E THE GIFT OF MAY TREAT MORRISON IN MEMORY OF ALEXANDER F MORRISON PROCEEDINGS junbrtfr aixtr Jfifiietjj OF THE PERMANENT AN HISTOKICAL ADDEESS CHAKLES FKAKCIS ADAMS, JR. JULY 4TN, 1874. BOSTON : WRIGHT & POTTER, STATE PRINTERS, 79 MILK STREET (CORNER OF FEDERAL). 1874. r \ H 4 8 W 5 ADDRESS. FULL in sight of the spot where we are now gathered, almost at the foot of King-Oak Hill, stands that portion of the ancient town of Weymouth, known from time immemo- rial as the village of Old Spain. When or why it was first so called is wholly unknown, scarcely a tradition even remains to suggest to us an origin of the name. None the less Old Spain well deserved a portion at least of that familiar t* title, for, next to the town of Plymouth, it is the oldest set- is, tlement in Massachusetts. And when we speak of the oldest g settlements in Massachusetts, we speak of communities which may fairly lay claim to a very respectable degree of antiquity : not of the greatest, it is true, for all antiquity is relative, 5 and that of America scarcely deserves the name by the side jj of what England has to show ; but what is the antiquity of 5 England compared with that of Rome? and Rome, again, s seems young and crude when we speak of Greece ; while even ^ those who fought upon the ringing plains of windy Troy are ', but as prattling children in presence of the hoary age of the * Pharaohs. The settlement of Old Spain and of Weymouth is, u. therefore, ancient only as things American are ancient; but ^ still two hundred and fifty years of time carry us back to events g and men which seem sufficiently remote. When the first Euro- pean made his home in Old Spain, when the earliest rude hut was framed on yonder north shore of Phillips Creek, the modern world in which we live was just assuming shape. Few now realize how little of that which makes up the vast accumulated store of human possessions which we have inher- ited from our fathers which to us is as the air we breathe, had then existence . The Reformation was then young, Luther and Calvin and Erasmus were men of yesterday ; the life-and- 433019 death struggle with Catholicism still tortured eastern Europe. The thirty years war in Germany was just commenced, and the youthful Gustavus Adolphus had yet to win his spurs. The blood of St. Bartholomew was but half a century old, and the murder of Henry IV. was as near to the men of 1622 as is that of Abraham Lincoln to us. The great Cardinal- Duke was then organizing modern France ; Charles I. had not yet ascended the English throne ; Hampden was a young country gentleman, and Oliver Cromwell an unpretending English squire. While men still believed that the sun moved round the earth, Galileo and Kepler were gradually ascertain- ing those laws which guide the planets in their paths ; Bacon was meditating his philosophy; Don Quixbte was a newly published work, with a local reputation ; and Milton, not yet a Cambridge pensioner, was making his first essays at verse. Shakespeare had died but six years before, and, indeed, the first edition of his plays did not appear until the very year in which Weymouth was settled. Thus, in 1622, our world of literature, of science, almost of history, was yet to be created. Hardly a single volume of our current English literature was then in existence, and people might well con their Bibles, for, in the English tongue, there was little else to read. Meanwhile the North American continent was an unbroken wilderness, with here and there, few and far between, from the St. Lawrence to the Gulf, scattered specks of struggling civilization, hundreds of leagues apart, dotting the skirts of the green, primeval forest. It was at not the least famous of these scattered specks, at the neighboring town of Plymouth, that the history of Weymouth opened on a day towards the latter part of the month of May, in the year 1622. The little colony had then been established in its new home some seventeen months. They had just struggled through their second winter, and now, sadly reduced in num- ber, with supplies wholly exhausted, and sorely distressed in spirit, the Pilgrims were anxiously looking for the arrival of some ship from England. The Mayflower had left them, starting on her homeward voyage a year before, and once only during their weary sojourn, in the month of the previ- ous November, had these homesick wanderers on the sandy Plymouth shores been cheered by any tidings from the living 5 world. On this particular day, however, the whole settlement was alive with excitement. There had been great trouble with the neighboring Indians, and the magistrates were on the point of delivering one of them up to the emissaries of his sachem to be put to death, when suddenly a boat was seen to cross the mouth of the bay and disappear behind the next headland. 1 There had been rumors of trouble between the English and the French, and the first idea of the settlers was that some connection existed between the sachem's emissaries and those on board the boat. The delivery of the prisoner was consequently deferred. At the same time, a shot was fired as a signal, in response to which the boat changed her course, and came into the bay. When at last it touched the shore it was found to contain ten persons, who announced themselves as being in the service of one Mr. Thomas Weston, a London merchant, well known to the elders of Plymouth. They were cordially welcomed with a salute of three volleys of musketry, and thus finished a somewhat dangerous voyage. 2 It appeared that they had been dispatched from England some months before, on board a vessel named the Sparrow, which belonged to Mr. Weston, and was bound to the fishing grounds off the coast of Maine : they were, in fact, the fore- runners of a larger party which Weston was organizing in London, with the design of establishing a trading settlement somewhere on the shores of Massachusetts Bay. They brought with them letters to the Plymouth magistrates, but they were wholly unprovided with either food or outfit. The Sparrow was one of the fishing fleet which yearly visited those waters, and apparently Weston's plan had been for these people to leave her near the Dameriscove Islands, and thence to find their way by sea to Plymouth, examining the coast as they went along with a view to settlement. There was something curiously reckless in the methods of those old explorers. Weston himself afterwards sought to reach Plym- outh in the same way, and encountered many strange adven- tures by sea and land before he got there. In the present case his messengers do not appear either to have been sea- faring men, or especially selected for the work they had to 1 Winslow's Good Newes. Young's Chron. of Pilg., p. 291. Plnnehas Pratt's Narrative, IV. Mass. Hist. Coll. v. 4, p. 478. do. It was not until they were actually leaving the Sparrow for their voyage of one hundred and fifty miles in the North Atlantic that they seemed to realize their own utter helpless- ness, and the extreme vagueness of their errand. Fortunately for them, however, the mate of that vessel was a daring fellow, and volunteered to venture his life as their pilot. They accord- ingly set sail in their shallop, skirting along the coast. They touched at the Isle of Shoals and at Cape Ann, and thence they ran for Boston harbor, where they passed some four or five days exploring. They selected the southerly side of the bay as the best place for the proposed settlement, as in these parts there seemed to be the fewest natives, and made a bar- gain with the sachem Aberdecest for what land they needed ; J but, getting uneasy at the smallness of their number, they determined to go to Plymouth, in hopes of getting news of the larger enterprise. Disappointed in this, they landed to await events. The shallop, accompanied by a Plymouth boat in search of supplies, returned to the fishing fleet, and its seven passengers were, for the time being, incorporated with the colony, and fared no worse than others. Meanwhile Mr. Weston had organized his larger expedition, and it was already on the sea, having sailed from London about the 1st of April. Thus Thomas Weston played a very prominent part in the early settlement of Weymouth, as he had already done in that of Plymouth. He was always called a merchant, but in fact he was a pure sixteenth century adven- turer of the Smith and Raleigh stamp, a man whose brain teemed with schemes for the deriving of sudden gain from the settlement of the new continent. We first get sight of him in Ley den in connection with the Pilgrim .fathers, the treasurer, the representative, the active, moving spirit of the company of Merchant Adventurers of London, who then were looking for the material with which to effect a settlement within the Virginia patent. Mr. Treasurer Weston had some acquaintance with the Leyden exiles, and, knowing how dis- satisfied they were with their experience in Holland, he had pitched on them as the best material for the work in hand. They were then negotiating with the Dutch government for 1 Pratt's Narrative, IV. Mass. Hist. Coll., v. 4, pp. 478, 487. a grant of lands in what is now New York. Weston per- suaded them to abandon this scheme, promising them, on the part of his associates, aid, both in money and in shipping. When the Speedwell arrived at Southampton from Delft- haven, bearing the fortunes of the little colony between its decks, it was Weston who came down from London to arrange the last details of the adventure. But the meeting was not a propitious one. The parties fell out as to certain alterations proposed to the original agreement between them, and Weston returned to London, telling the emigrants as a parting word that they must expect no further aid from him. Out of this disagreement grew the scheme of another and in- dependent settlement. Weston apparently concluded that he had made a mistake in his choice of agents. A mere adven- turer, he looked only to pecuniary results. The return of the Mayflower in the spring of 1621 without a cargo was a great disappointment to him, and he did not delay writing to the struggling settlers that a good return cargo by the next ship was absolutely essential to the life of the enterprise. They did make an effort, therefore, to load the Fortune with such articles as the country afforded, but before the venture reached England Weston had abandoned the Plymouth colony in disgust, sold out his interest in the Merchant Adventurers company and was already meditating his new and rival enterprise. He cared more for beaver-skins in hand than for empires here- after, and the Plymouth people appeared to him to discourse and argue and consult when they should have been trading. 1 His confidence in the success of a trading post on Massachu- setts Bay was not shaken, but he shared in the general belief of the day that families were an incumbrance in a well organ- ized plantation, and that a settlement made up of able-bodied men only could do more in New England in seven years than in Old England in twenty. 2 On this principle he organized his expedition, which, towards the close of April, 1622, set sail in two vessels, the Charity of one hundred tons and the Swan of thirty. It went under the charge of Weston's brother-in-law, one Richard Greene, and was made up of the roughest material, miscellaneously picked up in the streets and 1 Bradford; IV. Mass. Hist. Coll., v. 3, p. 107. 2 Levett's Voyage; III. Mass. Hist. Coll., v. 8, p. 190. 8 on the docks of London ; among them, however, there was one surgeon, a Mr. Salisbury, and a lawyer from Furnival's Inn, afterwards very notorious in early colonial annals, one Thomas Morton, better known as Morton of Merry Mount. 1 Such as they were, however, they safely landed at Plymouth towards the end of June, some sixty stout fellows, without apparently the remotest idea why they had come or what they had come to do. Naturally the old settlers did not look upon 1 " So base in condition (for y e most parte) as in all apearance not fitt for an honest mans company." Letter of John Peirce in Bradford (p. 123). Thomas Morton describes them as " men made choice of at all adventures." The New Eng- lish Canaan (p. 72), Force's Hist. Tracts (v. 2). In the preface to his Good Newes, Winslow speaks of them as " a disorderly colony, . . . who were a stain to Old England that bred them in respect of their lives and manners amongst the Indians." Young, C. of P., (p. 276.) Weston himself speaks of them as "rude fellows," and proposes to reclaim them " from that profanenes that may scandalise y e vioage," etc. Bradford, (p. 120.) Robert Cushman in a letter to Governor Bradford, gives the following hint : " if they borrow anything of you let them leave a good pawne." 76., (p. 122.) I have stated that Thomas Morton came over as one of Weston's company. This has been denied, Young's C. of P. (p. 334, n.), but Morton himself twice states in the New English Canaan, that he came to New England in 1622, and in one of the two cases fixes the time as in June of that year. The New English Canaan, (pp. 15, 41.) Force's Hist. Tracts, (v. 2.) Winslow states that the Charity and Swan arrived "in the end of June or beginning of July," 1622. Young's C. of P., (p. 296.) Now no other ships from England came to Plymouth that year, and no company such as Morton describes his to have been, except Weston's, arrived in Massachusetts between 1622 and Wollaston's arrival in 1625. Morton, however, not only positively says that he arrived at the very time the Weston company arrived, but he shows throughout his book a remarkable familiarity not only with the events which occurred in the Weston settlement, but with the people composing it. A connection with that settlement was not a thing which Morton would have been likely to boast of in subsequent years ; but, judging by internal evidence, I should feel inclined not only to venture a surmise that Morton was one of Weston's colony, but also that it was Morton himself who proposed to the Wessagusset " Parliament " the vicarious execution presently to be described. The whole tone of his account of that affair is highly suggestive of a close connection with it, and of great sympathy with the real culprit and his ingenious counsel. My explanation of Morton's statement as to his arrival is, that in it, with his usual recklessness as to facts, he confounded two events which occurred at different dates. He says, The Xeto English Canaan (p. 41), "In the Moneth of lune, Anno Salutis : 1622. It was my chaunce to arrive in the parts of New England with 30. Servants, and provision of all sorts fit for a plantation." Here are two facts distinctly stated; one as to the date of his arrival, exactly coinciding with that of the Weston com- pany ; the other, as to the number of " servants," etc., answering to the description of Wollaston's company. Morton, I think, therefore, came out with Weston's com- pany, and left Wessagusset in March, 1623, with them; he then, more than two years later, returned there with Wollaston, probably acting as his guide. When, seven years later, he printed his book, desiring to make his American experience date as far back as possible, he simply confused his two arrivals, and quietly ignored his connection with the Weston company, which had left a very unsavory reputation behind it as being made up of the refuse of mankind. 9 them as a very desirable accession to the colony, especially as they early evinced a disinclination to all honest labor and an extremely well developed appetite for green corn. 1 Having landed them, the larger ship sailed for Virginia, and during her absence preparations were completed for removing the party to the site selected for its operations at Wessagusset, as Weymouth was then called. In the course of a few weeks the ship returned, the healthy members of the expedition were taken on board and sailed for Boston Bay. The Plymouth people saw them disappear with much satisfaction, and ex- pressed no desire to have them return. It was August before the party reached its permanent quarters. There is no record of the exact spot on which they placed their settlement, but a very general tradition assigns it to the north side of Phillips Creek. 2 Not improb- ably there was a better draught of water in that inlet then than now ; but it is well established that the locality was to the south of the Fore Eiver, and the very sheltered character of the creek would naturally have suggested it to the explorers for the object they had in view. But wherever the exact locality may have been, the adventurers found them- selves towards the end of September sufficiently established in it to let the larger ship, the Charity, return to England. The smaller one, the Swan, had been designed for the use of the plantation, it was indeed the chief item of their stock in trade, and it now remained moored in Weymouth River. The Charity had left the party fairly supplied for the winter, 3 but they were a wasteful, improvident set, and they were hardly left to their own devices before they were made to realize that they had already squandered most of their resources, though the winter was not yet begun. They accordingly bethought themselves of the people of Plymouth, and wrote to Governor Bradford proposing a trading voyage on joint account in search of corn, they oifering to supply the vessel while the Plymouth people were to furnish the quick 1 Winslow ; Young's C. of P., p. 297. 3 " A correspondent in Quincy thus describes the place : ' It is about three miles south-east of the granite church in Quincy, at a place locally called Old Spain.' Weston's colony sailed up Fore River, which separates Quincy from Weymouth, and then entered Phillips Creek, and commenced operations on its north bank." Russell's Guide to Plymouth, (p. 106, n.) 3 Winslow; Young's C. of P., p. 299. Bradford, p. 130. 2 10 capital needed, in the shape of articles of barter. The offer was accepted and in October the expedition set out, with Standish in command and the Indian Squanto acting as guide. The intention was to weather the cape and trade along the south coast, but they were driven back by adverse winds, and then Standish fell sick of a fever and had to give up the command. Governor Bradford took his place and again the Swan started out; but it was November now, and the back side of Cape Cod shewed a rougher sea than they cared to face, so they prudently put about and ran into Sandwich Bay. Here Squauto, the Indian guide, fell sick and died, bequeath- ing his few effects to his English friends and praying that he might find rest with the Englishman's God. 1 Here and else- where, however, the partners secured some twenty-six or twenty-eight hogsheads of corn and beans, and with that were fain to return. An equal division was made, and the Swan again came to her moorings in Weymouth Fore River. The relief she brought with her was, however, only tem- porary ; disorder and waste in that settlement were chronic. Greene had died in Plymouth while they were preparing for the trading voyage, and a man named Sanders had succeeded him in control. Either he was incompetent or his people were very hard to manage ; but, in either case, the squander- ing of the supplies continued, and the prudent Plymouth settlers especially complained that, through improvident dealings with the Indians, their neighbors ruined the market, giving for a quart of corn what before would have bought a beaver-skin. 2 At length, however, about the beginning of the New Year, the Wessagusset plantation found itself face to face with dire want. The hungry settlers bartered with the Indians, giving everything they had for food ; they even stripped the clothes from their backs and the blankets from their beds. They made canoes for the savages, and, for a mere pittance of corn, became their hewers of wood and drawers of water. 3 During that long and dreary winter they must heartily have wished themselves back in the slums of London. Weymouth Fore River, in that season, must then have been very much what we so well know it to be now. i Bradford, p. 128. " Winslow ; Young's C. of P., p. 302. '> Bradford, p. 130. 