all question, a universal despotic dominion would have been established over the bodies, a cruel spiritual thraldom over the minds of men. France and Spain united under Bourbon princes, and in a close family alliance — the empire of Charlemagne with that of Charles V. — the power which revoked the edict of JSTantes, and perpetrated the massacre of St. Bartholomew, with that which banished the Moriscoes, and estab lished the Inquisition, would have proved irresistible, and beyon»\ example destructive to the best interests of mankind. " The Protestants might have been driven, like the Pagan heathens of old by the son of Pepin, beyond the Elbe ; the Stuart race, and with them Eomish ascendancy, might have been re- estai)lished in England ; the fire lighted by Latimer and Ridley might have been extinguished in blood ; and the energy breathed by religious freedom into the Anglo-Saxon race mJ^ht have expired. The destinies of the world would have been changed. Europe, instead of a variety of independent states, whose mutual hostility kept alive courage, while their national rivalry stimulated talent, would have sunk into the slumber attendant on universal dominion. The colonial empire of England would have withered away and perished, as that of Spain has done in the grasp of the Inquisition. The Anglo-Saxon race would have been arrested in its mission to overspread the earth and subdue it. The centralised despotism of the Roman empire would have been renewed on Continental Europe ; the chains of Romish tyranny, and with them the general infidelity of Erance before the Revolution, would have extinguished or perverted thought in the British islands ."^ Marlborough's words at the council of war, when a battle was resolved on, are remarkable, and they deserve recording. "We know them on the authority of his chaplain, Mr. (afterwards Bishop) Hare, who accompanied him throughout the campaign, and in whose journal the biographers of Marlborough have found many of their best materials. Marlborough's words to the officers who remonstrated with him on the seeming temerity of attacking the enemy in their position, were — " I know the danger, yet a battle is absolutely necessary ; and I rely on the bravery and discipline of the troops, which will make amends for our disadvantages." In the evening orders were issued for a general engagement, and received by the army with an alacrity which justified his confidence. The French and Bavarians were posted behind a little stream called the Nebel, which runs almost from north to south into the Danube immediately in front of the village of Blenheim. The 1 Alison's Life of Marlborough, p, 248. 264 BATTLE CF BLENHEIM. Xetel flows along a little valley, and the French occupied the rising ground to the west of it. The village of Blenheim was the extreme right of their position, and the village of Lutzingen, about three miles north of Blenheim, formed their left. Beyond Lutzingen are the rugged high grounds of the Godd Berg, and Eich Berg, on the skirts of which some detachments were posted so as to secure the Gallo-Bavarian position from being turned on the left flank. The Danube protected their right flank ; and it was only in front that they could be attacked. The villages of Blenheim and Lutzingen had been strongly palisadoed and entrenched. Marshal Tallard, who held the chief command, took his station at Blenheim : Prince Maximilian the Elector, and Marshal Marsin commanded on the PLAN OF THE BATTLE OK BLENHEIM. left. Tallard garrisoned Blenheim with twenty-six battalions of French infantry, and twelve squadrons of French cavalry. Marsin and the Elector had twenty-two battalions of infantry, and thirty- BATTLE OF BLENHEIM. 265 six squadrons of cavalry in front of the village of Lutzingen. The centre was occupied by fourteen battalions of infantry, including the celebrated Irish Brigade. These were posted in the little hamlet of Oberglau, which lies somewhat nearer to Lutzingen than to Blenheim. Eighty squadrons of cavalry and seven battalions of foot were ranged between Oberglau and Blenheim. Thus the French position was very strong at each extremity, but was comparatively weak in the centre. Tallard seems to have relied on the swampy state of the part of the valley that reaches from below Oberglau to Blenheim, for preventing any serious attack on this part of his line. The army of the Allies was formed into two great divisions : the largest being commanded by the Duke in person, and being destined to act against Tallard, while Prince Eugene led the other division, which consisted chiefly of cavalry, and was intended to oppose the enemy under Marsia and the Elector. As they ap- proached the enemy, Marlborough's troops formed the left and the centre, while Eugene's formed the right of the entire army. Early in the morning of the 13th of August, the Allies left their own camp and marched towards the enemy. A thick haze covered the ground, and it was not until the allied right and centre had ad- vanced nearly within cannon-shot of the enemy that Tallard was aware of their approach. He made his preparations with what haste he could, and about eight o'clock a heavy fire of artillery was opened from the Erench right on the advancing left wing of the British. Marlborough ordered up some of his batteries to reply to it, and while the columns that were to form the allied left and centre deployed, and took up their proper stations in the line, a, warm cannonade was kept up by the guns on both sides. The ground which Eugene's columns had to traverse was pecu- liarly difficult, especially for the passage of the artiUery \ and it was nearly mid-day before he could get his troops into line opposite to Lutzingen. During this interval, Marlborough ordered divine ser- vice to be performed by the chaplains at the head of each regiment ; and then rode along the lines, and found both oflicers and men in the highest spirits, and waiting impatiently for the signal for the the attack. At length an aide-de-camp galloped up from the right with the welcome news that Eugene was ready. Marlborough instantly sent Lord Cutts, with a strong brigade of infantry, to assault the village of Blenheim, while he himself led the maia body down the eastward slope of the valley of the Nebel, and prepared to effect the passage of the stream. The assault on Blenheim, though bravely made, was repulsed 266 BATTLE OF BLENHEIM. with severe loss ; and Marlborougli, finding how strongly that vUlago was garrisoned, desisted from any further attempts to carry it, and bent all his energies to breaking the enemy's line between Blenheim and Oberglau. Some temporary bridges had been pre- pared, and planks and fascines had been collected ; and by the aid of these, and a little stone bridge which crossed the ^N'ebel, Jiear a hamlet called Unterglan, that lay in the centre of the valley, Marl- borough succeeded in getting several squadrons across the Nebel, though it was divided into several branches, and the ground between them was soft, and in places, little better than a mere marsh. But the French artillery was not idle. The cannon balls plunged in- cessantly among the advancing squadrons of the allies \ and bodies of French cavalry rode frequently down from the western ridge, to charge them before they had time to form on the firm ground. It was only by supporting his men by fresh troops, and by bringing up infantry, who checked the advance of the enemy's horse by their steady fire, that Marlborough was able to save his army in this quarter from a repulse, which, following the failure of the attack upon Blenheim, would probably have been fatal to the A^llies. By degrees, his cavalry struggled over the blood-stained streams ; the infantry were also now brought across, so as to keep in check the French troops who held Blenheim, and who, when no longer assailed in front, had begun to attack the Allies on their left ^th considerable effect. Marlborough had thus at last succeeded in drawing up the whole left wing of his army beyond the Nebel, and was about to press forward with it, when he was called away to another part of the field by a disaster that had befallen his centre. The Prince of Holstein-Beck had, with eleven Hanoverian battalions, passed the JSTebel opposite to Oberglau, when he was charged and utterly routed by the Irish brigade which held that village. The Irish drove the Hanoverians back with heavy slaughter, broke com- pletely through the line of the Allies, and nearly achieved a success as brilliant as that which the same brigade afterwards gained at Fontenoy. But at Blenheim their ardour in pursuit led them too far. Marlborough came up in person, and dashed in upon their exposed flank with some squadrons of British cavalry. Tha Irish reeled back, and as they strove to regain the height of Oberglau, their column was raked through and through by the fire of three battalions of the Allies, which Marlborough had sum- moned up from the reserve. Marlborough having re-established the order and communication of the Allies in this quarter, now, as he returned to his own left wing, sent to learn how his colleague I BATTLE OF BLENHEIM. 267 fared against Marsin and the Elector, and to inform Eugene of iiia own success. Eugene had hitherto not been equally fortunate. He had made three attacks on the enemy opposed to him, and had been thrice driven back. It was only by his own desperate personal exertions, and the remarkable steadiness of the regiments of Prussian infantry which were under him, that be was able to save his wing from being totally defeated. But it was on the southern part of the battle-field, on the ground which Marlborough had won beyond the jS'ebel with such difficulty, that the crisis of the battle was to be decided. Like Hannibal, Marlborough relied principally on his cavalry for achieving his decisive successes, and it was by his cavalry that Blenheim, the greatest of his victories, was won. The battle had lasted till five in the afternoon. Marlborough had now eight thousand horsemen drawn up in two lines, and in the most perfect order for a general attack on the enemy's line along l^e space between Blenheim and Oberglau. The infantry was drawn up in battalions in their rear, so as to support them if repulsed, and to keep in check the large masses of the French that still occupied the village of Blenheim. Tallard now interlaced his squadrons of cavalry with battalions of infantry j and Marlborough, by a corre- sponding movement, brought several regiments of infantry, and some pieces of artillery, to his front line, at intervals between the bodies of horse. A little after five, Marlborough commenced the decisive movement, and the allied cavalry, strengthened and sup- ported by foot and guns, advanced slowly from the lower ground near the I^ebel up the slope to where the French cavalry, ten thousand strong, awaited them. On riding over the summit of the acclivity, the Allies were received with so hot a fire from the French artillery and small arms, that at first the cavalry recoiled, but without abandoning the high ground. The guns and the infantry which they had brought with them, maintained the contest with spirit and efi'ect. The French fire seemed to slacken. Marl- borough instantly ordered a charge along the line. The allied cavalry galloped forward at the enemy's squadrons, and the hearts of the French horsemen failed them. Discharging their carbines at an idle distance, they wheeled round and spurred from the field, leaving the nine infantry battalions of their comrades to be ridden down by the torrent of the allied cavalry. The battle was now won. Tallard and Marsin, severed from each other, thought only of retreat. Tallard drew up the squadrons of horse which he had left, in a line extended towards Blenheim, and sent orders to tha 268 BATTLE OF BLENHEIM, infantry in that village to leave and join him without delay. But long ere his orders could be obeyed, the conquering squadrons of Marlborough had wheeled to the left and thundered down on the feeble army of the French marshal. Part of the force which Tallard had drawn up for this last effort was driven into the Danube ; part fled with their general to the village of Sonderheim, where they were soon surrounded by the victorious Allies, and compelled to surrender. Meanwhile, Eugene had renewed his attack upon the Gallo-Bavarian left, and Marsin, finding his col- league utterly routed, and his own riglit flank uncovered, prepared to retreat. He and the Elector succeeded in withdrawing a con- siderable part of their troops in tolerable order to Dillingen ; but the large body of French who garrisoned Blenheim were left exposed to certain destruction. Marlborough speedily occupied all the outlets from the village with his victorious troops, and then, collecting his artillery round it, he commenced a cannonade that speedily would have destroyed Blenheim itself and all who were in it. After several gallant but unsuccessful attempts to cut their way through the Allies, the French in Blenheim were at length compelled to surrender at discretion ; and twenty-four battalions, and twelve squadrons, with all their officers, laid down their arms, and became the captives of Marlborough. " Such," says Voltaire, " was the celebrated battle, which the French call the battle of Hochstet, the Germans Plentheim, and the English Blenheim. The conquerors had about five thousand killed, and eight thousand wounded, the greater part being on the side of Prince Eugene. The French army was almost entirely destroyed : of sixty thousand men, so long victorious, there never reassembled more than twenty thousand effective. About twelve thousand killed, fourteen thousand prisoners, all the cannon, a prodigious number of colours and standards, all the tents and equipages, the general of the army, and one thousand two hundred officers of mark, in the power of the conqueror, signalised that day!" Ulm, Landau, Treves, and Traerbach surrendered to the allies before the close of the year. Bavaria submitted to the emperor, and the Hungarians laid down their arms. Germany was com- pletely delivered from France ; and the military ascendancy of the arms of the Allies was completely established. Throughout the rest of the war Louis fought only in defence. Blenheim had dissipated for ever his once proud visions of almost universal conqucsi. SYNOPSIS OF EVENTS. 269 SYNOPSLS OF EVENTS BETWEEN THE BATTLE OF BLENHEIM, 1704, AND THE BATTLE OF PULTOWA, 1709. A.D. 1705. The Archduke Charles lands in Spain with a small English army under Lord Peterborough, who takes Barcelona. 1706. Marlborough's victory at Ramilies. 1707. The English army in Spain is defeated at the battle of Almanza. 1708. Marlborough s victory at Oudeuarde. 270 B4 TTLE OF P UL TO WA , CHAPTER XII. THE BATTLE OF PULTOWA, 1709. " Dread Pultowa's day, When fortune left the royal Swede, Around a slaughtered army lay, No more to combat and to bleed. The power and fortune of the war Had passed to the triumphant Czar." — Byron. Napoleon prophesied at St. Helena, that all Europe would sooe be either Cossack or Republican. Eour years ago, the fulfilment of the last of these alternatives appeared most probable. But the democratic movements of 1848 were sternly repressed in 1849. The absolute authority of a single ruler, and the austere stillness of martial law, are now paramount in the capitals of the continent, which lately owned no sovereignty save the will of the multitude ; and where that which the democrat calls his sacred right of in- surrection, was so loudly asserted and so often fiercely enforced. Many causes have contributed to bring about this reaction, but the most effective and the most permanent have been Russian influence and Russian arms. Russia is now the avowed and acknowledged champion of Monarchy against Democracy ; — of constituted autho- rity, however acquired, against revolution and change for whatever [purpose desired ; — of the imperial supremacy of strong states over 'their weaker neighbours against all claims for political independence, and aU striving for separate nationality. She has crushed the heroic Hungarians ; and Austria, for whom nominally she crushed them, is now one of her dependents. Whether the rumours of her being about to engage in fresh enterprises be well or ill founded, it is certain that recent events must have fearfuUy augmented the power lof ^ the Muscovite empire, which, even previously, had been the object of weU-founded anxiety to all Western Europe. It was truly stated, twelve years ago, that "the acquisitions which Russia has made within the [then] last sixty-four years, are £:a ttle of PULTOWA. 271 equal m extfent and importance to the whole empire she had in Europe before that time ; that the acquisitions she has made from Sweden are greater than what remains of that ancient kingdom ; that her acquisitions from Poland are as large as the whole Austrian empire ; that the territory she has wrested from Turkey in Europe is equal to the dominions of Prussia, exclusive of her Rhenisli provinces j and that her acquisitions from Turkey in Asia are equal in extent to all the smaller states of Germany, the Rhenish pro- vinces of Prussia, Belgium, and Holland taken together ; that the country she has conquered from Persia is about the size of England; that her acquisitions in Tartary have an area equal to Turkey in Europe, Greece, Italy, and Spain. In sixty-four years she has advanced her frontier eight hundred and fifty miles towards Vienna, Berlin, Dresden, Munich, and Paris; she has approached four hundred and fifty miles nearer to Constantinople ; she has pos- sessed herself of the capital of Poland, and has advanced to within a few miles of the capital of Sweden, from which, when Peter the Great mounted the throne, her frontier was distant three hundred miles. Since that time she has stretched herself forward about one thousand miles towards India, and the same distance towards the capital of Persia."^ Such, at that period, had been the recent aggrandisement of Russia ; and the events of the last few years, by weakening and disuniting all her European neighbours, have immeasurably aug- mented the relative superiority of the Muscovite empire over all the other continental powers. With a population exceeding sixty millions, all implicitly obeying the impulse of a single ruling mind ; with a territorial area of six millions and a haK of square miles ; with a standing army eight hundred thousand strong ; with powerful fleets on the Baltic and Black Seas; with a skilful host of diplomatic agents planted in every court, and among every tribe; with the confidence which unexpected success creates, and the sagacity which long experience fosters, Russia now grasps with an armed right hand the tangled thread of European politics, and issues her mandate as the arbi- tress of the movements of the age. Yet a century and a half have hardly elapsed since she was first recognised as a member of the drama of modern European history, — previously to the battle of Pultowa, Russia played no part. Charles V. and his great rival, our Elizabeth and her adversary Philip of Spain, the Guises, Sully, Richelieu, CromweU, De Witt, William of Orange, and the other leading spirits of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, thought ' Progress of Etwi6i in the East, p. 142. 272 BATTLE OF PULTOWA. I no more abont tlie Muscovite Czar than we now think about th King of Timbuctoo. Even as late as 1735, Lord BoUngbroke, in his admirable " Letters on History," speaks of the history of the Muscovites, as having no relation to the knowledge which a practical English statesman ought to acquire.^ . It may be doubted whether a cabinet council often takes place now in our Foreign Office, without Eussia being uppermost in every English statesman's thoughts. But though Kussia remained thus long unheeded amid her snows, there was a northern power, the influence of which was acknow- ledged in the principal European quarrels, and whose good will was sedulously courted by many of the boldest chiefs and ablest coun- cillors of the leading states. This was Sweden; Sweden, on whose ruins Eussia has risen; but whose ascendancy over her semi- barbarous neighbours was complete, until the fatal battle that now forms our subject. As early as 1542 France had sought the alliance of Sweden to aid her in her struggle against Charles V. And the name of Gustavus Adolphus is of itself sufficient to remind us, that in the great contest for religious liberty, of which Germany was for thirty years the arena, it was Sweden that rescued the falling cause of Pro- testantism; and it was Sweden that principally dicta^ted the re- modelling of the European state-system at the peace of Westphalia. From the proud pre-eminence in which the valour of the " Lion of the North," and of Torstenston, Bannier, Wrangel, and the other generals of Gustavus, guided by the wisdom of Oxenstiern, had placed Sweden, the defeat of Charles XII. at Pultowa hurled her down at once and for ever. Her efforts during the wars of the French revolution to assume a leading part in European politics, met with instant discomfiture, and almost provoked derision. But the Sweden, whose sceptre was bequeathed to Christina, and whose alliance Cromwell valued so highly, was a different power from the Sweden of the present day. Finland, Ingria, Livonia, Esthonia, Carelia, and other districts east of the Baltic, then were Swedish province^ ; and the possession of Pomerania, Eugen, and Bremen, made her an important member of the Germanic empire. These territories are now all reft from her ; and the most valuable of them form the staple of her victorious rival's strength. Could she resume them, could the Sweden of 1648 be reconstructed, we should have a first-class Scandinavian State in the North, well qualified to main- tain the balance of power, and check the progress of Eussia; whoso 1 Bolingbrokc's Works, vol, ii. p. 374. In the same page he observes how Sweden had often turned her arms southwards with prodigious effect. BATTLE OF PULTOWA. 273 power, indeed, never could have become formidable to Europe, save by Sweden becoming weak. The decisive triumph of Eussia over Sweden at Pultowa was therefore all-important to the world, on account of what it over- threw as well as for what it established ; and it is the more deeply interesting because it was not merely the crisis of a struggle between two states, but it was a trial of strength between two great races of mankind. We must bear in mind, that while the Swedes, like the English, the Dutch, and others, belong to the Germanic race, the Russians are a Sclavonic people. Nations of Sclavonian origin have long occupied the greater part of Europe eastward of the Vistula, and the populations also of Bohemia, Croatia, Servia, Dalmatia, and other important regions westward of that river, are Sclavonic. In the long and varied conflicts between them and the Germanic nations that adjoin them, the Germanic race had, before Pultowa, almost always maintained a superiority. With the single but important exception of Poland, no Sclavonic state had made any considerable figure in history before the time when Peter the Great won his great victory over the Swedish king.^ What Russia has done since that time we know and we feel. And some of the wisest and best men of our own age and nation, who have watched with deepest care the annals and the destinies of humanity, have believed that the Sclavonic element in the population of Europe has as yet only partially developed its powers : that, while other races of mankind (our own, the Germanic, included) have exhausted their creative energies, and completed their allotted achievements, the Sclavonic race has yet a great career to run : and that the narrative of Sclavonic ascendancy is the remaining page that will conclude the history of the world. ^ Let it not be supposed that in thus regarding the primary triumph of Russia over Sweden as a victory of the Sclavonic over the Germanic race, we are dealing with matters of mere ethnological pedantry, or with themes of mere speculative curiosity. The fact that Russia is a Sclavonic empire, is a fact of immense practical influence at the present moment. Half the inhabitants of the Austrian empire are Sclavonian. The population of the larger part of Turkey in Europe is of the same race. Silesia, Posen, and other parts of tlie Prussian dominions are principally Sclavonic. And during late years an enthusiastic zeal for blending all Sclavoniana into one great united Sclavonic empire, has been growing up in these countries, which, however we may deride its principle, is not the lesn 1 The Hussite wars may, perhaps, entitle Bohemia to be distinguished. ' See Arnold's Lectures on Modern History, pp. 36 — 39. T 274 ^^ TTLE OF PUL TO WA. 1 J real and active, and of which Eussia, as the head and champion the Sclavonic race, knows well how to take her advantage.^ \ It is a singular fact that Eussia owes her very name to a band o: Swedish invaders who conquered her a thousand years ago. They were soon absorbed in the Sclavonic population, and every trace of the Swedish character had disappeared in Eussia for many centuries before her invasion by Charles XII. She was long the victim and the slave of the Tartars; and for many considerable periods of years the Poles held her in subjugation. Indeed, if we except the expeditions of some of the early Eussian chiefs against Byzantium, and the reign of Ivan Vasilovitch, the history of Eussia before the time of Peter the Great is one long tale of suffer- ing and degradation. But whatever may have been the amount of national injuries that she sustained from Swede, from Tartar, or from Pole in the ages of her weakness, she has certainly retaliated ten-fold during the century and a half of her strength. Her rapid transition at 1 " The idea of Panslavism had a purely literary origin. It was started by Kollar, a Protestant clergyman of the Sclavonic congregation at Pesth, in Hungary, who wished to establish a national literature, by circulating all works, written in the various Sclavonic dialects, through every country where any of them are spoken. He suggested, that all the Sclavonic literati should become acquainted with the sister dialects, so that a Bohemian, or other work, might be read on the shores of the Adriatic, as well as on the banks of the Volga, or any other place where a Sclavonic language was spoken ; by which means an extensive literature might be created, tending to advance knowledge in all Sclavonic countries ; and he supported his arguments by observing, that the dialects of ancient Greece differed from each other, like those of his own language, and yet that they formed only one Hellenic literature. The idea of an intellectual union of all those nations naturally led to that of a political one ; and the Sclavonians, seeing that their numbers amounted to about one-third part of the whole population of Europe, and occupied more than half its territory, began to be sensible that they might claim for them- selves a position, to which they had not hitherto aspired. " The opinion gained ground ; and the question now is, whether the Sclavo- nians can form a nation independent of Eussia ; or whether they ought to rest satisfied in being part of one great race, with the most powerful member of it as their chief. The latter, indeed, is gaining ground amongst them ; and some Poles are disposed to attribute their sufferings to the arbitrary Avill of the Czar, without extending the blame to the Eussians themselves. These begin to think that, if they cannot exist as Poles, the best thing to be done is to rest satisfied with a position in the Sclavonic empire, and they hope that, when once they give up the idea of restoring their country, Eussia may grant some concessions to their separate nationality. " The same idea has been put forAvard by writers in the Eussian interest ; great efforts are making among other Sclavonic people, to induce them to look upon Eussia as their future head ; and she has already gained considerable influence over the Sclavonic populations of Turkey."— Wilkinson's DalTnatia. BATTLE OF PULTOVVA. 275 the commencement of that period from being the prey of everj conqueror to being the conqueror of all with whom she comes into contact, to being the oppressor instead of the oppressed, is almost without a parallel in the history of nations. It was the work of a single ruler ; who, himself without education, promoted science and literature among barbaric millions; who gave them fleets, commerce., arts, and arms ; who, at Pultowa, taught them to face and beat the previously invincible Swedes : and who made stubborn valour, and implicit subordination, from that time forth the distinguishing characteristics of the Russian soldiery, which had before his time been a mere disorderly and irresolute rabble. The career of Philip of Macedon resembles most nearly that of the great Muscovite Czar : but there is this important difference, that Philip had, while young, received in Southern Greece the best edu- cation in all matters of peace and war that the ablest philosophers and generals of the age could bestow. Peter was brought up among barbarians, and in barbaric ignorance. He strove to remedy this when a grown man, by leaving all the temptations to idleness and sensuality, which his court offered, and by seeking instruction abroad. He laboured with his own hands as a common artisan in Holland and in England, that he might return and teach his subjects how ships, commerce, and civilization could be acquired. There is a degree of heroism here superior to anything that we know of in the Macedonian king. But Philip's consolidation of the long disunited Macedonian empire, — his raising a people which he found the scorn of their civilized southern neighbours, to be their dread, — his organization of a brave and well- disciplined army, instead of a disorderly militia, — his creation of a maritime force, and his systematic skill in acquiring and improving sea-ports and arsenals, — his patient tenacity of purpose under reverses, — his personal bravery, — and even his proneness to coarse amusements and pleasures, — all mark him out as the prototype of the imperial founder of the Russian power. In justice, however, to the ancient hero, it ought to be added, that we find in the history of Philip no examples of that savage cruelty which deforms so grievously the character of Peter the Great, In considering the effects of the overthrow which the Swedish arms sustained at Pultowa, and in speculating on the probable consequences that would have followed if the invaders had been successful, we must not only bear in mind the wretched state in which Peter found Russia at his accession, compared with her present grandeur, but we must also keep in view the fact, that, at the time when Pultowa was fought, his reforms were yet incomplete, t2 2^6 BA TTLE OF PUL TO WA and his new institutions immature. He had broken up the ol Eussia ; and the New Eussia, which ho ultimately created, was still in embryo. Had he been crushed at Pultowa, his mighty schemes would have been buried with him ; and (to use the words of Vol- taire) "the most extensive empire in the world would have relapsed into the chaos from which it had been so lately taken." It is this fact that makes the repulse of Charles XII. the critical point in the Ibrtunes of Eussia. The danger which she incurred a century after- wards from her invasion by Napoleon was in reality far less than her peril Avhen Charles attacked her ; though the French Emperor, as a military genius, was infinitely superior to the Swedish King, and led a host against her, compared with which the armies of Charles seem almost insignificant. 13ut, as Eouche well warned his imperial master, when he vainly endeavoured to dissuade him from his disastrous expedition against the empire of the Czars, the diiference between the Eussia of 1812 and the Eussia of 1709 was greater, than the disparity between the power of Charles and the might of Napoleon. " If that heroic king," said Fouche, " had not, like your imperial Majesty, half Europe in arms to back him, neither had his opponent, the Czar Peter, 400,000 soldiers, and 50,000 Cossacks." The historians, who describe the state of the Muscovite empire when revolutionary and imperial France encountered it, narrate with truth and justice, how " at the epoch of the French Eevolution this immense empire, comprehending nearly half of Europe and Asia within its dominions, inhabited by a patient and indomitable race, ever ready to exchange the luxury and adventure of the south for the hardships and monotony of the north, was daily becoming more formidable to the liberties of Europe. The Eussian infantry had then long been celebrated for its immoveable firmness. Her immense population, amounting then in Europe alone to nearly thirty-five millions, aff'orded an inexhaustible supply of men. Her soLliers, inured to heat and cold from their infancy, and actuated by a blind devotion to their Czar, united the steady valour of tho English to the impetuous energy of the French troops." i So, also, we read how the haughty aggressions of Eonaparte "went to excite a national feeling, from the banks of the Eorysthenes to the wall of China, and to unite against him the wild and uncivilized inha- Ijitants of an extended empire, possessed by a love to their religion, their government, and their country, and having a character of stern devotion, which he was incapable of estimating." ^ Eut the Eussi? of 1709 had no such forces to oppose to an assailant. Her whole population then was below sixteen millions ; and, what is far moY9 ^ Alison. 2 Scott's Life of Napoleon. ) BA TTLE OF PULTOWA. 277 important, this population had neither acquired military spirit, nor strong nationality; nor was it united in loyal attachment to its ruler. Peter had wisely abolished the old regular troops of the empire, the Strelitzes ; hut the forces which he had raised in their stead on a new and foreign plan, and principally officered with foreigners, had, before the Swedish invasion, given no proof that they could bo relied on. In numerous encounters with the Swedes, Peter's sol- diery had run like sheep before inferior numbers. Great discontent, also, had been excited among all classes of the community by tho arbitrary changes which their great emperor introduced, many of which clashed with the most cherished national prejudices of his subjects. A career of victory and prosperity had not yet raised Peter above the reach of that disaffection, nor had superstitious obedience to the Czar yet become the characteristic of the Muscovite mind. The victorious occupation of Moscow by Charles XII. would have quelled the Russian nation as effectually, as had been the case when Baton Khan, and other ancient invaders, captured the capital of primitive Muscovy. How little such a triumph could effect towards subduing modern Eussia, the fate of i^apoleon demon- strated at once and for ever. The character of Charles XII. has been a favourite theme with historians, moralists, philosophers, and poets. But it is his military conduct during the campaign in Russia that alone requires comment here. Napoleon, in the memoirs dictated by him at St. Helena, has given us a systematic criticism on that, among other celebrated campaigns, his own Russian campaign included. He labours hard to prove that he himself observed all the true principles of offensive war : and probably his censures of Charles's generalship were rather highly coloured, for the sake of making his own military skill stand out in more favourable relief. Yet, after making all allowances, we must admit the force of Napoleon's strictures on Charles's tactics, and oAvn that his judgment, though severe, is correct, when he pronounces that the Swedish king, unlike his great predecessor Gustavus, knew nothing of the art of war, and was nothing more than a brave and intrepid soldier. Such, however, was not tho light in which Charles was regarded by his contemporaries at the commencement of his Russian expedition. His numerous victories, his daring and resolute spirit, combined with the ancient renown of the Swedish arms, then filled all Europe with admiration and anxiety. As Johnson expresses it, his name was then one at which the world grew pale. Even Louis le Grand earnestly solicited hia assistance; and our own Marlborough, then in the full career of hia 278 nA TTLE OF PUL TO WA. victories, was specially sent by the English court to the camp Charles, to propitiate the hero of tlie north in favour of the cau of tlic allies, and to prevent the Swedish sword from being flun into the scale in the French king's favour. Eut Charles at that time was solely bent on dethroning the sovereign of Eussia, as he li.'id already dethroned the sovereign of Poland, and all Europe (uUy believed that he would entirely crush the Czar, and dictate conditions of peace in the Kremlin. ^ Charles himself looked on success as a matter of certainty ; and the romantic extravagance of his views was continually increasing. " One year, he thought, would suffice for the conquest of Eussia. The court of Eome was next to feel his vengeance, as the pope had dared to oppose the concession of religious liberty to the Silesian Protestants. No enterprise at that time appeared impossible to him. He had even dispatched several officers privately into Asia and Egypt, to take plans of the towns, and examine into the strength and resources of JUose countries." ^ J^apoleon thus epitomises the earlier operations of Charles's mvasion of Eussia : — " That prince set out from his camp at Aldstadt, near Leipsic, in September 1707, at the head of 45,000 men, and traversed Iceland ; 20.000 men, under Count Lewenhaupt, disembarked at Eiga; and 15,000 were in Finland. He was therefore in a con- dition to have brought together 80,000 of the best troops in the world. He left 10,000 men at Warsaw to guard King Stanislaus, and in January 1708, arrived at Grodno, where he wintered. In June, he crossed the forest of Minsk, and presented himself before Borisov ; forced the Eussian army, which occupied the left bank of the Eeresina; defeated 20,000 E.ussians who were strongly entrenched behind marshes ; passed the Lorysthenes at Mohiloev, and vanquished a corps of 16,000 Muscovites near Smolensko, on the 2 2d of September. He was now advanced to the confines of Lithuania, and was about to enter Eussia Proper ; the Czar, alarmed at his approach, made him proposals of peace. (Jp to this time all bis movements were conformable to rule, and his communications were well secured. He was master of Poland and Eiga, and only leu days' march distant from Moscow : and it is probable that he would have reached that capital, hud he not quitted the high road tldther, and directed his steps towards the Ukraine, in order to form a junction with Mazeppa, who brought him only 6,000 men. ^ Voltaire attests, from personal inspection of the letters of several public niiuisters to their respective courts, that such wns the general expectation. Cri^'hton's Scaudiuav'-Ju BA TTLE OF P UL TO WA. 279 By this movement his line of operations, beginning at Sweden, exposed his Hank to Eussia for a distance of four hundred leagues, and he was unable to protect it, or to receive cither reinforcenienta or assistance." Napoleon severely censures this neglect of one of the great rules of war. He points out that Charles had not organized his war like Hannibal, on the principle of relinquishing all communications with home, keeping all his forces concentrated, and creating a base cf operations in the conquered country. Such had been the bold system of the Carthaginian general ; but Charles acted on no such principle, inasmuch as he caused Lewenhaupt, one of his generals who commanded a considerable detachment, and escorted a most important convoy, to follow him at a distance of twelve days' march. By this dislocation of his forces he exposed Lewenhaupt to be overwhelmed separately by the full force of the enemy, and deprived the troops under his own command of the aid which that general's men and stores might have afforded, at the very crisis of the campaign. The Czar had collected an army of about a hundred thousand effective men ; and though the Swedes, in the beginning of the in- vasion, were succesisful in every encounter, the Russian troops were gradually acquiring discipline ; and Peter and his officers were learn- ing generalship from their victors, as the Thebans of old learned it from the Spartans. When Lewenhaupt, in the October of 1708, v^as .striving to join Charles in the Ukraine, the Czar suddenly attacked him near the Borysthenes with an overwhelming force of fifty thousand Eussians. Lewenhaupt fought bravely for three days, and .succeeded in cutting his way through the enemy, with about four thousand of his men, to where Charles awaited him near the river Desna; but upwards of. eight thousand Swedes fell in these battles ; Lewenhaupt's cannon and ammunition were aban- doned; and the whole of his important convoy of provisions, on which Charles and his half-starved troops were relying, feU into the enemy's hands. Charles was compelled to remain in the Ukraine during the winter; but in the spring of 1709 he moved forward towards Moscow, and invested the fortified town of Pultowa, on the river Vorskla, a place where the Czar had stored up large supplies of provisions and military stores, and which commanded the roads leading towards Moscow. The possession of this place would have given Charles the means of supplying all the wants of liis suffering army, and would also have furnished him with a secure base of operations for his advance against the Muscovite capital TJi-c siege was therefore hotly pressed by the Swedes ; the garrison 28o SA TTLE OF PULTO WA, resisted obstinately ; and the Czar, feeling the importance of saving the town, advanced in June to its relief, at the head of an army from fifty to sixty thousand strong. Both sovereigns now prepared for the general action, which each perceived to be inevitable, and which each felt would be decisive of his own and of his country's destiny. The Czar, by some masterly manoeuvres, crossed the Vorskla, and posted his army on the same side of that river with the besiegers, but a little higher up. The Vorskla falls into the Borysthenes about fifteen leagues below Pultowa, and the Czar arranged his forces in two lines, stretching from one river towards the other ; so that if the Swedes attacked him and were repulsed, they would be driven backwards into the acute angle formed by the two streams at their junction. He fortified these lines with several redoubts, lined with heavy artillery ; and his troops, both horse and foot, were in the best possible condition, and amply provided with stores and ammunition. Charles's forces were about twenty-four thousand strong. But not more than half of these were Swedes ; so much had battle, -famine, fatigue, and the deadly frosts of Eussia, thinned the gallant bands which the Swedish king and Lewenhaupt had led to the Ukraine. The other twelve thousand men under Charles were Cossacks and Wallachians, who had joined him in that country. On hearing that the Czar was about to attack him, he deemed that his dignity required that he himself should be the assailant ; and leading his army out of their entrenched lines before the town, he advanced with them against the Eussian redoubts. He had been severely wounded in the foot in a skirmish a few days before ; and was borne in a litter along the ranks, into the thick of the fight. Notwithstanding the fearful disparity of numbers and disadvantage of position, the Swedes never showed their ancient valour more nobly than on that dreadful day. IlTor do their Cossack and Wallachian allies seem to have been unworthy of fighting side by side with Charles's veterans. Two, of tho Eussian redoubts were actually entered, and the Swedish infantry began to raise the cry of victory. But on the other side, neither general nor soldiers flinched in their duty. The Eussian can- nonade and musketry were kept up ; fresh masses of defenders were poured into the fortifications, and at length the exhausted remnants of the Swedish columns recoiled from the blood-stained redoubts. Then the Czar led the infantry and cavalry of his first line outside the works, drew them up steadily and skilfully, and the action was renewed along the whole fronts of tho two armies Qji the open ground. E^^^ sovereign exposed his life freely in tho BATTLE OF PULTOWA. 281 world- winning battle; and on eacli side the troops fought obsti- nately and eagerly under their ruler's eye. It was not till two hours from the commencement of the action that, overpowered by numbers, the hitherto invincible Swedes gave way. All was then hopeless disorder and irreparable rout. Driven downward to whero the rivers join, the fugitive Swedes surrendered to their victorious pursuers, or perished in the waters of the Borysthenes. Only a few hundreds swam that river with their king and the Cossack Mazeppa, and escaped into the Turkish territory. Nearly ten thousand lay killed and wounded in the redoubts and on the field of battle. In the joy of his heart the Czar exclaimed, when the strife was over, " That the son of the morning had fallen from heaven ; and that the foundations of St. Petersburg at length stood firm." Even on that battle-field, near the Ukraine, the Eussian emperor's first thoughts were of conquests and aggrandisement on the Baltic. The peace of Nystadt, which transferred the fairest provinces of Sweden to Eussia, ratified the judgment of battle which was pro- nounced at Pultowa. Attacks on Turkey and Persia by Eussia commenced almost direct] y after that victory. And though the Czar failed in his first attempts against the Sultan, the successors of Peter have, one and all, carried on an uniformly aggressive and uniformly successful system of policy against Turkey, and against every other state, Asiatic as well as European, which has had the misfortune of having Eussia for a neighbour. Orators and authors, who have discussed the progress of Eussia, have often alluded to the similitude between the modern extension of the Musycovite empire and the extension of the Eoman dominions in ancient times. But attention has scarcely been drawn to the closeness of the parallel between conquering Eussia and conquering Eome, not only in the extent of conquests, but in the means of efi'ecting conquest. The history of Eome during the century and' a half which followed the close of the second Punic war, and during which her largest acquisitions of territory were made, should be minutely compared with the history of Eussia for the last one Imndred and fifty years. The main points of similitude can only be indicated in these pages ; but they deserve the fullest con- sideration. Above all, the sixth chapter of Montesquieu's great treatise on Eome, the chapter " Z^e la conduite que les Romains tinrent pour soumettre les peuplea,'^ should be carefully studied by every one who watches the career and policy of Eussia. The classic scholar will remember the state-craft of the Eoman Senate, whic^ took care in every foreign war to appear iu the character o| 282 BA TTLE OF P UL TO WA. a rioUdor. Thus Eome protected the -^tolians, and the Greelt cities, against Macedon; she protected Bithynia, and other small Asiatic states, against the Syrian kings ; she protected ^tsTumidi* against Carthage; and in numerous other instances assumed thi same specious character. But, " Woe to the people whoso libert; depends on the continued forbearance of an over-mighty protector." Every state which Eome protected was ultimately subjugated and absorbed by her. And Russia has been the protector of Poland, — the protector of the Crimea, — the protector of Courland, — the pro- tector of Georgia, Immeritia, Mingrelia, the Tcherkessian and Caucasian tribes. She has first protected, and then appropriated them all. She protects Moldavia and AVallachia. A few years ago she became the protector of Turkey from Mehemet All ; and since the summer of 1849 she has made herself the protector of Austria. When the partisans of Eussia speak of the disinterestedness with which she withdrew her protecting troops from Constantinople, and from Hungary, let us here also mark the ominous exactness of the parallel between her and Eome. While the ancient world yet contained a number of independent states, which might have made a formidable league against Eome if she had alarmed them by openly avowing her ambitious schemes, Eome's favourite policy \vas seeming disinterestedness and moderation. After her first war against Philip, after that against Antiochus, and many others, vic- torious Eome promptly withdrew her troops from the territories which they occupied. She affected to employ her arms only for the good of others; but, when the favourable moment came, she always found a pretext for marching her legions back into each coveted district, and making it a Eoman province. Pear, not moderation, is the only effective check on the ambition of such powers as Ancient Eome and Modern Eussia. The amount of that fear depends on the amount of timely vigilance and energy which other states choose to employ against the common enemy oi tl.'cir freedom and national independence. 