REESE LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA ERSITY OF CALIFORNI SCIENCES Deceived MAR 13 1893 18 LIBRARY No. Class MINERALOGY SIMPLIFIED. MINERALOGY SIMPLIFIED. EASY METHODS OF IDENTIFYING MINERALS, INCLUDING ORES, BY MEANS OF THE BLOWPIPE, BY FLAME REACTIONS, BY THE SPECTROSCOPE, AND BY HUMID CHEMICAL ANALYSIS, BASED ON PROF. VON KOBELL'S TABLES FOR THE DETERMINATION OF MINERALS. WITH AN INTRODUCTION TO MODERN CHEMISTRY, BY HENRI ERNI, A.M., M.D., LATE PROFESSOR OF CHEMISTRY, SO^ME'TIME CHIEF CHEMIST OF THE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. SKCOND EDITION, REVISED AND ENLARGED. ILLUSTRATED BY ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY-ONE ENGRAVINGS PHILADELPHIA : CAREY BAIRD & CO., INDUSTRIAL PUBLISHERS, BOOKSELLERS, AND IMPORTERS, 810 WALNUT STREET. LONDON : E. & P. N. 8PON, 125 STRAND. 188o. EARTH SCIENCES LIBRARY COPYRIGHT BY HENRY CAREY BAIKD & CO. 1885. COLLINS, PRINTER. PUBLISHERS' PREFACE. THE favor with which the former edition of Dr. Erni's Mineralogy Simplified was received induced the publishers some time since to request the author to prepare a new edition, which should bring the subject down to the present time. This he has done with his accustomed thoroughness. He has retained, in the present edition, the admira- ble system of classifying and determining the mineral species established by von Kobell, which is universally conceded by mineralogists to be the most trustworthy, serviceable, and practical for the purposes of experi- mental study. Professor Erni introduces the subject of Determina- tive Mineralogy with a series of chapters embracing the principles of modern chemistry, descriptions of the apparatus employed, with practical instructions as to the mode of using it, with special reference as to the proper use of the blowpipe, and an exhaustive and lucid description of the reactions by which the various chemical substances may be recognized. 1* VI PUBLISHERS PREFACE. To the student, the amateur mineralogist, the civil engineer, the miner, the prospector, and all others to whom a knowledge of mineralogy may be serviceable, the book can be recommended as a most valuable guide. The lamented death of Dr. Erni, which occurred while the present edition was passing through the press, necessitated the publishers to place the correc- tion of the proof-sheet in other hands. They secured for this important work the services of a competent critic ; and they believe that he has performed the duty in a thoroughly satisfactory manner. PHILADELPHIA, October 1, 1885. CONTENTS. PART I. CHAPTER T. CHEMICAL PHILOSOPHY. PAGE The New or Unitary System of Chemistry, or Substitution Theory ; Berzelian Theory ; The older Berzelian or Electro- Chemical Theory founded upon Dualism, and known as the Binary Theory . . . . ... , . .25 The discovery of substitution by Dumas and others ; Gay- Lussac's law of Combination by Volume .. . . .26 Avogadro's law 27 Changes of Notation in the New Chemical System ; Acids and Halogens 28 Acids; Oxygen Acids; Sulphur Acids; Hydrogen Acids; Oxacids ; Hydracids ; Hydroxyl Acids .... 29 The Hydrogen Acids ; Sulphur Acids ; Oxygen Bases ; Bases 30 Hydrates and Oxides of Metals ...... 31 Salts; Normal (Neutral) Salts; Acid Salts; Basic Salts 32 Acid Salts ; Basic Salts; Double Salts; Quantivalence ; Va- lence, or Atomicity of Elements ..... 33 Indices of Valence, .Bonds of Attraction or Linking of Atoms; Varying Valence in the same element ; Gerhardt's Residues 34 Tables of Atomic Weights of the elements according to the New System 30 CHAPTER II. AUXILIARY APPARATUS AND MANIPULATIONS IN THE LABORATORY. Pulverization 38 Solution and Carbon Dioxide (CO 2 ) Test .... 40 Precipitation and Decantation 41 Vlll CONTENTS. PAGE Filtration . . . . . . . . .43 Washing Precipitates 45 Evaporation .......... 46 Porcelain Dishes and Crucibles ; Platinum Apparatus ; Cru- cibles, Dishes, or Capsules ....... 48 Crucible Tongs . . . . . . . .49 Corks 50 Sand-bath; Wire Gauze; Triangular Supports for Crucibles . 51 Fletcher's Burners 53 Foot Blowers 55 Bending and Closing Glass Tubes ...... 56 CHAPTER III. PREPARATION OF REAGENTS MOST FREQUENTLY REQUIRED FOR ANALYSIS IN THE WET WAY. Chemically Pure Water, H 2 O 59 Testing Water 62 Preparation of Test Papers ; Blue Litmus Paper ; Reddened Litmus Paper ; Turmeric Paper ..... 63 Hydric Sulphide ; Sulphohydric Acid ; Sulphuretted Hydrogen, H 2 S . . . . . . . 64 Sulphide of Ammonium (NH 4 ) 2 S ; Hydrofluoric Acid, HF1. 66 Wet Reagents generally. Water, H 2 O . . . .67 CHAPTER IV. BLOWPIPE ANALYSIS AND APPARATUS. The Mouth Blowpipe . . . . . . -'.. 69 Using the Blowpipe . . . . 71 The Blowpipe Flame . . . % .. . . . 72 Supports for the Assay. Charcoal ..... 75 Porcelain Supporters ; Aluminium Plate as a support in Blow- pipe Analysis .... .... 76 Fuel Lamps, Stearine Candles, Olive Oil .... 78 Solid Fats ; Lamps filled with solid fats, such as Tallow, Paraf- fine, etc. . . 80 Illuminating Gas ; Fixed Blowpipe and Blast Lamps . . 81 Automaton Blowpipes ; The Automaton Hand Blowpipe . 84 Fletcher's Improved Mouth Blowpipe . . ... 85 CONTENTS. ix PAGE Fletcher's Hot-blast Blowpipe, 86 Platinum Apparatus and Appliances; Platinum Wire and Spoons 87 Forceps with Platinum Points; Tubes of Hard Glass free from Lead . . - 88 Closed Tubes and Glass Bulb Tubes or Matrasses, etc. ; Cut- ting Pliers; Steel Magnet ; Magnetic Needle; Blowpipe Re- agents 89 Preliminary Tests of Inorganic Solid Substances ... 91 CHAPTER V. REACTION OF OXIDES WITH GENERAL REAGENTS. Behavior of Metallic Oxides with Borax .... 94 Behavior of Metallic Oxides with Salt of Phosphorus . . 95 Examination of Minerals with Soda ..... 9G Examination of Metals with Sodium Thiosulphate (hyposul- phite of sodium), Na,S 2 O 3 98 Tabular Arrangement showing the behavior of Oxides when treated before the Blowpipe with Sodium Thiosulphate, to- gether with their Reactions with Borax ; Examination with Acid Potassium Sulphate or Concentrated Sulphuric Acid . 99 A Colored Gas Evolved; A Colorless Odorous Gas Evolved . 100 A Colorless and Odorless Gas Evolved ; Examination with Zinc and Hydrochloric Acid, after previous decomposition (fusion) of the mineral ......... 101 Examination with Cobalt Solution . . . . .102 Table of the more definite Colorations caused by Cobalt solution 103 CHAPTER VI. COLORED FLAMES, FLAME REACTIONS, AND SPECTRUM ANALYSIS. Examination of the Assay in the Platinum Forceps for Flame Coloration ......... 103 Table of the more definite Colorations ..... 104 Apparatus; Experiments ....... 105 Colors of the Flames produced with different absorptive media ; A Blue, a Violet, a Red, and a Green Glass . . .106 Colors given by the Flame of Bunsen's Burner ; Testing Chemi- cal Mixtures; Acids . 107 Alkalies 108 X CONTENTS. I' AGE Alkaline Earths ; Copper 110 Bunsen's Flame Reactions ; Bunsen's Gas Lamp . . .111 Apparatus and Method employed for submitting Test substances to the Flame ; Behavior of the Elements at High Tempera- tures ... . . . . . . .112 Reagents .. . . . . . . . -. . .115 Methods of Examination ; Ignition of the Elements at High Temperatures . . . . . . . . . .117 Oxidation and Reduction of substances ; Incrustations or Coat- ings on Porcelain , . . . . .118 General Review of Flame Reactions '. . . . . . 120 Table of Volatile Elements which can be reduced as Films or Coatings on Porcelain, arranged according to their Re- actions ; Reducible to Metals, but yielding no Incrustations ; Iron Compounds . . . . . . - . . 121 Nickel Compounds; Cobalt Compounds; Palladium Com- pounds . . . . . .... .122 Platinum Compounds ; Iridium Compounds ; Rhodium Com- pounds ; Osmium Compounds ; Gold Compounds ; Silver Compounds . . . . . . .123 Copper Compounds ; Tin Compounds ; Elements which can best be recognized from the Reactions of their Compounds ; Molybdenum .- ... . . V . . 124 Tungsten (Wolfcamium) Compounds ; Titanium Compounds ; Tantalum and Niobium Compounds ; Chromium Compounds ; Vanadium Compounds . . . . . . ; . 125 Manganese Compounds ; Uranium Compounds ; Silicic Com- pounds ; Phosphorus Compounds . . . . . 12G Sulphur Compounds . . . . . . ... 127 Spectrum Analysis . . . . . . . .127 Spark Spectra ; Spectra of Permanent Gases *, 131 Spectrum Lines of the most important Flame-Coloring Elements 133 Solar and Stellar Chemistry . . . . . . .134 Stellar Chemistry . : . . 136 Spectroscope . . . . . . . " .' . 137 Measuring the Spectrum . . . . . . .138 CONTKNTS. XI CHAPTER VII. SPECIAL METHODS FOR DETECTING CERTAIN ELEMENTS, OR SOME OF THEIR COMBINATIONS WHEN PRESENT IN COMPLEX CHEMI- CAL COMPOUNDS. PAGE Alumina . . . . . . . . 139 Ammonia .......... 140 Antimony . . .. . . . . . .141 Arsenic . . . . . . . . . . 144 Arsenic Spots ; Antimony Spots . . . . . . 145 Arsenic Mirror ; Antimony Mirror . . . . 146 Apparatus for Marsh's Tests . . . . . . .147 Test for Arsenic in Minerals containing no Sulphur, as Whit- ney ite . 148 Baryta; Bismuth 150 Boric (Boracic) Acid 151 Cadmium . . . . . . . . . .153 Carbon 154 Cerium . . . . . . . . . .155 Chlorine 156 Chromium . . . . . . . . . .157 Cobalt '--'. . 150 Columbium or Niobium ; Copper . . . . . .160 Didymium 162 Erbium ; Fluorine . . . . . . . .163 (ilucina . . . . . . . . . .164 Gold H55 Iodine; Iridium . . . . . . . . .166 Iron 167 Lead 170 Lime . . . . . . . . . .171 Lithia 172 Magnesia . . . . . . . . . . 1 73 Deportment of the Alkaline Carbonates, with the Alkaline Earths 174 Manganese 175 Mercury and Amalgams . . . . . . .177 Molybdenum 178 Nickel 180 Nitric Acid (Nitrates) ... .181 XI 1 CONTENTS. PAGE Palladium ........ 132 Phosphoric Acid or Phosphates (Platinum) . . . .183 Potassium; Rhodium 184 Rubidium ; Ruthenium ; Selenium and Seleniurets ; Silicium, Silicon, or the oxide, Silica . . . . . .185 Silver 186 Sodium ........ 188 Strontium; Sulphur . . 189 Tantalum; Tellurium ...... 191 Tin . 192 Separation of As, Sb, Sn 194 Titanium; Tungsten (Wolfram ram) . . , . .195 Uranium ' 197 Uranates ; Vanadium .... 199 Yttrium ...... 200 Zinc . 201 Zirconia ... . . . . 202 CHAPTER VIII. FUSING AND FLUXING. Deflagration. On the Use and Preservation of Platinum Vessels 205 PART II. DETERMINATIVE MINERALOGY. CHAPTER IX. ON THE DETERMINATION OF MINERALS BY MEANS OF SIMPLE EX- PERIMENTS WITH A BLOWPIPE AIDED BY HUMID ANALYSIS. Introduction to the Tables 207 Lustre of the Mineral . . . . . . .208 Physical Properties of Minerals ; Lustre ; Fusibility . . 209 Hardness; Color 210 Streak; Specific gravity . 211 Professor Jolly's Spring Balance for determining the specific gravity of Minerals . . . . . . .214 CONTENTS. XI II PAGE Pyro-electricity 216 Optical Investigation of Minerals ; Crystallization . . .217 Systems of Crystallization ; Names used by different Authors . 218 Chemical Properties of Minerals ; Preliminary proceedings for Testing and Properly Classifying them ; Example . . 219 Testing for Water . 220 Decomposition by Acids . . . . . . 221 Example ; Mineral species selected by von Kobell for the study of Determinative Mineralogy ...... 222 French Weights and Measures ...... 223 Relations of the Scales of the Thermometers of Celsius (Centi- grade), Reaumur, and Fahrenheit 224 KKY TO THE GENERAL CLASSIFICATION oil SYNOPSIS OF THE TABLES ' .226 Group I. Minerals with Metallic Lustre .... 226 Group II. Minerals without Metallic Lustre . 227 Group I. Minerals with Metallic Lustre .... 230 Class I. Native Malleable Metals and Mercury . . . 230 Maldonite ; Native Silver ; Native Gold . . 230 Native Copper ; Native Lead ; Native Platinum ; Palla- dium ; Native Iron ; Native Mercury . . .231 Class II. Fusibility from 1-5 or Easily Volatilized . . 232 Division 1 . B. B. on Coal Evolve the strong Odor of Arsenic 232 Native Arsenic ; Binnite ; Arsonomelane ; Jordanite ; Dufienoysite ; Tennantite ; Polybasite ; Enargite ; Rionite ; Domeykite 232 Rionite ; Enargite ; Dufrenoysite ; Tennantite ; Domey- kite ; Algodonite ; Whitneyite ; Smaltite ; Skutteru- dite; Cobaltite 233 Glaucodot ; Alloclasite ...... 234 Niccolite ; Cloanthite ; Gersdoiflite ; Corynite ; Wolf- achite ; Arsenopyrite ...... 235 Division 2. B. B. on Coal, or in open Glass Tube, Evolve the strong Horseradish Odor of Selenium . . 236 Guanajuatite (Frenzelite) ; Tiemannitc ; Lehrbachite ; Guadalcazarite . . . . . . 236 C lausthalite ; Naumannite ; Berzelianitc (Seleniuret of Copper) ; Raphanosmite (Seleniuret of Copper and 2 XIV CONTENTS. PAGE Lead) ; Eucairite (Seleniuret of Silver and Copper) ; Crookesite 237 Division 3. B. B. on Coal yield a whitish deposit, which colors the reducing flame Greenish or Greenish-blue. Impart to concentrated Sulphuric Acid, when gently heated with it in a Test-tube, a Purple-red or Hya- cinthine color, which, upon the addition of water, dis- appears, while a Blackish-gray precipitate forms . 238 Native Tellurium ; Melonite ; Hessite ; Altaite . . 238 Muelleritc (aurotellurite) ; Tetradymite (Telluret of Bismuth); Sylvanite ; Nagyagite .... 239 Division 4. B. B. on Charcoal evolve copious fumes of Antimony 240 Native Antimony ; ' Stibnite ; Zinkenite ; Jamesonite ; Bournonite ........ 240 Stylotypite ; -Zinkenite; Boulangerite ; Geocronite ; Kilbrickenite ; Plagionite ; Meneghinite ; Dyscrasite; Stephanite ; Tetrahedrite ; Antimonfahlerz . . 241 Miarygyrite ; Brogniardite ; Freieslebenite ; Diaphorite ; Spaniolite; Chalcostibite . . . . . 242 Ullmannite ; Breithauptite ; Berthierite . . . 243 Division 5. Heated in an open Glass-tube give Sulphurous Acid, which reddens a strip of moistened Blue Litmus Paper placed in the end. B. B. with Soda give Hepar, without presenting the general characters mentioned in the preceding numbers 243 Argentite ; Jalpaite ; Acanthite 243 Alabandite ; Hauerite ; Cinnabar ; Galenite ; Cupro- plumbite ; Huascolite ; Chalcocite ; Stromeyerite ; Wittichenite ; Stannine ; Chalcopyrite ; Cuban ; Born- ite 244 Belonite ; Saynite ; Cuproplumbite ; Pentlandite . 245 Chalcosite ; Carmenite; Digenite ; Cupreine ; Millerite; Linneite; Pyrite . 246 Pyrrothite; Sternbergite 247 Bismuthinite . . . . . . . .248 Division 6. Not belonging to the preceding divisions . 248 Amalgam; Metacinnabarite ; Bismuth . . .248 Kabdionite; Haematite ; Cuprite; Magnetite; Horton- olite ; Roepperite ; Fayalite ; Wolframite . . 249 CONTENTS. XV PAGE Black Silicate ot Manganese ; Psilomelane ; Lievrite ; Allanite; Plattnerite; Samarskite . . . .250 Class III. Infusible, or Fusibility above 5, and N on- volatile 251 Division 1. B. B. impart, in ever so small a quantity, to the Borax Bead in the Oxidizing Flame an Amethys- tine color of Manganese . . . 251 Lithiophorite ; Crednerite ; Braunite ; Hausmannite ; Manganite . . . . . . '251 Psilomelane ; Pyrolusite . . . 252 Division 2. Are Magnetic, or B. B. when heated on Char- coal perseveringly in the R. Fl. become so . . 252 Lolingite; Arsenopyrite ; Himnatite ; Franklinite ; Mag- netite ; Jacobsite .... .252 Magnoferrite ; Menaccanite ; Limonite ; Sphalerite . 253 Division 3. Not included, but in some respects related to, the preceding 254 ' Chromite ; Ferroilmenitc ; Molybdenite ; Graphite ; Per- ofskite ... .254 Iridosimine ; Tantalite ; Columbite ; Yttrotantalite ; Uranite ......... 255 Group II. Minerals without Metallic Lustre . . . . 256 Class I. Easily Volatile or Combustible .... 256 Native Sulphur ; Realgar ; Orpiment ; Arsenite ; Valentinite ; Kermesite ; Senarmontite ; Sal Am- moniac ; Mascagnite . . . . . 256 Cinnabar ; Calomel ; Cotunnite .... 257 Class II. Fuse easily between 1 and 5, and Volatilize only partially or not at all ..... 258 Part A. B. B. Fused with Soda on Charcoal yield a metal- lic globule, or, fused alone in the R. F., form a mass which acts on the magnetic needle . . 258 Division 1. B. B. yield with Soda, or Soda and Borax together, a silver globule. Those decomposable by Nitric Acid yield, when this solution is treated with Hydrochloric Acid, a white precipitate of Chloride of Silver, which B. B. is easily reduced on charcoal to metallic silver .... 258 Proustite ; Pyrargyrite ; Xanthoconite . . . 258 Cerargyritc ; lodyrite ; Embolite ; Selbite . . 259 XVI CONTENTS. PAGE Division 2. B. B. with Soda yield a lead globule. The compounds of this Group are soluble in Nitric Acid ; Zinc precipitates metallic lead from the solution ; Sulphuric Acid forms a heavy white precipitate of Sulphate of Lead . . . 2GO Bindheimite ; Nadorite ; Mimetite, Hedyphane ; Pyromorphite ....... 260 Minium ; Crocoite ; Phoenicochroite, Pl.onicite ; I)e- chenite ; Linarite ; Cerussite ; Lanarkite ; Phos- genite 2G1 Leadhillite Susannite ; Anglesite ; Wulfenite ; Stolzitc ; Vauquelinite ; Vanadinite ; Eusynchite 262 Descloizite ; Laxmannite ; Phosphochromite . 2G3 Division 3. Moistened with Hydrochloric Acid they communicate to the Blowpipe Flame a transient blue color; with Nitric Acid, form a sky-blue or green solution, which becomes azure blue by the addition of Ammonia in excess . . . 263 Section i. B. B. evolve a strong arsenical odor (and generally give alone on coal a white, brittle me- tallic globule of arsenical copper). Are of a green color . . . . . . . . 2G4 Chenevixite ; Bayldonite ; Olivenite ; Abichite ; Tyrolite ; Chalcophyllite ; Conichalcite ; Liro- conite ........ 264 Euchroite ; Erinite ; Cornwallite . . .265 Section ii. B. B. evolve no arsenical odor, but gener- ally give alone on coal a malleable globule of copper 265 Atacamite; Tallingite; Percylite; Nantokite; Chal- canthite ; Brochantite 265 Langite ; Pisanite ; Cuprite ; Black Copper ore ; Tcnosite ; Malachite; Azurite ; Mysorine ; Auri- chalcite; Buratite 266 Libethenite ; Lunnite ; Ehlite ; Tagilite ; Torbern- ite; Volborthite 267 Division 4. B. B. impart to a Borax Bead a fine sap- phire blue color (Cobalt) 268 Erythrite ; Annabergite, Nickelbluethe ; Hetero- genite ........ 268 CONTENTS. XV11 PAGE Division 5. Fused B. B. in the forceps or on coal in the reduction flame, yield a black mass which acts upon the magnetic needle (this includes none con- tained in the preceding divisions) . 268 Section i. Evolve when fused upon coal strong arseni- cal odor . . . 268 Pitticite; Pharmacosiderite ; Scorodite . 268 Arseniosiderite ; Morenosite 269 Section ii. Soluble in HC1 without perceptible resi- due, and without gelatinizing. (Evolve B. B. no arsenical odor when fused on Ch.) . . 269 Ludwigite ; Sussexite ; Rabdionite ; Pettkoite ; Me- lanterite; Botryogen . 269 Melanterite; Coquimbite ; Roemerite; Jarosite ; Fibroferrite ; Copiapite ; Raimondite ; Pastreite; Carphosiderite ; Voltaite ; Siderite ; Hureaulite ; Triplite ... 270 Sarcopside ; Triphylite ; Diadochite ; Vivianite ; Dufrenite; Cacoxenite . .271 Beraunite; Hematite . .272 Section iii. With hydrochloric acid form a jelly, or are decomposed with separation of silica . .272 Cronstedtite . . . .272 Chalcodite ; Voigtite ; Ekmannite ; Euralite ; Pa- lagonite ; Lievrite ; Allanite ; Fayalite ; Horton- olite ... .273 Knebelite; RSpperite; Pyrosmalite; Astrophyllite; Lepidomelanc ; Allochroite ; Gillingite ; Xylotile 274 Section i v. Only slightly attacked by hydrochloric acid 2 75 Crocidolite; Arfvedsonite ; Glauconite ; Selado- nite ; Acmite ; Babingtonite ; Almandite ; Wolf- ramite ; Ferberite . . . . . .275 Mcgabasite ; Rhodonite; Lepidolite . .276 Division 6. Not included in the foregoing divisions . 276 Molybdite ; Eulytite ; Silicate of Bismuth ; Bis- mutite ; Pucherite 276 Part B. B. B. Fused with Soda on coal yield no metallic globule, or fused alone in the R. F. do not act on . the magnetic needle . . . .277 2* CONTENTS. PAGE Division 1. After fusion and continued ignition on coal in the forceps or the platinum spoon, give an alka- line reaction, turning moistened red litmus paper blue; and yellow turmeric paper brown. The assay must be employed in splinters and not in powder form . '.- . . . .277 Section i. In water easily and perfectly soluble . .277 Nitrate of Potassium ; Nitratine; Sodium Carbon- ate ; Thermonatrite ; Trona or Sesquicarbonate of Sodium . ; . . . .' . 277 Mirabilite ; Thenardite ; Aphthitalite ; Epsomite ; Kalinite; Tachhydrite ...... 278 Carnallite; Halite; Borax' . . . 279 Section ii. Insoluble in water, or dissolving with dif- ficulty . . > ..... 279 Ulexite . . . . I . ,. . . 279 Gay-lussite ; Witherite ; Staffelite ; Anhydrite ; Gypsum; Polyhalite ; Brongniartine .' . 280 Anhydrite and Gypsum ; Syngenite ; Barite ; Celes- tite ; Fluorite ; Cryolite ; Pharmaeolite . . 281 Chiolite ; ' Pachnolite ; Arksutite ; Chodneffite ; Thomsenolitc ; Gearksutite ; Cancrinite . . 282 Division 2. Soluble in Hydrochloric Acid ; some also in water without perceptible residue ; the solution does not form a gelatinous mass -. . . 282 Durangite ; Chondroarsenite ; Trogerite ; Walpurg- ite ; Adamite ; Fauserite ; Tschermigite ; Kera- mohalite ; Goslarite ; Struvite . . . 283 Sassolite ; Boracite ; Stassfurthite ; Hydroboracitc ; Larderellite; Sussexite . -.-.-. . 284 Liineburgite ; Alabandite ; Hauerite ; Wagnerite ; Apatite ; Kjerulfine ; Brushite ; Isoclasite ; Am- blygonite ....... 285 Hebronite ; Autunite 286 Division 3. Are entirely soluble in Muriatic Acid, form- ing a thick jelly upon partial evaporation . . 286 Section i. B. B. in a matrass afford water .- . 286 Datolite ; Edingtonite ; Natrolite ; Scolecite . 286 Mesolite; Phillipsite ; Gismondite ; Ittnerite . 287 CONTENTS. XIX PAGE Section ii. B. B. in a matrass give none, or only traces of water . . . . . 287 Tephorite ; Helvite ; Danalite . . 287 Hauynite (Hauyne) ; Lapis- Lazuli ; Lasurstein; Nosite ; Scolopsite ; Socialite ; Eudialyte ; Wollas- tonite ; Nephelite . . 288 Meionite; Melilite ; Barsowite ; Tachylite . . 289 Division 4. Dissolve in Hydrochloric Acid, the Silicic Acid separating without forming a perfect jelly . 289 Section i. B. B. in a matrass afford water . 289 Klipsteinite '. .289 Apophyllite; Pectolite ; Okenite; Analcite; Pyro- sclerite ; Chonicrite ; Jollyte .... 290 Vermiculite ; Jefferisite ; Mosandrite ; Catapleiite ; Brewstrite ; Stilbite ; Hipostilbite ; Chabazite ; Prehnite ..... .291 Stilbite ; Mordenite ; Sepiolite ; Deweylite ; Sorda- valite . . .292 Section ii. B. B. in a matrass yield no water, or only a trace 292 Lapis- Lazuli ; Cryophyllite ; Tachylite . 292 Schorlomite ; Wernerite ; Porcellanite ; Wohlerite ; Labradorite ; Anorthite 293 Grossularite ... .294 Division 5. Are only slightly attacked by Hydrochloric Acid, and B. B. impart to borax glass the deep amethystine color of manganese . . . 294 Carpholite ; Spessartite . . . . .294 Piedmontite ; Rhodonite; Richterite . . .295 Division 6. Not included in the preceding divisions. The remaining minerals are all Silicates, except Scheclite, which are not attacked, or are imper- fectly decomposed by Hydrochloric Acid . . 295 Danburite; Howlite ; Scheelite . . . 295 Lepidolite ; Cookeite ; Thermophyllite ; Euphyllite ; Margarite; Emerylite ; Muscovite; Biotite ; Gumbelite ; Petalite ; Spodumene . . 296 Castor; Leucophanite ; Wilspnite ; Nohlite ; Dial- lage 297 XXM CONTENTS. PAGE Scheelite ; Cassiterite ; Octabedrite ; Brook ite ; ^Es- chynitc 324 Euxenite ; Pyroehlore ; Opal; Xenotime . . 325 Section ii. Hardness 7, and above 7 .... 325 Quartz .325 Tridymite ; Cordierite ; Staurotite ; Beryl ; Euclase ; Fhenacite; Zirconite 326 Topaz ; Uwarowite ; Spinel ; Pleonaste ; Gahnitc ; Chlorospinel . . . ' . . .327 Dysulite ; Kreittonite > . . . . . .328 CARBON GROUP .... 328 Diamond . . . . . . . . . . 328 Mock diamonds 330 CHAPTER X. CHARACTERISTIC BEHAVIOR OF THE MOST IMPORTANT ORES BEFORE THE BLOWPIPE AND WITH SOLVENTS. Ores of Antimony ........ 331 Native Antimony; Stibnite, Gray .Antimony, Antimony Sul- phide; Berthierite ; Kermesite ...... 331 Ores of Arsenic ......... 332 Native Arsenic ; Orpiment, Yellow Arsenic Sulphide ; Realgar, Red Arsenic Sulphide ; Arsenolite, White Arsenic . . 332 Ores of Bismuth 333 Native Bismuth ; Tetradymite ; Bismutite . . . . 333 Bismuthinite ; Bismite 334 Ores of Chromium ... . . . . . 334 Chromite (Chromic Iron) . . . . . . . 334 Daubreelite . . 335 Ores of Cobalt 335 Smaltite ; Cobaltite ........ 335 Linnaeite; Erythrite ; Asbolite 336 Ores of Copper 336 Native Copper .336 Chalcopyrite ; Bornite ; Chalcocite ; Tetrahedrite . . 337 Domeykite ; Atacamite ; Cuprite 338 Malachite ; Azurite ; Chalcanthite ; Olivenite . . . 339 Tyrolite ; Chrysocolla 340 CONTENTS. XX111 PAGE Ores of Gold, Platinum, Indium, and Palladium . . . 341 Native Gold ; Calaverite 341 Krennerite ; Sylvanite, or Graphic Tellurium; Nagyagite ; Petzite ; Native Platinum 342 Platin-iridium ; Osmium ; Palladium ; Selenpalladite, or Allo- palladium ; Torpezite . . . . . . . 343 Ores of Iron 343 Native Iron ; Meteoric Iron . . . . . . . 344 Limonite ; Brown Hematite ; Brown Ochre, Yellow Ochre ; Brown and Yellow Clay Ironstone ; Bog Iron Ore; Gothite; Turgite ; Hematite ........ 345 Specular Iron ; Micaceous Iron ; Red Hematite; Red Ochre ; Red Chalk ; Jaspery Clay-iron ; Clay Ironstone ; Lenticular Argillaceous Ore ; Martite ; Magnetite .... 346 Pyrite ; Marcasite ; Pyrrhotite . . . . . .347 Arsenopyrite ; Danaite ; Scorodite ; Iron Sinter; Menaccanite 348 Siderite; Melanterite 349 Vivianite ; Franklinite ....... 350 Ores of Lead . 350 Native Lead ; Galenite 350 Bournonite . . . . . . . . . 351 Cerussite ; Anglesite ; Minium ; Massicot . 352 Plumbogummite ; Crocoite ; Vauquelinite ; Stolzite, or Lead Tungstate ; Wulfenite . . . . . . .353 Lanarkite ; Leadhillite ; Phosgenite ; Pyromorphite . .354 Ores of Manganese . . 354 Pyrolusite ; Hausmannite ; Braunite ..... 355 Manganite ; Psilomelane ; AVad ; Lampaditc ; Rhodochrosite 356 Rhodonite ; Franklinite . . . . . . . 357 Ores of Mercury 357 Native Mercury ; Native Amalgam . . . . .357 Cerargyrite ; Cinnabar ; Metacinnabarite ; Guadalcazarite ; Mercury Iodide ; Tiemannite ; Coloradoite ; Magnolite . 358 Ores of Nickel . . 359 Nicolite (Copper Nickel ; Arsenical Nickel) ; Breithauptite or Antimonial Nickel ; Gersdorffite ; Ullmannite . . .359 Grunanite ; Millerite ; Zaratite ; Annabergite . . . 360 Morenosite; Lindackerite ; Remingtonite ; Genthite; Rottisite; Primetite ; Alipite 361 XXIV CONTKNTS. PAGE Ores of Silver 3d Native Silver * . . . . 3G1 Argentite ; Acanthite ; Stromeyerite ; Sternbergite ; Naunum- nite ; Cerargyrite 362 Embolite ; Bromyrite ; lodyrite ; Hessite . . . .363 Petzite ; Tapaltite ; Sylvanite : Eucairite ; Dyscrasite ; Pyrar- gyrite ; Proustite ........ 364 Stephanite ; Polybasite ; Miargyrite ; Brongniardite . . 365 Polyargyrite ; Freieslebenite ; Pyrostilpnite .... 366 Ores of Tin ......... 366 Cassiterite (Tin Ore, Tin Oxide) ; Stannite .... 366 Ores of Zinc' . 367 Zincite ; Red Zinc Ore ; Red Zinc Oxide ; Sphalerite . . 367 Smithsonite ; Calamine ; Willemite . . . . .068 APPENDIX. Carbonaceous Compounds . . . . . . .369 Graphite (Plumbago) ; Anthracite; Bituminous Coal . . 36'J Brown Coal ; Asphaltum ....... 370 Albertite ; Grahamite ; Amber . . . . . .371 Elaterite ; Retim'te or Retinasphalt ; Hatchettine ; Ozocerite 372 Petroleum 372 Petroleum Benzine ; Coal-tar Naphtha or Benzole . . 374 Detection of small quantities of Nitrogen in Organic Compounds 375 INDEX 377 MINERALOGY SIMPLIFIED. PART I. CHAPTER I. CHEMICAL PHILOSOPHY. The New or Unitary System of Chemistry, or Substitution Theory. THIS term Gerhardt applied to his system of notation, based on the reduction of all formulae to one common standard, they being derived one from the other by substitution. BERZELIAN THEORY. The older Berzelian or electro-chemical theory being founded upon dualism, whence it is also known as binary theory. Ac- cording to this great chemist, each chemical combination, how- ever complicated, contained two integrant parts either single or compound both being as it were in opposition to one another. Chemical affinity,* or attraction, would result from this oppo- sition between two contrary forces always striving to neutralize each other, and these opposing forces, controlling all chemical * Not to be confounded with quantivalence. Affinity is the force by which one atom attracts another. An element may have a strong affinity for other elements and yet be univalent. Another may pos- sess ;i weak affinity and yet be quadrivalent. Chlorine has a strong affinity for hydrogen, yet they both are univalent elements. a 26 MINERALOGY SIMPLIFIED. phenomena, were assumed to be of an electrical nature. There are two electric fluids, a negative and a positive one, hence every compound contained, according to Berzelius, an electro-positive (basic, basylic), and an electro-negative (acid) constituent. Thus nitric acid was represented by the formula N 2 O 5 H 2 O ; it was a combination of the second order, nitric acid anhydride N 2 O 6 forming the electro-negative, water = H 2 0, the electro-positive constituent. In the nitrate salts we find this nitric acid united to an oxide, e. g., KO,N 2 O 5 . Nitrate of potassa (saltpetre). To halve tire formula N 2 O 6 ,H 2 0, as is done at present, viz., HNO 3 , would be like attempting to destroy the very foundation of the old BER- ZELIAN THEORY. The discovery of substitution by Dumas and others struck a death-blow at the electrical theory. It was found that the most opposite elements, like chlorine and hydrogen, could replace one another in a compound without altering its chemi- cal nature, or its characteristic general properties. Thus in the marsh gas= CH 4 , the four atoms of hydrogen can gradually be substituted by chlorine, so that the following substitution products were actually obtained : C IV H 4 ; C IV H 3 C1; C IV H 2 C1 2 ; C IV HC1 3 ; C IV C1 4 . Gay-Lussac's Law of Combination by Volume. If Dalton succeeded in placing the laws of chemical com- bination on a firm basis, to Gay-Lussac belongs the honor of having discovered the law regulating the combination of gases by volume. It was in 1805 that Gay-Lussac and A. Humboldt found, by actual experiment, that 1 volume of oxygen gas unites with exactly 2 volumes of hydrogen, to form 2 volumes of water-gas or steam. The molecules* of compound bodies in the gaseous state, * A molecule is the smallest particle of a compound or element that is capable of existence in a free state. Atoms are the indivisible CHEMICAL PHILOSOPHY. 27 both organic and inorganic, with a few exceptions, probably only apparent, occupy twice the volume of an atom of hydro- gen. No matter what may be the number of atoms, or volumes, that enter into the compound, they all become condensed into 2 volumes, thus : 1 volume (1 atom) of hydrogen and 1 volume of chlorine form 2 volumes of hydrochloric acid = HC1. 2 volumes (2 atoms) of hydrogen and 1 volume of oxygen form 2 volumes of water-gas or steam = H 2 0. 3 volumes (3 atoms) of hydrogen and 1 volume of nitrogen form 2 volumes of ammonia = H 3 N, etc. etc. Another law, enunciated by Gay-Lussac, states that the weights of the combining volumes of the gaseous elements bear a simple ratio to their atomic weights. Thus, taking the unit volume of hydrogen gas to weigh = 1, as the lightest sub- stance known, we find that The unit volume of nitrogen gas weighs, 14.01 " " oxygen " " 15. 9G " " chlorine " " 35.37 " " bromine " " 79.70 " " iodine " " 126.54 and these numbers are identical with the atomic weights of these elements. In other words, nitrogen is 14.01, and oxygen 15.96 times (nearly 16) as heavy as hydrogen, etc. etc. Avogadro's Law. From Gay-Lussac's fundamental law, and the great law of Avogadro, that all substances in the condition of gases, under like circumstances of temperature and pressure, contain in equal volumes the same number of atoms, it follows that the formula of water is not HO as formerly expressed, when the constituents of molecules. They are the smallest particles that can take part in chemical reactions, and most of them are incapable of existence in the free state but are found in combination with other atoms, either of the same kind or of different kinds. 28 MINERALOGY SIMPLIFIED. combining weight of oxygen was =8 (hydrogen taken as unit = 1), but H 2 O, whence the atomic weight of oxygen (that of 1 atom = 1 volume of hydrogen taken as 1) must be 16. Changes of Notation in the New Chemical System. The following changes, induced by the new system of chem- istry, must be remembered by the student. 1. The doubling of all the atomic weights, except those of the monad or univalent elements (H, Cl, K, Na, etc.), and also of Bi, As, Sb, N, P, and Bo, whose oxides are now written Bi 2 O 3 , instead of Bi() 3 , etc. etc. Corresponding to this change of binary compounds, involving the monad elements, as in the case of water cited, are written H 2 O instead of HO, Na 2 O for NaO, Na 2 S for NaS, etc.; also CaCl 2 instead of CaCl, SiF 4 instead of SiF 2 , etc. 2. The method of viewing the composition of ternary com- pounds. (See Acids and Salts.) The name " acid," in its former acceptation and significance, is not necessary, if not absolutely wrong in teaching chemistry. Modern chemistry gives the following definition of an acid. ]. Acids and Halogens, viz., Chlorine, Bromine, Iodine, and Fluorine. The properties which characterize acids are the following : 1. They have an acid or sour taste. 2. They turn blue litmus red. 3." They act upon metals, hydrogen being evolved, and its place being taken by the metals, the products obtained are called SALTS. For instance : 2(HC1) + Zn = ZnCl 2 + 2H. Hydrochloric Zinc. Zinc Hydrogen, acid. chloride. U 2 SO 4 -f Mn == MnSO 4 + 211. Sulphuric Manganese Hydrogen, acid. sulphate. 4. They act upon metallic hydroxides, forming neutral sub- stances and water, as follows : HC1 + KOH Hydrochloric Potassium acid. hydroxide. = KC1 + Pofassium chloride. HN0 3 Nitric acid. + NaOII Sodium hydroxide. = NaNO 3 Sodium nitrate. H.SO, - Sulphuric acid. h Ca(OH), Calcium hydroxide. = CaS0 4 Calcium sulphate. CHEMICAL PHILOSOPHY. 29 H,0. H,0. 2H 2 O. ACIDS are divided into a. OXYGEN ACIDS. b. SULPHUR ACIDS, and c. HYDROGEN ACTDS. An acid may be looked upon as a salt of hydrogen. It con- sists of an acid radical (either simple or compound) united with hydrogen, which latter can be exchanged for a metal, this being then the formation of a regular salt. The hydrogen is the base of the acid, as the metal is the base of the salt. Sulphuric acid, for instance, is sometimes written hydrogen sulphate = H 2 SO 4 . All acids contain hydrogen. Oxacids are those whose radicals contain oxygen, as HNO 3 , nitric acid. Hydracids are those whose radicals contain no oxygen, as HC1, hydrochloric acid, H 2 S, sulphydric acid, etc. The an- hydride of an oxacid is what remains after removing from the acid its basic hydrogen and enough oxygen to form water with the hydrogen. The anhydride of H 2 SO 4 is SO 3 . That of car- bonic acid = H 2 CO 3 is CO 2 . Acids that contain but 1 atom of basic H are termed monobasic, as HNO 3 and HC1 ; those with 2 atoms of replaceable hydrogen, dibasic, as H 2 8O 4 ; those with 3 atoms H, tribasic, as II 3 PO 4 (phosphoric acid) ; those with 4 atoms H, tetrabasic, as H 4 SiO 4 , silicic acid. HYDROXYL ACIDS. In those acids which consist of hydro- gen and an acid or negative radical of greater or less complexity, e. y., HNO 3 , H 2 SO 4 , H 3 PO 4 (oxygen being nearly always a 3* 30 MINERALOGY SIMPLIFIED. constituent of said radical, sulphur only in few cases), it is be- lieved that their radicals are united to hydrogen by means of oxygen. In other words, the oxacids are compounds of nega- tive radicals with hydroxyl (OH). They are acid hydroxides. The above-mentioned acids would thus have the formulae : (NO,)' (OH) ; (SO,)" (OH),; (PO)'" (OH) 3 ; or still more definite, H-CK / OH H O NO,, \SO 2 ; PO OH \OH THE HYDROGEN ACIDS are formed by the combination of tne halogens with hydrogen. They neutralize oxygen bases with formation of haloid salts and water, e. . 57. hand, the narrow part of the tube is attenuated, and finally melted off, leaving both halves of the original tube closed at one end, but not of the same form ; the right-hand half is drawn out into a long point, the other is more roundly closed. It is not possible to close handsomely the two pieces at once. The tube is seldom perfectly finished by the operation ; a superfluous knob of glass generally remains upon the end. If small, it may be got rid of by heating the whole end of the tube, and blowing moderately with the mouth into the open end. The knob being hotter, and therefore softer than any other part, yields to the pressure from within, spreads out and disappears. If the knob is large it may be drawn off by sticking to it a fragment of a tube, and then softening the glass above the junction. The same process may be applied to the too pointed end of the right- hand half of the original tube, or to any misshapen result of an unsuccessful attempt to close a tube, or to any bit of tube which is too short to make two closed tubes. When the closed end of a tube is too thin, it may be strengthened by keeping the whole end at a red heat for two or three minutes, turning the tube constantly between the fingers. It may be said in general of all the preceding operations before the lamp, that success depends on keeping the tube to be heated in constant rotation in order to secure a uniform temperature on all sides of the tube. CHEMICALLY TURK WATER. 59 CHAPTER III. PREPARATION OF REAGENTS MOST FREQUENTLY REQUIRED FOR ANALYSIS IN THE WET WAY. 1. CHEMICALLY PURE WATER H 2 O. THE first reagent which the private chemical student must prepare for himself is chemically pure water. Clean rain-water, or some other very pure water, may be rendered suitable for many laboratory purposes by simply boiling and filtering. But it is usually better to distil water, rejecting the first eighth which goes over, and leaving a yet larger quantity in the retort at the close of the distillation. The retort should always be well washed before refilling. Water thus purified should be preserved in closely stoppered demijohns or stone jars. One of Fig. 58. the best and most convenient distilling apparatus, is that of Beindorf, represented in Fig. 58, for the use of pharmaceutists and chemists, for distilling, rectifying, evaporating, cooking, ex- tracting, drying, and similar chemical operations, besides melt- ing. It consists of the following parts : a furnace of wrought iron ; water-bath of copper, 5 gallons capacity and tinned in- side ; a still of block tin, 1^ gallons capacity, with head of GO MINERALOGY SIMPLIFIED. block-tin, and having all the contrivances necessary for steam distillations, etc., all made of pure block tin ; two evaporating dishes ; two infusion jars ; a complete condenser of the latest construction, etc. Fig. 59 represents a heavy copper still with movable head, and lined inside with tin coating; connected with a block-tin CHEMICALLY PUKE WATER. 61 condensing worm, inclosed in a zinc vessel, with inlet for cold and outlet for the warm water. For most purposes a glass retort (3 quarts) may be employed, or the distilling apparatus shown in Fig. 60, in which h is a large glass retort resting on an iron stand or on a small coal fur- nace ; a is Liehig's condenser, with an iron foot, y ; b is a flask used us a receiver, which may be placed upon a stand or block, or if necessary in a bowl of cold water. The condenser, a, consists of a copper tube through which a glass tube passes, 6 62 MINERALOGY SIMPLIFIED. fitting water-tight at the ends. Both ends of the glass-tube are usually provided with corks, except at the connection with the flask. Now if cold water (put ice in the supply- vessel, if necessary) be allowed to flow continuously into the funnel tube, e, the copper tube will be filled with cold water, and the warm water will flow out at the top by the tube,/ (which may be connected again with a rubber-tube, and the water thus conveyed to a sink), whilst the aqueous vapor from retort, ^, in passing through the glass tube will be condensed and retained in receiver, b. Fig. 61. When a Liebig's condenser is not on hand, the distillation of water may be executed in an ordinary glass-retort, to which a flask is joined as condenser, being surrounded with cold water (Fig. 61). 2. TESTING OF WATER. The common tests for water,* supposed to be pure, are : 1. Evaporation to dryness. (Salts.) * Rain water collected in tlie open air may, in many cases, be sub- stituted for distilled water. TESTING OF WATER. 63 2. Test-paper. (Red and blue litmus paper.) 3. Perfectly clear lime-water. (Carbonic dioxide.) 4. Solution of silver nitrate. (Chlorine.) 5. Solution of barium chloride. (Sulphuric acid.) 6. Solution of ammonia oxalate. (Lime.) 7. Nessler's test* for ammonia. The first should leave no residue, and the others should show no reaction. (A few drops of the reagent must be added to a portion of water in a clean test-tube.) Preparation of Test Papers. 1. Blue Litmus Paper. Digest 1 part of litmus of com- merce with 6 parts of water, and filter the solution ; davide the intensely blue filtrate into two equal parts ; saturate the free alkali in the one part by repeatedly stirring with a glass rod dipped in very dilute sulphuric acid, until the color of the fluid just appears red ; add now the other part of the blue filtrate, pour the whole fluid into a dish, and draw strips of filter paper through it ; suspend these slips over threads, and leave them to dry. The color of the litmus paper must be uniform, and neither too light nor too dark. 2. Reddened Litmus Paper Stir blue solution of litmus with a glass rod dipped into dilute sulphuric acid, and repeat this process until the fluid has just turned directly red. Steep slips of paper in the solution and dry them as in 1. 3. Turmeric Paper. Digest and heat 1 part of bruised turmeric root (or turmeric powder) with 4 parts of alcohol and 2 of water, filter the tincture obtained, and steep slips of fine paper in the filtrate. The dried slips must exhibit a fine yellow tint. Test paper must be kept in closed boxes, or in black bottles, away from light and fumes. * Biniodide of mercury is dissolved in iodide of potassium, and the colorless solution rendered powerfully alkaline by the addition of soda or potassa hydrate. This reagent poured into water containing mere traces of ammonia produces a yellow to brown color. 64 MINERALOGY SIMPLIFIED. 3. HYDRIC SULPHIDE, SULPHOHYDRIC ACID, SULPHURETTED HYDROGEN = SH 2 . A colorless gas which should be evolved at the moment of using it. For this purpose monosulphide of iron, or ferrous sul- phide FeS, is prepared by mixing intimately 5 parts of flowers Fig. 62. of sulphur with 8 parts of iron filings, and bringing the mixture, in small portions at a time, into a red-hot Hessian crucible (around which, when supported on a brick in a furnace, a coal fire is built) which is covered with a piece of fire-brick until the whole mass glows. When cool, the sulphide of iron in fragments of the size of a pea, is placed in a bottle, A, Fig. 62, and covered with pure water. Through funnel tube, a, con- centrated sulphuric acid is added by degrees, and the evolved gas can escape only through b into flask B, which should con- tain some water for washing the gas. From B the gas is forced through tubes c and d (connected by India-rubber tubes, k) into flask (7, which contains the solution to be treated. Gene- rally obtained by the reaction, FeS + (H 2 SO 4 + Aq.) = (FeS0 4 + Aq.) + H 2 S. A very handy apparatus for generating H 2 S, in small quanti- ITYDRIC SULPHIDE, ETC. ties, is Bubo's, mounted on a stand with rubber connection, as shown in Fig. 63. Fig. 64 represents a gas bulb for passing sulphide of hydrogen (or chlorine gas) into liquids in test-tubes. After being charged the orifice on the top is closed with a cork. Fig. 63. Fig. 64. Fig. 65. The following simple contrivance has lately been devised by Capanema* to saturate a solution with hydrosulphuric acid without the annoyance of the bad odor of the excess of gas. Fig. 65 represents the apparatus; a is a bottle to which is fitted a doubly per- forated stopper provided with a pipette, 6, with a large pear-shaped bulb, and a bent tube, c, communicating by means of rubber tube, rf, with the gas genera- tor. The liquid to be saturated or pre- cipitated is introduced in the bottle, a, and the pipette at first drawn up, until the lower end of its tube is above the liquid. Hydrosulphuric acid is now allowed to pass in until the atmospheric air in the flask and pipette is displaced, and the pipette then pushed down un- til the lower end of its tube nearly touches the bottom of the flask. The pressure of the gas, will force some of * In Fresenius, Zeitschr. f. anal. Cliemie, 1881, p. 519. 6* 6G MINERALOGY SIMPLIFIED. the liquid into the pipette. By cautious swinging of the appa- ratus, new portions of the liquid are successively brought in contact with the gas, and in consequence of its absorption, the liquid in the pipette descends, sometimes with great rapidity. The saturation or precipitation (of a metal) is completed when- ever the -liquid no longer descends from the pipette. The cur- rent of gas is then shut off, the whole briskly agitated, the pipette drawn up, and, when all the liquid has run out, care- fully washed with distilled water, ejected from a wash-bottle, to free it from any particle of the precipitate which may adhere to it. If it is desired to prevent the escape of odor entirely, the upper end of the pipette may be provided with an additional tube, charged with a loose pellet of cotton and a quantity of filter-paper saturated with a solution of acetate of lead (sugar of lead), which greedily absorbs the gas. 4. SULPHIDE OF AMMONIUM (NH 4 ) 2 S. Should be often freshly prepared, and preserved in well-stop- pered bottles. It is obtained by conducting sulphydric acid gas = H 2 S, into aqueous ammonia until the latter absorbs no more of the gas. The apparatus, Fig. 62, will serve for the purpose by the addition of a loose stopper to flask (7, in which the aqueous ammonia is to be placed. 5. HYDROFLUORIC ACID HF1. In experimenting with this acid, especially in a gaseous form, great care is necessary, since the fumes, when inhaled, may produce dangerous effects. To obtain it in more or less concentrated liquid form, a small retort of platinum or lead is used, on which, during the operation, a helm is luted. The retort is previously charged with 1 part of finely powdered fluor-spar and 2 parts of con- centrated sulphuric acid. After the charge is thoroughly mixed WET REAGENTS GENERALLY. G7 by a platinum spatula, heat is applied. If a dilute acid is desired, the receiver, consisting of a platinum dish, must con- tain some water and be well cooled from without with ice or a freezing mixture. A glass plate may now be covered with etching-ground (con- sisting of 6 parts of gum mastic, 1 part asphaltum, and 1 part of wax), and parts of it removed with an etching needle (draw- ing). The glass plate thus prepared may now be acted upon (etched) either by the gaseous or liquid acid ; in the former case the drawing is lustrous (like the original glass), while in the latter the drawing appears dull or opaque. The etching- ground can be removed with oil of turpentine. For testing minerals for HF1 with sulphuric acid, it is well to employ a platinum crucible, the cover of which has an open- ing in the middle upon which a piece of glass is placed ; the crucible and contents may then be heated over a lamp. Many silicates containing fluorine, like topaz, give off no trace of fluorine in this way. To prove its presence 2 grams of the powdered mineral are mixed with caustic potash and a little liquid silicate of potash (water glass), and the whole fused in a silver crucible for a quarter of an hour. The cold mass is then dissolved in water, the silica precipitated with a solution of sal-ammoniac, and filtered off. To the filtrate, acidulated with HC1, we add a solution of chloride of calcium, and preci- pitate with ammonia the fluoride of calcium. This, after being well dried, is further tested with sulphuric acid. 6. WET REAGENTS GENERALLY. WATER =H 2 O. In all analytical operations for solutions of other reagents, etc., pure distilled water ought to be used. Hydrochloric or Muriatic ac/c? = HCl, both concentrated and diluted. Nitric acid = HNO 3 , both concentrated and diluted. Aqua regia, nitro-muriatic acid, is a mixture of 2-4 parts of concentrated hydrochloric and 1 part of nitric acid. 68 MINERALOGY SIMPLIFIED. Sulphuric acid (oil of vitriol) = H a SO 4 or S0 3 -f H 2 O, con- centrated and diluted with water.* Common phosphoric acid or (Ortho-phosphoric acid) = P 2 O S +3H 2 O or (H 3 PO 4 ). It can easily be prepared from phosphorus and (diluted) nitric acid. Ammonia. Ammonic hydrate. Liquor ammonice, AmllO =NH 3 HO -= NH 4 O. Carbonate of Ammonia. Ammonic carbonate (NH t , CO S ). Chloride of ammonia. Ammonic chloride. Sal~ammoniac=. AmCl.(N 4 Ci). Phosphate of soda. Sodic phosphate (Na 2 HP0 4 ,12H 2 O). The commercial salt ought to be purified by solution in water and recrystallized by evaporation. Nitrate of baryta, Baric nitrate = Ba 2 N0 3 . Nitrate of 'silver, Lunar caustic, Argentic nitrate AgNfK Chloride of platinum = PtCl 4 . Place a fragment of platinum in a little aqua regia and set the vessel aside in a warm place, adding more acid from time to time if necessary, a solution of perchloride of platinum = PtCl 4 results. Evaporate the solution to remove excess of acid, and complete the desiccation (drying) over a water-bath. Dissolve the residue in 10 parts of water as a reagent for de- tecting potassa in the presence of soda and lithia. It precipi- tates, however, also salts of ammonia. MoJybdate of Ammonia = (NH 4 ) 2 MoO 4 . It is obtained by pulverizing and roasting the native sulphide of molybdenum MoS 2 , whereby molybdic tri-oxide, or anhydride = MoO 3 , is formed ; dissolve tlie latter in water, adding ammonia, filtering, evaporating, and crystallizing. To prepare the molybdenum solution used for precipitating phosphoric and arsenic acids, 100 grams of molybdenum tri- oxide are dissolved in 50 c.c. ordinary aqueous ammonia, and 80 c.c. water, and pouring the solution into a mixture of 500 * In diluting "oil of vitriol" the acid must gradually, and little at a time, be pqured into water ; the reverse action may prove very dan- gerous . THE MOUTH BLOWPIPE. 69 c.c. nitric acid and 300 c.c. water, and if a precipitate forms it must be filtered off. Oxalate of ammonia or Oxalate of ammonium = 2(NH 4 ) 2 C 2 O 4 , can be synthetically prepared according to the following formula : 2H,C 2 4 + N 4 H 16 C 3 8 = 2(NH 4 )2C 2 4 + 3CO 2 + 2H 2 O Oxalic Carbonate of Oxalate of Carbonic Water. acid. ammonium. ammonium. di-oxide set free. To a nearly boiling solution of 1 part of oxalic acid in about 8 of water, add carbonate of ammonium uutil the liquid is neu- tral to test-papers, filter while hot, and set aside for the forma- tion of crystals. The mother liquors are further evaporated to crystallization. To obtain the pure salt it ought to be re-crys- tallized a second time. Dissolve 1 part of the pure salt in 30 parts of water. Caustic potash or Potassic hydrate = KHO or K 2 O,H 2 O. Dissolve some sticks of potassa in water, and separate the clear solution from the sediment (Si0 2 ,Al 2 O 3 ) by decantation. Chloride of barium. Baric chloride = BaCl 2 . CHAPTER IV. BLOWPIPE ANALYSIS AND APPARATUS. 1. THE MOUTH BLOWPIPE. THIS simple instrument of' very ancient origin is a most convenient apparatus for heating, melting, volatilizing, oxidiz- ing, or reducing mineral substances on a small scale. By blow- ing air into the interior of a flame, always a burning gas, i. ., carbo-hydrogen, the combustion is of course rendered more complete and rapid, and hence the intensity of heat in creased. It is of the greatest service to the chemist, mine- 70 MINERALOGY SIMPLIFIED. ralogist, and practical miner, for the recognition of minerals and ores, and the detection of certain chemical constituents, such as metals and others. The improved chemical blowpipe, Fig. 66, consists of a chamber, c, near the extremity of the instrument, which col- lects the condensed moisture ; this is connected with two tubes Fig. 66. Fig. 67. Fig. 68. with ground joints. To the longer one, a, is attached a mouth- piece for blowing, of different shapes, and made of horn or ivory. The shorter exit-tube is generally furnished with a movable tip, e, made of solid platinum, which may be easily cleansed from soot collecting upon it by simply heating it in the flame of a spirit-lamp. The best shape of the tip is that represented in its natural size, Fig. 66, at e ; it always produces a well-defined and conical flame. Fig. 67 represents Plattner's blowpipe,* with gas-blast attachment, and marked regulating stopcock. The above * This convenient blowpipe is used at Harvard College laboratory, and is highly recommended. BLOWING WITH THE BLOWPIPE. 71 attachment is sold separate from the rest of the blowpipe, and can be fastened to other blowpipes. Fig. 68 is Fletcher's hot-blast chemical blowpipe a pattern of the ordinary chemical blowpipe with the patent hot-blast arrangement. 2. BLOWING WITH THE BLOWPIPE. To keep up a continuous current of air through the blowpipe is at first a difficult task. This, however, is easily overcome by attending to the following directions: Closing the mouth, keep the cheeks distended with air during a number of inspira- tions and expirations performed through the nostrils. Next attempt the same with the ivory mouth-piece of the blowpipe between the lips. Now, as this provides an exit for the air in the mouth, unless a fresh supply be kept up from the lungs, the cheeks will soon collapse ; in order to prevent this, at the moment of inspiration through the nose, a sufficient quantity of air must be allowed to enter the mouth to preserve their dis- tension. In this way the air in the mouth is constantly sub- ject to the same compression, and flows in a uniform manner from the little orifice. Having thus acquired the habit of keeping up a continued stream of air from the blowpipe, the beak with platinum cap is now brought within the border of the flame. A good way to acquire a practical knowledge of this instru- ment, and of the effects of the different parts of the flame, is to convert, for instance, a minute piece of lead, placed upon char- coal, into oxide of lead, by exposing it to the outer flame, and afterwards to reduce this oxide, i. e., to restore it to its original metallic state by heating it in the inner flame. The reduction is much facilitated by an admixture of soda or cyanide of potassium. flaming, Flattern (Germ.); Flamber (French) In many cases when a transparent bead is intermittingly heated in the flame, or is repeatedly taken out oT the flame, peculiar effects are obtained. This operation has obtained the name of " flam- ing." Clear beads frequently become opaque, milk-white, or 72 MINERALOGY SIMPLIFIED. even colored. This depends upon the fact that certain com- pounds which dissolve at a high temperature separate out on being heated to a somewhat lower temperature, appearing as peculiar crystals, which are sufficiently well formed in most cases to be visible under the microscope when the bead has been flattened whilst hot, or when it has been dissolved in dilute acid so as to isolate the crystals. 3. THE BLOWPIPE FLAME. The blowpipe serves to conduct a continuous fine current of uir into a gas-flame, or into the flame of a candle or oil lamp. The' flame of a candle (and equally so that of gas or of an oil lamp), burning under ordinary circumstances, is seen to consist of three distinct parts, as shown in Fig. 69, viz., 1st, a dark nu- Fig. 69. Atmospheric oxygeu. JfoO cleus in the centre, , a' ; 2d, a luminous cone surrounding this nucleus, c, /, g; and 3d, a feebly luminous mantle encircling the whole flame, />, c, d. The dark nucleus is formed by the gases which the heat evolves from the tallow or oil, and whieli THE BLOWPIPE FLAME. 73 cannot burn here for want of oxygen. In the luminous cone these gases come in contact with a certain amount of air, in- sufficient for their complete combustion. In this part, there- fore, it is principally the hydrogen of the carbides of hydrogen evolved which burns, while the carbon separates in a state of intense ignition, thus imparting to the flame the highly luminous appearance observed. In the outer coat the access of air is no longer limited, and all the gases not yet burned are consumed here. This part of the flame is the hottest ; oxidiz- able bodies oxidize therefore with the greatest possible rapidity when placed in it, since all the conditions of oxidation are here united, viz., high temperature and an unlimited supply of oxygen. This outer part of the flame is therefore called the oxidizing flame. On the other hand, oxides having a tendency to yield up their oxygen, suffer reduction when placed within the luminous part of the flame, the oxygen being withdrawn from them by the carbon and the still unconsumed carbide of hydrogen present in this sphere. The luminous part of the flame is therefore called the reducing flame. The effect of blowing a fine current of air across the flame is, first, to alter the shape of the latter, which, from tending upward, is now driven sideways in the direction of the blast, and at the same time lengthened and narrowed ; and, in t]ie second place, to extend the sphere of combustion from the outer to the inner part. As the latter circumstance causes an extraordinary increase of the heat of the flame, and the former a concentration of that heat within narrower limits," it is easy to understand the exceedingly ener- getic action of the blowpipe flame. The way of holding the blowpipe, and the nature of the current, will always depend upon the precise object in view, viz., whether the operator wants a reducing, or an oxidizing flame. The easiest way of pro- ducing efficient flames of both kinds is by means of coal-gas delivered from a tube. The task of keeping the blowpipe steadily in the proper position may be greatly facilitated by 7 74 MINERALOGY SIMPLIFIED. resting that instrument firmly upon some movable metallic support, such as, for instance, Bunsen's gas-lamp, Fig. 83. Fig. 70 shows the flame for reducing, and Fig. 71 the flame for oxidizing. Fig. 70. Fig. 71 The reducing flame is produced by keeping the tip of the blowpipe just on the border of a. tolerably strong gas-flame, and driving a moderate blast across it. The resulting mixture of the air with the gas is imperfect, and there remains between the inner bluish part of the flame, and the outer barely visible part, a luminous and reducing zone, of which the hottest point lies somewhat beyond the apex of the inner cone. SUPPORTS FOR THE ASSAY. 75 To produce the oxidizing flame, the gas is lowered, the tip of the blowpipe pushed a little further into the flame, and the strength of the current somewhat increased. This serves to effect an intimate mixture of the air and gas, and an inner pointed bluish cone, slightly luminous towards the apex, is formed and surrounded by a thin, pointed, light bluish, barely visible mantle. The hottest part of the flame is at the apex of the inner cone. Difficultly fusible bodies are exppsed to this part to effect their fusion ; but bodies to be oxidized are held a little beyond the apex, that there may be no want of air for their combustion. 4. SUPPORTS FOR THE ASSAY. I. Charcoal, well burnt and of uniform texture, forms an ordinary support for assays. The piece should be about six inches long, one end wrapped in paper, and in the other a small cavity must be cut, half the size of a pea, either with the point Fi Fi*. 73. Fig. 74. of a knife, or by means of charcoal borers, Figs. 72, 73, and 74. Fig. 75 represents two forms, after Plattner, with wooden handles ; a is club shaped, b is four cornered. The heating of an assay on charcoal in the blowpipe flame is illustrated in Fig. 76. 76 MINERALOGY SIMPLIFIED. Fig. 75. Fig. 76. II. Porcelain Supporters Foster and Fletcher in England use pieces of glazed porcelain made of the size and shape of charcoal supporters. On the end of these porcelain plates are cavities into which small pieces of charcoal are fitted, upon the surface of which the blowpipe assay is placed. The whole surface of the porcelain is blackened over a lamp. This coat of soot takes up and exhibits films or coatings as well as charcoal. III. Aluminium Plate as a Support in Blowpipe Analysis. The latest and best substitute for charcoal is aluminium foil, first introduced by Colonel W. A. Ross.* A strip of such foil should be 5 inches long, 1J inch wide, and about the thick- ness of a ten cent piece ; one end should be turned up to form a ledge, as directed by Ross, this ledge being between J to J inch wide, and making rather less than a right angle with the rest of the plate. Sheet aluminium, even of much greater thickness than this, can be bent easily without any cracking, by heating it in a Bunsen burner, and working it while hot.f * Alphabetical Manual of Blowpipe Analysis by Lieut.-Colonel W. A. Ross. London : Triibner & Co., 1880. f Messrs. Johnson, Matthey & Co. in London are recommended as dealers by Col. Ross. They furnish it of any thickness or dimensions for 7s. 6d. per ounce. Some German aluminium plates of somewhat lesser thickness the writer found impure, and fusing too easily over a Bunsen burner. SUPPORTS FOR THE ASSAY. 77 After turning up the ledge, and rounding off the edges and corners with a file, the plate should be well scoured with bone ash and polished with leather and whiting, and may then be used for a long time. The test samples are either placed directly upon the metallic edgfe, or are received on a small piece of charcoal half an inch square, and of the thickness of a penny piece, which can easily be cut and kept ready in large numbers. When in use the plate is best held with spring forceps, described by Ross, though other forceps can be made to serve the purpose, the handles being covered with felt or flannel, as they get very hot. It is held so as to be almost vertical, only just enough inclined to prevent the assay and the slip of char- coal from falling off the ledge. A little practice enables the worker to hold it quite steadily with as much ease as he does the ordinary piece of charcoal. The plate, it is said, is not only a great gain as to portability, cleanliness, and economy, but also gives, in most cases, much better indications of the volatile substances sought for, which collect upon the larger vertical portion of the plate. Such a plate will last any length of time, as the hottest blowpipe flame, even one worked with a small handblower, does it no injury, and there is scarcely any substance (except melted gold) which may not be heated directly upon it with perfect safety. The one side being kept for sublimates, the other may be used for such purposes as calcining sulphides, etc., before testing in beads, for which it is far superior to charcoal, especially in the case of very fusible minerals. A fragment of the substance about half the size of a small pea, or if it decrepitates, a corresponding amount of powder made to a paste with water, is laid upon the ledge close up to the angle. The following are the principal advantages of aluminium over charcoal, according to W. M. Hutchings : 1. It enables us to get several sublimates in succession from the same fragment of substance. Heated very gently on the 7* 78 MINERALOGY SIMPLIFIED. bare plate, only the most volatile constituents are given off.* As the heat increases, more and more are given off, but a limit is reached beyond which nothing is obtained, the less volatile constituents not being given off at all, or only very slightly, as long as the substance is cooled by lying directly on the aluminium. The same fragment being then placed on a slip of charcoal on the ledge, these less volatile constituents are obtained in the separate sublimates. 2. The sublimates are generally much more concentrated on the aluminium, as compared with ordinary charcoal, which, when exposed to the flame for any length of time, gets red hot some distance in front of the assay. The aluminium remains comparatively cool; and the vertical surface prevents the subli- mates being swept along by the blast as much as on the nearly horizontal charcoal. 3. When the sublimate is once formed, the aluminium has no further action upon it, and many very characteristic changes may be observed by applying an oxidizing or reducing flame, most of which cannot be obtained at all on charcoal, partly because its being black would hide them, but chiefly because it immediately begins to glow under the sublimates when the flame is applied to them. 5. FUEL LAMPS. 1, Good stearine candles will answer for most purposes. 2. Olive Oil., A much better fuel is olive oil or rape-seed oil, burnt in a brass lamp having a circular neck. This and the .opening for filling the lamp are covered by screw caps, pre- venting .all leakage. Fig. 77 represents the form of blowpipe lamp invented by Berzelius, and improved by Plattner. Fig. 78 is the Freiburg pattern of the same style of lamp as the preceding, but revolves on its axis, permitting the flame from the blowpipe to be directed at any angle. * When first applying heat, the point of the blowpipe flame ought to be held at a distance of 1-2 cm. from the assay. FUEL LAMPS. 79 Another convenient lamp for using oil or petroleum is Fletcher's improved blowpipe lamp, Fig. 79. Fig. 77. Fig. 78. The wick holder will be found one of the best forms ever made, in addition to the fact that the angle can be adjusted as Fig. 79. required by simply revolving it in the fixed collar. The wick holder, J, lifts out for refilling. The lamp is engraved half size. An ordinary alcohol lamp of glass, Fig. 80, may also be used for blowpipe experiments, if the alcohol is mixed with turpentine or benzol (1 part of turpentine or 3 parts of benzol to 12 parts of strong alcohol of 80 to 90 per cent.). 80 MINERALOGY SIMPLIFIED. 3. Solid Fats -Lamps filled with solid fats, such as tallow, paraffine, etc., have lately been introduced, which are convenient in traveling. Fig. 81 exhibits a modified form of the previously described lamp of Fletcher. It is made for tallow or solid fats for traveling. When tallow, etc., is used, the operation must be commenced by first blowing the flame downwards to melt the solid fat round the .wick. The heat of the flame will keep it fused afterwards for any length of time. This pattern can be used with solid or liquid fats of any kind, and is a perfect traveler's lamp. Size, when closed, 2 in. by 2 in. Trim the wick always while the lamp is hot, when hard fats are used. Fig. 80. Fig. 82. The curved bottom of the lamp should stand on the open end of the cover when in use. This makes a steady base, and admits of adjustment of the angle of wick without reversing or re-trimming. In Foster's lamp, Fig. 82, solid fat is likewise used, e. g., paraffine or tallow. It serves as a traveler's lamp, and consists of a cylindrical vessel, A, to which the wick holder, B, is soldered. When in use, the flame is at first directed down- wards to melt the fat next to the wick, after which it yields a steady flame for hours. The cover, C, forms also a support, and is fastened by a bayonet-socket, D (d). FIXED BLOWPIPI^ AND BLAST-LAMPS. 81 Fig G. ILLUMINATING GAS. The most convenient combustible for blowpipe work is illuminating gas. The burner used is the ordinary Bunsen gas-burner, Fig. 83. For this purpose it is provided with an extra tube, g A, to slip over the small gas jet at j, in the inte- rior of the burner, e f, in such a manner as to shut off all ex- cess of air at a. The tube is flattened at the top, see /, and made a trifle lower at one side, so that the blowpipe flame may be directed downward when necessary. The gas is then lighted at the flattened end, h. A cock, at the foot of the burner for regulating the flow of the gas is useful. When testing substances for sulphur, the gas flame should not be employed, since the ordinary coal gas contains usually enough of sulphur to vitiate the results. 