CATALOGUE OF WORKS ON \ NTHROPOLOGY, ETHNOLOGY, PRIMITIVE SOCIETY, ETC., ETC. ALSO MYTHOLOGY AND FOLK-LORE INCLUDING portion of the Library of SIR H. H. RISLEY, K.QI.E., C.S.I. " In whatever language it may be written, every line, every word is wel- come that bears the impress of the early days of mankind." MAX MULLER. FRANCIS EDWARDS, BOOKSELLER, HIGH STREET, MARYLEBONE, LONDON, W. Telegrams : " FINALITY, BAKER, LONDON." Telephone : 803 MAYFAIR. OCTOBER 1912. VIEWS OF FRANCIS EDWARDS' NEW PREMISES OPENED 1912. Entrance to the Ground Floor. The Long Gallery from the Ground Floor. CATALOGUE Of a Collection of Books on ANTHROPOLOGY, ETHNOLOGY, PRIMITIVE SOCIETY, MYTHOLOGY, RELIGIONS, FOLK-LORE, Etc, Etc. 1 Abbott (George Fred., Emmanuel College, Camb.) MACEDONIAN FOLKLORE, 8vo. cloth, Cambridge, 1903 4s 2 Aeharjya Brahmans. BRIEF HISTORY of the SAKADRIPI and SARAJUPARI of BENGAL, sm. 4to. sewn, Calcutta, n.d. 2s 3 Addy (Sidney Oldall, M.A.) HOUSEHOLD TALES with other TRADITIONAL REMAINS, collected in the Counties of YORK, LINCOLN, DERBY, and NOTTINGHAM, 8vo. cloth, 1895 4s 4 Akas. MICHELL (Capt. St. J. F.) The AKAS, with plate: MACGREGOR (Major R. C.) REPORT on the AKHAS and AKHA COUNTRY, large folding maps : WAY (Lieut. -Col. G. A.) REPORT on the AKHAS, the AKHA COUNTRY, and the AKHA EXPEDITION, illustrations together in 1 vol. 8vo. unbound, Simla, 1884 6s 5 Akerman (John Yonge, F.S.A.) An ARCHAEOLOGICAL INDEX to REMAINS of ANTIQUITY of the CELTIC, ROMANO-BRITISH, and ANGLO-SAXON PERIODS, plates, 8vo, cloth, 1847 3s 6 Alldridge (Thomas Joshua, F.R.G.S., District Com., Sherbro, West Coast of Africa) The SHERBRO and its HINTERLAND, maps and numerous illustrations, 8vo. cloth, 1901 8s Secret Societies, Human Sacrifices, Native Ordeals, etc. 7 Amberley (John Russell, Viscount) An ANALYSIS of RELIGIOUS BELIEF, 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, 1877 9s An attempt to reach some ground of religious certainty by means of the Comparative Method. 8 American Ethnology (Bureau of) ANNUAL REPORTS to the SECRETARY of the SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, edited by J. W. POWELL, Director, FIRST to TWENTY-SIXTH REPORT, with many hundred plates, many coloured, 31 vols. impl. 8vo. cloth, Washington, 1881-1908 20 This valuable collection contains numerous original works relating to Anthropology, Folk-lore, etc., by the most eminent anthropologists of the time. Many of these may be obtained separately and are entered in this catalogue under the names of their Authors. 9 NINETEENTH REPORT, 1897-90, by J. W. POWELL, Director, numerous plates, 2 vols. thick impl. 8vo. cloth, Washington, 1900 i 4s Containing Myths of the Sherokee by JAMES MOONEY (576 pp.), Tusayan Migration Traditions, by J. W. FEWKES, Mayan Calendar Systems, and Numeral Systems of Mexico, by CYRUS THOMAS, Tusayan Flute and Snake Ceremonies, by J. W. FKWKES, Wild Rice Gatherers of the Upper Lakes, by A. E. JENKS, etc. 10 TWENTIETH REPORT, 1898-99, by J. W. POWELL, Director, with 177 full-page plates (some coloured) and 79 text illustrations, impl. 8vo. cloth, Washington, 1903 15s Containing Aboriginal Pottery of the Eastern United States, by W H. HOLMES (337 pp.) 2 FRANCIS EDWARDS, Bookseller, 11 Anderson (John, M.D., F.R.S.E.) MANDALAY to MOMIEN : Narrative of the two Expeditions to Western China, 1868 and 1875, under COL. E. B. SLADEN and COL. HORACE BROWNE, with maps and illustrations, 8vo. cloth, 1876 7s 6d 12 Annandale (Nelson, B.A., Supt. of Indian Mus., Calcutta} RELIGION and MAGIC : SKELETONS of the MALAYO-SIAMESE : CUSTOMS of the MALAYO- SIAMESE (Reprints from Fasciculi Malayenses : Anthropology Part II. ), illustrations, 4to. half morocco, 1904 9s 13 and HERBERT C. ROBINSON, FASCICULI MALAYENSES : Anthropology Part I., and SUPPLEMENT containing Map and Itinerary, map and illustrations, 2 vols. 4to. half morocco (1 vol. unbound), University Press of Liverpool, 1903 11s 13A Anthropological Society of London. PUBLICATIONS, COMPLETE SET, 66 vols. 8vo. cloth, 1848-1910 50 CONTENTS : JOURNAL of the ETHNOLOGICAL SOCIETY, 4 vols. 1848-56. JOURNAL of the ETHNOLOGICAL SOCIETY, New Series, 2 vols. 1869-70. TRANSACTIONS, 7 vols. 1861-69. ANTHROPOLOGICAL REVIEW, 8 vols. 1863- 1870. , JOURNAL of ANTHROPOLOGY, 1 vol., 1871. POPULAR JOURNAL ot ANTHROPOLOGY, 1 vol. ANTHROPOLOGICAL INSTITUTE JOURNAL, vols. 1 to 30, 1872-1910, including MAN, vols. I. -VIII. TRANSLATIONS, 6 vols. 14 Appell (J. W., Assistant Keeper, S. Kens. Mus.) MONUMENTS of EARLY CHRISTIAN ART : SCULPTURES and CATACOMB PAINTINGS, illustrations, 8vo. cloth, 1872 2s 15 Arehseologieal Survey of India. ANNUAL REPORTS, 1903-1907, profusely illustrated, 4 vols. roy. 4to. cloth gilt, Calcutta, 1906-9 >2 16 Arkell-Hardwiek (A., F.R.G.S.) An IVORY TRADER in NORTH KENIA : Expedition through Kikuyu to Galla-Land in East Equatorial Africa, with Account of the RENDILI and BURKENEJI TRIBES, with 23 illustrations and map, 8vo. cloth, 1903 8s 17 Arnason (Jon) ICELANDIC LEGENDS, translated by GEORGE E. J. POWELL and EIRIKUR MAGNUSSON, -with 28 illustrations, post 8vo. cloth (SCARCE), 1864 16s 18 Ashton (John) A RIGHTE MERRIECHRISTMASSE ! ! ! The Story of Christ-tide, printed within red borders, with etched frontispiece of "The Wassail Song'" 4to. half morocco, uncut* Leadenhall Press [1894] 11s History, Legends, Folk-lore, Customs, Carols, etc., of Old Christ-tide. 19 Asiatic Society Of Bengal. CENTENARY REVIEW of the ASIATIC SOCIETY of BENGAL, 1784-1883 ; the HISTORY of the SOCIETY by DR. R. MITRA ; ARCH/EOLOGY, etc., by DR. HOERNLE ; NATURAL SCIENCE, etc., by BABOO P. N. BOSE, 8vo. cloth, Calcutta, 1885 5s Contains a useful classified list of the papers contributed to the Society's publications during these years. 20 Atkinson (E. T., B.C.S.) NOTES on the HISTORY of RELIGION in the HIMALAYA of the N.-W. P. of INDIA, roy. 8vo. half morocco [Calcutta, 1883] 6s 21 Atkinson (James) SKETCHES of AFGHANISTAN (Character and Costume) ; 26 large coloured lihtographs by Louis HAGHE, mounted on cardboard, in portfolio, 1840 3 5s 23 Avebury (Lord ; Sir John Lubbock) PRE-HlSTORic TIMES, as illustrated by Ancient Remains, and Manners and Customs of Modern Savages, second edition, illustrations, 8vo. cloth, 1869 9s 24 ORIGIN of CIVILIZATION, and the PRIMITIVE CONDITION OK MAN : Mental and Social Condition of Savages, with plates, third edition, 8vo. cloth, 1875 9s 25 ON the ORIGIN of CIVILISATION and the PRIMITIVE CONDITION of MAN [excerpt], 8vo. unbound [\867] 2s 6d 83, High Street, Marylebone, London, W. 3 22 Aubrey (John, F.R.S.) MISCELLANIES upon various Subjects, fifth edition, to which is added, HYDRIOTAPHIA ; or URN BURIAL by SIR THOMAS BROWNE, portrait, sm. 8vo. cloth, Reeves and Turner, 1890 4s A curious collection of remarks upon a variety of Supernatural subjects, first published in 1696. 26 Baehofen (J. J., Professor in Basel) Die SAGE von TANAQUIL, eine Unter- suchung liber den ORIENTALISMUS in ROM und ITALIEN, 8vo. half cloth, Heidelberg, 1870 4s 27 ANTIQUARISCHE BRIEFE vornemlich zur Kenntniss der altesten Verwandtschaftsbegriffe, 2 vols. 8vo. in 1, half morocco, Strassburg, 1880-86 4s 6d 28 Das MUTTERRECHT : eine Untersuchung liber die Gynaikokratie der alten Welt nach ihrer religiosen und rechtlichen Natur ; with plates, 4to. half calf , Stuttgart, 1861 \ 10s 29 Back (Capt., R.N.) NARRATIVE of the ARCTIC LAND EXPEDITION to the Mouth of the Great Fish River, and along the Shores of the Arctic Ocean, 1833-35, with map and plates, 8vo. cloth, 1836 5s 30 Baden-Powell (Baden Henry, C.I.E., late Bengal Civil Service) The LAND- SYSTEMS of BRITISH INDIA, being a Manual of the Land-Tenures and of the Systems of Land-Revenue Administrations, etc., maps, 3 vols. 8vo. roxburghe (stamp on titles), Oxford, 1892 i 4s 31 The INDIAN VILLAGE COMMUNITY examined with Reference to the PHYSICAL, ETHNOGRAPHIC and HISTORICAL CONDITIONS of the PROVINCES, chiefly on the basis of the Revenue-Settlement Records and District Manuals, 8vo. cloth, 1896 4s 32 Baessler (Arthur) ANCIENT PERUVIAN ART : Contributions to the Archaeology of the Empire of the Incas, translated by Prof. A. H. KEANE, 165 coloured plates, 4 vols. folio, portfolios, Leipzig, 1902-3 jl4 33 Bain (R. Nisbet) COSSACK FAIRY TALES and Folk-Tales, Selected, Edited and Translated, with illustrations by E. W. Mitchell, 8vo. cloth, 1894 3s 6d 34 TURKISH FAIRY TALES and Folk Tales, collected by DR. IGNACZ KUNOS, translated from the Hungarian Version, with illustrations by Celia Levetus, 8vo. cloth, 1896 3s 6d 35 Ballantyne (James Robert, Librarian to India Office} The SANKHYA APHORISMS of KAPILA, with Illustrative Extracts from the Commentaries [edited by FITZEDWARD HALL], Third Edition (Trlihner's Oriental Series), 8vo. cloth, 1885 7s 36 Bansberia Raj (The FAMILY HISTORY of), edited by A. G. BOWER, B.A., cr - 8vo. cloth, Calcutta, 1896 2s 37 Barrett (Francis, K.R.C., Professor of Chemistry, Natural and Occult Philosophy, etc.} MAGUS, or CELESTIAL INTILLIGENCER, being a complete System of Occult Philosophy, etc., portrait and plates (some coloured), 4to. half contemporary morocco (SCARCE), 1801 2 10s 38 BaPPOW (John, jun.) VISIT to ICELAND, by way of TRONYEM, 1834, illustrations, post 8vo. cloth, 1835 3s 39 Bastian (Adolf) VOLKERSTAMME am BRAHMAPUTRA und VERWANDT- CHAFTLICHE NACHBARN ; with 2 coloured plates, roy. 8vo. half calf, Berlin, 1883 3s 40 Beal (Samuel, D.C.L., Professor of Chinese) A CATENA of BUDDHIST SCRIPTURES from the CHINESE, 8vp. cloth, 1871 7s 6d Legends and Myths, Buddhism as a Religion, Scholastic Period, Mystic Period, Decline and Fall. 4 FRANCIS EDWARDS, Bookseller, 41 Beddoe (John, I.L.D., F.R.S.) COLOUR and RACE (Huxley Lecture, 1905). maps, 1905 : HOLLAND (T. H.) The KANETS of KULU and LAHOUL, PUNJAB, 3 plates, 1902: HODSON (T. C.) The NATIVE TRIBES of MANIPUR, 1901 : ANNANDALE (N.) The SURVIVAL of PRIMITIVE IMPLEMENTS, etc., in the FAROES and SOUTH ICELAND, n.d. : JOURNAL of the ANTHROPOLOGICAL INSTITUTE, Jan. to June 1905, etc., in 1 vol. imp. 8vo. half morocco 14s 42 [Begley (Walter)] The VIRGIN BIRTH, one of the principal FOUNDATIONS of the CHRISTIAN FAITH : an Account of some of the various ways it was Explained, Collected and Presented to the Twentieth Century by a BIBLIOPHILE, 8vo. cloth, Privately Printed, 1905 4s 43 Belcher (Capt. Sir Edward, R.N.) On the MANUFACTURE of WORKS of ART by the ESQUIMAUX [excerpt], 18 pp., 8vo. unbound, n.d, 4s 44 Belief and Custom. ROUGH DRAFT of NOTES on the SPIRIT BASIS of BELIEF and CUSTOM [a Summary of rhe chief Custom Details which are given in the population chapters of the Bombay Gazetteer, with Introduction by JAMES M. CAMPBELL], thick folio, half calf, Bombay, Government Central Press, 1885 ,\ Spirit-worship, Spirit-possession, Stone-worship, Tree and Plant-worship, Animal and Man-worship, Festivals, Birth, Marriage, Womanhood, Funeral, etc. 45 Bell (Mrs. Arthur, ' N. DANVERS ') AMONG the WOMEN of the SAHARA, from the French of MME. JEAN POMMEROL, with 90 illustrations, 8vo. cloth, 1900 3s 6d 46 Bell (William) SHAKESPEARE'S PUCK, and his FOLKLORE, illustrated from the SUPERSTITIONS of all Nations, but more especially from the earliest Religion and Rites of NORTHERN EUROPE and the WENDS, illustrations, 12mo. cloth, 1852 4s 47 Bellew (Surg.-Maj. H. W., c.s.i.) RACES of AFGHANISTAN ; Account of the Principal Nations Inhabiting that Country, 8vo. cloth, Calcutta, 1880 3s 6d 48 Bengal Police. CRIMINAL IDENTIFICATION by means of ANTHROPOMETRY second edition, illustrations, 8vo. half morocco, Calcutta, 1895 2s 49 Bennett (J. F.) HISTORICAL and DESCRIPTIVE ACCOUNT of SOUTH AUTRALIA, founded on a Three Years' Residence, 12mo. cloth, 1843 2s 50 Bergaigne (Abel) La RELIGION VEDIQUE, d'apres les HYMNES du RIG- VEDA, 3 vols, roy. 8vo. half morocco, Paris, 1878-83 15s 51 Bergen (Fanny D.) ANIMAL and PLANT LORE, collected from the ORAL TRADITION of ENGLISH SPEAKING FOLK, with an Introduction by JOSEPH Y. BERGEN, roy. 8vo. cloth, American Folk Lore Society, 1899 7s 6d 52 Bhatta (Ananda) VALLALA CHARITA, in SANSKRIT, edited and translated into English by HARAPRASAD SASTRI, Principal of the Calcutta Sanskrit College, 12mo, morocco extra, Calcutta, 1901 6s 53 Bhattaeharya (Jogendra Nath, M.A., D.L.) HINDU CASTES and SECTS : an Exposition of the ORIGIN of the HINDU CASTE SYSTEM, and the bearing of the Sects towards each other and towards their Religious Systems, thick 12mo. cloth, Calcutta, 1896 4s 6d 54 Bingley (Capt. A. H., 1th Bengal Infantry) RAJPUTS, compiled in the Intelligence Branch of the Quarter Master General's Department in India, large folding maps, roy. 8vo. boards, Simla, 1899 2s 6d 54* Blair (Emma Helen) The INDIAN TRIBES of the UPPER MISSISSIPPI VALLEY and REGION of the GREAT LAKES, as described by NICOLAS PERROT, French Commandant in the Northwest ; BACQUEVILLE DE LA POTHEKIE, French Royal Commissioner to Canada ; MORREI.T. MARSTON, American Army Officer ; and THOMAS FORSYTH, U.S. Agent at Fort Armstrong, translated, edited, annotated, and with Bibliography, -with portraits, views, map and facsimiles, 2 vols. roy. 8vo. cloth, Cleveland, Ohio, 1911-12 ^1 15s 3> High Street, Marylebone, London, W. 5 55 Blavatsky (Helena Patrovna, Theosophist) Isis UNVEILED: a Master- Key to the Mysteries of Ancient and Modern Science and Theology, second edition, 2 vols. roy. 8vo. cloth, New York, 1877 30s 56 Bleek (W. II. I., PH.D.) REYNARD the Fox in SOUTH AFRICA ; or Hottentot Fables and Tales, 12mo. cloth, 1864 3s Dr. Black in his study of these animal fables Jackal, Tortoise, Baboon, Lion, etc. discovered that all the sex denoting languages are members of one large family, of which the primitive type has, in most respects, been preserved to us in the Hottentot language. 57 Blumenbaeh (Joh. Fried., Professor at Gb'ttingen} ANTHROPOLOGICAL TREATISES, with MEMOIR by MARX and FLOURENS, and the Inaugural Dissertation of JOHN HUNTER, M.D., on the Varieties of Man, translated and edited by THOMAS BENDYSHE, M.A., illustrations, 8vo, cloth, Anthropological Society, 1865 5s 58 Boas (Franz) SOCIAL ORGANIZATION and the SECRET SOCIETIES of the KWAKIUTL INDIANS, based on Personal Observations and Notes made by GEORGE HUNT (excerpt from Report of U.S. National Museum), numerous illustrations, 8vo. half roan, 1895 9s 59 Bompas (Cecil Henry, Indian Civil Service) FOLKLORE of the SANTAL PARGANAS, 8vo. cloth, 1909 6s 6d " The Santals are a Munda tribe, a branch of that aboriginal element which probably entered India from the North-East." 60 FOLK- LORE of the KOLHAN (from Journal, Asiatic Society of Bengal), 8vo. sewn, 1902 Is 61 Bougie" (C., Professeur de Philosophic Sociale, Toulouse] ESSAIS sur le REGIME des CASTES, 8vo. binder's cloth (presentation copy), Paris, 1908 5s 62 REMARQUES sur le REGIME des CASTES [excerpt from L'Annee Sociologique, 1900], 8vo. half morocco, Paris, 1900 2s 63 Bourne (Capt. B. F.) The GIANTS of PATAGONIA: Captivity amongst the Extraordinary Savages of Patagonia, 6 engravings, 12mo, cloth, 1853 2s 64 Bray (Anna Eliza ; Mrs. C. T. Stothard) TRADITIONS, LEGENDS, SUPERSTITIONS and SKETCHES of DEVONSHIRE on the Borders of the Tamar and the Tavy, illustrative of Manners, Customs, History, Antiquities, etc., in a series of Letters to ROBERT SOUTHEY, illustrations, 3 vols. cr. 8vo. cloth, 1838 12s A work suggested by Southey and containing much interesting local tradition. 