ENGINEER DEPARTMENT, U. S. AEMY. T A. B L E S OP GEOGRAPHIC POSITIONS, AZIMUTHS, AND DISTANCES, TOGETHEH WITH LISTS OF BAROMETRIC ALTITUDES, MAGNETIC DECLINATIONS, AND ITINERARIES OF IMPORTANT ROUTES, PREPARED PRINCIPALLY BY First Lieut. M. M. MACOMB, 4th U. S. Artillery, ASSISTANT, FROM DATA GATHERED BY PARTIES OF THE UNITED STATES GEOGRAPHICAL SURVEYS WEST OF THE 100TH MERIDIAN, OPERATING IN THE STATES AND TERRI- TORIES OF CALIFORNIA, COLORADO, NEBRASKA, NEVADA, OREGON, ARIZONA, IDAHO, MONTANA, NEW MEXICO, AND WYOMING, UNDER THE DIRECTION OF Captain GEO. M. WHEELER, Corps of Engineers, U. S. Army, IN CHCA.R&K. 1883. WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. 1885. 10040 G P LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL UNITED STATES GEOGRAPHICAL SURVEYS WEST OF THE ONE HUNDREDTH MERIDIAN, Washington, D. C., October 31, 1883. SIR : I have the honor to forward herewith " Tables of Geographic Positions, &c.," with the request that authority be granted for the print- ing of 1,000 copies. These tables contain important unpublished data (final results of the Survey), and should prove of much practical value in map compilation and for reference. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, GEO. M. WHEELER, Captain of Engineers in charge. The CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, IT. S. ARMY, Washington, D. 0. OFFICE CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, November 2, 1883. Respectfully submitted to the honorable the Secretary of War, with the recommendation that the report be printed at the Government Printing Office, and that 1,000 copies be furnished on requisition from this office. H. G. WRIGHT, Chief of Engineers, Brig. & Bvt. Maj. Gen. Approved. By order of the Secretary of War. JOHN TWEED ALE, Chief Clerk. WAR DEPARTMENT, November 3, 1883. TABLE OF CONTENTS. Page. Introductory Note 7 PART I. ASTHO^OMIC AND GEODETIC POSITIONS. TABLE I. Primary astronomical stations 10-11 II. Secondary astronomical stations 12 III. Base lines 13,14 IV. Positions of mountain peaks alphabetically arranged by States and Territories 15-35 V. Positions of cities, towns, and settlements, &c., alphabetically arranged by States and Territories 36-40 VI. Positions of military posts, alphabetically arranged 41-44 PART II. AZIMUTHS AND DISTANCES FROM PRIMARY TRIANGULATION STATIONS. TABLE I. Los Angeles base, California and Nevada 49-62 II. Sutro base, California, Nevada, and Oregon 63-83 III. Ogden base, Idaho and Utah 85-96 IV. Santa Fe base 97-105 V. Fort Bayard base 107-114 VI. Fort Bliss (or El Paso) base 115-120 PART III. BAROMETRIC ALTITUDES. List of reference stations 124-126 TABLE I. Military posts 127-128 II. Mountain peaks 129-141 III. Cities, towns, and settlements 142-171 IV. Lakes, springs, &c., 172-1HO V. Mountain passes 181-191 PART IV. ITINERARIES OF IMPORTANT ROUTES. Routes Nos. 1-41, inclusive 194-261 6 NOTE. Through the following tables there are presented, in accessible form, such portions of the more important numerical results of this Survey, from the year 1873 to 1879, inclusive, as it has been found necessary to compute pari passu with the plottings made from the field notes, together with such additional determinations as may have been re- quired in the construction of the final atlas sheets. The speed with which results were demanded and produced during the years that field observations were in progress, and the subsequent paucity in office assistance, have rendered it impossible to exhaust the subject under any one of the headings found in the contents. Such results, however, as would seem to be of the greatest general interest and usefulness have been collected in this volume, which is submitted to take a place among the miscellaneous publications of the Survey, wherein its importance will correspond in a measure to the number of positions, elevations, distances, &c. (of which there are many), not hitherto in print. These tables, independent of showing the larger part of the frame- work upon which the atlas sheets rest, should prove of practical assist- ance to parties hereafter operating in the same areas, and of value in all general map compilations of this portion of our western territory. Many of the results which have already appeared in various annual or preliminary reports, for convenience are repeated here, with additions and corrections where necessary. In any case of ditt'erence the figures herein, having been recompared with the final records, should be given the preference over any con- tained in earlier publications. Other than Lieutenant Macoinb, among those assisting in preparing the within tables, should be mentioned especially Mr. F. W. Floyd, also Messrs. Gilbert Thompson, Anton Karl, and Francis Klett, who have performed valuable services in collating from the original records. G. M. W. U. S. ENGINEER OFFICE, GEOGRAPHICAL SURVEYS WEST OF THE 100th MERIDIAN, Washington, D. C., October 31, 1883. On account of the prolonged illness and consequent continued absence from duty of Captain Wheeler, this publication was still further delayed till commencement of the year 1885. 7 I. ASTRONOMIC AND GEODETIC POSITIONS. TAIILK I. PRIMARY ASTRONOMICAL STATIONS. II. SECONDARY ASTRONOMICAL STATIONS. III. BASE LINES. IV. MOUNTAIN PEAKS. V. CITIES, TOWNS, AND SETTLEMENTS. VI. MILITARY POSTS. NOTE. Only such positions as have received distinctive names, and which have undergone final computation at the date of going to press, have been included in the following tables. All longitudes in this volume are west from Greenwich, and all latitudes are Norm. JO ASTRONOMIC AND GEODETIC POSITIONS TABLE I. 1 1 1 1 s I J < r U g SH 14 s g i = 1 1 S I > i 0^ ffi 2j S f fr fS I i & i x a f 1 S a) ^ S S S QJ 'C a s c *> -8^8 - t3 eS . O w c G a O < cu O >>"S '5 rQ " B 3 CL. ~ 8 S ~$ 2-2 S "E . d 6 6 % a . d i 4*11 f QQJ ^ rC D fen 22'"" ' ' '"" ' * J r" ^ s s S a i 73 * I '1.2 - 1 o a " o a -) & g S .2 1 c N w ii ;gfc- . M M r^ N^-^WOOOO^^-^^ CO ^ro x o ^ QO 00 00 OO CX3 00 00000000000000000000 00 000000 g v-v^ ^ v O f) 1 I g" c o -~ O * " >> x 10 ro 1^1 N N >~t fa ss o o xo Ui 2-g j g a uui! i Hs^^l^sH S sf | t^ -^J- 10 T)- ro ^~ vO vO ^O *C fO*O -^f vO 10 00 vO 5 X, K^ ^ g o oo^-o o t->, 10 O\^O O ^O O^Otv-i^-t^-ONioO O O t-*. d 1 "^ < ro lo 1 - *o O Tj- MI CO PO rj- N ^ ON 10 O OO 1OCO fl O OA t~^ 'O f . CO VO CO N N tv. N O 10 ro O ^ O *^ lO ^" HK O N O 1O ON ^" ^ N 3 o fr "S - n^ ^2 ^~ ^" ^f" ^^ OO vO *O N 10 N ON 10 ON OOONOOOOO- i-. OO c 1 M Tf-CO NO 1^. 5 o- < .32-?rKg:! ?! ^ 2 1 v O^ 00 vO O O N ?o;5J5S!t S l^ | a o O^ O CO iO\O O ro ^J- ro -^- to ' O r O'^'O u ^ ^t~ N (M *a <3 ^ **> w ^ * t^vO -v C"^ ^-'^O^JjN! 5? 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ON^O O OO r^> M in ^ ^~ *^ O ^~ O N O O >~" *-O w O in ^* O ^" O fO O ^t" O <^ el '& ^ ^^^^o"^ ?> o" 22.? p; ^ 2 tr > ^> as ^ N * o r^CN'-'OO^ Ci OOOO^O O t-*- O coOu^^^O r^oo O- CO O I*" N t^ t^ O "flf* w^ CO ^ t~^.OO fO 00 *n ^ O OO ^ N ^j* Qs O O N 1 v rj- moo O r-^oo oo *^- r f-1-.OO rot^OOONt^.ri 4>O ~ w 00 M 3 TT TT r TO'TfDrr^-oi'^-rOi-iC^s-'iy-ii-i OM i vo"^o Swco 1 iC o c i^I 521 S^offS i J? roco^-rO-^-fO ro Th T l-roro c^ ro CO CO ^ro * m ro to m ro -t u (i c^ 9 g CX a g i g. o u c C 1 1 L 4, cd cd I 1 ^o Nevada Nevada Nevada do C t ^ ^ 1 > > - U ._ V 0^0 ^ S O fa g 5 *g 2 1 1 g o g bja 2 bo 2 ** fl f^ ^a 1 _ S X K ^ co S_.S U ^ ^3 flJ o r>. in t^ m r- 0n in r* Jd o 5 01 I ji "C 1 I 1 u s o z Q s J o .c w rtl . s^^ 13 o M - a -S t. Sri c O C FJ2 r-J M W 4^ ffiEEEK So." 2 J OT< S s K W KM fi ^ 'rt O s cl; wi >- h-H ^"^ C C g^o^3g ^"g JS i 1 1 1 1 ^-l ^ ? o % 3&-j ^399 ^ ^ -S 1 , PC rf A h- ii J M h- 1 M ^i S o ! U. 8. GEOGRAPHICAL SURVEYS. 19 I i W OH i *B CJ . 15 U . 3 3 13 .U 13 .CJ -. > ^ > > ~ t 8.3 OJ a; ^. S. 5 % Iz " ju 6 fa 'E) " as 1 rf r/ T."3 'aJ - P (fl < fl ir >n r^ in m^ moooooo o\ g-g 8 oo oo oo cc oo oo oo oo'oo'oo obaDaorccSocxjocobtxaj cVToo oo oo OD cb cb oo W* --^ v-v^ -^ N-v-* u * m -t- ri w in ro I/- m ON l-< CO co N mo * ~ OO ro o M ON rr 3 M O ro M M O | ON^: ON 30 - ^ HH CO ON to oo O'OOONOO'O OO "^ **" *O VO - t^O VO OS VO >o * ir ON M -t O VD "100 "O O >-" 1 s. N co N S '^ ^- co O r^- * o ro ro T^- in c IT ^2 ir> 10 O moo ^o 1 ^ o . 00 * \o co d ON CO bo oo O> ro r^ ir 00 O 1^ \o \o o H LT1 O ^O ^ - fj- If) Cl N M CO C*" *- 'c ^J" *-" ir o M ro M w co w> J ON o *o ON ON r-* ^ ON ON O o 00 O 1^00 O 00 O t-^OO 00 OO OO ON 1 ONONO - - M m t ^ N 00 00 m M oo oo >- --o ^ ^ *" ^- ci m r^ o O m -i N * 1-4 l-l O CO m N <"O v OO "n O ON \f~ 00 X OO O t^l *^ 3 ft ^ ^ w-)OO OO \O t^> COCO CO CO CO cococo^cococococococo CO C i i 3 ^ rt -5 (i. i i 1 1 U 1 i a i Q t/3 y 5 ^ r- 1 -6 a f-i I rt 1 rt 1 ^ 5 o i e 2 E rt 6 3 s CJ V 4J ( :j to ^/ x, 'X c X c 2 f-t i 1 a^ o c s C E S t r; r -r T? T3 ^ Q I F I f aj u c u "-J u I ^ < s K " tn ~ ( $ '7. s *i rt aj UQQP C P3M Q ft O QlQ!JMQU-< <^ Q o ^ co^o -*vo vo t< NOVO m en d ' * * ^t^ ^ 9 *** 2 CJ rt (A .5 ji e 1 a "o I 6 6 3 . W 'S o O P^ & O p) w Q Q ^ 3 6 o o 6 o Q QQQQ Q '5 5 '& T-; ^ / -^ ^-* ^ / * x / ^^ / * r^-* ^^ ^ ir icx) ^oo oo ON^D vo VOOQ vov } IOOO *O <-O ^O *O -v^ ^-v-' '-v-' >_ v _/ w^ v-^ ^-^-x 0) 13 N c> > ^ ir t> : 1 I~^. ^t" O "O O c* O O*v c^j ^" N C ) N r-. P. t* o c* t> VJ ) t- ) N i 10 O s v ^ vo N 'O V Q, C t* . fO ^ i- OO ** OO **O ^- r-^ - ^h tN r- . 1- . r* ) c w rj- *" ^- r ^ - O c L/ JVON ThON M M C vo N O N C ^ r* *H ^ CO O ^ O ^.O Tl h t- ,!_! M M Tj-t-.ONVOVO vo cs O o N M oc _!. Q ^ - co'O N VOTJ-I^ NCOfOiOCOO"^*^ J o r^OvOONOxOOOO ON ON 0^0 t^vOOOCQvOOOOOr^r^OON VC c MT c ^ ^ - t-*.N ONOOvO N WC* ) 10 C,r u 1~ O M CO V 3 v^^g-^g 3- ^? vo 8" " "8 B'SS'S'SSroo ?< > M '"""* v CO C f* } r-*. C \ vr O **- voCNt^.t^C \ Tj- C\ ~ - f r* i v r: CO 3 ^> X >0 ^ " t^OO t^OO^vo ^- ^-^ ^- corOTfTO *o tlt^ C^ CO f ^CO CO f JCOCOfOC^t^rocoC' ) CO nf 1 r <-' ^ P* 1 f* ICO d, 9 in b 5 O c O c^ R d rt 1 at * O t T3 J 1 3 o a a > > 4 rt a u ~> c a 0) - & ? ^ ^c C T3 *C c -c ^ rt *^ _o y 2 6 B E s 2 \ o A *; t s c7 < u c/5 c/5 I c c in c/} o U y i/5 8 a M P5 QCJ Q <; (J Q (J pQ fC > % 9 CJ U ffl m O C t* . :, o 31 t^ XT 1 ^ t^ u- 1 VO u-j 10 io iot> r>. r- t t^. co oo r-*-oo oo VO VO i/i C <* * r~ . vO r^ ^ ^ ^ 3 j , -1 . 3 8 u Q. " ni B a *2 y^- v / g Q rt ? p. s 'T ' | j: "o < t< "^ ^g C/3 > 'c 1 CALIFORI Pilot Knob .. Pyramid T2 I I ' C | 'I - " 1 PI i | (2 Richardsons, or Ritter_ at 1 M 1 San Antonio __ San Bernardino San Fernando a'l E i toil fl C C3 T3 C c/a c/3 c/3 c/3 '-/: Santiago Mount Schultz _ . Sentinel Dome . U. 8. GEOGRAPHICAL SURVEYS 21 a 1 C) 3 CJ . c q rt rt u .u . "3.| 1 B 1 uT i B i V wT 4) S ^ 5 ^ 1> J 1 - . J 13 rt a r^ n 5 . . .2 c .2 1 e G ^ o Q 'c o o o o Q & s 'i >^ J > i2> " 3>>: > 3 fc 1 ^ 00 ^0? 00 STZ. *> 10 S~^ vO SrTSl g-g S OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQOOOOOOOOOOOO w '-v-' >-v-^ ^ ^ ' '-^ U o * 1~ 0000 co \f 00 ON ON f) C r>. O OC M4 -c^? ir ' O i\o fO'*^ 1 in N w ON O *- M ON 3 1O t- o \ o *H (->, M e i O 0000 1-1 00 00 O ON !> ON M < q -i M M M KJ ^ iO iO tOO O r~ in in^o C \f ) -<1 fOM i-io u^c. -d- .)- ^OiC o V 1O 00 00 .^^ S SS'SS, 5 $V?^S--^^r7c7 ^ 3/5, 5. v O M or F 1 *. CO t^ C - r a OO moc c w ro f) - f ; f , U" iC rnit f }NO > -' fO COHt fr > a o o o 000 O OiOOiCiCiOiOOOCiOOOOOt^O 00010 01 f > 01 N COOC, OlOcoCOOtiO - Nin^-lO ^ t?^t8 ^1- t TJ- r^ co 01 M M M mtn tf) v J^O* ^ in T^ m in ro C 1 ' * ^ in'-O C CO rJ 6 1-1 n t^ o ONOO -* ro oo <- oo QO r^. co ON inoo oo n mo oo o vo ON ro oo ro ** ro ro ro f) fn^* **><*! fO coromrororOfOroro -^ fOcoro ro rt -^ rt 1 E S5 j ^ a S* rn | o C i^ U M rt OJ C/3 s b s en cx, b a rt g g n - rt s 1 6 2 3 rt B ^C " ^ 5 Tacinto . T3 (U stwater . a Nevad 6 1 C ^ i* OJ '. vit v |- |<^ * o T3 1 u y I 0) e- h 1 H c75 Cfl ^ QQ ^q r ) a M Qp3 CQ Q pq Q O PQ CQ < . in r^ ^" ',0 <4I UI^-Ti-lOt^ 00 in fo *n *r w 11- ^\O w " t> t^lO KT, ,( 10 -*00 \r u> a 53 , o ^^n^O -i - -* r> ** t>. \f ^- Tj- T] i/ ^ in ^**o ^ in t>\o t*^ S3 V S cx, > i? o 4 3 1 >, PM H Hi J ) a O o & CAI.IF Sevastopol . . fihnffpr 1 ? s I tfix 'S t^Wt/5 !/ ||Ji .i ^ ill! 1 I t/2 c/2 en en t/3 a 1 1 c/ ! - '} Sweetwater Tallsn 3 *S * ^ a . s^<3 a a 8 . . -o s s t ^^^^ 1 g^g 1 ^^^^ ^ jSptS 3 I a 5 o 1 22 ASTRONOMIC AND GEODETIC POSITIONS TABLE IV. , "3 73 13 "S B 11 '? O '.u .U .U .CJ O o 6 o 6 "o 6 "o U . -3 U eg, B3 j&j .S c'.S" c'.S" c 1 .2" c 5 c - "S - C >-) >_1>J>J > J p-fiHfi L_ &, (-H S3 fc*,; V0*> .000 tor-tO^O toSTo^-ntr, .0 7*^0 in ^-^^^7^;^^ 111 oo oo oo oo OQ oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo co oo EX> oo co ob 6b 6b 60 _M'S -^ ^-x v-v^ *-> V * 'J - TI-OO 00 t^ ir> 00 ^ i^vo NsDOMf^rO H * OO to CM vO t- < 00 V , t ^OOO I - I -*4- 2"2? 5" 3 " 0*0 N QN^O vD N >O ^^ ON OO >O ^~ ON fO *f vO o\ w vO O ONOO 1 ^^80 HH ^H vo ts rj* 10 O CO ^^ "" >O ^" u" N i-c O N N *-" W 1 ^ ^2"S > rj- O "( O CO O "* HH O CO to n * M ro ^ >-. tf O N a O vD t- .ONt^OOOOONOO OOOO r-vO OvO IH Mt 11 W - HH -. O O OO u-.vO to to r-. r^. t-^. O O O O j N to 10 t->.OO ONO "^ O ^* rf-OO Of 00 to M ON VO to^- ' j V T3 ** f^ H< C OO roOO I^ONTJ-I-, t-iOO ONCOOOO H" *^- to O fO ^ ^" ON O N "^ CO N ? X *OOM^^M3^ MV O t-^^2 I-^vO %)O\ir^Q !2 ** 2 i*Sv ! ,3 o ^S^ i^^RSft'ftS S5SRS ft8 8 $ Sift j 3 4 ! a. 4 ' | > > u o o II vi S 4 1 I c 1 M o 5 o> C 2 *~> i C 111 1 !!3 !;, ajj^a ?f ii r ^> * p> EjH. '3 1 n o 1 | S c c c u S C T3 if C/3 CD ^ ^ c/5 ^ c/5 c/a c ^oo row '$ 5 c/5 (/I 4J Q#? ^ ?? <: < <:< 13 rt rt 4) J2 'C 3 M M P3 CQffl U. S. GKOGKAPHICAL SURVEYS. 23 '3 o c o o 1J 3-1 o o a c ~ C c d c 'o c3 s IS II g u . "2" - . .-2 U -c U ^ ^ o" d d .g E3 Q Q -g 'O O O Ifs 1 lll 'c o o QQ c a 4> .S >3 " " OJ tx -H p^ ^ 3 ^H fL( H P- p (S H H (S H if I'd Tt"NO t* ^ VOVO O 'O NO Tt" IO\O ^ * Ul ^"^Os OSSO ^so so ^ ^- CssO^SO G*^ x*o ooooooooooooocoooooooocooo cxfoo OO"OO'OO"OV>*OQ'CQ'OO"OO*OO"OO oo oo oo oo oo oo 33 ' , ' . <-*-' *-Y^ N_ v ^ 1 vo r->.oo O i" to - r^. t~>. oo . ON^ 00 NO 10 ON t^~ ^ Tl-f^QO 'SS t^ ^M ^ ONNO ON f l~^ N ND fl IO M ^t : M S cs -^ "O OS 2 jf OsOsO N JJ-- ,00 me;; rf- NO * C S f 2 i ^- r; O 1 O ON CO N t-^-ONN MOONO "IN "i N NO IOOO Tj-NC 1H 0< >0 - i s. O t^^ ro ^ o O r-oo OC 10 IO t^ Tj XT) HI ^- O W <- ^- c' to r- J -^- M f> O 8u-l N \C N m TJ O co w oo r' ) *- r^ So , IT 1 iy :/ 00 O^ ON t-- T vo a O O 00 N n *** co W O W *-" NN ^N H* I'l N O ~i CO *O N N \D \r o O O O VO *-f O O 'o'o o'o l- 8 "8 t^ IO to tO ^ O O O O O O O O vo oo m t^ OOOO " NO COVO 10 t- .o o OS - NO OO OO N - ON O ON C - NO OK * OS ~ Jj ^ Tt- ONOC fO C sOO C J- CT fr I/- "", t> D r. t-^ t*o N r* S "** to O C* 1 ^- M m ** ^ *H N \f "- 10 m O ^ T; v NO O f- T}- f >ooo N r^ f o O O - IT) M ^J"-O oc o N O fO PO OO OC 3 <* ^ ^ ro O - ^ w m o - u ti "-.- u-, n ^ o P5^^ fO f^cor^ fO fO CO CO C<- ro ro r-1 ro ^ ro r^ r-, ro n ro ro 1 1 | t s> c U 3 1 1 S '^0 3 a I S I H 3 U T) _0 a c u 1 :r o> ^| jl S e a 5, S 1 ^ S III 1 1 53 ^c^ 4J C C C !? C/) Cfi C/; ' | | 3| rt C/3 S rt cn g ! 8 1 2 | M -l-i (J O U U UU\O VO SO vO to to 10 t* .sO NO NO NO to NO to NO IO tO V * w t f >> >* * u- > -1 >n^ LT to NO tOTd u 1 vr >|^. r> * ^ * " 1 I S M c t. 2L o o c b 9 S o IO 1 c/5 a * o a I*! S 9 9 -C i U UL i- C > o| 3 "3 i UCJC -S | QQC S S - i" 1 W U >> rt 2 1M 3 * o tS3 J c | J c *O v 2 g O C c c ' c S 1 6 02 W D O S I 24 ASTRONOMIC AND GEODETIC POSITIONS TABLE IV. g o c d _S j o o C I S.I 3 1 ! (3 J tjU & U -a" -o <->-a : < ' 3 c .2 d -a ,2 d -3 dd,o o 4 ddod % do^dddo^ S * C 'ij '" ' C II ' * C '''I ' ''U fl) >-* 'flj " o < H OH H PH H CH H PU H ft. H ft. H '5 fc 1 ^ W^QM- ,0 Ti-S^^^'^O ^W^O^^^OVOO ^-VOO ^ D. g u oo oo oo oo 60 oo'oo'oD'arw'oo'iio'oo'aj'oo'oo'tx) aTao'oo'oo o"ocr<"<>o'<>o' w* _^ v_ v _x ^_- >_ v _/ u a | ^~ 10 O *1* to *"" HH "^ ^^ ON ^ C IH ^ "->OC I--CON ^-^1^2 ro covOi-ri-ooor^ fl E ) fe 2 S" 2" iro CON'^-OOCOON ^ ! h to ^" co^c w-^-OO ION MOT (-OO Ot^- "-t OOOw^Nl^-flNOO 1 N. \o CO COOO t^ O vD O t^ O OO c T rooo to^O O ON >o co O "^ *~" O^O* I O ON CO f ^ CO M N I/ i ro co N to o 'O *-O o^ i co ** fO O to O co tj rj 1 u ITJ-I-HIO -tj- O O 1-1 O N M ro N O oO O OOOO O OO O OC ;r^vO *o 'O to t-- to o to r^ to OOOO O OOOOOO ^P^ !* Si^S-'Si J ft i. 00 ONOO I^-OO OO t^. ON ON 1^. r-GO 1^. O^00 OO I-~OO OO 00 r^-OO CO I"** CO CO CO CO CO CO CO COCO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO ro CO d B g a I o a o O s> i-M M G. tn - 1 fij . 4 i? Ill !ll lillllifjl 01 M PnPcm > i-)O ft. n w 1 "" 1 c c c C/2C/2CA 7| O! (X 6 S fl (/) C/5 ft e o S T3 3 ll 8 1 14 O O< QM <: ou Q QuuQQa Q U:<(J<;MCJ >0 M=OVO >0 vo.0 ^0^^>M=^ xo vovo^vo^^^^. (fl C ^ ^ w,^*^. *^ ^ ^^^w,^^ ^.^-^^^^r,^ ^ O '-3 D 3 Ul d a c a c ^J. "3 1 I Q , s C o ^ 3 a a tS S-. PN o c I O Q ~" "w <" S Q ] -o fi 5 c u-S S'.S ^ S " - j "^ > t-^!nfl"S*U?T'C J^ 1> C )> -'fcJ3C7'S ? oSfcdrt S "3 S-0033 ^g sl^S-sSj | Sj^^Sf^Sg^ X X ZiXXX M >-)>-] ^j I35HS IS So O s S s- c j s: I B | g p i i td I U. S. GEOGRAPHICAL SURVEYS. 25 a d o 66 d i| 4 " 8-t "o d o d o o o _c o -fo-i 0-30 3 cL o'^- 1 *"3 *w T3 *G i P _o do d -o ,0 "C OOO'OO O '^O ^ 'O O COO QQQ2-5-gOO'cQO^ e O ^QQ ^ ? t. 3 V. 3 t, a 1-c 60 H tiHS-iE- 1 diH O ? UN vO 0,^^^-vO ^^-^^O.^VOVOVO^^^-S^'^;* ^^^ OOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOOOsotXSOO^OCOOOOOOOGOCOCOOOOOOOaOOO OO OO 00 W-3 '-v-' -^ ^v^-v^ 0) T3 xr ON >-n m O O-i-irooCQ^O OOOm O CO\O OOCOu-> CO CO ^~ M fO 1 ^ro^ r ^*'f O^^^ CO N ^f t^-vO 00 2 w C -K* ** M O 00 M to r> - *-" ^ I-'.'O OO 1^.00 3000"-. N N- OC 3 C " 3*8 S 8 S 1 ? X 3-?o S3-~ Som S IT & cT3. 3 (3 vO if) "O t^ t* 00000 o o^8"o~ > (?(r(?(?B*o 1 o o" o o" mos-*- N ^* C* r-NvO - CO- ro^^rfvo - ^^0 00 0X> 1 S 00 ^OOO ** CO vO CO O N CT\ ^" O^ 10 i~^ 10 **OvO vO co vO *t OO O OO S - - *< d C O t' " O N ^- O * co N *^ t>.oo r*oo ^ t~^ ^~ ^t~ r- co co co 10 co^O o "5. ONOO ON t^. O\ t- r>.DO t^. ON r^ t^. ONOO COt^r~-.CO t-OO MNN d, b o O | 3 2 ! i u C u O o | og> K u o *o a a c o og' > -' Ebg "3 II a H 5 (2 a > i |* 1 s 3 C/5 TlS ^ IH ^ ."^ t- ''O S t . yi W WJ^ <_, ^ CJS'G w ^ ^5 ^CiniuCCo^W CC rt Jj QQ Q OO O L *_ ri r) Hits M cs Ssttf^^3 5 1 5 5-UU ' J'S-s W d D B a *G* ~ O V 3 S o o 1 a S w ^ 1 1 Q i o -' c: X H 3 8 1 c | J*^ rt rt Al j J 4) CS f 1 - ^2 H w . .S2 .i2 cj = D b P C Ck^ i ^ .g| S. S.S-5 ^ ^ f i "t! .E 1- C J &^S -M f3 o ^ J= w 2 c H H S S*^ C W ^ ^ ^ ^ C o I c r S c/; c/2c/iv:t- | t- | r- t r H P - i >>,> P" J> ?* <;PHPH 26 ASTRONOMIC AND GEODETIC POSITIONS TABLE IV. I '3 3 11 4 i s f |t i=> of & f cdddddddodddddddddddd G d d d d J* ^PPPQPPPPPPPPPQPPPQPP -a,P P Q Q < tJ) , O $> i-4 Hi i- r oc t^i^. ) OO OO OO 00 OO 00 OO CO OO OO OO OO OO CO 00 OO OO OO OO 00 CC OO 00 OO OO OO M -s o lOOO lO in - CO * LO ^i"CO Minin t^M O\MOO % 2 O co co ^-vO mc< ^- 10 co covO ON M in vo M O O r->. ON ON o ON r-*.oc ON O ON ./-- - NCO ON ON vO t^ r- y 2 M . M OJ ^ O ON in r ^co O ^O t~ ^O N to t^ ^ t t^nOO co ON N \O O CO COOO wi O 1 s. oo t^ t^* ^ ^H ^co ^" r- COCH lOCO^" OO COC- -o co ^o o 1000 r-.c*NO~\o\fHo6 ^co^ddco I ** O O O co ^~ co co O f N O ^ft^ --' 2 ] g *&>c ~> f & 1 C i h c CO co co n N co *N CO o - M H f 100 M T}-\O t^.inO'-OO^'^' rn-^-j>.COCOO Tt" O w> O "4" O O *i" "~ " ^ t-^00 >-i t^. r^ ^co OO ^" w co ^^ O O vo 'O in 1 f^) t^ T}- O O* *^ N *O 00 O ON r^ O\*O d ij ^SaSTS 8"25S a - O *o ^J PONNMr^NNMN M 3 OJ 4) 3 O 05 p C4 w a ^ f^i " J^i o ^ K a w "C 5 ti * QJ B o u o B PQ C^PQ * ^4 * PnpqpM * pq V] jj rt oj "w V Mi_i-.HHNhN-.NNC< pq.OO CO )^-^co^-cocococococoro io^co^ Q 05 ^} PQ in vo D 2 *+-mo t-* W vnx}-T)-*vo ^-vn^Tf^-vo ^WKO ^-o^vo^xj- M a B 9 C s a d , c Q o O K < s-i 1 vO "w\0 I-OO VO 0*0 VOVO vOv^OvOOO VOVO t^vo"^M\O WO OO OO 00 OO OO OO OO OO 00 OO OO OO 00 00 OO OO OO OO OO OO OO OO OO 00 OO OO OO OO w'S * v ' *-v- ' , ' 0) O I ON 00 CS ** \f O\ O O O -i *> 2 ^ S " . t^H t^ O '-O \Q ON N^ ON t^ O\OO vO vO 00 vn M 0>- WMN OXTfOO CT- O^N^* - OSOO * i v d\ ro cKoO f' )N N OC JJ,"^ S'^ i^ ^''S m* ^- O Q ^"t fO O w O ^ "^ I ir> 00 Nr^OO'-'OO"- r^ t-^OO O t^- cr> ?* c\\r n O **> \D moo /3 oo t^ oo r^ c * ON t- t^u- O N ON O GO OO t->. ON O t^ 2^ 2" fr 2"^ ^ 00 NOVCO OOOVO t-rot^^* * -*0^0v-0 M^M- o 3 ^ O\ t*l r^. N O O "1 * O "-1 ON in ** vC w N n ^ ^ OO t-* O "> * O w ^.^.^r 2 S^S a CT\ OO fl I^IOC 00 ^ O\ ^ C vO - 00 if 825 ON ON O vO fO ro^O OO O f*^ O ^ ^^ f"O ^O fO Tj" f n a ^ f $ SftS * *2 e a. o S U | P o | .S 1 a i o p H Reese River . Toyabe Wtishoe Mour Spring Mount y. V 6 S Walker River Washoe Mou | Q Granite _ Washoe MOUI Flowery Ridg Monitor g 1 i 11 < Q uQQcaQ r->. oo oo oo r-^oo t^ GO CO O ^\O QuQO < QfflQQQQ Q QQU t-^co r-oo t-*. oo oo r-*-oo oo r^. oo r-*. f^-oo "% V) C * ^ u,*>oor. W ^^VOiniA^%OVO-**VO > ^.* JS '.3 c/5 d U d 1 d 1 a o U o 'o V 1 & I Q I 1 9 * 6 |g b M 13 c W | h _4> 55 >/ > c Q, g'J~r'^^3|:25 .& I^'E | y 5c-3Cit;j3j355!g g|Ti>.Sn S 6 *T*3 M M MMWCjcjOUUCJUU CJ CjQQQQW W Wfepti a J C/l J^ <; H OH _ ll^ 1 -1 f- 5Q ^ "a El IH vO t^ t^-vO uivO OO "O *f) f^-vO wi ""i ui r-. r*.\O vO vO *f> t^\O t->.\O vO \O *O t^ t- & cococooocQccoQcocooocoooGocooooooooooQoooooooooociooooo oo oo SW_ v-v-' '-v-' a 'O O o 'O ( vO - ) ON OO "O O wiOO H* i ^o i i rj- cl fO N* JN t^. O . *^l ON^O N T}* 1 0O O ' ON fivO f*l ^ t** I*"* ** ON ON to HH i Th N i i^. 1/1 r*";vO 1 8 i *2 ^ i ^ r-*i O O ON CO ONOO i \O ' VO Tt" ' OO i-^OO OO 1^ r^. i i -" - c UTI ) ON ON 3 N 1 ^ CO ^^ HH ^- HH ^J- LO l^ *< N If) fO O f) *O CS HH ^f- HH fO T I CO H* "Si x VO v "* ^^ i "^" ^ ^ *^* T}~OO ON Tf-vO i^ O ^f* Th ONOO ^ ro ro r "if 00 > nmTj- g ^1 u > c a ON C M h JN r-O t-^. ON t^. ON 1^. r-\O \O ON ONOO r^CO 1-- ON ON ON ON ON r-* r-*.^ > ON ON 1 2 t - i^CX3 f^^O vOOOO^OwNOOOt^N^^inr. C we ^ O ON -J CONO" \O r' > S c COON 3 J p COCO N NU^NHHfON^O^iy-i^-MMf^ClCNl^h. ^" ^ T Tf NN S V i * fO ON N O >^ T}~ fO if) r*") (*O ^^ N N i/^ N O O H^ O "* LO f* oo <* ^f? ^ o S ; ON t^. ON ON t^. O CN\O t^- 1^ ON O CNOO ONOO ON ON "- CNOO ON ON t^. ON O g * 1 > B u O 'C 3 ^Jrt 1 1 n '3 n i> '2 OJ *J ^ ^'S u u o E x 5 >> ^ O Ji O C3 w HS H i-l O ll 1113 3 II Q MQQ Q QQO(JUQM(_><: t-^ OO GO I^ OO t^ i^l^O OO WlOO 00 r~. r^OO t~ UQ OO t^ rh i^ QQQQCQQQaaQcq t^ i~^oo t^.^o oo oo to t^ r*. i-sl VC o ^ ^ ^^^^^ t . f ,^ t .^x. \o t^ **^* ir>1 ^ w ^ o 2 i i i i ^ ! 9 S H 1 S. B i 2 IM O 6 i i J^ V i g| ._,' S p ! c .s ;/V 2 Sj * 1 'rt HH S lllll mil 6 I Pk g < O 1 > S U. 8. GEOGRAPHICAL SURVEYS 29 i 3 s.s s is . s s. cf '""' cf 5*3 |a cdd d c'cd d d odd d o'o'ddddddd gjQQQ^-gjQ Q Q QQQQQQQQQQQQQ 3 > O> NO NO -o NQ~^OO r^vo ZT^M~^M>O NO o ^NO NO NO !^*> vo NO NO vo g-g S oooooooooooocooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo wj s-^-- , " , . ^-s 1 t-NOi-OOOOlOO '('* -TON N NO i~^ 00 u^ *H i t>. ^r O !* N ON K H" ^ P: I NOOOOOOOOOOl M 00 OO NOOON NO t^ t^OO OO ^J-^0 N- * Th ^-NO Th M t^ to ^ CO O ^- N 1 O n ^ T}~ u~t M O *o N ^ O O W *o O TJ- ro O ^- fO CO i^> 1 v 55^. s S"?Vo 8 s "S"^^ 5;S 50 i-t M N t^OO ro 3 OO t^ t^ O\ Th O^ t> t^> t~^ O^OO ^ ^ O^ O^CO OvOO Oi O*i ONOO d Si 00 ON^ ON NOOro rh ON ^OON NO toONONTh- -0 ONt^ 3 "~ ^ O\ in CO vOWN- OO CO *ONdNO^ -: L/ i-X 8c* , 2 fONNOO^t^t-O ^t ro w-iNvoiotOO (>( * ^ n <3 a vO CO "-O 10 *H vo O ON O\ ** OO O ^O O t~* N O\vO O^ O> ^^ ^ n OvQO CO ON H< * ON 00 ON ONOO ON ON ON O 1 * ON ON ON O^ ON O O\ t/> fOfOfO fO ^-Tj-ro co to fO co fO co coco ro r' >c* 1 f ItOTj co M 5 1 S V 1 *j 2 J JJ F 1 r a 1 1 i -3 I * p < H-o V , s CJ , .2^; D 1 3 >N >S S .JJ o o o .S en O i H H 0< o 1 1 ^ >c7 1 a CJMM Q QcjQ P5 Q Q-O i/ a- LO ^- " * ^-^VO * ^> ^U,^- NO ^-NONONO^^^^^. D 3 *O 3 S IM O S Q ? ? 1 Q PO ** 4) G ^ T * w ^ a .oc! S So c 8 '. ^S'rt 2^ 5^ o o o ^ "5 ~ rt , .S2-rto|j | |TJ rt rt d 4) ,i o O t^ OH cw &H a* cu a- e-i CM di pipi -^ 4J 4) 4> g 8 S S K i 3> e GC? c^j?os; tg OS 3 Id o m r^o muv > mo r->. oo oo rj- Tf Tj-oo in ^J-oo xi oo r-^oo i-^oo vo r^. rh r^. x o :L OO OO O OO 00 OO 00 OO OO OO OO OO OO OO OO 00 OO OO OO OO OO OO OO OO OO OO ijO OO OO H- a i i?| O ON^ - T^-VC -"C\OO l^. "Hl^. r^ OO C) O "-I >-i n W) (S OOC'iO'v W r^-O O t^ r^co t^ \O N r of tC cToo tC rCsc v <5^ C ^ T h^Ooo N .nT 1- o\o ^-Cl OOOO ro^N ^ h^O ro n inoo r^oo NO oo r^> r>.o *n f*5 >n v o N oo r % u iC ^0 - ^>vo osu >Of-0^0<-)OsOOOC O ^" vo ^ 1 v " ^I-^^^M no"o ?, 3^38 SS v 8S,J??^^o 8 SS* ^ X py irS^o 1 ^ 1 ^^^^ -^^5^8)"^ S?^$^5ft1 SJ-j^g. O p Sft^S * r- )f > C ; f 5SS5- S?V^ 5^^-^N^N^^^j; ?^S^S (A s & 3 o & 4! S i 5 1 ^ 1 O M s 1 ^r ' r > j KinsTston i '. 1 "i^ ScjJ C 2 Cimarron Mimbres Chupadero ? o v S s C ;: II * Carrizo 3ti 3 S <-S a t ^ pQqqU< <" ^0 o L cxc Ud -\O ^t" f ^O *t" O C^ O f^OO O ^ O ^ ^t" r*} ^J- "^ t^OO r~-^D t^OO r-*. r^CX) O^OO OO OO 00 OC Q ' (- ^ d * ti rf 1 ^ * d d d d d d 6 6 3 S 1 "^ ^*'c " o -J3 pq rt C ~ ,2; ^5 Q pq rt ^0 -2 ?: Q QQQQQCiQ is . G c . S . c . a C . . . C/3 & w feUfexfe I ^ Xt^fefe ^ cT * r>. ^t- isi inoo oo r-~ cooo in r^ -3-00 cooo r-oo oo t^oo oo oo ^t- *^O 00 ^oo ^-oo O.G g 000000000000000000000000000000 do ob 6b 6b oo 00 00*60 o Q OO OO OO OO CO OO X .;; >-\ w - *-v^ *-V y ^- oo ON OO ^ ^^ O >-Tj ^" \O i^l^O N ^ ON 3N Tt r- O \O T3 in t- c*- MTJ ro co HH ON r*. ON ^" w co r^ V 3 ~ M \T) OO 1 r>. N O covO t-^. ON NOrOrJ-Tf u-iNir- ON in 00 vO ir % .tx^cgg ON r-. t^.>O 00 0-0 00 OVO fO in M M O CONOON^-coO"^ cO lOOO N M O ON roO 'O u^^O N ^}- in u ^ ^O in O O Tf "3 ^^5^^-Sr7 5- JffS ftS 4 ?? ft^^ffgJS 8 8 .t- v N M o r* ) T - hri vO co co -. t^. r*" r^ N \o D *n t^- GO co n c^ ^- Tj- U- U >rJ-fO-^-^H O "^ "- CO CO ^ CO O N O Tl '0 no N o \O in >^> r^-*^C o O O O O C ;in^o t*^ *n^O \O r^ oo in t^ i^-- r~~co co r^ n'O f^co ooooooo o ooooooooooo O O O C O vO O OO C ^M ^ - \ N \O *^ CO O N Ct M N ^. O N I^ONN 0) > N N t-> r* 1C \ r^. ON ** ON ON COO CO ON rJ-OO mOO 00 00 t->. 3\ M M O oo t~^ o i I K * o o r i_t >rocoO m^t M - ro mW-romroMCoroON ^- o ~ " i M v & R 1^. ^ ON >- 3 W rh m N ^O com f 1 CO CO N N CO 1-1 r^i PJ \f\ N *r\ M co co c^- r' ) f > co co co co co co - ) CO cocororoco^^^^ococo^o'^ococo fi B 2 M |i O S rt *" 2 U fi if S V 5 4i d t- C/2 PU l O g O .- UCJ 1 2 |l|3 - .S ^^g| S H O S [x^ (XH c/5 1; ivacimif Ladron( Las Ani [*H 1 I/I ~ pa m P L Qcc CJ O T ONOC i-* r- r- f OO t-^00 r^OO CO 0000 ONOO OO OO 00 >O ^ t^OO >O oo r>.oc | | * * ^ ^^^" ^^vOt- * >^^**^^ ^^,^^^-^ 3 U) j 3 i 1 1 r U 2 i S i i =^l ^1 | 1 j: jj o u si rf 1 ^. k - mntain & CJ W (S 1 t i H a & S rt -2 c r (_ (j g-j g-otS^ 2 2 2 2S ^ Jj s -s s s s i *j I/*; t-^ ]7 */ " *n t- ,' J7 ( '^ . ^ J^j SI * - ^ ^ ^ CJ 2 p ^ "^ r ' ^ - ^ it "S g"H u 5 u C aT-o a; c M 0) 1^1 J3 o _ 13 rt J5 rt , rt J5 <$ , -, "C ,* MPppSwO O iSgS-g.S . . . c . c c .b c pH til PH C/3 PH C/2 U C/3 C-* C/ o Q q -4-. *J Cj [i* P>H CO 5 rf* rt ^^ ^5 5 ^J fo C/3 PH C/2 PH C/3 Sb 00 xn^^COOO^VO^-vO ^-t^^^OOOO t-vD \o co T}- r- vO OO OO CO t-*. l 1. OOOOOOOOGOOOOOOOaOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOaO 00*00 03 t>0 OO OO OD w- ~-^-' 1 OO vC M O M CO O O f ON 1-4 t~ c* lo 10 ^-n >-oob ON vO ON vO O 2 o" o" ON N ON ON m CO e 00 C t^ ^-co vO C 1 00 toil m ro * to - w o w n c rj -vC M m O O ^* t/i r^ r^. O 1 j V OO t-~ O\ n 'O ON ON to f ^ ^"00 vO covO M ^* O >-O co *" t-H W \O > W 1 C*. v M f-J M f> h- ON ON rf- Tf O OC ff ON M O ^ ir >- ^- CO N IN lO T ( J r- rf- t^vc o o O O O (j CO CO u~> tO^O 00 " O O O ""o u O 1 o c ooo > oooo > oooo vO i-i w N r^ N fo CO O ""} O u~iOO 1-1 ^- T^- o co mCO "^- O MO^^COVO 1 v 1/1 r- fo f v O * N N >c oo O r-- co^o CO r- - r' __ C >, ^- w CO -; 'S - \oo oo co COT)- O - r-. N oo O O O m w -< w 1 a v l-l fO CMy i r- . HH VD Tj- TtOO >- C \ r- . I/ l O O ^ r- -QC O ON O ^ Tt- r^ o t^. r- 3 *>' N ^0 lOvO ^vT" > f* .\r> N CS r* iTl - Tj- N ir> M ^^.^^ v 1 mroinr- icon to co tr> ro co co ro f ) fO f j f 3 c* 1 CO CO CO C* ICOCOCOfOf 1 H 1 S a '3 1 5 B * S g "& - S 1 2 i- 3 c ? c E i 9 a 1 a. 1 1 I B 1 Sis g O rt _o O ll rt 2 S rt 3-j < O < Q 3 a W Q CJ Q C3 PQ a r i QCQ M Q pq r, r.^-^-^^ < t-i- * - ^ TJ-VO ^t r- . ^J- 1> . ir> IT) T .s 9 ^ i a .0 1 8 o i! .3 V i NEW MEXIC Luera Knoll M. (Maxson) Magdelena Manzano g i"i ? -2 1 O " ^^ .i- * rt O 3 H dt; g 5 s ss s ss a o ^ 1 3 I "n 6 iz; Is !? 5 S s t O o C 00 U. S. GEOGRAPHICAL SURVEYS. 8 I a J, ;a a H g s^ * s s ^s sg ^j "s.l I} 1 5 -a 5 M "B" - - "2* *-5 ^ 3 c/3 w c/2 E- 1 'i 1"- coo i>.oo ^ too t^ T}- t^-O coco toTfco(ot^*^-Thr^ r^.t->. 1^.00 oo oo ex g S CO OO OO 00 00 OO OO OO 00 CO OO 00 CO CC OO 00 OO OO OO OO OO OO OO OO OO OO OO w- x ' , 'v-^^-^ ^^ ^^ d g\ ON i-- ciooMt^ooo- < O N r>. o o O O O ON "-O ^OO co ON to C ?NO IO Ct H O M iocxDNt^ioOOOr o o ^ r N I - - OOCOO fOco : r^. O t~- M O ON O ONOOMOOO ^00 OO^OO w toOO C N COO a V ON ^t" ^" Tj-ONONU-J^VOOOf 8O to N to r-*. M ^ > COOO ON S -sj- O Vi U~J >J 'vj " Wj ->J- O Ci v] iv^j ^J M Cl S u~i O ->J- ^ cT "8 3*5- w ^ "8 M 3"^ i,^^!S - o"^%- N to r^ N J oo o o 0000000^0*0 0*0 o^ o 1 o^ c? - NO t- -, O fO OO to !*. 00 O **> O ** < ) COOvO N U,N O ON co | X O 1** to "^ t"^ ON O\ 00 M *H ij O N WWOOOfO^-H ?3"3 < S> " "o 1 ? "c 00 2" ^" n ^ CO O M rfO r-. l^>. CO N T -O ON ^- \O Tj- i- ^- C t O "^ N a co co co CO rococo co CO co to co co fO to fO co to T T}- CO N 10 to to a a p I o la .1 1 A _n 'C ( CC a 8 I r c ^ J! $ rt u C ,2 rt " > 2 2 S ^ S= g "rt S Mimbres Placer fl U | fe- ll Klikatat. Cascade ... do S * in *j rt y p < Q pg UC3P3 U ^^-S. 3 U <% H t * -J- ^-KV^ to ^i/ ^-rt-^0 to ^00 t^ **. U a 'O G Q, O Q s's i | i o c uQ o 1 s 2 0.2 ' O a Jr S fc n3 1 C .si I ^ * 12 Sfi'S-S-atn 1 3, m-,2 ^ | |o \- rt B 13 ||| C C G ^^3=)COO> J? J3 J5 ^cn^cBcfiHHHHHHSD^^ WUQffi D. o 1874 WH- 34 ASTRONOMIC AND GEODETIC POSITIONS TABLE IV. s f f f y . JJ.S! .S H j IB, JB 8 ^ j ^ M- J O , QooeQcoQc p3 d d d d (6060' 066666 Q O '5o '5)0 u '5, ^QQOQ ^QQQQ QQQQQQ >p> PJ> h (S 1 ^ s^ 00 00 * " OO CO OO CO CO GO OO OO OO OO 00 CO 00 OO 00 CO OO OO OO OO 00 OO CO OO OO w- x u j. O t-s. W <4 vO O O t^O^-i-t NvNl^.u-1^ O ON r-*. ^ ^ t^. O ON\O 00 >^ in *- ON >^ N 1 ro r-*. moo 00 in t t^^O ON l>. O^ ON 0^06" t ON^O ONt^vO - ThvO M t^^^^-M N^0* ^00^ a *" SfZ ?^^?^?^? ^S-- ??". K"^^^ S"?c *m ? g, v . W-^p-^^-t^vO* ONONONONOO ^?^"^ N ~^ <1 t^r<,r- 3 ONINN(SNNS2" 'o'o'o'o'o i?""2 2IP> ^ro HH u-i u^vo Tj-O\O^O^O COTj-OOOvo O ^t-00 O O ON u-iCX *r-S, s. ^O r^- ro N VO ^ r-^vO N OO O N XO T}~ N O ** O XO l^i N * hO^ S) i v. O i 1 O OO O fO t-^ t^ r ^ ^A M O O M M-l -i^inTt-oo ioi^.Tj-^t^ ooON^^ON^ " * ?*n-xj.Ti-^*^^ mmwr^, *-4-f-*t ^.^^^^.^ c s d C 3 ^ o ^5 4 M o rt 6- 15 K -3 c c ||^ o^ ^ j lall e^ d 3" 3^ ^^1 I 1(5| | Sc'"a o '= u -| || ^.al^l^lf <;QQ<; < i " S, 8v>8lgv> *^-*** -*s ui G a-s-l ^*^^-^^^-^* ^^^^.^ xo*^^* -,^-^^-vo^- M 1 g a 2 . S V K t; a -M S J 8. x : Cj % ^ "S H a 4^ ill i z ^ _ cc ^i-a 1, 1 1 J3 1 c lll "^ ^- = irwSii 5 -l a d ^ "-^"H 2 " " | .5 ^, fc g ^.SS & c.b2u^ P J iiMuuojs-ij^g ^^gxjs ^g^. i -'-iiw t ,gi.d lil^lllRl sss?I ^-liJI g S a I ft *4*l^.Z,int*zZ fepnOl^vj <<:Meq wouQHO i y fc i I H 2; o I U. 8. GEOGRAPHICAL SURVEYS. 35 S.S I s - il -S g .2 U_*J i v US " H"< (ft .. . ... rt. .. ^3.. QJ Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q ^J Q C Q Q 13 > ~^ r " 1 oj r "' ^ O ""* O fa 1^. !"* t-* t-*00 I*-* t> t-^ t^. t^. t^.OO OO t-- l^ 00 OO l^ l"- t^ OO 00 00 OO OO DO OO OO OO OO OO OO OO 00 OO OO OO OO OO OO OO OO OO OO OO OO O u"i r-- >-o ^d"OO ON r^ _ vooo r-ONt^ONON*^ N M O *"! N VD ^^ O 00 ON ON I*"* N 00 v O O fO O N r> t-*.QO r-^O t^ OOro >-M ON"">OO ON ^ O fO -t O ON r-.OO OOO OOO 00 OO\OTf >->(+) O0>-.00 \O-*J-Hi v O ^O I** ^ M< ' hN P*^ M OS OO O OO W) M H IO IO VT) LT> "* * N CSl ON HI IT) (S f O HI HH 1 1 I u I X o v u i & *-> .~ .- u - a 1 I M j) $ J| DWPQ Q& b o e o c QU O UO ^3 fc- N J5 I b - i uQ 10 HI M uuo !pa N(NN OOO f -t -1- OMJ>^ (hig WA iiS rt .a s u to e/>' E*;Z;OOO 3 '3 ^w X S| -ai as S---C 1"S Sc Hil EXI i 2 0| nSid 36 ASTRONOMIC AND GEODETIC POSITIONS TABLE V. ( vo I^VO vO VQ ^0 KO U1U-! v/lu-1'.O ir>\O "^ "^ o coo U1OO VO vO vAOO ^ i "- >v Jj ^ OO 00 OO OO OO 00 OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOOOC>OOOC>OCQC>OOOOOCOCXDO3 x 2 > -^ ^~' fc) B oW 5: 8 00 O O Tf 88 s, 88 8 8 8 8 8 "B c" ri - 3 hH l-< OO * o M O t-- -i MM C*3 ui ui r^ c? rt rt g'C ca * i-O "1 "i iriDO un ^O i ^- 10 Tf "1 "- IO COS QJ m o r*i O ^ O fl t^oo O M W H. Tt- M n ro $ OO O tor' Q MM CN M O 3 HH t^\O OO ^ M i ON ON O u^c- \& o *^ S " < (-1 VO O ON N >-t O ^ O ^O O 10 M w ^5,8 XS 5*2 M 8"oS 'o 5- "8 ON O O M (S t^.'O O r^ r^oo 00 O O O 00 - O- s 00 vO " M " " N - o- ro m ^ M rooo OO ON 't w^f^O v) OO vO 00 ^^ - M 4) x ^- r- f^ M N Tj- O M3 00 u~i ^H r-. moo "" _ _ o- u-) ^-OO t^ CO t^. d ^- HH cl M i^j 1-1 ly ir> HH f*- ir^ LO H-I r*" HH *-*!/ ^ T CS d ^H ITi 3 OS vo ^c i-^ f^ ONOO r> u->\O f" ON ^^ ^O f *" M OO O \D M vO O* vO O 3 v * o 10 o "" f} O c^ IN M M ro ^^ fO O >-* ^H tr- LT M *7* a o oo o- >O 00 ON C\ Tt-^0 %S^^)^^^fo^ >) O CO CO Tf- >-O IJ cq Qpa M Q Q U O Q Q Q 0 VO *OvOM2 >0 u,,r XO U1.0VO VO t-0 XO.OVO ^O !>. lO " t ' i i 0) M u 3 O a 2 "o .3 a 1 S. ti o " a j. S a a 3 B 1 1 S 5 : f i 55 cfl" T3 ^ * . d a 'd a a E rt rt 1 ^ S u Z "G M ^ C < ~-''a a rt " i E 1 d d J 1 g M nt rt '5 3 d S 2 'tj " .^ ^|e "3 s O Q S d t 'rt "rt ^ 1 1 N D* tT._ t O - >-) c L 01 j ^ c t B PC I & I 1 < Blackwood Creek, mouth of ( Boundary monument between Boundary monument between Tnhnpt Boundary monument between Boundary monument betwee s c a c ^ 4 C Cerro Gordo Landing (Owens |H X rt ^'"'j u .Sfe (U - -^ o f O- c III Land-Office monument, towns Lone Pine Camn Los Angeles, rendezvous cam T,nsks (T.ake Tahoel Merced Court-House, County (Jbservatory Point (Lake Tah Pnssmore Post-Office c 2. Rowlands (Lake Tahoe) Rubicon Point (Lake Tahoe) San Fernando Mission U , o M H W C/3 O U I I H U. S. GEOGRAPHICAL SURVKYS. 37 o g S t/5 Z w w w g H 3 3 , *> O t^iO OO vO t^^O r^ ON <( O\ * I-. t^r^t^l^t^r^. VO *O If si OO 00 CO OO OO OO OO OO OO CO OO OO OO CO OO CO OO OO CO CO CO CO CO oW N 8 8 - 8 88 ll N S. o" "8 ct !J Ij o ^ r 1 " 2" "2 "2 g O i-i c-1 C^ ^- OO O ON u"i 'O fO <-/^ ^O *O O vO ^">O O t> t> O *O t^- t^ ^~ T}- ^- ^ ^> < >-> * r^r^^^ON TfOOOOcooOOON^ OO^Ou^iOfO r^vOvO (U ** f-^ ONO t^. Q\ CT\ tn Tf* O VONO 00 Tt" LO CO u^ O ^ ^O N l> t- fO u O ^ ^J~ ** >-o i^> 'J- O *o L^ *^ "-O 'nO ^"^Ht^oO^^ N*^-^- '5/j ^ <-o O r i O f) O **$* **!" *4" ^o *"* O N *o ^" fO *-o W O ^ ^ *J~ w> O\ O O O ON O *o "d" to *o oO w> >o N M co N ro 01 \O ON ON . CO ^\O ^" ^^ ^" f) ^" O OO NO O *^> N *^ 1~^- N t^ O N "1 CO ^J- O d Latitude. ^- CO W> HH C v Tt ro Tf O r- O ON ON O ON I s - O fO "^ COCO >^ ^ O ^^ VO N ^* O HH O w> O O ^o^O O N ^ ^^ ^hoo ^^ i^ f in o O tVariatic roro^m^m^ro *^ ,) * Is |9| Ili^tts s,s,?,s,UR Mil t/) fl 0l ^O^r^O .0^^^^>0vO ovovovovo.0 w, t. 1 (fl o ^_^ C U S u ' * K ,9 j* g c A H d rt 1 LIFORNIA C u o .a jt 5 S j o B ~ o S T o i IE g. IDAHO. NEVADA 1 rt u= S V^- | 3 t. , O ^3 c/5 ^ X "^7* o a-g a; ^ r'>H-l it 3 a a 1 S ^ ^ <"C b c a ^ s d ui l 4J o P o S? BO Q. - V J3 S S w u (2 -S-S fc-c-l w X*r3 G?