B>EDEKER'S GUIDE BOOKS. GREAT BKITAIN, with 10 Maps. 30 Plans, and a Panorama. Third Edition. 1894. 10 marks. LONDON AND ITS ENVIRONS, with 3 Maps and 18 Plans. Ninth Edition. 1894. 6 marks. THE UNITED STATES, with an Excursion into Mexico. With 17 Maps and 22 Plans. 1893. 12 marks. THE DOMINION OF CANADA, with Newfoundland and Alaska, with lO maps and 7 Plans. 189i. 5 marks. BELGIUM AND HOLLAND, with 13 Maps and 'il Plans. Eleventh Edition. 1894. 6 marks. THE RHINE from Rotterdam to Constance, with 39 Maps and 21 Plans. Twelfth Edition. 1892. 7 marks. NORTHERN GERMANY, with 32 Maps and 56 Plans. Eleventh Edition. 1S93. 8 marks. SOUTHERN GERMANY, with 10 Maps and 15 Plans. Eighth Edition. 1895. 5 marks. THE EASTERN ALPS, with 41 Maps, 12 Plans, and 7 Pano- ramas. Eighth Edition. 1895. 10 marks. GREECE, with 8 Maps, 15 Plans, and a Panorama of Athens. Second Edition. 1894. 8 marks. NORTHERN ITALY, including Leghorn, Florence, Ra- venna, with 26 Maps and 29 Plans. Tenth Edition. 1895. 8 marks. CENTRAL ITALY and ROME, with 10 Maps, 33 Plans, and a Panorama of Rome. Eleventh Edition. 1893. 6 marks. SOUTHERN ITALY, SICILY, etc., with 25 Maps and 1 6 Plans. Eleventh Edition. 1893. 6 marks. NORWAY, SWEDEN, and DENMARK, with 27 Maps, 15 Plans, and 2 Panoramas. Sixth Edition. 1895. 10 marks. PARIS AND ITS ENVIRONS, with Routes from London TO Paris. With 12 Maps and 33 Plans. Eleventh Edition. 1894. 6 marks. NORTHERN FRANCE, with 9 Maps and 27 Plans. Second Edition. 1894. 7 marks. SOUTH-EASTERN FRANCE, with 13 Maps, 12 Plans and a Panorama. Second Edition. 1895. 5 marks. SOUTH-WESTERN FRANCE, with 10 Maps and 13 Plans. Second Edition. 1895. 5 marks. SWITZERLAND, with 47 Maps, 12 Plans, and 12 Panoramas. Sixteenth Edition. 1895. 8 marks. LOWER EGYPT, avith the Peninsula of Sinai, with 14 Maps, 32 Plans, and 7 Views. Third Edition. 1895. 12 marks. UPPER EGYPT, AND Nubia as far as the Second Cata- ract. With 11 Maps and 26 Plans. 1892. 10 marks. PALESTINE AND SYRIA, with 17 Maps, 44 Plans, and a Panorama of Jerusalem. Second Edition. 1894. 12 marks. CONVERSATION DICTIONARY in four languages. Eng- lish, French, German, Italian. 3 marks. THE TRAVELLER'S MANUAL OF CONVERSATION, in English, Gekman, French, and Italian. 3 marks. THE LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES SOUTHERN GERMANY MONEY TABLE. (Comp. p. xi.) Approximate Equivalents. American X?»,r. [ French German Austrian Money iingiisu iiiuucy Money Money Money Doll. Cts. L. S. D. Fr. Cis. Jl Pf. Fl. Kr. 1V4 Vs e'A 5 3 — 2V2 I'A 12>/2 — 10 6 — 5 — — 2V2 — 25 — 20 — 12 10 5 50 40 24 12V2 6 621/2 — 50 30 — 20 ' — 10 1 — 80 48 25 1 1 25 1 60 50 2 2 50 2 1 20 — 75 3 3 75 3 1 75 — — 4 — 5 — 4 — 2 40 25 5 6 25 5 3 50 _ 6 7 50 6 3 50 75 7 8 75 7 _ 4 10 2 8 10 8 4 80 2 25 9 11 25 9 _ 5 40 2 50 _ 10 _ 12 50 10 — 6 — 3 12 15 12 7 20 4 — _ 16 _ 20 16 9 60 5 — 1 _ 25 — 20 12 25 25 5 125 100 60 125 — 25 — — 625 — 500 — 300 — SOUTHERN GERMANY, INCLUDING WUETEMBERG AND BAVARIA HANDBOOK FOR TRAVELLERS BY KARL BAEDEKER With 16 Maps and 15 Plans EIGHTH REVISED EDITION LEIPSIC : KARL BAEDEKER, PUBLISHER. LONDON: DULAU & CO., 37 SOHO SQUARE, W. 1895 'Go, little book, God send thee good passage, And specially let this be thy prayere. Unto them all that thee will read or hear. Where thou art wrong, after their help to call, Thee to correct in any part or all/ THE LIBRARY UNIVERSITY or CMiFOKNlA. LOS ANGELES. STACK ANNEX If Br PREFACE. /?7^" llic Handbook for Southern Germany, which is now issued for the eighth time, and corresponds with the twenty-fifth German edition, is designed to assist the travel- ler in planning his tour and disposing of his time to the best advantage, to render him as far as possible independent of the services of hotel-keepers, commissionnaires, and guides, and thus to enable him the more thoroughly to enjoy and appreciate the objects of interest he meets with on his tour. The Handbook has been compiled almost entirely from the personal observation of the Editor, and most of the country described has been repeatedly explored by him with a view to procure the latest possible information ; but, as many of the data in the Handbook relate to matters which are con- stantly undergoing alteration, he will highly appreciate any corrections or suggestions with which travellers may favour him. Those already received, which in many instances have proved most useful, he gratefully acknowledges. In previous issues of the Handbook, Southern Germany was combined in one volume with Austria, but the two coun- tries will henceforth appear separately. In the present volume special attention has been devoted to the art -treasures of Munich and other large cities; and it is believed that the in- troductory article upon South German art, by the late Pro- fcssor A7ito)i Sprimicr, will be welcome to many travellers. The Alpine tourist will find the mountainous districts more fully described in the Handbook to the Eastern Alps. For Baden. Alsace, Lorraine, and Rhenish Bavaria the traveller is referred to the Handbook to the Rhine. The Maps and Plans, on which special care has been bestowed, will, it is hoped, render material service to the traveller in planning his tour. Time Tables. Information as to the departure of trains, steamboats , and diligences is seldom to be relied upon un- less obtained from local sources. Full and accurate time- vi PREFACE. tables are contained in the ' Reichs-KurshucK , published at Berlin, and in 'HendscheVs Telegraph\ published at Frankfort on the Main, both of which are issued monthly in summer. Distances by road are given approximately in English miles ; but in the case of mountain-excursions they are ex- pressed by the time in which they can be accomplished by average walkers. Heights are given in English feet (1 Engl, ft. = 0,3048 metre = 0,938 Parisian ft. = 0,971 Prussian ft.), and the Populations from data furnished by the most re- cent census. Hotels. The Editor has endeavoured to enumerate, not only the first-class hotels , but others of a less pretending kind, which may be safely selected by the 'voyageur en gar- Qon', with little sacrifice of comfort, and great saving of ex- penditure. Hotel-charges , as well as carriage-fares and fees to guides, are liable to frequent variation, and generally have a strong upward tendency; but these items, as stated in the Handbook either from the personal experience of the Editor or from data furnished by numerous correspondents, will at least afford the traveller an approximate idea of his expenditure. Those hotels which the Editor has reason to believe good of their class are distinguished by an asterisk, but he does not doubt that equal excellence may often be found in hotels that are unstarred and even unmentioned. To hotel-keepers, tradesmen, and others the Editor begs to intimate that a character for fair dealing towards trav- ellers forms the sole passport to his commendation, and that advertisements of every kind are strictly excluded from his Handbooks. Hotel-keepers are also warned against persons representing themselves as agents for Baedeker's Handbooks. CONTENTS. Page. I. Language. Money xi II. Passports. Custom Houses xii III. Conveyances xii IV. Excursions on Foot xiii V. Hotels xiii South German Art, by Professor Anion Springer ... xv Wurtemberg. Route. 1. Stuttgart and Environs 1 2. From Heidelberg to Stuttgart by Brucbsal 14 Maulbronn, 16. — From Zuffenhausen to Calw and Horb, 16. 3. From Stuttgart to Wildbad 17 From Pforzheim to Calw, 17. — From Pforzheim to Durlach, 18. — Excursions from Wildbad, 19. 4. From Stuttgart to Hanau 19 From Jagstfeld to Osterburken and to Heidelberg, 22. 5. From Heilbronn to Schwabisch-Hall (Nuremberg). ... 23 6. From Stuttgart to Crailsheim and Nuremberg via Backnang 24 From Backnang to Bietigheim, 25. — From Crailsheim to Mergentheim and to Nordlingen, 26. 7. From Stuttgart to Nordlingen and Nuremberg 27 From Aalen to Ulm, 28. 8. From Stuttgart to Friedrichsbafen 29 From Geislingen to the Swabian Alb, 31. — From LUm to Kempten, 33. — Veitsburg. Waldburg, 35. 9. From Stuttgart to Tiibingen and Horb 35 Kebenhausen. Wurmlinger Capelle. The Baths of Imnau. Haigerloch, 38. 10. From Stuttgart to Boblingen and Scbaffhausen 39 From Eutingen to Hausach. 39. — From Rottweil to Vil- lingen, 40. — Hohentwiel, 41. 11. The Swabian Alb 42 12. From Tiibingen to Hechingen and Sigmaringen .... 48 Hohenzollern, 48. — The Upper Valley of the Danube, 52. 13. From Ulm to Radolfzell and Constance 52 Schmiechthal. Grosse Lauterthal, 53. — Zwiefalten. From Herbertingcn to Memmingen. From Mengen to Sigmaringen, 54. — From Schwakenreute to Aulendorf, 55. — Mainau. Meersburg. Ueberlingen, 57, 58. viii CONTENTS. Eoute. Bavaria. p^^^ 14. From Frankfort to Nuremberg by Wiirzburg 59 From Frankfort to Hanau via Offenbach, 59. — Kahlgrund, 59. — From Aschaffenburg to Mayence direct. From Aschaf- fenburg to Amorbach. 61. — From Miltenberg and from Lohr to Wertheim, G2. — The Spessart. From Gemiinden to Elm, to Hammelburg, and to Schweinfurt, 63, 64. — Windsheim, 69. — From Fiirth to Cadolzburg, 70. 15. From Wiirzburg to Heidelberg . . 70 From Lauda to Wertheim and to Mergentbeim, 70. — From Osterburken to Jagstfeld. From ICeckarelz to Meckesheim, 71. 16. From Leipsic to Nuremberg by Bamberg 72 From Plauen to Eger, 72. — The Baths of Steben. From Hof to Eger, 73. — From Hochstadt to Saalfeld, 74. — Banz. Vierzehnheiligen, 75. — From Erlangen to Grafenberg, 81. 17. From "Wiirzburg to Bamberg. Kissingen 81 The Ludwigsbad Wipfeld, 82. — Excursions from Booklet and from Briickenau, 85. — From Kissingen to Meiningen, 85. 18. From Neuenmarkt to Weiden. The Fichtelgebirge ... 86 19. Franconian Switzerland 92 20. Nuremberg 95 21. From Nuremberg to Eger by Scbnabelwaid 109 The Nuremberg Switzerland. From Schnabelwaid to Bai- reuth, 110. 22. From Nuremberg to Augsburg Ill From Nordlingen to Dombiilil, 112. — From Donauworth to Neu-Offingen, 113. 23. From Nuremberg to Ratisbon 118 The Walhalla, 124. 24. From Ratisbon to Donauworth (and Augsburg) .... 125 Kelheim and the Befreiungshalle. The Altmiihl-Thal. The Danube from Kelheim to Weltenburg, 125, 126. — From Abensberg to Fining (Abusina). The Teufelsmauer, 127. — From Ingolstadt to Augsburg, 127. 25. From Frankfort to Munich by Ansbach and Ingolstadt . . 128 Eothenburg on the Tauber, 128. 26. From Stuttgart to Munich 133 27. From Leipsic to Munich via Hof and Ratisbon .... 134 Burg Landshut, 135. — From Landshut to Landau, 136. 28. Munich 137 Environs of Munich. Grosshesselohe. Nymphenburg. Schleiss- heim, 193, 194. — From Munich to Wolfratshausen (Isar- thal Railway), 194. — The Churches of Pipping and Bluten- burg, 195. 29. TheStarnberger See and Ammersee. TheHohePeissenberg 195 Schloss Berg. Rottmannshohe, 196. — From Peissenberg to Ober-Ammergau, 197. 30. From Munich to Lindau 198 From Kaufering to Schongau and to Bobingen. From Augs- burg to Buchloe. From Buchloe to Memmingen, 193. — The Stniben, 199. — From Immenstadt to Oberstdorf. Griinten, 200. — Excursions from Lindau. The Lake of Constance, 201. CONTENTS. ix Route. Page. 31. From Munich to Fiissen (Hohenschwaiigau) and Rentte . 202 From Kempten to Fiissen, 202. — Excursions from Hohen- schwangau. Marienbriicke. .Tugend. Schiitzensteig. Tegel- berg Alp, 205. — Stuiben Falls. From Reutte to Imst via Lermoos and Nassereit, 206. 32. From Munich to Partenkirchen and Mittenwald 207 Kohlgrnb, 207. — Excursions from Partenkirchen and Gar- misch. Faukenschluclit. Riesserbauer. Partnachklamm and Vorder-Graseck. Eckbauer. Schlattan and Gschwandner Bauer. Badersee. Eibsee. Krottenkopf. Schachen, 208- 210. — From Partenkirchen to Lermoos. Barmsee, 210. — From Mittenwald via Seefeld to Zirl, 211. 33. From Munich to Ober-Ammereau and via Linderhof to Keutte-Hohenschwangau 211 From Ober-Ammergau to Peissenberg through the Ammer- Thal. From the Plansee to Partenkirchen, 212. 34. From Munich to Mittenwald via Benediktbeuern .... 213 Schlehdorf. Herzogstand. Heimgarten, 214. 35. From Munich to Tolz and Mittenwald 215 From Tolz to the Walchensee. From Hinter-Riss to the Achensee over the Plumser Joch, 216. 36. From Munich to Tegernsee, Wildbad Kreuth, and the Achensee 217 Excursions from Tegernsee. Kaltenbrunn. Parapluie. Falls of the Rottach. Neureut. Hirschberg, 217, 218. — The Un- niitz. From the Achensee to the Inn Valley, 219. 37. From Munich to Kufsteiu via Schliersee and Bairisch-Zell 220 From Keuhaus to Falepp, 220. — The Wendelstein. From Bairisch-Zell to Oberaudorf via the Tatzelwurm, 221. 38. From Munich to Salzburg and Reichenhall 221 From Grating to Glonn, 221. — From Munich to Rosenheim via Holzkirchen, 222. — The Chiemsee, 222. — From Prien to Niederaschau. The Baths of Adelholzen. Hochfelln. From Traunstein to Reichenhall via Inzell, 223. — From Traunstein to Trostberg, 224. — Excursions from Reichen- hall. Gross-Gmain. Zwic^el. Thumsee. Mauthhausl, 225, 226. — From Reichenhall to Lofer, 226. 39. From Reichenhall to Berchtesgaden. Konigs-See .... 226 From Salzburg to Berchtesgaden, 227. — Excursions from Berchtesgaden. Lockstein. Bischofswiesen. Gern. Schonau. Upper Salzberg. Almbach-Klamm. Vorderbrand. Scharitz- kehl-Alp, etc., 228-30. — Gotzen-Alp. From Berchtesgaden to Reichenhall. Ramsau. Wimbach-Klamm, 281. — Watz- mann, 232. — From Berchtesgaden to Ober-Weissbach. Hintersee. Kammerlinghorn. Seisenberg-Klamm, 232, 233. 40. From Munich to Linz by Simbach 233 Alt-Octting, 233. 41. From Nuremberg to Furth (and Prague) 234 From Neukircben to Weiden. From Cham to Lam, 235. — The Hohe Bogen, 286. 42. From Ratisbon to Passau and Linz 236 Excursions from Passau, 2i0, 211. — From Passau to Freyung in the Bavarian Forest. The Dreisesselstein, 241. — The Bohemian Forest. The Danube from Passau to Liuz, 242. X MAPS AND PLANS. Route. Page. 43. From Rosenheim to Eisenstein by Muhldorf and Plattling. The Bavarian Forest 243 From Neumarkt to Passau, 244. — The Kusel, Hirschen- stein. From Gotteszell to Viechtach, 245. — From Zwiesel to Grafenau. Rachel. Bodenmais. Arber, 247. — Excursions from Eisenstein. Osser. From Eisenstein to Pilsen, 248. Maps. 1. The Environs of Stuttgaht: R. 2; p. 12. 2. The SwABiAN Alb: RR. 8, 9, 11-12; p. 42. 3. The Spessart : R. 14 ; p. 62. 4. The Fhanconian Switzerland: R. 19; p. 77. 5. The Fichtelgebiege : RR. 18, 21; p. 89. 6. The Staknbergee See and Ammersee : RR. 29, 32; p. 196. 7. The Environs of Fussen, Reutte, Kassereit, Partenkiechen, Mit- TENWALD, AND Waxchensee : RR. 31-35; p. 202. 8. The Environs of Hohenschwangau : R. 31; p. 204. 9. The Environs of Partenkiechen : R. 82 ; p. 208. 10. The Environs of Tulz, Tegeensee , and Schlieesee : RR. 84-38; p. 214. 11. Thef'ENviEONS of the Achensee : RR. 35, 36; p. 218. 12. The Envieons of Rosenheim:, Klfstein, Teaunstein, and Lofer (the Chiemsee and Achenthal): R. 38; p. 222. 13. The Envieons of Salzbueg, Reichenhaxl, and Beechtesgaden : RR. 38, 39 ; p. 224. 14. The Bavaeian Foeest : RR. 42, 43; p. 244. 15. SovTHERN Germany: after the Index. 16. Railway Map of Germany: at the end of the book. Flans. Aschaffenburg fp. 64); Auatsburg (p. 112); Bamberg (p. 76); Bayreuth (p. 88); Constance (p. 55); Heilbronn (p. 13); Hohenzollern (p. 49); Kis- singen (p. 83); Munich (p. 186) •, Nuremberg (p. 96); Passau (p. 237): Ratisbon (p. US); Stuttgart (p. 1); Ulm (p. 42); Wiirzburg (p. 65). INTRODUCTION. I. Language. Money. Language. A slight acquaintance with German is very de- sirable for travellers who purpose exploring the more remote dis- tricts of Southern Germany. Those who do not deviate from the beaten track will generally find that English or French is spoken at the principal hotels and the usual resorts of strangers. But those who are entirely ignorant of the language must be prepared frequently to submit to the extortions practised by commission- naires, waiters, cab-drivers, etc., which even the data furnished by the Handbook will not always enable them to avoid. Money. The German mark (Jl)^ which is nearly equivalent to the English shilling, is divided into 100 pfennigs. Banknotes of 5, 20, and 50 Ji are issued by the German Imperial Bank CDexii- sche Ee.ichshanTc ) . and others of 100, 500, and 1000 M by the Imperial Bank and by twelve other banks which possess the privi- lege. The current gold coins are pieces of 10 f^Krone') and of 20 marks (^Doppelkrone'), the intrinsic value of which is slight- ly lower than that of the English half-sovereign and sovereign (1 1, being worth about 20 J^ AS pf.). The paper currency is of the same value as the precious metals. The silver coins are pieces of 5, 3 (the old thaler or dollar), 2, 1, 1/2 (50 pf.), and 1/5 mark (20 pf.). In nickel there are coins of 10 and 5 pfennigs (groschen and half- groschen), and in copper there are pieces of 2 and 1 pfennig. English sovereigns and banknotes may be exchanged at all the principal towns in Germany, and Napoleons are also favourably re- ceived (20 fr. = ii's. = 16 ^ 20 pf., and often a few pfennigs more). Those who travel with large sums should carry them in the form of circular notes (issued by the chief British and American banks), rather than in banknotes or gold, as the value of circular notes, if lost or stolen, is recoverable. The expense of a tour in Southern Germany depends, of course, on a great variety of circiimstances. It may, however, be stated generally that travelling in this region is less ex- pensive than in most other European countries. The modest pedestrian, who knows something of the language, and avoids the beaten track of ordinary tourists as much as possible, may succeed in limiting his expenditure to 8-lOs. per diem. Those, on the other hand, who prefer driving to walking, frequent hotels of the xli PASSPORTS. highest class, and employ guides, commissionnaires, etc., must he prepared to expend 25-30s. daily. II. Passports and Cnstom Houses. Passports are now unnecessary in Germany, as in most of the other countries of Europe, but they are frequently serviceable in proving the identity of the traveller, procuring admission to collections, and obtaining delivery of registered letters. The following are the principal passport-agents in London : Lee and Carter, 440 West Strand; E. Stanford, 55 Charing Cross; W. J. Adams, 59 Fleet Street; C.Smith & Son, 63 Charing Cross (charge 25,; agent's fee is. 6d.). Custom House formalities are now almost everywhere lenient. As a rule, however, articles purchased during the journey, which are not destined for personal use, should be declared at the frontier. III. Conveyances. Railway Travelling in Germany is less expensive than in most other parts of Europe , and the carriages are generally clean and comfortable. The second-class carriages, furnished with spring -seats, are sometimes as good as those of the first class in England. The first-class carriages, lined with velvet, are com- paratively little used, but are recommended to the lover of fresh air, as he will be more likely to secure a seat next to the %vindow. The third-class travelling community is generally quiet and re- spectable, but the carriages are generally very poor. On a few rail- ways there is even a fourth class, unprovided with seats. Smoking is allowed in all the carriages, except those 'Fiir Nichtraucher' and the coupes for ladies. The average fares for the different classes in S. Germany are i^/^d., i^/^d., and ^5^- per Engl. M. respectively. The speed seldom exceeds 25 M. per hour, and as the railways are generally well organised and under the immediate supervision of government, accidents are very rare. On many lines 20-50 lbs. of luggage are free, in addition to smaller articles carried in the hand. Over-weight is charged for at moderate rates. In all cases the heavier luggage must be booked, and a ticket procured for it. This being done, the traveller need not look after his lug- gage till he arrives at his final destination , where it will be kept in safe custody, generally gratis for the first day or two, until he presents his ticket. When a frontier has to be crossed, the traveller is strongly recommended to take his luggage with him, and to superintend the custom-house examination in person. If luggage be sent across a frontier by goods-train or diligence, the keys must be sent along with it, as otherwise it will be detained at the custom-house ; but the pecuniary saving effected by such a course is far outweighed by the risk of vexatious delays, pilferage, and damage, for which it is difficult or impossible to obtain redress. CONVEYANCES. xiii The enormous weight of the trunks used by some travellers not un- frequently inflicts serious injury on the hotel and railway porters who have to handle them. Travellers are therefore urged to place their heavy ar- ticles in the smaller packages and thus minimize the evil as far as possible. DinGBNCEs generally carry three passengers only, two in the m- terieur, and one in the coupe. As the latter alone affords a toler- able survey of the scenery, it should if possible be secured in good time. In much-frequented districts it is frequently engaged several days beforehand. The guards, who are often retired non-com- missioned officers, are generally well-informed and obliging. The usual amount of luggage carried free by the diligence does not ex- ceed 20-30 lbs., over-weight being charged for by tariff. Passengers are required to book their luggage two hours before the time of starting, and sometimes even on the previous evening ; but these rules are seldom rigidly enforced. An 'extra-post' conveyance for one or more persons may generally be obtained on application at the post-offices. The average tariff is 50 pf. (6d.) per mile for 1-2, and ij^ C^^O P^^ vxi^Q for 3-4 persons. Private conveyances may be hired at the rate of 10-15.// for a one-horse, 12-25 .// for a two- horse carriage per diem. IV. Excursions on Foot. The pedestrian is unquestionably the most independent of trav- ellers, and to him alone the beautiful scenery of some of the more remote districts is accessible. For a short tour a couple of flannel shirts, a pair of worsted stockings, slippers, the articles of the toi- lette, a light waterproof, and a stout umbrella will generally be found a sufficient equipment. Strong and well-tried boots are es- sential to comfort. Heavy and complicated knapsacks should be avoided ; a light pouch or game-bag is far less irksome, and its position may be shifted at pleasure. A more extensive reserve of clothing should not exceed the limits of a small portmanteau, which can be easily wielded, and may be forwarded from town to town by post. Southern Germany comprises many attractive and picturesque districts, such as the Swabian Alb (R. 11), the Fichtelgebirge (R. 18), Franconian Switzerland (R. 19), and the Bavarian Forest (R. 43). The student of art is strongly recommended to visit Munich, Nuremberg, and Stuttgart, By consulting the Handbook the traveller will discover many other interesting places, whether the object of his tour be amusement or instruction. V. Hotels. Little variation occurs in the accommodation and charges of first-class hotels in the principal towns and watering-places through- out Germany ; but it frequently happens that in old-fashioned ho- tels of unassuming exterior the traveller finds as much real comfort •Bs in the modern establishments, while the charges are lower. The best houses of both descriptions are therefore enumerated. xiv HOTELS. Where the traveller remains for a week or more at a hotel, it is advisable to pay, or at least call for, his account every two or three days , in order that errors may be at once detected. Verbal reckonings are objectionable. A waiter's arithmetic is faulty, and his mistakes are seldom in favour of the traveller. It is also objec- tionable to delay paying one's bill till the last moment, when errors or wilful impositions must be submitted to for want of time to in- vestigate them. Those who intend starting early in the morning will do well to ask for their bills on the previous evening. Pedestrians and travellers of moderate requirements will find the country inns in Southern Germany very reasonable, 5-6s. a day being generally sufficient to include every item. Hotel -keepers who wish to commend their houses to British and American travellers are reminded of the desirability of providing the bed- rooms with large basins , foot-baths , plenty of water , and an adequate supply of towels. Great care should be taken to ensure that the sanitary arrangements are in proper order, including a strong flush of water and proper toilette-paper \, and no house that is deficient in this respect can rank as first-class or receive a star of commendation , whatever may be its excellencies in other departments. The word Pension is used in the Handbook as including board, lodg- ing, and attendance. English travellers often give trouble by ordering things almost unknown in German usage ; and they are apt to become involved in disputes owing to their ignorance of the language. They should therefore endeavour to acquire enough of the language to render them intelligible to the servants, and should try to conform as far as possible to the habits of the country. For this purpose Baedeker s 'Conversation Dictionary' (in four languages ; 3 Ji') and 'Traveller's Manual of Conversation' (3 Jf) will be found useful. Valets-de-place generally charge 2-3 M for half-a-day, and 37.2-5 Jl for a whole day. Abbreviations. R. = Room ; also Route. B. = Breakfast. D. = Dinner. A. = Attendance. L. = Light. M. = English mile. R., L. = right, left. ft. = English foot. omn. = omnibus. N. = North, northern, etc. S. = South, etc. E. = East, etc. W. = West, etc. Jl = mark, pf. = pfennig. fl. = florin, kr. = kreuzer. pens. = pension. Objects of special interest, and hotels which are believed worthy of special commendation are denoted by asterisks. The number prefixed to the name of a place on a railway or high-road indicates its distance in English miles from the starting-point of the route or sub-route. The number of feet given after the name of a place shows its height above the sea-level. The letter d, with a date, after the name of a person, indicates the year of his death. South German Art. A Historical Sketch by Professor Anton Sprinyer. It is neither the function nor the intention of the following sketch to divert the traveller's attention from the beauties of nature and to direct it instead to the study of art. But the great cities of Southern Germany, whether they be the express object of the travel- ler's journey or his temporary resting-places on his way elsewhere, cannot fail of themselves to inspire him with some interest in the art both of the present and of the past; while at numerous other points his glance is arrested and his attention excited by ancient or modern monuments of art. Interest in such things has widened and deepened to a surprizing extent within recent times. A few decades ago old-fashioned German furniture was ignored, and German build- ings of the 16th and 17th centuries were for the most part passed with a contemptuous shrug. Now the 'German Renaissance' is a theme of admiration and an object for eager imitation. Then only a few medicBval cathedrals received the meed of general admiration or passed muster as true works of artistic genius , while tlie over- whelming majority of mediaeval works remained unknown and un- regarded. Now hardly anyone is either wholly indifferent to or wholly ignorant of the development of art in the middle ages. The culti- vation of the historic sense has largely affected the aesthetic attitude in this direction, swelling the aggregate of artistic interest and bringing tlie more remote periods within the limits of intelligent comprehension. It is the object of the following lines to support and extend this historic sense. The civilization and art of Southern Germany reach back to a very early period ; they antedate by a thousand years the entrance of the North German lands into the light of authentic history. Numerous excavations have yielded traces of an early intercourse with Italy, carried on to some extent before the Christian era; and not less numerous traces have been found of the Roman settlements that were established along the great trade-routes and waterways, though these Roman discoveries are far inferior both in extent and import- ance to those in the valley of the Moselle and elsewhere on the left bank of the Rhine. The Roman remains at Treves appeal to the imagination of the ordinary traveller, while the Roman remains in Noricum and Rhaetia arrest the attention of the archieologist only. Christianity early made its way into Southern Germany (St. Severin- us ; oth cent.), and Frank and Irish missionaries reaped a rich harvest. Convent after convent was founded ; and there is probably no other district where monastic establishments were so thickly xvi SOUTH GERMAN ART. planted about the close of the 10th cent., as the banks of theDanube, at the foot of the Alps. Most of these preserved their celebrity and their wealth almost down to the present century, though their im- portance as art-monuments has in many instances disappeared with the substitution of new buildings for old ones. No considerable art- monuments have come down to us even from the Carlovingian period, which saw the beginning of Ratisbon's importance, except in the domains of the goldsmith's craft and miniature-painting. The Reiche Capelle at Munich contains the finest specimens of the former, the libraries at Munich and Vienna of the latter. The unbroken chain of artistic activity begins for us about the 10th century. The art -style which prevailed from the 10th to the 13th cent, is generally known as the Romanesque. Its characteristics find their most distinct expression in ecclesiastical architecture. The plan of the Romanesque church was suggested by the Roman basilica of early-Christian times, the essence of which consisted in an oblong hall, divided into three aisles by two rows of columns. At one end of the basilica was a semicircular vaulted recess, known as the Apsis; at the other end was a fore-court (Atrium), enclosed by a portico. Occasionally a transept was interposed between the three-aisled nave and the apse, and thus the whole building gradually assumed the clearly marked form of a cross. In the course of centuries and in different countries this early-Christian nucleus underwent numerous modifications, some due to the use of new building materials, some to peculiarities of national customs, but most to the at first slowly growing improvement in technical skill. It is apparent from the earliest Romanesque edifices, that their builders had difficulty in rising to the demands of their task, and that they had but scanty notions of measure and proportion. Romanesque architecture did not attain an artistic perfection until the 12th century. It is not difficult to identify a Romanesque building and at the same time to decide with some certainty whether it belongs to the earlier or later period {i.e. 11th or l'2th cent.). The characteristic forms of the Romanesque style are everywhere essentially the same. The round arch is used to unite the interior pillars or columns, to finish off windows and portals, and to form a continuous frieze on the exterior wall ; the columns have either cubical capitals or foliage- capitals modelled on the antique ; the ornamentation is predominantly either in the geometric style [lozenges; zigzags; checker-work) or of conventionalized foliage. In the earlier churches vaulting is used only for the crypt, the burial vaults, and the apse, while the nave has a fiat roof; but by the 12th cent, we find the vault-principle triumphant, while the supporting pillars are also more richly articulat- ed. At the foot of the columns appears the base-ornament, uniting the plinth with the torus of the base. Though it is thus easy to recognize the general Romanesque character of a building, there are no sufficiently distinctive peculi- SOUTH GERMAN ART. xvii arities to dilTerentiate the style prevailing in Southern Germany from that prevailing? elsewhere. Even when we confine ourselves to nar- rowed limits and enquire whether the Romanesque buildings in Southern Germany could be classified into Alemannlc, Swabian, Bavarian, and Austrian groups, we arrive at no satisfactory result. AH that we can say is that columns are frequently used to support the upper walls (this form being known as the columned basilica) and that there is a frequent tendency towards a richly decorative, and even fantastic arrangement of the interior fittings. No traveller in the neighbourhood of the Lake of Constance should omit to visit the three churches on the island of Reichenau (p. 55); that at Ober- zell, a small columned basilica, dates back to the 10th cent. ; while the larger church at Mittelzell is probably one of the oldest piUar- basilicas in the district. The church of the former Benedictine abbey of Alpirshach (p. 39) in the Kinzig-Thal. founded in the 11th cent., surprizes us by its stately proportions and the perspicuous devel- opment of the ground-plan; while another Swabian church, at Maul- bronn (p. 15), is an excellent specimen of a large, medisval con- ventual edifice. Ratisbon (p. 119) is rich in Romanesque buildings, including the Cathedral, the Obermiinster, the Schottenkirche, and the church of St. Emmeram. Several of these have been sadly disfigured by later decorations; and, indeed, the true Romanesque nucleus of many churches can only with difficulty be disentangled from later alterations. The meaning of the chaotic plastic embel- lishments on the portal of the Schottenkirche will probably excite the curiosity of the ordinary traveller even less than the sculptures in the spacious crypt of Fremng Cathedral (p. 136), which are, at any rate, decorative in their general effect. The churches above mentioned, some of which lie quite off the main lines of communication, appeal on the whole mainly to the professional archaeologist or architect. There is. however, at least one Romanesque church in Southern Germany which will excite the warm admiration of the tourist and yield him unqualified delight — viz. the Cathedral of Bamberg (p. 77). The plan of this church in- cludes a nave and aisles, an elevated choir at each end with a crypt below, and a transept between the AV. choir and the nave. In comparison with other buildings in the same style it takes a preem- inent place by its imposing dimensions, by its spacious, airy, and harmonious proportions, by the elaborate ornamentation of its portals (Fiirstenthor), and by the number and variety of its towers. The occurrence of the pointed arch must not mislead the visitor into the error of taking it as a sign of the admixture of Gothic elements. The Gothic style is not characterized by the pointed arch, which was also used in earlier times, but by its system of buttresses to counteract the thrust of the vaulting, by its abundant use of ar- ticulation, and by the rich ornamentation applied to wall-surfaces and other non-constructive portions of the building. Baedeker's S. Germany. 8th Edit. b xviii SOUTH GERMAN ART. The early-Gothic period is but scantily represented in Southern Germany, and it is not till the second half of the 13th century that the Gothic Style appears here in a developed and victorious form, while the building activity of the t^vo foUovring centuries brought it to a pitch of great perfection. The number of Gothic edifices on South German soil is very large, and the variety they sho-w is very remarkable. An imposing series of cathedrals, accompanied by at least as many parochial city-churches and conventual churches, extends all the -way from Alsace to the borders of Hungary. The Cathedral of Freiburg (see Baedeker's Rhine~) may be coupled with Strassburg Cathedral, as among the finest structures of its class, if not in unity of style, yet by the completeness of its execution and by its imposing tower and airy pyramid of perforated masonry. "With the exception of Prague Cathedral, the choir of which shows the influence of French models, the South German cathedrals testify to considerable independence on the part of their architects. The French masters were probably not unknown to them, but they did not allow themselves to be dominated by foreign ideas. The Cathe- dral of Ratishon (p. 120), begun in 1275 and completed after a long interval in our own days, shows neither the marked development of the transept nor the rich elaboration of the choir which were custom- ary in the cathedrals of Western Europe. The transept does not project beyond the aisles, and the nave and aisles each end in a separate apse instead of the aisles extending in the form of an ambulatory round the choir. Another peculiarity in German cathe- drals is that the nave and aisles are occasionally of the same height — a peculiarity found nowhere else in cathedral-architecture, the beginning and early development of which must be attributed to the architects of Northern France. Thus the choir of the Cathedral of St. Stephen, at Vienna, a work of the 14th century, has its nave and aisles of the same height, while the main nave of the church, of a little later date, is but slightly higher than the aisles and is united under the same roof with them. The Minster of Vim (p. 32) is only a parish-church, and thus lacks the extensive choir necessary for the numerous clergy of a cathedral, while it has only one tower on the facade ; the ambition of the citizens, however, made it one of the largest and loftiest Gothic churches in Germany, and it ranks worthily with the cathedrals of Freiburg, Ratisbon, and Vienna. The interior originally consisted of a nave and two aisles, all of equal breadth; but at a later period the latter were subdivided by rows of slender round pillars. The number of the notable Gothic churches in Southern Germany is by no means exhausted by the foregoing list of cathedrals and minsters. The towns of Swabia were marked by great zeal and activity in building during the later middle ages. In the Liebfrauen- kirche Esslingen (p. 29) possesses a masterpiece, which, though of small dimensions, is rich in ornamentation of every kind, culminat- SOUTH GERMAN ART. xlx ing ill tlie graceful open-work tower. Similar small towers of open- work are found at Bebenhausen, near Tiibingen, at Thann^ in Alsace, and at Maria-Strassengel^ in Styria. Among the other fine Gothic churches of Swahia are the minster of i'eberlingen, on tlie Lake of Constance (p. 58 ), the church of Gmund (p. 28 ), the i;hief churcli of NurdUngen ( p. Ill), the church of St. George at Dinkelsbiihl (p. 112), and the abbey-church of Tubingen (p. 36). The churches oi Nurem- berg (p. 95) form a well-known group. It is true that neither St. Sebaldus nor St. Lawrence has been finished on a uniform plan, choir and nave in each case showing different styles of architecture; b\it the impression produced by the choir and richly decorated briilal door of St. Sebaldus and by the facade of St. Lawrence is a very strik- ing one. The small importance attached to tradition even in the 14th century is illustrated by the way in which the facade of the Frauen- Tcirche (p. 99) differs from earlier ecclesiastical fronts. In Bavaria our attention and interest are mainly excited by a few huge brick edifices, like the Frauenkirche at Munich (p. 189) and St. Martin's Church at Landshut (p. 135), which served as the model of a whole series of churches. The Gothic style was also sedulously cultivated in Bohemia from the time of Charles IV. onwards. In Prague there are the Cathedral, the Teynkirche, and the Synagogue, while the bold vaulting of the Karlshof Church also excites the interest of the architect ; and there are other handsome edifices, some of which recall the earlier cathedral-style, in such provincial towns as Kolin, Kut- teuberg, Pilsen, and Eger. Towards Italy the limits of the spread of the Gothic style is marked by the parish-church of Botzen. towards the East by the chiirch of St. Elizabeth at Kaschau. Few of the parochial and mon- astic churches of the towns are remarkable for their structural forms, which are generally of great simplicity, while the original kernel is often wholly lost amid alterations and additions. The richness and artistic merit of the decoration of their individual parts is, however, perhaps all the more striking on this account. The architect is thrown into the shade by the sculptor and the stone-carver. The mouldings on the walls, the tracery of the windows, the details of the buttresses, and the carvings of the doorways are all executed with the most admirable care and in the richest and most delicate manner, while the interior of the church is filled with works of art in metal, stone, and wood. Sculpture and Painting both find a favourable soil in Southern Germany in the 15th century. The former, in particular, is indebted for its solid foundation and its admirable command of technical skill to its diligent practitioners of the Gothic period. It thus does not break abruptly with tradition, but gradually fits the new realistic features into the frame-work of the old forms. For centuries the tasks of the sculptor remain the same; he has to chisel tombstones of stone, to carve altars in wood, to cast fonts in metal. Tlie ap- b* xt .SOUTH GERMAN ART. plication of metal to monumental works is of comparatively late introduction ; hence in this sphere the deviation from the mediaeval style is most striking, while in works of marble, stone, and wood sug- gestions of Gothic art may he traced even in the 16th century. Sculp- tures in stone and wood continue to be decidedly the most popular branches of art. AVood-carving was diligently practised from the earliest times in such Alpine districts as Ammergau, while the wood- carvers of the great towns of Southern Germany also found ample employment in the preparation of large altars, choir-stalls, and the like. The sculptures on the altars were usually painted. This poly- chrome decoration was rendered necessary, partly by the nature of the material, which possessed no rich colouring of its own, and partly by the immediate neighbourhood of the pictures, which were generally added as wings to the carved centre of the altar. Altars of this kind may be studied either in museums (Bavarian National Museum at Munich, Germanic Museum at Nuremberg), or in their original positions at Rothenburg^ Blaubeuren^ Gmund^ St. Wolfgang^ and many other places. A few of their artists are still known by name. The two most important are Jorg Syrlin^ first heard of in 1458 and the creator of the choir-stalls of the Minster of Ulm, and Veit Stoss of Cracow (? 1438-1532), who is known to us by his works in Nuremberg, produced almost wholly towards the close of a long life. Ulm and Nuremberg, and next to them Augsburg, are the chief centres of South German art in the 15th and IGth centuries. But this by no means implies that the other free towns of the empire neglected the pursuit of art. On the contrary, local research is con- stantly adding new names to the artistic roll of honour. It is, how- ever, only in the three towns named that we find anything like schools of art or an artistic activity of more than local interest. The chief painter at Ulm was Bartholomdus Zeitblom, the son-in-law of the venerable Hans Schuelein. He flourished in 1484-1517, and his works, which may be seen in the galleries of Stuttgart and Augs- burg and the Pinakothek of Munich, are distinguished by the clearness and vigour of their colouring, though the drawing is hard and the types of his heads uupleasing and deficient in variety. Of his pictures, as of early-German paintings in general, it may be as- serted that the colouring is their strongest point, even though lack- ing in a delicate graduation of tone. They also succeed better with individual figures and quiet groups than with dramatic situations, the representation of which often led to exaggerated eifects and the admixture of coarsely realistic traits. The Augsburg school is best represented by Hans Burgkmair (1473-1531), a master gifted with a fine sense for landscape beauty, and by Holbein the Elder (1460-1524). The latter in especial, now that a number of works formerly ascribed to his son have been ac- credited to him, ranks among the most interesting of early-German painters. His professional activity may be traced from the last decade SOUTH GERMAN ART. xxi of the 15th century onwards. For a considerable time his personal gifts do not help him to transcend the limits of the prevailing style. Eeven his Madonnas and women are lacking in charm; in emotional scenes, such as the Passion, a tendency to the coarse and common is apparent. [This early manner of the painter is best studied at the Augsburg gallery.] It was not till towards the end of his career — and so far we have not material enough to trace the intermediate devel- opment — that the elder Holbein produced in the Altar of St. Sebastian (Munich Pinakothek) a work that placed him far above all his contem- poraries. He has learned to use the new graces borrowed from Italy, he endues his women's heads with elegance and charm, he models the nude with surprizing accuracy, he exhibits a vigorous realism restrained within due bounds. With the completion of this work in 1516 he disappears from the scene; and the only later information that we possess about him is the news of his death in Alsace some time before 1526. The works of his son Hans Holbein the Younger (1497-1543) cannot be effectively studied except at Bale, to which he migrated at an early age, and in England, where he spent the latter part of his life. The South German galleries, however, contain a few fine examples of his talent. Thus, at Darmstadt is the Ma- donna of Burgomaster Meyer, the original of the celebrated picture at Dresden ; and in the Pinakothek of Munict are two fine portraits. The picture presented by the old, art-loving city of Nuremberg is one that takes by storm the fancy of all. Poets and romance-writers have celebrated the life and activity of the town in trade and in- dustry, science and art, and the spirit of its people, easily moved to love or hate; and they, perhaps, exaggerated its importance as the beau ideal of a mediaeval city. As a matter of fact its artistic activity began at the close of the mediaeval period, and it was in the 16th century that it reached its zenith. The Nuremberg artists are known far and wide. The names of Michael Wohlgemut, Veit Stoss, Adam Krafft, and Peter Yischer are authoritative even with those who know nothing more of early-German art. Wohlgemut (1434-1519) gener- ally passes as the type of the respectable and conscientious painter.who practises his art with honest simplicity. Later researches have, how- ever, somewhat modified this view and credited Wohlgemut with a more important personality ; but this revised judgment applies to him rather in his capacity as engraver than as painter. Adam Krafft, the stone-cutter (ca. 1450-1507), also stands to some extent on the footing of the handicraftsman and follows the tracks of the old tradition. His religious representations (such as the Schreyer Tomb on the outside of St. Sebald's, and the Seven Stations on the way to the Cemetery of St. John) show the regular 15th century mix- ture of pictorial and plastic elements in the composition, and the usual realistic hardness in the individual figures and in the drapery. A few of the heads only (such as those of the Dead Christ and of the Virgin in the relief of the Seventh Station) are permeated by a finer, xxii SOUTH GERMAN ART. personal feeling. He shows himself at his highest degree of freedom from the traditional limitations in the fresh and true relief of the Stadtwage (p. 102j and iu the three small and lifelike statu- ettes that adorn the large late-Gothic ciborium in the church of St. Lawrence. Krafft's worlis are superior to most of the productions of the other Nuremberg sculptors and their congeners, even to those of the diligent Tilman Biemensclineider (d. 1531) of Wiirzburg, whose masterpiece is in Bamberg Cathedral [p. 77). The nameless sculptor of the wooden figure of the Praying Virgin (now in the Germanic Museum, p. 106), of whom we know no other work, is, however, superior to Krafft and to all contemporary sculptors. Krafft's art may be thoroughly studied in his native city ; and Nurem- berg also possesses at least the masterpiece of Peter Vischer (1455- 1529), the celebrated bronze- founder [St. Sebald's Monument). The architectural frame-work enshrining the silver coffin of the saint still shows traces of the conflict between Gothic and Renaissance forms. The small figures of children, Prophets, and Apostles, on the other hand, are creations of a free play of fancy, aiming not merely at truth to nature but also at grace and charm or at dignified and measured seriousness. Peter Vischer was afterwards joined in his foundry by his sons ; but Nuremberg does not afford adequate examples of his later development or of the ever stronger infusion of the Italian Renaissance in the native style. The Little Goose-Man of Pancraz Laftenifoi/" (1492-1563) is an almost solitary instance of the continued lifelike conception of nature coupled with freshness and naivete, A visit to Nuremberg is still less satisfactory for a full ap- preciation of Albrecht Diirer (1471-1528), the greatest of German painters, though the imagination cannot but be pleasantly stimulated by lingering on the spot where he lived and worked. In order to form an adequate judgment of this many-sided master, remarkable alike for the profundity and tlie richness of his artistic conceptions, we must study not only his wood-cuts and engravings, but also his draw- ings. The best collection of these last is found in the Albertina at Vienna, a visit to which will intensely interest the serious student of art. The drawings also afford the only means of uninterruptedly tracing Durers artistic evolution from his early boyish efforts to the products of his closing years. This cannot be said of his paintings, which are distributed very unequally among the different periods of his life. It is really only twice in his career that his activity in painting is so great as to form the main ground of our judgment of him; the first of these periods was during and immediately after his visit to Venice (1505-09), the second was at the end of his life. From the Venetians he borrowed certain details of composition and learned the secret of his clear, warm, vigorous, and harmonious colouring; in the evening of his days he reached a complete plastic command of the pithy power of characterization visible in all his figures. The South German galleries still contain the most important SOUTH GERMAN ART. xxiii products of his art. Munich possesses the Paumgartner Altar, one of his earliest pictures; the portrait of himself, unfortunately retouch- ed, and probably painted somewhat later than the date (1500) on the work itself; and, finally, his masterpiece, the double -panels known as the Four Temperaments (p. 102), with the heads of SS. Peter and John, SS. Paul and Mark. In this work he has, in allusion to the religions disorders of his environment, created four permanent types of Christian character, the corner-stones of the Reform move- ment; he has given pure and lifelike artistic form to the test and the defence of truth. Of the numerous Diirer treasures once preserved in Nuremberg scarcely one remains. The portrait of Ilieronymus Holzschuher (152G), the most perfect portrait we possess from Diirer's hand, formerly in the Germanic Museum, is now at Berlin. The South German galleries afford abundant opportunity for a study of the painters, who were grouped round Diirer and to some extent influenced by him , such as Hans ScMuffelein (d. 1540), Sehald Beham (ca. 1450), Barthel Beham (d. 1540), Alb. AUdorfer (d. 1538), Hans Baldung Grien (d. 1545), and Christoph Amherger (d. 1562). Numerous specimens of these masters will be found in the Munich Pinakothek and in the galleries of Augsburg, Donau- eschingen, and Sigmaringen. Those who have not the leisure or the inclination to study their religious and historical pictures should at least spare a glance for their efforts in portraiture. In this field these masters show to the best advantage their fresh and vigorous observation of nature, unhampered by the prevalent custom of ob- scuring the main subject by a miiltiplicity of detail, or by the at- tempt to create ideal forms without the requisite powers. A revolution in artistic tendencies is already obvious among the masters last named. The traditional style no longer sufficed. The knowledge of Italian art, fostered by the custom, which grew up towards the end of the 15th century, of the visiting of Italy by northern artists , broke through the old barriers and encouraged the imitation of the new models. This Italian influence, how- ever, did not bring any very desirable fruit to maturity. The German masters, like those of the Netherlands, remained essentially Northerners; they studied Italian art but could not assimilate the Italian nature. Though the Italian painters did homage to the ideal in their works, they never disguised their nationality. Even their most idealized creations reveal a direct life which smacks of the soil and the atmosphere. Foreigners could not inspire their paintings with this national trait, and thus, in spite of their personal talents, never advanced beyond the out-works of the Italian style. The race of artists that flourished in the second half of the 16th century stamped the Italian manner still more strongly on their works, aided and abetted in this by the gradual change in the patronage of art. Wliile the earlier form of art was most at home in middle-class circles, various princely patrons of art. such as the Emp. Rudolph II. and the xxiv SOUTH GERMAN ART. Dukes of Bavaria, now step into the foreground. Wood-cuts still remained popular and were widely circulated in the homes of the people ; engravings were chiefly sought as patterns for the metal- worker and other artistic handicraftsmen; but painting now solicited the favour of the art-loving courts. In these Italian art, like Italian culture generally, was strongly in the ascendant. Italian artists and Italian works of art hegan to migrate across the Alps ; and thus the native artists, already attracted by the forms of the Renaissance, received a new inducement to perfect themselves in the schools of Rome, Florence, and Venice. It would be unjust to eliminate en- tirely from the lists of northern artists the names of the Dutch and German masters who followed this course (such as Bartholomdus Spranger, Georg Hufnagel^ Christoph Schwarz^ Johann van Aken^ and Johann RoUenhammer) ; and some of them have produced works of considerable value, especially as regards technical qualities. But it remains true that, however great may be our desire to make 'historical rescues' by emphasizing their merits, it certainly has not yet gone far enough to induce us to profess unqualified pleasure in the works of these mannerists. Those who take an interest in the subject will find innumerable examples of their art in Vienna and in other Austrian galleries. The corresponding movement in architecture and the decorative arts has, on the other hand, become of late astonishingly popular. For the last quarter-of-a-century the German Rbxaissance has obtained almost universal favour and plays a most important role in the national art. Even the layman now shows lively interest in the once unregarded and despised buildings of the German Renaissance, and considers a visitation of them a worthy object for a tour. The name German Renaissance of itself indicates the double root from which the style springs. The German Renaissance could not have come into being without a knowledge of the architecture, which became predominant in Italy through the revived interest in the antique in the 15th century. It borrowed from it the columnar orders, the pilasters, the varieties of cornice, innumerable ornament- al motives, and many other details. It seldom, however, sank to a slavish imitation of its Italian models , but remained faithful in many points to its native traditions and tried to combine these harmoniously with the new forms. It is true that the Gothic tracery, mullions, mouldings, and geometrical patterns had to be given up, and that the pointed arch lost its importance. In the constructive parts, however, in the articulation and ground-plan old usages still generally held their ground. The genesis of the German Renaissance is also the best explanation of it. Even in the early years of the 16th century the German painters and engravers had begun to use the graceful schemes of foliage and branches that were characteristic of the Renaissance ornamentation of Italy; and a knowledge of the different orders of architecture, the rules of which were sought in SOUTH GERMAN ART. xxv Vitruvius,' also quickly penetrated to the N. side of the Alps. The masters of decorative sculpture were the next to adapt themselves to the new Italian style, which we meet on tombstones, screens, foun- tains, and works in wood and metal. Its latest conquest was in the sphere of architecture, where it at flrst appears only in the ornament- al parts such as doors, windows, and the articulation of wall-surfaces. If the builder wished the work to be erected in a pure Italian style, he had to send for an Italian architect; and many Italians crossed the Alps and made plans, which they left to be executed by native workmen. The traces of this intercourse are distinctly recognizable in the German buildings. It was in the sphere of the handicraftsman that the new movement and the artistic advance found their greatest strength ; no wonder that the forms here created attained a universal application and were adopted also by architecture and the monumental arts. Asa matter of fact we meet numerous suggestions of metal-work in architectural ornamentation. The lower parts of the shafts of columns appear as if adorned with mountings of metal ; in other cases hammered iron-work is imitated or the stone is treated as if it were a soft and elastic material. The lofty gable is a distinct reminiscence of the mediaeval house, while the Italian Renaissance is practically destitute of roof-structures; the ri<'hly decorated balcony or oriel is also a northern peculiarity. The manner in which the German Renaissance came into existence explains the want of a uniform type or a normal style. It assumes a different character in each different district. The Renaissance in Northern Germany, so brilliantly developed in timber and brick architecture, differs widely from the Renaissance in Southern Germany, where the greater proxim- ity of Italy exercised a stronger influence. This is especially marked in such imposing ecclesiastical edifices as St. MichaeVs in Munich (p. 190). These buildings, erected under the influence of the order of the Jesuits, bear the stamp impressed by the Jesuits on their buildings in all countries. But the secular buildings also show the influence of the neighbourhood of Italy and of the Italian culture predominant in courts and in aristocratic circles generally. Some buildings are German only through the soil on which they stand, while in style they belong exclusively to the Italian Renaissance : of this number are the so-called Belvedere of Emperor Ferdinand 1. at Prague and the Fugger Bath Rooms at Augsburg (p. IIG). The preference for the Italian style is revealed more strongly in the chateaux of the noblesse than in the private buildings of the towns, the free towns of the empire clinging especially to the older traditions. Southern Germany contains a stately series of chateaux, which, in giving up the character of castles and assuming that of palaces, illustrate in the most signal manner the dilTerence be- tween the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. At the head of these stands the Oito-Heinrichs-Bau at Heidelberg^ the gem of (rerman castle-architecture, which is remarkable for its harmonious proper- 5xvi SOUTH GERMAN ART. tions and architectonic, articulation and still more for its rich and well thouglit - out plastic decoration. When the Friedrichshau was taken in hand a few generations later (16U1), the native workmen had already become entirely accustomed to the new style. The ornamentation of the younger building shows clear traces of its Germanic origin. Few of the other princely chateaux can at all com- pare with that of Heidelberg. The Schloss of Tilhingen (p. 37) still suggests the old style of castle-building, while the fresh and somewhat coarse strength of the Renaissance is most strikingly illustrated in the portals. In the Old Palace of Stuttgart (p. 4), the most attractive part is the inner court, with its arcades ; but our fancy must lend the colours for a picture of the iitting-up of the now somewhat neglected state-rooms. The constantly increasing power of the Bavarian dukes is mirrored in the magnificence of their Palace at Munich (p. 145). It was ]iot always possible to proceed according to a uniform plan. The famous Castle of Landshut (jp. 135). for instance, is wholly irregular in plan and shows clear traces of the different periods in which it was built. The decoration of the rooms is mainly entrusted to the painter, — a fact that alone shows the growth of Italian in- fluence. The same tendency is seen more clearly in the Xew Palace of Landshut (p. 135), the court of which is articulated and decorated exactly in the taste of Italian palaces. A buiWing of great interest is the Old Palace of Munich , erected by Elector Maximilian in 1602-19, planned on an extensive scale, and elaborately adorned with plastic and pictorial ornamentation (the latter now sadly faded). The group of buildings at Prague is, perhaps, the most interesting of the kind on Austrian soil. The new style established itself in the Bohemian capital at an astonishingly early date and maintained itself in comparative purity down to the 17th century. The large loggia on the garden-side of the Wallenstein Palace is the final link of a chain of building activity extending across the whole of the country. In order to give an adequate idea of the German Renaissance, it would be necessary to attempt a full enumeration of the individual buildings, for not only every district, but often each monument in each district, shows peculiarities, the study of which affords genuine pleasure and reveals the wealth of Renaissance art. Now it is a portal, now a babony, or, again, the arrangement of a court or the fitting-up of a room that especially calls for our admiration. The lover of the Renaissance is advised not to confine his wander- ings to the great cities and the chief lines of communication. The keen eye will discover interesting buildings in almost every parish. Thus the towns and villages of Tyrol contain many, hitherto neglected, examples of the Renaissance. A similar remark may be made about many other buildings, not merely with regard to chateaux and manor- houses but also, and in a still higher degree, with regard to the resi- dences of the ordinary citizen. In most cases, indeed, it will be the bare SOUTH GERMAN ART. xxvU arcliitecture alono that the connoisseur will have a chance to enjoy; the interior fittinss, which add so much to the charm of a Renaissance house and contribute not a little to its comprehension, have invari- ably disappeared — perhaps to satisfy the recent craving of museums and collectors. The contents of the older industrial museums were mainly drawn from the treasures of the princely collections that came into vogue in the 16th century. The predominant objects were works of the goldsmith and furniture of costly woods, inlaid with ivory and metal. The equipment of the private house of the Renaissance period was, naturally, much more simple. The panelling of the walls found a counterpart in the well-carved cabinets and coffers; the metal utensils were often made of brass, the general appearance of which harmonized admirably with the wooden fittings; the coarse nature of the pottery was disguised by colour, plastic ornamentation, and variety of form. Where the original furnishing is still in place, the eye will easily recognize the perfect harmony subsisting between the interior fittings and the architectural plan, and will see how the house has, as it were, grown from within outwards. A mere sight of the facades is not enough, especially when the Renaissance houses occur sporadically among modern edifices. A better idea is gained from rows of houses, streets, or squares not yet invaded by the modern builder. Nuremberg formerly stood unquestionably at the head of all German Renaissance towns. A number of patrician houses of the 16th and the beginning of the ITth century can, it is true, still be cited ; but the general appearance of the town has begun to alter. On the other hand Rothenburg on the Tauber (p. 128), with its Rathhaus, towers, fountains, and well-preserved houses, still presents an almost unimpaired picture of a German town of the Renaissance period. Here, as in most of the free towns of the empire, the details of construction and ornamentation borrowed from the native traditions or directly due to the national spirit are seen in great force, while the Italian influence is much slighter than in the case of palaces and chateaux. It is not till the 17th century that the Italian style becomes predominant in municipal architecture, as in the fai;ade of the Nuremberg Rathhaus and the splendid interior (Goldner Saal) of the Augsburg Rathhaus, Owing, however, to its lively intercourse with Venice, the Italian style found comparatively ready acceptance at Augsburg and had f'e.jr.J familiarized the Augsburgers with the fashion of painted fa<;ades. The period of the Thirty Years' War sadly interrupted the evolu- tion of German art and broke off many bleeding branches from the tree of German culture. Some departments of art did not recover for two centuries; the once so popular work of the wood-carver was forgotten ; painting was but scantily cultivated and sank to a greater dependence on foreign models than ever before. From this calamitous period dates the predominance of the foreigner in all matters of taste. Thus the contemplation of the art-life of Germany in the second half of the 17th and the first half of the 18th century gives but little xxviii SOUTH GERMAN ART. satisfaction. The greatest activity took place in Southern Germany and Austria, and those who can overcome their dislike on general grounds to the BABoauE Style M-ill find here many and varied proofs of a renewed interest in art. In Italy a decided revolution in archi- tecture had taken place towards the close of the 16th century. "While the individual Renaissance forms were retained, a new spirit was apparent in their embodiment and combination. The old and genuine Renaissance style seemed too cold and too simple, and not sufficiently effective. The architectural members were made coarser and more massive, the straight line was replaced by curves, the help of light and shade was appealed to. The fa^^ade assumes a curved form; columns are moved towards the front and draw the entire entablature with them; gables and cornices are made to project strongly; the profiles are more accentuated ; ornamentation is used to an exaggerated extent, almost obscuring the constructive elements. This baroque style, which is at bottom closely akin to the contemporary mannerism and the increased realism in painting and sculpture, soon found acceptance in Southern Germany. We see it in the numerous churches and convents that were rebuilt with increased magnificence after the close of the Thirty Years' War; and we likewise see it in all its pomp, but also with all its weaknesses, in the numerous palaces built between 1680 and 1740. The Palace of Versailles is imitated in a few cases only (Nymphenburg. Mannheim); the predominant style is -the Italian baroque, especially as it had been developed by Borromini. Excellent examples of the baroque style are found in Wiirzburg, Munich^ Vienna, and especially at Prague, Mhere the traveller may go through a complete course in baroque architecture and become familiar with all its peculiarities. Architecture became practically paralysed about the middle of last century in consequence of the wars between Prussia and Austria. On the other hand an attempt was made, without much success, to revive the art of painting by the foundation of academies at Vienna and Stuttgart (Karlsschule). At the beginning of the present century the young artists of Germany had still to make the pilgrimage to Rome in order to train their eye and taste and to enkindle their imagination before the works of classical and old Italian art. More recent events must be passed over with a word. In the reign of King Lewis I. Munich won a European reputation as a school of art through the creations of Cornelius and his associates ; and after a period of stagnation about the middle of the century it has again reached a position of great importance. Vienna has been specially distinguished for its successes in architecture, while Stuttgart enjoys a well-merited renown in the domain of industrial art. WUKTEMBERG. 1. Stuttgart and Environs. Railway Stations. 1. Haupt-Bahnhofy or Central Station (PI. E, 3), at the corner of the Schloss-Str. and the Friedrichs-Sfr. — 2. West Station (the former Hasenberg Station), at the W. extremity of the town (see p. 12). — 3. Zahnrad - Bahnhof or Mountain Railway Station (PI. D, 7), Filder-Str., for the trains to Degerloch, Mohringen, and Hohenheim. Hotels. *Marquakdt (PL a; E, 8), conveniently situated near the station, with electric lighting and steam-heat, R , L., & A. 2V2-6, B. 1, D. at i o'clock 3, at 5 o'clock 4 JU^ pens, for a prolonged stay at lower charges. — *H6tel Dierlamm (PI. e; E, 3), Friedrichs-Str. 30, near the station, R. 2'/2 ^s *H6tel Rotal (PI. b ; E, 3), Schloss-Str. 5, opposite the station, R., L., & A. 2-3, B. 1, D. 21/2 c^,- *SiLBEB (PI. d; F, 4), Dorotheen-Str. 2, R., L., & A. 2-3 Jt ^ B. 80 pf. , D. 21/2, omn. 1/2 -^^ good cuisine; Webek (PI. f; E. 3), Schloss-Str. 7, opposite the station, R 2-2V2 Jt, B. 70 pf. ; *Textor (PI. h; E, 3), R. 1 M 80 pf., B. 1 . D. 21/2 Jl; Obebpollinger (PI. g; E. 3), Zach (PI. i; E, 3), Bilfixger. Dbei JIohre.n', all in the Friedrichs-Str., near the station, moderate and unpretending; Konig von WObttemberg (PI. c; E, 4), Kronprinz-Str. 26; Hot. Ihle (PI. k; E, 3), Schelling-Str. ; Goldner Bar (PI. 1; F, •'), Esslinger-Str. 19; Bertraud, Calwer-Str. 7, R., L., & A. 1V-.-2, B. 1/2, D- 2 M: Hiller, Leder-Str. 6, unpretending ; Herzqg Cheistoph (Evangelischer Verein), Christoph-Str. 16, R. 11/4-2 J5J; KcEopAiscHER Hop (Katholischer Verein), Friedrictjs-S'r. 10. — Pensions. Sigle, Moser-S'r. 28; Ooberi Schloss-S'r. 57; iS^j'ic/^ Blumen- Str. 27; ErrA Xeckar-Str. i8B ■,Bunzel, Olga-Str. IU5 BulhUng, 01ga-Str.31; Slutz, Wera-Str. 6. Cafes-Restaurants. '^Bechtel. Schloss-Str. 14; "Wienfr Caf6 KonigsbaUy in the Konigsbau (p. 3), with ladies' room; Bachner, Charlotten-'^tr. 26; Residenz-Cafi, Friedrichs-Str. 62; Wiener Cafi, Konigs-Str. 62; Konig Karl, Schul-Str. 20, overlooking theKonigs-Str. ; Krvg Charlotten-Str. 8; Murschel, Post-Str. 1. — Restaurants. 'Railway Restaurant ; "Dierlamm, 'I!6t. Roi/al, with garden (see above); 'Kaiserho/^ Marien-Str. 10; Weber (see above), near the station; ' Zdch (see above), Friedrichj-Str. 54; Fail, Kronprinz- Str. la; Michoud^ Linden-Str. 5; Rauh, Sophien-Str. 35; Adler, Marktplatz 18; Old German Beer-Room in the E6t. Hiller, Leder-Str. 6; Friedel (Munich beer), Linden-Str. 14. — Beer Gardens. -Stadt-Garten (p. 10), adm. 50 pf . ; NiWs Thier-garten (p. 2); Englischer Garten, Ludwigsburger-Str. 16, above the horse-groups in the Anlagen, with fine view; Schiltzenhaus-Garten, Kanonenweg, with fine view; Dinkelacker, Tiibinger-Str. 46; Wulle, Neckar- Str. 60; Liederhalle-Garten (p. 10), free except on Sun. afternoon and Tues. evening; H6t. Royal, Dierlamm, Te.ttor, see above. — Wine Rooms. * Weber d: Fromm (in the old-German style). Kanzlei-Str. 3; Gutscher, Rothebiihl-Str. 1; Klug, Esslinger-Str. 10; Zur Schule, Schul-Str. 11; Treiber, Calwer-Str. 2. Cabs. Per drive of 10 min. for 1-2 pers. 60 pf., 3-4 pers. 80 pf. ; 1/4 hr. 80 pf. or 1 U^; 20 min. 1 »y^ or 1 Jl 20; 20-30 min. i J(. 20 ov i Ji 60; 30-40 min. 1 .^ 50 or 2 Jf ; 40-50 min. IJf 80 or 2 Jf 40; 5^1-60 min. 2 J( 10 or 2 J( 80; each additional 10 min. 30 or 40 pf. — In driving to the railway station, theatre, concerts, or at night, the driver may demand the fare in advance. For drives in the environs a bargain should be struck beforehand. Tramway. Chief station in the Schloe^platz, by the Konig.'^bau. Thence every 6 min. through the Neckar-Strasse to Berg and the Konig-Karl-Brncke at Cannstatt; through the K6nigs-8tr., Tiibimger-Str., Marien-Platz (Moun- tain Railway Station, p. 11), Bdblinger-Str., Esslinger-Str., Huuptstatter- Baedekeb's S. Germany. 8th Edit. 1 2 Route 1. STUTTGART. Collections. Str., and Tubinger-Str. ; Charlotten-Str., Olga-Str., and Wilhelm-Str. ; through the Olga-Str. to the Wilhelm-Str., Schloss-Str., Liederhalle, Mili- tar-Str., and Silberburg; Calwer-Str.. Eothebiihl-Str., and Schwab-Str. ; Friedrichs-Str., Bahnhof-Str., and Prag Cemetery. A branch-line, begin- ning at the Eugen-Str. (PI. G, 3), runs through the Neckar-Str., Haupt- statter-Str., Tiibinger-Str., Marien-Platz (see above), and Boblinger-Str. Fare in the town 10, beyond it 15-30 pf. Post Office (PI. E, 3), Fiirsten-Str. 2, adjoining the railway-station. Branch -offices: Paulinen-Str. 35, Wilhelms - Platz 13a, Neckar-Str. 121, Johannes-Str. 85, Olga-Str. 32, Eothebiihl-Str. 102 a. — Telegraph Offices at the Post Office, Fiirsten-Str. 2. Enquiry Office of the 'Verein fiir Fremdenverkehr"' at M. Wildfs book- shop, Kbnigs-Str. 38 (information of all kinds gratis). Baths. "Stuttgart Swimming Baths (PI. C, D, 8 ; p. 10), Biichsen-Str. 53V2, with two large swimming basins (for summer and winter), and Turkish and other baths; Charlotien-Bad, Charlotten-Str. 15; Johannes-Bad, Rothe- btihl-Str. 55; Wilhelmsbad, Schlosser-Str. 9 (Turkish baths at all three). Theatres. Royal Theatre (PI. F, 8), daily (box-office open 11-1 and 8-4) ; closed in July and August. — Summer Theatre at Berg, see p. 12. — Theatre of Varieties in the Reichshallen, Karl-Str. 3 (PI. F, 4). Military Concerts at the Stadt- Garten (p. 10) daily in summer and on Wed. & Sat. in winter ; at the Liederhalle Garden, Kaiserhof, and Bachner''s Restaurant (see p. 1) ; also at NiWs Thiergarten on Sun. & Wed. (see below). — A band plays every Sun. at noon in the Schlossplatz, except during the autumn manoeuvres. Sights and Collections : Antiquities, Collection of (p. 5), daily 11-1 & 2-4 (from Nov. to March 11-2 & 2-8); closed on Monday. Art Union, Exhibition of the (■p. 9), week-days 9-5, Sun. 11-4, holidays 11-1; adm. 50 pf- ; closed on Saturday. Engravings, Cabinet of, see Museum of Art. Industrial Mtiseum (p. 10), week-days 10-12 & 2-6: Collection of Models also on Sun., 10.30-12.80. Kunstgewerbeverein, Exhibition of the (p. 3), week-days 9-6, Sun. 11-4; adm. 20 pf. Kunsiverein, see Art Union. Landesgewerbe-Museum, see Industrial _Muteum. Lapidarium, see Museum of Art. Library (p. 5), week-days 10-12 & 2-5; closed on Saturday. -Museum of Art (p. 6), Tues., Wed., & Frid. 10-3 (Nov. to April, 11-8), Sun. 11-3; at other times, fee. Engravings, Tues., Wed., Thurs., & Frid. 2-4. Lapidarium (Roman Stone Monuments), Sun. 11-12. Natural History, Cabinet of (p. 5), week-days 11-12 & 2-4, Sun. 11-1 & 2-4 (Nov. to March, daily 11-12 & 2-3) ; closed on the great festivals. NiWs Thiergarten (p. 10), open all day ; adm. 50 pf. Panorama (p. 10), open all day; adm. 1 Ji. Royal Palace {Residenz; p. 4), week-days 9-6, Sun. & holidays 11-6; gratuity 1 These three are shown in summer (15th April -15th Oct.) daily, 9-12 (Sun. and holidays 11-12) and 2-6. Tickets (1-6 pers. 25 pf.) in the Enquiry Office men- rctu, uciy y^y. x4.) , lioncd above. Tickets for Villa Berg also at Olga- I Str. 33, for Rosenstein and Wilhelma at the office 'Wilhelma (p. 13) I of the Obersthofmeister in the Old Palace (p. 4). J Fees forbidden. Principal Attractions (for a visit of two days). First Day. In the morning, "Schlossplatz (p. 3), Sfiftskirche (p. 4), Industrial Museum (p. 10), Stadt-Garten (p. lU) ; afternoon, Schloss- Garten (p. 9), Rosenstein (p. 13), 'Wil- helma (p. 13). — Second Day. In the morning, Museum of Art (p. 6), Cabinet of Natural History (p. 5) ; afternoon , by "Railway to the West Station (p. 12), "Jdgerhaus. — Any additional time may be devoted to the Uhlandshohe (p. 11), Villa Berg (p. 12), and a trip by mountain-railway to iroA tpnsiiy ndT3Jpo>>0 Konigsbau. STUTTGART. /. Route. 3 Degerloch (p. 11), returning via the Schillerhohe (p. 11) and the yeue Wein- steige. — Excursion to the Solitude, see p. 14; to Ludwigthurg , see p. 15. British Consil, A. v. Katdla, Esq., Schloss-Str. 47. — United States Consul, Alfred C. Johnson, Esq., Herdweg 11 B. English Church (PI. 13; F, 6) in the Olga-Strasse; services on Sun. at 8 a. m., 10.30 a. m., and 6 p. m.; on Frid. and Saints' Days at 10.30. a. m. — Wesleyan Church, Sophien-Str. ; service at 10.45 a. m. — Methodist Chapel at Cannstatt (p. 11). Stuttgart (892 ft.), the capital of Wurtemberg , with 139,660 inhab. (mainly Protestants, and including a garrison of 3200 men), a city of comparatively modern origin, is beautifully situated 2-21/2 M. from the Neckar, and surrounded by picturesque vine-clad and wooded heights. The name first occurs in a charter of 1229; from 1265 to 1325 it was the favourite residence of the counts of Wurtemberg ; it became the capital of the country in 1482; and at length, in the reigns of Kings Frederick (1797-1816), William I. (1816-64), and Charles (1864-91), it attained its present dimensions and appear- ance. In the modern revival of Renaissance forms of art, Stuttgart has taken a prominent part through its numerous talented architects. The inner town is intersected from S.W. to N.E. by the hand- some Konigs-Strasse^ 3/4 M. in length, formed in part by filling up the old moat. In this street, opposite the Schloss-Platz , rise the Kbnigin-Olga-Bau (PI. F, 3), erected in 1893-95, and the imposing Konigsbau (PI. E, 3), 440 ft. long and 135 ft. wide, erected by Leins in 1856-60. In front is an Ionic colonnade, broken by two projecting Corinthian porticoes. The lower story contains a cafe- restaurant (p. 1) and the permanent exhibition of the Kunstgewerbeverein^ with the latest achievements of the industrial arts (adm., see p. 2); on the first floor are large concert and ball rooms. — Adjoining the Konigsbau is the Palace of the Crown Prince (PL E, 4). On the right, farther on, are the Bazaar, the Kanzlei (government-offices), and the ^Ministerium' of the Exterior, or Foreign Office (PI. E, 4). The extensive *Schloss-Platz (PI. E, F, 3, 4) is adorned with a Column, 93 ft. high, erected in 1841 to the memory of King William, and crowned with a Concordia in bronze, 15 ft. high, from a design by Hofer. At the corners of the pedestal are represented the 'Lehr- stand', 'Nahrstand', 'Wehrstand' (i.e. the teachers, the bread-win- ners, and the defenders of the country) , and Commerce , also by Hofer. The reliefs on the pedestal represent the confirmation of the constitution, the battles of La Fere-Champenoise and Brienne, and the storming of Sens , and are cast in bronze from designs by Wagner. The genii at the base of the two neighbouring fountains, representing the rivers of Wurtemberg, are by Kopp. Opposite rises the Monument of Duke Christopher of "Wurtemberg (d. 1568), erected in 1889, adorned with reliefs from his life on the pedestal by Paul Milller. In the grounds to the right is a Marble Bust of Dannecker, by Kurfess(1888), crowned by a genius in bronze. Band on Sun, (see p. 2). The new Palace (PI. E, 3, 4), built in 1746-1807 and unoc- 1* 4 Route 1. STUTTGART. Palace. cupied since the death of the Queen Dowager Olga in 1892, consists of a central building, adorned with a gilded crown, and of two wings, and contains ahout 360 apartments. The hall, the staircase, and the 'marble', the 'blue', the 'white', and the 'dining' rooms are best worth seeing (adm., see p. 2; entrance in the S.W. wing). The groundfloor and first floor contain a series of large frescoes by Gegenbaur, executed in 1843-45, cliiefly from the history of Count Eberhard im Bart (see below). Among the numerous pictures may be mentioned: Pollak, Oriental woman with carrier-pigeon; E. Stockier, Lady of the 18th cent, (water-colour). Sculptures: Dannecker, Bacchus, Venus. Few of the others are original works. Then china from the factories of Lud- wigsburg and Meissen, Sevres porcelain presented by Napoleon I., Pom- peian antiques, etc. A collection of upwards of 500 Majolica vases of the 16th cent, (from Faenza and Urbino), purchased at Venice in the 18th cent, by Duke Charles Eugene, ia not usually shown to visitors. The N. wing of the palace adjoins the Boyal Theatre (^Hof theater ; PI. E, 3). On the E. side of the palace are the Private Royal Stables (PI. E, 4), and at the end of the Konigs-Strasse are the Royal Mews (PI. F, 3). The Old Palace (PI. E, F, 4), on the S. side of the Schloss- Platz, erected by Trefsc/i in 1553-70, forms an irregular quadrangle, with round towers at the corners and a court surrounded by arcades in the middle. On the S. side is the entrance to the tasteful Gothic Chapel (restored). In the court rises the equestrian Statue of Count Eberhard im Bart (d. 1496), a Count of Wurtemberg who was created a duke by the Emp. Max, by Hofer (1859). This palace contains the office of the Obersthofmeister, or chief intendant of the palace (see p. 2; open on week-days 8-9 a.m.). In the E. tower the second floor is reached by an inclined plane instead of a staircase. In the Schiller-Platz , which adjoins the Old Palace on the W., rises the *Statue of Schiller (PL E, 4), designed by Thorwaldsen, and erected in 1839 by subscriptions from all parts of Germany. On the S. side of the Schiller-Platz is the *Stiftskirche (PI. E, 4 ; bell at the S. Portal), Protestant since 1534, in the Gothic style, erected in 1436-95. Towers unfinished. Reliefs on the S. Portal: Christ bearing the Cross, Christ and the Apostles. The interior, restored by Heideloff in 1839-43, contains ^Stained Glass of 1848-51, from drawings by Neher: in the choir the Nativity, Crucifixion, Resurrection, Pentecost, and the Last Judgment; in the organ-choir King David. By the N. wall of the choir, eleven ''Stone Figures of Counts of Wurtemberg, dating from the close of the 16th century. The chapels to the left and right of the choir contain many old monuments, inclu_ding the painted stone monument of Count Albert von Hohenlohe (d. 1575) in the Urbankapelle (left). Adjacent, at the end of the N. aisle, is an old votive relief in stone, representing Christ as the Judge of the World (above), and the Wise and Foolish Virgins (below). Gothic pulpit in stone, of the beginning of the 16th cent., with reliefs, disfigured by bronzing. A few paces to the S. lies the Market Place (PI. E, 4), the centre of old Stuttgart, with a few patrician dwelling-houses of the 16th cent, and the insignificant Town Hall. The latter is to be replaced by a new structure. — The Markt-Strasse leads to the S.E. Academy. STUTTGART. 1. Route. 