7. FIXED BLOWPIPES AND BLAST-LAMPS. For many experiments it is of great advantage to have the blowpipe fixed to a support in order to leave the hands free for manipulation. The following, Fig. 84, represents an improved Herapath blowpipe for general use. This is a modification of the well-known Herapath, from which it differs in its great simplicity, and in its power of adjustment in any possible position. The jet tube may be raised or lowered to any height, and turned in any direction. A touch will direct the flame on any point while the blowpipe stands in the same position on 82 MINERALOGY SIMPLIFIED. the table ; there being no necessity for raising, lowering, or adjusting work before it. Fig. 85, letter c, represents a blowing machine to be worked either by the hand or the foot; it forces air into the expanding regulator, &, and thence in a regular blast into the blowpipe, a. The attachment on the stand permits motion in any direction. Fig. 86 is a blast-lamp for gas; brass, small size. The blast may be furnished from either the mouth or small bellows. The flame can be turned in any direction. Fig. 85. Fig. 87, Fletcher's special Chemical Blowpipe with folding stand, adjustable at any height or angle. It can be used either FIXED BLOWPIPES AND IJLAST-LAMPS. 83 with the mouth, or the small hand blower can be attached and the blowing done by the lingers. With this blowpipe is supplied one jet with, and one without the patent coil, to enable a larger variety of flame to be obtained. The lamp or a weight should be placed on the stand when in use. The blower when not in use shuts up flat for the pocket. The pressure of air is ad- justed by a delicate lever tap on the air tube. Fig. 87. Fig. 88 represents double bellows for hand use ; two rubber bulbs for use with the blowpipe or other small blasts. Fig. 88. Fig. 89 is Bunsen's improved gas-blowpipe and blast-lamp united. The nozzle of the blowpipe, a, is surrounded with a brass casing, b. The blast from a double bellows is thrown through a flame of illuminating gas, giving sufficient heat to ignite a crucible, and can also be used as a glass-blower's lamp or blowpipe. The flame can be turned in any direction. Three different brass nozzles, adapted for different purposes, accom- pany each. 84 MINERALOGY SIMPLIFIED. The following devices, invented and patented by Thomas Fletcher, are very excellent patterns of blowpipes : Fig. 89. Air. Gas. 1st. The Automaton Blowpipe This blowpipe (Fig. 90) is mounted on a stand, with a universal ball-joint, so as to enable it to be used at any angle or in any position. The ball-joint can be secured fast in position. It is simple, self-adjusting for both gas and air, requiring only a slight motion of a small lever to obtain instantly any flame, from the smallest to the largest. It has all the delicacy of the best mouth blowpipe used with the utmost skill, with the power and advantages obtained with a mechanical blower. A slight motion from side to side of the pin A changes the power and character of the flame instantly as required, or stops the power without extinguishing the flame, the blowpipe being both self-lighting and self-adjusting. 2d. The Automaton Hand Blowpipe Fig. 91 shows the hand blowpipe, with both tubes underneath, and will be found FIXED BLOWPIPES AND BLAST-LAMPS. 85 the most convenient pattern for small work, brazing, anneal- ing, etc. The power of a blowpipe depends not only on the size of the air-jet and gas supply, but on the pressure of the air supplied Fig. 91. by the blower. The foot-blowers are so perfect for all blow- pipe work as to leave nothing to be desired. After ten years they remain beyond the possibility of improvement in the slightest detail, unapproached by any other form. Fig. 02. 3^7. Fletcher's New Patent Month Blowpipe. Fig. 92 re- presents this blowpipe. The improved nickel-plated mouth- piece, c, is said to cause no strain on the lips, while the tongue has the necessary control over the opening. 86 MINERALOGY SIMPLIFIED. The blowpipe proper is held as a pencil, the chamber, A, on the stem stops all condensed moisture, and prevents the heat traveling up the end ; it is sold with two tips, A, for cold, and J5, hot blast. It might easily be fastened to an immovable stand, and connected with a hand- or foot-blower. 4th. Fletcher's Hot-Blast Blowpipe Figs. 93 and 94 represent this blowpipe for temperatures above the power of ordinary gas and air blowpipes. As will be seen from the Fig. 93. Fig. 94. engraving, the air-pipe is coiled round the gas-pipe in a spiral form, and both are heated by three small Bunsen burners underneath, which are controlled by a separate stopcock. The power of this arrangement is about double that of an ordinary blowpipe; and when the jet is turned down to a small point of flame it will readily fuse a moderately thick platinum wire. In power it is nearly equal to the oxy-hydrogen jet, and it is a good arrangement, both for chemical purposes and also for soldering and general use. They are made with three sizes of jet : small, for chemical purposes ; medium and large, for soldering, etc.; and the size of jet or the purpose for which it is required should be specified in ordering. PLATINUM APPARATUS AND APPLIANCES. 87 8. PLATINUM APPARATUS AND APPLIANCES. Platinum wire is used as a support when an assay is to be fused with borax or salt of phosphorus (Ex., S. Ph.), etc., to Fig. 95. n -P Fig. 96. ascertain the color of the beads produced. One extremity of the wire, about three inches long and of the thickness of horse- hair, is bent into a hook or is coiled. This wire may be fused into a small glass-tube for a handle (Fig. 95). Before being used, it Should be thoroughly cleaned, by placing it in dilute sulphuric acid and rinsing with water. Platinum spoons (Fig. 96, natural size) are very useful for melting assays and other operations. A glass, wooden or cork- handle should be adapted to it. A piece of platinum foil, properly bent, may answer for the same purpose as a spoon. 88 MINERALOGY SIMPLIFIED. Forceps with platinum points (Fig. 97) to hold small laminre of minerals in the flame to ascertain their fusibility. Fig. 97. 9. TUBES OF HARD GLASS, FREE FROM LEAD. They are one-twelfth to one-fourth incli in diameter, and four to six inches long, and are absolutely necessary. They serve for the ignition of mineral fragments in a current of air. The substance is placed near the end, and the tube is then held Fig. 98. somewhat inclined, either in the flame of a Bunsen burner or of the blowpipe. To prevent the falling out of the substance Fig. 99, Fig. 100. the tube may be slightly bent as represented in Fig. 98. For each new operation a clean tube must be employed. BLOWPIPE REAGENTS. 89 Closed tabes and glass bulb-tubes, or matrasses (Fig. 99), are used for heating bodies out of contact with air. They are easily made of hard glass tubing before a. glass-blower's lamp, or a Bunsen-burner connected with a blast, as previously described. For chemical experiments a variety of soft glass tubing ought to be on hand ; which, in the flame of a blast- lamp, can be readily bent or drawn out and sealed at one end. A triangular file is used for cutting glass. A notch is cut in one side of the tube, when it is .easily broken in two. Watch-glasses are used for keeping powdered minerals and for various other purposes. For other accessory apparatus mortars, flasks, test-tubes, etc see Laboratory Apparatus and Manipulations, page 38-58 ; and for acids and other chemicals, see Wet Reagents, page 59-G9. 10. CUTTING PLIERS ; STEEL MAGNET ; MAGNETIC NEEDLE. Cutting pliers (Fig. 100) are useful for detaching fragments from mineral specimens. A common steel magnet (Fig. 5, page 39) serves to recognize magnetic bodies. A magnetic needle (compass, Fig. 6, page 39) is useful for delicate determinations. 11. BLOWPIPE REAGENTS. The quantities used are small and'thei'e are but few, which, however, have to be scrupulously pure. The dry preparations are generally purchased from dealers. Carbonate of soda, called simply soda, Na 2 CO 3 . Biborate of soda or borax with water of crystallization = Na 2 O, 2B 2 O 3 + 10H 3 O or Na a B 4 O 7 + 10H 2 O, and fused boric acid, = B 2 O 3 , for the detection of copper in lead. Phosphate of soda and ammonia, or salt of phosphorus or microcosmic salt = (Na 2 O, NH 4 O, H 2 O) P 2 O 5 + 4H 2 O or Na(NH 4 )HPO 4 + 4H 2 O). Cyanide of potassium = KCN or KCy (a dangerous 8*. 90 MINERALOGY SIMPLIFIED. poison). Bisulpliate of potash or acid potassium sulphate HKSO 4 , or strong H 2 SO 4 . Nitrate of potash saltpetre K 2 0, N 8 O 6 , or KNO 3 . Iodide of potassium, KI. Sulphur, S. Flowers of sulphur. Nitrate of cobalt, Co(NO 3 ) 2 + 6H 2 O in solution. The crystals of the nitrate are dissolved in ten parts of water. For use the cobalt solution is most conveni- ently kept in dropping glasses. Fig. 101, a, &, c, show different forms of this apparatus. a, according to Bunsen ; b and c, according to Schuster, with and without a ground glass-stopper. Oxalate of nickel, or nitrate of nickel, Ni(NO 3 ) 2 -f 6H 2 O. Black oxide of copper, or cupric oxide = CuO. Fluoride of calcium (Fluor spar) = CaF 2 . The powder must be deprived of water by ignition. Nitroprusside of sodium for detecting sulphur. Iron : Fine sifted iron filings. Ferrum pulveratum, or alcoholisatum of the druggists. Lead : Pure lead or proof lead. Tin : Strips or tin-foil. Zinc : Strips of common sheet zinc. Magnesium : Bits of foil or wire are useful in detecting phosphoric acid. . Silver-foil for the detection of sulphur. A smooth bright silver coin, however, will answer every purpose. Bone-ash : A little cup of bone ashes, called a cupel, is used for the cupellation of gold and silver. Test-papers: Blue litmus paper, red litmus paper, turmeric paper, and Brazil wood paper. Charcoal. TESTS OF INORGANIC SOLID SUBSTANCES Aluminium plate. A small alcohol lamp. Bottle for hydrochloric acid to test for carbon- ates, with a ground, tight glass stopper, reaching nearly to the bottom, thus enabling one 'to with- draw and use a single drop of acid. It may also be used for cobalt solution, Fig. 102. 12. PRELIMINARY TESTS OF INORGANIC SOLID SUBSTANCES. The substances must be dry and in the form of fine powders. In most of the following experiments, the blowpipe may be replaced by a Bunsen burner. The beads must be examined both hot and cold. 1. Easily volatilized when heated upon charcoal (or upon platinum foil or in a dry test-tube). Water ; compounds of ammonia, mercury, and some of arsenic. Sulphur and its acids. Carbon burns by ignition in the air ; all organic compounds are decomposed when heated, most of them with separation of carbon (blackening). 2. Deflagrate when heated upon char- coal platinum. Nitrates, chlorates, iodates, bromates, etc. ; common salt, and other salts, as likewise many minerals, decrepitate. 3. Fusible without volatilizing ami without changing color. Most salts of the alkalies and some of those of the alkaline earths. After intense ignition in the R. F. they color moist tutneric paper brown. 4. B. li. infusible, or difficultly fusible, without changing color. The earths and their salts ; most of the alkaline, earths and their salts. When heated they glow with white light. The earths proper show no alkaline reaction after ignition. Silica and many of its compounds. Metals : Fe, Ni, Co, PI, Mo, W, Pd, Ir, Klff 92 MINERALOGY SIMPLIFIED. 5. Give when ignited with soda or soda and cyanide of potassium in the R. F. upon char- coal, or the lumin- ous flame of a Eunsen burner. a. Garlic odor: Most compounds of arsenic. b. Hepar: All compounds of sulphur. The mass when moistened blackens silver, and with acids develops sulphide of hydrogen. c. Metallic grains: Sn, Ag, Cu, Au. Gray magnetic powder: Fe, Ni. Co. Non- magnetic: Mo, W, PI, Ir. Brittle: Sb, Bi. Malleable : Pb. Incrustation : Zn (white), Cd (brown). 6. Give, when heated in a glass open at both ends, and held obliquely. a. Odorous gases : Metallic sulphides, of burning sulphur. Selenides, of decaying radishes. Arsenides, of garlic. Some ammoniacal salts yield NH 3 turning moistened red litmus paper blue. b. Metallic coating : Mercury and arsenic com- pounds. c. White coating: Metallic arsenides, antimo- nides, sulphide, of lead, some salts of am- monia, such as sal-ammoniac. 7. Color the non-lu- minous flame of a Bunseii gas-lamp (O.F.). a. Yellow: Na. b. Violet: K, Cs, Rb. c. Crimson: Li, Sr. d. Blue: As, Sb, Pb, Se. e. Green : Boracic acid ; borates after moisten- ing with sulphuric acid. L With phosphorus salt or borax upon platinum wire in O. F. and R. F. o. Colorless bead: Silica. b. Yellowish brown or reddish : Iron. c. Amethyst color: in O. F. (not in R. F.) man- ganese. d. Blue: copper (in the 0. F. only), cobalt. e. Yellowish- green: Chromium. REACTIONS OF OXIDES WITH GENERAL REAGENTS. 93 CHAPTER V. REACTIONS OF OXIDES WITH GENERAL REAGENTS. THE. folio wing reactions of oxides with borax and salt of phosphorus are taken from Wurtz's Dictionnaire de Chemie, vol. i., art. Chalumeau ; the others from Landauer's Lothrohr- analyse, 2d edit., Berlin, 1881. MINERALOGY SIMPLIFIED. 1. BEHAVIOR OF METALLIC OXIDES WITH BORAX. Color of the bead. In the oxidizing flame. In the reduction flame. Hot. Cold. Hot. Cold. Colorless. Si, Al,Su,Ba,Sr SLAl,Sn,Ba,Sr, Si, Al, Sn, Ba,Sr, Si.Al.Sn, Di, Mn, Ca, Mg, Gl, Y, Ca, Mg, 61, Y, Ca, Mg, Gl, Y, Ba, Sr, Ca, Mg, Zr, Th, La, Tef Zr, Th, La, Te, Zr, Th, La, De, Gl, Y, Zr, Th, Ta,Nb,W, Mo, Ta, Kb, Ti, W, Mn, Nb, only ( saturated ), Ti, Zn, Cd, Pb, Mo,Zn,Cd, Pb, in s. q., or else La, Ce, Ta, Bi. Sb, only in s. q. or yellow. Mo, Zn, Ag, white by fl., Fe in s. q. gray and op., Ag,Zn,Cd. Pb, Bi, Sb Ni, Te white and op. by fl., Nb, in s. q., or else gray by c. b. or else and op., Ag, gray and op. Zn, Cd, Pb, Bi, Sb, Ni, Te, by c. b., or else fray and op., e, in s. q. Giay and o] aque. " 11 Air, Zn, Cd, Pb, Ag, Zn, Cd, Pb, 'Bi, Si), Ni, Te,| Bi . Sb, Ni, Te, especially cold by blowing l:t- and by little! tie, or else co- blowing, or lorless ; Nb, in -else colorless, s. q. Nb, ins. q. Very pale Ag, in s. q. Ag, in 1. q. by fl. " yellow. Pale yel- Ag, Cd, Zn, in < low. 1. q. Yellow. Ti,W,Pb,Sb, Mo, Va,Fe,Ce, white Ti,in s. q. Mo in 1. q. op., in 1. q., U, in op. by fl., U, bluish- violet, and brown, W. s. q. yellow, op. by Mo, in s. q., in in .1. q. brown. fl. 1. q. brown, W, Va. Orange. Or, Fe, in 1. q., Bi, in 1. q. ii U. " Red. Ce " " a Deep red. Fe, in 1. q. Mn (violet-red). " " Brownish- Cr,U Ni Cu by blowing Cu, by blowing red. little (muddy). little (muddy). Violet. Mn, Ni, Di Di " Ti, op. by fl. Blue. Co Co, Cu green Co Co, Cu, nearly when getting colorless by cold. c. b. Green. Ca Cr, yellowish Fe,Cr, brownish. Fe, U, bottle- when getting Cu, nearly col- green, Cr, Va, cold. orless by c. b. emerald-green. NOTE. Abbreviations employed: s. q., small quantity; 1. q., large quantity; fl., by flaming; c. b., continued blowing; op., opaque. METALLIC OXIDES WITH SALT OF PHOSPHORUS. 95 2. BEHAVIOR OF METALLIC OXIDES AVITH SALT OF PHOSPHORUS. Color of the bead. In the oxidizing flame. In the reduction flame. Hot. Cold. Hot. Cold. Colorless, a portion of tin- sub- stance un- dissolved (silica skeleton). Si Si Si Si Colorless. Al, Sn, Ba, Ca, Mg, Gl, Y, Zr, Th,La,Nb,Te, in all propor- tions : Tsi, Ti, W, Zn, Cd,Pb, Bi, Sb, in s. q. or else trove or less yellow. Al, Sn, Ba, Sr, Ca, Mi;, 01, Y, Zr, Th, La, Te, W, Zn, Cd, Pb, Bi, Sb, Fe, in s. q. Al, Sn, Ba, Sr, Ca, M, Gl, Y, Zr, Th, La, Ce, Di, Mn,Ta,Ag, Zu, Cd, Pb, Bi, Sb, Ni, Te, by very c. b., or else gray and op. Al, Sn, Ba, Sr, Co, Mg, Gl, Y, Zr, Th (satura- ted),!^, op. by fl. Ce, 1)1, Mn, Ta, Ag, Zn,Cd, Pb, Bi, Sb, Ni, Te, by c. b. or else gray and op. Fe in s. q. Gray and opaque. it - Ag, Zn, Cd, Pb, Bi, Sb, especi- ally when cold. Te, Ni. Ag, Zn, Cd, Pb, Bi, Sb, Te, Ni. Pale yel- low. Sb, Zu, in 1. q. Ag, Fe " Fe (greenish in l.q.). Yellow. Pb, vervl.q.,Bi, Cd, T'a, Ti, W, iu l.q., Ag,Ca, Ni, U, Va, Cr, Fe, in s. q. l.q ; Ni, in s. q., U (green- ish), Va. Ti Fe (greenish in l.q.). Orange. Cr, Fe, in 1. q. Ni, in 1. q. Fe in s. q. Va. Fe while getting cold. Red. " " Fe (browu) (i De.-p red. (i " " Cu, op. R<'ddish- bruwn. Fe, Cr, in very l.q. " Cr Cu, op. Violet. Mn, Di Mn, Di Nb in 1. q. Nb, Ti Blue. Co Co, Cu (greenish when getting cold). Co, W, Nb, in very 1. q. Co, W, Nb, iu very 1. q. Green. Ca, Mo. (yellow- ish) Mo, U, (yellow- ish), Cr, emer- ald green. U, Mo, Cn Cr. U, Mo. Va. NOTK. Abbreviations employed: s. q., srnajl quantity; 1. q., large quantity; fl , by flaming; c. b , continued blowing ; op., <>p;iqm.!. 96 MINERALOGY SIMPLIFIED. 3. EXAMINATION OF MINERALS WITH SODA (Sodium Car- bonate), Na. 2 CO 3 . The examination with soda is generally performed on char- coal in the reduction flame, and, as a general rule, the flux is added successively in small portions. It is sometimes better to form the finely pulverized assay into a paste with moistened soda before placing it upon the charcoal. This is particularly necessary when the assay is to be tested for its fusibility with soda, since a great many minerals and ores behave quite dif- ferently with different quantities of flux. Instead of sodium carbonate, the neutral potassium oxalate or potassium cyanide may advantageously be used for all experi- ments of reduction, since these reagents exercise even a more powerful reducing action than soda. They are for this reason frequently employed when the presence of such metallic oxides is suspected, whose conversion into metals requires a high tem- perature and the aid of a very efficient deoxidizing agent. In subjecting a body to the treatment of soda, we must di- rect our attention to two points. Some substances unite with soda to fusible compounds, others form infusible compounds, and others again are not fused at all ; in the last case the soda is simply absorbed by the charcoal, and the assay is left com- pletely unchanged. With soda, the following substances produce fusible com- pounds with effervescence of carbon dioxide (CO 3 ) : Silicic oxide Silica (SiO 2 )* fuses to a transparent glassy bead which, after cooling, remains transparent if the soda has not been added in too great excess. Titanium dioxide (TiO 2 ) fuses to a transparent glassy bead, * Silica belongs to the class of acid-forming oxides, and the silicic acid corresponding to the oxide Si0 2 must have the formula H 4 Si0 4 or Si(OH) 4 =rSi0 2 -f 2H 2 = H 4 Si0 4 . Silicic acid is just as little known as is sulphurous acid = H 2 S0 2 , or carbonic acid = H 2 C0 3 , and, like these acids, it has a great tendency to split up into water and the acid- forming oxide. EXAMINATION OF MINERALS WITH SODA. 97 which is dark-yellow while hot, but on cooling becomes turbid and crystalline. Tungsten trioxide (WO 3 )* and Molybdenum trioxide (MoO 3 )t> after the carbon dioxide is driven off, are absorbed by the char- coal. Tantalum pentoxide (Ta 2 O 5 ), Vanadium pentoxide (V 2 O 5 ), and Columbiutn (niobium) pentoxide (Cb 2 O 5 ) or (Nb 2 O 5 ) also yield fusible compounds and sink into the charcoal. Lime, magnesia, zirconia, thoria, yttria, and glucina (beryl- lium oxjde), as well as cerium and uranium oxides, are not attacked: they remain. unchanged, while the soda sinks into the charcoal. The salts of barium and strontium form, with soda, fusible compounds, which are absorbed by the charcoal. Sodium carbonate is also used for the detection of a. Sulphur, selenium, and tellurium compounds, which give with it a fused mass,]: yielding a black, or brown, stain when laid upon a piece of silver and moistened with water. b. Manganese and chromium, with the soda alone, or, better, with addition of sodium nitrate, yield colored masses; the for- mer a green mass of inanganate, and the latter a yellow mass of chromate. The second point to be observed is the elimination of metal- lic matter. When treated with soda on charcoal in the R. FL, the follow- ing metallic oxides are reduced: the oxides of the noble metals and the oxides of arsenic, antimony, bismuth, indium, cadmium, copper, cobalt, iron, lead, mercury, nickel, tin, zinc, molyb- denum, tungsten, arid tellurium. Of these, arsenic and mercury vaporize so rapidly that frequently not even a coating is left on the charcoal. Antimony, bismuth, cadmium, lead, zinc, and tellurium are partially volatilized, and form distinct coatings on the charcoal. * Tungstic acid (wolframic acid) = H a WO f Molybdic acid = Il,MoO 4 -f- 1I,O. J Ilepar sulplmris (liver of sulphur), i) 98 MINERALOGY SIMPLIFIED. The non-volatile reduced metals are found mixed with the soda. To separate them from the adhering soda and charcoal powder, we proceed in the following manner: The fused mass of soda and metal, and the portion of the charcoal immediately below and around the assay, are placed in a small mortar, ground to powder, then mixed with a little water and stirred up. The heavy metallic particles settle to the bottom, a portion of the soda dissolves, and the charcoal powder remains suspended in the water. The liquid is carefully poured off, and the residue treated repeatedly in the same manner until all foreign matter is removed. The metal remains behind as a dark heavy pow- der; or, when the metal is ductile or easily fusible, in the shape of small flattened scales with metallic lustre. These may be ex- amined with the magnifying glass and also with the magnet. If the substance under examination contains several metallic oxides, the metallic mass obtained is usually an alloy, in which the several metals may be detected by processes to be described hereafter. It is only in some exceptional cases that separate metallic globules are obtained, as, for example, in substances containing iron and copper. 4. EXAMINATIONS OF METALS WITH SODIUM THIOSULPHATE (HYPOSULPHITE OF SODIUM), Na 2 S 2 O 3 . With all the metals which can be precipitated in the wet way by hydrogen sulphide, the same reaction may be obtained in the dry way by heating the powdered substance with powdered thio sulphate of sodium in a reagent tube. After the decompo- sition has taken place recognized by the evolution of hydrogen sulphide the melted mass exhibits very clearly the peculiar coloration of the metallic sulphides produced. In many cases this reaction is enhanced by a small addition of oxalic acid. Since the thiosnlphate of sodium contains considerable water of crystallization, the greater portion of this must be removed from this reagent before experimenting, or the glass-tube must be held horizontally to prevent its cracking, in which case the open end had better be closed with cotton-wool. EXAMINATION WITH ACID POTASSIUM SULPHATE. 09 The sulphide reactions of the metals are demonstrated in the following table, in which their behavior with borax on platinum wire is shown by way of comparison. These methods supple- ment each other very instructively. 5. TABULAR ARRANGEMENT SHOWING THE BEHAVIOR OF OXIDES, WHEN TREATED BEFORE THE BLOWPIPE, WITH SODIUM THIOSULPHATE, TOGETHER WITH THEIR REAC- TIONS WITH BORAX. Metallic oxides. Behavior with Na 2 So0 3 . Behavior with borax on platinum wire (the bead cold). Oxidizing flamo. Reducing flame. Antimony oxide Orange-red, Colorless, Gray to colorless. Arsenic Lemon yellow, (Vaporizes), (Vaporizes). Bismuth Black, Colorless, Gray to colorless. Cadmium Yellow, t I a n u Chromium Green, Grass-green, Emerald-green. Cobalt Black, Blue, Blue. Copper " Bluish-green, Brown. Gold K Reduced to metal without dissolv'g. Iron a Yellow, Bottle-green. Lead tl Colorless, Gray to colorless. Manganese Light-green, ; Violet (amethyst) Colorless. Mercury Black, Vaporizes, Vaporizes. Molybdenum Brown, Colorless, Brown. Nickel Black, Reddish-brown, Gray to colorless. Platinum i t Reduced to metal without dissolv'g. Silver " Colorless, Gray to colorless. Thallium a < i Colorless. Tin Brown, a u Uranium Black, Yellow, Bottle-green. Zinc White, Colorless, Gray to colorless . G. EXAMINATION WITH ACID POTASSIUM SULPHATE OR CONCENTRATED SULPHURIC ACID. To determine the presence of volatile acids, a small quantity of the substance is heated with acid potassium sulphate, or with concentrated sulphuric acid (in the latter case, however, not to the boiling-point of the acid), and the following appearances noticed : 100 MINERALOGY SIMPLIFIED. 1. A COLORED GAS is EVOLVED. a. Nitrogen tetroxide (N0 2 ) fumes are recognized by their reddish-brown color and characteristic odor ; evolved from nitrates and nitrites. With nitrates the reaction is promoted by the addition of copper filings. b. Chlorine tetroxide (hypochloric acid), C1 2 O 4 , yellowish- green, odor like chlorine, bleaches litmus paper. The evolution of this gas by this treatment indicates the presence of chlorates.* c. Iodine, from iodides, may be recognized by its violet vapors, which color starched paper blue. lodates* give this reaction after the addition of ferrous sulphate (copperas). d. Bromine ; reddish-brown vapors, with pungent, unpleasant odor, which turn starch-paste yellow. Yielded by bromides and bromates. The color of the vapor is best seen on looking down the tube. 2. A COLORLESS, ODOROUS GAS IS-EVOLVED. a. Sulphur dioxide (sulphurous acid), evolved from sulphites and polythionates, is easily recognized by its suffocating odor and bleaching properties (litmus, etc.). b. Hydrochloric acid, from chlorides, recognized by its odor and by the clouds of ammonium chloride (sal-ammoniac) which are formed, when a glass-rod, moistened with ammonia-solution, is held over the tube. c. Hydrofluoric acid, from fluorides, smokes, has a very suf- focating odor, and strongly etches glass. d. Hydric sulphide (sulphydric acid, sulphide of hydro- gen, sulphuretted hydrogen), H 2 S, from sulphides, of a repul- sive odor, blackens paper moistened with lead acetate (sugar of lead) solution. e. Cyanic acid, from cyanates, has a characteristic pungent odor ; it brings tears to the eyes, and renders lime-water turbid. f. Acetic acid, from acetates, is known by its pungent, " vinegar" odor, and also by yielding fragrant acetic ether on heating with sulphuric acid and alcohol. * The chlorates, iodates, and bromates deflagrate when heated on charcoal. EXAMINATION WITH ZINC AND HYDROCHLORIC ACID. 101 3. A COLORLESS AND ODORLESS GAS is EVOLVED. a. Carbon dioxide (carbonic acid gas) = CO 2 , is expelled from carbonates with effervescence ; it renders lime-water turbid. b. Carbon monoxide (carbonic oxide), CO, which burns with a bluish flame, may arise from oxalates, formates, cyan- ides, ferrocyanides, and ferricyanides, c. Chromic acid evolves oxygen, and the liquid turns brown or green. d. Organic acids are recognized by the blackening due to the separation of carbon (except oxalic acid, which yields CO and C0 2 ). The acids which cannot be detected by the above methods, though easily detected in other ways, are : sulphuric, phos- phoric, arsenic, boric, silicic, tungstic, molybdic, and titanic. 7. EXAMINATION WITH ZINC AND HYDROCHLORIC ACID AFTER PREVIOUS DECOMPOSITION (FUSION) OF THE MlN- ERAL. A mixture of sodium carbonate and nitre is added to the finely- powdered assay, the mass is moistened slightly, and placed in a small spiral of platinum wire, of about 2 to 3 mm. diameter. After fusing for a short time, the glowing mass in the spiral is thrown off into a porcelain dish and digested with a little water in a test-tube. Afterwards, a little hydrochloric or sulphuric acid is added, and a strip of zinc is brought into the solution. By the reducing agency of the nascent hydrogen thus formed various colors are produced, as shown in the following table : Molybdic trioxide (molybdic acid) : blue, then green, finally blackish-brown. Tungsten trioxide (Wolframic acid) : blue, then copper-rejj. Columbium (niobium) pentoxide (niobic acid) ; blue, often also brown (with strongly acid solution). Vanadium pentoxide (vanadic acid) : blue, then green, finally violet. Chromium trioxide (chromic acid) : green. Titanium dioxide (titanic acid) : violet. 9* 102 MINERALOGY SIMPLIFIED. 8. EXAMINATION WITH COBALT SOLUTION. A few substances, when moistened witli a solution of cobalt nitrate and exposed to the action of the 0. Fl. assume a pecu- liar color. The use of this test is, however, very limited, since the reaction can only be clearly seen in those bodies which, after having been acted upon by the O. FL, present a white appearance or nearly so. Substances which are sufficiently porous to absorb a liquid are merely moistened with a drop of cobalt solution, held with the platinum -forceps; and submitted to the O. Fl. Other sub- stances must be powdered, the powder placed on charcoal, moistened with a drop of cobalt solution, and treated as above. The color can only be distinguished after cooling. A bluish color of more or less purity, but rather dull, indicates the pre- sence of alumina, and a flesh-color (pale-reddish color) that of magnesia. It must, however, be borne in mind that the alka- line and some other silicates, when heated with cobalt solution to a temperature above their fusing point, also assume a blue color, owing to the formation of cobalt silicate. In testing for alumina, therefore, the heat must not be raised so high as to cause fusion of the assay. In testing for magnesia this precau- tion is not necessary ; as, on the contrary, the color will appear the brighter and the more distinct the higher the temperature to which the assay is exposed. The alumina and magnesia reactions are prevented by the presence of colored metallic oxides, which generally produce a gray or black mass, unless present in too minute quantity. Among the oxides of the heavy metals, those of zinc and tin assume characteristic colors with solution of cobalt. The re- action is best seen when the assay, alone or mixed with soda, is exposed to the R. Fl. on charcoal. The ring of oxide which is deposited around the assay is then moistened with solution of cobalt and treated with the O. Fl. Zinc takes a fine yel- lowish-green, and tin oxide a bluish-green color. Besides the compounds above mentioned, there are some EXAMINATION FOR FLAME COLORATIONS. 103 others which, when exposed to the action of cobalt solution and heat, experience a change of color, but still this reagent does not justify its employment for their recognition. In fact, only the colorations of alumina, magnesia, zinc, and tin are of real use in the determination of these substances. The following table gives the more definite colorations caused by cobalt solution : Blue: Alumina; deep color ; infusible. Silica and silicates; pale blue; with much solution, black or dark gray. Thin edges of assay fuse to a reddish-blue glass at a high temperature. Phosphates, borates, and silicates of the alkalies yield a blue glass. Green : Zinc oxide ^yellowish-green. Titanium dioxide * > Tin oxide ; bluish-green. Antimony oxide ; impure-green. Flesh-red : Magnesia ; pale flesh-red or pink. Tantalum pentoxide ; hot, light gray ; cold, flesh-red. Violet : Zirconia ; impure violet. Magnesium arseuate and phosphate fuse and become violet-red. Brown: Baryta ; hot, reddish-brown or brick-red ; cold, colorless. Gray: Strontia ; dark-gray to black. Lime ; gray. Glucina : bluish-gray. Columbium (niobium) pentoxide ; brownish-gray. CHAPTER VI. COLORED FLAMES, FLAME REACTIONS, AND SPECTRUM ANALYSIS. 1. EXAMINATION OF THE ASSAY IN THE PLATINTM FORCEPS FOR FLAME COLORATIONS. MANY substances, especially the alkalies and alkaline earths, wnen brought into a non-luminous flame, impart to it distinct colorations, affording in many cases characteristic means for detecting them even in the minutest quantities, e. g., sodium 1 Barium salts obscure the reaction. 104 MINERALOGY SIMPLIFIED. salts tinge the flame yellow ; potassium compounds, violet ; strontium salts, scarlet red ; lithium salts, carmine-red ; etc. The Bunsen burner, previously described (Fig. 49), is especi- ally well adapted to such observations. The coloring substance may be brought on a platinum wire loop into the zone of fusion of the flame. When mixtures of different flame-coloring sub- stances are examined, indecisive tests are usually produced ; thus, in a mixture of sodium and potassium salts, only the yellow sodium flame is evident, but by viewing the flame, according to Bunsen and Merz, through colored glasses or fluids, the mixed colors may be dissected. The following table gives the more (iefinite colorations : Red Flames. Lithium : carmine-re^. Strontiums scarlet-red.* Calcium : yellowish-red.* Violet Flames. Potassium : violet-red. Sodium and lithium salts obscure the reaction. Caesium: ) Like potassilim . Rubidium : > Yellow Flames. Sodium salts. Green Flames. Copper oxide : emerald-green; when mois-tened with HC1, blue. Thallium: grass-green. Phosphoric acid : bluish-green. > After their salts are moistened Boric acid : yellowish-green. > with sulphuric acid. Barium salts : yellowish-green.* Molybdic acid : faint yellowish-green. Tellurious acid : green, giving off fumes. Nitric and nitrous acid : bronze-green, disappearing quickly. Zinc : whitish-green. Slue Flames. Copper chloride : a7,ure-blue, afterwards green. Iridium : indigo-blue (in both flames). * Especially after moistening with HC1. EXPERIMENTS. 105 Selenium : cornflower blue, accompanied by the odor of rotten bone-radish. Arsenic : bluish. Antimony : faint greenish-blue. Lead : blue. 2. APPARATUS. The apparatus for these observations is simple, viz., a blue, a violet, a red, and a green glass. The stained glasses found Fig. 103. in commerce possess generally the proper shades of color. Indigo solution may be substituted for blue glass. A hollow prism (Figs. 103 and 104), made of plate glass, whose principal section forms a triangle 150 millimetres in Fig. 104." length, and 35 millimetres in diameter at the thick end. The solution with which it is filled is pre- pared by dissolving 1 part of indigo powder in 8 parts of strong sulphuric acid, heating the mixture on the sand-bath, and stirring it frequently with a glass rod. The syrupy solution thus obtained is diluted with '1500 to 2000 parts of water,* and filtered through felt or thick blotting paper. 3. EXPERIMENTS. In the following experiments the prism is moved horizontally before the eye, so that the rays of the flame always pass through gradually thicker layers of the fluid medium. The alkaline * The cold indigo solution must be gradually poured into the proper amount of water, the reverse operation might prove dangerous. 10G MINERALOGY SIMPLIFIED. substances, brought singly into the flame, exhibit the following changes : a. Chemically pure calcium chloride,* CaCl 2 , produces a yellow flame, which, even with very thin layers of the indigo solution, passes through a tinge of violet into the original blue- lamp flame. b. Chemically pure sodium chloride, NaCl, the same. c. Chemically pure potassium carbonate, K 2 C0 3 , or potas- sium chloride, KC1, appears of a sky-blue, then violet, and at last of an intense crimson color, even when seen through the thickest layer of the solution. Admixtures of sodium or cal- cium do not hinder the reaction. d. Chemically p~ure lithium carbonate, Li 2 CO 3 , or lithium chloride, LiCl, gives a violet-red flame, which, with increas- ing thickness of the medium, becomes gradually feebler, and disappears before the thickest layers pass before the eye. Cal- cium and sodium are without influence on this reaction. A Blue, a Violet, a Red, and a Green Glass. The stained glasses found in commerce possess generally the proper shades of color. The blue is colored by cobalt pro- toxide ; the violet by manganese sesquioxide ; the red (partly colored and partly uncolored) by cuprous oxide ; and the green by iron sesquioxide and cupric oxide. Merz,j" who has made a complete study of this subject, employs with these glasses Bunsen's burner, and also a flame of pure hydrogen. The substances which he describes as giving characteristic colors to the flame of a Bunsen burner, in addition to those previously known, are nitric and chromic acids, while phosphoric and sul- * Chlorides, on account of their volatility, yield generally the best coloration, and for this reason the substance under examination is moistened with hydrochloric acid, or is treated with silver chloride and again heated. The substance is held in the one hand and the colored glass in the other. f Gr. Merz, Plammenfiirbungen, Journ. f. pract. Chemie, Bd. 80, p. 487. TESTING CHEMICAL MIXTURES. 107 phuric acids give a peculiar coloration to the dark core of the flame of hydrogen. The flame of Bunsen's burner, which is preferred for these reactions, gives three sorts of colors. 1. Border colors. These are of course peculiar only to the most volatile substances. To produce them, the loop of plati- num wire is held outside of the flame about one or two milli- metres from the lower portion of the outer limit. 2. Mantle colors. Those which are seen when the substance is held in the bright blue-colored mantle which forms the outer portion of the flame. 3. Flame colors. To produce these, the loop is to be held horizontally and in the hottest part of the mantle. The hydro- yen flame yields another fourth species of color, viz., the 4. Core colors. These are produced only by sulphuric and phosphoric acids, which communicate respectively a blue and green tinge to the cold core of the hydrogen flame. 4. TESTING CHEMICAL MIXTURES. In order to detect several flame-coloring elements when occur- ring together it is best to use the spectroscope (Figs. Ill, 112), the theory, construction, and use of which will be found fully described on page 127 and following pages, to which the reader is referred for information. The direct-vision pocket spectro- scope, such as that of Browning and others, is well adapted for blowpipe investigations. All flame-coloring substances may, according to their vola- tility, be arranged in three classes: 1, certain acids; 2, alka- lies ; and 3, alkaline earths, to which may be added the heavy metal copper. If the substances are brought into the flame of the Bunsen burner mentioned on page 111, we may detect Acids. a. Nitric and nitrous acids give a bronze-green border color, usually with an orange-colored margin. The assay is to be previously dried in the flame, and then either moistened with 108 MINERALOGY SIMPLIFIED. HC1, or dipped into a solution of acid potassium sulphate, according as we wish to test for nitrous or nitric acid. Am- monium and cyanogen compounds give the same reaction but more faintly. b. Phosphoric acid gives a gray yellowish-green border color, after moistening with sulphuric acid. In the presence of boric acid, phosphoric acid can only be discovered by the intense green flame produced by heating the assay in a hydrogen flame after moistening with a solution of hydrofluosilicic acid. For this purpose the hydrogen is delivered from a platinum jet, for instance, the side tube of a blowpipe. c. Boric acid gives a beautiful green mantle color, which is so intense that this acid may be recognized in the presence of considerable quantities of phosphoric acid. Borates require to be first decomposed with sulphuric acid. d. Molybdic acid yields a yellowish-green flame similar to that shown by barium salts. e. Hydrochloric acid gives a very weak greenish-blue border color which lasts but an instant, and hence frequently escapes detection. f. Sulphuric acid produces a fine blue core color, being re- duced to sulphur dioxide. The free acid gives the color when the platinum wire loop is held in the border of the flame, but a sulphate must be held in the middle of the flame. In the latter case it is best to first dip the assay into concentrated hydrochloric or hydrofluosilicic acid. Chromic acid gives a dark brownish-red border color and a rose-red mantle color. The dry assay is to be moistened with concentrated sulphuric acid, and held in the border. Chromic oxide gives no color, and should be first oxidized to chromic acid by moistening with a solution of sodium hypochlorite and dry- ing. Alkalies. a. Potassium gives a grayish-blue mantle color and a rose- violet flame color. The color appears reddish-violet through TESTING CHEMICAL MIXTURES. 109 a blue glass* (detection in presence of sodium), violet through violet-colored glass, and bluish-green through green glass. The assay is to be moistened with sulphuric acid, and re- peatedly exposed to the flame for a short time. b. Sodium gives an orange-yellow flame color, which in quantity appears blue through blue glass, but which is invisi-. ble when present in small amounts. Seen through green glass the flame has an orange color, characteristic of all sodium compounds. If a crystal of potassium-bichromate is held near to the sodium flame, the former becomes quite colorless, and a red spot of mercuric iodide on paper becomes white with a faint tinge of fawn color. The assay is moistened with sul- phuric acid, dried, and then held in the hottest part of the flame. c. Lithium yields a carmine-red flame color, which appears violet-red through blue glass, and carmine-red through violet glass. In the presence of sodium, lithium is detected by the blue glass. In the presence of potassium, Bunsen's method is employed. The assay is brought into the zone of fusion of a Bunsen gas-lamp, and this flame is compared simultaneously, through an indigo prism, with one obtained from a pure potas- sium salt held in the corresponding part of the flame opposite to the assay. Through the thinnest layer of 'the solution the lithium flame appears redder than the pure potassium flame ; through thicker layers the flames appear equally red, when the proportion of lithium to potassium is very small. If, however, lithium predominates in the assay, the intensity of the red flame diminishes rapidly as the prism is moved ; whilst the pure potassium flame is scarcely any feebler. Sodium, when not present in large excess, modifies these effects but slightly. Potassium and lithium are not likely to be confounded with strontium if the assay be treated as described under potassium, since strontium compounds are not volatilized at the low tem- perature thus obtained. * Cartmell, Phil. Mag., May, 1858, p. 328. 10 110 MINERALOGY SIMPLIFIED. Alkaline Earths. The assay is repeatedly moistened with sulphuric acid, dried and placed in the hottest part of the mantle. After all the alkalies are volatilized the following reactions appear : a. Barium gives a yellowish-green flame color, which appears bluish-green through green glass. If the green disappears, and a red color makes its appearance, the assay is to be re- peatedly moistened with hydrochloric acid, and immediately introduced while wet into the hottest part of the flame. When the bluish-green color is no longer seen we proceed to test for calcium. b. Calcium is present when the red-flame color, on evapo- rating the last portion of hydrochloric acid (spitting of the assay), appears finch-green through the green glass. c. Strontium is known by the purple to rose color, which appears through blue glass, as the assay spits in the flame after being moistened with HC1. Under identical conditions calcium gives a faint greenish-gray color. Copper. Copper chloride yields a sky-blue flame color ; the nitrate gives a pure green one. By the combined observations of both colors, copper may readily be distinguished from all other metals which give similar colors. The remaining flame-coloring metals, such as arsenic, anti- mony, tin, lead, mercury, and zinc, exhibit, especially in the form of chlorides, more or less intense bluish or greenish mantle colors, which, however, are of no great value in analysis. As a rule the appearance of these colors can be prevented by moistening with sulphuric acid. It is best, however, to expel on charcoal the metals which give an incrustation, before testing for alkalies or alkaline earths by flame coloration. In order to detect the alkalies in silicates it is sufficient to decompose the assay on platinum wire with some pure gypsum (sulphate of lime). If, on the contrary, the alkaline earths To face p. 111. Fig. 105. ft.,, a, a, ft,, the dark nucleus a,, c, a,, b, the flame mantle, a, fc, a, the luminous point not in the normal flame, but formed, when needed, by partially turn- ing the collar. BUNSEN'S FLAME REACTIONS. Ill are looked for, the decomposition must be effected by means of sodium carbonate. The substance is fused with the reagent in a platinum spoon, the fused mass extracted with water, and the residue treated with HC1, when. silicic acid separates out, and the solution is then examined in the flame. 5. BUNSEN'S FLAME REACTIONS. BUNSEN'S GAS-LAMP. According to Bunsen,* most of the tests obtainable with a blowpipe can be produced by means of the non-luminous flame of a Bunsen burner, Fig. 105, provided with a movable collar, m (by turning of which the access of air may be regulated), and a conical chimney, d, d, d 1 , d f , of such dimensions, that the flame burns perfectly steady. The flame should have the dimensions shown in Fig. 105. The six portions of the flame, which serve for conducting the different reactions, are distinguished as follows : I. The base of the flame at A, having the lowest tempera- ture, is especially adapted for separating from a mixture of flame-coloring substances the most volatile ones first. II. The zone of fusion at B, having the highest temperature, is therefore particularly suited for testing the fusibility, vola- tility, etc., of an assay. III. The lower oxidizing flame at G, is especially employed for the higher oxidation of oxides dissolved in fused beads. IV. The upper oxidizing flame at E, acts with the greatest power when the draft holes, A, are completely opened. All the roastings and oxidations are here executed, provided that not too high a temperature is required. V. The lower reducing flame at D, less energetic than the * Annal. der Chem. u. Pharm., Bd. 138, p. 257 ; also, J. Landauer, "Liithrohr Analyse," 2te Anil. Berlin, 1881, p. 62. A new edition of R. Bnnsen's flame reactions has lately appeared, entitled : Flammen Reactionen, Heidelberg, 1880, which the author AV.-IS unable to consult, however, but made free nse of many descrip- tions given by J. Landauer, in his " Lothrohr Analyse," Berlin, 1881. Extracts are also found in Annal. Chem. und Pharm. cxxxviii. p. 257, and Philog. Mag. [4] xxxii. p. 81 (translated by Prof. Roscoe). 112 MINERALOGY SIMPLIFIED. following, gives for that very reason peculiar reactions ; it serves especially for reductions on charcoal, and of beads of fused salts. VI. The upper reducing flame at C. The point aba, above the dark cone of the flame, is not visible when the draft holes, h, are entirely o'pen ; but if this luminous point is made too large, soot is deposited, which is not admissible. This part of the flame is particularly suitable for the reduction of metals which it is desired to collect as metallic incrustations or coatings. The following apparatus serves as a support for bringing test specimens into the flame : 6. APPARATUS AND METHOD EMPLOYED FOR SUBMITTING TEST SUBSTANCES TO THE FLAME. Behavior of the Elements at High Temperatures This is one of the most important reactions which can be employed for the detection and separation of substances. To produce with the flame alone a temperature as high or higher than that of the ordinary blowpipe, the radiating surfaces of the heated body must be as limited as possible, and therefore be on a very small scale. By bringing the moistened loop of the platinum wire (of the thickness of a horsehair) in contact with the powdered sub- stance that is to be examined, a portion of it adheres ; and when the loop is held for some time near the flame, and finally within it, the substance sinters or fuses firmly upon the wire. When the substances act upon platinum, a thread of asbestos is used. Salts that decrepitate are ground to the finest powder on the porcelain lamp plate, Fig. 106, with the elastic blade of the knife, Fig. 107, and Fig. 105. SUBMITTING TEST SUBSTANCES TO THE FLAME. 113 drawn up on to a moistened strip of one square centimetre of Swedish filter paper. If the paper is then burnt, being held with the platinum forceps, or better, between two rings of fine platinum wire, the sample remains as a coherent crust, which may now, without difficulty, be heated in the flame. Fig. 106. Fig. 107. Fig. 108. Q The substance under examination may be kept for any length of time in a given part of the flame by means of a Bunsen , Fig. 108. The arm, a, is fastened to the carrier, A 10* 114 MINERALOGY SIMPLIFIED. so fixed on the stand by a self-clamping spring slide, that it can be moved both horizontally and vertically. The glass tube, c?, is fastened on this arm, a, and the fine platinum wire (fused into the glass tube) thus held in the flame. Splinters (fibres) of asbestos are inserted in the glass tube, &, which slips into the holder, and may be moved with the carrier, A. The carrier, B, is provided with a spring-clamp for holding test-tubes, which have to be heated for a considerable time in a particular part of the flame. The little turn-table, c, con- tains nine upright supports for storing the wire tubes employed in the experiments* For testing liquids, the wire of the loop is flattened by a few taps with a hammer; then, if dipped into the substance, it lifts up a drop, which, by holding it near the flame, slowly evaporates, and the residue, if any, may be brought into the zone of fusion. By means of these arrangements, a small particle of the substance may be brought into the flame, and its behavior in the coldest and hottest parts of the flame ascertained, the substance being examined with a lens after each change of temperature. Platinum wire, no thicker than a horsehair (i. e., a piece 1 decimetre long, must not exceed 0.034 grrns. in weight), is used in experiments for examining the fusibility, volatility, flame coloring, and also for reactions with borax, salt of phos- phorus, and soda. Fibres of asbestos, about one-fourth as thick as an ordinary match, serve instead of platinum (where this metal is attacked), and are moistened before receiving the test substance. Charcoal rods as a substitute for ordinary charcoal. They are prepared from ordinary friction matches ; the head is broken off and three-quarters of its length coated with fused, crystal- lized sodic carbonate, and charred in the flame with a rotary motion. The rods when thus glazed are partially protected against combustion. Tubes of thin glass 3 cm. long, 2 to 3 mm. wide, and closed at one end. REAGENTS. 115 7. REAGENTS. The following chemical reagents are specially employed for Bunsen's flame reactions : Stannous chloride (SnCl 2 ). The solution must be kept in a glass-stoppered bottle. In order to prevent its transformation to stannic chloride (SnCl 4 ) g, few small grains or pieces of metallic tin are -placed in the bottle. The salt is a powerful reducing agent, and serves to distinguish metallic coatings, and for the recognition of Gold, Molybdenum, Tungsten ( Wolfram), etc. Caustic soda solution (NaOH) is likewise employed for recognition of metallic coatings, as alsp for the recognition of Cobalt, Nickel, Tin, etc. Nitrate of silver solution (AgNO 3 ), quite neutral, is used to distinguish coatings and for detecting Chromium and Vana- dium. Faming hydriodic acid (IH), obtained by the action of moist air on phosphorus tri -iodide. To prepare the latter, 1 part of phosphorus is dissolved in carbon di-sulphide, and gradually 12.3 parts of iodine added. This solution is now gently heated to expel most of the di-sulphide of carbon, and next placed in some cooling mixture, whence crystalline lamina; of phosphoric tri-iodide separate, which fuse at 55 C. These are put into a wide-necked, flat-bottomed glass flask, which can be tightly closed with a glass stopper. The small porcelain dishes with the adhering coatings on their surfaces may thus be placed over the flask and readily exposed to'the fumes of the hydriodic acid, converting these deposits into iodine compounds. When the fuming of this reagent ceases, it is rendered active again upon the addition of some anhydrous phosphoric acid. These coatings may likewise be turned into iodides by saturat- ing an asbestos-rod with an alcoholic solution of iodine, firing it, and moving the flame to and fro, beneath the coated porce- lain dish. Should a brown-colored product, resulting from the 116 MINERALOGY SIMPLIFIED. separation of free iodine, condense on the porcelain dish, it may be removed by careful heating. Ammonia (NH 3 ) and ammonium sulphide (or ammonium sulphydrate), NH 4 HS, are employed for determining such coatings. Bromine (Br), kept in a wide-necked, well-closed flask, is used for exposing substances to its vapor, which, in the presence of water, acts as an oxidizing agent. Ferrocyanide of potassium (yellow prussiate of potash), K 4 Fe"Cy 6 , or 4KCyFe /; Cy 2 , serves in solution for the recogni- tion of Iron, Copper, and Molybdenum. Plumbic acetate (Pb 2 C 2 H 3 O 2 ) is used for tracing Chromium. Bismuthous nitrate, Bi'" (NO S ) 3 , 5H 2 O, or Bi 2 O 3 , 3N 2 O 5 10H 2 O, as reagent for Tin. Acetic acid (C 2 H 4 O 2 ) is employed in investigations of Chro- mium,, Vanadium, Manganese, and Uranium. Mercuric cyanide, Hg r/ (CN) 2 , or Hg^Cy.,. Its solution is sometimes used for the detection of Palladium. Hydrochloric and nitric acid, as well as a mixture of the two, or aqua regia, are quite frequently employed the latter in testing for gold, platinum, etc. For test operations, only very minute quantities of the sub- stances are used. Decrepitating bodies, as already stated, are ground into very fine powder, and absorbed by a moistened strip of filter paper (1 centimetre square). If this is placed between two rings (coil) made of hair-fine platinum wire and then burnt, a cohering crust remains which may be tested in the flame withotit any difficulty. When substances require to be held in the flame for a long time, it is very convenient to use a Bunsen stand, which is provided with horizontal clips and arms, movable horizontally and vertically on the vertical support. The arms carry small glass tubes supporting platinum wire or asbestos fibres, and the clips are used for holding the test tubes. MKTIIODS OF EXAMINATION. 117 8. METHODS OF EXAMINATION. A. Ignition of the Elements at High Temperatures. When heating small assays the following phenomena must be considered : 1. The emission of light, which is ascertained by holding the substance on platinum wire in the hottest part of the zone of fusion. The emissive power is estimated as low, medium, or high, according as the luminosity of the specimen falls below, equals, or exceeds that of the platinum wire, introduced at the same time. 2. The fusibility, or melting point, is expressed by a scale of temperature of the following six grades, distinguishable by the appearance of a thin platinum wire in different portions of the flame, viz : a. Below red heat. b. Incipient red heat. c. Red heat. d. Incipient white heat. '. e. White heat. f. Intense white heat. 3. The volatility is determined by the time required to vola- tilize a weighed bead (0.01 grm.) in the zone of fusion, and comparing it with the time required to volatilize an equal weight of sodic choride, the volatility of which is taken as a unit of comparison. The odor evolved, if any, must be observed. 4. Flame coloration. Many volatile substances may be detected by placing the test specimen in the upper reducing flame at C, when the colorations appear in the upper oxidizing flame at E. Mixtures of flame-coloring bodies may first be tested in the coolest part of the flame base at A, to obtain (for a moment only) the coloration produced by the most volatile bodies, unmixed with the less volatile ones. 118 MINERALOGY SIMPLIFIED. B. Oxidation and Reduction of Substances. 1. Fused Glass Beads The oxidation and reduction of fused substances are executed on platinum wire. The beads adhering to the ends of the wires are oxidized in the lower oxidizing flame at G, and reduced in the lower reducing flame at D. 2. Reductions in Closed-glass Tubes The completely dried test specimen is heated together with soda and carbon (soot of turpentine is the best) or with metallic sodium, or metallic magnesium wire-clippings. The tubes made of thin glass are 3 mm. wide, and 3 cm. long. The sodium is freed from the naphtha, in which it was preserved, with blotting paper, next rolled between the fingers into a small cylinder which is placed in the tube, and surrounded by the test specimen. The tube is now heated to its own melting point (whereby usually a combustion takes place in the interior). The cold tube is then crushed, and the reduced material carefully collected on glazed paper for further investigation. 3. Reduction on the Charcoal Rod On the point of the small charcoal rod, already described, we place the test speci- men, of about the size of a mustard seed and previously mixed with a drop of fused sodic carbonate, into the lower oxidizing flame at G, for the purpose of fusion, and next pass it into the hotter portion of the lower reducing flame opposite at D. After the reduction has taken place, recognizable by the violent boiling up and frothing of the soda, the specimen is allowed to cool in the dark interior of the flame. The end of the charcoal rod is then nipped off, placed in an agate mortar, and ground with a few drops of water. After lixiviating the charcoal, the products of reduction are kept for further inves- tigation. C. Incrustations or Coatings on Porcelain. The volatile elements reducible by hydrogen or carbon may either be separated as such from compounds, or as oxides, and METHODS OF EXAMINATION. 119 collected upon glazed porcelain. Such deposits may next be converted into iodides, sulphides, or other combinations having characteristic qualities, by means of which they can be recog- nized. The incrustations or films consist in the centre of a thick layer surrounded on all sides by a thinner coating pass- ing to the merest tinge. These reactions are so sensitive, that in many cases 0.1 or 0.001 grm. of. material suffice to produce them, surpassing in delicacy Marsh's arsenic test. The incrustations produced are as follow : a. Metallic Films or Incrustations are prepared by heating a very small particle of the substance placed on an asbestos fibre, in the upper reduc.iny flame at C (not too large, and per- fectly free from smoke), with one hand, whilst holding at the same time in the other a thin and glazed porcelain capsule (0.1 metre in diameter), filled with cold water, and placing it closely over the asbestos fibre into the upper reducing flame. The volatile metals, if present, will be deposited as a dark incrus- tation, either dull or lustrous. This deposit is then further examined as to its solubility in dilute nitric acid (containing 20 per cent, of anhydrous acid). b. Oxide Incrustations These are formed by holding the porcelain capsule in the preceding experiment, at some dis- tance from the test-specimens, into the upper oxidizing flame at E. It may then be tested 1st, by a drop of stannous chloride; if no reduction is effected we add : 2. Caustic soda solution until the precipitated hydride of 4in oxide is redissolved, and observe whether a reduction is the result. 3. The incrustation is touched with some drops of neutral argentic nitrate solution by means of a glass rod spread out, and ammonia vapor blown upon it.* If a precipitate is formed, the color is observed, etc. * The latter is best accomplished by using a small sized ordinary wasli bottle, in which the blowing-tube extends under the ammonia solution, and the pointed ejection-tube only to the lower end of the perforated cork. 120 MINERALOGY SIMPLIFIED. c. Iodide Films These are formed by placing the oxide incrustation on the cold capsule over the wide-mouthed glass flask containing hydriodic acid and phosphorous acid (derived from the gradual deliquescence of phosphoric tri-iodide). The iodide coating may be further tested by the moist breath (solu- bility), and by having ammonia vapor blown upon it. d. Sulphide Incrustations are produced from the iodide incrustation by blowing a current of sulphide of ammonium vapor upon it, and expelling the superfluous ammonium sul- phide by gently heating the porcelain capsule. The sulphide incrustation left is then further tested to examine its solubility in water by blowing the warm breath upon it, or by adding a drop of water, and for its solubility in ammonium sulphite, either by blowing or dropping the reagent upon it. 9. GENERAL REVIEW OF FLAME REACTIONS. The elements which may be recognized by the flame-reactions may be divided into three groups, according to their behavior during their oxidation and reduction. A. Volatile elements, separable by reduction as incrustations (see the table of volatile elements appended hereto). B. Reducible metals furnishing no incrustations. C. Elements which may best be recognized from the deport- ment (reactions) of their compounds. By considering, in addition, those substances recognizable by their flame coloration, the following general schedule of flame- reactions may be given, and their further chemical behavior, elsewhere described, may be considered and compared with it. A. Table of Volatile Elements which can be reduce( to thei Metallic In- crustation and Coating, Oxide In- crustation and Coat- ing. Oxide In- crustation with SnCla, Oxide Incrus- tation with SnClo and NaHO. Oxide Incrusta- tion with AgN0 3 and NH 4 HO TELLURIUM, Black; with brown coating. White. Black. Black. White, tinged yellowish. SELENIUM, Cherry-red ; with brick red coating. White. Brick-red. Black. White. ANTIMONY, Black; with brown coating. White. White. White. Black ; insolu- ble in JMH 3 . ARSENIC, Black; with bi'own coating. White. White. White. Lemon-yellow or brownish- red ; soluble iu NH 3 . BISMUTH, Black ; with soot-brown coating. Yellowish- white. White. Black White. MERCURY, Gray; non-cohe- rent coating. THALLIUM, Black ; with brown coaling. White. White. White. White. LEAD, Black ; with brown coating. Light ochre- yellow. White. White. White. CADMIUM, Black ; with brown coating. Brownish- black ; with white coat- ing. White. White White coating becomes blue- black. ZINC, Black; with brown coating. White. White. White. White. INDIUM, Black ; with brown coating. Yellowish- white. White. White. White. To J ace jtage 121. ? Films or Coatings oil Porcelain, arranged according Reactions. e Incrustation id Coating, Iodide Incrus- tation with NH 3 (blown upon it), Sulphide In- crustation and Coating, Sulphide In- rustaiion with H(NH 4 )S, Color of flame and odor, Ution of dilute nitric acid HN0 3 +^2. n ; breathed i disappears i time. Msapp^ars per- manently. Black to black- ish-brown. Disappears for a time. Jpper reduc- tion zone fa- ded blue ; up- per oxidizing flame green ; no odor. Substances whose metal- lic incrusta- . tions are scarcely af- fected by di- lute nitric acid. Substances whose metal- lic incrusta- . tions are with diffi- cnltydissolv- ed by dilate nitric acid. J Substances whose metal- lic incru.sta- . tions are in- stantly dis- solved by di- lute nitric acid. n ; breathed i does not lly disappear. Does not dis- appear. Yellow to orange. Orange, then disappears for a time. fine blue ; odor ot rotten horse- radish. ?e-red ; breath- pon disappears i time. Disappears per- manently. Orange. Disappears for a time. Jpper reduc- tion-zone faded green. /ellow;breath- pon disappears i time. Msappears per- manently. Lemon-yellow. Disappears for a time. Tpper reduc- tion-zone laded blue ; odor of garlic. h-brown; with .-red to crim- red coating ; thed upon dis- ir for a time. Crimson-red to egg-yellow ; chestnut-brown when dry. Umber-brown ; with coffee- brown coating. Does not dis- APpear. Bluish, not cha- racteristic. ine andlemon- w ; breathed i does not dis- :ar. Disappears for a time. Black. Does not dis- appear. n-yellow ; hed upon does Lisappear. Does not dis- appear. Black ; with bluish-gray coating. Does not dis- appear. Light grass- green. yellow to le -yellow; thed upon does Lisappear. Disappears for a time. Brownish-red to black. Does not dis- appear. Faded blue. White. White. Lemon-yellow. Does not dis- appear. White. White. White. Does not dis- appear. owish-white. Yellowish- white White. Does not dis- appear. Intense indigo- blue. METHODS OF EXAMINATION. 121 Method employed. Reactions obtained Indications of: I. We endeavor to obtain a itie- tallic incrusta- tion in a por- celain capsule. All incrustation which is to be tested in regard to its solubility in dilute nitric acid, thus : Scarcely attacked : Te, Se, Sb, As. With difficulty dissolved : Bi, Hg, T (Thallium). Instantly dissolved : Pb, Cd, Zn, I (Indium). II. The sub- stance is heat- ed with addi- a. A gray pow- -| der: j magnetic: Fe, Ni, Co. Nou -magnetic : Pd, Pt, Rh, Ir. tion of sodic carbonate on a charcoal rod. 6. A metallic ] globule : \ . Cu, Sn, Ag, Au. III. The mass, mixed with a. A white or ] colorless fusion : J . Mo, W (tungsten), Ti, Ta, Nb, Si. Na 2 C0 3 and K N0 3 is heated on a platinum wire. b. A yellow ' fusion : \ c. A green , fusion : '. . Cr, V. . Mn. IV. Special proceedings for finding : U, P, S (described in our special methods of detection). V. Flame-coloration : K, Na, Li, Sr, Ba, Ca. Besides the characteristic flame coloring by which certain substances may be recognized, there is a large series of general flame-reactions, which may be systematized as follows : (See Table A.) B. Reducible to Metals, but yielding no incrustations. IRON COMPOUNDS. Reduction on the charcoal rod furnishes neither metallic globules nor lustrous scales ; ground fine in an 11 122 MINERALOGY SIMPLIFIED. agate mortar the reduced mass is attracted by a magnet in the form of a black, dull brush, which, when rubbed upon paper, then touched with a drop of aqua regia and gently warmed, produces a yellow spot that turns deep blue by the addition of a drop of ferrocyanide of potassium solution. The paper ought previously be tested for iron. Borax Bead Ignited in oxidizing flame with some oxide furnishes whilst hot, according to the quantity, a yellowish-red to brownish dark-red glass, which, on cooling, turns yellow to brownish-yellow. In reduction flame the bead is red whilst hot, and bottle-green when cold. NICKEL COMPOUNDS Reduction on the charcoal rod fur- nishes white, lustrous, ductile, metallic spangles, which are attracted by the magnet. Rubbed on paper the metal yields, with a drop of nitric acid, a green solution which, when touched with a drop of caustic soda, on a glass .rod, thence ex- posed to bromine vapor, and again touched with caustic soda, furnishes a black spot of peroxide of nickel. Borax Bead Oxidizing flame dirty violet ; upper reducing flame gray from metallic nickel, which at times unites to a silver-white nickel sponge, whilst the bead turns colorless. COBALT COMPOUNDS Reduction on the charcoal rod yields white, shiny, ductile, metallic spangles, which are attracted by the magnet. Rubbed on paper the metal furnishes, in contact with nitric acid, a red solution which, when touched with a drop of hydrochloric acid and then dried, yields a green spot which, when moistened with water, again disappears. By means of caustic soda and bromine vapor we obtain, as with nickel, a brownish-black spot of peroxide of cobalt. Borax Bead Oxidizing flame and reducing flame deep blue. PALLADIUM COMPOUNDS. With Soda on Platinum Wire. In the upper oxidation flame we obtain a gray mass similar to platinum sponge which, when rubbed in an agate mortar, forms silver-white, lustrous, ductile, metallic spangles, which form a red solution with nitric acid. Adding a drop of mercury cya- nide and blowing a current of ammonia vapor over the liquid, METHODS OF EXAMINATION. 