11 Doubtless the cold 1^de ebbed and flowed before the rude block-house, now lifting on its bosom huge heaps of frozen snow and ice, and then again bearing them in great unsightly blocks swiftly out to sea. The frost was in the ground ; the snow was on it. So, through the long, hard, savage winter, those seventy poor hungry wretches shivered around their desolate habitations, or straggled about among the neighbor- ing wigwams in search of food. Their ammunition was nearly exhausted so that they could not kill the game. They ransacked the woods in search of nuts ; and they followed out the tide, digging in the flats for clams and muscles. But, insufficiently supplied with clothes, they could not endure the winter's cold in this slow search for food, and one poor fellow while grubbing for shell-fish sank into the mud, and, being too reduced to drag himself out, was there found dead, an end to his adventures. In all ten perished. 1 In their necessities they had made the fatal mistake of degrading themselves before the savages. In their utmost needs the Plymouth people had always borne themselves defiantly to the Indian ; making him feel himself in presence of a superior. It was not so at Wessagusset. * The settlers there alternately cringed before the Indian and abused him ; and he, seeing them so poor and weak and helpless, first grew to despise and then to oppress them. Naturally, starving men of their description had recourse to theft, and there was no one to steal from but the Indians ; so the Indians found their hidden stores of corn disturbed and knew just where to look for the thieves. This led to a bitter feeling among the savages, and some who were detected were pun- ished in their sight. But with men like these, punishment was a less terror than starvation, and the depredations and complaints continued. The .Indians would no longer either lend or sell them food ; and, indeed, it did not appear that they had any to spare. 2 Finally, in their utter desperation, the settlers thought of having recourse to violence, and made ready their stockade to resist the attack, sure to ensue, by closing every entrance into it save one. They were hardly 1 Pratt's Petition, IV. Mass. Hist. Coll. v. 3, pp. 486, 7. Bradford, p. 130. Winslow ; Young's C. of P., p. 332. 2 Winslow ; Young's C of P., p. 328. 12 prepared, however, to go to such extremes as this, relying solely on their own strength. Accordingly, towards the end of February, Sanders sent a letter by an Indian messenger to Governor Bradford, informing him of their necessities, and advising him that Sanders himself was pre- paring to go to the fishing stations at the eastward to buy provisions from the ships ; but meanwhile he did not see how the settlement was to live until his return, and he therefore wrote to see if the Plymouth people would sustain him in taking what was necessary from the Indians by force. The answer was not encouraging. The Plymouth magistrates had no intention of embroiling that settlement with its savage neighbors, and therefore very plainly informed Sanders that he and his need expect no countenance from them in any such proceeding as that proposed ; and they further intimated an opinion that they would all be killed if they attempted it. Finally, they advised them to worry through the winter, living on nuts and shell-fish as they themselves were doing, especially as they enjoyed the additional advantage of an oyster-bed, which they of Plymouth had not. 1 On receiving this letter, it only remained to give up all idea of a recourse to violence, and Sanders then took the Swan and himself went to Plymouth on a begging excursion. The people there, however, felt unable to supply his vessel even for a voyage to the fishing stations ; so he returned to Wessagusset, there left the Swan, and started on a shallop for the coast of Maine. Meanwhile the depredations still went on, and the Indians grew more and more aggressive. They took by force from the settlers what they pleased, and if they remonstrated, they threatened them with their knives. Apparently they treated the poor wretches like dogs ; regarding them much as they had four unfortunate Frenchmen whom they had taken prison- ers some years before, after destroying their vessel, killing them at last through ill usage. 2 Finally, one unfortunate but peculiarly skillful thief was detected and bitter complaint made against him. The terror-stricken settlers offered to i Winslow; Young's C. of P., p. 329. 3 Pratt'* Narrative, IV., Mass. Hist. Coll. v. 4, pp. 479, 489. New English Canaan, p. 18. Force's Tracts, v. 2. 13 give him up to the savages, to be dealt with as they saw fit. The savages, however, declined to receive him, upon which his companions hung him themselves in their sight. This execution has since been very famous. That the settlers of Wessagusset hung the real culprit does not admit of ques- tion, for it is so stated both by those who were present and by the Plymouth authorities of the time, who were perfectly familiar with all the facts. 1 But the humorous Mr. Thomas Morton of Merry Mount, in the New English Canaan, pub- lished in London in 1632, reclad the Wessagusset hanging of ten years previous in this new and fantastic garb : " One amongst the rest an able bodied man, that ranged the woodes, to see what it would afford, lighted by accident on an Indian barne, and from thence did take a capp full of corne ; the Salvage owner of it, finding by the foote some English had bin there came to the Plantation, and mad com- plaint after this manner. " The cheife Commander of the Company one this occation called a Parliament of all his people but those that were sicke, and ill at ease. And wisely now they must consult, upon this huge complaint, that a privy knife, or stringe of beades would well enough have qualified, and Edward lohnson was a spetiall judge of this businesse ; the fact was there in repe- tition, construction made, that it was fellony, and by the Lawes of England punished with death, and this in execution must be put, for an example, and likewise to appease the Salv- age, when straight wayes one arose, mooved as it were with some compassion, and said hee could not well gaine say the former sentence, yet hee had conceaved within the compasse of his braiiie a Embrion, that was of spetiall consequence to be delivered, and cherished hee said, that it would most aptly serve to pacific the Salvages complaint, and save the life of one that might (if ueede should be) stand them in some good steede, being younge and stronge, fit for resistance against 1 Winslow, in his Relation, states that Pratt told them of this execution on his arrival at Plymouth. Young's C. of P. (p. 332) ; see, also, Bradford (p. 130). But Pratt, in his own Narrative, distinctly says that " we kep him (the malefactor) bound som few days," but does not mention the execution. IV. Mass. Hist. Coll. (v. 4, p. 482.) In his Relation by Mather, however, he states that the real delinquent was put to death. Ib. (p. 491.) 14 an enemy, which might come unexpected for any thinge they knew, The Oration made was liked of every one, and hee intreated to proceede to shew the meanes how this may be performed : sayes hee, you all agree that one must die, and one shall die, this younge mans cloathes we will take of, and put upon one, that is old and impotent, a sickly person that cannot escape death, such is the disease one him c.on- firmed, that die hee must, put the younge mans cloathes on this man, and let the sick person be hanged in the others steede. Amen sayes one, and so sayes many more. "And this had like to have prooved their finall sentence, and being there confirmed by Act of Parliament, to after ages for a President : But that one with a ravenus voyce, be- gunne to croake and bellow for revenge, and put by that con- clusive motion, alledging such deceipts might be a meanes here after to exasperate the mindes of the complaininge Salv- ages and that by his death, the Salvages should see their zeale to Justice, and therefore hee should die : this was concluded ; yet neverthelesse a scruple was made ; now to countermaund this act, did represent itselfe unto their mindes, which was how they should doe to get the mans good wil : this was iudeede a spetiall obstacle : for without (that they all agreed) it would be dangerous, for any man to attempt the execution of it, lest mischiefe should befall them every man ; hee was a person, that in his wrath, did seeme to be a second Sampson, able to beate out their branes with the jawbone of an Asse : therefore they called the man and by perswatiou got him fast bound in jest, and then hanged him up hard by in good earn- est, who with a weapon, and at liberty, would have put all those wise judges of this Parliament to a pitifull non plus (as it hath been credibly reported) , and made the cheife ludge of them all buckell to him." 1 The work from which this extract is taken was published in 1632 ; in 1(563, thirty-one years later, appeared the second part of the famous English satire, Hudibras. Butler, its author, had come across the New English Canaan, and the very original idea of vicarious atonement suggested in it entertained him hugely. He appropriated and improved it, 1 The New English Canaan, p. 74. 15 adapting the facts to his own fancy, until at last the story appeared in its new guise, in what was the most popular Eng- lish book of the day : " Our Brethren of New-England use Choice malefactors to excuse, And hang the Guiltless in their stead, Of whom the Churches have less need ; As lately 't happen'd : In a town There liv'd a Cobler, and but one, That out of Doctrine could cut Use, And mend men's lives as well as shoes. This precious Brother having slain, In times of peace, an Indian, Not out of malice, but mere zeal, (Because he was an Infidel), The mighty Tottipottymoy Sent to our Elders an envoy, Complaining sorely of the breach Of league held forth by Brother Patch, Against the articles in force Between both churches, his and ours, For which he craved the Saints to render Into his hands, or hang th ; offender ; But they maturely having weigh'd They had no more but him o' th' trade, (A man that served them in a double Capacity, to teach and cobble), Kesolv'd to spare him ; yet to do The Indian Hoghan Moghan too Impartial justice, in his stead did Hang an old Weaver that was bed-rid." l The really amusing part of this episode, however, yet remains to be told. When it was rescued from oblivion, through the wit of Butler, in 1663, the reaction against puri- tanism was at its height, and everything which tended to render the sect, so recently all-powerful, either odious or ridiculous, was eagerly sought for and implicitly believed. New England, and especially the province of Massachusetts Bay, was out of favor. So striking an exemplification of Puritan justice was not to be disregarded. The whole ab- surd fiction of Morton and Butler was, therefore, not only accepted as historical truth, but the bastard tradition was sol- emnly deposited at the door of the good people of Boston and Plymouth : and so the Weymouth hanging passed into 1 Hudibras, Part II., Canto II., 11. 409-36. 16 * history hand in hand with the famous Blue-Laws of Connecti- cut. There is, however, something irresistibly ludicrous in picturing to oneself the horror and dismay with which the severe elders of the Plymouth church would have contem- plated the saddling of their fame before posterity, on the ribald authority of the New English Canaan and of Hudibras, with the apochryphal misdeeds of Westou's vagabonds. But so it happened, and nearly a century and a half later the absurd fiction was gravely recorded in his history by Gov- ernor Hutchinson, as a part of the early annals of New Eng- land. 1 But it is necessary to return to Weston's colony. We left it face to face with famine, deserted by its leader, and in terror of the savages ; in the wish to propitiate whom the starv- ing, shivering outcasts had just hung one of their own number in front of their palisade. Even this, however, did not appease the Indians, who were now thoroughly restless and had begun to conspire together all along the cqast for the simultaneous destruction of both the infant settlements. It was just one year since the Virginia massacre, and that tragedy seemed about to be re-enacted in New England. Intimations of the impending danger reached the Plymouth and the Weymouth people at about the same time ; coming to the former through a friendly hint from Massasoit, and to the latter from the talk of an Indian woman. The Indians were now watching the Wessagusset settle- ment very closely. In spite of their terror, the settlers, however, lived on in a reckless way, mixing freely with the savages and taking no precautions against surprise. 2 But one at least of their number was thoroughly alarmed, and had resolved to make his escape to Plymouth. This was Phinehas Pratt, one of the seven who had come on in the shallop during the previous May in advance of the body of the enterprise. The journey he now proposed to himself was both difficult and dangerous. It was March, and he was insufficiently clad and weak for want of food ; he did not know 1 Hist, of Mass., v. 1, p. 6, n. ; for a curious traditionary account of this execution see, also, Uriny's Voyages (pp. 116-18,) and Proceedings of Mass. So. for 1871, (p. 59.) a Wiuslow ; Young's C. of P., p. 336. 17 the way, nor did he even have a compass. The Indians, probably in furtherance of their half-matured conspiracy, had gradually moved their wigwams closer and closer to the settle- ment. Pratt's first object was to steal away unobserved by them. Very early one morning, therefore, preparing a small pack, he took a hoe in his hand and left the settlement as if he were in search of nuts, or about to dig for shell-fish. He went directly towards that end of the swamp nearest the wig- wams. Getting close to them he pretended to be busy digging, until he had satisfied himself that he was unobserved ; then he suddenly plunged into the thicket and began to make his way as rapidly as he could iu a southerly direction. The sky was overcast ; the ground also was in many places covered with snow, which greatly alarmed him, as it seemed likely to afford an almost certain trail in case of pursuit. Fortunately for him he at once lost his way, or he must soon have been over- taken. He hurried along, however, as fast as he could, until late in the afternoon, when the sun appeared sufficiently to give him some indication of his course. He at length came to the North River, which he found both deep and cold ; he succeeded in fording it, however, and, as night began to fall, found himself too weary to go further, \veak from cold and hunger and yet afraid to light a fire. Finally he came to a deep hollow in which were many fallen trees ; here he stopped, lit a fire and rested, listening to the howling of the wolves in the woods around him. At night the sky cleared and he dis- tinguished the north star, thus getting his bearings. He resumed his journey in the morning but found himself unable to proceed with it, and so .returned to his camping place of the previous night. The succeeding day, however, was clear, and he started again ; this time more successfully, for by three o'clock in the afternoon he got to Duxbury and recog- nized the landmarks ; soon afterwards reaching the settle- ment, thoroughly exhausted, but in safety. He thus finished a perilous journey, for the pursuers were not far behind him. The next day they appeared on the outskirts of the settlement and assured themselves of his arrival. They had lost his trail, and, following the more direct path, had missed him; but nevertheless he had, as he himself expressed it, "been 3 18 pursued for his life ill time of frost and snow as a deer chased by the wolves." 1 He now delivered his tidings and was cared for, but he found the Plymouth settlement fully awake to the danger. The council had already had the subject under advisement, and, the day before Pratt's arrival, had decided upon war. Their proceedings were vigorous. Captain Miles Standish was authorized to take with him such a force as was in his judgment sufficient to enable him to hold his own against all the Indians in the neighborhood of Boston Bay, and go at once to Wessagusset. He did not apparently place a very high estimate either on the numbers or the valor of his opponents, for he selected only eight men, 2 and with them was on the point of starting when Pratt arrived. The next day, March 25, 1623, the wind proved fair, and so the little army got into its boat and set sail. Reaching Weymouth Fore River on the 26th, after a pros- perous voyage, Standish steered directly for the Swan, which was lying at her moorings near the settlement. Greatly to his surprise he found her wholly deserted, there was not a soul on board. A musket was fired as a signal, which at- tracted the attention of a few miserable creatures busy search- ing for nuts. From them Standish learned that the principal men of the settlement were in the stockade ; so he lauded, 1 Pratt's Narrative ; IV. Mass. Hist. Coll. (v. 4, pp. 483, 7) , can be accepted as authority only Avith very decided limitations. Prepared for a specific purpose, long subsequent to the occurrence of the events to which it relates, it is neither consistent with itself nor with the Plymouth authorities. He dwells at length on the apprehen- sion of an attack by the Indians felt by the Weston colon}-, and the precautions they took against it (pp. 482-3). Standish, on the contrary, reported that he found them living in reckless disregard of every precaution. Winsloiv, in Young's C. of P. (p. 336.) Pecksuot's famous speech to Standish, which Pratt must often have heard discussed at Plymouth, finds a place in his narrative as having been made to him long previously (p. 481). Finally, if the terror at Wessagusset was such as he asserts it to have been, the settlers there could have gone on board the Swan and sailed to Plymouth in search of aid, quite as well as Standish could come to them or they go subsequently to the eastward. Pratt himself was unquestionably both alarmed and hungry, but he probably fled to Plymouth as a refugee. When he got there, having doubtless encountered enough of danger and hardship on the way, he found Standish already starting for Wessagusset. His own sense of the dangers he had run and the heroism he had displayed, both before and during his flight, probably grew with each succeeding year. I have adopted only such of his statements as are corroborated by others, or seem to wear an aspect of inherent probability. a The whole number of Indians in that vicinity was not computed at over fifty. Youny's Chron. of Mass. -(p. 305) ; Winslow ; Young's C. of P. (p. 310). 19 and, after some conversation with them, promptly began his preparations. The stragglers were all called in, and every one was forbidden to go beyond gunshot from the stockade. Rations of corn were issued to all out of the slender stock which the prudent Plymouth people had reserved for seed, and something like discipline was established. The weather was wet and stormy, delaying final operations, but the Indians, nevertheless, seeing Standish on the ground, began to suspect that their designs were discovered. Pecksuot, their chief, accordingly came in and had an interview, Hobbamock, a friendly Indian wjio had accompanied the expedition, acting as interpreter. This was one of the very famous Indian talks of early New England annals ; not only was it chronicled in all the records of the time, but it has since found a place in poetry, so that to-day the speech of the savage Pecksuot to the doughty Miles Standish is most familiar to us through the verses of Longfellow l : " Then lie unsheathed his knife, and, whetting the blade on his left hand, Held it aloft, and displayed a woman's face on the handle, Saying, with bitter expression and look of sinister meaning : ' I have another at home, with the face of a man on the handle ; By and by they shall marry ; and there will be plenty of children ! ' " This figurative language both Standish and his Indian interpreter accepted as meaning war. At the moment, how- ever, no act of overt hostility took place on either side. Standish was not ready. His plan was to strike, but when he struck he meant to strike hard. He proposed, in fact, to get all the Indians he could into his power and then to kill them. 2 The day after the knife interview he found himself with several of his men in a room with four of the savages, among whom were Pecksuot and Wituwamat. Suddenly Standish gave the signal and flung himself on Pecksuot, snatching his knife from its sheath on his neck and stabbing him with it. The door was closed and a life-and-death struggle ensued. The savages were taken by surprise, but they fought hard, making little noise but catching at their 1 The Courtship of Miles Standish, Part VII. See also Pratt's Narrative, IV. Mass. Hist. Coll. v. 4. p. 481, and Young's C. of P., p. 338. 