5 to the St. Leonhards-Piatz, with the late-Gothic church of St. Leon- hard (PL F, 5). By the choir is a 'Calvary' of 1501, recently restored by Donndorf. The Olga-Strasse, which runs hence to the E., and in which is the new English Church (PI. F, 5), built by Wagner, and the Neckar- Strasse, which begins at the Charlotten-Platz, are among the finest of the new streets. At the beginning of the Neckae-Strasse (through which runs the tramway to Berg and Cannstatt, p. 12), on the right, is the Palace of King William II. (Pi. F, 4). In the Charlotten-Platz opposite are Marble Busts of Bismarck and Moltke, by Donndorf (1889). To the right, at the other corner of the Charlotten-Str., is the Kriegsministerium or war-office. No. 4, adjoining the palace , is occupied by the State Archives (PI. F, 4). On the middle and upper floors and in the N. wing (Neckar-Str. 6) of this building is the extensive and valuable *Cabinet of Natural History (adm., see p. 2). The collections are divided into two sections, the one general, the other relating to Wurtemberg only. On the groundfloor is the Mineralo- gical-Geognostic-Palaeontological Collection relating to Wurtemberg: miner- als from the old Black Forest mines ; specimens of the geological formations from the earliest to the latest periods; and prehistoric antiquities down to the lake - dwelling era. Observe the numerous saurians (lubyrintho- don, etc.), the pentacrinites , the group with thirteen mammoth's teeth, and the twenty-four lizards from the white sandstone of Stuttgart. — The second floor contains the Zoological Museum: in the wing to the right are mammalia; in the chief hall to the left are birds (Elliofs collection of Himalaya pheasants), fishes, reptiles; also corals and insects, particularly from S. Africa. — The upper floor, in the wing to the rifiht, contains the Zoological and Botanical Collections of Wurtemberg (admirably arranged, chronologically, topographically, etc.). The main hall on the left is devoted to the general Palaeontologxal, Mineralogical, and Oeognostic Collections, an Osteological Collection, and the general Botanical Collection, with herbarium, fruits, woods, etc. The large building opposite , with four wings and three courts, is the Academy (PI. F, 4), the seat in 1775-1794 of the Karls- Schule (p. 14), founded by Duke Charles, where Schiller received his education as a student of medicine, and where he surreptitiously wrote his 'Robbers'. The dining-hall contains the King's Private Library. On the groundfloor are guard-rooms. The royal Library (PI. F, G, 4), Neckar-Str. 8, a massive build- ing by Landauer (1883), contains 500,000 vols., 3800 MSS., 7200 Bibles in more than 100 different languages, and 2400 specimens of early printing (adm., see p. 2). The groundfloor of this building is occupied by the Collection of "Wurtemberg Antiquities (adm., see p. 2). To the right of the entrance-hall are objects from Lale Dwellings and Pre-Roman Tumuli, chiefly found in Wurtemberg. The second compart- ment to the right contains articles of special interest in gold, bronze, and iron from the royal tombs at Hundersingen (on the Danube), Klein-Aspergle, and Belle-Remise (Ludwigsburg), proving a commercial intercourse with Italy in the 4th cent. B. C. — Roman Anticagliae. — Objects from Tumuli of the Pre-Carlovingian and the Carlovingian periods, including many gold 6 Boutel. STUTTGART. Museum ornaments, curious silver damaskeened work, and weapons. — Stove-plates of the 16th cent., in cast and forged iron; objects in tin, bronze, and copper. — Gold and silver ornaments, weapons, and'^armour, including a curious jousting helmet. The 'Red Room', in the S. wing, contains the Royal Cabinet of Art and Antiquities , founded by the Dukes of Wurtemberg and specially rich in vessels and weapons of the Renaissance. Italian bronzes of the 17th century. In one of the long cases is a pack of cards, painted in the 15th century. On both sides of this room are reproduc- tions of Renaissance apartments. To the left of the entrance-hall we first reach the Ceramic Collection, including numerous tile -stoves of various periods and styles (late -Gothic stove from Ravensburg). The. MurscTiel Collection of Porcelain contains ob- jects chiefly of Ludwigsburg manufacture. The Rococo Room is adjoined by one fitted up in the style of the 17th cent., with guild -vessels and household gear. Opposite is the collection of Glass, Articles in Wood and Leather, Instruments, Textile Fabrics, and Costumes. The S. Room con- tains the collection of ecclesiastical art, including paintings by Zeitblom (altar-piece from Hausen of 1488, another from the church of Heerberg of 1497), Schaffner, B. Strigel, Amber ger (portraits of Heinrich Marz and Afra Rehm), and other Swabian masters of the 15-16th centuries. Fine stained glass. Byzantine and Roman vessels. Carpets and embroideries. Beyond tlie library are the extensive Law Courts (PI. G, 4), built by Landauer in 1880, with a fine vestibule and jury court. Tlie colossal groups of Law and Justice on the attic-story are by Kopp. Farther down the Neckar-Strasse (No. 32), opposite the Mint, is the *l[Itiseum of Art (PI. G, 3), including the Lapidarium (Roman stone monuments), a Cabinet of Engravings, and Collections of Paintings and Sculptures (adm., see p. 2). In the court-yard rises an Equestrian Statue of King William I. fd. 1864), by Hofer, erected in 1884. On the groundfloor are Casts, the rooms to the left containing those after ancient, the rooms to the right those after modern works. Among the latter are numerous models and casts of Thorwaldsen''s works, presented by himself (d. 1844). — Among the Original "Works in the principal room to the right are Dannecker'^s celebrated bust of Schiller in marble (hair partially mutilated by the master himself in a fit of mental aberration; 1st section to the right); marble busts of Uhland by Rau and King Charles by Federlein (1st section, left); Bathsheba by Kopf and Girl bathing (bronze) by Falconnet (2nd sec, left); *Venus by Bissen and Boy in danger by Uoscft (3rd sec, right); Rape of Proserpine by Eofer (4th sec, right). The Picture Gallery is on the upper floor (more than SOO pictures, each furnished with the name of its subject and painter; catalogue 80 pf. ; director. Prof. Rustige). Room I, Italian Masters. To the right: 8. Tintoretto, Portrait of a "Venetian Senator; 10. Bonifacio II., Adoration of the Shepherds; *16. Giov. Bellini, Pieta; 14. Lor. Lotto, Christ on the Cross; 23. Carlo Dolci , The Virgin; 33. Titian, Mary Magdalen; 34. Venetian School, Madonna with SS. Rosalie and Jerome (injured); 64. Franc. Torbido, Adoration of the Shepherds; 4. L. Giordano, Rinaldo and Armida; 1. Faolo Veronese, Lady in Venetian costume. Cabinets: I. (left) 68. School of Caravaggio , Soldiers playing dice; (right) 77. Ant. Canale (Canaletto), Venetian scene. — II. (left) 93. Giov. Bellini, Madonna enthroned with saints and worshipping donor; (right) 109. Canaletto, Piazza of San Marco in Venice. — III. (right) 128, 131. P. Mignard, Madonn s. — IV. (left) 140. Fv. Vanni, Madonna and saints ; (right) 150. y/ejjo^o, Apollo (sketch). —V. il^ix) Tiepolo, Findina of Moses; 163. C. J. Vernet, Sea-piece ; (right) 173. Canaletto, Piazza of San Marco. — VI. (right) 197. Le Su^ur, Entombment (in grisaille). Room II. (Right) 259. CI. Lorrain, Landscape; 267. Xe 5r«», "^ild-boar hunt; 268, 272, Kupetzhy (d. 1740), Portraits of himself and his wife; 271. of Art. STUTTGART. 1. Route. 7 Canaletto, Canal Grande at Venice; 250. G. F. Penni, Holy Family, 248. Guido Reni., Martyrdom of St. Sebastian; 245. Zuvharan, Holy Family; 239. After Leonardo da Vinci., Portrait of Mona Lisa; 2;^8. Cesar'e da Sesto, Madonna and Child with St. Jerome; 233. Phil, de Champaigne, Christ on the Mt. of Olives; 230, 224, 215, 217, 209, 212. Canaletto, Views of Venice. — We now return to the corridor and proceed in a straight direction to — Room III. Netherlands School. To the left: 284. A. van der Werff, Mary Magdalen; 287. C. Netscher, Portrait of a man; 2S8. A. Brouwer, Old man counting money; 291. Jan van der Baen , Portrait of a man 5 292. C. Netscher., Portrait of a woman. — 298. Brouvcer ., Operation on a peasant's foot; 302. Ph. Wouicerman, Two peasants bringing a horse to a gentleman; 3U5. Van Dyck, De Crayer, the painter; 307. Rubens {!), Repent- ant Magdalen; 308. Rembrandt (?) , Old woman; 309. Ph. Wouwerman, Peasants with horses; 310. J. van Ruysdael, Forest-scene; 314. Fr. Pourbus the Younger., Pcirtrait of a man; 315 Hobbema, Landscape. — 321. Lievens, Portrait of an elderly man; 322. Wetnix the Elder, Shepherd reposing; 325. Hobbema, Landscape; 327. M. J. Mierevelt, Dutch Burgomaster; 328. Rembrandt, St. Paul in prison, an early work (1627); 329. Metsu, Portrait of a young lady; 331. Moucheron, Forest-scene; 332. A. van Everdingen, Northern landscape ; 333. Mierevelt. Portrait of a man; 336. Jordaens, Ver- tumnus and Pomona. — 338. G.Flinck, Portrait of a boy; 341. Ph. Wouwer- man, Wagoner; 344. Wybrandt van Geest, Dutch family; 346, Ph. Wouwerman, Horses by a village-tavern; 348. Tenters the Younger, Alchemist. — 356, 364. M. d'^Hondecoeter, Poultry; 359. Frans Hals, Man with falcon; 358. P. Brueg- hel, Christ entering Jerusalem; 355. Unknown Master, Portrait of a woman. Corridor. Chiefly small Dutch pictures: 393, 396, 406, 409. Jan Brueghel, Allegorical representations of the elements; 447. Roos, Evening- scene, with herd of cattle; 4o3. S. Koninck, A scholar; 454. A. Cuyp, Land- scape with cattle; 455. Bakhuysen, Rough sea, with vessels. Room to the Right (adjoining the Corridor). Continuation of small Dutch and German pictures. 574, 564. Rugendas , Battle, Encampment; 566, 579. Frank, Adoration of the Magi; 531, 589. Rugendas, Battle-pieces; 586. Frank the Elder, Adoration of the Magi. Room IV. Old German Masters, particularly of the Swabian School. Barth. Zeitblom is well represented (465, 466, 471, 472. Wings of an altar- piece from Eschach, etc.). 464. Mabuse, Crucifixion; 526. School of Ulm, Portrait of a woman; 524. B. Strigel, Coronation of the Virgin; 522. Memling (;')■, Bathsheba; 513. Barihel Beham, St. Benedict. — 494. Amberger, Portrait. — 488. Herlin, The Magi on the way to Bethlehem; 4b3, 481. C. Vos, Scenes from the life of St. George; 477. Herlin, Entombment; 479, 475. B. Strigel, Entombment, Flight into Egypt. Room adjoining the 4th Saloon. Also old German pictures. (Right) 527. Old Flemish School, Madonna; 528. School of Holbein the Younger, Portrait; 529, 532. Lucas Cranach, Judith, Portrait of a woman. Adjoining Room III is the new South Wing, in the five rooms of which the "^Modern Pictures are arranged. Room V. Several works bv the Stuttgart artists Schick (d. 1812) and Wdchter (d. 1852). 596. Leybold, Portrait of Dannecker; 695. Reinhardt Landscape during a storm ; 598. J. A. Koch, Landscape after a thunder storm (accessories by Hey deck); 617. Angelica Kaufmann, Portrait of a lady 647. J. A. Koch, Landscape. Room VI. To the left: '653, 0. Achenbach, Posilipo; 735. Nahl, Wal lenstein and Seni; 656. K. von Piloiy, Nero (study of a head); 654. Laup heimer, A bashful adorer; *656. Bleibtreu, Battle of Worth; 6o7. Barison Venetian familv; 784. Kauffmann, 'Dog Latin"; 788. Hdcker, Twilight; 659 Dill, Canal Grande; -789. Chierici, A surprise; 696. Funk, The Kaiser- Gebirge; 713. Irimr, Scene in the Hartz Mts.; 652. H. Baisch, Curiosity 797. W. von Kaulbach, Battle of the Huns (sketch); 678. Majer, Monk asleep 662. Ziigel, Autumn; -733. Morgenstern, The Elbe by moonlight; 6b8. Hdber- lin. Prince Alexander of Wurtemberg at the battle of Peterwardein ; 163 Adam, Hungarian market-scene; *672r Peters, Flowers; 673. Friedr. Keller Entombment; '675. Aiwasowsky. Sea-piece; •661. Lier, View on the Scottish coast; "674. Braith, Flock of sheep returning home. 8 Route 1. STUTTGART. Museum of Art. Room VII. To the left: 660. K. von Piloty, Three sketches for the frescoe'' on the Maximilianeum in Munich (p. 156); 711. Neher, The Widow's Son at Nain: "'681. A. Zimmermann, The Obersee; 686. Neher, Descent from the Cross; 687. Kleyen, Madonna; 780. Preller, Tumulus; ^690. Gude, Calm; 691. Bauerle^ Orphans; 697. Ehert, Amper-Thal; no number, *0. Achenbach, Storm on the Roman Campagna; -792. Haug, The Prussians at Mockern; 651. Ludtiig^ Land-cape; 6v5. Gudin, After the storm; 701. Lange^ Chateau of Kolowrat; 702. /7ec^■, Itinerant preacher; *7(_i3. Tiesenhausen, On the Baltic; 705. Heck, In church; 707. Knrzbauer, The first picture-book; 709. Kappii^ Black Forest village in winter; 710. Reiniger, Landscape; *796. Ekenaes^ Preparing for the fishing; 791. Mali, Flock of sheep in winter; 712. A. von Werner, Luther at the Diet of Worms; 800. Bredl, Street letter - writer in Algiers. Room VIII. To the left: 714. Rottmann, Epidaurus; 715. Clost, Ha- drian's Villa at Tivoli; '716. Dietz, Scene outside the gates of Leipsic in 1813; no number, Russ, Market-place at Friesach; 719. Schaumann, Popular fete at Cannstatt; ~717. Biirkel, Tyrol ese pass; 722. Rustige, Emp. Otho I. after the conquest of the Danes; *723. Schonleber, Evening at Dort; '^1^. Bokelmann, At the pawnbroker's; 727. Lessing, Franconian mountain-scene; 730. \oltz, Alpine herd-girls; »729. R. Jordan, Shipwreck; 732. Braekeleer, Peasants drinking; no number, Van Eove, Dutch interior; no number, Eggel, Odin's Hunt; 801. jLe?ifcacA, William I.; no number, Bossuet, Mauresco-Spanish gate; 740. Funk. Scene in theEifel; C. von Millie?', 741 .Judgment of Paris, 745. Romeo and Juliet ; 742. Lofftz, Erasmus; 743. 0. £aisc;», Rendezvous; *744. Ludwig, The St. Gotthard. Room IX. To the left: '746. Jos. Brandt, Cavalry -skirmish; 747. Mali, North Italian mountain-scene; *748. W. von Kaulbach, Battle of Sala- nais, a sketch in colours; 750. Schendel, Vegetable-seller; 749. Ed. Schleich, Landscape; '751. Defregger, The wounded huntsman; 753. Faber du Four, Battle of Coeuilly, 1870; 754. Rethel , Finding of the body of Gustavus Adolphus at Liit'zen; 755. Rotlmann, The Hintersee; 75(j. Griinenicald^ Hail-storm in harvest; 757. Hummel, Mountain-scene; "758. 0. Achenbach, The strangers' cemetery at Rome; '759. Feuerbach, Iphigeneia; '760. Makart, Cleopatra; 761. Loffler, Jerusalem; 762. Bohn, Serenade; 763. Peters, Hunt- ing-seat in winter; 765. Riedel, Medea; "^764. A. Achenbach, Dutch land- scape; 766. Brian, Marriage-proces-ion in Alsace; 767. Ebert, Forest-scene; 768. Schroder, Shakespeare brought before the justice for poaching; *769. Braith, Cattle in a thunder-storm; 770. Fdber du Faur , Battle of Cham- pigny ; 771. Haberlin. Suppre'^sion of the Wurtemberg monastery of Alpirs- bach in 1648; 772. Mali, The shepherd's morning-greeting; 773. Ed. Schleich, Landscape; 774. Gegenbaur, Hercules andOmphale; 775. Rvstige, The Duke of Alva in the castle of Rudolstadt; 776 Schiitz ., Midday-rest in harvest; 777. Leu, The Hohe Goll near Berchtesgaden. The corridor of the new N. Wing contains seven cartoons for Gegen- haur''s frescoes in the Palace (p. 4). Adjacent, in — Room I, is the continuation of the modern pictures (the most recent acquisitions). To the left, 790. Chierici, Portrait of himself; 808. Fouace, At the buffet; 807. De Bock, Scene on the Dunes; 805. De Haas, Cattle on the Dunes ; no number, Courtens. Boats by morning light; Buttersack, Village- pond; 802. Lenbach, Prince Bismarck (chalk drawing); 8*4. Josi Villegas^ In church; no number, Ziigel, Cattle pasturing; Lautemchlager , Lost in thought; Igler, Knitting-school; Windmaier, Winter-scene. Room II contains the collection left to the Museum by Queen Olga (1893), consisting of water-colour copies of celebrated pictures by the old masters and also of a few origin.il works. Among the latter are: to the left, Rizzoni, Polish Tavern; Spitzweg, The Alchemist; Bocklin. Castle on the sea; Oiov. Bellini {1), Sladonna; Perugino {")), Holy Family with angels; Franc. Francia, Madonna; Buchner, Portrait of Queen Olga; Gabriel Max, Study of a head; Perugino, Madonna; Igler. Singing lesson; Domenichino^ St. Sebastian; Vervloei, The Pope washing the feet of twelve poor men. On a height to the right of the museum is the Kunstschule (PI. G, 3), adorned externally with frescoes and with statues of Phidias, SchlosS'Garten. STUTTGART. 1. Route. 9 Polygnotus, Michael Angelo, and Raphael on the eastern facade in the Urban-Str. — Near the Museum, in a niche on a house at the corner of the Eugen-Str. and the Moser-Str. (PL G,3,4), is a bronze bust of the jurist Joh. Jac. Moser (1701-85), by Kopp, erected in 1885. A flight of steps ascends hence to the Eugen-Platz (PI. G, H, 4), which is adorned with a handsome fountain (Galatea) by Rieth and affords a fine view of the town. Below is a bronze bust of Duke Eugene of Wuriemberg (d. 1857), by Pelargus. To the Vhlandshohe, see p. 11. — About 1/2 M. beyond the Museum the Neckar-Str. expands into the so-called Neckarthor, an open space embellished with a Water Nymph by Dannecker. To the right, above, is the Romanesque Friedenskirche (PI. H, 2), built by DoUinger in 1893. On the W. side of the Neckar-Strasse is the *Scliloss-Garten or Anlagen (Pi. F, G, 3-1), laid out in the English style in 1808. These charming pleasure-grounds, with their fine groups of trees, flower-beds, and sheets of water, 200 acres in area and extend- ing to a length of 2 M. (nearly to Cannstatt), are adorned with modern sculptures in marble (chiefly copies from the antique), especially in the so-called Botanic Garden to the E. of the upper pond. Above the conduit which feeds the pond, on the side next the palace, is a colossal group by Dannecker, representing water and meadow nymphs. In the 'Rondel' of the main avenue on the front : Count Eberhard and the Shepherd (from Uhland), a colossal group by Paul Milller (1881). On an island at the end of this avenue is the Abduction of Hylas , by Hofer (1850) , and a little farther on, at the beginning of the chestnut avenue leading to (I1/4 M.) Rosenstein (p. 13), are two Horse-tamers, also by Hofer (1848). We now enter the N.W. quarter of the town, and note the fine buildings of the Wurttemhergische Vereinsbank and the Reichsbankj both in the Friedrichs-Strasse {l^os. AS, 22). The Kriegsberg-Strasse and the Goethe - Strasse contain , perhaps , the handsomest new buildings in this quarter. In the Schelling-Str. (No. 5) is the building of the Wurtem- berg Art Union {Kunstverein; PI. E, 3), with a permanent exhibition of modern works of art (adm., see p. 2). The Polytechnic School (PI. E, 3), in the Stadtgarten-Platz (AUeen-Platz), erected in the Italian Renaissance style by Egle in 1860-65, and enlarged by Tritschler in 1879, is adorned to the right and left of the door with statues of Diirerand Kepler. Between the Corinthian columns on the upper story are ten allegorical statues representing the professions for which a technical education pre- pares the student; to the right and left of these are two admirable allegorical representations of Art and Science, by Th. Bechlar of Munich. The N. fagade bears medallion-portraits of celebrated architects and mathematicians. The garden in front was adorned 10 Route 1. STUTTGART. Stadt-Qarten. in 1889 with marWe busts of Friedrich Vischer (1807-87), the writer on aesthetics, "by Donndorf, and of Rob. Mayer (1814-78) , the physicist, hy Kopf. The *Stadt-Garten (PI. D, E, 3; adm. 50 pf. ; concerts, see p. 2) is a favourite pleasure-resort, with a restaurant. On the W. side, at the angle of the Kanzlei-Str. and Schelling- Str., is the handsome Architectural School [Baugewerkschule ; PI. D, 3), with a Mansard roof and fine courts, hy Egle (1870). In the Kriegsherg-Str. is the Gewerbehalle (PL D, 3) , the building of the Industrial Exhibition of 1881, now containing the Exchange (business-hour 2-3 p. m.) and an exhibition of Export- Pro ducts. About V2 M. io the X.W., in the Herdweg CN'o. 10 D), is HiU's Thier- garten (PI. C, 2) . with a restaurant (beer) and a large concert-garden. Adm., see p. 2. In the Linden -Strasse (PL D, 2) are the Panorama (p. 2; Crucifixion, with view of Jerusalem, by Frosch , Kriiger, and Leigh), the Gymnastic Hall, and the Garrison Church., a brick edi- fice in the Romanesque style by Dollinger, with a dome and cor- ner-towers. These three are on the right ; to the left are the hand- some Realgymnasium and the Chemical Laboratory, the latter a Renaissance edifice completed in 1894. Near this, in the Hoppenlau-Str., is the Hoppenlau Cemetery (PL C, D, 3), with the graves of the sculptor Dannecker (d. 1841) and the authors Wilhelm Hauff (d. 1827) and Gustav Schwab (d. 1850). — In the Biichsen-Str. are the large Stuttgart Swimming Baths (PL D, 3), erected in the Moorish style in 1888-89 (adm., see p. 2). Adjacent is the Liederhalle (PL C, D, 3), the property of a vocal society, with large concert-rooms. The new hall, built by Leins in 1875, is the largest in Germany, having an area of 1600 sq. yds. In the gaxden-veranda are plaster models of the statues of Schiller at Marbach and Uhland at Tiibingen. The garden (restau- rant and concerts, see pp. 1, 2) contains a colossal bust of Vhland in bronze, and marble busts of G. Schwab and *Franz Schubert. To the N.E., between the Linden-Str. , Kanzlei-Str., and Schloss- Str,, is the handsome new *Landesge"werbe-Miiseum (PL D, E, 3), or Industrial Museum, erected by Neckelmann in an elaborate late- Renaissance style. The principal facade is turned towards the Schloss-Str, The lower story is of rustic masonry ; the upper is articulated by six pairs of Corinthian columns. The attic is adorned with figures , and domed turrets rise at the angles. The whole of the building is embellished with medallions of famous Swabians and other plastic decoration. The chief features of the interior are the grand staircase and the King Charles Exhibition Gallery, the latter adorned with a painted frieze by Ferd. Keller and sculptures by Hundrieser and Eberlein. This museum (to be opened in Oct., 1895) will contain the collections previously exhibited in the Legionskaserne (PL D, E, 5), including Models, an Educational Exhibition, and an Art Library (adm., see p. 2). Marienkirche. STUTTGART. l. Route. 11 In the late-Gothic Spitalkirche (PL D, 4), erected in 1471-93, and restored in 1841, is a model of Dannecker's large marble statue of Christ (p. 123). The cloisters contain the tomb of Reuchlin (d.l522), the erudite friend of Melanchthon. — A few hundred paces distant (Hospital-Strasse 38) is the Synagogue (PI. D, 4), in the Moorish style, with two handsome domes, erected in 1861. Between the Schloss-Strasse, Kasernen-Strasse, and Lange-Strasse (PI. C, 4) rise the imposing new Municipal School Buildings. Far- ther to the "W., in the Lindenspiir-Strasse, is the Ludwig Hospital ('Charlottenhilfe'; PI. B, 3), founded and admirably fitted up by the late Staatsrath von Ludwig. On the Feuersee (PI. C, 5), in the S. W. quarter of the city, is the handsome Gothic *Church of St. John, by Leins (1866-76), finely situated, with richly painted interior. — To the S.E. of this point is the Silberburg- Garten (PI. C, D, 6), belonging to the Museum- Gesellschaft, the leading club of Stuttgart (tickets for strangers at Kanzlei-Str. 14). In the grounds below the garden, between the Marienthor and the Silberburgthor, is a marble bust of E. Morike, the poet (d. 1875) , by Rosch. — In the Tubinger-Str. is the Ro- man Catholic *Marienkirche (PI. D, 6), early-Gothic, with two towers, by Egle (1872-75). — Among the handsome houses of the Reinsburg - Strasse , which connects these two churches , are the * Villa Siegle by Gnauth , and the houses of Hr. Bohnenberger by Beisbarth, and Prof. Rustige by Leins. — The suburb of Heslach has a Romanesque church by Wolff (1881). In the Fangelsbach Cemeterp, to the S.E. of the town, stands the War Memorial., desis;ned by Gnauth, representing Germania dispensing wreaths. — The Central Cemetery , to the N.W. , beyond the Eisenbahndorfchen (cottages of railway employees) and the new Municipal Hospital, contains a Gothic burial-chapel and several handsome mausoleums ; it commands a fine view. About V* M. higher up , at the N.E. end of the Feuerbacher Heide, is the Weissenhof, a popular garden- restaurant (view). Charming walk on the E. side of Stuttgart, from the IJeckar-Str. through the Eugen-Str. to the Eugen-Platz (p. 9), and past the Schiess- haus to the (1/2 hr.) *Uhlandshbhe (Pi. H, 3), with a series of charming views of Stuttgart and the valley of the Neckar, the finest points being the pavilion at the top and 'Uhland's Lime-tree'. A similar point is the Schillerhohe, on the Bopser, to the S.E., reached by the Neue Weinsteige (PI. E, F, 7), commanding varied views during its winding ascent from the Olga-Str. We may return via the Hohenheimer-Str. (PI, F, G, 6, 5; to the left, below, the Stitzenburg Restaurant., with a good view of the city) ; or we may continue the excursion through the. Bopserwahl to Degerloch. The MocNTAiN Railway (Zahnradbahn, 'rack-and-pinion line") to Deger- loch {Cui'haiis ; Schweizerhaus. by the station; Wilhelmshohe Inn, with gar- den) starts from the Filder-Str. (PI. D, 7). At least 6 or 8 trains daily each way (12-14 min.; up 30, down 20 pf.) ; views on the left. Splendid view from the tower (1585 ft.), 5 min. from the station at the top (20 pf). Tramway from the Schloss-Str. every 36 min.; see p. 1. — From Deger- loch a steam-tramway runs in 3/^ hr. to Bohenheim (p. 14), via Mohringen, Echterdingen, and Garbe (Plieningeii). An "EXCDKSION TO THE WeST STATION BY THE GaU RAILWAY will bC found interesting (views to the left). On quitting the station, the line (for Boblingen, Freudenstadt, etc. ; see R. 10) describes a sharp curve round the brick-works on the Prag-Aeclcer, and then runs southward in 12 Route 1. BERG. Stuttgart the direction of the vine-clad Kriegsherg, which juts far into the valley. On the top of the latter (to the right) is the Feuerbacher Eeide, with the Weissenhof (see p. 11). The gradient is very steep (1 : 52). Beyond a tunnel, 500 yds. long, we obtain to the left a striking 'View of the town, with the dome of the new garrison-church in the foreground and the picturesque hills opposite. The train continues to ascend the slopes of the valley , through gardens and vineyards , and describes a wide circle round the town. The view increases in attraction. After 20 min. we cross the Vogelsang- Thai by a viaduct 130 ft. in height, and stop at the West Station (the former Hasenberg Station ; 1210 ft. above the sea, 394 ft. above the station at Stuttgart), which lies at the corner of the wood. This point, which commands the whole town and the valley of the Neckar, may also be reached by the new and winding Rothebiihl-Strasse (PI. A, 7). Still finer views are obtained from the '-Jftgerhaus (Restaurant), near which a bust of the novelist Eauff was erected in 1882, and from the (V4 hr.) stone "Belvedere Tower ^ 130 ft. in height, erected in 1879 (cross the rails and enter the wood) : the view extends as far as the Wartberg at Heilbronn and the Melibocus \ to the S. the entire chain of the Swabian Alb, with the Hohenstaufen, Eechberg, Neuffen, Achalm, and Hohen- zoUern. — From the Jagerhaus to the N.W. through the woods to the Oais-Eiche, V4 hr.; to the W. to the deer-park (p. 14), V2 hr. — The direct path from the Jagerhaus to Stuttgart descends abruptly in 20-25 min., passing on the right the reservoir of the new aqueduct and the Reins- burg, with the Karls-Linde (PI. C, 6), a hill affording a fine view, im- mediately to the S. of Stuttgart. Tramway from the Schwab -Strasse, see p. 1. From Stuttgart to Cannstatt, 272 M. The Railway (R. 8; 8-11 min.) penetrates tlie Rosenstein (see below) by a tunnel 450 yds. long, crosses the Neckar, and reach.es the station of Cannstatt, on the left bank. The Tramway (p. 1 ; 21/2 M. from the Palace at Stuttgart , in 20 min.) traverses first the Neckar -Strasse (p. 5), and then the Vntere Neckar-Strasse (view of the Royal Villa, see below), which extends to Berg; from Berg it crosses the Kbnig - Karl - Brucke (p. 13) direct to Cannstatt (terminus near the rail, station). The old high-road runs from Berg along the E. slope of the Rosenstein, passes the lower entrance of the Wilhelma (p. 13), and sweeps round to Cannstatt on the right bank. Berg, the N.E. suburb of Stuttgart, sharing its rapid growth, lies on the left bank of the Neckar and, like Cannstatt, is fre- quented as a health-resort. Neuners Mineralbad, near the tramway office at the beginning of the town, possesses a swimming-bath (open in winter also), an aquarium, a garden-restaurant, and a favourite open-air theatre (p. 2). On a slight eminence above the town rises the Gothic church, built by Gaab in 1855, with open tower. — The Sprudel, which bursts from the earth like that of Carlsbad, and other mineral springs on the Neckar-lnsel, an island which extends from Berg almost to Cannstatt, has given rise to a number of bath-houses {*Leuze's Inselbad, with pension; band plays at 6 a.m.; closed in winter). The Royal Villa, on the top of the hill to the S. of Berg, a modern Renaissance edifice, built by Leins in 1846-53 , and sur- f^ ROSEKSTEINW „;>'?^ i. i_ V - f V 1 1 50 500 vnirtparli oUt Ar „i^ ahixho f 2 •>r-^ BohTl?U ' f"r SSP Motidi-; ttographxaclit: Anstalt -v-on Warner Jc Debes .Leipzig and Environs, CANNSTATT. 1. Route. 13 rounded with gardens and hot-houses, commands a charming view. In the interior are pictures by Nic. de Keyset , Kaminski , Bohny Karl Muiler, etc., and sculptures by Tenerani and other masters. In the garden are statues of the four seasons by Kopf, and busts in bronze of Nicholas, Emperor of Russia, and his consort, by Ranch. The villa belongs to the Duchess Wera (adm., see p. 2). The Rosenstein, a villa in the Romanesque style on the hill to the N. of Berg, with colonnades, built by Salucci in 1823-29, contains numerous sculptures (by Wagner, Wolf^ Hoyer, Tenerani, Hofer, etc.) and an extensive collection of pictures (catalogue from the steward). Admission, see p. 2 ; the main entrance is on the S.W. side of the park, opposite the chestnut avenue mentioned at p. 9. — From the back of the chateau walks descend through the grounds to the Wilhelma. The *'Wilhelma, an edifice in the Moorish style, in the midst of well-kept grounds, was erected for King William I. in 1842-51 (adm., see p. 2). The Festsaalbau contains a single saloon sumptuously fitted up. It is connected by means of circular colonnades with two Pavilions (that to the right contains a Picture Gallery, of Oriental subjects only) and with the Chateau itself on the upper terrace. In the centre of the latter is the audience-chamber, on the right a drawing-room, on the left the king's study. There are also bedrooms, dressing-rooms , and a bath-room (with a fine stalactite ceiling). At the back of the chateau several other terraces rise to the plateau of the hill, on the summit of which is a Belvedere, also in the Moorish style, commanding a charming view. The lower terraces within the colonnades are embellished with flower-beds, fountains , and groups of animals in marble and bronze by Giildenstein. Cannstatt. — Hotels : Stadtisches Logixehaus, at the Cursaal, for patients; Vier Jahbeszeiten, Saxnwald's Bahxhof-Hotel, Gasthof & Restaukant zum Bahnhof, at the station, second-class ; Bar, in the market- place. ^Pension LiEB, Konig-Str. 13. — Restaurants : Cursaal; Sannwald; I^auss; Krone. Sanatory Establishments: Dr. VeieVs, for cutaneous diseases; Dr. Bil- finger's, for the Kneipp Cure'; Wilhelmshad , the property of the town, open in winter also. Baths also in the Russischer Hof and the "Neue* Cannstaiter Mineralbad, Badgasse (also open in winter). Popular Festival, with exhibitions, races, etc., every alternate year, beginning on 28th Sept. and lasting 3-7 days. Cannstatt, a town with 20,267 inhab., is connected with Berg by the *Kdnig-Karl-Brucke, a railway-bridge with five arches, 1000 ft. long, erected in 1891-93 by K. von Leibbrand. It possesses warm saline and chalybeate springs which attract a number of patients, but is rapidly becoming a manufacturing place. The Cur- saal, with the Wilhelmsbrunnen (62-66° Fahr.), the chief mineral spring, lies on the Sulzerain (view), on the N. side of the town. Adjacent are a whey-cure establishment, a restaurant, a reading- room, and a Trinkhalle. In front of the Cursaal is a bronze Equestrian Statue of King William I. (d. 1864), by Halbig, erected in 1875. — In the Uffkirchhof is the grave of Ferdinand Freiligrath, the poet (d. 1876), with a bronze bust by Donndorf, 14 Route 2. JBRUCHSAL. From Heidelberg The *Burgholz (1175 ft.; view-tower), 4 M. from Stuttgart and 2 M. from Cannstatt (refreshments at the Bnrgholzhof) , aflforda a fine view of Stuttgart and up the valley of the Neckar. About 6 M to the S. of Stuttgart (railway via Degerloch and Mo/irmgien in 55 min.)liesHohenheim, a chateau built by Duke Char- les in 1768, now an agricultural school. Fine view from the top, — Klein-Hohenheim, Scharnhausen, and Weil^ with their model-farms and the horse-breeding establishment at Weil, may be visited on the same day as Hohenheim. Permission obtained at the offices of the Hofdomane,rriedrichs-Str.26. WeilislV2M.fromEsslingen(p.29). Vnter- and Ober-Tiirkheim and the Rothenberg, see p. 29. The Solitude (1540 ft.), 6 M. to the W. of Stuttgart, built in 1763-67 by Duke Charles, was in 1770-75 the seat of the Karls-Schule, where Schiller received part of his education, before its transference to Stuttgart (p. 5). Schiller''s father was inspector of the gardens here. The grounds and park command a fine view (best from the dome of the Schloss). A whey- cure establishment here attracts visitors in summer. A little to the S. is a well-stocked deer-pairk, with the ^Barenschlosschen'' and the Baren-See, Deer fed at 11 a.m., wild boars at 6 p.m. (cards of adm. at the office of the royal chasse, in the Academy, p. 4). From the deer-park to the Jdger- havs, see p. 12. 2. From Heidelberg to Stuttgart by Bruchsal. 69 M. Railway in 21/2-41/2 hrs. (fares 9 JS^ 60, 6 J!( 30, 4 Jif 10 pf.; express 10 Jl 95, 7 Jl 65, 5 JSwitzerland. There are three weU-arranged public baths for each LAUFFEN. 4. Roulc. 19 sex (1 .M\ as well as a number of private baths (2 jjf). The sump- tuous Karlsbad, -with paintings by Kolb, was opened in 1892. Be- tween the Enz and the Bellevue Hotel stands the TrinkhaUe, a tasteful iron structure in the Renaissance style, with a band-pavilion in the centre. Higher up in the grounds is the Theatre. The Katharinenstift , a hath for the poor, is a building in the round- arch style. In the lower part of the town is Uerrenhilf, a sana- torium for children. There are pleasant walks and grounds on both sides of the village, on the banks of the Enz : on the S. (upper) side past the new Roman Catholic church as far as the (1 M.) Wind- hof, a cafe ; on the N. (lower) side to the (1 M.) garden ^Zum kiihlen Brunnen', a favourite resort. Excursions. To the Water/alls in a side-valley of the Enz, 81/2 M. — A road ascends the Enzthal to (772 M.) EnzkWsterle (Waldhorn) and (3 M.) Gompelseheuer (Lamm); thence to Freudenstadt (p. 39), IG'/z M. — By the small Wildsee, which tradition has peopled with water-sprites, to ihe Kaltenbru7in shooiing-lodge Clnn), i6'/2M.; thence to the Hohloh-Thurm (3625 ft.), a fine point of view, 1/4 tr. — To (41/2 M.) Eyachmiihl, (2'/4 M.) Dobel, and (3 M.) Herrenalb (Hydropathic Establishment and sevei*al ho- tels), frequented as a summer-resort; see Baedeker's Rhine. The following is a very interesting excursion for a whole day (one- horse carr. 9, two-horse 14-15 Jf), and is also recommended to pedestrians. Via Calmbach (see p. 18) to (2 M.) Reichenbach (Lowe). Thence, leaving the main road, by a by-road to the right to (6 M.) Rothenbach (view of Hohenzollern from the height as the village is approached; carriages should be sent on from this point to Teinach) and (2 M.) Zavelstein (Lamm), with a picturesque ruined castle. Descent to (IV2 M.) Teinach (p. 16); thence down to the (1 M.) Nagold-Thal, and by Kentheim to (3 M.) Calw (p. 16; also railway from this point); then (4V2M.) ffirsau, and (3^4 51.) Liebenzell (p. 18). Back to Wildbad by Schbmberg and Calmbach. 4. From Stuttgart to Hanau. 118 M. Railway in 5-8V4 hrs. (fares 15 .// 50, 11 Jl 30, 6 Jl 60 pf.; ex- press 17 ^ 70, 12 Jl 50 pf ). This line forms the shortest route from Stuttgart to Berlin (16 hrs.; comp. R. 16). From Stuttgart to (14 M.) Bietigheim, see R. 2. The line follows the Enz for a short way, and crosses it just before its influx into the Neckar, near (18 M.) Besighebn (*Waldhorn; Bahnhof; Krone), an antiquated little town, probably of Roman origin, very pictur- esquely situated on a rock between the Enz and the Neckar, with two handsome towers of mediaeval castles. On the Michaelsberg (1280 ft.), 6 M. to the N.W., is a very ancient chapel, said to have been once a Roman temple of Luna. The line now follows the Neckar, passes through a tunnel (700 yds.) beyond (22 M.) Kirch- heim (to the right of which is Liebenstein , with an interesting church and a Renaissance chateau), and returns to the river at — 25 M. Lauffen (564 ft.), the old castle and church of which stand picturesquely on two rocks, separated by the river. Beyond (28^/2 M.) Nordheim, on a height to the left, is the Heuchelberger Warte (1036 ft.). Above Heilbronn rise the vine-clad Wartberg, on the N., and the Avooded Schweinsberg (p. 21), on the S.E. 2* 20 Route 4. HEILBRONN. From Stuttgart 33 M. Heilbronn (comp. Plan, p. 13). — Hotels. "^Eisenbahn- HoTEL (PI. a; B, 3), with salt-baths and good restaurant, on the Neckar, opposite the post-office, R. with a ruined church and pleasure-grounds. Next stations Sulzdorf, where the Biihlerbach is crossed, Gross- alidorf, Eckartshausen, and Maulach, with a chalybeate spring. From Maulach an excursion may be made to (2V4 M.) Btirgberg (1755'), a gamekeeper's house (rfmts.) on a hill-top enclosed by an ancient earthen rampart; extensive view. 62 M. Crailsheim (*Lamm; Hotel Faber; Deutscher Kaiser), on 26 Route 6. HEILSBRONN. the Jag^t, a town of 5000 inhab., -with a handsome Rathhans and an old chateau of the Hohenlohe family (now public offices). The Gothic Church of St. John (15th cent.) contains a winged altar with paintings by Wohlgemut, and a ciborium of 1498. From Crailsheim to Mergentheim, 36'/2 M. (railway in 1V2-2 hrs.). Stations Satteldorf^ Wallhausen, Roth am See (p. 130j, Blavfelden, Schrozberg (p. 130). 23\'2 M. Niederstetten^ an old town with walls and gates, the resi- dence of Prince Hohenlohe-Jagstberg; 28 M. Lmtdenbach ; BO M. Weikers- heim (*Hirsch, Lamm), on the Tanher, with the interesting chateau of Prince Hohenlohe- Langenburg. (Thence to Creglingen and Rothenburg ob der TaubeVy see p. 130.) Then Markelsheim (a wine-growing place), Igersheim, and Mergentheim (p. 70). From Crailsheim to Kordlingen, 40 M. (railway in 2-3 hrs.); to TJlm, 68 M. (by Aalen and Heidenheim^ in 31/2-6 hrs.). The line ascends the Jagstthal towards the S. ; stations Jagstheim, Stimpfach, and Jag stzell, -where the Jagst is crossed. Then (13 M.) Ellwangen (1410 ft. ; Adler ; Post), an old town (pop. 4700) with a castle on a hill, a small ecclesiastical principality down to 1803. The Stiftskirche, founded in 770, rebuilt in 1124, in the Komanesque style, with a crypt under the choir, is in admirable preser- vation. The interior was tastefully embellished with stucco-ornamentation in the 17th century. On the walls are two epitaphs in bronze by Peter Vischer of Nuremberg. On the Schdnenberg (1710 ft.), to the N.E., is the handsome Church of Loretfo, a resort of pilgrims. — l^Tear Ellwangen (3/4 M. to the S.W.) are the favourite mineral baths of Schrezheim. At (I8V2 M.) Goldshofe the train reaches the Remsthal Railway (p. 28). Beyond (67 M.) Ellrichshausen, with a ruined castle, the train crosses the Bavarian frontier. — 691/2 M. Schnelldorf ; 721/2 M. Zumhaus ; 76 M. Dombiihl (Rail. Restaurant , with rooms) , the junction for Dinkelsbiihl and Nordlingen (p. HI). — 821/2 M. Buchelbtrg; 85 M. Leutershausen. — 9172 M. Ansbach (p. 130), the junction of the Frankfort and Munich line (R. 25). The line runs for a short distance through the Rezat-Thal, and then turns to the N.E. by stations Sachsen and Wicklesgreuth to (IOOV2 M ) Heilsbronn (1345 ft. ; Post), a small town, with remains of a famous Cistercian Abbey, partly in good preservation. The church, a Romanesque basilica with timber roof, begun in 1150, with a Gothic choir (1263-80 and later) and a Gothic aisle (1430-35, after- wards enlarged), and the refectory (now a Roman Catholic church), with line vaulting and Gothic turrets , are still standing ; but the cloisters and other parts of the monastery were destroyed in 1770. The ahbey-church was the burial-place of the Franconian line of the Hohenzollerns from 1297 to 1625 and contains the ashes of the first three Brandenburg Electors of that house, Frederick I., Frederick II., and Albert Achilles. Among the finest monuments are those of the Electress Anna of Brandenburg (d. 1512) ; of Margrave George Frederick of Ansbach (d. 1603), with eight statuettes of Counts of Zollern; and of the Margrave Joachim Ernest (d. 1625). Observe also three winged altar-pieces with carvings and paintings by Grunewald (altar of St. Ursula) and of Wohlgemut's school (about 1500), and a late-Gothic ciborium (1515). Both the church and its works of art have suffered from the restoration in 1856-60. The spring which gave the abbey its name rises within the church. 1051/2 M. Raitersaich; 109 M. Rossstall, with an old church; 114 M. Stein, with Faber's celebrated lead-pencil factory (shown by special permission only). The train then crosses the Rednitz, and reaches Schweinau and (120 M.) Nuremberg (p. 95). 27 7. From Stuttgart to Nordlingen and Nuremberg. Railway (Remsfhal Line) to (71 M.) Nordlingen in 2^/4-5 hr3. (fares 9 Jif 40, 6 Jl 30, 4 Jl 10 pf. ; express 10 M 80, 7 M 70 pf ); thence to (62 M.) Nuremberg (Bavarian Railway) in 21/4-4 hrs. (fares ^ Jl^ b J( 30, 3Jl 40 pf. ; express 9 Ji 20, 6 Jl 5t) pf.). Express from Stuttgart to Nurem- berg via Nordlingen in 5 '/a hrs. (via Crailsheim in 4 hrs.; comp. R. 6). The Remsthal Railway diverges to the left from the Stuttgart and Ulm line beyond (2^/2 M.) Cannstatt (p. 13), and -winds up the hill which separates the valleys of the Neckar and the Rems. From the top a fine view of Stuttgart, the Neckar-Thal, and the Rothen- berg (p. 29). — 6 M. Fellbach (Traube). The line now descends to — 8 M. Waiblingen (Post; Lowe) ^ a town of great antiquity (4786 inhab.), whence the imperial Salic line and the succeeding House of Hohenstaufen derived their name of Waiblinger, corrupted by the Italians into Ghibellini, once so celebrated as the name of a faction. The late-Gothic Aussere Kirche, outside the town, erected 1459-88, restored 1866, has a line tower. (To Murrhardt, see R. 6.) The populous, fertile, and picturesque Remsthal, enclosed by the Schurwald on the right and the spurs of the Welzheimer Wald on the left, begins here. Beyond (11 M.) Endersbach is a handsome viaduct. To the right, in a lateral valley, are Beutelsbach (Lowe) and Schnaith^ wine-growing places, the former with a very ancient abbey-church. To the left lies Gross-Heppach (Lamm). On the height to the left of (14 M.) Grunbach isthe village olBuoch, afford- ing a fine view of the Swabian Alb (see p. 25) ; to the right is the Schonbuhl, with a reformatory for boys. 17 M. Winterbach. I8I/2M. Schorndorf(' ^ront^;, an old town once fortified (4500 in- hab.), has an interesting Gothic church, with very fine portal and choir of 1477. — Near (21 M.) Urbach the train crosses the Rems. 221/2 M. Pliiderhausen (Stern). Above (241/2 M.) Waldhausen, to the N., is the Eltsabethenburg^ where Emp. Frederick Barbarossa is said to have been born (p. 42). The vine-culture ceases. — To the N.E. of (27 M.) Lorch (*Harmonia; Sonne; Krone) rises the Bene- dictine monastery of that name, founded by the Hohenstaufen in 1102, partly destroyed in the War of the Peasants, and recently restored. It contains several tombs and monuments of the Hohen- staufen, but none of the more distinguished members of the family. In the centre of the nave is a late-Gothic cenotaph, erected in 1475 to Duke Frederick of Swabia (d. 1105), the founder of the mon- astery. The unimportant mural paintings are of the 15th century. Lorch was the site of a Roman castrum, and there was, perhaps, another on the monastery-hill. Here begins the Rhine Limes (boundary) of the Romans, which took the Hohenstaufen as its objective point; while at Pfahlbronn^ 3 M. to the N., is the end of the Damibe Limes^ stretching to- wards the E. (comp. p. 127). — From Lorch a mad lea'ls to the S. to (3 M.) Wdschenheuern (Hirsch) and (IVz^f.) Hohenstaufen (p. 42). The Watcher Schlossle, 3/* M. to the N.E. of Wiischenbeuern, was the seat of Frederick of Buren (11th cent.), progenitor of the Hohenstaufen, We obtain a glimpse of the Hohenstaufen to the right as the train emerges from a short cutting just beyond Lorch, and after- 28 Route 7, AALEN. wards a glimpse of the double-peaked Rechberg (p. 42). In the valley lies Schierenhof^ a Roman castrum. 3172 M. Gmund, or Schwabisch-Gmund (*Rad; Drei Mohren), formerly a free city of the Empire (pop. 16,804), possesses three very old churches, many manufactories of jewellery, and a large industrial museum. The Arlers or Parlers were once celebrated architects here. The Gothic Kreuzkirche was erected by Heinrich Arlerin 1351-77 (completed in 1410; towers 1492); the sculptures of the portal date from 1380, and the carved altar from the 15th century. The Romanesque Church of St. John contains an old picture in which the castle of Hohenstaufen is represented. Outside the town is the pilgrimage - church of St. Salvator, with two chapels hewn in the rock. The monastery of Gottes-Zell is now a prison. Omnibus from Gmiindi to Siissen Cp- 31) twice .daily in 3 hrs. (fare 1 jSf 40 pf.). Ascent of the Rechberg, see p. 42. 38 M. TJnter-Bbhingen, with a Roman castrum ; 401/2 M. Mogg- lingen. From either of these stations an excursion may be made via Heubach to the (4^2 M.) Rosenstein (2398 ft.), with some interesting ruins and a superb view of the Alb. — At (431/2 M-) Essingen we cross the watershed (1719 ft.) between the Rems and Kocher, and descend into the Kocher-Thal. 47 M. Aalen (Krone), once a free imperial town (pop. 7150), was the birthplace of the poet C. B. F. Schubart (d. 1791) and contains a monument to him. The Cemetery Church is adjoined by a Roman camp. From Aalen to Ulm, 45 M. (railway in 2 hrs.). 21/2 M. Unterkochen ; 5 M. Oberkochen (IV2 M. above which is the picturesque source of the Kocher); 9 M. Konigsbronn, with large iron-works, at the point where the Brenz takes its rise in the picturesque Brenztopf or Konigsbrunnen. Then through the smiling Brenzihal. 12 M. Schnaitheim. — 14 M. Heidenheim ("Ochs), a thriving industrial town with 8000 inhab. , commanded by the picturesque half-ruined Schloss Hellenstein (view-tower). A road leads to the W. via Steinheim into the (6 M.) picturesque Wendthal (p. 32). — 151/2 M. Mergelstetten ; iV/2 M. Herbrechtingen (road to Hiirben, see below, 21/2 M.); 21 M. Giengen (Post), once an imperial town, with mineral baths. — From (24 M.) Hermaringen a visit may be paid to the recently discovered *Char- lotten-Hohle near Hurhen, 8 M. to the W. The road leads via Burgberg, with the picturesquely situated chateau of Count Carl von Linden, and the ruin of Kaltenburg. The cave (715 yds. long) lies in the Hiirbethal, a characteristic Jura valley, 1/2 M. to the S. of the village of Hiirben. It consists of several chambers of different sizes and is specially interesting on account of the beautiful stalactites pendant from the roof (electric lights ; admission-fees various). Near the mouth of the cave is a restaurant. — The train follows the Brenzthal to (26 M.) Sontheim, and then turns to the S.W. to Nieder-Stotzingen. Stations Rammingen; Langenau, a thriving little town with 3650 inhab. ; Unter-Elchingen, the scene of the battle (14th Oct., 1805) from which Ney acquired his ducal title-, and Thalfingen. The train then crosses the Danube to (45 M.) Ulm (p. 32). At (431/2 M.) Wasseralfingen (*Zum Schlegel , opposite the foundry) are extensive iron-works, with an interesting little rack- and-pinion railway ascending to the shaft on the hillside. Above rises the Braunenberg (view). The train quits the Kocher-Thal and ascends rapidly to (51^2 M.) Goldshofe (junction for the EUwangen ESSLINGEN. 8. Route. 29 and Crailsheim line, p. 26), where it turns to the E. On a hill to the right, between (54 M.) Westhausen and (57 M.) Lauchheim, is Schloss Kapfenburg . Beyond Lauchheim the line is carried through the watershed (1905 ft.) between the Rhine and the Danube by means of deep cuttings and a tunnel (710 yds.), and enters the narrow and picturesque Eger-Thal. About 41/2 M. to the N. lies the chateau of Hohen-B alder n (2060 ft.), belonging to the Prince of Oettingen- Wallerstein , with a new and lofty tower. Above Bopfingen the Flochberg, with a ruined castle, is seen on the right ; to the left is the bare cone of the Ipf (2237 ft. ; view), on which prehistoric stone implements have been found. 64 M. Bopfingen (1535 ft. ; Konig von Wiirttemberg'), once an im- perial town. The Gothic Church of St. BLasius contains a winged altar- piece by F. Herlen (1477) and a ciborium by H. Boblinger (1510). The line quits theE. part of the Alb district and enters the Ries (p. 112). 76 M. Trochtelfingen ; 68 M. Pflaumloch. 71 M. Nordlingen, p. Ill, Thence to Nuremberg, see R. 22. 8. From Stuttgart to Friedrichshafen. Comp. Map, p. 42. 123 M. Railway to Ulm in 2V4-33/4 hrs. (fares 7 J'/ 60, 5 Jl, 3 Jl 20 pf. ; express 8 J{ 20, 5 Jl 80 pf.); to Friedrichshafen in 4Vi-T hrs. (fares ib Jt 80, iOJl 50, QJl 80pf.5 express 18 Jl, 12 J/ 60 pf.). To (21/2 M.) Cannstatt, see p. 13. Looking back, we obtain a fine view of the Royal Villa, the Rosenstein, and the Wilhelma with its gilded dome. The train ascends on the bank of the Neckar, tra- versing one of the most beautiful and fertile districts in Swabia. 5 M. Vnter-Turkheim (Krone), a village with 3200 inhab., lies at the foot of the Rothenberg (1350 ft.; * Hotel-Restaurant Luz\ where King William (d. 1864) erected a Greek chapel, on the site of the old ancestral castle of the princes of Wurtemberg , as a mausoleum for his consort Queen Catharine (d. 1819), a Russian princess, and himself. In the interior the four Evangelists by Dannecker. Service of the Greek church on Sundays. Instead of the steep, stony, and shadeless ascent from Unter-Tiirkheini, we may choose the plea«anter hut rather longer route from Ober-TUrkheim (see below), either by Uhlbach or direct. A still more extensive prospect is obtained from the Katharinen-Linde, to the S.E., 1/2 ^- higher. Charming walk hence to (3 M.) Esslingen (see below). Barely 1/2 M. to the S.W. of Unter-Tiirkheim, and on the left bank of the Neckar, lies Wangen (Krone), a favourite point for excursions from Stuttgart. A path leads from Stuttgart through the woods and over the hill direct to Wangen in l'/2 hr.5 beautiful views of the city in ascending, and of the Neckar-Thal in descending. 6 M. 06er- Twrfc/ieim (*Ochse), another favourite resort. 9 M. Esslingen (757 ft. ; *H6tel Pfdhler zur Krone, R. 11/2-2, B. 3/4, D. 2 J/; Laich zur Post, R. 1-1 V2, D. 1-1 1/9 J^; KugeVs Beer Saloon), prettily situated on the Neckar, with 22,156 inhab., once a free imperial city and still partly surrounded by walls, which were built by Emperor Frederick XL in 1216. Sparkling Neckar-wine is 30 Route 8. GOPPINGEN. From Stuttgart largely manufactured here. The engineering works founded here by Kessler are the largest in Wurtemberg. Other branches of industry also flourish. In the market-place is the church of St. Dionysius, a basilica in the transition style, founded in the 11th cent., and partly altered in the 14th and 15th, which possesses a fine screen and ciborium of 1486. St. Paul's Church, also in the market, in the early-Gothic style , completed in 1268 , is now used by the Roman Catholics. Opposite the present Rathhaus , which was once the palace of Count Alexander of Wurtemberg , the poet, is the Old Rathhaus, erected in 1430, and formerly known as the 'Steinerne Haus'. It is surmounted by the imperial eagle under a gilded canopy, and another eagle forms the vane on the turret. — Farther on in the same direction is the Wolfsthor , on which are still seen the lions of the Hohenstaufen, hewn in stone. The conspicuous late-Gothic *Liebfrauenkirche, erected in 1406- 1522, was restored in 1862 and again quite recently. Admirable reliefs on the three portals, especially that of the Last Judgment on the S. Portal. The interior, with its slender pillars, contains fine stained-glass windows. Adjoining the organ-loft are the tombstones of Hans andMatthaeusBoblinger, two of the architects of the church. Fine perforated tower, 247 ft. in height, completed in 1526 ; beautiful view from the top. — The once imperial castle of Per fried, above the town , commands another superb view (Restaurant). — The Maille, an island in the Neckar laid out as a promenade, is em- bellished with bronze busts of Karl Pfaff, the historian, and Theodore Georgii, the gymnastic teacher. Quitting Esslingen, the train recrosses the Neckar. I21/2 M. Alt- bach. — 14 M. Plochingen (Waldhorn) lies near the confluence of the Fils and Neckar. Upper Neckar Railway to Tubingen, see R. 9. On the hill (1/2 hr.) is a tower, affording an extensive panorama of the Alb. The line now follows the Fils (comp. Map, p. 42). 17 M. Reichenbach ; 20 M. Ebersbach. On a wooded height to the right, near (23 M.) JJhingen, rises the chateau of Filseck; on the river lies Faurndau, formerly a Benedictine monastery, with an old Roman- esque church. 26 m. Goppingen (1082 ft.; ^Apostel; *Sand'), a flourishing town with 14,350 inhab., re-erected after a fire in 1782, contains several weaving mills, factories of metal-wares, machine-shops, and tan- neries. Large lunatic asylum of Dr. Landerer. The government- buildings were formerly a ducal castle, erected by Duke Christopher in 1562 with the stones of the castle of Hohenstaufen. At theS.W. corner of the court an artistically-hewn spiral stone staircase ('Trau- benstieg', vine-stair) ascends to the tower. Goppingen is a favourite centre for excursions in the E. Alb. To the N. lies Adehberg, a former convent, with a fine view. The conical Hohen- staufen (p. 42), the loftiest and most conspicuous spur of the Alb, is to Friedrichshafen. GEISLINGEN. 8. Route. 31 ascended in 20 min. from Staufen^ which is reached from Goppingen (5 M.) by carr. and pair in 1 hr. (1 M). — To the S. we may proceed via f7 M.) the sulphur-baths of Boll to the (IV2 hr.) Bosler or (IV2 br.) Bertaburg- Kornberg (2555 ft J; via (H/z hr.) Eschenhach to the (1 hr.) Fuchstck (1920 ft.); or via (IV2 hr.) Schlath to the top of the (1 hr.) Waxserbevg (2428 ft.). 2872 M. EisUngen. — 31 M. Siissen (pp. 28, 42), opposite which (to the N.) rises the round tower of the ruined Staufeneck. In the old cemetery of Gross-Siissen is a curious Mont de Calvaire hy Meister Christof of Urach (ca. 1520?). A pleasant excursion may be made to the E., via (I hr.) Donzdorf, to the top of the Messelttein (2455 ft.; extensive view). — Proceeding to the S. from the rail. atat. of Siissen through the village to (1 hr.) the farm of Griinenhurg, we may thence ascend the (1 hr.) £wrre« ('Glufenkissen' ; 2273 ft.), walk along the slope (sign-posts) to the (1/2 hr.) Spitz enb erg, af^cend to the interesting plateau of the Michelsberg (2463 ft.), and traverse the (3/4 br.) village of Ober-Bohringen, founded in 1793, to the (20 min.) Hausener Felsen^ which affords a fine view of the 'Geissen-Thar. The return may be made via the reservoir (distant view of the Alps) to (1 hr.) Ueberkingen and (11/4 hr ) Geislingen (see below). 331/2 M. Gingen. To the right appear the long ranges of the Alb ; to the left, on an eminence, are the rugged ruins of Scharfen- berg. Farther to the S.E. is the Kuchalh (see below). From Gingen two routes lead to the (I hr.) Kuchalb, a hamlet with an inn. Thence we may ascend to the (10 min.) Mairhalde (view) and to the (1/4 hr.) "Hohenstein (2303 ft.), which commands a splendid view to the W. and of the valley. We descend either by a new path to (V2 hr.) Kuchen (hence to Geislingen 1 hr.) or to (1/2 hr.) Gingen, or via the Kuch- alb to (IV2 hr.) Geislingen. The Kuchalb may also be reached from Gingen in IV2 hr. past Scharfenberg (see above) by a good path leading partly through wood. Near Geislingen, to the left, opens the Eybach-Thal with the village of Eybach and a chateau of Count Degenfeld ; to the right is the Upper Filsthal. 38m. Geislingen (1522 ft.; *Sonn€;Post, nearest the rail, station, with a good restaurant), a bnsy town (5722 inhab.) in a narrow ravine at the base of the Alb, where bone and ivory are carved and turned. There are also factories of metal goods and machines. The late-Gothic Marienkirche , founded in 1424, contains choir-stalls carved by Jorg Syrlin the Younger (1512). On a rock above the town rises the Oede Thurm. Opposite, beyond the Pavilion^ are the remains of the chateau of Helfenstein^ destroyed in 1552. Geislingen is a good starting-point for the central part of the Swabian Alb (p. 42). We ascend the Filsthal on foot or by diligence (thrice daily, in 23/4 hrs.) to (81/2 M.) Bad Ueberkingen, (8V2 M.) Deggingen, and (5 M.) Wiesensteiij (Post). About V4 31. beyond Deggingen we pass on the left the chalybeate baths of Ditzenbach. From Wiesensteig we ascend on foot to the (11/4 hr.) " Reussensiein (2500 ft.), a picturesque ruined castle on a precipitous rock, commanding the charming Neidlinger-Thal. We then follow the top of the hill to the ('/a hr.) Heiinenstein, a dark, rocky cavity, a few paces below which we obtain a fine view of the Reussenstein and the valley. Then by Randeck (^4 M. to the S.W. the Randecker Maar, with peat-diggings) and Ochsenicang (Inn, rustic) to the (1 hr.) 'Breiten- slein (26()Oft.), a lofty spur of the Alb Mts,, descending precipitously to the plain. Next by theRnnberhof and the ruins of the Rauberburg (Diepolds- burg) to the top of the (I hr.) Teck, whence we descend to Oicen (p. 48). If we omit the Breitenstein, we may proceed from the Reussenstein by Srhop/loch to (2V2 hrs.) Gutenberg (p. 43), and thence in 2 hrs. more to Owen. 32 Route 8. ULM. From Stuttgart Other excursions may be made from Geislingen to the N. via. Eybach (p. 31) and through the romantic Roggen-Thal to (3 hrs.) Weissenstein ; to the (2V2 hrs.) Messehtein (p. 31) ^ to the E. via Sohnstetien to the Wendthal (to Bibersohl, 31/2 hrs.). The line quits the Filsthal and ascends the Geislinger Steige, a wooded limestone hill, rich in fossils, to the table-land of the Swa- bian Alb (R. 11), the watershed between the Neckar and the Da- nube. The ascent is very considerable (350 ft. in 3 M. ; 1 : 44); and a second engine is added to the train at Geislingen. The train crosses the EauheAlb, as this lofty plain is called (stations Amstetten, Lonsee, Westerstetten., Beimerstetteri), and then descends to the valley of the Danube. The fortifications of Ulm soon become visible. The train passes close to the (r.) Wilhelmsburg^ the lofty citadel of Ulm, where 30,000 Austrians under General Mack surrendered to the French after the battle of Elchingen (p. 28). 581/2 M. Ulm. — Hotels : Eussischee Hof (PI. a ; A, 2), at the station, R. & A. 21/2-3, B. 1, D, 21/2 J(! Hotel de l'Edkope (PI. b; A, 2), to the left of the station, R. IVz Jl ; Bahnhof-Hotel, R. IV2 Jl. In the town : *Kronpeinz (PI. c; D, 3), R. from IV2, D. 21/4 Jl ; *Bai:mstabk (PI. d^ B, 3), R., L., - JJ^ialinhof 'O- V < /CZ-'-^ ^ -Lin" ^ ^1 "rr-f- >- ". \ tlL ' ^/^\'^\-^ \_,-c'-^-^4^ b Stqihant-T BJ-J ^-■-'U^ =_ ^ J 7 -^ " ^0^~^^- - \ ^^^wV^riietiter C3. """"'" I! „ ,1 ., '„ s"T . «o,l-,„«'«"I . r^' '""^d t r ^^ /H a r c- n ^=m^^l^y^i, /$ Ga&thfife a /7«e/ ^<;f£'7 C 3 ~Winterth.urC (IRanian&lian c J?rf/'Z 7fo77n Co (1 JTecM C 4 e i>chjonebeck C 5 a Jiadisd^r^Hof B 5. g Xrone C 4 wa^i^^Sebes^^^^ Geoerajih..^ SiidexL to Constance. CONSTANCE. 13. Route. 55 residence of thePrince of Holienzollern ; interesting erratic toulders on the Andelsbnch, in the park. (Brancli-line to Sigmaring en via Jo- sephslust, b^/2M. ,m2Amm.') — 59 M. Obggingen ; 61 M. Menningen. 63 M. Messkirch (*Ldwe ; Adler ; Sonne), a considerable little town, with a chateau of Prince Fiirstenberg. A monnment has been erected to Konradin Kreutzer, the composer, born here in 1782. The old church contains an altar-piece by H. Schaufelein (?) and monuments of the 16th cent, (epitaph of Count von Zimbern by Labenwolf). Traces of a Roman settlement have been found in the old town. — 641/2 M. Bichtlingen; 661/2 M. Sauldorf ; 69 M. Schwakenreute. From Schwakenredte to Adlendorf, 30 M. (railway in 2-3 hrs.)- 3 M. Smtenhart ; 71/2 M. Aach-Linz ; 10 M. PfulUndorf (Schwan; Restaurant in the Rother Ochs), a very ancient town (charming excursion to Heiligenhevg^ see p. 58; 2^/4 hrs.; diligence IV2, carriage 12 J()- Stations Burgweiler, Ostrac/i, Hosskivch-Konigsegg (I1/2 M. to the S.E. is the partly preserved castle of Konigsegg)^ Kreenried, and (25'/2 31.) Altthaasen, junction of the Herbertingen and Aulendorf line (p. 54). At (71 M.) Muhlingen we enter the wooded ravine of the Stockach. 73 M. Zizenhausen ; 76 M. Stockach (Krone; Post), pret- tily situated, near which the French under Jourdan were defeated by Archduke Charles in 1799; fine view from the (V2 tr.) ruin of Nellenburg. Then through smiling green valleys , by Nenzingen, Wahlwies, and Stahringen, to (86 M.) Radolfzell (*Schiff; Krone; Sonne), an old town on the Unter-See, with a Gothic church of 1436, where the line unites with the Bale and Constance railway. Near it, on the lake, is the Villa Seehalde, with a monument to its former proprietor, the poet Victor von Scheffel (d. 1886). The railway from Radolfzell to Constance intersects the neck of land between the Unter-See and the Veberlinger See (p. 57), and passes stations Markelfingen, Allensbach, and Reichenau. On the island of Reichenau in the Unter-See (visible from the train) are the buildings of a Benedictine abbey, which was suppressed in 1799 (see Baedeker's Switzerland). The island is joined with the mainland on the E. by a dyke. The train crosses the Rhine by an iron bridge, adorned with statues. 121/2 M. Constance. — Hotels. *Insel-H6tel (PI. a; C, 3), in the old Dominican monastery, with garden and view of the lake, R., L. & A. 3-6, pens. 1-iOJf; Halm (PI. c: C, 5). opposite the station, R. 2-3. B. 1, D. 3, pens. 1-8 J(; ^Hecht (PI. d; C, 4j, R., L., & A. 3, B. 1, D. 3 Jl ; =Schone- BECK (PI. e; C, 5), opposite the station, R., L., & A. 2-21/2, B. 1, D. 2V2, pens, from 6 Jl ; "Badischer Hof (PI. f; A, 5); *Keone (PI. g; C, 4), Anker, Schiff, Falke, Barbarossa, Bodan, Lamm, *Schnetzer, second class, moderate charges. — Restaurants. "Schonebeck, see above, Victoria (beer), both opposite the station; Engler''sBiergavten, near the public park; Cafi Maximilian, Bahnhof-Strasse. Post Office (PI. 7; C, 4), near the station. — Batht in the lake (PI. D, 4, 5), well fitted up (bath 40 pf. ; ferry 10 pf). — English Church Service in summer. — The former Comtamer Hof (PI. U, 1), on the lake, is now an Institute for Nervous Patients (Dr. G. Fischer). Constance (1335 ft.), a free town until 1548, after the Reform- ation subject to Austria, and since the Peace ofPressburg in 1805 56 Route 13. CONSTANCE. a town of Baden, has now only 17,000 inhab., though it once num- bered 40,000. It is situated at the N.W. extremity of the Lake of Constance, or Bodensee, at the point where the Rhine emerges from it. The episcopal see, founded in 781 and held by 87 bishops in succession, was deprived of its temporalities in 1802 and suppressed in 1827. The *Cathbuiial (PI. 4; B,3\ founded in 1052, was rebuilt in its present form in 1435 and 1600. Gothic tower erected in 1850-57; the perforated spire is of light grey sandstone ; on either side is a platform commanding a charming view (adm. 20 pf.). On the Doors of the principal portal are ''-Bas- Reliefs^ in 20 compart- ments, representing scenes from the life of Christ, carved in oak by Sim. Haider in 1470. The '- Choir Stalls, vrith grotesque sculptures, are of the same date. The organ-loft, richly ornamented in the Renaissance style, dates from 1680. In the nave (Romanesque), the arches of which are sup- ported by 16 monolithic pillars (28 ft. high, 3 ft. thick), sixteen paces from the principal entrance, is a large stone slab, a white spot on which always remains dry, even when the remaining portion is damp. Huss is said to have stood on this spot when the Council of 6th July, 1415, sentenced him to be burnt at the stake. In the N. chapel, adjoining the choir, is a Death of the Virgin^ coloured stone figures life-size, 1460. Adjacent is an elegant spiral staircase. — The Treasury (custodian V2-I Jl) contains a mis- sal embellished with miniatures, 1426. On the E. side is a crypt, contain- ing the Chapel of the Holy Sepulchre, with a representation of the sepulchre in stone, 20 ft. high, dating from the 13th century. On the exterior of the N. side stand two aisles of the once handsome ''Cloisters, erected about 1480 in the Gothic style. The Wessenberg Haus (PL 15; B, 3) contains books, pictures, and engravings, bequeathed to the town by the proprietor J. H. von Wessenberg (d. 1860), who for many years acted as the chief super- intendent of the diocese. A number of pictures, bequeathed by the artist, Marie Ellenrieder (d. 1863), are also exhibited here. The Church of St. Stephen (PI. 6 ; B, 4), a late-Gothic building of the 15th cent., near the cathedral, with a slender tower, contains some interesting wood-carving and sculptures, but the exterior has been disfigured by modern restoration. The Wessenberg-Strasse leads hence to the S. to the Ohere Markt, at the corner of which stands the house 'Zum Hohen Hafen' (PI. 2; B, 4), where Frederick VL, Burgrave of Nuremberg, was created Elector of Brandenburg by Emp. Sigismund, 18th April, 1417. Adjacent to it is an ancient building with arcades (now the Hot. Barbarossa), styled by an inscription ^ Curia Pacis\ in which Emp. Frederick I. concluded peace with the Lombard towns in 1183. — A little to the W. is the new Protestant Church (PL 5; A, 4). The Stadt-Kanzlei, or Town Hall (PL 12; B, 4, 5), erected in the Renaissance style in 1593, was decorated in 1864 on the exterior with frescoes illustrative of the history of Constance. The apart- ments of the groundfloor contain the valuable Municipal Archives, comprising 2800 documents , the most interesting of which date from the period of the Reformation. Fine inner court. — In the Rosqarten (PL 8 ; B, 5), formerly the guild-house of the butchers, CONSTANCE. 13. Route. 57 is the *Rosgarten Museum, a rich and well-arranged collection of antiquities relating to Constance (from lake-dwellings, etc.) and of objects of natural history (adm. 40 pf.), — In the market-place is a War Monument (figure of Victory), by Bauer (PI. 10). The Kaufhaus, or Merchants' Hall (PI. 1 ; C, 4), by the lake, erected in 1388, contains the great Council Chamber, supported by massive oaken pillars, where the conclave of cardinals met at the time of the Great Council (1414-18). The hall was restored in 1866 and decorated in 1875 with frescoes illustrative of the history of the town, by Pecht and Schworer (adm. 20 pf.). The upper floor contains a collection of Indian and Chinese curiosities (30 pf.). The ancient Dominican Monastery (PI. a; C, 3), in which Huss was confined, situated on an island in the lake, near the town, has been in part converted into a hotel (Insel-Hotel, see p. 55). The well-preserved Romanesque cloisters, and the adjoining refectory with its graceful vaulting, repay inspection. The house in which Huss was arrested , in the Husen-Strasse near the Schnetzthor (PI. A, 5), bears a memorial tablet with his effigy, put upi n 1878. Adjoining it is an old relief, dated 1415, with satirical verses. Some houses farther on, at the 'ObereLaube', a bronze tablet with an inscription marks the spot where Jerome of Prague was imprisoned in 1415-16. In the suburb of Briihl, ^/oM. to the W. of the town, is the spot where Huss and Jerome suffered martyrdom , indicated by a huge mass of rock with inscriptions ('Husenstein'). The Stadt-Garten on the lake, between the harbour and theDomin- ican island, affords a pleasant walk and a charming view of the lake and mountains. A bust of the Emp. William I. has been placed here. The abbey of Kreuzlingen (*Heiv€tia; Lowe; *Pens. BesmerJ, on Swiss territory, 3/4 M. beyond theS. gate, is now a normal school. The church contains a curious piece of wood-carving, with about 1000 small figures, executed in the 18th century. A fine view of the lake and of the Vorarlberg and Appenzell Alps is obtained from the" Allmannshbhe (3/4hr.), with belvedere (Restaurant), 5 min. above the village of AUinannsdorf, on the road to the Mainau. — Among other pleasant objects for a walk may be mentioned the Loretto-Kapelle (V2 hr.)*, the Jacobs a restavirant with a fine view (1/2 hr.); and the Kleine Rigi, above Miinsterlingen (Inn ; 1 hr.). In the N.W. arm of the Lake of Constance (Ueberlinger See)^ 41/2 M. from Constance, is situated the beautiful island of 'Mainau, formerly the seat of a lodge of the Teutonic Order, as a cross on the S. side of the chateau (1746) indicates. It is I1/2 M. in circumference, and is connected with the mainland by a bridge 650 paces in length. Since 1853 it has been the prop- erty of the Grand-Duke of Baden, and is now entirely covered with plea- sure-grounds, with cypresses and other semi-tropical plants. Plain restau- rant near the chateau. Steamboat from Constance in 55 min. ; rowing-boat (in 1 hr., a pleasant trip) 5 U/ and gratuity; one-horse carr. 5-6, two-horse 8 J(. Pedestrians take a shorter route (1 hr.), partly through woods. On the N. bank of the lake, opposite Mainau (steamboat in 40 min.), lies Meersburg (1463 ft.; '^Seehof, near the quay, pens. ^Jl, well-arranged lake-baths in the neighbourhood; Schiff, Wilder Mann, both on the lake; Lowe; Pens, ztim Frieden, "/j M. to the E.), a pleasant little town, with 58 Route 13, HEILIGENBERG. many old honsea, and good and inexpensive summer -quarters. The Old Castle, with the Dagobert Tower (ca. 800), is said to have once been a seat of the Hohenstaufen. The old mill in the adjacent ravine is highly picturesque. The New Castle, long an episcopal residence, is now a deaf- and-dumb asylum. Fine views from the Kdnzeli and from the "Edelstein, 2 M. from the harbour. The churchyard contains the tomb of the cel- ebrated Mesnier (d. 1815), the discoverer of mesmerism. The wines of Meersburg are the best on the lake. From Meersburg the steamer plies in ^|^ hr. more to TJeberlingen {jBad-Hdtel, with shady garden, pension 5 Jf; ^Lowe; Schiff; Engf I ; Krone; Wilder Mann; Adler ; Beck, and other restaurants; private lodgings), an ancient town with 4000 inhab., now frequented for its lake-baths and mineral spring. Pleasant grounds have been laid out on the bank of the lake. The town contains several mediaeval buildings, prominent among which is the "^ Town Hall, a richly -decorated Gothic structure. The hall with its carved wood -work is an object of great interest. The 39 statuettes on the walls, representing the various elements of the German Empire (3 spiritual and 4 temporal Electors, 4 Margraves of the Empire, Landgraves, Counts, Barons, Knights, Burghers , and Peasants), are by Jacob Rues (1490). Opposite to them are portraits of the Emperors, beginning with Rudolph II. — The adjacent Minster, of the 14th cent., with double aisles, contains an altar with tine wood-carving of the 17th century. The Stadt-Eamlei, in the Mtinster-Platz, has a line doorway, of the end of the 16th century. Adjacent is an Ethnographical and In- dustrial Museum. The Steinhaus Museum contains a Historical Collection and a Cabinet of Natural History. Fine views of the lake from various points. The Appenzell Mts. are visible hence; also, to the S.E., the sum- mits of the Rhsetikon 3Iountains. About IV2 M. to the X. of Ueberlingen are the Heidenlocher, mentioned in Scheffers novel 'Ekkehard'. Excursions may also be made to the (I/2-V4 hr.) Spezgarder Tdbel and the HocUnger Tohel (a picturesque ravine with waterfalls) and to Bodmann, on the W, shore of the lake, with an old imperial residence from which the lake (Bodensee) took its name. A pleasant excursion may be taken from Ueberlingen or Meersburg to Heiligenherg. A diligence plies twice daily in 33/4 hrs. from Meersburg to Heiligenberg, via Salem ; carriage and pair, there and back 18 Jl, from Ueberlingen 12 Jl- It is best to proceed direct from Ueberlingen to Hei- ligenberg, visiting Salem on the return journey. Heiligenberg ("Adler, pension 5 Jl ; ''Winter's Inn, pension 4-4V2 JO, an insignificant place, with the extensive chateau and park of Prince Fiirstenberg, lies pictur- esquely on a rocky terrace 1000 ft. above the Lake of Constance. The cha- teau contains a magnificent Renaissance hall. 110 ft. long and 40 ft. broad, with a beautifully-carved wooden 'Ceiling (16th cent.), probably the finest in Germany. The *Chapel (restored) is also noteworthy. The **View from the chateau is strikingly beautiful: it embraces the Lake of Constance, and the entire chain of the Vorarlberg and Swiss Alps, from the Hoch- vogel to the Jungfrau ; still better from the 'Sieben Linden' (seven lime- trees), 3/4 M. from the village. — The same view is enjoyed from several parts of the flower-garden, on the left of the road to the castle; also from the -Freundschafts-Hohlen , a number of grottoes, 1/4 lir. to the N.W. of the inn, — From Heiligenberg to Pfullendorf, see p. 55. Below Heiligenberg, to the S.W., 91/2 M. from Ueberlingen, lies the suppressed Cistercian convent of Salem (Post), now partly occupied by the Margrave William, with large halls (the finest of which is the 'Kaiser-Saal') in the rococo style, a collection of paintings, etc. The Gothic "Church of the 14th cent, is lavishly adorned within with sculptures in marble (23 altars), dating from the late-Renaissance period; fine late-Gothic ciborium. Railway from Constance to Schaffhausen and Bale, see Baedeker's Rhine or Baedeker's Switzerland. BAVARIA. 14. From Frankfort to Nuremberg by Wilrzburg, 145 M. Railway in 5V4-11 hrs. (fares 18 ^ 80, 12 Jf 50, 8 Jl 50; express 22 Jl 10, 15 Jl 60 pf.)- — Trains for Hanau start from the Central Station, on the left bank of the Main, as well as from the E., or Hanau Station, outside the Allerheiligen-Thor, 3/4 M. from the Zeil. Frankfort^ see Baedekers Rhine. Soon after leaving the E. Station, we pass Bornheim on the left; Offenbach (see below) lies to the right, on the opposite bank of the Main. 3 M. Mainkur ; 6 M. Uochstadt-Domigheim ; 9M. Wilhelmsbad, with pleasant promenades: all resorts of the Frankforters. On the Main, 1/2 M. to the S., is Philippsruhe, the seat of Landgrave Ernest of Hessen, with extensive orangeries. Near (10 M.) Hanau the train crosses the Kinzig. Fkom Fhankfort Central Station to Hanau, 13 M. (railway in V2-V* hr.). The train crosses the Main below Frankfort. 2 M. Sachsenhausen.^ a suburb of Frankfort ; 3 M. Ohervad. 5 M. Offenbach (Stadt Kassel), a manu- facturing town with 35,778 inhab., founded by French refugees at the end of the 17th century. Its fancy-goods rival those of Paris, Vienna, and Berlin. There are also important engine-factories, foundries, etc. The town is commanded by a castle of Count Isenburg, built in the Renaissance style in 1564-72. — 9M. Miihlheim; to the left, on theMain, is the village o( Rum- penheim, with a chateau of theLandgrave of Hessen. I2V2M. Klein- Steinheim. The train then crosses the Main, and enters the E. station of Hanau. Hanau (*i4(iZer;*i?iese; Posf, plain), a pleasant town, in the iQX- iilQWetterau^ with25,000inhab.,has two railway-stations, East and West, 11/4 M. apart. The modern part of the town owes its origin to Flemish and Walloon Protestants, who were banished from the Netherlands in 1597 on account of their creed. Their handicrafts, such as weaving, diamond-cutting, and the manufacture of gold and silver trinkets, still flourish. In the Parade-Platz is the house (marked by a marble tablet ; now the police-office) in which the brothers Jacob (1785-1863) and Wilhelm Grimm (1786-1859) were born. Near Hanau, on 30th and 31at Oct., 1813, Napoleon with 80,000 men who had retreated from Leipsic defeated Marshal Wrede with 40,000 Ba- varians, Austrians, and Russians. The battle took place near the Lamboi- wald^ on the Leipsic road, beyond the Kinzig. A small stone in the wall of the Kinzig bridge bears the name of Wrede, who was wounded there. From Hanau to Eherbach and Stuttgart., see R. 4 ; to Fulda and Behra (for Leipsic and Berlin), see Baedekev^s Northern Germany. To the left rises the Hahnenkamm (p. 60). To the right Stein- heim, a small town on the Main, with a conspicuous castle with five towers. 121/2 M. Gross-Auheim. Just beyond it, to the right, lies Gross-Krotzenburg, on the site of a Roman camp, with remains of the Roman ramparts. — I51/2 M. Eahl (Krone; LambertusJ. From Kahl we may visit the Kahlgrund, a pretty, wooded valley, the most populous in the Spessart (p. 63). The road leads E. to (3 M.) Alzenau. 60 Route 14. ASCHAFFENBURG. From Frankfort (410ft.; Post; Bayr. Hof, with brewery), with aSchloss now occupied by the district court, and a ruined castle. (Diligence twice daily in 1 hr. to Dettingen, see below.) Ascent of the Ludwigsthurm on the Hahnenkamm (1433ft.), a fine point of view, 3/4hr. — Then vilKalherau to (y^jnlA.) Michel- bach, where wine is produced, Sieinbach, and (6 M.) Mombris (Karpfen; Kempf), where we cross the river Kahl. From (8 M.) Schimhorn (Rosen- berger), we proceed by the road coming from Aschaffenburg to the E. via Evlenbach, at the foot of the Elosterberg (1260 ft.: fine view), and Klein- blankenbach to (1572^1-) Schbllkrippen ( Fleckenstein ; Steigerwald; Mahler), whence we may visit the forester's house '■Am Engldnde)'' (rfmts. on Sun. and Thurs.), descending io J akobsthal and through ihe Lohrbach- ThalXo ihe, station of (IV4 hr.) Heigenbrucken (p. 62). About 20 min. to the S. of the forester's house is the Steigkoppe (1650ft.), with a scaffolding which aflFords a fine view. — From Schollkrippen to Aschaffenburg (see below) omnibus daily in 3 hrs.; to Gelnhausen in 4 hrs. I8I/2 M. Dettingen, where the British, Hanoverian, Austrian, and Hessian troops, commanded by George II. of England, defeated the French on 27th July, 1743 : the first decisive success of Austria in the War of Succession. To Alzenau, see ahove. — 21 1/2 ^' KLein-Ostheim. 25^2 M. Aschaffenburg. — Hotels. *Peixz-Regext Luitpold, op- posite the station: 'Adlee (PI. a; C,3), R.&B. S'/z-S, D.l^jzJl; *Goldnes Fass (PI. b; B, 2)', R. 1 Jl 60-2 J! 50, B. 80 pf., pens, from 5 Jl ; Feei- HOF (PI. c; C, 3); Geoegi, Eisenbahn- Hotel, both at the station. — '^Weiss' s Restaurant, at the 'Riese', Herstall-Str. ; beer at the Adler and Kalle Loch. Aschaffenburg (341 ft.), with 13,609 inhab., was for centuries the summer-residence of the Electors of Mayence, but since 1814 has belonged to Bavaria. The extensive Schloss, with its four lofty towers (170 ft.), erected 1605-14, contains a Library (open Tues. and Thurs., 11-12) \\'ith valuable 'Incunabula' (e.g. Guttenberg's forty-two-line Bible) and books of the Gospels with admirable miniatures (the finest by Glockenton, an artist of Nuremberg, 1524) ; also a collection of 20,000 engravings and a ^Gallery of Pictures (346 in number). Adm. 9-12 and 2-6 (50 pf., incl. adm. to the Pompeianum, p. 61). No. 34. J. Pynar. Raising of Lazarus; 35. Seb. Vranck, Marauders; *37. Sal. van Ruysdael, River-scene; *5o. A. Elsheimer, Christ on the way to Emmaus; '58. Rembrandt (or Arnold van Oelder ?), Ecce Homo (1660); 62. Rubens, Silenus; A. van Everdingen, Norwegian landscape; 85. Eglon van der Neer, Conversation-piece : 96. Jan Brueghel, 102. H. Sachfleven, Land- scapes; 109. G. Dou, Dentist; 99, 112, 113. J. Momper, Landscapes; '125. -4. t?f/n O^^arfe, Cottage interior (1639) : ~132. N. Berchem, Sunny landscape; 136, '142. A. van der Neer, Landscapes; 139. J. D. de ffeen'i, Still -life; 143. Ph. Wouwerman, Horseman at a tavern (youthful work); 144. D. Teniers, Soldiers gambling; 148. G. duBois, Edge of the wood ; ~149. P. deBloot,'Pe&s- ants in a village-street; *160. 2>. Verburgh, Large landscape; 169. A. van de Velde, Horsemen: 171. Angelica Kauffmann, Madonna: '176. H. Sacht- leven. Large mountain landscape (1651); X. Giordano, 198. Esther, 199. Queen of Sheba; 206, 217, 225, 238, etc. A. de Gelder, Pas.sion of Christ; 209. Raph. Camphuisen, River-scene; 210. Rembrandt, Resurrection; 211. C. Netscher, Portrait; '218, 221, 226, ~223. Corn, de Heem, Fruit and flower pieces; 214, 227. C. Huysmans, Landscapes; '220. A. Cuyp, Cavaliers with landscape (finest specimen of this master in Germany); 222. Bonaventura Peters, Sea-piece; 233. J. Jordaens. St. Augustine; 234. Manfredi (not P. Lastman), lierodias; 235. De Heem, Still-life; '248, 251. C. de Vos {or Mire- velt?), Man and his wife; 249. A. Keirincx, Wood-scene; 250. D. Seghers, to Nuremberg. ASCHAFFENBURG. U. Route. 61 Flowers; 255. /. Duck, Looting a house; 256. /. van Goyen. Large river- scene (1646); 258. N. Berchem, Landscape with gipsies; 2Q'i.,2Q0. B. Baldung, Nativity, Crucifixion. Visitors with tickets (comp. p. 60) are admitted to the garden and follow a picturesque path, with steps and arbours, to the exit opposite the Pompeianum (see below). The Romanesque *Stiftskirche (PL 14; abbey-church),- founded in 980, but frequently altered, has cloisters of the 12th century. The iNTEfiioK has been skilfully restored since 1881. In the right aisle is a ^Monument in bronze, with a gilded sarcophagus said to contain the relics of St. Margaret, dating from 1540. In the choir is the monument of Albert of Brandenburg (d. 1545), Elector ofMayence, cast in 1525 during his lifetime, by P.Vischer, and opposite to it a Madonna in bronze by Joh. Vitcher. To the right of the principal entrance is a large monument in alabaster of the last Elector, Frederick Charles Joseph (d. 1802). The church also possesses three valuable paintings by M. Griinewald ., who lived for some time at Aschafifenburg (Resurrection, Pieta, and St. Valentinian, belonging to the altar-piece in the Pinakothek at Munich). The old abbey-buildings now contain the Municipal Collections (open Sun. 10-12 ; at other times on application to Hr. Broili, the director) : Roman antiquities found at Aschaffenburg (votive tablets, altars, vases, bronzes), prehistoric relics of the stone age, minerals, reminiscences of the electoral period, etc. The Church of St. Agatha (PL 10; B, 2), to the N.E. of the Schloss, built in the Transition style in 1115 and of late judiciously restored, contains many ancient tombstones. To the W. of the church, on the lofty bank of the Main beyond the Schloss-Garten, stands the ^Pompeianum (PL A, 2; adm. 8.30- 12 and 2-6, 50 pf.; comp. above), a villa erected by King Ludwig I. in 1824-49 in imitation of the 'House of Castor and Pollux' at Pom- peii , and adorned with mural paintings. The mosaic (Juno and Jupiter) on the wall of the summer dining-room was presented by Pope Gregory XVI. View from the platform. Pleasant walk through the Schonthal (PI. D, 3) and the (V4 hr.) Fasanerie to the Schmerlenhacher Wald. — On the left bank of the Main, 2 31. to the W., where the river is crossed by a bridge constructed in 1430, is the Schone Busch (comp. the Plan), a royal park with a chateau, orangery, and inn. — Another pleasant walk is by (41/2 M.) Johannesberg, with its new belvedere, to the Ludwigsthurm on the Eahnenkamm (p. 60). Then down by Alzenau (p. 60). Feom Aschaffenburg toMatence, 46'/2M. (direct railway in 1V2-3V2 hjs.). The through-trains from Mayence (and Cologne) to Munich and Vienna travel over this line. 9 M. Bahenhausen is the junction for Hanau and Eber- bach (p. 23). 26 M. Darmstadt, and (46V2 M.) Mayence, see Baedeker's Rhine. From Aschaffenburg to Amokbach, 28 M. (railway in 1^/4-2 hrs.). Soon after quitting the station the line sweeps round towards the S., passing the Fasanerie (see above) on the left, and follows the right bank of the Main, rich in vines and fruit-trees. 4M. Ober/iau ; b^/2'^l. Sulzbach, 3V2M. to the E. of which lie the picturesque baths (*Curhaus) of Sodenthal , with springs containing salt and bromine; 9 M. Kleinwallstadt ; 11 M. Obernburg (Kunig), opposite which, on the other side of the river, is the little town of that name, with a busy trade in timber and wine. At (15 M.) Worth, a small town with an old chateau, the train crosses the Main. 16 M. KUngenberg (Hirsch; Krone); the small town, noted for its excellent red wine and its fire-proof clay, lies on the opposite bank. 18'/2 M. Laudenbach. 