123 a white flaky precipitate is produced, which is redissolved by an excess of the reagent. PLATINUM COMPOUNDS. With Soda on Platinum Wire. In the upper oxidizing flame they are reduced to a spongy mass which, ground in an agate mortar, yields silver-white, shiny, ductile spangles, insoluble in nitric or hydrochloric acid, but easily soluble in aqua regia (a mixture of both), with a light yellow color when the platinum is pure ; with a brownish- yellow color, if palladium, rhodium, or iridium is present. Mercury cyanide with a current of ammonia vapor gives no white precipitate, but a yellow crystalline one of ammonium platinum chloride. IRIDIUM COMPOUNDS. With Soda on Platinum Wire In the upper oxidizing flame a metallic reduction takes place ; the mass ground in an agate mortar is not shining nor ductile, and is insoluble in acids, including aqua regia. RHODIUM COMPOUNDS Distinguished from iridiurn com- pounds, only that the metallic powder, when fused with potas- sium sulphate, is partly oxidized, and forms a rose-red solution. OSMIUM COMPOUNDS. In the oxidizing flame osmium acid is produced, possessing a chlorine-like, pungent odor, attacking the eyes. GOLD COMPOUNDS. With Soda on a Charcoal Rod. A yel- low, lustrous granule is obtained, which, in a mortar, yields golden yellow spangles. Insoluble in nitric and hydrochloric acids, but soluble in aqua regia. The light yellow solution imbibed by white blotting (filter) paper, and touched with a drop of stannous chloride (SnClJ produces a splendid purple color (purple of Cassius), used in the arts for imparting to glass a ruby color. SILVER COMPOUNDS. With Soda on a Charcoal Rod. A white, ductile globule is produced which, when heated, is dis- solved in nitric acid. Hydrochloric acid throws down from the solution a white, curdy precipitate, soluble in ammonia, but insoluble in nitric acid. 124 MINERALOGY SIMPLIFIED. COPPER COMPOUNDS. With Soda on a Charcoal Rod A copper-red, ductile globule is obtained, soluble in nitric acid with a blue color. If some of the solution is imbibed by white blotting paper, and a drop of ferrocyanide of potassium added, a brown spot is produced. Borax Bead. The oxidizing flame furnishes a blue bead which, in the lower reduction flame, upon the addition of a little stannic oxide yields a brownish-red color of cuprous oxide (Cu 2 O). By alternating the oxidizing and reducing pro- cess a ruby red, transparent bead is obtained ; which is best obtained when the reduced bead is allowed to oxidize slowly. TIN COMPOUNDS. On a Charcoal Rod White, bright, duc- tile globule, dissolving slowly in hydrochloric acid ; by nitric acid it is not dissolved, but is converted into insoluble, white, stannic oxide. In tin solutions bismuthic nitrate and an excess of caustic soda, furnishes a precipitate. C. Elements which can best be recognized from the reactions of their compounds. MOLYBDENUM COMPOUNDS. With Soda on the Charcoal Rod. Reducible with difficulty to a gray powder. Borax Bead (not very characteristic) The bead in the oxidizing flame is at first colorless, but when completely satu- rated, forms a bluish enamel. Special Reactions The finely powdered substance is mixed with soda (best obtained by fusion of a fragment of a soda crystal), and this mixture fused within a platinum spiral of 2-3 mm. diameter exposed to the flame of a Bunsen lamp. The mass, when heated to a white heat, is knocked off and dissolved in a few drops of warm water. The clear liquid, above the sediment, is imbibed by a strip of blotting paper, and submitted to the following tests : After being acidulated with hydrochloric acid, the addition of ferrocyanide of potas- sium produces a red brown spot. Stannous chloride, added gradually, forms at once, or after gentle heating, a blue color. Ammonium sulphide produces a brown color, and upon the METHODS OF EXAMINATION. 125 addition of hydrochloric acid, a brown precipitate, whereby the paper often turns blue. TUNGSTEN (WOLFRAMIUM) COMPOUNDS A fusion is pro- duced like that described by molybdenum. The aqueous solu- tion is absorbed by blotting paper. Hydrochloric acid and ferrocyanide of potassium give no reactions. Stannous chloride furnishes at once a blue color, or after slight warming. Ammonium sulphide causes neither alone nor with hydro- chloric acid a precipitate, but turns (especially after slight heating) the paper blue or greenish. TITANIUM COMPOUNDS. With Salt of Phosphorus In oxidizing flame, colorless ; in reduction flame of a feeble amethystine color ; adding to the bead some ferrous sulphate, it assumes in the lower reduction flame a red color. With Soda on Platinum Wire. Fuses to a colorless trans- parent mass turning turbid when cold. If the bead while hot is touched with stannous chloride, and heated in the lower reduction zone, a gray mass is obtained which, with hydro- chloric acid, and slightly heated, gives a pale amethyst color. TANTALUM AND NIOBIUM COMPOUNDS exhibit the same deportment as titanium compounds. CHROMIUM COMPOUNDS. With Soda in the Platinum Spiral Such compounds fused with repeated additions of saltpetre assume a light yellow color, soluble in water with the same color. The liquid removed from the sediment, then acidulated with acetic acid and imbibed by blotting-paper, yields with solution of lead acetate, a yellow ; with silver salts, a reddish-brown precipitate. Ammonium sulphide, stannous chloride, or the evaporation with aqua regia turn the yellow colored solution green. Borax Bead In both flames emerald green. VANADIUM COMPOUNDS. . Fusion with Soda and Saltpetre in the Platinum Spiral. A yellow fusion is obtained. The solution when acidulated with acetic acid, is colored yellow by silver solution. When the solution is mixed with aqua regia and evaporated, we obtain not a green, but a yellow or 11* 12G MINERALOGY SIMPLIFIED. yellowish-brown liquid which is turned blue by stannous chloride. . Borax Bead Oxidizing flame, greenish-yellow; reduction flame, green. MANGANESE COMPOUNDS. Borax Bead Oxidizing flame, amethyst color ; reduction flarne, colorless. With Soda and Saltpetre in the Platinum Spiral The fused mass obtained is green, and the aqueous solution like- wise. Upon the addition of acetic acid the liquid turns red ; later, colorless with separation of brown flakes. URANIUM COMPOUNDS. Borax Bead Oxidizing flame, yellow; reduction flame, green. From the similar iron re- action, the hot uranium bead is distinguished by emitting a bluish-green light. Phosphorus Salt Bead Reduction flame, fine green ; while 'iron yields, when cold, a reddish or colorless bead. With Acid Potassic Sulphate in the Platinum Spiral The fused mass is ground together with a few granules of crystal- lized soda, moistened with water, and absorbed by blotting- paper. When acidulated with acetic acid, ferrocyanide of potassium produces a brown spot. SILICIC COMPOUNDS. Phosphorus Salt Small splinters of silicates yield a gelatinous, infusible, silica mass, suspended or swimming in the bead. With Soda on Platinum Wire In oxidizing flame a clear bead is produced with strong effervescence. When this bead is treated with water and acetic acid, and the solution carefully evaporated, a gelatinous mass of hydrous silicic acid separates. PHOSPHORUS COMPOUNDS The completely dried sample is put into a glass tube together with a few cuttings of magne- sium wire, or a small piece of metallic sodium, and heated over the burner until the whole mass glows and fuses. The tube is now broken and the contents moistened with water, when the characteristic odor of phosphide of hydrogen is evolved, resembling that of rotten fish. SPECTRUM ANALYSIS. 127 SULPHUR COMPOUNDS. With Soda on the Charcoal Rod. In the lower reduction zone a fused mass is obtained which, when placed upon silver-foil, or a silver coin, and then moistened with a drop of water, produces a black spot. How- ever, this reaction is only reliable, when the* coal gas, used in the burner, is free from sulphur, and after the absence of sele- nium and tellurium has been ascertained, since these elements yield the same reaction. Metallic sulphides show their contents of sulphur by the evolution of sulphorous acid gas (SO 2 ), bleaching vegetable colors, such as litmus, and having the well-known suffocating odor of burning sulphur. 10. SPECTRUM ANALYSIS.* An entirely new branch of chemical analysis of great deli- cacy and importance, was developed in 1859, chiefly by the researches of R. Bunsen and G. Kirchhoff, the principles of which may here be briefly stated. It had long been known that certain chemical substances, especially the salts of the alkalies and alkaline earths, when strongly heated in the blowpipe, or other nearly colorless flame, impart to that flame a peculiar color by the occurrence of which the presence of the substance may be detected. If many of these substances are present together, the detection of each by the naked eye becomes impossible, owing to the colors being blended and interfering with each other. Thus a small trace of soda giving to the flame an intense yellow color prevents the eye from recognizing the purple tint of potassium salts, even if large quantities of these are present. This difficulty is completely overcome, and this method of observation rendered extremely sensitive, if, instead of regarding the flame * Prof. Roscoe's " Lessons in Elementary Chemistry, Inorganic and Organic." London. Same author : Spectrum Analysis with Engrav- ings, etc. Prof. Lockyer's Three Manchester Science Lectures. London. Same author: "Studies in Spectrum Analysis." Young on " The Sun." The two last named volumes in the " International Scientific Series." 128 MINERALOGY SIMPLIFIED. with the naked eye, it is examined through a prism. This consists of a triangular piece of glass, in passing through which the light is refracted or bent out of its course each differ- ently colored ray being differently refracted, so that if a source of white light, such as the flame of a candle, is thus regarded, a continuous band of differently colored rays is observed the. compound white light being resolved into all its single, vari- ously colored constituents. The colored band is called spectrum, and each source of pure white light gives the same continuous spectrum, stretching from red (the least refrangible) to violet (the most refrangible) color, identical in fact with the colors of the rainbow. The light of the sun and of celestial bodies in general, as well as that of the electric spark and of all ordinary flames, is of a compound nature. If a ray of light from any of the sources mentioned be admitted into a dark room by a small hole in a shutter, or otherwise, and suffered to fall upon a glass prism in the manner described below, it will not only be refracted from Fig. 109. its straight course, but will be decomposed into a number of colored rays, which may be received upon a white screen placed behind the prism. When solar light is employed, the colors are extremely brilliant, and spread into an oblong space of considerable length. The upper part of this image or spec- trum will be violet and the lower red, the intermediate portion, commencing from the violet, being indigo, blue, green, yellow, and orange, all graduating imperceptibly into each other. This is the celebrated experiment of Sir Isaac Newton ; and from it he drew the inference that white light is composed of SPECTRUM ANALYSIS. 129 % seven primitive colors, the rays of which are differently refran- gible by the same medium, and hence capable of being thus separated. The violet rays are most refrangible, and the red rays least. If these colored flames are examined by means of a prism, the light being allowed to fall through a narrow slit upon the prism, it is at once seen that the light thus refracted differs essentially from white light, inasmuch as it consists of only a particular set of rays, each flame giving a spectrum containing a few bright lines. Thus the spectrum of the yellow soda flame contains only one tine bright yellow line, while the purple potash flame exhibits a, spectrum in which there are two bright lines, of a poppy-red color, one lying at the extreme red, and the other of a bluish-purple color at the extreme violet end. These peculiar lines are always produced by the same chemical element, and by no other known substance, and the position of these lines always remains unaltered. When the spectrum of a flame tinted by a mixture of sodium and potassium salts is examined, the yellow ray of sodium is found to be confined to its own position, while the potassium-red and bluish-purple lines are as plainly seen as they would have been had no sodium been present. The colored flames which are exhibited by the salts of lithium, barium, strontium, and calcium, all give rise, like- wise, to a peculiar spectrum by which the presence or absence of very small quantities of these substances can be ascertained with certainty when mixed together, simply by observing the presence or absence of the peculiar bright lines characteristic of the particular body. The advantage which this new method of analysis possesses over the older processes lies in the ex- treme delicacy, as well as in the great facility with which the presence of particular elements can be detected with certainty.* * A little of the substance under examination is put upon the loop of a clean platinum wire, and inserted in the flame of the Bunsen gas burner.' Then, almost at a glance, whatever spectra may be present can be recognized. 130 MINERALOGY SIMPLIFIED. Thus a portion of sodium salt less than 55^55$ part of a grain can be detected ; and compounds are found to be most widely disseminated throughout the earth, which were supposed to occur very rarely. The extreme delicacy of the method is seen when we learn that every substance which has ever been ex- posed to the air for a moment gives the soda line, when placed in a colorless flame ; and when we find that the lithium com- pounds, which were formerly supposed to be contained in only four minerals, by aid of spectrum analysis, are found to be substances of most common occurrence, being observed in almost all spring waters, in tea, tobacco, milk, and blood, but existing in such minute quantities as to have altogether eluded recognition by the older and less delicate analytical methods ; for example, SMOMOO f a grain of sodium, or 67000,000 of a grain of lithium, will reveal its presence immediately. Thus, in a drop of native spring water, Li can be detected if a platinum wire is dipped into it and held in the flame. A most striking proof of the high value of spectrum analysis lies in the fact of the recent discovery of four new elements by its means. Two new alkaline metals, c&sium and rubidium, having been found together with soda and potash in certain mineral springs, and two new metals, thallium and indium, having been respectively discovered in iron pyrites and zinc ores. The new alkaline metals resemble potassium so closely in their properties, that it would be nearly impossible to have detected them by the ordinary analytical methods, although their spectra exhibit very distinct bright bands not seen in the potassium or any other known spectrum. The metal thallium was discovered by observing a splendid green line which did not belong to any known substance ; whilst indium was recog- nized by the presence of the two lines, In a in the indigo and In j3 in the violet portion of the solar spectrum. It is not only those bodies which have the power of impart- ing color to the flame which yield characteristic spectra, for this property belongs to every elementary substance, whether metallic, non-metallic, solid, liquid, or gaseous, and it is always SPECTRUM ANALYSIS. 131 observed when such element is heated to the point at which its vapor becomes luminous ; for then each element emits the peculiar light given off by it alone, and the characteristic bright lights become apparent when its spectrum is observed. Spark Spectra. Most metals require a much higher temperature than that of the non-luminous flame, in order that their vapor should become luminous ; but they may be easily heated up to the requisite temperature by means of the electric spark, which, in passing between two points of the metal in question, vola- tilizes a small portion, and heats it so intensely as to enable it to give off its peculiar light. Thus all the metals, among others iron, platinum, silver, and gold, may each be recognized by the peculiar bright lines which their spectra exhibit. It is to be remembered, however, that the bright lines of the gases through which the spark passes (the air lines) will likewise be observed. Spectra of Permanent Gases. The permanent gases also yield characteristic spectra when they are strongly heated by the passage of an electric spark. Thus if the spark be passed through an atmosphere of hydro- gen gas, the light emitted is one bright red, one green, and one blue line ; whilst in nitrogen gas the spark has a purple color, and the peculiar and complicated spectrum of nitrogen is observed when this spark is examined with a prism. Tn order to detect several flame-coloring elements when occurring together, it is easiest and best to use the spectro- scope. If a colored flame be observed by means of the spectro- scope, bright colored lines upon a dark ground are perceived. This arises from the fact that each element gives out a light peculiar to itself, which is resolved into single rays by the prism of the spectroscope, and these rays form the lines seen in the apparatus. The lines vary in color, position, and manner of grouping with each element : these characteristic differ- 132 MINERALOGY SIMPLIFIED. ences form the basis of the most sensitive and exact method of analysis, the so-called spectrum analysis. The spectrum lines of the most important elements are given in the following table. The numbers in this table indicate the divisions of a scale on which the various lines fall when the sodium line coincides with the fiftieth division. The heavy figures represent the prominent characteristic lines, which only appear at high temperatures and then soon disappear. SPECTRUM ANALYSIS. 133 1 s 2 o CD ^ ^H i 1 : i 00 00 IT3 O 00 rH V^-v-^ i I 8 i 5 rH rH rH o S iH l ~ l 1 I I 1 : rH . ^~ . : : : : g : : s O a 00 S CO GO t* rH ' g CO co Ir- co CO -^ er^ i - i T ?* rl CO CO CO CO . N I> . g : CD CD ^: Is o 5 d QO CO t- ^ csf * <^ * ' T5 lO I g ^5 lO '^ ro lO , lO ( ~ c> "^l^lfl ^ ^--05 : : 1 o o ^r Z I CO . ; Oi co co IT- ; ; CO CO CO CO 5 i 8 S 5 S : ^^ : i 1 8 15 =r^ = : co : : : 1 s to : t* : : ""* : rH : (g rH : : : : : rH i : : i : : : : : : .2 1 o 5 s s a - a g .2 1 S .2 I 5 1 1 3 8 - 02 PH h^ O ' S a 1 1 1 1 | d loll 12 134 MINERALOGY SIMPLIFIED. Solar and Stellar Chemistry. If sunlight be allowed to fall upon the slit of the spectro- scope, it is observed that the solar spectrum thus obtained differs essentially from the spectra which we have hitherto considered, inasmuch as it consists of a band of bright light passing from red to violet, but intersected by a very large num- ber of fine dark lines, of different degrees of breadth and shade, which are always present, and always occupy exactly the same relative positions in the solar spectrum. The student is recommended to consult the colored charts which are pub- lished, giving the general appearance of the solar spectrum and the position of some of the most important of these dark lines, marked with the letters of the alphabet. These lines indicate the absence in sunlight of particular rays, and they may be con- sidered as shadows, or spaces where there is no light; they are called " Frauenhofer" lines,* after a German optician who first satisfactorily mapped and described them. In the last few years the existence of these lines has become a matter of great importance and interest, as it is by their help that the determination of the chemical constitution of the sun and far-distant stars has become possible. The spectra of the moon and planets (reflected sunlight) are found to exhibit these same lines in unaltered position, while in the spectra of the fixed stars, dark lines also occur, but these stellar lines are different from those seen in direct and reflected sunlight. Hence the conclusion has been drawn that the Frauenhofer lines are in some way produced in the body of the sun itself; but it is only recently that the cause of their production has been discovered by the joint labors of Bunsen and Kirchhoff, and thus the foundation laid for the science of solar and stellar chemistry. If the position of these "dark lines in the solar spectrum be carefully compared in a powerful spectroscope with those of the * Dark lines running lengthwise of the spectrum often confuse the beginner. They are due to dust-specks on the slit of the spectroscope. SPECTRUM ANALYSIS. 135 bright lines in the spectra of certain metals, such as sodium, iron, and magnesium, etc., it is seen that each of the bright lines of the particular metal coincides not only in position- but also in breadth and intensity with a dark solar line ; so that, if the apparatus be so arranged that a solar and metallic spec- trum be both allowed to fall, one below the other, in the field of the telescope, the bright lines of the metal are all seen to be continued in dark solar lines. In the case of metallic iron alone, more than sixty such coincidences have been observed, and the higher the magnifying power employed, the more strik- ing and exact does this coincidence appear. With other metals, such for instance as gold, antimony, lithium, no single coincidence can be noticed, while all the lines of certain other metals have their dark representatives in the sun. From these facts it is clear that there must be some kind of connection between the bright lines of these metals and the coincident dark solar lines. Are such coincidences of the dark solar lines with the bright iron lines caused by the pre- sence of iron in the sun ? And if so, how do these lines come to appear dark in the solar spectrum ? The explanation of this is given by an experiment in which the bright metallic lines are reversed or changed into dark lines. Thus the bright yellow soda lines (coincident with Frauenho- fer's line " D'') can be made to appear as a dark line, by allow- ing the rays from a strong source of white light, such as the oxyhydrogen light, to pass through a flame colored by soda, and then fall upon the slit of thespectroscope.* Instead of then seeing the usual soda spectrum of a bright yellow double line upon a dark ground, a double dark line, identical in posi- * The experiment may be made thus : Between the strong light, capable of giving a continuous spectrum, and the slit in the spectro- scope, a layer of sodium vapor is interposed, produced by heating a little metallic sodium in an iron spoon. This sodium vapor absorbs the yellow ray which the more intensely heated sodium vapor of the oxyhydrogen light emits, and a dark line will be seen in its place, i. e., the sodium line has been reversed. 136 MINERALOGY SIMPLIFIED. tion and breadth -with the soda line, will be seen to intersect the continuous spectrum of the white light. Here then the yellow flame has absorbed the same kind of light as it emitted, a consequent diminution of intensity in that part of the spec- trum occurred, and a dark line made its appearance. In like manner the spectra of many other substances have been re- versed, each substance in the state of vapor having the power of absorbing the same rays it emits, or being opaque to such rays.* The explanation of the existence of dark lines in the solar spectrum, coincident with bright metallic lines, now becomes evident. These dark lines are caused by the passage of white light through the glowing vapor of the metals in question, present in the sun's atmosphere, and these vapors absorb ex- actly the same kind of light which they are able to emit. The sun's atmosphere, therefore, contains these metals in the condi- tion of glowing gases ; the white light proceeding from the solid or liquid strongly heated mass of the sun which lies in the interior. By observing the coincidences of these dark lines with the bright lines of terrestrial metals, we arrive at a knowledge of the presence of such metals in the solar atmosphere with as great a degree of certainty as we are able to attain in any question of physical science. The metals hitherto detected in the sun's atmosphere are nine in number, viz., iron, sodium, magnesium, calcium, chromium, nickel, barium, copper, and zinc. Hydrogen and oxygen are also known to exist in the sun. Stellar Chemistry. The same methods of observation and reasoning apply to the determination of the chemical constitution of the atmospheres of the fixed stars, as these are self-luminous suns ; but the ex- perimental difficulties are greater, and the results, therefore, * This is in accordance with the physical law that substances when cold absorb the same rays which they give out when hot. SPECTRUM ANALYSIS. 137 are as yet less complete, though not less conclusive, than is the case with our sun. The spectra of the stars contain dark lines, but these are for the most part different from the solar lines, and differ from one another ; hence we conclude that the chemical constitutions of the solar and stellar atmospheres are different. Many of the substances known on the earth have been detected in the atmosphere of the stars by Mr. Huggins and Prof. W. A. Miller, to whom we owe this most important discovery. The bright star Aldebarcm, for instance, contains hydrogen, sodium, magnesium, calcium, iron, antimony, mercury, bis- muth, and tellurium. Spectroscope. The instrument used in these experiments is termed a spec- troscope. It consists of a prism, a (Fig. 110), fixed upon a firm iron stand, and a tube, b (collimator), carrying the slit, rf, through which the rays from the colored. flames, e f and e* fall Fig. 110. upon the prism, being rendered parallel by passing through a lens. The light having passed through the prism, and having been refracted or split up into its constituents, the differently colored rays are received by the telescope,/, and the image 12* 138 MINERALOGY SIMPLIFIED. magnified before reaching the eye. The rays from each flame are made to pass into the telescope,/, one set through the un- covered half of the slit, the other by total reflection through a small prism through the lower half; thus bringing the two spectra into the field of view at once, so as to be able to make any desired comparison of the lines. Measuring the Spectrum. But for scientific purposes the instrument requires the most accurate means for measuring the spaces of the spectrum. For this purpose a third tube, g, has been added. At its outer end there is a glass plate upon which is engraved or photographed a scale of minute divisions. A lamp, ^, placed in front of this tube, #, throws the image of this scale through the tube and lens at the end nearest to the prism, so that it falls upon the face of the prism, a, at such an angle as to be reflected through the telescope,/, to the eye. The scale is permanent, and parallel with it the observer sees the spectrum of whatever light is employed, and can thus fix arid compare the position of the lines with exactness. Fig. 112. c / , In Fig. Ill is seen the tube, g, containing the photographed scale, illuminated by a gas jet, c, and the manner in which both are fastened to the brass case, having a cover to keep off foreign light as well as dust, from the prism. The Bunsen DETECTING CERTAIN ELEMENTS. 139 burners, /, A, together with the two supporters, i, and &, serve for volatilizing the substances to be investigated. If the flames, e and e', are brought in proper position relative to the slit of tube, #, the brass case, together with prism and tubes, is then turned until the intensity of the spectrum light" has attained its maximum value. As the illuminating lamp, e, and the scale, g, are likewise fastened to the brass case, all must turn together, and the illumination of the scale will remain the same. CHAPTER VII. SPECIAL METHODS FOR DETECTING CERTAIN ELEMENTS, OR SOME OF THEIR COMBINATIONS WHEN PRESENT IN COM- PLEX CHEMICAL COMPOUNDS. 1. ALUMINA, A1 2 O 3 . This may be traced in most of the infusible minerals by the blue color which the assay assumes when, after being strongly heated, it is moistened with cobalt solution and reheated. Very hard minerals, such as corundum, must previously be very finely pulverized. Native crystallized alumina, such as corundum, ruby, sap- phire, emery, are, like strongly ignited amorphous alumina, almost entirely insoluble in acids, but when fused with bisul- phate of potassium, caustic or carbonate of potassium pass into a soluble condition. The colorless alumina salts are either insoluble or soluble in water, losing the acid upon ignition. Caustic alkalies precipitate from solutions a gelatinous basic salt, soluble in an excess of the precipitant. From this solution alumina is thrown down by sal-ammoniac (or better, after the neutralization with HC1, by ammoniaor carbonate ofammonium). Ammonia, carbonate of ammonium, and sulphide ofammonium, 140 MINERALOGY SIMPLIFIED. precipitate gelatinous hydroxide = A1 2 (OH) 6 , soluble somewhat in the first, insoluble in the other reagents mentioned, e. g., (S0 4 ) 4 A1 2 K 2 + 6NH.+ 6H 2 = 3[SO 4 (NH 4 ) J+ SO 4 K S + A1,(OH) 6 . In the presence of magnesia the precipitate, resulting from alkalies, contains magnesia, readily separated by repeated solu- tions in HC1, and reprecipitation by ammonia, or preferably by boiling with sal-ammoniac solution until no ammoniacal odor can be perceived, when the magnesia passes into solution as an ammoniacal double salt. Phosphate of soda precipitates from alumina salts gelatinous phosphate of alumina, soluble in potassa, but insoluble in acetic acid (distinctive from lime phosphate). Chloride of barium, or aqueous baryta solution, removes from a solution of phosphate of alumina in potassa, all the phosphoric acid in the form of phosphate of baryta. From an alkaline solution of alumina the addition of silicate of potassa (soluble glass) produces a precipitate of silicate of alumina, leaving in solution all the phosphoric acid. 2. AMMONIA. The substance is mixed with some caustic soda, potash or lime in the closed tube (a common reagent tube will answer), arid the mixture heated, when ammonia gas is evolved, recognizable 1st, by its pungent odor (hartshorn) ; 2d, by turning moistened red litmus paper blue ; 3d, by its producing dense white fumes with the vapor of concentrated hydrochloric acid, when the latter, suspended on a glass-rod, is brought near it ; 4th, by Nessler's test. The fact must not be overlooked, however, that organic nitrogenous bodies evolve ammonia as a product of decomposition, when these are heated to redness with a sufficient excess of powdered caustic potash or soda, or a mixture of caustic (burnt) lime and soda. Ammonia jnay be obtained even from a nitrate salt by igni- tion with potash-lime, provided that a non-azotized body, like sugar, be added to the mixture, but only when the latter is in DETECTING CERTAIN ELEMENTS. 141 great excess, e. g., 1 part nitre and 40 parts sugar, has been found to be the best proportion. Platinic chloride precipitates from ammonia solutions a yel- low precipitate, insoluble in alcohol or ether. It leaves upon ignition pure, spongy platinum. 3. ANTIMONY. The ores of antimony afford usually white fumes or charcoal when heated on aluminium foil, which are inodorous. In the open tube antimony gives a white sublimate, coating the glass. Antimony sulphides give at a strong heat in the closed tube a sublimate which is black while hot, brownish- red when cold. Treated with nitric acid, compounds of antimony deposit white antimonic oxide (Sb 2 O 5 ). In order to trace antimony when combined with other volatile metals, the white coating on coal is touched with a drop of hydriodic acid,* and once more heated. When its coating con- sists of antimony it turns to a fine red ; if bismuth, to brown ; if lead, to a light yellow ; if cadmium, to white. Since these colored coatings are very distinct and different, all the metals quoted may be recognized when present together (Haanel). When antimony is combined with lead and bismuth it is best detected by treating the substance with fused boric acid on the O. F. When the oxides of lead and bismuth are aborbed by the boric acid, and the charcoal becomes coated with a subli- mate which, when the blowing has not been too strong, consists of oxide of antimony, only free from the oxides of lead and bismuth. When antimony is combined with copper it is separated from it with difficulty, and the coating of antimony is scarcely re- cognizable on the charcoal. Under these circumstances the alloy is heated in the O. F. with a bead of S. Ph. until the latter has dissolved a portion of the antimony, the glass is then removed from the remaining metallic granule, placed on char- coal and heated with tin in the R. F. If the bead turns turbid * HI is obtained when pulverized iodine is suspended in water and a current of sulphide of hydrogen gas passed through it. 142 MINERALOGY SIMPLIFIED. and black, antimony is indicated. However, as bismuth gives the same reaction, it is best to separate and distinguisli them in the wet way. When the oxides of antimony, tin, and copper are combined together, we treat the mineral powder with a mixture of soda and borax in the R. F. on coal. The metallic globules are re- moved from the glassy mass and fused with 3-4 parts (by volume) of pure test-lead and fused boric acid, when metallic copper remains behind, while tin goes into the slag, and anti- mony coats the coal white. Sulphides of lead and antimony are mixed with soda and treated in the R. F. on charcoal ; when near the assay the yellow lead coating appears, and beyond this the white sublimate of antimony. Compounds of antimony are, according to Plattner, heated for a short time in the open tube, when they yield a mixture of crystals (compare arsenic) and amorphous antimonious acid. A small amount of antimony mixed with sulphide of arsenic is detected by heating the dry mixture gently in a closed tube ; the sulphide of arsenic volatilizes, while the dark colored sul- phide of antimony remains where the assay was originally placed. The tube is then cut off between the two sulphides, and the dark sulphide of antimony transferred to an open tube. By applying heat the characteristic antimony reaction will appear. When the quantity is extremely small, the tube is crushed, and the fragments, with the adhering sulphides, are introduced into the open tube. Antimony fuses at 425 C. (797 F.), and volatilizes slowly at a white heat. By fusing it in the air it takes fire, forming a dense white, inodorous vapor, consisting of antimonious oxide, Sb 2 O 3 . Antimony is very nearly insoluble fn HC1, and H 2 SO 3 ; in aqua regia easily soluble to antimonious or antimonic chlo- ride, SbCl 3 and SbCl 5 . With nitric acid it forms a mixture of white antimonious and white antimonic oxide, insoluble in the acid. Hot sulphuric acid dissolves it, forming antimonious sulphate with evolution of SO 2 . All the sulphur compounds of DETECTING CERTAIN ELEMENTS. 143 antimony are soluble in hot concentrated HC1, forming SbCl 3 with evolution of H 2 S. Sb 2 O 3 is volatile at red heat, easily soluble in hydrochloric and tartaric acids, insoluble in nitric acid. Its unstable salts are decomposed with much water, a white basic salt separates, while the acid solution contains yet Sb 2 O 3 , viz., 4SbCl 3 -f5H 2 rr=2SbOCl-fSb 2 O 3 +10HCl. Tartaric acid prevents this re- action. Zinc separates from solutions of Sb. 2 O 3 , in the absence of nitric acid, a black powder of metallic Sb. When a few drops of a compound of antimony, previously acidulated with HC1 (nitric acid is injurious) is brought together with a little zjnc upon platinum foil, the latter becomes covered with a black or brown deposit. This reaction is very sensitive, and takes place even with a dilute solution, a brown spot being formed at once,* soluble in warm nitric acid, antimonic acid being produced. H 2 S produces in acid solutions of antimonious acid salts, orange-red Sb 2 S 3 , easily soluble in (NH 4 ) 2 S, or in caustic alkali, but very little soluble in ammonia, and insoluble in bicarbonate of ammonium and dilute acids. Warm HC1 dissolves it to SbCl 3 , while H 2 S escapes. A dilute solution of tartar emetic is colored orange by H 2 S, but is precipitated by the addition of acid. Caustic alkalies, alkaline carbonates, as well as ammonia, and carbonate of ammonia, throw down white amorphous antimo- nious hydroxide, Sb(OH) 3 , soluble in caustic alkali, insoluble in ammonia. There are two hydrogen antimoniates or acids : antimonic acid, H 2 OSb 2 O 5 , or HSbO 3 (monobasic) and metantimonic acid (H 2 0) 2 Sb 2 O 7 (dibasic), or isomeric with antimonic acid, and monobasic. The normal antimoniates, as KSbO 3 , are all insoluble in water, except a hydrated potassium antimoniate, and this is made anhydrous and insoluble by boiling the solution. The super-antimoniates, as (K 2 O) 2 Sb 2 O 5 , are all insoluble in water. * A characteristic difference from arsenic and tin compounds. 144 MINERALOGY SIMPLIFIED. The monobasic potassium meta-antimoniate, KSb0 3 , is used as a precipitant for sodium (with all other acids soda forms soluble salts], and is prepared by fusing antimonic acid with a large excess of potassium hydrate; then dissolving, filtering, evaporating, and digesting hot the syrupy solution, with large excess of potassium hydrate, best in a silver dish, decanting the alkaline liquor, and stirring the residue, to granulate dry ; this reagent must be kept dry, and only dissolved when re- quired for use to precipitate soda. The reagent is of course not applicable to acid solutions. On the insolubility of meta-antimoniate of soda rests one of the best methods for the separation of antimony from other metals, and particularly from arsenic. Any compound of an- timony (except the sulphide) being intimately mixed in a porce- lain crucible with four parts of nitrate of soda and two parts of anhydrous carbonate of soda, and heated until the mass becomes entirely white, then treated, when cold, with water (or still better with very dilute alcohol), all the antimony remains as meta-antimoniate of soda, the arsenic as an arseniate of the alkali is found in the solution. For the formation of and reaction of antimonious hydride, SbH 3 , compare arsenic. 4. ARSENIC (Arsenicum). A steel-gray, lustrous, brittle, and easily pulverizable non-metallic element, vaporizing directly from the solid state at 356 C. (673 F.) in closed vessels; the vapor being colorless, with a strong garlic odor. Arsenious and arsenic acids are reduced to the elementary metallic state by several methods of great analytical importance. By the action of hydrogen gas, generated from an acid solution (Marsh's test), it is reduced from all its soluble compounds when it enters into a combination with the hydrogen, to arseni- ous hydride, AsH 3 , which is gaseous and extremely poisonous. The latter can be identified by numerous reactions, and from it the arsenic can again readily be obtained in its free elemen tary state. The hydrogen is generated by sulphuric acid DETECTING CERTAIN ELEMENTS. 145 diluted with 6 to 8 parts of water and zinc (both free from arsenic). Zn + H 2 Sb 4 =ZnSb 4 + 2H. The hydrogen removes the oxygen from either oxide of arsenic,* forming water, and then combines with the arsenic, two atoms of hydrogen taking the place of one atom of oxygen. H 3 AsO 3 + 3(Zn -f H 2 SO 4 ) = 3ZnSO 4 + 3H 2 + AsH 3 . Arsenious hydride gas (arsine) burns with a somewhat lumi- nous and slightly bluish flame (distinct from pure hydrogen). If a piece of cold porcelain is held in the flame the reduction of temperature prevents the oxidation of As, which is at once deposited in dark, steel-gray spots. Arsenious hydride is decomposed by heat alone. In passing through glass tubes, heated to incipient redness, the gas is de- composed, the arsenic adhering to the inner surface of the tube beyond the heated part, as a steel-gray mirror coating. The following reactions exhibited by these deposits will serve to distinguish arsenic from antimony. ARSENIC SPOTS. ANTIMONY SPOTS. Dissolve in liypochlorite of soda, Do not dissolve in hypochlorite. (NaCIO). Warmed with a drop of ammo- Warmed with sulphide of ammo- nium sulphide form yellow ilium form orange spots, insoluble spots soluble in ammonium in ammonium carbonate, soluble carbonate, insoluble in HC1. in HC1. A drop of hot nitric acid dis- A drop of hot dilute nitric acid solves them. turns them white. This clear solution mixed with a These white spots, treated with drop of solution of silver ni- silver nitrate and vapor of am- trate, gives when treated with monia, give no color, but when vapor of ammonia (evolved warmed with a drop of ammo- from a glass rod, moistened mum hydrate they assume a with ammonium hydrate) a black color, brick-red or a yellow color. * Free arsenic and arsenious sulphides are not acted upon by the nascent hydrogen. 13 146 MINERALOGY SIMPLIFIED. With vapor of iodine the color turns yellow, by formation of arsenious iodide readily volatile when heated. With vapor of iodine color more or less carmine-red, by formation of antimonious iodide not readily volatile by heating. ARSENIC MIRROR. Deposited beyond the flame, the gas being decomposed at a red heat. By vaporization in the stream of gas arsenic escapes with a gar- lic odor. By the slow vaporization of arsenic in a current of air, established in an open glass tube, contain- ing the assay, which should be held obliquely over a lamp, a deposit of octahedral crys- tals (see Fig. 113) is obtained beyond the source of heat. Should enough As be present, a dense, white coating is de- posited which, when examined with a magnifying glass, may exhibit crystalline forms. This white sublimate of As 2 3 is so- luble in water, and the solu- tion can be tested in the wet way. ANTIMONY MIRROR. Deposited before or on both sides ; the gas being decomposed con- siderably below a red heat. The vapor has no odor. By vaporization in a current of air a white amorphous coating is obtained, insoluble in water, so- luble in HC1, and giving reactions for antimony. DETECTING CERTAIN ELEMENTS. 147 Apparatus for "Marsh's" Tests above mentioned. In Marsh's apparatus, Fig. 114, A is the gas evolving bottle, provided with funnel tube a, and escape tube b. B is a chloride Fig. 114. Fig. 115. of calcium tube supported by stand O. Tube b is connected to c by India-rubber joint d. The gas issues at point of tube /, where it may be inflamed.* A simple apparatus, consisting of a test-tube provided with a cork and deliv- ery tube, may serve in many experiments. A convenient form of Marsh's instrument is that shown in the drawing (Fig. 115); it consists of a bent tube having two bulbs blown upon it, fitted with a stopcock and narrow jet. Slips of zinc are put into the lower bulb, which is afterwards filled with the liquid to be examined. On replacing the stopcock, closed, the gas collects and forces the fluid into the upper bulb, which then acts by its hydrostatic pressure, and expels the gas through the jet as soon as the stopcock is opened. It must be borne * The inexperienced experimenter is cautioned not to light the gas before all the air has escaped, otherwise an explosion, and destruction of the apparatus may take place. 118 MINERALOGY SIMPLIFIED. in mind that both common zinc and sulphuric acid often contain traces of arsenic.* Test, for Arsenic in Minerals containing no Sulphur, as Whitneyite (Cu g As). Having lately had occasion to examine a mineral new to me, and of unknown composition, made up of small, angular gra- nules, having a submetallic lustre, and a yellowish-brown color, soluble in nitric acid, and free from sulphur, but containing copper, I proceeded to test for arsenic in the usual way, includ- ing Marsh's test, but without success. I found the following simple process the most accurate and delicate :| The mineral powder is placed in a large test-tube or small flask, treated with pure zinc and diluted sulphuric acid, and a piece of filter- ing paper, moistened with nitrate of silver solution, tied over the mouth. If arsenic be present, arsenious hydride (AsH 3 ) is evolved which, acting upon the nitrate of silver, will in a short time blacken it, more especially after some standing. Should sulphur be present in a mineral the interference of H 2 S thus formed may be avoided by causing the gas to pass through cotton-wool moistened with a solution of lead acetate, and carefully placed within so as to fill the neck of the flask, then left standing for several hours. This operation may be perfectly relied upon for negative results, and is well suited for testing preliminarily the purity of the reagents employed, viz., zinc and sulphuric acid. * Where the amount of arsenic present is small, it becomes neces- sary to take advantage of the effects of heat, and cause the gas to pass slowly through a red-hot tube, until all the zinc is dissolved. The reduced arsenic will be deposited on the cool part of the tube just beyond the heated portion. In all cases in using the above test, it is necessary to ascertain the purity of the zinc and acid by trial, previ- ous to the addition of the suspected liquid. f Qualitative Chemical Analysis, by Drs. S. H. Douglas and A. B. Prescott. New York, D. Van Nostrand, 1880, p. 117. DETECTING CERTAIN ELEMENTS. 149 Arsenious and arsenic acids, and their salts, as well as the sulphides of arsenic, are examined by pulverizing and placing them in a glass bulb, covering them with six times their weight of a dry mixture of equal parts of cyanide of potassium and carbonate of soda. The mass is next gently heated, and the moisture, if any be present, removed by inserting a piece of bibulous paper. The operation is repeated until the mixture is perfectly dry. Finally, the bulb is strongly heated over an alcohol lamp, or by the blowpipe flame, when a mirror metallic arsenic deposits in the cool part of the above tube. Very small traces of arsenious acid can also be detected according to Berzelius by introducing the assay into a closed glass tube, drawn out to a small diameter (Fijj;. 116), and in- serting a splinter of charcoal above it from a to b. The char- Fig. 116. Fig. 117. coal is first heated, and then the assay ; the arsenious acid is reduced as it passes over the hot charcoal, and As is deposited in the form of a metallic mirror at c. If the tube be cut off between the mirror, c, and the sealed end, a, the mirror, upon heating, gives off the arsenical odor of garlic. Arsenic tubes, for the reduction of arsenical compounds and sublimation of arsenic, should all be made of hard German or Bohemian glass, free from reducible metals. 13* 150 MINERALOGY SIMPLIFIED. They are usually about three inches long. Fig. 117 repre- sents the forms mostly used for this purpose, and which the student may readily prepare for himself from glass tubing of suitable width with the aid of the Bunsen blast-burner. Reinsch's test is founded upon the fact that metallic copper reduces arsenious acid from a hot hydrochloric acid solution. A bright slip of copper foil is boiled in the liquid previously acidulated with hydrochloric acid, the copper withdraws the arsenic and becomes covered with a white alloy. By heating the metal in a glass tube the arsenic is expelled and oxidized to arsenious acid. 5. BARYTA All salts of baryta, except silicates and phos- phates, yield the characteristic yellowish-green coloration of the flame, especially after moistening with HC1. Even the insoluble sulphate BaS0 4 (heavy spar), obtained when any soluble mineral containing baryta is .dissolved in HC1, and the solution precipitated by dilute sulphuric acid, causes the same coloration. When observed through green glass (colored with oxide of copper) the baryta flame appears bluish-green. See flame coloration, page 104. Strontia may interfere with the baryta reaction. The pre- sence of sulphate of baryta with the sulphate of strontia can be detected by fusing the mixture with 3 or 4 parts of chloride of calcium in a platinum spoon, and boiling the fused mass with water. If a cloudiness is produced by adding to the clear dilute solution a few drops of chromate of potassa, the presence of baryta is indicated. Strontia is only precipitated from the concentrated solution (Chapman). Sulphate of baryta (heavy spar) fuses B. B.; the fused mass reacts alkaline with test-paper ; on charcoal it is reduced to sulphide. With soda by continued blowing it yields hepar, which placed on a clear silver surface, and moistened with a drop of water, yields black sulphide of silver. 6. BISMUTH. Fuses and gives off inodorous fumes. When treated alone or with soda in the R. F. on charcoal, it pro- DETECTING CERTAIN ELEMENTS. 151 duces a dark-brown oxide, which turns pale-yellow on cooling. The presence of other metals renders this reaction sometimes unsafe, and the wet way for its detection is preferable. If a com- pound of bismuth be treated with a mixture of equal parts of iodide of potassium and flowers of sulphur, and fused B. B. on charcoal, a beautiful red sublimate of iodide of bismuth will be deposited (von Kobell). Compounds containing lead treated in the same manner yield a yellow coating ; their presence does not interfere with the reaction for bismuth. Bismuth is insoluble in HC1, but easily soluble in nitric acid or aqua regia, forming a nitrate (NO 3 ) 3 Bi, or a chloride BiCl 3 also soluble in hot sulphuric acid, producing a sulphate (SO 4 ) 3 Bi 2 . The teroxide of bismuth, Bi 2 O 3 , is formed by a strong igni- tion of the metal in the air, or by heating the nitrate salt. The salts are colorless ; their solutions, if there is not too much acid present, are decomposed by water, and a white basic salt is precipitated. The acid which has been set free always holds some teroxide in solution, (N0 3 ) 3 Bi + H 2 O = NO 3 Bi(OH) 2 -f 2NO 3 H. The decomposition of the chloride is more complete, BiCl a + H 2 O = BiOCl + 2HC1. In examining small quantities of a substance for minute amounts of bismuth, the HC1 solution is evaporated to a few drops, and these thrown in water. The white precipitate is insoluble in tartaric acid or tartrate of potassa, which dis- tinguishes it from the oxide of antimony, which is soluble. H 2 S and (NH 4 ) 2 S precipitate brown sulphide, (B5 2 S 3 ), insoluble in an excess of sulphide of ammonium. Ammonia and caustic alkali throw down white hydroxide, BiO.(OH), insoluble in an excess. Chromate of potassium throws down yellow chromate of bismuth. If into a clear solution of stannous chloride in an excess of potassa we drop a solution of a bismuth salt, a black precipitate falls which is bismuth monoxide, BiO. 7. BORIC (boracic) ACID is recognized by the intense green color it or its compounds, especially silicates, impart to the 152 MINERALOGY SIMPLIFIED. flame at the instant of fusion, when melted with three parts of the flux, called " Turner's reagent" (a mixture of two parts of fluor-spar and one of bisulphate of potassium). The trial should be made in a dark place. Borate of sodium alone tinges the flame pure yellow, but if it be moistened with H 2 SO 4 , boric acid is set free, tinging its mix- ture with alcohol, when ignited, lively green. Another very delicate and reliable reaction is that of lies. The finely pulverized mineral is moistened with H 2 S0 4 on platinum foil, the excess of acid evaporated at a gentle heat, and the residue worked into a paste with glycerine, which, when brought on a platinum wire into the flame colors it yellow- ish-green. Compounds of boric acid with an alkali, or an alkaline earth, are tested with turmeric paper as follows : The compound is dissolved in dilute HC1 (till blue litmus is reddened by it); a strip of turmeric paper is then half immersed in the solution for some time, and then dried in a watch-glass at a gentle heat (not over 100 C. or 212 F.). If boric acid is present, the immersed portion of the paper assumes a brown- ish-red color* (Rose). If this brownish-red turmeric paper is treated with some alkali or alkaline carbonate, it turns to a bluish or greenish- black ; hydrochloric acid restores the original color. If alcohol is poured over a borate with the addition of a suf- ficient quantity of concentrated sulphuric acid to liberate the boric acid, and the alcohol be kindled, the flame appears dis- tinctly green, especially upon stirring with a glass rod and after heating the alcoholic mixture. Bromine When bromides are added to a bead of S. Ph., which has previously been saturated with oxide of copper, and is exposed, B. B., to the point of the blue flame, the bead is surrounded with a beautiful greenish-blue color on the edges. (Chlorine acts, however, similarly.) * This color must not be mistaken for the blackish-brown shade produced by concentrated HC1. DETECTING CERTAIN ELEMENTS. 153 If a bromide is fused in a mattrass with bisulpliate of potas- sium, red bromine vapor is set free, which may also be recog- nized by its characteristic odor. (Berzelius.) If moistened starch-paper is exposed to this vapor yellow bromide of starch is formed. The method proposed by Goldschmidt for the detection of a bromine compound alone, or in the presence of iodine and chlorine, is as follows : If a bromine compound is fused in mi open glass tube with pulverized bismuth sulphide (made by fusing metallic bismuth with sulphur), a yellow sublimate is formed. An iodine compound treated in the same way forms a red sublimate and a chlorine compound a white one. With a little care these elements can be readily recognized in the presence of one another. 8. CADMIUM The pulverized substance for examination is heated B. B. in the R. F. on charcoal whereby the metal is oxidized to a reddish-yellow oxide, which being volatile coats the coal reddish -yellow. To detect a minute quantity of cadmium (one per cent, or even less, found in zinc or its ores), the assay powder is mixed with soda and heated B. B. in the R. F. on charcoal for a short time, when the latter is coated near the assay with red- dish-brown oxide of cadmium. The zinc being less volatile forms a white coating only after continued blowing. Caustic potash throws down from solutions of cadmium salts a white precipitate of hydrated oxide, Cd(HO) 2 , insoluble in an excess. Alkaline carbonates, also carbonate of ammonium, throw down the white carbonate of cadmium CO 3 Cd, not soluble in excess. In the presence of free ammonia no precipitate takes place. Cyanide of potassium dissolves the precipitate and gives with salts of cadmium a white' precipitate soluble in an excess, whereby a double salt (K 2 CdCy 4 ) is formed, from which sul- phydric acid precipitates yellow sulphide of cadmium. Sulphydricacid and sulphide of ammonium precipitate yellow sulphide of cadmium from saline solutions, easily soluble in 154 MINERALOGY SIMPLIFIED. acids. An acid solution, therefore, must be strongly diluted before it is acted upon by H 2 S. Sulphide of cadmium is inso- luble in cyanide of potassium, while sulphide of copper is solu- ble. Hence, in order to separate these two metals, qualitatively as well as quantitatively, their solution is precipitated by KCy, and redissolved in an excess of the reagent. By conducting a current of H 2 S into their joint solution yellow sulphide of cadmium falls while the copper remains in solution, and can only be recovered by decomposition of the cyanide of copper by means of concentrated sulphuric acid added until no longer any hydrocyanic acid escapes. From the resulting solution of sulphate of copper, black oxide of copper is precipitated by caustic potash at a boiling heat. 9. CARBON It is found in a free state and crystallized in the form of diamond and graphite. In the ordinary stonecoal, in anthracite, soot, etc., the carbon is amorphous; with oxygen it forms mainly two compounds which we shall briefly consider. 1. Carbon monoxide (Carbonic Oxide), CO A colorless gas, burning in the air with a blue characteristic flame to car- bonic acid, CO 2 . It is a poisonous gas resulting from incom- plete combustion. We obtain it by conducting carbonic acid (CO 2 ) over ignited coal, and by the ignition of many organic compounds, e. g. : 1, oxalic acid ; 2, ferrocyanide of potassium, with concentrated sulphuric acid 1. C 2 H 2 4 + S0 4 H 2 = S0 4 H 2 -f H f O + m CO, + CO. 2. Fe(CN) 2 + K 4 (CN) 4 + 6SO 4 H 2 + 6H 2 O = 2SO 4 K 2 + S0 4 Fe + 3[S0 4 (NH 4 )J + 6CO. It combines in direct sunlight with chlorine at a common temperature to a compound, COC1 2 , having a characteristic suffocating odor. Most organic acids, except oxalic and formic acids, leave, after ignition, carbon behind. CO gas is very slightly soluble in water, but is readily ab- sorbed in a solution of cuprous chloride in hydrochloric acid. A loose compound, Cu 2 Cl 2 , CO-p2H 2 O, is formed, which by DETECTING CERTAIN ELEMENTS. 155 boiling, indeed by mere dilution with water, is decomposed, and CO set free. Carbonic Dioxide (Carbonic Acid) CO 2 It is soluble in water, the solution turning blue litmus paper to a dark red. Carbonic dioxide renders a solution of caustic lime turbid, forming insoluble carbonate of lime, and yields no hydrate. It is a feeble acid, and many metals like aluminium, etc., form mono- carbonates. Only the carbonates of the alkalies are soluble in water. Fused with saltpetre carbon detonates, carbonate of potassium being thereby produced. Carbonates effervesce when treated with a drop or two of dilute hydrochloric acid, etc. ; a few kinds require previous pulverization, and in some cases even heat must be applied before effervescence takes place. Some carbonates (lime, etc.) lose their carbonic acid by simple heating in the closed tube. 10. CERIUM is found in the mineral cerite (Ce,LaDi) 2 SiO 4 -|-Ag. The mineral may be decomposed by hydrochloric acid, aqua regia, and sulphuric acid, but more completely by fusion with carbonate of soda. If the finely-powdered mineral be heated along with sulphuric acid, a few drops of nitric acid being added, and then cold water be poured on it, the sulphate of the above oxides of cerite will be dissolved out and the silicic acid be left behind. A hot saturated solution of sulphate of potassium in a moderately dilute solution of cerite precipitates the three oxides as double salts, which, after being washed with a saturated solution of sulphate of potassium, and dissolved in boiling water containing some Hydrochloric acid, are precipi- tated while warm by excess of potassa. Cold and very dilute nitric acid extracts the oxide of lanthanium as the nitrate from the brown mixture of. these oxides (freed from sulphuric acid), which, after its precipitation by carbonate of ammonium and its ignition, is white. By repeated treatment of the mixture of these oxides with strong potassa lye and chlorine gas the cerium passes into yellow insoluble proto-sesquioxide, Ce 3 O 4 , while lanthanium 156 MINERALOGY SIMPLIFIED. and didymium remain in solution as chlorides. Metallic Ce,La, and Di are obtained by reducing the chlorides with sodium in the form of gray powders, which decomposes water at a common temperature, dissolve in dilute acids with evolution of hydrogen. The protoxide of cerium (CeO) is bluish-gray, the hydroxide, Ce(OH) a , colorless. The former quickly passes, on ignition, into Ce 3 O 4 , which is yellowish- white, and when heated orange- yellow. It is soluble in sulphuric (but not in hydrochloric and nitric acid) with a yellow color. Ceroxide, Ce 2 3 , is reddish- yellow, soluble in hot concentrated sulphuric acid with a yellow color ; decomposable by concentrated HC1, with addition of alcohol with production of chloride. 11. CHLORINE Chlorides like bromides may be detected, B. B., by adding a small portion of them to a bead of S. Ph., which has previously been saturated with oxide of copper; the bead is at once surrounded with an intensely blue flame without the green tinge observed with bromides. The presence of chlorine may also be detected by the blue color which it causes on a paper moistened with a solution of potassium iodide and starch paste. An excess of chlorine removes the color again. Bromine, ozone, nitrous fumes, etc., produce, however, the same effect. If a metallic chloride is mixed with solid potassium dichro- mate and concentrated sulphuric acid in a small glass vial a bright brownish-red gas of chloro-chrornic acid is given off, condensing to drops of a like color. Ammonia turns them yellow. Soluble chlorides placed upon a piece of clean silver, along with a fragment of sulphate of copper or sulphate of iron, pro- duce at once a black stain on the silver. Insoluble chlorides must previously be melted, together with soda, on a platinum wire to produce this reaction. Bromides yield the same re- action. Nitrate of silver produces, even in very dilute solutions of hydrochloric acid or metallic chlorides, a white curdy precipi- DETECTING CERTAIN ELEMENTS. 1;>7 tate of 'chloride of silver, turning dark when exposed to sun- light. 12. CHROMIUM (B. B.). Chromic oxide and chromic salts dissolve in beads of S. Ph. and of Bx., in both the O. F. and R. F., with a yellowish-green tint while hot, becoming emerald- green when cold. Chromium must not be confounded with vanadium, which gives the same reactions in the R. F., but differs by yielding a yellow bead with S. Ph. in the O. F. Minerals containing but little oxide of chromium, associated with other metals (Fe, Cu, etc.) which color the fluxes, are best treated by fusing on platinum wire, or in a platinum spoon, with a mixture of equal parts of soda and nitre in the O. F., whereby red chromic acid is formed. The fused mass is dis- solved in water, and the solution poured off from the residue ; to this solution a few drops of acetic acid, and, afterwards, a crystal of acetate of lead (sugar of lead), are added, when an orange-colored precipitate of chromate of lead is formed. This may be collected on a filter, washed, and tested with Bx. and S. Ph. A silicate which contains a small trace of chromium besides iron, and is not decomposed by nitre, is fused upon charcoal in the O. F. with one part of soda and one-half part of borax to a clear bead; this is pulverized, dissolved in HC1, evaporated to dryness, and dissolved in water, and the resi- due of SiO 2 filtered off; the protochloride of iron is changed to sesquichloride by boiling with a few drops of nitric acid, and the chromium, alumina, iron, etc., precipitated with am- monia. The precipitate is filtered off, washed, and tested as above. The sesquioxide of chromium, Cr 2 O 3 , is a green powder in water, and, after ignition, insoluble in acids. The chromates are green or violet, partly soluble in water, partly only in acids. Ammonia produces a bluisli-green or greenish-gray hydrate (chrornhydroxide), Cr 2 (OII) 6 , which is partly soluble in excess of the reagent, giving a reddish solution. Caustic potassa or soda likewise precipitates the hydrated sesquioxide, readily soluble in an excess, furnishing a green 14 o MINERALOGY SIMPLIFIED. color. If this alkaline solution is boiled for some time the sesquioxide is reprecipitated, and the supernatant liquid be- comes colorless. Alkaline carbonates as well as sulphide of ammonium throw down also hydroxide or a basic salt. In the presence of mag- nesia, zinc, or lead salts, the precipitate with alkalies has the formula MO,O 2 O 3 . If the green solution of Cr 2 O 3 in caustic alkali is boiled with some peroxide of lead, chromic acid, Cr0 3 , is formed and turns yellow, and the filtrate when acidulated with acetic acid or neutralized with nitric acid separates yellow chromate of lead. The Cr 2 O 3 , insoluble in acid, becomes soluble by fusion with bisulphate of potassium ; by fusion with carbonate and nitrate of an alkali mixed together it becomes converted into a soluble chromate of alkali. This deportment is made use of in search- ing for the Cr 2 O 3 in insoluble compounds, and for its separation from oxides like magnesia, alumina, and sesquioxide of iron, which, undergoing no further oxidation, remain undissolved in the alkaline liquid. Chromic acid, CrO 3 , is known only as an anhydride, forming scarlet-red, deliquescent crystals. Its salts are red, like, for instance, the acid potassium salt, Cr 2 O 7 K 2 , or yellow, like the neutral potassium salt, CrO 4 K 2 . The alkaline salts and those of the alkaline earths are both soluble in water ; nearly all the other salts are either insoluble, or with difficulty soluble, in water. Chloride of barium precipitates from soluble chromates yel- low CrO 4 Ba ; lead salts throw down a yellow precipitate, CrO 4 Pb ; salts of bismuth produce a yellow, nitrate of silver a purple-red, and mercurous salts a brick-red precipitate. All these precipitates are soluble in nitric acid except chromate of lead, which is soluble in potassa, and can be thrown again by acids. Chromic acid is reduced to green sesquioxide by H 2 S,SO. 2 , by alcohol and sugar (in the presence of a free acid), by oxalic DETECTING CERTAIN ELEMENTS. 159 and tartaric acid, and by any metal which (like zinc) disen- gages hydrogen. 13. COBALT may generally be recognized B. B. by the blue bead it affords with Bx. and S. Ph. in both flames. This color will, however, be modified by the presence of other metals. Thus, if iron be present the bead will appear green while hot, and blue when cold. The sulphurets should be roasted on Ch. before testing for cobalt with Bx. on Ch. Cobalt forms two well-marked oxides, both 'of which repre- sent bases in corresponding classes of salts : cobaltous and cobaltic salts. Cobaltus oxide (protoxide), CoO, is an olive-green powder, or, when in the condition of a hydrate, Co(HO) 2 , rose-red ; its salts are generally blue when anhydrous, or in solutions con- taining free concentrated acids, through their aqueous solutions are pink. H 2 S and (NH 4 ) 2 S precipitate black CoS, quite insoluble in (NH 4 ) 2 S ; once formed it is with great difficulty soluble in dilute nitric, sulphuric, and acetic acid. A solution of a salt of cobalt when previously mixed with some acetate of sodium and warmed, is more readily and completely precipitated by H 2 S than a salt of nickel under like circumstances (separation of Co and nickel from manganese). Ammonia produces, in acid solutions of cobaltous salts, or in solutions containing ammonia salts, only a red color, which' soon passes into brown. Caustic potash throws down all the cobalt as a blue basic salt, which, by exclusion of air (and quickly by heating), passes into rose-red cobaltous hydroxide, Co(()H) 2 , and this in the air turns to olive-green cobaltous cobaltic hydrate. Alkaline carbonates precipitate peach-blossom red basic car- bonate, which is readily soluble in excess of carbonate of am- monium, retaining the same color, but only slightly soluble in the carbonate of sodium and potassa. Ferrocyanide of potas- sium produces a green ; ferricyanide of potassium a brownish- red precipitate. If to a neutral solution of a cobaltous salt, we 100 MINERALOGY SIMPLIFIED.' add nitrite of potassium in excess; and next, acetic or dilute nitric acid, a yellow, crystalline precipitate, (N0 2 ) 3 Co-f 3NO 2 K, is thrown down, containing nearly all the cobalt. The precipi- tate is with difficulty soluble in cold water ; insoluble in potas- sium salts and in alcohol of 80 per cent. Cobaltic oxide, peroxide of cobalt, Co 2 O 3 . It yields salts, while the corresponding NiO 3 cannot form any, and attempts to produce them yield protoxide salts. To detect nickel together with cobalt we proceed thus : The solution, which must only contain these two metals (and be free from manganese for instance) is feebly acidulated with IIC1, cyanide of potassium added in excess, and heated to boil- ing; if now, upon addition of dilute II Cl or H 2 S0 4 , a precipitate follows, nickel is present. 14. COLUMBIUM, Cb, or NIOBIUM, Nb Marignac has shown that nearly all tantalites and .colurnbites contain both tantalum and columbium. To obtain free columbic acid, Cb 2 O 5 , and tantalic acid, Ta 2 O 5 , the powdered minerals are fused with six parts of bisulphate of potassium until completely dissolved. The fused mass is treated with hot water, when both acids remain behind, while the bases and titanic acid, if present, will be dissolved, and can thus be separated. The residue is washed with ammonia and sulphide of ammonium to remove tungstic acid and oxide of tin, while hydrochloric acid dissolves iron. The filtered and thoroughly washed resi- due is now treated with either HC1 or H 2 SO 4 in a porcelain dish, and metallic zinc added. If a tantalate alone be present, no coloration or but a slight one ensues. A columbate thus treated assumes a blue color, which gradually fades and finally turns brown. 15. COPPER It is easily detected by the green color which most copper compounds impart to the B. B. flame. The pro- duction of a red bead with salt of phosphorus in R. F. is rendered more certain by the treatment of the bead on charcoal with a small amount of tinfoil. Copper may also be detected by saturating a salt of phosphor- DETECTING CERTAIN ELEMENTS. 