\ow a v !-! UUU^OP^c/ s s^^'s^s Jo 9 (2 IS^Ja ^^ t_. 'S^ojv r OM _. S U ra 3 SS fa 9 9 rfii-.^ .j| Q^Spic^^ > 00 *G M VO ^O O I^^O t^ ^O inOO ^vO OO "^ I^CX! 00 OO T3 >- ^ oo~oo oVofoo oo'do'a3'o6"o6"oo'(>o'db"oo'db"ob ao-cooooabaooodotioixjob x 3 >, -v-' W ~ W v O wi O ^5 o o ^^8 88888 8 1.1 ^ o^ -o^ o 5- Sr J? * M 5- ? II * ? " " iT ^Srr ror^N N W 2 4 t- > TJ HH ON ON r-. Ot M vo ro f^ -< N M N r'lTj-ThN N ON'-'OO t^.CO t^-. I--.OO u-> i^ CO ONOO O k-i ON r^ I-^\O *-" O O 3 '2 U-j ^. ^J. Tj-^ 1^ \o vo TJ- rj- -O O O t^OO N O "^ NO NO NO "^f ^" ON HM CO vn f 1 C^ O f 'O ^ D O N Tt* M NO NO ro t~- Q ^"CO ON ^ vo N^ O ^ t^.NO ^ ONNO *-^ O M . 3 'b/i v Tf- N r-^ w u-> u- rr) (^ Q ^- T^- ^- ro <^ =} ^f O O f) O O >^> O '-^ t* 1 f- I! 1 ON OO ONOO CN C S'Cr^^^S'S'^S" 1 o'o t oo"o I oo"oo g I M H. [ O ^ f^OO OO w i/^ CNOO "-> ^v O N f} *^ O O t~^ ^'l WI^O O OO O" ^ ) r*- Ji T3 v, ^ ff) i_i M ON ON t^. ro >^ "O <^ NO O N t** M ON ON^O f 1 ! N NO CO OC HH ON*^" i ^t'O hH f^ wt ^o i-O i-O ^ *-> TJ" ^" w^ Tf- ^J- n Tt" O fi O to in in 1 \O O f^ f*i ^*- *'' t^ o o ^ ro^o OMJI nOM^*->j^r^Tj-inr' >o O V HH HH HI U-) U-) O -t 5 g ia Q ON ON ONOO CO ON ONOO ^O ON ONCO ON ON ON *-O ^ N NO "^ N *^l T}- W HH i^ s PL, H ' Q oQ0^^-,^^^ r.^oc^^co^^GO w a >o xo^^vo ^OVO^MD>OVOO vo o ^t- r^ vo ^o ^^> s $ <- .2 9 5__l 1 i H 1 CTJ c3 cn jj 1 N O hn c H H 1 O H c S ^ 1 s 9* la 1 M | 1 8 ^; V 1 h I a" .2 "S CJ H 1 1 Y U e 1 Q S-- o ^ -2 r r c W V " 0- ''I ^^ D z. I a 31 1 1 to a ~ o E- 3 1 \ I * | tt / v t^. ^ O *T 3 u -J- S % C/? CJD So rt M a '3 c | V- a ^ e j o g c'c a> .5 "-"' ^3 t^ - ^ ^ C )3'>2C!C3 sill llJilliilll U. S. GEOGRAPHICAL SURVEYS. 39 <4- r-, oooo oooo 00 r^ i f~ t^ f~ E- t- oo t^ ^ r^oo t^ t^ 5 ^ c o rt cj t-* t^. r- 1^. r-*- oo oo oo oo oo oo oo"oo"oo oooooooooooooooooooooooooo -^ -v- 1.2 > S a" o ^J e o to'S rt rt 1 M rj- O M m fO 2> 5- v? " C7* ^O M M | iS r * * ^* - t^-O NM ^"O t-OO*OOM r-\O M M ^ + * <3VOO aj m m ' - O O 5- Tj-mO ^ OO ** O <*! u~ ro fi ro Tj- fO d 3 i s.^0 ^g^ ^ \O iri ^ ro M ^^ t^* **! ^" ON in O >n r> vD ^O O O in in O O *^ *^* o M HH in O ^'i O c o vO^g M M vg^ M N- " 2 2 S 2 " " o U M 1 O O CO t^ -* ^- ON'-''*- ONNOooi-^mM vO ^0 T)- u V * a d v iri t*^ O fcH HH ^H in in r* r- fOu-> N O Tt- O 3 ^ *8 S, ^^ ^ \o *n ^t 1 fi ^t~ ON N co oo *" N 00 00 O\ N r(- ~ * O * SB w rt o ^^> ifs z ^ 5.^.5. 5- ^.^..-5 5- 5- * 5- 5-5- 3 w c/} !/] jj an <; S I 1 5- SC ^ Si j 4 if |__ "u" S S 1 9 *!* *" ^ 1~1 2 1 ] " S S g u a o g, "n M ' " * 1 r'f 1 g -f 1 1|< 1 dl 1 1 II u o ?-. fl tJ> 3^ J='5 | g C ^5 ir ^ W C ^ U, 1 ! l.c'^o ^ 11 h O o g S ' - - ^ J ^" js [ 1 ii ' a 1 I - s, a ,| - 3 JjJ p II QO E 'S SS= S 8.|'3 1 PJ{* o'JJJs Is ^^5 g-oSSss; h 5 > 'j j m u OOfcHfefeSwSS * MM 40 ASTRONOMIC AND GEODETIC POSITIONS TABLE V. "Ij g> OO OO OO 00 OO OO OO 00 00 OQ OO OO OO 00 00 00 00 00 OO OO OO *2 >, ^v-f -^ 11 o 1 to ^- G~> ^J* ^~ ^ N t-- 'O O O N 00 O v> 3 W n t- N ON 1^* | ^ -rt" Tj~ ^" LO'O ^O dj o 1> V r^* ^* ^ oo ^~ t~^ ONOO O r-* ro ON rj- l^j vno T}~ oo t^ ^~ ONONO ^ ^ W) O^ M ^ 4) fl W) 3 . O ^ 8 - ^g * - c c OJ to 2 ""> H S IS w "u5 ^ w C 2 a; a Q * I G 00 O, "S ^ c M *^ . I a ^c-2 II S d "S s s 1 6 'C L- *< 4J c[3 Jj" o 2 x P 8 s ^Ej 1 gS g E ^ s ^ ^ N H s 8 |! O CJ 'oT 04 t i S S 8 |^| -f! 3 'oT^T QH (A i i 3 o g t/3 'S .S ^ 2 O o ^^ ^.^ 8 c ^C f~ .* *-g . 8 io | "F s <~ ts < S 1 >, z ^ * V's "^ s 6^1 -TV S ^'5 o o 1 in 3 "R o _ vSc J . : J^- i '-^ v Z'o"3S 8" o c ' ^ToSS^SjS .S jscni. ^^ ^.2 fc "o "S CjCpj ^^-"aj"^' C '^'-'S^O -^ ^ e ^!^*3 OJ Oi O *-< T^ ^~~ ti f N ''"I a) 5- "^ ^ O ^ 'r"^ & "" ^ O S B -sO go JTW -,*? W >a J - 1 Gkc H j'g i a s 5 '3 5-3jtic-S " -irtrtrtd^o! ."S >-LJ^ r^^-i-jj p i3^'^ * ~-< MJAH i-i >-i 3 iJSSSS K wawHP w w U. S. GEOGRAPHICAL SURVEYS. 41 X ~ fl O 5 .s" ." o3 f-t i ^-i **3 3 ^ c I a '8 * c- ^ rt ^ i'l a & a "i S 3 fe" ^ O 4- 'iJ . tJ3 C fl 'oJ sT"o3 U 'oJ 'w 13 T5 CJ QJ (U v u jq c3~ ^^ i ^ i 1 jjlj* 1 - ;>, ,j. M 10 CO r. 00 ror-N N ro 'S TO b CO 60*00" CO oo 00 00 0000 00 00 0,0 S n W *N NN > *^ hH 1 HH t x .2 >> a g s. 9 8 8 !? CO O in o 8 s fj V o \o jn *it S> O * IN ^ N rovo N S > M w ^ - 1-1 l ~ l M V M i-OO b ^ O IS 00 w 00 1 rf Q fl O in s i t^ n 00 O t ? d 3 s 8 88 5 8 00 u- o o 1 ^ fo " B 5 ON S" I . O v if) o 8 1 5 8 s 8" a 2 $ ? 3 2 o 8 ?= 2 o o 2 IH ? & v 8 8.8 ro 8 d? * o * ^ ON ON QJ o 3 ^ 2 J 06 O ro vo fO M in s 8 J3 in O VO i^ 00 a v * * * * * in o CO M N 00 * ro-* M * * M * m rt V H a<5 c. n ayard, Fort, New Mexico (Astronomi- cal Monument), enton, Fort, Montana.. idwell, Fort, California g | liss,Fort, Texas (Astro- nomical Monument). owie, Fort, Arizona ameron, Fort, Utah (first building erected 1872). heyenne Depot,Wyom- ing. ts 1 _8 < w M U (J N m * in " CO ON H 42 ASTRONOMIC AND GEODETIC POSITIONS TABLE VI. o I H OT 3 s >* ui aj (Tt g "a fe" ZT Ji Ji B Remarks. l fi .2 - 3 Trigonometric connection with a tronomical monument at Boz G "o ^ u 1 5 1 1 rt 5 x o 1 1 Northern Boundary Survey. Longitude by telegraph and sextar from Detroit, by Capt. H. J Adams, Eng. Corps; latitude sextant. Trigonometric connection with a tronomical monument. Trigonometric connection. Latitude by sextant. Do. Longitude by telegraph and sextan latitude by sextant. Trigonometric connection with B r.iarck observing pier. Longitude by lunar culmination. Latitude by sextant. Trigonometric connection with a tronomical station at camp ( Larmie River. a S i i ! i Q in *2 & ] j \ 3 ^ )jf c/2,0 [ "2 ' f ' U i ic i J^SP 9 Sj u 4> CJ OJ 0) 0 m Os CO i-c 00 r^ 11 * 00 00 00 00 00 oo oo 00 r>. r^ 00 OO OO CX) W'= ^ c .2 i 8 o o 2 "8 88 * * 8& tjj rt v O I? N O ?I? "> fO ^ ^ ^ > O *"" Os \C rf f^)OO ^O in O\ to M HH NH g 6 ||j| s g-g.3 >. O rt rt o _Q* ^'^ i J3 U 5 N f - ^'S^ 1 ^ J! " 2 I * 2 a'l M ~ " "^* " "r. ^ *^, 2 'Efl :> O O Q -. 3 ^, .^ S-3 d "3 *S .y ^T^""* '5jO'~ OO Q c! rt s^ a O |i|fl| 3 3 3 _ (U 1) ! . . S <-> c 3 3 I silo C c ^ ^ W C =^13 " 73 ^ S S3^-2B S g'Sc'Eb'S I el ,^ JJJv.(5J a" gggS g 3 ^^ S c i tn rt Cr 1 j| 1 c a. > 3 333 ' 1 CA 1 bJi 1 O o c/5 ti 1 > r J3 (H 4J S >w c I- I~ U feW S i t'o"^ * U , ^_ 5 u ? i4 O * ^ in ^ ^-^ ^m * t^ N r^ "2 a S CX) 00 QO OO OO OO 00 00 00 OO GO 00 00 00 |-H ' r- _^ .a a u O C-) 8 J 8 3*9 .fl ON x O ^> 9 o rt C S? IT 2" ^ d a | 5 | R f fll I 1 i 81/1 t>. M X 8 M r^ t^. ^8 : I O w> *O m m r^ _ o * 00 00 00 a ro 3 o ? ~8 o" * 8 ? ? c? " o o w 85 ? g ro r^ S 1 00 00 8 "S. K | v ti in CT> CT\ 00 ro 00 00 -O ro C> VO 5 >tO M " N to f> M ro n 3 t^ f> ir> in " o o O " to m 5 r3 a> oa Q n Q Q ( cal Monument). J Mohave, Fort, Arizona.. North Platte, Station, Nebraska. Robinson, Fort, Nebras- ka (Astronomical Monument). *Ruby Camp, Nevada (Astronomical Monu- fllil Shaw, Fort, Montana Sheridan Camp, Netras- b* Sidney, Fort, Nebraska (Astronomical Monu- ment). 1 ^^^fr > 2^ >^ o (A X a sS ' O 3 = a t| f-H ,_4 4) ^ T3 S'Sj-3 ^ c ^ Latitude i s 3 fco 'o . a G B a | S- t-i 4j (U L- t- CJ QJ 'w , W- CO rj- 00 00 OO CO t-N t^. 00 OO rvations, the a d ^ 8 8 ! s- 1 o 11 v * o J in ? rt C o * 1 2" I S in ^- ^00 00 | B ". *? . i^l N M - n c *"" ' O O o o ^ 1-1 W fcN w -c cfl N \o ChN d g . V t^ 00 M M 9 p T3 in ^t- O^O cK "g 2 ro N O "-S v Os * ^t" T) 00 "^ a CO ro S S $ ro fO (*) S II CJ rh o Q^O a S I s Stanton, Fort, New Mex- co (flagstaff). Union, Fort, New Mexi- co(AstronomicalMon- ument). Verde, Fort, Arizona Whipple Barracks, Ari- zona (Astronomical Monument). ^^ >^ JE F-I rt tfl aj^o 13 *S taw r 5 c S 1 o o vo t- OO Os o S5 ; co ro roro Tf II. AZIMUTHS AND DISTANCES BETWEEN PRIMARY TRIANGULATION STATIONS. 1874-1878. TABLE I. LOS ANGELES BASE, CAL., 1875. II SUTRO BASE, NEVADA, 1876. III. OG DEN BASE, UTAH, 1877-78. IV. SANTA FE BASE, N. M., SOUTHERN DEVELOPMENT, 1877-78. V. FORT BAYARD BASE, N. M., 1878. VI. FORT BLISS (OR EL PASO) BASE, TEX., 1878. 45 U. S. GEOGRAPHICAL SURVEYS. 47 NOTE. In the following tables are given the azimuths and distances be- tween the primary triangulation stations as computed and used in constructing the maps of this office. Each primary station is given a separate place in the list with the azimuths and distances to every other station of the same class, with which connection was made and computed. Azimuths to prominent points of a lower order are occasionally given, in which case the class of the station is indicated by the number in brackets after its name, the back azimuths being given just beneath the direct, as there is no special list prep ared showing the azimuths from such points. Full data regarding the astronomical work of the survey, upon which, as initial points, the triangulation rests, has been given in Vol. II of the quarto series and in the various annual reports. The primary triangulation was executed with theodolites of from eight to ten inches diameter of horizontal limb, reading by vernier to ten seconds. Except in the vicinity of the base lines, natural points were of necessity sighted, as the work was carried along rapidly in con- junction with, or but little in advance of, the topography. The highest points of the peaks to be occupied were, as a rule, sighted and marked after occupation by st one cairns six to ten feet in height. Where the peaks were bare and well-defined, as in the California Sierras and the mountain regions of Colorado, it was found possible to keep the error of closure to within ten or twenty seconds. The observations were adjusted and computed by the method of least squares and an outline of the routine pursued in the case of primary and secondary stations has been laid down in the annual report for J878, p. 28. While it is evident from the above that these results cannot lay full claim to the critical accuracy of a more expensive aud slowly-conducted scheme of triangulation, having in view a comparison between the theoretical and measured values of the earth's figure, for instance, yet experience has shown that map work for these thinly-settled regions of sufficient detail for all present needs can be safely based upon them, and the values ob- tained are of permanent value. They will be found of great assistance and value to other surveys working in the same country, and will be sufficient, it is thought, to enable the work of this office to be connected with, intelligently, and used to t ly best advantage. The bases were, as a rule, measured with specially-constructed twenty-foot wooden rods with scales, vernier attachments, and reading apparatus and also Stackpole compensated steel tapes, which were alwajs carefully compared with Coast Survey standard five-feet rods. 48 AZIMUTHS AND DISTANCES. The following are the constant logarithms used iu changes from meters to feet and miles and the reverse : For reducing meters to miles 0.7933338 For reducing meters to feet 0.5159077 For reducing feet to meters - 9.4840323 It has been found impossible, from want of available funds aud office force, to complete for publication the plots projected to show the extent and relations of the triaugulation, a portion of the elements of which appear in the following pages. These plots, as far as finished, have been turned over to the Engineer Department with all other manuscript maps. M. M. M. ENGINEER OFFICE, U. S. GEOGRAPHICAL SURVEYS. U. 8. GEOGRAPHICAL SURVEYS. TABLE I. AZIMUTHS AND DISTANCES BETWEEN PRIMARY STATION* IN SOUTHERN AND EASTERN CALIFORNIA AND SOUTHWESTERN NEVADA, DEPENDING UPON Los ANGELES BASE, GAL., 1875. NOTE. The tdangulation of Southern California is dependent upon a base measured on the plain south of Los Angeles and connected with the stations of the United States Coast Survey, known as West Beach, Cahueuga, and Domingnez Hill. The geographical position of these points as determined from Coast Survey data were taken as correct, thus rendering a special astronomi- cal determination at Los Angeles unnecessary. The following are the extreme points of the scheme of triangulation resting upon the base : North-Tolicha Peak, latitude, 30 51' 35".0. South-Santiago Peak, latitude, 33 42' 31". 1. West-Mount McGill, longitude, 119 08' 52". 6. East-San Jacinto Peak, longitude, 116 42' 22".3. The scheme includes Fishermans Peak or Mount Whitney, the high- est point of the Sierra Nevada, and the highest peak of the White Mountains was also observed upon and computed. White Mountain Peak that had been connected with Sutro Base was occupied in 1878, and observations taken to more southerly points, but no final adjustment was made between the two schemes, as the office force was broken up before this could be done. The position of White Mountain Peak as dependent upon the Sutro Base and as an occupied point is as follows: Latitude 37 37' 51".4; longitude 118 15' 07".9; as computed from the Los Angeles Base by intersections, its position is, latitude 37 37' 49".7; longitude 118 15' 00".G ; a difference of 1.7 seconds in latitude, and 7.3 seconds in longi- tude. As the astronomical bases are entirely independent of each other and over five degrees of latitude apart, this is as close an agreement as can be expected. The primary stations, with the azimuths and dis- tances therefrom, have been given from north to south, thus grouping together the more nearly related parts. An alphabetical list of the stations by name, with reference to pages, is also given. M. M. M. ENGINEER OFFICE, U. S. GEOGRAPHICAL SURVEYS. 1874 WH 4 U. 8. GEOGRAPHICAL SURVEYS. 51 ALPHABETICAL LIST. CALIFORNIA. Page. Black Mountain 61 Caliueuga Peak 54 Cerro El Paso 58 Cerro Gordo Peak 59 Cooks Point 58 Doiniiifjuez Hill 53 Fisheriuans Peak, or Mount Whitney 60 Fossil Bnttu 59 Grizzly Peak 56 Los Angeles (South West Base) 53 Lou Angeles (North East Base) 53 LosCerritos 53 Matnraugo Peak 59 McGill Mountain 56 Nichols Point 59 New York Butte 60 OlauchaPeak 59 Owens Peak 57 Panainint Check Base (north) 60 Panamint Check Base (south) 60 Pilot Knob 58 Red Crater 61 Saddle, or Malaga Peak 55 San Antonio Peak 55 San Fernando Peak 56 San Gabriel Peak 54 San JacintoPeak 56 San Pedro Hill 54 Santiago Peak (or Temescal ) 56 Sister Else Peak 55 Sunday Peak 57 Tehachapai Peak 57 Telescope Peak 60 Volcano Peak 58 Waucoba Peak 61 Wauguyhe Peak 62 Weldon Check Base (east) 58 Weldon Check Base (west) 58 West Beach , 53 Workmans Hill 54 NEVADA. Bare Mountain 62 Gold Mountain 62 TolichaPeak.. 62 U. S. GEOGRAPHICAL SURVEYS TABLE I. LOS ANGELES (Southwest Base). [Latitude, 33 54' 12". 86 ; longitude, 118 21' 59".o8 ; altitude, 108. j 53 To Azimuth. Log. distances. Meters. West Beach 39 50 II. I 3.6110272 Northeast Base 239 1643.7 3.8223335 Dominguez Hill 29027 23.8 4.1068676 San Pedro Hill 3504741.9 4.2529128 LOS ANGELES (Northeast Base). [Latitude, 33 56' 02". 95 ; longitude. 118 18' 16". 71 ; altitude, 247.] San Pedro Hill 7 43 48.4 4.3274974 West Beach 51 55 57.5 4.0245182 Southwest Base 591847.8 3-8223335 Dominguez Hill 321 27 13.0 4.0025572 WEST BEACH (U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Station). [Latitude, 33 52' 3i".o7 ; longitude, 118 23' 40" .88 (from U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey)]. Cahuenga 191 26 13.7 4.4660014 Southwest Base 21949 14.4 3.6110272 Northeast Base 231 5256.7 4.0245182 Workmans Hill... 245 5923.3 4.5776404 Dominguez Hill 275 1225.0 4.1661359 Los Cerritos 291 49 24.5 4.3631094 San Pedro Hill 339 1946.7 4.1913068 DOMINGUEZ HILL. [Latitude, 33 51' 47^52 ; longitude, 118 20' O7".8o (from U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey)]. San Pedro Hill 3442 28.3 4.2053510 West Beach 95 1741.6 4.1661359 Southwest Base 11031 43.8 4.1068676 Northeast Base.. : 141 2929.0 4.0025572 Cahuenga 163 44 00.5 4.4949348 Workmans Hill 230 06 57.0 4.4153284 Los Cerritos 316 49 33.4 3.9978914 LOS CERRITOS (East). [Latitude, 33 47' .li".9 ; longitude, 118" 09' 48".! ; altitude, 357.] San Pedro Hill 69 37 53.6 4.2307845 West Beach in 5708.2 4.3631094 Saddle 124 19 30.3 4.7397236 Dominguez 136 52 00.8 3.9978914 Cahuenga 157 22 16. 6 4.6061902 San Gabriel 186 55 48.5 4.6948107 Workmans Hill 208 49 56.6 4.4364917 San Antonio 22053 2 3- 5 4-8552138 Santiago, highest point 279 27 04.6 4.7715564 54 AZIMUTHS AND DISTANCES. TABLE I Continued. SAN PEDRO HILL. [Latitude, 33 44' 39". 2; longitude, 118 20' 07". 8; altitude, 1,462.] To Azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. Saddle 141 2041.1 4.6737178 WestBeach.. '5921 45.3 4.1913068 Southwest Base 170 48 43.9 4.2529128 Cahuenga 1802701.8 4.6354530 Northeast Base 187 4046.5 4.3274974 Sister Else 1884418.0 4.7681027 San Gabriel , 201 3629.2 4.7729529 Dominguez Hill 214 39 10.8 4.2053510 Workmans Hill 224 n 40.0 4.6202236 Los Cerritos 249 32 09.1 4.2307845 Santiago, highest point 27249 i6.oj 4.8712181 I WORKMANS HILL. [Latitude, 34 op' 48".4; longitude, 118 01' i4".s; altitude, 1,364.] LosCerritos 285443.0 4.4364917 San Pedro 4422 11.7 4.6202236 Dominguez Hill 50 14 11.5 4.4153284 West Beach (Los Angeles Base) 66 n 55.0 4.5776404 SaddlePeak 9655 59.9 4 . 7704941 Cahuenga 114 59 56.7 4.5005119 Sister Else 14427 12.3 4.5383469 Disappointment 161 2619.2 4.4369002 San Gabriel j6 4 09 04.8 4.4188810 San Antonio 22 8 12 28.7 4.6560279 Santiago, highest point 306 47 07.0 4.7503340 CAHUENGA PEAK CASTRO RANGE. [Latitude, 34" 08' oi".3 ; longitude, 118". 19' 54".; (from U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey).] San Pedro Hill oo 27 09. I 4.6354530 WestBeach n 2820.2 4.4660014 SaddlePeak 77 S7 59.5 j 4.4839695 San Gabriel Peak., 2405848.4 4.3905619 Workmans Hill 29449 29.2 4.5005119 LosCerritos . 337 1637.9 4-6061902 Dominguez Hill .3434049.4 4-4949348 SAN GABRIEL PEAK SAN GABRIEL RANGE. [Latitude, 34 14' *?".$; longitude, 118 05' 54".s; altitude, 6,232.] LosCerritos 6 . 2 j 4.6948107 SanPedro.. 214426.3 4.7729529 Cahuenga 6l o6 4O . 4 j 4.3905619 Saddle.. 703115.6 4-7360687 San Fernando ,01 5257.8 4.6740144 Sister Else.. IO2 2 g I7 . , 4. ,215956 Ceca (7)----- -. ----- 1083225., 4.9758438 Back 2 g 7 59 ,gg U. S GEOGRAPHICAL SURVEYS. 55 TABLE I Continued. SAN GABRIEL PEAK Continued. [Latitude, 34 14' 27". 5 ; longitude, 118 05' 54". 5 ; altitude, 6,232.) To Azimuth. Log. distance. McGill o / // 123 37 42. 2 Meters. 5.0618521 Tehachapai _ ._ _ _ 153 48 10. 6 4. 9947596 Owens 183 04 21. 3 "\. 2100804 San Antonio 263 03 55. 5 4. 6152259 Griz/.ly ...... 277 29 07. 4 5.0656467 Santiago . . .. J 318 24 19.5 | 4. 8962755 I Workmans Hill 138 43 14.3 144 06 27. 7 4.4188810 SADDLE OR MALAGA PEAK, CASTRO RANGE. [Latitude, 34 04' 33".s ; longitude, 1.8 39' 17" .2 ; altitude, 2,897.] Tehachapai _. . 183 49 20. 6 141 12 29. 6 320 58 16.9 190 08 39. I 241 oo 32. 8 250 12 31. 2 255 36 38. I 257 47 07.6 276 34 42. o 304 03 02. 6 321 09 59.9 5- 0297479 4. 7896947 Ceca(7) . Back. San Fernando 4. 4525 6 93 4. 6414299 4. 7360687 4. 9783097 4. 4839695 4- 7704941 4- 7397236 4.6737178 Sister Else .- . . San Gabriel . _ San Antonio Cahuenga _ . Workmans Hill Los Cerritos San Pedro Hill . SISTER ELSE, SAN GABRIEL MOUNTAINS. [Latitude, 34 16' oo".o; longitude, 118 14' i9".6.] San Pedro _ 8 47 32- 7 61 14 39.9 101 34 28. 2 267 39 56.0 282 23 32. 8 324 19 5-7 4. 7681027 4. 6414299 4.5311946 4.7315102 4.1215956 4- 5383469 Saddle . _ _ _. .... San Fernando San Antonio San Gabriel Workmans Hill SAN ANTONIO PEAK, SIERRA NEVADA. [Latitude, 34 17' 06". 2; longitude, 117 39' 14".! ; altitude, 10,120.] Los Cerritos 41 10 30. I 48 24 50.0 76 10 22. 3 83 18 56.5 87 59 4i. 7 93 21 58. 2 3 3i 03.3 134 57 '7-3 137 22 10. O 3> 6 53 37-4 .y 03 5 6 -9 168 58 56. 5 197 22 48.0 285 23 26. 7 300 18 59. I 4.8552138 4. 6560279 4- 9783097 4. 6152259 4.7315102 4. 9407896 5. 17^610 5-078663 5.0519202 Workmans Hill Saddle San Gabriel Sister Else San Fernando.. McGill.. Tehachapai Double (5) Back Sunday 5. 2706103 5. 2145733 5. 1096432 4. 8809002 5. 0070091 Owens Pilot Grizzly San Jacinto 56 AZIMUTHS AND DISTANCES. TABLE I Continued. SANTIAGO PEAK, HIGHEST POINT (Temescal No. i). [Latitude, 33 42' 31".! ; longitude, 117" 32' 03". 9; altitude, 5,730.) To Azimuth. Log. distance. Meiers. SanPedro Hill 93 '5 57- i ! 4-8712181 Los Cerritos 994802.6 4.7715564 Cahuenga 122 49 05. I 4.9420538 Workmans Hill 127 03 22.4 4.7503340 San Gabriel .__ 138 43 H- 3 4-8962755 San Antonio 170 14 18.0 4.8120841 Grizzly -.... 235 5246.2 4.8863012 Sanjacinto 26051 06.2 4.8946923 SAN JACINTO PEAK, SAN JACINTO MOUNTAINS. [Latitude, 33 49' o7' / .g; longitude, 116 42' 22". 3 ; altitude, 10,987.] Santiago, highest point 81 5944.8 4.8946923 San Antonio 120 50 49.5 5.0070091 Grizzly 157 oo 55.1 4.5268116 GRIZZLY PEAK, SIERRA NEVADA. [Latitude, 34 05' 52".? ; longitude, 116 50' 54". 7 ; altitude, 11,723.] Santiago, highest point (Temescal No. i) 56 56 54.5 4.8863012 San Gabriel 9811 14.7 5.0656467 San Antonio 105 5036.1 4.8869002 Pilot Knob 166 25 09.3 5.1695683 Sanjacinto 336 5608.1 4.5268116 SAN FERNANDO PEAK, SAN FERNANDO MOUNTAINS. [Latitude, 34 19' 39". 3; longitude, 118 36' oi".9; altitude, 3,793.] I Saddle :o 1028.8 4.4525693 Tehachapai 181 35 15.2 4.8974777 San Antonio 272 49 58.0 4.9407896 Sister Else 281 22 14.4 4.5311946 San Gabriel 281 35 59.7 4.6740144 McGILL MOUNTAIN. [Latitude, 34 48' 43". 9 ; longitude, 119 c8' 52". 6 ; altitude, 9,214.] Sunday 205 1221.8 5.0749531 Tehachapai 244 04 40.6 4.7631384 San Antonio 29240 13.1 5.1733610 San Gabriel 303 02 00.8 5.0618521 White Granite (5) 356 1630.6 4.3528982 Back.. 176 1703.4 U. S. GEOGRAPHICAL SURVEYS. TABLE I Continued. TEHACHAPAI PEAK, TEHACHAPAI MOUNTAINS. [Latitude, 35 02' 2i"-3; longitude, 118 34' 35" .6; altitude, 8,056.] 57 To Azimuth. Log. distance San Fernando _ _ _ ._ . _ , _ _ o / // I 46 03. 8 Meters. 4. 8974777 Saddle . 4 01 59.8 5. 0297479 White Granite (5) 46 58 39. I 4. 8430697 Back ... 226 39 37. 3 McGill 64 24 1 8. 2 4. 7631384 Sunday 179 16 10. 6 4. 9148581 Olancha ... . 196 49 50. 6 5. 1518033 Owens 213 59 39. I 4. 9696561 Double (5) 277 39 05. 7 3. 8992686 Back 97 42 03. 7 San Antonio . 314 25 48. 2 5. 0753663 San Gabriel . . 333 3 1 S 2 - 2 4- 9947S96 SUNDAY PEAK, SIERRA NEVADA. [Latitude, 35 46' 48".s ; longitude, 118 35' ij".-$ ; altitude, 8,335 J McGill 25 31 46. I 5.0749531 Whitney 196 41 26. 6 4. 9647619 Corcoran (5) _ _ _ _ 200 46 25. 9 4. 9440956 Olancha . 218 09 47. I 4- 8334501 Owens 275 13 45.4 4. 7276007 East Base (Weldon) . 300 25 09. 7 4.4390918 Nichols 304 50 45. 5 4. 5003026 Cooks Point 323 33 39. 7 4. 3469850 Pah-uteC?) 328 47 28. I 4. 5941647 San Antonio 332 31 46. I 5. 2706103 Tehachapai _ 359 15 46.4 4.9148581 OWENS PEAK, SIERRA NEVADA. [Latitude, 35 44' 05". 4 ; longitude, 118 oo' oo".s.] San Gabriel j 21 24. 8 ";. 2100894 Tehachapai Double (5) 29 47 58. 9 4. 9543086 Back 209 30 57.0 Tehachapai 34 19 40. 7 4. 9696561 Pah-ute (?) 49 09 28. 4 4. 6397404 Back 228 56 46. i Nichols 4. 4807607 East Base (Weldon) 73 16 55.9 4. 4891280 Cooks Point 72 20 07. I 4. 6230883 Sunday 95 34 22. 3 4. 7276007 Olancha 169 36 50. 8 4. 7744337 Volcano .. . 211 51 27.9 4.4536117 Maturango 226 54 06. 9 /), 79^'Hi? Telescope 239 33 55. 2 4.9771510 Arsrus (O 255 42 36. 2 4. 7107030 Back 76 01 56. 5 Pilot Knob 298 21 13. 2 4. 9000873 CerroElPaso . ... 334 27 47. 9 4- S I0 5597 San Antonio 348 47 01. 3 5. 2145733 58 AZIMUTHS AND DISTANCES. TABLE I Continued. CERRO EL PASO PEAK. [Latitude, 35 28' i6".3; longitude, 117 50' 46". 5.] To Owens . . Volcano. Azimuth. 154 33 10-5 181 II 52.4 Log. distance. Meters. 4.5105597 4. 7274091 VOLCANO PEAK (Crater). [Latitude, 35 57' 08". 2 ; longitude, 117" 50' oi".9 ; altitude, 5,434.] Cerro El Paso. Owens Olancha Argus (5) Back.. I 12 18.4 31 57 18.4 143 17 21.9 288 19 55.7 1 08 33 28.0 4- 7274091 4.4536117 4. 6328137 4- 5637027 PILOT KNOB. [Latitude, 35 23' 32".! ; longitude, 117 13' 49". 7 ; altitude, 5,525.! San Antonio 1737 18.9 5.1098432 Owens 118 48 04.8 4.9000873 Olancha 140 29 23.6 5.0988628 Maturango 163 2057.0 4.9232490 Telescope 18820 13.1 4-9375S7 2 Grizzly.. 3461205.6 5.1695683 WEST BASE, WELDON. [Latitude, 35 39' 14". 39; longitude, 118 23' oo".53.] Cooks Point 5349 28.1 3.8157404 East Base 269 28 28.8 3.7135976 EAST BASE, WELDON. [Latitude, 35 39' i s ".88; longitude, n8 19' 34" .93.] Cooks Point 6931 38.6 4.0476375 West Base 89 30 28.6 3-7135976 SundayPeak 12034 '9-8 4.4390918 OwensPeak... 2530530.7 4.4891280 COOKS POINT, SIERRA NEVADA. [Latitude, 35" 37' o9".o; longitude, 118 26' 30" '.4 ; altitude, 6,336.] SundayPeak 143 2847.2 4.3469850 West Base (Weldon) 233 47 25.8 3-8'574O4 East Base (Weldon) 249 27 35.8 4.0476375 Camp near Weldon 249 3005.3 4.1813911 OwensPeak 252 04 39.8 4.6230883 Nichols Point 271 0820.4 4.1043342 D. S. GEOGRAPHICAL SURVEYS TABLE I Continued. NICHOLS POINT (near Weldon), SIERRA NEVADA. [Latitude, 35 37' oo".s ; longitude, 118 18' 05". 2 ; altitude, 6,233.] 59 To Azimuth. Log. distance. Cooks Point O / /' 91 13 14.6 Meters, 4. 1043342 Sunday Peak 125 oo 47. 8 4. 5003026 Camp near Weldon 195 14 49. 7 3. 7612589 Owens Peak 244 16 II. 7 4. 4807607 OLANCHA PEAK, SIERRA NEVADA. [Latitude, 36 15' 43". 8; longitude, 118 07' io",2 ; altitude, 13,351.] Pah-ute (5) 14 17 14.0 4.9535166 Back , 194 08 38. 4 Tehachapai . -_ 1 7 05 49. 6 5. 1518033 Sunday 38 26 19. 3 4- 8334501 Thunder (5) 64 10 21. I 4. 6615460 Back 243 54 07. o Fishermans Peak, or Mount Whitney 156 03 32. 2 4. 5808392 Corcoran (old Whitney) _ _ 159 23 15. 6 4.4862551 Waucoba 1 86 49 52.6 4.9271953 Fossil 218 58 11.4 4. 6389297 Cerro Gordo . . 224 33 13.9 4. 6270863 Telescope 276 22 26. 8 4.9690137 Maturango 286 oo 48. 6 4. 7655330- Pilot Knob . . 319 58 10. i 5. 0988628 Volcano 323 07 15. 9 4. 6328137 Owens . 349 32 38. 2 4. 7744337 FOSSIL BUTTE, CERRO GORDO MOUNTAINS. [Latitude, 36 34' oo".8.; longitude, 117 48' 48".7.) Olancha 39 09 05. 3 327 33 47. 6 4. 6389297 3- 6380397 Cerro Gorde ) CERRO GORDO PEAK, CERRO GORDO MOUNTAINS. [Latitude, 36 32' oi".8 ; longitude, 117 47' is".o.) Olancha _ _ 44 45 3- i 96 02 13. 3 147 34 43- 4 4. 6270863 4- 6572539 3. 6380397 Fishermans Fossil Peak, or Mount Whitney MATURANGO PEAK, ARGUS MOUNTAINS. [Latitude, 36 06' 56". 3 ; longitude, 117 29' 49".g ; altitude, 8,844.] Owens 47 ii 49- 2 IO6 22 51.4 25 55 13- i 261 26 05. i 281 42 25.9 343 ii 36.0 4.7924412 4- 7655330 4. 3022202 4- 5678043 4. 3207244 4. 9232490 Olancha North Base, Telescope Panamint Valley South Base, Pilot Knob Panamint Valley 60 AZIMUTHS AND DISTANCES. TABLE I Continued. NORTH BASE, PANAMINT VALLEY. [Latitude, 36 10' 28". 32 ; longitude, 117" 17' it". 38 ; altitude, 1,684.] To Azimuth. Log. distance. Maturango _ / // 71 02 40.5 273 3 2 17-2 352 oo 48.0 Meters. 4. 3022202 4- 2463077 4. 0378738 Telescope South Base SOUTH BASE, PANAMINT VALLEY. [Latitude, 36 04' 37". 72; longitude, 117 16' io".79; altitude, 1,233.] Maturango . ioi 50 28. 5 172 01 23. 7 238 52 09. i 4- 3207244 4. 0378738 4- 2739304 North Base Telescope TELESCOPE PEAK, TELESCOPE RANGE. [Latitude, 36 09' 52". 4 ; longitude, 117 05' 27". 2 ; altitude, 10,938.] Pilot Knob 8 25 06. 9 4. Q'!7'; i ;72 South Base, Panamint Valley (A) 58 58 28. 5 4. 2739304 Owens Peak 60 os S7. o 4. Q77I1IO Maturango 81 40 27. 7 4. 5678043 North Base, Panamint Valley (B) 93 39 12. 7 4. 2463077 Olancha 06 ";8 S4. 6 4. 96901 37 Corcoran.. in 17 39. 6 5. 0431416 Fishermans or Whitney 113 17 53. 5 5. 0683890 New York Butte 125 27 54. 7 4. o6';';<;4i F(i87S) 136 56 07. 8 4- 7^33983 Waucoba I"?Q 26 12. 4 5.0978861 Wahguyhe .. 179 II 49.0 4. Q3I ^4.17 Tolicha 191 37 21. 3 5. 0947216 Base 2O3 56 'to. 7 4. 9267081 NEW YORK BUTTE, INYO RANGE. [Latitude, 36 38' 40". 8 : longitude, 117" 55' 56". 4 ; altitude, 10,675.] Camp at Lone Pine (7) 69 45 38. 9 4. 1029282 Fishermans Peak, or Mount Whitney . 76 45 28. 9 4. 5196726 Black Peak 116 03 21. 8 4. 6303932 Camp Independence (Flagstaff) (7) .. 129 07 24. 7 4. 5187043 Mount Hahn (7) . . _ 158 13 28.8 3. Ssi'^'U Back \~& 12 25.4 Telescope 7O4 <7 S6. O 4. 0651; 541 FISHERMANS PEAK, OR MOUNT WHITNEY, SIERRA NEVADA. [Latitude, 36 34' 33".o; longitude, 118" 17' 32". o; altitude, 14,470.] Sunday 16 51 S5. 5 4. 0647610 Thunder Peak (5) 25 08 12. 2 4. 7823494 Back .. 204 58 02. 8 U. 8. GEOGRAPHICAL SURVEYS. 61 TABLE I Continued. FISHERMANS PEAK, OR MOUNT WHITNEY, SIERRA NEVADA Continued. [Latitude, 36 34' 33".o; longitude, 118" 17' 32" .o; altitude, 14,470.] To- Azimuth. Log. distance. Black / // 166 38 32. 3 Meters. 4. 4320388 Red Crater '79 3 1 S3- 2 4. 7738870 White Mountain (approximate] . . 181 49 02. 5 5. 0685304 Camp Independence (Flagstaff) (5) 192 51 20. 9 4. 4648889 Back 12 53 57.4 Waucoba _. _ 207 19 58. i Wahguyhe 249 05 12.6 5.0541378 New York Butte 256 32 36. 2 4. 5196726 Camp at Lone Pine (7) .. . _ ._ 260 50 56. 2 4.3131535 Back 80 59 03. 3 Cerro Gordo 275 44 II. 2 4. 6572539 Telescope _. _. 292 35 08. 8 5.0683890 Corcoran (5) 322 37 26. 5 3. 8873044 Olancha 335 57 23. i 4. 5808392 BLACK MOUNTAIN, SIERRA NEVADA. [Latitude, 36 48' 46". 5; longitude, 118 ai' 44".!.] Waucoba 234 06 32. 6 4. 5919296 Inyo (7) 285 10 33. 5 4. 5430141 Back 105 24 06. 5 New York Butte 295 47 56. 2 4. 6303932 Fishermans Peak, or Mount Whitney _ . 346 36 01.6 4. 4320388 RED CRATER, SIERRA NEVADA. [Latitude, 37 06' 40". 4 ; longitude, 118 17' si".?.] Waucoba 291 40 41. 4 4. 4448896 Fishermans Peak, or Mount Whitney 359 31 41. 5 4- 773887 WAUCOBA PEAK, INYO RANGE. [Latitude, 37 01' o 7 ".8 ; longitude, 118 oo' 23" .3 ; altitude, 11,267.] Olancha . 6 53 55.5 4.9271953 Fishermans (or Whitney) 27 30 14. 3 Tyndall (7) 36 06 21.9 4. 6994774 Back 215 54 29. 7 Black 54 19 21. 9 4. 5919296 Red Crater in 41 13. 2 4. 4448896 Wahguyhe _ 276 23 11.9 Telescope 318 53 27. 5 5. 0978861 Invo (7) 356 34 21. o 4. 5066948 Back . .. . -. 176 35 07.4 62 AZIMUTHS AND DISTANCES. TABLE I Continued. WAHGUYHE PEAK. [Latitude, 36 56' 03". 5; longitude, 117 06' 15". 6; altitude, 8,528.] Azimuth. Log. distance. ' " Meters. Fishermans Peak, or Mount Whitney 6947 51.7 5.0541378 Gold Mountain 15301 26.2 4.5913683 Tolicha 215 46 53.4 4.6521505 Base 283 oo 55.0 4.5612862 Telescope.. . 359 11 20.2 4.9315437 GOLD MOUNTAIN. [Latitude, 37" 14' 51". 3 ; longitude, 117 18' 14". o.] Tolicha 87 44 49.0 4.6432627 Wahguyhe 152 54 12.9 4.5913683 TOLICHA PEAK. [Latitude, 37 15' 43" .6; longitude, 116 48' 30". 2; altitude, 7,022.] Telescope II 47 29.3 5.0947216 Wahguyhe , 355735-9 ' 4-6521505 Cold 88 02 48.8 4.6432627 Base 34829 12.2 4.6586164 BARE PEAK, BARE MOUNTAINS. [Latitude, 36 51' 35".o; longitude, 116" 42' 23".o; altitude, 6,039.] Telescope 24 1023.3 4.9267081 Wahguyhe 103 15 15.0 4.5612862 Tolicha... 168 32 53.5 4.6586164 U. S. GEOGRAPHICAL SURVEYS. 63 TABLE II. AZIMUTHS AND DISTANCES BETWEEN PRIMARY STA- TIONS IN NEVADA, CALIFORNIA, AND OREGON, DEPENDING TTPON THE SUTRO BASE, NEVADA, 1876. NOTE. The greater part of the triaugulation executed in Western and Southwestern Nevada, Eastern and Northeastern California, and Southern Oregon is dependent upon a base measured and permanently marked along the comparatively level space between the town of Sutro, Nev., and the Carson Eiver, and connected with the main astronomical monument on divide between Virginia City and Gold Dill, the mining centers of the Cornstock region, the geographical co ordinates of the latter having been determined in 1873. The extreme points of the scheme of triaugulation resting on this base, as found reduced on the original triaugulation plats, are: North Warner Peak, Warner Range, latitude 42 27' 32".6. South Green Peak, Sierra Nevada, lat- itude 37 15' 43".6. West Lassens Butte, longitude 121P 30' 09".7. East Bunker Hill, Toyabe Range, longitude 117 07' 17".8. White Mountain Peak at the south is a point of connection with the net of tri- augulation extended from the Los Angeles base. The adopted length of the Sutro base, reduced to sea level, which was measured by a spe- cially constructed twenty-foot rod, described on page 1219 of A. R. of 1877, is 23,416.387 feet, or approximates 4.435 miles. (See page 1223 A. R. 1877.) G. M. W. ENGINEER OFFICE U. S. GEOGRAPHICAL SURVEYS. U. S. GEOGRAPHICAL SURVEYS. 65 ALPHABETICAL LIST. Page. (a) Base development, 1876 67-69 <6) Eastern development, 1876 69-72 (c) Northern development, 1876, '77, '78 72-77 (d) Southern development, 1877, '78, '79 77-KB {a) Base development: Astronomical Monument 68 Davidson Peak 68 Emma Peak 67 McClellan Peak 67 Northeast Base Peak 69 Rawe Peak 67 Rocky Point 68 Sulro Base, east '. 67 Sutro Base, west 67 Tibbie Peak 69 (b) Eastern development : Basalt Peak 70 Bunker Hill 71 Desatoya Peak 71 Fairview Peak 70 Grant Peak 70 Lyon Peak 69 Paradise Peak 71 Poston Peak 72 TarogquaPeak 70 Tntib Peak 69 35 Rawe 350 23 43.0 4.1070376 RAWE PEAK, PINE NUT OR COMO RANGE (monument north end). [Latitude, 39 n' 56". 5 ; longitude, 119 28' 40". 4 ; altitude, 8,404.] McClellan _. 108 59 52.1 4.2993752 Davidson _. 12705 56.5 4.2950499 Emma 135 03 57.3 4.1744083 Rocky Point. 154 54 09. 2 4. 2594699 East Base 170 24 39. I 4. 1070376 Northeast Base Peak 189 39 oi.o 4.4129152 McCLELLAN PEAK, WASHOE MOUNTAINS. [Latitude, 39 15' 26". i ; longitude, 119" 41' 46". 2 ; altitude, 7,53*.] Genoa Peak (5) 33 1852.8 4.4587050 Back 213 II 58.1 Rose 116 29 30.6 4.3237979 Davidson 209 42 03.2 3.7952069 Astronomical Monument 223 44 38.2 3. 7435791 Rocky Point 227 5957.1 4.1744739 Tibbie. 228 44 33.4 4.2750254 Northeast Base Peak 230 28 48.3 4.4769044 Emma 243 3442.6 3.9657010 Rawe (north end) __ 28851 35.1 4.2993752 Lyon 306 4048.9 4.3869209 EMMA PEAK, WASHOE MOUNTAINS. [Latitude, 39 17' 39".3 ; longitude, 119 36' oo".g ; altitude, 6,439.] McClellan Astronomical Monument., Davidson ._ 63 38 21. 2 88 39 26. 9 104 13 48. 7 3. 9657010 3- 6479254 3. 7280397 68 AZIMUTHS AND DISTANCES. TABLE II Continued. EMMA PEAK, WASHOE MOUNTAINS Continued. [Latitude, 39 17' 39". 3; longitude, 119 36' ao f '.g; altitude, 6,439.] To Azimuth. Log. distance. Rocky Point Off/ 205 43 59. 3 Meters. 3. 8151044 Tibbie 215 22 06.9 4. 0079058 Northeast Base Peak 224 50 31.1 4. 3240573 East Base 256 19 oo. o 3. 9377776 West Base 309 47 i i . 2 3. 5548694 Rawe ( north end) __ TI4 =!9 18. 7 4. 1744083 DAVIDSON PEAK, WASHOE MOUNTAINS. [Latitude, 39 i8'2i".9 ; longitude, 119 39' 37". 2 ; altitude, 7,941.] McClellan... . 29 43 24. 9 3. 7952069 Genoa (5) 32 41 35.4 4. 5438765 Rose 100 18 01.3 4. 3485643 Northeast Base Peak . L 235 44 25. 2 4. 