FIRST PRINCIPLES CHEMICAL PHILOSOPHY. JOSIAH P.fjQOOKE, JR., ERVING PROFESSOR OF CHEMISTRY AND MINERALOGY IN HARVARD COLLEGE. CAMBRIDGE: WELCH, BIGELOW, AND COMPANY, PRINTERS TO THE UNIVERSITY. 1868. , " Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1868, by JOSIAH P. COOKE, JR., in the Clerk's Office of the Wstrict Court of the District of Massachusetts. UNIVERSITY PRESS: WELCH, BIGELOW, & Co., CAMBRIDGE. ERRATA. Page 39, line 4, for reactions read reaction. 40, " 15, " [17] and [18] read [21] and [22] 50, " 22, " (NHi) 2 ,(Al 2 )W s - -(S0 2 )t,24:H 2 read (NH}^\ [-4/o)viii0 a viii(' 50, " 3, for nitrobenzoel read nitrobenzole. 61, " 5, " C 2 H 6 B " CAO- 63, " 24, " Oxzchloride " Oxychloride. 72, " 19, " forms " form. 73, " 8, " sextivalent " sexivalent. 78, " 10, atrivalent " trivalent. 85, " 16, " bibasic " dibasic. 87, " 16, " 61 " 85. 92, " 11, " bibasic " dibasic. 95, " 6, " calcium " caesium. 98, " 2, " symbols " symbol. 102, " 10, " 61 85. 112, " 4, " 11 13. 114, " 17, " 50 53. 121, 4, " 56 " 59. 136, " 21', " bibasic dibasic. 169, " 19, " 892 " 92. 170, " 14, " Sp. Gr. Sp. Gr. 170, " 10, " R r. 171, " 3, " [89] (89).. 173, " 9, " would could. 174, " 4, " 53 61. 190, " 12, " these " those. PREFACE. THE object of the author in this book is to present the phi- losophy of chemistry in such a form that it can be made with profit the subject of college recitations, and furnish the teacher with the means of testing the student's faithfulness and ability. With this view the subject has been developed in a logical order, and the principles of the science are taught indepen- dently of the experimental evidence on which they rest. It is assumed that the student has already been made familiar with this evidence, and with the more elementary facts which the philosophy of the science attempts to interpret. At most of our American colleges this instruction is given in a course of experimental lectures ; but for less mature students a course of manipulation in the laboratory will be found a far more effi- cient mode of teaching, and some preliminary training of this kind ought to be made one of the requisites for admission to our higher institutions of learning. 1 This book is intended to supplement such a course of prac- tical instruction. It deals solely with the theories of the science, and with those principles which can only be acquired by study and application. The author has found by long experience that a recitation on mere facts, or descriptions of apparatus and experiments, is to the great mass of college undergraduates all but worthless, while the study of the phi- losophy of chemistry may be made highly profitable both for instruction and discipline. Moreover, our college students 1 For such a course of practical study the student can desire no better guide than the excellent work of Professors Eliot and Storer, recently published, " A Manual of Inorganic Chemistry, arranged to facilitate the Experimental Demonstration of the Facts and Principles of the Science." By C. W. Eliot and F. H. Storer. New York, 1868. 6GSG29 iv PREFACE. begin the study of physical science with a degree of maturity, and a kind of mental culture, which enables them to acquire that limited knowledge and general view of the subject, for which alone they have time and occasion, most rapidly when it is presented in a condensed and deductive form. The author has had especially in view this class of students, and has endeav- ored to meet their wants. However important a training in the methods and the in- ductive logic of science may be in itself considered, it would be vain and unprofitable to attempt to change the habits of thought of those whose education has been almost wholly classical, and who are preparing themselves for a professional or literary career, where they will have occasion to use the results more than the methods of science. On the other hand, we find at our colleges a not inconsiderable portion of the stu- dents, whose tastes arid abilities find their best exercise in the study of natural science, and who are preparing for the medi- cal profession or other spheres of practical life, for which a training of the powers of observation and of inductive reason- ing is an indispensable requisite. For such students the col- lege should furnish the culture they require in a course of elective study ; but beginning the study of chemistry as they do in the present organization of our colleges, at an advanced stage of their education, they will gain time if their practical work is preceded or at least accompanied by the study of what may be figuratively called the grammar of the science. Lastly, to that ever increasing class of students who seek their mental culture solely in " scientific studies," the philosophy of science is especially important ; for in an exclusive devotion to facts and methods, they are not likely to gain that breadth of view and enlargement of mind which the study of theory is calculated to give. In all experimental science, theory is un- doubtedly subordinate to practice, but it gives form and dignity to our knowledge, and the two should never be divorced in our systems of education. The value of problems as means of culture and tests of at- tainment can hardly be overestimated, and they have therefore been made a chief feature in this book. Since those which are here given are chiefly intended as guides to the student, the answers have always been added ; and where the method PREFACE. V was not obvious, the chief steps in the solution have been given as well. Every teacher will be able to multiply problems after these models to suit his own requirements. The questions, which accompany the problems, form another essential feature in the plan of instruction here presented. They are intended not only to direct the student's attention to the most important points, but also to stimulate thought by sug- gesting inferences to which the principles stated legitimately lead. These questions, moreover, will indicate to the teacher the manner, in which it is intended that the book should be studied. Care should be taken not to overstrain the memory, but to dis- tribute the necessary burthen through many lessons. Thus, for the first seven chapters, the student should not be expected to reproduce the symbols and reactions, nor even to call the names of the substances represented, except those of the more famil- iar elements and simplest compounds. It will be sufficient for the time if he understands the principles which the symbols illustrate, and the relations of the parts of the reactions, al- though as yet these conventional signs may have for him no more definite meaning than the paradigms of a grammar. As he advances through chapters VIII. and IX., he should be expected to familiarize himself with the names of the com- pounds, and should begin to reproduce the symbols. When reciting on chapter X. he should be called upon to give not only the names of all the symbols, but also the symbols corre- sponding to all the names, and so on for the rest of the book. In reviewing the book a full knowledge of the names and sym- bols will be of course expected from the first. The questions and problems appended to each chapter will give the student a clear idea of what in any case will be required. The author has been in the habit of writing out, for his own class, similar problems on separate cards, together with the names, symbols, reactions or other data, which may in any case be given. These cards are distributed at the beginning of each recitation, and the student is not called upon to recite until he has placed his work upon the blackboard. This plan obviates many prac- tical difficulties, and has been found to work with great success. The philosophy of chemistry has been developed in this book according to the "modern theories"; and the author VI PREFACE. would acknowledge his obligations to the recent works of Miller Frankland, Naquet, Roscoe, Williamson, and Wurtz, all of which he has freely consulted. Careful attention has been given to the chemical notation ; and a method has been devised of writing rational symbols, which, while it fully ex- hibits the relations of the parts of the molecule, condenses the formulae, and saves space and labor in printing. From a desire to secure uniformity, the nomenclature of the London Chemical Society has been adopted ; but, in the chapter on this subject, the old names are given with the new. Lastly, the metric system of weights and measures, and the centigrade scale of the thermometer, are used throughout the book. CAMBRIDGE, December 1, 1868. *1 ^ 9 . / V , *^ -7 T *" . : FIRST PRINCIPLES OF CHEMICAL PHILOSOPHY. PART Iv^^H* Vk CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION. 1. Definitions. The volume of a body is the space it fills, expressed in terms of an assumed unit of volume. The weight of a body, as the word is used in chemistry and generally in common life, is the amount of material which the body con- tains compared with that in some other body assumed as the unit of weight. The specific gravity of a body is the ratio of its weight to that of an equal volume of some substance which has been selected as the standard. Solids and liquids are al- ways compared with water at its greatest density, which is at 4 centigrade, and hence the numbers which stand for their specific gravities express how many times heavier they are than an equal volume of water at this temperature. Gases, however, are most conveniently compared with the lightest of all known forms of matter, namely, hydrogen, and in this book the number which indicates the specific gravity of a gas ex- presses how many times heavier it is than an equal volume of hydrogen, compared under the same conditions of temperature and pressure. 2. Volume and Weight. All experimental science rests upon accurate measurements of these fundamental elements, and it is therefore very important that there should be a gen- eral agreement among scientific men in regard to them. This 1 2 INTRODUCTION. has been secured by the almost universal adoption of the French system of measures and weights in all scientific inves- tigations. The details of this system are given in Table L, and they require no further explanation. Its great advan- tage over our ordinary English system is not only in its deci- mal subdivision, but also in the simple relation which exists between the units of measure and of weight. Since the unit of weight is the weight of the unit volume of water, and since the specific gravity of solids and liquids is always referred to water, as the standard, it is always true in this system that % r ,tty 'Vc/lttftik i$ jglron/in cubic centimetres, the weight ob- tained is' in grammes ; but if the volume is given in cubic deci- metres or litres, the weight is found in kilogrammes. In this formula, Sp. Gr. stands for the specific gravity referred to water. If the specific gravity is referred to hydrogen, as in the case of gases, the value must be reduced to the water- standard before using it in the formula. The reduction is easily made, by multiplying by 0.0000896, a fraction which is simply the specific gravity of hydrogen itself referred to water. Using Sp. Gr. to represent the specific gravity of a gas referred to hydrogen, the formula becomes W= VX Sp. Gr. X 0.0000896, [2] and may then be used in all calculations connected with the weight and volume of aeriform bodies. In such calculations, in order to avoid the long decimal fractions which the use of the gramme entails, Hofmann has proposed to introduce into chemistry a new unit of weight which he calls the crith. This unit is the weight of one cubic decimetre or litre of hydrogen gas at the standard temperature and pressure, and is equal to 0.0896 grammes. If now we estimate the weight of all gases in criths, and let W represent this weight, while W represents the weight in grammes, and V the volume in litres, we shall also have W = V X Sp. Gr. and W= W X 0.0896, [3] and all problems of this kind will then be reduced to their simplest terms. INTRODUCTION. 3 The specific gravity of gases is also frequently referred to dry air, which for many reasons is a convenient standard. The weight of one litre of air under standard conditions is 1.293187 grammes. Hence, representing specific gravity re- ferred to air by Sp. r. we have Sp. Gr. : Sp. r. = 1.2932 : 0.0896, or Sp. Gr. Sp.(Sr. X 14.42, and Sp. ($r. = Sp. Gr. X 0.06929. 3. Chemistry and Physics. Among material phenomena we may distinguish two classes. First, those which are mani- fested without a loss of identity in the substances involved. Secondly, those which are attended by a change of one or more of the materials employed into new substances. The science of chemistry deals with the last class of phenomena, that of physics with the firsthand hence the terms chemical and physical phenomena. An illustration will make this dis- tinction plain. When a bar of iron is drawn out into wire, is rolled out into thin leaves, is reduced by mechanical means to powder, is forged into various shapes, is melted and cast into moulds, is magnetized, or is made the medium of an electric current, since the metal does not in any case lose its identity, the phenomena are all physical. When, on the other hand, the iron bar rusts in the air, is burnt at the blacksmith's forge, or is dissolved in dilute sulphuric acid, the iron is converted into a new substance, iron rust, iron cinders, or green vitriol, and the phenomena are chemical. The distinction between these two departments of human knowledge is not, however, so strongly marked as the definition would seem to imply. In fact they coalesce at many points, and a knowledge of the elements of physics is an essential preliminary to the successful study of chemistry. In the following pages it will be assumed that the student is acquainted with the most elementary princi- ples of this science, and references will be made to the sections of the author's work on Chemical Physics. The same rela- tion which physics bears to chemistry on the one side, chemis- try bears to physiology and the natural-history sciences on the other. INTRODUCTION. Questions and Problems. 1. Reduce by Table I. at the end of the book, 30 Inches to fractions of a metre. Ans. 0.7619 metre. 76 Centimetres to inches. Ans. 29.92 inches. 36 Kilometres to miles. Ans. 22.38 miles. 10 Metres to feet and inches. Ans. 32 ft. 9.7 inches. Cubic metre to quarts. Ans. 880.66 quarts. Cubic foot to litres. Ans. 28.31 litres. Pint to cubic centimetres. Ans. 567.8 c. m. 8 Litre to cubic inches. Ans. 61.027 cubic inches. Pound Avoirdupois to grammes. Ans. 453.6 grammes. Kilogramme to ounces avoirdupois. Ans. 35.27 ounces. Ounce to grammes. Ans. 28.35 grammes. 2. If the globe were a perfect sphere what would be the circum- ference and what the diameter in kilometres ? Ans. Circumference 40,000 kilometres, Diameter 12,732.4 " 3. The length of the metre was determined by measuring the dis- tance between Dunkirk (in France), Latitude 51 2' 9" and For- mentera (one of the Balearic Islands), Latitude 38 39' 56", both on the same meridian. This distance was found by triangulation to be equal to 730,430 toises. What is the length of a metre in terms of this old French unit of measure ? What, also, was the length measured in English miles ? No account is to be taken of the ellip- ticity of the earth. Ans. The metre, 0.5314 toise. The length was 854 miles. 4. The Sp. Gr. of iron is 7.84. What is the weight of 10 c. m. 3 of the metal in grammes ? What is also the weight in kilogrammes of a sphere of iron whose diameter equals one decimetre ? Ans. 78.4 grammes and 4.105 kilogrammes. 5. What is the weight in grammes of 50 c. ui. 3 of oil of vitriol, when the Sp. Gr. of the liquid is 1.8? Ans. 90 grammes. 6. The Sp. Gr. of alcohol being 0.8, what volume in litres would weigh 7.2 kilogrammes? Ans. 9 litres. 7. Assuming that the earth is spherical, and its mean Sp. Gr. 5.67, what would be its weight, using as the unit of weight a kilometre cube of water at its greatest density ? Ans. 6,130,000,000,000. 8. Determine the Sp. Gr. of absolute alcohol from the following data: weight of empty bottle 4.326; weight of same filled with water 19.654 ; weight of same filled with alcohol 16.741. Ans. 0.8095. INTRODUCTION. 5 9. Determine the Sp. Gr. of lead from : weight of empty bottle 4.326 ; weight of same filled with water 19.654 ; weight of lead shot 15.456 ; weight of bottle filled in part with the shot and the rest with water 33.766. Ans. 11.5. 10. Determine the Sp. Gr. of iron from: weight of iron in air 3.92 ; weight under water 3.42. Ans. 7.84. 11. Determine Sp. Gr. of wood from: weight of wood in air 25.35; weight of copper sinker in air 11 ; weight of same under water 9.77 ; weight of wood with sinker under water 5.10 grammes. Ans. 0.8445. 12. How much volume must a hollow sphere of copper have, weighing one kilogramme, which will just float in water ? What must be the volume of the copper ? Ans. One cubic decimetre and 111.8 c. in. 8 13. How much volume must a hollow cylinder of iron have, which weighs 10 kilogrammes and sinks one half in water, and what must be the volume of the metal ? Ans. 20 and 1.276 cubic decimetres. 14. What is the weight in grammes (under standard conditions) of 128 cTm. 3 of oxygen gas (Sp. Gr. = 16) ? Ans. 0.1834 grammes. 15. How many litres of carbonic anhydride gas (Sp. Gr. = 22) would weigh (under normal conditions) 4.480 kilogrammes ? Ans. 2274 litres. 16. Solve the last two problems by [3], and show in what respect the method differs from that indicated by [2]. 17. What is the weight in criths (under standard conditions) of one litre of nitrogen gas (Sp. Gr. = 14), of one litre of chlorine gas (Sp. Gr. = 35.5), of one litre of marsh gas (Sp. Gr. = 8), and of one litre of ammonia gas (Sp. Gr. = 8.5) ? Ans. 14, 35.5, 8, and 8.5 criths respectively. 18. What is the weight in grammes of one litre of each of the same gases under the same conditions ? Ans. 1.254, 3.180, 0.7165, and 0.7617 respectively. 19. The weight of one litre of hydrochloric acid gas is 1.635 grammes ; of carbonic oxide gas 0.9703 grammes; of cyanogen gas 2.328 grammes, and of hydrogen gas 0.0896 grammes. What is the specific gravity of each of these gases referred to air ? Ans. 1.265, 0.9703, 0.9007, and 0.0693 respectively. 20. What is the volume (under standard conditions) of 12.54 grammes of nitrogen gas, when specific gravity referred to air is 0.9703? Ans. 10 litres. 6 INTRODUCTION. 21. What is the weight of one litre of air in criths? Ans. 14.42. 22. What would be the ascensional force of one thousand litres of hydrogen, under normal conditions ? Ans. The ascensional force is the difference between the weight of the hydrogen and that of the air displaced. Hence in the present example, the ascensional force would be 14,420 _ 1000 = 13420 criths, or 1,201 grammes. 23. What is the value of a crith in grains, English weight. Ans. 1.382 grains. CHAPTER II. FUNDAMENTAL CHEMICAL RELATIONS. 4. Compounds and Elements. With sixty-three exceptions, all known substances, by various chemical processes, may be decomposed, and hence are called chemical compounds; while the sixty-three substances which have as yet never been resolved into simpler parts are called chemical elements. There is some reason for believing that many, if not all, of these elementary substances may hereafter be decomposed, and hence they can only be considered chemical elements provis- ionally ; but, however this may be, all known materials may still be regarded as formed by the union of the particles of one or more of these sixty-three substances. A list of the chemical elements is given in Table II. The names of the more abun- dant or otherwise more important elements are printed in Ro- man letters. The others are very rare substances, and are practically unimportant. Of these elementary substances more than three fourths possess metallic properties, and among them are all the useful metals, including the liquid metal mercury. The rest present every variety of physical character. Oxygen, hydrogen, and nitrogen are permanent gases. Chlorine, and probably fluorine, though gases under ordinary conditions, may by pressure and cold be condensed to liquids. Bromine is a very volatile liquid ; and among the solids we have every gra- dation between the highly volatile iodine, or the easily fusible phosphorus, on the one hand, and carbon, which has never even been melted, on the other. We find, also, among the ele- ments every difference as regards density. Hydrogen gas is the lightest, and the metal platinum the heaviest substance known. Several of the elementary substances occur in a free state in nature, for example, oxygen and nitrogen in the at- mosphere, carbon in the coal beds, sulphur in the neighborhood of active volcanoes, iron in meteoric stones, while arsenic, an- 8 FUNDAMENTAL CHEMICAL RELATIONS. timony, bismuth, copper, gold, silver, mercury, and platinum, with a few other rare associates, are sometimes found in a more or less pure state in metallic veins. Gold and platinum are usually found in a free condition, though as a rule slightly alloyed with their associated metals ; but all the other elements are generally found in combination, and the greater number appear in nature only in this condition. From such compounds the elements may be extracted by various chemical processes, which will appear as we proceed. Among these elements the useful metals are the tools of civilization, carbon is our uni- versal fuel, while sulphur, phosphorus, arsenic, chlorine, bro- mine, and iodine have found important applications in the arts, and are therefore articles of commerce ; but the greater number of the elements are only to be seen in the chemist's laboratory, and are solely objects of chemical investigation. The elements are distributed in nature in very unequal proportions. At least one half of the solid crust of the globe, eight ninths of the water on its surface, and one fifth of the atmosphere which surrounds it, consist of the one element, oxygen. Moreover, the other elements are usually found in combination with oxygen, so that oxygen may be regarded as the cement by which these elementary parts of the world are held together. Next in abundance is silicon, which, after oxygen, is the chief constituent of the rocks, and makes up about one fourth of the earth's crust. Silicon is always found combined with oxygen, and more than one half of the oxygen of the globe is in com- bination with this element. Hence, the compound of the two, which we call silica or quartz, must make up more than one half of our solid globe, at least as far as its composition is known. After silicon in the order of abundance would follow the elements aluminum, calcium, magnesium, potassium, so- dium, iron, carbon, sulphur, hydrogen, chlorine, nitrogen, which, without attempting to discriminate between them, make up altogether very nearly the other fourth of the earth's mass ; for the remaining fifty elements including all the useful metals except iron do not constitute altogether more than one one-hundredth. Of the sixty-three known elements, then, thirteen alone make up at least y 9 ^ of the whole known mass of the earth. 5. Analysis and Synthesis. The composition of a chemical FUNDAMENTAL CHEMICAL RELATIONS. 9 compound may be made evident in two ways. First, by break- ing up the compound into its constituent parts ; secondly, by reuniting these parts and reproducing the original substance. The first of these methods of proof is called analysis, the sec- ond, synthesis. The study of the processes by which the com- position of a body may be discovered, and the relative amounts of its various constituents determined, forms an important branch of practical chemistry, which is known as Chemical Analysis, and this is subdivided into Qualitative and Quantita- tive Analysis, according to the object we have in view. Syn- thesis is chiefly used to prove the results of analysis. 6. Law of Definite Proportions. Numberless analyses have proved that any given chemical compound always contains the same elements combined in the same proportions. Thus, when we analyze water, sugar, and salt, we always obtain the result given below ; and this result is invariable, saving small errors of observation, from whatever source these materials may be drawn. The composition is given in per cents, as is usual in such cases. Water (Dumas). Salt. Sugar (Peligot). Hydrogen, 11.112 Sodium, 39.32 Carbon, 42.06 Oxygen, 88.888 Chlorine, 60.68 Hydrogen, 6.50 Oxygen, 51.44 100. 100. 100. Chemists have not yet succeeded in making sugar by com- bining its elements, but the synthesis both of water and salt is easily effected, and illustrates still more, forcibly the same law. Thus we may mix together hydrogen and oxygen gas in any proportion, but when, by passing an electric spark through the mixture, we cause the elements to combine, then the gases unite in the exact proportion indicated above, and any excess of one or the other which may be present is left over. The law of definite proportions gives to chemistry a mathematical basis ; for, since the analyses of all compounds have been made and tabulated in a way that will be soon explained, it is always possible, when the weight of a compound is given, to calculate the weights of its constituents, and, when the weight of one of its elements is known, to calculate the weights of all the other elements present. 10 FUNDAMENTAL CHEMICAL RELATIONS. 7. Mixture and Chemical Compound. The law of definite proportions gives a simple criterion for distinguishing between a mixture and a true chemical compound. In the first the ele- ments may be mixed in any proportion, but in the true com- pound they are always combined in definite proportions. Thus we may mix together copper-filings and sulphur in any propor- tion, but as soon as we apply heat, and cause the elements to combine, then the copper combines with one half of its own weight of sulphur, and the excess of either element above these proportions is discarded. Again, in a mixture however homogeneous, we can generally, by mechanical means alone, distinguish the ingredients. Thus, in the mixture just referred to, a microscope would show the grains of sulphur and metallic copper, with all their characteristic appearances ; and by means of carbonic sulphide we can easily dissolve out all the sulphur from the mixture ; but .after the chemical union has taken place, the characteristic properties of the elements are merged in those of the compound, and no such simple mechanical sep- aration is possible. But although these distinctions are gener- ally sufficient, nevertheless we find in some alloys, in solutions, and in a few other classes of compounds, less intimate condi- tions of chemical union where these criterions fail. 8. Law of Multiple Proportions. It is generally the case that the same elements unite in more than one proportion, form- ing two or more different compounds. Now we always find that the proportions of the elements in such compounds are simple multiples of each other. This law is best illustrated by the compounds of nitrogen and oxygen, which are five in number, and have the names indicated in the table below. In order to make evident the law, we give, not the percentage composition as above, but the amount of oxygen, which is in each case combined with one and three fourths parts of nitro- gen. COMPOUNDS OF NITEOGEN WITH OXYGEN. Nitrogen. Oxygen. By weight. By weight. Nitrogen. By volume. Oxygen. By volume. Nitrous Oxide, 1.75 1 2 1 Nitric Oxide, 1.75 2 2 2 Nitrous Anhydride, 1.75 . 3 2 3 Nitric Peroxide, 1.75 4 2 4 Nitric Anhydride, 1.75 5 2 5 CHAPTER III. MOLECULES. 9. Molecules. In order to bring the facts of chemistry into relation with each other, and unite them in an harmonious sys- tern, the following theory, first proposed by the English chemist, Dalton, and known as the Atomic Theory, is generally accepted by cliemists. This theory assumes, in the first place, that every body, whatever its substance may be, is formed by the aggre- gation of minute particles of the same kind, which cannot be further subdivided without destroying the identity of the sub- stance. Thus a lump of sugar is an aggregate of minute particles of sugar. If the sugar is burnt, these particles will be further subdivided ; but the sugar will be thus changed into new substances. In like manner, a drop of water is an aggre- gate of minute particles of water. By passing a current of electricity through the drop, these particles will be subdivided, but then we shall have no longer water, but the two elemen- tary gases, oxygen and hydrogen. The smallest particles of any substance which can exist by themselves, we call molecules. 10. Physical Properties of Matter. The physical qualities of a body depend solely on the relations of its molecules. The physicist has therefore no occasion to continue the subdivision beyond the molecule, which is his unit. Solid. In a solid the molecules firmly cohere, and the force which binds them together has been called cohesion. On the form and size of the molecules, and also on the mode of aggregation, is supposed to depend the crystalline form of each substance, which is one of the most important and character- istic properties of matter, and one to which we shall have occasion hereafter to refer. On certain relations of the mole- cules, which we do not fully understand, depend undoubtedly elasticity, tenacity, ductility or malleability, hardness, transpar- ency, diathermancy, and the allied qualities of solid bodies. 12 MOLECULES. Liquid. In the liquid condition of matter the molecules have more freedom of motion than in the solid, but still the motion is circumscribed within the liquid mass. Moreover, a certain cohesion still exists between the molecules, and on this depends the form of the rain-drop. The various phenomena of capillary action also are effects of the cohesion of the liquid molecules modified by their adhesion to the surfaces of solids, and the solvent power of liquids is a still further effect of the same mutual action. Connected also with this freedom of molecular motion is the property of liquids of transmitting pressure in all directions, and the well-known principles of hydrostatics to which it leads; but this property belongs to the third condition of matter as well. Gas. In the aeriform condition of matter, the motion of the molecules is only circumscribed by the walls of the con- taining vessel, or by some force acting on the mass from with- out. The molecules of a gas are constantly beating against the walls which confine them, and were they not thus restrained would fly off into space. The molecules of the atmosphere are restrained by the force of gravitation, and, as they fly up- wards like a ball thrown into the air, they are at last brought to rest, and fall back again to the earth. Hence gases always exert pressure against any surface with which they are in con- tact, and we measure the pressure, or, as we frequently call it, the tension of the gas, by the height to which it will raise a column of mercury. Chera. Phys. (158). The instrument used for this purpose is called a barometer. The height of the mercury column which represents the pressure or tension of a gas is always represented by H. In our latitude, at the surface of the sea, the atmosphere in its normal conditions will raise a column of mercury 76 c. m. high. Hence H = 76, and to this standard we always refer in comparing together the volumes of different gases. 1 1 . Mariotte's Law. The most characteristic feature of the aeriform condition is the great change of volume which gases undergo, under varying pressure, and the special law of compressibility which they obey. If we represent by H and H 1 two conditions of pressure to which the same body of gas is at different times exposed, then the law is expressed by the formula V: V' H':H. [4] MOLECULES. 13 Moreover, since the specific gravity of a given mass of gas must be the greater the less its volume, it is also true that Sp. Gr. : Sp. Gr>. = H: H>, [5] and lastly, since the weight of a given volume of gas is obvi- ously proportional to its specific gravity, we also have W : W = H : H', [6] in which W and W represent the weight of an equal volume of the same gas under the two pressures H and H 1 . 12. Heat a Manifestation of Molecular Motion. The effects of what we call heat are supposed to be merely mani- festations of the motion of the molecules of bodies. The greater the moving power of the molecule, the more forcibly it strikes against our nerves of feeling, and hence the more in- tense is the sensation of heat produced ; and to the condition of matter which produces this sensation we give the name of temperature. The greater the moving power of the molecules, the higher the temperature ; the less the moving power, the lower the temperature. Moreover, since by the very defini- tion all molecules at the same temperature are in the condition to produce the same sensation of heat, we must assume further, that, whatever their size or weight, they must all have, at the same temperature, the same moving power. The light mole- cule of hydrogen must move much faster than the heavy mole- cule of carbonic anhydride in order to produce the same effect. If now we represent the mass of any molecule by m, and by V its velocity at any given temperature, then the moving power will be represented by m F 2 , Chem. Phys. (42), and this will have the same value for every molecule at the same tempera- ture. With a few exceptions, all bodies expand with an in- creasing temperature, and in the case of mercury the change of volume is so nearly proportional to the change of tempera- ture that we may use the varying volume of a confined mass of this liquid as a measure of temperature. This is the sim- ple theory of the common mercurial thermometer, and in this book we shall refer all temperatures to the degrees of the cen- tigrade scale. These degrees are purely arbitrary; but to each one corresponds a definite value of %m F 2 , although we have not as yet been able to connect our arbitrary with our theoretical measure. 14 MOLECULES. When we increase the temperature of a body, we must of course increase the moving power of all the molecules, each by the same amount, and the sum of the moving powers which they thus acquire is the legitimate measure of the amount of heat which the body receives. Hence, while ^m V* represents the temperature of a body, 2 m V 2 represents the whole amount of heat which it contains. Practically, however, we measure quantity of heat by an arbitrary standard, and we shall use in this book as our unit the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of a kilogramme of pure water from to 1 centigrade. This we call the Unit of Heat, and it has been found, by careful experiments, that this unit of heat represents an amount of moving power which is adequate to raise a weight of 423 kilogrammes ooe metre, or to do any other equivalent amount of work. 13. Expansion by Heat. The 'amount of expansion which bodies undergo when heated has been carefully measured for many different substances, and the results are tabulated in all works on physics. Chem. Phys. Table XV. In each case is given the coefficient of expansion, which is the small fraction of its volume which a body increases when heated one centi- grade degree. If, now, K represents this fraction, V the initial volume, V the new volume, t the initial temperature, and t? the new temperature, then, if we assume that the expansion is proportional to the temperature, we easily deduce the formula, Chem. Phys. (239), F'=F(1 + JT ('-<)> [7] This formula serves to calculate the change of volume both of solids and gases, which expand, nearly at least, proportion- ally to the temperature. The same, however, is not true of liquids, whose rate of expansion frequently increases, with the temperature, very rapidly ; and for such bodies we are obliged to use the following formula, which is of the general form in which every algebraic function may be developed, and is much less simple : V = V (1 + A t + BP -f Cfi + $c.). [8] In this formula, V represents the required volume at some temperature, t, and V 9 the volume at 0, which is assumed to be known ; while A, B, C, &c., are numerical constants, which MOLECULES. 15 have been determined by experiment in the case of most liquids. Chem. Phys. (255). Both solids and liquids expand with irresistible force, and we have, therefore, only this one effect to consider in regard to the action of heat upon them. It is different, however, with gases. By enclosing a gas in a tight vessel, we can raise its temperature without changing its volume, except so far as the vessel itself becomes enlarged by the heat. The effect of the heat is, then, to increase the tension or pressure of the gas. Hence, in the case of a gas, we may have two distinct effects ; first, an increase of volume, when the pressure is constant; secondly, an increase of .tension, when the volume is constant. The increased volume may always be calculated from the in- itial volume and difference of temperature, by means of the formula, V = V (1 + 0.00366 (tf 0), [9] which differs from that just given only in that the numerical value has been substituted for K, this being the same for all gases. On the other hand, the increased tension may always be calculated from the initial tension, by means of the corre- sponding formula, H 1 = H(l + 0.00366 (tf *)), [10] in which .^Tand H 1 stand for the heights of the mercury col- umns which measure the initial and final tension respectively. The last formula is easily deduced from the first, on the prin- ciples of Mariotte's law, stated above. Chem. Phys. (261) and [201]. Variations of temperature produce such important changes in the volume and specific gravity of all bodies, and especially of gases, that it becomes frequently essential, before compar- ing together different observations, to reduce them all to some standard temperature. Most scientific men use, as this stand- ard temperature, centigrade, and scientific measures are generally adjusted to this standard ; but 60 Fahrenheit, corre- sponding to 15.5 centigrade, is often a more convenient stand- ard, because it is nearer the mean temperature of the air, and is, therefore, not unfrequently employed. 14. Change of State. Many substances are capable of ex- 16 MOLECULES. isting in all the three conditions of matter. Now, we find that whenever a solid changes to a liquid, or a liquid to a gas, heat is absorbed ; and conversely, whenever a gas is liquefied, or a liquid becomes a solid, heat is evolved ; although, as a general rule, this change of state is accompanied by no change of tem- perature. Thus, one kilogramme of ice, in melting, absorbs 79 units of heat, although the temperature remains at dur- ing the change ; and when, by boiling, a kilogramme of water is converted into steam, under the normal pressure of the air, no less than 537 units of heat disappear, although the tem- perature both of the steam and of the water is constant at 100 during the whole period. On the other hand, when the steam is condensed or the water frozen, absolutely the same amount of heat is set free as was before absorbed. The heat thus ab- sorbed or set free is generally called the latent heat of the liquid or gas, and in the case of many substances the amount has been carefully measured. Chem. Phys. (277) and (299). Ac- cording to the theory we are studying, these effects are the direct results of the molecular condition of matter. The change of state must be accompanied by a change in the relative position of the molecules, or in their distance from each other ; and this change, in its turn, must be attended with a destruction or pro- duction of the moving power on which the effects of heat de- pend. Chem. Phys. (215 bis.). 15. Sources of Heat. The sun is the original source of almost all the heat we enjoy on the earth, for the effect of the earth's internal heat, at its surface, is at best very small, and all our artificial sources of heat have drawn their supply either directly or indirectly* from the great central luminary. According to our theory the effect of the sun's rays is a simple result of the transfer of molecular motion from the sun to the earth, either by some unknown influence exerted from a distance, or else by an actual transfer of motion through the material particles of the ether, which is assumed to fill the in- tervening space. The great source of all artificial heat is com- bustion in its many forms, and this, as we shall hereafter see, is merely a clashing together of material molecules, and is neces- sarily attended with a great development of that moving power to which we refer all thermal effects. 2\\ 1 6. Specific Heat. The amount of heat required to raise MOLECULES. 17 to the same extent the temperature of equal weights of differ- ent substances is by no means the same. The quantity is capa- ble in any case of exact measurement, and is called the specific heat of the substance. The amount of heat required to raise the temperature of one kilogramme of water one centigrade degree has been assumed as the unit, and we express the specific heat of other substances in. terms of this measure. Moreover, since with the exception of hydrogen the specific heat of water is greater than that of any substance known, the specific heat of all other bodies must be expressed by fractional numbers. In every case, unless otherwise stated, the numbers indicate what fraction of a unit of heat would be required to raise the temperature of one kilogramme of the substance from to 1 centigrade. Chem. Phys. (232). 17. Molecular Condition of Gases. The aeriform state is by far the simplest condition of matter, and there are two peculiarities in its properties which lead to important conclu- sions in regard to its molecular conditions. These character- istics are as follows : First, All true gases obey the same law" , . J of compressibility. Secondly, Equal volumes of all true gases expand equally on the same increase of temperature. Chem. Phys. (262). Now according to our theory these peculiar relations of the aeriform condition of matter can only be ex- plained on the assumption that Equal volumes of all gases con- tain the same number of molecules. It can easily be seen that the properties just enumerated would be a necessary conse- quence of this fact, and this important theoretical deduction lies at the basis of our modern theories of Chemistry. This peculiar molecular condition, however, is only found in the gas, for it is only in this state that the molecules are sufficiently separated from each other to be freed from the mutual action of those molecular forces which give rise to far more com- plicated relations in both liquid and solid bodies. Moreover, with our ordinary gases (in the degree of condensation in which they exist under the pressure of the atmosphere), the molecules are not yet sufficiently far apart to be wholly freed from the effects of their mutual action, and hence the theo- retical condition is not absolutely fulfilled ; and in vapors, where the molecules are still closer together, the variation from the theory is quite large. In proportion as the gas ex- 2 ; 18 MOLECULES. pands, the theoretical condition is approached, and, when in a state of great expansion, equal volumes of all gases would undoubtedly contain exactly the same number of molecules. It is only then that we reach the condition of what we have called above the true gas, and this is our criterion of its state, that it obeys absolutely the law of Mariotte. A very important corollary follows at once from the principle we have just de- duced. The molecular weight of all substances is directly propor- tioned to their specific gravities in the state of gas. We have adopted in this book hydrogen gas as our unit of specific gravity for aeriform substances, and were we also to take the molecule of hydrogen as our unit of molecular weight, then the number which expresses the specific gravity of a gas would express also its molecular weight. But for reasons which will appear hereafter, we have selected the half hydrogen molecule as our unit, and hence the molecular weight of any substance in terms of this unit is always twice its specific gravity in the state of gas. In Table III. we have given, according to the most accurate experimental data, the Sp. Gr. (referred to hydrogen) of all the best known gases and vapors, and in a parallel column we have also given the Half-molecular Weights of the same substances determined by chemical analysis, in a manner which will be hereafter described. It will be seen that the numbers in the second column are almost precisely the same as those in the first, and the slight differences which will be noticed, either arise from the fact that the vapors, under the conditions in which alone their Sp. Gr. can be accurately determined, are not true gases, that is, do not exactly obey Mariotte's law ; or in other cases, where the differences are more considerable, may be referred to a partial decomposition of the substance itself in the process of the experiment. In solving the problems of this book, and generally in most chemical problems, the Half-molecular weight may be taken as the true Sp. Gr. The logarithms of these values given in the last column of the table will be found useful in this connection. Although only given to four places of decimals, they exceed in accuracy the experimental data. The values in the column of Sp. ()C. referred to air, are given, as a rule, to one decimal place beyond the limit of error. , ' MOLECULES. 