.ICLIIll 1 1! SI lift TY OP BOSTON / T THSE 18S5. I I ii w THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES Suffoll Presented by PROCEEDINGS ON THE OCCASION OF LAYING THE CORNEK-STONE PUBLIC LIBRARY OF THE CITY OF BOSTON, 17 SEPTEMBER, 1855. BOSTON: MOORE ft CROSBY, CITY PRINT EttS. 1855. CITY OF BOSTON. IN COMMON COUNCIL, October 11, 1855. ORDERED : That the Commissioners on the erection of the Pub- lic Library Building be, and they are hereby authorized to cause to be printed for the use of the City Council, the addresses deliv- ered by the Hon. E. C. WINTHROP, and His Honor the MAYOR, at the laying of the corner-stone of the building, on the 17th of September last, together with an account of the proceedings upon that occasion, and such other matter connected therewith as may be deemed proper by them. Sent up for concurrence. WILLIAM A. BELL, PRESIDENT, pro tern. IN BOARD OF ALDERMEN, 1 October 15, 1855. j Concurred. W. WASHBUEN, CHAIRMAN. OCTOBER 17, 1855. Approved. J. V. C. SMITH, MAYOR. A true copy. Attest : S. F. MCCLEARY, City Clerk. 724864 PROCEEDINGS. THE Corner-Stone of the Public Library of the City of Boston was laid on the 17th day of September, 1855. On the 5th of September, the following letter on the subject was addressed to the Mayor of the City by the President of the Board of Commissioners on the erection of the building : BOSTON, 5 September, 1855. MY DEAR SIR : I am instructed by the Commissioners on the erection of a building for the Public Library of the City of Boston, to inform you that the work is in such a state of forward- ness that the Corner-Stone may be conveniently laid on the after- noon of the 17th inst., our Municipal Birthday. The Commissioners have not contemplated any ostentatious display on this occasion, nor would they feel at liberty to make arrangements, on their own responsibility, for any public ceremo- nial which might involve the City in expense. They have presumed, however, that such a step in the progress of so interesting and important a work would hardly be allowed to be taken without something of solemn form. And they especially desire that whatever is done, and their own preference is for simplicity, should be done in the name and by the authority of the City. I have, accordingly, the honor, in their behalf, to invite you, as Chief Magistrate of the City, to lay the Corner-Stone of the building for the Public Library, on Monday, the 17th inst., at 4 o'clock, P.M., with such assistance and such ceremonies as may be thought fit for the occasion. The Commissioners desire to leave it entirely to yourself to invite the presence of the whole or any part of the City Authori- ties, and to extend the invitation to any others whom it may he considered proper to include on the occasion. It will afford them pleasure, however, to co-operate with you in carrying out any arrangements which may be decided upon. I am, my dear sir, With great respect and regard, Your obedient servant, EGBERT C. WINTHROP, PRESIDENT. His Honor J. V. C. SMITH, Mayor of Boston. At a meeting of the Board of Aldermen, on the 10th of Sep- tember, the foregoing letter was communicated to the City Council by His Honor the Mayor, as follows : MAYOR'S OFFICE, CITY HALL, 1 BOSTON, SEPT. 10th, 1855. J To the Chairman of the Board of Aldermen : SIR : Through you, I have the honor to transmit a commu- nication from the Hon. ROBERT C. WINTHROP, President of the Commissioners on the erection of the Public Library, notifying the City Government that it is proposed to lay the Corner-Stone of the new edifice on Monday, Sept. 17th. Allow me to suggest the propriety of raising a Special Committee, clothed with authority to confer with the Commissioners, and make such arrangements as may be proper for the occasion. Very respectfully, Your obedient servant, J. V. C. SMITH, MAYOR. The letter of the Mayor was thereupon read, and referred to Aldermen, GEORGE W. MESSENGER, BENJAMIN F. COOKE, and WILLIAM WASHBURN, with such as the Common Council may join, to constitute a Com- mittee of Conference with the Commissioners on the subject of the ceremonies, with full powers to make the necessary arrangements. On the 13th of September the Common Council concurred in the action of the Board of Aldermen, and Messrs. FARNHAM PLUMMER, GEORGE S. DEXTER, HEZEKIAH PRINCE, SYLVESTER P. GILBERT, and WILLIAM MARBLE, were joined as members of the Committee. On the morning of the 17th, the following resolutions were adopted in the Board of Aldermen, on the motion of Alderman COOKE : " Whereas the ancient and honored institution of Free Masons has and recognizes the Supreme Architect of the Universe as its chief corner-stone, and in all ages, from the building of Solo- mon's Temple, that body has officiated or taken part in the laying of the corner-stones for public buildings ; and whereas said insti- tution is Christian and charitable and in no way or manner tends to promote infidelity, and takes no part in political questions ; and whereas no expressed opinion of any gentleman of the Commis- sion or City Council has been given adverse to the observance of this time-honored custom, " Therefore it is resolved, on the part of this Board, that his Honor the Mayor, having charge of invitations, be and hereby is requested to invite the attendance of the Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts, with such as the Grand Master may desire, in an official capacity, to be present and take part in the ceremony of laying the corner-stone of the Public Library." Agreeably to the arrangements made by the Joint Committee of the two branches, the City Government, with the Trustees of the Library, the Benefactors of the Institution, the past Mayors of the City, the past Trustees, the past Commissioners, and many other invited guests, assembled at the City Hall at half-past 3 o'clock, P.M., on the 17th inst., and thence, under the marshalship of GEORGE W. MESSENGER, Esq., Chairman of the Committee of Arrangements, proceeded to Boylston street in the following order: 1. National Brass Band. 2. Chief of Police. 3. Committee of Arrangements. 4. Mayor, Chaplains, and Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Free Masons. 5. Board of Aldermen. 6. Common Council. 7. Trustees of the Library. 8. Past Commissioners and Past Trustees. 9. Invited Guests. On arriving at the ground, they were met by the Commission- ers on the erection of the building, when the following Exercises took place : 8 PRAYER, BY THE REV. E. N. KIRK, D.D. Thou ! from whom cometh down every good and perfect gift : Thou art the Father of our spirits, for Thou hast made us in Thine own image. Assembled on this occasion, reverently and gratefully do we thus acknowledge Thee to be the source of all our endowments and faculties. Thou hast also made the Universe to be our school ; and all the works of Thy hands, and the opera- tions of Thy Providence to be our teachers. We thank Thee that we are made capable of knowing Thee and Thy works ; that before us the pages of science, of history, and of literature, lie open ; and that we may always sit at Wisdom's feast ; that these noble faculties which Thou hast stamped with the seal of immor- tality, may now, in the present life, be cultivated, strengthened and refined. And we acknowledge the unfolding of Thy benevolent designs in all the progress which human society is making, and especially in the opening of fountains of knowledge at the door-step of poverty ; in the instances which we behold of the rich devoting their wealth to the improvement of the poor. We especially thank Thee on this occasion, that Thou hast inclined the hearts of Thy servants to devise liberal things, and to lay the broad and substantial foundations of that institution, in whose interest we are here before Thee assembled. We thank Thee for this, and for every other indication that men are appreciating the true value of superabounding wealth. Thus may men delight in advancing the happiness and the improvement of each other : thus may the bands of brotherhood be strengthened ; and the selfishness which has so long blighted Thy heritage, cease from the earth. O Lord, except Thou build the house, they labor in vain that. build it. We therefore commend to Thy guardian care, and to 9 the benediction of Thy kind Providence the edifice we are here constructing. Thou that didst " call by name Bezaleel, the son of Uri, and fill him with the spirit of God, in wisdom, and in understanding, and in knowledge, and in all manner of work- manship, to devise cunning works, to work in gold, and in silver, and in brass, and in cutting of stones, to set them, and in carving of timber, to work in all manner of workmanship," put Thou " into the hearts of all the wise-hearted, wisdom ; " that they may skilfully and successfully bring this work to a conclusion. Save Thou the workmen from all harm and sickness ; let no untoward event interrupt this work ; crown it with Thy blessing ; " let Thy work appear unto Thy servants, and Thy glory unto their children. And let the beauty of the Lord our God be upon us ; and establish Thou the work of our hands upon us ; yea, the work of our hands establish Thou it." We now commend to thy goodness, O Thou, the God of our fathers, this institution, designed to promote the great end they sought in coming to the wilderness ; the establishing of a free, enlightened, and Christian people, apart from the conflicting elements which are disturbing the ancient kingdoms of the earth. Forbid, O God, that this noble institution should ever be so per- verted as to defeat that end. May it never become a fountain of corruption and destruction to our city ; may it furnish no wea- pons for the overthrow of truth and righteousness. But do Thou, in thine infinite mercy, watch over it, and preserve it as a fountain to refresh and purify the community, with its overflowing streams. May the books here to be gathered become a source of healthful relaxation, of manly culture, and of Christian instruction. And, over all the interests of our beloved city wilt Thou still kindly watch. Promote in the midst of us sound learning and true godliness. Make us a wise and a righteous people, to the praise of Thine own infinitely revered and holy name. These our thanks wilt Thou kindly accept, and graciously answer and exceed our requests, for the sake of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ AMEN. 2 10 HYMN, Written for the occasion by the Hon. GEORGE LUNT, And sung by the pupils of the Girls' High and Normal School, under the direction of Mr. L. H. SOUTHARD. Deep lay in earth the corner-stone, Rise, shafted arch and airy dome ! On morn a light diviner shone, When Knowledge found this other home. Be this her fane ; and thither lead The willing steps of generous youth, And point the high emblazoned meed Of souls that seek immortal Truth. Here, bid them learn the lore of old, Here, touch the future's hidden seal, The secret depths of thought unfold, And all its flight sublime reveal. And long, amid the City's din, In sweet seclusion stand enshrined, Peace reign, thy cloistered walls within, Oh ! sacred temple of the Mind. The following Address was then delivered by the Hon. EGBERT C. WINTHROP, President of the Board of Commissioners for the erection of the Library Building, on delivering the Trowel to the Mayor : 11 ADDRESS. WE are here, Mr. Mayor, Gentlemen of the City Council, and Fellow Citizens, to lay the Corner-Stone of a Building for the Public Library of the City of Boston. We have come to take the first formal step towards making permanent provision for an institution, which we believe is to exert a most important and powerful influence upon the character of our commu- nity, so long as our community shall have a character among men. By a more than fortunate coincidence, we have been able to select for this purpose the 225th anniversary of the day, which has become associated in New England history with the original foundation of our City. On this day, just two centuries and a quarter ago, at a Court of Assistants of the Massachusetts Company, held at Charlestown, (Governor Winthrop in the chair,) it was Ordered, That Trimountaine shall be called BOSTON. I know not how a nobler commemoration of our Municipal Birthday could have been devised than that in which we are engaged, or one calculated to invest it with a more enduring charm in the hearts of future generations. Certainly, no Birthday Offering could easily have been arranged, more welcome to a vener- ated mother, or more worthy of grateful and affection- ate children, than