161 ous bead with the substance containing it, and adding common kitchen salt (NaCl), when the bead will color the flame beauti- fully blue, owing to the formation of chloride of copper. Many minerals give this reaction by simply moistening with HC1, and exposing them in the platinum forceps to the flame. Silicates should first be pulverized, moistened with HC1, and evaporated to dryness in a porcelain capsule, then made into a paste with water, and heated on platinum wire, when the green color is imparted to the R. F. Sulphurets of copper are first roasted on coal and then examined with salt of phosphorus. Hot sulphuric acid dissolves copper with evolution of SO 3 ; nitric acid with evolution of NO. 1. Cu + 2SO 4 H 3 =zSO 4 Cu + 2H 2 O + S0 3 . 2. Cu 3 + 8N0 3 H = :3(N0 3 )2Cu + 4H 2 O + 2NO. Cuprous oxide, Cu 2 O, is red when anhydrous, orange as hydroxide, Cu 2 (OH) 2 . It is formed by ignition of cupric Oxide, CuO, with metallic copper, or from the cupric oxide salts, by the reducing action of sugar, arsenious acid, etc., in the presence of free alkali. With sulphuric acid it is decomposed into metallic copper and cupric sulphate. HC1 forms white cu- prous chloride, Cu 2 Cl 2 , little soluble in water, but readily soluble in HC1. Its nearly colorless solutions, in acids and in ammo- nia, turn, in the air, rapidly into blue or green cupric compounds. Cupric oxide, CuO, is black when anhydrous, greenish- blue as hydroxide, Cu(OH) 2 , insoluble in water, soluble in nearly all acids. Its anhydrous salts are nearly white, the hydrates green or blue. H 2 S and (NHJ2S precipitate from solutions black sulphide of copper, soluble in cyanide of potassium. Caustic potassa in the cold throws down greenish-blue hydroxide, at a boiling heat, black oxide. Ammonia precipitates at first a green basic salt, next blue hydroxide, which, with an excess of the precipitant, form a beautiful azure blue solution. Iodide of potassium precipitates, in the presence of SO 3 , or ferrous oxide, salts, all the copper as white Cu 2 I 3 , soluble in hyposul- phite of soda, and in ammonia in the air. Ferrocyanide of potassium precipitates brownish-red ferro- 14* 162 MINERALOGY SIMPLIFIED. cyanide of copper, FeCy 2 -f 2CuCy 2 , insoluble in HC1, soluble in NH 3 . Iron and zinc precipitate in solutions, acidulated with HC1, metallic 'copper. If a solution of copper is put into a platinum dish, a little HC1 and a piece of zinc added, red metallic copper is thrown down, visible even in a state of great dilution. Nitric acid is the best solvent of the metal or its compounds, a cupric nitrate, (NO 3 ) 2 Cu, being formed. The solution in hot sulphuric acid contains SO 4 Cu, that in aqua regia CuCl 2 . Oxide of copper, CuO, is black when anhydrous, as a hydroxide, Cu(OH) 2 , greenish-blue, both insoluble in water, but soluble in nearly all acids. The anhydrous salts are almost all white, as hydrates, green or blue. Hydrosul- phuric acid and sulphide of ammonium precipitate from solu- tions black sulphide of copper, CuS, easily oxidizing in the air, soluble in KCy, insoluble in HC1. Caustic potash throws down in the cold a greenish-blue hydroxide, Cu(OH) 2 , and at a boiling heat black oxide (CuO) ; ammonia throws down at first a greenish basic salt, then the blue hydrate, which is soluble in excess of the reagent, giving a beautiful azure blue, perceptible even in highly diluted solutions. Carbonate of ammonium acts similarly. Ferrocyanide of potassium pre- cipitates in very dilute solutions brownish-red ferrocyanide of copper, FeCy 2 + 2CuCy 2 , insoluble in HC1, soluble in NH 3 . Iron and zinc precipitate from solutions containing some free HC1, metallic copper. 16. DIDYMIUM, Di It is trivalent. Sesquioxide of didy- mium, Di 2 O 3 . Didymium chloride, DiCl 3 . Didymium hy- droxide, Di(OH) 3 or Di 2 (OH) 6 . Potassium hydrate, or sodium hydrate, throws down, from solution of the salts, a white bulky precipitate of Di(OH) 3 , not soluble in an excess. Ammonia shows the same behavior, but the precipitate is soluble in a hot solution of sal ammoniac, B. B. With borax the sesqui- oxide yields in both flames a colorless, in large quantities an amethyst colored glass. Phosphorus salt dissolves it in the R. Fl. to an amethystine colored rather violet bead. Carbon- ate of sodium yields in the O. Fl. a grayish colored mass (dis- DETECTING CERTAIN ELEMENTS. 163 tinction from manganese). Didymium is found in the minerals cerite, monazite, gadolinite, fluocerite, orthite, euxenite, etc. Solutions of didymium salts exhibit a well-marked absorption' spectrum, containing two black lines, inclosing a very bright space. One of these black lines is in the yellow, immediately following Frauenhofer's line " D," the other is situated between " E" and b. These characters can be distinctly recognized in a solution half an inch deep, containing only 0.01 per cent, of didymium salt. Lanthanium salts do not exhibit an absorption- spectrum. 17. ERBIUM Its oxide, EbO, obtained by ignition of erbium nitrate or oxalate, has a faint rose color. It does not melt at the strongest white heat, but aggregates to a spongy mass glowing with an intense green light, which, when ex- amined by the spectroscope, exhibits a continuous spectrum intersected by a number of bright bands. Solutions of erbium salts, on the other hand, give an absorption-spectrum, exhibit- ing dark bands, and the points of maximum intensity of the light bands in the emission-spectrum coincide exactly in posi- tion with the lines of greatest darkness in the absorption-spec- trum. The position of these bands is totally different from those in the emission and absorption-spectra of didymium (Bahr and Bunsen). 18. FLUORINE When fluorides are heated in a glass tube with 4 parts of bisulphate of potassium, hydrofluoric acid is given off. This imparts to red Brazil-wood paper a straw-yellow color, and etches the tube immediately above the assay, espe- cially visible after the cleansing and drying of the tnbe. The best method for the detection of fluorine, even when present in minute quantities, is to heat the assay with previ- ously fused salt of phosphorus (both finely pulverized) in an open glass tube in such a manner that the flame passes into the end of the tube. This latter is thereby rendered opaque where the hydrofluoric acid formed is condensed. This acid is further recognized by its pungent odor and its action on Brazil-wood paper, ?". ?., coloring it straw-yellow. 164 MINERALOGY SIMPLIFIED. 19. FLUORINE.* Hydrofluoric acid, HF1, and fluorides. Cone. HF1 gives off fumes in the air which are greedily ab- sorbed by water. The aqueous solution dissolves many metals and metallic oxides, forming fluorides. Gold and platinum are not attacked, lead with difficulty. HF1 has the distinguishing property of dissolving silica or silicates -not affected by otheracids with great facility, forming SiFl 4 . Upon this property depends the decomposition of silicates, the etching of glass, and its de- tection. All metallic fluorides are decomposed by cone, sul- phuric acid with evolution of hydrofluoric acid, e. g., CaFl a -f- SO 4 H 2 = SO 4 Ca + 2HF1. Hydrofluoric acid imparts to Brazil- wood paper a straw-yellow color. Silicates containing even a small quantity of fluorine, when heated in the closed tube, give off hydrofluosilicic acid ; this is decomposed into silicic acid, which is separated near the assay, and hydrofluoric acid, which passes off'; but the latter may be detected by inserting a strip of moistened Brazil-wood paper as just mentioned. When fluorides are heated in a glass tube with bisulphate of potash, hydrofluoric acid is given off. This etches the tube immediately above the assay, and gives the reaction with Brazil- wood paper. 20. GLUCINA (Beryllia, oxide of beryllium), BeO, is found in a few minerals, viz., phenakite, beryl, euclase. It gives no characteristic reaction B. B. With borax on platinum wire it is soluble in large quantities in a clear glass, that becomes milk-white by flaming, or when saturated by simple cooling. With salt of phosphorus it behaves as with borax. With solu- tion of cobalt in O. F. it acquires a pale bluish-green color. The wet reactions bear a close resemblance to those of alumina ; it differs, however, from the latter by its solubility in carbonated alkalies and in boiling sal-ammoniac solution with evolution of ammonia ; by its salts affording no precipitate of glucinaalum with sulphate of potassium, and by the fact that * Free fluorine gas is affirmed to have been found by Oscar Low, at Munich, in fluor-spar from Wolsendorf. See Berichte d'er Deutscheii DETECTING CERTAIN ELEMENTS. 165 its dilute solution in the caustic alkalies is decomposed by long boiling, the earth being precipitated. Alkaline carbonates throw down in solutions of its salts BeCO 3 , soluble only in considerable excess of the precipitant. A concentrated solution of carbonate of ammonia dissolves the precipitate more readily than either the carbonate of sodium or potassium; but by boil- ing the earth is again precipitated in such a solution. Native minerals containing glucina are fused with 4 parts of carbon- ated alkali. The mass is evaporated with a slight excess of sulphuric acid to dryness, and the SiO 2 separated by the addition of water. From the concentrated filtrate nearly the whole amount of alumina may be removed in the form of alum, while the BeO remains all dissolved in the mother-liquor. This solution is poured into a warm concentrated solution of carbonate of ammonium. After remaining in contact for several days the solution, containing BeCO 3 , is filtered off and boiled for a long time to precipitate the BeCO 3 ; or it may, after being acidulated with HC1, be thrown down by ammonia as glucinum hydroxide Be(OH) 2 . Glucina occurs usually in combination with silica and alumina in minerals. 21. GOLD may generally be recognized by its physical char- acters : color, lustre, malleability, spec. grav. When a gold compound is heated on a carbonized match in R. F. ? a yellow malleable bead is obtained, which dissolves in aqua regia. If this solution be dropped on to filter paper and one drop of stan- nous cliloride added, a purple-red color is observed. Gold can be readily detected in its solutions, inasmuch as it is obtained in the metallic state by reducing agents*, the well- washed pre- cipitate being dissolved and tested with stannous chloride. It is separated from the easily volatile metals by simple heating on charcoal in O. F. If associated with copper or silver, it must be fused with a large excess of pure metallic lead and subjected to cupellation. The copper is absorbed into the cupel with the lead, while the silver remains alloyed with 166 MINERALOGY SIMPLIFIED. the gold. If the globule is quite yellow, it is a proof that but little silver is present, it is then to be tested with salt of phos- phorus, to prove the presence of silver, which, after fusion on charcoal in 0. F., will impart an opaline character to the cool bead. If it be more of a silver-white color, the amount of gold will be small, and in order to prove its presence and approximate quantity the globule must be digested in a por- celain capsule with nitric acid, by application of heat. The silver is thus dissolved, and the gold remains as a dark powder, or as a spongy mass. If this powder be washed and fused with borax on charcoal, it will yield a globule of metallic gold. 22. IODINE Iodides added to a bead of salt of phospho- rus previously saturated with oxide of copper, tinge the O. F. intensely emerald-green. Compare chlorine and bromine, pages 152 and 156. Iodides, like bromfdes, are decomposed and yield, by fusion with bisulphate of potassium, free iodine, which may be recog- nized by its purple-colored vapor and disagreeable odor. When an emulsion of starch-paste is mixed with a little iodide of potassium, and some HC1 is added, iodine is libe- rated, which colors the starch blue. The iodide of silver, and the iodides of the alkalies, are dis- tinguished, in the presence of other halogen compounds, by the fine scarlet coating they produce, B. B., on coal, when fused with sulphide of bismuth (obtained by heating flowers of sulphur and bismuth). 23. IRIDIUM, Ir -The metal itself is easily distinguished from all others, excepting rhodium and ruthenium, by its in- solubility in acids, not being attacked in the compact state by any acid whatever, and in a state of fine division, only very slowly by nitro-muriatic acid. Its infusibility, even in an ordi- nary oxyhydrogen blowpipe flame, serves also to distinguish it from all other metals, except rhodium, ruthenium, and osmium. It may be distinguished from rhodium by fusing it, in the finely divided state, with acid (bi) sulphate of potassium. The DETECTING CERTAIN ELEMENTS. 167 iridium is then converted into sesquioxide, but does not dis- solve in the acid sulphate or color it pink-red as rhodium does. Another method of distinguishing iridium from rhodium, and likewise from ruthenium, is to mix it intimately with potassium or sodium chloride, heat the mixture in a stream of chlorine, and dissolve the resulting double chlorides in water. Iridium thus treated yields a blackish-brown solution, rhodium a rose-red, and ruthenium an orange-yellow solution. All compounds of Ir are easily reduced to the metallic state by ignition in an atmosphere of hydrogen ; the reduced metal may then be tested in the manner just described. 24. IRON The oxides of iron impart a brownish or yellow- ish-red color to Bx. or S. Ph. in the O. F., and a green one in the R. F., which color nearly disappears on cooling. In order to ascertain whether a substance contains protoxide or sesquioxide of iron, some of it is dissolved B. B. in a bead of Bx. previously saturated with some black oxide of copper. If sesquioxide be present the bead turns bluish-green ; if pro- toxide, red opaque spots and streaks are visible on the bead from separated cuprous oxide (Cu 2 O). Ferrous oxide, FeO. The salts of this oxide are formed by dissolving iron in dilute HC1 or H 2 SO 4 , with evolution of hydro- gen gas. In warm HN0 3 iron is oxidized to a ferric salt. The ferrous salts are white when anhydrous ; bluish-green as hydrates. T.hey oxidize gradually on exposure to the air, forming a yellow basic ferric oxide, which is deposited in a neutral solution. They give up their acids at a red heat, when red sesquioxide is left behind. Caustic alkalies and ammonia precipitate from ferrous salts white hydrated ferrous oxide, Fe(OH) 2 , which turns green, and finally brown in the air. In the presence of ammonia- salts, or organic acids, the precipitation is incomplete. Sulphydric acid gives no precipitate in acid solutions of ferrous salts.* * Except the ferrous acetate, which is partially precipitated, even in the presence of free acetic acid. 1C8 MINERALOGY SIMPLIFIED. Sulphide of ammonium throws down the iron completely as 'black sulphide, FeS, slightly soluble in an excess only, when much carbonate of soda is present. FeS is easily soluble in HC1, being converted into FeCl 2 with evolution of SH 2 . Ferrocyanide of potassium gives with ferrous salts a white precipitate, or with solutions containing small quantities of ferric oxide a bluish-white one, FeCy 2 -{- KCy, which, on ex- posure to the air, changes quickly into Prussian blue. Ferricyanide of potassium gives at once a fine blue precipi- tate (TurnbulPs blue), 3FeCy ? -f FeCy 6 (characteristic distinc- tion of the two oxides). Tincture of galls produces no change unless the ferrous salts contain some sesquioxide. Ferrous salts reduce chloride of gold and nitrate of silver to the metallic condition. Ferric oxide (sesquioxide) of iron, Fe 2 O 3 . This reddish- brown powder remains unchanged when ignited by itself. In this form iron is always determined quantitatively. Fe 2 O 3 is completely soluble in HC1. The native oxide, or that which has been previously ignited, being only slowly soluble. The salts of the sesquioxide in dilute, and as nearly as possible neutral solution, or when the solution is previously treated with acetate of sodium, are decomposed at a boiling heat, sesquioxide of iron being precipitated ; if phosphoric or arsenic acid be present these acids will be contained in the precipitate. By warming a solution of ferric salts with metallic iron, zinc, or with sulphurous acid, or by passing H 2 S through it, they are reduced to ferrous salts. On the contrary, solutions of ferrous salts are converted into ferric salts if at a boiling heat some nitric acid is added. The presence of another free acid (e. g., HC1 or H 2 SO 4 ) is advantageous. The nitric acid is thereby decomposed, and nitric oxide gas, NO (turning to red nitrous acid fumes in the air) is given off, viz.: 6FeCl 2 + 6HC1 + 2NHO 3 = 3(Fe 2 )Cl 6 + 2NO -f 4H 2 O. If no free acid is present, there are partly basic and usually insoluble ferric salts produced. Chlorine gas likewise causes DETECTING CERTAIN ELEMENTS. 169 an analogous oxidation of ferrous salts. Thus, if one of the latter, after being acidulated with HC1, is warmed and some chlorate of potassium, KC1O 3 , is added (not more than 2 or 3 crystals), the HC1 is decomposed into water and chlorine, which latter, indicated by its odor, accomplishes the oxidation thus: 2FeCl 2 -fCI 2 ^(Fe 2 )Cl 6 . The following equation expresses the action of chlorate of potassium : 6FeCl 2 +' 6HC1 + KC1O, = 3(Fe 2 ) C1 6 + 3H 2 O + KC1. Free chlorine gas, or chlorine water, may be thus employed, or chlorides, such as the perchloride of tin, SnCl 4 (which yields chlorine). In the separation of Fe 2 O 3 from FeO, MnO, etc., we precipitate the Fe 2 O 3 with carbonate of barium, which pre- cipitates the Fe 2 O 3 completely, even in the cold, while ferrous oxide remains unaltered in the solution (if free from access of air). The two oxides, when both are present at the same time, are found by two experiments: 1st, with ferricyanide of potassium (red prussiate of potassium) we test for ferrous oxide (blue precipitate) ; and 2d, with ferrocyanide of potassium "(yellow prussiate of potassium) we test for ferric oxide (blue precipi- tate). From the alkalies sesquioxide of iron is separated by ammonia ; from the alkaline earths and magnesia, by precipi- tating with ammonia, in the presence of sal ammoniac, and boiling until the odor of ammonia disappears. Oxides of the formula MO, that were likewise partially thrown down, pass thus again in solution. From manganese, nickel, Ni(HO) 2 , cobalt, Co(HO) a , it is more readily separated if the dilute solution, containing ferric oxide, is heated with carbonate of sodium until it turns brownish-red, then acetate of sodium added and heated to boiling, when only Fe 2 O 3 is thrown down. Tincture of galls precipitates the sesqui salts of iron bluish- black (ink). Sulphocyanide of potassium (CNKS) produces a blood-red 15* 170 MINERALOGY SIMPLIFIED. color, which is not destroyed by HC1, but disappears in the presence of acetate of sodium. Ferric acid, FeO 3 , i only known in combination with alka- lies, forming fine, amethystine-red solutions. 25. LEAD B. B. with Sd. on Ch, a malleable globule of me- tallic lead is obtained from lead compounds ; the coating has a yellow color near the assay, and further oft' a white color (carbonate) ; on being touched with the R. F. both of these disappear, tinging the flame azure-blue. In solutions, dilute sulphuric acid gives a white precipitate of lead sulphate, nearly insoluble in water and in dilute acids. The acid mixture is then best evaporated on a water-bath, water added to the residue^ when the lead sulphate, if present, may further be experimented with. This precipitate, SO 4 Pb, is decomposable by hot con- centrated HC1, is soluble in caustic potassa, also in tartrate of ammonium, containing an excess of ammonia, from which latter solutions it can be precipitated by svlphide of ammonium (black) or chromate of potassium (yellow) ; by being boiled with carbonate of sodium, SO 4 Pb is completely converted into car- bonate of lead. Salts of lead are precipitated both by sulphide of hydrogen and sulphide of ammonium, the black precipitate, PbS, being insoluble in dilute acids, potassa, and sulphide of ammonium. In the presence of much free HC1, the precipi- tated sulphide of lead looks brown or almost red. When in thick masses, such as the common sheets and pipes of commerce, lead is scarcely at all acted upon by cold sulphuric acid, and is but slowly corroded by hydrochloric acid. Both these acids form, by their action on the lead, nearly insoluble salts, and as soon as a layer of the salt has once been deposited upon the surface of the metal, the latter is thereby protected from further corrosion. On exposure to the air lead soon tarnishes, owing to the formation of a thin coating of lead suboxide. By the simultaneous or alternate action of water and air, lead is very rapidly corroded in consequence of the formation of a lead hydrate, which is converted by the carbonic acid in the air into lead carbonate. All natural waters act more or less on lead. DETECTING CERTAIN ELEMENTS. 171 In some cases the action is so slight that lead pipes are used with safety for conveying the water ; in other cases, the use of lead pipes is very dangerous on account of the poisonous character of the salts of lead. The author of this book has had frequently occasion to test water, which passed through lead pipes, for this injurious ingredient. Even very minute quantities of lead may be traced thus : A measured quantity of suspected water is evaporated nearly to dryness, and the thus concentrated liquid placed in a small, bright, new porcelain dish, where it is first acidulated with pure acetic acid, and next sulphide of hydrogen passed into it, when, if lead is present, either a black or brown precipitate of PbS is thrown down. Owing to the presence of free acetic acid, ordinary metals like iron do not interfere with the reaction. 26. LIME, B. B. It imparts a yellowish-red color to the flame. When observed through copper-green glass the lime- flame appears siskin-green ; with cobalt-blue glass it is pale greenish-gray. Many calcium salts give an alkaline reaction with test papers after ignition (caustic lime). Calcium hydroxide Ca(HO) 2 is soluble in 600-700 parts of cold water (lime-water), which reacts alkaline and becomes turbid in the air (CaCO 3 ). Sulphate of calcium, CaSO 4 -f 2H 2 O, is soluble in 500 parts of water, more readily in acids, but in- soluble in alcohol. " When sulphate of calcium is digested, even in the cold, with carbonate of potassa or carbonate of ammonium, it is entirely converted into carbonate of calcium. Oxalic acid, or soluble oxalates, precipitate lime completely, even from very dilute solutions, as calcium oxalate, C 2 O 4 Ca + H 2 O. Ammo- nia promotes the formation of the precipitate, which is insol- uble in water, acetic, and oxalic acid, but easily soluble in mineral acids, and in neutral magnesia salts. From solutions previously warmed, we precipitate lime generally by oxalate of ammonium and free ammonium (the liquid must smell of free ammonia), and let it rest for twelve hours in a covered glass beaker, decant the clear supernatant liquid, and bring the rest 172 MINERALOGY SIMPLIFIED. upon a filter and wash with hot water. For quantitative deter- minations the dried precipitate, with filter, is brought into a platinum crucible and heated, at first gently, and then for ten minutes to a light red heat. The crucible is brought into a drier, and, when cold, weighed. The oxalate has thus been converted into carbonate of calcium. If the heat be too great, some caustic lime may be formed (indicated by moist turmeric paper) ; in that case, a piece of carbonate of ammonium is thrown into the crucible and heat again applied with great care. It is simpler and safer to convert all into caustic lime by heating the crucible over a blast-lamp for twenty minutes. Lime- stones are tested for strontia by calcining, then adding water and boiling, when all the strontia and some little lime will be found in the filtrate. Compare the whole group of alkaline earths (Ba, Sr, Ca, Mg) and note the distinctive reactions. 27. LITHIA (LiO). Lithia is found in small quantities in petalite, spodumene, amblygonite, lepidolite, tryphylite, and also in the waters of mineral springs. B. B. Salts of lithium impart a carmine color to the gas flame or to that of alcohol, which is not prevented by the presence of potassa but is concealed by the intensely yellow color of the salts of sodium. Silicates containing but little lithium scarcely tinge the flame, but if the fine mineral powder is mixed with one part of finely pulverized fluor-spar, and one and a half part of bisulphate of potassium, the whole kneaded with some water into a paste, and this exposed on platinum wire to the point of the blue cone of the flame, the outer flame will be colored dis- tinctly red ; if no lithium be present, the mixture gives a faint violet flame. Chapman has shown that the lithium flame, unlike strontium, is not obscured by the presence of barium. He sug- gests fusing lithium minerals with chloride of barium. Thus, if tryphylite (an iron-manganese-lithium phosphate) is treated in this manner, it yields a beautiful crimson color. (^See flame reactions. ) The salts of lithium are all soluble in water, but the oxide, carbonate, and phosphate of lithium are nearly insoluble in DETECTING CERTAIN ELEMENTS. 173 watef, hence salts of lithium, in concentrated solution, will give precipitates with carbonate or phosphate of sodium, especially when they are heated and somewhat evaporated. Lithium-platinic chloride is soluble in water, alcohol, and ether. 28. MAGNESIA, B. B. -^-Magnesia, and many magnesian silicates, afford a clear rose-red color with cobalt solution after a long heating. A fragment after heating should be moistened with the solution and then heated again, the color deepens on cooling. It is distinguished from baryta and strontia in the wet way, by the fact that sulphuric acid gives no precipitate in dilute HC1 solutions, but gives a precipitate in concentrated solutions of calcium salts, which fact again distinguishes lime from magnesia, the sulphate of which (Epsom salts) is soluble in water. The calcium sulphate differs from barium and strontium sulphates by being soluble in a concentrated solution of ammonium sulphate. The whole group of the metals of the alkaline earths, like that of the alkalies, occurs only in the form of salts. Their oxides, the alkaline earths (BaO, SrO, CaO), are soluble in water, taking up first a portion thereof and forming, with evo- lution of heat, oxyhydrates (hydroxides) of the general for- mula MO, H 2 O = M(OH) 2 . Magnesia, MgO, is insoluble in water, though with difficulty soluble as a hydrate. Their car- bonates, CO 8 M, and phosphates, (PO 4 ).,M 8 , are insoluble in water but soluble in acids, the soluble salts of the alkaline earths are hence precipitated by soluble and neutral carbonate and phosphate salts. Owing to the possibility that the precipitated carbonates of Ba, Sr, and Ca may be partly retained (dissolved), by the free carbonic acid, the precipitation with carbonate of ammo- nium should take place with the slightly warmed liquid and in the presence of free ammonia. The precipitation is somewhat slow, but complete in the absence of ammonium salts, especi- ally chloride. of ammonium. For qualitative analysis the following reactions are not with- out some importance. The phosphates of the alkaline earths, 15* 174 MINERALOGY SIMPLIFIED. viz., Ba 3 (PO 4 ) 2 , Sr s (PO 4 ) 2 , Ca 3 (PO 4 ) 2 , are obtained by pre- cipitating the earthy salt solution with a soluble phosphate. The precipitates are white, amorphous, soluble in mineral and acetic acids, but insoluble in water. Consult Magnesia, p. 173. Solubility of the chlorides and nitrates of the alkaline earths in alcohol BaCl 2 ). in SrCl 2 | soluble. CaCl 2 ) solu- Ba(NO 3 ) 2 j !1 ' Sr(NO 8 ),j insoluble. Ca(NO 3 ) 2 j ble. These reactions can be used for the separation of the group mentioned (also quantitative) in the absence of water, i. e., the salt must be completely dry, and the alcohol must be anhy- drous (100 p. c.)- Deportment of the Alkaline Carbonates with the Alkaline Earths. When the sulphates of barium, strontium, and calcium are fused in a crucible with carbonate of potassium or sodium, they are quickly and completely converted into carbonates. By merely boiling these earthy salts with a concentrated solution of carbonate of sodium, the sulphates of strontium and of calcium pass readily into carbonates, whilst the sulphate of barium decomposes very slowly, and the solution of the carbonate of sodium must be repeatedly poured off, and be replaced by a new portion and heat applied. Separation of sulphate of strontium from sulphate of calcium by sulphate of ammonium. A solution of sulphate of ammonium in large excess (1 part of dry salt and 4 parts of water) after boiling for one hour, or in contact for twelve hours at a common temperature, dissolves sulphate of calcium completely, whilst sulphate of strontium (and sulphate of barium) are not altered. From the solution of the sulphate of ammonium the lime is precipitated as oxalateof calcium, which, on ignition, forms carbonate of calcium. Sulphuric acid and soluble sulphates produce no precipitate in a solution of a magnesium salt, but the fixed caustic alkalies, DETECTING CERTAIN ELEMENTS. 175 and also baryta, and lime-water, especially at a slightly elevated temperature, throw down all the magnesium in form of a hydrate, Mg(OH) 2 , which, however, upon addition of an ammonium salt, in sufficient quantity, disappears again, or when ammonium salts are present, is not precipited at all.* An excess of neutral car- bonate of ammonium precipitates from neutral magnesium salts, when the solution is not too diluted, all the magnesium in the form of an insoluble double salt, e. g., CO 3 MgCO 3 (NH 4 ) 2 + 4H 2 O, by which process magnesium may be separated from the fixed alkalies. The fixed carbonates of the alkalies throw down at a boiling heat all the magnesia in the form of gelatinous basic carbonate of magnesium (magnesia alba), 3CO 3 Mg + Mg(OH) 8 -f 4H 2 O, but only in the absence of ammonium salts. Phosphate of sodium, (PO 4 HNa 2 ), produces even in dilute solu- tions of magnesium salts, in the presence of sal-ammoniac and free ammonia, a white crystalline precipitate (PO 4 HNa(NH 4 ) -f GH 2 O), soluble in acids, even acetic acid, but entirely in- soluble in dilute ammonia, with which it is washed when filtered off. When ignited it passes into pyrophosphate of magnesium (P 2 0,,M? 3 ). 29. MANGANESE The oxide (Mn 2 O 3 ) gives with borax in the O. F. an amethystine bead (very dark with excess), which becomes colorless in the R. F. (protoxide). The soda test when executed on platinum foil is the most sensitive. The deep green color is more quickly obtained when a small fragment of nitre or chlorate of potassium be added to the assay before fusion. When testing substances which do not dissolve readily in soda, it is well to add a little borax to the bead, and this also makes the test much more delicate (Chapman). By this operation the manganese is oxidized to manganic acid, which forms with soda green manganate of sodium, MnO t Na 2 . Manganese forms with oxygen a series of compounds, viz., Manganous oxide, MnO, Manganic oxide (sesquioxide) Mn 2 O 3 * For 1 mol. of magnesium salt at least 4 mol. of carbonate of am- monium are required. 176 MINERALOGY SIMPLIFIED. Manganese dioxide (pyrolusite), MnO 2 . Manganic acid, MnO 3 forming manganates, but not used as an acid. Permanganic acid, Mn 2 O 7 , only known arid in use as permanganate salt, as a powerful oxidizing agent. The manganous salts are either of a rose color or colorless, mostly soluble in water, the solution undergoing no higher oxidation in the air; the sulphate is permanent even when ignited. All the oxygen compounds of manganese (and carbonates) form, when ignited, manganous- manganic oxide (Mn 3 O 4 ). All the higher oxides, on being heated with HC1, pass into the condition of manganous chloride (MnCl 2 ), corresponding with manganous oxide (MnO), e. g., MnO 2 + 4HC1 = MnCl 2 + 2C1 + 2H 2 O. Manganic oxide is not decomposed by HC1 in the cold. Heated with cone, sulphuric acid all the higher oxides evolve oxygen with formation of SO 4 Mn. Sulphydric acid occasions no precipitate in solutions of manganous salts, not even with the acetate. Sulphide of ammonium gives a flesh-colored precipitate of manganous sulphide, MnS. Acetic acid acting on the preci- pitated sulphides, separates manganese from cobalt and nickel and from a part of zinc (separation of zinc from manganese and other metals). We may also proceed thus : To the examining solution we add acetate of sodium, and precipitate with H 2 S, which throws down sulphide of zinc, and leaves in solution manganese and iron. Acid solutions must previously be neutralized with car- bonate of sodium until they become slightly turbid, and next be acidulated with acetic acid. MnS when dissolved in acetic acid in the air gives off H 2 S, takes up oxygen, and turns brownish-black. Caustic potash or soda precipitates white manganous hydrate, Mn(OH) 2 , insoluble in excess, and becoming quickly brown in the air, and is then no longer completely soluble in chloride of ammonium. Ammonia gives in acid solutions of the manganous salts, or DETECTING CERTAIN ELEMENTS. 177 in those which contain ammoniacal salts, no precipitate at first, but the solution becomes turbid on exposure to the air, and deposits (if sufficient ammonia be used) all the metal as brown hydroxide of manganese, Mn 2 (OH) 6 . Alkaline carbonates, phosphates, arseniates, and oxalates occasion white precipitates. Ferrocyanide of potassium gives a white precipitate with manganous salt, and ferricyanide of potassium a brownish-yel- low one. If lead dioxide or superoxide (PbO 2 ), or minium (2PbO, PbO 2 ) be heated with an excess of nitric acid, and a trace of a manganous salt be added (or the solution to be tested for manganese free from sal-ammoniac), the fluid assumes the intense purple color of permanganic acid, which is very per- ceptible after the separation of the excess of dioxide of lead (a delicate test for manganese). Manganic oxide (sesquioxide), Mn 2 O 3 , as well as the corre- sponding hydroxide, Mn 2 (OH) 6 , form brownish-black powders. The solution in cold sulphuric acid is cherry-red or crimson, and passes, like other manganic salts, into manganous salts, with a loss of color when in contact with reducing agents (hydrochloric, sulphurous, and nitrous acid, organic matters, etc.), or when heated by themselves. Dioxide of manganese (peroxide), MnO 2 , is the most important native mineral (pyro- lusite). By ignition it yields one-third part of oxygen gas, and when treated with cone, sulphuric acid half its contents of oxygen. Permanganic acid. Its salt dissolves in water with an in- tense purple color, which is immediately decolorized by organic materials (analysis of water), and all the following reducing agents (HC1,SO 2 , As 2 O 3 , H 2 S, ferrous salts, etc.). 30. MERCURY and AMALGAMS yield a sublimate of finely divided metallic mercury, when heated in the closed tube. Compounds of mercury heated in the closed tube together with soda, yield also metallic mercury which condenses above the assay. When a gray sublimate is obtained, without exhibiting distinct metallic globules, these may be made to coalesce by 178 MINERALOGY SIMPLIFIED. means of a feather, or the part of the tube containing the sub- limate is cut off' with a file, brought into a test-tube, and boiled with some dilute HC1, by which treatment the mercury unites in shining globules. In cases where mercury is present in such small quantities that no distinct sublimate is formed, it may be detected by inserting into the tube a piece of gold-leaf wrapped around the end of an iron wire and held just above the assay. On heating, the mercury is volatilized, and com- bining with the gold forms a grayish-white amalgam. Mercurous compounds of ordinary occurrence are insoluble in water, except the normal nitrate, the sulphate, and the ace- tate, which are sparingly soluble (300 to 600 parts of water). All these require acidulated water for their solution, becoming decomposed by water at a certain degree of dilution, and yield- ing precipitation of basic salts. Solutions of mer citrons salts are precipitated by HC1 and by soluble chlorides, the precipitate being white mercurous chlorides or calomel, Hg 2 Cl a , which turns black with caustic potash or ammonia. Solutions of mercuric oxide, Hg 2 O 2 are not precipitated by HC1, since the mercuric chloride (corrosive sublimate) is solu- ble in about twelve parts of cold, or two to three parts of boil- ing water, and freely soluble in alcohol and ether. . Stannous chloride (SnCl 2 ) throws down calomel from mer- curic chloride (HgCI 2 ) solutions. A clean strip of copper, placed in a slightly acid solution of a salt of mercury, become coated with metallic mercury, and when gently rubbed with cloth or paper, presents the tin-white lustre of the metal, the coating being driven off by heat. 31. MOLYBDENUM B. B., on charcoal, gives a copper-red stain in the O. F. on cooling, which becomes azure blue when touched for a moment with the R. F. When it is present in small quantity, particularly when as- sociated with copper or tin, as in some furnace products, it is necessary to have recourse to the wet way. The silver-white molybdenum is not oxidized in the air at an ordinary tempe- DETECTING CERTAIN ELEMENTS. 179 rature, but when slowly heated it assumes a brownish-yellow, then a blue tarnish, and at a higher temperature it burns off to MoO 3 . It is speedily dissolved by nitric acid as molybdic anhydride (Mo0 3 ), with evolution of nitrous fumes; slowly by hot sulphuric acid, with evolution of SO 2 . Molybdenum forms three classes of compounds, viz., molybdous oxide, MoO ; chlo- ride, MoCl 2 , and other molybdous salts ; molybdic oxide, MoO 2 ; chloride, MoCl 4 , and corresponding salts ; the two kinds of bases are converted into molybdic acid, or molybdates, by strong oxidizing agents, while molybdates are reducible to one or the other of the bases by deoxidizing agents. From molyb- dons salts, as Mo(NO 3 ) 2 , alkaline hydrates or carbonate pre- cipitate dark-brown molybdous hydrate, becoming blue in the air by oxidation to molybdic-molybdate, Mo(MoO 4 ) 2 and Mo 2 O 6 . The hydrate is insoluble in alkalies, sparingly soluble in alkaline carbonates, but easily soluble in biearbonates. For analytical purposes the most important is molybdic anhy- dride, MoO 3 . It is white, lemon-yellow when heated, fuses at a red heat, and sublimes. Hydrochloric acid separates from alkaline molybdates, e.g., K 2 MoO 4 white crystalline mo- lybdic acid, soluble again in an excess of the acid. This latter acid solution, or the HC1 solution, assumes, in contact with zinc, at first a blue, then a green and brown color. The addi- tion of sulphocyanide of potassium changes the brown solution to red. The same red tint is obtained when the hydrochloric acid solution of a molybdate is treated with sulphocyanide of potassium. Ether withdraws this color from the liquid and assumes an orange tint, which, exposed to the air, turns crimson (the most sensitive reaction for molybdenum). H 2 S produces in acid solutions of molybdic acid gradually a brown precipi- tate, MoS 3 , soluble in (NH 4 ) 2 S, forming (NH 4 ) 2 MoS 4 , while the supernatant liquid appears blue or green. The same pre- cipitate is formed when the aqueous solution of an alkaline molybdate, after being saturated with H 2 S, or after the addi- tion of (NH 4 ) 2 $, is acidulated with HC1. When the powdered compound of molybdic acid is mixed with a drop of strong 180 MINERALOGY SIMPLIFIED. sulphuric acid on platinum foil, a blue color is obtained, or it is still better to heat the pulverized substance in a small porcelain dish with a little cone, sulphuric acid, and then add alcohol, when the liquid assumes a sky-blue color if molybdic acid is present. For the reaction of molybdate of ammonium with phosphoric acid see " Phosphates," page 183. 32. NICKEL, B. B Oxide of nickel gives, if cobalt is not present, in the O. F. a reddish-brown bead when hot and pale-yellow on cooling. With larger quantities of oxide these colors are darker. In the R. F. the bead becomes gray and opaque from the separation of metallic nickel, and on long con- tinued blowing colorless. Upon Ch. in the R. F., especially upon addition of granulated tin, the reduction is quickened and the reduced nickel unites with tin to a metallic globule. All the salts of the protoxide, or nickelous oxide, NiO, are yellow when anhydrous ; as hydrates, or in solution, green ; they redden litmus paper, arid are decomposed on ignition. The neutral salts (containing no free acid) are only partially decomposed by H 2 S ; and, when acidulated with HC1, not at all ; acetate of protoxide of nickel or any nickel salt, previously treated with acetate of sodium, is completely precipitated by H 2 S when the solution is warmed, and contains riot too much free acetic acid. The precipitated black sulphide of nickel (NiS) is with difficulty soluble in dilute hydrochloric, and in acetic acid, though very soluble in nitric, and nitro-hydrochloric acid. (IS H 4 ) 2 S, likewise throws down from a neutral solution sulphide of nickel, of which only a very small quantity remains soluble in an excess, giving it a brown color. On this account a brown cok>r of the liquid (which is poured off from the pre- cipitate produced by (NHJ 2 S) indicates nickel. Potassa throws down apple-green nickel hydroxide = ^(OH)^, insoluble in excess, soluble in ammonia salts. Acid salts, or such containing sal-ammoniac, are not precipitated by NH 3 ; neutral salts only partially; the precipitate is soluble in an excess of ammonia with a blue color. Caustic potash throws down gradually from this solution Ni(OH) 2 . Carbo- DETECTING CERTAIN ELEMENTS. 181 nates of the alkalies precipitate basic carbonates ; the precipi- tate being soluble in an excess of the precipitant. Nitrite of potassium produces in very concentrated nickel solutions only a brownish-red precipitate of potassio-nickelous nitrite = (N0 2 ) 2 Ni -f- 4NO 2 K, soluble upon addition of water. In the presence of carbonates of the alkaline earths (Ba, Sr, CM), CO 3 , said reagent throws down, even in dilute nickel solutions, nearly all the metal in the form of yellow crystalline salt (NO 2 ) 6 NiMK 2 , (M = Ba, Sr, or Ca), which in cold water is with great, difficulty, in boiling water easily, soluble, with a green color, decomposition taking place. Ferrocyanide of potassium yields a greenish-white, ferri- cyanide of potassium a yellowish-green precipitate. Cyanide of potassium precipitates nickelous cyanide, soluble in excess, the solution contains potassio-nickelous cyanide = (NiCy 2 , 2KCy), from which dilute HC1, or H 2 S0 4 , again throws down NiCy 2 , with evolution of hydrocyanic acid. If the solution of NiCy 2 , 2KCy, is treated with an alkaline solution of hypochlorite of sodium, and heat applied, blackish- brown nickelic oxide (peroxide) Ni 2 O 3 , is thrown down as hydroxide. The same happens, when the. hydrated protoxide of nickel, diffused in water (or better in dilute alkali) or a solution of cyanide of nickel, is treated with chlorine. Free acids, even acetic acid, prevent its formation. HC1 con- verts it into chlorine and chloride of nickel. On this reaction rests a method of separating nickel from cobalt. 33. NITRIC ACID (NITRATES) When nitrates are fused in a glass tube with bisulphate of potasium, reddish-brown fumes are evolved (N 2 3 ), which become readily visible when the tube is held against a white background. All nitrates detonate when heated on charcoal ; those of the alkalies and alkaline earths (calcium nitrate) deflagrate with violence, being con- verted into carbonates. Osmium. See page 123. Oxygen All combustible substances burn in oxygen gas with great brilliancy, hence if this element is Driven off from 182 MINERALOGY SIMPLIFIED. some compound heated in a reagent tube, and an ignited splin- ter of charcoal be brought into the gas, it will burn with greatly increased brilliancy. 34. PALLADIUM Oxide of palladium, PdO, is reduced on ignition by B. B., but the metallic particles cannot be fused together. With borax on platinum wire in O. F. it is reduced without dissolving in the flux. The metallic particles cannot be united together to a globule even on charcoal in R. F. as in O. F. With salt of phosphorus it gives the same reaction. With soda on coal insoluble. The soda is absorbed by the coal, leaving the Pd behind as infusible powder. Palladium occurs in a tolerably pure state with Brazilian platinum ore, also together with gold. It is darker than plati- num ; heated in the air, it oxidizes and turns blue ; at a higher temperature the oxide is again destroyed. In the alcohol flame the metal becomes covered with soot; it is capable of condensing enormous quantities of hydrogen gas.* In nitric acid it is with difficulty dissolved. In hot hydrochloric and sulphuric acid scarcely soluble ; in aqua regia readily soluble. With oxygen it forms two oxides, PdO and PdO a , like platinum. PdO is the common compound. PdCl 4 is produced with aqua regia, and combines with other chlorides, viz., K a PdCl 6 . Palladic chloride loses chlorine easily, passing into palladious chloride, PdCl 2 , and to this correspond the other palladious salts. From solutions of these caustic alkalies produce a dark-brown pre- cipitate, PdO, soluble in excess; ammonia gives a flesh-red pre- cipitate, PdCl 2 NH 3 , soluble in excess. By the action of HC1 on this solution, a yellow, precipitate is formed, Pd(NH 3 Cl) 2 . Iron vitriol reduces palladium salt slowly to metallic palladium (black). Stannous chloride induces a black precipitate, and gives a green solution. Iodide of potassium produces, even in dilute solutions, a black precipitate of palladious iodide, PdI 2 , * Palladium hydrate, Pd 2 H 4 , is formed by passing hydrogen over metallic palladium heated to redness. It possesses all the properties of a metal ; it has metallic lustre, is tough, conducts electricity, and is distinctly magnetic. (Graham.) DETECTING CERTAIN ELEMENTS. 183 quite insoluble in water, and suitable for the quantitative deter- mination of iodine. 35. PHOSPHORIC ACID OR PHOSPHATES. The green color (see flame reactions) which phosphates impart B. B. to the flame, especially upon the addition of a drop of concentrated sulphuric acid serves often for their detection. If a previously pulverized and well-dried phosphate is heated to a red heat in a closed tube with a piece of magnesium-wire or metallic sodium, the phosphoric acid will be reduced. If the tube is then broken, and the piece containing the fused assay is, after cooling, moistened with a little water, phosphor- etted hydrogen PH 3 is given off, having the characteristic dis- agreeable odor of decaying fish. If a phosphate salt is dissolved B. B. in a borax bead to which some carbonate of sodium has been added, and tungstate of sodium is introduced, the bead upon being heated in the R. F. turns blue, while tungstic acid alone colors a borax bead in the R. F. yellow. In the * r et way it is traced, even in very minute quantities, thus, a few drops of a neutral or acid solution containing phos- phoric acid are poured into a test-tube which is then filled to the depth of an inch with a solution of molybdate of ammonium containing much free nitric acid, there is formed a pale yellow precipitate termed ammonium phosphomolybdate. For the full delicacy of the test, especially if mere traces of phosphoric acid are present, the mixture should be set aside for several hours at a temperature of 30 to 40 C. Silicic acid, with which phosphoric acid might be confounded, produces a strongly yellow coloration, but does not yield a precipitate, whilst arsenic compounds in solution furnish a yellow precipitate of ammonium arsenio-molybdate of variable composition. 36. PLATINUM This metal is insoluble in IIC1, HF1, H 2 8O 4 , and HNO 3 , but soluble in aqua regia to platinic chlo- ride, Ptd 4 . From this reddish-yellow solution H 2 S throws down dark-brown platinum sulphide PtS a , soluble in an excess 184 MINERALOGY SIMPLIFIED. of yellow ammonium sulphide. Stannous chloride colors the solution of platinum dark brownish-red. For the reactions of PtCl 4 with KC1 and NH 4 C1, consult potassium (below) and ammonium, page 140. 37. POTASSIUM For flame reactions, see B. B. A glass of borax containing potassa becomes blue when a little oxide of nickel* is carefully added, with soda alone a brown bead is obtained on cooling. For the detection of potassium in compounds in the wet way, platinic chloride (PtClJ is added to neutral and acid solutions of the compound substance (not too dilute), together with HC1, (if the compound be not a chloride)* when a yellow crystalline precipitate of potassium platinic chloride (KCl) 2 PtCl 4 is thrown down. Since ammonium salts are also precipitated by this reagent with closely resembling color and form, these, if pre- sent, must first be removed (volatilized). Minute portions of potassa are detected by evaporating the solution with the rea- gent nearly to dryness on the water-bath, and then dissolving the mass in alcohol ; the yellow crystalline precipitate, octahe- dral, remains undissolved, and may be identified under the microscope. 38. RHODIUM Rhodium is contained in platinum ores (0.4 to 1.0 p. c.). It is soluble in aqua regia only when in an alloyed condition (with Pt or Cu). It is soluble on fusion with bisul- phate of potassium ; it is oxidized at a red heat when mixed with potassa and nitre, forming brown RhO 2 . When Rh is mixed with common salt, and a current of chlorine passed through the mixture, a red double salt is formed, Rh 2 Cl 6 -f GNaCl, soluble in water. From the warm solution, H 2 S precipitates slowly. Rh 2 S 3 insoluble in (NH 4 ) 2 S. When the solution is treated with some caustic potassa solution, and a few drops of alcohol added, * Oxalate or carbonate of nickel may also be employed. It must be free from cobalt (must not furnish a blue glass with borax). Ad- mixtures of soda and lithia do not interfere with the reaction if the potassa is present in sufficient quantity. DETECTING CERTAIN ELEMENTS. 185 a black precipitate of metallic rhodium falls at ordinary tem- perature. 39. RUBIDIUM. The oxide rubidia, a very rare alkali, gives B. B. a violet flame, and when mixed with caesia and potassa, can only be distinguished by spectroscopic examination. 40. RUTHENIUM is alloyed with platinum, and found as laurite, Ru 2 S 3 , in the platinum ore of Borneo. Insoluble in acids. By fusion with caustic potassa and chlorate of potassium, or saltpetre, an orange colored RuO 4 K 2 is formed, from the solu- tion of which nitric acid separates black sesquioxide. Chlorine throws down anhydrous RuO 4 . From the orange solution of the sesquioxide in HC1, hydrosulphuric acid (which colors it at first blue), throws down after a while brown sulpho-metal. Sulpho- cyanide of potassium (in the absence of other platinum alloys) causes a purple-red, and, when heated, a violet coloration. 41. SELENIUM and SELENIURETS yield in the closed tube at a high temperature, a sublimate which is reddish or black, and producing a red powder, give off at the same time the odor of decaying horse-radish. In the open tube they evolve the same characteristic odor, and yield a sublimate of selenium, which near the assay is steel gray, and further off red. Selenites and selenates are reduced to selenides B. B. on charcoal in R. F. with the characteristic odor of selenium. Selenium is steel-gray with a faint metallic lustre ; it fuses very easily; volatilizes with brown fumes, giving the odor of decaying horse-radish; is soluble in bisulphide of carbon, and imparts B. B. a blue color to the O. F. Consult flame re- actions, page 105. 42. SILICIUM, SILICON, or the oxide, SILICA, when heated with soda gives a clear glass, if the soda be not in excess. This reaction distinguishes silica from the earths ; silica may, however, contain alumina, and still fuse with soda to a clear glass. In most silicates the silica may be detected by the help of salt of phosphorus. Most silicates, when added to a bead of that salt and heated, are decomposed ; the bases dissolve in the 1G* 186 MINERALOGY SIMPLIFIED. free phosphoric acid without interfering with its transparency (unless the substance is present in too large a quantity), while the silica, being almost insoluble, floats as a translucent spongy mass* in the bead. The latter must be observed carefully while hot, since many silicates form a glass, which, on cool- ing, becomes opalescent or turbid. The spongy mass (Kiesel- skelett) consists of an aggregate of most minute crystals which almost defy a microscopical determination. According to a great many experiments, however, they possess the crystal- line form of tridynrite, which is hexagonal, the crystals being tabular, formed by the prism and basal plane. They consist of pure silica, like quartz. f When a finely powdered silicate is fused with an excess of carbonate of sodium, the resulting mass dissolved in dilute HC1, and evaporated to dryness, the silica is rendered insoluble ; and on moistening the residue with strong HC1, and dissolving it in hot water, all the silica will remain behind; and can be separated from the bases by filtration and washing. Most of the hydrous silicates, and many which are anhy- drous, but which contain an excess of base, are decomposed by strong HC1, the bases uniting with the HC1. while the silica separates, either as a gelatinous hydrate, or as a non-gelatinous powder. 43. SILVER This metal is easily recognized by its physical characters, as also by the brown coating it gives when heated in O. F. on charcoal. When combined with easily oxidizable metals, it may be separated by heating on charcoal in O. F. If silver be associated with a large quantity of lead or bismuth, it is best to subject it to cupellation. The following process serves for .its complete separation from most argentiferous ores. The finely powdered substance is mixed with an equal bulk of borax glass, and an excess of pure granulated lead (except in * Kieselskelett, Germ. f J. Landauer's Lothrohranalyse, 2d ed. Berlin, 1881, p. 95. See also " Tridyinite," p. 260, in E. S. Dana's Text-book of Mineralogy, New York, 1877. DETECTING CERTAIN ELEMENTS. 187 cases where lead or its oxide already exists, as in litharge, mi- nium, cerussite). The mixture is placed in a cylindrical cavity of the coal, and fused in R. F. with Fletcher's blowpipe, Fig. 91, after the earthy matters have been dissolved, and the metallic particles united into one globule ; this latter is subjected for a short time to the O. F., thereby separating volatile and easily oxidizable substances that maybe present. The" remain- ing globule, containing a large excess of lead and all the silver, together with the larger portion of the nickel and copper, is then separated from the flux mechanically, and subjected to cupellation. For this purpose finely pulverized bone-ash is mixed with a small quantity of soda and made into a stiff paste with water. This paste is placed in a circular cavity in charcoal, half an inch in diameter, and one quarter inch deep, and the surface of it made concave and smooth by pressing it with an agate pestle, or any other suitable convex surface. This cupel is now carefully exposed to a gentle heat till perfectly dry. These cap- sules may be bought ready-made. The lead globule freed from adhering flux is then placed upon the cupel and exposed to O. F. Should much nickel and copper be present an infusible coating is formed which prevents the desired oxidation ; this may be counteracted by the addition of a small quantity of lead. The blast is kept up until all traces of lead have become oxidized ; this is indicated by the cessation of the rainbow colors of the oxide of lead which play over the surface of the globule. When the quantity of litharge that is formed in the process of cupellation is large, the globule of silver, still con- taining lead, may be removed to a fresh cupel and there finally refined. The instant when the last traces of lead disappear is then readily perceived by the sudden brightening of the globule. The remaining metal, when freed from gold, has a silver-white color. It may be tested for gold as described under that metal. See, also, cupellation of silver and gold, page 165. In the wet way silver is determined, in almost all cases, as 188 MINERALOGY SIMPLIFIED. chloride of silver, AgCl, and separated from other metals ; its insolubility in acids and solubility in ammonia distinguish it readily from all the other chlorides which are insoluble, or with difficulty soluble. Some metals, such as zinc, iron, and copper, the protosulphate of iron (or, perhaps better, the prot-acetate of iron), stannous chloride, sulphurous acid, and many organic compounds, precipitate metallic silver from its solutions. 44. SODIUM It is readily distinguished, even in compound substances, by the intense yellow color it imparts to the outer blowpipe flame. The sodium flame is invisible when observed through cobalt-blue glass, and red glass ; with green glass it is orange colored (sensitive reaction). Sodium is not precipitated by platinic chloride, since it forms a compound soluble in water, alcohol, and ether. Indeed, nearly all its salts are soluble, ex- cept pyroantimoniate of sodium, Na a H 8 Sb a O 7 -f- 6H 2 O.* Pyro- antimoniate of potassium, which is soluble, is hence the only reagent that precipitates soda from its solutions, as a white compound, of the above-mentioned composition, viz : K 2 H 2 Sb 2 O 7 -f 2NaCl = Na 2 H 2 Sb 2 O 7 + 2KC1. It must be precipitated from a neutral, or feebly alkaline solution. Alkaline solutions must be neutralized with dilute hydrochloric or acetic acid ; acid solutions with caustic potassa (not ammonia). Compare flame reactions. * Prof. N. Menschutkin's Analytische Chemie. German edition of Dr. 0. Bach, page 32. Fremy, the discoverer of this salt, calls it metantimoniate of sodium, which, according toMenschutkin, is not cor- rect. This author considers antimonic acid in some respects analo- gous to phosphoric acid, viz : Phosphoric acid = PH/) 4 . Pyrophosphoric acid = 2PH 3 4 H 2 = P 2 H 4 7 . Metaphosphoric acid = PH 3 4 H 2 = PH0 3 . Antimonic acid = ShH 3 4 Pyroantimonic acid = 2SbH 3 4 H 2 = Sb 2 II 4 7 . Metantimonic acid = SbH 3 4 H 2 = SbIlO 3 . DETECTING CERTAIN ELEMENTS. 189 45. STRONTIUM Strontium compounds color the flame crimson. In the presence of barium the crimson color appears at the moment when the substance, moistened with HC1, is first brought into the flame. The paler, yellowish-red flame of calcium is liable to be mistaken for the strontium flame. Con- sult flame-colors, p. 104 et seq. In solubility ', most compounds of strontium closely resemble those of barium, the hydrate being a little less soluble, and the sulphate and chromate more soluble in water than the corre- sponding barium compounds, and the silico-fluoride quite soluble. The chloride is soluble, the nitrate insoluble, in ab- solute alcohol (100 per cent.). Strontium sulphate (SrSO 4 ), like barium sulphate, is almost insoluble in concentrated solution of ammonium sulphate, while sulphate of calcium is soluble, and may thus be separated. A saturated solution of calcium sulphate (CaSO 4 ) slowly pro- duces a faint precipitate of SrSO 4 (prevented, or dissolved, by the presence of HC1, and HN0 3 ), but quite insoluble in alcohol. An aqueous solution of calcium sulphate (gypsum) may be the simple means to distinguish calcium, barium, and strontium salts, when soluble in water. No precipitate will be formed if lime is present, while a baryta solution will at once be rendered turbid, or afford a precipitate, and strontia gives a faint pre- cipitate after some time only. An addition of alcohol, how- ever, throws down completely sulphate of strontium and sulphate of calcium. 46. SULPHUR Free sulphur fuses and forms a yellow sub- limate in the closed tube. In an open tube, or on charcoal, it burns, yielding sulphurous acid, SO 2 . The higher sulphides (sulphurets) give off sulphur in the closed tube; the neutral sulphides and subsulphides give off sulphurous acid gas when heated in the open tube, recognizable by its odor and the red- dening of moist blue litmus paper. Sulphur is soluble in bisul- phide of carbon, benzine, and turpentine. In the investigation B. B. of sulphur-compounds, a lamp or candle-flame should be employed, since ordinary coal gas 190 MINERALOGY SIMPLIFIED. often contains considerable quantities of sulphur. The sulphur in sulphides any glancopyrite, Fe, Co, Cn, Sl>, As, S. MINERALS WITH METALLIC LUSTRE. 235 its concentrated nitric acid solution, the same as alloclasite, whose color is, however, steel-gray, while that of metallic bis- muth is reddish silver-white. NICCOLITE (nickeline or .copper nickel, or rothnickelkies), Ni 2 As. H. 5.25. G. 7.5. doanthite,* or weissnickelkies (Co,Ni)As 2 , and Gersdorjfite, or nickel glance, or arsenio-sulphuret of nickel, NiSAs. H. 5. G. 6. These give, when boiled with nitro-muriatic acid, an apple- green solution. Caustic ammonia in excess produces a sap- phire-blue liquid. Potnssa and silicate of potassium (soluble glass) added to the solutions give greenish precipitates. Chlo- ride of barium produces in the dilute acid solution of gersdorf- fite a heavy precipitate ; in the other two none, or only a feeble one. Niccolite and gersdorffite, when heated in closed glass tube, give no sublimate of metallic arsenic, but cloanthite* does. A similar deportment is shown by chatamite, whose solution yields, however, with an excess of ammonia, a reddish-brown precipi- tate (hydrated ferric oxide). Further, Corynite^i Ni( As,Sb)S, and Wolfachite, Ni(As,Sb)S, B. B. on coal yield arsenic and antimony fumes, and produce with soda hepar.f These min- erals usually show the reaction for cobalt. The color of niccolite is light copper-red ; of chloanthite and chatamite, tin-white; that of gersdorffite, light lead-gray, inclining to tin-white. Corynite, is silver-white to steel-gray; wolfachite, silver-white. Compare ulmannite (riickeliferous gray antimony) which contains arsenic, and in that case re- sembles gersdorffite in its behavior. ARSENOPYRITE, or arsenio-sulphuret of iron, or mispickel, FeS 2 4-FeAs. B. B. in a bolt-head yields a sublimate of metal- * Chloanthite is, according to Dana, only a variety of smaltite ; it crystallizes in the isometric system, whilst rammelsbergite, NiAs, of like composition, crystallizes in the orthorhombic system. f Corynitc is isometric; wolfachito, orthorhombic. 236 MINERALOGY SIMPLIFIED. lie arsenic; on coal it fuses to a black, and, after long blowing, to a magnetic globule,* thereby covering the coal with white arsenious acid. In nitric acid it is soluble with separation of sulphur and arsenious acid. The solution gives, with caustic ammonia, a reddish-yellow precipitate. Fracture, silver-white, inclining to gray. H. 5-5.5 G. 6-6.2. Compare native bismuth and native antimony, which often contain arsenic, but are easily recognized by their fusibility at a low temperature, and the white or yellow coating which they give to coal. Some proustite and pyrargyrite show often a submetallic lustre, but are readily distinguished by their cochi- neal-red streak. Division 2. B. B. on coal, or in open glass tube, evolve the strong horseradish odor of selenium. GuANAJUATiTEf (Frenzelite), selenide of bismuth (B5 2 Se 3 ). B. B. fuses readily, colors the flame blue, and gives when fused with sulphur and iodide of potassium upon charcoal a red coat- ing of iodide of bismuth. H. 2.5-3.5. G. 6.25. Tiemannite (selenide of mercury) (HgSe,) and Lehrba- chite (selenide of mercury and lead) (P,Hg)8e. B. B. yield with soda, in a bolt-head, metallic mercury ; this is likewise the case when the mineral powder is mixed with iron powder, and the mixture wrapped in copper foil is heated in a glass tube. Lehrbachite gives with soda on coal, globules of lead ; tiemannite does not. Both volatilize readily, tiemannite while fusing, lehrbachite before fusing. Color of the former is steel-gray to blackish lead-gray, that of the latter lead-gray. Guadalcazarite (Hg,Zn), (S,Se). Gives the reaction of mercury and also of sulphur. Hence, when the mineral powder * A similar behavior is exhibited by liillingite, leucopyrite, arse- niuret of iron, FeAs 2 , which, after the expulsion of arsenic, fuses im- perfectly and with difficulty on its edges. Specific gravity 7.2. With iron it produces no hepar, or the reaction is but feeble. f See E. S. Dana's Text-book, 1880, page 211. MINERALS WITH METALLIC LUSTRE. 237 is heated together with iron-powder and the mass treated with muriatic acid, sulphide of hydrogen is evolved. Color is iron- gray, streak black. H. 2. G. 7.15. CLAUSTHALITE (seleniuret of lead, Selenblei, PbSe). B.B. volatilizes chiefly without fusion, and coats the coal with a feeble metallic gray, and then with a white and greenish -yellow color. It yields with some difficulty, by means of soda, a glo- bule of lead. Dissolved in nitric acid it is precipitated by sulphuric acid, sulphate of lead being formed. Heated with concentrated sulphuric acid until the latter commences to escape in vapor form, it yields a fine green solution, from which water throws down a fine red precipitate, or produces cloudi- , ness of the same color (selenium). Color, lead-gray. H. 2.5-3. G. 8.2-8.8. NAUMANNITE (seleniuret or silver, Selensilber ( Ag,Pb) 5 Se 3 ). B. B. fuses easily, and in the O. F. quietly ; in the R. F. with intumescence ; with soda and borax it yields a globule of silver. Dissolves in concentrated nitric acid ; the solution throws down with muriatic acid a strong precipitate of chloride of silver. Color, iron-black. H. 2.5. G. 8. Berzelianite (seleniuret of copper, Selenkupfer), Cu 2 Se. Raphanosrnite (seleniuret of copper and lead}, Seleribleikup- fer, (Pb,Cu 2 )Se, and Jtucairite (seleniuret of silver and copper), (Cu,Ag) 2 ,$e. B. B. on coal fuse to a metallic globule, which, moistened with muriatic acid, imparts to the flame a blue color. They are soluble in concentrated nitric acid, and the solutions treated with caustic ammonia in excess assume an azure-blue color. The solution of eucairite gives, with muriatic acid, a heavy precipitate of chloride of silver ; that of raphanosmite with sul- phuric acid, a precipitate of sulphate of lead ; that of berzelia- nite affords no precipitate with either of the acids. Color of berzelianite is silver-white; that of eucairite and raphanosmite, lead-gray. Crookesite (Cu 2 Tl,Ag)8e is similar to berzelianite, con- taining 17.25 per cent, of thallium, and coloring the flame vivid jrreen. 238 MINERALOGY SIMPLIFIED. Division 3. B. B. on coal yield a whitish deposit, which colors the reducing flame greenish or greenish-blue.* Impart to concentrated sulphuric acid, when gently heated with it in a test-tube, a purple-red or hyacinthine color, which, upon the addition of water disappears, while a blackish- gray precipitate forms (tellurium}. Collecting the precipitate upon a filter and drying it, it im- parts to concentrated sulphuric acid, when heat is first applied, a purple color, which again disappears upon continued heating. B. B. most compounds of tellurium evolve on charcoal the horseradish odor of selenium, caused by an accidental trace of this element. The ores of tellurium may, by their color, be divided into two groups. (a) Those of a tin or silver-white color. NATIVE TELLURIUM, Te. B. B. fuses easily ; can be entirely volatilized ; fumes strongly, and burns with a greenish flame. In nitric acid it is soluble without residue ; the solu- tion gives with potassa a white precipitate mostly soluble in excess ; muriatic or sulphuric acid causes no perceptible precipi- tate. Color, tin-white to silver-white. H. 2-2.5. G. 6.1-G.3.. MELONITE, Ni 2 Te 2 . Hexagonal, reddish-white, dark-gray streak. HESSITE (telluret of silver, Tellursilber), Ag 2 Te (sectile) and .: ALTAITE (telluret of lead, Tellurblei), PbTe, are soluble in nitric acid without residue. The solution of the first in excess of nitric acid forms no precipitate with sulphuric acid, while the second gives a heavy deposit of sulphate of lead. B. B. the first mineral gives, with soda, a globule of silver, * If the ificrusted coal is held over a watch glass containing sulphide of ammonium, the vapors of the latter render the coat brownish, while, under the same circumstances, a coat of antimony would turn oranye- red. MINERALS WITH METALLIC LUSTRE. 