1 Malkin's History of Greec«»» ^VNOPSIS OF EVENTS. 783 EYNOrSTK OF EVENTS BETWEEN THE BATTLE OF TULTOWA, 1709, AND THE DEFEAT OF BURGOYNE AT SARATOGA, 1777. A.D. 1713. Ireaty of Utrecht. Philip is left by it in possession of the throne ol' Spain. But Naples, Milan, the Spanish territories on the Tuscan coast, the Spanish Netherlands,, aud some parts of the French Netherlands, are given to Austria. France cedes to England, Hudson's Bay and Straits, the Island of St. Christopher, Nova Scotia, and Newfoundland in America. Spain cedes to Eng- land Gibraltar and Minorca, which the English had taken during the war. The King of Prussia and the Duke of Savoy both obtain considerable additions of territory to their dominions. 1714. Death of Queen Anne. The House of Hanover begins to reign in England. A rebellion in favour of the Stuarts is put down. Death of Louis XIV. 1718. Charles XII. killed at the siege of Frederickshall. 1725. Death of Peter the Great of Russia. 1740. Frederick II., King of Prussia, begins his reign. He attacks the Austrian dominions, and conquers Silesia. 1742. War between France and England. 1743. Victory of the English at Dettingen. 1745. Victory of the French at Fontenoy. Eebellion in Scot- land in favour of the House of Stuart : finally quelled by the battle of CuUoden in the next year. 1748. Peace of Aix-la-ChapeUe. ' 1756 — 1,763. The Seven Years' War, during which Prussia makes an heroic resistance against the armies of Austria, Eussia, and France. England, under the administration of the elder Pitt (afterwards Lord Chatham), takes a glorious part in the war in opposition to France and Spain. Wolfe wins the battle of Quebec, and the English conquer Canada, Cape Breton, and St. John. Clive begins his career of conquest in India. Cuba is taken by the English from Spain. 1763. Treaty of Paris : which leaves the powrr of Prussia increased, and its military reputation greatly exalted. " France, by the treaty of Paris, ceded to England Canada, and the island of Cape Breton, with the islands and coasts of the gulf and river of St. Lawrence. The boundaries between the two nations in North America were fixed by a line drawn along the middle of the ^Mississippi, from its source to its mouth. All on the left or extern bank of that river, was given up to England, except tUo 284 SYNOPSIS OF EVENTS, city of New Orleans, which was reserved to France ; as wos alsj the liberty of the fisheries on a part of the coasts of j^ewfoundland and the Gulf of St. Lawrence. The islands of St. Peter and Miquelon were given them as a shelter for their fishermen, but without permission to raise fortifications. The islands of Martinico, Guadaloupe, Mariegalante, Desirada, and St. Lucia, were surrendered to France ; while Grenada, the Grenadines, St. Vincent, Dominica, and Tobago, were ceded to England. This latter power retained her conquests on the Senegal, and restored to France the island of Goree, on the coast of Africa. France was put in possession of the forts and factories which belonged to her in the East Indies, on the coasts of Coromandel, Orissa, Malabar, and Bengal under the restriction of keeping up no military force in Bengal. " In Europe, France restored all the conquests she had made in Germany ; as also the island of Minorca. England gave up to her Belleisle, on the coast of Brittany ; while Dunkirk was kept in the same condition as had been determined by the peace of Aix-la- Chapelle. The island of Cuba, with the Havannab, were restored to the King of Spain, who, on his part, ceded to England Florida, with Port-Augustine and the Bay of Pensacola. The King of Portugal was restored to the same state in which he had been before the war. The colony of St. Sacrament in America, which the Spaniards had conquered, was given back to him. " The peace of Paris, of wliich we have just now spoken, was the era of England's greatest prosperity. Her commerce and navigation extended over all parts of the globe, and were supported by a naval force so much the more imposing, as it was no longer counter- balanced by the maritime power of France, which had been almost annihilated in the preceding war. The immense territories which that peace had secured her, both in Africa and America, opened up new channels for her industry : and what deserves specially to be remarked is, that she acquired at the same time vast and important possessions in the East Indies." ^ * Koch's EevolutioKR of Euro;«. VICTORY OF THE AMERICANS AT SARATOGA, 283 CHAPTER XIII. VIOTORY OF THE AMERICANS OVER BURGOYNB AT SARATOGA, A.D. 1777. " Westward the course of empire takes its way ; The first four acts ah-eady past, A fifth shall close the drama with the day : Time's noblest offspring is its last." ' Bishop Berkeley. "Even of those great conflicts, in which hundrecjs of thousands have been engaged and tens of thousands have fallen, none has been more fruitful of results than this surrender of thirty-five hundred fighting-men at Saratoga. It not merely changed the relations of England and the feelings of Europe towards these insurgent colonies, but it has modified, for all times t( conic, the connexion between every colony and every parent state." — Lord Mahon. Of the four great powers that now principally rule the political destinies of the world, France and England are the only two whose influence can be dated back beyond the last century and a half. The third great power, Russia, was a feeble mass of barbarism before the epoch of Peter the Great ; and the very existence of the fourth great power, as an independent nation, commenced within the memory of living men. By the fourth great power of the world I mean the mighty commonwealth of the western continent, which now commands the admiration of mankind. That homage is some- times reluctantly given, and accompanied with suspicion and ill-will. Rut none can refuse it. All the physical essentials for national stiength are undeniably to be found in the geographical position and amplitude of territory which the United States possess : in their almost inexhaustible tracts of fertile, but hitherto untouched soil ; in their stately forests, in their mountain- chains and their rivers, their beds of coal, and stores of metallic wealth ; in their extensive sea-board along the waters of two oceans, and in their already numerous and rapidly increasing population. And, when we examine the character of this population, no one can look on the fearless energy, the sturdy determination, the aptitude for local self- I 286 VICTORY OF THE AMEfdCANS governmeiit, the versatile alacrity, and the unresting spirit of enter prise which characterise the Anglo-Americans, without feeling that he here beholds the true moral elements of progressive might. Three quarters of a century have not yet passed away since tb United States ceased to be mere dependencies of England. And even if we date their origin from the period when the first permanent European settlements, out of which they grew, were made on the western coast of the !N"orth Atlantic, the increase of their strength is unparalleled, either in rapidity or extent. The ancient Eoman boasted, with reason, of the growth of Eome from humble beginnings to the greatest magnitude which the world had then ever witnessed. But the citizen of the United States is still more justly entitled to claim this praise. In two centuries and a half his country has acquired ampler dominion than the Eoman gained in ten. And, even if we credit the legend of the band of shepherds and outlaws with which Eomulus is said to have colonized the Seven Hills, we find not there so small a germ of future great- ness, as we find in the group of a hundred and five ill-chosen and disunited emigrants who founded Jamestown in 1607, or in the scanty band of the Pilgrim-Eathers, who, a few years later, moored their bark on the wild and rock-bound coast of the wilderness that was to become !N"ew England. The power of the United States is emphatically the " Imperium quo neque ab exordio ullum fere minus, neque incrementis toto orbe amplius humana potest me- moria recordari." ^ Nothing is more calculated to impress the mind with a sense of the rapidity with which the resources of the American republic advance, tkan the difficulty which the historical inquirer finds in ascertaining their precise amount. If he consults the most recent works, and those written by the ablest investigators of the subject, he finds in them admiring comments on the change which the last few yeajs, before those books were written, had made ; but when he turns to apply the estimates in those books to the present moment, he finds them wholly inadequate. Before a book on the subject of the United States has lost its novelty, those states have outgrown the description which it contains. The celebrated work of the French statesman, De Tocqueville, appeared about fifteen years ago. In the passage which I am about to quote, it will be seen that ho predicts the constant increase of the Anglo-American power, but he looks on the Eocky Mountains as their extreme western limit for many years to come. He had evidently no expectation of himself 1 Eutropius, Ub. L (exordium). I AT SARATOGA. 2S7 sociiig that power dominant along the Pacific as well as abng the Atlantic coast. He says :^ — " The distance from Lake Superior to the Gulf of Mexico extends from the 47t]i to the 30th degree of latitude, a distance of more than 1,200 miles, as the bird flies. The frontier of the United States winds along the whole of this immense line ; sometimes falling within its limits, but more frequently extending far beyond it into th 3 waste. It has been calculated that the Whites advance every year a mean distance of seventeen miles along the whole of this vast boundary. Obstacles, such as an unproductive district, a lake, or an Indian nation unexpectedly encountered, are sometimes met with. The advancing column then halts for a while ; its two extremities fall back upon themselves, and as soon as they are re-united they proceed onwards. This gradual and continuous pro- gress of the European race towards the Eocky Mountains has the solemnity of a Providential event : it is like a deluge of men rising unabatedly, and daily driven onwards by the hand of God. " Within this first line of conquering settlers towns are built, and vast estates founded. In 1790 there were only a few thousand pioneers sprinkled along the valleys of the Mississippi : and at the present day these valleys contain as many inhabitants as were to be found in the whole Union in 1790. Their population amounts to nearly four millions. The city of Washington was founded in 1800, in the very centre of the Union ; but such are the changes which have taken place, that it now stands at one of the extremities ; and the delegates of the most remote Western States are already obliged to perform a journey as long as that from Vienna to Paris. " It must, not, then, be imagined that the impulse of the Britisli race in the New World can be arrested. The dismemberment of the Union, and the hostilities which might ensue, the abolition of republican institutions, and the tyrannical government which might succeed it, may retard this impulse, but they cannot prevent it from ultimately fulfilling the destinies to which that race is reserved. No power upon earth can close upon the emigrants that fertile wilderness, which offers resources to all industry, and a refuge from all want. Future events, of whatever nature they may be, will not deprive the Americans of their climate or of their inland seas, or of their great rivers, or of their exuberant soil Nor will bad laws, 1 The original French of these passages will be found in the chapter on "Quellos sont les chances de duree de 1' Union Americaine — Quels dangers la menacent," in the third volume of the first part of De Tocqueville, and in the conclusion of the first part They are (with others) collected and translated by Mr. Aliaon, in his " Essaya," vol. iri. p. 374. 288 VICTORY OF THE AMERICANS revolutions, and anarchy be able to obliterate that love of prosperity i and that spirit of enterprise which seem, to be the distinctive charac- I teristics of their race, or to extinguish that knowledge which guide»j them on their way. ^j " Thus, in the midst of the uncertain future, one event at least is sure. At a period which may be said to be near (for we are speaking of the life of a nation), the Anglo-Americans will alone cover the immense space contained between the Polar regions and the Tropics, extending from the coast of the Atlantic to the shores of the Pacific Ocean ; the territory which will probably be occupied by the Anglo-Americans at some future time, may be computed to equal three-quarters of Europe in extent. The climate of the Union is upon the whole preferable to that of Europe, and its natural advantages are not less great j it is therefore evident that its popu- lation will at some future time be proportionate to our own. Europe, divided as it is between so many different nations, and torn as it has been by incessant wars and the barbarous manners of the Middle Ages, has notwithstanding attained a population of 410 inhabitants to the square league. What cause can prevent the United States from having as numerous a population in time ] "The time will therefore come when one hundred and fifty millions of men will be living in North America, equal in condition, the progeny of one race, owing their origin to the same cause, and preserving the same civilization, the same language, the same re- ligion, the same habits, the same manners, and imbued with the same opinions, propagated under the same forms. The rest is uncertain, but this is certain j and it is a fact new to the world, a fact fraught with such portentous consequences as to baffie the efforts even of the imagination." Let us turn from the French statesman writing in 1835, to an English statesman, who is justly regarded as the highest authority on all statistical subjects, and who described the United States only seven years ago. Macgregor^ tells us — " The States which, on the ratification of independence, formed the American Eepublican Union, were thirteen, viz. : — "Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Connecticut, Rhode Island, New York, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia. *'The foregoing thirteen states (the whole inhabited territory of which^ with the exception of a few small settlements, was confined to the region extending between the Alleghany mountains and tin * Macgregor's Commercial Statistics. AT SARATOGA. 2^q Atlantic) were those which existed at the period when they becamo an acknowledged separate and independent federal sovereign power. The thirteen stripes of the standard or flag of the United States, continue to represent the original number. The stars have mul- tiplied to twenty-six,^ according as the number of States have increased. "The territory of the thirteen original States of the Union, including Maine and Vermont, comprehended a superficies of 371,124 English square miles ; that of the whole United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, 120,354; that of France, includiug Corsica, 214,910; that of the Austrian Empire, including Hungary and all the Imperial States, 257,540 English square miles. " The present superficies of the twenty-six constitutional States of the Anglo-American Union, and the district of Columbia, and territories of Florida, include 1,029,025 square miles ; to which if we add the north-west, or Wisconsin territory, east of the Mis- sissippi, and bounded by Lake Superior on the north, and Michigan on the east, and occupying at least 100,000 square miles, and then add the great western region, not yet well-defined territories, but at the most limited calculation comprehending 700,000 square miles, the whole unbroken in its vast length and breadth by foreign nations, comprehends a portion of the earth's surface equal to 1,729,025 English, or 1,296,770 geographical square miles." We may add that the population of the States, when they de- clared their independence, was about two millions and a half ; it is now twenty-three millions. I have quoted Macgregor, not only on account of the clear and full view "vyhich he gives of the progress of America to the date when he wrote, but because his description may be contrasted with what the United States have become even since his book appeared. Only three years after the time Avhcn Macgregor thus wrote, the American President truly stated : — " Within less than four years the annexation of Texas to the Union has been consummated ; all conflicting title to the Oregon territory, south of the 49th degree of north latitude, adjusted; and New Mexico and Upper California have been acquired by treaty. The area of these several territories contains 1,193,061 square miles, or 763,559,040 acres ; while the area of the remaining twenty-nine States, and the territory not yet organized into States cast of the Rocky Mountains, contains 2,059,513 square miles, or 1,318,126,058 acres. These estimates show that the territories recently acquired, » Fresh stars have dawned .':ince this was written. U iro )re" 290 VICTORY OF THE AMERICANS and over wliicli our exclusive jurisdiction and dominion have been extended, constitute a country more than half as large as all that which was held by the United States before their acquisition. If Oregon be excluded from the estimate, there will still remain within the limits of Texas, New Mexico, and California, 851,598 squarr miles, or 545,012,720 acres; being an addition equal to more th one-third of all the territory owned by the United States befor their acquisition ; and, including Oregon, nearly as great an extent of territory as the whole of Europe, Eussia only excepted. The Mississippi, so lately/ the frontier of our country, is now only its centre. With the addition of the late acquisitions, the United States are now estimated to be nearly as large as the whole of Europe, The extent of the sea-coast of Texas, on the Gulf of Mexico, is upwards of 400 miles ; of the coast of Upper California, on the Pacific, of 970 miles ; and of Oregon, including the Straits of Euca, of 650 miles ; making the whole extent of sea-coast on the Pacific 1,620 miles ; and the whole extent on both the Pacific and the Gulf of Mexico, 2,020 miles. The length of the coast on the Atlantic, from the northern limits of the IJnited States, round the Capes of Florida to the Sabine on the eastern boundary of Texas, is estimated to be 3,100 miles, so that the addition of sea-coast, including Oregon, is very nearly two-thirds as great as all we possessed before ; and, excluding Oregon, is an addition of 1,370 miles ; being nearly equal to one-half of the extent of coast which we possessed before these acquisitions. We have now three great maritime fronts — on the Atlantic, the Gulf of Mexico, and the Pacific ; making, in the whole, an extent of sea-coast exceeding 5,000 miles. This is the extent of the sea-coast of the United States, not including bays, sounds, and small irregularities of the main shore, and of the sea islands. If these be included, the length of the shore line of coast, as estimated by the superintendent of the Coast Survey, in his report, would be 33,063 miles." The importance of the power of the United States being then firmly planted along the Pacific applies not only to the ISTew World, but to the Old. Opposite to San Erancisco, on the coast of that ocean, lie the wealthy but decrepit empires of China and Japan. Numerous groups of islets stud the larger part of the intervening eea, and form convenient stepping-stones for the progress of commerce or ambition. The intercourse of traffic between these ancient Asiatic monarchies, and the young Anglo-American Ee- public, must be rapid and extensive. Any attempt of the Chinese or Japanese rulers to check it, will only accelerate an armed collision. The American will either buy or force his way. Between AT SARATOGA. 291 such populations as that of China and Japan on the one sido, and that of the United States on the other — the former haughty, formal, and insolent, the latter bold, intrusive, and unscrupulous — causes of quarrel must, sooner or later, arise. The results of such a quarrel cannot be doubted. America will scarcely imitate the forbearance shown by England at the end of our late war with the Celestial Empire ; and the conquests of China and Japan, by the fleets and armies of the United States, are events which many now living are likely to witness. Compared with the magnitude of such changes in the dominion of the Old World, the certain ascendancy of the Anglo-Americans over Central and Southern America, seems a matter of secondary importance. Well may we repeat De Tocque- ville's words, that the growing power of this commonwealth is, " Un fait enti^rement nouveau dans le monde, et dont I'imagination elle- meme ne saurait saisir la portee."^ An Englishman may look, and ought to look, on the growing grandeur of the Americans with no small degree of generous sympathy and satisfaction. They, like ourselves, are members of the great Anglo-Saxon nation " whose race and language are now overrunning the world from one end of it to the other." 2 And whatever difierences of form of government may exist between us and them; whatever reminiscences of the days when, though brethren, we strove together, may rankle in the minds of us, the defeated party ; we should cherish the bonds of common nationality that still exist between us. We should remember, as the Athenians remembered of the Spartans at a season of jealousy and temptation, that our race is one, being of the same blood, speaking the same language, having an essential resemblance in our institutions and usages, and worshipping in the temples of the same God.^ All this may and should be borne in mind. And yet an Englishman can hardly watch the progress of America, without the regretful thought that America once was English, and that, but for the felly of our rulers, she might be English still. It is true that the commerce between the two countries has largely and beneficially increased; but this is no proof that the increase would not have been still greater, had the States remained integral portions of the 1 These remarks were written in May 1851, and now, in May 1852, a powerful squadron of American war-steamers has been sent to Japan, for the ostensible purjiose of securing proteetion for the crews of American vessels shipwrecked on the Japanese coasts, but also evidently for important ulterfr* purposes. 2 Arnold. * ' Sfiai/j-Sv re Koi ofxSyXaxTaov, Koi &ewv Idpv/xaTd re Koivct Kol Ovarlai, f,dei Tt ouSrpoTo. — Heropotus, viii. 144, u2 292 VICTORY OF THE AMERICANS same great empire. By giving a fair and just participation iai political rights, these, "the fairest possessions" of the British | crown, might have been preserved to it. " This ancient and most noble monarchy " ^ would not have been dismembered j nor should we see that which ought to be the right arm of our strength, now menacing us in every political crisis, as the most formidable rival of our commercial and maritime ascendancy. The war which rent away the North American colonies of Eng- land is, of all subjects in history, the most painful for an English- man to dwell on. It was commenced and carried on by the British ministry in iniquity and folly, and it was concluded in disaster and shame. But the contemplation of it cannot be evaded by the historian, however much it may be abhorred. ]N"or can any military event be said to have exercised more important influence on the future fortunes of mankind, than the complete defeat of Burgoyne's expedition in 1777; a defeat which rescued the revolted colonists from certain subjection ; and which, by inducing the courts of France and Spain to attack England in their behalf, ensured the independence of the United States, and the formation of that trans- Atlantic power which, not only America, but both Europe and Asia, now see. and feel. Still, in proceeding to describe this 'decisive battle of the world," a very brief recapitulation of the earlier events of the war may be sufficient; nor shall I linger unnecessarily on a painfid theme. The five northern colonies of Massachusetts, Connecticut, Ehode Island, New Hampshire, and Vermont, usually classed together as the New England colonies, were the strongholds of the insurrection against the mother-country. The feeling of resistance was less vehement and general in the central settlement of New York ; and still less so in Pennsylvania, Maryland, and the other colonies of ilic south, although everywhere it was formidably active. Virginia should, perhaps, be particularised for the zeal which its leading men displayed in the American cause ; but it was among the descendants of the stern Puritans that the spirit of Cromwell and Vane breathed in all its fervour ; it was from the New Englanders that the first armed opposition to the British crown had been offered ; and it was by them that the most stubborn determination to fight to the last, rather than waive a single right or privilege, had been displayed. In 1775, they had succeeded in forcing the British troops to evacuate Boston ; and the events of 1776 had made New York (which the 1 Lord Chatham. AT SARATOGA. 293 royalists captured in that year) the principal basis of operations for the armies of the mother-country. A glance at the map will show that the Hudson river, which falls into the Atlantic at New York, runs down from the north at the back of the New England States, forming an angle of about forty-five degrees with the line of the coast of the Atlantic, aloUp? which the New England states are situate. Northward of the Hudson, we see a small chain of lakes communicating with the Canadian frontier. *It is necessary to attend closely to these geographical points, in order to understand the plan of the opera- tions which the English attempted in 1777, and which tlic battle of Saratoga defeated. 294 VICTORY 01' THE AMERICANS The English had a considerable force in Canada; and in 1776 Lad completely repulsed an attack which the Americans had made upon that province. The British ministry resolved to avail them- selves, in the next year, of the advantage which the occupation of Canada gave them, not merely for the purpose of defence, but for the purpose of striking a vigorous and crushing blow against the revolted colonies. With this view, the army in Canada was largely reinforced. Seven thousand veteran troops were sent out fcom England, with a corps of artillery abundantly supplied, and led by select and experienced officers. Large quantities of military stores were also furnished for the equipment of the Canadian volunteers, who were expected to join the expedition. It was intended that the force thus collected should march southward by the line of the lakes, and thence along the banks of the Hudson river. The British army in New York (or a large detachment of it) was to make a simultaneous movement northward, up the line of the Hudson, and the two expeditions were to unite at Albany, a town ^ on that river. By these operations all communication between the northern colonies and those of the centre and south would be cut /• off. An irresistible force would be concentrated, so a^ to crush all further opposition in New England ; and when this was done, it was beheved that the other colonies would speedily submit. The Americans had no troops in the field that seemed able to baffle these movements. Their principal army, under Washington, was occu- pied in watching over Pennsylvania and the south. At any rate it was believed that, in order to oppose the plan intended for the new campaign, the insurgents must risk a pitched battle, in which the >» superiority of the royalists, in numbers, in discipline, and in equip- ment, seemed to promise to the latter a crowning victory. Without question the plan was ably formed; and had the success of the execution been equal to the ingenuity of the design, the re-conquest or submission of the thirteen United States must, in all human ^ probability, have followed ; and the independence which they proclaimed in 1776 would have been extinguished before it existed a second year. No European power had as yet come forward to aid America. It is true that England was generally regarded with jealousy and ill-will, and was thought to have acquired, at the treaty of Paris, a preponderance of dominion which was perilous to »^ the balance of power; but though many were willing to wound, none had yet ventured to strike ; and America, if defeated in 1777,^ would have been suffered to fall unaided.^ 1 In Lord Albemarle's " Memoirs o/ the Marquis of Rockingham " is con- tained the following remarkable state i>aper, drawn up by King George 111 AT SARATOGA. 295 liurgoyne had gained celebrity by some bold and dashing exploits m Portugal during the last war ; he was personally as brave an officer as ever headed British troops ; he had considerable skill as a tactician ; and his general intellectual abilities and acquirements were of a high order. He had several very able and experienced officers under him, among whom were Major-General Phillips and Brigadier- General Fraser. His regular troops amounted, exclusively of the corps of artillery, to about seven thousand two hundred men,* rank and file. Nearly half of these were Germans. He had also an auxiliary force of from two to three thousand Canadians. Ho summoned the warriors of several tribes of the Eed Indians near the western lakes to join his army. Much eloquence was poured forth, both in America and in England, in denouncing the use of these himself respecting the plan of Burgoyne's expedition. The original is in the king's own hand. "EEMAKKS on the conduct of the ^\-AR FEOM CANADA. " The outlines of the plan seem to be on a proper foundation. The rank and file of the army now in Canada (including the 11th Regiment of British, M'Clean's corps, the Bruiiswicks and Hanover), amount to 10,527 ; add the eleven additional companies and four hundred Hanover Chasseurs, the total will be 11,443. " As sickness and other contingencies must be expected, I should think not above 7,000 effectives can be spared over Lake Champlain ; for it would be highly imprudent to run any risk in Canada. The fixing the stations of those left in the province may not be quite right, though the plan proposed may be recommended. Indians must be employed, and this measure must be avowedly directed, and Carleton must be in the strongest manner directed that the Apollo shall be ready by that day, to receive Burgoyne. " The magazines must be formed with the greatest expedition, at Crown Point. " If possible, possession must be taken of Lake George, and nothing but an absolute impossibility of succeeding in this, can be an excuse for proceeding by South Bay and Skeenborough. " As Sir W. Howe does not think of acting from Rhode Island into the Massachusets, the force from Canada must join him in Albany. " The diversion on the Mohawk River ought at least to be strengthened by the addition of the four hundred Hanover Chasseurs. " The Ordnance ought to furnish a complete proportion of intrenching tools. " The provisions ought to be calculated for a third more than the elfective Boldiery, and the General ordered to avoid delivering these when the army can be subsisted by the country. Burgoyne certainly greatly undervalues the German reci-uits. " The idea of cariying the army by sea to Sir W. Howe, would certainly require the leaving a much larger part of it in Canada, as in that case tho rebel army would divide that province from the immense one under Six W. Howe. I greatly dislike this last idea." 296 VICTORY OF THE AMERICANS savage auxiliaries. Yet Burgoyne seems to have done no more than Montcalm, Wolfe, and other French, American, and English generals had done before him. But, in truth, the lawless ferocity of the Indians, their unskilfulness in regular action, and the utter impos- sibility of bringing them under any discipline, made their services of little or no value in times of difficulty: while the indignation which their outrages inspired, went far to rouse the whole popula- tion of the invaded districts into active hostilities against Burgoyne's force. Burgoyne assembled his troops and confederates near the river Bouquet, on the west side of Lake Champlain. He then, on the 21st of June, 1777, gave his Eed Allies a war-feast, and harangued Uhem on the necessity of abstaining from their usual cruel practices ^against unarmed people and prisoners. At the same time he pub- lished a pompous manifesto to the Americans, in which he threatened the refractory with all the horrors of war, Indian as well as European. The army proceeded by water to Crowji Point, a fortification which the Americans held at the northern extremity of the inlet by which the water from Lake George is conveyed to Lake Champlain. Ho landed here without opposition ; but the reduction of Ticonderoga, a fortification about twelve miles to the south of Crown Point, was a more serious matter, and was supposed to be the critical part of the expedition. *^ Ticonderoga commanded the passage along the lakes, and was considered to be the key to the route which Burgoyne wished to follow. The English had been repulsed in an attack on it in the war with the French in 1758 with severe loss. But Burgoyne I now invested it with great skill; and the American general, St. Clair, who had only an ill- equipped army of about three thousand men, evacuated it on the 5 th of July. It seems evident that a different course would have caused the destruction or capture of his whole army ; which, weak as it was, was the chief force then in the field for the protection of the K'ew England states. "When censured by some of his countrymen for abandoning Ticonderoga, St. Clair f truly replied, "that he had lost a post, but saved a province." Burgoyne's troops pursued the retiring Americans, gained several advantages over them, and took a large part of their artillery and military stores. The loss of the British in these engagements was trifling. The army moved southward along Lake George to Skenesborough ; and thence slowly, and with great difficulty, across a broken country, full of creeks and marshes, and clogged by the enemy with felled trees and other obstacles, to Port Edward, on the Hudson river, the American troops continuing to retire before them. AT SARATOGA. 297 Burgoyne reached the left bank of the Hudson river on the 30th of July. Hitherto he had overcome every difficulty which the«^ enemy and the nature of. the country had placed in his way. His army was in excellent order and in the highest spirits ; and the peril of the expedition seemed over, when they were once on the hank of the river which was to he the channel of communication between them and the British army in the south. But their feelings, and those of the English nation in general when their successes were announced, may best be learned from a contemporary writer. Burke, in the " Annual Kegister " for 1777, describes them thus : — " Such was the rapid torrent of success, which swept everything away before the northern army in its onset. It is not to be won- dered at, if both officers and private men were highly elated with their good fortune, and deemed that and their prowess to be irre- sistible ; if they regarded their enemy with the greatest contempt ; considered their own toils to be nearly at an end; Albany to be already in their hands; and the reduction of the northern provinces to be rather a matter of some time, than an arduous task full of difficulty and danger. *'At home, the joy and exultation was extreme; not only at court, but with all those who hoped or wished the unqualified sub- jugation, and unconditional submission of the colonies. The loss in reputation was greater to the Americans, and capable of more fatal consequences, than even that of ground, of posts, of artillery, or of men. All the contemptuous and most degrading charges which had been made by their enemires, of their wanting the resolution and abilities of men, even in their defence of whatever was dear to them, were now repeated and believed. Those who still regarded them as men, and who had not yet lost all affection to them as brethren, who also retained hopes that a happy r6conciliation upon constitutional principles, without sacrificing the dignity or the just authority of government on the one side", or a derehction of the rights of freemen on the other, was not even now impossible, notwithstanding their favourable dispositions in general, could not help feeling upon this occasion that the Americans sunk not a little in their estimation.*^ It was not difficult to diffuse an opinion that the war in effect was over; and that any further resistance could serve only to render the terms of their submission the worse. Such were some of tho immediate effects of the loss of those grand keys of ISTorth America, Ticonderoga and the lakes." The astonishment and alarm which these events produced among the Americans were naturally great; but in tho midst of their disasters none of tho colonists showed any dispositien to submit 298 VICTORY OF THE AMERICANS The local governments of the New England States, as well as the Congress, acted with vigour and firmness in their efibrts to repel the enemy. Gen eral G ates w^as sent to take command of the army at Saratoga ; and Ar nold , a favourite leader of the Americans, was despatched by Washington to act under him, with reinforcements of troops and guns from the main American army. Burgoyne's em- ployment of the Indians now produced the worst possible effects. Though he laboured hard to check the atrocities which they were accustomed to commit, he could not prevent the occurrence of many barbarous outrages, repugnant both to the feelings of humanity and to the laws of civilized warfare. The American commanders took care that the reports of these excesses should be circuTatedlkr~and wide, well knowing that they would make the stern New Englanders not droop, but rage. Such was their effect ; and though, when each J man looked upon his wife, his children, his sisters, or his aged j parents, the thought of the merciless Indian " thirsting for the blood ' of man, woman, and child," of " the cannibal savage torturing, murdering, roasting, and eating the mangled victims of his barbarous battles,"^ might raise terror in the bravest breasts ; this very terror produced a directly contrary effect to causing submission to the royal army. It was seen that the few fiiends of the royal cause, as well as its enemies, were liable to be the victims of the indiscrimi- nate rage of the savages;^ and thus "the inhabitants of the open and frontier countries had no choice of acting: they had no means of security left, but by abandoning their habitations and ^taking up arms. Every man saw the necessity of becoming a temporary soldier, not only for his own security, but for the pro- tection and defence of those connexions which are dearer than life itself Thus an army was poured forth by the woods, mountains, •4nd marshes, which in this part were thickly sown with plantations and villages. The Americans recalled their courage j and when their regular army seemed to be entirely wasted, the spirit of the -^country produced a much greater and more formidable force.^ While resolute recruits, accustomed to the use of fire-arms, and all partially trained by service in the provincial militias, were thus flock- ing to the standard of Gates and Arnold at Saratoga ; and while liurgoyne was engaged at Fort Edward in providing the means for the further advance of his army through the intricate and hostile country that stiU lay before him, two events occurred, in each ^ Lord Chatham's speech on the employment of Indians in the war. s See in the "Annual Register" for 1777, p. 117, the "Narrative of the Murder of Miss M'Crea, the daughter of an American loyalist." 3 Burke, AT SARATOGA. 299 of which the British sustained loss, and tho Americans ohtained advantage, tlie moral efFectb of which were even more important tlian the immediate result of the encounters. When Burgoyne left Canada, General St. Leger was detached from that province with a mixed force of about one thousand men, and some light field-pieces, across Lake Ontario against Fort Stanwix, which the Americans held. After capturing this, he was to march along the Mohawk river to its confluence with the Hudson, between Saratoga and Alban}^ where his force and that of Burgoyne were to unite. But, after some successes, St. Leger was obliged to retreat, and to abandon his tents and large quantities of stores to the garrison. At the very time that General Burgoyne heard of this disaster, he experienced one still more severe in the defeat of Colonel Baum with a large detachment of German troops at Benington, whither Burgoyne had sent them for the purpose of capturing some magazines of provi- sions, of which the British army stood greatly in need. The Americans, augmented by continual accessions of strength, suc- ceeded, after many attacks, in breaking this corps, which fled into the woods, and left its commander mortally wounded on the field : they then marched against a force of five hundred grenadiers and light infantry, which was advancing to Colonel Baum's assistance under Lieutenant-Colonel Breyman ; who, after a gallant resistance, was obliged to retreat on the main army. The British loss in these two acti ons exceeded six hundred men : and a party of American loyalists, on their way to join the army, having attached themselves to Colonel Baum's corps, were destroyed with it, Notwithstanding these reverses, which added greatly to the spirit and numbers of the American forces, Burgoyne determined to ad- vance. It was impossible any longer to keep up his communications J with Canada by way of the lakes, so as to supply his army on his southward march ; but having by unremitting exertions collected provisions for thirty days, he crossed the Hudson by means of a bridge^^f rafts, and, marching a short distance along its western bank, he encamped on the 14th of September on the heights of Saratoga, about sixteen miles from Albany. The Americans had fallen back from Saratoga, and were now strongly posted near Still- ^vate^, about half way between Saratoga and Albany, and showed a determination to recede no farther. Meanwhile Lord Howe, with the bulk of tho British army that had lain at New York, had sailed away to the Delaware, and there commenced a campaign against Washington, in which tho English general took Phjladolphia, and gained other showy, but unprofitable successes. But ^u Henry Clinton, a brave and skilful officer, wj^ ■ -^ fi-. -U (i I 300 VICTORY OF THE AMERICANS left with, a considera"bl8 force at iN'ew York; and he undertook the task of moving up the Hudson to co-operate with Burgoyne Clinton was obliged for this purpose to wait for reinforcements which had been promised from England, and these did' not arrive till September. As soon as he received them, Clinton embarked about 3,000 of his men on a flotilla, convoyed by some ships of war under Commander Hotham, and proceeded to force his way up the river, but it was long before he was able to open any communication with Burgoyne. The country between Burgoyne's position at Saratoga and that of the Americans at Stillwater was rugged, and seamed with creeks and water-courses ; but after great labour in making bridges and temporary causeways, the British army moved forward. About four miles from Saratoga, on the afternoon of the 19th of September, a sharp encounter took place between part of the English right wing, under Burgoyne himself, and a strong body of the enemy, under Gates and Arnold. The conflict lasted till sunset. The British remained masters of the field ; but the loss on each side was nearly equal (from five hundred to six hundred men) ; and the spirits of the Americans were greatly raised by having withstood the best regular troops of the English army. Burgoyne now halted again, and strengthened his position by field-works and redoubts ; and the Americans also improved their defences. The two armies remained nearly within cannon-shot of each other for a considerable time, during which Burgoyne was anxiously looking for intelligence of "^ the promised expedition from New York, which, according to the original plan, ought by this time to have been approaching Albany from the south. At Jast, a messenger from Clinton made his way, with great difliculty, to Burgoyne's camp, and brought the informa- tion that Clinton was on his way up the Hudson to attack the American forts which barred the passage up that river to Albany. Burgoyne, in reply, on the 30th of September, urged Clinton to attack the forts as speedily as possible, stating that the efl'ect of such an attack, or even the semblance of it, would be to move the American army from its position before his own troops. By another messenger, who reached Clinton on the 5th of October, Burgoyne */ informed his brother general that he had lost his communications with Canada, but had provisions which would last him till the 20th. Burgoyne described himself as strongly posted, and stated that though the Americans in front of him Wf^re strongly posted also, ho made no doubt of being able to force them, and making his way to Albany; but that he doubted whether he could subsist there, as tho country was drained of provisions. He wished Clinton to AT SARATOGA 301 meet him there, and to keep open a communication with Xew York.i Bnrgoyne had over-estimated his resources, and in the very beginning of October found difficulty and distress pressing him hard. The Indians and Canadians began to desert him; while, on the other hand, Gates's army was continually reinforced by fresh bodies of the miUtia. An expeditionary force Was detached by the Americans, which made a bold, though unsuccessful, attempt to re- take Ticonderoga. And finding the number and spirit of the enemy to increase daily, and his own stores of provision to diminish, Burgoyne determined on attacking the Americans in front of him, and by dislodging them from their position, to gain the means of moving upon Albany, or at least of relieving his troops from the straitened position in which they were cooped up. Burgoyne's force was now reduced to less than 6,000 men. The right of his camp Avas on some high ground a little to the west of the river ; thence his entrenchments extended along the lower ground to the bank of the Hudson, the line of their front being nearly at a right angle with the course of the stream. The lines were fortified with redoubts and field-works, and on a height on the flank of the extreme right a strong redoubt was reared, and entrenchments, in a horse-shoe form, thrown up. The Hessians, under Colonel Breyman, were stationed here, forming a flank defence to Burgoyne's main army. The numerical force of the Americans was now greater than the British, even in regular troops, and the numbers of the militia and volunteers which had joined Gates and Arnold were greater still. General Lincoln with 2,000 New England troops, had reached she American camp on the 29th of September. Gates gave him the command of the right wing, and took in person the command of the left wing, which was composed of two brigades under Generals Poor and Leonard, of Colonel Morgan's rifle corps, and part of the fresh Kew England Militia. The whole of the American lines had been ably fortified under the direction of the celebrated Polish general, Kosciusko, who was now serving as a volunteer in Gates's army. The right of the American position, that is to say, the part of it nearest to the river, was too strong to be assailed with any prospect of success : and Burgoyne therefore determined to endeavour to force their left. Eor this purpose he formed a column of 1,500 regular 1 See the letters of General Clinton to General Harvey, published by Lord Albemarle in his " Memoirs of the Marquis of Rockingham," vol. ii. p. 335, et scq. 302 VICTORY OF THE AMERICANS ^ troops, with two twelve-pounders, two howitzers, and six six> pounders. He headed this in person, having Generals Philhps, Eeidesel, and Eraser under him. The enemy's force immediately in front of his lines was so strong that he dared not weaken the troops who guarded them, by detaching any more to strengthen his column of attack. PLAN OF THE BATTLE OF SAKATOOA. * It was on the 7th of October that Burgoyne led his column forward ; and on the preceding day, the 6th, Clinton had success- fully executed a brilliant enterprise against the two American forts R^hich barred his progress up the Hudson. He had captured them both, with severe loss to the American forces opposed to him ; ho had destroyed the fleet which the Americans had been forming on 1 T am indebted for this plan, and foi many of the details of the battle, to Air. Ix)ssing'3 " Field-book of the Kevolutioia." AT SARATOGA. 