65 Brett (W. H., S.P.G. Missionary) The INDIAN TRIBES of GUIANA : their Condition and Habits, illustrations, map and coloured plates, 8vo. cloth, 1868 14s 66 British Association. ANTHROPOMETRIC INVESTIGATION in the BRITISH ISLES (Final Report of the Committee), illustrations, 8vo. wrapper, 1909 Is 67 Broea (Paul, Stc. Gn. a la Soc. d ' Anthropologie de Paris) On the PHENOMENA of HYBRIDITY in the GENUS HOMO, edited by C. CARTER BLAKE, F.G.S., 8vo. clot 'h, Anthropological Society, 1864 2s 68 INSTRUCTIONS GENERALES pour les RECHERCHES ANTHROPOLOGIQUES, seconde Edition, revue et augmented, 12mo, cloth, Paris, 1879 Is 6d 69 Broughton (Thomas Duer) LETTERS written in a MAHRATTA CAMP, 1809, Descriptive of the Character, Manners, Domestic Habits and Religious Ceremonies of the Mahrattas, with Introduction by SIR M. E. GRANT DUFF, with map and illustrations, cr. 8vo. cloth, 1892 2s 6d 70 Brown (George, D.D.) MELANESIANS and POLYNESIANS : their Life-Histories Described and Compared, with illustrations, 8vo. cloth (new), 1910 12s 71 Brown (John Allen, F.G.S.) PALAEOLITHIC MAN in N.-W. MIDDLESEX; the Evidence of his Existence, Physical Conditions under which he lived in BALING and its Neighbourhood, etc., with 9 plates, 8vo. cloth, 1887 5s 6 FRANCIS EDWARDS, Bookseller, 72 Brown (Robert, F.S.A.) The UNICORN; a MYTHOLOGICAL INVESTIGATION, 1881 : The LAW of KOSMIC ORDER ; an Investigation of the Physical Aspect of Time, 1 882 together in one vol. 8vo. cloth, 1881-2 9s 73 BrugSCh-Bey (Henry) HISTORY of EGYPT under the Pharoahs ; derived entirely from the Monuments, translated by Philip Smith, second edition, with new Preface and Additions, -with maps and illustrations, 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, 1881 10s With marginal MS. notes. 74 Bruhl (L. Levy, Professeur a la Sorbonne) Les FONCTIONS MENTALES dans les SOCIETES INFERIEURES, 8vo. wrapper, Paris, 1910 4s 75 Buckland (Charles Edward, c.i.E.) BENGAL under the LIEUTENANT- GOVERNORS ; being a Narrative of the Principal Events and Public Measures during their Periods of Office, 1854-1898, portraits, 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, Calcutta, 1901 Us 76 Btihler (Georg) The LAWS of MANU, translated, with EXTRACTS from SEVEN COMMENTARIES (Sacred Books of the East), 8vo cloth, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1886 Us This translation is founded on that of SIR WILLIAM JONES, which has been carefully revised and corrected with the help of seven native Commentaries. 77 - The SACRED LAWS of the ARYAS, as taught in the SCHOOLS of APASTAMBA, GAUTAMA, VASISHTHA and BANDHAYANA (Sacred Books of the East), 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1897-82 15s Contains the original treatises on which the Laws of Manu and other lawgivers were founded. 78 Bukhsh (S. Khuda, M.A., Barrister-at-Law) CONTRIBUTIONS to the HISTORY of ISLAMIC CIVILIZATION, 8vo. cloth, 1905 5s 79 Burgess (J., LL.D.) The RITUAL of the TEMPLE of RAMESVARAM in SOUTHERN INDIA, 12mo. sewn, Bombay, 1884 2s 80 Burke (Ulick Ralph) SANCHO PANZA'S PROVERBS, and others which occur in Don Quixote : with a Literal English Translation, Notes, and an Introduction, 12mo. cloth, 1892 2s 6d 81 Busk (Rachel Harriette, author of "Sagas from the Far East") The FOLK LORE of ROME, Collected by Word of Mouth from the People, 8vo. cloth, 1874 7s 82 The FOLK-SONGS of ITALY, Specimens, with Translations and Notes, from each Province, 12mo. parchment, 1887 3s 83 Bute (John, Marquess of) ON the ANCIENT LANGUAGE of the NATIVES of TENERIFE, 8vo. sewn, 1891 2s 84 Campbell (A., Free Church of Scotland, Santa! Mission) SANTAL FOLK TALES, translated from the SANTALI, 8vo. cloth (SCARCE), Santal Mission Press, 1891 10s 85 Campbell (John Gregorson, Minister of Tiree) The FIANS ; or, Stories, Poems and Traditions of Fiann and his Warrior Band, with Introduction by ALFRED NUTT, 8vo. cloth, 1891 4s Waifs and Strays of Celtic Tradition, Argyllshire Series, No. IV. 86 Campbell (Gen. Sir John, C.B.) A PERSONAL NARRATIVE of THIRTEEN YEARS' SERVICE amongst the WILD TRIBES of KHONDISTAN for the Suppression of HUMAN SACRIFICE, illustrations, 8vo. cloth, 1864 9s 87 Capart (Jean, Royal Museum, Brussels) PRIMITIVE ART in EGYPT, translated from the French by A. S. GRIFFITH, with 208 illustrations, 4to, cloth, 1905 8s 83, High Street, Marylebone, London, W. 7 88 CaPP (Capt. M. W., Madras Staff Corps} A COLLECTION of TELUGU PROVERBS, Translated, Illustrated, and Explained ; together with some SANSCRIT PROVERBS, 8vo. half morocco (title slightly damaged), Madras, 1868 9s A collection of over 2,600 proverbs. 89 Catlin (George) ILLUSTRATIONS of the MANNERS, CUSTOMS and CONDITIONS of the NORTH AMERICAN INDIANS, in a Series of Letters and Notes written during eight years of Travel, -with 360 outline engravings, 2 vols. roy. Svo. cloth, 1848 >\ 10s 90 NORTH AMERICAN INDIAN PORTFOLIO : Hunting Scenes and Amuse- ments of the Rocky Mountains and Prairies of America, 25 large tinted drawings on stone, with descriptions, impl. folio, half morocco, 1844 9 10s 91 Ceylon. The TESAWALAMAI ; or the LAWS and CUSTOMS of the MALABARS of JAFFNA (reprinted from the Edition of 1862 by ADVOCATE H. F. MUTUKISNA) : NITI NIGHANDUVA ; or Vocabulary of Law, as it existed in the last days of the Kandyan Kingdom, translated by C. J. R. DE MESURIER and T. B. PA'NABOKKE together in 1 vol. Svo. half morocco, Colombo, 1891- 80 6s 92 Chanda (Rama Prasad) The ORIGIN of the BENGALI PEOPLE (reprinted from East and West), Svo. unbound, Bombay, 1907 Is 6d 93 ChandhUPl (Harendra Narayan, B.L.) The COOCH BEHAR STATE and its Land Revenue Settlements, with on Introduction by RAI BEHADUR CALICA Doss DUTT, C. I.E., Dewan of the State, portrait, maps aud illustrations, thick roy. Svo, cloth, Cooch Behar, 1903 10s 94 Chapnay (Desire") The ANCIENT CITIES of the NEW WORLD, being Travels and Explorations in Mexico and Central America, 1857-82, translated by J. GoNiNOand HELEN S. CONANT, portrait and numerous illustrations, roy. Svo. cloth, 1887 12s 6d 95 Chau-ju-kua : His WORK on CHINESE and ARAB TRADE in the 12th and 13th Centuries, translated from Chinese and annotated by HJRTH and ROCKHILL, with map, roy. Svo. unbound, 1912 10s 96 [ChaussaPd (J. B.)] FETES et COURTISANES de la GRECE ; Supplement aux Voyages d'Anacharsis et d'Antenor ; with frontispieces by Michel after Garnerey, engraved music, etc., 4 vols. Svo. russiagilt, Paris, chez F. Buiswn, 1801 i Is La Chronique Religieuse, Tableau de Moeurs publiques, La Chronique qu'aucuns nommeront scandaleuse, Tableau de leurs Mosurs privies. 97 Chittagong. CORRESPONDENCE on the SETTLEMENT of the NOABAD LANDS in the DISTRICT of CHITTAGONG (published by Authority), roy. Svo. half morocco, Calcutta, 1889 2s 6d 98 Chodsko (Alex.) FAIRY TALES of the SLAV PEASANTS and HERDSMEN, translated from the French, by EMILY J. HARDING, with illustrations by the same, Svo. cloth, 18% 3s 6d 99 Christian (John) BEHAR PROVERBS, classified and arranged according to their Subject-matter, and translated into English with Notes, illustrating the Social Customs, Superstitions, etc., of the People, with an Appendix and two Indexes (Trlibner's Oriental Series), Svo. cloth, 1891 4s 100 Churchward (Albert, M.D., F.G.S.) The SIGNS and SYMBOLS of PRIMORDIAL MAN, being an explanation of the Evolution of Religious Doctrines from the Eschatology of the Ancient Egyptians, with map, 17 coloured plates, and 168 text illustrations, roy. 8vo. cloth, 1910 10s 101 Clarke (Robert, M.R.C.S., Edin.) SIERRA LEONE : a Description of the Manners and Customs of the Liberated Africans ; with Observations upon the Natural History of the Colony, and the Native Tribes, map and illustrations, Svo. cloth [1843] 6s 8 FRANCIS EDWARDS, Bookseller, 102 ClOUSton (William Alex.) POPULAR TALES and FICTIONS : their Migrations and Transformations, 2 vols. cr. 8vo. half roan gilt, uncut, t.e.g., 1887 i 8s "His chief aim was to show that the tale which has been rendered familiar by oral tradition to successive generations of European peasants has existed for centuries in Oriental literature." 103 A GROUP of EASTERN ROMANCES and STORIES from the PERSIAN, TAMIL, and URDU, with Introduction, Notes and Appendix, cr. 8vo. wrappers (SCARCE), Privately Printed, 1889 16s 104 CodPington (Robert Henry, D.I)., Canon of Chichester) The MELANESIANS ; Studies in their Anthropology and Folk- Lore, map and illustrations, 8vo. cloth, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1891 9s 105 Compton (Margaret) SNOW BIRD and the WATER TIGER, and other AMERICAN INDIAN TALES, illustrations by W. C. Greenongh, cr. 8vo. cloth, 1895 3s 106 Conder (Claude Reignier, LL.D.) SYRIAN STONE- LORE ; or the Monumental History of Palestine, map and illustrations, cr. 8vo. doth, 1886 3s 6d 107 Coulanges (Fustel de, Professeur h Strasbourg) La CITE ANTIQUE : e"tude sur le CULTE, le DROIT, les INSTITUTIONS de la GRECE et de ROME, 8vo, half calf, Paris, 1866 2s 6d 108 Courtney (Miss M. A.) CORNISH FEASTS and FOLK-LORE, 8vo. cloth, Penzance, 1890 4s 109 COX (Sir George W., Bishop of Bloemfonteiri) The MYTHOLOGY of the ARYAN NATIONS, 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, 1870 1 4s 110 and EUSTACE HINTON JONES. POPULAR ROMANCES of the MIDDLE AGES, 8vo. cloth, 1871 7s 6d 111 TALES of the TEUTONIC LANDS, 8vo. cloth, 1872 7s 6d 112 COX (Marian Roalfe) INTRODUCTION to FOLK-LORE, new and enlarged edition, 12mo, cloth, 1904 Is 9d 113 Crawley (A. Ernest) The MYSTIC ROSE : a STUDY of PRIMITIVE MARRIAGE, 8vo. cloth (SCARCE), 1902 ,\ 10s 114 CFOker (Thomas Crofton, Irish Antiquary; friend of Tom Moore) FAIRY LEGENDS and TRADITIONS of the SOUTH of IRELAND, -woodcuts, 12mo. cloth, 1834 3s 115 Cronise (Florence M.) and HENRY W. WARD. CUNNIE RABBIT, MR. SPIDER and the other BEEF : WEST AFRICAN FOLK TALES, with illustrations by G. Sichel, cr. 8vo. cloth, 1903 2s 116 Crooke (William, B.A., Bengal Civil Service) An ETHNOGRAPHICAL HAND- BOOK for the N.-W. PROVINCES and OUDH, roy. 8vo. boards (presentation copy from the author), Allahabad, 1890 6s 117 INTRODUCTION to the POPULAR RELIGION and FOLK-LORE of NORTHERN INDIA, roy. 8vo. cloth (presentation copy), Allahabad, 1894 9s 118 NATIVES of NORTHERN INDIA, with 32 illustrations, 8vo. cloth, 1907 3s "Mr. Crooke defines Northern India as including Bengal and Eastern Bengal, the United Provinces of Agra and Oudh, the Punjab, Rajputana, and Central India, and parts of the Presidency of Bombay and the Central Provinces an area of about a million square miles, having a population of 195,000,000." Athenaeum. 119 Culin (Stewart) GAMES of the NORTH AMERICAN INDIANS (Bureau of American Ethnology), with 20 plates and over 1,100 illustrations in the text, thick impl. 8vo. cloth, Washington, 1907 i 120 Cunningham (Sir Alexander, K.C.I.E.) REPORT of a TOUR in the CENTRAL PROVINCES and LOWER GANGETIC DOAB in 1881-82 (Archaeological Survey of India, Vol. XVII.), map and plates, roy. 8vo, cloth, Calcutta, 1884 6s 121 The BHILSA TOPES ; or BUDDHIST MONUMENTS of CENTRAL INDIA : comprising a Brief Historical Sketch of the Rise, Progress and Decline of Buddhism, with map and 33 plates, 8vo. cloth (SCARCE), 1854 2 83, High Street, Marylebone, London, W. 9 122 Curtin (Jeremiah) TALES of the FAIRIES and of the GHOST WORLD, collected from Oral Tradition in SOUTH WEST MONSTER, cr. 8vo. sewn, 1895 2s 6d 123 Gushing (Frank Hamilton) STUDY of PUEBLO POTTERY, as illustrative of ZUNI CULTURE GROWTH (Bureau of American Ethnology), illustrations, impl. 8vo, half morocco, 1886 5s 124 ZUNI FETICHES (Bureau of American Ethnology), illustrations, impl. 8vo. half morocco, 1883 6s 125 Dall (William Henley, Hon. Curator U.S. Nat. Mus.) On MASKS, LABRETS, and CERTAIN ABORIGINAL CUSTOMS (Bureau of American Ethnology), with 25 plates, impl. 8vo. half morocco, 1884 7s 6d 126 Dalton (Col. Edward Tuite, C.S.I., Bengal Army) DESCRIPTIVE ETHNOLOGY of BENGAL, with numerous lithographs from photographs, roy. 4to. half morocco, Calcutta, Supt. of Government Printing, 1872 4 127 Danielli (Jacopo) STUDIO sui CRANI BENGALESI, con appunti d'Etnologia Indiana, plate, 8vo. cloth, Firense, 1893 3s 6d 12S Das (Abinas Chandra, M.A., B.L.) The VAISYA CASTE : The Gandhavaniks of Bengal, 12mo. cloth, Calcutta, 1903 2s 129 Das (Babu Jamini Mohan, Deputy Magistrate) NOTE on the GRAM DEVATT or tutelary Village Deity of ORISSA (from Journal, Asiatic Society of Bengal), 8vo. wrapper, 1903 Is 130 Das (Nobin Chandra, M.A.) A NOTE on the ANCIENT GEOGRAPHY of ASIA, compiled from Valmiki-Ramayana (no map), roy. 8vo. half morocco, Calcutta, Buddhist Text Society of India, 1896 3s 131 Das (Pyari Mohan, Pleader) The MAHISHYAS (formerly a dominant Caste of Bengal), 12mo. cloth. Privately Printed [i9V9\ 2s 132 Dasent (Sir George Webbe, D.C.L.) The VIKINGS of the BALTIC: a Tale of the North in the Tenth Century, 3 vols. cr. 8vo. cloth, 1875 12s Based on the Jomsvikinga Saga. Invaluable to those interested in the manners and of Scandinavia in early times. 133 TALES from the FJELD : a Second Series of Popular Tales, from the Norse of P. Chr. Asbjornsen, frontispiece, cr. 8vo. cloth, 1874 12s 6d 134 THEOPHILUS, in Icelandic, Low German, and other Tongues, from MSS. in the Royal Library, Stockholm, 8vo. sewn, W. Pickering, 1895 3s 135 - POPULAR TALES from the NORSE, new Edition, with a MEMOIR by ARTHUR IRWIN DASENT, sm. 4to. cloth, Edinburgh, 1903 6s 136 The SAGA of HACON, and a Fragment of the SAGA of MAGNUS, with Appendices, translated by Sir G. W. DASENT, D.C.L.J roy. 8vo. roxburghe, 1894 8s 137 Davids (T. W. Rhys, LL.D.) BUDDHISM: being a Sketch of the LIFE and TEACHINGS of GAUTAMA, the BUDDHA, map, 12mo. cloth, 1899 Is 6d 138 Davies (John, M.A., M.R.A.S.) HINDU PHILOSOPHY: The BHAGAVAD-GITA, or Sacred Lay, a Sanskrit Philosophical Poem, translated with Notes (Triibner's Oriental Series), 8vo. cloth, 1882 4s " His translation of the Bhagavad G2t& is, as we judge, the best that has yet appeared.'' Dublin Review. 139 Davis (I. F.) CHINESE MORAL MAXIMS, with Translation affording examples of the Grammatical Structure, 8vo. cloth, Macao, 1823 3s 6d J140 Davis (Joseph Barnard, M.D., F.S.A.) THESAURUS CRANIORUM : CATALOGUE of the SKULLS of the various RACES of MAN, in the Collection of the Author, illustrations, 8vo. cloth, Printed for the Subscribers, 1867 4s xo FRANCIS EDWARDS, Bookseller, 141 Dawkins (W. BOYD, F.R.S.) CAVE HUNTING : Researches on the Evidence of Caves respecting the Early Inhabitants of Europe, with coloured frontispiece and -woodcuts, 8vo. cloth (SCARCE), 1874 >2 5s The author divides his subject under two heads, Physical and Biological. 