20'/2 M. Kleinheubach (Adler), with Schloss and park of Prince Lowen- stein-Wertheim- Rosenberg (chapel with •Frescoes by E. Steinle). On the 62 Route 14. MILTENBERG. From Frankfort opposite bank lies Gros&heubach^ 1 M. to the S.E. of which is the Fran- ciscan monastery of Engelsberg, with a pilgrimage-church (view), where Dom Miguel of Braganza (d. 1866), pretender to the throne of Portugal, ia huried. In a wood near this (IY2 M. from the village) are the so-called Eain- or Heunen-Sdulen^ twelve huge columns of sandstone, remains of an ancient quarry of the Eoman period, which seems to have been suddenly abandoned. 221/2 M. Miltenberg (395 ft.; Engel; Eiese), a thriving little town of 3500 inhab., in a charming situation, stretches for a considerable distance between the river and the wooded height on its bank. Its quarries of variegated sandstone were known in the time of the Romans. The old Schloss of the Electors of Mayence, built in the 15th cent, and destroyed in 1552, contains Hr. Conrady's valuable collection of antiquities and ob- jects of art (admission free)." The Municipal Collection of Antiquities is in the old hospital. Several interesting timber-built houses. — Then Weil- bach and (28 M.) Amorbach ("Badischer Hof; Post), a small town with 2500 inhab. and mineral baths, seat of the Prince of Leiningen, whose handsome English-Gothic chateau of Wald-Leiningen lies 6 M, to the S. The old abbey-church, with two early- Romanesque towers and a nave rebuilt in the rococo style in the 18th' cent. , is now used for Protestant services. The abbey-mill and other Gothic edifices in the town, and the rococo library-hall in the former chapter -house should be noticed. — Hence to the Odenwald, see Baedeker''s Rhine. From Miltexbeeg to Webtheim, 18 M. (diligence twice daily in 3^4 hrs.). The picturesque road, which will repay even walkers, runs on the left bank of the Main through the fertile and well-wooded valley, dotted here and there with ruined castles, via Burgstadt (near which, on the Wannenherg, are an ancient Germanic rampart and a deserted Roman quarry), to (5 M.) Freudenberg (Rose), a picturesque little place, with the ruins of a castle of the 12th cent, destroyed in the Thirty Years' War. Farther on, to the left, are the extensive quarries of Reistenfiausen; then Fechenbach with the ruined Kollenberg, Dorfprozelten, and Stadtprozelten ('Post; Adler), with a castle of the now extinct Schenks of Klingenberg, destroyed by the French in 1688. Thence by Mondfeld and Orunenworth to Wertheim (see p. 63). The line passes a monument (r.) to the Austrians who fell in 1866, and ascends by (30 M.) Hosbach and (32 M.) Laufach to the long tunnel of (361/2 M.) Heigenbrilcken (Fleckenstein's Inn, at the station). About S^/o M. to the N., above Jakobsthal, is the Steig- koppe (p. 60). The line here enters the higher regions of the Spes- sart (p. 63), winds through the wooded and grassy Lohrbach-Thal, and runs across numerous bridges and through many cuttings in the red sandstone to (45 M.) Partenstein and (49 M.) Lohr, on the Main. About 1 M. to the S. is Lohr (*KessleT; Hirsch ; Krone ; Roder), an industrial little town, prettily situated. The Rathhaus and the Parish Church are interesting. From Lohe to Wertheim, 23 M. (railway in 2 hrs.). The train ascends the pleasant valley of the Main, following the right bank of the winding river. 1 M. Sladt Lohr (see above); 21/2 M. Rodenbach; 5V2 M. Neustadt am Main., with a well-restored church (Romanesque basilica), dating from a Benedictine monastery founded in the 8th century. 9'/2 M. Rothen/els (Anker, good wine), with large quarries and a chateau of Prince Lowen- stein -Wertheim -Rosenberg. 11 M. Hafenlohr; I2V2 M. Markth eidenfeld (*Post ; Schone Aussicht) , with a handsome bridge over the Main and near a large trout-breeding establishment. Nearing (16 M.) Trenn/eld, we observe on the right "Schloss Trie/enstein, once an Augustinian provostry, now the property of Prince Lowenstein-Wertheim-Freudenberg, very hand- somely fitted up (tapestry, collection of arms) • beautiful park and charm- ing view. On the left bank are Eomburg , with an old castle, and the ^icJienbcxJcfL ,< FeldkaU \f0ber- ''^^nrucj^h^h MTitetf^ctiUnXf 'i^J^^^fJ.nzr,^'"^^ HjeiaejttwfickOT^ m7^ (Jgidbac^^ 'l ^^/^ " ' ' S^ — r^ Griirtnior.'^harh k j^snisiQ, zerhof /© <4t ^ * *. jHtiuschcnslv. ^fstetten f 134 ,, ^ enstetn. __ AjottcWiers 483 Hcidett Dorf])rQ^lteii .clipnbs Rotlv-Berg ■lorbachJifflteriberg" ■TreudeaTbgV^»«^Ciltp.iibg" I ^U=J KUometcr 1 : 250.000 c ^ i^,w --^' ^i^' sV4 -■^fjr to Nuremberg. SPESSART. Id. Route. 63 Burkardus-Hohle, the cave in which St. Burkhard, first bishop of Wiirz- burg, died in 752. A tunnel, 550 yds. long, below the Bellinger Berg., brings us to (_2iil.) Kreuzwerlheim. — 23 M. Wertheim {"Badischer Hof., in the town ; "Held., on the Main, with garden and fine view; Lowensleiner Ho/., Lowe, Ochs, unpretending), an old town with 3540 inhab., the residence of Prince Lowenstein- Wertheim -Freudenberg, is prettily situated at the influx of the Tauber into the Main, at the foot of a wooded hill, crowned by the extensive and partially preserved ruins of a castle destroyed in the Thirty Years' War. Several quaint houses of the 16th century. The situation of the town, with the imposing red sandstone ruin above it, somewhat resembles that of Heidelberg. The church contains fine monuments of Counts Joh. and Mich, von Wertheim (15th and 16th cent.). The 8. part of the Spessart, the finest and most extensive forest- district in Germany, noted for its gigantic oaks and beeches, and its game, is washed on three sides by the Main, and is bounded on the N. by the valleys of the Aschaff and the Lohr, through which the railway from Aschaflfenburg to Lohr runs. Almost in the centre of this district rises the Oeyersberg (1920 ft.), from which long hills radiate to the W., S., and E., on the crests of which we may walk in the delicious leafy shade for hours at a time (as in the Vosges Mts.). On the W. slope of the Geyersberg, 11 M. from Stadtprozelten (p. 62) and as far from Marktheidenfeld (p. 62), Wert- heim (see above), and Lohr (p. 62), lies Rohrbrunn (1520 ft.), a summer- resort consisting of two forester's houses and a new inn (pens. SVz «^<^)j and a good centre for exploring the Spessart. Opposite is (10 min.) a hunting-lodge of Prince Luitpold, behiad the foresters house of Diana, where the wild swine are fed at 5 or 6 p.m. To the S. (20 min.) is the Annahohe or HoJie Warte (1210ft.), a forester's house, whence we survey the vast leafy ocean of the Spessart. We may also visit a venerable oak, 1000 years old, 8-10 min. to the S.W. To the N.E. a beautiful forest-path leads past the (IV4 hr.) forester's house of Jdgerverein to (1 hr.) Lichtenau (785 ft. ; "Inn), prettily situated in the wooded valley of the Hafenlohr (wild swine feeding). Thence we either descend the valley to (SVzhrs.) //a/enZoAr (p. 62), or go to the N. through fine timber across the Schwarze Rucken to Rechtenbach and (3V2hrs.) Lohr (p. 62). — A road leads from Rohrbrunn to theS.W. past the forester's house oiDiana and through the Z'amTnfeac/i-I'/iai to (IV'zhr.) Krausenhach {Inn)., whence we ascend to the left (guide advisable) to the (V2 M.) Gaishohe (1705 ft.), on which a view-tower has recently been built. We descend past the ruined Wildenstein to (IV4 hr.) IJschau (QIO ft.:, 'Krone), whence a carriage-road ascends ihe Elsaica-Thal to Hobbach (YiUa, Elsawa of Dr. Wehsarg, pension i-i^i-zJf) andMespelbrunn (see below), and descends to (4V2 M.) Obernburg (p. 61). — Charmingly situated, 1^/4 hr. to the N. of Rohrbrunn (guide advisable) , lies Mespe'lbrunn , the ancestral castle of the founder of Wiirzburg University (p. 68; refreshments in the forester's house , to the left). From this point a pleasant route (guide- posts) leads by Neudorf and the Hohe Warte (1210 ft.) to (2 hrs.) Bad Sodenthal and (IV4 hr.) Sulzbach (p. 61). bA^/2M. Langenprozelten. ^eair(bSM.)Qemvinden (Kreiser ; Bail. Restaurant) we cross the Frdnkische Saale, which here falls into the Main. The little town lies picturesquely at the foot of wooded hills, commanded by the ruins of Schor enter g, which was destroyed in 1243. From Gemunden to Elm, 28V2 M. (railway in 11/4-23/4 hrs.). The line runs through the pleasant Sinnthal. Stations Rineck , Burgsinn, Mitlehinny Jossa (to Briickenau, see p. 85), Sterbfrilz, Vollmerz (near it, to the E., the ruins of the Sleckelburg, once the seat of Ulrich von Hutten) ; then Elm, a station on the Bebra-Hanau Railway (see Baedeker's Northern Germany). From Gemdnden to Hammelbdrg (171/2 M.), railway in li/i hr. through the -pretty Saale-Thal. Stations: Schonau, with a convent on the hill to the right; Wolfsmiinsler, Ordfendorf, Michelaubrilck, Morlesau, Die- bach. — Hammelburg (Tost; "Schwarzer Adler). an ancient town, pictur- esquely situated on the right bank of the Saale, presented by Charlemagne to the abbey of Fulda. On the opposite bank , on a vine-clad hill , rises 64 Route 14. WURZBURG. From Frankfort Schlots Saaleck. — From Hammelburg to A'wsmjren (p. 83), I2V2M., diligence thrice daily in 3 hrs., via Fuchsstadt, Trimherg ^ with a well-preserved ruin, and Euerdorf (Stern). Walkers pass to the left of Fuchsstadt. Fbom Gemijnden to Schweixfurt (Kissingen), 31 72 M., railway in IV4 hr. — Beyond (2 M.) Wem/eld (see below) the line turns to the left into the fertile and smiling Wernthal, running now on one side of the stream, now on the other. 4 M. Gossenheim , 2V2 M. to the N. of which is the ruined castle of Homburg; 71/2 M. Eussenheim; 11 M. Thiingen ^ with a chateau; 15 M. Mildesheim; 1772 M. Arnstein , a small town with an old chateau; 21 M. MUhlhausen. The line quits the Wernthal, passing Schloss Wemeck (p. 82) on the N.E., and at (25 M.) Weigolshausen joins the rail- way from Wiirzburg to (8IV2 M.) Oherndorf- Schweinfurt (p. 82). 591/2 M. Wernfeld (see above). — 66 M. Karlstadt (530 ft.), once the fortified frontier-town of the episcopal see of Wiirzburg , and still surrounded with walls and towers, is said to have been founded by Charles Martel, and extended by Charlemagne. Professor Boden- stein, the instigator of the Puritanical iconoclasm, was born here, and has thence been surnamed 'Karlstadt'. On the opposite hill, on the left bank of the Main, is the ruined Karlsburg ; and farther on , at Laudenbach , is a chateau of Prince Wertheim , destroyed during the War of the Peasants. — 71 M. Retzhach ; 73 M. Thiin- gersheim; 77 M. Veitshochheim , with a royal chateau and park; 78Y2 M. Zell. Opposite the vine-clad Steinberg lies the old mon- astery of Oberzell, now Konig & Bauer's printing-press factory. 81 M. Wiirzburg. — Hotels. Kkonpkinz von Batekn (PI. b; D, 2), Eesidenz-Platz, R., L., & A. 21/2-31/2, B. 1, D.3Ji; *Rdssischee Hof (PI. a; C, 2), Untere Theater-Str., near the station, R., L,, & A. from 21/4. B. 1, D. 21/2 Jl; *ScuwAN (PI, c; B, 3), Biittnersgasse, with view of the river, R. &A. 2 J(-2 Jl SO, B. 90 pf., D. 21/2 Jl ; *Rugmeb (PI. d; C, 2), by the theatre; Wuettembeegee Hof (PI. e;C, 2), in the Markt, R., L., & A.2 Jl SOpf., B.l, D. 2V2.if, commercial; *Bahnhof (PI. k; C, D, 1), ^National (PI. 1: C, 1), with cafe-restaurant, Zanglein (PI. m; C, 1), *Sghott {Zum Deutschen Kaiser; PL n, C, i), all near the station and moderate. Fkan- KiscHEE Hof (PI. f; C, 2), Eichhorn-Str.; Adlee (PI. g; B, 2), Marktgasse; WiTTELSBACHEE HoF (PI. h; B, 2), in the Markt; Landsberg (PI. i; C, 2), Semmels-Str. — Pension Heffnee, Petersplatz 6, R. 1-2, pension 3-4 USf, well spoken of. Cafes-Restaurants. *.4Z^f/7n6ra, Franziskaner-Platz; Schnitzar (Vienna Cafe), Kiirschnerhof; Cafe National, at the station, etc. — Wine. Hader- lein, Dominikaner-Platz, with garden; Ziegler, Julius Promenade; Stiimmer^ Martinsgasse; Bduerlein, Alte Briicke; wine-rooms in the Juliusspifal, to the right of the entrance, and the Biirgerspital (PI. C, 2), Semmels-Str.; Wend. Domerpfarrgasse, wine-room, preserved meats, etc (the last three are closed at 8 p.m.). — Beer. Platz'scher Garten, outside the Rennweger Thor (PI. D, E, 3), concerts several times weekly; Letztev Hieh (PI. F, 3), a garden-restaurant about 1/2 M. farther on, with fine view ; Hutten'' scher Garten, outside the Sander-Thor (PI. C, 4), at the tramway-terminus, etc. Cabs. From the station to the town : 1-2 pers. 60. 3-4 pers. 80 pf. — By time: each 1 4 hr. of the first hour, 1-2 pers. 40, 3-4 pers. 50 pf.; each additional 1/4 hr. 30 or 40 pf. ; from 10 p. m. to 6 a. m. double fares. Tramway from the station via the Kaiser-Str., Dom-Str., and Sander- Str. to Sanderau station (10, 15, or 20 pf.). Post & Telegraph Offices in the Parade-Platz (PI. C, 2) and at the station. Theatre (PI. C, 2); performances in winter only. K,iver Baths. Wellenlad. by the quay below the old bridge ; Dametibad, above the old bridge, etc. Warm Baths: Br. Wirsing, Strohgasse; Jdger, at the Holrthor. LJmtf btruuu C2 3 JQrrtiPn 1A7 hmgs-Jnst C A VHAgtithmkn cJfJt ira9 I •BC^nPrarrkirr/f B3. i£n jJivulmi Inn B3 1 h- t ITiriK R3 ^Forstsdade Mi n^andku i e Di iecirrberc/wlf B IZ H Vtiftskir he CZ llofnanurkUister V X^SbuliviK B5 8iiLs-ff7?« i,JJ..:.[iGJ?/7W^)rM !;.♦ IB-caikenluais D.4.1 17 JTu-ato- B.3. KgLPiui SCH6:NBFSCff. j^ cograph.AnstaJt vun Wi:ghar,cDebes.Leiprt§. ^r^: ^^^:a l.i.'- t^^' ^i 7- iS'if > '^ c* /^••V; 1 to Nuremberg. WURZBURG. 14. Route. 65 Wurzburg (575 ft. ; 61,032 inliab., 10,000 Prot.), tte ancient capital of an episcopal principality, and now that of the Bavarian province of Unterfranken or Lower Franconia, is charmingly situ- ated in the vine-clad valley of the Main, The inner and older part of the town, of which churches and ecclesiastical buildings form the chief feature, is encircled with well-kept promenades, nearly 3 M. in length, while the modern quarters, including the new uni- versity buildings, present a bright and handsome appearance. Wiirzburg is one of tlie most venerable cities in Germany, having been the seat of a bishop since 741, when Burkardus, the first bishop, was consecrated by St. Boniface. The bishops soon attained to great wealth and power, and were created dukes of Franconia in 1120, a dig- nity confirmed to them by Emp. Frederick I. in 1168. Down to 1803, when Wurzburg was incorporated with Bavaria, the principality was governed by an unbroken line of these bishop -princes, whose sway in the 17th and 18th cent, often included the see of Bamberg also. From 1805 to 1813 Wiirzburg was the capital of a grand-duchy of the Rhenish Confederation. The fortifications were removed in 1869-74. From the Bahnhof-Platz (J'l. C, 1), where the Kilian Fountain was erected in 1895, the Kaiser-Strasse and Theater-Strasse (comp. p. 67) lead to the (10 min.) Residenz-Platz (PI. D, 2, 3), in which rises the Luitpold Fountain, erected in 1894 on the 70th birthday of the Prince Regent Luitpold by the circles of Lower Franconi aand Aschaffenburg. The fountain, designed by F. von Miller, is sur- mounted by a figure of Franconia, with a portrait-medallion of Prince Luitpold below; still lower are lifesize figures of Tilmann Riemen- schneider, Matthias Griinewald, and Walther von der Vogelweide. The extensive royal, formerly episcopal, * Palace (Residenz), one of the grandest and most effective of 18th cent, edifices of the kind, was erected in 1720-44 in the rococo style from Neumann's designs. It is 550 ft. long, 290 ft. deep, and 70 ft. high, and con- tains 7 courts, 283 rooms, a chapel, and a theatre. The principal Staircase, in the central structure, to the left, is very imposing; its lofty ceiling is adorned with a fresco by G. B. Tiepolo of Venice, representing Olympus and the four quarters of the globe. The ceiling-painting in the large Kaiseesaal. depicting the marriage of Emp. Frederick I. and Beatrix of Burgundy, which took place at Wurzburg in 1156, is also by Tiepolo. The Paxace Chapel, which contains two altar-pieces by Tiepolo, is sumptuously enriched with marble and bronze. The former episcopal apartments are richly decorated with French tapestry (Battle of Alexander, presented by Louis XIV.), etc. Magnificent ^Mirror Saloon. — The Picture Gallert is particularly rich in still-life pieces by O. B. Weeiiix. J. van Streeck. EUas FoncAr, B. van der Meer, C. Lui/ks, A. van Utrecht, etc. Among other works may be mentioned: *iV. Berchem, Juno and Argus (an early work); 'M. Stoop, Robbers in a cottage; H. van Balen, Holy Family (lifesize); */. Livens, Mourning for Christ; /. Verkolje, Party on a harbour. — The huge Cellars, probably the largest in Germany, contain 200 casks of excellent Franconian wine produced by the royal vineyards. — The palace is shown daily at 10, 11, 2, and 3 o'clock (50 pf. each; the visit takes 3/* hr.). Visitors ring for the castellan in the back- court of the left wing. Adjacent is the office of the cellarer. The left (N.) wing of the palace contains the Collection of the Historical Society (oi^ew on Sundays in summer, 10-12; at other times 50 pf. each pers.), and in the right wing is the Picture Gal- Bakdeker's S. Germany. 8th Edit. 5 66 Route 14. WURZBURG. From FranTifort lery o( fhe Kunstverein (daily, except Sat., 10-3). — The *nof- garten^ at the back of the palace, laid out in 1729, and afterwards frequently altered, is a favourite promenade. It contains a new Orangery (20 pf.), with figures from Herrenchiemsee, and a cafe. In the hroad Hofstrasse, leading W. from the palace to the ca- thedral, is the Maxschule (PI. C, 2), containing the commercial and grammar schools and the collections of the polytechnic society. The Cathedral (PI. C, 2), in the Parade-Platz, a cruciform ba- silica in the Romanesque style , begun in 862 and consecrated in 1189, was materially altered in 1240 (to which date the two E. towers and the apse belong). The Inteeiok, marred by IStli cent, restoration, contains numerous monuments of bishops: those of Bibra(d. 15l9) and *8cherenberg (d. 1495), by the 6th and 7th pillars on the right, were executed by Biemenschnei- der (p. 77). The left aisle contains several fine brasses with low reliefs, e.g. that of Peter von Aufsess (d. 1522), by the 9th pillar. On the left side of the nave is a font of 1279. Altar-pieces of the 17-18th centuries. In the choir hangs a large crucifix by Riemenschneider. Adjoining the cathedral on the N. rises the Neumunster Church (PLC, 2), of the 11th century. The red rococo facade towards the Kiirschnerhof was constructed in 1711-19 by Pezani; the dome was added in 1731. The well-proportioned interior was decorated with stucco and gilding in the 18th century. On the choir of the Neu- miinster Church, facing the cathedral, is a tablet with a Latin and a German inscription (the latter by King Ludwig I.) , erected in 1843 to the memory of Walther von der Vogelweide (d. about 1230), the greatest of the mediaeval German poets, who was interred in the old cloisters. A sum of money was left by the poet for purchasing food for the birds, and a vase was placed on the top of the original tomb for this purpose. The new monument is similarly provided, but the bequest has long since been diverted to the use of the canons themselves. The Martinsgasse leads hence to theMARKT(Pl.B,C,2), in which rises the elegant Gothic ^Marienkapelle. erected in 1377-1441, and restored in 1856, when the perforated spire was added. The reliefs on the three pnrtals (Annunciation, Last Judgment, Virgin enthroned) are coeval with the church. The ''Statues by the S. portal (.Adam and Eve) and on the buttresses (four restored) are by Riemen- tchneider. Observe in the interior the tombstone of a knight (1499) and wooden 'Statues (SS. Dorothea and Margaretha) by Riemenschneider. To the S.W. of the market-place lies the old liathhaus (Fl.B, C, 2"), the oldest part of which, the so-called Grafen-Eckartsthurm, built in 1453-56, faces the Domstrasse. In the same street is the Vierrohren-Brunnen, a fountain erected in 1733. The Domstrasse leads to the Old Main Bridge, see p. 68. From the Domstrasse the Augustinergasse and the Neubau- strasse lead to the S. to the Jitlilus Maximilian University, found- ed in 1582 by Bishop Julius (p. 68), and attended by about 1550 students, of whom about 900 are medical. The University Build- ings (PL C, 2), designed by Adam Kal in 1587, contain various col- lections : the Zoological, the Mineralogical and Geological, the Art- to Nuremberg. WtJRZBURG. 14. Roide, 67 History Museum (Wagner's collection of antiquities, including Greek monuments, vases, fragments of statues, casts from antique works, tapestry, wood-carvings by Riemenschneider, early Christian lamps, rings, etc.), a somewhat extensive Picture Gallery [open Thurs. 9-1), the Cabinet of Engravings (Mon. and Wed., 9-12), etc. All the collections are closed in vacation, though strangers may obtain admission for a fee. PicTLRE Gallery (artists' names not all authenticated). Spinello Arttino, Altar-piece; Raphael (?), Madonna with the carnation ^ Bellini (?), Rest on the Flight into Egypt; works by Tiepolo, Tintoretto., Povdenone ; Poussin, Bacchanalian scene; Millet, Italian landscape ; Bourguignon, Ba.Hle; Greuze, Girrs head; Velazquez {'i). Two portraits; Skreta, Three portraits; Van der Neer, Moonlight scene; Brveghel d: Van Balen^ Landscape; Hogarth, Street- scene; ^Hell-Ji re'' Brueghel, Temptation of St. Antony; Sachtleven, River-scene; Ilondecoeter, Poultry -yard; Snyders (1) , Greengrocer; Rvbens (1) , Roman battle; Van Dyck, St. Jerome; Peters, Flight into Egypt; Fr. Hals, Portrait; Claeisz d- De Heem, Still-life; Elshaimer, Destruction of Sodom; Cranach^ Lot and his daughters; Denner, Old woman; Schiiiz, Four landscapes, etc. The S.W. side of the quadrangle, in the Neubau-Strasse, is oc- cupied by the University Church or Neubau-Kirche, built in 1582-91 in a curiously mixed Gothic and Renaissance style and recently well restored. The tower is used as an Observatory (Sat. 2-4). Ad- joining the church on the E. is the University Library, containing over 250,000 vols., and adjacent is the Michaelis-Kirche or Seminar- Kirche (1765). — To the W. of the University is the early-Gothic Franciscan Church, with a monastery of the 13th cent. (PLC, 3). From the Neubau-Strasse the Peter-Strasse leads to the S. to the Peterskirche. On the S. side of the Platz is the old Mint (now a school); on the E. side is the Regierungsgebdude , or government offices, once a Benedictine abbey, the Church of which, now Pro- testant , was tastefully decorated in the interior in the rococo style in 1782-89. From this point the Otto-Strasse leads to the S.E., past the (left) new Justizgebdude (PI. D, 3 ; law-courts) and the monument of Phil. Franz von Siebold, the naturalist and traveller (1796-1866), to the promenades by the Sander Glacis (p. 68). From the Residenz-Platz (p. 65) the Theatee-Strasse runs to the N.W. On the right we notice the Ludwigshalle (PI. D, 2), for- merly railway-offices , now used for exhibitions, in front of which rises a monument to von Ziirn (d. 1884), a public-spirited burgo- master of Wurzburg. To the right, farther on, at the corner of the Semmels-Strasse, is the Biirgerspital (PI. C, 2), with its popular wine-room (p. 64). Opposite to it the HaugerpfafFengasse leads to the right to the Hauger Church (PI. C, 1), with two towers and a lofty dome, built in 1670-91 by Petrini, in the rococo style. The interior is overladen with gilding. At the end of the Theater-Strasse the Kaiser-Strasse leads to the right to the railway-station, while the Julius Pbomenade leads to the left to the Main. To the right in the latter is the extensive and admirably organised Julius Hospital (PI. C, 1, 2), founded in 5* 68 Jloute 14. WURZBUEG. From Frankfort 1576, and richly endowed, its property being now worth 9,000,000 J^. Upwards of 600 persons, of whom 400 are patients, are daily boarded and lodged here. The clinical institutions connected with the hos- pital since the beginning of the 17th cent, also form a medical school. The Statue of the founder, Bishop Julius Echter von Mespel- brunn (d. 1617), in the lower Julius Promenade, is by Schwan- thaler. Behind the hospital is the Botanic Garden. From the W. end of the Julius Promenade, where the Custom House (PI. B, 2) is situated, we follow the bank of the Main to the N., past the 'crane-quay' and the municipal Abattoir^ to the new Luitpold Bridge (PI. B, 1), which spans the river with seven arches and affords a line view of the valley. On the opposite bank are large new barracks. In the Pleicher Ring, leading to the S.E. from the bridge to the Kaiser-Strasse and the railway- station, are the new Zootomical Institute, the Anatomie\ and the Pathological, Physio- logical, &nd Physical Institutes, all belonging to the nniversity. Pleas- ant grounds on the left. Beyond the Kaiser-Platz(Pl.C, 1) we reach the Hanger and the Rennweger Ring, and beyond the Hofgarten (p. 65} the Sander Ring (PL B, 4), which extends to the Main. The Dom-Strasse (p. 65) leads to the Old Main Bridge (PI. B, 2, 3), 644ft. in length, constructed in 1474-1607, and adorned with statues of saints. On the left bank, immediately to the right, is the small Hofspital-Kirche, containing the '14 guardian saints' carved by T. Riemenschneider. The Gothic Deutschhaus - Kirche (PI. A, 2), now used for military purposes, was built in 1287-1303. — To the left, 5 min. above the bridge, rise the grey towers of St. Bnrkard (PI. B, 2), the only church of Wiirzburg of intact exterior, erected in 1033-42 in the Romanesque style and restored in 1168, with late-Gothic choir of 1494-97. In the interior (now being restored) it has shared the fate of the other churches. The nave contains a late -Romanesque offertory-box in sandstone, and the S. transept a carved altar of 1590. Through a vaulted passage below the choir of St. Burkard the Burkardergasse leads to the Burkarder Thor (PI. B, 3) , beyond which runs the Mergentheim road. The first road diverging to the right beyond the gate is the 'Leisten-Strasse', near which the ex- cellent 'Leistenwein' is produced. The second road diverging to the right from the high-road (by the garden-restaurant of Leimsud) leads to a Station Path, which ascends in 10-12 min. to the octa- gonal Maeibn-Kapbllb {^Kdppele'; PI. A, 4) on the Nicolausberg (1178 ft.), a pilgrimage-chapel , built in 1748-92 and containing good altar-pieces. The terrace in front of it affords fine views of the town and fortress. If we ascend the steps behind the chapel, we may follow the slope to the left (beautiful view) to the (10 min.) Schiitzenhof Restaurant, and thence regain the town in 1/4 hr. On the hill opposite Wiirzburg, 427 ft, above the river, rises the fortress of Marienberg (1016 ft.; PL A, 3), constructed since to Nuremberg. KITZINGEN. U. Route. 69 1650 on the site occupied successively by a Roman fort and an episcopal castle, which was taken by Gustaviis Adolphus in 1631. To reach it we cross the bridge, turn to the right, and ascend to the left by the 'Erste Schlossgasse' (12 min.). We apply to the guard above the second covered gateway and are conducted to several fine points of view (cards of admission at the 'Kommandantur'; gratis). In 1525 the insurgent peasantry lost time and strength in a vain at- tempt to capture this castle , after which the episcopal troops entered the town and executed 60 of the ringleaders. Near Wiirzburg the Arch- duke Charles defeated the French General Jourdan in 1796. In 1866 the campaign of the Prussian army of the Main terminated at Wiirzhurg with the bombardment of the fortress (27th July). An armistice was concluded next day. Railway to Bamberg, K. 17; to Munich, R. 25; to Heidelberg, R. 15. The line to Ansbach (p. 130) and Gunzenhausen diverges here. The next stations on the Nuremberg line are (86 M.) Rottendorf and (90 M.) Dettelbach (a town on the Main, 3 M. to the E.). 951/2 M. Kitzingen (625ft.; *Schwan; Rothes Ross; Stern, on the right bank of the Main), a busy trading town, with 7541 inhab., noted for its beer, is connected by an ancient stone bridge, 886 ft. long, with the suburb of Etwashausen on the left bank. In 1525 Margrave Casimir of Ansbach ordered seven of the burghers to be executed in the market-place , and many others to be deprived of sight , as a punishment for their participation in the Peasants' War, On a hill near the station, ^/o M. to the S.W. of the town, are the Waterworks, supplied from the Main by steam-power. Above the station is the Neue Schiesshaus , which affords a charming view of the vine-clad hills of the Main and of the Steigerwald. The line crosses the Main by a handsome bridge, 290 yds. long, and runs to the S.E. through a hilly district, passing the Schwan- berg. Stations Mainbernhebn , Iphofen (with walls, towers, old town-gates , and a Gothic church) , Markt-Einersheim , Hellmitz- heim, Markt-Bibart , Langenfeld, siVLd. [120 M.') Neustadt , on the Aisch, a hop-trading place , with remains of old walls and towers (4100 inhab.). Beancii Railway by Dottenheim and Ipsheim to (9V2 M.) "Windsheim, an ancient little town on the Aisch, once a free town of the empire, and still surrounded with walls. Beyond (125 M.) Emskirchen we cross the Aurach by a fine viaduct, 132 ft. high. i'2SM. Hagenbiichach ; 134 M. Siegelsdorf (branch-line to Langenzenri); 136^2 M. Burgfarrnbach, with a chateau of Count Piickler. Then across the Rednitz. On the right the Alte Feste (p. 70). 140 M. Furth (964 ft.; Hotel KiXtt, Hotel National, both at the Fiirth and Nuremberg Railway Station; Schwarzes Kreuz , Drei Kbnige, in the town, plainer; L'. S. Consut), a busy town with 42,659 inhab., vies with Nuremberg in its staple commodities of toys and fancy-articles, and possesses very extensive manufactories of gold- leaf and of mirrors. Conspicuous among the buildings is the modern 70 Route 15. LAUDA. Rathhaus with its lofty tower. The Gothic Church of St. Michael (14th cent.) contains a beautiful late-Gothic *Ciborium, 25 ft. high. The Rednitz, which joins the Pegnitz below the town to form the Regnitz, is crossed by a railway and a suspension-bridge. From FiJRTH to CADOLZBrEO, 8M., local railway in 35 min., via Dam- hach and (21/2 M.) AUe Veste. At the Alte Veste (1184 ft.), on a hill on the Rednitz , the battle between Gustavus Adolphus and Wallenstein, which compelled the Swedish monarch to retreat, was fought on 4th Sept., 1632. The headquarters of Gustavus were at the inn 'Zum Griinen Baum\ in the street now named after him. Six different attacks on the intrenched camp of Wallenstein had proved unsuccessful. Extensive view from the tower. The adjoining restaurant is a favourite resort of the Ifurembergers. — The line proceeds via Zirndorf, Weiherhof, and Egei'sdorf to (8 M.) Cadolz- burg, a market-village with 1237 inhab. and a well-preserved Castle of the Counts of Hohenzollern, with their armorial bearings on the outer gate. The oldest part of the castle dates from the 9th cent., the newer parts from 1410. The main line between Fiirth (junction for the line to Bamberg, p. 81) and (5 M.) Nuremberg is the Staatsbahn or government- railway; trains also run hourly (in Vi^^O o" the Ludwigshnhn (sta- tion at Nuremberg outside the Spittler-Thor), the oldest line in Ger- many (1835) ; and there is also a tramway (p. 96). Our train crosses the Ludwigs-Kanal near (141 M.) Doos, runs for a little way parallel with it, and then turns to the E. into the (145 M.) Nuremberg station (p. 95). 15. From Wiirzbnrg to Heidelberg. 99 M. Railway in 33/4-51/2 hrs. (fares 12 J/. dO, 8 J( 50, 5 ^ 50 pf.). — From Wiirzburg to Stuttgart, express in 4 hrs. via Osterburken and Heil- bronn; Berlin to Stuttgart via Wiirzburg in 16 hrs. ; comp, R. 4, The line coincides with the Munich line as far as (4 M.) Hei- dingsfeld (p. 128), diverges to the right , and ascends through a monotonous hilly region. 6^/2 M. Reichenberg ; the village, in the valley to the left, is overlooked by a handsome Schloss on the hill above. 10 M. Geroldshausen; beyond (14 M.) Kirchheim we cross the Baden frontier. The line now descends. Beyond (17 M.) Wittighausen several deep cuttings and a tunnel. Then through the wooded and grassy valley of the Grunhach to (201/.2 M.) Zimmem, where the vine-culture begins. 22^/2 M. Griinsfeld, an old town, with part of the walls still standing. The handsome church con- tains a good monument to a Countess von Wertheim (d. 1503) by Tilman Riemenschneider. 251/2 M. Gerlachsheim. The train crosses the Tauber, and turns to the left to (27 M.) Lauda (*Rail. Restau- rant), junction of the Wertheim line. Fkom Ladda to Wertheim (20 M.) railway in 1 hr. through the smiling Tauber-Thal. 21/2 M. DistelMnsen;b]Sl. Tauberbi'schofsheim (Adler; 3400 inhab.), the scene of an engagement between the Prussian and Wurtemberg troops in July, 1866 ; 71/2 M. Hochhausen ; 12 M. Gamburg, with an old castle. Two bridges and two tannels. 15 M. Bronnhach ; the old Cistercian abbey, with a transition-church of the 12th cent., now belongs to Prince Lowenstein. 17 M. Reicholzheim; 19V2 M. Wertheim (p. 63). From Lauda to Mrrgentheim. 6 M., railway in 25 min., by Unter- balbach and Edeljingen. — Uergentheim (670 ft. ; Hirsch, in the town ^ KONIGSHOFEN. 15. Route. 71 Deutscher i?o/, at the station) ia an old town on the Tauber (pop. 4400), where the Master of the Teutonic Order resided down to 1805. The large Schloss, built in the Renaissance style in 1572, is now a barrack. The most interesting of the churches is St. John's, in the Gothic style (13th cent.). The Karlsbad ('Curhaus, closed in winter), near the town, has springs containing salt and magnesia. — From Mergentheim to Crailsfieim, see p. 26. 281/2^- 'KonigBhofen (Deutscher Hop, a small and ancient town at tlie confluence of the Umpfer and the Tauber, where the in- surgent peasants were defeated in 1525. The line quits the Tauber, and turns to the S.W. into the Vmpfer-Thal. 31 M. Unterschiipf; 33 M, Schweigern ; 34 M. Boxhtrg- Wolchingen. At Boxberg a ruined castle. The church of Wcilchingen (to the right), in the transition-style of the 13th cent,, has hand- some portals and interesting Romanesque capitals. It contains the tombstones of several knights of Rosenberg (14th and 15th cent.). Beyond a tunnel, (41 M.) Eubigheim. Then through the Kimach- Thai to Hirschlanden^ Rosenberg^ and (48^/2 M.) Osterburken ( Kanne, opposite the station), an ancient town on the site of a Roman camp. Fbom Osterburken to Jagstfeld, 23'/2 M., railway in l'/4 hour. The line crosses the Kirnach, and traverses the valley of that stream to Adels- heim, a small town on the E. spurs of the Odenwald. Then through the Seckach-T/ial to Senn/eld, Eoigheim, and (10 M.) Mockmiihl^ an old town, with walls and towers, at the influx of the Seckach into the Jagst, stoutly defended by Gotz von Berlichingen against the Swabian League in 1519; at the N. end are the extensive ruins of the castle. — We cross the Jagst and follow the left bank to Ziittlingen, Siglingen, N'eudenau, Unter-Gries- heiin, and Jagstfeld (p. 21). The Baden railway diverges to the right from the Wurtemberg line, passes through a tunnel, and traverses pleasant wooded and grassy valleys on the S.E. fringe of the Odenwald. 50 M. Adels- heim,- the little town is 3/4 M. distant (see above). The line now runs through the Seckach-Thal. Several tunnels. 53 M. Seckach; 56 M. Eicholzheim; 57 M. Schefflenz; 60M. Aucrftacft. Near (62 M.) Dallau the Elz is crossed. 63 M. Neckarburken. 66 M. Mosbach (*Prinz Karl; Badischer Hof; Rail. Restaurant), an old and busy little town on the Elz, with 3J00 inhabitants. 68 M. Neckarelz (435 ft. ; Rail. Res'aurant), at the influx of the Elz into the Neckar, is the junction of the Stuttgart and Hanau line (p. 22). From Jseckarelz to Meckesheim, 20 M., railway in l-l'/z hour. The train crosses the Neckar. Beyond a short tunnel is the little chateau of Neuherg on the right. Two tunnels. Stations Asbach , Aglasterhausen, Jlelmstadt, Waibstadt (with a Gothic church). We next follow the Schuarz- bach-Thal. Ib^j-z M. Neidenstein, with a chateau; 17 M. Eschelbronn. — 20 M. Meckesheim, junction of the Heilbronn and Heidelberg railway (see p. 22). From Neckarelz to (80 M.) Eberbach, junction for Darmstadt andHanau, seep. 22. Beyond the next tunnel is (So M.)Birschhom (*Zum Naturalisten), picturesquely situated at the foot of the fine castle of that name. 87 M. JSeckarhansen. — 89 M. Neckarsteinach {^Harfe, with a garden on the Neckar), with four old castles of the Steinachs, surnamed the Landschaden ('land-scourges'). The Mittelburg, one of these castles, has been restored in the mediaeval 72 Route 16. PLAUEN. style. Opposite, on a wooded hill, rises the ancient castle of Dils- herg. Beyond a tunnel the train crosses the Neckar, 93 M. Neckargemund (Pfalz ; Hirsch), where the Neckar re- ceives the Elsenz, is the junction of the line to Meckesheim and Neckarelz (see p. 71). Opposite (951/2 M.) Schlierbach is the ahbey of Neuburg. A number of villas are passed as we near Heidelberg. The train stops first at the Carlsthor station (for the upper town), and then passes through a long tunnel below the castle to the (99 M.) principal station (see Baedeker's Rhine), 16. From Leipsic to Nuremberg by Bamberg. 220 M. Railway, express in 8-91/4 hrs. (fares 29 Jl 50, 21 J( 40, 15 Jt 10 pf.), ordinary trains in 13 hrs. (fares 28 Jl 70, 20 J( 20, 13. Jf 30 pf.)- — Express from Leipsic to Munich by Nuremberg in 13V4 brs. (fares 44 J^ 20, 31 J( 70 pf., 24 Jl) i to Lindau by Nordlingen and Augsburg in 18 hrs. (fares 62 Jl 40, 44 Jl 60, 29 J{ 30 pf.). — The express from Berlin to Nuremberg and Munich runs via Halle, Weissenfels, Zeitz, Gera, Saalfeld, Probstzella, and Hochstadt (see p. 74; time 14 hrs. 25 min.; via Leipsic and Hof-Wiesau 12 hrs. 48 min.), and is joined at Zeitz by the train from Leipsic, starting from the Thuringian Station. Leipsic, see Baedekers Northern Germany. We start from the Bavarian Station. 51/2 M. Gaschwitz; 9 M. Bohlen; 13 M. Kieritzsch, where a branch diverges to Chemnitz. 241/2 M. Altenburg (Hotel de Saxe; Hotel de Russie, etc.), with 31,440 inhab., capital of the Duchy of Sachsen-Altenburg, is over- looked by the ducal Schloss. Late-Gothic church (1410), and fine park. (See Baedeker's Northern Germany.') 331/2 ^1' Gossnitz, junction for Glauchau and Chemnitz to the E., and Gera to the W. ; 39 M. Crimmitzschau ] 46 M. Werdau (junction for Zwickau), all with spinning and weaving factories. To the left , on a wooded hill, Schloss Schbnfels. 51 M. Neumark, junction for Greiz. — 56I/2M. Eeichenbach (Lamm; Deutscher Kai- ser; *Rail. Restaurant), a manufacturing town with 21,595 in- habitants. — Carriages are changed here for Eger (see below). The train crosses the deep Goltzsch-Thal by a grand viaduct with four rows of arches one above the other, 706 yds. in length and 285 ft. high. Below, to the left, lies the little town of Mylau. 591/2 M. Netzschkau ; 63 M. Herlasgriin (branch-line hy Auerbach and Falkenslein to Oelsnitz, see below). Then another lofty viaduct across the deep, wooded ELster-Thal. 72 M. Plauen (Weil's Hotel; Blauer Engel; Wettiner Hof; Furstenhalle ; Stadt Dresden; U. S. Consular Agent, T. W. Peters), a busy manufacturing town on the Weisse Elster (47,000 inhab.), is the capital of the Voigtland, overlooked by the old castle of Hrad- schin, anciently the seat of the Voigt or governor. From Plauen to Wiesau vi.\ Egek, Q2^/-i M., railway in 33/4 hrs. The line diverges to the left from the Hof and Nuremberg line and leads through the picturesque Elster-Thal, a hilly district with numerous factories. 2 M. Neundorf; 6 M. Weischlilz (junction for the Elsterthal Railway to Greiz and Gera); V/2 M. Pirk; 121/2 M. Oelsnitz (branch to Auerbach and Zwickau); EOF. 16. Route. 73 201/2 M. Adorf (branch to Chemnitz). Then (22i^ M.J Elster ( H(itel de Saxe, with the Cursaal; 'Wetliner Hof; Baver, etc.), a pleasant watering-place, with alkaline and saline springs. The train quits the Elster and crosses the watershed between the Elster and the Eger. 31 M. Brambach. At (37 M.") Voitersreuth, the Austrian frontier-station, luggage is examined. 42 M. Franzensbad, junction fur Hof (see below). — 46V2 M- Eger (luggage fr^m Munich examined here ; "Rail. Festaurant). Description of the town, and routes hence to Carlsbad and Prague., and to Vienna via Pilsen, see Baedeker's Austria. Beyond Eger the train quits the Austrian territory. At (53V2 M.) Wald- sassen is a Cistercian abbey, founded in 112S, suppressed in 1803; hand- some church in the baroque style; fine carving in the library-hall. 66 M. Steinmiihle; 59 M. Milterteich, on the watershed between the Eger and the Nab. To the right is the Kosseine, p. 92. At (62V2 M.) Wiesau (p. 134), the line unites with that via Hof to Munich. 79 M. Mehltheuer; 82^/2^. Schonberg (\>T&nch to Schleiz). Beyoud (87 1/2 M.) Reuth the train enters Bavaria. The blue outlines of the Fichtelgebirge (see Map, p. 88) become visible on the left. 1021/2 M. Hof (1656 ft.; *Kaiserhof; Hirsch^ Wittelsbacher Hof, both at the station; *Lamm; * Prim- Regent; *Goldner Lowe, R. iyi-2j^, B. 70 pf.; *RaU. Restaurant), a considerable town on the Saale, with 24,548 inhab., is the junction of the Munich line via Wiesau and Ratisbon (R. 27). Gothic Rathhaus of 1563. The fine Michaelskirche , consecrated in 1299 and frequently altered, was thoroughly restored in 1884. On the Theresienstein (*Restaurant) is the pretty public park; 1/2 M. farther off is the Labyrinthenberg (1866 ft.), with a ruin and a belvedere : view of the rounded sum- mit of the Dobraberg (2325 ft.) to the W., in the Franconian forest. Branch Railway, 14V2 M., in 28min., via. Ifaila io Marxgrun, whence a diligence runs twice daily in 1/2 hr. to (3 M.) Stehen f2130 ft.; 'Neu^s Cttr- H6tel; Cur-Hotel d- Bayrischer Hof; Anker; Pension Sporl), a loftily situated chalybeate bath, well fitted up. The little town (800 inhab.) was almost entirely burned down in 1877 and has been handsomely rebuilt. In 1796-97 Alexander von Humboldt was mining superintendent here; the house he occupied is denoted by a tablet. Excursions to the 'Hollenthal, to the Lang enatier- Thai., and to Blankenberg, prettily situated on the Saale. — From Steben to Kronach (p. 74) diligence daily in 6 hrs., via Geroldsgriin, Steiniciesen, and Unterrodach. From Hof to Egek, 371/2 M. (railway in 21/2 hrs.). 31/2 M. Oberkotzau; 8V2 M. Kehatt (on the right the Orosse Kor'nberg, with a view-tower); 15V2 M. Selb. — 20 M. Asch (Post), a Bohemian manufacturing town, with 13,200 in- hab., contains monuments to Luther and Joseph U. Fine view from the Hainberg, V2 br. to the N., the highest point of the Elstergebirge. [A branch-line runs from the station, which is IV4 M from the town, by Asch-Stadt, Neuberg, and Thonbrunn., to (83/4 M.) Eossbach , with consider- able manufactories.] — Then stat. Hasslau y Antonienhohe- Stockermiihle, Franzensbad, and (371/2 M.) Eger (see above). The line traverses a hilly district, running near the winding Saale. 106 M. Oberkotzau, junction of the line to Ratisbon and Munich (R. 27); 109 M. Schxmrzenbach, on the Saale; II3V2M. Seulbitz. — 117 M. Milnchberg (*Bayr. Hof; branch-line to Helm- brechts, 51/2 M., in 35 min.). The Waldstein (2890 ft.) is most easily ascended hence (comp. p. 91). Pleasant footpath (or by omnilius twice daily in 50 min.) to (3 M.) Sparneck (Post); thence by a distinct path to the top in 50 minutes. 1231/2 ^1- Stammbach. On the left rise the Waldstein (see above), 74 Route 16. LICHTENFELS. From Leipsic Schneeberg (p. 91), and Ochseukopf (p. 90), the highest points of the Fichtelgebirge. 127^2 M. Falls-Gefrees ; the village of Gefrees lies in the Liibnitz- Thai, 3 M. to the E. 131 M. Markt- Schorgast (1660 ft.) lies in the valley to the right (to Berneck, see p. 89). The engineering of the line here is interesting (gradient at first 1 : 40 ; descent to Neuenmarkt 575 ft.) : cuttings, embankments, and dark pine-clad valleys in rapid succession. To the left in the distance is the former Cistercian abbey of Himmelkron^ known for the legend of the Countess of Orlamiinde (the 'White Lady'; d. 1382), ancestress of the Brandenburg -Kulmbach family. Gothic cloisters and the burial-vaults of the counts. 131 1/2 M. Neuenmarkt (junction for Bayreuth and Schnabelwaid, etc., see p. 86 and R. 25); IV2 M. to the N. is Wirsherg (1470 ft. ; Hot. Werner, etc.), a summer-resort, with pretty walks. — 139 M. Vnter - Steinach ; 3 M. to the N. lies Stadt-Steinach. Country picturesque, especially near (142 M.) Kulmbach (1075 ft. ; *Goldner Hirsch, R. 1 J/ 60-2, B. 3/^, D. 1 J/ 80 pf.; *RaiL Restaurant), a town with 7000 inhab., famed for its beer, formerly the residence of the Margraves of Brandenburg-Kulmbach, on the Weisse Main, commanded by the Plassenburg (1390 ft.), now a prison. Near (146^2 M.) Mainleus, by Schloss Stemenhausen, the Weisse and Rothe Main unite to form the Main. 149^/2^. Mainroth; I52V2 M. Burgkunstadt, a little town with an old Rathhaus and Schloss. We cross the Main to (1551/2 M.) Hochstadt-Marktzeuln, junction of the Probstzella, Saalfeld, and Berlin line. Fkom Hochstadt to Saalfeld (50 M.) railway in 21/2-872 hrs. through the pretty Rodach-Thal. 2V2 M. Redwitz, at the entrance of the Steinach- Thal; 5 M. Ober-Langenstadt; 6V2 M. Kilps, a considerable village with a chateau of Herr von Redwitz. — 10 M. Kronach (Goldner Wagen or Post; Sonne), a small town (4000 inhab.) at the confluence of the Hasslach and Rodach, formerly fortified and bravely defended during the Thirty Years' War, was the birthplace of the painter Lucas Miiller, known as Cranach (1472-1553). The Gothic church (1518-1607) stands on a lufty rock, which ascends to the imposing and well-preserved fortress of Rosenberg (1240 ft.; now pleasure-grounds, with restaurant and a small historical museum). Thence through the Hasslach-T/ial by stat. Gundelsdorf to (1572 M.) Stock- heim, with valuable coal-mines in the vicinity. The line now ascends by Rotkenkii'chen and Fortschendorf to (26 M.) Steinbach (1950 ft.), on the water- shed between the Rhine and the Elbe, and descends into the Loquitz-Thal to (29 M.) Ludwigsstadt (branch-line in 40 min. to Lehesten, with extensive slate-quarries). By the hamlet of Lauenstein the train quits Bavaria, enters Saxe-Meiningen, and reaches (34 M.) Probstzella (Rail. Restaurant), where it joins the Prussian State railway. Then Marktgolitz, Unterloquitz , Eichicht, and (50 M.) Saalfeld, junction of the lines to Jena, Grossheringen, Halle, and Berlin, and to Weida, Zeitz, and Weissenfels or Leipsic: see Baedeker'' s Northern Germany. 161 M. Lichtenfels (866 ft. ; Anker, R. 1-1 1/4 Jl, Hotel Moulin, both near the station ; * Krone, in the market) is the junction of the Werra line (see Baedeker s N. Germany). Schloss Banz on the right (IV4 ^^- from Lichtenfels) and Vierzehnheiligen on the left (1 hr.) are conspicuous objects. Pleasure-grounds on the Bargherg. Carriage to Vierzehnheiligen 472, to Banz 6 Jl (return included). We may visit both on foot by going from Lichtenfels to Vierzehnheiligen to Nuremberg. BAMBERG. 16. Route. 75 (1 Lr.), and thence to Banz (I'/z lir.), and descending to ('/4 hr.) stat. Staffelstein (see below). By the direct road Banz is i^/-2 hr. from Lichten- fels: we follow the direction of the railway, cross the Main at the ferry- houses, and then ascend the hill. The once celebrated Benedictine Abbey of Banz (1330 ft. ; */n«), founded in 1096, was dissolved in 1803. The extensive buildings on a wooded height, 400 ft. above the Main, now belong to Duke Charles Theodore of Bavaria. Delightful view from the terrace. Valuable collection of fossils found in the lias of the neighbourhood (fine sanrians, colossal ammonites, etc.). The Egyptian collection is unimportant. A Descent from the Cross, a relief in silver, presented by Pope Pius VI. to his godson Duke Pius of Bavaria, is erroneously attributed to Benv. Cellini. Opposite Banz is Vierzehnheiligen (1270 ft. ; Hirsch), the most frequented shrine in Franconia, visited by about 50,000 pilgrims annually. The church, with its two towers, was rebuilt in the rococo style in 1743-72. An altar in the centre of the nave marks the spot, where, according to the legend, the 14 'Nothhelfer' ('helpers in need") appeared to a shepherd-boy in 1446, and gave rise to the foundation of the church. The two W. chapels contain numerous thank-offerings , such as figures in wax, etc. — The traveller who has visited Banz is not recommended to go to Vierzehn- heiligen also, unless for the sake of extending his excursion along the tup of the hill to the (8 M.) chapel (Restaurant) and the verge of the precipitous Staffelberg (see below). Near (166 M.) Staffelstein the Staffelberg (1770 ft.) with its cha- pel, on the left, rises abruptly from the valley; and farther on, to the S., is the Veitsberg (1515 ft.), with a chapel and ruined castle. 169 M. Ebensfeld; 1721/2 M. Zapfendorf; ill M. Breiten-Giissbach (to the left, Schloss Giech); 179V2M. Hallstadt. Near Bamberg the line from Schweinfurt (p. 83) joins ours on the right. 181 M. Bamberg. — Hotels. *Bamberger Hof (PI. a ; C, B, 2), Gruner Markt, R., L., A. 2 Jl 50, B. 70-80 pf., D. 2^-2 Jl. — Deutsches Haus (PI. b ; C, 2), Konig-Str., R. & B. from V/-^ Jl ; • 21/2 J( ; Hot. & Restaurant Luitpold, Luitpold-Str., near the station. Restaurants. Messerschmitt, corner of the Langen-Str. and Promenaden- Str. (good Franconian wine); Rathskeller^ Kessler-Str. ; Deutsches Hatts^ see above; Tambosi and Wittelsbach, with gardens, both on the Promenade ; Angra^ at the Sophienbriicke; Theater-Restaurant, Schiller-Platz ; Villa Remeis, with view (p. 79). Beer at the Fdsslein , Konig-Str. etc. Beer- Gardens on the Michaelsbery;, Stephansberg, Kaulberg, and Jakobsberg, much frequented on summer-evenings, with fine views. Cab into the town, with one horse 75 pf., with two horses l'/2 Jif; to the Jakobslierg 1 or 2 J(, to the Michaelsberg IV4 or 2'/2 Jf ; to the Altenburg Jl (two horses). Within the town: '/4 hr. 50 pf. or 1 UJf, 1/2 hr. i ovIJl^i hr. 2 ov 'i Jl. Post Office (PI. C, 3), Schiller-Platz and at the station (PI. D. 1). — Telegraph Office (Fl. 10; B, 8), at the lower bridge. Swimming Baths at the Theresienhain (p. 80), above the town. United States Consular Agent, Louis Stern, Esq. Bamberg (785 ft.), a town with 35,248 inhab., lies, in a very fertile district on both banks of the Begnitz, at its junction with the Ludwigs- Canal (connecting the Main and the Danube, little used) and 3M. above its confluence with the Main. The town al- ready enjoyed municipal privileges in 973, was erected into a bishopric by Emp. Henry II. in 1007, and since 1802 has be- longed to Bavaria. About half of the town is built upon a chain 76 Route 16. BAMBERG, From Leip sic of Mils, crowned -with churches. Busy industries have sprung up here of late years (cotton-spinning, weaving, brewing, etc.). The Luitpold-Strasse leads from the station to the town. In the St. Gangolph-Platz, on the left, is the church of St. Gangolph (PI. C, 1, 2), founded in 1063, originally Romanesque, with a Gothic choir, but disfigured by alterations. In the chapel in the N. tran- sept, behind the altar, there is a crucifix with a draped and crowned figure of Christ in repose, over lifesize. The E. branch of the Regnitz is crossed by three bridges, the Sophienhrilcke (Ph C, 2), the new Peunthrucke (PI. D, 3), and the Kettenbrilcke (PI. C, 2). The chief traffic crosses the Kettenbriicke, or chain-bridge, constructed in 1828-29, from which the Hauptwach- Strasse leads to the S. to the Maximilians-Platz and the GriineMarkt. In the Maximilian s-Platz (PI. B, C, 2), on the right, is the Priester-Seminar (PL 3). In the centre rises an imposing Fountain (PI. 13), executed in 1880 by Miller of Munich, with statues of Maximilian I. of Bavaria, Emp. Henry II., his wife Kunigunde, Bishop Otho the Saint, and Emp. Conrad III. Farther on is the Gbunb Markt (PI. B, 2, 3), where the well- stocked vegetable-market is held in the forenoon. On the right, at the corner of the Jesuiten-Strasse, is the church of St. Martin (PI. 1), built l)yAndr.Pozzo in the Baroque style in 1686-1720, with a dome and massive barrel- vaulting ; the tower. 180 ft. high, affords a good survey of the town. Adjoining the church is St. Martins Pfarrhof., formerly a university and Jesuit college, now the Royal Lyceum (Pi. 4). The entrance, 2 Jesuiten-Strasse, leads into a court, in the arcades at the back of which are the entrances to the hinder Cabinet of Natural History (10-12; on the right) and to the *Library (PI. 5, B, 2; on the left). The latter, formed by the union of the Jesuits' library with collections from several convents, now contains 300000 vols, and upwards of 3000 MSS. The library is open daily (except Sun., holidays, and Sat. afternoons), 8-12 and 2-4; during the summer-holidays visitors are admitted from 9 to 12. Some of its most interesting contents are exhibited under glass in the principal hall : fine parchments from the library bequeathed by the Emp. Eenry II. to the chapter of Bamberg; several Gospels and missals of the Carlovingian period, including the so-called '•Bible of Alcuin\ probably written at Tours ; prayer-books of Henry II. and his wife Kunigunde, with fine Byzantine^ivory diptychs of the 11th cent. ; also numerous miniatures, rare printed works, interesting drawings, water-colours, etc., including several ascribed to Diirer (?). The Griine Markt, in which rises the Neptune Fountain ('Gabel- mann'; PI. 14), erected in 1698, and the Obstmarkt lead to the Obere Briicke (PI. B, 3), a bridge over the left arm of the Regnitz, completed in 1455, with a stone Crucifix of 1715. On an artificial island halfway across stands the Rathhaus (PI. 7), rebuilt in 1744- 56, and adorned externally with allegorical frescoes in the taste of the period. The old tower covering the entrance to the bridge is adorned with rococo balconies. — A little lower down is the Lntere _-^/ ,;,>-i 1^ 4/^^ .-; VAc^^3 ^ mj -Hi'^ Ttf m>ii^^^ ■S*.'^ Ti^tiJ iMWi JIJA/w 14 u mo ! CO - ^ h or- -..,,®-i I, (§^ -^ 1 " "^ >^ b^ »,'2aet[iu:v.a;i to Nuremberg. BAMBERG. 16. Route, 77 Br'dcke, an iron bridge constructed in 1858. Above is another Iron bridge crossing from the right bank to the Geierswiirth^ an island with an old episcopal palace, now a court of justice. The two chief bridges afford fine views of the river and the picturesque houses on its banks. — From the Upper Bridge the Carolinen-Str. ascends to the Carolinbn-Platz, a square enclosed by the cathedral, the old, and the new palace. The *Catliedral (PI. B, 3) with its four towers, one of the grandest Romanesque edifices in Germany (312 ft. long, 92 ft. wide, and 86 ft. high), was founded by Emp. Henry II. in 1004, but dates in its present form from the close of the 12th and the be- ginning of the 13th centiiry. The W. choir, with the transept in front of it, is later, as its pointed style and moulded pillars indicate, perhaps dating from 1274, when an indulgence was grant- ed to the promoters of the building, and the nave covered with its pointed ceiling. The four eight-storied towers are 265 ft. in height; the two at the E. end are in pure Romanesque, but the open-work turrets on the W. towers reveal the influence of the early French - Gothic style. The sculptures are among the best examples of German plastic art between the late-Romanesque and the early-Renaissance periods. The sculptures on the recessed Principal Portal (Fiirstenthor, N.), which resembles the 'Goldene Pforte' of Freiberg Cathedral, represent the Last Judgment, the Apostles standing on the shoulders of the Prophets, and sj-mbolical figures of Church and Synagogue (the last with its eyes bandaged). The two smaller portals to the right and left of the E. Choir, approached by a fine flight of steps, are also embellished with sculptures: on the S.E. portal (the 'marriage-door'), the usual entrance to the cathe- dral, are figures of Adam and Eve, SS. Peter and Stephen, and the Emp. Henry II. and his consort Kunigunde; the N.E. door (the 'Mother of God' or 'Grace' door) has line columns with elaborate capitals; above the archi- trave, the Virgin worshipped by saints. The 'Interior (open 5.30-10.30 a. m.; in the afternoon only during service on Sun, Wed., & Sat) was judiciously restored by King Lewis I. in 1828-87 and purged of disfigurements. (The sacristan, who shows the choirs and treasury, lives at the back of the W. choir; entrance in the Carolinen-Platz ; fee V2-I Jf) In the centre of the Nave is the "Sarcophagus of the founder Henry II. (d. 1024) and his consort Kunigunde (d. 1038), executed, in a fine-grained limestone resembling marble, by Tilmann Riemenschneider, the famous sculptor of Wiirzburg, in 1499-1513. On the highly ornate sarcophagus re- pose the emperor and empress, over lifesize, in the fantastic costumes of the 15th century. The reliefs on the sides represent scenes from their lives: 1. The Empress proves her innocence by walking over red-hot plough-shares ; 2. She pays the workmen who erected the church founded by her; 3. The Emperor cured of an illness by St. Benedict; 4. Ho implores pardon for sin; 5. His death. — Modern Pulpit by Rotermundt. To the left of the approach to the St. George's or E. Choir is an Equgs- trian Figure of Emp. Conrad III.., who died at Bamberg in 1153 and t\'as buried in the cathedral (or perhaps of Stephen. King of Hungary, who was baptized here). — The stone screens separating the E. choir from the aisles are adorned with interesting sculptures, representing the Apo.-^tles and Pro- phets (in pairs) and the Annunciation, all of the early r2th cent. ; between these, on the N. side, are three fine statues (Madonna, Sibyl, an angel) of the end of the 13th century. Adjacent is the monument of the last prince- bishop (d. 180S). — The E. Choir contains, on the right, the monument 78 Route 16, BAMBERG. From Leipsic of the prince-bishop George II. (d. 1505), from Peter Vischer's studio, and the sarcophagi of Bishop Otho II. (d. 1196; Romanesque) and Bishop Oilnther (d. 1066 i 13th century). The figure of Christ, in bronze, over the altar, was designed by Schwanthaler, as were also the 22 reliefs of saints on the altar. The choir-stalls are modern. — The Crtpt, below the E. choir, is severely Romanesque; the vaulting is borne by 14 round and octagonal columns. It contains the simple sandstone sarcophagus of Emp. Conrad III. and a well. In the St. Peter's or W. Choir is the low marble sarcophagus of Pope Clement II. (d. 1047), once Bishop of Bamberg, with reliefs of the 13th century. On the walls are the monuments of the prince-bishops Schaum- hurg (d. 1475). Gross- Trockau (d. 1501), Fommersfelden (d. 1503), the last two being from Peter Vischer's studio, and George III. of Lirriburg (d. 1522). by Loyen Hering, one of the earliest Renaissance monuments in Germany. The choir-stalls are of the Gothic period. In the S. Transept, to the left of the W. choir, is an ivory crucifix said to date from the 4th cent., and presented to the church by Emp. Henry II. in 1008. — The two doors in the S. transept lead to the sacristy and to the Nagel-Capelle (Chapel of the Xail), added in the 15th cent., which contains 64 monumental brasses of canons (1414-1540), a carved re- redos of the loth cent., and an Entombment after Ann. Carracci. The adjacent Antonics - Capelle contains an altar-piece by Lucas Cranach (1513) representing the Madonna in a garland of roses, with saints and portraits of Emp. Max I., the Pope, and other princes of that period. — The Treasdet contains, among other curiosities, a nail of the True Cross in a mounting of the 15th cent., the skulls of Emp. Henry II. and Kuni- gunde, the Emperors crown, his sword, drinking-horn, and knife, combs of the Empress, a chasuble embroidered by her, and the enamelled head of St. Otho"s crozier. From the cathedral we may cross over to the Oberpfarrkirche in 2 min. through the 'Obere and Untere Bach\ The W. side of the Carolinen-Platz is bounded by the pictur- esque Alte Hofhaltung or Alte Residenz (PI. A, B, 2), with a lofty gable and handsome jutting window and portal, built in the second half of the 16th cent, on the site of an older palace of the Counts of Babenberg, in which the Lombard King Berengarius died in captivity in 966, and Count Palatine Otho of "Wittelsbach slew Emp. Philip of Swabia in 1208. In front of this palace rises a monument (Pi. 15) to the prince-bishop Von Erthal (d. 1797), erected in 1865. The N. and half of the E. side of the Carolinen-Platz are occu- pied by the Neue Residenz (adm. 10-11 and 2-4; on Sun. and holidays 10.30 to 12 and 2-3; 50 pf.), or Neiv Palace^ erected by Bishop von Schonborn in 1698-1704. Here, in Oct., 1806, Napoleon issued his declaration of war against Prussia. From 1806 to 1837 this palace was the residence of Duke William of Bavaria, father- in-law of the French Marshal Berthier. On 1st June, 1815, the marshal, whose mind had been unhinged by the return of Napoleon from Elba, threw himself from one of the windows on the E. side and was killed. — The S. wing contains the Archives. The Obere Carolinen-Strasse, between the two palaces, leads from the Carolinen-Platz to the Jakobsberg and the St. Jakobskirche (PL A, 3), a flat-roofed Romanesque church of the 11th cent., with a Gothic W. choir and an E. choir which was transformed in 1771 into a rococo facade, all recently restored. At the back of the W. choir, to the left, is Schmidt's interesting Porcelain Painting Establishment to Nuremberg. BAMBERG. 16. Route. 79 A little to the N. of St. Jakob's is the Michaelsbcrger-Str., by which we ascend to the *MichaeIsherg (PI. A, 2), with its con- spicuous church and other buildings of a Benedictine abbey founded by Emp. Henry II. The court, which we enter by the W. gateway, affords a good picture of a mediaeval convent on a large scale, though most of the present buildings date only from last century. The Church of St. Michael, a Romanesque edifice of the 12th cent., with Gothic additions, tastelessly restored last century, has been entirely renovated in the interior. The Interior contains many monuments of bishops (16-18fh cent.), transferred hither from the cathedral. Behind the high-altar is that of St. Otho (d. 1139), dating from the 14th cent. ; at the back is a painted statue of the saint, probably a relic of an earlier monument. The altar contains his pastoral staff, mitre, and chasuble. Handsome rococo choir- stalls of the 18th century. TheS.E. wing of the abbey-building now contains the municipal Gallery of Art. Entrance adjoining the church-steps (adm. Sun. 10-12, free; week-days 10-12 and 2-5, in winter 10-12 and 2-3, adm. 60 pf. ; catalogue 50 pf.). Rooms I ^ H _£,?^y* ll Jr /'~13 I I I f^_ oStadte oMaikte oDorfn- ^suine « Eisenhahii u. Station S( Stoats Chausse/' ^^^p, == gebHuteTicinaistrasse —^ ^j-' — '^fStfSrit FcOjrweg ^Tusswex) Sdfifttrgenstein''^^ ^Y ^ ^IttscTr, \[ )HOF^,, n-nrzenljc SenUntz «i^<^^^^^ ^ ^.^.en^uBg.:! - cm^'-y^^'i^tr^- juM^'^i^^!^^^^^^' ^i^^^^-^ P^Vnomlt '^^^'f'^®^ 9- I frcittA O^chJU. ' S(fStftiP^ ^^"'X^eJS^l^i ■cJtfr~n_qarteS'^^%^i" essnu.o •> r.^^^1^ \ „ &eofcJkiisc.-rWagnEriLebes,Ieipzi^. to Weiden. BERNECK. 18. Route. 89 for pedestrians is by Mistelgau , Glashiilten , Volshach , and Kirchahorn to Eabenstein (p. 94) in 4-5 hrs. To the left, as Bayreuth is quitted, are St. Georgen and the Ere- mitage, to the right wooded hills. 18 M. Stockau; 2072 M. Sey- lothenreuth ; 25 M. Kirchenlnibach (junction for the Nuremberg and Eger Railway, p. 110), 29 M. Kemnnth-Neustadt ; on the right the Rauhe Kulm (2240 ft.), on the left the S. spurs of the Fich- telgebirge. We follow the valley oi t\ie, Heidenah. 32 M. Trahiiz; 36 M. Pressath; 39i/oM. Schwarzenbach ; thence through extensive pine-forests (Parksteiner and Mantler Wald) to (411/2 M.) Park- steinhutten and (49 M.) Weiden (p. 134). The Fichtelgehirge. Diligence once daily from Bayreuth to (91/2 M.) Berneck in 2 hrs. From Stat. Markt-Schorgast (p. 74) to (SVzM.) Berneck omnibus twice daily in 40 minutes. — From Berneck through the Ooldmiihl - Thai (valley of the Weisse Main) to Bischo/sgriin^ diligence daily in l^/* hr. (carr. 6-8 USf, incl. fee). Then on foot over the Ochsenkopf and Schneeberg to Weissenstadt in 6 hrs. — Walk to the top of the Waldstein and back (2i/2 hrs.) ; drive from Weissenstadt by Wunsiedel to the Alexandersbad in 2 hrs. ■■, ascend the Luisenhurg with guide, and return to Wunsiedel (3 hrs.). From Wunsiedel by train in 10 min. to Eolenbrunn , on the Fichtelgehirge Railway, p. 118. — Carriage and pair from Bayreuth to Alexandersbad by Berneck, Sechaus, Trostau, Schonbrunu, and Wunsiedel in 8-9 hrs., 40-45 .if. — Guides (4-5 Jf per day) are seldom required, as the German Alpine Club and local asso- ciations have made paths and provided finger-posts. Bayreuth, see p. 86. The road leads through St. Georgen (p. 88) to (3 M.) Bindlach (p. 86), where it begins to ascend. Fine view as we look back on Bayreuth. Near Berneck we cross the Weisse Main. 91/2 M. Berneck (1273 ft.; *Lowe; *Hirsch, R. 1 1/2-2.//, B. 60 pf.; *Krone or Post, R. I-II/2 J^, D- 1 -// 40 pf.; Stadt Bay- reuth ,' Bube, with garden-restaurant ; Schmidt's Restaurant, in the market-place; Bdreneck Restaurant, with pretty view), pictur- esquely situated in a narrow valley watered by the Oelsnitz, is a favourite summer-resort (1500 inhab.). In the main street is the Curhaus, with reading-room, garden, and restaurant. On the Oels- nitz, at the foot of the Schlossberg, is the Cur-Colonnade, where a band plays several times a week. (Visitors' tax for a stay of more than five days, 4 J/, two pers. 6 .//, etc.). On the steep hill above the town are the ruins of two castles and of a chapel. A pleasant path along the Oelsnitz gradually ascends the wooded hill in 20 min. to the Obere Burg (1548 ft.) , destroyed by the Hussites in 1430. Fine view hence ; still finer from the Engelsburg , 10 min. farther on, and the adjacent Kirchleite (1935 ft.; belvedere). Another excursion is to (2/4 hr.) the ruined castle of Stein, ro- mantically situated in the valley of the Oelsnitz. Thence we may walk through the valleys of the Oelsnitz and the Liibnitz, past the ruin of Griinstein, to (8/4 hr.) Gefrees (p. 74). — Pearl -mussels (Uuio margaritifer) are found in the Oelsnitz in considerable quan- 90 Eoute 18. BISCHOFSGRUN. Fichtelgebirge. titles ; the shells are opened and the pearls removed every 6-7 years hy a government official. Omnibus from Berneck to Markt-Schorgatt and Bischofsgriin^ see above. Carriage and pair 12-15 Jl a day, or 6-8 Jl for half a day, incl. gratuity. — Himmelkroyi, mentioned at p. 74, lies 4 M. to the W. The New Road from Berneck by Ooldmuhl (Heisinger; Zapf; Schwarzes Ross) to (9 M.) Bischofsgriin crosses the Oelsnitz. (On the hill-side is the arboretum Bliichersruhe, with its belvedere.) It then leads to the left through the * Ooldmuhl- Thai, or valley of the Weisse Main, to the Glasenmuhle (see below), passing a chalybeate spring 1^2 ^I- before reaching Bischofsgriin. The shorter, but less interesting Footpath, on the E. side of the valley, at first ascends rapidly; then, generally level, leads through wood, passing (3/4 hr. Barnreut (1700 ft.). Thence it partly follows the road to (IV4 hr.) Wilfersreut (2296 ft.), descends by the Weisse Main to the Glasen- muhle (1952 ft), and lastly ascends again to (1 hr.) Bischofsgrun (2225 ft.; *Schmidt; Puchtler), a village conspicuously situated at the N. base of the Ochsenkopf, almost entirely rebuilt since a great fire in 1887, with large manufactories of beads. The path to the Ochsenkopf (3363 ft.; ascent 1 hr.; guide not indispensable : Ochsenkopf 2 J^, Ochsenkopf and Schneeberg i^) leads through wood, and except at one place, the ascent is gradual. At the top it traverses blocks of granite and passes the Schneeloch, a hollow where snow lies till June. At the top is a slab with a very ancient carving of an ox's head (frequently restored). From the View Tower we gain an extensive view of the Fichtelgebirge, Franconiau Switzerland, etc., including the Thuringian Forest to the N.W. About 5 min. to the S. of the tower is a spot known as the 'Aussicht' (view), commanding a picturesque glimpse of War- mensteinach. The route by Warmensteinach to Bischofsgrun and the Ochsenkopf, 2 hrs. longer than the above, is preferable. The road quits the valley of the Main beyond Goldmtihl, and ascends to the right in the valley of the Zoppatenbach to (20 min.) Brandholz. The antimony, lead, and silver mines once largely worked here, as numerous heaps of rubbish still testify, are now exhausted. About V2 hr. beyond Brandholz we cross a meadow and ascend the road. In a few minutes more , where the path divides , the branch to the left leads to (IV4 hr.) Warmensteinach (2065 ft. ; TrasseVs Inn), prettily situated. The shingle-roofed houses lie scattered along the slopes of the upper valley of the Steinach. Glass-making and glass-polishing are the chief industries. A road leads hence through the Lochle- Thai, a romantic wooded ra- vine (tavern), to (1 hr.) Grassemann (2405 ft.), a former mining settle- ment, situated on an open plateau. Before the village we pass the Lud- toigs- Quelle. Thence either to Bischofsgrun in I1/2 hr. by a distinct path (short-cut to the right just beyond the finger-post), or direct to the summit of the Ochsenkopf (see above; path indicated by white marks; guide not necessary). From the Ochsenkopf we descend the saddle to the E., which connects the Ochsenkopf and Schneeberg; 20 min.. Source of the Main {Weissmainquelle ; 2910 ft.), an excellent spring, the only one for a long distance (benches; inscription); 10 min., the Weissmain- felsen (2857 ft.) , a group of rocks affording a fine view of the FkUelgehirge. WEISSENSTADT. 75. Route. 91 Schneeberg and Nusshard , and towards the S. The Bischofsgriin and Fichtelberg road , in the valley which separates the Schneeberg from the Ochsenkopf, is now followed to (2/4 M.) Karches (2410 ft.; beer). We here enter the wood to the left , and ascend to (1 hr.) the *Nusshard (3190 ft.) , a group of huge blocks of granite ren- dered accessible by steps. The nine round hollows on the top of the rock are called 'the Druids' dishes'. The (V2 l^r.) Schneeberg (3454 ft.) is crowned with a group of rocks, 30 ft. high, named the Backofele ('oven'), rendered accessible by a ladder. On the top is a hut built by the Fichtelgebirge Club. *Panorama uninterrupted, except towards the S.W. by the Ochsenkopf: to the S.E. is the Kosseine, to the left the Luisenburg; N.E. the Erzgebirge in the distance; N. the Rudolfstein , Weissenstadt , and the Waldstein; N.W. the Thuringian Mts. and the Gleichberge . "We now descend in 40 min. to the '■DreiBruder' (2736 ft.), three lofty groups of granite slabs, that in the middle resembling a wolf; 7 min., the *B.udolfstein (2848 ft.), a huge and imposing group of granite rocks, ascended by steps, commanding a superb view. We next descend through wood, passing the Staff-Reizenstein monu- ment, to the (1/2 lir.) plain and (1 1/2 M.) Weissenstadt. Before cross- ing the Eger we observe several rock-cellars on the left. Weissenstadt (2070ft. ; Adler or Alte Post; Lowe), a small town with 2600 inhab. , lies in a somewhat marshy valley, on the Eger, which rises 6 M. to the S.W. Ackermann's stone-polishing works enjoy a high reputation. The '^Grosse Waldstein (2920 ft.) may be ascended from Weissenstadt in 1 hr. (without guide). By the barns on the N. side of Weissenstadt, the path diverges from the Kirchenlamitz road to the left and leads into the wood to a (3/4 hr.) finger-post on the left, 'zum Waldstein', 1/4 hr. more. This is another group of granite rocks made accessible by paths and steps, and crowned with an iron pavilion; extensive and picturesque 'Panorama, with wooded foreground. The castle of Waldstein^ of which fragments remain, a robbers' stronghold, was destroyed by the Swabian League in 1523. Adjacent is the finely situated Waldhaus (2897 ft. ; Rfmts.). — We may now descend to the Source of the Saale (2312 ft.), either direct by the Bdrenfang (path pointed out by the forester) in 1/2 hr., or by (V2 hr.) Zell (2020 ft.), and thence to the S. to the spring in 1/2 hr. more. Thence 3/4 hr. more to the Gefrees and Weissenstadt road. From Zell or from the Waldstein via Sparneck to Munchherg (rail, stat., p. 73), 2 hrs. A marked path, running first to the N.W. then to the E., and crossing the road from Weissenstadt to Sparneck, leads from the Waldhaus to the (I3/4 hr.) Epprechtstein (2600 ft.) , with a ruined castle and a beautiful view ; thence by Buchhaus (rfmta.) , or direct , to (3/4 hr.) Kirchenlamitz ('Lowe), 11/2 M. from the station, p. 134. The shadeless road from Weissenstadt to (2^/4 hrs.) Wunsiedel is unattractive to walkers. (Carr. and pair to Alexandersbad in 11/2 ^r., 7-8 J^,' diligence to Roslau, p. 134, twice daily in II/4 hr.) Wtinsiedel (1755 ft. ; *Kronprinz, R. 1 J/ 20 pf.; *Emhom, R. 1 J/, B. 50 pf. ; Muller's Restaurant ; one-horse carr. to Alexanders- bad 3, two-horse 5 J^), a pleasant, well-built town with 4000 in- hab., on iheRosla or Rosslau, was the birthplace of Jean Paul Fried- 92 Route 18. ALEXANDERSBAD. rich Richter (p. 87), whose bust by Scb wan thaler has been placed in front of the house where he was born, adjoining the church. The Alexandersbad (1915 ft. ; ^Chalybeate Baths and Hydro- pathic, the property of a company, D. 21/2 «^/ *Hdtel Weber, also with pine-cone baths, D. ll/2«^/ *Roglermuhle Inn, on the Diinkel- hammer, 1/4 M. from the Hot, Weber), 2 M. to the S.E. of Wunsie- del, is named after the last Margrave of Ansbach-Bayreuth. The chalybeate springs and the pine-cone and mud-baths, combined with the pleasant scenery, attract numerous visitors. The 'Luisenburg (2266 ft.), the most striking point in the environs, so named after the visit of Queen Louisa of Prussia in 1805, formerly called Luxhurg, with a few traces of an old castle, lies I1/2 M. to the W. of the Alexandersbad and 2 M. to the S. of Wunsiedel. (Guide desirable: from Wunsiedel or from Alexandersbad to the Luisenburg 2, to the Luisenburg and Kosseine 3 Jl.) The Luisenburg is, as it were, a mountain in ruins. Huge masses of granite of fantastic form are piled together in wild con- fusion, the result of disintegration; they are partly overgrown with thick moss, interspersed with pines and bushes, and are rendered accessible by steps, bridges, etc. At the entrance to the labyrinth is the Gesellschafts- Platz, with a restaurant (2255 ft.). Numerous inscriptions on the rocks. This rocky labyrinth affords a beautiful walk, ascending in V2 hr. to the Bundesstein or Kreuz (2575 ft.). The finest point is the -Burgstein (2858 ft.), 20 min. farther on, a group of rocks on the top of the hill, with a railing, affording a panorama towards the E., N., and W. The "Eaberstein (2785 ft.), 1/4 hr. farther on, consisting of four lofty rocks, is another good point of view. The *K6sseine (3078 ft.), 3/4 hr. from the Haberstein (I72 hr. direct from Alexandersbad) commands the finest and most extensive view in the Fichtelgebirge , embracing the greater part of the Upper Palatinate towards the S. (Temple at the top ; a little below it is a simple restaurant; good water 10 min. below the summit on the E. side.) — From this point a path leads by the Matze (2670 ft.) and the Girgelstein (2400 ft.) to the (2 hrs.) SilberTiaus (forester's house, with two beds), whence we may ascend by the forester's house of (1 hr.) Seehans to the Nusshard and the (1 hr.) Schneeherg (p, 91). Railway in 10 min. from Wunsiedel to (21/4 M.) Holenbrunn on the Fichtelgebirge Railway (p. 134). 19. Franconian Switzerland. Comp. Map., p. 77. The small hilly district dignified with this title (1600 ft. above the sea-level), with its pretty valleys watered by the Wiesent, its wooded heights, forming the W. spurs of the Fichtelgebirge, and lying nearly in the centre of a triangle formed by Nuremberg, Bamberg, and Bayreuth, owes its repu- tation chiefly to its Stalactite Caverns, containing remains of antedilu- vian animals, specimens of which are preserved in almost every museum in Europe. The 'Jura' limestone and dolomite rock-formations are also picturesque, occasionally assuming the most grotesque shapes. The finest points are accessible to walkers only. A guide (seldom ne- cessary) may generally be procured for 2-3 Jl per day. — Railway from Forchheim io EhermannstacU, 91/2 M., in ^jihr. — Post Omnibus from Eber- mannstadt via Slreitherg and Behringersmiihl to Waischenfeld, 17 V2 M., in 41/4 hrs.; from Pottenstein to Pegnitz (railway-station, see p. 110), twice daily in 13/4 hr. From Forchheim (see p. 80) the local railway leads in a wide curve to the E. into the pleasant Wiesent-Thal, and passes the stations oi Pinzberg [*Terrasse Inn, 1/2 M. from the station, with STREITBERG. 19. Route. 93 beautiful view), Gosherg, Wiesenthau, Kirchehrnbach, and Pretzfeld. 9V2 ^I- Ebermannstadt (957 ft.), the terminus, lies at the junction of the Lange-ThaL (see below) and the AViesent-Thal. A road (carr. at the station) leads hence, via Gasseldorf, to ('Vi hr.) — 2 M. Streitberg (1046ft.; *Curanstalt, recommended for some stay, K. 5V2-14:./# per week, D. 2.if,- *Goldener Lowe, or Post, with gar- den, R. 1 J^ 20-2^//, B. 50 pf., D. li/.,, pens. 4^//,- Adler'), a pic- turesquely situated village, frequented as a summer-resort (visitors' tax S ^, families 5 »///). Pretty walk to the (1/4 lir.) Muschel- quelle. Fine views from the (lOmin.) ancient Streitburg and the (3/4 hr.) ruin oi Neudeck, opposite ; still liner from the Hummer stein ^ 3/4 hr. to the W., on which is a refuge-hut (key at the inn at Gasseldorf), and the Guckhull, 1 hr. to the N.E. Pleasant excur- sions through the *Lange-Thal and the *■ Felsenschlucht' to the (1 hr.) Schonsteinhohle , a grotto with fine stalactites (guide for one pers. i J^, for several 40 pf. each), and through the Leinleiter-Thal to (1 hr.) Unterleinleiter, with a fine park of Baron Seckendorf. The road goes on from Streitberg, on the right bank of the Wiesent, to (21/2 M.) Muggendorf (1060 ft.; ^Curhaus ^ Hotel zur FrdnkischenSchweiz, D. 172^^/ *Stern, K.l, D.II/2 «^^; Wolfsschlucht, with reading-room; Schwan, Sonne, Tiirkei, less pretending; re- staurants Rosenau and Erholung, with pretty views; Kohlmann')^ prettily situated , and a good centre for excursions. (Christoph Brendel is a good guide ; 2 M per day.) Shady promenades on the opposite bank of the Wiesent. Below Muggendorf (>/2 hr.) is the RosenmuUer's Hdhle, the entrance to which is visible to the left from the road (guide, usually at the cave, and lights for 1-6 pers., 2 Jf). It contains fine stalactites and fossil remains of animals. The Oswaldshohle (V2 hr.) may be visited also, if time permit. Near it are the Wundershohle and Witzenhohle. The latter is said to contain a heathen altar (?). The Kuppenhurg, near the Kosenmiiller's Hdhle, the Hohenstein, and the '^Hohe Wacht, above the Oswaldshohle, are good points of view. The village of Wichsenstein , the highest point (1944 ft.) of the Franconian Switzerland, commanding an extensive panorama, may be reach- ed from Muggendorf in 21/2 hrs., via Windisch-Gailenreuth. In the Trubach' Thai, 3 M. to the S., is the picturesque chateau of Egloffstein (p. 81). At Muggendorf the road divides. The branch to the right leads to the S.E. through the Wiesent-Thal past (3 M.) the picturesque little chateau of Burggailenreuth (p. 94 ; to the right, on the hill), and the (3 M.) Stempfermiihle (p. 94) , with the Drei Quellen^ whence Gossweinstein, on the height to the right, may be reached in 3/4 hr., to (3/4 M.) Behringersmiihl (*Post^ R. 1 .//,• *Hartmann)^ a village much frequented as a summer-resort, charmingly situated at the junction of the Wiesent-Thal, the Ailsbach-Thal, and the Piittlach-Thal. The Pfaffenstein, I/2 lir- to theW., commands a fine view. — The road to the left crosses the hills towards the E. to (3 M.) Doos (p. 94). From this road another leads to the right, just beyond Muggendorf, to (2 M.) Engelhardsberg (Wunder; key of the Riesenburg, see p. 94), 10 min. from which rise the bold Adlerstein (1740 ft.), a splendid point of view, and the (10 min.) 94 Route 19. GOSSWEINSTEIN. Quakenschloss , a jagged grauwacke rock (wlience we return by Engelhardsberg). To the N. of the village rises the (1/4 hr.) *Rie- senburg, a wild group of dolomite rocks rendered accessible by paths and bridges (adm. 50 pf., .2 pers. 35 pf. each, 3-4 pers. 25 pf. each, 5 or more pers. 20 pf. each). Charming view of the *Schotter-Thal or Schauder-Thal, one of the most beautiful valleys in this district. At the S. end, ^/^ hr. from the Riesenburg , lies Behringersmiihle (see above). We descend into this valley, turn to the left, and in 1/4 hr. reach the Doos or Toos Inn (1118 ft. ; unpretending), where a key of the Riesenburg is also kept. Here begins the picturesque Rahenecker-Thal, watered by the Wiesent. We quit the road (which goes on to Waischenfeld, 2 M.) at a mill (13/4 M.), and beyond the Wiesent ascend to the right, on the left side of the partly preserved Burg Rabeneck , to a lofty plain; then take the path to the left by the wood, turning off to the right after a few yards, and passing (25 min.) Schonhof, reach (1/2 hr.) Burg Rabenstein (1456 ft.), a pinnacled castle restored in 1829, looking down upon the Ahorn-Thal, 160 feet below. In the latter, at the foot of the hill, lies the Neumiihle (Restaurant). The custodian shows the remains of antediluvian animals found in the caves, and conducts the visitor to the (74 hr.) Sophienhohle or Raben- stein Cavern, the most interesting in the district owing to the abun- dance of the fossil bones and the perfection of the stalactites it contains. An hour is required to explore it (fee 3-4 Jl; full illumination 9 Jl ; magnesium wire 40 pf. extra for each of the three chambers). The Ludwigs- hohle on the opposite side of the Ahorn-Thal hardly merits a visit. We may now cross the hill separating the Ahorn-Thal and Wiesent-Thal to (1 hr.) Waischenfeld (1137 ft.; Gorl; Hoffmann), pleasantly situated on the Wiesent, and environed with watch-towers and ruined castles. The Forstershohle (20 min. ; key at Gorl's Inn ; one pers. 1 J(, each additional visitor 50 pf.), a dome-shaped vault, contains fine stalactites. — Post-omni- bus hence to Bayreuih (p. 86), daily in 41/4 hrs. (2 Jf). Walkers may go from Rabenstein across the table-land direct in 2 hrs. to Pottenstein (see below): by the Neumiihle (see above) we cross the bridge and ascend to the left to Zaupenherg ; then, leaving the villages of Ailsdorf and Kleinlesau on the right (see finger-posts), we reach, beyond Waidmannsgesess, the road leading from Oberailsdorf to Pottenstein. — To reach (2 hrs.) Behringersmiihl we return for a few hundred paces on the Schonhof road, then take the Oberailsdorf footpath to the left (whence a direct path leads to Tuchersfeld, see below), and follow the path through the pretty and sequestered valley of the Ailsbach. From Behringersmiihl to Tiiehersfeld and Gossweinstein, see below. The road from Muggendorf to Pottenstein crosses the Wiesent at Behringersmiihl and again divides : the road to the right ascends rapidly to (1/2 lir.) Gossweinstein (1617ft.; Distler, with garden; Amschler 'zur Frank. Schweiz'; Gold. Adler; Lowe; Rose), where there is a large pilgrimage - church and a Chateau, completely restored in the Gothic style (visitors admitted). The Burg , the Kreuz behind the church , and the Wagnershbhe, all command a *View of the greater part of the Franconian Switzerland, including the valleys of the Ailsbach, Wiesent, and Piittlach, which converge at Behringersmiihl. Through the grounds in the government forest we descend in 1/2 hr. to the Stempfermiihle (p. 93), and thence reach Muggendorf in 2 hrs. Near Burggailenreuih (p. 93), 1^/2 hr. to the W. of Gossweinstein, is the Gailenreuther Hohle , or Zoolith Cavern (the forester at Baron Horneck NUREMBERG. 20. Route. 