the institution wliich is here to he established. It is fit, my friends, that such a transaction, on such a day, should be marked by something of public and solemn ceremonial. It is fit, that the voice of prayer should be lifted up at such an hour and in such a con- nection, and that songs of praise should flow forth from the lips and from the hearts of these graceful young ladies and these joyous pupils of the schools. It is eminently fit, that the Conscript Fathers of the City should lend the sanction of their official presence to the scene, and that some word of remembrance, of congratulation and of hope should not be wanting on the part of those, who have been honored with a com- mission to conduct so interesting a work. I think myself happy, Mr. Mayor, in being privi- leged, as President of the Board, to speak that word, and in being allowed to associate myself, in ever so humble a manner, with this crowning act of the matu- rity of my native place. And now, Fellow Citizens, it is most agreeable to reflect that the institution which we are engaged this day in establishing, is in such precise and beautiful conformity with the policy and the principles of those noble Colonists by whom Boston was founded. Too often, alas ! in the progress of great cities, the most costly and conspicuous structures serve only, as they rise, to signalize some fresh departure from the sim- plicity and purity of the olden tune. But we are here to erect no such monument of our own degen- eracy. We are here to engraft no strange or uncon- genial branch upon the old Puritan Vine. We have 13 come rather, in the fulness of time, to carry out to its legitimate consummation a system which was the pecu- liar pride and glory of the New England Settlers, and which they cherished and cultivated as the especial strength and safeguard of the civil and religious Free- dom which they planted upon these shores. With a wisdom and a forecast, which seem, as we look back upon them, little less than the immediate promptings of a Divine Power, the Fathers of Massa- chusetts and Founders of Boston allowed scarcely an hour to elapse after their arrival, before making some incipient provision for the public instruction of their children. Within five years after Trimountaine was called Boston, the small beginnings of our Common School System may be distinctly traced upon our ancient records. And from that day to this, the Insti- tutions of Free Popular Education have gone on from strength to strength, have been extended and im- proved, year by year, under the liberal and fostering care of our Public Authorities, until, during the single year last past, nearly 25,000 children have received, within our City limits, as good an education as the wide world can afford, without cost or charge to themselves, but at the willingly incurred expense, all told, of little less than four hundred thousand dollars to the public treasury.* By the munificent bequest of a native son of Boston, whose name will be remembered among us as long as the Pyramids amid which that memorable The precise figures in the City Auditor's Report, just published, are 2-i,827 pupils; Expenditures, including new school-houses, $389,135 Gi. 14 Codicil was conceived, or the palaces of the Pharaohs on one of which it was written, (JOHN LOWELL, Jr.) a system of Free Lectures has been added, of late years, to our other means of popular instruction, and has abundantly justified the generous purposes of its lamented Founder. But Education does not end with the schools ; nor is all education conducted within the School-room or the Lecture-room. Even a College Degree is but the significant A B of a whole alphabet of learning still to be acquired. The great" work of Self-Culture re- mains to be carried on long after Masters and Tutors and Professors have finished their labors and exhausted their arts. And no small part of this work, I need hardly say, is to be carried on under the influence of good reading and by the aid of good books. Who shall undertake to measure the importance or calculate the value of good reading, as an instrument in advancing the welfare and promoting the happiness of mankind ! Even one good book, read by snatches, in the intervals of labor, or in the watches of the night, what unspeakable comfort and aid has it not often imparted to the humblest, or, it may be, to the loftiest mind and heart! I speak not of the Bible, which is an exception to all books, and which might almost be a substitute for all ; a library in itself, able alone to carry civili- zation and culture into every home where it is thor- oughly and thankfully and thoughtfully read ; itself the corner-stone of all Christian literature forever ! But even among books of merely human composition and origin, and dealing with merely human and mortal 15 relations and interests, how many have there not been, and are there not still, for a good book never dies, of a power not only to afford amusement or instruction for an hour or a day, but to mould a whole character and marshal a whole life ! How many of the mightiest, as well as of the humbler, intellects of the world's history have borne testimony to the influ- ence of " the precious life-blood of some master-spirit, embalmed and treasured up on purpose to a life beyond life!" Need I recall to you the example of our own FRANKLIN, who tells us himself, in his charming little autobiography, that, while indulging his passionate fondness for reading, as a child of twelve years old, he found among the few books which his father could afford to own, " a work of De Foe's, entitled an ' Essay on Projects,' from which, perhaps, (says he,) I derived impressions that have since influenced some of the principal events of my life ! " Or, need I remind you how much of that clear, pure, transparent style, which distinguished him above almost all other American writers, or even English writers, of his own day or of any day, he attributed to the use which he had made of " an odd volume of the Spectator which fell into his hands" by the merest accident! Such were the instruments by which the great Bos- tonian pursued that system of self-culture which prepared him for his wonderful career as a Philosopher and a Patriot ; books, odd volumes, sometimes found by chance on the meagre shelves of the family book- case, sometimes falling into his hands by less natural and accountable accidents, sometimes borrowed from 16 his fellow apprentices and read by stealth while they were sleeping. " How often (says he) has it happened to me to pass the night in reading by my bedside, when the book had been lent and was to be returned the next morning, lest it might be missed or wanted ! " And you all remember the practical testimony which he gave to his own sense of the value of reading, by setting on foot the very first Social Circulating Library known to the annals of the world. But I may not take up more of the time of this occasion in rhapsodies upon reading, or in illustrating or exemplifying the value of good books. I have said more than enough already to justify the remark, that in establishing this Free Public Library, we are but carrying forward another stage, and that a great stage, towards its ultimate consummation and perfection, that noble system of popular education which our fathers founded. It has originated in no mere design to furnish a resort for professed scholars, where they may pursue their studies, or prosecute their researches, his- torical or classical, scientific or literary, important as such an object might be. It is to be eminently a library for the people, for the whole people. Doubtless, in the gradual accumulation of such a library as we hope to see here, or as we hope others at least will see here, when this spacious area shall be filled with books, and when, perhaps, the building now about to be erected shall have been extended to the utmost limits of this ample lot, doubtless, in the gradual accumulation of such a library as future gen- erations will witness and enjoy here, no books will be excluded because they may not seem to be of imme- 17 diate, general, or popular use or interest. No books, certainly, will ever be rejected in this land of universal education and intelligence, as being beyond the com- prehension or capacity of the people. That compre- hension will be subjected to no narrow gauge, nor that capacity measured by any reduced or stinted standard. Those who shall have charge from time to time of making its collections, will not be likely to forget that we are no dwindled or degenerate offspring of a race which John Milton so justly and so nobly characterized, when he said, " Lords and Commons of England, consider what nation it is whereof ye are, and whereof ye are the governors : a nation not slow and dull, but of a quick, ingenious and piercing spirit ; acute to invent, subtle and sinewy to discourse, not beneath the reach of any point the highest that human capacity can soar to." Here, doubtless, in due time, will be found works of the deepest philosophy and science ; and, until the name of BOWDITCH shall be lost to our remembrance, it will hardly be suggested that others beside professed scholars may not be able to turn these volumes to the best account, and even to add new ones of their own. Here, without question, in due time, will be found books in every language and tongue which is read or spoken beneath the sun ; and, while the living example of an ELIHU BURRITT is still before us, no one will doubt that others beside what are called the educated classes may be eager to decypher their mysteries, and may find no characters too difficult for their mastery. The least popular books of the collection may still find 3 18 their best readers coming forth from the forge or the forecastle. But as a general rule, and for the present at least, our professed scholars and students will look to the libraries of our Universities and Athenaeums and Acad- emies of science, for the volumes which may aid them in their special investigations and pursuits. The Library whose corner-stone we are now about to lay, in its primary and principal design, is to furnish entertainment and instruction for the whole community. Central in its situation, the dwellers in all quarters of the City may approach it with almost equal facility. Standing on the margin of our beautiful Common, it will reflect and reproduce some of the peculiar and truly republican features of that charming play-place of our children, and pleasure-ground of us all, where we see, at this moment, the choicest seats and most inviting shade ranged along the trodden paths, and by the side of the broad and beaten tracks ; and whose crystal fountains, though now and then they may leap to the skies and sparkle in the sun and waste themselves in glittering spray, to furnish a holiday spectacle, find always their better use and their daily beauty in ministering to the refreshment of the wayfaring and the weary. And this, Fellow Citizens, is to be our intellectual and literary COMMON, beneath whose roof and within whose alcoves fountains of living waters shall be ever open, and upon whose tables shall be always spread a banquet of wholesome and nutritious food for every mind, with a cover and a cordial welcome for every comer, and where no guest, whatever his garment, so 19 it clothe an honest man, shall be excluded or disdained. " Free to all, with no other restrictions than are neces- sary for the preservation of the books," these are the noble terms of its greatest benefactor.* It may never vie, indeed, with the sumptuous libra- ries of the old world, in the magnitude or magnificence of their structure, or in the costliness and rarity of their contents. We have aimed at no imposing faQades, or splendid colonnades. But it is confidently believed, that, by the skill of our ingenious architect, (Mr. C. K. KIKBY,) few buildings will be found to equal it in practical appropriateness and convenience; and that, through the discriminating care of the distinguished Trustees of the Library, our Everetts, and Ticknors, and Shurtleffs, who, like the Irvings, and Astors, and Cogswells of a sister City, are devoting themselves so assiduously to this particular province, no collection of books will ultimately surpass it in its adaptation to the improvement and instruction of a free people. Here, especially, will be collected without delay, whatever may throw light on the great practical arts which have characterized our age and country, and whatever may assist our ingenious mechanics and inventors, second to none throughout the world, in their attempts still further to simplify the magic processes, and to perfect the marvellous implements and engines, by which difficulties and distances may be annihilated. Here, too, it is to be hoped, will be found, from time * Letter of Joshua Bates, 1 October, 1852. 