LIGHT ON "I don't want to be no Big-Governor- Afraid-of-the-Cottonwood- Stump, do I, Uncle Mac ? " (Page 45) UNCLE MAC'S NEBRASKY BY William R. Lighten WITH FRONTISPIECE BY W. HERBERT DUNTON NEW YORK HENRY HOLT AND COMPANY 1904 COPYRIGHT, 1904 BY HENRY HOLT AND COMPANY Published A^ril, 1004 a . ' V '\ ^y f&gffl&f'^ Gt>DtJ . FICTION In similar binding, varying somewhat with the season. i2mo. $1.25 per volume THE ROMANCE OF PISCATOR BY HENRY WYSHAM LANIER. With Frontispiece by WM. BALFOUR KER. A tale of how the trout and landlocked salmon temporarily lost their magic for Piscator before the mightier spells cast by the Peri; how he was greatly tempted by circumstance, and offended ; how complications ensued when he followed the Peri and her " anglemaniac " father ; and of wanderings, adven- tures, more fishing frequent fishing and an embarrassing climax. THE MICMAC By S. CARLETON. With three decorations by ADAM EMPIE. Though in this tale four " humans " are duly human, and excite our sympathy and interest, the great Micmac swamp in Nova Scotia dominates the action. Perhaps the most striking " human" is the fascinating and unscrupulous Mrs. Marescaux, who comes to the hero in his camp in the deep woods. Through her mach- nations he and the heroine have to face many grim adventures and death is often imminent. How it comes, or if it comes, we will not tell. Indian and half-breed themes add picturesqueness. UNCLE MAC'S NEBRASKY BY WILLIAM R. LIGHTON. Author of " The Ultimate Moment," etc. With Frontispiece by W.H. DUNTON. William R. Lighten has scarcely a superior for grasp on the masculine traits of the earlier West. In this book he gives bits of conversational autobiography from the mixed career of "Uncle Mac," a genuine Westerner, who went from Indiana in '55 when strenuousness was more a reality than a fad. " Uncle Mac " is a real live man, full of shrewd humor. His yarns are quite as strange as any truth. Of course there are several lively frontier episodes. A NIGHT WITH ALESSANDRO By TREADWELL CLEVELAND, JR. With three views in colour by ELIOT KEEN. The action of this stirring tale occupies but a single night, from dark to dawn. The scene and period are among the most pict- uresque in history, Florence in the twilight of the Medicis. Ac- cording to the principles laid down by that great historical story-teller, Von Riehl, the principal characters a French gentle- man, sent by Charles V. to report on the sentiment of the Floren- tines, his body servant, and the heroine are all fictitious. But there are telling sketches of the actual interesting people they fall in with, including the treacherous banker, Strozzi (in whose prison-like palace much of the action passes), the dissolute Duke Alessandro, his despicable kinsman " Lorenzaccio," Cardinal Ippolito, and others. Effective coloured sketches of the Strozzi palace at night, Florence at dusk, and Fiesole at dawn, embellish the book. HENRY HOLT AND COMPANY 39 W. 23d St. (iii '04) NEW YORK Aladdin & Co. By HERBERT QUICK. A romance of Yankee magic I2mo, $1.50 After a considerable separation, an imaginative and audacious promoter meets his boyhood friend, and proposes booming the town of Lattimore. Falling into their boy talk, they speak of themselves as pirates capturing golden argosies. Lattimore grows like the city of a dream, and when a mighty enemy rises against it, the two partners regard their investors as " the captives below decks," and hold life itself cheap in their effort to protect them, and there is a last great battle to save their city. Though the main theme is one of business speculation, one of the strongest characters is the girl Josie, daughter of an old cattleman, to whom she is almost a mother, striving mightily to protect him from himself. She is a most womanly heroine, in marked contrast to the OpeYa Bouffe "cowboy girls" that have too often passed for the women that helped build the West. Among the other striking characters are General Lattimore, late of the Union Army, and a Southern Captain who works shoulder to shoulder with him, a Wall Street financier and a heroic railroad engineer. In the Dwellings of the Wilderness By BRYSON TAYLOR. With two decorations in color I2mo, $1.25 The story of the adventures of three American engineers and numerous attendant natives, on an excavating expedition into the heart of an Egyptian desert. They disregard the warning on the outer portal of a great tomb, and a repeated warning on an inner door, and enter to the utmost depths of this resting-place of one of Egypt's mighty dead. This is frankly a tale of terror and of mystery, so impressively and plausibly handled that when it is finished the reader can understand how one of the engineers still thought, though he scarcely believed, that the strange and terrible experiences of his two comrades could be explained by natural causes. HENRY HOLT AND COMPANY Publishers (m '04) New York BY ARTHUR COLTON Port Argent A Novel. With Frontispiece by ELIOT KEEN. $1.50 Port Argent is Mr. Colton's most ambitious work thus far. It presents a telling picture of American life in a Middle Western city about 1890, " a time and place of many experiments and many an unde- nominated thing." The main action covers only a few weeks. It involves business, politics, religion, sudden death, and love at cross- purposes, the Acadia of youth and the problem of old age. It offers no panacea for the municipal disease, and guarantees no social dogma, neither does it recommend despair. It suggests that charity is the most comfortable attitude toward one's neighbor's sins, though not neces- sarily the most useful. Its villains are not beyond human sympathy, and its heroes are imperfect. Tioba With a Frontispiece by A. B. FROST. I2mo, $1.25 Mr. Colton here depicts a gallery of very varied Americans. Tioba was a mountain which meant well but was mistaken. BOOKMAN: " He is always the artist observer, adding stroke upon stroke whh the surest of sure pens, ... an author who recalls the old tra- ditions that there were once such things as good writing and good story- telling." CRITIC: " In each of these stories he has presented some out-of-the-way fragment of life with faithfulness and power. . . . He has the artist's instinct." LAMP: " He has originality, feeling, humor." N. Y. TRIBUNE : " There is serious thought as well as good art in this book*, there is individuality also, and we gladly commend it/' N. Y. EVENING POST : 4< Mr. Colton rarely fails to strike the reader's fancy by his unexpected and ingenious turns of thought and his quaint way of putting things." HENRY HOLT AND COMPANY Publishers (m '04) New York " Conan Doyle and Anna Katharine Green have a worthy rivA in Burton E. Stevenson" CHICAGO RECORD-HERALD. 5TH PRINTING The Holladay Case By BURTON E. STEVENSON With Frontispiece by ELIOT KEEN i2mo, $1.25 ^[ An absorbing tale of a modern mystery, in which the horror of the opening situation is but lightly touched on, and the chief appeal is made by ingenuity, dramatic situ- ation, and suspense. It starts with the finding of a New York banker, stabbed to death in his office. The lawyer who finally unravels the tangle does so in a highly original manner. There are many stirring incidents, while the scenes shift from New York, partly in the French quarter, to an ocean steamer and to France. NEW YORK TRIBUNE : Professor Dicey recently said to a company of students: " If you like a detective story take care you read a good de- tective story." This is a good detective story, and it is the better because the part of the hero is not filled by a member of the profession. . . . The reader will not want to put the book down until he has reached the last page. This is one of the most ingeniously constructed detective| stories we have read in a long time, and it is well written into the bargain. KEW YORK MAIL AND EXPRESS : Worth reading . . . ingenious without violating proba- bility. SPRINGFIELD REPUBLICAN : Unusually clever. BOSTON TRANSCRIPT s Developed with novelty and originality may be heartily commended. BUFFALO COMMERCIAL: Of rare interest and intricacy. HENRY HOLT and COMPANY, SQ W. 93d Street (xii '03) . 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