95 von Weinheim's Schloss dispenses modest refreshments and shows the cavern; 1-3 pers. 1 J( each, 4-6 pers. 50 pf. each, larger parties 25 pf. each; light 10 pf. for each pers.), which has attained a European celebrity owing to the investigations of Esper, Rosenmiiller, Cuvier, and Goldfuss. It consists of three or four stories, one above the other, each containing chambers filled with numerous remains of bears, lions, wolves, hysenas, etc. These wild beasts probably lived in the caves to which they brought their prey, and where they afterwards themselves died. There are several other cav- erns here of the same character, such as .the Kapps-Hohle (difficult of access), containing beautiful stalactites. Scientific men are recommended to visit these interesting caves; the ordinary traveller will probably be satisfied with the Sophienhohle (p. 94). The road leads to the E. from Behringersmuhl through the ro- mantic Puttlach-Thal to (I72 M.) Tuchersfeld (Seiller, rustic) , a most picturesque village, commanded by lofty pinnacles of rock. Thence to (3M.) Pottenstein (1425 ft.; Distter, 5c/i 6>/f), a beautifully situated little town, with a chateau. Diligence twice daily in 2 hrs. to Pegnitz fp. 110). Pleasant excursion to the S. through the romantic Schutter-Thal or Kiihlenfelser-Thal , past the Schutier and Klumper mills (by the first of which are the stalactite caverns called the Grosse and Kleine Teufelsloch), to (41/2 M.) Kiihlenfeli. Back by Kirchenhirkig to (81/2 M.) Pottenstein. — A road also leads from Pottenstein on the hill, past a chapel (*View), to (31/2 M.) Gossweinstein (p. 94). 20. Nuremberg. Hotels. *BatrischeeHof (PI. a; C, 2), Karl-Str. 1, in a quiet Situation, R., L., &A. from 3, B. 1, D. 3 Jl ; *Straus3 (Pl.c; C, 3), Karolinen-Str. 43, R., L., & A. 3-4, B. iJl 20 pf., D. 3 M, with lift, electric light, and good caf^-restaurant ; "Goldner Adlee (H6t. Schlenk; PI. b, D 2), Adler-Str. 15, with lift, R. & A. 21/2-3, B. 1, D. ?> M ; Wurtembeeger Hof (PI. d-, D,4), near the station, R. & A. from 2, B. 1, D. % Ji ; these four of the first class. — *Wittelsbacher Hof (Pl.f;D,3), Pfannenschmiedsgasse 22, with small garden and restaurant, R. & A. 1V2-3 Jl^ B. 80 pf. ; *Deutscheb Kai- ser (Pi- gi D) 3), *MoNOPOL (PI. h; D, 3), both with cafe's-restaurants ; *Kaiserhof (PI. k; D, 3); Rother Hahn (PI. i; D, 3), all in the Konig- Str. ; Maximilian (PI. e; E, 3), Lorenzer-Str. 8. — "Nurnberger Hof (PI. 1 ; D, 3), unpretending, Herzog Max, both in the Konig-Str., R. I1/2-2 UJ?, B. 80 pf., D. Uf'Jt; HiMMELSLEiTER, Karolineu-Str. 53, R. U/^Jf; Wolfs- scHLUCHT, Johannesgaase 4; Einhorn, Breitegasse 76, near the Germanic aiuseum, R. i Ji 20-2 Jl, B. 60-80 pf. Restaurants. At the Edtels Strauss, Wittelsbachei' Hof, and Deutscher Kaiser, see above. Also "Siadtpark, Maxfeld (p. 109); Bosenau (PI. A, B, 2, 3; p. 109). — Wine. -Giessing, Rathhausgasse 8 (closed in the evening) ; -Herren- keller (Fottinger), Theatergasse 19 ; Nassauer Keller, in the Nassau House (p. 99); 'Posthornlein (Doring), near the chapel of St. Maurice; cold meat, etc., at the last three. — Beer. "Slrau-ss, Deutscher Kaiser, Monopol, Wol/s- schlucht; see above. Also Warthurg , Weinmarkt 7; Braiwurst-GWcklein (p. 102), at the back of the Moritzcapelle, quaint; 'Bratwurst-fferzle,liieT7.- gasse 9. — Marienth or z winger (formerly Schellmannsztcinger), at the Ma- rienthor. Cafes. Monopol, see above; Krauss, Kaiser-Str. 46; Central, Karo- linen-Str. 23; Merkur, Klaragasse 7; Noris, Josephs-Platz 1; Gisela, Spitt- lerthorgraben 1. — Confectioners. Eisenbeits, Konig-Str. 2a, at the Museum Bridge; Merklein, Rathhausgasse 10; Scheuermann, Schustergasse 3, behind the Sebaldas church. Baths. Ludwigsbad, Breitegasse 91 , at the Weisse Thurm ; Wildbad, on the Schiittinsel, E. side of the town. Cabs. For 1/4 hr. 1-2 pers. 60 pf., 34 pers. 1 J(; \'t hr., 1 or 11/2 Jf; 96 Route 20. NUREMBERG. Collections. »/4 lir., IV2 or 2 J?; 1 hr,, 2 J( or 2^2 J(; small articles free, box 20 pf. — Porter into the town: under 33 lbs. 35 pf. ; between 33 and llOlbs. 50 pf. Tramways. 1. From the i/ax/eJd (Stadtpark ; to the N.E. of PI. F, 1) to the Bahnhof-Platz (PI. D, E, 4), Plarver (PI. B, 3), and Furth (p. 69; from the Central Station to Fiirth , 3/^ hr., 20 pf,); white lamps, etc. — 2. From the Maxfeld to the Rathhaus-Platz (PI. D, 1, 2j and the Schlacht- hof (to the S.W. of PI. A, 4); green lamps. — 3. From the LaufeHhor (PI. F, 1) to St. Jobst (p. 109) ; yellow lamps. — 4. From the Bahnhof-Platz to iSieinbuhl (p. 109; to the S. of PL C, 4). — 5. From the Bahnhof-Platz to the Hauptdepot (New Barracks; to the N.W. of PI. A, 3); blue lamps. — 6. From the Plarrer (PI. B,3) to the Lorenzer-Platz (PI. D, 3) and Dutzend- teich (p. 118; 20 min.; 20 pf.). Post Offices, Bahnhof-Platz 1 (PI. E, 4; poste restante). Several branch- offices. — Telegraph Offices. Bahnhof-Platz 7, Hauptmarkt 12 (next the Frauenkirche ; PI. D, 2), and at most of the post-offices. Theatres. Stadt- Theater (PI. D, 8), by the Lorenzkirche (closed in sum- mer). — Summer Theatre at theWittelsbacher Hof, Pfannenschmiedsgasse22. — Music Halls. Wolfsschlucht (see p. 95), Johannesgasse 4 (closed in summer) ; Eeichshallen- Theater, Konig-Str. 50. — Bands in the Stadtpark (p. 109), on Tues., Thurs., and Sun. (afternoon and evening); at the Rosenau (p. 95), etc. Shops. Nuremberg Waees: Wahnschaffe, Josephs -Platz 18, carved wood, etc.; C. Quehl, Kaiser-Str. 5, at the corner of the Fleischbriicke, etc. — Imitations of Ancient Woeks of Art, in terracotta (stoves, vases, etc.), metal, papier-mache, and wood (furniture): i''Ze?5c^?7«an«, Hirschelgasse 28 ; Et/sser, in Peller's house, Aegidien-Platz 23 (p. 105). — Fancy Articles in wood, in the Renaissance style (caskets, frames, etc.): Schmid-Daler & Co.., Panier-Platz 9. — Wood Mosaics: Adelhard, Flaschenhof-Str. 18. — Ivory Carving: Behl, Kaiser-Str. 37. — Fancy Goods: /. G. Kuglei% L. Dohler, Konig-Str. — Artistic Glass and Porcelain, etc. : Ostermai/r, Lorenzer- Platz ; C. Neumarck^ Adler-Str. 33. — Steel Goods : Leykauf^ Konig-Str. 16. — Antiquities: Pickert, Diirer-Platz 10; Helhing, Karl-Str. 6; Wohlhold, Augustiner-Str. 11 ; F. Neumann, Trodelmarkt 31-33. — Booksellers and Art-dealers : /. L. Schrag, Soldan, both in the Konig-Strasse. — Lebkuchen (a kind of gingerbread). Metzger, Josepha-Platz 6, Rathhausgasse 6, and Hauptmarkt 23; Hdberlein, Konig-Sir. 6, Winkler-Str. 35, and Ludwig-Str. 34; Piichler d- Co., Josephs-Platz 2 and Bindergasse 11; Zinn, in the Frauen- thor, etc. — All the shops are shut on Sundays and holidays, English Church Service in summer at the Bayrischer Hof. United States Consul, William J. Black, Esq. Collections and Objects of Interest. Albvecht Diirer's Home (p. 102), daily 8-1 and 2-6 ; 50 pf. ^'Germanic Museum (p. 106), daily 10-1 and 2-4.30 (in winter to 4), 1 Jl, 4-5 pers. '6Jl, free on Sun. (and Wed. in winter). Indmlrial Museum (p. 105) : Industrial products, week-days 9-12 and 2-5, Sun. 10-12 (closed on Sat.); Collection of Models and Library, week- days 8-12 and 2-6, Sun. 10-12 (closed on Sat.); adm. free. Municipal Library (p. 102), daily 9-12 and 3-6. Natural History Museum (p. 106), Sun. 10-12, free; other times 50 pf. Panorama, Kothenburger-Str. (PI. A, 3), all day, \Jl; Sun. and holidays 50pf. Permanent Exhibition of the Diirer Association (modern paintings), in the building of the Telegraph Office next the Frauenkirche (PI. 7; D, 2), week-days 11-3, Sun. and holidays 10-2 (closed on Sat.) ; adm. 80 pf. Permanent Industrial Exhibition (p. 105), week-days 9-12 and 2-5 (in winter 10-12 and 2-4), Sun. 10-12; free. Rathhaus (p. lOLl), Sun. 10.30-12.30, free; at other times, fee. School of Indtistrial Art (p. lOB), daily; fee. Principal Attractions: St. Lawrence (p. 99), Frauenkirche, especially the Portal (p. 99), Schone Brunnen (p. 100), St. Sebaldus (p. 101), Burg (p. 103), Germanic Museum (p. 106). Nuremberg, Germ. Niirnberg (1148 ft.), pop. 142,500, a free city of the Empire down to 1806, has since belonged to Bavaria. G; I R; m A N \ S C H E S^ M U; S E U M ERDGESCHOSS Jf.^ s. Geo^.Aiistalt von Wagiipr At Dcbes , l.dipii J ERSTER STOCK I LXV I li 1 t i -i i i jailer, el € 1 J ;i_J i i p M SO Geofir. install "von TTa^er i.DeT)es , Xeipzig. History of Art. NUREMBERG. 20. Route. 97 There is probably no town in Germany still so mediaeval in appear- ance , or so suggestive of the wealth , importance , and artistic taste of a 'City of the Empire'. Nuremberg is first mentioned in history in 1050. The establishment of a market, the miracles wrought by the relics of St. Sebaldus, and the fre- quent visits of the emperors rapidly attracted new inhabitants, who at first settled between the castle and the river. The city thus sprat g up under the Hohenstaufen dynasty, and the castle was frequently occupied by Con- rad III. and Frederick Barbarossa, two illustrious members ot that tamily. The progre'8 of the city was greatly promoted by the high privileges ac- corded to it by these and ottirr emperors. The government was originally vested in the patrician families. These were expelled by the civic guild.s in 1349, but only to return and obtain a firmer grasp of power the same year. The office of Burggrave, originally a deputy governing in the name of the emperor, was first held by Frederick I. (d. 1218) of the Zollern family under the Emp. Henry VI. These governors soon acquired in- dependent power, and in 1363 became 'Fiirsten', or princes ; but after, Frederick VI. was invested by the Emp. Sigismund with the Mark of Bran- denburg in 1411, they formally ceded to the town (1427) their castle, which was situated in front of the citadel. The constant dissensions and bitter feuds between the citizens and the margraves Albrecht Achilles (1449) and Frederick (1502) did not interfere with the continuous growth of the town, which at the beginning of the sixteenth century had become , like Augs- burg, one of the chief depots of the trade between Germany, Venice, and the East. At this period, too, it attained its zenith of distinction in the sphere of art as well as of politics. To this period belongs most of the interesting old Domestic Abchi- TECTCEE which renders Nuremberg so quaint and picturesque. The general style of the lofty houses, with their high-peaked gables, is Gothic, but the ornamentation of the facades is usually in the Renaissance style. Specia care has also been bestowed upon the court? in the interior. The zeal with which the art of Sculpture was cultivated is exem- plified by the numerous interesting signs and figures of saints, of the 14-16th cent., with which the houses are embellished. Some of the finest are in the Konig-Str. ; on the Glockengie?serhau.^ ; at the corner of the Albreeht-Diirer-Platz; opposite the Moritzkapelle; in the Ob-tmarkt, be- hind the Frauenkirche; at the corner of the Weinmarkt (.Rothes Ross); in the Burgstrasse; at the corner of the Bindergasse; and in the Hirschel- gasse. The last-named (original now in Berlin), a statue of the Virgin, has often been ascribed to an Italian artist on account of its beauty and delicacy of form. Another similar figure of Mary at the foot of the Cross, now in the Germanic 3Iuseum (p. 95), ranks among the finest works of its time, but is also by an unknown master. Foremost among the Nuremberg workers in stone stands Adam Krafft who flourished here after 1492, and died at Schwabach in 1507. His prin- cipal works are the Stations on the way to St. John's Cemetery, the taste- ful tabernacle in St. Lawrences, and the reliefs at the Frauenkirche, St. Sebalduskirche, and Aegidienkirche. Of wood-carvers the chief is Veii Stoss (d. 1532), who at first exercised his craft atCiacow and is therefore some- times, though erroneously, described as a Pole. His cAe/-d'ce«i;re at Nurem- berg is in the church of St. Lawrence (p. 99). Both of these masters are rooted in the traditions of mediaeval art, and of conservative tendencies. The brass-founder Peter Vischer (d. 1529), on the other hand, breathes the spirit of the Renaissance, and is endowed with versatile imagination and a deli- cate sense of form. His sons and Pancraz Labenwolj\i. 1563) also produced much meritorious work. Among the specialities of Nuremberg art in the 16th cent, were the casting of medals and goldsmiths' work, the most celebrated die-cutters being Ludwig Krug (at the beginning of the 16th cent.), Peter Flotner (d, 1546), aud Hans Lubsinger; and the most renowned gold- smiths Wenzel Jamnitzer (1508-85), and his son-in-law Valentin Maler, Painting was sedulously cultivated as early as the 14th cent., as is proved by the altar-pieces in the Frauenkirche and Jakobskirche. The Baedeker's S. Germany. 8th Edit. 7 98 Route 20. NUREMBERG. Fortifications. Imhofif altar-piece of the Coronation of the Virgin in St. Lawrence's -dates from the first half of the 15th cent., and resembles the crude productions of the Cologne school. In the latter half of the same century ^ans Pleyden- wurff and Michael Wohlgemui (1434-1519) was the most prominent of Nurem- berg painters. In order to understand the wide-spread fame of the ISfurem- berg school we must keep in mind that printing had recently been invented, engendering a taste for illustrated books, engravings, and wood-cuts; for the importance of ^Nuremberg art lies less in the products of the paint- brush than in the humorous and thoughtful creations embodied by means of the burin and the chisel. The characteristic tendency to depth of mean-' ing shows itself in the pictures of AlbrecM DUrer (1473-1528), a pupil of Wohlgemut, and the greatest painter whom Nuremberg has produced. Nuremberg itself, however, now possesses few products of his fertile genius*, the only certified examples of his brush in his native town are the 'Hercules' (an early work), portraits of Emp. Charlemagne and Emp. Sigismund, and a Pieta, all in the Germanic Museum. His best works are to be seen at Vienna, Munich, and Berlin. None of Diirer's pupils developed their activity to any great extent in Nuremberg itself, where , indeed, painting rapidly declined. On the other hand the artistic handicrafts, such as the engraving of medals and the manufacture of artistic cabinets, flourished here till far on in the 18th century, and are again practised with growing success at the present day. The principles of the Reformation found favour at Nuremberg as early as 1525, and in the following year Melanchthon founded the Gym- nasium. The discovery of the sea-route to India somewhat impaired the prosperity of the town ; it sufi'ered still more severely during the Thirty Years' War, and during the 18th cent, its decline w'as hastened by the feeble rule of the patrician families. Since 1806, however, when Nurem- berg became a Bavarian city, it has prospered greatly, and it is now the most important commercial and manufacturing town in Southern Germany. Hops form one of the most important staple commodities. The Fortifications, dating from the middle ages, form the most interesting feature of the town, hut have unfortunately been re- moved at places. They consist of a rampart encircling the inner city, provided at intervals with round and square towers , and of a dry moat 35 yds. wide and 33 ft. deep. A walk round the walls will reveal the variety and beauty of their architectural effects. The most picturesque parts are between the Spittlerthor and Maxthor (early morning or late afternoon best light). The four round towers at the Neue, Spittler, Frauen, andLaufer gates received their present form from Georg linger in 1555-68. T\iQ Pegnitz divides the old town into two nearly equal parts, the Lawrence and the Sebald sides, the latter being the older and more interesting. It is crossed by several Bridges. The single-arched Fleischbriicke (PI. D, 2), built in 1596-98, is an imitation of the Ponte Rialto at Venice. Two obelisks on the Karlshriicke (PI. C, 2), one with a dove and olive-branch, the other with the imperial eagle, are memorials of a visit of Emp. Charles VI., 'the peace-bringer', in 1728. The Suspension. Bridge (PL C, 2) was one of the first of its kind in Germany (1824). Picturesque views are obtained from it as well as from theHef^ker {i.e. hangman's) Foof-ftricZgre (PI. C, 2), near which are a few relics of the earlier fortifications of the 13th century. From the Railway S'tation (PI. D, E, 4) we enter the town by the Frauenthor in a straig;ht direction, and in 5 min. reach the church of St. Lawrence ; then c toss the Museums-P.riicke to the Frauen- St. Laurence. NUREMBERG. 20. Route. 99 kirclie, and proceed to the left, past the Schone Brunnen, to the Rathhaus, St. Sebald's, Diirer's statue, Diirer's house, and the Burg. This order is observed in the following description. The Gothic church of *St. Lawrence (PI. D, 3 ; Prot.), the finest in Nuremberg, was erected at the end of the 13th and the beginning of the 14th cent, on the site of a small Romanesque church. In 1403-45 the nave was widened, and in 1439-77 the choir was rebuilt on a larger scale hy Konrad Roritzer of Ratisbon. The whole edifice was carefully restored in 1824 under the superintendence of Heide- loff. Rich W. *Portal with numerous sculptures (1332); above it a superb rose window, 30 ft. in diameter. To the left of the portal is a modern Gothic fountain by Wanderer. The N. Tower^ with its roof of gilded copper, was burned down in 1865, but has since been re-erected in its original form. The sacristan, who lives at No. 7 Lorenz-Platz, is generally in the church in summer. (Knock loudly at the N. door; fee 40 pf. ; the printed description obtained in the church is inaccurate.) Interior. Seven of the beautiful stained-glass "^Windows in the choir date from the 15th and 16th cent. ; the finest are the 6th to the right ('Volkamer window"), representing the genealogy of Christ with the por- trait of the donor, and the 9th or 'Tucher window'. The four Evangelists and Apostles (after Diirer; comp. p. 162) in the 7th window are modern, as also the 8th ('Kaiserfenster'), put up in 1831 in memory of the 84th birthday of Emp. William I. — The finest work of art in the church is the "CiBORiDM, or receptacle for the host, in the choir, beautifully and elab- orately executed in stone, in the form of a tower, 65 ft. in height, and enriched with many sculptures of scenes from the life of Christ. The apex of the tower is bent like a bishop's crozier. It rests upon the three kneel- ing -Figures of the sculptor Adam Krafft and his two assistants, who were engaged in the work from 1493 to 1500. In front of the altar, suspended from the roof, is a curious "Work in carved wood with numerous figures, by Veil Stoss, representing the Salutation. The Gothic brass candelabrum in the choir is also noteworthy. Handsome modern pulpit and high-altar bj' Heideloff and Rotermundi (1839). The Krell Altar (end of the 15th century), behind the high-altar, bears the earliest known representation of the town. The varioxis carved wooden altars and altar-pieces of the 15th cent, in the aisles repay inspection; especially the Imhoff Altar (ca. 1420) on the gallery over the N. entrance. The Tugendbrunnen, a fountain on the N.W. side of the church, with numerous figures in bronze, was executed in 1589 by Benedikt Wurzelbauer (covered in winter). To the left of it, at the corner of the Karolinen-Str., is the so-called Nassauer Haus, erected in the Gothic style in the 14th cent, (wine -room, see p. 95). — In the adjoining A dler-Strasse rises the Warriors^ Monument, by Wan- derer and Rossner, a granite column surmounted by a figure of Victory (1876). — On the Pegnitz is the Museum (PI. 4; a club; adm. only on the introduction of a member). The Gothic *Frauenkirche or Marienkirche (PI. D, 2; Rom. Cath. since 1816), in the market-place, was erected in 1356-61 on the site of a synagogue destroyed in 1349 during the persecutions of the Jews. The church was restored in 1878-81 by Essenicein. Fine facade. Over the portal of the W, *Portico, with its rich sculptur- 7* 100 Route 20. NUREMBERG. Rathhaus. ing, is a curious old clock, known as the 'Mannleinlaufen', constructed in 1506-9 by G. Heuss and Seb. Lindenast, with moving figures of the seven German electors (best seen at noon). The N. aisle (open 7-10 a.m.; sacristan, Vordere Spitalhof 9} contains an *Epita- phium of the Pergenstorfer family of 1498, by A. Krafft, with a relief of the Madonna as Mother of Mercy. Adjacent is theTucher- sche Altar, with a winged picture on a gold ground, one of the finest works of the Nuremberg school in the first half of the 15th century. Old stained glass in the choir, with the armorial bearings of many Nuremberg families. In the Gansemarkt, behind the Frauenkirche, is a quaint foun- tain-figure in bronze, by Pancraz Labenwolf , called the *Gdnse~ mdnnchen ('little goose-man'; PI. 2), a peasant carrying a goose under each arm. The *Scli6ne Brunnen (P1.D,2), opposite the Frauenkirche, erected in 1385-96, hy Meister Heinrich, the 'Balier\ and restored in 1821-24, is a Gothic pyramid 63 ft. in height, adorned with nu- merous figures (originally painted). The *Statues below represent seven electors and the nine worthies (viz. Charlemagne, Godfrey de Bouillon, Clovis, the Christian worthies ; Judas Maccabaeus, Joshua, David, the Jewish worthies; Caesar, Alexander, Hector, the pagan worthies); those above, xMoses and the seven prophets. In the iron railing of the fountain, on the N.W. side, is a small movable iron ring, ingeniously wrought, which the travelling apprentices regard as the cognisance of the city. — No. 19, Hauptmarkt (PI. D, 2; tablet) , opposite the Schone Brunnen, was the residence of the celebrated humanist Pirkheimer (born at Eichsfatt in 1470 ; died at Nuremberg in 1530). No. 15, adjacent, adorned with frescoes designed by Wanderer (1886), is the house in which Martin Behaim, the cosmographer (1459-1507), was born. Until the introduction of the Reformation the crown-jewels were exhibited annually in front of this house (comp. p. 107). The Rathhaus (PI. D, 1, 2; adm., see p. 96 ; entrance opposite the guard -house; bell for the custodian on the first floor to the right), 290 ft. in length, was erected by Jakob Wolf in 1616-22 in the Italian Renaissance style, incorporating an earlier building of the 14- 15th centuries. The late -Gothic part of the building at the back, with a fine facade towards the Theresien-Str. and an interesting court, was added by Essenwein in 1885-89. The great hall, with its timber roof, belongs to the older part of the building, erected in 1S40, and is adorned with badly -preserved frescoes designed by Durer., representing the triumphal procession of the Emp. Max- imilian, Town Musicians, and Calumny (after Apelles); it also contains stained glass by Veit Birschvogel, etc. On the central buttress is a mural painting, executed in 1613 (restored in 1824), representing an execution by the guillotine, proving that this instrument is not a modern invention. — On the wall of the staircase to the second floor is a large painting by Paul Ritter (1883) : The representatives of Nuremberg entering the town in triumphal procession with the imperial regalia in 1424. — The ceiling of the long corridor in the second lloor is adorned with a relief in stucco St. Sebaldus. NUREMBERG. 20. Route. 101 representing a tournament held at Nuremberg in 1446, executed by Hunt and Ileinrich Kuhn in 1621 (restored in 1891). On the 3rd floor is the Municipal Picture Gallery (chiefly modern paintings). Room I. /aj^er, Emp. Maximilian I. visiting A. Diirer in 1518; Sc/iuch, Funeral of Gustavus Adol- phus; Ans. Feuerbach^ Battle of Amazons; Bauer, Body of Emp. Otho III. being brought across the Alps. — R. II. Joachim von Sandravt, Banquet in the Rathhaus in 1649; Maai\ The Schone Brunnen, 1424; Mayer, Interior of St. Sebald's, — R. III. Kreling, Magdeburgers be.sieged by Tilly receiv- ing the Sacrament; also portraits of distinguished Nurembergers. The tasteful Fountain in the old court is by PancrazLabenwolf, 1557. The gallery in the S.E. corner of the court, resting upon curious carved brackets, and with Gothic balustrades, is by Hans Behaim (1425). Under the Rathhaus are subterranean passages, partly fallen in, leading from the old dungeons to the deep well at the Burg (p. 103) and in other directions; these may be inspected by the curious. The church of*St. Sebaldus [PL D, 2;Prot.), originally a Roman- esque structure of the 11th cent., restored in the Transition style at the beginning of the 13th cent., was converted into a Gothic church in 1361-77. The W. choir with the Loffelholz Chapel, the lower part of the towers (completed in the 15th cent.], and the nave, date from the 13th cent, while the present E. choir in the pure Gothic style was added during the later alterations. The church is now "undergoing restoration under the direction of Hauherrisser. The sacristan (Burg-Str. 6) is generally in the church ; visitors knock at theN. side-door; donations go to the building fund. The printed description obtained at the church is worthless. Exterior. The visitor should inspect the N. Portal, or '^Bride's Door"; the reliefs on the buttresses of the E. choir, representing the Passion; the 'Schreyer Monument' (opposite the Rathhaus), with numerous lifesize figures in stone, representing the Bearing of the Cross, the Entombment, and the Resurrection, executed in 1492 by Adam Krafft, and the richest and most important of his works; the Last Judgment over the S. entrance. Interior. In the E. ambulatory, to the right, three reliefs by Veit Stoss (1449): Last Supper, Christ on the Mt. of Olives, and the Kiss of Judas. Above these, the 'Markgrafenfenster'', a fine stained-glass window executed by Veil Hirschvogel in 1515, representing the Margrave Frederick of Ansbach and Bayreuth, with his wife and eight children ; to the left, a triple fresco (Christ washing the Disciples' feet, Last Supper, Christ on the Mt. of Olives), and a winged picture on the Tucher'sche altar, painted in 1513 by Hans von Kulmbach, from drawings by Diirer, probably the master's finest work. *Crucifix and wooden figures of the Virgin and St. John, over the high -altar, the latest work of Veil Stoss. High -altar in wood (1821) by Roteiinundt and Heideloff. — ""'St. Sebald's Monument (eight tons in weight, for which the trustees of the church paid 3145 flor- ins), the masterpiece of Peter Vischer, the celebrated artist in bronze, was completed by him with the aid of his five sons in 1519, after thirteen years' labour. The twelve Apostles in niches around the sarcophagus containing the relics of the saint are admirable ; above are twelve smaller figures of church-fathers and prophets; below, about seventy allegorical figures of genii, mermaids, animals, etc. The miracles performed by the saint are pourtrayed in four beautiful reliefs below the sarcophagus. In the niche at the W. end is St. Sebaldus, and in the E. niche is the artist himself with apron and chisel, a beautiful statuette. Near the fine modern wooden pulpit (by Rolermundt; 1859) is a copy of the Pieta by Durer now in the Germanic Museum. The Loffelholz Chapel, W. choir, contains a Gothic font in bronze, of the beginning, and an altar of the middle, of the 15th century. 102 Route 20, NUREMBERG. Town Library. The Parsonage of St. Sebald, on tlie N. side, with its line Gothic *Oriel - window ('Chorleiu'), dating from 1318, was once occupied by Melchior Pflnzing (d. 1535), provost of St. Sebald, and author of the 'Teuerdank', an allegorical narrative of the wooing of Mary of Burgundy by Emp. Maximilian I. Opposite St. Sebald's, on the N., is the Gothic Chapel of St. Moritz (PL I), 1), transferred hither from the Hauptmarkt in 1313, and restored in 1829. Adjoining is the Bratwurst - Glocklein (p. 95), mentioned as early as 1519. At No. 6 Halbwachsengasse, behind, is the Rotermundt Collection of antiquities, casts of ancient Nurem- berg sculptures, etc. To the S.W. of St. Sebald's, Winkler-Str. 29, is Palm's House (PI. 5 ; C, D, 2) , with the inscription : 'Here dwelt John Palm, bookseller, who fell a victim to the tyranny of Napoleon in 1806'. The patriotic Palm had published a pamphlet on the 'Degradation of Germany', written in a tone derogatory to France, for which the Emperor caused him to be condemned by a court-martial and shot (p. 234). — At the corner of the adjacent Augustiner-Strasse, on the site of an Augustinian monastery, stand the Courts of Law (PL 3; C, D, 2), erected by Solger in 1877. In the hall are marble busts of the jurists Anselm von Feuerbach and Rud. von Holz- schuher ; the court of the Chamber of Commerce contains a large painting by A. Feuerbach: Emp. Lewis the Bavarian conferring privileges on the merchants of Nuremberg. Opposite Palm's house, over the gateway of the Stadtwage^ is a good relief by Krofft (1497). Near this (Winkler-Strasse 20) is the house in which DUrer was born, with inscription. *Diirer's Statue (PL D, 1), erected in 1840 on the Albrecht- Diirer-Platz, was designed by the eminent Ranch, after Diirer^s portrait of himself at Vienna. Some hundred paces to the N.W., No. 39 Albrecht-Diirer-Strasse, near the Thiergartner-Thor, is DU- rer s House (PL 1 ; C, 1), the property of the city, and marked by a medallion. It contains a collection of antique furniture and uten- sils, and also copies of Diirer's paintings. Adm., see p. 96. We return to theRathhaus (p. 100). Opposite, on the right side of the Burgstrasse, is the old Dominican monastery, containing the Municipal Archives on the groundfloor. The upper floor contains the Town Library (PI. D, 1 ; adm., see p. 96), of 70,000 vols, and 2000 MSS., including a missal with fine miniatures by the brothers Glockendon, miniature-painters of Nuremberg ; also early specimens of typography, e.g. the Rationale of Durandus (1459), one of the first books printed by Gutenberg ; autographs of Luther, Melanch- thon, Ulrich von Hutten, Hans Sachs, etc. ; and various curiosities. The Burg-Strasse ascends the Burg Hill (1164 ft.; PL C, D, 1) to the N., a sandstone ro -k on the N.W, side of the town. At the top the route forks; the left branch leads by the 'Himmelsweg' direct to the Kalserburg (p. 103); that to the right leads past a Mt. of Kumrhurg. NUREMBERG. W. Route. 103 Olives (1499) to the N. Freiung and the Pentagonal Touer ('Alt- Niiniberg'), the oldest building in the town. This tower and the Walpuvgis or St. Ottmar''s Chapel frestored in 1892), situated opposite, are relics of the old Burg of the Hohenzollern burggraves, destroyed in the war of 1420. The tower (adm. 20 pf.) contains a torture-chamber 'with the 'Iron Virgin', a hollow figure with iron spikes in the interior, into which the victim was thrust, and a collection of antiquities. — Next this tower, on the right, is the old Granary (now a barrack), built by Hans Behaim the Elder in 1494-96 and named ^Kaiter- stalhing'' ('imperial stables'). To the E. of this lies the Luginsland, with turrets at its four corners said to have been built by the townsfolk in 1367 in order to watch the Hohenzollem-Burg. . — We return to the N. Freiung or Landfreinng, commanding a view of the wide moat and the N. suburbs. On the parapet are shown two hoof-shaped impressions, which are said to have been left by the horse of a captive robber-knight (Eppelein von Gailingen) in the 16th cent. , who escaped by leaping over the moat. Tbis incident gave rise to a sarcastic proverb: "The Nurembergei-s hang no man, unless they have caught him'. — We then pass through a gate to the S.W. to the S. Stadlfreiung, with a view of the city and of the 'Nu- remberg Switzerland". Another gateway brings us to the Vestnertfior- Tfturm (view from the top ; 10 pf.), and farther on is the Deep Well, the depth of which is shown by lowering candles into it, or by reflecting the daylight upon the surface of the water by means of a mirror (10 pf.). — Straight (.m is the — *Kaiserburg, founded in the 11th cent, and enlarged by Frederick Barbarossa in the 12th. It was restored in the Gothic style and fitted up as a royal residence in 1854 - 56 , and since 1866 has belonged in common to the Bavarian and Prussian royal families (ring at the gate ; fee 7-2-1 J/). The venerable Lime Tree in the court, said to have been planted by the Empress Kunigunde, wife of Emp. Henry II. (1002-24), died in i89c3. A niche in the wall contains a statue of the Saxon ambassador Olansdorf, who died at Nuremberg during the Thirty Years' War. The Heidenihurm, by the castle-gate, contains two Romanesque chapels of the 12th cent., one above the other : the lower, St. Margaret's Chapel, is built over the burial- vault of the Burggraves ; the upper, the Kaiser - Capelle , with groined vaulting resting on slender marble columns with Romanesque capitals, and pictures by Wohlgemut, Krafft, and Holbein the Elder, was used for divine service. In the Audience Chamber, next the Kaiser- Capelle, are several pictures, chiefly copies of later Italian works. Handsome old stoves and panelled ceilings in this and other rooms. 3Iost of the rooms and particularly the new balcony on the W. side of the castle aflford splendid views of the city and environs. — The castle-enclosure (.now a royal garden), on the S.W. side of the castle hill, is open to the public. On the S.W. side of the castle is the Thiergdrtner Thor (PI. C, 1), with its square tower, beyond which, in the Burgschmiet-Str., is the Bronze Foundry of Prof. Lenz, -with a collection of models (formerly Burgschmiet; PI. C, 1). The road leads on past the -Sfafion^, consist- ing of seven sandstone pillars with reliefs of the Passion, and the Kalvarienherg, all by Kraffi (now mostly replaced by copies ; originals in the Germanic Museum). The Holzschuher Chapel in St. John's Cemetery (PI. A, 1) contains a good Entombment with fifteen lifesize figures by A. Krafft (1507) and an altar by Veit Slcs^. The Gothic Church of St. John (14th cent.) has an altar-piece by Altdorfer. — The graves in the old part of the cemetery are nearly all adorned with good brass-plafes. In the 8tb row to the S. of the conspicuous Miint/er tomb (I56O5 23 ft. in height) i.s the grave of Al- ^04 Route 20. NUREMBERG. St. Jakob shir che. hrecht Diirer (d. 1528: No. 649), close to which is that of Wemel Jamnitzer (d. 15S5', Xo. 665). with a fine epitaph bv Jost Amman. Farther to the W. lie Veil Stoss (d. 1533; Xo. 268) and the poet Gruhel (p. 105: Xo. 200). A few rows farther on, near St. John's church, is the grave of Pawn' gartner (d. 1679) and a few rows still farther, that of Sandrart the painter (d. 16S8). Pirkheimer's tomb (No. 1414) is nearer the entrance, in the 6th row to the right of the Holzschuher chapel. The wife of the chief sexton (house to the right of St. John's) affords all information (50 pf.). The new Central Cemetery^ also in the Johannis Suburb, to the N.W., has a fine portal by Hase (1879). On the way back to the town a visit may be paid to the Gothic Heiligkreuz Capelle [PI. B, 1 ; entrance Johannis- Str. 24; fee 30 pf.), bnilt in 1390, which contains a fine altar in carved wood, with an architectural top and double wings painted by Wohlgemut. "We now proceed past the Neuthor and Eallerthor to the Spittler- ihor (PI. B, 3; comp. p. 98). In this neighbourhood is the Ludwig Station (PI. A, B, 3 ; for Fiirth^ see p. 70), in front of which, on the Plarrer, a Monumental Fountain was erected in 1890 in memory of the opening of this, the first railway in Germany (p. 70). — In the Rothenburger-Str,, which diverges to the S.W. from the Plarrer, are the Panorama (p. 96), and the Cemetery of St. Rochus (PI. A, 3), with the grave of the celebrated Peter Viseher (d. 1529; No. 90, ninth stone on the right). The Imhof Chapel (1519) contains an in- teresting altar and stained-glass windows by Eirschvogel. At the end of the street is the Harbour of the Ludwigs-Canal (p. 76), 370 yds. long. The broad Ludwigs-Str. leads from the Spittler Thor to the St. Jakobskirche (PI, B, C, 3), founded in 1209, restored in the 14- 15th cent., rebuilt in 1692, and restored by Heideloff in 1824. It contains a Gothic high-altar with winged paintings (14th cent.) and four figures of Apostles (six others of the series being now in the Germanic Museum). On the N. and E. sides of the choir and in the windows are the armorial bearings of Teutonic Knights. Many fine sculp- tures in wood and stone. At the E. end of the X. aisle is a' triptych by Veit Stoss. restored by Burgschmiet. Stained-glass windows with the arms of Xuremberg families. Escutcheons of Teutonic Knights. The Dillherr Chapel contains a Lamentation for Christ by Veit Stoss. Opposite are the old Deutsche Ham , or Teutonic Lodge, now an infantry-barrack, and the Roman Catholic Church of St. Elizabeth, built in 1785 as the Deutschhaus-Kirche, in the Italian baroque style, with a massive dome. — The Jakob-Str. leads to the E. from the Jakobs-Platz to the Germanic Museum (p. 106). To the N.E. we may pass through the Weisse Thurm ('white tower"), a relic of the 13th cent, fortifications, and thence cross the Hafner-Platz and follow the Karolinen-Str. to the church of St. Lawrence (p. 99). From St. Lawrence's the Lorenz-Strasse leads to the E. to the Marienthor and theMarien suburb. To the right is the Stadt- Theater (PI. D, 31. In the Peter-Vischer-Gasse, nearly opposite, are Peter Vischer's House (PI. 10; No. 23) and the Gothic Church of St. Ca- tharine (PI. E, 2), long used by the Meistersingers as their school. St. ^gidius. NUREMBERG. 20. Route. 1 05 In the Nonnengarten, the garden of the former Convent of St. Ca- tharine, rises the — Bavarian Industrial Museum (PI. E, 2, 3), a handsome build- ing erected in 1893-95 for the collections hitherto exhibited at Konig-Str. 3 (adm., see p. 96). The museum, founded in 1872. is to be transferred to its new quarters in 1896. — Adjoining, at No. 8 Marienthorgraben. is the Permanent Industrial and Commercial Exhibition (PI. E, 2; adm., see p. 96). To the N.W., beyond the island of Schiitt, is the Spital-Platz (PI. D, 2), in the centre of which is a bronze Statue of Hans Sachs, by Krauser (1874). Sachs's House, in which the poet was born in 1494, is in the adjacent Hans-Sachs-Gasse (PI. 9; No. 17; tablet). — On the E. side of the square is the new Synagogue (PI. D, 2), built in 1869-74 in the Moorish style, by Wolf. The Heiligegeist- Spital (PI. D, 2), on the S. side, was founded by Conrad Gross in 1331 ; in the court are the old Heinzel Fountain and a small chapel built in 1459 on the model of the Holy Sepulchre. The Gothic Spital-Kirche ox Heiligeyeist-Kirche, built in 1331-41 and modernized in the 17th cent., was from 1424 to 1796 the depository of the im- perial regalia (now in Vienna; casket in the Germanic Museum, p. 107). Not far off, at the corner of the Tucher-Str. and the Neue Gasse (Pl.E, 2), is a tasteful fountain with a bronze figure (by Wanderer) of Konrad Griibel (1736-1809), a popular poet of Nuremberg ; the charming bronze reliefs on the pedestal refer to Griibel's poems. — The Rothschmiedsgasse and Judengasse lead hence to the N.W. to the Thcresien-Platz (PI. D, 1, 2), with a monument to the navigator Martin Behaim(ip. 100), by Rossner (1890). — The Bindergasse (fine Madonna by Adam Krafft on No. 1, to the right) and the Theresien- Strasse run to the W. to the Rathhaus (p. 100). In the Theresien- Strasse are Paumgdrtner's House (No. 23), with a relief of St. George and the dragon above the door, by Krafft; then, at the corner of the Tetzelgasse, the Post and Telegraph Office (1894) of the Sebaldus quarter; and KraffVs House (No. 7; on the right), with a flue court. To the N.E., above the Theresien-Platz, is the /Egidien-Platz (PI. D, E, 1), on the N. side of which rises Peller's, now Eysser's, House (No. 23 ; PI. 6), with its rich Renaissance facade (1605) and fine court in the interior. It contains a magnificent old timber ceil- ing, and has been handsomely and tastefully fitted up and furn- ished by the owner, a furniture-manufacturer of Bayreuth (fee). To the right, in front of the Oymnasium, is a statue of Melanchthon by Burgschmiet. No. 13 Agidien-Platz (tablet) was the house of the famous printer Anton Koberger (1470-1513). St. .Egidius (PL E, 1 ; key at the gymnasium), originally a Ro- manesque basilica, erected in 1140, and burned down in 1696, was rebuilt in 1711-18 in the degraded style of that period. It contains a Pietk by VanDyck, and at the back of the altar two reliefs in bronze 106 Route 20. NUREMBERG. Germanic Museum. by the sons of P. Vischer. Adjacent is the Romanesque Eucharius Chapel (end of the 12th cent.), with two altars by Veit Stoss. In the Gothic Tetzel-Kapelle (1345) a Coronation of tlie Virgin in stone, by A. Krafft. To the E., in the old Landauer Kloster, is the Royal School of Industrial Art (PI. E, 1; adm., see p. 96), which, however, is to be transferred in 1896 to a new building in the Reindel-Strasse (PI. F, 3). The fine vaulting of the Chapel is borne by two spiral columns (1507). For this chapel, in 1511, Diirer painted his cele- brated All Saints altar-piece, now at Vienna. We next cross the Weber-Platz with the Sieben Zeilen, i.e. seven rows of weavers' houses, to the Hirschelgasse (PI. E, 1), where the Tucher'sche Landhaus (No. 11 ; 1533-44) and RupprechV s House (1534) are worth seeing. The latter contains a beautiful early-Ital. Renaissance hall (called 'Hirschvogelsaal' after its builder), of 1534, recently well restored. The figure of the Virgin on the outside is a cast of the original, now in Berlin (comp. p. 97). Retracing our steps, we cross the Weber-Platz to the Max-Thor, whence the Lange Gasse to the right leads to the Laufer Thor. — To the left is the Paniers-Platz, on the N.W. side of which is Top- lers, now Petersen's, House (PI. 8; D, 1), built in 1590. Near this, in the house 'Zur Blume', Schildgasse 12, is the Natural History Museum, containing zoological, botanical, ethno- graphical, and anthropological collections (adm., see p. 96). At No. 23, opposite, the House uith the Golden Shield, decorated with mural paintings in 1888, the first twenty-three articles of Charles IV.'s Golden Bull were composed in 1356, pro\iding amongst other points, that every German emperor should hold his first diet in Nuremberg. The *Germanic National Museum (PL C, D, 3 ; entrance, Kar- thausergasse 7), an institution for the illustration of German histor- ical research, founded in 1852, is established in a suppressed Car- thusian Monastery, a Gothic building of the 14th cent., with a fine church and extensiAe cloisters. The museum was enlarged in 1873-75 by the addition of the Augustine monastery (founded about 1450), formerly occupying the site of the Law Courts (p. 102), but removed thence and re-erected here. Since 1866, owing to the energy of the late director Dr. von Essenwein (d. 1892) and the mu- nificence of private donors, the museum has become one of the finest in Germany. The objects of general interest are exhibited in 83 rooms (some badly lighted), while others are reserved for the use of artists and students. Admission, see p. 96. Catalogue at the en- trance, 50 pf. ; the numbers correspond with the red numbers on the exhibits. (See plans, pp. 96, 97.) Simple refreshments in R. XLU, on the groundfloor. The long Cloister Wing /X, which we enter first, contains casts of Roman tombstones of the l-4th cent, and of mediaeval monuments down to the 1-ith century. Germanic }fuseum. NUREMBERG. 20. Route. 107 To the left. Room I. Prehistoric autiquities, objects from lake-dwellings, stone articles, funereal urns. — R. II. Prehistoric bronze antiquities, iron weapons and tools, etc. — ///, IV. Roman antiquities; beams from the Roman bridge at Mainz. — V-VII. Germanic antiquities of the 4 -9th centuries: ornaments, weapons, coffins, etc.; No. 264 (in R. V), Greek epitaph of a Germanic Christian of Constantinople (3rd or 4th cent.); No. 258 (in R. VII j, Copy of the 'Treasure of Athanarich', King of the "Visigoths (d. 381), found at Petreosa in Roumania (original at Bucharest). — VIII. Recent acciuisitions. — X-XIII. Stoves and stove-tilea. — X/F, XV. Locksmith's work. — XVI (corner-room), called the ' TKi'Me/wis- halle\ from a window presented by Emp. William I. (when King of Prussia) in 1861, representing the foundation of the Carthusian monastery in 1381 by Burggrave Frederick of Nuremberg, executed at Berlin from designs by Kreling. Original model of Luther's monument at Worms, by RietscheL — Opposite, at the angle of the cloisters, is the '■ Hohinzolkrnhalle' (PI. C), with four Gothic windows bearing the arms of the provinces of Prussia, presented by Princes Charles and Albert of Prussia, and Charles Anthony and Leopold of llohenzollern. Cloisler Whic/ XVII (Ludicigsgang). Casts of tombstones of the 14th century. — Cloisters XVIII-XX and XXV, Courts XXI and XXII, and Rooms XXIII and XXIV (Victoria and Friedrich Wil/ielm Building): Casts of sculptures of the l()-16th centuries. — The above-mentioned cloisters en- close the Reichshof (PI. D), containing a copy in stucco of the Roland Col- umn at Bremen. Cloisters XXVI and XX VII-XXIX (aLdioining on the left): Tombstones of the 15-lGth centuries. Fine old and modern stained glass (PI. E, five windows presented by the Austrian imperial house). — Rooms XXX-XXXII contain armour and weapons, from the 10th to the beginning of the 16th century. Cloisters XXXIII-XXXV. Casts of tombstones from the 16-18th cent.; casts of ecclesiastical implements; book-bindings. — We then pass through the Chapel (XXXVI II) and enter (to the left) — ^A'X r/, formerly the Church, which contains a collection of 'Sculpture, chiefly of the 15-16th centuries. On the N. wall: 775. Veit Stoss, Kneeling Madonna; "^785. Tilmann Riemenschneider, St. Elisabeth; 792, 793. School of Michael Fachu; SS. Leonard and Stephen; 770. Top of an altar. On the S. wall: 771, 772. Swahian School (early 16th cent.), SS. Gereon and Catha- rine. In the centre: 745. Veil Stoss, Madonna and Child. Also, 852. Silver- mounted casket in which the imperial jewels of the Holy Roman Empire were formerly kept (from the Spital - Kirche, p. 105). Small carvings in ivory, alabaster, mother-of-pearl, etc. ; ecclesiastical ve.'^sels and vest- ments. On the S. side is a -Mural Painting by W. von Kaulhach representing Emp. Otho III. visiting the tomb of Charlemagne in 1000, symbolical of the object of the institution to bring to light the treasures of the past. The Chapel (XXXVII) contains (on the left) the Nukembero Art Collection: 741. Model of Labenwolfs Gansemannchen (p. ICO); 738. Statue of St. Wenzel, the model of P. TtscAej-'s bronze statue in the cathe- dral of Prague; *732. Frame of the All Saints' picture from the Landauer Briiderkapelle, executed in I5l2 from a design by Diirer, who here shows his genuine Renaissance tendency. On the window-wall: 736. Reliquary of St. .^'ebastian (15th cent.); 733, 73i. Two 'Palmesel' (asses used on Palm Sunday). Back-wall: 740. Weeping Virgin, an admirable statue in wood from a group of theCrucifi.xion (about 1500), spoiled by a coat of grey paint and badly placed; Veil Stost, 742. The rosary, a circular wood -carving, 743. Justice, 744. Coronation of the Virgin, in high relief. — In the centre: '739. Bronze archer (Apollo), by P. Vischer the Younger (1532). The Collection of Domestic Antiqlities occupies RR. XXXIX-LI. — Room XXXIX. German and Venetian glass, porcelain, majolicas, pottery, etc. — XL-XLI. Domestic life of 16-18th cent., illustrated by furniture and utensils. In R. XL: 1034. Richly carved wardrobe (ca. liOO); 1040. Large Gothic bedstead of the Furor family (ca. 15(.0). In K. XLI: 1142. Bedstead in ebony with alabaster ornamentation (early 17th cent.); in the centre, ornamental vessels, goblets, ewers; also 1344. Silver travelling service, n 108 Route W. NUREMBERG. adorned with agate (Augsburg; 17-18th cent.). — XLII. Antique portal from the monastery of Heilsbrunn (13th cent.). — Above this are Rooms XLIII-LI, containing Tyroleae, Swiss, and Nuremberg wainscoting of the 16th and 17th cent. ; also a mediaeval kitchen. Returning to the ground- floor, we turn to the left at the end of Cloister XXVI, and enter — EallLII. Instruments of torture. — HallLIII, in theS.W. part of the building, contains a collection of cannon. — We next ascend the open spiral staircase (PI. H), passing the Dantsic 'Beischlag'" or balcony (PI. G), to the — Second Floor. Room LI V^ fitted up by the German 'imperial' towns, contains a collection of costumes. — The staircase on the W. side de- scends to R. XF, fitted up by the German 'Standesherren', or nobles of the highest rank, which is occupied by a very complete historical col- lection of fire-arms and other weapons (16-19th cent.), including some magnificent specimens acquired with the Sulkowski Collection in 1889. — We now descend on the S. side by the 'Reckenthiirmchen' (LVI) to the — First Floor. L7II. Ordnance of 17-19th cent., tents, military ap- paratus, etc. — Through Oallery LVIII and Cabinet LIX^ containing pictures of costumes (16-18th cent.) , we reach the Galleries and Rooms LX-LXVII, containing casts of sculptures of the 16-lSth cent. (R. LXIII), coins (LXV), and the *PicTtiRE Gallery (Catalogue IV2 JDi unsurpassed for its works of the upper and lower German Schools of the 15th and 16th centuries. R. LXII (to the right) : 7. (black numeral) In the style of Meister Wilhelm of Cologne, Madonna with the pea-blossom ; 2078. Stephan Lochner, Crucifixion, with six saints; 2080. Early Fhm'sh School (15th cent.), Coro- nation of Emp. Frederick III.; to the left, 2079. Master of the Lyversberg Passion, Annunciation; 2086. Victor <& Bein. Diinwegge, Pieta; '2083. Hugo van der Coea, Cardinal Bourbon; to the right, 2090. Master of the Imhof Altar- piece, Pieta; to the left, 2095. A. Diirer {!), Portrait; 2091. Hans Pleyden- wurff. Crucifixion. — LXVI. 2107, 2108. Hans Baldung Grien, Two nude allegorical female figures; Alb. Diirer, 2099. Emp. Maximilian I., no num- ber, Hercules (1500); 2103. H. L. Schcivfelein, Crucifixion with John the Baptist and King David; 2100. Copy of Diirer's All Saints picture (p. 106); 2115. Hans Burgkmair, Madonna; 2110, 2111. Hans Holbein the Elder, Ma- donna enthroned; 2105. A. Altdorfer, Crucifixion; 2119. L. Cranach the Elder, Luther. — LXV. 2109. B. Z'eitblom, Pieta; 209^. A.Diirer, Emperors Charlemagne and Sigismund (freely retouched); 2092-2094. M. Wohlgemuth Four wings from the Peringsdorfer altar-piece, with the legend of St. Vitus and saints (from the Augustine church; ca. 1490); *2097. A. Dilrer, Pieta; 2101, 2102. Hans von Kulmbach, SS. Cosmas and Damian; 2112. Burgkmair, St. Sebastian and Emp. Maximilian. — LX contains chiefly Netherlandish works of the 17th century. Exit-wall: 2123. P. Hooch, Partv; Rembrandt, 2121. Portrait of himself (ca. 1629), 2125. St. Paul: 2l22. Corn. Begas, Tavern-scene. In the middle of this room are various small sculptures in bronze (2155. Figure of a boy, 2157. Dog, 2158. Genius, all ascribed to Peter Vischer), lead (goldsmiths' models; 16-18th cent.), and ivory. At the window to the left : 2150. A number of exquisite wood-carvings attri- buted to P. Flotner, but really by various hands. LXVIII-LXX. Scientific apparatus, calendars, and maps. — LXXI- LXXIII. Pharmaceutical Collection (LXXII. Apothecary's shop). — Chapel LXXIV. Ecclesiastical Art of the 16-18th centuries. — Room LX^ An- tiquities of guilds. — LXXVI. Models. — Church Gallery LXXVII and R. LXXVIII. Commercial Museum, interesting models of ships and wag- gons; weights and measures. — LXXIX, LXXX. Collection of documents illustrative of the arts of writing and printing; MSS., incunabula, wood- cuts, engravings. — LXXXI (Gallery). Weaving and embroidery, — Hall LXXXII (fitted up bv the nobility of MeckleTlburg)T~Tfusical Instruments. — LXXXIII. Book-bindings. The extensive Manufactories of Nuremberg chiefly lie outside the old town. The Nuremberg Machine Co's (formerly Cramer- Klett's ; HERSBRUCK. Route 21. 109 PL F, 2) works are outside the Wohrder Thor. On the S. side, beyond the Farber-Thor , near the railway, are the United Vltra- marine Factories (formerly Leverkus, Zeltner, & Co. ; PI. B, C, 4) ; and in the suburb of Steinbiihl are Schuckert ^ Co.'s dynamo- electric machine works. Fabers lead-pencil factory is at Stein (p. 26) , 6 M. from Nuremberg. The largest breweries are Hen- ninger's in the Maxfeld (now in the hands of a company), Tucher's in the Waizen-Strasse (PI. C, 2), and Kurt's (J. G. Reif), Lorenz- Str. 6. The most popular pleasure-grounds at Nuremberg are the *Stadt- Park or Maxfeld, on the N. side (*Restaurant ; music frequently tramway, see p. 96), and the ••Rosenau (PI. A, B, 2, 3 ; restaurant music frequently). — Pleasant excursion to Dutzendteich (p. 118 tramway); thence a beautiful walk through wood, by Falznerweiher (restaurant) and Schmaussenbuck (rustic inn), with its view-tower (20 pf.), to M og elder f (std^tion ; see p. 234). — Via Furth to the Alte Veste (old fortress) and Cadolzburg, see p. 70. To the Nurem- berg Switzerland, see below. 21. From Nuremberg to Eger by Schnabelwaid.j 94 M. Railway in 51/4-672 lirs. (fares 12 Ji 20, 8J( 10, bjl 20 pf.). Nuremberg, see p. 95. Soon after leaving the station the train diverges to the left from the lines to Ratisbon and Amberg, and crosses the Pegnitz-Thal by means of a long embankment and several bridges to (21/2 M.) St. Jobst. It then skirts the hills on the N. side of the Pegnitz-Thal, running parallel with the Amberg railway (p. 234) on the S. side. On the left, SchLoss Platnersberg, restored by Heideloff. 6 M. Behringersdorf; 8 M. Rilckersdorf (3 M. to the N. is the Ludwigshohe, a summer-resort with view-tower) ; IOV2M. Lauf (Rail. Restaurant), with a chateau, on the Pegnitz ('/o M. to the S. is the station of the Amberg line, p. 234); I2V2 M. Schnaitt- ach, which lies 3 M. to the N. of the station, with the ruin of Rothenburg rising above it (a flue point of view); 15 M. Reichen- schwandy at the base of the Hansgdrgl-Berg (see below), with a chateau and park. 17M.Hersbrnck(1100ft.; *Post; *Traube, in the market-place ; Bother Hahn\ a prosperous little town (3800 inhab.) on the right bank of the Pegnitz, at the foot of the Michelsberg, surrounded by hop-gardens. The station on the right bank of the Pegnitz (*Heissmanns Restaurant) lies on the N. side of the town, 1^2 ^' from the station on the left bank of the Pegnitz (p. 234). The Michelsberg (1428 ft.), ascended from the right bank station in V4 br., affords an admirable survey of the town and district. A still finer point of view is the '-Hansgorgl-Berg (1979 ft.), 1 hr. from Reichen- schwand, or IV2 br. from Ilersbruck via the Oalgenbevg and the Hagen- iniihle. On the top is a pavilion. At (201/2 M.) Hohenstadt the line turns to the N. and enters the narrow and tortuous Upper Pegnitz-Thal ; to the right, prettily 110 Route ^1. SCHNABELWAID. situated at tlie mouth of the Hirschbach-Thal, lies the summer-resort of Eschenhach, with a Schloss and a Curhaus. We cross the Pegnitz twice, and pass Alf alter and Dmselhach on the left. 25 M. Vorra (*Krone). Then five bridges and two short tunnels. 27 M. Bup- prechtstegen (1184 ft.; Inn ^Zur Frdnkischen Schweiz, with a huge lime-tree), the centre of the 'Nuremberg Switzerland'. The *Car- Hotel, pleasantly situated on the slope to the left, is a favourite re- sort in summer. The -Ankathal^ with its beautiful woods and picturesque groups of rocks , affords a pleasant walk. The path then crosses a lofty plain to (2 hrs.) the ruin of Hohenstein (2080 ft.), rising above the villa'ge of that name (Inn zur Felsburg; beer at Maier's); fine view from the wooden belvedere (key at the village). — Walk on the left bank of the Pegnitz to the (1 hr.) castle of Harienstein, mentioned in the 'Parzival'' of Wolfram von Eschenbach. Ten bridges and five tunnels (90 to 350 yds. in length) in rapid succession. The walk through the Pegnitz-Thal to Velden is interesting. 29 M. Velden, a picturesquely-situated town (Krone), with an ancient gate, lies 1/3 M. to the N.W. of the station. The valley now expands. Sl^/o M. Neuhaus (Rossbach's Inn, at the station; Wilder Mann), commanded by the watch-tower of the old castle of Veldenstein. Ifear the village of Krottensee (Zur Grotte), IV2 M. to the E., is the '-Maximilianshohle, or Windloch, a large stalactite grotto, made accessible in 1878 (adm. 1 pers. 75 pf., 2 pers. 1 Jl, etc. j guide necessary; mag- nesium wire 75 pf. extra). We cross and recross the Pegnitz several times. 331/2 M . Banna ; 37 M. Michelfeld; 41^/2 M. Pegnitz (Lamm; Ross), a district-town on the Pegnitz, which rises at Lindenhart, 9 M. to the N. (dili- gence daily in 2^/4 hrs. by Pottenstein to Gossweinstein, p. 95). The train now ascends to (461/9 M.) Schnahelwaid. Beanch Railway to Batkedth (11 M., in 40 min.) by (4 M.) Creussen, an old town in the valley of the Rothe Main . noted for its earthenware, and (7 M.) Neuenreuth. 11 M. Bayreuth (see p^ 86). The train turns to the E., and near (50 M.) Engelmannsreuth passes through the watershed between the Pegnitz and the Nab by a cutting 880 yds. long. Beyond (531/2 M.) Vorbach the Hard is penetrated by a tunnel of 490 yds. 58m. Kirchenlaibach, junction for theNeuenmarkt and Weiden line (p. 89). The train pursues a N.E. direction. Near (631/2 M.) Immenreuth it crosses the Heidenab, and at Oberwappenbst it passes under the watershed between the Heidenab and the Fichtelnab by a tunnel of 935 yds. The valley of the latter stream is crossed near Riglasreuth by a lofty iron viaduct. 70 M. Neusorg (1827 ft.) ; branch hence to (91/0 M.) Fichtelberg. Near Langentheilen the watershed between the Nab and the Roslau is pierced by another long tunnel. 75 M. Waldershof (1805 ft.) ; 2 hrs. to the W. is the Kosseine (p. 92). — 77 M. Markt-Eedwitz (1742 ft.; Anker, at the station; Weisses Ross and others, poor), a busy little town on the Kossein, with a Protestant church in the transition style; NORDLINGEN. 22. Route. 1 1 1 junction of the line from Hof to Wiesau (p. 134). The line now turns to the N.E. and follows the Roslau, which it crosses twice. 81 Y2 ^- Seussen; 8872 Arzherg ; 86 M. Schimding. Before reach- ing [8872 M.) Miiklbach we enter Austrian territory. The train now follows the Eger, intersects the plateau to the S. of Eger at a depth of 56 ft., and, curving to the N.^ enters the station of (94 M.) Eger (see Baedeker's Aiistria). 22. From Nuremberg to Augsburg. 105 M. Railwat, express in 31/2-4 hrs. (fares IG'/zj 1^ cV/)} ordinary train in 6 hTs. (13 Jl 60, 9 Jf, 5 Jf 80 pf.). The train crosses the Ludivigs- Canal immediately after quit- ting Nuremberg, and beyond (5 M.) Reichelsdorf the Rednitz. 9 M. Schwabach [Engel; Rose; Stern, unpretending), an old town with 8190 inhabitants. The late-Gothic church of St. John, erected in 1469-95, contains a grand *Altar-piece with carving by Veil Stoss and paintings by Wohlgemut (1506) and Dilrer (? En- tombment) ; in the Rosenburg chapel are other paintings by Wohl- gemut, Martin Schon (Virgin in a garland of roses), Grunewald, etc., and a Gothic ciborium, 42 ft. high, by A. Krafft (1505), to whom a monument was erected in the church in 1889. (The sacristan lives in the Kirch-Platz, in a small house to the left of the book- seller's.) The Schone Brunnen in the market-place, erected in 1716, was restored in 1856. 'Schwabach type' is an old German text now revived. The 'Articles of Schwabach' form the Protestant creed adopted in 1528-29. Near(1572M.) Roth is the old chateau of .Batiftor (1535). A little farther on, the Swabian and Franconian Rezat unite to form the Rednitz. From (21 M.) Georgensgmiind a branch-line leads in 25min. to Spalt, a small town prettily situated on the Swabian Rezat, the birthplace of G. Spalatin (d. 1545), the friend of Luther and Melanchthon. On a wooded eminence to the left rises Schloss Sandsee, the property of Prince Wrede. 27 M. Pleinfeld, on the Rezat, junction of the Nuremberg and Munich railway (vi^ Treucht- lingen, p. 130). 33 M. Langlau. 37 M. Gunzenhausen, on the Altmiihl, junction of the Wiirz- bnrg and Munich line (see p. 130). Beyond (42 M.) Kronheim the line reaches the Wbrnitz. To the right of (46 M.) Wassertrxidingen rises the long Hesselberg. 481/2 M. Auhausen. 54 M. Oettingen, a small town with 3200 inhab., on the Wornitz, residence of the Prince of Oettingen-Spielberg. Beyond (57 M.) Diirrenzimmem, the Ipf (p. 29) becomes conspicuous on the \V. The village on the right nearNordlingen is Wallerstein (-p. 112), with a ruined castle. 62 M. Nordlingen (1410 ft.; Hot. Kielmeyer, at the station-, * Krone; Deutsches Haus ; Weisses Ross; Beer at the Sonne) j formerly an imperial town, is still surrounded with walls and towers. Pop. 8000. In the gardens outside the station is a bronze bust of the 112 Route 22. DONAUWORTH. From Nuremberg poet Melchior Meyr (d. 1871), author of 'Erzahlungen aus dem Ries'. The Gothic *St. George's Church, erected 1428-1505, contains a fine late-Gothic ciborium (1511-25), a good stone pulpit of the same period , a curious winding staircase to the organ-loft, paintings by Schdufelein [Mourning for Christ, in the Baptistery) and Herlen, and good stained glass. Fine prospect from the tower (290 ft. in height), extending over the Ries with its numerous villages, of which 99 are said to be visible. The late-Gothic Rathhaus contains a large mural painting by Schdufelein (1515), of the history of Ju- dith and Holofernes; on the upper floor a collection of old German pictures (chiefly by Schdufelein and Herlen), autographs, coins, local antiquities, etc. (Apply to custodian on first floor.) During the Thirty Years' War the Imperial Generals Ferdinand of Hungary and the Cardinal Infanta Don Fernando gained a signal victory here over the Swedes under Bernhard of Weimar and Horn, 27th Aug., 1634. A diligence plies daily from Nordlingen via Fessenheim to (12 M.) Wemding (Kreuz; Sonne)^ on the Bosbach^ near which is the small bath of Wemding, with a sulphurous spring. Remsihal Railway from Nordlingen to Stuttgart, see R. 7. Feom Noedlingen toDombdhl,33V2M. (railway in 2V2-3V4hrs.). 2'/2M. Wallerstein, with a picturesque ruined castle. Marktoffingen^ 1 M. to the E. of which lies Maihingen, formerly a convent, with the valuable library, armoury, and other collections of Prince Oettingen-Wallerstein. Then Fremdingen, Wilbur gs tetten. — 18 V2 M. Dinkelsbiihl CGoldne Rose), an old imperial town on the Wornitz , still sui-rounded with walls and tnwers (4484 inhab.), was the birthplace of Chr. von Schmid (d. 1854), a popular writer for the voung, to whom a statue has been erected in the market- place. The late-Gothic Church of St. George (built in 1444-99), with its handsome ciborium and carved altars, and the Deutsche Eaus (15th cent.) are interesting. — 2272 M. Schopfloch; 27 M. Feuchtwangen (Post), an old town with a Gothic abbey-church; BOM. Dorfgiltingen. 33y>'il. Dombiihl, see p. 26. 671/2 M. Mottingen; to the left, the Lierheimer Schloss. Beyond (70 M.) Hoppingen we enter the Ries, a remarkably fertile tract, probably once the bed of a lake. 72 M. Harhurg , a little town belonging to Prince Wallerstein, with a well-preserved castle, pic- turesquely perched on a rock. 751/2 M. Wbrnitzstein. The train fol- lows the fertile valley of the winding Wornitz. 79 1/2 M. Donauworth (1365 ft. ; *.^rc6s, unpretending, R., L. & A. 1 .^ 20 pf., B. 60 pf. ; Becher), an old town on the Danube, with 3733 inhabitants. The buildings of the suppressed Benedictine Abbey of the Holy Cross are now the property of Prince Wallerstein. A chapel adjoining the abbey-church contains the sarcophagus of the ill-fated Mary of Brabant, consort of Duke Lewis of Bavaria, by whose order she was beheaded in 1256 on a groundless suspicion of infidelity. The fortress of Mangoldstein, where the execution took place, to the right near the station, was destroyed by Emp. Albert I. in 1308, and the ruins were removed in 1818. A tablet in the rock, bearing the words ^Castrum Woerih' , now marks the site of the castle, and a cross above indicates the scene of the execution. The Schellenberg , above the station, was stormed with severe loss by Lewis of Baden in 1704. Its capture formed a prelude to the disastrous battle of Hochstadt (see next page). to Augsburg. AUGSBURG. 22. Route. 1 1 3 From Donadwoeth to Ned-Offingen, 27i/,i M., railway in IV3 hr. (to Ulm in 3 hrs.). The line skirts the N. side of the town , turns to the S.W., and traverses the valley of the tortuous Danube. 5 M. Tapfheim; 9 M. Blenheim, or Blindheim; 12 M. Hochstadt. Each of the last two names recalls more than one fiercely contested battle. Here in 1083 Guelph I. of Bavaria was defeated and deprived of his duchy by Emp. Henry IV. In 1703 Elector Max Emanuel of Bavaria and Marshal Villars gained a victory at Hochstadt over the Imperial troops under Count Styrum; but the Elector and Marshal Tallard were signally defeated, at Blenheim, by Prince Eugene and the Duke of Marlborough, 13th Aug., 1704. Nearly a century later, on 19th June, 1800, the Austrians under Kray engaged the French under Moreau at Hochstadt. — IIV-.; M. Steinheim. — 17 M. Oillingen {'Bay- vischer Hof; "Stern; Deutscher Kaiser , unpretending), a thriving town of 6770 inhab., which has belonged to Bavaria since 1802, was formerly the seat of a university, suppressed in 1804. The old chateau once belonged to the bishops of Augsburg. — 19 M. Lauingen, a busy town of 3846 inhab., the residence during the middle ages of the Bavarian dukes of Pfalz-Neuburg, whose burial-vault is below the Roman Catholic church. The isolated Hof-Thurm., 180 ft. high, in sixteen stories, was erected in 1478. A bronze statue of the celebrated scholar Albertus Magnus (1193- 1280) , a native of Lauingen , was erected in the market-place in 1881. — 22'/2 M. Gundelfingen, a small town on the Brenz , with the ruins of the castle oi Hohen-Gundelfingen.^ destroyed during the Thirty Years' War. The line turns towards the S., crosses the Danube, and joins the Ulm .and Augsburg line (p. 133) at (271/2 M.) Neu-Offingen. From Donauworth to Ingolstadt and Ratisbon, see E. 24. The train crosses tlie Danube, and then the Schmutter. Stations Bdumenheim, Mertingen, Nordendorf (right, the chateau of Count Fischler-Treuberg), Meitingen (right, on the height, the castle of Markt, once a Roman fort, the property of Prince Fugger), Lang- weid, Gersthofen, and Oberhausen (to Vim, see p. 133}. We cross the Wertach, near its union ^vith the Lech. 105 M. Augsburg. —Hotels. *Dhei MoHKEN(Pl.a; C,4), Maximilian- Str., R., L., A: A. from 3, B. 1, D. 8 Jf, omn. 70 pf., one of the oldest hostelries in Germany, but lately rebuilt. ""Kaiserhof (PI. i; B, 4), Halder- Str., with frequented restaurant; *Goldne Teaube (PI. b; C, 4), Maximilian- Str., R. IV2 J'/, D. 2jf 20 pf., B. 70 pf. ; ^Bayeiscuee Hof (PI. d; B, 4), Dbei Keonen (PI. e; B, 4), with garden, both in the Bahnhof-Str. ; Weisses Lamm (PI. c •, B, 3), Ludwig-Str., R. 2-3.7/, B. 70 pf., good cuisine; Moheen- KOPF (PI. f; C, 4), Predigerberg; Eisenhdt (PI. g; C, 3), Obstmarkt, R. i-P/-2 Jl. — Restaurants and Cafes. '^Railway Restaurant; "Kaiserhof. see above; "Kevnstock, Steingasse, D. lui^20pf. ; ^Restaurant in the St ad f- Qarten ; Augusta and Stotter, in the Fugger- Str.; Mussbeck. Bavaria, in the Maximilian-Str. — Wise. - Metzler-Hofmann (Griines Haus), in the St-Anna-Str. ; Laniberger zur Weiberschule, Bei der Metzg (C, 182) ; Eisenhut, see above; Rathskeller, Eisenberg (C, 323). — BEFji. Hering, at the Schmidt- berg; Kohleis (Reicbskrone), Burgergasschen. Baths. OiVsche Badeanstalt ^ Baumgartner-Str. , outside the Rothe Thor (PI. C, 6; cold, warm, and vapour baths); Augmiusbad, Kreuz-Str. ; Griintcald, at the Katzenstadel (F, 152). Municipal Swimming Bath (PI. D, 6); Swimming School (PI. A, 3). Post & Telegraph Office (PI. B, 3, 4), Grottenau, at the corner of the Ludwig-Str. Cabs. Drive (1/4 hr.), 1-2 pers. 50 pf., 3 pers. 60 pf. ; from the station 20 pf. more. At night (lO to 6) double fares. Each box of 56lbs. 20 pf. Tramways (comp. Plan): from the Ludwigs-Platz (Perlach; PI. C, 4) to Oberhausen 10 pf., to the Ulrichs-Platz 10 pf., the railway-station 10 pf., Pfersee 15 pf., Goggingen (p. 118) 20 pf. ; from the Metz-Platz to Lech- hausen 10 pf. Baedeker's S. Germany. 8th Edit. g 114 Route 22. AUGSBURG. Cathedral. Augsburg (1340 ft.), with 75,523 inhab. (1/3 Prot.), the Roman Augusta Vindelicorum , situated at the confluence of the Wertach and the Lech, is one of the most important towns in S. Germany. Its abundant water-power, utilised by canals traversing the town, has given rise to various industries (weaving, cotton-spinning, etc., chiefly outside the town). In the middle ages (from 1268) Augsburg was a free imperial city, and the great centre of the traffic between N. Europe, Italy, and the Levant. It reached the height of its prosperity in the 15th and 16th centuries, and several of its citizens enjoyed princely veealth and power. Three daughters of Augsburgers were married to princes : Clara von Detten to Elector Frederick the Victorious of the Palatinate; Agnes Bernauer. the beautiful daughter of a barber, to Duke Albert III. of Bavaria (p. 236) ; and Philippina Welser to Archduke Ferdinand of Austria. Bartholomew Welser, another citizen, fitted out a squadron to take possession of Venezuela, which had been assigned to him as a pledge by Emp. Charles V. The Fugger family raised themselves within a century from the condition of poor weavers to that of the wealthiest merchants at Augsburg, or perhaps in Europe. They were the Rothschilds of their age and like them ennobled; and they frequently replenished the exhausted coffers of the emperors Maximilian I. and Charles V. A separate quarter of Augsburg, founded by Job. Jacob Fugger 'the Rich' in 1519, is still called the Fuggerei (p. 115), closed by its own gates, and consisting of fifty- three small houses, tenanted at a merely nominal rent by indigent Roman Catholic citizens. — At Augsburg Charles V. held his famous diets; that of 1530, at which the Protestant princes presented to the Emperor and the estates the '■Augsburg Confession', a reformed creed framed by Melanchthon ; that of 1548, at which the 'Interim' was issued ; and that of 1555, by which a religious peace was concluded. The delivery of the Confession took place in a hall of the episcopal palace, which is now a royal residence. The present appearance of Augsburg still recalls its ancient importance. Most of the houses are in the Renaissance style of the 16th and 17th cent., and several are still adorned with well-pre- served frescoes. Those of greatest historical interest are indicated by tablets. The old fortifications have been removed, and handsome new streets erected on their site (comp. p. 118). The principal street is the handsome, broad Maximilians- Strasse (PI. C, 4; between the Maximilians-Platz and the Ludwigs-Platz), with its continuation, the busy Karolinen- Strasse (PI. C, 3). At the N. end of the latter rises the Cathedral (PI. B, C, 3), an irregular Gothic pile, originally a Romanesque basilica, begun in 995, con- secrated in 1006, and altered 1321-1431. It now consists of a nave with low vaulting, borne by square pillars, and double aisles separated by slender round columns with foliage-capitals. TheN. and S. portals of the E. choir, with sculptures of the 14th cent., are particularly fine. The W. choir contains a very ancient episcopal throne and an ancient Gothic altar in bronze. In the nave hangs a fine bronze candelabrum of the 14th century. The richly carved Gothic pulpit and the high-altar in the E. choir are modern. The bronze doors of the S. aisle, dating from about 1050, contain representations of Adam and Eve, the Serpent, Cen- taurs, etc., in thirty-five sections. Fine stained glass, ancient and modern; the S. Romanesque windows of the nave (Uth cent.) are among the oldest in existence. The altar-pieces of the first four side-altars are by Holbein the Elder (1493); the other altar-pieces in the ambulatory of the choir are by Zeiiblom, Amberger, Wohlgemut. Burgkmair, and others. On the back wall of the N. aisle are portraits of all the bishops from 596 to the present Rathhaus. AUGSBURG. 22. Route. 115 day. The choir-chapels, containing the tombs of many bishopa, are sep- arated from the choir by tasteful iron screens. The fine cloisters on the N. side (late-Gothic, 1474-1510) contain tombstones, some of them very old. To the W. of the cathedral, in the Frohnhof, with its handsome War Monument by Zumbusch, is the Royal Palace (PI. B, 3), now government-offices ; to the E., in the Karolinen-Platz, the Episcopal Palace (PI. C, 3). On the right, in the Karolinen-Str., is the Riedinger House, the handsome court of which is fitted up as a winter garden. At the S. end of the street is the Ludwigs-Platz (PI. C, 4; usually called 'Eiermarkt' or 'Perlach'), the busiest part of the town, in the centre of which rises the Fountain of Augustus, the founder of the city, whose statue was cast by the Dutch master Gerhardt in 1594. On the right is the Exchange; on the left the Perlach-Thurm, a clock- tower, erected in 1063 as a watch-tower, heightened in 1615, with a fine view from the top. — The Barfusserkirche (PI. C, 4; Prot.), to the E. of the Perlach-Thurm, contains pictures of the 17th and 18th cent, and an excellent organ. — The Jacoher-Strasse, the E. continuation of the Barfiissergasse, is still one of the most med- iaeval streets in existence. Near it is the Fuggerei (p. 114). — In the ' Vordere Lech' is the house, in which Holbein the Elder (p. 117) lived and Holbein the Younger was born. The *Eathhaus (PL A, 4; bell in the vestibule to the right, in the middle ; in summer the keeper is usually in the hall upstairs), a handsome Renaissance edifice, was erected in 1616-20 by Elias Holl. On the gable in front is a large pine-cone in bronze, the heraldic emblem of the city. The lower vestibule contains an eagle, with gilded beak and claws (1606), and busts of Roman emperors from Csesar to Otho ; on the back-wall is a bust of Emp. Frederick III., who commanded the Bavarian troops in the war of 1870-71. An antechamber on the first floor, borne by eight columns of red marble, has a fine wooden ceiling and a statue of Chr. von Schmid (d. 1854; see p. 112), the educational writer. On the second floor is the *' Golden HalV, 118 by 62 ft., and 54 ft. in height, one of the finest halls in Germany, with rococo decorations in the Italian style. The adjoining Fiirstenzimmer also have fine wooden ceilings , wall- panelling, artistic stoves, and a few pictures, casts, flags, etc. To the S.W., in the Ludwigs-Platz, opens the Philippine- Welser-Strasse, in which a Statue of Joh. Jac. Fugger (1516-1575) was erected in 1858. To the E. of the monument is the handsome house in which Philippina Welser lived from 1530 to 1550. To the W. is the Maximilians-Museum (PI. B, C, 4), a Renaissance edifice of the 16th cent., containing the collections of the Historical and Natural History Society (daily, except Sat. afternoon, 10-1 and 2-5; Oct.-March, 10-12 and 2-4; tickets, 50 pf. each). On the ground- floor are Roman antiquities from the neighbourhood of Augsburg; on the first floor the raediseval collections, including sculptures, 116 Route 22. AUGSBURG. St. Ulrich, wood-carvings, seals, coins, drawings, etc. The pictnres include portraits by Amherger, and an Adoration of the Magi by Oumpolt Giltlinger, a rare contemporary of Holbein, The natural history department embraces valuable collections of zoological botany, mineralogy, palaeontology, ethnography, etc. In the neighbouring St. Anna-Strasse is the church of St. Anna (PI. B, 4; Prot.), built in 1472-1510 in the late-Gothic style, with a central part altered to the Renaissance style. In the interior are an altar-piece (Jesus receiving little children) and portraits of Luther and Elector John Frederick of Saxony, by Cranach; the Wise and Fooliah Virgins, by Amberger; Feeding of the four thousand, by Rottenhammer ; Portrait of the Patrician von Oestreicher, by Van ByckO); Christ in Hell, by Burglmair, etc. To the left of the altar is a fine relief in stone of the Raising of Lazarus (16th cent.). The paintings on the wings of the large organ are by Bnrgkmair. those on the smalf altar are attributed to Holbein the Younger. At the W. end is the rich Italian Re- naissance burial-chapel of the Fugger family, built by Jacob Fugger the Rich (p. 114). Numerous tombstones in the 'cloisters. We return hence to the Maximilians-Strasse, where there are two fountains, the Mercury and the Hercules, by Adr. de Vries, erected in 1599 and 1602. — On the right is the long Fuggerhaus (PI. C, 4), the property of Prince Fugger-Babenhausen, adorned with modern frescoes by F. Wagner, illustrating the history of the town and the Fugger family. Subjects of these scenes (from left to right): 1. Emp. Rudolph of Haps- burg confirms the municipal privileges of Augsburg (1273) j 2. Emp. Lewis the Bavarian takes Augsburg under his protection (1315) ; 3. Jacob Fugger founds the Fuggerei (1519) ; 4. Emp. Maximilian I. holding his court at Augsburg (15(X)); 5. Anthony Fugger interceding for the town with Charles V. (1547). Friezes with allegorical groups of children form a kind of frame to these paintings. Between the windows of the first floor are the armorial bearings of distinguished families of Augsburg. Overthe principal portal is a Madonna. The office of the Fugger estates ('Domanenkanzlei', at the back of the Fuggerhaus, in the Zeugplatz, entered from the Apotheker- gasschen) contains the so-cMei* Fugger Bath Rooms, two sumptuous apartments in the Italian style (1570-72), now used for the meetings and exhibitions of the Augsburg Art Union (open Sun., Mon., Tues., 10-4; at other times on application to the keeper). Opposite is the Arsenal (PI. C, 4), an imposing edifice with a facade by Elias Holl (p. 115 ; 1602). Above the portal, which bears the inscription ^pacis firmamento, belli instrumento\ is a bronze group, by lleichel, of St. Michael smiting Satan (1607). At the S. end of the Maximilians-Strasse are the two churches of St. TJlrich (PI. C, 5), one Protestant, the other, the *Church of St. Ulrich and St. Afra, Roman Catholic. The lofty nave of the latter was erected in 1467-99, and in 1500 the foundation of the choir was laid by Emp. Maximilian I. The tasteful pentagonal porch of the N. portal was added in 1881. The tower (305 ft.), completed in 1594, commands a fine view (adm. 20 pf.). Inteeior (always open). The nave and aisles are shut off by a highly elaborate iron *Screen, of the 16th cent., which when seen from the choir produces a striking effect of perspective. The Fugger Chapel, between Picture Gallery. AUGSBURG. 22. Route, 117 the 2nd and 3rd pillar on the left, with its fine iron railing of 1568, contains the *Tomb of Hans Fugger (1589), a marble sarcophagus with recumbent figure by A. Colins of Malines ; also an altar with fine early- German carvings (14th cent.), recently erected. In the chapel of St. Bar- tholomew (left aisle) is a Roman sarcophagus, said to be that of St. Afra. The three handsome *Renaissance altars date from 1604. Below that to the right is a vault with the marble sarcophagus of Bishop Ulrich (10th cent.), patron of the see of Augsburg. Finely carved confessionals of the beginning of the 17th century. In the nave is a Crucifixion in bronze by Reichel and Keidhardt, cast at the beginning of the 17th century. The 16th cent, paintings above the choir-stalls represent the foundation of the choir and the procession of the emperor and estates. To the W. of the Hercules Fountain opens the Katharinen- Strasse, in which is situated the ^Picture Gallery, in the old monastery of St. Catharine [PI. C, 4; open daily from 9 to 1, and for strangers at other times ; fee 1/2"! '^^i catalogue i^j-iJl^ out of date). The collection, founded in 1836, consists of over 700 paintings from the suppressed churches and convents of Augsburg, the con- vents of Kaisheim and Schonfeld, the Boisser^e and Wallersteiu cabinets, and the old galleries of Diisseldorf, Mannheim, and Zwei- briicken. It is chiefly interesting for its early German masters, in particular the works of Hans Holbein the Elder and H. Burgkmair, whose names mark the zenith of art in Augsburg (beginning of 16th cent.). Good photographs sold by the attendant. Director, Herr von Huber. Vestibule. Four paintings representing the legend of St. Nicholas of Cusa and SS. Jerome and Ambrose, by a Tyrolese Master of about liSO (Michael Hans Facher ?). — Room I. In the centre, marble bust of the younger Holbein after his portrait of himself at Bale, executed by Lossow. 16-27. Cycle of paintings belonging to the old convent of St. Catharine, relating to an indulgence granted to its inmates ; the seven principal churches of Rome are represented 5 above. Scenes from the Passion. 16-18. Holbein the Elder, Basilica of S. Maria Maggiore (1499); Burgkmair, 19. Basilica of St. Peter (1501), 20-22. S. Giovanni in Laterano (1502); 23. L. F. (?), SS. Lorenzo and Sebastian (1502); 24. Burgkmair, S. Croce (1504); 25-27. Holbein the Elder, S. Paolo fuori (ca. 1501); 42, 43. Wohlgemut, Ascension and Crucifixion; Ulrich Apt, 47-49. Christ on the Cross and the two malefac- tors, 50,51. (grisaille) Annunciation; 52,53. Burgkmair, Emperor Henry II. and St. George (1519); 59. Qiltlinger (comp. p. 116), Adoration of the Magi; *79-82. Zeitblom, Legend of St. Valentine; 84-86. Holbein the Elder, Triptych, Transfiguration, Feeding of the four thousand, Healing of the demoniac (1502); 87. The Same, Passion. — Room II. Netherlands schools. 99. Aart de Gelder, Garland; 109. Schellincks, Sea-piece; 113. M. Stceeris, Concert; 103. G. Schalcken, Mocking of Christ; 118. Van Dijck (?), Portrait of a marine painter; 97. Snyders, Bear-hunt; 121. Ctiyp, Pastoral scene; 143. Fieter Eastman (teacher of Rembrandt), Ulysses and Nausicaa (1619); 205, 206. Van Dyck, Sketches (grisaille) for engravings; 169. Kneller (after Van Dyck), Queen Henrietta Maria; 164. Rubens, Arabs fighting with crocodiles (studio- piece). — Room III., chiefly Italian artists. 426. Rosalba CarHera, Head of a child; 424. S. Bourdon, Idyl; 372. Ribera, St. Sebastian; 266. Millet, Classical landscape. Second division: 265. Tintoretto, Christ at the house of Mary and Martha; 293. Fr. Zurbaran, St. Francis. Third division: 382. Jacopo de" Barbari, Still -life (1504); =388. Parmigianino, Madonna and Child, with a monk ; 383. Imitator of Leonardo da Vinci, Head of a girl ; 287. Gian Fielrino, 3Iary Magdalen. Fourth division: 304. J. A. Koch, St. George and the dragon, in a heroic landscape. Last wall : 271. Fr. Torbido, Transfiguration. — In the five Cabinets are many excellent small pictures. I. 538. Adr. van Ostade, Portrait of himself; 631. Jan van 0«, Flowers. — 118 Route 23. NEUMARKT. II. 548. /. van Ostade, Peasant's hut; *120. Jan Steen, Merry party; 635. B. Cuyp, Circumcision of Christ. — III. 601. Hobbema, Sylvan path; 623. Philip Wouwerman, Hawking: 100, 569, 584, *586. Van Goyen^ Landscapes; b^b. Pynacker ^ A wanderer; 628. Poelenburg, Waterfall. — IV. 13. Cranach the Elder, Pharaoh and his host overwhelmed in the Red Sea; *44-46. Burffkmair, Christ on the Cross and the two malefactors (1619)-, no number, B. Strigel, Isaiah and Zachariah ; "^2. Altdovfer, Angel-choirs in a church, with the Holy Family in front. — V. Holbein the Elder, 674. Legend of St. Ulrich; 676. Beheading of St. Catharine (1512); 638-6S5, Crucifixion, Descent from the Cross, Entombment; 6-8. Burgkmair, Christ and Mary enthroned, with saints (1507) ; 673,675. Holbein the Elder, Madonna, St. Anna, and the Infant Christ, Crucifixion of St. Peter; Dilrer, 668, Virgin with the pink (1516), 669. The Virgin as mediatrix (1497); -696. Barthel Beham, Portrait (1535) ; 672. North German Master of about 1520, Portrait of a woman. The new W. quarters near the railway-station (comp. p. 114) contain several handsome buildings: in the Fugger-Strasse the Courts of Law (PI. B, 4; built 1871-75) and the Theatre [PI. B, 3 ; built 1876-77); in the Schazler-Strasse the Municipal Library (PI. B, 3, 4; built 1893), with upwards of 150,000 toIs. ; and in the Halder-Strasse the Gymnastic Hall and the Corn Market (PL B, 4). On the E. side of the town extends the public Parfc , at the upper end of which are the large water-works in the Lech called the 'Ablass', for conveying water to the town (* Restaurant). Ad- jacent are the Water Works for supplying the town with drinking- water. — In the Wertach-Thal, 2\'2 ^- to t^6 S.W. (tramway, see p. 113), is Goggingen (Dr. Hessing's Curanstalt), with a palm- house, summer- theatre, concerts, etc. From Augsburg to Munich, see R. 26. 23. From Nuremberg to Eatisbon. 62 M. Railway in 2V4-53/4 hrs. (fares 9 Ji 30, 6 M 60, or 8 Jl 10, 5 Jl 40, 3 Jif 50 pf.). — From Nuremberg to Ratisbon by Schwandorf, see R. 41 and p. 134 ; from Ratisbon to Linz, see R. 42. Nuremberg, see p. 95. The line at first runs through wood. 2 M. Dutzendteich (*Restaurant Dutzendteich ; *Waldlust), a favourite resort of the Nurembergers (tramway to Nuremberg, see p. 96). At (71/2 M.) Feucht branch -lines diverge E. to Altdorf, and W. to Wendelstein. From (10 M.) Ochenbruck, a pleasant walk into the romantic Schwarzach-Thal, IV2 M. to the W., by Schwarzenbruck. I6Y2 M. Postbauer, The line crosses the Ludwigs-Canal. 