142 Day (Rev. Lai Behari, of Bengal, professor at Hooghley College, Calcutta) FOLK-TALES of BENGAL, cr. 8vo. cloth, 1883 4s " A worthy supplement to ' Old Deccan Days."' 143 BENGAL PEASANT LIFE, second edition [with additional chapters], cr. 8vo. cloth, 1878 3s First published under the title of Govinda Samanta, or the History of a Bengal Rdiyat. 144 Delafosse (Maurice) HAUT-SENEGAL-NIGER (Soudan Francais) Le Pays, les Peuples, les Langues, 1'Histoire, les Civilisations, Series d'etudes publiees sous la direction de M. C. Gouverneur Clozel, illustrated, 3 vols. roy. 8vo. wrapper, Paris, 1912 l 145 Demelic (Fedor) Le DROIT COUTUMIER des SLAVES MERIDIONAUX d'apres les Recherches de M. V. BOGISIC, 8vo. half morocco, Paris, 1876 3s 6d 146 Dennett (R. E.) AT the BACK of the BLACK MAN'S MIND ; or Notes on the Kingly Office in West Africa, with 21 full-page illustrations, 8vo, cloth, 1906 6s " There can be no question as to the originality and value of this book as a contribution to West African ethnology. ... To anyone interested in the Bantu Languages or in the social organisation of the Bantu peoples, Mr. Dennett's book will be of great importance." Nature. 147 NIGERIAN STUDIES : or the Religious and Political System of the YORUBA, map and illustrations, 8vo. cloth, 1910 5s 148 NOTES on WEST AFRICAN CATEGORIES, 8vo. sewn, 1911 Is 148A NOTES or. the FOLKLORE of the FJORT (French Congo), with Intro- duction by MARY H. KINGSLEY, with illustrations, 8vo. cloth, 1898 5s 149 SEVEN YEARS among the FJORT, being an English Trader's Experiences in the Congo District, map and numerous illustrations, cr. 8vo. cloth, 1887 5s 150 Dittmer (W.) TE TOHUNGA: The Ancient LEGENDS and TRADITIONS of the MAORIS, orally collected and pictured, with 28 full-page and over 30 other illustrations, 4to. decorated cloth, t.e.g., 1907 8s 150 A. Dollinger (John J. I., D.D.) The GENTILE and the JEW in the COURTS of the TEMPLE of CHRIST, translated by N. DARNELL, M.A., second edition, 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, 1906 7s 6d Hellenic Religion, the Mysteries and the Orphic Religious Doctrine, Priesthood, Oracles, Sacrifices, Temples and Images, Religions in Asia and Africa, etc., etc. 151 Domenech (Abbe Em.) SEVEN YEARS' RESIDENCE in the Great DESERTS of NORTH AMERICA, map and plates, 2 vols. 8vo. cloth (SCARCE), 1860 l 10s 152 Dorsey (James Owen) A STUDY of SIOUAN CULTS (Bureau of American Ethnology), with coloured and other illustrations, imp. 8vo. half morocco, 1894 7s 6d 153 OMAHA DWELLINGS, FURNITURE and IMPLEMENTS (Bureau of American Ethnology), illustrations, impl. 8vo. half morocco, 1896 4s 6d 154 OSAGE TRADITIONS (Bureau of American Ethnology), with Symbolic chart, impl. 8vo. half morocoo, 1888 4s 156 SIOUAN SOCIOLOGY (Bureau of American Ethnology), with illustrations, impl. 8vo. half morocco, 1897 4s 6d 157 Drake-Broekman (Major H. E., F.Z.S., Indian Medical Service) A GAZETTEER of EASTERN RAJPUTANA, comprising the Native States of BHARATPUR, DHOLPUR, and KARAULI, maps and plans, roy. 8vo, cloth, Ajmer, n.d. 4s 6d 83, High Street, Marylebone, London, W. 1 1 158 DuboiS (Abbe" J. A., Missionary) HINDU MANNERS, CUSTOMS and CEREMONIES, translated and edited with Notes, Corrections, and Biography by HENRY K. BEAUCHAMP, with Prefatory Notes by F. MAX MULLER, second edition, portrail, 8vo. half cloth, Oxford, 1899 6s 159 DuboiS (W. E. Burghardt) The SOULS of BLACK FOLK : Essays and Sketches, portrait, 8vo. doth, 1905 3s 160 Du ChalllU (Paul Belloni) The VIKING Age : Early History, Manners, and Customs of the Ancestors of the English-Speaking Nations, with 1,366 illustrations and map, 2 vols, 8vo. cloth, uncut, 1889 l 12s 162 OBSERVATIONS on the PEOPLE of WESTERN EQUATORIAL AFRICA [excerpt], 8vo. unbmind, n.d. 2s 6d 363 DuckWOPth (W. L. H., Lecturer in Physical Anthropology, Camb.) STUDIES from ANTHROPOLOGICAL LABORATORY : the Anatomy School, 1 Cambridge, illustrations and tables, 8vo. cloth, Cambridge, 1904 4s 6d 164 Duff (James Grant) HISTORY of the MAHRATTAS, folding map, frontispieces, etc., 3 vols. 8vo. boards, iinctit, SCARCE, 1826 3 5s For the most part the authorities for this work are from a great variety of authentic sources, hitherto inaccessible to the public. 165 Durkheim (kmile, University de Bordeaux) L'ANNEE SOCIOLOGIQUE, huitieme annee (1903-1904) : MEMOIRES ORIGINAUX Essai sur une forme d'Industrie, par H. BOURGIN : SUR L'ORGANISATION MATRIMONIALE de SOCIETES AUSTRALIENNES, par E. Durkheim, avec Analysis, 8vo. half morocco, Paris, 1903-5 5s 166 Dutt (Babu Girindranalti, B.A.) The BRAHMANS and KAYASTHAS of BENGAL (reprint from ' Indian Review'), 12mo. wrapper, Madras, 1906 2s 167 ElkingtOn (E. Way, F.R.G.S.) The SAVAGE SOUTH SEAS, British New Gainea, Solomon Islands, New Hebrides, painted by NORMAN H. HARDY, and described by E. Way Elkington, with 64 full-page coloured plates, 8vo. cloth, 1907 6s 6d 168 Elliot (Sir Henry M., K.C.B.) MEMOIRS on the HISTORY, FOLKLORE and DISTRIBUTION of the RACES of the NORTH WESTERN PROVINCES of INDIA : Amplified Edition of the Original Supplemental GLOSSARY of Indian Terms, edited by JOHN BEAMES, M.R.A.S., 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, 1869 12s 6d 169 Ellis (William, L.M.S. Missionary) POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES during a Residence of nearly Six Years in the SOUTH SEA ISLANDS ; including Descriptions of the Natural History and Scenery of the Islands, with Remarks on the History, Mythology, Traditions, Government, Arts, Manners and Customs of the Inhabitants, with maps, steel plates and wood engravings, 2 vols. 8vo. half calf, 1829 12s 170 Endle (Rev. Sidney) The KACHARIS, with an Introduction by J. D. ANDERSON, I.C.S., with illustrations, 8vo. cloth (new) 8s 6d 171 Ennemoser (Joseph) HISTORY of MAGIC, translated from the German by WILLIAM HOWITT, with Appendix of Apparitions, Dreams, Witchcraft, Spirit- Rapping, etc., selected by MARY HOWITT, 2 vols. cr. 8vo. cloth, Bohn, 1854 6s 172 Evans (John, D.C.L., F.R.S.) ANCIENT BRONZE IMPLEMENTS, Weapons and Ornaments of Great Britain and Ireland, numerous woodcuts, 8vo. cloth (SCARCE), 1881 i 8s 173 - The ANCIENT STONE IMPLEMENTS, Weapons, and Ornaments of Great Britain, plates and mimerous woodcuts, 8vo. cloth, 1872 8s 6d 174 SECOND EDITION, revised, 8vo. cloth, 1897 10s 6d iz FRANCIS EDWARDS, Bookseller, 175 FabCF (George Stanley, Prebendary of Salisbury) The ORIGIN of PAGAN IDOLATRY ascertained from Historical Testimony and Circumstantial Evidence, map and ?> plates, 3 vols. 4to. calf gilt, 1816 ,\ 18s The works of this eminent divine are held in high estimation. 176 Farmer (John S.) NATIONAL BALLAD and SONG : Merry Songs and Ballads. - prior to the Year A.D. 1800, 5 vols. sm. 4to. boards, Privately Printed, 1897 3 3s- 177 Fairer (James, M.P.) NOTICE of RUNIC INSCRIPTIONS discovered in the ORKNEYS, coloured and other plates, roy. 4to. half morocco, Printed for Private Circulation, 1862 9s- 178 Fausboll (V.) BUDDHIST BIRTH STORIES ; or JATAKA TALES, the oldest Collection of Folk-lore extant, being the JATAKATTHAVANNANA, for the first time edited in the Original Pali, and translated by T. W. RHYS DAVIDS, Vol. 1 (all published), 8vo. cloth, 1880 16s 179 Featherman (Americus) SOCIAL HISTORY of the RACES of MANKIND, 7 vols. 8vo. cloth (SCARCE), 1887-94 Division I. Nigritians : Division II., Part I.. The Papuo and Malayo-Melanesians ; Part II., The Oceano-Melanesians : Division III., Part I.. Aoneo-Maranonians ; Part II., Chiapo and Guarano-Maranonians : Division IV., Dravids-Turanians, Turco-Tatar- Turanians, Ugrio-Turanians : Division V., Aramaeans. The author set himself the task "to digest from the travellers' tales of the last twv centuries, the reports of missionaries, and the more formal observations of recent explorers, all that can be ascertained of the social life of every tribe of the many races- of mankind." The work was never completed. 180 FergHSSOn (James, D.C.L., F.R.S., author of the History of Architecture} RUDE STONE MONUMENTS in all COUNTRIES, their Age and Uses, with map and 234 illustrations, 8vo. cloth, 1872 i 181 Ferrier (General J. P., late Adjutant Gen. of the Persian Army) HISTORY of the AFGHANS, translated by CAPT. WILLIAM JESSE, map, 8vo. cloth, 1858 6s- 182 Fewkes (Jesse Walter, Ethnologist) TUSAYAN SNAKE CEREMONIES (Bureau of American Ethnology), plates, impl. 8vo. half morocco, 1897 5> 183 TUSAYAN KATCINAS (Bureau of American Ethnology) coloured and other illustrations, impl. 8vo. half morocco, 1897 6s 184 ARCH^OEOGICAL EXPEDITION to ARIZONA in 1895 (Bureau of American Ethnology), numerous coloured and other plates, impl. 8vo. half morocco, 1897 8s 185 Fiek (Dr. Richard) Die SOCIALE GLIEDERUNG im NORDOSTLICHEN INDIEN zu BUDDHA'S ZEIT, mit besonderer berlicksichtigung der kastenfrage, 8vo. boards, Kiel, 1897 3s 186 Figuier (Louis) The HUMAN RACE, with chromolithographs and 43 woodcuts, 8vo. cloth, 1872 5s 187 PRIMITIVE MAN, new edition, with 30 full-page scenes of primitive life and 233 other illustrations of objects belonging to Pre-Historic Ages, 8vo. cloth, 1876 4s 187* Finsch (Dr. O-i in Bremen} ETHNOLOGISCHE ERFAHRUNGEN und BELEGSTUCK aus der SUDSEE, mit einem vorwort von FRANZ H EGER ; with 25 plates (6 in colours) and 108 text illustrations, impl. 8vo. buckram, t.e.g., Wien, 1893 2 10s 188 Fletcher (Alice C., Holder of Thaw Fellowship, Harvard) The HAKO : a PAWNEE CEREMONY, assisted by J. R. MURIE, the Music transcribed by E. S. TRACY (Bureau of American Ethnology), plates and other illustrations, impl. 8vo. cloth, 1904 10s 83, High Street, Marylebone, London, W. 13 189 Folk-Lore Society Publications. A Complete Set; illustrations, 55 vols. in cloth, as published, and 2 vols. in paper covers, together 57 vols. 8vo. 18781906 ^30 SUMMARY: The Folk-Lore Record 5 vols: Folk-Lore Journal, 7 vols: Folk-Lore, a Quarterly Review of Myth, Tradition, Institution, and Custom, 17 vols : County Folk-Lore (dealing with the Folk-Lore of the various counties), 4 vols : Other Publications, 24 vols. Among the last-named are Aubrey's Gentilisme and Judaisme, Henderson's Folk-Lore, of the Northern Counties and the Borders, Gregor's Folk-Lore of the North East of Scotland, The Book of Sindibad by Compareiti. Portuguese Folk Tales by Pedroso, Saxo Grammaticus, translated by Elton v Aino Folk Tales by Chamberlain, Gotnme's Handbook of Folk Lore, Folk Medicine by Black, Religious System of the Amazulu, by the Bishop of St. John's, Kaffraria, Folk-Lore and Provincial Names of British Birds, by Swainson, Magyar Folk-Tales, by Jones, Studies in the Legend of the Holy Grail, by Nutt, Gaelic Folk-Tales, The Exempla of Jacques de Vitry, The Denhaiii Tracts, 2 vols., etc., etc. 190 BOWER (Herbert M.) The ELEVATION and PROCESSION of the CERI at GUBBIO : an Account of the Ceremonies, together with some Suggestions as to their Origin, with Appendix, illustrations, 8vo. cloth, 1897 5s 191 Cox (Marian Roalfe) CINDERELLA : Three hundred and forty-five Variants of CINDERELLA, CATSKIN, and CAP O' RUSHES, with a Discussion on Mediaeval Analogues and Notes, with Introduction by the late ANDREW LANG, Svo. cloth, 1893 10s 192 - - DAMES (M. Longworth, M.R.A.S., Indian Civil Service) POPULAR POETRY of the BALOCHES, 2 vols. 8vo. in 1, cloth, 1907 10s 193 DENNETT (R. E., Author of ' Seven Years among the Fjort') NOTES on the FOLK-LORE of the FJORT (French Congo), with an Introduction by MARY H. KINGSLEY, illustrations, Svo. cloth, 1898 5s 194 GEROULD (Gordon Hall, B.Litt.) The GRATEFUL DEAD : the History of a Folk Story, Svo. cloth, 1908 4s 195 JEKYLL (Walter) JAMAICAN SONG and STORY : Annancy Stories, Digging Sings, Ring Tunes, and Dancing Tunes, with Introduction by ALICE WERNER, and Appendices by C. S. MYERS and LUCY E. BROADWOOD, with music, Svo. cloth, 1907 9s 196 MACLAGAN (Robert Craig, M.D.) The GAMES and DIVERSIONS of ARGYLESHIRE, plates, Svo. cloth, 1901 7s 197 OWEN (Mary Alicia) FOLK-LORE of the MUSQUAKIE INDIANS of NORTH AMERICA, and Catalogue of Musquakie Beadwork, etc., in the Folk-Lore Society's Collection, plates, Svo. cloth, 1904 5s 198 SAXO GRAMMATICUS. The FIRST NINE BOOKS of the DANISH HISTORY of SAXO GRAMMATICUS, translated by OLIVER ELTON, with some Considerations by F. YORK POWELL, Svo. cloth, 1894 10s 199 STARR (Frederick, Pro/, of Anthropology, Chicago) CATALOGUE of a COLLECTION of OBJECTS ILLUSTRATING the FOLK-LORE of MEXICO, with 32 plates, Svo. cloth, 1899 5s 200 VITRY (Jacques de) The EXEMPLA, or Illustrative Stories from the SERMONES VULGARES, edited, with Introduction, Analysis, and Notes by PROFESSOR T. F. CRANE, M.A., Svo. cloth, SCARCE, 1890 i 201 Foote (R. Bruce, F.G.S.) GOVERNMENT MUSEUM MADRAS : Catalogue of the Prehistoric Antiquities, numerous tinted plates, Svo. boards, Madras, 1901 4s 202 Forbes (Charles S., R.N.) ICELAND; its Volcanoes, Geysers, and Glaciers, with illustrations (\ plate wanting), Svo. cloth, 1860 3s 14 FRANCIS EDWARDS, Bookseller, 203 Forlong (Major-Gen. J. G. R.) RIVERS of LIFE, or SOURCES and STREAMS of the FAITHS of MAN in all LANDS, showing the Evolution of Faiths from the Rudest Symbolisms to the Latest Spiritual Developments, with maps, illustrations atid chart of faith streams, 2 vols. and chart in case, 4to. cloth, 1883 6 204 SHORT STUDIES in the SCIENCE of COMPARATIVE RELIGIONS, embracing all the Religions of Asia, with maps and illustrations, thick roy. 8vo. cloth, 1897 i 4s 205 Fowke (Gerard) STONE ART (Bureau of American Ethnology), with 250 illustrations, impl. 8vo. half morocco, 1896 5s 206 FOX (Col. A. Lane, F.s.A., Hon. Sec. Ethno. Soc.) ON the OPENING of two CAIRNS nearBANGOR, NORTH WALES, plate [excerpt], 8vo. unbound 2s 6d FraZGP (James George, D.C.L., Professor Anthropology, Liverpool) The GOLDEN BOUGH : a STUDY in MAGIC and RELIGION, third edition, in seven parts, Svo. (as under), cloth (new), 1907-12 207 PART 1. The MAGIC ART and the EVOLUTION of KINGS, 2 vols. i 208 PART 2. TABOO and the PERILS of the SOUL 10s 209 PART 3. The DYING GOD 10s 210 PART 4. ADONIS, ATTIS, OSIRIS 10s 211 PART 5. SPIRITS of the CORN and of the WILD, 2 vols. ^1 Parts 6 and 7 are in the press. 212 PSYCHE'S TASK : a DISCOURSE concerning the INFLUENCE of SUPERSTITION on the GROWTH of INSTITUTIONS, Svo. cloth (new), 1909 2s 6d 213 TOTEMISM and EXOGAMY : a Treatise on Certain Early Forms of Superstition and Society, with maps, 4 vols. Svo. cloth (new), 1910 2 10s 214 - - TOTEMISM, cr. Svo. cloth, 1887 4s 215 QUESTIONS on the CUSTOMS, BELIEFS, and LANGUAGES of SAVAGES, 12mo. sewn, Cambridge, 1907 Is 216 - - PAUSANIAS, and other GREEK SKETCHES, cr. Svo. cloth, 1900 3s 217 - - The SCOPE of SOCIAL ANTHROPOLOGY : a Lecture, 8vo. wrapper, 1908 Is 218 J Friend (Hildcric, F.L.S.) FLOWERS and FLOWER LORE, with Index and Notes, illustrations, 2 vols. Svo. cloth, 1884 7s 6d Mainly made up of information collected from the mouths of the rustic population of Kent, Sussex, Devon, Somerset, Oxon., Bucks, etc. 219 Fytehe (Lt.