20 to time, whatever our people may be able to point to, us the product of their own intelligence, their own genius, their own institutions. Here will be seen the whole body of American literature, as it shall gradu- ally unfold and develope itself under the influence of American liberty. No book or pamphlet, certainly, which shall emanate from a Boston mind or a Boston pen, W 7 ill be long wanting to its shelves. For here, as one after another of her sons or of her daughters shall employ the talent which her schools or her social advantages shall have enabled them to improve, they will themselves be seen hastening to lay the earliest fruits upon the maternal altar. In the admirable lan- guage of one of our early benefactors, " Every son of Boston justly regards the City as an illustrious parent."* And here that parent may peculiarly be pictured as opening her lap to receive gifts from her- grateful children, at once the pledges of their love and the proofs of their worthiness. And now, Fellow Citizens, we should be ungrateful were we to forget, on this occasion, those among the living, and those among the dead, to whom we are indebted for the establishment and endowment of this institution. The building, indeed, upon whose walls we are standing, is intended to be, and is, wholly a City building. It owes its projection and its progress to the enlightened and liberal counsels of the succes- sive City governments, who have made the necessary appropriations for the purchase of the site and for the erection of the edifice. It owes much to your imme- Letter of Jonathan Phillips, 14 April, 1853. 21 diate predecessor, (Hon. BENJAMIN SEAVER,) and it owes still more to yourself, Mr. Mayor, and to your asso- ciates in the present City Council. I am persuaded, Gentlemen of the two branches, that if the enterprising contractor (Mr. NATHAN DRAKE) and the faithful labor- ers in his employ, shall fulfil the promise of these first beginnings, you will have no cause to regret what you have done. I am persuaded, that you will find few items on the list of your annual expenditures, be your terms of service longer or shorter, upon which you will look back with greater satisfaction or with greater pride, nor any item for which the whole people of Boston, in all time to come, will be ready to acknowledge themselves more deeply in your debt. But we have other and individual benefactors to be remembered in connection with this work. And, first of all, it becomes us to name with the highest distinc- tion, and with the most grateful regard and respect, that eminent and excellent merchant and banker, whom, though long resident in London, we are always proud to recognize and to claim as a native son of Massachusetts, JOSHUA BATES, whose munificent donation of fifty thousand dollars, with its wise and well-considered conditions, put an end to all further doubt that this institution would have an immediate, prosperous and permanent existence. Amid all the cares and riches and honors by which he is surrounded in the distinguished position which his integrity and enterprise have so worthily won for him in the metropolis of old England, he has never forgotten his humble beginnings, his early friends, or his native soil. Let him be assured, that the metropo- 22 lis of New England does not forget him on this occa- sion, nor will ever fail to hold his name and character in fresh and grateful remembrance. We send him our greetings tlus day from these firm foundations of an institution which owes so much to his unprompted and unstinted generosity, and we waft the best wishes of a hundred thousand hearts across the Atlantic for his continued prosperity and welfare ! In fit connection with this central figure in the group of our benefactors, we next recall a name asso- ciated in successive generations with not a few of our most valued seminaries of education and of science, and now worthily worn by one born and bred and still residing among us, one whose excellent words I have just quoted, and who is present with us at this moment, to receive our cordial and grateful acknowl- edgments, JONATHAN PHILLIPS; may he long be spared to witness the results of his large and timely bounty ! And there are others with us here on this occasion, whose early and liberal gifts of money or of books cannot be forgotten. I need not name a late Mayor of our city, (Hon. JOHN P. BIGELOW,) who so handsomely diverted the amount which had been raised for a well-merited memorial of his own faithful services, to the purpose of conferring a fresh benefit on those who had thus sought to honor him. I need not name the distinguished and eloquent orator and statesman, (Hon. EDWARD EVERETT,) who was seen, about the same time, in fulfilment of a pre- vious and cherished purpose, gathering up the accu- 23 mulated treasures of his long public life, and laying them at the feet of those in whose behalf he had already so successfully and so brilliantly employed them. Others, too, might be referred to, among the living, and some of them among the present, who have made large and valuable additions to our collection, or who have rendered services to our infant library, more val- uable than any volumes; and more than one might be named, had they not fprbidden me to name them, who, in the double capacity of Commissioner and Trustee, or in the threefold capacity of Commissioner, Trustee and Donor, have identified themselves with the whole prog- ress and prosperity of the institution. Nor can I omit to allude to that ardent and enter- prising foreigner, (Mons. VATTEMARE,) whose offerings were the earliest of all, and whose enthusiastic zeal in the cause of intellectual and literary exchanges among the nations of the earth, have recently called forth the commendations of a Guizot and a Dupin at the Academy of Moral and Political Sciences at Paris. Nor shall " the last, best gift " be forgotten. Honor to the liberal lady,* not alone of her sex in remem- bering us, who, on the very eve of this occasion, has given so welcome a pledge that the mothers and daughters of Boston are not insensible to the value of such an institution. But the living must not alone be remembered on such an occasion as this. I cannot forget the generous gift of that intelligent and enlightened publisher, whose Mrs. Sally Inraan Kast Shepard. 24 name had so long been the best guaranty of a good book, and whom few of us can miss from the scenes of his useful and honorable occupations, without a keen sense of personal and of public loss, JAMES BROWN. I cannot forget, either, the even earlier contribution of that kind-hearted and venerable merchant, SAMUEL APPLETON, whose countless benefactions to our commu- nity will render hi$ memory fragrant to a thousand generations. Still less may I omit to allude to the recent most liberal and noble bequest of the lamented ABBOTT LAW- RENCE, a bequest which we would all have prayed heaven still longer to postpone. His life was better to us than any legacy, for his heart, untouched to the last even by the cruel disease w r hich pervaded and par- alyzed every other organ, was in every good cause, and his hand w r as ever ready to sustain what his heart approved. These all, and still other honored names will be found inscribed on the memorials which we are about to deposit beneath this massive stone. They are not, however, about to be buried out of our remembrance. They will be registered " where every day we may turn the leaf to read them." They will be inscribed on the hearts of all true Bostonians, and our children and our children's children will repeat them as the names of the earliest friends and benefactors of an institution, which is destined, in all time to come, to be the source of so much true satisfaction, and the subject of so much just pride. I have reminded you, Fellow Citizens, that we had fortunately been able to appropriate to this occasion 25 the anniversary of the foundation of our City. But I cannot but remember that it is the anniversary of another great and memorable event in more recent American history. " Done in Convention, by the unanimous consent of the States present, the seventeenth day of September, in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty-seven, and of the Independence of the United States of America the twelfth. In witness whereof we have hereunto subscribed our names. GEORGE WASHINGTON, President" Such is the final clause, and such the illustrious attestation, of the Constitution of the United States, whose formation is thus forever identified with the day on which we are assembled. I hail the omen of a coincidence which thus binds together, by the associations of a common anniver- sary, the birthday of our City and the birthday of the Federal Constitution. Let us renew our pledges of fidelity to them both. Let us accept the full import and cherish the whole significance of that coincidence, and embrace our entire Country in the good wishes of this occasion. And while we lay these foundations in the hope and in the confidence that they will never be overturned nor shaken, let us hope and trust, also, that they will not survive either the City in whose service and by whose authority they are laid, or the Liberty of which that city was the cradle, or the Union which is the best and only sure guaranty of that liberty. May these walls never witness a decayed Boston, a prostrate Freedom, or a divided Nation ! 26 It only remains for me, Mr. Mayor, in the name of my brother Commissioners, to whose faithful and valuable co-operation in executing thus far the trust committed to us, I hope I may be permitted thus briefly to bear witness, to invite you to proceed to the ceremony for which we are assembled, and to deliver to you this Trowel, which has been prepared for the purpose, and which is to be preserved as a memo- rial of the occasion. It is, as you perceive, Sir, of no precious material or elaborate workmanship, but we are satisfied that it will derive a more than common interest and value from the service in which you are about to employ it. And, in the language of our City motto, "May God be with us, as he was with our Fathers ! " In closing this Address, Mr. Winthrop, in behalf of the Com- missioners, presented a new and beautifully burnished steel trowel to the Mayor, who, on receiving it, replied as follows : 27 ADDRESS, BY HIS HONOR JEROME V. C. SMITH, MAYOR. FELLOW CITIZENS : The laying of this corner-stone, with solemn ceremonies, will be regarded in after times as an epoch in the history of Boston. The Commissioners having in charge the responsi- bility of carrying forward to completion the edifice so auspiciously commenced, happily for themselves, enjoy the perfect confidence of a community appreciating the advantages to be derived from studying the opin- ions, the published attainments and suggestions of those who have preceded them on the active stage of life, which are to be collected here and systematically arranged. You, Mr. President, the descendant, and bearing the name of one who is illustrious in the annals of the country, and who assisted in the first settlement of Boston, a theatre on which extraordinary movements have since transpired, have an opportunity on this occa- sion of being identified with a celebration occurring on the two hundred and twenty-fifth anniversary, that will transmit your patriotic services most favorably to re- mote generations, associated with the intelligence and public spirit of your birthplace. While monuments raised to perpetuate the remem- brance of great events may have wasted away, and the special objects for which they were reared are lost 28 to the archives of chronology in the revolutions to which nations are incident, those provisions which con- template the intellectual advancement of man are the surest and most hopefully calculated to endure through the ever-changing conditions of society. Civilization is essentially dependent for its progress on the labors of those who have wrought out problems in the various departments which they occupied, and whose collected wisdom in books is the common foun- tain from which each succeeding age takes a departure for new explorations into the regions of imagination, art, literature and science. The moral atmosphere, the claims of