303 ilio Hudson, under the protection of tlieir forts ; and the upward river was laid open to his squadron. He had also, with admirable skill and industry, collected in small vessels, such as could float within a few miles of Albany, provisions sufficient to supply Bur- goyne's army for six months.^ He was now only a hundred and fifty-six miles distant from Burgoyne ; and a detachment of 1,700 men actually advanced within forty miles of Albany. Unfortunately Burgoyne and Clinton were each ignorant of the other's movements; but if Burgoyne had won his battle on the 7th, he must on advancing have soon learned the tidings of Clinton's success, and Clinton would have heard of his. A junction would soon have been made of the two victorious armies, and the great objects of the campaign might yet have been accomplished. All depended on the fortune of the column with which Burgoyne, on the eventful 7th of October, 1777, advanced against the American position. There were brave men, both English and German, in its ranks ; and in particular it com- prised one of the best bodies of grenadiers in the British service. Burgoyne pushed forward some bodies of irregular troops to distract the enemy's attention ; and led his column to within three- quarters of a mile from the left of Gates's camp, and then deployed his men into line. The grenadiers under Major Ackland, and the artillery under Major Williams, were drawn up on the left ; a corps of Germans under General Reidesel, and some British troops under General Phillips, were in the centre; and the English light infantry, and the 24th regiment under Lord Balcarres and General Eraser, were on the right. But Gates did not wait to be attacked ; and directly the British line was formed and began to advance, the American general, with admirable skill, caused General Poor's brigade of New York and !N"ew Hampshire troops, and part of General Leonard's brigade, to make a sudden and vehement rush against its left, and at the same time sent Colonel Morgan, with his rifle corps and other troops, amounting to 1,500, to turn the right of the English. The grenadiers under Ackland sustained the charge of superior numbers nobly. But Gates sent more Americans forAvard, and in a few minutes the action became general along the centre, so as to prevent the Germans from detaching any help to the grenadiers. Morgan, with liis riflemen, w^as now pressing Lord Balcarres and General Eraser hard, and fresh masses of the enemy were observed advancing from their extreme left, with the evident intention of forcing the British right, and cutting off its retreat. The English light infantry and the 24th now fell back, and formed ' See Clinton's letters in Lord Albemarle, p. 337. 304 VICTOR V OF THE AMERICANS an oblique second line, which enabled them to baffle this manoeuvre, and also to succour their comrades in the left wing, the gallant grenadiers, who were overpowered by superior numbers, and, but j for this aid, must have been cut to pieces. ^ The contest now was fiercely maintained on both sides. The English cannon were repeatedly taken and retaken ; but when the grenadiers near them were forced back by the weight of superior numbers, one of the guns was permanently captured by the Americans, and turned upon the English. Major Williams and Major Acldand were both made prisoners, and in this part of the field the advantage of the Americans was decided. The British centre still held its ground ; but now it was that the American general Arnold appeared upon the scene, and did more for his countrymen than whole battalions could have effected. Arnold, when the decisive engagement of the 7th of October commenced, had been deprived of his command by Gates, in consequence of a quarrel between them about the action of the 19th of September. He had listened for a short time in the American camp to the thunder of the battle, in which he had no military right to take part, either as commander or as combatant. Eut his excited spirit could not long endure such a state of inaction. He called for his horse, a powerful brown charger, and springing on it, galloped furiously to where the fight seemed to be the thickest. Gates saw him, and sent an aide-de-camp to recall him ; but Arnold spurred far in advance, and placed himself at the head of three regiments which had formerly been under him, and which welcomed their old commander with joyous cheers. He led them instantly upon the British centre; and then galloping along the American line, he issued orders for a renewed and a closer attack, which were obeyed with alacrity, Arnold himself setting the example of the most daring personal bravery, and charging more than once, sword in hand, into the English ranks. On the British side the officers did their duty nobly; but General Eraser was the most eminent of them all, restoring order wherever the line began to waver, and infusing fresh courage into his men by voice and example. Mounted on an iron-grey charger, and dressed in the full uniform of a general officer, he was conspicuous to foes as well as to friends. The American Colonel Morgan thought that the fate of the battle rested on this gallant man's life, and calling several of his best marksmen round him, pointed Eraser out, and said : "That officer is General Eraser; I admire him, but he must die. Our victory depends on it. Take your stations in that clump of bushes, and do your duty." Within five minutes Eraser fell mortally wounded, and was carried to tho AT SARATOGA. 305 British camp T^y two grenadiers. Just previously to his being struck by the fatal bullet, one rifle-ball had cut the crupper of his saddle, and another had passed through his horse's mane close behind the ears. His aide-de-camp had noticed this, and said : " It is evident that you are marked out for particular aim ; would it not be prudent for you to retire from this place ? " Eraser replied : " My duty forbids me to fly from danger ;" and the. next moment he fell.^ Burgoyne's whole force was now compelled to retreat towards their camp ; the left and centre were in complete disorder, but the light infantry and the 24th checked the fury of the_ assailants, and the remains of the column with great difficulty effected their return to their camp ; leaving six of their cannons in the possession of the enemy, and great numbers of killed and wounded on the field ; and especially a large proportion of the artillerymen, who had stood to their guns until shot down or bayoneted beside them by the advancing Americans. Burgoyne's column had been defeated, but the action was not yet over. The English had scarcely entered the camp, when the Americans, pursuing their success, assaulted it in several places with remarkable impetuosity, rushing in upon the intrcnchments and redoubts through a severe fire of grape-shot and musketry. Arnold especially, who on this day appeared maddened with the thirst of combat and carnage, urged on the attack against a part of the intrcnchments which was occupied by the light infantry under Lord Balcarres.2 I3^t the English received him with vigour and spirit. The struggle here was obstinate and sanguinary. At length, as it grew towards evening, Arnold, having forced all obstacles,, entered the works with some of the most fearless of his followers. But in this critical moment of glory and danger, he received a painful wound in the same leg which had already been injured at the assault on Quebec. To his bitter regret he was obliged to bo canied back. His party still continued the attack, but the English also continued their obstinate resistance, and at last night fell, and the assailants withdrew from this quarter of the British intrcnch- ments. But 'in another part the attack had been more successful. A body of the Americans, under Colonel Brooke, forced their way in through a part of the horse-shoe intrcnchments on the extreme right, which was defended by the Hessian reserve under Colonel Breyman. The Germans resisted well, and Breyman died in defence of his post ; but the Americans made good the ground which they had won, and captured baggage, tents, artillery, and a store of 1 Lossing. ' Botta's American "War, book viiL jo6 FJCTO/^V OF THE AMERICANS amniunitioii, which they were greatly in need of. They had by establishing themselves on this point, acquired the means of com- pletely turning the right flank of the British, and gaining their rear. To prevent this calamity, Eurgoyne effected during the night an entire change of position. With great skill he removed his whole army to some heights near the river, a little northward ot the former camp, and he there drew up his men, expecting to be attacked on the following day. Eut Gates was resolved not to risk the certain triumph which his success had already secured for him. He harassed the English with skirmishes, but attempted no regular attack. Meanwhile he detached bodies of troops on both sides of the Hudson to prevent the Eritish from recrossing that river, and to bar their retreat. When night fell, it became absolutely necessary for Eurgoyne to retire again, and, accordingly, the troops were marched through a stormy and rainy night towards Saratoga, aban- doning their sick and wounded, and the greater part of their baggage to the enemy. Eefore the rear-guard quitted the camp, the last sad honours were paid to the brave General Eraser, who expired on the day after the action. He had, almost with his last breath, expressed a wish to be buried in the redoubt which had formed the part of the Eritish lines where he had been stationed, but which had now been abandoned by the English, and was within full range of the cannon w^hich the ad- vancing Americans were rapidly placing in position to bear upon Eurgoyne's force. Eurgoyne resolved, nevertheless, to comply with the dying wish of his comrade ; and the interment took place under circumstances the most affecting that have ever marked a soldier's funeral. Still more interesting is the narrative of Lady Ackland's passage from the Eritish to the American camp, after the battle, to share the captivity and alleviate the sufferings of her liusband, who had been severely wounded, and left in the enemy's ])ower. The American historian, Lossing, has described both these touching episodes of the campaign, in a spirit that does honour to the writer as well as to his subject. After narrating the death of General Eraser on the 8th of October, he says that " It was just at sunset, on that calm October evening, that the corpse of General Eraser was carried up the hill to the place of burial within tho ' great redoubt.' It was attended only by the military members of his family and Mr. Erudenell, the chaplain j yet the eyes of hundreds of both armies followed the solemn procession, while tho Americans, ignorant of its true character, kept up a constant cannon- ade upon the redoubt. The chaplain, unawcd by the danger to I AT SARATOGA, 307 wliich he was exposed, as the cannon-balls that struck the hill threw the loose soil over him, pronounced the impressive funeral service of the Church of England with an unfaltering voice. The growing darkness added solemnity to the scene. Suddenly the irregular firing ceased, and the solemn voice of a single cannon, at measured intervals, boomed along the valley, and awakened the responses of the hills. It was a minute gun fired by the Americans in honour of the gallant dead. The moment the information was given that the gathering at the redoubt was a funeral company, fulfilling, at imminent peril, the last-breathed wishes of the noble Eraser, orders were issued to withhold the cannonade with balls, and to render military homage to the fallen brave. " The case of Major Ackland and his heroic wife presents kindred features. He belonged to the grenadiers, and was an accomplished soldier. His wife accompanied him to Canada in 1776 j and during the whole campaign of that year, and until his return to England after the surrender of Burgoyne, in the autumn of 1777, endured all the hardships, dangers, and privations of an active campaign in an enemy's country. At Chambly, on the Sorel, she attended him in illness, in a miserable hut ; and when he was wounded in the battle of Hubbardton, Vermont, she hastened to him at Henes- borough from Montreal, where she had been persuaded to remain, and resolved to follow the army hereafter. Just before crossing the Hudson, she and her husband had had a narrow escape from losing their lives in consequence of their tent accidentally taking fire. " During the terrible engagement of the 7th October, she heard all the tumult and dreadful thunder of the battle in which her husband was engaged ; and when, on the morning of the 8th, the British fell back in confusion to their new position, she, with the other women, was obliged to take refuge among the dead and dying ; for the tents were all struck, and hardly a shed was left standing. Her husband was wounded, and a prisoner in the American camp. That gallant officer was shot through both legs. When Poor and Learned's troops assaulted the grenadiers and artillery on the British left, on the afternoon of the 7th, Wilkinson, Gates's adjutant-general, while pursuing the flying enemy when they abandoned their battery, heard a feeble voice exclaim * Protect me, sir, against that boy.' He turned and saw a lad with a musket taking deliberate aim at a wounded British officer, lying in a corner of a low fence. Wilkinson ordered the boy to desist, and discovered the wounded man to be Major Ackland. He had him conveyed to the quarters of General Poor (now the residence of Mr. Neilson) on the heights, where every attention was paid to his wants. X 2 i 30S VICTORY OF THE AMERICANS "When the intelligence that he was wounded and a prisoner reached his wife, she was greatly distressed, and, by the advice 0" her friend, Earon Eeidesel, resolved to visit the American camp, and implore the favour of a personal attendance upon her husband On the 9th she sent a message to Burgoyne by Lord Petersham, hi aide-de-camp, asking permission to depart. * Though I was read to believe,' says Burgoyne, 'that patience and fortitude, in supreme degree, were to be found, as well as every other virtue, under the most tender forms, I was astonished at this proposal. After so long an agitation of spirits, exhausted not only for want of rest, but absolutely want of food, drenched in rain for twelve hours together, that a woman should be capable of such an undertaking as delivering herself to an enemy, probably in the night, and un- certain of what hands she might fall into, appeared an effort above human nature. The assistance I was able to give was small in- deed. I had not even a cup of wine to offer her. All I could furnish her with was an open boat, and a few lines, written upon dirty wet paper, to General Gates, recommending her to his pro- tection.' The following is a copy of the note sent by Burgoyne to General Gates : — * Sir, — Lady Harriet Ackland, a lady of the first distinction of family, rank, and personal virtues, is under such con- cern on account of Major Ackland, her husband, wounded and a prisoner in your hands, that I cannot refuse her request to commit her to your protection. Whatever general impropriety there may be in persons of my situation and yours to solicit favours, I cannot see the uncommon perseverance in every female grace, and the exaltation of character of this lady, and her very hard fortune, with- out testifying that your attentions to her will lay me under obliga- tions. I am, sir, your obedient servant, J. Burgoyne.' She set out in an open boat upon the Hudson, accompanied by Mr. Brudenell, the chaplain, Sarah Pollard, her waiting-maid, and her husband's valet, who had been severely wounded while searching for his master upon the battle-field. It was about sunset when they started, and a violent storm of rain and wind, which had been in- creasing since the morning, rendered the voyage tedious and perilous in the extreme. It was long after dark when they reached the American out-posts ; the sentinel heard their oars, and hailed them. Lady Harriet returned the answer herself. The clear, silvery tones of a woman's voice amid the darkness, filled the soldier on duty with superstitious fear, and he called a comrade to accompany him to the river bank. The errand of the voyagers was made known, but the faithful guard, apprehensive of treachery, would, not allow them to land until they sent for Major Dearborn. They wera AT SARATOGA. 30Q invited by that officer to liis quarters, where every attention was paid to them, and Lady Harriet was comforted by the joyful tidings that her husband was safe. In the morning she experienced parental tenderness from General Gates, who sent her to her husband, at Poor's quarters, under a suitable escort. There she remained until he was removed to Albany." Burgoyne now took np his last position on the heights near Saratoga ; and hemmed in by the enemy, who refused any encounter, and baffled in all his attempts at finding a path of escape, he there lingered until famine compelled him to capitulate. The fortitude of the British army during this melancholy period has been justly eulogised by many native historians, but I prefer quoting the testi- mony of a foreign writer, as free from all possibility of partiality. Botta says :^ " It exceeds the power of words to describe the pitiable condition to which the British army was now reduced. The troops were worn down by a series of toil, privation, sickness, and desperate fighting. They were abandoned by the Indians and Canadians; and the effective force of the whole army was now diminished by repeated and heavy losses, which had principally fallen on the best soldiers and the most distinguished officers, from ten thousand combatants to less than one-half that number. Of this remnant little more than three thousand were English. " In these circumstances, and thus weakened, they were in- vested by an army of four times their own number, whose position extended three parts of a circle round them ; who refused to fight them, as knowing their weakness, and who, from the nature of the ground, could not be attacked in any part. In this helpless con- dition, obliged to be constantly under arms, while the enemy's cannon played on every part of their camp, and even the American rifle-balls whistled in many parts of the lines, the troops of Burgoyne retained their customary firmness, and, while sinking under a hard necessity, they showed themselves worthy of a better fate. They could not be reproached with an action or a word, which betrayed a want of temper or of fortitude." At length the 13th of October arrived, and as no prospect of assistance appeared, and the provisions were nearly exhausted, • Burgoyne, by the unanimous advice of a council of war, sent a messenger to the American camp to treat of a convention. General Gates in the first instance demanded that the royal army should surrender prisoners of war. He also proposed that the British should ground their arms. Burgoyne replied, "This article ^ Botta, book viii 3ro VICTORY OF THE AMERICANS is inadmissible in every extremity ; sooner than this army wi! consent to ground their arms in their encampment, they will rus' on the enemy, determined to take no quarter." After varioui messages, a convention for the sinrender of the army was settle which provided that " The troops under General Eurgoyne were to march out of their camp with the honours of war, and the artillery of the intrenchments, to the verge of the river, where the arms and artillery were to be left. The arms to be piled by word of com- mand from their own officers. A free passage was to be granted to the army under Lieutenant-General Eurgoyne to Great Britain, upon condition of not serving again in North America during the present contest." The articles of capitulation were settled on the 15th of October : and on that very evening a messenger arrived from Clinton with an account of his successes, and with the tidings that part of his force Lad penetrated as far as Esopus, within fifty miles of Burgoyne's camp, But it was too late. The public faith was pledged ; and the army was, indeed, too debilitated by fatigue and hunger to resist an attack if made ; and Gates certainly would have made it, if the convention had been broken off. Accordingly, on the 17th, the convention of Saratoga was carried into effect. By this con- vention 5,790 men surrendered themselves as prisoners. The sick and wounded left in the camp when the British retreated to Sara- toga, together with the numbers of the British, German, and Canadian troops^ who were killed, wounded, or taken, and who had deserted in the preceding part of the expedition, were reckoned to be 4,689. The British sick and wounded who had fallen into the hands of the Americans after the battle of the 7th, were treated with exemplary humanity; and when the convention was executed, General Gates showed a noble delicacy of feeling which deserves the highest degree of honour. Every circumstance was avoided which could give the appearance of triumph. The American troops remained within their lines until the British had piled their arms ; and when this was done, the vanquished officers and soldiers were received with friendly kindness by their victors, and their imme- diate wants were promptly and liberally supplied. Discussions and disputes afterwards arose as to some of the terms of the con- vention; and the American Congress refused for a long time to carry into effect the article which provided for the return of Bur- goyne's men to Europe ; "but no blame was imputable to General Gates or his army, who showed themselves to be generous as they bad proved themselves to be brave. i AT SARATOGA. 3ri Gaieo, alter ihc victory, immediately despatclied Colonel Wilkin- son to carry the happy tidings to Congress. On being introduced into the hall, he said, "The whole British army has laid down its arms at Saratoga ; our own, full of vigour and courage, expect your order. It is for your wisdom to decide where the country may still have need for their service." Honours and rewards were liberally voted by the Congress to their conquering general and his men '■ " and it would be difficult " (says the Italian historian) " to describe the transports of joy which the news of this event excited among the Americans. They began to flatter themselves with a still more happy future. No one any longer felt any doubt about their achieving their independence. All hoped, and with good reason, that a success of this importance would at length determine France, and the other European powers that waited for her example, to de- clare themselves in favour of America. There could no longer be any question respecting the future ; since there was no longer the risk of espousing the cause of a people too feeble to defend themselves'^ The truth of this was soon displayed in the conduct of France. When the news arrived at Paris of the capture of Ticonderoga, and of the victorious march of Burgoyne towards Albany, events which seemed decisive in favour of the English, instructions had been immediately despatched to Nantz, and the other ports of the king dom, that no American privateers should be sufl'ered to enter them, except from indispensable necessity, as to repair their vessels, to obtain provisions, or to escape the perils of the sea. The American commissioners at Paris, in their disgust and despair, had almost] broken off all negotiations with the French government ; and I they even endeavoured to open communications with the British J ministry'. But the British government, elated with the first suc- cesses of Burgoyne, refused to listen to any overtures for accommo- dation. But when the news of Saratoga reached Paris, the whole scene was changed. Franklin and his brother commissioners found all their difficulties with the French government vanish. The time seemed to have arrived for the House of Bourbon to take a full revenge for aU its humiliations and losses in previous wars. In December a treaty was arranged, and formally signed in the February following, by which France acknowledged the Independent United States of America. This was, of course, tantamount to a declaration of war with England. Spain soon followed France; and before long Holland took the same course. Largely aided by French fleets and troops, the Americans vigorously maintained the war against the armies which England, in spite of her European * Botta, book ix. 312 SYNOPSIS OF EVENTS. foes, continued to send across the Atlantic. But the struggle was too unequal to be maintained by this country for many years : and when the treaties of 1783 restored peace to the world, the inde- pendence of the United States was reluctantly recognized by their ancient parent and recent enemy, England. SYNOPSIS OF EVENTS BETWEEN THE DEFEAT OF BURGOYNE AT SARATOGA, 1777, AND THE BATTLE OF VALMY, 1792. A.D. 1781. Surrender of Lord Cornwallis and the British army to Washington. 1782. Eodney's victory over the Spanish fleet. Unsuccessful siege of Gibraltar by the Spaniards and French. 1783. End of the American war. 1788. The States-General are convened in France: — beginning of the Kevolution. BATTLE OF VALMY. 31.1 CHAPTER XIY. THE BATTLE OP VALMY. " Purpnrei metuunt tyranni Injurioso ne pede proruas Stantem columnam ; neu populus frequens Ad arma cessantes ad arma Concitet, imperiumque frangat." HoRAT. Od. i. 35. " A littlo fire is quickly trodden out, "Which, "being suffered, rivers cannot quench." Shakspeabe. A FEW miles distant from the little town of St. Menehould, in llie north-east of France, are the village and hill of Yalmy ; and near the crest of that hill a simple monument points out the hurial- place of the heart of a general of the French republic, and a marshal of the French empire. The elder Kellerman (father of the distinguished officer of that name, whose cavalry-charge decided the battle of Marengo) held high commands in the French armies throughout the wars of the Convention, the Directory, the Consulate, and the Empire. He survived those wars, and the empire itself, dying in extreme old age in 1820. The last wish of the veteran on his death bed was that his heart should be deposited in the battle-field of Yalmy, there to repose among the remains of his old companions in arms, who had fallen at his side on that spot twenty-eight years before, on the memorable day when they won the primal victory of revo- lutionary France, and prevented the armies of Brunswick and the emigrant bands of Conde from marching on defenceless Paris, and destroying the immature democracy in its cradle. The Duke of Yalmy (for Kellerman, when made one of Napo- leon's military peers in 1802, took his title from this same battle- field) had participated, during his long and active career, in the gaining of many a victory far more immediately dazzling than the the QUO, the rememl^aucc of which ho thus cherished. He had 314 BATTLE OF VALMY, been present at many a scene of carnage, where blood llowed in 1 deluges, compared with which the libations of slaughter poured out at Yalmy would have seemed scant and insignificant. But he ' rightly estimated the paramount importance of the battle wilhij which he thus wished his appellation while living, and his memory 1' after his death, to be identified. The successful resistance, which the new Carmagnole levies, and the disorganized relics of the old monarchy's army, then opposed to the combined hosts and chosen leaders of Prussia, Austria, and the Trench refugee noblesse, determined at once and for ever the belligerent character of the revolution. The raw artisans and tradesmen, the clumsy burghers, the base mechanics and low peasant churls, as it had been the fashion to term the middle and lower classes in France, found that they could face cannon-balls, pull triggers, and cross bayonets, without having been drilled into military machines, and without being officered by scions of noble houses. They awoke to the consciousness of their own instinctive soldiership. They at once acquired confidence in themselves and in each other ; and that con fidence soon grew into a spirit of unbounded audacity and ambition. " From the cannonade of Valmy may be dated the commencement of that career of victory which carried their armies to Vienna and the Kremlin."! One of the gravest reflections that arises from the contemplation of the civil restlessness and military enthusiasm which the close of the last century saw nationalised in France, is the consideration that these disturbing influences have become perpetual. No settled system of government, that shall endure from generation to genera- tion, that shall be proof against corruption and popular violence, seems capable of taking root among the French. And every revo- lutionary movement in Paris thrills throughout the rest of the world. Even the successes which the powers allied against France gained in 1814 and 1815, important as they were, could not annul the efl'ects of the preceding twenty -three years of general convulsion and war. In 1830, the dynasty which foreign bayonets had imposed on France was shaken off; and men trembled at the expected out- break of French anarchy and the dreaded inroads of French ambi- tion. They " looked forward with harassing anxiety to a period of destruction similar to that which the Koman world experienced about tho middle of the third century of our era."^ Louis Philippe ^ Alison. 2 See Kiebuhr's Preface to the second volune of the "History of Rome," written in October 1830. BATTLE OF VALMY, 315 cajoled Eevolution, and then strove with seeming success to stifle it. But in spite of Fieschi laws, in spite of the dazzle of Algerian razzias and Pyrenees- effacing marriages, in spite of hundreds of armed forts, and hundreds of thousands of coercing troops, Eevo- lution lived, and struggled to get free. The old Titan spirit heaved restlessly beneath "the monarchy based on republican institutions." At last, four years ago, the whole fabric of kingcraft was at once rent and scattered to the winds, by the uprising of the Parisian democracy; and insurrections, barricades, and dethronements, the downfall of coronets and crowns, the armed collisions of parties, systems, and populations, became the commonplaces of recent European history. France now calls herself a republic. She first assumed that title on the 20th of September, 1792, on the very day on which the battle of Yalmy was fought and won. To that battle the democratic spirit which in 1848, as well as in 1792, proclaimed the Eepublic in Paris, owed its preservation, and it is thence that the imperishable activity of its principles jnay be dated. Par different seemed the prospects of democracy in Europe on the eve of that battle ; and far different would, have been the present position and influence of the French nation, if Brunswick's columns had charged with more boldness, or the lines of Dumouriez resisted with less firmness. When France, in 1792, declared war with the great powers of Europe, she was far from possessing that splendid military organization which the experience of a few revo- lutionary campaigns taught her to assume, and which she has never abandoned. The army of the old monarchy had, during the latter part of t/he reign of Louis XY. sunk into gradual decay, both in numerical force, and in efficiency of equipment and spirit. The laurels gained by the auxiHary regiments which Louis XYI. sent to the American war, did but little to restore the general tone of the army. The insubordination and licence, which the revolt of the French guards, and the participation of other troops in many of the first excesses of the Eevolution introduced among the soldiery, were soon rapidly disseminated through all the ranks. Under the Legislative Assembly every complaint of the soldier against his officer, however frivolous or ill-founded, was listened to with eagerness, and investigated with partiality, on the principles of liberty and equality. Discipline accordingly became more and more relaxed; and the dissolution of several of the old corps, under the pretext of their being tainted with an aristocratic feeling, aggravated the confusion and inefficiency of the war department. Many of the most effective regiments during the last period of the 3i6 BATTLE OF VALMY, monarchy had consisted of foreigners. These had either been slaughtered in defence of the throne against insurrections, like tho Smss; or had been disbanded, and had crossed the frontier to recruit the forces which were assembhng for the invasion of France. Above all, the emigration of the noblesse had stripped the French army of nearly all its officers of high rank, and of the greatest portion of its subalterns. More than twelve thousand of the high- born youth of France, who had been trained to regard military command as their exclusive patrimony, and to whom the nation had been accustomed to look up as its natural guides and champions in the storm of war, were now marshalled beneath the banner of Conde and the other emigrant princes, for the overthrow of tho French armies, and the reduction of the French capital. Their successors in the French regiments and brigades had as yet acquired neither skill nor experience : they possessed neither self-reliance nor the respect of the men who were under them. Such was the state of the wrecks of the old army ; but the bulk of the forces with which France began the war, consisted of raw insurrectionary levies, which were even less to be depended on. The Carmagnoles, as the revolutionary volunteers were called, flocked, indeed, readily to the frontier from every department when the war was proclaimed, and the fierce leaders of the Jacobins shouted that the country was in danger. They were full of zeal and courage, " heated and excited by the scenes of the Eevolution, and inflamed by the florid eloquence, the songs, dances, and signal- words with which it had been celebrated."^ Eut they were utterly undisciplined, and turbulently impatient of superior authority, or systematical control. Many ruffians, also, who were sullied with participation in the most sanguinary horrors of Paris, joined the camps, and were pre-eminent alike for misconduct before the enemy and for savage insubordination against their own officers. On one occasion during the campaign of Yalmy, eight battalions of federates, intoxicated with massacre and sedition, joined the forces under Dumouriez, and soon threatened to uproot all discipline, saying openly that the ancient officers were traitors, and that it was neces- sary to purge the army, as they had Paris, of its aristocrats. Du- mouriez posted these battalions apart from the others, placed a strong force of cavalry behind them, and two pieces of cannon on their flank. Then, affecting to review them, he halted at the head of the line, surrounded by all his staff, and an escort of a hundred hussars. "Fellows," said he, "for I wiD. not call you either citi- zens or soldiers, you see before you this artillery, behind you thia • I Scott, Life of Napoleon, vol. L c. yiii. BATTLE OF VALMY 317 cavalry ; you are stained with crimes, and I do not tolerate here assassins or executioners. I know that there are scoundrels amongst you charged to excite you to crime. Drive them from amongst you, or denounce them to me, for I shall hold you responsible for their conduct." ^ One of our recent historians of the Eevolution, who narrates this incident,^ thus apostrophises the French general : — | " Patience, Dumouriez ! This uncertain heap of shriekers, mu- tineers, were they once drilled and inured, will become a phalanxed mass of fighters ; and "svheel and whirl to order swiftly, like the wind or the whirlwind ; tanned mustachio- figures ; often barefoot, even barebacked, with sinews of iron ; who require only bread and gunpowder ; very sons of fire ; the adroitest, hastiest, hottest, ever seen perhaps since Attila's time." Such phalanxed masses of fighters did the Carmagnoles ulti- mately become ; but France ran a fearful risk in being obliged to rely on them when the process of their transmutation had barely commenced. The first events, indeed, of the war were disastrous and disgrace- ful to France, even beyond what might have been expected from the chaotic state in which it found her armies as well as her government. In the hopes of profiting by the unprepared state of Austria, then the mistress of the Netherlands, the French opened the campaign of 1792 by an invasion of Flanders, with forces whose muster-rolls showed a numerical overwhelming superiority to the enemy, and seemed to promise a speedy conquest of that old battle-field of Europe. But the first flash of an Austrian sabre, or the fii;st sound of Austrian gun, was enough to discomfit tho French. Their first corps, four thousand strong, that advanced from Lille across the frontier, came suddenly upon a far inferior detachment of the Austrian garrison of Tournay. Not a shot was fired, not a bayonet levelled. With one simultaneous cry of panic the French broke and ran headlong back to Lille, where they com- pleted the specimen of insubordination which they had given in the field, by murdering their general and several of their chief officers. On the same day, another division under Biron, mustering ton thousand sabres and bayonets, saw a few Austrian skirmishers reconnoitering their position. The French advanced posts had scarcely given and received a volley, and only a few balls from the enemy's field-pieces had Mien among the lines, when two regiments of French dragoons raised the cry, "We are betrayed," galloped off, and were followed in disgraceful rout by the rest of } Lamartino. 2 Curlyle. 3,8 BATTLE OF VALMY. tho whole army. Similar panics, or repulses almost equally dis- creditable, occurred whenever Eochambeau, or Luckner, or La* Fayette, the earliest French generals in the war, brought their troops into the presence of the enemy. Meanwhile, the allied sovereigns had gradually collected on tho Rhine a veteran and finely-disciplined army for the invasion of France, which for numbers, equipment, and martial renown, both of generals and men, was equal to any that Germany had ever sent forth to conquer. Their design was to strike boldly and decisively at the heart of France, and penetrating the country through the Ardennes, to proceed by Chalons upon Paris. The obstacles that lay in their way seemed insignificant. The disorder and imbe- cility of the French armies had been even augmented by the forced flight of La Fayette, and a sudden change of generals. The only troops posted on or near the track by which the allies, were about to advance, were the twenty-three thousand men at Sedan, whom La Fayette had commanded, and a corps of twenty thousand near Metz, the command of which had just been transferred from Luckner to Kellerman. There were only three fortresses which it was necessary for the allies to capture or mask — Sedan, Longwy, and Verdun. The defences and stores of these three were known !x) be wretchedly dismantled and insufficient ; and when once these feeble barriers were overcome, and Chalons reached, a fertile and unprotected country seemed to invite the invaders to that " mili- tary promenade to Paris," which they gaily talked of accomplishing. At the end of July the allied army, having completed all pre- parations for the campaign, broke up from its cantonments, and marching from Luxembourg upon Longwy, crossed the French frontier. Sixty thousand Prussians, trained in the school, and many of them under the eye of the Great Frederick, heirs of the glories of the Seven Years' War, and universally esteemed the best troops in Europe, marched in one column against the central point of attack. Forty-five thousand Austrians, the greater part of whom were picked troops, and had served in the recent Turkish war, supphed two formidable corps that supported the flanks of the Prussians. There was also a powerful body of Hessians, and leagued with the Germans against the Parisian democracy, came fifteen thousand of the noblest and bravest amongst the sons of France. In these corps of emigrants, many of the highest born of tie French nobility, scions of houses whose chivalric trophies had for centuries filled Europe with renown, served as rank and file. They looked on the road to Paris as the path which they were to carve out by their swords to victory, to honour, to the rescue of BATTLE OF VALMY, 319 tlieir king, to rennion with their families, to the recovery of their patrimony, and to the restoration of their order. ^ Over this imposing army the allied sovereigns placed as gene- ralissimo the Duke of Brunswick, one of the minor reigning princes of Germany, a statesman of no mean capacity, and who had ac- quired in the Seven Years' War, a military reputation second only to that of the Great Frederick himself. He had been deputed a few years before to quell the popular movements which then took place in Holland j and he had put down the attempted revolution in that country with a promptitude and completeness, which ap- peared to augur equal success to the army that now marched under his orders on a similar mission into France. Moving majestically forward, with leisurely deliberation, that seemed to show the consciousness of superior strength, and a steady purpose of doing their work thoroughly, the Allies appeared before Longwy on the 20th of August, and the dispirited and dependent garrison opened the gates of that fortress to them after the first shower of bombs. On the 2d of September the still more important strong- hold of Verdun capitulated after scarcely the shadow of resistance. Brunswick's superior force was now interposed between Keller- man's troops on the left, and the other French army near Sedan, which La Fayette's flight had, for the time, left destitute of a com- mander. It was in the power of the German general, by striking with an overwhelming mass to the right and left, to crush in suc- cession each of these weak armies, and the Allies might then have marched irresistible and unresisted upon Paris. But at this crisis Dumouriez, the new commander-in-chief of the French, arrived at the camp near, Sedan, and commenced a series of movements, by which he reunited the dispersed and disorganized forces of his country, checked the Prussian columns at the very moment when the last obstacles of their triumph seemed to have given way, and finally rolled back the tide of invasion far across the enemy's frontier. The French fortresses had fallen ; but nature herself still offered to brave and vigorous defenders of the land, the means of opposing a barrier to the progress of the Allies. A ridge of broken ground, called the Argonne, extends from the vicinity of Sedan towards the south-west for about fifteen or sixteen leagues. The country of L' Argonne has now been cleared and drained; but in 1792 it was thickly wooded, and the lower portions of its unequal surface were filled with rivulets and marshes. It thus presented a natural barrier of from four to five leagues broad, which was absolutely im- penetrable to an army, except b;> a few defiles, such as an inferior 1 Reo Scott, Life of Napoleon, vol. i. c. xi. 330 BATTLE OF VALMY. force might easily fortify and defend. Dumonriez succeeded in marcliing his army down from Sedan behind the Argonne, and in occupying its passes, while the Prussians still lingered on the north-eastern side of the forest line. Ordering Kellerman to wheel round from Metz to St. Menehould, and the reinforcements from the interior and extreme north also to concentrate at that spot, Dumouriez trusted to assemble a powerful force in the rear of the south-west extremity of the Argonne, while, with the twenty-five thousand men under his immediate, command, he held the enemy at bay before the passes, or forced him to a long circumvolution round one extremity of the forest ridge, during which, favourable opportunities of assailing his flank were almost certain to occur. Dumouriez fortified the principal defiles, and boasted of the Ther- mopylae which he had found for the invaders ; but the simile was neaTly rendered fatally complete for the defending force. A pass, which was thought of inferior importance, had been but slightly manned, and an Austrian corps under Clairfayt, forced it after some sharp fighting. Dumouriez with great difficulty saved him- self from being enveloped and destroyed by the hostile columns that now pushed through the forest. But instead of despairing at the failure of his plans, and falling back into the interior, to be com- pletely severed from Kellerman's army, to be hunted as a fugitive under the walls of Paris by the victorious Germans, and to lose all chance of ever rallying his dispirited troops, he resolved to cling to the difficult country in which the armies still were grouped, to force a junetion with Kellerman, and so to place himself at the head of a force, which the invaders would not dare to disregard, and by which he might drag them back from the advance on Paris, which he had not been able to bar. Accordingly, by a rapid movement to the south, during which, in his own words, " Prance was within a hair's-breadth of destruction," and after, with diffi- culty, checking several panics of his troops, in which they ran by thousands at the sight of a few Prussian hussars, Dumouriez succeeded in establishing his head-quarters in a strong position at 8t. Menehould, protected by the marshes and shallows of the river Aisne and Aube, beyond which, to the north-west, rose a firm and elevated plateau, called Dampierre's Camp, admirably situated for commanding the road by Chalons to Paris, and where he intended to post Kellerman's army so soon as it came up.