19 Questions and ProNe 1. Are the qualities of a molecule of any substance, the same as those which distinguish the substance itself? 2. What is the distinction between cohesion and adhesion ? 3. When the barometer stands at 76 c. m., with what weight in grammes is the air pressing against each square centimetre of sur- face? Sp. Gr. of mercury 13.596. Ans. 1033. 4. To what difference of pressure does a difference of one centi- metre in the barometric column correspond ? Ans. 13.596 grammes. 5. When a mercury barometer stands at 76 c. m. how high would a water barometer stand ? Also, how high would barometers stand filled with alcohol or sulphuric acid, disregarding in each case the tension of the vapor? Sp. Gr. of alcohol 0.81 ; Sp. Gr. of sulphuric acid 1.85. Ans. 1033; 1275 and 558.2 c. m. 6. A volume of hydrogen gas was found to be 200 c. m. 3 The height of the barometer observed at the same time, was 74 c. m. What would have been the volume if observed when the barometer stood at 76 c. m. Ans. 194.7 cTm: 3 7. A volume of nitrogen standing in a bell-glass over a mercury pneumatic trough measured 250 c. m. 8 The barometer at the time stood at 75.4 c. m., and the level of the mercury in the bell was found by measurement to be 6.5 above the surface of the mercury in the trough. Required to reduce the volume to standard pressure. Ans. The pressure of the air on the surface of the mercury in the trough (measured at 75.4 c. m.) was balanced first by the column of mercury in the bell, and secondly by the tension of the confined gas. Hence the pressure to which the gas was exposed was equal to 75.4 6.5 = 68.9 c. m. and we have 76 : 68.9 = 250 : x = 226.7 cTm. B 8. What would be the answer to the same problem, had the trough been filled with water ? Ans. The water column in the bell exerts a pressure which is as much less than the pressure of the mercury column in the previous problem, as the Sp. Gr. of water is less than the Sp. Gr. of mercury. Hence we have 13.6 : 1 = 6.5 : 0.48, also 75.4 0.48 = 74.92, and 76 : 74.92 = 250 : x = 246.4 cTmT 3 9. A closed vessel, which displaces one litre of air, is poised on a balance with weights, whose volume is inconsiderable when com- pared with that of the vessel. The balance is in equilibrium when 20 MOLECULES. the barometer stands at 76 c. m. If the barometer falls to 73 c. m. how much weight must be added to restore the equilibrium ? Ans. 85 milligrammes. 10. Given the weight of one litre of dry air under the normal conditions as 14.42 criths, what will be the weight of one litre of dry air at the normal temperature, but under a pressure of 72 c. m. ? - \, 1 ^ Ans. 13.67 criths. 11. A volume of gas measures 500 c. m. 3 at 15 what will be its volume at 288. 2 ? In this and the next three problems the pressure 4S assumed to-be, constant. Ans. 1000 cTUT: 3 " ^ b G* ' C" 12*. To' what temperature must an open vessel be heated before one quarter of the air which it contains at is driven out ? Ans. 9P.07. -' 13. An open vessel is heated to 8 19. 6. What portion of the air which the vessel contained at remains in it at this temperature ? f 4 (n J t tjjj? ~ y] Ans - \- 14. A closed glass vessel, which at 13 was filled with air having a tension of 76 c. m. is heated to 559.4. Determine the tension of the heated air. c Ans. 3 atmospheres. 15. Reduce the following volumes of gas measured at the tem- peratures and pressure annexed to and 76 c. m. YvVvjio> 1. 210 cTm. 3 H=57c. m. t = 136.6 Ans. 70 c^f. 3 2. 320 c7W. s H=95c.m. i= 91.l Ans. 192 UTm. 8 3. 480 cTni; 3 H= 38 c. m. t= 68.3 Ans. 96 cTm. 8 16. What is the weight of dry air contained in a glass globe of 640 c. m. 3 capacity at the temperature 546.4 and under a pressure of 71.25 c. m. Ans. 0.2583 grammes. General Solution. In order to make the solution general we will represent the capacity of the globe, the temperature and the height of the barometer by V, t and H respectively. We can also easily find from Table III. that one cubic centimetre of dry air at 0, and when the barometer sfands at 76 c. m., weighs 14.42 criths or 0.001292 grammes. To find what one cubic centimetre would weigh when the barometer stands at H centimetres, we make use of proportion [6], whence we derive w 0.001292 . 7o the weight of one cubic centimetre at and under a pressure of H centimetres. To find what one cubic centimetre would weigh MOLECULES. 21 under the same pressure but at t , it must be remembered that one cubic centimetre at becomes (1 -f- t 0.00366) cubic centimetres at t [7] ; therefore at t and at H centimetres of the barometer (1 -[- t 0.00366) cTm: 3 weigh 0.00129 . ^ grammes. By equating these two terms we obtain (1 + * 0.00366) =0.00129 . 5, whence 1 = - M129 - the weight of one cubic centimetre at t and under a pressure of H centimetres. The weight of V cubic centimetres (w) is evidently , = 0.00129 V. 1 + ^. 00366 . g. [10 a] Thus far in this solution we have neglected the change in capacity of the glass globe due to the change of temperature. This causes no sensible error when the change of temperature is small, but when the change of temperature is quite large the change of ca- pacity of the globe must be considered. If the capacity is V c. m. 8 at it becomes at t V (1 -f t 0.00003). (See Chem. Phys. 241 - 244.) Introducing this value for V into the above equa- tions we obtain W = 0.00129 V (1 + t 0.00003) . l + t l Mm . . [10 6] 1 7. Required a general method for determining the gm. (g>. of - a vapor. Solution. The specific gravity of a vapor has been defined as its weight compared with the weight of the same volume of hydrogen gas under the same conditions of temperature and pressure, but .practically it is most convenient to determine the m. (S>r. with reference to air, and subsequently to reduce the result to the hydrogen standard. To find, then, the m. (J$r. of a vapor, we must ascertain the weight of a known volume, V, at a known temperature, t , and under a known pressure, H, and divide this by the weight of the same volume of air at the same temperature, and under the same pressure. The method may best be explained by an example. Suppose, then, that we wish to ascertain the gp. (Jtfa. of alcohol vapor. We take a light glass globe having a capacity of from 400 to 500 cmr. 3 , and draw the neck out in the flame of a blast lamp, so as to leave only a fine opening, as shown in the figure at a. The first MOLECULES. step is now to ascertain the weight of the glass globe when com- pletely exhausted of air. As this cannot readily be done directly, we weigh the globe full of air, and then subtract the weight of the air, ascertained by calculation from the capacity of the globe, and from the temperature and pressure of the air, by means of equation (10 a). Call the weight of the globe and air W, and the weight of the air w, then W w is the weight of the globe exhausted of air. The second step is to ascertain the weight of the globe filled with alcohol vapor at a known temperature, and under a known pressure. For this purpose we introduce into the globe a few grammes of pure alcohol, and mount it on the support represented in the accompanying figure. By loosening the screw, r, we next sink the balloon beneath the oil contained in the iron vessel, V, and secure it in this position. We now slowly raise the temperature of the oil to between 300 and 400, which we observe by means of the thermometer, T. The alcohol changes to vapor, and drives out the air, which, with the excess of vapor, escapes at a. When the bath has attained the requisite temperature, we close the opening a, by suddenly melting the end of the tube at a with a mouth blowpipe, and as nearly as possible at the same moment observe the tempera- ture of the bath and the height of the barometer. We have now the globe filled with alcohol vapor at a known temperature, and under a known pressure. Since it is hermetically sealed, its weight cannot change, and we can therefore allow it to cool, clean it, and weigh it at our leisure. This will give us the weight of the globe filled with alcohol vapor at a known temperature, Z', and under a known pressure, H'. Call this weight W'. The weight of the vapor is W' W -}- w. The third step is to ascertain the weight of the same volume of air at the same temperature and under the same pressure. This can easily be found by calculation from equa- tion (10 I). The last step is to find the capacity of the globe, which, although we have supposed it known, is not actually ascertained experimentally until the end of the process. For this purpose we break off the tip of the tube (a), under mercury, which, if the ex- periment has been carefully conducted, rushes in and fills the globe completely. We then empty this mercury into a carefully gradu- ated glass cylinder, and read off the volume. We find then the MOLECULES. 23 gm. (g> ^ by dividing the weight of the vapor by the weight of the air. The formulae for the calculation are then Weight of the globe and air, W. air, " = 0- 001292Y - 1+ , 0.00366- I" globe exhausted of air, W w. " filled with vapor at a temperature t' and under a pressure H', W. vapor, W W + w. air at t' and under a pressure H', = 0.001292 V (1 + t 0.00003) . l + ^^ . *'. W'-W + w g c = 0.001292 V (1 + t' 0.00003) . 1. Ascertain the m. (Jfo. of alcohol vapor from the following data: Weight of glass globe, W 50.804 grammes. Height of barometer, H 74.75 centimetres. Temperature, t 18 Weight of globe .and vapor, W 50.824 grammes. Height of barometer, H' 74.76 centimetres. Temperature, t 167 Volume, V 351.5 cubic centimetres. Ans. 1.575. 2. Ascertain the Pjp. (gfr. of camphor vapor from the following data : Weight of glass globe, W 50.134 grammes. Height of barometer, H 74.2 centimetres. Temperature, t 13.5 Weight of globe and vapor, W 50.842 grammes. Height of barometer, H' 74.2 centimetres. Temperature, t' 244 Volume, V 295 cubic centimetres. Ans. 5.371. CHAPTER IV. -.MWS- ATOMS. 18. Definition. The atomic theory assumes that so long as the identity of a substance is preserved its molecules remain undivided ; but when, by some chemical change, its identity is lost, and new substances are formed, the theory supposes that the molecules themselves are broken up into still smaller particles, which it calls atoms. Indeed it regards this division of the molecules as the very essence of a chemical change. The word atom is derived from a, privative, and re/^o> (I cut), and recalls a famous controversy in regard to the infinite divisibility of matter, which for many centuries divided the philosophers of the world. But chemistry does not deal with this metaphysical question. It asserts nothing in regard to the possible divisibility of matter ; but its modern theories claim that, practically, this division cannot be carried beyond a certain extent, and that we then reach particles which cannot be fur- ther divided by any chemical process now known. These are the chemical atoms, and the atom is simply the unit of the chemist, just as the molecule is the unit of the physicist, or the stars the units of the astronomer. The molecule is a group of atoms, and is a unit in the microcosm, of which it is a part, in the same sense that the solar system is a unit in the great stel- lar universe. The molecule has been defined as the smallest particle of any substance which can exist by itself, and the atom may be now defined as the smallest mass of an element that exists in any molecule. When a molecule breaks up, it is not supposed that the atoms fall apart like grains of sand ; but simply that they arrange themselves in new groups, and thus give rise to the formation of new substances. Indeed, as a rule, the atoms cannot exist in a free state, and with few exceptions every molecule consists of at least two atoms. This is thought to be true, even of the chemical elements. The difference between the molecules of ATOMS. 25 an elementary substance and those of a compound, according to the theory, is merely this, that while the first are formed by the union of atoms of the same kind, the last comprise atoms of different kinds. The molecules of oxygen gas are atomic aggregates as well as those of water, only the molecules of oxygen consist of oxygen atoms alone, while the molecules of water contain both oxygen and hydrogen atoms. Such at least is the constitution of most elementary substances. Nevertheless, in the case of mercury, zinc, cadmium, and some other me- tallic elements, the facts compel us to believe that the molecule consists of but one atom, or, in other words, that in these cases the molecule and the atom are the same. 19. Atomic Weights. There must be evidently as many kinds of atoms as there are elementary substances ; and, since these substances always unite in definite proportions, it must be also true that the elementary atoms have definite weights. This once assumed, the law of multiple proportions, as well as that of definite proportions, becomes an essential part of our atomic theory ; for, since the atoms are by definition indivis- ible, the elements can only combine atom by atom, and must therefore unite either in the proportion of the atomic weights or in some simple multiples of this proportion. We have dis- covered no means of measuring even approximately the ab- solute weight of an atom ; but, after we have determined, from considerations hereafter to be discussed, what must be the num- ber of atoms of each kind in one molecule of any substance, we can easily calculate their relative weight from the results of analysis. A few examples will make the method plain. 1. The analysis of water, given on page 6, proves that in 100 parts it contains 11.112 parts of hydrogen and 88.888 parts of oxygen. Every molecule of water, then, must contain these two elements in just these proportions. Now we have good reason for believing that each molecule of water is a group of three atoms, two of hydrogen and one of oxygen. Then, since (11.112) : 88.888 = 1:16, it follows that the oxygen atom must weigh 1 6 times as much as the hydrogen atom ; and, if we make the hydrogen atom the unit of our atom- ic weight, then the weight of the oxygen atom, estimated in these units, must be 16. 2. The analysis of hydrochloric acid gas proves that it con- 26 ATOMS. tains in 100 parts 2.74 parts of hydrogen and 97.26 of chlorine. Moreover, we have reason to believe that each molecule of the acid is a group of two atoms, one of hydrogen and one of chlorine. Hence the atom of chlorine must weigh 35.5 times as much as that of hydrogen. Its atomic weight is then 35.5. 3. The analysis of common salt, page 6, proves that it con- tains in 100 parts 60.68 parts of chlorine and 39.32 parts of sodium, and we believe that each molecule of salt is a group of two atoms, one of chlorine and one of sodium. Then, since 60.68 : 39.32 = 35.5 : 23, it follows that the atomic weight of sodium is 23. In like manner the atomic weights of all the chemical elements have been determined, and the numbers are given in Table II. These numbers are the fundamental data of chemical science, and the basis of almost all the numerical calculations which-the chemist has to make. The elements of a compound body are always united either in the proportions, by weight, expressed by these numbers, or else in some simple multiples of these proportions ; and whenever, by the breaking up of a complex compound, or by the mutual action of different substances on each other, the elements rearrange themselves, and new compounds are formed, the same numerical propor- tions are always preserved. The atomic weights evidently rest on two distinct kinds of data ; first, on the results of chemical analysis, which are facts of observation, and in regard to which the only question can be as to their greater or less accuracy ; secondly, on our conclu- sions in regard to the number of atoms in each molecule of the substance analyzed. This conclusion again is based chiefly on two classes of facts, whose bearing on the subject we must briefly consider. 1 . In the first place we carefully compare together all the compounds of the element we are studying, with the view of discovering the smallest weight of it which enters into the com- position of any known molecule ; for this must evidently be the atomic weight of the element. An example will make the course of reasoning intelligible. In the following table we have a list of a number of the most important compounds containing hydrogen, all of which either are gases, or can easily be changed into vapor by heat, ATOMS. 27 so that their specific gravities in the state of gas can be readily determined. From these specific gravities we learn the weights of the .molecules (compare 17) which are given in the second column of the table. In the third column we have given the weight of hydrogen contained in the molecules, referred, of course, to the same unit as the weight of the molecules themselves : Weight of Molecule referred to Weight of Hydrogen Compounds of Hydrogen. Hydrogen Atom. in the Molecule. Hydrochloric Acid 36.5 1 Hydrobromic Acid 81.0 1 Hydriodic Acid 128.0 1 Hydrocyanic Acid 27.0 1 Hydrogen Gas 2*0 2 Water 18.0 2 Sulphuretted Hydrogen 34.0 2 Seleniuretted Hydrogen 81.5 2 Formic Acid 46.0 2 Ammonia 1 7.0 3 Phosphuretted Hydrogen 34.0 3 Arseniuretted Hydrogen 78.0 3 Acetic Acid 60.0 4 Olefiant Gas 28.0 4 Marsh Gas 16.0 4 Alcohol 46.0 6 Ether 74.0 10 Assuming now, as has been assumed in this table, that a molecule of hydrogen gas weighs 2, it appears that the smallest mass of hydrogen which the molecule of any known substance contains, weighs just one half as much, or 1. We infer, therefore, that this mass of hydrogen cannot be divided by any chemical means, or, in other words, that it is the hydro- gen atom. The molecule of hydrogen gas contains then two hydrogen atoms, and this atom is the unit to which we refer all molecular and atomic weights. If now, in like manner, we bring into comparison all the volatile compounds of oxygen, we shall find that the smallest mass of oxygen which exists in the molecule of any known substance weighs 16, the atom of hydrogen weighing 1, and hence we infer that this mass of oxygen is the oxygen atom. Moreover it will appear that a molecule of oxygen gas weighs 28 ATOMS. 32, and hence it follows that each molecule of oxygen gas, like the molecule of hydrogen, is formed by the union of two atoms. A similar comparison would show that, while the molecule of nitrogen gas weighs 28, the atom weighs 14, so that here again the molecule consists of two atoms. This method of investiga- tion can be extended to a large number of the chemical ele- ments, and the conclusions to which it leads are evidently le- gitimate, and cannot be set aside, until it can be shown that some substance exists whose molecule contains a smaller mass of any element than that hitherto assumed as the atomic weight, or, in other words, until the old atom has been divided. 2. The second class of facts on which we rely for determin- ing the number of atoms in a given molecule is based on the specific heat of the elements (compare 16). It would appear that the specific heat is the same for all atoms, and, if this is true, we might expect that equal amounts of heat would raise to the same extent the temperatures of such quantities of the various elementary substances as contain the same number of atoms, provided, of course, that these atomic aggregates are compared under the same conditions. Now we can determine accurately the number of units of heat required to raise the temperature of equal weights of the elementary substances one degree, and the results, which we call the specific heat of the elements, are given in works on physics. Chem. Phys. (232). Evidently, if our principle is true, these values must be pro- portional in every case to the number of atoms of each element contained in the equal weights compared. Representing then by S and S 1 the specific heat of two elementary substances, by m and m' the weights of the corresponding atoms, and by unity the equal weights compared, we shall have, in any case, S : S' = ~ : i,, or mS = m'S', [1 1] nr in ' L -J m m that is, The product of the atomic weight of an elementary sub- ' stance l)y its specific heat is always' a constant quantity. Taking now the atomic weights obtained by the method first given, and the specific heats of the elements as they have been determined by experimenting on these substances in the solid state, we find that, with only three exceptions, our inference is >f^^i^ ) 4j7->;. /* . ATOMS. 29 correct ; and this principle not only frequently enables us to fix the atomic weight of an element, when the first method fails, but it also serves to corroborate the general accuracy of our results. It is true, owing undoubtedly to many causes which influence the thermal conditions of a solid body, that this prod- uct is not absolutely constant. It varies between 5.7 and 6.9, the mean value being about 6.34 (see Table IV). But the variation is riot important, so far as the determination of the atomic weights is concerned. This determination, as we have seen, rests chiefly on the results of analysis. The question al- ways is only between two or three possible hypotheses, and as between these the specific heat will decide. For example, an analysis of chloride of silver proves that each molecule contains for one atom, or 35.5 parts of chlorine, 108 parts of silver. Now, 108 parts of silver may represent one, two, three, or four atoms, or it may be that this quantity only represents a fraction of an atom. To determine, we divide 6.34 by 0.057, the specific heat of silver. The result is 111, which, though not the exact atomic weight, is near enough to show that 108 is the weight of one atom, and not of two or three. The exceptions to this rule referred to above are carbon, boron, and silicon. But the specific heat of these elements varies so very greatly with the differences of physical condition the so-called allotropic modifications which these elements present, Chem. Phys. (234), that the exceptions are not regarded as invalidat- ing the general principle. The law simply fails in these cases, and we can see why it fails. This important law, whose bearing on our subject we have briefly considered, was first discovered by Dulong and Petit, and was subsequently verified by the very careful experiments of Regnault. More recently it has been found, by Voestyn and others, that its application extends, in some cases at least, to chemical compounds ; for it would seem that the atoms retain, even when in combination, their peculiar relations to heat, so that the product of the specific heat of a substance by its molec- ular weight is equal to as many times 6.3 as there are atoms in the molecule. Thus the specific heat of common salt, multiplied by its molecular weight, gives 0.214 X 58.5 = 12.52, which is very nearly equal to 6.3 X 2 ; while in the case of corrosive sublimate the corresponding product, 0.069 X 271 18.70, is 30 ATOMS. nearly equal to 6.3 X 3, results which are in accordance with our views in regard to the number of atoms in the mole- cules of these substances. We have here, then, an obvious method by which we might determine the number of atoms in the molecule of any solid, and which would be of the very greatest value in investigating the atomic weights, could we rely on the general application of our law. We do not expect mathematical exactness. We know very well that the specific heat of solid bodies varies very greatly with the temperature, as well as from other phys- ical causes, and that it is impossible to compare them under precisely the same conditions, as would be required in order to secure accuracy. But, unfortunately, the discrepancies are so great, and we are so ignorant of their cause, that as yet we have not been able to place much reliance on the specific heat as a means of determining the number of atoms in the mole- cules of a compound. 3. Lastly, assuming that both of the means we have consid- ered fail to give satisfactory evidence in regard to the number of atoms in the molecule of a given substance (which we may have analyzed for the purpose of determining some atomic weight), we may frequently, nevertheless, reach a satisfactory, or at least a probable conclusion, by comparing the substance we are investigating with some closely allied substance whose constitution is known. Thus, if the molecule of sodic chlo- ride (common salt) contains two atoms, it is probable that the molecules of sodic iodide, as well as those of potassic chloride and potassic iodide, qpntain the same number ; for all these compounds not only have the same crystalline form and the same chemical relations, but also they are composed of closely allied chemical elements. Nevertheless it is true, in very many cases, that our conclusion in regard to the number of atoms which a molecule may contain is more or less hypo- thetical, and hence liable to error and subject to change. This uncertainty, moreover, must extend to the atomic weights of the elements, so far as they rest on such hypothetical conclu- sions. If we change the hypothesis in any case, we shall obtain a different atomic weight; but then the new weight will be ATOMS. 31 some simple multiple of the old, and will not alter the impor- tant relations to which we first referred. These fundamental relations are independent of all hypothesis, and rest on well- established laws. The atomic weights are the numerical constants of chem- istry, and in determining their value it is necessary to take that care which their importance demands. The essential part of the investigation is the accurate analysis of some compound of the element whose atomic weight is sought. The compound selected for the purpose must fulfil several conditions. It must be one which can be prepared in a condition of absolute purity. It must be one the proportions of whose constituents can be determined with the greatest accuracy by the known methods of analytical chemistry. It must contain a second element whose atomic weight is well established. Finally, it should be a compound whose molecular condition is known, and it is best that this should be as simply as possible. When they are once thus accurately determined, the atomic weights become essen- tial data in all quantitative analytical investigations. am _ f Questions and Problems. T2, ^ I \ ^7* 1. Does the integrity of a substance reside in its molecules or in f~\ t its atoms ? 2. We find by analysis that in 100 parts of potassic chloride C there are 52.42 parts of potassium and 47.58 parts of chlorine. l( 1 Moreover, we know from previous experiments that the atomic 1 O ^ weight of chlorine is 35.5, and we have reason to believe that every ~ molecule of the compound consists of two atoms, one of potassiuhpl i and one of chlorine. What is the atomic weight of potassium ? /_*t 4 ^Ans. 39.1. | ? \ 3. We find by analysis that in 100 parts of phosphoric anhydride tj^j there are 43.66 parts of phosphorus and 56.34 parts of oxygen. Moreover, we know that the atomic weight of oxygen is 16 ; and we have reason to believe that every molecule of the compound consists of seven atoms, 2 of phosphorus and 5 of oxygen. What is the atomic weight of phosphorus ? Ans. 31. 4. In Table III. the student will find the molecular weights of the following oxygen compounds ; and we give below, following the name, the weight of oxygen (estimated like the molecular weight in hydrogen atoms) which each contains. From these data it is 32 ATOMS. required to determine the atomic weight of oxygen. Oxygen Gas, 32 ; Water, 16 ; Sulphurous Anhydride, 32, Sulphuric Anhydride, 48; Phosphoric Oxychloride, 16; Carbonic Oxide, 16; Carbonic Anhydride, 32 ; Osmic Anhydride, 64 ; Nitrous Oxide, 16 ; Nitric Oxide, 16 ; and Nitric Peroxide, 32. Ans. 16. 5. We give below the weight of chlorine in one molecule of several of its most characteristic volatile compounds. It is required to deduce the atomic weight of chlorine on the principle of the last problem. Chlorine gas, 71; Phosphorous Chloride, 106.5; Phos- phoric Oxychloride, 106.5; Arsenious Chloride, 106.5; Phosgene Gas, 71 ; Stannic Chloride, 142 ; Stanno-triethylic Chloride, 35.5 ; and Hydrochloric Acid, 35.5. Ans. 35.5. 6. Review the steps of the reasoning by which the atomic weights have been deduced in the last two problems, and show that the " molecular weight " and " the weight of the element in one molecule " are actual and independent experimental data. 7. Analysis shows that in 100 parts of mercuric chloride there are 73.80 parts of mercury and 26.20 parts of chlorine. The specific heat of mercury is 0.032. What is the probable atomic weight of mercury, that of chlorine being 35.5 '? Also, how many atoms of each element does one molecule of the compound contain ? Ans. Atomic weight of mercury, 200. Each molecule consists ( of one atom of mercury and two of chlorine. 'i Analysis shows that in 100 parts of ferric oxide there are 70 parts of iron and 30 parts of oxygen. The specific heat of iron is 0.514. What is the probable atomic weight of iron, that of oxygen being 16 ? and also, how many atoms of each element does one molecule of the oxide contain ? Ans. Atomic weight of iron, 56. One molecule of ferric oxide contains 2 atoms of iron and 3 of oxygen. 9. The molecular weight of silicic chloride is 1 70, and its specific heat, 0.1907. How many atoms does one molecule of the compound probably contain ? Ans. 5. 10. The molecular weight of mercuric iodide is 454, and its specific heat, 0.042. How many atoms does one molecule of the compound probably contain ? Ans. 3. CHAPTER V. CHEMICAL NOTATION. 20. Chemical Symbols. The atomic theory has found ex- pression in chemistry in a remarkable system of notation, which has been of the greatest value in the study of the science. In this system, the initial letter of the Latin name of an element is used as the symbol of that element, and represents in every case one atom. Thus stands for one atom of Oxygen, N for one atom of Nitrogen, H for one atom of Hydrogen. When several names have the same initial, we add for the sake of dis- tinction a second letter. Thus O stands for one atom of Car- bon, Gl for one atom of Chlorine, Ca for one atom of Calcium, Ou for one atom of Cuprum (copper), Or for one atom of Chromium, Co for one atom of Cobalt, Gd for one atom of Cadmium, Gs for one atom of -Caesium, and Ge for one atom of Cerium. The symbols of all the elements are given in Table II. Several atoms of the same element are generally indicated by adding figures, but distinguishing them from alge- braic exponents by placing them below the letters. Thus Sn 2 stands for two atoms of Stannum (tin), S 3 for three atoms of Sulphur, and I 5 for five atoms of Iodine. Sometimes, how- ever, in order to indicate certain relations, we repeat the symbol with or without a dash between them, thus H-H represents a group of two atoms of Hydrogen, Se=Se a group of two atoms of Selenium. We can now easily express the constitution of the molecule of any substance by simply grouping together the symbols of the atoms of which the molecule consists. This group is generally called the symbol of the substance, and stands in every case for one molecule. Thus Na Gl is the sym- bol of common salt, and represents one molecule of salt. ff 2 is the symbol of water, and represents, as before, one molecule. So in like manner H Z N stands for one molecule of ammonia gas, JJ 4 O for one molecule of marsh gas, KNO Z for one mole- cule of saltpetre, H 2 S0 4 for one molecule of sulphuric acid, 3 34 CHEMICAL NOTATION. C 2 H 4 2 for one molecule of acetic acid, H-H for one molecule of hydrogen gas. We do not, however, always write the symbols in a linear form, but group the letters in such a way as will best indicate the relations we are studying. When several molecules of the same substance take part in a chemical change, we represent the. fact by writing a numerical coefficient before the molecular symbol. A figure so plaoed always multiplies the whole symbol. Thus H-NO Z stands for four molecules of nitric acid, 3 C 2 H 6 for three molecules of alcohol, Q0=0 for six molecules of oxygen gas. When clearness requires it, we enclose the symbol of the molecule in parentheses, thus, 4(H^N), or (ff 3 =N) 4 . The precise mean- ing of the dashes will hereafter appear. They are used, like punctuation marks, to point off the parts of a molecular sym- bol, between which we wish to distinguish. 21. Chemical Reactions. These chemical symbols give at once a simple means of representing all chemical changes. As these changes almost invariably result from the reaction of one substance on another, they are called Chemical Reactions. Such reactions must necessarily take place between molecules, and simply consist in the breaking up of the molecules and the rear- rangement of the atoms in new groups. In every chemical re- action we must distinguish between the substances which are involved in the change and those which are produced by it. The first will be termed the factors and the last the products of the reaction. As matter is indestructible, it follows that TJie sum of the weights of the products of any reaction must always be equal to the sum of the weights of the factors, and, further, that The number of atoms of each element in the products must be the same as the number of atoms of the same kind in the factors. This statement seems at first sight to be contradicted by experience, since wood and many other combustibles are consumed by burning. In all such cases, however, the apparent annihilation of the substance arises from the fact that the prod- ucts of the change are invisible gases ; and, when these are col- lected, their weight is found to be equal, not only to that of the substance, but also, in addition, to the weight of the oxygen from the air consumed in the process. As the products and factors of every chemical change must be equal, it follows that A chemical reaction may always be represented in an equation CHEMICAL NOTATION. 35 by writing the symbols of the factors in the first member and those of the products in the second. Thus, the following equa- tion expresses the reaction of dilute sulphuric acid on zinc, by which hydrogen gas is commonly prepared. The products are a solution of zinc sulphate and hydrogen gas. Xn + (H 2 S^ + Aq) = (ZnS0 4 + Aq)+m-IE. [12] The initial letters of the Latin word Aqua are here used simply to indicate that the substances enclosed with it in pa- rentheses are in solution. The symbol Zll is printed in " full- faced " type to indicate that the metal is used in the reac- tion in. its well-known solid condition ; while the symbol of the molecule of hydrogen is printed in skeleton type to indi- cate the condition of gas. This usage will be followed through- out the book; but, generally, when it is not important to indicate the condition of the materials involved in the reaction, ordinary type will be used. The molecule of hydrogen gas consists of two atoms, as our reaction indicates, and this is the smallest quantity of hydrogen which can either enter into or be formed by a chemical change. The molecule of zinc is known to consist of only one atom. When the molecular constitution of an element is not known, we simply write the atomic symbol in the reaction. Among chemical reactions we may distinguish at least three classes. First, Analytical Reactions, in which a complex mole- cule is broken up into simpler ones. Thus, when sodic bisul- phate is heated, it breaks up into sodic sulphate and sulphuric anhydride, S0 3 . [13] So, also, by fermentation grape sugar or glucose breaks up into alcohol and carbonic anhydride, CtHu 6 = 2 C 2 ff & + 2 00 r [14] Secondly, Synthetical Reactions, in which two molecules unite to form a more complex group. Thus baryta burns in an atmosphere of sulphuric anhydride, and forms baric sulphate, [15] 36 CHEMICAL NOTATION. In like manner ammonia enters into direct union with hydro- chloric acid to form ammonic chloride, HJf + HCl = HJfOl [16] Thirdly, Metathetical Reactions, in which the atoms of one molecule change place with the dissimilar atoms of another, one atom of one molecule replacing one, two, three, or more atoms of the other, as the case may be. Thus, when we add a solution of common salt to a solution of argentic nitrate, we ob- tain a white precipitate l of argentic chloride, while sodic nitrate remains in solution. The result is obtained by a simple in- terchange between an atom of silver and an atom of sodium, as the following reaction shows : (Na Cl+ AgNO* + Ag) = (NaNO, + Aq) + AgCl. [17] In the next example, one atom of barium changes place with two atoms of hydrogen. Baric chloride and sulphuric acid yield hydrochloric acid and insoluble baric sulphate, which is precipitated from the solution in water as the reaction in- dicates, (Ba C1 2 + H 2 SO, + Aq) = (ZHCl + Aq) + BaSO 4 . [18] Of the three classes of chemical reactions the last is by far the most common, and many chemical changes which were for- merly supposed to be examples of simple analysis or synthesis are now known to be the results of metathesis. In very many cases, -however, a chemical reaction cannot be explained in either of these ways alone, but seems to consist in a primary union of two or more molecules and a subsequent splitting up of this large group. Indeed, this is the best way of conceiving of. all metatheticdl reactions, for we do not suppose that in any case there is an actual transfer of atoms from one molecule to the other. The word metathesis is merely used to indicate the result of the process, not the manner in which the change takes place, and the same is true of the words analysis and synthesis. i The separation of a solid or sometimes of a liquid substance in a fluid menstruum, as the result of a chemical reaction, is called precipitation, and the material which separates, a precipitate ; and this, too, even when the ma- terial, being lighter than the fluid, rises instead of falls. CHEMICAL NOTATION. 37 The common method of preparing carbonic anhydride is to pour a solution of hydrochloric acid on small lumps of marble (calcic carbonate), CaO 3 + (2ff& + Ag) = (CaC0 3 ff,Cl 2 + [19] Aq) (OaCl 2 + H^O + Aq) We may suppose that the molecules of the two substances are, in the first place, drawn together by the force which manifests itself in the phenomena of adhesion, 1 but that, as they approach, a mutual attraction between their respective atoms comes into play, which, the moment the molecules come into collision, causes the atoms to arrange themselves in new groups. The groups which then result are determined s by many causes whose action can seldom be fully traced ; but there are two conditions which, when the substances are in solution, have a very important influence on the result. These conditions may be thus stated : 1. Whenever a compound can be formed, which is insoluble in the menstruum present, this compound always separates as a precipitate. 2. Whenever a gas can be formed, or any substance which is volatile at the temperature at which the experiment is made, this volatile product is set free. The reactions 17 and 18 of this section are examples of the first, while the reactions 12 and 19 are examples of the second of these conditions. The facts just stated illustrate an important truth, which must be carefully borne in mind in the study of chemistry. A chemical equation differs essen- tially from an algebraic expression. Any inference which can be legitimately drawn from an algebraic equation must, in some sense, be true. It is not so, however, with chemical sym- bols. These are simply expressions of observed facts, and, although important inferences may sometimes be drawn from the mere form of the expression, yet they are of no value whatever unless confirmed by experiment. Moreover, the facts 1 We find it convenient to distinguish between the force which holds to- gether different molecules and that which unites the atoms of the molecules. To the last we give the name of chemical affinity, while we call the first co- hesion or adhesion, according as it is exerted between molecules of the same kind or those of a different kind. 38 CHEMICAL NOTATION. which are expressed in this peculiar system of notation are as purely materials for the memory as if they were described in common language. 22. Compound Radicals. In many chemical reactions the elementary atoms change places, not with other elementary atoms, but with groups of atoms, which appear to sustain rela- tions to the compounds they leave or enter similar to those of the elements themselves. Thus, if we add to a solution of ar- gentic nitrate a solution of ammoiiic chloride, we get the reac- tion expressed by the equation AgNO & + NHf Cl = NH,-NO & + Ag CL [20] Here the group NH^ has taken the place of Ag. So, also, in the reaction of hydrochloric acid on common alcohol, the group C 2 H 5 in the molecule of alcohol changes places with the atom of hydrogen in the molecule of hydrochloric acid, C 2 ff 5 -0-ff-\- HCl = H-0-H-\- C,H :r Cl * [21] Alcohol. Ethylic Chloride. We write the symbols in this peculiar way in order to make it evident to the eye that such a substitution has taken place. Lastly, in the reaction of chloroform on ammonia, the group Cffof the first changes places with the three atoms of hydro- gen of ammonia gas, Off* C1 3 + ff 3 N= BHCl + CH-=N. [22] Chloroform. Hydrocyanic Acid. Such groups as these are called compound radicals. Like the atoms themselves, they cannot, as a rule, exist in a free state ; but aggregates of these radicals may exist, which sus- tain the same relation to the radicals that elementary substances hold to the atoms. Thus, as we have a gas chlorine consisting of molecules, represented by Cl-Cl, so there is a gas cyanogen consisting of molecules, represented by CN-CN , where CNis a compound radical called cyanogen. Again, the important radicals CO, S0 2 , and PCI& are also the molecules of well- known gases. These radical substances correspond to the ele- mentary substances previously mentioned, in which the mole- cule is a single atom. But with few exceptions the radical substances have never CHEMICAL NOTATION. 