,y,9-NRLF ■mn Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/biographicalhistOOwashrich CATALOGUE OF 'fb. giagliin|&oii # ie^fepgon ^olle(5e CONTAINING A Gexeral Catalogue OF JEFFERSON COLLEGE, OF Washington College, AND OF Washington and Jefferson College, INCLUDING THUS ALL THE ALUMNI OF THE PRESENT COLLEGE. • .' I < ' *''' CINCINNATI, OHIO: Elm Street Printing Company, No. 176 Elm Street 1889. CONTENTS, Abbreviations Jefferson College Alumni Faculty Historical Notice Honorary Degrees. . . Principals Supplement Trustees Washington College Alumni " " Faculty " " Historical Notice. " " Honorary Degrees " " Principals " " Trustees Washington and Jefferson Alumni *' '« Faculty <' " Historical Notice '< " Honorary Degrees " ♦< Presidents *' " Trustees . Index Oldest Living Graduates Roll of Missionaries Soldiers who Died in the Service Tabular Statement PACK. 488 15 12 7 474 8 259 9 271 ,480 264 .265 .395 391 .386 484 388 .389 489 469 470 472 467 274554 PREFACE. The present is the first attempt that has been mate to prepare a Biographical Catalogue of Washington and Jefferson College. In 1872 a General Catalogue was published, but it contained little besides a list of names. The present work has been one of great difficulty, from the fact tliat so little has been done to pre- serve the history of the classes. Very largely, even the Annual Catalogues have been lost, and no class histories had been written, with few exceptions, until a comparatively late day. Jefferson College covers a period of sixty-four years, from 1802 to 1865, Washington a period of sixty years, from 1806 to 1865, with very little attempt to perpetuate their histories. Alumni Associations have existed at various times, but have not been of long continuance. A reorganization was effected in 1884, with Rev. John M. Barnett as Secretary, and A. M. Todd, Esq., as Corresponding Secretary. It was'then decided to publish an Annual that should contain the Class Histories of each successive year, and in this way preserve the histories of the classes. It was also resolved to publish a Biographical Catalogue of the original and the united institutions. The Secretaries then prepared a circular calling for information, and sent it to the Alumni and their friends, as far as their addresses could be obtained. Two years ago the undersigned was appointed to co-operate with the Executive Com- mittee and to undertake the preparation of the Catalogue. The latter work commenced in November, 1886. Up to that time 1,030 circulars had been received. Since then the Secretary, Mr. Barnett, and the undersigned have put forth vigorous efforts to secure the data of the remaining 2,424 Alumni. In this we have been assisted by the present Corresponding Secretary, James I. Brown- son, Jr., Esq. In the matter of collecting the data of the old students, we have been suc- cessful beyond our most sanguine hopes. Of the entire number of the Alumni (3,455), data has been secured, in greater or less fullness, of over ninety-eight per cent, of the whole. It is greatly to the credit of these venerable institutions, that of Jefferson, with 1,936 Alumni, only twenty have been so utterly lost to history as to be wholly untraceable ; and of Washington, with 872 Alumni, only fifteen have passed out of all knowledge of the biographer. Some of a later day in Washington and Jefferson College, can be found, but either neglected or declmed giving any points in their histories, and appear blank in the Catalogue. 