^ ^ Some late writers represent that Brunswick did not wish to check Dumouriez. There is no sufficient authority for this insinuation, which seems to have been first prompted by a desire to soothe the wounded military prid© of the Truasians. BATTLE OF VALMY, 321 The news of the retreat of Dumouriez from the Argonnc passes, and of the panic flight of some divisions of his troops, spread rapidly throughout the country ; and Kellerman, who believed that his comrade's army had been annihilated, and feared to fall among the victorious masses of the Prussians, had halted on his march from Metz when almost close to St. Menehould. He had actually commenced a retrograde movement, when couriers from his com- mander-in-chief checked him from that fatal course; and then continuing to wheel round the rcjir and left flank of the troops at St. INIenehould, Kellerman, with twenty thousand of the army of IMetz, and some thousands of volunteers who had joined him in the march, made his appearance to the west of Dumouriez, on the very evening when Westerman and Thouvenjt, two of the staff-officers of Dumouriez, galloped in with the tidings that Brunswick's army had come through the upper passes of the Argonne in full force, and was deploying on the heights of La Lune, a chain of eminences that stretch obliquely from south-west to north-east, opposite the high ground which Dumouriez held, and also opposite, but at a shorter distance from, the position which Kellerman was designed to occupy. The Allies were now, in fact, nearer to Paris than were the French troops themselves ; but, as Dumouriez had foreseen, Brunswick deemed it unsafe to march upon the capital with so large a hostile force left in his rear between his advancing columns and his base of operations. The young King of Prussia, who was in the allied camp, and the emigrant princes, eagerly advocated an instant attack upon the nearest Frenoh general. Kellerman had laid himself unnecessarily open, by advancing beyond Dampierre's Camp, which Dumouriez had designed for him, and moving forward across the Aube to the plateau of Yalmy, a post inferior in strength and spaca to that which he had left, and which brought him close upon the Prussian lines, leaving him separated by a dangerous interval from Die troops under Dumouriez himself. It seemed easy for the I'russian army to overwhelm him while thus isolated, and then they might surround and crush Dumouriez at their leisure. Accordingly, the right wing of the allied army moved forward, in the grey of the morning of the 20 th of September, to gain Kel- lerman's left flank and rear, and cut him off from retreat upon Chalons, while the rest of the army, moving from the heights of La Lune, which here converge semi-circularly round the plateau of Valmy, were to assail his position in front, and interpose between him and Dumouriez. An unexpected collision between some of the advanced cavalry on each side in the low ground, warned 322 BATTLE OF VALMV. Kellerman of the enemy's approacli. Dumouricz had not been unobservant of the danger of his comrade, thus isolated and in- volved ; and he had ordered up troops to support Kellerman on either flank in the event of his being attacked. These troops, how- ever, moved forward slowly ; and Kellerman's army, ranged on the plateau of Valmy, " projected like a cape into the midst of the lines of the Prussian bayonets."^ A thick autumnal mist floated in waves of vapour over the plains and ravines that lay between the two armies, leaving only the crests and peaks of the hills glittering in the early light. About ten o'clock the fog began to clear off, and then the French from their promontory saw emerging from the 'white wreaths of mist, and glittering in the sunshine, the countless Prussian cavalry which were to envelope them as in a net if once driven from their position, the solid columns of the infantry that moved forward as if animated by a single will, the bristling bat- teries of the artillery, and the glancing clouds of the Austrian light troops, fresh from their contests with the Spahis of the east. The best and bravest of the French must have beheld this spec- tacle with secret apprehension and awe. However bold and reso- lute a man may be in the discharge of duty, it is an anxious and fearful thing to be called on to encounter danger among comradps of whose steadiness you can feel no certainty. Each soldier of Kellerman's army must have remembered the series of panic routs which had hitherto invariably taken place on the French side during the war ; and must have cast restless glances to the right and left, to see if any symptoms of wavering began to show themselves, and to calculate how long it was likely to be before a general rush of his comrades to the rear would either hurry him off with involuntary disgrace, or leave him alone and helpless, to be cut down by assailing multitudes. On that very morning, and at the self-same hour, in which the allied forces and the emigrants began to descend from La Lune to the attack of Valmy, and while the cannonade was, opening between the Prussian and the Eevolutionary batteries, fhe debate in the National Convention at Paris commenced on the proposal to proclaim France a Eepublic. The old monarchy had little chance of support in the hall of the Convention; but if its more effective advocates at Valmy had triumphed, there were yet the elements existing in France for a permanent revival of the better part of the ancient institutions, and for substituting Keform for Revolution. Only a few weeks before, 1 See liamartine, Hist. Girond. livr<» xviL I have rlrawn much of the ensuing descrlDtlou from him. BATTLE OF VALMY. 323 iiiimerously signed addresses from tlie middle classes in Paris, Kouen, and other large cities, had been presented to the king, ex- pressive of their horror of the anarchists, and their readiness to uphold the rights of the crown, together with the liberties of the subject. And an armed resistance to the authority of the Conven- tion, and in favour of the king, was in reality at this time being actively organized in La Vendee and Brittany, the importance of which may be estimated from the formidable opposition which the Royalists of these provinces made to the Eepublican party, at a later period, and under much more disadvantageous circumstances. It is a fact peculiarly illustrative of the importance of the battle of Valmy, that " during the summer of 1792, the gentlemen of Brittany entered into an extensive association for the purpose of rescuing the country from the oppressive yoke which had been imposed by the Parisian demagogues. At the head of the whole was the Marquis de la Rouarie, one of those remarkable men who rise into pre-eminence during the stormy days of a revolution, from conscious ability to direct its current. Ardent, impetuous, and enthusiastic, he was first distinguished in the American war, A\hen the intrepidity of his conduct attracted the admiration of the Republican troops, and the same qualities rendered him at first an ardent supporter of the Revolution in France ; but when the atrocities of the people began, he espoused with equal warmth the opposite side, and used the utmost efforts to rouse the noblesse of Brittany against the plebeian yoke which had been imposed upon them by the National Assembly. He submitted his plan to the Count d'Artois, and had organized one so extensive, as would have proved extremely formidable to the Convention, if the retreat of the Duke of Brunswick, in September 1792, had not damped the ardour of the whole of the west of. France, then ready to break out into insurrection." ^ And it was not only among the zealots of the old monarchy that the cause of the king would then have found friends. The ineffable atrocities of the September massacres had just occurred, and the reaction produced by them among thousands who had previously been active on the ultra-democratic side, was fresh and powerful. The nobility had not yet been made utter aliens in the eyes of the nation by long expatriation and civil war. There was not yet a generation of youth educated in revolutionary principles, and know- ing no worship save that of military glory. Louis XVL was just and humane, and deeply sensible of the necessity of a gradual extension of political rights among all classes of his subjects. The 1 Alison, vol. iii. p. 323. Y 2 324 BATTLE OF VALMY. lioiirbon throne, if rescued in 1792, would have had chances of j stability, such as did not exist for it in 1814, and seem never likely; to be found again in France. Serving under Kellerman on that day was one who experienced, perhaps the most deeply of all men, the changes for good and for evil which the French Ee volution has produced. He who, in his second exile, bore the name of the Count de Neuilly in this country, and who lately was Louis l^Jiilippe, King of the French, figured in the French lines at Valmy, us a young and gallant officer, cool and sagacious beyond his years, and trusted accordingly by Kellerman and Dumouricz with an important station in the national army. The Due de Chartres (the title he then bore) commanded the French right. General Valence was on the left, and Kellerman himself took his post in the centre, which was the strength and key ol his position. Besides these celebrated men, who were in the French army, and besides the King of Prussia, the Duke of Brunswick, and other men of rank and power, who were in the lines of the Allies, there was an individual present at the battle of Yalmy, of little political note, but who has exercised, and exercises, a greater influence over the human mind, and whose fame is more widely spread, than that of sither duke, or general, or king. This was the German poet, Cbthe, who had, out of curiosity, accompanied the allied army on its march into France as a mere spectator. He has given us a curious record of the sensations which he experienced during the cannonade. It must be remembered that many thousands in the French ranks then, like Gothe, felt the " cannon-fever " for the first time. The German poet says,^ — " I had heard so much of the cannon-fever, that I wanted to know what kind of thing it was. Ennui ^ and a spirit which every kind of danger excites to daring, nay even to rashness, induced me to ride up quite coolly to the outwork of La Lune. This was again occupied by our people j but it presented the wildest aspect. The roofs were shot to pieces; the corn-shocks scattered about, the bodies of men mortally wounded stretched upon them here and there ; and occasionally a spent cannon-ball fell and rattled among the ruins of the tile roofs. " Quite alone, and left to myself, I rode away on the heights to the left, and could plainly survey the favourable position of the French; they were standing in the form of a semicircle in the greatest quiet and security; Kellerman, then on the left wing, being the easiest to reach. ' Gothe's Campaign in France in 1792. Farie's translation, p. 77. BATTLE OF VALMY. 325 " I fell in with good company on the way, officers of my acquaint- ance, belonging to the general staff and the regiment, greatly surprised to find me here. They ^vanted to take me back again with them ; but I spoke to them of particular objects I had in view, and they left me without further dissuasion, to my well-known singular caprice. " I had now arrived quite in the region where the balls were playing across me : the sound of them is curious enough, as if it were composed of the humming of tops, the gurgling of water, and the whistling of birds. They were less dangerous, by reason of the wetness of the ground : wherever one fell, it stuck fast. And thus my foolish experimental ride was secured against the danger at least of the balls rebounding. " In the midst of these circumstances, I was soon able to remark that something unusual was taking place within me. I paid close attention to it, and still the sensation can be described only by similitude. It appeared as if you were in some extremely hot place, and, at the same time, quite penetrated by the heat of it, so that you feel yourself, as it were, quite one with the element in which you are. The eyes lose nothing of their strength or clearness ; but it is as if the world had a kind of brown-red tint, which makes the situation, as well as the surrounding objects, more impressive. I was unable to perceive any agitation of the blood ; but everything seemed rather to be swallowed up in the glow of which I speak. Erom this, then, it is clear in what sense this condition can bo called a fever. It is remarkable, however, that the horrible uneasy feeling arising from it is produced in us solely through the ears ; for the cannon-thunder, the howling and crashing of the balls through the air, is the real cause of these sensations. •' After I had ridden back, and was in perfect security, I remarked with surprise that the glow was completely extinguished, and not the slightest feverish agitation was left behind. On the whole, this condition is one of the least desirable ; as, indeed, among my dear and noble comrades, I found scarcely one who expressed a really passionate desire to try it." Contrary to the expectations of both friends and foes, the French infantry held their ground steadily under the fire of the Prussian guns, which thundered on them from La Lune ; and their own artillery replied with equal spirit and greater effect on the denser masses of the allied army. Thinking that the Prussians were slackening in their fire, Kellerman formed a column in charging order, and dashed down into the valley, in the hopes of capturing some of the nearest guns of the enemy. A masked battery opened its fire on the French column^ and drove it back in disorder Keller- 326 BATTLE OF VALMY. man having his horse shot under him, and being with difficulty cariied off by his men. The Prussian columns now advanced in turn. The French artillerymen began to waver and desert their posts, but were rallied by the efforts and example of their officers \ and Kellerman, reorganizing the line of his infantry, took his station ill the ranks on foot, and called out to his men to let the enemy come close up, and then to charge them with the bayonet. The troops caught the enthusiasm of their general, and a cheerful shout of Vive la nation 1 taken by one battalion from another, pealed across the valley to the assailants. The Prussians flinched from, a charge up-hill against a force that seemed so resolute and formidable ; they halted for a while in the hollow, and then slowly retreated up their own side of the valley. Indignant at being thus repulsed by such a foe, the King of Prussia formed the flower of his men in person, and, riding along the column, bitterly reproached them with letting their standard be thus humiliated. Then he led them on again to the attack, marching in the front line, and seeing his staff mowed down around him by the deadly flre which the French artillery re-opened. But the troops sent by Dumouriez were now co-operating effectually with Kellerman, and that general's own men, flushed by success, presented a firmer front than ever. Again the Prussians retreated, leaving eight hundred dead behind, and at nightfall the French remained victors on the heights of Valmy. All hopes of crushing the revolutionary armies, and of the pro- menade to Paris, had now vanished, though Brunswick lingered long in the Argonne, till distress and sickness wasted away his once splendid force, and finally but a mere wreck of it recrossed the frontier. France, meanwhile, felt that she possessed a giant's strength, and like a giant did she use it. Before the close of that year, all Belgium obeyed the National Convention at Paris, and the kings of Europe, after the lapse of eighteen centuries, trembled once more before a conquering military Republic. Gcithe's description of the cannonade has been quoted. His observation to his comrades in the camp of the Allies, at the end of the battle, deserves citation also. It shows that the poet felt (and, probably, he alone of the thousands there assembled felt) the full importance of that day. He describes the consternation and the change of demeanour which he observed among his Prussian friends that evening. He tells us that ^' most of them were silent ; atid, in fact, the power of reflection and judgment was wanting to all. At last I was called upon to say what I thought of the engage- jjient ; for I had been in the habit of enlivening and amusing the I SYNOPSIS OF EVENTS, 327 troop with short sayings. This time I said : ' From this place^ and from this day forth, commences a new era in the world^s history ; and you can all say that you were present at its birth.' " SYNOPSIS OF EVENTS BETWEEN THE BATTLE OF VALMY, 1792, AND THE BATTLE OF WATERLOO, 1815. A. D. 1793. Trial and execution of Louis XVL at Paris. England and Spain declare war against France. Eoyalist war in La Vendue. Second invasion of France by the AlKes. 1794. Lord Howe's victory over the French fleet. Final partition of Poland by Russia, Prussia, and Austria. 1795. The French armies under Pichegru, conquer Holland. Cessation of the war in La Vendee. 1796. Bonaparte commands the French army of Italy and gains repeated victories over the Austrians. 1797. Victory of Jervis, off Cape St. Vincent. Peace of Campo Formio between France and Austria. Defeat of the Dutch off Camperdown by Admiral Duncan. 1798. Rebellion in Ireland. Expedition of the French under Bonaparte to Egypt. Lord JS'elson destroys the French fleet at the Battle of the Nile. 1799. Renewal of the war between Austria and France. The Russian emperor sends an army in aid of Austria, under Suwarrow. The French are repeatedly defeated in Italy. Bonaparte returns from Egypt and makes himself First Consul of France. Massena wins the battle of Zurich. The Russian emperor makes peace with France. 1800. Bonaparte passes the Alps and defeats the Austrians at ^larengo. Moreau wins the battle of Hohenlinden. 1801. Treaty of Luneville between France and Austria. The battle of Copenhagen. 1802. Peace of Amiens. 1803. War between England and France renewed. 1804. Napoleon Bonaparte is made Emperor of France. 1805. Great preparations of Napoleon to invade England. Austria, supported by Russia, renews war with France. Napoleon marches into Germany, takes Vienna, and gains the battle of Austerlitz. Lord Nelson destroys the combined French and Spanish fleets, and is killed at the battle of Trafalgar. 1806. "War between Prussia and France. Napoleon conquers X^russia in the battle of Jena. 328 SYNOPSIS OF EVENTS. 1807. Obstinate warfare between the French and Eussian armies in East Prussia and Poland. Peace of Tilsit. 1808. Napoleon endeavours to make his brother King of Sjiain. liising of the Spanish nation against him. England sends troops to aid the Spaniards. Battles of Vimiera and Corunna. 1809. War renewed "between Prance and Austria. Battles of Asperne and Wagram. Peace granted to Austria. Lord Welling- ton's victory of Talavera, in Spain. 1810. Marriage of Napoleon and the Arch-duchess Maria Louisa. Holland annexed to France. 1812. War between England and the United States. Napoleon invades Eussia. Battle of Borodino. The French occupy Moscow, which is burned. Disastrous retreat and almost total destruction of the great army of France. 1813. Prussia and Austria take up arms again against France. Battles of Lutzen, Bautzen, Dresden, Culm, and Leipsic. The French are driven out of Germany. Lord Wellington gains the great battle of Vittoria, which completes the rescue of Spain from France. 1814. The Allies invade France on the eastern, and Lord Wellington invades it on the southern frontier. Battles of Laon, Montmirail, Arcis-sur-Auhe, and others in the north-east of France; and of Toulouse in the south. Paris surrenders to the Allies, and Napoleon abdicates. First restoration of the Bourbons. Napoleon goes to the isle of Elba, which is assigned to him by the Allies. Treaty of Ghent, between the United States and England. 1815. Napoleon suddenly escapes from Elba, and lands in France. The French soldiery join him, and Louis XYIII. is obliged to fly from the thron'i. BATTLE OF WATERLOO. 329 CHAPTER XV. 1815. " Thou first and last of fields, king-making victory." — Byron. England has now been blest with thirty-seven years of peace. At no other period of her history can a similarly long cessation from a state of warfare be found. It is true that our troops have had battles to fight during this interval for the protection and extension of our Indian possessions and our colonies ; but these have been with distant and unimportant enemies. The danger has never been brought near our own shores, and no matter of vital importance to our empire has ever been at stake. We have not had hostilities with either France, America, or Eussia ; and when not at war with any of our peers, we feel ourselves to be substantially at peace. There has, indeed, throughout this long period, been no great war, like those with which the previous history of modern Europe abounds. . There have been formidable collisions between particular states ; and there have been still more formidable collisions between the armed champions of the conflicting principles of absolutism and democracy ; but there has been no general war, like those of the Erench Ee volution, like the American, or the Seven Years' War, or 'like the War of the Spanish Succession. It would be far too much to augur from this, that no similar wars will again convulse the world ; but the value of the period of peace which Europe has gained, is incalculable ; even if we look on it as only a truce, and expect again to see the nations of the earth recur to what some philosophers have termed man's natural state of warfare. No equal number of years can be found, during which science, commerce, and civilization have advanced so rapidly and so exten- sively, as has been the case since 1815. When we trace their progress, especially in this country, it is impossible not to feel that their wondrous development has been mainly due to the land 330 BATTLE OF WATERLOO. liaving been at peace. ^ Their good effects cannot be obliterated, oven if a series of wars were to recommence. When we reflect on this, and contrast these thirty-seven years with the period that preceded them, a period of violence, of tumnlt, of unrestingly destructive energy, — a period throughout which the wealth of nations was scattered like sand, and the blood of nations lavished like water, — it is impossible not to look with deep interest on the final crisis of that dark and dreadful epo<:li ; the crisis out of which our own happier cycle of years has been evolved. The great battle which ended the twenty-three years' war of the first French Eevolu- tion, and which quelled the man whose genius and ambition had so long disturbed and desolated the world, deserves to be regarded by us, not only with peculiar pride, as one of our greatest national victories, but with peculiar gratitude for the repose which it secured for us, and for the greater part of the human race. One good test for determining the importance of Waterloo, is to ascertain what was felt by wise and prudent statesmen before that battle, respecting the return of Napoleon from Elba to the Imperial throne of France, and the probable effects of his success. For this purpose, I will quote the words, not of any of our vehement anti- Gallican politicians of the school of Pitt, but of a leader of our Liberal party, of a man whose reputation as a jurist, a historian, and a far-sighted and candid statesman, was, and is, deservedly high, not only in this country, but throughout Europe. Sir James ]\Iackintosh, in the debate in the British House of Commons, on the 20th April, 1815, spoke thus of the return from Elba : — " Was it in the power of language to describe the evil. Wars which had raged for more than twenty years throughout Europe ; which had spread blood and desolation from Cadiz to Moscow, and from Naples to Copenhagen; which had wasted the means of human enjoyment, and destroyed the instruments of social improve- ment ; which threatened to diffuse among the European nations, the dissolute and ferocious habits of a predatory soldiery, — at length, by one of those vicissitudes which bid defiance to the fore- sight of man, had been brought to a close, upon the whole, happy beyond all reasonable expectation, with no violent shock to national independence, with some tolerable compromise between the opinions of the age and reverence due to ancient institutions ; with no too signal or mortifying triumph over the legitimate interests or avow- able feelings of any numerous body of men, and, above all, without those retaliations against nations or parties, which beget new con- 1 See the excellent Introduction to Mr. Charles Kuiglit's " History of the Tliirty Years' Peace." BA' . LE OF WATERLOO, 331 vulsions, often as he .le as those which they close, and perpetuate revenge and hatred'' ...d bloodshed, from age to age. Europe seemed to breathe after 1. i sufferings. In the midst of this fair prospect, and of these con olatory hopes, Napoleon Bonaparte escaped from Elba; three sir 1 vessels reached the coast of Provence; our hopes are instantly dispelled ; the work of our toil and fortitude is undone ; the blood of Europe is spilt in vain — " ' Ibi omnis effusus labor ! ' " The Congress of Emperors, Kings, Princes, Generals, and States- men, who had assembled at Vienna to remodel the world after the overthrow of the mighty conqueror, and who thought that Napoleon had passed away for ever from the great drama of European politics, hiid not yet completed their triumphant festivities, and their diplomatic toils, when Talleyrand, on the 11th of March, 1815, rose up among them, and announced that the ex-emperor had escaped from Elba, and was Emperor of France once more. It is recorded by Sir Walter Scott, as a curious physiological fact, that the first effect of the news of an event which threatened to neutralise all their labours, was to excite a loud burst of laughter from nearly every member of the Congress.-^ But the jest was a bitter one : and they soon were deeply busied in anxious delibera- tions respecting the mode in which they should encounter their arch-enemy, who had thus started from torpor and obscurity into renovated splendour and strength : " Qualis ubi in lucem coluber mala gramina pastus, Frigida sub terra tumidura quern bruma tegebat, Nunc positis novus exuviis uitidusque juventa, Lubrica convolvit sublato pectore terga Arduus ad solem, et Unguis micat ore trisulcis." VlRG. JEii. Napoleon sought to disunite the formidable confederacy, which he knew would be arrayed against him, by endeavouring to negotiate separately with each of the allied sovereigns. It is said that Austria and Russia were at first not unwilling to treat with him. Disputes and jealousies had been rife among several of the Allies on the subject of the division of the conquered count;;^es ; and the Cordial unanimity with which they had acted during 1813 and the first months of 1814, had grown chill during some weeks of dis- cussions. But the active exertions of Talleyrand, who represented ^ Jjife of Napoleon, vol. viii. chap. 1. 332 BATTLE OF WATERLOO. Louis XYIIl". at the Congress, and who both hated and feared Napoleon with all the intensity of which his powerful spirit was capable, prevented the secession of any member of the Congress from the new groat league against their ancient enemy. . Still it is highly probable that, if Napoleon had triumphed in Belgium over the Prussians and the English, he would have succeeded in opening negotiations with the Austrians and Eussians ; and he might have thus gained advantages similar to those which he had obtained on his return from Egypt, when he induced the Czar Paul to withdraw the Russian armies from co-operating with the other enemies of France in the extremity of peril to which she seemed reduced in 1799. But fortune now had deserted him both in diplomacy and in war. On the 13th of March, 1815, the Ministers of the seven powers, Austria, Spain, England, Portugal, Prussia, Russia, and Sweden, signed a manifesto, by which they declared Napoleon an outlaw ; and this denunciation was instantly followed up by a treaty between England, Austria, Prussia, and Russia (to which other powers soon acceded), by which the rulers of those countries bound themselves to enforce that decree, and to prosecute the war until Napoleon shonld be driven from the throne of Erance, and rendered incapable of disturbing the peace of Europe. The Duke of Wellington was the representative of England at the Congress of Vienna, and he was immediately applied to for his advice on the .plan of military operations against France. It was obvious that Belgium would be the first battle-field ; and by the general wish of the Allies, the English Duke proceeded thither to assemble an army from the con- tingents of Dutch, Belgian, and Hanoverian troops, that were most speedily available, and from the English regiments which his own Government was hastening to send over from this country. A strong Prussian corps was near Aix-la-Chapelle, having remained there since the campaign of the preceding year. This was largely reinforced by other troops of the same nation j and Marshal Blucher, the favourite hero of the Prussian soldiery, and the deadliest foe of France, assumed the command of this army, which was termed the Army of the Lower Rhine ; and which, in conjunc- tion with Wellington's forces, was to make the van of the arma- ments of the Allied Powers. Meanwhile Prince Swartzenburg was to coUect 130,000 Austrians, and 124,000 troops of other Germanic States, as " the Army of the Upper Rhine ;" and 168,000 Russians, under the command of Barclay de Tolly, were to form " the Army of the Middle Rhino," and to repeat the march from Muscovy to that river's banks. BATTLE OF WATERLOO. 333 The exertions which the Allied Powers thus made at this crisis to grapple promptly with the French emperor have truly been termed gigantic ; and never were Napoleon's genius and activity more signally displayed, than in the celerity and skill by which he brought forward all the military resources of France, which the reverses of the three preceding years, and the' pacific policy of the Bourbons during the months of their first restoration, had greatly diminished and disorganized. He re-entered Paris on the 20th of March, and by the end of May, besides sending a force into La Yendee to put down the armed risings of the royalists in that province, and besides providing troops under Massena and Sucliet for the defence of the southern frontiers of Prance, Napoleon had an army assembled in the north-east for active operations under his own command, which amounted to between one hundred and twenty, and one hundred and thirty thousand men, with a superb park of artillery and in the highest possible state of equipment, discipline, and efiiciency.^ The approach of the multitudinous Eussian, Austrian, Bavarian, and other foes of the French Emperor to the Ehine was necessarily slow ; but the two most active of the allied powers had occupied Belgium with their troops, while Napoleon was organizing his forces. Marshal Blucher was there with one hundred and sixteen thousand Prussians \ and, before the end of May, the Duke of Wellington was there also with about one hundred and six thousand troops, either British or in British pay.^ Napoleon determined to attack these enemies in Belgium. The disparity of numbers was indeed great, but delay was sure to increase the proportionate numerical superiority of his enemies over his own ranks. The French Etnperor considered also that "the enemy's troops were nDW cantoned under the command of two generals, and composed of nations differing both in interest and in feelings."^ His own army was under his own sole command. It was composed exclu- sively of French soldiers, mostly of veterans, well acquainted with their officers and with each other, and full of enthusiastic confidence in their commander. If he could separate the Prussians from the British, so as to attack each singly, he felt sanguine of success, not only against these the most resolute of his many adversaries, but 1 See for these numbers Sibonie's History of the Campaign of "Waterloo, vol. i. p. 41. 2 Ibid. vol. i. chap. 3. Wellington had but a sinallpart of his old Peninsular anny in Belgium. The flower of it had been sont on the expeditions against America. His troops, in 1815, were chiefly second battalions, or regiments lately filled up with new recruits. See Scott, vol. viii. p. 474. * See Montholon's Memoirs, p. 45. 334 BATTLE OF WATERLOO. also against the other masses, that were slowly labouring up agamst liis eastern dominions. The triple chain of strong fortresses, which the French possessed on the Belgian frontier, formed a curtain, behind which Napoleon was able to concentrate his army, and to conceal, till the very last moment, the precise line of attack which he intended to take. On the other hand, Blucher and Wellington were obliged to canton their troops along a line of open country of considerable length, so as to watch for the outbreak of Napoleon from which- ever point of his chain of strongholds he should please to make it. Blucher, with his army, occupied the banks of the Sambre and the Meuse, from Liege on his left, to Charleroi on his right ; and the Duke of Wellington covered Brussels ; his cantonments being partly in front of that city and between it and the French frontier, and partly on its west ; their extreme right reaching to Courtray and Tournay, while the left approached Charleroi and communi- cated with the Prussian right. It was upon Charleroi that Napo- leon resolved to level his attack, in hopes of severing the two allied armies from each other, and then pursuing his favourite tactic of assailing each separately with a superior force on the battle-field, though the aggregate of their numbers considerably exceeded his own. The first French corps d'arm^e, commanded by Count d'Erlon, was stationed in the beginning of June in and around the city of Lille, near to the north-eastern frontier of France. The secoud corps, under Count Eeille, was at Valenciennes, to the right of the first one. The third corps, under Count Vandamme, was at Mezieres. The fourth, under Count Gerard, had its head-quarters at Metz, and the sixth,^ under Count Lobau, was at Laon. Four corps of reserve cavalry, under Marshal Grouchy, were also near the frontier, between the rivers Aisne and Sambre. The Lnperial Guard remained in Paris until the 8th of June, when it marched towards Belgium, and reached Avesnes on the 13th; and in the course of the same and the following day, the five corps d'armee with the cavalry reserves which have been mentioned, were, in pursuance of skilfully combined orders, rapidly drawn together, and concentrated in and around the same place, on the right bank of the river Sambre. On the 14th Napoleon arrived aT;^ong his troops, who were exulting at the display of their commanticer's skill in the celerity and precision with which they had been drawn together, and in the consciousness of their collective strength. Although Napoleon too often permitted himself to use language unworthy of 1 The fifth corps was under Count Rapp at Strasburg. BATTLE OF WATERLOO. 335 his own character respecting his great English adversary, his real feelings in commencing this campaign may be judged from the last words which he spoke, as he threw himself into his travelling carriage to leave Paris for the army. " I go," he said, " to measure myself with Wellington." The enthusiasm of the French soldiers at seeing their Emperor among them, was still more excited by the " Order of the day," in which he thus appealed to them : " Napoleon, by the Grace of God, and the Constitution of the Empire, Emperor of the French, &c. to the Grand Army. " At the Imperial Head-Quarters, ' *^ AvesMS, June \U\ 1815. "Soldiers ! this day is the anniversary of Marengo and of Friedland, which twice decided the destiny of Europe. Then, as after Austerlitz, as after Wagram, we were too generous ! We believed in the protestations and in the oaths of princes, whom we left on their thrones. Now, however, leagued together, they aim at the independence and the most sacred rights of France. They have commenced the most unjust of aggressions. Let us, then, march to meet them. Are they and we no longer the same men ? " Soldiers ! at Jena, against these same Prussians, now so arrogant, you were one to three, and at Montmirail one to six ! " Let those among you who have been captives to the English, describe the nature of their prison-ships, and the frightful miseries they endured. " The Saxons, the Belgians, the Hanoverians, the soldiers of the Confedera- tion of the Rhine, lament that they are compelled to use their arms in tlie cause of princes, the enemies of justice and of the rights of all nations. They know that this coalition is insatiable ! After having devoured twelve millions of Poles, twelve millions of Italians, one million of feaxons, and six millions of Belgians, it now wishes to devour the states of the second rank in Germany. * * Madmen ! one moment of prosperity has bewildered them. The oppression and the humiliation of the French people are beyond their -power. If they eater Franco they will there find their grave. ** Soldiers ! we have forced marches to make, battles to fight, dangers to encounter ; but, with firmness victory will, be oui-s. The rights, the honour, and the happiness of the country will be recovered ! " To every Frenchman who has a heart, the moment is now arrived to conquer or to die. "NAPOLEON." "The Marshal Duke of Dalmatia, "Major, General." The 15th of June had scarcely dawned before the French army was in motion for the decisive campaign, and crossed the frontier in three columns, which were pointed upon Charleroi and its vicinity. The French line of advance upon Brussels, which city Napoleon resolved to occupy, thus lay right through the centre of the cantonments of the Allies. Much criticism has been expended on the supposed surprise of 336 BATTLE OF WATERLOO. Wellii gton's army in its cantonments by N'apoleon's rapid advance. These comments would hardly have been made if sufficient atten- tion had been paid to the geography of the Waterloo campaign ; and if it had been remembered that the protection of Brussels was justly considered by the allied generals a matter of primary importance. If ^Napoleon could, either by manoeuvring or fighting, have suc- ceeded in occupying that city, the greater part of Belgium would unquestionably have declared in his favour; and the results of such a success, gained by the Emperor at the commencement of the campaign, might have decisively influenced the whole after-current of events. A glance at the map will show the numerous roads that lead from the different fortresses on the French north-eastern fron- tier, and converge upon Brussels ; any one of which Napoleon might have chosen for the advance of a strong force upon that city. The Duke's army was judiciously arranged, so as to enable him to con- centrate troops on any one of these roads sufficiently in advance of Brussels to check an assailing enemy. The army was kept thua available for movement in any necessary direction, till certain intel- ligence arrived on the 15th of June that the French had crossed the frontier in large force near Thuin, that they had driven back the Prussian advanced troops under General Ziethen, and were also moving across the Sambre upon Charleroi. nATTLF. OF WATERLOt^j. c,:^ ^ >Ji y'\^ Marshal Bkiclier now rapidly concentrated hisife^^JSflFiJ^. ,:X them in from the left upon Ligny, which is to the noM-Bast o^ '" Charleroi. AYcIlington also drew his troops together, calling them in from the right. Eut even now, though it was certain that the French were in large force at Charleroi, it was unsafe for the English general to place his army directly between that place and Brussels, until it was certain that no corps of the enemy was marching upon Brussels by the western road through Mons and Hal, The Duke therefore, collected his troops in Brussels and its immediate vicinity, ready to move due southward upon Qnatre Bras, and co-operate with Blucher, who was taking his station at Ligny : but also ready to meet and defeat any manoeuvre, that the enemy might make to turn the right of the Allies, and occupy Brussels by a flanking movement. The testimony of the Prussian general. Baron Muffling,^ who was attached to the Duke's staff during the cam- paign, and who expressly states the reasons on which the English general acted, ought for ever to have silenced the " wealc inventions of the enemy " about the Duke of Wellington having been deceived and surprised by his assailant, which some writers of our own Qation, as well as foreigners, have incautiously repeated. It was about three o'clock in the afternoon of the 15th, that a Prussian officer reached Brussels, whom General Ziethen had sent to Muffling to inform him of the advance of the main French army upon Charleroi. Miiffling immediately communicated this to the Duke of Wellington ; and asked him whether he would now con- centrate his army, and what would be his point of concentration ; observing that Marshal Blucher in consequence of this intelligence would certainly concentrate the Prussians at Ligny. The Duke replied — " If all is as General Ziethen supposes, I will concentrate on my left wing, and so be in readiness to fight in conjunction with the Prussian army. Should, however, a portion of the enemy's force come by Mons, I must concentrate more towards my centre, 'j'his is the reason why I must wait for positive news from Mons before I fix the rendezvous. Since, however, it is certain that the troops must march, though it is uncertain "upon what precise spot they must march, I will order all to be in readiness, and wiU direct a brigade to move at once towards Quatre Bras." ^ Later in the same day a message from Blucher himself was 1 See "Paasages from ray Life and "Writings," by Baron Miiffling, p. 224 of the English Translation, edited by Col. Yorke. See also the 178th number of the Quarterly. It is strange that Lamartine should, after the appearance of Miiffling's work, have repeated in his " History of the Restoration " the myth of Wellington having been surprised in the Brussels ball-room, &c. a Miiffling, p. 231. a 33^ BATTLE OF WATERLOO. delivered to Miiffling, in which the Prussian Field- Marshal in- formed the Baron that he was concentrating his men at Somhref and Ligny, and charged Miiffling to give him speedy intelligence respecting the concentration of Wellington. Miilliing immediately communicated this to the Duke, who expressed his satisfaction with lUucher's arrangements, but added that he could not even tlien Tt'solve upon bis own point of concentration before he obtained the desired intelligence from Mons. About midnight this information arrived. The Duke went to the quarters of General Muffling, and told him that he now had received his reports from Mons, and was sure that no French troops were advancing by that route, but that tlie mass of the enemy's force was decidedly directed on Charleroi- He informed the Prussian general that he had ordered the British troops to move forward upon Quatre Bras ; but with characteristic coolness and sagacity resolved not to give the appearance of alarm by hurrying on with them himself. A ball was to be given by the Duchess of Eichmond at Brussels that night, and the Duke pro- posed to General Muffling that they should go to the ball for a few hours, and ride forward in the morning to overtake the troops at <2uatre Bras. To hundreds, who were assembled at that memorable ball, the news that the enemy was advancing, and that the time for battle had come, must have been a fearfully exciting surprise, and the uiagnificent stanzas of Byron ^ are as true as they are beautiful ; but 1 There was a sound of revelry by night, And Belgium's capital had gatliei-'d then Her Beauty and her Chivalry, and bright The lamps shone o'er fair women and brave men ; A thousand hearts beat happily ; and when !Music arose with its voluptuous swell, Soft eyes look'd love to eyes which spake again, And all went merry as a marriage bell ; But hush ! hark ! a deep sound strikes like a rising knell. Did ye not hear it ?