89 been isolated, and the radicals are only known as groups of atoms which pass and repass in a number of chemical reac- tions. Indeed, in the same compound we may frequently assume several radicals. The possible radicals of a chemi- cal symbol correspond in fact almost precisely to the possi- ble factors of an algebraic formula, and in writing the sym- bol we take out the one or the other, as the chemical change we are studying requires. A number of these radicals have received names, and among those recognized in mineral com- pounds a few of the most important are Hydroxyl HO Sulphuryl S0 t Hydrosulphuryl HS Carbonyl CO Ammonium H^N Phosphoryl PO Amidogen H Z N Nitrosyl NO Cyanogen CN Nitryl NO Z . The radicals recognized in organic compounds are very numerous, and will be tabulated hereafter. Questions and Problems. 1. For what do the following symbols stand ? N-, Ca 2 ; H-H-, 7/ 4 <7; 4fiN0 8 ; (O 2 H 4 2 ) 2. For what do the following symbols stand ? C7; S 3 -, 0-0-, 3. For what do the following symbols stand ? 0-, # 5 ; Se=Se-, Nad; J? 2 0; 4. Analyze the following reaction. Show that the same number of atoms are represented on each side of the equation, and state the class to which it belongs. Fe + (2//C7 + Ag) = (FeCl 2 + Aq) + 2HU. Hydrochloric Acid Ferrous Chloride. 5. Analyze the following reaction: Show in what the equality consists, and state the class to which the reaction belongs. Ammonic Nitrate. Water. Nitrous Oxide. 6. Analyze the following reactions. Show in what the equality consists, and state the class to which the reaction belongs. C+ 0-0 = GO* Carbon. Oxygen. Carbonic Anhydride. 40 CHEMICAL NOTATION. 7. Analyze the following reaction. Show in what the equality consists, and state the class to which the reaction belongs. 2H-0-H+ Na-Na = ZNa-0-H+ H-H. Water. Sodium. Sodic Hydrate. 8. The following reaction may be so written as to indicate that the products are formed by a metathesis between two similar mole- cules. It is required to show that this is possible. = 3H-ff + JST-N. Ammonia gas. Hydrogen gas. Nitrogen gas. 9. Write the reactions [17] and [18] so as to indicate the manner in which the metathesis is supposed to take place. 10. State the conditions which determine the metathesis in the various reactions given in this chapter so far as these conditions are indicated. 11. Write the reactions [17] and [18] so as to indicate the manner in which the metathesis is supposed to take place. 12. Analyze the following reaction. Show what determines the metathesis and also what is meant by a compound radical. ( P Pb-(N0 3 ) 2 lumbic Nitrate. Ammonic Chloride. Aq) Plumbic Chloride. Ammonic Nitrate. 13. Compare with [22] the following reaction and point out the two radicals, which, as we may assume, hydrocyanic acid contains. (Ag-NO, + ff-CN + Aq} = Ag-CN + (H-NO, + Aq) Argentic Nitrate. Hydrocyanic Acid. Argentic Cyanide. Nitric Acid. 14. When sulphuric anhydride (S0 3 ) is added to water (H^O) a violent action ensues and sulphuric acid is formed. The reaction may be written in two ways, and it is required to explain the different views of the process, which the following equations express. ff 2 0+ S0 3 = ff 2 SO, or 2H-0-H + SOfO = HfO./S0 2 + HfO. 15. State the distinction between a chemical element and an elementary substance. Give also the distinction between a com- pound radical and a radical substance. 16. Give the names of the following radicals. HO-, HS-, NH^ NH 2 ', S0. 2 ; CO-, PO-, N0 &c. CHAPTER VI. X STOCHIOMETRY. /> 23. Stochiometry. The chemical symbols enable us not only to represent chemical changes, but also to calculate ex- actly the amounts of the substances required in any given pro- cess as well as the amounts of the products which it will yield. Each symbol stands for a definite weight of the element it rep- resents, that is, for the weight of an atom ; but, as only the rela- tive values of these weights are known, they are best expressed as so many parts. Thus H stands for 1 part by weight of hydrogen, the unit of our system. In like manner stands for 16 parts by weight of oxygen, N for 14 parts by weight of nitrogen, G for 12 parts by weight of carbon, C 5 for 60 parts by weight of carbon, and so on for all the symbols in Table II. The weight of the molecule of any substance must evidently be the sum of the weights of its atoms, and is easily found, when the symbol is given, by simply adding together the weights which the atomic symbols represent. Thus ff 2 stands for 2 + 16= 18 parts of water, Jf 8 NfoT 3 -f 14 = 17 parts of ammonia gas, and (7 2 ^0 2 for 24 -\- 4 -[- 32 = 60 parts of acetic acid. 1 Having then given the symbol of a substance, it is very easy to calculate its percentage composition. Thus, as in 60 parts of acetic acid there are 24 parts of carbon, in 100 parts of the acid there must be 40 parts of carbon, and so for each of the other elements. The result appears below ; and in the same way the percentage composition both of alcohol and ether has been calculated from the accompanying symbol. 1 In this book " the molecular weight of a substance " will always mean the sum of the atomic weight of the atoms composing one molecule, and we shall use the phrase, " the molecular weight of a symbol," or " the total atomic weight of a symbol," to denote the sum of the atomic weights of all the molecules which the symbol represents. 42 STOCHIOMETRY. Acetic Acid Alcohol Ether Carbon 40.00 52.18 64.86 Hydrogen 6.67 13.04 13.52 Oxygen 53.33 34.78 21.62 100.00 100.00 100.00 The rule, easily deduced, is this : As the weight of the mole- cule is to the weight of each element, so is one hundred parts to the percentage required. On the other hand, having given the percentage composition, it is easy to calculate the number of atoms of each element in the molecule of the substance. This problem is evidently the reverse of the last, but it does not, like that, always admit of a definite solution ; for, while there is but one percentage compo- sition corresponding to a given symbol, there may be an infinite number of symbols corresponding to a given percentage com- position. For example, the percentage composition of acetic acid corresponds not only to the formula C 2 ff 4 2 , given above, but also to any multiple of that formula, as can easily be seen by calculating the percentage composition of Cff 2 0, C 3 ff 6 3 , O 4 ff 8 0^ &c. They will all necessarily give the same result, and, before we can determine the absolute number of atoms of each element present, we must have given another condition, namely, the sum of the weights of the atoms, or, in other words, the molecular weight of the substance. When this is known, the problem can at once be definitely solved. Suppose we have given the percentage composition of alco- hol, as above, and also the further fact that its molecular weight is 46. We can then at once make the proportion 100 : 52.18 = 46 : x = 24 the weight of the atoms of carbon, 100 : 13.04 = 46 : x = 6 " " " " " " hydrogen, 100 : 34.78 = 46 : x = 1 6 " " " " " " oxygen. Then it follows that J = 2 the number of atoms of carbon in one molecule, e. _ g u hydrogen in one molecule, -| = 1 " " " " " oxygen in one molecule. It is evident from this example, that, in order to determine STOCHIOMETRY. 43 exactly the symbol of a compound, we must know its molecular weight. When the substance is a gas, or is capable of being changed into vapor, we can easily determine its molecular weight by the principle on page 15. The molecular weight is simply twice its specific gravity referred to hydrogen. For all the problems given in this book, which deal only with the com- mon gases and vapors, the molecular weight can be at once taken from Table III. If we are dealing with a new substance, we must determine its specific gravity experimentally by one of the methods which will hereafter be described. When, on account of the fixed nature of the substance, the last mode of investigation is impossible, we can still frequently determine with great probability the molecular weight, by study- ing the chemical reactions into which the substance enters, and connecting, by careful quantitative experiments, the molecular weight sought with that of some substance whose molecular weight is known. The methods used in such cases will be in- dicated hereafter ; but even when all such means fail, we can nevertheless always find which of all possible symbols ex- presses the composition of the substance we are studying in the simplest terms, in other words, with the fewest number of atoms in the molecule. Suppose the substance to be cane sugar, which cannot be volatilized without decomposition, and of which no reaction is known which gives any definite clew to its mole- cular weight. Peligot's analysis, cited on page 6, shows that it contains, in 100 parts, 42.06 parts of carbon, 6.50 parts of hydrogen, and 51.44 parts of oxygen. Assume for the mo- ment that the molecular weight is equal to 100 then ^- = 3.50 the number of atoms of carbon. ^ 6.50 " " hydrogen. - 1 '* 4 = 3.22 " " oxygen. This would be the number of atoms of each element if the sum of the atomic weight, that is, the molecular weight, of sugar, were equal to 100. As, from the very definition, frac- tional atoms cannot exist, these numbers are impossible, but any other possible number of atoms must be either a multiple or a submultiple of the numbers found ; and we can easily dis- 44 STOCHIOMETRY. cover the fewest number of whole atoms possible, by seeking for the three smallest whole numbers which stand to each other in the relation of 3.50 : 6.50 : 3.22, a proportion which is very nearly satisfied by 12 : 22 : 11. Hence, the simplest possible symbol is O^H^ U , and this has been adopted by chemists as the symbol of cane sugar, although, from anything we as yet know, the symbol may be a multiple of this. If now, taking this symbol as our starting-point, we calculate the percentage composition which would exactly correspond to it, we obtain the following results, which we have arranged in a tabular form, so that the student may compare the theoretical compo- sition with the numbers Peligot obtained by actual analysis. Composition of Cane Sugar, QA4i. Peligot's Analysis. Theoretical. Carbon 42.06 42.11 Hydrogen 6.50 6.43 Oxygen 51.44 51.46 100.00 100.00 The difference between the two is now seen to be within the probable errors of analysis, and this example illustrates the method of arranging analytical results generally adopted by chemists. From the above discussion we can easily deduce a simple arithmetical rule for finding the symbol of a compound when its percentage composition is known. But this rule may be best expressed in an algebraic formula, which will show to the eye at once the relation of the quantities involved in the calcula- tion, and enable us to extend our method to the solution of many classes of problems which we might not otherwise foresee. Let us then represent By M the weight of any chemical compound in grammes. " m the molecular weight of the compound in hydrogen atoms. " W the weight of any constituent of that compound, whether element or compound radical, in grammes. " w the total atomic weight of element or radical in one molecule. STOCHIOMKTRY. 45 Then = proportion by weight of the constituent in the compound, and M = weight of constituent in M grammes of compound, or W=M-. [23] m L J Any three of these quantities being given, the fourth can, of course, be found. Thus we may solve four classes of problems. 1. We may find the weight of any constituent in a given weight of a compound, when we know the molecular weight of the compound^and the total atomic weight of the constituent in one molecule. Problem. It is required to find the weight of sulphuric anhydride S0 8 in 4 grammes of plumbic sulphate PbO, S0 3 . Here, w = 32 + 3 X 16 = 80, m = 207 + 16 + 80 = 303, and M = 4. Ans. 1.056 grammes. \J 2. We can find the weight of a compound which can be produced from, or corresponds to, a given weight of one of its constituents, when the same quantities are known as above. Problem. How many grammes of crystallized green vitriol, I FeSO. 7ff 2 0, can be made from 5 grammes of iron? Here, w = 56, m = 278, JF= 5. Ans. 24.821. 3. We can find the molecular weight of a compound when we have given the weight of one constituent in a given weight of the compound, and the total atomic weight of that constitu- ent in the molecule. Problem. In 7.5 grammes of ethylic iodide, there are 6.106 grammes of iodine; the total atomic weight of iodine in one molecule is 127. What is the molecular weight of ethylic iodide? Ans. 156. 4. We can find the total atomic weight of one constituent of a molecule when the molecular weight is given, and also the weight of the constituent in a known weight of the compound. 46 STOCHIOMETRY. Problem. The molecular weight of acetic acid is 60, the per cent of carbon in the compound 40. What is the total atomic weight of carbon in one molecule ? Ans. 24. Whence number of carbon atoms in one molecule, 2. The last problem is essentially the same as that of finding the symbol of a compound when its percentage composition is given, while the first corresponds to the reverse problem of deducing the percentage composition from the symbol. By a slight change the formula can be much better adapted to this class of cases. For this purpose we may put M = 1 00, since we are solely dealing with per cents, and also put w = na, a standing for the atomic weight of any element, and n for the number of atoms of that element in one molecule of the compound we are studying. We then have JP= 100 - and ra = - - [24] m 100 a The first of these forms is adapted for calculating the per cent of each element of a compound when the molecular weight, the number of atoms of each element in one molecule, and the several atomic weights, are known ; and it is evident that all these data are given by the chemical symbol of the compound. The second of these forms enables us to calculate the number of atoms of each element present in one molecule of a com- pound when the percentage composition, the molecular weight, and the several atomic weights, are known, and illustrates the principle before developed, that the molecular weight is an essential element of the problem. . Stochiometrical Problems. The principles of the pre- section apply not only to single molecular formulae, but obviously may also be extended to the equations which repre- sent chemical changes. Since the molecular symbols which are equated in these expressions represent known relative weights, it must be true in every case that we can calculate the weight of either of the factors or products of the chemical change it represents, provided only that the weight of some one is known. If we represent by w and m the total atomic weight of any two symbols entering into the chemical equations, and by JFand M the weight in grammes of the factors or products STOCHIOMETRY. 47 which these symbols represent, then the simple algebraic formulas of the last section will apply to all stochiometrical problems of this kind, as. well as to those before indicated. These formulae, however, are merely the algebraic expression of the familiar rule of three, and all stochiometrical problems are solved more easily by this simple arithmetical rule. Using the word symbol to express the sum of the atomic weights it represents, we may state the rule as applied to chemical prob- lems in the following words, which should be committed to memory. Express the reaction in the form of an equation ; make then the proportion, As the symbol of the substance given is to the sym- bol of the substance required, so is the weight of the substance given to x, the iveight of the substance required ; reduce the symbols to numbers, and calculate the value of x. This rule applies equally well to all problems, like those of the' last section, in which the elements or radicals of the same molecular symbol are alone involved ; only in such cases there is of course no equation to be written. A few examples will illustrate the application of the rule. Problem 1. We have given 10 kilogrammes of common salt, and it is required to calculate how much hydrochloric acid gas can be obtained from it by treating with sulphuric acid. The reaction is expressed by the equation (2Na 01 + ff 2 S0 4 + Aq) = (Na^SO^ + Aq) + 2IS(^, whence we deduce the following proportion, 117 73 2Na Cl : 2ffCl = W:x = Ans. 6.239 kilogrammes. Problem 2. It is required to calculate how much sulphuric acid and nitre must be used to make 250 grammes of the strongest nitric acid. The reaction is expressed by the equation KNO, + & 2 SO, == K, ffS0 4 + HNO Z1 whence we get the proportions f,3 98 ffN0 3 : N 2 S0 4 =250:x = Ai\s. 1. 388.9 grammes sulphuric acid. 63 101.1 250 : x = Ans. 2. 401.2 grammes nitre. 48 STOCHIOMETBT. The student should also solve by the same rule the problems given in the last section. 25. Gay-Lussac's Law. This eminent French chemist was the first to state clearly the important truth, that, when gases or vapors react on each other, the volumes both of the factors and of the products of the reaction always bear to each other some very simple numerical ratio. This truth is generally known as the law of Gay-Lussac, but, since the principle is a direct con- sequence of the atomic theory, it is best studied in that relation. It is, as we have seen, a fundamental postulate of the theory that equal volumes of all substances, when in the aeriform condition, contain the same number of molecules. Hence it follows, that the volumes of all single molecules are the same, and, if we take this common volume as our unit of measure, it follows, further, that the total molecular volume represented by any symbol is always equal to the number of molecules. We are thus led to a most important fact, which gives an additional meaning to our chemical symbols, for it appears that Every chemical equation, when properly written, represents not only the relative weights, but also the relative volumes of its factors and products y when in the state of gas. This principle is illustrated by the following equations : + Marsh Gas. Carbonic Anhydride. Aqueous Vapor Nitric Oxide Gas. Hydrogen Gas. Ammonia Gas. Aqueous Vapor. The squares which here serve to indicate equal volumes, and to impress on the mind the meaning of the symbols, are evidently unnecessary and will not be used hereafter. It is a great advantage of the crith, which has been proposed as a unit of weight in chemistry (see 2), that it stands in the same relation to the French unit of volume, the litre, in which the weight of the hydrogen molecule stands to the common volume of all molecules, the unit of molecular volume. The STOCHIOMETRY. 49 volume of a given mass of any gas is always equal to the weight in criths divided by its specific gravity referred to hydrogen [3]. In like manner, the molecular volume rep- resented by any symbol is equal, to one half ( 17) the total atomic weight of that symbol divided by the specific gravity of the gas it represents. In other words, the weight in criths of any mass of gas stands in the same relation to its volume in litres as that in which one half the total atomic weight of any symbol stands to the total molecular volume, or, what amounts to the same thing, to the number of molecules which the symbol represents. This relation must, of course, hold in every chem- ical equation, and hence, with a simple modification, the rule of the last section may be extended to the many cases in which it is desired to calculate the volumes of gas or vapor involved in a chemical change. The rule so modified may be stated thus : Express the reaction in an equation ; make then the propor- tion, As one half of the symbol of the first substance is to the number of molecules of the second, so is the weight in criths of the first to the volume in litres of the second ; reduce the symbol to numbers, and calculate the value of the unknown quantity. This rule has the same general application as the first, and a few examples will illustrate the use of it. Problem 1. How much chlorate of potash must be used to obtain one litre of oxygen gas ? The reaction is expressed by the equation whence we get the proportion 122.6 (2K C10 3 ) :3 = x:l. x = 40.9 criths, 40.9 X 0.0896 = Ans. 3.664 grammes. Problem 2. How many litres of oxygen gas can be obtained from 500 grammes of chlorate of potash ? The reaction is the same as before, but in this case the grammes must first be reduced to criths. The proportion will then be written 122.6 KAA KCIO Z '. 3 = -^- : x = Ans. 136.6 litres. 50 STOCHIOMETRY. Problem 3. How many litres of ammonia gas NH 3 are con- tained in 20 grammes of ammonic chloride, NH Z -HCI? Here we require no equation ; for the symbol itself gives at once the proportion 1 == : x = Ans. 8.343 litres. In applying the rules of this chapter to the solving of stochiometrical problems, the student should carefully bear in mind, first, that the rule of (24) applies to all those cases in which the weight of one substance is to be calculated from the weight of another ; secondly, that when volume is to be deduced from volume the answer can be found by mere inspection of the equation according to the principles stated in (25), and thirdly, that the rule of page 49 applies only to those problems in which volume is to be calculated from weight, or the reverse. In using this last rule it must be remembered that the " first substance " is always the one whose weight is given or sought, while the " second substance " is always the one whose volume is given or sought. Questions and Problems. 1. What is the molecular weight of plumbic sulphate, Pb=0 2 =SO z ? f calcic phosphate, Co 3 |0 6 l(PO) 2 ? Of ammonia alum, (NH 4 \, (AlJiO B -(SOJ v 24# 2 0? Ans. 303, 310, and 906.8. 2. What are the molecular weights of the symbols 3E SST ? How many litres of hydrochloric acid gas (IHO1) are also formed ? 301-01 = Ans. 2 litres of ammonia gas ; 3 litres of chlorine gas, and 6 litres of hydrochloric acid gas. 21. How many litres of hydrochloric acid gas (IHO1) and how many of oxygen gas (=) can be obtained from one litre of aqueous vapor (IHa), and how many litres of chlorine gas (O1-O1) must be used in the process ? 25H 2 + 2O1-O1 = 43SO1 + . Ans. 2 litres of hydrochloric acid gas, litre of oxygen gas, and 1 litre of chlorine gas. 22. How many litres of oxygen gas ((o>(D) are required to burn completely (i. e. to combine with) one litre of alcohol vapor COsHIs)) and how many litres of carbonic anhydride (0(0)2) and how many of aqueous vapor 0H 2 ) are formed by the process ? The chemical reaction which takes place when alcohol burns is expressed by the equation STOCHIOMETRY. 53 3 = 2 (oJ 2 + 3 HI 2 . Ans. 3 litres of oxygen gas ; 2 litres of carbonic anhydride, and 3 litres of aqueous vapor. 23. How many litres of oxygen gas are required to burn one litre of arseniuretted hydrogen (IH 3 ^s), and how many litres of arsenious acid vapor (^s 3 ) and how many of aqueous vapor are formed in the process V 4m 3 ^s + 9= = 4^s 3 + 6IH 2 . Ans. 2 litres of oxygen gas ; 1 litre arsenious acid vapor and l litres of aqueous vapor. 24. How many litres of chlorine gas can be made with 19.49 grammes of manganic oxide (MnO%) ? ]HllO 2 + (4HCl+Aq) = (Mn Cl 2 + 2ff 2 0+Aq) +@1-L Ans. 5 litres. 25. How many grammes of chalk (CaC0 3 ) are required to yield one litre of carbonic anhydride ? CaCOa + (2HCI + Aq) = ( Ga C1 2 + H 2 0+Aq) + CO* Ans. 4.48 grammes. 26. How many litres of hydrochloric acid gas (HCF) can be made with 8.177 kilogrammes of common salt (NaCl) ? (2Na Cl + ff z SOt + Aq) = (Na 2 S0 4 + Aq) + 2 SIOL Ans. 5000. 27. How many grammes of ferrous sulphide (FeS) are required to yield 568 crm. 8 of sulphuretted hydrogen (# 2 S) ? + (ff,S0 4 + Aq) = (FeS0 4 + Aq) + SlaS. Ans. 2.24 grammes. CHAPTER VII. CHEMICAL EQUIVALENCY. 26. Chemical Equivalents. If in' a solution of argentic sulphate we place a strip of metallic copper, we find after a short time that all the silver has separated from the solution, and that a certain quantity of copper has dissolved in its place. (AfrS0 4 + Ag) + Cu = ( CuSOt + Aq) + Aft, [25] If now we pour off the solution of cupric sulphate, and place in this solution a strip of metallic zinc, the metallic copper in its turn will all separate, and to replace it a certain amount of zinc will dissolve. (CuSOt + Aq) + Zn = (ZnSOt + Ag) + Cu. [26] Lastly, if we pour off the solution of zincic sulphate, and place in this a strip of metallic magnesium, the zinc will in like manner be replaced by magnesium. (ZnSO, + .Aq) + OTEg = (MgSO + Aq) + Zn. [27] In experiments like these, we can by proper analytical methods determine the relative quantities by weight of the several metals which thus replace each other, and we find that they are always the same. Thus, if our first solution contained 108 milligrammes of silver, the amount of each metal suc- cessively dissolved and precipitated would be, of copper, 31.7 m. g., of zinc, 32.6 m. g., of magnesium, 12 m. g. More- over, if, instead of using in our experiments a metallic sulphate, we take a metallic chloride, nitrate, acetate, or any other com- pound of the metals, we find that the same definite ratios are preserved, at least in every case where the substitution is pos- sible. It would appear then that these relative quantities of the several metals exactly replace each other in all such cases. They are, therefore, regarded as the chemical equivalents of CHEMICAL EQUIVALENCY. 55 each other, in the sense that they are capable of filling each other's place. In a strict sense, two quantities of different elements can be said to be equivalent to each other only when they are actually capable of replacing each other in some known chem- ical reaction, but formerly the word was used with a much wider significance, and quantities of two different elements were said to be equivalent to each other if they had been proved to be equivalent to the same quantity of some third element which served as a link of connection. In this way an equivalency may be established between all the chemical elements, and the system of chemistry still used in many text- books is based on a system of equivalency so determined. If the table of chemical equivalents on this old system is com- pared with a table of atomic weights on the new, it will be found that the numbers of the one are either the same as those of the other, or else some very simple multiples of them. The one set of numbers can be used in all stochiometrical calcula- tions in the same way as the other, and on the old system the symbols stand for equivalents, as in the new they stand for atomic weights. The equivalents have this advantage, that they are the result of direct experiments, and are based on no hypothesis in regard to the molecular constitution of matter. But this hypothesis is necessary, in order to correlate a large number of facts which modern chemical investigation has brought to light, and when once made, the rest of the system follows as a necessary consequence. 27. Quantivalence and Atomicity of the Elements. If now, starting with the atomic weights as they have been determined or assumed in Table II., we compare together the different elements from the point of view taken in the last section, it will be found, that, while in some cases one atom of one ele- ment is the equivalent of one atom of another in other cases, it may be the equivalent of two, three, or four atoms. Since in the system of this book the symbols always stand for atomic weights, the relation here referred to is made evident whenever any metathetical reaction is expressed in the form of an equa- tion. A few examples will illustrate the point, and make clear what is meant. The reaction of aqueous hydrochloric acid on a solution of argentic nitrate is expressed by the equation, 56 CHEMICAL EQUIVALENCY. + HOI + Aq) = (HNO, + Aq) + AgCl, [28] and here evidently Ag changes places with H, and hence one atom of silver is equivalent to one atom of hydrogen. Take now the reaction of dilute sulphuric acid on zinc, which is expressed by the equation, Zn + (ff a S0 4 + Aq) = (ZnSOt + Aq) + gHH, [29] and it will be seen that Zn has changed places with /7 2 > and hence that one atom of zinc is the equivalent of two atoms of hydrogen. Lastly, in the reaction of water on phosphorous trichloride, expressed by the equation, ni IT 3 ff 3 3 + PCl 3 = 3HCl+ff 3 P0 3 , [30] Phosphorous Acid. it is equally evident that P has changed places with ff 3j and hence in this reaction one atom of phosphorus is equiva- lent to three atoms of hydrogen. This relation of the elements to each other is called by Hofmann quantivalence ; and selecting here, as in the system of atomic weights, the hydrogen atom as our standard of reference, the atoms of different elements are called wm'valent, divalent, frtvalent, or quadrivalent, according as they are in the sense already indicated equivalent to one, two, three, or four atoms of hydrogen. These terms are very appropriate, since they are all derived from the same root as our common English word equivalent, which best expresses the fundamental idea that underlies the whole subject. We shall therefore adopt them in this book, and, as Hofmann recommends, designate the quantivalence, whenever important, by a Roman numeral placed over the atomic symbol thus, i ii in iv <7/, 0, tf, O. In most cases, however, the quantivalence is indicated with sufficient clearness by the dashes, which are also used in this book to separate the parts of a molecular symbol. The num- ber of these dashes is always the same as the quantivalence of the atoms, or groups of atoms, on either side. CHEMICAL EQUIVALENCY. 57 With these additions to our notation we are able to express by our symbols all that was valuable in the old system of equivalents, and at the same time all that is peculiar to our modern theories. Precisely the same relations of quantivalence are manifested even more fully by the compound radicals, whenever in a chemical reaction they change places with elementary atoms, and their replacing value is indicated in the same way. Thus, in the following reaction, c 2 ff 3 o-a+ff-o-ir=ji-a+ff-o-c 2 H s 6, pi] Acetyl chloride. Water. Acetic Acid. the radical C 2 H& 0, named acetyl, changes places with one atom of hydrogen, and is therefore -umvalent, while in the next, ni in GHz (7/3 + ff 3 N= 3HCI + CH-=N, [32] Chloroform. Hydrocyanic Acid. the radical Cffis as evidently trivalent. The quantivalence of an element or radical is shown, not only by its power of replacing hydrogen atoms, but also by its power of replacing any other atoms whose quantivalence is known. Moreover, what is still more important, the quantivalence of an element or radical is shown, not only by its replacing power, but also by what we may term its atom-fixing power, that is, by its power of holding together other elements or radicals in a mole- cule. We may take as examples the molecules of four very characteristic compounds, namely, hydrochloric acid, water, ammonia, and marsh gas, whose symbols may be written thus, i n in iv H-Cl H,H-0 H,H,H=-N ff, ft H, H^C. Hydrochloric Acid. Water. Ammonia. Marsh Gas. By these symbols it appears, that, while the univalent atom of chlorine can hold but one atom of hydrogen, the bivalent atom of 'oxygen holds two, the trivalent atom of nitrogen three, and the quadrivalent atom of carbon four atoms of the same ele- ment. It appears, then, that the Roman numerals or dashes, which represent the replacing power of the atoms or radicals, represent also the atom-fixing power of the same, measured in each case by the number of atoms of hydrogen, or their 58 CHEMICAL EQUIVALENCY. equivalents, with which these atoms or radicals can combine to form a single molecule. On account of the importance of this principle we will extend our illustrations to a number of other compounds, and the student should carefully compare in each case the quantivalence on the two sides of the dash or dashes, which mark the atom-fixing power of the dominant atom in the molecule. ii ii ii ii Na-Cl K-I O 2 ff 5 -Br K-CN-, Sodic Chloride. Potassic Iodide. Ethylic Bromide. Potassic Cyanide. i ii i H n i ii i i ii i K-O-H Pb-0 N-0-N0 2 H-O-C^O-, Potassic Hydrate. Plumbic Oxide. Nitric Acid. Acetic Acid. i i i m i mil im H,H,C,HfN (C 2 ff^P CH ?J ,C,H,,C 5 H^N. Ethylamine. Triethyl phosphine. Methyl-ethyl-amyl-amine. The quantivalence of the chemical elements, especially as indicated by their atom-fixing power, is by no means always the same. They constantly exhibit under different conditions an unequal atom-fixing power. Thus we have SnCla and SnCl 4J P01 3 and PCl s , NJT 3 and NHCl. Each element, however, has a maximum power, which it never exceeds. This we shall call its atomicity, and we shall distin- guish the elements as monads, dyads, triads, &c., according to the number of univalent atoms or radicals they are able at most to bind together. Thus nitrogen is a pentad, although it is more commonly trivalent, and lead is a tetrad, although it is usually bivalent. Again, sulphur is a hexad, although in most of its relations it is, like lead, bivalent. In like manner with other elements, one of the few possible con- ditions is generally much more common and stable than the rest, and this prevailing quantivalence of an element is a more characteristic property than its maximum quantiva- lence or atomicity. A classification of the elements based on their atomicity alone would contravene their most striking analogies, while one based on the prevailing quantivalence very nearly satisfies all natural affinities. Moreover, it should be added, that, while the prevailing quantivalence of the ele- ments is generally well established, their atomicity is frequently CHEMICAL EQUIVALENCY. 59 still in doubt ; for the first can generally be discovered by study- ing the simple compounds of the elements with chlorine or hy- drogen, while the last is often only manifested in those more complex combinations, in regard to which a difference of opin- ion is possible. The possible degrees of quantivalence of an elementary atom are related to each other by a very simple law. They are either all even or all odd. Thus the atom of sulphur may be sextivalent, quadrivalent and bivalent, but is never triva- lent or univalent ; and on the other hand the atom of nitrogen may be quinquivalent, trivalent and univalent, but not quad- rivalent or bivalent. Atoms like those of sulphur, whose quan- tivalence is always even, are called artiads, while those like nitrogen, whose quantivalence is always odd, are called 28. Atomicity or Quantivalence of Radicals. When in the molecule of any compound the dominant or central atom is united to as many other atoms as it can hold of that kind, the molecule is said to be saturated; thus HO, H 2 0, HJir, H,O are all saturated molecules ; for, although nitrogen is a pentad, it cannot without the intervention of some other atom or radical hold more than three atoms of hydrogen. While on the other hand the molecules IT n n GO, PCl 3 znd SnCl 2 are not saturated, for they can combine directly with more oxygen or chlorine, forming thus the saturated molecules CO* PCl 5 *ndSnCl 4 . If now from a saturated molecule we withdraw one or more atoms of hydrogen, or their equivalents, the residue may be re- garded as a compound radical with an atomicity equal to the number of hydrogen atoms, or their equivalents, withdrawn. Thus, if from the saturated molecule of marsh gas H 4 we withdraw one atom of hydrogen, we get the radical methyl H z C, which is a monad ; if we withdraw two atoms, we have 60 CHEMICAL EQUIVALENCY. the radical, ff 2 C, which is a dyad; if we withdraw three, there results HG, which is a triad ; and lastly, if we with- draw all four, we fall back on the tetrad atom of carbon. Again, if from the saturated molecule of nitric anhydride N 2 5 we withdraw one atom of the dyad oxygen 0, it falls into two atoms of N0 2 each of which is a monad. If now we with- draw from NO Z one of its remaining atoms of oxygen, we have left NO, which is a triad. Lastly, a molecule of sulphuric anhydride S0 3 , which is saturated, gives, by withdrawing one atom of oxygen, SO.^ which acts as a bivalent radical. These considerations lead us to a simple rule, first stated by Wurtz, which in almost every case will enable us to infer the atomicity of any given radical. The atomicity l of a compound radical is always equal to the number of hydrogen atoms, or their equiva- lents, which the radical may be regarded as having lost. It must not be supposed, however, that all such radicals are possible compounds. In a few cases only these residues, of which we have been speaking, form non-saturated molecules, which are capable of existing in a free state, like those of car- bonic oxide, nitric oxide and sulphurous acid. At other times they are compound radicals, which, by doubling, form molecules that can exist in a free state, as those of cyanogen gas, and perhaps also of some hydrocarbons. Again, they appear as compound radicals, which pass and repass in so many chemical reactions as to almost force upon us the belief that they have a real existence, and represent the actual grouping of the atoms in the compounds of which they seem to be an in- tegral part. Still again, and even more frequently, they can only be regarded as convenient factors in a chemical equation. 1 The quantivalence of a compound radical is always the same as its atomicity. CHEMICAL EQUIVALENCY. 61 Questions and Problems* 1. Analyze the following metathetical reactions, showing in each case how many parts of the several elements are equivalent to one part by weight of hydrogen, and also to how many atoms of hydro- gen one atom of each of the interchanging elements corresponds. For the atomic weights refer to Table II. 2ff-0-C 2 ff 5 + K-K = 2K-0-C 2 ff 5 + H-H. Alcohol. Potassium. Potussic Ethylate. 2H-0-H+ Mg Mg-0 2 =H 2 + H-H. Water. Magnesic Hydrate. = SbCl 3 + 3N-0-H. Antimonious Hydrate. Antimonious Chloride. H-0-H + SiCl 4 fffO/Si + HCL Silicic Chloride. Silicic Acid. 2 Make out a table of chemical equivalents so far as the reactions of this chapter will enable you to deduce them from the atomic weights given in Table II. 3. Analyze the following metathetical reactions, showing in each case how the quantivalence of the several compound radicals in- volved in the metathesis, is indicated. H- 0-H+ ( 2 H S Oy 0-( 2 ff a )=( 2 ff 3 0)- 0-ff+ff- 0- Water. Acetic Ether. Acetic Acid. Alcohol. %K-(CN) + (OAY-Br, = (0 2 ff,)-(ON) 2 + ZKBr. Potassic Cyanide. Ethylene Bromide. Ethylene Cyanide. Potassic Bromide. sff-on + (C,ff 5 y-ai s = (c 3 H 5 )-=OfH 3 + sffa Water. Glyceryl Chloride. Glycerine. Hydrochloric Acid. The names of the radicals are as follows : C Z H 3 0, Acetyl ; Ethyl ; C Z H V Ethylene ; C 3 # 5 , Glyceryl ; CN, Cyanogen. 4. What is the atom-fixing power or quantivalence of the differ- ent atoms and radicals in the following symbols ? H,Na - 2 = CO (NH^- -NO' Potassic Sulphantimonite. Add Sodic Carbonate. Ammonic Nitrite. fffNf0 2 2 (HO),(H,N)=( Oxamide. Succinamic Acid. Tartar Emetic (dried). 5. If H 2 ; C 2 # 6 ; C Z H 6 S (alcohol) ; COCl, (phosgene gas) ; C Z H+0 2 (acetic acid) and C Z H Z (oxalic acid) are saturated mole- cules, what is the atomicity of the radicals HO (hydroxyl) ; C 2 H & (ethyl) ; C z Ht (ethylene) ; C 2 H,0 (aldehyde) ; CO (carbonyl) ; C Z H 3 (acetyl) and C 2 O 2 (oxalyl). CHAPTEE VIII. CHEMICAL TYPES. 29. Types of Chemical Compounds. There are three modes or forms of atomic grouping, to which so large a num- ber of substances may be referred, that they are regarded as molecular types, or patterns, according to which the atoms of a molecule are grouped together. These types may be repre- sented by the general formulae : ii iin ini R-R R,R-R or R-R-R [33] i i i in ii in i R, R, R=R or R, R-R-R. It will be noticed, that in the first of these types a single uni- valent atom or radical 1 is united to another single univalent atom, that in the second a bivalent atom binds together two univalent atoms or their equivalents, and that in the third a trivalent atom binds together three univalent atoms, or their equivalents. The dashes are used to separate what has been called the central, the dominant, or the typical atom from those which it thus unites into one molecular whole, and serve at the same time to point out the parts of the symbol to which its affinities are directed. Commas are used to separate the subordinate atoms so united. It will be further noticed, that in each case the quantivalence of the dominant atom is equal to the sum of the quanti valences of the subordinate atoms, or radicals, on either side ; and the peculiarity in each case consists solely in the relations of the parts of the molecule which we thus attempt to indicate by the symbol. The three compounds, hydrochloric acid, water, and ammonia, ii iin iiim H-Cl, H,H=0, H,H,H--N, 1 Here, as elsewhere through the book, we use the symbol R for any ii in univalent, R for any bivalent, and R for any trivalent atom or radical. More- over, to avoid unnecessary repetition, we shall for the future conform to the general usage, and speak of the atoms of a radical as well as of those of an element, and use the word " atom " as applying to both, although the usage frequently involves an obvious solecism. CHEMICAL TYPES. 63 are generally taken as representatives of these types, and sub- stances are described as belonging to the type of hydrochlo- ric acid, to the type of water, or to the type of ammonia, as the case may be. These substances, however, are regarded as types in no other sense than that their molecules present the same mode of grouping which is indicated above by the more general symbols. Substances belonging to the same type may have widely different properties. To the type of water be- long the strongest alkalies and the most corrosive acids known. In what, then, it may be asked, does the type outwardly con- sist, or in what is it manifested ? for the grouping of the atoms can only be a matter of inference. The answer is, that the type of the molecules of a substance is manifested solely by its chemical reactions. Substances belonging to the same type are simply those whose reactions may be classed together ac- cording to some one general plan. Thus water, alcohol, and acetic acid are classed in the same type, because, when submit- ted to the action of the same or similar reagents, they undergo a like transformation, which seems to point to a similarity of atomic grouping. H, H-0 + PCI, = PC1 3 + H-Cl + H-Cl Water. Phosphoric Chloride. Hydrochloric Acid. H, 0,H 5 =0 + PG1 5 = PCkO + H-d+ C a ff,-a [34] Alcohol. Phosphoric Oxz-chloride. Ethyl Chloride. ff, G 9 ffnO=0 + PC1 5 = PC1 3 + H-a Acetic Acid. Acetyl Chloride. On studying these reactions, it will be seen that both the man- ner in which the three compounds break up, and the probable constitution of the products formed, point to the conclusion, that, in each, one bivalent atom holds together two univalent atoms or radicals. It will be found, in the first place, that in all three cases the reaction consists primarily in the substitution of two atoms of chlorine for one of oxygen in the original molecule. It will appear, in the next place, that as soon as this dominant atom, which holds together the parts of the molecule, is taken away, each of the three molecules splits up into two others of a similar type ; and lastly, it is evident from the third example that one of the oxygen atoms of acetic acid stands in a very different relation to the molecule from the other. All this 64 CHEMICAL TYPES. points to the inference just made. At least, these 'and a vast number of similar reactions are best explained on this hypoth- esis, and herein its only value lies and its probability rests. In section 27 we have already given the symbols of a number of chemical compounds so printed that they can be at once re- ferred to one or the other of the three types here alluded to, and it will not, therefore, be necessary to multiply examples in this place. 