3 BIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE. The plan has been to enroll only graduates, and such undergraduates as after- ward received honorary degrees. The latter are designated by A. B. and A. M.; and as A.M. was for many years given to all graduates who had studied a ^profession, no degrees are mentioned in the body of the work below Ph.D., except such as were conferred on undergraduates. As the Catalogue is now presented, there is, a grand array of names of men famous in the history of the Church and of the country— men who attained to the highest positions in the land, and who were, and are, a mighty power for good. Their influence has been felt in every part of our wide country. Thanks are hereby tendered to Class Historians for their labors, and to Mends and sympathizers with this undertaking, for rtibdt Valukbleaidi in gath- ering data, and furnishing it most cheerfully.;' '; ^'''/^ ioi^ninrJ-.V/ \r. o, -. l^i Mistakes will, no doubt, be found in many irisiahcesjBul; there has been the desire to make the work as perfect and reliable as possible. With these brief remarks the Catalogue is commended to the old students of Jefferson, and Washington, and Washington and Jefferson, and their friends, trusting that it will revive old associations, shed light on the histories of old friendships, and classmates, and reflect credit on our common Alma Mater. Franklins Pa., Jan. 1, 1889. S. J. M. Eaton. /'•loJf^id ifiuIA IrClt.S snrnfci ©en^ral ©cttdogu^ OF Jefferson College, danonsburg, Ta., "Brom the time it was chartered, in -1802, until its union with lAfashinglon (LoUege, in 1865. ^iliE^ Jfistorical Jiutk2, The early settlers of Western Pennsylvania/like those of Xew England were distinguished for their love of religion and of learning. They planted the church and the school-house side by side. The first^ ministers who were settled m this region, early directed their attention to the raising up of a ministry at home, for the supply of the wants of the growing population. For this purpose, mainly, several of them opened classical schools, in log-cabins near their own dwellings. The Rev. Messrs. John M'Millan, Joseph Smith and Thaddei.s DoD, pastors of the congregations of Chartiers, Buffalo and Ten Mile, had such schools in operation between the years 1780 and 1790. The first of these men, if not the earliest, as is commonly believed, was the most efficient in this good work ; and his "Latin School" has gained the most celebrity, from its intimate connection with the origin of Jefferson College. The Canonsburg Academy was commenced in 1791, under the patronage of Col. Canon, and Judges Allison, M'Dowell, and others. To this the pupils under the care of Dr. M'MiLLAN were soon afterward transferred. The first Principal of the Academy was Mr. David