2 Winslow ; Young's C. of P., p. 331. Bradford, p. 164. 20 weapons and struggling until they were cut almost to pieces. Finally Pecksnot, Wituwamat and a third Indian were killed, while a fourth, a youth of eighteen was overpowered and secured ; him, Standish subsequently hung. The massacre, for such in historic justice it must be called, seeing that they killed every man they could lay their hands on, then began. There were eight warriors in the stockade at the time, Standish and his party had killed three and secured one ; they subsequently killed another, while the Weston people despatched two more. One only escaped to give the alarm, which was rapidly spread through the Indian villages. Standish immediately followed up his advantage. Leaving some Indian women, who happened to be in the stockade, in charge of a portion of his own men and of the settlers, he took one or two of the latter and the remainder of his own force, and started in pursuit. He had gone no great distance when a file of Indians was seen advancing. Both parties hurried forward to secure the advantage of a rising ground near at hand. Standish got to it first, and the savages at once scattered, sheltering themselves behind trees and discharging a flight -of arrows at their opponents. The engagement was, however, very brief, for Hobbamock, throwing off his coat, rushed at his countrymen, who incon- tinently fled to the swamp ; one only of the party being injured, a shot breaking his arm. Further pursuit was un- availing, so Standish returned to the stockade, from which he caused the Indian women to be dismissed unharmed. The Weston people now discovered that they had had enough of life in the wilderness, and wholly declined to tarry any longer at Wessagusset. Standish asserted his readiness to hold the place against all the Indians of the vicinage with half the force of the Weston party, but they were not Stand- ishes, nor did they feel any call to heroism. So, the choice being given to them, they divided, one portion, on board the Swan, following Sanders to the coast of Maine, while the rest accompanied Standish home and cast in their lot among the Plymouth people. Standish supplied those on board the Swan with a sufliciency of corn whereon to sustain life, and saw them safely leave the harbor and bear away to the north and east; then he himself, carrying with him the head of 21 Wituwamat, to ornament the Plymouth block-house as a terror to all evil-disposed savages, sailed prosperously home. Thus in failure, disgrace and bloodshed ended the first attempt of a settlement at Weymouth. Ill-conceived, ill- executed, ill-fated, it was probably saved from utter extirpa- tion only by the energetie interference of the Plymouth people. And these last not unjustifiably indulged in some grim chuckling over the speedy downfall of those who had thought to teach them how to subdue a wilderness. 1 Three men only remained behind at Wessagusset. One of these had domesticated himself among the savages ; the other two, in defiance of orders, had straggled off to an Indian settlement where they had been left by a companion on the day of the engagement. All three were put to death by the savages, probably with that refinement of cruelty which distinguished Indian executions ; for, afterwards, in speaking of their fate, one ot the savages said, "When we killed your men they cried and made ill-favored faces." 2 When good old John Robinson, at Ley den, heard of the Wessagusset killing he was sorely moved. He wrote out to his flock a letter of gentle caution in respect to the rough ways of Captain Miles Standish, who, though the aged pastor loved him, he yet intimated was one perchance " wanting that tenderness of the life of man which is meet." He also referred to the Wessagusset settlers as "heathenish Christians," and exclaimed in reference to Pecksuot and Wituwamat, "Oh! how happy a thing had it been if you had converted some before you had killed any." 3 Nevertheless, rough as he was, the Plymouth people then stood in greater need of stern Miles Standish than of gentle John Robinson. The times were not meet for works of conversion, nor were Pecksuot and his friends favorable subjects therefor. In the light of the Virginia experience of 1622, and of the New England terror during the war of King Philip, posterity must concede that the severe course of Miles Standish here in Weymouth, in March, 1623, was the most truly merciful course. The 1 Bradford, p. 132. 2 Pratt's Narrative, IV. Mass. Hist. Coll., p. 486. Xe\v English Canaan, p. 76. Force's Tracts, v. 2. Young's C. of P., p. 344. 3 Bradford, p. 164. 22 settlers had demoralized the Indians. They had at once inspired them with anger, with dislike and with contempt. Any sign of faltering on the part of the Plymouth people would have been fatal. Had they abandoned Wessagusset to its fate, the settlers there would have been exterminated, and the savages, maddened by a taste of blood, would have turned upon Plymouth. The woods would have rung with war-whoops and the feeble colony could scarcely have sur- vived the ordeal of blood treading hard on that of famine. Standish crushed out the danger in the incipient stage. By ruthlessly murdering seven men he reestablished the moral ascendency of the whites, and so saved the lives of hundreds. He stopped the war before it began, and deferred it to another generation. In so doing, the Puritan captain revealed the instinctive sagacity of a true soldier, he struck so that he did not have to strike twice : he cowed the savages at "VVey mouth, and for years peace was secured for Plymouth. 1 All this took place in March, and shortly after the unfor- tunate Mr. Weston arrived on the coast of Maine, seeking news of his colony. He there heard of its ruin and, with one or two men, started in a small boat for Wessagusset. His ill-fortune pursued him. Overtaken by a storm he was cast away near where Newburyport now stands, and barely saved his life only to fall into the hands of the savages, who stripped him to his shirt. He succeeded, however, in finding his way back to the fishing stations in Maine and thence to Plymouth. The people there received him kindly, and loaned him some beaver-skins on which to trade : and again he returned to the eastward. There he found his smaller vessel, the Swan, and some of his people. Afterwards he seems to have been both very adventurous and very unfortunate. He made frequent voyages to Virginia, and now and again flits vaguely across the page of Plymouth history, in debt, in trouble, in arrest. Finally he returned to England, where, long afterwards during the wars of Cromwell, he died of the plague at Bristol. But Wessagusset was not destined long to remain a soli- tude. Deserted in March, it was again occupied just six 1 Winslow ; Young's C. of P., p. 344. The New English Canaan, p. 73. 23 months later; for, in the middle of September, 1623, Captain Robert Gorges, a son of that Sir Ferdinand whose name is so prominent in the early annals of New England, sailed up the Fore River, and landed at Weston's deserted plantation. His enterprise was of a quite different character from that which had preceded it. He held a grant from the Council of New England, covering a tract of land vaguely described as lying on the north-east side of Massachusetts Bay, as what is now known as Boston Bay was then called, and covering ten miles of sea-front, while stretching thirty miles into the inte- rior. He was also commissioned as Governor-General, and authorized to correct any abuses which had crept into the affairs of the company in America ; for the more effectual doing of which he was further provided with a grand admiral and a council, of which the Governor of Plymouth for the time being was ex officio a member. His jurisdiction was of the largest description, civil, criminal and ecclesiastical, for he also brought with him in his company one Mr. William Morell, a clergyman of the Church of England, holding a commission from the ecclesiastical courts of the mother coun- try, which authorized him to exercise a species of super- intendency over the churches of the colony. This whole expedition seems, in fact, to have been organized on a most ludicrously grandiose scale, probably to meet the vi^ws of its commander, who had recently seen some service in the Vene- tian wars and was now nourishing ambitious visions of an empire in the wilderness. The establishment of episcopacy in New England had long been a favorite idea with Sir Ferdi- nand Gorges, 1 and now, when he sent his son thither, he pro- vided him not only with a council and an admiral, but also with a primate. This company was, however, composed of a different material from that of Weston's. It was made up of families, as well as of individuals, and contained in it some elements of strength. 2 The party disembarked just as the autumn tints began to glow through the forest, and busied themselves with the erection of their storehouses. Captain Gorges meanwhile notified the Plymouth people of his arrival, and Governor Bradford prepared to answer the summons in. i Young's C. of P., p. 477, n. a Bradford, p. 148, 24 person. Before he could do so, however, Gorges started on a voyage to the fishing stations in Maine ; but, encountering some rough weather on his way, he put about and ran into Plymouth in search of a pilot. He remained there some four- teen days, and then, instead of resuming his voyage, he returned to Wessagusset by land. Upon reaching his seat of government he, for the first, and, so far as appears, for the last time, made any use of his great civil and military powers by causing Weston, who had turned up in Plymouth Bay, on board the Swan, to be arrested and sent with this vessel around to Weymouth. His own ship, meanwhile, remained at Plymouth, where, on the 5th of November, her company occasioned a great disaster to the unfortunate colo- nists. The weather was cold, and a number of seamen were celebrating Guy Fawkes' day before a large fire in one of the houses, when the thatch ignited, and, for a brief time, it was a question whether the general store-house, and with it the Plymouth colony, were not to be destroyed. Fortunately only three or four houses were burned, but it is curious to reflect how much more heavily the loss of those few log huts bore on the Plymouth of those days than did the great conflagration of two centuries and a half later on the Boston of ours. At any rate it seemed to sicken Captain Robert Gorges and his party, for, shortly after it, he retired to Eng- land, thoroughly disgusted with the work of founding empires in the New World. 1 With him returned the larger part of his company, but not the whole of it; nor, indeed, does Weymouth seem ever again to have been abandoned as a set- tlement. While some of the party went to Virginia, others remained at Wessagusset, and Mr. Morell took up his tem- porary abode at Plymouth. This gentleman appears, indeed, to have been not only a man of education and refinement, but also to have been possessed of discretion and good sense. For a wonder he, an ecclesiastic, remained at Plymouth nearly a year with a letter in his pocket conferring on him great powers, and yet he neither sought to exercise any authority, nor did lie intrigue or stir up any trouble. On the contrary, he quietly minded his own business, and beguiled his leisure hours in the composition of a very good Latin i Bradford, p. 154. 25 poem descriptive of the country. 1 He made of it, too, a very bad metrical translation. The mece is curious, but now scarcely repays perusal. 2 With the country he was charmed, but not so with the natives who inhabited it. Indeed, he seems to have been impressed with America much as Bishop Reginald Heber was, long afterwards, with India, and to have exclaimed of his diocese, in the words of the latter dignitary : " There every prospect pleases, And only man is vile." A few very brief extracts will give a sufficient idea both of the spirit of his poem and of the otherwise than smoothness of his versification. It is Weymouth itself, perhaps, that he thus describes : " The fruitfull and well watered earth doth glad All hearts, when Flora 's with her spangles clad, And yeelds an hundred fold for one, To feede the bee and to invite the drone. " There natures counties, though not planted are, Great store and sorts of berries great and faire : Trie filberd, cherry and the fruitful vine, Which cheares the heart and makes it more divine. Earth's spangled beauties pleasing smell and sight ; Objects for gallant choice and chiefe delight. " All ore that maine the vernant tress abound, Where cedar, cypres, spruce and beech are found. Ash, oake and wal-nut, pines and junipere; The hasel, palme and hundred more are there. Ther 's grasse and hearbs contenting man and beast, On which both deare, and beares, and wolves do feast." When he comes to deal with the noble savage, however, his enthusiasm rapidly wanes : " They 're wondrous cruell, strangely base and vile, Quickly displeas'd, and hardly reconcil'd ; " Whose hayre is cut with greeces, yet a locke Is left ; the left side bound up in a kuott : 1 Ecclesiastical History of Massachusetts, I. Mass. Hist. Coll., v, 9, p. 6. 2 Both poem and translation are to be found in I. Mass. Hist. Coll., v. 1, p. 125. 4 26 " Of body straight, tall, strong, mantled in skin Of deare or bever, with the hayre-side in ; " A kind ofpinsen keeps their feet from cold, Which after travels they put off, up-fold, Themselves they warme, their ungirt limbes they rest In straw, and houses, like to sties : " The Rev. William Morell, however, the next year (1624), abandoned both the wilderness and the savages, returning to England ; and with him Episcopacy, that exotic in New Eng- land, withdrew for many years from these shores. The settle- ment at Wey mouth was not for all that wholly broken up. This statement now admits of conclusive proof; for while previous to Robert Gorges' arrival at Weymouth the region about Boston Bay had been wholly unoccupied, from that time forward there is evidence of scattered plantations upon its islands and along its shores. The Plymouth annals distinctly state that some few of his people remained behind when he withdrew, and were assisted from thence. 1 Two years later, the next settlers in that vicinity find them still at Wessagus- set. 2 Two years later yet they re-appear ,iu history, as we shall presently see. In 1631, or three years later,' the persons through whom the place thus re-appears take the oath as freemen on the settlement of Boston. 3 In 1632, Governor Winthrop visited Wessagusset and was liberally entertained by those residing there. 4 The next year, the place is de- scribed as a "small village"; 6 and finally, in 1636, it sends as a deputy to the General Court one of those who had been prominent in connection with events there in 1628. 6 There is, therefore, but one year, 1624, unaccounted for, between the Gorges' settlement and the incorporation of the town in 1635. But the evidence does not stop here. When Cap- tain Gorges returned to England, the records of the Council of New England state that he left his plantation in charge of certain persons, who are referred to as "his servants, and certain other Undertakers and Tenants." 7 Shortly after, Robert Gorges died and his brother John succeeded to 1 Bradford, p. 154. * The New English Canaan, p. 84. 3 Records of Mass. v. 1, p. 30(5. < Savage's Winthrop v. 1, p. 91. * Wood's New England's Prospect; Young's Chron. of Mass., p. 395. Records of Mass. v. 1, pp. 174-9. ' Hazard's Hist. Coll., v. 1, p. 391. 27 the grant. He undertook to convey a portion of it to one John Olclham, and accordingly wrote to William Blackstone and William Jeffries, two of the settlers on Boston Bay, to put his grantee in possession. And now we come to a most interesting point in connection with the earliest records of Boston. When Winthrop and his company landed in Charlestown in 1630, they found this William Blackstone already settled on the opposite peninsula in what is now Boston. 1 He had then been there some five or six years, but how he got there or from whence has always been a mystery. There he was, however. Now when John Gorges proposed to make over to Oldham his brother's grant of land, he naturally would have sent his directions to those " servants, " " undertakers " or " tenants," who had been left in possession of it by his brother. As a matter of fact he did send his in- structions to Blackstone and Jeffries, and the last named then was living at Wessagusset, while both were within the limits of the patent. The inference is difficult to resist that both had belonged to the Gorges settlement, that one had re- mained on its site, while the other had moved away about a year after Gorges left to a locality which pleased him better. That Jeffries was settled at Wey mouth admits of no question, for when that place next appears in the authentic records of the time it is under a double name, both as Wessagusset and as Jeffries and Burslems plantation. The whole chain of connected evidence, therefore, not only tends to shew the continuing settlement of Weymouth after September, 1623, but it also establishes the strong presumption that Boston itself was first occupied by a straggling recluse from Avhat is now called the village of Old Spain. The two hundred and fifty-first year of the consecutive settlement of Weymouth will, therefore, as I conceive, be completed during the month of September next ; nor can I 1 As respects Blackstone, see Young's Chron. of Mass. (p. 169), hut the best account of this singular and interesting man is found in Bliss' History of Rehoboth. It is another point of some importance as identifying Blackstone with the Gorges settle- ment, that he had received episcopal ordination in England. //. Mass. Hist. Coll. (v. 9, p. 174.) Now the Gorges settlement was a distinct and the only attempt to plant episcopacy in early Massachusetts. Morcll and Blackstone were both educated and studious men of somewhat similar cast of minds and thought. The obvious and natural explanation of their presence in the wilderness would be that they came there together, influenced by the same inducements. 28 find any sufficient authority for the generally accepted state- ment that an additional body of settlers arrived during the year 1624, from the town of the same name in England, hav- ing with them the Rev. Mr. Barnard, who died here after a ministration of eleven years. 