30. Condensed Types. In the same way that a bivalent atom may bind together two univalent atoms or their equiva- lents, so, also, it may serve to bind together two molecules, and, in like manner, a trivalent atom may bind together three mole- cules into a more complex molecular group ; and thus are formed what are called condensed types. We may represent i n i a double molecule of the type of water thus, RfRfR* but it must be borne in mind that such a symbol stands for two molecules, since, by the very definition, two molecules of the same kind cannot chemically combine. We can, however, solder them, as it were, into one molecular whole by substituting i n for the two univalent atoms R 2 a single bivalent atom R, when we obtain a mode of molecular grouping represented by inn R 2 =R 2 =jR, [35] which may be called the type of water doubly condensed. The constitution of common sulphuric acid is best represented after this type by the symbol, H 2 =0 2 =S0 2 . [36] n The soldering atom is here the bivalent radical S0 2 . In like manner, by using a trivalent atom, we can solder together three molecules of the same water-type, as in the general symbol, i n m rQ7T RfRfR, which represents the type of water trebly condensed. In the same way we may derive the symbol, i i m n CHEMICAL TYPES. 65 which represents the type of ammonia doubly condensed. The substance urea, one of the most important of the animal secre- tions, is best represented by a symbol after this last type, m ii U 2 ,ff^N 2 -CO [39] where the soldering atom is the bivalent radical carbonyl. Chemists have also been led to admit the existence of what are called mixed types, which are formed by the union of mole- cules of different types soldered together by a single multiva- lent atom or radical as before. Thus, the molecules of sul- phurous acid may be regarded as formed of a molecule of water soldered to a molecule of hydrogen by an atom of sulphuryl, S0 2 ; thus, H-0-Hfm& H-H, united by S0 2 give ff-0-S0 2 -H. [ 4 ] So, also, the composition of a complex organic compound called sulphamide, or sulphamic acid, is most simply expressed when regarded as formed by the union of water and ammonia soldered together by the same radical sulphuryl ; thus, from in n m n 11 H, H=N-H, an* H- 0-H we have R, ff-N-S0 2 - 0-ff. [41] Lastly, if we bind together on the same principle molecules of the type of hydrochloric acid, we shall simply reproduce the types of water and of ammonia, thus showing that all the types are only condensed forms of the simplest. We must not, therefore, attach to the idea of a chemical type any deeper sig- nificance than that indicated above. It is simply a conven- ient mode of classifying certain groups of chemical reactions, and a help in representing them to the mind; and we may regard the same substance as formed on one type or on the other, as will .best he^ us to explain the reactions we are study- ing. Moreover, it is frequently convenient to assume other types besides those here specially mentioned. 31. Substitution. When cotton-wool is dipped in strong nitric acid (rendered still more active by being mixed with twice its volume of concentrated sulphuric acid), and after- wards washed and dried, it is rendered highly explosive, and, 5 CHEMICAL TYPES. although no important change has taken place in its outward aspect, it is found on analysis to have lost a certain amount of hydrogen and to have gained from the nitric acid an equivalent amount of nitric peroxide N0 2 in its place. 6 (ff lo ) O s ' becomes CJ[ff 7 (NO a ) 8 ) 5 . Cotton. Gun-Cotton. Under the same conditions glycerine undergoes a like change, and is converted into the explosive nitre-glycerine, 3 (ff 8 )0 3 becomes C S (H,(NO^}0 3 . Glycerine. Nitro-glycerme. So, also, the hydrocarbon naphtha, called benzole, is changed into nitro-benzole, C B H Q becomes C 6 (H 5 ,N0 2 ). Benzole. Nitro-benzole. The last compound is not explosive, and the explosive nature of the first two is in a measure an accidental quality, and is evidently owing to the fact that into an already complex struc- ture there have been introduced, in place of the indivisible atoms of hydrogen, the atoms of a highly unstable radical rich in oxy- gen. The point of chief interest for our chemical theory is that this substitution does not alter, at least profoundly, the outward aspect of the original compound. Every one knows how closely gun-cotton resembles cotton-wool. In like manner nitro-glycer- me is an oily liquid like glycerine, and nitro-benzole, although darker in color, is a highly aromatic volatile fluid like benzole itself. Products like these are called substitution products, and they certainly suggest the idea that each chemical compound has a certain definite structure, which may be preserved even when the materials of which it is built are in part at least changed. If in the place of firm iron girders we insert weak wooden beams, a building, while retaining all its outward as- pects, may be rendered wholly insecure, and so the explosive nature of the products we have been considering is not at all incompatible with a close resemblance, in outward aspects and internal structure, to the compounds from which they were derived. The idea that each body has a definite atomic structure is CHEMICAL TYPES. 67 even more forcibly suggested by another class of substitution products first studied by Dumas, in which atoms of chlorine, bromine, or iodine have taken the place of the hydrogen atoms of the original compound. Thus, if we act upon acetic acid with chlorine gas, we may obtain three successive products, as shown in the following table, although only the first and the last have been fully investigated. i n i Acetic acid Cy^Oj or (C 2 H 3 0)-0-H Chloracetic acid C 2 (H 3 CI)0 Z (C 2 H z Clb)-0-H Dichloracetic acid C Z (H Z CI Z }0 Z (CfC$)-O-H Trichloracetic acid C 2 (HCI S )0 Z (C Z C1 3 0)-0 -H We cannot, however, replace the fourth atom of hydrogen by chlorine ; and this fact seems to prove that there is a real difference between this atom of hydrogen and the other three, and gives an additional ground for the distinction we make when we write the symbol of acetic acid after the type of water, as in the second column. The three atoms of hydrogen in the radical placed on the left-hand side of the dominant atom may all be replaced by chlorine, but the single atom of hydrogen placed on the right cannot. These products all resemble acetic acid in that they form with the alkalies crystalline salts, when the fourth atom of hydrogen is replaced by an atom of sodium or potassium, as the case may be. It was the study of these and similar substitution products which first led to the conception of chemical types, and the word as first used was intended to convey the idea of a definite structure, although perhaps as yet unknown ; but as the theory was extended more and more, and to widely different chemical compounds, it was found that the first definite conception could not be maintained, and the idea gradually assumed the shape we have given it in the last section. Still, the facts from which the original conception was drawn remain, and they point no less clearly now than they did before to the existence of a def- inite structure in all chemical compounds as the legitimate ob- ject of chemical investigation. 68 CHEMICAL TYPES. 32. Isomorphism. Closely associated with the facts of the last section, which find their chief manifestation in substances of organic origin, are the phenomena of isomorphism, which are equally conspicuous among artificial salts and native min- Fig. i. erals. There seems to be an intimate connection between chemical composition and crystalline form, and two substances which under a like form have an anal- ogous composition are said to be isomor- phous. Thus the following minerals all crystallize in rhombohedrons (Fig. 1,) which have very nearly the same inter- facial angles, and, as the symbols show, they have an analogous composition. They are therefore isomorphous. Calcite or calcic carbonate Magnesite or magnesic carbom A j> /"<4= \\ $1 n n n iate(\ fv\ Mg^OfCC ^J /Vk ^ __ _ n n Chalybdite or ferrous " ^ K^ ; Fe=0,=CO '-_ n n n Diallogite or manganous " ^ Mn=O z =CO v* ^ n ii n Smithsonite or zincic Zn=O^CO The most cursory examination of these symbols will show that they differ from each other only in the fact that one me- tallic atom has been replaced by another. It is not, however, every metallic atom which can thus be put in without altering the form. This is a peculiarity that is cpnfined to certain groups of elements, which for this reason are called groups of isomorphous elements. Moreover, as a rule, there is a close re- semblance between the members of any one of these groups in all their other chemical relations. These facts, like those of the last section, tend to show that the molecules of every substance have a determinate structure, which admits of a limited substi- tution of parts without undergoing essential change, but which is either destroyed or takes a new shape when in place of one of its constituents we force in an unconformable element. A well-known class of artificial salts, called the alums, affords even a more striking illustration of the principles of isomorphism than the simpler example we have chosen ; but all the bearings U- CHEMICAL TYPES. 69 of the subject cannot be understood without a knowledge of crystallography, and we must therefore refer for further details to works on mineralogy. 33. Rational Symbols. Chemical formula, like those of the last few sections, which endeavor, by grouping together the elementary symbols, to illustrate certain classes of reactions, and to illustrate the manner in which a complex molecule may break up, are called rational symbols, and are to be distinguished from the simpler symbols used earlier in the book, which ex- press only the relative proportions in which the elements are combined, and which, since they are simply expressions of the results of analysis on a concerted plan, are called empirical symbols. Whether these rational symbols can be regarded in any sense as indicating the actual grouping of the material atoms is very doubtful, although facts like those stated above would seem to indicate that such may be the case, at least to a limited extent. It is difficult, for example, to resist the con- clusion that in alcohol and its congeners the atoms C%H 5 are grouped together in some sense apart from the rest of the molecule ; but then we have no evidence of this grouping apart from the reactions of these compounds, and, until greater cer- tainty is reached, it is not best to attach a significance to our symbols beyond the truths they are known to illustrate. It is objected to the use of rational symbols that they bias the judgment on the side of some theory, of which they are more or less the exponents. But when they are used in the sense stated above, this objection has no force, for the reactions they prefigure are no less facts than the definite proportions they conventionally represent, and we employ one mode of grouping the symbols or another, as will best indicate the reactions we are studying. Moreover, as science advances, we have every reason to believe that we shall gain more and more knowledge of the actual relations between the parts of a material molecule, and as has already been intimated, there can hardly be a doubt that in some cases our rational symbols do express even now actual knowledge of this sort, however crude and partial it may be. Our present typical symbols are indeed the ex- pressions of partial generalizations, which, however imperfect, have an element of truth. Hence it is that they have pointed out new lines of investigation, have led to new discoveries, and 70 CHEMICAL TYPES. have been of the greatest value to science. They will doubt- less soon be superseded by other rational symbols, expressing other partial generalizations, to serve the same purpose in their turn and be likewise forgotten. We must not, however, de- spise these temporary expedients of science. They are not only useful, but necessary, and cannot mislead the student if he re- members that all such aids are merely the scaffoldings around the science, on which the builders work. It is from this point of view alone that we are to look at the whole idea of chemi- cal atoms, which lies at the basis of our modern chemical philosophy. That this idea is actually realized in the concrete form which it takes in some minds, can hardly be believed. The true chemical idea of the atom is more nearly represented by the corresponding Latin word individuum. The atom is the chemical individual, the uAit/m which the mind seeks to repose for the time the indrfi^iality of that as yet undivided substance we call an element. X \ 34. Graphic Symbols. A more graphic method of repre- senting the relations between the atoms of a molecule than that of our ordinary rational symbols has been contrived by Kekule, and has a similar value in aiding the conceptions, and thus facilitating the study of chemistry. In describing this system we shall speak of the possibilities of combinations of any polyad atom with monad atoms as so many centres of at- traction or points of attachment, and, also, as so many affinities. Kekule represents a monad atom, with its single centre, thus, 0, while the symbols (T"7), C 7 Q, ( Q, &c., represent polyad atoms of different atomicities. When the several affini- ties are satisfied, the points are exchanged for lines pointing in the direction of the attached atoms. Thus, the symbol >rJ< represents a dyad atom with its two affinities satisfied by two ii monad atoms, as, for example, in a molecule of water H-Q-H. In like manner the symbol sents a molecule of nitric anhydride N. 2 O 5 , -and the symbol (11 ii IU a molecule of sulphuric anhydride S0 3 . Mole- .cules like these, in which all the affinities are satisfied, are said to CHEMICAL TYPES. 71 v be saturated or closed, while the atomic group NO.^ represented by > ^ ^N has one point of attraction still open, and, ' i ' ) therefore, acts as a monad radical. So, also, the molecular group S0 2 represented by | PTiTT)' acts as a d ^ ad radi " cal. These graphic symbols enable us to illustrate several impor- tant principles which could not readily be understood without their aid. First. In the examples given in this section thus far, the quantivalence of a group of atoms of the same element is equal to the sum of the quantivalences of all the atoms of the v ii group. Thus, in the molecule N. 2 5 , the group of two pentad atoms presents ten affinities, and is saturated by the group of five dyad atoms, which presents the same number of affinities in return. So, also, in the molecule S0 3 , a group of three dyad atoms just saturates the single hexad atom S. Such, how- ever, is not necessarily the case, for it frequently happens that the similar atoms of such groups are united among them- selves, and that a portion of the affinities (necessarily always an even number) are thus satisfied. For example, although C is a tetrad atom, the hydrocarbons, G^H^ O 2 ff 4 , and G^H.^ are all saturated molecules, as is shown by the following graphic symbols, and it is evident that in the first the two carbon atoms have been united by two, in the second by four, and in the third by six, of their eight affinities, while a corresponding number of points to which hydrogen atoms might otherwise have been at- tached are thus closed. In like manner we have a well-known series of hydrocar- bons, whose symbols are GH^ GtiHfy G^H^ CH m C^H^ O 6 If u , &c., the molecule of each one differing from that of the last by the group OH 2 . In all these compounds the carbon atoms are 72 CHEMICAL TYPES. united among themselves at the smallest possible number of points, as is shown, in a single case, by the following graphic symbol, and by constructing the graphic symbols of the other members of the series, it will be easily seen that the number of affinities thus closed is in every case equal to 2 n 2, while the number remaining open is 4 n (2 n 2) = 2 n -f- 2, where n stands for the number of carbon atoms in the molecule. Hence, while the groups just mentioned form saturated molecules, the atomic groups Off 3 Methyl. Ethyl. C 3 ff, Propyl. Butyl. AmyL i &c., act as univalent radicals. :\ The graphic symbol of ethyl is , and in a similar way the graphic symbols of the other radicals may be easily constructed. In like manner may be also constructed the graphic symbols of the following important compound radicals,* which forms a series parallel to the first, and are all evidently dyads : 2 ff 4 Ethylene. C 4 ff 8 Propylene. Butylene. &c. Amylene. Here again the graphic symbols enable us to explain a remark- able fact. These last atomic groups act not only as compound radicals, but also form the molecules of definite hydrocarbons (the first in the series being the well-known olefiant gas), and the difference in these two conditions may be represented to the eye, in the case of amylene, for example, as below : Radical C S H 10 . Hydrocarbon C 5 H 10 . The molecule in the first case is open, and presents two points of attraction, while in the second case it is closed. CHEMICAL TYPES. 73 The members of the two classes of hydrocarbon radicals mentioned above are the characteristic constituents of an im- portant class of compounds called alcohols, and hence they are usually called alcohol radicals. If, in these atomic groups, we substitute oxygen for a portion of the hydrogen, one atom of oxygen always taking the place of two atoms of hydrogen, we obtain still other series of radicals, which are the characteristic constituents of several important organic acids, and belong to the class of acid radicals, which will be defined in the next chapter. Among the most important of the radicals thus de- rived are those of the following series : CHO C 2 H 3 3 H 5 G,H 7 C 5 H 8 Formyl. Acetyl. Propionyl. Butyryl. Valeryl. and the student should construct the graphic symbol of each. The compounds ' of carbon have been selected to illustrate the apparent change of atomicity which frequently accompa- nies the grouping together of similar atoms, because this ele- ment is peculiarly susceptible of such a mode of combination, and in fact the almost infinite variety of its compounds may be traced to this circumstance. The same phenomenon, however, is presented, although to a less marked degree, by other ele- ments. Thus arises the remarkable fact that a group of two atoms of a bivalent element has not unfrequently only the same quantivalence as a single atom. For example, there are two compounds of mercury and chlorine Hg=Cl 2 represented graphi- cally by >y< and [_Hg^\ = C1 2 represented by ^?^y So also we have Cu=0 and \_Gu^\=0 2 . We also frequently meet with another illustration of the same principle in an important class of tetrad elements whose atoms readily pair together, forming an atomic group which is sextivalent. Thus are formed the well-known compounds When these same elements enter into combination by single atoms, they are almost invariably bivalent, and thus we have, in several cases, two very distinct classes of compounds, the one formed with the single and the other with the double atom of the element ; for example, Fe=Cl 2 and \_Fe^\lCl 6 ' Fe--0 and [Fe. 2 li0 3 It will be noticed that although in the compounds of the second class the quantivalence of the single atoms is twice as great as it is in the first, yet their atom-fixing power is only increased by one half, and hence the name of sesqui -oxides or sesqui-chlorides, &c., which is frequently applied to them. In order to distinguish the groups of similar atoms whose affinities are all open, from those groups where the affinities are in part closed by the union of the atoms among themselves, we may, as above, enclose the symbols of the last in brackets ; and this rule will generally be followed. In most cases, however, the relations of the parts of the symbol are sufficiently evident without this aid. Secondly. The graphic symbols illustrate another important theoretical principle, which, although almost self-evident, might be overlooked if not dwelt upon specially ; namely, that on the multivalence of one or more of its atoms depends the integrity of every complex molecule. According to our pres- ent theories, no molecule can exist as an integral unit unless its parts are all bound together by such atomic clamps. More- over, the whole virtue of a compound radical consists in the circumstance that it is an incomplete structure of the same sort, and its quantivalence is in every case equal to the number of univalent atoms (or their equivalents) which are required to complete it, or which it may be regarded as having lost. Hence the law of Wurtz finds a perfect expression in this sys- tem of graphic notation. Thirdly. The graphic symbols illustrate most forcibly the relations of the parts of a complex molecule. Thus, for ex- ample, the symbols of alcohol and acetic acid given below show that in these compounds the dominant atom of oxygen acts as a bond uniting a complex radical to a single monad atom. They also show how it is possible that three of the atoms of hydrogen in acetic acid may stand in a very different relation to the mole- cule from the fourth (31). Again they show that the molecule of acetic A^tkAcid. CHEMICAL TYPES. 75 fact that one dyad atom has taken the place of two monad atoms; and, lastly, they give form to the idea of chemical types, so far as it has any real significance. When the com- position of a compound is represented in this way, all the accidental or arbitrary divisions of our ordinary notation dis- appear, and only those are preserved which are fundamental. We gain thus more accurate conceptions of molecular struc- ture. We understand better the relations of 'the various com- pound radicals (compare 28), and, above all, we thus realize the full meaning of the fundamental tenet of our new philoso- phy, which holds that each chemical molecule is a completed structure bound together in all its parts by a system of mutual attractions. There is another system of graphic symbols, frequently used in works on modern chemistry, which has some advantages over the one just described. In this system the atoms are represented by small circles circumscribing the ordinary sym- bol, and the atomicity is indicated by dashes radiating from these circles. A few examples will sufficiently illustrate the application of this method. ll l II -- ---- ---- Water I I I Alcohol. Acetic Acid. C 2 H 5 -0-H. C z H a O.O-H. It is obvious, however, that the circles here used 'are not es- sential, and if we omit them, and only use dashes between the dominant atoms, and also, for convenience in printing, bring the whole expression into a linear form, using commas to separate disconnected atoms, and such other signs as may be necessary to avoid ambiguity, we have at once the ordinary system of nota- tion adopted in this book. The graphic symbols last described are merely an expansion of this system. Nevertheless, the prac- tice of developing the ordinary symbols into either of the more graphic forms will tend to impress the full meaning of the symbols on the mind of the student, and will thus greatly aid him in acquiring a clear conception of the theory of modern chemistry. 76 CHEMICAL TYPES. We may, however, extend the use of dashes so as to indicate the relations of all the parts of a complex molecule by our or- dinary notation. Thus we may write the symbol of alcohol or that of acetic acid and these expanded symbols may frequently be used to ad- vantage in place of the graphic forms. When thus developed, the symbol indicates the quantivalence of each of the atoms of the molecule, and in every case, if the symbol is correctly written, the number of dashes will be one half of the total quantivalence of all the atoms which are thus grouped together, for each dash evidently represents two affinities. The remarks at the close of the last section apply, of course, still more forcibly to such bold and material conceptions as these graphic symbols appear to represent, and when we re- call the hooked atoms of an elder philosophy, we cannot but , smile to think how closely our modern science has reproduced what we once considered as strange and grotesque fancies. But, absurd as such conceptions certainly would be, if we supposed them realized in the concrete forms which our diagrams em- body, yet, when regarded as aids to the attainment of general truths, which in their essence are still incomprehensible, even these crude and mechanical ideals have the very greatest value, and cannot well be dispensed with in the study of science. Questions and Problems. 1. To what types may the following symbols be referred, and what is the quantivalence of the different compound radicals here distin- guished ? Study with the same view the symbols already given in the previous chapter. Benzole. Oil of Bitter Almonds. Ethylene. Glycollic Acid. H-0-(C 7 H.O) L Phenic Acid. ' Benzoic Acid. Glycol. Oxalic' Acid. Aniline. ^ Benzamide. Ethylene diamine. Oxamide. CHEMICAL TYPES. 77 H, H-N-( C 2 H 2 0)-0-H H, H--N-( C 2 2 )- 0-H Glycocol. Oxamic Acid. ff, (C 7 H 5 0)-N-(C 2 H 2 0)-0-H H, H=N-(C 2 2 )-0-(C 2 ff 5 ) Hippuric Acid. Oxamethane. 2. Analyze the following reactions, and show that by comparing the reactions in each group, the typical structure of the various compounds may be inferred. Cl-Cl + JJ-H = ffCl + HCl Chlorine gas. Hydrogen gas. Hydrochloric Acid. Hydrochloric Acid. Cl-Cl + (C 7 H 5 0)-H = (C 7 H 5 0)-Cl + HCl Oil of Bitter Almonds. Benzoyl Chloride. ff-Cl + K-O-H = KOI + H-O-H Potassic Hydrate. Potassic Chloride. Water. ff-Cl + (C Z H 6 }-0-H = (C 2 H 5 )-Cl + H-O-H Alcohol. Ethylic Chloride. H,H-S + Pi 07, = P-=C1 3 ,S + HOI + HCl Sulphohydric Acid. Phosphoric Chloride. H, ( C 2 H, 0)-S + Pi Cl & = Pi (74, S + ( C 2 H S 0)- 01 + HCl Thiacetic Acid. Acetyl Chloride. KrOfHi + ((70), H*N = K 2 =0 2 =(CO) + H, H, Potassic Hydrate. Cyanic Acid. Potassic Carbonate. Ammonia. *- ^^- Cyanic Ether. Ethylamine. 3. What would be the symbols of cyanic acid and cyanic ether (see last problem), on the supposition that they contain the radical cyan- ogen, and are formed after the water type ? Is the following reaction compatible with that last given ? K-O-H + (CJT 6 )-0-(CN) = (C 2 H 5 )-0-H+ K- Cyanetholine. Alcohol. Potassic Cyanate. and if not, what conclusion must you draw in regard to the two compounds cyanic ether and cyanetholine ? 4. What bearing have the phenomena of substitution on the doc- trine of chemical types ? Does the circumstance that the proper- 1 This product in the actual process is decomposed by the excess of potash into potassic carbonate and ammonia. 78 CHEMICAL TYPES. ties of the substitution products are frequently quite different from those of the original substance invalidate the doctrine ? 5. How does the action of chlorine on acetic acid indicate that this compound is fashioned after a determinate type ? On what particular fact does this evidence chiefly rest V 6. What bearing have the phenomena of isomorphism on the doc- trine of types ? Enforce the argument by some familiar illustra- tion. 7. The radical allyl C S H 5 is univalent in oil of garlic (C 3 H,).=S, and in allylic alcohol (C^H^-O-H, but atrivalent in glycerine (C 3 H & )=OfH 3 . Moreover, this radical when set free doubles, forming a volatile hydrocarbon oil, which has the composition (C 3 F 5 )=(C 3 ^T 5 ), and which combines directly with bromine, the resulting product hav- ing the symbol (C 3 /Z 5 )-(C 3 F 5 )i J Br 4 . Represent these symbols by the graphic method, and thus explain the different relations of the radical. 8. Represent the symbols of phenic acid and benzoic acid by the second graphic method, and explain why the radical phenyl (C 6 Z-) and benzoyl (C 7 77 5 0) are only univalent. 9. Why is it that the addition of the atoms CH Z does not change the atomicity of a radical ? 10. What is the quantivalence of At in the symbol [Al-Al~]iCl 6 f Is there any difference in the quantivalence of Fe in the two com- pounds Fe =OfCO and [Fe-.Fe]10JS0 a ? Answer the questions by the aid of graphic symbols. 11. Is there any difference in the quantivalence of nitrogen in potassic nitrite K-O-NO and potassic nitrate K-0-NO Z f 12. Represent by graphic symbols the difference between cyanic ether and cyanetholine (see problems 2 and 3 above). 13. The symbol [Hg 9 "]Cl t represents a single molecule, while Na^CL represents two molecules, and would be more properly writ- ten 2NaCl. What is the difference in the two cases ? 14. Represent by the graphic method the symbols of potassic car- bonate Kf0 2 =(CO) and potassic oxalate #=0=(C 2 2 ), and show that both form a perfect molecular unit. 15. Represent by the graphic method the following symbols ; fffOf( O s ff 6 ) (Propyl Glycol.) ; Hf 2 =( C S H0) (Lactic Acid.) ; -> &d we can determine by experiment the exact amount which 100 parts of water will in any case dissolve. The results of such experiments are best represented to the eye by means of a curve drawn as in the accompanying figure on the principles of analytical geometry. 108 SOLUTION AND DIFFUSION. Fig. 2. The figures on the horizontal line indicate degrees of tempera- ture, and those on the vertical line parts of salt soluble in 100 parts of water. To find the solubility of any salt, for a stated temperature, the curve being given, we have only to follow up the vertical line corresponding to the temperature until it reaches the curve, and then, at the end of the horizontal line which intersects the curve at the same point, we find the num- ber of parts required. These curves also show in each case the law which the change of solubility obeys. When a liquid has dissolved all of a solid that it is capable of holding at the temperature, it is said to be saturated ; but when saturated with one solid the liquid will still exert a solvent power over others ; indeed, in some cases the solvent power is thereby increased. When several salts are dissolved together in water, a definite amount of metathesis seems always to take place, and the different positive radicals are divided between the several acids in proportions which depend on the relative strength of their affinities, and on the quantities of eacb pres- ent. If in this way either an insoluble or a volatile product is formed, the solid or the gas at once falls out of the solution, and, the equilibrium being thus destroyed, a new metathesis takes place, and this goes on so long as any of these products can be formed. Here, then, we find a simple explanation of the two important laws already stated on page 37. f: CTL^ 6^p H^TCO ^-0-r^r^v*; /^u * / /^x. i a Burning of Phosphorus. Phosphoric Anhydride. Burning of Magnesium. Magnesie Oxide. 2 MCg + = = 2 MgO. [59] The four substances, hydrogen gas, charcoal, benzole, and alcohol, may be regarded as types of our ordinary combustibles ; and, as the first four reactions show, the products of their com- bustion are aeriform. Moreover, these products are wholly devoid of any sensible qualities, and hence the apparent annihi- 116 COMBUSTION. lation of the burning substance, and the reason that for so long a period the nature of the process remained undiscovered. That these qualities of the products of ordinary combustion are not ne- cessary conditions of the process, but remarkable adaptations in the properties of those combustibles which are our artificial sources of light and heat, is shown by the fact, that, in the last two reactions, the products of the combustion are solids, while in [57] the product is a noxious suffocating gas. A careful inspection of the reactions will also teach the student several other important facts in regard to the processes here represented. It will be seen that, in the burning of hydrogen gas, two volumes of hydrogen gas and one volume of oxygen gas combine to form two volumes of aqueous vapor. It will further be noticed, that, in the burning of carbon and of sulphur, a given volume of oxygen gas yields in each case its own volume of the aeriform product. The carbon in the one case, and the sulphur in the other, are absorbed, as it were, by the gas, without any increase of volume. Further, if the ex- periments are made, which these reactions represent, it will appear that, in all those cases where the combustible is repre- sented as a gas, the combustion is accompanied by flame, while in the case of carbon, which is a fixed solid, there is no proper flame. Hence we learn that flame is burning gas, and that only those substances burn with flame which are either gases themselves, or which, at a high temperature, become vola- tilized, or generate combustible vapors. Still other important facts connected with the process of combustion will be learned by solving the following problems according to the rules al- ready given ( 24 and 25). Problem. How many cubic centimetres of hydrogen gas, and how many of oxygen gas, are required to form one cubic centimetre of liquid water? 1 Ans. 1,240 cm 8 of hydrogen gas, and 620 c m B of oxygen gas. Problem. How many cubic metres of air are required to burn 448 kilogrammes of coal, assuming that the coal is pure cafbon ? Ans. 833.333 m 3 of oxygen gas, or 3,975.83 m* of atmospheric air. ^ 1 Here, as in all other problems throughout the book, it is understood, unless otherwise expressly stated, that the measurements and weights are all taken at the standard temperature and pressure. (Compare 10 and 13.) _ ss/ COMBUSTION. 117 Problem. How many cubic metres of carbonic anhydride are formed by the burning of 1,000 kilogrammes of coal, as- suming, as before, that the coal is pure carbon ? Ans. 1,860. Problem. How many litres of carbonic anhydride, and how many of aqueous vapor, would be formed by burning one litre of benzole vapor ? Ans. Simple inspection of the equa- tion shows that 6 litres of the first and 3 litres of the second would be formed. Problem. How many litres of carbonic anhydride, and how many of aqueous vapor, would be formed by burning one litre of liquid alcohol (C 2 H G 0) ? Sp. G-r. of liquid at = 0.815. Ans. One litre of alcohol weighs 815 grammes or 9,097 criths, and, since the Sp. Gr. of alcohol vapor is 23, this quantity of liquid would yield 395.6 litres of vapor. Hence there would be formed 2 X 395.6 = 791.2 litres of carbonic anhydride, and 3 X 395.6 = 1,186.8 litres of aqueous vapor. \/A 61. Heat of Combustion. The reactions of'tjae'- laist section represent only the chemical changes in the processes of burning. The physical effects which accompany the chemical changes our equations do not indicate, but it is these remarkable mani- festations of power which chiefly arrest the student's attention, and on this power the importance of the processes of combus- tion as sources of heat and light wholly depends. The immediate cause of the power developed in the process of combustion is to be found in the clashing of material atoms. Urged by that immensely powerful attractive force we call chemical affinity, the molecules of oxygen in the surrounding atmosphere rush, from all directions, and with an incalculable velocity, upon the burning body. The molecules of oxygen thus acquire an enormous moving power ; and when, at the moment of chemical union, the onward motion is arrested, this moving power is distributed among the surrounding mole- cules, and is manifested in the phenomena of heat and light. 1 (Compare 12.) 1 According to our best knowledge, the phenomena of light are merely another manifestation of the same molecular motion which causes the phe- nomena of heat. When we speak of the amount of heat produced, we refer always to the total amount of molecular motion ; although, even in the most brilliant illumination, the amount of mechanical power manifested as light appears to be inconsiderable as compared with that which takes the form of heat. 118 COMBUSTION. The quantity of heat evolved during combustion varies very greatly with the nature of the combustible employed, but it is always constant for the same combustible if burnt under the same conditions, arid is exactly proportional to the weight of combustible consumed. We give in the following table the amount of heat evolved by one kilogramme of several of the most common combustibles when they are burnt in oxygen gas in their ordinary physical state. The numbers represent what is called the calorific power of the combustible. With the exception of the two last, which are only approximate values, they are the results of very accurate experiments made by Favre and Silbermann. Calorific Power of Combustibles. Units. Units. Hydrogen, 34,462 Sulphur, 2,221 Marsh Gas, 13,063 Wood Charcoal, 8,080 Olefiant Gas, 11,858 Carbonic Oxide, 2,400 Ether, 9,027 Dry Wood (about), 3,654 Alcohol, 7,184 Bituminous Coal, " 7,500 The calorific power of our ordinary hydrocarbon fuels may be calculated approximately when their composition is known. Most of these combustibles contain more or less oxygen, and it is found, as might be expected, that the amount of heat developed by the perfect combustion of the fuel is equal to that which would be produced by the perfect combus- tion of all the carbon, and of so much of the hydrogen as is in excess of that required to form water with the oxygen present. The rest of the hydrogen may be regarded, so far as relates to the present problem, as in combination with oxy- gen in the state of water ; and in estimating the available heat produced, we must deduct the amount of heat required to con- vert, not only this water into steam, but also any hygroscopic water which may be present. Moreover, if we use in our cal- culation the value of the calorific power of hydrogen given in the table above, we must also deduct the amount of heat re- quired to convert into vapor all the water formed in the process of burning, because, in the experiments by which this value was obtained, the aqueous vapor formed was subsequently con- densed to water and gave out its latent heat. Problem. Given the average composition of air-dried wood as in the table, to find the calorific po\vrr. Carbon, 400 Hydrogen, 48 Oxygen, 328 Nitrogen and Ash, 24 Hygroscopic Water, 200 1000 COMBUSTION. 119 From the results of analysis we easily deduce Quantity of H in combination with 41 " " available as fuel 7 Quantity of water formed by burn- ) . nn ing 48 parts hydrogen Hygroscopic Water Total quantity of water evaporated 632 Units of Heat. 400 grammes of carbon yield 3,232 7 " " hydrogen " 241 3,473 Deduct amount of heat required to convert 632 grammes of water into vapor. (See 14.) 339 Calorific power of air-dried wood 3,134 From the mechanical equivalent of heat given on page 11, and from the data of the above table, we can easily calculate the mechanical power developed in ordinary combustion, and the student will be surprised to find how great this power is. The burning of one kilogramme of charcoal produces an amount of heat which is equivalent to 8,080 X 423 = 3,41 7,840 kilogramme metres ; that is, the moving power which is de- veloped by the clashing of the atoms during the combustion of this small amount of coal is equal to that which would be produced by the fall of a mass of rock weighing 8,080 kilo- grammes over a precipice 423 metres high, and, could this power be all utilized, it would be adequate to raise the same weight to the same height, or to do any other equivalent amount of work. The steam-engine is a machine for apply- ing this very power to produce mechanical results ; but, unfor- tunately, in the best engines we do not utilize much more than ^ ! of the power of the fuel ; and to find a more economical means of converting heat into mechanical effect is one of the great problems of the present age. 62. Calorific Intensity. The calorific intensity of fuel is to be carefully distinguished from its calorific power. By calorific power is meant, as we have seen, the total quantity of heat developed by the combustion of a given amount of fuel. By ,calorific intensity, we mean the maximum temperature de- veloped in the process of combustion. Provided the products are the same, the total amount of heat produced in any case is 120 COMBUSTION. % not materially influenced by the rapidity of the process ; but it is evident that the temperature of the burning fuel will de- pend, other things being equal, on the rapidity with which the heat is developed as compared with the rapidity with which it is dissipated through surrounding objects ; and, when the com- bination with oxygen is very slow, the heat may be dissipated as fast as it is generated, and then the temperature of the burning body will not rise above that of the surrounding at- mosphere, as is the case in many of the processes of slow com- bustion. Assuming, however, that all the heat is retained by the products of combustion, we can calculate the maximum tem- perature which can in any case be produced, provided the calorific power of the fuel and the specific heat of the products of combustion are known. The calorific intensity is simply the temperature to which the heat generated by the burning of each portion of the fuel can raise the products of its own combustion. Assume that the quantity burnt is one kilo- gramme, that the calorific power or number of units of heat produced is (7, that the weights of the various products of com- bustion are W, W, W", &c., and that the specific heats of these products are S, S', S", &c. Then WS -f W'S 1 + W"S" -f- &c., represents the amount of heat required to raise the tem- perature of the whole mass of the products one centigrade de- gree ( 16), and the maximum temperature, to which these products can be raised in the process of Combustion, must be (7 ~ WS+W'S-+W"S" Problem. Find the calorific intensity of charcoal burnt in pure oxygen, and also in air under constant atmospheric pressure. Solution. By [54] we easily find that each kilogramme of carbon yields, by burning, 3.67 kilogrammes of carbonic anhy- dride, which is the sole product of its combustion when burnt in pure oxygen. The specific heat of carbonic anhydride (Chem. Phys. 235) is 0.2164. The calorific power of charcoal is 8,080. By substituting these values in [60] we get T = 10,174. When the charcoal burns in air, the 3.67 kilogrammes of carbonic anhydride formed by the combustion are mixed with a COMBUSTION. 121 large mass of inert nitrogen, which must be regarded as one of the products of the combustion. The weight of this nitrogen is easily calculated from the known composition of air by weight ( 56) and from the amount of oxygen consumed in the process. 