Johnston, a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania. He was assisted by Mr. (afterward Prof.) Samuel Miller, as Teacher of Mathematics. During the ensuing eleven years the Academy continued to prosper, under various competent instruc- tors ; among whom were Messrs. James Carnahan, afterward President of Princeton College, and John Watson, afterward first President of Jefferson College. In 1802 it was regularly chartered and organized a ; a College, being the first west of the mountains. During its existence as an Academy, the course of instruction which it afforded was but little less extensive than that of the colleges of that day in the East. Here many of the most distinguished men in the Western country received their education, and may be ranked among the honored Alumni of the institu- tion, although their names do not appear as graduates under the college char- ter. Among them we find the well-known names of Cephas Dod, Elisha M' Curdy, Thos. E. Hughes, Thomas Marquis, Robert Johnson, Joseph Stock- ton, Samuel Tait, James Satterfield, Obadiah Jennings, D. D., Wm. Neill, D. D., James Ramsey, D. D., James Hoge, D. D., Thos. M'Giffin, Esq., Joseph Patterson, Esq., Hon. Geo. Torrence, Gilbert M'Master, D. D., James Power, M. D., and many others. * FROM THE TIME IT WAS CHARTERED. ;,,,',,; I^Ev. JOHN WATSON, A. M. Chosen Prinoipal August 29th, 1802 ; Died November 30th, 1802. Rev. JAMES DUNLAP, A. M. ; ' '" '. 7 ' ' Chps^n liprilaTthi 1803 ; Resigned April 25th, 1811. Rev. ANDREW WYLIE, D. D. Chosen April 29th, 1812; Resigned April, 1816. Rev. WILLIAM M'MILLAN, A. M. ( AtnH f/iChoseii September 24th, 1817 ; Resigned August 14th, 1822. -0U «} ni "ui .) Rev, MATTHEW BROWN, D. D., LL. D. IK >iv^iiv?^R?^ S^'®'^^®'^. 25th, 1^22 ; Resigned September 27th, 1845. Rev. ROBERT J. BRECKINRIDGE, D. D., LL. D. Ji ^'^•'/^''^/'"j^lhosen January 2d, 18^5; Resigned June 9th, 1847. •j;;! rif yah iF.ni "<■> r. ;;i'.:; /,-;•, ;;. j/,i;.i i..).iii z/;.:!. •.•/■..• .i :, '":""!■' '-'"'""Kiiv: i'Lifeifxsto^'fi-; 'Md^wN, t). d. -11 : i'lHm eiij ju ' '^ -''CfiaS^k^^rid' Inaugurated October 14th, 1847 ; Resigned August, 1856. •;i;i;'i j)oa. ?.j;ifq ^yj r 1 . j^; /^qoBoT. .'R^'^y' JOSEPH ALDEN, D: D., LL. D. fhpaol. ,.pjC3ho8eii January i7th, iB57) ;, Resigned November 4, 1862. ,'t9v/o*l e^fof;! ■v.'.rAf.'}!'. .I'lulii'; . Rev. DAVID H. RIDDLE, D. D., LL. D. Ui/OJ/iiAU dJ.yi'dY/Al) ;il808i ,,, ICilustEes p^ tl|B Oollege, r b'jid ;j-j;81 \lha/ r'q FfeOM THE TIMK IT WAS CHARTERED. !"r ,.kio:-; l.^,,-:!'; . ..(1 Appointed by the Legislature of Pennsylvania, Jan. 15th, 1802. Rev. John M'Mii.LAjf, I^vPv.xyt jl^esigned April, 1802. Rev. Joseph Pattebson)p|. • ^^^^ iResigned September, 1805. Rev. Thos. Marquis, , fp{\.. ,0,(^1 iResigned September, 1817. . , Rev. Samuel Ralston, l)v p.;,,,, (1 J>ied 1852. Resigned March^ J851» ' Rev. John Black, ,.> J ^j.|^,j^.^. Died 1802. Rev. John M'PHEBBiN,;j'g.f ^^jw^j^ Resigned September,, 1^04. Rev. James Poweh,j ;^ii:8£ -jiiffA ;I^esigned September, 1806. Rev. James Dunla^, joSffel ,.f(.p'6 ,'R'esigned April, 1803. Alex. Cook, Esql, -q ri:L'K|%(iiqy. ;l^esigned October, 1802. James Edgar, Esq., 1 . PJed September, 180^. • William Finley, i;sQ>,-.o^,f ^^^^(^ JDied April, 1805. John Mercer, Esq.