1 With the departure of Captain Robert Gorges the Wessagusset settlement practically van- ishes from the page of cotemporary history, only to re-appear again four years later in connection with a very famous inci- dent. By one authority only during the intervening time do I find its name mentioned. Mr. Thomas Morton of Merry Mount, he of cobbler atonement memory, refers to it as a place to which he had recourse in winter " to have the benefit of company"; 2 and he seems to have been upon tolerably familiar terms with those living there, as several years after he wrote to William Jefferies, addressing him as " My very 1 A statement to this effect has crept into the generally accepted accounts of the settlement of Weymouth, on the high authority of Prince's Annals. Emery Memo- rial, (p. 88.) The entry in Prince is at the close of 1624, and reads as follows : " This Year comes some Addition to the few inhabitants of Wessagusset, from Wey- mouth in England ; who are another sort of people than the Former (mst) [and on whose Account I conclude the Town is since called Weymouth.] " To this entry the compiler appended the following foot-note: "They have the Rev. Mr. Barnard their first Non-conformist Minister, who dies among them : But whether He comes before or after 1630, or when He Dies is yet unknown (mst) nor do I anywhere find the least Hint of Him, but in the Manuscript Letters, -taken from some of the oldest People at "Weymouth." Annals, (p. 150.) Prince compiled his work more than a century after the events here alleged to have taken place. He carefully gives his authority, as was his custom, for his state- ment, and himself discredits it. It seems, so far as the date was concerned, to have been a mere " oldest inhabitant " tradition, which wholly lacked corroboration by the contemporaneous authorities. The party from Weymouth, in England, settled at Dorchester in July, 1633 ; Prince, II. Mass. Hist. Coll. (v. 7, p. 96.) In 1635, Massa- chiel Barnard, an elder not a minister, came out with the party mentioned by Win- throp and in the Records of Massachusetts as being placed at Weymouth. This party included not only the Rev. Mr. Hull, but the original bearers of several of the names now most common in Weymouth, such as Bicknell, Lovell, Pool, Upham, Porter, &c. See .V. E. Gen. Reg. (v. 25, p. 13.) It is safe to say that the date of 1624 given in Prince is wholly erroneous. If the permanent settlement of .Weymouth does not belong to 1623, no precise date for it can be assigned ; but I cannot see any room for doubt as to September, 1623. The discovery, in 1870, of the names of those who came out with Mr. Hull, in 163o, is very important in the genealogy of Weymouth. It is singular to study in the several lists of names which have at various times been made out the fate of the families which bore them. Some, the Kings and Kingmans for instance, have never increased, but are still perpetuated by single families in Weymouth ; others like Jef- feries and Burslcy have disappeared ; while yet others, like the Bicknells, Frenches and Lovells have increased amazingly. Lists of names found in the town at various epochs are printed in the Appendix to the Address, with indications and figures shew- ing the apparent increase or disappearance of the families. 2 New English Canaan, pp. 84, 86. 29 good gossip." 1 These visits of Morton were made between the years 1625 and 1628. Once only does he refer to the place in connection with any clergyman, and then it is with one notorious enough in the early annals, but of a different stripe from what the Rev. Mr. Barnard is supposed to have been. 2 With this single exception, Wessagusset, between 1623 and 1628, is referred to by the chroniclers of the day only as included in several weak and scattered plantations. In 1628, however, it again asserted an existence. It hap- pened in this wise. The year after Captain Robert Gorges had retired in disgust, a certain Captain Wollaston had made his appearance in Boston Bay, in company with several asso- ciates, bringing with him a party of hired people with a view to establishing a permanent trading post. He selected, as best adapted for his purpose, the rising ground over against Wes- sagusset to the north, which in his honor was called Mount Wollaston, the name by which it has ever since been known. This spot had some time previously been the home of Chica- tabot, the greatest sagamore of the neighborhood, by whom it had been cleared of trees. 3 He, however, had abandoned it some eight years before, at the time of the great plague. Then, as now, that portion of the bay was very shallow, so that ships could not ride near the shore, nor boats approach it when the tide was out. There was, however, an abundance of beaver in the vicinity, and here Wollaston's party established itself. After a brief trial, however, Wollaston himself seems to have liked the prospect no better than Captain Gorges, for 1 Hubbard, p. 428. 2 This was the Rev. John Lyford. A detailed account of the somewhat high handed proceedings of the Plymouth authorities in regard to this individual and John Oldham is found in Bradford's history. The ceremonial of Oldham's expulsion from Plymouth was formal but peculiar. Morton gives the following account of it : " A lane of Musketiers was made, and hee compelled in scorne to passe along betweene, & to receave a bob upon the bumme be every musketier, and then a board a shallop, and so convayed to Wessaguscus shoare & staid at Massachussets, to whome lohn Lay ford and some few more did resort, where Master Lay ford freely executed his office and preached every Lords day, and yat maintained his wife & children foure or five, upon his industry there, with the blessing of God, and the plenty of the Land, without the helpe of his auditory, in an honest and laudable manner, till hee was wearied, and made to leave the Country." New English Canaan (p. 81) ; see also Bradford ; (p. 190.) This took place early in 1625, but the Oldham and Lyford settlement was at Hull, not at Wessagusset, and lasted but little over a year; note to Bradford ; p. 195.) 3 Wood's New-England's Prospect; Young's Chron. of Mass., p. 395. 30 he departed for Virginia with a portion of his company, leav- ing the remainder behind in charge of a Mr. Rassdall, one of his partners. Presently he summoned Rassdall to follow him with yet others of the party, and one Mr. Fitcher was left in command of the remainder. Among these was Mr. Thomas Morton. This individual had a very well developed talent for mischief, which speedily found room for exercise at the expense of Lieutenant Fitcher, who was deposed from his command, expelled from the settlement and left to shift for himself with the aid of the neighboring settlers. Then Mount Wollaston became Merry Mount, with Thomas Morton for its presiding genius. According to all showing they seem to have been a drunken, dissolute set, trading with the savages for beaver-skins, holding very questionable relations with the Indian women and generally leading a wild, reckless existence on the bleak and well-nigh uninhabited New Eng- land shore. Their house stood very near the present dwelling of Mr. John Q. Adams, and they scandalized the whole coast by erecting near it a May-pole, which Morton describes as having been some eighty feet in height, with a pair of buck- horns nailed to the top. Upon this pole the retired barrister seems to have been in the custom of fastening copies of verses of his own production, while he and his companions conducted noisy revels about it. All this was bad enough and sufficiently well calculated to stir the gall of the severe elders of Plymouth. But the mischief did not stop here. The business of this precious company, in the intervals of merriment, was to trade ; and in conducting their business they were by no means scrupulous. Liquor, fire-arms and ammunition were freely exchanged for furs, and the unsophis- ticated savage evinced a decided appreciation of the first and a dangerous aptitude in the use of the last. Thus the solitary settlers about Boston harbor soon found themselves in danger of their lives, as they espied armed Indians prowling about their habitations. The trade, however, was so profitable that Morton, regardless of consequences, was preparing to develop it on a larger scale when his neighbors met together and took council one with another. The Mount Wollaston settlement was, indeed, the first recorded instance of what in later Mas- sachusetts history is technically known as "a liquor nuisance," 31 and the neighbors determined that considerations of ptiblic safety required that it should be abated. Those were prim- itive times. They enjoyed few of the advantages of our more developed civilization, and while there were no ladies of the vicinage to wait upon the then lord of Merry Mount in a spirit of prayerful remonstrance, there was also no state con- stabulary before whom the "rumseller" trembled and fled. As the best substitute for these moral and legal agencies, and after fruitless efforts at reform through written admonish- ments which the carnal Morton received in a most unsatisfac- tory spirit of contumely, the men of the vicinage called upon the fathers of Plymouth. 1 These at once despatched the redoubtable Miles Standish to the scene o trouble, with directions to set matters to rights there once more, even as he had done five years before in the days of Pecksuot. Weymouth was the scene of a portion of the succeeding operations, which were of a nature too delightfully humorous to be told in any language except that of the actors and of the time ; besides the accounts furnish a very beautiful illus- tration of the discrepancies in authority which it becomes the painful duty of the historian to reconcile. And first, Thomas Morton shall tell his own story : "They set upon my honest host (Morton) at a place, called Wessaguscus, where (by accident) they found him. The inhabitants there were in good hope, of the subvertion of the plantation at Mare Mount (which they principally aymed at ;) and the rather, because mine host was a man that indeavoured to advance the dignity of the Church of England ; which they ' (on the contrary part) would laboure to vilifie ; with uncivile terms : enveying against the sacred booke of common prayer, and mine host (Morton) that used it in a laudable manner amongst his family, as a practise of piety. "In breife, mine host (Morton) must indure to be their prisoner, untill they could contrive it so, that they might send him for England (as they said,) there to suffer according to the merrit of the fact, which they intended to father upon him. .... 1 Bradford's Letter Book, I. Mass. Hist. Coll., v. 3, p. 61. 32 " Much rejoyciug was made that they had gotten their cappitall enemy, . . . The Conspirators sported themselves at my honest host (Morton), that meant them no hurt ; and were so joccund that they feasted their bodies, and fell to tippeling, as if they had obtained a great prize ; Mine host (Morton) fained greefe : and could not be per- s waded either to eate, or drinke, because hee knew emptines would be a meanes to make him as watchfull as the Geese kept in the Roman Cappitall : whereon the contrary part, the conspirators would be so drowsy that hee might have an opportunity to give them a slip, insteade of a tester. Six persons of the conspiracy were set to watch him at Wessa- guscus : But lie kept waking ; and in the dead of night (one lying on the bed, for further suerty,) up gets mine Host (Morton) and got to the second dore that hee was to passe which (notwithstanding the lock) hee got open : and shut it after him with such violence, that it affrighted some of the conspirators. " The word which was given with an alarme, was, 6 he 's gon, he 's gon, what shall we doe, he 's gon? the rest (halfe a sleepe) start up in a maze, and like rames, rantheire heads one at another full butt in the darke. "Their grand leader Captaine Shrimp (Standish) tooke on most furiously, and tore his clothes for anger, to see the empty nest, and their bird gone. The rest were eager to have torne theire haire from theire heads, but it was so short, that it would give them no hold : ... In the meane time mine Host (Morton) was got home to Ma-re Mount through the woods, eight miles, round about the head of the river Monatoquit, that parted the two Plantations : finding his way by the help of the lightening (for it thundered as he went terribly). .... "Now Captaine Shrimp (Standish) . . . takes eight persons more to him, and they imbarque with prepara- tion against Ma-re-Mount . . . Now the nine Worthies are approached ; and mine Host (Morton) pre- pared : having intelligence by a Salvage, that hastened in love from Wessaguscus to give him notice of their intent. The nine Worthies comming before the Demie of this supposed Monster, (this seaveu headed hydra, as they 33 termed him) and began like Don Quixote against the Wind- mill to beate a party, and to offer quarter (if mine Host (Morton) would yeald) . . . Yet (to save the effusion of so much worthy bloud, as would have issued out of the vayues of these 9. worthies of New Canaan, if mine Host should have played upon them out at his port holes (for they came within danger like a flocke of wild geese, as if they had bin tayled one to another, as coults to be sold at a faier) mine Host (Morton) was content to yeelde upon quar- ter ; and did capitulate with them : But mine Host (Morton) no sooner had set open the dore and issued out: but instantly Captaine Shrimpe (Standish), and the rest of the worties stepped to him, layd hold of his armes ; and had him downe, and so eagerly was every man bent against him (not regarding any agreement made with such a carnall man) that they fell upon him, as if they would have eaten him : "Captaine Shrimpe (Standish) and the rest of the nine wor- thies, made themselves (by this outragious riot) Masters of mine Hoste (Morton) of Ma-re Mount, and disposed of what hee had at his plantation." 1 So much for Mr. Thomas Morton's account of this " out- ragious riot " ; now let us see what Captain Standish had to say of 'the affair : " So they resolved to take Morton by force. The which accordingly was done ; but they found him to stand stifly in his defence, having made fast his dors, armed his consorts, set diverse dishes of powder & bullets ready on y e table ; and if they had not been over armed with drinke, more hurt might have been done. They soinaned him to yeeld, but he kept his house, and they could gett nothing but scofes & scorns from him ; but at length, fearing they would doe some violence to y e house, he and some of his crue came out, but not to yeelcl, but to shoote ; but they were so steeld with drinke as their peeces were too heavie for them ; him selfe with a carbine (over charged & allmost halfe fild with pow- 1 New English Canaan, p. 93. 34 der & shote, as was after found) had thought to have shot Captaine Standish ; but he stept to him, & put by his peece, & tooke him. Neither was ther any hurte done to any of either side, save y* one was so drunke y* he rane his own nose upon y e pointe of a sword y 1 one held before him as he entred y e house ; but he lost but a litle of his hott blood." 1 Whichever of these widely divergent accounts is the more correct, upon one point they both concur, and that is, after all, the vital point, that Morton was arrested, carried to Plym- outh and presently sent to England ; while the Wollaston settlement was practically broken up, the liquor nuisance abated and the trade in fire arms and ammunition stopped. Peace and security were thus once more restored to Wes- sagusset, through the agency of Miles Standish. Nor were these blessings won at any unreasonable price, as the whole cost of the expedition was computed at 12 7s., of which sum 2 was assessed on the settlers at Wessagusset, and 2 10s. on the Plymouth colony. 2 The destruction of the May-pole at Merry Mount took place in the early days of June, 1628, and just two years later Governor Winthrop arrived in Boston harbor and the con- secutive annals of the Massachusetts Bay began. It is yet i Bradford, p. 241. - This apportionment is derived from Governor Bradford's Letter-Book. Seel. Mass. Hist. Coll. (v. 3, p. 63.) In his history (p. 241) he speaks of " Weesagascusett" as being one of the plantations concerned, but the apportionment is made as " From Mr. Jeffrey and Mr. Burslem." These names have given the antiquarians a great deal of trouble, and they have generally assigned them to Cape Ann; Savage's Winthrop (v. 1, p. 44, n.) ; Young's Chron. of Mass. (p. 171, n.), or even to the Isle of Shoals ; Drake's Boston (p. 50). They all confound William Jefleries of Weymouth with Thomas Jeffrey of Ipswich. Dr. Young does this in a most extraordinary manner, confusing them even while giving the correct name of one in his text, and of the other in the running title of the same page. Chron. of Mass. (p. 171). When Savage prepared his notes to Winthrop the MS. of Bradford had not been recovered, and he had not examined the New English Canaan carefully in reference to Weymouth. He seems to have been satisfied that the second settlement at Weymouth had been wholly broken up in 1624, Notes to Winthrop, (pp. 43, 93), and sought to place Jeffrey and Burslem elsewhere. There cannot be the slightest doubt that they lived at Wessagus- set from before 1628. Both names are now extinct at Weymouth, though I find in the Records of the town a Jeffery in 16.51 (see p. 70), and also a mention of one John Jeffcrs (Aug. 18, 1777), as a soldier who enlisted in Arnold's Canada campaign during the Revolution. Both were made freemen at early dates : Burslem was a deputy from the town in 1636, and it was to Jefferies that Morton wrote as to his "good gos- sip," in 1634. It was to him and to Blackstone that John Gorges wrote in 1629 in regard to putting Oldharn in possession of the Gorges grant. Young's Chron. of Mass. (pp. 51, 147, 169.) 35 another two years, however, before we again meet with a mention of Weymouth, still under its Indian name. In August, 1632, Governor Winthrop, in company with the Rev. Mr. Wilson and other notables, took ship at Boston and landed at Wessagusset ; and thence the succeeding day the distinguished party started on foot for Plymouth, completing their journey by night. Six days later, on the 31st of the same month, they returned ; leaving Plymouth at five in the morning and reaching Wessagusset in the evening, where they passed the night, and finished their journey next morning by water. 1 We have Governor Winthrop's authority for the assertion that, both going and returning, they were here most hospitably feasted on the turkeys, geese and ducks of the neighborhood. 2 Two years later again Wessagusset was summoned by the General Court to assume charge of one of its pauper inhabitants, who had seen fit to fall ill at Dor- chester; 3 and in 1635 the Court established a commission to fix the boundary line between what are now Braiutree and Weymouth, then Mt. Wollaston and Wessagusset. Thus through eleven years, from 1624 to 1635, the early settlers of Weymouth only occasionally emerge from the oblivion of the past and are dimly shadowed on the mirror of New England history. But now, at last, in the year 1635, Wes- sagusset was by the order of the General Court made a plantation under the name of Weymouth, and the Rev. Mr. Hull, with twenty-one families from England, were allowed to establish themselves here. 4 Why the name of Weymouth was adopted I do not find recorded : it may well have been that the Rev. Mr. Hull and his party came from that place in the old country, but there does not appear to be any ground for asserting such to have been the fact. 5 With Mr. Hull, how- ever, began the long succession of clergymen who ministered 1 Savage's Winthrop, v. 1, p. 192. 2 In 1633 Wessagusset was thus described : " This as yet is but a small village ; yet it is very pleasant, and healthful, very good ground, and is well timbered, and hath good store of hay-ground. It hath a very spacious harbour for shipping before the town, the salt water being navigable for boats and pinnaces two leagues. Here the inhabitants have good store of fish of all sorts, and swine, having acorns and clams at the time of year. Here is likewise an ale-wife river." Wood's Neic-Englands Prospect ; Young's Chron. of Mass. (p. 394) . 3 This man is mentioned as " late servant of John Burslyn." Records of Mass. (p. 121.) 4 Savage's Winthrop, v. 1, p. 163. Records of Mass. pp. 156-7. 5 Proceedings of Mass. Hist. Soc., 1873, p. 396. 36 to the old first parish, of whom the present incumbent is the thirteenth. In the earlier days of New England the pastor- ates marked epochs in the history of the towns, much as do the reigns of kings and queens in European annals. Nor indeed were certain of the Weymouth pastorates brief in point of time, for two of thetn covered the long period of one entire century. To return, however, to the political history of the town ; in the same year (1635) in which it was created a plantation, Weymouth was also authorized to send a deputy to the General Court. The next year three deputies made their appearance instead of one ; but, considering the size of the place they represented, the delegation with becoming modesty requested that two of their number might be dis- missed, and accordingly Messrs. Bursley and Upham received leave to withdraw. 