23.2 : 76.8 = 2.67 : x ; or x = 2.67 X 3.31 = 8.84. We have now, besides the values given above, W = 8.84 and S, 1 the specific heat of nitrogen, equal to 0.244. Whence T 2,738. Problem. Find the calorific intensity of hydrogen gas burnt in oxygen and burnt in air. Solution. One kilogramme of hydrogen yields 9 kilogrammes of aqueous vapor. The specific heat of aqueous vapor is 0.4805. The calorific power of hydrogen is not so great when the gas is burnt under ordinary conditions as that given in the table on page 118 ; for in the experiments of Favre and Silbermann the vapor formed by the combustion was subsequently condensed to water, and gave out its latent heat, while in a burning flame of hydrogen no such condensation takes place. Hence C = 34,462 (537 X 9) = 29,629. We also have W = 9 and S= 0, 475. Whence T= 6,853. When hydrogen is burnt in air, the nitrogen, mixed with the aqueous vapor, weighs 26.49 kilogrammes and S 1 is the same as in the previous problem. Whence T = 2,746. It appears then from these problems, that, although the calorific power of hydrogen is much greater than that of car- bon, its calorific intensity is less. But it must be remembered that the conditions assumed in these problems are never real- ized in practice, for the heat generated by the combustion is never wholly retained in the products. The process of com- bustion requires a certain time, and during this time a portion of the heat escapes. Moreover, more air passes through the combustible than is required for perfect combustion, and many of the data which enter into the calculation are uncertain. The results, therefore, can only be regarded as approximate. The theoretical conditions are most nearly realized in a gas flame, and especially in that form of burner known as the Bunsen lamp. The temperature of the flame of this lamp, when carefully regulated, is very nearly that which the theory would assign. 122 COMBUSTION. 63. Point of Ignition. In order that a combustible body should take fire, and continue burning in the atmosphere, it must be heated to a certain temperature, and maintained at this temperature. This temperature is called the point of igni- tion ; and although it cannot always be accurately measured, and is undoubtedly more or less variable under different con- ditions, yet, nevertheless, it is tolerably constant for each sub- stance. For different substances it differs very greatly. Thus phosphorus takes fire below the boiling point of water, sulphur at 260, wood at a low red heat, anthracite coal only at a full red heat, while iron requires the highest temperature of a forge. If a burning body is cooled below its point of ignition, it goes out ; and our ordinary combustibles continue burning in the air only because the heat evolved by the burning main- tains the temperature above the required point. If the tem- perature of the combustible is not maintained sufficiently high, either because the chemical union is too slow, or because the calorific power is too small, then the combustible will not con- tinue to burn in the air of itself, although it may burn most readily if its temperature is sustained by artificial means. Hence many of the metals which will not burn in the air burn readily in the flame of a blowpipe, and am iron watch- spring burns like a match in an atmosphere of pure oxygen. The calorific intensity of all combustibles, when burnt in the atmosphere, is, as we have seen, greatly reduced by the pres- ence of nitrogen ; and hence it is that, although the burning watch-spring is maintained above the point of ignition in pure oxygen, it soon falls below this temperature, and goes out when ignited in the air. Thus it is that the nitrogen of our atmosphere exerts a most important influence on the action of the fire element ; and it can easily be seen that, were it not for these provisions in the constitution of nature, by which the active energies of oxygen are kept within certain limits, no combustible material could exist on the surface of the earth. 64. Calorific Power derived from the Sun. The great mass of the crust of our globe consists of saturated oxygen com- pounds, or, in other words, of burnt material* ; and the total amount of combustible materials which exists on its surface is, comparatively, very small. That which exists naturally consists almost entirely of carbon and its compounds, such as coal, COMBUSTION. 123 naphtha, and wood ; and all these substances are the results of vegetable growth, either of the present age or of earlier geo- logical epochs. Moreover, whatever subsequent changes the material may have undergone, it was all originally prepared by the plant from the carbonic acid and water of our atmos- phere ; for, in the economy of nature, these products of com- bustion have been made the food of the vegetable world. The sun's rays, acting on the green leaves of the plant, exert a mys- terious power, which decomposes carbonic anhydride, and per- haps also water ; and, as the result of this process, oxygen is returned to the atmosphere, while carbon and hydrogen are stored up in the growing tissues of the plant. The sun thus undoes the work of combustion, and parts the atoms which the chemical affinities had drawn together. In doing this, the sun exerts an enormous power ; and the work which it thus ac- complishes is the precise measure of the calorific power of the combustible material, which it then prepares. When we wind up the weight of a clock, we exert a certain power which reap- pears in its subsequent motions ; and so, when the sun's rays part these atoms, the great power it exerts is again called into action, when in the process of combustion the atoms reunite. Moreover, what is true of calorific power is true of all mani- festations of power on the surface of the earth. Every form of motion is sustained by the running down of some weight which the sun has wound up ; and, according to the best theory we can form, the sun's power itself is sustained by the gradual falling of the whole mass of the solar system towards its com- mon centre. However varying in its manifestation, all power in its essence is the same, and the total amount of power in the universe is constant. 65. Heat of Chemical Combinations. The heat of combus- tion is only a striking manifestation of a very general principle, which holds true in all chemical changes. It would appear that whenever, in a chemical reaction, atoms or molecules are drawn together by their mutual affinities, a certain amount of moving power is developed, which takes the form of heat ; and whenever, on the other hand, these same atoms or molecules are drawn apart by the action of some superior force, the same amount of moving power is expended, and heat disappears. Every chemical reaction is a mixed effect of such combina- 124 COMBUSTION. tions and decompositions, and it is simply a complex problem in the mechanical theory of heat to determine what must be in any case the thermal effect. The numerous facts with which we are acquainted in regard to the heat of chemical combination generally agree with the mechanical theory ; and, where the facts do not appear to conform to it, the discrepancy probably arises from our ignorance of the nature of the chem- ical change in question. It would be incompatible with our design to discuss these facts in this book. It must be sufficient to state a few general results, which may be summed up in the following propositions : First. The heat absorbed in the decomposition of a com- pound is equal to the heat evolved in its formation, provided the initial and the final states are the same. Second. The heat evolved in a series of successive chemical changes is equal to the sum of the quantities which would be evolved in each separately, provided the bodies are finally brought into identical conditions. Third. The difference between the quantities of heat evolved in two series of changes starting from two different states, but ending in the same final state, is equal to that which is evolved or absorbed in passing from one initial condition to the other. For example, if a body m evolves a certain amount of heat in uniting with n to form m n, and if the body m n is decom- posed by a third body p, so that m p is formed, the quantity of heat evolved in this last reaction is less than that which would be evolved in the direct union of m and p by the amount evolved in the formation of m n. All these propositions, however, are but special cases under a more general principle which is at the basis of the whole mechanical theory of heat, and which may be enunciated as follows: Whenever a system of bodies undergoes chemical or physical changes, and passes into another condition, what- ever may have been the nature or succession of the changes, the quantity of heat evolved or absorbed depends solely on the initial and final conditions of the system, provided no mechan- ical effect has been produced on bodies outside. COMBUSTION. 125 Questions and Problems. 1. Plow many times more space does the carbonic anhydride formed by burning charcoal (Sp. Gr. = 2) occupy than the char- coal burnt ? Ans. One cubic centimetre or two grammes of charcoal yields 3.720 litres. Hence the gas occupies 3.720 times the volume of the charcoal. 2. How many litres of oxygen gas are required to burn one litre of alcohol vapor, and how many litres of aqueous vapor, and how many of carbonic anhydride, will be formed in the process ? Ans. 3 litres of oxygen, 3 litres of aqueous vapor, 2 litres of car- bonic anhydride. 3. Given the symbol of alcohol C Z H 6 O to find its calorific power. Ans. 6,572 units, or 7,200 units, assuming that the steam formed was condensed. 4. The composition of dried peat is as follows : Carbon, 625.4 ; Hydrogen, 68.1 ; Oxygen, 292.4 ; Nitrogen, 14.1. Find the calor- ific power. Ans. 5,521 units. 5. Find the calorific intensity of marsh gas burnt in oxygen. <7# 4 + 20=0 = G0 2 + 2H 2 Calorific power of marsh gas, 13,063. Specific heat of steam, 0.4805 ; of C0 2 , 0.2164. Ans. 7,793. 6. Find the calorific intensity of olefiant gas burnt in oxygen. C 2 ff 4 + 30-0 = 2<70 2 -f- 2E 2 Calorific power of C Z H 11,858. Specific heat of steam and. car- bonic anhydride as in last problem. Ans. 9,136. 7. Find the calorific intensity of marsh gas and olefiant gas burnt in air. Besides the data already given, we have also specific heat of nitrogen 0.244. Ans. 2,662, and 2,916. CHAPTER XIII. MOLECULAR WEIGHT AND CONSTITUTION. 66. Determination of Molecular Weights. It has already been stated that the molecular weight of a substance is an essential element in fixing its symbol and in judging of its chemical relations, but until now the student has not possessed the knowledge necessary in order to understand the methods by which this important constant is determined. Whenever the substance is a gas, or is capable of being vola- tilized without decomposition at a manageable temperature, we always ascertain the molecular weight from the specific gravity on the principle already several times enforced (17). The problem then resolves itself into finding the specific gravity of the substance in the state of gas. The methods used in such cases are described on page 21, and more in detail in the au- thor's work on Chemical Physics (330 et seq.), and in the same book tables are given which very greatly facilitate the calcula- tion of the results. The specific gravity of the gas or vapor having been found by either of these methods, and referred to hydrogen gas as the unit, the molecular weight of the substance is simply twice the number thus determined. But in applying this important principle, on which our modern chemical philoso- phy so greatly rests, two precautions are essential. It is only true that equal volumes of all substances contain the same number of molecules when they are in the condition of true gases. Now, while some substances, like alcohol, assume this condition at temperatures only a few degrees above their boiling point, at least nearly enough for all practical pur- poses, others, like acetic acid, only attain it at temperatures one or two hundred degrees above their boiling point, and others still, like sulphur, only at the very highest temperatures at which we have been able to experiment. For this reason, the specific gravity of sulphur vapor was for a long time an anomalous fact in the science, and it was not until St. Clair Deville, by MOLECULAR WEIGHT AND CONSTITUTION. 127 using a porcelain globe, succeeded in determining its specific gravity at a very high temperature, that its value was found to correspond with the probable molecular weight, and it is pos- sible that a similar anomaly which still exists in the case of phosphorus and arsenic may be due to the same cause. The chemist, however, can always have a sure criterion of the condition of any vapor whose specific gravity he is deter- mining by repeating his experiment at a somewhat higher tem- perature. If the second result does not agree with the first, it is a proof that the vapor is not yet in a proper condition, and that the temperature employed in the experiment was too low. A series of determinations of the specific gravity of the vapor of acetic acid made by Cahours furnish an excellent illustra- tion of the importance of the precaution we are discussing, and will also point out another important relation of this whole sub- ject. This acid when in the most concentrated state boils at 120, and the specific gravity of its vapor referred to hydrogen at the same temperature and pressure was found to have the following values at the temperatures annexed : At 125 45.90 At 170 35.30 At 240 30.16 " 130 44.82 " 180 35.19 " 270 30.14 " 140 41.96 " 190 34.33 310 30.10 " 150 39.37 " 200 32.44 " 320 30.07 " 160 37.59 " 220 30.77 " 336 30.07 It will be noticed that, as the temperature increases, the specific gravity diminishes, at first very rapidly, afterwards more slowly, and does not become constant until the tempera- ture has risen 200 above the boiling point, when we have the true specific gravity of acetic acid in the state of gas. This gives for the molecular weight of acetic acid 60 very nearly, which corresponds to the received formula, C 2 ff 4 0. 2 . The slight difference between the theoretical and the observed results may be in part due to errors of observation, but is most prob- ably to be referred to the same cause which determines even in the permanent gases, when under the atmospheric pressure, a variation from Mariotte's law. We do not expect, moreover, to find from the specific gravity the exact molecular weight. The precise value is determined by the results of analysis, which are, as a rule, far more accurate, and the specific gravity is 128 MOLECULAR WEIGHT AND CONSTITUTION. only used to decide which of several possible multiples must be the true value. (Compare carefully 23.) 67. Disassociation. -7- But, besides taking care that the tem- perature is sufficiently high to bring the substance we are studying into the condition of a true gas, we must look out that the compound is not decomposed in the process. It is now well known that at very high temperatures the disassociation of the elements of a compound body is a constant result, and it is probable that in some cases the same effect is produced at the much lower temperatures which are employed in the determi- nation of vapor densities. The specific gravity of the vapor of ammonic chloride, instead of being 26.75, as we should ex- pect from the undoubted weight of its molecule, NHCl, is only about one half of this amount ; and the reason probably is, that, when heated, the molecule breaks into two, and in conse- quence the volume of the vapor doubles. It is very difficult, however, to obtain any further evidence that such a change has taken place ; for, as soon as the tempera- ture falls, the molecules recombine in assuming the solid condi- tion, and all the phenomena attending the change of state are precisely the same as those observed in any other volatile body. Indeed, although many very ingenious experiments have been made with a view of settling the question, it is still uncertain, not only in this, but also in several other cases, whether disassociation has taken place or not. The question is of great importance to the theory of chemistry. If disasso- ciation does not take place, the cases referred to are exceptions to the law of equal molecular volumes, and specific gravity can no longer be regarded, as now, the sole measure of molecular weight. If, however, it can be proved that such a change does take place, then the unity of our present theory is preserved, and the chemist has only to guard against this cause of error ,in his experiments. 68. Indirect Determination of Molecular Weight. Al- though our modern chemical theories rest in great measure on the molecular weight of a few typical compounds determined, MOLECULAR WEIGHT AND CONSTITUTION. 129 at least approximately, by their specific gravities, yet it is only in a comparatively few cases that we are able to refer the molecular weight of a substance directly to this fundamental measure. Most substances are so fixed, or so easily decom- posed by heat, that it is impossible to determine the specific gravity of their vapor, even when such a condition is possible. In these cases, however, we endeavor to refer the molec- ular weight indirectly to the fundamental measure, by estab- lishing a relation of chemical equivalency between the sub- stance whose molecular weight is sought and some closely allied volatile substance whose molecular weight has been pre- viously determined in the manner described above. A few ex- amples will make the application of this principle intelligible. It is required to determine the molecular weight of nitric acid. A careful study of the numerous nitrates leads to the conclusion that this acid, like hydrochloric acid, ffd, con- tains but one atom of replaceable hydrogen. For example, we find but one potassic nitrate and one sodic nitrate, whereas we should expect to find several, if the acid were polybasic. Hence we conclude that, one molecule of argentic nitrate, like one molecule of argentic chloride, AgCl, contains but one atom of silver. Next, we analyze argentic nitrate, and find that 100 parts of the salt contain 63.53 parts of silver. We know the atomic weight of silver, 108, and evidently this must bear the same relation to the molecular weight of argentic nitrate that 63.53 bears to 100. But 63.53:100 = 108: x170, which is the molecular weight of argentic nitrate, and, since the molecule of nitric acid differs from that of argen- tic nitrate only in containing an atom of hydrogen in place of the atom of silver, its own weight must be 170 108 -|- 1 = 63. It is required to determine the molecular weight of sul- phuric acid. A comparison of the different sulphates shows that sulphuric acid is dibasic. We find two sulphates of potas- sium and sodium, an acid sulphate and a neutral sulphate, and hence we conclude that this acid contains two replaceable atoms of hydrogen, and hence that one molecule of neutral potassic sulphate contains two atoms of potassium. In ana- lyzing potassic sulphate it appears that 100 parts of the salt contain 44.83 parts of potassium, and evidently this weight 9 130 MOLECULAR WEIGHT AND CONSTITUTION. bears the same relation to 100 that the weight of two atoms of potassium bears to the weight of the molecule of potassic sul- phate. Thus we have, 44.83 : 100 = 78 : x = 174 ; the M. W. of Potassic Sulphate, and 174 78 + 2 = 98 ; the M. W. of Sulphuric Acid. By a similar course of reasoning we may deduce from the results of analysis, and from the general chemical rela- tions, the molecular weight of any other acid or base. If there is any question in regard to the basicity of the acid or the acidity of the base, there will be the same question as to the molecular weight ; but we cannot be led far into error, for the true weight will be some simple multiple or submultiple of the one assumed, and the progress of science will sooner or later correct our mistake. From the molecular weight of any acid we easily deduce the molecular weights of all its salts. When the substance is not distinctively an acid or a base, but is capable of entering into combination with other bodies, we can frequently discover its molecular weight by determining experimentally how much of this substance is equivalent to a known weight of some sillied but volatile substance whose molecular weight is known. Thus ammonia gas, whose molec- ular weight is one of the best-established data of chemistry, enters into direct union with a compound of platinic chloride and hydrochloric acid (PtCl G II. 2 ) to form a definite crystalline salt whose composition is exactly known. PtCl.H 2 + 2N a = PtCl 6 (Nff 4 ) f [61] Now a very large number of substances allied to ammonia form with this same platinum salt equally definite products, so that by simply determining the weight of platinum in these compounds, which is very easily done, their molecular weights may at once be referred to the molecular weight of ammonia. Lastly, if other means fail, we may sometimes discover the molecular weight of a compound by carefully studying the reac- tions by which it is formed or decomposed, and inferring the weight of the compound from that of its factors or products. We seek to express the reaction in the simplest possible way, and give that value to the molecular weight which best satisfies the MOLECULAR WEIGHT AND CONSTITUTION. 131 chemical equation. Evidently, however, such results are less trustworthy than those obtained by either of the other methods. 69. Constitution of Molecules. It is a favorite theory with some chemists that no molecule can exist in a free condition with any of its affinities unsatisfied, but those who hold this view are compelled to admit that two points of attraction in the same atom may, in certain cases, neutralize each other. Hence, they would distinguish between a dyad atom like that of oxygen ( }, with its affinities open, and a dyad atom like that of mercury (p"^), with its affinities closed through their own mutual attraction. The first could not exist in a free condition, while the last could. In like manner any atom, having an even number of points of attraction, can exist in a free state because all its affinities may be satisfied within itself; but an atom hav- ing an uneven number of points cannot, for at least one of its affinities must be open as is shown by the symbol ( -). As thus interpreted it must be admitted that the theory explains many facts. For example, among the univalent elements, chlorine, bro- mine and iodine are all known to have molecules consisting of two atoms. So, also, the molecule of cyanogen gas consists of two atoms of the radical CN, and the same is true of ethyl, propyl, &c., at least if the hydrocarbons so named .have really the constitution first assigned to them. Passing next to the dyads, we find that, while oxygen, sulphur, selenium and tellurium have molecules consisting of two atoms, the metals mercury and cadmium, and the radicals ethylene, propylene, &c. (O 2 ff 4 and C Z H^, have molecules which coincide with their atoms. Of the well-defined triad elements none are volatile, but the two triad radicals which have been obtained in a free state allyl 1 (O 8 ff s ) and kakodyl ((Cff 3 ) 2 As) both have double atomic molecules. In like manner none of the tetrad elements are volatile, and the only tetrad radicals known in a free state have single atomic molecules. Of the pentad elements nitrogen has a molecule of two atoms, while phosphorus and arsenic have molecules of four 1 See page 78; Problem 7. 132 MOLECULAR WEIGHT AND CONSTITUTION. atoms. No compound radicals of this order are known in a free state. Lastly, the only hexad radical known in a free state, benzine, C 6 ff G , has a molecule which coincides with its atom. Thus it appears that in general the theory is sustained by the facts. Nevertheless, there are several well-marked exceptions in i to it. Thus the well-known compounds NO and N0. 2 have molecules which act as radicals of uneven atomicities and yet contain but one complex atom. We must be careful, therefore, not to give too much weight to this hypothesis, but still it may be useful in co-ordinating facts. It leads at once to three gen- eral principles which will be found to be almost universally true. The first is that the sum of the atomicities of the atoms of every molecule is an even number. The second is that the atomicity of any radical is an odd or even number according as the sum of the atomicities of its elementary atoms is odd or even. The third is that the qu an ti valence of elementary atoms must be, as stated on page 59, either even or odd. They are artiads or perissads, and the two characters can never be mani- fested by the same elements. It has also been a question among chemists whether molec- ular combination was possible ; in other words, whether it is possible for molecules of different kinds to combine chemically, each preserving its integrity in the compound. Some of the advocates of the unitary theory, in the reaction against the dualistic system, have been inclined to doubt the possibility of such compounds, and have attempted to represent the symbols of all compounds in a single molecular group ; but any ante- cedent improbability, on theoretical grounds, is far more than outweighed by the evidence of a large number of compounds whose constitution is most simply explained on the hypothesis of molecular combination. For example, in the crystalline salts it is impossible to doubt that the water exists as such, not as a part of the salt molecule, but combined with it as a whole. So, also, there are a number of double salts whose constitution is most simply explained on a similar hypothesis, and, in the pres- ent state of the science, it seems unnecessary to complicate their symbols by forcing them into the unitary mould. It is a MOLECULAR WEIGHT AND CONSTITUTION. 133 characteristic of such molecular compounds as are here assumed, that the force which holds together the molecules is much feebler than that which binds together the atoms in the molecule. When the molecular attraction is very strong, it is probable that in almost all cases the different molecules coalesce into one ; and between the extreme limits we find compounds in which it is difficult to determine whether true molecular combination ex- ists or not. Such coalescing of distinct molecules seems always, however, to be attended with a greater development of heat, and, in general, with a more marked manifestation of physical ener- gies, than usually attends either molecular aggregation or atomic metathesis. In the notation of this book molecular combination is indi- cated by writing together the symbols of the different molecules thus united, but separating these symbols by periods. Thus the symbols ^KCLPtCl^ and 3NaF.SbF 3 represent compounds of this class. 70. Isomerism, Allotropism, Polymorphism. We should infer from the doctrine of chemical types that the same atoms might be grouped together in different ways, so as to form different molecules which in their aggregation would present essentially distinct qualities. Hence, we should expect to find distinct substances having the same composition ; and in fact our science, organic chemistry especially, is rich in examples of this kind. Such substances are said to be isomeric, and the phenomenon is called isomerism. There are different phases of isomerism, which it will be well to distinguish, not so much on account of any essential differences in the phenomena as in order to make ourselves better acquainted with its manifesta- tions. In the first place, we have examples of isomeric bodies having the same centesimal composition, but showing no rela- tion to each other in their properties or in their chemical reactions. Sometimes we have assigned to them the same formula, but in other cases the symbol of one is a simple multiple of that of the other. Thus aldehyde and oxide of ethylene have both the symbol C 2 ff 4 0', cane sugar and gum arabic, the common formula C 12 H 2 . 2 U ; lactic acid, the formula C^ff Pt O s ', and glucose, C ti ff l2 6 . These compounds bear no resemblance to each other, and have no relations in common 134 MOLECULAR WEIGHT AND CONSTITUTION. save the single fact that their centesimal composition is the same. In the second place, we have numerous examples of isomeric compounds which belong to the same chemical type, and there- fore present the same chemical reactions, but in which the two factors of the molecule are in a measure complementary to each other. Thus ethylic formiate has exactly the same com- position as methylic acetate, (C 2 ff 5 )-0-(CHO), (Cff 3 )-0-(C. 2 H 3 0); for while the basic radical of the first contains the quantity Cff 2 more than the basic radical of the second, the acid radi- cal of the first falls short of the acid radical of the second by exactly the same amount. In the third place, we have several groups of isomeric com- pounds, especially among the hydrocarbons, which have the same general properties and the same percentage composition, but which differ from each other in their molecular weights ; so that the symbol of one is a multiple of that of the rest. The hydrocarbous ethylene C. 2 ff^ propylene C 3 ff 6 , butylene 4 ff s , form a group of this kind. Compounds of this class are fre- quently called polymeric, and sometimes the heavier com- pounds may be regarded as condensed forms of the lighter. Lastly, we may distinguish still a fourth class of isomeric compounds which have the same general properties, the same symbol, and the same general system of reactions, but which differ in a few marked qualities, physical or chemical, and which preserve these characteristics to a greater or less extent in their compounds. The two forms of toluic acid, G^H^O^ be- long to this class, and such compounds are isomeric in the fullest sense of the word. In all the above examples the differences between the iso- meric compounds are sufficiently jrreat to lead chemists to assign to each a distinct name. When, however, the differ- ences are not sufficiently great to justify a distinct name, the two bodies are said to be different allotropic states of the same substance. Thus there are two varieties of tartaric acid ; the first of which deviates the plane of polarization of a ray of light to the left, while the second deviates it to the right ; but since in almost every other respect these two bodies are identical, MOLECULAR WEIGHT AND CONSTITUTION. 135 we do not speak of them as different substances, but merely us different allotropic states of tartaric acid. There are also three other varieties of tartaric acid, but these differ so greatly from the normal acid in crystalline form, in solubility, and also in other relations, that they may fairly be regarded as distinct substances. Again, there are many substances where the difference of state or allotropism is associated with difference of crystalline form ; and when this difference of form is fundamental, the substance is said to be dimorphous or trimorphous, as the case may be, and the phenomenon is called polymorphism. Thus common calcic carbonate crystallizes in two fundamentally dis- tinct forms, corresponding to the two mineralogical species, calcite and aragonite. Such difference of form, however, is invariably accompanied by a marked difference of properties, so that polymorphism is merely one of the indications of allo- troi>i:-m. Differences of condition similar to those we have described manifest themselves even more markedly among elementary substances ; and indeed the word allotropism was first applied to phenomena of this last class. Thus there are two allotropic states of phosphorus, which differ so much from each other that no one would suspect from their external characters that there was any identity between them, and to these two states corre- spond two fundamentally different crystalline forms. In some cases the differences between the allotropic states of the same element are far greater than any which are seen between the most unlike isomeric compounds. No substances could be better defined by well-marked and utterly distinct qualities than diamond, plumbago, and charcoal, and yet they are all three allotropia modifications of the one elemental substance we call carbon ; and suHi phenomena as these give us strong grounds for believing that our present elements may have a composite structure. 136 MOLECULAR WEIGHTS AND CONSTITUTION. Questions and Problems 1. What are the molecular weights of alcohol and camphor as de- duced from the results of the jn (>r. determinations given on page 23? Ans. 45.5 and 155, which, although not closely agreeing with the theoretical numbers, enables us to decide that the symbols of these compounds are C^H 6 and Ci H l6 as the simplest interpretation of the analyses would indicate. 2. At the temperature of 470 the 0p. (>r. of the vapor of sul- phuric acid is approximately 1.697. How does this result agree with the generally received symbol of this compound, and how do you explain the discrepancy ? 3. A study of the different tartrates has led to the conclusion already expressed that tartaric acid, although tetratomic, is dibasic. It also appears that one hundred parts of neutral argentic tartrate yield when ignited 55.39 parts of metallic silver. Required the molecular weight of tartaric acid. Ans. 176. 4. An hundred parts of baric oxide, BaO, (whose composition is assumed to be known) yield when treated with sulphuric acid 152.3 parts of baric sulphate. Further it is assumed, as the result of care- ful study, that sulphuric acid is bibasic, and the metal barium a biva- lent radical. Required the molecular weight of sulphuric acid. Ans. 98. 5. The well-known base aniline gives with platinic chloride a definite crystalline product, one hundred parts of which yield on ignition 32.99 parts of platinum. Required the molecular weight of aniline. How does this result agree with the 0p. (J5r. of aniline vapor, which has been found by observation to be 3.210. V Ans. 93; which corresponds to 0p. (r. f 3.223. 6. The base triethylamine gives in like manner a platinum salt, one hundred parts of which yield on ignition 33.67 parts of plati- num. Required the molecular weight. Ans. 101. 7. Compare together the symbols of the compounds of the va- rious alcohol radicals on pages 90 to 93 and point out the exam- ples of isomerism. CHAPTER XIV. CRYSTALLINE FORMS. 71. Relations to Chemistry. Almost every substance affects a definite polyhedral form, although it may manifest this tendency only under favorable conditions. Such forms are called crystals, and the process of crystalline growth, or de- velopment, is called crystallization. The one essential condi- tion of crystallization is a certain freedom of motion, and crys- tals, more or less perfect, are usually formed whenever a molten liquid " sets," or a solid is deposited from a condition of solution or of vapor ; and in each case the slower the process the larger and the more perfect are the crystals. The crystalline condi- tion is, in fact, the normal state of solid matter. It is true that there are a few substances which, like glue, are only known in the colloid state; but in most of the so-called colloid sub- stances this state is abnormal, and there is a constant tendency to crystallization. Moreover, its peculiar crystalline form is one of the most characteristic, and apparently one of the most es- sential, properties of a substance, and is therefore of great value in determining its chemical affinities. The study of the geomet- rical relations of these forms is, however, in itself a separate science, and in this connection we can only dwell on the few elementary principles of the subject on which our system of chemical classification in part rests. 72. Definitions. In the forms of crystals the idea of sym- metry is the great controlling principle. Each substance fol- lows a certain law of symmetry, which seems to be inherent, and a part of its very nature ; and when, from any cause, the character of the symmetry changes, the substance loses its identity, and, even if its chemical composition remains the .ame, it becomes, to all intents and purposes, a different sub- stance. In every crystal the symmetry points to a few direc- tions, to which not only the position of the planes, but also the physical properties of the body,, are closely related. Certain of 138 CRYSTALLINE FORMS. Fig. 4. these directions, more or less arbitrarily chosen, are called the axes of the crystals, and a crystalline form may be defined as a group of similar planes symmetrically disposed around these axes. As is evident from this definition a crystalline form, like a geometrical form, is a pure abstraction, and this conception is carefully to be kept distinct from the idea of a crystal, which implies not only a cer- tain form, but also a certain structure. Moreover, in by far the larger number of cases the same crystal is bounded by several forms. Thus, in Fig. 4, which represents a crystal of common quartz, the planes of the prism and the planes of the pyramid are distinct crystalline forms. 73. Systems of Crystals. A careful study of the forms of crystals has shown that these forms may be classified under six crystalline systems, each of which is distinguished by a peculiar plan of symmetry. These divisions, it is true, are in a meas- ure arbitrary ; for here, as elsewhere in nature, no sharp dividing lines are found ; but nevertheless the distinctions on which the classification rests are clearly marked. We can only give in this book a very imperfect idea of these several plans of sym- metry by representing with figures a few of the more charac- teristic forms of each. 74. First or Isometric System. 1 The three most frequently occurring forms of this system are the regular octahedron, the Fig. 5. Fig. 6. Fig. 7. rhombic dodecahedron and the cube, Figs. 5, 6, and 7. These and all the other forms of the system may be regarded as 1 Called also monometric. CRYSTALLINE FORMS. 139 grouped around three equal and similar axes at right angles to each other, and hence the name isometric (equal dimensions). They present the same symmetry on all sides, and the appear- ance of the form is identical, whichever axis is placed in a ver- tical position. In this system no variation in the relative posi- tions or lengths of the axes is possible, for this would change the plan of symmetry on which the system is based. 75. Second or Tetragonal System. 1 The plan of symmetry in this system is best illustrated by the square octahedron, Fig. 8. Of this form the basal section, Fig. 9, is a square, and to this fact the name of the system refers. The vertical section, on the other hand, is a rhomb, Fig 10. Here, as in the first system, the forms may all be referred to three rectangular axes, but only two have the same length ; the third may be either longer or shorter than the others. The last is the dominant axis of the form, and hence we always place it in a vertical position and call it the vertical axis. The length of the verti- cal axis bears a constant ratio to that of the lateral axes in all crystals of the same substance, but this ratio differs very greatly for different substances, and is therefore an important crystal- lographic character. The familiar square prism is another very characteristic form of this system. Fig. 11. Fig. 12. Moreover, the plane* both of the prism and of the octahedron may have different positions with reference to the lateral axes, as is shown by the two basal sections, Fisrs. 11 and 12 ; Called also dimetric. 140 CRYSTALLINE FORMS. and this leads us to distinguish two square prisms and two square octahedrons, one of which is said to be the inverse of the other. 76. Third or Hexagonal System. In the last system the planes were arranged by fours around one dominant axis, while in this system they are arranged by sixes. The most character- istic forms of this system are the hexagonal pyramid, Fig. 13, and the hexagonal prism, Fig. 14. The basal section through either of these forms is a regular hexagon, Fig. 15, and, besides Fig. 13. Fig. 14. Fig. 15. the dominant or vertical axis, we also distinguish as lateral axes the three diagonals of this hexagonal section. These lateral axes stand at right angles to the vertical axis, but between themselves they subtend angles of 60, Here, as before, the ratio of the length of the vertical axis to the common length of the lateral axes has a constant value on crystals of the same substance, but differs very greatly with different substances, the vertical axis being sometimes longer and sometimes shorter Fig. 17. Fig. 16. than the other three. The rhombohedron, Fig. 16, and the scalenohedron, Fig. 17, are also forms of this system, and occur CRYSTALLINE FORMS. 141 even more frequently than the more typical forms first men- tioned. Lastly, a difference of position in the planes of the prism or pyramid with reference to the lateral axes gives rise in this system to the same distinction between the direct and the inverse forms as in the last. 77. Fourth or Orthorhombic System. 1 The most character- istic forms of this system are the rhombic octahedron, Fig. 18, and the right rhombic prism, from which the system takes its name. The three principal sections of the octahedron, repre- sented by Figs. 19, 20, and 21, and also the basal section of the Fig. 18. Fig. 19. prism, are all rhomb?, whose relations to the form are indicated by the lettering of the figures. We easily distinguish here three axes at right angles to each other, but of unequal lengths, and in regard to the ratios of these lengths the remarks of the last two sections are strictly applicable. 78. Fifth or Monoclinic System. The forms classed together under this system may be referred to three unequal axes, one of which stands at right angles to the plane of the other two, while they are inclined to each other at an angle, which, though con- stant on crystals of the same substance, varies very greatly with different substances, as vary also the relative dimensions of the axes themselves. Fig. 22 represents an octahedron of this system, and Figs. 23 and 24 represent two sections made through the edges FF and DD of this form. A section through the edges GO would be similar to Fig. 23, and these three sections give a clear idea of the relative positions of the axes. The section, Fig. 24, containing the two oblique axes, 1 Called also trimetric. 142 CRYSTALLINE FORMS. is called the plane of symmetry, and the faces on all monoclinic crystals are disposed symmetrically solely with reference to this plane. In a word, the symmetry is bilateral, and corresponds Fig. 22. Fig. 23. Fig. 24. to the type with which we are so familiar in the structure of the human body. This plan of symmetry is well illustrated by Figs. 25, 26, and 27, which represent the commonly occurring forms of gypsum, augite, and felspar, three of the most com- mon minerals. These figures, however, do not, like those of the previous sections, represent simple crystalline forms. The crys- tals here represented are in each case bounded by several forms, and indeed in this system such compound forms are alone pos- sible, for no simple monoclinic form can of itself enclose space. Fig. 25. Fig. 26. Fig. 27. 79. Sixth or Triclinic System. This system is distinguished by an almost complete want of symmetry. Only opposite planes Fig. 28. are similar, and two such planes constitute a complete crystalline form. Hence on every crystal there must be at least three simple forms. We may refer the planes of any crystal to three unequal axes all oblique to each other, but the position we assign to them is quite ar- bitrary, and they have therefore little value as crystallographic elements. Fig. 28 represents a crystal of sulphate of copper, one of the very few subtances which crystallize in this system.. CRYSTALLINE FORMS. 