Christianity, domestic comfort and economy, the courtesies, influ- ence and dignity of any people, are best sustained where the public sentiment is habitually directed and strengthened by a judicious system jof general educa- tion. This Free Library will secure, if human foresight can accomplish it, the certain means of supplying every man, woman and child, who are qualified to read, within our boundaries, with an unfailing source of intellectual gratification and rational enjoyment. When this large concourse of spectators, the crowds of moving, thinking beings, who are threading their way through the narrow streets, and the busy inhabitants residing in pleasant habitations, have re- turned to rest in the bosom of their mother earth, and even a far larger population shall be standing in their places, who are yet unborn, and the thronged avenues extended beyond their present limits to the surround- ing environs; this noble institution, we fondly trust, 29 will remain firmly established, braced and defended against the assaults of ignorance, fanaticism or politi- cal turmoil, the pride and crowning glory of our beloved City. Of what value is mere wealth, without a cultivation of those immortal attributes that will never die ? When the results of honest industry become instru- mentalities for developing the mind, and multiplying resources for bettering the conditions of humanity, society is permanently advanced. That philosophy is false which only provides for the few what God in his goodness evidently designed for all. This idea has been beautifully illustrated in the munificent benefac- tions made to this library. Gentlemen eminent for their probity, elevated positions, energy of purpose, sympathy, love of home and love of country, have remembered those less fortunate than themselves, by bestowing the accumulations of successful labor with unsparing liberality on this long to be cherished temple of knowledge. Who does not repeat the names of JOSHUA- BATES, JONATHAN PHILLIPS and ABBOTT LAWRENCE with feelings of respect alone due to exalted moral worth and virtue ? May their example in the infancy of the institution tend to call forth a fostering patron- age in other directions from those who are to follow in the same exhaustless fields of enterprise, that a current of vitality so necessary to the perpetuity of the under- taking shall never cease to flow. Past City Councils and the present, have discharged their official duties acceptably and satisfactorily to a vigilant public, in respect to their legislation for the library. Their earnest endeavors to give form and 30 character to the designs of the original projectors, entitle them to the consideration and gratitude of their constituents. Posterity will recognize them individu- ally as faithful servants, who planted that others might participate in the rich fruits of the harvest. Within the metallic case, let into this huge block of stone, hermetically sealed, is a brief account of the preparations for the transactions in which we are engaged, with various documents, chronicles, a register of the municipal organization, together with ordinances, coins, the city newspapers of the day, an engraved tablet, and photographic miniatures. Contemplate for a moment that distant period when this fair city shall have expanded over a territory of many miles into the suburban precincts, and adjacent cities coalescing with the population and increasing it to hundreds of thousands, or even millions, and com- merce, manufactures, and industrial pursuits, have given it a wide-spread renown. A point of culmination will come at last. Decay, slow but sure, like the admonitory advances of gray hairs, cannot be resisted. Rival ports may rise to view, the old familiar channels of trade become choked, till inch by inch, weak and powerless, the stately dwellings are forsaken, the massive warehouses crumble into ruin, neglected and unowned. In the last phase of ap- proaching obliteration, some curious antiquarian trav- eller, stimulated by a zeal for discovery, may search among the ruins of past architectural grandeur for fragments to demonstrate the traditional opulence of the ancient capital of the once celebrated Common- wealth of Massachusetts. 31 The memorials about to be lowered into place are actually designed for examination when all these mighty changes have been effected. What emotions they may excite, to what speculations they may give rise, or to what conclusion they may lead, can neither be foretold or imagined. Should the language in which they are written be lost, and a new race, speaking a dialect not yet devised, hereafter obtain possession of our delightful inheritance, the exact representation of the features of several persons now standing in your presence may be con- templated. In short, enough, in all probability, will survive the friction of some coming thousands of years, should no unforeseen accident occur to disturb the foundation, to give a comprehensive notion of the arts, social order, government and tendencies of the inhabitants by whom the articles were fabricated. If these are unprofitable speculations, they are both grave and agreeable topics for reflection. Harmony of action characterizes the inauguration of this favorite institution. Let those who have charge of it in its maturity distinguish themselves by a faithful devotion to the plan marked out by the early friends, still living, to watch over its infancy. In closing these observations, and before retiring from the ground consecrated to the use of all citizens, of every denomination, where they may come and learn to be wise, without money and also without price, allow me to remind you of your inestimable privileges. Familiarity with our blessings may eventuate in carelessness and to a neglect of efforts on which their stability mainly depends. 32 While the public schools, in connection with this library, are confided to the protection of gifted conser- vators, Boston may challenge the world for a parallel system of popular education. Grateful to our Puritan forefathers, who in com- mencing the first settlement of New England, made seasonable preparations for the free education of the youth ; it is the undeniable duty of ourselves and our successors to uphold what they so generously estab- lished. Thanking you, gentlemen of the City Council, and you, Mr. President, the Board of Commissioners, the Trustees, the donors, whose judicious liberality place us under a weight of never ending obligation, and you, Fellow Citizens, who have extended to each and all of us a sustaining influence, we must now separate, but with grateful recollections of the past, accompanied by an earnest aspiration for the continued prosperity, hap- piness and untarnished honor of the City of Boston. 33 LAYING OF THE CORNER-STONE. On the conclusion of the addresses, the Commissioners, the Trus- tees, the Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts, the Hon. Jonathan Phillips, one of the principal benefactors of the library, and others, proceeded to the Stone, when it was duly laid by his Honor J. V. C. Smith, Mayor of Boston, in the name of the City, after the boxes containing the plate and the various articles described in the Appendix had been deposited beneath it. The Mayor then returned the Trowel to the President of the Board of Commissioners, and delivered the Square with which he had verified his work to the Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts, both of them to be preserved as memorials of the occasion. PSALM CXVII. Sung by the pupils of the High and Normal School, with whom the assembled multitude united : From all that dwell below the skies, Let the Creator's praise arise ; Let the Redeemer's name be sung, Through every land, by every tongue. Eternal are thy mercies, Lord ; Eternal truth attends thy word : Thy praise shall sound from shore to shore, Till suns shall rise and set no more. 5 34 The exercises were closed by the Rev. E. S. GANNETT, D.D., who pronounced the following BENEDICTION. Now unto the Supreme and Eternal Mind ; to Him who is the Author and Upholder of all Things, the former of our bodies and the Father cf our spirits ; whose inspiration giveth understand- ing, and without whose blessing neither can the purpose of our hearts prosper nor the labor of our hands be crowned with success ; to Him who, we trust, will be with us and with our chil- dren as He was with our fathers ; to God only wise, be glory, through Jesus Christ, forever. And may the love of God our Father, and the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, be with us all henceforth and forever. AMEN. APPENDIX. DESCRIPTION OF THE CORNER-STONE AND OF THE BOXES, PLATE, AND OTHER ARTICLES DEPOSITED UNDER IT. THE Corner-Stone, a block of Connecticut sand stone, weighing five tons, and of the following dimensions : Feet. Inches. Length, - ' - - 5 11 Breadth, - 3 16 Height, - 3 2 was laid at the north-east corner of the foundations. Within the cavity, in the lower face of the stone, was placed a box made of a composition resembling brass, of the following dimensions : Length, - 12 \ inches. Breadth, - 10J " Height, - 8J " In the box, the lid of which was securely soldered, were the following articles : 1. A silver plate, measuring seven -and seven-eighths inches by six and three-eighths, and weighing, by Troy weight, eleven and one-eighth ounces, and bearing this inscription : 36 The Corner-Stone of a Building for the Public Library of the City of Boston, Laid on the 17th day of September, A. D. 1855. It being the 225th Anniversary of the day on which Trimountaiiie was first called Boston, In presence of the City Council, at the request of The Commissioners on the erection of the Building, By His Honor, JEROME V. C. SMITH, Mayor. Commissioners for the Building. Trustees of the Library. EGBERT C. WINTHROP, EDWARD EVERETT, Resident ; President ; SAMUEL G. WARD, GEORGE TICKNOR, NATHANIEL B. SHURTLEFF, CHARLES WOODBERRY, JOSEPH A. POND, GEORGE TICKNOR, JOHN P. BIGELOW, NATHANIEL B. SHURTLEFF, THOMAS G. APPLETON, JOSEPH STORY. EDWARD F. PORTER. Librarian. EDWARD CAPEN. Architect. CHARLES K. KIRBY. 2. Act to authorize the City of Boston to establish a Public Library, approved by the Governor of the Commonwealth, 18 March, 1848; accepted by the City Council, 3 April, 1848. (Doc, 15.) 3. Eeport of the Committee on the Library in relation to the donations received from the City of Paris, 22 September, 1849. (Doc. 46.) 4. Communication to the President of the Common Council from His Honor John P. Bigelow, Mayor, transmitting a letter from Hon. Edward Everett, covering a catalogue of books and documents contributed by him to the Public Library, 19 June, 1851. (Doc. 51 ) 37 5. Report of the Committee on the Public Library, 1 January, 1852. (Doc. 79.) 6. Message of His Honor Benjamin Seaver, Mayor, on the subject of a Public Library, 19 February, 1852. (Doc. 10.) 7. Eeport of the Trustees of the Public Library, 26 July, 1852. (Doc. 37.) 8. An ordinance in relation to the Public Library, establish- ing a Board of Trustees, passed 14 October, 1852. (Doc. 57.) 9. Order of the City Council appropriating temporary apart- ments for establishing and accommodating the Public Library, 9 September, 1852. 10. Letter from Joshua Bates, Esq., dated 1 October, 1852, submitted to the Board of Mayor and Aldermen, 18 October, 1852. 11. Order directing the Trustees to appropriate a suitable hall for the deposit and arrangement of statues, paintings and other memorials of public benefactors to the institutions of the City, 9 December, 1852. 12. An act of the Legislature to authorize the City of Boston to found and maintain a Public Library. Approved by the Gov- ernor, 12 March, 1853. Accepted by the City Council, 14 April, 1853. 13. Majority and Minority Reports on the subject of a new building for the City Government and Public Library on the same site. April, 1853. (Doc. 31.) 14. Rules and Regulations of the Public Library of the City of Boston, adopted 8 November, 1853. 15. Letter from Joshua Bates, Esq., dated 10 March, 1853, submitted to the Board of Mayor and Aldermen, 28 March, 1853. 16. Letter from Hon. Jonathan Phillips, dated 14 April, 1853. Submitted to the Board of Mayor and Aldermen, 18 April, 1853, and action thereon. 17. Eirst Annual Report of the Trustees of the Public Libra- ry, 12 November, 1853. (Doc. 73.) 18. Report of the Committee on the Public Library, recom- mending an ordinance for the establishment of a Board of Com- 38 missioners on the erection of a building for the Public Library of the City of Boston, 23 February, 1854. (Doc. 21.) 