1 From that time forward, through a space of one hundred and thirty years, the political history of Wey- mouth moved uneventfully along, a portion of that of the Province, rendered noticeable only by some question of boundaries, or by fines imposed on account of the badness of highways or the insufficiency of the watch-house or careless- ness in checking the roving propensities of swine, or by the division of a whale found stranded on its shore, or some other equally trifling incident of municipal government. The tax- collector made his annual visits, and his records seem to show that, as compared with others, the town during its earlier years was neither populous nor wealthy. Its propor- tion was in the neighborhood of one-fiftieth part of the whole amount levied on the colony, ranging from 4 to 10 each year ; but in 1637 came the Pequod War, and during that year Weymouth was assessed for 27 in a total levy of 1,500. The town could not even then be said to rank high on the assessors' books, being thirteenth in a list of fourteen. As respects population during the first half century of the existence of Weymouth, there is small material on which to form an estimate. In 1637 a levy of one hundred and sixty men was made to carry on the Pequod War ; of these Wey- mouth furnished five as her contingent. Under the system of computation adopted by the highest authority 2 this would 1 Records of Mass. v. 1, p. 179. Palfrey, v. 2, p. 5. 37 indicate a total of about five hundred souls, which I am in- clined to think was not far from the true number. During the next century and a quarter the increase was very slow, so that in 1776 the population but little exceeded 1,400;* indeed, it may be said that during the century and a half which succeeded the Pequod War the increase of the town in numbers scarcely exceeded one-half of one per cent a year. To the Weymouth of to-day, with its population of 10,000 souls, 1,400, and much less 500, seems a somewhat sparse settlement. It did not so impress the first inhabitants. On the contrary, in 1642 the townspeople of those days thought themselves so numerous as to render expedient the removal of a portion of their number to a new settlement. This was accordingly determined on, and the Rev. Mr. Newman, the clergyman of the time, to prevent all dispute, offered either to go or to remain as his parishioners should decide. A vote was taken, which resulted in favor of the removing party ; with them, therefore, he cast in his lot at the place selected for their settlement, to which the pastor gave the name of Rehoboth, which it still bears. In later years other and larger migrations took place, first to Easton and subsequently to Abington, thus accounting for the slow movement of popu- lation in the mother town, which, indeed, between 1740 and 1780 rather tended to diminish than to increase. This con- dition 1 of affairs, however, in no way disturbed the inhabitants. On the contrary, four years after the Rehoboth secession, the town records under the date of April 6, 1646, contain this singular entry, with the significant words " Stand "Good," written against it in the margin : "Whereas we find by sad experience the great inconvenience that many times it comes to pass by the permitting of strangers to come into the plantation pretending only to sojourn for a 1 See the sketch of the town of Weymouth, written by Dr. Cotton Tufts, and printed in 1785 in Topographical Descriptions of the Towns in the County of Suffolk, and of Charlestoicn in the County of Middlesex. A manuscript copy of this sketch was very kindly placed at my disposal in the preparation of this address by J. J. Loud, Esq., of Weymouth, with other material for a history of Weymouth, which it is to be regretted Mr. Loud does not himself propose to prepare. A copy of the compilation of which Cotton Tufts' sketch was a part is in the library of the Massachusetts Historical Society, bound with other documents under the title of " Gookin and Geography." 433019 38 season, but afterwards they have continued a while account themselves inhabitants with us, and so challeng to them- selves all such priviledges and immunity s as others do enjoy, who notwithstanding are of little use to advance the public good, but rather many times are troublesome and prove a burden to the plantation, the premises considered, together with the straightness of the place, the number of the people, and the smallness of the trade we yet have amongst us, we the townsmen whose names are subscribed for the prevention of this and the like inconveneucys, have thought good to present to consideration the insuing order to be voted by the whole Towne to stand in force as long as they in wisdome shall see just cause. " First that no inhabitant within this plantation shall pre- sume to take into his house as an inmate, or servant, any per- son or persons, unless he shall give sufficient bonds, to defray the plantation of what damage may ensue thereuppon, or be as covenant servant, and that for one year at the least with-' out leave first had and obtayned from the whole Towne at some of their public meetings, under the penalty of 5 shillings a week as long as hee shall continue in the breach of this order, to be levied by the constable or other officer, and delivered to the townsmen for the time being, to be improved for the use and benefit of the towne. Also it is further agreed upon by and with the consent of the whole town that no person or persons within this plantation shall lett or sell any house, or land, to any person or persons that is not an inhabitant amongst us, untill he hath first made a tender of it to the Towne., at a trayning or some lecture day or other public meeting." And to show that this was not a mere empty threat, it is but necessary to turn to this other record of thirty-eight years later, April 30th, 1684 : " At a Meeting of the Selectmen they passed a warrant to the Constable John Pratt as followeth : " To the Constable of Weymouth "You are hereby required in his Majesty s name forthwith to distrain upon the Estate of Joseph Poole to the value of 39 five shillings which is for the breach of town order for enter- taining of Sarah Downing one week contrary to town order, and so from week to week as long as the said Joseph Poole shall entertaine the said Sarah Downing. Dated Aprill 30 th 1684. Signed in the name and by the order of the Select- men. SAMUEL WHITE." 1 Not unnaturally, therefore, with continual migrations of its people taking place, and with the advent of new population sternly discouraged, the growth of Weymouth was slow. Nevertheless, grow it did, and it prospered. I have spoken of the long interval of one hundred and twenty-five years between 1640 and 1765, an interval which includes one-half of the entire history of the town, as a single period. As such it can best be treated, for with Weymouth, as with most other New England towns, it was the time of slow growth, the long period of infancy. It was marked by few events of importance. In 1676 the terror of King Philip's war swept over Weymouth, as it did over all the other outlying settle- ments of the colony. That was by far the most cruel ordeal through which Massachusetts has ever passed, one, of the deep agony of which it is not easy for us, removed from it by two hundred years of time, to form even a dim concep- tion. I shall not pause to dilate upon it here, though, in a far less degree, it is true, than many of her sister settlements, Weymouth then tasted the horrors of savage warfare. Women were slaughtered and houses were burned within her limits, and the losses she sustained were sufficiently severe to induce the General Court to allow the abatement of a portion of her tax. Again she was called upon to furnish her con- tingent of soldiers, who doubtless played their part manfully enough at the storming of Nftrragansett Fort. 2 Indeed, in every warlike ordeal through which Massachusetts has been called to pass, from the first struggle of Miles Standish, in 1624, to the great rebellion, two hundred and forty years later, the ancient town may fairly claim that she has con- tributed of her blood with no stinting hand. 1 See, also, a similar order of January 19, 1685. 2 There were thirteen Weymouth men in Captain Johnson's company employed against the Indians in October, 1675. Vinton Memorial (p. 50, n.) 40 But the war of King Philip was ended, and again Wey- mouth lapsed into the old, quiet, steady, uneventful life. During the next ninety years I doubt if anything more momentous occurred within her limits than the burning of the town meeting-house, in 1751. That, however, was a very remarkable year, one still borne in painful recollec- tion, the saddest in the whole history of Weymouth. It has indeed left its mark on the records, Avhere, under date of May 21st, 1752 in the town meeting that day held, it was "Voted to send no representative this present year on account of the great charge of building a Meeting-house, and the extraordinary Sickness that has prevailed in the town in the year past." The meeting-house was burned on the 23d of April, and its destruction was impressed on the recollection of those living in the vicinity by a special circumstance. The fathers of the town had seen fit to utilize the loft over the church as a magazine, and in it was stored the supply of town powder to the very respectable amount of three barrels. Naturally, at the proper moment, this brought the conflagration to a crisis, making, as Parson Smith, the clergyman of the period, has recorded, " a surprising noise when it blew up." The event has also been celebrated in contemporaneous verse by Paul Torrey, the village Milton : " Our powder stock, kept under lock, AVith flints .and bullets were, By dismal blast soon swiftly cast Into the open air." The poet also intimates grave suspicions as to the origin of the fire, and indeed hints at a personal knowledge of the incendiaries, suggesting very radical measures for their detec- tion and extirpation : " O range and search in every arch, And cellar round about ; Search low and high, with hue and cry, To find those rebels out. " I'm satisfy'd they do reside, Some where within the Town ; Therefore no doubt, you'll find them out, By searching up and down. 41 " On trial them we will condemn, The sentence we will give ; Them execute without dispute, Not being fit to live." * History does not record any satisfactory result as attending the poet's search, but in the succeeding year he was tuning his lyre to sing the dedication of a new and more com- modious edifice, erected in place of that which had been destroyed. But the other disaster which made memorable the year 1751 was far more terrible than the destruction of any building the work of human hands. The year was marked by a veritable slaughter of the innocents. Death stalked through the town. Between May, 1751, and May, 1752, a terrible throat distemper so raged among the chil- dren as to amount almost to a pestilence. In October, 1751, alone, thirty died, and in all there perished some one hun- dred and twenty. Out of a population of only twelve hun- dred, no less than one hundred and fifty persons died in the town during that twelvemonth. 2 During the succeeding year the disease gradually disappeared, and has since been almost unknown in Weymouth. Rarely, indeed, however, even in times of plague, has the death-rate exceeded that of Wey- mouth in 1751-2. Broken here and there by such episodes as these, the life of the little settlement flowed on in the general even tenor of its way through the lives of four generations of its children. It was an existence which we now find it difficult to picture. Living as we do in the hurry and bustle of the modern worldf having the record of human life in both hemispheres daily spread before us, moving with ease over two con- tinents in the neighborhood of cities and libraries and gal- leries and theatres, belonging to a civilization enriched with all the accumulated wealth of centuries, accustomed our- selves to large affairs and dealing in millions where in the olden time they talked but of thousands, we, in the year 1874, can hardly stand here, and, looking around from King- 1 Paul Torrey's curious efforts at versification were printed in 1811, in the appen- dix to a discourse of the Rev. Jacob Norton. The author tells us that they were de- signed " to preserve the memory of these remarkable things to future posterity." 2 Sketch of "Weymouth, by Dr. Cotton Tufts. The usual death-rate was sixteen a year. 6 42 Oak Hill picture to ourselves the life led in its neighbor- hood a century and a half ago. To the intense lover of nature, it is true, Weymouth probably then bore a more attractive aspect than now it does, for nature had lavished its gifts upon it with no sparing hand. Eastward the green islands studded the bay, round which the sea sparkled with waters rarely vexed by the keel and never beaten by the paddle, to the north the town of Boston was hidden from sight as it nestled at the feet of its hills, to the west the Blue Hills loomed up in their soft, misty beauty even as they do to-day, they alone unchanged, to the south stretched away the more level forest laud in which the beautiful Weymouth ponds lay quietly imbedded in their native framework of virgin green, while around their shores the wolf still lurked and the swift der bounded. No long rows of piles then broke the swift tide as it ebbed and flowed in the Fore River, no tall chim- neys belched out black smoke on the eastern limit of the town, no phosphate factory at the foot of the Great Hill poisoned the sweet native atmosphere, but the waves rippled on the beach, and rose and fell amid the haunts of the seal and the sea-fowl, even as they did when Thomas Morton of Merry Mount thus described the land : " And when I had more seriously considered of the bewty of the place, with all her faire indowments, I did not thinke that in all the knowne world it could be paralel'd. For so many goodly groues of trees ; dainty fine round rising hillucks : delicate faire large plaines, sweete cristall fountaines, and cleare running streames, that twine in fine meanders through the meads, making so sweete a murmering noise to heare, as would even hill the sences with delight a sleepe, so pleasantly doe, they glide upon the pebble stones, jetting most jocundly where they doe mcotc ; and hand in hand runne downe to Neptunes Court, to pay the yearely tribute, which they owe to him as soveraigne Lord of all the springs." 1 During the early days of the settlement the township was covered with a natural growth of timber, in which the oak, the elm, the chestnut, the ash, the pine and the cedar were mingled ; and through many years the town records bear frequent trace of the jealous care with which the townsmen 1 New English Canaan, p. 41. 43 preserved this great source of beauty and of wealth. 1 As timber, however, became more valuable the forests were encroached upon, until in the third quarter of the last century they had been well nigh destroyed. But, during the earlier years, as one stood on King-Oak Hill, the whole broad pan- orama must have appeared an almost unbroken wilderness of wooded hill and dale, and azure sea and verdant shore ; while here and there, few and far between, could have been discerned the rude belfry of a colonial church; or the long, brown, slop- ing roof and hard angular front of some farmer's house, sur- rounded by barns and buildings more unsightly than itself, protruded its ugliness amidst the open fields upon which the cattle grazed or the ripening harvest waved. Wey mouth was not settled, as were many other towns, with a view to village life, while outlying farms stretched away to the outskirts of the township, here every free-holder seems to have dwelt upon his land. The church and the burying ground were the natural centres of the olden town, but no village then or now has ever gathered about them. Even as late as 1780 there were but about some two hundred houses in all scattered over the whole surface of Weymouth, and these were of the plainest, simplest sort. 2 The men and women who dwelt in them were in great degree cut off from the whole outer world : at least we would think so now. The roads were few and bad ; the chief one, still known as Queen Ann's turnpike, is said to have received its name, not from the sovereign of the loyal colonies, but from the hostess of a little "four corner" inn upon it, who was always known by that royal title. 3 Queen Ann's turnpike was the direct road between Boston and Plymouth, but the time of which I speak was long before the stage-coach era, and the Weymouth man, whom business called to Boston, 1 " Whosoever shall presume to fell or kill or top any tree or trees (after publica- tion hereof or notice given) which growes before his owne or his neighbours Dore, or that stands in any place upon the commons or highwayes which may be for the shaddow either of man or beast or shelter to any house or otherwise for any public use every person so offending shall he lyable to pay for every such tree so feld, topt, or kild 20s. to the Town's use." Records, February 1st, 1867. 2 Sketch of Weymouth, by Dr. Cotton Tufts. 3 This and some other facts I state on the authority of Mrs. Maria W. Chapman, of Weymouth, who very kindly furnished me with much local information which has not heretofore found its way into print. 44 went by water, or drove or walked there over Milton Hill and Roxbury Neck. Nor was that journey to Boston then devoid of danger. Early in the last century, for instance, it is traditionally stated that a party, including two of the principal citizens of Weymouth, while returning by water home from Boston, were overtaken by a snow-storm and wrecked on one of the islands in the bay ; all perished, it is said, save Captain Alexander Nash and a negro servant, through whose devotion his life was saved. 1 If the tradition be true it should be added that Captain Nash's descendants in the present century have repaid the debt due to their ances- tors' slave by long and eminent services in the emancipation of his race. But the story at least illustrates the distance then existing between Boston and Weymouth, * a distance greater for every practical purpose than that now existing between Weymouth and New York. Between Old Spain and Quincy Point, or Wessagusset and Mount Wollaston as they then were called, a ferry was authorized as earlv as 1635, and the rate of ferriage was fixed v O at a penny for each person and at threepence for each horse ; two years later this rate was raised and the ferryman of the day was licensed to keep a house of call. But so far as the whole great outer world was concerned, the earlier dwellers in Weymouth were, through four generations, what we should consider as entombed alive. There was no newspaper, there was no system of public transportation, there was no regular post, between the colonies themselves there was little occasion for intercourse, and Europe was months re- moved. Those freemen who were elected deputies attended the sessions of the General Court ; and now and then the clergyman or the magistrate took part in some solemn con- clave of his brethren at the capital or in a neighboring town. Of the young men, a few went with the fishing fleet to Cape Sables, or sailed on trading voyages to the West Indies or to Spain, thus catching glimpses of the outer world ; but it may well be questioned whether any Weymouth-born woman ever laid eyes on the shores of the mother country 1 Mrs. Chapman's MS. ; and sec Savage's Winthrop, v. 1, p. 286. " "The distance by land from Boston to the confines of the town is 14 miles." Sketch by Dr. Cotton Tufts. 45 during the first hundred and sixty years of the settlement of the town. The men and women of those five generations were a poor, hard-working, sombre race, rising early and working late, laboriously earning their bread by the sweat of their brows. There were no labor reformers then. The men worked in the fields, the women in the house : the first tended the flocks, or planted and gathered the harvest ; the last busied themselves in the dairy and the kitchen, or at the spinning-wheel and the wash-tub. It is a tradition of the daughter of Parson Smith that with her own hands she scrubbed the floor of her bed- room the afternoon before her eldest son, John Quincy Adams, was born. There was no nonsense at least about that people ; every one had work to do, and no one, gentle or simple, was above his work. For years there was a single school in the town, and the teacher was annually engaged by a vote in the town-meeting. 