— No ; 'twas but the wind, Or the car rattling o'er the stony street ; On with the dance ! let joy be imconfined ; No sloop till morn, when Youth and Pleasure meet To chase the glowing Hours with ilying feet — But, hark ! — that heavy sound breaks in once more, As if the clouds its echo would rei)Pat ; And nearer, clearer, deadlier than before I Arm ! Arm ! it is— it is — the cannon's opening roar I Within a window'd niche of that high hall Sate Brunswick's fated chieftain ; he did hear Tlmt sound the first amidst the festival, And caui^ht its tone with Heath's proidietic ear ; BATTLE OF WATERLOO. 339 the Duke and Jiis principal officers knew well the stern termination to that festive scene which was approaching. One by one, and in such a way as to attract as little observation as possible, the leaders of the various corps left the ball-room, and took their stations at tlie head of their men, who were pressing forward through the last hours of the short summer night to the arena of anticipated slaughter. And when they smiled because he deem'd it near, His heart more truly knew that peal too well Which stretch'd his father on a bloody Jjier, And roused the vengeance blood alone could quell : He rush'd into the field, and, foremost fighting, fell. Ah ! then and there was hurrying to and fro. And gathering tears, and tremblings of distress. And cheeks all pale, which but an hour ago Blush'd at the praise of their own loveliness ; And there were sudden partings, such as press The life from out young hearts, and choking sighs Which ne'er might be repeated ; who could guess If ever more should meet those mutual eyes, Since upon night so sweet such awful morn could rise ? And there was mounting in hot haste : the steed. The mustering squadron, and the clattering car, Went pouring forward with impetuous speed, And swiftly forming in the ranks of war ; And the deep thunder peal on peal afar ; And near, the beat of the alarming drum Roused up the soldier ere the morning star ; While throng'd the citizens witli terror dumb, Or whispering, with white lips — " The foe ! They come ! they come ) '' And Ardennes waves above them her green leaves. Dewy with nature's tear-drops, as they pass, Grieving, if aught inanimate e'er grieves, Over the unreturning brave, — alas ! Ere evening to be trodden like the grass Which now beneath them, bit above shall grow In its next verdure, when this fiery mass Of living valour, rolling on the foe And burning with high hope, shall moulder cold and low. Last noon beheld them full of-histy life, Last eve in Beauty's circle proudly gaj'. The midnight brought the signal-sound of strife, The morn the marshalling in arms, — the day Battle's magnificently stern array I The thunder-clouds close o'er it, which when rent The earth is covered thick with other clay. Which her own clay shall cover, heaped and pent. Rider and horse, — friend, foe, — in one red burial blent 1 e2 340 BATTLE OF WATERLOO. \ j Napoleon's operations on tlie 15th had been conducted with signal skill and vigour; and their results had been very advan- tageous for his plan of the campaign. With his army formed in three vast columns,^ he had struck at the centre of the line of cantonments of his allied foes ; and he had so far made good his blow, that he had effected the passage of the Sambre, he had beaten with his left wing the Prussian corps of General Ziethen at Thuin, and with his centre he had in person advanced right through Charleroi upon Fleurus. inflicting considerable loss upon the Prus- sians that fell back before him. His right column had with little opposition moved forward as far as the bridge of Chatelet. Napoleon had thus a powerful force immediately in front of the point which Blucher had fixed for the concentration of the Prussian army, and that concentration was still incomplete. The French Emperor designed to attack the Prussians on the morrow in person, with the troops of his centre and right columns, and to employ hia left wing in beating back such English troops as might advance to the help of their allies, and also in aiding his own attack upon Blucher. He gave the command of this left wing to Marshal Ney. Napoleon seems not to have originally intended to employ this celebrated General in the campaign. It was only on the night of the 11th of June, that Marshal Ney received at Paris an order to join the army. Hurrying forward to the Belgian frontier, he met the Emperor near Charleroi. Napoleon immediately directed him to take the command of the left wing, and to press forward with it upon^uatre Bras by the line of the road which leads from Charleroi to Brussels, through Gosselies, Erasne, Quatre Bras, Genappe, and Waterloo. Ney immediately proceeded to the post assigned him ; and before ten on the night of the 15th he had occupied Gosselies and Erasne, driving out without much difficulty some weak Belgian detachments which had been stationed in those village-s. The late- ness of the hour, and the exhausted state of the French troops, who had been marcliing and fighting since ten in the morning, made him pause from advancing further to attack the much more important position of Quatre Bras. In truth, the advantages which the French gained by their almost superhuman energy and activity throughout the long day of the 15th of June, were necessarily bought at the price of more delay and inertness during the following night and morrow, than would have been observable if they had not been thus overtasked. Ney has been blamed for want of promptness in his attack upon Quatre Bras ; and Napoleon has been criticised for not having for.ght at Ligny before the afternoon of the 1 6th.: but their 1 Victoirua ct Conquetcs dcs Frau(,-ais, vol xxv. u. VI. BATTLE OF WAITER LOO. 341 censors should remember that soldiers are but men ; and that tbero must be necessarily some interval of time, before troops, that have been worn and weakened by twenty hours of incessant fatigue and strife, can be fed, rested, reorganized, and brought again into action with any hope of success. Having on the night of the 15th placed the most advanced of the French under his command in position in front of Frasne, Ney rode back to Charleroi, Avhere Napoleon also arrived about midnight, having returned from directing the operations of the centre and right column of the French. The Emperor and the Marshal suppeji together, and remained in earnest conversation till two in the morn- ing. An hour or two afterwards JN'ey rode back to Frasno, where he endeavoured to collect tidings of the numbers and movements of the '^ enemy in front of him; and also busied himself in the neces- sary duty of learning the amount and composition of the troops which he himself was commanding. He had been so suddenly appointed to his high station, that he did not know the strength of the several regiments under him, or even the names of their commanding officers. He now caused his aides-de-camp to prepare the requisite returns, and drew together the troops, whom he was thus learning before he used them. Wellington remained at the Duchess of Eichmond's ball at Brussels tiU about three o'clock in the morning of the 16th, " showing himself very cheerful," as Baron Muffling, who accom- panied him, observes.^ At five o'clock the Duke and the Baron were on horseback, and reached the position at Quatre Bras about eleven. As the French, who were in front of Frasne, were perfectly quiet, and' the Duke was informed that a very large force under Napoleon in person was menacing Blucher, it was thought possible that only a slight detachment of the French was posted at Frasne in order to mask the English army. In that event Wellington, as he told Baron Miiffling, would be able to employ his whole strength in supporting the Prussians : and he proposed to ride across from Quatre Bras to Blucher's position, in order to concert with him personally the measures which should be taken in order to bring on a decisive battle with the French. Wellington and Miiffling rode accordingly towards Ligny, and found Marshal Blucher and his staff at the windmill of Bry, near that village. The Prussian army, 80,000 strong, was drawn up chiefly along a chain of heights, with the villages of Sombref, St. Amand, and Ligny in their front. These villages were strongly occupied by Prussian detachments, and formed the keys of Blucher's position. The heads of the columns which 1 Miiming, p. 233. 342 BATTLE OF WATERLOO. Napoleon was forming for the attack, were visible in the distance. The l)uke asked Blucher and General Gneisenau (who was Blucher's adviser in matters of strategy) what they wished him to do. Muffling had already explained to them in a few words the Duke's earnest desire to support the Field- Marshal, and that he would do all that they wished, provided they did not ask him to divide his arrqy, which was contrary to his principles. The Duke wished to advance with his army (as soon as it was concentrated) upon Frasne and Gosselies, and thence to move upon Napoleon's flank and rear. The Prussian leaders preferred that he should march his men from Quatre Bras by the Namur road, so as to form a reserve in rear of Blucher's army. The Duke replied, " Well, I will come if I am not attacked myself," and galloped back with Miiffling to Quatre Bras, where the French attack was now actually raging. Marshal Ney began the battle about two o'clock in the afternoon. He had at this time in hand about 1G,000 infantry, nearly 2,000 cavalry, and 38 guns. The force which Napoleon nominally placed at his command exceeded 40,000 men. But more than one half of these consisted of the first French corps d'armee, under Count d'Erlon ; and Ney was deprived of the use of this corps at the time that he most required it, in consequence of its receiving orders to march to the aid of the Emperor at Ligny. A magnificent body of heavy cavalry under Kellerman, nearly 5,000 strong, and several more battalions of artillery were added to Key's army during the battle of Quatre Bras; but his effective infantry force never exceeded 16,000. When the battle began, the greater part of the Duke's army was yet on its march towards Quatre Bras from Brussels and the other parts of its cantonments. The force of the Allies, actually in position there, consisted only of a Dutch and Belgian division of infantry, not quite 7,000 strong, with one battalion of foot, and one of horse-artillery. The Prince of Orange commanded them. . A wood, called the Bois de Bossu, stretched along the right (or western) flank of the position of Quatre Bras ; a farmhouse and building, called Gemiancourt, stood on some elevated ground in its front ; and to the left (or east), were the inclosures of the village of Pierrc- mont. The Prince of Orange endeavoured to secure these posts ; but Ney carried Gemiancourt in the centre, and Pierremont on the east, and gained occupation of the southern part of the wood of Bossu. He ranged the chief part of his artillery on the high ground of Gemiancourt, whence it played throughout the action with most destructive effect upon the Allies. He was pressing forward to further advantages, when the fifth infantry division under Sir BATTLE OF WATERLOO. 343 Thomas Piston aiii the Duke of Brunswick's corps, appearcJ n[)on the scene. Wellington (who had returned to Quatre Bras Ironi his interview with Blucher shortly before the arrival of these forcc:5) restored the fight with tliem ; and, as fresh troops of the Allies arrived, they were brought forward to stem the fierce attacks wliich Ney's columns and squadrons continued to make with unab;ited gallantry and zeal. The only cavalry of the Anglo -allied army that reached Quatre Bras during the action, consisted of Dutch and Belgians, and a small force of Bruns wickers, under their Duke, who was killed on the field. These proved wholly unable to encounter Kellerman's cuirassiers and Fire's lancers ; the Dutch and Belgian infantry also gave way early in the engagement ; so that the whole brunt of the battle fell on the British and German infantry. They sustained it nobly. Though repeatedly charged by the French cavalry, though exposed to the murderous fire of the French bat- teries, which from the heights of Gemiancourt sent shot and shell into the devoted squares whenever the French horsemen withdrew, they not only repelled their assailants, but Kempt's and Pack's brigades, led on by Picton, actually advanced against and through their charging foes, and with stern determination made good to the end of the day the ground which they had thus boldly won. Some, however, of the British regiments were during the confusion assailed by the French cavalry before they could form squares, and suffered severely. One regiment, the 92d, was almost wholly destroyed by the cuirassiers. A French private soldier, named Larai, of the Sih regiment of cuirassiers, captured one of the English colours, and presented it to Ney. It was a solitary trophy. The arrival of the English Guards about half-past six o'clock, enabled the Duke to recover the wood of Bossu, which the French had almost entirely won, and the possession of wliich by them would have enabled Ncy to operate destructively upon the allied flank and rear. Not only was the wood of Bossu recovered on the British right, but the inclosures of Pierremont were also carried on the left. When night set in the French had been driven back on all points towards Frasne; but they still held the farm of Gemiancourt in front of the Duke's centre. Wellington and Miillling were unacquainted with the result of the collateral battle between Blucher and Napoleon, the can- nonading of which had been distinctly audible at Quatre Bras throughout the afternoon and evening. The Duke observed to Muffling, that of course the two Allied armies would assume the offensive against the enemy on the morrow ; and consequently, it would be better to capture the farm at once, instead of waiting till next morning. Miiffling agreed in the Duke's views, and Gemian- 344 BATTLE OF WATERLOO. court was forthwith attacked by the English and captured Avith little loss to its assailants. ^ Meanwhile the Erench and the Prussians had been fighting in and round the villages of Ligny, Sombref, and St. Amand, from three in the afternoon to nine in the evening, with a savage invete- racy almost unparalleled in modern warfare. Blucher had in the field, when he began the battle, 83,417 men, and 224 guns. Bulow's corps, which was 25,000 strong, had not joined him ; but the Field- ]\Iarshal hoped to be reinforced by it, or by the English army before the end of the action. But Bulow, through some error in the trans- mission of orders, was far in the rear ; and the Duke of Wcjllington was engaged, as we have seen, with Marshal Ney. Blucher received early "warning from Baron Miiffling that the Duke could not come to his assistance ; but, as Miiffling observes, Wellington rendered the Prussians the great service of occupying more than 40,000 of the enemy, who otherwise would have crushed Blucher's right flank. For, not only did the conflict at Quatre Bras detain the French troops which actually took part in it, but d'Erlon received orders from ^ey to join him, which hindered d'Erlon from giving efiectual aid to iN^apoleon. Indeed, the whole of d'Erlon's corps, in conse- quence of conflicting directions from Ney and the Emperor, marched and countermarched, during the 16th, between Quatre Bras and Ligny without firing a shot in either battle. Blucher had, in fact, a superiority of more than 12,000 in number over the French army that attacked him at Ligny. The numerical dilFerence was even greater at the beginning of the ba^ttle, as Lobau's corps did not come up from Charleroi till eight o'clock. After five hours and a half of desperate and long-doubtful struggle, N'apoleon succeeded in breaking the centre of the Prussian line at Ligny, and in forcing his obstinate antagonists off the field of battle. The issue was attributable to his skill, and not to any want of spirit or reso- lution on the part of the Prussian troops ; nor did they, though defeated, abate one jot in discipline, heart, or hope. As Blucher observed, it was a battle in which his army lost the day but not its honour. The Prussians retreated during the night of the 16th, and the early part of the 17th, with perfect regularity and steadiness. ■J.lie retreat was directed not towards Maestricht, where their prin- cipal depots were established, but towards "Wavre, so as to be able to maintain their communication with Wellington's army, and still follow out the original plan of the campaign. The heroism with which the Prussians endured and repaired their defeat at Ligny, is more glorious than many victories. i Miifllmi:' D. 242. BATTLE OF WATERLOO. 345 The messenger wlio was sent to inform Wellington of the retreat of the Prussian army, was shot on the way ; and it was not until the morning of the 17th that the Allies, at Quatre Bras, knew the result of the battle of Ligny. The Duke was ready at daybreak to take the offensive against the enemy with vigour, his whole army being by that time fully assembled. But on learning that Blucher had been defeated, a different course of action was clearly necessary. It was obvious that !N'apoleon's main army would now be directed against Wellington, and a retreat was inevitable. On ascertaining that the Prussian army had retired upon Wavre, that there was no hot pursuit of them by the French, and that Bulow's corps had taken no part in the action at Ligny, the Duke resolved to march his army back towards Brussels, still intending to cover that city, and to halt at a point in a line with Wavre, and there restore his communication with Blucher. An officer from Blucher's army reached the Duke about nine o'clock, from whom he learned the eff"ective strength that Blucher still possessed, and how little dis- couraged his ally was by the yesterday's battle. Wellington sent word to the Prussian commander that he would halt in the position of Mont St. Jean, and accept a general battle with the French, if Blucher would pledge himself to come to his assistance with a single corps of 25,000 men. This was readily promised ; and after allow- ing his men ample time for rest and refreshment, Wellington retired over about half the space between Quatre Bras and Brussels. He was pursued, but little molested, by the main French army, which about noon of the 17th moved laterally from Ligny, and joined lley's forces, which had advanced through Quatre Bras when the Britisn abandoned that position. The Earl of Uxbridge, with the British cavalry, covered the retreat of the Duke's army, with great skill and gallantry; and a heavy thunderstorm, with torrents of rain, impeded the operations of the French pursuing squadrons. The Duke still expected that the French would endeavour to turn his right, and march upon Brussels by the high road that leads through Mons and HaL In order to counteract this anticipated mana'uvre, he stationed a force of 18,000 men, under Prince Frederick of the JS'etherlands, at Hal, with orders to maintain him- self there if attacked, as long as possible. The Duke halted with the rest of his army at the position near Mont St. Jean, which, from a village in its neighbourhood, has received the ever-memorable name of the field of Waterloo. Wellington was now about twelve miles distant, on a line run- ning from west to east, from Wavre, where the Prussian army had now been completely reorganized and collected, and where it bad 346 BATTLE OF WATERLOO, been strengthened by the junction of Bulow's troops, which had taken no part in the battle of Ligny. Blucher sent word from Wavre to the Duke, that he wns coming to help the English at Mont St. Jean, in the morning, not with one corps, but with his whole army. The fiery old man only stipulated that the combined armies, if not attacked by Napoleon on the 18th, should themselves attack him on the 19th. So far were Blucher and his army from being in the state of annihilation described in the boastful bulletin by which Napoleon informed the Parisians of his victory at Ligny. Indeed, the French Emperor seems himself to have been misin- formed as to the extent of loss which he had inflicted on the Prussians. Had he known in what good order and with what undiminished spirit they were retiring, he would scarcely have delayed sending a large force to press them in their retreat until noon on the 17th. Such, however, was the case. It was about that time that he confided to Marshal Grouchy the duty of pur- suing the defeated Prussians, and preventing them from joining Wellington. He placed for this purpose 32,000 men and 96 gunt under his orders. Violent complaints and recriminations passed afterwards between the Emperor and the marshal respecting the manner in which Grouchy attempted to perform this duty, and the reasons why he failed on the 18th to arrest the lateral movement of the Prussians from Wavre to Waterloo. It is sufficient to remark here, that the force which Napoleon gave to Grouchy (though the utmost that the Emperor's limited means would allow) was in- sufficient to make head against the entire Prussian army, especially after Bulow's junction with Blucher. We shall presently have occasion to consider what opportunities were given to Grouchy during the 18th, and what he might have effected if he had been a man of original military genius. But the failure of Grouchy was in truth mainly owing to th(.' indomitable heroism of Blucher himself; who, though he hatl received severe personal injuries in the battle of Ligny, was as energetic and ready as ever in bringing his men into action again, and who had the resolution to expose a part of his army, under Thielman, to be overwhelmed by Grouchy at Wavre on the 18tb, while he urged the march of the mass of his troops upon AVaterloo. " It is not at Wavre, hut at Waterloo," said the old Field-Marshal, "that the campaign is to be decided;" and he risked a detach- ment, and won the campaign accordingly. Wellington and Blucher trusted each other as cordially, and co-operated as zealously, as formerly had been the case with Marlborough and Eugene. It was in full reliance on Blucher's promise to join him that the Duke BATTLE OF WATERLOO. 347 stood his ground and fonglit at Waterloo ; and those who have ventured to impugn the Duke's capacity as a general, ought to have had common-sense enough to perceive, that to charge the Duke with having won the battle of Waterloo by the help of the Prussians, is really to say tliat he won it by the very means on which he relied, and without the expectation of which the battle would not have been fought. Napoleon himself has found fault with Wellington for not having retreated further, so as to complete a junction of his army with Blucher's before he risked a general engagement.-^ But, as we have seen, the Duke justly considered it important to protect Brussels. He had reason to expect that his army could singly resist the French at Waterloo until the Prussians came up ; and that, on tne Prussians joining, there would be a sufficient force united under himself and Blucher for completely overwhelming the enemy. And while Napoleon thus censures his great adversary, he involun- tarily bears the highest possible testimony to the military character of the English, and proves decisively of what paramount import- ance was the battle to which he challenged his fearless opponent. Napoleon asks, " If tlie English army had been beaten at Waterloo, what would have been the use of those numerous bodies of troops, oj Prussians, Austrians, Germans, and Spaniards, which were advancing by forced marches to the Rhine, the Alps, and the Pyrenees T'^ The strength of the army under the Duke of Wellington at Waterloo was 49,608 infantry, 12,402 cavalry, and 5,645 artillery- men with 156 guns.^ But of this total of 67,655 men, scarcely 24,000 were British, a circumstance of very serious importance, if Napoleon's own estimate of the relative value of troops of different nations is to be taken. , In the Emperor's own words, speaking of this campaign, " A French soldier would not be equal to more than one English soldier, but he would not be afraid to meet two Dutchmen, Prussians, or soldiers of the Confedera- tion."* There were about 6,000 men of the old German Legion with the Duke ', these were veteran troops, and of excellent quality. Of the rest of the army the Hanoverians and Brunswickers proved themselves deserving of confidence and praise. But the Nassauers, Dutch, and Belgians were almost worthless ; and not a few of them were justly suspected of a strong wish to fight, if they fought at all, under the French eagles rather than against them. Napoleon's army at Waterloo consisted of 48,950 infantry, 15,765 cavalry, 7,232 artillerymen, being a total of 71,947 men, and 240 1 Sec Montholon's Memoirs, vol. iv. p. 44. 2 n^ij^ ' Siborne, vol. i. p. 376. * Montholon's Memoirs, vol. iv. p. 41 3 iH nA TTLE OF WA TERLGO. guns.* They were the flower of the national forces of France ; and of all the numerous gallant armies which that martial land has poured forth, never was there one braver, or better disciplined, oi better led, than the host that took up its position at Waterloo on the morning of the 18th of June, 1^)15. Perhaps those who have not seen the field of battle at Waterloo, or the admirable model of the ground, and of the conflicting armies, which was executed by Captain Siborne, may gain a generally accurate idea of the localities, by picturing to themselves a valley between two and three miles long, of various breadths at different points, but generally not exceeding half a mile. On each side of the valley there is a winding chain of low hills running somewhat parallel with each other. The declivity from each of these ranges of hills to the intervening valley is gentle but not uniform, the undulations of the ground being frequent and considerable. The English army was posted on the northern, and the French army occupied the southern ridge. The artillery of each side thundered at the other from their respective heights throughout the day, and the charges of horse and foot were made across the valley that has been described. The village of Mont St. Jean is situate a little behind the centre of the northern chain of hills, and the village of La Belle Alliance is close behind the centre of the southern ridge. The high road from Charleroi to Brussels (a broad paved causeway) runs through both these villages, and bisects therefore both the English and the French positions. The line of this road was the line of Napoleon's intended advance on Brussels. There are some other local particulars connected with the situation of each army, which it is necessary to bear in mind.^ The strength of the British position did not consist merely in the occupation of a ridge of high ground. A village and ravine, called Merk Braine, on the Duke of Wellington's extreme right, secured his flank from being turned on that side; and on his extreme left, two little hamlets called La Haye and Papelotte, gave a similar, though a slighter, protection. Behind the whole British position is the ex- tensive forest of Soignies. As no attempt was made by the French to turn either of the English flanks, and the battle was a day of straightforward fighting, it is chiefly important to ascertain what posts there were in front of the British line of hills, of which advantage could be taken either to repel or facilitate an attack ; and it will be seen that there were two, and that each was of very great importance in the action. In front of the British right, that is to say, on the northern slope of the rilley towards its western end, 1 See Siborne, ut siqjra. 2 gg^ plan at p. 3,61 n. 1 TTLE OF WA TERLOO. 349 there stood an old-fashioned Flemish farm-house called Goumont, or Hougoumont, with out-buildings and a garden, and with a copse of beech trees of about two acres in extent round it. This was strongly garrisoned by the allied troops ; and, while it was in their posses sion, it was difficult for the enemy to press on and force the Britisk right wing. On the other hand, if the enemy could take it, it woidd be difficult for that wing to keep its ground on the heights, with a strong post held adversely in its immediate front, being one that would give much shelter to the enemy's marksmen, and great facilities for the sudden concentration of attacking columns. Almost immediately in front of the British centre, and not so far down the slope as Hougoumont, there was another farm-liouse, of a smaller size, called La Haye Sainte,^ which was also held by the British troops, and the occupation of which was found to be of very serious consequence. With respect to the French position, the principal feature to be noticed is the village of Planchenoit, which lay a little in the rear of their right {i.e. on the eastern side), and which proved to be of great importance in aiding them to check the advance of the Prussians. Ifapoleon, in his memoirs, and other French writers, have vehe- mently blamed the Duke for having given battle in such a position as that of Waterloo. They particularly object that the Duke fought without having the means of a retreat, if the attacks of his enemy had proved successful ; and that the English army, if once broken, must have lost all its guns and materiel in its flight through the Forest of Soignies, that lay in its rear. In answer to these censures, instead of merely referring to the event of the battle as proof of the correctness of the Duke's judgment, it is to be observed that many military critics of high authority, have considered the position of Waterloo to have been admirably adapted for the Duke's purpose of protecting Brussels by a battle ; and that certainly the Duke's opinion in favour of it was not lightly or hastily formed. It is a remarkable fact (mentioned in the speech of Lord Bathurst when moving the vote of thanks to the Duke in the House of Lords),^ that when the Duke of Wellington was passing through Belgium in the preceding summer of 1814, he particularly noticed the strength of the position of Waterloo, and made a minute of it at the time, stating to those who were with him, that if it ever should be his fate to fight a battle in that quarter for the protection of Brussels, ^ Not to be confounded with the hamlet of La Haye at the extreme left of ►he British line. > Pailiainentaiy Debates, vol. xxxi. p. 875. 350 BATTLE OF WATERLOO. he should endeavour to do so in that position. And with respect to the Forest of Soignies, which the French (and some few EngUsh) critics have tlioiight calculated to prove so fatal to a retreating force, the Duke on the contrary believed it to be a post that might have proved of infinite value to his army in the event of his having been obliged to give way. The Forest of Soignies has no thicket or masses of close-growing trees. It consists of tall beeches, and is everywhere passable for men and horses. The artillery could have been with- drawn by the broad road which traverses it towards Brussels ; and in the meanwhile a few regiments of resolute infantry could have held the forest and kept the pursuers in check. One of the best writers an the Waterloo campaign, Captain Pringle,^ well observes that " every person, the least experienced in war, knows the extreme difficulty of forcing infantry from a wood which cannot be turned." The defence of the Bois de Bossu near Quatre Bras on the 1 6th of June had given a good proof of this ; and the Duke of Wellington, when speaking in after years of the possible events that might have followed if he had been beaten back from the open field of Waterloo, pointed to the wood of Soignies as his secure rallying place, saying, " they never could have beaten us so, that we could not have held the wood against them." He was always confident that he could have made good that post until joined by the Prussians, upon whose co-operation he throughout depended. ^ As has been already mentioned, the Prussians, on the morning of the 18th, were at Wavre, which is about twelve miles to the east of the field of battle of Waterloo. The junction of Bulow's division had more than made up for the loss sustained at Ligny ; and leaving Thielman with about seventeen thousand men to hold his ground, as he best could, against the attack which Grouchy was about to make on Wavre, Bulow and Blucher moved with the rest of the Prussians through St. Lambert upon Waterloo. It was calculated that they would be there by three o'clock ; but the extremely difficult nature of the ground which they had to traverse, rendered worse by the torrents of rain that had just fallen, delayed them long on their twelve miles' march. An army, indeed, less animated by bitter hate against the enemy than was the Prussians, and under a less energetic chief than Blucher, would have faded altogether in efi'ecting a passage through the swamps, into which the incessant rain had transformed the greater part of the ground through which it was necessary to move not only with columns of foot, but with cavalry and artdlery. At one point of ^ See the Appendix to the 8th volume of Scott's Life of Napoleon. > See Lord Ellesniere's Life and Ohaxacter of the Duke of Wellington, p. 40 BATTLE OF WATERLOO. 351 the march^ on entering the defile of St. Lambert, the spirits of the Prussians almost gave way. Exhausted in the attempts to extricate and drag forward the heavy guns, the men began to murmur. r>lncher came to the spot, and heard cries from the ranks of — " We cannot get on." " But you mn&t get on," was the old Ficld- Marslial's answer. "I have pledged my word to Wellington, and you surely will not make me break it. Only exert yourselves for a few hours longer, and we are sure of victory." This appeal from old " Marshal Forwards," as the Prussian soldiers loved to call Blucher, had its wonted effect. The Prussians again moved forward, slowly, indeed, and with pain and toil ; but still they moved forward.^ The French and British armies lay on the open field during the wet and stormy night of the 17th ; and when the dawn of the memorable 18th of June broke, the rain was still descending heavily upon Waterloo. The rival nations rose from their dreary bivouacs, and began to form, each on the high ground which it occupied. Towards nine the weather grew clearer, and each army was able to watch the position and arrangements of the other on the opposite side of the valley. The Duke of Wellington drew up his army in two lines ; the principal ona being stationed near the crest of the ridge of hills already described, and the other being arranged along the slope in the rear of his position. ^ Commencing from the eastward, on the extreme left of the first or main line, were Vivian's and Vandeleur*s brigades of light cavalry, and the fifth Hanoverian bri^mde of in- fantry, under Von Vincke. Then came Best's fourth Hanoverian brigade. Detachments from these bodies of troops occupied the little villages of Papelotte and La Haye, down the hollow in advance of the left of the Duke's position. To the right of Best's Hano- verians, Bylandt's brigade Of Dutch and Belgian infantry was drawn up on the outer slope of the heights. Behind them were the ninth brigade of British infantry under Pack ; and to the right of these last, but more in advance, stood the eighth brigade of English infantry under Kempt. These were close to the Charleroi road, and to the centre of the entire position. These two English brigades, with the fifth Hanoverian, made up the fifth division, commanded by Sir Thomas Picton. Immediately to their right, and westward of the Charleroi road, stood the third division, commanded by Ceneral Alten, and consisting of Ompteda's brigade of the King's German legion, and Kielmansegge's Hanoverian brigade. The im-. [lortant post of La Hiiye Sainte, which it will be rcnienibercd lay in 1 SoG Sibonie, vcl. ii. p. 137. 352 BATTLE OF WATERLOO. front of the Duke's centre, close to the Charleroi road, was garrisoned with troops from this division. Westward, and on the right of Kielmansegge's Hanoverians, stood the fifth British brigade under Halkett ; and behind, Kruse's Nassau brigade was posted. On the right of Halkett's men stood the English Guards. They were in two brigades, one commanded by Maitland, and the other by Bjng. The entire division was under General Cooke. The buildings and gardens of Hougoumont, which lay immediately under the height, on WTATEKLOO AT THE BEGINNING OF THE ACTION. The White are English, the Black are French. 7hich stood the British Guards, were principally manned by detach ments from Byng's brigade, aided by some brave Hanoverian riflemen, and accompanied by a battalion of a Nassau regiment. On a plateau 1J1 the rear of Cooke's division of Guards, and inclining westward towards the village of Merk Braine, were Clinton's second infantry division, composed of Adams's third brigade of light infantry, Du riat's first brigade of the king's German legion, and third Hano- verian brigade under Colonel Halkett. The Duke formed his second line of cavalry. This only extended behind the right and centre of his first line. The largest mass was BATTLE OF WATERLOO. 353 drawn up behind the brigades of infantry in the centre, on either side of the Charleroi road. / The brigade of household cavalry under Lord Somerset was on the immediate right of the road, and on the left of it was Ponsonby's brigade. Behind these were Trip's and Ghingy's brigades of Dutch and Belgian horse. The third Hussars of the King's German Legion were to the right of Somerset's brigade. To the right of these, and behind Maitland's infantry, stood the third brigade under Dornberg, consisting of the 23d English Light Dragoons, and the regiments of Light Dragoons of the King's German .Legion. The last cavalry on the right was Grant's brigade, stationed in the rear of the Foot-Guards. The corps of Brunswickers, both horse and foot, and the 10 th British brigade of foot, were in reserve behind the centre and right of the entire position. The artillery was distributed at convenient in- tervals along the front of the whole line. Besides the Generals who have been mentioned. Lord Hill, Lord Uxbridge (who had the general command of the cavalry), the Prince of Orange, and General Chass6, were present, and acting under the Duke.^ / On the opposite heights the French army was drawn up in two 1 Prince Frederick's force remained at Hal, and took no part in the battle of thie 18th. The reason for this arrangement (which haa been much cavilled at), may be best given in the words of Baron Miiffling : — " The Duke had retired from Quatre Bras in three columns, by three cliaussees ; and on the evening of the 17th, Prince Frederick of Orange was at Hal, Lord Hill at Braine la Lend, and the Prince of Orange with the reserve, at Mont St. Jean. This distribution was necessary, as Napoleon could dispose of these three roads for his advance on Bnissels. Napoleon on the 17th had pressed on by Genappe as far as Roesomme. On the two other roads no enemy had yet shown himself. On the 18th the offensive was taken by Napoleon on its greatest scale, but still the Nivelles road was not overstepped by his left wing. These circum- stances made it possible to draw Prince Frederick to the army, whi«h would cei-tainly have been done if entirely new circumstances had not arisen. The Duke had, twenty-four hours before, pledged himself to accept a battle at Mont St. Jean if Bliicher would assist him therewith one corps, of 25,000 men. This being promised, the Duke was taking his measures for defence, when he learned that, in addition to the one corps promised, Bliicher was actually already on the march with his whole force, to break in by Planche- noit on Napoleon's flank and rear. If three corps of the Prussian armj should penetrate by the unguarded plateau of Rossomme, which was not wi- probable, Napoleon would bo thrust from his line of retreat by Genappe, aiid might possibly lose even that by Nivelles. In this case Prince Frederick, with his 18,000 men (who might bo accounted superfluous at Mont St..Jean), might have rendered the most essential service." — See Miiflling, p. 246 and the Quarterly Review, No. 178. It is also worthy of observation tliat Napoleon actually detached a force of 2,000 cavaliy to threaten Hal, though thoy returned to the main French army during the night of the 17th. See " Victoues et ConcLuetes des Frangais," vol. xxiv. p. 186. 354 BATTLE OF WATERLOO. general lines, with the entire force of the Imperial Guards, cavalry as well as infantry, in rear of the centre, as a reserve. ) The first line of the French army was formed of the two corps commanded by Count d'Erlon and Count Eeille. D'Erlon's corps was on the right, that is, eastward of the Charleroi road, and consisted of four divisions of infantry under Generals Durette, Marcognet, Alix, and Donzelot, and of one division of light cavalry under General Jaquinot. Count Eeille's corps formed the left or western wing, and was formed of Bachelu's, Toy's, and Jerome Bonaparte's divisions of infantry, and of Pirn's division of cavalry. The right wing of the second general French line was formed of Milhaud's corps, consisting of two divisions of heavy cavalry. The left wing of this line was formed by Kellerman's cavalry corps, also in two divisions. Thus each of the corps of infantry that composed the first line had a corps of cavalry behind it ; but the second line consisted also of Lobau's corps of infantry, and Domont and Subervie's divisions of light cavalry; these three bodies of troops being drawn up on either side of La Belle Alliance, and forming the centre of the second line. The third, or reserve line, had its centre composed of the infantry of the Imperial Guard. Two regiments of grenadiers and two of chasseurs, formed the foot of the Old Guard under General Friant. The Middle Guard, under Count Morand, was similarly composed ; while two regiments of voltigeurs, and two of tirailleurs, under Duhesme, constituted the Young Guard. The chasseurs and lancers of the Guard were on the right of the infantry, under Lefebvre Desnouettesj and the grenadiers and dragoons of the Guards, under Guyot, were on the left. All the French corps comprised, besides their cavalry and infantry regiments, strong batteries of horse artillery; and Napoleon's numerical superiority in guns was of deep importance throughout the action. Besides the leading generals who have been mentioned as com- manding particular corps,flsrey and Soult were present, and acted as the Emperor's lieutenants in the battle, y ' English military critics have highly eulogised the admirable arrangement which Napoleon made of his forces of each arm, so as to give him the most ample means of sustaining, by an immediate and sufficient support, any attack, from whatever point he might direct it ; and of drawing promptly together a strong force, to resist any attack that might be made on himself in any part of the field.^ When his troops were all arrayed, he rode along the lines, receiving everywhere the most enthusiastic cheers from his men, of whose 1 Siborne, vol. i. p. 376. BATTLE OF WATERLOO. 355 entire devotion to him his assurance was now doubly sure. On the northern side of the valley the Duke's army was also drawn up, and ready to meet the menaced attack. Wellington had cai^sed, on the preceding night, every brigade and corps to take up its station on or near the part of the ground which it was intended to hold in the coming battle. He had slept a few hours at his head-quarters in the village of Waterloo ; and rising on the 18th, while it was yet deep night, he wrote several letters to the Governor of Antwerp, to the English Minister at Brussels, and other official personages, in which he expressed his confidence that all would go well, but " as it was necessary to provide against serious losses should any accident occur," he gave a series of judicious orders for what should be done in the rear of the army, in the event of the battle going against the Allies. He also, before he left the village of Waterloo, saw to the distribution of the reserves of ammunition which had been parked there, so that supplies should be readily forwarded to every part of the line of Ivattle, where they might be required. The Duke, also, personally inspected the arrangements that had been made for receiving the wounded, and providing temporary hospitals in the houses in the rear of the army. Then, mounting a favourite charger, a small thorough-bred chestnut horse, named " Copenhagen," Wellington rode forward to the range of hills where his men were posted. Accompanied by his staff and by the Prussian General MiifHing, he rode along his lines, carefully inspecting all the details of his position. Hougoumont was the object of his special attention. He rode down to the south-eastern extremity of its enclosures, and after having examined the nearest French troops, he made some changes in the disposition of his own men, who were to defend that important post. Having given his final orders about Hougoumont, the Duke galloped back to the high ground in the right centre of his position; and halting there, sat watching the enemy on the opposite heights, and conversing with his staff with that cheerful serenity which was ever his characteristic in the hour of battle. Not all brave men are thus gifted \ and many a glanCb of anxious excitement must have been cast across the valley that separated the two hosts during the protracted pause which ensued between the completion of Napoleon's preparations for attack and the actual commencement of the contest. It was, indeed, an awful calm be- fore the coming storm, when armed myriads stood gazing on their armed foes, scanning their number, their array, their probable powers of resistance and destruction, and listening with throbbing aa2 356 BATTLE OF WATERLOO. hearts for tlie niomentaiily expected note of death ; while visions of victory and glory came thronging on each soldier's high-strung brain, not unmingled with recollections of the home which his fall might soon leave desolate, nor without shrinking nature sometimes prompting the cold thought, that in a few moments he might be writhing in agony, or lie a trampled and mangled mass of clay on the grass now waving so freshly and purely before him. Such thoughts will arise in human breasts, though the brave man soon silences " the child within us that trembles before death," ^ and nerves himself for the coming struggle by the mental prepara- tion which Xenophon has finely called " the soldier's arraying his own soul for battle." ^ Well, too, may we hope and believe that many a spirit sought aid from a higher and holier source ; and that many a fervent though silent prayer arose on that Sabbath morn (the battle of Waterloo was fought on a Sunday) to the Lord of Sabaoth, the God of Eattles, from the ranks, whence so many thousands were about to appear that day before His judgment-seat. Not only to those who were thus present as spectators and actors in the dread drama, but to all Europe, the decisive contest then impending between the rival French and English nations, each under its chosen chief, was the object of exciting interest and deepest solicitude. " Never, indeed, had two such generals as the Duke of Wellington and the Emperor Napoleon encountered since the day when Scipio and Hannibal met at Zama."