239 containing sometimes gold. Hessite is malleable. Altaite is only sectile. Color, tin-white. MUELLERITE (cwrotellurite, Weisstellur), (Au,Ag,Pb),Te 3 , Sb. Is chiefly soluble in nitric acid with separation of the gold ; with muriatic acid the solution affords a precipitate of sulphate of lead. Color, silver-white, inclining to brass-yellow. Brittle. (Belongs probably to Sylvanite.) Compare the following : (6) Those which have a lead-gray or steel-gray color. TETRADYMITE (telluret of bismuth), Bi,(Te,S) 3 . B. B. fuses to a silver-white, brittle, metallic globule ; yields, when fused upon coal with iodide of potassium, a red precipitate. Dissolves easily in nitric acid, with separation of sulphur ; the solution yields with sulphuric or muriatic acid, no precipitate; with potassa, a white precipitate insoluble ,in excess. Color, light lead-gray. The thin laminae somewhat elastic. A similar compound is Joseite, Bi 12 Te 4 SeS 3 . H. Ig2. G. 7.5. SVLVANITE (graphic tellurium 3 Schrifterz), (Au,Ag)Te 3 .* B. B. soon fuses, and after long blowing is reduced to a ductile, metallic globule. In nitric acid it is imperfectly soluble, in nitro-muriatic acid entirely so, with precipitation of chloride of silver. The solution gives no precipitate on the addition of sulphuric acid. Color, light steel-gray. Nagyagite (telluret of gold and lead, Blattererz), Pb,Au, T<',S. B. B. fuses easily, and after long blowing, to a mallea- ble, metallic globule. In nitric acid it is easily and chiefly soluble; the solution yields, with sulphuric acid, a heavy pre- cipitate of sulphate of lead. When heated with concentrated sulphuric acid, a solution is obtained of a hyacinthine or brown- ish-yellow color, not exhibiting, as in the previous cases, a fine red hue. Water discolors the liquid with separation of tellu- rium. Color, blackish lead-gray. H. 1-1.5. G. 6.8-7.2. (Compare, also, belonite.) * Petzite (Ag,Au) 2 Te, shows a similar composition, but contains more silver. 240 MINERALOGY SIMPLIFIED. Division 4. B. B. on charcoal evolve copious fumes of anti- mony. The fumes are nearly inodorous, or smell of sulphurous acid, or have a feeble, arsenical odor caused by the sulphur in the ores, or an accidental trace of arsenic. By the first action of the flame, the vapor coats the coal white (oxide of antimony), which coating submitted to the R. F. does not alter the color of the flame. When this coating is collected in a glass tube, and exposed to the vapors of sulphide of ammonium, it turns orange, sulphide of antimony being pro- duced. NATIVE ANTIMONY, Sb. H. 3.3-5. G. 6.6-6.8. STIBNITE (sulphuret of antimony, Antimonglanz), SbS 3 . ZINKENITE (antimonial sulphuret of lead), PbSbS 4 . J.VMESONITE (sulphuret of antimony and lead), Pb 2 SbS 5 . BOURNONITE (antimonial sulphuret of lead and copper), 3(Cu,Pb)SSbS 3 . B. B. volatilizes entirely or principally. Native antimony is distinguished by its tin-white color. Heated B. B. it continues to burn without further blowing, and covers the globule of metal with white, needle-shaped crystals of oxide.* Stibnite (antimonite, antimony glance), in powder form, it is soon changed to an ochre-yellow by a strong solution of potassa, in which it is also chiefly soluble ; hydrochloric acid precipitates it in yellowish-red flakes. Color of this mineral is lead-gray, inclining to steel-gray. Zttikenite, jamesonite, and bournonite are of a steel-gray color. Digested in powder form with potassa solution they do not change their color ; the potassa, however, when boiled down nearly to dryness, extracts the sulphuret of antimony, which may be precipitated by hydrochloric acid in yellowish-red or orange flakes. ZinJcenite and jamesonite are converted by nitric acid into a white pulverulent oxide without changing the color of the acid, which dissolves only a small portion. Bour- * Compare native bismuth and bismuthinite. AIINEliALS WITH METALLIC LUSTRE. 241 nonite partially dissolves to a sky-blue solution, yielding, with sulphuric acid, a white precipitate of sulphate of lead, and with caustic ammonia in excess an azure-blue liquid (copper). Stylotypite (Cu a ,Ag,Fe) 3 SbS 6 , shows a similar deportment to bournonite, but its solution in aqua regia yields no precipi- tate with sulphuric acid. H. 3. G. 4.8. ' Zinkenite is not cleavable. Hardness, 3.5. Jamesonite is generally cleavable in one direction. Hardness, 2.5. These minerals are related in their chemical characters to the follow- ing rare compounds, which are all sulphurets of lead and anti- mony, viz : Boulangerite, Pb 3 SbS 6 . f Geocronite, Pb 5 SbS 8 . I Kilbrickenite.* Plagionite, PbSbS. Meneghinite, Pb 4 ShS 7 . Some antimonites mixed with gatenite (galena) behave similarly, likewise kobellite = Pb 3 BiSbS 6 (or 3PbS+ (Bi.Sb). 2 S 3 ), which con- tains 35 per cent, of sulphide of bismuth. B. B. when fused together with sulphur and iodide of potassium on charcoal, it affords a red and yellow coating. When the nitric acid solution is treated with sul- phuric acid, white sulphate of lead is precipitated. DYSCRASITE (antimonial silver, Antimonsilber= Ag 3 Sb). STEPHANITE (antimonial sulphuret of silver), Ag 5 $bS 8 (or 5AgS -f SbS 3 ). H. 2-5.5. G. 6.2. TETUAiiEDUiTEt (gray copper ore, Fahlerz.) Antimonfahlerz, Cu g Sb 2 S 7 , with (Cu 2 ) replaced by (Fe), (Zn), (Ag 2 ) or (Hg). * According to Dana and Brush identical with Geocronite. f Polytelile, v. Kobell. Varieties of Antimonfahlerz, when poor in silver, are distinguished from those rich in silver, by yielding from their nitric acid solution a slight precipitate with HCl. All the varie- ties containing copper furnish nitric acid solutions, which turn azure blue by an excess of ammonia. (See Polytelite, Dana's Syst. of Min., pp. 101, 104, 804.) 21 242 MINERALOGY SIMPLIFIED. Miarygyrite (sulphuret of antimony and silver), AgSbS 4 . B. B. yields with soda, or soda and borax, a malleable silver globule, and the nitric acid solution yields, with muriatic acid, a precipitate of chloride of silver. Dyscrasite has a silver- white color, and gives with soda no hepar. Is not attacked by potassa. All the others give, with soda, hepar, and potassa solution extracts sulphuret of antimony, which is precipitated in orange-colored flakes by muriatic acid. Stephanite and miargyrite are partially soluble in nitric acid, oxide of anti- mony being deposited ; the solution treated with caustic am- monia in excess acquires none or only a feeble bluish tint ; that of tetrahedrite (polytelite, v. Kobell) assumes a sky-blue color. The color of stephanite is between an iron-black and a blackish lead-gray. Streak, black. Hardness, 2.5. Miargyrite is iron-black, inclining to light steel-gray. Streak, dark cherry- red. Hardness, 2.5. Tetrahedrite (polytelite) is between steel- gray and iron-black. Hardness, 3.5. Streak, grayish -black. Broyniardite (Pb,Ag) a SbS 5 , is an ore which shows a similar deportment like the preceding. It crystallizes in the isometric system (octahedrons). "When decomposed by nitric acid, sulphate of lead separates. Freieslebenite (Pb,Ag).,Sb 2 ,S 11 , and Diaphorite, Ag 3 SbS 3 . The former crystallizes in the monoclinic and the latter in the trimetric (orthorhombic) system. (Compare also pyrargyrite (ruby silver ore), Ag 3 SbS 6 .) SPANIOLITE (gray copper, Quecksilberfahlerz), (Cu,Hg) SbS. The nitric acid solution is colored azure-blue by an excess of ammonia. It affords mercury when ground together with iron-powder and soda, then the whole wrapped in copper- foil and heated in a glass tube. H. 3.5. G. 8.1. CHALCOSTIBITE (sulphuret of copper and antimony, Kupfer- antimonglanz), Cu 2 SbS 4 . B. B. roasted on coal with soda for some time yields' a copper globule. HC1 (hydrochloric acid) produces no precipitate in the nitric acid solution. An MINERALS WITH METALLIC LUSTRE. 243 excess of ammonia renders the solution azure-blue. Color, lead-gray to iron- black. H. 3.5. G. 4.8. ULLMANNITE (nickeliferous gray antimony, Nickelantimon- glanz), Ni 2 SbS 2 . H. 5.5. G. 6.8. BREITHAUPTITE (antimonial-riickel, Antimonnickel), Ni 2 , Sb, and BERTHIERITE (sulphuret of antimony and iron), FeSbS 4 . B. B. on coal yield, after long blowing, a magnetic globule. Breitliauptite fuses with difficulty ; muriatic acid attacks it with difficulty ; aqua regia readily and completely dissolves it. Color, between copper-red and violet. Ullmannite fuses readily ; muriatic acid attacks it with difficulty ; aqua regia dissolves it with separation of sulphur.* Color, between lead- gray and steel-gray. Berthierite fuses without difficulty ; and is easily dissolved in muriatic acid with evolution of sulphuretted hydrogen. Color, steel-gray inclined to brown. Division 5 Heated in an open glass-tube give sulphurous acid,, which reddens a strip of moistened blue litmus paper placed in the end. B. B. with soda give hepar, without presenting the general characters mentioned in the preceding numbers. ARGENTITE (sulphuret of silver, silverglance, Glaserz), AgS and Jalpaite (Ag,Cu 2 )S can easily be distinguished from the following by being malleable and sectile like lead. The nitric acid solution yields with hydrochloric acid, a heavy precipitate of chloride of silver. The addition of ammonia colors the solution of Jalpaite blue, that of Argentite remains colorless. B. B. on charcoal, heated with cyanide of potassium, Jalpaite yields a silver globule containing copper. Acanthite, AgS, is distinguished from argentite only by the crystalline form. " The former crystallizes in the trimelric, the latter in the isometric system. * In other respects the solutions of the first two show, with am- monia, the s:imr deportment that is mentioned in (1) of nickeliiie. 244 MINERALOGY SIMPLIFIED. Alabandite, MnS, and flauerite, Mn8 2 , can be distinguished by the color of their powders. That of the first is leek-green, that of the second brownish-red. Both yield, when boiled down with a mixture of phosphoric and nitric acid, a handsome violet liquid. Cinnabar, HgS, usually of a red, in many varieties of a lead-gray color, is characterized by the red streak. When mixed with iron-powder, wrapped in copper-foil, and heated in a glass-tube, metallic mercury is produced. (Compare proustite and pyrargyrite.) GALENITE (sulphuret of lead, galena, Bleiglanz), PhS. B. B. with soda is easily reduced to metallic lead, coating the coal with a greenish-yellow oxide. In concentrated nitric acid it readily dissolves with separation of sulphur and sulphate of lead. Color, lead-gray. Cleavable in cubes. The nitric acid solution of galenite is not colored blue with an excess of ammo- nia, which is, however, the case with the next. H. 2.5. G. 7.5. CUPKOPLUMBITE (Kupfcrbleiglanz), Cu 2 S,2PbS. B. B. the latter exhibits otherwise a deportment similar to' that of galenite. HUASCOLITE is a zinciferous variety of the preceding, and very similar in its behavior. CiiALCOCiTE (suphuret of copper, Kupferglanz), Cu 2 $. H. 2.5-3. G. 7.5. STROMEYERITE (sulphuret of silver and copper, Silberkup- forglanz), AgCu 2 S. WITTICHENITE (sulpuhuret of copper and bismuth, Kupfer- wismutherz), Cu 3 BiS 3 . STANNINE (tin pyrites, sulphuret of tin, Zinnkies), (Cu,Sn, Fe, Zn,) S. CHALCOPYRITE (copper pyrites, sulphuret of copper and iron, Kupferkies), Cu 2 Fe 2 S 4 . H. 3.5. G. 4.3. CUBAN (Cubanite), Cu 2 Fe 4 S 4 . BORNITE (erubescite, variegated copper, Buntkupfererz),* (Cu 2 Fe)S. H. 3. G. 5. * A copper ore of similar color and tarnishing like bornite, is cas- tillite = (CuAg) 2 -\- 2(Cu,Pb,Zn,Fe)S. It is considered to be an MINERALS WITH METALLIC LUSTRE. 245 BELONITE, aikinite (acicular bismuth, Nadelerz), CuPb BiS r SAYNITE griinanite (bismuth nickel, Nickelwismuthglanz), Ni,Bi,Fe,Cu,S. CUPROPLUMBITE, Cu 2 S,2PbS, and PENTLANDITE (sulphuret of iron and nickel, Eisennickel- kies), (Fe,Ni)S, are partially soluble in nitric acid to a sky- blue or greenish liquor, which, with ammonia in excess, assumes an azure-blue or a deep blue color. If the blue ammoniacal liquor is strongly acidulated with sulphuric acid, and a strip of blank sheet-iron put into it, all the previously mentioned minerals, with exception of saynite and pentlandite (provided these two are free from an admixture of chalcopyrite), throw down metallic copper. The color of chalcopyrite* and cubanite is brassy-yellqw, the latter cleavable in hexadrons, the former not. The color of bornite is between copper-red and pinchbeck-brown. That of pentlandite, light bronze yellow. B B. these ores melt to a steel-gray, brittle globule which is attracted by the magnet. Pentlandite acts upon the magnetic needle. H. 3.5-4. G. 4.6. In order to distinguish the others (the colors of which are gray), we proceed as follows : a. The saturated nitric acid solution gives, upon the addition of water, a white precipitate with wittichite, saynite, and belonite. B. B. all three yield, when mixed in powder form with sulphur and iodide of potassium and then fused on char- coal (by continuous blowing), a red coat of iodide of bismuth. In the acid solution of belonite, sulphuric acid produces a white precipitate of sulphate of lead, which does not take place with the others. (Compare chiviatite.) argentiferous bornite. When decomposed by nitric acid, a residue of sulphate of lead remains behind. * A mineral much resembling chalcopyrite is barnhardtite (homich- line) Cu 4 Fe 2 S 5 . Color, brass-yellow ; the fresh fracture tarnishes to a golden-yellow in twenty-four hours. 21* 246 MINERALOGY SIMPLIFIED. B. B. on coal, ivittichite yields with soda a copper globule ;* saynite, a gray, nickeliferous, strongly magnetic globule. b. The saturated nitric acid solution furnishes with water no precipitate, but with sulphuric acid a white one of sulphate of lead ; the mineral is cuproplumbite. c. The nitric acid solution produces neither with water nor sulphuric acid, any precipitate, but if muriatic acid throws down white chloride of silver the mineral is stromeyerite. d. Neither of the reagents alluded to having any effect, or producing but a very slight precipitation, we arrive at chal- cosite and stannite. (Compare tetrahedrite.) Chalcosite on coal B. B. gives, after long blowing, a malle- able copper globule ; is soluble in nitric acid with separation of sulphur; color, between blackish lead-gray and steel-gray. But stannite alone gives no malleable or metallic globule ; is dis- solved by nitric acid with separation of sulphur and oxide of tin ; color, between steel-gray and brass-yellow. Chalcosite crystallizes in the trimetric system. Other simi- lar sulphides of copper are : Carmenite.^ Digenite. Cupreine (hexagonal). Millerite (sulphuret of nickel, Ilaarkies), NiS. Linneite, linnceite (cobalt pyrites, Schwefelkobalt), CO S S 4 (or 2CoS + Co8 2 ). A variety is called siegenite, carrollite, =Co 2 CuS 4 . PYRITE (iron pyrites, bisulphuret of iron, Eisenkies), FeS 2 . H. 6-6.5. G. 4,9. * A deportment similar to wittichite is exhibited by tannenite and klaprothite. f According to Dana (System of Min. 1872, p. 53), carmenite is a mixture of chalcocite and covellite. Digenite and cupreine result also probably from alterations according to him, see p. 53. MINERALS WITH METABLIC LUSTRE. 247 PYRROTIIITE (Pyrrhotine, magnetic pyrites, Magnetkies), Fe 7 S 8 , and STERNBERGITE (sulphuret of silver and iron), (AgFe)S. B. B. are reduced to a magnetic globule which, moistened with muriatic acid, imparts to the flame no perceptible change of color except carrollite which, under these circumstances, colors the flame blue ; the partial nitric acid solution is not blue. B. B. linnaeite and carrollite render a borax bead sapphire-blue ; in nitric acid both dissolve perfectly and easily, forming a rose- red solution which gives, with chloride of barium, a white pre- cipitate. From the solution of carrollite, iron wire precipitates metallic copper. Color, between tin-white and light steel-gray. Sternbergite B. B. is partly reducible to silver ; the partial nitric acid solution gives, with muriatic acid, a heavy precipi- tate of chloride of silver. Color, dark tombac-brown. Pyrite and pyrrhotite B. B. give only the reaction of iron and sulphur. Pyrite* before fusion does not act on the magnetic needle ; is only slightly attacked by muriatic acid. Aqua regia forms a solution which with ammonia yields a brownish red precipi- tate insoluble in an excess and not rendering the solution blue. Color, pale yellow. Pyrrhotite acts upon the needle ; is principally soluble in muriatic acid with evolution of sulphuretted hydrogen. Color, between brown-yellow and copper-red (usually tarnished tom- bac-brown). Millerite is scarcely affected by nitric acid ; with nitro- muriatic acid it forms a greenish solution, in which potassa causes a greenish precipitate. Ammonia produces a precipitate which dissolves in an excess with a blue color. Color, between a brass-yellow and bronze-yellow. Has been heretofore found only in hair-like crystals. Closely related to the preceding is beyrichite Ni 6 S r * Marcasite (ortho-rhombic iron pyrite) and pyrite (isometric iron pyrite) are only distinguishable by their crystalline form. Are de- composed by nitric acid. 248 MINERJPLOGY SIMPLIFIED. Color, lead-gray. B. B. in a closed tube affords a sublimate of sulphur. Millerite does not. BISMUTHINITE (sulphuret of bismuth, Wismuthglanz), BiS 3 . B. B. in the reduction flame fuses with boiling and spirting. Yields a globule of bismuth, and coats the coal yel- low. Dissolves in nitric acid with separation of sulphur. The concentrated solution diluted with water becomes turbid, and then yields a white precipitate of bismuth. Color, light lead-gray, inclining to steel-gray. H.2. G. 6.4. A similar behavior is shown by chiviatite (Pb. 2 ,Cu 2 )Bi 3 S n . It is decomposed by nitric acid with separation of sulphate of lead. Emplectite CuBiS 2 affords with nitric acid a bluish- green solution, which turns, with an excess of ammonia, azure- blue. Behaves otherwise like bismuthite. (Compare native bismuth.) Division 6 Not belonging to the preceding divisions. AMALGAM (native), AgHg 2 and AgHg 3 . B. B. gives off quicksilver in a matrass, with boiling and spirting, and leaves a swollen mass of silver. Dissolves easily in nitric acid. Color, silver-white. The amalgam richest in silver is arquerite, Ag,,Hg. Metacinnabarite, HgS. Mixed with iron powder, it affords, in a matrass, mercury and sulphide of iron, which latter evolves sulphide of hydrogen when treated with hydrochloric acid. Rarely crystallized, constituting amorphous cinnabar. Color, grayish-black. Streak, black. BISMUTH (native), Bi. B. B. fuses easily, arid does not continue to burn after removal from the flame ; evaporates after long blowing, and imparts to the coal, at first, a white coating, which becomes partly yellow and partly orange. The color slightly fades on cooling. B. B. The mineral powder when fused together with sulphur and iodide of potassium on char- coal affords, after continuous blowing, a cinnabar-red coating. It is easily soluble in nitric acid. The concentrated solution MINERALS WITH METALLIC LUSTRE. 249 yields with much water a white precipitate. Color, reddish silver-white. Brittle. H. 2.5. G. 9.7. Rabdionite (Cu,Mn,Co,Fe). Colors the borax bead cobalt- blue. Heated with phosphoric acid, gives a violet solution (manganese). Is dull, but gives a metallic greasy streak. Color, black. H. 1. G. 2.8. HAEMATITE (specular iron, red iron ore, Rotheisenerz), Fe 3 O 3 . Difficult of fusion ; in the reduction flame becomes magnetic. Streak, cherry-red. H. 5.5-6. G. 5. Cuprite (red copper ore), Cu 2 O ; has sometimes a metallic lustre ; easily reducible to a copper globule B. B. Magnetite (magnetic iron, Magneteisenerz), Fe 3 O 4 . B. B. fuses with great difficulty, usually above 5. It may be easily recognized by its action on the needle, and its black streak. Hortonolite (Fe,Mg) 2 SiO 4 . Fuses at 4. Color, yellow to dark yellow-green. It has partly a metallic lustre and with an admixture of magnetite is magnetic. Roepperite (Fe,Mn,Zn,Mg) 2 SiO i . Color, dark-green to black. Fayalite^ Fe 2 SiO 4 . Fuses at 3. Color, dark-green, brown to black. The three latter minerals gelatinize with hydrochloric acid. WOLFRAMITE (Wolfram, tungstate of iron and manganese), (Fe,Mn,) W0 4 == W 75.56, F0 20.17, Mn 3.54 (Fe and Mn varying greatly). B. B. fuses at 3 to a gray and often crystal- line globule ; with borax it yields an amethystine colored bead. Boiled with phosphoric acid and strongly concentrated it yields a fine blue liquid, whose color is heightened on cooling. When diluted with water a reddish-yellow, and later a color- less liquid is obtained. Upon the addition of iron powder and sulphuric acid it turns, when shaken, intensely sapphire blue. This liquid, when diluted with much water, loses in a few minutes its blue color. If we add to the blue solution with phosphoric acid, a little nitric acid, the color is changed to violet (manganese reaction). Color, grayish-black to iron black. Streak, dark reddish-brown to black. H. 5.5. G. 7.3. 250 MINERALOGY SIMPLIFIED. BLACK SILICATE OF MANGANESE (Schwarzer Mangan- kiesel)* MnSiO 3 -f- 2H 2 0. B. B. fuses with intumescence, and in a bolt-head yields much water ; imparts to a borax bead in the oxidizing flame a strongly amethystine color. It is -dis- solved by muriatic acid with separation of silicic acid, without gelatinizing. Color, between lead-gray and iron-black. (Compare KLIPSTEINITE, Mn 2 3 ,MnOSiO 2 ,H 2 0.) PSILOMELANE (name alludes to its smooth botryoidal form and black color). General formula =RO-f 4MnO 2 . Many va- rieties ; compact; amorphous. B. B. fusible; reacts strongly of manganese with borax. Boiled with muriatic acid it gives off chlorine. Color, dark bluish-gray. H. 5-6. G. 3.7-4.7. LIEVRITE (Ilvaite, Yenite), H 2 Ca 2 Fe 4 1?eSi 4 18 . ALLANITE (Ce,La,Di,Fe,Ca) 3 (Al,Fe)Si 8 12 . Both gelatinize completely with hydrochloric acid. Al- lanite fuses easily and swells up. Xievrite fuses easily and quietly. PLATTNERITE (superoxide of lead, Schwerbleierz), Pb0. 2 . Of adamantine lustre; spec, gravity, 9.3. Color, iron-black. Streak, brown. B. B. with soda on charcoal yields a globule of lead. /S'mars^e(uranotantalite),(Fe,Y,UO^) 5 (Cb,Ta) < O 15 . Fuses at 4-5 to a steel-gray mass. Lustre of surface of fracture shining and submetallic. Color, velvet-black. Streak, dark red- brown. When the powdered mineral is fused with caustic potassa in a silver crucible, and the mass afterwards extracted with water and filtered, a green solution is obtained, which, when neu- tralized with hydrochloric acid, yields a whitish precipitate. If the latter is boiled with a sufficient quantity of fuming hydro- * A name given by v. Leonhard to a mineral as yet imperfectly known, and containing 14.9 per cent, of water. The analysis is by Klaproth. It is mentioned by v. Kobell, and in Nan maim' s Miner- alogie, Leipzig, 1871. Is not described in Dana's Syst. of Min., 5th edit. ; but the closely related mineral Klipsteinite, which gives 9 per cent, of water on ignition. MINERALS WITH METALLIC LUSTRE. 251 chloric acid and tinfoil for some minutes, and then diluted with an equal volume of water, a sapphire-blue solution results. Glass in. Infusible, or Fusibility above 5, and Non- volatile, Division 1. B. B. impart, in ever so small quantity, to the borax bead in the oxidizing Jlame an amethystine color of manganese. The oxides of manganese belonging to this group dissolve more or less easily in muriatic acid with evolution of chlorine gas. They yield, when the powdered minerals are boiled down with phosphoric acid to syrupy consistency, a beautiful violet liquid, which becomes, when diluted with water, and then shaken with some crystals of iron-vitriol, entirely discolored. (Compare FRANKLINITE in the following division. It at- tracts the magnetic needle.) LITHIOPHORITE = MnO, CuO,CoO,Li J O,BaO,Al 2 O 3 ,MnO a , H 2 O. Colors the flame carmine-red (lithia). With salt of phosphorus gives reactions for copper and cobalt. CREDNERITE (mangankupferoxide), Cu 3 M 2 9 . B. B. moist- ened with muriatic acid it imparts to the flame a fine blue color. The solution yields, with ammonia in excess, a brown precipitate and an azure-blue liquid, which is not the case with the following. BRAUNITE (sesquioxide of manganese), 2MnO,MnO 2 + MnSiO^. Color, dark brownish-black. Streak blackish, inclin- ing to brown. Hardness G-G.5 (between orthoclase and quartz). B. B. in a matrass affords none, or only traces of water. H. 6. G. 4.7. HAUSMANNITE (red oxide of manganese), 2MnO-f-IVInO 2 . Color brownish-black. Streak reddish and chestnut-brown. Hardness 5-5.5, between apatite and orthoclase. B. B. in a bolt head affords no water. MANGANITE (hydrated oxide of manganese), Mn 2 O 3 ,H 2 O. Steel-gray to iron-black. Streak, dark reddish-brown. Hard- 252 MINERALOGY SIMPLIFIED. ness 4, between calcite and fluorspar. B. B. in a b'olt head affords much water. PSILOMELANE (compact oxide of manganese), (Mn, Ba, K 2 ) 5 O 9 -f- Aq (compos, doubtful). Color, bluish to grayish- black and blackish-gray. Streak, brownish black to black. Hardness 5-6. B. B. in a bolt head it affords water. The solution of most varieties in muriatic acid yields with sulphuric acid a heavy precipitate of sulphate of barium. (At present only found amorphous, but more generally diffused than any of the ores of manganese.) PYROLUSITE (polianite, peroxide of manganese), MnO a . Color, iron-black, steel-gray. Streak, black. Hardness 2-2.5, between rock-salt and calcite. B. B. in a bolt head it yields none or only a trace of water. (Compare Alabandine and Hauerite.) Division 2 Are magnetic, or B. B. when heated on charcoal perseveringly in the R. FL become so. Lolingite. Arsenopyrite. In different varieties; imperfectly fusible, are distinguished from the next following by evolving an arsenical odor B. B. on charcoal. HcBinatite (specular iron, red iron ore, Rotheisenerz), Fe 2 O 3 . Distinguished from the following by its cherry- red streak and its iron-black, steel-gray, or brownish-red color. Dissolves slowly in muriatic acid. Franklinite^ (Zn,Mn,Fe)O,(Mn,Fe) 2 O 8 , and Magnetite (magnetic iron ore, Magneteisenerz), Fe 3 O 4 , are strongly magnetic ; both are slowly dissolved in concen- trated muriatic acid, by which the former evolves chlorine ; the latter does not. Pulverized franklinite, boiled down with phosphoric acid, yields a beautiful violet color; magnetite does not. The color of both is iron-black. The streak of frank- linite is reddish-brown, that of magnetite black. A similar deportment to franklinite is shown by Jacobsite (Mn,Mg)O,(Fe,Mn) 2 O 3 . Color, deep black. Is MINERALS WITH METALLIC LUSTRE. 253 magnetic, and occurs in distorted octohedrons. Its phosphoric acid solution turns violet upon addition of nitric acid only after heating. Magnoferrite, or magnvsioferrite, MgO,Fe 2 O 3 . Soluble with difficulty in hydrochloric acid. In the solution after the oxi- dation of the protoxide of iron with chlorate of potash and its precipitation with an excess of ammonia, phosphate of soda gives a precipitate of ammonio-phosphate of magnesia in the filtrate. H. 6-6.5. G. 4.5. MENACCANITE (titanic iron, ilmenite, hystatite, Titan- eisen, Kibdelophan, Iserin, etc.), (Ti, Fe) 2 O 3 . Influences the magnetic needle, but is easily distinguished from the pre- ceding by the following process : Pulverize and boil the powder with concentrated muriatic acid, and filter ; the fil- tered liquid boiled with tinfoil assumes gradually a fine blue or violet color turning a pink-red when diluted. Streak, black. Color, iron-black, inclining to steel-gray. H. 5-6. G. 4.5-5. We may also boil the powder of menaccanite, at first with cone, sulphuric acid, then evaporate to dryness and add to the residue cone, hydrochloric acid and tinfoil. In this way the mineral is more easily dissolved. Sometimes the hydro- chloric acid solution boiled with tinfoil passes through the filter with a brownish color, in which case it must again be boiled with additional cone, hydrochloric acid and tinfoil, in order to obtain a violet solution, turning to a rose-color when diluted. (Compare rutile and arkansite, which through an admixture of menaccanite frequently exhibit magnetic properties. Muri- atic acid attacks them but slightly.) LIMONITE (brown hematite, Brauneisenerz), Fe 2 O s ,3H 2 O. The lustre in many varieties is submetallic ; is distinguished from the preceding by its ochre-yellow streak. H. 5.5. G. 3.6-4. SPHALERITE (Zincblende) (Zn, Fe)S. containing often- times iron, and having a submetallic lustre, is recognized by the fact that muriatic acid evolves sulphuretted hydrogen. H. 3.5-4. G. 3.9-4.2. Compare the following division : 22 254 MINERALOGY SIMPLIFIED. Division 3 Not included, but in some respects related to, the preceding are : CHROMITE (COLUMBITE AND NIOBITE) FERROILMENITE CHROMITE (chromic iron, Chromeisenerz), FeO,Cr 2 O 3 , or (Fe,Mg)0,( Al,Cr) 2 O 3 . In many varieties strongly magnetic, in others only very feebly so. Hydrochloric acid has little effect on it. Evaporated with phosphoric acid an emerald-green solution is obtained ; those varieties containing oxide of manganese yield a violet solution (manganese) which, agitated with crystals of green vitriol, disappears while the green color of oxide of chromium appears. B. B. alone it remains unchanged. Borax and phosphorus slowly and perfectly dissolve it, form- ing beads of a fine emerald green when cold. Color, iron-black, pitch-black. Streak , yellowish-brown. H. 5.5. G. 4.3. Some varieties of Cassiterite, SnO 2 , have a metallic lustre. B. B. on charcoal heated with cyanide of potassium, metallic tin is obtained. MOLYBDENITE (sulphuret of molybdenum, Molybdanglanz), MoS 2 (H. 1-2. G. 6.2), and GRAPHITE (carburet of iron and black lead), C, are both very soft and leave a gray trace on paper. H. 1.5. Color of the former is lead-gray inclining to red ; of the latter, iron- black, steel-gray. B. B. molybdenite, confined with the forceps, colors the flame light green ; with soda it gives hepar. Heated in a platinum spoon with nitre, it explodes with evolu- tion of light and heat. The mineral boiled down with con. nitric acid, furnishes a white mass (molybdenum trioxide) which, when boiled with caustic potash, yields a partial solution that upon being acidulated with hydrochloric acid, and afterwards diluted, assumes, when stirred with a strip of tin, a fine blue color. A splinter of graphite, held in forceps made of zinc, becomes covered quickly with copper when dipped into a solution of sulphate of copper. PEROFSKITE, CaTi0 3 , as also some RUTILK, TiO 2 , with MINERALS WITHOUT METALLIC LUSTRE. 255 sub-metallic lustre. When the fine powder of these minerals is fused together with caustic potash, water added, and the solution evaporated after addition of an excess of HC1 and a piece of tinfoil, the liquid becomes violet-colored, and, on dilu- lution with water, rose-red. (Reaction of TiO 2 .) Perofskite crystallizes in cubes. (Compare rutile and brookite.) IRIDOSIMINE, Ir, Os, Rh, Ru. Fused in a matrass with nitre evolves the peculiar odor of oxide of osmium. Not perceptibly attacked by Bx and S. Ph. or aqua regia. Color, tin-white. Streak, gray. H. 6-7. G. 19.3-21.1. .TANTALITE, Fe(Mn)Ta,O 6 , and COLUMBITE, FeCb 2 (Ta 2 )O 6 ; YTTROTANTALITE, (Fe, Ca, Y) 2 (TaCb) 2 O 7 . The color of these minerals is iron-black. Yttrotantalite loses its color before the blowpipe, and becomes yellowish or white ; that of the others remains unchanged. Acids affect them but little. If tantalite and columbite are powdered, fused with caustic potash in a silver crucible, dissolved in water, and filtered, a precipitate is formed with hydrochloric acid, which, boiled with dilute sulphuric acid, becomes white ; on the addi- tion of zinc the precipitate from the columbite becomes intensely blue in the hot solution, and retains this color on the addition of water for a considerable time. The precipitate from tanta- lite is lighter colored, and loses its color quicker with water. (Compare polycrase and aeschynite.) URANITK, U 8 O 4 . Color, usually velvet-black; lustre, greasy; partially soluble in nitric acid to a yellow liquid ; the solution gives a sulphur-yellow precipitate with ammonia. Boiled with phosphoric acid gives an emerald-green solution. G. 6.4-7. 256 MINERALOGY SIMPLIFIED. GROUP II. MINERALS WITHOUT METALLIC LUSTRE, Class i. Easily Volatile or Combustible, NATIVE-SULPHUR, S. H. 1.5; G. 2. Completely vola- tile ; burns with a blue flame and evolution of sulphur dioxide, SO 2 . Color, sulphur-yellow, honey-yellow, and brown from impurities. REALGAR, As 2 S 2 . Arsenic disulphide, orange-yellow. H. 1.5-2. G. 3.5. ORPIMENT, As 2 S 3 . Arsenic trisulphide (auripigmentum), yellow sulphide. Both fuse easily and volatilize with emission of arsenical fumes. Soluble in potassa. HC1 precipitates from this solution lemon-yellow flocks. ARSENITE (arsenious acid, white arsenic), As 2 O 3 . B. B. on ch. with soda emits an arsenical odor, and in a bolt head gives a white crystalline sublimate. Color, white. H. 1.5. G. 3.8. VALENTINITE (oxide of antimony, Weisspiessglanzerz, Germ.), Sb 2 O 3 and KERMESITE (pyrostibite, red antimony, Antimonblende, Germ.), 2Sb 2 S 2 -f Sb 2 O 3 . B. B. fuse and evaporate easily, coating the charcoal white. Are insoluble in water. Valen- tinite dissolves readily in muriatic acid without evolution of gas. Kermesite (pyrostibite) is partly soluble with the escape of sulphide of hydrogen (H 2 S). The powder of the first, treated with potassa, does not change color; that of the second, immediately assumes an ochre-yellow. The former is white, the latter cherry-red. SENARMONTITE (Sb 2 O 3 ), has the same composition as valen- tinite, but crystallizes in the isometric system, whilst valentinite is trimetric. SAL AMMONIAC (ammonium chloride, Salrniak, Germ.), NH 4 C1, and MASCAGNITE (hydrous ammonium sulphate), (NH 4 ) 2 SO 4 MINERALS WITHOUT METALLIC LUSTRE. 2o / -[-Aq. B. B. volatilize with abundant fumes; the first without fusing; the second fusing and puffing up at the first applica- tion of heat. Both dissolve easily in water. The solution of sal ammoniac gives no precipitate with chloride of barium. Mascagnite yields a heavy precipitate of sulphate of barium. When treated with potassa liquor they both ammo- niacal odor. Color, white. CINNABAR (sulphuret of mercury, Zinnober, Germ.), HgS. Streak, red. When the mineral powder is ground together with iron powder, wrapped in copper foil, and heated in a closed tube, metallic mercury sublimates, and the residue yields with hydrochloric acid, hydrosulphuric acid (SH 2 ). H. 2-2.5. G. 9. CALOMEL (horn quicksilver, Mercurous chloride), HgCl. B. B. in a bolt head with soda yield metallic mercury. For trial not too little of the substance must be taken. The mixture may be wrapped up in thin paper, and introduced into the middle of an open tube, and the flame applied to this spot until the glass begins to melt. The metal may be col- lected in globules on the sides of the tube by means of a feather. Calomel is white, but potassa . renders it black, mercurous oxide (Hg 2 O) being produced. The alkaline solution, acidu- lated with nitric acid, after being filtered off, yields with nitrate of silver a heavy precipitate of chloride of silver. H. 1.5. G. 6.5. COTUNNITE* (Chlorblei, Germ.) Chloride of lead, PbCl 2 . Color, yellowish-white. Streak, white. May be scratched by the nail. Soluble in about 22 parts of hot water. B. B. partly volatile. Fuses on charcoal readily, and deposits a white coating, the inner edge of which is tinged yellow from oxide of lead. With soda on coal gives lead globules. See mineral coals in the appendix to ores. * Dana^Syst. of Min., 5th edit., p. 117 ; also, Brush's Determinat. Min., etc., p. 72. 22* 258 MINERALOGY SIMPLIFIED. Class ii. Fuse easily between 1 and 5, and volatilize only partially or not at all. Part A. B. B. FUSED WITH SODA ON CHARCOAL YIELD A METALLIC GLOBULE, OR, FUSED ALONE IN THE R. F., FORM'A MASS* WHICH ACTS ON THE MAGNETIC NEEDLE. Division 1. -7?. B. yield with soda or soda and borax together a silver globule. Those decomposable by nitric acid yield, when this solution is treated with hydrochloric acid, a white precipitate of chloride of silver, which B. B. is easily reduced on charcoal to metallic silver. (It is well to fuse the globule once more with borax, to obtain the silver entirely pure and ductile.} Proustite. Light red, silver ore. Lichtes Rothgiiltigerz, Germ., Ag 3 As8 3 (or 3Ag 2 S -j- As 2 $ 3 ), and Pyrargyrite (dark-red, silver ore. Dunkles Rothgultigerz, Ag 3 SbS 3 (or 3Ag 2 S-|-Sb 2 S 3 )). May be distinguished from the following by their cherry-red streak. B. B. the first evolves the strong odor of arsenic ; the second coats the coal with the fumes of antimony. Either mineral reduced to powder and heated with potassa assumes a black color, and is partly decomposed and dissolved. If this potash solution be neutralized with muriatic acid, proustite will form lemon-yellow flocks of sulphuret of arsenic, pyrargyrite, orange flocks of sulphuret of antimony. Color of the former is cochineal-red ; of the latter dark-red to blackish lead-gray. A similar behavior is shown by proustite. Xanthoconite (Xanthokon), 3AgS -f As 2 O 5 ) -f 2(3AgS -f As 2 S 3 ) (Da).| Color, dull red to clove-brown. Crystals, orange-yellow on the edges by transmitted light. Streak, powder yellow. Brittle qualities which readily distinguish it. * All minerals with non- metallic lustre, which emit an arsenical odor before the blowpipe belong to this class, except pharmacolite. \ According to Brush, Ag 9 As 3 S 10 . Determin. Min., etc., p. 72. MINERALS WITHOUT METALLIC LUSTRE. 259 (Compare miargyrite, AgSbS 2 (or Ag 2 S-f-Sb 8 S 2 ), which sometimes resembles very much the pyrargyrite. The specific gravity of the former is 5.2, that of the latter 5.7.) Cerargyrite (Kerargyrit, Horn Silver, Silberhornerz), AgCl. lodyrite (iodargyrite, lodsilber, Germ.), Agl, and JEmbolite, Ag (ClBr) are ductile, and maybe hammered out. In closed tube fused with bisulphate of potassa, the following phenomena take place. The bead of Agl* swimming in the flux is dark, almost black, whilst hot, turning by the gradual cooling process to red. The bead of AgCl, when hot, has a pale hyacinth-red color; that of AgBr an intense garnet-red 1 , both turning to yellow when cold. When these silver com- pounds are mixed with zinc filings in a cylindrical glass, and next treated with very dilute sulphuric acid, they assume after a while, a blackish color. If the solution is poured off, some starch added, and a few drops of potassic permanganate solu- tion (MnKO 4 ) acidulated with cone. HC1, the liquor of iody- rite shows a blue or bluish-black color, that of embolite a yellow color, that of cerargyrite is not colored at all. When the above solution of embolite (without starch solution) is treated with solution of MnKO 4 , acidulated with HC1, then mixed with ether, and diligently stirred, the layer of ether assumes a yellow color, whilst the liquor beneath is colorless. This department is very characteristic for bromine after we have convinced ourselves that no iodine is present, since that body yields similar reactions. Chlorine produces under these circumstances no coloring of the ether. SELBITE (carbonate of silver), AgCO 3 , dissolves easily in nitric acid, with effervescence. Color, ash-gray inclining to black. Streak has metallic lustre. According to Walchner it is only a mixture ; and according to Sandberger, one of Selb's original specimens, examined under the lens, showed to * lodyrite by this fusion process gives off iodine vapors ; and embolitv bromine vapors. 2GO MINERALOGY SIMPLIFIED. contain earthy argentite, besides dolomite and silver, and all parts afforded a sulphur reaction.* Division 2. B. B. 'with soda yield a lead globule. The compounds of this group are soluble in nitric acid ; zinc precipitates metallic lead from the solution ; sulphuric acid forms a heavy white precipitate of sulphate of lead. When boiled with caustic potash solution a liquid is obtained, which, either with chromate of potassium alone, or after treat- ment with some acetic acid, gives an orange or yellow precipi- tate of chromate of lead. BINDHEIMITE (Bleinierc), Pb 3 Sb 2 O 8 -f- 4Aq, and NADORITE, PbSb g O 4 + PbCl 2 . B. B. on charcoal both yield metallic lead and coatings of lead and antimony. Bindheimite affords water in a closed tube. Nadorite fused in a salt of phosphorus bead, which has previously been saturated with oxide of copper, colors the flame blue (chloride of copper). MiMETiTE,MiMETisiTE(leadarsenate), 3Pb 3 As 2 O 8 + PbCl . B. B. on coal is reduced ; evolves a strong arsenical odor. Confined with the forceps and fused in the external flame, some varieties crystallize like pyromorphite (phosphate of lead). Color, yellowish-green, brownish. Closely related to this mineral is HEDYPHANE (arsenate and chloride of lead with phosphate of lime), 3(l > b,Ca) 3 As 2 O 8 -i- (Pb,Ca)Cl 2 . B. B. alone on coal gives arsenical odors and, containing phosphate of cal- cium, gives the reaction for phosphoric acid. PYROMORPHITE, 3Pb 3 P 2 O 8 -f PbCl 2 . B. B. is not re- duced alone on coal ; fuses to a bead which, after cooling, is distinctly crystalline. The nitric acid solution gives, when boiled with molybdate of ammonium, an ochre-yellow precipi- tate of phospho-molybdate of ammonium. Color, generally green, of different shades; also brown and white. H. 3.5-4. G. 6.5-7. * Dana, Syst. of Min., fifth ed., p. 804. MINERALS WITHOUT METALLIC LUSTRE. 261 i'M (Mennige), Pb s O 4 = PbO 2 -f 2PbO. CROCOITE (crocoisite, cbromate of lead), PbCrO 4 . PHCENICOCHROITE, PHONICITE (melanochroite, sesqui- chromate of lead), Pb 8 CrO 6 == 2PbOO 4 -j- PbO. DECHENITE (araeoxene, PbZn) V 2 O 6 . Have a red color. B. B. Crocoisite, pboenicite, and dechenite, added in small quantities, impart to a borax bead an emerald-green color which, with dechenite, turns, in the oxidizing flame, gradually light olive-green, then yellow, and next disappears. They are soluble in boiling muriatic acid without effervescence, with separation of chloride of lead, and form an emerald-green liquid.* This liquid concentrated by the addition of alcohol, and poured off from the separating chloride of lead, assumes upon dilution with water a sky-blue color if dechenite is present, with the others it remains green. Crocoite yields with phosphoric acid at first a reddish-yellow solution which,- when concentrated, turns emerald-green, and diluted with water loses it entirely. Uechenite treated thus produces, not a green, but a yellow solution. Minium gives with borax a yellow bead which becomes colorless on cooling. It does not change the color of muriatic acid. The streak powder of crocoite and dechenite is ot^nge ; of phocnicite, brick-red. LINARITE (cuprous sulphate of lead, Kupferbleispath), 1*1)3 -|- CH is characterized by its deep azure-blue color. Nitric acid, at the commencement of heating, discolors it, while sulphate of lead is precipitated. CERUSSITE (carbonate of lead, Weissblcirz), PbCO 3 . LANARKITE (sulphato-carbonate of lead), PbSO 4 -{- PbCO 3 . PHOSGENITE (Hornblei, Kerasin), PbCO 3 -j- PbCl 2 are dis- solved by nitric acid with effervescence. Lanarkite only incompletely. The solution of phosgenite gives, with nitrate of silver, a heavy precipitate of chloride of silver, that of lanarkite with nitrate of barium a precipitate of sulphate of barium, that of cerussite affords none with either reagent. * Provided, that sufficient HC1 was present and the boiling con- tinued long enough. 262 MINERALOGY SIMPLIFIED. Color of cerussite, white, of lanarkite, greenish-white to yellow- gray, of phosgenite, white. Similar to lanarkite is LEADHILLITE, PbSO 4 + 3PbCO 3 , crystallizes in the ortho- rhombic system. Of the same composition is Siisanmte, PbSO 4 -f 3PbCO 3 , crystallizing in the hexagonal system (rhombohedrons). Lanarkite crystallizes in the mono- clinic system. ANGLESITE (sulphate of lead), PbSO 4 , soluble in nitric acid with difficulty. B. B. with soda yields hepar and is re- duced to metallic lead. H. 3. G. 6.1-6.3. WULFENITE (molybdate of lead), PbMo0 4 . Boiled with concentrated muriatic acid is dissolved with separation of chloride of lead, forming a green liquid, which diluted some- what and stirred with tinfoil, assumes immediately a blue color. Boiled with concentrated phosphoric, acid, a pale green solu- tion is obtained, which, when diluted with four times its bulk of water, sometimes becomes turbid. If now this liquid is agitated with a very little iron powder, it turns blue, with more iron olive-green (at a common temperature)! After the mineral powder has been heated in a porcelain dish with concentrated sulphuric acid, the addition of alcohol, on cool- ing, colors the liquor, especially at^he sides of the dish, a fine blue. Color, honey, wax, and orange-yellow. H. 3. G. 6.9. STOLZITE (tungstate of lead, schuletine, Wolframsaures Bleioxyd), PbW0 4 . Boiled with phosphoric acid, like the pre- ceding solution, does not grow turbid when diluted and the liquid turns, with a little iron powder, a beautiful blue, but not before heat is applied. A greater addition of iron-powder does not alter the color. Sulphuric acid colors the powder lemon- yellow, while the acid remains colorless. Color, yellow, yellowish-brown. H. 3. G. 7.9. VAUQUELINITE (chromate of lead and copper), Pb 2 CuCr 2 O 9 . Vanadinite, Vanadinbleierz, 3Pb 3 V 2 O 8 -j-PbCl 2 . Eusynchite* P * A variety of Dechenite. See Brush Manual of Determinative Mineralogy, pp. 73 and 74. MINERALS WITHOUT METALLIC LUSTRE. 263 B. B. they impart to borax glass an emerald-green color which remains so with vauquelinite even in the O. F. while the others turn yellow. They are soluble in nitric acid. The solution of vauquelinite is green, that of vanadinite and eusyn- chite, yellow or colorless. The solutions of vauquelinite and eusynchite yield with nitrate of silver no precipitate, that of vanadinite gives a precipitate or becomes turbid. All three pro- duce with concentrated hydrochloric acid upon the addition of alcohol, an emerald-green solution which concentrated until the PbCl separates, turns, upon the addition of water, sky-blue, by vanadinite and eusynchite, while it remains green with vauquelinite. Color of the last is blackish to olive-green ; that of vanadinite, brown or yellowish ; that of eusynchite yellowish red to ochre-yellow. Vanadinite crystallizes in the hexagonal, and the chemically related Descloizite, Pb V 2 7 , cryst in the orthorhombic system. (Compare plumbo-resinite, Bleigummi, Germ.) Closely related to vauquelinite are : Laxmanm'te* (PbCu) 6 (P,Cr) 4 17 and Phosphochromite. Their nitric acid solution reacts with molybdate of ammo- nium, of phosphoric acid, and when gently heated, forms after a lapse of time a yellow precipitate. t Division 3. Moistened with hydrochloric acid they communi- cate to the blowpipe flame a transient blue color ; with nitric acid, form a sky-blue or a green solution^ which becomes azure-blue by the addition of ammonia in excess. The compounds of oxide of copper belonging to this class are principally so much decomposed by boiling with potassa, that their acids combine with the potassa. * Held by Beresqfto be a phosphocliromite. See Text-Book of Min- eralogy, p. 3U4. E. S. Dana's. f The yellow precipitate (often termed phospho-molybdate of am- monium) contains molybdic acid, ammonia, water, and about 3 per cent, of phosphoric acid. Is soluble in phosphoric, and other acids. 264 MINERALOGY SIMPLIFIED. Section i. B. B. evolve a strong arsenical odor (and generally give alone on coal a white, brittle metallic glolule of arsenical copper}. Are of a green color. Chenevixite, (Pe,Cu 3 ) 2 As 2 O n + 3Aq. Fuses to a black magnetic slag. The following yield no magnetic product : Bayldonite, ( CuPb) 4 As 2 O 9 -f 2 Aq. The nitric acid solution affords, with sulphuric acid, a white precipitate of sulphate of lead. Olivenite (prismatic arsenate of copper), Cu 5 As 2 O 9 -f-Aq. B. B. in the forceps affords on cooling a blackish, radiating crys- talline mass, the surface of which is covered with prismatic crystals. It yields but little water (4 per cent.) in a bolt head. Color, olive-green, passing into leek or blackish-green. A similar mineral with 7 per cent, of water is : Abichite (clinoclasite) Cu 6 As 2 O n -f3Aq. Tyrolitz (Kupferschaum), Cu 5 As 2 O 10 -j-9Aq. Chalcophyllite (copper mica, Kupferglimmer) Cn 8 As 2 O 13 -f 7Aq. B. B. decrepitate violently, and in a bolt head afford much water. The second is soluble in ammonia without residue ; the first with separation of carbonate of calcium. Both are per- fectly cleavable in one direction. Tyrolite is apple-green and verdigris-green. Chalcophyllite emerald-green, grass-green. Closely allied to these is : Conichalcite, (Konichalcit) 2(Cu,Ca) 4 (As,P,V) 2 O 9 + 3Aq. Reniform and massive. Fraction splintery brittle. Color, pistachio-green to emerald-green. Some vanadic acid re- places part of the phosphoric. The fused assay has an alkaline reaction. LIROCONITE (Linsenerz), (Cu 8 Al) J{ (As,P) 2 11 -f 12Aq. B. B. does not crepitate, and heated slightly, assumes a smalt-blue color. In ammonia it is soluble with separation of white flocks. Contains a large quantity of water, and loses by ignition 22 per cent, of its weight. Color, sky-blue, also green. MINERALS WITHOUT METALLIC LUSTRE. 205 EUCHROITE, Cu 4 As 2 O 9 +7Aq, and KiuxiTE, Cu.As 2 O 10 -f 2Aq, are distinguished principally by their loss of weight on ignition. The former loses 18^ per cent., the latter 5 per cent, of water. Color, emerald-green. Amorphous. A mineral similar to the preceding is : Cornwallite, Cu 5 As 2 O IO + 3Aq==Cu 3 As 2 O 8 + 2H 2 Cu 2 O 2 + Aq. Amorphous, with about 13 per cent, of water. Color, green (emerald to verdigris green). Section ii. B. B. evolve no arsenical odor, but generally give alone on c#al a malleable globule of copper. ATACAMITE (chloride of copper), CuCl 2 -4-3II 2 CuO a , with- out being moistened with muriatic acid communicates to the blowpipe flame a fine blue color, and thereby may be easily dis- tinguished from all similar minerals. The nitric acid solution yields with nitrate of silver, white chloride of silver. Color, leek, blackish-olive, emerald-green. H. 3.5. G. 4.25 Closely allied are : TaUingite, CuCl 2 -J;4H a CuO 2 -f iAq. Color blue to green. Percylite, (Pb,Cu) (C1 2 ,O) + Aq. Color sky-blue. Both color the flame blue like the preceding. Percylite dissolved in nitric acid yields with sulphuric acid a white precipitate of sulphate of lead. Nantokite, CuCl. Color when fresh, white ; colors the flame blue and yields no water in a closed tube. (Compare Atlasite, 7Cu 2 CO 4 +CuCl a + 10 Aq.) Chalcanthite (blue vitriol, sulphate of copper), Cu'SO 4 -l-5Aq. jBroc&afcVeCu 4 SO 7 + 3Aq. and Corc.Uite (Covellin, Kupfer- indif/) CuS, B. B. with soda give hepar, which is not the case with the remaining minerals of this division. Blue vitriol dissolves easily in water. Color, sky-blue. The second and third are insoluble in water, but soluble in nitric acid. The solutions of the first two give, with nitrate of barium, a heavy precipitate of sulphate of barium. Covellite in the exterior flame burns and emits the odor of sulphurous acid. It is not reduced until 23 2GG MINERALOGY SIMPLIFIED. ;ill the sulphur is expelled by roasting. Color, indigo blue- blackish. Brochantite exhibits no such deportment. Color, emerald green. Related to brochantite is : Lanyite,CufiO ( .-}-4Aq. Color, greenish-blue. Brochantite contains 12, langite 16 per cent, water. Pisanite* FeO, CuO, SO 3 -f 7H S O; or a copperas with three- fifths of the iron replaced by copper. In concretionary and stalactitic forms, color light-blue. Occurs with chalcopyrite at a copper mine in the interior of Turkey. Gives B. B. with fluxes reactions for copper, otherwise like copperas. CUPRITE (red oxide of copper, Bothkupfererz) Cu 2 O, and BLACK COPPER ORE (Kupferschwaerze), CuO, are easily and quietly dissolved in acids. The concentrated solution of the former in muriatic acid gives, when diluted with water, a white precipitate (of protochloride of copper) ; with, an ochre-yellow deposit. The solution of the black oxide of cop- per, with water, does not give any; with potassa, a bluish pre- cipitate. Color of the first is cochineal -red ; of the second, brown or brownish-black. The last mineral generally slightly effervesces in acids owing to impurities. Pure black oxide of copper constitutes : Tenosite, melaconite, CuO, of dark steel-gray color, in thin laminre transparent, brown. MALACHITE (green carbonate of copper), Cu 2 CO 4 +H 2 O. AZURITE (blue carbonate of copper), Cu 3 C 2 O 7 -fH 2 O, and MYSORINE (anhydrous carbonate of copper), CuC0 3 , dissolve in nitric acid with effervescence, caused by the escape of carbonic acid. The first two in a matrass afford a large amount of water ; the third only a little or no water. Color of the first is always green ; the second blue, usually sky-blue ; the third brownish-black. Aurichalcite, (Zn, Cu) 3 CO 5 + 2Aq. Buratite (according to J. D. Dana identical with the former, System of Min., 5th ed., p. 712). * Daua's System of Min., 5th ed., p. 646-47. MINERALS WITHOUT METALLIC LUSTRE. 2<>7 B. B. Give with soda on charcoal a zinc coating. Atlasite, Cu 2 CO H -fCuCl 2 -f-10Aq. The nitric acid solution gives with nitrate of silver a precip- itate of chloride of silver. LIBETHENITE (phosphate of copper), Cu 4 P 2 O 9 -|-H 2 O, and Lunnite (phosphochalcite, pseudomalachite), Cu 6 P 2 O a -}- 3H 2 O. Easily and quietly soluble in nitric acid. The solution yields with molybdate of ammonia a yellow precipitate (P 2 O 5 ). Color of libethenite dark olive-green, .when ignited loses 7 percent, of water ; color of lunnite dark green, loses 14 per cent, of water by ignition. A similar deportment is shown by Eldite* (prasine), Cu 3 P 2 O 8 -f 2H 2 CuO 2 -f- Aq. Ramm. Cleavage in one direction perfect. Color, dark olive-green. Tagilite, Cu 4 P 2 <) 9 -f 3Aq = Cu 3 P 2 O 8 + H 2 CuO 2 + 2Aq. Color, emerald-green. Lose on ignition 9 to 10^ per cent, of water. Torbernite (Chalcolit, Kupfer-Uranit, Germ.), CuU 2 P 2 O 12 _j- 8Aq*= 2(UO 2 ) 3 P/) 8 + Cu 3 P 2 () 8 + 24Aq. The solution in nitric acid has a yellowish-green color, and forms, with ammo- nia in excess, a blue liquid, with a bluish-green precipitate; by this it can be distinguished from the preceding minerals, since the precipitates which they form with ammonia are almost entirely soluble in excess of ammonia. The solution gives, when warmed with molybdate of ammonium, a yellow precipitate;. Color, emerald-green. In one direction perfectly cleavable. Volborthite, (CuCa) 4 V 2 O -f H 2 O. Melts very easily, yielding with soda a copper globule. Its powder, ground with soda and heated to fusion in a platinum crucible, furnishes a mass which, extracted witli boiling water, produces, upon addition of hydrochloric acid and proper evaporation, an eme- rald-green liquor, changing to a sky-blue when more water is added. Color of the mineral yellowish-green. * Pseudomalachite, Cu^On-p- 3Aq. Brush's Determ. Miu., p. 75. 2G8 MINERALOGY SIMPLIFIED. Division 4. B. B. impart to a borax lead a fne sappJtirc- blue color. (Cobalt.) Erythrite (cobalt bloom, Kobaltbluethe), Co 3 As 2 O 8 + 8Aq. B. B. in a matrass affords water and becomes smalt-blue. Dissolves in muriatic acid to a rose-red liquid. Color, carmine- peach, rose-red. ANN ABERGITE, NICKELBLUETIIE (Nickelocker), Ni 3 As. 2 O 8 -f- 8Aq (always containing oxide of cobalt). B. B. in a matrass yields a large quantity of water. Its solution in muriatic or nitric acid is of a green color. Ammonia gives a greenish precipitate soluble in excess to a sapphire-blue liquid. Color, fine apple-green. Heterogenite, (CoO -f 2Co 2 O 3 ) -f 6Aq.) Soluble in IIC1 with evolution of chlorine, colors the flame green. Color, black, red, brown. Division 5 Fused B. B. in the forceps or on coal in the reduction flame, yield a black mass which acts upon the magnetic needle (this includes none contained in the pre- ceding divisions). In order to discover the magnetism of a mineral it is well to use large masses of such as fuse easily, and to expose them for some time to the reduction flame. Section i. Evolve when fused upon coed strong arsenical odor. PITTICITE (Pittizit, iron sinter, Eisensinter). Composi- tion uncertain ; contains As. 2 4 1?e0 3 S0 3 H 2 0. PIIARMACOSIDERITE (beudantite, cube ore, Wuerfelerz), Fe 4 As 6 27 + 15Aq, and SCORODITE (Skorodit), eAs 2 Oj-f 4Aq. B. B. fuse easily to a magnetic globule. In potassa the powder immediately assumes a reddish-brown color. The last two are found crys- tallized, the former one in the isometric (or cubic), the latter in trimetric (or rhombic) system. Their color is green of dif- ferent shades. Iron sinter is amorphous. Lustre, opalescent or vitreous. Color, brownish, blood-red, also white. MINERALS WITHOUT METALLIC LUSTRE. '200 ARSENIOSIDERITE (atsenocrocite), (Ca 3 Fe)As/) 8 -l- H^FcOg. Fibrous, of silky lustre, and brownisli-yellow color. MORENOSITE (pyromeline, nickel vitriol), NiSO 4 -{- 7Aq. Light blue-green; mostly soluble in water; with caustic ammonia in excess it yields a blue liquid. (Sometimes con- tains arsenic.) Section ii. Soluble in HCl without perceptible residue, and without gelatinizing. (Evolve B. B. no arsenical odor when fused on Ch.) Ludwigite.* Comp. R 4 FB 2 0, . Contains Mg, Fe, 3?e (von Kob.) Sussexite.* General formula R 2 B 2 O 5 + Aq = (Mn, Mg) 2 B 2 5 -\- H 2 O. Both give the boric acid reaction with sulphuric acid and alcohol. B. B. sussexite imparts a violet color to the hot borax bead (oxide of manganese). Rabdionite (Cu, Mn, Co) (Fe, Mn)0 4 . B. B. gives much water in a closed tube (13 p. c.), and colors the borax bead blue. Soluble in strong HCl with evolution of chlorine. Soluble in phosphoric acid to a violet fluid. Color, black. Pettkoite (Fe 3 , Fe) S 3 12 . B. B. gives little or no water in the closed tube (1 J p. c.), is soluble in water. Chloride of barium gives a white precipitate of sulphate of barium. Color, black. Streak, dirty-green. Melanterite (copperas, iron vitriol). FeSO 4 -f 7 Aq, and BOTRYOGEN (red iron vitriol), (Fe, Mg) Fe 2 S 4 16 + 12Aq. B. B. intumesce strongly, and in the reduction flame fuse to a magnetic slag. Copperas is entirely soluble in water. Botry- ogen leaves a yellow residue of peroxide of iron. The solu- tion gives with chloride of barium a heavy precipitate of sulphate of barium. With ammonia it forms a greenish pre- cipitate, which exposed to the air changes to a brownish-red. * According to Brush (Determ. Min., p. 82), ludwigite is only a sub-species of sussexite. See, also, E. S. Dana's Textb., p. 358. 23* 270 MINERALOGY SIMPLIFIED. Color of botryogen, ochre-yellow to red. Streak, yellow. Melantcr'de is green. A deportment similar to botryogen is exhibited by Coguimbite, J?eS 3 12 -f 9Aq. Roemerite, (Fe, Zn)$e8 4 O M -f l^Aq (i s yellowish-brown). Jarosite, K^e^O^ -f- 6Aq. Fibroferrite (stypticite), FeS 2 9 + lOAq. All of these are yellow. Fibroferrite occurs in fibres of a silken lustre and pale yellow color. Their powders are imme- diately turned brownish-red by solution of potassa (Fe 2 O 3 ). Melanterite at first greenish, then black. Here belong (likewise furnishing a yellow powder) Copiapite, Pe,S 5 21 -f- 18Aq. Raimondite, 3Pe 2 S 3 15 4-7Aq. Pastreite orjarosife (Brush), K 2 Fe 3 S 4 22 -f- 6Aq. Carphosiderite, ^ 4 s 6 27-f 18A( 1- Insoluble in water. Pow- ders yellow. Voltaite, 3eS 3 12 -f 20Aq. Characterized by its black to dark-green color and octahedral crystallization. All these sulphates B. B. in the closed tube yield water. SIDERITE (spathic-iron, Eisenspath), FeC0 3 . With diffi- culty fusible, becomes by heating black and magnetic. Dissolves .in warm HC1 with effervescence*. H. 4. G. 3.75. Compare Mesi tine-spar (Mesitite). The following minerals, inclusive of beraunite, contain phos- phoric acid, and their nitric acid solution yields with molyb- date of ammonium, at a gentle heat, a yellow precipitate. HUREAULITE (Huraulith, hydrous phosphate of iron and manganese), (Mn, Fe, H 2 ) 3 P a O 8 -[- 4Aq, and TRIPLITE (phosphate of iron and manganese), (Fe, Mn) s P 2 O 8 (Fe, Mn, Fl). B. B. fuse easily, and, when moistened with sulphuric acid, tinge the flame with a feeble bluish-green. They dissolve with borax in the exterior flame to an amethys- tine bead. -Hureaulite in a matrass yields a considerable amount of water; the other only a trace. With phosphoric acid, boiled down, both yield a colorless liquid, which, upon MINERALS WITHOUT METALLIC LUSTRE. 271 addition of nitric acid, turns violet. Hureaulite is of a red- dish-yellow color ; is not cleavable. Triplite is brownish or black, cleavable at right angles in three right angular direc- tions. A similar deportment to triplite is shown by zwieselite.* Both give the reaction for fluorine when fused in a close tube with bisulphate of potassa. Sarcopside 4(Mn, Fe) 3 P,0 8 -f H 4 Fe() 5 . Color, flesh -red to lavender-blue. Streak, straw-yellow. Compare the follow- ing \r- Trlpltyliie. Triphyline, (Fe, Mn, Li 2 ) 3 P 2 O 8 . B. B. gives a deportment similar to the preceding ; the re- action of manganese with borax is less distinct, but the bead is colored more strongly with iron. When the solution in HC1 with addition of nitric acid is evaporated to dryness, and alcohol added, then heated to the boiling point and lighted, purple-red stripes will be visible occasionally in the flame, especially towards the last. This behavior (caused by the presence of lithia) easily distinguishes it from similar phos- phates of iron. Color, greenish-gray, bluish, etc. Cleavable in four directions. .Diadochite, Fe 2 O 3 , SO 3 , P 2 O 5 , H 2 O. Easily soluble in hydro- chloric acid, the solution yields with chloride of barium a heavy white precipitate of sulphate of baruim. Amorphous. Color red to yellowish-brown. The powder is yellow. Vivianite (blue iron earth), Fe 3 P 2 O 8 + Aq. Dufrenite, kraurite (green iron ore), 5 ? ^J ) a !i+ 3Aq. Cacoxenite, kacoxene, Fe. 2 P 2 8 -{-12Aq, and borickite (Fe, Ca 3 ) 5 P0 4 0,5+15Aq. B. B. fuse easily, and when moistened with sulphuric acid they exhibit the same reaction as the preceding. They impart to borax bead only the color of oxide of iron (i. e. in the ex- terior flame it is red when hot, after cooling yellow) ; in the reduction flame it is bottle-green. The hydrochloric acid solu- tion yields with chloride of barium no precipitate. In a * Brush considers both identical. 272 MINERALOGY SIMPLIFIED. matrass they yield "a large proportion of water. Cocoxene loses by ignition 3.3, vivianite 28, borickite 19, and dufrenite 8^ per cent, of water. Color of vivianite is blue of different shades ; that of anglarite gray inclining to blue ; that of dufre- nite dark leek-green ; that of cacoxene ochre-yellow ; and that of borickite reddish-brown. Another phosphate resembling these is beraunite. Beraunite, FeP 2 8 4- Aq, exhibits a hyacinth-red, or red- dish-brown color. Hematite, peroxide of iron, red iron ore, specular iron, is easily distinguished by the cherry-red color of its streak (gene- rally fusible above 5). Compare limonite. H. 6-6.5. G.4.5. Section iii. With hydrochloric acid form a jelly, or is decomposed ivith separation of silica.* Cronstedtite, 3(Fe, Mg),Si0 4 + Pe 2 Si0 8 + 6Aq. In a matrass affords water, and B. B. fuses with intumescence to a black bead. With muriatic acid it forms a perfect jelly. (Sidero- schisolite^ shows a similar deportment, and belongs probably to the same species.) Color, raven-black. Streak, dark leek- green. Hardness between 2 and 3. A similar deportment is shown by thuringite. The analysis! yielded : SiO 2 23, Fe 2 3 15, A1 2 O 3 17, FeO 33, H 2 O 12 = 100. The solution in aqua regia yields, with ammonia, a precipitate of Fe a O 3 and Al a O 3 . If this mixture is boiled with caustic potash, A1 2 O 3 is extracted, leaving Fe 2 O 3 behind. From the potassa solution, rendered acid with HC1, ammonia throws down A1 2 O 3 . Found in Thiiringen, and in the United States at the Hot Springs, Ark., and at Harper's Ferry. * The residue may be recognized as pure silica when it is easily and perfectly soluble in potassa, or at least the greater portion. The solution yields by the addition of a sufficient quantity of dissolved sal ammoniac, a white flaky precipitate of hydrous silica. B. B. silica fuses readily with soda to a transparent glass (the soda should be added gradually). t J. D. Dana's Syst. of Min., 5th ed., p. 504. t F. von KobelPs Mineralogie, 5 Aufl. Leipzig, 1878, p. 225. MINERALS WITHOUT METALLIC LUSTRE. 273 Chalcodite, (Fe, Mg) 2 (Fe, Al)Si 5 13 -f- 3Aq, and stilpnomelane, of nearly the same composition, yield water in a bolt-head (9 per cent.), are decomposed by hydrochloric acid without gela- tinizing. The color of chalcodite is green, inclining to bronze ; that .of stilpnomelane black. Their streak is greenish- gray. Related closely with chalcodite are : Voiytite, 3tl, e, Mg, Si, Aq. Ekmannite, Fe, Mn, Pe, Si, Aq and Euralite, Fe, Mg, Si, Pe, gi, Aq. Whilst chalcodite is radiated and sometimes foliated, voigtite is micaceous, and the last two are massive. In the matrass yield water, and are decomposed by HC1 without gelatinizing. Palagonite, l> 3?> Mg, Ca, Si, Aq. Is amorphous, and has a brownish-yellow streak. Yields much water (16 p. c.), fuses at 3 to a black, lustrous, magnetic glass. Sometimes gelatin- izes, sometimes does not, with HC1. Compare jollyte. Lievrite (Ilvaite), H,Ca,Fe 4 FeSi 4 18 . Allanite (Orthite), (Ce, La, Di, Fe, Ca) 3 (AlFe)Si 3 12 . Are not cleavable, gelatinize with HC1. Give little or no water in the closed tube. Allanite swells much and fuses easily to a bulky brown or black glass. After separation of SiO 3 from the HC1 solution, ammonia gives a heavy precipitate, which dissolves in oxalic acid, leaving a white residue, which, ignited and treated with dilute HC1 to separate carbonate of calcium and again ignited, gives a brick-red mass (oxide of cerium). Color, pitch-brown to greenish-black. Streak, greenish-gray. Hard- ness, 5.5-6 (orthaclase). Lievrite (ilvaite). Intumesces slightly; decrepitates slightly and fiises easily to an iron black magnetic bead. Color brown, ish-black ; streak, black. Hardness, between apatite and ortho- elase. Fayalite, Fe 2 SiO 4 , and Hortonolite, (Fe,Mg) a SiO 4 . Crystalline and cleavable ; gela- tinize perfectly. Decomposed by phosphoric acid. The jelly of hortonolite turns immediately violet when treated with nitric acid. 274 MINERALOGY SIMPLIFIED. The same deportment is exhibited by Knebelite, (Fe,Mn). 2 8iO 4 , and Ropperite, (Fe,Mn,Zn,Mg),SiO 4 . Tlie latter gives, with soda on coal, a deposit of oxide of zinc. Pyrosmalite, ((FeMn)Cl 2 -f 7(Fe,Mn)SiO. { ) + 5Aq, and Astrophyllite, (K,Na) 6 (Fe,Mn) 15 (Pe,Al) 2 (Si,Ti) 16 5f) , are decom- posed by HC1, leaving a residue of silica without gelatinizing. B. B. they fuse easily at 2-2.5. Pyrosmalite mixed with salt of phosphorus and oxide of copper tinges the flame bluish-green (chlorine). Astrophyllite does not. Both distinctly cleavable in one direction ; the latter often micaceous. The hydrochloric acid solution of the latter when boiled with tin is colored violet, turning rose-red when diluted (titanic acid reaction). Lepidomelane, K^Fe-jCAljFejgSigO^. In small six-sided tables, or an aggregate of minute scales. Color, raven black. Streak, grayish-green. Decomposed easily by HC1, leaving a residue of silica in the form of scaly flakes. Allochroite (iron-lime garnet, Eisenkalkgranat), Ca 3 FeSi 3 12 in some varieties forms an imperfect jelly with cone. IIC1. Not cleavable, easily fusible. Color, green, yellow to black. Gillingite, V,Fe,Mg,Ca,Si, Aq, and Xylotile (Bergholz, Germ.), 3?e,Mg,Si, Aq, are fusible with difficulty, and become magnetic only after long blowing. They are decomposed by muriatic acid without gelatinizing. The former is brownish-black ; amorphous ; the last is brown ; fibrous, like wood. In a matrass both give water.