>[ . i/j..i jj^q/ (Resigned Septem^^ I8I4. Cbaiq Richie, Esq.,,,] .; pl-^j ,.nL-l ^^^^ 1833. , , n ,,.,;.; ri Gen. John Hamilton, n^i ^.jqek Resigned April, 1831. Wm. Hughes, Esq.^ ; <.;,^i ,tlyij;K r^^signed December, 1817. Joseph Vance, Esq^^ _ y/^rA ^.jqofe Resigned September, 1810. Robert Mahon, E^^.,; j;i:fe|. ^.jq^B Resigned September, 1824. James Kebr, Esq.,,vi -oCJ^I ^Jcis'c P^^^ ^^^'^' - <' ^' •" Aabon ;[i^|.%,J)8ft.,n ror:Kr-,.Kj-:r^ Resigned April, 1822. ;: f It,JJ,CTEES ELECTEP. Rev. Thos. Moore, ['[: [ .' ^ Elected Apriy^jRes^^ Rev. Samuel Porter, . , glecte4 OcV, 1^^,;, Resigned Sep ., 8 1. Ta^p-^ Attison Jb ,Esft,. . telectedObt., 1802; Resigned Sept., 1817. i^t^^^'^l ■::^ Pected April. 1803; Resigned Apnl. 1805. Rev. James HWHBS, .'^•■•" Plected Sept., 1804; R-S-^ L^^ - ' Rev. Wm. Swan, : • ' • Elected Sept., 1804, ; Kes.gnBd Sept 824. Dk. SAM.E. MUBDOOK, . ■ Elected April 180 ; Res,gned Apnl, 17. EEV. JOHN ANDERSON, • • Elected Ap„l, I8O0 ; Rcs.gned Sept., 1808. 10 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF Rev. James Ramsey, D. D., William Rhea, Esq., Gen. John Morgan, Rev. William M'Millan, . Thomas Briceland, Esq., James Mountain, Esq., Rev. William Wylie, . John M' Donald, Esq., Rev. Elisha M'Curdy, D. D. Rev. Moses Allen, Abner Lacock, Esq., Rev. Francis Herron, D. D. Rev. Michael Law, Richard Johnston, Esq., . Benjamin Williams, Esq., Andrew Munro, Esq., John Reed, P^sq., . Joseph Clokey, Jr., Esq., Samuel Logan, Esq., Rev. Robert Johnston, Rev. Joseph M'Elroy, D. D. Dr. Jonathan Letherman, Rev. Elisha P. Swift, D. D. Rev. Thomas D. Baird, John Phillips, Esq., Rev. Ashbel Green, D. D., Rev. William Wilson, . James Gordon, Esq., . William M'Creary, Esq., Rev. William Jeffery, D. D. Dr. D. S. Stevenson, William Patterson, Esq., Rev. William M'Elwee, D. D., Daniel Houston, Esq., . Rev. Henry R. Weed, D. D., Hon. Robert C. Grier, LL. D., John Hays, Esq., Hon. H. H. Leavitt, LL. D., James M'Clelland, Esq., Rev. John T. Pressly, D. D., Rev. George Marshall, D. D., William Park, Esq , James M'Cullough, Esq., . Wm. M' Daniel, Esq., Dr. John V. Herriott, Elected Sept., 1805 ; Resigned Sept., 1824. Elected Sept., 1805 ; Resigned Dec, 1827. Elected Sept., 1807 ; Resigned Sept., 1817. Elected Sept., 1808 ; Resigned Sept., 1817. Elected Sept., 1809 ; Died 1819. Elected Sept., 1810 ; Died 1814. Elected Sept., 1811 ; Resigned April, 1818. Elected April, 1814; Died 1831. Elected April, 1814 ; Resigned Sept., 1820. Elected Sept., 1814 ; Resigned Mar., 1839. Elected Sept., 1814 ; Resigned Sept., 1817. Elected Sept., 1817 ; Resigned Mar., 1849. Elected Sept., 1817; Died 1822. Elected Sept., 1817 ; Died 1837. Elected Sept., 1817 ; Died I860. Elected Sept., 1817; Died 1841. Elected Sept., 1817 ; In Office at the Union. Elected Dec, 1817 ; Died . Elected Dec, 1817; Resigned Sept., 1837. Elected April, 1818; Resigned Sept., 1835. Elected Sept., 1819 ; Resigned . Elected April, 1820 ; Died 1844. Elected Sept., 1820; Resigned Aug., 1852. Elected April, 1822; Died 