19. Librarian's notice, 2 October, 1854. 20. Second Annual Eeport of the Trustees of the Public Li- brary, 31 October, 1854. (Doc. 74.) 21. An Ordinance in relation to the Public Library, reported by the Committee on Ordinances, as amended, 28 December, 1854. (Doc, 114.) 22. An Ordinance for the establishment of a Board of Com- missioners on the erection of a building for the Public Library of the City of Boston, 27 November, 1854. (Doc. 120.) 23. The Commissioners' advertisement for designs for a build- ing for the Public Library, with map annexed, 26 January, 1855. 24. Majority and Minority Keports recommending the adop- tion of ordinances in addition to an ordinance relating to the erection of a building for the Public Library : also, an ordinance offered by Alderman Washburn, as a substitute for the ordinance reported by the majority of the Committee, 5 March, 1855. (Doc. 19.) 25. First Eeport of the Commissioners on the erection of a building for the Public Library, 9 March, 1855. (Doc, 22.) 26. An ordinance in addition to an ordinance providing for the establishment of a Board of Commissioners on the erection of a building for the Public Library of the City of Boston. Re- ported 29 March, 1855. Passed 3 April, 1855. (Doc. 26.) 27. Specifications for a building for the Public Library, 6 June, 1855. (Doc, 46.) 28. Second Report of the Commissioners on the erection of a building for the Public Library, 6 June, 1855. (Doc. 46.) 29. Agreement between the Commissioners and Nathan Drake, Mason, 14 June, 1855. 30. Letter from Mrs. S. I. K. Shepard, 17 September, 1855. 31. Blank Letter of acknowledgment for donations. 32. Catalogue of the Public Library, April, 1854. 33. Municipal Register for the year 1855. 34. Auditor's Report, 1854-55. 39 35. Rules of the School Committee and Regulations of the Public Schools of the City of Boston for 1855 ; also, organization of the Public Schools for 1855. 36. Boston Directory for 1855. 37. Boston Almanac for 1855. 38. Almanac of the American Tract Society for 1856, printed in advance. 39. Two large bronze Medals now used by the Massachusetts Humane Society, and two smaller ones of silver, in sealed metal- lic cases, presented by Hon. David Sears, President of the Hu- mane Society. 40. Franklin Medal for boys. 41. City Medal for girls. 42. Silver Coins of 1855 ; Dollar, Half Dollar, Quarter of a Dollar, Dime, Half Dime, Three Cent Piece. 43. Copper Coins of 1855. Cent, Half Cent. 44. Order of Exercises and Blank Notes of Invitation. 45. Address of Mr. Winthrop. 46. Address of the Mayor. 47. Photographs by Whipple and Black : Of the Mayor ; Of the Commissioners, their Clerk, and the Architect, in a group ; Of the Trustees, individually ; Of George W. Messenger, Esq., Alderman, Chairman of the Committee of Arrangements, and Trustee elect on the part of the Board of Aldermen ; And of Farnham Plummer, Esq., Chairman of the Committee of Arrangements on the part of the Common Council. A leaden box was also deposited under the Corner Stone, 13 inches in length, 11 " in breadth, 5 " height, containing a copy of the last issue of the Weekly and Daily Newspapers published in the City, seventy in number. 40 LETTERS AND DOCUMENTS BELONGING TO THE HISTORY OF THE LIBRARY. The first donation of Books received by the City Library, ninety-six in number, came by way of International Exchange, through the agency of Mons. Alexandre Vattemare, of Paris, and has been made a matter of record in City Document, No. 46, for the year 1849. The second, in point of time, was that of Hon. Robert C. Win- throp, consisting of one hundred and eighty-seven volumes, sent to the Library in the autumn of 1849, unaccompanied by any letter, and with a verbal request that they should not be the subject of any formal notice. Two hundred and nineteen volumes were next received from John I). W. Williams, Esq., of Roxbury, and other smaller con- tributions from a number of other persons soon followed. From this point the History of the progress of the Library will be found in the following letters and documents : Mr. Winthrop's donation elicited the following expression from the Hon. John P. Bigelow, in a note written some time afterwards, on a different sub- ject, by which it will be perceived that Mr. EVERETT had already promised the large contribution which soon followed ; City Hall, October 31, 1849. I thank you officially for your noble contribution to our (" in esse ") Free Library. It is the first American stone contributed in that behalf, the corner one, which is laid most fitly by the descendant of the founder of our free Commonwealth. Governor Everett promises a large contribution, so that with you and him the enterprise is already in successful progress. Very truly, yours, &c., JOHN P. BIGELOW. Hon. Mr. Winthrop. 41 To HENRY B. KOGERS, ESQ., Chairman pro tern, of the Board of Aldermen. Boston, August 5, 1850. SIR, An amount of money having been contributed by some of my fellow citizens for the purpose of personal kindness to- wards myself, I have obtained their permission to present a large portion thereof to the City, in aid of the establishment of a Tree Public Library. I accordingly now enclose the sum of one thousand dollars, in the hope that it may be appropriated for the furtherance of the object proposed. The want of such an institution in our midst, is generally ac- knowledged. It has an important prospective bearing upon the moral and intellectual character of the people of Boston ; .and I have reason to know that there are many persons in this commu- nity, who are ready to tender valuable offerings for the purpose in view, as soon as it shall be known that the City Government is willing to receive such donations. Very respectfully, Your obedient servant, JOHN P. BIGELOW. Alderman Grant offered the following preamble and resolu- tion : In Board of Aldermen, August 5, 1850. Whereas, His Honor the Mayor has communicated to this Board, that he has received a sum of money, which was subscribed by his fellow citizens (to be appropriated for his personal benefit,) as a tribute of their respect, and whereas, consent has been ob- tained from the liberal donors of the money (at the kind sugges- tion of the Mayor,) that the amount be appropriated to the establishment of a Free Public Library ; one of the ' most desira- 6 42 ble and useful objects to which it could be given ; and in which all classes of this community will be benefitted : therefore Resolved, That we gratefully accept the offered sum by the Mayor, of one thousand dollars, referred to above, and hereby request the Committee of the City Government on the Library, to proceed with as little delay as possible, and as far as the means in their hands will justify, to carry into effect the establishment of a " Free Public Library ;" assurance having been given from several influential and wealthy persons of their readiness to co- operate in the measure, as soon as the same is commenced. The resolution passed unanimously. On motion of Alderman Holbrook, it was Voted, That the City Clerk furnish His Honor the Mayor with a certified copy, signed by the Chairman pro tern., of the pream- ble and resolution offered by Alderman Grant, and their unani- mous acceptance. Cambridge, 7th August, 1850. Sir, You are aware that I have more than once intimated to you, orally and in writing, that I should be happy to give my Extract of a note addressed by Mr. Everett to Hon. J. P. Bigelow, then Mayor of the City. The other portion of the note relates to a different object. Cambridge, 22 Jan., 1850. DEAR SIH, o o o o o o oo o 1 hope you will be able to do something this year toward the establishment of a City Library. I shall be happy to offer to the acceptance of the City my collection of public documents, whenever you think it will be convenient to the City to receive them. It will contain near one thousand volumes when some chasms, which I hope to fill this winter, are supplied. Yours, with great regard, E. E. NOTE. Mr. Everett had more than once, in the summer of 1849, intimated to His Honor the Mayor, his purpose of offering his collection of Public Docu- ments to the City, whenever it may be convenient to receive them, as a contri- bution toward a public Library. 43 collection of Public Documents and State Papers to the City. Perceiving that a commencement is likely to he made toward the establishment of a Public Library, I will thank you to inform the City Government, that this collection is at their service, whenever it may suit their convenience to receive it. I have for nearly thirty years devoted a good deal of time, labor, and expense to its formation. It amounts at present to about one thousand volumes. From the foundation of the Gov- ernment up to the year 1825, when I first went to Congress, it contains every thing material. While I was in Congress, I took great pains to preserve and bind up every document published by either house ; and from that time to the year 1 840, when I went abroad, the collection is tolerably complete. It is my intention to add to it, as far as they can be procured, the documents since published ; and I omit no opportunity of supplying the deficien- cies in other parts of the series. In addition to the State Papers and Public Documents, the collection contains other works connected with the civil and politi- cal history of the country. I hope it will not be thought intrusion in me to express the opinion, that, if the City Government would provide a suitable building for a Public Library, it would be so amply supplied from time to time by donations, that only a moderate annual appropri- ation for books would be wanted. Such an establishment would be an object of public favor from the outset. The people would regard it as their own creation, and take a pride in its increase. Authors and publishers would feel it an honor to place their pub- lications on its shelves. There is hardly a citizen who would not have the ability and disposition to add something valuable to it ; and from time to time large and important additions might be expected by gift or bequest. Within the last thirty years, two additions have been made in this way to the British Museum, which have probably doubled the size and value of that noble collection. If on a lot of public land, a building were commenced, aiming at nothing but convenience and neatness, (and all attempts to go 44 farther in architecture are almost sure to fail,) and so planned as to admit future enlargement, the first expense need not exceed that of one of those numerous school-houses, of which the City does not hesitate to erect one every two or three years. The more re- tired the situation the better. The Library ought not to be a show place for strangers, nor lounge for idlers ; but a quiet retreat for persons of both sexes who desire earnestly to improve their minds. Such a Library would put the finishing hand to that system of public education, which lies at the basis of the prosperity of Bos- ton, and with her benevolent institutions, gives her so much of her name and praise in the land. I ought to ask your indulgence for going so far beyond the im- mediate object of this letter. Though not a native of Boston, nor at this time an inhabitant there, I am indebted to her for a considerable part of my schooling, and feel the deepest interest in her welfare. I am, Sir, with high respect, Your obedient servant, EDWARD EVERETT. His HONOR JOHN P. BIGELOW. CITY OF BOSTON. In Board of Mayor and Aldermen, Aug. 12, 1850. A communication having been received from the Honorable Edward Everett, expressive of his desire to give to the City his collection of Public Documents and State Papers, towards the establishment of a Public Library, therefore Voted, That the City Council, entertaining a deep sense of the value and importance of the Papers collected by the Hon. Edward 45 Everett, will receive the same whenever a suitable place shall be provided in which they can be deposited, and in behalf of the citi- zens, return their thanks to him for his generosity and public spirit. Voted, That the Mayor be requested to transmit a copy of the foregoing preamble and vote, to the Honorable Mr. Everett. Passed unanimously. Sent down for concurrence. JOHN P. BIGELOW, Mayor. In Common Council, August 20, 1850. Concurred by an unanimous vote. FBANCIS BEINLEV, President. City Sail, June 19, 1851. Sin, I transmit for the information of the Council a com- munication which I have received from the Honorable Edward Everett, covering a Catalogue of Books and Documents