1 Subsequently his teaching was divided, the north precinct receiving eight months of his time and the south four ; but this arrangement not proving satisfactory, the money raised for support of schools was finally divided between the pre- cincts in proportion to their tax, and they were left to apply 1 " At a Generall Town Meeting of the inhabitants of Weymouth the 24th of June, 1689." " The Town past a vote that "William Chard is to serve as Town Clerk." " At a meeting of the Selectmen upon the first day of July 1689 Agreed with Mr. Chard to Ring the Bell & Sweep the Meeting-house to begin the 6th daye of July, and for the time that he performs that work he is to have after the rate of forty shill- ings a year in money or three pounds in town pay." " At a Meeting of the freeholders of the town of Weymouth the 13th day of July 1694." " The Towne past a vote they will have a publique School-master." " At a meeting legally warned for the Inhabitants of the town of Weymouth upon the first of October 1694 to treat concerning a School-master, and it was voted that Mr. Chard should serve as School-master from the date abovesaid till the last of March next ensuing the date hereof, & provided Mr. Chard doe faithfully perform the office of School-master, that is to teach & instruct all children & youth belong- ing to the town in reading & writing & casting of accounts according to the capacitie of those that are sent to him, and according to his own abillitie : under this consideration the town have past a vote upon the aforesaid first of October that Mr. Chard shall have for his sallary for the half year above expressed six pounds in or as money to be levied upon the severall Inhabitants according to proportion by a town rate." The next year (1695) , William Chard was again engaged at five shillings a week, but in 1696 an arrangement was made with Mr. John Copp at 30 a year. The salary of the pastor at this time was " 108 16s. in goods alias money 68" (about 225). 46 it each in its own way. But for us it is most curious to see through all these years how small were the expenses of the town and how large a proportion of the annual tax was applied to education. In the last century, before the War of Independence destroyed all measure of value, 120 ($420) of the old tenor, so called, was the average annual levy, and of this five-sixths went to the support of the schools. Ex- penditures on other accounts were necessarily very small. Until the year 1760 the highways were repaired by the labor of the people of the town, who, for this purpose, appear to have been equally assessed. As, however, the disparity in wealth became greater and this burden heavier, the system was changed, and in 1760 every person paying a poll-tax was called on for a day's labor, which was assessed at 2s. Id. (35 cents), and those who also paid property taxes were further called on for as many additional day's labor as 2s. Id. were contained in the amount of their property tax. 1 The sparsely settled character of the town obviated all necessity of a fire department, though an entry in the records as early as 1651 gives a curious glimpse into the habits and dangers of a com- munity before the blessed invention of lucifer matches. An order was then made by the selectmen, in consideration of "the great loss and damage that many & many a time doth fall out in this Towne by fire ", and because " no effort has been made to restrayne the carringe abroad of fiery sticks . in mens hands, which is exceeding dangerous especially when the wind is high," in view of these facts the town fathers, under a penalty of twenty shillings for each offence, proceeded to forbid any one between March and November from trans- porting " any fire from one place to another than in a pot or other vessell fit for such a purpose and close covered." 2 Until the present century, however, this ordinance seems to have been regarded as sufficient protection against the dangers of conflagration, thus cutting off that heavy item of modern town expenses ; while, so far as salaries were concerned, volumes are contained in the following clause with which the vote of 1651, defining the duties and powers of the selectmen, closed ; "Sixthly Wee willingly grant they shall have their 1 Records : 10th March, 1760. John Adams' Works, vol. 2, p. 118. 2 Records, p. 56. 47 Dynners uppon the Towne's charge when they meet about the Towns affayres." 1 The town government of those days was, indeed, the sim- plest government conceivable. There were the clergyman, for parish and town were one, the school-master, the select- men, the deputy, the constable and the pound-keeper. In the earliest days it was even simpler yet than this, for fre- quent meetings of the whole town were called. But even then it was speedily found that this led to abuses, 2 and, in 1651, a system of two regular town meetings in each year was adopted, and the powers of the selectmen were specifi- cally defined. 3 The continuous record of these meetings through more than a century, at once reveals the slow, un- conscious growth of a great political system, and supplies the amplest evidence of the sameness of a colonial village life. To the student in the science of government these volumes of the Weymouth town records are replete with interest. In them the growth of a system from the root up may be studied. As an observing man turns over the ill-spelt, almost illegi- ble pages, they grow luminous in their bearing on many of the most distressing problems of the age. As Gibbon, from an experience among the yeoman militia of England, derived 1 Records : 26th November, 1651. 2 The " rautifariousness " of such meetings " occacions the neglect of appearance of many whereby things [are] many times carried on by a few in which many or all are concerned which often makes the legality of such proceedings to be questioned," it was therefore voted to thereafter have two regular town meeting in each year in March and November. Records, 1650 (p. 56). a " At a meeting of the Town the 26 th of the 9 th mo*" (November) 1651. " The power that the Towne of Weymouth committeth into the hands of the Select- men for this present year ensueing 1651. " First. Wee give them power to make such orders as may be for the preservation of our intrests in lands & come & grass & Wood & Timber, that none be trans- ported out of the Towns Commons. " Secondly. They shall have power to see that all orders made by the Generall Court shall be observed and also all such orders that are or shal be made which the Towne shall not repeale at their meetinge in the first month. " Thirdly. It shal be lawful for them to take course that dry Cattle be hearded in the woods except calves & Yearlings & that they provide Bulls both for the Cowcs & dry Cattle. "Fourthly. They may issue out all such rates as the Towns occasions shall require & see that they be gathred, that a due account may be given of them. " Fifthly. They may satisfy all graunts provided they satisfy them in due order, and not within two miles of the Meeting-house. " Sixthly. Wee willingly grant they shall have their Dynners uppon the Towns charge when they meete about the Towns afiayres." Records. 48 a certain comprehension of the legionaries of Rome, so the early records of the New England towns make it most manifest to us why the horrors of 1793, and the later ex- cesses of the Commune, are possible in France, and why noth- ing other than a republic is now possible in New England. In these records we see parliamentary institutions stripped of their non-essentials and reduced to first principles ; we see that the New England town-meeting democracy was the purest and simplest government of the people, for the people, which the world has yet produced. Here is a perfect equality, con- trolled by an almost iron law of usage. Year after year every question of common concernment is settled in general town- meeting by a vote of the majority, after a free and full dis- cussion, conducted in perfect deference to a rude parliamen- tary law. The greater number rules, but the minority ever asserts its rights, which are always freely conceded. The pro- tests of the contra dicentes make a part of the records ; the final appeal is made to the courts of law ; the idea of an ultimate resort to force is never even suggested, much less discussed. Thus, through our town records, we are made to realize that republican government is in New England a product of the soil and not an exotic, in France it is a graft, with us it is the stem. The growth of this germ from the town-meeting to the Gen- eral Court, from the General Court to the Continental Congress, and from that to the Government of the United States, and thence back to the great cardinal fact of force, all this is for others to trace. Meanwhile, here to-day, we stand on a rec- ord of two hundred and fifty years of pure democracy, the deep, underlying tap-root of whatever is good in America. And indeed that record relates not to great things. It tells us of the daily life of our fathers. It deals not with theories, but with practical issues. The earlier generations did not realize that they were evolving a system, when they made regulations for the preservation of the town timber and the use of its common grounds ; to check the roving propensities of its hogs, and to prescribe the liberty of the rams or the number of the parish bulls. Yet such was the fact, and the whole developed system of our National Government of to- day may be read in little in the Weyuiouth town records of over a century past. To-day's jealousy of the foreign pro- 49 ducer is there evinced towards those inhabiting the neighbor- ing towns, they must not partake of the privileges of Wey- mouth. The protective system began with the beginning. In the earlier days bounties are offered for the ears of wolves, but later, as the wilderness is subdued, these are dropped from the record and the crow and the black- bird are proscribed in their place. Now and again we find the town entering on some system of encouragement to a new branch of industry, making a grant of land there- for ; 1 but the herring fishery and the passage of the ale- wives into Great Pond have left, perhaps, the deepest mark on the town records. The annual passage of the fish up the Back River was an event in the life of Weymouth, exciting the liveliest interest in old and young. For this really great boon the town was indebted to Adam Gushing, one of its prominent citizens in the provincial times. Mr. Gushing died in the year of the great sickness, 1751, and seems to have been a truly remarkable man. About 1730 he bethought himself of bringing some herring, during the spawning sea- son, over from Taunton River to the Great Pond. He did so, himself superintending the work of transportation, and seeing to it that fresh water was properly supplied to the fish. It would seem, therefore, that through him Weymouth may claim a place of one hundred and forty years' standing in the interesting history of pisciculture in Massachusetts. 2 These records also reveal to us very clearly what a singu- larly conservative race our ancestors were, in this respect 1 March 7, 1698. " Voted that John Torrey, Tanner, for the encouragement of his trade shall have twelve pole of land joining to his fathers land out of the towns com- mons for a tanyard so long as there shall be use for it for that trade in this Town." March 7th, 1715. " At the said Meeting John Torrey, James Humphrey, Joseph Torrey, Ezra Wfcitmarsh, Enoch Lovell, Ebenezer Pratt & divers others their partners who had agreed to begin a fishing trade to Cape-sables, requested of the town that they might have that piece or parcel of land at the mouth of the fore river in the northerly part of Weymouth called and known by the name of Hunts Hill and the low land and Beach adjoining thereunto, that is so much as they shall need for the management of said fishing trade. The Town after consideration thereof Voted that they should have the said land and Beach to manage their fishing trade." March 13, 1727. " Voted at the aforesaid meeting whether the Town will give to Doctor White five acres of Land below Hill that was formerly granted to John Vinson provided the said Doctor White continues in the town of Weymouth and in practice of physick, & in case he shall remove out of town said White to purchase said land or to return it to the Town again. It passed in the affirmative." 3 Mrs. Chapman's MS. And see Records, 1st March, 1731. 7 50 how different from their children. They clung very close to authority, to tradition and to precedent. The conditions by which they were surrounded changed but slowly, and they themselves changed more slowly yet. What volumes, for instance, in this respect, are contained in this single fact : in 1651 the town, in six brief articles, defined the powers of its selectmen, and more than sixty years later, in 1712, 1 find the following entry in the records : " Voted the Selectmen the same power they had granted in the year 1651. " J Again, to cite another example : Weymouth then, as now, had among its citizens a James Humphrey, and, under' date of March 12th, 1781, I find this entry: "Voted That the thanks of the Town be given to the Hou ble James Humphrey Esq r . for his faithful services as a selectman in the Town for more than forty years past." Unlike so many of her sister towns, the Weymouth of to-day has never, even yet, learned enough of the science of true republican government to "rotate " its town officials. When they have had a man who was willing to serve them well and faithfully, they have actually kept him in office. The James Humphrey of the last century served the town " over forty years " ; the James Humphrey of this has already served it nearly twenty-five. I do not know if it indeed was so, but to me the very nature of the New England world seems to have been less cheerful in those earlier days than now. Not only was life less joyous, but nature wore a harsher front. I have spoken of the great sickness of 1751, and how it desolated Wey- mouth ; but epidemics seem to have been far more prevalent during the last century than in this. The fearful scourge of the small-pox has left its pit-marks on every page of early New England history, and when, in 1775, a chronic dysen- tery prevailed to such an extent that three, four and even five children were lost in single families, a Weymouth woman writing from the midst of the general distress could only say " the dread upon the minds of the people of catching the distemper is almost as great as if it were the small-pox." 2 Yet in 1735 the diphtheria raged, as well as in 1751. Their 1 Sec Records, 3d March, 1712. " Letters of Mrs. Adams (ed. 1848) p. xxxvi. 51 winters also seem to have been longer, their snows deeper, their frosts more severe than ours. In 1717 there was a great snow-storm, famous in New England annals. The country w T as buried under huge drifts, which swept over fences and houses, reducing the whole colony to one white, glittering desert. Weymouth disappeared with the rest, and the event was of sufficient importance to cause a memoran- dum of it to be inserted in the records. 1 In other years we hear of the harbor freezing over in November ; and on the 26th of March, 1785, the winter's snow, though much reduced, lay still on a level with the fences, nor was it till April 7th that the ice broke up in the Fore River. 2 I doubt whether any man now living has witnessed a like occurrence. A severer climate and harsher visitations seem strictly in keeping with the character of the people. The religious ele- ment which led to the settlement of New England still strongly asserted itself in the life and customs of the colony. Wealth had hardly yet begun to exercise its subtle influence upon it. Indeed, though almost all were prosperous there was little of what can properly be called wealth in the com- munity, but there was equally little poverty. The people lived in rude abundance, and I do not believe that during the first hundred years of the history of Weymouth as many per- sons received public aid of the town. Certainly the method of dealing with pauperism, where it occasionally appears in the records, was primitive in the extreme, and scarcely com- mends itself to modern theories. 3 But as a rule there appears to have been a strikingly equal division of such property as the people had, which lay almost wholly in their cattle and their lands ; accumulation had scarcely begun. 1<( An exceeding great snow on February 21st, 1717." Records (v. 1, p. 270). It is the single record of the kind. 2 MS. memorandum of Dr. Cotton Tufts. 3 The following record, for instance, is a little suggestive of what is now called " baby farming," though we know in that society it led to fewer abuses. At a town meeting in Weymouth, August 28, 1733, " Voted by the Town to give Twenty pounds to any person that will take two of the Children of the Widow Ruth Harvey (that is) the Eldest Daughter and one of the youngest Daughters (a twin) and take the care of them untill they be eighteen years old. " Voted that the Selectmen shall take care of the other (twin) a youngest daughter of the widow Ruth Harvey, and put it out as reasonably as they can." The following also has a strange sound to modern ears, from the Record of March llth, 1771 : " Voted to sell the Poor that are maintained by the town for this present year at a Vendue to the lowest bidder." Records (v. 1, pp. 318, 438). 52 We are always accustomed to regard the past as a better and purer time than the present, there is a vague, tradi- tional simplicity and innocence hanging about it almost Arca- dian in character. I can find no ground on which to base this pleasant fancy. Taken altogether I do not believe that the morals of Weymouth or of her sister towns were on the average as good in the eighteenth century as in the nine- teenth. The people were sterner and graver, the law and the magistrate were more severe, but human nature was the same and w 7 ould have vent. There was, I am inclined to think, more hypocrisy in those days than now, but I have seen nothing which has led me to believe that the women were more chaste, or that the men were more temperate, or that, in proportion to population, fewer or lees degrading crimes were perpetrated. Certainly the earlier generations were as a race not so charitable as their descendants, and less of a spirit of kindly Christianity prevailed among them. But in those days enjoyment itself was almost a crime, and every pleasure was thought to be a lure of the devil and close upon the boundary line to guilt. Holidays, accordingly, were few and far between. The May-pole disappeared w r ith the wild Morton of Merry Mount. During the colonial period, elec- tion or training day was what the Fourth of July is to us, the great anniversary of the year, on which the whole com- munity came as near to unbending as it knew how. Thanks- giving and the annual fast were both church days ; Guy Fawkes' day was notorious for its noisy revels ; Sunday was devoted to nominal rest and veritable exhortation. On that day, every one not an infant attended church and the infants were left alone at home. 1 From Saturday evening to Monday morning all labor ceased, the voices of the children were 1 " There fell out (1642) a very sad accident at Wcymoutli. One Richard Sylvester, having three small children, he and bis wife going to the assembly, upon the Lord's day, left their children at home. The eldest was without doors looking to some cattle ; the middle-most, being a son about five years old, seeing his father's fowling piece, (being a very great one,) stand in the chimney, took it and laid it upon a stool, as he had seen his father do, and pulled up the cock, (the spring being weak,) and put down the hammer, then went to the other end and b lowed in the mouth of the piece, as he had seen his father also do, and with that stirring the piece, being charged, it went off, and shot the child into its mouth and through his head. When the father came home he found his child lie dead, and could not have imagined how he should 53 hushed, the blinds were drawn, and a quiet, which was not rest, pervaded the town. The lecture and the sermon were the events of the week, they supplied the place of the theatre, the novel and the newspaper, they were listened to and discussed and commented upon by old and young, and, so far as my investigations have enabled me to judge, the stiffest of orthodoxy was ever preached from the Weymouth pulpit. In the earty days, however, the clergy of New England were an aristocracy, almost a caste. Not, of course, an aristocracy of wealth, but of education, tradition and faith, a veritable priesthood in fact. The tie between the pastor and his people partook almost of the nature of the wedding bond ; there was a sanctity about it ; it was well-nigh indis- soluble. But in its earliest period Weymouth was not fortu- nate in these relations. Prior to 1635 the plantation was too poor and too small in numbers to maintain a church, but that year one was gathered, being the eleventh of the colony. 