221/2 M. Neumarkt in der Oberpfalz (1385 ft.; Cans; Egner, near the station), a prettily-situated town of 5080 inhab., on the Sulz, with chalybeate and sulphureous springs. Observe the Gothic Church and the 15th cent. Rathhaus. The Schloss contains the law- courts. Fine views from the (1 M.) Mariahilfberg (1918 ft.) and the (3 M.) ruins of Wolfstein (1905 ft.). — Branch-lines to Frey- stadt and Beilngries. The line traverses the broad Sulzthal and enters a wooded and hilly region. Beyond (29 M.) Deining it crosses the Laber near its source. 35 M. Seubersdorf; 391/2 M. Parsberg, picturesquely "^ Schwandin-f \ I RATISBON. 23. Route. 119 situated on the slope of a hill, which is crowned by an old chateau, now the district tribunal. The church contains a late-Gothic font of the 15th century. 43 M. Mausheim. Near (46 M.) Beratzhausen the train enters the valley of the Schwarze Later ^ wild and romantic at places, passes Laber^ Deuerling, di.nd Eichho fen, describes a wide circuit towards the E., and enters the pleasant A"a6f/iai. Near (SGMjEtierz/iawsen, much visited fromRatis- bon, is the ^Robbers' Cave\ a lofty dome-shaped cavern in the rock. The line follows the slope on the right bank of the Nab, crosses the Danube near (60 M.) Priifening, above the influx of the Nab, and reaches — 62 M. Batiajbon. — Hotels. Goldenes Kkedz (PI. a; B, 2), Haidplatz, R., L., & A, 2-3, B, 1, D. 3^; *Gkunek Kkanz (PI. d; C, 8), Obermiinster- Str., R., L., & A. IV2-2V2, D- 21/2^,- 'Maximiliax (PL C5 D, 4), near the station, with restaurant and garden; 'National (PI. e; D, 4), 'Weidem- HOF (R. 1 Jif 20 pf. -2 J(), AcHNEi:, *Kabmelitenbrad, all in the Maximilian- Str. ; Weissek Hahn (PI. d; D, 2), near the bridge. Restaurants. "Rail. Restaurant ; *Ma.Timilian., near the station, with concert -garden; Neues Bans, Bismarck - Platz ; Cafd - Restaurant Central, Pfauengasse ; Weisse Lilie, near the station ; Guldengarten, outside the Jakobsthor; Wurstkuche, quaint, below the bridge (open 6-11 a.m.). — Schillfisch and Scheidfisch, or Waller, are good kinds of fish. Wine. Diem, Ludwig-Str.; Monii, Plauengasse, beside the cathedral. — Beer. At the Bischofshof, Domplatz; Obermilnsterbrauerei. Obermiinster- Str.; Weisses Brduhaus, Schwarze Baren-Str. ; Jesuitenbrau, Obermiinster- gasse; Karmelitenbrdu and Hochsteller, Maximilian-Str. ; Pfaller, Ludwigs- Str. ; at the Kathavinenspital, in Stadt-am-Hof, to the left of the bridge. Post Office at the station and in the Dom-Platz. — Telegraph Office, Neupfarr-Platz. Cabs. To or from the station, one-horse cab (1-2 pers.) 60. two- horse 80 pf. (3-4 pers. 1 J()\ in the town, one-horse cab, »/•» ^r. 60 pf., 1/2 hr. 1 Jf, two-horse i J( or 2 Ji. To the Walhalla, one-horse, 1-2 pers. 5 Jt, 3 pers. 5^/2 JI-, two-horse, 1-2 pers. b^/z Ji 3-4 pers. 6'/2. b -perB.! J(. (The hirer should insist on being driven up to the Walhalla, as the drivers are apt to stop at the foot of the hill.) Steam Tramway from Stadt am Hof (p. 124) to Donaustavf, b^/-> J(. in 35 min. ; fare 75 or 45 pf., return i J( iO pf. or 75 pf. ; it starts close to the bridge on the left bank, 10 min. from the railway-station. Steamboat to Donaustauf (Walhalla) from the Untere Wohrd by the lower bridge (PI. D, 2), in July and Aug. thrice; in June. Sept., and Oct. twice daily in 1/2 hr. (back in l-iV* hr.); return-fare 1st cl. 1 uJf 20 pL, 2nd cl. 80 pf. Baths. Otto-Bad, Keppler-Str. and Fischmarkt. — River-baths (20 pf.) at the Obere and the Untere Wohrd. Ratisbon, Germ. Regensburg (1115 ft.), situated at the con- fluence of the Danube and Regen, with 37,936 inhab. (6000 Prot.), the Castra Regina of the Romans, the Celtic Ratisbona, and since the 8th cent, the seat of an episcopal see founded by St. Boniface, was from the 11th to the 15th cent, one of the most flourishing and populous cities of S. Germany. At an early period it was a free town of the Empire, and from 1663 to 1806 the permanent seat of the Imperial Diet. By the Peace of Luneville it was adjudged to the Primate Dalberg ; and in 1810 it became Bavarian, after the disastrous defeat of the Austrians beneath its walls the preceding year, when part of the town had been reduced to ashes. 120 Route 23. RATISBON. Cathedral. Some of the numerous mediaeval houses still retain the armorial bearings of their ancient owners, and several still possess their towers of defence, a reminiscence of early German civic life now preserved at Ratisbon alone. Of these the Goldene Thurm in the Wahlen-Strasse is the most conspicuous, near which, in the Wat- markt, is a tower with a relief said to be a portrait of Emp. Henry I. Observe also the Ooliath, the ancestral seat of the powerful Thun- dorffer family, opposite the bridge, restored in 1883 ; the so-called Rdmerthurm, adjoining the ancient 'Herzogsburg' in the Kornmarkt; and the tower of the 'Golden Cross' hotel. Ratisbon is one of the earliest homes of art in Germany, and so far back as the late Carlo- vingian period possessed many interesting buildings. Of Roman Buildings there are still a few relics. Thus the remains of the Porta Praetoria in the street 'Unter den Schwihbogen", opposite No. F, 112, on the K. side of the Bischofshof (PI. D, 2). Parts of the old Roman vsralls were foxmd during building operations, but have been covered in again. The foundations of a Roman building to the S. of the railway- station v?ere excavated in 1885. During the construction of the railway- station in 1870-74 a large Roman and Merovingian burial-ground was discovered 5 the objects found there are now in the Roman museum in St. Ulrich's (p. 121). The *Cathedral (PI. D, 2) of St. Peter was begun by Bishop Leo Thundorffer on the site of an earlier edifice in 1275, and completed during the following centuries (down to 1534), with the exception of the towers. The symmetrical proportions of the interior recall Strassburg Cathedral. Peculiarities of construction are that the transept does not project beyond the sides of the aisles , and that the choir is destitute of the ambulatory and chapels usual in Gothic churches. The "W. facade, with the chief portal and a curious triangular *Porch, is of the 15th century, A gallery, with open stone balustrade, is carried round the roof, and affords a good survey of the town. On the N. side of the transept rises the Eselsthurm, or Asses' Tower, containing a winding inclined plane. The elegant open *Towers were completed in 1859-69 by Denzinger ; and a slender wooden spire, coated with zinc, has been raised above the centre of the transept. Length of interior 306 ft., breadth 125 ft. ; nave 132 ft. high. (Admission 5-10 a.m.; the sacristan's house is Dom- garten, F, 125, at the back of the choir; enter by the gate on the S. side.) Interior. The nave contains a monument in bronze erected in 1598 to Bishop Philip William, Duke of Bavaria. In a niche in the N. aisle, partly concealed from view, is the monument of the Primate Prince Dal- berg (d, 1817), designed by Canova, and executed in white marble. On the N. side of the choir the ^Monument of Margaretha Tucher in bronze, by P. Vischer (1521), representing Christ with the sisters of Lazarus. On the opposite wall of the choir is a marble relief in memory of Bishop Herberstein (d. 1663), representing Christ feeding the five thousand. Ad- jacent, the altar- tomb of Bishop Wittmann (d. 1833). The high -altar, presented in 1785 by the Prince-Bishop Count Fugger, is entirely of silver ; adjoining it is the elegant *Ciborium, 56 ft, in height, with numerous statuettes, partly executed by Roritzer in 1493. On the S. side of the choir are two other modern monuments to bishops, by Eberhard \ near them a well 66 ft. in depth, with an elegant covering sculptured in stone, executed Rathhaus, RATISBON. 23. Route. 121 in 1501 by the cathedral-architect Wolfgang Roritzer, who was beheaded in 1514, for 'rebellion against the imperial authority'. The aisles contain five altars with handsome Gothic canopies and modern pictures. The finest of these is in the N. aisle, with statues of Emp. Frederick II. and the Empress Cunigunde. Late-Gothic pulpit of 1482. An elegant open gallery runs round the interior of the church below the windows. The treasury contains old and costly crucifixes, reliquaries, and other valuables. The "Cloisters on the N. side of the cathedral are shown by the sacris- tan. The central hall contains beautifully - sculptured windows of the 16th cent. \ the pavement is formed by the tombstones of canons and patri- cians of Ratisbon. Adjoining this hall on the E. is the Romanesque All Saints'' Chapel, erected in 1164, with the remains of early frescoes and an interesting antique altar. On the N. side of the cloisters is the Old Cathedral {St. Stephen''s), a very early building in the circular style, with four re- cesses in the sides. The altar in the apse, a block of stone partly hol- lowed out, with elegant little round-arched windows, in which relics are said once to have been kept, is evidently of great antiquity. Just beyond the cathedral is St. TJlrich, or the Alte Pfarre, a curious but elegant church in the transition-style of the first half of the 13th century. It now contains the older collections of the Historical Society (see below), prehistoric and Roman , including several sarcophagi and over thirty inscriptions. The gallery contains the bronzes and other smaller antiquities [adm. daily 8-6, 50 pf. , Sun. 9-12, 20 pf.; catalogue 30 pf.). — To the N.E., beyond the cathedral-garden, lies the church of Niedermiinster, of early found- ation but entirely rebuilt in the baroque style. Adjoining is the Bishops' Palace^ occupying part of the old convent of St. Erhard. The interesting little Crypt of St. Erhard, in the Niedermiinstergasse, behind the church, dates from the 11th century. In the Kall- miinzergasse is the handsome new Roman Catholic Vereinshaus St. Erhard, with a fine Gothic hall ('Dollinger- Saaf) On the upper floor are the archives, library, coins, drawings, seals, weapons, pictures, etc., belonging to the HiHorical Society (adm. on appli- cation to the custodian in St. Ulrich's church). In the Old Kobnmarkt (now the Moltke-Platz ; PI. D, 3), to the S.E. of the cathedral, are the Herzogshof (now the Forestry bureau) and the Romerthurm or Heidenthurm (p. 118). On the S. side is the Alte Kapelle, originally a Romanesque church with a Gothic choir, restored in the 18th cent, in the baroque style. Opposite, to the K., is the little Karmelitenkirche (1641-60), in the Ital. baroque style. On the Minoriten-Platz rises the Gothic Minor itenkirche, built early in the 14th cent., with a fine lofty choir. Part of it is now a military gymnasium, and the adjacent monastery is now a barrack. From the cathedral we pass through the Kramgasse to the W. to the Kathhaus (PL C, 2), a gloomy, irregular pile, partly erected in the 14th cent, and partly after 1660. The Imperial Diet met here from 1663 to 1806. Observe the facade towards the Rathhaus-Platz, with an elegant bow-window and a fine portal. Cards of admission at the police guard-room (50 pf. each). The great Imperial Hall contains what is groundlessly called the im- perial throne, covered with leather and studded with brass nails. The 122 Route 23. RATISBON. St. Emmeram. walls are hung with tapestry. The stained-glass windows exhibit the ar- morial bearings of Emperors Charles V. and Matthias. In the Fiirsten- kollegium is preserved tapestry of the 14-15th cent. : .^neas and Dido, Coronation of Esther, Contest of the virtues and the vices; also embroidery of the same period ('the heart's joys and sorrows'); tapestry of the 15-17th cent, (mythological and hunting scenes). The Nebenzimmer (entrance under the gallery of the Imperial Hall) contains old flags, portraits, views of Ra- tisbon (1725) and Nuremberg (1637), etc. In the Model Room are eighty- eight models of buildings in Ratisbon, antiquities, etc. Subterranean dun- geons aud a torture-chamber are also shown. Farther to the W. is the Haibplatz (PI. C, 2), in which is the hotel ^Zum Goldnen Kreuz' (PL a). The massive tower on the E. side of the hotel bears a medallion-portrait of Don John of Austria (modern). This celebrated general, a natural son of the Emp. Charles V. and the beautiful Barbara Blumberger, was born at Ratisbon on 25th Feb., 1547. The Emperor lodged, during the Diet of 1546, at the 'Golden Cross', then the house of Bernard Kraft auf der Haid, but that Don John was born here is a fiction. Going hence through the Ludwig-Str. to the Arnulf-Platz, and turning to the left, past the Neue Haus with the Theatre (PI. B, 2), we reach the church of the old Benedictine Abbey of St. Jakob, usually called the Schottenkirche (PI. B, 3), the abbey having originally belonged to Scottish or Irish monks. The famous Romanesque portal is adorned with curious sculptured figures of men and animals, per- haps symbolical of the victory of Christianity over paganism. The church, a Romanesque basilica of the latter half of the 12th cent., containing columns with interesting old capitals, has lately been restored. The old monastery is now a seminary for priests. — In the vicinity, outside the Jakobsthor, is a Gothic Column of 1459 with scriptural scenes and statues of saints, restored in 1855. To the E. of the Jakobskirche is the Bismakck-Platz (PI. B, 3), with pleasure-grounds, on the S.E. side of which rises the large Gothic Dominikanerkirche. The Gesandten-Str. (PI. B, C, 3), with its handsome houses, leads straight on to the E. to the Neupfarr- Platz, passing the Prot. Dreieinigkeitskirche. In the adjoining court a number of interesting tombstones are built into the wall. Farther on the house of Herr Schwarz (C, 93) contains the Collections of the Natural History Society (adm. on the 1st and 3rd Sun. of each month, 10-12). The Bereiterweg leads to the S. from the Bismarck-Platz, passing the Prdsidialgebdude (PI. 4), on the right, and the Old Gymnasium (PI. 3), on the left, to the iEaiDiBN-PLATZ (PI. B, 3), where are situated the Rom. Cath. Krankenhaus and the Gothic Aegidienkirche (13th cent.), recently restored. The Marschall-Str. to the left leads thence past the Regierungsgebdude to the Emmeeams-Platz (PI. C, 3), embellished with a statue of Bishop Joh. Mich. Sailer (d. 1832), in bronze, by Widnmann, erected by Ludwig I. in 1868. The old Benedictine Abbey of St. Emmeram (PI. C, 3, 4), one of the oldest in Germany, was founded in the 7th cent., and suppressed in 1803. The Romanesque church, with two choirs and a crypt, dates from the 11th cent., and was restored early in last century in Obermumter. RATISBON. 23. Route. 123 a degraded style. (The sacristan's house is to the right of the church, C, 152.) The entrance is from the Emmerams-Platz , through a double door, above which are faded frescoes. Between the doors is a relief of Christ bearing the Cross (1511). On the wall to the right are blind arches resting upon columns; to the left in the garden is the isolated church-tower, adorned with statues (16th cent.). The porch adjoining the church-door con- tains an ancient stone seat , known as the BeimHchs Stuhl, because the Emp. Henry II. is supposed to have sat upon it. On the wall to the right is the tombstone of the historian Aventin (d. 1534). The principal altar- piece is a painting by Sandrart (1666), the martyrdom of St. Emmeram; in the pavement in front of the altar a slab bearing the imperial crown denotes the tombs of Emp. Arnulph (d. 899) and Emp. Lewis the Child (d. 911). The aisles contain some interesting ancient sculptures; in the left aisle: monuments of Empress Uta, wife of Arnulph (13th cent.); Count Warmund von Wasserburg (d. 1010); Dukes Arnulph (d. 937) and Henry (d. 995) of Bavaria; and St. Aurelia (d. 1027), daughter of Hugh Capet, erected in 1335. This aisle also contains the altar of the martyred Maxi- mianus, with his relics ; and a cabinet (opened by the sacristan) with relics of SS. Emmeram and Wolfgang, reliquaries, ecclesiastical antiquities, etc. In the right aisle: monuments of St. Wolfgang (d. 994; beneath an iron grating), Bishop Tuto, chancellor under Arnulph, and St. Emmeram; also the altar of St. Calcedonius with his relics. In the vaulted treasury are a handsome sarcophagus, hewn at Ratisbon in 1423 and containing the relics of St. Emmeram, and other curiosities. Below the W. choir is a crypt of the year 1052, restored in 1878. The fine old Cloisters on the S. side of the church (13th and 14th cent.) are enclosed by the extensive abbey-buildings, which have been the residence of the Princes of Thurn and Taxis since 1812. The way to the cloisters (open daily, 11-12) is to the right of the church, past the Reitbahn, or riding-school (with sculptures by Schwanthaler); then through a portal to the left into the large court with the old Kaiserbrunnen (with figure said to represent Emp. Arnulph); and again to the left to a door with a glass roof, where we find the porter (fee). In the centre of the cloisters is the modern Chapel, adorned with stained 'glass ; in the choir is a statue of Christ by Dannecker (p. 11); the crypt contains the family burial- vault. At the end of the E. wing of the cloisters is a fine iron gate, said to date from the 11th century. The adjacent abbey-church of Obermunster (PI. C, 3), an 11th cent, basilica resembling St. Emmeram's, contains some old frescoes and tombs. The convent is now an episcopal school for boys. — We may return hence to the cathedral via the Neupfarr-Platz, to the N., in which is the Prot. Neupfarrkirche. Outside the Petersthor (PI. D, 4; now pulled down), in the An- lagen, or pleasure-grounds, laid out on the site of the old ramparts, is the Prediger-Sdule, or 'preacher's column', with reliefs of the 13tli or 14th cent, (restored in 1858). In the vicinity is a small circular temple, erected in 1808, with a bust of Kepler, the astronomer, who died here in 1630 whilst on a journey. The Anlagen contain several other monuments. The Royal Villa in the Gothic style, on an old bastion at the lower end of the town, near the Ostenthor (PI. E, 2), commands an extensive view. 124 Route 23. RATISBON. A stone bridge over the Danube, 380 yds. in length, built in the 12th cent., connects Ratisbon with Stadt am Hof, a suburb on the opposite bank, which was almost entirely burned down by the Austrians in 1809. Below Stadt am Hof the Regen empties its tur- bid water into the Danube. Pleasant walk through Stadt am Hof to the Dreifaltigkeitsberg and the (3/4 hr.) Seidenplanfage (Restaurant; fine view, best by evening light). To THE Walhalla, a most attractive excursion : there and back in aboutShrs. [steam-tramway, steamboat, or carriage, seep. 119). The Walhalla-Bahx traverses Stadt am Hof, crosses the Regen, and intersects the railway (p. 134; passenger-station) at the station of Walhalla-Strasse. Thence it crosses the plain of the Danube, via Schwabelweis and Tegernheim, to (62/4 M.) Donaustauf or Stauf (1068 ft. ; Restaurant zur Walhalla, at the upper end). On a lime- stone rock above the long village rise the ruins of the castle of Stauf (1385 ft.), destroyed by the Swedes in 1634, 'svith pleasure-grounds (view finer than from the Walhalla). Two routes ascend from the upper end of Donaustauf to the (20-25 min.) Walhalla; one immediately to the left (at first a carriage-road, then as- cending steps and by a footpath to the right, past the house of the custo- dian), approaching the Walhalla from the back, and preferable for the view suddenly disclosed. The other, a footpath, ascends direct to the grand flight of 250 steps by which the edifice is approached from the Danube. The sculptures in the S. tympanum are only seen to advantage from the upper part of the flight. The best general view is obtained from the opposite bank of the Danube. — Travellers arriving by steamer do not enter the village, but follow the first road to the right, and then either ascend to the left through the grounds to the route first described, or go on at the foot of the hill to the flight of steps. The *Walhalla {i.e. 'Hall of the Chosen', the Paradise of the an- cient Germanic tribes), a German 'Temple of Fame', stands very con- spicuously on a hill planted with oaks and laid out with walks, 280 ft. above the Danube (1348 ft. above the sea-level). This magnificent edifice, founded by King Lewis I. in 1830, and designed hy Klenze, was completed in 1842. Admission daily from April 1st to Sept. 1st, 8-12 and 1-7; in March and Sept. 8-12 and 1-6, in Oct. 8-12 and 1-5; other months 9-12 and 1-4 (free). The Exterior (246 ft. long, 115 ft. broad), surrounded by fifty-two fluted columns, a fine example of the purest Doric order, 'closely re- sembling the Parthenon at Athens, is massively constructed of unpolished grey marble (most of it quarried at the Untersberg; some of the blocks about fifteen tons in weight). The Pediments both in front and at the back contain groups in marble: S., towards the Danube, Germania, re- gaining her liberty after the battle of Leipsic; N. the 'Hermannschlacht', or Battle of Arminius, both by Schwanthaler (d. 1848). The roof is of iron, covered with plates of copper. The Interior , of the Ionic order, consists of a superb hall 180 ft. long, 50 ft. broad, and 56 ft. high, with richly decorated and gilded ceiling, and lighted from above. The pavement is of marble-mosaic. The lateral walls are divided into six sections by means of projecting buttresses, two on each side, and are lined with marble. The beams of the ceiling are supported by 14 painted Walkyries (warrior-virgins of the ancient German Paradise), by Schwanthaler. Around the entire hall runs a frieze, executed by Wagner .^ representing in 8 sections the history and life of the Germanic race down to the introduction of Christianitv.' Above the cornice are 64 marble KELHEIM. 24. Route. 125 tablets bearing the names of famous Germans of whom no portrait could be obtained. The busts are arranged chronologically (beginning on the left side by the entrance) in groups, separated by six admirable "'Victokies by Ranch (the finest of which is that in the middle of the left side). At the farther extremity is the 'opisthodomos', separated from the principal hall by two Ionic columns; in front of it is a seated marble statue of King Lewis I., by F. von Wilier (1890). The general efl'ect of the interior is grand and impressive, although the association of classical Greek arch- itecture with an ancient barbarian Paradise and modern German celeb- rities may appear somewhat incongruous. — The *Bcsts, 101 in number, represent celebrated Germans who were deemed worthy by the illustrious founder to grace his temple of fame. Among them are the emperors Henry the Fowler, Fred. Barbarossa, and Rudolph of Hapsburg; also Gutenberg, Diirer, Luther, Wallenstein, Fred, the Great, Bliicher, Schwarzenberg, and Radetzky; Lessing, Mozart, Beethoven, Kant, Schiller, Goethe, etc. *Viewofthe dark slopes of the Bavarian Forest ; below flows the Danube ; beyond it the fertile plain of Straubing; right, Donau- stauf and Ratisbon ; left, in clear weather, the snow-capped Alps. From Eatisbon to the *'Befreiung$halle^ at Kelheim, see below. 24. From Ratisbon to Donauworth (and Augsburg). Railway to (18'/2 M.) Kelheim, I-IV2 hr. (fares 2 .Jf 30, 1 Ji 70, 1 Jl 5 pf.)-, to (46 M.) Ingolstadt, 2V2-3 hrs. (fares 6 Jl, 4 Jl, 2 Ji 60 pf.); to (781/2 M.) Doncmworth, 4-6 hrs. (fares 10 JI 30, 6 U(f 90, 4 Ji 50 pf.) ; to (87V2 M.) Augsburg, 5 hrs. (fares 11 Ji- 30, 7 Ji 50, 4 ^ 80 pf.). The line passes under the Nuremberg and Ratisbon railway at (2M.')Prufening (p. 119) and crosses the Danube, which is here flanked by the spurs of the Franconian Jura. 4 M. Sinzing, at the mouth of the Schwarze Laber (branch-line to Ailing, with large paper-mills). Then on the left bank of the Danube; pretty scen- ery.' Opposite (9 M.) Gundelshausen lies Oberndorf, where Count Palatine Otho of Wittelsbach, the murderer of the German Emperor Philip (p. 78), was overtaken and slain in 1208. Farther on is Abbach (*Curhaus), the birthplace of Emp. Henry the Saint (972), with sulphur-baths, a new church, and a ruined castle. We then cross the Danube to (12 M.) Abbach; the station is 2 M, from the village. The train skirts the Teufelsfelsen , where many Roman coins were found during the construction of the railway in 1873. The Befreiungshalle is visible to the left. On the Ringberg are well-defined traces of an extensive Roman camp. — 1572^^- Saal. To Kelheim (3 M.), branch-railway in 14 minutes. The terminus lies on the right bank of the Danube, which is crossed by a fine new bridge. On the left bank are the government-offices, in an old Schloss of the Dukes of Bavaria; in the garden are the remains of a Roman watch-lower. Kelheim (1150ft.: "Ehrenthaller, at the Donauthor; Riehl's Inn, Haberl, Lang, restaurants with gardens and view ; carr. with one horae to the Befreiungshalle and back to the station, IV2 hr., S Ji) is a. busy little town (34U0 inhab.) with partly preserved walls and gates, at the influx of the AUmiihl, and through it of the Ludwigs-Canal (p. 75) into the Danube. The market is adorned with statues of Lewis I. and Maximilian II. by Halhig. The late-Gothic Chvrch (1468), lately restored and adorned with polychrome painting, contains altars of white kelheim limestone. The tine group (Coronation of the Virgin) on the high-altar is by Obermeyer; on the altar to the left is a Pieta by Veit Stoss, on that to the right a St. Anna by Knabl. The choir-frescoes are from drawings by Prof. Klein of Vienna. 1 26 Route 24. ALTMTJHL-THAL. From Ratisbon The "Befreiungshalle ('Hall of Liberation'-, 1480 ft.), on the Michaels- berg, to the W, of the town, a magnificent classical edifice, designed by Gartner and Klenze, was founded by Lewis I. in 1842, and inaugurated on 18th Oct., 1863, the 50th anniversary of the Battle of Leipsic. A rotunda, 191 ft. in height, is borne by a substruction 23 ft. high, and is reached by a flight of 84 steps. On the exterior are 18 colossal female figures, emble- matical of different German provinces ; in front of, and below these, 18 candelabra •, on the coping above the external arcade, 18 trophies. The interior, which is entirely lined with coloured marble, contains *34 Vic- tories in Carrara marble by Schwanthaler ; between these are 17 bronze shields made of the metal of captured French guns, bearing names of vic- tories. Above the arcades are the names of 16 German generals on white marble tablets; higher up, the names of 18 captured fortresses. Below these is a gallery borne by 72 granite columns, 20 ft. in height, with bases and capitals of white marble. The richly-fretted dome , 70 ft. in height and 105 ft. in width, is lighted by a cupola 19 ft. in diameter. Opposite the portal is a staircase (opened by the custodian; fee) ascending to the inner gallery, which affords a good survey of the interior (fine echo). A narrow staircase leads thence to the outer gallery, where a view of the valleys of the Danube and Altmvihl is enjoyed. — Admission daily 8-10 and 2-6 o'clock (in winter 10-12 and 2-4). The custodian lives in a house a short distance to the left. Pleasant excursion from Kelheim up the Altmiihl-Thal to (IO1/2 M.) Riedetiburg (carr., in 1^/4 hr., 6 Jl^ with two horses 9 Jl). The road follows the left bank of the Altmiihl, skirting a bare slope, with Neu-Kelheim and the extensive Kelheim Quarries, and passes Oronsdorf and (2V2 M.) Oberau. To the right, halfway up the hill, is the Schullerloch, a large cavern affording a fine view of the valleys of the Altmiihl and the Danube (Re- staurant). [Pedestrians should follow the road to the Befreiungshalle on the right bank of the Altmiihl, as far as the first kilometre-stone, and take the path to the right, skirting the wood, to the Schottenhof, above which, at the Hesselberger in the An, is a ferry to the Schullerloch. Or they may follow the right bank to Schellneck, Alt-Essing and Xeu-Essing.] 4^/2 M. Neu-Essing (Graf's Brewery), commanded by the ruin of Randeck. l^j-z M. Nusshausen (Brewery); to the right, on a precipitous and isolated rock, the chateau of Prunn. To the left diverges a footpath to the Klamm, a mass of rock towering amid the woods on the hillside to the right, and affording a good survey of the Altmiihl-Thal (direct and shady footpath hence to Riedenburg). — IOV2 M. Riedenburg (Post; Riemhofer) possesses three castles (Rosenburg, Rabenstein, and Tachenstein), situated on rocky spurs, which appear to close up the valley. To the left opens the pretty Schambach-Thal. The Valley of the Danube between Kelheim and (3M.) Weltenburg is very picturesque. The barren and rugged rocks , the gorges and summits of which are wooded, rise abruptly from the river to a height of 300-400 ft. Each of the more conspicuous rocks is named from some fanciful resem- blance or from some legend, such as the Three Brothers, Maiden, Peter and Paul, Pulpit, Napoleon, etc. The Benedictine Abbey of Weltenburg, founded by Duke Thassilo of Bavaria in 775 and rebuilt in the 18th cent., lies at the foot of a strongly-fortified Roman station. The present church is a neat rococo structure. The best plan is to take the train to stat. Thaldorf, walk thence to the (8 M.) village and (V2 M.) abbey of Wel- tenburg ('Restaurant), or direct to the latter (3 M.); then descend the river in a small boat (1-6 pers. to Traunthal 2, to Kelheim 3 Jl) to the monastery {^KlosterV) of Traunthal, romantically situated on the left bank (pleasant garden - restaurant) , whence a walk of 20 min. through wood brings us to the Befreiungshalle. A good forest-path (red marks) leads in 1 hr. from the Befreiungshalle to the bank of the Danube opposite Welten- burg (ferry). Three so-called 'Roman Walls', probably of pre-Roman origin, cross the ridge between the valleys of the Danube and the Altmiihl; one of them is upwards of 2 M. long. The line quits the Danube and runs to the S.W. through a wooded and hilly district to the valley of the Hopfenbach. 20 M. to Donauworth. ABENSBERG. 24. Route. 127 Thaldorf. Then throngh the N. part of the Holledau, a hop-growing district. — 25 M. Abensberg (1213 ft. ; Kuchelhauer), a small town on the Abensfluss, with an old castle (now containing the local court of justice) and an interesting Carmelite church in the Gothic style, was the birthplace of the Bavarian historian Johann Thunnayer, snrnamed Aventinus, to whom a monument has been erected in front of the Schloss. Napoleon defeated Archduke Charles here in 1809. To the S. are the pilgrimage -church of Allersdorf and the Romanesque abbey-church of Biburg (1125-50). From Abensberg a road leads to the N.W. to (41/2 M.) Eining^ on the Danube, near which are the interesting remains of the Roman frontier- station of Abusina , the chief Roman military post in Bavaria. [Eining ia 6 M. from Neustadt (see below), from which it may be reached by a foot- path via Ooggiijg^ a village with a strong sulphur spring and an old Roman- esque church-portal.] The Romans recognised the importance of this spot as the junction of the military roads connecting the Danube territories with the Rhine and with Gaul, and as soon as they had conquered the district (B. C. 15) they established a station here, which they maintained, with three interruptions, down to the end of their sway (5th cent.). The re- mains, excavated since 1879, include a great part of the S. castrum, a bath, with a hypocaust in still usable condition under the floor, and the bath- keepers house. A guide may be obtained at the parsonage, where some of the objects found here are preserved; but most of them are in the col- lection of the Historical Society at Landshut. From Eining (Inn; better, Stipberger's Brewery, in Hienheim., opposite) we may ascend the Danube by boat to (5 M.) Weltenburg (1-6 pers. 5 Jl^ each addit. pers. 60 pf.) and Kelheim. Haderfleck ('Locus Hadriani'), on the left bank, marks the end of ihQ Limes Romanus (Teu/elsmauer., Pfahlrain)^ a frontier-rampart with towers, constructed about llXJ A. D. to protect the Roman Empire against the incursions of the Germans, and extending from the Danube, past Weissenburg am Sand (p. 131), to Wiesbaden, on the Rhine (comp. p. 27). — Pleasant walk from Hienheim across the Teufels- mauer, through the Bienheimer Forest, with its huge oaks, and past Schlott to the Klamm and (S'/z hrs.) Riedenhwg or (3 hrs.) Neu-Essing in the Alt- miihl-Thal (p. 126). About 81/2 M. to the S.E. of Abensberg (diligence daily in 1^/4 hr.) lies Kohr C/n«), with an interesting abbey-church in an elaborate baroque style. Beyond (281/2 M.) Neustadt an der Donau (1165 ft.) the country becomes flatter. The train skirts the extensive forest of Diimhuch. 331/2 M. Munchsmiinster , on the Ilm, formerly a Benedictine abbey. 371/2 M. Vohburg (village on the Danube, 3 M. to the N.E.) ; 41 M. Manching. — 46 M. Ingolstadt (p. 132). From Ingolstadt to Augsburg, 41 M., railway in 2 hrs. The scenery is monotonous, the line running at first along the E. margin of the Donau- moos (see below). S'/z M. Zuchering ; 15V2 M. Schrobenhausen., a town on the Paar, with a late-Gothic brick church of the 15th cent. ; 22 M. Raders- dorf. Near (25V2 M.) Aichach, to the N.E., is the ruined castle of Wittels- bach, the ancestral seat of the reigning house of Bavaria, destroved in 1209, with an obelisk erected in 1832. 32 M. Basing; 37 M. Friedbe'rg, an ancient little town on the Ach, with a modem church, decorated with frescoes by F. Wagner ; 38'/2 M. Hochzoll (p. 133). The train then crosses the Lech and reaches Augsburg (p. 113). The railway to Donauworth traverses the Donaumoos , an extensive marshy district, partly drained and rendered cultivable during the last century. 52 M. Weichering ; 56 M. Rohrenfeld, with a royal stud. 128 Route 25. ROTHENBURG. 58 M. Neuburg (1410 ft. ; Post'), a pleasant town with 7600 inhal)., on the slope of a hill rising from the Danube. The older part of the large Schloss of the Dukes of Pfalz-Neuburg is now a bar- rack. The W. wing, in the Renaissance style, added by Elector Otho Henry in 1538, contains the district archives. Fine vaulted gateway and two rooms with rich timber ceilings. The Historical Society possesses four large pieces of tapestry of the 16th century. The Hofkirche, adjoining the chateau, contains a valuable collection of ecclesiastical vestments. Herr Grasegger has a collection of antiq- uities found in the duchy of Neuburg. The town-library and the old throne-room in the town-hall are also interesting. The line now traverses a uninteresting district, running 1-3 M. from the right bank of the Danube. From (62 M.) Vnterhausen Count Arco-Stepperg's chateau of Stepperg is seen in the distance to the right, on the wooded left bank of the river. Farther on is Bertholdsheim, the large Schloss of Count Dumoulin. 66 M. Burg- heim ; 71 M. Rain, where Tilly, at the age of 73, was mortally wounded in 1632 while defending the passage of the Lech against Gustaphus Adolphus, The line crosses the Lech to stat. Oender- kingen^ joins the Augsburg Railway, and crosses the Danube to — 781/2 M. Donauworth (p. H'^). 25 . From Frankfort to Munich by Ansbach and Ingolstadt. 263 M. Railway in lO-lS'/a hra.; fares 31 Jl, 2LJi 80 pf., 14 Jl, ex- press mj/^QQJf 80, 18 Jf 90 pf. As far as Wiirzburg, see R. 14. The Ansbach line here turns to the S. ; to the right the Marienberg. 83 M. Sanderau, on the S.E. side of the town. Near (85 M.) Heidingsfeld, once a fortified town, of which the church-tower alone is visible (interesting relief in the church by T. Riemenschneider : Mourning for Christ), we cross the Main. (The Heidelberg line diverges to the right, see p. 70.) — 89 M. Winterhausen ; 91 M. Gossmannsdorf. — 94 M. Ochsenfurt (545 ft. ; *Schnecke), with a Gothic church surmounted by a Roman- esque tower; opposite, the late-Gothic chapel of St. Michael (1440), with a fine portal. The old fortifications, with their numerous towers, are well preserved. — At (97 M.) Marktbreit, with its old watch- towers, we quit the Main and approach the W. slopes of the Steiger Wald. i{)4:M.. Herrnbergtheim; lOSi/oM. Uffenheim; 112M. Ermetz- hofen. — 1161/2 M. Steinach (*Goldenes Kreuz, unpretending). Beanch Railwat from Steinach via Hartershofen in 40 min. to (7 M.) Rothenburg on the Taiiber (1550 ft.; *^i>scA, Schmiedgasae, R, 2, D.2jlS(, B. 'oO pf., charming view from the windows overlooking the Taubergrund ; jBdr, A.ijf; Lamm; beer sX DickhauVs^ HachteVs, SlU^ Beck's; wine at the Eisenhut), a charming mediseval town (7000 inhah.), with red-tiled, gabled houses and well-preserved fortifications. As in Nuremberg the churches are Gothic , the secular buildings Renaissance. Rothenburg is already- spoken of as a town in a document of 942. and from 1274 to 1803 it was a free city of the Empire. In the 14th and 15th cent, it was an energetic to Munich. ROTHENBUKG. 25. Route. 129 member of the Franconian League, in 1526 it joined the insnrgent peas- antry, and in 1543 embraced the Reformation, Daring the Thirty Years' War the town was repeatedly besieged and taken, A visit of 4-5 hrs. suffices for a visit to the chief points of interest. From the railway- station we walk to (5 min.) the Rdder-Thor, the E. entrance of the town, and thence to (5 min.) the Market. In front of us is the broad Herrengasse; to the left diverges the Obere Schmied- gasse, containing the so-called Havs des Bavmeisters (T^o.M3), of 1596, with its handsome facade adorned with Caryatides and its interesting court. At the beginning of the Herrengasse (see below), to the left, is the Foun- tain of St. George.^ erected in 16uG, beyond which is the Gewerbehalle. with a small collection of antiquities (ring). To the right rises the handsome '^Rathhaus.i the older part of which is in the Gothic style, with a tower 230 ft, high, while the later is a beautiful Renaissance structure of 1578, with a projecting rustica portico and balcony (of 1681), an oriel, and an elaborate spiral staircase. The staircase in the interior of the older build- ing ascends to a vestibule with a fine timber-roof supported by Ionic col- umns. Beyond this is the spacious Court Room (now 'KaisersaaF), in which an annual festival commemorates the capture of the town by Tilly in 1631. (A picture by Schuch in the Council Room, on the upper floor of the new Rathhaus, refers to the same event.) In the cellars are torture-chambers and dungeons, where, among others, the burgomaster Toppler, accused of treason , perished in 1408. The court contains an antique Renaissance portal. The tower (193 steps) commands a splendid \-iew of the town and the Tauber-Thal. The neighbouring church oi ^ St. James (Jakohskirche)., with its two tow- ers and a choir at each end, built in 1373-1471, is remarkable for its fine proportions and the purity of its style (restored in 1851). It contains three fine carved wooden altars: the *Altar of the Holy Blood, dating from 1478 (an early work of T. Riemenschneider'); the Virgin's Altar, of 1495; and the *High Altar of 'the twelve messengers', with wings painted by Fritz Herlen (1466). The beautiful stained-glass windows of the choir date from the end of the 14th cent, and were restored in 1856, The sacristan lives opposite the E. choir (fee 50 pf.). The Toppler Chapel., to the S. of the church, contains the tomb of the above-mentioned burgomaster. Adjoin- ing the W. choir is a handsome Renaissance house with an oriel, now the parsonage. In the street passing below the W. choir is the entrance to the Chapel of the Holy Blood, with old sculptures and paintings by Her- len, Wohlgemut, and others. The Gymnasium, in the Kirchplatz, was built in 1589-91. From the passage under the W. choir of the Jakobskirche we proceed straight towards the N. to the KUngen-Thor and the small Gothic Church of St. Wolfgang., of 1473-83, the N. side of which forms part of the town-wall. — A pleasant promenade outside the wall leads to the left to (6-8 min.) the gate of the grounds laid out on a hill once occupied by a Castle of the Hohenstaufen (fine view of the town and of the deep Tauber-Thal). Below it is the Topplersc/dossclien, which once belonged to the unfortunate Bur- gomaster Toppler (see above). We now return through the Burgtbor to the Herren-Strasse, which leads to the market (see above), and contains the early-Gothic Franciscan Church (keys kept by the sacristan) and sev- eral houses of patricians of Rothenburg, including the StaudVsche Haus (No. 16, on the left), with a curious old court. The house No. 48 also has a fine court. The Schmiedgasse (see above) and its prolongation the Spitalgasse lead past the Leper Hospital (now a pawnbroker's), the Gothic C/iwrcTi of St. John (R. C), with the Johanniterhof (now district offices), and iheSpital (1570-76), with its quaint court, to the Spitalt/tor., a fortified gateway with a circular bastion (1542). — The following: walk (ca. 1 hr.) affords charmins; views of the town. Turning to the right outside the gate, and after 2l>0 paces following the narrow path which leads straight from the tower by the edge of the fields, we reach the Ecsigkrug, a hill commanding a good view of the town from the S, side. We then descend into the Tauber-Thal, where we reach in succession the Wildbad (Hotel; garden -restaurant), Baedeker's S. Germany, 8th Edit. 9 130 Route -25. ANSBACH. From Frankfort with a cold sulphur-spring, the late-Gothic Cobolzeller Kirche (R. C. ; shut), and the old bridge over the Tauber (1330), with its double row of arches (beyond the bridge two forest-inns). We continue to follow the Tauber- Thal to the Topplerschlosschen (see above) and the old village oi Dettwang (Inn, wine), with a very fine carved *Altar, and return to the Klingenthor by a bridge across the Tauber. Diligence daily in 2V2 hrs. from Rothenburg to (11 M.) Creglingen ('Lamm). The adjacent HergoUskapelle (V4hr.) contains a celebrated carved '"Altar (uncoloured) by Tilman Eiemenschneider. (The old road to Creg- lingen commands , near Schwarzenhronn , a charming survey of Rothen- burg.) From Creglingen diligence thrice daily in 21/2 hrs. to (11 M.) Wei- kersheim (p. 26). — A diligence also runs from Rothenburg daily in 3 hrs. to (13 M.) Roth am See (p. 26), and in 3 hrs. via Schillingsfurst (Bremer) to (121/2 M.) Dombiihl (p. 26). — Carriage from Rothenburg to (10 M.) Schrozberg (p. 26) in 2 hrs. 1181/4 M. Burgbernheim; li/o M. to the S.W. lies Wildbad (an unpretending little watering-place). At (124 M.) Oberdachstetten we enter the valley of the Franconian Rezat. The Petersberg (1660 ft.), visible to the left, may be ascended hence in 1-1 1/4 hr. (view). — 128 M. Rosenbach; 131 M. Lehrberg. 136 M. Ansbach (1825 ft. ; Stern, with restaurant and garden; Zirkel, unpretending; Joh. Wedel; Krone; Benkhers, S. WedeVs, and Konig's Wine Rooms), with 14,267 inhab. (2000 Rom. Cath.), on the Rezat , is the capital of Central Franconia. It is surrounded by park-like w^oods. The Schloss, built in the Italian Renaissance style in 1713-32 and once the seat of the Margraves ofBrandenburg- Ansbach, is a veritable treasure-house of baroque and rococo art, both of which are seen at their best in the elegant equipment of the 22 state apartments. The picture-gallery is also interesting, especially that section of it w hich illustrates the history of the Hohen- zollerns. In front of the Schloss stands Halbig's bronze statue of the poet Aug. von Platen (d. 1 835) . The house in which he was born, in the Platen-Strasse, is indicated by a tablet with an inscription, above which is an old coat-of-arms (1696), an eagle gazing at the sun, with the motto, '■Phoebo auspice surgif. The Hofgarten near the Palace, a well-kept park with a double avenue of lime-trees, contains a pavilion with modern frescoes, an orangery (Restaurant, plain), a monument to the poet Uz(d. 1796), and another marking the spot where Caspar Hauser was assassinated , with the inscription : '^Hic occultus occulto occisus 14. Dec. 1833\ Caspar Hauser's tombstone in the churchyard is inscribed , ^Hic jacet Casparus Hauser aenigm.a sui temporis, ignota nativitas, occulta mors 1833.^ It is believed that this ill-fated youth was a victim, throughout his life and in his death, to the unscrupulous ambition of some noble family to whose dignities he was the lawful heir. The finest church is the Protestant *(zMw6crtMsfc/rc/i6, with three Gothic W. towers (1483-93 and 1597) and a late-Gothic choir (1523), The choir, known as the 'Schwanritterkapelle', contains stone monu- ments of knights of the Order of the Swan, transferred in 1825 from a now partly walled-up chapel of St. George, which the Elector Albert Achilles meant to make the central point of the order in S. Germany. The chief of these is the High Altar, erected by Albert Achilles in 1485 to Munich. PAPPENHEIM. 25. Route. 131 and restored at the instance of Emp, Frederick III., with carvings and paintings of the school of Wohlgemut. On the walls are scutcheons of Knights of the Swan and the old banners used at the funerals of the Margraves. The stained glass dates from the 15-16th centuries. On the N. side of tlie church is the Hofkanzlei, now law-courts, a handsome gabled edifice of 1563. — In the Obere Markt is the Protestant *St. Johanniskirche, a Gothic structure of the 15th cent., with two towers of unequal height. Below the choir is the burial- vault of the Margraves, originally constructed in 1660. — Between the two churches is the old Landhaus (now a druggist's), a Renais- sance edifice of 1531. Adjacent is a fountain with a statue of Mar- grave George the Pious (d. 1543), who introduced the Reformation into Franconia. — The collections of the Historical Society (in a wing of the chateau), the new Municipal Museum, and the china and glass collections of Herr Hirsch (on the Promenade) are all interesting. Near the station are the Slaughter House and a large factory of preserved food for the army. — Favourite resorts are Brechseis Garten (reached in 20 min. from the Schloss by crossing the Schlossbriicke and ascending the Schlossgasse), with a fine view of the town and environs (cafe-restaurant), and the Tivoli Restau- rant, with a garden. Near the Rezat is a large Bathing Establishment. From Ansbach to Heilsbronn and Nuremberg, see p. 26; to Crailshe'im and Stuttgart, see p. 26; to Rothenhurg (via Steinach), see p. 128. 142 M. Winter schneidbach. — 146 M. Triesdorf, a former chateau of the Margraves, with a fine park. About 3 M. to the N.E. is Eschenbach^ birthplace of the poet Wolfram von Eschenbach (d. 1228), with a monument to him. — I491/2M. Altenmuhr, on the Altmiihl. — 1521/2 M. Gunzenhausen, junction for Augsburg and Nuremberg (R. 22). The line crosses the Altmuhl and follows its valley toEich- statt. — 158 M. Windsfeld; I62V2M. Berolzheim; 165 M. Wettels- heim. — 1671/2 M. Treuchtlingen, junction of the line from Munich to Nuremberg, which runs hence via Grdnhard^ Weissenburg am Sand , and EUingen to Pleinfeld, and there joins the Augsburg and Nuremberg line (p. 111). The Altmuhl is crossed twice. — 171 M. Pappenheim (1330 ft. ; * Eisenbahn- Hotel ; Deutsches Haus ; Krone), charmingly situated, is commanded by the extensive ruins of a castle of the ancient counts of that name. The massive Roman Tower, 100 ft. in height, com- mands a beautiful view. The town contains two chateaux of Count Pappenheim, one of them a fine modern building by Klenze (1820). Beyond a tunnel the line crosses and recrosses the Altmiihl. To the S. of (175 M.) Solnhofen are extensive slate -quarries, once worked by the Romans, where upwards of 3000 workmen are employed. The slate, used for lithographing purposes, table-slabs, etc., is largely exported. Numerous fossils. A long tunnel. Then (179 M.) Dollnstein, a small and old town, still surrounded by walls. Below it, on the left bank of the Altmiihl, rises the conspicuous, serrated Burgstein. Farther on is the pretty 9* Id2 Route 25. INGOLSTADT. village of Ober-Eichstdtt. The line quits the valley of the Altmiihl and reaches the (ISSVo^O station of Eichstdtt, situated in a cutting, whence a. narrow-gauge branch-line runs in 25 min. to (4 M.) — Eichstatt (1270 ft. ; Schwarzer Adler ; Schwarzer Bar), an old town vdih. 7475 inhab., seat of an ancient episcopal see founded in 740 by St. Willibald, a companion of St. Boniface. In the Resi- denz-Platz are a ^ Mariensdule of 1777, 60 ft. high, with a gilded figure of the Virgin, and the handsome Law Courts, formerly the residence of the archbishops. The Cathedral, begun in 1042, with Romanesque towers and the choir of St. "Willibald in the transition-style, Gothic nave and E. choir of 1365-96, has recently been tastefully painted. It contains the monument of St. Willibald with his statue, and tombstones of bishops. Good relief (1396) on the N. Portal (Death of Mary), and fine stained glass in the choir. Beautiful cloisters with Romanesque columns. The fountain in the market-place is adorned with an admirablebronzestatueof St. Willi- bald (1695). The Walpurgiskirche, containing the tomb of St. Wal- purgis, from which a 'miraculous oil' exudes, is visited by numerous pilgrims on 1st May (St. Walpurgis' Day). The barrel-vaulting of the Jesuits' Church (1640) is flue. — Above the town rises the dilap- idated Willibaldsburg, the residence of the bishops down to 1730; the tower commands a striking view, best in the evening (apply to the castellan). The well is 295 ft. deep. On the Blunienberg, to theN.W., numerous rare fossils (pterodactyl, archseopterix) have been found. The line traverses a hilly and wooded tract by means of deep cuttings. 188'/2 M. Adelschlag ; II/2 ^^- thence is Pfiinz, above the Altmiihl, with extensive remains of the Roman fort of Vetonianis, recently excavated. 193 M. Tauberfeld ; 198 M. Gaimersheim. 200' M. Local Station of ln^o\stB^6.t [*Wittelsbacher Hof, R.IV4- 2jf, B. 70 pf.; Adler; *Bdr. moderate), with 17,600 inhab.,' a strongly fortified town on the Danube, once the seat of a famous university, founded in 1472 by Duke Lewis the Rich, and transferred to Landshut in 1800 and to Munich in 1826 (p. 151). At the end of the 16th cent, it was attended by 4000 students. The Jesuits^ College, founded in 1555, was the first established in Germany. The town was besieged by Gustavus Adolphus in 1632. while his antag- onist Tilly lay mortally wounded within its walls (see p. 123). The French General Moreau took the place in 1800 after a siege of three months, and dismantled the fortifications, but they have been recon- structed since 1827. On the right bank of the Danube are strong tetes-de-pont with round towers of solid masonry and the Redoubt Tilly. — The Gothic Frauenkirche of 1439, with two massive towers in front, contains the tomb of Dr. Eck (d. 1543), the opponent of Luther, and monuments to Tilly, who was buried at Alt -Getting (p. 233). and the Bavarian General Mercy, who fell at Allersheim in 1645.' GUNZBURG. 26. Route. 133 The line skirts the glacis, crosses the Danube (to the right is the tete-de-pont), and reaches the (20272 M.) Central Station of Ingolstadt (*Dintler's Inn, plain), 2 M. from the town, with which it is connected by tramway (20 pf.). Railway to Donauwdrth^ Augsburg^ and Ratishon^ see R. 24. Stations Oberstimm , Reichertshofen, WoLnzach, and (221 M.) Pfaffenhofen (a busy place with 3000 inhab., on the Ilm). The line follows the Ilm as far as (225 M.) Reichertshausen^ beyond which it reaches the Glon, an affluent of the Amper. 230 M. Petershausen ; 235^2 Ji^l^- Rohrmoos. Then down the Amper-Thal, crossing the river, to (2411/2 M.) Dachau (1328 ft. ; ZiegLerbrdu), a small town with 4000 inhab., commanding a splendid view of the plain and the Alps. The railway intersects the extensive Dachauer Moos, crosses the Wilrm at (246 M.) AUach, skirts the extensive Park of Nymphen- hurg, and reaches — 253 M. Munich (p. 137). 26. From Stuttgart to Munich. 149 M. Railway in 5-9 hrs. (fares i^ Jl 30, 13^ 30, 8 u^ 60 pf. ; ex- press 22 J? 10, \bJi TO, 9>Jl 30 pf.). From Stuttgart to (581/2 M.) Vim, seeR.8. The line here crosses the Danube, and enters the Bavarian dominions, to which Neu-lJlm belongs. ^^r^/^Burlafingen. Near (67 M.) Nersingen the town and ab- bey o( ELchingen are seen on the opposite bank, the heights of which were occupied by the Austrians under Laudon, 14th Oct., 1805, but were stormed by the French under Ney. From this victory the marshal derived his title of Due d'Elchingen (comp. p. 28). iDd^/oM. Leipheim. 74 M. Giinzburg (Bar), the Rom. Guntia, a town with numer- ous towers, lies picturesquely on a hill, at the confluence of the Qiinz and Danube. Pop. 4100. The Schlosswas erected by Margrave Charles, son of Archduke Ferdinand of Tyrol and PhilippinaWelser (p. 114). We next notice a range of wooded hills to the right, crowned by the castles of Reisensburg and Landestrost (the latter almost entirely removed). 79 M. Neu-Offingen is the junction for Donauworth (p. 113) and Ratisbon (p. 128). The train quits the Danube. Near Offingen it crosses the Mindel. 83 M, Burgau, with 2200 inhab. and an old chateau. 85 M. Jet- tingen; 89 M. Gabelbach. The country becomes flatter. On a hill to the left is the small chateau of Zusameck. Stations Dinkelscherben (where we cross the Zusarri), Modishofen (beyond it across the Srhmut- ter), Gessertshausen, Diedorf, Westheim. 109 M. Oberhausen is the junction of the Nuremberg line (p. 113). The train then crosses the Wertach and reaches (llOV'2 M.) Augsburg (p. 113). Beyond Augsburg (to the right, the Protestant Cemetery) the line crosses the Lech and traverses a sterile plain. 113^/2 M. Hochzoll, junction for Ingolstadt (p. 127), To the left lies the small town of Friedberg (p. 127). The Lech is now quitted. Stations Mering, Alt- 1 34 Route 27. WEIDEN. From Leipsic hegvienberg (with chateau), Haspelmoor^ Nannhofen^ Maisach, Olching (where theAmper^ the discharge of the Ammersee, is crossed), Loch- hausen. The Dachauer Moos is then traversed. At (1447-2 M.)Pasiri5r the train crosses the Wurm, by which the Lake of Starnherg is drained. Near Munich the park and palace of Nymphenhurg (p. 194) are seen on the left; then the Marsfeld, or military drilling-ground, 149 M. Munich, see R. 28. 27. From Leipsic to Munich via Hof and Ratisbon. 296 31. Railwax in 93/4-16'/2 hrs. (express fares 44 Jl 20, 3iJl 70 pf., 24 J?). This route is quicker than that by Eger (conx^. Bae(leker''s Norther7i Germany). From Leipsic to (103 M.) Hof, see R. 16. Beyond Hof the line traverses a hilly district, running near the winding Saale. 108 M. Oberkotzau , junction for Eger (p. 73) to the left , and Nuremberg (p. 73) to the right. 110^2 M. Martinlamitz ; 115 M. Kirchenlamitz (1834 ft. ; 11/4 hr. to the W. rises the Epprechtstein, p. 91). 118 M. Marktleuthen, where the train crosses the Eger. 122^/2 M. Roslau (1916 ft. ; diligence twice daily in I1/4 hr. to Weissenstadt, p. 91). At (125 M.) Holenbrunn (1846 ft.) a branch-line diverges to (2V2M.) Wunsiedel (p. 91). At Unterthblau we cross the valley of the Ros- lau by a viaduct 115 ft. high. — 130 M. Markt - Redxvitz (RaiL Restaurant), a busy little town on the Kossein, junction of the Nuremberg- Eger line (p. 111). 136 M. Groschlattengrun. 139 M. Wiesau (1736 ft.; Rail. Restaurant), with a chalybeate sirring (Konig Otto-Bad), junction for Eger (t^. 73). — 146 M. Reuth. Then through the valley of the Fichtelnab to (1501/2^0 Windisch- Eschenbach and (1561/2 M.) Neustadt an der Waldnab (branch-line to Waldthurn and Vohenstrauss). 160 M. Weiden (1300 ft.; *Post), a pleasant little town (5820 inhab.), junction for Bayreuth (p. 89) and Neukirchen (p. 235). — 163 M. Rothenstadt. At (165 M.) Luhe (1270 ft.) the Heidenab and Waldnab unite to form the Nab. ill M. Wernberg (to the left the village, with an old castle); 175 M. Pfreimd ; 1781/2 M. Nab- burg ; 185 M. Irrenlohe (junction for Nuremberg, see p. 235). The train now crosses the Nab to (188 M.) Schwandorf (1204ft. ; Bar; Kloster; Pfdlzerhof), a prettily situated little town (4840 inhab.), the junction for Furth and Prague (R. 41). 192 M. Klardorf. From (197 M.) Eaidhof a branch-line runs to the rail-factory of Maximilianshutte , 1 1/4 M. to the W. ; 2^2 M. to the W. is Burglengenfeld, with a picturesque ruined castle. — To the right beyond (198'/2 M.) Ponholz rises Schloss Birkensee. Near (204 M.) i?€^€nsto«/' the Ee^m is crossed. 209 M. Wutzlhofen. On the right Ratisbon with its cathedral , and on the left the Walhalla come in sight. Beyond (211 M.) Walhallastrasse (p. 124) the train crosses the Danube by an iron bridge, 700 yds. long. 213 M. Ratisbon, see p. 119. to Munich. LANDSHUT. 27. Route. 1 35 The Munich line traverses an uninteresting district. Stations Obertraubling (to Passau , see R. 42), Kbfering, Hagelstadt , and Eggmiihl, where the French under Davoust (Prince d'Eckraiihl) de- feated the Austrians, 22nd April , 1809. The Grosse Laber is now crossed. Stations Steinrain, (238 M.) Neufahrn, on the Kleine La&er (branch by Geiselhoring to Straubing, see p. 236), Ergolds- bach^ and Mirskofen. 252 M. Landshut (1290 ft. ; '^Kronprinz, R., L., & A. 11/4-2 J/, B. 70 pf., D.2J^; Drdxlmeier^ R. 1-1 7-2, B. 30-50 pf. ; Bernlochner ; Drei Mohren ; *RaiL Restaurant ; omn. from the station to the town, 1 Y2 M., 20 pf.), with 18,870 inhab., a pleasant town with wide streets and gabled houses, lies picturesquely on the Isar^ which forms an island within the town. The quarter on this island is called ZwiscJien den Brucken. The chief attractions are in the broad main street, named the 'Altstadt'. The three principal churches, St. Martins (about 1392-1495), St. Jodocus (1338-68), and the Holy Ghost or Hospital Church (1407-61) are fine structures in brick, adorned with sculpturing in stone. The lofty tower of St. Martin's is 462 ft. in height. Among the numerous tombstones on the outer walls of this church is (on the S. side, protected by a railing) that of Stetthammer (Hans der Steinmetz, d. 1432), the builder of this church and the Hospital Church, with his bust and a half-length figure of the Saviour. The late-Gothic pulpit, of limestone, dates from 1422. Beautiful late-Gothic high-altar (1424), the back of which is also interesting. The lofty choir-windows contain modern stained glass. — The Post Office (formerly House of the Estates') is decorated with old frescoes of the sovereigns of Bavaria from Otho I. to Maxi- milian I. — The New Palace (1536-43), begun by German, and completed by Italian architects , exhibits features both of the Ger- man and Italian Renaissance. Its columned court and fine upper rooms, with beautiful friezes, are among the best Renaissance works in Germany. (Custodian in the portal, to the right.) Some of the rooms contain an instructive collection of industrial models, estab- lished by Dr. Gehring (Sun., 10-1 ; at other times a fee). — The Rathhaiis, originally erected in 14^56, has been entirely restored. New facade, 1860-61. The late-Gothic *Council Chamber (apply at the Registry Office on the first floor), with its fine timber ceiling and chimney-pieces, is adorned with a huge mural painting in tem- pera, by Seitz, Spiess, and other artists, of the marriage of George the Rich. In front of the Rathhaus stands a bronze Statue of Maxi- milian II. y by Bernhard (1868). The university of Ingolstadt was transferred to Landshut in 1800, and thence to Munich in 1826. A statue of the founder, Duke Lewis the Rich (d. 1479), has been erected in front of the government-buildings. — In the suburb of the St. Nicola, to the N.W., is a War Monument for 1870-71. *Burg Landshut or Trausnitz (1530 ft.), an old castle rising above the town, formerly the residence of the Dukes of Lower Bavaria, heiiun by Duke Ludwig of Keihtim in 1004, was frequently altered, and ha.s suftered greatly 136 Route 27. FREISING. from the ravages of time. The pleaeantest approach to it is through the Hofgarten with its pretty promenades. The Chapel (1304-31), which lately underwent thorough renovation, is the only part remaining of the original structure. The balustrades, decorated with stone figures, the large relief of the Annunciation, the mural paintings of the altar-recess, and the cibo- rium (1471) are worthy of notice. Some of the apartments are finely painted in the Renaissance style (1576-80), and others contain handsome wooden ceilings and panelling. The mural paintings on the '■FooW Staircase\ re- presenting scenes from Italian comedies , deserve inspection. The upper floor has been sumptuously fitted up for the reception of the King of Ba- varia (adm. on application to the Archivist, Dr. Jorg, in the castle). In the court is a well, surmounted by a fine wrought-iron framework ; the pails in bronze (executed, according to the inscription, in 1558) are now kept inside the castle. Conradin, the last of the Hohenstaufen, was born at the neighbouring castle of Wolfstein (now a ruin) in 1252 and spent a great part of his childhood at the Trausnitz. The best descent is aflorded by the flight of steps leading to the Heiglkeller (upper town). — Beyond the Trausnitz lies the village of Berg, separated from (I1/4 M.) Landshut by the Hofgarten. — From the garden-restaurant on the (1' '4 M.) Klausenbevg, a fine view is obtained of the town, the castle, and the valley. Fkom Landshut to Landau, 28 M., railway in 2 hrs., the shortest route from Munich to Eisenstein, Pilseu, and Prague. The train follows the left bank of the Isar. Stations Altheim, Ahrein, Worth, Loiching, (18 M.) Ding ol fin g , an old town on the right bank of the Isar. Then across a tract of moorland to Gottfvieding. Schtcaigen, Pilsting, and Landau (p. 244). A railwav also runs from Landshut, via (8 M.) Geisenhausen. (14M.) Vils- biburg, and (20'/-.' 31.) Egglko/en, to (24';2M.) Neumarkt an derRott (p. 244). The railway ascends the valley of the Isar. Ibl^j^ M. Oundtkofen ; to the left, Schloss Kronwinkel. 259 M. Bruckberg, with a small chateau to the right of the line; then on the right Schloss Isareck. The Amper is crossed. 264 M. Moosburg, a very ancient town on the Isar ; the Romanesque church contains a fine old carved altar. In clear weather the Alps soon become visible. 268 M. Langenbach. 27 A^ '.2ISI. "Fxeising (*Ettenhofer; Zur Eisenbahn, unpretending; omu. into the town 20 pf.), a town with 9485 inhab., on the Isar, and partly on a hill (Domberg), has been the seat of an episcopal see (now Munich -Freising) from the 8th cent, to the present day. Otho von Freising, the historian, grandson of Emp. Henry lY., was bishop here from 1137 to 1158 (statue in theDomhof). The Roman- esque Caf/iedrai (11 61-1205), with its two towers and double aisles, was marred by internal alterations in the 17th century. Observe the late-Romanesque portal (partly disfigured) and the curious quad- ruple crypt, the vaulting of which rests on short round and polygonal columns, with rich capitals. In the raised vestibule, to the left on entering, are statuettes of Frederick Barbarossa and his wife Be- atrix (?), of 1161. Gothic choir -stalls. The cloisters contain some fine tombstones. The Church of St. Benedict, connected with the cathedral by cloisters, contains a fine old and two modern stained-glass windows. The Clerical Seminary, opposite the cathe- dral, contains early German paintings , sculptures, etc. — To the W. lies (20 min.) the loftily-situated Weihenstephan , formerly an abbey, now an agricultural college and brewery. Next stations Neufahrn, Lohhof, (288 M.) Schleissheim (p. 194), Feldmoching, (2931/2 ^L) Schioimmschule, and (296 M.) Munich. '1 H ^'-'., ■^ SpatCTibraiL-5 '^ S ' _ . loBtoiiier -^ "^ ^ '^>' a 71 t h Scluile ^ -^^^ri r ?5>- j^ to T Her e s i en l\ri e s e R e 31 It 137 28. Munich. iir. D; -rsATKiscuEB noF (iiavarian aoiei; i'l. d, t^ 4j, z 19, R., L., & A. 5-Gutr, B. ijf. 30 pf., D. at 1 p.m. 31/2, i^ ■'Hotel BfiiJ-EVDE (PI. e;C, 4), Karls-Platz 25, R., L., & A.-'T^ 1 ^/; =^Rheinischer Hop (PI. d; C, 4, 5), Bayer-Str., near ' Railway Stations. 1. Central Railway Station (PI. C, 4; *Re3taurant), a large building erected in 187G-84, forming a terminus for most of the lines. The omnibuses of the larger hotels meet the trains here (3 4-1 Jf). — 2. Starnherg Station (PI. B, 4), to the N. df the Central Station, for the trains to Starnberg, Murnau-Partenkirchen, and Penzber^. — 3, 4. Southern Station (PI. B, 9j and Eastern Station (PI. I, 7, 8j, supplementary- stations of the Rosenheim and Simbach lines, without importance for the ordinary tourist. — 5. liarthal Railway Station (PI. B, 10, 11), for the local line to Wolfratshausen fp. i94j. — Porter from the station to a cab, 20 pf. up to 110 lbs., 40 pf. up to 220 lbs. ; into the town, small articles 20 pf., trunk under 110 lbs. 40 pf., under 220 lbs. 80 pf. — Cab from the station to the town with one horse, i-2 pers. 50, 3 pers. 60 pf. •, with 2 horses, 1-4 pers., ijf; from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. double fare and 20 pf. extra fur waiting. Small articles of luggage free, trunks under 55 lbs. 20 pf., above 55 lbs. 40 pf. Hotels (often full in the season). *Vier Jahbeszeiten (Four Seasons ; PI. a; F, 4, 5), Maximilian -Strasse 4, R., L., & A. 4-7 »//, B. IJi 20, D. at 1 p.m. 4, at 5 p.m. 41/2, omn. 1 Jl ; -Grand Hotel Contxxental (PI. e; D, 3, 4), Otto-Str. 6; 'Batrische'b Hof (Bavarian Hotel; PI. b, E 4j, Promenade -Platz at 5 p.m. 41/2 Jfi from 5, D. 4, B. the Central Station, R., L., & A. from 4 Jl, B. 1 'J('20pi.;' 'Dom-Hotel (Hdl. Detzer; PI. e, E 5), Kaufinger-Str. 23, R., L., & A. 3V2, B. 1, D. 3, pens. 6-7 M, omn. 70 pf.; Englischeu Hof (PI. f; E, 5), Diener-Str. 11, R.,L.,&A. from 4u5f, B. 1 ui^ 20 pf., Ih'd^jiJl; Hotel Leinfelder (PI. g; D, 4), Karls-Platz 1, R., L., & A. 2V2-3 Ji, B. 80 pf., D. '6 Jl ; *Marienbad (PI. h; D, 3), Barer-Str. 11 and 20, with a large garden and baths, R., L., & A. 31/2-5, B. 11/4- D. 3-4, pens, in winter IJl. — Second-class: ^Hotel Maximilian (PI. i; F, 5), Maximilian-Str. 44, R. aov, a treasure) are exhibited in the FUrsten-Saal. FiEST Section: Specimens of substances used to write on; bronze and wax tablets , papyrus , parchment , cotton and linen paper , palm- leaves, bark, woven materials. Also brazen tabulae honestae missianis, or certificates of honourable discharge of Roman soldiers; wax tablets with inscriptions; the Codex Purpureus, a Latin Book of the Gospels of the 9th cent., written on pxirple vellum with gold and silver letters. — Second Section : Precious manuscripts in different old and modern languages. The most numerous are the Latin MSS., of which, for showing the devel- opment of writing, specimens of every century from the 6th to the 16th are exhibited. One of the oldest is the Breviarium Alarici, an extract from the Code of Theodosius the Great, made in Spain by order of Alaric, King of the Visigoths, 484-506. Earliest German MSS. : The Wessohvnnner Gebet, a fragment of an alliterative epic with a prayer in prose , written before 814, from the monastery of Wessobrunn in Upper Bavaria; Heliand, a harmony of the Gospels in early Low German (the Gospels in alliterative verse), written about 830 by a Saxon ecclesiastic; Ot/ried of Weissenhurg's Gospel in verse, composed between 863 and 871 and copied at Freising about 900; oldest (13th cent.) MS. of the Nihelungen Lied, from the monastery of Hohenembs near Bregenz ; Tristan and Isolde , poem by Godfrey of Strassburg, MS. of 1240, with paintings ; Parcival and Titurel, Ludwigskirche. MUNICH. 28. Route. 151 by Wolfram von Escbenbach, witb paintings. Among the Oriental MSS. several Arabic specimens are remarkable for their splendour and beautiful writing ; among the modern MSS. a copy of Petrarch witb graceful margin- al drawings and a manuscript of Calderon with a final note from the author's own hand may be mentioned. Then follow several musical compositions witb old notes, among them also ancient Greek hymns of Dionysius and Mesomedes. — Thiko Section: Sumptuous old bindings. '^ Codex Aureus, written in gold uncial letters in 870 by order of Emp. Charles the Bald ; the cover consists of a plate of embossed gold, with jewels and pearls. *Four Books of Gospels and a Missal of Emp. Henry II. (1024), presented to the cathedral of Bamberg, with a similar cover. Then a collection of bindings from the lltb to the 17th cent, and a series of ivory covers, showing the development of ivory carving from the Roman period to the end of the 16tb century. — Foueth Section: Illuminated MS. •Prayer-book of Emp. Maximilian I., with marginal drawings by Albert Durer and Cranacb. Latin prayer-book with miniatures by Memling (?). The Jewels of Anne of Austria, consort of Duke Albert V. of Bavaria, miniature-paintings by Hans Mielich. Prayer-book of Duke Albert V. of Bavaria, by Giulio Clovio (1574). Calendarium of the 16th cent, by Brueghel (?). ^Livre de Jehan Bocace des cas des nobles Jiommes et femrnes^ translation made in 1458 for Maitre Etienne Chevalier, with admirable miniatures by Foucquet and his pupils. Latin prayer-book with illustrations by Sinibaldi of Florence (1485), richly bound like the preceding. Several books of arms and weapons, among, them the tournament book of Duke William IV. of Bavaria, painted in 1541-44. — Fifth Section: Typo- graphical specimens in illustration of the history of printing. Block-books {i.e. books printed from carved blocks of wood) of the 15th century. Then the earliest printed books, including the Mazarin Bible, printed by Guten- berg and Fust (Mayence, 1455); stereotype plate of 1553. Diirer's Passion of 1511, the first edition of Holbein's Dance of Death, Sandro Botticelli's engravings (Florence, 1481), the first editions of Columbus' and Amerigo Vespucci's letters on tbe New World; broadsides and title-pages, etc. — Sixth, Seventh, and Eighth Sections: Interesting early maps; autograph writings of celebrated men ; book-plates ('Exlibris') from the 16th cent, to the present day. The i\^a^(ona7.4/Wi/i,'es of Bavaria, in the vaults of the groundfloor, contain about 500,000 documents and include an interesting collection of medals and of impressions of the seals of German emperors, princes, and noblemen (shown on application). Archivist, Hofrath von Rockinger (office-hours 9-2). The *Ludwigskirche (PI. F, 2; adm., see p. 143), erected in 1829-44 in the Italian Romanesque style by Gartner,^ is a hand- some cruciform structure. Facade flanked with two towers 210 ft. in height. Mosaic roof of coloured tiles. Above the portal, Cbrist and the four Evangelists, by Schwanthaler. Interior (dark ; best light in tbe afternoon). The entire wall at the back of the high-altar is covered with the *Last Judgment, the largest of the frescoes of Cornelius (1836-40), 60 ft. high, 36 ft. broad. The other frescoes, designed by Cornelius, were executed by his pupils (God the Father, the Nativity and Crucifixion, Patriarchs, Prophets, Martyrs). — In the adjacent grounds are frescoes by Forstner at fourteen different shrines. Opposite is the Blind Asylum (PI. F, 2), erected by Gartner in 1834-38 in the Florentine style. The portals are embellished with statues of the four patron-saints of the blind, by Eberhard. The University (PI. F, 1) on the left, the Priests' Seminary, or Georgianum, opposite , and the Max-Joseph School form a large square, intersected by the Ludwig-Strasse , and adorned with two Fountains copied from those by Bernini in the piazza of 8t. Peter at Rome. The university (about 3500 students), founded in 1472 at 1 52 Route 28. MUNICH. Siegesthor. Ingolstadt (p. 132), was transferred to Landshut (p. 135) in 1800, and thence to Munich in 1826. The University Library, on the second floor, contains upwards of 300,000 vols, [open daily, 9-12), The *Siegesthor (PI. F, 1), or Gate of Victory, erected by Lewis I. 'to the Bavarian army', begun by Gartner in 1843 and completed by Metzger in 1850, is an imitation of the triumphal arch of Constan- tine at Rome. It is crowned with 'Bavaria' in a quadriga drawn by lions, in bronze, designed by Warner (comp. p. 174). Over the Corinthian columns at the sides are figures of Victory ; on the walls reliefs, representing warlike exploits (below) and the different prov- inces of the kingdom (above). This fine arch forms an appropriate termination to the Ludwig-Strasse. Beyond the Siegesthor, to the left, is the imposing *Academy of Art, in the Italian Renaissance style, designed by Neureuther (1874-85). The central portion is 610 ft. long, while the wings at the ends project 105 ft. On the flight of steps in front of the main entrance are mounted figures of Castor and Pollux, cast in bronze by F. von Miller from the designs of Widnmann. From the Siegesthor the Leopold-Strasse leads past the Palace of Prince Leopold and several villas to the suburb of Schwabing (Salvator Brewery ,• Grosser Wirt), which, with its large bath-estab- lishments (p. 140), was incorporated with Munich in 1861. On the S. side of the Max-Joseph-Platz is the Post Office (PL E, 4, 5). The facade towards the Platz was constructed by Klenze in 1836 . The open arcade contains six paintings of horse-tamers on a red ground in the Pompeian style, by Hiltensperger. The original facade towards the Residenz-Str. is in the Italian palatial style (1740). — To the right a short street leads to the Alte Hof, the oldest palace of the Dukes of Bavaria, erected in 1253-56, and now occupied by public offices. A passage to the left in front of it leads to the Hof- hrduhaus, or 'Court Brewery' (PL F, 5; p. 138). The *Maximiliax-Stb.asse (PL F, G, H, 5; tramway-line 4, p. 140), 1 M. in length and 25 yds. in breadth , was constructed by desire of King Max II. in a novel style of domestic architecture. First, on the right, is the Mint (PL F, 5), a building of the 16th cent., remodelled by Gartner in 1809, with arcades embellished with statues. The old court is in the Renaissance style. Farther on , the street expands into a square , relieved with pleasure- grounds; on the left the Government Buildings (PLG, 5; 1858-64), on the right the National Museum (p. 153). In the centre rise four monuments: to the left a Statue of General Deroy (PL 19; killed at Poloczk in 1812), by Halbig (1856); adjoining it, that of Count Rumford (d. 1814), founder of the English Garden, by Zumbusch (1868). Opposite are the statues of Schelling, the philosopher (d. 1854), designed by Brugger (1861), and Fraunhofer, the op- tician (d. 1826), by Halbig (1861). National Museum. xMUNICH. 2^-1. Route. 153 The *Bavarian National Museum (PI. F, G, 5 ; adm., see p, 143), founded by King Max II. in 1855 and originally exhibited in the Herzog- Max- Burg (p. 188), contains a rich collection of objects illustrating the progress of civilisation and art. The building was erected in 1858-66 by Riedel. On the central portion , 95 ft. in height, is enthroned a 'Bavaria' with the lion, in zinc. The facjade is richly adorned witli caryatides, statues, reliefs, and other enrich- ments. Director, Prof. Dr. W. N. von Riehl. The Bavarian National Museum contains works of art of every kind, dating from the prehistoric Roman periods down to the present day, and representing every civilised country, but with special reference to Bavaria. The plans hung up at the entrance afford a general outline of the arrangement, The collections are divided into two principal sections: 1. General Collection ('Allgemeine Sammlung') of the products of human industry, from hoar antiquity to the present day^ 2. Special Collections ('Fachsammlungen') illustrating special branches of art or industry, and too extensive to be embraced in th • General Collection. The General Collection begins in the arcades and in the two prehistoric rooms on the E. side of the ground- floor, is continued throughout the whole of the rooms on the W. side, and ends with the modern rooms (i6-19th cent.) on the second floor. The Special Collections begin in the third room on the E. side of the ground- floor and are continued in the thirty rooms on the first floor. These last are embellished with large Mural Paintings of the history of Bavaria. At the back of the building is a Gaeden, which contains monuments and gravestones extending from the Roman period to the 18th cent, (including the tomb of Orlando di Lassr^, the composer; see p. 188); also a colossal *Group of Mars and "Venus in bronze, by Hubert Gerhard (ca. 1590), and • the so-called 'Miltcnberg Column'. — The Museum further includes an extensive Library of Technical Works and a copying -room, the use of which is granted to artists and students on application. The larger groups and other objects of importance in the various sections are labelled. The briefest visit to the whole museum takes two hours. Those who are pressed for time should confine themselves to the second floor. Printed guide 50 pf.; also several special catalogues. Gkocnd Flooe. In the Vestihule are cannon , a relief of St. George, and in the centre the stone monument of a Count of Haag (d. 1566), with a recumbent figure. In the Arcades to the left are Roman relics. — Room I (left). Cases 3-7. Prehistoric antiquities, chiefly from tumuli in different parts of Franconia. Works of the bronze period (ca. 1400-900 B.C. ?), the early iron period (ca. 900-450 B.C. ?), and the later iron period (from ca. 450 B.C. to the Roman period; Celtic antiquities). In Case 2 is the Golden Hat (shield-boss) 'of Schifferstadt (ca. 400 B.C.). Cases 8, 11-14. Roman antiquities, including (Case 13) fine glass vessels and fragments of early- Christian glass from the Catacombs. Cases 1, 2, 9, 10. Germanic anti- quities of the Merovingian period (5-8th cent. A.D.), objects from tombs at Wittislingen, Nordendorf, etc. The walls are hung with handsome Brussels carpets (continuution of this collection on second floor). — Room II. Roman antiquities; mosaic from Westerhofen, near Ingolstadt ; an altar from Rheinzabern; and stone monuments. — Rooms 3-9 contain the follow- ing Special Collections: 3-5. Iron-work, from the 15th cent, onwards (fine iron screen of ca. 17.0 from the Dominican chxirch at Ratisbon, at the entrance of R. 3; painted Gothic screen from Kufstein); 6. Utensils in bronze, copper, brass, and tin; modern work in metal; 7-9. Plaster casts from famous originals. — To the left, at the foot of the staircase to the first floor, is a Torture Chamber. We return to the entrance. To the right is the department of 'Med- iaeval Art, ranging from the early Christian epoch to the beginning of the 16th century. The Arcades contain architectural fragments of the Romanesque and early-Gothic periods. — Room I (Romanesque period). Romanesque architectural members. In the glass-cases are smaller works K I 1^4: Route 28. MUNICH. National Museum. of art, chiefly ecclesiastical, such as ciboria, aquamaniles, crucifixes, monstrances, reliquaries, censers, and candelabra. Special attention is deserved by the ivory carvings (reliefs of the Resurrection and Ascension, 6th cent.; jewel-casket of St. Cunigunde from Bamberg Cathedral) and the enamel-work on metal (ll-14th cent.). On the walls are large v>'Ooden crucifixes; stone sculptures from Wessobrunn (ca. 1250); mural paintings from the monastery of Rebdorf (13th cent.) ; stained glass from Seligenthal (ca. 1300). On the entrance-wall are early-Russian and modern Greek paintings and small objects in metal and wood. — Boom II (Gothic, 14th cent.). The cases contain miniatures from mass-books and antiphonies (r2-15th cent.) ; crucifixes, aquamaniles. osculatories ; small sculptures, originals and casts. On the walls are larger sculptures, chiefly tombstones with reliefs : altar-piece from Rosenheim, with the oldest panel-paintings of Bavaria (beginning of the 14th cent.); small reliquary-altar, with paintings in tempera in the Lower Rhenish style (ca. 1350). — Room III. Panel- paintings and sculptures of the 14-15th cent., including a *Winged Altar from Pahl near Weilheim (^o. 9) and a rich Gothic domestic altar from Nuremberg (No. 15), both of the first half of the loth century. — Room IV. Large triple altar from the old Franciscan church at Bamberg (perhaps by Meister Berthold of Nuremberg; 1429); stained glass from the Franciscan church of Ratisbon. — Room V. Ceiling and panelling from the old Weavers' Hall at Augsburg (1457); bridal coQ'ers, cabinets; figures of the twelve Apostles in wood from Liibeck (15th cent.). — Room VI. The glass-cases contain incunabula (1440-1500) ; mediaeval coins and dies ; original docu- ments, etc. On the partition-wall, wooden figure of St. Willibald : large piece of Flemish tapestry, representing the Nativity and Adoration of the Magi (ca. 1500). — Room VII. Rich Gothic ceiling in lime-wood from the castle of Oberhaus near Tassau. The cases contain sculptures in wood, fine miniatures (Flemish prayer-books of the 16th cent., etc.), two small oil-paint- ings by Memling, late-Gothic goldsmith's work. By the walls, handsome carved cabinets ; bedsteads ; panel - paintings of different Vpper German schools. — Room VIII. Staircase and gallery from Neu-Otting (15th cent.); altar of the Virgin from Weissenburg (15th cent.) ; wooden figure of St. George (14th cent.); so-called 'PalmeseF (comp. p. 107: 16th cent.). — Room IX ('Kirchensaar, in seven sections). Altar from Geroldshofen (ca. 1515), figures of the Virgin and the Magdalen, bust of St. Afra, wooden statuettes of the Apostles, and other works by Tilmann Riemenschneider; Death of the Virgin, a group carved in wood, from Ingolstadt (1490-1500); two procession-poles of the Fishermen's Guild of Ingolstadt (1509) ; winged altar with gilded carving and paintings, of the school of Michael Pacher (ca. 1500); armorial shield of Milan; high-altar from the former Franciscan church at Munich (1492). The cases of the 6th and 7th sections contain church-vessels in metal. Good stained glass in the windows. — Room X. Winged altar carved in oak, from Calcar (ca. 1520) ; fine late-Gothic gold- smith's work; large Flemish tapestry worked in gold thread with alle- gorical scenes (16th cent.). We now ascend the staircase, adorned with weapons and reliefs, to the First Flooe, which contains the Histobical Feescoes and the continua- tion of the Special Collections (see above). To the right. Rooms I-XII. Weapons, armour, uniforms, costumes, ornaments, etc., from the 12th cent, to the present day. — Room I (12-16th cent.). Helmets, chain-mail, shields, targes, etc. — .Roo/n // (1400-1520). Pikes, halberds, etc; two-handed swords. — /?oo7M ///( 1500-1570). Caronnades. cross-bows, stone projectiles ; swords of knights and 'Landsknechte'. ornamented swords and daggers; fine wheel-lock muskets. — Room IV (1570-1620). Pikes, halberds, swords, battle-axes; 15. Gilded armour of Bishop Dieter von Raitenau, of Salz- burg (1587-1612). by the armourer Piccinino of 3Iilan. — RoomV (1540- 1650). Light armour; armour for man and horse (ca. 1540) i' CTltffmented weapons; 9. Wedding cloak of Duke William V. (1568); 11. Women's dress and ornaments of the 16-17th cent. ; 13, 14. Jewels and clothes, chiefly from the graves of the Counts-Palatine of Neuburg, at Lauingen; breech- loading ^cannons. — Room VI (1600-1660). Light armour, chiefly of the period of the Thirty Years' War; 3. Tilly's coat; 4. Official robes of a National Museum. MUNICH. 2S. Route. 