3847454 Tibbie 237 42 27. 5 4. 1172029 Rocky 240 1 6 38. 9 3. 9651926 East Base 266 51 58.6 4. 1342159 Emma 284 II 31.7 3. 7280397 Rawe (north end) 306 59 oo. 9 4. 2950499 v / Lyon 320 32 53.4 4.4130312 Astronomical Monument 332 28 48. 8 3. 2037768 Como (5) __ 332 44 36. o 4. 5546140 ASTRONOMICAL MONUMENT, ON DIVIDE BETWEEN GOLD HILL AND VIRGINIA CITY. [Latitude, 39 17' 3s".92 ; longitude, 119 39' 06". 35 ; altitude, 6,339.] McClellan i 43 46 19.4 Davidson i 152 29 08.3 Rocky Point, : 230 31 36. 3 Emma | 268 37 29.4 3-7435791 3- 2037768 3.9744011 ROCKY POINT, FLOWERY RIDGE, WASHOE MOUNTAINS. [Latitude, 39 20' so".? ; longitude, 119 34' 02".4.J West Base OO 34 31.8 t. 01283^ Emma _ . . 25 45 14. 3 3. 8151044 McClellan 48 04 50. 9 4. 1744739 Astronomical Monument SO 74. 48. q ?. Q744OII Davidson . .. 60 20 1 1 . o 3. 9651926 'Tibbie 231 40 28. I 3. 5QOQQQI "Northeast Base Peak . . 251 OI 19. ! 4. 1780752 East Base 304 30 30. 7 3. 8307947 IRawe 1'14 SO 4S. 3 4. 2^04600 U. S. GEOGRAPHICAL SURVEYS. TABLE II Continued. TIBBIE PEAK, FLOWERY RIDGE, WASHOE MOUNTAINS. [Latitude, 39 22' 08". 6 ; longitude, 1 19 31' 54".6 ; altitude, 7.383 ] 69 To Azimuth. Log. distance. Emma - _. / // 35 24 43. o Meters. 4. 0x379058 McCIellan 48 50 48. i 4. 2750254 Davidson 57 47 20. 7 4. 1172029 Rocky Point . 63 52 52. 2 3. 5909991 NORTHEAST BASE PEAK. [Latitude, 39" 25' 43" .o ; longitude, 119 25' 39".o; altitude, 7,100.] Lyon _ _ _ . _ . 6 15 oo. 7 4. 5293107 Rawe ( Monument, north end) __ 9 40 56. 9 4.4129152 East Base 2O 40 30. I 4. 1591635 West Base .. 35 ii 20. 6 4. 3238320 Emma 44 57 06. 5 4. 324OS73 McCIellan 50 39 01.4 i\ ^769^/1 Rocky Point . _ _ ._ 53 06 38. 8 4. 1780752 Davidson ?i; S3 1 6. 9 4. 3847454 LYON PEAK, PINE NUT (COMO) RANGE. [Latitude, 39 07' 33". a ; longitude, 119 28' 12". 4 ; altitude, 8,794.] Oreana or Silver Lake I oo 37. 4 4. 4659001 Highland _ __ 20 47 52. o 4. 8412370 Alpine 41 46 58. 6 4.818776-? Kreels Si o^! s6. q 4. 6782465 Pyramid ._ 62 18 46. 2 4. 827IO64 Rose 122 OS S7. 7 4 6=^82';'* McCIellan 126 49 23. I 4.. ^860200 Davidson _ ._ . 140 40 06. 3 4. 4130312 Northeast Base Peak 186 13 23.6 4- 5 2 93 IO 7 Tutib 201 SS s6. o ^ S/jS^/jyj/j Churchill Butte (5) 213 03 45. 3 4. 4486607 Back ...... ::::: 33 13 30. 2 Tarogqua 244 1 6 32.0 ;. o72i8K Basalt .. ... i. 279 29 03. 6 4, &4Q44.C8 Corv 716 oo S^. 8 A, 0777768 TUTIB PEAK, NATCHEZ MOUNTAINS. [Latitude, 39 4*' s".8 ; longitude, 119 09' 46" .6 : altitude, 7,062.] Churchill Butte 14. tjt; 41. ; 4. 6767O77 Lyon 22 O7 38. 2 4. R^R-/j/|^ Rose 57 36 29. 9 4. 88s2ot;o Hot Springs 1 72 II 52. 7 <. 0706227 Tohakum . 154 25 43. 9 4. 7 ( i624Q7 Tarogqua 280 13 ii. 5 4. 9099982 Basalt 721 <7 7Q. ? 5. 0105726 70 AZIMUTHS AND DISTANCES. TABLE II Continued. BASALT PEAK. [Latitude, 38 -9' 09". 8 ; longitude, 118 25' 59" .o; altitude, 6,wg.] To Azimuth. Log. distance. o / // Meters. . Cory 33 3344-9 4- 74734&O Lyon 10008 15.8 4.9594458 Rose 107 3608.3 5. 1271390 Tutib . 14221 25.6 5.0105726 Tarogqua 1944 16. o 4.8343683 Grant I 215 55 31.1 4.8797241 Fairvieiv ' 223 oo 07.6 4.5562792 Desatoya 234 1431.5 4.8572342 Bunker Hill 255 03 54.1 5.0687273 Poston (or Davies) ' 2800442.5 4.9804536 Paradise 1 290 39 53.0 4. 7530595 McBride 35651 24.3 5.1068251 TAROGQUA PEAK, PAH-UTE MOUNTAINS. ILatitude, 39 34' 51". 7 ; longitude, 118 13' 54".2 j altitude, 8,771.] Basalt 1447 54-9 4-8343683 Lyon 65 03 38.9 5.0721815 Rose 80 08 39. 7 5. 1680897 Tutib ___ 10048 50.5 4.9099982 Grant 27953 '- 5 4- 4406293 Bunker Hill 290 38 07. 8 5.0102199 Desatoya ' 300 23 54.3 I 4.6776914 Poston (Davies) 317 15 56.8 j 5.0516758 Paradise 337 35 54.9 4.9691214 Fairview 3494649.7 j 4.6063330 FAIRVIEW PEAK, TOANO RANGE. [Latitude, 39 13' 22".4 ; longitude, 118" 08' 55". 4 ; altitude, 8,412.] Basalt 43 1053.3 4- 55 62 79 2 Tarogqua 169 49 59.4 4.6063330 Grant 20947 29.4 4.6056317 Bunker Hill 267 40 53.6 4.9480266 Birchim(s) 277 54 30. 4 4.7687535 Back 982000.8 Paradise 328 37 39.6 4.7351603 GRANT PEAK. [Latitude, 39 32' i6".6; longitude, 117 54' 56". 2 ; altitude, 9,965.] Fairview Basalt Tarogqua Emigrant (5) Back .... Bunker Hill Old Woman (O. Back D esatoya. 29 56 21.8 36 15 10. o 100 05 15. 3 288 16 25. 3 108 36 28. 3 294 44 44. 5 302 23 09.0 122 44 01. 7 3 2 4 31 58-9 Paradise . I 354 21 4.6056317 4.8797241 4. 4406293 4. 6783302 4- 8777077 4- 7483433 4- 3770196 4.9128455 U. S. GEOGRAPHICAL SURVEYS. TABLE II Continued. PARADISE PEAK. [Latitude, 38" 48' is".g; longitude, 117" 49' aa".?; altitude, 8,66j.] 71 To Azimuth. Log. distance. Basalt . / // in 02 52. I Meters. 4- 7S359S Fairview 148 49 57. 7 4.7351603 Tarogqua 157 51 24. 8 4. 9692214 Grant ... .. 174 24 56. 5 4.9128455 Birchim (5) .. .. 218 08 u. 9 4. 6864930 Back 38 21 17.8 Cowles (5) ... 219 41 58. 5 4- 5569143 Back W C.2 CO. 3 Bunker Hill 230 34 27. 7 4. 8941430 DESATOYA PEAK, DESATOYA RANGE. [Latitude, 39 ai' 46" .9; longitude, 117 45' i8".7i altitude, 9,9ai.] Basalt 54 40 13.0 4. 8572342 Tarogqua 1 20 42 04. 9 4. 6776914 Grant _ . . 144 38 05. 9 4. 3770196 Prometheus (5) _ 256 31 35.0 4. 8007880 Back 76 58 49. I Geneva (5) 270 23 22. 4 4. 7707700 Back 90 49 25. 2 Bunker Hill 282 39 24. 9 4. 7485431 Old Woman (5) 287 40 17. 2 4. 5455710 Birchim (5) 314 36 35. 6 4. 5303561 Poston (or Oavies) 329 09 10. 3 4. 8375093 BUNKER HILL, TOYABE RANGE. [Latitude, 39 15' oi".g; longitude, 117 07' j8".a ; altitude, 11,404.] Poston (or Davies) ., 22 *6 22. Q 4. 7045301 Paradise 51 oo 57. 6 4. 8941430 Birchim (5) .... 69 42 10. i 4. 5138162 Back 2^)9 ?8 11- Basalt 75 53 32. 9 5. 0687273 Fairview 88 19 52.3 4. 9480266 Old Woman Q4 4.Z m. 6 4. 3280012 Back 274 36 31. 7 Desatoya . . 103 03 29. 8 4. 7485431 Tarogqua in 20 25. 3 5.0102199 Grant 115 14 58. 7 4. 8777077 Emigrant (O 126 05 oo. 4 4. 4562528 Back 1OZ S4 48. 1 Geneva (5) 200 18 58. 8 4. 1015638 Back . 20 20 54. 9 72 AZIMUTHS AND DISTANCES. TABLE II Continued. POSTON PEAK (DAVIES), TOYABE RANGE. [Latitude, 38 49' 48".4 ; longitude, 117 20' 56". o; altitude, 11,978.] Cory .' / // 77 15 53- i 100 45 33. 7 37 49 25. 7 149 24 32. 5 202 47 47. 3 Meters. 5. 1090454 4. 9804536 4- 8375093 4- 7453l Basalt Tarogqua Desatoya . Bunker Hill ROSE PEAK, LAKE TAHOE GROUP, SIERRA NEVADA. [Latitude, 39 ao' 3o".3 ; longitude, 119 54' S4".o7 ; altitude, 10,820. | Pyramid Peak 20 38 03. 7 46 42 04. 5 226 ^o 08. o 4. 7720233 Twin(5) . .. Back Needle (5) .. 64 27 19. I 244 12 45- 5 93 Si 03.4 102 oo 56. 7 281 36 49. I 114 04 51. I '33 37 S2.8 140 06 25.4 151 56 09.0 154 10 38. 5 334 02 02. 5 158 57 04.4 171 24 53. 7 177 28 43. 6 357 28 11.9 202 59 27.3 237 07 46. 7 256 52 53. 9 259 04 28. 3 280 08 20. 3 286 39 58.9 296 21 ii. 6 301 49 04. 7 312 54 13.2 133 ii 03. 8 354 3 6 50- 7 174 38 13.5 358 22 21.9 4. 5646618 Back Castle (Stanford) 4.5712746 4. 7462964 Tackson ( c.) Back Downieville . 4.8363511 5. 2694161 4- 9753645 5.0632623 4. 6468675 Lassens Ingalls Thompsons Summit (5) Back . " ;:: :::: Fredonyer 5. 2046435 5.0639617 4. 432295 Hot Springs Peavine(5) .. . Back... Tohakum 5.0040609 4. 8852059 4. 6344267 5. 1680897 4- 3485643 5- J27I399 4- 3 2 37979 4. 6558253 4. 7204012 Tutib Northeast Base Peak... Tarogqua Davidson Basalt... McClellan Lyon Como(5) Back Genoa(5) 4. 5259692 Back. Freels 4. 7326242 DOWNIEVILLE BUTTE (also called Sierra Butte), SIERRA NEVADA. [Latitude, 39 35' 9 ".8 ; longitude, 120" 38' 39". 3 ; altitude, 8,541.] Lassens Butte (1878) 143 52 54.0 182 09 10.8 185 51 27. 3 2O7 10 22. O 293 37 02.4 5-09I5334 4. 6488166 4. 8723861 4.9900172 4.8363511 Ingalls Thompsons Hot Springs . Rose U. S. GEOGRAPHICAL SURVEYS. TABLE II Continued. TOHAKUM PEAK, VIRGINIA RANGE. [Latitude, 40 10' 40" .2 ; longitude, ng27' 07". 6; alti'ude, 8,174.] 73 To- Azimuth. Log. distance. Rose .... . . / // 23 17 13. 2 Meter:. 5. 0040609 Ingalls 78 45 21.8 5.0089656 Thompsons _ 95 52 23.0 4. 9744707 Hot Springs in ii 17.2 4. 7832612 Fredonyer 1 20 34 02. 4 5.0502187 Observation _ __. 137 37 55.4 4- 95335 Granite 181 34 39. 3 4. 8322101 Kumiva (7) 212 56 29. I 4.4772153 Back 33 03 56. 6 Tutib 334 14 35. 6 4. 7562493 INGALLS PEAK, SIERRA NEVADA. [Latitude, 39 59' 33"-3; longitude, 120 37' 28''.8; altitude, 8,472.] 2 09 55.9 126 34 40.7 Downieville Butte Lassens Butte Fredonyer ! 181 49 17. Thompsons | 191 20 05.2 Hot Springs ' 225 22 01. 2 Tohakum 258 oo 03.5 Rose . 319 39 '4-6 4. 6488166 4. 9670361 4. 8868878 4- 4803382 4. 7808609 5.0089656 4- 9753645 THOMPSONS PEAK, SIERRA NEVADA. [Latitude, 40 15' 34".! ; longitude, 120 33' i7".4 ; altitude, 7,752.] Downieville Butte ._ .. 5 54 53. 9 4. 8723861 II 22 47. 2 4. 4803382 Lassens Butte 107 42 53. I 4.9261048 175 50 01.8 4. 6769337 McDonald (5) - - 189 10 28. 9 4. 8837960 Back 9 16 08. 3 Observation (5) 209 44 22. 6 4.8177507 Back 29 59 26.0 Granite _ _ - 237 56 12. o 5.0492923 250 59 43. 2 4. 5929465 Tohakum 275 09 39. 6 4. 9744707 Rose 331 21 34.6 5. 0632623 FREDONYER PEAK. [Latitude, 40 41' n".o; longitude, 120 35' 44".4 ; altitude, 7,995.] I 50 25.2 4. 8868878 Lassens Butte 74 ii 37.9 4.9026154 South Fork _ 183 12 38.8 4.7160375 194 58 38.0 5.0256770 2 54 57 34- 8 4.5720771 262 58 47. I 4. 9961650 299 49 34. 2 5.0502187 310 31 37.2 4. 7266188 Rose . 338 30 48. 7 5. 2046435 355 48 26.3 4- 6769337 74 AZIMUTH AND DISTANCES. TABLE II Continued. LASSENS BUTTE, SIERRA NEVADA. [Latitude, 40 29' 12". 4 ; longitude, 121 30' 09". 7 ; altitude, 10,437.) To Azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. Shasta (7) 158 38 25.3 5.0707407 Back 33011 16.9 South Fork 226 41 23.4 Fredonyer 253 36 13.5 4.9026154 Hot Springs 275 3944.0 5.0722346 Tohakum 280 28 21.9 5.2493861 Thompsons 287 06 02.7 4.9261048 Ingalls 3060038.7 4.9670361 Rose 312 3645.1 5.2694161 Downieville Butte 323 1945.9 5-9 I 5334 HOT SPRINGS PEAK. [Latitude, 40 22' 24". 8 ; longitude, 120 07' 07". 3 ; altitude, 7,692.] Downieville Butte .. 27 3037.7 4.9900172 Ingalls 45 41 36.5 4.7808609 Thompsons 71 1639.1 4.5929465 Lassens Butte 96 33 35.2 5.0722346 Fredonyer 13050 13.3 4.7266188 Observation 174 34 31.3 4.0487130 Granite 231 23 12.5 4.8715205 Tohakum 290 45 25.8 4.7832612 Tutib 311 3458.6 5.0396227 Rose,... 351 1703.4 5.0639617 OBSERVATION PEAK. [Latitude, 40" 46' 22". 2 ; longitude, 120 10' 06". 9 ; altitude, 8,009.] Thompsons 29 59 26.0 4.8177507 Fredonyer 75 1418.1 4.5720771 South Fork 142 09 38.1 4.7298456 Granite 268 02 53.2 4.7949908 Tohakum .. 317 10 01. 1 4.9530350 Hot Springs.. . 3543234.5 4.6487130 GRANITE PEAK, GRANITE MOUNTAINS. [Latitude, 40" 47' 22".6 ; longitude, 119 as' 47". 7; altitude,-8,99o.] Tohakum I 3531.1 4.8322101 Hot Springs j 51 5005.5 4.8715205 Thompsons 58 4003.4 5.0492923 Fredonyer... 83 49 25.8 4.9961650 Observation 8831 50.1 4.7949908 McDonald (5) 101 43 50.9 4.9257069 Back 281 05 22.6 ;. South Fork 113 23 53.9 5.0146480 Eagle (5) _ 13031 54.7 4-9274031 Hack 31001 40.3 U. S. GEOGRAPHICAL SURVEYS. TABLE II Continued. GRANITE PEAK, GRANITE MOUNTAINS Continued. [Latitude, 40 47' 21". 6 ; longitude, 119 25' 47".? ; altitude, 8,990.] 75 To Warren Cedar Mahogany Division Piute (Pah-ute) Kumiva(7) Back .. Azimuth. Log. distance. '34 54 04. I 142 37 32.6 158 oo 16.5 202 53 34. 3 29 55 24-2 341 20 27.7 161 27 06. 2 Meters. 4- 9679687 5.0603123 4.4483821 4- 5677476 4- 7974174 4.6543715 SOUTH FORK PEAK, SIERRA NEVADA. [Latitude, 41 09' i4".3; longitude, no" 33' 39".; ; altitude, 7, 409.] Fredonyer.. ! 3 1400.7 4.7160375 Lassens I 47 18 19.6 5.0359158 Shasta(7) 102 1307.5 5.1448445 Back 281 08 31.4 Cedar 205 5241.4 4.7496515 Warren 229 11 44.3 4.5804478 Eagle (5) 244 49 42.9 4.5267365 Back 65 04 04.8 Granite 292 39 23.1 5.0146480 Observation.. 3 21 54 I2 - I 4- 7 2 9 8 456 I MAHOGANY PEAK, GRANITE RANGE. [Latitude, 41 01' a6".4 ; longitude, 119 33' i7".9 ; altitude, 8,363.] . | Warren. 1252923.4 4.8322659 Cedar '37 41 5 2 - 2 4.9451702 Sugarloaf 1614819.2 5.1738987 Piute (Pah-ute) 235 47 50.8 ] 4.7032642 Division 2520419.2 4.4175229 Granite ._ 337 55 21.7 4-4483821 DIVISION PEAK, GRANITE MOUNTAINS. [Latitude, 41 05' 46".! j longitude, 119 15' 3i".s ! altitude, 8,585.] Granite - 230018.1 4.5677476 Mahogany .. 72 15 59' 4-4175229 Warren 1113431-0 4-9352424 Cedar 1242117.1 5-75777 Sugarloaf '52 04 13.3 5.1808086 Yellow Mesa (7) 1595204.8 4.9416407 Warner.. - .1652636.4 5- '944989 Piute (Pah-ute) 219 53 30.4 4.4220690 76 AZIMUTHS AND DISTANCES. TABLE II Continued. WARREN PEAK, WARNER MOUNTAINS. [Latitude, 41 22' 38". 7 ; longitude, 120 12' 59".6 ; 9,668.) To- Azimuth. Log. distance. South Fork / // 49 25 22. o Meter*. 4. 5804478 Cedar _ __ 170 45 32.0 4. 4156259 Sugarloaf 184 26 23. 9 5.0115588 Piute, or Pah-ute _ _____ _. 276 04 03. 2 4. 9900197 Division 290 56 38. 2 4. Q"K2424 Mahogany 305 03 14. 7 4. 8322659 Granite _. 314 23 03. I 4. 9679688 Eagle (O 351 27 42. i 4.0290143 CEDAR PEAK, WARNER MOUNTAINS. [Latitude, 41 36' 31" '.9; longitude, 120 16' oo".2 ; altitude, 8,308.) Fredonyer . _ 15 ii 37.3 5. 0256770 South Fork 26 04 21. 6 4. 7496515 Lolochewis 159 01 37. 4 4. 9191694 Sugarloaf _ - 1 88 57 21. 5 4. 8900950 Warner 204 44 19. 3 5. 0175099 Beatties Butte (5) 221 44 25. 2 "!. 06480^4 Back . . ....... 42 22 06. I Yellow Mesa (5) 244 45 2O. I 4. 7720672 Back 65 II 07.0 Piute, or Pah-ute _ 289 32 03. 7 5.0^17137 Division iOl 41 IQ. 6 ^. 007^777 Mahogany 317 13 40. 5 4. 9451702 Granite . 322 04 28. 3 5. 0603123 Warren 350 43 12. 3 4.4156259 PIUTE (or PAH-UTE) PEAK. [Latitude, 41 16' 42". 8 ; longitude, 119 03' 23".! ; altitude, 8,618.] Granite _ 30 10 07. o 4. 7974174 Division _ 40 01 30. i 4. 4220690 Mahogany 56 07 31. 9 4. 7032642 Warren _ _ 96 50 OI. 2 4. 9900198 Cedar 1 10 20 07. 6 C. O3I7I V7 Sugarloaf 142 24 14. 2 5- 1576370 Yellow Mesa (7) 142 51 36. 7 4. 8902622 Back 322 29 08. 4 Beatties Butte (5) 169 41 10. 5 S.OQ6686Q Back .. 349 30 1 8. 2 SUGARLOAF PEAK, WARNER MOUNTAINS. [Latitude, 42 17' 57".6 ; longitude, 120 07' 12" 4 ; altitude, 8,416.] Warren 4 3 '5-4 9 03 14- 3 9i '3 35-4 240 31 28. 7 321 41 42.3 331 29 50.4 341 25 46.6 5.0115588 4. 8900950 4.6212609 4. 5586785 5- 1576370 5. 1808086 5- 1738987 Cedar Lolochewis Warner . . Piute, or Pah-ute Division . Mahogany U. S. GEOGRAPHICAL SURVEYS. TABLE II Continued. LOLOCHEWIS PEAK, DREWS VALLEY MOUNTAINS. [Latitude, 42 18' 22". 6 ; longitude, 130 37' 37".? ; altitude, 7,957.] 77 To Azimuth. Warner 256 39 54.9 Su^arloaf 270 53 06.9 Cedar 338 47 09.9 Log. distance. WARNER PEAK. [Latitude, 42 27' 3i".6; longitude, 119 44' 13".!.] CASTLE PEAK, SIERRA NEVADA. (Latitude, 39 ai' 48" .6 ; longitude, 120 20' 47". 30 ; altitude, 9,014.] PYRAMID PEAK, SIERRA NEVADA. [Latitude, 38 50' 32". 6 ; longitude, 120 09' 20". 6 ; altitude, 10,127.! Meters. 4. 8764328 4. 6212609 4. 9191694 Cedar .. ..... 25 05 36. 3 5.0175099 Sugarloaf . _ 60 46 58. 5 4. 5586785 Lolochewis 77 IS f,<. l 4. 8764328 Division 345 07 29. 3 5. 1944989 Jackson (5) . ... . 117 24 26. 6 4. 2922462 Back 297 16 42. 6 Rose 273 34 38. 5 4. 5712746 Freels .. .. . . .. 325 1 8 48. 2 4- 8 35 6 778 Pyramid w? <;S 03. 4 4. 77QO672 Castle (Stanford, 1877) 164 05 17. 8 4. 7700672 Needle (5) 162 36 54. 7 4. 6169682 Back 342 31 30. I Rose 200 28 18. s A. 772O2H Lyon 241 52 54. 6 4. 8271064 Freels 266 22 42 7 A 7CO6Q4.I Oreana, or Silver Lake 267 ^Q O2. 7 A 7707^4.7 Cory 284 03 25. o t;. 0801280 Cary (5) 295 24 24. 7 4. 41QO1QI Back 1 1 $ i< 08. 6 Sweetwater 301 08 10. 8 4. 0^o6l T.O Stevens (5) . . 308 5 2 39. 6 4. 2939022 Back 128 IQ 1 6 o Highland 311 14 t;8. Q 4. 6851623 Sonora . . .. . . 320 oo 11.3 4. 8516040 Alpine (or Woods) 325 51 36.8 4, 3861024 Mokelumne "ISO 47 2Q. 7 4. ^"?8l 1OQ FREELS PEAK, LAKE TAHOE GROUP, SIERRA NEVADA. [Latitude, 38 51' i8".8 ; longitude, 119" 53' so".43; altitude, 10,849.] Alpine 22 12 07. I 4. 3664394 Stevens (5) 27 19 14. 8 4. 1895171 Back 207 1 6 10. 6 78 AZIMUTHS AND DISTANCES. TABLE II Continued. FREELS, LAKE TAHOE GROUP, SIERRA NEVADA Continued. [Latitude, 38 51' i8".8; longitude, 110 53' 50". 4; altitude, 10,849.] To Azimuth. Log. distance. / // 86 32 25.0 Meiers. 4. 3506941 Castle (Stanford, 1877) 145 35 48. 2 4. 8356778 Rose ._ 178 23 02.0 4. 7326242 Lyon 230 47 49. i 4. 6782465 Como (O 243 40 52. 3 4.6152849 Oreana - - 268 35 32. 8 4.5631568 Cory 288 03 26. 2 5.0073250 Sweetwater . 311 51 14. 2 4.8437164 Highland _ 340 06 21. 3 4. 5688444 Gary (O 349 40 19. 5 4. 1281240 *ALPINE PEAK, SIERRA NEVADA. [Latitude, 38 39' 40". 5 ; longitude, 119 59' 53". 9 ; altitude, 10,426.] Mokelumne ._. 30 20 09. 5 4. 2079163 Pyramid __ _ _ ._ 145 57 30. 3 4. 3861024 Stevens (5) . 192 09 19. 7 3. 9010324 Freels 202 08 19. 6 4. 3664394 Lyon _ 221 27 04. 7 4. 8387763 Gary (O 233 20 14. 7 4. 1443607 Oreana, or Silver Lake 243 37 25. 2 4. 7040598 Sweetwater 292 19 39. 3 4. 8176548 Highland 301 50 08. 5 4.4014112 Sonora 317 04 06. 7 4.6713715 OREANA PEAK (or SILVER LAKE PEAK), PINE NUT RANGE. [Latitude, 38 51' 4s".2; longitude, 119 28' 33".8; altitude, 9,381.] Sonora 13 33 32. 2 4. 7662589 Highland _. 34 05 31. 3 4. 6337256 Mokelumne 56 04 47.4 4. 8108443 Alpine (or Woods) 63 57 02. 3 4. 7040598 Pyramid _ _. 88 04 36.4 4. 7707547 Freels 88 51 24.3 4. 5631568 Lvon 181 oo 23.9 4. 4659001 Sweetwater _ . 342 16 17. i 4. 6980668 \ MOKELUMNE PEAK, SIERRA NEVADA. [Latitude, 38 32' o8".s; longitude, 120 05' 30". 5; altitude, 9,385.] Pyramid . . 170 49 52. 3 4- 5381309 Alpine (or Woods) 210 16 39. 5 4. 2079163 Oreana, or Silver Lake 235 41 41. 4 4. 8108443 Highland. . . . . 268 42 22. 6 4. 4708279 Sonora 296 55 34. 7 4- 6533253 "Called " Woods Peak," by Whitney, and "Round Top," by U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey. U. S GEOGRAPHIC VL SURVEYS TABLE II Continued. 79 HIGHLAND PEAK, SILVER MOUNTAIN GROUP, SIERRA NEVADA. [Latitude, 38 32' a8".4 ; longitude, 119 45' og".i ; altitude, 10,956.] To- Azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. Mokelumne _.. ; 88 55 03.2 4.4708279 Alpine 1 121 59 20.2 4.4014112 Pyramid.. I 133 5004.7 4.6851623 Freels ; I 160 II 46.9 I 4.5688444 Lyon 1 20037 14.0 4.8412370 Oreana, or Silver Lake 213 55 08.6 4.6337256 Cory 267 49 52.2 4.9250431 Sweetwater 286 3949.1 4.6135320 McBride j 302 08 41. 7 5. 1627133 Conness ! 329 10 31.7 4.8719881 Sonora 1 333 32 47.7 | 4.3721006 I j SONORA PEAK, SIERRA NEVADA. [Latitude, 38 ai' o^'.a ; longitude, 119 37' 57".s ; altitude, 11,479.] . Mokelumne 117 1242.5 4-6533253 Alpine (or Woods) 137 1746.3 4.6713715 Pyramid . 140 1944.8 4.8516040 Highland ! 153 37 16.5 4.3721006 Oreana 1 193 27 40.5 4.7662589 Sweetwater ! 252 u 12.4 4.4816989 SWEETWATER PEAK, SWEETWATER RANGE. [Latitude, 38" 26' 03". 3 ; longitude, 119 18' 07". a ; altitude, 11,778.] Sonora 72 23 31.7 4.4816989 Highland 106 56 38.8 4.6135320 Alpine (or Woods) 11245 4'-5 4.8176548 Pyramid. 121 4008.7 4.9396130 Freels _. 132 1332.6 4.8437164 Oreana, or Silver Lake . 162 22 48.4 4.6980668 CORY PEAK (called Mount Grant by U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey), WALKER RIVER RANGE. [Latitude, 38 33' 5 7 ". 4 ; longitude, n8 c 47' is"-9 ; altitude, 11,336.] Lyell Peak ..! 24 Dana I 27 Conness I 34 Dunderberg, locally Castle (5).. Highland 88 Pyramid 104 Freels . 108 Lyon Basalt . _ _ Poston . . . McBride . Morgan.. 136 2I 3 256 334 357 44 57-3 02 30. 9 58 32.6 14 20. 8 25 57-3 54 43- 3 45 4.4 35 34-6 20 25. 5 21 54-5 43 52. 5 43 '7- i 5. 0054302 4. 9204222 4. 9103091 4. 9250430 5. 0893289 5. 0073250 4- 9337768 4- 7473460 5. 1090454 4. 9520255 5-IH5334 80 AZIMUTHS AND DISTANCES. TABLE II Continued. McBRIDE PEAK, WHITE MOUNTAINS. [Latitude, 37 sc/oS^.o ; longitude, 118* 21' 12". 6; altitude, 13,415.] T - Azimuth. Log. distance. Morgan / // 34 43 37- 3 Meters. 4.7668811 Lyell . 82 30 25. 4 4. 9103895 Dana 95 23 1 8. 9 4. 8829661 Conness 99 50 54. 2 4. 9347399 Dunderberg (5) _ . .. _ _ .. . _ 107 35 14. 6 4. 9267679 Highland 123 oo 36. I 5. 1627133 Cory 154 59 59. 3 4. 9520255 Basalt 176 54 22. 5 5. 1068251 White Mountain 338 30 04. 5 4. 3873724 WHITE MOUNTAIN PEAK, WHITE MOUNTAINS. [Latitude, 37 37' si".4 ; longitude, 118 15' of.g ; altitude, 14,245.] Morgan ! 5905 51.3 Lyell ! 97 44 49.0 | Dana _ _! 109 25 46.7 j Conness lit 4933.8 McBride _ 158 33 47.7 4. 6925568 4. 9566380 4. 9546270 5.0039572 4- CONNESS PEAK, SIERRA NEVADA. [Latitude, 37 57' 51". 2 ; longitude, 119 19' o6".z ; altitude, 12,552.] Clarks _ _ 17 30 o"i . 7 4. 4983662 Echo (5) 24. O7 OO 1 4. 2064240 Clouds Rest (5) T.T. 4O 17. <; 4. 4252077 Devils ... vj ZT, 07. 8 4. 7858911 Hoffman 51 22 42. 3 4. 3292421 Moccasin (5) 78 1O ??. 2 4. CCO"* ^^ Highland 149 26 39. 7 4.8719881 Dunderbere fO .. 2OO 51 O8. O 4. 0649526 Cory 214. ^8 40. S 4. 910309! McBride . 27Q I S 2o. T, 4. 9347399 White Mountain . _ 291 to 21. 3 5.0039572 Dana 310 12 40. 7 4. 0624314 Morgan f2O O^ II. O 4. 9094178 Lyell.. 350 to 17. i 4. 4092379 DANA PEAK, SIERRA NEVADA. [Latitude, 37 53' 49".2 ; longitude, 119 13' os".3 ; altitude, 13,043.] Lyell 14 02 17. 3 4. 2641566 Conness . 130 1 6 22. 5 4.0624314 Cory 206 46 32. o 4. 9204222 McBride. . 274 51 28. 2 4. 8829661 White Mountain 288 50 17. I 4. 9546270 Morgan . . 321 44 04. 2 4. 8440172 U. 8. GEOGRAPHICAL SURVEYS. TABLE II Continued. LYELL PEAK, SIERRA NEVADA. [Latitude, 37 44' n".o; longitude, 119 i6'<>7".3; altitude, 13,104.) 81 To Azimuth. Log. distance. Chiquito _ _ . o / // 17 47 50. 3 Meters. 4- 6575584 Merced (5) oq 27. 8 4. 2010060 Clarks 71 03 17.6 4. 1658304 Clouds Rest (5) 99 23 03. 8 4. 2891099 Hoffman no 37 51. q 4. 3840797 Echo (5) 134 05 46. 2 4. 183079 Conness 170 12 06.9 4. 4092379 Dana 194 oo 25. 7 4. 2641566 Cory _ _ _ _ .__ 204 27 07. 7 5. 0054302 McBride 261 56 46. 7 4. 9103895 White Mountain Peak 277 07 32.0 4. 9566380 Morgan . . 307 46 1 1. 6 4.7808090 MORGAN PEAK, SIERRA NEVADA. [Latitude, 37 24' 07". 2 ; longi ude, 118 43' 46" .9 ; altitude, 13,791.] Chiquito 84 29 14. 9 4. 7919251 Merced (51 ._ _. 113 45 24. 9 4.8051582 Clarks ' ... 117 56 55.4 4.8419577 Lyell 128 05 54.8 4. 7808090 Conness _ 140 24 47. 6 4.9094178 Dana 142 01 58.4 4. 8440172 Cory . . . ._ -. _ 177 45 25. 8 5. 1115334 McBride 214 29 50. 7 4.7668811 White Mountain . . 238 48 24. 5 4. 6925568 CHIQUITO PEAK, SIERRA NEVADA. [Latitude, 37 20' 46" .8; longitude, 119 25' 3i".8 ; altitude, 8,257.] Green 79 34 10. 8 80 07 42. i 99 45 54- 2 "5 54 54-9 172 31 28.9 179 57 3-7 185 21 36. 7 197 42 06.3 264 03 54. 3 4. 7058520 4-3655189 4. 8086853 4- 53 2 7744 4- 74S939 6 4. 5856991 4. 5028826 4- 6575584 4.7919251 Deadwood _ . _ Schultz Devils . Hoffman _ _ Clarks Merced (5) Lyell _ ' .. Morgan CLARKS PEAK (also called "Gothic," or the Obelisk), MERCED GROUP, SIERRA NEVADA. [Latitude, 37 41' 36". 4; longitude, 119 25' 33".; altitude, 11,513.! Devils 56 07 56.4 4. 5215092 Schultz 66 28 35. o 4. 8398363 Moccasin (5) 98 55 43. i 4. 9043822 Wade (5) 119 02 39.0 4.5617799 1874 WH 6 82 AZIMUTHS AND DISTANCES. TABLE II Continued. CLARKS PEAK (also called "Gothic," or the Obelisk), MERCED GROUP, SIERRA NEVADA Continued. [Latitude, 37 41" 36". 4; longitude, 119 35' 33'' .o; altitude, JT.SIS.] To Azimuth. Log. distance. Clouds Rest (5) / // 145 56 06. 4 Meters. \. 0804878 Castle Rock ...... . ... 149 40 58. 8 4- 85I632I Hoffman 156 38 22. 8 4 2602809 Echo (5) . IQO 77 7Q. O 4. IQ4I 77Q Conness ....... 197 26 04. 5 4. 4983662 Lyell 2^0 1:7 31 6 A l6c;87O4 Morgan 297 31 28. i 4. 8410^77 Merced (5) 33 : S 57' 3- 8726642 Chiquito 359 57 3- 4. ^8^6oqi HOFFMAN PEAK, SIERRA NEVADA. [Latitude, 37 50' 38". 5 ; longitude, 119 30' 28". 3; altitude, 10,747.] Devils .. 29 59 04. I 4. 6o8 4.7959421 4.8341416 4. 5300203 Clear Creek . Cache Black Pine Elkhorn (south point) North Ogden Promontory NAOMI PEAK, BEAR RIVER RANGE. [Latitude, 41 54' 38".9; longitude, 111 40' 46". 3; altitude, 9,951.] Observatory Peak (Ogden). 12 21 4S. T. 4. QO788<;8 North Ogden 21 24. \\ O A 8IC%948 Logan (Box Elder) (5). 42 44 24. 8 Back . . 222 TO SI. 5 Tangent _. 60 77 OI 7, e I2^7c;8d. Elkhorn (north point) _ . 131 13 34. 5 4. 8544983 South Putnam (not final) 161 37 50. 2 5- 0694142 Sedgwick (not final) 163 ii 01. 7 Sherman (not final) l8q 44 IO. S 4 704.84.62 Meades (not final) 208 27 10. 3 4. 8677418 BLACK PINE PEAK (i). [Latitude, 42 07' o8".s ; longitude, 113 of 27" .9 ; altitude, 9,386.] Tangent . 1 ^8 20. i 4 8^144^8 Cache . _ OO 2$ IO I 4 6? 1*0081 Big Butte 183 10 47 Q 5 1521620 Badger . 18"; ^7 20. 4 4. 6824.O2H Back... Cedar 1 88 20 E;C Q Bannock 212 ii 04 3 Back _ ^2 27 4.4 8 Putnam 2IQ 17 16 Z c o8^Q2^I Deep Creek 224 tO 4.4 Back 44. 1$ iS 4 Elkhorn 24Q 46 1 1. 7 4 8421161 Blue Spring Peak 306 57 12 8 North Ogden . _ 310 40 i 8 o e 1060^80 Promontory T.2T. 46 13. O 4 0^68084 U. S. GEOGRAPHICAL SURVEYS. TABLE IllContinued. CACHE PEAK, RAFT RIVER RANGE [Latitude, 42 n' 04".! ; longitude, 113' 39' 54". 8; altitude, 10,451.! 91 To Azimuth. Log. distance. o / // 6 56 17.7 Meiers.. 4. 7432236 Big Butte -- -- -- 200 59 51.6 5. 1590841 Pillar Butte 205 08 32. 8 4- 9333 6 3 Putnam - 234 43 13.0 5. 1746577 230 17 27.4 4. 8052220 Back 50 41 38. 6 Cedar . 239 35 22.0 4. 7616004 Back 59 59 49. 7 239 04 20. 7 4.9599116 Deep Creek .. - 248 41 11.4 4. 9478375 Elkhorn (south point) _. 261 01 58.0 5.0459216 Black Pine .._.. --- 279 03 23. 6 4. 6559083 294 46 28. 8 5.0095291 North Ogden 302 17 06. 9 5. 2260258 Promontory - - 308 29 36. 6 5. 0898373 ELKHORN PEAK (NORTHERN POINT). [Latitude, 42 20' oo".s; longitude, 112 19' 56" .6.] Promontory. Tangent Putnam . 9 06 53. I 36 49 37- 5 1905801.2 Naomi. ~_"_"~_\~.~_~.~. i 3' 47 18.2 Ogden 34404II-2 Box Elder (or Logan) (5) 341 2208.0 Back 161 3443-5 Oxford (5) ! 290 34 52.6 Back ' 11044 12.0 Sedgwick (5) 238 44 09. 9 Back ! 59 oo 35-7 Sherman (5) ; 257 01 16.5 Back 77 32 55-5 4- 9773488 5.0714104 4. 8457221 4- 8544983 5.0488598 4. 9128013 4. 3087692 4.5912997 "4. 8189895 ELKHORN PEAK (SOUTHERN POINT). [Latitude, 42 19' 57". 8; longitude, 112 19' 58". 2.] Promontory -. 9 06 00.4 4. 9769869 16 39 33. 3 4. 7959421 36 50 04. I 5.0711115 Black Pine , 70 18 08. 8 4.8421161 Cache 81 55 43.6 5.0459216 '33 59 IO -3 4- 6358587 190 58 01. 2 4. 8457222 Otrden 344 02 28. 8 5.0492610 Deep Creek -- 119 38 32.6 4. 4913227 92 AZIMUTHS AND DISTANCES. TABLE III Continued. BANNOCK PEAK. [Latitude, 42 36' 08". 8; longitude, 112 42' 4s".o; altitude, 8,359-j To Azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. Black Pine 32 27 44.8 4.8030504 Cedar Creek 5849 17.8 4.5240654 Cache 59 42 54.5 4.9599116 Pillar Butte 127 01 54. 2 4. 7150914 BigButte 163 49 55.3 4.9624460 Putnam 228 37 40.8 4.7708025 Elkhorn 3134348.8 4.6358587 BIG BUTTE. [Latitude, 43 23' 41". 2 ; longitude, 113 01' 38" .o ; altitude, 7,659.] Black Pine 3 1445.5 5.1521620 Pillar 15 2403.8 4.7709609 Cache 21 25 51.9 5.1590841 Putnam_. 3045409.9 4.9311758 Bannook... 343 37 01.3 4.9624460 DEEP CREEK PEAK. [Latitude, 42 28' 13" i ; longitude, 112 39' 37".? ; altitude, 8,8i8.1 BlackPine 4435 38.4 4-7375277 Cache 6921 47.1 4. 94x8375 Cedar 85 27 42.1 4.5176717 Badger(5) 10501 21.9 4.5386744 Bannock. 163 5631.7 4.1840306 Putnam 21645 2 5- 7 4-8257988 Sedgwick 265 02 26.6 4.7812665 Elkhorn (south point) 29925 17.2 4.4913227 Blue Spring (north promontory) 352 56 27.9 4.8794100 MEADES PEAK. [Latitude, 42 29' 4i".4 ; longitude, m 15' io". 7 ; altitude, 10,541.] Naomi (not final) 2844 27.1 4.8677408 Oxford (not final) 7037 29.2 4-8708394 Elkhorn (not final) 79 02 08.3 4.9575013 Sherman 82 1937.5 4.3962902 Sedgwick 92 33 27.3 4-7442857 Putnam 124 24 21.2 4.9572598 Ksgah--. - 1753455-3 4-8236924 PUTNAM PEAK, PORT NEUF BANGE. [Latitude, 42 57' 08". o : longitude, 112 10' 09". 8 ; altitude, 8,905.] j Elkhorn (northern point) . 110439.8 4.8457221 Deep Creek (5) 3705 24.9 4.8257988 BlackPine 4O 36 40.9 5.0839251 U. 8. GEOGRAPHICAL SURVEYS. TABLE III Continued. PUTNAM PEAK, PORT NEUF RANGE Continued. [Latitude, 42" 57' 08" .o; longitude, 112 10' 09". 8 ; altitude, 8,905.] To Azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. Bannock (5) 485947.4 4.7708025 Back 228 37 40.8 Cache - 55435.o 5.1746577 Pillar 85 1231.8 4.9347186 Big Butte 125 2922.9 4.9311758 Pisgah 257 02 37.6 4.8529898 Meades : 303 47 02.9 4.9572598 Sherman 316 48 38.8 4.8695110 Sedgwick 337 45 03.7 4.7196637 PILLAR BUTTE. [Latitude, 42 52' 57". 7; longitude, 113 13' 08". 7 ; altitude, 5,301.] Cache 25 2638.6 4-933363 Big Butte 195 16 11.5 4.7709609 Putnam 264 29 38.5 4.9347186 Bannock 30641 15.1 4.7150914 PISGAH (CARIBOU) PEAK. [Latitude, 43 05' 34". 5 ; longitude, in 18' 57". 7 ; altitude, 9,695.] Sherman 15 3644.2 4.8600265 Sedgwick 3808 26.8 4.9105587 Putnam 77 37 33.6 4.8529898 Meades 355 32 21.1 4.8236924 OGDEN PEAK (FORMERLY NORTH OGDEN), WAHSATCH RANGE. [Latitude, 41 21' 44". 8 ; longitude, 111 57' 53".! ; altitude, 9,696.] South Base 2 42 31. 2 I 4. 2571372 North Base 347 27.1 ( 4.0417693 Ogden Observatory Dome ' 1004 14.9 4.2087428 Antelope I 2545 55.9 4.6940295 Tangent 97 46 43.2 5.0098430 Clear Creek 104 19 37.2 5.1846553 Promontory 107 17 57.1 4.6803459 Cache 1232505.4 5.2260758 Black Pine 131 2637.6 5.1669389 Blue Springs (north promontory) . 13442 22.4 4.8341416 Box Elder or Logan (5) 171 3309.4 4.4856974 Back 351 31 00.7 Elkhorn (south point) 164 17 12.9 5.0492610 Elkhorn (north point) 164 1854.2 5.0488598 Naomi .... 201 1309.7 4-8i5373S Observatory Peak 339 59 27.4 4.2854896 Twin Peaks (west) (7) 346 46 06.2 4.9416924 Back 16655 2 4-4 -- 94 AZIMUTHS AND DISTANCES. TABLE III Continued. OBSERVATORY (FORMERLY OGDEN) PEAK, WAHSATCH RANGE. [Latitude, 41 n' 56". 8 ; longitude, ni 53' 09". 6; altitude, 9,589.] TO- Azimuth. Log. distance. Antelope Island Peak o / // 4.6 ^O 1Z. 2 Meters. South Base QO 17 1Q. 8 1 872^024. Observatory Dome IO3 14. 20 O Tangent 106 11 01. 7 c CKI'COOA Promontory 121 47 34. 4 4, 78OI7OO North Base I 1A IQ 26 I North Ogden 1 60 O2 34. 4. 4. 28^4.806 Naomi IQ2 11 12. 2 4. o.o788<;8 Medicine Butte 2C7 CC 4.6 2 South Meridian Hill (5). 266 1% 2O 4. 4 8818817 Back .!: 87 II 21. 7 Porcupine (5) 287 01 17. 3 4,. 82Q2O73 Back IO7 31 11 8 Twin Peaks (west) (7) 34.8 4.3 so. 2 Back 168 50 02. o MEDICINE BUTTE. [Latitude, 41" 21' 04".! ; longitude, no 55' 02". 3.] Twin Peaks (west) 39 2 3 53- 6 2l8 51 59. 2 78 34 06. 8 5.03210068 Back Observatory Peak 4.9185015 ANTELOPE ISLAND PEAK, GREAT SALT LAKE. [Latitude, 40" 57' 4o".4; longitude, 112 13' 13".! ; altitude, 6,660.] Grant Peak 3' 59 9- 7 125 59 22.5 157 24 36.4 205 35 5i-o 2 35 35-9 212 57 27.8 217 46 39.6 226 37 25.0 246 25 oi.o 66 39 22. 2 314 12 04.2 134 31 20.4 4. 8174641 4.9952651 4. 8032445 . 4. 6940295 4- 5935426 4- 5333586 4- 5257768 4. 5859244 4. 5239582 Tangent Promontory . North Ogden North Base. Observatory Dome South Base Observatory Peak Barton (5) Back Twin Peaks (west point) (7) 4. 7638398 Back PROMONTORY PEAK (ALSO BENADA), PROMONTORY RANGE. [Latitude, 41 29' 21". 8 ; longitude, 113 30' 44". 9 ; altitude, 7,460.] Tangent .. 89 '3 37-4 1 02 36 42.0 129 15 44. 7 144 10 41.5 174 56 10. 6 4. 7452160 5.0219326 5- 0898373 4. 9368085 4. 5300204 Clear Creek ... Cache .__ Black Pine Blue Springs U. S. GEOGRAPHICAL SURVEYS. TABLE III Continued. 95 PROMONTORY PEAK (ALSO BENADA), PROMONTORY RANGE Continued. [Latitude, 41 29' 21". 8; longitude, 112 30' 44". 9; altitude, 7,460.] To Azimuth. Log. distance. Elkhorn (southern point) / // 188 58 48.4 Meters. 4. 9769869 Elkhorn ( northern point) . 188 59 40. I 4- 9773488 Logan (Box Elder) (5) 248 24 1 8. 2 4. 6458392 Back . .... 68 43 57. 5 North Ogden 286 56 12. 5 4. 6803459 North Base 298 54 41. 6 4. 7126123 Ogden Peak (Observatory I'eak). . 301 22 44. 6 4. 7891700 Observatory Dome 304 44 50. 8 4. 7197419 South Base _ 305 22 52. 6 4. 7426887 Twin Peaks (west) (7) 326 08 45. o 5.0760657 Back 146 39 38. 7 Antelope -Island Peak _. _. 337 13 02. 6 4. 8032445 TANGENT PEAK. [Latitude, 41 28' 50" .6; longitude, 113 10' 42". 2.] Newfoundland __ 26 20 42. 4 4. 5634607 Desert 41 25 26. 2 4. 8935024 Pilot Knob 56 13 46. o 4. 9605333 Clear Creek -_ Il6 19 06.6 4. 7215642 Black Pine 183 36 10. 9 4.8514458 Elkhorn (northern point) 216 15 43. 2 5.0714104 Elkhorn (southern point) . . 216 16 10.9 5.0711115 Blue Springs 236 1 8 20. 5 4. 7988251 Naomi . 248 33 21. 7 5. 1257584 North Ogden 276 58 32. 5 5.0098430 Promontory 268 47 09. 3 4. 7452160 Observatory _ 285 41 50. 5 5.0515004 Antelope Island Peak 305 21 29.0 4. 9952651 Stansbury Island Peak 320 58 07. 3 4. 9563556 Grant 337 41 49.0 5.0881282 CLEAR CREEK PEAK, RAFT RIVER RANGE. (Latitude, 41 41' 22".s; longitude, 113" 44' 44" .o; altitude, 9,132.] Pilot Knob . 20 47 30. 7 186 53 04.4 263 oo 06. 2 281 47 35- 3 283 08 46. 8 295 56 31.4 330 44 42. 6 362 48 34. 7 4. 9002062 4. 7432236 5.0010109 5.0219326 5- 1846553 4.7215642 4.8070136 4. 9146336 Cache . Blue Springs (north Promontory promontory) _ Ogden (formerly Nc Tangent rth Ogden) _ Newfoundland Desert NEWFOUNDLAND PEAK, DESERT RANGE. [Latitude, 41 n' 06". 7; longitude, 113 22' 19". 2; altitude, Desert 53 48 15.8 4. 6430427 Pilot Knob 73 7 3- 4 4.7945511 Clear Creek . 150 59 32.5 4.8070136 Tangent 206 13 02. I 4. 5634607 AZIMUTHS AND DISTANCES. TABLE III Continued. DESERT PEAK, DESERT RANGE. [Latitude, 40 57' 02". 4 ; longitude, 113 47' 36". 2 ; altitude, 8,175.] To- Azimuth. Log. distance. Pilot Knob o / // i7 45 39- 3 182 46 41.0 221 OI 07.4 233 3 1 39-2 Meters. 4. 4047847 4. 9146336 4. 8935024 4. 6430427 Clear Creek Tangent Newfoundland PILOT KNOB, GOSIUTE RANGE. [Latitude, 41" 01' iz".a; longitude, 114" 04' s'"-5; altitude, 10,758.] Clear Creek 200 34 12. 8 235 38 03. 5 252 39 65. 5 287 34 20. 2 4. 9002062 4- 9605333 4-79455" 4. 4047847 Tangent Newfoundland Desert . U. S. GEOGRAPHICAL SURVEYS. 97 TABLE IV. AZIMUTHS AND DISTANCES BETWEEN PRIMARY TRIAN- GULATION STATIONS SOUTH OF SANTA FE, N. MEX., DEPENDING UPON THE LINE TAYLOR-PLACER. 1877-'78. The New Mexico triangulation south of Santa Fe, executed during the field seasons of 1877-'78, depends upon the position and azimuth of the line Taylor Placer, which, as herein given, depends upon the astro- nomical determination at Santa Fe San Mateo Peak was separately determined from the Fort Bayard base, as shown under that heading. No adjustment was made between the two systems of triangulation, the connection between them not having been entirely completed. The points in each system are therefore affected with the station-error of their respective astronomical initial points. M. M. M. ENGINEER OFFICE, U. S. GEOGRAPHICAL SURVEYS. 1874 WH 7 U. S. GEOGRAPHICAL SURVEYS. 