1 Of Mr. Hull, the first authentic pastor, it can only be said that he preached in Weymouth for several years, and then his connec- tion with the church was dissolved. There seems indeed at this time to have been a serious schism in the infant settlement, for, while Mr. Hull arrived in 1635 and preached his farewell sermon in May, 1639, yet as early as January, 1638, the elders of Boston had come to Weymouth, and had there demonstrated the efficacy of prayer by effecting a reconciliation between one Mr. Jenner and his people. The reconciliation seems to have been but temporary, for, after representing the town as deputy in the General Court in 1640, in 1641 Mr. Jenuer removed to Saco. Meanwhile, in 1637, the Rev. Mr. Lenthall also appears upon the Weymouth stage, bringing have been so killed, but the youngest child, (being but three years old, and could scarce speak,) showed him the whole manner of it." Savage's Winthrop, (vol. 2, p. 77). Weymouth, June 1st, 1775. " Voted that the Soldiers from the age of Sixteen to Sixty appear with their arms upon Lords Days on penalty of forfeiting a Dollar each Lords Day for their neglect. That those Soldiers who tarry at home upon the Lords day, Except they can make a Reasonable Excuse therefor Shall forfeit two Dollars." Records. 1 Savage's Winthrop, v. 1, p. 94, n. See Johnson's Wonder Working Providence, chap. 10. 54 with him the pestilential doctrines of Mrs. Hutchinson in regard to justification before faith and other equally incom- prehensible theses, which came so near working the destruc- tion of the infant colony. A movement was started inviting Mr. Lenthall to settle and organize a new church. It was apparently making rapid headway when the magistrates of the colony energetically interfered to put a stop to it. In March, 1638, Mr. Lenthall accordingly, with some of his leading supporters, was summoned to appear before the General Court, and made to see good reason why, with expressions of deep contrition, he should make a retraction of his heresies in writing and in open court. Upon this, he was, with some opposition, dismissed without a fine, but only on condition that he was to make a similar public recantation in Wey mouth, and should also be on hand when the next General Court assembled. His followers did not escape so easily ; one of them was heavily fined, another was disfranchised, a third, having no means wherewith to pay a fine, was publicly whipped, and a fourth, "because of his novel disposition," received a significant intimation to the eflect that the General Court "were weary of him, unless he reform." Shortly after this miscarriage, features in which are unpleasantly suggestive of inquisitorial proceedings in other lands, the Rev. Mr. Lenthall seems to have left Weymouth, for he is next heard of in Rhode Island, that blessed asylum for the persecuted of Massachusetts. 1 Mr. Lenthall, however, represented only a schism in the Weymouth church ; Mr. Jeuner was the minister in the line of true succession. He retired to Maine in 1640 and was succeeded in his pastorate by Mr. Newman, who at last brought with him peace to the distracted church. He must have been a very superior man, able, learned and faithful. Educated at Oxford, he had preached many years in England before coming to this country in 1638. He then spent some time in Dorchester, and was subsequently invited to Wey- mouth, where he settled and remained until he migrated with the larger portion of his people to Rehoboth. He is the real author of the Concordance to the Bible which goes under i Savage's Winthrop, v. 1, p. 287. 55 Cruclen's name ; for it was he who prepared the basis of the work, which was subsequently finished and published at Cambridge. 1 The- Weymouth church had now had three preachers in nine years, but the day of short pastorates was over. The. Eev. Thomas Thacher was ordained as the successor of Mr. Newman in 1644, and there remained, beloved and respected of his people, for twenty years. Then marrying a second time, and his parish being unable to afford him a sufficient maintenance, 2 he moved to Boston, the home of his wife, and in him Weymouth lost at once its spiritual and its medical adviser, for Mr. Thacher was a skilful physician as well as a learned divine. Subsequently, in 1669, he became the first pastor of the Old South Church, in Boston, in which position he died, in 1678, leaving behind him a race of descendants whose names are familiar through a century of colonial annals. To Mr. Thacher's pastorate of twenty years succeeded the fifty-one years of the learned and exemplary Samuel Torrey, the trusted adviser of the magistrates of his day, the intimate friend of all its leading divines, thrice invited to preach the election sermon, twice called to the presidency of Harvard College. Mr. Torrey enjoyed a very remarkable gift of prayer, so that it is told of him that upon the occasion of a public fast, in 1696, after all the other exercises, he prayed for two hours, and that so acceptably that his auditors, when towards the close he hinted at some new 'and agreeable fields of thought, could not help wishing him to enlarge upon them. 3 He died deeply lamented at the age of seventy- six, in the year 1707. Peter Thacher succeeded Mr. Torrey in the year of the ' latter's death, and continued in his ministry eleven years ; being followed, in 1719, by Thomas Paine, whose connection with the church continued until dissolved, at his own request, in 1734. He then retired to Boston, where he ended his life, 1 The best account of Mr. Newman and his Concordance is found in Bliss' History of Rehoboth, It is a singular fact that William Blackstone should have gone from Boston to Rehoboth, and been followed there by an emigration from Wessagusset, which place he had probably abandoned when he went to Boston. 2 II. Mass. Hist. Coll., v. 7, p. 11. s Eliot's Biographical Dictionary. 56 and his body was brought back to Weymouth for burial beside his children. He was the father aiid the grandfather of those Robert Treat Paiues, the line of which is continued to the present day. In 1734 the Rev. William Smith was settled as the eighth successive pastor of the first church, and so continued for forty-nine years, and until after the close of the colonial period. Mr. Smith was beloved and respected through his long ministry by his people, but to posterity he is chiefly known as the father of her who proved to be the most famous child of Weymouth. The familiar anecdote of Parson Smith's sermons on the marriages of his two daughters does not need to be repeated here. 1 Whether the good old pastor did or did not prepare the wedding discourse for Abigail's benefit from so very unsavory a text as that "John came neither eating nor drinking, and men say he hath a devil," we cannot now tell ; the anecdote rests on tradition alone. Let us hope, however, that he did, for he lived to see his daughter's choice justified in the eyes of the most doubting of his parishioners ; though he had himself already been thirteen years in his grave when, on the 8th of February, 1797, that daughter wrote to her husband in these solemn words, breathing the full spirit of the dead divine : " You have this day to declare yourself head of a nation. 'And now, O Lord, my God, thou hast made thy servant ruler over the people. Give unto him an understanding heart, that he may know how to go out and come in before this great people ; that he may discern between good and bad. For who is able to judge this thy so great a people ? ' . . . My thoughts and my meditation are with you, though personally absent ; and my petitions to Heaven are, that f the things which make for peace may not be hidden from your eyes.'" 2 But it is necessary to go back to the year 1765, when the long, monotonous quiet of over a century was to be broken for Weymouth and all her sister towns by the deep though distant mutter ings of an impending war. The first notes of the struggle then break sharply in on the peaceful sameness of 1 It can be found in the preface (pp. xxviii, xxix) of the Letters of Mrs. Adams (ed. 1848). 2 Letters of Mrs. Adams (ed. 1848), p. 374. or the town records like the blast of a trumpet. The Stamp Act had been passed, and the August riots had taken place in Boston. Mr. Oliver had been forced to resign his office, and the house of the Lieutenant-Governor had been sacked. The odious act was to take effect on the 1st of November, and a special session of the General Court had been called to take into consideration the course it was incumbent on the colony to pursue. The representative of Weymouth in those days was James Humphrey, Esq. Under these circum- stances a meeting of the freemen was held on the 16th of October, at which Dr. Cotton Tufts was chosen Moderator, and a ringing address ot instructions to Master Humphrey, as he was called, was voted and entered at length upon the records. The spirit of the ancient town was up, and its voice emitted no uncertain sound. Cotton Tufts was at that time thirty-four years of age. He was fully imbued with the patriotic spirit of the day, and was, in his own vicinage, a leading itoan. It is to his pen that the papers now entered on the town records are in all probability to be credited. 1 Presently the government of the mother country somewhat receded from its position, and, during the loyal reaction which ensued, a draft of a measure indemnifying the sufferers in the August riots was submitted to the General Court. A special town meeting was held on September 1, 1766, and the town refused to give its assent to the payment of damages out of the public treasury. But another meeting was held on the 1st of December, when written instructions were entered at length on the records, again embodying the full rebel spirit of the day, but this time, and under strict condi- tions, authorizing Master Humphrey to vote for the proposed compensation. In 1768 came the news that the British regiments were ordered to Boston. A committee of the Boston town-meet- ing, called in consequence of this announcement, waited on Governor Bernard with a request, among other things, that the General Court should be convened. Meeting with a refusal, the Boston people took the matter into their own hands, and instructed their selectmen to invite, by circular 1 That part of the town records which relates to the revolutionary period will prob- ably be printed in full in the History of Weymouth, now in course of preparation. 58 letter, all the towns in the colony to send representatives to assemble in convention, at Boston, on the 22d of September. Over one hundred towns complied with this bold invitation, thus overriding the royal governor, and convening an assem- bly which, though it sat but four days, and carefully avoided any claim to a legal existence, was, in everything but in name, a house of representatives. In this convention sat James Humphrey, under instructions to be there from the town of Wey mouth. More than five years now passed away during which the controversy between the mother country and the colonies was continually approaching a crisis, but they left no mark on the records of Weymouth. Then arose the question as to the tax on tea. Early in December, 1773, the famous town meeting had been held in Faneuil Hall, at which the resolve was passed, "that if any person or persons shall hereafter import tea from Great Britain, or if any master or masters of any vessel or vessels in Great Britain shall take the came on board to be transported to this place, until the unrighteous act shall be repealed, he, or they, shall be deemed by this body an enemy to his country, and we will prevent the land- ing and sale of the same, and the payment of any duty thereon, and will effect the return thereof to the place from whence it shall come." 1 Copies of this resolve were sent to all the sea-port towns in the Province. A few days later, on the night of December 16th, the celebrated tea-party took place in the Old South Church and on the wharves of Boston. In response to the resolve a special town meeting was held in Weymouth on Monday, January 3d, 1774, at which it was resolved by a very large majority, after some debate, that the inhabitants of the town would neither purchase nor make use of any teas, excepting such as they might happen then to have on hand, until Parliament repealed the odious duty upon it. On the 28th of September the town again met and chose a representative to the General Court, which convened at Salem on the 5th of October ; no other instructions were given to him than those adopted by Boston for its own repre- sentatives, copies of which had been freely circulated. A committee had been appointed at a town meeting 1 Hutcliinson, v. 3, p. 432. 59 held in July to procure signatures to the Joseph Warren "Solemn League and Covenant," which had been sent forth by the Boston committee of correspondence on the 5th of June. This measure was subsequently adopted by the Congress then sitting at Philadelphia, and recommended under the name of a Continental Association. So, on the 23d of December 1774, at the close of the evening lecture, the roll of the inhabitants of Weymouth was called and each man voted yea or nay on the question of the approval of the association. The two precincts voted separately ; in each one hundred and twenty-three names were called, .beginning with the two clergymen ; in the first precinct, one hundred and thirteen answered to their names, of whom one hundred and nine voted "yea"; in the second precinct, out of one hundred and three voting, not one responded "nay." On the 30th of January the town again met and voted "To bare the constables of 1773 harmless in not carrying their money to Haryson Gray," he being the royalist treasurer of the Province ; and further directed that the funds on hand should be turned over to the town treasurer. On the 9th of March this vote was reconsidered, and the money was directed to be paid to Henry Gardner of Stow, who now represented the patriot exchequer. At this meeting, too, the question was agitated of raising a company of minute-men, but the motion to that effect was not then carried. On the 27th of the same month, however, another town meeting was held and the action of the previous meeting was reconsidered, the town voting to raise a com- pany of fifty-three men, who were to receive one shilling a week each for four weeks, and were to be drilled two half days a week. Upon the 2d of May another town meeting was held, and upon the 9th yet another. The affairs at Lex- ington and Concord had now taken place, and the greatest anxiety prevailed through all the towns in the vicinity of Boston. They were ever looking for similar enterprises. So at the first of these two meetings provision was made for a military guard of fifteen men, and at the second a committee of correspondence was organized, at the head of which were placed Dr. Tufts and Colonel Lovell. Twelve clays later, early on Sunday, the 21st of May, the news was brought to the town that three sloops and a cutter had, during the pre- 60 vious night, come down from Boston and had anchored at the mouth of the Fore River. A landing was momentarily expected, and it was even reported to have taken place, and that three hundred soldiers were advancing on the town. Three alarm guns were fired, the bells were rung and the drums beat to arms. The panic and confusion were very great and worth recording, for it is the only time in the long history of the town that Weymouth has ever had cause to fear that a civilized and disciplined foe was at her threshold. Every house below the present North Weymouth station was deserted by the women and children. Mr. Smith's family fled from the old parsonage, and Dr. Tufts' wife, being ill at the time, had a bed thrown into a cart, and, putting herself upon it, was driven to Bridge water as a place of security ; and, indeed, tradition says that other ladies of Weymouth gave evidence that morning of an abundant vitality, and dis- played truly remarkable powers of locomotion. Meanwhile Dr. Tufts himself was busy serving out rations and supplying ammunition to the minute-men, who poured rapidly in from Hingham and Randolph and Braiutree and all the neighboring towns, until nearly 2,000 of them were on the ground. Then it was discovered that the enemy were only foraging, and were engaged in removing hay from Grape Island. By the time they had secured about three tons, the minute-men had brought a sloop and lighter round from Hingham on which they put out for the island, whereupon the enemy decamped. 1 It was a mere alarm in which no one was hurt, but it showed the spirit of the town even though it only resulted in the destruction of the hay, which doubtless Gen. Ward's army needed, and which, had they been older soldiers, the minute- men would have brought away instead of burning. Towards the middle of July again, a small party, among whom was Captain Goold of the Weymouth company, with twenty-five of his men, went out from the Moon Head and burned a house and a barn full of hay on Long Island. On this occasion they had a sharp skirmish, for the British men- of-war lying in the harbor sent out their cutters to intercept the party. They all, however, got back safely except one man of the covering force on Moon Head, who was killed by a 1 Letters of Mrs. Adams, pp. 26, 33. 