^ The two great champions, who now confronted each other, were equals in years, and each had entered the military profession at the same early age. The more conspicuous stage, on which the Erench general's youthful genius was displayed, his heritage of the whole military power of the Erench EepubKc, the position on which for years he was elevated as sovereign head of an empire surpassing that of Charlemagne, and the dazzling results of his victories, which made and unmade kings, had given him a formidable pre-eminence in the eyes of mankind. Military men spoke with justly rapturous admi- ration of the brilliancy of his first Italian campaigns, when he broke through the pedantry of traditional tactics, and with a small but promptly-wielded force, shattered army after army of the Austrians, conquered provinces and capitals, dictated treaties, and annihilated or created states. The iniquity of his Egyptian expedition was too often forgotten in contemplating the skill and boldness with which he destroyed the Mameluke cavalry at the Pyramids, and the Turkish infantry at Aboukir. None could forget the marvellous 1 See Plato, Phaedon, c. 60 ; and Groto's History of Greece, vol. viii. p. C56. * llellemca, lib. vii. c. v. s. 22. 3 ggQ ^^ra^ p. 82. BATTLE OF WATERLOO. 357 passage of the Alps in 1800, or the victory of ^larengo, whicli wrested Italy back from Austria, and destroyed the fruit of t\yenty victories, which the enemies of France had gained over her in the absence of her favourite chief. Even higher seemed the glories of his German campaigns, the triumphs of Ulm, of Austerlitz, of Jena, of Wagram. Napoleon's disasters in Eussia, in 1812, were imputed by his admirers to the elements ; his reverses in Germany, in 1813, were attributed by them to treachery : and even those two calamitous years had been signalised by his victories at Borodino, at Lutzen, at Bautzen, at Dresden, and at Ilanau. His last cam- paign, in the early months of 1814, was rightly cited as the most splendid exhibition of his military genius, when, with a far inferior army, he long checked and frequently defeated the vast hosts that were poured upon France. His followers fondly hoped that the campaign of 1815 would open with another "week of miracles," like that which had seen his victories at Montmirail and Montereau. The laurel of Ligny was even now fresh upon his brows. Blucher had not stood before him ; and who was the Adversary that now should bar the Emperor's way % That Adversary had already overthrown the Emperor's best generals, and the Emperor's best armies ; and, like Napoleon himself, had achieved a reputation in more than European wars. Wellington was illustrious as the destroyer of the Mahratta power, as the liberator of Portugal and Spain, and the successful invader of Southern France. In early youth he had held high command in India ; and had displayed eminent skill in planning and com- bining movements, and unrivalled celerity and boldness in execu- tion. On his return to Europe several years passed away before any fitting opportunity was accorded for the exercise of his genius. In this important respect, Wellington, as a subject, and Napoleon, as a sovereign, were far differently situated. At length his appoint- ment to the command in the Spanish Peninsula gave him the means of showing Europe that England had a general who could revive the glories of Crecy, of Poictiers, of Agincourt, of Blenheim, and of Kamilies. At the head of forces always numerically far inferior to the armies with which Napoleon deluged the Peninsula ; — thwarted by jealous and incompetent allies ; — ill-supported by friends, and assailed by factious enemies at home ; Wellington maintained the war for seven years, unstained by any serious reverse, and marked by victory in thu-teen pitched battles, at Vimiera, the Douro, Talavera, Busaco, Fuentes d'Onore, Salamanca, Vittoria, the Pyrenees, the Bidassoa, the Nive, the Nivelle, Orthcs, and Toulouse. Junot, Victor, Massena, Ney, Marmont, and Jourdain, — marshal? I 358 BATTLE OF WATERLOO, whose names were the terrors of continental Europe — had been baffled by his skill, and smitten down by his energy, while he liberated the Idngdoms of the Peninsula from them and their Imperial master. In vain did Napoleon at last despatch Soult, the _, ablest of his lieutenants, to turn the tide of Wellington's success, ■{ and defend France against the English invader. Wellington met " Soult's manoeuvres with superior skill, and his boldness with superior vigour. When Napoleon's first abdication, in 1814, sus- pended hostilities, Wellington was master of the fairest districts of Southern France; and had under him a veteran army, with which (to use his own expressive phrase) '' he felt he could have gone anywhere and done anything." The fortune of war had hitherto kept separate the orbits in which Napoleon and he had moved. Now, on the ever memorable 18th of June, 1815, they met at last. It is, indeed, remarkable that Napoleon, during his numerous campaigns in Spain as well as other countries, not only never encountered the Duke of Wellington before the day of Waterloo, but that he was never until then personally engaged with British troops, except at the siege of Toulon, in 1793, which was the very first incident of his military career. Many, however, of the French generals who were with him in 1815, knew well, by sharp ex- perience, what English soldiers were, and what the leader was who now headed them. Ney, Foy, and other officers who had served in the Peninsula, warned Napoleon that he would find the English infantry '* very devils in fight." The Emperor, however, persisted in employing the old system of attack, with which the French generals often succeeded against continental troops, but which had always failed against the English in the Peninsula. He adhered to his usual tactics of employing the order of the column ; a mode of attack probably favoured by him (as Sir Walter Scott remarks) on account of his faith in the extreme valour of the French officers by whom the column was headed. It is a threatening formation, well calculated to shake the firmness of ordinary foes ; but which, when steadily met, as the English have met it, by heavy volleys of musketry from an extended line, followed up by a resolute bayonet charge, has always resulted in disaster to the assailants.^ It was approaching noon before the action commenced. Napoleon, A See especially Sir W. Napier's glorious pictures of the battles of Busaco and Albucra. Ihe theoretical advantages of the attack in column, and its peculiar iitness for a French army, are set forth in the Chevalier Folard's "Traite de la Colonno," prefixed to the first volume of his "Polybius." See also the preface to his sixth volume. BATTLE OF WATERLOO. 359 in Ilia Memoirs, gives as the reason for this delay, the miry state of the ground through the heavy rain of the preceding night and day, which rendered it impossible for cavalry or artillery to manoeuvre on it till a few hours of dry weather had given it its natural con- sistency. It has been supposed, also, that he trusted to the effect which the sight of the imposing array of his own forces was likely to produce on the part of the allied army. The Belgian regiments had been tampered with ; and Xapoleon had well-founded hopes of seeing them quit the Duke of Wellington in a body, and range themselves under his own eagles. The Duke, however, who knew and did not trust them, had guarded against the risk of this, by breaking up the corps of Belgians, and distributing them in separate regiments among troops on whom he could rely.^ At last, at about half-past eleven o'clock, I^apoleon began the battle by directing a powerful force from his left wing under his brother, Prince Jerome, to attack Hougoumont. Column after column of the French now descended from the west of the southern heights, and assailed that post with fiery valour, which was encountered with the most determined bravery. The French won the copse round the house, but a party of the British Guards held the house itself throughout the day. The whole of Byng's brigade was required to man this hotly-contested post. Amid shell and shot, and the blazing fragments of part of the buildings, this obstinate contest was continued. But still the English were firm in Hougoumont ; though the French occasionally moved forward in such numbers as enabled them to surround and mask it with part of their troops from their left wing, while others pressed onward up the slope, ani? assailed the British right. The cannonade, which commenced at first between the British right and the French left, in consequence of the attack on Hougou- mont, soon became general along both lines ; and, about one o'clock, Napoleon directed a grand attack to be made under Marshal Key upon the centre and left wing of the allied army. For this purpose four columns of infantry, amounting to about eighteen thousand men, were collected, supported by a strong division of cavalry under the celebrated Kellerman; and seventy-four guns were brought forward ready to be posted on the ridge of a little undulation of the ground in the interval between the two principal chains of heights, so as to bring their fire to bear on the Duke's line at a range of about seven hundred yards. By the combined assault of these formidable forces, led on by Ney, "the bravest of the brave," Napoleon hoped to force the left centre of the British position, to * Siborne, vol. i. p. Z1Z. I 360 BATTLE OF WATERLOO, take La Haye Sainte, and then pressing forward, to occupy also the farm of Mont St. Jean. He then could cut the mass of Wellington's troops oif from their line of retreat upon Brussels, and from their own left, and also completely sever them from any Prussian troops that might be approaching. ■ The columns destined for this great and decisive operation" descended majestically from the French line of hills, and gained the ridge of the intervening eminence, on which the batteries that sup- ported them were now ranged. As the columns descended again from this eminence, the seventy-four guns opened over their heads with terrible effect upon the troops of the Allies that were stationed on the heights to the left of the Charleroi road. One of the French columns kept to the east, and attacked the extreme left of the Allies ; the other three continued to move rapidly forwards upon the left centre of the allied position. The front line of the Allies here was composed of Bylandt's brigade of Dutch and Belgians. As the French columns moved up the southward slope of the height on which the Dutch and Belgians stood, and the skirmishers in advance began to open their fire, Bylandt's entire brigade turned and fled in disgraceful and disorderly panic ; but there were men more worthy of the name behind. In this part of the second line of the Allies were posted Pack and Kempt's brigades of English infantry, which had suffered severely at Quatre Bras. But Picton was here as general of division, and not even Ney himself surpassed in resolute bravery that stern and fiery spirit. Picton brought his two brigades forward, side by side, in a thin, two-deep line. Thus joined together, they were not three thousand strong. With these Picton had to make head against the three victorious French columns, upwards of four times that strength, and who, encouraged by the easy rout of the Dutch and Belgians, now came confidently over the ridge of the hill. The British infantry stood firm ; and as the French halted and began to deploy into line, Picton seized the critical moment. He shouted in his stentorian voice to Kempt's brigade : "A volley, and then charge ! " At a distance of less than thirty yards that volley was poured upon the devoted first sections of the nearest column ; and then, with a fierce hurrah, the British dashed in with the bayonet. Picton was shot dead as he rushed forward, but his men pushed on with the cold steel The French reeled back in confusion. Pack's infantry had checked the other two columns, and down came a whirlwind of British horse on the whole mass, sending them stagger- ing from the crest of the hill, and cutting them down by whole battalions. Ponsonby's brigade of heavy cavalry (the Union Brigade ^ BATTLE OF WATERLOO. 361 as it was called, from its being made up of the British Koyals, the Scots Greys, and the Irish Inniskillings), did this good service. On went the horsemen amid the wrecks of the French columns, capturing two eagles, and two thousand prisoners ; onwards still they galloped, and sabred the artillerymen of !N'ey's seventy-four advanced guns j then severing the traces, and cutting the throats of the artillery horses, they rendered these guns totally useless to the French throughout the remainder of the day. While thus far advanced beyond the British position and disordered by success, they were charged by a large body of French lancers, and driven back with severe loss, till Yandeleur's light horse came to their aid, and beat off the French lancers in their turn. Equally unsuccessful with the advance of the French infantry in this grand attack, had been the efforts of the French cavalry who moved forward in support of it, along the east of the Charleroi road. Somerset's cavalry of the English Household Brigade had been launched, on the right of Picton's division, against the French horse, at the same time that the English Union Brigade of heavy horse charged the French infantry columns on the left. Somerset's brigade was formed of the Life Guards, the Blues, and the Dragoon Guards. The hostile cavalry, which Kellerman led forward, consisted chiefly of Cuirassiers. Tiiis steel-clad mass of French horsemen rode down some companies of German in- fantry, near La Haye Sainte, and flushed with success, they bounded onward to the ridge of the ^British position. The English Household Brigade, led on by the Earl of Uxbridge in person, spurred forward to the encounter, and in an instant, the two adverse lines of strong swordsmen, on their strong steeds, dashed furiously together. A desperate and sanguinary hand-to-hand fight ensued, in which the physical superiority of the Anglo-Saxons, guided by equal skill, and animated with equal valour, was made decisively manifest. Back went the chosen cavalry of France ; and after them, in hot pursuit, spurred the English Guards. They went forward as far and as fiercely as their comrades of the Union Brigade ; and, like them, the Household cavalry suffered severely before they regained the British position, after their magnificent charge and adventurous pursuit. l^apoleon's grand effort to break the English left centre had thus completely failed ; and his right wing was seriously weakened by the heavy loss which it had sustained. Hougoumont was still being assailed, and was still successfully resisting. Troops were now beginning to appear at the edge of the horizon on Napoleon's right, which he too well knew to be Prussian, though he endeavoured 362 BATTLE OF WATERLOO, | to persuade his followers that they were Grouchy's men coming to / their aid. )C Grouchy was in fact now engaged at Wavre with his whole force, against Thielman's single Prussian corps, while the other three corps of the Prussian army were moving without opposition, save from the difficulties of the ground, upon Waterloo. Grouchy believed, on the 17th, and caused Napoleon to believe, that the Prussian army was retreating by lines of march remote from Waterloo upon ]S"amur and Maestricht. ISTapoleon learned only on the 18th, that there were Prussians in Wavre, and felt jealous about the security of his own right. He accordingly, before he attacked the English, sent Grouchy orders to engage the Prussians at Wavre without delay, and to approach the main French army, so as to unite his communication with the Emperor's. Grouchy entirely neglected this last part of his instructions ; and in attacking the Prussians whom he found at Wavre, he spread his force more and more towards his right, that is to say, in the direction most remote from ISTapoleon. He thus knew nothing of Blucher's and Bulow's finnk march upon Waterloo, till six in the evening of the 18th, wlicn he received a note which Soult by Napoleon's orders had sent off from the field of battle at Waterloo at one o'clock, to inform Grouchy that Bulow was coming over the heights of St. Lambert, on the Emperor's right flank, and directing Grouchy to approach and join the main army instantly, and crush Bulow en flagrant delit. It was then too late for Grouchy to obey ; but it is remark- able that as early as noon on the 18th, and while Grouchy had not proceeded a-s far as Wavre, he and his suite heard the sound of heavy cannonading in the direction of Planchenoit and Mont St. Jean. General Gerard, who was with Grouchy, implored him to march towards the cannonade, and join his operations with those of Napoleon, who was evidently engaged with the English. Grouchy refused to do so, or even to detach part of his force in that direction. He said that his instructions were to fight the Prussians at Wavre. He marched upon Wavre and fought for the rest of the day with Thielman accordingly, while Blucher and Bulow were attacking the Emperor.^ 1 I have heard the remark made that Grouchy twice had in his hands the power of changing the destinies of Europe, nnd twice wanted nerve to act : first when he flinched from landing the French army at Bantry Bay in 1796 (lie was second in command to Hoche, whose ship was blown hack by a storm), and secondly, when he failed to lead his whole force from Wavre to the scene of decisive conflict at Waterloo. But such were the arrangements of the Prussian General, that even if Grouchy had marched upon Waterloo, he would have been held in check by the nearest Prussian corps, or certainly by the two nearest BATTLE OF WATERLOO. 363 Napoleon had witnessed with bitter disappointment the rout of his troops, — ^foot, horse, and artillery, — which attacked the left centre of the English, and the obstinate resistance which the garrison of Hougoumont opposed to all the exertions of his left wing. He now caused the batteries along the line of high ground held by him to be strengthened, and for some time an unremitting and most destruc- tive cannonade raged across the valley, to the partial cessation of other conflict. But the superior fire of the French artillery, though it weakened, could not break the British line, and more close and summary measures were requisite. It was now about half-past three o'clock ; and though Welling ton's army had suffered severely by the unremitting cannonade, and in the late desperate encounter, no part of the British position had been forced. Napoleon determined therefore to try what effect ho could produce on the British centre and right by charges of his splendid cavalry, brought on in such force that the Duke's cavalry could not check them. Fresh troops were at the same time sent to assail La Haye Sainte and Hougoumont, the possession of these posts being the Emperor's unceasing object. Squadron after squadron of the French cuirassiers accordingly ascended the slopes on the Duke's right, and rode forward with dauntless courage against the batteries of the British artillery in that part of the field. Tlie artillery-men were driven from their guns, and the cuirassiers cheered loudly at their supposed triumph. But the Duke had formed his infantry in squares, and the cuirassiers charged in vain against the impenetrable hedges of bayonets, while the fire from the inner ranks of the squares told with terrible effect on their ones, while the rest proceeded to join^ "Wellington. This, however, would have diminished the number of Prussians who appeared at Waterloo, and (what is still more important) would have kept them back to a later hour. — See Siborne, vol. i. p. 323, and Gleig, p. 142. There are some very valuable remarks on this subject in the 70th No. of the Quarterly in an article on the "Life of Blucher," usually attributed to Sir Francis Head. The Prussian writer. General Clausewitz, is there cited as "expressing a positive opinion, in which every military critic but a Frenchman must concur, that, even had the whole of Grouchy's force been at Napoleon's disposal, the Duke had nothing to fear pending Blucher's arrival. "The Duke is often talked of as having exhausted his reserves in the action. This is another gross error, which Clausewitz has thoroughly disposed of (p. 125). • He enumerates the tenth British Brigade, the division of Chass^, and the cavalry of Collaert, as having been little or not at all engaged ; and he might have also added two brigades of light cavalry." The fact, also, that Wellington did not at any part of the day order up Prince Frederick's corps from Hal, is a conclusive pipof that the Duke was not so distressed as some writers have represented. Hal is not ten miles from the field of Waterloo. 364 BATTLE OF WATERLOO. squadrons. Time after time they rode forward with invariably the same result : and as they receded from eaeh attack the British artillerymen rushed forward from the centres of the squares, where they had taken refuge, and plied their guns on the retiring horse- men.^ Nearly the whole of Napoleon's magnificent body of heavy 1 " On came the wliiiiwind — like the last But fiercest sweep of tempest blast — On came the whirlwind — steel-gleams broke Like lightning through the rolling smoke ; The war was waked anew, Three hundred cannon-months roar'd lond, And from their throats, with flash and cloud, Their showers of iron threw. Beneath their fire in full career, Eush'd on the ponderous cuirassier, The lancer couch 'd his ruthless sjiear, And hurrying as to havoc near, The cohorts' eagles flew. In one dark torrent, broad and strong. The advancing onset roll'd along, Forth harbinger'd by fierce acclaim, That, from the shroud of smoke and flame, Peal'd wildly the imperial name. " But on the British heart were lost The terrors of the charging host ; For not an eye the storm that view'd Changed its proud glance of fortitude. Nor was one forward footstep staid, As dropp'd the dying and the dead. Fast as their ranks the thunders tear, Fast they renew'd each serried square ; And 031 the wounded and the slain Closed their diminish'd files again, Till from their line scarce spears' kuigths three, Emerging from the smoke they see Helmet, and plume, and pano])]}'-, — Then waked their fire at once ! Each musketeer's revolving knell, As fast, as regularly fell, As when they practise to display Their discipline on festal day. Then down went helm and lance, Down were the eagle banners sent, Down reeling steeds and riders went, Corslets were pierced, and pennons rent ; And, to augment the fray, Wheel'd full against their staggering flanks, The English horsemen's foaming ranks Forced their resistless way. fTJieii BATTLE OF WATERLOO. 36$ cavalry was destroyed in these fruitless attempts upon the British right. But in another part of the field fortune favoured him for a \ time. Two French columns of infantry from Donzelot's division took La Haye Sainte between six and seven o'clock, and the means were now given for organizing another formidable attack on the centre of the Allies. There was no time to be lost — Blucher and Bulow were begin- ning to press hard upon the "French right. As early as five o'clock, Kapoleon had been obliged to detach Lobau's infantry and Domont's horse to check these new enemies. They succeeded in doing so for a time ; but as larger numbers of the Prussians came on the field, they turned Lobau's right flank, and sent a strong force to seize the village of Planchenoit, which, it will be remembered, lay in the rear of the French right. The design of the Allies was not merely to prevent Napoleon from advancing upon Brussels, but to cut off his line of retreat and utterly destroy his army. The defence of Planchenoit therefore became albsolutely essential for the safety of the French, and Napoleon was obliged to send his Young Guard to occupy that village, which was accordingly held by them with great gallantry against the reiterated assaults of the Prussian left, under Bulow. Three times did the Prussians fight their way into Planchenoit, and as often did the French drive them out : the contest was maintained with the fiercest desperation on both sides, such being the animosity between the two nations that quarter was seldom given or even asked. Other Prussian forces were now appearing on the field nearer to the English left ; whom a-lso Napoleon kept in check, by troops detached for that purpose. Thus a large part of the French army was now thrown back on a line at right angles with the line of that portion which still confronted and assailed the English position. But this portion was now numerically inferior to the force under the Duke of Wellington, which Napoleon had been assailing throughout the day, without gaining any other advantage Then to the musket-knell succeeds The clash of swords — the neigh of steeds— As i)lies the smith his clanging trade, Against the cuirass rang the blade ; And while amid their close array The well-served cannon rent their way, And while amid their scatter'd band Kagcd the fierce rider's bloody brand, Kecoil'd in common rout and fear, Lancer and guard and cuirassier, Horsemen and foot, — a mingled host, Their leaders fall'n, their standards lost." — Scott. 366 BATTLE OF WATERLOO. than the capture of La Haye Sainte. It is true that, owing to the gross misconduct of the greater part of the Dutch and Belgian troops, the Duke was obliged to rely exclusively on his English and German soldiers, and the ranks of these had been fearfully thinned ; but the survivors stood their ground heroically, and opposed a resolute front to every forward movement of their enemies.^ •• On no point of the British line was the pressure more severe than on Halkett's brigade in the right centre, which was composed of battalions of the 30th, the 33d, the 69th, and the 73d British regiments. We fortunately can quote from the journal^ of a brave officer of the 30th, a narrative of what took place in this part of the field. The late Major Macready served at Waterloo in the light company of the 30th. The extent of the peril and the carnage which Halkett's brigade had to encounter, may be judged of by the fact that this light company marched into the field three officers and fifty-one men, and that at the end of the battle they stood one officer and ten men. Major Macready's blunt soldierly account of what he actually saw and felt, gives a far better idea of the terrific scene, than can be gained from the polished generalisations which the conventional style of history requires, or even from the glowing stanzas of the poet. During the earlier part of the day Macready and his light company were thrown forward as skirmishers in front of the brigade ; but when the French cavalry commenced their attacks on the British right centre, he and his comrades were ordered back. The brave soldier thus himself describes what passed : " Before the commencement of this attack our company and the Grenadiers of the 73d were skirmishing briskly in the low ground, covering our guns, and annoying those of the enemy. The line of tirailleurs opposed to us was not stronger than our own, but on a sudden they were reinforced by numerous bodies, and several guns began playing on us with canister. Our poor fellows dropped very fast, and Colonel Vigoureux, Eumley, and Pratt, were carried off badly wounded in about two minutes. I was now commander of our company. We stood under this hurricane of small shot till llalkett sent to order us in, and I brought away about a third of the light bobs ; the rest were killed or wounded, and I really fvonder how one of them escaped. As our bugler was killed, I shouted and made signals to move by the left, in order to avoid the fire of our guns, and to put as good a face upon the business as possible. ^ This excellent journal was published in the " United Service Magaziiio'' during the year 1852. BATTLE OF WATERLOO. 367 " When I reached Lloyd's abandoned guns, I stood near them foi about a minute to contemplate the scene : it was grand beyond desciMption. Hougoumont and its wood sent up a broad flame through the dark masses of smoke that overhung the field ; beneath this cloud the French were indistinctly visible. Here a waving mass of long red feathers could be seen ; there, gleams as from a sheet of steel showed that the cuirassiers were moving ; 400 cannon were belching forth fire and death on every side ; the roaring and shouting were indistinguishably commixed — together they gave me an idea of a labouring volcano. Bodies of infantry and cavalry were pouring down on us, and it was time to leave contemplation, so I moved towards our columns, which were standing up in square. Our regiment and 73d formed one, and 33d and 69th another ; to our right beyond them were the Guards, and on our left the Hanoverians and German legion of our division. As I entered the rear face of our square I had to step over a body, and looking down, recognised Harry Beere, an officer of our Grenadiers, who about an hour before shook hands with me, laughing, as I left the columns. I was on the usual terms of military intimacy with poor Harry — that is to say, if either of us had died a natural death, the other would have pitied him as a good fellow, and smiled at his neighbour as he congratulated him on the step ; but seeing his herculean frame and animated countenance thus suddenly stiff and motionless before me (I know not whence the feeling could originate, for I had just seen my dearest friend drop, almost with indifference), the tears started in my eyes as I sighed out, * Poor Harry ! ' The tear was not dry on my cheek when poor Harry was no longer thought of. In a few minutes after, the enemy's cavalry galloped up and crowned the crest of our position. . Our guns were abandoned, and they formed between the two brigades, about a hundred paces in our front. Their first charge was magnificent. As soon as they quickened their trot into a gallop, the cuirassiers bent their heads so that the peaks of their helmets looked like vizors, and they seemed cased in armour from the plume to the saddle. Not a shot was fired till they were within thirty yards, when the word was given, and our men fired away at them. The effect was magical Through the smoke we could see helmets falling, cavaliers starting from their seats with convulsive springs as they received our balls, horses. plunging and rearing in the agonies of fright and pain, and crowds of the soldiery dismounted, part of the squadron in retreat, but the more daring remainder backing their horses to force them on our bayonets. Our fire soon disposed of these gentlemen. The main body re-formed in our front, and rapidly and gallantly repeated 368 BATTLE OF WATERLOO. their attacks, In fact, from this time (about four o'clock) till near six, we had a constant repetition of these brave but unavailing charges. There was no difficulty in repulsing them, but our ammu- nition decreased alarmingly. At length an artillery wagon galloped up, emptied two or three casks of cartridges into the square, and we were all comfortable. " The best cavalry is contemptible to a steady and well-supplied infantry regiment ; even our men saw this, and began to pity the useless perseverance of their assailants, and, as they advanced, would growl out, ' Here come these fools again ! ' One of their superior officers tried a ru&e de guerre, by advancing and dropping his sword, as though he surrendered j some of us were deceived by him, but Halkett ordered the men to fire, and he coolly retired, saluting us. Their devotion was invincible. One officer whom wo had taken prisoner was asked what force Napoleon might have in the field, and replied with a smile of mingled derision and threaten- ing, * Vous verrez bientot sa force, messieurs.' A private cuirassier was wounded and dragged into the square ; his only cry was, * Tuez done, tuez, tuez moi, soldats ! ' and as one of our men dropped dead close to him, he seized his bayonet, and forced it into his own neck : but this not despatching him, he raised up his cuirass, and plunging the bayonet into his stomach, kept working it about till he ceased to breathe. "Though we constantly thrashed our steel-clad opponents, we found more troublesome customers in the round shot and grape, which all this time played on us with terrible effect, and fully avenged the cuirassiers. Often as the volleys created openings in our square would the cavalry dash on, but they were uniformly uns'iccessful. A regiment on our right seemed sadly disconcerted, and at one moment was in considerable confusion. Halkett rode out to them, and seizing their colour, waved it over his head, and restored them to something like order, though not before his horse was shot under him. At the height of their unsteadiness we got the order to * right face ' to move to their assistance ; some of the men mistook it for * right about face,' and faced accordingly, when old Major M'Laine, 73d, called out, ' ^N'o, my boys, its "right face;" you'll never hear the right about as long as a French bayonet is in front of you ! ' In a few moments he was mortally wounded. A regiment of light Dragoons, by their facings either the 16th or 23d, came up to our left and charged the cuirassiers. We cheered each other as they passed us ; they did all they could, but were obliged to retire after a few minutes at the sabre. A body of Belgian cavalry advanced for the same purpose, but on passing our square, BATTLE OF WATERLOO. 369 •they stopped short. Our noble Halkett rode out to them and offered to charge at their head ; it was of no use ; the Prince of Orange came up and exhorted them to do their duty, but in vain. They hesitated till a few shots whizzed through them, when they turned about, and galloped like fury, or, rather, like fear. As they passed the right face of our square the men, irritated by their rascally conduct, unanimously took up their pieces and fired a volley into them, and ' many a good fellow was destroyed so cowardly.' " The enemy's cavalry were by this time nearly disposed of, anc as they had discovered the inutility of their charges, they com- menced annoying us by a spirited and well-directed carbine fire. While we were employed in this manner it was impossible to see farther than the columns on our right and left, but I imagine most of the army were similarly situated : all the British and Germans were doing their duty. About six o'clock I perceived some artillery trotting up our hill, which I knew by their caps to belong to the Imperial Guard. I had hardly mentioned this to a brother ofiicei when two guns unlimbered within seventy paces of us, and, by their first discharge of grape, blew seven men into the centre of the square. They immediately reloaded, and kept up a constant and destructive fire. It was noble to see our fellows fill up the gaps after every discharge. I was much distressed at this moment; having ordered up three of my light bobs, they had hardly taken their station when two of them fell horribly lacerated. One of them looked up in my face and uttered a sort of reproachful groan, and I involuntarily exclaimed, *I couldn't help it.' Wo would willingly have charged these guns, but, had we deployed, the cavalry that flanked them would have made an example of us. " The * vivida vis animi ' — the glow which fires one upon entering into action — had ceased j it was now to be seen which side had most bottom, and would stand killing longest. The Duke visited us frequently at this momentous period ; he was coolness personified. As he crossed the rear face of our square a shell fell amongst our grenadiers, and he checked his horse to see its effect. Some men were blown to pieces by the explosion, and he merely stirred the rein of his charger, apparently as little concerned at their fate as at his own danger. No leader ever possessed so fully the confidence of his soldiery : wherever he appeared, a murmur of * Silence — stand to your front — here's the Duke,' was heard through the column, and then all was steady as on a parade. His aides-de-camp, Colonels Canning and Gordon, fell near our square, and the former died within it. As he came near us late in the evening, Halkett rode out to him and represented our weak state, begging his Grace n 3 370 BATTLE OF WATERLOO. to afford us a little support. * It's impossible, Halkett,' said he. And our general replied, ' If so, sir, you may depend on the brigade to a man ! ' " All accounts of the battle show that the Duke was ever present at each spot where danger seemed the most pressing; inspiriting his men by a few homely and good-humoured words ; and restrain- ing their impatience to be led forward to attack in their turn. — " Hard pounding this, gentlemen : we will try wlio can pound the longest," was his remark to a battalion, on which the storm from the French guns was pouring with peculiar fury. Eiding up to one of the squares, which had been dreadfully weakened, and against which a fresh attack of French cavalry was coming, he called to them : " Stand firm, my lads ; what will they say of this in England % " As he rode along another part of the line where the men had for some time been falling fast beneath the enemy's cannonade, without having any close fighting, a murmur reached his ear of natural eagerness to advance and do something more than stand still to be shot at. The Duke called to them : " Wait a little longer, my lads, and you shall have your wish." The men were instantly satisfied and steady. It was, indeed, indispensable for the Duke to bide his time. The premature movement of a single corps down from the British line of heights, would have endangered the whole position, and have probably made Waterloo a second Hastings. But the Duke inspired all under him with his own spirit of patient firmness. When other generals besides Halkett sent to him, begging for reinforcements, or for leave to withdraw corps which were reduced to skeletons, the answer was the same : *' It is impossible ; you must hold your ground to the last man, and all will be well." He gave a similar reply to some of his staff, who asked instructions from him, so that, in the event of his falling, his successor might follow out his plan. He answered, " My plan is simply to stand my ground here to the last man." His personal danger was indeed imminent throughout the day ; and though he escaped without injury to himself or horse, one only of his numerous staff was equally fortunate.^ * " As far as the French accounts would lead us to infer, it appears that the losses among Napoleon's staff were comparatively trifling. On this suliject, perhaps the marked contrast afforded by the following anecdotes, which have been related to me on excellent authority, may tend to throw some light. At one period of the battle, when the Duke was surrounded by several of his stalf, it was very evident that the group had become the object of the tire of a French battery. The shot fell fast about them, generally striking and BATTLE OF WATERLOO. 371 Napoleon had stationed himself during the battle on a little Idllock near La Belle Alliance, in the centre of the French position. Here he was seated, with a large table from the neighbouring farm- house before him, on which maps and plans were spread ; and thence with his telescope he surveyed the various points of the field. Soult watched his orders close at his left hand, and his staff was grouped on horseback a few paces in the rear.^ Here he remained till near the close of the day, preserving the appearance at least of calmness, except some expressions of irritation which escaped him, when Key's attack on the British left centre was defeated. But now that the crisis of the battle was evidently approaching, he mounted a white Persian charger, which he rode in action because the troops easily recognised him by the horse's colour. He had still the means of effecting a retreat. His Old Guard had yet taken no part in the action. Under cover of it, he might have withdrawn his shattered forces and retired upon the French frontier. But this would only have given the English and Prussians the opportunity of completing their junction ; and he knew that other armies were fast coming up to aid them in a march upon Paris, if he should succeed in avoiding an encounter with them, and retreating upon the capital. A victory at Waterloo was his only alternative from utter ruin, and he determined to employ his Guard in one bold stroke more to make that victory his own. Between seven and eight o'clock, the infantry of the Old Guard was formed into two columns, on the declivity near La Belle Alliance. Ney was placed at their head. Napoleon himself rode forward to ^ spot by which his veterans were to pass j and, as they approached, he raised his arm, and pointed to the position of the turning up the ground on which they stood. Their horses became restive, and 'Copenhagen' himself so fidgetty, that the Duke, getting impatient, and having reasons for remaining on the spot, said to those about him, ' Gentlemen, we are rather too close together — better to divide a little.' Subsequently, at another point of the line, an officer of artillery came up to the Duke, and stated that he had a distinct view of Napoleon, attended by his staff ; that he had the guns of his battery well pointed in that direction, and was prepared to fire. His Grace instantly and emphatically exclaimed, * No ! no ! I'll not allow it It is not the business of commanders to be firing upon each other." — Siborne, vol. ii. p. 263. How diflferent is this from Napoleon's conduct at the battle of Dresden, when he personally directed the fire of the battery, which, as he thought, killed the Emperor Alexander, and actually killed Moreau. 1 " Souvenirs Militaires," par Col. Lemonnicr-Delafosse, p. 407. " Ouvrard, who attended Napoleon as chief commissary of the French army on that occa- sion, told me that Napolepn was suffering from a complaint which made it very painful for him to ride. " — Lord Ellcsmere, p. 47. bb2 372 BATTLE OF WATERLOO, Allies, as if to tell them that their path lay there. They answered with loud cries of " Vive TEmpereur ! " and descended the hill from, their own side, into that "valley of the shadow of death," while the batteries thundered with redoubled vigour over their heads upon the British line. The line of march of the columns of the Guard was directed between Hougoumont and La Haye Sainte, against the British right centre ; and at the same time the French under Donzelot, who had possession of La Haye Sainte, commenced a fierce attack upon the British centre, a little more to its left. This ; WATERLOO AT THE TIME OV TirE LAST FRENCH ATTACK. The White are English, the Black French, the Shaded are Prussians. part of the battle has drawn less attention than the celebrated attack of the Old Guard j but it formed the most perilous crisis for the allied army ; and if the Young Guard had been there to sup- port Donzelot, instead of being engaged with the Prussians at Planchenoit, the consequences to the Allies in that part of the field must have been most serious. The French tirailleurs, who were posted in clouds in La Haye Sainte, and the sheltered spots near it, picked off the artillerymen of the English batteries near BATTLE OF WdTERLOO. 