99 ALPHABETICAL, LIST. NEW MEXICO. Page. CapUan Peak 105 Cerro Colorado 104 Cerro Tecolote 103 Fra Cristobal Peak 104 Ladrones Peak 102 Magdalena Peak 102 Mauzano Peak 103 Mosca Peak 101 Mount Taylor 101 NogalPeak 105 Osha Peak 102 Pedernal Peak 101 Placer Peak 101 Rattlesnake Hill 102 Salinas Peak 104 San MateoPeak 103 Sierra Blanca Peak (of New Mexico) 103 U. S. GEOGRAPHICAL SURVEYS. TABLE IV. PLACER PEAK, PLACER MOUNTAINS. [Latitude, 35 20' 03". 4 ; longitude, 106 10' 36".o ; altitude, 8,965.] 101 To Azimuth. Log. distance. Mosca / // 20 08 06. 5 Meters. 4. 7916872 Magdalena 32 18 32.4 5. 2452435 Ladrones . _ 40 ii 25. 3 5. 1149147 85 44 01. 2 5. 1182183 Pedernal . . 318 28 04.5 4. 8602216 MOUNT TAYLOR, SAN MATEO RANGE. [Latitude, 35 14' is".6 ; longitude, 107 36' 54". 8 ; altitude, 11,391.) Placer .- _- 264 54 09. 6 5. 1182183 Pedernal . 283 07 51.9 5. 2658206 Mosca . 292 58 21.2 5.0784640 Osha - - 301 39 25. I 5. 1003384 Ladrones _ 331 36 58. 2 5.0053693 Magdalena 344 17 40.0 5. 1574674 MOSCA PEAK, MANZANO RANGE. [Latitude, 34 48' 36". 5; longitude, 106 24' 34". 5; altitude, 9,723.] Osha 9 39 35-7 Magdalena --- 38 37 41.7 Ladrones___ ., 562700.2 Taylor 113 39 5^-3 Placer 200 oo 04.7 Pedernal 266 41 01.7 Rattlesnake Hill 296 31 19.4 Sierra Blanca .. ; 34 5 33-7 4. 2923698 5.0649042 4. 8762324 5. 0784640 4. 7916872 4. 8418084 4- 7753947 5. 2265972 PEDERNAL PEAK. [Latitude, 34 50' 38".s; longitude, 105" 39' O4".2; altitude, 7,580.] 5 21 09.0 5. 2142819 Rattlesnake Hill 28 01 06. I 4.5387165 56 41 36. 2 5. 2319006 69 14 12.4 4. 8960614 71 23 09.8 5- 1451211 Osha - 72 37 01.3 4. 8825486 87 07 oo. 9 4. 8418084 Taylor 104 15 31.9 5. 2658206 Placer 138 46 12. o 4. 8602216 102 AZIMUTHS AND DISTANCES. TABLE IV Continued. MAGDALENA PEAK, MAGDALENA MOUNTAINS. [Latitude, 33 59' a3".2 ; longitude, 107 n' 39".! ; altitude, 10,798.] To Azimuth. Log. distance. San Mateo / // 25 f6 33. 7 Meters. A.. 72Q73I4 Mount Taylor 164 32 01 I C TC7A674 Ladrones IQO 50 58. o 4 7OOO2.7Q Placer.. _ 211 43 48. 9 5. 24.52475 Mosca 218 ii 05 8 c o6d.OO42 Osha 223 3Q 56. 3 4 QQ748O3 Manzano 225 29 II. 2 4. 078088-? Pedernal . 235 49 16. 3 5. 2310006 Rattlesnake Hill . ___ 242 34 04. 5 5. 1498822 Cerro Tecolote 26^ 34 51.4. 5. 1421078 Cerro Colorado 289 1 6 02. i 4. 6837603 Sierra Blanca ^07 A A -1O I 5. 1612070 LADRONES PEAK, LADRONES MOUNTAINS. [Latitude, 34 26' oi".o ; longitude, 107 05' 29". 5 ; altitude, 9,214.] Magdalena . 10 54 25. 8 4. 7000279 San Mateo 18 22 06 9 5 0127166 Taylor 151 54 55. I 5. OO536Q3 Placer 219 40 01 6 Mosca _ _ _ _ 236 O3 45 3 4 8762324 Osha 240 O5 OQ. 5 4. 8021612 Manzano 257 2O 24 3 4. 785Q5OO Pedernal 25O 34 O2. 3 5. 145121 1 Rattlesnake Hill 262 1 6 36. 6 5.0681028 Cerro Tecolote 286 42 i 6 7 5 1287260 Sierra Blanca 314 31 55.4. 5 221 6644 Cerro Colorado 331 O2 27. 7 4. 8722063 OSHA PEAK, MANZANO RANGE. [Latitude, 34 38' o9". 3 ; longitude, 106 26' 4 3 ".6 ; altitude, 10,023.] Manzano . . 8 I S 24 6 Magdalena . 44 CK I 5 8 Ladrones 69 27 08. i 4, 8o2l6l2 Taylor . 122 19 36 8 Mosca 189 38 22. 2 4 2Q236Q8 Pedernal . _ 252 OO KI. 4. 8821:486 Rattlesnake Hill _ . 277 IQ 14 O 4 7566643 RATTLESNAKE HILL, ANIMAS [Latitude, 34 34' 07".s ; longitude, 105 49' 4i".4 ; HILLS. altitude, 6,617.] Magdalena 63 2O 13 4 5 14988^2 Ladrones 82 ?q -12. 8 5 0681028 Manzano Q2 3O 17. 3 4. 75QO742 Osha Q7 4O 15 Q 47566643 Mosca 1 16 51 10. 9 4 7753047 Pedernal . 2O7 55 O3. 7 4. 5387165 U. S. GEOGRAPHICAL SURVEYS. TABLE IV Continued. MANZANO PEAK, MANZANO MOUNTAINS. [Latitude, 34 35' 23". a ; longitude, 106 27' 12". 19 ; altitude, 10,086.] 103 To Azimuth. Log. distance. Colorado - o / // 15 32 40. 5 Meters. 4. 9329640 San Mateo . . 38 38 53.0 5. 1667791 Magdalena 45 U 17.4 4. 0780883 I .ndrones 73 42 05. 6 4. 7859500 Osha 188 15 08.0 3. 7135929 Peclernal 248 46 39. 3 4. 8960614 Rattlesnake Hill 272 08 59. 6 4. 7590742 Cerro Tecolote W8 ?q OS. Q 4. 9541816 Sierra Blanca 336 12 27. 5 5. 1680014 CERRO TECOLOTE. [Latitude, 34 04' 37" .2; longitude, 105 41' 44". 2 ; altitude, 7,254.] Sierra Blanca . . 8 07 02. 4 4. 8966034 Nogal 9 22 41. 7 4. 8145532 Salinas . 42 18 23. I 5. 0662442 San Mateo 70 40 oo. 6 5. 2348846 Cerro Colorado 74 49 14. 7 4. 9843806 Magdalena 86 25 10. 8 5. 1421078 Ladrones 107 29 25.4 5. 1287260 Manzano 129 24 44. 9 4. 9541816 Capitan . 323 55 03. 9 4. 8242349 SAN MATEO PEAK, SAN MATEO RANGE. [Latitude, 33 33' 07". 3 ; longitude, 107 36' 04" .9 ; altitude, 10,209.] Ladrones 198 10 23. 6 5. 0127166 Magdalena 205 08 19. 9 4- 7 2 973!4 Manzano _ 218 05 41.4 5. 1667791 Cerro Colorado . ._ . 244 24 35. 7 4. 8799765 Cerro Tecolote 249 41 43. 7 5. 2348846 Sierra Blanea _ . 277 oo 51. 9 5. 1829988 Salinas . _....- 287 19 18. o 4- 947593 r Fra Cristobal 294 54 oo. 7 4. 5180002 SIERRA BLANCA PEAK, SIERRA BLANCA RANGE. [Latitude, 33 22' 2 4 ". 3 ; longitude, 105" 48' 54" .9 ; altitude, 11,892.) Orean (7} 31 54 49. 6 5. 1273616 Back 211 30 18. 7 Salinas _ _. 83 03 oo. 9 4. 8309648 Fra Cristobal . 93 07 47. 2 5. 0844309 San Mateo _ _ 97 54 39- 2 5. 1829988 Magdalena 118 30 42.3 5. 1612979 Cerro Colorado . _ 122 41 59. 5 4. 9889390 Ladrones 135 14 38. 5 5.2216644 104 AZIMUTHS AND DISTANCES. TABLE IV Continued. SIERRA BLANCA PEAK, SIERRA BLANCA Continued. (Latitude, 33 22' 24". 3; longitude, 105 48' 54" .9; altitude, 11,892.] To Azimuth. Log. distance. Manzano Mosca Nogal Pedernal Tecolote Capitan Carrizo (7) Back East Carrizo Cone (5) Back .. 156 33 161 10 182 01 185 IS 1 88 03 244 22 '91 53 II 56 2IO 21 30 27 5'-9 51-7 Oj. 4 56.3 3-4 57-9 49.0 28.5 29.8 54-9 Meters. 5. 1680014 5. 2265972 5. 2142819 4. 8966034 4- 7473S 4- 5569467 4- CERRO COLORADO. [Latitude, 33 50' 42" .5 ; longitude, 106 42' o6".2 ; altitude, 5,654.) Fra Cristobal 39 57 33.7 4.7816730 San Mateo 6449 12.3 4.8799765 Magdalena . 109 32 31.3 4.6837603 Ladrones 151 1535.2 4.8722063 Manzano 195 24 18. 2 4.9329640 Cerro Tecolote 254 15 31.3 4.9843806 Sierra Blanca . 302 1232.9 4.9889390 Salinas 345 51 57.4 4.7967848 FRA CRISTOBAL PEAK, FRA CRISTOBAL RANGE. [Latitude, 33 25' 3s".o; longitude, 107 04' io".i3; altitude, 6,646.] San Mateo I 115 0439.3 4.5180002 Cerro Colorado 219 43 40.7 4.7816730 Sierra Blanca 272 2442.4 5.0844309 Salinas.. 2843802.1 4.7483121 SALINAS PEAK, SAN ANDREAS RANGE. [Latitude, 33 17' 50". 6; longitude, 106 32' is".o; altitude, 9,039.) Organ (7) I i 34 09. 2 5.0239673 Back... 1 j8i 3309.2 Fra Cristobal.. 10457 4- 3 4.7483121 San Mateo 108 49 09.7 4.9475931 Colorado 165 57 24.4 4.7967848 Tecolote .. 221 50 22.0 5.0662442 Nogal , 251 43 33 .j 4.8523474 Capitan 254 I3 24. o 5.0864418 Sierra Blanca 262 39 12.0 4.8309648 U. S. GEOGRAPHICAL SURVEYS. TABLE IV Continued. NOGAL PEAK, SIERRA BLANCA. [Latitude, 33 29' 47". 5 ; longitude, 105 48' 36". 2 ; altitude, 9,983.! 105 To- Azimuth. Log. distance. Sierra Blanca 201 13.7 Salinas .. ' 72 07 34.9 Cerro Tecolote ' 189 18 52.5 East Carrizo Cone (5) ! 225 4607.5 Back 45 52 22.8 Capitan 258 06 34.2 Meters. 4- 1354369 4- 8523474 4.8145532 4- 3S/4986 4- 7076275 CAPITAN PEAK, CAPITAN RANGE. [Latitude, 33 35' 24". 4; longitude, 105 16' 2o"-3 ; altitude, 10,023.] Sierra Blanca 64 40 56. 2 4. 7473050 Salinas 74 55 14. 3 5.0864418 Nogal * . 78 24 23. 9 4. 7076275 Carrizo (7) 104 48 26. 3 4. 6471375 Back . 284 33 03. 3 Cerro Tecolote 144 09 12. 4 4. 8242740 U. S. GEOGRAPHICAL, SURVEYS. 107 TABLE V. AZIMUTHS AND DISTANCES BETWEEN PRIMARY TRIANGU- LATION STATIONS DEPENDING UPON THE FORT BAYARD BASE, N. MEX. 1878. This line was laid out on the plain west of the Santa Eita Mountains, near the. Warm Springs at Apache Tejo, about 10 miles south of Fort Bayard. It was measured with a 50 foot Stackpole compensated steel tape, the direction being about N. 17 27' E., the adopted length being 27,265.937 feet (5.164 miles), which, reduced to sea level and converted into meters, is given in the following tables, with the principal elements of the triangulation depending upon it. The ends of the base were not permanently marked (see Annual Report 1879, p. 119 and p. 245). The base was connected with the astronomical station (latitude 32 47' 40".35, longitude 108 09' 08".77) established by the survey at Fort Bayard, the discussion of the co-ordinates of which will be found in the Annual Report of this office for 1879, pp. 81-113. The triangulation expanded from the Fort Bayard base has one main point in common (San Mateo Peak) with the triangulation running south- ward from the Santa Fe astronomical station, and depending upon the iizimuth and distance of the line Placer-Taylor. For this triangulation see pp. 97-105 of this volume. The co ordinates of San Mateo, as determined from the two bases, are as follows : From Fort Bayard, latitude 33 33' 07".30, lon.itude 107 26' 04".90. From Santa Fe, latitude 33 33' 06".94, longitude 107 26' 27".56. The difference, which is really all in longitude, is probably mainly due to a large station error at Santa Fe, the exact amount of which had not been accurately determined at the time of closing the field-work of the survey. The two systems of triangulatioii are, therefore, independent of each other, and affected with the station errors of their respective astro- nomical points. M. M. M. ENGINEER OFFICE, U. S. GEOGRAPHICAL, SURVEYS. U. S. GEOGRAPHICAL, SURVEYS. 109 ALPHABETICAL LIST. NEW MEXICO. Astronomical monument Ill Station A Ill Station B Ill Station C HI Station D 112 Station E. 112 Station!' 112 Bear Peak 112 CookesPeak 113 Eagle Peak 114 Florida Peak 113 HachetaPeak 114 San MateoPeak 114 Thomas Peak 114 U. S. GEOGRAPHICAL SURVEYS. TABLE V. ASTRONOMICAL MONUMENT, FORT BAYARD, N. MEX. [Latitude, 32 47' 40". 35 ; longitude, 108 09' 08". 77 ; altitude, 6,097 feet.] Ill To Azimuths. Log. distance. D ' " Meters. Station F 7 3205.9 4. 5877997 Station C 15 2926.7 4.0373925 Bear Peak 102 39 56.8 4.2966608 Station D 319 41 36.7 3.8962539 STATION A, NORTH BASE, FORT BAYARD, N. MEX. [Latitude, 33 40' 42". 13 ; longitude, 108 07' i6".is.J Station B (south base) 17 27 33.96 3.9194057 Station F.. 17 27 33.96 4.4268484 Station C__ 112 09 35. 52 3.8000362 Station D 119 27 33.96 3.8577876 Station E 307 oo 09.99 3-97 2 797' ^ STATION B, SOUTH BASE, FORT BAYARD, N. MEX. [Latitude, 32 36' 24". 88 ; longitude, 108 08' 56". 74.] Station F 17 2642.4 4.2651592 Station C 161 57 56.1 4.0348368 Station A (north base) 197 2642.4 3.9194057 Station D 197 2642.4 4.1907186 Station E 257 II 07.6 4.0106389 Cooks Peak 281 3727.7 4.6009665 STATION C, FORT BAYARD, N. MEX. [Latitude, 32 41' y)", 3 ; longitude, io8 n' oo".s-] Station F 425 29.3 4.4464502 Bear Peak 13207 15.6 4.3448992 Astronomical monument, Fort Bayard, N. Mex 195 28 26.3 4-3739 2 5 Station D 240 39 12.9 3' 9629453 Station A 292 07 34.4 3.8000362 Cooks Peak 293 21 23.5 4.6649240 Station E 301 0045.1 4.1924695 StationB .341 5646.7 4.0348368 112 AZIMUTHS AND DISTANCES. TABLE V Continued. STATION D, FORT BAYARD, N. MEX. [Latitude, 32 44' 23". 34; longitude, 108 05' 53".:.] To Azimuth. Log. distance. / // 17 28 18. 8 Meters. 3.8577876 Station B . . 17 28 18. 8 4. 1907186 Station F _ . 17 28 18. 8 4- 53 o 56i9 Station C 60 41 59. I 3. 9629453 Bear Peak - 112 59 54. 7 4. 4234811 Astronomical Monument, Fort Bayard, N. Mex 139 43 22. 6 3. 8962539 Flagstaff, Fort Bayard (7) 141 03 42. 6 3. 8927522 Back 321 02 oo. 5 Cooks Peak __ ............. 303 35 07. 5 4. 6161275 Station E 336 55 57. 3 4. 1341343 STATION E, FORT BAYARD, N. MEX. [Latitude, 32 37' 38". 5; longitude. 108 02' 28". 4.] Station F 38 04 45. 13 4.4011288 Station B 77 14 34. 30 4. 0106389 Station C . . . . 121 05 21.43 4. 1924695 Station A * 127 02 45. 27 3. 9727971 Bear 127 36 40. 82 4. 5743861 Station D . _ _ . _. 156 57 47. 87 4. 1341343 Station 28 (O 270 30 06. 74 4. 4883449 Back 90 40 43. 48 Cooks Peak 289 34 40. 34 4. 4894275 STATION F, FORT BAYARD, N. MEX. [Latitude, 32 26' 54". 5; longitude, 108 12' 23".!.] Hacheta Point . __ _ ii 25 35. I 4. 9649568 Bear 161 31 52.0 4. 6534708 Station C iS/| ?/| /|/|, 8 4. 4464502 Astronomical Monument, Fort Bayard . . 187 30 21. I 4- 5877997 Station B 197 24 48. 7 4.2651592 Station A 197 24 48. 7 4. 4268484 Station D . . _ 197 24 48. 7 4.5305619 Station E 217 59 25. 2 4. 4011488 Cooks Peak 257 54 36. 8 4. 6590400 Florida Peak ... 303 ii 33. 7 4. 8188555 BEAR PEAK, DIABLO RANGE. [Latitude, 32 50' oo".?; longitude, 108" 21' 3t".6; altitude, 8,081.] Hacheta 61 38 53.68 5. 1244588 Graham (7) .'.. . . .. . 84 26 oo. 69 5. 1538899 Back 26"! l6 52. VI Thomas 136 51 55. 55 5. 2147876 Eagle... 167 43 08. 83 4. 9805775 U. S. GEOGRAPHICAL SURVEYS. 113 TABLE V Continued. BEAR PEAK, DIABLO RANGE Continued. [Latitude, 32 50' oo".7 ; longitude, 108 ai' 31". 6 ; altitude, 8,081.) To Azimuth. Log. distance. Black Peak (5) / // 24 Z $4. OQ 07 Meters. Back 66 oo 32. 46 Astronomical Monument 282 33 14. 30 4. 2966608 Station D 292 51 26. 50 4 42^481 1 Cooks Peak _ _ _ 299 1 8 33. 06 4. 8296626 307 26 26. 69 A 1:7,1^861 Station C 312 01 34. 02 4. 1448OQ2 Florida Peak . __ _ 318 32 13. 29 5. 02 1 1712 Station F 341 26 56. 14 A 6^^4.7O8 COOKES PEAK, COOKE MOUNTAINS. [Latitude, 32 32' oi".4; longitude, 107 43' 53". 9; altitude, 8,330.) Hacheta ._- . 32 25 22. 68 5. 0722534 Station F 78 oq u. qi 4. 6590400 Station I! (south base) . IOI 40 53. 98 4. 6009665 Station E . 109 44 40. 44 - 4. 4894275 Station C 113 36 oo. 21 4. 6649240 Station A (north base) _ 113 47 40. 25 4. 6012082 Bear Peak . . 119 38 52. ,21 4. 8296626 Station D _ 123 46 58. 93 4. 6161275 Black Peak _ 135 48 12. 87 4. 7625522 Back US 14 13.44 Eagle 148 16 34. 74 5. 1740003 Station 28 (5) 189 46 54. 02 4.0092538 Back 9 47 29. 87 San Mateo _ _ 193 43 05. 25 5.0655038 Station 6 (5) 204 ?": 3?. 48 4. 4^1604? Caballo Cone (5) 216 45 07. 75 4. 8953247 Back ... 37 01 36. 61 Sunday Cone (5) . . 250 20 57. 51 4- 45 738i Back 7O 30 06. 67 Station 25 (5) . _ - 329 18 01.07 4. 0459993 Back 149 56 16. 06 Florida 347 14 17. 13 4. 6705241 FLORIDA PEAK, FLORIDA MOUNTAINS. [Latitude, 32 07' i8".3 ; longitude, 107 37' 19". 2 ; altitude, 7,295.] Hacheta 53 48 18. 23 68 29 30. 47 248 03 04. 60 123 3 17-43 138 55 57-54 152 49 44.01 167 17 48. 18 186 17 48. 18 196 27 54.05 1 6 33 28.82 292 28 26. 39 112 46 13.54 32 57 34.52 212 45 47.08 4. 9606998 4- 9274505 Lalacha (5) Back Station F 4.8188555 5.0211712 5. 2881719 4. 6705241 5. 2029477 4.75973I3 Bear Eale ... Cook San Mateo Sunday Cone (5) Back Potrillo (7) 4. 75745 Back Boca Grande (7) _ 4.8121458 Back 1x7*1 WIT 8 114 AZIMUTHS AND DISTANCES. TABLE V Continued. HACK ETA PEAK, HACHETA RANGE. [Latitude, 31 37' s8".2 ; longitude, 108 23' 57" .o ; altitude, 8,352.] To- Azimuth. Log. distance. Graham (7) . / // 130 48 42.43 Meters. 5. 2610978 Back 310 01 39. 55 Lalacha (5) 167 16 24. 48 4- 37 O 335' Back - 347 14 41.08 Bear 181 37 36. 15 5. 1244588 Station F 191 19 46. 96 4. 9649568 Cooks . -- 212 04 06. 26 5.0722543 Florida . _. - 233 23 40. 73 4. 9606908 Boca Grande (7) 270 19 56. 39 4. 5845711 Back 90 32 41.08 EAGLE PEAK, TULEROSA MOUNTAINS. [Latitude, 33 40' 33".2 ; longitude, 108 34' 4i".3 ; altitude, 9,791.] Thomas - - - 105 49 55. 81 4. 9797542 Station 25 (5) . - 165 06 48. 37 4. 6657812 Back 345 02 29. 62 Alamocita (5) __ .. 190 07 18. 25 4. 7709080 Back . .- 10 ii 04.40 Horse Peak (5) 231 19 20. 05 4. 7294555 Back 51 34 28. 20 Round Peak (5) 270 03 01. 33 4. 64qo<;o6 Back . . . oo 18 f.2. OT. San Mateo . __ 277 03 37. 81 5. 0293257 Cooks .. . 327 48 50. 28 5. 1740003 Florida . _ 332 18 34. 28 5. 2871720 Bear 347 35 55. 81 4. 9805775 Hacheta 355 42 47. 84 5. 3563501 SAN MATEO PEAK, SAN MATEO RANGE. [Latitude, 33 33' o7".3 ; longitude, 107" 26' O4".g ; altitude, 10,209.] Florida 6 21 36. 5 5. 2029477 Cooks 13 52 48. 2 5. 0655038 Eagle 97 41 36. 6 3.0293257 THOMAS PEAK. [Latitude, 33 54' 24".! ; longitude, 109 34' i6".< >; altitude, 11,275.] Alamocita Peak (5) 252 OO 53. 63 S. O2Q5754 Back . 72 38 03. 41 Station 25 (5).. . 256 14 16. 19 4.9139827 Back 76 43 16. 58 Eagle Peak . 285 1 6 47. 67 4- 9797S4 2 Bear Peak 316 II 54. 83 5. 2147876 U. 8. GEOGRAPHICAL SURVEYS. 115 TABLE VI. AZIMUTHS AND DISTANCES BETWEEN PRIMARY TRI- ANGULATION STATIONS DEPENDING UPON THE FORT BLISS BASE, TEXAS, 1878. NOTE. The Fort Bliss or El Paso Base was laid out in October, 1878, on the nearly level plain about five miles east of the village of El Paso (at one time called Franklin), El Paso County, Texas. This base was measured with a 50-foot Stackpole compensated steel tape, the adopted length reduced to sea-level being 8,048.960 feet (A. E., 1870, p. 220). When the base was measured the village was for the time also called Fort Bliss, the troops assigned to that post being quar- tered there. The abandoned post lay between the village and the base-line, and its flagstaff was connected with and brought into the scheme of trian- gulation. Directly south of El Paso, Tex., and separated from it by the Kio Grande, is the old Mexican town of El Paso del Norte. The bell tower of its cathedral was observed upon and its position determined by connection with our astronomical determination of El Paso, Tex., made in September, 1878. The astronomical monument is situated in the public square of the Texas village, and all details regarding final deter- mination of its co ordinates are given in the annual report of this office for 1879, pp. 47-81. The scheme of triangulation depending upon this base and astronom- ical determination has no direct connection with any of the previous or subsequent work of this office, but it is complete so far as it goes, and is important inasmuch as it gives a good connection between several points of the boundary between the United States and Mexico and the late astronomical determination made by this office at El Paso, Tex. The elements of the triangulation connecting the astronomical monu- ment with the other points will be found in the following pages, the extreme occupied points being : Latitude. Longitude. North Franklin Peak.. / // 31 54 06. 80 / // 106 29 23.4 Mexico Peak 31 43 13.42 106 34 53. 30 East Base 31 47 11.43 106 24 40. 72 116 AZIMUTHS AND DISTANCES. The points on or near the boundary line connected with and located are as follows : Latitude. Longitude. I. Boundary monument on right (west) bank of Rio Grande.. 2 Boundary monument in Mulera Mountains / // 31 46 58. 28 31 46 58. 29 / /V 106 31 33.49 106 32 oo. 50 3 Bell tower of El Paso Cathedral 31 /]/| i /) S8 106 28 59. 24 A map in the Annual Report of this office for 1879, page 81, shows clearly the relative locations of the points referred to. In comparing these results with the work of the Mexican Boundary Commission some difficulty arises owing to errors and inconsistencies in the published re- sults as given in Volume I, Mexican Boundary Eeport. If we take those results which the report shows to have been well and carefully established, and which can be identified beyond doubt, the agreement is good. Thus the boundary monuments connected with were known to have been located on the parallel 31 47' as nearly as possible by con- nection with J. H. Clark's astronomical station on the left bank of the Eio Grande, found by him to be in latitude 31 46' 51".29. Our latitude for these same monuments is 31 46' 58".28 and 31 46' 58".29, or about 1".71 south of the boundary survey determinations. No entirely reliable data could be found showing beyond a doubt the connection between either of these monuments and the longitude sta- tions at Frontera or Sen Elceario. Hence the only good comparison which can be made, so far as the monuments are concerned, is that in regard to latitude. The Boundary Eeport, however, shows reliable data establishing the longitude of the bell tower of the El Paso (Mexico) church by direct connection between the carefully determined longitude station at El Paso and the tower, thus: Filial longitude of El Paso del Norte, Mexican Boundary Keport, Volume I, pae 192 Bell tower, 500 feet (5". 79) east of El Paso Observatory, Mexican Boundary Report, page 141 In time 7 h r>"> 56" .43 In arc 106 29' 06".45 ...5".79 Final longitude of bell tower 106 2'J' 00". 66 The longitude determined by this office for the same point (depending upon the telegraphic method) is 106 28' 59".24, or 1".42 east of the Mexican boundary determination, by the method of lunar culminations. A final result for the latitude of El Paso del Norte does not seem to have been determined by Major Etnory, although a result by Salazar is given in Table E, on page 244, Mexican Boundary Eeport, which makes the latitude of his observatory and the bell tower identical (31 44' 15".7), although the observatory is stated to be 200 feet north of the tower at page 141. For this reason the result of this office for latitude was compared with that assigned in said report to the boundary monuments. U. S. GEOGRAPHICAL SURVEYS. 117 ALPHABETICAL LIST. TEXAS. Pag*. Astronomical Monument 119 East Base, Ft. Bliss 119 Graveyard Hill 119 North Franklin Peak 120 South Franklin Peak 120 West Base, Ft. Bliss 119 NEW MEXICO. Rodadero Peak 120 MEXICO. Mexico Peak.. 120 U. S. GEOGRAPHICAL SURVEYS TABLE VI. ASTRONOMCIAL MONUMENT, FORT BLISS. [Latitude, 31 45' 31". 14 ; longitude, 106 29' 05". 37 ; altitude (top of monument), 3,630.] 119 To f Azimuth. Log. distance. Graveyard Hill . _ _ _ / // 124 38 32. 20 Meters. 3. 0534606 South Franklin Peak 185 41 37. 27 "?. 70^0x14. West Base 227 34 43. 60 3. 8317394 East Base 246 03 27. 66 3. 8817914 WEST BASE, FORT BLISS. [Latitude, 31 47' 59". 78; longitude, 106 25' 54" .85.] Astronomical Monument 47 ^6 23. 75 2 1877 Halleck, Fortf Nevada 40C 5,790 1869 Hualapais, CampJ . Arizona .. . 75 5, 322 1871 Independence, Camp| California 6sA 3,956 ( 1871 Klamath, Fort Oregon 2 9 C 4, 108 l '875 1878 Lewis, Fort ... Colorado 6gA 7,057 / 1873 Lowell, Fort Arizona 8gA 2,538 \ 1874 1871 Lyon, Fort Colorado 62D 3.QIO / 1876 McPherson, Fortf. Nebraska 45 /2, 789 X 1877 1874 McRae, FortJ New Mexico 84A 4. IQl / 1877 Marcy, Fortf.. do 6oD 6, 065 \ 1878 f 1874 J 1875 Mohave, Fort Arizona 748 756 I 1877 f 1871 North Platte Station Nebraska 45 D 2,789 \ 1875 1874 * Astronomical monument 29 feet higher, t Astronomical monument. t Abandoned. j Pagosa Hot Springs. 128 BAROMETRIC A / TAIU.K 1.- Mil ITAKi | ! ij i ' i '! i y Name of post. Stq (j 1 B 4,567 { \ 6,153 /6, 041 * 02,559 D IT, 1 68 : 3,900 \ 6, 927 D 4, 106 B 6, 152 | * 3, 245 B 6, 740 r Z\ 6,744 D 3,160 \ 6, 1 88 1,034 D 5,73 { 3 S,3i8 B 7,038 | \ 6,507 | D 205 1872 1873 1869 1872 1874 1873 1878 - 1878 1874 1877 1878 1875 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1871 1878 1878 1877 1878 1871 1873 1875 1873 1875 1876 Polk, Camp Oregd _ _ Utah _ 501 49' 441 83' S 84. 44 84 73 83 70 75 84 12 2 9 75 76 - 77 8l Nevada Russell F'ort D A f Wyoming Arizona Sanders, Fortf Wyoming _ Selden, Fort* New Mexico do Sidney, Fortf Nebraska Stanton, F'ort New Mexico California Tejon, Fort* Tulerosa, Fort* New Mexico Union, Fort f do . Verde, Fort Arizona Vincent, Camp* New Mexico Walla Walla, Fortf Washington Oregon Warner, Camp* Whipple, Fortf A ri zona Wingate, FortJ New Mexico do Wingate, Old Fort* Yuma, Fort California * Abandoned. f Astronomical monument. Flagstaff. U. S. GEOGRAPHICAL SURVEYS. 129 TABLE II. MOUNTAIN PEAKS. Locality and name of peak. Atlas sheet. Range or group. Altitude in feet above sea. Expedi- tionary year. ARIZONA. Carrizo 68B Carrizo Q, ?T,Q 1874 Escuclilla 38 Datil 10, 691 1873 Graham 8^C Pinaleno rtio, 516 1874 Greens 76D IO, OQ'? 1873 Humphreys 75A San Francisco 12 562 1871 Humphreys (Timber Line) 75A I 1 , 468 1871 Ord 8jB White Mountain 10, 266 1871 San Francisco Mountains, crater 7SA IO, 122 1871 edge. Signal .. 68B Carrizo Q. -2QQ 1874 Thomas SiB White Mountain tl I. 27C 1878 Tipton . 74D Cerbat 7, ^64. 1871; CALIFORNIA. Abbot .. . _. S6D Sierra Nevada /I3, 582 1879 Adams 47 B do 8,412 1876 Agua Caliente SoB San Jacinto aj, 0,4 1876 Alder Hill 56B Sierra Nevada 7, 731 1877 Alturas Hill 38D 4, ACQ 1877 Alpine (or Woods), called Round 566 Sierra Nevada . 10,426 1877 Top by U. S. Coast and Geo- detic Survey. Argus 650 Argus t6, 333 187? Arnot "i6B Sierra Nevada 1 0, 068 1877 Bald Mountain, on Sonora Road. Bare Point 56B 56D Foot-hills of Sierra Nevada Spur of Sierra Nevada 5,830 t-j, 804 1878 1879 Bear <;6D Bear Mountains tf2, 984 1879 Bidwell 386 Warner 8,551 1877 Bis; Hill (75) $6D ",5l8 1879 Black Mountain 6cA Sierra Nevada I3,OOg 187? Black Mountain (southern point). 56D . do /io,48i 1879 Blue Mountain . ?6B Foot-hills of Sierra Nevada 6,076 1870 Breckenridge 7lA Spurs of Sierra Nevada 7,418 1875 Browns .,'... 6sD Panamint 5, 39 2 1875 Buckeye S6B Sierra Nevada til, 7m 1879 Biickhorn Ranch, peak 2 miles 73C 2,981 '875 south of. Buckingham <;6D /4, 622 1879 Buena Vista _ S6D Sierra Nevada /9, 707 1879 Bullion Knob.. . 56D Mount Bullion '4, 2 9 2 1879 Burrows Mountain 646 4, 267 1878 Butt Mountain _ 47A Sierra Nevada 7,831 1878 Cary . 566 Hope Valley Group, Sierra Ne- 9,970 1877 Castle (Stanford) 47 D vada. Sierra Nevada 9,014 ( 1876 Castle Rock <;6B do 9,872 I 877 ( 1878 Castro . 73C 3, 046 \ ' 8 79 1878 Cathedral (637) . S6D Yosemite Group, Sierra Nevada. /io, 920 1879 Cedar 386 Warner 8,308 1877 7 1874WH- 130 BAROMETRIC ALTITUDES. TABLE II. MOUNTAIN PEAKS Continued. Locality and name of peak. Atlas sheet. Range or group. Altitude in feet above sea. Expedi- tionary year. CALIFORNIA Continued. S6D Foot-hills of Sierra Nevada __ /3, 238 1879 Chiquito S6D Sierra Nevada _ '8, 257 f 1878 47 A do a6, 906 \ >879 1878 Cinder Cone, foot of slope 47 A do .. 8?9 1875 Desert Creek ?6B Sweetwater 0,0?^ 1877 Devils 56D {South Fork Group, Sierra 1 #5,985 f 1878 Devils Nose 56D Nevada. / do tb, 435 I '879 1879 Double Head 650 Argus /7, 41 1 1875 Double Point (i) S6D Moccasin '2,518 1879 Double Point (2) 56D do t2, 556 1879 Downieville Butte 47 C Sierra Nevada 8, 541 1876 Duncan 47D do f], 268 1877 Dunderberg (locally Castle) <;6D do 12, 289 1878 Dyer .. 47A do 7,369 1878 Eagle X8D Warner Q, 9M 1877 Eagle Peak ?6D Yosemite Group, Sierra Nevada /7, 751 f 1878 Echo. e,6D Cathedral Group, Sierra Nevada. til, 184 I 1879 f 1878 Ellis .. 47D Sierra Nevada 8,675 1 "879 1876 Fairview Dome (Tuolumne <;6D do 9, 7O7 1878 Meadows). Fandango 38B Warner 7,848 1877 Fish Valley 566 10, 749 1877 Fowlers _ 646 i. 760 1878 Fredonyer . l8D 7, 90 8,056 l87^ Tchachapai Double 7lA do 8 261 l87C Telescope 6?D Telescope /IO. Q^8 187=; Tells S6B Tells Peak Group, Sierra Ne- 9, 042 1877 "The Needle" 47D vada. Sierra Nevada _ _ _ _ 8,8^n 1877 Thomas .. 8oB San Jacinto 6,748 1876 Thompsons . _ __ 476 Sierra Nevada 7, 7^2 f 1876 Thunder 6-;C do Q. 122 I 1877 1871; Tower q6D do tl I, 7IQ 1870 Tres Cerritos i) S&D l-'oot-hills of Sierra Nevada tl, 142 1870 Tres Cerritos 2) ;6D do tl, 12$ 1870 Tres Cerritos 3) <;6D do tl f 034 1870 Tuledad , ...... 38D 7. ^Q7 1877 Twin (west of Lake Tahoe) 47 D Sierra Nevada 8,824 1876 Union Point 56D Yosemite Group, Sierra Nevada /6, 290 1870 Volcano No. 2 8oB San Jacinto a6 IQI 1876 Volcano (crater) 6?D S. 4^4 1871; Wade's S6D Sierra Nevada . 7, 1^4 1878 \\ah< r uyhe 6sB '8 528 i87<; Warn el o 56D Sierra Nevada /7. ^OI 1870 Warren 566 do 12, 264 1878 Warren ^8D Warner q 668 1877 Waucoba 6sA Inyo. til, 267 187? Wellington . . . 476 Sierra Nevada . _ 7,66? 1876 White Granite 7SC 7. 060 1871; White Mountain 570 White Mountain /IA. 24^ / 1878 Fishermans Peak, or Mt. Whitney 65A Sierra Nevada . flA.. 47O 1 1879 187 "; Williamson 6<;A do t\&. ^60 1875 Workmans Hill 7 3 C I. ^64 187? COLORADO. ^Eolus _ . 6iC San Juan /I4, 211 1875 Agency Knob (Popes Nose) 6iB Sierra Madre . 12, 27"? 1874 Altar 6iC 13 2^4 1874 Antelope Butte . 62C Wet Mountains o, 287 1876 Antoro 6iB Sierra Madre 11 4Q7 1875 Banded .. . _ 698 Navajo Mountains, San Juan 12,824 1875 Basaltic 6iB II, 565 1873 Belleville 6iC Pagosa Mountains 8, x8^ 1874 Bellevue 6iD Del Norte Mountains 12,673 1874 134 BAROMETRIC ALTITUDES. TABLE II. MOUNTAIN PEAKS Continued. Locality and name of peak. Atlas sheet. Range or group. Altitude in feet above sea. Expedi- tionary year. COLORADO Continued. Elaine 6iC Unaweep . /I4, 249 1875 Boulder 6iC Pagosa Mountains 12,417 1874 Bristol Head 6iC San Juan 312,638 1871; Bross S2D Park /1 4, 280 1878 Buffalo til, 673 1873 Conejos 6oB San Juan . . . 13, 347 1874 6gB do 12. e.Q6 1874 Craig __ _ 5^C Kenosha aio, 261 1873 Crested Butte 6iA West Elk . ti i, 944 1877 Cuerno Verde 62C Wet Mountains 12, 305 f 1874 Cuerno Verde, timber line 62C 12,074 I 1876 1876 Culebra 7oA Culebra 14.. O4Q f 1874 DelNorte Hill... 6iD Del Norte Mountains. 8,218 1 I87S 1874 Del Norte 6iD do 13,084 1874 Del Norte, foot of . 6iD do . . ii, in 1874 Deer r?C Kenosha 10, 716 1876 Deer #P Wet Mountains Hi 517 1876 Dome ._ __ ._ 62C do tio, 125 1876 Dunns 6iC San Miguel Mountains 111 1O2 1875 Elbert S2D 14, 101 1870 Eighteen-Mile (locally Castle) 6iC San Juan 12,278 1874 Engineer 6iC do Hi 277 1874 Evans S2D Front 14, 321 1873 Evans Plateau, timber line ?2D II, 723 '873 Farnum c-,C Kenosha 12, 264 1875 Fishers 7oA Raton Mountains 9, 639 1874 Fourth of July Hill . 6iA 9,656 1876 Frustum 6iC San Juan tlT,, 891 1875 Frustum _ 6iD Sangre de Cristo 14, 173 1873 Gibson 6iD do . 13,729 '873 Glacier _ 6iC San Miguel Mountains 14, 243 1874 Gothic . 6iA West Elk tl 2, 49! 1877 Grays , Q7^ 1876 Sugar-loaf, rocky peak west of 47D ... do ... ">, 79 1874 Las Truchas 6gD Santa Fe "3. 'S 1874 Laughlins 7oA 8,950 1875 Little Crater, west of Rio Grande 77B 6,215 1873 Lone Mountain 84C 5,986 1878 84A Magdalena 10, 798 1876 Manzano Cone 77D Manzano __- 8,828 1876 140 BAROMETRIC ALTITUDES. TABLE II. MOUNTAIN PEAKS Continued. Locality and name of peak. Atlas sheet. Range or group. Altitude in feet above sea. Expedi- tionary year. NEW MEXICO Continued. 77D Manzano _ a 1 0,086 1876 78A 5,998 1875 Mesa Chupaines, south end 78A 6,598 1876 Mesa Cueva 78A 5,982 1875 78A 6,820 1871; Mesa Pina, west end 78A 5, 715 1875 Mimbres Head 840 Mimbres 9,823 1878 8iB Mogollon 9, 725 1873 Mora 7oC Mora 12,020 1874 Mosca . 77D Manzano . ._ 9, 723 1876 Needle Point, south 68D 6, 341 1874 Niblack 68D 9, 436 1875 ooA ?, 207 1878 Nogal . _ _ 846 Sierra Blanca . 9,983 1877 Ocate Crater 7oC 8,903 1874 Organ 840 Organ . tc), 108 1878 8413 Oscuro 8,732 1877 Osha 77D Manzano 10,023 1876 Pedernal 6gD Gallinas 9, 799 1874 Pedernal 77B 7,580 1876 Pelado 6aD Jemez n, 260 1874 Picacho 9oA 4,824 1878 Pinos Altos ... 840 8,128 1878 Placer 776 Placer 8,965 1876 Pol v ad era 7?C 7,325 1876 77D 6,628 1876 Rattlesnake Hill 77D Animas Hills 6,617 1876 Salinas 846 San Andreas 9,039 1877 6oB 10, 912 1874 San Mateo 84A San Mateo 10, 209 1877 Sandia 77B Sandia .. 10,609 i373 Santa Clara 6gD Valles . '11,507 f 1874 Sierra Blanca 846 Sierra Blanca 11,892 1 i875 1877 Socorro 77C 7,281 1876 Solitario 7oC Las Vegas ._ 10, 258 1874 South Florida goA 7,261 1878 South Oscuro 846 Oscuro 8,732 1877 South Sandia 776 Sandia 8,567 1876 Sunday Cone 840 6,030 '873 Taos 7oA Taos. . __ . . 13,099 f 1874 Taos, cone east of 7oA 13,052 \ l8 75 1874 Taylor 77A San Mateo II, 391 f 1873 1 1874 Tetilla 77 B 7,060 I 875 1873 Tres Hermanos 77C 7, 151 1873 Truchas Peak 6gD Santa Fe '13, 15 1875 Tunicha Mesa 68D 5,510 1874 United States Mountain 6gD 10, 734 1874 Ute 6gB 10, 152 1874 West Gallinas 77D Turkey 8,464 1877 West Jicarilla Cone _ 846 Jicarilla 7,727 1877 U. S. GEOGRAPHICAL SURVEYS. TABLE II. MOUNTAIN PEAKS Continued. 141 Locality and name of peak. Atlas sheet. Range or group. Altitude in feet above sea. Expedi- tionary year. OREGON. 2oD Warner _. 7,898 1877 Dalles Hill 2OA Cascade I, 2IO 1878 28B do 8,807 1878 Klikatat Hill nC Klikatat Mountains 3,O7O 1878 Lolochewis 3 8B Drew's Valley Mountains 7,957 1877 Mesa Summit, West Warner 2QD 4, 894 1877 Valley. 2OA ";, 702 1878 North end ^8B Warner 8,472 1877 Pauline 2gA Pauline Mountains 7,387 1878 Pitt 28D Cascade 9,818 1878 Scott 28D do 9,016 1878 78B Warner 8,416 1877 Timber Mountain 2gC Rim Rock Mountains 7, S'9 1878 Union 28D Cascade ._. 7,298 1878 2QD S. 7W 1877 TEXAS. North Franklin QOB Franklin 7,070 1878 UTAH. Antelope Island Peak 4iD Promontory 6,660 1877 Baldy 58 Beaver II, 730 1872 Barton . 4iD Wahsatch . 9,854 1877 W Beaver 1 1 , 894 1872 Blue Springs, formerly North 4iA Promontory 7, 131 1877 Promontory. Box Elder, formerly Logan 4iB Wahsatch 0, U2 1877 Citadel 406 Raft River 7,784 1878 Clear Creek 4iA do Q. I 32 1877 Conner, formerly T 5oB Oquirrh . . 0.007 1877 Deer - 406 Raft River **p" 7,630 1878 Desert 4oD Desert 8, 171; 1878 Detour Mountain ... _. __ 59 Sevier . _ . . . . 10, 359 1872 Hansel . . _ 4iA 6,266 1877 Kelton - 4iA Clear Creek 10, 045 1877 Kimballs (Nub) 4iB Fair River .. 7,778 1877 Lake Butte, near Laketown 416 a6, 346 1877 Little Promontory _ __ _. 4iC Promontory 4> 9'4 1878 Monte Cristo 4iD Wahsatch Q. 217 1877 Naomi 416 Fair River Q, road) . 73C / I , 264 1878 726 359 "875 47 A 03, 376 1878 " Armstrongs Ranch - 56B 5,o83 ; 1876 Azusa - 73C 594 i '877 1878 47B 4,076 1877 Bagley and Slinkard Valleys, divide between 566 8,277 1877 Bakersfield, near Southern Pacific Railroad 73A 432 / 1875 Bald Rock 7,825 i '878 1878 38D 4, 679 1877 73A 594 1878 Battle Creek Meadows (toll-gate) . . 4?A 4, 700 1878 Baxters Station (Sonora road) S6D 4, 114 1878 Bear Valley (Bloods toll-house) S6B 6,979 ( 5877 ";6D 02, 088 i 1878 1878 Bear Valley (Town Hotel) T\D 6, 592 1878 Beaver Creek and North Fork Stanislaus, divide between, trail to ?6B 4, ?62 1878 Beaver Creek Crossing, trail to South Grove <;6B 4,417 1878 Beckworth Store (post-office) _____ 47 D 4,887 1876 Bee Ranch , -_ .__ _ 8oB al, 701 1876 Belle Mill 4?A as, 68 I 1878 Bergman Station _ __ _ 8oB 1,807 1876 Berhings Store , . . - 646 4,974 1878 Bidwells Bar (South Fork Feather River) _ 47C 34 2 1878 S6D 4, 234 1878 Big Meadows Creek (Big Tree road) 56B 6,464 1878 Big Meadows Ranch 56B 6,838 1878 Big Trees of Calaveras (Hotel) 56B 4, 730 r 1877 Big Trees of Calaveras (Cabin in South Grove) ?6B 4,820 \ 1878 1878 Big Trees of Mariposa, "Grizzly Giant" 560 5,838 1878 Big Tree Tunnel (Oak Flat Road) 56D 5,794 1878 Blacks Ranch (Bull Creek) . _ S6D 2,621 1879 Blackmorcs Ranch _ . . _ $6D 172, 230 1879 Blackwood Creek, mouth of (Lake Tahoe) 47 D 6, 202 1876 Blodgetts (Old Morley Ranch) S6D 216 1879 Blue Mountain City (abandoned) . . 566 4,613 1879 Bobbie Store (Mariposa road) $6D 3,778 1879 Boca (Central Pacific Railroad) . _ _ _- _ _ 5,530 1876 Bolds Ranch _ _ .. 8oA 141 1875 Boundary Stone Mon't, between California and Nevada, near Pine Station, Reno and Susanville Road 47D 5, 133 1876 Boundary Stone Mon't, between California and Nevada, near Verdi. Bower Cave House, North Fork Merced River 47 D 56D 4,918 02,360 1876 1879 Boyds Ranch ._ 6$A 622 1878 Bridgeport (post-office) _ 57A 6,424 / 1877 Bridgeport _ _. 