* * Many limonites (hydrated peroxide of iron, Thoneisenstein), F<'. 2 -H 3 . fuse and become magnetic-; they dissolve in concentrated mu- riatic acid with separation of clay. Streak, mostly ochre-yellow or brownish-red. MINERALS WITHOUT METALLIC LUSTRE. 27~> Section iv. Only sliyhtly attacked by hydrochloric acid. CROCIDOLITE (Krokydolitb, blue asbestos), Fe, Na 2 , Mg, Si, Aq. AKFVEDSOMTK (black hornblende), Na Si-4-Fe 3 Si r 2(Na 2 , Fe, Ca) Si0 3 -f Fe, Si 3 O 9 B. B. fuse easily at from 1.7 to 2 with intumescence and frothing, to a black mass. In a matrass the second affords no water ; is perfectly cleavable under 123 55'. Color, black. Streak, grayish to green. Crocido- lite in a matrass affords some water. Color, green to lavender- blue ; has been noticed only in aggregated fibres. (Compare ampltibole and tourmaline (some varieties of which act feebly upon the magnet after fusion).) GLAUCONITE. SELAUONITE (green earth, Griinerde), Fe, Mg, K 2 , Xl, Si, Aq B. B. fuses at 3 quietly without intumes- cence. In a matrass yields some water. Color, olive to sea- green. Hardness 1. Ac MITE (Achmit), (Na 6 Fe 3 Fe) Si 3 9 , and Babingtonite, e,Ca,Fe,Mn,Si, fuse quietly. Acmite at 2, babingtonite at 2.6 to a black glistening mass. Acmite is cleavable at an angle of about 93. Babingtonite when fused with potassa and dissolved in muriatic acid gives with ammonia, or better with oxalate of ammonium, a heavy precipitate of lime ; acmite gives none or only a very slight precipitate. . (Compare augite (black crystallized pyroxene).) Almandite ( Almandine garnet, Thoneisengranat), Fe 3 A:lSi 3 O ir B. B. fuses quietly at 3. Gelatinizes after fusion. Is not ch-avable. Hardness, 7-7.5. Color, red, brown-red. Sp. gr. 3.7-4. (Compare also allochroite (Eisenkalk-granat).) Wolframite (Wolfram), (Fe,Mn)WO 4 , and Ferberite (of the same composition).* Color, black. Streak, ochre-yellow. Lustre, submetallic. Boiled with cone, phosphoric acid give a blue liquid, which * The ferberite of von Kobell is considered identical with wolframite. Sec Brush, Deterin. Min., p. 78. 270 MINERALOGY SIMPLIFIED. diluted with water becomes colorless. Upon addition of iron powder and shaking the solution turns fine blue again. B. B. with soda and nitre on platinum foil give the bluish- green manganese reaction. A similar deportment is shown by Megabasite (Blumit), (Mn,Fe)WO 4 . Color, brown. Streak, ochre-yellow. Rhodonite (Mangankiesel), MnSiO 3 . Color, rose-red, brown- ish-red. Lustre, vitreous. B. B. some varieties become, after fusing, magnetic. Im- parts a violet color to the borax bead. Lepidolite (lithionite, Lithionglimmer), (K,NaLi) c Al 4 Si 12 39 . After fusion frequently magnetic. Tinge the flame distinctly purple-red (lithia) ; eminently cleavable in one direction (mi- caceous). (Compare Lepidomelane, K 1 Fe 2 (Ali J e) 3 Si 6 24 .) Division Not included in the foregoing divisions. Molybdite (Molybdiinocker), MoO 3 . B. B. on coal fuses, fumes, and is absorbed. By fusion with soda and elutriation of the coal we can obtain a steel-gray powder oflreduced molyb- denum. With salt of phosphorus in the reduction flame a dark glass is formed, which on cooling acquires a clear green. In muriatic acid it dissolves easily, the solution being colorless, but when stirred with tinfoil immediately assumes a blue color. Color, sulphur-yellow, inclining to orange. Eulytite (WismuthWende). Silicate of bismuth, Bi 4 Si 3 O 12 , and Bismutite, 2Bi 8 C 3 O ]8 -f 9H 2 O, B. B. fused with sulphur and iodide of potassium on charcoal give a fine red sublimate on the coal (bismuth). Eulytite gelatinizes perfectly with HC1. Bismutite dissolves with effervescence in it. Pucherite, BiVO 4 . B. B. reacts of bismuth like the pre- ceding ; gives with HC1 a greenish-blue solution which, diluted MINERALS WITHOUT METALLIC LUSTRE. 277 with water, yields a yellow precipitate, whilst the filtrate has a sky-blue color. Color, reddish-brown. Streak, ochre-yellow. (Compare samarskite.) Also allanite in the preceding division, which after fusion is not always magnetic. (Compare likewise lepidomelane.) Part B. B. B. FUSED WITH SODA ON COAL YIELD NO ME- TALLIC GLOBULE, OR FUSED ALONE IN THE R. F. DO NOT ACT ON THE MAGNETIC NEEDLE. Division 1 After fusion and continued ignition on coal in the forceps or the platinum spoon, give an alkaline reaction, turning moistened red litmus paper blue; and yelhw tur- meric paper, broivn. The assay must be employed in splinters and not in powder form * Section i. In water easily and perfectly soluble. Nitrate of potassium (saltpetre), KNO 3 . Nitratine (nitrate of sodium, sodanitre), NaNO 3 . B.B. heated gently on charcoal they deflagrate in a lively manner, which does not occur with those following. Fused on platinum wire, nitrate of potassium tinges the flame bluish, inclining to red. Nitrate of sodium colors it strongly yellow. In the solution of nitrate of potassium, chloride of platinum causes a yellow pre- cipitate (potassa). In nitrate of sodium solution it occasions none. Sodium carbonate, Na a CO 3 -f lOAq. Thcrmonatrite, Na 2 CO 3 + Aq, and Trona or sesquicarbonate of sodium, Na 4 C,O 8 -f 3Aq. li. 1>. in the closed glass tube give much water. Their solu- tion in water is alkaline and effervesces on the addition of an * Konngott has shown that many silicates and other compounds react before, or only after fusion, (ilhiliuc, when they are placed in iiotn/rr form upon moist turmeric paper, but not wbcn in tbe sliapo of sjillii/t'.rs. The above-mentioned minerals, however, exhibit an alka- line reaction even in splinter form. 24 278 MINERALOGY SIMPLIFIED. acid. The crystals of the former soon deliquesce by exposure in the air. Sesquicarbonate of sodium does not. Mirabilite (sulphate of sodium, Glauber's salt), Na 2 SO 4 + lOAq. Thenardite (anhydrous sulphate of sodium), Na 2 SO 4 . Aphthitalite (glaserite, sulphate of potassium), K 2 SO 4 . JEpsomite* (sulphate of magnesium, 'Epsom salt), MgS0 4 -f- 7Aq. Kalinite (sulphate of potassium and aluminium, potash alum), K 2 AlS 4 16 -f24Aq. Their solution in water does not give an alkaline reaction or effervesce by the addition of an acid ; chloride of barium causes a heavy precipitate of sulphate of barium which is insoluble in acids. In the solutions of alum and of ep somite, carbonate of potassium produces white precipi- tates. They are easily distinguished B. B., since the mass that remains after expulsion of the water and continued strong ignition, assumes, moistened with cobalt solution and heated again, in the former (alumina) a fine blue, in the latter a flesh- red color (magnesia). In the solutions of the other minerals alkalies cause no precipitates. A concentrated solution of glaserite yields a yellow precipitate with chloride of platinum, while the first two give none. In a matrass, mirabilite affords a large quantity of water, but thenardite gives none. Taclthydrite, CaMg 1 Cl 6 + 12Aq = CaCl > + 2MgCJ, + 12Aq (Kammelsb.). Gives in the closed tube much water. B. B. fuses at first on its surface when a non-fusible mass remains, which colors the flame finely red and reacts alkaline. In water easily and completely soluble. The solution reacts of lime and magnesia. Color, yellowish. Deliquescent. * Epsomite contains 50 per cent, of water. Similar compounds are Loweite, 2Na 2 MgS 2 O g -j- 5Aq, and Kieserite, MgS0 4 -f- Aq ; both with 14 per cent, of Aq. Bloedite, Na 2 MgS 2 O 8 + 4Aq, and iSimoityitc, Na 2 MgS 2 8 -f- 4Aq ; both with 21 per cent, of Aq. Picromerite (kainite), K 2 MgS a O 8 + GAq. The aqueous solution of the last yields with nitrate of silver a white precipitate of chloride of silver. MINERALS WITHOUT METALLIC LUSTRE. 279 CarnaUitc, KMgCl 3 + GAq = KC1 _J-MgCl 2 -f 6Aq. B. B. fuses easily. After continued fusion on platinum foil, tlie remaining mass reacts alkaline. Sohvble in water. Gives no reaction of lime, but of magnesia with phosphate of sodium ; when free ammonia is present, a white, crystalline precipitate of ammonio-magnesium phosphate being formed. A solution of chloride of platinum indicates the presence of K 2 O by fur- nishing a yellow, crystalline precipitate in moderately dilute solutions of the mineral. HALITE (rocksalt, common salt, chloride of sodium), NaCl and sylvite, KC1. Are anhydrous, and easily recognized by their taste. The aqueous solution gives with chloride of barium and alkalies no precipitate; with nitrate of silver a curdy precipitate of chloride of silver. Chloride of platinum produces with the first, none ; with the second, a yellow pre- cipitate (K 2 O). The solution shows no alkaline rea-ction. BORAX (tinkal, biboratc of sodium), Na 2 B 4 7 -{- lOAq. The solution has an alkaline reaction, and does not effervesce with acids. After being treated with sulphuric acid and evaporated to dryness, if alcohol be added, it burns with a green flame (caused by boric acid). B. B. bubbles, swells up, and fuses lo a clear bead. Section ii. Insoluble in water, or dissolving with difficulty. ULKXITE* ' ; (fforocalcite, boronatrocalcite), NaCaB.O () '-f 5Aq. Fuses at 1. Alone it tinges the flame yellow. Moistened with sulphuric acid imparts to it a beautiful green (boric acid). Yields much water in a matrass. Partially soluble in hot water. The solution is alkaline in its character. In muriatic acid easily and quietly soluble. The solution when evaporated leaves a residue which imparts to alcohol the property of burn- * Von Kobell describes under the name of " borocaleite" a mineral, CaO, 2BO 3 (containing no sod-iuni), and a mineral " ul<>xite" of the above formula, both from southern 1'ern. According to J. I). Dana's Syst. of Mineralogy, 5th ed., p. f>99, both minerals are alike, sodium bring an rssciitial constituent found in both. A. A. Hayes, who analy/ed it, had overlooked tlic sodium. 280 . MINERALOGY SIMPLIFIED. ing with green color. The mineral' is insoluble in sulphuric acid.* (Occurs in delicate, fibrous, felt-like masses.) Gay-lussite (carbonate of calcium and sodium), Na 2 CO 3 -{- CaCO 3 -f 5Aq. Wither ite (carbonate of barium), BaC0 3 , and Staffelite, Ca s P 1 O 8 -f CaCO 3 . Are dissolved in dilute hydro- chloric acid with effervescence. The acid solutions of gay- lussite and staffelite, largely diluted with water, give with sulphuric acid no precipitate ; that of witherite an abundant deposit of sulphate of barium. In a matrass gay-lussite affords much water ; willierite and staffelite none. The solution of staffelite in HC1 gives with NH 3 a precipitate, the others do not. The HC1 solution of staffelite yields with molybdate of am- monium at a gentle heat a yellow precipitate (phosphoric acid). (Compare strontianite, which colors the flame purple (stron- tium).) ANHYDRITE (anhydrous sulphate of calcium), CaSO 4 . GYPSUM (hydrated sulphate of calcium), CaSO 4 -f- 2Aq. POLYIIALITE (sulphate of potassium, calcium, and magne- sium), Ca 2 MgK 2 S 4 O 16 + 2Aq. BRONGNIARTINE (glauberite, sulphate of sodium and calcium), Na 2 CaS 2 O g . Are quietly soluble in sufficient muriatic acid. The solution gives with chloride of barium a heavy precipitate of sulphate of barium, and with oxalate of ammonium, after being neutralized with caustic ammonia, it yields a precipitate of oxalate of calcium. In a matrass polyhalite yields some water; gypsum, a large amount ; the others only traces of water.' Poll/halite and brongniartine are soluble in water with separa- tion of sulphate of calcium. If a small quantity of these minerals is boiled with water, a solution is obtained, yielding a slight precipitate with oxalate of ammonium (lime), and after that is filtered off, phosphate of sodium, in the presence of free ammonia, thrown down a heavy precipitate of phosphate of ammonium- * Compare strassfurtite (boracite), Mg 7 B 16 Cl 2 30 . Soluble in sul- phuric acid.. Reacts alkaline after fusion, from an admixture of NaCl and MgCl,. MINERALS WITHOUT METALLIC LUSTRE. 281 i)itf(/n.(>si'nm in the filtrate of polyhallite, but none in that of bronyniartine (glauberite). Their fusibility is 1.5. In the solution of polyhalite, chloride of platinum gives a yellow precipitate (K 2 O) ; in that of brongniartine, none. Anhydrite and gypsum are only slightly soluble in water, and their fusibilities = 2.5-3. Hardness of anhydrite is 3.5, all the others are softer. Closely related to brongriiartine is Syitgenite (kaluszite), CaS0 4 -f K 2 SO 4 -f Aq, from Kalusz in Gallizien. BAKITE. Heavy spar, sulphate of barium, BaSO 4 , and Celestite (celestine, sulphate of strontium), SrS0 4 . Are not, or but very little, attacked by H'Cl. When finely pulverized celestite is boiled with HC1 enough is dissolved to form, upon the addition of chloride of barium, a slight precipitate of sulphate of barium. B. B. with soda yield hepar. Heated in the forceps, barite tinges the flame a pale yellowish-green ; celestite a feeble purple-red. By moistening with a drop of IIC1 the particles which have been fused arid long heated in the reduction flame, and then holding the mass in the blue portion of a candle flame (without blowing) it colors it purple- red, when the assay is celestite, but does not with barite. FLUORITE (fluespath, Germ.), CaFl 2 . CRYOLITE (fluoride of sodium and aluminium, Kryolith), Na (i AlF 12 (or GNaF-f- A1F 6 ). PIIARMACOLITE (arsenate of calcium), Ca 2 ls + OH. B. B. with soda do not give hepar. Do not effervesce with muriatic acid. Arsenate of calcium is easily distinguished by its alliace- ous odor when fused on coal (the fragments used should be as large as possible). The other two heated in a glass tube with sulphuric acid give off much hydrofluoric acid gas, which strongly attacks the glass, the water which condenses at the upp,S,Si. Fuses with intumescence. In the I1C1 solution, chloride of barium produces a slight precipi- tate (BaS0 4 ). (Compare also the following division, apophiUitc, okcnitc, and analciinc, which are decomposed by muriatic acid to a, gelatinous mass, but not to a thick jelly.) Section ii. B. B. in a matrass give none, or only traces of water. (Compare datolite, of the preceding division.) TEPIIROITE (mangan-chrysolite), Mn 2 SiO 4 . HELVITE (Helvin), 3(Be,Mn,Fe) 2 SiO 4 -f (Mn,Fe)S. Boiled with P 2 O 5 , with addition of HNO 3 , both give a violet solution. B. B. in the oxidizing flame impart to a borax bead an amethystine hue. Helvite evolves, with muriatic acid, sulphu- retted hydrogen. Tephroite does not. Tephroite is cleav- able at right angles (in one direction perfectly), the other not. Color of helvite is honey-yellow, wax-yellow ; of tephroite, reddish-brown, grayish. Closely related with helvite is Danalite, 3(Be,Mn,Fe,/n) 2 SiO 4 + (Fe,Mn,Zn)S. This min- eral, containing zinc, gives B. B.* a slight coating of zinc. 288 MINERALOGY SIMPLIFIED. With soda on charcoal and with borax the iron reaction. Heated with HC1 evolves H 2 S. Color, flesh-red, gray. HAUYNITE (HAUYNE), 2(Na,Ca)AlSi,O 8 -f (N*,C*)SO 4 . LAPIS- LAZULI, and LASUKSTEIN (ultramarine) of similar composi- tion, are of sky-blue and azure-blue color. Haiiynite fuses with difficulty at 4.5 ; lapis-lazuli easily at 3 ; both to a white glass. B. B. both yield with soda upon coal hepar, with char- acteristic brownish-red spots. Nosite (Nosean, Nosin), a soda haiiynite, 2Na 2 -f AlSi0 8 -f Na 2 S0 4 , and Scolopsite (Skolopsite}, 3tl,Ca.Na 2 ,S,Cl,Si,H" 2 . Color, grayish or brownish. Nosite melts at 4.5 ; skolopsite at 3, with foam- ing and spirting. The hydrochloric acid solutions of both yield, with chloride of barium, a white precipitate of sulphate of barium. Nosite occurs mostly in rhombic dodecahedrons; skolopsite massive with splintery fracture. SODALITE (Sodalith), 3Na 2 AlSi 2 8 -f 2NaCl, and EUDIALYTE (eucolite), 6Na 2 (Ca,Fe) 2 (Si,Zr) 6 O 15 -f NuCl. B. B. heated with a flux of phosphorus salt and oxide of copper give the reaction of chlorine, by imparting to the flame a transient blue color. The solution in nitric acid gives with nitrate of silver a curdy precipitate of chloride of silver. The diluted IIC1 solution of eudialyte colors turmeric paper orange (reaction for zirconia). When the solution is boiled down sul- phate of potassium to crystallization, and this mass boiled with water, the solution is rendered turbid from precipitated zirco- nia. Sodalite fuses B. B. to a clear, colorless bead. Eudia- lyte to an opaque pistachio-green glass. Spec. grav. of sodalite, 2.3 ; of eudialyte, 2.9. Wollastonite (tabular spar), CaSiO 2 . B. B. fuses to a color- less semi-transparent bead. After separation of the silica, from its muriatic acid solution, it gives with ammonia none, or only a slight precipitate; with carbonate of ammonium an abundant precipitate of carbonate of calcium. (Compare pectolite (Pek- tolith), HNaCa 2 Si 3 OJ. Nephelite (elaeolite, Davyne), (Na,K) 2 AlSi a 8 . MINERALS WITHOUT METALLIC LUSTKK. 289 Meionite (Mejonit), Ca 6 Al 4 Si 9 36 , and Melilite (Humboldtilite), ( v Na 2 Ca,Mg) 12 (Al,Fe) 2 Si 9 36 . In the HC1 solution of these minerals, after separation of the silica, ammonia gives a precipitate (Fe 2 O 3 and A1 2 O 3 ). Meionite fuses, with intumescence and evolution of light, to a vesicular glass, which cannot be perfectly rounded by fusion. The others fuse quietly without intumescence. The solution of nephelite gives, after separation of alumina by NH 3 and fil- tration with oxalate of ammonium, none or a slight precipitate. That of melilite a heavy precipitate (lime). The decomposed nephelite, when containing lime, reacts alkaline after fusion. Melilite does not. (Compare cancrinite.) Nephelite crystallizes hexagonal. Melolite in the tetragonal (dimetric) system. A variety of nephelite (elaeolite) has a fatty lustre. A similar deportment to melilite is shown by Barsowite* (variety anorthite), CaAlSi 2 8 . B. B. fuses at 4, Melilite at 3 ; the latter with some intumescence, the former quietly. (Compare gehlenite, Ca 3 (AlFe)Si 2 10 . Fusible in very thin splinters ; does not swell. Also Tachylite, Fe,Mg,Ca,Na. 2 ,l,Si,H: 2 .) Division 4. Dissolve in hydrochloric acid, the silicic acid separating without forming a perfect jelly. (Many must be finely pulverized before being treated with concentrated acid.) Section i. B. B. in a matrass afford water. Klipsteinite, Mn 3 Mn,gi 2 B: 2 . Treated with HC1, evolves chlorine, and silica separates as a slimy powder. With cone, phosphoric acid it yields a violet solution. Gives 9 per cent, of water on ignition. B. B. with borax gives the amethystine color of manganese. * Brush (Manual of Determinative Mineralogy, pp. 84 and 86) con- siders amorthite to be a variety of barsowite, both having an identical composition. (Compare also Dana's Syst. of Mineralogy, p. 340.) 2$ 290 MINERALOGY SIMPLIFIED. Apophyllite, 4(H f CaSi a O 6 +Aq)-fKF. 'Pectolite (Pektolith), HNaCa 2 S5 3 9 , and Okenite, H 2 CaSi 2 O 6 + Aq. Easily decomposed by HC1, the silica separating in gelatin- ous lumps, without forming a stiff jelly. After the separation of the silica* the solution gives (with an excess of HC1) with ammonia no, or only a slight, precipitate. Pectolite fuses B. B. with slight intumescence to a white enamel, like glass. Yields but little water (4 per cent.). After fusion gelatinizes perfectly with HC1. The others yield much water. Apophyllite 16 per cent., okenite 17 per cent. After fusion are but slightly attacked by HC1. Apophyllite fuses at 1.5 to a vesicular white glass. Okenite at 2.5-3, with frothing to a porcelain-like mass.t (Compare xonaltite, 4CaSiO 3 + H 2 O.) Anolcite (Analcime), Na.,A:lSi 4 12 -f-2Aq, like the preceding, is decomposed by HC1 to a gelatinous mass, but after separation of the silicic acid, the solution gives, with ammonia, a copious precipitate of alumina. B. B. the first action of the flame renders it white and turbid, but when fusion takes place it be- comes clear, like water, and gives, without intumescence, a shining glass. It is usually found crystallized in cubes and trapezohedrons. Not cleavable. 8 per cent, of water. Pyroschrite (Pyrosklerit), Mg 12 Al 2 Si 9 36 +12Aq. Chonicrite (Chonikrit), (Ca,Mg) 10 Al 2 Si 7 30 -}-6Aq, and Jottyte (Fe,Mg) 6 Al t Si 9 36 -j-12Aq, are readily distinguished from the preceding, and following, by their lower degree of hardness, which is equal to that of calc-spar (=3). B. B. chonicrite fuses at 3.5 to 4, with escape of bubbles ; pyrosclerite at 4 without bubbles ; pyrosclerite is perfectly cleavable in one direction ; color, green ; 1 1 per cent, of water. Chonicrite is not cleavable ; white-yellow ; 9 per cent, of water. Jolyte swells up, fuses with difficulty, is amorphous ; color, brown ; streak, light-green ; * In order to separate all the silica completely, the solution in HC1 must be evaporated to dryness in a porcelain dish, again digested (moistened) with some HC1, then water added and filtered. f Compare sepiolite (meerschaum, sea foam), Mg.,Si 3 8 -f-2Aq. MINERALS WITHOUT METALLIC LUSTRE. 291 water, 13 per cent. The following have a similar composition to pyrosclerite : Vermiculite (Mg,Fe) 12 Al 2 Si 9 36 +12Aq, an d Jeff'erisite, Mg 4 (Alfe) 2 Si 5 20 +6Aq, which B. B. swell up ex- ceedingly. The first exfoliates in wormlike masses, the second swells up prodigiously. Mosandrite, &yi*^&,Si^4H,&,$, and Catapleiite (Katapltit), (Na a ,Ca)(Si,Zr) 4 O 9 + 2Aq. Have a hardness of 4-4.5, and exhibit cleavage. The former fuses at first with frothing, and then quietly at 2.5-3 to a yellowish- brown glass. The second quietly at 3 to a white porcelain- like bead. The diluted HC1 solution of catapleiite colors yellow turmeric paper orange, and furnishes a precipitate of zirconia (r) when boiled down with sulphate of potassium. The boiling down must be carried on nearly to dryness, and the mass again treated (dissolved) with water. Mosandrite shows no such deportment.* They contain 9 per cent, of water. Brewstrite, (Sr,Ba)A-lSi 6 0, 6 -f-5Aq. B. B. fuses at 3 with frothing and swelling. May easily be distinguished from similar minerals by its solution in muriatic acid, giving with sulphuric acid a heavy precipitate of sulphate of barium which is insoluble in acids. Contains 13 per cent, of water. Stilbite, (Ca,Na 2 )A-lSi 6 16 -f 6Aq. Hipostilbite (desmine), (Ca,Na,) 2 Al 2 Si 9 26 + 12 Aq. Chabazite (clmbasite), (HK 2 Ca)A-lSi 5 13 + 6 Aq. Prehnite, H 2 CaA-lSi 3 12 . B. B. swell up more or less, and fuse, curling up to an enamel-like mass.f Prehnite yields but little water (4.3 per cent.). The others give in a bolthead much water, losing by ignition 15 to 20 per cent. Clmbasite * The titanium in mosandrite is recognized by boiling of the muriatic acid solution with tin-foil; it may contain so little that the liquid thus obtained turns merely reddish. f Von Kobell states that, although operating with perfectly normal crystals of stilbite and hypostilbite, he could never verify a dillVivnce in the point of fusion between the two minerals, while according to Fischer desmine fuses to a vesicular glass. 292 MINERALOGY SIMPLIFIED. is distinguished by its rbombobedral crystallization and imper- fect cleavage. Stilbite and hypostilbite are perfectly cleavable in one direction. Stilbite crystallizes in the monoclinic (Dana), hypostilbite in the trimetric system. A similar, small hemispherical, reni- form or cylindrical fibrous mineral is Mordenite (Ca,Na 2 )AlSi 9 22 -f- G Aq. The mineral yields 12 per cent, of water. B. B. fuses without intumescence. Sepiolite (meerschaum, sea-foam) = [MgSi-fiJ] (Dana), is distinguished from the above by being difficult to fuse, and by absorbing moisture with avidity. Deweylite (gymnite), Mg 4 Si 3 ]0 -f 5 Aq, melts" with diffi- culty at 5 ; is amorphous, of a waxy lustre, and resembles somewhat gum-arabic. Absorbs no water. Contains 20 per cent, of water. Sordavalite (Sordawalit), Si,l,Fe,Mg,H 2 . Amorphous, fuses at 2.5 quietly to a dense, black, shiny glass. With difficulty decomposed with hydrochloric acid. The solution yields, with caustic ammonia, a heavy greenish-gray precipitate. Color, grayish-black ; streak, liver-brown. Contains 4 per cent, of water. Section ii. B. B. in a matrass yield no water, or only a trace. (Compare pectolite, chronicrite, and prehnite of the preced- ing section.) Some specimens of Lapis-Lazuli (Lasurstein) afford no com- plete jelly, but may be easily recognized by their sky-blue color. B. B. with soda on charcoal yield hepar in characteristic brownish-red spots. Cryophyllite (Kryophyllit), (KjLO^FesCAl^e^Si^Og,,. Mica- ceous ; also, scaly, massive. Color, by transmitted light, dull emerald-green ; transverse to the axis, brownish-red. Fuses easily in the candle flame, and B. B. with intumescence to a gray enamel, giving a red lithia flame. Tachylite, e,Mg,Oa.:iS T a 2 ,&l,Si,S 2 . Amorphous. B. B. fuses at 2.5 easily and quietly to a black, shining glass. Muriatic acid decomposes the mineral with separation of gelatinous MINERALS WITHOUT METALLIC LUSTRE. 203 silica. The solution boiled down with tin-foil does not assume a violet color. Schorlomite, Ca 9 Fe 2 (Si,Ti) 12 39 , and Tschejfkinite (Tscliero- kinite), Ce,Fe,Ca,Ti,i. The first fuses quietly, the second with much effervescence, at 3-4, to a black glass or a gray mass. Schorlomite is decomposed by HC1 with some difficulty, leaving the silica behind as a slimy powder. The HC1 solution of both, when evaporated with addition of tin-foil, assumes a violet color, turning to a rose-red by dilution with water (titanic acid). Tscheifkinite is easily decomposed by cone. HC1, the silica separating in gelatinous lumps. Both are black, with a vitreous lustre on a fresh fracture. Streak-powder, gray. A similar behavior to schorlomite is exhibited by ivaarite, both of which ought perhaps to be united. Wernerite (scapolite*), (Ca,Na 2 ,K 2 )l3i 2 8 . Porcellanite^ (porcelain-spar), 8i,&l,Ca,Na. 2 , 1, fuse B. B. at 2.5 with intumescence and emission of light, forming a white blebby glass which is not easily rounded. They are distinctly cleavable in two right angular directions. To wernerite belong, according to v. Kobell, nuttalite, glaii- colite, stroganowite. Wohlerite, Oa,Na 2 Zr,Cb,gi, B. B. easily fusible at 3 to a light-green, much blistered glass. HC1 dissolves it with sepa- ration of silicic acid in flakes. This solution boiled down with tin-foil assumes at last a fine blue color; after a slight dilution with water a blue filtrate is obtained, which turns yellow turmeric paper orange. Color, wine-yellow to honey, yellow. Eukolite probably belongs here. Labradorite, (Ca,Na 2 )AlSi 3 1Q , and Anorthite, CalSi 2 O 8 . B. B. fuse quietly at 3^4 to a tolerably dense, clear glass. Labradorite is cleavable unequally in two * See Brush's Manual of Det. Min., 3d edit., p. 86; also E. S. Dana's Textbook of Min., p. 204. f EkebergHe, scapolite, wernerite, porcellanite (v. Kob.), Syn. under wernerite. See Dana's Syst. of Min., 5th edit., p. 324. 25* 294 MINERALOGY SIMPLIFIED. directions at an angle of 86 40' ; on the perfect faces of cleav- age slight striae are visible ; on the less perfect, none. Shows frequently a play of colors, from blue to green, also red and yellow. Anorthite is perfectly cleavable at 85 48'. Labradorite is not completely decomposed by HC1. Grossularite, or lime-alumina-garnet. The general formula of garnet is R 3 AlSi 3 ]2 , and grossularite is usually Ca 3 AlSi 3 Oi 2 . Many varieties are in a great measure decomposed by concentrated muriatic acid. B. B. fuse quietly at 3, and are readily dis- tinguished from the above by want of cleavage. Many varie- ties of sphene are also decomposed by concentrated acid with separation of silicic acid. The solution boiled with metallic tin assumes a violet color. See danburite, which colors the blowpipe flame beautifully green. Compare tephroite, which imparts to a borax bead an amethystine color (manganese oxide). Division 5 Are only slightly attacked by hydrochloric acid, and B. B. impart to borax ylass the deep amethystine color of manganese. They yield, when boiled down with phosphoric acid to a syrupy consistency, a mass which, with piemontite, assumes directly a violet color ; with the others, only after stirring with a glass rod previously dipped into nitric acid. Carpholite (Karpholit), H 4 Mn (Al,Fe,Mn) Si. 2 0, and Arden- nite* Analysis, Si0 2 = 29. GO, A10 3 = 23.50, MnO = 25.88, Fe0 3 = 1.86, CaO = 1.6S, MgO = 3.38, V 2 5 ==9.20, ign. 4.04 = 99.09. In the closed tube yield water, the first contains 11 p. c. the second 5 p. c. of water. Carpholite fuses at 2.5-3 ; ardennite, at 2. Carpholite is fibrous ; color, straw-yellow. Ardennite, radiated. Locality, Ottrez, in the Ardennes, Belgium. Analy- ses by Lasaulx and Bettendorf. Color, brownish-yellow. Spessartite (Spessartin), manganese garnet, (Mn,Fe) 3 AlSi 3 12 . * E. S. Dana's Textbook of Alin., page 288. MINERALS WITHOUT METALLIC LUSTRE. 295 B. B. fuses quietly at 3. Cleavage indistinct, sometimes do- decahedral. Color, brownish-red. Piedmontite (Piemontit), manganese epidote, H 2 Ca 4 (Mn,Fe, Al) 3 Si 6 26 . B. B. fuses with intumescence at 2-2.5. In one direction the cleavage is distinct ; less so in another. Color, cherry-red, reddish black. Rhodonite (Rother Mangankiesel), MnSi0 3 , fuses quietly at 3 ; distinctly cleavable at 92 55'. Color, rose-red, peach- blossom red. Richterite* (Manganamphibol), which resembles it, cleaves at 124. Division 6 Not included in the preceding divisions. The remaining minerals are all silicates, except sclteeltte, which "are not attacked, or are imperfectly decomposed by hydro- chloric acid. (Compare pyrophyllite, B. B. swelling up and becoming par- tially rounded.) DANBURITE,! CaB 2 Si 2 O 8 . B. B easily fuses at 3 to a bead which is clear while hot ; opaque when cold. It tinges the flame green. Boiled with sulphuric acid to dryness the residue imparts to burning alcohol a green color. Very closely related is Howlite, Ca 4 B 5 Si. 2 23 -f 5Aq. SciiEELiTE(tungstate of calcium), CaWO^. B. B. fuses with difficulty at 5. The powder dissolves in HC1, leaving a greenish-yellow or lemon-yellow residue of tungstic acid, soluble in caustic ammonia. If this residue, while yet moist, * Brush and E. S. Dana call this mineral pyroxene, including many varieties, from the colorless diopside and u-hite malacolite to black augite ; light-colored varieties fuse to a white glass, while the dark ones give a black glass. f I was the first who discovered the presence of boracic acid in danburite, at that time a very rare mineral, but, owing to impurities, gangue, etc., my analysis proved not entirely correct. To Prof. Brush chiefly, belongs the honor of setting matters right, and estah- lishing the above formula. H. K. 296 MINERALOGY SIMPLIFIED. be rubbed with a knife blade on paper, it at once changes to a green or bluish-green color. It' the solution is boiled down with phosphoric acid until volatilization begins, the cold mass becomes blue ; dissolved in water, the color disappears, but reappears permanently upon the addition of iron powder. Lepidolite (lithia mica, Lithionglimmer, Germ.), (K,Li) 6 , Al 4 Si 12 42 , and Cookeite, K^i^^SiJL}. Are micaceous. Cleavage in one direction very perfect. Give to the blowpipe flame the purple- red color of lithia. Lepidolite fuses at 2. Gives in the closed tube little or no water. B. B. cookeite exfoliates, ver- micular, and gives much water. Therm ophyllite* (serpentine), Mg 3 Si 2 O 7 -j- 2 Aq. Euphyllite (&l,K 2 ,]Sra 2 ,gi,:& 2 ), and Margarite, emerylite, H 2 Ca&l 2 Si 2 Q 12 . Are, like the preced- ing, micaceous. Thermophyllite. B. B. swells up and gives much water in the closed tube (11 p. c.). The others fuse without, swelling at 44.5, and give little water. Their laminne are not elastic. Euphyllite is easily decomposed by sulphuric acid. Margarite with difficulty. Compare Muscovite, K 2 AlSi 2 8 , and Biotite, K 2 (Fe,Mg) 7 Al,Si 7 28 . Gumbelite, &l,K 2 ,Si,IT 2 . Occurs in thin, short, fibrous layers. B. B. swells up to a fan-like mass, fuses in thin fibres,.- and yields water in the closed tube (7 p. c.). Color, green- white. Not attacked by HC1 and H 2 SO 4 . Petalite (Li 6 Al)Si 6 15 , and Spodumene(Triphane) (Li 6 Al)Si 3 9 . Do not exhibit the ready and perfect cleavage of the preceding, and their hardness is 6.5 ; give to the blowpipe flame the purple-red color of lithia, especially so when the assay held in the forceps is fused together with some bisulphate of potassium. This reaction is rendered more perceptible by taking in the forceps a piece of the mineral * Identical with serpentine, see Brush's Determ, Min., p. 87. MINERALS WITHOUT METALLIC LUSTRE. 297 and fusing on it bisulphate of potassium, which is repeated several times ; during the blowing the bead is gently moved through the flame. It then shows occasionally purple-red streaks. Petalite fuses quietly to a white enamel. Spodumene intumesces, throwing out fine branches, which fuse to a clear transparent glass. Specific gravity of petalite = 2.45, that of spodumene = 3.2. To petalite belongs the variety called Castor (Kastor), which distinctly colors the blowpipe flame red. Leucophanite (Leucophan), 4NaF -f- 3(Ca,Be) 4 Si 3 O 10 , fuses quietly at below 3 to a transparent colorless glass ; with salt of phosphorus in the open tube gives the fluorine reaction. Phos- phoresces when heated, or when struck with a hammer, emit- ting a reddish-violet light. Cleavage in one direction excel- lent. H."= 3.5-4. Wilsonite,* Xl,K 2 ,Mg,Si,S 2 . Fusible at 2 with intumescence to a whitish glass ; yields in a matrass some water. Hardens 3. Distinctly cleavable at right angles. Nohlite, $b,J?r,Y,IT2' Amorphous ; color, blackish-brown ; lustre, vitreous. B. B. fuses with difficulty, and yields in the closed tube 4^ per cent, of water. In its chemical deportment it is near samarskite. Compare sordavvalite, Div. 4, a. DIALLAGE'J' (pyroxene). Malacolite or white augite, * According to Brush, it is only altered scapolite. See Determina- tive Min., page 88. f Professors Dana and Brush consider this mineral a thin, foliated lime-magnesia-pyroxene, t. e., a variety of pyroxene or augite, the general formula of which is RSi0 3 , where R may be Ca,Mg,Fe,Mn, and sometimes also Zn,K 2 Na. 2 . Usually two or more of these bases are present. The first three are most common ; but calcium is the only one that is present always and in large percentage. Besides the substitution of the above bases for one another, these same bases are at times replaced by Al,#e,Mn, though sparingly, and the silicon occasionally by aluminum. Consult James D. Dana's Manual of Mineralogy and Lithology, 3d edition, page 245. New York, 1881. 298 MINERALOGY SIMPLIFIED. CaMgSi 2 O 6 . Fusibility, 3.5 ; is distinguished by its pearly, subrnetallic lustre, and distinct cleavage in one direction. Harmotome (Baryt-harmotome), BaAlSi 5 O u + 5 Aq. Distin- guished from the preceding and following by yielding a con- siderable amount of water in a matrass ; and the partial solution in muriatic acid is rendered turbid or gives a precipi- tate with sulphuric acid of sulphate of barium. It occurs like lime-harmotome in twin crystals. Axinite, (Ca,Fe,K 2 ) 7 (Al,Fe,B) 3 Si 8 32 , and Tourmaline, Al,B,Fe,Mn,Mg,K iJ ,lS r a 2 ,Li 2 ,Si,Ti, with a mixture of fluor-spar and bisulphate of potassium, impart to the blow- pipe flame a transient green color.* Axinite fuses readily and with strong intumescence to a shining dark-green glass. When finely pulverized and fused, axinite gelatinizes in muriatic acid. Different species of tourmaline show different deportments ; some fuse easily and with intumescence, some curl up to a white greenish-gray, rarely black glass ; others fuse with diffi- culty (and a few lithia tourmalines are infusible). Most tour- malines become strongly electric when heated ; axinite does not. J)iops!de-\ (Pyroxene, Dana), Ca,Mg,Si 2 O 6 , and * By taking the mixture on a hot platinum wire and covering the surface of the flux with the mineral in fine powder form, and heating it, without blowing, in the blue point of a good flame, the color is perceptible at the first moment of fusion. When axinite and tour- maline are reduced to fine powder and fused, then treated with sulphuric acid and evaporated to the consistence of syrup, then alcohol added to it, the latter will, when lighted, burn with a green flame. If about 1 gram, each of finely-powdered axinite or tourma- line are ground together with 3 grams, of bisulphate of potassium, and the mixture fused in a small platinum dish at a red heat, and next a small quantity of alcohol is added, this latter, when lighted, will burn with a distinct green flame, especially towards the end. The platinum dish can be cleaned again with boiling dilute HC1. f Diopside is, according to Dana, a pyroxene of the same composition as the previously described lime-magnesia-pyroxene or malacolite, occurs in greenish-white or grayish-green crystals. See Dana's Manual of Min., 3d edition, 1881, page 246. MINERALS WITHOUT METALLIC LUSTRE. 299 Augite.* An analysis from Montreal by Hunt gave Si0 2 49.40, A10 3 6.70, *?e0 3 7.83, MgO 13.66, CaO 21.88, Na 2 0.74, H 2 0.50 = 100.11. Their hardness is 6 ; fuse at 3.5-4, some quietly, some with slight effervescence. Diopside forming a white, augite a black glass. Both are distinctly cleavable at 93 and 87. Diopside is colorless, or light green and gray; augite, black or dark-green. Tremolite (grammatite), (Ca,Mg)SiO 3 , and Arnphibok (Strahlstein, hornblende), RSiO 3 , as for pyrox- ene. Hardness, 5.5. B. B. they swell up, and at 3-4 fuse with effervescence ; tremolite to a white or slightly colored ; am- phibole to a black or grayish glass. Both are distinctly cleav- able at 124^ and 5j^. Color of the first is white, inclining * Hedenbergite is, according to von Kobell, an iron-lime augite, containing but little magnesia. Polylite, hudsonite, and jeffersonite come in here. By the mutual action of acids or negative oxides, three classes of salts are produced, viz., normal, acid, and basic. Nor- mal salts are those in which the acid and base .saturate each other, in which, therefore, all the hydroxyles, whether of acid or base, are eliminated (in the form of Aq.), and the acid radical remains united to metal by means of oxygen, c. .5-7.5. The first and second fuse at '3 ; the first quietly, the second with intumescence; both gelatiniz- ing with HC1 after fusion. The third melts quietly at 3, f>-4. Vesuvian is cleavable in the planes of a quadrangular prism. Grossular and pyrope are not cleavable. Grossular is strongly attacked by concentrated muriatic acid ; its color is green, yellowish -brown, hyacinth-red, and also white. Pyrope is not attacked by acids, and occurs only of a blood-red color. B. B. with borax yields a chrome-green glass. MONZONITE, XljFejCajNa^Si, resembles grossolurite, but does not gelatinize after fusion, and is not decomposed either by II Cl or II 2 8O 4 . EDELFORSITE* (AEDELFORSITE) (or red zeolite of Adel- fors), CaSi -f Xl5i 3 (v. Kob.) SpiiENOCLASEt (Spherioklas, v. Kob.), Ca,Mg,Fe,lSi, have nearly the hardness of 6 ; are not much attacked by acids. The first fuses at 4, with frothing, and, when heated, phosphoresces strongly with a greenish light. The second fuses at 3 quietly ; phosphoresces feebly with a yellow light. Compare the following division, C., emerald (beryl), eu- clase, cordierite (iolite), also biotite (uniaxial mica), and muscovite (biaxial mica). Obsidian, or volcanic glass. Pitch*, Pechstein, a.Jh.faAJra.SL Pearlstone, Perlstein, Pumice, Bimsstein. These fuse with swelling at 3.5 to 4, to a blebby white glass or a porcelain-like mass. They are amorphous. Obsidian is characterized by its glassy lustre, conchoidal and sharp-edged fracture. Pitchstone by its greasy lustre. Pearlstone by its mother-of-pearl lustre, and pumice by its porous, scoria-like form. They are volcanic products. Many pitch 8 tones afford water in the closed tube. * Dana (Man. of Min., p. 245) considers this impure Wollastonite (CaSi0 3 ). f Dana's Syst. of Min., p. 280. MINERALS WITHOUT METALLIC LUSTRE. 803 Class ii r. Infusible, or fusibility above 5, Division 1 Some assume a fine blue color when, after previous ignition B. B., they are moistened with cobalt solution and again heated, (alumina.) (Some minerals should be first calcined and pulverized.) The hardest anhydrous minerals belonging to this class show this color most distinctly after they are finely pulverized and then moistened with cobalt solution and ignited; the color appears as the mass cools, and is distinctly seen only by day- light. Section i. B. B. yield much tvater in a matrass. RALSTONITE, Xl,Mg,lS'a 2 .F,l3r 2 , fused in a closed tube with bisulphate of potassium, gives the fluorine reaction. The water yielded in the closed tube reacts for fluorine. ALUNITE (alum-stone), K 2 A1 3 S 4 22 -f 6 Aq. ALUMINITE (sulphate of aluminium), A1S0 6 -f- 9Aq. "With soda on coal give hepar, which is not the case with the others. Aluminite is easily soluble in muriatic acid ; alunite is not perceptibly attacked, but when it has been ignited, water extjxtcts alum, which may be obtained in octohedral crystals by the slow evaporation of the aqueous solution. The alunite loses 13 per cent, of water by ignition, the aluminite 47 per cent. A similar mineral, felsobanyte, A1 2 S0 6 + 10 Aq, loses 37 per cent, of water. A similar behavior to'aluminite is shown by PISSOPHANITE (pissophane, garnsdorffite), Xl,Fe,3,H 2 . It occurs at Garnsdorf, near Saalfeld, and at Reichenbach, Sax- ony, on alum slate. B. B. it becomes black, and colors the flame slightly greenish. The aluminite is white or opaque. Pissophane is pistachio-asparagus, or olive-green, and trans- parent. Compare potash-alum, ammonia-alum, and KeramoJtaUte (alunogen), which are soluble in water, which is not the case with the preceding minerals. 304 MINERALOGY SIMPLIFIED. PLUMBOGUMMITE (plumbo-resinite, Bleigummi), decrepitates and affords water in a matrass, carefully heated. B. B. it swells up, and at a strong heat softens without liquefy- ing. With soda on coal yields metallic lead. Is soluble in nitric acid. The solution yields with molybdate of ammonium, at a gentle heat, a yellow precipitate (P.^OJ. CALAMINE (electric-calamine, Kieselgalmei), Zn 2 Si0 4 , forms with muriatic acid a perfect jelly. B. B. on coal with soda it yields, after long blowing, a yellowish-white coating, which, treated with cobalt solution and heated, becomes green in specks. After the separation of silica, the muriatic acid solution is precipitated white by ammonia, and the oxide of zinc thus formed redissolved by an excess of ammonia. WAVELLITE (subphosphate of aluminium), A1 3 P 4 ]9 -{- 12Aq. Evansite, A1 3 P 2 U + 18Aq. Peganite, Al a P 2 O n -f- 6Aq. Fi seller ite, Al 2 P 2 O n +8Aq. JJerlimte, 2A]P 2 O 8 + Aq. Richmondite, P\Xl,ET 2 , and Zepharovichite, AlP 2 8 -f- 6Aq. Are principally soluble in caustic potassa. When this solution is mixed with HNO 3 in excess, some molybdate of ammonium added, and heat applied, a yellow precipitate is obtained (P a O t ). Berlinite loses by ignition only 4 per cent, of water ; pegan- ite 24 per cent. ; wavellite and Zepharovichite 27 per cent.; fischerite 29 per cent. Richmondite 35 per cent. ; evansite 40 per cent. Similar compounds are : Trolleite, A1 4 P 6 27 + 3Aq., with 6 per cent, of water. Spaeri-te, A1 5 P 4 23 + 16Aq. Redondite, ll,Fe,^ 2 . The last two contain 23 per cent, of water each. Tavistockite, Ca s AlP 2 O n -|- 3Aq. Amphithalite, *l,Ca,^ 2 ,fl a . The last two contain 12 per cent, of water each. Coeruleolactite, A1 3 P 4 19 -|- IGAq, with 21 percent, of water. MINERALS WITHOUT METALLIC LUSTKE. 305 Gibbsite (Hydrargillite), H 6 A10 6 . Diaspore, H 2 A10 4 . Xanthophyllite (Seybertite), il,ffe,gr,&,Si,l. Phokrite (Nacrite),* Al 2 Si 3 12 -f- 4Aq. Gibbsite is tolerably easily dissolved by caustic potash, loses by ignition 34J per cent, of water. The others are not soluble in caustic potash. They cleave distinctly in one direction. Xanthophyllite is wax-yellow, loses by ignition only 4J per cent, of water. Diaspore and pholerite nearly \p per cent, of water. Distinguished by their hardness, as nearly 6 for diaspora to only 1 for pholerite. This latter (v. Kobell's na- crite) occurs in scales with a pearly lustre. Allophane, AlSi0 5 -f 5Aq. Halloysite, AlSi 2 7 +4Aq. Samoite, Al*Si 2 10 -f- lOAq. and Collyrite (Kollyrit),t Al 2 Si0 6 -f 9Aq, are decomposed by HC1 with separation of gelatinous silica. H. of allophane 3 ; it gelatinizes perfectly and colors the blowpipe-flame usually green from an accidental admixture of copper, and loses by ignition 42 per cent, of water ; is amorphous. H. of samoite is 4, has a lamellar structure, and loses 30 per cent, of water. The remainder have a hardness of 1-2. Halloysite contains 16, collyrite 33J per cent, of water. Oimolite, Al 2 Si 9 24 + 6Aq., and Kaolinite (kaolin, porcelain earth), AlSi() 5 -|- 2Aq. (v. Kob.) are with difficulty affected by HC1. Usually amorphous. Porcelain earth feels smooth, not greasy, but rather pulve- rulent ; is decomposed by H 2 SO 4 . Cimolite is tough, and gives by scraping, shavings. Is im- * Brush considers nacrite identical with kaolinite, &lSi 2 O 7 -4-2Aq, whilst pholerite is looked upon as a separate species with the above formula. See Brush's Determ. Min.. p. 89. f Von Kobell's " Kollyrit," analyzed by Klaproth, has the same formula with lOAq. Restates in a note that he refers to a species found in the " Stephani mine," at Chemnitz, which gelatinizes with acids, while other kinds, like that from Weissenfels, do not gelatinize. 26* 300 MINERALOGY SIMPLIFIED. perfectly decomposed by sulphuric acid. These minerals lose by ignition 12 to 16 per cent, of water. Many " aluminous earths, argillites, or clays, which are not sufficiently known, but form with water a doughy mass, and develop the odor of clay, might be appended here ; also lithomarge (Steinmark), with 14 per cent, of water; also schiotterite (opal allophane), with 35 per cent, of water ; miloschite and bolus, with 24 to 26 per cent, of water. These form with water no dough ; the latter Udft on the contrary, fall to pieces with crackling. (Co4>are from the following division, lazulite, svanbergite, pyroJ)Si\lite, agalmatolite, disterite, wbrthite, myeline, which in a matfUss likewise yield water, but only a small quantity. Compare also ripidolite.) Section ii. B. B. in the closed tube yield little, or no water. Alumian, A1S 2 7 . B. B. yields with soda on charcoal hepar. Lazulite, (Mg,Fe)&lP 2 O 9 +H,0. B. B. tinges the flame with a feeble greenish color,* swells up, and crumbles to small pieces, thereby losing its blue color, and becoming white. By acids it is not directly attacked, and its blue color under- goes no change. Caustic potash produces a partial solution, which, treated with HNO 3 in excess, yields, when boiled witli molybdate of ammonium, a yellow precipitate (P 2 O 5 ). Svanbergite, &l,Ca,]?}"a 2 ,^ 2 ,, ET 2 . B. B. with soda on coal gives a sulphur reaction. The partial nitric acid solution gives a reaction for phosphoric acid with molybdate of ammonium. Col0r, yellow or yellowish-brown, WILLEMITE (Hebetine, anhydrous silicate of zinc), Zn 2 SiO 4 . B. B. assumes with cobalt a blue, and in places a green color. Gelatinizes in muriatic acid. The solution yields with ammo- nia, after separation of silicon, a precipitate (ZnO) soluble in an excess. From the ammoniacal solution sulphide of ammonium throws down white sulphide of zinc. MYELINE (Talksteinmark), AlSi0 5 . AGALMATOLITE (figure stone), Al,l 2 ,S,I"I r * Rendered distinct if previously moistened with sulphuric acid.. MINERALS WITHOUT METALLIC LUSTRE. 307 PYKOPHYLLITE, Al,Si 3 9 -f- H 2 0, have a low degree of hard- ness, 1-3. " Pyrophyllite in one direction is perfectly cleavable. B. B. it spreads out into fan-like shapes, and increases to twenty times its former bulk. It is infusible, but partially crumbles to pieces and glows with a white light. Loses by ignition 5 per cent, of water. The others are not cleavable, and B. B. unalterable. Myelin is somewhat decomposed by acids. Related to pyrophyllite is Westanrte, 3tl,Si,IT 2 , which has a brick-red color. Muscovite (bi-axial mica, potash mica), H 2 AlSi 2 O g , direction is perfectly cleavable ; the thin laminae ape^nexible and elastic. B. B. does not expand perceptibly, and with diffi- culty fuses in very thin scales. With cobalt solution it acquires partially a pure blue color ; is not attacked by acids. Hard- ness, 2.5. Disterrite* (brandisite) (variety of clintonite, see Dana), (Mg G ,Ca 6 ,Al 2 ,Fe 2 )Si0 20 . Orthorhombic. Cleavable in one direc- tion. Fresh laminae B. B. turn grayish-white and turbid, and thence moistened with cobalt solution and reheated, assume a blue color. Hardness, 4-5. Concentrated sulphuric acid de- composes it. ANDALUSITE (chiastolite), AlSi0 5 , and DISTHENE (cyanite, kyanite), AlSi0 5 , are only slightly attacked by acids. B. B. phosphorus salt decomposes them, and separates a siliceous skeleton. Aridalusite cleaves tole- rably well in two directions at an angle of 91 J ; its hardness 7.5. The crystals called chiastolite have undergone decompo- sition, and have usually a hardness of 5.5. They are generally in twins consisting of four individual prismatic crystals, so grown together with their principal axes parallel, that a cavity remains between them which contains generally clay slate. Disthene is distinctly cleavable in two directions at 100, especially distinct in one direction. Hardness, 6, and some- * Brush considers it identical with sr.ylnrlite (Determ. Min., p. 90.) 308 MINERALOGY SIMPLIFIED. times less. The spec. grav. of andalusite is 3.2 ; that of disthene 3.6. Closely approaching to disthenite is Sillimanite (worthite, monrolite, tribolite),* AlSi0 5 . Its spec, grav., however, is less, namely, 3. TOPAZ (fiuosilicate of aluminium), AlSi(0,F 2 ) 5 . Rubellite^ (lithia tourmaline), (Li,Na,K) 6 Al 6 B 2 Si 9 45 , are not attacked by acids. B. B. not perfectly dissolved by phosphor- ous salt, the bead becoming opalescent on cooling. Topaz retains its transparency, and does not swell when ignited. Heated in larger pieces the yellow varieties turn white, assum- ing upon cooling a rose-red hue. Rubellite becomes white, puffs sometimes to a slaggy mass. Topaz is in one direction distinctly cleavable. Hardness, 8. Rubellite is not cleavable. Hardness, 6.5. The last-named mineral becomes electric when heated, which happens only witH a few varieties of topaz. The spec. grav. of topaz is 3.5 ; that of rubellfte, 3. CORUNDUM (sapphire, emery, crystallized alumina), A10 3 . CHRYSOBERYL, Be,A10 4 . These minerals are not attacked by ordinary acids, but when they are heated with phosphoric acid until volatilization commences the fine powder of corun- dum is completely dissolved, less so that of chrysoberyl. The solutions yield with caustic potash a precipitate which is redissolved by an excess (alumina). B. B. in fine powder form they are slowly but perfectly dissolved by salt of phos- phorus, and the bead is not opalescent when cold. Hardness of sapphire, 9 ; its specific gravity, 4. Hardness of chrysoberyl, 8.5 ; its specific gravity, 3.7. (Compare spinel.) Many varieties of spinel and leucite, when pulverized, moistened with cobalt solution and ignited, become blue. Some kinds of cassiterite, or tin stone, in powder form assume, when moistened with cobalt solution upon ignition, a bluish or * Dana (Man. of Min. and Lithol., New York, 1881, p. 285) calls the mineral "tribolite," syn. with sillimdnite and bucholzite. f Rubellite is a variety of tourmaline. See Brush, Determ. Min., etc., p. 90. MINERALS WITHOUT METALLIC LUSTRE. 309 greenish tint, but readily yield with cyanide of potassium on coal globules of tin. The blue color, which quartz in a fine powder form acquires with cobalt solution, differs from that of the preceding minerals by inclining to red, and by the blue being less intense. Division 2 __ Moistened with cobalt solution, and ignited, as- sume a green color (zinc}. It is sufficient to heat the moistened bead to a red heat. The compounds of oxide of zinc belonging to this division give to the coal a coating which is yellow while hot, but becomes paler on cooling, and when moistened with cobalt solution and again ignited assumes a green color. SMITHSONITE (Zinkspath, carbonate of zinc), ZnCQ 3 . Hydrozincite (Zincbliithe), Zn 3 CO 5 + 2Aq, dissolve in HC1 with effervescence by the escape of carbonic acid ; the solu- tion yields with caustic ammonia a precipitate soluble in excess. In a matrass smithsonite affords little or no water; hydrozincite, a large quantity. WILLEMITE (hebetine, anhydrous silicate of zinc), 2n 2 8i. C ALAMiNE,(hydrous silicate of zinc, Kieselgalmei),^!!^!-}-^, with muriatic acid form a perfect jelly. In a matrass the latter yields water, the former none. B. B. silicates of zinc, when treated with cobalt solution, become green in places, with a large share of blue. (Compare zinc vitriol and zincblende ; also kassiterite.) Division 3 After ignition, give an alkaline reaction, and color moistened turmeric paper brown, or red litmus paper blue. BUUCITE* (hydrate of magnesia), H 3 MgO a . IIVDROMAGNOCALCITE, (6a, * A manganese brucite is pi/rorhroite, H 2 fMnMg)0. 2 , showing a similar deportment to Inn-itf, yielding, however, when boiled with cone, phosphoric acid, and addition of some nitric acid, a violet color (manganese). 310 MINERALOGY SIMPLIFIED. HYDROMAGNESITE (hydrocarbonate of magnesium), 2CaCO 3 -|- H 2 Mg0 2 , in a matrass affords much water, \vhich is not the case with the remaining ones. Brucite dissolves easily and quietly in muriatic acid ; the other two minerals with effer- vescence. The concentrated muriatic acid solution of brucite and hydromagnesite yields no precipitate with sulphuric acid ; that of hydromagnocalcite a heavy one (gypsum). A similar behavior as the last is exhibited by Predazzite, 2CaC0 3 + H 2 MgO 2 , and Pencatite, CaCO 3 + H 2 MgO 2 . Related to hydromagnesite is nemalite, H 2 MgO 2 . (Pro- bably a mixture of hydromagnesite and brucite, v. Kob.) Calcite (carbonate of calcium), CaC0 3 , and ARRAGONITE (needle spar), CaC, effervesce strongly when moistened with muriatic acid, and are soluble even in large lumps without th aid of heat. The concentrated solution gives, without sulphuric acid, a precipitate of sulphate of calcium, but none when largely diluted. B. B. arragonite crumbles to powder; calcite decrepitates, but does not crumble like arra- gonite. Specific gravity of calcite, 2.G-2.8 ; that of arragonite, 2.0-3. (Compare Strontianite.) DOLOMITE (magnesian limestone), (Ca,Mg)CO 3 . MAGNESITE (carbonate.of magnesium), MgCO 3 , moistened with muriatic acid dorfot effervesce, unless reduced to a powder, and then only slightly ; but by application of heat they effervesce/4trongly and dissolve. The concentrated solution of dolomite gives with sulphuric acid a precipitate of sulphate of calcium; that of magnesite, none. Magnesite is entirely or chiefly dissolved in sulphuric acid ; the other only partially.* (Compare the next following minerals.) STRONTIANITE (carbonate of strontium), SrCO 3 , and * Brown spar (mesetine spar) shows a behavior similar to dolomite, but it becomes by ignition black and feebly magnetic. Compare also siderite (ironspar) and diallogite (manganese spar), many varieties of which upon ignition exhibit an alkaline reaction. MINERALS WITHOUT METALLIC LUSTRE. 311 BAIIYTO-CALCITE (carbonate of barium and calcium), (Ba, Ca)CO 3 , are readily distinguished from the preceding, since in small lumps they do not, or only transiently, effervesce with cone. HC1, but are soluble with effervescence in very dilute muriatic acid ; the solution, even when largely diluted, gives with sulphuric acid a precipitate, with baryto-calcite at once, with strontianite only after a while. B. B. strontianite spreads out into cauliflower-like ramifications, which emit a brilliant white light, and tinge the flame with a purple-red. Baryto- calcite tinges the flame with a feeble greenish-yellow, while the mineral acquires a green color. (Compare yttrocerite ; likewise talc and muscovite, some varieties of which after ignition react alkaline.) Division 4 In hydrochloric acid, or, if this has no effect, in nitric acid, entirely or chiefly dissolved, without forming a jelly or leaving any considerable residue of silicic acid. Lithiophorite, Mu,Cu,CojLi 2 ,Ba,Xl,Mn,fl 2 , color, bluish-black ; lustre, dull. B. B. colors the flame carmine-red (lithia). With salt of phosphorus gives reactions for copper and cobalt. Ludwigite,* Comp. R 4 FeB 2 10 . R. 5 iron protoxide and mag- nesia, combined with iron sesquioxide, and boron trioxide. Color, black. Fusible with difficulty. Gives with sulphuric acid and alcohol the green reaction of boric acid. Cervantite, SbO 2 = Sb 2 O 3 -f Sb 2 O 6 . B. B. on coal infusible, but with soda on coal easily reduced to metallic antimony, yielding also the antimony coating. Affords little or no water in the closed tube. Siderite (carbonate of iron, spathic iron), FeCO 3 (Mn, CaMg) ; Mesitite, Mesitine (mesitine spar, breunnerite, braunspath), Mg 2 FeC 8 ; DIALLOGITE (rhodochrosite, carbonate of manganese), MnCO 3 ; and * Brush considers it only a variety of sussexite. Man. of Detenu. Min., page 82. Consult E. S. Dana's Textbook of Min., 1880, page 358. 312 MINERALOGY SIMPLIFIED. Zaratite (emerald nickel, Nickelsmaragd), Ni 3 CO 5 -\- 6Aq, are soluble in muriatic acid (by the aid of heat) with effervescence caused by the escape of carbonic acid ; the remainder do not effervesce. Siderite, mesitite, and emerald nickel B. B. form a black or gray mass which is attracted by the magnet. Emerald nickel is recognizable by its green color, and the fact that its muriatic acid solution turns pale blue by an excess of ammonia. Siderite in most varieties decrepitates very strongly ; to borax glass it imparts a bottle-green color. Mesitite dissolved in nitric acid, and the oxide of iron preci- pitated with ammonia, yields with oxalate of ammonium no precipitate, but if ammonia be added, and then phosphate of soda, a heavy precipitate (of phosphate of magnesium and ammo- nium) falls. The solution of siderite gives with the last-named reagents only a slight precipitate 'or none. Diallogite B. B. becomes gray or black, and sometimes magnetic ; to borax glass in the oxidizing flame it imparts an amethystine-red. Hydrotalcite (vblknerite), l,Mg,fi,,<3. Yields in a ma- trass much water. B. B. in the R. F. does not become mag- netic. The powder effervesces with muriatic acid, and is thence dissolved. Neutralizing the acid solution with bicar- bonate of sodium and filtering off the precipitate, the filtrate gives with oxalate of ammonium none, but with phosphate of sodium and ammonium a heavy white precipitate. Parisite, 3(Ce,La,Di)CO 3 -f (Ca,Ce)Fl. ' Slowly soluble in HC1 ; the not too acid solution gives with oxalic acid a white precipitate, which on ignition becomes brick-red (oxide of cerium). GOETHITE (pyrrhosiderite, Eisenrutil), H 2 Fe0 4 . LIMONITE (brown hematite, brown ochre), Hgf'e.jOg,* heated * The yellow clay iron stone, Bohnerz, bog iron ore, Eisenniere (reuiform iron ore), are mixtures of limonite, clay, sand, phosphate of calcium and of iron, etc. They are generally fusible, sometimes easily so, and are dissolved by muriatic acid witli separation of clay, etc. Anthosiderite, Fe0 3 35.7,SiO 2 60.3,H 4 040= 100. MINERALS WITHOUT METALLIC LUSTRE. 313 before B. B. in the reduction flame become black and magne- tic ; in a matrass afford water ; they dissolve slowly and with- out effervescence in concentrated muriatic acid ; the solution with ammonia gives a reddish-brown precipitate. Goethite occurs crystallized, and in one direction is distinctly cleavable ; color is hyacinth-red, also brown, and blackish-brown; by ignition it loses 10 per cent. Limonite occurs sometimes in fibrous, but generally in dense masses, of a brown color ; upon ignition it loses 14-J per cent. The streak of each is ochre- yellow. Targite (hydro-hematite}, H 2 Fe 2 7 , has a brownish-red streak ^ and loses in the closed tube 5-7 per cent, of water. B. B. heated in R. F. becomes black and magnetic ; soluble with difficulty in HC1. Compare Hematite (specular iron, red hematite), Fe 2 O 3 , which in many varieties is without metallic lustre. Can easily be dis- tinguished by the cherry-red color of its streak, and by its yielding no water, or only traces of it in the closed tube. SPHALERITE* (zincblende, black jack, sulphuret of zinc), ZnS. MARMATITE* (sulphuret of zinc and iron), (Zn,Fe)S, and GREENOCKITE (sulphuret of cadmium), CdS, boiled with muriatic acid give off sulphuretted hydrogen (and if previously mixed with iron powder, even at ordinary temperature). B. B. with soda they form hepar. On coal, greenockite deposits a brownish-red ring of oxide of cadmium ; the others leave a yellowish coat of oxide of zinc. Concentrated nitric acid dis- From Antonio Pereia, Brazil, where it is intimately associated with magnetic iron, appears to be a mixtiire of limonite with quartz, for the silica separated by the decomposition with HC1 behaves with caus- tic potash like quartz powder. * Von Kobell. Brush makes no distinction between the two mine- rals, but considers marmatite a ferriferous variety of sphalerite, and gives to the latter the formula (Zn,Fe)S. A part of the Zn being often replaced also by cadmium ; also containing in minute quantities thallium^ indium, and gallium. 27 314 MINERALOGY SIMPLIFIED. solves all three with separation of sulphur; in this solution ammonia causes a precipitate, which is principally redissolved in excess when the mineral is sphalerite or greenockite, while marmatite leaves a perceptible amount of oxide of iron as a residue. The ammoniacal solution yields with sulphide of ammonium either a white precipitate of sulphide of zinc, or a yellow one of sulphide of cadmium. WAD (bog manganese, earthy manganese), H 2 Mn a O 5 . ZINCITE (red zinc ore, manganesian oxide of zinc, Roth- zinkerz), ZnO (with MnO). B. B. with borax give the reac- tion of manganese. The first has a brown, the second a red color. (Compare psilomelane (is of a gray color). Also pyrochroite and the next mineral.) ASBOLITE* (earthy cobalt), Mn,Co,Ou,#r B. B. with borax forms a fine sapphire-blue glass (Co). With soda on platinum foil yields a green color (Mn). On charcoal generally emits a slight arsenical odor. (Some varieties of asbolite fuse.) Uraninite (Uranpecherz, pitchblende), U 3 O g , and Zippeite (Uranocker), U 3 S 2 O, 5 + 12Aq. B. B. give with salt of phosphorus in O. F. a yellow bead, which in R. F. becomes deep green (uranium). In nitric acid they are soluble, forming a yellow liquid, from which ammonia throws down a sulphur-yellow precipitate. The nitric solution of zippeite gives a heavy precipitate with nitrate of barium. The color of uraninite is pitch-black, that of zippeitef yellow.' The spec. grav. of uraninite is 6.5, that of zippeite 3. Turquoisl (callaite, Kalait, Germ.), A^O^n- 5Aq, con- taining Cu, colors the blowpipe flame green ; when mois- tened, muriatic acid tinges it with a transient blue color. In potassa it is chiefly soluble, leaving only a cupreous residue. The nitric solution gives a yellow precipitate with molybdate * A variety of wad. f Many impure varieties of uranochre are fusible. J Turrjuois receives a good polish, and is highly esteemed in Persia, where it is mainly found, as a gem. MINERALS WITHOUT METALLIC LUSTRE. 315 of ammonium (phosphoric acid). In the closed tube much water (19 per cent.). Color, sky-blue to green. Spec. grav. 2-2.8. APATITE (phosphate of calcium), 3CaP.p s +CaCl,F) 2 . Fusi- bility, 5. B. B. moistened with sulphuric acid it colors the flame feebly green. The nitric acid solution gives with molyb- date of ammonium a yellow precipitate of phosphoric acid. The nearly neutral solution gives with oxalate of ammonium a white precipitate of oxalate of calcium. B. B. in a matrass yields no water. Spec. grav. 3.2. MONAZITE (mengite, emerite), 5(Ca,La,Di) 3 P 2 8 ,Th 2 P 2 O . Infusible. The mineral powder in the loop of a platinum wire, moistened with sulphuric acid, tinges the flame green. Soluble in muriatic acid with difficulty. The powdered mineral fused with caustic potash, and the mass treated with water and fil- tered, and the filtrate, acidulated with nitric acid, produce*, with molybdate of ammonium,, a yellow precipitate (P S O 5 ). The residue not dissolved by water is dissolved in a little HC1, and oxalic acid added, when a heavy precipitate is thrown down, which, ignited in a platinum spoon, turns brick-red (oxide of cerium). At present found only in small, tabular crystals of a reddish-brown or yellow color. Spec. grav. 4.9-5.2. CHILDRBNITE, (Fe,Mn) 8 Al 2 P 6 29 + 15Aq. B. B. frits (bakes) only on the surface, affects after ignition in the reducing flame the magnetic needle. Moistened with sulphuric acid it colors the flame greenish. Soluble with difficulty in muriatic acid. The partial solution yields with molybdate of ammonium a yel- low precipitate (P 2 O 6 ). POLYCRASE (polymignite), Y,LT,^e,Ti,Cb 2 ,*fi 2 . B. B. decrep- itates when heated suddenly, but is infusible and unchange- able. If the powder is melted with caustic potassa, and the mass boiled with muriatic acid and then filtered, the liquid assumes, if boiled down in contact with tinfoil, a blue color * Or $l> 2 (niobic acid of Continental chemists). Cl> 2 (columbic acid according to Dana). 316 MINERALOGY SIMPLIFIED. (the liquid must be considerably concentrated however), which upon the addition of very little water becomes more clear, and yields a blue filtrate ; or, the mineral may be fused with bisul- phateof potassium, the mass dissolved in dilute HC1, and boiled with tin, when the same blue solution is obtained. The dilute acid solution colors turmeric paper orange-yellow (zirconia). Color, black. Spec. grav. 4.7-5. H. 0.5-6.5. FLUOCERITE (fluoride of cerium), Ce,Fl 4 , and Bastnasite (bamartite), CeF,2(Ce,La)C, evolve with bisul- phate of potassa or strong sulphuric acid hydrofluoric acid gas, corroding glass (a watch glass or glass tube may be ex- posed to the fumes).* Bastnasite gives off at the same time carbon dioxide (CO 2 ). Their color is yellow. Spec. grav. of fluocerite 4.7, that of bastnasite 4.93. A similar deportment is shown by Yttrocerite, (Cu,Ce,Y)F 2 . Like fluorecite ; but has an imperfect cleavage in two directions in the planes of a quadra- tic prism. Color, violet-blue, inclining to white arid gray or grayish-red. Lustre, weak, vitreous. Division 5 With muriatic acid form a jelly, or are decom- posed with separation of silicic acid, without gelatinizing ; do not exhibit the characters of the preceding numbers. Section i. In a matrass afford water. DIOPTASE (emerald copper), H 2 CuSi0 4 . CHRYSOCOLLA (copper-green, Kieselmalachit), CuSi0 3 -j- 2Aq. CYANOCHALCITE, 6u, a ,-&i,lI 2 , and Asperolite} (chrysocalla), CuSiO 3 -f 3Aq. B. B. fused with soda on charcoal effervesce and yield a glass which in- * Must not be inhaled, being corroding and poisonous. f Hermann has given this -name to an amorphous mineral from Tagilsk, Russia, so named on account of its great brittleness. Dana considers it a variety of chrysocolla. See System of Min., pp. 402, 403, and 404. MINERALS WITHOUT METALLIC LUSTRE. 317 closes a ductile copper globule. Dioptase gives with acids a perfect jelly. Chrysocolla, cyanochalcite, and ..asperolite are decomposed without gelatinization. When the powdered minerals are boiled with caustic potash, a deep blue solution is obtained, and the powder turns a brownish color. By con- tinued boiling, the blue color of the lye diminishes again, and the powder turns brownish-black. From the filtered solution, sal ammoniac, when added in sufficient quantity, throws down hydrous silica. Dioptase loses by ignition 11 per cent, of water. Cyanochalcite 16 per cent. Chrysocolla 20 per cent. Asperolite 27 per cent, of water. Cyanochalcite as an azure- blue color; the others are either green or bluish-green. Uranotil, Ca 2 U 6 Si 5 O 30 -|- 15Aq. Color, lemon-yellow, turn- ing" black by ignition. The HC1 solution yields after separa- tion of the silica, with ammonia, a sulphur-yellow precipitate (tf). Loses by ignition 12.7 per cent, of water. Crystallizes in needles. Xonaltite, 4CaSiO 3 -f H 2 O. Infusible according to Ram- melsberg. The HC1 solution gives, after separation of the silica, with ammonia no precipitate, but oxalate of ammonium throws down oxalate of calcium. Yields 3.7 per cent, of water. Massive ; color, white. Thorite, ThSiO 4 + H 2 O, and Cerite, (Ce,La,Di) 2 SiO 4 -|- H a O, gelatinize with hydro- chloric acid.