2>7S tliem : and, taking advantage of the disabled state of tlie English guns, the French brought some field-pieces up to La Ilaye Saiute, and commenced firing grape from them on the infantry of the Allies, at a distance of not more than a hundred paces. The allied infantry here consisted of some German brigades, who were formed in squares, as it was believed that Donzelot had cavalry ready behind La Haye Sainte to charge them with, if they left that order of formation. In this state the Germans remained for some time with heroic fortitude, though the grape-shot was tearing gaps in their ranks, and the side of one square was literally blown away by one tremendous volley which the French gunners poured into it. The Prince of Orange in vain endeavoured to lead some Nassau troops to the aid of the brave Germans. The Nassauers would not or could not face the French ; and some battalions of Brunswickers, whom the Duke of Wellington had ordered up as a reinforcement, at first fell back, until the Duke in person rallied them, and led them on. Having thus barred the farther advance of Donzelot, the Duke^alloped off to the right to head his men who were exposed to the attack of the Imperial CJuard. He had saved one part of his centre from being routed ; but the French had gained ground and kept it ; and the pressure on the Allied line in front of La Hayo Sainte was fearfully severe, until it was relieved by the decisive success which the British in the right centre achieved over the columns of the Guard. The British troops on the crest of that part of the position, which the first column of i^apoleon's Guards assailed, were Maitland's brigade of British Guards, having Adams's brigade (which liad been brought forward during the action) on their right. Maitland's men were lying down, in order to avoid as far as possible the destructive effect of the French artillery, which kept up an unremitting fire from the opposite heights, until the first column of the Imperial Guard had advanced so far up the slope towards the British posi- tion, that any further firing of the French artillerymen would have endangered their own comrades. Meanwhile the British guns were not idle; but shot and shell ploughed fast through the ranks of the stately array of veterans that still moved imposingly on. Several of the French superior officers were at its head. Ney's horse was shot under him, but he still led the way on foot, sword in hand. The front of the massive column now was on the ridge of the hill. To their surprise they saw no troops before them. All they could discern through the smoke was a small band of mounted officers. One .of them was the Duke himself The French advanced to about fiftv vards from where the British Guards were lying down. 374 BATTLE OF WATERLOO. when the voice of one of the group of British officers was heard calling, as if to the ground before him, "Up, Guards, and at them!" It was the Duke who gave the order \ andi^at the words, as if by magic, up started before them a line of the British Guards four deep, and in the most compact and perfect order. They poured an instantaneous volley upon the head of the French column, by which no less than three hundred of those chosen veterans are said to have fallen. The French officers rushed forwards ; and, conspicuous in front of their men, attempted to deploy them into a more extended line, so as to enable them to reply with effect to the British fire. Jjiit Maitland's brigade kept showering in volley after volley with deadly rapidity. The decimated column grew disordered in its vain eiforts to expand itseK into a more efficient formation. The right word was given at the right moment to the British for the bayonet- cbarge, and the brigade sprang forward with a loud cheer against their dismayed antagonists. In an instant the compact mass of the French spread out into a rabble, and they fled back down the hill, pursued by Maitland's men, who, however, returned to their position in time to take part in the repulse of the second column of the Imperial Guard. This column also advanced with great spirit and firmness under the cannonade which was opened on it ; and passing by the eastern wall of Hougoumont, diverged slightly to the right as it moved up the slope towards the British position, so as to approach nearly the same spot where the first column had surmounted the height, and been defeated. This enabled the British regiments of Adams's brigade to form a line parallel to the left flank of the French column ; so that while the front of this column of French Guards had to encounter the cannonade of the British batteries, and the musketry of Maitland's Guards, its left flank was assailed with a destructive fire by a four-deep body of British infantry, extending all along it. In such a position all the bravery and skill of the French veterans were vain. The second column, like its prede- cessor, broke and fled, taking at first a lateral direction along the front of the British line towards the rear of La Haye Sainte, and so becoming blended with the divisions of French infantry, which under Donzelot had been assailing the Allies so formidably in that quarter. The sight of the Old Guard broken and in flight checked the ardour which Donzelot's troops had hitherto displayed. They, too, began to waver. Adams's victorious brigade was pressing after the flying Guard, and now cleared away the assailants of the allied centre. But the battle was not yet won. Napoleon had still some battalions in reserve near La Belle Alliance. He was rapidly rally- BATTLE OF WATERLOO. yjS ing the remains of the first column of his Guards, and he had collected into one body the remnants of the various corps of cavalry, which had suffered so severely in the earlier part of the day. The Duke instantly formed the bold resolution of now himself becoming the assailant, and leading his successful though enfeebled army forward, while the disheartening effect of the repulse of the Imperial Ouard on the rest of the French army was still strong, and before JS'apoleon and Ney could rally the beaten veterans themselves for another and a fiercer charge. As the close approach of the Prus- sians now completely protected the Duke's left, he had drawn some reserves of horse from that quarter, and he had a brigade of Hussars under Vivian fresh and ready at hand. Without a moment's hesi- tation he launched these against the cavalry near La Belle Alliance. The charge was as successful as it was daring : and as there was now no hostile cavalry to check the British infantry in a forward move- ment, the Duke gave the long-wished-for command for a general advance of the army along the whole line upon the foe. It was now past eight o'clock, and for nearly nine deadly hours had the British and German regiments stood unflinching under the tire of artillery, the charge of cavalry, and every variety of assault, which the compact columns or the scattered tirailleurs of the enemy's infantry could inflict. As they joyously sprang forward against the discomfited masses of the French, the setting sun broke through the clouds which had obscured the sky during the greater part of the day, and glittered on the bayonets of the Allies, while they poured down into the valley and towards the heights that were held by the foe. The Duke himself was among the foremost in the advance, and personally directed the movements against each body of the French that essayed resistance. He rode in front of Adams's brigade, sheering it forward, and even galloped among the most advanced of the British skirmishers, speaking joyously to the men, and re- ceiving their hearty shouts of congratulation. The bullets of both friends and foes were whistling fast round him \ and one of the few survivors of his staff remonstrated with him for thus exposing a life 01 such value. " Never mind," was the Duke's answer ; — " Never Qiind, let them fire away ; the battle's won, and my life is of no consequence now." And, indeed, almost the whole of the French host was now in irreparable confusion. The Prussian army was coming more and more rapidly forwards on their right; and the Young Guard, which had held Planchenoit so bravely, was at last compelled to give way. Some regiments of the Old Guard in vain endeavoured to form in squares and stem the current. They were swept away, and wrecked among the waves of the flyers. Napoleon 376 BATTLE OF WATERLOO. liad placed himself in one of these squares : Marshal Soult, Generals Bertrand, Drouot, Corbineau, De Flahant, and Gonrgaud, were with him. The Emperor spoke of dying on the field, but Soult seized his bridle and turned his charger round, exclaiming, "Sire, are not the enemy already lucky enough ? " ^ With the greatest difficulty, and only by the utmost exertion of the devoted officers round him, Napoleon cleared the throng of fugitives, and escaped from the scene of the battle and the war, which he and France had lost past all recovery. Meanwhile the Duke of Wellington still rode forward with the van of his victorious troops, until he reined up on the elevated ground near Rossomme. The daylight was now entirely gone ; but the young moon had risen, and the light which it cast, aided by the glare from the burning houses and other buildings in the line of the flying French and pursuing Prussians, enabled the Duke to assure himself that his victory was complete. He then rode back along the.Charleroi road toward Waterloo : and near La Belle Alliance he met Marshal Blucher. Warm were the congratu- lations that were exchanged between the Allied Chiefs. It was arranged that the Prussians should follow up the pursuit, and give the French no chance of rallying. Accordingly the British army, exhausted by its toils and sufferings during that dreadful day, did not advance beyond the heights which the enemy had occupied. But the Prussians drove the fugitives before them in merciless chase throughout the night. Cannon, baggage, and all the materiel of the army were abandoned by the French ; and many thousands of the infantry threw away their arms to facilitate their escape. The ground was strewn for miles with the wrecks of their host. There was no rear-guard ; nor was even the semblance of order attempted. An attempt at resistance was made at the bridge and village of Genappe, the first narrow pass through which the bulk of the French retired. The situation was favourable j and a few resolute battalions, if ably commanded, might have held their pursuers at bay there for some considerable time. But des23air and panic w«re now universal in the beaten army. At the first sound of the Prus- sian drums and bugles, Genappe was abandoned, and nothing thought of but headlong flight. The Prussians, under General Gneisenau, still followed and still slew ; nor even when the Prussian infantry stopped in sheer exhaustion, was the pursuit given up. Gneisenau still pushed on with the cavalry ; and by an ingenious stratagem, made the French believe that his infantry were * Colonel Lemonnier-Delafosse, "Memoires," p. 388. The Colonel states that he lieard these details from General Goui-gaud himself. The English rnadcr will be reminded of Charles I.'s retreat from Naseby. BATTLE OF WATERLOO. yjj still close on them, and scared them from every spot where they attempted to pause and rest. He mounted one of his drummers on a horse which had been taken from the captured carriage of ^N'apo- Icon, and made him ride along with the pursuing cavalry, and beat the drum whenever they came on any large number of the French. The French thus fled, and the Prussians pursued through Quatre Bras, and even over the heights of Frasnej and when at length Gncisenau drew bridle, and halted a little beyond Frasne with the scanty remnant of keen hunters who had kept up the chace with him to the last, the French were scattered through Gosselies, Mar- chiennes, and Charleroi ; and were striving to regain the left bank of the river Sambre, which they had crossed in such pomp and pride not a hundred hours before. ; Part of the French left wing endeavoured to escape from the field without blending with the main body of the fugitives who thronged the Genappe causeway. A French officer, who was among those who thus retreated across the country westward of the high- road, has vividly described what he witnessed and what he sufl'ered. Colonel Lemonnier-Delafosse served in the campaign of 1815 in General Foy's staff", and was consequently in that part of the French army at Waterloo, which acted against Hougoumont and the British right wing. "When the column of the Imperial Guard made their great charge at the end of the day, the troops of Foy's division advanced in support of them, and Colonel Lemonnier-Delafosse describes the confident hopes of victory and promotion with which \)tQ, marched to that attack, and the fearful carnage and confusion of the assailants, amid which he was helplessly hurried back by his flying comrades. He then narrates the closing scene : ^ " Near one of the hedges of Hougoumont farm, without even a drummer to beat the rappel, we succeeded in rallying under the enemy's fire 300 men : they were nearly all that remained of our splendid division. Thither came together a band of generals. There was Peille, whose horse had been shot under him ; there were D'Erlon, Bachelu, Foy, Jamin, and others. All were gloomy and sorrowful, like vanquished men. Their words were, — 'Here is all that is left of my corps, of my division, of my brigade. I, myself.' We had seen the fall of Duhesme, of Pelet-de-Morvan, of Michel — generals who had found a glorious death. My General, Foy, had his shoulder pierced through by a musket-ball : and out of his whole staff" two officers only were left to him, Cahour Duhay 1 Col. Lemonnier-Delafosse, "M^moires," pp. 385-405. There are omissions and abridgments in the translation which I have given. 378 BATTLE OF WATERLOO. and I. Fate had spared me in the midst of so many dangers, though the first charger I rode had been shot and had fallen on me. " The enemy's horse were coming down on us, and our little group was obliged to retreat. What had happened to our division of the left wing had taken place all along the line. The movement of the hostile cavalry, which inundated the whole plain, had de- moralised our soldiers, who seeing all regular retreat of the army cut off, strove each man to effect one for himself. At each instant the road became more encumbered. Infantry, cavalry, and artillery, were pressing along pell-mell : jammed together like a solid mass. Figure to yourself 40,000 men struggling and thrusting themselves along a single causeway. We could not take that way without destruction ; so the generals who had collected together near the Hougoumont hedge dispersed across the fields. General Foy alone remained with the 300 men whom he had gleaned from the field of battle, and marched at their head. Our anxiety was to withdraw from the scene of action without being confounded with the fugitives. Our general wished to retreat like a true soldier. Seeing three lights in the southern horizon, like beacons. General Foy asked me what I thought of the position of each. I answered, * The first to the left is Genappe, the second is at Bois de Bossu, near the farm of Quatre Bras ; the third is at Gosselies.' * Let us march on the second one, then,' replied Foy, * and let no obstacle stop us — take the head of the column, and do not lose sight of the guiding light.' Such was his order, and I strove to obey. " After all the agitation and the incessant diu of a long day of battle, how imposing was the stillness of that night ! We proceeded on our sad and lonely march. We were a prey to the most cruel reflections, we were humiliated, we were hopeless ; but not a word of complaint was heard. We walked silently as a troop of mourners, and it might have been said that we were attending the funeral of our country's glory. Suddenly the stillness was broken by a challenge, — ' Qui vive ? ' ' France ! ' ' Kellerman ! ' * Foy ! ' * la • it you. General? come nearer to us.' At that moment we were passing over a little hillock, at the foot of which was a hut, in which Kellerman and iome of his officers had halted. They came out to join us. Foy said to me, * Kellerman knows the country : he has been along here before with his cavalry; we had better follow him.' But we found that the direction which Kellerman chose was towards the first light, towards Genappe. That led to the causeway which our general rightly wished to avoid. I went to the left to reconnoitre, and was soon convinced that such was the case. It was then that I was able to form a full idea of the BATTLE OF WATERLOO. 379 disorder of a routed army. What a hideous spectacle ! The moun tain torrent, that uproots and whirls along with it every momentary obstacle, is a feeble image of that heap of men, of horses, of equi- pages, rushing one upon another ; gathering before the least obstacle which dams up their way for a few seconds, only to form a mass which overthrows everything in the path which it forces for itself. Woe to him whose footing failed him in that deluge ! He was crushed, trampled to death ! I returned and told my general what I had seen, and he instantly abandoned Kellerman, and resumed Lis original line of march. " Keeping straight across the country over fields and the rough thickets, we at last arrived at the Bois de Bossu, where we halted. My General said to me, * Go to the farm of Quatre Bras and an- nounce that we are here. The Emperor or Soult must be there. Ask for orders, and recollect that I am waiting here for you. The lives of these men depend on your exactness.' To reach the farm I was obliged to cross the high road : I was on horseback, but nevertheless was borne away by the crowd that fled along the road, and it was long ere I could extricate myself and reach the farm- house. General Lobau was there with his staff, resting in fancied security. They thought that their troops had halted there ; but, though a halt had been attempted, the men had soon fled forwards, like their comrades of the rest of the army. The shots of the approaching Prussians were now heard ; and I believe that General Lobau was taken prisoner in that farmhouse. I left him to rejoin my general, which I did with difficulty. I found him alone. His men, as they came near the current of flight, were infected with the general panic, and fled also. " What was to be done ? Follow that crowd of runaways 1 General Foy would not hear of it. There were five of us still with him, all officers. He had been wounded at about five in the after- noon, and the wound had not been dressed. He suffered severely ; but his moral courage was unbroken. * Let us keep,' he said, ' a line parallel to the high road, and work our way hence as we best can.' A foot-track was before us, and we followed it. "The moon shone out brightly, and revealed the full wretched- ness of the tableau which met our eyes. A brigadier and four cavalry soldiers, whom we met with, formed our escort. We marched on ; and, as the noise grew more distant, I thought that we were losing the parallel of the highway. Finding that we had the moon more and more on the left, I felt sure of this, and mentioned it to the General. Absorbed in thought, he made me no reply. We came in front of a windmill, and endeavoured to procure some informa 38o BATTLE OF WATERLOO. tion ; but we could not gain an entrance, or make any one answer, and we continued our nocturnal march. At last we entered a village, but found every door closed against us, and were obliged to use threats in order to gain admission into a single house. The poor woman to whom it belonged, more dead than alive, received us as if we had been enemies. Before asking where we were, *Pood, give us some food ! ' was our cry. Bread and butter and beer were brought, and soon disappeared before men who had fasted for twenty-four hours. A little revived, we ask, ' Where are we ? what is the name of this village % ' — ' Yieville.' " On looking at the map, I saw that in coming to that village we had leaned too much to the right, and that we were in the direction of Mons. In order to reach the Sambre at the bridge of Mar- chiennes, we had four leagues to traverse ; and there was scarcely time to march the distance before daybreak. I made a villager act as our guide, and bound him by his arm to my stirrup. He led us through Eoux to Marcliiennes. The poor fellow ran alongside of my horse the whole way. It was cruel, but necessary to compel him, for we had not an instant to spare. At six in the morning we entered Marchiennes. '' Marshal Ney was there. Our general went to see him, and to ask what orders he had to give. ISTey was asleep ; and, rather than rob him of the first repose he had had for four days, our General returned to us without seeing him. And, indeed, what orders could Marshal l!^ey have given ? The whole army was crossing the Sambre, each man where and qow he chose; some at Charleroi, some at Marchiennes. We were about to do the same thing. When once beyond the Sambre we might safely halt j and both men and horses were in extreme need of rest. We passed through Thuin ; and finding a little copse near the road, we gladl}'- sought its shelter. While our horses grazed, we lay down and slept. How sweet was that sleep after the fatigues of the long day of battle, and after the night of retreat more painful still ! We rested in the little copse till noon, and sate there watching the wrecks of our army defile along the road before us. It was a soul-harrowing sight ! Yet the different arms of the service had resumed a certain degree of order amid their disorder ; and our General, feeling his strength revive, resolved to follow a strong column of cavalry which was taking the direction of Beaumont, about four leagues off. We drew near Beaumont, when suddenly a regiment of horse was seen de- bouchmg from a wood on our left. The column that we followed shouted out, * The Prussians ! the Prussians ! ' and galloped off in utter disorder. The troops that thus alarmed them were net a BATTLE OF WATERLOO. 381 tonth part of ilieir number, and were in reality our own 8th Hussars, who wore green uniforms. But the panic had been brought even thus far from the battle-field, and the disorganized column galloped into Beaumont, which was already crowded with our infantry. We were obliged to follow that dehdcle. On entering Beaumont we chose a house of superior appearance, and demanded of the mistress of it refreshments for the General. * Alas ! ' said the lady, * this is the tenth General who has been to this house since this morning. I have nothing left. Search, if you please, and see.' Though unable to find food for the General, I persuaded him to take hia coat off and let me examine his wound. The bullet had gone through the twists of the left epaulett©, and penetrating the skin, had run round the shoulder without injuring the bone. The lady of the house made some lint for me ; and without any great degree of surgical skill I succeeded in dressing the wound. " Being still anxious to procure some food for the General and ourselves, if it were but a loaf of ammunition bread, I left the house and rode out into the town. I saw pillage going on in every direction : open caissons, stripped and half-broken, blocked up the streets. The pavement was covered with plundered and torn baggage. Pillagers and runaways, such were all the comrades 1 met with. Disgusted at them, I strove, sword in hand, to stop one of the plunderers; but, more active than I, he gave me a bayonet stab in my left arm, in which I fortunately caught his thrust, which had been aimed full at my body. He disappeared among the crowd, through which I could not force my horse. My spirit of^ discipline had made me forget that in such circumstances the soldier is a mere wild beast. But to be wounded by a fellow- countryman after having passed unharmed through all the perils of Quatre Bras and Waterloo ! — this did seem hard, indeed. I was trying to return to General Foy, when another horde of flyers burst into Beaumont, swept me into the current of their flight, and hurried me out of the town with them. Until I received my wound I had preserved my moral courage in full force ; but now, worn out with fatigue, covered with blood, and suffering severe pain from the wound, I own that I gave way to the general demoralisation, and let myself be inertly borne along -with the rushing mass. At last I reached Landrecies, though I know not how or when. But I found there our Colonel Hurday, who had been left behind there in consequence of an accidental injury from a carriage. He took me with him to Paris, where I retired amid my family, and got cured of my wound, knowing nothing of the rest of political and military events that were taking place." 382 BATTLE OF WATERLOO. Xo returns ever were made of the amount of the French loss in the battle of Waterloo ; but it must have been immense, and may be partially judged of by the amount of killed and wounded in the armies of the conquerors. On this subject both the Prussian and British official evidence is unquestionably full and authentic. The figures are terribly emphatic. Of the army that fought under the Duke of Wellington nearly 15,000 men were killed and wounded on this single day of battle. Seven thousand Prussians also fell at Waterloo. At such a fearfui price was the deliverance of Europe purchased. J By none was the severity of that loss more keenly felt than by our great deliverer himself. As may be seen in Major Macready's narrative, the Duke, while the battle was raging, betrayed no sign of emotion at the most ghastly casualties ; but, when all was over, the sight of the carnage with which the field was covered, and still more, the sickening spectacle of the agonies of the wounded men who lay moaning in their misery by thousands and tens of thou- sands, weighed heavily on the spirit of the victor, as he rode back across the scene of strife. On reaching his head-quarters in the village of Waterloo, the Duke inquired anxiously after the numerous friends who had been round him in the morning, and to whom ho was warmly attached. Many he was told were dead ; others were lying aUve, but mangled and suffering, in the houses round him. It is in our hero's own words alone that his feelings can be adequately told. In a letter written by him almost immediately after his return from the field, he thus expressed himself: — "My heart is broken by the terrible loss I have sustained in my old friends and companions, and my poor soldiers. Believe me, nothing except a battle lost, can be half so melancholy as a battle won ; the bravery of my troops has hitherto saved me from the greater evil ; but to win such a battle as this of Waterloo, at the expense of so many gaUant friends, could only be termed a heavy misfortune but for the result to the public." It is not often that a successful General in modern warfare is called on, like the victorious commander of the ancient Greek armies, to award a prize of superior valour to one of his soldiers. Such was to some extent the case with respect to the battle of Waterloo. In the August of 1818, an English clergyman offered to confer a small annuity on some Waterloo soldier, to be named by the Duke.^ The Duke requested Sir John Byng to choose a man from the 2d Brigade of Guards, which had so highly distinguished itself in the defence of Hougoumont. There were many gallant 1 Siborne, vol. i. p. 391. BATTLE OF WATERLOO. 383 candidates, but the election fell on Sergeant James Graham, of the light company of the Coldstreams. This brave man had signalised himself, throughout the day, in the defence of that important post, and espDcially in the critical struggle that took place at the period when the French, who had gained the wood, the orchard, and detached garden, succeeded in bursting open a gate of the court- yard of the chateau itself, and rushed in in large masses, confident of carrying all before them. A hand-to-hand fight, of the most desperate character, was kept up between them and the Guards for a few minutes ; but at last the British bayonets prevailed. !N'early all the Frenchmen who had forced their way in were killed on the spot ; and, as the few survivors ran back, five of the Guards, Colonel Macdonnell, Captain Wyndham, Ensign Gooch, Ensign Hervey, and Sergeant Graham, by sheer strength, closed the gate again, in spite of the efforts of the French from without, and effectually barricaded it against further assaults. Over and through the loopholed wall of the courtyard, the English garrison now kept up a deadly fire of musketry, which was fiercely answered by the French, who swarmed round the curtilage like ravening wolves. Shells, too, from their batteries, were falling fast into the besieged place, one of which set part of the mansion and some of the out- buildings on fire. Graham, who was at this time standing near Colonel Macdonnell at the wall, and who had shown the most perfect steadiness and courage, now asked permission of his com- manding officer to retire for a moment. Macdonnell replied, " By all means, Graham ; but I wonder you should ask leave now." Graham answered, " I would not, sir, only my brother is wounded, and he is in that out-building there, which has just caught fire." Laying down his musket, Graham ran to the blazing spot, lifted up his brother, and laid him in a ditch. Then he was back at his post, and was plying his musket against the French again, before his absence was noticed, except by his colonel. Many anecdotes of individual prowess have been preserved : but of all the brave men who were in the British army on that eventful day, none deserve more honour for courage and indomitable resolu- tion than Sir Thomas Picton, who, as has been mentioned, fell in repulsing the great attack of the French upon the British left centre. It was not until the dead body was examined after the battle, that the full heroism of Picton was discerned. He had been wounded on the 16th, at Quatre Bras, by a musket-ball, which had broken two of his ribs, and caused also severe internal injuries ; but he had concealed the circumstance, evidently in expectation that another and greater battle would be fought in a short time, and desirous to 384 BATTLE OF WATERLOO. avoid being solicited to absent himself from tbe field. His body was blackened and swollen by the wound, which must have caused severe and incessant pain ; and it was marvellous how his spirit had borne him up, and enabled him to take part in the fatigues and duties of the field. The bullet which, on the 18th, killed the renowned leader of "the fighting Division" of the Peninsula, entered the head near the left temple, and passed through the brain; so that Picton's death must have been in- stantaneous. One of the most interesting narratives of personal adventure at Waterloo, is that of Colonel Frederick Ponsonby, of the 12th Light Dragoons, who was severely wounded when Yandeleur's brigade, to which he belonged, attacked the French lancers, in order to bring off the Union Brigade, which was retiring from its memorable charge.^ The 12th, like those whom they rescued, advanced much further against the French position than prudence warranted. Ponsonby, with many others, was speared by a reserve of Polish lancers, and left for dead on the field. It is well to refer to the description of what he suffered (as he afterwards gave it, when almost miraculously recovered from his numerous wounds), because his fate, or worse, was the fate of thousands more ; and because the narrative of the pangs of an individual, with whom we can identify ourselves,, always comes more home to us than a general description of the miseries of whole masses. His tale may make us remember what are the horrors of war as well as its glories. It is to be remembered that the operations which he refers to, took place about three o'clock in the day, and that the fighting went on for at least five hours more. After describing how he and his men charged through the French whom they first encountered, and went against other enemies, he states : — " Wo had ^ no sooner passed them than we were ourselves attacked, before we could form, by about 300 Polish lancers, who had hastened to their relief j the French artillery pouring in among us a heavy fire of grape, though for one of our men they killed three of their own. '' In the melee I was almost instantly disabled in both arms, losing first my sword, and then my reins, and followed by a few men,^ who were presently cut down, no quarter being allowed, asked, or given, I was carried along by my horse, till, receiving a blow from a sabre, I fell senseless on my face to the ground. ^ " Recovering, I raised myself a little to look round, being at that time, I believe, in a condition to get up and run away ; when a 1 See p. 361, 8U]pra, BATTLE OF WATERLOO. 385 lancer passing by, cried out, ' Tu n'est pas niort, coquin ! * and struck his lance through my back. My head dropped, the blood gushed into my mouth, a difficulty of breathing came on, and I thought all was over. " l!^ot long afterwards (it was impossible to measure time, but I must have fallen in less than ten minutes after the onset), a tirailleur stopped to plunder me, threatening my life. I directed him to a small side-pocket, in which he found three dollars, all I had ; but he continued to threaten, and I said he might search me : this he did immediately, unloosing my stock and tearing open my waistcoat, and leaving me in a very uneasy posture. *' But he was no sooner gone, than an officer bringing up some troops, to which probably the tirailleur belonged, and happening to halt where I lay, stooped down and addressed me, saying, he feared I was badly wounded ; I said that I was, and expressed a wish to be removed to the rear. He said it was against their orders to remove even their own men ; but that if they gained the day (and he understood that the Duke of Wellington was killed, and that some of our battalions had surrendered), every attention in his power would be shoAvn me. I complained of thirst, and he held his brandy-bottle to my lips, directing one of the soldiers to lay me straight on my side, and place a knapsack under my head. He then passed on into action — soon, perhaps, to want, though not receive, the same assistance; and I shall never know to whose generosity I was indebted, as I believe, for my life. Of what rank he was, I cannot say : he wore a great coat. Ey-and-by another tirailleur ^ came up, a fine young man, full of ardour. He knelt down and fired over me, loading and firing many times, and con- versing with me all the while." The Frenchman, with strange coolness, informed Ponsonby of how he was shooting, and what he thought of the progress of the battle. " At last he ran off, exclaim- ing, ' You will probably not be sorry to hear that we are going to retreat. Good day, my friend.' It was dusk," Ponsonby adds, " when two squadrons of Prussian cavalry, each of them two deep, came across the valley, and passed over me in full trot, lifting me from the ground, and tumbling me about cruelly. The clatter of of their approach, and the apprehensions they excited, may be imagined ; a gun taking that direction must have destroyed me. " The battle was now at an end, or removed to a distance. The shouts, the imprecations, the outcries of * Vive TEmpereur I ' the discharge of musketry and cannon, were over ; and the groans of the wounded all around me, became every moment more and more audible. I thought the night would never end. 386 BATTLE OF WATERLOO. " Mu 5I1 about this time I found a soldier of the Eoyals lying across my legs : he had probably crawled thither in his agony \ and his weight, his convulsive motions, and the air issuing through a wound in his side, distressed me greatly ; the last circumstance most of all, as I had a wound of the same nature myself. "It was not a dark night, and the Prussians were wandering about to plunder ; the scene in Ferdinand Count Fathom came into my mind, though no women appeared. Several stragglers looked at me, as they passed by, one after another, and at last one of them stopped to examine me. I told him as well as I could, for I spoke German very imperfectly, that I was a British of3ficer, and had been plundered already; he did not desist, however, and pulled me about roughly. " An hour before midnight 1 oaw a man in an English uniform walking towards me. He was, I suspect, on the same errand, and he came and looked in my face. I spoke instantly, telling him who I was, and assuring him of a reward if he would remain by me. He said he belonged to the 4:0th, and had missed his regiment ; he released me from the dying soldier, and being unarmed, took up a sword from the ground, and stood over me, pacing backwards and forwards. " Day broke ; and at six o'clock in the morning some English were seen at a distance, and he ran to them. A messenger being sent off to Hervey, a cart came for me, and I was placed in it, and carried to the village of Waterloo, a mile and a half off, and laid in the bed from which, as I understood afterwards, Gordon had been just carried out. I had received seven wounds ; a surgeon slept in my room, and I was saved by excessive bleeding." Major Macready, in the journal already cited,^ justly praises the deep devotion to their Emperor which marked the French at Waterloo. l!»rever, indeed, had the national bravely of the French people been more nobly shown. One soldier in the French ranks was seen, when his arm was shattered by a cannon-ball, to wrench it off with the other ; and throwing it up in the air, he exclaimed to his comrades, " Yive TEmpereur jusqu'^ la mort ! " Colonel Lemonnier-Delafosse mentions in his Memoirs,^ that at the begin- ning of the action, a French soldier who had had both legs carried off by a cannon-ball, was borne past the front of Foy's division, and called out to them, " Ce n'est rien, camarades ; Vive TEmpereur ! Gloire \ la France ! " The same officer, at the end of the battle, when all hope was lost, tells us that he saw a French grenadier^ ^blackened with powder, and with his clothes torn and stained, 1 See siLj^ra^ d 868. 2 Page 388. BATTLE OF WATERLOO. 3B7 leaning on his musket, and immoveable as a statue. The colonel called to him to join his comrades and retreat ; but the grenadier showed him his musket and his hands ; and said, " These hands have with this musket used to-day^ more than twenty packets of cartridges : it was more than my share : I supplied myself with ammunition from the dead. Leave me to die here on the field of battle. It is not courage that fails me, but strength." Then, as Colonel Delafosse left him, the soldier stretched himself on the ground to meet his fate, exclaiming, " Tout est perdu ! pauvre France !" The gallantry of the French officers at least equalled that of their men. Key, in particular, set the example of the most daring courage. Here, as in every French army in which he ever served or commanded, he was " le brave des braves." Throughout the day he was in the front of the battle ; and was one of the very last Frenchmen who quitted the field. His horse was killed under him in the last attack made on the English position ; but he was seen on foot, his clothes torn with bullets, his face smirched with powder, striving, sword in hand^ first to urge his men forward, and at last to check their flight. There was another brave general of the French army, whose valour and good conduct on that day of disaster to his nation should never be unnoticed when the story of Waterloo is recounted. This was General Pelet, who, about seven in the evening, led the first battalion of the 2d regiment of the Chasseurs of the Guard to the defence of Planchenoit \ and on whom iN'apoleon personally urged the deep importance of maintaining possession of that village. Pelet and his men took their post in the central part of the village, and occupied the church and churchyard in great strength. There they repelled every assault of the Prussians, who in rapidly increasing fmmbers rushed forward with infuriated pertinacity. They held their post till the utter rout of the main army of their comrades was apparent, and the victorious Allies were thronging around Planchenoit. Then Pelet and his brave chasseurs quitted the churchyard, and retired with steady march, though they suffered fearfully from the moment they left their shelter, and Prussian cavalry as well as infantry dashed fiercely after them. Pelet kept together a little knot of z50 veterans, and had the eagle covered over, and borne along in the midst of them. At one time the inequality of the ground caused his ranks to open a little ; and in an instant the Prussian horsemen were on them, and striving to capture the eagle. Captain Siborne relates the conduct of Pelet with the admiration worthy of one brave soldier for another : — "Pelet, taking advantage of a spot of ground which afforded them some degree of cover against the fire of grapeby which thev CO 2 388 BATTLE OF WATERLOO. ■were constantly assailed, halted the standard-bearer, and called out^ *' A moi, chasseur-8 ! sauvons Taigle ou mourons autour d'eUe !" The chasseurs immediately pressed around him, forming what is usually termed the rallying square, and, lowering their bayonets, succeeded in repulsing the charge of cavalry. Some guns were then brought to bear upon them, and subsequently a brisk fire of musketry ; but notwithstanding the awful sacrifice which was thus offered up in defence of their precious charge, they succeeded in reaching the main line of retreat, favoured by the universal confusion, as also by the general obscurity which now prevailed \ and thus saved alike the eagle and the honour of the regiment." French writers do injustice to their own army and general, when they revive malignant calumnies against Wellington, and speak of his having blundered into victory. No blunderer could have successfully encountered such troops as those of J^apoleon, and under such a leader. It is superfluous to cite against these cavils the testimony which other continental critics have borne to the high military genius of our illustrious chief. I refer to one only, which is of peculiar value, on account of the quarter whence it comes. It is that of the great German writer Mebuhr, whose accu- rate acquaintance with every important scene of modern as well as ancient history was unparalleled : and who was no mere pedant, but a man practically versed in active life, and had been personally acquainted with most of the leading men in the great events of the early part of this century. jN"iebuhr, in the passage which I allude to,^ after referring to the military ** blunders" of Mithridates, i'rederick the Great, Napoleon, Pyrrhus, and Hannibal, uses these remarkable words, "The Duke of Wellington is, I believe, the only general in whose conduct of war we cannot discover any important mistake." Not that it is to be supposed that the Duke's merits were simply of a negative order, or that he was merely a cautious, phlegmatic general, fit only for defensive warfare, as some recent French historians have described liim. On the contrary, ha was bold even to audacity when boldness was required. " The intrepid advance and fight at Assaye, the crossing of the Douro, and the movement on Talavera in 1809, the advance to Madrid and Burgos in 1812, the actions before Bayonne in 1813, and the desperate stand made at Waterloo itself, when more tamely- prudent generals would have retreated beyond Brussels, place this beyond a doubt." ^ 1 Roman History, vol. v. p. 17. - ^ ^ee the admirable parallel of Wellington and Marlborough at the end of Sir Archibald AHson's "Life of the Duke of Marlborough." Sir Aicbibald justly considers Wellington the more daring general of the two. BATTLE OF WATERLOO. 389 The overthrow of the French military power at Waterloo was so complete, that the subsequent events of the brief campaign have little interest. Lamartine truly says : " This defeat left nothing undecided in future events, for victory had given judgment. The war began and ended in a single battle." Napoleon himself recog- nised instantly and fully the deadly nature oi the blow which had been dealt to his empire. In his flight from the battle-field ho first halted at Charleroi, but the approach of the pursuing Prussians drove him thence before he had rested there an hour. With difficulty getting clear of the wrecks of his own army, he reached PhilippeviUe, where he remained a few hours, and sent orders to the French generals in the various extremities of France to con- verge with their troops upon Paris. He ordered Soult to collect the fugitives of his own force, and lead them to Laon. He then hurried forward to Paris, and reached his capital before the news of his o^\^l defeat. But the stern truth soon transpired. At the demand of the Chambers of Peers and Eepresentatives, he aban- doned the throne by a second and final abdication on the 2 2d of June. On the 29th of June he left the neighbourhood of Paris, and proceeded to Eochefort in the hope of escaping to America ; but the coast was strictly watched, and on the 15 th of July the ex-emperor surrendered himself on board of the English man-of-war the Bellerophon. Meanwhile the allied armies had advanced steadily upon Paris, driving before them Grouchy's corps, and the scanty force which 8oult had succeeded in rallying at Laon. Cambray, Peronne, and other fortresses were speedily captured ; and by the 29 th of June the invaders were taking their positions in front of Paris. The Provisional Government, which acted in the French capital after the Emperor's abdication, opened negotiations with the allied chiefs. Blucher, in his quenchless hatred of the French, was eager to reject all proposals for a suspension of hostilities, and to assault and storm the city. But the sager and calmer spirit of Wellington prevailed over his colleague ; the entreated armistice was granted ; and on the 3d of July the capitulation of Paris terminated the AVar of the Battle of Waterloo. In closing our observations on this the last of the Decisive Bottles of the World, it is pleasing to contrast the year which it signalized with the year that is now^ passing over our heads. AVe « Written in June, 1851. 390 BATTLE OF WATERLOO, have not (and long may we be without) the stern excitement of martial strife, and we see no captive standards of our European neighbours brought iii triumph to our shrines. But we behold an infinitely prouder spectacle. We see the banners of every civilized nation waving over the arena of our competition with each other, in the arts that minister to our race's support and happiness, and not to its- suffering and destruction. " Peace hath her victories No less renowned than War ; " and no battle-field ever witnessed a victory more noble than that which England, under her Sovereign Lady and her Eoyal Prince, is now teaching the peoples of the earth to achieve over selfish prejudices and international feuds, in the great cause of the general promotion of the industry and welfare of mankind. S^ OF THE '^ 'university; INDEX. Abderrahman Ibn Abdillah Alghafekt, Saracen general, appointed governor in Spain, 156 ; his character, ih.; his army, 157 ; his exploits, as given by the monkish chroniclers, 158 ; his battles and death, as given by Ara,bian chroniclers, 169. Aetius, Roman general, 138 ; his exertions in collecting his army, 148 ; effects a junction with his ally Theodoric, ib. ; commands the right wing of the army at Chalons, ih. ; his jealousy of the Visigoths, 150. Alcibiades, Athenian general, 44 ; his character, ib. ; his revenge on the Athenians^ ih. ; his harangue in the Spartan assembly, 45. Alexander, his character slandered by ancient rhetoricians, 56; Arrian's remarks on, ih. ; Sir "Walter Raleigh's, 57 ; Napoleon's, 58 ; important results of his conquests, 59 — 61 ; numbers of his army at Arbela, 65 ; passes unconsciously the remains of Nineveh, QQ ; comes in sight of the Persian army, 67 ; holds a council of war, ih. ; his address to his officers, 68 ; refuses to attack the Persians by night, ih. ; great skill shown in his disposition of his army, 69 — 71 ; his personal valour, 71 ; form of attack, 72 ; description of his manoeuvi'es, 74 ; gains a complete victory, 75 ; enters Arbela, 76 ; enters Babylon, ih. ; the victory at Arbela the crisis of his career, ih. ; his later exploits, ii America, her recent origin as an independent power, 285 ; the physical and moral elements of progressive might combined in the United States of, ih. ; continual rapid advancement and extension of the United States of, 286 ; passage on this subject quoted from De Tocqucville, 287, 288, and note ; Macgregor's account of the United States, 288, 289 ; remarks on the probable results of intercourse between the, and the Chinese, &c., 290, 291, and note ; feelings with which the English ought to regard the progress of, 291 ; result of the unwise policy of England towaixi the American colonies, 292 ; consequences resulting from Burgoyne's defeat, and a brief recapitu- lation of the early events of the war between England and, ib. Arabs, loss of the, at the battle of Toulouse, 158 ; the Arabian chroniclers, 159 (note) ; the Arabian chroniclers' account of the exploits of Abderrah- man, 159—161. Arbela, 55 ; situation of, 61 ; its importance as a military position, 63 ; amount of Darius* army at Arbela, ih. ; his proposed plan of the battle, G6 ; Alexander's army, 64 ; its strength and constitution, ib. ; his in- structions to his generals, 68 ; date of the battle, 69 ; plan of the battle, 392 INDEX. 70 ; the disposition of Alexander's army, ih. \ description c f tlie battle, 72 ; Persians defeated, 75 ; Alexander enters the city and takes possession of the treasure, 76. Arletta, the daughter of the tanner of Falaise, influence which the events of her life have exercised over the subsequent history of the world, 164 ; William the Conqueror, her son, ih. Aemikius, his victory over the Roman Legions under Yarns, 113 ; one of our national heroes, 114; his character, il.) perilous nature of the enterprise which immortalised him, 115 ; state of Rome and her government at the lime of, ih. ; private causes which helped to urge Arminius on to the deli- verance of his country, 117; his marriage with Thusnelda, ^&.; succeeds in blinding Varus as to his schemes, 120 ; description of the locality chosen by Arminius for his enterprise against Varus, ih. ; names of several spots in the vicinity still indicate the scene of the battle, ih. ; the Roman army is harassed and its march impeded by, 121 ; he gives the signal for a general attack, 122 ; description of the battle, ih.