56D <*i,357 i 187 1878 Bronco (Central Pacific Railroad) _ > 47 D 1876 Brooks, head of Jess Valley . 38D 5,274 1877 Browns Flat 56D 1,964 1878 Browns Ranch _ _ _ _ 73C i,758 1878 144 BAROMETRIC ALTITUDES. TABLE III. CITIES, TOWNS, SETTLEMENTS, ETC. Continued. Name and locality. Atlas sheet. Altitude in feet above sea. Expedi- tionary year. CALIFORNIA Continued. Buckeye Ranch (Stage Station) 4, 938 1878 47 A 1878 Buena Vista 56C 3 2 3 1879 Buntingville, near Honey Lake , 476 4, 278 1877 Burst Rock 56B 9, '57 1878 Butte Creek Bridge -- 47A 4, 692 1878 Butte Creek Toll-gate 47 A 5,427 1878 Butte Creek House ._. 47A 5,758 1878 Butte Creek House and Longville, divide on road between 47 A 6, 706 1878 -Caliente (Southern Pacific Railroad) -, . / 1875 Camulos Ranch 73C 799 \ '878 >875 Canebrake Ranch 65C 3,904 1878 Caples Ranch 56B 7,780 1877 Caribou Bridge (North Fork Feather River) 47 A 2,843 1878 Caribou Bridge and Kingsbury Ranch, divide on trail 47 A 4,628 1878 8iC 466 1876 Carthage Landing (Owens Lake) 6sC 3,589 1875 Cascade Creek (Sonora road) 56B 6, 272 1878 1,934 1878 Cattle Ranch Painter Flat _ 38D 1877 Cattle and San Antonio Canons, divide between 7 3 D 4,470 1878 Cedarville (Surprise Valley) 386 4,674 1877 47C 502 1878 650 3,656 1875 Chaparral House __ 47A ^5,076 1878 Chapman Ranch, Sierra Valley - 47D 4,992 1878 Charity Valley _ 566 7,844 1877 Chico Central Pacific Railroad, Oregon Division 47 C /i 93 { 1878 Chico (post-office) - 47C '77 I '879 1877 4?C 175 1878 56D ai, 299 1879 Chiquito Meadows . -- 56D 6,690 1879 Chuckawalla _ _ 8iA 2,095 / 1875 Cisco, site of old village * 47D 5,654 1877 Clarks (Big Tree Station) 56D 3,925 f 1878 Clarks Ranch, near Honey Lake 476 4, 028 I '879 1877 46B 281 1878 Colbys Ranch _ . - 47 A 4,990 1878 Colbys Ranch and Butte Creek Toll-house, divide on road _. 47 A 6,619 1878 Cold Spring Ranch 4?C 564 1878 Cold Spring Station 56D 3, 126 1878 Coldwater Canon, mouth of . _ - 8oB 1,320 1876 Coles Ranch _. 64B I, 221 1878 Coleville . 566 5, 190 1877 73D 808 1878 Columbia (post-office) 56B 2, '57 1878 Concow Valley Reservoir 4?C 2,022 1878 Conejo Ranch _ 73C 579 1878 Conejo and Triunfo Creeks, divide between _ 887 1878 73 A 2,885 1875 Coopers Ranch, near Castle Rock Peak - 56B 8,406 1878 Copperopolis (Dutch Harrys Ranch) _ 56C 1,015 1878 Coso 650 5,884 1875 U. S. GEOGRAPHICAL SURVEYS. 145 TABLE III. CITIES, TOWNS, SETTLEMENTS, ETC. Continued. Locality and name. Atlas sheet. Altitude in feet above sea. Expedi- tionary year. CALIFORNIA Continued. Cottonwood Ranch _ ' 730 2, 397 1875 Cottomvood Station (Mohave River) 7 3 D 2,488 187? Coulterville _ 56D 1,665 1878 Cow Creek Ranch (Sonora road) 56B 'J, 00=; 1878 Cow and Herrin fr Creeks, divide between 56B 6, 729 1878 Coxs Cabin - 73D 5,329 1878 Coyote Hole (Sta^e Station) 73 A 3,368 1878 Crane Mat - - 56D 6,054 1878 64B 3, 185 1878 47A 3, 306 1878 Cress Ranch , _-._.- 47 A 5, 157 1878 Crimea House . 56D I, 222 1879 Crows Ranch (Red Clover Valley) 47 B 5,464 1876 Cucamon^a ,__ 73D 1,248 1875 73C 5,278 1871; Camulos Ranch 73C 799 1875 Cunninghams Ranch __ .._ 56D 0387 1879 65 D 4, 840 187? Davis Ranch 56D 284 1879 Deatli Valley "reatest depression measured 650 no 1871; Densers Station (Amador road) 566 2, 922 1878 Diamond Valley (Thompsons Ranch) __ 56B 5,482 1877 Doons Saw-mill _ _ _ _ 47 A 3,420 1878 Dos Palmas , 8iA IO3 / I87S Dry Well Station 8iB 625 X 1876 1876 Dunnin^s Ranch (Reno and Susanville road) _ 4?B 4,571 1871 Dumonts Meadows (Carson River, East Fork) 566 6,817 1877 Dusys Ranch on Dinky Creek 6sA 5, 542 1878 Dutch Henrys Ranch _ _ 73C i, 195 1875 Dutch Hill Mining Camp, near Prattville 47 A 4,692 1878 Dutch Valley (Gallanars Ranch) 566 5, 277 1877 Eagle Meadows _ _ S6D 7,071 1879 Ea"leville 38D 4,632 1877 East Walker River, west branch, Sonora road crossing 566 7,019 1877 Ehrenberg, Colorado River, opposite 8iB 408 f >875 Eisen Vineyard. _ 646 358 \ 1876 1878 Eleven-mile Station (Mariposa road) 5&D 5,567 1878 Elizabeth Lake (post-office) 73C 3,317 1876 Elliott Ranch (Henness Pass road) __ __ 470 6,298 1876 El Paso Mines Tunnel 73B 4, 113 1875 Encino Ranch 1 73C 772 f i87S Encino and Sepulveda Canon, divide between.. _ 73C I, 310 \ '878 1878 Essex (Central Pacific Railroad) 47D /4, 938 1876 Eureka Valley (Hays Station) S6B 5,958 1877 Fears Station (Caion Canon).. 7 3 D 3,278 / i87S Fish Valley <;6B 8, 191 \ 1878 1877 Fish Valley and Silver Creek, divide between $6B 9,966 1877 Fitzhugh Creek, crossing of road . 38D 4,431 1877 Five-mile House 7lC 429 1875 Flea Valley. 47 A 3,655 1878 Fletcher's Ranch 386 4,819 1877 Flints Ranch (Sierra Valley) 47 D 4,812 1876 Fords Ranch (Indian Valley) . .. .. ._ 47A 3,518 1878 1874 WH- -10 14G BAROMETRIC ALTITUDES. TABLE III. CITIES, TOWNS, SETTLEMENTS, ETC. Continued. Locality and name. Atlas sheet. Altitude in feet above sea. Expedi- tionary year. CALIFORNIA Continued. Fornis Ranch (Pilot Creek) S6B A 2*C .Q.TT Forest Ranch IO 7/ .0-0 Forsees Ranch 7^D i eg? l878 Fosters Ranch ?6B 2 Hi iR^S Fosters Station (Amador road) .. . t|6B 3 26^ 1878 French Gulch 56D I 8-12 1878 Frenchmans Cove 47B c c6c lS-7(S Frenchmans Cove and Dixie Creek, divide between 1876 French Meadows 47 D 5 081 1877 Fresno (Astronomical Monument) 646 1878 Fresno Flat, near i;6D 1870 Fresno Flat (post-office) 646 2 IQ2 1878 Fulsom and Halls Ranch 56B 4, 282 1878 Furnace Creek, camp at f 1871 General Stonemans House 7^C 1 1875 1878 Georgetown Junction 566 / 1877 Glendale t 1878 -Glenville... 65 C 9 9 2 4 1575 Gold Spring (Jollys) Ranch... 56D 394 1575 f 1878 Goodrichs Ranch A 88? I 879 .0-0 Gorman Ranch 7?P ? 8-78 Granite Station 76^ 7lA 3' 3 S Grapevine Ranch 77D J > 744 ifi-r Grays Ranch 7 iSS I8 /5 r o-u Grays Ranch . 56D J> J Greenville (post-office) X7A 37 1579 .0^0 Grenos Ranch (Upper Long Valley) 4?B 544 A 187 1877 Greys Ranch . 7"?C T 7&7 l87C Halfway House (Big Tree road) 56B 3 7cS IO 75 1878 Hams Station (Amador road) 56B 1878 Hanlons Ferry (Colorado River) 8iD lS7C Harts Ranch A7A IO 75 T C-Q Havilah.. . ,0-Q Hazel Green . 56D 'y-* f 1878 Hazel Valley Settlement 56B 55 I 1879 7877 Hennessys Bridge (South Fork Merced River) <;6D I 822 1077 1870 Hermit Valley rAR / 1877 Hetch-Hetchy Valley 56D 7>39 I '878 f 1878 Hickmans Ranch, near Georgetown 3>4^9 I 1879 1878 Highland Lakes, divide between 566 8 646 Kites Cove Mining Village 560 i&7/ Hite Mine ef\T\ 1079 Hodgdons Meadows (Bransons Meadows, by Whitney) 5&D 1879 1878 Honey Lake and Indian Valley, divide between 4.7 A 6 A28 1878 Hornitos 5&D .0-0 Horns Ranch, near Observation Peak 38D 1877 Horsleys Camp (Amador road) 566 3 860 1878 Hotchkiss Ranch 56A Hot Springs (Lake T ahoe) /17D a2, 931 1077 1876 U. S. GEOGRAPHICAL SURVEYS. 147 TABLE III. CITIES, TOWNS, SETTLEMENTS, ETC. Continued. Locality and name. Atlas sheet. Altitude in feet above sea. Expedi- tionary year. CALIFORNIA Continued. Hot Springs (Stage Station) 73A 02, 398 1875 Hughes Ranch 73C 3,222 1878 Humbug Ranch ( Little Humbug Valley) 47A 4,847 1878 Hunters Ranch , , 65 B 6,275 875 Huntington (Mohave River) 73D 2,899 875 Hupps Saw-mill . . 47A 02, 667 1878 Htisselkus Ranch (Genesee Valley) 47A a 3, 6 35 1878 Hydes Union Saw-mill _ 6sA 5,288 1878 Illinois Ranch ._ . 5&B 1,759 1877 Indian Gulch (post-office) 56D 95' 1879 Indian Settlement, near Tejon Reservation 73^ 2, 137 1875 Indian Valley .. __ S6B 8,034 1877 Indian Wells f6 5 C USD 2,608 1875 Inskip Toll-gate (post-office) 1 73A 173B 47A 4,808 1878 Ivanpah __ . . _ 74A 4,238 f 1871 Jackson Ruins (Henness Pass road) 47D "i,Q8o 1 1875 1876 Jacksonville Hotel S6D #602 1870 Tanesville ___ 47B (74, "?86 1877 Jellies Ranch 466 360 1878 lewetts Ranch, near Breckenridge Mountain 7^A 3~ 5.601 1878 Johnsons Ranch .. . 65A 3, 7 1875 Johnsons Ranch 8oA AA 187? Johnsons Ranch, on Gold Run _ 4.7A 4, 170 1878 (ohnsons Ranch (Prosser Creek) 47 D ?. 64.^ 1876 Johnsons Ranch, near Sentinel Peak 6D ";,oi? 1871; Jordan Mine (Panamint Range). _ 6SD t$, 22? 1875 Junction House, near Bidwells Bar 47 C ?. ?62 1878 Junction House, near Beckworth Pass_ 47 D ->' J 4, D7Q 1876 Kelso Valley, ranch in 7 3 A 4, On 1875 Kemville 65C 2, ?<;o 187? Kevstone House _______ 56D a 1 , 093 1879 Kimshew Settlement 47A 4,992 1878 Kincjids Ranch 7^D I. 771 1875 Kingsburys Mining Claim, orchard near. 47 A 2,678 1878 Kirkwoods Ranch 566 a~j, 677 1877 La Bayonne . 8oA 16 1875 La Grange (post- office) .. <;6D O222 1879 Laguna Ranch 7?C 120 1875 Lake City . ?8B 4, 624 1877 I,a Motte Ranch ... __ 6SC 6,461 1875 Lanes Upper Crossing (Mohave River) 7?D 2,819 1875 I^ankershim Ranch T\C 68 1878 Lassens Grave (Honey- Lake Valley) . 4?A 4,281 1878 I^ast Chance Creek and Milford, divide between 476 5, 999 1876 Las Posas Ranch . . _ 7 3 C 258 1878 Lauers Ranch (Parker Creek) . . __ . . 38D ^5,964 1877 Laughton and Sierra Valleys, divide between 47 D 7,075 1876 Leachs Point (Astronomical monument) 7?B 3, 619 I 1871 Lewis Ranch 648 966 1 1875 1878 Liebre Ranch . . 7lC 2,756 1878 148 BAROMETRIC ALTITUDES. TABLE III. CITIES, TOWNS, SETTLEMENTS, ETC. Continued. Locality and name. Atlas sheet. Altitude in feet above sea. Expedi- tionary year. CALIFORNIA Continued. Lillies Ranch .. 56B 73C 47A 65 A 47A 47A 47A 73C 73C 73C 73C 8iA 47A 47 D 47 D 47D 73C 73C 56D 73D 73D 56B 3 8D 47B 56D 73C 73 A 47B 47 D 56D 73C 47 B 56D 56B 65A 56D 47A 73D 73D 646 56D 56B 47B 566 47A 47 D 56C 47A 56B 56B 566 566 56B 56B 3, 6 47 1,693 3,848 3,810 4, 39 5,092 4,356 3,248 305 /2go / 3 I2 203 6,310 4,949 5,415 6, 212 i,397 i,57 8,575 1,891 8,311 3,98i 5,297 4,420 5,004 5,594 3,715 4,469 6, 232 4,499 4 5,039 1,962 5,525 5,928 1,927 4,484 2,055 6,294 /I 7 i 0360 3, 29" 124, 204 6,467 4,055 5,845 376 4,285 7,273 2,436 2,834 2, 196 8,157 2,092 1878 1878 1878 1875 1878 1878 1878 1875 1875 1880 1875 1875 1878 1876 1876 1876 1875 1875 1878 1878 1878 1877 1877 1876 1879 1875 1878 1877 1876 1878 1875 1876 1878 1877 1878 1879 1878 1875 1878 1878 1879 1877 1877 1878 1878 1876 1878 1878 1877 1878 1878 1878 1878 1878 Lions Head Lomo _ . Lone Pine __ . ... Longville (Humbu^ Valley) Longville and Miller's, divide on road Loomis Ranch Lopez Ranch Los Angeles, curb at No. 79 Main street Los Angeles (southern Pacific Railroad) .. . . Los Angeles ( Rendezvous Camp) .. Los Toros Lots Diggings Loyalton (Lewis Ranch) Loyalton and Truckee Road Toll-gate Lusks Ranch (Lake Tahoe), Lyons Ranch Lyons Station Lyell Creek, mouth of. Lytle Creek Canon, mouth of __ _ Lytle and San Gabriel Creeks, divide between McConnahas Station (three-quarters mile east of), Placerville and Virginia road ..__. McDonald Ranch (Madeline Plains) McFaddens Ranch .,. . , McGills Meadows McGills Ranch McKennies Ranch McKesicks Ranch (Secret Valley) __ . _ .... McKinneys (Lake Tahoe) Madera Flume and Trading Company, mills of Malaga Ranch Mapes Ranch . _ Mariposa Markleeville (Johnsons Hotel) Mark Mood Meadows Marshalls Flat Martins Ranch Martins Ranch _ Mathews Ranch Merced (Central Pacific Railroad, Visalia Division) Merced Falls Village. Miles Ranch. Milford .. Mill Creek (Sonora road) Millers Ranch Milton Milton Mitchells Ranch Mogul (abandoned) Mokelumne River, Middle Fork Bridge . Mokelumne River, Middle and Licking Forks, divide between _. Mokelumne River, Licking Fork, West Point, and Railroad Flat road Mokelumne and Stanislaus River, divide between Mokelumne River Suspension Bridge U. S. GEOGRAPHICAL SURVEUS. 149 TABLE III. CITIES, TOWNS, SETTLEMENTS, ETC. Continued. Locality and name. Atlas sheei. in feet above sea. Expedi- tionary year. CALI FORMA Continued. Mokelumne River and Wolf Creek, divide between 566 8,729 1878 Moonlight Valley 4?A C, 477 1878 Moores Station (Toll-house) 56B 03, 207 1877 Morans Ranch (Big Tree road) 56B 7, 084. 1878 Morrows Ranch, near 64B 47 S 1878 Moseman Stage Station 73A 3, 157 1875 Mountain House (Carson and Aurora road) S6B 5,641 1877 Murpbys Camp 56D 2, 195 1878 Murphys Cabin (Lake Tenaya) 56D 7,971 1878 Mutaus Flat 73C 4, 745 1875 Myers Station (formerly Thorps), (Amador road) 566 3,759 1878 Nashs Ranch, near Mount Dyer 47 A 4,431 1878 Newbury Park 7 3 C 830 1878 Newhall Ranch 73C 974 1878 Newhall (Southern Pacific Railroad) 73C ft, 151 1878 Newhall and Culbertson Vineyard S6D 980 1878 Newtons Ranch, near Honey Lake 4?B 4,079 1877 New York Tent . . 56D al, 143 1879 Niagara Creek, Sonora road S6B 6, 690 187;', Nimshew 47C 2,451 1878 Nordhoff 73C 818 1875 Northrups $6D 4, 519 / 1877 Nulls Ranch.. S6D I, 299 I 1878 1879 Oakdale S6C 148 1879 Oak Grove Station 8oB 2, 7O2 1876 Ogburns Ranch . 4.7A 2, 270 1878 Old Saw Mill 7^D 5, 324 1878 Owens River Bridge, near Owens Lake 65 A 3,618 1871 Owens River, near Eclipse Mill 6sA 3,666 1875 Oroville Toll Bridge 4?C aiSS 1878 Pacific Ocean and Triunfo Creek, divide between 73C i, 773 1878 Pacific Station (Placerville and Virginia road), (post-office).. 56B 3,451 1877 Pacific valley <;6B 7, 505 1877 Pah-ute Mines 71. A. 6,608 1875 Paleta Ranch 72!) 3, 624 1875 Palmers Ranch 7?A 2,346 1878 ,Pampa (Southern Pacific Railroad) 7-A 871 1878 -Panamint 6s D 6,605 1875 Parkers Ranch . * J . ,7 A 4, I "-,(> 1878 Parrotts ( formerly Pendola) Ferry S6D 834 1878 Peavine Ranch 4?C $, 924 1878 Peddlers Ranch (Amador road) 55B 6,831 1878 Penon Blanco (Haighs Ranch) S6D 1,807 f !878 Perdues Cabin 73D 5,551 \ 1879 1875 Perrins Ranch 566 5 IQ 1878 Railroad Flat 56B 2, 606 1878 Ravenna (Southern Pacific Railroad) . . 7 3 C 1878 Red Bluff (Central Pacific Railroad, Oregon Division) .. 466 / 3 o8 1878 Red Bluff (Signal Office) 46B 1879 Redmans Ranch ai, 181 1878 Red Rock Canon, freight station . 7 3 A 2, 594 1875 Red Rock Ranch (Madeline Plains) 5, 33 g 1877 Richardsons Cabin (Cherry Valley) . 56D 4,615 1879 Rileys store 7 3 C 1,478 1875 Ritgers Ranch _ 65 A 4, 345 1875 Riverside, church at 8oB 892 1878 Roberts Kerry (Tuolumne River) 56C #184 1879 Roberts, mouth of San Gabriel Canon 7 3 C 73 1878 Rock Creek Meadows 3,826 1875 Rock and San Gabriel creeks, divide between 7 3 D 6, 705 1878 Rose Ranch (Poso Creek) 73A 68 3 1875 Roses Store I, 534 187? Rowlands (Lake Tahoe) . _ . . . . _ 56B 6, 222 1876 Rubicon Point (Lake Tahoe) 566 6, 2O2 1876 Rush Creek, ranch on 476 4,437 1877 Saint Clairs (Southern Pacific Railroad) __ SoB 1,961 1875 Saint John Mine (Kelso Valley) 1875 San Andreas . . <;6B 1,033 1877 San Antonio Creek, mouth of 1,841 1878 San Antonio Creek, West Point road crossing <;6B 3,848 / 1877 San Antonio and North Fork Stanislaus creeks, divide between San Bernardino 566 1,935 080 I 1878 1878 f 1875 i 1876 San Diego (Signal Office) SoD Ka I 1878 1871; San Emigdio Store 788 187; San Felipe SoD 2, 538 1876 San Fernando Mission.. . I.OI3 / 1875 San Fernando Plain and Simi Valley, divide on stage road c I, 627 I 1878 1878 San Fernando (Southern Pacific Railroad) 7^C /1 , 065 1878 San Fernando Tunnel, south end Southern Pacific Railroad San Francisco (Signal Office) . 73C /I, 40O /6o 1878 1878 San Gabriel Mine 7?D i. 702 1878 San Gabriel Mission, near 7^C 757 1878 San Gabriel (Southern Pacific Railroad) 3C /4i6 f 1875 -! 1876 San Jacinto Valley, ranch in . . SoB I. 634. I 1878 1876 U. S. GEOGRAPHICAL SURVEYS. TABLE III. CITIES, TOWNS, SETTLEMENTS, ETC. Continued. 151 Locallity and name. Atlas sheet. Altitude in feet above sea. Expedi- tionary year. CALIFORNIA Continued. Santa Ana Hotel 8oB 141 1878 Santa Clara Valley and San Fernando Plains, divide between Santa Monica 73C 73C i,95i 82 1878 1875 Santa Paula - 73C 384 1875 Savannah (Lexington), (Southern Pacific Railroad) 77C /^oo 1878 Saw Mill (Little Bear Valley) 7^D 4,885 1878 Sawyers Ranch - S6B 7,551 1877 Schaffers Station 47B 4,026 1877 466 01,075 1878 Scodie Ranch _ - 6<;C 2, 716 1878 Secret Valley and Smoke Creek, divide between 47 B 5.6Q8 1877 Sesma - 468 20O 1878 Sheep Ranch near Sacramento Valley 47A I, 094 1878 Sheep Ranch School House _ .... <6B 2,466 1870 Sheep Ranch (Snow Storm Valley) . 4?B 5,058 1877 Shinns Ranch , 38D 5,040 1877 Shoo- Fly Toll-gate .. _-. 47A 3, 205 1878 Shumways Ranch near Horse Lake ^8D 5.067 1877 Sierra City 4?C 4, 202 1876 Sierra Valley and South Fork Yuba River, divide between 47D 6,70O 1876 4yD 4, 880 1876 Sierra and Sardine Valleys, divide between _ _ 47 D 6,346 1876 Silver Lake Hotel - ._ 56B 7, 174 1877 56B 6, 446 1877 73C 674 1878 7lC i, 118 1878 Slinkards Valley, lower end of . S6B 6,256 1878 Slinkards Valley, upper end of _ _ 566 6,688 1877 47D 7, 249 1877 Snelling post -office - $6D 0252 1879 ?6D 5, 217 1878 Soda Springs and French Meadows Creek, divide between 47 D 5, 77Q 1877 Soledad City, Ravenna Station, Southern Pacific Railroad. 7 3 C 2,513 1875 Sonora, McQuaid Ranch * _ . . S6D 1,888 f 1878 Sonora (post-office) _ . _ 56D 1,816 \ 1879 1878 73D 802 1875 73C 48 1878 Stanislaus River, South and Middle Forks, divide between 56B 6,352 1878 Stanislaus River, South and Middle Forks, divide between 566 8,843 1878 Stanislaus and Tuolumne Rivers, divide between . 568 9,617 1878 Stevens Ranch (Hope Valley) 566 7,382 1877 Stockton's Cabin 73D 5,877 1878 Stockton Mill . . _. 47A 4,639 1878 Strawberry, lower reservoir, ^ mile east of 566 5,582 1878 Strawberry Toll-house (Virginia and Placerville road) 566 5,695 1878 Strawberry Stage Station (Sonora and Mono road) 56D 5,238 f 1877 Sugar Pine Point, (Lake Tahoe) 47 D 6, 202 I 1878 1876 Sulphur Spring Hotel (Wash post-office) 47 D 4,466 1876 Summit Post-office (Sierra Valley) 47D 4,875 1876 Summit Station (Central Pacific Railroad) 47D 6,983 f 1876 Summit Valley (Relief Trail) 566 9,585 \ 1877 1878 Summit Valley [Sonora road) . 566 9,462 1877 Susanville and Eagle Lake, first divide 47A 5,363 1878 152 BAROMETRIC ALTITUDES. TABLE III. CITIES, TOWNS, SETTLEMENTS, ETC. Continued. Locality and name. Atlas sheet. Altitude in feet above sea. Expedi- tionary year. CALIFORNIA Continued. Susanville and Eagle Lake, second divide 47A 5, 774 1878 Susanville and Eagle Lake, main divide 47 A 6, 245 1878 Susanville (post-office) ' 47 A 4, 195 1877 Susanville and Taylorville, divide on road 47A 6,428 1878 Sycamore Grove _ .. __ 73^ 447 1878 Swizzers Ranch (Sierra Valley) 47 B 4, 910 1876 Tahoe City 47D 6, 252 1876 Tamarack Flat 56D 6, 234 ; is 7 8 Tannery 73D 4, 400 i '879 1878 Tapo Ranch _. __ 73 C 1,373 1878 Taylorville (post-office) 47A 3, 479 1878 Tehachapai _ .. . 7 3 A 3,831 1875 Tejon Reservation . 73A 1,450 1878 Tejon Reservation, house near 73A I, 275 1875 Tells Ranch ... 5B 6,766 1877 Temecula, near 8oB 1, 088 1876 Ten-mile House 8oA aioS 1876 The Narrows . . 73D 2, 507 1878 Thomas Ranch 73C 3, 772 1875 Thomas Ranch 8oB 4,438 1876 Thompsons Ferry (Tuolumne River). . 56D 0107 1879 Tilleys Ranch. _ 65 C 2,609 1878 Tin Mine (Temescal Range) 8oB i, 250 1876 Truckee (Central Pacific Railroad) . ._ 47D 5, 795 1876 Truckee and Lake Tahoe, divide between 47 D 7, 236 1876 Truckee and Sierra Valley, divide between 47D 6, 894 1876 Tuledad Ranch .. . 38D 115,046 1877 Tule Marsh 38D 5,376 1877 Tuolumne River, Middle Fork, on trail to Hog Ranch 56D 4,158 1878 Tuolumne and Walker Rivers, divide between S6B 9,805 1878 Turners Ranch (Sierra Valley) 47D 4, 904 1876 Tuttletown Mining Village 56D 01,321 1878 Tylers Ranch _ _. 47 A 4, 802 1878 Uhls Ranch 6sC 2,662 1875 Vallecito post-office 56D 1,748 1878 Vallecito Station .. . ..... 8iC I, 574 1876 Vida (Sepulveda), (Southern Pacific Railroad) 7 3 C /46o 1878 Virginia House, between Truckee and Loyalton 47 D 5, 689 1876 Virgin Tears Cliff, foot of Yosemite Valley .. 5D 5, 3 1 ' 1878 Volcano 56B 2, O75 1878 Wades Meadows S6D 4, 367 1878 Warner Valley 8oB 2,784 1876 Warrens Station (Buckhorn Ranch) 7 3 C 693 1875 Waterloo Hotel ..... 56D 2I 5 1879 Watermans 7 3 D 1,908 1878 Weldon (post-office) 73A 2,668 1878 Wellington Station /. 566 4, 796 1877 West Point 56B 2, 774 1878 Wests Ranch (Colorado River) 74D 596 '875 West Walker River, West Fork, Sonora road crossing 568 6,728 f 1877 Whiskey Johnnys 73D 5,186 i '878 1878- White Water Station 8oB I, W4 1 'I 7 ? Whitney Meadows, near Fishermans Peak or Mt. Whitney 6$C 9,371 T 1876 1875. U. S. GEOGRAPHICAL 8UKVEYS. 153 TABLE III.- CITIES, TOWNS, SETTLEMENTS, ETC. Continued. Locality and name. Atlas sheet. Altitude in feet above sea. Expedi- tionary year. CALIFORNIA Continued. Wileys Station ( Amador road) 566 5,027 1878 Williams Ranch (Amador road) c6B 7, 7S7 1877 Willow Ranch (! ,ong Valley) .. .'.. _. 4/B 4, 27? 1877 Willow Tree Station.. . .. . 73 B 2, 500 1875 Winters Mine, one-half mile northwest of Oreana Peak _ _ 5&B 8, ?QQ 1877 Wilsons Ranch _ _ . .... 46B ol, 114 1878 Wiltons Bridge (American River) 47C 1,408 1877 Wood ford . 566 5,676 1877 Workmans Ranch . _ . 73C 361 1875 Yanks Landing (Lake Tahoe, Tallac Post-Office) 56B 6, 202 1876 Yarnells (Cold Spring) Ranch .. 47C 564 1878 York Gulch, head of ?6D i, 701; 1879 Yosemite Valley, Lower Iron Bridge or El Capitan Bridge, Merced River. Yosemite Valley, Upper Iron Bridge at Barnards, Merced River.. COLORADO. Acequia (Denver and Rio Grande Railroad) _ . J56D 56D 5 3 C 3>925 3,934 /5, 551 / 1878 1 1879 1 187* 1 1879 1877 Alamosa (Denver and Rio Grande Railroad) 6iD /7, 4Q2 1879 Aldens junction 6iC 8, 904 1877 Ancleisons Ranch _ 4, 248 1877 Animas City 6iC 6,662 1874 Anthracite and Coal Creeks, junction of 6iA 6, 'S3 1877 Anthracite and Ohio Creeks, divide between ... 6iA 10, 151 1877 Anton Smiths Ranch 62A 4,748 ( 1874 Apishpa (Denver and Rio Grande Railroad) 62C K>, 10? \ '875 1878 Badito _ . 62C 6,386 / "874 Bakerville (Georgetown and Grays Peak and Leadville Road) Beaver Creek Station (Denver and Rio Grande Railroad) 52D 62A '9, 875 /5,ooo I 1875 1880 1878 Big Graneros Creek, crossing of, near junction Little Graneros Bismarck (post-office) _. .. 62C 6iD 6,012 7, 736 1874 1876 Boists (Denver and Rio Grande Railroad) 53C /6, 865 1877 Box Elder (Kansas Pacific Railroad) i^C /5 , 546 1877 Bradfords . 62C 8, 105 1874 Breckenridge, near ?2D o, 704 1873 Butte Valley (post-office) 62C 5,894 1875 Byers Station (Bijou, Kansas Pacific Railroad) oC /5, 221 1877 Camp Monarch 6iB (7IO, 272 1879 Canon City (Denver and Rio Grande Railroad). 62A / '873 Capitol 6iC Q A 1Q I '876 1874 Carbonateville -J2D ally 125 1879 Carlisle Springs Station (Denver and Rio Grande Railroad) 62A /4, 060 1878 Carrs Cabin (Antelope Park) 6iC Q QQQ 1871 Castle Rock (Denver and Rio Grande Railroad) , 516 1877 Leadville (Post-office) 52D aid, 250 1870 Little Buttes (Denver and Rio Grande Railroad) 62A Is.. 171: 1878 Littleton (Denver and Rio Grande Railroad) _ __ 5 3 C /5, 372 1877 Lockwoods Ranch 62D 4.. QO7 f 1876 Los Pinos Agency, new 6iA 6, 400 1 1877 1877 Los Finos Agency, old _. _ ..... 6iB 9,088 f 1873 Los Pinos and Rio Grande, divide between 6iC IO 737 I 1874 1871 Lowes Ranch (Four-mile Creek) S2D aiOj 022 1870 McClures Ranch _ _ . .. _. 62A c, ?i8 1873 McLaughlin Ranch S2D Q 672 1877 McLaughlins (Tarryall Creek) c?C 8,226 1876 Malta, California Gulch (Denver and Rio Grande Railroad) 52D /Q. 6I1 1880 Mineral City 6iC IT 4.74. 1874 Mosquito Town . S2D IO. 44.6 187-1 Monument (Denver and Rio Grande Railroad) . ?^c /7, 240 1877 Nine-Mile Ranch 52D 09, 468 1870 Olivers Ranch (Tarryall Creek) 52D aS, 873 1879 Ouray 6iC 7,766 1877 Park Gulch, near Lilienthals Ranch 52D aa. ziz 1879 Parrott City. .... .. . 6iC aS, 674 1875 156 BAROMETRIC ALTITUDES. TABLE III. CITIES, TOWNS, SETTLEMENTS, ETC. Continued. Locality and name. Atlas sheet. Altitude in feet above sea. Expedi- tionary year. COLORADO Continued. Pass Creek divide at head of 6*C o, 404. 1874 Petersburg (Denver and Rio Grande Railroad) c /5, 3 28 1877 Pifion (Denver and Rio Grande Railroad) 62A rt.o?7 1878 Plum (Denver and Rio Grande Railroad) c-;C A.Sso 1877 Pueblo (Denver and Rio Grande Railroad) .. 62A /4, 7 1 3 1878 Pueblo (Astronomical Monument) 62A 4, 7^2 1876 Purgatory River and Vermejo Creek, divide between 7oA q, 17-3 f 1874 Quartzville S=D an, 706 I 1875 1876 Red Creek Ranch 62A 5, 4-66 1874 Red Rock Canon 6iA 7. 4.^2 1877 Rito Alto (Post-office) 6iD 8, 160 lS-(> Riverside Post-office (Leonard's Ranch) , Arkansas River 6iH 8, ? 1871 Rock Cliff (Post-office) 6iD 8 271 1871; Rosita . .. 6:C 8, 7 16 f 1874 i IS?? Round Mountain (Post-office) _ _ 8, 732 I 1876 1876 Saguache . 6iD 7, 620 / 1875 Salt Creek (Denver and Rio Grande Railroad) 6-C 75,484 1 1877 1878 San Carlos (Denver and Rio Grande Railroad) . __ 6zC /4, 02 S 1878 San Francisco, south fork of Purgatory River 7oA 8,082 1871; San Juan City . ... 6iC 8, QOI 187? San Luis 7oA 7 co6 1874 Santa Clara (Denver and Rio Grande Railroad) 62C /6, 172 1878 Saint Marys . . _ 62C 6,167 1874 Silver Cliff 6-C 7 QIQ 1870 Silverton 6iC ag, 201 187"; Sizers Ranch 62 D 4., O'K f 1876 Slate and Iron Creeks, divide between 6iA 12, 287 I 1877 1877 Slater Ranch _ . f,2D 0, 2V1 187^ South Pueblo ^Denver and Rio Grande Railroad) 62A 4, 669 1876 South Pueblo (Astronomical Monument) 6aA 4. 7^2 1874 Star Ranch __ _ . . . . 6iD 7, 327 f 1877 Sternes Store . 62C 9,068 I 1879 1874 Stiles Ranch 52D aio, 734 1870 Summit Mines, north fork Alamosa Creek 6iD I i , 089 1874 Summit Station (Denver and Rio Grande Railroad) 52!) a, 081 187-! Swallows _ .. 62A 4,868 1878 Tabor <2D (7IO, 623 1870 Tellurium 6iC 10,878 1871; Ten-Mile and Eagle Creeks, divide between 52D 10, 756 1871 Trinchera 696 7 c-jr f 1874 Trinidad (Astronomical Monument) . . 7oA C, QQO I 1878 ( 'f 73 Twelve-Mile Bridge(Arkansas River) 62A a$. 772 1 1874 1870 Twelve-Mile Ranch (Somerville) &2A a6 205 1870 Twin Lakes (formerly Dayton) 5"D O. 13"} 1871 Ula l ' 6iB 7, 727 1877 Uncompahgre River and Cimarron Creek, divide between Union Park .. 6iA 6iB ",S57 q. 6m 1877 187^ U. S. GEOGRAPHICAL SURVEYS. 157 TABLE III. CITIES, TOWNS, SETTLEMENTS, ETC. -Continued. Locality and name. Atlas sheet. Altitude in feet above sea. Expedi- tionary year. COLORADO Continued. Ute Creek, seven miles above Fort Garland _.____ 62C 8, 671 1870 Varnums Post-Office, on Indian Creek 6iA a7 QQO 1877 Venables Ranch (Rio Grande) 6iD 7,628 187? Veta (Denver and Rio Grande Railroad) 62C ^7,024 1878 Vigil (Apishpa River) 7oA 7. 2*1 187"; Vogels Ranch __ . 6aD 4, 2CX 1876 Walsens (Denver and Rio Grande Railroad) 6aC /6 1 88 1878 Websters 62A $. ?O7 1874 Wet Mountain Valley and Muddy Creek, divide between . . . 6aC 8,890 1875 White Earth Creek (post-office) 6iA 8, i6^t 1877 Whites Ranch (Huerfano Park) mm 62C 7, 460 1871; White River Agency, crossing of trail to 6iA c.oiB 1877 Widefield (Denver and Rio Grande Railroad) _ 6aA rt , 7 1 "; 1878 Wilcox Ranch (Antelope Park) 6iC 9, ooo 1875 Xapato 6iU 7. ^62 1877 IDAHO. Andersons Ranch 72C a\, 491 1877 Barrys Ranch, on Black Pine Creek 41 A C. I J4 1877 Black Rock (sta^e station) -12D a4, 8q 1877 Benninton _ ,. 32D a6, 150 1877 Bloomiivton 416 6. 076 1877 Burtons Ford (Bear River, Gentile Valley) 12D 4, 9 1 ^ 1877 City of Rocks 4iA 6,078 1877 Clifton Post-Office 4iB ^4, 926 1877 Devils Corral . TiD 3, 601 1877 41 A 4, oco 1877 Elkhom Mail Station _ __ -121} 4, 998 1877 Fish Haven _ 4lB 05,964 1877 Franklin (Websters shop) 4lB 4,585 1877 Georgetown _ 32D 6, 022 1877 Harkness Toll-Gate -!2D 04, 802 1877 Heads Ranch _ _ _ __ 4iB 4, 947 1877 Hildreths Planch TlD 4,308 1877 Hitchin^s Ranch 4lA f, 20? 1877 Howells Ranch _ ._ 3 2C 05,041 1877 12D a6, 641 1877 Lands Lower Ranch (Goose Creek) VD 4, 357 1877 Landers Crossing, Taylor Bridge road 320 6, 381 1877 Lanes Fork, crossing 12D 6,635 1877 Lanes Ranch (Marsh Lake) __ _ 32C 4, 323 1877 I .iberty 4iB 6, 105 1877 Malade City (Post-office) 4iB 4,663 1877 McCreas Ranch 32C 4, 331 1877 Mink Creek Bridge _ 416 05,023 1877 Monlpelier (co-operative store) 4iB 5,936 1877 Mormon Salt Works 32D 06, 734 1877 Nine- Mile Settlement 320 5. OI 3 1877 Oneida Salt Works 320 6,341 1877 Oxford ...... _ _ 4iB <*4, 875 1877 Packers Bridge (Bear River) 4iB 4,486 1877 Paris 4lB 36,019 1877 Pocatillo Stage Station 32C 04, 620 1877 Raft River Stage Station 4iA 5,041 1877 Rices Ferry (Snake River) 3iD 4, 192 1877 Rices Ranch, on Cache Creek 4lA 4,722 1877 158 BAROMETRIC ALTITUDES. TABLE III. CITIES, TOWNS, SETTLEMENTS, ETC. Continued. Locality and name. Atlas sheet. Altitude in feet above sea. Expedi- tionary year. I DAHO Continued. Richarclsons Ranch 4iA 5, 268 1877 Robbins Ford (Bear River) 4lB 1877 Ross l''ork (Indian Agency) T . 32C 4, 545 1877 Samaria 4iB 4, 560 1877 Soda Springs T.2D 5 778 1877 St. Charles '. _ __ 4iB 6 oc.7 1877 Summit Stage Station .. 406 5,045 1877 Sweetzers Ranch 41 A 4 5OO 1877 Toponce Ranch 12C C, O72 1877 Warren (Blackfoot Stage Station) 1.2C 4 , 447 1877 Weston. 4lB SOU l877 MONTANA. Bozeman (Astronomical Monument) I4D 4, 8"*Q 1877 NEBRASKA. North Platte (Union Pacific Railroad) (Astronomical Monument). NEVADA. Adobe Meadows 4SD S7C 12, 789 6. 104 1874 1878 Alta Mine . ._ . 47 D /c erg 1877 Antoines Ranch, Smith Creek 48D 6 ci7 1876 Atlantic Mine, Gold Canon, on road 47 D 5, 1^6 1877 Aurora ?7A 1878 Austin (Astronomical Monument) 48D 7. $21 1871 Austin, base line, north end of 48D 5, 774 1878 Austin, base line, south end of.. 48D C 7QQ 1878 Austin, camp at .. ... 48D 6. 5O4 1876 Bacon Mill Point . 47 D 5, "?27 1877 Baltimore Mine t . 47 D e 72Q 1877 Baltimore Mine Boarding House, near 47D c 784 1877 Barretts Ranch 47D 1877 Base Line (Carson River) 47D 4. 3O6 1876 Battle Mountain (Astronomical Monument) . . 488 /4, 508 1871 Belcher Mine 47 D /C Q7Q 1877 Belmont, near C7B 8, OO2 1871 Best and Belcher and Gould and Curry, joint shafts 47 D /5. 06"; 1877 Birchims Ranch (Reese River).. 48D 5, 74 "* 1876 Brassfield Canon, head of 48D q, (k8 1876 Buckeye Mine, junction of roads 47D S. 16^ 1877 Buckeye Mine ... .. ._ . 47D C 2^1 1877 Bucklands Ranch (Carson River Toll Bridge) . . 48C 4. ic I 1876 Buffalo Salt Works (Murphys) 47 B ^,84^ 1877 Bull Run, near White Rock Creek . . . 4oC 6 114 1871 Bullion City. 4Q 6,386 1871 Bullion Mine. 47D /6, 306 1877 Caledonia Mine 47 D /c,676 1877 Callville.. .. 66 Q4C 1871; Carlin (Astronomical Monument) 4oC /4, 908 1871 Carlin, near 4OC 4. 84Q 1871 Camp Rock.. 47 D S,628 1877 Captain John Thomas Ranch 48D -5,887 1876 Carson, Capitol 47 D siyi aA.. o^j 1876 Carson City (Friends Observatory) 47 D 4, 660 1876 Carson City (Rendezvous Camp) 47 D /4, 700 1876 U. S. GEOGRAPHICAL SURVEYS. 159 TABLE III. CITIES, TOWNS, SETTLEMENTS, ETC. Continued. Locality and name. Atlas sheet. Altitude in feet above sea. Expedi- tionary year. NEVADA Continued. Carson States Prison 4-7D 1876 Cedar Ravine, Summit Head of 47 D 7 I7Q 1876 Centre Station (American Flat) . . _ _ . 47 D S, Ul 1877 Chalk Wells 48D c 7trc 1876 Chapman Ranch (Dry Valley) _ , _ 47 B 4. O32 1878 Childs Ranch _ . _ 47 D 4 779 1876 Chollar Potosi Mining Company, office of 47D 6 24.2 1877 Chollar Potosi Mine, shaft _ _ _ 47D 76,225 1877 Clarks Ranch ^8D A 677 1877 Clarks Ranch (Truckee River) 47 D 4, 221 1876 Cleavers Ranch (Masons Valley) __ 48C 4, -ttS 1876 Coal Mines in El Dorado Canon 47 D S 880 1876 Combination Mine, shaft , _ 47D 76, 132 1877 Consolidated Virginia Mine 47D 76, it;=; 1877 Cottage Camp 4oC 6. 4^7 1871 Cottonwood Canon, mouth of _ . . . i8D 6,066 1877 Cottonwood Canon, head of , 48D 10, 849 1876 Cottonwood Island, north end _ 74B 800 187? Cottonwood Island, south end 74B 1871; Coxs Station 48C (74., 770 1876 Cradlebaughs Bridge (Carson River) _ 47 D #4, 614 1877 Crow Point Mine 47 D 7 ^ Q2< 1877 Crystal Peak (village) 47 D 4,018 1876 Dayton _ _ 47 D 4.. 760 1876 Dead Horse Wells . 57A 4, 117 1876 Deep Hole (Old Emigrant Road through Squaw Valley) ?8D 3, Q22 1877 Deep Hollow Station . m mm 48C $ ''I'} 1876 Derby Mine 47 D 4, 88 1 ; 1877 Desert Station (Central Pacific Railroad) _ 48C 4, 014 1876 Deveringhams Ranch ... 576 6,407 1878 Devils Gate Toll-House, near Silver City 47 D S, 148 1877 Dyers Ranch ._ 48D 6,017 1876 East Gate, Lookout Mountains, Captain Simpsons wagon route __ El Dorado Mill 48D 66 5.291 86^ 1876 1875 Elkhorn Ranch 48D 6, 123 1876 Elko (Astronomical Monument) 4OC <;, 148 1869 Ellsworth _ S7B 6,871 1876 Emma Peak and peak northwest of Rose, divide between 47D 6. 072 1876 47D 4* ^Q1 1876 Erie Consolidated Mine _ __ 47D 5,265 1877 Eureka 49 5,906 1871 Europa Mine 47 D 5,978 1877 Five-mile House (Geiger Grade) 47D 6,^68 1876 Eranktown 47D 5,054 1876 Frenchs Mill, at creek . _ 47 D 4,875 1877 Galena _ _.-- 48 5,650 1871 Gates Ranch (Carson River) 48C 4, 154 1876 Geiger Grade, toll gate 47D 6,479 1876 Geiger Grade, first summit 4?D 6,651 1876 Geiger Grade, second summit 47 D 6, 7^3 1876 Geigers Ranch (Walker River) _ 48C 04, 352 1876 Genoa __ 47D 4,802 1876 (lila Mina Post, near Succor Mine 47 D 5,452 1877 Glenbrook, camp at (Lake Tahoe) _. ._ 47 D 6,282 1876 G lend ale _ _ 4?D 4,453 1876 Globe Consolidated Mine . ... . _ _ 47D 5,781 1877 Gold Hill Mine 47D 6,373 1877 1GO BAEOMETRIC ALTITUDES. TABLE III. CITIES, TOWNS, SETTLEMENTS, ETC.- Continued. Locality and name. Atlas sheet. Altitude in feet above sea. Expedi- tionary year. NEVADA Continued. XjOuld and Curry Mine . __ _. 47D /6 IQ1 1877 Haines, foot of Kingsbury Grade 568 1876 Hale and ^Norcross Mine 47D /6 is* 1876 Half-way House (Devils Gate Toll-house) _ _ 4?D ^ 006 1876 Hamilton (Astronomical Monument) 4.nC 7 601 1869 Hieroglyphic Rocks (Central Pacific Railroad) "47 D I A 3c i 1876 High Rock and Yellow Rock Canons, junction of ^SD C, 121 1877 Hill and Grimes Ranch (New River) 48C 1876 Home Station __ 48B A 816 1878 Homer (Cedar Valley) 5SD * 8->i 1869 Houstons Well 4$C A ra.8 1876 Imperial Mine . 47 D /6 i ^Q 1877 lone . syB 6 844 1876 Italian Joes 47D 1876 Jacks Valley 47D c O43 1876 Jews Ranch, McLarnahans road 47 D ^5,882 1877 Jones Milk Ranch 47D c 7-26 is?? Julia Mine A7D 16 116 1877 Justice Mine 4?D /c 4.c8 1877 Kentuck Mine 4?D /r QA4 1877 Knickerbocker Mine . 47D /q,876 1877 Lake Tahoe and Little Valley, divide between 47D 7, 06O 1876 Lake View, divide between Carson and Washoe Valley 47 D C i ^4. 1876 La Plata (deserted) 4$C 1876 Las Vegas 66 2 Ol8 / 1869 Lees Mills (Mason Valley) 48C A -2CO i 1871 1876 Little Valley ... 47D 6 a.i7 1876 Little Valley and Mills Station, divide between 47D 6 o^o 1876 LodL. 48D i voy C -3C6 1876 Log Cabin (Carson River) _ 48C A O7O 1876 Long and Surprise Valleys, divide between ?8D 7 1 7O 1877 Lyonsville (Rose Valley) S8D C AQI 1869 McBrides Ranch ._ __ c 7 c c c6l 1878 McMahons Ranch cyB 6. ZZ2 1876 McLarnahans Bridge 47D a A co7 1877 McLarnahans Road and road to Brunswick Mill, junction of 47D 6 008 1876 Mackey and Fairs Tailing Dump, on creek above 47D ^. 