* B. B. witli soda on charcoal give no copper globule. The solution of cerite yields (when not too acid) with oxalic acid a white precipitate, which, upon being heated in a platinum spoon, turns brick-red (cerium oxide). The color of thorite is black ; streak, dark brown. Color of cerite, red- dish-gray ; streak, white. Their spec, gravities are from 4.7-5. Chloropal (nontronite), (*-'eSi 3 O 9 -f 5Aq. * The jelly of cerite produced with dilute HCl is som-'wh it soft, that obtained with oonc. HCl forms a gelatinous mass. 27* 318 MINERALOGY SIMPLIFIED. Rottisite (gentliite), H 4 (Ni,Mg) 4 S5 3 O 12 , are amorphous and of a green color. Wolchonskoite of a dark leech-green, the others yellowish-green. B. B. wolchonskoite gives to the borax bead in both O. F. and R. F. an emerald-green color which, on cooling, does not fade (chromium). Chloropal gives a green glass which fades on cooling. If the powdered mineral is treated with caustic potash, it turns without boiling, blackish, if the species is chloropal ; if rbttisite, the color is, only after boiling and with a strongly concentrated solution, changed to brown. Wolchonskoite undergoes very little change. The HC1 solution of rottisite assumes with ammonia a blue color. Rottisite closely resembles Genthite (v. Kob.)* Thraulite (hisingerite, gillingite), ^e,Fe,Mg,Ca,Si,Aq. Xylotyh (mountain wood, Bergholz), Fe,Mg,Si,Aq. B. B. after fusion or long heating in the reduction flame become magnetic ; are readily decomposed in muriatic acid without forming a perfect jelly. The solution of the second, after separation of the oxide of iron by ammonia, gives a heavy precipitate with ammonia and phosphate of sodium ; that of the first gives none. Thraulite is friable and brittle; its color brownish-black. Mountain wood has been found only in tough, fibrous, wood-like masses, exhibiting a wood-brown color. SEPIOLITE (meerschaum), MggSi 8 O g -}- 2Aq, is very light; specific gravity, 1.5. B. B. burns white and shrinks. Muriatic acid decomposes it easily into a gelatinous mass. Absorbs water greedily. Contains 10 per cent, of water. BASTITE (Schillerspath). CHRYSOTILE (an asbestiform variety of serpentine allied to picrolite, Dana), show submetallic, opalescent, pearly lustre, the first upon one cleavage plane, the second upon its compos- ing fibres. Roasted B. B. bastite turns brown ; chrysotyle white. Both are decomposed by concentrated muriatic acid * Brush calls both minerals "gentliite." MINERALS WITHOUT METALLIC LUSTRE. 319 with gelatinization, still easier by sulphuric acid without gela- tinization. Loss by ignition, 12 per cent. MKTAXITE* resembles chrysotile, but is of feeble, silky lustre both in its massive and fibrous variety. Cerolite (kerolite), H 2 Mg 2 Si 3 7 -f- H 2 O. Hardness, .2-3. Assumes, when moistened with cobalt solution, and heated B. B., a pale flesh color. When heated loses 30 per cent, of water. SERPENTINE (hydrated silicate of magnesium), Mg 3 Si 2 O 7 -f- 2Aq. Concentrated muriatic acid dissolves it without gelati- nization. Usually massive and dense. Hardness, 3-4. Loss by ignition 12 to 13 per cent. The following hydrous magne- sium silicates show a similar deportment, but exhibit, however, a crystalline structure and cleavage. PYCROPIIYLL,! hardness, 2.5. Loss by ignition 10^ per cent. PICROSMINE,J hardness, 2.7. Loss by ignition 9 per cent. MARMLITE, hardness, 2.5 to 3. Loss by ignition 15.7 per cent. Kdm mererite\\ (penninite), Mg 5 AlSi 3 O u -\- 4Aq, hardness, 1.5 to 2. Loss by ignition 13 per cent. Color, crimson-red; the others are of a greenish or greenish-gray color. Kammererite is chemically identical with Kotschubeit (ripidiolite, Brush), Mg 5 AlSi 3 O u -f- 4Aq, but are distinguished optically, the former being mon-axial, the latter bin-axial. (Compare also chlorite and ripidolite, which are decomposed by muriatic acid, though with difficulty, 6. Compare gymnite.) * Dana (Manual of Min. and Lithol., pp. 307-9) considers bastite, chrysotile, and nietaxite as different varieties of serpentine, H 2 Mg 3 Si 2 8 -f- lAq. Consult likewise Dana's Textbook of Min., p. 328, and Brush's Determinative Min., p. 94, " serpentine." f Pycrophyll and J Picrosmine are varieties of pyroxene (Brush, Determ. Min., p. 88). Marmolile is a thin, foliated, and pearly variety of serpentine (Brush, Ibid., p. 94). || According to Kenngott, kammererite is only a variety colored red by chromic acid. 320 MINERALOGY SIMPLIFIED. ANTIGOKITE* (a foliated variety of serpentine). MONRADITE (pyroxene), (Mg,Fe)SiO 3 -f H 2 O. NEOLITE, Mg,l,Si,H 2 . CLiXTONiTEf (seybertite), (Mge^Ca^Xl^Pe)^!. Likewise decomposed by concentrated muriatic acid with formation of jelly. Loss by ignition amounts only from 4 to 6 per cent. Antigorite is found in foliated masses, cleavable perfectly in one direction. Hardness, 2.5. Monradite, crystalline, foliated. Hardness, 6. Clintonite distinctly cleavable in one direction. Hardness, 4.4 to 5. Neolite very soft. Hardness, 1. Is greasy like soap to the touch. Section ii. In a matrass (jive no water, or only a trace. (Compare the last-named minerals of the preceding division.) GADOLINITE, (Y,Ce,Be,Fe) 3 $i0 5 , and GEHLENITE,]: Ca 3 (AlFe)Si 2 10 . Gelatinize perfectly with muriatic acid. B. B. gadolinite swells up, and many varieties exhibit a momentary glow. At a long-continued heating assume a dirty green color, some varieties becoming rounded on their sharp edges ; is not cleavable. Color, black, blackish-green. Specific gravity, 4 to 4.3. Gehlenite does not swell up. In thin scales becomes rounded on the edges without showing any peculiar phenomena. Color, grayish-white. Specific gravity, 3. CHRYSOLITE (olivine), (Mg,Fe) 2 SiO 4 , and CHRONDRODITE, Mg 8 Si 3 O u (contains F). Gelatinize per- fectly with muriatic acid. With sulphuric acid the second evolves a large proportion of hydrofluoric acid gas; the former gives none. B. B. chrysolite is but little alterable. Color, olive-green. Hardness, 7. H. of chondrodite, 6.5. Color, * A variety of serpentine, Mg 3 Si 2 7 -f- 2Aq., with a small amount of ^e, according to Brush's Determin. Min., p. 94. f Analysis by G. Brush obtained Si0 2 , 20.24; &10 3 , 39.13; fe0 3 , 3.27; MgO, 20.84; CaO, 13.69; H 2 0, 1.04; Na 2 0(K 2 0), 1.43; Zr0 2 , 0.75 = 100.39 from Amity, N. Y. Dana's Textbook, p. 336. J The mineral foun.d at Monzoni, called massive gehlenite, fuses much more easily, and forms a separate species. MINERALS WITHOUT METALLIC LUSTRE. 321 yellow, brownish, greenish. Hyalosiderite is" an olivine con- taining iron. The solution in aqua regia yields, after separa- tion of the silica, with ammonia a brownish-red precipitate of hydrated sesquioxide of iron. Monticellite (batrachite), (Ca,Mg) 2 SiO 4 . The solution gives after the precipitation by ammonia of some iron, with oxalate of ammonium a white precipitate (lime). (Compare ropperite.) BOLTONITE (forsterite), Mg 2 SiO 4 , in one direction perfectly cleavable ; hardness, 5 ; specific gravity, 3 ; color, yellow. Cone. HC1 decomposes it, and the silica separates as a slimy powder. LEUCITE (amphigene), K 2 Al,Si 4 Oi 2 . Decomposed by HC1 without gelatinizing ; the silicic acid being separated as fine powder. Many varieties give with cobalt solution a fine blue. Not cleavable. It occurs crystallized almost always in trapezo- hedrons. Hardness, 5.5 ; specific gravity, 2.5 ; color, grayish or yellowish-white. Division G -The species yet remaining, ichich could not be arranged tinder the foregoing divisions, may be separated into tivo groups distinguished by their hardness. Section i. Hardness under 7 {quartz). BIOTITE, HEXAGONAL MICA (uniaxial mica, Einaxiger Glimmer), K 2 (Fe,Mg) 7 Al 3 Si 7 O 28 . MUSCOVITE, OBLIQUE MICA (biaxial mica, common mica, Zweiaxiger Glimmer, Germ.), K 2 AISi 2 O 8 . TALC (soapstone, steatite, Speckstein), H 2 Mg 3 Si 4 O 12 . B. B. in a matrass yield none, or little water. Talc and soapstone (mas- sive talc) do not lose more than 5 per cent. All, except the last, distinctly cleavable in one direction ; hardness, 1-2.5. Talc has a greasy feel, the others have not. Biotite is decomposed by concentrated sulphuric acid, the others are not. Biotite is optically uniaxial, sometimes biaxial, but the angle of divergence does not exceed 5 and seldom 1. Turned in the stauroscope, the black cross is not changed, while with the 322 MIXER ALCHJY SIMPLIFIED. others it is changed with various colors. The optical angle of muscovite is 44-48 ; of rnagarite, the same ; and of phlogo- pite, 3 20, seldom less than 5. The lamina? of muscovite are elastic, flexible ; those of talc are flexible but not elastic. Steatite (Speckstein) is a dense talc, feels also greasy to the touch. (Compare pyrophyilite.) A similar behavior to biotite is shown by Margarodite, K 2 AlSi 2 8 (-{- Aq), and Phlogopite, K 2 Mg 6 AlSi 5 O 20 , which are decomposed by concen- trated sulphuric acid. They are optically biaxial, and alter the cross in the stauroscope of Kobell with different colors. Chlorite, Mg,Fe,l,Si,II 2 . DELESSITE, M^Fe^l^gi,!^. RIPODOLITE (Klinochlor) Mg 6 AlSi 3 14 + 4Aq. B. B. in a matrass affords a considerable amount of water. Loss by ignition, 12 per cent ; cleavage distinct in one direction ; laminaB not elastic. Chlorite usually forms micaceous, granular masses. Delessite is fibrous ; their hardness 1 to 2.5. By boiling with muriatic acid (or still more easily with sulphuric acid) they are decomposed. Ripidolite B. B. burns white, and fuses at 5.5 to a grayish-yellow enamel. Chlorite turns black, and moves a delicate magnetic needle. B. B. ripidolite gives when fused together with the proper amount of borax a green bead (oxide of chromium). Chlorite gives the reaction for iron. Closely related to ripidolite is Lei.tchtenbergite of a yellow color, is optically uniaxial, while Ripidolite, especially the variety clinochlor, is binaxial. Here belongs Pennitite (Pennin), Mg 6 AlSi 3 14 -f 4Aq. Color, green, like chlorite ; is uniaxial, and crystallizes in rhombohedrons of Related with the preceding minerals are CMoritoid (Sismondin, masonite), (Fe,Mg)(Al,Fe)Si0 6 +H 2 0, is not essentially attacked by muriatic acid, but is decomposed by concentrated sulphuric acid. It is easily distinguished by its MINERALS WITHOUT METALLIC LUSTRE. 323 hardness, 5-G, and its loss by ignition amounting to only 7^ per cent. Cerolite (Kerolitli). (Compare Division 5, .) Amorphous, yellowish-white; hardness, 2-3; loses 30 per cent, by heating. HC1 decomposes it mostly. Bawxite (beauxite) (AH?e)0 3 -f- 2 Aq. Amorphous, grayish- white, reddish-brown. In the closed tube loses 20 per cent, of water. Hydrochloric acid affects it but little, while concen- trated phosphoric acid dissolves it almost entirely. Soluble, also, in sulphuric acid. (Compare argyllite.) WoLCHONSKOiTE,^r,&'l,Pe Mg,Si,H 4 . Amorphous, dark green. Boiled down with phosphoric acid it furnishes an emerald-green solution, not altered by dilution with water, while gelatinous silicic acid separates. Chromite, sometimes of a metal-like fatty lustre, gives also the above chromium reaction, but the mineral is black, and the streak yellowish-brow r n. (Compare I. B. 3.) WARWICKITE, 2MgTi0 3 + Mg 4 B 6 O 13 . Its powder is de- composed by concentrated sulphuric acid. The solution when evaporated to dryness imparts to burning alcohol a green color. When this mass is boiled with hydrochloric acid and tin-foil, the liquid, when duly concentrated, assumes a violet color, which upon the addition of water turns into a rose-red. BRONZITE (broncite, hypersthene), (Mg,Fe)SiO 3 . ANTHOPIIYLLITE, Fegi + Mg 3 gi 2 . The former is perfectly cleavable in one direction, and shows a pearly, metallic lustre ; the second is distinctly cleavable in two directions at 124^, and presents a similar but inferior lustre. Their hardness, 5-5.5. Hypersthene, while closely approaching to bronzite, cleaves distinctly at 86^. Tungstite (tungstic acid, Wolfrarasaeure), WO 8 . Color, yellow. Gives, when boiled with phosphoric acid, a bluish solu- tion, which, when stirred while warm with iron powder and a little water, assumes at once a dark-blue color. Soluble in 324 MINERALOGY SIMPLIFIED. alkalies. B. B. gives with salt of phosphorus in O. F, a color- less bead, which in R. F., or better with tin on charcoal, turns blue on cooling. Occurs in soft earthy masses. Scheelite (tungstate of calcium), CaWO 4 . Fuses at 5. When boiled in nitric acid there remains a lemon-yellow residue of tuns-tic acid, which is soluble in alkalies. Boiled down with phosphoric acid yields a blue mass, which diluted with much water forms a colorless solution, which, when agitated with iron powder, assumes a fine blue color. H. 4.5-6. Spec. grav. 6. Cassiterite (tinstone, peroxide of tin), SnO 2 B. B. fused on coal with cyanide of potassium the splinters are reduced to metallic tin (alone, only with much difficulty) ; is considerably heavier than similar minerals. Specific gravity, 6.8-7. Hard- ness, 6.5. Octahedrite (anatase) also rutile (titanic acid), Ti0 2 . When the fine powder has been fused with potassa and then dissolved in muriatic acid, the solution boiled with metallic tin assumes a violet color, which, upon addition of water, turns red without further change. The fine powder may, before treating it with HC1, also be first fused with bisulphate of pot- assium, or dissolved with hot cone, sulphuric acid. Anatase is perfectly cleavable in the planes of a quadratic pyramid at 136 22'. Rutile in the planes of a quadratic or equiangular octagonal prism. Hardness of anatase 5.5. Color, indigo- blue, brown, rarely red. Hardness of rutile, 6.5. Color, generally red, brownish-red, blackish. Both possess a strong metallic adamantine lustre. A similar deportment is shown by Brookite^ also TiO 2 . Crystallization rhombic, primary form, a right rhombic prism. Hardness, 5.5-6. Color, yel- lowish to reddish-brown. (Compare perofskite, which is sometimes hyacinth-red, and crystallizes in cubic crystals. Compare sphene.) ^Eschynite, (Ce,La,Di,Fe,Y) 3 Cb 2 (Ti,Th) 3 O u , and * The opaque, iron black crystals with submetallic lustre, from Arkansas, have been named by Sbeppard arkansite. MINERALS WITHOUT METALLIC LUSTRE. 325 Euxenite (Y,Fe,U) 3 Ti 2 Cb 2 O 12 ,H 2 O. When the powder is fused with caustic potash in a silver crucible, and the mass lixiviated with water, the filtered solution neutralized with muriatic acid yields a precipitate, which, boiled with an excess of concentrated muriatic acid and tin-foil, furnishes, upon the addition of water, a blue solution, which turns olive-green in the air, and then fades. If the residue from the lye is boiled with muriatic acid and tin-foil, a rose-red solution is obtained, upon dilution with water, which turns turmeric paper orange if the mineral is asschynite. B. B. asschynite swells up and becomes yellow or brownish. Color of the mineral, black ; streak, light brown. Euxenite is not altered B. B. Its color is brownish-black ; the streak, reddish-brown. Both possess a fatty, metal-like lustre. A very similar chemical compound is Pyrochlore (from Miask), Cb 2 ,Ti,ThCe,Ca,^e,lS T a 2 ,F. Found in octahedrons. Color, brown-red. Streak, light yellow. OPAL, SiO 2 -(- Aq, in a matrass affords water. B. B. with soda effervesces and forms a transparent glass ; infusible by itself. Hardness, 6-6.5 ; amorphous. Boiled in potassa liquor it is mostly, or entirely, dissolved. The solution treated with a sufficient quantity of sal ammoniac throws down hydrous silicic acid. Colorless, milk-white, yellow, brown, red. Xenotime (phosphate of yttrium), ( Y,Ce) 3 P 2 O 8 . B. B. moist- ened with sulphuric acid it colors the flame feebly green ; in phosphorus salt it dissolves with difficulty, forming a colorless glass. Hardness, 5. (Compare childrenite, also orthoclase, and hyalophane.) Section ii. Hardness, 7, and above 7. (Compare of the preceding division cassiterite, rutile, and opal, the hardness of which approaches 7 closely.) QUARTZ (amethyst, chalcedony, jasper, flintstone, rock crystal), SiO a . B. B. on coal, with soda, effervesce and fuse easily to a transparent glass (too much soda must not be added). Alone they remain infusible and unchanged in the strongest heat of the blowpipe. The powdered mineral fused with caus- 28 326 MINERALOGY SIMPLIFIED. tic potash yields, with water, a more or less complete solution, which, when mixed with a sufficient quantity of chloride of ammonium, gives a heavy white precipitate of hydrous silica. Hardness of quartz, 7. Struck with a steel gives sparks. Its usual crystalline form is a hexagonal prism, sometimes termi- nated at both ends by six-sided pyramids. Spec. grav. 2.5-2.8. Crystals often as pellucid as glass, and colorless ; sometimes topaz-yellow, red, green, blue, and brown colors to black. In some varieties the colors are in bands or stripes (agate). Here belongs Tridymite, a hexagonal form of silica with a spec. grav. 2.2-2.3. COKDIERITE (iolite), (Mg,Fe) 2 Al 2 Si 3 18 . STAUROTITE (staurolite), H 2 (Mg,Fe) 3 Al 6 Si 6 3i . Hardness, 7. B. B. do not form a transparent glass with soda. The former is fusible at 5-5.5. Color, blue and grayish-blue. Spec, grav., 2.6. The latter is infusible. Color, brown, reddish-brown. Spec, grav., 3.6. BERYL (emerald, aquamarine, Smaragd), Be 3 AlSi 6 18 . EuCLASE, H 2 Be 2 AlSi 2 10 . PHENACITE (Phenakit), Be 3 Si. ZIRCONITE (Zirkon), ZrSiO 4 . Their hardness, 7.5. B. B. beryl and euclase, at a strong heat, become milk-white and rounded on the thin edges. Beryl crystallizes in hexagonal prisms ; cleavage basal and pretty distinct. Euclase crystal- lizes in clino-rhombic prisms; is perfectly cleavable in two directions at right angles. Phenacite arid zirconite B. B. are unchangeable, except that the last loses its color. If powdered zircon is fused with caustic potassa, and the mass boiled with muriatic acid, the diluted acid colors turmeric paper orange (zirconia). If the HC1 solution is evaporated to crystallization and the mass boiled with a saturated solution of sulphate of potassium, a white precipitate falls (zirconia) ; both occur only crystallized. Phenacite in hexagonal pyramids, prisms, or rhombohedrons ; its specific gravity, 2.7 to 3. Zirconite in quadratic pyramids and prisms. Specific gravity, 4.4-4.6. MINERALS WITHOUT METALLIC LUSTRE. 327 TOPAZ* (topaz, fluosilicate of aluminium, physalite), (3tl,Si, Fl). Hardness, 8 ; crystallizes in rhombic prisms ; basal cleavage distinct. The yellow varietyf by exposure to a gentle heat changes from yellow to pink or pale crimson, only seen after cooling. If boracic acid is fused and heated on platinum wire until the flame ceases to be tinged with green, the bead, upon the addition of finely pulverized topaz, again imparts, after continued blowing, a green color to the flame (fluo-boron gas). Gives with salt of phosphorus in the open tube the fluorine reaction. UWAROWITE (Ouuarovite, lime-chrome garnet), Ca 3 rSi 3 lr Color, emerald-green. B. B. infusible ; changes upon heating to a blackish-green, but resuming, upon cooling, its former color; with borax it fuses to an emerald-green glass. Hard- ness, 7.5-8. Spec, grav., 3.5. Spinel (aluminate of magnesium), (Mg,Fe)(Al,*-'e)0 4 . Pleonaste (ceylonite, ceylanite, iron-magnesia spinel). GAIINITE (zinc spinel), (Zn,Mg)(Al,Fe)0 4 . CHLOROSPINEL (magnesia-iron spinel). Their hardness 7.5-8 ; they occur nearly always crystallized in octahedrons. The mineral powder heated together with phosphoric acid in a platinum crucible until volatilization commences, produces, when cold, upon the addition of water, an almost complete solution. This solution, treated with an excess of caustic potash, yields a copious white precipitate when the mineral is spinel. Chlorospinel gives a yellowish, pleonast a greenish precipitate. The liquid filtered off from these deposits gives, with sulphide of ammonium, no precipitate. Gahnite gives, in the phosphoric acid solution with caustic potash, a slight precipitate, and the liquid portion, when filtered off, yields with sulphide of ammonium a greenish-black deposit, which later * According to St. Claire-Deville, and Fanque, topa/,, and some other silicates containing fluorine, when highly heated lose the fluo- rine as fluoride of silicon. Topaz thus loses 23 per cent, of this fluoride; (Dana). f Brazilian topaz. 328 MINERALOGY SIMPLIFIED. B. B. on charcoal gives a heavy coating of zinc oxide. Spinel and pleonast in powder form are B. B. rather easily soluble in a bead of salt of phosphorus. The glass does not become opalescent on cooling. Gahnite B. B. treated with borax and phosphorus salt is nearly insoluble. Spinel has a red or bluish color ; pleonast is black ; gahnite dark-green ; chloro- spinel olive-green and translucent. Very similar to gahnite are Dysvlite* and Kreittonite* The latter acts before ignition upon a delicate magnetic needle. The spec. grav. of gahnite, dysluite, and kreittonite, 4.3-4.6; that of other spinels, 3.6. CARBON GROUP, DIAMOND (Diamant,Germ.), C. Crystallizes in the tesseral (isometric, D.) system. In octahedrons, dodecahedrons, and more complex forms (Fig. 121). Faces often curved. Cleav- Fig. 121. age. octahedral and perfect. Color, white or colorless, also yellowish, red, orange, green> blue, brown, and black. Lustre, adamantine. Transparent; translucent when dark-colored. H. 10. G. 3.5-3.6. When rubbed exhibits positive or vitre- ous electricity. Diamond consists of pure carbon ; it is infu- sible, and not attacked by any acids. At a high temperature, and in contact with air (oxygen), it is consumed, producing carbonic acid gas, C0 2 (carbon dioxide). Diamonds are dis- * Brush considers both these as varieties of galmite. CARBON GROUP. 329 tinguished by their superior hardness and brilliant reflection of light. Some specimens exposed to the sun for a short time give out light when carried to a dark place. Diamond strongly refracts and disperses light (sparkles). No other gems, unless they are polished, become positive ( -f- ) electric when rubbed. It may also be easily distinguished by the use of a small writing or scratching diamond, which fails to mark the faces of a real diamond when drawn lightly across them. The coarse diamonds, unfit for jewelry, are called "bort," and the kind in black pebbles or masses, from Brazil, " carbonado." The latter occur sometimes in pieces 1000 carats* in weight; they have a spec, grav., 3 to 3.42. Another kind is much like anthracite. Spec- grav. 1.06, although as hard as diamond crystals. Goppert states that he found algoe-like plants inclosed in diamonds. They occur principally in alluvial soil and in rocks of second- ary formation in the East Indies, Golconda, and in Brazil. They are also found in the sands of the rivers which have their sources in the Uralian Mountains in Russia. In South Africa, where they were first discovered in 1867, they occur in the gravel in the Vaal River. In the United States the diamond has been met with in North Carolina, Georgia, Virginia, Calfornia, Oregon, and Idaho. The prevalent opinion is that diamond, like coal and petroleum, is of vegetable or animal origin. Diamonds are valued according to their color, transparency and size. The rose diamond is more valuable than the pure white, owing to the great beauty of its color and its rarity. The green diamond is also much esteemed. The blue is prized * A carat is a conventional weight, and is divided into 4 grains, which are a little lighter than 4 grains Troy ; 74^ carat grains are equal to 72 Troy grains. The term carat is derived from the name of a Ix-an in Africa, which in a dried state has long been used in that country for weighing gold. These beans were early carried to India, and were employed there for weighing diamonds. 28* 330 MINERALOGY SIMPLIFIED. only for its rarity, as the color is seldom pure. The brown, gray, and yellow varieties are of much less value than the pure white or limpid diamond. The black diamond is exceedingly rare, but without beauty. 1 carat (4 grains) .of small diamonds, employed for polishing the larger ones, for cutting glass, etc., costs from $5 to $6. A polished diamond (brilliant) weighing 1 carat is valued at from $40 to $50. The prices of diamonds increase to such an extent with their size that a brilliant weighing 5 carats may cost as much as $750 to $1 000. The largest diamond at present in Europe is in the possession of the Queen of Portugal; it weighs 215 carats, and is valued at upwards of $750,000. Mock diamonds. " Bristol stones," " Irish diamonds," " Cape May diamonds," and u California diamonds" are skill- fully cut quartz crystals. They are easily detected by the file and their lightness. CHAPTER X. CHARACTERISTIC BEHAVIOR OF THE MOST IMPORTANT ORES BEFORE THE BLOWPIPE AND WITH SOLVENTS.* AN ore is a mineral compound in which some metal, usually a valuable metal, forms a prominent constituent. Although a na- tive metal is in this sense .not an ore, still, where a native metal or other valuable compound mineral is distributed intimately through the gangue, the mineral and gangue together constitute, in the language of the miner, the ore of the metal it produces. The more common ores are compounds of the metals with metalloids, such as sulphur, arsenic, oxygen, chlorine, bromine, iodine, phosphorus, silicon, etc. * On this subject the author has made free use of Elderhorst- Nason's Manual on Blowpipe Analysis and Dana's Manual of Mineral- ogy and Lithology, 3d edit. New York, 1881. ORES OF ANTIMONY. - 331 Ores of Antimony. NATIVE ANTIMONY Rhomboheclral. Color and streak, tin-white. Lustre, metallic. Brittle. Composition: Antimony, containing sometimes silver, iron, or arsenic. B. B. on charcoal fuses easily, and gives a white coating in both O. F. and R. F. If the blowing be intermitted, the globule continues to glow, giving off white fumes, until it is finally covered with antimonious oxide, tinging the R. F. bluish-green. Stibnite, gray antimony, antimony sulphide. Color and streak, lead-gray. Lustre, metallic. Brittle. H. 2. G. 4.5. Tri metric. Composition: Sb 2 S s = S. 28.2, Sb. 71.8. Fuses in the flame of a candle. B. B. on coal it is absorbed, giving off white fumes and a sulphurous odor. When pulverized and treated with caustic potassa, is rapidly colored ochre-yellow, and mostly dissolved. The solution, when mixed with an acid, yields an orange- colored precipitate. When pure entirely soluble in hot HC1, with evolution of H a S. Berthierite, (iron sulphantimonite): Composition : FeSbS = S. 29.12, Sb. 56.61, Fe. 10.09, Mn. 4.9. Color, dark steel-gray. Lustre, metallic, less bright than gray antimony. H. 2-3. G. 4.2. Trimetric. On charcoal coats the coal with white oxide of antimony, and after long heating yields a magnetic globule (iron). Gives with fluxes the iron reaction. Easily dissolved by hydrochloric acid with evolution of sulphide of hydrogen. Kermesite (red antimony). In tufts of cherryred capillary crystals. Lustre, adamantine. II. 1.5, G. 4.5. Monoclinio. Streak, brownish-red. Composition: Sb a O 3 -f 2Sl> 2 S 3 = Sb. 75.3, O. 4.9, S. 19.8. Is an antimony oxide and sulphide. B. B. on charcoal behaves like gray antimony. It dissolves 002 MINERALOGY SIMPLIFIED. mostly in HC1 with evolution of sulphide of hydrogen. The powdered mineral, when heated with potash solution, turns yellow and dissolves. Minerals containing antimony : allemontite, valentinite, senarmon- tite, cervantite, livingstonite, etc. Ores of Arsenic. NATIVE ARSENIC Rhombohedral. Color and streak, tin- white, but usually dark-grayish from tarnish. Brittle. II. 3.5. G. 5.G. Hexagonal. Composition : As, with traces of Sb, Ag, Fe, Co, and Ni. B. B. volatilizes readily before fusing, with the odor of garlic ; also burns with a pale bluish flame when heated just below redness. Orpiment, yellow arsenic sulphide. In foliated masses. Color and streak, fine yellow. Lustre, brilliant pearly. H. 1.5. G. 3.4. Trimetric, Composition : As 2 S 8 = S. 39.0, As. 61.0. B. B. it wholly evaporates with an alliaceous odor, and on charcoal burns with a blue flame. Soluble in aqua regia and caustic potassa. Realgar, red arsenic sulphide. Color, bright red to orange. Lustre, resinous. H. 1.5. M. 3.5. Monoclinic. Composition : As8= S. 29.9, As. 70.1. Fuses readily and volatilizes like the former. B. B. on coal with soda in R. F. gives off arsenical fumes, burns with a yellowish-white flame. Aqua regia dissolves it with difficulty, sulphur being precipitated. Boiled with caustic potassa it is decomposed, leaving a brown powder (As 6 S) undissolved. Arsenolite, white arsenic. Color, white. Lustre, silky. II. 1.5. G. 3.7. Isometric. Composition: As 2 O 3 As. 75.8, O. 24.2 100. Heated in a tube gives a crystalline sublimate octahedrons. ORES OF BISMUTH. 333 B. B. on coal with soda gives a strong garlic odor. Slightly soluble in water, more so in water acidulated with IIC1. Minerals containing arsenic: arsenopyrite, scorodite, polybasite, enargite, domeykite, whitneyite, algodonite, smaltite, cobaltite, uic- colite, pharmacosiderite, arseniosiderite, etc. Ores of Bismuth. NATIVE BISMUTH Bi. Color, reddish-white; streak, white; subject to tarnish : brittle when cold, but somewhat malleable when l.eated. H. 2.5. G. 9.7. Hexagonal. Composition: Pure bismuth, with traces of arsenic, sulphur, or tellurium. B. B. on charcoal vaporizes, and leaves a yellow coating on the coal. Fused with sulphur and iodide of potassium, coats the coal with a red sublimate of iodide of bismuth. Readily dissolved by nitric acid ; the solution is precipitated white by water. Tetr ad y mite (telluric bismuth) Massive or granular. Lus- tre, splendent metallic. H. 2. -2. 5. G. 9.7. Hexagonal. Color, steel-gray ; soils paper. Composition : Consists of Bi and Te, with sometimes S and Se. General formula mostly Bi 2 (Te,!S) 3 = Te. 48.1, Bi. 51.9 (when free of S). . The sulphurous variety contains some 5 per cent, of S, re- placing Te. In the open tube yields a white sublimate of tellurous acid, which B. B. fuses to colorless drops. On coal fuses, gives white fumes, and entirely volatilizes; tinges the R. F. bluish- green ; coats the coal at first white (tellurous oxide), and finally orange-yellow (bismuth oxide). Fused together with sulphur and iodide of potassium, coats the coal red, like native Bi. Bismutite ( Wismuthspath, Germ.). Color, white, or light green ; streak, greenish-gray to colorless. Lustre, vitreous. Brittle. H. 4. G. G.9. In acicular crystallizations (pseudo- morphous), also incrusting or amorphous ; pulverulent. Composition : Bi,C,lT[ 2 Carbon dioxide 6.08, bismuth oxide 89.75, water 3.87 = KM). 334 MINERALOGY SIMPLIFIED. B. B. fuses readily, and on coal is reduced to Bi, and coats the coal with yellow bismuth oxide. Fused with sulphur and iodide of potassium, behaves like bismuth. Dissolves in HC1 with effervescence. The solution has a yellow color. Bismuthinite (bismuth glance} Color and streak, lead- gray, inclining to tin-white. H. 2. G. 6.4. In acicular crys- tals, also massive. Composition: Bi a S 3 = S. 18.75, Bi. 81.25. In the open tube yields sulphurous fumes, and a white sub- limate which B. B. fuses into drops, brown, while hot, and opaque-yellow on cooling. On charcoal gives sulphurous fumes, then fuses with spirting, and coats the coal yellow. When fused with sulphur and iodide of potassium it behaves like Bi. Dissolves in nitric acid, and water produces white precipitate. Bismite (bismuth ochre). Composition : Bi 2 3 , contain- ing sometimes traces of Fe 2 O s , CuO and As 2 5 . Occurs mas- sive, earthy. G. 4.36. B. B. it behaves like pure oxide of bismuth. Soluble in HNO 3 . Addition of H 2 O causes a white precipitate. Minerals containing bismuth : maldonite, josite, aikinite, chivia- tite, emplectite, wittichonite, englytite, bismutoferrite, etc. Ores of Chromiurrt. CHHOMITE ( CHROMIC IRON) Color, iron-black ; streak, dark-brown. Lustre, submetallic. II. 5.5. G. 4.3. Isometric. In octahedral crystals or massive. In small fragments attracted by the magnet. Possesses a less metallic lustre than other black iron ores. Composition : General formula, RK0 4 or Fer0 4 . Analysis gives FeO. 32, Cr 2 O 3 . 68 = 100. Only slightly attacked by HC1. B. B. infusible alone. Imparts a beautiful green color to the beads of borax and salt of phosphorus when cold. The powdered mineral, when fused with caustic potassa, forms potassium chroma te. The compounds of chromium, used extensively as pigments. ORES OP COBALT. 335 tire obtained mostly from this ore, for which reason it has been described here. Daubredite is a chromium sulphide found in some meteorites. Minerals containing chromium : crocoite, melanochroite, vanque- linite, walchonskoite, etc. Ores of Cobalt. Smaltite (smaltine, Speis-cobalt, Germ.) Color, tin-white. Streak, grayish-black. Brittle. H. 5.5. G. 6.4. Isometric. Occurs in octahedrons, cubes, dodecahedrons, and massive. Composition : (CoN5)As 2 , the ore being either a cobalt arsenide or cobalt-nickel arsenide, and graduating into nickel arsenide, called chloanthite. The cobalt in the ore may consti- tute 23.5 per cent., or it may be wholly absent in the chloan- thite. In the closed tube gives a sublimate of metallic arsenic ; in the open tube a white sublimate of arsenous oxide, and some- times traces of sulphurous acid. B. B. on charcoal affords a garlic odor, fuses to a magnetic globule, which, with fluxes, gives the indications of Fe, Co, and Ni. Gives with HNO 3 a pink solution, As 2 O 3 being deposited. Diff. : Has the white color of mispickel, but this latter yields S and' As, and in a closed tube affords arsenic sulphide, orpi- ment, and realgar. Cobaltite (glance cobalt, Kobaltglanz, Germ.) Crystals like those of pyrite, but silver-white in color with a tinge of red, or inclined to steel-gray. Streak, gray-black. Brittle. H. 5.5. G. 6-6.3. Isometric. Composition : CoS 2 -f CoAs 2 = CoAsS = As. 4.52 ; S. 19.3 ; Co. 3 ).5 = 100. Contains often much iron and a little copper. Unaltered in the closed tube, but in the open tube yields sulphurous fumes and a white sublimate of arsenous oxide. B. B. on coal, yields copious arsenical and sulphur fumes, and fuses to a black metallic globule, which is magnetic ; with borax a cobalt-blue globule. 336 MINERALOGY SIMPLIFIED. Linnaeite (cobalt pyrites, cobalt sulphide) Color, pale steel-gray, tarnishing copper red. Streak, blackish-gray. II. 5.5.' G. 4.8-5. Isometric. Composition : (Co,Ni) 8 S 4 = S. 42.0 ; Co. 58.0, but having the Co partly replaced by Ni or Cu. B. B. on coal yields sulphurous odor and a magnetic globule, often also arsenical fumes. Erythrite (cobalt bloom, hydrous cobalt arsenate) Color, crimson or peach-red, having a cleavage like mica. Lustre of laminae, pearly; earthy varieties without lustre. H. 1.5-2. G. 2.9. Monoclinic. Valuable for the manufacture of smalt. Composition : Co 3 O 8 As 2 -f 8Aq = arsenic acid, 38.4 ; oxide of cobalt, 37.6 ; water, 24.0. B. B. on coal gives arsenical fumes and fuses ; yields a blue glass with borax (cobalt). Acids dissolve it readily to a rose-colored liquid. The solu- tion in concentrated HC1 appears blue while hot. Asbolite (black cobalt oxide, earthy cobalt) is a variety of " wad" (see Manganese Ores), containing cobalt oxide, which sometimes amounts to 32 per cent. Composition : MnO 2 ,CoO,CuO,H 2 O. Color, black. Lustre, dull. H. 2-2.5. G. 3.1-3.3. B. B. gives a blue bead with salt of phosphorus in 0. F. (cobalt), and when heated in R. F. on coal with tin some specimens yield a red, opaque, copper bead. With soda on platinum gives a manganese reaction. Soluble in HC1 with evolution of Cl ; the solution is usually blue, turning rose-red on addition of water. Minerals containing cobalt : carrollite, glaucodot, chathamite, skutterudite, alloclasite, bieberite, roselite, etc. Ores of Copper. NATIVE COPPER Color, copper-red, contains often a little silver disseminated throughout it. Ductile and malleable. H. 2.5-3. G. 8.84. Isometric. ORES OF COPPER. 337 B. B. it fuses readily, and on cooling is covered with black oxide. Dissolves in nitric acid, and produces a deep azure- blue solution on the addition of ammonia. Obs. : Native copper accompanies the ores of copper, and usually occurs in the vicinity of dykes of igneous rocks. Ghalcopyrite (copper pyrites). Color, brass-yellow, often tarnished deep yellow and also iridescent. Streak, non-metal- lic, greenish-black, and but little shining. H. 3.54. G. 4.15 4.3. Tetragonal. Composition : (CuFe)S 2 = S, ; Cu, 34.6 ; iron, 30.5 = 100. B. B. fuses to a globule which is magnetic (Fe). Gives sulphur fumes on coal. With soda on coal affords a globule of metallic iron with copper. With fluxes the pulverized mineral after roasting gives the reaction of copper and iron. Moistened with HC1 it colors the flame blue, even previous to fusion. Dissolves easily in aqua regia, less so in nitric acid. Bornite (varieyated copper pyrites, erubescite). Color, between copper-red and pinchbeck-brown. Tarnishes rapidly on exposure. Streak, pale grayish-black, and but slightly shining. Brittle. H. 3. G. 5. Isometric. Composition : (Cu 2 Fe)S 3 = S, 28.6 ; Cu, 55.58 ; Fe, 16.36, but varies much. B. B on coal fuses to a brittle globule, attractable by the magnet. Dissolves in nitric acid with separation. of sulphur. Clialcocite (copper gliince). Third vitreous copper ore. Color and streak, blackish lead-gray; often tarnished blue or green ; streak sometimes shining. II. 2.53. G. 5.5. Ortho- rhombic. Composition : Cu 2 S = S, 20.2 ; copper, 79.8 = 100. B. B. on coal gives off fumes of sulphur, fuses easily in the exterior flame, and after the sulphur is driven off, a globule of copper remains. Dissolves in nitric Moid, leaving a residue of sulphur. Tetrahedrite (gray copper, Fattier z). Color, between steel- gray and iron-black ; streak, nearly like the color, sometimes 29 338 MINERALOGY SIMPLIFIED. inclined to brown and cherry-red. Rather brittle. Occurs in tetrahedral forms. H. 3-4.5. G. 4.5-5. Isometric (hemi- hedral). Composition : Cu 8 S 7 Sb 2 (= 4Cu 2 S + Sb 8 S 3 ). Contains fre- quently iron and zinc, and sometimes quicksilver. B. B. the roasted mineral gives with soda on charcoal, after long heating, a globule of copper. Heated in closed tube, fuses and finally yields a dark-red sublimate of tersulphide of anti- mony, with antimonious acid, and if an excess of soda be added, a sublimate of mercury. The nitric acid solution gives no pre- cipitate with hydrochloric acid, but usually the reaction of iron and zinc. Domeykite (arsenical copper) Color, tin-white to steel- gray, with a yellow or iridescent tarnish. Lustre, metallic. H. 3-3.5 G. 7-75. Reniform, massive, or disseminated. Composition: Cu 3 As = As, 28.3; Cu, 71.7 = 100. In an open tube fuses and gives a white crystalline sublimate of arsenious oxide. B. B. on charcoal, arsenical fumes and a malleable metallic globule, which on treatment with soda gives a globule of pure copper. Not soluble in hydrochloric, but soluble in nitric acid. Atacamite (copper oxy chloride). Color, various shades of bright-green, sometimes blackish-green ; streak, apple-green ; translucent. Lustre, adamantine, vitreous. H. 3-3.5. G. 3.7. Trimetric. Composition: CuCl 2 -f 3H 2 CuO 2 = Cl, 16.64 ; Cu, 59.45; O, 11.25; water, 12.66 = 100. In the closed tube gives off much water of an acid reaction, and forms a gray sublimate. B. B. on coal fuses, coloring the O. F. azure-blue, with a green edge, and giving two coatings, one brownish and the other grayish-white ; continued blowing yields a globule of metallic copper; the coatings touched with the R. F. volatilize, coloring the flame azure-blue. In acids easily soluble. Cuprite (red copper ore, Rothkupfererz, Germ.) Color, deep red, of various shades ; streak, brownish-red. Lustre, adamantine or submetallic. Subtransparent ; brittle. H. 3.5-4. ORES OF COPPEK. 339 G. .5.8. Isometric. In regular octahedrons, and modified forms of thii same ; also massive and earthy. Composition : Cu a O = O, 11 .2 ; copper, 88.8 = 100. B. B. on coal yields a globule of copper. In the forceps fuses and colors the flame emerald-green ; if previously moistened with HC1 the flame is momentarily azure-blue. With the fluxes gives reactions for oxide of copper. Soluble in cone. HC1. Malachite (yreen copper carbonate) Color, light green ; streak, paler. Usually nearly opaque ; crystals, translucent. H. 3.5-4. G. 3.7-4. Monoclinic. Composition : Cu a O 4 C + H 2 O = CO 2 , 1 9.9 ; CuO, 71 .9 ; water, 8.2=: 100. Dissolves with effervescence in nitric acid (distinc- tion from other green ores), also in ammonia. B. B. Decrepitates and blackens, colors the flame green, and becomes [tartly a black scoria. With borax it fuses to a deep- green globule, and ultimately affords a bead of copper. Azurite (blue malachite). Color, deep blue. Streak, bluish, transparent to nearly opaque. Lustre, vitreous. H. 3.5-4. G. 3.5-3.8. Monoclinic. Composition : Cu 3 O 7 C 2 + H 2 O = CO,, 25.6; CuO, 69.2; H 2 O, 5.2 = 100. B. B. and in acids like the preceding. Chalcanthite (copper vitriol, blue vitriol) Color, deep sky-blue. Streak, colorless. Lustre, vitreous. Soluble in water. Taste, nauseous and metallic. H. 2-2.5. G. 2.21. Triclinic. Composition: CuSO 4 + f>HO = SO s , 32.1 ; CuO, 31.8; II 2 O, 36.1 = 100. B. 1>. on coal, colors the outer flame green, fuses, and affords a globule of copper, crusted with a coat of sulphide. After calcination, gives, with fluxes, the reactions of copper. A piece of polished iron introduced into the solution becomes coated with copper. Olivenite (hydrous copper arsenate). Color, usually olive- green. Streak, the same. Brittle. II. 3. G. 1.1-1.1. Tri metric. 310 MINE HA LOGY SIMPLIFIED. Composition : Cn 4 O 9 As,= As,O B , 40.00; CuO, f)>; water, 3.19 = 100. Fuses easily, coloring the flame bluish-green. B. B.j fuses with deflagration, giving off arsenical fumes, and affords a little globule, which, with soda, yield metallic copper. Dissolves in nitric acid, also in ammonia. Tyrolite (copper froth) Color, verdigris-green or pale apple-green. Composition : Cu 5 As 2 O 10 -f- 11 Aq, 45.2 per cent, of copper. A hydratecl arsenate of copper, containing also calcium car- bonate (as an impurity ?) H. 1-2. G. 3. Tri clinic. B. B. on coal, heated with soda and borax until the copper oxide is completely reduced, and the slag dissolved in HC1, a solution is obtained which shows the presence of lime. Dis- solves in nitric acid with effervescence ; also in ammonia, with a blue color. Chrysocolla (hydrous copper silicate). Usually as incrusta- tions. Also in thin seams and stains. Color, bright green, resembling malachite. H. 2-4. G. 2-2.4. Usually as an incrustation. Composition : Cu0 3 Si + 2Aq. = SiO 2 , 34.2 ; CuO, 45.3 ; H 2 O, 20.5 = 100. B. B. it blackens in the R. F., and yields water without melting. With soda on coal yields a globule of copper. Heated in a glass tube, yields water and blackens. In the for- ceps, infusible, coloring the O. F. intensely green. Borax and salts of phosphorus dissolve in it with the usual reactions of copper. It is decomposed by acids, silica remaining behind (distinction from malachite, which is completely soluble with effervescence in nitric acid). General remarks. The most valuable sources of copper for the arts are : native copper, chalcopyrite, or " yellow copper ore," chalcocite, or " copper (/lance," bornite, or u variegated copper ore," malachite, or " green carbonate of copper," cJirysocolla, or " silicate," cuprite, or " red oxide of copper," and occasionally, melaconite, or " black copper." Minerals containing copper: Dioptase, algodonite, wliitneyite, en- argite, tenorite (melaconite). ORES OF GOLD, PLATINUM, ETC. 341 Ores of Gold, Platinum, Iridium, and Palladium. NATIVE GOLD. Color and streak, various shades of gold- yellow, becoming pale from alloy with silver; occasionally almost silver-white from the silver present. Easily distin- guished by its malleability, its cutting like lead, its high speci- fic gravity, and its resistance to acid. H. 2.5-3. G. 12-20, varying according to the metals alloyed with the gold. Fuses at 2016 F. (1102 C.). Isometric. Composition : Native gold usually contains silver in various proportions. The finest native gold from Russia yielded gold 9.f>-10.S, and contained 34-43 per cent, of rhodium. A bismuth gold has been called maldonite. Calaverite is a bronze-yellow gold telluride, AuTe 4 = Te 55.5, Au 1 1.5 = 100, with a little silver, occurriiiir massive at the 29* MINEIJAUHIY SIMPLIFIED. Stanislaus mine, California, and the Red Cloud mine, Colo- rado, and also the Keystone and Mountain Lion mines, in the Magnolia district. Krennerite is another gold telluride. Sylvan-ite, or graphic tellurium. A telluride of gold and silver (Ag,Au)Te 3 (if Ag : Au ==1:1) Te, 55.8 ; Au, 28.5 ; Ag, 15.7=100. Color and streak, steel-gray to silver-white, and sometimes nearly brass-yellow. H. 1.5-2. G. 7.99-8.33. Monoclinic. Called graphic because of a resemblance in the arrangement of the crystals to written characters. Found in California and Colorado.* In an open glass tube yields a white sublimate, which, when played upon by the flame, fuses to transparent drops. On coal fuses to a dark-gray globule, de- positing at the same time a white coating, which in the R. F. disappears, tinging the flame bluish-green. Soluble in aqua regia, leaving a residue of chloride of silver. The solution gives a white precipitate with water. Nagyagite, or foliated tellurium, is a telluride of lead contain- ing 9 to 13 per cent, of gold. (See Lead Ores.) Petzite is a telluride of silver containing gold ; a specimen from Golden Rule Mine, Colorado, contained, according to Genth, 25.60 per cent. (See Silver Ores.) NATIVE PLATINUM (Ft) Color and streak, pale or dark steel-gray. Lustre, metallic, shining like silver. Ductile and malleable. H. 4-4.5. G. 16-19. Isometric. Often slightly magnetic, and some masses will take up iron filings. Usually in flattened or angular grains or irregular masses. Composition : Flatinum is generally combined with more or less of the rare metals iridium, rhodium, palladium, and osmium besides copper and iron, jyhich give it a darker color than belongs to the pure metal. A Russian specimen afforded Pt, 78.9; Ir, 5.0; Os and Ir, 1.9; Rh, 0.9; Pel, 0.3; Cu, 0.7; Fe. 11.0 = 98.75. * Consult James D. Dana's Manual of Mineralogy and Lithology, 3d ed. New York, 18S1, p. 10!). OIJKS OK IROX. 343 It is one of the most infusible substances known. It is wholly unaltered before the blowpipe or by fluxes. Soluble only in heated aqua regia. The solution gives a yellow granular precipitate with chloride of potassium. Platinum fuses readily before the oxy-hydrogen blowpipe; Platin-irldinm Grains of iridium have been found in Russia, consisting of 76.8 iridium, and 19.64 platinum, with some palladium and copper. A specimen from Brazil con- tained 27.8 iridium, 55.5 Pt, and 6.9 Rh. Osmium (iridium, iridosrnine}, A compound of Ir and Os from the platinum mines of Russia, South America, the East Indies, and California. The crystals are pale steel-gray hexa- gonal prisms, usually found in flat grains. II. 6.7. G. 19.5- 21. Hexagonal. Slightly malleable. Composition variable. One variety, called newjanskite, contains Ir, 46.8; Os, 49.3; Rh, 3.2; Fe, 0.7. Another, sisserskite^ Ir, 25.1 ; Os, 74.9. The grains are distinguished from those of platinum by their superior hardness. Iridosmine is common in the gold of Northern California, and injures its quality for jewelry. B. B. infusible. When heated with nitre in a glass tube the characteristic osmium odor is produced. The fused mass is soluble in water; the solution gives, on addition of nitric acid, a green precipitate. Not visibly affected by any acid. Palladium Color, steel-gray, inclining to silver-white. Ductile and malleable. H. 4.5-5. G. lT.3-12.2. Isometric. Consists of Pd with some Pt and Ir. Fuses with sulphur, but not alone. In hardness it is equal to fine steel. Selenpalladite or allopalladium is native pa'.ladium in hexa- gonal tables from the Hartz Mountains. Torpezite is gold containing about 10 per cent, of palladium. Ores of Iron. Iron occurs native, and alloyed with variable quantities of nickel in meteoric iron. Its ores arc very widely disseminated. 344 MINERALOGY SIMPLIFIED. The iron carbonate is one of the most abundant and valuable ores. The spec. grav. of the ordinary workable ores seldom exceeds o. They are of difficult fusibility before the blowpipe, and nearly all minerals containing iron are attracted by the magnet, either before or after heating. NATIVE IRON. Color and streak, iron-gray. Fracture, hackly. Malleable and ductile. H. 4.5. G. 7.3-7.8. Acts strongly on the magnet. It occurs usually massive, dissemi- nated in igneous rocks in grains, or is found in very large masses weighing over a tori (meteoric). MKTEORIC IRON. It contains from 1 to 20 per cent, of nickel, with traces of Co, Cu, Mn, Sn, Cr, P, S, Cl, C. Color, iron-gray. Lustre, metallic. It possesses often a very broad crystalline structure, long lines and triangular figures being developed by putting nitric acid on a polished surface. Nodules of troilite (FeS) and schreibersite (FeP) are common constituents of iron meteorites. Meteoric iron may be worked like ordinary malleable iron. The nickel diminishes the tendency to rust. To detect the presence of the other heavy metals, the assay- piece must be dissolved in aqua regia, the liquid mixed with an excess of ammonia, filtered, and the ammoniacal filtrate precipitated with sulphide of ammonium (NH 4 ) a S. The pre- cipitate consists of sulphides of nickel, cobalt, manganese, and copper, which may be collected on a filter, and treated with borax on coal in the reduction flame until all volatile substances are expelled, the remaining mass powdered in an agate mortar, the powder well calcined, and the calcined mass treated with borax on coal in the O. F. If Co is the only coloring metal present, the bead will exhibit a pure blue color, a small quan- tity of iron will make the glass appear green while hot, but blue when cold. Cu and Ni, when present to some extent, will interfere with the blue cobalt color. The bead in this case exposed to the R. F. until it appears transparent, and flows quietly. The oxides of copper and nickel are by this OHKS OF IKON. M I.") menus reduced, and the pure color of cobalt or that of cobalt mixed with iron becomes distinct. Limonite (brown hematite) Color, dark brown and black to ochre-yellow ; streak, yellowish-brown to dull yellow. Lus- tre, sometimes submetallic, often dull and earthy. H. 5-5.5. G. 3.6-4. Usually massive and often in mammillary or sta- lactitic forms. The following are the principal varieties : Brown lematite The botryoidal, stalactitic, and associated compact forms. Brown ochre, yellow ochre Earthy ochreous varieties of a brown or yellow color. Brown and yellow clay ironstone Impure ore, hard and compact, of a brown or yellow color. P.og iron ore A loose, earthy ore of a brownish-black color, occuring in low grounds. Composition : *WI 6 ( == 2Pe0 3 -f 2H 2 0) = Fe 2 3 . 85.6, H 2 14.4 = 100 ; or it is a hydrous iron sesqiiioxide, containing, when pure, about two-thirds its weight of pure iron. "B. B. blackens and becomes magnetic ; with borax in the outer flame, a yellow glass. In a matrass yields water, and red scsquioxide remains ; the clayey varieties treated with salt of phosphorus gives a cloud of undissolved SiO 2 ; treated with soda and nitre on platinum-foil, the manganese reaction is almost always obtained. Bog ores usually obtain much P, from organic sources. Gothite (pyrosiderite, Lepidokrokit), is another iron hy- drate, often in prismatic crystals, as well as fibrous and mas- sive, of the formula Fe0 4 H. 2 (= Fe0 3 + H 2 0), and G. 4:0-4.4. Or- thorhombic. Turgite has the formula, *V/) 7 II 2 = 2Fe0 3 -f H 2 0. H. 5-6. G. 3.5-4. Xanthosiderite and limnite are other related hydrates. Hematite (ipecHlat iron, iron sesqui oxide) Color, dark, steel-gray or iron-black, and often when crystallixiul having a highly splendent lustre (from Elba, St. ( Jothard, etc.) ; streak, powder cherry-red to brown. II. 5.5-0.5 (of crystals) G. 840 MINERALOGY SIMPLIFIED. 4.5-5.3. Hexagonal varieties : Crystallizes in complex modi- fications of a rhombohedron ; also, massive, granular, or mica- ceous. Specular iron. Having a perfectly metallic lustre. Micaceous iron Structure foliated. Red hematite. Submetallic, or non-metallic, and of a brownish-red color. Red ochre Soft and earthy, and often containing clay. Red chalk More firm and compact than red ochre, and of a fine texture. Jaspery clay-iron. A hard, impure, silicious clayey ore, having a brownish-red, jaspery look and compactness. Clay ironstone The same as the last ; the color and ap- pearance less like jasper. But this is one variety only of what is called clay iron, " clay ironstone,'/ a name including also a related variety of siderite and limonite. Lenticular argillaceous ore A red ore, consisting of small, flattened grains. Martite is a hematite in octahedrons, derived, it is supposed, from the oxidation of magnetite. Composition : Fe0 3 = 0, 30 ; Fe, 70 = 100. B. B. Infusible alone. Heated in the inner flame it be- comes strongly magnetic, and gives the usual indications of iron with the fluxes. It dissolves in HC1. Contains some- times chromium and titanium. Diff. The red streak and the magnetism produced in the R. F. distinguish hematite (blood-stone) from all other ores. Magnetite (magnetic iron ore). Color, iron-black ; streak, black. Brittle. H. 5.5-6.5. G. 5.0-5.1. Isometric. Strongly attracted by the magnet, and sometimes showing polarity. Often in octahedrons and dodecahedrons, also granularly mas- sive. Composition : Fee0 4 = FeO -f Fe0 3 = 0, 27.6 ; Fe, 72.4 = 100. B. B. infusible, and gives the usual reactions of iron with the fluxes, e. g., with borax in the outer flame, a yellow glass. DifF. The black streak and strong magnetism distinguish it ORES OF IKON. 347 from other species. It constitutes what are called loadstones, or native magnets. Pyrite (iron pyrites, iron bisulphide). Color, bronze-yel- low ; streak, brownish-black. Lustre of crystals often splen- dent metallic. Brittle. H. 6-G.5. G. 4-8.5, being hard enough to strike fire with steel. G. 4.8-5.1. Isometric. Usually in cubes, the strice of one face at right angles with those of the adjoining faces. Composition : FeS 2 = S, 53.3 ; Fe, 46.7 -f 100. Pyrite often contains a minute quantity of gold. B. B. on charcoal gives off sulphur, and ultimately affords a globule attractable by the magnet. Heated in a closed tube, it usually evolves SH 2 , and yields a sublimate of S ; the residue is attracted by the magnet. But slightly affected by HC1 ; HNO 3 dissolves it, leaving a residue of S. Marcasite (white iron pyrites') Color, usually light bronze- yellow, sometimes inclined to green or gray. H. 6-6.5. G. 4.6-4.85. Trimetric. Occurs frequently in radiated masses. Very liable to decomposition. Composition, FeS 3 . B. B. like the preceding. Pyrrhotite (magnetic pyrites, iron sulphide). Color, be- tween bronze-yellow and copper-red ; streak, dark grayish- black. Brittle. H. 3.5-4.5. G. 4.4-4.65. Hexagonal. slightly attracted by the magnet. Composition : Fe ? S 8 = S, 39.5 ; Fe, 00.5. Contains sometimes from 3 to 5 per cent, of nickel. B. B. on charcoal in the O. F. converted into red oxide of iron. In the R. F. it fuses and glows, and yields a black glo- bule which is magnetic, and has a yellow color on a surface of fracture. Heated in a matrass, it remains unchanged; in the open tube, evolves SO a , but yields no sublimate. Soluble in IIC1, exceping the S, with evolution of IT 2 S. . Ditf. From common iron pyrites, which it n.-si-mbh:s, it is 348 - MINERALOGY SIMPLIFIED. distinguished by its inferior hardness and its magnetic quality; and from chalcopyrite or copper pyrites, by its paleness of color. Arsenopyrite (.mispickety Color, silver-white. Streak, dark grayish-black. Lustre, shining. Brittle. H. 5.5-6. G. 6.3. Trimetric. Occurs in rhombic prisms and also massive. Composition: FeAsS = As, 46.0 ; S, 19.6 ; Fe, 34.4 = 100. Danaite, a cobaltic variety found in New Hampshire, con- sists of As, 41.4 ; S, 17.8 ; Fe, 32.9 ; Co, 6.5. B. B. affords fumes of As and a globule of iron sulphide, which is attracted by the magnet. Heated in a matrass, yields first a red sublimate of arsenic sulphide, and afterwards a black crystalline one of metallic As. Gives fire with a steel and emits a garlic odor. Soluble in HNO 3 and aqua regia, leaving a residue of S, and As 2 O 6 , which dissolve by continued digestion. Diff. Resembles arsenical cobalt, but is much harder and yields a magnetic globule, and does not afford the cobalt reac- tion with fluxes. Scorodite. Color, pale leek-green or liver-brown. Streak, uncolored. Lustre, vitreous. H. 3.5-4. G. 3.1-3.3. Tri- metric. Crystallizes in rhombic prisms. Composition : PeAs,0 8 -f- 4Aq. A hydrous arsenate of iron, containing As 2 O., 49.8 ; Fe a O 8 , 34.6 ; H 2 0, 15.6 = 100. B. B. fuses easily, coloring the flaiie blue, P 2 O 5 . On char- coal gives arsenical fumes, and with soda a black magnetic scoria. With the fluxes reacts for iron. In a matrass, yields pure water and turns yellow. Not affected by HNO 3 ; forms a brown solution with HC1. Iron sinter is an amorphous form of the same mineral. Menaccanite (titaniferoas iron, ilmenite, titanic iron, wash- ingtonite) Color, iron-black. Streak, submetallic. Lustre, metallic or submetallic. H. 5.6. G. 4.5-5. Hexagonal. Acts slightly on the magnetic -needle. Composition: (Ti,Fe) 2 O 3 , or Ti0 3 and Fe a O 3 in variable ORES OF IRON. 349 proportions. It is a hematite, in which a part of the iron is replaced by Ti. B. B. alone infusible. With borax and salt of phosphorus in O. F., gives the reactions of pure oxide of iron ; but the salt, of phosphorus bead, when treated with the R. F., assumes a brownish-red color, the intensity of which depends upon the amount of TiO 3 present ; this glass, when treated with tin on charcoal, turns violet. Diff. It resembles specular iron, but gives no red powder. It is of no value in the arts, and forms a deleterious consti- tuent of many iron ores. Siderite (spathic iron, iron carbonate) Color, light-gray- ish to brown ; often dark brownish-red ; crystallizes in rhom- bohedrons with distinct cleavage. Usually massive. H. 3-4.5. G. 3.7-3.9. Hexagonal. Streak, uncolored. Composition: FeO 3 C = C0 2 , 37.9 ; FeO, 62.1=100. Con- tains frequently some manganese oxide or magnesia, and lime replacing part of the iron protoxide. B. B. it blackens and becomes magnetic ; but alone it is infusible. With borax and salt of phosphorus it gives the pure iron reactions, and with soda and a little nitre sometimes the green manganese reaction. It dissolves in heated HC1 with effervescence. Diff. This mineral, called spathic iron, because it has the aspect of a spar, cleaves like calcite and dolomite, but it has a much higher spec, gravity. Heated in a close glass tube, it gives off CO 2 and becomes magnetic, which distinguishes it from other iron ores. Melanterite (copperas, green vitriol] Color, greenish to white. Lustre, vitreous. Taste, astringent and metallic. Be- comes yellowish (oxidizes) when exposed to the air. H. 2. G. 1.83. Monoclinic. Composition : FeO 4 S -f 7Aq = SO 3 , 28.8 ; FeO, 25.9, 11,0 45.2 = 100. U. B. becomes magnetic, yields glass with borax. 30 350 MINERALOGY SIMPLIFIED. In a matrass gives off SO 2 and H 2 O, which shows acid reac- tion. Strongly heated, only Fe 2 O 3 remains. Soluble in water. Vivianite {hydrous iron phosphate) Color, deep blue to green. Streak, bluish. Lustre, pearly. H. 1.5-2. G. 2.66. Monoclinic. Crystallized, or in reniform and globular masses. Composition: Fe 3 O 8 P 2 + 8Aq = P 2 O 5 , 28.3; FeO, 43.0; H 2 O, 28.7 = 100. B. B. fuses easily to a magnetic globule, coloring the outer flame greenish-blue (P 2 O 5 ). In the forceps the coloring becomes very perceptible. In a matrass, swells and gives pure water. Easily soluble in HC1 and HN0 3 . A solution of HKO blackens it. Franklinite Color, iron-black. Streak, dark reddish- brown. Brittle. H. 5.5-6.5. G. 4'.85-5.1. Isometric. Usu- ally attracted by the magnet. In octahedral and dodeeahedral crystals. Also coarse, granular, massive. Composition : General formula like that of magnetite, R B0 4 , but having zinc and manganese replacing part of the iron, as indicated in the formula (Fe,Zn,Mn) (3?e,Mn)0 4 . A common variety corresponds to Fe 2 O 3 , 67.6 ; FeO, 5.8 ; ZnO, 6.9 ; MnO, 9.7 = 100. B. B. with soda on charcoal, a zinc coating is obtained. A soda bead in^the outer flame is colored green by manganese. The addition of a little saltpetre and soda to the powdered min- eral, and heating the mixture on platinum foil over a Bunsen burner, facilitates the production of a green mass. Soluble in HC1, with evolution of a little chlorine. Diff. Resembles magnetic iron, but is of a more decided black color, and the streak is a reddish-brown. Found abun- dantly in New Jersey. Ores of Lead. NATIVE LEAD A rare mineral, occurring in thin lamina? or globules. G. 11.35. Galenite (galena, lead sulphide). Color and streak, lead- ORES OF LEAD. 3 5 1 graj . Lustre, shining metallic. Fragile. II. '2. it. G. 7.V5-7.7. Isometric. Cleavage, cubic, and easily obtained. Composition : PbS = S, 13.4; Pb, 86.6 = 100. Often con- tains some silver sulphide, and at times zinc sulphide. B. B. on charcoal, it decrepitates, unless heated with cau- tion, and fuses, giving off sulphur, coats the coal yellow, and finally yields a globule of lead. It dissolves with difficulty in boiling HC1 with evolution of H 2 S. . Concentrated HNO 3 dis- solves it with evolution of red nitrous acid vapor. Biff. Galena resembles some silver and copper ores in color, but its cubical cleavage, or granular structure when massive, will distinguish it. Its reactions B. B. show it to be a lead ore, and a sulphide. The lead of commerce is obtained from this ore. It is also employed in glazing common stoneware. Ilournonite (R'ddelerz, Germ., wheel ore). Color and streak*, steel-gray. Lustre, metallic. Brittle. H. 2.5-3. G. 5.7-0.1). Trimetric. Occurs crystallized and massive, granular, compact. Composition : Variable, CuPbSbS 3 . Ramrnelsb. (or 3RS -j- Sb 8 S 3 , with'SRS. = 2PbS4-Cu a S) = S, 19.6; Sb, 25.0; Pb, 42.4; Cu, 13.0= 100. In the closed tube decrepitates, and gives a dark-red subli- mate. In the open tube, gives sulphurous acid, and a white sublimate of antimonous oxide. B. B. on charcoal fuses easily, and at first coats the coal white, from antimonious oxide ; con- tinued blowing gives a yellow coating of lead oxide ; the resi- due, treated with soda in R. F., gives a globule of copper. Decomposed by nitric acid, affording a blue solution, and leaving a residue of sulphur, and a white powder, containing antimony and lead. The following antimonial and arsenical sulphides of lead behave B. B. in a similar' manner. These ores include : surtorite, zinkenite, p1nyionite, janu'- stmiti'i dtifrenoysite, bon,/itnf/crifi\ ko/ic/fifc, nn''fc^ 5 bluish-green ; on charcoal fuses without reduction to a globule, which on cooling assumes a crystalline polyhedral form, while the coal is coated white from the chloride, and nearer to the assay, yellow from lead oxide. With soda on coal yields me- tallic lead ; some varieties contain As and give, on charcoal, in the R. F. the odor of garlic. With salt of phosphorus, previously saturated with CuO, gives an azure-blue color to the flame when treated in O. F. (chlorine). In a closed tube gives a white sublimate of PbCl 2 . Soluble in HNO 3 and a solution of KHO. Minerals containing lead : clausthalite, mendipite, caledo- riite, mimetite, vanadinite, melanochroite, stolzite, etc. Ores of Manganese. Pyrolusite (black oxide of manganese, manganese dioxide). Color, iron-black. Streak, black, non-metallic. H. 2-2.5. G. 4.8. Trimetric. In small modified rectangular prisms, or in globular masses. Composition : MnO 2 = Mn, 63.2 ; O, 36.8 = 100. B. B. with borax affords a deep amethystine color while hot, which becomes red-brown on cooling. In a matrass yields little or no water; when heated to redness, oxygen is evolved. Differs from psilomelane- by its inferior hardness, and from iron ores by the violet glass with borax ; gives frequently indications of iron. Soluble in HC1 with evolution of Cl. Hausmannite, Mn 3 4 = 2MnO, Mn0 2 , when pure, contains 72.1 per cent, of manganese. Color, brownish-black. Streak, chestnut-brown. H. 5-5.5. G. 4.7. Dimetric. B. B. and to 1IC1 behaves like the preceding ore. Braunite, 2(2MnO,Mn0 2 ) -\- MnO 2 ,Si0 2 , An oxide of manganese, con? taining 69 per cent, of Mn when pure. Color and streak, dark brown- ish-black. Lustre, submetallic. Occurs in square octahedrons ami massive. H. 6-6.5. G. 4.8. Dimetric. B. B. like pyrolusite dissolves in HC1, giving off chlorine, leaving '))<) MINERALOGY SIMPLIFIED. Munganite. A hydrous oxide of manganese. Occurs massive and in rhombic prisms. Color, steel -black to iron -black H. 4-4.5. GL 4.3-4.4. Trimetric. Columnar, often stalactitic. Lustre, subme- metallic. Color, steel-gray. Streak, reddish-brown, opaque. Frac- ture, uneven. In the closed tube yields water ; otherwise similar to braunite. .' Psilomelane Color, black or greenish-black. Streak, red- dish or brownish-black, shining. H. 56. G. 44.4. Massive and botryoidal. Composition : Doubtful. Essentially MnO 2 , with some BaO or K 2 O and H 2 O. H. 5.G. G. 3.7-4.3. Massive. Color, iron-black to steel-gray. B. B. like pyrolusite, except that it affords water. Wad (bog manganese). Color and streak, black or brown- ish-black. Lustre, dull, earthy. H. 1-6. G. 3-4. Soils the fingers. Massive, reniform, or earthy. Composition : Consists of manganese dioxide, in varying proportions, from 30 to 70 per cent, mechanically mixed with more or less of iron sesquioxide, 10 to 25 per cent, of water, and often several per cent, of oxide of cobalt or copper. In a matrass yields water abundantly, and affords a violet glass with borax. There are several varieties. Lampadite, or cupreous manganese, constitutes a wad, con- taining 4 to 18 per cent, of copper oxide. B. B., when treated with soda and borax on charcoal, affords a globule of metallic copper. JRhodochrosite (manganese carbonate dialogite, Mangaspath). Color, rose-red. Streak, white. H. 3.5-4.5. G. 3.4-3.7. Hexagonal. Like calcite in having three easy cleavages, and in lustre. Composition : MnO 3 C = CO 2 , 38.6 ; MnO, 61 .4 = 100. Part of the Mn often replaced by Ca,Mg, or Fe. B. B. changes color to gray, brown, black, and decrepitates strongly, but is infusible. With salt of phosphorus and borax in O. F. gives an amethystine colored bead ; in R. F. becomes colorless. "With soda and saltpetre on platinum foil yields a ORES OF MERCURY. 