155 Nuremberg councillor; collection of shoes from the Roman period to the present day. — Room VII. South-German costumes of the first half of the 19th century. — Room VIII (1620-1780). Collection of models of the cannon used in the Thirty Years' War; Oriental saddles and weapons, captured at Belgrade by Max Emanuel (1688); 8. Handsome rococo sword; 9, v^ Memorials of Frederick the Great. — Room IX (1640-1800). Ladies' costumes A/ of the beginning of the 18th cent. ; 9. Headdresses and coiffures of patri- , cian ladies of Nuremberg and Augsburg; 15. Napoleon's sword. — Rooms X-XII (1740-1871). Robes and garments of the Bavarian sovereigns Max Joseph I., Lewis I. and his consort Theresa, and Max XL, of Otho, King of Greece and his wife, of Fieldmarshal Wrede, and of General von derTann; uniforms, weapons, and trophies. — Room XIII. JIusical instru- ments from the 15th to the 19th century. — Room XIV. Objects used in the Jewish divine service; examples of Nuremberg bismuth-painting and brazier's work; toys; playing-cards; book-covers. — Room XV. Col- lection of seals from Charlemagne to the present day. The Central Saloon (XVI) contains a collection of old ship-models, including that of the vessel of Charles V. in his attack on Algiers in 1541; also models of Bavarian and other towns, churches, castles, and fortresses; compasses and sun-dials of the 15-19th cent. ; Schiller's writing-table. — To the left of the entrance, in Rooms XVII-XXIV, is the Textile Collection^ consisting of lace, embroidery, and materials for dress, and including Egyptian and late-Roman costumes (R. XVII), ecclesiastical vestments (R. XVIII), Oriental carpets (R. XIX), and the 'Bed of Lewis II., from Linderhof (R. XXIII). Next, in Rooms XXV-XXVIII, is the Ceramic Col- lection, from Roman times to the present, including specimens of the chief manufactories of the world, amonir the finest of which are the Italian majolicas of the 16-17th cent. (R. XXVII), the Japanese and Chinese porcelain of the 15-18th cent., and the Meissen and Nymphenburg china of the 18th century. In Room XXIX is the Glass Collection, from the Roman period down to our own. Room XXX. Ornaments in wood. The Second Floor contains works of art of the 'Renaissance^ and Modern Times. The staircase has a fine wooden ceiling from the chateau at Dachau, and three pieces of Brussels 'Tapestry, representing the battles of Hannibal, after Giulio Romano. The various rooms are hung with tapestry after difl'erent masters (from Flanders, Germany, France), and contain ceilings from Dachau, Neuburg, Donauworth, Nuremberg, and the Frauenkirche and the Royal Palace at Munich. The first five rooms are devoted to the 16th century. Among the choicest contents are: Room I. MSS., miniatures, and rare prints; finely ornamented drinking- cups and utensils, chiefly from Nuremberg and Augsburg; reliefs in wood representing the ten commandments (1524); draughtsmen with portrait-medallions, partly by Hagenauer. — Room II. Cast of the monu- ment of St. Sebald by Peter Vischer at Nuremberg, and (No. 4) two bronze statues by Vischer. Bridal casket of Duchess Jacobeea of Bavaria (No. 7), with beautiful Italian intarsia. — Room III. Vessels in Limoges enamel, including eight by P. Reymond. 'Silver -gilt hammer, designed for the use of Pope Julius' III. at the opening of the great Jubilee Festival in 1550; 5. Winged altar of the Nuremberg school from Artelshofen (1514).— Room IV. Gold goblet of the Augsburg butchers' guild; 3. Domestic altar, with carvings by G. Bockschiitz (1561); 5. Two tables, of Spanish work- manship; bed of Countess Palatine Susanna. — Room V. In the centre the complete boudoir of a Countess Fugger from the chateau at Donauworth (1546). — Room VI (1500-1650). Table utensil'' in ivory and enamel ; 3. Ivory caskets with portraits of Elector Maximilian I. and his sister. — Room VII. (This and the next four rooms illustrate the period of Elector Maximilian I., 1597-1G51.) Table of Kelheim stone, elaborately engraved with portraits, arms, perpetual calendar, etc.; two tables in scagliola-work (imitation of mosaic); carved furniture. — Room VIII. Nos. 1,2. Cabinets inlaid with tortoise-shell and mother-of pearl ; 5. Cabinet in Florentine mosaic; 18, 17. Cabinets of ivory, silver, enamel, and lapis lazuli, by Chr. Angermaier of Weilheim; vessels of rock crystal set in gold and enamel. — Rooms IX-XI. Works in amber and silver filigree, the latter 156 Route 28. MUNICH. Maxbnilianeum. chiefly from Augsburg; fine groups in bronze, efc. — Booms JII-XIII (time of Elector Ferdinand Maria, 1651-79). Gilded ceiling from the palace at Munich; large silver watches from Augsburg; Buhl furniture; cabinet with paintings bv W. van Bemmel ; portrait of Electress Adelheid (d. 1676), Ascribed to Kneller. — Room XIV (time of Max Emmanuel, 1679-1726). Miniatures and medallions of Bavarian and other royal personages. — Room XV. *Ivory carvings, several by Elhafen (ca. 1720) and Simon Troger (d. 1769). 'Cabinet for coins by Angermaier ofWeilheim (1624). — Rooms XVI-XVIII. Tapestry from the Munich manufactory; wood-carA-ings in the rococo style; miniatures and medals; fans. — Room XIX (modern period). First attempts at reviving the art of staining glass. Memorials of Max I. Joseph, Lewis I., and Max II. At the end of the Platz rises the *Moniiment of King Maxi- milian II. (d. 1864), erected by his 'faithful people' in 1875. The colossal figure of the king in his coronation robes, I6Y2 ft- liigli) stands upon a lofty granite pedestal. In his right hand he holds the roll of the constitution ; his left rests on a sword. At the base of the pedestal sit allegorical figures of Peace, Enlightenment, Strength , and Justice; at the upper angles are four figures of children bearing the Bavarian coat-of-arms and laurel-wreaths. All the figures are in bronze, cast by Miller from models by Zumbusch. The Thiersch-Str. and the Pfarr-Str. lead hence to the N. to the St. Anna-Plat7, with the St. Annakirche (PI. G, 4), a Bomanesque edifice built in 1892-94 from the designs of Gabriel Seidl. Just beyond the monument the Maximilians- Str. reaches the Isar. The handsome Steinsdorfcr-Strasse (PI. G, 5,6), a wide, new quay, ascends hence to the S.W., along the left bank, to the new Protestant Lxikaskirche, in the transition style, and on to the Lud- wigs-Briicke (p. 192). Opposite, in the river, are two islands united by the ^Mvffatwehr; the lower or Prater-Insel is prettily laid out and contains the Isarlust Restaurant (p. 138). The Maximilian-Str. crosses the river and the Prater-Insel by the Maximilians - Brilcke , 540ft. long, which was constructed by Zenetti in 1859-64 and has recently been embellished with a monument to Burgomaster von Ehrhardt (d. 1888). In the grounds below the bridge is a monument to M.vonSchwind, the painter, with figures of Legend and Fantasy by Hahnel. On the right bank the street ascends the Gasteighohe in two branches. On the slope, form- ing a suitable termination to the grand street, rises the — Maximilianeum (PL H, 5), founded by King Max II. for the higher instruction of students who have shown special aptitude for the civil service. The architect was Biirklein. Admission, see p. 143. A broad circular approach ascends to the facade, which rises in two series of arches on a lofty terrace. The slightly curved central part of the structure is adjoined by open arcades on each side, flanked with corner- towers. Beautiful view of the river, the city, and the mountains. At the top of the handsome staircase are the sketches in oil for the paintings by K. von Pilottj on the facade (now destroyed): in the middle, Emp. Lewis the Bavarian founding the monastery of Ettal (1330); to the right, Wolfram of Eschenbach at the 'Sangerkrieg' in the Wartburg; to the left, Duke Lewis the Rich founding the University of Ingolstadt. — Three rooms on the upper floor contain thirty large oil-paintings, illus- trative of momentous events in the world's history; adjoining these on the right and left are two saloons adorned with frescoes. Wittelsbach Palace. MUNICH. 28. Route. 157 Entkanck Hall: left, 1. Cabanel, Fall of man ; right, 2. A. Miiller, Mahomet's entry into Mecca. — Room to the left. Wall of the entrance : *3. G. Richter, Construction of the Pyramids. To the right: 4. Otto, Bel- shazzar's banquet at Susa; "^5. Kaulbach, Battle of Salamis ; 6. Foltz, Age of Pericles i 7. Eiltensperger, Olympian Games; 8. A. Miiller, Wedding of Alexander the Great at Susa; 9. Conrdder , Fall of Carthage; 10. Joh. Schraudolphy Nativity; 11. Gunkel, Battle of Arminius ; 12. Hiltensperger, Age of Augustus ; 13. Hauschild, Crucifixion ; 14. Deger, Resurrection. — Room to the right. Entrance-wall: 15. Kockert, Haroun al-Raschid. On the left: 16. F. Kaulbach, Coronation of Charlemagne; 17. Echter, Battle on the Lechfeld ; 18. Schwoiser, Henry IV. at Canossa ; 19. Piloty, Godfrey de Bouillon ; 20. FoKz, Frederick Barbarossa and Henry the Lion ; 21. Ram- berg, Emp. Frederick II. at Palermo ; 22. Kreling, Coronation of Lewis the Bavarian ; 23. Schnorr , Luther at Worms ; 24. Piloty , Queen Elizabeth of England; 25. Piloty, Elector Maximilian I. founding the Catholic League; 26. Kotzebue, Peter the Great founding St. Peter.>burg; 27. A. Adam, Battle of Zorndorf; 28. Pauwels , Louis XIV. receiving a Genovese em- bassy; 29. E. Hess, Washington; 30. P. Hess, Battle of Leipsic. The 'loggie' and side-rooms contain busts and portraits of great men. On both sides of the Maximilianeum lie the *Gasteig Pro- menades, laid out under King Max II. from the designs of Effner, and commanding beautiful views. They extend up the Isar ('Am Gasteig) to the Ludwigs-Briicke (p. 192), and down ('Maiimilians- Anlagen) to Bninnthal and Bogenhausen [p. 193). In the Maxi- milians- Anlagen, opposite the Prinz-Regenten-Str. (p. 149), is the Luitpold Terrace (Pi. H, 4), constructed in 1894 and affording a fine view of the city. — To the E. of the Maximilianeum is the suburb oi Haidhausen, with the Gothic Church of St. John [PI. H. 6), erect- ed in 1852-74 ; central tower, 286 ft. high. The interior, without aisles, has groined vaulting, marble altars, and stained-glass win- dows in the choir. The handsome Brienner-Strasse, ^/^ M. long, leads to the W, from the Odeons-Platz to the Propylsa and the Glyptothek. The Wittelsbacher-Platz, on the right, is adorned with the equestrian *Statue of Elector Maximilian I. (PI. E, 3 ; d. 1651), founder and chief of the Roman Catholic League, and victor at the Weisse Berg near Prague, designed by Thorwaldsenin 1839, and cast by /Sf/^^mayer with the metal of captured Turkish cannon. — Count Arco-Zinne- berg's Palace, Wittelsbacher-Platz 1,'contains a rare and interesting ^Collection of Antlers (adm., see p. 142). At the E. end of the Maximilians-Platz (p. 164) is a Statue of Schiller by Widnmann (1863). To the right, farther on, is the red Wittelsbach Palace (PI. E, 3), in the medieval English pointed style , built in 1843-50 from plans by Gartner, the residence of Lewis I. in 1848-68, now that of Prince Ludwig, the present heir to the throne, and Prince Arnulf . Part of it is shown on application to the castellan (to the right in the court). Fine court and staircase. In the Gabelsberger-Str., a little to the N.E., is the Protestant Church 0/ St. Mark (PI. E, 3), erected by Gottgetreu in the Gothic style in 1873-77. In the Carolinen-Platz (PI. D, 3) rises an Obelisk, 105 ft. in height, cast almost entirely of the metal of captured guns, 31 tons 158 Route 28, MUNICH. Old Pinakothek. in weight, and erected by Lewis I. in 1833 to the memory of 30,000 Bavarians who had perished in the Russian war. At No. 3, Carolinen-Platz, in the garden-building, to the right, is the Lotzbeck Collection of Sculptures and Paintings, transferred in 1890 from the Chateau of Weyhern to Munich (adm., see p. 143; catalogue 30 pf.). Central Saloon. Sculptures: 1. Halbig ^ King Lewis I.-, -'2. Thor- waldsen, Venus; 3. Hoyer, Psyche; Troschel, 1. Adonis, 8. Zethus and Am- pMon, 9. Perseus and Andromeda, 10. Bellerophon and Pegasus (four reliefs). Paintings: *11. Riedel, Sakuntala; Consoni^ 14. The Muses, 15, Dante and Virgil in the Inferno; Ary Schefer, 16. Faust and Gretchen, 17. Walpurgisnacht; B. and F. Adam, 20. Stable, 21. Hunt; 24. Schiavoni, Melancholy; 25. Gail, Storming of a Spanish cloister; 26. Catel, Burial of a Crusader. — Left Wing. Sculptures : 28. Troschel, Sleeping maiden ; 29. Holbeck, Rape of Proserpine (relief). Modern pictures: 30. Manuel, Baron C. L. von Lotzbeck; Rottmann, 37. Untersberg, 38. Perugia; 39. Kimer, Raphael visiting Michael Angelo ; 40. Simonsen, Fight with pirates; Biirkel, 41. Village-smithy, 49. Mountain-pasture; 45-48. Kunz, Cattle; 51. Marko^ Death of Adonis. Old pictures : 97. Antonello da Messina, Portrait of a man; 102. Italian School (ca. 1630), Portrait of a woman; 98. Lor. Lotto CO, Rest on the Flight into Egypt; 99. Angr. Bronzino{l), Same subject; 100. Torbido, Portrait of a man; 101. Jac. Bassano, Portrait of a woman. — Right Wing. Sculptures: 55. Tenerani, Flora. Modern pictures: *60. Riedel, Medea; 61. Morgenstern, Rorschach; 64. A. Adam, Arabian horses; 65. Bayer, Hora; Catel, 66. Illumination, 67. In a gondola; *68. Diaz, Girl in a landscape; 71, 72. Carl Werner, Venetian scene; 76. Maes-Canini, Italian peasant family; 77. Bayer, Erwin Column in Strassburg Cathedral ; P. Best, 78. Engage- ment between French and Cossacks, 79. Scene on the Loire; 83. Pollack, Girl reading. Old pictures : 89. Cologne School (ca. 1530), Portrait of a man; 94. Livens, Portrait of a boy; 95. Teniers the Younger, Peasant with a hare; 91. Upper German School, Princess Elizabeth, daughter of Emp. Ferdinand I. (1534); 96. School of Giotto (ca. 1360), St. Peter. The Barer-Strasse on the right leads to the — **01d Pinakothek ('Repository of Pictures', from the Greek; PL D, 2; adm., see p. 143; reached by tramway - lines 1 & 3, p. 140), erected in 1826-36 by Klenze in the Renaissance style. The building is 500 ft. long, 90 ft. wide, and 90 ft. high. On the S. side, on the attic story above, are twenty-four statues of celebrated painters from sketches by Schwanthaler. It contains upwards of 1400 pictures, arranged in periods and schools, in twelve saloons and twenty-three cabinets. Each picture is labelled. Catalogue i^/oJ/, or with 120 photographs 15 ^ (comp. Hirth and Muther's ' Cicerone', with 188 illustrations, and the section in Morelli's ^ Italian Painters', devoted to the galleries of Munich and Dresden). The cabinets should be visited immediately after the rooms to which they be- long, in order to preserve the historical sequence. Director, Prof. Dr. von Reber. Origin of the Collection. This fine picture gallery has been form- ed by the union of three different collections. As early as the 16th and 17th centuries the Bavarian princes were noted for their love of art. Elector Maximilian I. in particular was an enthusiastic admirer of Diirer, and secured at Nuremberg several of that master's finest works. In 1805 this collection was enriched by the removal to Munich of the celebrated Diisseldorf Gallery, founded by the Electors of the Palatinate. This was done to save the collection from being carried otf to Paris, and it was afterwards regarded as part of the inheritance of the Palatinate which Old Pinakothek. MUNICH. 28. Route. 159 fell to Bavaria. The numerous examples of Netherlandish masters of the 17th cent., including the fine Rubens collection, formed part of the Diissel- dorf Gallery. The third constituent part of the Pinakothek is the Boisserie Collection^ being works of the Lower Rhenish School rescued by the brothers Sulpice and Melchior Boisseree and their friend Bertram from churches and monasteries suppressed at Cologne in 1805-1810. The addition of this valuable collection to the Pinakothek in 1827 placed it in the foremost rank as a gallery for the study of northern art. Under King Lewis I. the gallery was further extended by the addition of the Wallerstein collection in 1828, and of several valuable works purchased at different times in Italy. The Pre-Raphaelite Italian schools are scantily represented in the Munich Gallery ; probably the most important examples are the Madonna by Francesco Francia (Room VIII, No. 1039) and Perugino's Vision of St. Bernard (R. VIII, No. 1034). The finest of the works by Raphael is undoubtedly the Madonna of the Tempi family (Cab. XIX, 1050), painted in his Florentine period ; the contemporary Madonna of the Canigiani family (R. VIII, 1049) has suffered greatly from cleaning, the angels at the top having entirely vanished. There exist several replicas of the Madonna della Tenda (Cab. XIX, 1051 ; Roman period) at Turin and elsewhere, but the Munich example is con- sidered the best. The portrait of Bindo Altoviti (R. VIII, 1052), freely retouched, was formerly regarded as a portrait of Raphael himself. Not one of the five works ascribed to Correggio is indisput- ably authenticated. The best example of the Venetian school is the Christ crowned with thorns, by Titian (R.IX, 1114). Miirillo'sB^ggSiT Boys (R. XI), perhaps the most popular work in the gallery, is sure of attention. Early Flemish painting is seen to the greatest advantage in Rogier van der Weyden's Triptych (R. II, 101-103) and St. Luke (R. II, 100), Memling's Seven Joys of Mary (Cab. Ill, 116), the winged altar-pieces and the triptych by Dierick Bouts (Cab. Ill, 107-111), and the Adoration of the Magi ascribed to Gerard David (R. II, 118). The Cologne works of the 15th and 16th centuries will chiefly attract the professional eye, while several works of the Swabian and Franconian schools are of general interest and high artistic importance. Prominent among these German masters stands Holbein the Elder, to whom the altar-piece with St. Sebastian (R. Ill, 209-211) is now rightly ascribed. Dilrers Four Apostles, or the 'Four Temperaments' (R. Ill, 247, 248), deserve the closest study, especially the magnificent St. Paul in the famous white robe, unri- valled in its plastic modelling. The Battle of Arbela (Cab. IV, 290) by Albrecht Altdorfer (ca. 1480-1538), remarkable for its almost fantastic excess of realism, the Finding of the Cross (R. Ill, 267) by the rare master Barthel Beham (d. 1540), and the Portrait (Cab. V, 286) by Hans Baldung Grien are also worthy of notice. Of the altar- piece formerly attributed to Gruneivald (R. Ill, 281 et seq.) No. 281 alone is by this artist, while the wings are in the style of Cranach. Next to Antwerp and Vienna, Munich best shows the versatility of Rubens. Among the eighty-nine pictures formerly catalogued here under his name are many school-pieces and mediocre works , 160 Route 28. MUNICH. Old Pinakothek. "but they also include several of Ms finest creations. The vast range of his genius may he estimated hy glancing from the stupendous Last Judgment to the Lion Hunt, from the Battle of the Amazons to the Children with garlands of fruit, from the sketches for the Medici pictures in the Louvre to the Bacchanalian scenes. Ruhens's best pupil. Van Dyck, is also well represented hy several portraits (R. VII, 844, 845). The Descent from the Cross (Cah. VIII, 326) is the finest of the numerous examples of Rembrandt. The can- vases of Adrian Brouwer [Cab. XVI, 879, 883, 885, 893), notable partly for their rarity, the genre-pieces of Terburg and Metsu, and the humorous subjects of Jan Steen also deserve attention. The works of the Italian painters of the 17th cent, generally meet with XII. French School. X. Italian Scliool. IX. Venet. jIlsIlT Italian ; 1 15 1 14 FlemisI P 1 North. VII. U VL^ V. Rubens Flemish IV. III. Dutch I Upper ILLower Rhenish School. Cologne School. Hall School. , School. , School. , Saloon. , School. , School. Germ. . of the Loggia. Ves- tibule. XI. Neap. « Sp. Sch South. scant notice, but the Ascensions of Guido Rent and Cignani, at least, do not merit this fate. The Mourning over the body of Christ, by N. Poussin (R. XII, 1321), is a work of great beauty. Vestibule. Portraits of the founders and enrichers of the gallery from Elector John William (d. 1719) to King Lewis I. (d. 1868). — "We pass to the right into Room I. Low^ER Rhenish and Eably Netherlandish Schools (Rooms I, II; Cab. I-III). — I. Room. To the left: *1. Meister Wilhelm of Cologne (?), St. Veronica with the napkin ; 3, 4. In the style of Stephan Lochner, Saints ; 31-33. Master of the Lyversberg Passion or of the Life of Mary, The Twelve Apostles ; 9-18. School of Stephan Lochner, Wings of a shrine from Heisterbach, with scenes from the Annunciation to the Gift of Tongues and Death of the Virgin, and figures of saints. II. Room. To the right (S. wall): *55, 56, 57. Master of the Death of the Virgin, Triptych, in the centre Death of the Virgin, on the wings the donors with their patron-saints. — E. wall: *118. Gerard David (y), Adoration of the Magi ; 97,98. Coxie, The Virgin Mary, John the Baptist (copies of figures in the Ghent altar-piece by Hubert van Eyck); *134. Quentin Matsys (?), Pietk. — N. wall Old Pinakothek. MUNICH. 28. Route. 161 169, 170. J. van Hemessen, Call of Matthew, Isaac blessing Jacob. — W. wall : *101, 102, 103. Rogier van der Weyden the Elder, Triptych, in the centre Adoration of the Magi, on the wings Annunciation and Presentation. 'No picture of the master is more imbued with religious feeling; none is more happily arranged and carried out.'' — ^The Early Flei/tish Painters'' by Crowe and Cavalcaselle. Above, 102, 163, 164. Flemish Master (ca. 1530), Adoration of the Magi; *100. Rogier van der Weyden, St. Luke painting a portrait of the Virgin; above, 139. Marinus van Roymerswale, Koom of a lawyer (1642). — S. wall : *48, 49, 50. The so-called Master of the Boisseree St. Bartholomew or of the Altar of the Holy Cross (in the Cologne Museum), Triptych: in the centre SS. Bartholomew, Agnes, and Cecilia; on the wings SS. Christina, James, John, and Margaret. Cabinet I. To the right (W.J: 5. School of Stephan Lochner, Madonna in a bower of pinks; Master of the Lyversberg Passion, 28. Assumption, 27. Visitation. — S. wall: 29. Cologne Master, Coronation of the Virgin ; Master of the Lyversberg Passion, 23. Nativity of the Virgin, 22. Meeting of Joachim and Anna, 34. Cruci- fixion. — E. wall: Master of the Lyversberg Passion, 24. Purifi- cation in the Temple, 26. Annunciation, 25. Marriage of the Virgin ; 2. School of Meister Wilhelm, Virgin enthroned. Cabinet II. To the left (E.) : Flemish School (ca. 1510), 126. St. George, 125. Madonna; 89, 80-83, 88. Barth.Bruyn, Saints; 140. Patinir, Crucifixion; 161. Flemish Master [ca. 1530), Nativity. — S. wall : 143. Patinir{?), St.Rochus; 122. Netherlands /Sc/iooi (about 1500), Madonna. — W. wall: Portraits, chiefly by unknown masters; 68-72. B. Bruyn, Altar-piece ; 133. Quentin Matsys, Portrait of Jehan Carandolet. Cabinet III. To the left (E.): 110, HI. Dierick Bouts, Two wings belonging to the Last Supper in the church of St. Peter at Louvain : Abraham and Melchisedech , and Gathering manna ; *107-109. Dierick Bouts, Triptych, in the centre Adoration of the Magi, at the sides SS. John the Baptist and Christopher; *115. Memling, John the Baptist; 155. Gossaert, surnamed Mabuse, Ma- donna and Child. — 8. wall: 151. J. Mostaert (?), Repose on the Flight into Egypt; 146, 147. Herri met de Bles, Adoration of the Magi ; Lucas van Leyden, *148. Virgin with Mary Magdalen and St. John, 149. Annunciation. — W. wall: 117. Gerard David, Marriage of St. Catharine; 114. Hugo van der Goes (?), Annun- ciation. — *il6. Memling, The seven Joys of Mary (1480). 'We feel at once, in looking at this picture, the absence of linear per- spective and atmosphere; yet the episodes are so complete in themselves, and so cleverly arranged and executed, that they produce a deep im- pression; and the colours are so bright, so clear, and so admirably con- trasted,^ that we necessarily yield to a grateful sense of rest\ — C. d- C. 145. Herri met de Bles, Annunciation; 138. M. van Roymers- tcale (after Matsys), Money-changer and his wife (1538). Upper German ScnooLs (R. Ill; Cab. IV, VJ. — III. Room. Bakdekku's S.Germany. 8th Edit, \[ 162 Routers. MUNICH. Old Pinakothek. To the left (E.) : *240, *241, *242. Diirer, The Paumgartner altar- piece, a triptych, in the centre the Nativity, on each side the donors in armour ; ahove , 278. Lucas Cranach the Elder, The Woman taken in adultery (half of it a later enlargement) 5 197, 198, 199, 200. Holbein the Elder, Crown of Thorns, Ecce Homo, Bearing of the Cross, Resurrection. — S. wall : M. Schaffner, 214. Annunciation, 215. Presentation in the Temple; 231. M. Wohlgemut, Crucifixion; 258. Style of Hans von Kulmbach, Adoration of the Magi and De- scent of the Holy Ghost; M. Schaffner, 216. Pouring out of the Holy Ghost, 217. Death of the Virgin ; 229. M. Wohlgemut, Resurrection ; above, 259. Style of H. von Kulmbach, Resurrection of Christ and Coronation of the Virgin. — W. wall : 209, *2iO, *211. H. Holbein the Elder, Triptych : centre. Martyrdom of St. Sebastian ; at the sides, SS. Barbara and Elizabeth. This work may be styled the artisfs master-piece, and far transcends any of his previous efforts. Without excessive or violent motion, the picture is full of dramatic power. The head of the saint is well in- dividualised and expressive of a high degree of patient suffering, while the nude body shows careful observation of nature. See '•Holbein und seine ZeiV, bv Professor Alfred Woltmann. 175, 176. Zeitblom, SS. Margaret and Ursula; 225. H Burgk- mair, Esther before Ahasuerus ; Holbein the Elder, 201. Purification in the Temple, 204. Nativity, 202. Annunciation, 203. Visitation ; 254-257. H. von Kulmbach, Saints; 238. DUrer, Pieta (1500); above, 267. Barthel Beham^ Invention of the Cross ; 205, 206, 207, 208. Works by Holbein the Elder. — ^. wall: DUrer, **247. SS. Peter and John, **248. SS. Paul and Mark (completed in 1526). The four Apostles are at the same time prototypes of the four 'Com- plexions'', St. John representing the melancholic, St. Peter the phlegmatic, St. Paul the choleric, and St. Mark the sanguine temperament. The panel with SS. Paul and Mark is the finer of the two. St. Paul is one of the most majestic figures ever conceived by the master, and appears as if just on the point of battling for his faith with word or blow. A great deal more labour in the details has been bestowed upon St. Paul than upon the other figures, and it is also the best -preserved. The white mantle is a marvel of plastic painting, and is admirably shaded. — '■Dilrer\ by Prof. Moriz Thausing. 233. Hans Pleydenwurff, Crucifixion; 297a, 297b. Tyrolese Master of about 1480 (M. Pacher?), SS. Gregory and Augustine; 188, 189. B. Strigel, Portraits of the Rehlingen family, patricians of Augsburg; *281. Matthias Griinew aid, Conversion of St. Mauritius ; 282-285. Four altar-wings belonging to the last, vnth SS. Mary Mag- dalen, Lazarus, Chrysostom, and Martha, by an unknown master; Hans Pleydenwurff, 234. Marriage of St. Catharine, 234a. Adoration of the Holy Child. — E. wall : 271. L. Cranach the Elder, Death of Lucretia; 244. DUrer, Same subject (1518); 212. Burgkmair, St. John in Patmos; above, 193-196. Works by Holbein the Elder, Cabinet IV. To the left(E.): 295. M. Feselen, Siege of Alesia (Burgundy) by Julius Cffisar; 292. VlrichApt, Pieta; 221. H.Burgk- mair, SS. Liborius and Eustace. — 270. Cranach, Madonna; A. DUrer, 250. Mater dolorosa (1515), *249. Jacob Fugger the Rich; i Old Pinakothek. MUNICH. 28. Route. 163 177. Zeitblom^ St. Bridget. — W. wall : 228. Jbrg Breu, Scipio's victory at Zama; 183. B. Strigel, David with the head of Goliath; A. Alt- dorfer, *289. The chaste Susanna, 290. Alexander's victory at Arbela. Cabinet V. To the left(E.): 245. A. Diirer, SS. Joachim and Joseph (from the so-called Jabach altar-piece) ; *213. H. Holbein the Younger, Portrait of Sir Bryan Tuke, treasurer of King Henry Vlll. ; A. Diirer, **239. Portrait of himself (dated 1500, but shown by the style of execution to be of later date), *236. Portrait of Oswolt Krell (1499); 191. B. Strigel, Emp. Maximilian I.; 246. A. Diirer, SS. Simeon and Lazarus (from the Jabach altar-piece). — S. wall : 286. fl^,Baidwnj/ Gricn, Pfalzgrave Philip the Warlike. 292a. VlrichApt, Triptych : in the centre, SS. Narcissus and Matthew in a landscape ; at the sides, Virgin and Child and St. John. 220. M. Schongauer, Portrait of himself (1483; a later copy by H. Burgkmair) ; 287. H. Baldung Orien, Margrave BernhardUI. of Baden. — W. wall: 223, 224. School of Ratisbon, William IV., Duke of Bavaria, and his consort Maria Jacoba (1526); 293. A. AUdorfer, Mountain-land- scape ; L. Cranaeh the Elder ^ 275. Moses with Aaron and two Pro- phets, 272. Madonna; *243. A. Diirer, Portrait of his teacher Wohl- gemut (1516); 291. A. AUdorfer, Virgin and Child, with angels playing on musical instruments; 294. M. Feselen, Siege of Rome by Porsenna; *212. H.Holbein theYounger, Half-length of DerichBorn » j (1530); *237. A. Diirer, Portrait of a young man (Hans Diirer?); )i 174. In the style of M. Schongauer, Nativity; 288. A. AUdorfer, St. George fighting the dragon. Dutch School (R. IV; Cab. VI-XI). — IV. Room. To the left (E.): 640, 641. Weenix, Still-life; 317, Nic. Eliasz Pickenoy, Ad- miral Tromp. — S. wall: 315, 316. B. van der Heist, Portraits; *579. Jan Wynants, Landscape by morning-light, accessories by A. van de Velde; *359. Frans Hals (more likely of the Flemish School?), Family-portraits; 645. Weenix, Poultry; 313. M.J. Mierevelt, Por- trait; 319,320. J. van Ravesteyn, Portraits; *580. Wynants, Land- scape by evening-light, accessories by A. van de Velde; 307. Bloe- maert. Raising of Lazarus; 322. De Vries, Portrait. — W. wall: 338, 339. F. Bol, So-called portrait of Govert Flinck and his wife; 554. J. van der Meer of Haarlem ( ?), Forest-scene; 343. G. Flinck, Soldiers gaming; Honthorst, 312. Cimon and Pera, 310. St. Peter liberated from prison ; 646. Weenix, Boar-hunt ; Rembrandt, *333 (?). Portrait of himself, 325. Portrait of a man in Turkish costume (1633); 335, 336. Lievens, Portraits of old men ; 487. A. van de Velde, Landscape with cattle by evening-light; 350. O. van den Eeckhout, Isaac blessing Jacob. — N. wall ; 647. M. de Hondecoeter, Cock-fight; 451. A. van der Werff, Mary Magdalen ; 332. Rem- brandt, Abraham's sacrifice (studio-copy); 594. N. Berchem, Land- scape with ruins; *324. Rembrandt, Holy Family (1631); 644. Weenix, Game; 588. J. Both, Autumnal scene in Italy ; 648. Honde- coeter, Cock-fight; 609. Beerstraien, Storm at sea. — E. wall: 566. 11* 164 Route 28. MUNICH. Old Pinakothek. A. van Eoerdingen ^ Norwegian lanJscape with waterfall; 592. A^. Berchem, Laban and Jacob. Cabinet VI. To the left (E.l : A. Cuyp, 476. Landscape, 474. Officer with a grey horse; 530. Es.van de Velde, Skaters. — S.wall : 491. A. van de Velde, Cattle; 471. P. Potter, Cows and goats; 490. A. van de Velde, Shepherd at a well.— W. wall: *472. Paul Potter, Cattle; 541, 540. S. van Ruysdael , Landscapes; Isaac van Ostade, *378. Winter- scene, 381. Village-fair; 321. J. van Ravesteyn, Portrait; 314. M. J. Mierevelt, Portrait of himself; J. van Ooyen, 535. Landscape, 537. View of Leyden. Cabinet VII. To the left (E.): 551. Jac. van Ruysdael, Group of oaks and a torrent; *424. Gahr. Metsu, Twelfth Night; *542. Sal. van Ruysdael, River-scene; 624. J. de Heem, Flowers; 629. A. van Beyeren, Still -life. — S. wall: 597. N. Berchem , 587. J. Both, Landscapes. — W. wall: *548. Jac. van Ruysdael, Marshy forest; *478. K. duJardin, The sick goat; *544. Jac. van Ruysdael, The sandy road (1667); 610. L. Bakhuysen, Antwerp harbour; 351, 352. J. Backer, Portraits. Cabinet VIII. To the left (E.): Rembrandt, *331. Adoration of the Shepherds (1646), *326. Descent from the Cross, *827. Cru- cifixion (1633); 348. G. van den Eeckhout, Jesus teaching in the Temple. — S. wall: *583, 584. J. Both, Landscapes with Mercury and Juno ; *623. J. deHeem, Fruit; 401. G.Dou, Old woman cut- ting bread; *369. A. van Ostade, Peasants drinking and smoking. — W. wall : Rembrandt, *328. Ascension (1636), *329. Resurrec- tion, *330. Entombment (1639). This remarkable series of scenes from the history of Christ (Nos. 326- 331) was executed in 1633-39 for Prince Frederick Henry, Stadtholder of the Netherlands. The finest of the series is the Entombment, which is painted with a broad and vigorous touch, and is of ample, dry, and gran- ulated impasto. The colouring in general is sombre, and in the back- ground and the figures in the foreground there are shades of brown which recall the Spanish colourists. A powerful effect is produced by the group on which the high light falls, where the colours have been laid on with great freedom. — '■Remhrandl; sa Vie et ses (Euvres\ by C. Vosmaer. Cabinet IX. To the left (E.) : 372. A. van Ostade, Merry peas- ants : *545. Jac. van Ruysdael, Forest-scene ; 577. J. Wynants, Landscape; *409. F. van Mieris the Elder, Oyster-breakfast; 371. A. van Ostade, Boors brawling ; 392. J.Steen, Physician feeling the pulse of a patient ; G.Dou, 403. Old woman eating, 396. Girl with a light at a window, 402. Old woman at a window; 370. A. van Ostade, Merry peasants; 546. J. van Ruysdael, Forest-scene; 373. A. van Ostade, Peasants drinking. — S. wall: Isaac van Ostade, 377. Scene on the ice, 376. Interior of a cottage ; 353. 8. de Ko- ninck, Jesus in the Temple ; 510. Ph. Wouwerman, Grey horse. — W. wall: 419. F. van Mieris, Trumpeter; 477. K. duJardin, Sheep and goats; 425. G. Metsu, Cook in the larder; *388. G. Terburg, Trumpeter bringing a lover-letter ; 539. J. van Ruysdael, Landscape ; Old Pinakothek. MUNICH. 28. Route. 165 G. Dou, 398. Woman selling herrings, *397. Portrait of himself; *389. G. Terburg, Boy with a dog. Cabinet X. To the left (E.) : *423. F. van Mieris, Lady at her mirror; 407, G. Dou, Lady at her toilet; 391. J. Steen, Card- players quarrelling; F. van Mieris, *415. Lady playing the lute, *417. Lady in a swoon, *414. Lady with a parrot; 614. J. van der Heyden, Street-scene; G. Dou, 393. Old painter at an easel, 399. Hermit. — S. wall : G. Dou, 395. Old market-woman, 408, 400. Hermits ; *550. J.vanRuysdael, Waterfall; *361. Th. deKeyser, Man and wife ; *628. A. van Beyeren, Still-life ; 374. A. van Ostade, Man drinking. — W.wall : 404. G.Dou, Old woman combing a boy's hair ; 553. J. van der Meer van Haarlem, Margin of a forest; 427. Slinge- land, Cradle; G. Dou, *394. Quack, *405. Girl emptying a can; 627, 622. J. de Heem, Flowers and fruit ; F. van Mieris, *420. Of- ficer asleep, 422. Boor cutting tobacco; 549. J.vanRuysdael, Thaw in the village. Cabinet XI. To the left (E.): Ph. Wouwerman, 503. Watering horses, 501. Stable; 488. A. van de Velde, Ferry; 652, 653. J. van Huysum , Fruit and flowers ; *582. J. Wynants, Landscape ; Ph. Womverman, *496. Deer- hunt, 499. Leaving the stable, 513, Draught of fishes. — S. wall : 506. Ph. Womoerman, Battle of Nord- lingen; 613. Willem van de Velde the Younger, Calm sea; 436. Eglon van der Neer, Lady in a faint ; 567. A. van Everdingen, Storm at sea; 507. Ph. Wouwerman, Plundering of a village. — W. wall : 468. W. van Mieris the Younger, Fishmonger; 505. Ph. Wouwerman, Scene on the ice; *651. J. van Huysum, Fruit; *426. Pieter de Hooch, Interior with woman reading ; Ph. Wouwerman, 500. Wag- goners at a ferry, 508. Sportsmen resting, 502. Watering horses; 625. J. de Heem, Fruit; 406. Dou, Woman baking cakes. Flemish School (RR. V-VII. ; Cab. XII-XVI). — V. Room. To the left (E.) : 786. Rubens , Portrait of a young man (after Joost van Cleve)', *813. J. Jordaens, The satyr and the peasant; 871. G. de Crayer, Portrait. — S. wall: *663. Neufchatel, Neudorfer, the mathematician, and his son; 934. K. E. Biset, Picture-gallery (the pictures on the walls by various Antwerp artists); 869. G. de Crayer, Madonna enthroned with saints; 664, 665. Neufchatel, Portraits; 944. F. Millet, Landscape; 961. P. de Vos, Bear-hunt. — W. wall : Frans Snyders, 957. Two young lions pursuing a roc-decr, 956. Lioness killing a wild boar; 969. P.Boel, Still-life. — N. wall : 812. C. de Vos, Family von Hutten; *814. J. Jordaens, As the old cockcrows, the young one learns; 925. D. Teniers the Younger, Fair at Florence (after Callot") ; *955. Snyders, Kitohen-piece. — E. wall : *729. Rubens and J. Brueghel, Madonna in a garland of flowers; 954. Snyders, Poultry-dealer. VI. Room, with the adjoining Cabinet XII. (see p. 166), con tains exclusively works by Rubens or from his studio. To the left (E.): **734. Lion-hunt. — S. wall: **737. Perdition of lost soul n- ^ jft \ - K 166 Route 28. MUNICH. Old Pinakothek. 724. Seneca; *752.Meleager and Atalanta; **782. Portraits of Rubens and his first wife, Isabella Brant; 726. Martyrdom of St. Lawrence; *735. The Last Judgment (the large picture) ; *794. Portrait of his second wife, Helena Fourment ; 750. SS. Peter and Paul; **757. Massacre of the Innocents; *784. Earl and Countess of Arundel; *728. Seven children with festoons of fruit ; *754. Drunken Silenus. — W. wall : 787. Philip IV. of Spain ; *798. Kubens and Helena Fourment in a garden ; *799. Portrait of a scholar ; 749. The Trinity ; *800. Portrait of Dr. van Thulden; *744. Samson betrayed by De- lilah ; 788. Elizabeth of Bourbon, first wife of Philip IV. of Spain. — N.wall: *797. Helena Fourment and her son ; 731. Diana; *795. Por- trait of Helena Fourment; 730. Nymphs surprised by satyrs ; 739. The woman of the Apocalypse ; *746. Christ and the penitents ; **759. Pastoral scene; *791. Franciscan; *748. Crucifixion; 790. Cardinal Don Ferdinand of Spain ; 736. Fall of the Angels ; **727. Rape of the daughters of Leucippus by Castor and Pollux ; 725. Drunken- ness and Wantonness overcome by Virtue and Temperance. — E. wall: 755. War and Peace; 753. Reconciliation of the Romans and the Sabines. Cabinet XII. Contains exclusively pictures by, or attributed to, Rubens (comp. R. VI, p. 165). To the left (E.) : 762. St. Chri- stopher. — 838. The Last Judgment (the small picture). 'Very happily and with a proper feeling of his own powers, Rubens has here given only a corner in the background to the Blessed, whose heavenly calm and ethereal existence he was incapable of expressing ; and he has devoted the whole of the remaining space to the fall of the Damned, his true sphere. . . . The whole produces an admirable effect by the broad manner in which the light is managed. The colouring is powerful, but not extravagant; the treatment particularly easy and clever\ — '2/t/e of Rubens\ bv Prof. Waagen. 758. Pieta. — S. wall: 743. Satyrs; *745. The chaste Susanna; 733. Conversion of Paul; *761. Landscape, with rainbow; 760. Browsing cattle; 732. Destruction of Sennacherib's army. — W. wall : *793. Portrait of a girl. — **742. Battle of the Amazons. 'The admirable effect of the whole is increased by a decided and masterly arrangement of the light ; the colouring is forcible without being overcharged, and the execution of the principal parts must be called careful for Rubens. In the whole range of modern art there exists no other historical battle-piece worthy of being compared with Raphael's Battle of Constantine; and in fact it has the advantage over the latter in the well-planned concentration of interest, and in the contrast afforded by the male and female figures, which is admirably employed.' — Waagen. 792. Old woman; *780. Mourning for Decius (sketch for a picture in the Liechtenstein Gallery, Vienna); *764-779. Sketches of events in the life of Maria de' Medici, for the pictures painted in 1621-26 for the Luxembourg in Paris, now in the Louvre. VII. Room. To the left (E.) : A. van Dyck, 848. The organist Liberti of Antwerp, 827. Rest on the Flight into Egypt, 836. Portrait of MarcheseSpinola (unfinished); 939. J. van Arl from Tivoli; 72. Lenbach, Portrait of a lady; 38. Feuerbach, Madonna and Child with angels; 28. Boheim, Two satyrs pursuing a hare; 177. Rottmann, Greek coast -with rising storm; 186. Zimmermann, Lake of Como; *40. Feuerbach, Hatiz at the fountain; 68. Kobel, Egeria's grotto, near Rome; 121. Schleich, The Lake of Starnberg; *61. Henneberg, The Wild Huntsman; 87. Millner, The Obersee, near Berchtesgaden; 35. Feuerbach, Francesca da Rimini and Paolo, 37. Children bathing, *34. Pietk, 33. Roman woman, 32. The garden of Ariosto, 36. Nymph listening to children performing music; Bocklin, 19. The dragon's cave, 24. Old Roman tavern in spring, *22. Ideal landscape with the journey to Emmaus, 27. Nereid and Triton, 13. The anchorite, 20. Shepherdess with her flock ; 41. Feuerbach, Mother and children at a well. — Room II. Copies of Giov. Bellini, Titian, Palma Vecchio, Veronese, etc., by A. Wolf. First Floor. Room I. M. von Schwind (to the left), 137. TheErl- king; 143. Forest-chapel; 146. Morning-prayer; (to the right) 158. The captive's dream; 135. Nymphs watering a stag; *139. The wed- ding-trip; 151. Number Nip. — To the right, Room II. (right), M. von Schwind, 147. Duel by night; 160. Hero and Leander ; *129. Count Gleichen returning from the Crusades; 153. Father Rhine; 154. The Danube. 174. Steinie, Lorelei (first sketch of No. 175, see below); 48. GenelU, Ezekiel's vision. — To the left, Room III. M. von Schwind, 130-133. Morning, Noon, Evening, Night; 150. AVieland the Smith; 161. Hermit in a rock grotto. — Room IV. *Copies from Titian, Giorgione, Murillo, Velazqnez, Rubens, etc., by Lenbach; to the left of the door, 73. Lenbach, Portrait of himself. — Room V. 175. Stdnle, Lorelei; 123. Schleich. Alp in the Zillerthal ; 76. Len- bach, The Tocador de la Reina at the Alhambra ; 106. Rahl, Portrait of Willers, thejlandscape-painter ; 173. Steinie, Tartini playing the violin on a tower of Padua; 84. H. von Marees, Watering horses ; 109. Rahl, Portrait of a woman; 185. Zimmermann, Brocken Scene from Goethe's Faust; 64. Kirchner, Verona; GenelU, *49. Rape of Europa, *52. Lycurgus fighting with Bacchus and Bacchantes ; 179. Willers, Athens; *103. K. von Piloty, Columbus discovering the New World ; 107. Rahl, Portrait of an old man; 59. Hagn, Garden of the Villa Colonna, at Rome; 55. Bamberger, The Generalifeh, near Granada; 182. A. Wolf, Lovers in a garden at Venice; 115. Rottmann, Greek landscape; 85. Marshall, Tartini's dream ; 171. Stange, Piazza at Venice in moonlight. — End-wall: *62. Hess, Thorwaldsen; 163. 186 Route Z8, :^UNICH. Bronze Foundry. Spitzweg, Serenade; 51. Genelli, Abraham receiving the news of Isaac's birth; 88. B. Morgenstern, Heligoland; 187. R. Zimmermann, Winter-scene by night ; 5. Bamberger, Evening-glow in the Sierra Nevada; *50. OenelLi, Hercules andOmphale; 2. Bamberger, To- ledo ; 74. Lenbach, View of the Yega, from the Torre de las Infan- tas at Granada; 29. Catel, The theatre of Taormina ; 113. Rottmann, The Kochelsee; *81. W. Lindenschmit, The fisherman (Goethe); 53. Genelli, Bacchus and the Muses; 176. Steinle, Adam and Eve; 75. Lenbach, The Alhambra; *53a. Genelli, Composition for the curtain of a theatre; 69. A. Kraus, The Troubadour; 167. Spitzweg, Hermit; 114. Rottmann, The Hintersee, near Berchtesgaden ; 54. Gerhard, Lion Court at the Alhambra by moonlight; 166. Spitzweg, Turkish coffee-house; 116. Rottmann,T\ie spring of Calirrhoe, near Athens; 128. Schiveinfurth, Landscape from the environs of Cervetri, near Rome ; 92. Muhr, Gipsies ; 66. L. von Klenze, Interior of a Sara- cenic chateau near Amalfl; il'o. Schnorr von KaroUfeld, The Erl- king; *168. Spitzweg, Herd-girls on an alp; 79. Lenbach, Portrait of Count Schack; *30. P. von Cornelius, Flight into Egypt [of his early Eoman period ; the landscape in the background is painted by J. A. Koch); 67 J. A. Koch, Lime-kiln near Olevano. — Room VI [lighted from above). Copies of Bellini, Titian, Michael Angelo, Velazquez, etc., by Linhart, Marees, Schwarzer, Wolf, and others. We now return to Room IV and descend the stairs to the right. Room I. (to the left) 94. Naue, Return of Kallias and Arete from the battle of Salamis (after Count Schack's poem 'The Pleiades'); Neureuther, 97. The nun (from Uhland), 99. Madonna, 101. Dream of Rezia (from Wieland"s Oberon); 46. Fiihrich, Introduction of Christianity into ancient Germany; 180. Wislicenus, Fancy borne by the Dreams; 11, Bode, Legend of Charlemagne's birth; 47. Fiihrich, Death of St. John Nepomuk; Copies of Titian, P. Veronese, Cor- reggio, and Seb. del Piombo, by Wolf. — Room II. (to the left), 184. A. Zimmermann, Golgotha at the time of the Crucifixion; ilO.Stange, Tlie evening-bell; 162. Sidorowicz, Evening-scene; Neureuther, *98. Reminiscences of the Villa Mills at Rome, 96. Festival in honour of Cornelius, 102. Reminiscence of Villa Malta at Rome; 181. Wolf, Venetian banquet ; 8. M. von Beckerath, Burial of Alaric, King of the Goths, in the river Busento; 198. Zwengauer, The Kochelsee; 93. iVauc, The Swan Maiden; 169. Stademann, Winter-scene. Copies from Venetian masters, by Wolf and others. The Bronze Foundry (PI. B, 1 ; adm., see p. 142; tramway-line 3, p. 140), in the Erzgiesserei-Str., enjoys a high reputation. Found- ed in 1825 by Stiglmayer (d. 1844J, it was afterwards managed by his nephew Ferd. von Miller, and now belongs to the sons of the latter. The Museum contains the original models of most of the statues cast here, including the head of the Germania on the Niederwald Mon- ument. — A few paces to the N.W., in the Ferdinand-Miller-Platz (PI. B, 1), is the new Church of St. Benno, in the Romanesque style. Rdyal Arienal. MUNICH. 25. Route. 187 Farther to the N.W., on the road to Dachau, I/2 M. beyouii the terminus of tramway- line 3 in the Stiglmayer-Platz, is the Zeug- haus or Boyal Arsenal, with the Military Museum, (arms, banners, uniforms, etc. ; 15-19thcent. ; adm., see p. 142; catalogue 80 pf.). In front of the building are 22 cannons and 4 mortars, several of them with elaborate ornamentation. In the court are French field-pieces, naval guns, and mitrailleuses. — Room I. Head-pieces, helmets, and other objects from the time of Charles Theodore to the present day. The glass- cases contain early implements for artillery and models. In the middle, Bavarian, Franconian, and Swabian banners. — Room II. Flags, weapons, and armour of the i6-17th centuries. Rich collection of pikes, halberds, pole-axes, etc. — Room III. Objects of the end of the 17th and the IBth century. Trophies of the Turkish wars, including the tent of Grand-Vizier Suleyman, captured in 1687 at Mohacs by the Elector Max Emmanuel. Bavarian military types of the 18th century. — Room IV (19th cent.). Trophies of the Napoleonic wars and of 1870-71. Models of muskets, rifles, and cannon, collection of gun-locks and pistols ; orders, medals, presentation swords, uniforms of Bavarian rulers and generals. — Room V. Collection of the modern weapons of different countries, either in use or projected; collection of munitions of war, bullets, cartridges, and cannon- balls. Portfolios and albums with over 3C00 portraits of distinguished military men, pictures of uniforms, etc. — On the staircase and throughout the different rooms 'are the original plaster models of statues of Bavarian rulers, executed in the reign of King Maximilian 11. Beyond the Arsenal lie the Military Hospital,, the Maximilian Bar- racks^ and the Artillery Work-Shops. — Other large military struc- tures have recently been erected in the Marsfeld (PI. A, 2, 3), to the W. of the Stiglmayer-Platz (see above). Among these are the buildings of the Corps of Cadets (facade 735 ft. long), in the Mars- Platz; the Military School, in the Blutenburger-Str. ; and the Military Academy, in the Pappenheimer-Str., the last with a collection of weapons and models on the first floor. The*Basilicaof - The * Palaeontological Collection, under the direction of Prof. Dr. Zittel, is probably the most complete in Europe (nine rooms); the specimens from the animal kingdom are arranged zoologically, those of plants geo- logically. The Prehistoric Collection contains many objects of the stone period and interesting relics of lake-dwellings from the Stamberger-See and Robenhausen. The "Collection of Minerals also deserves inspection. The Zoological- Zootomical Collection includes animals both stuffed and preserved in spirits. The Collection of Physical and Optical Instrtimenfs is interesting, BBpecially to the scientific visitor. Of ancient Greek coins alone the Cabinet of Coins contains 20,000. The Academy also contains an Exhibition of Bavarian Exports (free). The narrow Herzog-Max-Strasse, at the end of the Neuhauser- Strasse, leads to the right to the Synagogue (PL D, 4; adm., see p. 143), built in the Romanesque style by Alb. Schmidt, in 1884-87. — The Neuhauser-Str. ends in the KarUthor (PL D, 5). Outside the gate is the Karls-Platz, on the right side of which is the Hotel Bellevue (p. 137), embellished with frescoes by C. Schraudolph. Adjacent, to the N., at the corner of the Prielmaier-Str. and the Elisen-Str., are the new Courts of Justice (PI. C, D, 4), by Thiersch. Nearly opposite, at the corner of the Maximilians-Platz, is a Statue of Goethe, by Widnmann (1869). — Botanic Garden, see p. 187. From the Karls-Platz the broad Sonnen-Strasse , planted with Bavaria. MUNICH. 2S(- Maria- Einsiedel ascends through wood to the top of the plateau, crossing the state - railway near the Grosshesselohe station (p. 137). — 41/2 M. Grosshesselohe (p. 193)-, footpath to the state- railway-station and to the Isar bridge. 8-10 min. ; past the brewery to the restaurant in the wood, ^/i hr. — Farther on we traverse wood and pass the chateau of Schwanegg (see above). — 51/2 M. Pullach (1910 ft. : *Raben- wirt, with view-terrace; Hydropathic, on the Isar), charmingly situated on the high left bank of the" Isar. The church contains two early-Bavarian altar-pieces (1489) and a figure of the Salvator Mundi of the beginning of the 15th century. — 7 M. Eollriegelskreut-Qrunwald (1955 ft.; Restaurant zum Forsthaus, "near the rail, station). About 1/2 M. to the E. (left) is the Hollriegelskreut Inn^ whence a ferry crosses to Grilnicald (see above). — 91/2 M. Baierlrunn; IIV2 M. Hohenschdf(lai-n (2150 ft.; Hafele's Rail. Re- staurant; Kapuziner), a high -lying village with a fine view. — From (12'/2 M.) Ebenhausen (Post) we' may descend to (V2 M.) the convent of Schdftlarn, with an interesling church (1733-64) and a frequented brewery. Fine view from the Eoschenauer Eiihe (2130 ft.: Inn), V2 M. to the >\W. of the rail, station. From Ebenhausen a marked path leads, via Irschen- hausen, Merlbach, and Aufkirchen. to (2hrs.) Leoni, on the Lake of Slam- berg (p. 196), — Farther on we enjoy a fine view of the Isar valley and the mountains. Beyond (14^/2 M.) Jcking the line descends through deep cuttings and along the hillside (gradient 1:33), afl'ording a good survey of the wide valley of the Isar, with its grey sandy and gravelly islets, and the confluence of the Loisach and the Isar.' We then cross the Loisach and reach — 17 M. Wolfratshausen (Restaurant), the station for which is 1/2 M. from the prettily-situated town (1890 ft. : 1750inhab. ; Hot. -Pens. Kronmuhle, with garden: '-' Haderbrau ; Humplbrdu; Botengarten). Above, on the Cal- varienberg, are shady walks affording delightful views. The Lake of Starn- berg may be reached hence by pleasant routes via Munsing (Inn) to (2 hrs.) Ammerland (p. 196), via Dorfen, Hohenhain, Aufhausen, and Aufkirchen to (2 hrs.) Leoni, or direct from the Calvarienberg to (IV4 br.) Rottmanns- LAKE OF STARNBERG. 29. Route. 195 hohe (p. 196). A road (diligence in 2 hrs.) leads to the S. from Wolfrats- bausen through the valley of the Loisach to (5V4 M.) Eurasburg and (31/4 M.) Beuerherg ; another leads to the S.E. through the Isar vallev to (9 M.) KiJnigsdorf (2053 ft. 5 Post) and thence via Unterbuchen to (10"M.) Tdlz (p. 215j. Pasing, the first station on the Starnbcrg, Lindau, and Augsburg lines (see below and pp. 198, 184; 5 M., in about 1/4 hr.), is the starting-point for a visit to the churches of Pipping and Blutenburg, which possess con- siderable artistic interest. The church of Pipping, 1/2 M. to the N. of Pasing, was built in 1478-79. The interior has remained unchanged, and, with its old stained glass, altars, choir-stalls, and frescoes, aflbrds a charm- ing picture of a late-Gothic country-church of the Loth century. — A few hundred yards to the K. of this lies Blutenburg, now a school of English nuns. The church (fee 50 pf.), built in 1490, contains a high-altar and two side-altars of 1491, with paintings of the Munich school; fine wooden figures of the Apostles, the Virgin, and the E.isen Christ, of the same period; and stained-gla'ts windows of 1497. Excursion to Dachau^ see p. 133. 29. The Starnberger See and Ammersee. The Hohe Peissenberg. Railway from Munich {Slarnberg Station, p. 137) to Starnberg (I71/2 M.) in 34-65 min. -, to Peissenberg (3872 31) in 2-2V4 hrs. — Steamboat from Starnberg to Seeshaupt and back (round the whole lake, 2 Jl 80, 1 ..(( 80 pf.), 10 times daily in summer (oftener on Sundays) in 3 hrs. Steamboat- tickets may be purchased at the railway-station in Munich as well as on board the steamers. A circular ticket entitles the holder to break the journey twice, but a fee of 60 pf. must be paid for each additional halt. The train quits the Lindau line (p. 198) at (41/2 M.) Pasing. 9 M. Plnnegg ; 12 M. Gauting^ with a sulphur-spring. Near (141/2 M.)Afu/ii- thal we have a glimpse of the pretty, wooded Wiirmthal to the left. 772 M. Starnberg (*Bayrischer Hof; '^Bellevue; '*Zum Deut- schen Kaiser, all on the lake; *Zur Eisenbahn; '^Pellet; Tutzinger Hof)^ a considerahle place at the N, end of the lake, is generally crowded in summer. Swimming and other baths next the steam- boat-quay. Rowing boat 80 pf. per hour. The *Lake of Starnberg, or Wiirmsee (1920 ft.), 12^2 M. long and 2-3 M. in width, is enclosed by banks of moderate height, which are covered with villas and parks, especially at the N. end. The principal charm of the scenery is the view of the distant moun- tains in clear weather. The following are the conspicuous peaks, from E. to W. : Wendelstein, Brecherspitze, Kirchstein, Benedikten- wand , Karwendel-Gebirge, Jochberg, Herzogstand, Heimgarten, Krottenkopf, Wetterstein range with the Zugspitze, and Ettaler Mandl. Steamboat Jourxey. On the hill to the right, immediately beyond Starnberg, rises the chateau of Count Almeida. On the bank, farther on, are a number of other villas. Stat. Niederpocking. Pos- senhofen (Jnn) lies about V2 M. from the railway-station of that name (p. 196). Duke Carl Theodor of Bavaria has a chateau here. The garden, enclosed by a high wall, is not shown: but the park, about 2 M. in length, is open to the public. Pleasant walk through 13* 196 Route 29. TUTZING. wood, ascending to the right (way-posts), to (1 M.) Feldafing (see below). In the lake below lies the Roseninsel (shown by order obtained at the 'Oberst-Hofmarschallamt' at Munich, or from the 'Rentamt' at Starnberg). The first station on the E. bank is ScMoss Berg (^Wiesmayers Inn^ ^4 M. from the lake, with garden). About 1/4 M. from the pier is Schloss Berg (adm. 50 pf.), a royal chateau with a large park, where King Lewis II. of Bavaria perished in the lake on June 13th, 18S6. The chateau is plainly fitted up, and contains paint- ings and statuettes, for the most part of scenes and characters from Wag- ner's operas. — A road leads through the park to (1 M.) Leoni (see below), passing the spot where the bodies of King Lewis II. and Dr. von Gudden were found (indicated by a stone column with a cross). Farther on, opposite Possenhofen (boat in ^j^^r.^ 1 Jf)^ lies the neat little village of Leoni (^-'Hotel Leoni, pens. 5 t£). On the hill above it rises the church of Aufkirchen. *Ilottmannsh6he (2195 ft. ; 20 min.). The path ascends opposite the landing-place, and at the top of the hill turns to the right to the Hotel, the roof of which commands a beautiful survey of the lake and Alps (fee 10 pf.)- On a platform in front of the hotel-veranda stands a simple mon- ument erected by the artists of Munich to Karl Rottmann (d. 1850), the famous landscape-painter. On the W. bank a number of parks and gardens extend from Possenhofen to (2^/4 M.) Garatshausen^ with a chateau of Prince Thurn and Taxis. Next stat. Tutzing (^Hotel am See, with a garden ; ^Simson's Bahnhotel, at the rail, station, 1/2 ^- from the lake, with *View from the terrace ; Bierkeller, a restaurant with groups of fine trees, 1/4 ^^- *o the S. of the station), with Hr. von Hallberger's chateau, the pleasant grounds of which are open from 12 to 3 p.m. Below the landing-stage are a bathing-place and swimming-baths. — The Johannesierg^ ^/^ M. to the S. of the railway-station, com- mands a charming view (still finer from the *Ilkah6he, near Ober- zeismering^ 1 hr.). The lake, which forms a bay here towards the W. , called the Karpfenwinkel, has now attained its greatest width (3 M.). Stat. Bernried (Altwirth; Neuwirth), with a chateau of Hr. von Wendland and a fine park, open to the public (good beer at the brewery). The banks become flatter, and the mountains more con- spicuous. Stat. Seeshaupt (Post) lies at the S. end of the lake. The steamer now steers along the wooded E. bank, passing Ambach, Ammerland, with a chateau of Count Pocci, and Allmannshausen^ to Leoni and Starnberg. Railway Journey. — 17V-2 M. Starnberg, see p. 195. 2OV2 M. Possenhofen (p. 195; Hot. -Restaur ant Pocking, 1/4 M- to the right of the station ; Bellevue, in the village of Pocking, 1/4 M. farther on, both with fine views). — 22 M. Feldafing (2160 ft. ; '^Strauch's Hotel, 1/2 M. from the station, with terrace; *H6t.-Pens. Neuschwanstein ; fine view from both), 1 M. from the lake (see above). At (25 M.) Tutzing passengers for Penzberg (p. 213) change carriages. The Weil- heim line turns towards the W. (view of the Zugspitze, etc., to the left). AMMERSEE. 29. Route. 197 271/2 M. Diemendorf ; 3OI/2 M. Wihhofen (to the Ammersee, see below). — At (331/2 M.) Weilheim (1845 ft.; *Post; *Traube; *Brduwastl, with garden), a small town on the Ammer, we change carriages for Peissenberg. (Route to Murnau and Partenkirchen, see p. 207.) Passing Unter-Peissenberg (Fosi)^ the train stops at (881/2 M.) Peissenberg (1930 ft.), where the railway ends. About 1/4 M. from the station is Bad Sulz (2020 ft. ; *Hotel, pens. 4 .//), with mineral springs and shady walks. The best Route to the Hohe Peissenberg (mountain-railway pro- jected), indicated by red and white marks, leads via Bad Sulz, the Sulz- bach Waterfall, the Quellenhati^^ and the Schune Aussicht (to the top V-Ji hr. ; donkeys at Bad Sulz). The descent (blue marks) may be made to the S.E., across the ridge (line views) to the Weinbauei' (Inn, good wine), and thence in windings to (1 hr.) the railway-station of Peissenberg. The *Hohe Peissenberg (3190 ft.)", the Rigi of Bavaria, affords a remarkably extensive panorama owing to its isolated position oppo- site the centre of the Bavarian Alps. On the summit are a pil- grimage-church, a school (with an observatory on the roof; adm. 20 pf.), and an Inn (35 beds). View. The principal mountains visible are, from E. fo W., the Wen- delstein, Benediktenwand, Jochberg (beyond which in the extreme distance peeps the snowy Venediger), Herzogstand, Heimgarten (in front of which lies the Staffelsee), Karwendelgebirge, Kistenkopf, Krottenkopf, Dreithor- spitze, Wetterstein range (with the Zugspitze), Daniel. Hochplatte, Hohe Bleiche, Gabelschroffen, Sauling, Griinten, and Stuiben. To the N. an extensive survey of the plain, embracing the Ammersee, Starnberger See, and innumerable towns and villages as far as Munich and Augsburg. From Peissenberg to Ober-Ammeegau. A carriage-road (diligence daily to Eayersoyen) leads round the E. flank of the Hohe Peissenberg to Bobing (Hydropathic) and (9 M.) RoUenbuch ('Post), with its ancient con- vent, picturesquely situated on the left bank of the deep Ammerthal. Thence past (41/2 M.) Bayersoyen (Inn), near the little Soyen Lake, and (3 M.) Saulgrub (p. 212), to (41/2 M.) Unter-Ammergau and (3 M.) Ober-Am- mergau (p. 211). The Ammersee (1750 ft.), 10 M. long and 88/4 M. broad, is in- ferior to the Starnberger See in landscape beauty. The banks are flat and wooded. It commands a view of the distant Alps to the 8., while the Hohe Peissenberg rises in the foreground. A small steam- boat plies on the lake (3-4 times a day between Diessen and Stegen in 11/2 hr.; fares IV2 or 1 Ji). From Stat. Wikhofen (see above) a diligence runs thrice daily in 2 hrs. via Pdhl, a pleasant village commanded by the Gothic *Hoch- schloss (fine view from the adjoining Sonnenhiigel) , and Fischen to (71/2 M.) Diessen, or Bayerdiessen C^Posl; *Galtinger; Pens. See- richterhaus) , a straggling market-town and summer-resort at the S.W. end of the lake, with the extensive buildings of an old mon- astery (now a chateau of Count Pestalozza). Baths in the lake at the N. end of the town (20 pf.), and at St. Alban, 1/0 M. farther on. The Steamboat crosses the lake fo Fischen (see above), and then skirts the E. bank to Miihlfeld and Herschvtg ("Post, moderate), the station for (3 M.) Andechs (2385 ft.), once the seat of the powerful counts of that name, and now a Benedictine monastery, with a favourite pilgrimage- church. The next stations are Ried on the E. bank, with a line chateau and park (Inn), Ulting (Inn) on the W. bank, and Breitenbrunn (*Be]le), 198 Route 30. BRUCK. on the E. bank. Then, on the W. bank, Schondorf (Inn), ahove which, to the left, are the village and chateau of Greifenberg (1920ft.; Post); at the foot of the hill are the chalybeate baths of that name. The Amper emerges from the lake near stat. Utegen (Inn), at the N. end. A small steamboat plies on the Amper (1/2 hr. ; fares, 90, 60 pf.) to Gvafrath (Inn), 1 M. from the railway-station of the same name (see below; omnibus from the landing-place to the station, or vice versa, 25 pf.). 30. From Munich to Lindau. 137 M. Railway (Bayrische Staatshahn) in 51/4-8 hrs. (fares i.lJl 70, liJl 80, 7 JC 60 pf.). Views to the left. Munich, see p. 137. Soon after leaving the station we see on the right the park and chateau of Nymphenburg (p. 194). 4^/2 M. Pasing is the junction for Augsburg (R. 26) and Starnberg (R. 29). After crossing the Wiirm and passing (7 M.) Aubing, the train enters the boggy Dachauer Moos. — 141/2 M. Bruck (Marthabrdu; Post; Lud- wigshohej, or Fiirstenfeldbruck, pleasantly situated on the Amper , is visited for its river-baths. Near it is the old Cistercian abbey of Fiirstenfeld, now a barrack, with an interesting church of 1673- 1732. — Then across the Amper to (20 M.) Grafrath, station for the Ammersee, which is visible to the left (see above). 241/2 M. Tilrken- feld; 281/2 M. Schwabhausen; 3IV2 M. Epfenhausen. The train crosses the Lech to (35 U.') Kaufering (1939 ft.). Bhanoh Railwat to Schongau (21 M., in 1^/4 hr.). — 3 M. Landsberg CGoggl; ^Zederirdu), a quaint old town on the Lech (5300 inhab.), with the late-Gothic lAehfrauenkirche., founded in 1498. The Rathhaus, recently restored, contains frescoes by Piloty and Schwoiser and an excellent paint- ing , by Hubert Herkomer, of a '-'Sitting of the Landsberg Magistrates. Her- komer, who is a native of Waal, 6 M. from Landsberg, has built the so- called *■ Mutter thurm\ in the English castellated style, adjoining the house at Landsberg in which his mother died (fine views of the town and valley). On the hill is i\\e' Bayer thoi\ a picturesque Gothic gate-tower, with carv- ings in wood. Several small stations. — 21 M. Schongau (^Post; Stern)., an interesting and ancient little town, lies picturesquely on a hill on the Lech. The "Johannisbad here is well fitted up. Fkom Kaufeeing to Bobingen, 14 M., branch-railway in 1 hr., cross- ing the Lechfeld. 14 M. Bobingen, see below. Near (38 M.) Igling is the chateau of that name on the left. — 421/2 M- Btichloe(^aii. Restaurant; Hotel Ensslin, near the station), the junction of the lines to Augsburg and Memmingen. Feom Augsburg to Buchloe , 25 M. , railway in 50-70 min. (from Augsburg to Lindau in 5-8 hrs.). The line traverses the Lech/eld, the plain between the Wertach and Lech, where Otho I. defeated the Hungarians in 955. Near stat. Inningen, to the right, beyond the Wertach, rises the Wellen- burg, a chateau of Prince Fugger. Stations Bobingen (branch-line to Kaufer- ing, see above), Grossaitingen , Schwahmunchen (a manufacturing place), Wester ering en. The line then crosses the Gennadi^ and reaches Buchloe. Fkom Buchloe to Memmingen (29 M. , railway in IV2 hr.). Beyond (2V2 M.) Wiedergeltingen the train crosses the Wertach. 5 M. Tiirkheim. 12 M. Mindelheim, an old town with 3400 inhab. ; in the church is the tomb of Georg von Frundsberg (d. 1528) , a distinguished general. Stations Sletten, Sontheini, Ungerhausen, Memmingen, see p. 33. The train enters the broad valley of the "Wertach. 461/2 M. Beck- stetten; 50 M. Pforzen. Beyond the river is the monastery of Irrsee, KEMPTEN. 30. Route. 1 99 now a lunatic asylum. The background of the landscape is here formed by the Zugspitze (9761 ft.), the Hochplatte (9837 ft.), the Sauling (6683 ft.), and other imposing mountains. Near the old town of (541/2 M.) Kaufbeuren (2241 ft. ; Sonne; HirscK) the line crosses the Wertach, and then winds between dense- ly wooded hills. 58 M. Biessenhofen (Post; branch-line to Fiissen, see p. 202); 61 M. Ruderatshofen ; 691/2 M- Aitrang. A deep cutting penetrates the watershed between the Wertach and the lUer. 691/2 M- Giinzach^ with an old monastery, now a brewery, is the highest point (2628 ft.) of the line ; fine view of the Giinzthal ; to the right Ober- gunzhurg. The Mittelberg^ I/4 hr. to the S.W., is a fine point of view. The line descends, at first among wooded hills, and then through a broad grassy valley with large beds of peat, 76 M. Wildpoldsried ; 771/2 M. Betzigau. The Iller is crossed. 8 11/2 M. Kemp ten (2287 ft. ; *Algduer Eof, Kronprinz, at the station; * Krone, Post, in the new town; Deutscher Kaiser, *Haase, in the old town; Frommlet's old-German wine-room, near the sta- tion ; Rail. Restaurant), the capital of the Algdu, with 15,700 inhab., picturesquely situated on the Iller, which here becomes navigable for rafts, was a free town of the empire down to 1803. It consists of two parts, the Neustadt, on the high ground near the station, and the Altstadt on the Iller. In the Residenz-Platz in the Neustadt stands the old Palace of the once powerful Prince-Abbots of Kemp- ten, built in the 18th cent.; adjacent is the handsome Abbey Church, with a dome in the Italian style (1652). In the Altstadt are the Rathhaus, lately restored, and the Protestant Church in the St-Mang- Platz. In front of the Real-Schule is a War Monument of 1870-71. To the S. of the town, 10 min. from the station, rises the *Burghalde, a hill with new promenades and remains of old walls and towers. Splendid view of the Algau Alps. Still finer from the "Marienherg (3035 ft.), 1 hr. to the W., best reached by Feilberg and Eggen. Fkom Kemften to Ulji, railway via Memmingen in 4 hrs., the direct route from Stuttgart to the Algau, Hohenschwangau, etc., see p. 33. — From Kempten to Fiissen and Reutte, see p. 202. Beyond Kempten, from which the train backs out, the line fol- lows the left bank of the Iller. Finest views to the left. Beyond (85 M.) Waltenhofen (2362 ft.) the Niedersonthofer See (2240 ft.) is seen on the right, at the foot of the Stoffelsberg (3900 ft.). 88 M. Oberdorf. The line approaches the Iller. To the left is the green and sharp-edged Orimten (p. 200). 95 M. Immenstadt (2395 ft. ; *Kreuz or Post; *Hirsch; Engel; Traube, with beer-garden), a busy town of 3000 inhab., lies pictur- esquely on both banks of the Steigbach , near the confluence of the Konstanzer Ach and the Iller, at the foot of the Immenstadter Horn (5050 ft.) and the Mittag (4688 ft.). Fine views from the Calvarienberg (1/4 hr. to the N.) and from the Rothenfels (I/2 hr. to the N.W., near the E. extremity of the Alpsee, see below). — The ascent of the ""Stuiben (5790 ft. ; 3-3V2hrs., guide unneces- sary) is recommended. Cart-road up the Steigbach valley to the (13/4 hr.) Almagmach Inn (3385 ft.) , and footpath thence to the (IV4 hr.) Sluiben- 200 Route 30, OBERSTDORF. From Munich Hulie (Inn in summer), about 20min. below the summit, which commands a splendid view. From Immenstadt to Oberstdoef, 13 M., railway in li/i hr. — 3 M. Blaichach; o'^/^ M. Sonthofen (Deutsches Hans, at the rail, station^ Engel), whence the *Grunten (5710 ft.), another excellent point of view, may be easily ascended via (2V2 M.) Burgherg in 2i/2-3 hrs. (Inn near the top). — 9 M. Fischen. — 14 M. Oberstdorf (2665 ft.; Mohr; Hirsch; Sonne, etc.), a favourite summer-resort, beautifully situated in the midst of the Algau Alps, near the confluence of the Trettach^ ,Stillach, and Breitach, the val- leys of which with their ramifications afford a great variety of excursions: To the Falterhach Waterfall, 25 minutes. — Hofmannsruhe (2885 ft.), 1/2 hr., via St. Loretto (fine view from the hill; on the S. side is the Alpenrose Inn). — ■' Wasach, 1 hr. We follow the Fischen road and beyond the Breitach bridge ascend to the left by a shady path to the Inn, where we enjoy a beautiful view of the Algau Alps (best by eveniDg- light). We may return via Tiefenbach (I72 hr.). — '^ Freiberg-See (3085 ft. ; V/t hr.) ; beyond (1/4 hr.) St. Loretto (see above) a footpath diverges to the right from the Birgsau road, crosses (10 min.) the Stillach, and ascends through wood to the charming, dark-green lake (Restaurant and bathing-house). — '^Spiel- mannsau (Trettach-Thal), 2 hrs., carriage-road via St. Loretto (see above) and the Burgstall , skirting the N. foot of the Himmelschroffen , to the hamlet of Spielinannsau (3510 ft. ; *Inn), amid grand scenery. — *HoUtobel, 11/2 hr,, attractive. Beyond the Burgstall (see above) we diverge to the left from the Spielmannsau road, cross the Trettach, and ascend (right) to the picturesque ravine in which the Dietersbach forms three beautiful waterfalls. — Oythal (to the Stuiben Fall 3 hrs.), repaying; carriage-road half the way. — Zwingsteg and Walser Schdmle, IV2 hr. A carriage-road crosses the Stillach to the W. of Oberstdorf and ascends along the hill- side to the Walser Schanzle (Inn, good wine), just beyond the Austrian frontier, in the valley of the Breitach or Kleine Walser-Thal. About 8 min. before it is reached, a path descends to the right to the Zwingsteg^ a bridge over the deep and narrow gorge of the Breitach. Crossing the bridge, we may descend along the left bank and return to (1 hr.) Tiefen- bach, or (11/4 hr.) Oberstdorf. — Birgsau (Stillach-Thal), by road 6 M. ; footpath thence to the left along the wild gorge of the Stillach to (1/2 hr.) Einodsbach (3745 ft. ; Schraudolph's Inn), grandly situated at the mouth of the huge Backer Tobel^ near the foot of the Madelegabel. — For details, mountain-ascents {Nehelhorn, Madelegabel^ Hohe Licht, etc.) and the passes to Hinterstein, the Lech Valley, and the Bregenzer-Wald, see Baedeker's Eastern Alps. The train now turns to the W. into the valley of the Ach, reaches the village oiBilhl, on iheAljpsee (2355ft. ; 2M. long), and runs through the pleasant Konstanzer-Thal, flanked with green hills, to (102 M.) Thalkirchdorf. It then ascends to (IO572 M.) Ober- staufen (2598 ft. ; *Buttner') , the watershed between the Danube and the Rhine. At the end of a short tunnel , just before Ober- staufen is reached, and at several points beyond it, we obtain strik- ing views of the deep Weissach-Thal, the wooded mountains of Bre- genz, and the snow-clad peaks of Appenzell beyond. From Ober- staufen to the Lake of Constance the line descends 1280 ft. Beyond (110 M.) Harbatzhofen the valley is crossed by the Renter shofener Damm, an embankment 577 yds. in length and 174 ft. in height. 114 M. Rothenbach (2319 ft.). Farther on we obtain another view of the Appenzell mountains. 123 M. Hergatz (1815 ft. ; branch-line vikWangen to Kisslegg^ p. 54) ; 128 M. Sehlach- ters ; 132 M. Oberreitnau. The line skirts the Hoierberg (p.201) and then turns to the S.E. Beautiful view of the Lake of Constancej on to Lindau. LINDAU. SO. Route. 201 the left Bregenz, in the foreground Lindau, and beyond it the mountains of St. Gallen and Appenzell. An embankment 605 yds. long crosses an arm of the lake to the station of — 137 M. Lindau. — ^Baybischer Hof, on the lake, near the station, R., L., (fe A. 3-4, I). 3 M; 'Krone, '-Hotel Reotemann, "Lindauer Hof, R. IV2-2V2, D. 21/2 Jl, Helvetia, R. I'/i-lVz -^/, all on the lake; Sonne, in the Reichsplatz •, Pension Gartchen auf der Macer, on the mainland. — Beer at the Krone, and in the Seegarien, next the Bayrischer Hof; Schiitzengarten, with view ; adjacent, /Ju/j^w's wine-saloon ; Rail. Restaurant. — Lake Baths on the N.W. side of the town (30 pf.). — English Church Service in summer. Lindau (1306 ft.; pop. 5400), formerly a free imperial town and fortress, and in the middle ages a busy trading place, lies on an island in the Lake of Constance^ 240 yds. from the mainland, with which it is connected by the railway-embankment and a wooden bridge. It is now a favourite summer-resort and bathing- place. The Komans under Tiberius defeated the Celtic Vindelici in a naval battle on the lake, and founded on the island a fort, of which the ancient tower by the bridge (the so-called Heidenmauer) is a relic. On the quay is a Statue of King Max IL (d. 1864) in bronze, erected in 1856. At the end of the S. pier is a large lion in marble, and on the opposite pier a lighthouse. The harbour is ad- joined to the S. by the Alte Schanz, which commands a *View of the Alps from the Scesaplana to the Sentis (mountain indicator). In the neighbouring Reichs-Platz is the Reichsbrunnen, erected in 1884 from a design by Thiersch and Riimann, with a bronze statue of 'Lindauia' and other allegorical figures. The handsome Ratlihaus in the Renaissance style, erected in 1422-36, restored and adorned with frescoes in 1885-87, contains an interesting collection of anti- quities (open 11-12, Sun. 2-5). Pleasant grounds by the Landthor, with a monument for 1870-71. Excursions. Pleasant walk on the W. bank of the lake (crossing the railway -embankment, and turning to the left), to the (2 M.) charmingly situated Schachenbad {^'Restaurant <& Pension Freihof, 22-30 Jl per week), with mineral and lake-baths. Near it Q/t M.) is the Lindenhof, or Villa Gruber, with a beautiful park, hot-houses, etc. (adm. Frid. free, on other days 1 Jf ; closed on Sundays). Thence along the bank of the lake, by Tegelstein (.to the right the finely situated Schloss Alicind) and Mitten, to (2 M.) Wasserburg CHGt.Pens. Springer, with terrace), with a chateau and church, situated on a peninsula. Back by steamer. — Beautiful view from the (2/4 hr.) *Hoier- berg (1496 ft.), reached either by the path parallel with the railway, or by the road from the Landthor through Aeschach (Schlatter) to the hamlet of Hoiren at the foot of the vine-clad hill. Two inns and a belvedere at the top. Keturn via Emisweiler ('Schmid's Restaurant) and Schachen (Schlossle). To Bregenz (the Gebhardsherg, P/dnder, etc.), see Baedeker's Eastern Alps. The Lake of Constance (1300 ft.) is about 40 M. in length, 71/2 M. in width, and at the deepest place (between Friedrichshafen and Utweil) 837 ft. in depth. Its principal feeder is the Rhine, the deposits of which have formed a broad delta at its influx between Bregenz and Rorschach. The river emerges from the lake at Constance. This vast sheet of water, with its picturesque and well-peopled banks, its green and wooded hills on the S. side, and the view it commands of the distant snow-mountains, presents a very striking scene to the traveller approaching the Alps for the first time. The principal places on the lake are Friedrichshafen, Lindau, Bregenz, Rorschach, Romanshorn , Constance, Meersburg, Ueherlingen, and Ludicigs- hafen, between which steamboats ply at least once a day. On the more 202 liouteSl. OEERDORF. important routes, Lindau-Rorschach (li/ilir.), Lindau-Eomansliorn (li/'ilir.), Friedrichshafen-Rorschach (I1/4 hr.), Friedrichsliafen-Romansliorn (1 lir.), Friedriclisliafen-Constance (iVa hr.), there are 3-4 trips daily. The lake being neutral, passengers' luggage is liable to examination at the custom- house wherever they land; but those proceeding from one German port to another obtain exemption by procuring a ticket for their luggage on atarting. The banks of the lake belong to five different states: Bavaria, Wurtemberg, Baden, Switzerland, and Aiistria. (See Baedeker's Switzer- land^ and comp. p. 57.) 31. From Munich to Fiissen (Hohenschwangau) and Reutte. SOV'2 M. Railway to Biessenhofen, 58 M., in 13/4-3V4 hrs. (fares IJl 60, bJi^ 3Jl 20 pf.); from Biessenhofen to Fiissen, 23 31., local railway in i3/4 hr. (iJl, 2jl 90, IJl SO pf.). — Diligence from Fiissen to Reutte (91/2 M.) twice daily in 2 hrs. (fare iJl 50 pf.). — Carriage from Fussen to Hohenschwangau with one horse 3, with two horses 5 Jl ; to Xeu- Schwansteia 7 or 10 Jli; to Reutte 6 or 10 Jt ; to Linderhof 18 or 30 Jl ; to Oberau 36 or 50 Jl. Return-journey in each case one-half more; but an arrangement must be made as to the length of the halt. Driver's fee 10 per cent of the fare. From Kempten (p. 199) to Fcssen (25 M.), carriage-road (railway to Pfronten under construction); carr. to Hohenschwangau, with one horse 20, with two horses 36 Jl. We cross the railway-bridge (fine view) and in 12 min. reach the road to (3 M.) Durach (3 M. to the S. of which, near Sulzberg, lie the small but well-equipped iodine baths of Sulzbrunn). Thence we ascend through wood, pass Zoll/iaus, and reach (V/2 M.) Oy, a lofty village with a fine view, beyond which we descend to cross the Werfach, remounting again to (3^/4 M.) Ness elwang (2845 ft. ; *Pos<; *A>o7i€; *Bdr), with 1200 inhab., 71/2 M. from stat. Weizern-Hopferau (diligence twice daily in 2 hrs., via Weissbach; see below). The ascent of the "Edelsberg (5330 ft.), which commands a splendid view extending to the Sentis and the Lake of Constance, may be made hence by an easy mark- ed path in 2 hrs. (10 min. from the top is the open Edelsherg Pavilion; at the top an 'orientation' table). Descent to Pfronten (see below). — The road now leads through Kappel and (3^/4 M.) TFej5s6oc7i ('Haf) and past the Weissensee to (71/2 M.) Fiissen. — To Reutte, a direct road diverges to the right at Weissbach (see above), which with the following villages of KircMorf and Steinach belongs to the parish of Pfronten (Frons Raetiae)^ consisting of thirteen villages. From. F/ronten-Halden (IV2M. from Weiss- bach) we may ascend the Edelsberg (see above) in 3 hrs. Pfronten- Steinach^ 2V4 M. from Weis.'^bach, is a good starting-point for the attractive ascent of the Aggenstein (6505 ft.; 4 hrs., with guide). From Pfronten- Meitlingen., 11/2 M. from Weissbach, a road, constructed by King Lewis II. along with an aqueduct 450 yds. long, ascends the *Falkenstein (4190 ft.), at the top of which, commanding a splendid view, is a ruined castle (restaurant). The descent may be made to (1 hr.) Schonbichl (see below). — A pleasant path leais on the right bank of the Ach from Pfronten-Dorf to the (1 hr.) Fallmiilde (3260 ft.; Inn, with pretty grounds), whence we may go on to the Kothbach Fall. — Beyond (2 M.) Steinach the road follows the broad valley of the Vils., crosses the Austrian frontier to the (2 M.) 'Schonbichl Tavern, and leads via (3 M.) the small town of Vils (2735 ft. ; Huter) to the (IV2 M.) Ulrichs-Briicke (p. 206). From Munich to (58 M.) Biessenhofen., see p. 199. The Branch Railway to Fussen diverges here to the left. — 11/2 M. Ehenhofen ; 4 M. Oberdorf (2395 ft. ; AltePost; NeuePost), a market-town with a loftily situated church and an old chateau. — 7 M. Leuterschach ; 9 M. Balteratsried ; 11 M. Lengenivang ; I41/4 M. Seeg, a well-built (J TT^mf^tt^^^^^^t: m FUSSEN. 31. Route. 203 village on the hill to the right. Beyond (16 M.) Enzenstetten the ruin of Falkensteln (p. 202) appears to the right. 1772 ^1- Weizem- Hopferau; in the distance, to the left, the chateau of Neu-Sch wan- stein is visible. 20 M. Relnertshof^ on the E. bank of the Hopfensee, 23 M. FiiSSen. — The Railway Station (omn. of the Hohenschwangau Inns, see below ; carr., p. 202) lies a short distance from the town, at the entrance to which we follow the main street, reaching the bridge over the Lech in 6-8 minutes. — Hotels. Post, Mohren, both in the main street, R. IV2 Jl ; Nece Post; Kuone; Lowe; Sonne, etc. Fiissen (2615 ft.), a small town (3000 inhab.) on the I-ec/t, with a castle erected by the bishops of Augsburg in 1322, restored by King MaxIL, and the remains of its old walls, presents an attractive picture of a mediaeval fortified town. Below the castle are the sup- pressed Benedictine abbey of St. Mang^ founded in 6"29 (present building, 18th cent.), and the Church of St. Magnus, erected in 1701 on older foundations. The gate in the town-wall between the castle and the church commands a fine view. — About V2^1- to the W. is the small sulphur bath of Faulenbach. On the right bank of the Lech, a few hundred paces above the bridge, a path (guide-post) with pilgrimage-stations ascends from the church to the Calvarienberg (2/4 hr.), surmounted by three crosses, and command- ing a beautiful view : N. the valley of the Lech and Fiissen, S.W. the Schwansee, Hohen-Schwangau, and Neu-Schwanstein. A footpath leads hence, skirting the Schwansee, direct to (1 hr.) Hohenschwangau. The Road fromFussen to Hohenschwangau (3M.) crosses the Lech, turns to the left, and ascends the right bank of the Lech, pass- ing the Alterschroffen Inn. It then turns to the right, skirts the Schlossberg, and leads through the park to Hohenschwangau. — Pedestrians follow the road to Reutte (p. 206), to the right beyond the bridge, for 5 min., then ascend the path to the left on the slope of the Calvarienberg, which leads past the (7 min.) view-point known as the 'Kanzel', crosses a cart-track, and passes through wood to (25 min.) the saddle between the Calvarienberg and the Schwar- zenberg. Here we reach the so-called Konigliche Reitu-eg, which begins at the Schwarzbriicke (p. 206). We descend this path, with a view of Neu-Schwanstein and (farther on) of Hohenschwangau (to the right), and before reaching the Schwansee take the footpath to the right across the ridge, where the 'Alpenrosen-Weg' (see below) joins our route, to (1 hr.) the village of Hohensi^hwangau. — A longer route (2 hrs.) is offered by the Alpenrosen-Weg, which begins at the Weisshaus (p. 206) and winds along the slope of the Schwar- ienberg, commanding beautiful views. This route may be joined from the Schwarzbriicke or from the saddle between the Calvarien- berg and the Schwarzenberg (see above). Hohenschwangau. — Hotels. Schwegerle zcr Alpenbose, beauti- fully situated on the Alpsee, R. from 3, B. 1 Jf 20, pens, from 6 J/ ; ^ScuwANSEE, V* ^I- from the Alpsee, quieter, R., L., & B. li/a-S, D. 3, pens. 6-8 J^ (in May and June 5 ,S) ; *Liesl Inn, plainer. — All these have omnibuses at the station of Fiissen (1 J/). The castles of Hohenschwangau and Neu-Schwanstein are ope from 204 Route 31. HOHENSCHWANGAU. From Munich May 1st to Oct. 15th, week-days 9-12 and 2-5, Snn. 10-12 and 2-5; closed on June I3tli, the anniversary of King Lewis II/s death. Hohenschwangau (2735 ft.), a small village at the foot of a Mil crowned by the castle of the same name, is a pleasant summer-resort with numerous attractive walks in the vicinity. It lies near the beautiful blue *Alpsee, which is girdled with fine woods, while the steep crags of the Pilgerschroffen rise above its S. end. Opposite the Alpenrose Hotel begins the 'Fiirsten-Strasse' (open to pedes- trians only), from which (3 min.) a road to the right to Schloss Hohenschwangau and (8 min.) the above-mentioned footpath to Fiissen diverge. About 40 paces farther on a footpath leads to the left to the Tindar-Platz', a rocky projection with a fine view of the lake (p. 206). Well-made paths make the entire circuit of the lake (11/4 lir.). — The footpath to the old Schloss ascends opposite the Liesl Inn. Tickets (50 pf.) to the right of the vestibule. *Schloss Hohenschwaiigau (2930 ft.), formerly called Schwan- stein, originally belonged to the house of Guelph, but in 1191 came into the possession of the Hohenstaufen dukes of Swabia and in 1567 passed to the dukes of Bavaria. In the 17th and 18th cent, it was several times besieged and captured. It was destroyed by the Tyrolese in 1809, sold for a trifling sum in 1820, and in 1832 pur- chased by King Max II. of Bavaria (d. 1864), then crown -prince, who caused the ruin to be entirely re-constructed by Quagllo, Ohl- muller, and Ziebland^ and decorated v\4th frescoes from German le- gend and history by Schwind, Lindenschmit, Ruhen^ Monten, and other Munich artists. The castle commands charming views of the plain, the Alpsee, and Neu-Schwanstein. It was the favourite re- sidence of King Max II. and Lewis II., the latter of whom spent his later years almost exclusively here. The little garden, to the left of the entrance to the castle, contains a Marble Bath, cut oat of the rock, with two nymphs, by Schwanthaler, and an imitation of the Lion Fountain of the Alhambra, by the same artist. Opposite the ascent to Hohenschwangau, near the Liesl Inn, begins the road to (35 min.) Neu-Schwanstein, from which (5 min.) the road to the Blockenau (p. 205) diverges to the right; 6 min. farther on (opposite the footpath from the Hotel Schwansee) a steep footpath ascends on the right to the Jugend; and 12 min. farther on a bridle-path diverges to the right, near a workmen's barrack on the left side of the road, to the Marienbrucke and the Jugend. The road next passes a restaurant (open in summer only) and in 8 min. reaches the castle of — *Neu-Schwanstein (3300 ft.), begun by King Lewis II. in 1869 on the site of the old castle of Vorder-Hohenschwangaii, and beauti- fully situated on a precipitous rock above the profound ravine of the Pbllat. The castle, built in the Romanesque style by Von Doll- mann^ Riedel, and Hofmann^ is planned somewhat after the style and arrangement of the AVartburg, but on a much larger scale. to Reutte. NEU-SCHWANSTEIN. 31. Route. 205 Through the Thorbau or Gatehouse on the N.E. (where tickets are obtained ; Sj^; adm., see p. 204) we enter the first court, in which to the right (N.W.) is the Palas or main building, to the left (S.E.) the Kemenate or women's apartments, and in the middle the Ritter- bau. The visit takes 3/4-I hr. The castle is splendidly fitted up, and its windows command beautiful views, especially of Hohenschwan- gau and the Alpsee to the S., and of the profound gorge of the Pollat and its waterfall, spanned by the Marienbrucke, to the E. The imposing Palas has four stories : the groundfloor contains the offices, the first floor is occupied by the attendants, the second is un- finished, and the royal apartments are on the third. Visitors ascend to the third floor by a staircase of 96 steps in the massive N. tower, 195 ft. high. The landing at the top of the staircase is adorned with frescoes by Hauschild, illustrating the legend of Sigurd. To the left we pass through ihe Adjutant's Room to the Ki7ig's Study, with scenes from the story of Tann- hauser by Aigner; and thence through the Stalactite Grotto to the former Winter Garden, a balcony commanding a fine view of the plain. Next follow the Sitting Room, with pictures from the Lohengrin legend by Hau- schild ^ the Dressing Room, with scenes from the lives of Walter von der Vogelweide and Hans Sachs by Hie; the Gothic Bedchamber, with illustra- tions of the story of Tristan and Isolde bySpiess; the Orafory, with scenes from the life of Lewis IX. by Hauschild (fine view of the valley of the Pollat from the balcony). The Dining Hall is embellished with scenes from the Wartburg under the Landgrave Hermann, by F. Piloty. The ante-chamber leads back to the landing, whence we enter the (unfinished) Throne Room, fitted up in the Byzantine taste, with pictures by Hauschild, representing the relations of monarchy to religion. It has a mosaic floor and an open loggia. — Aigner has also adorned the landing at the top of the staircase on the fourth floor with a series of 12 pictures from the story of Gndrun. On this floor is the 'Festsaal or Sdngersaal (Minstrels' Hall), 90 ft. long, with pictures from Wolfram von Eschenbach's 'ParzivaP by Spiess, Munsch, and Piloty. A footpath, leaving the road at the N. angle of the castle and run- ning under the N.W. facade, brings us to the S.W. side, near which the above-mentioned bridle-path ascends. [Before the latter is reached, a poor footpath descends to the left to the Gorge of the Pollat, where we have a view of the castle and of the Pollat Waterfall from below.] We ascend by the bridle-path and in 5 min. reach a point whence two foot- paths diverge : one, to the right, leading down to the *Jugend, a clearing in the wood commanding a view of Hohenschwangau and the Alpsee, like that from Neu-Schwanstein (the path descends still farther to the road, see below) ; the other, to the left, ascends to the *Marienbriicke, a hand- some iron bridge 138 ft. long, which boldly spans the rocky gorge of the Pollr t at a height of 295 ft. above the waterfall and afi"ords the best view of the castle of Neu-Schwanstein. — Returning from the bridge, we take the path to the left, which brings us in 4 min. to the Blockenau road, at which also the bridle - path ends (to Hohenschwangau by this road 1/2 hr.). From Neu-Schwanstein a direct footpath leads to Linderhof (p. 212) in 6 hrs. (to the Ammerwald Inn, 31/2 hrs.), through the Blockenau and across the Schiitzensteig or Jagersteig (4660 ft. \ guide unnecessary). To the Tegelberg Alp, 3 hrs., a pleasant excursion. We ascend the road to (3 M.) the Blockenau (see above), diverging to the left at the 'Ver- botener Weg' placard (permission obtained from the forester) and ascend- ing in windings to the (2 hrs.) royal hunting-lodge on the Tegelberg Alp, which commands a beautiful view of mountain and plain. Hence to the top of the Tegelberg {Br andschrofen,b^2b a.), marked by a cross, in20-30min. more (guide convenient for the inexperienced). Other excursions {Sdiili/ig, Schlicke, etc.), see Baedeker's Eastern Alps. 206 Route 31. REUTTE. PEDESTRiA>fS proceeding from HoJieiiseluvangau to Reiitte (8M,) need not return to Fiissen, but may either follow the 'Fiirsten- Strasse' (p. 204) high on the W, bank of the Alpsee, or the good path past the 'Pindar-Platz' (p. 204), to the end of the lake, and then return to the road. We pass the (i^/^ M.) Austrian frontier- station and descend in windings, turning to the left at the (V4hr.) Schluxenwirth (good wine) and following the Pinswang road to (3 M.) Pflach (see below). The Road from Fiissen to (91/4 M.) Reutte leads up the right bank of the Lech to (7 min.) a narrow ravine (on the left bank a bust of KingMaxII, ; on the right bank a war-monument). We then cross the (5 min.) Schwarzbrilcke (p. 203) and reacb the Austrian frontier at the (10 min.) Weisshaus (good wine). The main road then crosses the Lech by the (l^ 4M.) JJlrichs-Brucke^ passes Musau and the RossschUig Pass, and at ZJnterldtzen, shortly before reaching (5M.) Pflach (2745 ft. ; Schwan), recrosses to the right bank. Pedestrians will find it shorter and pleasanter to diverge to the left before reach- ing the Uliichs-Briicke, and proceed by Pinswang and the Kniepass (3030 ft.), a rocky barrier narrowly confining the Lech, to (4Y2M.) Pflacli. P>eyond Pflach the Arch-Bach, issuing from the Plansee, is crossed (see below). Then (2^/4 M.) — 321/2 M. Eeutte (2795 ft.; Post, R. 70 kr.-l fi. 20 kr., D. Ifl.; Hirschj Krone; ^Aclier, plain; Glocke; Mohren, well spoken of), a small town in the bed of an ancient lake, intersected by the Lech, and surrounded by lofty mountains: N. the Sduling and Diirreberg, E. the Zwieselberg and Tauern, S. the Axljoch, Thaneller, and Schlossherg, S.W. the Schwarzhanskarkopf, W. the Gachtspitz, Gem- spitz, and Gimpel. At the church of Breitenwang, 1/2 M. to the E. of Reutte, is a mon- ument to the Emp. Lothaire, who died here in 1137, on his return from Italy. The mortuary chapel contains a Dance of Death in relief. About 3/4 M. farther on, at the foot of the Tauern, is Bad Erekelmoos, with mineral springs. To the -'Stuihen Falls, a pleasant walk of 2-2V2 hrs., there and back. We follow the field-path, crossing the Arch above Miihl and recrossing to the left bank at the (V2 hr.) paper-factory, and then follow the 'Hermann- steig' along the river (numerous rhododendrons) to the (1/2 hr.) "Lower Stuiben Fall, a cascade 100 ft. in height, finely framed with trees. A foot- path (finger-post) ascends hence to the right to the road to Reutte, which is 3 M. distant. Those who are bound for the Plansee ascend the left bank of the Arch to the (Vi hr.) smaller Upper Fall, and turning to the right regain the (4 min.) road near a small chapel (p. 213), 10 min. from the Little Plansee. From Reutte to Linderhof and Partenkiixhen, see R. 83. Upper Lech- (hal,FassGacht, and vmTannheim. to Immenstadt, see Baedeker'' s Eastern Alps. Fkom Reutte to Imst (35 M.), diligence twice daily in 10 hrs. The road passes the (2 M.) Ehrenherger Klause, a defile formerly defended by a castle (now in ruins), and leads via (3 M.) Eeiterwang and (3 M.) Bichel- hach to (5V2 M.) Lermoos (3245 ft.; "Drei Mohren;'Post), a village situated in a wide green valley, from which on the E. rise the barren rocky walls of the imposing Welterstein Chain, culminating in the Zugspttze (9725 ft.) to the N. (To Partenkirchen via Griesen, see p. 210.) The road to Nasse- leit, the finest mountain-pass between Bavaria and Tyrol, should be tra- MUUNAU. :iJ. Route. 207 versed on foot (4 hrs.) or in an open carriage (from Lermoo3 to Nassereit 4V-/) vvitli two horses T'/z fl.). Beyond (I1/2 M.) Bihevwier it ascends, pass- ing the Weissensee (leftj and the beautiful Blindsee (right), to the (5 M.) Fern Pass (3970 ft. ; poor Inn), and descends in wide curves, which pedes- trians may avoid by short-cuts. In the bottom of the valley we pass the picturesque castle of Fernstein, on the right; at its base is the Fernsldn Inn^ containing two rococo rooms fitted up by King Lewis II. (ndni. 1^//). To the left, the ruins of the Sif/mundshnvg rise from the small, wood-girt Fenislein Lake, the outlet of which we cross by a stone bridge. At(5V4M.) Nassereit (27G5ft. ; -Post) the road divides, the right branch leading through the Owgler-Thal to {^^jz^l.) Imst^ while the left branch (preferable) crosses the saddle of Obsteig to the E. and leads via 06er- J//e?/wn^ (2840 ft. ; *Post) to (13V-J M.) Telfs. For details, see BaecM-er's Eastern Alps. 32. From Munich to Partenkirchen and Mittenwald. Comp. Maps, pp. 194, 202, 208. 72 M. From ^lunich to Partenkirchen, 62 M., Eailway in 3-4 hrs. (fares 6 Ji, 3 Ji ^b pf.); from Partenkirchen to Mittenwald, iO M., Diligknce twice daily in 2i/-2 hrs. ; carriage with one horse 10, with two horses 14 JL Beyond (331/2 M.) Weilheim (p. 197) the train diverges to the left from the Peissenherg line, and traverses the wide valley of the Ammer. 36 M. Polling; 39 M. Huglfing ; 431/2 M. L'ffing. The line runs at some distance from the E. bank of the Staffelsee ('2160 ft.), with its islands, passing the villages of Rieden and Seehausen^ to — 47 M. Murnau (2265 ft. ; Restaurant), at the S.E. end of the Staffelsee, and 105 ft. above it. {^'Curhaus Staffelsee, with chalybeate springs, on the lake, 1/2 M. from the railway-station ; '''Fuchs, mod- erate; good baths in the lake.) About 2/4 M. from the station and the lake is the prettily-situated village of Murnau ('-^'Post; '-^Pantl- hrdu; '■''Griesbrdu; Zacherlbrdu ; Angerhrdu). The Vier Linden (lime- trees), to the W,, and the Asamshbhe (with tower 60 ft. high), com- mand a *View of the mountains (left the Ueimgarten, Kistenkopf, and Krottenkopf; right the Ammergau Mts.; in the background of the Loisach-Thal the Wetterstein range). To the W. of Murnau a road (diligence dailv) crosses the hills between the Staffelsee and the Mumauer Moos to (9 M.) Kohlgrub (2690 ft. ; Adler) ; V2 M. to the S.W. is the chalybeate bath and health-resort of the same name (2850ft; "Citrhaus, pens, ^-i'^j-z Jl ; '-Hdt.-Pens. Lindensc/ilusschen, with shady grounds; "Hot. -Pens. Hinterlinderhof), at the N. base of the Hornle (5135 ft.). The road goes on via Saulgrub to (15 M.) Ohcr- Ammergau (p. 212). "Walkers to Ammergau save 1/2 hr. by following from the baths the direct path, which strikes the Ammergau road at Wuvmesau. The railway descends in a wide curve to (491/2 M.) Hecliendorf (2040 ft.), crosses the Ramsau and the Loisach and proceeds on the E. side of the broad and marshy Loisach valley to (52 M.) Ohlstadt, situated at the foot of the Heimgarten (5870 ft.). The Loisach is crossed before (54 M.) Eschenlohe (Altwirth), where the valley con- tracts ; to the left rise the roof-shaped Kistenkopf and the Hochriess- kopf ; in the background the imposing Wetterstein range with the Zugspitze ; on the right the Ettaler Mandl. — 57 M. Oberau (2180 ft. ; *Post) is the station for Ob er- Ammergau, Linderhof^ the Plansee, etc. (comp. R. 33). 208 Route 3-2. PARTENKIRCHEN. From Munich Beyond (60 M.) Farchant the broad basin of Partenkirchen opens to the S. On the left is the Kuhflucht. a gorge with waterfalls, descend- ing from the Hohe Fricken. Fine view of the Wetterstein range from the Dreithorspitze to the Zugspitze. The train again crosses the Loisach. 62 M. Garmisch- Partenkirchen (2295 ft.), 1/2 M. from the villages of those names (*Bayerischer Hof; Hot, & CafeBaner, with baths; Zum Werdenfelser Michl, second-class, all at the station). Partenkirclien. — Hotels. Post, R. 2-4 Jl, B. 70, omn. 50 pf.; Stern, R. from 2, B. 1, pens. G Jl ; Bellevue, in an open situation above the village, E. 2, B. 1, D. 2, pens. 6 J( ; *Kaixzenbad, see p. 210-, Baum- GABTNEK, moderate-, Zuii Rassen ; Melbee, well spoken of; Weeden- FELSEE Hof, Pischl, unpretending. — Pensions. Schweizerhatis, 5-6 Jl ; Panorama, above St. Anton, with cafe and attractive view, etc. — Private Apartments numerous; apply at Th. RiedFs book-shop. — Engl. Church Service in summer, Partenkirchen (2350 ft.), a favourite summer-resort, is beautifully situated at the base of the Eckenberg, a spur of the Krottenkopf. Handsome modern Gothic church (1865-71) ; new Protestant church, near the station. A visit may be paid to the school of carving and design, on the way to Garmisch. Good photographs sold by Johannes. Garmisch. — Hotels. *Westeemeiek zum Husarex, R. 1V2-3, pens. G-SJl; Post; *Lamm, pens. 4 Ji^,- *Reisee zue Zugspitze; *Deei Moheek; Colosseum, with theatre and concert room, R. 1-1 V2, pens, from B^lzJl; Kainzenfeanz. — *H6t. Riesseebauee (see below). — Pensions. FiWa Sophia ; Malerheim; Hohenleitner, etc. Garmisch (2290 ft.), a thriving village 1 M. to the W. of Parten- kirchen, with picturesque old houses, the seat of the district-court, is another favourite resort. On the E. side of the village is the Wittelsbach Park, with a bust of Prince-Regent Luitpold. Carriages are to be obtained at both Garmisch and Partenkirchen and at the railway-station. One-horse carr. to the Badersee 6, two-horse 10 Jf, two-horse carr. to Walchensee (33/4 hrs.) 20, Ober-Ammergau 20, Lermoos 20, Reutte 30, Imat via Lermoos 55 Jf. (The driver expects a fee of 10 pf. for each mark of the fare.) ExcuEsioxs (for details, see Baedeker's Eastern Alps). Finest *View from the pilgrimage-church of St. Anton (2400 ft.), to which a shady path ascends in 10 min. from Partenkirchen. The peaks, from left to right, are the Wetterwand, Dreithorspitze, Alpspitze, Waxenstein (behind it the Zugspitze), the pointed Upsberg (in the distance, beyond the Eibsee-Thorlen) ; to the right the Kramer, in the foreground Garmisch. Faukenschlucht. Beyond Partenkirchen a path ascends to the E, to the ravine, and then leads on ita right side to the (20 min.) waterfall of the Faiikenbach. Through the Faukenschlucht to the (3/4 hr.) Lukas Terrasse (fine view of the villages and mountains) and thence back in 1/2 hr, via the Schalmei-Schlucht. The *Riesserbauer (25S5 ft.) is a good point of view, 1/2 hr. from Garmisch, From the post-office we croas the meadows towards the S.W., in the direc- tion of the Riesserkopf (3690 ft.), a wooded height immediately below the Alpspitze. The charming little 'Eiesser-See (boating ; baths) lies in a hollow behind the *Inn (also Pension), in the direction of the mountain. 'Partnachklamm and *Vorder-Graseck (I1/4 hr. ; guide unnecessary). After following the Kainzenbad road (p. 210) to the S. of Partenkirchen (see below) for about 60 paces, we turn to the right at a finger-post, and in 1/2 hr. reach the first bridge, at the mouth of the Partnach Valley. (From the station of Garmisch-Partenkirchen a good, and in part shady footpath, turning to the left at the Hotel Bauer, leads along the bank of the Part- nach , joining the route from Partenkirchen about 10 min. before the tit 'A ^ _^^J. u ., T- to Mittenu-ald. EIBSEE. 32. Route. 209 above-mentioned bridge is reached.) Beyond the bridge a finger-poet in- dicates our path to the left ('nach Graseck'); after 1/4 hr. we cross the stream by a second bridge, beyond which the road to Graseck ascends abruptly to the left, while the path to the 'Klamm\ or gorge, leads to the right; 6 min., third bridge. The (10 min.) fourth (iron) bridge (Klamm- hriicke), 50 ft. long and 220 ft. above the Partnach, is the finest point. Beyond the bridge the path ascends in 10 min. to the forester's house of Vordev-Oruseck (2920 ft. 5 "Restaurant), where a fine view is enjoyed. — A narrow path (Trifticeg)^ constructed for the use of the 'lumberers' and diverging to the left before the third bridge, leads along the bottom of the gorge, close to the water, revealing the grandeur of the ravine to great advantage. It is provided at places with wire-ropes and is quite safe for those reasonably free from giddiness. The best plan to see the ravine is to follow the upper path to Graseck, descend thence into the Partnach valley, and return by the path at the bottom of the gorge (in all 3 hrs. from Partenkircben). — From Graseck to Mittenwald via Elmau, 31/2-0 hrs., a much better route for pedestrians than the high-road (p. 210). From the forester's house we ascend the pastures for a short distance, and then turn to the right. After 20 min. we go straight on fnot to the right to Mittel- Graseck) to (10 min.) Hinter-Graseck ; 3/4 hr., bridge over the Ferchenbach; then for !/< ^^- straight on through the wood, and down to (7 min.) Elmau (3345 ft. ; Inn). From this point a road ascends slowly, at first through wood but afterwards shadeless, to (4V2 M.) the Ferchen-^ee, and theu descends, past the Lauter-See, to (3 M.) Mittenicald (p. 210). — From Elmau to the Schachen (31/2 hrs.), see p. 210. The "Eckbauer (4062 ft.). We may either follow a steep marked path from the Kainzenbad in li 2-2 hrs., or take another steep path (also marked, usually shady in the afternoon) from Graseck (see above), which turns to the left at a (V4 hr.) finger-post, ascends the grassy slopes in windings, passes through wood, and reaches the Eckbauer in ^/i hr. {Inn , with 6 rooms). The top of the hill, 2 min. beyond the house, commands an admirable panorama of the mountains : Karwendelgebirge, Wettersteinwand, Dreithorspitze with the Schachenalp and Frauenalple, Alpspitze, Zugspitze, Kramer, and Krottenkopf; below lies the deep, wooded valley of the Ferchenbach. Schlattan and Gschwandner Bauer (2^/4 hrs.). From Partenkircben we ascend to the right through the Bremstall-Wald (finger-post) to (13/* hr.) the Schlattan Reataiirant, and thence via Hofle to the (V-' hr.) Gschwandner Bauer (3345 ft.; *Inn, rustic), which aiTords a fine view of the Wetterstein and Karwendel ranges. We may return by the Mittenwald road (shady in the evening). *Badersee (2720 ft.; 41/2 M. from Garmisch ; omnibus twice daily from Partenkircben in IV2 hr., starting at 7.30 a.m. and 2 p.m., returning at noon and 6 p.m.; fare 1 Jl, return 1 J/ 80 pf.). The road diverges to the left from that to Lermoos, a few hundred yards beyond the (2V2 31.) Schmeh (Inn), and leads via Vnter-Grainan ('Inn) to the small, emerald-green lake, 1 M. round and 60 ft. deep. The 'Hdtel- Pension Schd/ter (pens. 61/2 J/), on its bank, is pleasant for a prolonged stay. — Road hence to the (3 M.) Eibsee (see below). The *Eibsee (3145 ft.), 7 M. from Garmisch, is reached by the road via Unter-Grainau (omnibus from the Post at Partenkircben twice daily in 21/2 hrs., returning in 2 hrs. ; fare each way IV2 M) ; or, from Garmisch, by the path to the left at the W. end of the village, which leads across meadows to (l''4hr.) Oher-Oramau (2480 ft.; Wackerl's Inn), and thence to (11/4 hr.) the lake. The Eibsee, 3 M. long, 2 M. wide, and 90 ft. deep, has seven small islands and is enclosed by dark, wooded hills, above which tower the enormous rocky walls of the Zugspitze {-Terne^s Inn, with veranda, boats, and baths, R. 1V2-2, pens. 5-6 J/). Travellers are rowed (.50 pf. each) to the Ludicigs-Insel in the middle of the lake, where the echoes are awakened by a shot (50 pf.). The huge Zugspitze is seen to great advantage from the lake, but on summer afternoons is usually shrouded in clouds. The »Krottenkopf (6880 ft.; 5 hrs.; guide 41/2, if a night is spent, 7 J[)- Baedeker''s S. Germany. 8th Edit. 14 210 Route 32. MITTENWALD. A marked bridle-path leads from Partenkirchen via St. Anton, passing the parsonage, to the (2 hrs.) Esterberg-See (generally dry in summer) and the (10 min.) Esterberg-Bauer (1335 ft. ; poor inn). Bridle-path thence, steep and stony at places, through the hollow between the Bischof and the Krotten- kopf to the (21/4 hrs.) Krottenkopf Club-Hut (6450 ft.; Inn in summer), on the saddle between the Krottenkopf and the Oberrisskopf, and to (25 min.) the top (pavilion; fine -View). ■Konigshaus am Schachen (6125 ft.; 5V'2-6hrs.; guide, 41/2 ^/, unneces- sary). We follow the Triftweg (p. 209) through the Partnachklamm in I1/4 hr. to the bridge over the Fevchenbach , the left bank of which we skirt to (3/4 hr.) the Steilenfdlle (sometimes dry). The path then ascends rapidly to the right through the Wetfersteinwald to a small shrine, turns to the left, and crosses a clearing after a few minutes, from which a broad path through the wood leads past the Wetterstein-Alp (4820 ft.; rfmts.), to the {^6 hrs.) Schachen- Alp. with the small Schachen-, See, and (3 + hr.) the Konigs- haus, built by King Lewis II. and containing a sumptuous room in the Oriental style (adm. 1 Jl ; Restaurant, with 14 beds). The Belvedere, a few hundred paces to the W., on the brink of the abyss, commands a magni- ficent *View of the Reinthal below us, with the Plattach-Ferner, Schnee- fernerkopf, and Wetterspitzen, the Hochblassen to the right, and (to the S.) the Dreithorspitze and Wettersteiu. To the N. stretches the vast Bavarian plain. — From Elmau (p. 209) a good bridle-path (driving practicable, but not agreeable; carr. and pair for 2 pers. 15, for 8 pers. 18 Jl) ascends to the Schachen-Alp in 31/2 hrs. Longer Excdksioxs {Hollenthal-Klamm, Rainthal and Blaue Gumpen^ Alpspitze, Zugspitze, etc.), see Baedelcer''s Eastern Alps. To Lermoos (p. 206), 18M., by a good road through the wooded Loisach- Thal (omn. daily in 33/4 hrs.; carr. 10-12 Jl). At (10 M.) the frontier-inn at Griesen (p. 212) we turn to the left (to the right the road to the Plansee, p. 212), cross the Austrian frontier, and proceed via the (31/2 M.) old Ehr- walder Schanze (2950 ft. ; Neuner's Inn) to (41/4 M.) Lermoos (p. 206). — A shorter, but unattractive path leads from the Eib.*ee over the Thorlen (5230 ft.) to Ehrwald and (31/2 hrs.) Lermoos. The road to Mittenwald (diligences, etc., see p. 207) begins to ascend at once. To the right in the valley, 1 M. from Partenkirchen, lies the Kainzen-Bad (*Inn, pens. 6 Ji), ^vith a spring containing iodine, natron, and sulphur, used as a remedy for gout and cu- taneous diseases. On the top of the hill, the road traverses undu- lating pastures ; on the right rises the Wetterstein, and in front are the bold peaks of the Karwendel range. SVo M. Kaltenbrunn ; 2 M. Gerold (on the left the small Wagenbrech-See) i l^/o M. KLais. To the left, a road diverges here to the (IV2 M.) Barmsee (3070 ft.), a pretty little lake embosomed in wood (fine view from the -Inn). The lake affords boating and bathing, and there are pleasant walks on its banks. Remains of lake-dwellings have been discovered here. The road passes the small and marshy Schmalsee, and winds down into the Isar-Thal, where it unites with the road from Benedikt- beuern and Walchensee (p. 214). Then (4 M.) — 10 M. Mittenwald (3020 ft.; Post, with clever animal-paintings by Paul Meyerheim in the veranda; Zum Karwendel; Zum Wetter- stein. plain; Pension Villa Neuner), the last Bavarian village (1750 inhab.), overshadowed by the precipitous Karwendel-Gebirge (7825 ft.). The manufacture of violins and guitars, which are chiefly exported to England and America, forms the main occupation of the inhabitants. A bronze statue of Michael Klotz (d.l743), who intro- duced the violin-industry, has been erected in front of the church. ORER-AMMERGAU. 33. Route. 211 ExcCRsioNs. To the "Lauler-See (3365 ft.), 3^ hr., and the Ferchen-See (3400 ft.), V2 hr- farther up (see p. 209); to the V/o//e Kramberg (4525 ft.), IV'2 hr. (splendid view); to the ~Leuiasch-Klamin, near the Scharnitz road (see below; IV2 hr. there and back); Barmsee (p. 210), I'/'^hr. ; Leutasch Valley^ Vereins-Alpe^ Karwendel-Spitze, etc., see Baedeker^s Eastern Alps. From Mittexwald to Zikl, 16 M., diligence daily in 31/2 hrs. (carriage with one horse 17, with two horses 22 Jl). The road crosses the Isar (before the bridge, to the right, the path to the Leutasch -Klamm^ see above) and traverses the level bottom of the valley as far as the (3 M.) Defile of Scharnitz, the boundary between Bavaria and Tyrol, formerly protected by a strong fortress which was completely destroyed by the French in 1805. Beyond the adjacent village of Scharnitz (3160 ft.; Adler) the road quits the Isar and ascends to the left to (9V2 M.) Seefeld (3860 ft. ; 'Fost), a summer- resort beautifully situated on the watershed between the Isar and Inn. It then leads past the small Wildsee to (I2V2 M.) Keith, beyond which it descends via Leiten in wide curves, affording magnificent views of the Inn valley and the Tyrolese Alps, to (16 M.) Zirl (see Baedeker^s Eastern Alps). 33. From Munich to Ober-Ammergau and via Linderhof to Reutte-Hohenschwangau. Comp. Map, p. 202. Railway to (57 M.) Oberau in 3-3'/.; hrs. ; from Oberau to Ober-Ammergau, 6y2 M. (on foot 2-2i/''i hrs.), to Linderhof direct 8V2 M., via Ober-Ammergau I3V2 M. (on foot 4 hrs.). — Omnibus from Oberau via Linderhof to Hohen- schwangau daily in 12' '2 hrs., starting at 7.30 a.m. ; returning from Hohen- schwangau at 1 p.m. (night spent at Linderhof) and reaching Oberau at 2.30 p.m. ; fare 7 Jl. — Carriage from Oberau to Uber-Ammergau with one horse 10, with two horses \b Jl ; to Linderhof IS and 30, to Reutte 30 and 40, to Fussen-Hohenschwangau 36 and 50 Jl. — Railway Circular Tickets may be obtained from Munich to Oberau and from Fiissen back to Munich via Oberdorf (2nd cl. 12 Jl, 3rd cl. 7 .// 50 pf.). From Municli to (57 M.) Oberau, see p. 207. The road to C^ber- Ammergau leads to the W.. passing the Untermberg Inn (V2 ^I- from the station), crosses the Giessenbach, and ascends, at first in a wide sweep to the right, along the N. side of a wooded gorge. At the bottom of the valley runs the steep old road, which is shorter for walkers. The upper end of the gorge is closed by the Ettaler Berg, which the new road skirts, while the old road climbs over it. 3 M. Ettal (2880 ft.; Landes, moderate), a convent founded by Emp. Lewis the Bavarian in 1330, dissolved in 1803. rebuilt after a fire in 1844, and now the property of Count Pappenheim. The church, with a massive dome, was built in the Gothic style by Emp. Lewis, but was remodelled in the baroque style in the ISth cent. ; it contains frescoes by Knoller and a famous organ. On the N. side is a brewery of local repute. The village lies at the base of the Ettaler Mandl (5385 ft.), a rocky peak, the ascent of which is difficult (21/.2-3 hrs., with guide). About 3/4 M. farther on the road forks, the left branch leading direct to (41/.) M.) Linderhof, the right to (2V4 M.) Ober-Ammergau (2760 ft.; "-'AltePost ovSchivabenwirth;WUtelsbach€r Hof; Stern, and others), celebrated for the passion plays performed here every ten years (1890, 1900, etc.). Wood and ivory carving is the chief occu- 14* 212 Rouie 33. LINDERHOF. pation of the inhabitants. — About 1/4 hr. to the W., on the Oster- biihl^ at the base of the Kofel (3545 ft.), stands the ^Crucifixion, a colossal group in Kelheim sandstone, executed by Halbig, and pre- sented by King LeA%-is II. in 1875. From Ober-Ammergau a road runs to the N., througli the monotonous and at places marshy Ammer-Thal, via (3 31.) Unter-Ammergau (2655 ft. ; Schuhwirth; Rabe) and Wurmesau^ to (4'/2 31.) Sanlgruh. Thence either to the X. via Rottenhuch to (15 31) Peissenberg (p. 197), or to the E. via Kohlgrul (p. 207) to (10 31.) Murnau (p. 207). The Road from Obbr-Ammergau to (9 M.) Lindbrhof diver- ges to the right at the S, end of the village from the road to Ettal (p. 2113, and unites 21/4 M. farther on with the direct Oberau and Ettal road (p. 211). 21/4 M. Graswang (2885 ft.: Inn), a village ■with the Bavarian custom-house, beyond which we ascend through the pleasant Graswang-Thal, or upper valley of the Ammer; to the left opens the wide Elmauer Gries, above which peeps the Zugspitze. Just beyond the (33/4 M.) forester's house of hinder (rfmts. and beds) we cross the Ammer to the right to (1/2 M.) the royal *Schloss Linderhof (3080 ft.), erected and splendidly decorated in the rococo style by King Lewis II. in 1870-78 (adm. from May 1st to Oct. 15th daily, 9-5; fee 3 Jl^ including grotto and Mosque; closed on June 13th). To the left of the entrance are the office and the ^Sehloss Restaurant, with 50 beds (2-3 ^'). The Vestibule of the chateau (adm. in parties of at least 12 pers.) contains an equestrian statue of Louis XIV., after Bosio. On the First Floor is a series of finely fitted up rooms with paintings of French celebrities and events in the time of Louis XIV. and Louis XV. — The extensive Gardens are embellished with fountains, statuary, etc., and contain the Mo7wpteros, a small temple with a figure of Venus (good view), and the Blue Grotto^ with a subterranean lake, which can be illuminated with electric light. Near the grotto is the Moorish Kiosqne, richly gilded and decorated, with stalactite vaulting, enamelled peacocks, etc. Behind the palace are the Cascades, where the fountains play at noon and at 6 p.m. — A visit to the palace and gardens, including the grotto and the kiosque, takes about 2 hrs. We continue to ascend the finely-wooded Ammerthal to the (41/2 M.) Grenz-Briicke, or frontier bridge, about V2 M. to the left of which (guide-post) is the Hunding-Hiitte (3600 ft.), a blockhouse in the old German style (comp. Wagner's opera of the 'Walkyrie'; adm. daily 9-12 and 2-6, 50 pf. ; rfmts.; adiacent a hermit's hut). We then skirt the N. base of the Geyerkopf (7095 ft.), traversing the thickly wooded Ammerw aid- Thai, and reach (3 M.) the Ammerwald Inn (3575 ft.; rustic), whence the 'Schiitzensteig' leads to the right to (4 hrs.) Hohenschwangau (p. 205). About 3 M. farther on the road emerges from the wood and reaches the Great Plansee (3190 ft.), a fine sheet of water, 28/4 M. long by 1/4- V2 M. broad and 250 ft. deep, enclosed by wooded mountains. On its bank is the Austrian Custom-House, near which is a monument to King Max II. of Bavaria (Forelle, boats for hire, lake-baths; Alpenrose). Feom the Plansee to Partenkirchen (15 31.) a narrow road descends the wooded. Naideracfi- Thai to the (5^/2 31.) Austrian and Bavarian custom- house of Oriesen (Inn), where it joins the road from Lermoos to Parten- kirchen through the Loisach- Thai (p. 210). BENEDIKTBEUEKN. 34. Route. 213 The road to Reutte, shadeless in the morning, skirts the N. bank of the Plansee, passing the Kaiserbrunnen. At the (B^/g M.) W. end of the lake, in the Gschwdnd^ is the *Seespitz Inn (R. from 60 kr.). Farther on we pass the Little Plansee, cross the Arch, which flows out of it, and reach (1 M.) a chapel, near a good spring. A footpath descends hence to the right, through wood, to the Upper and (20 min.) *Lower Siuiben Fall, whence we may either ascend to the left to (10 min.) the road, or follow the Hermannsteig along the Arch to Miihl and (1 hr.) Reuite (comp. p. 206). The road crosses the Rossrucken, affording a fine view of the Lechthal, with the Glimmspitze and Hochvogel in the background. We then descend the slope of the Tauern (6044 ft.), where the path from the lower Stuiben Fall (see above) joins the road at a stone with an inscription. The road afterwards proceeds past the small bath of Krekelrnoos and via Breitenwang to (41/2 M.) Reutte (see p. 206). From Reutte to Fiissen and Hohenschwanyau, see R. 31. 34. From Munich to Mittenwald via Benediktbeuern. Kochelsee and Walcheusee. Comp. Maps, pp. 1^6, 214, 202. 66V2 M. Railway to Pe-mbei'g (881/2 M.) in 23/4 hrs. Post Omnibus twice daily from Penzberg to (5 M.) Benediktbeuern in IV4 hr. (90 pf.)^ thence to (11 M.) Walchensee in 3 hrs. (1 Jl 80 pf.); and thence to (12 M.) Mittenwald in 3 hrs. (I ..// 80 pf.). — Carkiage and pair from Benedikt- beuern to Walchensee, 20 Jl. From Munich to (25 M.) Tutzing, see p. 196. — 28V2 M- ^^ern- ried; 81 1/0 M. Seeshaupt (p. 196), both 3/4 M. from the railway. Farther on, the country is uninteresting. On the right lies the little Oder- see. — 3oi/.2 M. Staltach. — 38V2 M. Penzberg (1980 ft. ; Bemrieder Hof; Zur Eisenbahn). the terminus of the railway. The road to Kochel crosses the Loisach and traverses a flat dis- trict to (41/2 ^1-) Bichl (*Lowe ; Griiner Hut), where it joins the road from Heilbrunn (p. 216). Then (3/^ M.l — 431/2 M. Benediktbeuern (2025 ft.; Post; *Zur Benedikten- icand'), with a once wealthy and celebrated monastery, founded in 740, and consecrated by St. Boniface, now containing a home for veteran soldiers and a stud. To the E. rises the Benediktenwand (5910 ft.; fatiguing ascent of 41/2-0 hrs., with guide), to the S. the Jochberg, Herzogstand, and Heimgarten. Beyond Benediktbeuern the road skirts the E. side of an exten- sive marsh, and leads via Ried and Besenbach along the Rohrsee (N. end of the Kochelsee) to (48 M.) Kochel (Abenthum, moderate), which is separated by a hill from (3/4 M.) the lake (*Bad Kochel, with a chalybeate spring and grounds on the lake, R. IV/2 «//; Pens. Natalie, also on the lake). The Kochelsee (1970 ft.), 33/4 M. long and 21/2 M. broad, is fed by the Loisach, and is bounded on the S. by the Jochberg, Herzogstand, and Heimgarten. The pavilion near Bad Kochel affords a good view. 214 Route 34. WALCHENSEE. On the opposite bank of the lake lies Schlehdorf (Inn ztim Herzogen- stand), 31/2 tr,?. from stat. Murnau (p. 207) and 3 hrs. from stat. Penzberg (omnibuses from both stations). The "Herzogstand (see below) may be ascended hence in 4 hrs. by an attractive route. We follow the marked path along the lake for i/i lir., then ascend (guide-post) via the Jochplatte to the (1 hr.) Untermter Alp (about 2S50 ft.), whence the Flonier-Weg, constructed in 1892 by the 1st Battalion of Pioneers, gradually ascends through wood, crossing several streams, and commanding beautiful views of the Kochelsee and the plain. At (IV4 hr.) the Schlehdorfer Alpl we join the bridle-path ascending from Urfeld; thence to the top, see below. — From Schlehdorf ferry in Vsl"'-, passing the Nase., which rises perpendic- ularly from the lake, to the Miiller am Joch (Inn), at the foot of the Kessel- herg. Footpath thence to the (20 min.) Kesselberg Inn. About 1 M. "beyond Kochel, at the *Kneipp-Bad Kochelsee, the new road approaches the lake, and skirts it, passing the Inn zum Grauen Bclren, to the (20 min.) Kesselberg Inn (ferry to Bad Kochel 80 pf. ; good echo on the lake). It then ascends in easy windings to the pass of the Kesselberg (2825 ft.). To the right of the road are the pretty falls of the Kesselbach., along which a path cutting off an angle of the road ascends. From the culminating point, where the bridle-path to the Herzogstand diverges to the right (see below), we obtain a view of the Karwendel and Wetterstein ranges in the dis- tance, and, below us, of the beautiful, deep -blue *Walcliensee (2635 ft.), 4^4 M. long and 3 M. broad, surrounded by forests and mountains. At the N. end are the houses of (IV2 ^^•) ^"rfeld (Zum Jager am See, R. II/2 --//; In^i at the fisherman's). The '-Herzogstand (5695 ft.), a remarkably fine point of view, is ascended hence in 2i/2-3 hrs. (guide unnecessary). A bridle-path (see above) diverges to the left (W.) from the road coming from the Kesselberg, about 8 min. from Urfeld (or a steep path leading from Urfeld direct to this bridle- track in 1/4 l^r- i^a-y be taken). On the saddle, 1/2 hr. below the top, are the Herzogstand-Hauser (5100 ft.), belonging to the German Alpine Club (Inn with 50 beds at 2V2 Jl). On the summit is a closed pavilion, and a little lower is an open hut. Admirable view of the mountains as far as the Oezthal glaciers, and of the plain with its numerous lakes. — A nar- row arete, protected by a wire-rope, but advisable for experts only, con- nects the Herzogstand with the (1 hr.) Heimgarten (5870 ft.), to the W. — From the Herzogsfand-Hauser a narrow path to the right, affording at first a fine view of the Walchensee, and then leading through wood, descends to the hamlet of Walchensee in IV2 hr. From Urfeld to Jachenau and Tolz., see p. 216. — Boat across the lake: to Walchensee (for 1, 2, 3, or 4 pers.) 1 Ji 20, 1 Ji 80, 2 Ji 10, 2 Jl 40 pf. ; to Altlach 2, 3, 4, 41/2 .M; Obernach 2V2 jU, 31/2 Ji, 4 Ji 80, 5 M 30 pf. — Carriage from Walchensee to Wallgau 5, with two horses 8 Ji ; to Kochel, Kriin, and Jachenau 6 and 9, to Barmsee 7 and 11, to Benedikt- beuern and Mittenwald 10 and 15, to Vorder-Kiss 12 and 18, to Parten- kirchen 14 and 21, to Lenggries and Penzberg 17 and 22, to Murnau 15 and 23, to Tolz 19 and 31, to Tegernsee 30 and 50, to Achensee 33 and 50 Ji. From Urfeld the road skirts the W. bank of the lake to (2 M.) — 541/2 M. Walchensee (Post)., a hamlet charmingly situated on a bay of the lake, and surrounded with beautiful woods. On the oppo- site bank are the church and parsonage of Klosterl. It is preferable to proceed from Urfeld to Walchensee by boat in 3/4 hr. From the middle of the lake (the 'Weitsee') a fine view is enjoyed. On the S. bank are the houses of Altlach, whence a good bridle-path ascends the Hochkopf (4010 ft.; IV2 hr. ; descent to Vorder-Eiss, see p. 216). Near TOLZ. 35. Route. 215 the S. bank lies the wooded? islet of ^'a.«»ffw (private ; no adm.). Travellers bound for 3Iittenwald row from Urfeld (without going to Walchensee) in l'/2 hr. to the mouth of the Obernach (see below). Beyond the hamlet of Walchensee the road is carried over the steep Katzmkopf (2176 ft.) to the (3/^ hr.) forester's house of Ober- nach, at the S. end of the lake. We iiow gradually ascend a lonely pine-clad valley. At (l^^hr.) Wallgau (Altwirth), the broad valley of the Tsar is reached [road to Vorder-Riss and Tolz, see p. 216). — From (IV2 M.) Kriln (2895 ft. ; Inn) a road leads to the right, past the picturesquely situated Barmsee (p. 210), to (3 M.) Klais, on the high-road from Mittenwald to Partenkirchen. On the S. the pre- cipitous Karwendel-Gebirge is conspicuous ; to the W. rises the Wettersteiu-Gebirge. — 6 M. — 661/2 M. Mittenwald (p. 210). 35. From Munich to Tolz and Mittenwald. 74 M. Railway to (36 M.) Tolz in l»/2-2V4 hrs. Diligence from Tolz to (6V2 M.) Lenggries twice daily, in IV* hr. ; to (10 M.) Benediktbeuern via Heilhrunn and Bichl daily, in 2^/4 hrs. Diligence from Lentrgries to Vor- der-Riss thrice weekly (Tuea.. Thurs., (fe Sat.) in 4 hrs. One-horse carriage from Tolz to the Wa'lchensee 10 .//, to Mittenwald 20 J{. The train soon turns towards the S.; to the left are seen the Ba- varia and Ruhmeshalle, to the right the distant Alps. The line to Simbach (R. 40) and the direct line to Rosenheim diverge to the left (R. 38). — 31/2 M. Mittersendling. At (e'/o M.) Grosshesselohe the Jsar is crossed; to the left we obtain a view of the deep and gravelly bed of the river, with Munich in the distance. Then through wood. To the left, near (11 M.) Deisenhofen^ is the large reservoir of the Munich water-works, with a capacity of 8,250,000 gallons. 16 M. Sauerlach. The Teufelsgraben ('devil's dyke'), a deep, dry hollow, is crossed, and the train reaches (23 M.) Holzkirchen (2245 ft.; Post; Oberbrau; Rail. Restaurant), the junction of the lines to Ro- senheim (p. 222) and Schliersee (p. 220). The line skirts the E. side of the town, and diverges to the right from the line to Schliersee. 26 M. Ober-Warngau; 30 M. Schaft- lach (2480 ft.; Rail. Restaurant; to Tegernsee, see p. 217). The mountains become grander; on the left rises the Benediktenwand. 32 M. Reichersbeuem^ with a handsome chateau. The (36 M.) Tolz station (2255 ft.; Rail. Restaurant; ^Bellevue, with fine view, adja- cent) lies to the Ts\ of the town, 1/2 M. from the Isar bridge (omni- bus 20 pf.). Tolz (2160 ft. ; Post; '^Burgerbrdu, ^BrucUrdu, both with gar- dens; *Kolberbrdu ; Lechner, etc.), a small town (4092 inhab.). with breweries and a trade in timber, is prettily situated on a hill on the Jsar. Many of the houses are frescoed with Biblical subjects. The garden of the Biirgerbrau and the *Calvarienberg (2320 ft. ; 1/4 ^r.) command a fine survey of the Isarthal, stretching far into the dis- tance ; in the background, to the S,W., the long Benediktenwand 2 \Q Route 35. KRANKENHEIL. (p. 213) and the cone of the Kirchstein. On the left bank of the Isar, 1/2 hr. from the station, are the baths of Krankenheil (* Cur-Hotel, with baths; *Sedlmair, with baths, R. 2, D. 21/4 Jl ; '^Artmann, D. 2V2 t//; Actienbad; Pension Spenger^ 5-7 J^; Pens. Emilia, 5 J^ ; Pens. Villa Meister; furnished rooms at the Villa Bcllevue, JDaxen- lerger, etc.), with a Conversations- Saal, Trinkhalle, and Bath House (bath 2 ^//). The water is conducted in leaden pipes from the springs, 4 M, distant, and contains natron and iodine. About IV2 -^I- to the W. is the Zollhaus (*Inn, with baths), on a hill near which is the Alpenhaus Kogel (Restaurant, D. I1/2 Ji^. The left bank of the Isar, close to the town, is laid out with extensive woods and promenades. From Tolz to the Walchexsee there are two roads : by Kochel (21 M.), or through the Jachenau (25 M.)- The Kochel Road (one-horse carr. 12, two-horse 18 Jl) leads to the W., past the Zollhaus (see above), Stallau, and (6 M.) the baths of Heilbrunn (2235 ft.), with the Adelheidsquelle, containing bromine and iodine. We then -pdiSs Enzenau a.nd Steinbach, and reach (3 M.) BicM (p. 213). The Lesggeies and Jachenau Eoad (one-horse carr. to Urfeld 18, two-horse 28 Jl) crosses the Isar beyond (61/2 M.) Lenggries (see below; on the opposite laank is the chateau of Hohenburg , see below), and reaches (2V2 M.) Wegscheid (Zum Pfaffensteft'l, rustic). The road now quits the valley of the Isar, skirts the wooded flanks of the Langenberg, and enters the Jachenau, a secluded valley watered by the Jachen, 10 M. in length. 8 M. Zum Back Inn. About 2 M. farther on is the village of Jachenau ('2590 ft.; Xeuwirth; Pfund). The road to Urfeld continues to ascend over the Fieberberg and then descends through wood to (4 M.) Sachenbach, at the E. end of the Walchensee, whence it follows the N. bank to (2 M.) Urfeld (p. 214). From Tolz to Mittenwald (38 M. ; carr. to Vorder-Rlss 18, with two horses 30 J/). The road follows the right bank of the Isar to (6V2 ^1-) Lenggries (_2230 ft.; Altwirth; Post), beyond which, on the left, is the Grand-Duke of Luxembourg's chateau of Hohenburg (with brewery and inn), and leads via Anger to (3 M.) Fleck (2275 ft. ; *lnn), with large saw-mills. Beyond (1 M.) Winkel the valley con- tracts and turns to the S.W. — The road crosses the Walchen or Achen, on the right bank of which a narrow road leads to (9 M.) Achemcald on the Kreuth post-road (p. 219), and reaches (6 M.)FaU (2435 ft. ; *lnn). The valley expands. 6 M. Vorder-Riss (2645 ft. ; Weiss, by the saw-mill), a royal shooting-lodge in a pine-clad dale, at the con- fluence of the Rissbach with the Isar, Theough the Riss to the Achensee by road (30 M.)- The road ascends the wooded valley past (8i'2M.) the Oswald- Hiitie, and crosses the Tyrolese frontier to (5 M.) Hinter-Riss (3055 ft.), a shooting-lodge of the Duke of Coburg, in finely-wooded environs. At the foot of the small Gothic cha- teau are the low buildings of a Franciscan monastery (Inn, adjoining the monastery; 'Alpenhof. 2U min. farther on). — From Hinter-Riss the road ascends gently to the (2 hrs.) Hagel-Hiitte (3575 ft.), where the Rissthal turns towards the S. We then ascend in windings through wood to the (21/2 hrs.) Plumser Joch (5410 ft.), which commands a limited but fine view, and descend through the wooded Gernthal to (2 hrs.) Pertisau (p. 219). The road to Mittenwald crosses the Isar, and follows the left side of the secluded valley to (8 M.) Wallgau (p. 215), on the high-road from the Walchensee to (71/2 M.) Mittenwald (p. 210). 217 36. From Munich to Tegernsee, Wildbad Kreuth, and the Achensee. Coinp. Maps, pp. 2li, 218. 94 M. Railway to (34 31.) Gmund in 2i/j hrs. Diligence from Gmund thrice daily to (3 M.) Tegernsee (1/2 hr.) and (U M.) Kreuth (2V2hrs.-, fare 1 Jl 80 pf.j. Post-Omnibus from Tegerusee (Guggemos) to Wildbad Kreuth twice daily in I3/4 hr., and from Kreuth to the Achensee (Scholastika) daily in 31/2 hrs. — Carriage from Gmund to Tegernsee with one horse 4 Ji., with two horses 1 Jl ; from Tegernsee to Kreuth one-horse 9, two-horse 12 Jl^ to the Scholastika 16 or 24, to Jenbach 20 or 42 Ji ; from the Scho- lastika to Kreuth 6 or IO1/2, to Tegernsee 9 or 15, to Gmund 11 or 18 fl. — Steamboat on the Achensee from the Scholastika to the Seespitz (and back) eight times daily in summer in 50 min. (90, 60 kr). — Railwat from the Seespitz to Jenbach (G ti-ains daily in ^/a hr.) in connection with the steamboat (see p. 219). Railway to (30 M.) Schafllach (change carriages), see p. 215. The branch-line to Tegernsee diverges to the left from the line to Tolz (on the right, the Benediktenwand) and reaches the Tegernsee (33/4 M. long, 11/4 M. broad) at (34 M.) Gmund ('2430 ft.; Ilerzog Max; Bellevue; *Obermayer's Restaurant, at the station, ^v•ith view), where the Mangfall emerges from the lake. Kaltenbrunn (Inn), a farm of Duke Charles Theodore, at the N.W. end of the lake, 1 M. from Gmund and 41/2 M. from Tegernsee by land, or reached by boat in 1 hr. (1 Jl 40 pf.), commands the best survey of the lake. From Gmund a road leads along the E. bank, via St. Quirin^ to — 37 M. Tegernsee. — Hotels (omn. from Gmund station, 60 pf.). *PosT, R. 2-3 Jl, B. 80 pf.; *GuGGEMos, R. 2, D. 2 Jl ; Tegerxseek Hof; *Steinmetz, R.,L.,&:A. 3 Jl, B. 80pf., pens. 5-8 Ji?,- Schandl, unpretend- ing ; Pension Villa Helens, on the Lehber^. Lodgings may also be procured. — At Rottach: Scheurer, R. from IV2 Jl- — At Egerii, at the S.E. end of the lake, on the road to Kreuth: Bachmaik, moderate-, Gast- HOF zuR Ueberfahrt; *Villa Korn. — Beer at the Brdustiihl, in the brewery of the ducal chateau -, Sommerkeller, with veranda, a little to the N. of the chateau (open on Sun., Wed., Frid., r to the Achensee. Ar"FIENSP:K. :i6. Routf. 219 profound ravines, and at the Kaiserwacht^ in the once strongly fortified defile of Achen (2S60 ft.), crosses the Tyrolese frontier. The Austrian custom-house is near the village of (lV4hr.) Achenwald (2(){)o it.- *Inn 'Zuni Hageninwald'). The road then gradually ascends along the Achen^ or Walchen^ the outlet of the Achensee, v?hich rushes noisily in its deep bed. At (1 hr.) Leiten (Hinterer's Inn) the Am- pelsbach-Thal opens on the left ; in the background rise the grotesque rocky horn of the Guffert and the long ridge of the Unniitz. 59 M. Achenkirch [3085 ft. ; =-=A'er7i,- '^'Post, with baths, 3/^ M. farther on; '■^Adler, good wine), a village 21/2 M. long, the scattered houses of which extend almost to the Achensee. At the N. end of the lake is ^Maters Inn, a little beyond which is the '^- Hotel Schola- stika (R. 80 kr., I). 1 fl. 10 kr.), with a veranda, a bath-house, and the church. About 3/^ M. farther on, on a green promontory, is the ■^Hutel Seehof (R., L., & A, 1 fl. 20, D. 1 fl. 30 kr.), with a cafe' on the lake. The *Unnutz (G815 ft.; 3 hrs. ; guide, unnecessary except for novices, 3 fl.) affords an easy and attractive expedition. Good paths (marked with red) ascend from the inns on the lake to the (IV4 hr.) Kdgel-Alp (4G95 tt.; rfmts.), whence the summit (Vorder-Unniilz) is reached in 1^/4 hr. Extensive and magnificent -View. The *Acliensee (3050 ft.), 51/2 M. long, about 1/2 M. broad, and 430 ft. deep, a dark-blue lake, the finest in N. Tyrol, lies 1300 ft. above the valley of the Inn. The road, hewn in the rock at some places, leads on the E. bank to (6 M.) Buchau (*Prantl), at the S.E. end of the lake (a drive of 1 hr.). Preferable is the Steamer, which plies eight times daily from Scholastika to Seespitz (and back) in 50 min., calling at Seehof, Pertisau, and Buchau (circular tour 1 fl. 30 kr.). Rowing-boat from the Scholastika to Pertisau in l^/o br. (1 pers. 70, 2 pers. 80 kr.); to the Seespitz in 2 hrs. (1 fl. and 1 fl. 20 kr.). On the S.W. bank of the lake is the Pertisau, a green pas- ture enclosed by precipitous mountains and frequented as a summer- resort (*FUrstenhau3, on the lake, the property of the Benedictine abbey of Viecht, R. 90, D. 1 fl. 10, S. 45 kr.; "^Hotel Stephanie, D. 1 fl. 20 kr., pens. 3 fl. ; rooms at the Villa Womdle; Pfandler an hr.) the ^os^erfto/ (1770 ft. ; Cafe). Hence across the hill to Gross-Gmain. 20 minutes. To Gross-Gmain, a pleasant walk of 40 minutes. The route (footpath past Staimer''3 cafe, or road past the Villas Hessing and Langenfeld) crosses the hill, turns to the left by an old lime-tree, and descends gradually. Fine view of the Untersberg and Lattengebirge all the way. The pleasant little village (1710 ft.-, Untevsberg ; Kaiser Karl) lies on the right bank of the Weissbach, just beyond the Austrian frontier. The picturesque ruined castle of Plain (popularly called Salzbuchsel ; with belvedere) lies H/i M. to the E., at the base of the Vntersberg. To theW. of the Gradir-Park, beyond the (V2 M,) Konner Steg (bridge across the Saalach), extends the Nanner Wald, which is intersected by numerous paths. The most frequented leads straight on (where it forks, Baedkker's S. Germany. 8th Edit. 15 226 Route 38. UNKEN. we pass through the fence to the right) to (V4 M.) Non (1590 ft.; Fuchs- hauer^s Restaurant), a village at the foot of the Hochstanffen, with an old church containing a Gothic "Altar of the 15th century. — The "Padinger Alpe (2170 ft. ; cafe') may be reached from Non in 50 min. ; splendid view of the Reichenhall valley. — Other pleasant promenades: to the Molken- lauer (20 min.), Alpgarten (^/^ hr.), Listsee (1 hr.), etc. ; see Baedeker''s Eastern Alps. Among the nearer mountain-excursions, the ascent of the "^Zwiesel (5850 ft.), the W. and highest peak of the Stauffengebirge , is particularly recommended (4 hrs. ; guide unnecessary). Road to the (3 M.) farm of Langackev (rfmts.), at the foot of the mountain ; bridle-path thence, for the most part through beautiful beech and pine woods, to the (2 hrs.) Zwiesel-Alp (4790 ft. ; Inn) and the (1 hr.) summit, which commands a magnificent mountain-panorama. — The ascent of the Hochstanffen (5815 ft.), the E. peak of the Stauflengebirge, is laborious (21/2 hrs. from the Zwiesel- Alp; the ascent from Fiding, on the N. side, is preferable, see p. 224). *To THE BIacjthhausl , 21/2 hrs., a very attractive excursion (carr. with one horse 6, carr. and pair IOV2 Jh omnibus daily in summer at 2.30 p.m. from the Hotel Achselmannstein, returning at 6 p.m., return- fare 11/2 J(). The road leads to the W., passing Bad Eirchberg (p. 226), and ascends a wooded ravine. About 21/2 M. from Eeichenhall, on two rocky eminences, are the Chapel of St. Pancras (1800 ft.) and the ruin of Karl- stein, two good points of view. About ^l\ M. farther on we reach the pretty Thumsee (1730 ft.), 1/2 ^I- loi^g ^"^^ V* M. broad (Restaurant on the opposite bank). The road ascends from the W. end of the lake through the picturesque Nesselgrahen to the (IY2M.) pump-house of Obernesselgraben, at the summit of the pass (2120 ft.), and 1/4 31. farther on divides. The left branch descends to Schnaizlreut and Lofer (see below); while the right branch, known as the Neuiceg, maintains its high level above the valley of the Weissbach (opposite rises the huge Rist/eichtkogel, 5315 ft. ; to the S.E. the Watzmann), and reaches the (1/2 hr.) *Mauthhausl (2075 ft. ; Inn), in a most picturesque situation above the profound gorge of the "Weissbach. A path leads down to the Gorges of the Weissbach and the Schrainbach Fall in the ravine beneath. — Beyond the Mauthhausl the road goes on, past Weissbach and Inzell, to Traunstein (p. 223). Feom Reichexhali, to Lofek, 171/2 M., diligence twice daily in 41/2 hrs. ; carr. with one horse 17, with two horses 27 Jl. From (5 M.) Obernessel- graben (see above) the road descends abruptly to (2 M.) Schnaizlreut (1670 ft. ; Inn), a hamlet in the Saalach valley, beyond which it crosses the Boden- biihl to (2V4 M.) TJnken (1810 ft.; 'Post; Lamm), a favourite health-resort. About 2 M. to the S. are the small baths of Oberrain (*Inn). A visit should be paid to the imposing gorge of the "Schwarzberg-Klamm, 21/2 hrs. to the W., and to the Staubfall (3 hrs.). The *Sonntagshorn (6436 ft.), easily ascended in 41/2 hrs. (guide not indispensable), commands a magni- ficent view. — From Unken the road traverses the Kniepass to (6 M.) Lofer (2096 ft.; ''-Post; 'Brdu; "Schweizer), a straggling village, much visited as a summer-resort, and beautifully situated between the Loferer Steinberge to the W. and the Reitalp- Gebirge to the E. Pleasant excursions to the Loferer Hochthal, the Loferer Alpe, etc. About 6 M. to the S., on the Ober- weissbach road, is the interesting *Yorderkaser-Elamm. For details, see Baedeker''s Eastern Alps. 39. From Eeichenhall to Berchtesgaden. Konigs-See. Comp. Map, p. 224:. 12 M. Railway in IV* hr. (2nd class 1 Jl 60 pf., 3rd class 1 Jl). The tickets are sold by the conductor on the train. The view-carriages, for which 2nd class passengers have to take an additional 3rd class ticket, are scarcely recommended. — Carriage from Reichenhall via Hallthurm to Berchtesgaden (preferable in fine weather) in 3 hrs., with one horse 11 JJ 20 pf., with two horses 17 Jl (fee included); via Hintersee and Ramsau (much better than via Hallthurm), 15 or 27 Jl ; see p. 232. — BERCHTESGADEN. 3'J. Route. 227 Omnibus (1 ^^) and Carriages for the Konigs-See (tariff, see p. 228) meet the trains at Berchtesgaden. From Salzbikg to BKRCHTESGAobN : Steam Tramway to (8 M.) St. Leon- havd-Drachenloch in 53 min. ; omnibus thence to Berchtesgaden seven times daily in V/t hr., and to Konigs-See four times daily in 2 hrs. Through- ticket from Salzburg to Berchtesgaden, 2nd cl. 1 fl. 20 kr., 3rd cl. 1 fl.; to Konigs-See 1 fl. 70, 1 fl. 50 kr., return-ticket 2 fl. 60, 2 fl. 10 kr. Cir- cular ticket from Salzburg to Berchtesgaden and back via Reichenhall, 2fl. 90, 2 fl. 10 kr. — Carriage from Salzburg to Berchtesgaden 5 or 8 fl., there and back 6 or 10 fl. ; to the Konigs-See and back 8 or 12 fl. (visit to the salt-mines included in each case; the drive from Salzburg and back, with a visit to the salt-works, occupies 8 hrs.). Rekhenhall (1555 ft.), see p. 224. The train skirts tlieW. side of the town to (1 M.) Reichenhall-Kirchherg (*H6tel Bavaria, at the station; Bad Kirchberg, to the right, beyond the Saalach, p. 225) and then ascends to the left through the valley of the Waidbach (4 : 100). To the left is the chateau of Gruttenstein (p. 225). At (2M.) Gma'm (1765 ft.; Restaurant) we obtain a A-iew of theUnters- berg (left) and the Lattengebirge (right). To the left lie the village of Gross-(3^main and the ruin of Plain (p. 225). The train then stead- ily ascends along the base of the Lattengebirge, crosses the WeUs- bach and the old moraine of the Fuchsenstein, and proceeds throujrh line wood to (41/0 M.) Hallthurm (2270 ft. ; ^Pension HalUhurm), picturesquely situated on the saddle between the Untersberg and the Lattengebirge, with an old tower. We then descend. (2 : 100) through a wide green valley (in front, to the right, the Hochkalter, with the Blaueis glacier, to the left the Watzmann) and skirt the Bischofs- wieser Ache, which descends from the right. In front rises the Hohe Goll, to the right the Hagengebirge. Below (8V2 M.) Bischofswiesen (2015 ft.; Brennerbascht Inn, Neuwirth, p. 229) the train crosses to the left bank of the Ache. The next part of the line lies through the wild. Tristram Ravine (short tunnel) to (lOi/o M.) Gmundbrilcke (1805 ft.), at the confluence of the Bischofswieser Ache with the Ramsaxier Ache. The train runs along the bank of the latter to (12 M.) Berchtesgaden (1770 ft. ; Hotel Bahnhof) ; the station lies to the S. of the town, near the salt-works (omnibuses for the principal hotels and the Konigs-See in waiting). Berchtesgaden. — Hotels. *Bellevue, with baths, R., L., & A. 2-4, B. 1, D. 3, pension 7-S Jl, omn. 60 pf.; 'Leuthaus or Post, R. 2-3. <^, B. 80 pf., pension 6-7, omn. ^j^Jl; Vier Jahreszeiten, at the upper end of the village, with garden and view, R. 21/2, D- 3, B. 1, pens. 6-8.//; Hotel-Pension irable, 5 M, from Ramsau 11 Jt), is an admirable point of view (Stcinerne Meer, Tantrn, etc.). The road ascends a few hundred paces farther to its highest point (3870 ft.), and then descends into the Saalach-Thal (the marked footpath saves 1/4 hr.). Before us rise the imposing Leogang Stein- berge. About 21/4 M. from the Hirschbichel, near a saw-mill, a finger-post indicates the way to the *Seisenberg-Klamm, a profound and very picturesque gorge, hollowed out by the action of the Wem- bach, which dashes over huge blocks of rock below. At the (25 min.) Binder- Mi'ihle, at the lower end of the ravine, we reach the Saalach- Thal; a road leads hence to (V2 M.) Ober -Weissbach (2150 ft.; *Auvogl^ near the church), where we rejoin the road from the Hirsch- bichel (to the left). The *Jnn zur Frohnwies lies V2 M. to the S. The road to Saalfelden (one-horse carr. from Frohnwies 4, two- horse 6-7 fl. : omnibus twice daily in summer, 1 fl.) traverses a defile (HoUwege), 6 M. long, on the right bank of the Saalach, Near the deserted mill of Diesbach^ the stream of that name forms a pretty waterfall (8 min. to the left of the road). The valley then expands, and the Tauern chain is seen towards the S. 91/2 M. Saalfelden, on the Salzburg and Tyrol Kailway, see Bae- deker's Eastern Alps. 40. From Munich to Linz by Simbach 148 M. Railway in 4V4-IIV2 lirs. (fares IG Jl 80, 10 Jl 90, G Ulf 50 pf. ; by 'Orient Express', first class only, 2i Jl 60 pf.). From the Munich Central Station to the (6 M.) East Station, where the Rosenheim line branches off to the right, see p. 221. To the right, in the distance, are the Alps, with the Wendelstein. Several unimportant stations. 19 M. Schtvaben, a thriving village (branch-line to Erding). Near (47 M.) Ampfing Emp. Lewis the Bavarian defeated and took prisoner his rival Frederick of Austria in 1322. To commemorate the victory he erected the small church to the left on the railway. — 52 M. Miilildorf (1260ft.; Post; '^Eberl, by the rail, station, plain), a little town on the Inn, with 2925 inhab., lies below the level of the line, from which its towers only are visible. To Rosenheim and Plattling, see R. 43. Near (60 M.) Neu-Oetting (Post) the line crosses the Isen above its confluence with the Inn. Alt-Oetting (Post; Cafi Wasmr)., 3V< M. to the E. (diligence in s/^ hr.), is a famous pilgrimage-resort, with a miraculous image of the Viriiin (in the small church in the market), said to have been bnmght from the East in the 7th century. The abbey-church contains the tomb of Tilly (p. 132); in the treasury are preciona relics dating from the 8th cent, downwards. The line approai^hes the Inn; broad willow-clad valley; to the left, wooded hills. 64 M. Perach, prettily situated on the hill to the left. A long embankment on the river-side is next traversed. — 234 Roide 40. BRAUNAU. Near (68 M.) Marktl the mountains recede, and the train quits the Inn, into which the Salzach falls 3 M. to the S. An omnibus plies thrice daily in 1^/4 hr. from Marktl to Burghausen, on the Salzach, with an interesting old ducal castle. — 73 V2 M. Buck. — 76 M. Simbacli (Alte Post ; Rail. Restaurant), the last Bavarian station ; luggage is examined here by Austrian custom-house officers. The Inn is then crossed. 78 M. Braunau (Ente; PostJ^ an old-fashioned town with 3100 inhabitants. The late-Gothic Church of the 15th cent., has a fine tower (interior modernized in bad taste). In the Promenaden-Platz by the Spitalkirche rises the *Palm Monument, in bronze, designed by KnoU, in memory of John Palm, the patriotic bookseller of Nurem- berg, who was shot at Braunau by Napoleon's order (comp. p. 102). — Branch-line to Steindorf, see Baedeker s Austria. Beyond this the country is pretty and wooded. 84 M. Minning ; 88 m. Obernberg-Altheim. The line ascends; to the left, farther on, we have a fine survey of the Innthal. 90 M. Geinberg ; 921/2 M. Garten. — lOOM.Eied (Lowe), a thriving town (4500inhab.) on the Oberach and Breitach, and junction of the Salzkammergut Railway (see Baedeker's Eastern Alps'). The Schwanthaler-Str. contains the ancestral home of the famous sculptor of that name. The line again ascends, affording views to the right and left. 104 M. Peterskirch; 108 M. Pram-Haag ; 116 M. Neumarkt. Thence to Wels and (148 M.) Linz, see p. 240 and Baedeker's Austria. 41. From Nuremberg to Furth [and Prague). 100 M. Railway to Furth in 3V2-6V2 hrs. (fares 12 J( 90, 8 Ji 60, 5 J( 50 pf.), to Prague in SVs-HVz hrs. ; custom-house examination at Furth. Nuremberg, see p. 95. The line ascends the left bank of the Pegnitz (on the right bank runs the line to Eger via Schnabelwaid, p. 109). — 21/2 M. M og eldorf (RestaxLX&nt zur Ostbahn) ; 3/^ M. from the station the Schmaussenbuck, a favourite resort from Nuremberg (p. 109). — 4 M. Laufamholz. On the right near (7 M.) Rothenbach rises the Moritzberg (shady path to the top in 1^/4 hr., via Rocken- brunn), which commands the plain of Nuremberg and the valley of the Pegnitz. IQi/o M. Lauf, on the left bank of the Pegnitz (p. 109 ; Oertel's Restaurant, at the station); 13 M. Ottensoos ; 15 M. Henfen- f eld, with a small chateau. — 171/2^. Hersbruck(p. 109); the station lies on the left bank of the Pegnitz, 1/2 M. from the town, and 11/4 M. from the other station (p. 109) on the right bank of the Peg- nitz, on the N. side of the town. Near (20 M.) Pommeis&runn (Birner, at the station; *Paulus, Vogel, in the village), a summer-resort, prettily situated at the base of the Houbirg, the line quits the Pegnitz-Thal, which here turns to the N. Scenery picturesque. 23 M. Hartmannshof ; 26 M. Etzelwang (N.E., the ruined Rupprechtstein and the well-preserved Schloss • AMBERG. 47. Route. 235 Neidstein). — 28 M. Neukirehen , on the watershed between the Main and the Danube. From Nedkibchek to Weiden (31V2 M. , railway in 2 hrs.). Stations Grossalbershof., Sc?wnli»d, and (1272 M.) Vilseck, an old town on the Vils, with a late-Gothic church. Then Laiujeiibruck, Freii/ng, llothtnbac/i, Weiher- hammer^ where the Heidenab is crossed, and (31'/2 M.) Weideii (p. 134). 34 M. Sulzbach (1394 ft. ; Krone ; pop. 4668), with an old Schioss of the Dukes of Pfalz-Neuburg-Sulzbach, now a house of correction for women. 36 M. Rosenberg, with the blast-furnaces of the Max- hiitte (p. 134); 391/2 M- Altmannshof. To the right rises the Erz- herg. with its iron-mines, 411/.2 M. Amberg(1235 ft. ; PfdlzerHof; Mayerhofers Restau- rant, both near the station), a town on the Vils, with i9,100inhab., has a well-preserved wall and moat , and is encircled by a fine avenue. The large Jesuits' College is now occupied by the gymna- sium, a seminary , and a brewery. The late-Gothic C/mrc/t o/" -Sf. ^arfin (15th cent.), with a tower 295 ft. high, contains a tombstone of Count Palatine Rupert (d. 1393). The Rathhaus , with its two fine halls , contains the valuable archives of the town. The large Prison has room for 1300 convicts. Guns for the Bavarian army are made at the Gewehrfabrik here. Outside the Vilsthor is a mon- ument to Max Joseph I. The Mariahilfberg (1630 ft.), with a pilgrimage-church, affords an extensive prospect (Inn). 45 M. Hiltersdorf; 50 M. Freihbls; 55 M. Irrenlohe. We then cross the Nab. 58 M. Schwandorf (p . 134), junction of the Eger and Ratisbon line (R. 27). Our line turns to the E., traversing wood and passing several large ponds. 66 M. Altenschicand; 70 M. Bodemudhr;'lldU. Neubau; 80^2^- -Rorfm(7(1164ft.; Kleber, Post), a thriving village on the Regen, Vj^ M. to the S. ; 82 M. Posing. 88 M. Cliain (1263ft.; Post; Vogel), &n old town with 3600 inhab, , on the N. margin of the Bavarian Forest (p. 245), is the old capital of the Chamberich. Gothic Rathhaus of the 15th cent. ; adjoining it the late-Gothic church of St. James (1514). The old Chammiinsier, IV2 M. to the E. of the town, is a late-Gothic churcli on Romanesque foundations. Near it is the lofty ruin of Chamereck. From Chaji to Lam, 25 M., railway in 21/3 hrs., through the winding valley of the Regen. — From (3 M.) Runding (Simeth's Brewery), with a ruined castle, a pleasant excursion may be made to the (2 hrs.) Haidstexn (2450 ft.), a fine point of view, with a chapel and some scanty ruins. The descent may be made via iJted, with its gigantic lime-tree, to (IV2 hr.) Kotziing (see below). — 51/2 ^I- Chamerau; M. Miltach. Above (11 M.) Blaihach the Schicarze Regen unites with the Weisse Regen. — We follow the valley of the latter via Fulling to (131/2 M.) Kotzting (1345 ft.; Decker ; "Post; *Zrrtt«), a small industrial town at the foot of the steep Kaitersberg (3300 ft.). The Bnrgstall {Hohe Bogeii; see p. 23G) is ascended hence via Rimmbach in 31/2 hrs. Over the Haidstein to iJwHdmr; 31/2 hrs. (see above). A road leads to the S.E. to Viechtach (see p. 246). — 17 31. Orafeniciesen; 20 M. Eohenwayth, at the base of the Hohe Bogen (p. 236) ^ 22V2 31. Ar- rach. — 25 M. Lam, see p. 247. We now traverse the deep Chambthal. 92 M. Koihmaissling ; 96 M. AhrnschxoanQy with an old castle and church. 236 Route 42. STRAUBING. To the S.W. rises the finely-shaped Hohe Bogen (highest point, the Eckstein, 3523 ft.), ascended from Ahrnschwang or Furth in 2-21/2 hrs. The Burgstall (3210 ft.), the W. peak, commands a fine survey of the valley of the Regen, and of a great part of Bohemia and the Upper Palatinate. Amongst the M^oods on the W. spur lies the ruin of Lichteneck (243S ft.). From the Burgstall to Kotzting , see p. 285. — We may penetrate farther into the Bavarian Forest by descending from the Eckstein on the S.E. side to the (25 min.) Diensthiltte (refreshments), whence we may either descend to (3/4 hr.) Hohenwarth (p. 235), or follow the top of the hill to the (3/4 hr.) belvedere on the Hohenstein (path marked in red), and go thence via Eager to (IV2 hr.) the high-road, which leads to (41/2 M.) Lam (p. 247). 100 M. Furth (1345 ft.; *Post; ZumHohenbogen, at the station; Waschinger ; breweries of Utz and Altmann; Rail. Restaurant), a small town with an ancient tower and a ruined castle, the junction of the Bohemian W. Railway (luggage examined). In the Chambthal, about 1/2 M. to the E., lies the Wutzmilhle (*H6tel- Pension). Fine points of view are the Aepflet-Kuppe, 25 min. from Furth, and the Voitenberg-Oed, 35 min. farther on (path marked in white). Omnibus twice daily in 41/4 hrs. to (15 M.) Lam (p. 247; fare 2 Ji 50 pf.). The road leads by (4 M.) Eschlkam (1543 ft. ; *Neumaier), a prettily situated summer-resort, and (4V4 M.) Nenkirchen (*Moreth; Koepl), at the N.E. base of the Hohe Bogen (see above), with a pilgrimage-church. From Furth to Prague, see Baedekers Austria. 42. From Eatisbon to Passau and Linz. The Danube from Fassau to Linz. 140 M. Railway to (74 M.) Passau in 2-4 hrs., to (140 M.) Linz in 5-8 hrs. — Steamboat from Passau to Linz daily in summer in 3 hrs. (fares 2 fl. 60, 1 fl. 55 kr.); up from Linz to Passau, 8 hrs. (fares 1 fl. 60, 1 fl. 20 kr.). The custom-house examination takes place on the purchase of tickets in the Rathhaus. The check received is given up on embarking. To (5 M.) Obertraubling, see p. 135. Our line diverges to the left from the Munich railway (R. 27). Stations Mangolding , Moos- ham, Taimering, Silnching (branch-line to Geiselhoring , p. 135), Radldorf. 251/2 M. Straubing (1090 ft.; Sehwarzer Adler ; Post, R. IV4- 2 J^, B. 60 pf., D. 2 J^; Kraus), a very ancient town (pop. 13,850) on the Danube, lies in an extensive and fertile plain, the granary of Bavaria. The late-Gothie church of *St. James (1429-1512) con- tains paintings attributed to Wohlgemuth a fine altar with statues of the year 1500, and good stained glass (1442 and 1503). The Ro- manesque church of St. Peter, in the cemetery on the lofty bank of the Danube, passes for the oldest building in the town and is sup- posed to occupy the site of the Roman Serviodurum. The Gothic Oymnasialkirche (of 1430), formerly the church of the Carmelites, contains the fine monument of Duke Albert II. (d. 1397). The Schloss (now barracks) was once occupied by Duke Albert III. with his wife Agnes Bernauer (p. 114), the beautiful daughter of a barber of Augsburg. Her father-in-law Duke Ernest, exasperated by his son's mesalliance, cruelly and unjustly caused her to be condemned to death and thrown into the Danube from the bridge (1435). Her remains were interred in the churchvard of St. Peter, as recorded PASSAU. 42. Route. 237 by an inscription on a marble slab in the Agnes Rernauer Chapel (of 1436). The square Stadt-Thurm (223 ft.), with its five turrets, was erected by Duke Lewis I, in 1208. 30 M. Amselfing; 331/2 M. Strasskirchen, 4 M. to the S.W. of which are the mineral -baths of Milnchshbfen ; 37 M. Stephans- posching. On the left the Natternberg (1260 ft.), with a ruined castle and a modern chateau. — 41 M. Plattling (1040 ft.), where the line crosses the Isar, near its confluence with the Danube, junction for Miihldorf and Eisenstein. (Excursion in the Bavarian Forest, see p. 245.) 461/2 M. Langenisarhofeth ; 50 M. Osterhofen; 54 M. Girching ; 56I/2 M. Pleinting. The line nears the Danube, and follows it to Passau. On the opposite bank rises the well-preserved ruin of Hiltgersberg. 60 M. Vilshofen (1007 ft. ; Ochs; Bayrischer Hof), the Roman Villa Quintanica, at the confluence of the Vils and Danube, has a Gothic church of 1376. — 64 M. Sandbach. On a rock to the left, farther on, we observe a recumbent lion, erected to the memory of Maximilian I., the projector of the high-road, which between this point and Passau is in many places hewn through the rock. 69 M. Schalding ; 71 M. Reining. The towers of Passau, the fortress of Oberhaus, and the charming environs of the town now come into view. Luggage is examined at the station. 74 M. Passau. — Hotels. *Batrischer Hof (PL a; C, 3), R., L., & A. from 21/2, D. 21/2 Jl, 'MoHR, R., L., & A. from IV2, D. 2 Jl, B. 55 pf., both in the Ludwig-Str. ; "^^Wenzel zdk Sonne (PI. c; C, 3), corner of Thc- resiengasse and Untere Sand, near the bridge over the Inn; Zcr Eiskn- BAHN, near the rail, station, moderate. — Wine Saloons: ' Zum Wilden Afann, Schrottgasse; ^'Rat/thauskeller, in the Rathhaus (p. 239); Miihlbaner ; Cottel; Heilige-Geist-Stiftsscfienke (see p. 238; good Austrian wine). — Beer at the -Stadl Wien (Pl.B, 3), Ludwigs-Platz ; Stockbauer -Garten (PI. E, 2, 3), with view of the Danube; Krenibauer, at Anger (PI. C, 2; p. 239); Pesc/il- leller (PI. A, 3), near the station, with terrace towards the Danube; IStock- bauerkeller (PI. B, 4), Schmeroldkellev , Hellkeller (PI. A, 4), beyond the drill-ground; Innstadt Brewery (PI. E, 4). — Post d- Telegraph Offices, at the rail, station (PI. A, 3) and in the old Canonical Court in the Domplatz (PI. C, 3; p. 238). — Baths in the Danube, left bank; also in the Ilz, right bank, warmer. Passau (960 ft.), the Castra Batava of the Romans, the capital of an episcopal see from 739 to 1803, with 16,600 inhab., lies on a rocky tongue of land formed by the confluence of the Inn (319 yds. in breadth) with the Danube (only 264 yds. wide). Numerous houses, chiefly of the 17th and 18th cent., on the banks of the rivers, especially on the Inn, give the town an imposing appearance. The peculiar and picturesque situation of the town at the confluence of the Danube, Inn, and Ilz, and the variety of views commanded by the neighbouring heights, will amply repay a short visit to Passau, one of the most beautiful places on the Danube. From the station (PI. A, 3) the Bahnhof-Str. leads to the E. to the Ludwigs-lMatz (PI. B, 3), and thence, somewhat to the left, to the Neumarkt or Ludwig-Str., which, with its E. continuation the 238 Route 42. PASSAU. From Ratisbon Rindermarkt, is the busiest part of the town. To the right, at the corner of the Heilige-Geist-Str., is the Votivkirche in the Roman- esque style, erected in 1564 and remodelled in 1864. On the facade are statues of Christ and the Apostles. The interior, which has no aisles, is tastefully decorated. Above the high-altar is a group of the Coronation of the Virgin by Knabl. — Adjacent, on the right, is the Heilige Geistspital, with a church and the tavern mentioned at p. 237. Farther on, on the left side of the Rindermarkt, is the St. Jo- hannes- Spitalkirche {Fl. C, 2), with numerous wood-carvings, an- cient and modern, ranged along the walls, and tombstones in red marble. To the right, higher up, is the Parish Church of St. Paul (PI. C, 2), built in 1678 and skilfully painted iu the interior in 1851. Passing through the Paulusbogen adjoining the church, we ascend to the right through the Postgasse to the Parade-Platz or Domplatz (PL C,D, 3), On the E. side, on a height overlooking the town, rises the Cathedral of St, Stephen, founded perhaps as early as the 5th cent., restored in the Gothic style in the 15th cent., and rebuilt in a florid rococo style by C. Lorago after a lire in 1662 (nave completed in 1684, towers in 1695). This is one of the finest German churches of the 17th century. The outside of the choir, transept, and dome date from the 15th cent, restoration, but the interior has been modernized. The fine organ, by Hechenberger (1889), is the largest in Bavaria. On the N. side is the Domhof, with interesting restored chapels; on the wall of the cathedral here are numerous old gravestones. The chapel of the Holy Trinity (1572), with a large modern carved altar and the names of all the bishops of Passau, contains the monument of the founder, Prince-Bishop Tren- bach (d. 1598). The Heinrirhs-Kapelle, with modern stained-glass windows and gilded carving, dates from 1710. The Via Dolorosa or Kreuzweg Chapel (1414) has four slender octagonal pillars, and old tombstones of red marble on the walls. The adjacent Mt. of Olives or Oelberg Chapel, founded in 1288, contains a marble tomb of Count Heinrich III., erected in 1360. The Parade-Platz in front of the cathedral is adorned with a Statue of Maximilian I. in bronze. Opposite to it, on the W. side, is the Post Office, formerly the Canons' Residence, historically inter- esting as the place where the Treaty of Passau (1552), establishing religious toleration, was concluded between Emp. Charles V. and Elector Maurice of Saxony. See the inscriptions above and adjoin- ing the entrance. The present building dates from 1724. The choir of the cathedral adjoins the Residenz-Platz (Pl.D, 3), in which rise the Old Bishop s Palace (now containing the Amts- gericht and the Landgericht) and the New Bishop's Palace (1771), both with rich rococo portals. A street descends hence to the right to the Inn Bridge (see p. 239). To the left the Schrottgasse leads to the pier of the Danube steamers, passing the Rathhaus (PI. E, 3), rebuilt after a fire in to Linz. PASSAU. 42, Route, 239 1662, and considerably enlarged and provided with a tower in 1888- 93. The walls and ceiling of the Council Chambers are t'nibellished with paintings from the history of Passaii, by F. Wagner. Below is the tastefully decorated Rathhauskeller (p. 237). Going farther ¥j., we then follow the Braugasse to the right to the Church of the Holy Cross (PI. E, 3), belonging to the dissolved nunnery of Nie- dernburg, a Romanesque basilica of the beginning of tlie 13th cent., with low vaulting, lately restored. It is now a school kept by Eng- lish nuns. The Maria-Parz Chapel on the S. side contains the tomb of the Abbess Gisela, Queen of Hungary, and sister of Emp. Henry II. (shown on application). The Braugasse leads on to tlie promontory at the E. end of the town, with a few relics of the old castle of Ori, where we obtain a fine view of the broad expanse formed by the confluence of the rivers, whose different-coloured waters seem to strive for the mastery. An iron bridge crosses the Inn to the Innstadt (PI. C-E, 4), the ancient Bojodurum, rebuilt since its destruction by fire in the war of 1809. The church of St. Severinus (PI. C,4), who was a mission- ary here in the 5th cent., dates from the Romanesque period but was remodelled in the Gothic style in 1476. The Parish Church of St. Gertraud (PI. 1), 4) was restored in 1888. Following the Maria- hilfgasse from the bridge and then ascending to the right, outside the town-gate, by the road leading to the Waldschloss (see below), we reach (I/4 hr.) the pilgrimage-church of *Marialiilf (1256 ft.; PI. E, 4). Both on the way to the church and above it we obtain charming surveys of the tow^n, the confluence of the Inn and Danube, and the fortress of Oberhaus. The church, with its richly gOt altar, attracts numerous worshippers. The court contains tasteful modern Stations of the Cross, with coloured reliefs. From the vestibule of the church, garnished with votive tablets, a flight of 164 steps de- scends to Innstadt. — In Austrian territory, 1/2 ^^- from Mariahilf , is the Waldschloss, a restaurant prettily situated on the margin of a wood. The Town Park (PI. A, 2), on the slopes of the left bank of the Danube, ^/o M, to the W. of the Maximilians-Briicke (see below), aff'ords a number of shady wood-walks. A little higher up is the Plantage (beer-saloon), whence roads and paths lead back to the Danube via the episcopal chateau of Freudenhain (PI. A, 1; 1790- 92), now a school. The fortress of *Oberhaus (1378 ft. •, PI. E, 2), built by Bishop Ulric II. in 1219 , crowns the precipitous , wooded height of the Georgsberg, on the left bank of the Danube, opposite Passau. It is connected by a rampart and walls with the old fortress of Nieder- haus (PI. F, 2), on the tongue between the Ilz and the Danube. The road leaves the town at the upper end, crosses the Danube by the Maximilians-Brucke, 240 yds. long, and descends on the left bank through the small suburb of Anger, and through a tunnel in the 240 Route 4-2. PASSAU. From Ratisbon rock, to the llz. The shortest route for pedestrians is by the new Chain Bridge at the lower end of the town (3 pf.). On the left, be- yond the tunnel, is the Gothic Salvator-Kirche(VL E,2), a curious three-storied edifice, with groined vaulting and a series of chapels, erected in 1479-84 on the site of a synagogue and restored in 1861. Modern carved altar, gilded and painted, with good imitations of Adam Krafft's Stations of the Cross at Nuremberg (p. 103). From the llz Bridge (see below) the road ascends to the left to the lower gate of the fortress in 1/4 hr. The ^Belvedere on the Katz battery (adm. 50 pf. , on Sun. 20 pf. ; adjacent the Lusenhiitte Restaurant) affords a beautiful survey (best in the evening) of the town, of the valleys of the llz, the Danube, and the Inn, and of the hills of the Bohemian and Bavarian Forests (see the excellent indicator). A red flag on the fortress indicates that the weather is clear enough for a view of the Berchtesgaden and Salzburg Alps to the S. The tower contains a small collection of objects from the Bavarian Forest. The well which supplies the fortress is 426 ft. deep, and extends down to the level of the Danube. In the middle ages the Oberhaus, now a state-prison, frequently afforded the bish- ops a refuge from civic broils. In 1809 it was occupied by the French, and the Austrians prepared to besiege it; but they aban- doned their intention after their defeat at Ratisbon (p. 119), Those whose time is limited may take the footpath from Oberhaus to the right, by a small house before the old powder-magazine is reached, and descend direct to the llz and Danube, or they may follow the tele- graph-posts to the left and then descend the steps to the bridge over the Danube. But the traveller who has 2 hrs. to spare should follow the top of the hill from the upper gate of the fortress, passing the old powder- magazine, to (25 min.) Ries (*Inn), and descend thence to (1/4 hr.) *Hals (960 ft. ; Hydropathic Establishments), a village charmingly situated in the valley of the llz, and commanded by the ruined castle of the same name. There is an old pillory by a corner-house in the market-place. Above the village (finger-post), by the Hofbauer, we cross the llz (3pf.), and descend the promenade on the left bank to the (V4hr.) Burchbruch, a tunnel, 143 yds. in length, hewn in the rock in 1831, through which an arm of the llz flows. On the wooded hill above the tunnel is the ruined castle of Reschenstein. In clefts of the rocks here is found a beautiful luminous moss. A footway, protected by a balustrade , leads through the tunnel. At the farther end there is a long barrier to intercept the floating timber as it descends from the Bavarian Forest (p. 245). A foot-bridge crosses from the upper end of the tunnel to the Trifthduschen (rfmts.) on the right bank. We return through the Durchbruch, follow the left bank for 8 min., and cross to the steam saw-mill; then follow the right bank to the (1/4 hr.) bridge of Hals. We return by the road on the right bank of the llz to (I'/z M.) the suspen- sion-bridge of Passau (see above). At the mouth of the llz (see above) , an important channel for the timber-traffic, a bridge crosses to the Ilzstadt (PI. E, 1, 2), at the base of the Nonnberg, inhabited by boatmen and raftsmen. Above it rises the (20 min.) *Klosterberg, or Nonnengiitl (PI. E, 2 ; visitors generally admitted), a charming point of view, which af- fords the best survey of the union of the light-gray Inn, the yellow- ish-green Danube, and the inky llz. After having received the waters of the Inn, the Danube becomes a noble stream. to Linz. FREYUNG. 42. Route. 241 The belvedere on the *Schardenberg (1785 ft.) is another of the nu- merous fine points near Passau. We cross the bridge over the Inn, and ascend the Linz road to (3 M.) Gattern^ IV2 M. beyond which a road, slightly descending to the right from the high-road, leads to the tower (adm. 10 pf.) in a few minutes. Restaurant adjacent. A most extensive view is here enjoyed of the Bavarian Mts. and the Alps of the Salzkammergut and Styria, with a picturesque foreground. We may now descend in V« ^^' to Wernstein (p. 242). From Passau to Neumarkt (RoU-Thal Railway)^ see p. 244. From Passau a pleasant excursion may be taken to the S.E. part of the Bavarian Forest (comp. p. 245). Fkom Passau to Fkeydng, 30 M., railway in 3 hrs. The train crosses the Danube above Passau, ascends through wood to (6 M.) Tiefenbach (1207 ft.), and then winds down to the pretty valley of the Ilz. Stations : Fischhaus ; Kalteneck; ISV'i M. Fiiraleneck (1397 ft.), a prettily situated chateau, now an inn. We then follow the vallev of the Ostevbach. 19V2 M. Rohm- hach (1692 ft.; ^Pfreimter); 24 M. Waldkirchen C^Post; Abel; Meindl) ; 27 M. Karlshach. — 30 M. Freyung (2170 ft.; "Probstl; Post), a busy little town. About V* lir. to the N., on a rock towering above the brawling Sautbacfi, is the imposing chateau of Wol/stein^ now occupied by the district-authori- ties; and Va hr. to the S.W. rises the Oeiersberg (2592 ft.), a splendid point of view. From Freyung we may proceed to the 1^., via the Bierhiitte and Haslach, to (2 hrs.) Hohenau (2638 ft.; 'Moosbauer). Or we may choose the longer but pleasanter route, which descends by the church of Freyung, crosses the Sausbach, and descends on the right bank, through the *£uch- berger Leiie, a romantic rocky gorge, to (4^2 M.) the miU of Buchb erg \ we then ascend to the right by Saulohrn and Haslach to (IV2 hr.) Hohenau. From Hohenau roads lead to the S.W. to (41/2 M.) Orafmau (p. 246), and to the N.W. to (6 M.) St. Oswald (p. 247; route to the Rachelsee and over the Rachel to Klingenbrtmn, 5 hrs., see p. 247). Ascent of the Lusen (p. 247) direct, xiii the Schonauer Glashiitte, 31/2 hrs. (guide 3U?); descent by Waldhduser to St. Oswald, 21/2 hrs. (comp. p. 247). ExcuEsioN TO THE Dkeisesselsteik, very attractive (2 days; diligence from Passau to Breitenberg daily in 5V2 hrs. ; from Waldkirchen in 3 hrs.). We cross the Ilz and descend by the Danube to the (3 M.) Kernmiihle. Here we ascend to the left to (1 hr.) the baths of Kellberg (1443 ft.; 'Pension, moderate; omnibus to and from Passau on Wed. and Sat.), prettily sit- uated on the hill and commanding a charming view. Thence to the N.W., through the finely situated little town of Tyrnau (1660 ft. ; Zum Edelfurt- ner; Enzinger), and by the old road to (2V2 hrs.) Hauzenberg (1800 ft.; Post; J. Stemplinger; A. Stemplinger) , near which rises the Staffelberg (2600 ft.), with a belvedere-tower. The road then leads via Freudensee, with its ruin and small lake, Passreut, and Krinning, to C2'/2 lirs.) Sonnen (2676 ft.; *Post; Metzger), a high and prettily situated village, and thence (picturesque) to (13 4 hr.) Breitenberg (see below). Or we may go from the Kernmuhle (see above) along the bank of the Danube to Erlau and (2', 2 hrs.) Obernzell (see p. 242); then ascend the valley to the left to (3 M.) Gries- bach (1828 ft.; 'Oetzinger), where the road forks. The branch to the left leads to Hduzenberg (see above). We take the branch to the right, by (1 hr.) Wildenranna and (I1/4 hr.) Wegscheid 0-360 ft. ; Fenzl ; Haydn) , a small town with linen factories, to (3 hrs.) Breitenberg C2316 ft. ; 'Post, with fine view from the veranda). The road now descends towards the N. to (3/4 hr.) Klafferstrass, and ascends slightly to (3/4 hr.) Lackenhdusev (266S ft. ; Rosenberger). A good path ascends thence in IV2 hr. to the top of the Dreisesselstein (4300 ft. ; inn). The summit consists of huge piled-np blocks of granite; admirable view of the Bohemian Forest and the Alps. Still finer from the Mohenstein (4305 ft.), 1/4 31. distant. From the Dreisessel- stein a path on the crest of the hill leads past the Dreieckmarkstein (4330 ft,), where the boundaries of Bavaria , Bohemia, and Austria meet, to (!'/«- lV2hr.) the Blockenstein (4523 ft.), mirrored in the dark waters of the soli- tary, forest-girt Blockenstein-See (evening light best). On the bank of the Baedeker's S. Germany. 8th Edit. KJ 242 Route 4'2. SCHARDING. From Passau lake is a monument to Adalbert Stifter (d. 1868), who has celebrated this spot in his poems. Back to Lackenhauser in 2 hrs. — From the Drei- sesselstein to HirscJibergen and Salznau (Budweiss)^ see Baedeker's Aiistria. A visit to the Bohemian Forest on the Kuhani is best accomplished by taking the diligence (once daily in 3 hrs.) from Freyung (see p. 241) to (12 31.) Kuschwarda (2735 ft.; *R^if; Paullik), a village and summer- resort prettily situated at the foot of the Schlosslherg. Hence we proceed to the (IV2 hr.) glass-works of Eleonorenhain ('Tourists' Inn), whence a visit to the highly interesting primaeval forest on the S. slope of the Ku- hani (4468 ft.) may be made in 3 hrs. (there and back). — From Kusch- warda via, Bdhmisch-Rohren and Netithal to the Dreisessehtein (p. 241), 5 hrs.; guide advisable. — A very attractive trip crosses the Lusen to St. Oswald in 7 hrs. (guide). The route leads via the (2 hrs.) Aim (3743 ft.; rfmts.), with a splendid view, to (IV4 hr.) Mauth (*Strunz) , and then follows a marked path via the Tummelplatz (rfmts.) to the (2 hrs.) Lusen-Spitze (p. 247) ; descent to St. Oswald (p. 247), IV2 hr. The Railway to Linz passes througli a long tunnel , crosses the Inn, and ascends on the right bank of the river. 80 M. Wernstein^ with an old chateau, on a height opposite. — 83 M. Scharding('*fl'di. Altmann; Rail. Restaurant), an ancient town with 3600inhab., picturesquely situated on the Inn, junction of the Salzkammergut Railway (see Baedeker's Austriay Near it is the village of Brunnen- thal, with a chalybeate spring. — The line now ascends the Pram- thai. 89 M. Taufkirchen; 92 M. Andorf ; 98 M. Riedau; 106 M. Neumarkt (*Reiss), junction of the Simbach-Munich line (R. 40) \ 113 M. Grieskir chert. We now descend (to the right a view of the Alps with the Traunstein) by Wallern to (I241/2 M.) Wels, a station on the Linz and Salzburg railway. Thence to (140 M.) Linzy see Baedekers Austria. Steamboat Jouenet. The steamer, far preferable to the railway, gen- erally leaves Passau at 3 p.m., and reaches Linz in 4 hrs. Luggage examined before embarkation (comp. p. 236). The scenery of the Danube is grander, but less smiling than that of the Rhine, while the finest points are often rather far apart. The moun- tains are higher, and the banks are generally fringed with forest, or clothed with luxuriant pasture ; but the population is poor and sparse, and there is an almost total absence of the busy traffic which characterises the sister-river. A beautiful retrospect of the town and environs is enjoyed immedi- ately after starting. Below Passau the right bank belongs to Austria, and the left bank as far as Engelhartszell to Bavaria. L. Erlati. R. Schloss Krempelsiein, on an abrupt cliff. L. (3. 30p.m.) Obernzell or Hafnerzell (964 ft.; 'Post; Saxinger), the last Bavarian ^^llage, with large quarries of graphite and manufactories of lead-pencils and fire-proof crucibles. Excursion to the Bavarian Forest, see p. 241. R. Viechtenstein, an old Schloss on the hill, formerly the property of the bishops of Passau and now of Count Pachta. Farther on , below Griinau, the Jochenstein^ jutting far into the river on the left, was the ancient boundary between Bavaria and Austria. The present boundary is a wooded ravine on the left bank, a little lower down. R. (4 p.m.) Engelhartszell (*Po«0, prettily situated, with the Austrian custom-house (p. 236). Near it is Engelszell, once a Cistercian monastery, now owned by Count Pachta. L. Ranariedl, an ancient mountain-castle, still inhabited ; at the foot of the hill is the village of Niederranna. to Linz. ASCHACH. 42. Route. 243 R. (4. 18 p.m.) Wetenu/er or Wesenur/afir, an old town, with a large wine cellar hewn in the rock, formerly owned by the cathedral chapter of Passau. L. Marsbach^ with the ancient tower of a mediEcval castle. R. Waldkirchen., a ruin on a pine-clad rock. L. Hat/enbach, or the Kirschbatimer Schloss , destroyed by Emp. 3Iaxi- milian I., is seen a second time after a bend in the river. The channel of the river now contracts to nearly half its former width, and is confined between precipitous wooded hills, 600-1000 ft. in height. This is one of the grandest parts of the river. At — L. Obermichl^ a pleasant village, the Kleine Michl descends from a wooded ravine into the Danube. L. Neuhaus, a handsome chateau on a lofty wooded height, the prop- erty of Herr von Plank. The Danube suddenly emerges on a broad plain shortly before we reach — R. (5. 30 p.m.) Aschach (Sonne; Adler), a small town extending pictur- esquely along the bank, with the chateau and park of Count Harrach. The Postlingberg with its church, near Linz, comes into view^ in clear weather the Styrian and Austrian Alps form the background towards the S. \ and to the right rises the Traunstein. The view is soon concealed by the nu- merous islands, overgrown with underwood, between which the river flows. — From this point to Linz, and beyond it, the valley was the scene of many a sanguinary encounter during the revolt of the peasantry of Upper Austria. In 1626 Aschach was the headquarters of the insurgents, where, as well as at Neuhaus , they had barricaded the Danube with chains to prevent the Bavarians from assisting Count Herberstein, the Austrian gov- ernor, who was shut up at Linz. [Railway to Wels, 171/2 M., in I'/a hr., via Efferding, Breitenaich, and Raiding. Welt, see Baedeker s Handbook to Austria.] Perched on the hills to the right are the ruined castles of Stauf and Schaumburg. The latter was once the ancestral seat of a powerful family which held sway over the whole valley between Passau and Linz, but became extinct in 1559. L. Landshag, with a small chateau of Count Harrach. R. Brandstatt is the station for Efferding (rail, stat., see above), one of the most ancient places in Upper Austria, mentioned in the Nibelungen- Lied (21st Adventure) as the place where Kriemhild passed the night on her journey to the land of the Huns. The village is said formerly to have lain on the Danube, but the tower only is now visible. To the left in the distance rises the Postlingberg. L. Ottensheim^ with its white walls, is conspicuous (rail, stat., see p. 251). Chateau of Count Coudenhove. R. Wilhering, a Cistercian abbey (1146), with a pleasant garden. L. Schloss Buchenau. Then the Postlingberg., crowned with its church and fortifications. R. The Calvarienberg., with the Jagermayr rising above it. The steamer passes under the handsome new bridge and reaches — R. (7 p.m.) Linz (see Baedeker's Atutria). 43. From Eosenheim to Eisenstein by Miilildorf and Plattling. The Bavarian Forest. 133 M. RAiLWAt in 884 hrs. (fares 17.// 20, llJ/ 40, 7 j^ 40 pf.). Rosenheim, see p. 222. Soon after starting, the train diverges to the right from the Munich railway and runs to the N., across the plain of the Inn. 01/2 M. Schechen ; 10 M. Rett, with an old Bene- dictine abbey on a hill to the left. The line crosses the valley of the Attel on a lofty embankment, passing on the right the ancient pro- Yostry of Attel, and at (16 M.) Wasserburg reaches the top of a 10* 244 Route 43. DEGGENDORF. From Bosenheim lofty plateau on the left bank of the Inn. The town of Wasserburg (1640 ft.; Hotel Schliesslecler ; 3700 inhab.), a summer-resort, lies 3 M. to the right, on a peninsula formed by the Inn, and is not vis- ible from the railway. The train passes the Soyer See, or Kitzsee , and (19 M.) Soy en, and skirts the steep slopes of the Nasenbach. Reaching the lofty left bank of the Inn , we now cross the river , flanked here with wooded heights , at Kbnigsivarth, by means of a viaduct 330 yds. long and 161 ft. high. We next descend on the right bank to (25 M.) Oars, opposite which lie the village and monastery of that name. Lower down, on the left bank, is the extensive monastery of Au. Beyond (281/2 M.) Jeitenbaeh, with a chateau of Count Torring, the river is again crossed. On the wooded table-land lies the station of (32 M.) Kraiburg (a village on the right bank of the Inn, 3M. to the E.). The train quits the forest, passes the church and lunatic asylum of Ecksberg on the right , and near (38^/2 M.) Uiilildorf (p. 233) reaches the Munich railway. The train runs to the N. (to the right the railway to Simbach, p. 233), and crosses the Isen. Beyond (43 M.) Rohrbach it crosses the watershed between the Inn and the Rott. — 48 M. Neumarkt an der Rott (1470 ft.), with two late-Gothic churches. From Neumarkt to Passad, 61 M. (branch-railway, 5-51/2 hrs.). The line skirts the left bank of the Rott. Stations Eorbering , Massing, Dietfurt, (12V2 M.) Eggenfelden. Beyond (22 M.) Pfarrkircfien (1250 ft.) the train crosses the Rott. Stations Anzenkirchen, Birnhach, Karpfham. Then (39 M.) Pocking, in the broad valley of the Inn. Next stations Ruhstorf, Sulzhach am Inn, Engertsham, Hohenstadt (with sulphur-baths), Fiirstenzell, Neustift. — 61 M. Fassau, see p. 237. From Neumarkt to Landshut, see p. 136. Leaving the Rott-Thal 2 M. below Neumarkt, the train runs to the N. through a hilly district to (541/2 M.) Gangkofen, on the Bina, crosses at (58 M.) Trembach the watershed between the Rott and the Vila, and descends to the Vilsthal. — 63 M. Frontenhausen ; the village, with an interesting late-Gothic church, lies 11/2^- ^o the W. We cross the Vils, ascend the opposite bank, cross the profound Seegraben by a lofty viaduct, and reach the watershed be- tween the Vils and the Isar. 671/2 M. Oriesbach ; ll'^j'i M. Mam- ming, w^here the Isar is crossed ; 75 M. Pilsting, junction for Lands- hut (p. 136). Then (771/2 M.) Landau; the town, with 3200 inhab., lies 1 M. to the S., on the right bank of the Isar. — To Landshut (and Munich'), see p. 136. Below Landau the train enters the broad plain of the Danube. Fine glimpse of the nearer hills of the Bavarian Forest, with the distant Arber (p. 247). — 82 M. Wallersdorf; 851/2 M. Otzing ; 89 M. Flattling, where we cross the Ratisbon and Passau railway (p. 237). Beyond Plattling the line nears the Danube , passing the iso- lated Natternberg with its ruin on the left, and crosses the river by an iron bridge, 440 yds. long. — 94 M. Deggendorf (1090 ft. ; *Drei r^ .(^M£ to FAsenstein. GOTTESZELL. 43. Route. 245 Mohren^ R. i^l^M ; Post; Villa Wittelsbach, pension 3^/,- Dasber- yerbrdu and Hallerbriiu, moderate), a pleasant old-fasliioned town with thriving trade and manufac-tures (6200 inhab.). On the out- skirts of the town is the District Lunatic Asylum. The Oeiersberg (1243 ft.), Vv: hr. to the N., with a pilgrimage-church, commands a fine view of the valley of the Danuhe; that from the Kanzel (2378 ft.), reached hy a marked path in li/z hr., is more extensive. — Pleasant excursion from Deggendorf bv the old post-road , through the valley of the HoUenbach, to the (9 M.) beautifully-situated Kusel (259.0 ft. ; "Inri), formerly a monastery. Thence on foot through the wood to the ('/•J hr.) "Hausstein (3007 ft.), which commands a magnificent view of the plain of the Danube and the distant Alps (Watzmann, Steinerne Meer, DacL- stein, etc.). — The road leads from the Rusel through the valley of the Ohebach, past the castle of Au, destroyed last century, to (9 M.) Regen (see below). To the W. of Deggendorf (2V2 M. ; narrow-gauge railway in V* hr.) lies Metten (1043 ft.; Post), a Benedictine abbey with a celebrated school, founded by Charlemagne in 792. "Schloss Egg (1243 ft.), seat of Count Hohen- fhal, 3/4 M. to the K., has been restored in the mediseval style by Vol/.. The railway from Deggendorf to Eisenstein, traversing the Ba- varian Forest, has had many engineering difficulties to encounter. The Bavarian Forest is the S. W. portion of the extensive Bohemian Forest Mountains, and includes the highest peaks in the range (the Arber 4780 ft., the Rachel 4763 ft.). Nearly one-half of this mountain -region, which is upwards of 1800 sq. M. in area, and lies between the Donube and the Bohemian frontier, extending from Cham and Furth on the N. to below Passau towards the S., is covered with pine and beech-forest, much of which, especially in the less frequented parts (e.gr. the Rachel and Falkenstein), is still in a primseval condition. At Hals (p. 240), Zwie- sel (p. 246), and other places there are traces of glacier-action and mo- raines, indicating that the mountains were once covered with ice. The beautiful dark forest-tarns also owe their origin to ancient glaciers. The timber-trade and cattle-breeding are the chief resources of the natives, but glass and linen are also manufactured. Snufl', to which they are much addicted, is carried about in little glass bottles made in the district. The paths are good; the^inns , though unpretentious, are generally clean and cheap. The line ascends the W. slopes of the' Kollbach- Thai, crosses the valley hy an embankment, turns to the S., and reaches (IOOV2 MO l/iric/is6er^[1319ft.), 1/2 ^r. above which is the Vlrichsberg (1750 ft. ; Inn), with a pilgrimage-church and a fine view. The train then skirts the Kuhberg (to the right a magnificent view of the plain of the Danube, bounded by the Salzburg Alps), passes through a curved tunnel, 530 yds. in length, and ascends the Oraflinger-Thal in long windings. Then through another tunnel, 630 yds. long, to (109 M.) Gotteszell (1805 ft. ; Brduhaus, 1/4 tr. from the station), in the Teisnach-Thal, with a Cistercian abbey, rebuilt since a fire in 1830. Interesting excursion (3 hrs. ; road) from Gotteszell by Tofertsriid, Ac/is- lac/i, and the forester's house of Oedicies (good quarters) to the Hirschenstein (3662 ft.), with an extensive view. To the K. of this point is tho (' j hr.) Rauhe Kolm or Klauenstein (3420 ft.), with a fine view to the S. Tu the N.W. are the Qlashiittenriegel and the Predigtstuhl (3556 ft.); in a prelty valley at the foot of the latter lies the village of Engelmar (2637 ft. ; Echinger). From Gotteszell to Vikchtach, i5V'.' M., narrow-gauge railway in IV4 hr. The line r-uns through the Teisnach-Thal. 2»/2 M. Riihnuiniis/cU<^n (Post), a large and prettily situated village; 4V.; M. P^lcrsJorf ; M. Teis- 246 Route 43. ZWIESEL. From Rosenheim nach (Ettl), at the confluence of the Teisnach with the Schwarze Regen (hence to Bodenmais IV2 hr.). The train now follows the valley of the latter stream, passing Bobrach, Qumpenried^ and (11 M.) Schonau. — IS'/z M. Viechtach (1323 ft. ; 'Neue Post ; Obermaier), a pleasant little town, the seat (if the district authorities. To the S. rise the highest summits of the Ffdhl (see below). An attractive excursion (from Schonau 1/2 hr., from Viecht- ach via Blossersberg and Bdrndorf IV2 hr.) may he made to the ruin of Neu-Xu^herg (2276 ft.), the tower of which commands a fine view (Inn). To the S. we may go to (IVi hr.) Kollnhurg (Brewery), with a picturesque ruined castle, now used as a church; and thence we may proceed through fine woods, passing Markbuchen on the Predigtstuhl (p. 245), to (2V2 hrs.) the forester's house of Oedwies and the Hirschenstein (p. 245). — A pleasant road leads to the N.W. from Viechtach to Pirka, Lammerbach, Wettzell (Inn), and (9 M.) Kotzting (p. 235). 1131/2 M. Triefenried (2120 ft.)- The line skirts the forest- clad hills of the Teufelstisch (see below), crosses the Ohebach by means of a lofty viaduct, and descends on the left bank of the Schwarze Regen to (II81/2 M.) stat. Eegen (1770 ft.), opposite the small town of that name (Post; Oswald; pop. 2200). Diligence daily in 2'/4 hrs. to Bodenmais, see p. 247. To the S.E. (3/4 hr.) rises Weissensiein am Pfahl (2474 ft.), a ruined castle on a jagged quartz rock, with a restored tower commanding a fine view (custodian to the left of the entrance), — The Pfahl is a broad seam of quartz and hornblende running from S.E. to N.W. for a distance of GO M. ; it may be conveniently examined in the railway-cutting near the bridge over the Ohe. From the pleasantly situated village of Bischo/smais (2182 ft. ; Eder'a Brauhaus), 41/2 M. to the S. of Regen, attractive excursions may be made to (3/4 hr.) Ober-Breiienau (3490 ft.), the (8/4 hr.) Teufelstisch (2960 ft.), and other points. From Bischofsmais to the Rusel (p. 246) I72 hr. , to Deggendorf (p. 244) 4 hrs. The train crosses the Regen , recrosses it near Schweinhutt by means of a bridge with a span of 236 ft., and regains the right bank at the Poschinger Saw Mill near Zwiesel. 125 M. Zwiesel(2135 ft. ; Post, well spoken of; DeutscherRhein, R. 1-1 1/2 «^^; Bayrischer M^ald'), a pleasant little town with 3500 inhab., in a broad basin at the confluence of the Kleine and Orosse Regen, is a good starting-point for excursions in the Bavarian Forest, but lacks shade and is at a considerable distance from the woods. Near it are the glass-works of Theresienthal, Ludwigsthal, Ober- Zwieselau, Ober-Frauenau, s.niBuchenau, and numerous saw-mills. The Zwieselberg (2260 ft.), a hill strewn with blocks of granite, '/z hr. to the S., affords a good survey of the environs. Fkom Zwiesel to Grafexau, 191/2 M.. narrow-gauge railway in 2 hrs. The line sweeps round the town. 31/2 M. Zwieselau; 6V2 M. Frauenau, the station for Unter- Frauenau (two inns) and for Ober-Frauenau (2368 ft. ; 1 M. to the N.E.), the latter with the imposing chateau of Herr von Poschinger. — Farther on we ascend rapidly through the narrow wooded valley to (10 M.) Klingenbrunn, the station of which lies 3 M. to the If. W. of the village (2693 ft. ; Stangl). The Ludwigsstein (2900 ft.), \'i hr. to the W. of the village, is a good point of view. Ascent of the Rachel from the station, see below. — The train next descends to (12 M.) Spiegelau (Inn, poor J ascent of the Rachel, see p. 247) and then runs high on the left side of the narrow gorge of the brawling Orosse Ohe to (15 M.) Gross- Armschlag and (19 V2 M.) Grafenau (2004 ft.; Meindl; Dresely's Brewei'y; Stangl). The line is to be continued from this point to (5 M.) Hohenau (p. 241) and (5 M.) Freyung (p. 241). Near Grafenau are the Barnsteiner- to Eisenstein. RACHEL. 43. Route. 247 leite, the narrow wooded ravine of the Kleine Ohe, and the ruin of Bdrn- stein (garden-restaurant). Hoads lead from Grafenau to (3V2 M.) St. Oticnld (see below) on the N., and to Timing and (26 M.) Pastau on the S. The *Rachel (4770 ft.) is best ascended either from Klingenhrunn fp. 246; path marked with blue ; 21/2 hrs.) or from F^piegelau (along the Schwarzach; 3 hrs.). The barren summit (refuge-hut; no rfrats.), strewn with blocks of granite, commands a splendid view of the Kohemian Forest and the plain of the Danube, extending in clear weather to the distant Alps. On the S.E. side lies the dark forest-girt "Raeheltee, 1250 ft. below. It may be reached from the top in 2/4 hr. (path indicated by blue marks); and we may then, passing the forester's hut (rfmts.), go by Ouglod and Siehenellen to (3 hrs.) St. Osioald (see below). Or from the Rachel we may follow the frontier-line to the E. (black marks ; but as this route is mono- tonous , it is better to follow the white marks, running on the hillside above the lake and past the chapel, and to descend to the right through the wood and cross the Zwolferlinie, about 5 hrs. in all) to the (4V'2 hrs.) lusen (4494 ft.), the granite-strewn summit of which also commands a superb view. Descent by the Waldhauser (3028 ft. ; Inn) to (2 hrs.) St. Oswald (2695 ft. ; "Schreiner's Brauhaus) , once a monastery, beautifully situated ("View from the 'gloriette'), whence we may proceed by Reichenberg to (1 hr.) Spiegelau (p. 246). — The little town of Grafenau (p. 246) lies about 472 M. to the S.W. of St. Oswald. A good road leads to the N.W. from Zwiesel to Klautzenhach and (21/4 M.) Rahenstein (2248 ft. ; *Villa Eabenstein, D. 11/4. pens. 3-4 jK, pret- tily situated), and thence through splendid timber, past a quarry with a small subterranean lake (beautiful rose-coloured quartz) and via Schonehen to (8 M.) Bodenmais (2220 ft. ; *Post ; Dresely^s Brauhaus., with rooms), pleas- antly situated on a hill. (A pleasanter but longer route leads from Raben- stein to Bodenmais via the Eiihnerkobel, 3110 ft., a hill affording a splendid view of the Arber, Zwiesel, and Rachel.) Opposite Bodenmais rises the red Silberberg, composed of a kind of slag, with its indented peak called the Bischofshaube (%iitre' ; 3136 ft.). Vitriol and red polishing powder are made from the ore obtained here. Rare minerals are also found (good collection at the overseer's house). Diligence to Regen., see p. 246. The "Arber (4780 ft.), the 'King of the Forest' is easily ascended from Bodenmais in 2' '2-3 hrs. (guide, unnecessary, 4 Jl; to the Arber and 5ommerau 6 Jl)- The path leads through the Riesloch, a pretty ravine with small waterfalls. (Attractive digression of 1/2 hr. from the upper end of this gorge to the Rechensoldenfelsen., with pretty views of the valley and of Bodenmais.) On the bare rock-strewn summit of the Arber stand a chapel and the Arber-Schuizhaus (Inn, 13 mattresses in 3 rooms, 1 u(f, clean). A peregrination of the summit-plateau takes about ^/i hr. Superb view of a great part of Bohemia to the E., the Fichtelgebirge to the W., and in clear weather the Alps to the S. On the E. side, far below, lies the sombre Orosse Arbersee (3064 ft.; rfmts., dear), surrounded with wood. Descent to the frontier-station Eisenstein (see p. 24i3) either past the lake and through the Seebachwald and Bayrisch-Eisen.ttein in 2 hrs., or by the ruined Ober- thurnhof {good water), the Brennes-Sattel, and Bat/risch- Eisenstein in 3 hrs. The excursion to the Arber may be agreeably extended thus. From the (3/4 hr.) Oberthurnfiof (see above) we cross the Brennei-Saitel (where the path from Eisenstein comes in on the right) to (D, 4 hr.) Sommerau (2200 ft. ; Brewery) on the Weisse Began , and thence go to the right (poor path) to (V2 hr.) Lohberg (2125 ft.; *Kellermayer), a village with a richly decorated Romanesque church, a good centre for excursions (over the Scheiben-Sattel to Eisenstein, 3 hrs., see p. 248). From Lohberg a road (one-horse carr. to Lam 4 J/, incl. fee) leads along the base of the Osser (see below) to (31/2 M.) Lam (189G ft.; Post, poor), a large village prettily situated on the Weisse Regen , the valley of which ('Lamer Winkcl) seems to be closed by the Ilofie Bogen (p. 236) ; thence on foot (with guide) across the Scharreben (3470 ft.), through beautiful woods, back to (4»/2 hrs.) Bodenmais. — Rail- way from Lam to Ko(:ting and Cham (2^/4 hrs.), see p. 235. [From Lohherg (see above) to Eisenstein across the Osser, 6-7 hrs., a beautiful walk. A distinct path (indicated by red marks), steep at 248 Route 43. EISENSTEIN. places, ascends in 2 hrs. to the saddle between the Little or Bavarian Osser (4075 ft.) on the left, and the Great or Bohemian Osser (4210 ft.) on the right. The top of either is reached in 10 minutes. The Great Osser (strewn with granite-blocks ; open refuge-hut) commands a fine view of the Arber chain; the Little Osser, a good view of the Lam, etc. From the saddle we next follow the bridle-path (direction-boards) to the E. to the (Vz hr.) Oiitelplatz (3120 ft.), whither also a route leads direct in li/z hr. from Loh- berg, diverging from the Osser route to the right (guide-post 'Zum Schwar- zen See'), and crossing the Sesselplatz (3696 ft.). Then through wood (be- low, to the left, the glass-work Miillerhiltte) either direct to the Seewand (see below) or (better) to the (IV2 hr.) Schwarze See (3310 ft.; also called Bistritzer or Bohmische See)^ 90 acres in area, in a grand solitude. The open pavilion (no rfmts.) on the lake belongs to Prince Hohenzollern-Sig- maringen, who also caused the bridle-path from the Osser to be construct- ed. From the end of the lake we ascend to the right and follow a path soon diverging to the right to the Seewand (4406 ft. ; view limited ; more extensive from the Zwergeck, 10 min. to the N.W.) , whence we descend through the Pichelbach-Thal to (i'^/i'hv.) Eisenstein. Or we may turn to the left at the end of the Schwarze See, cross the watershed between the Elbe and the Danube, and skirt the (1 hr.) gloomy Teuf els-See or Girglsee (3380 ft.); then, passing Stiegelruck and Berghaus, we descend lastly to Markt Eisen- stein'oT to the glass-works of Elisenthal (Hotel, with baths") and the (IV4 hr.) railway-station of Eisenstein. Or, thirdly, from the end of the lake, we may go to the left to the (1/2 hr.) Seeforster (Inn, high charges), and then cross the Spitzherg- Sattel (3300 ft.; HOt.-Pens. Rixi, Pens. Prokop, both Bohemian ; fine view) to the (1^2 hr.) station oi Spitzherg (see below), 1/4 hr. by train from Eisenstein.'] Above Zwiesel the train again crosses the Regen , and then the Kolbersbach by a lofty viaduct. 128 M. Ludwigsthal (2163 ft.), with glass-works. The line ascends the left bank of the Regan, running parallel with the road to Bohemia and passing many glass and smelting houses, and reaches the Bavarian and Bohemian frontier- station (133 M.) Eisenstein (2365 ft. •, '-^Rail. Restaurant, R. 1 fl.), ■where we have a fine view of the Arber to the W. (see above). To the W. lies the village of (V2 M.) BayHsch-Eisenstein (2398 ft. ; Brau- haus, with garden, but no beds ; *Oberst, rustic). To the N., beyond Elisen- thal (see above), is the Bohemian Markt-Eisen stein (2540 ft.; Osser, vrith garden; Post; Arber; Bohmerwald), prettily situated at the confluence of the Regen and the Eisenbach, with a fine view of the Arber. It is a station on the railway to Pilsen and is frequented as a summer-resort, affording opportunity for many agreeable excursions. — To the (V2 hr.) Grosse Tnnne (a fir 61/2 ft. in diameter), with descent to the (1/2 hr.) rail, station. — To the (11/4 hr.) Zwieseler Waldhaus (2283 ft.; *Inn; to Zwiesel 2 hrs.), and thence either to (lV2hr.) the summit of the Grosse Falkenstein (4316 ft.), or through fine wood via the Eochberg to the (IV2 hr.) frontier rail, station, or to (I1/4 hr.) I/iidwigsthal (see above). — To the (2 hrs.) Arber-See, and ascent of the (V/2 hr.) Arber, with descent to (I72 hr.) Bodenviais or (2 hrs.) Lohberg, see p. 247. — By railway to Spitzberg or Hammey'n-Eisenstrass (see below) and back thence via the Schwarze See and Tenf els-See (31/2-4 hrs. ; see above); or we may ascend the Osser (IY2 hr. ; see above) from Ham- mern-Eisenstrass. — Ascent of the Seewand (2V2 hrs.). see above; over the Scheiben to (3 hrs.) Lohberg (p. 247). From Eise>,-stein to Pilsek, 61 M.. railway in 31/4 hrs. The more im- portant stations are: 3 M. Bohmisch- Eisenstein (see above); 5 M. Spitzherg (2725 ft.), at the S. end of the Spitzherg Tunnel (1 M. long); 10 M. Hammern- Eisenstrass, at the S.E. foot of the Osser (see above ; ascended hence in 11/2 hr.) and also the starting-point for a visit to the Schwarze See (see above); 15 M. Griln; 21 M. Neuern; 26 M. Janowitz; 31 M. Klaftau. Comp. Baedeker^ s Austria. INDEX. Aach, the 53. 54. — Linz 55. Aalen 28. Abbach 125. Abensberg 127. Ablach, the 54. Abusina 127. Achalm 46. Achen 219. — , the 216. 219. — , the Grosse 223. Achenkirch 219. Achensee 219. Achenwald 216. 219. Achslach 245. Adelholzen 223. Adelsberg 30. Adelschlag 132. Adelsheini 71. Adlerslein 93. Adling 221. Adorf 73. Aepflet-Kuppe, the 236 Aeschach 201. Agatharied 220. Aggenstein 202. Ahornthal 94. Ahmschwang 235. Aibling 222. Aichach 127. Ailsbach, the 94. Aisch, the 69. Aistaig 40. Aitrang 199. Alb, the Swabian 42. — , the Rauhe 32. St. Alban 197. Albeck, ruin 40. Aldingen 40. Alexandersbad 92. Alf alter 110. Algau, the 199. Allach 133. AUensbach 55. Allerfldorf 127. Ailing 125. Allmannsdorf 57. Allmannshausen 190. Allmannshohe 57. Allmendingen 53. Almbach-Klamm 229. Alpgarten 226. Alpirsbach 39. Alpsee, the 200. 204. Alpspitze 210. Altbach 30. Altdorf 118. Alteburghof 47. Altenberg 84. Altenburg 72. — , castle 80. Altengronau 85. Altenmarkt 224. Altenmuhr 131. Altenschwand 235. Altenstadt 33. Alte Veste 70. Althegnenberg 134. Altheim 39. 136. 234. Althengstett 16. Altlach 214. Altmannshof 235. Alfmiihl, the HI. 125, 131. — Thai, the 126. Alt-Oetting 233. Altshausen 54. 56. Altstadt 38. 40. Altstadter Berg 81. Alwind 201. Alzenau 59. Ambach 196. Amberg 235. Ammer, the 197. 207. Ammerland 194. 196. Ammersee, the 197. Ammerthal, the 197. 212 Ammerwald 212. — Thai, the 212. Amorbach 62. Ampelsbach-Thal 219. Amper, the 134. 136. 198, — Thai, the 133. .Vmpfing 233. Amselting 237. Amstetten 32. Andechs 197. .\ndelsbach, the 55. Andorf 242. Auger 216. Anhausen 54. \nkathal, the 110. Annahohe, the 63. Ansbach 130. 26. St. Anton 208. Arber, the 247. Arbersee, the 247. Arch, the 213. — Bach, the 206. Argen, the 54. Arnstein 64. Arrach 235. Arzberg 111. Asamshohe, the 207. Asch 73. Aschach 85. 243. Aschaffenburg 60. Aschauer Weiher 229. Asperg 15. Assling 221. Athayingen 54. Attel, the 221. 243. — , provostry 243. Au, castle 245. — , monastery 244. Aubing 198. Auerbach 71. — (Saxony) 72. — Thai, the 221. Aufhausen 194. Aufkirchen 196. 194. Augsbnrg 113. Aulendorf 34. 54. Aurach 220. — , the 69. Axljoch, the 206. Baar, the 40. Babenhausen 23. 61. Bacher Tobel 200. Biicker-Alp 221. Backnang 25. Badersee 209. Baierbrunn 194. Baiersdorf 80. Bairisch-Zell 220. Balingen 50. Balterataried 202. Bamberg 75. Bammenthal 22. Banz 74. 75. Barenfang 91. Biirenthal 63. Barmaee 210. 215. Biirndorf 246. Barnreut 90. Barnatein, ruin 247. Barnsteiner Leite 246. St. Bartholomii 231. 250 INDEX. St. Bartholoma, Lake of 230. Baumenheim 113. Bavarian Forest, the 236. 241. 245. Bayerdiessen 197. Bayersoven 197. Bayreutii 86. Bayriscli-Eisenstein 247. 248. Bebenhausen 33. Beckstetten 193. Beerfelden 23. Befreiungslialle, the, near Kelheim 126. Behringersdorf 109. BehringersmiiM 93. Beihinsen 25. 16. Beilngries 118. Beimerstetten 32. Belsener Chapel 48. Bempflingen 35. Benediktheuern 213. Benediktenwand 213. Beratzhausen 119. Berchtesgaden 227. Bere 12. 136. — . Schlosa 196. Bergen 22S. Berghaua 248. Bergrheinfeld 82. Bergtheim 82. Bernau 223. Berneck 89. Bemhaupten 223. Bernried 196. 213. Berolzheim 131. Bertaburg-Kornberg 31. Bertholdsheim 128. Besenbach 213. Besigheim 19. Bettelmannshohle 54. Bettinger Berg, the 63. Betzigau 199. Betzingen 36. Beuerberg 195. Beuren 44. Beurener Fels, the 44. Beuron, monast. 52. Beutelsbach 27. Biberach 34. Bibersohl 32. Biberwier 207. Biburg 127. Bichelbach 206. Bichishausen 54. Bichl 213. Bichtlingen 55. Bieringen 38. Biessenhofen 199. Bietigheim 15. 25. Bina, the 244. Binau 22. Binder-Miihle 233. Bindlach 86. Birgsau 200. Birkenfeld IS. Birkensee 134. Bischofsgriin 90. Bischofshaube 247. Bischofsheim 85. Bischofsmais 246. Bischofswiesen 227. 229. Bisingen 50. Bistritzer See 248. Blaibach 235. Blaichach 200. Blankenberg 73. Blasibad 48. Blasiberg 48. Blau, the 32. 52. Blaubeuren 53. Blaue Gumpen 210. Blaueis, the 232. Blautopf. the 53. Blenheim 113. Blindheim 113. Blindsee 207. Blockenau 205. Blockenstein, the 241. — See, the 241. Blossersberg 246. Blumenberg. the 132. Blutenburg 195. Bobing 197. Bobinsen 198. Boblingen 39. Bobrach 246. Bockl-Weiher 229. Booklet 85. Bodelshausen 48. Bodenbuhl 226. Bodenlaube 83. 84. Bodenmais 247. 246. Bodensee, see Lake of Constance. Bodenschneid 220. Bodenwohr 235. Bodmann 58. Bogenhausen 193. Bohemian Forest , the 242. 245. Bohlen 72. Bohmisch-Eisenstein 248. — Rohren 242. Bohmische See, the 248. Bohringen 53. Bolberg, the 48. Boll, baths 31. Bollatfels, the 50. Bondorf 39. Bopfingen 29. Bopser, the 11. Bomheim 59. Bosler, the 31. Boxberg 71. Brambach 73. Brandenherger Thai 220. Brandholz 90. Brandkopf, the 230. Brandschrofen, the 205. Brandstatt 243. Braunau 234. Braunenberg, the 28. Brecherspitze, the 220. Bregenz 201. Breitach, the 200. 234. Breitenaich 243. Breitenberg 241. Breitenbrunn 197. Breiten-Glissbach 75. Breitenstein 31. Breitenwang 206. 213. Bremstall-Wald, the 209. Brendlorenzen 85. Brendthal, the 85, Brennes-Sattel, the 247. Brentenwand, the 230. Brenz, the 28. 113. Brenzkofer Berg, the 52. Brenztopf, the 28. Brett, the 230. Brettach, the 24. Bretten 14. Bretzfeld 24. Briaachthal, the 40. Brixlegg 220. Bronnbach 70. Bronnweiler 47. Brotzingen 18. Bruchsal 14. Bruck on the Amper 198. Bruckberg 136. Briickenau 85. Briihl 57. Brunnenthal 242. Briinnling-Alpe 223. Buch 234. Buchau 219. Buchberg 241. Buchberger Leite 241. Biichelberg 26. Buchenau 246. — , castle 243. Buchhaus 91. Buchloe 193. Budweiss 242. Bug 80. Biihl 200. Biihlerbach, the 25. Bundesstein, the 92. Buoch 27. Burgau 133. Burgberg 25. 28. 200. — , the 74. Burgbernheim 130. Burgfarrnbach 69. Burgfelden 50. Burggailenreuth 93. 94. INDEX. 251 Burghalde 199. Burghausen 234. Burgheim 128. Burgholz, the 14. Burgkunstadt 74. Burglen-enfeld 134. Burgstadt 62. Burgstall 25. — , the 2(X). 235. 236. Burgstein, the 46. 92. 131, Burkardas-Hohle 63. Burlafingen 133. Burren, the 31. Biirrenhof, the 44. Buss-Thurm, the 38. Bussen, the 54. Buttenhausen 54. Buxheim 54. Cadolzburg 70. Calmbach 18. Calw 16. Cannstatt 13. Carolinenfeld, Grosa-221. Cham 235. Chamb-Thal, the 235. Chamerau 235. Chamereck 235. Charlottenhohle, the 28. Chemnitz 72. 73. Chiemsee, the 222. Christlietier, Islet of 230. Clemenshall 22. Constance 55. 201. — , Lake of 56. 201. Crailsheim 25. Creglingen 130. Creussen 110. Crimmitzschau 72. Culmbaca 74. Dachau 133. DachauerMoos 133. 134. 198. Dallau 71. Dambach 70. Dammbach-Thal 63. Danube, the 32. 40. 51. 126. 236. etc. Darching 220. Darmstadt 61. Dasing 127. Degerloch 11. Deggendorf 244. Deggingen 31. Deining 118. Deisenhofen 215. Derneck, ruin 54. Dettelbach 69. Dettingen (on the Main) 60. — (Swabia) 36. 44. 53. Dettwang 130. Deuerling 119. Diedorf 133. Diemendorf 197. Diepoldsburg 43. 31. Diesbach 233. Diessen 197. Dietersbach, the 200. Dietfurt 52. 244. Dikenreis 34. Dillin-en 113. Dilsberg 72. Dingolfing 136. Dinkelsbiihl 112. Dinkelscherben 133. Distelhausen 70. Ditzenbach 31. Ditzingen 16. Dobel 19. Dobraberg, the 73. Dolderthal, the 47. Dollnstein 131. Dombiihl 26. 112. Donauheuneburg 54. Donaumoos, the 127. Donaustauf 124. Donauworth 112. Donzdorf 31. Doos 70. 81. 93. 94. Dorfen 194. Dorfgiitingen 112. Dorfprozelten 62. Dornigheim-Hochstadt 59. Dosbach, the 112. Dottenheim 69. Drei Briider 91. Dreieckmarkstein 241. Dreifaltigkeitsberg 12i. Dreifiirstenstein 48. Drei Quellen, the 93. Dreitcsselstein 241. Dreistelzenberg 85. Durach 202. Durlach 18. Durlesbach 34. Diirnbuch 127. Diirreberg 203. Diirrenzimmern 111. Diisselbach 110. Dusslingen 48. Dutzendteich 118. 109. Ebelsbach 82. Eben 219. Ebenhausen 83. 85. 194, Ebenhofen 202. Ebensfeld 75. Eberbach 22. 71. Eberhartsberg 81. Ebermannstadt 93. Ebersbach 30. Ebingen 50. Ebnisee 25. Echaz, the 36. 47. Eckarts 85. Eckartshausen 25. Eckbauer 209. Eckenberg 208. Eckersdorf 88. Ecksberg 244. Eckstein 236. Ed, the 221. Edelfingen 70. Edelsberg 202. Edelstein 58. Edelwei3slahnerkopf232. Efferding 243. Eger 73. 111. -, the Egern 218. Egg, chateau 245. Eggen 199. Eggenfelden 244. Egglkofen 136. Egsmiihl 135. Ege:olsheim 80. Egloffstein 81. 93. Eglosheim 16. Ehingen 38. 53. Ehningen 39. Ehrenberg 22. Ehrenberger Klause 206. Ehrenfels, chateau 54. Old, ruin 54. Ehrwald 210. Ehrwalder Schanze 210. Eibsee 209. Eichhofen 119. Eichicht 74. Eicholzheim 71. Eichstatt 132. Eining 127. Einkorn 25. Einodsbach 200. Einsingen 34. Eisenbach, the 248. Eisenstein 248. Eislingen 31. 43. Elchingen 133. Eleonorenhain 242. Elisabethenburg 27. Elisenthal 2i8. Ellingen 131. Ellrichshausen 26. Ellwangen 26. Elm 63. Elmau 209. 218. Elmauer Gries 212. Elsawa-Thal, the 63. Elsenz, the 22. 72. Elster 73. — , the Weisse 72. — Thai, the 72. Eltersdorf 81. Eltmann S2. 252 INDEX. Elz, the 22. 71. Empfing, baths 224. Emskirchen 69. Endersbach 27. Endorf 222. Endsthal 230. Engelhardsberg 93. Engelhartszell 242. Engelhof 43. Engelmannsreuth 110. Engelmar 245. Engelsberg,mona3tery 62. Engelsburg 89. Engelszell , monastery 242. Engen 41. Engstlatt 50. Eningen 46. Enter-Rottach 218. Enz, the 15. 17. 18. 19. Enzberg 17. Enzenau 216. Enzenstetten 203. Enzisweiler 201. Enzklosterle 19. Epfendorf 40. Epfenhausen 19S. Epprechtstein 91. 134. Erbach 23. 34. Erding 233. Eremitage, chateau 88. Ergenzingen 39. Ergoldsbach 135. Erkenbrechtsweiler 44. Erlangen 80. Erlau 241. 242. Erlenbach 60. Ermetzhofen 123. Erms, the 36. 44. Erpfingen 47. Ertingen 54. Erzberg, the 235. Erzherzog - Johann - Klause 220. Eschau 63. Eschelbronn 71. Eschenau 24. Eschenbach 31. 110. 131, Eschenlohe 207. Eschlkam 236. Essendorf 34. Easing, Alt and Neu 126 Essingen 28. Essleben 82. Esslingen 29. Esterberg-Bauer 210. Ettal 211. Ettaler Mandl, the 211. Etterzhansen 119. Etwashausen 69. Etzelwang 234. Etzerschlcissl 229. Eubigheim 71. Euerdorf 64. Eurasburg 195. Eussenheim 64. Eutingen 17. 39. Eyach 38. the 50. Eyachhornle 50. Eyachmiihl 19. Eybach 31. Eybachthal, the 31. Falepp 220. — , the Rothe 220. — , the Weisse 218. Falkenstein, ruin, near Sigmaringen 52. — (Saxony) 72. — , the 202. 223. (Konigs-See) 230 — , the Grosse 248. Fall 216. Fallmiihle 202. Falls-Gefrees 74. Falterbach Waterfall 200. Falzkopfl, the 232. Falznerweiher 109. Fantaisie, chateau 88. Farchant 208. Faukenbach, the 208. Faukenschlucht 208. Faulenbach 203. — , the 40. Faurndau 30. Fechenbach 62. Federsee 54. FeUberg 199. Feldafmg 196. Feldmoching 136. Feldstatten 53. Fellbach 27. Ferchenbach, the 210. Ferchen-See 209. 211. Fern Pass 207. Fernstein 207. Fessenheim 112. Feucht 118. Feuchtwangen 112. Feuerbach 17. Feuerbacher Heide 11. Feuerpalfen 231. Fichtelberg 110. Fichtelnab, the 110. 134. Fichtenberg 25. Fichtelgebirge, the 88 Fieberberg 216. Filder, the 39. Fil3, the 30. 31. Filseck, chateau 30. Fischburg-Thal 45. Fischen 197. 200. Fischhausen 220. Fischingen 40. Fischunkel-Alp 231. Fleck 216. Flochberg, the 29. Floriansberg, the 36. Forchheim 80. Fornsbach 25. Forstershohle 94. Fortschendorf 74. Francon. Switzerland 92. Frankfort 59. Franzensbad 73. Frauenau 246. Fraueninsel 222. Freiberg-See 200. Freihdls 235. Freilassing 224. Freising 136. Freiung 235. Fremdingen 112. Freudenberg 62. Freudensee 241. Freudenstadt 39. Freundschafts - Hohlen 58. Freystadt 118. Freyung 241. Fridingen 52. Friedberg 127. 133. Friedrichshafen 35. Friedrichshall 22. Frommern 50. Fronau 232. Frondeck 38. Frontenhausen 244. Fachseck 31. Fuchsenstein 227. Fuchsstadt 64. Funtensee-Tauern 230. Fiirstenau 23. Filrsteneck 241. Fiirstenfeld 198. Fiirstenfeldbruck 198. Fiirstenhohe 51. Furth 236. Fiirth 69. 81. Fiissen 203. Gabelbach 133. Gacht, Pass 206. Gachtspitz 206. Gadheim 82. Gaildorf 25. Gailenkirchen 24. Gailenreuther Hohle 94. Gaimersheim 132. Gaimiihle 23. Gaisalpe 218. Gaishohe, the 63. Galgenberg 109. Gamburg 70. Gamertingen 50. Gangkofen 244. Garatshausen 196. Garmisch 208. INDEX. 253 Gars 2i4. Gartriagen 39. Gaschwitz 72. Gasseldorf 93. Gattern 241. Gau, the 39. Gausmannsweiler 25. Gautiag 195. GebharJsberg 2)1. Gebrochen - Gutenstein 51. Gefree3 74. 89. Geiersberg, the 211. 246. Geinberg 234. Geiselhoring m 236. Geisenhausen 133. Geislingen 31. 43. Geislinger Steig, the 32. Geitau 220. Gelber Felsen 43. Gemiinden 63. Genderkingen 128. Genkingen 47. Gennach, the 198. St. Georgen 86. 88. Georgenau 44. Georgensgmiind 111. Georgsberg 239. Gera 72. Gerbershohle 54. Gerhausen, castle 53. Gerlachsheim 70. Gern 229. Gernsbach 39. Gernspitz 206. Gernthal 216. Gerold 210. Geroldsgriin 73. Geroldshausen 70. Gersthofen 113. Gessertshausen 133. Geyerkopf 212. Geyersberg, the 63. Giech, castle 75. Giengen 28. Giessenbach, the 211. St. Gilgenberg 88. Gimpel, the 206. Gindel-Alp 218. Gindelalmschneid 218. Gingen 31. Girching 237. GirgelBtein 92. Girglsee, the 248. Glasenmiihle 90. Glashiitte 218. Glashiitten 89. Glashiittenriegel 245. Glasthal, the 54. Glauchau 72. Glon, the 133. Glonn 221. — Thai, the 221. Gmain 227. Gmund 217. Gmundbriicke 227. 231. Gmiind (Swabia) 28. Gogging 127. Goggintien 55. 118. Gohlstein 230. Goldmuhl 90. Goldmiihlthal 90. Goldshofe 28. 26. Goll, the Hohe 230. Goltzschthal, the 72. Gomadingen 47. Gompelscheuer 19. Gondelsheim 14. Gonningen 47. Goppingen 30. 43. Gosberg 93. Gossenheim 64. Gossmannsdorf 128. Gossnitz 72. Gossweinstein 94. Gottes-Zell, monast. 28. Gottfrieding 136. Gottmadingen 41. Gotzen-Alp 231. Grabenstetten 43. Grablensberg 50. Grafenau 246. Griifenberg 81. Grafeneck, castle 47. 54. Grafenherberg Alp 221. Grafenwiesen 235. Grafing 221. GraHioger-Thal, the 245. Grafrath 198. Grassemann 90. Graswang 212. Grat, the 50. , the Schwarze 54. Greifenberg 198. Greifenstein, the 46. Greiz 72. Griesbach 241. 244. Griesen 212. Grieskirchen 242. Gronhard 131. Gronsdorf 126. Groschlattengriin 134. Grossaltdorf 25. Gross-Armschlag 246. — Auheim 59. — C&rolinenfeld 221. — Gmain 225. Grossgriindlach 81. Gross-Heppach 27. Grosshesselohe 193. 215. Grossheiibach 62. Gross-Krotzenburg 59. — Sachsenheim 15. — Umstadt 23. Grotzingen 18. Griin 248. Griinau 242. Grunbach 27. Griinbach , the 70. Griiner Felsen 45. Griinenburg 31. Griinenworth 62. Griinsee-Tauern 230. Grunsfeld 70. Griinstein 89. Grunfen 199. 200. Griinwald 194. Gruttenstein, castle 225. 227. Gschwand, the 213. Gschwandner Bauer 209. Guckhiill 93. Gufifert, the 219. Guglod 247. Gumpe, the 229. Gumpenried 246. Gundelfingen 54. 113. Gnndelsdorf 74. Gundelshausen 125. Gundelsheim 22. Gundershofen 53. Gundlkofen 136. Giindringen 17. Giinz, the 133. Giinzach 199. Giinzburg 133. Gunzenhausen 111. 131. Gurgler-Thal 207. Gurten 234. Giissbach 75. Gussmanns-Hohle 43. Gutenberg 43. Stalactite Grotto 43. Gutenstein 51. 52. Giiterstein 45. Guttenberg 22. Haag 234. Haar 221. Haberstein 92. Haderfleck 127. Hafenlohr 62. 63. Hafenlohr, the 63. Hafnerzell 242. Hagel-Hiitte 216. Hagelstadt 135. Hagenbiichach 69. Hagenmiihle 109. Hahnenkamm, the 60. Haidhausen 157. 221. Haidhof 134. Raiding 243. Haidstein 235. Haigerloch 38. Hainberg, the 73. Hain-Saulen, the 62. Hainstadt 23. Hall (Swabia) 24. 254 INDEX. HaUstadt 75. Hallthnrm 227. Hals 240. Hammelburg 63. Hammern - Eisenstrass 248. Hammerau 224. Hanau 59. Hangende Stein, the 48. Hansgorel-Berg:, the 109. Harbatzhofen 200. Harburs 112. Hard, the 110. Harsdorf 86. Hartenstein 110. Hartershofen 128. Harthwald, the 85. Hartmannshof 284. Haselbach 85. Hasenbera 12. 39. Haslach 241. Haspelmoor 134. Hassfurt 82. Hasslach, the 74. — Thai, the 74. Has3mersheim 22. Hattingen 41. Hausach 39. Hausen (Franconia) 84. — (Swabia) 52. Hausener Felsen 31. Hausham 220. Hausstein, the 245. Hauzenberg 241. Havenbach, ruin 243. Hechendorf 207. Hechingen 48. Heersberg, the 50. Hegau, the 41. Heidelberg 72. Heidelsheim 14. Heidenab, the 89. 110. 134. 235. Heidenheim 28. Heidenloeher 58. Heidingsfeld 128. 70. Heieenbriicken 62. Heilbronn 20. Heilbrnnn, baths 216. Heilbrunnen 36. Heiligenberg 58. Heilsbronn 26. Heimenstein 31. Heimgarten 207. 214. Heining 237. Heinsheim 22. Heiterwang 206. Helfenstein, ruin 31. Hellenstein, ruin 28. Hellmitzheim 69. Helmbrechts 73. Henfenfeld 234. Heppenloch, the 43. Herbertingen 54. Herblingen 41. Herbrechtingen 28. Hergatz 200. Herlasgriin 72. Hermaringen 28. Herrenalb 19. Herrenberg 39. Herrenchiemsee 222. Herreninsel 222. Herrlingen 52. Herrnberstheim 128. Hersbruck 109. 234. Hersching 197. Herzogberg 230. Herzosstand 214. Heslach 11. 39. Hesselbers 111. Hessenthal 24. 25. Hetzbach 23. Heubach 23. 28. Heuberg 40. Heuchelberg 15. Heuchelberger Warte 19. Heudorf 54. Heunensaulen 62. Hienheim 127. Hilgerberg 229. Hiltersdorf 235. Hiltgersberg, ruin 237, Himmelkron 74. Himmelschroflen 200. Hinter-Graseck 209. — Ris3 216. Hintersee, the 232. Hirsau 18. Hirschaid 80. Hirschbachthal, the 110. Hirschberg, the 218. — Haus 218. Hirschbergen 242. Hirschbichel 233. Hirschenstein, the 245. Hirschhorn 71. Hirschlanden 71. Hobbach 63. Hochalpe, the 218. Hochberg 54. — , the 44. 248. Hochdorf 17. 39. Hochfelln 223. Hochhausen 22. 70. Hochkalter, the 232. Hochkopf 214. Hochriss 223. Hochschloss 197. Hochst 23. Hochstadt 59. 74. Hochstadt 113. Hochstauflfen 224. 226. Hochzoll 127. 133. Hof 73. 134. Hofalpe, the 223. Hofen 18. Hofheim 82. Hoile 209. Hofmannsruhe 200. Hogelberg 224. Hohe Bo-en, the 236. — Fricke^n 208. Hohenaschau, chateau 223. Hohen-Gerhausen 53. Hohenasperg 15. Hohenau 241. Hohen-Baldern, castle 29, Hohenberg, the 40. Hohenburg. chateau 216. Hohen-Gundeltmgen 113. Hohengutenberg, ruin 43. Hohenhain 194- Hohenheim 14. Hohenhowen 41. Hohenkarpfen 40. Hohenkrahen 41. Hohennagold 17. Hohenneuffen 44. Hohenrechberg, ruin 42. Hohenschaftlarn 194. Hohenschwangau 203.' -, castle 204. Hohenstadt 109. Hohenstadt 244. Hohenstaufen 42. Hohenstein, the (Bavaria) 93. 236. 241. — (Swabia) 31. — , ruin 110. Hohenstoffeln 41. Hohentwiel, ruin 41. Hohen-Urach, ruin 45.44. Hohenwaldeck, ruin 220. Hohenwarth 235. Hohenwittlingen 44. Hohenzollern, castle 48. Hohe Licht 200. — Wacht, the 93. — Warte, the 63. 88. Hohlefels 53. Hohlohthurm, the 19. Hohlwese (Defile) 233. Hoierberg, the 201. Hoiren 201. Holenbrunn 92. 134. Holledau 127. Hollenbach, the 245. HoUenthal, the 73. — Klamm 210. Hollriegelskreut 193. 194. Holltobel 200. Holzkirchen 215. Holzpoint Alp 218. Homburg, ruin 62. 64. Honau 46. Honauer Steige 46. Honburg, ruin 41. INDEX. 255 Hopfenbach, the 126. Hopfensee, the 203. Hopferau 202. 203. Hoppingen 112. Horb 3y. 38. Hornberg, castle 22. Hornle, the 36. 44. 207. Hosbach 62. Houbirg, the 234. Hradschin, castle 72. Huglfing 207. Hiihnerkobel, the 247. Htilben 44. Hummerstein 93. Hundersin^en 54. Hunding-Hutte 212. Hundsruck 50. Hiirben 28. Hiirbethal, the 23. Hiitten 53. Icking 194. Igersheim 26. Igling 198. St. listen 14. Ilkahuhe 196. Iller, the 32. 34. 199. etc Illereichen 33. Illertissen 33. Illingen 15. Ilm, the 127. 133. Ilsank 231. Ilz, the 240. 241. Ilzstadt 240. Immendingen 41. Immenreuth 110. Immenstadt 199. Immenstadter Horn 199 Imnau 38. Imst 207. Indelhausen 54. Ingolstadt 132. 127. Inn, the 222. 233. 237. 243 Inner-Thiersee 221. Inningen 198. Innsbruck 219. 221. Inzell 223. Inzigkofen 51. Ipf, the 29. 111. Iphofen 69. Ipsheim 69. Irrenlohe 134. 235. Irrsee, monastery 198. Irschenhausen 194. Isar, the 135. 136. 144. 215 237. 244. Isareck 136. Isen, the 233. 244. Isenburg, castle 58. Isny 54. Jachenau 216. Jagerkamp 220. Jagermayr, the 243. Jagersburg, the 80. Jagst, the 22. 25. 71. .Jagstfeld 21. Jakobsihal 60. 62. Janowitz 248. Jenbach 219. Jenner, the 230. .lettenbach 244. Jettenberg 232. Jettingen 133. St. Jobst 109. Jochenstein, the 242. Jochplatte 214. St. Johann 45. Johannesberg 61. — , the 196. Johannisbad 198. Jordanbad 34. Josephslust 55. Josephs-Thai 220. Jossa 63. 85. Jugend, the 205. Jungingen 50. .lusiberg 36. Justingen, ruin 53. Kager 236. Kahl 59. Kahlgrund 59. Kailbach 23. Kainzen-Bad 210. Kaiserbrunnen 213. Kaiserklause 220. Kaiserwacht 219. Kaiseringen 50. Kaitersberg 235. Kalberau 60. Kalte Keller, the 230. Kaltenbrunn 19. 210.217 Kaltenburg, ruin 28. Kammerlinghorn 233. Kampenwand 223. Kapfenburg 29. Kappel 202. Kapps-Hohle, the 95. Karches 91. Karlsbach 241. Karlsbad (near Mergent- heim) 71. Karlsburg 64. Karlahohle, the 47. Karlslinde 44. 36. Karlstadt 64. Karlstein, ruin 226. Kasbach-Thal 219. Karwendel-Gebirge 210. — Spitze 211. Katzenbuckel, the 22. Katzenkopf 215. Kaufbeuren 199. Kaufering 198. Kaunerwand 231. Kelheim 125. Kellberg 241. Kemnath-Neustadt 89. Kempten 199. Kentheim 16. 19. Kernmiihle 241. Kessel, the 230. Kesselberg, the 214. Kieferthal 221. Kienberg 223. Kieritzsch 72. Kilchberg 38. Kinzig, the 39. 59. Kirchahorn 89. Kirchberg 25. baths 226. 225. 227. Kirchdorf 202. Kirchehrnbach 83. Kirchenbirkig 95. Kirchenlaibach 89. 110. Kirchenlamitz 134. Kirchentellinsfurt 36. Kirchheim 14. 19. 70. unter Teck 43. Kirchleite, the 89. Kirchseeon 221. Kirnach, the 71. Kirnachthal, the 71. Kirschbaumer Schloss 243. Kislau 14. Kissingen 83. Kisslegg 54. Kitzingen 69. Kitzsee, the 244. Klafterstrass 241, Klais 210. 215. Klardorf 134. Klattau 248. Klauenstein, the 245. Klausenberg, the 136. Klaushohe, the 84. Klautzenbach 247. Klein-Auheim 23. Kleinblankenbach 60. Klein-Ensstingen 47. Kleinheaselohe 193. Kleinheubach 61. Klein-Hohenheim 14. Komburg 24. Ostheim 60. — Steinheim 59. Umstadt 23. Kleinwallstadt 61. Klesheim 224. Klingenberg 61. Klingenbrunn 246. Klingenstein 52. Klosterberg, the 240. 60. Klosterhof 2'25. Klumpermuhle 95. Kniiufelspitze 230. Kniebis 39. 256 INDEX. Kniepass 206. 226. Knittlingen 15. Kochel 213. 216. Kochelsee 213. Kochendorf 21. Kocher, the21.24.26.etc. Kofel, the 212. Kogel-Alp 219. Kofering 135. Kohlgrab 207. Kohlhiesl 229. Kohlstetten 47. Kolbermoor 222. Kolbersbach, the 248. Kollbachthal, the 245. Kollenberg 62. Kollnburg 246. Komburg, abbey 24. Kongen 35. Konig 23. Konigs-Alpe 218. Konigsbach, the 230. Konigsberg 82. Konigsbronn 28. Konigsbrunnen, the 28. Konigsdorf 195. Konigsegg, castle 55. Konigshofen 71. Konigs-See 230. Konigsvvarth 244. Konstanzer Ach, the 199. — Thai, the 200. Kornberg, the Grosse 73. Kornthal 16. Kornwestheim 16. Kossein, the 110. 134. Kosseine, the 92. 110. Kothbach Fall 202. Kothmaissling 235. Kcitzting 235. Krahenbad, the 39. Krahenberg, the 23. Kraiburg 244. Kraichgau, the 15. Krankenheil, baths 216. Kranzberg 211. Krauchenwies 54. Krausenbach 63. Krebsstein 43. Krekelmoos 206. 213. Krempelstein, castle 242 Kreuth 218. — , Wildbad 218. Kreuz, the 92. Kreuzberg, the 85. Kreuzlingen 57. Kreuzwertheim 68. Krinning 241. Kronach 74. Kronheim 111. Kronwinkel 136. Krottenkopf 209. Krottensee 110. Kriin 215. Kubani 242. Kuchalb 31. Kuchen 31. Kuchler Loch 230. Kufstein 221. Kugelberg 47. Kiihberg 245. Kuhflucht 203. Kiihlenfels 95. Kiihlenfelser-Thal 95. Kulmbach 74. Kupfer 24. Kuppenburg 93. Kiips 74. Kuschwarda 242. Laber 119. , the 118. — , the Grosse 135. — , the Kleine 135. -, the Schwarze 119. 125. Labyrinthenberg 73. Lackenhauser 241. Laiz 51. Lam 247. Lamboiwald, the 59. Lammerbach 246. Landau 244. Landestrost, castle 133. Landl 221. Landsberg 198. Landshag 243. Landshut 135. •, castle 135. Langacker 223. Langenargen 35. Langenau 28. Langenauer-Thal 73. Langenbach 136. Langenbruck 235. Langenbriicken 14. Langenbrunn 52 Langenenslingen 54. Langenfeld 69. Langenisarhofen 237. Langenprozelten 63. Langenschemmern 34. Langentheilen 110. Langenzenn 69. Lange Thai, the 93. Langlau 111. Langsee 221. Langatadt 23. Langweid 113. Latten-Gebirge 224. 232 Lauchert, the 54. Lauchheim 29. Lauda 70. Laudenbach 26. 61. 64. Lauenstein 74. Lauer, the 85. Lauf 109. 234. Laufach 62. Laufamholz 234. Laufen an der Eyach 50. Laufenmiihle 53. Lauflfen 19. Lauingen 113. Laupheim 34. Lauter 224. — , the Grosse 47. 53. Lauterach 53. Lautereck 26. Lautern 53. Lauter-See 209. 211. Lauterthal, the Grosse 53. Lautlingen 50. Lech, the 114. 127. 128. 133. 198. etc. Lechfeld, the 198. Lehberger, the 217. Lehesten 74. Lehrberg 130. Leinleiter Thai 93. Leipheini 133. Leiten 211. 219. Leitzach-Thal 220. Lemberg, the 40. Lengenwang 202. Lenggries 216. Lenninger Thai, the 43. Leogang Steinberge 283. Leonberg 16. Leonhardstein 218. Leoni 196. 194. Lermoos 203. Leutasch-Klamm 211. — Valley 211. Leulerschach 202. Leutershausen 26. Leutkirch 54. Lichtenau 63. Lichteneck, ruin 236. Lichtenfels 74. Lichtenstein, chateau 46. Lichtenstern 24. Liebenstein 19. Liebenzell 18. Lierheim 112. Lindau 201. Lindenhart 110. Lindenhof, the 201. Linder 212. Linderhof, castle 212. Lindich, chateau 43. Linz 234. 242. 243. Listsee 223. Lochenstein, the 50. Lochhausen 134. Lochle-Thal 90. Lockstein 223. Lofer 226. INDEX. 257 Loferer Alpe 226. — Hochthal 226. — Steinberge 226. Lohbach Fall 218. Lohberg 247. Lohhof 136. Lohr 62. Lohrbach-Thal 60. 62. Loisach, the 194. 207. 212. Lonsee 32. Loquitz-Tbal 74. Lorch 27. St. Loretto 200. Lossburg 89. Lowenstein 23. Liibnitz, tbe 89. — Thai, the 74. Ludwigsbad-Wipfeld 82. Ludwigsburg 15. Ludwigg-Canal, the 75 HI. 125. Ludwigshafen 201. Ludwiashall 22. Ludwigshohe, the 109. Ludwigshohle, the 94. Ludwigs-Insel, the 209. Ludwigsquelle 90. Ludwigsstadt 74. Ludwigsstein 246. Ludwitjsthal 246. 248. — (Danube) 52. Ludwigsthurm 60. 61. Lube 134. Luisenburg, the 92. Lukas-Terra3se, the 208. Lupfen, the 40. Lusen, the 242. 247. Lustheim , chateau 229. Lustnau 36. Luxburg, the 92. Madchenfels, the 46. MJidelegabel 200. Miigdeberg 41. Maihini;en 112. Main, the 59. 74. 90. 12S. Main, the Rothe 74. 110. — , the Weisse 74. 86. 89. Mainau, Island of 57. Mainberg 82. Mainbernheim 69. Mainkur 59. Mainleus 74. Mainroth 74. Mairhalde, the 31. Maisach 134. Maisenburg, ruin 54. Mamming 2i4. Manching 127. Mangfall, the 217. 220. Mangolding 236. Mangoldsfein, fortress 112. Mantler Wald 89. Marbach (Baden) 40. — (Wurlemberg) 25. 47. 54. Marblinger Hohe 221. St. Maria-Einsiedel 194. Mariahilfberg 118. 235. Maria-Plain ^24. Marienberg, fortress (Wiirzburg) 68. — , the (Algau) 199. Marienbriicke 205. Markbuchen 246. Markelllngen 55. Markelsheim 26. Markt 113. Markt-Bibart 69. Marktbreit 128. Markt-Einersheim 69. Markt-Eisenstein 248. Marktgolitz 74. Marktheidenfeld 62. Marktl 234. Marktleuthen 134. Marktoffingen 112. Markt-Redwitz 110. 134 — Schorgast 74. Marktzeuln 74, Marquartstein 223. Marsbach, castle 243. Martinlamifz 134. Marxen-Hfihe 229. Marxgriin 73. Matze, the 92. Maubach 25. Mauer 22. Maulach 25. Maulbronn 15. Maurach 219. St. Maurus 52. Maushain 119. Mauth 242. Mauthhausl 226. Maximilianshohle 110. Maximilianshiitte 134. 223. Mayence 61. Meckenbeuern 35. Meckesheim 22. 71. 72. Meersburg 57. 201. Jlehltheuer (3. Mehrstetten 53. Meiningen 86. Jleitingen 113. Mellrichstadt 85. Memmingen 33. 198. Mengen 54. Menningen 55. Menterschwaige 193. Mergelstetten 2S. Mergentheim 70. 26. Jlering 133. Merlbach 194. Baedeker's S. Germany. Sth Edit. Mertingen 113. Mespelbrunn 63. Messelstein 31. Messkirch 55. Metten 245. Metzinsen 36. Michaelsberg 19. 126. Michelbach 60. Michelfeld 110. Michelsberg, the (near Hersbruck) 109. (Swabia) 31. (on the Neckar) 22. Michelstadt 23. Miesbach 220. ililtach 235. Miltenbers; 62. Mindel, the 133. Mindelheim 198. Minneburg 22. Minning 234. Mirskofen 135. Mistelgau 89. Mittag, the 199. Mittelberg 199. Mittel-Graseck 209. Mitten 201. Mittenwald 210. Mitterkaser-Alpe 232. Mittersendling 215. Mitterteich 73. Mochenwangen 34. Mockmuhl 22. 71. Modishofen 133. Mogeldorf 109. 234. Mogglingen 28. 3Iohringen 41. Molkenbauer 226. Mombris 60. Mondfeld 62. ^ Monrepos, chateau 16. Montfort, chateau 35. Moosach 221. 3Ioosburg 136. Moosham 236. Mooswacht 233. Moritzberg. the 234. Mosbach 71. Mossingen 48. Mottingen 112. Miidesheim 64. MuKgendorf 93. Miihl 206. 213. Miihlacker 15. Miihlbach HI. Miihlberg, the 52. Miihldorf 233. 244. Muhlen 38. Miihlfeld 197. Miihlhausen (Swabia) 41 — (Franconia) 64. Miihlheim 52. 59. Miihlingen 55. IT 258 INDEX. MiLhlthal 195. Miiller am Joch 214. Mullerhiitte 248. Mullnerhorn 224. Miimlmg, the 23. — Grumbach 23. Miinchberg 73. Miinchshofen 237. Miinclisinunster 127. Munderkingen 53. Munich 137. Academy of Art 152. — of Science 190. Allerheiligenhofkirche 148. Alte Hof, the 152. — Residenz, the 145. Anatomical Institute 191. St. Annakirche 156. Antiquarium 179. Arcades 148. Archives 151. Arco-Zinneberg, Palace 157. Arsenals 187. 192. Art-Industrial School 180. — Union 149. Au 192. Auer Kirche 192. Basilica 187. Baths 140. Bavaria 191. St. Benno^s 186. Blind Asylum 151. Botanic Garden 187. Brienner-Strasse 157. Bronze Foundry 186. Cabinet of Coins 190. — of Drawings 172. — of Engravings 172. — of Vases 173. Cattle Market 191. Cemeteries 180. 191. 192. 193. Clinical Institutes 191. Coach Houses, Royal 148. Collection Paleeonto- logical 190. — , Prehistoric 190. — of Minerals 190. — of Phys. and Opt. Instruments 190. — , Zoological-Zootom- ical 190. Corn Hall 192. Court Chapel 148. Crvstal Palace 187. English Chapel 144. 150. — Garden 193. Munich : Ethnograph. Museum 149. Exhibitions of Art 142. — of Exports 190. Exhibition Building 184. Feldherrnhalle 149. Festsaalbau 147. Fischbrunnen 189. Frauenkirche 189. GasteigPromenadesl57. Georgianum 151. Giesing Church 192. Glass-Painting 142. Glyptothek 180. Government Buildings 152. Gvnsecological Institute "191. Haidhausen 157. Hall of Fame 191. Herzog-Max-Burg 188. Hofbrauhaus 138. 152 Hofgarten 148. Holv Ghost, Church ol the 192. Hospital, General 191. Hvgienic Institute 191. Isarthor 192. St. .John's 157. Justice, Courts of 190. Karlsthor 190. Kaulbach-Museum 150 Konigsbau 147. Kunstgewerbehaus 188. Landtagsgebaude 188. Leopoldstrasse 152. Librarv 150. Loggie 171. Lotzbeck Collection 158. Ludwigsbriicke 192. Ludwigskirche 151. Ludwigstrasse 149. Luitpold-Terrace 157. Maillinger Collection 192. Mariahilfkirche 192. Marien-Platz 188. St. Mark's 157. Market, Provision 192. Marstall 148. Mary, Column of 188. Maternity Hospital 191 St. Matthew's 191. Maximilianeum 166. Maximiliansplafz 188. Maximilianstrasse 152 Max-Joseph-Platz 145. Max-Joseph-School 151. St. Michael's 190. Military Museum 187. Munich : Mint, the 152. Municipal Hist. Mu- seum 192. National Museum 153. Nat. Hist. Collection 190. Nibelungen Frescoes 147. Nvmphenburg 194. Obelisk 157. Observatory 193. Odeon 150. Ophthalmic Institute 191. Palace, Ptoyal 145. — of PrinceRegentLuit- pold 150. — of Duke Max 150. Panoramas 143. 180. 191. Pathological Institute 191. St. Peter's 189. Pharmacological Insti- tute 191. Phvsiological Institute 191. Pinakothek, New 173. -, Old 158. Plaster Casts, Museum of 149. Polytechnic School 180. Porcelain Paintings 174. Post Office 152. 140. Priests' Seminary 151. Prinz-Regenten-Strasse 149. Promenade-Platz 188. Propylaea 184. Protest. Church 192. Railway Station 137. 191. Rathhaus, New 189. -, Old 189. Reiche Capelle 146. ReichenbachBridgel92. Reisingerianum 191. Residenz, Alte 145. Ruhmeshalle 191. Schack Gallery 184. Schwan thaler Museum 191. Sendlingerthor-Platz 191. Siegesthor 162. Slaughter House 191. Statue of Derov 152. — of Ehrhardt' 156. — of Fraunhofer 152. — of Gabelsberger 188. — of Gartner 192. — of Gluck 188. JNDEX. 259 Munich : Statue of Goethe 190. — of Klenze 192. — of Kreittmayr 188. — of King Max Joseph 145. — King Maximilian II. 156. — of Elector Maxim. I 157. — of Elector Max Em anuel 188. — of Lewis I. 149. — of Liebig 188. — of Nussbaum 191. — of Orlando di Lasso 188. — of Rumford 152. — of Schelling 152. — of Schiller 157. — of Senefelder 191. — of Westenrieder 188. Synagogue 190. Thai, the 192. Theatine Church 149. Theatres 141. 148. 191. 192. Theresienwiese 191. Treasury 146. University 151. War Office 150. Wittelsbach Fountain 188. — Palace 157. Miinnerstadt 85. Jliinsing 194. Miinsingen 47. Murgthal, the 39. Murnau 207. Murr, the 25. Murrhardt 25. Musau 206. Mylau 72. Nab, the 110. 119. 134. 235. Nabburg 134. Nagold 17. Nagold, the 16. 17. Naiderach-Thal, the 212. Naila 73. Nannhofen 134. Nase, the 214. Nasenbach, the 244. Nassereit 207. Katternberg, the 237. 244. Nebelhohle, the 47. Nebelhorn 200. Nebringen 39. Neckar, the 12. 21. 71. etc. Neckarburken 71. Neckarelz 22. 71. Neckargemiind 22. 72. Neckargerach 22. Neckarhausen 40. 71. Neckarsteinach 71. Neckarsulm 21. Neckarthailfingen 35. Neckarzimmern 22. Neidenstein 71. Neidingen 52. Neidstein 235. Nellenburg, ruin 55. Xellmersbach 25. Nendingen 52. Nenzingen 55. Xersingen 133. Nesselgraben 226. Nesselwang 202. Netzschkau 72. Neubau 235. Neuberg 71. 73. Neuburg 128. -, abbey 72. Neudeck, ruin 93. Neudenau 22. 71. Neudorf 68. Neuenbiirg 18. Neuenmarkt 74. 86. Neuenreuth 110. Neuenstein 24. Neuern 248. Neu-Essing 126. Neufahrn 136. 136. Neuffen 44. Neufra 40. Neuhaus, castle (on the Danube) 243. — (Bavaria) 110. 220. — (Baths) 85. Neuhausen 41. Neu-Kelheim 126. Neukirchen 235. 236. Neumark 72. Neumarkt (Austria) 234. 242. (on the Rott) 244. (on the Sulz) 118. Neundorf 72. Neu-Nussberg. rnin 246. Oetting 233. Oflingen 133. 113. Neureut 218. Neu-Schwanstein , castle 204. Neusorg 110. Neustadt an derAi3ch69. — am Main 62. (Franconia) 85. 89. (in the Odenwald) 23. — an der Donau 127. (near Stuttgart) 24. an der Waldnab 134. Neustadtle 24. Neuthal 242. Neu-Ulm 32. 33. 133. St. Nicola 135. Niederaschau 223. Niederbiegen 34. Niederhaus, Fort 239. Niederlauer 85. Niedernau 38. Niederpocking 195. Niederranna 242. Nieder-Sonthofer See 199. Kiederstetten 26. Nieder-Stotzingen 28. Niefern 17. Non 226. Nonnberg, the 240. Xonnengiitl 240. Nonsberg, ruin 54. Nordendorf 113. Nordheim 19. Nordlingen 111. Nufringen 39. Nuremberg 95. .(Egidien-Platz 105. St. ^gidius, Church of 105. Archives 102. Behaim's House 100. — Monument 105. Bratwurst-Olocklein 95. 102. Brew^eries 109. Bridges 98. Bronze-Foundry 103. Burg 103. St. Catharine's Church 104. Cemeteries 103. 104. Deutsche Haus, the 101. Diirer s House 102. — Statue 102. St. Elizabeth's Church 104. Eucharius Chapel 106. Exhibitions 96. 105. Evsser's House 105. Fortifications 98. Frauenkirche 99. Frauenthor 98. Freinng 103. Gansemannchen 100. Germanic JIuseum 106. Gewerbe-SIuseum 106. Grvibel Fountain 105. Gvmnasium 105. Hallerthor 104. Harbour 104. Heiligegeist-Kivche 106. — Spital 105. Heiligkreuz-Kapelle 104. Heinzel Fountain 105. 17* 260 INDEX. NCREMBEEG : Holzschuher Chapel 103. Industrial Museum 105. — Art, Royal School of 106. St. Jakob's Church 104. St. John's Church 103. Kaiserbxirg 103. Koherger's House 105. Kraflft's House 105. — Stations 103. Landauer Monastery 106. Law Courts 102. St. Lawrence, church 99. Library 102. Manufactories 103. 109. Marienkirche 99. St. Maurice 102. Maxfeld 109. Melanchthon's Statue 105. St. Moritzkapelle 102. Museum 99. Nassauer Hana 99. JTat. Hist. Museum 106. Neuthor 104. Olives, Mt. of 103. St. Ottmar's Chapel 103. Palm's House 102. Paumgartner's House 105. Peller's House 105. Pentagonal Tower 103. Petersen's House 106. > Picture Gallery, Muni- cipal 101. Pirkheimer's House 100. Post Office 96. 105. Private Houses 105. 106. Rail. Station 98. Rathhaus 100. Rosenau 109. Rotermundt Collection 102. Rupprechfs House 106. Sachs's House 105. — Statue 105. St. Sebaldus 101. Schone Brunnen 100. Schiitt, Island of 105. Shops 96. Spitalkirche 105. Spittler Thor, the 104. Stadtpark 109. Stadtwage 102. Svnasogue 105. Tetzel Chapel 106. Ndbembebg : Theatre 96. 104. Thiergartner-Thor 103. Topler's House 106. Towers 103. 104. Tucher'flches Landhaus 106. Tugendbrunnen 99. Vischer's House 104. Walpurgis Chapel 103. Warriors'' Monument 99. Weisser Thurm 104. Nuremberg Switzerland 110. Ntirtingen 35. 44. Nusshard, the 91. Nusshausen 126. Nymphenburg 194. 133. 134. Oberach, the 234. Ober-Ammergau 211. Oberau 126. 207. Oberaudorf 221. Ober-Bohringen 31. — Breitenau 246. Oberdachstetten 130. Oberdorf 199. 202. Ober-Eichstadt 132. Frauenau 246. Grainau 209. Obergiinzburg 199. Oberhaid 82. Oberhaus, fort 239. Oberhausen 46. 113. 133. Ober-Herrlingen, castle 53. Oberholzheim 34. Ober-Kirchberg 33. Oberkochen 28. Oberkotzau 73. 134. Ober-Langenstadt 74. Oberlenningen 43. Obermarchthal 54. Obermichl 243. Ober-Mieming 207. Obernach 215. Obernau 61. Obernberg 234. Obernburg 61. Oberndorf 40. 125. — Schweinfurt 82. Obemesselgraben 226. Obemzell 242. Oberrad 59. Oberrain, baths 226. Oberreitnau 200. Oberschmeieu 51. Obersee, the 231. Ober-Siegsdorf 223. Oberstaufen 200. Oberstdorf 200. Oberstimm 133. Ober-Theres 82. Oberthurnhof 247. Obertraubling 135. 236. Obertiirkheim 29. Oberwappenost 110. Ober-Warngau 215. — 'Weissbach 233. Oberwerrn 83. Oberzeismering 196. Oberzell (nearFriedrichs- hafen) 35. — (on the Main) 64. Ober-Zwieselau 246. Obsteig 207. Ochenbruck 118. Ochsenfurt 12S. Ochsenkopf, the 90. Ochsenwang 81. 43. Odenwald, the 22. Oedwies 245. Oehringen 24. Oelsnitz 72. — , the 89. Oethlingen 43. Oetting, Alt and Neu 233. Oettingen 111. Offenau 22. Offenbach 59. Offenhausen 47. Oflfenhausen 47. Offingen 133. Ohe, the Grosse 246. — , the Kleine 247. Ohebach, the 245. 246. Ohlstadt 207. Ohm, the 24. Olching 1.34. Olgahohle 47. Oppenau 39. Oppenweiler 25. Osser, the 248. Osterbiihl 212. Osterburken 22. 71. Osterhofen 220. 237. Ostermiinchen 221. Ostersee, the 213. St. Oswald 242. 247. Oswald-Hiitte 216. Oswaldshohle 93. Ottendorf 25. Ottensheim 243. Ottensoos 234. Ottobeuren 34. Otzing 244. Owen 43. Ov 202. Oythal, the 200. Paar, the 127. Padinger Alpe 226. Pahl 197. St.Pancras, Chapel of226. INDEX. 261 Pappenheim 131. Parksteiner Wald 89. Parksteinlxiitten 89. Parsberg 119. Partenkirchen 208. Partenstein 62. Partnachklamm 208. Partnach Valley 208. Pasing 134. 195. 198. Passau 237. Pas8reut 241. Pegnitz 110. -, the 70. 98. 109. 234. Peissenberg 197. Penzberg 213. Perach 233. Pertisau 219. Petersberg 130. Petersdorf 245. Petershausen 183. Petershdhle, the 52. Peterskirch 234. Peterstirne 82. Pfaffenhofen 133. Pfaffenstein, the 93. Pfahl, the 246. Pfahlbronn 27. Pfahlrain, the 127. Pfiinder, the 201. Pfarrkirchen 244. Pfinz, the 18. Pflach 206. Pflaumloch 29. Pflieglhof, the 217. Pflummern 54. Pforzen 198. Pforzheim 17. Pfreimd 134. Pfronten 202. Pfullendorf 55. Pfullingen 46. Pfiinz 132. Philippsruhe, chateau 59. Pichelbach-Thal 248. Piding 224. Pilsting 136. 244. Pins w an g 206. Pinzberg 92. Pipping 195. Pirk 72. Pirka 246. Plain, castle 226. Planegg 195. Plansee, the Great 213. — , the Little 206. 213. Plassenburg 74. Platner8berg,Schlos3 109. Plattling 237. 244. Plauen 72. Pleinfeld HI. 131. Pleinting 237. Plettenberg 50. Plochingen 30. 43. Pliiderhausen 27. Plumser .Joch 216. Pocking 244. P(311at, the 205. Pulling 207. Pommelsbrunn 234. Ponimersfelden, chateau 80. Ponholz 134. Poppenhausen 83. Posing 235. Possenhofen 195. 196. Postbauer 118. Postlingberg, the 243. Pottenstein 95. Prag, the 17. Prague 236. Prani-Haag 234. Pramthal, the 242. Predigtstuhl, the 245. Pressath 89. Pretzfeld 93. Prien 222. 223. — Thai, the 222. 223. Primthal, the 40. Probstzella 74. Priifening 119. 125. Prunn 126. Pullach 194. Pulling 235. Piittlach-Thal, the 95. Q,uakenschloss, the 94. St. Quirin 217. Rabeneck, castle 94. Rabenecker Thai, the 94, Rabenstejn, castle (Fran- conia) 94. — (Bavar. Forest) 247. — (on the Altmiihl) 126, — Cavern 94. Rachel, the 247. Rachelsee, the 247. Radersdorf 127. Radldorf 236. Radolfzell 55. Rain 128. Rainer Alpe 218. Rainthal, the 210. Raitersaich 26. Ramsau 232. — , the 207. 231. Ramsauer Ache, the 227. 229. Ranariedl 242. Randeck 31. Ranna 110. Rappenau 22. Raschenberg, ruin 224. Rathsberg, the 81. Ratibor, chateau 111. Ratisbon 119. Rauberburg, ruin 31. 43. Rauberhof 31. Rauhe Alb, the 32. Rauhe Kulut, the 89. 245. Ravensburg 34. Rechberg, the 42. Rechenau 221. Rechensoldenfelsen 247. Rechtenbach 63. Rechtensteiu 54. Rednitz, the 26. 69. 111. Redwitz 74. Regen 246. — , the 119. 134. 235. — , the Grosse 246. — , the Kleine 246. — , the Schwarze 235. 246. — , the Weisse 235. 247. Regensburg, see Ratis- bon. Regenstauf 134. Regnitz, the 70. 75. 81. Rehau 73. Reichelsdorf 111. Reichenau 55. Reichenbach (Saxonv) 72. — (Wurtemberg) 19. 30. Reichenberg (Bavaria) 70. 247. — (Wurtemberg) 25. Reichenhall 224. — Kirchberg 227. Reichenschwand 109. Reichenstein, ruin 53. Reichersbeuern 215. Reichertshausen 133. Reichertshofen 133. Reicholzheim 70. Reinertshof 203. Reisensburg, castle 133. Reistenhausen 62. Reitalpgebirge 22i. 226. Reiter-Alpe 232. Reith 211. Reitofen 229. Remsthal, the 24. 27. Renningen 16. Renter.'5hofener Damm 200. Rentwertshausen 86. Reschenstein, ruin 240. Retzbach 64. Reussenstein 31. Reuth 73. 134. Reutlingen 36. Reutte 206. Rezat, the Franconian 26. 111. 130. , the Swabian 111. Rhine, the 41. 56. , Falls of the 41. 262 INDEX. .Rhon Mts., the 85. Ried 197. 213. 234. 235. Riedau 242. .Rieden 207. Riedenburg 126. Riedernberg, the 48. Riederstein, the 218. Riedlingen 54. Ries 240. — , the 112. RiesenbuT^, the (Fran- conia) 94. Riesloch, the 247. Riesserbaner 208. Rietenau 25. Rietheim 40. Rigi, the Kleine 57. Riglasreuth 110. • Ringberg, the 125. — Sattel 218. Risserkosl, the 218. Rissthal, the 34. 216. Risstissen 34. Ristfeichtkogl 224. 226. Ritschenhausen 86. Rockenbrunn 234. Rodach, the 74. Rodenbach 62. Roding 235. Roggenthal, the 32. Rohmbach 241. Rohr 127. Rohrbach 244. Rohrbrunn 63. Rohrenfeld 127. Rrihrmoos 133. Roigheim 71. Romanshorn 201. Rorschach 201. Roschenauer Hohe 194. Rosenbach 130. Rosenberg 71. 74. 235. Rosenburg 126. Rosenheim 222. Rosenmiiller's Hohle 93 Rosenstein, chateau fnear Stuttgart) 13. — , the (near AalenJ 2 Rosla, the 91. Roslau 91. 134. — , the 110. 134. Rossbach 73. Rossberg 54. — , the Dettinger 44. — , the (near Lichten- stein) 47. Rosslau, the 91. Rossriicken 218. Rossschlag-Pass 206. Rossatall 26. Rosthausl 229. Rostwald 229. Roth ill. Roth am See 26. Rothenbach (nearls urem berg) 234. 236. — (near Lindau) 200. - (Swabia) 18. 19. Rothenberg, ruin 109. — , the (near Cannstatt) 29. — . the (near Neekarelz) 22. Rothenburg on the Tau- ber 123. Rothenfels 62. — , the 199. Rothenkirchen 74. Rothenstadt 134. Roththal, the 25. Rothswand 231. Rothwand 220. Rott 243. — , the 244. Rottach 218. — , Falls of the 218. Rottenacker 53. Rottenbuch 197. 212. Rottenburg 38. Rottendorf 81. 69. Rottershausen 85. Rottmannshohe 196. Rottweil 40. Rucken, the 53. Riickersdorf 109. Ruderatshofen 199. Rudolfstein, the 91. Ruhmannsfelden 245. Rummbach 235. Rnmpenheim 59. Runderberg 44. Runding 235. Rupprechstegen 110. Rupprechtstein 234. Rusel, the 245. Ruaenschloss 53. Rutschenhof 45. Saal 125. Saalach, the 224. Saale, the 73. 91. 224. the Franconian 63. 83. Saaleck 64. Saalfeld 74. Saalfelden 233. Sachenbach 216. Sachsen 26. Sachsenhausen 59. Sagereckwand 230. Salem 59. Sallet-Alp 231. Salmendinger Chapel 48. Salzach, the 224. Salzberg, the Upper 229. Salzbiichsel, castle 225. Salzburg 224. Salzburg, ruin 43. 86. Salzgau, the 15. Salznau 242. Sandbach 237. Sanderau 128. Sandsee, castle 111. Sassau, Islet of 215. Sattel 43. Sattelbogen, the 44. Sauerlach 215. Sauldorf 55. Saulgau 54. Saulgrub 207. 212. Sauling 205. 206. Saulohrn 241. ausbach, the 241. Schachen 201. Alp, the 210. Schachenbad 201. Schafberg 50. Schafifhausen 41. Schafhausen 16. Schaftlach 215. Schaftlarn 194. Schalksburg 50. Schalding 237. Schalmei-Schlucht 208. Schambachthal, the 126. Schappach 232. Schardenberg 241. Schiirding 242. Scharfenberg, ruin 31. Scharfeneck, ruin 80. Scharitzkehl-Alp 230. Scharling 218. Scharnhausen 14. Scharnitz 211. Scharreben 247. Schaumburg, ruin 248. Schechen 243. Scheer 54. Schefflenz 71. Scheiben, the 248. Schelklingen 58. Schellenberg 112. Schellneck 126. Schemmerberg 84. Schenkenzell 39. Schierenhof 28. Schildenstein 218. Schillerhohe, the 11. 25. Schiller-Hcihle 44. Schillingsfiirst 130. Schillingsloch 44. Schiltach 39. S chimb orn 60. Schinder 218. Schirnding 111. Schlachters 200. Schlath 31. Schlattan 209. Schlattstall 43. Schlehdorf 214. INDEX. 263 Schleissbeim 136. 194. Schleiz 73. Schlicke 205. Schlierach-Thal 220. Schlierbach 72. Schliersee 220. Schlossberg, the 206. 222. Schlosslberg, the 242. Schlos3lhichl 229. Schlott 127. Schluxenwirth 206. Schmachtenberg 82. Schmalsee 210, Schmaussenbuck 109. 234. Schmeie, the 50. Schmeienthal 50. Schmelz. the 209. Schmiechen 53. Schmiechthal 53. Schmutter, the 113. 133. Schnabelwaid 110. Schnaith 27. Schnaitheim 28. Schnaittach 109. Schnaizlreut '.^26. Schneeberg. the (FicMel- gebirge) 91. Schnelldorf 26. Schollenbach 23. Schollkrippen 60. Schomberg 19. Schonau (Franconia) 63. 85. — (Bavaria) 229. 246. Schonauer Glashiitte, the 241. Schonberg 73. Schonbichl 202. Schonbornsprudel, the 84. Schonbuchwald, the 39. Schonbuhl, castle 27. Schondorf 198. vSchoneben 247. Schdnenberg 26. Schonfeldspitze 230, Schonfels, chateau 72. Schongau 198. Schonhof 94. Schonsteinhohle 93. Schonthal 61. Schonungen 82. Schopfloch 31. 39. 112. Schorenberg, ruin 63. Schorndorf 27. Schottenhof 126. Schotter-Thal, the 94. Schrainbach, the 231. — Fall, the 226. Schrecksee 221. Schrezheim 2G. Schrobenhausen 127. Schrocke 43. Schrozberg 26. Schullerloch, the 126. Schiilzbiirg, ruin 54. Schurwald, the 27. Schussen, the 34. Schussenried 34. Schutterthal, the 95. Schiitzensteig, the 205. Schwabach 111. Schwabelweis 124. Schwaben 233. Schwabhausep 198. Scbvvabing 152. Schwabisch-Gmiind 28. — Hall 24. Schwabmiincben 198. Schwaigen 136. Schwaighof 218. Schwaikheim 24. Schwakenreute 55. Schwanberg, the 69. Schvvandorf 134. 235. Scbwanegg, chateau 193. Schwansee 203. Schwanstein , castle 204. Schwarzachthal 118. Schwarzbach, the 232. — Thai 71. Schwarzbachwacht 232. Schwarzberg-Klainm226. Schwarzenbach 73. 89. Schwarzenberg , the 203. Schwarzenbronn 130. Schwarzenbruck 118. Schwarzenfels 85. Schwarze See 248. Schwarzhanskarkopf206. Schweigern 71. Schweinau 26. Schweinfurt 82. Schweinhausen 34. Schweinhiitt 246. Schweinsberg 21. Schwenningen 40. Schwimmschule 136. Sebastiansweiler 48. Seckach 71. Seebachwald 247. Seebruck 223. Seeburg 45. Seeburger Thai 44. Seefeld 211. Seeg 202. Seegraben, the 244. Seebausen 207. Seeon 223. Seeshaupt 196. 213. Seeapitz 219. Seethal 45. Seewald, the 35. See wand, the 248. Seisenberg-KUimm 233. Selb 73. Seligenstadt 23. 81. Senden 33. Sennfeld 71. Scntenhart 55. Seubersdorf 119. Seulbitz 73. Seussen 111. Sevbothenreuth 89. Sibyllenloch 43. Siebenellen 247. Siegelsdorf 69. Siglingen 71. .Sigmaringen 61. Sigmaringendorf 54. Sigmundsburg, ruin 207, Silbert)erg. the 247. Simbach 234. Simmsee, the 222. Singen 41. Sinn, the 85. Sinnbere, the 85. Sinnthaf, the 63. Sinzheim 22. Sinzing 125. Sodenthal 61. 63. Soflingen 52. Sohnstetten 32. Soldenkopll 231. Solitude, the 14. Solnhofen 131. Sommerau 247. Sondelfingen 36. Sonnen 241. Sonnenhiisel 197. Sonntagshorn 224. 226. Sontheim 28. 198. Sonthofen 200. Sophienhohle 94. Soyen 244. — Lake 197. Soyer See 244. Spaichingen 40. Spalt 111. Sparneck 73. Sperberseck 43. Spessart Mts., the 63. Spezgarder Tobel 58. Spiegelau 246. Spielmannsau 200. Spitzberg 248. — Sattel, the 248. Spitzenberg. the 31. Spitzing-See 218. 220. Springen 53. Stadelhorn 232. Stadt am Hof 124. Stadtprozelten 62. Staffelbach 82. StafiFelber- 75. 241. Staffelsberg 84. Staffelsee 207. Statlelstein 75. 264 INDEX. Stahringen 55. Stallau 216. Staltach 213. Stammbach 73. Starnberg 195. — , Lake of 195. Starzel, the 38. Starzeln 50. Staubfall 226. 232. Stauf, ruin (near Lin z on the Danube) 243. — (near Ratisbon) 124. Staufen (Swabia) 31. Staufenberg, ruin 89. Staufeneck, ruin 31. Stauffeneck, ruin 224. Stauffengebirge 226. Steben 73. Steckelburg, ruin 63. Stegen 198. Steigberg, the 48. Steigerwald, the 128. Steigkoppe, the 60. 62. Steilenfalle, the 210. Stein (Fichtelgebirge) 89. — (near Nuremberg) 26. — an der Traun 224. Steinach (Eavaria) 74,202. — (on the Main) 128. — , the 90. — Thai, the 17. 74. Steinbach (near Hall) 24. — (on the Main) 60. — (near Michelstadt) 23. — (Franconia) 74. — (in the Murrthal) 25. — (near Tolz) 216. Steinberg, on the Main 64. Steindorf 234. Steinenbach 54. Steinheim 59. 28. 113. Steinlachthal, the 48. Steinmiihle 73. Steinrain 135. Steinsee, the 221. Steinwiesen 73. Stemenhausen 74. Stempfermiihle 93. Stephanskirchen 222. Stephansposching 237. Stepperg 128. Stetten 48. Stettfeld 82. Steusslingen, ruin 58. Stiegelruck 248. Stillach, the 200. Stock 222. Stockach 55. — , the 55. Stockau. 89. Stockheim 74. Stoffelbers. the 47. Stoflfelsberg. the 199. Storzingen 50. Strassberg 50. Strasskirchen 237. Straubing 236. Streitberg 93. Streitburg 93. Streu, the 85. Stromberg, the 15. Strub, the 229. Stuben 218. — Alp, the 218. Stuiben, the 199. — Falls 206. 213. Stuttgart 1. Siilchenkirche, the 38. Suiz am Neckar 40. — , Bad 197. — , the 118. Sulzbach 25. 61. 235. — Waterfall 197. Sulzberg 202. Sulzberglehen, the 229. Sulzbrunn 202. Sulzdorf 25. Sulzerain 13. Sulzthal, the 118. Siinching 236. Siissen 31. Swabian Alb, the 42. Tabor-Kapelle 223. Tachenatein 126. Tafertsried 245. Taslaching 221. Taimering 236. Tanner-Alp. the 221. — Miihle, the 221, Tannheim 206. Tapfheim 113. Tatzelwurm 221. Taubenberg, the 220. Taubensee, the 232. Tauber, the 70. Tauberbischofsheim 70. Tauberfeld 132. Tauern, the 206. 213. Taufkirchen 242. Teck, the 31. — , ruin 43. Tegelberg, the 205. — Alp, the 205. Tegelstein 201. Teeernheim 124. Tegernsee 217. Teinach 16. baths 16. Teisendorf 224. Teisnach 245. — Thai, the ^5. Telfs 207. Tettnaud 35. Teufelsfelsen, the 125. Teufelsgraben, the 215. Teufelshumer, the 231. Teufelsloch 95. Teufelsmauer, the 127. Teufelssee, the 248. Teufelstisch 246. Thaldorf 126. 127. Thalfingen 28. Thalham 220. Thalhausen 40. Thalhof 54. Thalkirchdorf 200. Thalkirchen 194. 221. Thalmiihle 17. 41. Thalsteusslingen 53. Thamm 15. Thaneller, the 206. Thausser Bad 24, Thavingen 41. Theres 82. Theresienklause, the 229. Theresienstein, the 73. Theresienthal 246. Thierberg, the 50. Thiergarten 52. Thiergartenberg, the 44. Thiersee, the 221. Thierseer Ache, the 221. Thiersee-Thal. the 221. Thonbrunn 78. Thorlen, the 210. Thumsee, the 226. Thiingen 64. Thiineersheim 64. Tiefenbach 200. 241. • Tiefenbronn 17. Tir8chenreuth 134. Tittling 247. Tittmoning 224. Todte Mann, the 230. Tolz 215. Trabitz 89. Traifelberg, the 46. Trappenaee 21. Trauf, the 50. Traun, the 223. — , the Rothe 228. Traunstein 223. Traunthal, monastery 126. Trausnitz, castle 135. Trebgast 86. Trembach 244. Trennfeld 62. Trettach, the 200. Treuchtlingen 131. Triefenried 246. Triefenstein 62. Triesdorf 131. Trimberg 64. Tristram Ravine, the 227. Trochtelfingen 29. Trubachthal, the 93. Trudering 221. INDEX. 2GI Tubingen|36. Tiichersfeld 95^ Tiirkenfeld 198. Tiirkheim 198. Tuttlingen 41. Tutzing 196. Tyrnau 241. TJeberkingen 31. Ueberlingen 58. 201. Ueberlinger See 57. Uebersee 223. Uflfenheim 128. Uffing 207. Uhenfels 45. Uhingen 30. Uhlandshohe, the 11, Uhlbach 29. Ulm 32. Ulricbsberg 245. — , the 245. Ummendorf 34. Umpfer, the 71. — Thai, the 71. Umratshansen 223. Unken 226. Unlingen 54. Unniitz, the 219. Unter-Ainmergau 197. 212. Unterauer Alp, the 214. Unterbalbach 70. Unterbobingen 28. Unterbodenlaube 84. Unterboihingen 35. 43. rnterbuchen 195. Unter-Elchinsen 28. — Frauenau 246. — Grainau 209. — Griesheim 71. Unterhausen 46. 128. Unterkochen 28. Unter-Leinleiter 93. Unterlenningen 43. Unterloquitz 74. Unterlotzen 206. XJntermarchthal 53. Unter-Peisaenberg 197. Unterreichenbach 18. Unterrodach 73. Untersberg, the 224. Unterschiipf 71. Unter-See, the 55. — Steinach 74. Untertholau 134. Untertiirkheim 29. Unterwilzinsen 53. Urach 44. — , Waterfall of 45. Uracher Bleiche 44. — Thai 44. Urbach 27. Urbanlehen 229. Urfeld 214. Trspring, nunnery 53. — Thai, the 221. Uraulaberg, the 46. Utting 197. Vach 81. Vaihingen 15. 39. Veitsberg, the 76. Veitsburg, the 35. Veitshuchheim 64. Velden 110. Veldenstein 110. V'ereins-Alpe 211. Viechtach 246. Viechtenstein, castle 242. Vier Linden, the 207. Vierzehnheiligen 75. Villingen 40. Vila 202. — , the (Danube) 202. 236. 237. 244. Vilsbiburg 136. Vilseck 235. Vilshofen 237. Vohburg 127. Vohenstrauss 134. Voigtlaud, the 72. Voitenberg-Oed, the 236. Voitersreuth 73. Volkersberg 85. Vollmerz 63. Volsbach 89. Vorbach 110. Vorderbrand 229. 230. Vordereck 229. Vorder-Graseck 208. 209. — Hohenschwangau, castle 204. Vorderkaser-Klamm, the 226. — Riss 216. Thiersee, the 221. Vorra 110. "Wagenbrech-See, the 210. Wahlwies 55. Waiblingen 27. Waibstadt 71. Waidbach, the 227. Waidmannsgesess 94. Waischenfeld 94. Waizinger Alp 220. Walchcn, the 216. 219. Walchensee 214. Waldburg,castle(Swabia) 35. 39. — CFranconia) 82. Waldeck 17. Waldenburg 24. Waldershof 110. Waldhausen 27. Waldhauaer 247. Waldbaushof, the 50. Waldkirchen 211. 243. Wald-Leiningen 62. Waldnab, the 134. Waldsas3en 73. Waldsee 54. Waldstein, castle 91. — , the Grosse 73. 91. Waldthurn 134. Walhalla, the 12i. Walh;illastrasse 124. 134, Wallern 242. Wallersdorf 214. Wallerstein 111. 112. Wallgau 215. 210. Walmberg, the 218. Walser Schanzle 200. Waltenhofen 199. Wangen 29. Wannenberg, the 62. Warmensteinach 90. Wartberg, the 19. 21. Warthauaen 34. Wartstein, ruin 54. -, the 232. Wasach 200. Waschenbeuern 27. Wascher-Schloflsle 27. Wasseralfingen 28. Wasserberg, the 31. Wasserburti (Lake of Constance) 201. (on the Inn) 243. Wasserstetten 54. Watzmann. the 232. Anger, the 232. Grube, the 232. — Hocheck, the 2.32. Wassertriidingen 111. Wechsel-Alp 2i8. We-furt 85. Wegscheid 216. 241. Wehrstein 40. Weibertreu, ruin 23. Weicherina: 127. Weiden 134. 235. Weigolshauseja 64. 82. Weihenstephan 136. Weiherhammer 235. Weikersheim 26. Weil 14. Weilbach 62. Weilderstadt 16. Weiler 38. 54. Weilerburg 38. Weilheim 197. Weinbauer, the 197. Weinberg-Kapelle 220. Weingarten (Swabia) 34. Weinsberg 23. Weischlitz 72. Weissach, the 25. 218. Weissbach 202. 223. 266 INDEX. Weisabach, the 225. 226. 227. 233. — Thai 223. Weissenburg amSand 131. Weissenhorn 33. Weissensee. the 202. 207. Weissenstadt 91. Weissenstein 18. 32. — am Pfahl 246. Weisshaus 206. Weissmainfelsen 90. Weissmainquelle 90. Weitenburg, castle 38. Weiaern-Hopferan 202. 203. Wellenburg, the 198. Wel9 234. 242. 243. Welschingen 41. Weitenburg, Abbey 126. Welzheimer Wald"27. Wemding 112. Wemholz, the 229. Wendelstein 118. 221. — Alp, the Upper 221. — Haus, the 221. Wendthal , the 32. Werdau 72. Werenwag, chateau 52. Wernbertc 134. Werneck 64. 82. Wernfeld 64. Wernstein 242. Wemthal, the 64. Wertach,thell3.133 202. Wertheim 63. Wesenufer, or Wesenurfahr 243. West^rhof, the 217. We8terstetten 32. Westhauaen 29. Westheim 133. Wettelsheim 131. Wetterau 59. Wettersteln-Alp 210. — Chain 206. Wettzell 246. Weyarn 220. Wichsenstein, the 93. Wichtelshohlen, the 84. Wicklessreuth 26. Wiebelsbach 23. Wiedergeltingen 198. Wielandstein, the 43. Wieaau 134. Wiesensteig 31. 43. Wiesent. the 80. — Thai, the 92. Wieaenthau 93. Wiesloch 14. Wilburgstetten 112. Wildbad (WurtembergJ 18. — (Bavaria) 129. 130. — Kreuth 218. Wildberg 17. Wildenranna 211. Wildenstein, castle (on the Danube) 52. — (Spessart) 63. Wildtlecken 85. Wildpoldsried 199. Wildsee, the 19. 211. Wilferdinsen 18. Wilfersreut 90. Wilhelma, the 13. Wilhelmsbad 59. Wilhelmsburg. the 32. Wilhelmsfelsen , the 44. Wilhelmsgluck 24. 25. Wilhelmshall 40. Wilhering, abbey 2i3. Wilibaldsburg 132. Willsbach 23. Wilzhofen 1^j7. Wimbach-Klamm 231. Wimpfen 22. Wimsener Hohe, the 54. Windisch - Eschenbach 134. — Gailenreuth 93. Windloch, the 110. Windsfeld 131. Windsheim 69. Winkel 216. Winnenden 24. Winnenthal, chateau 24. Winterbach 27. Winterhausen 123. Winterschneidbach 131. Wipfeld 82. Wiraberg 74. Wittelsbach, ruin 127. Witfhoh, the 41. Wittighausen 70. Witzenhohle, the 93. Wolchingen 71. Wolfach 39. Wolfegg 54, Wolfert, the 53. Wolfratshausen 194. Wolfstein 118. 136. 241. Wolfsthal 53. Wolnzach 133. Wornitz, the 111. 112. Wornitzstein 112. Worth 61. 136. Wunderburg 80. Wundersbohle, the 93. Wunsiedel 91. 134. Wurm, the (Bavaria) 133. 134. 198. (Wurtemb.) 17. — Thai, the (Bavaria) 195. Wurmesau 207. 212. Wurmlingen 40. Wurmlinger Capelle 38. Wiirmsee 195. Wiirzburg 64. Wutzlhofen 134. Wutzmiihle, the 236. Zapfendorf 75. Zanpenberg 94. Zavelstein 16. 19. Zeil 82. Zeitlofs 85. Zell in the Odenwald 23. — (Fichtelaebirge) 91. — (on the Main) 64. Zeller Horn, the 48. Zellerhornle, the 50. St. Zeno 225. Zielfingen_64. Zimmern 70. Zinneberg, chateau 221. Zipfelhausl, the 231. Zirl 211. Zizenhausen 55. ZoUern 48. Zollhau.s 202. Zoolith Cavern 9i. Zoppatenbach. the 90. Zorneding 221. Zuchering 127. Zuflfenhausen 16. Zugspitze, the 206. Zumhaus 26. Zusam, the 133. Zusameck 133. Ziittlingen 71. Zwergeck. the 248. Zwickau 72. Zwiefalten 54. Zwiefaltendorf 54. Zwiesel 246. — , the 226. — Alp 226. Zwieselau 246. Zwieaelberg, the 206. 246. Zwingenberg 22. Zwingsteg 200. Leipsic: Printed by Breitkopf ife Hartel. \ h fc » OBlRHisSEN ( ^'"V -^^i^- P/ G-eograylv.Anstalt -ro: LIBRARY FACI. I P 1^ A 000 361 886 5 1 \ \%/i '^ipUx 1 WlrroJitzl I Briblr rotr/J^wV teva BaU fsltoli ScJieiint, ■WnsriicT ^ Pr'brs.l.rtpaB',