1838. Elected April, 1822 ; Died 1845. Elected Sept., 1824; Resigned Jan., 1828. Elected Sept., 1824; Resigned April, 1833. Elected Dec, 1825 ; In Office at the Union. Elected April, 1826; Resigned Mar., 1839. Elected Jan., 1828 ; In Office at the Union. Elected Sept., 1831 ; Died 1843. Elected March, 1832 ; Died 1835. Elected Sept., 1833 ; Resigned 1864. Elected Sept., 1833 ; Died 1863. Elected Sept., 1835 ; Resigned Sept., 1845. Elected Sept., 1835; Resigned Feb., 1855. Elected Sept., 1835 ; In Office at the Union. Elected March, 1837 ; Resigned Oct., 1847. Elected Sept., 1837 ; Resigned Mar., 1853. Elected Mar., 1839 ; In Office at the Union. Elected Mar., 1839 ; In Office at the Union. Elected Mar., 1839 ; In Office at the Union. Elected Sept., 1841 ; In Office at the Union. Elected Sept., 1844; In Office at the Union. Elected Sept., 1844; Resigned Aug., 1853. JEFFERSON COLLEGE. 11 Rev. James Sloan, D. D., William Marks, Esq., Thomas Nicholson, Esq., Rev. Alex. T. M'Gill, D.D. LL. Rev. Wm. M. Paxton, D. D., Rev. Wm. P. Breed, Wm. S. Calohan, Esq., James K. Moorhead, Esq., . James P. Sterrett, Esq., Rev. James Alex ander, D. D. Wm. Hall, . James Veech, John E. Bell, . Rev. James C. Campbell, Elected Sept., 184.') Elected Sept., 184.1 Elected Oct., 1847 D,Elected Mar., 1849 . Elected Aug., 1851 Elected Dec, 1852 . Elected Mar., 1853 Elected Aug., 1853 . Elected July, 1855 , Elected Aug., 1856 . Elected Aug., 18.58 Elec. Aug. 6, 1861 . Elec. Aug. 4, 1863 Elec Aug. 3, 1864 In Office at the Union. Died 1858. In Office at the Union. In Office at the Union. In Office at the Union. Resigned Aug., 18.56. In Office at the Union. In Office at the Union. In Office at the Union. In Office at the Union. In Office at the Union. In Office at the Union. In Office at the Union. In Office at the Union. Y^ i^J/! fwillp flT ; Sj^8I ,.JoO Ltijv >^ ^mncipHls and 5iI«fessor|s. ELECTED. - '^- ■■''^''' April, 180^::E!EV. John Watson, Pres. and Prof. Languages and .•(.rri'Joii^jr. Moral Philosophy. Died November 30, 1802. .no1:»U "'t Rev. John M'Millan, Professor of Divinity. . ;, ^. (i"ifilJ " Samuel Miller, A. M., Professor Mathematics and ,5. j 7 ,,^j i ,,^,,jj:j .,,: , Natural Philosophy. Resigned Septeinber, 1830^' ^,'4,4^i^?? ^^^' James Dunlap, A. M., Pres. and Prof. Lan- guages and Moral Philosophy. ResigneA April, ISlir^ '' 1805, Rev. John M'Millan, D. D., Vice-Prin'l. Died Nov. 16, 1833. " 1812, Rev. Andrew Wylie, D. D., Principal. Resigned April, 1816. Sept., 1817, Rev. Wm. M'Millan, A. M., Principal. Resigned Aug., 1822. ** 1818, Rev. Abraham Anderson, A. M., Professor Lan- guages. Resigned September, 1821. *' 1821, Rev. Wm. Smith, D. D., Prof. Languages. Prof, at the Union. " 1822, Rev. Matthew Brown, D. D., LL. D., Principal. Resigned Sept., 1845. Died 1853. April, 1824, Rev. James Ramsey, D. D., Prof. Hebrew. Resigned Dec, 1852. '' 1826, Rev. Richard Campbell, A. M., Prof. Languages and Mathematics. Resigned 1827. " 1830. Rev. John H. Kennedy, A. M., Prof. Mathemat- ics and Natural Philosophy. Died December 15, 1840. Sept., " Samuel Miller, A. M., Hon. Prof. Mathematics. Died 1831. Mar., 1832, Jacob