contribu- ted by him to the Public Library. The suggestions and senti- ments expressed in the letter are entitled to especial consideration for their intrinsic value, as well as on account of the honored source whence they emanate. If published, (as I presume the Council will authorize,) they will effectively aid in establishing an institution, which has an important prospective bearing upon the moral and intellectual character of Boston. Besides the donation of Mr. Everett, the Library contains one hundred and eighty-seven volumes contributed by the Hon. Robert C. Winthrop : two hundred and nineteen volumes by John D. W. Williams, Esq., (of Eoxbury,) and ninety-six volumes by Alex- andre Vattemare. Valuable contributions have likewise been made by Eev. J. B. McMahan, Ezra Weston, Esq., and others, the whole number of books now collected amounting to two thou- sand volumes. The Committee on the Library have funds at 46 their control which will probably enable them to increase the number to four thousand volumes before the expiration of the year ; and if the example of the public spirited citizens, who have been named, should exert its proper influence in the commu- nity, the City will, within a short period, possess the largest and most valuable Municipal Library in the country. Eespectfully, &c. JOHN P. BIGELOW. To the President of the Common Council. Cambridge, 7th June, 1851. SIR, I beg leave to transmit to you herewith for the informa- tion of the City Government, a Catalogue of the Books contained in the collection of State Papers and other works, which I had the honor of offering to the acceptance of the City last year, as a con- tribution toward a Public Library. The number of the volumes is about a thousand, and I hope to have it in my power hereafter to render the collection of Public Documents more complete. I remain of the opinion, which I took the liberty of expressing last year, that if the City would provide a suitable building, affording present accommodation for fifteen or twenty thousand volumes, and so constructed as to admit of enlargement hereafter, a valuable Public Library would very soon be formed by donation. A place of deposit thus provided, the Library I feel confident, would steadily increase. Large collections of Books would occa- sionally be presented, and there can be no doubt that from indi- viduals, and especially from authors, editors, and publishers be- longing to Boston, single works would be constantly coming in. If in addition to these sources of increase, a moderate appropria- tion were annually made by the City for the purchase of works of a class not likely to be presented, a large Public Library, with assurance of regular increase, would soon be added to the means of Education, possessed by the citizens of Boston. The cost of a suitable building need not exceed that of one of the larger School Houses. In the letter which I had the honor of addressing to you on the 7th of August last, I spoke of such a Library as the completion of that noble system of Public Instruction, which reflects so much honor upon the- City and does so much to promote its prosperity. I am anxious to give greater prominence to this view of the sub- ject than it has yet perhaps received. The City of Boston expends annually, I believe, a larger sum for Schools and School Houses, in proportion to its population, than any city in Europe. Nothing like the same sum is appro- priated by the City of London for these purposes. By this noble liberality the means are prov^ed for giving our children of both sexes a good education up to the age of sixteen or seventeen years. This is done at the public expense and for public motives. Individuals, as such, have no more claim upon the public for their education than for their board and clothing. The first principles of popular government require that the means of education should, as far as possible, be equally within the reach of the whole popu- lation. This can be effected in no other way than by a system of Education supported by the public. The same great motive of public policy requires that the Schools should be of a very supe- rior order, so that every child may receive not merely an educa- tion, but an excellent education ; as good as could be got at the best and most expensive private Schools. I know of no place where these principles are so thoroughly carried out as in Boston ; in other words, where so great an equality exists in reference to the inestimable benefit of an early education. This however is the case only up to the age when School educa. tion is at an end. We provide our children with the elements of learning and science, and put it in their power by independent study and research to make further acquisitions of useful knowl- edge from books, but where are they to find the books in which it is contained ? Here the noble principle of equality sadly fails. The sons of the wealthy alone have access to well-stored libraries ; while those whose means do not allow them to purchase 48 books are too often debarred from them at the moment when they would be most useful. We give them an elementary education, impart to them a taste and inspire them with an earnest desire for further attainment, which unite in making books a necessary of intellectual life, and then make no provision for supplying them. I would not overrate the importance of book learning. It is of little value without original inquiry and original thought. But good books are the record of the original inquiry and thought of able men ; which surely do not lose their value by being put upon paper for the benefit of others. Every one regards an op- portunity of personal intercourse with men eminent for talent and learning as a great privilege and source of improvement; to study their works is most effectually to cultivate this intercourse. It is generally impossible, from the nature of the case, to have personal intercourse with any persons of eminence except a very few of our own countrymen and cotemporaries. By books we get access to the great men of every country and every age. Is it not then a reproach to our City, that, as far as the means of carrying on the great work of instruction beyond the limits of School Education are concerned, no public provision exists in favor of those unable to indulge in what is now the expensive luxury of a large library? Where is the young engineer, ma- chinist, architect, chemist, engraver, painter, or student in any of the professions or of any of the exact sciences, or of any branch of natural history, or of moral or intellectual philosophy, to get access to the books which are absolutely necessary to enable him to pursue his inquiries to any advantage ? There are no libraries in Boston which strictly speaking are public. The library of the Athenaeum and other similar collections are private property. They are administered with all practicable liberality ; but are not and cannot be open to the public. Nothing is left to young men who cannot afford to buy books but to borrow them of individ- uals ; a very precarious and inadequate dependence and one of which but very few can take advantage. For these reasons I cannot but think that a Public Library, well supplied with books in the various departments of art and 49 science, and open at all times for consultation and study to the citizens at large, is absolutely needed to make our admirable sys- tem of Public Education complete ; and to continue in some good degree through life that happy equality of intellectual privileges, which now exists in our Schools, but terminates with them. And I feel confident that with such moderate co-operation as I have indicated, on the part of the City, reliance may be safely placed upon individuals to do the rest. The Public Library would soon become an object of pride to the citizens of Boston ; and every one would feel it an honor to do something for its increase. I remain, Sir, with great respect, Your obedient servant, EDWAED EVERETT. His HONOR THE MAYOR OF BOSTON. 112 WASHINGTON STREET, June 28, 1852. HON. MR. EVERETT: DEAR SIR, I beg you to accept my promise to pay for five hundred dollars' worth of books, to be selected by you when you please and from whatever shop you please, for the City Library. I should hesitate to give you the trouble of selecting, but on recol- lection, I thought you could readily write out the list now, when the collection has but just commenced to be made, and there would be no fear of duplicates. Please to make the money go as far as it will, without regard to our shelves. I am respectfully and faithfully, Your obedient servant, JAMES BEOWN. HON. MR. EVERETT. In Board of Trustees, Oct. 25, 1852. Voted, That the thanks of the Trustees be returned to Mr. Brown for his liberal donation. Attest, EDWAED CAPEN, Secretary. 7 50 Boston, Sept. 24, 1852. To THE HON. BENJAMIN SEAVER, MAYOR OF BOSTON : SIR, I enclose you my check, on the Columbian Bank, for one thousand dollars, which sum I wish appropiated to the purchase of books for the Public Library lately established by the Govern- ment of the City of Boston. Having perfect confidence in the very able board of Trustees, which has been appointed, I leave to them the selection of the books, not doubting they will exclude all of a hurtful tendency, and select such books as will be read, having for their basis piety, morality, the arts and sciences, and general usefulness. With much respect, your very obedient servant, SAMUEL APPLETON. City Hall, Boston, Sept. 24fA, 1852. SIR, I have the pleasure to acknowledge the receipt of your letter, of this date, enclosing your check, on the Columbian Bank, for one thousand dollars, " to be appropriated to the purchase of books for the Public Library, lately established by the Govern- ment of the City of Boston," and I assure you that the Trustees of the Library will, in the use of the money, be governed by your judicious suggestions. In behalf of the Trustees, I thank you for this liberal and opportune donation, and trust that you may, ere long, witness the usefulness of the Institution you have so generously assisted. With the ardent wish that your life, so distinguished by acts of liberality to Public Institutions, and adorned by deeds of charity to your fellow men, which are equally honorable to yourself and to our City, may long be spared, I remain, with sentiments of the highest respect, Yours, most truly, BENJAMIN SEAVER. SAMUEL APFLETON, ESQ. 51 FIRST LETTER OF MR. BATES. London, 1st October, 1852. DEAR SIR, I am indebted to you for a copy of the Report of the Trustees of the Public Library for the City of Boston, which I have perused with great interest, being impressed with the im- portance, to the rising and future generations, of such a Library as is recommended ; and while I am sure that, in a liberal and wealthy community like that of Boston, there will be no want of funds to carry out the recommendation of the Trustees, it may accelerate its accomplishment, and establish the Library at once on a scale that will do credit to the City, if I am allowed to pay for the books required, which I am quite willing to do thus leav- ing to the City to provide the building and take care of the expenses. The only condition I ask is, that the building shall be such as shall be an ornament to the City that there shall be room for one hundred to one hundred and fifty persons to sit at reading tables that it shall be perfectly free to all, with no other restric- tions than may be necessary for the preservation of the books. What the building may cost, I am unable to estimate ; but the books counting additions during my life-time I estimate at $50,000, which I shall gladly contribute, and consider it but a small return for the many acts of confidence and kindness I have received from my many friends in your City. Believe me, dear sir, Very truly yours, JOSHUA BATES. BENJAMIN SEAVER, ESQ., Mayor of the City of Boston. 52 CITY OF BOSTON. 