143 80. Modifications on Crystals. When several crystalline forms appear on the same crystal, some one is usually more prominent or dominant than the rest, and gives to the crystal its general aspect, the planes of the secondary forms only ap- pearing on its edges or solid angles, which are then said to be modified or replaced. Thus, in Figs. 29, 30, and 31, the solid angles of a qube are replaced (or truncated) by the faces of an octahedron ; in Fig. 32 the edges of the cube are replaced by the faces of the dodecahedron ; in Fig. 33 the edges of the octahedron are modified in the same way ; arid in Fig. 34 the solid angles of a dodecahedron are replaced by the faces of an Fig. 29. Fig. 31. octahedron. These are all forms of the isometric system, and the relations of the simple forms to each other, which deter- mine in every case the position of the secondary planes, will be readily seen on comparing together the figures already given on page 138. These figures, like all crystallographic drawings, are geometrical projections, and represent the planes in the same relative position towards the crystalline axes which they have on the crystal itself. Moreover, since in all figures of crystals of this system the axes are drawn in absolutely the same position on the plane of the paper, the same face has also the same position throughout. As a general rule, all the similar parts of a crystal are simultaneously and similarly modified. This important law, 144 CRYSTALLINE FORMS. which is a simple inference from the principles already stated, is illustrated by the figures just given, and also by Figs. Fig. 35. Fig. 33. Fig. 37. Fig. 38. 35 to 50. By carefully studying these figures, as well as Figs. 25 to 28 on page 142, the student will be able to refer each of rig. 39. ^ 40 - Fi,, 41. the compound crystals here represented to one or the other of the systems of symmetry already described, and from this and Fig. 42. Fig. 43. Fig. 41. similar practice he will learn, better than from any descrip- tions, how clearly the modifications on a crystal point out its crystallographic relations. CRYSTALLINE FORMS. 145 81. Hemihedral Forms. To the law governing the modi- fications of crystals just stated, there is one important excep- Fig. 45. Fig. 46. Fig. 47. Fig. 48. tion. It not unfrequently happens that half the similar parts of a crystal are modified independently of the other half. Thus Fig. 49. Fig. 50. in Fig. 51 only one half of the solid angles of the cube are truncated. The modifying form in this case is the tetrahedron, Fig. 52. Fig. 53, also a simple form of the isometric system. When all the solid angles of the cube are truncated, the modifying form, as has been shown, is the octahedron, and the relation which the tetrahedron bears to the octahedron is shown by Fig. 52. The rhombohedron, Fig. 54, stands in a similar re- lation to the hexagonal pyramid, Fig. 55. From these figures 116 CRYSTALLINE FORMS. it is evident that while the octahedron and the hexagonal pyra- mid have all the planes which perfect symmetry requires, the Fig. 55. tetrahedron and the rhombohedron have only half the number, and in crystallography all forms which bear a similar relation to the forms of perfect symmetry are said to be Amifeedral, while the forms of perfect symmetry are distinguished as holo- hedral. The hemihedral forms are quite numerous in all the systems, but with the exception of the tetrahedron, rhombohe- dron, and scalenohedron (Fig. 17), they seldom appear except as modifying planes on the edges or solid angles of the more perfect forms. As a general rule, they are easily recognized, but not unfrequently they give to a crystal the aspect of a dif- ferent system from that to which it really belongs, and may lead to false inferences ; but these can, in most cases, be cor- rected by a careful study of the interfacial angles. 82. Identity of Crystalline Form. As has already been stated, every substance is marked by certain peculiarities of outward form, which are among its most essential qualities, and we must next learn in what these peculiarities consist. As a general rule, the same substance crystallizes in the same form, but under unusual circumstances it frequently appears in other forms of the same system. Thus fluorspar is usually found crystallized in cubes, but in large collections crystals of this mineral may be seen in almost all the holohedral forms of the isometric system, including their numerous combinations. In like manner common salt usually crystallizes in cubes, but out of a solution containing urea it frequently crystallizes in octa- hedrons. Moreover, the sams principle holds true in regard to substances crystallizing in other systems, most of whose forms never appear except in combination. Thus the mineral CRYSTALLINE FORMS. 147 quartz generally shows the simple combination represented in Fig. 4 ; but more than one hundred other forms, all, however, belonging to the same system, have been observed on crystals of this well-known substance. So also the crystals of gypsum, augite, and felspar, in most cases present the forms already figured on page 142, although other forms are common, which, however, in each case all belong to the same crystalline system. We never find the same substance in the forms of different sys- tems except in those cases of polymorphism already described, page 135, where the differences in other properties are so great that the bodies can no longer be regarded as the same substance. Among substances crystallizing in the isometric system the crystalline form is not so distinctive a character as it is in other cases. In this system the relative dimensions are invariable, and the octahedron, the dodecahedron, and the cube, more or less modified by different replacements, are the constantly re- curring forms. Even here, however, specific differences may at times be found in the fact that some substances affect hemi- hedral forms on modification, while others do not. In all the other systems the dimensions of the crystal (the relative lengths of its axes and the values of the interaxial angles) distinguish each substance from every other. But here, also, the general statement must be somewhat modified. We frequently find on the crystals of the same substance several forms having different axial dimensions. Thus, on the crystal represented by Fig. 56, belonging to the tetragonal system, there are three different octahedrons, and three cor- responding values of the vertical axis. But if, beginning with the planes of the octahedron 0, we determine the ratio which its vertical axis bears to the Flg " 56 ' common length of the two lateral axes, and call this value a, we shall find that the cor- responding values for the two other octahe- drons are 2a and a respectively. More- over, if we extend our study we shall also find that this example illustrates a general principle, and that the crystalline forms of a given substance include not only those of identical axial dimensions, but also those whose dimensions bear to each other some simple ratio* 148 CRYSTALLINE FORMS. This most important law gives to the science of crystallog- raphy a mathematical basis, and enables us to apply the exhaus- tive methods of analytical geometry in discussing the various re- lations of the subject. Among the actual forms of a given sub- stance we fix on some one as the fundamental form, and, taking the values of its axial dimensions as our standards, we are able to express the position of the planes of all the possible forms by means of very simple symbols, and also to express by mathe- matical formulae the relations of the interfacial angles to the same fundamental elements of the crystal; so that the one may readily be calculated from the other. It may seem at first sight that the crystallographic distinction between different substances, insisted on above, is greatly ob- scured by the important limitations just made. But it is not so, at least to any great extent. The selection of the funda- mental form of a given substance is not arbitrary, although it is based on considerations which it lies beyond the scope of this book to discuss. Moreover, an error in this choice is not fun- damental, since the true conception of the form of a substance includes not only the fundamental form, but all those which are related to it. This conception, though not readily embodied in ordinary language, is easily expressed by a general mathemat- ical formula, and is as tangible to one familiar with the subject as the general statement first made. But however obscure, to those who are not familiar with mathematical conceptions, may be the distinction between the forms of different substances in the same system, the difference between the different systems is clear and definite, and it is with this broad distinction that we have chiefly to deal in our chemical classification. 83. Irregularities of Crystals. It must not be supposed that natural crystals have the same perfection of form and regularity of outline which our figures might seem to indicate. In addition to being more or less bruised or broken from acci- dental causes, crystals are rarely terminated on all sides, one or more of the faces being obliterated where the crystal is im- planted on the rock, or where it is merged in other crystals. But by far the most remarkable phase which the irregularities of crystals present is that shown by Figs. 57 to 67. By com- paring together the figures which have been here grouped to- CRYSTALLINE FORMS. 149 gether on the page, and which represent in each case different phases of the same crystalline form, it will be seen that the variations from the normal type are caused by the undue de- Fig. 58 Fig. 57. HHHB Fig> 59 ' velopment of certain planes at the expense of their neighbors, or by an abnormal growth of the crystal in some one direction. Fig. 61. Fig. 60. Such forms as these, however, although great departures from the ideal geometrical types, are in perfect harmony with Fig. 62. mm Fig. 63. the principles of crystallography. The axis of a crystal is not a definite line, but a definite direction ; and the face of a crystal 150 CRYSTALLINE FORMS. is not a plane of definite size, but simply an extension in two definite directions. These directions are the only fundamental elements of a crystalline form, and they are preserved under Fig. 66. Fig. 64. all conditions, as is proved by the constancy of the interfacial angles, and of the modifications, on crystals of the same sub- stance, however irregular may have been the development. 84. Twin Crystals. Every crystal appears to grow by the slow accretion of material around some nucleus, which is usually a molecule or a group of molecules of the same substance, and which we may call the crystalline molecule or germ. Now we must suppose that these molecules have the same differences on different sides which we see in the fully developed crystal, and which, for the want of a better term, we may call polarity. As a general rule, in the aggregation of the molecules a perfect parallelism of all the similar parts is preserved. But, if molec- ular polarity at all resembles magnetic polarity, it may well be that two crystalline molecules might become attached to each other in a reversed position, or in some other definite position determined by the action of the polar forces. Assume now that each of these crystalline molecules " germinates," and the result would be such twin crystals as we actually find in nature. The result is usually the same as if a crystal of the normal form were cut in two by a plane having a definite position towards the crystalline axes, and one part turned half round on the other ; and twins of this kind are therefore called hemitropes. Figs. 68 to 71. At other times the germinal molecules seem to have become attached with their dominant axes at right angles to each other, and then there result twins such as are represented in Figs. 72 and 73 ; and many other modes of twin- CRYSTALLINE FORMS. 151 ning are possible. Some substances are much more prone to the formation of twin crystals than others, and the same sub- stance generally affects the same mode of twinning, which may Fig. 71. Fig. 68. Fig. 70. Fig. thus become an important specific character. The plane which separates the two members of a twin crystal, called the plane Fig. 73. of twinning, has always a definite position, and is in every case parallel either to an actual or to a possible face on both of the two forms. Twin crystals always preserve the same symmetry of group- ing, and the values of the interfacial angles between the two forms are constant on crystals of the same substance, so that they might sometimes be mistaken for simple crystals by un- practised observers. There is, however, a simple criterion by which they can be generally distinguished. Simple crystals never have re-entering angles, and, whenever these occur, the faces which subtend them must belong to two individuals. The same principle which leads to the formation of twin crystals may determine the grouping of several germinal molecules, and lead to the formation of far more complex com- 152 CRYSTALLINE FORMS. binations. Frequently, as it would seem, a large number of molecules arrange themselves in a line with their principal axes parallel and their dissimilar ends together, and hence re- sult linear groups of crystals alternating in position, but so fused into each other as to leave no evidence of the composite char- acter except the re-entering angles, and frequently these are marked only by the striations on the surface of the resulting faces. Such a structure is peculiar to certain minerals, and the resulting striation frequently serves as an important means of distinction. The orthoclase and the klinoclase felspars are distinguished in this way. 85. Crystalline Structure. The crystalline form of a body is only one of the manifestations of its crystalline structure. This also appears in various physical properties, which are fre- quently of great value in fixing the crystallographic relations of a substance, and such is especially the case when, on ac- count of the imperfection of the crystals, the crystalline form is obscure. Of these physical qualities one of the most impor- tant is cleavage. As a general rule, crystallized bodies may be split more or less readily in certain definite directions, called planes of cleav- age, which are always parallel either to an actual or to a pos- sible face on the crystals of the substance, and are thus inti- mately associated with its crystalline structure. At times the cleavage is very easily obtained, when it is said to be eminent, as in the case of mica or gypsum, which can readily be split into exceedingly thin leaves, while in other cases it can only be effected by using some sharp tool and applying considerable mechanical force. With a few unimportant exceptions the cleavage planes have the same position on all specimens of the same substance. Thus specimens of fluor-spar may be readily cleaved parallel to the faces of an octahedron, Fig. 5, those of galena parallel to the faces of a cube, Fiji. 7, those of blende parallel to the faces of a dodecahedron, Fig. 6, and those of calc-spar parallel to the faces of a rhombohedron, Fig. 1 6. In these cases, and in many others, the cleavage is a more distinc- tive character than the external form, and can be more fre- quently observed, and we generally regard the form produced by the union of the several planes of cleavage as the funda- mental form of the substance. Again, we always find that cleavage is obtained with equal CRYSTALLINE FORMS. 153 ease or difficulty parallel to similar faces, and with unequal ease or difficulty parallel to dissimilar faces. Moreover, the dissimilar cleavage faces thus obtained may generally be dis- tinguished from each other by differences of lustre, striation, and other physical character ; and such distinctions are fre- quently a great help in studying the crystallographic relations of a substance. Similar differences on the natural faces of crystals are also equally valuable guides. But, of all the modes of investigating the crystalline structure of a body, none can compare in efficiency with the use of polar- ized light. It is impossible to explain the theory of this beau- tiful application of the principles of optics without extending this chapter to a length wholly incompatible with the design of this book. It must suffice to say, that if we examine with a polarizing microscope a thin slice of any transparent crystal of either the second or third system, cut parallel to the dominant axis, we see a series of colored rings, intersected by a black cross, and it is evident that the circular form of the rings answers to the perfect symmetry which exists in these systems around the vertical axis. If, however, we examine in a similar way a slice from a crystal of one of the last three systems, cut in a definite direction, which depends on the molecular structure, and must be found by trial, we see a series of oval rings with two distinct centres, indicating that the symmetry is of a dif- ferent type. Moreover, the distribution of the colors around the two centres corresponds in each case to the peculiarities of the molecular structure, and enables us to decide to which of the three systems the crystal belongs. ' The use of polarized light has revealed remarkable differ- ences of structure in different crystals of the same substance, connected with the hemihedral modifications described above. The Figures 74 and 76 represent crystals of two varieties of tartaric acid, which only differ from each other in the position of two hemihedral planes, and are so related that when placed before a mirror the image of one will be the exact representa- tion of the other. The intermediate Figure, 75, represents the same crystal without these modifications. Since the solid angles are all similar, we should expect to find them all modi- fied simultaneously ; but, while on crystals of common tartaric acid only the two front angles (as the figure is drawn) are re- placed, a variety of this acid has been discovered having simi- 154 CRYSTALLINE FORMS. lar crystals, whose back angles only are modified. Now, it is found that a solution of the common acid rotates the plane of polarization of a beam of light to the right, while a similar so- Fig. 74. Fig. 75. lution of this remarkable variety rotates the plane of polariza- tion to the left. This difference of crystalline structure, more- over, is associated with certain small differences in the chemi- cal qualities of the two bodies ; but the difference is so slight that we cannot but regard them as essentially the same sub- stance, and the polarized light thus reveals to us the beginnings of a difference of structure, which, when more developed, mani- fests itself in the phenomena of isomerism. It is a remarkable fact, worthy of notice in this connection, that these two varieties of tartaric acid chemically combine with each other, forming a new substance called racemic acid. Questions. 1. By what peculiar mode of symmetry may each of the six crys- talline systems be distinguished ? How may crystals belonging to the 1st system be recognized ? How may crystals of the 2d, 3d, and 4th systems be distinguished by studying the distribution of the similar planes around their terminations or dominant axes ? By what peculiar distribution of similar planes may the crystals of the 5th and 6th systems be distinguished from all others ? State the system to which each of the crystals, represented by the various figures of this chapter, belongs, and give the reason of your answer in every case. 2. We find in the mineral kingdom two different octahedral forms of titanic acid belonging to the tetragonal system. In one of these forms the ratio of the unequal axes is 1 : 0.6442, in the other it is 1 : 1.7723. Can these forms belong to the same mineral substance ? CHAPTER XV. ELECTRICAL RELATIONS OF THE ATOMS. 86. General Principles. If in a vessel of dilute sulphuric acid (one part of acid to twenty of water) we suspend a plate of zinc and a plate of platinum, opposite to each other, and not in contact, we find that no chemical action whatever takes place, provided the Fi S> zinc and the acid are perfectly pure. As soon, however, as the two plates are united by a copper wire, as represented in Fig. 77, chem- ical action immediately ensues, and the follow- ing phenomena may be observed. First : Bubbles of hydrogen gas are evolved from the surface of the platinum plate. Secondly: The zinc plate slowly dissolves, the zinc combining with the radical of the acid to form zincic sulphate, which is soluble in water. Lastly : A peculiar mode of atomic motion called electricity is transmitted through the copper wire, as may be made evident by appropriate means. If the connection be- tween the plates is broken by dividing the conducting wire, the chemical action instantly stops, and the current of elec- tricity ceases to flow ; but, as soon as the connection is renewed, these phenomena again appear. Similar effects may be produced by other combinations than the one just mentioned, provided only certain conditions are realized. In the first place, the two plates must consist of materials which are unequally affected by the liquid contained in the vessel, or cell ; and the greater the difference in this respect, within manageable limits, the better. In the second place, the materials, both of plates and connector, must be con- ductors of electricity ; and, lastly, the liquid must contain some substance for one of whose radicals the material of one of the plates has sufficient affinity to determine the decomposition of the compound in solution. 156 ELECTRICAL RELATIONS OF THE ATOMS. Practically, the combination first mentioned, with a few slight modifications, is found to be the best adapted for general use ; but, in order to bring the phenomena before our minds in their simplest form, we will assume other things being the same as before that the compound in solu- Fig. 78. + - tion is hydrochloric acid, HCl, since this con- sists of a simple negative radical united to a simple positive radical. In this case the space between the plates is filled with mole- cules consisting of hydrogen and chlorine atoms, as is indicated in Fig. 78, where we have attempted to represent by symbols a single one of the innumerable lines of molecules of which we may conceive as uniting the two plates. The zinc plate, in virtue of the power- ful affinity of zinc for chlorine, attracts the chlorine atoms, which rush towards it with immense velocity ; and the sudden arrest of motion which attends the union of the chlorine with the zinc has the effect of an incessant volley of atomic shot against the face of the plate. Each of the atomic blows must give an impulse to the molecules of the metal itself, which will be transmitted from molecule to molecule, through the material of the plate and the connecting wire, in the same way that a shock is transmitted along a line of ivory balls ; and an elec- tric current, as we conceive of it, is merely a wire, or other con- ductor, filled with innumerable lines of oscillating molecules. But these very impulses, which impart motion to the metal- lic molecules, react on the liquid, forcing back the hydrogen atoms towards the platinum, and the result is a constant me- tathesis along the whole line of molecules between the two plates ; so that, for every atom of chlorine which enters into union with the zinc, an atom of hydrogen is set free at the face of the platinum plate. Thus we have the singular phenome- non produced of two coexisting atomic currents throughout the mass of the liquids, a stream of chlorine atoms constantly setting towards the zinc plate, and a stream of hydrogen atoms flowing- in the opposite direction, in the same space, towards the platinum plate. Corresponding to this motion in the ma.-s of the liquid is the peculiar atomic motion in the metallic con- ductors. The two, for some unknown reason, are mutunily dependent ; and the moment the connection is broken, so that ELECTRICAL RELATIONS OF THE ATOMS. 157 the motion can no longer be transmitted through the con- ductor, the motion in the liquid itself ceases. As regards the mode of atomic motion in the solid metallic conductors, we have been unable to form any clear conceptions. Although apparently allied to heat, this peculiar mode of atomic motion, called electricity, is capable of producing very different classes of effects, and has the remarkable power of imparting to the unlike atoms of almost all compound bodies the same opposite motions which attend its first production. In our ignorance of its nature, the direction we assign to the electric current is in great measure arbitrary ; and it is more probable that a two- fold current coexists in the conducting wire, corresponding to that which we have recognized as actually flowing through the liquid between the plates of the cell. These two currents have in fact been distinguished by different names ; that flowing into the conducting wire from the platinum, or inactive plate, being called the positive current, and that from the zinc, or active plate j the negative current. These names, however, are intended to indicate merely some unknown opposition of relations be- tween the two lines of moving atoms, and not an essential dif- ference in the mode of the motion. Reasoning from certain mechanical phenomena, the physicists originally assumed that the electrical current flowed in but one direction, that is, through the conducting wire from the platinum plate to the zinc, and from the zinc plate through the liquid back again to the plat- inum ; and now, when the direction of the current is spoken of, it is this direction, that of the positive current, which is always meant. 87. Electrical Conducting Power or Resistance. Different materials transmit the electric current with very different de- grees of facility ; for while in some this peculiar form of molec- ular motion is easily maintained, in others the molecules yield to it only with difficulty, and many substances seem not to be susceptible of it. The conducting powers of different metallic wires have been very carefully studied, and some of the most trustworthy results are collected in the following table. Silver is the best conductor known, and, assuming that a silver wire of definite size and 100 centimetres long is taken as the standard, the number opposite the name of each metal is the length in centimetres of a wire made of .this metal, and of the same size 158 ELECTRICAL RELATIONS OF THE ATOMS. as the first, which will oppose the same resistance to the trans- mission of the current. The second column gives the relative resistances of wires of the same materials when of equal size and of equal lengths. The relative or specific resistances of two such wires must evidently be inversely proportional to their conducting powers, and thus the numbers of the second column are easily calculated from those of the first. For the results collated in this table we are indebted to the careful investiga- tions of Professor Matthiessen. Pure Metals. Conducting Power. Specific Resistance. Silver (hard drawn) At 0. At 100. 100.00 71.56 At 0. At 100. 1.000 1.397 Copped (hard drawn ) 99.95 70.27 1. 0005 1 .423 - Gold- (hard drawn) 77.96 55.90 1. 283 1.788 v Zinc 29.02 20.67 3.445 4.838 Cadmium 23.72 16.77 4.216 5.964 - Cobalt 17.22 5. 808 Iron (hard drawn) 16.81 5.948 Nickel 13.11 7.628 Tin 12.36 8.67 8.091 11.53 Thallium 9.16 10.92 ; Lead 8.32 5.86 12.02 17.06 Arsenic 4.76 3.33 21. 01 30.03 Antimony 4.62 3.26 21.65 30.68 Bismuth 1.245 0.878 80.34 1 13.9 Commercial Metals. C. P. Sp. R. . Copper 77.43 1.291 18.8 Iron^ 14.44 6.924 20.4 Sodium 37.43 2.672 2L.7 Palladium ^ 12.64 7.911 17.21 Aluminum 33.76 2.962 195 Platinum 10.53 9.497 20.7 Magnesium 25.47 3.926 17,0 Strontium 6.71 14.90 20.5 Calcium 22.14 4.516 16 Mercurv 1.63 61.35 22.8 Potassium 20.85 4.795 20.4 Tellurium 0.00077 129,800 1 '.).<) Lithium ... 19.00 5.262 20.0 Red Phosphorus 0.00000123 81,300,00024.0 If, next, we compare wires of the same material, but of dif- ferent sizes, we find that the resistance increases as the length, and diminishes as the area, of the section. Moreover, if we adopt some absolute standard of resistance, like that selected by the English physicists, we can easily express the resistance of any given conductor in terms of this unit. It must be remem- bered, however, in making such comparisons, that the resist- ance varies with the temperature, and also that the conducting power of the same metal is materially influenced both by its and by the presence of impurities. physical conditl ELECTRICAL RELATIONS OF THE ATOMS. 159 88. Ohm's Law. The first effect of the chemical forces in the cell of an electrical combination is to marshal the dissimilar atoms of the active liquid between the plates into lines, which at once begin to move in parallel columns, but in opposite di- rections (Fig. 78). Moreover, each one of these lines of moving atoms is continued by a corresponding line of oscillating atoms in the conducting wire, and thus is formed a continuous circuit returning upon itself. The union of all the lines of force in the two opposite coexisting streams constitutes in any case the electrical current, and the different parts of this continuous chain are so related that the total amount of motion is always the same at every point on the circuit, and no more lines of moving atoms form in the liquid between the plates than can be continued through the oscillating atoms of the solid conductors. If we adopt this theory, it is obvious that the strength of any electrical current must depend, first, on the number of con- tinuous lines of force, and secondly, on the strength of the atomic blows transmitted through each of these channels. Of these two elements, the first is determined solely by the total resistance which the various parts of the circuit oppose to the electrical motion, and the greater this resistance the less will be the number of the lines of force. The second element is de- termined by the value of the resultants of all the chemical forces acting in any combination, which impel the dissimilar atoms towards the opposite plates, a value which depends solely on the chemical relations of the materials of the plates to that of the active liquid, and is what is called the electromotive force of the combination, a quantity we will represent by E. It appears, then, from the above analysis, that an electrical current is a continuous chain, which is sustained in a regulated and equable motion in all its parts by the chemical activity in the cell, and that the strength of this current at any point of the chain must be directly proportional to the electromotive force, and inversely proportional to the sum of the resistances through- out the circuit. If, then, we represent the resistance in the con- ducting wire by r, the resistance of the liquid between the plates of the cell by R, 1 and also the strength of the current by (7, we shall have, in every case, 1 The resistance of any circuit may be conveniently divided into two parts, 160 ELECTRICAL RELATIONS OF THE ATOMS. The quantities (7, 7?, r, and E may all be accurately measured, and stand in each case for a certain number of arbitrary units, whose relations will hereafter be stated. 89. Electromotive Force and Strength of Current. It would seem at first sight as if the strength of an electric current might be increased by simply enlarging the size of the plates in the combination employed, and obviously the number of possible lines of moving atoms which could be marshalled in the liquid between the plates would thus be increased ; but, as has been stated, the parts of the circuit are so intimately connected that no greater number of lines of atoms can form between the plates than can be continued through the whole circuit, and practically there may be formed between the smallest plates a vastly greater number of atomic lines than can be continued through any con- ductor, however good its quality or however ample its size. Hence it is, that by increasing the size of the plates we mul- tiply the lines of force only in so far as we thereby lessen the resistance in the liquid part of the circuit. We thus simply lessen the value of R in Ohm's formula [62] ; but if this value is already small as compared with r, that is, if the resistance in the cell is small compared with that in the conductor, no mate- rial gain in the power of the current, or in the value of (7, will result. On the other hand, if the exterior resistance, r, is small, or nearly nothing, as when the plates are connected by a thick metallic conductor, then the value of O will increase in very nearly the same proportion as the size of the plates is enlarged, and the value of J?, in consequence, diminished. Under these conditions, the number of lines of moving atoms is greatly mul- tiplied, and we obtain a current of very great volume, but only flowing with the limited force which the single cell is capable of maintaining. Such a current has but little power of over- coming obstacles ; and if we attempt to condense it by using a smaller conductor, we reduce, as has been said, the chemical action which keeps the whole in motion, and thus lessen the volume of the flow. This is generally expressed by saying first, the resistance of the conducting wire, and secondly, the resistance of the liquid portion of the circuit between the two plates of the cell. The resistance of the solid conductor may be readily estimated on the principles stated in the last section, and the resistance of liquid may be measured in a similar way. The last depends, 1. On the conducting power of the liquid; 2. On the length of the liquid circuit, which is determined by the distance apart of the plates; 3. On the area of the section of the liquid conductor, which is determined by the size of the plates ; and, 4. On the temperature. ELECTRICAL RELATIONS OF THE ATOMS. 161 that the current has large quantity, but small intensity, or more properly, electromotive power. It must now be obvious from the theory, that we cannot in- crease effectively the intensity of a current (its power of over- coming obstacles) without in some way increasing the chemical activity, or, in other words, the electro-motive force of the com- bination employed, and Ohm's formula leads to the same result. If the value of r in our formula is very large as compared with R, we cannot increase it still farther without lessening the total value, (7, unless at the same time we increase the value of E. Now, this electro-motive force may be, to a certain ex- tent, increased by using a more active combination ; but the limit in this direction is soon reached, and the construction of the cell which has been found practically to be the most effi- cient will be described below. We can, however, increase the effective electro-motive force to almost any extent by using a number of cells, and coupling them together in the manner represented by Fig. 79, the plati- num plate of the first cell being united by a large metallic con- nector to the zinc plate of the second, and so on through the line, until finally the external conductor establishes a connec- tion between the platinum plate of the last cell and the zinc plate of the first. Such a combination as this is called a Gal- vanic or Voltaic * battery, and the current which flows through such a combination has a vastly greater power of overcoming resistance than that of any single cell, however large. The increased effect obtained with such a combination will be easily understood, when it is remembered that each of the innumerable closed chains of v , Fig., 79. moving molecules, now ex- tends through the whole combination, and that all its parts move in the same close mutual dependence as be- fore. But whereas with a single cell the motion throughout any single chain of molecules is sustained by the chemical energy at only one point, it is here reinforced at several points ; 1 From the names of Galvani and Volta, two Italian physicists, who first investigated this class of phenomena. 11 162 ELECTRICAL RELATIONS OF THE ATOMS. and where before we had a single atomic blow, we have now a number, which simultaneously send their united energy along one and the same line. The effective electro-motive power is then increased in proportion to the number of cells ; and the effect on the current would be increased in the same proportion, were it not for the fact that the current must keep in motion a greater mass of liquid, and hence the resistance is increased at the same time. The value of this resistance, however, is easily estimated, since it is directly proportional to the distance through which the current has to flow in the liquid ; and hence, if the liquid is the same in all the cells, and the plates are at the same distance apart in each, the liquid- resistance will be n times as great in a combination of n cells as it is in one. Moreover, since the effective electro-motive force is n times as great also, while the external resistance remains unchanged, the strength of the current from such a combination will still be expressed by formula [62] slightly modified. This formula shows at once, that, when the exterior resist- ance is very small, or nothing, very little or no gain will result from increasing the number of cells, for the ratio of nE to nR is the same as that of E to R ; and, under such conditions, in order to increase the strength of the current, we must increase the surface of the plates. If, on the contrary, the exterior re- sistance is very large, the formula shows that great gain will result from increasing the number of the cells, and that little or no advantage will accrue from enlarging the surface of the plates. Moreover, the formula enables us in any case to de- termine what proportion the number of cells should bear to the size of the plates in order to obtain the full effect of any battery in doing a given work; and in the numerous applications of electricity in the arts we find abundant illustrations of the principles it involves. The methods used in finding the val, of the quantities represented in the formula lie beyond scope of this work, and for such information the student ferred to works on Physics. 90. Constructions of Cells. It is found practicall/^hat^fie ELECTEICAL RELATIONS OF THE ATOMS. 163 simple combination of plates and acid first described must be slightly modified in order to obtain the best results. In the first place, both the zinc and* sulphuric acid of com- merce contain impurities, which give rise to what is called local action, and cause the zinc to dissolve in the acid when the battery is not in action. Fortunately, however, it has been found that such local action can be wholly prevented by care- fully amalgamating the surface of the zinc and filtering the acidulated water. The mercury on the surface of the zinc plates acts as a sol- vent, and gives a certain freedom of motion to the particles of the metal. These, by the action of the chemical forces, are brought to the surface of the plate, while the impurities are forced back towards the interior, so that the plate constantly exposes a surface of pure zinc to the action of the acid. By filtering we remove the particles of plumbic sulphate which remain floating in the sulphuric acid for a long time after it has been diluted with water, and which, when deposited on the surface of the zinc, become points of local action, even when the plates have been carefully amalgamated. In the second place, the continued action of the simple com- bination first described develops conditions which soon greatly impair, and at last wholly destroy, its efficiency. The hydrogen gas, which by the action of the current is evolved at the platinum plate, adheres strongly to its surface, and with its powerful affinities draws back the lines of atoms moving towards the zinc plate, and thus diminishes the effec- tive electro-motive force. Moreover, after the battery has been working for some time, the water becomes charged with zincic sulphate ; and then the zinc, following the course of the hydro- gen, is also deposited on the surface of the platinum, which after a while becomes, to all intents and purposes, a second zinc plate, and then, of course, the electric current ceases. Both of these difficulties, however, have also been sur- mounted by a very simple means discovered by Mr. Grove, of London. The Grove cell, Fig. 80, consists of a circular plate of zinc well amalgamated on its surface, and immersed in a glass jar containing dilute sulphuric acid. Within the zinc cylinder is placed a cylindrical vessel of much smaller diameter, made of porous earthenware, and filled with the strongest nitric acid, 164 ELECTRICAL RELATIONS OF THE ATOMS. and in this hangs the plate of platinum, Fig. 81. The walls of Fig. 81. the porous cell allow both the hydrogen and the zinc atoms to pass freely on their way to the platinum plate ; but the moment they reach the nitric acid they are at once oxidized, and thus the surface of the platinum is kept clean, and the cell in condi- tion to exert its maximum electro-motive power. In this com- bination we may substitute for the plate of platinum a plate of dense coke, such as forms in the interior of the gas retorts, which is very much cheaper, and enables us to construct large cells at a moderate cost. The use of gas coke was first sug- gested by Professor Bunsen of Heidelberg, and the cell so constructed generally bears his name. The Bunsen cell, such as is represented in Fig. 82, is exceedingly well adapted for use Fig. 82. in the laboratory. These cells are usually made of nearly a ELECTRICAL RELATIONS OF THE ATOMS. 165 uniform size, the zinc cylinders being about 8 c. m. in diameter by 22 c. m. high, and they are frequently referred to as a rough standard of electrical power. They may be united so as to produce effects either of intensity or of quantity. The inten- sity effects are obtained in the manner already described (see Fig. 79), and the quantity effects are obtained with equal readi- ness ; since by attaching the zinc of several cells to the same metallic conductor, and the corresponding coke plates to a similar conductor, we have the equivalent of one cell with large plates. Many other forms of battery, differing in more or less important details from those here described, and adapted to special applications of electricity, are used in the arts, and are fully described in the larger works on physics. 91. Electrolysis. As has been already stated, the electrical current has the remarkable power of imparting to the unlike atoms of almost all compound bodies motion in opposite direc- tions, like that in the battery cell itself, and this, too, at what- ever point in the circuit they may be introduced. The galvanic battery thus becomes a most potent agent in producing chemi- cal decompositions, and it is in consequence of this fact that the theory of the instrument fills such an important place in the phi- losophy of chemistry. If we break the metallic conductor at any point of a closed circuit, the two ends, which in chemical experiments we usually arm wifh platinum plates, 1 are called poles. The end con- nected with the platinum or coke plate, from which the positive current is assumed to flow, is called the positive pole, and the end connected with the zinc plate, from which the negative current flows, is called the negative pole. Let us assume that Fig. 83 represents the two platinum poles dipping in a solution of hydrochloric acid in water, which thus becomes a part of the circuit. The moment the circuit is thus closed, the ZTand Cl atoms begin to travel in opposite direc- tions, just as in the battery cell below. The hydrogen atoms move with the positive cur* rent towards the negative pole, and hydro- gen gas is disengaged from the surface of 1 We use platinum plates because this metal does not readily enter into combination with the ordinary chemical agents. 