Ihe Vision gf the Eucharist ^ and other poems "^■^ -w w w w ^ • Ex Libris C. K. OGDEN 1 THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES THE VISION OF THE EUCHARIST THE VISION OF THE EUCHARIST AND OTHER POEMS. BY ALFRED GURNEY, M.A. VICAR OF s. Barnabas', pi.mlico. ' Better to liave the poet's heart than brain. Feeling than song; but better far than both To be a song, a music of God's making. George MacDo.nald LONDON: KEGAN TALL, TRENCH, & CO., i rATEKNOSTER SQUARE. 1882. ( The rif^/tti of Iranslaticn aiiii of iff^roduction are reseited.) PR 47:^9 To CYRIL and WILLIE. The father^ s craft 1 knoiu iioi as I ivoiild : — If childhood we must keep true tnen to be, So more of sonship must our Father see III those 7vlw share with Him in fatherJiooa. My boys, you have one Father Who is gooa, Who loves His children unforsakingly ; Your home His Bosom is, your one roof tree The God-revealing, Christ-uplifting Rood. Poor verses are the best that I can make. To higher thoughts I can but point the way. And yet, perchance, just for a father's sake. Your love may prize them on a coming day. This hope, my sons, your father s heart inspires That brighter tar than his may burn your altar-Jires. Wharfeuale, August 1881. 1G48582 PREFACE. In deference to the wishes of a few of my friends— with great hesitation and no h'ttle misgiving — I have gathered together the follow- ing poems. They deal for the most part with very sacred and serious subjects upon which I have felt — I do not venture to say tJiougJit — deeply. The large majority have already appeared in various Reviews and Magazines. I should cer- tainly not have sought for them a wider circula- tion, or entertained the idea that they possess any merit which renders them worthy of it, but for the encouragement of those to whom I should find it hard to refuse anything. Such as they are, I offer them as a Christ- mas gift, first to my children, and then to my people of S. Barnabas' and my other friends. Should they reach a larger circle, it will be to me at once a surprise and a satisfaction. Advent, i88i. C ON TEXTS. PAGE The Vision op^ the Eucharist i The Eucharist a Discovery of God . . . S The Institution of the Eucharist . . . . 15 The Eucharistic Sacrifice iS EucHARisTic Adoration . . , . . . 22 Before Communion 25 At Communion 28 After Communion 30 The Epiphany Eucharist 33 The Eucharistic Annunciation . . . .36 Baptism 38 Confirmation 41 Penance 43 Orders 46 Marriage 50 Unction of the Sick 53 Christmas Eve 55 Easter Eve 5S From Christmas to Easter 61 a X C ON 'J E NTS. PAOE. I'tNTECOST 71 Thk Conversion of S. Paul 74 The Invention of the Cross 77 A Modern Pilgrimage 79 A Great Question 91 The Vision of the Seven Seals . . • . 93 The City of our Solemnities 97 Song for a Baptismal Birthday .... 102 A May-day Song 104 The Worship of Beauty loS Day-Dreams no A Lover's Song 112 A Wedding-gift 114 To MY Sister 116 To my Brother uo Sleep and Death 124 The Grace of Tears 126 Saint Veronica 12S The Golden Stair ijo The Rhine at Cologne 1 52 Ober Ammergau, 1871 135 Oder Ammergau, 1S80 13S Alexandria 141 Hethlehem 144 Calvary 14S Prayer . . . ' 151 CONTENTS. xi PAGE A Litany of Obsecration 154 A Good Friday Meditation . . . • ^17 A Thanksgiving 161 The Throne of Solomon ...... 165 DiSCIPLESHIP . 166 Priesthood 167 •Vita Vit.-e Xostr.-e 16S The Tears of Jesus 169 The Wounds of Jesus .170 The Smilp:s of Jesus 171 The Hospitality of Jesus 172 A Dedication 173 A Book of Half-.S