246 1877 Marlettes Ranch 47D 8 O74 1876 Mastens Ranch (Central Pacilic Railroad) 47D /4 678 1876 Matty Roachs, near Mineral Hill . ... 47D 6,864 1877 Matty Roachs, divide on road north of 4/D 6,087 1876 Mexican Mining Claim 47 D 6 I C4. 1876 Middle Gate, Lookout Mountains, Captain Simpsons wagon route. Mineral Hill Station, Eureka and Palisade Railroad 48C 40 4, 703 6, S08 1876 1871 Monte Christo Mill (Astronomical Monument) 40C 7 ^06 1869 Moore Campbells Ranch 48D 6,267 1876 Morey Mines, near Shoshone Peak 58 7,^84 1871 Mound House Station (Virginia and Truckee Railroad) 47 D 5,032 1877 New Yellow Jacket Mine, east shaft 47D /6, 050 1877 New York House, near Dayton 47D 04, 810 1877 Occidental Mill . 47D 5 4^0 1876 Old Kentuck Ranch (Sutro Tunnel Road) 47D c,684 1876 Omega Mill (Washoe District) 47D c ;, ? 5 1 i8;6 OphirMine 47D /6, 130 1877 Overman Mine 47D /r 7-71 l877 U. S. GEOGRAPHICAL SURVEYS. 161 TABLE III. CITIES, TOWNS, SETTLEMENTS, ETC. Continued. Locality and name. Altitude Atlas in feet sheet. I above sea. Expedi- tionary year. N EVAD A Continued . Owyhee Palmyra (abandoned) Panacea, near Pattersons Ranch Peavine Ranch P^-ko (Astronomical Monument) Petersons Ranch ._. Peytona Mine Pioche (Astronomical Monument) Pinto Spring, Hat below Poeville Mine, near Peavine Peak Poormans Mining Claim . Proctors Ranch (Truckee River) Prospect Mine Pyramid Lake (Indian Agency) Quirm Canon, near Railroad Valley Race Course, near Virginia City Ragtown (Carson River) Ramsell Mill, near Silver City Red Jacket Mine, road below Reliance Mining t'ompanys Shaft Reno (Central Pacific Railroad) Ritches Cabin, near Grant Peak Rock Island Mine Rookers Corral Rookers Ranch Saint Clair (New River) Saint Thomas San Antonio Sand Spring Station Savage Mine Schmidtleins Ranch, mouth of Kingston Canon Sellers Ranch, near Reno ._. Sheridan (post-office) Sierra Nevada Mine (new shaft) Sierra Nevada, Mexican and Union Mines (joint shaft) Silver Age Station Silver City, church in Silver City, old foundry -Silver Hill Mine Silver Peak Mine Slaughter House, creek near Slaughter House, on road between Virginia City race -course and toil-gate Smoke Creek Depot Snow Shed, Virginia and Truckee Railroad Spanish Springs Ranch Sterling Mill, near Schmidtleins Ranch Stillwater, on the Slough Stones Cabin . Stones Ferry (Colorado River) Stumps Ranch Sturtevants Ranch (Truckee River) .. Superior Gold and Silver Mine Sutro . . 4oC 47 D 58D 48D 47 D 4oC 4 8D 4 ;D 58D 38D 47 D 47 D 47 D 4 7 D 47 D 58 47 D 48C 47 D 47 D 47 D 47 D 48C 47 D 4 8D 4 8D 48C 66B 57 48C 47 D 48D 47 D S6B 47 D 47 D 4 8D 47D 47 D 47 D 47 D 47D 47 B 47 D 4?D 48D 48C 57B 66 49 47D 47D 47 D 5. 392 6,592 4,718 5.213 4,952 5, 180 6 ,i37 6,639 5,942 5,6oo 6,408 6,000 3,963 5,866 3,98o 6,256 6,i57 4,002 5,324 5,19 6,047 4,484 7,474 5,6 7 8 6,708 7,148 a3,989 i, 600 5,280 3,926 /5,i 79 6, 220 4,439 4, 794 76,031 /6,o6 7 6,014 5,098 4,940 /5,28 5 4,25? 5, "8 6,414 4,163 5,685 04, 469 6,818 3,954 6,390 I, 108 4,749 4,33 6,415 "4, 392 1871 1877 1869 1876 1876 1877 1869 i8 7 6 i8 7 6 l8 7 2 1877 1876 1876 1857 1876 1877 1871 1876 1876 1877 i8 77 :8 77 i8 7 6 i8 7 6 i8 77 1878 i8 7 8 i8 7 6 1869 1871 1876 i8 77 i8 7 6 i8 77 i8 7 6 i8 77 :8 77 1876 1877 1877 1877 1871 1877 1876 1877 1877 1876 1876 1876 1871 1875 1871 1876 1877 1877 1874 WH- -11 162 BAKOMETRIC ALTITUDES. TABLE III. CITIES, TOWNS, SETTLEMENTS, ETC. Continued. Locality and name. Atlas sheet. Altitude in feet above sea. Expedi- tionary year. NEVADA Continued. Sutro Monument, divide between Emma and Rose Peaks . _ 47 D 5,837 1876 Sutro Tunnel : 47D /4, 482 1876 Shaft No. I 47D /4, 998 1876 Shaft No. 2 4?D /5,539 1876 Shaft No. 3 47 D /5, 867 1876 Shaft No. 4 . 47D /5, 998 1876 Swanns Ranch (East Walker River) S7A <;. 042 1878 Taylors Ranch 470 4, 720 1878 Tecoma (Central Pacific Railroad) _ _ 4oD 4,788 1878 Todhunters Ranch (Long Valley) iSD 5, 85 1 1877 Trojan Mine 47D 6,086 1877 Tunnel (Virginia and Truckee Railroad), base of American Flat Peak 47 D 5,821 1877 Twelve-Mile House 56B 4, 801 1877 Upper Caledonia Mine _ ._ ._ 47D 5,987 1877 Underdown Canon, mouth of Reese River 48D 6, 181 1878 Utah Mine 47 D 5, 996 1876 United States Coast Survey Stake, 82-85 . . 47D 5,858 1876 Vaughans Ranch 48D 5, 316 187;: Verdi (Central Pacific Railroad) 47 D /4, 894 1876 Virginia City : Astronomical Monument.. 47 D 6, -539 1876 Biddlemans Milk Ranch 47D 5,825 1876 Foot of B street 47D 6, 2Q4. 1876 165 G street 47D 6, 118 1876 Virginia City and Washoe, divide between 47 D 7, 242 1876 Virginia and Gold Hill Water Flume, near Virginia City.. . _ 47 D 6, 559 1877 Vista (Central Pacific Railroad) 47 D /4, 406 1876 Vivian Mine 47D 5,414 1877 Vulcan Mine, flume near 47D 5, 187 1877 Wadsworth (Central Pacific Railroad) 47 D 4, OQ< ( 1876 Walkers Ranch . 40 5, 146 I 1877 1860 Walker River Indian Agency _ . 48C 4, 1 20 1876 Wallaces Ranch 48D 5,787 1878 Ward Mine . 47D 16, 117 1877 Washington (San Pedro Canon) ... __ .. 48D 6, 992 1876 Washoe (Virginia and Truckee Railroad) 47D 5. 02 1 1876 Washoe Grade, foot of . 47D 5,8=|o 1877 Washoe Grade, Station 7 47 D 7, 202 1877 Weimer Mud Meadows 3Q.C 4, ^18 1877 Welchs Ranch .. 48D *;, 771 1878 West Belcher Mine . ._ 47D 6,098 1877 West Gate, Lookout Mountains, Captain Simpsons wagon route .. West Point 48C 66B 4,504 i, 755 1876 1869 White Rock 48C 04,818 1876 Wilcox Ranch ... 47D 5. ^06 1876 Wm. Penn Mine .. . 47D 5,2-55 1877 Winnemucca (Astronomical Monument) ... 39 D 4,355 1877 Winter Ranch (Dry Valley) 476 5. 145 1877 Woods Ranch, Pyramid Lake (Emerson, by King) 476 3,861 1877 Yellow Jacket Mine 47D /5, 959 1877 Youngs Ranch, Snake Creek . 40 5, 642 1872 tr. S. GEOGRAPHICAL SURVEYS 163 TABLE III. CITIES, TOWNS, SETTLEMENTS, ETC.-Continued. Locality and name. Atlas sheet. Altitude in feet above sea. Expedi- tionary year. NEW MEXICO. Abiquiu 6 9 D 187/1 Acoma_ . . . 77A *6 700 1873 Acoma, Camp at 77A 6 4.2 1 187-? Agua Azul, or Blue Water 77A 6,68^ {^873 Alameda 77B 4 gSc 1874 1877 Alamillo (Rio Grande) . 77C 1878 Alamocita (Rio Grande) 84A A 2^6 1877 Alamosa (Alamosa Canon) __ 84A #C, 177 1878 Albuquerque 77B f 1873 1874 t 187? Aleman, or Martins Well, on Jornado del Muerto 84C 4, CQ4. 1877 i8 7 8 1878 Altrodones (Rio Grande) 77B / 1873 Andrews Mine (Rio Galisteo) 77B c cgc \ :8 77 1871; Anton Chico 78A S 480 1871; Apache Tejo. _ 84C ^ 4.78 1878 Apachita ._ 8?B 1878 Agua Fria _ 77B 6,486 Arms Ranch (Canadian River) 7oA c Q72 1874. Belen . 77D A 7$i; / '876 Bernal 7 8A 6 162 I 1878 187? Bernal Arrova 7 8A 6 078 l87A Bernalillo (Rio Grande) 77B c 08^ 1871; Blazers Mill (Indian Agency) _ 84D / 1877 Boundary Monument, Mexico and United States . gx>B i 1878 1878 Brazos and San Antonio Creeks, divide between 6qB 9,887 1874 Brents Ranch 8 4 C 4. Il8 1878 Burbanks Ranch 7oC 6 882 1876 Camerons Corner (Vermejo Creek) 717-3 1876 Camp Stampede (Mimbres River) . 84C 6 208 187-? Canada Ranch (Alamosa Canon) 84A 5 088 1878 Canon Blanco, head of. . 6gC Canon Largo, head of 6gC 6 si i 1874 Canoncito . 77B 7. O2 1 is?? Capitan and East Carrizo Peaks, divide between 846 6,847 1877 Carrizillo and Niggerhead Springs, flat between 4. IQ8 1878 Casa Colorada . . 7?D 4-. 67Q 1877 Casa Salazar 77A ?,668 1875 Cattle Ranch (Rio Grande) .. 6gB 7 ^87 1878. Chamisal 6qD 1874 Chavez .. . 77D 4) 775 1873 Chili (Rio Chama)... 6gD q 648 1874 Chilili 778 6, 838 1875 Chupadero Ranch. 77D 5,821; 1877 Ciboletta 77A 6, 41 1 1874 Cieneguilla 77B 6,026 1874 Cieneguilla, near Rio Grande 6oD 6,348 1878 Cimarron (Astronomical Monument) . 7oA 6, -^84 1874 Clifton (Canadian River) yoA 6^92 1874 Approximate, on bluff about 300 feet higher than camp. 164 BAROMETRIC ALTITUDES. TABLE III. CITIES, TOWNS, SETTLEMENTS, ETC. Continued. Locality and name. Atlas sheet. Altitude in feet above sea. Expedi- tionary year. NEW MEXICO Continued. Colorado Plaza (Rio Grande) ~ 84C 77 D 77B 7 oC 84C 7oA 77 A yyB 77A 8 4 B 77B 6gD 77A 7oA 84C 6gD 7?D yoB 84A 84C 6gD 77B 77 D 84C 84C 77 D 78A 7 oC 84C 84C 77B 77B 7 oC 906 77B 7oA 77B 77B 77B 6gD 7 oC 77B 906 6 9 B 6gD 78A 7?D 7 oC 4,008 4,7" 5,091 7,055 5,004 6,454 6, 122 05, 680 5-195 6,509 6,496 6, O2I 6,792 5,639 8,465 4,692 5,891 6, 177 6,080 4, 184 4,022 5,224 6,983 6, "7 6,912 36,581 6,455 6,407 6,422 7,677 5,224 5,274 5,290 4, 79 8 6,744 3,738 5,479 6,215 6,905 5,5H 7,424 5,712 6,612 4,748 6,768 3,8o8 7,455 127,622 6,418 5,679 5,73' 6,789 1878 1877 1873 1874 1878 1874 1873 1874 1874 1873 f 1877 \ 1878 1875 1875 / 1873 \ 1874 1874 1878 1874 1876 1876 1878 1878 1878 1877 1875 1877 1878 1878 1877 1874 1874 1878 1878 1878 1875 1875 1878 1875 1874 1875 / 1873 1 1877 1874 f 1876 I 1877 (. 1878 1874 1878 1874 1878 1875 1874 1874 1877 1877 1876 Constancia (Rio Grande) . .... Corrales (Rio Grande) . Coyote (Coyote Creek) Crittendens Ranch _ . Crow Creek Stage Station ... .. Cubero Cuchilla _ . . Cuchillo Don Rafael Plaza _ Dowlins Mill (Rindoso Creek) El Chorro.. El Rito El Rito Elizabethtown. Ellis Ranch (Animas River) Embuda (Rio Grande) Estancia Ranch and Spring Emerys Ranch Fests P'erry (Rio Grande) Florida Mountains and Tres Hermanas, flat Fort Cummings and Mimbres River, divide Francisco Ranches (Rio Grande de Taos) between between.. Galisteo Gallinas Ranch Gavilan Canon, divide in Georgetown _ . Gran Quivira Ruins Greens Ranch Guadalupita . Hillsboro ... Hot Fprings and Mimbres Settlement, divid Indian Ranch _ __ .. e Isleta, three-fourths of a mile south of . _ . Jaroso Tackson Ranch (Cottonwoods) . Jemez Johnsons Ranch, near Kozlowski Ranch I>a Bajada La Glorieta La Joya (Rio Grande) __ . La Junta (Mora River) _. La Tenaja Las Colonas (Vaca Creek) Las Cruces Las Nutritas (Tierra Amarilla) _ . Las 1 ruchas . Las Vegas (Astronomical Monument) Lincoln . Lomitas Los Alamos (Sapello CreSk) . U. S. GEOGRAPHICAL SURVEYS. 165 TABLE III. CITIES, TOWNS, SETTLEMENTS, ETC. Continued. Locality and name. Atlas sheet. Altitude in feet above sea. Expedi- tionary year. NEW MEXICO Continued. Los Brazos (Tierra Amarilla) 6gB 187,4 Los Fuertos de San Augustin 78A 1871; Los Griegos (Laguna) . 78A 6 656 l87C Los Lentes g-iB 1878 Los Lunas 77D A 807 f 8?3 J 1876 Los Ojos (Tierra Amarilla) 6qB 7 27"? ( 1878 1874 Los Pinos (Rio Grande) . 77B / */J A 67 l877 Los Quelites 77A ( l l 73 Los Machos (Rio Pecos) 6qD I 1875 1874 Los Posos del Pino 77D f 1876 J 1877 McCarthys Ranch (San Jose Creek) 77A (. 1878 1 l8 * 73 McEvers Ranch (Berenda Creek) 840 5 086 \ 1874 1878 McKnights Ranch (North Star road) 84C 6 217 1878 Magruders Silver Mine 840 e 864. 1878 Masons Ranch _ 84.C A 771 1878 Mesilla Crossing (Rio Grande) ooB 3 7^4. 1878 Mestenito 77D 6 268 1876 Mimbres River Ford, near Hot Springs 84-C * O28 1878 Mimbres Settlement 840 1878 Mora 7oC 7 Od.1 1874 Myers Ferry (Rio Grande) 6qB 7. 4-^4. 1878 Nacimiento 6gC 7 1OO 1874 Nambe Pueblo 6qD 1874 Ocate (Ocate Creek) . 7oC 7 O77 1874 Ojo Caliente 6qD 6 126 1874 Ojo Caliente . 84A 6, 08 1 1878 Palomas (Rio Grande) 84C 4, 160 1878 Paraje Ferry (Rio Grande) . 84A 4. 1$1 1877 Paraje, on Rio Grande 84A 4, -2IQ 1877 Parias Ranch ... 838 a6 896 1878 Pattersons Ranch 8?B a6, 720 1878 Pena Blanca (Rio Grande) 77B 5, '7 1878 Pena Blanca, ford of Rio Grande 77B c. 107 1878 Peralta . 77B 4,661 1877 Piedra Pintado Canon (El Puerto) 78A a S>477 1875 Picacho de Sabinal 77D 4, 7 21 f 1876 Picuris Pueblo " 6qD 7,108 \ 1878 1874 Pinos Altos 84C 6,845 1878. Placitas 77B c, 1 20 187^ Plaza del Alcalde 6qD 5,621; f 1874 1876. Point of Rocks, on Jornado del Muerto 84C 4,268 1877 1878: 1878 Pojoaque 6qD a<(. 7^0 r 1876 Pojuate 77A a6, 269 I 1877 1874 Pueblo Colorado. . 76 6,368 1873 166 BAROMETBIC ALTITUDES. TABLE III. CITIES, TOWNS, SETTLEMENTS, ETC. Continued. Locality and name. Atlas sheet. Altitude in feet above sea. Expedi- tionary year. NEW MEXICO Continued. Pueblo Pintado 6qC 6 506 l87C Puertocito 77B l87C Puertocito, near Fort Stanton 84B 6,428 1877 Punta del Agua 77D 1877 Ragado 7oC 6 C72 l87A Ralston .. 8qB 04, 488 187^ Real de Dolores (Old Placer) 77B 6,802 187^ Real de San Francisco (New Gold Placers) 773 6 6^0 1871: Rincon, Colorado, mouth of 78A e. Ttg 1877 Rio Grande Ford, near Fort Craig 84A 4> 44 ' 1876 Rio Grande, 14 miles above Fort Craig 84A 4, ^7 1876 Rito Quemado . 76D a6, 827 1878 Rindoso and North Fork Tulerosa Creeks, divide 846 7,686 1877 San Augustin (Shedds Ranch) . 840 4,378 1878 San Antonio 6qD a$, 62% 1874 San Cristobal Crossing (Rio Grande) 6qB 6 C7C ( 1874 San Cristobal Crossing, Highbank, west of 698 7 I7Q I 1878 ( 1874 San Felipe Pueblo (Rio Grande) 776 #5, 007 t 1878 1878 San Felipe de Santiago 7oC C, I IO 1874 San Fernandez de Taos 6oD 6, 04.0 I87C San Francisco, upper plaza 8^B 5,6S8 1878 San Ignacio 77A a?. SIS 1874 San Ildefonso (Rio Grande) . , _ 6qD c,4c8 1874 San Jose . _ .. 6oD #5, 648 1874 San Jose, on Rio Grande 84A 4. 717 1877 San Juan 6qD #5, 601 1874 'San Lorenzo (Oso Creek) _, _. 6qD ff6, 107 1874 San Luis Rey 776 5, 152 1878 San Mateo 77 A. 7, 727. 1874 .San Pedro, I mile below . 77B 6,1164 187? San Pedro . 846 4,488 1877 San Simeon, cienega of 8qB aT., 8w 1873 San Ysidro .. 77B 5, 460 / 1873 Sanchez Ranch 77A 7, 298 \ "874 1871; Sandia (Rio Grande).. 776 S,on 1877 Sayres Ranch (Willow Creek), (United States forage station) Santa Ana ;oA 77B 6,694 ?, 202 1874 f 1873 -j 1874 Santa Cruz . 6oD 5,590 I 1878 1875 Santa Fe 6qD 6, 965 f 1874 J 1875 Santa Rita Copper Mines . 84C 6, 161 I 1877 1878 Santa Rita and Upper Mimbres, divide between 84C 6, 779 1878 Santa Rosa 78A 4, 766 1875 Santo Domingo ( Rio Grande) 776 5, 191 1877 Santo Nino del Rincon 7oC 7,418 1874 Shaws Ranch 84A 7, 256 1878 Silla 77B 6,677 1873 Silver City 8?D 5, 771 1878 Slocums Ranch 84C 4, 519 1878 Socorro 77C 4, ^04 ( 1876 I 1877 U. S. GEOGRAPHICAL SURVEYS. 167 TABLE III. CITIES, TOWNS, SETTLEMENTS, ETC. Continued. Locality and name. Atlas sheet. Altitude in feet above sea. Expedi- tionary year. NEW MEXICO Continued. Socorro Ford __ . _ 77C 7oC 6gD 6gD 6 9 D 78A 6gD 6gD 77 B 68D 846 840 7oA 84A 846 89 76 2OA 2OA 2oA 2 9 A 2OA 20D 2gD 20D 20D 29 A 2gD 20C 20D 28D 20A 20B 296 2OA 20A 2OA 2OA 20C 293 388 38A 20A 2 9 C 20A 20C 2OA 2OA 290 4,534 5,844 6,949 7,oi5 6,983 5,831 6,668 a6, 245 6, 214 6,506 4,634 4,358 6,259 8,960 6,582 04,374 6,392 2,844 (12, 096 i,795 4,124 3,335 5,124 4,495 01,830 1,561 4,237 4,762 02, 794 2,603 6,412 3,197 2, 142 4,273 180 1 88 215 3,515 2,563 4,657 04, 559 4,953 1,267 4,312 01, 160 3,621 12246 al, 624 4,174 1877 1876 / 1874 I 1877 1874 1877 1875 f 1874 1 1877 1874 1875 1873 1877 f 1877 I '878 1874 1878 1877 1873 / 1873 t 1874 1878 1878 1878 1878 1878 1878 1878 1878 1878 1878 1878 1878 1878 1878 1878 1878 1878 1878 1878 1878 1878 1878 1878 1878 1877 1878 1878 1878 1878 1878 1878 1878 Stone Ranch (Franklin Ranch) (Canadian River) Taos __ Taos Pueblos . . - Taos Rancho de (Francisco Ranches) . Taylor Ranch Tesuque Tesuque Pueblo Tijeras __ .., Toussaints Ranch .. . __ W ite Rock Canon, head of divide , . W .iters Ranch . \ ucca Camp _._ ._ /uni , ._ __ OREGON. Antelope (post-office) _ _ Barlow Tollgate (Stricklands Ranch) Barnums Ranch . Big Meadows Big Prairie (Salmon River) __ Big Summit Prairie __ Brattons Ranch -- - Bridge Creek (post-office) _. -__ Burnt Ranch (John Day River) Buttons Ranch _ Buzzard Canon __. Carmicals Ranch (Crooked River) _ . Cherry and Muddy Creeks, divide between Crater Lake road, summit of Cross Hollows (post-office) Currant Creek (Stage Station) . Dalles City Dalles: North Base South Base _ _ Deschutes and John Day Rivers, divide on Shears road Deschutes River, toll-bridge near Carmicals Dillard and Rensha ws Ranch _ _ Drakes Ranch . Drew Valley (post-office) . Durands Ranch, near Silver Lake __ Eaton Ranch (post-office) ___...._. - Farewell Bend (Deschutes River) Five-mile House, near The Dalles ._ Fitzpatrick Ranch Fosters Ranch on Summer Lake _ . _ _ 168 BAROMETRIC ALTITUDES. TABLE III. CITIES, TOWNS, SETTLEMENTS, ETC. Continued. Locality and name. Atlas sheet. Altitude in feet above sea. Expedi- tionary year. OREGON Continued. 386 5,128 1878 llC 33 1878 20C 4, 479 1878 2OA 3,026 1878 Halds Ranch ._ 20D 3,287 1878 Half-way Camp (East Deschutes River) 2gA 4,081 1878 Haystack or Finnegans Ranch _. 2oA 2, 144 1878 Hiltons Ranch . _1 2OA 3,007 1878 2OA (7388 1878 Hoskins Ranch (Silver Creek) _ 298 4, 139 1878 2OA 2,018 1878 290 4,466 1878 Kamas Prairie 20A 3,020 1878 386 5, 525 1877 2gC 04, 156 1878 388 4,8Si f 1877 Langtons Ranch (Great Oregon Desert) _ 2gA 5,163 I '878 1878 Little Meadows (East Deschutes River) . 2gA 4, 258 1878 2gA 4, 428 1878 Lone Pine Ranch __ 2oC (23,064 1878 McNeals Ranch 20D 34,003 1878 Metoles River, ford of _ - 20C 1,902 1878 Millers Bridge (Deschutes River) _ 2OA 1 66 1878 Millers Ranch near Summer Lake ._ 2 9 C 4,420 1878 2gD 4,828 1878 Mount Hood (post-office), (Columbia River) iiC 260 1878 2OA 2,414 1878 Oak Grove Settlement (post-office) 2oA ff2, 148 1878 Parrish Ranch 20C 3,33 1878 Partons Ranch (Rim Rock Mountains) , 2gC 4,498 1878 Pauline Valley, ranch in 20D 3, 872 1878 Prineville 20C 2,899 1878 Rim Rock Mountains and Summer Lake, divide between 2gC 6,868 1878 Saw Mill (Mill Creek) - 20A 3,307 1878 Sherars Bridge (Deschutes River), (post-office) 2OA 702 1878 Sherars Mill Falls on White River _ 20A al,oi2 1878 2OA 3, 94 1878 2gC 4, 960 1878 The Dalles (Astronomical Monument) _ 20A 1 80 1878 Tygh Valley Settlement . ... 2OA 1,089 1878 Upper Cascades Ranch (Columbia River) 2OA 127 1878 Wallace Ranch (Deep Creek) 386 4,487 1878 Warm Spring Indian Agency _ . _ 20C 1,514 1878 Warner Lake Flat 2gD 4,544 1878 Wasco . 2OA al, 109 1878 Williamson River Ford, near Klamath agC 4-387 1878 TEXAS. El Paso, or Franklin ooB 3,623 1878 UTAH. Alder or Big Canon, mouth of . 4iA 6, 'I'll 1877 Alma near Weber River 4iD 4, 262 1878 American Fork _. - _ 5oB 4,578 1872 U. S. GEOGRAPHICAL SURVEYS. TABLE III. CITIES, TOWNS, SETTLEMENTS, ETC. Continued. Locality and name. UTAH Continued. Bear Valley 66C 7,072 Beaver 5gA 6,060 Beaver (Astronomical Monument) 5gA 5, 916 Birch and Paria Creeks, divide between _. 59 7, 591 Blanchards (Salt Spring) 4lB 4,634 Blue Creek Station (Central Pacific Railroad) 4lA /4, 379 Bovine (Central Pacific Railroad) 4lC 4,363 Brigham City (court-house) 4lB 4, 476 Cedar City 5gC 5,727 Centreville 4lD 4, 275 Circleville (Sevier River) 59 5,625 Clarkstcn 416 04, 853 Clear Creek Stage Station 41 A 05, 536 Coles Farm (on Mesa) 41 B 4, 233 Corinne (Central Pacific Railroad) 4lB 74,233 Corinne (Signal Office) 41 B l\, 244 Cove Creek Station (Beaver Range) 59 6,960 Curlew 41 A 4,396 Danishtown 4lB #4, 408 Deep Creek (Astronomical Monument) 496 5,237 Deseret City 5oC 4,642 Deweyville 416 4,415 Diamond City 506 6,369 East Valley (Snowy Range) 506 7, 539 El Vadode los Padres 67 3, 194 Ephraim City 5oD 5, 633 Fairfield (Camp Floyd) 506 4,866 Fausts Station 5oA 5, 296 Fillmore _ 59^ 6,026 Fillmore (Astronomical Monument)* 596 6,120 Fountain Green 5oD 5,873 Glenwood, near Richfield 59 5,221 Goshen, northwest of, near Utah Lake 508 4, 482 Goulds Ranch 67 4,052 Gunnison (Astronomical Monument) 5oD 5,145 Hackberrys Ranch (Promontory Range) 4lD 4,171 Hamptons Bridge 4lB 4, 371 Hay Spring Ranch. 5gA 5,092 Heber, near 506 5, 571 Hebron 58 5,475 Hooperville (School-house) 4lD 4,239 Hunterville 4iD 5, on Hyde Park 416 34,412 Iron City 59 6,099 Joes Valley (east side of), Snowy Range 5oD 8,420 Kanab (Astronomical Monument) fyA. 4,909 Kanara 5gC 5>449 Kamas, near 508 6, 301 Kaysville, Hills Farm, near 4lD 4,252 Keiths Ranch 41 A 04,737 Kelton (Central Pacific Railroad) 4lA 74,226 Lakeside (Great Salt Lake) 4lD 4, 260 Lakeside Station (Central Pacific Railroad) 4lA /4, 218 Laketown 418 5,993 Lehi (Utah Southern Railroad) 508 4,596 Lewiston 418 4, 489 Atlas sheet. Altitude in feet above sea. Expedi- tionary year. 1872 1873 1872 1872 1877 1877 1878 1877 1872 1878 1872 1877 1877 1878 1873 1877 1872 1877 1877 1872 1872 1877 1872 1872 1872 1872 1872 1872 1872 1872 1872 1872 1872 1872 1872 1878 1877 1872 1872 1872 1878 1877 1877 1872 1873 1872 1872 1872 1878 1877 1877 1878 1877 1877 1873 1877 On Chalk Creek, three miles east of Fillmore. 170 BAROMETltIC ALTITUDES. TABLE III. CITIES, TOWNS, SETTLEMENTS, ETC. Continued. Locality and name. Atlas sheet. Altitude in feet above sea. Expedi- tionary year. UTAH Continued. Little Cottonwood 5oB 4,359 Little Mountain 4lD 4, 264 Logan 4'B 4,533 Lucin (Central Pacific Railroad) 4oD /4, 495 Mammoth Mill (Needle Range) 58 6,947 Marshs Ranch (Promontory Range) 4lC 4, 230 Matlin (Central Pacific Railroad) 4iA /4, 599 Meadowville 4'B 5,975 Mendon 4iB 4,553 Monument (Central Pacific Railrjad) 4lA /4, 230 Mountain Meadows : 59 5> 74 2 Mount Pleasant, near 5oD 6,089 Nephi 5oD 4,920 North Ogden Canon, mouth c f 4lD 4,890 North Ogden (Co-operative store) 4lD 4,509 North Willard 4lD 4,276 Oak Creek Settlement SoC 5, 159 Ogden Observatory (Astronomical Monument) 4iD 74,374 Ogden (Central Pacific Railroad) 4lD /4, 300 Ombe (Central Pacific Railroad) 4lA /4, 724 Panquitch, near 59 6, 273 Paradise 416 4,863 Paragoonah 59 6, 223 Paria __ 67 4,562 Parowan 5gC 5,910 Payson SoB 4, 523 Pettingills Ranch (Promontory Range) 4lD 4, 208 Pilot Springs 41 A 4, 704 Plain City 4iA 4,224 Pleasant Valley post-office 4iB 06,065 Point Lookout ... 418 4,565 Pons Ranch 41 A 04, 737 Potatoe Valley, head of 5gD 8, 610 Promontory (Central Pacific Railroad) 41 A l\, 908 Provo (Astronomical Monument) 506 4,567 Rabbit Valley, south end 59 6, 849 Richfield, near Sevier River Bridge (Astronomical Monument) 596 5, 283 Richmond 4lB 4, 6^6 Ricks Bridge (Logan Creek) 416 4,452 Rosebiers, on Dove Creek 4lA 04, 999 Rozel (Central Pacific Railroad) 4iA /4, 597 Saint George (Astronomical Monument) 67 A. 2, 6n Salt Lake City (Observatory), (Temple Pier) 4iD /4, 330 Salt Lake City (Signal Office) 4iD /4,352 Scipio, near 5oD 5, 113 Shoonesburg 67 A 3,920 Skeens Ranch 4iA 4,266 Skumpah 67A 6,000 Smithfield 418 4,623 Stauffers (North Fork Raft River) 4lA 04,795 i 1872 1878 1877 1872 1878 1878 1877 1877 1877 1877 1872 1873 1872 1877 1877 1877 1872 ("1873 \ '874 1 1877 {1877 1877 1872 1877 1872 fl8 7 2 \i873 1872 1872 1878 1877 1878 1877 1877 1877 1872 1877 1873 1873 1872 1877 1877 1877 1877 1871 / '873 11877 1878 1872 1872 1877 fl8 7 2 11873 1877 1877 U. S. GEOGRAPHICAL SURVEYS. 171 TABLE III. CITIES, TOWNS, SETTLEMENTS, ETC. Continued. Locality and name. Atlas sheet. Altitude in feet above sea. Expedi- tionary year. UTAH Continued. Strawberry Valley SoB 7> 7 I 7 1872 Ten-mile Station , _ 4lA 5,086 1877 Terrace (Central Pacific Railroad) 4iA 4, SSI 1878 Tibballs Ranch 4lA 4, 204 1877 Toponce Ranch . . . ..... 4iB 4,583 1877 Van Hellers Ranch 4iA 4, 807 1877 Washington . _ _ 67 2, 906 1872 Willard City , ^ 4iD 4,311 1878 Willow Creek (Utah Southern Railroad) SOB 4,409 1872 Winegar Ranch, near mouth Jordan River ... 4iD 4, 206 1878 WASHINGTON. Walla Walla (Astronomical Monument) I2C 1,034 1878 WYOMING. Cheyenne (Astronomical Monument). . 44-C /6, 041 1872 Green River Station (Union Pacific Railroad, Astronomical Monu- ment) _ . 428 6,096 1873 Evanston (Union Pacific Railroad, Richard's Astronomical Monu- ment) 42C /6, 757 1877 Laramie (Union Pacific Railroad, Astronomical Monument) 43D 7, 123 1872 MEXICO. Algodones Station . . ,. 8iD 1 88 1876 New River Station. _. 8iC 80 1876 172 BAROMETRIC ALTITUDES TABLE IV. LAKES, SPRINGS, ETC. Locality and name. Atlas sheet. Altitude in feet above sea. Expedi- tionary year. ARIZONA. Antelope Spring, near Humphreys Peak . _ . 75 8,065 1871 Apache Spring . - . 76 6, 125 1873 Blue Spring . _ - - -- 76 7, 796 1873 Cave Springs .. _. - - 76 6,031 '873 Cottonwood Spring near White Cliff Creek 7$ 4, ^7 1871 Coyote Spring 7&D 6, 874 1878 Deer Spring 76 5,982 / J73 Desert Tanks (Great Colorado Plateau) 76C S, 102 \ 1874 1871 Diamond Creek, mouth of _ 67 I, ViO 1871 Eureka Springs _ 83 4,239 1873 Green Spring , , 67 4,931 1873 Limestone Waterpocket __ 67 5,4O5 1873 Lockwood Spring, near Bill Williams Mountain (Relief Spring) _ Mineral Springs 75 76 5,527 6,670 1871 1873 Mountain Spring _ _ 74D 3, 596 1875 Navajo Spring 67 4, no '873 Nelson Tanks _ _ 75 6,216 1871 Peach Orchard Spring 68C 6, 273 1873 Pine Tanks . __ 83 5, 649 1871 Reservoir Lake 1 9,056 1873 76 6, 169 1873 Summit Springs _ __ 76 7,867 1873 Sunset Tanks ._ _ 76 5,797 1871 8^A 5,717 / 1873 Tin-nah-kah Spring (Colorado Plateau) 66 4,080 \ 1874 1871 Truxton Springs 75 3,886 1871 Tule Spring _ _ 76 5,925 873 Tule Spring, near La Tilla 76D 5,86i 1878 Volunteer Spring, near Humphreys Peak _ 75 7, 106 1871 White-rock Spring 68C a6, 301 1873 Willow Spring 76 7, 201; ( 1873 CALIFORNIA. Antelope Spring (Amador road) 568 4,272 1 1874 1878 Arab Springs (Coso Mountains i 6<;D 5,697 1871 Ash Springs 65 A 1,810 1878 Bah-le-bah Spring 656 6,284 1875 Bird Spring _ . . . __ 73A 3,949 1878 Bennetts Well (Death Valley) 6sD j.y^y 1875 Black Spring, on Big Tree road _ . 56B 6,421 1877 Blue Lake, upper __ _ 566 8,094 1877 Bridal Veil Creek, one-half mile above Yosemite Trail 56D 6,938 1879 Bridal Veil Fall, Merced River, opposite 56D 3,823 1878 Bridal Veil Fall, pool at foot of _ _ _ _ 56D 4, 150 1878 Bridal Veil Fall, top <;6D 4, 769 1878 Caliente Springs 73 A 3,688 1875 Canon Springs _ 8iA 1,238 f 1875 I '876 U. 8. GEOGRAPHICAL SURVEYS. TABLE IV. LAKES, SPRINGS, ETC. Continued. 173 Locality and name. Atlas sheet. Altitude in feet above sea. Expedi- tionary year. CALIFORNIA Continued. Carnelian Hot Springs (Lake Tahoe) 47 D 56B 47A 47A 3 8D 56B S6D 8iD 3 8B 6 S C 73A 65 A 73A 47D 566 8iA 47A 56D 74A 8iC 47A 3 8B 73B 73B 656 74A 3 8C S6B 566 56B 568 47 B 3 8D /4?B \38D 47A 4 yB 47 B 47D 566 r6 S C 650 ' 73A 173B 8iC 476 8oB 3 8B 47 D 56D 4?B 47B 566 6 S C S 6D 6,257 6,392 5.934 a6, 085 5,808 5,512 9, 646 /88 5,329 3,876 2, 162 4,957 1,989 5,88s 5,998 28 5, "4 4,6 3 o . 4, 220 iss 5,864 4,697 4,015 2, 180 2,432 3,272 4, 277 5,42i 8,567 8,620 4,670 3,949 5,476 } 5.39 6,080 3,959 3,851 6,257 6,005 I 2, 608 2O 5,757 i, 292 5,060 6, 202 8,558 5,268 5,431 7,242 3,o86 8,575 1876 1877 1878 1878 1877 1877 1878 1876 1878 1871 1878 1871 1871 1876 1877 1875 1877 1879 1875 1876 1878 1877 1875 1875 1871 1875 1878 1878 1877 1877 1877 1876 1877 1877 1878 1877 1877 1876 1877 1875 1876 1876 1876 1877 1876 1878 1876 1876 1877 1875 1878 Carson River east fork, and Silver King Creek, junction of Chip Creek head of Cinder Cone, lake east of . Clear Lake (Warner Range) Cold Spring, east of Stonebreakers _. ._ Conness Peak lake 2 miles northwest of Cooks Well .. Cow Head Lake . . Cow Spring . Desert Spring _ . Double Springs . Dry Lake near Bitter Springs Eagle Lake . - Eleanor Lake .. Gardners Well Goose Lake - , Granite Springs Grant Wells .. Grapevine Spring (Grapevine Mountains) Halloran Springs . Hat and Lost Creeks, junction of __ Herring Creek and Stanislaus River, junction of Highland Lake north tributary to Mokelumne River Highland Lake, south, tributary to Stanislaus River Hines Hot Spring Honey Lake - Horse Lake Hot Springs Hot Springs east of Honey Lake . Hot Springs (Lake Tahoe) .__.__ Indian-Wells -- Indian Wells - . Ken- Spring (Willow Creek) Lacuna Grande (San Jacinto Valley) Lake Tahoe Lamberts Soda Spring Last Chance and Squaw Queen Creeks, junction of Last Chance and Thompson Creeks, junction of Leek Spring old emigrant trail to Pleasant Valley Little Lake Ly ell Creek mouth of 174 BAEOMETRIC ALTITUDES. TABLE IV. LAKES, SPRINGS, ETC. Continued. Locality and name. Atlas sheet. Altitude in feet above sea. Expedi- tionary year. CALIFORNIA Continued. Mazurka Creek Springs .. 6, 202 1871: Meadow Lake 47 D 7 377 1877 Mesquite Spring _ . 2, OIO 1871 Middle Alkali Lake (Surprise Valley) 38D 4, ?SI 1877 Mirror Lake 1878 Mud Spring (Amador road ) <;6B c, 07-3 1878 Mud Spring, Noble Pass road. 47 B 4, 671 1877 Nevada Fall, foot of, Yosemite Valley <;6D 5, 203 1878 Nevada Fall, top of, Yosemite Valley ... . 5,808 1878 ' Owens I,ake . .. _ ocC 3, S67 1871 Packers Lake, near 47C O> J"/ 6. 04 1 1876 Pah-ute Spring 74 B 2, 849 1871 Peach Spring .. __ 1878 Rattlesnake Lake 47 D 6, 88 1 1877 Rose Spring _ _ 6<;C 1871; Sack etts Wells . .. 8iC 2IO 1876 /San Joaquin, north fork, head of . 56D 7, 184 1878 Saratoga Springs 66C 264 1871 Secret Valley Creek, head of . ..... 47 B 4, 934 1877 Seven Wells 8iC /6o 1876 Silver Lake (reservoir of El Dorado and Deep Gravel Mining Company) .. ... 566 7, 174 1877 Silver Spring, near Lookout Hill . 650 04, no 1875 Soap Spring 7 3 A 706 1878 Soda Lake, sink of Mohave River 74A i, 128 1875 Soda Springs _ 47 D 5,882 1877 Surveyors Wells 736 3,567 1875 Tragedy Spring . . 566 7,989 1877 Twin Lake, near Tejon Pass . . 73A 5, 106 1878 Vernal Fall, foot of, Yosemite Valley . . 56D 4,633 1878 Vernal Fall, top of, Yosemite Valley 56D 4, 976 1878 Virginia Creek Trail, lake near summit of 56D 10, 090 1878 Warm Spring (Sonora road).. 568 f 1877 Webber Lake .... 47 D 6 808 1 1878 f 1876 Wild Rose Spring 4, 683 t >77 1871; Willow Creek, mouth of Petes Valley . 47 B 1877 Willow Lake.. c 782 187? Willow Spring, near Ehrenberg f i87>; Willow Spring, 13^ miles southwest of Mohave Station . 8iB 420 \ 1676 Yosemite Falls, foot of lower 73A 2,573 4, 018 1875 1878 Yosemite Falls, foot of upper 56D 1878 Yosemite Falls, top of upper /6, 482 1878 Yosemite Falls, top of lower JJ6D /4, 421 1878 COLORADO. Beaver Creek, mouth of 8 416 Buffalo Springs (South Park) 6iB #8 264 1877 12C 4., -2 CO 1877 Deep Creek (head spring) 4iA 4,761 1877 Fly Spring _ __ T,2C 5,912 1877 \2C ?. 2?<; 1877 John Days Lake 12D 6,400 1877 Malade Springs _ __ . T.2C 5, 150 1877 Marsh Lake (Sams Ranch) gc 4, 123 1877 Mule Spring, head of Gentile Valley -J.2D 5, 245 1877 Palisade Spring __ _ . T.2C 4, 528 1877 \2C 3 / 1877 Carrizillo Spring ooA 4,457 \ '878 1878 Cattle Spring 4> 54 1878 Chupadero Spring _ _ _ __ _ 77D 6, 241 1877 Cottonwood Spring (Franklin Range) qoB 4, 77"? 1878 Cow Spring (Antelope Plains) 84C ^,001 i 1873 Cross Spriiv 77A 6 265 \ 1878 l87A Culebra Spring 77C c. 707 1876 Datil Spring 77C 7. 4IQ 187-? Deer Spring 68D 7 68-! l87? Dripping Spring (San Andreas Range) 846 ^.623 1877 Elk Spring (Sacramento Range) 840 7,414 1878 Empedrados Tanks 78A 6. 4^7 1876 Gallo Spring (Datil Range) , 76 1873 Gallo Spring 77A 7. QA.1 1871; Gallo Spring Ojo Chameleon _ 77D 1878 Ojo de Estancia . 7?D 1876 Ojo de Nuestra Senora .._. ogC 6 606 I87C Ojo del Cibolo 77D 1877 Ojo del Oso. 77D 7 786 1876 Ojo de la Casa _ _ 77D 1876 Ojo de la Parida 77D 1877 Ojo de la Quinca 77C Z 672 1876 Ojo de las Canas . 77D 1876 Ojo de Los Pinos 6gC 7 OCX 1874 Ojo Milagro . . 848 1X77 Ojo Seco &5A t 2S8 1877 Oscuro Water-holes 846 c c6i 1877 Pato Pond (Jicarilla Mountains) 8 4 B 1877 Pato Spring (Jicarilla Mountains) . 8 4 B 1877 Pedtrnal Spring 77B 6 804 1877 Pedernal Water- holes 77B 6 850 187? Penasco Creek, head of 840 1878 Pescado Spring 76 6 c.d.6 1871 Pueblo Spring. 77C 6 108 / "873 Rock Springs 76 1 "878 187^ Salt Lake (Alkaline Ponds) 77D 1876 Salt Lake, near Sweet Water Spring 76 v, 04 / 1871 San Andreas Water-holes, or Dripping Spi ing _ 846 1877 San Diego Hot Springs 6gD 8 720 l87i San Lorenzo Spring 77C 1878 San Marco Spring 77B 6 056 1876 San Nicolas Spring . 84D 4 218 1878 Sapillo and Manuclit Creeks, junction of . 7OC 6 876 l87i Silver Springs 840 7 67.8 1878 Stinking Springs.. 76 6 690 1877 Stinking Springs 77B l87C Taylor Spring. 846 6 988 1877 Thompsons Spring, 7 miles northwest Oak Spring 76 7 6O7 1877 Tomascenos Water-holes 77D ^. SO2 1876 Torreon Spring.. 84A c 080 1877 Tres Cerros Springs 846 6 128 1877 Two Cave Spring 77A 1874 Valley Spring ' 77B l87C Warm Springs, mouth San Diego Canon 6oD 8 766 1874. Waterpool in Chasco Mountains 68D 6,380 187? West Gallinas Spring 77D 7 677 1877 White Oak Spring _ 846 6, 618 1877 U. S. GEOGRAPHICAL SURVEYS. TABLE IV. LAKES, SPRINGS, ETC. Continued. 179 Locality and name. Atlas sheet. Altitude in feet above sea. Expedi- tionary year. NEW MEXICO Continued. White Tail Spring 846 7, 517 1877 White Water Spring, near ._ _ . 840 3,888 1878 Willow Springs TjA 6,677 1874 OREGON. Abert Lake (Alkaline) 20D 4, 2OQ 1878 Big Spring (Klamath Marsh) 2gC 4, 5^2 1878 Corral Springs, on Oregon road 2gA 4,569 1878 Corral Spring, camp near source 2gA 4,78^ 1878 Crater Lake, edge of cliff, 900 feet above . 28D 7> '43 1878 Crescent Lake . f 28B I #4,753 1878 Davis Lake _ . \2gA 2gA 4,466 1878 Fall Creek Cascade 2qA 4, 178 1878 Fish Lake .. . . 20C 3, 155 1878 Four-mile Lake, near Mount Pitt 28D 5. 610 1878 Fort Klamath Reservation, spring in 2gC 4, 5Q7 1878 Goose Lake 38B 4, 697 1877 Horsehead Spring 2QA 4, 1 86 1878 Lodge Pole Spring 20C 1,648 1878 Mule Spring 2gD 4,738 1878 North Twin Lake 28D a$, 117 1878 Odell Lake . 286 4,873 1878 Pauline Lake __ .. 2gA 6,336 1878 Summer Lake 2gC 4, 163 1878 Summit Lake ._ _ _ 28B 5, 610 1878 Warm Springs (Warm Spring River) 2OA i, ^20 1878 Warm Spring Indian Agency 20C i, 514 1878 Willow Spring, near Round Butte 29C 4, 696 1878 UTAH. Antelope Spring (House Range) . 506 6, 701 1872 Antelope Spring (Promontory Range) 4lA 4,858 1878 Antelope Spring, upper _. __ 5 7> '11 1872 Bear Lake 416 S.O?S 1877 Berrys Spring 67 2,810 1872 Big Dam Springs . 4lD 4, 317 1877 Blue Spring 4iA -t, 613 1877 Buckhorn Spring _ . _ _ 59 C 5,688 1872 Connors Spring .. _ . 4iD 4, 251 1878 Desert Spring, near Hebron 58 5,887 1872 Emigrant Springs 4iA 5, 271 1877 Fish Lake 5Q 8, 76^5 1872 Fish Springs so A 4, 269 1872 Good Indian Spring 5oA 5, 771 1872 Great Salt Lake 4iA /4, 210 1872 Ha-\vah-\vah Springs 59 5,551 1872 Hansel Spring (Dilleys Ranch) . 4iA 5,043 1877 Hay Patch Spring qoA 5, 590 1872 Indian Spring (Champlin Mountains) 5oA 5,283 1872 Mill Spring (Ha-wah-wah Range) .. . 59 6,504 1872 Pah-ghun Spring 66 2,282 1871 Raft River, head of south fork 4iA 6,723 1877 Salt Springs 4iA 4, 203 1877 San F'rancisco Springs (Picacho Mountains) 59 6,527 1872 180 BAROMETRIC ALTITUDES. TABLE IV. LAKES, SPRINGS, ETC. Continued. Locality and name. Atlas sheet. Altitude in feet above sea. Expedi- tionary year. UTAH Continued. Sevier Lake _ (So 1 4, 600 ; 1872 159 6;A / 5,558 I i73 1872 Washie pah-ghun Spring . 66D 4,421 1872 Weber River, mouth of _ _ 4iD 6, 202 1877 White River Junction, north and south forks 51 7,088 1873 Willow Springs . _ 5oA 4,421 1872 WYOMING. Canteen Springs _ _ 418 6,722 1877 MEXICO. Cookes Wells . 8iD 177 1876 Gardners Wells. ... .. 