\ Roman captives slain in sacrifice by the German victors, 124 ; extreme terror which this decisive victory caused at Rome, ih. ; terrific portents believed to have occurred at the time, 125 ; the independence of Germany effectually gained by the victory of, ih. ; our right to claim, as one of our national heroes, proved, 126 ; his subsequent contests with the Romans, 127 ; unhappy fate of his wife and child, ih.\ fights various battles with the Romans under Ger- manicus, and afterwards Csecina, ih. ; assembles his army on the banks of the Weser, the Roman army under Germanicus being encamped on the opposite bank, 128 ; his interview with his brother Flavins, who adhered to the Romans, ih. ; beautiful stanzas by Praed, describing the interview of the brothers, 129; Arminius wounded in battle — the Romans claim the victory, but immediately retreat, 130 ; Arminius takes up arms against Maroboduus, who is endeavouring to enslave the other tribes of Germany, ih. ; a peace concluded, 131 ; death of, by assassination, erronecgis state- ments of Tacitus on the subject, ih.; sources from which we hear the glorious exploits of, ih. ; Divine honours paid to his memory by his country- men, ih. ; etymology of Herman — the German stanzas of an old song, re- ferring to, 132 ; tardy homage which the Germans eight or ten years ago proposed rendering to the memory of Arminius, ih.; ode by Klopstock on, 134. Arrian, his defence of Alexander, quoted, 56, 62 ; fidelity of his history, and peculiar value of his military authorities, 64, 69, 70. AsDRUBAL, &c. See Hasdrubal, &c. Athenian citizens, number of, 2 ; assist the Tonians, 14 ; killed at Marathon, 26, their burial, ih. ; Athenians besiege Syracuse, 37 ; description of the armament, 42 ; second expedition sent against Syracuse, 49. Athens, great power of, in the year e.g. 414, 38 ; her tyranny, 39 ; naval force, 40 ; ambition of, 41, 42 ; perseverance of, 48 ; her power broken, 52. Attica, small extent of, 10. Attila, king of the Huns, his camp, 137 ; lines from Herbert's " Attila," 138, 139 ; various sources from which we may gather indisputablo testimony to the power and greatness of, 142 ; numerous legendary %s, of which he is the hero, ih. ; his remarkable character, ih. ; legend of the Sword-God, the iron sword, 143 ; title assumed by, ih.; remarks of Herbert on the title of, ib. ; ^the possible reason for his asserting in his title that he was " nurtured in Engaddi," ih.; extent of his conquests and kingdom, 144, and note j INDEX, -193 founded Buda on the Danube, 144; murder of his brother, ib.; legend which may have induced him to commit the crime, 145, and note ; receives from Honoria, a Roman princess, an offer of her hand, and share of the empire, 14G ; her imprisonment gives him a pretext for war with Rome, ih. ; ugliness of, tJ.; his assistance requested by a chief of the Franks, 147 ; strength of his army, il. ; account of his march and of the disposition of hia forces, ih.\ commences the siege of Orleans, 148; breaks up the siege. and falls back toward the plains of Chalons, ih.\ assumes the title of the "Scourge of God," il.\ disposition of his army at Chalons, 149; de- scription of the battle, ib. ; Attila forced to retire within his intrenchments, ih. ; allowed to retreat, 150 ; his subsequent history, il. Augustus C^sar, his foreign policy, 115 ; his alarm and bitter grief at the defeat of the army under Varus, in Germany, 125. Austria, state of, at the time of Louis XIV., remarks of Bolingbroke on misgovernment of, 250. Battle Abbey, built on the site of the battle of Hastings, the place then called vSenlac, 176 ; description of the locality of, 177 ; the foundation- stone of the high altar of, lately discovered, 178 ; deep interest which attaches to this spot, ih. Bedford (the Regent), refuses to accept the surrender of the city of Orleans on the terms offered, 202 ; his letter to Henry VI. on the influence exer- cised by Joan d'Arc, 214. Blenheim (Battle of), 247 ; for account of the state of France and of the events immediately preceding the battle of, see, France, Louis XIV., and Marlborough ; description of the ground occupied by the French and Bavarians at the battle of, 263 ; the chief command held by Marshal Tallard, 264 ; plan of the battle of, ih. ; numbers and disposition of the forces of the French and Bavarians, ih. ; the army of the Allies at, how commanded, &c., 265 ; commencement of the battle of, ih. ; the assault on the village of, ih. ; Marlborough crosses the Nebel, 266 ; rescues the centre of his army, ih. ; valour of Prince Eugene, 267 ; the crisis of the battle described, ih. ; complete victory gained by Marlborough, 268 ; the numbers of the killed and wounded, and of the prisoners, ih. ; as stated by Voltaire, ih. ; results of this victory, ih. Blucher (Marshal), Prussian General, for account of his proceedings in the campaign against Napoleon after his return from Elba, ste "Waterloo and Wellington. Bolingbroke, referred to, 250 ; remarks on his writings, sec note, ih. ; quota- tion from, 250, 251 ; quoted, 256 ; in note, 272. Brunswick (the Duke of), s&e, Valmy ; imputation cast upon him by some modem writers with regard to his conduct at Valmy, 320 (note). BuRGOYNE, Commander of the English army in the American war ; state- paper drawn up by King George III. on the plan of Burgoyne's expedition, 295 ; description of, ih. ; the officers and army under him, ih. ; he assembles his troops — gives a war-feast to the Indians, 296 ; succeeds in reducing the forts at Ticonderoga, ih. ; remarks of the Americaii general, St Clair, on abandoning the fon; ih. ; reaches the left bank of the Hudson — confidence of success felt by his army, 297 ; feelings of the army and of the people of England on the subject of the war, as described by Burke, in the Annual Register for 1777, ih.\ fresh efforts of the Americans — General Gates sent to command the army at Saratoga, Arnold to act under him, 298 ; ill effects which the employment of the Indians produced on the British cause, ih. 394 INDEX. and notes 1 and 2 ; expedition of General St. Leger, 299 ; his defeat, «J.; defeat of Colonel Baum at Benington, ih. \ Burgoyne continues his march, and encamps at Saratoga, near to the post occupied by the Americans, i6.; proceedings of Lord Howe in his campaign against Washington, i^>.; Sir Henry Clinton commences his task of forcing his way up the Eiver Hudson, to co-operate with Burgoyne, 300 ; Burgoyne attacks the Ameri- cans opposed to him at Saratoga, 302 ; he is defeated and retreats, 306 ; capitulates, 310. Caethage, her power shattered at the Metaurus, 83 ; her inferiority to Rome, 84 ; her rise, xh. ; her commerce and navigation, 85 ; her agricultural in- dustry, il. ; her conquests, 86 ; causes of her ill success in the contest with Rome, ih.\ various races of men in and about, il.\ her mercenary troops, 87 ; description of a Carthaginian army, 101. Chalons, battle of, 137 ; description of the locality of, ib. ; remains of Attila's camp in the vicinity of, ih. ; the battle of — the last gained by imperial Rome, and one conferring most important and lasting interests on man- kind, 138 ; preponderance of power given by the victory of, to German tribes, ih. ; the allied armies of the Romans and Visigoths meet their enemies, the Huns, under Attila, in the plains of, 148 ; description of the battle, 149; retreat of Attila, 150. Charles Maetel, importance of the victory he gained over the Saracens at Tours, 152 — 154 ; disorganized state of Gaul in respect of government, &c., in the time of, 154, 155 ; signification of his surname, Martel, 157 ; his parentage and early career, ih. ; reasons which justified him in seeking a battle, ih. ; name of, changed to Caldus by the Arabian WTiters, 159 j Arabian account of the battle of Tours, 159 — 161. Cherusci, one of the Gennan tribes — Arminius one of the heads of the noblest house of the, 114 ; English akin to, through the Anglo-Saxons, 126. Civilization, Asiatic, 11 ; European, 12 ; greatly promoted by the victories of Alexander the Great, 59 — 61 j its progress in Europe secured by the victory at Toui-s, 161. Cleisthenes, 7. Clinton, Sir Henry, English officer, 299 ; endeavours to co-operate with Burgoyne, see Burgoyne. Cuneiform inscriptions, 13. Darius Hystaspes, his power, 13 ; prepares armies against Eretria and Athens, 15. See Marathon. Darius Codomannus, aware of the important results that would follow a defeat at Arbela, 62 ; his precautions, ih. ; his army, ih. \ skill shown in the choice of his position before the battle of Arbela, 63, 103 ; apprehends a night attack, 68 ; disposition of his army, 69 ; his plan of attack, 72 ; it is frustrated by Alexander's tactics, 72, 73 ; he takes to flight, 74 ; defeat of his army, 75 ; his death, 76. Datis, commands given him by Darius, 16 ; embarks for Greece, ih. ; en- camped on the Attic coast, his position a,t Marathon, 17 ; his manoeuvre to surprise Atticus counteracted, 25. Dauphin, the (diaries VII.), his chamcter, 200; he holds his court at Cliinon, 202 ; his interview Avitli Joan d'Arc 205 ; he is crowned as King Charles VII. of France at Rheims, 213. Demosthenes, the Athenian general, his character and early carcor, 48 ; INDEX, 395 commands tlie second expedition against Syracuse, 49 ; endeavours to regain possession of Epipolse, 50 ; is defeated, 61 ; his death, 52. Detmoldt, capital of the principality of Lippe, near to which the victory waa gained by Arminius over the Roman legions under Varus, 120. Drake, Sir Francis, his exploits, 218 ; his coolness upon the intelligence of the approach of the Armada, 219 ; his cruise off the Tagus, 226 ; his letter describing the defeat of the Armada, 244. Drusus, commander of the Roman legion in Illyricum, mediates between Arminius and Maroboduus, 130. DuMOTTRiEZ. See, Valmv. DuNOis, one of the generals who commanded the arn\y with which Joan d'Arc raised the siege of Orleans, 207. Elizabeth (queen of England), state of England at the time of the accession of, 220 ; anathema against her renewed by Pope Sixtus V., 225 ; loyalty of her subjects, both Catholic and Protostant, at the Spanish Invasion, 225, 226 ; her precautions, 226 ,- letters sent by, to unite the patriotic feelings of her people, 228 ; the effect produced, ih. ; her address to the army at Tilbury Fort, 229 ; the councillors chosen by, 231. England, conquered by the Normans, see Hastings ; fails in an attempt to conquer France, s«« Joan of Arc ; resists the ambitious attempts of Spain, 223 ; proper policy of England when menaced with invasion, 231-233 ; degraded state of, under the two last of the Stuart sovereigns, 251 ; joins the Grand Alliance against France, 253 ; recognises the independence of the United States, 312 ; long period of peace with which England has now been blessed, 329 j advantages which we have reaped from it, ih. EpiPOLiB, 37, 44, 48, 60, 61. Eretria, 2 ; sends assistance to lona, 14 j attacked by Datis, 16 ; betrayed to the Persians, 17. European civilization, 12 ; state of, in different countries of Europe at tho time of the battle of Marathon, 18 ; progress of, secured by the victoiy at Tours, 161 ; important influence of France on, 199 j state of Europe of late years, 270. Farnese (Alexander), prince of Parma, captaiu-general of the Spanish armies, under Philip II., his character, 222 ; he is appointed military chief of the expedition against England — ^his army, 224; his proceedings in the Nether- lands, il. Fastolfe, (Sir John), English general, gains the victory at Rouvrai, near Orleans, 202. France, important influence exercised by, 199 ; her perilous condition at the time of tlic siege of Orleans, ih. ; state of religion in, at the time of the siege of Orleans, 206 ; is still possessed of some of tho provinces acquired by Louis XIV., 247 ; war declared against, by the alhed powers of England, Austria, and HoUand, 257 ; particulars of the war, see Louis XlV., Marlborough, Blenheim ; reflections on effects which the growth of revolutionary principles has produced on, 314 ; tho title of a republic first assumed by, 315. Franks, their origin, 155. Frobisher, Sir Martin, his exploits, 218. Gates, General, commander of the American army at Saratoga, 298 ; for the details of his conduct, set Saratoga. General Foy, his speech quoted, 88 (note) ; hi** retreat from "Waterloo, 378. 396 INDEX, Geemant, her early struggles for freedom a part of our national liistory, 113 ; state of, at the time of the victory gained by Arminius, 114 ; her causa favoured by the departure of Tiberius from, 117 ; indignation of the people of, at the tyranny and licentiousness of the Komans, 119 ; her independence secured by the victory gained by Arminius over Varus, 125 ; delineation of the German character as a nation, 139 ; its superiority over that of the Slavic nations, k\ ; extent and influence of the German race traced, ib. ; remarks on the Germanic race and the Sclavonic race, 273. Gibbon, his description of the Roman army, 102, 121 (note) \ account of the battle of Chalons, 150 (note). GiiADSDALE, Sir William, called by fJie French Glacidas, commander of the English, posted at Les Tourelles at the siege of Orleans, 210 ; his defence of the Tourelles, 211 ; his death, 213. GoTHE, the German poet, fu'esent at the battle of Yalmy, see Yalmt ; his "Campaign in France," quoted, 324. Goths, allies of Rome against Attila, 138 ; Gothic, and Scandinavian nations included in the German race, 139 ; Visigoths under their king Theodoric the leading tribe, 140. Gylippus, 46 ; his influence and skill in saving Syracuse, 47. Hamilcae, his hatred to Rome, 90 ; sumamed Barea, or the Thunderbolt, 91. Hannibal, contest maintained betweeen England and Napoleon compared' to that between Rome and, 82 ; his genius as a commander, 88 ; his vow, 90 ; he ravages Italy, il. ; marches northward, 86 ; his uncertainty as to his brother Hasdrubal's movements, ib. ; again returns to Canusium and awaits tidings of Hasdrubal, 97 ; his brother's head is thrown in his camp after the battle of Metaurus, 105 ; Hannibal's power no longer dreaded, 107. Haeald Haedeada, King of Norway, a competitor for the English crown, 168 ; he attacks England — all the country, from the Tyne to the Humber, submits to him, 171 ; his defeat and death at the battle of Stamford Bridge, 172. Haeold, son of the Earl of Godwin, 168 ; one of the competitors for the throne of England, ih. ; his residence at the court of William of Normandy, ih. ; assents to the propositions of his rival, and does homage to him, 169 ; stratagem used by William on the occasion to render more solemn the oath, ih. ; return of, to England, ih. ; he is elected king after the death of Edward the Confessor, 170 ; accepts the crown, ih. ; his reply to William's remonstrance, ih. ; refusal of, to acknowledge the authority of the Pope and the subject, ih. ; collects an army to repel William's in- vasion, 171 ; his measures disconcerted by the unexpected attack of the Norwegian king, ih. ; defeats the Norwegians at Stamford Bridge — his victory dearly bought, 172 ; his hasty march to London, 173 ; his march into Sussex, 174 ; report brought by his spies of the appearance of the Nor- mans, 175 ; he refuses to follow advice to retreat to London, laying waste the country, 176 ; his brothers vainly try to persuade him not to light in person, ih. ; the place where Harold's anny was posted, called at that time Senlac, shown by the ruins of Battle Abbey, ih. ; skill shown by, in the stationing of his army at Senlac Hill, 177 ; sets up his standard on the Kpot now marked by the remains of the High Altar of Battle Abbey, ih. ; old local features of the coa.mtry still discernible, 178 ; deep interest which attach«s to the spot, ih. ; William sends a monk to, calling upon him to accept conditions, and Harold's reply, 179 ; the English chiefs take an INDEX. 397 oath to oppose the invader unto death, 180 ; the eve of the battle, how spent by the two armies, ih. ; account of the battle taken from one of the old Norman chroniclers, 180 ; Harold's army, 184 ; his directions to his barons, 184 ; his barricades, ih. ; his standard, 185 ; the advance of th« Normans awaited by the English, 186 ; an aiTow wounds Harold in his eye, 188 ; Duke William eagerly seeks to reach, 191 ; death of, 192, 193 ; defeat of the English, chiefly caused by his death, 194; universal testimony of all writers to the valour and military skill of, ih. ; legeuds with regard to the finding of his corpse, 195, and note ; his body discovered by his mistress, Edith the Fair, 195 ; William the Conqueror at length yields to his mother's entreaties, and permits her to have her son's remains, ih. ; burial of, 196. Hastings, Battle of, 164 ; magnitude of the results of the battle, ih.-, Thierry quoted on the social effects of the Norman Conquest, 165 ; the ultimate good effects derived by England from the Conquest, 165 — 167 ; landing of William before the battle of, 174, 175 ; description of the locality of the battle of, 176 ; plan of the battle, 177 ; old features of the ground still discernible, 178 ; deep interest which attaches to the spot, ih.\ eve of the battle of, how spent by the two armies,; 180 ; description of the battle, taken from one of the old Norman chroniclers, 181 — 194 ; the onset, 186 ; war-cries of the combatants, 187 ; advantage equal from 9 A.M., till 3 P.M., 188 ; Harold wounded in the eye by an arrow, 188 ; the Normans feign flight, ih. ; their return to the charge, 189 ; anecdotes of the gallant conduct of various individuals on both sides, 189 — 192; death of King Harold and his brother Gurth — the English standard taken, 192, 193 ; the English continue to resist till the close of the day, but aro defeated, 193 ; the morning after the battle, ih. ; number of the slain, 195. Hasdrtibal, commands the Carthaginian army in Spain, 90 ; eludes Publius Scipio and passes the Pyrenees, halts among the Averni, 91 ; commences his march to the Alps, 93 ; is joined by many of the natives, and enters Italy, ih.\ besieges Placentia, 94; raises the siege and marches towards Ariminum, 97 ; the bearer of his letter to Hannibal is captured by the Romans, 98; discovers the arrival of Nero in the camp of Livius, 100; endeavours to avoid a battle, is betrayed by the guides in crossing the Metaurus, and left by them, 101 ; he prepares for immediate action, ih.\ his disposition of his army, 102 ; his death, 105 ; the last meeting of th» brothers Hasdrubal and Hannibal, ih. Hawkins, Sir John, his exploits, 218. Holland, the only European power which steadily opposed the ambitious schemes of Louis XIV., 251. HoNORiA, Roman princess, sister to the EnB]^eror Valentinian III., oflfeis her hand to Attila the Hun, 146. HcwAEP, Lord High-Admiral (Lord of EflSngham), his character, 218; sot also 238. Hungary, interest now felt in everything connected with the name of, 141 ; descent of the Hungarians from the Huns considered, ih.) remarks of Bolingbroke on the revolutions in Hungary, 250. Huns, long formidable to the Chinese empire, 140 ; they enter Europe, tJ, ; their appearance, superstitions with regard to them, ih. ; their conquests, ih.; Attila becomes their king, ih.; the probability of the modem Hunga- garians being descended from the Huns, considered, 141 ; extent of tho empire of the, 144 ; their numbers in the army under Attila, 147. 3^ INDEX. [rmin-sul, or tlie column of Herman (Arminius), 131 ; old song still current respecting the, 132. Joan of Arc, her parentage and eurly life, 203 ; her character, ih. ; stanzas on, quoted from Southey's poem, ih. ; mistake which has arisen with regard to early life of, il. ; patriotic feelings of, 204 ; her own account of the Heavenly Voices which inspired her, ib. ; her Voices declare her to be the chosen instrument of Heaven for the rescue of her country, 205 ; her in- terview with De Baudricourt at Vaucouleurs, ib. ; she assumes the apparel of a knight, ib. ; her interview with the Dauphin at Chinon, ib. ; various opinions with regard to her, 207 ; description of, as she appeared at the Camp at Blois, ib. ; her banner, 208 ; her simple tactics in action, ib.; strictness of moral discipline which she enforced among the troops, ib.; through negligence on the part of the English, she is enabled to enter Orleans during a storm in the night, 209 ; she rides in procession through the city, attends divine service in the church, ib. ; she is regarded as a sorceress by the English, ib. ; she sends messages summoning the English to yield, addresses them herself, 210 ; insulting replies of the English officers, ib.; she escorts the convoy that brings provisions, &c. into the city, ib.; account of her first mingling in actual battle scenes at the storming of St. Loup, ib.; she attacks the Tourelles, she is severely wounded, 211 ; she rallies the troops and resumes the attack, 212 ; cap- tures the Tourelles, ib. ; loss on the English side, 213 ; rejoicings at Orleans, ib. ; English retreat, ib. ; fulfilment of her mission, ib. ; her other exploits, ib. ; her influence shown by an extract of a letter from the Regent Bedford on the subject, 214 ; having assisted at the coronation of the king at Rheims, she considers her mission ended, ib. ; consents to remain with the army — her presentiments, her courage, her piety, 215, and notes ; her later exploits, ib.; her imprisonment and dreadful death, 215, 216, and note ; remarks on inspiration of, 216. Kellerman, Duke of Valmy {see Valmt) ; he commands a division of cavalry at Waterloo, 354. Klopstock, translation of his 'ode on the victory of Arminius over Varus quoted, 134, 135. LacJed^monians, rapid march to Marathon, 26 ; warfare against Athens, 41. Latham, Dr. Robert Gordon, his work on the "English Language," and his notes to the " Germania of Tacitus," referred to, 126, 132. Livius, Marcus, his indignation at the injustice shown him after his first Consulate, 92 ; consents to being again made Consul, 93 ; is reconciled to his colleague, Nero, ib. ; has the chief command in North Italy, 94 ; com- mauds the left wing of the army at Metaurus, 104. Louis XIV., some of his conquests still retained by France, 247 ; review of his career, ib. ; state of afiairs in France when he began to govern, 248 ; his absolute power, ib. ; his talents for government, ib. ; extent to which France is stUl indebted to, 249 ; peculiar features to be remarked in the government of, and which gave such power to France, ib. ; state of Ger- many at the time of, 250 ; state of Spain, ib. ; state of England, 251 ; HoUand alone the steady opponent of, ib. ; early conquests of, 252 ; ambi- tion of, twofold, ib. ; his ulterior object, the conquest or the acquisition of the whole of Spain, ib. ; Spain is bequeathed to his grandson, 253 ; the extent of the empire thus annexed tc France, ib.; the indignation of INDEX, 399 Austria, and William III., at this event — formation of the league between England, Holland, and Austria, 253 ; peril which menaced the independent states of Europe from the aggression of Louis, 254 ; death of William III., ih. ; Queen Anne supports the League, ih. ; successes gained hy Louis, at the commencement of the war, 257 ; sketch of the scheme marked out by, for his next campaign, ib. ; his visions of universal conquest for ever dissipated by his defeat at Blenheim, 268. Louis Philippe, 324. S&e Valmy. Macedonian Phalanx described, 65 ; stfen^th of the Macedonian army, 64 — 66 ; superior discipline of cavalry, 73 (note). lilARATHON, numbers of the Greeks at, 3 ; of the Persians, 4 ; council of war before, 5 ; description of the plain of, 9 ; importance of the consequences staked on the results of the battle of, 17, 18 ; associations connected with the plain of, 20 ; form of attack, 22 ; valour of the Persians, but infe- riority in point of arms, 23 ; victory of the Greeks, 24 ; losses, 24 — 26 , their burial, 26, 27 ; memorials of, 29, 30 ; important effects of the victory of, 30 ; explanatory remarks on the battle of, 31, 32. Marlborough (John Churchill, Uuke of), circumstances to which he owed his appointment as Captain-General of the British Armies, 254 ; his many victories and remarka*)le success in all his enterprises, ih. ; his private history and character, 255 ; he receives the chief command over all the allied armies, 256 ; the qualities which rendered him peculiarly fitted for such a post, ih. ; the allied army in Flanders commanded by, 257 ; no decisive advantage gained during two years, ih. ; determines to move his forces from Flanders towards the Rhine, 258 ; difficulties which he had to contend with in gaining the consent of his allies, ih,\ is supported by Heinsius the Dutch statesman and by Prince Eugene, ih. ; he overcomes all obstacles, 259 ; commences his march, ih. ; description of his army, ih. ; instance given of the kind of hindrances with which his allies annoyed him, and of his conduct under them, ih. ; account of his march, 260 ; ViUeroy bewildered, and unable to divine the projects of, ih. {see also note) ; Marshal Tallard equally at fault, ih. ; great skill shown in Marl- borough's march towards the Danube, ih. ; his first interview with Prince Eugene, 261 ; defeats the Bavarian army near Donauwert, ib. ; manoeuvres of the various armies, ih. ; position occupied by the allied armies, and their opponents— strength of opposing armies, ih. ; their weapons, ih. (note) ; perilous position in which Marlborough was placed, and absolute necessity of hazarding a battle, 262 ; advantages on the side of the enemy, ih. ; the consequences which must have resulted from a defeat, ih. ; Alison's remarks on the subject quoted, 262, 263 ; words spoken by, to his officers at the council of war before the battle of Blenheim, 263. (For particulars of the battle, see Blenheim.) Merovingian Kings in earlier times always engaged in petty wars, 165 ; their insignificance in later times, 157. Metauhus, battle of, 81 ; its locality, ih. ; associations connected with, ib. ; the battle of, the crisis of the contest between Rome and Carthage, 83 ; council of war before the battle of, 100 ; Hasdnibal betrayed by the guides who were to lead him across the, 101 ; description of the battle of the, 104 ; defeat of the Carthaginians, 105 ; sentiments at Rome on the occa- sion, 105—107. Michelet, his remarks on the Punic wars, 83. Miltiades, his history, 5—7 ; his addi-ess to Callimachus, 8 ; various reasona 400 INDEX. wliich made him vote for an immediate attack, 18 —20 ; his disposition ol the forces at Marathon, 20, 21 ; form of attack, 22 ; returns to protect Athens, 25, 26 ; subsequent history of, 27, 28. Maroboduus, King of the Suevi and Marcomanni, 130. MiTFORD, his qualities as an historian referred to, 63 (note). MUFFLING (Baron), a Prussian general attached to the Duke of Wellington's staff during the Waterloo campaign, 337 ; his memoirs referred to, ih (note). 341, 344, &c. Napoleon, 55 ; his critique on the achievements of Alexander, 58, 59 ; his account of the cavalry fights between the French and the Mamelukes, 73 (note) ; contest maintained between Napoleon and England compared to that between Hannibal and Kome, 82 ; his prophecy with regai'd to the future state of Europe, 270 ; comparison between the campaign of, in Eussia, and that of Charles XJI. of Sweden, 276, 277 ; his return from Elba, 331 ; his fruitless endeavours to negotiate severally with the allied sovereigns, ih, ; he is proclaimed an outlaw by the allied powers, 332 ; genius he displayed in his military preparations after his return from Elba, 333 ; the strength of his army, ib. \ resolves to commence the attack in Belgium, il. ; he hopes to effect a separation between the two allied armies, 334 ; his address to his troops, 335 ; he marches towards Charleroi, ih, ; his successful operations on 15th June, 1815, 340 ; sends Ney to occupy Quatre Bras and engage the English, ih. ; defeats Blucher at Ligny, 344 ; marches against the English, 345 ; and sends a force under Marshal Grouchy to prevent Blucher from marching to aid the English, 346 ; censure which he has passed upon the coui'se pursued by the Duke of Wellington, 347 ; Napoleon's estimate of the relative value of troop.i of different nations, ih. ; army of, at the battle of Waterloo, ih. ; sketch of his career, 356 ; personal description of, at Waterloo, 371 ; his flight, 376 j his abdication, and his surrender on board the Bellerophon, 389. Neeo, Roman consul and commander with Livius of the Roman army at Metaurus (B.C. 207), 81 ; his parentage and history, 91, 92 ; is commander- in-chief over the armies in South Italy, 94 ; profits by the intelligence gained by the capture of Hasdrubal's messengers, 98 ; enthusiasm of the Roman people_ and soldiers, 99 ; he reaches the camp at Sena, 100; urges immediate action, ih.; commands the right wing, 104 ; decides the fate of the day by his skilful manoeuvre, 105 ; after gaining the victory of the Metaurus he returns with speed to the south, ih. ; his march compared to similar exploits of modern generals, 107. Ney, commands at Quatre Bras, 342 ; his braveiy at Waterloo, 387. NiciAs, 44 ; his incompetency in command against Syracuse, 47 j is put to death, 52. Niebtjiir's praise of Wellington, 388. NiMKOD^claimed as an ancestor by Attila the Hun, 143 ; an object of adoration in the East, ih. Nineveh, its remains passed by Alexander in his march towards Arbela, 66. Norman— effects of the Norman conquest, 164, 167 ; character of the Normans, 167 ; description of the appearance of the Norman soldiers by Harold's spies, 175 ; numbers said to have perished on the side of the, at battle of Hastings, 195. Orleans, Joan of Arc's victory over the English at, 199 ; welfare of all Europe concerned in the struggle at, ih.; the city of, the last stronghold remaining INDEX, 40, to the French, 200 ; it is besieged, deseription of the city and fortification of, 200 — 201 ; capture of the Tourelles, ih.\ picture of (note on the same), 201 ; artillery first used with efiect at, ih. ; works of the besiegers, 202 , scarcity of food at Orleans, 'ih. ; the besiegers receive supplies after the victory gained at Rouvrai, ih. ; the Orleannais ofi"er to surrender : the terms refused by the English, %b.\ supineness of the Dauphin Charles, i&.j in their last extremity the Orleannais hear of the Maid of Orleans, 207 ; for particulars of the battle of, see Joan of Akc. Peloponnesian War, 37, 40, 41 ; usual mode of besieging during the, 37. Pelet, French General, his gallant conduct at "Waterloo, 387. Persia, extensive dominions, 10, 13, 14 ; government of, 11 ; Persian army at Marathon, 22 ; inferiority in point of arms, 23 ; defeat at Marathon, 24 ; number of killed, 26 ; her pride then first broken, 30 ; Persian empire crushed by Alexander at Arbela, 76. Peter the Great, of Russia, his character, 275 ; defeats Charles XII., see Pultowa), Pevensey, on the coast of Sussex, the spot where William of Normandy landed before the battle of Hastings, 173. PlICENICIANS, 86. Pnijiip OF Macedon compared to the Czar Peter, 275. Philip, second King of Spain, see Spanish Armada j state of Spain at death of, 250. PiCTON, his bravery at Waterloo, 383. Praed, his poem on the meeting of Arminius with his brother Flavins quoted, 129. PuLTOWA, battle of, 270 ; importance to the world of the vick.ry then gained by Russia, 273 ; immense interest which attaches to it as a trial of strength between two great races of mankind, ih. ; inferiority of the Sclavonic to the Germanic race tiU the battle of, except in one or two instances, ih. {see note) ; increased iufluence of Russia since that period, ih. ; thoughts of the wise and learned on the development of the Sclavonic race^ ib. ; the extent over which the Sclavonic race has spread, ib.; spirit of national union which has of late years sprung up among them, ib, {see note, 274); the town of Pultowa is besieged by the Swedes, 279 ; the Czar marches to its relief, 280 ; strength of his army, ih.; his disposition of his forces, ih. ; dis- parity of the army of Charles XII. to that of his opponent, ih. ; Charles XII. borne in a litter into the battle, ib. ; valour sho^vn by the Swedes, ib. ; description of the battle, ib. ; the Swedes overpowered by numbers, 281 ; the joy of the Czar — his subsequent conquests, ib. ; closeness of the parallel between modem Russia and ancient Rome, as regards their policy towards foreign nations, ih. Punic wars, importance of the results of the, 83. QuATEE Bras, action at, between Ney and Wellington, 342. Raleigh, Sir Walter, quoted on the character and exploits of Alexander, 57 ; on^the departure of the generals from Rome to oppose Hasdrubal, &c. 94, 95 ; on the battle of the Metaurus, 104 ; commander of Plymouth at time of the Spanish Armada, 218 ; his views on the proper policy of England when menaced by invasion quoted, 231 ; see Spanish Armada, 240. Rawlinson, Major, his successful labours in deciphering the cuneiform inscription, 13. Roman, the senate and people select Caius Claudius Nero and Marcus Livius D D 4D2 INDEX, as consuls, 93 ; armies raised to oppose Hasdmbal, and Hannibal, 94 ; feel- ing's of the Koman people when the consuls departed to meet the enemy, 95° military system of the Romans described by Gibbon and by Polybius— remarks on the Roman Legion, 102, 103 ; discipline of the Roman armies, 119. Rome, noble spirit of Rome as a nation in the second Punic war, 88, 89 ; her strenuous resistance to Hannibal, ib. ; her resources drained, 94 ; sends three armies to the north of Italy under Livius, and three to the south under Nero, ih. ; alarm and consternation felt at Rome at Nero's expedition against Hasdrubal, 99 ; excitement prevalent as to the result of the battle of the Metaurus, 106 ; excessive joy at the victory, 107 ; state of, and her government and policy at the time of Augustus, 115 ; excessive terror felt at Rome at the defeat of the Roman army under Varus, 124 ; supernatural portents of evil believed to have occurred at the time, 125 ; her power in Germany crushed, il. \ Chalons the last victory gained by Imperial Rome, and one of the most important and beneficial in its results to mankind, 138 ; her mission ended, ih.\ legend of the twelve vultures said to have appeared to Romulus, 145 ; legend connected with the death of Remus, ih. omens believed in by the Christians of that age, remarkable fulfilment of the augury of the vultures, 146. Russia, her influence, 270 ; her despotism, ih.\ her conquests of late years, 271; strength of, ^&.; her insignificance a century back contrasted with her present immense power and importance, ih. ; her rise on the ruins of Sweden, 272 ; the Russians a Sclavonic people, 273 ; importance of this fact at the present time, ih. ; her early history, 274 ; her rapid transition from weakness to power, how achieved, 275 ; comparison drawn between Philip of Macedon and the Czar Peter the Great, ih. ; state of, at the time of the battle of Pultowa, reasons which rendered that battle the most critical point in the history of, 275, 276 ; comparison between, at that period, and Russia at the time when Napoleon attacked her, 276 ; the Russian army under Peter the Great, 277 ; aggressive policy of, 281 ; closeness of the parallel which may be traced between ancient Rome and modern Russia in their policy toward foreign nations, ib. Salisbury, the Earl of, 200 ; besieges Orleans, ih. ; his death by a cannon- ball, 202. SxRACENS, rapidity and extent of their conquests, 155 ; they cross the Py- renees, hoping to conquer Europe, 156 ; Southey's lines quoted, ih. ; Abder- rahman Ibn Abdillah Alghafeki appointed to the government in Spain, ib. ; his character, his army, he crosses the Pyrenees, 156, 157; is vainly opposed by Eudes, Count of Acquitaine, 157 ; terror inspired by the, 158 ; account given of them by the monkiali chroniclers, and of the contests maintained with them by Count Eudes and Charles Martel, ib. (also note) ; death of Abderrahman one cause of the defeat of the, ih. ; statement of the monkish chroniclers as to the numbers slain, ib. Saratoga, victory of the Americans at, 285 ; brief recapitulation of tho earlier events of the war, 292 ; map of the country round, 293 ; army in Canada reinforced by fresh troops, &c. from England, 294 ; line of march and operations proposed, ih. ; the success which appeared likely to attend the scheme, ib. ; America quite destitute of European allies, ib. ; state paper drawn up by George III. on the plan of this expedition, 294, 295 (note) ; for the details of the expedition up to the victory at, see Burgoyne. Burgoyne encamps at — tKe Americans take up their position near Still- I INDEX. 403 water, 299 ; description of the country betwocu the two armies, 300 ; encounter between them, t6. ; Burgoyne receives a message from Clintoji — his reply — he sends a second messenger to Clinton, ih, and note, 301 ; Burgoyne, distressed for provisions, resolves to attack the enemy, 301 ; position occupied by his army — its inferiority in numbers to tliat of the Americans, ih. ; description of American army, ih. ; Burgoyne's plan of attack, ih.; plan of the battle of, 302 ; account of the success of Clinton's enterprise on the Hudson, ih. ; Burgoyne's disposition of his forces, 303 ; Gates, the American General, ih. ; description of the battle, 303, 304 ; conduct of General Arnold, 304 ; gallantry of General Fraser — his death, ih. ; Burgoyne's force compelled to retreat, 305 ; they are assaulted in their canap, ih. ; Arnold wounded — success of the Americans, ih. ; Burgoyne is obliged to retire toward Saratoga, 306 ; the funeral of General Fraser, ih. ; touching account of the event given by the American writer Lossing, ih. ; his account of the heroic conduct of I-ady Harriet Ackland, 307 — 309 ; Burgoyne completely hemmed in by the enemy at Saratoga, 309 ; testimony of a foreign writer, Botta, to the fortitude shown by the British army during this tr3dng period, ih. ; Burgoyne at last forced to treat of a con- vention, ih.\ terms finally agreed upon, 310 ; Burgoyne, when too late, receives tidings of the approach of Clinton, ih. ; the convention is carried into effect, ih. ; noble delicacy of feeling shown by General Gates on the 4*ccasiou, ih. ; joy of the Americans when the victory of, became known, 311 ; change which the victojy of, effected in the feelings of France toward the American cause, ih. ; the independence of the United States at length recognised by England, 312. Saxons, remarks on the Saxons and Anglo-Saxons, 1 26 ; relative positions of the Saxons and Normans after the Conquest, 165 ; blending of the two nations at the time of the signing of Magna Charta, 166 ; benefits which England ultimately reaped by the Conquest, 166, 167 ; the political state of England under the last Saxon kings, 166 ; superiority in many points of the Norman over the Saxon character, ih. ; exact number of, slain at tlie battle of Hastings, not known, 195. SciPio, PuBLius, remarkable parallel between Wellington and, 82 ; baflled in his attempts to detain Hasdnibal in Spain, 91. Sclavonic, for remarks on the Sclavonic race, see Pultowa. Sicily, 42; never conquered by Carthage, 86. Sieges of the ancient Greeks, how usually conducted, 37. Sikhs, their ancestors aided Darius against Alexander, 62. Spanish Armada, defeat of the, 218 ; is seen off the Cornish coast, 210 ; signals sent through England, and preparation made, ih.-, Macaulay's ballad on the subject, ih. (note) ; difference between the relative strength of England and Spain then and now, 220 ; remarks on the state of Spaiii under Philip II., ih. ; his army and fleet, 221 ; his foreign possessions, ih. ; character of his celebrated general, the Prince of Parma (Farnese), 222 ; Portugal and all her dependencies conquered by Philip, ih. ; animosity of England against Philip, 223 ; his zeal in the cause cf Popery, ih. ; prepara- tions for fitting out the Armada, 224, 225; destination of the, kept a secret, 226 ; both Spain and England affect a desire to treat for peace, i}j. ; Philip prevails on the Due de Guise, his partisan in France, to take up arms against Henry III., 227 ; full description of the, taken from vol. L of " Hakluyt's Voyages," 234—236 ; the, sails for England, but ia driven back by a violent storm, 238 ; death of Santa Cfruz, the Spanish Admiral, ih.- l»Jo successor in command, ih.\ his lieutenants, ih.\ Howard and Drake 404 INDEX. dail to Coranna, return to the Channel, 238 ; Howard's letter on the diffi- culty of guarding so large a breadth of sea, his return to Plymouth, 239 ; the, sails again for the Channel, plan of attack designed, similarity of the scheme to that formed by Napoleon, ih. ; relative strength of the English and Spanish fleets, ib. ; Kmg Philip's orders to the Admiral the Due de Medina Sidonia, 240 ; the English come in sight of the, ib. ; the com- mencement of the engagement — praise bestowed by Raleigh on the skill shown by the English Admiral, ib. ; presumptuous expectations formed by the Spaniards, 241 ; the Dutch blockade the Flemish ports, and prevent the junction of Parma's flotilla with the Armada, 242 ; the English send fire-ships amongst the Armada, and thus disperse their ships, ib.; ths Spaniards are attacked by the English, ib. ; description of the fight taken from Hakluyt, ib. ; total defeat of the, 244 ; description of the defeat of the, in a letter written by Admiral Drake, ib. Spaetans, delay of the, in marching to Marathon, 3, 5 ; send assistance to the Syracusans — influence of the name of Sparta on the other Greeks, 47. Stamford Bridge, defeat of the Norwegians and the death of Harald Hardrada at the battle of, 172. Suffolk, Lord Suffolk takes the command of the English army at Orleans on the death of Salisbury, 202. Sweden, her importance as a nation till the battle of Pultowa, 272 ; her present feebleness, ib. ; the Swedes of Germanic origin, 273 ; the character of Charles XII. of, 277 ; Napoleon's criticisms on his generalship, ib. ; renown of Charles, ib.; his confidence of success, 278, and notes; Napo- leon's epitome of the earlier operations of Charles's invasion of Ptussia, 278, 279 ; the grand error Charles made, 279 ; defeat which his general Lewcnhaupt sustained near the Borysthenes— Charles besieges the town of Pultowa, ib. ; the Czar marches with a strong army to relief of the town, 280. (For particulars of the battle, see Pultowa.) Syracuse, frequent sieges of, 35 ; strength and importance in ancient limes of, ib.; description of, 36; besieged by the Athenians, 37; state of Syracuse at the time of the Peloponnesian war, 43 ; receives aid when about to capitulate, 47 ; the Syracusans repulse the Athenians and drive them from Epipolse, 48 ; defeat them by sea, 49 ; gain a final and decisive victory, 61. Theodortc, King of the Visigoths, 138 ; Attila seeks to withdraw him from his alliance with Rome, 146 ; he commands the left wing of the army at Chalons, 148 ; his death on the field, 149. Tours, battle of, 152 ; description of country between Poictiers and Tours, ib. ; historical interest attached to the locality, ib. ; results of the victory won by Charles Martel over the Saracens of, ib. ; opinions of historians on the subject, 152, 153; reasons which justified Charles Martel in risking the battle of Tours, 157 ; account of the monkish chroniclers of the the battle of, and of the numbers of the slain on both sides on every occasion, 158 ; unusual advantage that historians have with regard to the battle of, m being able to compare the testimony of writers on both sides, 159 (note on same) ; account of the battle of Tours and of the death of Abderrahman quoted from Arabian chroniclers, 159 — 161 ; no serious attempt at conquest made by the Saracens beyond the Pyrenees after the battle of, 161. United States. See America. INDEX. 405 Valmy, the battle of, 313; geographical position of the village of, ih.\ the inonument at, whic!i marks the spot where, at his especial request^ the heart of Kellerman was buried, ib. ; sketch of the career of Kellerman, Duke of, ih. ; importance of the battle of, 314 ; the prospects of democracy on the eve of the battle of, 315 ; state of the French army at the battle of, ih. ; the Carmagnoles or revolutionary volunteers, 316 ; their insubordina- tion, Dumouriez's treatment of them, ib.-y instances of the disorder and misconduct of the French army at the commencement of the war, 317; plan of operations marked out by the allied sovereigns for their first campaign, 318 ; description of the allied army, ih. ; the Duke of Bruns- wick appointed Generalissimo — his military abilities, 319 ; the allies take the fortresses of Longwy and Verdun, ih. ; the arrival of Diimouriez at the camp near Sedan, ih. ; description of the country in the vicinity of Sedan, ih. ; Dumouriez's manceuvres, 320 ; Dumouriez is in danger of l)eiug enveloped and destroyed by the allied armies, ih.; skill with which he extricates himself from his diificult position so as to effect a junction with Kellerman, ih. ; Dumouriez sends messengers to Kellerman, who Avas about to retreat, 321 ; receives tidings of the approach of the allied anny, ih. ; the position occupied by Kellerman on the Plateau of Valmy, ih. ; the allied army moves foi-ward to attack him, ih.\ the appearance of the allied army when it first became visible to the French, 822 ; on the same day, and at the same hour, as the attack upon Valmy, the debate was commenced in the National Convention on the proposal to proclaim France a Kepublic, 322 ; the victory of the republican troops at, a fatal blow to the cause of monarchy in France, ih. ; the royalist associa- tion organized under the Marquis de la Rouarie, 323 ; the ardour of the Royalists damped by the defeat of the allied armies at, ih. ; Louis Philippe, then called Due de Chartres, had the command of the right of the French army at, 324 ; the German poet, Gothe, present at the battle of, ih. ; curious record which he has given us of the sensatioas he experienced during the cannonade, and which he calls the cannon fever, 324, 325 ; description of the battle of, 325, 326 ; the French remain victors on the heights of, 326 ; the immediate results of the battle of, ih. ; Gothe '3 observfltion on the battle of, ih. Variis, Quintilius, sent to take the command in Germany — his profligate character, 118 ; strength of his army, 119 ; his arrogance and vanity, ih.\ his march against the rebels, 120 j difficulties which impeded his progress, ih.\ is attacked by the Germans, 121; halts for the night, ih.\ resumes his march, ih.', vainly endeavours to reti-eat, ib.\ commits suicide, 123; his army cut to pieces, ih. ; the captives slain in sacrifice by the victoriou?* Germans, ih. ♦ 4 f UNIVERSITY _0F CALIFO.J^NIA I.IBRARY J<