-Gen. Albert, c.s.i.) BURMA, Past and Present, with Personal Reminiscences of the Country, with steel portrait, map and IS plates (some coloured), 2 vols. Svo. cloth, 1878 9s 220 Gait (Edward Albert, c.i.E.) A HISTORY of ASSAM, map and plates, Svo, cloth (stamp on title), Calcutta, 1906 5s 221 REPORT of the CENSUS of BENGAL, 1901, folio, sewn, 1901 2s A reprint of Chapters VI., VII. and IX. containing Religion, Marriage and Caste. 222 Garnett (Lucy M. J.) and J. S. STUART-GLENNIE. GREEK FOLK POESY : annotated translations from the whole Cycle of Romaic Folk-Verse and Folk- Prose, edited with ESSAYS on the SCIENCE of FOLKLORE, Greek Folkspeech, and the Survival of Paganism, 2 vols. Svo. cloth, Guildford, 1896 11s 223 The WOMEN of TURKEY and their Folk-Lore : Jewish and Moslem Women, including Chapters on the Origins of Matriarchy, Svo. cloth, 1891 7s 6d 224 CHRISTIAN WOMEN, with Chapters on the Ethnography of Turkey, Svo. cloth, 1890 7s 6d 83, High Street, Marylebone, London, W. 15 225 Garson (John George, M.D.) and C. H. READ, F.S.A. NOTES and QUERIES on ANTHROPOLOGY, edited for the British Association, third edition, illustrations, 12mo. half morocco, 1899 3s 6d 226 Gastaldi (Bartolomeo, Turin Professor) LAKE HABITATIONS and PRE-HISTORIC REMAINS in the TURBARIES and MARL-BEDS of NORTHERN and CENTRAL ITALY, translated from the Italian by C. H. CHAMBERS, F.R.G.S., 8vo. cloth, Anthropological Society, 1865 3s 227 Geikie (James, F.R.S.) The GREAT ICE AGE, and its Relation to the Antiquity of Man, second edition, revised, maps, plans and plates, 8vo. cloth, 1873 14s 228 PREHISTORIC EUROPE : a Geological Sketch, maps and illustrations, 8vo. half calf, 1881 14s 229 Gennep (Arnold van) RELIGIONS MCEURS et LEGENDES : Essais d'Ethnographie et de Linguistique, deuxieme serie, 12mo. wrapper, Paris, 1909 2s 230 Ghosh (Jogendra Chandra) BRAHMANISM and the SUDRA, or Hindu Labour Problem, Calcutta, 1900 : The HINDU THEOCRACY, how to further its ends, by the SAME, ibid., 1897 : MACAULIFFE (M.) The HOLY WRITINGS of the SIKHS, Allahabad, 1900; JILANI (Ghulam 'Abbas) The BUNGLED MIRACLE; a Legend of Benares ; and the Curse of the Prophet, Benares, 1895-98 and other Pamphlets in a volume, 8vo. half morocco 9s 231 GlddlngS (Franklin H., Professor Columbia University) The PRINCIPLES of SOCIOLOGY : an Analysis of the Phenomena of Association and of Social Organization, 8vo. cloth (stamp on title), New York, 1896 6s 232 Gomme (Sir George Laurence) The HANDBOOK of FOLKLORE, 12mo. cloth (SCARCE), Folk-lore Society, 1890 233 - ETHNOLOGY in FOLKLORE, cr. 8vo. cloth, 1892 2s 6d 234 - MOTHER BUNCH'S CLOSET newly broke open, and the History of Mother Bunch of the West, printed from the earliest extant copies, and edited with an Introduction, 4to. parchment, Villon Society, 1885 4s 6d 235 PRIMITIVE FOLK-MOOTS, or Open-Air Assemblies in Britain, cr. 8vo. cloth, 1880 9s 236 Gough (Archibald Edward, M.A., Principal of the Calcutta Madrasa) The Philosophy of the Upanishads and Ancient Indian Metaphysics (Trilbner Oriental Series), 8vo. cloth, 1882 5s AN EXCEPTIONALLY FINE COPY. 237 Gough (Richard, F.S.A.) SEPULCHRAL MONUMENTS in GREAT BRITAIN, applied to illustrate the HISTORY of FAMILIES, MANNER, HABITS and ARTS, from the Norman Conquest to the 17th Century, plates and pedigrees, 2 vols. in 5, impl. folio, black morocco extra, gilt panels on sides and back and inner border, gilt over marbled edges, by CLARKE and BEDFORD, 1786-96 20 Many copies of this valuable work were destroyed by fire, particularly the third volume. The illustrious author may justly be termed the Camden of the Eighteenth Century. 238 Gover (Charles E., R.A.S., of Madras) The FOLK-SONGS of SOUTHERN INDIA, roy. 8vo. cloth, Madras, 1871 7s 239 Graham (Robert C., F.S.A., Scot.) The CARVED STONES of ISLAY, SPECIAL EDITION, illustrated with 31 plates engraved from photographs made by the author, 4to. new half morocco, t.e.g., Glasgow, 1895 i 10s 240 [Grant (Colesworth)] RURAL LIFE in BENGAL ; illustrative of Anglo-Indian Suburban Life : Letters from an Artist in India to his Sister in England, with 166 illustrations, imp. 8vo. cloth, 1860 5s 241 Gray (James) ANCIENT PROVERBS and MAXIMS from BURMESE Sources ; or theNiti Literature of Burma (Trlibner's Oriental Series), 8vo. cloth, 1886 4s 16 FRANCIS EDWARDS, Bookseller. 242 Gray (John Henry, LL.D., Archdeacon of Hong Kong) CHINA : a HISTORY of the LAWS, MANNERS and CUSTOMS of the People, edited by W. Gow GREGOR, with 140 illustrations, being facsimiles of drawings of a Chinese Artist, 2 vols, 8vo. cloth (SCARCE), 1878 i 10s 243 Gpeenwell (William, F. s. A.) BRITISH BARROWS ; Record of the Examination of Sepulchral Mounds in Various parts of England, with Remarks on Prehistoric Crania, etc., by G. ROLLESTON, with illustrations, 8vo. cloth, Oxford, 1877 ,\ 7s 244 Grenard (F.) TIBET, the COUNTRY and its INHABITANTS, translated by A. TEIXEIRA de MATTOS, maps, 8vo. cloth, 1904 245 Grey (Sir George) Ko NGA MOTEATEA, ME NGA HAKIRARA, O NGNA MAORI (Poems, Traditions, and Chaunts of the Maories), 8vo. half crushed Levant morocco, t.e.g., Wellington, 1853 3 10s 246 Ko NGA MAHINGA A NGA TUPUNA MAORI (Mythology and Traditions of the New Zealanders), 8vo. cloth, 1854 12s 247 GriGPSOn (George Abraham, C.I.E.) BIHAR PEASANT LIFE, being a Discursive Catalogue of the Surroundings of the People of that Province, with map and illustrations, roy. 8vo. cloth, Calcutta, 1885 14s 248 GroOS (Karl, Professor der Philosophic in Basel) Die SPIELE der MENSCHEN, roy. 8vo. wrapper, Jena, 1899 5s 249 Grtinwedel (Albert) BUDDHISTISCHE STUDIEN (Veroffentlichungen aus dem Koniglichen Museum fur Vdlkerkunde), with 97 illustrations, folio, half morocco, Berlin, 1897 9s 250 Guest (Lady Charlotte) The MABINOGION, from the Welsh of the Llyfr Coch o Hergest (The RED BOOK of HERGEST), in the Library of Jesus College, Oxford, translated, with Notes, woodcuts, impl. 8vo. half morocco gilt, 1877 18s 251 Guest (Edwin, LL.D.) ORIGINES CELTICAE (a Fragment), and other Contributions to the History of Britain, portrait and maps, 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, 16s 252 Gupte (B. A., Assistant Director of Ethnography for India) SOME ROCK and TOMB INCISED DRAWINGS from BALUCHISTAN (reprinted from " Indian Antiquary "), plates, 4to. sewn, Bombay, 1910 2s 253 ETHNOGRAPHICAL NOTES [excerpts from " Indian Antiquary "], illustrations, 4to. half morocco, Bombay, 1907 9s Female Tatoo Designs in India, Divali Folklore, the Modi Character, Symbolism of the Savitri-Vrata, etc. 254 GUFdon (Major P. R. T., I.A., Supt. of Ethnography in Assam) The KHASIS, with an Introduction by SIR CHARLES LYALL, K.C.S.I., with coloured and other illustrations, 8vo. cloth, 1907 12s 255 SOME ASSAMESE PROVERBS, with Annotations, second edition , impl. 8vo. boards, Shillong, 1903 5s 256 A SHORT NOTB on the AHOMS, cr. 8vo. sewn, Edinburgh, n.d. Is 6d 257 Gurney (Edmund), F. W. H. MYERS, and FRANK PODMORE. PHANTASMS of the LIVING, 2 vols. roy. 8vo. cloth (SCARCE), Psychical Research Society, 1886 2 10s 258 Haddon (Alfred Cort, M.A., F.R.s., University Reader in Ethnology) The STUDY of MAN (Progressive Science Series), illustrations, 8vo. cloth, 1898 3s 259 Haeekel (Ernst) EVOLUTION of MAN : Popular Exposition of the Principal Points of Human Ontogeny and Phylogeny, from the German, with plates and woodcuts, 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, 1883 10s 6d 83, High Street, Marylebone, London, W. 17 250 Hagen (Dr. B.) ANTHROPOLOGISCHER ATLAS: OSTASIATISCHER und MELANESISCHER VOLKER, mit untersttitzung der Kgl. Preuss. Akademie der Wissenschaften ; with 101 fine full-page plates, roy. 4to. boards, Wiesbaden, 1898 4 261 Haigfh (Daniel Henry, chief English authority on Runic Literature} The CONQUEST of BRITAIN by the SAXONS : a Harmony of the " Historia Britonum," the writings of GILDAS, etc., with reference to the Events of the Fifth and Sixth Centuries, 8vo. cloth, 1861 4s 262 Hall (Charles Francis, Captain of the 'George Henry') LIFE with the ESQUIMAUX, 1860-62, with the Results of a long intercourse with thelNNUiTS, their MODE of LIFE, etc., with maps and 100 illustrations, 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, 1864 12s 263 Hall (H. Fielding) The SOUL of a PEOPLE : an Account of the Life and Belief of the Burmese, large cr. 8vo, cloth (new), 1911 7s 6d 264 Hall (Richard Nicklin, F.R.G.S.) GREAT ZIMBABWE, Mashonaland, Rhodesia ; Account of Two Years' Examination Work, 1902 04, with an Introduction by A. H. KEANE, LL.D., with numerous illustrations, maps and plans, 8vo. cloth, 1905 6s 265 PRE-HISTORIC RHODESIA, Examination of the Historical, Ethnological and Archaeological Evidences, with a GAZETTEER of Mediaeval S.-E. Africa, with illustrations, maps and plan, 8vo, cloth, 1909 6s 266 - and W. G. NEAL. The ANCIENT RUINS of RHODESIA (Monomotapae Imperium), with 70 illustrations, maps and plans, 8vo. cloth, 1902 7s 267 Halliwell-[PhillippS] (James Orchard) ILLUSTRATIONS of the FAIRY MYTHOLOGY of a MIDSUMMER NIGHT'S DREAM, Svo. cloth, uncut, Printed for the Shakespeare Society, 1 845 5s 268 Hartland (Edwin Sidney, F.S.A.) PRIMITIVE PATERNITY ; the Myth of Supernatural Birth in relation to the History of the Family, 2 vols. Svo. cloth (new), 1909-10 18s 269 - ADDRESS to the ANTHROPOLOGICAL SECTION (British Association) at York, 1906 : BLACHE (P. Vidal de la) Le PEOPLE de L'!NDE ; etc., excerpts bound in 1 vol. Svo. half morocco, 1906, etc. 2s 6d 270 Hartman (C. V.) ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESEARCHES in COSTA RICA (Royal Ethnographical Museum in Stockholm), with numerous fine plates (some coloured), and text illustrations, impl. 4to. cloth, Stockholm, 1901 iS 271 Hasan (Sayid Aulad, Special Sub -Registrar, Dacca} NOTES on the ANTIQUITIES of DACCA, Svo. cloth, Dacca, 1904 2s 272 Haywood (Capt. A. H. W., F.R.G.S., Royal Artillery] THROUGH TIMBUCTOO and across the great SAHARA : from SIERRA LEONE to the SOURCE of the NILE, with map and 45 illustrations, Svo. cloth, 1912 12s 6d 273 Hellwald (Friedrich von) Die MENSCHLICHE FAMILIE, nach ihrer Entste- hung und natiirlichen Entwickelung, Svo. half morocco, Leipzig, 1889 4s 274 Henderson (Ebenezer) ICELAND ; or the Journal of a Residence in that Island, during the years 1814-15, map and engravings, 2 vols. Svo. binder's cloth, Edinburgh, 1818 10s 275 Henderson (William) NOTES on the FOLK-LORE of the NORTHERN COUNTIES of ENGLAND and the Borders, with an Appendix on Household Stories by S. BARING GOULD, coloured frontispiece, post Svo. cloth, 1866 7s 276 Henshaw (Henry W.) ANIMAL CARVINGS from MOUNDS of the MISSISSIPPI VALLEY (Bureau of American Ethnology), illustrations, impl. Svo. half morocco, 1883 5s 1 8 FRANCIS EDWARDS, Bookseller, 277 Hewett (Edgar Lee, Archaological Inst. of America") ANTIQUITIES of the JEMEZ PLATEAU, NEW MEXICO (Bureau of American Ethnology), -with illustrations, roy. 8vo. cloth, Washington, 1906 4s 278 Hewitt (J. F.) The RULING RACES of PRE-HISTORIC TIMES in INDIA, South-Western Asia and Southern Europe, with diagrams and maps, 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, 1894-95 8s 6d 279 PRIMITIVE TRADITIONAL HISTORY : the PRIMITIVE HISTORY and CHRONOLOGY of INDIA, South-Eastern and South-Western Asia, Egypt, and Europe, and the Colonies thence sent forth, map, plate and diagrams, 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, 1907 10s 280 Higgins (Godfrey, Trinity Hall, Camb.) ANACALYPSIS ; an attempt to draw aside the VEIL of the SAITIC Isis ; or an Enquiry into the origin of Languages, Nations and Religions, FIRST EDITION, 2 vols. 4to. half buckram, UNCUT (SCARCE), 1836 14 Of this very learned work only 200 copies were printed. 281 Hill-Tout (C.) NATIVE RACES of BRITISH NORTH AMERICA: The Far West ; The Home of the Salish and Dene, with 33 full-page illustrations and a map, 8vo. cloth, 1907 3s " The present work is a life-history of two native races, the Salish, and D6n6, who occupy a vast territory, which comprises about one half of the whole area of British North America, and stretching practically from the shores of Hudson Bay to the Pacific O cean. " M a n . 282 Hindu Marriage. THE OLD HINDU MARRIAGE RITUAL (reprinted from the "Indian Evangelical Review"), 8vo. unbound, 1887 2s 283 Hodgson (Brian Houghton, F.R.S., Bengal Civil Service) MISCELLANEOUS ESSAYS relating to INDIAN SUBJECTS (TrUbner's Oriental Series), 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, 1880 14s "For the study of the less known races of India Mr. Brian Hodgson's ' Miscellaneous Essays' will be found very valuable both to the philologist and the ethnologist." Times. 284 Hodson (T. C., late Assistant Political Agent in Manipur) The NAGA TRIBES of MANIPUR, with coloured frontispiece, map, and other illustrations, 8vo, cloth, 1911 6s 6d 285 The MEITHEIS, with an Introduction by SIR CHARLES LYALL, K.C.S.I., with map and coloured and other illustrations, 8vo. cloth, 1908 8s 286 Hoernle (Hon. A. F. Rudolf, C.I.E.) REPORT on the BRITISH COLLECTION of ANTIQUITIES from CENTRAL ASIA, with map, 19 facsimile plates (unbound) and woodcuts, 8vo. half morocco, Calcutta, 1899 7s Section I. and II. dealing with Coins and Seals, and Block-prints. 287 Hoffman (W. J.) The MIDE-WIWIN, or GRAND MEDICINE SOCIETY of Oj I BWA (Bureau of American Ethnology), coloured and other illustrations, impl. 8vo. half morocco, 1891 7s 6d 288 Holden (Edward S., U.S. Naval Observatory) STUDIES in CENTRAL AMERICAN PICTURESQUE WRITING (Bureau of American Ethnology), -with illustrations, imp. 8vo. half morocco, 1881 5s 289 Holland (Sir Thomas Henry, K. C.I.E.) The COORGS and YERUVAS, an Ethnological Contrast: WADDELL (Lieut. -Col. L. A., C.B.) The TRIBES of the BRAHMAPUTRA VALLEY ; a Contribution to their Physical Types, etc. (excerpts from "Journal of the Asiatic Society oJ Bengal ''), 8vo. half morocco, Calcutta, 1901 8s 290 Hooper (Lieut. W. H., R.N.) TEN MONTHS AMONG the TENTS of the TUSKI ; with Incidents of an Arctic Boat Expedition in Search of SIR JOHN FRANKLIN, map and illustrations, 8vo. cloth, 1853 6s 83, High Street, Marylebone, London, W. 19 291 Holmes (William Henry, Head Ctirator, Dept. of Anthropology, U,S. Nat. Mus.) ANTHROPOLOGICAL STUDIES in CALIFORNIA (excerpt Report U.S. Nat. Mus.), 50 plates, Svo. half roan, 1900 6s 292 ABORIGINAL POTTERY of the EASTERN UNITED STATES (Bureau of American Ethnology), with 177 plates and 79 text illustrations, imp. 8vo. ctok, 1903 15s ANCIENT POTTERY of the MISSISSIPPI VALLEY (Bureau of American Ethnology), with nearly 100 illustrations, impl. 8vo. half morocco, 1886 6s 294 - - ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE of a PORTION of the COLLECTIONS made by the BUREAU of ETHNOLOGY during the FIELD SEASON, 1881 (Bureau ot American Ethnology), with illustrations, impl. Svo. half morocco, 1884 7s 6d 295 ORIGIN and DEVELOPMENT of FORM and ORNAMENT in CERAMIC ART (Bureau of American Ethnology), illustrations, impl. Svo. half morocco, 1886 5s 296 STONE IMPLEMENTS of the POTOMAC-CHESAPEAKE TIDEWATER PROVINCE (Bureau of American Ethnology), with 103 plates and 30 other illustrations, impl. Svo. half morocco, 1897 7s 6d 297 A STUDY of the TEXTILE ART in its RELATION to the DEVELOPMENT of FORM and ORNAMENT (Bureau of American Ethnology), with illustrations, impl. Svo. half morocco, 1888 5s 298 Hopf (Ludwig) The HUMAN SPECIES, considered from the Standpoints ot Comparative Anatomy, Physiology, Pathology, and Bacteriology, translated from the German, with 216 illustrations, and 7 plates, Svo. cloth, 1909 4s 299 Horn (W. A.) EXPEDITION to CENTRAL AUSTRALIA, edited by BALDWIN SPENCER, illustrated with numerous coloured and other plates, photographs, woodcuts, etc., complete in 4 volumes, 4to. cloth, Melbourne, 1896 7 (pub. at 4 10s) 1 15s COMPRISING : Vol. I. THROUGH LAPARINTA LAND, with a summary of the Zoological, Botanical and Geological results by Prof. SPENCER ; HYMENOPTERA, by W. F. KIRBY ; additions to the Fauna, etc. Vol. II. ZOOLOGY, including Mammalia, Birds, Reptiles, Amphibia, Fishes, Insects, etc., by Prof. SPENCER and others. Vol. III. PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY, GEOLOGY and BOTANY, by PROF. TATE, J. A. WATT, W. F. SMEETH, and J. H. MAIDEN. Vol. IV. ANTHROPOLOGY, by E. C. STIRLING, and notes on the MANNERS and CUSTOMS of the ABORIGINES of the MCDONNELL RANGE, by T. J. GILLEN. One of the most important works on the Anthropology and Natural History of Australia. 