1 In Board of Mayor and Aldermen, October 18, 1852. J Resolved, That this Board is deeply sensible to the enlightened generosity of Joshua Bates, Esq., as manifested in the offer of fifty thousand dollars for the purchase of hooks for the Public Library, and that the thanks of the City Council be returned to him, on behalf of the citizens of Boston, for this seasonable and munificent provision, which ensures the speedy establishment of the Library on a liberal scale, and reflects the greatest honor upon the patriotism of the donor. Ordered, That a copy of the letter from Mr. Bates be placed upon the records of the City Council, and that an attested copy of these proceedings be transmitted to him by the Mayor. Ordered, That Mr. Bates' letter, with the proceedings of the City Council thereon, be referred to the Trustees of the Public Library, with instructions to report to the City Council such measures as it may be proper to adopt in the premises with a view to give effect to the liberal provision of Mr. Bates. Passed unanimously. Sent down for concurrence. BENJAMIN SEAVEB, Mayor. In Common Council, October 21, 1852. Passed unanimously in concurrence. HENRY J. GARDNER, Resident. In Board of Mayor and Aldermen, December 6, 1852. Whereas, the City Council of Boston are deeply impressed with a feeling of gratitude for the late munificent gift of Joshua Bates, Esq., and are desirous of manifesting to him and to other distinguished benefactors of the City, a sense of its obligation for benefits received, it is therefore Ordered, That whenever an edifice is constructed for the Pub 53 lie Library, the Trustees be and they hereby are directed to appropriate a suitable hall for the deposit and arrangement of statues, paintings, and other memorials of those persons who have distinguished themselves, or shall hereafter distinguish themselves, by acts of liberality to the religious, charitable, or literary institutions of the City. Eead and passed. Sent down for concurrence. Came up concurred, Dec. 9th. To THE MAYOR AND ALDERMEN OF THE CITY OF BOSTON : GENTLEMEN, By the public journals of this day I see you have purchased (and I believe very judiciously,) an estate on Somerset street in this City, for the erection of a building for a free City Library. Enclosed, I send you my check for one hun- dred dollars for the use and benefit of said institution to be expended by the Mayor and Aldermen in furnishing any of the room, or rooms of the said building when the same is completed, or expend the same in the purchasing of books for the benefit and use of the said Library as in their judgment may seem best. Gentlemen, I remain, Yours, with much esteem, JAMES NIGHTINGALE. Boston, March 5, 1853. CITY OF BOSTON. \ In Board of Miyor and Aldermen, March 7, 1853. / Head, and referred to the Trustees of the Public Library. Sent down for concurrence. BENJ. SEAVER, Mayor. 54 In Common Council, March 10, 1853. Concurred. HENRY J. GAEDNER, President In Board of Trustees, April 25, 1853. Voted, That the thanks of the Trustees he given to Mr. Nightingale for his liberal donation ; and that the Committee on the purchase of books be directed to expend the same in books, inserting the name of Mr. Nightingale in each. Attest: EDWARD CAPEN, Secretary. London, Wth March, 1S53. To His HONOR BENJAMIN SHAVER, Mayor of the City of Boston. DEAR SIR, I have received the Resolutions passed by the City Council of Boston, on the 21st of October, which you have done me the favor to transmit to me, and am gratified to learn by them, that the assistance I had so much pleasure in offering to your Free Public Library, is so favorably received. Be pleased then to draw on me for a sum sufficient to contribute a fund of fifty thousand dollars, to be held by the City of Boston in trust, that its entire income, but only its income, shall in each and every year hereafter be expended in the purchase of such books of permanent value and authority, as may be found most needed and most useful, and that the City will, so soon as it may con- veniently be done, provide and always hereafter maintain a suit- able establishment for a Free Public Library, in which arrange- ments shall be made for the comfortable accommodation, at one and the same time, and at all proper hours of the day and even- ing, for at least one hundred readers. Wishing to this generous and wise institution, in which I shall always feel an interest, all the success you can desire for it, and 55 wishing all happiness and prosperity to your City and its citi- zens, with whom I have so many pleasant associations, I remain, dear sir, Your friend and servant, JOSHUA BATES. CITY OF BOSTON. \ In Board of Mayor and Aldermen, March 28, 1853. / Eeferred to the Committee on the Public Library, with au- thority to consider and report thereon. Sent down for concurrence. BENJAMIN SEAVER, Mayor. In Common Council, March 31, 1853. Concurred. HENRY J. GARDNER, President. CITY OF BOSTON, "I April 12, 1853. j The Joint Standing Committee on the Public Library to whom was referred the letter of Joshua Bates, Esq., dated London, 10th March, 1853, beg leave respectfully to REPORT: That agreeably to the authority contained in said letter, the Mayor has drawn on Mr. Bates for his donation to the Library, amounting to fifty thousand dollars, which sum has, with the approval of the Committee on Finance, been loaned to the City, subject to the conditions affixed by Mr. Bates, at an interest of 6 per cent, per annum, payable semi-annually. For the Committee, BENJAMIN SEAVER, Chairman. 56 In Common Council, April 14, 1853. Read and accepted. Sent up for concurrence. HENRY J. GARDNER, President. In Board of Mayor and Aldermen, April 18, 1853. Concurred. BENJAMIN SEAVER, Mayor. Boston, April \\tli, 1853. To THE MAYOR AND ALDERMEN OF THE CITY OF BOSTON : GENTLEMEN, Allow me through you respectfully to offer for the acceptance of the City of Boston, in aid of their City Library, ten thousand dollars, to he forever held and treated as a trust fund the income of which shall be used exclusively for the pur- chase of books for said Library ; and if, from any cause whatso- ever, shall at any time happen a diminution of the capital}" then the income is to accumulate and be added to the capital until its original amount shall be entirely restored. The past and present character of the City of Boston is a sufficient pledge that a trust confided to its care will be faith- fully and correctly performed, and I cannot discern in the future, a possibility that its integrity may be impaired or its fair repu- tation forfeited. In truth every son of Boston justly regards the City as an illustrious parent, and should exhibit, as well as feel in his deal- ings with it, a filial regard and confidence, which its honorable character in all periods for sound morals, and a profound respect for the sanctities of religion, naturally produce. Regarding, as I do, its efforts to induce the highest cultivation of intellect, and to cherish a strict and wise regard for the union of law and liberty, to be among the principal features of its greatness, and which have conferred upon our City a name and 57 a praise throughout Christendom, it gives me unfeigned pleasure in a humble manner to aid in the accomplishment of these efforts. Very respectfully, Your obedient fellow citizen, JONATHAN PHILLIPS. In Board of Mayor and Aldermen, April 18, 1853. Resolved, That the munificent gift of ten thousand dollars, for the use of the Free Public Library, presented by the Hon. Jona- than Phillips, be accepted upon the trust affixed by him, and that the grateful thanks of the City Council be, and they hereby are presented to him for the same. Resolved, That the letter of Mr. Phillips which accompanied the above donation, so expressive of confidence and patriotic sen- timents, honorable alike to him and his native city, be placed at large on the records of the City Council. Resolved, That the Mayor be requested to transmit to Mr. Phillips an attested copy of these proceedings. Passed unanimously. Sent down for concurrence. BENJAMIN SEAVER, Mayor. In Common Council, April 21, 1853. Concurred unanimously. HENRY J. GARDNER, President. A true copy. Attest: SAM'L F. McCLEARY, JR., City Clerk. 8 58 Boston, Nov. 4, 1853. HON. BENJAMIN SEAVEE, Mayor of Boston. DEAR SIR, The City has at last completed its purchase of the Boylston street estates. I have traced the several titles back to the first settlement of the Town the Book of Possessions. My memoranda occupy more than twenty-five pages. One of the titles was extremely complicated. A late owner had left a will untechnically drawn which presented questions of difficult legal construction. One devise was to the testator's son for life with a remainder limited to his children, of such a character as to open and let in any after-born children. This son died about a year since. So long as he lived it would have been impossible to have obtained an indefeasible title by conveyances from all his children. There were eventually four minors interested in this estate, and their shares were sold under license of court- rendering necessary a careful examination of the probate pro- ceedings. The fact, that two of the various deeds to the City convey respectively 32-49ths of l-3d, and 17-49ths of l-3d of this estate, sufficiently show the difficulties of the investigation. Had this been a purchase by an individual for his own benefit, I should have charged a large fee with a clear conscience. But the establishment of a City Library is eminently an act for the benefit of all an act prompted by the most liberal spirit and the wisest foresight. Commencing where our system of public schools ends, it will enable us to continue through life to educate ourselves. It will, I trust, afford, to the latest times, invaluable facilities for the intellectual and moral culture of the citizens of Boston. If, then, my professional experience has been found of any slight service in promoting an object like this if the corner- stone of the City Library shall have been laid more securely through any instrumentality of mine in removing legal obstruc- tions I assure you that I feel myself to have been fully com- 59 pensated by the opportunity thus afforded me of becoming a fellow-laborer in a good cause. I remain, yours, very respectfully, N. I. BOWDITCH. In Board of Trustees, Nov. 12, 1853. Ordered, That the thanks of this Board be given to Mr. Bow- ditch for his services faithfully and gratuitously rendered, and that in acknowledgment of their value his name be inscribed in the Books of the Public Library, as their donor, to the value of two hundred dollars. Attest : EDWARD CAPEN, Secretary. City Hall, Dec. 4, 1853. GENTLEMEN, I have the pleasure to inform you that I have received of J. Ingersoll Bowditch, Esq., three hundred dollars, as a donation to the Public Library, to be expended in medical books, for the use of the medical profession only. The money has been placed in the City Treasury subject to your order. I leave you to make the proper acknowledgment to Mr. Bowditch for his timely liberality. Very respectfully, Your obedient servant, BENJAMIN SEAVER. To THE TRUSTEES OF THE PUBLIC LIBRARY In Board of Trustees, Dec. 6, 1853. Voted, That the thanks of the Board be presented to J. Inger- soll Bowditch, Esq., for his generous and timely donation, and that the same be expended, as he desires that it should be, in 60 medical books to circulate only among the members of the med- ical profession. Attest: EDWAKD CAPEN, Secretary. Boston, Tremont House, Sept. 17, 1855. To DK. N. B. SHURTLEFF, One of the Commissioners and Trustees of the Boston City Library. DEAR SIR, As you know I have, from the first, taken a lively interest in the success of the Boston Free Public Library, I here- with remit you one thousand dollars, to be expended in the im- mediate purchase of books for the same. Being a native of this City, where, also, both my parents were born and spent their days, it will ever afford me pleasure to know that an institution, fraught with so much good to the citi_ zens of every class as this Library must be, continues to grow and flourish. You will please to see that this donation is appropriated as above requested, and so oblige Yours, very respectfully, SALLY INMAN EAST SHEPARD. In Board of Trustees, Sept. 18, 1855. Ordered, That the above sum be deposited by Dr. Shurtleff in the Treasury of the City, subject to the order of this Board, for fulfilling the generous intentions of the donor. Resolved, That the President be requested to present to Mrs. Sally Inman East Shepard, the thanks of this Board, for the acceptable and timely gift of one thousand dollars, to be ex- pended immediately in books for the Library. Attest : EDWARD CAPEN, Secretary. 