Green, M. D., Prof. Chemistry, Mineralogy and Natural History. Died February, 1841. '' 1834, C. J. Hadermann, Esq., Prof. Mathematics and Modern Languages. Resigned September, 1836. Sept. 1836, Washington M'Cartney, Esq., A. M., Professor Mathematics and Modern Languages. Resigned Sept., 1837. " 1837, Rev. Chas. S. Dodd, A. M., Prof. Mathematics and Modern Languages. Resigned March, 1839. Mar., 1838, William Darby, Esq., A. M., Prof. History, Geog- raphy and Astronomy. Resigned 1841. Feb., 1841, Richard S. M'Culloh, Esq., A. M., Prof, Mathe- matics, Natural Philosophy and Chemistry Res. Sept., 1843. " '' Rev. a. B. Brown, A. M., Prof. Belles-Lettres and Adjunct Prof. Languages. Resigned October, 1847. Mar., " Henry Snyder, A. M., Adjunct Prof. Mathematics. " 1843, Rev. Henry Snyder, A. M., Prof. Mathematics. Resigned August, 1850. Sept., '* S. R. Williams, A. M., Prof. Natural Philosophy and Chemistry. Resigned August, 1852. " 1844, Rev. Robert W. Orr, A. M., Prof. Civil Engineer- ing and Natural History. Resigned December, 1845. JEFFERSON COLLEGE. ^3 Jan., 1845, Rev. R. J^ Breckinridge, D. D., Princ'l. Kesigned June, 1847. Dec, Rev A. B. Brown, A. M., Prof. Belles-Lettres, Logic, Rhetoric and General History. Resigned 18->6 " '« Rev. Robert W. Orr, A. M., Prof. LaUn Language ' and Literature. u • i\r , « nr noi^ T^ m ^ Resigned March, 1852. Mar., 1846, Rev. Ihomas Beveridgk, D. D., Prof. Extraordi- nary Evidences of Nat. and Rev. Religion. Resigned 1855. John D. Vowell, M. D., Prof. Extra, of Physiol- ogy and Comparative Anatomy. Resigned Aug. 3, '47, Rev. Wm. Smith, Vice-President College. Oct., '' Rev. Alexander B. Brown, D. D., Prin'l. Resigned Aug., 1856. June, 1848, Rev. Robert M. White, A. M., Prof. Extra, of ^^etoric. Died December, 1848. July, 184a, Rev. Joseph R. Wilson, D. D., Prof. Extra, of Klietoric. Resigned Aug., 1850, Robert Patterson, A. M., Prof. Mathematics. Resigned November, 1854. " " Rev. William Wallace, D. D., Prof. Extra. Moral Science. Died January, 1851. '' 1852, Rev. William Ewing, A. M., Prof. Extra, of His- tory and Modern Languages. Professor at the Union. " '' Samuel R. Williams, A. M., Prof. Extra, of Natural Science. Resigned August, 1854. Sept., '' Samuel Jones, A. M., Prof. Natural Philosophy and Chemistry. Professor at the Union. Dec, '' Rev. Aaron Williams, D. D., Prof. Latin Lan- guage and Literature. Resigned August, 1859. '•' " Rev. Abraham Anderson, D. D., Prof. Extra, of Hebrew. Died May, 1855. Peb., 1855, John Eraser, A. M., Prof, of Mathematics. Prof, at the Union. '' '' John B. Stilley, A. M., Prof. Extra, of Civil Engineering. Resigned July, '* Rev. John B. Clark, A. M., Prof. Extra, of Hebrew. Resigned July 31, IStiO. Aug., 1856, Rev. A. B. Brown, D. D., Prof, of English Literature. Jan., 1857, Rev. Joseph Alden, D. D., LL. D., Pres. and Prof. Mental and Moral Philosophy. Resigned Nov. 4, 1862. Aug., *' Alonzo Linn, A. M , Prof. Political Economy and History. Prof, at the Union. " '* M. B. Riddle, D. D., Adjunct Prof, of Greek. Mar. 4, 1860, Rev. I. N. M'Kinney, A. M., Prof, of Latin. ' Resigned Jan. 2, 1861. Feb. 20, 1861, C. M. Dodd, A. M., Prof. Latin. Professor at the Union. Mar. 27,' '' Dr. J. V. Herriott, Prof. Anatomy and Phyg- iology. Resigned Aug. 6, '^ Rev. Wm. Smith, D. D., Prof. Emeritus GreeK. '< 6, *' Prof. Linn, Professor of Greek. Nov. 4' 1862, Rev. David H. Riddle, D. D., Pres. and Prof, of Mental and Moral Science. Professor at the Union. Je^^EiIson OollEgB ^^lumni. 