166 ELECTRICAL RELATIONS OF THE ATOMS. the negative plate, while the chlorine atoms move with the negative current towards the positive pole, and chlorine gas is evolved from the surface of the positive plate. More- over, it will be noticed that each kind of atoms moves in the same direction on the closed circuit, that is, follows the course of the same current, both in the battery cell below and in the decomposing cell above ; and wherever we break the circuit, and at as many places as we may break it, the same phenomena may be produced, provided only that our battery has sufficient power to overcome the resistance thus introduced. If next we dip the poles in water, the atoms of the water will be set moving, as shown in Fig. 84; hy- c drogen gas escaping as before from the neg- L ative pole, and oxygen gas from the positive. o o o o o o We find, however, that pure water opposes 2H2H 2 H2H2H 2 J a very great resistance to the motion of the current ; and, unless the current has great intensity, the effects obtained are inconsider- able. But if we mix with the water a little sulphuric acid, the decomposition at once becomes very rapid ; but then it is the atoms of the sulphuric acid, and not those of the water, which are set in motion. The molecule H 2 S0 4 divides into H. 2 and S0-, the hydrogen atoms moving in the usual direction, and the atoms of SO^ in the opposite direction. As soon, however, as the last are set free at the positive pole, they <;ome in contact with water, which they immediately decompose, 2ff 2 0-\-2S0 4 =2ff.>S0 4 -\- 0--0, and the oxygen gas thus generated escapes from the face of the platinum plate. Thus the result is the same as if water were directly decomposed, but the actual process is quite different. So also in many other cases of electrolysis, as these decom- positions by the electrical current are called, the process is complicated by the reaction of the water, which is the usual medium employed in the experiments. Thus, if we interpose between the poles a solution of common salt, Na (?/, the chlorine atoms move towards the positive pole, and chlorine gas is there evolved as in the first example. The sodium atoms move also, but in the opposite direction. As soon, however, as they are set free at the negative pole, they decompose the water present ; hydrogen gas is formed, which escapes in bubbles from the ELECTRICAL RELATIONS OF THE ATOMS. 167 platinum plate, while sodic hydrate (caustic soda) remains in solution, = 2H, Na-0 + H-H. We add but one other example, which illustrates a very important application of these principles in the arts. We as- sume, in Fig. 85, that the positive pole is armed with a plate of copper, ^ and that to the negative pole has been fastened a mould of some medallion c J so * ** s * we wish to copy, the surface of which, at least, is a good conductor. We assume further that both copper plate and mould are sus- pended in a solution of sulphate of copper, Cu=S0 4 . In this case the atoms of the compound are set in motion as before. Those of copper accumulate on the surface of the mould ; and at last the coating will attain such thickness that it can be re- moved, furnishing an exact copy of the original medallion. Meanwhile the atoms of S0 4 have found at the positive pole a mass of copper, with whose atoms they have combined ; and thus fresh sulphate of copper has been formed, and the solution replenished. The process has in effect consisted in a transfer of metal from the copper plate to the medallion ; and, by using appropriate solvents, silver and gold- can be transferred and deposited in the same way. In all these processes of electrolysis, one remarkable fact has been observed, which has a very important bearing on the theory of the battery. If in any given circuit we introduce a number of decomposing cells, containing acidulated water, we find that in a given time exactly the same amount of gas is evolved in each ; thus proving, what we have thus far assumed, that the moving power is absolutely the same at all points on the circuit. Moreover, the amount of gas which is evolved from such a decomposing cell in the unit of time is an ac- curate measure of the strength of the current actually flowing in any circuit, and this mode of measuring the quantity of an electrical current is constantly used. We should infer from the facts already stated, and the prin- ciple has been confirmed by the most careful experiments, that the chemical changes which may take place at different points " 1G < S ELECTEICAL KELATIONS OF THE ATOMS. L of the same closed circuit are always the exact equivalents of each other. If, for example, we have a series of Grove's cells, arranged as in Fig. 79, and interpose in the external circuit \}~ g two decomposing cells, as in Figs. 84 and 85, we shall find (provided there is no local action) that the weight of zinc dis- solved in each of the five Grove's cells is the exact chemical equivalent, (26) not only of the weight of hydrogen gas evolved from the first decomposing cell, but also of the weight of me- llic copper deposited on the mould in the secHtd. For every 63.4 grammes of copper deposited, 2 grammes of hydrogen are evolved, and 65.2 grammes of zinc are dissolved in each cell of the battery. If there is also local action in the cells, the chemical change thus induced is added to the normal effect of the battery-current. i <-, The examples which have been given are sufficient to illus- trate the remarkable power which the electric current possesses of setting in motion the atoms of compound bodies. Innuiner- *W*&able experiments have shown that, in reference to their rela- ' " tions to the current, 'the atoms, both simple and compound, may i be divided into two great classes : first, those which travel on "'the line of the circuit in the direction of the positive current and follow in the lead of the hydrogen atoms ; and, secondly, ^ I* those which follow the lead of the chlorine atoms, and move in (J^the opposite direction with the negative current. The first class of atoms, or radicals, we call positive ; and the second class, negative. if ^ The opposition in qualities of the chemical atoms, which the \ study of these electrical phenomena has revealed, is, in jiiany cases at least, relative, and not absolute. For, while there are some atoms which always manifest the same character, there are others which appear in some associations positive, and in u, Bother associations negative. To. such an extent is this true, ;. - that the electrical relations of tfte atoms are best shown by ^Y grouping the elements in series, which may be so arranged that each member of the series shall be electro-positive when in \ ^ombWation with those elements which follow it, and electro- negative when combined with those which precede it. The simple mechanical theory of electrical currents which has been presented in this chapter, is adequate to explain the order of the chemical phenomena with which we are c \\ * (**> V - -&$ W ^ *~*^ A v ~ R ELECTRICAL RELATIONS OF THE ATOMS. 169 more immediately concerned in this work. But there are other ^ classes of electrical phenomena, of which this theory, at least C in its present form, can give no account, and which have always'V 8 been referred to the presence of an assumed electrical fluid, " pervading all nature, and consisting of two oppositely polar- ized conditions of the same substance, the vitreous and nous, or positive and negative electricities, which, when arated by chemical action, by friction, or in other ways, constancy tend to flow together through all those channels which we ckll electrical conductors. It is, however, the tendency of mod science to refer all physical changes to a simple mechanical cause, and although the phenomena of statical electricity are still best explained on the fluid hypothesis, we may hope that further study will show that they also may be reconciled with some dynamical theory. It is possible that the electrical fluid, which would seem to appear in these phenomena, is an "ethereal" atmosphere, surrounding the atoms, and that through this medium the electrical impulses are transmitted. (Compare 892.) ^ jr - Questions and Problems. 4* In the following problems the values C*, R or r and E of Ohm's / * formula are assumed to be measured in terms of the following units. ~ First. The unit of current is that which would produce, by the elec- trolysis of water, 1 cTm. 3 of hydrogen and oxygen gas (measured un- der standard conditions) in one minute. Secondly. The unit of re- sistance is that offered by a pure silver or copper wire 1 m. lon and 1 m. m. diameter at O . 1 Lastly, the unit of electromotive force is that which transmits a unit current against a unit resistance in a unit of time. "y ,.. 1. What resistance does the current suffer in an iron wire 50 me- tres long and 5 m. m. diameter ? Sp. R. of iron 7. Ans. 14 units. 2. Assuming that the Sp. R. of copper is 1.3 and that of iron 7, what must be the diameter of an iron wire which will oppose no greater resistance to the current than a copper wire of 2 m. m. dia- meter ? Ans. 4.64 m. m. i This unit is 0.02057 of the absolute unit recently adopted by the British Association. 5 70 ^-ELECTKICAL RELATIONS OF THE ATOMS. K) ^ t ^ 3. It is found by experiment that a wire of German silver, 7.201 1 j^ ^HCiia nd 1.5 m. m. diameter, opposes the same resistance to the currentas a wire of pure silver 10 m. long and ^ m. m. diameter. cj Whatjs the Sp. R. of German silver. Ans. 12.5. 4. It is required to make with 132.8 grammes of pure silver, a .wire which will offer a resistance of 81 units. What must be its length and diameter ? Sp. Grr. of silver = 10.57. m m ' d' ameter must be used for the other that the 50 ? Ans. 2,500 metres. 8. A conductor has two branches, one having R = 756, the other so adjusted that when the current passes at the same time through both, the total resistance equals 540. Required the length of a Ger- man silver wire \ m. m. diameter and Sp. R. = 12.5, which, when inserted in the adjusted branch, will increase the total resistance to 630. Solution. By principle of last problem we easily find that the resistance in the adjusted branch before insertion equals 1,890, and after insertion, 3,780. The difference between these values, 1,890, is the resistance due to the inserted wire. Hence its length must be 37.8 metres. ELECTRICAL RELATIONS OF THE ATOMS. 171 9. We have a battery of six Daniells cells, in each of which .E=475, 72 = 15, and the external resistance against which the battery is to work, r = 10. The cells may be arranged, 1st, as six single elements ; 2d, as three double elements ; l 3d, as two three-fold elements ; 4th, as one six-fold element. Required the current strength in each case. Ans. 28.5, 43.8, 47.5 and 38.0 respectively. 10. We have a battery of twelve Grove cells, in each of which E = 830, and R =18, to work against an external resistance of r = 24. Required the strength of current when the cells are ar- ranged, 1st, as twelve single ; 2d, as six two-fold ; 3d, as four three- fold; 4th, as three four-fold; 5th, as two six-fold, and 6th, as one twelve-fold element. Ans. 41.5, 63.8, 69.2, 66.4, 55.3, and 32.5 respectively. 11. With a single cell, where E and R have a constant value, what is the maximum strength of current, and under what condi- tions would it be obtained ? ir? Ans. -73 , when the external resistance is nothing. 12. With n cells in each of which E and R have the same value, what is the maximum strength of current, and under what condi- tions would it be obtained ? -pi Ans. n , when the cells are arranged as one n-fold element, and work against no external resistance. 13. With n cells as above, working against a given external resist- ance r, how should they be arranged so as to obtain the maximum value of Cf Ans. So as to make the internal resistance equal to that of the external circuit. Solution. If x represents the number of compound elements formed with the n cells when C in Ohm's formula is a maximum, we should evidently have under this condition x compound elements, each formed of - cells. The electromotive force of such an arrangement would be x E. The internal resistance would be -a; # - = R x n (compare problems 8 and 9), and the strength of the maximum current required, n xE *2~~ * + ' 1 By double elements is meant a group of two cells coupled for quantity [89] and equivalent to a large cell having plates of twice the size. Six double elements are six such groups arranged for intensity, and the other terms have a similar meaning. 172 ELECTRICAL RELATIONS OF THE ATOMS. The first differential coefficient of this function of x when C is a maximum must be equal to zero. Hence, 2 - R E " = or r=-* It. n That is, the strength of the current is at its maximum when the in- ternal equals the external resistance, as stated above. Those who are not familiar with the elementary principles of the differential calculus may satisfy themselves of the truth of this result by com- paring the answers obtained to problems 8 and 9. 14. We have, in the first place, for a single cell of a given combi- TTT nation working against a feeble resistance, the value C = ^ - ; in the second place, for n cells of the same combination working against n times the resistance, the identical value C == ^ . In nR -+- nr " strength " the two currents are equal, but are they identical V 15. In a given cell E = 475 ; *R = 15. The current passes through 30 metres pure copper wire 2 m. m. diameter. It is re- quired to arrange 8 cells so that C may be the greatest possible. Ans. They should be arranged as two four-fold elements. 16. We have a battery of four Bunsen cells (E = 800, R = 4 each), coupled as four single elements. The circuit is closed through 500 grammes of pure copper wire. Required the greatest strength of current, and the dimensions of the wire that this maximum may be obtained. 17. A simple Voltaic cell, whose electromotive force E is known, working against an unknown total resistance R' (both external and internal), produces a given effect upon a galvanometer. Another cell differently constructed, working against a total resistance R", also unknown, produces the same effect upon the galvanometer. It is also observed that a measured length I of normal copper wire, in- serted in the first circuit, produces on the galvanometer the same difference of effect as a length /' inserted in the second circuit. Required the electromotive force E' of the seco/id cell. Solution. We easily deduce from Ohm's formula the two equations % = 7 an <* jgqr? = VT> whence we obtain - Ans. E' = E - ELECTKICAL RELATIONS OF THE ATOMS. 173 18. In order to determine the electromotive force of a Bunsen's cell, it was compared, as in last problem, with a Daniell's cell whose electromotive force was known to be 470. After adjusting the ex- ternal resistances so that both produced the same effect upon the galvanometer, it was found that the insertion of 5.6 m. of copper wire into the first circuit cause'd the same change in the instrument as the insertion of 3.29 metres of the same wire in the circuit of the Daniells cell. What was the electromotive force sought ? Ans. 800. 19. A battery of 40 Bunsen's cells remains closed for an hour, and during that time furnishes a current whose strength C == 30. How much zinc will be consumed in this time, assuming that there is no local action ? Solution. Such a current would produce, by the electrolysis of water, 30 cTm. 3 of gas in one minute, or 1.8 litres in one hour. Of this gas 1.2 litres or 1.2 criths would be hydrogen. The chemical equivalent of zinc being 32.6, the amount of zinc dissolved in each cell must be 1.2 X 32.6 =^39.12 criths, and in the forty cells 1564.8 criths, equal to 140 grammes, the answer required. 20. In an electrotype apparatus, Fig. 85, 16.36 grammes of cop- per were deposited on the negative mould in 24 hours. What was the strength of current ? Ans. 6 units. 21. In an electrotype apparatus the electromotive force of the single cell employed is 420, and the internal resistance 5. The ex- ternal resistance, including decomposing cell, is 0.25. How much copper will be deposited on the negative mould in one hour, and how much zinc will be dissolved in the battery during the same time ? Ans. 9.088 grammes copper and 9. 346 grammes of zinc. 22. Thirty-two Grove cells (E = 830, R = 20 each) are con- nected as 4 eight-fold compound elements and the current employed to work an electro-silvering apparatus, in which the total resistance external to the battery was equivalent to 10. Required the number of grammes of silver deposited each hour, and the number of grammes of zinc dissolved during the same time in the battery. Ans. 64.24 grammes of silver and 77.56 grammes of zinc. 23. Assuming that the external resistance cannot be changed, would the same number of cells of the battery described in last problem be so arranged as to deposit more silver in the same time ? Ans. They could not. Could they be so arranged as to deposit the same amount of silver with less expense of zinc ? What would be the most economical ar- rangement, and under these conditions how much silver would be deposited in one hour and how much zinc dissolved ? Answer to last question, 30.25 grammes silver, and 9.13 grammes of zinc. CHAPTER XVI. RELATIONS OF THE ATOMS TO LIGHT. 92. Light a Mode of Atomic Motion. It lias already been intimated ( 53, note), that the phenomena of vision are the effects of an atomic motion transmitted from some luminous body to the eye through continuous lines of material particles, and such lines we call rays of light. This motion may origi- nate with the atoms of various substances ; but in order to explain its transmission, we are obliged to assume the existence of a medium filling all space, of extreme tenuity, and yet having an elasticity sufficiently great to transmit the luminous pulsations with the incredible velocity of 186,000 miles in a second of time. This medium we call the ether, but of its existence we have no definite knowledge except that obtained through the phenomena of light themselves, and these require assumptions in regard to the constitution of the ethereal medium which are not realized even approximately in the ordinary forms of matter ; for while the assumed medium must be vastly less dense than hydrogen, its elasticity must surpass that of steel. According to the undulatory theory, motion is transmitted from particle to particle along the line of each luminous wave very much in the same way that it passes along the line of ivory balls in the well-known experiment of mechanics. The ethereal atoms are thus thrown into waves, and the order of the phenomena is similar to that with which all are familiar in the grosser forms of wave motion. But in this connection we have no occasion to dwell on the mechanical conditions attending the transmission of the motion. The motion itself may be best conceived as an oscillation of each ether particle in a plane perpendicular to the direction of the ray, not RELATIONS OF THE ATOMS TO LIGHT. 175 necessarily, however, in a straight line ; for the orbit of the oscillating molecule may be either a straight line, an ellipse, or a circle, as the case may be. Such oscillations may evidently differ both as regards their amplitude and their duration, and on these fundamental elements depend two important differences in the effect of the motion on the organs of vision, viz. intensity and quality, or brilliancy and color. If our theory is correct, it is obvious that the intensity of the luminous impression must depend upon the force of the atomic blows which are transmitted to the optic nerves, and it is also evident that this force must be proportional to the square of the velocity of the oscillating atoms, or what amounts to the same thing, to the square of the amplitude of the oscillation ; assuming, of course, that the oscillations are isochronous. The connection of color with the time of oscillation is not so obvious, and why it is that the waves of ether beating with greater or less rapidity on the retina should produce such sensations as those of violet,.blue, yellow, or red, the physiologist is wholly unable to explain. We have, however, an analogous phenomenon in sound, for musical notes are simply the effects of waves of air beating in a similar way on the auditory nerves ; and, as is well known, the greater the frequency of the beats, or, in other words, the more rapid the oscillations of the aerial molecules, the higher is the pitch of the note. Red color corresponds to low, and violet to high notes of music, and, the gradations of color between these extremes, passing through various shades of orange, yellow, green, blue, and indigo, correspond to the well-known gradations of musical pitch. From well-established data we are able to calculate the rapidity of the oscillations which produce the different sensa- tions of color, and also to estimate the corresponding lengths of the ether waves, and the following table contains the results. It must be understood, however, that these numbers merely correspond to a few shades of color definitely marked on the solar spectrum by certain dark lines hereafter to be men- tioned ; and that equally definite values may be assigned to the infinite number of intermediate shades which intervene between these arbitrary subdivisions of the chromatic scale. 176 RELATIONS OF THE ATOMS TO LIGHT. Number of waves or oscilla- Length of waves in frac- Color. tions in one second. tions of a millimetre. Red 477 million million. 650 millionths. Orange 506 " 609 " Yellow 535 Green 577 Blue 622 Indigo 658 Violet 699 576 " " 536 " " 498 " 470 442 " 93. Natural Colors. It follows, as a necessary consequence of the fundamental laws of mechanics, that an oscillating mole- cule can only transmit to its neighbor motion which is isochronous with its own. Hence a single ray of light can only produce a def- inite effect of color, and this quality of the ray will be preserved however far the motion may travel. A beam of light is simply a bundle of rays, and if the motion is isochronous in all its parts, that is, if the beam consists only of rays of one shade of color, such a beam will produce the simplest chromatic sensa- tion possible, that of a pure color. If, however, the beam contains rays of different colors, we .shall have a more complex effect, and the infinite varie'ty of natural tints are thus produced. When, lastly, the beam contains rays of all the colors mingled in due proportion, we receive an impression in which no single color predominates, and this we call white light. The colors of natural objects, whether inherent or imparted by various dyes, are simply effects upon the retina produced by the beam after it has been reflected from the surface or trans- mitted through the mass of the body, and the peculiar chromatic effects are due to the unequal proportions in which the dif- ferent colored rays are thus absorbed. The color reflected, and that absorbed or transmitted, are always complementary to each other, and if mingled they would reproduce white. It is obvious, moreover, that no beam of light, however modified by reflection or transmission, could produce the sensation of a given color, if it did not contain from the first the correspond- ing colored rays. Hence it is that the colors of objects only appear naturally by daylight, and when illuminated by a monochromatic light, all colors blend in that of this one pure tint. 94. Chromatic Spectra and Spectroscopes. When a beam of light is passed through a glass prism placed as shown in Fig. RELATIONS OF THE ATOMS TO LIGHT. 177 Fig. 86. 86, it is not only refracted,th&t is, bent from its original rectilinear course, but the colored rays of which the beam consists, being bent unequally, are separated to a greater or less extent, and fall- ing on a screen produce an elongated image colored with a suc- cession of blending tints> which we call the spectrum. The red rays, which are bent the least, are said to be the least refran- gible, while the violet rays are the most refrangible, and inter- mediate between these we have, in the order of refrangibility, the various tints of orange, yellow, green, blue, and indigo. Thus a prism gives an easy means of analyzing a beam of light, and of discovering the character of the rays by which a given chromatic effect is produced. Such observations are very greatly facilitated by a class of instruments called spectro- scopes, and Figs. 87 and 90 will illustrate the principles of their construction. In the very powerful instrument first represented, the beam of light is passed in succession through nine prisms (each having an angle of 45), and the extreme rays are thus widely separated, while the beam itself is bent around nearly a whole circumference. The only other essential parts of the instru- ment are the collimator A and the telescope B. The light first enters the collimator through a narrow slit, and having passed through the prisms is received by the telescope. The tele- scope is adjusted as it would be for viewing distant objects, 178 RELATIONS OF THE ATOMS TO LIGHT. and a lens at the end of the collimator serves to render the rays diverging from the slit parallel, so that when the two Fig. 87. tubes are in line, one sees through the telescope a mag- nified image of the slit, just as if the slit were at a great Fig. 88. distance. In like manner when the telescopes are placed as in Fig. 88, and when the light before reaching the telescope RELATIONS OF THE ATOMS TO LIGHT. 179 Fig. 89. AaBC .D Eb F |Ora-|Yel-| Green. I Blue. I Indigo. Inge. I low. | passes through the whole series of prisms, we still see a single definite image whenever the slit is illuminated by a pure monochromatic light. Moreover, this image has a definite position in the field of view, which, when the instrument is similarly adjusted, depends solely on the refrangibility of the light. Thus, if we place in front of the slit a sodium flame, which emits a pure yellow light, we see a single yellow image of this longitudinal opening, as in Fig. 89, Na. If we use a lithium flame, we see a similar image, 1 but colored red, and at some distance from the first, to the left, if the parts of our in- strument are disposed as in Fig. 88. If we use a thalium flame, we in like manner see a single image, but colored green, and falling considerably to the right of both of the other two. If now we illuminate the slit by the three flames simultaneously, we see all three images at once in the same relative position as before. So also if we examine the i The second image shown in Fig. 89, Li is not ordinarily seen. 180 RELATIONS OF THE ATOMS TO LIGHT. flame of a metal, which emits rays of several definite degrees of refrangibility, we see an equal number of 'definite images of the slit. If, next, we illuminate the slit with sunlight, which contains rays of all degrees of refrangibility, we see an infinite number of images of the slit spread out along the field of view, and these, overlapping each other, form that continuous band of blending colors which we call the solar spectrum. If, lastly, we examine with our instrument the light reflected from a colored surface, or transmitted through a colored medium, we also see a band of blending colors, but at the same time we observe that certain portions of the normal solar spectrum are either wholly wanting or greatly obscured. With a spectroscope of many prisms like the one represented by Fig. 87, we can only see a small portion of the spectrum at once. By moving the telescope, which, fastened to a metallic arm, revolves around the axis of the instrument, different portions of the spectrum may be brought into the field of view ; while a vernier, attached to the same arm and moving over a graduated arc, enables us to fix the position of the spectrum fines, as the images of the slit are usually called. The other mechanical details shown in the figure are required in order to adjust the various parts of the instrument, and especially in order to bring the prisms to what is termed the angle of minimum deviation. But an instrument of this magnitude and power is not required for the ordinary applications of the spectroscope in chemistry. For this purpose a small instru- ment consisting of a collimator, a single prism, and a telescope, all in a fixed position, are amply sufficient. In the field of such a spectroscope the whole spectrum may be seen at once ; and the position of the spectrum lines is very easily determined by means of a photographic scale placed at one side, and seen by light reflected into the telescope from the face of the prism. The various parts of the instrument, as arranged for ob- servation, are shown in Fig. 90. A is the collimator, P the prism, and B the telescope. The tube C carries the photo- graphic scale, and has at the end nearest to the prism a lens of such focal length that the image both of the slit and the scale may be seen through the telescope at the same time, the one appearing projected upon the other. The screw e serves to adjust the width of the slit. Moreover, one half of the RELATIONS OF THE ATOMS TO LIGHT. Fig. 90. 181 length of the slit is covered by a small glass prism so arranged that it reflects into the collimator tube the rays from a lamp placed on one side. Thus the two halves of the slit may be illuminated independently by light from different sources, and the two spectra, which are then seen superimposed upon each other (see Fig. 91), exactly compared. The various screws, which appear in Fig. 90, are used for adjusting the different parts of the instrument. 95. Spectrum Analysis. The atoms of the different chem- ical elements, when rendered luminous under certain definite conditions, always emit light whose color is more or less characteristic, and which, when analyzed with the spectroscope, exhibit spectra similar to those which are represented in Fig. 89, so far as is possible without the aid of color. Sometimes we see only a single line in a definite position, as in the case of Na, Li, and Th, already referred to. At other times there are several such lines ; and, still more frequently, to these lines (or definite images of the slit) there are super- added more or less extended portions of a continuous spectrum. Moreover, not only is the general aspect of each spectrum exceedingly characteristic, but also the occurrence of its peculiar lines is, so far as we know, an absolute proof of the 182 RELATIONS OF THE ATOMS TO LIGHT. presence of a given element, and these lines may be readily recognized by their position, even when the character of the spectrum is otherwise obscure. It is evident then that we have here a principle which admits of most important ap- plications in chemical analysis, and it only remains to con- sider under what conditions the elementary atoms emit their characteristic light. First. All bodies when intensely heated are rendered lumi- nous, and, other things being equal, the higher the temperature the more intense is the light. The brilliancy of the light emitted at the same temperature by different bodies varies very greatly, the densest bodies being, as a general rule, the most intensely luminous. Secondly. Solid and liquid bodies, if opaque, emit when ignited white light, or at least light which shows with the spec- troscope a continuous spectrum more or less extended. At a red heat the light from such bodies consists chiefly of red rays, but as the temperature rises first- to a white and then to a blue heat, the more refrangible rays become more abundant and finally predominate. Thirdly. The elementary substances give out their pecu- liar and characteristic light only in the state of gas or vapor. Hence, when we examine with a spectroscope a source of light, we may infer that a continuous spectrum indicates the presence of solid or liquid bodies, while a discontinuous spectrum, with definite lines or images of the slit, indicates the presence of gases and vapors ; and in the last case we can, as has been seen, infer from the position of the lines the nature of the luminous atoms. It would seem, however, from recent investigations, that under certain conditions even a gas may show a continu- ous spectrum, and there are other seeming exceptions which admonish us that the general principles just stated should be applied with caution. Fourthly. At the very high temperatures at which alone gases or vapors become luminous, compound bodies, as a rule, appear to be decomposed, and the elementary atoms disasso- ciated. Hence the observations with the spectroscope have been almost entirely confined to the spectra of the elementary substances, and our knowledge of the spectra of compound sub- stances is exceedingly limited. In some few cases where the RELATIONS OF THE ATOMS TO LIGHT. 183 spectrum of a compound has been obtained, it has been noticed that, as the temperature rises, this spectrum is suddenly re- solved into the separate spectra of the elements of which the compound consists. Fifthly. At a high temperature the metallic atoms of a compound body are far more luminous than those of the other elementary atoms with which they are associated. Hence, when the vapor of a metallic compound is rendered luminous, the light emitted is so exclusively that of the metallic atoms, disassociated by the heat, that when examined with the spec- troscope the spectrum of the metal is alone seen ; and this is the probable explanation of the fact that the salts of the same metal, when treated as will be described in the next para- graph, all show, as a general rule, the same spectrum as the metal itself. Lastly. The substance, on which we wish to experiment, may be rendered luminous in several ways. If the substance is a volatile metallic salt, the simplest method is to expose a bead of the substance (supported on a loop of platinum wire) to the flame of a Bunsen's burner (Fig. 90), which by itself burns with a nearly non-luminous flame. The flame soon be- comes filled with the disassociated atoms of the metal and shines with their peculiar light. In order to study the spectra of the less volatile metals like aluminum, iron, or nickel, we use two needles of the metal, and pass between the points, when about one fourth of an inch apart, the electric discharges of a powerful Ruhmkorff coil, condensed by a large Leyden jar. The metal is volatilized by the heat of the electric current, and the space between the points becomes filled with the intensely ignited vapor, which then shines with its characteristic light." 1 In a similar way we can experiment on the permanent gases and lighter vapors, enclosing them in a glass tube with plati- num electrodes, and before sealing the tube reducing the ten- sion with an air pump, when the discharge will pass through a length of several inches of the attenuated gas. The light then emitted comes from the atoms or molecules of the gas, and where the electric current is condensed as in the capillary por- 1 An electric spark is in every case merely a line of material particles ren- dered luminous by the current. 184 RELATIONS OF THE ATOMS TO LIGHT. tion of the tubes constructed for this purpose, the light is suf- ficiently intense to be analyzed with the spectroscope. The three different modes of experimenting just described do oot by any means always give the same spectrum when ap- plied to the same chemical element. It constantly happens that as the temperature rises new lines appear, which are usu- ally those corresponding to the more refrangible rays, and at the very high temperatures generated by the electric discharge many of the spectra change their whole aspect. The ill-defined broad bands or luminous spaces which are so conspicuous at a low temperature (see Fig. 89), disappear, and are replaced by a greater or less number of definite spectrum lines. Gen- erally, however, the characteristic lines which mark the ele- ment at the lower temperature are seen also at the higher ; but sometimes there is a sudden and complete change of the whole spectrum. The cause of these differences is not understood, but it has been thought by some investigators that the normal spectra of the elementary atoms consist of bright bands alone, and that the more or less continuous spectra, which are also seen at the lower temperatures, are to be referred to the im- perfect disassociation of the atoms, whose mutual attractions or partial combinations produceNif state of aggregation ap- proaching the condition which\Metmines the corftinuous spec- tra of liquid or solid bodies.^/ \/ \ 96. Delicacy of the Methofi\- Having now stated the general principles of spectrum analysis, and the conditions under which these principles may be applied, it need only be added that the method is one of extreme delicacy. It enables us to detect wonderfully minute quantities of many of the metallic elements, and has already led to the discovery of four elements of this class which had eluded all methods of investi- gation previously employed. The names of these elements, Rubidium, Caesium, Thallium and Indium, all refer to the color of their most characteristic spectrum bands. 1 97. Solar and Stellar Chemistry. When a beam of sun- light is examined with a powerful spectroscope, the solar spectrum is seen to be crossed by an almost countless number of dark lines distributed with no apparent regularity, and dif- 1 The different bands of the same element are usually distinguished by Greek letters, following the order of relative brilliancy. RELATIONS OF THE ATOMS TO LIGHT. 185 fering very greatly in relative strength or intensity. These lines were first accurately described by the German optician Fraunhofer, and have since been known as the Fraunhofer lines. A few of the most prominent of these lines are shown in Fig. 89, with the letters of the alphabet by which they are designated. These lines, like the bright lines of the elements, correspond in every case to a^ definite degree of refrangibility, and therefore have a fixed position on the scale of the spectro- scope. Moreover, what is very remarkable, the bright and the dark lines have in several cases absolutely the same position. It is easy to construct the spectroscope so that the two halves of the slit may be illuminated from different sources. If then we admit a beam of sunlight through one half, and the light of a sodium flame through the other half, we shall have the two spectra super-imposed in the same field, as in Fig. 91, Fig. 91. and it will be seen that the two parts of the sodium band, which appears as a double line under a high power, coincide absolutely in position with the double dark line D in the solar spectrum. But a still more striking coincidence has been observed in the case of iron, for the eighty well-marked bright lines in the spectrum of this metal correspond absolutely both in position and in strength with eighty of the dark lines of the solar spectrum. Now, the chances that such coinci- dences are the result of accident, are not one in one billion billion ; and we are therefore compelled to believe that the two phenomena must be connected. A simple experiment shows what the relation probably is. If we place before the spectroscope a sodium flame, we see, of course, the familiar double line. If now we place behind 186 RELATIONS OF THE ATOMS TO LIGHT. the sodium flame a candle flame, so that the candle also shines into the slit, but only through the sodium flame, we shall see the same bright lines projected upon the continuous spectrum of the candle. If, however, we put in place of the candle an electric light, we shall find that while the continuous spectrum is now far more brilliant than before, the sodium lines appear black. The explanation of this singular phenomenon is to be found in a principle, now well established both theoretically and experimentally, that a mass of luminous vapor, while other- wise transparent, powerfully absorbs rays of the same refrangi- bility which it emits itself. Hence, in our experiment, the very small portion of the spectrum covered by the sodium line is illuminated by the sodium flame alone, while all the rest of the spectrum is illuminated from the source behind, and the effect is merely one of contrast, the sodium lines appearing light or dark according as they are brighter or darker than the contiguous portions of the spectrum. In a similar way the bright lines of a few other elements have been inverted, and these experiments would lead us to infer that the Fraunhofer lines themselves are formed by a brilliant photosphere shining through a mass of less luminous gas. In other words, it would appear that the sun's luminous orb is surrounded by an immense atmosphere which intercepts a portion of his rays, and that we see as dark lines what would probably appear as bright bands, could we examine the light from the atmosphere alone. If then our generalization is safe, the dark and the bright lines are the same phenomena seen under a different aspect, and the one as well as the other may be used to identify the different chemical elements. Hence, then, there must be both iron and sodium in the sun's atmosphere, and for the same reason we conclude that our luminary must contain Calcium, Magnesium, Nickel, Chromium, Barium, Copper, and Zinc, while there is equally good evidence that Gold, Silver, Mercury, Alumi- num, Cadmium, Tin, Lead, Antimony, Arsenic, Strontium, and Lithium are not present, at least in large quantities. It is true, however, that the elements thus recognized in the sun only account for a very insignificant portion of the dark lines, and it is difficult to reconcile this fact with our actual knowledge and present theories. Since the meteorites have brought to RELATIONS OF THE ATOMS TO LIGHT. 187 us no new elements, their evidence, as far as it goes, would not lead us to expect to find in the sun's atmosphere such a vast number of unknown elements as the dark lines would in- dicate ; and this obvious explanation of their countless num- ber cannot therefore be regarded as probable. It has been observed, however, in the few cases which have been investi- gated, that the spectrum of a compound body is far more complex than the different spectra of its elements combined ; and it is possible that the complexity we see in the solar spectrum may arise from the partial combination or mutual interference of elements now known, in the outer and colder portions of that immense atmosphere which is supposed to extend many thousand miles beyond the luminous surface of the sun. If next we turn the spectroscope on some of the brighter fixed stars, we shall see continuous spectra like the solar spectrum, of greater or less extent, and covered by dark lines. A careful comparison of these lines would seem to indicate that the stars differ very greatly from each other, although in general they are bodies similar to our sun ; and if our theory is correct, we have been able to detect the presence of sodium, magnesium, hydrogen, calcium, iron, bismuth, tellurium, antimony, and mercury in Aldebaran, and other elements in other stars. The most remarkable result of stellar chemistry remains yet to be noticed. On examining the nebulae with the spectro- scope, it has been found that while some of them show. a con- tinuous spectrum, there are a number of these remarkable bodies which exhibit the phenomena of bright lines. This would lead us to the conclusion that the last are really, as the nebular theory assumes, masses of incandescent gas, while the first are not true nebulae, but simply clusters of very distant stars. An examination of the comets has confirmed the pre- vious conclusion that they also are mere masses of gas, but, singularly enough, the light from the coma of one of those bodies gave a continuous spectrum, due probably to reflected sunlight. 