61 To His HONOR J. V. C. SMITH, Mayor of the City of Boston. London, 6 Sept., 1855. DEAR SIR, I learn with great satisfaction that the building for a Free Public Library, for which such liberal appropriations, have been made by the City Council is in progress of erection. I have on former occasions taken the liberty to express the deep interest which I feel in the establishment of this institution, as the completion of that system of education at the free public schools, by which Boston is so honorably distinguished. It has therefore been with the greatest pleasure that I have from time to time learned that even under the disadvantage of temporary and inconvenient premises for the arrangement of its books and the accommodation of those who use them, it has found great favor with the community and with many liberal individuals, and has already given promise of becoming an ornament and a blessing to the City. It is, I understand, certain, that within eighteen months or two years, a building will be completed of dimensions amply sufficient for the reception at once of a large number of books, and for the regular future increase of the Library. Time and the public spirit of the community will, no doubt, do much. But it is desirable and important to render this Free Public Library at once extensively useful as a large collection of books in as many departments of human knowledge as possible. For this purpose, and still further to manifest my deep interest in the prosperity of the City of Boston, I now propose, if agreeable to the City Government, in addition to the fund of fifty thousand dollars already constituted, to purchase and present to the City a considerable number of books in trust, that the same shall always be accessible in a convenient and becoming Library Building, to the inhabitants of Boston generally, under such regulations as may be deemed needful by the persons to whom the government of the institution may from time to time be con- fided. 62 Trusting that the steps already taken and now proposed, to- gether with the continued patronage and powerful support of the City authorities, and of a liberal and enlightened community, will result in the establishment of an institution which will in all future time prove eminently useful and honorable to the City. I remain, dear sir, Yours, very truly, JOSHUA BATES. CITY OF BOSTON. In Board of Aldermen, Sept. 24, 1855. A communication from the Mayor covering a letter from Joshua Bates, Esq., of London, dated Sept. 6, 1855, tendering to the City a further donation of books for the use of the Public Library was read and referred to the Trustees and Committee on the Public Library. Sent down for concurrence. Oct. 4, 1855. Came up concurred. CITY OF BOSTON. \ In Board of Aldermen, Oct. 8, 1855. j The Committee to whom was referred by the City Council, the letter of Joshua Bates, Esq.,. proposing to purchase and present to the Public Library a considerable number of books in trust for the inhabitants generally, ask leave unanimously to report the following resolutions, expressing the sense of the City Gov- ernment in relation to this new act of Mr. Bates' munificence. In behalf of the Committee, ROBERT COWDIN, Chairman. Resolved, That in the letter of Joshua Bates, Esq., addressed to His Honor the Mayor, and dated Sept. 6, 1855, the City Gov- 63 ernment recognize the same wise and munificent spirit and the same generous interest in the prosperity and honor of the City of Boston to which they have, heretofore acknowledged the obliga- tions of this whole community ; and that they now accept this new trust on the liberal terms in which it is offered by him. Resolved, That the Mayor be desired to request Mr. Bates, in the name of the City of Bo3ton, to sit for his bust in marble or bronze at his pleasure, and to any artist he may select, in order that it may be placed in the building of the Public Library, as an enduring memorial of the City's obligation and gratitude. Resolved, T]iat the Mayor be requested to communicate these resolves to Mr. Bates, and that the Mayor be, and hereby is, authorized to draw on the City Treasury for any moneys that may be needed to carry the same into effect. Passed unanimously. Sent down for concurrence. Attest : SAM'L F. McCLEAEY, City Clerk. In Common Council, Oct. 11, 1855. Passed unanimously in concurrence. WM. A. BELL, President pro tern. Oct. 13, 1855. Approved. J. V. C. SMITH, Mayor. A true copy. Attest : SAM'L F. McCLEARY, City Clerk. CITY OF BOSTON. "I In Board of Aldermen, Oct. 8, 1855. / Ordered, That the letter of Mr. Bates referred to in the fore- going resolves, together with copies of the action of the City 64 Council thereon, be deposited with the Trustees of the Public Library for their information and further action. Sent down for concurrence. Attest : SAM'L F. McCLEARY, City Clerk. In Common Council, Oct. 11, 1855. Concurred. WM. A. BELL, President pro tern. Oct. 13, 1855. Approved. J. V. C. SMITH, Mayor. A true copy. Attest: SAM'L F. McCLEAKY, City Cleric. Extract from the last Will and Testament of the late HON. ABBOTT LAWBENCE, dated 27th January, 1855. " I give and bequeathe to the City of Boston the sum of ten thousand dollars for the use of the Public Library in the said City the same to be paid within three years after the probate of this my Will, and the income thereof to be appropriated for the purchase of books for the said Library under the direction of the Trustees." DONORS AND DONATIONS, Appleton, Samuel .... $1,000 00 Bates, Joshua Funded, .... 50,000 00 Bigelow, John P. ... 1,000 00 Bowditch, J. Ingersoll, .... . 300 00 Bowditch, N. I. Services valued at - - 200 00 Brown, James ... . .. 5 00 00 Nightingale, James .... 100 00 Phillips, Jonathan, Funded 10,000 00 Shepard, Mrs. Sally Inman East, 1,000 00 Vols. Pamph. 1. Adams, George, - 22 3 2. Adams, Nehemiah, D.D. 4 3. Albany Young Men's Association, - 1 4. Allen, John Fiske, Salem, - 1 5. Allen, William, D.D., Northampton, - 1 6. American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions, by Prudential Committee, - 32 7. American Tract Society, 73 8. Anderson, Paul, Cincinnati, - 3 9. Anonymous, .... 36 16 10. Athenaeum Club, London, 11. Appleton, John W. M. 12. Appleton, Thomas G-. - 9 13. Appleton, Samuel - 1 14. Appleton, William - - 22 3 15. Austin, Edward, ... 23 16. Austin, James T. - - 2 17. Balch, Thomas, Philadelphia, 1 18. Balfour, David M. - 82 5 19. Ballard & Prince, - 1 20. Ballou, Maturin M. 6 21. Bates, Mrs. Joshua, London, 2 22. Barnard, Henry, Conn. 1 23. Bigelow, Henry J., M.D. - 6 24. Bigelow, Jacob, M.D. .... 1 25. Bigelow, John P. - - 453 624 9 66 26. Binney, C. J. F. - Vols. 1 Pam] 27. Binney, Horace, Philadelphia, 2 28. Bishop, Nathan, ... 3 12 29. Bolles, John A. - - - - ' - 24 30. Boltwood, Lucius M., Amherst, ... 2 31. Bond, William 0., Cambridge, I 32. Boston, England - I 33. Boston, City of - - 340 40 34. Boston Mercantile Library Association, - 1 35. Boston Society for Medical Observation, 4 12 36. Boston Society of Natural History, 4 1 37. Boston Young Men's Christian Union, - 1 38. Bowditch, Henry I., M.D. - 6 1 39. Bowditch, J. I 4 40. Bowditch, N. I. 1 41. Bradford, Charles F. - - 1 42. Bradlee, Eev. C. D., Cambridge, - 8 21 43. Bradlee, John N. - ... 55 44. Brooks, Peter C. - - - 144 40 45. Brown, Obediah, Trustees of, 12 46. Buchanan, A., by Monroe & Co. - 4 47. Burnham, Mrs. E. J. - 3 48. Burnham and Brother, - 1 49. Cambridge, City of, ... 1 . 50. Capen, John, - - - 4 51. Cass, Mrs. L. A. - 5 52. Chandler, George, Worcester, 1 53. Channing, Walter, M.D. 3 54. Chickering, Jesse, M.D. .... 1 55. Cincinnati Young Men's Library Association, - 1 56. Clapp, David 11 60 57. Clapp, Otis 5 41 58. Clapp, W. W. - 7 59. Coffin, Admiral Sir I. - - - 6 60. Cogswell, J. G., New York, - 4 2 61. Copeland, Elisha, - - 14 79 62. Cornell, Wm. M M D. 5 9 63. Couthouy, J. P. - 4 64. Curtis, Josiah, M.D. 1 3 65. Danforth, Mrs. Hannah G., - 7 66. Dall, William .... 70 150 67. Davis, David E. - 2 68. Dearborn, Nathaniel - 21 69. Dench, Lawson B. 3 70. Dennett, C. F - 2 71. Dennet, W. H. - 1 72. Denton, William, .... 23 22 73. Dillaway. Charles K. 2 A very early donation to the City. 67 Vols. Pamph. 74. Dixon, B. Homer, 10 75. Dodd, William, - - 18 76. Dupee, James A. - - - : 1 77. Durkee, Silas, M.D. - - 1 78. Dwight, Louis, ...... 4 79. Eastburn, John H. 1 67 80. Eliot, Samuel A. - < - 85 2 81. Eolopoesis, Author of, 1 82. Eustis, William T. - ... 4 83. Everett, Edward, (1 Statistical Table, 27 Maps and Charts,) - ... 1653 836 84. Flint, Charles L. -.171 85. Foster, Miss F. E. ... 1 86. French, B. F. 3 87. French, James & Co., - - 2 88. Frost, Oliver, 10 89. Gait, J. M., Va. - - 14 90. Garrison, William L. - 1 91. Gasking, Samuel, 1 92. Gilbert, A., New York, - 1 93. Girard, Charles, Philadelphia, - 1 94. Gould, A. A., M.D. - - 1 95. Graham, Maj. George, Eegistrar General, Lon- don, by Josiah Curtis, M.D. - 8 96. Gray, Asa, M.D. - - 2 97. Gray, Francis 0. 57 98. Greene, 0. W., Greenwich, E. I. - 33 99. Griswold, Almon W. 1 100. Guild, Albert, ... 9 101. Guild, Benjamin, 3 102. Guildhall Library Committee, London, - 2 103. Hale, Nathan and Charles, - - 1 104. Hartshorn, Eliphalet P. 99 98 105. Harvard College, President and Fellows of, - 5 106. Hastings, Mary Ann, - 1 107. Hay ward, George, M.D. 1 108. Herrick, E. C., Yale College, 1 109. Higginson, Eev. T. W., Worcester, - 1 110. Hillard, George S. .... 202 1 111. Hills, George, 3 112. Holland, Eev. F.W. - - - 1 13 113. Hooper, Eobert C. (Subscription for Work of Prof. Agassiz,) 114. Howe, John, Jr., 1 1 15. Jackson, Abby C. 1 116. Jackson, Francis, ... 1 117. Jackson, James, M.D. 128 600 118. Jarvis, Edward, M.D. ..... 65 119. Jones, J. S., M.D. 2 68 Vols. Pamph. 120. King, Mrs. Gedney - 7 121. Kingman, Charles B. 3 122. Kittredge, Edward A., M.D. - 128 13 123. Kneeland, Samuel, Jr., M.D. 2 12-t. Lamb, Anthony, - - 1 125. Lambord, "William, - H 126. Lawrence, Abbott, Jr. - : 14 127. Lawrence, T. B. - 4 128. Lee, Thomas J 1 1 129. Leeds, Charles H., New York, - 1 130. Lincoln, Frederick W., Jr. - 22 131. Livcrmore, George, Cambridge, - 4 132. Loring, Ellis G. - 3 133. Loring, James S 8 222 l:-J4. Lowell, John, 89 . 2 135. Lunt, Wm. P., D.D. .... 9 136. McCleary, S. F. 1 250 137. McCleary, S. F. Jr 1 138. McMahon, Rev.J. B., M.D. - 19 139. McVey, --.-..- 1 140. Manchester City Library, Trustees of, - 1 141. Manypenny, Geo. W., TJ. S. Com. Ind. Affs, - 3 142. Maryland Historical Society, 3 143. Massachusetts Charitable Mechanic Association, 8 2 144. Massachusetts Society for Promoting Agriculture, 9 145. Massachusetts, State of - 40 146. Means, Eev. J. I 147. Merrill, Elizabeth L 23 148. Merritt, Mrs. J. - 13 149. Middlesex Mechanics Association, Lowell, - 1 150. Montagu, A. de - 1 151. Munroe, James - 3 152. Munroe, James & Co. - ... 1 153. Munsell, J., Albany, - - 1 154. Murray Fund, Trustees of, - 2 155. New York, State of, 1 156. N. Y. Mercantile Lib. Association, 1 157. New York Society Library, - 1 158. 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Willis, Nathaniel, 27 248. Wilson, John, - - 2 249. Winthrop, Kobcrt C. - - 288 32 250. Wise, Henry A. - 1 251. Withington, Kev. William, - 1 252. Woods, Charles, - : 1 253. Wright, Ephraim M. - - - 10 CONDITION OF THE PUBLIC LIBEARY OF THE CITY OF BOSTON. SEPTEMBER 17, 1855. Whole number of names registered in the Reading Eoom, 10,215 Whole number of accounts opened for borrowing Books, 8,858 Number of volumes in the Library, - - - - 22,017 71 TEUSTEES OF THE PUBLIC LIBEAEY. TEUSTEES CHOSEN MAY 13, 1852, BEFORE THE PASSAGE OF THE ORDINANCE. From the City Council. BENJAMIN SEAVER, EDWARD S. ERVING, SAMPSON REED, JAMES B. ALLEN, LYMAN PERRY, GEORGE W. WARREN, JAMES LAWRENCE, GEORGE WILSON. From the Citizens at Large. EDWARD EVERETT, NATHANIEL B. SHURTLEFF, GEORGE TICKNOR, THOMAS G. APPLETON. JOHN P. BIGELOW, TRUSTEES CHOSEN UNDER THE ORDINANCE OF OCTOBER 14, 1852. From the Citizens at Large. EDWARD EVERETT, Pres., .... 1852, 1853, 1854, 1855. GEORGE TICKNOR, " " " " JOHN P. BIGELOW, NATHANIEL B. SHURTLEFF, - - - - " THOMAS G. APPLETON, " " " " From the Board of Aldermen. SAMPSON REED, 1852, 1853. OLIVER EROST, 1854. ABEL B. MUNROE, 1854. JOHN M. CLARK, 1855. GEORGE W. MESSINGER, -------- 1855. From the Common Council. GEORGE W. WARREN, 1852, 1853, 1854. JOSEPH STORY, -- 1855. 72 COMMISSIONERS ON THE ERECTION OF THE LIBRAE! BUILDING. FIRST BOARD, CHOSEN UNDER THE ORDINANCE OP NOVEMBER 27, 1854. EGBERT C. WINTHROP, Pres., l from ^ Citizem ^ L SAMUEL G. WARD, y GEORGE TICKNOR, ] from ^ B d of Trustees . NATHANIEL B. SHURTLEFF, j J GEORGE ODIORNE, from the Board of Mayor and Aldermen. GEORGE "W. WARREN, from the Common Council. PRESENT BOARD, UNDER THE AMENDED ORDINANCE OP APRIL 3. 1855. Named in the Ordinance. EGBERT C. WINTHROP, Pres., GEORGE TICKNOR, SAMUEL G. WARD, NATHANIEL B. SHURTLEPF. Chosen by the City Council. CHARLES WOODBEBRY, of the Board of Aldermen. 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