8iC 132 1876 Seven Wells 8iD 125 1876 U. S. GEOGRAPHICAL SURVEYS 181 C/3 W C/) en a o 3 182 BAROMETRIC ALTITUDES TABLE V. | CO C/3 I i |3 | | J g p | u g B ;g 5* 5 U ^ -a " o S g 2 . rt uv *w , tn aj *^ H l i 1 J'*. d 111 =3 > > 5 1 1 X JjT5 T3 - J ^ ^ 13 '3 W "rf H O $ ^ H H 5 """ t^ i"*^ 23 S tfl ^ ""3 gi ^ iji i so . 2 SiKl g sj f^fi* 31 -3 JS ^s ._. CJ ^S,-a W |-aS ,3 ^^^ ^ffi | '&S o 1/3 x S-c -^ i s si S &5'' Ji 8 2 2 x "IsS^ tr t S OJ '1 i SjcK 1 <"J8S) -S^(5& J3 ^^i/5'o--? 8 " tl !i!l ji flit I'Qgj 1^ ( g_^gg'g-B ~f^ ti <'^' i I - fll Hll flllllllll Illll-lPlli* "3 u *" " i-i t*.C 11 r* ^ 1 1 -.v: :|^S " *^" ^f 10 t-^ w^ -*f f^ t- OD ^ oo oo 1^1 rj * Q CO ^J J2 OJ Q^ ^ ^^^ 9) ^o 'ox So So^ ^ m W W U U <-s 1 I o 1 j i i i o O i i E 1 U r J rt rt ' rt '^ rt i H s_, g | 'S cu .2 S g E fi'l ' O 1 1 ! C c "C il C _^ JD O ^ 3 5) 'rt *- 13 u < u "1 Is zd II ! T3 ' 1 j (U 1 o TJ 1 rt ' i _C j ' rt 1 > 'O I S ' Ps i | tr g 1 P ' c J2 cr o c ' S 3 rt e g 8>- I rt "c I M S < 1^ ^ ^J S * 1 1 o o i rt o i > ~i | o OJ 3 --2 O r lU S s 1> O OJ 4 <; _c S " g 2 t-i )-i S 34 iS J-i S a B i if 1 B ci5c? c/5N ' CJ H u^ ^ > 5! oJ5 < 1 1 1 j i 1 1 j 1 1 1 r t i i i t > > 1 I i*-" i I H^ 3 I o i i V x en i ' *S i rl 1 rt 'fl ^ ^ ^ ^ ""^ ' S C 3 |c- rf II* * | |lg lie g a J -S,- -. -S, w 6 E c B 'S. S '3 S rt rtrtrt rt rtrt rt rt rtrtrt rt S ^ i i 1 i i & ..> d.s a 1 | bJ3 o ^~ OJD ^- ^ y b __ 15 . rt *4? pH.S ^"5 C G C b "5 rt j- 5O- 4> He" '5 ri S " rt d * 1 . I .a Cfi .i ^ s? S.^O-rt "sT $ Remarks. Summit of wagon- road from Los Finos In Sagnache. Trail from Torreon to Ojuelos. Wagon-road from head of Costilla Creek to \ Wagon-road from Cove Creek to Richfield. Trail from Antler post-office (Chandlers) to Wagon-road east of Trinchera Peak, from post-office northward. Branch of Poncho Pass road to South Park. Also called Kingsbury Grade. Simpson summit. Summit of road from San Bernardino. Eugene City and Fort Klamath, (Oregon Ct Central Pacific Railroad, Sunnmit Station. 7,056, and railroad levels 7,018 feet for si Summit of wagon-road from Truckee to Em On wagon-road from old Camp Goodwin to Montana stage route between Raft River an stations. Old overland route. Surprise Valley and Summit Lake road. On trail between Hot Springs (Lake Taho town. Cross road between Susanville and Fort Crc ville and Red Bluff road. Summit of trail from Lake Valley to Hope u (N ^-OO NO *t ^ in -^ 00 M CC ^-OO OO ^D 1^. OO - ^ o S O 1 IN * oo B O N 00 NO ro ON NO N^ "~" fl 'nl W o oo o NO NO 9 O\ r--. rf u^vC t^ ^-NO NO NO r^ in OO < - M S 1 || pq Q< O< t^ O ON ON O PQCQ GUQ QO< QM Q < M wO f^Ot->. r>.ro^H oocc t~*- t^. 'O \O "^ t>. PI ^~ TfOO ^j- ^f ro *} ^ 10 o 1 .1 1 ! i ! 1 ! ! ; i U 'x rt rt H o I 35 _O V t "o > fc i d OJ 5 c Colorado do .. Nevada S e 'c CJOC O 3 a a 'P a 'P S a "% o "2 o o O j- rt ^ rt (^ ^ 'C v'*3 '^ <:s u x u ! X \"v \^o & ! 2 'c 1 4 fa IS || a \ s> j |s g"|-g i & d 1 S 1 a o * ^ ^5 8)^ ! 2 I ffi * s 1 H 1 1 11 s ^ I 1 aj > cO > o- rt ' rte .-WO^-D ,c rt g. O p Sr^ K9 B. fB 2! rtP rt Ht * B i if hu M 1 g aj^ ^^E* 1 "^*^ ^ a !*: (U C S c rT 1 rt ^ ! J c >^ T; 13 S * OJ t/) ^ ^3 9 I > w ,^ ^ . o ^ 3 M .t ^ >'f3 E f r^'-S a S r Su 1* s *; ' tr'H w 4j q *0 (J jj PH J5 rt *-" ^3 ^ b 9 1 ^ *6 8 " S b/ So^^- > 6 G ^ c rrj " V *~" VJ ^? t 1 -! r: r- ; - f^ ,n (L f ^ls i| o s&G i-jr-iv j . ",5 M -g -a " 8 jj^S &>B d fe 2 2 a d^Ort n > C'-S Sil- 'i M 3 *'i o V >-s 1 G ! 2-| oS--^ w 5 s ' ' a ' 1 '| ?" s (4 x^o 'd MS c ^~'tiii a) -^'a 1 ^ ^ - a c 3 G 3 SB pi! |K| ^|^ | s | ; ui O ^ iiiSSf^UGS^Si^ o^SE ill 1 1 ii||i llllli&iilf ilii K| s|| ji 1^ I 6allll' 2 l6 6 6 K- CO COCO CNi^OLOO O GO *- rh t-- 5S.S-S M '"S^S' ^ n?2 2 2^o>u- ivo vo r^ o ^C ) ++ M t^r^ ~ |s osS oo ( i'S.o> "39 ( al rt (" Beaver and Pa Park Augusta _ Between Park Sierra Nevada Gosiute 1 PE *j g .S .0 _> 8 . ^ ^ fj-i C/3 CJ Hansel Mount Wet Mountain Sierra Nevada " -4-t C ( r^ 4J O 4- 3 S S C J X S cn i? Cascade Park,. i ! i i S 1 X 1 P* i J>> Name of remont pnch a 2 P i CJ3 j s ?>'? irJ ^8 1 ^o 5 ^11 i ansel . ard scrabble . askells G a O CJ S> 1 g a CM OJ -i ^ C rt rt ri 1 .i .fcfcOOOO OO X WKffiE X X X X XX X i S,S;>85 ^^ S 8#R K. ft K S 1CTR {; C. S. GEOGRAPHICAL SURVEYS. 185 8 w 4) - i g ,^ t* *> 3 f - en 4) So fj 3 t a |T "S iS 1 4) S 35 a O c 13 cl 3 s l-gg S^ * M* T3 lii g i ^ ^ -s C fe *^ C 4> * ! g S J f5 g s> s o 'rt C TJ *"n oj o rt .2 i Jl p4 4) T3 w ^ ^ fc. s > j g. rH i^ Remarks. 1 1 i "s *o s M > i- 1 1,1 iiJJi sis ^ -g en M I-H w ^ ' ci 4) 4> ,fl sis, |J|.|| o-^ l ^ fi| fiUf "^ S is Hi .i3ii 1=^ I On wagon-road from Trinidad soutl dian. On wagon-road from Agua Fria to North of Torreys and Grays Peaks. Wagon-road between Loyalton and On stage road from Hope Valley to '. gives 7,505 for altitude of this pa Ranch road from Honey Lake Vail Basin. "I 8 > a OO O ^^O t^ ^^ Tj-vO ^D lO ^^ O\ N ^""-O f*> OO fO N OO N 8 *^- O *-O i-ri HH o\ M co CO O O ON "*3 r* ^ in t> 00 00 .-.1^1-^ m < a * w Q ^ Q J O <-! P3 Q W W Q O !** W t^vO t^ . ir> U-) m CTO ^ Ti ^ i^ ^^-^ ^ & [ | i i o 1 8 1 o t O ' p rt H 8 1 l?l -3 1 |4 11 | ] * S^ j o a * S.O ST3 0^-0 4 I 3-0 N c O fc i7 ei 6 c/5 j i i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 i M 1 1 ' &. .j j i : "*H w "3 ! Q i. ^ 1 a o V l -^ o s ;- i e i * a^o S^^f~ c o t & H a -o S333 J " ffi ,_ M jX, i , HMMMM 1- l<3 i - e 1 It nl 1 J5 5 3^,3 s O 00 ON O * W CO ^J- tno ^> 0< t^. t^OO OO 00 0000000000 0< On fc 1 > H 186 BAROMETRIC ALTITUDES TABLE V. T3 fl rt rt o u 4j l9t ^ 1 i " ^ I 1 ^ ^3 & i "1 * *" ra- 2 H 1 JT-S CJ ; Ti 1 * "^ >> c -2 i g " "3 1 111 'S 1 g 3 l^^^^-fe 1 " I I Jj II * ^ s u |K! IP & & 2 o ^ 1 ^ o|s4 j ," rt S3 S^ i* f- 1 c -^gj a :,o.3 | K J , eg g ^ . x . 1 (S i J "I '" a" S&-I ** || J! i|Iil'|1 I- "1" o| ^ g sM^l -3=sfE|g^ a o-^ ^S - g 13 C^o'pjCbi) 5/3^ ^oOCgOo'^Co'rt If fill Frlmf] fillllHPlii S > S 8. M'O ^S^SJSS^ 1 CgHSMSCtO;; 5 MW g v, _j) a. u ac (* c<;g.a B u B 5 fl ^ ! 5 ll I ? K icll: If x* ! s> !> |.sl" "^ Os 4 OX - 000 0^0 r- vOO'oroON i/ 1 ^000 * ^J rt oj Q U U u-j r^ \C OO I>.00 \O -^J- \O fO ^ ^f mO in t-^ vO ^Tj-MS 1 i i i i ."ti O i i Q 1 o t , u H .5 6 8 ' o ' o -S .2 c QJ o ,_, *tJ *g *T3 rt ^ C rt - 5* d o o OJ g o e 2^ do c ^T3n3 Og Oh= ^ I z c ~ ? ] j "S s 1 rt *o 4J 'o *> *O *a u u fc u^; ou ^5 c g "o (J S i i : g-a I > ^ /5 1 ^ ' w ' ' rt u N i | ; s i c 1 rt S 3 1 ' : g 1 ^ i i ^ ^ S "IJ |l ^ j| S d 9 t t a [ '^ i = 1 O U5 _e 'ri a b PC bO Cp ' 13 "cnh P'^^r^t! 4> * 8 rt^.S 'i'aJ "".S ^ ^ a o c Sierra Bl. ^ & s J M S 8 .s ? sis U en PH 3 S U ^ i t i ; i i i j c/5 1 i i > i i | <2 1 i t cl i i i , 1 1 "cjj ' c ui o t i 4) O ! -e s t i O I 1* M i % i Jl. l'J ~ u * * _ 1 1 I ill If li i i s s 1 sss Is ss s ss o c s t 5- > 'v o I _g g g O Q" oj d c ^ O O O OS ss s ss o *O t^ OO O\ O *" N ro *^- 10 \o t~00 ^ O "^ *N - - H X O U. S. GEOGRAPHICAL SURVEYS. 187 B = C -0 S3 S o l> C -t-j 1C >> s .0 (3 * 1 "" 6 TJ "S S a i 1 S aj o w o a o'jj > . g. ^ u'i o M - o uu-a jj .2 *% S a O V PL, 2 "3 13 | . N_J - c-S S>^ | 1(3 | 5 -rf .2" U C ~ ^-i (A nf - a ^ a 5* rt'$ "^ & ^- ^ cj tn Z l^s 1 rt s > XX S 2'" 1 S d ? a i5"5 S o h ~'"5 f tt S S l _n < a|||^- g->g 5 ~ ^-g gssg^ soco_o g^gi-g, ^g- I iS_C- w ri 00 1 OM3\ Os N - N N "1^> <( N OsOO sO OC r^OO * 1^ ift i^j so t^- t^ r^CO OsOO u^ N OC * "*** "** y % J*J U CJ Q- i i i | i i r ! H < ' ! 1 i | , d MOUNT. I o V 8 s -S ^. # > rt rt J^ ^1 8 & ~ o olo -o o-z || ^ o U 'S 8 8 o O g S S >"v * & | ^ * 1 "rt S z z 3^ 31 z 3 33 4? T /H I I 2 W D 'C 3J D^; ^;< ^ 3 ; ! ! i ! J B , * [ i [ < i i H 1 1 s 0) I , c 1 w '3 9p9 ! ^ i*e & i c c " c o c PH ^ % J Mimbres Desatova rt *5 o S SI - ^| S l rt sH* 6 a o u U "5p_C c/5> H Pedernal Mou Pine Nut V 1 ,i -_l -; .a M E B bJ5 t S = c ;^ rt c S x r | -S S'3 1 l S aiU t^ Cimarron and Port Neuf __ c * c 'S rt Illll 1 *o U o ^ | 9 rt 4* *rf C3 ^) 3 ^ ^ c -rt " z f_3 4* rt rt 3 *"^ C ^| C ^ ^ rt -5 3J -^ ' ^* H Si rti S r-\ *^ "^ ~ S3"t- .^5^1>'{JU r^^->n Ot^ OC O\O -Nro^J-m so jj. _ _ _ -. N N N M N s G' fe . ^ ^ S a S ^ -5 1 J ( 'o "rt . "^ C" c j I J2 1 oj .2 <+^ T3 r^ T . OJ CJ c ^ ID rt t- .S Remarks. Susanville and Surprise Valley road, on di\ Madeline Plains and headwaters south fork < Same road as above, on the divide between R< ley and Tuledad. Lake Bonneville outlet. Trail between Rock Creek and Prairie Fork. Wagon-road from Fort Selden to San Augusti: Wagon-road to Annaya Spring, northern en Forts Craig and Stanton road. Head of Brophys Creek, on trail west of rai f j - ^ I 1 u- c ! ; B <. 1 E Summit of wagon- road from Newhall to Eli; Williamsons altitude 3,718 feet. c n '5 1 I c C i s i ,_ 'e '- ^ i- 1 c? Valley. Altitude from Whitney. From Cucharas Creek to San Luis Valley. 1 from Badito to Stearnes Ranch. 1 Loyalton road, in. 1 from Truckee to south end of Sii Big Tree wagon-road between Sonora and Silve Branch from New Pass road northward 'M a, OT g I -o 9 Sr 1 3 O^ 17} fe C 6 i 1 ||t a C C ~ , Tj v > N O 00 00 u~) t^>O L T l-t &\ HH CO *O C u^ r^. r^ f^i rr c 1 o\ ^roooo t^ r i^ if) 10 ro r- - HH r-n O > vO - COCO O ^J" ^ VO vo * ON O^C Ul IY1 HH ta HH r^ c\ N c>TrO>o ^^vo r^u,^ Ul jj Q Q QQQQnpq UUOU (J UUCJW Q Q pq QQ 00 OO N vD '-O P* 5*^ t^ r~- t-^\C X t^ 5-S ro r^ co tn u-j t-^oo CO t->.t^t^i>. com ^O^r 1 O-^-io-^--r|-i^^-T}- O ; | '"5 O I i 1 y O a 1 i c | i c .2 ,0 c o o O a a g "C '3 I o cd ^ o! B ^^c T; & ^ ^ T; "S T3 -C -: _2 s O !^ ^ ^- 'c c 9 J*H "rt S 13 o TO ^ 2c3 V Jz; 3 OQC 3 o OJ i T3 T3 TS g* -g 3 i *" J>T .i! ^ "fc ^ i C C ^ .5 v 3 u ^ ^ ^G rt c & fe ig u aJ ij 9 i SM" -5 S tn o o o 'w ^ c e s PH fe fl C rt C G C <73 C/5 CA 1 c c c "S '> in co c en (/; o v i Ken c/: c ^n y. 1 1 sj ^> a**3 f*l rt 1 V^sO 1^.00 ^ O ^ H N f) ^ i^\O t^CO s 5 U. 8. GEOGRAPHICAL SUEVEYS. 189 jw >, -S .> >, lllll! 8 u fc I I 3 J Id I l^O u^ l->.OOONinu^ QO u- O t^.^0 OONOO HI r- iosc QQNO^f- oo r- O ^O ro *^2^ ^"f ^ oj <-s MQ "Si!? UQ <_Q UU ffl Q B Q Q <; M I" H b O o B >S 3 OS I San Berna Mogollon ada N do I II o o a* en cnc/3 ^ ,0 O Ssi dp!l -ss-| t. a J= * fill ^!HH . il I M 'C ; 1 a 01 QJ S rt rt y-s PQcacn A A S * g'iS j;_ 1= II, f. HKI Ss 2o SgSSx.S, ^^ Ji| afeicSiuSr ^JH)J=MO 3 c/}(/2 *>"HH HHHHH HH H DD 'CO ^ O ^^ N f) ^ lO^O t^ CO 5 \O ^O t~>- 1^ t^ t^ (~>. r>. t-*. t^. t-> oooo 190 BAROMETRIC ALTITUDES TABLE V. Rem "O .t! H o 32 'O < I I s P . -a ^ c & w 1 i q -e 2 t U 3 < I I S ^ S t: o en w 00 OM O C. O pqQ M < H i I- S 35 3 ! "3 2 O 00 II tu a; ^^ ^ b fc ^ nj 0) V 23 s . . fe U > C/3 C/3 o o 3 S 'S 2 S g I g 1 I rt ^ 6 2 w n a o U C 0) IS I <^ CJ A 1 r ia O 1 - nj 'H ^ ^ E p* flJ Sj 1 iti i -5 'S. IS W u o| 0^ ^g G I 3 ,_J3 J3 G rG to 5 ^ O w J^ ,J3 S | II J2 -2 ^o ^ "C '2 o 2 K c" ^ Is 1 111 .111 . I 1 8 S| o *" M F ^J>2 i _waJ*2'yaJ ^ ' M G ^ *"* ^ 'rt *""* ^ *"* *^ rx. T: 3 jj ^ 4> fl- Qo^v-^^SuiiS w ^S qj 1 3 rt w oj A *^tJOJU 2raO rt 4J Q 3* i'2 "S ^siSS'Sw^S ^ 2 & J T3"' S* * tt *Sv2 rt-^" 13 ^ ^ O ^2 3 o i 3 5 o-q *fS||v^S|J .||| ^-0 S ""O o c/; j QJ W E l ^- C/3 , 3 ^ F *3 (1J S :=2"5^ ?Q^ QQ rtc i Q ; !sr rt^ B ^4*O 'Q 9 S*O*d T3t3T3 "^.J ' t 3 T w iS ^f^gogjj'-^oo R ^ *! i 1 j j i 'p "^ a-g H ^OO OO OCO >^ : c 10 I <72 " M V at ^1 !,? tass^&HSStl *. O i ^ 1 ^l 45 " || a, rt ^ .3- ?>?K RS^KS^^frtL^ r\ O\C< a\ O *s> = 1^ (J | |& oofcS. S'5 1 ft^S ! >*^?o'c \ t^.\C i* >e ft O . ^ 1 *" O 3 O 11 .8 s^^ juss-sss;?;^ IO W >n o? llj C4 *5jO MNr>. fONror}-u^i^.tC.u-jcit^.OvOC\ l^. ^ S .2 S ^ irof^fn 4J -.- tn . O ONCO ON O ^O *-* i^JOO -< Q\ in 10 r- 1^0 T r^ N u-c c ,1-1 flj g3 "3 $;O *-*O^ - vDOO*O-"dNcNr^.r^T - r^vc TS CO * J 3 S 111 i o S i S'S'o fi j ss . i N ^ *J 4) 1 !& E? J3 'J= S 1 :f S rt i ^ jH jJ.S" 1 o I p ^-^ >H W a o^i a a, i2 c ! o h nt .S "? 8j2*>2 -S ^ S tun's *; '^ cj c c "si *llBillfflf- a -' i iH i2Q3, ^5H?=o^s^Mc&0(2 rt K (A Si w 1 If the Smo Painters Flat, 21 2 For distanc U. S. GEOGRAPHICAL SURVEYS. 195 V = ! i . i V "8 1 S V n 1 H ^ fr ^ 1 a (^ ** H s V s | H 1 ||| 1 i ^ s 1 ^! T3 C 1*1 u 5 " ci 5 < ~ ) " 8 "J PH 1 1 1 1 " ^ s ~ >, 5 ! 1 <~ ^ '3 u "S rt ^ ^ g ro ^ 2 S tl . 5? > s p a> aj a; O u fl ^ o "c S 2 I C S v a a" " c g ai S 8 2 i | *J Q v - o^ " 8| 2 c^ fe-5 5 v c d ^ 8 o o, f . "3xi T3<2 . w c *5 w 1 i I 3 [_) O O Hj '"5 O Et * ^ i ' rt ra t-i ? f '->. ^ *-i aj o S^ R S tg pj| g 9 JU % V W3 b/J 4j C 3 *" J5 J.I ^ d ^2- *O '"-' 3 ^ a B v V 9 12 X u *- Q 2 t5 u <3 Q S 5 ^ (2^ fetS c^H fe^i<^ 3 I a vj Q , rj- ro Nro OSi^)O ri-oo oo vo in r^ t- e" g Q a vj ta 3 v . a ""v ^- J? o?" -ffftrT^- 3 N t^.OO O^ VO i-O N O N CO O N *$ ? .%*>> i|f ;* ^ 4* **** 4 | ! o ^ "a H . ^ Q ^ ^ M ^^ u->roOt^>- wi-,^o 8 1 * ! Id OO -^ - CO OOTfi- oo t^ ^*-o 1 ** ** *" *" c5|: 2 o|| 5 -V S^K > a vS 4) O.2 S a -OJ > 3 I | -" .^ | c *a ^ " 1 |J|j| . b w 1 g^ i! _o 1- bfl "S" "i "i ' J S c &l n 2 ra 4* * J rt S C h. M ** C ^ > - ^ ^* o" W - D '-S c ^o rt S "^ ^C^fla^cj pJK ^.Q^S "?! IJ* 2 u y o s~rl |4| if.a^ ^i-^'l iifil iMf 2^2 5 3 S^ o-o SUM 4,u5 ? S fe u * Distance from pl< 'The State line m Station are roads turn! 'At Junction a roa settlements where fors This is the most d U. S. GEOGRAPHICAL SURVEYS. 197 c j< V 1 " U ^ M a .0 S .9 -3 ^ a o S Z ! C CO 3 ~.2 * "S 1 ii > aj 2 Q^t an "* M s a CO -0 K -d fc 1 S g o. S o d ^ _e < ^i 'e C *S 1 'a (5 o a S > - : - "O S^ I g -j | 6 2 fr> > V 3 B ^ o -*jj "C 'C 2, '^ 13 p^ *o B* & 1 CJ S u . 4) 3 3 U V 3 i. "o fl 3 w ^ '" > <3 j'2*S"afl O*G 3 |" 3 l"*iil 1 L 1 3" CO tS "^ w ^ | rt 5o O^ ro O li *w P~> || ^v O HM w O ^"VO O 11 1 1 | g 8 % r w i u oo oo ts O>OQ moo fl li 1 K S ^2 "O ^O I~*OQ O ^ fO O u i! ^ Q S g e O CA 1 u c S . U 44 OB m O N O ^> W 1 U 3 lit |? -COM^OO 11 la g 5 U P 1 "gg I X 1 li y f** c _& 3 ' tn a s -o a o j "i.c " " " 91 en o S o o o "2 M -*J *J *J ^K ^*H t/1 tfi I/I iyj ,M R O O O 5 ^c o* EX ex B Sg CH '? O Tr~u~>^ ^ if "3 5 a a "S" o H fA W U ^ fe ^ 198 ITINERARIES OF ROUTES. -o b" s C i i o _ - cc c ^ ^ -c . -a = 1 E"s O E~" 3 | T3 -g w c 5 ^5 rt rt -2 i-T +f S3 ^s > o S fe 1 ^ -d ^^ S2 o 8 I J f^G *2 " .S -5 N; f J3(5 ^ S * g S 3 m ^ K S ^ >; g ^ I g *o ^ >-. ** "" j=" 3 ^3 "S <-^ B ^ *J P* ^ _- g g ^ 3 T 'QJ 3 )H O j_T C (2 I 1 O> .S SSK =!>2 -5 i^ LT> o 'O ^^ ^^ r^ **o ^* ^ ^O N ^^ ^** f^^O ** HH h^ O ^"O *d" ** O\ 2-S-5 _-0'0 ifl V V }' %l~ 3-g H A ^oSi ** en ^3 * 1 * B 11 . u-noO O "t O \O O CO *n inCO t^ l"* O C3 W III 1 C/) rt v ^ vo to t** ' CT* O ^" O^ O 8 8 I" ^ I o ** j^j 0(/35 ' ..$. fc 1 & -11 % I ,g e 4) O cs in in N ro N O "(2s C* < w| fe O ^ 06 *-O in ** ^O *O ">8-s g\bc S i o ? 1 Sil .jr g ol? 1 B 8-5.; 8O in o *o ^ ^i*^O N f) O ^O *^ ON (- x2 ^So | u s J3 C ^ O W vO 00 00 vO ^ ON Iff \ u w'o 3j ill o v2 *<> O*r 4) ^^ I olf S -S5, g j ^ Q ^ ^1| PH w > 5S 1 |fc| 1 c* 1: ill en % 4J ^ tJ3 s -3 J2^J rt wll ^ "1-^^ 3 ,3.0 OH^ oi "oS^i 2fe'e a'5s jftSK |Es* ill aftifl w^3rt ^"3Ci:ij^i s>x .o^rtgj:'^ 03l>c^ hOc/)c/> 1 1 U. S. GEOGRAPHICAL SURVEYS. 199 I" - ""> >* rj. ON m ^ 5 ^ >o in M O (/] M QJ jJ V a> tS IH eg "c P ry ,_! fc 1 * .* 3 S T3 o ^ "* 5 * 3 -o '-' .M | g G S ^s_ ^ ' " u in $ .S l S ; 8 SJ B "8 1 'I 2 .-"S3 ~ i-I f%/ rt " CJU ^ o 1 > S! i: .. ^, rt j c5 B 9J ? i ^_O''^> *-',.! U 5 W " G 12 "R 1 J !". f " * 7 "o "5 1 5 ~" -^ .: & " "5 ". -3 ^ss -- rr|-o u *$- f|l ||1| l|;a |3 I |5 s "S - E 3 S o 1 5 ^ !S '|"^ "1 jffl a .5 'g-'g S"g | Q en 2 . a as O "" "^ 5^1 scl^l Ilasi Is .1 rt iJ^ON W ^ O ^ '^fO^'^' < OvO OONON 'g C4 !5 ** ^ 5l 3.8- "S Kill >i OJ O i tSoofo S>osXtC tCc? JWS" ft vS fTvo 1 "o H u F ^3 ^ i^ O O^OO OO t> ^O >O 1 O vo ^ ^ ro ro N M *" .i 2Wro j3 e 88S> 5,8^^5- S-^^S! ^S 1 S 1 8K? 11 I *l ^ 6 t>. tA. cno N oo t^\d - ri od ^- OCGONN i'4-si S3 S "> ^ ||'J| g| O O O O O O f** O O O 00 O CO O ON f^JCO lsl| I | JC| sis! o l--il - 3s' ls< 4) > v 1 u wi S; 1 ** if a i> 4> ' 'aT W J= M Ofl _j" 2 ^ la .5 ^"^ fc- t? o -c g ^ OS pQ 3 f o^2 ^ ^ 1 a S 1? 1 'E M . 11 """";" 9 Jii 2 '"^ Q *g t- "^ ^4 J^ CO fl 'rt W *li O <3 o 5 >s _. tf- <*> "^ d^ o a i **5 ^ O rt s ' s a - ^ S S 5 " x ? * " 8 js (21 "S 1 S|2 =S S ^= = 2 S.* 8 ."!3| 3 I- a| his is the best Cedarville to his road affor, summit to La >& w O^I(Jui>3t5'-"C.i .5*13 i/l^Q e-i "i-i - rt S ^ Q > !^. ^ X?^3^-r2 t-*^ S '>*-'" - S" S cc/5 ^JQ s-! 3 +- ^, rt (3 O in 8 B S w M rt 5 B 2 > 'c'c " 3 O .f. 1 o - tT ^T rt E/J ^ ^ i ii u S 5 S ^S u ^ & . . 1 T |s itiili -j a ^ 4) .3 ^* ON O ^O "i S ^ w s * *** "** rt ^ .? M O Ov M t^ Q CT\ Mi" r^ O O i-l & ^ * 3- r^ CMO M O || ^ " C V O 1 . to fi M ro O 10 W 3 _J l 00 O Tl-00 ^> .a s '> Q 2 *- U If J o oo I- r~ >n r^ u^\O "H OO N O III I" 4 ro- Tj-r^roN 8 g * =s' S^" w -5 i Q 3 w o o C -u 1 t; &>. t/2 S x -' -jj o g I 1 ! ^5 1 j g S 1 . M 1 g- S-> ?> Illlil i as Q^ Ii o o J 2 DC >M a . I *? es, se Lake ibout o o-r US .2 in !* -? S ?1 Eg l IT. S. GEOGRAPHICAL SURVEYS. 20! fef 1 Sj 21 | 3 &is 73 ffi'S J 111 V.S g oJ Q S>2 K ^ M 3 $ s rt fi D CO 4-- . sag l| ? P| Ijf 1 | ^ S I S ^3 B ?! ^ 2 &f E I oXg^ ! Is |pl s | 2 1 . 1 o^o S 1 ISgs -^lg ^ s > 4 Il*lll1 111'" > 8 -o ^g 83 ^2 - 4 - 1 1) S H'g5 *J3 S^ o . S ^-, r 2* 0) 'O 3 | . t^rf H-O'-'t^ lO-o ^ O ^" ^" ON O i NO ^O N ' v; vO N CO ONOO ON ' t^OO ON O O fO*O CO o 10 T)- 10 O 3N M HH ,-. cd ** 1 1 2 -S S-E ^ -S "S > u ^TftC ^f^fTf^ I^Tf^ 4- ^? -*? 1 * IJ vo ^ w *>o O oo o t~*- t~^oo D t^ fO O Q O O "O ON NO ON ON i-< O a||T. ^ v ^H ^ 6 1 ^ O N CO *d~ f/OO iO ^^ ON 1^. ^Tj-CO (NWM'-M.MiOON C g 1 ?^2^ PS'sl v* J3 23 "^ O (/5 *" 1 % M "E ^11" 1) o 3 8 ON ON 1^.00 ONNO *^ CO N ** *$ O ^ r--"*O ON ONOO N - u-)CO 00 OO OO lill i C B 11 Q O 00 H *O ^ n lOOO O N rjj M< i~i *H N cs N ro ^ *^ ^ O\ ^O ON ON -^ O LO t^ ON O N fo ^ B 2 B 5 ^ (5 | llfl ^ V O M (O lO^O NN 00 N O OO O ON ^J- (O O O O LO to ro r^. o oo -< sll> | sj g fj ^CJOO frOM^frorONM c (SI M M N fc O o 1 V ?: |3S. ^ lii \ HH o 10 O /~ * *4>-*- V ^0 C o ' a 111 M "5H, H ^^^ 00 9 a S 8 5 S) o^l M *J ? i/> " "2 ' ^A 4> "O-g r^ , ^ = U O g 1 i x o _ M g, i^i 55 CL, > v bn ^^ -i o 1 | =1^ if -1 ^'o -!^ o-e i ~x^' S 2 2 ^ -g' <^I3 1 'nrt'^'^Sii fe "o S a c vj .5^ c 2 (* (j o^ b |J5 aS" alol^Us * l E t 2j5*S.8*'E ~ "C6 S^'Ss^ri'o'^rt S O 5 ^~ rt O I* .X rt ^. , few g Os ^ 1 2| t u || S u EgJz! U i2 " c ^ tS s | ~ 0( io";S o ^ rt u Q *2 "''o S M 2-2 . J2 *w J Pi s|& | ^ i-?t s s 4> *"i [. ^ $ ~z S isl 1 " ffi t: S T r." 1 3 . 3 P ! e _f 9 p ,;5 ~ w a^g^J .S ^3 S is g c e ES-'iri ..B c s ikflJJ i*fs r** (fl _c i '"' / K 1 " H ^1,-S S^ SJ R^ar pp! fr-^-o !l2' H-S u B n i *- JlrjlfiMP-lJj^j rt Klamatll to Lai :o junction with I3i 3pen during summ R Warner, and fro ;y, and is about i i p ^ _o~^ B a s ^ "* _o 'S "* *S r i *" C cn HH : ' ''n C ^j i.- " t Xi c ^ *s G C g. is;ls Idu^tST ^"H ^ ^^<2l KSJ ^ 5 >3 u a 00 fOOvO CO T*- C + irj M 3 >"JS 2 J; "3 "13 *; -> O 1 * ONOO ON t~OO OO r-*. r*~) ("O vO CO vo 4vo Tj- 3-o^o il!|l ^J~ * '*'*'*'* ^ ^-NO ~t If) U-) ly-l Tf flfl .2 O r^. T|- <* ON ON C^OO ON 00 O f* O fOOO roO *O vO t* ONOO 8 -o olSS-S-8 111 * Ic3 "^ ^^ ^ *- 1 - 1 '^ O j2 $3 a u* IJlfl o^-o ^ a O *^*O ">O ^ n i>. MM (s o O vi u lui^lfOO jS g | O -! ^ \O fOQO CO O O O ON r ON t- O I'- * t^ -i O t^ !5 fc S g^ C Wig *3 O ^" ON t^ N ^ \f t-. o r ^J" ve N C ^ TJ- i^vo O 2 ^ A* * J *5 ^ ^ ^"OO ON *^ n M fO fO Tf T Y wivo t^oo &, fc ta _ ja ^ s | B 3 w-S s - V w ll U 3 -g 8rO fO O *^i O *-O NO r m ^- r>. o 10 ON N-OO O\OO OO ++ OO fO t^. O ^OO \O c BfiP** n a *j = |??-?- i M rt u CL. c w '" bcr= 1 Ijjpfe M J3 .1 3^l||l SB 3 ^ JU g C/5 w ^ ^ *"* p s a < fl n C ^ 4J c O 5 O C/3 g| a la" 01 a H rt V QJ C ' * J= X-0 1 |8| - iiliil 1 ^^QflHtJOT < ^ ^ -T T-i* 4J w ^ 0) C G 2 ^ 4j u S 2 o 2 "g- ^o 'o s ^ g r yj We Si II fc 3 rt O O *^ Uw Ufe d, p- 1 If the wag' mouth of Warne of roads to Cam] NOTE. The latter is called t Crooked Creek 1 U. 8. GEOGRAPHICAL SURVEYS. 203 I 1 1 s i S a 1 I ; i -~s *"_- u 42 C Q "rt g o rt Q. E - IH K - p: ^i t/3 *J K aT 1 's 1 '/ 3 J f rt ^H Cfi H-l f^ B 1 M O T3 -r I & .3 2 1 1 Gi C 7 S d JH *^ u 3 3^ b/j b .^ c ^ 1/3 * V .(2 'C ^ O j ^ i - . ^ hj ^_i rv: *u ^-( j- ^ ^ tft w ||| ^ X *" a g' c n e 3 j E/) .nk Deschutes , 22 miles nort e ; to Prinevil e. iss ; wood sea of Deschute grass on neig River. ian settlement, and grass. ijojj k 1 s' 2 I rt U (A V & gl '"c" " i ii \ | | ^J -a '5 - 'C Js cl rt c S U o ./^ rt *^ ^ ^ yj iyj g i 1 ^ T3 ' c" -o" X J -" ^ in oo r e **-r^ 0000 TfONOTj- ^-"ONT}- ^-in ^HWr^.i^ 3 "u p w O c 1 t^ Tj ^o ro tni/ l^O O\ '3 > t -* t ^ c* if 1 W MM h-T HI to *-l y t^> HH ^^C 8 O *O vO ON M o vO *-O N N ON*O in ^" ^ ON O 1 * 'a^ S o t^.\S P vO OO I**, ro r~-.vO ) w o\ r^-o ^* f* )N C u c l ^H OO ^O ^O ^00 t^^- r^^C vS S ' oj ^ 800 00 f in N I-H '& 5^S m u^oo M N O M (O (OQO OO oo ^*- r-. t- rt- ON c M ^ ^ _"; r S^vS^o\o" N V ?SRoo > 8 "too O O N (S ro T > a B s J^ M ^ HH I M N W f if N f* 1 (O fO Q | a ^ * v -O fi S^.g-.K'^S & o" o? K-S S> 8 in o o >^>1^ . fO ro NO ^^ 1 is. "^ -"" * W o 8 5 S I B 'Zt' S3 2 1 2 f o | V ^ bfl ^tJH C ^ vi C 'C P B CU p M-t -^ c/} or; "" 8 II JQ ^P Road to Sinamese mar Neenee Spring I 9 204 ITINERARIES OF ROUTES. ! K q ! I S o ei u < o> o & "rt OJ 1 B| X ^o U -^ M Sp-, D 1 8 g 1 cj S ^^s rt ** jD o 5 *^~" i3 fl ^3 C C _, ti ts pj (U D "^ *~ -i-i > g g . S II Egf c j c 3 | 2 3 3 | W T3 "^ "o ^ U 1 lK < < t/3 i-J 4) rt "3 ||| 5- c^ v! $- - - U H(A PO POOO r>. o U 8Q C 1" ? """ ' 2 o " CO 0000 00 CO t-* PC PCOO rj- ON r*. c ~~ ~ .2 P ^ II 'ftK-al Q lid O O O O 0\ TJ- o vi'O if* t~*> 6 S 3 ill * y ^ fpfl , 1 1 1 i ^ o o ^, S, o O S H > ^^^ 1 tills I! P si U. S. GEOGRAPHICAL SURVEYS. 205 -2 I I i I I 5 2 * ^ .3 ^ c rt "rt c xo G Q? _C T3 4^ 1 '| 3 jjj OJ PQ 9 il rf ,J i* "G i-" g 9 S c w OI B P 3 S oo ^ '-S S I 1 >1 -r "ri ^s II las ~ ll lllSfgga'S^sls rt w ^ o PI Pi O u u ^- " J *(P cncnaiHcncnO. > v r> 10^ 4 ^t ^~ Tj- LO Tj 10 O f r*) ro ir o o tJ t^.OO "O f >O M m roOO o N O OxOO rj ^ N N W N^ I-C M |l E u " o |l - - - t-Tj ^-rt-N l- ^t- . t^ O ON -^- ^ S oo c W ^- ON 1-* "2 ^"8 in t^ f) IT N W B c > O i- O O \O t^i O O OO t/"j O O t^ O ^ o C t"* f i r-*. M T M oo t*. % C4 " C- iS * ** ** * 4J & 'f\ & s s. M 8 1 1 C ^ o g (C g SB ?o a S c cs 6 5 ^c v. > en i Ifl o t s u-5 6 u Me ^ T3 3 rt O ,J3 t ^ 4 iff ii, III 811 8 S ^ sjjj Su <" S a J O rt 5 6(25 ^c " 3 2 S .UOPQ 0.3H 8.JI- il H~| B>;. 1I8S.-S I^M 1> C O > a C fcij;/) a ^^^ ^ C ?W OB V ". 2 e ^..^ ohH a 4* te W 553C5- 2 o NOTE. Th the Cascade Ra Portions of this road extending Cafion city to t 206 ITINERARIES OF ROUTES I I ! s 8 8 s ^ 5.5.5 iijj S c c S rt rt 55 j: SK*-j*9 ^sIF? .SB^Hgg" ffiais .^SS a^H'i "a^ c-r c oo S.S-2E-Q.; ~.a5 o iJ iJ J Wita "d "S C V) ;> P- ~ "^ ^ V 4) OJ In * 8m CO O co 1 OO u-> Q > > ^ N coc^ ^ ro-T ^tS 8 **3 -5 J3 o w bo K 3 .* t^ ?8 $ . at I 1 it |" N IH o od d w road frc nette Vail * 8 2)N H 00 N 11 g O !;' H" ^ ^0 >A * I Jj 1 ST? g| j IJI CQ g 8 1' O 1-1 Ti (^ O r^ T(- N ? 06 Mount Hoc ues westwai Q i a O'S ~o o S u I'M u aj s s | V "2 3s l-s 1 X. 2 !S il V " K o HM OO ;c 3 c T! o .E ^ 0) 'S .5! t" s c g. Oak Gro\ al I" 1 - rt _t .Summit 1 Cascade e u Pi "o OH 1! 208 ITINERARIES OF ROUTES. 3 I s o Z, JS a S <2~ $ +* M fT fO fT) >-t d *c a iri t^ in >-< *d- O t^00 CO t^> ^ O " ti jt | 1 tM o 8 t 00 O -^ u-> O 00 'tO fOt-^ 1 1 |! | M^S** 1 J5 ill O 00 M Tt- t^. Tf S ^ O* N 4 -, CO g p - o i 1 ja o * (A 1 1 a a o u S M . 5 .' o .S u 2 4J* *C w &U ."2 '| * Ijlill HM?c/)OH U. S. GEOGRAPHICAL SURVEYS. 209 i & u A % i S5 | | ^Q <; I "1 1 = A s 1 y >- ~ 30 ~ J i * 3 i a o i = :,- * ""^ " J3 ~ >, ^j H .. s S O W rt T3 M rt o "oT *- 'S u kH ' C ^ "g a S ^ ^ N O 3 jj 4> t_p QJ O (A 1 9J! < 9 o'-a' 1 1-4 rt 3 * *3 9 ^pi .. a "-d S g 2 a ^ ^ oj Jj he v rt S 1J rt '^- "S . ^ la c U 3 "^"aS .-Ij IM I'l'salle^i I-J^-Jf 1 ls^s||l 9 llis 3 ^^!! ll 111 II^Jllsl 1 E 8 g . t~^ o hH o o o p^ oo *o*^o o PO 2 < fiS"ff& ?: 3 m 'oJ 00 Tj- " "S 2 > u " ^f * ^ ^ * f rt-uoir> Tf Tj- | ^i j (U P^ ^ t^ u " >r0 ^ ^ ^ POON QN M t^PO S -C ui S . ^ >> * W ON " 1 O "^ "O h 8=3 ^ Tfoo roi^. 4 r^.u ^ PI o ONCQ oo t->. r- "i^O r* PO ^- r->. T *^O <-O Ln ^ N - "S? S'S-S-'"* c 20 1 * I- O O O^vO C* ""JGO PO O O^ O PO^C X J?5 5^^^??: " a ^3 g is -' ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ m\o r^GO ON C M PO PO IO 1^1 I^-OO S ^ Q cT M S c S 6 M af O O O*^O *O N PO ^O'O ON ^^ PO PO LO ON I^ P< O N PO 3 u 3 42 > u C If* i ONOO PO ON t-- >-> N H IM 1 8 c J 1 .S c d f 3 I S f ^ o i a f ^ o s= ^ 2 1 1 ! u o 1 t ^ C/} 2^ | pi^ t/j Eg O j g J *5J ^'s a -a I O 3 SCO *.a s - "i g (U rt o j^, "^ ^ 'E -S S 1 1 t: = ^ 5 8 E s 3- u ^^ &j2wlliio oc ^ _e _. > ^'*L u,^^ Krt c u" 1|JJ3U< sii| flJljiii uiii o_--:35g!3g 8 3 1 C Su (Ss^fc G < (Jc&O 1 Westward 1S7d WIT 14 210 ITINERARIES OF ROUTES. 1 I;I *|b| _O"a 3 -^ ^ - 5! J > o "3 O tH ^H ^ 0< o o O i-.i.S- ^13^ JB 2 i2 " ""^ o.S o C g S ^gl .2 ^ ^ w * w *c ,-. p. S S aS i- a Sfc, 1 In 1^ iiii Ilij 1 H.| >%S ?| - OOO OK w'U i_i ||||| t-T ^ Os % w ^!" it, O OQ re o o ^ f> 3 8 ^ .g. 5>^^^28 w tj^'i 'c-^ E*i t^ ^- ro *- s /5 2; M ^- rt ^ S o si J3 Q U) O CO Pl~'* f ^ 8 ri .8. cg-gcgS 1 ^^?. *iii- <<) 1 1 sl S fiS |1 HH^H in ^ 1 w "5 rt aj ^ rt l_ .S ~88c?8N > 2 If liSfi d A aj fH c "~ 1 VI ^ 1 I 1 |l IPI tft 9 O o S M O, -r) O. &0 o^~ M sS S! ^'M ^^T3 fn"^ w aj 3 IwlJ 1 io'Sxl D iS 8 JS ^^^^ ^.^^^^.^ S C)n >o^oi^-'^-wr^. rjjvOvDio f^N""OOr>.Tj- rt 55 1 S . 8 S- & S 1 "frj ** Ooo*o ci r^. 1 c 1 c> g-^ 8t^.CO to O O O O O vooo ooOOOt^O o II* ^J O "^"OO ir> w od rn HH w> 1 If Z U Bto O [ a m 56 ,3 i" s~~* u -^ B ss 3 1 9 I |H >> U > 8- & 1 ^ "S-S- -g 1-12 llflfg r/ SB ^ "V c i'*n ,3 *o D Q ["JT, Jg pq j 1 Summer road from For! * Here the Old Camp Wa Fort Bidwell ! ones Ranch Forks of road Summer road from Bidwell . Old Camp Wamer 212 ITINERARIES OF ROUTES 8 I a I I] I * > i ON O fc S | 1 ' i 3 o 'w u '> t/J -T3 =3 rr-J ^-^, W U I.J5 C Q fl - I O , , Q g S : j ^ - ' 2 2>S 6 &D ~ ' rt ' 3 '^ ^ E! T3 'So H c t B >> rt 5 1 4 u rt CD- w j_, ^3 *J > " ' u 4* o ~ " *" S JrtS ^ ! i .'S'S SI J *s w u ^ > M S > -g -^2 yi wi lyjL* 1 lu"^ Is. 1 tf 1 S ^ ^ f^< rt ^ w slfrl IB 2 1 Jl 9 a) ^ g > hi ,J3 5:q: 3 -"S '3 S H rt 'S -Q ^ r? t/3 *S W S^.S^ c 4-1 i- !-0!>ft > Prineville 1 . D _; 111,,. S'sii If ; => v ' 5 2 c ijjrzj = o ^ S o 2 : E "3^) g,. ^2 ,2 sis' 2 "-a .O 3T3313XC-W - iJIlsf?i "^ ff ^g 3 8 g OOO Hffi ${ c/2 o t/3 C. 5 J OxO . M OS n^ ^ i ?1- ro oo t^. O in 'S Ul ^-H < O N N H 00 H O O r^>co 3 LJ < ^ - - S "* ^ tf" * ro i i^l r* w N (s N N OO fO > ^ N N O fO f^ fO ' n in in co o O r^ aj [> r ^ f ^ Q Q^ f^ O ^* H O f^ "-< n O *-'"> I s * 00 CO \O CO fJ d HH V * HS " O O ^ Ch C4 rt 3 O " i-i S ON N D 11 v) 00 t--OO 0) S> "*3 w 8g.?> 8S 8s,o B 88 8 ' 8O in m N !->. r- O U 3 ^ ^5 ^" CT\ fO HH i' j^J cO'-O i D i-. in - cc - - b J ' a 1 | V O 'S a u r t o fl bi C* 33 O C ^g fe 1 ^ |"| : S "* 'n! I 1] * J3 O t/i r 1 o s *j ^ T3 C o "i ,4 ||i || jy; IPf 3 11 2 2 ^ o gO p^ ffi D-, u 1 i 45 .S ZTu || S || |||e si SK^ OP u ^i C ,S 2 1 S o J P-M (* bfl g o o .ti -g aqfe S SS U. S. GEOGRAPHICAL SURVEYS. 213 5 ll O "~ |*l|| V ^0 i SDC a a c S, *o - ' C o - 3 C^O m ^ ^j bM'^^-a o . 2 i s p, J2 Pi rt s rt - J; r o.M-' 3 S ^ B 3 . cS Hj qj '75 -i "i "i -^f I *iii "H ** O ^ QJ C " 1 6 ijj- c^9^ Q T3 3_W O g 1 "* w3 P rt^ ^ ^3 tfTg C fe p 5-a o 2 o '" fij*** E a t jT2 i: M l^? cUdo'tsod ts So.S ^^QQ^QQ^ fi ; |a t t'O *O *cj O O ^"On c O O C OO O O t5 nces were estimat' ed about three mi ad. Twenty-thre rom here the rout ; of the route, and ' 5 I h r " 1 rt h ^(N'OM^-t-.M MOO *O *^ O\ ^ ^T ^ l- O ^OOO ^ LO'O 10 *H 00 >^ vO I- 1> ** 1O 1 ! 8 < 1" ^""" NN " N " jpff s u O O O O w> >-O i-O O O O O 00 O ^OOO ro co to ^H w N^ O sl|M ^ S "& i2 H S ^ C^OO t-. t-'O u"> ^ (O co M Eia . .5aR^88l?88S- jrf "j 1 Sj 3 ~ & SI8. ^ H NN M M 00 t- p *^ ( Oy^ o B 8 "o-c - ^*- yj *-* . tf) 4* ^ 1 >> c'? !^ -^ M * 2 ^H B 1 ^~~ *" " O 1 E .2 ? & S S PH !iM o ^~.ti ^ il 5*e" b I ^ ^ "rt O J3 5 d.ix^H 3 ^* '^ > ** 1 "?" '3 ^g "3 "2 8 2 8.1 *^ M Si h|o>S u *j o "jj'^ ^ .5 eS "^^ rftlsill gj= s S us &*G * O*^^ ^" K Q I^IJ?! g S c Ss . J ||j 5*2 ^*1=^ j u(2'd \o w *^ "S - s C : c rt r73 '3 | ! J3 P^ S 5 " 1 c w'O 1 3 rC3 E* M ! B t UO i rt P 5 i ! ^ ^ *O "o 12 Sjf^rt ./: J fcoS S^-O 1 | { li iil j ! ! K P 1 1 B ^3 CO 4) g O rt *" * * *rt w t) ^ fc* . y. ra ' ' O fe 'O 'U 3 . aj *j 11 1 D _^ ^ "^ irl II lit! Iff i s|jl| ^8. i 3 || || | o o 1 n inw> Z H l> ? U i; w o |jL n 5 PO t"* u ^" O u O O OO O fl ON HH Q\ i/^ ON -O i r^. OO <-O 'O 10 ON O 'O O 'O 8^ fas fjp 1 ** " U 1 \f) 10 J'Sl o o i . O* ON w r^ r^oc . O ON ! ^ *-f~) ON *-" "^ C ON ro 1^.00 O *-*"! ^ ^" (N ON fO M ^J- o c SB=J ^ ^J O t^> ^ O\\O W OQ O\ u"> OO 'O^ OO vC H2 ^^0 O O ON ON ONOO !> t~^- 'O 10 ^" PO r* ON fi JJJ-B B> jSj 1^ H- ^ ft Ifi ?S u o o c t^ iri | g| OO OOO^'N'J-'^M^-t^ vD NO O'-'N 00 B) O 4* 4) Jis J3 o'^c C NN *^C ^00 t^ > OO O r~* oo C i~^. "^ S c 11 f C> CO ON 4i 2. .2 go 3 _ Ill g| .88 OOOt->.ONt^.'-Nro O\ vOOO O t~>. *} ONOO ON iri^O ON t-* "^ -> O CS O t^ * *O 4j *j. IK i r* -H ^ .-, 5 r- ro en's Is; o A'S nd I sjh C 4) rt ^O 7: ti O *O o Q ** c c3 'S x-28 c a> -2 1 -i y - (p ,Q 11 1 1 jf 0) ^ 4-> 'O - E si f'i aS-S, ' 8|"" <" Q, '"^ *" W O >^-3 rG 'O "* CU , ac'c ""S-iSl J^c i ^4 V :* pa 121 V > II ^ o a UC Isllllll II II 14 u "a b43 30 g S o tm23 x fc O X' W hJ A cjfo - i - 5 S 1 1 7 : 5 :s ft E U. S. GEOGRAPHICAL SURVEYS. 215 '/* ,2 8 If 9 B a S = O 4) |j t rt cd - 1 l^ll c-S UI a "11 g-a = 'j Ji tn ~ i _ " J -a Q- c v ^ , V rt u S-S 1 tf . I ^"c ll .s C rt ^ ^ . ^" *N ^9 3 ^ o'o (J ti-i* ^23 3 c/? H; 1) w g M 4J QJ S3 -at 3 1 a -a f 1 S ^,o n ?ta a S 2 g S.O "t? J* tuO rt ^ >- tn*a 1 ^ B T3 'O o o u -*_ - !a O rt O g rt c/% 1 ?B 1*1 3 "> 3+ .a % *L O 10 O i"^ ^ tn ^ o -S 315 t -d 5 v g > *. - - f s s & " S *l ' S "^ "H* "S "0 fe -T 0i a ^ ^ N Q 1 ^s S -. M Tf O o ,r rwa Coi s sheets N< s> i J- Stocktons t Fort Crool urns northt a S & 1 4) " ' fN N QN >-< r-^ t^. ^ ON lj 1 si ^ O\ O *-* -" I rfB it-Ssr | M O C 2 ' 1>| a > 1 3 e > S = 2 S ., : J 5 ?5 H ^ 5! s '! 1 El u g" 1 HH SI* ^ y, 8-5 o u o H -'u M I 1 . (rt r J] t u 'S 13 w ss a| _M t3 'O Q *t> g g oi * 1 III ii 1 III s 216 ITINERARIES OF ROUTES. 3 I | o S I 1 at .2 Q r " e .3 o c.> U 3 . f* ". o- 0) J^ S'3 an <& _ V "SO y I 1 o I 5 <^ T & 00 O 03 K (A II. IS S a. n ^ s ,a.s OJ -^ a S a J>> NH t^, O ^-O fO O " ooo oo r-. t^. -j o \O ^ d S5 >^ ^ * all III rt g "S- K oU -ti o o SS CJPn PC c 8 Je Ho o n |f Cs K J II 22 affi Sal S" 1 1 E U. S. GEOGRAPHICAL SURVEYS. 217 3 3 _G a SN .a 3 ^ ^ ? o ^ A c\ 211 s es cj tn 11 S.s 2>S a" ii ^ rt 25 K'Sii ^^ 1 ..OO in o wo" 3 CJ 0) > HH O V Jl ^-j ^ rt **- ^ t/3 "^ p^ tf (n O R ^ O ' J2 3 "^ - till! 11 rt "rt f" U o |S IT'S -~~* M ** ^ ei _3 ClP^ ^ ^ C3 C W"3~ "f fi 1 1 a g^ ^-, J? C^ j^ ( >C/3 1-2 g 1 u rt ro t->. w LO ir) !"! *3 ^ * < CO irjio r-. *- O Q,^ i| J ^ rj-io^-*^ ill * rt u^ M s" q M \C N M O ? c * n co ^ 3 S CP .^ ^ t-^. fO O\A O ^3 O ej v> a'? *? M "?g 1 8 '^jd-^ J4 BI WAM | u > OO ^ t^ fO I--* rt i s~ ^> f^OO N O ** >3 CO OO O*i ON O !!* i/) Q P3 9 -2 '3 111 u S""* *-M t E:'S,S8* 'S^S l|a a " |*r 3 ^." 5 |s" |B ffl O i ^- ' ' " o 'oT EJJSC S ^S o ea-^ O A M O O 22 'rt ^ 'in x ^ ^EL T3 1 if! t ! ws the ridge miles ; Deei ^rt p^-2 ^^^-"CQii^J g^ 2<*> CL, ^T-J.. TJW^S'i'SwS T3 2 J w'g " rtC^:^^ ^.-S '"" en" u) > CJG ^Jij? I ~^^C''~'-2'a3S l-T -^ so I U S|"S |S' : '2l'o | ^sc- " o M^ SJ3 -" P ^; (U ^ y 1 %% S| s ^' ? SJ-J |--|oSls J J"S _1 . ??? ?Qt^^,><1 P Ooj gs o u rt 1*^ CO M t->,CO CO OCNt^.^^-'^'VO tv.l>. i ^ w _; vl ^ ^t" O W GO co O'l'sO ^" >-O ^* ro M t^. o\ Q| ' " S n 9 ,3 ^^^^i- 5 > $S,8'8'& < 2. Sv Svg> S2 ^ ( w~ ,^co tC. ^ N od N corodN | o^t-d\ co 4o\ :.3i^ COCOCO^OvO inimo^fOrow w MI-< O i S) K 1 is o 2 .8 S'w^^K ^^^So'^S; a 5;$ oS si S *5iO O **)** gVWI Gv^-lAr^N POGO* C"! fOCO M V) .a a "^ O "^ 1 !^ u 8^ r^. t^ t^CO ** if) ro fcH cs N o 10 N O =" Ct *-f~i < ' i/l "i i -. ri -H i i "-i i-< OQ ri r-*; Os Ji '5 J3 ^ 1/1 O ^~ 4 *2 rant rout< le for waf " : ! ja ^ci &, 3| 00 O s ! s a o 3 s i i i j, s. 2 u- u-, T3 | c ^ i I ! -i |.2 "3 ^ : a B O U 73 ^1 " V* 4J ^ .0 U o o _1 1 to "SB- 1 00 w . i TJ 0) t O > " ^0 11 Qooj s ^odd t3^ iess . 1 _ ? j ,S5 o o *^ .0 ^ o S ^ *" 22 3 S In "*~^ c > rt S *ff 2 2 "o^ ** ' M *^ * ."S -2 o ^ o 5 rt O ^ ^ (/i O tjO rt i-*^ 6 bfl wi -* oi wj trt w ^ *g ^ j^ 4> o o o 'C Q 9 w "B 5 S 5 jB 3 8 r if U. S. GEOGRAPHICAL SUEVEYS. 219 te 3 S a 1 B 1 tfi i i rt c cd p- S s S'p 1 (3 H A s B o oi 5 +3 V "" >>s w T3 S 2 3 |ia SI <3 2 rt S | S ">3 J! 1 iii O 4J g o.S IB o ** i5 C/3 C/!3 0.2 Q ria Chico, and 4/A.l v g .^0*0^ s J * J it railroad i either anc r Si ' " SJ O g C N \O O i ^ Ci Jjj rS J^^ 10 " ^ a ti 1 ! f ^ g-2 IS""" S *^ . - ^^ -I 1 ' ^ -^ ^ . o^- 3 1 S a s i" 3 a-g * | ^(S s c.> r^ 10 fo "o w "3 i2 (S J5 d C 2 u -s [^ w fc 6 sis. "^ "rt rt .b z, "" O y -2 w Ed V O GO'S a ^ 11 ri i |j 1 e s~ g o s; 88 .2 3 O H{ c/l 4) 0> '.4- ^ ._ ._ Ill 11 ZM 2 ui W) c 3 3 Ocncn 1 220 ITINERARIES OF ROUTES. S o I I II 1 1 ? i V s m ^ CJ | C3 u q 1 0) o S p "5 t 2 3 1 m o s c n x> ?' 4) T3 rt a; i t/j E, r3 , * ta -> "* i^3 ,^ H 1 ! li . 1 % & | it w i^ U . G :j ** rt jS Q (h PM IB B w M O I 'a ?3 O . T3 03 S tsl o 8 g o ~ 00 P ^ ^Q n Sg \ 4) 1 K rt (/ fjn n I c if ii f 1 f ' S 1 a " 3 -a a 1 r- i 1 g O ci G di^ II tfl * ' pq Seat of Butte C< Pacific Railroa Oroville road tur Small settlement. is 1,3 || g ^| ^21 !U *j Q ~ . *X3 rt 4 S S ^ - <-> 2 g ^^ . i ^ ^ g^^! ^5 . ' P o ^'5S8e vi"|fj ^ eu tsi J g ^ l!i J3 !> r- so csi r^ i-i r~ : 1-1 1-1 ui o ^t"sc 5J - i -. 00 vO 00 OO '&S SO CO N N ro ^ *n in^o rj- TJ- 5 B 1 * <3 -S rt O * t~ c v f > -d- ^ ^ . B 4J _ ? * Tt- "ISO OS * N flso Os O "I t- ^ ro M Q r ->0 ro O "O O 'O OO "" i r-^ 10 Os 00 ^ *^ *^ o iy 1 in ir i rf Tj- t^i N N 1-1 M O O B O . O ON ON ONOO w M I-* t- oo t^ JO w t^ Tl * ^-oo so" m i * .1 S r " PJ M^MM" JoP;?-?^^ s? sS 1 Q | 0) S-S^; 8 S .00 vO ON O \ ON ONOO t- m ^ ON"O \D '3^ O fn 00 so 01 g S ^ O O 1-4 n- ^- \Q ro r^. N OO w U") >-* fit 1^ 8 ^ O ^ ^ W) .2 'o '^H . I a 3 o "T _^ I J 41. u ^-^ rt v U U Eg o o ^ sill O O i-H o ii O 1 I 4; L " ' 75 > s 2 ci >v~* *^ rt TO || ^bflO.^ W 33 y^So S|g|c|g| 11 J 1 1 ^-5. n ^ ^P d A T- tT^ rTS AX -^ O o and I 5s o d 4 4o fo- S 8S II 'S^o^ .j O *l d-2 o j= -&5 r g -^Js-s cfc u O cj if I Aiaf g lll 222 ITINERARIES OF ROUTES. tT .3 il '- si t 7 ? c &s Q S "g. f H 1 3 -zS ? rt t - o ^ pq o * ~ v ^ ^ 1 B 4> rt **O ,,] j> ff' 8 X^ u w he w ~^ ^r3 c tfi tl M K " i&s * ^1 S- 2 ^^ ~ if & *** W 4J 2 ^~" ^" "' ** ^) ^ d rt O)^ 1 r 5 <+- ^ l-l j2 rt OHI-T^ ^ ""* S " w HH [O O S G -^ *~~" S (S o B3 . tuo wi . ^ ^^s g c ^2 ^ W'S t T-! iT o'S* ri ^ QW^_QQ S 5 " ' .^ 2^'^ ^Jy^cS ^'S ''*tlT^ a g 4 "! g'o S ^3 rt 3 cj r 5 PQ ' : '^jH"O o2 3 o ' C flj **^ ^ "" '*^ 4J ^ ^ "^ 1J P^ P^ "^^ r/3 rtl C ^ J 3 J3J3 5 H "( K g I <0 00f2p^^6feh>HC v -'KS^H 11 1 i 41 rt T3 ^ CO N t^ N OO N t*-. t~^vO ** "- *-O O"i *O CO OO ON CO K"> OO ^* OO vO CO "^ C>l /^ COCO t-M t* l> M HH N r^, h^ O> H^MCO oomo^ 1 -" 1 ^ r^.^O fOOfOTf TJ- iri^-coi-">-' oT * i 2 gju f^j ,Mco4ioiocococorococo co covo 4 ^f Th K 3' * ^ s-f. c a" O 9 i I to tr> vrj ^+- h^ ^- *=J-\O co^O 'O ^J* ON trj *^- ON M co t^- O to O ON TT *H t-^, n t^.00 *"^ W 00 ONOO ** CO N ON Th O . U *-> \ "s{ "1 'S 8^ &aoa S-^^o -SSi^P)^?, , y?0*nmo 11 *1 T t-^ I 1 rt * 4 * S i .85, SsS^KK.SS'n.'&R 5- S^S'SS II i i ~ ^J M f/j CO Tj- >o to to^O l>-00 CO CO CO ON O ^^ ^^ "^ t,s H Q F ^ si g " Oi M A a.fc . if