61 cannon-ball. That night a sloop of war dropped down to the Fore River, but attempted nothing beyond creating another alarm. And this experience from time to time was repeated, until at last, in the spring of 1775, Boston was evacuated; and upon the 14th of June following, in consequence of military movements on the islands in the harbor, the last remnant of the British fleet put to sea, and the towns border- ing on the bay were thereafter allowed to rest in peace. During the year 1775 ten town-meetings had been held in "Weymouth, and seven were held in 1776. And now we enter on a new phase of the struggle for independence. For us, with our recollections of the war of the rebellion still fresh in our memories, it is most curious to read these ancient records, to observe how closely history repeats itself. We well remember the fierce, self-sacrificing patriotism of 1861, how the country was all alive with eagerness, how money was poured forth like water and how regiments enlisted faster than they could be put into the field. We remember how this lasted through a short six months, and how we then began to realize what war meant. Then bounties began to be paid, then enlistments grew more difficult just in proportion as the call for men became more pressing, then values were unsettled, prices rose, the feverish glow of excitement faded away, and stern-visaged war gradually assumed her whole hateful front. We generally, too, are apt to imagine that the earlier days were less selfish, more self-sacrificing, more harmonious than our own. The records tell a different story. The declaration of independence had only Just been ventured upon, it was not yet entered upon the records of Weymouth, "there to remain as a perpetual memorial," when on the 15th of July, 1776, a town meeting was held to secure the enlist- ment of ten men for the continental army, that being, the quota of the town. It was voted to raise 130, in order to give to each recruit a town bounty of 13 in addition to the state bounty of 7, making a bounty of 20 to each man. It was also voted to allow the citizens of Weymouth two days in which to enlist, after which a committee of two was to go forth in search of recruits elsewhere. But before the 22d of the month eight men more were called for, and so at its adjourned meeting the town had to increase its appropriation 62 to 234, a portion of which sum was borrowed of Captain James White for one year, being the earliest record of a Wey mouth town debt. 1 To the Weymouth of that day these eighteen men were the equivalent of about one hundred and thirty now ; and they were raised to take part in the unfortunate Canada campaign under Arnold and Montgomery. How many of them ever returned we cannot tell, but the weary sons of Weymouth in 1776 doubtless found final resting-places in the wilds of Maine or beneath the snows of Canada, as more recently they found them in the swamps of the Chickahominy or beneath the torrid sun of Louisiana. By December of that year twenty-two more men went into the continental service, under Lieutenant Kingman ; and now the bounty was three 1 The history of this loan is curious and suggestive. It may be traced through the following entries in the town records. July 22nd 1776. "Voted that the Town Treasurer Borrow the afforesaid sum of 234 & give the Towns security with Interest for the Same." " July 23d 1776 the Town Treasurer Borrowed of Capt James White 130 and gave the Towns Security to pay the same in twelve months with interest." April 7th 1783. " Voted to allow unto Captain James White the Depreation on some money that he lent to the Town. "Whereas in the year 1776 Capt. James White lent the Town 130 and took it in again in 1778, and Took only the nominal Sum, the Town Voted that Capt. White should have the Depreation that was on money when Capt. White's money was in the hands of the Town. Said Term of Time will be made to appear by a Receipt from Capt. Whitman. " Voted that any others that are under like Circumstances with Capt. White, that have Lent Money to the Town and have Taken it in again, that they be allowed the Depreation that was on money while theres was in the Hands of the Town. " Nath 1 Bayley Esq. Hon' James Humphrey Esq. & Col. Asa White were Chosen a Committee for the above purpose of Scttleing the Depreation with Capt. James White and others." May 13th 1783. " A motion was made and Seconded to Reconsider a Vote that was past at a town meeting on April the 7th with regard to making up the Deprecea- tion to Capt. James White and others that lent money to the town and rec' 1 it again in the Nominal Sum and it passed in favour of Reconsidering of Said Vote." September 16th 1783. " A Town Meeting in Consequence of Capt. James White's Commencing an action on the Town. " A motion was made and Seconded to no if it was the minds of the People to stand Capt. White in the Law and it passed in favor of it. " Voted to Chuse Two agents to act in Behalf of the Town against Capt. James White, even to final Judgment and Execution. " The lion 1 ' Cotton Tufts Esq Solomon Lovcll Esq ware Chosen ( c^f^ftee) for the above purpose. " Voted that the ajcnts be impowcrcd to Draw Money out of the Town Treasury to Defend the Town against Capt. White even to final Judgment and Execution they to Render an accompt how they disposed of the money. " Voted to adjourn the meeting to the 22nd of this instant Sep lir at of the Clock in the afternoon." 63 pounds per mouth for three months. 1 It was shortly before this time that a Weymouth-born woman, writing from the next town of Braintree, thus described the aspect of affairs : " I am sorry to see a spirit so venal prevailing everywhere. When our men were drawn out for Canada a very large bounty was given them ; and now another call is made upon us, no one will go without a large bounty, though only for two months, and each town seems to think its honor engaged outbidding the others. The province pay is forty shillings. In addition to that this town voted to make it up six pounds. They then draw out the persons most unlikely to go, and they are obliged to give three pounds to hire a man. Some pay the whole fine, ten pounds. Forty men are now drafted from this town. More than one-half, from sixteen to fifty, are " Sep br 22d 1783. Meet at the adjournment and as neither of the ajents had Taken the advice of a Lawyer Voted to adjourn to monday 29th of this instant September at 10 of the Clock foornoon." " Sep br 29th 1783 meet on the adjournment and further adjourned to October 6th 1783." " October 6th 1783, meet on the adjournment. Voted that the ajents (if occation for it) appeal to the Superior Court at february Next, the Meeting Dissolved." " Weymouth March the 8th 1784. " the Agents appointed to defend the Town in an action brought by Capt. James "White, on a Note paid him in Paper money ; found that the Town was not in a Ca- pacity to tender the money for the Note of Hand due and therefore that the Costs and Charges of Court would fall upon the Town, whether the Demand for Depreciation on Said note paid was finally Decided in his Favour or not, they also found that a much heaver Expence to the Town would arise from Carrying on the Suit to final Judgment than they Concieved that the Town was aware, off this induced your Agents to Listen to Some Proposals made by Capt White : (Viz) To Pay the Cost that had then arisen, to allow him Compound Interest on his Note that was due and to Estimate the Depre- ciation thereon from the month of June his note being Dated the first of July. He alledging that notwithstanding as their was but one Day that made the Difference; it was hard that the whole month of July should be taken in for the Estimate they accordingly made the Calculation and Certified the same to the Town Treasurer, who Settled with Capt. James White Conformably thereunto, and the Action was dropt never having had a Tryall. As youre Agents conducted in this matter, as they Appre- hended for the best Interest of the Town they flatter themselves that then 1 Conduct will meet with the Approbation of the Town, and that the Town will Confirm the Doeings of their Treasurer thereon. The Hon ble Cotton Tufts Es pillars' within and by strong aids outside its pale. " There were giants in the earth in those days," and some of the true Puritan race in Weymouth. Nor did the race become extinct with their death. They left behind them a seed whose children and children^- children, in suc- cessive generations, have been faithful to the trust committed to them by the fathers, in maintaining religious institutions for their own and the public good. This, certainly, is the testimony of the observation and experience of thirty-five years of pastoral work with the descendants of the founders of the First Church in Wey- mouth. The same was the testimony of one who had been pastor of this church about forty years, when, near the beginning of my pastorate, he said to me, " The best wish I can leave with you is, that you may have as many and happy years among this people as I had." When a church comes down the centuries crowned with the testimony of its successive pastors to its fidelity and purity in doctrine and practice, in maintaining and perpetuating its institu- tions and ordinances in its old age, surely it is worthy of being commended and honored on the occasion of the two hundred and fiftieth anniversary of its birth. The churches which have grown up around it, and surely those which sprang from it, have good reason to rejoice in a parentage so venerable and worthy of grate- ful remembrance. Not in this world will it be fully known what has been the power of this church for good, and what the aggre- gate influence exerted by it in the far off, bygone years, upon the churches around and the community at large. The two hundred and fifty years of its record are closed and sealed until a future revelation. May the coming centuries have a record that shall correspond to the increase of knowledge and activities of the times upon which it has already entered and through which it has yet to pass. In the end may it be worthy of the plaudit, " Well done, good and faithful." ELIAS S. BEALS, Esq., of Weymouth, who had formerly been largely engaged in the manufacture of boots and shoes, had been invited by the Committee to speak in response to the following sentiment: "The Manufacturers of Weymouth they furnish understandings to millions of the human race." 102 Owing to the lateness of the hour when reached, it was decid- ed expedient to omit this and the several other remaining sentiments designed to be- offered ; but the subject of that above recited being of very grea't 'interest to our citizens, it has been thonghr, desirable t'o seCiire'the preservation, in this form, of the knowledge of 'such 'fact's in relation to this prin- cipal business of the town, as the large experience and op- portunities of Mr. BEALS would enable him to present ; and in reply to the Committee's request he has furnished for publica- tion the following appropriate response to that sentiment : I like this sentiment for the spark of wit it contains, as well as for its substantial truthfulness. There is a happy coincidence regarding this matter of " understandings," in that the good under- standing of the heads of the manufacturers enabled them to pro- duce understandings for the feet that recommended themselves to the understanding heads of a multitude of people, thus theoretically causing " both ends to meet." This sentiment has reference mainly, of course, to the production of boots and shoes. For the first hundred and fifty years after its settlement it is probable that Weymouth manufactured no more boots and shoes than were sufficient to supply its own inhabitants ; but about one hundred years ago it commenced in a small waj* to make a very few for the Boston retail market. Everything then, and for the next fifty or sixt}' years, was done b}* hand, with the simplest kind of tools. From fifty down to thirty years ago, the Merritts made, by hand, at their little forge, nearly all the tools that were used in this and the neighboring towns in making boots and shoes ; and excellent tools they made, too. Tools or implements, which might with any degree of propriety be called machines to aid in making boots and shoes, are of recent date. Only about forty years ago, iron-jawed clamps, for holding boots and shoes whilst being " seamed up," first made their appear- ance ; and they veiy soon supplanted the old wooden article, some- times made of barrel staves, which was before used for that pur- pose. Next came along sole-leather rollers and sole-leather cutters of various kinds ; and then came heel-making machines, sewing, pegging, nailing and many other machines, thick and fast, machine after machine, until now the morning's calm is broken })} the shrieks of steam-whistles in numerous localities, and the constant roar and clatter of the machines set in motion for the manufacture of boots and slices by steam's mighty power almost bewilders our senses. Less than seventy-five years ago the boot and shoe bosses, as 103 they were called, made only a few dozen pairs a month or week ; and those few goods they carried to Boston by water, in a packet, from Weymouth Landing, or on horseback, in panniers, and sometimes even on foot. There are present here to-day several of the children of a man who once carried, on foot, a back-load of shoes to Boston to sell, and who brought home in the same manner a side of sole- leather and a sheet-iron shop-stove, besides other articles. Think of that, you manufacturers who now ride in silk-velvet cushioned railway-cars at the rate of thirty miles an hour when on business, and who drive pairs of prancing steeds at a two-forty pace when riding for pleasure. Many other persons in this town performed exploits similar to that of the man of whom I have spoken. The father of some who are now before me has more than once brought, on foot, goods from Boston to sell from his retail-store. And an elderly woman who lived less than a mile from this spot, about eighty years ago, once bought a bedstead in Boston and brought it home on. her own shoulders, coming by the then only way of Boston Neck and Paine's Hill, taking one-half of it along about a mile, and then going back and taking the other half about a mile ahead of the first-named half, and repeating her travels until the whole of the bedstead was landed at her home. That was an exhibition of pluck and perseverance hard to be beaten. She wanted a bedstead and she got it, herself. Less than twenty years ago, in 1855, the value of all the boots and shoes manufactured in Weymouth for that year was put down at $1,593,080 ; and now the value of those articles manufactured in this town for a year is probably considerable more than $5,000,000. Then, in 1855, the entire value of all the manufactures of all kinds in this town was but $2,101,330 for the year, while now it will prob- ably far exceed $7,000,000 for that length of time. The immense advance stride in manufactures in this town during the last twenty-five years is perfectly astonishing. It exhibits itself in all parts of the town nearly alike. Compare the town as it was onl} T twenty-five years ago with what it is to-day, with its magnifi- cent churches and school-houses, its wonderful manufactories of various kinds, its splendid private residences, and its new and widened and straightened streets and avenues, thickly bordered throughout all the town with neat, convenient and handsomely painted dwelling-houses and stables, with scarcel}- an unsightly or dilapidated building to be seen within all its borders. Nearly all of this change has been wrought bj* means of the skill and energy of our manufacturers. May they continue their onward progress, and may the prosperity of themselves, and of the town generally, go on increasing forever. 104 The following hymn, composed for the occasion, with the accompanying music, by JOHN J. LOUD, Esq., of Weymouth, was then sung : * I --- I^^R I 4V-J -- lnjipjzr 1. Our Fathers bequeath'd this fair her-i - tage to us, Thro' toil and thro' i j dan-ger they'd made it their own : O long may their mem'ry be cherish'd with =: T -J -H 34-fiv - 1 - hon - or, Their names and their vir - tues thro' a - ges be known. 2. To gain here a refuge they crossed the dread ocean, They bid farewell bravely to kindred and home ; We reap the reward of their noble devotion, We gather rich harvests from seeds they have sown. 3. give them the praise of an earnest endeavor, The germs of true growth in this nation to plant ; For righteousness ever exalteth a people ; To greed and oppression no blessing He'll grant. 4. Then boast of your sires, sons of Weymouth, forever! Their deeds on the record shine fair as the morn ; Though silent their voices, most grandly these call you Your own generation to serve and adorn. These exercises were interspersed with excellent music by Stetson's Weymouth Band (including the performance of the "General Bates Quickstep," composed by Mr. W. F. BUR- 105 RELL, of Weymouth) , and by Bowies' South Abington Band; and at noon, during the moving of the procession, a salute of one hundred guns was fired upon the summit of King Oak Hill by a section of Maj. DEXTER H. FOLLETT'S Light Bat- tery. At about half-past five o'clock, p. M. , the memorial ser- vices were brought to a close with the singing of " Old Hun- dred " by the audience, followed by the mutual and hearty congratulations of visitors and citizens upon the success of the Celebration. Arrangements had been made for a display of fireworks upon King Oak Hill on the evening of the day of the cele- bration, and a considerable company had gathered to witness the exhibition ; but the occurrence of a thunder-shower soon after the time fixed for the artificial spectacle, greatly marred its brilliancy, to the sad disappointment of the youthful crowd, who had earnestly striven (but against the fates) to complement the interesting services of the day with a splendid show of pyrotechnics. But the storm-king was abroad, and the shower soon developed into an easterly storm, accompanied by a high wind, which compelled the striking of the mammoth tent, thus driving from their tem- porary shelter the young patriots, who sought their homes with some abatement indeed of their enthusiastic ardor, but with the firm resolve that they would "try again" on the recurrence of this anniversary. In response to invitations to be present at the Celebration, the following letters, with many others, were received by the Committee, viz. : LETTER OF HON. H. L. DAWES. WASHINGTON, D. C., May 30, 1874. JAS. HUMPHREY, Esq. DEAR SIR : I thank you for remembei'ing me in your invitations for the celebration of the 250th anniversary of the settlement of the good old town of Weymouth ; but I am sorry to say that official duties here are likely to be so protracted as to prevent my acceptance. The occasion must be full of interest to the people of your town. It carries us back 14 106 over two and a half centuries, filled with wonderful events and marked with striking interpositions of Providence. The history of your town ' in that time is so full of remarkable incidents that the material for a most interesting celebration must be rich and abundant. I am, very truly yours, H. L. DAWES. LETTER OF WENDELL PHILLIPS, ESQ. 1st June, 74. DEAR SIR : I sincerely regret I shall not be able to participate in the interesting services to which you honor me with an invitation. I delight in all these reverent huntings-up of the old paths and fading traditions. While it is true that " the glory of the children is the fathers," it is equally true that the glory of fathers is the children, children who outdo them, following in their steps, in the service of Justice, Liberty and Truth. Yours, resp'y, WENDELL PHILLIPS. Mr. HUMPHREY, &c., &c. LETTER OF HON. E. R. HOAR. CONCORD, July 1, 1874. JAMES HUMPHREY, Esq. DEAR SIR : I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of the invi- tation of the Committee of the town of Weyinouth, to attend the com- memoration of the 250th anniversary of the settlement of the town, on Saturday, the 4th instant. I have deferred sending an answer, in the hope that it might be in my power to accept it, as there is no occasion on which our people assemble that has for me a greater interest than these New England town celebrations. They give an opportunity to study vital forces in society ; and in these days of machinery and corporations and " masses," it is refreshing to look back upon the times when every man was, in some sort, a pillar of the State ; and when small communi- ties thought for themselves, to some purpose. But I find that it will not be in my power to be with you, which I the more regret, as Mr. Adams is always so well worth hearing. Wishing you a very successful and pleasant time, I am, very respectfully, yours, E. II. HOAR. LETTER OF HON. JOHN E. SANFORD. TAUNTON, .July 2, 1874. lion. JAMES HUMPHREY, Chairman, &c. MY DEAR SIR: I hoped to be able to accept the invitation, which I had the honor to receive through you, to participate in the memorial ser- 107 vices on the occasion of the 250th anniversary of the settlement of your ancient and honored town. I especially desired this, because I claim some right to feel a filial pride in all that distinguishes and adorns her history and record, and to rejoice with her sons and daughters that, although still in her youth, she has reached so goodly and illustrious an age. But I find that circumstances will prevent my joining in the cele- bration, and I can only send my best wishes for a happy and successful day. I have the honor to be, cordially and truly yours, JOHN E. SANFORD. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. ED WOV 161976 FonnL9 15m-10,'48 (81039)444 UNIVERSITY of AT LGS ANOFJ ES UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY A 001 338 050 6