300 Hose (Charles, SC.D.) and WILLIAM M'DOUGALL, F.R.S. The PAGAN TRIBES of BORNEO ; a Description of their Physical, Moral, and Intellectual Condition, with some Discussion of their Ethnic Relations, with illustrations, 2 vols. Svo. cloth (new), 1912 i 10s 301 Hough (Walter, Dept. of Ethnology, U.S. Nat. Mus.) PRIMITIVE AMERICAN ARMOR (excerpt Report U.S. Nat. Mus.), with 22 plates, Svo. half roan, 1893 4s 302 ANTIQUITIES of the UPPER GILA and SALT RIVER VALLEYS in ARIZONA and NEW MEXICO (Bureau of American Ethnology), illustrations, roy. Svo. cloth, Washington, 1907 4s 303 Houghton (Bernard, c.s., Deputy Com., Sandoway) ESSAY on the LANGUAGE of the SOUTHERN CHINS and its AFFINITIES, roy. 8vo. boards, Rangoon, 1892 2s 6d 20 FRANCIS EDWARDS, Bookseller, 304 HOW the GOODE WIF thaught hir DOUGHTER, blach letter, printed in red and black, woodcut on title, thin roy. 8vo. half roan, C. Whittingham , 1838 4s "Printed from a MS. formerly belonging to DR. ADAM CLARKE, and now in the possession of C. W. LOSCOMBE, ESQ.. of Pickwick House, Corsbam, Wilts." Preface. 305 Ho Witt (A. W., D.SC., F.A.I.) The NATIVE TRIBES of SOUTH-EAST AUSTRALIA, with 58 illustrations and 10 maps, 8vo. cloth, 1904 11s " Dr. Howitt is the highest living authority on the native tribes of Australia, and the appearance of this book, the materials for which have been collected over a period.o' forty years, will be welcomed by all.who are interested in the study of Anthropology." Morning Post. 306 Howitt (William and Mary) The LITERATURE and ROMANCE of NORTHERN EUROPE, constituting a Complete History of the Literature of Sweden, Denmark, Norway and Iceland, 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, 1852 14s 307 Hrdlieka (Ales, Curator U.S. Nat. Museum] SKELETAL REMAINS, suggesting or attributed to EARLY MAN in NORTH AMERICA (Bureau of American Ethnology), illustrations, roy. 8vo. cloth, Washington, 1907 5s INDIA The OFFICIAL REPORTS of the 1901 CENSUS of INDIA : 308 Vol. i. Parts I. and II., REPORT and TABLES, by SIR II. H. RISLEY and E. A. GAIT, maps, 2 vols. folio, boards, Calcutta, 1903 ,\ 309 Vol. I. ETHNOGRAPHIC APPENDICES, being the Data upon which the Caste Chapter of the Report is based, by SIR H. H. RlSLEY, maps, folio, boards, ibid., 1903 5s 310 Vol. in. The ANDAMAN and NICOLAR ISLANDS, Report, by SIR RICHARD C. TEMPLE, maps, folio, boards, ibid., 1903 10s 311 Vol. iv. ASSAM, Part I., Report, by R. C. ALLEN, maps, folio, boards, Shillong, 1902 9s 312 Vol. v. BALUCHISTAN, Part I., Report. Part II., Imperial Tables, by R. HuGHES-BuLLER, maps, folio, boards, Bombay, 1902 9s 313 Vol. vin. A SHORT HISTORY of CALCUTTA, by A. K. RAY, maps, folio, boards, Calcutta, 1902 6s 314 Vol. ix. BOMBAY, Part I. Report, by R. E. ENTHOVEN, maps and plans, folio, boards, Bombay, 1902 9s 315 Vol. x. BOMBAY (Town and Island), Part IV., History, by S. M. EDWARDES, folio, boards, ibid., 1901 5s 316 Vol. xi. Part V., Report, by [S. M. EDWARDES, folio, boards, ibid., 1901 5s 317 Vol. xn. BURMA, [Part I., Report, by C. C. Lowis, maps, folio, boards, Rangoon, 1902 6s 318 Vol. XIM. CENTRAL PROVINCES, Part I., Report, by R. V. RUSSELL, maps, folio, boards, Nagpur, 1902 7s 319 Vol. XIV. COORG, Report and Tables, by W. FRANCIS, folio, boards, Madras, 1902 3s 320 Vol. xv. MADRAS, Part I., Report, by W. FRANCIS, maps, folio, boards, ibid., 1902 7s 321 Vol. xvi. N.-W. PROVINCES and OUDH, Part I., Report, by R. BURN, maps, folio, boards, Allahabad, 1902 9s 322 Vol. xvii. PUNJAB, and N.-W. FRONTIER PROVINCE, Part I., Report, by H. A. ROSE, maps, folio, boards, Simla, 1902 9s 323 Vol. xviii. BARODA, Part I., Report, by JAMSHEDJI ARDESHIR DALAL, maps, folio, boards, Bombay, 1902 10s 324 Vol. xix. CENTRAL INDIA, Part I., Report, by Capt. C. E. LUARD, maps, folio, boards, Lucknow, 1902 6s 325 Vol. xxi. GWALIOR, Part I., Report, by J. W. D. JOHNSTONE, maps, folio, boards, ibid., 1902 5s 83, High Street, Marylebone, London, W. 21 INDIA, continued. 326 Vol. xxn. HYDERABAD, Part I., Report, by MIRZA MEHDY KHAN, maps, folio, boards, Hyderabad, 1903 7s 327 Vol. xxin. KASHMIR, Part I., Report, by GHULAM AHMED KHAN, folio, boards, Lahore, 1902 5s 328 Vol. xxiv. MYSORE, Part I., Report, by T. ANANDA Row, maps, folio, boards, Bangalore, 1903 10s 329 Vol. xxvi. TRAVANCORE, Part I., Report, by N. SUBRAMHANYA AIYAR, maps and plates, folio, boards, Trivandrum, 1903 8s 330 ETHNOGRAPHIC SURVEY OF INDIA : BALUCHISTAN. Anthropometric Data from Baluchistan, 8vo. sewn, Calcutta, 1908 Is 6d 331 BOMBAY. ANTHROPOMETRIC DATA from BOMBAY, roy. 8vo. sewn, Calcutta, Office of Government Printing, 1907 2s 332 ETHNOGRAPHICAL SURVEY of BOMBAY, MONOGRAPH of the VARIOUS CASTES, Nos. 1 to 143, 8vo. wrappers, Bombay Government Central Press, 1903-1909 2 10s The following numbers are wanting, 3, 4, 13, 20, 34, 44, 50-52. 58, 59, 61-64, 68, 71, 80-85, 87-90, 99, loo, 135, 139, 141, i4. 333 - The SAME, MONOGRAPHS, Nos. 1 to 14, 19 to 21, 23, and 24, together in 1 vol. roy. 8vo. half morocco, Government Press, Bombay, 1903-5 9s CONTENTS : Ahir, Agri, Khriti or Khatri, Prabhu Bandharas or Galiaras, Helar, Bharadi or Daure Gosavi, Bhope or Bhute, Johari, Ager, Mukri, Halepaik, Padti, Halvakki Vakkal, Sappalic or Devadic, Kotegar, Sindhava, Otari and Ghadshi. Some of the monographs may be supplied at One Shilling each. 334 BURMA. ANTHROPOMETRIC DATA from BURMA, 8vo. sewn, Calcutta, 1906 2s 335 - GENERAL INDEFINITE CHARACTERISTICS of the TRIBES of BURMA (Draft), 8vo. wrappers, Calcutta, 1906 Is 6d 336 JAMIESON (E., F.C.S.) BURMA : DESCRIPTION of HABITS and CUSTOMS of the MUHSOS (Black and Red) also known as LAHUS, roy. 8vo. wrapper, Rangoon, 1909 Is 337 Lowis (C. C., i.c.s.) The TRIBES of BURMA, plan, roy. 8vo. wrapper, Rangoon, 1910 2s 338 - CENTRAL INDIA. ETHNOGRAPHICAL SURVEY of CENTRAL INDIA. MONOGRAPH I to IV., compiled from information Collected from various sources, by CAPT. C. E. LUARD, with plates, boards, Lucknow, 1909 1 The Modhs of Mahva, The Jungle Tribes of Malwa, Bundelkland Castes, Miscellaneous Castes. 339 - MONOGRAPHS of the CENTRAL PROVINCES, Parts I. to VII. cr. 8vo. wrapper, Allahabad 1907-11 7s Hindustani Castes, Series I. and II., Uriya Castes, Forest Tribes, Series I. -III., Tamil and Telugu Castes. 340 - COCHIN. ETHNOGRAPHICAL SURVEY of the COCHIN STATE, MONOGRAPHS, No. 1 to 11, by L. K. ANANTHA KRISHNA IYER, B.A.L.T., 8vo. halj morocco, Ernakulam, 1905-6 9s Thandapulayas, Nayadis, Pulluvans, Kanakkans, Kootans, Pulayas (illustrated^ Parayas (illustraled), Vettuvans, Hill Tribes (illustrated), Izhuvas (illustrated), and Kshatrivas. 341 - GAZETTEER (Draft) : NEPAL, BARODA STATE, KASHMIR and JAMMU, RAJPUTANA, and AJMER-MERWARA, together in 1 vol. 8vo. half morocco, Simla, Allahabad, etc., 1904-6 5s Gives details of Customs, Religions, Festivals, General History, Caste, Social Characteristics, Agriculture, Legends, etc., etc. 22 FRANCIS EDWARDS, Bookseller, INDIA, continued, 342 GUPTE (B. A., F.Z.S., Assistant Director of Ethnography in India} A PRABHU MARRIAGE : CUSTOMARY and RELIGIOUS CEREMONIES performed in the Marriage of a Member of the Chandraseni Kayasth Prabhus of Bombay, roy. 8vo. wrapper, Calcutta, 1911 2s 343 DRAFT GLOSSARY of INDIAN CASTES and TRIBES, 8vo. boards, Office of Government Printing, Calcutta, 1905 5s 344 CRANIOLOGICAL DATA, from the Indian Museum, Calcutta, roy. 4to. wrapper, Calcutta, 1909 2s 345 MATERIALS for the BIBLIOGRAPHY of the ANTHROPOLOGY of INDIA, 1907, 8vo. wrapper, Calcutta, 1910 Is 346 MYSORE. ETHNOGRAPHICAL SURVEY of MYSORE, Bulletins, Nos. 8-17, by H. Y. NANJUNDAYYA, M.A., 8vo. wrapper, Bangalore, 1907-9 \seach VIII. Bili Magga Caste. XIII. Dorabar Caste. IX. Tigala Caste. XIV. Kadu-Gollas. X. Sale Caste. XV. Mordsu Okkalu. XI. Vadda Caste. XVI. Sanyasi Caste XII. Ndymda Caste. XVII. Mddiga Caste. 347 - The SAME, No. 1. to No. 7, together in 1 vol. roy. 8vo. half -morocco, Bangalore, 1906 9s The Kuruba, Holeya, Beda, Agasa, Bestha, Komati, and Koracha Caste. 348 N.-W. BORDERLAND. ANTHROPOMETRIC DATA from N.-W. BORDERLAND, 8vo. sewn, Calcutta, 1909 Is 349 RISLEY (Sir H. H., K.C.I. E., c.s.i.) MANUAL of ETHNOGRAPHY for INDIA : General Instructions, Definitions and Ethnographic Questions, 8vo. wrapper, Calcutta, 1903 Is 350 MANUAL of ANTHROPOMETRY, second edition, illustrations roy. 8vo. wrapper, Calcutta, 1909 Is 351 NOTES on the POSITION of WOMEN among HINDUS, MOSLEMS, BUDDHISTS, and JAINS, draft copy with MS. corrections, roy. 8vo. wrapper, Calcutta, 1909 2s 352 Inman (Thomas, M.D.) ANCIENT FAITHS embodied in ANCIENT NAMES : or an Attempt to Trace the Religious Belief, Sacred Rites, and Holy Emblems of certain Nations by an interpretation of names, second and best edition, illustrations, 2 vols. 8vo. cloth (SCARCE), 1872-3 2 17s 6d 353 - ANCIENT FAITHS and MODERN : a Dissertation upon Worships, Legends and Divinities, in Central and Western Asia, Europe, etc. , before the Christian Era, 8vo. cloth, New York, 1876 6s 354 ANCIENT PAGAN and MODERN CHRISTIAN SYMBOLISM Exposed and Explained, second edition, revised and enlarged, illustrations, 8vo. cloth, 1874 8s 355 Inwards (Richard, F.R.A.S.) The TEMPLE of the ANDES, numerous plates, 4to. cloth, Printed for the Author, 1884 5s Most South American Travellers are agreed that these ruins are the oldest in the New World. They are intimately connected with the early religion of Peru. 356 Iyer (L. K. Anantha Krishna, B.A., Supt. Ethnology, Cochin Slate) The COCHIN TRIBES and CASTES, Vol. I (all published), with Preface by JOHN BEDDOE, with numerous plates, roy. 8vo. half roan, Madras, 1909 12s 357 Jacobs (Joseph) BARLAAM and JOSAPHAT : English Lives of Buddha, edited and induced by JOSEPH JACOBS (Bibliotheque de Carabas, Vol. X. ), frontispiece and pedigrees, cr. 8vo. parchment, uncut, 1896 5s 358 JenkS (Albert Ernest, Chief of the Ethnological Survey for the Philippine Islands) The BONTOC IGOROT (Survey Publications, Vol. I.), with mimerous illustrations, impl. 8vo. half morocco, Manilla, 1905 10s 83, High Street, Marylebone, London, W. 23 359 Jennings (Hargrave) The RosiCRUCiANS : their RITES and MYSTERIES with Chapters OR the Ancient Fire and Serpent Worshippers, etc., fourth edition, illustrated with nearly 300 engravings and \ 2 full-page plates, cr. 8vo. clotk, N.D. 4s 6d 360 Jewitt (Llewellynn, F.S.A.) GRAVE MOUNDS and their CONTENTS: Manual of Archaeology, with nearly 500 woodcuts, sm. 8vo. cloth, 1870 10s 361 Joest (Wilhelm) TATOWIREN : NARBEN-ZEICHNEN und KORPERBEMALEN, ein beitrag zur vergleichenden Ethnologic ; with 12 fine plates (11 COLOURED) and numerous illustrations in the text, of tatooing, folio, boards, Berlin, 1887 2 352 Johnston (Sir Harry, G.C.M.G.) The UGANDA PROTECTORATE: Physical Geography, Botany, Zoology, Anthropology, Languages and History, with 9 maps, 48 coloured plates and 510 other illustrations, by the Author and others, 2 vols. roy. 8vo. cloth, 1904 10s 6d 353 LIBERIA : the Negro Republic of West Africa, with Appendix on the FLORA of LIBERIA by Dr. O. STAFF, with 28 coloured plates, numerous other illustrations and maps, 2 vols. roy. 8vo. cloth, 1906 11s 364 GEORGE GRENFELL and the CONGO : a History and Description of the Congo Independent State and adjoining Districts, etc. , the whole founded on the Diaries of the late REV. GEORGE GRENFELL, of the Baptist Missionary Society, etc., with 496 illustrations and 14 maps, 2 vols. roy. 8vo. cloth, 1908 10s 6d 365 Johnston (William, Bengal Civil Service} The ORIENTAL RACES and TRIBES, Residents and Visitors of Bombay: a Series of Si large photographs, with Descriptions, 2 vols. impl. 4to. morocco, g.e., 1863-66 2 10s 366 Jolly (Julius) The INSTITUTES of VISHNU (Sacred Books of the East), 8vo. doth, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1880 6s Of importance for a critical study of the Laws of Manu. See BUHLER (Georg). 367 Joshi (Janardan, B.A., Subdivisional Officer, Kashipur') ORIENTAL ASTROLOGY, DARWINISM and DEGENERATION, illustrations, 12mo. cloth, Allahabad, 1906 2s 6d 368 Junod (Henri A.) The LIFE of a SOUTH AFRICAN TRIBE, Volume I., The Social Life, with illustrations, 8vo. cloth, 1912 8s 6d 369 Kaempfer (Engelbert) HISTORY of JAPAN, together with a Description of the KINGDOM of SIAM, 1690-92, with 163 illustrations and maps, 3 vols. 8vo. cloth, Glasgow, 1906 i 4s 370 Kalidasa. MEGHADUTA : a SANSKRIT POEM, with a Sinhalese Paraphrase, edited by the HON. T. B. PANABOKKE, 8vo. sewn, Colombo, 1893 2s 371 Karaka (Dosabhai Framji, c.s.l.) HISTORY of the PARSIS : their Manners, Customs, Religion and Present Position, with portrait, coloured and photo- illustrations, 2 vols. 8vo. cloth gilt, 1884 14s 372 Kay (Charles de) BIRD GODS in ANCIENT EUROPE, with illustrations by G. W. Edwards, sm. 8vo. cloth, New York, 1898 2s 372* Keane (Augustus Henry, F.R.G.S) ETHNOLOGY, in two parts; PART I., FUNDAMENTAL ETHNICAL PROBLEMS. PART II., PRIMARY ETHNICAL GROUPS, second edition, revised, cr. 8vo. cloth (new) 10s 6d 373 Keightley (Thomas, Trin. Coll., Dublin) The FAIRY MYTHOLOGY; illustrative of the Romance and Superstition of various Countries, with etchings and woodcuts by W. H. Brooke, 2 vols. 12mo. cloth, 1833 16s 374 ANOTHER EDITION, revised, with frontispiece by G. Cruikshank, cr. 8vo. cloth, Bohn, 1860 4 S 24 FRANCIS EDWARDS, Bookseller, 375 KelleP (Ferdinand, President Antiquarian Association of Zurich) The LAKE DWELLINGS of SWITZERLAND and other parts of Europe, second edition, enlarged, translated by J. E. LEE, F.S.A., -with over 200 plates, 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, 1878 >\ 18s 376 Kelley (Edward, Alchemist) ALCHEMICAL WRITINGS, translated from the Hamburg Edition of 1676, and edited with a Biographical Preface [by A. E. WAITE], cr. 8vo, doth, 1893 3* 377 Kelly (Walter Keating) CURIOSITIES of INDO-EUROPEAN TRADITION and FOLK-LORE, cr. 8vo, cloth, 1863 6s 378 Kemble (John Mitchell, author of " The Saxons in England") HORAK FERALES ; or, Studies in the Archaeology of the Northern Nations, edited by R. G. LATHAM, M.D., and A. W. FRANKS, M.A., with plates (some coloured*), 4to. cloth, 1863 i 5s. 379 Kep (John Bellenden) An ESSAY on the ARCHAEOLOGY of our POPULAR PHRASES and NURSERY RHYMES, with the Supplement, 3 vols. 12mo. cloth, 1835-40 12s The author's attempt is to explain everything from the Dutch,. -which he believes was the same language as the Anglo-Saxon. 380 KerP (Robert, F.R.S., Edin.) GENERAL HISTORY and COLLECTION of VOYAGES and TRAVELS, arranged in Systematic Order, forming a complete History of the Origin and Progress of Navigation, Discovery and Commerce, from the earliest Ages, with maps and charts, 18 vols. 8vo. half cloth, uncut * Edinburgh, 1811-24 3 381 KetkaP (Shridhar V.) The HISTORY of CASTE in INDIA: Evidence of the Laws of Manu on the Social Condition in India during the Third Century, A.D., with an Appendix on Radical Defects of Ethnology, vol. 1, 8vo. cloth, Ithaca, N.Y., 1909 3s 382 Kingsley (Mary Henrietta) West African Studies, with maps and illustrations, 8vo. cloth, 1899 10s Contains chapters on Fetish and Witchcraft, African' characteristics, etc., and a description of the natives of the Niger Coast, their customs, etc., by LE COMTF. DE CARDI. 383 Kirby (William Forsell, F.L.S.) The HERO of ESTHONIA, and other STUDIES in the Romantic Literature of that Country ; compiled from Esthonian and German Sources, with map, 2 vols. sm. 4to. cloth, 1895 7s 384 Knatehbull-Hugessen (E. H., first Baron Brabourne) QUEER FOLK : Seven Stories, FIRST EDITION, illustrations, cr. 8vo. cloth, 1874 4s 385 KnOWles (James Hinton, F.R.G.S., Missionary in Cashmere} FOLK TALES of KASHMIR, second edition, cr. 8vo. cloth, 1893 7s 6d 386 Kovalevsky (Maxime, University of Moscow) MODERN CUSTOMS and ANCIENT LAWS of RUSSIA, being the Ilchester Lectures, 1889-90, 8vo. cloth, 1891 3s 6d 387 K P a U S S (Friedrich S.) ETHNOGRAPHISCHE FRAGEBCGEN der ANTHROPOLOGISCHEN GESELLSCHAFT in WIEN, I. SUDSLAVBN, 12mo, unbound, Wien, 1884 2s 388 Lagden ((Sir Godfrey, K.C.M.G.) The BASUTOS : the Mountaineers and their Country, -with 70 illustrations and 9 maps, 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, 1909 9s 6d 389 Laing (Samuel) The HEIMSKRINGLA ; or CHRONICLE of the KINGS of NORWAY, translated from the Icelandic of SNORRO STURLESON, with Preliminary Dissertation, FIRST EDITION, 3 vols. 8vo. tree-calf extra, 1844 2 5s 390 SECOND EDITION, revised with Notes by RASMUS B. ANDERSON, LL.D., with 2 maps, 4 vols. 8vo. cloth, 1889 3 3s 83, High Street, Marylebone, London, W. 25 391 Landor (A. Henry Savage, F.R.G.S.) ACROSS WILDEST AFRICA : Account of the Country and People of Eastern, Central and Western Africa, with map and' numerous illustrations, 2 vols. roy. 8vo. cloth, 1907 10s 392 Lang (the late Andrew, LL.D.) SOCIAL ORIGINS; with PRIMAL LAW bjr J. J. ATKINSON, 8vo. doth, 1903 4s 393 The SECRET of the TOTEM, 8vo. doth, 1905 5s 394 Lansdell (Henry, D.D., M.R.A.S.) THROUGH CENTRAL ASIA, with Appendix on the Diplomacy and Delimitation of the Russo-Afghan Frontier, map and 74 illustrations, 8vo. doth, 1887 3s 6d 395 La Pe*rouse (Jean Francois de) VOYAGE ROUND the WORLD in the YEARS, 1785-1788, arranged by L. A. MILET MUREAU, portrait, maps and plates, 2 vols. 1798 : LABILLARDIERE'S VOYAGE in SEARCH of LA PEROUSE, 1791- 94, with map and numerous plates, 1800 together 4 vols. 8vo. calf (repaired), 1798-1800 3 396 Lassen (Christian, Professor zu Bonn) INDISCHE ALTERTHUMSKUNDE, 4 vols. 8vo. half morocco, Leipzig, 1867-61 2' 397 Latham (R. G., M.D., F.R.S.) ON the PAGAN (non-Mahometan) POPULATIONS of the INDIAN ARCHIPELAGO, with special reference to the colour of their skin, hair, etc. [excerpt], 8vo. ttnbound 2s 6d 398 Laveleye (Emile de) De la PROPRIETE et de ses FORMES PRIMITIVES, 8vo. cloth, Paris, 1874 4s 399 Lean's Collectanea. PROVERBS (English and Foreign) FOLK-LORE, SUPERSTITIONS, OMENS, and POPULAR CUSTOMS ; also Compilations towards Dictionaries of Proverbial Phrases and Words, Old and Disused, by VINCENT STUCKEY LEAN ; with Examples, Illustrative and Explanatory Notes, with portraits, facsimiles, a full and very valuable Index, List of Authorities, etc., 5 vols. roy. 8vo. buckram, J. Arrowsmith, 1902-4 ,2 10s 400 Lenormant (Fra^ois) CHALDEAN MAGIC, its Origin and Development, translated from the French, with considerable Additions and Notes, 8vo. cloth, 1877 , 8s 401 Leonard (Major A. G.) The LOWER NIGER and its TRIBES, with map, 8vo^ cloth, 1906 4s " For ten years he (Major Leonard) patiently studied native life and thought, never losing a chance of getting into touch with the natives even at the risk of his life, for some of the tribes he visited were not then amenable to British rule." 402 LetOUPneau (Charles, Docteur) La SociOLOGlE d'apres L'ETHNOGRAPHIE, revue et corrigee (Bibliotheque des Sciences Contemporaines), thick 12mo. cloth, Paris, 1892 3s 403 Lloyd (A. B.) In DWARF LAND and CANNIBAL COUNTRY ; a Record of, Travel and Discovery in CENTRAL AFRICA, with maps and illustrations, 8vo. doth, 1807 4s 404 LOW (Hugh, Colonial Secretary, Labuh-an) SARAWAK ; its INHABITANTS and PRODUCTIONS : Notes during a Residence with Rajah Brooke, with steel plates, 8vo. cloth, 1848 6s 405 Lumholtz (Carl) AMONG CANNIBALS ; Four Years' Travels in AUSTRALIA and of Camp Life with the ABORIGINES of QUEENSLAND, with portrait, maps, coloured plates, and 122 illustrations, roy. 8vo. cloth, 1889 9s 405A UNKNOWN MEXICO : a Record of Five Years' Exploration among the TRIBES of WESTERN SIERRA MADRE, in the Tierra Caliente of Tepic and Jalisco, and among the Tarascos of Michoacan, portrait, map, coloured plates and over 400 other illustrations, 2 vols. roy. 8vo. doth, 1903 i 6s 406 Lyon (Capt. G. F., R.N.) NARRATIVE of TRAVELS in NORTHERN AFRICA, 1818-20, with map and 17 coloured plates of Native Costumes, 4to. boards, 1821 10s 26 FRANCIS EDWARDS, Bookseller, 407 Mabie (Hamilton Wright) NORSE STORIES retold from the EDDAS, with coloured illustrations by George Wright, 8vo. cloth, 1902 3s 6d 408 Maeauliffe (M. A., i.c.s.) The SIKH RELIGION : a Lecture before the Quest Society, 8vo. wrapper, 1910 2s 409 MaeCauley (Clay) The SEMINOLE INDIANS of FLORIDA (Bureau of American Ethnology), with illustrations, impl. 8vo. half morocco, 1887 6s 410 MeClintOCh (Walter) The OLD NORTH TRAIL : or Life, Legends and Religion of the BLACKFEET INDIANS, with illustrations, 8vo. cloth (new), 1910 15s 411 MeCulloeh (Major W., Political Agent at Munntfiore) ACCOUNT of the VALLEY of MUNNIPORE and of the HILL TRIBES, with a Vocabulary (Selections from the Records of the Government of India), 8vo. unbound, Calcutta, 1859 3s 412 Maedonald (K. S., M.A., D.D.) The BRAHMANAS of the VEDAS (Sacred Books of the East Examined and Described), 8vo. boards, 1901 2s 413 Maedonell (Arthur Anthony, M.A., Boden Professor of Sanskrit, Oxford) HISTORY of SANSKRIT LITERATURE, cr. 8vo. cloth, 1900 3s 414 Maedpugall (Rev. J.) FOLK and HERO TALES (Waifs and Strays of Celtic Tradition, Argyleshire Series) with 3 illustrations by E, Griset, 8vo. cloth, 1891 3s 6d 415 FOLK TALES and FAIRY LORE in Gaelic and English, edited with Notes by REV. GEORGE CALDER, B.D., 8vo. cloth 6s 416 Me Gee(W. J.) The SERI INDIANS (Bureau of American Ethnology) with 56 plates, some coloured, and 42 text illustrations, impl. 8vo. half morocco, 1898 7s 6d 417 MeGregOP (W. L., M.D.) The HISTORY of the SIKHS; the LIVES of the GOOROOS, the HISTORY of the INDEPENDENT SIRDARS, and LIFE ot MAHARAJAH RUNJEET SINGH, with map, portraits, etc., 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, 1846 18s 418 MeGuire (J. D.) A STUDY of the PRIMITIVE METHODS of DRILLING (Report U.S. National Museum), numerous illustrations, 8vo. half roan, 1894 4s 419 Maelnnes (Rev. D.) FOLK and HERO TALES (Waifs and Strays of Celtic Tradition, Argyllshire Series, II.), with Notes by the Editor and ALFRED NUTT, portrait off. F. Campbell, 8vo. cloth, 1890 8s 420 Mackenzie (Sir George Stuart) TRAVELS in the ISLAND of ICELAND during the summer of the year 1810, numerous coloured and other plates, 4to. boards, cloth back, uncut, 1812 11s This work includes a Dissertation on the History and Literature of Iceland by Dr. Holland, and a list of Icelandic plants by Dr. Hooker. 421 Maekinnon (Rev. James) SOUTH AFRICAN TRAITS, 8vo. cloth, 1887 3s 422 McLennan (John Ferguson, Trin. Coll., Camb.) The PATRIARCHAL THEORY, based on Papers of the late Author, Edited and Completed by DONALD MCLENNAN, 8vo. cloth, 1885 6s The author originated the theory that exogamy was the primitive form of marriage, polyandry and monandry being successive developments. 423 STUDIES in ANCIENT HISTORY, comprising a Reprint of "Primitive Marriage " : Inquiry into the Origin of the Form of Capture in Marriage Ceremonies, 8vo. cloth, 1876 14s 424 STUDIES in ANCIENT HISTORY, SECOND SERIES : Origin of Exogamy, 8vo. cloth, 1896 7s 6d 83, High Street, Marylebone, London, W. 27 425 MePherSOn (H., Indian Civil Service, Depart, of Land Records, Bengal) The ABORIGINAL RACES of the SONTHAL PARGANAS : a Plea for the Reprint of the Buchanan Manuscripts, folio, unbound, Calcutta (with autograph letter from the author to Sir H. Risley, itiserted), 1908 2s 426 MaeRitehie (David) FIANS, FAIRIES and PlCTS, with illustrations, 8vo. cloth, 1893 2s 6d 427 Madras Government Museum. BULLETINS (ANTHROPOLOGY), No. 4 Vol. 1, to No. 3 Vol. 4, plates, in 4 vols. 8vo. half morocco, Madras, 1896- 1903 \ 428 Maharajas. HISTORY of the SECT of MAHARAJAS, or VALLA BHACHARYAS, in WESTERN INDIA, frontispiece, 8vo. cloth (SCARCE), 1865 i 10s 429 Maine (Sir Henry Sumner, K.C.S.I.) LECTURES on the EARLY HISTORY of INSTITUTIONS, 8vo. cloth, 1880 5s 430 Mallery (Garrick) PicroGRAPHS of the NORTH AMERICAN INDIANS (Bureau of American Ethnology), with 83 plates, many coloured, and over 200 text" illustrations, impl. 8vo. half morocco, 1886 10s 431 COLLECTION of GESTURE-SIGNS and SIGNALS of the NORTH AMERICAN INDIANS with some Comparisons (Bureau of American Ethnology), 4to. cloth, Washington, 1880 9s 432 - - PICTURE WRITING of the AMERICAN INDIANS (Bureau of American. Ethnology), with ^ftdl-page plates, many coloured, and\,29Stext illustrations, impl. 8vo. cloth (pp. 1-822), 1893 15s 433 IManing (F. E.)] OLD NEW ZEALAND : Tales of the Good Old Times, and a History of the War in the North against the Chief Heke, in the year 1845, by a Pakeha Maori, with Introduction by the Earl of Pembroke, 8vo. cloth, 1884 5s 434 Mantegazza (Professore Paola) STUDU sulla ETNOLOGIA dell' INDIA, witk 54 photographic portraits of members of the various castes, roy. 8vo. half niorocco, Firenze, Societa Italiana cT Antropologia, 1886 10s 435 Manucha (Kaccoo Mai, Rai Bahadur) The HINDU HOME LIFE, 8vo. unbound, Lucknow, 1890 3s 436 Manwaring (A., C.M.S. Missionary) MARATHI PROVERBS, Collected and Translated, 8vo. cloth, Oxford, 1899 ' 8s 437 Marriage Rites, CUSTOMS, and CEREMONIES, of the NATIONS of the UNIVERSE, frontispiece and vignette, 8vo. calf, 1824 9s 438 ANOTHER COPY, boards, uncut 8s 439 Marryat (Horace) A RESIDENCE in JUTLAND, the DANISH ISLES, and COPENHAGEN, map and woodcuts, 2 vols. post 8vo. cloth, 1860 8s 6d 440 Marshall (Lieut. Col. William E., Bengal Staff Corps) A PHRENOLOGIST amongst the TODAS, or the STUDY of a PRIMITIVE TRIBE in S. INDIA : History, Character, Customs, Religion, Polyandry, etc., with autotype illustrations, 8vo. cloth, 1873 6s 441 Martin ^Minnie) BASUTOLAND : its Legends and Customs, cr. 8vo. cloth* 1903 2s 442 MartinengO-Cesareseo (Countess Evelyn) ESSAYS in the STUDY of FOLK SONGS, cr. 8vo. cloth, 1886 3s 6d Deals chiefly with the peasant songs of .Southern Europe. 443 Marwar. The CASTES of MARWAR (Report on the Census of 1891), interleaved with numerous photographs, folio, morocco, published by Order of the Marwar Darbar, Jodhpore, 1894 l 444 Maskell (Joseph, Master of Emanuel Hospital, Westminster) The WEDDING- RING ; its History, Literature, and the Superstitions respecting it, second edition, revised, 12mo. cloth, 1888 2s- 28 FRANCIS EDWARDS, Bookseller, 445 Mason (Otis Tufton, U.S. National Museum) WOMAN'S SHARE in PRIMITIVE CULTURE, with 60 illustrations, 8vo. cloth, 1895 4s 6d 446 A PRIMITIVE FRAME for WEAVING NARROW FABRICS (excerpt Report U.S. Nat. Mus.), 9 plates, 8vo. half roan, 1899 4s 447 Massey (Gerald) BOOK of the BEGINNINGS : Attempt to Recover and Reconstitute the LOST ORIGINES of the MYTHS and MYSTERIES, TYPES, and SYMBOLS, RELIGION and LANGUAGE, with EGYPT for the Mouthpiece and AFRICA as the Birthplace, 2 vols. imp. 8vo. cloth, 1881 12s 6d 448 Masson (Charles) NARRATIVE of VARIOUS JOURNEYS in BALOCHISTAN, AFGHANISTAN, the PANJAB, and KALAT, during a Residence in those Countries, with an Account of the INSURRECTION at KALAT, and a MEMOIR on EASTERN BALOCHISTAN, with large map and numerous plates, 4 vols. new half calf gilt, t.e.g., 1843-4 \ 8s 449 Mathew (John, M.A., B.D.) EAGLEHAWK and CROW: STUDY of the AUSTRALIAN ABORIGINES, including an Inquiry into their Origin and a Survey of Australian Languages, with illustrations, 8vo. cloth, 1 899 7s 6d 450 Mathews (R. H., L.S.) ETHNOLOGICAL NOTES on the ABORIGINAL TRIBES of NEW SOUTH WALES and VICTORIA, 8vo. sewn, Sydney, 1905 3s 451 Matthews (Washington) The MOUNTAIN CHANT: a NAVAJO CEREMONY (Bureau of American Ethnology), with 4 folding coloured plates and other illustrations, impl. 8vo. half morocco, 1887 7s 6d 452 NAVAJO SILVERSMITHS (Bureau of American Ethnology), with 5 plates, impl. 8vo. half morocco, 1883 5s 453 Maudslay (Alfred Percival) BiOLOGiA CENTRALI-AMERICANA ; or CONTRIBUTIONS to the KNOWLEDGE of the FAUNA and FLORA of MEXICO and CENTRAL AMERICA, edited by F. DUCANE GODMAN and OSBERT SALVIN : ARCHAEOLOGY, with APPENDIX by J. T. GOODMAN, 4 vols. 4to. of Text, and 4 vols. folio, containing upwards of 400 fine photographic plates, plans, etc. , in the original parts, as issued, viz., 16 parts, 4to. and 16 parts folio, 1889-1902 (pub. at 35) 24 This is the greatest work extant on the ancient remains of Mexico and Central America. A copy of the work bound in 5 vols. (i vol. Text and 4 vols. of plates) in half morocco, could be supplied at an additional cost of 7 IDS. 454 Maxwell (W. E., C.M.G.) RAJA DONAN and SRI RAMA : Fairy Tales told by a Malay Rhapsodist, Texts and Translations (Nos. 17 and 18 Journal of the Straits Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society), 2 vols. wrappers, Singapore, 1887 10s No. 17 also contains a Bibliography of Siam, by;SiR E. M. SATOW, C.M.G. 455 FOLKLORE of the MALAYS, 8vo. unbound, n.d. 2s 456 Mazeliere (M is de la) ESSAI sur L'EVOLUTION de la CIVILISATION INDIENNE : L'!NDE ANCIENNE ; L'!NDE au MOYEN AGE, with illustrations, 2 vols. thick 12mo. in 1, cloth, Paris, 1903 5s 457 Meinhold (Wilhelm) The AMBER WITCH, translated by LADY DUFF GORDON, edited with an Introduction by JOSEPH JACOBS, with illustrations by Sir Philip Burne- Jones, cr. 8vo. cloth, 1895 2s 6d 458 Mereier (Charles Arthur, M.D.) CONDUCT and its DISORDERS BIOLOGICALLY considered, 8vo. cloth, 1911 6s 83, High Street, Marylebone, London, VV. 29 459 Mindeleff (Cosmos) The CLIFF RUINS of CANYON de CHELLY, ARIZONA (Bureau of American Ethnology), maps and numerous illustrations, impl. 8vo. half morocco, 1897 5 S 460 NAVAHO HOUSES (Bureau of American Ethnology), numerous full-page and other illustrations, impl. 8vo. half morocco, 1897 5s 461 - CASA GRANDE RUIN in SOUTHERN ARIZONA (Bureau of American Ethnology), with illustrations, impl. 8vo. half morocco, 1896 4s 462 - - A STUDY of PUEBLO ARCHITECTURE : TUSAYAN and CIBOLA (Bureau of American Ethnology), with 111 plates and 114 text illustrations, impl. 8vo. half morocco, 1891 15s 463 Misra (Vachaspati) An ENGLISH TRANSLATION, with the SANSKRIT TEXT, of the TATTVA-KAUMUDI (Sinkhya), by GANGANTHA JHA, M.A., 8vo. boards, Bombay, 1896 2s 6d 464 MobePly (A. N., i.c.s., Supt. Ethnography in Bengal) AMULETS as AGENTS in the PREVENTION of DISEASE in BENGAL, 4to. wrappers, Calcutta, 1906 2s 465 - MINIATURE TANK WORSHIP in BENGAL (excerpt from Journal, Asiatic Soc. of Bengal), 8vo. sewn, 1906 Is 466 Modi (Jivanji Jamshedji, B.A.) ASIATIC PAPERS: Read before the Bombay Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, 8vo. cloth, Bombay, 1905 5s The Game of Ball-Bat among the Ancient Persians, Firdousi on the Indian Origin of the Game of Chess, an untranslated Chapter of the Bundehesh, the Irish Story of Cocullin and Conloch, etc., etc. 467 Monier-Williams (Sir Monier, K.C.I.E.) BRAHMANISM and HINDUISM ; or Religious Thought and Life in India, as based on the VEDA and other Sacred Books of the Hindus, fourth edition, enlarged, 8vo. cloth, 1891 9s 468 MontbaPd (G.) AMONG the MOORS: Sketches of Oriental Life, with illustrations, roy. 8vo. cloth, 1894 5s 469 Montgomery (Sir Robert, Judicial Commissioner in the Punjab) INFANTICIDE in the PUNJAB (Reprint from the Records of the Punjab Administration), roy. 8vo. half morocco, n.d. 2s 6d 470 Mooney (James) The SACRED FORMULA of the CHEROKEES (Bureau of American Ethnology), with portrait and facsimiles, impl. 8vo. half morocco, 1891 6s 471 - - MYTHS of the CHEROKEE (Bureau of American Ethnology), with 20 plates and 2 text illustrations, impl. 8vo. cloth, 1900 10s 472 The GHOST-DANCE RELIGION and the Sioux OUTBREAK of 1890 Bureau of American Ethnology), with map, 37 plates and about 50 text illustrations, impl. 8vo. cloth, 1896 10s 473 Moorehead (Warren K.) PREHISTORIC RELICS: an Illustrated Catalogue describing some eight hundred and fifty different Specimens, with 146 illustrations, 8vo. sewn, Andover, Mass., 1905 3s 474 Morgan (Lewis H., LL.D.) ANCIENT SOCIETY, or RESEARCHES in the LINES of HUMAN PROGRESS from SAVAGERY through BARBARISM to CIVILIZATION, NEW EDITION, 8vo. cloth, New York, 1907 6s 6d 476 MoPPis (Chades) MAN and his ANCESTOR : Study in Evolution, 8vo. cloth (new), 1911 6s 477 Morris (Edward E., University of Melbourne) AUSTRAL ENGLISH: Dictionary of Australasian Words, Phrases and Usages, with those Aboriginal-Australian and Maori Words which have become incorporated in the Langnage, and the Commoner Scientific Words, that have had their Origin in Australasia, 8vo. cloth, 1898 5s 6d 30 FRANCIS EDWARDS, Bookseller, 478 Muir (John, D.C.L., I.L.D.) ORIGINAL SANSKRIT TEXTS on the ORIGIN and HISTORY of the PEOPLE of INDIA, their Religion and Institutions, collected, translated, and illustrated (Triibner's Oriental Series), 5 vols, 8vo. doth, 1873-90 j4 479 Mukharji (Ram Satya, Sub-Registrar of Assurances, Tamluk, District Midnapur) INDIAN FOLKLORE, 12mo. half morocco (with MS. notes), Calcutta, 1904 6s A collection of thirty-one amusing folklore stories current in India. 480 Mullaly (Frederick S., Madras Police) NOTES on CRIMINAL CLASSES of the MADRAS PRESIDENCY, illustrations, roy. 8vo. cloth, 1892 3s 481 Miiller (Friedrich) ALLGEMEINE ETHNOGRAPHIE, 8vo. cloth, Wien, 1879 5s 482 MuniZ (Manual A., M.D.) and W. J. McGEE. PRIMITIVE TREPHINING in PERU (Bureau of American Ethnology), -with 40 plates of skulls, impl. 8vo. half morocco, 1897 5s 483 Murdoch (John, Naturalist to the Expedition) ETHNOLOGICAL RESULTS of the POINT BARROW (Alaska) EXPEDITION (Bureau American Ethnology), with maps and 428 illustrations, impl. 8vo. half morocco, 1892 l 484 Nadaillac (Marquis de) PRE-HISTORIC AMERICA, translated by N. D'ANVERS [Mrs. BELL], edited by W. H. BALL, with 219 illustrations, 8vo. cloth, 1885 12s 6d 485 Nath (Rai Bahadur Lala Baij, B.A.) HINDUISM, ANCIENT and MODERN, as Taught in Original Sources and Illustrated in Practical Life, new edition, 8vo. wrapper, Meerut, 1905 2s 6 d 486 Nath (Radha Govinda, Professor, Camilla Victoria College} The YOGIS of BENGAL (a monograph), 8vo. Calcutta, 1909 2s ^87 NeilSOn (William Allan, Harvard Professor) STUDIES and NOTES in PHILOLOGY and LITERATURE : The Origins and Sources of the Court of Love, 8vo. sewn, Harvard University, 1899 3s 488 Nesfield (J. C.) The MUSHKRAS of CENTRAL and UPPER INDIA, with VOCABULARY of MUSHERA words, 8vo. tinbound, N.D. 2s 6d 489 New Zealand Institute, TRANSACTIONS and PROCEEDINGS, COMPLETE SET, from its commencement in 1868 to 1900, with Index to Vols. 1-17, with maps and illustrations, in all 33 vols. sewn, Wellington, 1869-1900 17 10s Vols. I.-V. are in half calf and 2 vols. are in cloth. 490 Nilsson (Sven) The PRIMITIVE INHABITANTS of SCANDINAVIA : an Essay on COMPARATIVE ETHNOGRAPHY, edited, and with an Introduction by LORD AVEBURY, 8vo. cloth, 1868 10s Containing a desci iption of the implements, dwellings, tombs, and modes of life of the Savages in the North of Europe during the Stone Age. 491 Nordenskiold (G.) The CLIFF DWELLERS of the MESA VERDE, SOUTH WESTERN COLORADO : their Pottery and Implements, translated D. LLOYD MORGAN, with numerous fine plates, plans, and text illustrations, impl. 4to. half morocco, Stockholm, 1893 ^4 492 "Notes and Queries " (North Indian): a Monthly Periodical, No. 1 to No. 8, Vol. 2, April 1891 to Nov. 1892, edited by WILLIAM CROOKE, B.A., Bengal Civil Service, 4to. canvas boards, Allahabad, 1891-2 ^1 493 THE SAME, eleven odd numbers from Dec. 1892 to March 1896, 4to, cloth, 1892-96 7s 6d 494 "Notes and Queries" (Choice Notes from): FOLK-LORE, I2mo. cloth, 1859 3s 495 Oldenberg (Hermann) Die RELIGION des VEDA, 8vo. half morocco, Berlin, 1894 6s 83, High Street, Marylebone, London, W. 31 496 Oliver (Edward E., M.R.A.s.) ACROSS the BORDER ; or, PATHANand BlLOCH, with illustrations by J. Lockwood Kipling, C.I.E., and a map. 8vo. cloth, 1890 6s 497 O'Malley (L. S. S., i.c.s.) The AGRAHARIS of SASARAM (excerpt from Journal, Asiatic Society of Bengal), 8vo. wrapper, 1904 Is 6d 498 OppeFt (Gustav, Presidency Coll., Madras} ON the ORIGINAL INHABITANTS of BHARATAVARSA or INDIA, thick 8vo. cloth, 1893 4s 6d 499 OPP (Henry B., Tnlane Uni. of Louisiana} A THEORY of DEVELOPMENT and HEREDITY, post 8vo. cloth, 1893 3s 500 Owen (Mary Alicia) OLD RABBIT the VOODOO and other Sorcerers, with Introduction by C. G. LELAND, illustrations, cr. 8vo. cloth 2s 6d 501 Pander (Eugen, Professor an der Univ. zu Peking) Das PANTHEON des TSCHANGTSCHA HuTUKTU, hcrausgegeben von ALBERT GRUNVVEDEL (Veroffentlichungen aus dem Koniglichen Museum fiir Volkerkunde) ; numerous Illustrations, folio, morocco, Berlin, 1890 9s 502 Paptington (J. Edge) The ETHNOGRAPHY of MATTY ISLAND, with 3 plates (excerpt, from Journal of Anthropological Institute), 8vo. sewn, 1896 Is 503 Pasteup (Violet M.) GODS and HEROES of OLD JAPAN, with 4 coloured plates and 33 other illustrations, by Ada Gallon, 4to. cloth, 1906 6s 6d 504 Pausanias'S DESCRIPTION of GREECE, translated with a Commentary by JAMES GEORGE FRAZER [author of The Golden Bough], BEST EDITION maps, 6 vols. 8vo. cloth, 1898 5 505 Penafiel (Dr. Antonio) MONUMENTOS del ARTE MEXICANO ANTIGUO ORNAMENTACION, Mitologia Tributos y Monumentos ; with numerous fine plates, 3 vols. folio, in portfolios, Mexico, 1890 .20 506 Penka (Karl) Die HERKUNFT der ARIER : neue beitrage zur HISTORISCHEN ANTHROPOLOGIE der EUROPAISCHEN VOLKER, 8vo. half morocco, Wein, 1886 6s 507 ORIGINES ARIACAE : Linguistisch-Ethnologische Unteriuchungen zur Altesten Geschichte der Arischer. Volker und Spracher., 8vo. half morocco, Wien, 1883 6s 508 Die ETHNOLOGISCH-ETHNOGRAPHISCHE BEDEUTUNG der MEGALITHISCHEN GRABBAUTEN, Wien, 1900 : Die HEIMAT der GERMANEN, von KARL PENKA, Wien, 1883 : Der MENSCH, von JUL. KOLLMANN, plates, Zurich, 1895 and other pamphlets in a volume, 4to. half morocco 9s 509 Pennington (Rooke, F.G.S.) NOTES on the BARROWS and BONE-CAVES of DERBYSHIRE ; with an ACCOUNT of a DESCENT into ELDEN HOLE, 8vo. cloth, 1877 3s 510 P^PCZ (Rdo. P. Fray Angel) RELACIONES AGUSTINIANAS de las RAZAS de NORTE de LUZON (Ethnological Survey Publications, Vol. 3, Spanish Edition), impl. 8vo. half morocco, Manilla, 1904 8s 511 PePFault (Charles) POPULAR TALES, edited from the Original Editions, with Introduction, etc., by the late ANDREW LANG, cr. 8vo, cloth, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1888 2s 6d 512 Pesehel (Oscar) VOI.KERAKUNDE, sechste auflage bearbeitet von ALFRED KIRCHHOFF, mit einem namen-und Sachverzeichnis, 8vo. half morocco, Leipzig, 1185 3s 513 Petepmann's MITTHEILUNGEN aus JUSTUS PERTHES' GEOGRAPHISCHER AUSTALT uber wichtigc neue ERFORSCHUNGEN auf dem GESAMMTGEBIETE der GEOGRAPHIE, 1855-1881, and Erganzungshefte, Nos. 1 to 66, with numerous maps, bound in 27 vols. half calf , Gotha, 1855-87 ^10 10s 514 PetCPS (Carl) KING SOLOMON'S GOLDEN OPHIR : a Research into the most Ancient Gold Production in History, portrait, 12mo. cloth, 1899 Is 32 FRANCIS EDWARDS, Bookseller, 515 Pfeiffer (Madame Ida) VISIT to ICELAND and the SCANDINAVIAN NORTH, with Notes, etc., second edition, with. 8 tinted lithographs, cr. 8vo. cloth, 1853 2s 516 Pitt-RivePS (Gen. A. H. Lane Fox, D.C.L.) ARCHAEOLOGICAL WORKS, with hundreds of ftill-page plates containing thousands of illustrations of the objects excavated, accompanied by full descriptions by GEN. PITT-RIVERS, H. ST. GEORGE GRAY, and other Archaeologists, 8 vols. 4to. cloth, 1883-1905, 8 EXCAVATIONS in CRANBOURNE CHASE, including an index to that work and to " King John's House," and a Memoir by H. St. G. Gray, 5 vols: ON the DEVELOPMENT of PRIMITIVE LOCKS and KEYS, i vol. : ANTIQUE WORKS of ART from BENIN, West Africa, i vol. : KING JOHN'S HOUSE, i vol. A work of immense value to all interested in Archasology, Ethnology, and Ancient Art The Museum at Farnham contains the relics found in the Romano-British Village on Woodcuts Common, and in the vicinity of Rushmore; in the Romano-British Village of Rotherley, Wilts ; the Anglo-Saxon Cemetery in VVinklebury ; in Bokerley Dyke, the Wansdyke, and the Settlement of Woodgates, on the Wiltshire Border. 517 ANTIQUE WORKS of ART from BENIN, with 50 plates of examples of native proditctians t carvings in ivory, brass, bronze, etc., 4to. cloth, Privately Printed, 1900 9s 518 Playfair (Major A.,I.A., Deputy Com. Eastern Bengal and Assam) The GAROS, with an Introduction by SIR J. BAMPFYLDE FULLER, K.C., s.i., witk map and illustrations, Svo. cloth, 1909 6s 519 Podmore (Frank, M.A.) STUDIES in PSYCHICAL RESEARCH, Svo. cloth, 1897 5s 520 Polynesian Society. JOURNAL of the POLYNESIAN SOCIETY, reprint of Vols. 1 to 4, paper wrappers, 1909 3 These Volumes originally published 1892-6 have long been out of print and scarce. 521 Poste(Beale, LL.B., Trin. Coll., Camb.) CELTIC INSCRIPTIONS on GAULISH and BRITISH COINS, intended to supply materials for the Early History of Great Britain, with GLOSSARY of ARCHAIC CELTIC WORDS, etc., Svo. cloth, 1861 3s 522 A VINDICATION of the CELTIC INSCRIPTIONS on GAULISH and BRITISH COINS, with cuts and a plate of facsimiles of Characters from Pompeii, 8vo. cloth, 1862 2s 523 BRITANNIC RESEARCHES : or New Facts and Rectifications of Ancient British History, 8vc. cloth, 1853 4s 524 Pouehet (Georges, Aide-Naturaliste in the Museum of Rotten] PLURALITY of the HUMAN RACE, translated and edited by H. J. C. BEAVAN, F.R.G.S., Svo. cloth, Anthropological Society, 1864 3s 525 Prehistoric Archaeology (INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS of) : TRANSACTIONS of the THIRD SESSIONS, 1868, containing Papers read at the Conquest [by Dr. TYLOR, JOHN STUART, W. BOYD DAWKINS, PROFESSOR HUXLEY, and others], -with numerous plates, Svo. cloth, 1869 6s 526 Prema-Sagara (The) : or, OCEAN of LOVE, Literal Translation of the Hindi Text of LALLU LAL KAVI, as edited by PROFESSOR EDWARD BACKHOUSE EASTWICK, annotated and explained by FREDERICK PINCOTT, M.R.A.S., Svo. cloth, 1897 3s 6d 527 Prinsep (James, F.R.S., Sec. Asiastic Society of Bengal} ESSAYS on INDIAN ANTIQUITIES, Historic, Numismatic and Palceographic, to which are added his Useful Tables, illustrative of Indian History, Chronology, Modern Coinages, Weights, Measures, edited by EDWARD THOMAS, with numerous plates and woodcuts, 2 vols. 8vo. cloth (SCARCE), 1858 4 83, High Street, Marylebone, London, W. 33 528 Prior (R. C. Alex.,M.D.) ANCIENT DANISH BALLADS, translated from the- Originals, 3 vols. 8vo. cloth, 1860 15s 529 Pudukkottai Letters. PRINTED COPIES of the ORIGINAL (18) LETTERS to the RAJA of PUDUKKOTTAI during the WAR of the CARNATIC, 1781, 4to. cloth 7s. "They will be interesting as a contribution to the history of the Kalars, who still practice the peculiar tenets of their caste in South India." Autograph Utter front Sir T. H. Holland, instrted. 530 Quatrefages (A. de, Professor of Anthropology, Paris) The PIGMIES, translated by FREDERICK STARR, illustrations, cr. 8vo. cloth, 1895 5s 531 HISTOIRE GENERALE des RACES HUMAINES : Introduction 1'Etude des- Races Humaines, maps and numerous illustrations, 8vo. half morocco, Paris, 1887 5& 532 Rahim (Abdur, M.A., Barrister-at-Law} The PRINCIPLES of MOHAMMEDAN JURISPRUDENCE, according to the HANAFITE, MALIKITE, SHAFI'ITE and HANBALITE SCHOOLS, First Lecture and Synopsis, 8vo. half morocco, Calcutta, n.d. 2s 533 Ralston (W. R. S., Brit. Museum) The SONGS of the RUSSIAN PEOPLE, as. illustrative of SLAVONIC MYTHOLOGY and RUSSIAN SOCIAL LIFE, 8vo. cloth (presentation copy}, 1872 14s 534 EARLY RUSSIAN HISTORY : Four Lectures delivered at OXFORD (Ilchester Lectures), map, cr. 8vo. cloth, 1874 8s 6d 535 Ramantahan (Hon. P., C.M.G., Solicitor General, Ceylon} ON the- ETHNOLOGY of the 'MOORS' of CEYLON, 8vo. sewn, Colombo, 1888 2s 536 Raphael. The FAMILIAR ASTROLOGER ; an Easy Guide to FATE, DESTINY, and FOREKNOWLEDGE, as well as to the Secret and Wonderful Properties of" Nature, with curious coloured engravings and woodcuts, 8vo. cloth, 1833 \ 5s 537 Rasmussen (Knud) The PEOPLE of the POLAR NORTH : Life, Beliefs, Legends, and Traditions, edited by G. HERRING, with 104 plates (12 in- colours}, by Count Harold Moltke, and map, roy. 8vo. cloth, 1908 9s 538 Ratzel (Prof. Friedrich) HISTORY of MANKIND, translated from the Second- German Edition, by A. j. BUTLER, with Introduction by SIR E. B. TYLOR, with maps, coloured plates, and numerous illustrations in the text, 3 vols. roy. 8vo. cloth (new), 1896-1904 ,\ 16s 539 Rawlinson (George, Canon of Canterbury) The SEVEN ANCIENT ORIENTAL- MONARCHIES, 5 vols. 8vo. cloth, 1873-9 " .5 5s Five Great Monarchies of the Ancient Eastern World, 3 vols. 1879 Sixth Great Monarchy, 1873 Serenth Great Monarchy, 1876. 540 - - FIVE GREAT MONARCHIES, 3 vols, 8vo. cloth, 1879 i 15s- 541 SIXTH GREAT MONARCHY ; or the Geography, HISTORY and: ANTIQUITIES of PARTHIA, 8vo. cloth, 1873 542 SEVENTH GREAT MONARCHY, 8vo. cloth, 1876 12s- 543 - - HISTORY of ANCIENT EGYPT, 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, 1881 ;l 544 Read (Charles Hercules, Brit. Mus.} and O. M. DALTON, M.A., Brit. Mus. ANTIQUITIES from the CITY of BENIN and from other parts of West Africa in the British Museum, with 32 large plates, each containing several objects, large folio, half morocco, British Museum, 1899 l 7s 6d 545 Reelus (Elie) PRIMITIVE FOLK : Studies in Comparative Ethnology, frontispiece (Contemporary Science Series), cr. 8vo. cloth, n.d. 2s 6d 546 Reed (William Allan) NEGRITOS of ZAMBALKS : SCHEERER (Otto) The NABALOI DIALECT: MILLER (Edward Y.) The BATAKS of PALAWAN (Ethnological Survey of the Philippines Publications, Vol. 2, parts I., II.. and III.), mtmeroits illustrations, 2 vols. imp. 8vo. half morocco, Manilla* 1904-5 12s- 34 FRANCIS EDWARDS, Bookseller, -547 Ribot (Professor Th.) HEREDITY: a PSYCHOLOGICAL STUDY of its Phenomena, Laws, Causes, and Consequences, translated from the French, second edition, post 8vo. cloth, 1875 4s 548 Richardson (Sir John, C.B., F.R.S.) ARCTIC SEARCHING EXPEDITION : a Journal of a Boat-Voyage through RUPERTS LAND and the ARCTIC SEA, with APPENDIX on the Physical Geography of North America, map, coloured platen and -woodcuts, 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, 1851 \ 549 Rink (Henry, Knight of Dannebrog) TALES and TRADITIONS of the ESKIMO, with a Sketch of their Habits, Religion, Language, and other Peculiarities, translated by DR. ROBERT BROWN, F.R.G.S., with illustrations, 8vo. cloth, Edward Whymer's copy -with autograph, 1875 14s 550 ESKIMOISKE EVENTYR og SAGN ; with the SUPPLEMENT, with 2 coloured and many other illustrations, map, etc. , 2 vols. 8vo. half morocco, Copenhagen, 1866-71 16s EDWARD WHYMPER'S copy with MS. notes. 551 Risley (Sir H. H., K.C.I.K., c.s.i.) ETHNOGRAPHIC APPENDICES to the REPORT on the CENSUS of INDIA, 1901, folio, cloth, Calcutta, 1903 5s 552 - - PROGRESS REPORTS of PROVINCIAL SUPERINTENDENTS respecting the ETHNOGRAPHY of INDIA, including a long Report of the Central Provinces (72 pp. folio) the ORIGINAL MANUSCRIPTS bound in a folio vol. half calf, 1905 \ 553 - - The GAZETTEER of SIKHIM [by SIR II. H. RISLEY (Editor), J. C. WHITE, C.E., J. GAMMIE, L. A. WADDELL, M.B., etc.], illustrations, 4to. cloth, Calcutta, Bengal Secretariat Press, 1893 10s -554 ANOTHER EDITION, with an INTRODUCTION by SIR H. H. RISLEY, edited in the Bengal Government Secretariat, maps and illustrations, 4to. cloth (autograph of Sir George Birdwood, on title), Calcutta, 1894 12s History, Laws, Marriage Customs, Lamaism, Monasteries, Monkhood, Magic Rites and Charms, Demonolatry, etc. -555 - The TRIBES and CASTES of BENGAL : ANTHROPOMETRIC DATA, 2 vols. 8vo. half morocco, Calcutta, 1891 >\ 4s 556 Rivers (Dr. W. H. R., M.D., F.R.C.P., Fellow of St. John's Coll., Camb.) The TODAS, with illustrations and maps, 8vo. cloth, 1906 7s " As a descriptive Monograph in Ethnology the book is a remarkable achievement .... The book is a monument of industry and care, not without insight and the result of comparative study, and is an invaluable record of which Cambridge and the new Anthropology may be proud." Nalurt. 557 The GENEALOGICAL METHOD of ANTHROPOLOGICAL lNQUiRY v (reprinted from the Sociological Review, 1910), roy. 8vo. sewn, 1910 Is 558 The MARRIAGE of COUSINS in INDIA (excerpt from Journal Royal Asiatic Society), 8vo. wrapper Is 559 Roekhill (William Woodville, R.G.S.) NOTES on the ETHNOLOGY of TIBET: Based on the Collection in the U.S. National Museum (excerpt from Report), with 50 plates, 8vo. half roan, 1895 7s 6d 560 Rocky Mountains. UNITED STATES GEOGRAPHICAL and GEOLOGICAL SURVEY of the ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION : Contributions to North American Ethnology, Vols. I. to VI. in 7, 4to. maps and illustrations, cloth, Washington, 1877-1890 4 10s CONTENTS : Tribes of the Extreme North-West, by W. H. DALL : Tribes of Western Washington and N.-W. Oregon, by G. GIBBS : The Klamath Indians of S.-W. Oregon, with Grammar and Dictionary, by A. S. GATSCHET : The Tribes of California, by STEPHEN POWERS : Houses and House-Life of the American Aborigines by LEWIS H. MORGAN : Observations on Cup-Shaped and other Lapidarian Sculpture, by CHARLES RAU : On Prehistoric Trephining and Cranial Amulets, by R. FLETCHER: A Study of by CHARLES : A Study of the Manuscript Troano, by CYRUS THOMAS : The Cegitia Language, by J. O. DORSEY. -561 Roscoe (John, M.A.) The BAGANDA : an ACCOUNT of NATIVE CUSTOMS and BELIEFS, illustrated, 8vo. cloth (new), 1911 15s 83, High Street, Marylebone, London, W. 35 562 Rose (H. A., c.s.) COMPENDIUM of the PUNJAB CUSTOMARY LAW, 8v2 2s 607 Stephan (Dr. Emil) SUDSEEKUNST : Beitrage zur KUNST des BISMARCK- ARCHIPELS und zur Urgeschichte der Kunst Uberhaupt, numerous illustrations and 2 charts, roy. Svo. sewn, Berlin, 1907 ' s 38 FRANCIS EDWARDS, Bookseller, 608 Stephens (George, F.S.A., University Coll., London} The OLD-NORTHERN RUNIC MONUMENTS of SCANDINAVIA and ENGLAND, now first Collected and Deciphered, with portrait, frontispiece, and many hundred facsimiles of runic inscriptions, arms, coins, ornaments, etc. (a few in bronze, silver and colours), 3 vols. folio, half morocco gilt, 1866-84 3 609 Stevens (Edward T., Curator of the Blackmore Museum] FLINT CHIPS : Guide to Pre-Historic Archaeology, as illustrated by the Collection in BLACKMORE MUSEUM, SALISBURY, with illustrations, 8vo. cloth, 1870 10s 610 Stevenson (James) CEREMONIAL of HASJELTI DAILJIS and MYTHICAL SAND PAINTING of the NAVAJO INDIANS (Bureau of American Ethnology), tvitk coloured plates, impl. 8vo. half morocco, 1891 6s 611 ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE of the COLLECTION obtained from the PUEBLOS of LUNI, NEW MEXICO, and WOLPI, ARIZONA, in 1881 (Bureau of American Ethnology), illustrations, impl. 8vo. half morocco, 1884 6s 612 Stevenson (Tilly E.) The RELIGIOUS LIFE of the ZUNI CHILD (Bureau of American Ethnology), with 4 coloured illustrations, impl. 8vo. half morocco, 1887 5s 613 Stow (George W., F.R.G.S.) The NATIVE RACES of SOUTH AFRICA ; History of the Intrusion of the HOTTENTOTS and BANTU into the Hunting Grounds of the Bushmen, the Aborigines of the Country, edited by G. McCALL THEAL, LL. D. with numerous illustrations and map, roy. 8vo. cloth 9s 614 Strettell (Alma) SPANISH and ITALIAN FOLK-SONGS, with photogravures after sketches by JOHN S. SARGENT, R.A., E. A. ABBEY, R.A., and others, sm. 4to. cloth, 1887 3s 615 Stiiebel (A.) und M. UHLE. Die RUINENSTAETTE von TIAHUANACO im HOCHLANCE des alten Peru, map and 42 plates, folio, portfolio, Leipzig, 1892 5 5s 616 W. REISS, B. KOPPEL und M. UHLE. KULTUR und INDUSTRIE SUDARMERIKANISCHER VOLKER, coloured plates, 2 vols. folio, portfolios, Berlin, 1889-90 6 617 Sunder (D., Commissioner in the Sundarbans} EXORCISM of WILD ANIMALS in the SUNDARBANS (from Journal, Asiatic Society, Bengal), 8vo. wrapper, 1903 Is 618 Suzuki (Teitaro) ACVAGHOSHA'S DISCOURSE on the AWAKENING of FAITH in the MAHAYANA, translated for the first time from the Chinese Version, frontispiece, cr. 8vo. cloth, Chicago, 1900 3s 619 Svoboda (Dr. W.) Die BEWOHNER des NIKOBAREN-ARCHIPELS, (Internatianales archiv fiir Ethnographic), 11 coloured plates, roy. 4to. half cloth, Leiden, 1892 10s 620 Swanton (John R.) INDIAN TRIBES of the LOWER MISSISSIPPI VALLEY and adjacent Coast of the GULF of MEXICO (Bureau of American Ethnology), map and illustrations, 8vo. cloth, Washington, 1911 5s 621 Sykes (Ella C.) The STORY-BOOK of the SHAH ; or LEGENDS of OLD PERSIA, with illustrations, 8vo. cloth, 1901 3s 6d 622 TagOPe (Rajah Comm. Sourindro Mohun, Mus. Doc.) HINDU Music from Various Authors, second edition, 8vo. wrapper (presentation inscription), Calcutta, 1882 4s 623 Tawney (Charles Henry, M.A., C.I.E.) The KATHA SARIT SAGARA, or OCEAN of the STREAMS of STORY, translated from the Original Sanskrit, 2 vols. 8vo. half calf, Calcutta, 1880-4 2 8j, High Street, Marylebone, London, W. 39 624 TaylOP (Thomas, Platonist] IAMBLICHUS : or the MYSTERIES of EGYPTIANS, CHALDEANS, and ASSYRIANS, translated from the Greek, second edition, 8vo. cloth, 1895 7s An exact reprint of the original edition. 625 Tegner (Esais) FRITHIOF'S SAGA, translated with Notes, Index, and a Short Extract of the NORTHERN MYTHOLOGY, by LEOPOLD HAMEL, cr. 8vo. doth, 1874 5s 626 Temple (Sir R. C., C.I.E.) The THIRTY-SEVEN NATS : a PHASE of SPIRIT WORSHIP prevailing in BURMA, -with coloured decorated title page and numerous fine plates and text illustrations printed in gold and colours by W. GRIGGS, including large representations of the thirty-seven Nats, folio, cloth, W. Griggs, 1906 1 15s 627 BEGINNINGS of CURRENCY [reprinted from the Journal of the Anthropological Institute], plates, 4to. half morocco, 1899 4s 628 Theal (George McCall, LL.D.) HISTORY and ETHNOGRAPHY of AFRICA SOUTH of the ZAMBESI, 1505 to 1795, -with maps and plates, 3 vols. 8vo. cloth, 1907-11 17s 6d 629 Thomas (Edward, F.R.S.) JAINISM, or the EARLY FAITH of ASOKA; with Illustrations of the Ancient Religions of the East, from the Pantheon of the Indo-Scythians, plates, 8vo. clcth, 1877 7s 6d 630 Thomas (Cyrus) DAY SYMBOLS of the MAYA YEAR (Bureau of American Ethnology), plates, imp. 8vo. half morocco, 1897 5s 631 MAYAN CALENDAR SYSTEMS, Part II. (Bureau of American Ethnology), full page and other illustrations, imp!. 8vo. half morocco, 1904 5s 632 BURIAL MOUNDS of the NORTHERN SECTIONS of the UNITED STATES (Bureau of American Ethnology), illustrations, impl. 8vo. half morocco, 1887 7s 6d 633 REPORT on the MOUND EXPLORATIONS of the [AMERICAN] BUREAU of ETHNOLOGY, 44 full-page plates and about 350 text illustrations, imp. 8vo. 10s 6d 634 Thomas (J. J.) The THEORY and PRACTICE of CREOLE GRAMMAR, 8vo. boards, Port-of- Spain, 1869 2s 6d 635 Thomas (Northcote W., M.A., F.R.A.I.) ANTHROPOLOGICAL REPORT on the EDO-SPEAKING PEOPLES of NIGERIA, plan and pedigrees, 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, 1910 12s 6d 636 NATIVES of AUSTRALIA, with 32 full-page illustrations and a map, 8vn. cloth, 1906 3s A Book full of curious and interesting information respecting some of the most primitive people in the world the Aborigines of Australia. 637 ThomS (William J., founder of "Notes and Queries" 1 } EARLY ENGLISH PROSE ROMANCES, with Bibliographical and Historical Introductions, second edition, enlarged, 3 vols, post 8vo. cloth, uncut, 1858 i 5s 636 Thomson (John, F.R.G.S.) ILLUSTRATIONS of CHINA and its PEOPLE: a series of 200 photographs with letterpress description of the Places and People represented, 4 vols. folio, cloth, g.e., 1873-74 3 639 ThOPDUrn (Septimus Smet, F.R.G.s., Indian Civil Service) BANNU, or, Our AFGHAN FRONTIER, 8vo. cloth, 1876 8s Customs, Proverbs, Folklore, etc., of the Pushto speaking Inhabitants. 640 Thrupp (John) The ANGLO-SAXON HOME : a HISTORY of the DOMESTIC INSTITUTIONS and CUSTOMS of ENGLAND, from the Fifth to the Eleventh Century, 8vo. cloth, 1862 9s 40 FRANCIS EDWARDS, Bookseller, 641 ThUPStOll (Edgar, C.I.E., Supt. of Ethnography, Madras) ETHNOGRAPHIC NOTES in SOUTHERN INDIA, with 40 illustrations, 8vo. cloth (presentation copy), Government Press, Madras, 1906 10s 642 OMENS and SUPERSTITIONS of SOUTHERN INDIA, with 16 illustrations, 8vo. cloth (new), 1912 12s 6d Animal Superstitions, Evil Eye, Snake Worship, Votive Offerings, Human Sacrifice, Magic, Divination, etc. 643 ,md K. RANGACHARI. CASTES and TRIBES of SOUTHERN INDIA, with numerous illustrations, 7 vols. 8vo. cloth, Madras, 1909 l 3s 644 Tiele (C. P.) HISTORY of the EGYPTIAN RELIGION, translated from the Dutch, with the Co-operation of the Author, by JAMES BALLINGAL (Triibner's Oriental Series), 8vo. cloth, 1882 4s " A history of Egyptian Religion which is very complete, and which has been illustrated by the latest results of research." 645 Tondanmaun (Spree) An ENGLISH VERSION of SPREE TONDANMAUNS BHOONITHI, or an Attempt towards the Science of Religion, 8vo. sewn, Madras, 1884 2s 646 Tookaram (Rajaram) A COMPENDIUM of the RAJA YOGA PHILOSOPHY, comprising the principal Treatises of Shrimat Shankaracharya and other renowned Authors, 8vo. boards, Bombay Theosophical Publication Fund, 1901 2s 6d 647 TopinaPd (Paul, ancien Sec, Gin. de la Soc. d ' Anthropologie) L'HOMME dans la NATURE ; with 101 illustrations, 8vo. cloth, Paris, 1891 3s 648 Tremearne (Major A. J. N., F.R.G.S.) 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WINDLE, M.D. (Bibliothequede Carabas), cr. 8vo. parchment, 1894 3s 6d 83, High Street, Marylebone, London, W. 41 658 Ujfalvy (Charles de) Les ARYENS auNoRD et au Sun de L'HiNDOU-Koucn, map, 8vo. boards, Paris, 1896 4s 659 ICONOGRAPHIE et ANTHROPOLOGIE IRANO-INPIENNES : L'Inde ; with plates, roy. 8vo. Paris, 1902: SCHWALBE (G.) Die Vorgeschichte des Menschen, plate, Braunschweig, 1904: SENART (E.) Bouddhisme et Yoga (Revue 1'Histoire des Religions), Paris, 1900: TOPINARD (N. ) Divisonis et Nomenclatures de Caracteres, Paris, 1886 : BENEDIKT (Dr. Prof, in Wien) Schadelmessung, Wien, n.d. together in 1 vol. roy. 8vo. half morocco 6s 660 United States Census. NEGROES in the UNITED STATES (Bulletin 8, Depart, of Commerce and Labor, Bureau of Census), roy. 4to. half morocco, Washington, Government Printing Office, 1904 9s 661 Uppeti (Pandit Ganga Datt, late Extra A ssistant Commissioner) PROVERBS and FOLKLORE of KUMAUN and GARHWAL, 8vo. cloth (slightly wormed), Lodiana, 1894 10s 662 Valentinus (Basilius) The TRIUMPHAL CHARIOT of ANTIMONY, with the Commentary of THEODORE KERCKRINGIUS, with a Biographical Treatise [by A. E. WAITE], cr. 8vo. cloth, 1893 3s 663 Vansittart (Capt. Eden, Gurkha Rifles'] NOTES on NEPAL, with Introduction by SIR H. H. RISLEY, 8vo. cloth (presentation copy), Calcutta, 1896 5s 664 Vierkandt (Alfred) NATURVOLKER, und KULTURVOLKER ein beitrag zur Social Psychologic, 8vo. half morocco, Leipzig, 1896 4s 665 Vishnu Purana A SYSTEM of HINDU MYTHOLOGY and TRADITION, translated from the Sanskrit, with Notes, by PROF. H. H. 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