- tooooo^or^. 1O HI to CO COvD fO ON'O ON ThOO ^^ t^ CN vO N Th Th S^' > -^ S la c 2 S ^ 1 "" .P ^ fl C2 fj"*- S . o . ^ .5 "2 o ^ CT *J a *^ 4* >N 4J "^ 5 'c 1& B |rt ^.^^rt^.^^ _^ gj )S "O^^-^nS " ri*3 sa 'c rt ^ lT ^ aj O^ j ^ S553 a "S i}* .1 B 8 -2 *S a Ip O o > -^ ^ ^* ' J ^" ;; i> O |s, ?2 ? 2 .S "S ? "'S"i > *fcj t; -- 1 jCOuo, rt ugo"g'S o"l' S 1 g'S.'S^ I" S.l HJ "o Hq v * *o t-I J"^ W >c3 S C'c**^ ^ rt bca;^ 3 ill-aliiilflls Cyp Ho.wSp'^^^^HS;? o a o M . eS W3 .. S o ? i a 2 . 3 "3 O ^J- N N OOO OO O P* (^OO oE'-SS 2 Xo ^2- S^S o >i.r< C ^ S > ^ gs^s "-T o" < S " ^ ^ 5 ^ 3 * ; S2S2 ,?; u J3 f< - ti e Sl C/} O 4> * a rf _ o TJ- rf o t- r>.^o vo VD oo u*> o a o 1 c ^ *^- O 06 06 ood ^ pJ vd ^-^d d *^ w^ K z i'l g r^^O lOirjTf^-^-POPl - E_w j 1 * O J ( ^ >o 5 ll .k 1 f^QUi S $ I 4> 5J L> rt 4) O O ">00 PI PI N t^. P< O PO O 1 * Illi! * 2L | 1 ll Q H ^%j O ^}"VD *O >-O^O O PI OO O OO ^" ? C^ i Hill -a s gj o o ^~ PO PO o o o o oo PI 10 3^!! 5 a! 3 -2 * .5 ^ 6 ^- N o'od >-" rj-pj\d oo-o* " W 4* O O g 2 8 ^ > 8"""" S- u |f ri.a) 4) oo I-!! | _ "> Q ^ a -?- 8, o ** o^ S g % " HI! s fl rt C 3 4J^ > J "" S w . O * (2 | J3 si" ,l*lll 1 lit fill's sit' * 9 E *O 2 "'X 1 " 8 The mail and ombey post-offi' d, 85.05 miles. NOTE. This u C'o .ii rt .2i o'H oS 3 H ^D C/2 OH t/i fe UD tin >OH O 1 SiS 224 ITINERARIES OF ROUTES. I 3 i I S ., "K*n . -. T3 sr 's 2 ,3 C =o p> . rt ^ i+ Is rt ^ w c O O c 'J^ rt wi ." G 772 O T3 cJ "*" - 2S 1| bb.S i0 M g 'SS 3 <-C ^ O q; '^'o Q |jj 1 -^ -o S 5 ^ '? P S -^ ^c ^ QJ "3 (2 ^ U ^ ^| 111 S ? r?" "> ii S H S -S8 c a o ** (J "ffl U <""!/] **" a 2 s w J 5 !"! s "S Oi S" . ^4 K T) ^111! o >, j ot/5 =3 ^^ ->o||l 11 ^ w 4* _w *-j o a R ""^ -y l " l QJ w rf H s c/^ ^ c ^ ^3 . C! OJ --3 ^ , ** to *H O C rt oj c rt o c kH /^ S C/2 C/} HH ^ Q C/3 S i -^00 r^. ON OO n CO -^* M "^00 CXD 00 O J^ 3 'OJ "5 t* 1 D ^ . *"* I c OO 00 CO PO O ro -i 'O M N N N O M \O M GO *-" ON O ro o <3 d t^. rl c\ t*. "~i O >- O fO O | 3 I 10 a 8O m m J>. ON ^ VO vO vO vO 00 ON ^- CN O ON 00 vO O fP^ 2 rg N Tj- ON3O O N M M tf) r* yD O g Q 1 Si V fljj 8O "1O 1^ 1 w O O O irj u~i LTI ro t- >-> ON . t-* CO ^j O W 10 N C4 M i-O jQ - \O f fe O fi ^> 52 EL sl M 3 a o 2 '1 09 frl .s H i 3 31 "S _J T3 ^l ";" u T3 rt 1 s c= ^S S J fl 1- Is & CJ cH fill ij| j a g u C- = a u g ! I s.:>x c i'B. E v , |A|| S^j- rt JJ 4) g -t-I U. S. GEOGRAPHICAL SURVEYS. 225 a I - S ^ -&1 S 4 J B Z, I s ~ 0> I I I o o o 2 = e ^ I a I < 'I .all p ^ "> tT jJlf | |l . c :5 3 c -o 'p O rj rt oj >H Q 0* (f JH " -.J 8 c r 'C rt *2 *"O ^5 T; 3^3 w c rt S) *~ > 'o iwi^^o.ti J2*2^* ^ |!||t-l|||||f|| O "^ ttfjH m-^ G.S O S *O C s 3_j 3 *"3 ^1 Iff^Si'Hsl 1 '3 > u fS* "St" T?\O IT) IO LT) l^ tC^O lf)lf) 32* a it >-> '-tvOGO'- fO O O wo 5**ff >^ ^0 o^ *^ o !* o o co co c ;S*O J^- fOGO ON fo r* > (S ^j O N O *o ^ coxO ^ ^ *ovO ^ 6 3 q 2 w V V '-0 ij .8 R^!?;?8'5,$2>S, 8 0) 3 *-* III ^ O ^ I*'- ^ ^ ^" fO^O O W O G< Jsj O , .2 "rt S3 . ^ o ^ -o 3 S < - a i?. S E "^ 32 g 1 pH ^* ' 1 ^ P-I C/} '2 *- p^sc4flhHAA ^3cS?tf'yw'3c/3 i itiiUiSii i & U^> ^H Q Q 5 c^ fc j 1874 WH- -15 Jfo *C 3 "2 ^ ag Hll s o rt / 2 &m a" o >- .* V O , O r?l Si 8 lilfl d. ca 'oB <" c- 3 o o b -* w *! ll^s "i-O n ej O llAfc" o o - 9 V-D.tiJ,- -Ir OQ ! r so so .t; ; 2 226 ITINERARIES OF ROUTES. i/i 1 s - i V- 4J )-i O >- CJ d w c o c "o - > J= 1$ '1 $ g^ "rt "Sfit D u . J g'g o -5 , ^ *-* g ,rt _0 1 Jj'g > "S a* i! a a 13 5 ,2 j ifj Jji | i | iS (3 I 1 sr&l 1 l = s x_g ^HO; J .b " ~P 1^1 f 3 8 -a * b" I 5 H Jig -d.S "X O ^ --H V3 d "* 9 J5 S'3 rf O d d ^ _, J^ -72 Js T3 u >, J=3 !,' O d II " C ' -4-> V ' ^ go a g^^ ili i!i . 1 ^2 K 8 -a W " s.= ^T, X >- gSi -Sg *a| O 4) u? "** o c ""^ O O iv! qj OJ "tJ i^ P^ Co C 4 IB fiJBJ *^S rt 'S "-^ Iz; =J G ^ 1) r- *^ hft W " S.2-S 00** _,*- - OJ ( o-^:s l-f -s-^1 Sffjg j|J 2sSs Ii |l | c-| Up K-414 o!# the Con he road g about r-5 *^ C*P** fl ^H . C O p? tn d u o- c -c'C 2 EX! 3 M| | Me g l > 3 > ^f WsK IJoilg Ill f | ri ll it i ^ "o *5 dO g lj'8 1 d fl o2 * S pic75feHh5 PdO "is J2 V- -.11 5! < q s 8 B |l ' i/^ ^* ro ON ro < f> O "-.>0 -( fO C -g* ? ^cgiC Th r^. ON - fO O N m W M O 2^2 .8 J3 cj S t^ f 2 N OO OO vT> D ^H o^^O N r^. *H ON r^. M ro o 3|1 iS a P ^ " ^- c 1 " tf) O '" ' 1 , O in in O oo oo !>. N r^.OO mfO^-' O^M OOON e- 3 fe ^3 4J 6| H U 1 t> ct g'3 U-JM O ON mro - O rOO * H| a *-* .Q J2 O* POCC s ^? 5- $ p ^ s s^^ ON ro ON t->. <-( r-^oo oo o^ O .2 g -a * > ~ l wo a t g| H Q s I a.> 8 m O *->. r* mOO O 3 Th\o o\e ON m m M t^-oo oo oo foco O O N O COOCOOO N ^0000 M r*)O N ft! u 'a 42 i u n : ^ jgi in IP p -^ 8 .* ^ l i i i [ _f:^E i "a** u j "c | C > M 3 'aT *J> - o ^ ^S H 3 o T3 C-c d Q o "3 ^ o V " ' j-; Ifl ^ Q S .& O -. . O 3 y, s > 1 *8 ^ u a sl| o a _o a C 'aj rt ^ 1 ' 1 ^ f? s U 3 O c3 O '3 H pfl O ** ss,Ji 4B o 3 3i O J ^^ _J, -Jo K i "So S -! w b?ll fis f 2o hH'S 1 of- rt o T A - s |j G j, S 2jS ^ E E^f s^ '1 11 .a E c IS i WO 3>! ^ 2 S ope: o tc^ SO^E !illl ^ J.1 J No Central across 1 U. S. GEOGRAPHICAL SUBVEYS. 227 1 j *r i" " * " ! v. Q K 2 u I t3 u ir> <&- i* u 2 a o I" c.i I 1 Hg 4) N ?! S S His x . rt [/i " J-r 1 a -i-j sii^ ._ B _<9 w . a J 8vO O M 10 O CN ir> 00 O a - Ur/)OCJ stages. uniform miles. ,a u T (2S^- Ssg CT3 fc - to * ti 8=5 II 8 228 ITINERARIES OF ROUTES S3 3 1 a 4 ^ . s I CO I ^ % * 3 <5 < Kj ^ ^. I $ P4 5 ""S "!>>. 3J~ ] I 6 a g ^ ' - - a v S .OOOOOvOO\ ONOO t-^. O W rt- to t^. : OO M 00 \O PO O ^" t-^'O fOroO t**N fOPON IH OO r ')'^ roi--.tO'j - O^'^'ONf > ")fOO M NN 3 2 J _' *-< C **^ ^ 6 e OT) .2 o Ji O ^j w: c3l^u 2ij_*:JoOa)4ju)*:'_. CXCXX ^ Q, CX >*-" ui M iliilllllllil -1 S" If ill 32! P'B a lfl gsl I."! 1 - 1 - as-ffi B>S a 113 1 Surveyed i From here S 91 !* 3 /) 230 ITINERARIES OF ROUTES. ; . . I v. i H r^i pQ -a. * ^ o -S * & A I J Si I a < j c i y s 5 ffl w- 13 t/2 <3 ( yT lr o "H . a - r~ rt D a E D "S 7^ Q, " is rS D|S .2 o ITlS ^ 'S ^ 'g C C rt fcZS o . a || *S ;g ^;| ^ ^ S," 1 s 1=1 g L> t 4J ^ rt 2 *^ JS rt rt ^ rt rt J| ?. B g H .2 - 1 |a1||*l rt t .*, .^13 0) O rt oj .yb PQ3- C J 1 ^ c3 1 o ? | g ^ 3 |-|-g P tr'3 zz's. wl> 4> J3 aO a o "* * D, C ^> "2 S* S"l i," S-^ u- O y 0*1 > J ii^, la "S 1 | c3 1 ^ 3^ __ t; S>'^ . ^ n |g ^i ^ G rt ^ ^ -H cd u "it 'o It K ^*t K O ij ON i c ft O ** J! O OJ v bjo^ ni . i ii "^ "c ^ B ^ ^ a c -^ c t! 2 'o S^ T. "?^ btj- o tiljtffillffiJiiJJlF ga- g|1 "h" N Tf t- O VO ^-O O C\ N. O\ ^ ^^ 'O ft o -2 1 . fO O ON O ^O l^O - ^ ?L $-? ? E 1 &^5-S IJf 3 -i vc O r^ w oo - O ^O N 00 OO Tt- ^^ *j'6 u d S 2 ^ 2^2 - ON M t^ "N vn o r i-i t- N -O OO *?? *m |5| s a O 8 ^ i^ w r^ OO mCX3 \O CO fi O 00 U1GQ xo - ON^ Q 1 ll I " J2 O * in N N Sj ft *" 5 o 1 S .o?o> oVS-S B| u 5^ US 8 K 15 1 2 --S V g-g, "*" J? 25"^ ?^^ a|S J! a ^ N t^ m~ iA>o .A iAxo >A N vr* ro i/l troO N Ml O ^-g ifl SI i fill G X ? Iji-g jy g = ^ "u o *; |5 11 8 2^ j 1 ^ DH rt "o 1 13 ii oc Sheridan (post-office) California and Nevad Woodfords (post-offio Markleeville (post-offi Mount Bullion Silver Mountain Silver Mr. or Ebbetts Hermit Valley Summit >\ i t> tJD -=5 o.S 3*|*| J; o fc/i ^ Hotel (Calaveras Big Fourteen-mile House Forks of road' 2 1 West of this creel Meadow Ranch to Fols 2 At about one-half miles ; to West Point, i U. S. GEOGRAPHICAL SURVEYS. 231 I 8 O.M -3 SS 8^ 1 ^ o ^ i 1 o. s -si" 1 |l 2^ 1 ^< *\s . 5 ~z$ cia) "e3 s- s t/j a 7, s 1 1 S |2 |o 1 M o n s s s ** ^ is'3 o-s S-S rt S 3 ^ 1 1 * c 06 r*. O Q 1 .a 2 c B "o. 1 I 1 -g 8 1 " ^ Is' Is O ** 3 1 o^i % i| Is 3< > u >j fe ' rt 12 O o -j u 3 ! v t! i O o _, '/; r-, Jf U . w t/;W 1*1 si 5 C -j -~ ro >-, c c *~~i J^ K & ff o > Q 1 c ( ( i ^> fc^ , O O ** 1),= rt C c O . faq 'S. i CO vr.0 O flf .S K v "S 1 ""! x/- S^Sl JnO r5 ^3^*rt O -Q 2 o" S > ^ tftfftm bejjf-i w -g ^3 >0 ! " Q Sil 3 1 t? o 1 9 ^H O m O 1-1 O 3 E ^ - "", JJ S c J-J " O M r^-O O SQ ^ ^ 2 &? e s Vj f} w ~ S 1 -^ *"* W 'S o . ai *i7i Q ^* - j* s i s^ s "* 4) "< J3 O r^ vO N P5 StfS all -~ I c "-> c ^3 N O t-^ f^ * O oaS J^ ^" ^ fl o ^2 O >-i t-i N ro ^J- JSJ D.S ^3 1 i 1 1 IP I! 5 e S'S M N O O r^ r^ "5*o - 1 1 || 1 00 r-- "^ O ^O E-So "8 .J' W o ' o ^2 o s SQ ^^ 1 8 d. e 8. o. *" o y o o O "2.S2 "? o ^ X o G Jd flj *O l0 S.n o D tn 1 Ja i ?^ 1 ^> E gi y^ ^ *u "3 1 S" "" .': Halfwa' *'ffl 232 ITINERARIES OF ROUTES. i ! I I I B "">> 2 a 18 s P 1< S fl > 3S iU C\ I^OO 00 10 O OO >* o o - LTJ^O '-O GO O O ^^ *^ ^* ^ I o O S o c^Afc- I fr .a SI II # F* |1 'S 4) ti ^1 o } H Xc^mm U. 8. GEOGRAPHICAL SURVEYS. 233 6 b 18 1 9 1 1 i ^ J J B S g g S 3*1 8 - ~ < ""O S *^ 4) o ^ ^5 *O 1 i|| l| Jj rt *o .5 P *|| | s A 1 llg-Jfl > S^HgJ rt W ^4J rt ^ ill ^ 2 O S G 3 C Q B B XM ^ 1* 3 g I a'i e s-3.* J2 'o CJ r3 CO 1 ' Q rt rt ^ J Q t 3C U H-S2 f^^ " -S i & i ^J|il||J g *j rf *j o 2 J=JgSg^ |o|a>|s lH | ||||l| ^4J 1 'C 'B S. a 1 e-S'SfS o.| & a > o.^ co | c .S 1 * ^ S &OQ ESQ ^ en S k K ** *n : I \O tO ^ fO t> I _ ^^ <3 a _. 3 . l^% ^H ON C^ ON l t^ VO 5: ! In < rO O M CO ^ ' O\ M tC o" -fea % Q ^i ! 1 S 3>K^^^8 S S^ -Rg^^K && 5 "S, 2> s ^> 5 g a |? SSSSa-RRSS SSXS, !> ^" O\ N O ^ ^ CO CO CO 5 fl i c S , O fOOM-ONOMOtOt^fO CONO-i N t^ t/i CO *$ '3 ^ 3 1 1 . O CO ON >" O W ^ ON *O ** ONCO CO O CO I" 1 * ^ M c< r| ' S'M^^KMM'ONS &oo > o" ON N CO 10 t- 5 - 5 i 1 | S *>; *** gj 8 ! Z I> S < 2aS^^ 1 S, ^o?^P. -. i/i 00 CO VO 30 ON co O O i 1 4 "3 -- S U -3 j. ***. -*.,. pi N o i i & X^ SH tJ> tuO C^" C G H O - H 3 'S u w O us s *- * : S j 'jp o tr c~S- g> J? O 1 o u i ^ 4) aj "* ^oo c li i 3 8 S.-^S.^: "" ^-^ I CJ M 'lj.9 33 !( fe*j]\! "5^2 2^4 * a " ?B "1 f U S s 2 ^ S *8 1 ~ o--- t/j o H c^rH 3 ^ g i o o Jjf 1 J 1 S UCJUc2< CH w c HJ w H S M 234 ITINERARIES OF ROUTES. I 5 ^ IS 1 12 J3 rt > & o'^ JJ H h B B J? o a "3 II R OJ MI! E S _aj ^ <~ O rt O C ^ in ^ C rt 3 o Ds-i rt E *ss ** ll!g ^ c S ver the Gr >f surveys C JJ *J *.i a | 1 "" u .11 ^oj o o. .s a I 1 * Ill CJ33 ^ C3 HH c a i-' li'sl fi| .s'.s 1 ! "3 a W S ial si ^S u "a^o " "T3 ^ s s 3 g| 1 if ^ a *- ii 1 .88 -o c c M a _J3 N O MI 2 is'a S t*< g 1 i . ** ^ S ^ GO & JPJJ1 tr j-j iJ J u-S g|| o o o ^ iS c . . in o _e G*-. Si^a > 3 o Iji 2 route is tl The dista utchings, o O M|S *O'-> w 4>ja o c el 2 S SU^ m S a S s 1 - g iX . | 1 4) O, > G td d o o 1 .*;' >2^ c-3 BE II ll U. S. GEOGRAPHICAL SURVEYS. 235 H t-5 3 ^ u JS 1 I ! fr H B | S .3 c "I 1 I 1| d o -5 O a d c -^ - ^ S w - o rt n 4J 4J 3 1 uOC oJ .55 Cf_,-iC 3SS "3 -0 ,5 5 v- Q 2^^ .*- -s^o'sS, o Jli "rt 1 2 S ^j S *- ~ o be i y M OJ3 Q 1 | sis i?_! o y> ^ ^ o .-">.S B B '5 "3 2 "^ o .J3 **-< *j C , ^ o S g2 Sj^a^" 13 '? a _j aJOO^J^t^i .. S B a 3 a f g. -SI'S "rt^i.S-S c iTJS a ^ JS . "J3 . H r "So O . *J . ._ tn H ^ L^ rr, > o> >. 3 g u u S o "o g "> > p rtJT s S o a) ,2 s M bfliS "c v2 tJ) tJ.*rt p2 tJ) "9 ^3 W 1 Jf M .S ... rf ...5 .5 3 -2 2 .S g g .S S (U S c c c ^ 5~S rt'^-So'T-: -3.S rt o 5 ^S s,5;ss^^oSHuSS S55 vO f*} O O ir>OO O 00 i^>00 * -f t^^O rr> *t ON 00 5 (s, pi l"-,\O ON iO 5 * *'oj -^ rO O "^ "^ i-iror^ro^r^ OOO'-'OOTl- W N IO 3 ."5 4> > ^ *f***** ^ _Q _a ll un N 10 ^o ^^?fi5,?-r_^5;^^^ft ^Jb IO 3 ffi S'S N ^ s S g \o * (^. N i-t O Oi 0^00 00 00 r^ t^ I-~ t^M3 ^3 ^ 6| k. TJ 8^0 CO 1 " 1 N rO'd'OW ON'O OO OO OO 00 f^ *$~ M O O O ^ ^ t^OO O r'-Ot->.ONO <^ W OOO ON i 43 .2 || |0 vorjg O OO w> W O lOOO O ^5 ^ CK N ^O f^ ^ M ro m-* i-5 ,5 o t^ r^ t- r>oo oo oo oo o 1 1 Q ^ id g > 8r*)t~*O O*- - "-^O N t--.i--.iOI-O QO ^HOOOlO^ rO*^-"" ** rOC* ^ >H HH M OOO U1 *" 3 |l| 3 Q" vo O ^ w _t= r^oo t^ t^oo # m N m - W C* -2 21 s - ^ a S S , S 1 1 K "2 a S .s __. *_3 B<"2 c Q c |ll . S > B 'S rt rt 8 fi 2 S o '3 ! 2O .2 o Ol-l CJJ , N 3 ^"O J 4) OB." Milton (terminus Si opolis Railroad). Reservoir House __ Gibsons Station Alfaville Hi i?l r tr- *^ CJHOJ T'rt *!.'O ij*lii]jriHiii P.ft'lfc-B.l^ail^'li IlllililJIial! 3"3-5'c3 3 r a S S"o"o o"o S c S_CcjKS>Hl2oa^O^S d-X, M -Si si a c Jj ss * The distances an surveys of this office i 1 Kor details see B 236 ITINERARIES OF ROUTES. &> q la f c2 8 i o i I to T w <& 1 V S B H 3 c x l| If rt O B 11 I o rt Is* to ro 0) [> 10 ro M ft *l_ seets Nos. ; II fi 00 1^ !>. O . O t^O ^ t^. 1-1 d d ^" s > J I-.00 OO xr> 4J 1 ' g II ' iSSd,x s 2 ^ row O 1-* !- . * O cor^ ft .g |CK i . O) 1 U rQ 5 H i-S Ha M.S u V^ *o ^2 o s 3 o 3 HiJUM U. 8. GEOGRAPHICAL SURVEYS. 237 I c "o v ^ ^ 1 - "o ";2 "- i a* J .2 O r ^^ 'rt'^^-*- IS S ft 1 * " &^S -S ! 3 - 3^| ,2 s'oK , o ^S-^ cjtS,^ a B j= ^ 5 c M *E y, a aw~ S S i O_ J . PS - ^o JD g u T ti w ** c U gj^. o Ej ^ 's >! - -^ --j *-* 9 W t/1 Wl M if i a c 1 O > '"O *^ O ** > W rt u C X, *" t* " cj [/) o fcfl " flJ bjO t Q kflv- u v-i flj *^J q_J v A o i "S t-9 1 3 c ^o 1 E "o '1 11 f & & O , 1 f d I 4 "fi'l -i S(3 fe, M s '3 M M t y S.2'C^' t/) S 3oo) sc 'f|l|- "3 H^ <3 > So^l >S HStS2 is $ ^ S i2 5 II 1 S if 1) rt IP vjro 00^^" NxO vOO^ tnOO OC 1^, Q Q C4 PO>s0 t^.\O ff east of Lc , 16.3 miles ^ ~~ M - N M N rON M Tfrj- S o ^ O m M OOOOOON t^Ml^-j->-i*C u^OO -^- m N fO^O N M ca 3 1 V II ^vo Tj-t^>-tc^ vO^Tj-^u^xn-^-cv COM m^O M OO m N !> ^)Tt* QOO\Mr^ NOO r>.vO N O ON t' g t^ i^iinmuim ; . to O *O CO N OO *O PO ** ^ -S j "=! 'So <3 8 .fi is & f .8 ^^9^ 8r8^25-!3.,S5B5'885,Rg > 8 > CQ ^! V OB. ' a BO S 23 fj. ^J | ~ N ro^ro^* *^ - s^- u^ i-O^ ^O ^O ^ t** t^ g.g is T S s f (U (3 > ** 'C O HI |->.*i5 OO t-^^ON^NOC H Q\00 vO ^ CO CO fO O II fa, s^ i i> o 4s fe o s ||t |. ,, _--^-^_.o,-^ .ch Hetch ch Hetch] 6 V tt o o & HH " ? CLi ^-^ cj B 'j3 -^ jj j 1 j i si i a *> 'o c a B "K^^^u ^ -0 " ill" lisll? !&! & l^o^ b o-^faUtr s WOPO flJG^ > wii2 r ^rt | u o '^' h ti( t/1 ti*^o jf.|i|| l|||Htllllli|il| ii p^ c3 no 6 A^ x u w r 3 $ X*K u c8 s ^ o x 238 ITINERARIES OF ROUTES. d Si H <2 - t/i c 6 i e V f t (^ t. be Z V "3 o 1 K = "a es V 3 V C rt tT w s ^> "~* e a il ^. 1 * M i Q o o 4> 3 ^ " I"-" B god o 1 S T3 iS o C !> Q Q i S O 1 3 a g-o <^SO c 1 9 s* i * |*1 H^ OO O N vO C^ * IH V 31 8 " 2 "jj fj* lovo ^O ""^ to "s to 1 5 3 bfi S o rt o 3 1 o | OO OO HH o to O O O N X O I s * ,d u a ^ (A O " Cr^S ^ i- 2 * s s 2 5 1 rt tn jS V 1 E a to to O "- 1 00 * * HI IH O ^ 2*i 8 c d "^ U-1VO T}- t-^ j| 6 M 3 o 2 .2 f 3 * 5 r^oo tovo o ^3 t^ r^oo oo ON to to rj- o> Q oo u oo" J3 c > ? O O 00 to ^o o t-. .3 i $ V 43 M ill ^ -rj- i-I lA pi TJ- ' N O 8 >> 4> 6 wl 8 - ? * o a c C ^^ c ' s *8 J3 W S3 &'S "S Ja 1 8 ^1 U. 8. GEOGRAPHICAL SURVEYS. 239 I 1 o 3 *. 2 S Ji $ 1 O [^ i-i-t"*NN'*)i' p )u p >Tj-r^r^ 32* rt d .S SS^K^^S^^S-'S.^^^^S 1 ? K 11 ^8; && ^^vS'^sSi!?^-^^ S"-" ^ f T| Ol _ S g-g .8 ^^SS^^sy^fr^^^R^^a s, i ii . fa ^H N fO f*) ^ ^- ^ xo "TO ^O l^. t> r>OO CN ON ^ Q S '*- yj .8 W8!?a < 8S?SS^S^ l 5 > 8s. < SS! 5 lU 3 *-> i o 1 j^O ^ON^d0 ^00 ^f Ijt a? i i j-g? i o >& :so< 1 ;S "S I g I r" tJ " 4* (U o 1 5 M rt flJ *i ^ 1 tJ C "^ b"~" "Jrt if 1. || | -g 1 "! eS O tfl * "^ ^C^o "' Ct^'^'i'^W *^ ffi o is ^i 2 P^ ci c u ^ ^ ^ ft C o "^ J* j3 ^ n 1 ^ g g j= -| S '> ^u g _|"o ^ 1 ^ "s 1 iilllllliflllllSl 1 S ffi (r. u &*3 KdnUGa^^XScaS fa 240 ITINERARIES OF ROUTES. I i u T J V 1 ra c 1 j2 <2 "I. 01 a v fla h-1 - o rt 3 > S "Si 3 "3 5 > ^ 1 II 1 k, M 9 rt 'S, Cft d J 7 8 . z || tN MOO j^3 1 > a 1 11 w r^. 4> s t^t^Tj- N 10 ro ^ OO CO O\ ^ ON ON O c.S . r* to t> ill . N 0" Ip ' , 3 *o3 . "a llj a "2 ^J WJ d 3*0 1 'C O rt U. S. GEOGRAPHICAL STRVEYS. 241 a H ! I ft s a a I T3 w yi g <3 li S S 13 I u 1 rf ft) Ha . 'Si S 111^ * f 2 " S 8 w rt a "S B So; 1 i?l ^ SS a u -s a 1 *2 & li s 5 *o i? * I'S'S "3 01 O 8 v "rt ) o'rt 'SoJ^ 3 |l| ^" ^G S j & ^2 ^ O > fl fl rf fC O yj ^ fe ' J5 i 1 . i> Q Q Q Jit! "c flS^oj'w.Scay 1 r ^)g'O t f.S .. ..^ a P'rt'u^O.S'O'^ 1 -' >i3>) [I a = . a H !^ occ/3 U 1 S JH c^ fe QOQt !s^ Q U rt O <" . 3 -3 M m ON^O fO r^.co i^. vnoo O ON ^f r>. c i^, i~, 1-1 -rj- r^. ^ ^ ^- r^. o\oo 'O o * H ^T-iM N TJ-rJ-OOOOOOwit'-.'-' "-" ^- f i N OO ^--tvoi/im 2 gj> (> hH-!l-INNNN 11 ^ f) r^^O O\ 10 *H C^ t^. iTi PO O O\OO i-O T .ro * OO ^f ^^ "O ** VO r T , us Sj " fl TJ O i/^ N GO ** \O OO N r*^ ^- t-^ O\ N t~^-^ -SK^S^^^o 1 c ** I |i r |dvOt^2-OOC.rj>OWO ) N ) ;*iqp.C sO c* W>ONN t->.N r>. 5 ^ 4) U "Jf g .8^5-^^^^^^cZ^^K^S ra^^^s^^a 4> 3 *- S 2 IP ' i a M o 1 E 'oT -2 u -* (_) tfi c/3 o "g 1 " 'er 4J o O O in ^j _c! G jB 3 ^^ o f U IM^I-S i^ O'^^C'^-'oB ^ ^S^cri 3 acS ^ w e J ~^'' :3 "o 5 -S a M O S"(S^S _ ,/,2 o o " 2 a B ? ^ " -a ^S-cxiaJ'go 2i=-2 2^ 113-fiaa 1 o 11 ^agrt'CO'ggo^^i-ciS SXfei-lOXh5cUHE-'caici- 2 CL *H rri y IH I o T ^ 2 E oo > It 1874 WH -16 242 ITINERARIES OF ROUTES. g in 1 S I -c D 6 C d S >% '"S O OJ 4J " 1 3 1 > a 11 . g |P O* Q * I _- * 31 is i 1 *ri c^* S g *f "^ ON a "*3 > ^ cj; ^ ro "** vt "w ^ i^ ) Merced, C & sheets Nos. 5 ll > j|-5 8 6 3 N CO OO u-> 3 s 3\ 1 9 a a> e.> t"-*^ O N e | si ,| rj)N d T m c ^ **l n "8 CJ d 1 M 1 H ? I 1 a> "s S D o a 3 s c/5 u bjO 3 Q 2^ t!o in -" "J ; J I ! U. S. GEOGRAPHICAL SURVEYS. 243 I *^j m ^ o i 'i U U 1 -S I o Z H D O CA a r 5 G 1 H 5 | c 3 o *^3 s s > c t i - p 4 ' 1 [ jh i2 8. f i:- t/~ 1 P u ... I V i 1 G a 8 3 -2 B a (U j 1 i f 1 o a t, ^ r I v2 g -3 "55 C (U QJ *- JJ K f j a O O O ISai 3 s ! M T-l M 5 ^ rti r I I I JifSl III I C Hn t^ TUn r-oo >o ~ 3 u ~ ex si f 1 > TJ- O ^O w >O O N S S fcjg M N W M ^iOiOf^iOOfO CO Ss c s ON -^ ON ON ON C N O l^* f- W CS N aS.^8.?3; > &!: ON e S 1 ^jvOvO ON " t-. 6 */ -*J ONOO l^ t^ 10 \j*t * J g gj'g ^' f^> ro O O ^ S e 2 1 11 S S c 1 !0 100 O Q C O .i/ it^.ror'ir^d 6 M O O yt * ^ . 1 ^ v 1" i (2 2 S ' c M | 1 ^-J - "^"^"3 r3 C ' 3 *3 'rt S* ' C C J3 1 i s o a o Q M 1 " i "rj ^ ^ca SE If ill! <^OQfeffl 0<: g'^dlaj^'H | II H | .1 8.3 1 C C . ^ ^ O- 4* O rt CQCJfefflWuO'-^OM R "o .g8 Sri rt (- , s 111 S o _ . sgSf? !|rf -g^S Slil o cJd TJ _n t- 1 rt rt " g 'O .ti C C! - J-, ti3 C r^ 'Jfl ^ 4> o ."o a "3 ^ ^ ri "rt v. " o C 1 e rt w t-i n 89 s .s " -3 ^ l|8 JsS'tT c S u S OH ^ Cu-x 1 1 . *J ; 5 fc/)\; S III I! !tP? ^ .-u_ ""T -; b _ fl rt |c 0.5^!^ g o-g wj I'J^rl^ gl.o^ .. v - s|,g| "sl^l" oj a pU ^ ! S uj u c g tr .* -2 o 2 J ^* 1 o i ip_g |'> 1 ! oo ^ S ffi H c C4 Q 35 toX.t^ 1 * c V i "d"t^Ooo coin-^-tsco bO ^ 2o^' g I U] f 4 >J2 "So i T .ti 01 > r^^r^f^cT ffc^r^i^c'i i s-i i 3 O *S = O."~oj r R ^H iQ 3 ^ ^ CJ 3 d 10 C ^? ^^ 1 .22 oo w fo to IA o^ ^i" "^ oo o ^ ?^ ? s 3" -s ^ oi g OOM MOOCOHU->N O . t'SjJ uS^ ! -i <3.s ^ O OO OO O 00 !-- C~* PO t"^ O :^ t>. vo T}~ ^* c^j N M >H IH^ |tl S,s SB ^ S a c 5* ' S> , 2 ^ ; ^5> w - *> i fan " "^ .S -2-,^ *rt ! d a O "O r^-OO OO C^ t^ rovO CO "S glfi'.S'^ ^ r g ^-) i S i fl EH o v -S " o tea ~ i ! Q A ig||iii i i a 8vO GNOO Q "O to ro rooO D.^ S >< 3 .c: i s c .S . 4> *J ui \O O O O *^ I>^O N N sg^juQ "(S 8(33 JuONOOONOOO ^O\D t^. H. . *"t M t-t 2-g VI S^ 3 1 > His, u * 1^1^111 _S g S"_i^ ( I l|pl_}l i C "^ "S > ~' " .- 4J W -1- tn ilpllll 1 'SS e &iC|5 C/3 . u Kfff 3SJs 'S yi C rrl *"* "^ Cfi iA^ o /J 0>'3 <2 lillliJ S "^-5(3-3^.2 Ill1llp 1 13 r i fi a 8 * l||s.iHg| (uui^^cj^a) ^ "o i "Hip U. S. GEOGRAPHICAL SURVEYS. 245 <, ! I I I O I } <^ M I * M rt S s o " *"* C3 - ^ JJT * L 11 '8 o O rt q > X U3 .5 c ! a fe 3 m y: OJ a a J a, fj K IM crt 5J Q G "* S o I ^ t2"O .2 a s " - 2 *^ 3 ^j w M Station (2 r73 'c ^ o S 4) 5 ,G C --3 (Jj "g H C/i H 1 PH O O 3 > T3 L < rj-c r*-,oo oco' r- r^ g o "S > o [A _ ro ro ro M bo 3 o ^ -J .S <3 pQ I B "S-d g^y^-s 1 ^^ 8 M " O 'ovododr^Of^iO O 2 |OS jgVOiOf^NM'-'-i a 1 I 8 gTS .8^^^c?S^ 8 R| Q |j ^ v ( ST^-S^ S M} O rt m u v V - Ooor^-fOi^OO */^ 11 g 1 -g ^ O *O N O t^-^O fO o" oj w Q M g ^ y ? 1 1 1 a 2 1 s a *d ^3 g P^ (S 5 w ^ 1 PH v cs 3 3 en 11 j 3 u '3 -2 o t^ a B. 3 w en o ci o ^3 ^ .3 '5 - ^ this ion a > 2 ^ A 2 s"^ "S Jj OO Illliil i C 246 ITINERARIES OP ROUTES 1 $ t 11 2 8. o rt *- rt C t-i -- rt J3 fl . " in wj * 'S . "" rt 4> T3 c ^ .if | || | - c > S | J | M |^S h "^ z^i * ~f 1 j -il- 1 g, &=*> I II * .1 ?3 a 1 S e ^ .f 1 X %* gg H rf-ll I * !-] Oi .. S^ g& OJ S" 1 t n "P 3 : 2 " S i/j ra s-i A o S ,0 'i - u ^ So' * fl l ^- 5; o T3-3 S^ C - s^i c " ! SJi," ^.^^g O^oj ,e > 2 "*i T3 ^" Kn rt "* 1C ^i ^* " fc* S * S T;" rt ^ 2^x)^ C yi rt "rt "3 *| ^ & JS j?6 o i" S S (S g g,J ^ ^ S.-s.- o^ yS'H 5^ i) ^ -3 ^S ^5 . ^ Q TffT c? 3 5* SF- as Uc! oe^m' fl * S "S .3 *> S^Q. |l!jll|J||l^phlJ|ii J"^ 31 II"I II ^"1 H co c/: u a T3 w o ^o ^ *^ f^ ' ^~ ^ B\ OS l> O i i-i t- ^jM u-iOOO vt ' ro^ . ^- o oo *- l ON ON OO to 2 lJ5 (j. i m -i o! | vo ^o ^o m N ir, *> oo CO OO ro O "3 _^0 ro 1-1 CO WTi- r^ O O\ O ^- ON VD O O ~i" i^- HH ^1 lf ~> O \\O r^- O O fi $S~ ChOO CO 1^ t-^0 xo ) W - M 2 "^ S 4J O I*? o fcj _B 8\D 10 10 oo ON ^ t> co P* M Tj- t-^. O ^ W mO v 1 ro ro OO - I si* ^- M NN coco ^-mw> r^.oo ON O "-> .2 PC iS O < || 8u-> OO roi- r^.MvO OO m<"O O MCO CO M O^OO ON^O "1 fO^O i|i | " ~ oo r-. o '3 cy 'o C ^ cd u tl ^2 tT a s" ^ J c o 5 "3 a " 9 .in 'is srl 5 fl 1 5 JS a^-. ^ o o ^ g? | & , 3 o S c u g s -J oCucti C^ r 00 >f 1 ui -TJOJ o OGcJ. 4J w c ,*j '-3 ,i2 - '-^ .2 J c S 1 1 1 1 11 Ilitl i o Z ucj 58. m i : df o ill IP oil 5^ W *j- *p o c ba ^s fc c 1| ?! I 5 !.p 1 iii i=* V O o g;ss S o c. * , " 'f- sa *j O rt 1-1 "(S |8 X o. e.9 S2o - -3, .2 SB =3 U. S. GEOGRAPHICAL SURVEYS. 247 * 1 3 I * i I I o c - tl 3o 1 1 ^ 5 8-| * V *J " j3- 1 1 1 M 8 H o cB^o > *. g s f -'73 T*?U *- ^ i3 ^ -4- O 1 1 S J ,o 8. I s S^ Mcntn^Hc/? fe en 2 m ,5 8^h ^ ^ r^. r>. t**i r>- O N ^CO 'T fO CO fO t^CO O I II !zi ^3 O rO v O cfi^ ^^ *j"00 ^O ^ 4J c.> . g-^-OO^Q 2SP W (}- ^-^D ON O O "^ O N *> 3 +: > o C If* 2J O 1 o 1 1 i -s ^ S S o jj ' W P^^ fl f rt 'S'Sj .9.2.2 M 00*0 r OT>J'CJ _ - >i ^ ia MM-3 111 1 Isil C a, s* SI oO ^ -o B " c 2 ~ t- 3; S -S.S H . o o 248 ITINERARIES OF ROUTE ^ e > .2 rt 13 S 3 2 D, w o T3 u rt 1 | J & a 11 g S H 9 . o o js .; rt 3 C3 *J g . -8 4J 4J 4J "^ 3 I| ||J I o J2 o o r3 ^* 1 3 1 1 3 1 2 C/3C/3 C > C/3CO 1 . S o .Q f* o a li-d fi g S n <2 < t^\O fO (: E ft 6 'tj 9 * 8S>RR8 | o c3 " II 5od foroc\u^rC.o J>, s J 1/82 i 1 s ^ 1 1 o o o o o o o i S, I _. *-g t O 1^1 fO M t^ ro o N* CO 1 !| OT r-r 2 .8 O 4- 4od ri O 00 ^ l-t *-t f^ rj- ^* i S ^ I u B.5 B 43 .aa O O O O O O O ^OOO ^ "lO t** p a S fe C if* I****,** I i _o 1 en iz; | S "S C! C s! |ii I j S S "3 2 rt cpM 15 1 1 5 1 -| g !S U CJ ^ c c/3 1/3 U. 8. GEOGRAPHICAL SURVEYS. 249 *" -Tl JJ .H o 73 o 3 M S c w s f a >-i g - u i 1/5 rt O ^ 1 O rt rt "J tV\ S^ S D | 1 | si -a 32 x | 1 X ^ ! SlUlf *Q a o 1^3 (p S _>^ S 6 P 2 - fi 85 **e E 2f|l|'j!3|fQQQQQ^ ^ I a ^"ll^3 1 ^ d ^ 'V s^ O O'-O C1ON I^-OO OOO 00 &> i^oo t-^-W rJ-Nror->.ThM O N 1^ i^i t* t^ OO OO OO *O 1 1 1 +1 > 5 1 5 o a ^ i ^ "^ 8 < s . 25 ?S{ g 1 Sio < S I 2 ( S8 ? I 1 ^is 6 3 C ^ R 5 S; S, 1 ^ ^ ^"S " 2 i fe> ' $ i ^ o s < 4 8 8 O t^-N rots viroNvOvO roo ^ ( 1 It V< i s 1 a> c. P O^ O O OO I !! II s - 1 a _o en ~ "U J3 * S g 1(1 bfl Si & ^Z &. fc'S ^ 2 g 1 I< .8* iflfHJ 5 3^ Ii5 UlaMI 250 ITINERARIES OF ROUTES. o I H s ~ " u s a | D 1 | ii u, "J " 53 S S H u .0 "O O ^ OO W -rj- rO'O CC t-.OO "TO ^o o o hS ^ 5 *H fi ^- (S t^OO **O ON i-< l~- "1 CO O a a 11 ^3 rOGO \O xo^J-r^ rONN"H i- 8 |l 8t-^ O N Tf u-i HH wiOO O W)TJ- ITJ w ON HHQNrO^ \ ON ^O W oi 2 DO Q " ^ O 00 *- ON ^ N LO <^ O ^ ^ ^t"^O t^.OO ON ON O "-" - ^ S 2 ? u O I s * PO NW"H SO^J-^^ o t^^o - O U^OO >-< vO OO OO r}-OO o vi o u "3 -*2 ^ O 00 OO N -^-OO ri \o oo" r* ) N t-*00 ill o 1 i 1 I - 'iT K/l .2 M II. E aj J? ale 073-3 sg< s g.2 | .s j a 111 PM , CJ'i 3 a D 8. GEOGRAPHICAL SURVEYS. 251 L" u &P o . *, >s*^ p; c in "^ J ^ M 00 <3-o .2 S .S g E b/3 aj c tj s-3 M jj M Q a 'S " 'C ^ u I "o S f- " M i2 SJj s S g . g i "1 & ~ 1 4 s^ .- J2 M .So .S ^ " C^ N l *-.Najrt^ ^3 1 1 | j u i * I pj^ .'.'S-- t/j cQr s - CO ^ *3 c Si ^ 4i ^o c a 5 S - ' 2 oj rt "N 'rt "S 'c'g v * 3 "" 13 3 p5 a *j- -PC O "N >& 2 c ? -1 c- S J i G C w "rt & f.#s It l^'ll*! i JT '" S ;r ;r.s ^" Sf U ill 2 K v 6fl P " -yS a a S 8 -c = c a S^ _ g^ ^^^ ^5 S ' 0,0,0* ^ rt rt t - Li . ,O e M \f L, ^, a ss r -i .-- .^r-s "us v-*u i-. r OOO* J ' C'Ctefe c'nf'! SiS)S s 1 . J 1 . 8^4 QQ SPS'T; 8 MM .2 i c c 1 II ooo'g-o .J ^ .5 o ',', fefeXS ^ S !>?ic/5cr) g r>. t- O OO O N vO O w> O O Tj- U1 S>00 1 v~t < ON OO CO O CO CO O 00 J^r- .00 ^f to ^ : m i ^ 2>5 ^^^JL ^5v N N t^ ir^ * il 1" 8,5 00 M O "^ roOO "* ^" " O u -S 8 -g^ff 'sss^ ?;s;3; ^?3s^ g ^ O oo ui O I>*l>. M "- ON * io ^O 00 Q 1 1 W * c/i o o 10 u-i ui O ^ O O 8O o in N S O N r- .5 g 3S I|t 1 - e W fe 3 u W J3 ^ tn f o J 1 4) rt O ^ 1 i^ QJ '&* tn g buo id *O tn 'O -S 1 *? s'' .2 c tation. 4J 3 * ' || t/3 e o Jj n3 o c IJS| -2 iV" ^ O e* tS S P5 D rt (X \; -2 g u W .- W _ 4. ^ C * I'M !fl Q p 'B Ji -g jj .2 g *^ iS C a; "^ S *? 4) < u g S S^ 4J 5 KJ &3feaj3'oMrt CS'ois OQo)U HHOQ H 3>H H lltlll 2||'l-5'ls 252 ITINERARIES OF ROUTES. H in $C I' 1 fe II - fe U C lit Q. rt y M a 'a -o < a. to c.S I | o be O " If!! ^rt \o o -i O O vC O N Tf- 5 d, ON il D. 8. GEOGRAPHICAL SURVEYS. 253 ! * B o (2 u i T; .2 13 s c T3 fcJ3 -s to n i ^ 5 f * o w .y 5 c 1 O> OJ - C Pi u rt rt S S-T3 ill c??O ~, ~J a ^ i ? 3 - n PJ . i3 h >-. S a ^^ H ^^ ,rt t-i M CJ O "rt "rt ! "3 I 1 ONO f^vO c c^ ~S) " 51 ia-^ J^ C O *o 00 M M O V > > el M M N N r* ) rh n M *- ir OO f}NO O * O 00 v i ON UN. O\ Of VO ir fi '- > VO Tj- f> ro * >" ON t^ * I- mi-c 00 OO m ON f> w 2 1 ^ " * O ON ONOO OC t- ^*O n ^O *^ OO C ^&S *l 8U-) N 00 too o Cf OC c t->. t- O\ CO u- > t> r^- d S i J u N fO f >N " 1 1- C \ r !>C > o. oo f >r* <^un 1 'w d hfl ri " > 1-1 p. iT^ W Ti- O W> t>- MNCO \j~) to ^O "*O *O CO O ^^ M T^- S |4 1 B B.> 8 #5-08 $2 K 1 "- ^ 00 O N 0\t^ W N * N "fr T in w "3 -*2 g C 5J o* 1NO ""i N ON Tf N >-t N tr> u^ N \ft ONNO N ^ a i (2 S | o 1 0) 1 a 2 . | o o -S 1 - g "*J c ri C 1 a'-s ,X U S tfj ^ su *CJ 4) (U C 'C E ' o fir 1 So ^ ^ DO -^ c ~ _c! ' ~- *; c M S ~ 1^ < '? o J 2 ^ I rt t/ v w S I s *" '"Z T J ~", ^ o S ^ "r C C 8 .S 1 B C 3 ^ i - *O rt -r* 3 *: - i3 ^ rt P v)u; X hJ ? cj Xu S OO U S G w cd OS * ooS .& llslll 254 ITINERARIES OP ROUTES. g a WJ Jl E o d B * if j I g 1 1 ^ ^3 O *^ 1 liiii ^^.S go| t r IH l-i J-i " S 4) 4* flj C C "3 "S " T3 fe. fe < ,-,/ .**, 1 K^ ^ r^ i-H (^ J s 4; rt (^) rf N \O u-j 3 K ""rf ^r 10 M >-O\D vO J 13 s" * 3 *- ij 1 i 1 vn O O *O O 3 ^ a j - O~> ro ^ O i S 1 6 t-t rt |^o^o s -i en 3 .2 J S3 01 f^OOOO NOO I tj >3 aj ! 5 C bo M C "^ H. 8 ?" " ^ >-i N N M N | b ^^ I i u a.> 8m O T+-VO W vO M 1-r i 1 ^ ^ ^ ro 3; :hern Pacific Railroad. Nadeau Freight Station, Stage Station. "|||| || 1 o *" c "K oo """' o ir,. 2 c o ,fi C .IT g g T9 c O -2 & >jr & 'n. O i-T^ V C *H s v .s .s !Wi L''u 2 sT'Z h "IMP & U qj "T3 O U QJ 4> t/J ing town of about 200 h Red Rock CaBon, about 3 Angeles to Granite Wells b .30 miles; Kane Spring to T ranite Wells, 158. 40 miles. , 5.62 miles; Desert Spring liies. At Panamint Freigh ;le Point (on Borax Lake), : ;s, or from Mohave Railroa naniint, by stage-road, in. g-c T; c c^COh 5>x*5252 j .a S MH nra tec "J^r ts |||t|fp 3 2 O "-" 't' u->OO CO OO OO u 31 |sg.ttAg 7 S-r ^ i ^f &|f t J -|l|^| N N C ^$ > 85o? Z^X XX* '8 a^ff|SrS*53 .2 -COa^iia 2 ! >i ^ p^N O (S o V d C T* ^ O 10 -. t~ [Jj O O\ ^OC r^ i>> i~.vO *o to uo ^ w * O ^ *^ tn 2 n O ^ rt I '" . *fi!Wfi 11 00 o g -a O O N rj o oo ^ a ^CO 1 Isi/i'ti^ a * a 1 6 M ^ d 10 cK cs rt^roS ^^ 5K.O? "8 O +* Q ^-jj rS fr, C m 2 c * w ^ c t?* "S 6 K d J3 o <*jn ff u rt *3o B.S 6

TfN\Of"> MOOO OOO S 1 1 IJi ^ O *o ro f* lii-<^-^- 000*0 MNP \o Si 1 c If, ! !iiljfti| C 3 *r! H s .s o >> i[ S 00 o'SsS! ^*2 9 55 Mohave Station Forks of Road Station Stage Station 1 I'orks of road o t; *2 -3 fl fl w "3 ^1-i K &yll ^ g 1 .f 3 ""' S a ^ -a ^ ^.li^ i P ^ -^ _^; bjO ? ^ IT S.S.S,'? s ' = t; s-.i IT -- on." 13 1 Su5.:i ?Trt"? iJTjc pi ci Pi O O=--= Q^S Darwin *This route was surv< t Railroad. 'At about 3% miles Station, an'i continues eas Mohave Railroad Station Spring to El Pass Mines i *From Panamint Fre Surveyors Hole to Grani Companys road turns ea: station, 7.5 miles ; Tales, 1 From Junction Stall 256 ITINERARIES OF ROUTES. 3 I I ^ 8 S O "o 1 |<1| rt a IgS" > a *li 4J OJ^3*Q O 1 S ui (U OJ w ^ rt X 3 5 c-d"? 5 ^ Tj- H *rf C~* ^ * J B "3 *c So 2 J8 flJl fc, o c 2 . . O B rt ^ o ^ = ^S i 1 1 ^ ^ MOO -0 rt C T) < & Mli'SSlli fe t -i S . T3.c"'"-Sge:g ,.B " S3 rt> " o S-2 " -So-^S g ;.I si|jilll||s I**, sg" nll-si..^^!," hlfl ". -!-5f^ s Jisrli ~%*%* n ifi{||J{]i2i!f|i " 1 ^6S^ p gSgT)S ? gc< u c-Sgg J3B_Q_"g l ^ c3 > 5>> s > 0^5^.2 o c JO? ^?rttg?QP(j#p<;?OWO 4.56 feet. From Vuma to Sacketts We is given. ,os Angeles and San Felipe. From San ;ult in several places. Between Anaheii ry rainy seasons the river is impassable. T in places, and a severe sand storm was rt *^ VJ i ! O in oo r^ N ^ N c^oo O O * M hH NO OO t^ OO fO 1 s * \C N O rON 1-1 H TJ- I/I O OO Tj" 1O HK irj u-)^O OO O O u? w 4> . CJri E > "* *- 4J > 2 oJi 1 * llllif ^ n M M ^^ c aj^"^ Id ri- ON C^ O OO ro Tj S'g.S^ 'oo o COOO co ON O ON O IS- ** sl ^ iQ S, 2"o oo S--0 S'ft'S g^io 1 ^ v\O co^O 00 I-" O O if) *$ CO M Cl >-( ii||l >c ^ N |i|l|i & 2g M VO M U^ Tt" t/^ Tj- lltfili a oj 5 O fi^O r^.00 fO C i- <^00 ^O O v i ON Nt ON t^. ^ n m "5 j ~ i "" p (/) S g M ^3 N irO OO O ^ .a oo Q (J;-*! ^ s'S'SsI^ o u g rt g B a O f} O ON ^ I'l ON co f ONOO t~^ I"- . vo^^-ox- OS |g-S*|*l 8 = 1 5d'Ad-4> ; . d'tidvr- ,roir > r^ N 1^. ri^O ^d^n g2 ill i fi'Sefl s EH ^"i ^n 1 ! ijlll i S a cSiA > U ^ C/3 ^ Sr p4 "S J f g * . 'S Q ^ ^-" O U > c o " S S^^ " a ? " >< w 2 ^ j2 -^ fe s 3 S c H ^* 13 "3 _H ^ a M > rt M/" ^ U ^ 'O) ^ CO q ' 5 ^ l . f g ^S.2 B. u S3 "3 i ^ --^ O C_ 4) *^j ." 2 ,-! ^ "^ ^ o ^ ^ .5 " g S " < V V g ) - *W R ! gJS"gC gs13 1-" s 3 1 1 jl if^ rt ^ o3 c 31 S^S S|8^S 1 ilia U. S. GEOGRAPHICAL SURVEYS. 257 | jj S s -S 5 o " ^" a! 111 l-a c ** ^ ^0 rt a! "o-S 01 ^- n "^ S 2 a ef *o S 3 - d rt o ^ ft W ^ M ^ C ^H *J & *3 ^ w _, 4J (J n .^ trt ^ _c ^ O ti g ^n^bJl" ^ ** oj^ o 2 K c c^ G ?? '33 ^ . - |-.| |jj || C QJ U *" 'J^l.i- ^^ S"" gl 1 * j ^ iT *~* S - ^ . o 3 rt J, ". -00- * r/. .. _o <| g;s^ j g jj -3*81 O ^ v. >, ** 'f . c ^ "o i* c^ 7 ? j2 e ; 3 r -j3S'n"^ l o .'^-ig 1 || 1 ^ CJ ^ ^- ^T} *^ ^ rt ^^ S ^ C3"r "o 1 ? H ^c3l ^^oa^oii V 3 n o "3 ^ s u ^"CTX !>i. SSt?? 1 5-^. c 2 i -' o rt ^ j- i CO p'il b 3 O a * 1= Q C t- t^^ OO^-^^-^Tl-O 1^1 fe 1 1 & t^ O N CO CO ^^ *O o o 10 ON O O Sag 1 1 J O 1 !l< 5 v UH ^* s 7 % oj rj C f>W ONOO N roO eot*. *r w ^ k I rt d b t;d CONN coTJ-AiAio'-do' SE ^ < C " O tf! J3 6 " C tS 4) "N .S u" Z "E rt o (-> u s > roovo ^MVO^-^tn^- ! = a 3 'ET 3 I 111 8 "2 f?2 ^ J?S S"8 ^P 010 ifl 1 EM i -1 g|v B g-o'S .2 f *2 rt a O ( & o .2 S "a I-" .S S r y5 5J ^o ^ c -3 3 1! 1 w c M J3 ^ij.^ g'S'S.S a w d ^rf'rt 2j^*& o,^ ^ i. This n Ehrenbel The pres * , , irr , 4 4> fljC^O Ort 2c/}% -O M 3 rt H^g-g u o b g g || a. 8jagei J? ^,?<; jOuuS&feW sffr *5 o a H S 8 '258 ITINERARIES OK ROUTES. I 4 O ?, 1 4 8 x 'S c "o '3 "c I c '> K 3 | ' 9 I | S 11 g & g> -8 js 'S 1 1 1 * i 4 ^ B " I f E o w "" .'5 hV) O ' N g >> "is 9 (Si ifl S S *N 1 6 JH" V f^ CJO rt t, C3 il H H 4) o hit *-< ti , tfl *" ; *- x CJJ'TJ ti) ^ .2 | ?? g S *Lr' ! i :l j; rt ^ ^ g . B ^ , q fc ""Si o w Bi^I-'Sf'SI 6 -o c>2 : B) ..S 5 T; -rJ s lJl&i*l".l& "c OG'OC ; ~ a o 1 slll-sliwllll -igb" i s ! ^""0 iooPsS^SSS ^^s 11 s! 'u s s "" r^w .^11 if|-p1-BV||^|| .^IIP 3 1 1 B || gi' s 4' a h " tf -^ i -s s . i* I 1 ! "4- i ililliillll I'tli^ llllll -a $-; ^ ;5S;?S.S& &;?;< 1 t^. ^ CO 3 t) VO^D 1 I^'O & a ! "H a S'&'S^'ft'g.'ft'&'gSS'SS; o^'Sc n n in m O O ^ ^j t->, t^. ON N OO CO CO ON ON O O I s * - ON OO ^O >-O 1 *. t-^ O^ N ON O ' ta S ^ < MM"crf?M'c?MNcJ ^^2 *S *S ^ 2" ^ ! -1 ^^ ON O oo r-- 2 O rH O 8^- ^- ^- ^- ^- *f rt* rj- ^- Tf* ^ ^ rO fO N N ' CS ONCO M 1 ^O ^ *O ONCO O N t^ fO CO ON\O \ ~i in in in O O i i? ? O O f^ l o ON O^> O^CO t^ t^-- ^* O ^ CO ON ^H M < rj __ ci -.-,-]- in>o t^.co o ^ ** M **o u^\o t 3 O CO i^OO t^ ->oo ON O O W d [T. 3 S fe c.> 8^-OOOOOOOOOOOON OONQf N t-^. -< \O ^TJ-CNW MmiO mOi>.C o O O O **"> O 1 \O fO w^ ti ON QJ 3 -y ^O o^r^-^odc^^oX^ro ON'O H >-i ci d o D ONCO \G r OCO ; .5 ^. "rt (U TD G a o ^, i o s 1 ^ 1 CJ *j 1^4 1 ,-. -2 s U sf. * 1 ^ 1 M ^ a ^u " ^ g 1 1 O u nj '* > 'o M "C *p u j ^ W rn **- Q * 3 fi S ^ 3 * HSiJ fl ( o o ^ J3 O "^ O ^"5 J^ n)t n--rt5(/5C ^t'C^ g "1 S* ? a 3 * "9 s * | igS, 11 i || iff fC cSOMU!^t-iWc/5oU >OP5i- JO feHUiJ U. S. GEOGRAPHICAL SURVEYS. 259 I I g o (j I i s * ^ a o a t- D O ft O U, If Sf "2 "3 a S 1 1 M E "B 83 c fc O rt " i^ "dodo 0, (3 t N CO u~> rj- r*} I \O * O N M \ ' i- 1 ^O O\ ^J- O u~t\O 00 M r^ ro O o_ o^o o_o o o ^06 -*Tt-M r-I-ro^. 260 ITINERARIES OF ROUTES. O o a _o c o 1 -^3 O [3 1 *rt en 4J 2 1 S2 _ 'N S ^ 8 12 1 & . _: S 5 '". tit ~ -5 a aj u ^J fi g 3 -/ ~5 1 'g j Jj 5 " 1 ^ I' g y ;/ I i M V 15 "S 1 i."" 2 ^ & t. it S 5? 'N - * 2 ^ ft* s H-^S *,o>s .. E3 ^ "^ **' (U U G 2 -a Sf>&i" 5 .5 ^ N N '" 0> S S"3r^ "o c d ^ h CJ >_ u 1 1 S 5 53 ! ^ O O V. *i s's'&i ^"08 i | g o ^ S M & fc^^'li..!! -B^||5^ 'o o o o M -f water : n S3 ^ B r+ O "K z C "^ y U 3 u c ; no wooc . and fora 1 'Kl|^||l 2 | 1 | i 1 1 |J 1 OOtAll > Wl-lr'M K C K' -_^ ^^ "" ^" s O M C O Tt"^O ''I" ^OOO 00 f^ t~*. rO^O ^* ^ g S^ < < S o 5 ^) o" 8 'a C^ ^ ON cr c ^ \ w 1-1 1- M - N u~ -sj > r-. in a !3 > J; ^TJ-THr.^1- ** 1 3 <; N HH in O O *^i ^ ^ ^ SS,^SS^?f: CT> O \o o r gl ^ CO ^ O >n O^ ^n in * rhoc c \ I- 1C moo t-- f mO u \ e s \ . 5- d ^ u o ^o ^^ ^ *o co o c \ w vo C4 N r*} r^>oo t^ r O ^ m "-" OUTE 1* 1 e 5 .2 " Q K 5 O fo *- ci oo ci ro^o ,3 M M Ttf- m " f^ OsvO jvo \O OO 138^ ^ O in t-^ f~l CO ( (U c .i . 8\o *nvo O ""i "i t>>oo i~> ** vo ^^ o^ *< *^c "vO ^~ O i^> ** W CO N ^ in O ** **O ^^ C r^ N oo ox Sen ^Ororoin ^2"0" )vO *> M ? f r' )t- . T c m m HI M & ^ u 3 IT. S S z S w c s .|ai ri- I gl |> I S f-S U 8 S 6 to O'C.2 a. a.r -H^^C | 3 |! ^Ili Zv&i lisas S;5c3i if a | !v E 1 Halfway House Austin IT. 8. GEOGRAPHICAL SURVEYS. 261 NOTE. The lists of variations of the needle intended for insertion in this volume it has not been possible to compile for want of available force, and hence this data must perforce remain upon the original and other MS. records of the survey finally transferred to the Engineer Department. G. M. W.