98. Absorption Spectra. When a luminous flame is viewed with a spectroscope through a solution of any salt of the metal Erbium, the otherwise continuous spectrum of the flame 188 RELATIONS OF THE ATOMS TO LIGHT. is seen to be interrupted by several broad bands, which have a definite position, and are a valuable means of recognizing the presence of this very rare element. This absorption spectrum, as it is called, is simply the reverse, the " negative " of the luminous spectrum of the same element. In like manner the salts of Didymium give an equally characteristic, although very different, absorption spectrum, which is in fact the only sure test we possess for this remark- able elementary substance ; and as the bands may under some conditions be seen with reflected, as well as with transmitted light, we may apply the test even to opaque solids. Also, the same absorption bands are obtained either when the light is transmitted through a liquid solution, or through a solid crystal of any salt of the metal ; and, moreover, the incandescent vapor of the metal shows bright bands corresponding to the dark bands in position. These facts would seem to show that the characteristic spectrum bands of an element may be, at least to some extent, independent both of the state of aggregation, and of the condition of combination of the elementary atoms. Many substances besides the compounds of the elements just noticed, give characteristic absorption spectra which have been found to be useful chemical tests, especially in the case of blood, and certain other bodies of organic origin. The most remarkable phenomena of this class are the absorption spectra which are seen when a luminous flame is viewed with a spectroscope through various colored vapors, such as those of nitric per-oxide, bromine, and iodine. The dark bands are then very numerous, and in some cases may be resolved into well-defined lines. Indeed, the absorption bands are a class of phenomena closely allied to the Fraunhofer lines, many of which are known to result from the absorption by the earth's atmosphere of solar rays of certain degrees of refrangibility ; and all these facts, with many others, prove that gases and vapors may exert their peculiar power of elective absorption at the ordinary temperature, as well as when incandescent. As a general rule, however, the absorption bands are not, like the bright lines of the metallic spectra or their representatives among the dark lines of the solar spectrum, definite images of the slit, but they are darker portions of the spectrum more or less regularly shaded, and correspond to the broad bands or RELATIONS OF THE ATOMS TO LIGHT. 189 luminous spaces in the spectra of the metallic vapors when not intensely heated. In each case the effect results from the blending of a greater or less number of images of the slit, differing in relative position and intensity. 99. Theory of Exchanges. The facts of the two last sections are all illustrations of a general principle already referred to in connection with the reversal of the sodium spectrum. This principle is known as the " Theory of Ex- changes," and has been stated as follows : " The relation between the power of emission, and power of absorption for each kind of rays (light or heat) is the same for all bodies at the same temperature." . . . . " Let R denote the intensity of radiation of a particle for a given description of light at a given temperature, and let A denote the proportion of rays of this description incident on the particle which it absorbs ; then R-i-A has the same value for all bodies at the same temperature, that is to say, this quotient is a function of the temperature only." The law of exchanges finds its widest application in the phenomena of radiant heat, and so far as experiments have been made, it appears to be true in its greatest generality. In applying it to explain the reversal of the spectra of colored flames, we have only to deal with a single body in its relations to rays of different qualities. If the principle is true, the absorbing power of such a body at a given temperature must bear a fixed ratio to its power of emission for each kind of ray. If, for example, it has a great power of emitting certain rays of red light, it has a proportionally great power of absorbing the same rays. If, again, it has a feeble power of emitting violet rays of definite quality, its power of absorbing such rays is proportionally feeble, and bears the same ratio to the power of emission as before ; and, lastly, it has no power of absorption over such rays as it does not itself emit. More- over, it would follow that, although the relation of the absorb- ing to the radiating power might vary very greatly, so that, as the temperature falls, the last may become inconsiderable as compared with the first, or even vanish, no essential change in the character of the elective absorption would be thus in- duced. Hence, we should expect that bodies would absorb when cold rays of the same quality which they emit when hot, 190 RELATIONS OF THE ATOMS TO LIGHT. and also that opaque solids when heated would emit white light. We have seen that the general order of the phenomena is that which the law of exchanges would predict, and here, for the present, our knowledge stops. We have as yet been able to form no satisfactory theory in regard to the relations of the molecular structure of bodies to the medium through which the waves of light or heat are transmitted. It is, however, worthy of notice that Euler, one of the earliest and ablest investigators of undulatory motion, predicted the discovery of the law of exchanges, in assuming as a fundamental principle of the undulatory theory that a body can only absorb oscillations isochronous with these of which it is itself susceptible. 100. General Conclusions. The facts that have been stated in this chapter are sufficient to show, that, although yet in its infancy, spectrum analysis promises to be one of the most powerful instruments of investigation ever applied in physical science. It seems to be the key which will in time open to our view the molecular structure of matter ; and even now the results actually obtained suggest speculations in regard to the ultimate constitution of matter, of the most interesting character. The several monochromatic rays which the atoms of the elements emit, must receive their peculiar character from some motion in the atoms themselves which is isochronous with the motion they impart. Is it not then in this motion that the individuality of the element resides, and may not all matter be alike in its ultimate essence? Such speculations, however wild, are not wholly unprofitable, if only they stimulate investigation and thus lead to further dis- coveries. CHAPTER XVII. CHEMICAL CLASSIFICATION. 101. General Principles. The glimpses that we have been able to gain of the order in the constitution of matter give us grounds for believing that there is a unity of plan pervading the whole scheme, and encourage a confident expectation that hereafter, when our knowledge becomes more complete, chem- ists may attain to at least such a partial conception of this plan as will enable them to classify their compounds under some natural system ; and in imagination we may even look forward to the time when science will be able to express all the possibilities of this scheme with a few general formulae, which will enable the chemist to predict with absolute cer- tainty the qualities and relations of any given combination of materials or conditions. But although to a very slight extent the idea has been realized for a small class of the compounds of carbon, yet as a whole this grand conception is as yet but a dream. The more advanced student will find that in limited portions of some few fields of investigation a fragmentary clas- sification is possible, as in mineralogy ; but, when he attempts to comprehend the whole domain, he becomes painfully aware of the immense deficiencies of his knowledge ; he is confused by the numerous chains of relationship, which he follows, with no result, to sudden breaks, and soon becomes convinced that all such efforts must be fruitless until more of the missing links are supplied. The best that can now be done in an elementary treatise on chemistry is to group together the elements, or, rather, the elementary atoms, in such families as will best show their natural affinities ; and then to study, under the head of each element, the more important and characteristic of its com- pounds. However little value such a classification may have in its scientific aspect, it will bring together, to a greater or less extent, the allied facts of the science, and thus will help the mind to retain them in the memory. 192 CHEMICAL CLASSIFICATION. In classifying the elementary atoms, the three most impor- tant characters to be observed are the Prevailing Quantivalence, the Electrical Affinities, and the Crystalline Relations. The first of these characters serves more particularly to classify the elements in groups, the second to determine their position in the groups, and the last to control the indications of the other two. The crystalline relations of the atoms can only be deter- mined by comparing the crystalline forms of allied compounds, and involve the principles of isomorphism already discussed. Moreover, in order to reach the most satisfactory scheme of classification, we must take into consideration other properties of these compounds besides the crystalline form; which, al- though they may not be so precisely formulated, are frequently important aids in forming correct opinions as to the relations of the atoms. It will also be evident, from what has previously been stated, that more trustworthy inferences as to these rela- tions may frequently be drawn from the crystalline form and properties of allied compounds than from those of the element- ary substances themselves ; for, in addition to the fact that so many of these substances crystallize in the isometric system, whose dimensions admit of no variation, it is also true that, in our ignorance of the molecular constitution of most of them, we often have more certainty, in the case of compounds, that our comparisons are made under identical molecular conditions. i, 102. Metallic and Non-Metallic Elements. In all works on chemistry since the time of Lavoisier, the elementary sub- stances have been divided into two great classes, the metals and the non-metals ; and the distinction is undoubtedly funda- mental, although too much importance has been frequently attached to the accident of a brilliant lustre. The character- istic qualities of a metal, with which every one is more or less familiar, are the so-called metallic lustre, that peculiar adapt- ability of molecular structure known as malleability or ductility, and the power of conducting electricity or heat. These qualities are found united and in their perfection only in the true metals, although one or even two of them are well developed in several elementary substances which, on account of their chemical qualities, are now almost invariably classed with the non- metals, as, for example, in selenium, tellurium, arsenic, CHEMICAL CLASSIFICATION. 193 antimony, boron, and silicon. Besides the properties above named, many persons also associate with the idea of a metal a high specific gravity ; but this property, though common to most of the useful metals, is by no means universal ; and, among the metals with which the chemist is familiar, we find the lightest, as well as the heaviest, of solids. The non-metallic elements, as the name denotes, are distinguished by the absence of metal- lic qualities ; but the one class merges into the other. The presence or absence of metallic qualities in the ele- mentary substances is for some unknown reason intimately associated with the electrical relations of their atoms, those of the metals being electro-positive, while those of the non- metals are electro-negative, with reference, in each case, to the atoms of the opposite class. In the classification given in Table II. we have associated together in the same family both the metals and the non-metals having the same quantivalence, believing that such an arrangement not only best exhibits the relations of the atoms, but also that in a course of elementary instruction it presents the facts of chemistry in the most logical order. 103. Scheme of Classification. The classification of the elementary atoms which has been adopted in this book is shown in Table II. In the first place the atoms are divided into two large families, the Perissads and the Artiads (27). Secondly, these families are subdivided into groups (separated by bars in the table) of closely allied elements. The atoms of any one of these groups are isomorphous ; and they are arranged in the order of their weights, which is found to correspond also, in almost every case, to their electrical relations. Each group forms a very limited chemical series ; and not only the weights and the electrical relations of the atoms, but also many of the physical qualities of the elementary substances, vary regularly as we pass from one end of the series to the other. The order of the variation, however, is not always the same ; for while in some cases he lightest atoms of a series are the most electro- negative, in other cases they are the most electro-positive. Thirdly, in arranging the groups of allied atoms we have followed the prevailing quantivalence of the group, and those groups whose elementary atoms exhibit in general the lowest 194 CHEMICAL CLASSIFICATION. quantivalence are, as a rule, placed first in order; but with our present limited knowledge there must be some uncertainty in regard to the details of such an arrangement, and the prin- ciple has sometimes been violated so as to bring together those groups of atoms which are most allied in their chemical rela- tions. The remarks already made in regard to the general scheme of chemical classification apply with almost equal force to the partial system here attempted. The very attempt makes evi- dent the fragmentary character of our knowledge, even in re- gard to the exceedingly limited portion of the subject with which we are dealing. The idea of classification by series was first developed in the study of organic chemistry, where the principle is much more conspicuous than among inorganic com- pounds. Thus, as has been shown (40), we are acquainted with twenty acids resembling acetic acid, which form a series beginning with formic acid and ending with melissic acid. Each member of this series differs in composition from the preceding member by CH^ or by some multiple of this symbol ; and the properties of the compounds vary regularly between the extreme limits, according to well-established laws. Moreover, many other similar, although more limited, series of compounds are known, and the principle realized in these organic series seems to be the true idea of all chemical classification. But, in attempt- ing to apply it to the chemical elements, we find only two or three groups of atoms where the series is of sufficient extent to make the relations of the members evident. In most cases it would seem as if we only knew one or two members of a series, and this apparent ignorance not only throws doubt on the general application of our principle, but also renders uncertain the details of our scheme, even assuming that the principle of the classi- fication is correct. Hence, also, great differences of opinion may be reasonably entertained in regard to the position which the different atoms ought to occupy in such a scheme. Another very important cause of uncertainty in any scheme of classifying the elements arises from the double relationships which many of them manifest. Thus iron, which we have associated with manganese and aluminum, is in some of its relations closely allied to magnesium and zinc. Many other elements resemble iron in having a similar two-fold character, CHEMICAL CLASSIFICATION. 195 and different authors may reasonably assign to such elements different places in their systems of classification, according as they chiefly view them from one or the other aspect. Hence arises a degree of uncertainty which affects our whole system, and cannot be avoided in the present state of the science. Indeed, no classification in independent groups can satisfy the complex relations of the elements. These relations cannot be represented by a simple system of parallel series, but only by a web of crossing lines, in which the same element may be represented as a member of two or more series at once, and as affiliating in different directions with very different classes of elements. In the present fragmentary state of our knowledge, such a classification as we have just indicated is not attainable. The scheme adopted in this book only indi- cates in each case a single line of relationship ; but we have always endeavored to place each element in that relation which is the most characteristic ; and, however imperfect such a scheme may be, it will nevertheless assist study by bringing before the student's mind the facts of the science in a syste- matic and natural order. 104. Relations of the Atomic Weights. If the principle of classification which we have adopted is correct, and the ele- ments actually belong to series like those of the compounds of organic chemistry, we should naturally expect that the atomic weights would conform to the same serial law ; and it is a re- markable fact that the differences between the atomic weights of the elements of the same group are in most cases very nearly multiples of 16. The value of this common difference varies between 15 and 17, and we must admit in some cases the simplest fractional multiples ; but the mean value is very nearly 16, and the frequent occurrence of this difference is very striking. This numerical relation is not absolutely exact, but here, as in the periods of the planets, in the distribution of leaves on the stem of a plant, and in other similar natural phenomena, there is a marked tendency towards a certain nu- merical result, which is fully realized, however, only in com- paratively few cases. Other numerical relations which have been noticed between the atomic weights are probably only phases of the same law of distribution in series. Thus the atomic weight of sodium is 196 CHEMICAL CLASSIFICATION. very nearly the mean between that of lithium and potassium ; and the atomic weights of chlorine, bromine, and iodine, of glu- cinum, yttrium and erbium, of calcium, strontium, and barium, of oxygen, sulphur, and selenium, are similarly related. Again, there are several pairs of allied elements, between whose atomic weights there is very nearly the same difference. Thus the difference between the atomic weights of indium and cad- mium is very nearly the same as that between the atomic weights of magnesium and zinc, and the difference between the atomic weights of niobium and tantalum the same as that be- tween the atomic weights of molybdenum and tungsten. A careful study of the atomic weights will also reveal many other approximate relations of the same sort; but although the study of these relations is highly interesting, and may lead here- after to valuable results, yet no great importance can be at- tached to them in the present state of the science. TABLE I. FRENCH MEASURES Measures of Length. 1 Kilometre = 1000 Metres. 1 Metre = 1.000 Metre. 1 Hectometre = 100 " 1 Decimetre = 0.100 1 Decametre 10 tt 1 Centimetre = 0.010 ii 1 Metre 1 tt 1 Millimetre = 0.001 tt Ar. Co. Log. 0.2066 188 Logarithms. 1 Kilometre = 0.6214 Mile. 9.7933 712 1 Metre = 3.2809 Feet. 0.5159 930 9.4840 070 1 Centimetre = 0.3937 Inch. 9.595-1 742 0.4048 258 The metre is one ten-millionth of a quadrant of the globe*. Measures of Volume. 1 Cubic Metre m? = 1000.000 Litres. 1 Cubic Decimetre dHn. 3 = 1.000 " 1 Cubic Centimetre cTnf. 3 = 0.00 1 " Cubic Metre =35.31660 Cubic Feet. Cubic Decimetre =61.02709 Cubic Inches. Cubic Centimetre = 0.06103 " " Litre = 0.22017 Gallon. Litre = 0.88066 Quart. Litre = 1.76133 Pints. Logarithms. 1.5479 790 1.7855 226 8.7855 226 9.3427 581 9.9448 083 0.2458 407 Ar. Co. Log. 8.4520 210 8.2144 774 1.2144 774 0.6572 419 0.0551 917 9.7541 593 FRENCH 1 Kilogramme = 1000 Grammes. 1 Hectogramme =100 " 1 .Decagramme =10 " 1 Gramme =1 " WEIGHTS. 1 Gramme = 1.000 Gramme. 1 Decigramme =0.100 " 1 Centigramme = 0.010 " 1 Milligramme = 0.001 " 1 Kilogramme = 2.20462 Pounds Avoirdupois. 1 " = 2.67922 " Troy. 1 Gramme = 15.43235 Grains. Logarithms. 0.3433 337 0.4280 083 1.1884 321 Ar. Co. Log. 9.6566 663 9.5719 917 8.8115 679 1 Crith = 0.089578 Grammes. 8.9522 014 1.0477 986 TABLE II. ELEMENTARY ATOMS. Perissad Elements. Atomic Weights. U | Quantiva- lence. Artiad Elements. Atomic Weights. Symbols of Molecules. < Hydrcrgen 1.0 19.0 35.5 80.0 127.0 .7.0 23.0 39.1 85.4 133.0 108.0 204.0 197.0 11.0 14.0 31.0 75.0 22.0 210.0 1.37 20.0 94.0 82.0 .H-H F-F Cl-Cl Br-Br I-I Li-Li Na-Na K-K Rb-Rb Cs-Cs Ag-Ag ? 77-77? Au=Au? I (i it if I or III III III or V u V ; Copper Mercury 63.4 200.0 40.0 87.6 137.0 207.0 24.0 65.2 72.0 112.0 9.3 61.7 112.6 92.0 93.6 95.0 58.8 58.8 55.0 56.0 27.4 52.2 04.4 99.2 04.4 96.0 06.6 97.4 50.0 18.0 89.6 31.4 28.0 12.0 Cu? Hg Ca? Sr? Ba? Pb? Mg? Zn? In? Cd? G? Y? E? Ce? La? D? Ni? Co? Mn? Fe? Al? Cr? Ru? Os? R? Ir? Pd? Pt? Ti? Sn? Zr? Th? Si? C? II (4 a II or IV M IV H I Fluorine Chlorine Bromine Iodine Calcium Strontium Barium Lead Lithium Sodium Potassium Rubidium Ccesium Magnesium Zinc Indium Cadmium Silver Glucinum Yttrium Erbium Thallium Gold Boron Cerium Lanthanum Didymium Nitrogen Phosphorus Arsenic Antimony Bismuth* As^As z Nickel Cobalt Manganese Iron Vanadium Uranium Aluminum Chromium f jolumbium Tantalum TalTa? Ruthenium Osmium Artiad Elements. 16.0 32.0 79.4 128.0 960 184.0 0=0 Te=Te Mo? W? II Hor VI T, 1 Rhodium Indium Palladium Platinum Titanium Tin Oxygen Sulphur Selenium Tellurium Zirconium Thorium Molybdenum Tungsten Silicon Carbon TABLE III. Specific Gravity of Gases and Vapors. Names. ' Symbols. Air = 1. sp.ffic. H-H=1. Half Molecular Weight. Loga- rithms. Air 1.000 14.43 1.1593 Hydrogen H-H 0.0693 1.00 1.00 0.0000 Acetylic Hydride (Aldehyde) C 2 H 3 0-H 1.532 22.10 22.00 1.3424 Acetylic Chloride C 2 H 3 O-Cl 2.87 41.42 39.25 1.5938 Acetic Anhydride ( C 2 H 3 0),= O 3.47 50.07 51.00 1.7076 Acetic Acid H-0-C 2 H 3 2.083 30.07 30.00 1.4771 Aluminic Chloride [Al 2 ]iCl a 9.34 134.80 133.90 2.1268 Aluminic Bromide [A1 2 ] ^Br 6 18.62 268.70 267.40 2.4272 Aluminic Iodide [A1 2 ] 14 27. 389.60 408.40 2.6111 Antimonious Chloride Sb = Cl 3 7.8 112.70 114.20 2.0577 Triethyistibine ( C 2 H 5 ) 3 =Sb 7.23 104.40 104.50 2.0191 Arsenic AsMs 2 10.6 153.00 150.00 2.1761 Arseniuretted Hydrogen H 3 =As 2.695 38.90 39.00 1.5911 Triethylarsine (C 2 H,) 3 =As 5.29 76.35 81.00 1.9085 Kakodyl (CH 3 ) 2 As-(CH 3 ) 2 As 7.10 102.50 105.00 2.0212 Arsenious Chloride 6.3 90.90 90.75 1.9578 Arsenious Iodide As=I 3 16.1 232.40 228.00 2.3579 Bismuthous Chloride Bi = Cl s 11.35 163.90 158.25 2.1994 Boric Methide (CH 3 ) 3 =B 1.931 27.90 28.00 1.4472 Boric Ethide (C 2 H S ) 3 ~=B 3.401 49.10 49.00 1.6902 Boric Fluoride B=F 3 2.37 34.20 34.00 1.5315 Boric Chloride 3.942 56.85 58.75 1.7690 Boric Bromide B=Br 3 8.78 126.80 125.50 2.0986 Methylic Borate ( CH ) = O^=B 3.59 51.80 52.00 1.7160 Ethylic Borate (C 2 H 5 ) 3 =6 3 =B 5.14 74.20 73.00 1.8633 Bromine Bi-Br 5.54 79.50 80.00 1.9031 Hydrobromic Acid H-Br 2.71 39.10 40.50 1.6075 Carbonic Tetrachloride C=Cli 5.415 78.14 77.00 1.8865 Carbonic Oxydichloride (Phosgene Gas) C= O, C1 2 3.399 49.06 49.50 1.6946 Dicarbonic Hexachloride 8.157 117.70 118.50 2.0737 Dicarbonic Tetrachloride [C=C] = Cl t 5.82 84.00 83.00 1.9191 Dicarbonic Dichloride [C=C] = C1 2 47.50 1.6767' Carbonic Oxide c=o 0.967 13.95 14.00 1.1461 Carbonic Anhydride C=O 2 1.529 22.06 22.00 13424 Carbonic Sulphide C=S 2 2.645 38.17 38.00 1.5798 Chlorine Cl-Cl 2.44 35.22 35.50 1.5502 Hydrochloric Acid H-CI 1.27 18.32 18.25 1.2613 Chromic Oxychloride [O,] = O 9 , C1 2 5.5 79.40 78.25 1.8935 Columbic Chloride Cb | Cl r> 9.6 138.60 135.70 2.1326 Columbia Oxychloride C%|O, C1 3 7.9 114.00 108.20 2.0342 Cyanogen CN-CN 1.806 26.06 26.00 1.4150 Hydrocyanic Acid' H-CN 0.947 13.67 13.50 1.1303 Ethyl C<,H r -C*H 5 2.0 28.86 29.00 1.4624 Ethylic Chloride (CvHrJ-Cl 2.219 32.02 32.25 1.5085 Ethylic Oxide (Ether) (C 2 H 5 }^O 2.586 37.32 37.00 1.5G82 Ethylic Hydrate (Alcohol) C 2 H r -O-H 1.613 23.28 23.00 13317 TABLE III. (Continued.} Names. Symbols. Air =1. H-H=l. Half Molecular Weight. Loga- rithms. Ethylene (Olefiant Gas) C 2 H 4 0.978 14.11 14.00 1.1461 " Chloride (Dutch Liq.) (C 2 H 4 ) = C1 2 3.443 49.69 49.50 1.6946 Ethylene Oxide (C z H i )=O 1.422 20.52 22.00 1.3424 Ethylene Hydrate (Glycol) (C 2 H^O Z =H Z 31.00 1.4914 Ferric Chloride [Fe 2 ]lC7 6 11.39 164.40 162.50 2.2108 Iodine /-/ 8.716 125.90 127.00 2.1038 Hydriodic Acid H-I 4.443 64.12 64.00 1.8062 Mercury Hg 6.976 100.70 100.00 2.0000 Mercuric Ethide ( C z Hfi) 2 =Hg 9.97 143.90 129.00 2.1106 Mercuric Methide (CH^Hg 8.29 119.60 115.00 2.0607 Mercuric Chloride Hg = Cl 2 9.8 141.50 135.50 2.1319 Mercuric Bromide Hg-Br z 12.16 175.60 180.00 2.2553 Mercuric Iodide Hg~-I 2 15.9 229.60 227.00 2.3560 Mercurous Chloride [Hg 2 } = Cl z 8.21 118.50 235.50 2.3720 Nitrogen N=N 0.971 14.00 14.00 1.1461 Ammonia H^N 0.591 8.535 8.51 0.9294 Methylamine JT 2 , ( CH 3 ) =N 1.08 15.59 15.50 1.1903 Aniline H 2 ,(C 6 H 5 )=N 3.21 46.33 46.50 1.6675 Nitrous Oxide N 2 O 1.527 22.04 22.00 1.3424 Nitric Oxide NO 1.038 14.97 15.00 1.1761 Nitric Peroxide NO 2 1.72 24.82 23.00 1.3617 Osmic Tetroxide Os O t 8.89 128.30 131.60 2.1193 Oxygen O = O 1.1056 15.95 16.00 1.2041 Aqueous Vapor H 2 = 0.6235 8.998 9.00 0.9542 Phosphorus P 2 fP 2 4.42 63.78 62.00 1.7924 Phosphuretted Hydrogen H 3 =P 1.184 17.09 17.00 1.2304 Phosphorous Chloride P=C1 3 4.742 68.44 68.75 1.8373 Phosphoric Oxychloride PIO, C1 3 5.3 76.49 76.75 1.8851 Oxide of Triethylphosphine ((C 2 H 5 ) 3 =P)=O 4.6 66.39 67.00 1.8261 Selenium, at 771 Se=Se 5.68 81.96 79.40 1.8998 Seleniuretted Hydrogen H 2 =Se 2.795 40.33 40.70 1.6096 Silicic Methide (CH 3 ) t =Si 3.083 44.49 44.00 1.6435 Silicic Ethide ( C 2 H 3 )i=Si 5.13 74.03 72.00 1.8573 Silicic Fluoride Si =F t 3.600 51.95 5200 1.7160 Silicic Chloride Si = CZ 4 5.939 85.72 85.00 1.9294 Ethylic Silicate (C 2 H 5 ) t = Ot=Si 7.32 105.60 104.00 1.0170 Stannic Ethide (C 2 H 5 ) t =Sn 8.021 115.80 117.00 2.0682 Stannic Dimethylo-diethide (CH 3 ) 2 ,(C,H,,)i=Sn 6.838 98.68 103.00 2.0128 Stannic Chloro-triethide Cl, ( C 2 H^=Sn 8.430 121.70 120.20 2.0799 Stannic Dichloro-diethide Ctfg, ( CvH^Sn 8.710 125.70 123.50 2.0917 Stannic Chloride Sn = a t 9.199 132.70 130.00 2.1139 Sulphur above 860 s=s 2.23 32.18 32.00 15051 Sulphur at 450 SQ 6.617 95.50 96.00 1.9823 Sulphuretted Hydrogen Hf8 1.191 17.19 17.00 1.2304 Sulphurous Anhydride S=Oy 2.234 32.24 32.00 1.5051 Sulphuric Anhydride S|O 3 2.763 39.87 40.00 1.6021 Tantalic Chloride TaCl s 12.8 184.70 179.70 2.2546 Titanic Chloride TiCl t 6.836 98.65 96.00 1.9823 Zinc Ethide ( C 2 H 3 ) 2 =Zn 4.259 61.46 61.60 1.7896 Zirconic Chloride ZrlC7 4 8.15 117.60 115.80 2.0637 LOGARITHMS AND ANTILOGARITHMS. LOGARITHMS OF NUMBERS. II 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Proportional Parts. j 6 7;8 9 * 1 '1 3 4 5 10 0000 0043 0086 0128 0170 0212 0253 0294 0334 0374 4 8 12 17 2 25 29 33 37 11 04140453 049205310569 0607 0645 0682 0719 0755 4 8 11 15[ 23 26 30 34 i 12 07920828 0864 0899 0934 0969 1004 1038 1072 1106 3 7 10 14 21 24 28 31 i 13 1139 1173 1206 1239 1271 1303 1335 1367 1399 1430 3 6 10 13 19 23 26 29 | 14 1461 1492 1523 1553 1584 1614 1644 1673 1703 1732 3 6 9 12 18 21 2- 27 15 1761 1790 1818 1847 1875 1903 1931 1959 1987 2014 3 6 8 11 17 20 22 25 j 16 2041 2068 2095 2122 214S 2175 2201 1227 2253 2279 3 5 8 11 16 18 21 24 17 2304 2330 2355 2380 2405 2430 2455 2480 2504 2529 2 5 7 10 15 17 20 22 18 2553 2577 2601 2625 2648 2672 26959718 2742 7765 2 5 7 9 14 16 1< 21 19 2788 2810 2833 2856 2878 2900 2923 2945 2967 2989 2: 4 7 9 13 16 18 20 ij 20 30103032 3054 30753096 3118 3139 3160 3181 3201 i 4 G 8 13 15 17 19 21 3222 3243 326332843304 3324 3345 3365 3385 3404 2 4 6 8 12 14 16 18 22 3424 3444 3464 3483 3502 3522 3541 3560 3579 3598 2 4 6 8 12 14 15 17 23 JJ617 3636 3655 3674,3692 3711 37293747 3766 3784 2 4 6 7 11 13 15 17 i 24 38023820 3838 3856 3874 3892 3909 3927 3945 3962 2 4 5 7 p 11 12! 14 16 i 25 3979:3997 4014 4031 4048 4065 4082 4099 4116 4133 2 3 5 f 10; 12 14 15 26 41504168 4183 42004216 4232 4249 4265 4281 4298 2 5 7 1 10 11 13 15 ; 27 4314 4330 4346 4362 4378 4393 4409 4425 4440 4456 2 3 5 i | 9 11 13 14 28 4472 4487 4502 4518 4533 4548 4564 4579 4594 4609 2 3 5 6 | 9 11 12 14 29 46-24 4639 4654 4669 4683 4698 4713 4728 4742 4757 1 3 4 6 ~ 9 10 12 13 | 30 4771 4786 4800 4814 4829 4843 4857 4871 4886 4900 1 3 4 6 - 9 10 11 13 31 4914;49-28|4942 4955 4969 4983 4997 5011 5024 5038 1 3 4 6 - 8 10 11 19 32 5051 5065 '5079 5092 5105 5119 5132 5145 5159 5172 1 3 4 5 7 8 9 11 li 33 5185 '5198,5211 5224 5237 5250 5263 5276 5289 5302 1 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 if ri 34 5315 5328 ! 5340 5353 5366 5378 5391 5403 5416 5428 1 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 35 5441)5453 '5465 5478 5490 5502 5514 5527 5539 5551 1 2 4 ! 5 6 7 9 10 11 36 5563 5575 >587 5599 5611 5623 5635 5647 5658 5670 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 111 11 37 5682 5694 5705 5717 5729 5740 5752 5763 5775 5786 1 2 3 5 G 7 8 9 10 38 57985S095821 5832 5843 5855 5866 5877 5688 5899 1 2 3 5 G 7 8 9 10 39 5911 59-22 5933 5944 5955 5666 5977 5988 5999 6010 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 40 6021 6031 6042 6053 6064 6075 6085 6096 6107 6117 1 2 3 4 6 6 8 9 10 41 6128 6138 6149 6160 6170 6180 6191 1201 6212 6222 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8| 9 42 6232 6243 6253 6263 6274 6-284 6294 6304 9314 6325 1 2 3; 4 5 6 7 8 9 43 6335 6345 6355 6365 6375 6385 6395 6405 6415 6425 1 2 3 4 6 6 7 8 9 44 G435 6444 '6454 6464 6474 6484 6493 6503 6513 6522 j 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 45 6532654-26551 6561 6571 6580 6590 6599 6609 6618 1 2 3 4 5 G 7 8 g 46 66-28 6637 6646 6656 6665 6675 6684 6693 6702 6712 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 7 8 47 67-21 6730 6739 6749'e758 6767 6776 6785 6794 6803 1 9 3 4 5 5 G 7 8 48 6812 6821 ! 6830 6839 6848 6857 68666875 6884 6893 1 2 3 4 4 5 6 7 8 49 690-2 6911 6920 69286937 6946 6955 6964 6972 6981 1 2 3 4 4 5 G 7 8 | 50 699069987007 7016 7024 7033 7042 7050 7059 7067 1 2 3 3 4 5 G 7 8 51 7076 7084 7093 7101 7110 7118 71267135 7143 7152 1 2 3 3 4 5 G 7 8 52 7160 7168 3177 7185 7193 7202 7210 7218 7226 7235 1 2 2 3 4 5 G 7 7 53 724372517259 7267 7275 7284 729-2 7300 7308 7316 1 2 2 3 4 6 6 G 7 54 i' 73-24 7332 7340,734817356 7364 737-27380 7388 7396 1 2 2 3 4 5 6 6 7 LOGARITHMS OF NUMBERS. 11 I 55 1 7412 2 3 4 5 6 7 7459 8 9 7474 Proportional Parts. I 2 3 4)5 6 7 8 9 7404 7419 7427 7435 7443 7451 7466 2 3 5 5! 6 7 56 74827490 7497 7505 7513 7520 7528 7536 7543 7551 i 2 i 5 6 6 * t 57 755975667574 58 7634 7642 7649 59 7709! 7716 7723 7582 7657 7731 7589 7664 6738 7597 7672 7745 7604 7679 7752 7612 7686 7760 7619 7694 7767 7627 7701 7774 i i! i 2 3 2 3 2 3 5 4 4 5 6 5 6 5 6 r 60 7782 61 S 7853 7789 7860 7796 7868 7803 7875 7810 7882 7818 7889 7825 7896 7832 7903 7839 7910 7846 7917 ) 2 3 2 3 4 4 5 6 5 6 6 62 7924 7931 7938 7945 7952 7959 7966 7973 7980 8987 i 2 4 6 6 63 < 7993 8000 8007 8014 8021 8028 8035 8041 8048 8055 i 2 3 4 5 6 64 8062 8069 8075 8082 8089 8096 8102 8109 8116 8122 i 2 4 5 6 65 8129 8136 8142 8149 8156 8162 8169 8176 8182 8189 i 2 3 4 5 6 66 8195 67 8261 8202 8209 8215 8222 8267827482808287 8228 8293 8235 8299 8241 8306 8248 8312 8254 8319 i i 2 3 2 4 4 5 5 6 6 68 8325 8331 8338 8344 8351 8357 8363 9370 8376 8382 i 2 3 4 4 o 6 69 S388 8395 8401 8407 8414 8420 8426 8432 8439 8445 i 2 2 4 4 6 70 8451 8457 8463 8470 8476 8482 8488 8494 8500 8506 i 2 4 4 6 71 8513 8519 8525 8531 8537 8543 8549 8555 8561 8567 i 2 4 5 72 8573 8579 8585 8591 8597 8603 86098615 8621 8627 i 2 2 4 5 73 8633 8639 8645 8651 8657 8663 8669 8675 8681 8686 i 4 5 74 8692 8698 8704 8710 8716 8722 8727 8733 8739 8745 i 4 5 75 8751 8756 8762 8768 8774 8779 8785 8791 8797 8802 i a 5 76 8808 77 8865 8814 8871 8820 8876 8825 8882 8831 8887 8837 8893 8842 8899 8848 8904 8854 8910 8859 8915 i i 3 3 5 78 8921 8927 8932 8938 8943 8949 8954 8960 8965 8971 i 2 3 4 5 79 8976 8982 8987 8993 8998 9004 9009 9015 9020 9025 i 2 2 a 5 80 9031 9036 6042 9047 9053 9058 9063 9069 9074 9079 i 2 4 5 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 9085 9090 9138 9143 9191 9196 92439248 92949299 9345:9350 9395,9400 94459450 94949499 9096 9149 9201 9253 9304 9355 9405 9455 9504 9101 9154 9206 9258 9309 9360 9410 9460 9509 9106 9159 9212 9263 9315 9465 9415 9465 9513 9112 9165 9217 9269 9320 9370 9420 9469 9518 9117 9170 9222 9274 9325 9375 9325 9474 9523 9122 9175 9227 9279 9330 9380 9430 9479 9528 9128 9180 9232 9384 9335 9385 9435 9484 9533 9133 9186 9238 9289 9340 9390 9440 9489 9538 i i i i i 2 2 3 3 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 i 2 3 3 4 4 1 cy 2 2 3 3 3 <- 4 4 4 90 91 92 93 954219547 9590 9595 96389843 96859689 9552 9600 9647 9694 9557 9605 9652 9699 9562 9609 9657 9703 9566 9614 9661 9708 9571 9619 9666 9713 9576 9624 9671 9717 9581 9628 9675 9722 9586 9633 9680 9727 o 2 2 2 9 2 a 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 94 95 9731 9736 9777 9782 9741 9745 9786 9791 9750 9795 9754 9800 9759 9805 9763 9809 9768 9814 773 818 o 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 96 9823 9827 9832 9836 9841 9845 9850 9854 9859 863 2 2 3 3 4 4 97 9868 9872 9877 9881 9886 9890 9894 9899 9903 908 2 2 3 3 4 4 98 9912'9917 9921 9926 9930 9934 9939 9943 9948 952 2 2 3 3 4 4 99 9956 9961 9965 9969 9974 9978 9983 9987 9991 996 o 2 2 3 3 3 4 ANTILOGARITHMS. 41 Proportional Parts, "56 < 4 9 1. I M- C 2 3 4 5 6 f s 9 .00 000 1002 1005 1007 1009 1012 014 1016 1019 1021 |0 i i i 2 2 2 .01 023 1026 1028 1030 1033 1035 038 1040 1042 10451 i i i 2 2 2 .02 1047 1050 1052 1054 1057 1059 1062 1064 1067 10691 i i i 2 2 2 .03 1072 1074 1076 1079 1081 1084 1086 1089 1091 1094J r i i 2 2 2 .04 1096 1099 1102 1104 1107 1109 1112 1114 1117 1119! o 1 i i 2 2 2 2 .05 1122 1125 1127 1130 1132 1135 1138 1140 1143 11461 1 i i 2 2 9 2 .06 1148 1151 1153 1156 1159 1161 1164 1167 1169 11721 1 i i 2 2 2 2 .07 1175 1178 1180 1183 1186 1189 1191 1194 1197 11991 1 i 1 i 2 9 2 2 .08 1202 1205 1208 1211 1213 1216 1219 1222 1225 12271 1 i i 1 2 9 2 3 .09 1230 1233 1236 1239 1242 1245 1247 1250 1253 12561 1 i 1 ] 2 2 2 3 .10 1259 1262 1265 1268 1271 1274 1276 1579 1282 12851 1 i 1 1 2 2 2 3 .11 1288 1291 1294 1297 1300 1303 1306 1309 1312 12151 1 i! i 2 2 2 2 3 .12 1318 1321 1324 1327 1330 1334 1337 1340 1343 1346 1 1 i } 2 2 2 2 3 .13 1349 1352 1355 1358 1361 1365 1368 1371 1374 13771 1 i 1 2 2 2 3 3 .14 1380 1384 1387 1390 1393 1396 1400 1403 1406 14091 1 i 1 2 2 2 3 3 .15 1413 1416 1419 1422 1426 1429 1432 1435 1439 14421 I i 1 2 2 2 3 3 .16 1445 1449 1452 1455 1459 1462 1466 1469 1472 1476 1 1 i 1 2 2 2 3 3 .17 1479 1483 1486 1489 1493 1496 1500 1503 1507 1510J 1 i 1 2 2 3 3 .18 1514 1517 1521 1524 1528 1531 1535 1538 1542 15451 ] 1 2 2 9 3 3 .19 1549 1552 1556 1560 1563 1567 1570 1574 1578 1581 1 1 i ] 2 2 3 3 3 .20 1585 1589 1592 1596 1600 1603 1607 1611 1614 1618J ] i ] 2 2 3 3i 3 .21 1622 1626 1629! 1633 1637 1641 1644 1648 1652 16561 1 i 2 2 2 3 3 3 .22 1660 1663 1667 1671 1675 1679 1683 1687 1690 16941 ] i 2 2 2 3 3 3 .23 1698 1702 1706 1710 1714 1718 1722 1726 1730 17341 1 i 2 2 2 3 3 4 .24 1738 1742 1746 1750 1754 1758 1762 1766 1770 17741 1 i 2 2 2 3 3 4 .25 1778 1782 1786 1791 1795 1799 1803 1807 1811 18161 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 4 .26 1820 1324 1828 1832 1837 1841 1845 1849 1854 1858 1 1 1 2 2 3 3 3 4 .27 1862 1866 1871 1875 1879 1884 1888 1892 1897 19011 1 1 2 2 3 3 3 4 1 .28 1905 1910 1914 1919 1923 1928 1932 1936 1341 19451 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 .29 1950 1954 1959 1963 1968 1972 1977 1982 1986 19911 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 .30 1995 2000 2004 2009 2014 2018 2023 2038 1032 20371 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 .31 204220462051 2056 2061 2065 2070 2075 2080 20841 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 .32 2089 2094 20992104 2109 2113 2118 2123 2128 21331 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 .33 2138 2143 2148 2153 2158 2163 2168 2173 2178 2183 1 ] 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 .34 2188 2193 2198 2203 2208 2213 2218 2223 2228 22341 1 1 2 2 1 3 4 4 5 .35 2239 2244 2249 2254 2259 2265 2270 2275 2280 22861 1 1 2 2 a 3 4 4 5 .36 2291 2296 2301 2307 2312 2317 2323 2328 2333 23391 1 1 2 2 a a 4 4 5 .37 2344 2350 2355; 2360 2366 2371 2677 2382 2388 23931 1 1 2 2 8 3 4 4 5 .38 2399 2404 2410 2415 O Hlfi n I--.1 2421 2427 2432 2438 2443 24491 1 2506 1 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 81 .40 2455 2512 246( 2518 Z4uu 2523 ml 2529 2477 2535 248! 254\ 2489 2495 2547 2553 250( 2559 25641 1 2624 1 1 1 2 2 3 4 4 5 5 .41 .42 2570 "itHU ~uoi uoo 2630 ! 2636 2642 2649 259-i 2655 260( 266 '2606:261- 2667 2673 26 If 2679 2685 1 1 ] 1 2 2 3 1 4 6 6 .43 2692 2698 2704 2710 2716 2723 2729 2735 2742 2748 1 1 1 2 3 3 4 4 6 .44 2754 27612767 2773 2780 2786 27932799 2805 28121 1 1 2 3 3 4 4 5 6 .45 2818 2825 2831 2838 2844 2851 2858 2864 2871 28771 1 1 2 3 3 4 5 6 6 .46 2884 2891 289"! 2904 2911 291- 292412931 2938 2944 1 1 1 2 3 3 4 5 5 6 .47 2951 2958 2965 [ 2972 2979 2985 2992 2999 3006 30131 1 1 9 8 3 4 5 5 6 .48 3020302730343041 3048 3055 30623069 3076 3083 1 1 1 2 3 .'. 4 5 5 6 .49 2090 3097 3105 3112 3119 3126(31333141 3148 3]5o| 1 1 2 3 4 5 5 6 ANTILOGAKITHMS. i-l Proportional Parts. If 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 .50 3162 3170 3177 3184 3192 3199 3206 3214 3221 3228 i i 2 3 4 4 5 6 7 .51 3236 32433251 3258 3266 3273 3281 3289 3296 3304 i '2 2' 3 4 5 5 6 7 .52 3311 3319 3327 3334 3342 3350 3357 3365 3373 3381 i 2 2 3 4 5 5 6 7 .53 3388 3396 3404 3412 342C 3428 3436 3443 3451 3459 i 2 2 3 4 5 G 6 7 .54 3467 3475 3483 349 1' 3499 3508 3516 3524 3532 3540 i 2 2 3 4 5 G 6 7 .55 3548 3556 3565 3573 3581 3589 3597 3606 3614 3622 i 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 7 .56 3631 3639 3648 3656 3664 3673 3681 3690 3698 3707 i 2 3 3 4 5 6 7 8 .57 3715 3724 3733 3741 3750 3758 3767 3776 3784 3793 i 2 3 3 4 5 G 7 8 .58 3802 3811 3819 3828 3837 3846 3855 3864 3873 3882 i 2 3 4 4 5 6 7 8 .59 3890 3899 3908 3917 3926 3936 3945 3954 3963 3972 i 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 .60 3981 3990 3999 4009 4018 4027 4036 4046 4055 4064 i 2 3 4 5 6 6 7 8 .61 .62 4074 4169 4083 4178 4093 4188 4102 4198 4111 4207 4121 4217 4130 4227 414C 4236 415( 4246 4159 4256 i i 2 2 3 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 .63 4266 4276 4285 4295 4305 4315 4325 4335 4345 4355 i 2 3 4 5 G 7 8 9 .64 4365 4375 4385 4395 4406 4416 4426 4436 4446 4457 i 2 3 4 5 G 7 8 9 .65 4467 4477 4487 4498 4508 4519 4529 4539 4550 4560 i 2 3 4 5 G 7 8 9 .66 4571 4581 4592 4603 4613 4624 4634 4645 4656 4667 i 2 3 4 5 G 7 9 10 .67 4677 4688 4699 4710 4721 4732 4742 4753 4764 4775 i 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 .68 4786 4797 4808 4819 4831 4842 4853 4864 4875 4887 i 2 3 4 G 7 8 9 10 .69 4898 4909 4920 4932 4943 4955 4966 4977 4989 5000 i 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 .70 5012 5023 5035 5047 5058 5070 5082 5093 5105 5117 i 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 .71 5129 5140 5152 5164 5176 5188 5200 5212 5224 5236 i 2 4 5 G 7 8 10 11 .72 5248 5260 5272 5284 5297 5309 5321 5333 5346 5358 i 2 4 5 G 7 9 10 11 .73 5370 5383 5395 5408 5420 5433 5445 5458 5470 5483 i 3 4 5 G 8 9 10 11 .74 5495 5508 5521 5534 5546 5559 5572 5585 5598 5610 i 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 12 .75 5623 5636 5649 5662 5675 5689 5702 5715 5728 5741 i 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 12 .76 5754 5768 5781 5794 5808 5821 5834 5848 5861 5875 i 3 4 5 7 8 9 11 12 .77 5888 5902 5916 5929 5943 5957 5970 5984 5998 6012 i 3 4 5 7 8 10 11 12 .78 6026 6039 6053 6067 6081 6095 6109 6124 6138 6152 i 3 4 6 7 8 10 11 13 .79 6166 6180 6194 6209 6223 6237 6252 6266 6281 6295 i 3 4 6 7 9 10 11 13 .80 63106324 6339 6353 6368 6383 6397 6412 6427 6442 i 3 4 6 7 9 10 12 13 .81 64576471 6486 6501 6516 6531 6546 6561 6577 6592 2 3 5 G 8 9 11 12 14 .82 6607 6622 6637 6653 6668 6683 66996714 6730 6745 2 3 e G 8 9 11 1-2 14 .83 6761 6776 6792 6808 6823 6839 6855 6871 6887 6902 2 3 5 G 8 9 11 13 14 .84 6916 6934 6950 6966 6982 6998 7015 7031 7047 7063 2 3 5 6 8 10 11 13 15 .85 7079 7096 7112 7129 7145 7161 7178 7194 7211 7228 2 3 5 7 8 10 12 13 15 .86 7244 7261 7278 7295 7311 7328 7345 7362 7379 7396 2 3 5 7 8 10 12 13 15 .87 7413 7430 7447 7464 7482 7499 7516 7534 7551 7568 2 3 5 7 9 10 12 14 16 .88 7586 7603 7621 7638 7656 7674 7691 7709 7727 7745 2 4 5 7 9 11 12 14 16 .89 7762 7780 7798 7816 7834 7852 7870 7889 7907 7925 2 4 7 9 11 13 14 16 .90 7943 7962 7980 7998 8017 8035 8054 8072 8091 8110 2 4 6 7 9 11 13 15 17 .91 8128 8147 8166 8185 8204 8222 8241 8260 8279 8299 2 4 6 8 9 11 13 15 17 .92 8318 8337 83568375 8395 8414 8433 8453 8472 8492 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 15 17 .93 8511 8531 8551 8570 8590 8610 8630:8650 8670 8690 2 4 G 8 10 12 14 1G 18 .94 8710 8730 8750 8770 8790 8810 8831 8851 8872 889-2 2 4 6 8 10 1-2 14 1G 18 .95 8913 8933 8954 8974 8995 9016 90369057 9078 9099 2 4 6 8 10 12 15 17 19 .96 9120 9141 9162 9183 9-204 92-26 9247 9268 9290 9311 2 4 6 8 11 13 15 17 19 .97 9333 9354 9376 9397 ! 94 19 9441 .9462 9484 9506 9528 2 4 7 9 11 13 15 17 20 .98 95509572 9594 '96 16 9638 9661 96839705 9727 9750 2 4 7 9 11 13 16 18 20 .99 9772 9795|9817 9840 9863 9886 '9908 9931 9954 9977 o 5 7 9 11 14 ie|i8 20 CONSTANT LOGARITHMS. Loga- Ar. Co. rithms. Log. Circumf. of circle when R = 1, (| = 1.5708) 0.1961 9.8039 " " " " D = 1, (re = 3.1416) 0.4971 9.5028 Area of circle when 1P=1, (n = 3.1416) 0.4971 9.5028 " " " " 1)2=1, (J = 0.7854) 9.8951 0.1049 " " " " C*= 1, Q^ = 0.0796) 8.9008 1.0992 Surface of sphere when .R 2 = 1, (4^=12.5664) 1.0992 8.9008 " " " Z> 2 =1, (TT = 3.1416) 0.4971 9.5028 " "' " " C*=l, (-^ = 0.3183) 9.5028 0.4971 Solidity of sphere when R 3 = 1, (|?r= 4.1888) 0.6221 9.3779 " " " 1> 3 = 1, (~ = 0.5236) 9.7190 0.2810 " " " " C 3 =l, (g^= 0.0169) 8.2275 1.7724 Weight of one litre of Hydrogen (0.0896 grammes) 8.9522 1.0478 Air (1.293 " ) 0.1116 9.8884 (14.43 criths ) 1.1594 8.8406 Per cent of Oxygen in air by weight (0.2318) 9.3651 0.6349 " " "Nitrogen" " " (0.7682) 9.8855 0.1145 Mean height of Barometer (76 c. m.) 1.8808 8.1192 Coefficient of expansion of Air (0.00366) 7.5635 2.4365 Latent Heat of Water (79) 1.8976 8.1024 " " Free Steam (537) 2.7300 7.2700 To reduce 0p.(J$r. to S P- Gr., or reverse, add to log. 1.1594 or 8.8406 " " Sp. Gr. toSp.Gr.," " " " " 6.9522 or 3.0478 0p.<5r. to Sp. Gr., " " " " " 7.1 116 or 2.8884 grammes to criths, " " " "" 1.0478 or 8.9522 " " " " '* " " " u " " 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED LOAN DEPT. RENEWALS ONLY TEL. NO. 642-3405 This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. Renewed books are subject to immediate recall. APR 3 '70 - LD21A-60m-6,'69 (J9096slO)47&-A-32 General Library University of California Berkeley VB 17062 THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY