>/ <'. u. 393 The New Orqan. i//i f n. r>-,-tt Shu re. SYLVESTER BAXTER 45* Riches. (POEM.) ROBERT LOVEMAN - 460 Utilizing Boy Waste. Jilnatntt^i hi/ r. a. Attu-t'!e in P siics, fron H' inch (o . g.tlo /oJillvc A Perfect Guard 1'rcvcnis Clothing Catching in Coil. SIMPLICITY This is one of the principal features of the genuine improved Hartshorn Shade Rollers. The mechanism is so simple, that it is practieaily impossible for it to jet out of order, something that e v r y housewife appreciates. It is poor economy to buy the cheap imitations of the Hartshorn Shade Rollers with which the market is flooded. They are never satisfactory and have to be replaced in a very short time. THE IMPROVED HARTSHORN SHADE ROLLERS Have ir linahnbli brockets, new end fittings and require no tacks. Ask fnr uat you irt-t tht- genuine Uartshora with aulojrraph name on lubnl. Wcod Roller*. Tin Rollers, The < vose PIANOS *Z "3 ^ C i5 v o- . o oii ~ j.f*.~ B *> 3.5 : = : u c i7. L if S^l -:1 7 i^ v ' u. - < ".* v= s?S - M ^i, r- . ;;|| in _ ^llilSlgl i ~ X ci, U W c Jsfig'isSsS <| s so. e a * ?r ^ O i> , . , !_ been eitaLliaheU ^8 > cut -.. Afc rjjti Tone, Beauty and Durability. Hv uai jystsiii of payments every family in muderatecircumitan- m~.l ces can own a fine Piano. \Vetakeoldinstrurnents -\ in exchange and deliver the piano in your house free of expense. Catalogue and J?' - v\\ J/y ^^ explanations free. y OSE & SON $ piANO CO.. 1 74 Tremont St.. Boston. Mass. xy/7T\W^ !VOI\Y SOAP The standard of soap excellence. 9l> per cent PURE, Half the Pleasures in T .p come through Llic the ear. The only way to preserve these pleasures in their per- fection, and enjoy them at will is by owning a genuine EDISON phonograph 20 The Neir j p r i c c STANDARD Complete Phonograph > Produces the same results as the other famous models of the Genuine Edison Phonograph /Makes records; reproduces rec- ords. Equipped with shaving device. Simplest, most durable, and cheapest talking-machine. Snt< J . tor free Catalogue No. ..dition. .Voue without this HARK NATIONAL PHONOGRAPH CO. St. James Building, Broarinuv and 26th Street, New York. Kdisun records S4>- eat h, $.*> per ! - . BAKER'S CHOCOLATE Imitations on the market! B Housekeepers should ex- amine what they buy, and make sure that every package bears our well- known YELLOW LABEL on the front, and our TRADE-MARK ON THE BACK. T RADf -M ARK Take only the genuine, MADE HY * it* % f 2 M O f I II. 2 a : WALTER BAKER & GO. Ltd., DORCHESTER, MASS. | 1 C * t a . ?-*-?! -sag'S-Sie s 5 si " =-=s ^ y- .' = , x Q y. IE O W O n- /^ ~ l;c!lt Ijjj o =r 5"y. 2O^l;3-a.cc I'^S.'S - ll?ig =-r rt oS? THE C^MOPOLITAN is seeking a reliable agent ill every county. Personl^ftving a little leisure will find it worth while to commuui- cate^Bthe Manager of THE COSMOPOLITAN'S Subscription Department. j* & J* ^ J* < ^* ** "** ^