3;>7 Heated with IIC1 dissolves with effervescence. Rhodonite Usually massive. Color, light brownish-red, flesh-red, sometimes greenish or yellowish when impure ; or black on the surface from exposure. Streak, uncolored. II. 5.5-6.5. G. 3.4-3.7. Triclinic. Usually massive. Composition : Var. MnSiO 3 = SiO 2 , 45.9; MnO, 54.1 = 100. When heated becomes dark-brown, and gives to borax a deep violet while hot, and reddish-brown when cold. Resembles red feldspar, but differs in specific gravity, black- ening on exposure, and coloring the borax bead. FranMinite (Fe,ZnMn) (FeMn) O 4 . (See Ores of Iron.) This, and other iron ores containing manganese, are used for making " spiegdeisen" Minerals containing manganese : wolframite, alabandite, hauerite, chalcophanite, lithiopholite, triphillite, triplite, dick- insonite, reddingite, fairfieldite, triploidite, etc. Ores of Mercury. NATIVE MERCURY. Hg. Occurs in fluid globules scat- tered .through the gangue. Color, tin-white. G. 13.56. Be- comes solid and crystallizes at 39 F. (--39.40 C.). Heated in a matrass, it volatilizes, condensing in the neck of the matrass in minute globules. Dissolves readily in HNO 3 . Hg is used for the extraction of gold and silver ores. Native amalgam is a compound of silver and mercury. H. 3-3.5. G. 13.5-14. Isometric. The compounds AgHg= Ag, 35.1 ; Hg, 64.9, or Ag 2 Hg 3 = Ag, 26.5 ; Hg, 73.5, are included. Another from Chili having the formula Ag 12 Hg, and con- taining 86.6 per cent, of silver, has been called arguerite ; and still another Ag ls Hg, kongsbergite. All the ores of mercury are completely volatile, excepting when Ag and Cu are present. In a matrass boils, gives a sub- limate of metallic Ilg, and leaves a spongy residue of Ag, which, on charcoal, fuses readily to a globule. Dissolves readily in nitric acid. - 358 MINERALOGY SIMPLIFIED. Gerargyrite (calomel, hornsilver), occurs usually in dis- tinct crystals or crystalline coats of a pearl-gray color, and resin- ous adamantine lustre. H. 1-1.5. G. 5.5. Dimetric. Composition : HgCl. In a matrass yields a white sublimate of HgCl. In a closed tube, with bisulphate of potassium, gives off vapors of HC1, fuses to a pale hyacinth-red globule, becomes yellow when cold. Not affected by HNO 3 . Dissolved by aqua regia. With a solution of KHO, becomes black. Cinnabar (mercury sulphide) Color, bright red to brown- ish-red, and brownish-black. Streak, scarlet-red. Occurs in small tabular orsix-sided crystals. Also massive. Lustre, unme- tallic; of crystals, adamantine. H. 2-2.5. G. 8.5-9. Hexagonal. Composition : HgS 2 =S, 13.8 ; Hg, 86.2. It contains often impurities. Carbon and clay are* found in the liver ore, or hepatic cinnabar, which has a brownish color and streak. The pure variety volatilizes entirely before the blowpipe, which fact distinguishes it from red oxide of iron or chromate of lead ; from realgar it differs by giving off no alliaceous fumes (As). Mixed with soda and heated in a matrass, affords globules of Hg. In an open tube it is partially decomposed into metallic Hg and S0 2 . HNO 3 and HC1 have no visible effect on it. Aqua regia dissolves it, part of the sulphur being precipitated. Insoluble in KHO. Metacinnabarite, has the same composition as cinnabar, but differs in crystallization ; it is from Redington Mine, Lake County, California. Guadalcazarite, of Mexico, is-HgS, in which a little of the sulphur is replaced by selenium. Mercury iodide A reddish-brown ore from Mexico. .Tiemannite. A dark steel-gray mercury selenide, from the Hartz and California. Coloradoite A grayish-black mercury telluride, with G. 8.G27, from Colorado. (Genth.) . A mercurous tellurate, HgO 4 Te, from Colorado. ORES OF NICKEL. 359 Ores of Nickel. NICCOLITE, COPPER NICKEL, ARSENICAL NICKEL Color, pale, copper-red ; streak, pale brownish-red. Lustre, metallic. Brittle. H. 5-5.5. G. 7.3-7.7. Hexagonal ; usually massive. Composition : . Ni As = Ni, 44 ; As, 56 = 100. Sometimes a part of the arsenic is replaced by Sb. B. B. gives off arsenical fumes, and fuses to a pale globule, which darkens on exposure. In an open tube yields a copious sublimate of As 2 O 3 , and the assay piece assumes a yellowish- green color, and crumbles to pieces. Dissolves almost entirely in HNO 3 ; the solution has a green color ; on cooling As 2 O 3 separates. Dissolves readily in aqua regia. Breithaiiptite or antimonial nickel. Composition : NiSb = Sb, 67.8 ; Ni, 32.2 = 100. It has a pale copper-red color, inclining to violet. H. 5.5-6. G. 7.54. Crystals hexagonal. B. B. after long heating on charcoal it yields a magnetic globule. Fuses with difficulty. In an open tube it gives no sulphur reaction. HC1 acts but little on it, but aqua regia dis- solves it completely. Gersdorffite Nickel glance ; a nickel ; Ni S a -f NiAs' = NiAsS = As, 45.5; S, 19.4; Ni, 35.1, but vary- ing much in composition. Color, sulphur-white to steel-gray. II. 5.5. G. 5.6-6.9. Isometric. In a matrass decrepitates violently, yelding a yellowish-brown As 2 S 3 . In an open tube evolves As 2 O. and SO,. Partly dissolved by HNO 3 , while S and As 2 O 3 are precipitated. Aqua regia dissolves it to an apple- green solution, which an excess of NH 3 turns sapphire-blue. Ullmannite (nickel stibine, nickdiferous gray antimony) Composition : NiSbS. An antimonial nickel sulphide, con- taining 25 to 28 per cent, of nickel. Color, steel-gray, inclining to silver-white. In cubical crys- tals also massive. H. 5-5.5. G. 6.45. Isometric. B. B. on charcoal in R. F. fuses to a globule, and yields a white coat of SbO 8 , sometimes emits the odor of As. The melting globule treated with borax frequently gives. the 360 MINERALOGY SIMPLIFIED. tion of Fe and Co, besides those of Ni. Concentrated IINO 3 acts violently on it, S and Sb 2 O 3 being precipitated. Aqua regia dissolves it, excepting some S, to a green liquid. Grunanite (bismuth-nickel) A sulphide containing 31 to 38.5 per cent, of S, 10 to 14 per cent, of Bi, and 22 to 40.7 per cent, of Ni. Contains also Cu and Fe. Color, light steel-gray to silver-white. Often tarnished yellowish. H. 4.5. G. 5.13. Millerite (capillary pyrites, nickel sulphide) Color, brass- yellow. Lustre, metallic. Streak, bright. Occurs usually in capillary- or needle-like crystallizations, sometimes like wool. Brittle. H. 3-3.5. G. 4.6-5.65. Hexagonal. Composition: NiS=S, 35.6; Ni, 64.4= 100. B. B. on charcoal fuses to a globule, and, after roasting, gives, with borax and salt of phosphorus, a violet bead in O. F. which in R. F. becomes gray from reduced metallic nickel. In the open tube affords fumes of SO 2 . It is but little affected by concentrated HNO 3 , but aqua regia dissolves it entirely. Zaratite (emerald nickel). Color, bright green. Lustre, vitreous. Usually forms incrustations. H. 3-3.25. G. 2.5- 2.7. Composition : Ni 3 C0 6 -f 6Aq. It is a hydrous nickel car- bonate. B. B. infusible alone. Dissolves with effervescence in borax and salt of phosphorus, exhibiting the characteristic nickel reactions. In a matrass loses at 212 F. a large amount of water and blackens. Dissolves readily in heated dilute HNO 3 with effervescence (CO 2 ). Annabergite (nickel ochre, nickel arsenate). Composition : Ni 3 As 2 O 8 + 8Aq = As 2 5 , 38.6 ; NiO, 37.2 ; H 2 O, 24.2 = 100. Soft, earthy. Color, apple-green. B. B. on charcoal in R. F. fuses with emission of arsenical vapor to a blackish -gray globule. When treated with borax ORES OF SILVER. 3d the globule gives tlie reactions of nickel, sometimes also those of iron and cobalt. Soluble in acids. Morenosite A nickel vitriol, NiO 4 S -{- 7Aq, having an apple-green to greenish-white color. Lindackerite, hydrous nickel copper arsenate. Remingtonite A hydrous nickel carbonate, rose-colored, from Maryland. Genthite (nickel silicates'), H 4 (Ni,Mg) 4 Si 3 O, 2 , is a hydrous magnesium and nickel silicate, of a pale apple-green color, yielding in one analysis 80 per cent, of nickel oxide. II. 3.4. G. 2.4. Amorphous. Rottisite is similar. Primelite is an impure apple-green silicate, affording in one case 15.6 per cent, of NiO. Alipite is similar ; so, also, garnierite .(and naumeite) from New Caledonia, and worked there for nickel. . Ores of Silver. Silver occurs native and alloyed with gold, or sometimes with platinum ; also combined with arsenic, sulphur, tellurium, antimony, bismuth, chlorine, bromine, iodine ; but never as an oxide, carbonate, sulphate, or phosphate. NATIVE SILVER Color and streak, silver-white and shin- ing. Often black externally from tarnish ; ductile and malle- able. H. 2.5-3. G. 10-11. Isometric. Occurs usually in filiform and arborescent shapes, sometimes in lamina? and massive. Composition : Native silver is usually an alloy of silver and copper, the latter amounting often to 10 per cent. Also alloyed with gold, as stated under that metal. B. B. on charcoal fuses easily to a globule of a silver- white color. Dissolves in HNO 3 , from which it is precipitated as chloride by HC1 ; the precipitate is soluble in NH 3 . A bright plate of copper, immersed in the nitric-acid solution, becomes 31 362 MINERALOGY SIMPLIFIED. coated with silver. Native amalgam is a compound of mer- cury and silver. (See Mercury Ores.) Argentite (silver glance, sulphide of silver) Color and streak, blackish, lead-gray. Streak, shining. Very sectile. H. 2-2. f). G. 7.19-7.4. Isometric. In dodecahedrons. Also reticulated and massive. Cuts like lead (distinction from minerals of the same color). Composition : When pure, Ag,S = S, 12.9; Ag, 87.1. B. B. on charcoal in O. F. intumesces, evolves SO 2 , and finally yields a globule of metallic Ag. Soluble in dilute IINO 3 , leaving a residue of sulphur. The solution, when treated with HC1 affords a heavy white precipitate of AgCl, which is redissolved by an excess of ammonia. Acanthite Ag 2 S. Trimetric. Differs only in crystalline form from the preceding. Daleminzite is another silver sulphide from near Freiberg. Stromeyerite A steel-gray sulphide of silver and copper. Ag 2 S + Cu 2 S =8,15.7; Ag, 53.1; Cu, 31.2 = 100. G. 6.26. B. B. it fuses, and gives in the open tube SO 2 , but a silver globule is not obtained, except by cupellation with lead. Sternberffite.^-Age. 2 $ s . A sulphide of silver and iron, containing 33 per cent, of silver. Color, pinchbeck-brown. Streak, black. The ore is foliated, and leaves a tracing on paper like graphite. B. B. partially reduced to Ag. Partly soluble in HNO 3 . The solution yields with HC1 a heavy precipitate of AgCl. Naumannite. A selenide of silver and lead in iron-black cubes and massive. G. 8. Contains 73 per cent, of silver. B. B. fuses easily in O. F ; quietly in R. F., with intumes- cence. With borax yields a pure silver globule. Cerargyrite (hornsilver, silver chloride). Color, gray, pass- ing into green and blue. Looks somewhat like horn or wax, and cuts like it. H. 1-1.5. G. 5.5. Isometric. Lustre, resinous. Streak, shining. Extensively worked in the mines of South America and Mexico. OKKS OF SILVEU. 303 Composition : AgCl Cl, 24.7 ; Ag, 75.3 100. Fuses in the flame of a candle, and emits acrid fumes. B. B. on charcoal affords readily a silver globule. The sur- face of a plate of iron rubbed with it is silvered. Mixed with oxide of copper, and heated on charcoal in R. F., chloride of copper is formed, which colors the flame azure blue. Insoluble in H 2 O and HN0 3 , but soluble in NH 3 . Partially decomposed by a boiling solution of caustic potash. Embolite. A chloro-brornide of silver, resembling the horn- silver. Color, asparagus- to olive-green. Lustre, adamantine. H. 1-1.5. G. 5.3-5.8. Isometric. Malleable and sectile. Composition : Ag(Cl,Br) AgCl, 51 ; AgBr, 40. B. B. fused with oxide of copper on charcoal in R. F. colors the O. F. greenish, then blue. With soda on charcoal reduced to metallic silver. Heated in a closed tube with bisulphate of potassium gives off bromine vapors, fuses to an intense garnet- red globule, becoming yellow when cold. Bromyrite (bromic silver) -Color, yellowish-green or green. Lustre, splendent. H. 2-3- G. 5.8-6. Isometric. Composition: AgBr = Br, 42.6 ; Ag, 57.4 = 100. B. B. behaves like the preceding. Jodyrite Silver iodide. Agl == I, 54.0 ; Ag, 4G.O = 100. Color, bright yellow. Lustre, adamantine. H. 1.5. G. 5.7. Hexagonal. B. B. on charcoal fuses readily, colors the flame purple-red, and affords a globule of silver. In a closed tube, with bisul- phate of potassium, gives off iodine vapors, fuses to a very dark, almost black, globule. Tocornalite A silver and mercury iodide from Chili. Amorphous. Color, pale yellow. Hessite A telluride of silver, Ag 2 Te = Te, 37.2 ; Ag, 62.8 = 100. Color, between lead-gray and steel-gray. Sectile. G. 8.3- 8.C,. Malleable. 364 MINERALOGY SIMPLIFIED. B. B. in the open tube a faint sublimate of tellurious acid ; on charcoal with soda a silver globule. "In HNO 3 dissolves entirely. Petzite is a hessite with the silver replaced in part by gold, (Ag,Au) a Te. G. 8.7-9.4. Between steel-gray to iron-black. Streak, same. One variety yielded Genth : Te, 32. G8 ; Ag, 41.86; Au, 25.60 = 100.14. Occurs in Colorado, Utah, etc., witli hessite. Tapaltite is a telluride of bismuth and silver. Sylvanite (graphite tellurium) A telluride of gold and silver. (See Gold Ores.) Eucairite, (Cu,Ag) 2 Se A selenide of silver and copper, containing 4245 per cent, of Ag. Color, silver-white to lead-gray. Easily cut with the knife. Solution in HNO 3 yields with HC1 a heavy precipitate of AgCl. J)yscrasite (antimonial silver) consists simply of Ag and Sb = Ag 4 Sb = Ag, 78; Sb, 22 = 100. Color, nearly tin- white. G. 9.4-9.8. Trimetric. B. B. affords furnes of Sb, leaving finally a globule of Ag. Dissolves in HNO 3 , leaving a residue of Sb 2 O 8 . Pyrargyrit'e (ruby silver, da jfc-red silver ore) Color, black to dark cochineal-red. Streak, cochineal-red. Lustre, splen- dent, metallic, adamantine. H. 2-2.5. G. 5.7-5.9. Hexago- nal. Composition : Ag 8 S 8 Sb(= 3Ag. 2 S -f Sb a S 3 ) = S, 17.7 ; Sb, 22.5; Ag, 59.8 = 100. Crystallizes in hexagonal prisms. B. B. fus^s very easily ; on charcoal a white deposit of SbO 3 is deposited, and, mixed with soda in R. F., a globule of Ag is obtained. In an open tube gives antimony fumes, and SO 2 , reddening blue litmus paper. In a matrass fuses easily, yield- ing by continued heating a sublimate of SbS 3 . Proustite (light-red silver ore). Resembles the preceding ore. It contains arsenic in place of much or all of the antimony. H. 2-2.5. G. 5.4-5.56. Hexagonal. ORES OF SILVER. 305 Composition : Ag s $ s As = S 10.4, A* 15.1, Ag 05.5 = 100. B. B. gives off garlic odors. Stephanite (brittle silver ore, black silver) Color and streak, iron-black. H. 2-2.5. G. 6.27. Trimetric. Crys- tallized and massive. Composition : Ag 5 S 4 Sb(==5Ag 1 S + Sh a S JI ) = S 16.2, Sb 15.3, Ag 68.5. B. B. it gives an odor of SO 2 , and also fumes of antimony, and yields a dark, metallic globule, from which silver may be obtained by the addition of soda. Soluble in dilute nitric acid, and the solution indicates the presence of silver by silvering a plate of copper. Polybasite Composition : Ag fl Sh 6 (or 9Ag 2 S + Sb,S 3 ), 75.5 Ag. Is near stephanite in color, spec, grav., and composition. It crystallizes usually in tabular, hexagonal prisms. H. 2-3. G. 6.214. Trimetric. In the open tube fuses, gives sulphu- rous and antimonial fumes. B. B. fuses with spirting to a globule, gives off S (sometimes As), and coats the coal with SbO 3 . Long-continued blowing yields a metallic globule, which, with salt of phosphorus, reacts for copper, and, cupelled with lead, gives pure silver. Decom- posed by HNO 3 . Miargyrite. Composition : AgSbS 2 . Is an antimonial silver sulphide, containing but 36.5 per cent, of silver, and having a dark, cherry-red streak, while its color is iron-black. H. 2.5. G. 5.2. Monoclinic. B. B. on charcoal gives off fumes of Sb, and an odor of SO 2 ; and in the O. F. a globule is left, which finally yields a button of pure silver. A mixture of borax and soda facilitates the formation of a malleable silver-bead. Brongniardite Composition : Ag s PbSb a S s (or PbS -f Ag, S + Sb.^). Contains about 25 per cent, of silver. Color, black-gray. H. 3. G. 5.0. Isometric. Occurs in octahedrons and massive. B. B. gives S reaction. The nitric acid solution yields with H a SO 4 a precipitate of sulphate of lead. 31* 366 MINERALOGY SIMPLIFIED. Polyargyrite Composition: 12Ag. 2 $ -f- Sb 2 S 8 . Isometric. Cleavage, cubic. Malleable. Resembles polybasite in compo- sition and behavior. Wolfach, Baden. Freieslebenite (Schilfglaserz, Germ.) Composition: (Pb, Ag) 5 Sb 2 S n = S, 18.8; Sb, 26.9; Pb, 30.5; Ag, 23.8 = 100. Color and streak, steel-gray. Lustre, metallic. H. 2-2.5. G. 6-6.4. Monoclinic, yields easily to the knife*, and is rather brittle. In an open tube gives sulphurous and antimonial fumes, the latter condensing as a white sublimate. B. B. on charcoal fuses easily, giving a coating of white antimonious oxide on the outer edge, and near the assay, a yellow one from oxide of lead. Continued blowing leaves a globule of silver. Pyrostilpnite, (Feuerblende, Germ.) In delicate crystals. Color, hyacinth-red. Contains 62^.3 per cent, of silver ; also sulphur and antimony. Ores of Tin. CASSITERITE, TIN ORE, TIN OXIDE. Color, brown, or black ; streak, pale gray to brownish. Lustre, adamantine (of crystals). H. 6.7. G. 6.4-7.1. Dimetric. In square prisms and octahedrons ; often twinned ; also massive, in grains and rolled pebbles (Stream tin). Composition : SnO 2 = O, 21.33 ; Sn, 78.67 = 100 ; often con- tains a little iron and sometimes tantalum. B. B. alone infusible. On charcoal, with soda, affords a globule of tin. Insoluble in acids. Fused with HKO yields a mass which is mostly soluble in water. Stannite (tin pyrites) (Cu,Sn,Fe,Zn)S. A sulphide con- taining 26 per cent, of tin. Color, steel-gray. Lustre, metallic. Occurs usually massive. H. 4, G. 4.3-4.5. Probably di- metric and hernihedral. In an open glass tube yields S0 3 and SnO 2 , which collect close to the assay-piece, and which cannot be volatilized by heat. ORES OF ZINC. 3G7 B. B. on charcoal, in R. F. fuses to a black scoriaceous globule ; in O. F. gives off SO 2 , and becomes covered with 8nO 2 . When well calcined by the alternate application of the O. F. and R. F., gives with borax the indications of ,Fe and Cu. Soluble in nitric acid to a blue solution, while a mixture of S and SnO remains undissolved. Ores of Zinc. ZIXCITE, RED ZINC ORE, RED ZINC OXIDE Color, deep or bright red ; streak, orange-yellow. Lustre, brilliant. H. 4-4.5. G. 5.4-5.7. Hexagonal. Of distinctly foliated structure. Composition : ZnO = O, 19.7; Zn, 80.3 = 100. B. B. infusible alone, but yields a yellow transparent glass with borax ; sometimes the manganese reaction in O. F. with borax. On charcoal, a coating of ZnO. Dissolves in HNO 3 without effervescence. Occurs with Franklinite at Mine Hill and Sterling Hill, Sussex -County, N. J. Sphalerite (blende, zinc sulphide) Color, waxy-yellow to black ; streak, white to reddish-brown. Lustre, resinous. Brittle. H. 3.5-4. G. 3.9-4.2. Isometric. Crystallizes in dodecahedrons. Composition : ZnS = S, 33 ; Zn, 67 = 100. Contains fre- quently a portion of FeS when dark colored ; often also 1 to 2 per cent, of CdS (especially the red variety). This ore is the blackjack of miners. B. B. alone infusible. On charcoal in R. F. a feeble dark coat of CdO is usually obtained, which is followed by a coat of pure ZnO. With soda on coal it is easily reduced, and the characteristic zinc flame frequently observed. Fe 'is detected by calcining the mineral in O. F. and treating the residue with borax. Strongly heated in an open tube SO 2 is evolved, and the color of the calcined assay is white, yellowish, or brownish," according to the amount of FcS. 368 MINERALOGY SIMPLIFIED. The pulverized mineral dissolves in HNO 3 , emitting H >2 8. Smith sonite (carbonate of zinc") Color, impure white, green or brown. Streak, uncoloreil. Lustre, vitreous or pearly. H. 5. G. 4.3-4.45. Brittle. Hexagonal. Often reni- ibrm and stalactitic. Composition: ZnO 3 C = C0 2 , 35.2; ZnO, 64.8 (four-fifths of which is pure zinc) = 100. Often contains Cd. B. B. infusible alone, but CO 2 and ZnO are finally vaporized. Negatively electric by friction. Mixed with soda and exposed to the R. F. it is decomposed and white ZnO deposited on the coal. The coating is at first dark -yellow, or reddish, when Cd is present. It dissolves readily in acids with effervescence ; also in a solution of KHO. Calcimine (hydrous zinc silicate, Galmei). Color, whitish or white, bluish, greenish, or brownish. Streak, uncolored. Lustre, vitreous or subnacreous. Brittle. H. 4.5-5. G. 3.16- 3.9. Orthorhombic. Pyro-electric. The smallest fragment heated attracts light substances. In its physical characters it resembles the preceding ore. Composition: Zn 2 O 4 Si-f Aq = SiO , 25.0; ZnO, 67.5; H 2 O, 7.5 = 100. B. B. alone almost infusible. Forms a clear glass with borax. In heated F^SO^ it dissolves, and the solution gelatinizes on cooling. Partly dissolved by solution of HKO. Willemite (zinc silicate, troostite) Color, whitish, greenish- yellow, apple-green, flesh-red, yellowish-brown. Streak, un- colored. Brittle. H. 5.5. G. 3.89-4.18. Hexagonal. Composition: Zn0 3 Si = SiO 2 , 27.1 ; ZnO, 72.9 == 100. B. B. fuses with difficulty to an enamel; on charcoal with soda yields a coating which is yellow while hot, and white on cooling, and which, moistened with cobalt solution and treated in O. F., is colored bright green. Gelatinizes with HCL The zincite, willemite, and franklinite (the latter described under iron ores), of Frankline, N. J., are together worked as a zinc ore, and both zinc and zinc oxide are produced. APPENDIX. Carbonaceous Compounds. Grnplilte (plumbago, C.) consists essentially of pure carbon ; most specimens contain iron, the quantities of which vary from a mere trace up to 5 per cent. Hexagonal. In flat six- sided prisms or tables. Lustre, metallic. Color, iron-black to dark steel-gray. Thin laminae, flexible. H. 1-2. G. 2.25- 2.27. Soils paper, and feels greasy. The finest and most valuable mineral is used for lead pencils. At a high tempera- ture it burns in the air without flame or smoke, leaving usually some red oxide of iron behind. B. B. infusible, both alone and with reagents ; not acted upon by acids ; i'used with nitre in a platinum spoon, defla- grates, converting the reagent into potassium carbonate, which effervesces with acids. Anthracite Anthracite (called also glance coal, and stone coal) has a high lustre, and is often iridescent ; fracture con- choidal. H. 2.25. G. 1.3-1.8. Composition : It usually contains 80 to 83 per cent, of car- bon, with 4 to 7 of volatile matter ; the rest consisting of earthy impurities, which consist of SiO^Al./),, and Fe s O 3 . Burns with a feeble blue flame. In a matrass, gives usually a little water, but no empyreumatic oil. Does not color a boiling solution of caustic potash. Bituminous Coal C,H,O, in variable proportions. Bitu- minous coal varies much in the amount of oil, coal-tar, or gas it yields when heated ; and there is a gradual passage in its varieties through semi-anthracite to anthracite. It is of a 370 APPENDIX. black color, with the powder black, but it is softer than anthra- cite. G. 1.2-1.5. The volatile bituminous matter contains from 76 to 90 per cent, of carbon. The earthy impurities consist principally of SiO 2 , A1 2 O 3 , and CaO. The following tabulation, from Wagner's Technology, exhibits at a glance the successive stages and nature of this conver- sion : Carbon. Hydrogen. Oxygen. Wood . 52.65 5.25 42.10 Peat. . 60.44 5.96 33.60 Lignite . . . . 66.96 5.27 27.76 Earthy brown coal . . 74.20 5.89 19.90 Coal (secondary) . 76.18 5.64 18.07 Coal (older) . 90.50 5.05 4.40 Anthracite . 92.85 3.96 3.19 In a matrass some varieties of bituminous coal soften and cake (coking coal), while others are entirely infusible ; all varieties are decomposed, evolve combustible gases and empy- reumatic oils, and leave a porous residue of more or less metallic lustre (coke), which behaves like anthracite. 'On platinum foil burns with a luminous flame and emission of smoke, leaving an earthy residue. Boiled with a solution of caustic potash or with etlier imparts to these solvents no color, or only a pale yellow. Brown Coal Composition nearly the same as that of bitu- minous coal, but the organic constituents contain only from GO to 7o per cent, of carbon. In physical properties bears some- times a close resemblance to the preceding. Some varieties show distinctly the texture of wood (lignite). In a matrass infusible, but some varieties soften ; evolves combustible gases, empyreumatic oils, water of acid reaction, and a peculiar, disagreeable odor, leaving a residue which con- sists of carbon and a considerable amount of ash. On platinum foil burns with a smoky flame and emission of a peculiar odor. Boiled with a solution of caustic potash colors the liquid brown. Asphaltum C,H,O in variable proportions, with about CARBONACEOUS COMPOUNDS. 371 75 per cent, of carbon. G. 1-1.8. Of black or brownish-black color and bituminous odor, is amorphous and pitch-like. Fuses at about 100 C., and burns with a bright flame and emission of a thick smoke, leaving little ash, which consists essentially of SiO 2 , A1O 3 , and FeO 3 . In a matrass gives empyreumatic oil, some ammoniacal water, combustible gases, and leaves a carbonaceous residue. Treated with boiling ether colors the solvent wine-red to brownish-red (distinction from bituminous coal) ; when treated with a. boiling solution of caustic potash it does not color the liquid, or at the most imparts to it a pale-yellow color (distinc- tion from brown coal). Albertite Coal-like in hardness. Color, jet-black, but slightly soluble in camphene. and only imperfectly fusing when heated, but having the lustre of asphaltum, and softens a little in boiling water. H. 1-2. G. 1.097. Fills fissures in the subcarboniferous rocks near Hillsborough, Nova Scotia, and supposed to have been derived from the hydrocarbon of the adjoining rock, and to have been oxidized at the time it was formed, and filled the fissures (J. D. Dana). GraTiamit'e. From West Virginia. Forms a related mate- rial. H. 2. G. 1.145. Color, pitchy-black. Soluble mostly in camphene, but melts only imperfectly. An analysis afforded carbon, 70.45 ; hydrogen, 7.82; oxygen (with traces of nitrogen), 13.46; ash, 2.26 100. Amber (Bernstein, Germ.) Composition, C,H,O. Forms irregular masses. Color, yellow, sometimes brownish or whitish. Lustre, resinous. Transparent to translucent. H. 2-2.5. G. 1.18. Electric by friction. It consists mainly (85 to 90 per rent.) of a resin, insoluble in all solvents, called succinite, and two other resins soluble in alcohol and ether an ethereal oil and succinic acid (2^ to 6 per cent.). Amber fuses with diffi- culty in the matrass, yielding water, empyreumatic oil, gases, succinic acid, and a residue of amber-resin. It burns with 372 APPENDIX. a yellow flame, emitting an agreeable odor, leaving behind a black, shining, carbonaceous substance. Elaterite (mineral caoutchouc, elastic bitumen) contains C and H. Found in soft flexible masses, hence its name. Color, brownish-black ; sub-translucent. G. 0.91.25. Composition : C, 85.5 ; H, 13.3-98.8. Burns in the flame of a candle with a yellow flame and bituminous odor. Retinite or retinasphalt It is found in brown coal, and constitutes a fossil resin, which has a yellow color, is fusible and inflammable, and largely soluble in alcohol. Hatchettine, similar to the last named, is met with in mineral coal-beds at Merthr Tydail, and near Loch Fyne in Scotland. Ozocerite is like wax or spermaceti in consistence. G. 0.85 -90. Color, white, yellowish-brown. Soluble in ether. It feels greasy, and fuses at 132 to 145 Fah. It has been ob- tained by destructive distillation from mineral coal, peat, petro- leum, etc. Petroleum.* Mineral oils of density from O.GO-0.85. Soluble in benzine or camphene. Consists of many liquids of the naphtha and etJiylene series. The composition of the naphtha, or marsh-gas series, is expressed by the general formula C n -|-H 2n _(_ 2 , of which methane, or marsh-gas, CH 4 is the first or lowest member; and that of the ethylene (olefiant gas) series by the formula C n H 2n = C, 85.71 ; H, 14.29 = 100. It occurs in rocks of all ages from the lower silurian to the 'most recent ones, and has been formed through the decomposition of animal or vegeta- ble substances, or both. Petroleum is obtained chiefly at the present time from more or less deeply-seated, subterranenean chambers, or cavities, among the rock-strata, only reached by boring. Being under * See Coal Oil and Petroleum. Their Origin, History, Geology, and Chemistry, by Henri Erni. Philadelphia, 1865, published by Henry Carey Baird. PETROLEUM. 373 pressure of the gas, associated with it, and, in many cases, that of water also, it rises to the surface in boring, and sometimes makes a " spouting" well. The mineral oil of the rocks has been formed through the decomposition of animal or vegeta- ble substances. From the nature of the rocks, which most abound in the species of hydrocarbons that yield oil, it is evi- dent that .the rock material was in the state of a fine mud ; that through this mud much vegetable or animal matter was dis- tributed, almost in the condition of an emulsion ; that the stra- tum of this mud becoming afterwards overlaid by other strata, the decomposition of vegetable or animal matter went forward without the presence of atmospheric air, or with very little of it. Under such circumstances either vegetable material or animal oils might be converted, as chemists have shown, into mineral oil. Dry wood consisting approximately (excluding the ash and nitrogen^ of 6 atoms of carbon to 9 of hydrogen, and 4 of oxygen. If now all the oxygen of the wood combines with a part of the carbon to form carbonic acid, and this 2C0 2 , thus made, is removed, there will be left C 4 H 8 ; twice this, C 8 H ]g , is the formula of a compound of the marsh gas, or naphtha series. Again, animal oils, by decomposition under similar circumstances, produce like results. Removing from oleic acid its oxygen, O 2 , and 1 of carbon, together equivalent to 1 of carbonic acid, there is left C 17 H 3i , which is an oil of the ethylene series. (J. D. Dana.) Mendelejeff (Baird's Annual of 1878, p. 146) has proposed a new hypothesis of the origin of petroleum. Starting with the nebular hypothesis, the author regards the interior of the earth as metallic, doubtless composed largely of iron, and car- bides of iron. Through rents made by earthquakes, water gained access to these bodies at a high temperature and under great pressure ; and by their mutual chemical action metallic oxides and saturated hydro-carbons resulted. These latter, carried by watery vapor, have spread themselves through the overlying rocks. Pie gives various geological and chemical facts which go to sustain his hypothesis. 32 374 APPENDIX. The petroleum, as obtained by boring, originally contains several gaseous carbo-hydrogens, viz., methane, CII 4 ; propane, C 3 H g ; and butane (quartane) : as fluids are present, pentane, C 5 H 12 ; hexane, C 6 H U ; heptane, C 7 H 16 ; octane, C g H 18 ; nonane, C 9 H 20 ; and further, tridecane, C 13 H 28 ; quatuordecane, C U II 30 ; quindecane, C 15 H 32 . The higher members of the methane series, the paraffines* proper, containing 20 or more atoms of C, have the consistency of butter, or are more or less crystalline solids. In many kinds of petroleum they exist in a state of solution, and may be separated by distilling off the more volatile portions. Solid paraffine is a colorless, crystal- line, fatty substance, probably consisting of a mixture, of seve- ral of the higher members of the series, C n -{- H 2n + 2 . Alfred Allen has furnished the following table serving for the distinction of petroleum benzine or naptha from the coal- tar naptha or " benzol" : PETROLEUM BENZINE. 1. Consists of heptane (C 7 Hi 6 ) to the amount of about 50 per cent, and its homologues. 2. Heptane contains 84 per cent. C. 3. Begins to boil at 140O-17QO Fah. 4. Specific gravity about 0.69- 0.72. 5. Has the odor of petroleum. 6. Dissolves iodine, forming a rasberry-red solution. COAL-TAR NAPHTA, OR BENZOLE. 1. Consists of benzole (C 6 H 6 ), and its homologues. 2. Benzole contains 92.3 per cent. C. 3. Begins to boil at 176 Fall. 4. Specific gravity about 0.88. 5. Has the odor of coal-tar. 6. Dissolves iodine, forming a purple-red solution (similar to the aqueous solution of potassium permanganate). * From parum affinis, indicating their chemical indifference. The name paraffine has long been applied to the solid compounds of the series, on account of this character; and many of the liquid com- pounds of the same series are known commercially as paraffine oils. It is convenient, therefore, to employ the term paraffine as a generic name for the whole series. NITROGEN IN ORGANIC COMPOUNDS. 375 PETROLEUM BENZINE. 7. Dissolves (even after some time) only very little pitch of pit coal, the solution being scarcely colored. 8. Does not mix with carbolic acid, even when previously fused. 9. Soluble at a common tem- perature in a mixture of 2 volumes of absolute (100 percent.) alcohol or in 4 to 5 volumes of methylic (wood spirit), spec. grav. 0.828. 10. When heated with 4 vols. of nitric acid (spec. grav. 1.45) the acid assumes a brown color, while the oil swims on the top of it. COAL-TAR NAPHTHA, ou BENZOLE. 7. Dissolves coal-tar pitch free- ly, forming a dark-brown liquid. 8. Mixes in all proportions with pure carbolic acid. 9. With anhydrous alcohol miscible in all proportions. Forms with an equal volume of methylic alcohol (sp. grav. 0.828) a homogeneous liquid. 10. Readily miscible with 4 volumes of nitric acid (sp. grav. 1.45) with evolution of heat and formation of a dark-brown color. A portion of the nitro-benzol thus produced may, when cold, separate as a distinct layer. Experiment 10 serves to separate petroleum-benzine from light coal-tar oils. The mixture of the oils is treated in a narrow bolt-head, with attached cpndenser, with nitric acid (spec. grav. 1.45). After the reaction has almost ceased, the liquid is poured into a narrow, graduated tube. The bulk of the upper layer read off gives approximately the quantity of petroleum benzine. The nitro-benzol produced from the coal- tar naphtha remains dissolved in the nitric acid. If a great deal of benzol is present, whereby the nitric acid is incapable to dissolve at all, an independent layer of a deep brown color collects beneath the petroleum benzine. Detection of Small Quantities of Nitrogen in Organic Compounds. The detection is based upon the reaction of metallic potas- sium, which, when heated with any nitrogenous organic com- pound, forms cyanide of potassium. A piece of K is placed at the bottom of a narrow test-tube, 0/0 APPENDIX. ami covered with the substance to be examined ; llie mixture is then heated to redness till the excess of K is volatilized, the residue dissolved in water ; the solution precipitated by ferroso- i'erric salt, e. g., a solution of copperas (oxidized by standing in the air), and mixed with excess of HC1, which, if cyan-ide of potassium has been formed, leaves a. residue of Prussian blue. Substances not containing nitrogen likewise give this reaction if they contain nitre or nitrous acid.. Hydrate or carbonate of potassium, instead of potassium, does not give so delicate an indication of nitrogen.* r? * Lassaigne, J. Chim. nied., 19, 201 ; also, Jour. j>r. Chem., 20, p. 143; also, Gmelin's Handbook. of Chem., vol. vii. 147, 153. INDEX. Absolite, 314 Absorption-spectrum, 163 Acanthite, 243 Acetic acid, 116 detection of, 100 Acid potassium sulphate, examina- tion with, 99-101 salts, 32, 33 Acids, division of, 29 hydrogen, 29, 30 hydroxyl, 29, 30 oxygen, 29, 30 properties of, 28 sulphur, 29, 30 testing, 107, 108 Acmite, 275 Adamite, 283 ^Eschynite, 255, 324 Agalmatolite, 306 Agate mo_rtar, 39 Aikinite, 245 Alabandine, 252, 285 Alabandite, 244, 285 Alberti te, 371 Albite. 301 Algodonite, 233 Alkalies, testing, 108, 109 Alkaline carbonates, action of . cobalt, 159 deportment of, with the alkaline earths, 174, 175 earths, chlorides and nitrates of, solubility, 174 deportment of the alkaline carbonates with, 174, 175 examination of, 110 metals of the, 173 sulphates of the, 203 metals, the new, 130 Allanite, 250, 273, 277 Allochroite, 274, 275 Alloclasite, 234 Allophanc, 305 Almandite, 275 Altaite, 238 Alumian, 306 Alumina, detecting, 139, 140 phosphate of. precipitation of, 140 salts, detecting, 139, 140 Aluminite, 303 Aluminium plate, as a support in blowpipe analysis, 76 subphosphate of, 304 sulphate of, 303 Alum-stone, 303 Alunite, 303 Amalgam, native, 357 Amalgams, 177, 178 Amber, 371, 372 Amblygonite, 285 Amethyst, 325, 326 Amianthus, 300 Ammonia, 68, 116 action of, on cobalt, 159 on manganous salt, 176, 177 Ammonia-alum, 283, 303 Ammonia, detecting, 140, 141 hydrate, 68 Ammonic carbonate-, 68 chloride, 68 . Ammonium chloride, 256 sulphide, 116 sulphydrate, 116 Amphibole, 275, 299 Amphithalite, 304 Analcite, 290 Analysis, humid, and the blowpipe, determination of minerals by, 207-31 )S Andalusite, 307 Anglesite, 2(52 Anhydrite, 280, 281 Annabergfte, 2is Anorthite, 293 Anthophylliti', 3i_>3 Anthosidcrite, 31:.! Anthracite, 361) Antigorite, 380 Antimonfahlerz, 240, 241 32* INDEX. Antimonial nickel, 243 silver, 241 sulphuret of lead and copper, 240 Antimoniates, 143, 144 Antimonic acid, 143 Antimonite, 240 Antimony, 121 and arsenic, distinguishing, 145, 146 and lead, sulphides of, treat- ment of, 142 sulphuret of, 240 characteristics of, 142-144 combined with copper, separa- tion of, 141 with lead and bismuth, detection of, 141 compounds of, Plattner's treat- ment of, 142 detecting, 141-144 from tin, separation of, 194 fusion point of, 142 glance, 240 mirror, characteristics of, 146 native, 236 ores of, 331, 332 oxide of, 256 red, 256 spots, characteristics of, 145, 146 sulphide of, 142 sulphuret of, 240 tin, and copper, oxides of, treatment of, 142 Anvil, 39 Apatite. 285, 315 Aphthitalite, 278 Apophyllite, 290 Apparatus and manipulations in the laboratory, 38-58 and method employed for sub- mitting test substances to the flame, 112-114 for Marsh's tests, 147 for observations of flame colora- tions, 105 Aqua regia, 67, 116 Aragonite, 310 Arfvedsonite, 275 Argand burner, 54 Argentic nitrate, 68 'Argentite, 231 Arkansite, 253, 282, 324 Arsenate of calcium, 281 Arsenic, 121, 144-150 and antimony, distinguisluiii}-. 145, 146 Arsenic, characteristics of, 144 distil phide, 256 in minerals containing no sul- phur, test for, 148-150 mirror, characteristics of, 146 native, 232 ores of, 332, 333 Reinech's test for, 150 spots, characteristics of, 145, 146 sulphide of, 142 trisulphide, 256 white, 256 Arsenicum, 144-150 Arseniosiderite, 269 Arsenio-sulphuret of iron, 235, 236 Arsenious acid, 256 small traces of, detection of, 149 and arsenic acids, examination of, 149 reduction of, 144, 145 hydride, decomposition of, 145 gas, 145 Arsenite, 256 Arsenomelane, 232 Arsenopyrite, 235, 236, 252 Asb'estos, blue, 275 fibres of, 114 Asperolite, 316 Asphaltum, 370, 371 Assay, supports for, 75-78 tubes for arsenic, 149-150 Assays, small, phenomena to be considered in, 117 Astrophyllite, 274 Atacamite, 2(55 Atlasite, 265, 267 Atmospheres, solar and stellar, 137 Atomicity of elements, 32-35 Atomic weights of the elements, table of, 36-38 Atoms, linking of, 34 terms applied to various, .'>: Augite, 275, 299 Aurichalchite, 266 Aurotellurite, 239 Automaton blowpipe, 84 hand blowpipe, 84, 85 Autunite,-286 Auxiliary apparatus and manipula- tions in the laboratory, 38-58 Avogadro's law, 27 Axinite, 298 Azurite, 266 Babingtonite, 275 Baric chloride, 69 INDEX. 379 B.irir nitrate, 68 Barite, 2S1 Barium, examination of, 110 flame, spectrum of, 129 spectrum lines of, 138 sulphate of, 281 Barnhardtite, 245 Barsowite, 289 Baryta, characteristics of, 150 Baryto-calcite, 311 Bases, 30, 31 oxygen, 30, 31 Basic hydroxides, 31 salts, 32, 33 Bastite, 318 Bastnasite, 316 Bauxite, 323 Beakers, the, 41, 43 Behavior of the elements at high temperatures, 112-114 of the most important ores be- fore the blowpipe and with solvents, 330-368 Bellows, double, for hand use, 83 Belonite, 245 Bending and closing glass tubes, 56-58 Benzine, 374, 375 Benzole, 374, 375 Beraunite, 272 Berlinite, 304 Berthierite, 243 Beryl, 164; 326 BerzeHanite, 237 Berzelius and Plattner's lamp, 78, 79 Berzelius's test for bromine, 153 for small traces of urscui- ous acid, 149 Beyrichite, 247 Biborate of sodium, 279 Biliary theory of chemistry, 25 Bindheimite, 260 Binnite, :1'.\:>' Biotite, 296, 321, 322 *<^"\ Bismuth, 121, 150, 151, 234, 235, 248, 249 acicular, 245 and tin, separation of, 193 characteristics of, 150, 151 nickel, 245 ores of, 333, 334 oxide of, 283 selenideof, 2:5(5 silicate of, 276 telluret of, 2:59 Bismuthinite, :J4s Bismuthous nitrate, 116 P.ismutite, 276 Bisulphuret of iron, 246 Bitumen, elastic, 372 Bituminous coal, 369, 370 Black copper ore, 266 lead, 254 Blast-lamps, 81-86 Bloedite, 278 Blowers, foot, 55, 56 Blowing machine, 85 with the blowpipe, 71, 72 Blowpipe analysis and apparatus, 69-92 and humid analysis, determina- tion of minerals by, 207-368 flame, 72-75 furnace, 54 lamps, 78-80 mouth, 69-71 reagents, 89-91 treatment of oxides with, 99 Blowpipes and blast-lamps, fixed, 81-86 Blue iron earth, 271 vitriol, 265 Bog iron ore, 312 Boltonite, 321 Bonds of attraction, 34 Boracic acid, 151, 153 Boracite, 281, 284 Borate of sodium, detection of, 152 Borax, 279 behavior of metallic oxides with, 94 reactions of oxides with, 99 Boric acid, 151, 153, 284 compounds of, with an alkali testing, 152 testing, 108 Borickite, 271 " Bornite, 244 determination of, 222 Borocalcite, 279 Borosilicate of calcium, 286 Botryogen, 269 Boulangerite, 241 Bournonite, 241 Braunite, 251 Breithauptite, 243 Brewstrite, 291 Brochantite, 265, 266 Brogniardite, 242 Bromide, detection of, Bromine, 116, 152, 153 detecting, 153 Brongniartine, 280, 281 Bronzite, :'.2:; Brookiti', 255. 324 Knnvn coal, 370 380 INDEX. Brown hematite, 253 spar, 310 Brucite, 309, 310 Brushite, 288 Buch's hammer, 39 Bulb-tubes, 89 Bunsen and Kirchhoff, researches of, 127, 134 burner, use of, 220 gas-burner, 81 holder, 113 Bunsen's burner, use of, in the examination of flame colora- tions, 104, 107 flame reactions, 111, 112 chemical reagents em- ployed for, 115, 116 gas blowpipe and blast-lamp, 83, 84 gas-burner, 53, 54 gas-larnp, 111, 112 Buratite, 206 Burners, 52, 53, 54 Cacoxenite, 271 Cadmium, 121, 153, 154 detection of, 153, 154 sulphuret of, 313 treatment of, 153 Caesium, discovery of, 130 spectrum lines of, 133 Calamine, 301, 309 Calcite, 310 Calcium, anhydrous sulphate of, 280 carbonate of, 310 flame, spectrum of, 129 hydrated sulphate of, 280 phosphate of, 315 spectrum lines of, 133 Calomel, 178, 257 Cancrinite, 282 Carat, 329, 330 Carbon, 154, 155 compounds, 154, 155 dioxide, detection of, 101 group, 328, 330 monoxide, 154 detection of, 101 Carbonaceous compound, 369-372 Carbonate of ammonia, 68 of barium, 280 and calcium, 311 of calcium and sodium, 280 of lead, 261 of silver, 259, 260 of sodium, action of, on cobalt, 159 Carbonic dioxide, 154 test, 40 Carburet of iron, 254 Carmenite, 246 Carnallite, 27!) Carpholite, 294 Carphosiderite, 270 Carrol lite, 246 Cassiterite, 254, 324, 325 Castor, 297 Catapleiite, 291 Caustic potash, 69 action of, on cobalt, 159 potassa, action of, on chro- mium, 157 soda solution, 115 ! Cellestine, 281 ' Cerargyrite, 259 Cerite, 317 decomposition of, 155 Cerium, 155, 156 oxide of, 312 protoxide of, 156 Cerolite, 319, 322 Ceroxide, 156 Cerussite, 262 Cervautite, 311 Chabazite, 291 Chalcedony, 325, 326 Chalcocite', 246 Chalcodite, 273 Chalcolit, 267 Chalcophyllite, 264 Chalcopyrite, 244, 245 Chalcostibite, 242, 243 Charcoal borers, 75, 76 rod, reduction on the, 118 rods, 114 supports for assay, 75 Chemical affinity, 25 combination by volume, law of, 26,27 compounds, complex, detect- ing certain elements in, 139- 202 law, fundamental, 26, 27 mixtures, testing, 107-111 notation, 25 philosophy 25-38 properties of minerals, 219 reagents for Bunsen's flame re- action, 115, 116 solution, 220 system, changes of notation in, 28 new changes of notation in, 28 Chemically pure water, 59-62 INDEX. 381 Chemistry, solar and stella, 134-137 theories of, 25-38 Chenevixite, 264 Childrenite, 248, 315 Chiolite, 282 Chloride of ammonia, 08 of ammonium, action of, on mans of copper, 265 of platinum, 68 Chlorides and nitrates of the alka- line earths, solubility of, 174 detection of, 156 Chlorine, 100, 156, 157 Chlorite, 319, 322 Chloritoid, 1522 Chloropal,317, 318 Chlorospinel, 327, 328 Chodneffite, 282 Chondroarsenite, 283 Chonicrite, 290-292 Chromate of lead, 261 and copper, 262 Chromic acid, characteristics of, 158 detection of, 101 testing, 108 iron, 254. oxide, detection of, 157 salts, detection of, 157 Chromite, 254 Chromium, 157-159 and vanadium, the same reac- tions in, 157 compounds, 125 detection of, 97 ores of, 334, 335 oxide of, minerals containing but little, treatment of, 157 recognition of, 116 sesquioxide of, 157 trioxide, detection of, 101 Chrondrodite, 320 Chrysoberyl, 308 Chrysocolla, 316, 317 Chrysotile, 318, 319, 320 Cimolite, 305 Cinnabar, 244, 257 Clarification or synopsis of the I tables, key to, 226-228 Clausthalite, 237 Clinoclasite, :-C>4 Clintonite, 320 Cloanthite, 2:'.."> Closed glass-tubes, reductions in, 118 Coal, successive stages and nature of its conversion, 370 Coal-tar naphtha, 374, 375 Coals, 369, 370 Coating's or incrustations on porce- lain, 118-120 Cobalt, 159, 160, 314 blue, 268 compounds, 122 ores of, 335, 336 oxides of, 159 peroxide of, 160 pyrites, 246 solution, colorations caused by, 103 examination with, 102, 103 Cobaltic oxide, 160 Cobaltus cobaltic hydrate, 159 hydroxide, 159 oxide, 159 salt, neutral solution of, treat- ment of, 159 Cobellite, 241 Coeruleolactite, 304 Collyrite, 305 Colorations caused by cobalt solu- tion, 103 Color of minerals, observations of, 210 Colored flames, flame reactions, and spectrum analysis, 103-139 Colors in flame colorations, table of, 104, 105 of flames, detection of sub- stances by, 127 Columbite, 254, 255 Columbium, 160 pentoxide, 97 detection of, 101 Combination by volume, chemical law of, 26, 27 Complex chemical compounds, detecting certain elements in, 139-202 Compounds, detection of, 375, 376 Comptonite, 287 Conichalcite, 264 Continuous spectrum, 128, 163 Cookeite, 21)6 Copiapite, 270 Copper, 160-162 and bismuth, sulphuret of, 244 and iron, sulphuret of, 244 and lead, selehieuret of, 237 and tin, separation of, 193 anhydrous, carbonate of, 266 blue, carbonate of, 266 chloride of, 265 compounds. 1 _' [ 382 INDEX. Copper, compounds of oxides of, 263 detection of, 160, 161 examination of, 110, 111 gray, 242 preen, carbonate of, 266 metallic, 162 mica, 264 native, 231 nickel, 235 ore, black, 266 red, 249 ores of, 336-340 phosphate of, 267 prismatic arsenate of, 264 pyrites, 244 variegated, determination of, 222 recognition of, 116 red oxide of, 266 selenieuret of, 237 N sulphate of, 265 sulphuret of, 244 variegated, 244 Copperas, 269 Coquimbite, 270 Cordierite, 326 Corks, 50, 51 Cornwallite, 265 Corundum, 308 detecting, 139 Corynite, 235 Cotunnite, 257 Covellite, 265 Crednerite, 251 Crocidolite, 275 Crocoisite, 261 Crocoite, 261 Cronstedtite, 272 Crookesite, 237 Crucible tongs, 49, 50 Crucibles, 48, 49 supports for, 51-53 Cryolite, 281 Cryophyllite, 292 Crystallization, 217, 218 names used by different authors, 218 systems of, 218 Cubanite, 244 Cupreine, 246 Cupric oxide, 161 Cuprite, 249, 266 Cuproplurnbite, 245, 246 Cuprous oxide, 161 Cutting pliers, 40, 89 Cyanic acid, detection of, 100 Cyanochalcite, 3L6, 317 | Dalton's contributions to chemistry, 26 Danatite, 287 Danburite, 295 Datolite, 286 Datolith', 286 Decantation and precipitation, 41-43 Dechenite, 261, 262 Decomposition by acids, 221, 222 of light, 128 Deflagration, 205 Delessite, 322 Deportment of the alkaline carbo- nates with the alkaline earths, 174, 175 Descloizite, 263 Detecting certain elements in com- plex chemical compounds, 139-202 Determination of minerals by ex- periments with the blowpipe and humid analysis, 207-368 i Determinative mineralogy, 207-368 Deweylite, 292 Diadochite, 271 j Diallage, 297 I Diallogite, 310, 311, 312 j Diamond, 328-330 steel mortar, 38 i Diamonds, valuation of, 329, 330 Diaspore, 305 Didymium, 162, 163 salts, solutions of, 163 Digenite, 246 I Diopside, 295, 299 Dioptase, 316 Dishes and crucibles, 48, 49 Disthene, 307 Disterrite, 307 Distilling apparatus for water, 59-62 Dolomite, 310 Dorneykite, 232, 233 Double salts, 33 Dualism, chemical. 25, 26 Dualistic theory, a discovery as to salts which disposes of it, 32 Dufrenite, 271 Dufidnoywte, 232, 233 Dumas, discovery of substitution by, 26 Durangite, 283 Dyaphorite, 242 Dyscrapsite, 241, 242 Dysulite, 328 Edelforsite, 302 Edingtonite, 286 IXDKX. 383 Eh ntc, 21 Hydroxyl acids, 29, 30 Hydrozincite, 309 Hyposulphite of sodium, examina- tions of metals with, 98, 99 Hystatite, 253 Ignition of the elements ut high temperatures, 117 I les's reaction for boric acid, l.Y> 33 Illuminating gas, 81 Ilmenite, 253 Incrustations or coatings on porce- lain, 118, 120 Indices of Valence, 34 Indium, 121 discovery of, 130 spectrum lines of, 133 Infusible or infusibility above 5, and non-volatile, 251-255 Inorganic substances, tests of, 91, 92 Insolubility, 220 lodargyrite, 259 Iodide films, 120 of silver, 166 Iodides, 166 Iodine, 166 compound, test of, 153 detection of, 100 Iridium, 166, 167 compounds, 123 ores of, 341-343 Iridosimine, 255 Iron, 167, 170 and manganese, phosphate of, 270 and nickel, sulphuret of, 245 arsenio-sulphuret of, 235, 236 compounds, 121, 122 hydrated peroxide of, 274 lime garnet, 274 magnetic, 249, 252 ore, red, 249, 252, 272 ores of, 343-350 oxides of, 167 peroxide of, 272 pyrites, 246 recognition of, 116 sesquioxide of, 168-170 spar, 310 specular, 272 vitriol, 269 Isoclasite, 285 Isometric iron pyrites, 247 Ittnerite, 287 Jacobsite, 252 Jalpaite, 243 Jamcsonite, 240 Jargons, 202 Jarosite, 270 Jasper, 325, 326 Jefferisite, 291 Jefferson i to, 299 Jolly's spring balance, 214-21(5 .lully!.-, 290 Jordanite, 232 386 INDEX. Kainite, 283 Kammererite, 319 Kaolin, 305 Kaolinite, 278, 305 Kassiterite, 309 Keramohalite, 283 Kermesite, 256 Key to the general classification or synopsis of the tables, 226-228 Kieserite, 278, 282 Kilbrickenite, 241 Kjerulflne, 285 Klaprothite, 246 Klipsteinite, 250, 289 Kuebelite, 274 Kreittonite, 326 Labradorite. 293, 294, 301 -^ Lamp, alcohol ,- 79, 80 Lamps, fuel, 78-80 Lanarkite, 261 Langite, 266 Lapis-lazuli, 288, 292 Larderellite, 284 Lasurstein, 288, 292 Laumontite, 286 Laxmannite, 263 Lazulite, 306 Lead, 121, 170, 171 and antimony, sulphides of, treatment of, 142 and copper, seleuiuret of, 237 arsenate, 260 and chloride of, 260 carbonate of, 261 chloride of, 257 cuprous, sulphate of, 261 molybdate of, 262 native, 231 ores of, 350-355 sesqui-chromate of, 261 sulphate of, 262 superoxide of, 250 tungstate of, 262 Leadhillite, 262 Lehrbachite, 236 Lepidolite, 276, 296 Lepidomelane, 274, 276, 277 Leuchtenbergite, 322 Leucite, 308,^321 Leucophanite, 297 Libethenite, 267 Lievrite, 250, 273 Light, compound nature of, 128 decomposition of, 128 refraction of, 128 refrangibility of, 129 white, composition of, 128, 129 Lime, 171, 172 harmotome, 287 Lime-alumina-garnet, 294 Limonite, 253, 312 Limonites, 274 Linking of atoms, 34 Linnarite, 261 Liquor ammonise, 68 Liroconite, 264 Lithia, 172, 173, 270 tourmaline, 308 Lithionite, 276 Lithiophorite, 251, 311 Lithium compounds, spectrum analysis of, 130 flame, spectrum of, 129 salts of, 172, 173 spectrum lines of, 133 testing, 109 Litmus paper, preparation of, 63 Lolingite, 252 Lbweite, 278 Ludwigite, 269, 311 Lunar caustic, 68 Luneburgite, 285 Lunnite, 267 Lustre, minerals without metallic, 256, 257 of minerals, 209 of the mineral, noting the, 208 Magnesia, 173-175 characteristics of, 173 hydrate of, 309 Magnesite, 310 Magnesium, 310, 327 borate of, 284 hydrated silicate of, 319 pyrophosphate of, 175 sulphate of, 278 Magnetic iron, 249, 252 needle, 89 pyrites, 247 Magnetite, 249, 252 Magnets, 40, 89 Magnifying glass, 40 Magnoferrite, 253 Malachite, 266, 295, 297 Malgonite, 230 Malleable metals and mercury, 230-232 Manganese, 175-177, 249, 314 black silicate of, 250 carbonate of, 311 characteristics of, 175, 176 compounds, 126 detection of, 97 dioxide, 176 IXDKX. 387 Manganese, ores of, 355-357 oxide of, 25:>, 2*3 peroxide of, 252 recognition of, 116 Manganic acid. 17(5 oxide, 176,' 177 Manganite, 251, 252 Man.ganous oxide, 175 Manipulations in the laboratory, 38-58 Marcasite, 247 Margarite, 296 Margarodite, 322 Marmatite, 313 Mannol itc, 319 Marsh's test apparatus, 147 Mascagnite, 25(5, 257 Measuring the spectrum, 1"8, 139 Meerschaum, 290, 292, 318 Megabasite, 276 Meionite, 289 Melaconite, 2fi6 Melanocroite, 261 Melanterite, 269, 270 Melilite, 289 Meionite, 238 Menaccannite, 253 Mendelejeff, D. J., investigations of, in regard to uranium, 198 Meneghinite, 241 Mercuric cyanide, 116 oxide, 178 Mercurous chloride, 257 chlorides, 178 compounds, 177 salts, 178 Mercury, 121 metallic, 178 native, 231, 232 ores of, 357, 358 selenide of, 236 sulphuret of, 257 Mesitine, 311 Mesitite, 311, 312 Mesolite, 287 Metaeinnabarite, 248 Metallic films or incrustations, sepa- ration of, 119 lustre, minerals with, 226-229, 230-255 minerals without, 227-229, 256, 257 matters, elimination of, 97 oxides, reduction of, 97 with borax, behavior of, 94 with salt of phosphorus, 95 sulphides, 127 Metals, examinations of, with sodium thiosulphate, 98, 99 hydrates and oxides on, 31 native, malleable, and mercury, 230-232 Metantimonic acid, 143 Metastanic acid, 193 Metatungstic acid, 196, 197 Metaxite, 319 Methods of examination, 117-120 Miarygyrite, 242 Mica, 307 Micas, 321 Miller, Prof. W. A., substances dis- covered by, in the atmosphere of the stars, 137 Millerite, 246, 247, 248 Mimetisite, 260 Mineral caoutchouc, 372 Mineralogy, determinative, 207-368 Minerals, altered reactions of im- pure, 217 containing oxide of chromium, treatment of, 157 determination of, with experi- ments with the blowpipe and humid analysis, 207-368 easily volatile or combustible, 256, 257 examination of, with soda, 96-98 grouping for testing, 219 infusible or fusible above 5, 303-328 preparation of, for the blow- pipe, 38-40 species selected for the study of determinative mineralogy, 222, 223 tables of, introduction to, 207 which fuse easily and volatilize only partially or not at all, 258-302 with metallic lustre, 226, 27, 280-255 without metallic lustre, 227- 229, 256, 257 Minium, 261 Mispiekel, L.':'.:>, 236 Mock diamonds, 330 Mohr's hydrostatic balance., 211 Molecules of compound bodir.--, law of, 26, 27 Molybdate of ammonia, 6S Molybdenite, 254 Molybdenum, 17S-1SO compounds, 124 recognition of, 116 388 INDEX. Molybdie acid testing los trioxidc, detection of, 101 Molybdite, 276 Monazite, 315 Monradite, 320 Monticellite, 321 Monzonite, 302 Mordenite, 292 Morenosite, 269 Mortar, agate, 39 diamond steel, 38 Mosandrite, 291 Mouth blowpipe, G9-71 Muellerite, 239 Muriatic acid, 67 Muscovite, 296, 307, 321 Myeline, 306 Myrabalite, 278 Myrgyrite, 259 Mysorine, 266 Nadorite, 260 Nagyagite. 239 Naphtha, 374, 375 Native malleable metals and mer- cury, 230-232 Natokite, 265 Natrolite, 286 Naumannite, 237 Needle spar, 310 Nernalite, 310 Neolite, 320 Nephelite, 288 Nephrite; 300 Nessler's test, 140 Neutral salts, 32 New or unitary system of chemistry, 25-38 Newton, Sir Isaac, experiment of, on light, 128, 129 Niccolite, 235 Nickel, 180, 181, 234 compounds, 122 emerald, 312 ores of, 359-361 to detect, with cobalt, 160 vitriol, 269 Nickelbluethe, 268 Nickeliferous gray antimony, 243 Nickeline, 235, 243 Niobian compounds, 125 Niobite, 254 Niobium, 160 Nippers, 40 Nitrate of baryta, 68 of potassium, 277 . of silver, 68 solution, 115 Nitrate of sodium, 277 Nitrates, 181,182 and chlorides of the alkaline earths, solubility of, 174 Nitratine, 277 Nitric acid, 67, 116, 181, 182 testing, 107, 108 Nitrogen tetroxide fumes, detection of, 100 Nitrous acid, testing, 107, 108 Nohlite, 297 Normal salts, 32 Nosite, 288 Notation, changes of, in the new chemical system, 28 Nuttallite, 293 Oblique mica, 321 Obsidian, 302 Ochre, brown, 312 Octahedrite, 324 Okenite, 287, 290 Oligoclase, 301 Olive oil, 78 Olivenite, 264 Opal, 325 Optical investigation of minerals, 217 Ore, and what it is, 330 Ores, behavior of, before the blow- pipe and with solvents, 330- 368 of antimony, 331, 332 of arsenic, 332, 333 of bismuth, 333, 334 of chromium, 334, 335 of cobalt, 335, 336 of copper, 336-340 of gold, platinum, iridium, and palladium, 341-343 of iridium, 341-343 of iron, 243-350 of lead. 350-355 of manganese, 355-357 of mercury, 357, 358 of nickel, 359-361 of palladium, 341-343 of silver, 361-366 of tin, 366, 367 of zinc, 367, 368 Organic acids, detection of, 101 Orpiment, 256 Orthite, 200 Orthoclase, 301, 325 Ortho- rhombic iron pyrite, 247 Osmium compounds, 123 Oxacids, 29 Oxalate of ammonium, 69, 280 INDEX. 389 Oxalate of calcium, 280 | Pharmacosiderite, 208 Oxidation and reduction of sub- Phenacite, 326 stances, 118 Oxide incrustations, 119 Oxides and hydrates of metals, 31 behavior of, treated before the Phenakite, 164 Phillipsite, 287 Philosophy, chemical, 25-38 Phlogopite, 322 blowpipe with sodium thio- Phoenicochroite, 261 sulphate, 99 | Pholerite, 305 metallic, behavior of, with I Phosphate of alumina, precipitation . borax, 94 of, 140 of ammonium-magnesium, 281 of iron and manganese, 270 of soda, 68 of sodium, 175 with salt of phospho- rus, 95 reduction of, 97 reactions of, with borax, 99 with general reagents, 93- 103 Oxygen, 181, 183 acids, 29 bases, 30, 31 Ozocerite, 373 Pachnolite, 282 Palagonite, 273 Palladium, 182, 183, 231 compounds, 122 detection of, 116 occurrence of, 182 ores of, 341-343 Paper for filtering, 43, 44 Parisite, 312 Pastreite, 270 Patience in the study of determina- tive mineralogy, 222 Pearlstone, 302" Pectolite, 290, 292 Peganite, 304 Peligot, views of, in regard to ura- nium, 198 Pencatite, 310 Pennitite, 319, 322 Pentaldite, 245 Percylite, 2(55 Permanent gases, spectra of, 131, 132 Permanganic acid, 176 Permangate salt, 176 Perofskite, 254, 255, 324 Peroxide of tin, :;2l' Petalite, 296 Petroleum, 372-375 benzine, 374, 375 composition of, 372, 374 MendelejefTs theory of the origin of, 373 where obtained, 372, 373 Pettkoite, 26!) Petzite. 2:ii) Pluirmacolite, 281 Phosphates, 183 Phosphochalcite, 267 Phosphochromite, 263 Phospho-molybdate of ammonium, 263 Phosphoric acid, 68 or phosphates, 183 testing, 108 Phosphorus compounds, 126 salt of, behavior of metallic oxides with, 95 Physical properties of minerals, 209 Picromerite, 273, 282 Picrosmine, 319 Piedmontite, 295 Pisanite, 266 Pissophanite, 303 Pistacite, 301 Pitchstone, 302 Pitticite, 208 Plagionite, 241 Platinum, 183, 184 action of different substances on, 205, 206 apparatus, 48, 49 and appliances, 87, 88 care required in handling, 205 compounds, 123 crucibles, dishes, etc., 48, 49 repairing, 206 native, 231 ores of, 341-343 spoons, 87 substances by which it is attack- ed or not attacked, 205, 206 testing, llii vessels, use and preservation of, 205, 206 wire, 87, 114 Plattner's blowpipe, 70 treatment of compounds of antimony, 142 PlattiH'i-itr, :.'.->6 33* 390 INDEX. Pleonaste, 327 Pliers, 40 Plumbago, 369 Plumbic acetate, 116 Plumbogummite, 304 Plumbo-resinite, 304 Polybasite, 232 Polycraee, 255, 315 Polyhalite, 280, 281 Poly lite, 299 Polytelite, 241 Porcelain dishes and crucibles, 48 earth, 305 lamp plate, 112 spar, 293 supporters, 76 Porcellanite, 293 Potash alum, 278, 303 Potassa, action of cobalt on, 159 Potassium, 184 and aluminium, sulphate of, 278 cyanide, 96 flame, spectrum of, 129 nitrate of, 277 oxalate, 96 spectrum lines of, 133 sulphate, examination with, 99- 101 sulphates of, 278 testing, 108, 109 Prasine, 267 Precipitates, washing, 45, 46 Precipitation and decantation, 41-43 Predazzite, 310 Prehnite, 291, 292 Preliminary tests of inorganic solid substances, 91, 92 Preparation of reagents required for analysis in the wet way, 59-69 Prism, examination of flames through a, 127, 128 Prismatic arsenate of copper, 264 Protoxide of cerium, 156 Pseudomalachite, 267 Psilomelane, 250, 252, 314 Pucherite, 276 Pulverization, 38-40 Pumice, 302 Pycrophyll, 319 Pyrargyrite, 242, 258 Pyrites, 246, 247 copper, variegated, determina- tion of, 222 Pyrochlore, 325 Pyrochroite, 309, 314 Pyro-electricity, 216 Pyrolusite, 176, 252 Pyromeline, 269 Pyromorphite, 260 Pyrope, 301 Pyrophosphate of magnesium, 175 Pyrophyllite, 295, 307, 322 Pyrosclerite, 290 Pyrosmalite, 274 Pyrostibite, 256 Pyroxene, 295, 297, 298 Pyrrothite, 247 Quantivalence, 25, 31 of elements, how expressed, 34 valence, or atomicity of ele- ments, 33-35 Quartz, 325, 326 Quicksilver, horn, 257 Rabdionite, 249, 269 Racks and test-tubes, 40, 41 Raimondite, 270 Ralstonite, 303 Raphanosmite, 237 Reactions, altered, of impure mine- rals, 217 of oxides with general reagents, 93-103 Reagents, 115, 116 for analysis in the wet way, preparation of, 39-69 Realgar, 256 Red iron ore, 249, 252 vitriol, 269 rays, refrangibility of, 129 Redonite, 304 Reduction of substances, 118 on the charcoal rod, 118 Reductions in closed-glass tubes, 118 Refraction of light, 128 Refrangibility of light, 129 Reinsch's test for arsenic, 150 Residues, Gerhardt's, 34, 35 Retinasphalt, 372 Retinite, 372 Retort stand, 45 Rhodium, 184, 185 compounds, 123 Rhodonite, 276, 294 Richmondite, 304 Richterite, 295, 300 Rionite, 232, 233 Ripidolite, 319, 322 Rock crystals, 325, 326 Roemerite, 270 Ropperite, 249, 274, 321 Ross, Col. Wm. A., 76, 77 INDEX. 391 Rottisitc, '517 Rubellite, 308 Rubidium, 184, 185 discovery of, 130 spectrum lines of, 133 Ruby, detecting:, 130 silver ore, 242 Ruthenium, 185 Rutile, 195, 254, 255, 324, 325 Sal-ammoniac, 63, 256 Salt, 68 common, 279 Saltpetre, 277 Salts, 28, 29, 32, 33 normal, acid and basic, 299 Samarskite, 250, 279 Samoite, 305 Sand-bath, 51 Sapphire, 308 detecting-, 139 Sarcopsrde, 271 Sassolite, 284 Saynite, 245 Scales of thermometers, relations of, 224-226 Scapolite, 293 Scheelite, 295, 324 Schorlomite, 293 Scolecite, 2S6 Scorodite, 208 Selbite, 254, 260 Selenide of bismuth, 236 of mercury, 236 and lead, 236 Selenium, 121 and seleniurets, 185 detection of, 97 Seleniuret of copper, 237 and lead, 237 of silver and copper, 237 Senarmontite, 256 Separation of As, Sb, Sn, 194 Sepiolite, 290, 292 Serpentine, 296, 318, 319, 320 Sesquicarbonate of sodium, 1277 Sesquioxide of chromium, 157 Seybertite, 307 Siderite, 270, 310, 311, ;;l:3 Sideroschisolite, 272 Siegenite, 246 Silica, 185, 186 Silicate of bismuth, 276 Silicates, fusing, 203, 204 reaction of, 277 Silicic compounds, 126 oxide 96 Silicium, 185, 186 Silicon, 185, 186 Sillirnanite, 308 Silver, 186-188 and copper, seleniuret of, 237 sulphuret of, 244 and iron, sulphuret of, 247 antimonial, 241 compounds, 123 iodide of, 166 native, 230 ore, ruby, 242 ores, 258, 259, 361-365 sulphuret of, 243 Silverglance, 243 Simonyite, 278 Siphon, 42 Skutterudite, 233 Smaltite, 233, 234 Smithsonite, 309 Soapstone, 321 Soda, action of, on chromium, 157 examination of minerals with, 96-98 nitre. 277 Sodalite/288 Sodic phosphate, 68 Sodium, 188 biborate of, 279 carbonate, 277 chloride of, 279 flame, spectrum of, 129 nitrate of, 277 phosphate of, 175 spectrum lines of, 133 sulphates of, 278 testing, 109 thiosulphate, behavior of oxides with, 99 examinations of metals : with, 98, 99 Solar and stellar chemistry, 134-137 the foundations of, laid by Bunsen and Kirch- hoff, 134 Solubility, absolute, 220 degrees of, 220 Solution and carbonic dioxide test 40,41 and solvents, 220 chemical, 220 Sordawalite, 292, 297 Spaerite, 304 Spaniolite, 242 Spark spectra, 131 Spars, 310, 311 Spathic iron, 270 a holder, 46 platinum, 45, 46 392 INDEX. Special methods for detecting cer- tain elements, or some of their combinations when present in complex chemical compounds, 139-202 Species, mineral, for the study of de- terminative mineralogy, 222, 223 Specific gravity, determination of, 211-216 Spectra of different flames, 129 of the flames of different salts, 129 of the moon and planets, 134 of permanent gases, 131, 132 spark, 131 Spectroscope, 137-139 Spectrum, 128 absorption, 163 analysis, 127-139 advantages of, 129, 130 Bunsen and Kirchhoff re- searches in, 127, 134 flame reactions, and colored flames, 103-139 principles of, 127-131 bright lines of the, 129 colors of the, 128 continuous, 128, 163 lines of the most important flame coloring elements, 133 measuring the. 138, 139 Specular iron, 249, 252, 313 Spessartite, 294 . Sphalerite, 253, 313 Sphenoclase, 302 Spinel, 308, 327 Spodumene, 296, 297 Spoons, platinum, 87 Spring balance, 214-216 Staffelite, 280 Stannic acid, 193 oxide, 193 Stannine, 244, 246 Stannous chloride, 115, 178 salts, 193 Star, Aldebaran, constituents of, 137 Stars, atmosphere of the, 134, 137 the spectra of the, 137 Stassfurthite, 284 Staurotite, 326 Stearine candles, 78 Stellar and solar chemistry, 134-137 Stephanite, 241 Sternbergite, 247 Stibnite,'240 Stilbite, 291, 292 Stolzite, 262 Strassfurtite, 281 Streak of a mineral, 211 Stroganowite, 293 Stromeyerite, 244, 246 Strontia, 150 Strontianite, 280, 310 Strontium, 189 examination of, 110 flame, spectrum of, 129 spectrum lines of, 133 sulphate of, 281 Struvite, 283 Stylotypite, 241 Substitution, discovery of, by Dumas, 26 theory of chemistry, 25-38 Sulphate of barium, 281 of baryta, 150 of magnesium, 278 of potassium, calcium, and magnesium, 280 of strontium, 281 separation of, from sul- phate of calcium, 174 Sulphates of barium, strontium, and calcium, fusing with carbon- ate of potassium or sodium, 174 of calcium, 280 of potassium, 278 of sodium, 278 of the alkaline earths, analysis of, 203 Sulphide, hydric, 64-66 incrustations, 120 of ammonium, 66 action of, on ferric salts, 168 on manganous salts, 176 Sulphides containing tin, 192 of arsenic and antimony, 142 of lead and antimony, treat- ment of, 142 Sulphur, 189-191 acids, 29, 30 compounds. 127 detection of, 97 dioxide, detection of, 100 native, 256 Sulphuret of antimony, 240 and lead, 240 and silver, 242 of bismuth, 248 of copper and antimony, 242 of iron and nickel, 245 of lead, 244 of silver, 231, 243 and iron. 247 INDEX. 393 Sulplmrct of tin, 244 Sulphuretted hydrogen, ()4-(i(; Sulphuric acid, 68 concentrated, examination with, 99-101 testing-, 108 Sulphydric acid, action on manga- nous salt, 176 Supports for crucibles, 51-53 for the assay, 75-78 Susannite, 263 Sussexite, 269, 284., 311 Svanbergite, 306 Sylvanite, 239 Syngenite, 281 Table of atomic weights of elements according to the new system, 36-38 of volatile elements which can be reduced 'as films or coat- ings on porcelain, arranged according to their reactions, 121 Tables of minerals, introduction to, 207 Tabular arrangement showing the behavior of oxides when treated before the blowpipe, with sodium thiosulphate, together with their reactions with borax. 99 Tachhydrite, 278 Tachylite, 289, 292 Tagilite, 267 Talc, 321 Tallingite, 265 Tantalite, 255 Tantalum, 191 compounds, 125 pentoxide, 97 Tavistockite, 304 Telluret of bismuth, 239 of gold and lead, 239 Tellurium, 121, 191, 192 compounds, detection of, 97 native, 238 ores of, division of, into groups, 238 Test, carbonic dioxide, 40 for arsenic in minerals contain- ing no sulphur, 148-150 operations, 116 papers, preparation of, 63 substances, apparatus, and me- thod employed for submit- ting, to the flame, 112-114 Test-tube holder, 41 Test-tubes and racks, 40, 41 Testing and classifying minerals, preliminary proceedings for, 219 chemical mixtures, 107-111 for water, 220, 221 of water, 62, 63 Tetradymite, 239 Tetrahedrite, 241,246 Thallium, 121 discovery of, 130 spectrum lines of, 133 Thenardite, 278 Theories of chemistry, 25-38 Thermometers, scales of, relations of, 224-226 Thermonatrite, 277 Thermophyllite, 296 Thomsenolite, 282 Thorite, 317 Thraulite, 318 j Thuringite, 272 i Tiemannite, 236 : Tin, 192-1 94 and copper, separation of, 193 compounds, 124 dissolving of, 192 from antimony, separation of, 194 from bismuth, separation of, 193 ores of, 366, 367 pyrites, 244 recognition of, 116 Tinkal, 285 Tinstone, 324 Titanic acid, 324 native, 195 iron, 253 Titanite, 300 Titanium, 195 dioxide, 96, 97 detection of, 101 compounds, 125 treatment of, 195 ! Tongs, crucible, 49, 50 Topaz, 308, 327 Torbernite, 267 Tourmaline, 275, 298 Tremolite, 299, 300 Tridymite, 326 | Triphylite, 271 Triplite, 270, 271 Tripods, 47 Tio . ..... $2.00 ROWN. Five Hundred and Seven Mechanical Movements: Embracing all those which are most important in Dynamics, Hy- draulics, Hydrostatics, Pneumatics, Steam-Engines, Mill and othei Gearing, Presses, Horology and Miscellaneous Machinery; and in- cluding many movements never before published, and several rf which have only recently come into use. By HENRY T. BROWN I2m<> $1.00 BUCKM ASTER. The Elements of Mechanical Physics : By J. C. BUCKMASTER. Illustrated with numerous engravings. I2mo ' . . $1.50 8ULLOCK. The American Cottage Builder : A Series of Designs, Plans and Specifications, from $200 to $20,000, for Homes for the People ; together with Warming, Ventilation, Drainage, Painting and Landscape Gardening. 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