1802. ^Bracken, Reed.— Son of Thomas and Anna (Shannon) ; born York Co., Pa., 1778; licensed Oct. 17, 1805, Presbytery of Ohio; ordained April 20,* 1808, Presbytery of Erie; pastor Nebo, Pa., '08-45, Middlesex '20-32, Portersville '32-45 ; married Mary, daughter of Eev. William Graham ; died Butler Co., Pa., July 29, '49. Presbyterian minister. ^Eaton, Johnston.— Son of John; born Franklin Co., Pa., Feb. 7, 1776; theology under Dr. McMillan ; licensed Aug. 22, 1805, Presbytery of Ohio ; ordained June 30, '08, Presbytery of Erie ; pastor Fairvifiw, Pa., '07-47, Springfield '08; stated supply Erie, North East; chaplain U. S. A. '12- 13; married Sept. 30, '07, Eliza, daughter of Daniel Canon; died Fairview, Pa., June 17, '47, of paralysis. Presbyterian minister. *McMiLLAN, William.— Born Lewistown, Pa., 1777 ; theology under Dr. Mc- Millan; licensed Presbytery of Ohio; ordained 1804, same presbytery; President Jefferson College '16-22, Franklin College, Ohio, '23-32; pastor Two Ridges, O., '04-16 ; stated supply Miller's Run, '16-32 ; died New Athens, O., April 11, '32 ; D.D. Presbyterian minister. *PiCKENS, Israel.— Son of Samuel ; born Cabarras Co., N. C, January 30, 1780 ; State Senate, N. C, 1809 ; Member of Congress Twelfth District, '11-17; Registrar Land Office, Alabama, '17 ; Governor Alabama, '21-25; U. S. Senate, Alabama, '26 ; died near Matanzas, West Indies, April 23, '27. Lawyer. *Rhea, John.— Son of Joseph and Isabel ; born Tully, Ireland, 1772 ; theology with Dr. McMillan ; licensed June, 1803, Presbytery of Ohio ; ordained '05, same presbytery; pastor Beech Springs '05-48, Crab Apple '05—?; married 1793, Elizabeth Christy; died Union Vale, O., Feb. 12, '55, decay of vital powers; D.D., Jefferson College, '38. Presbyterian minister. 1803 ^McDonald, Andrew.-Sou of John and (Noble) ; born Wa«hington Co., Pa.; licensed ; ordained ; pastor White Oak Flats and Sewickley, Pa., '14, Flaherty's Run '19; infirm many years; died '29. Presbyterian minister. (15) 16 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF *MoNTEiTH, Alexander. — Born Scotland ; theology privately ; tutor N. J. College ; ordained 1809 ; pastor Schenectady, N. Y., '09-15 ; died Schenec- tady, N. Y., '15. Presbyterian minister ^v^RiGGS- Cyrus. — Son of Joseph and Hannah (Cook) ; born Morris Co., N. J., Oct. 15. 1774; theology with Dr. McMillan; licensed Oct. 23, 1806, Presbytery of Ohio; ordained Oct.; 21, '07, Presbytery of Erie; pastor at Fa^^e^d^^rtd;'^iIl|reek,^Faj.,|'0f41^,( f^^-iibgri^afe ^ jSrid W^st tJnitf '14-84 ; stated supply Elkhom andtGalura, 111., '38-49 ; married July 25, '09, Mary, daughter of Edward Ross ; died at Elkhorn, 111., Feb. 14, '49. Pres- byterian minister. 1804. *McDoNALD, John. — Son of John and (Noble) ; born in Washington Co., Pa.; law student; practiced law Pittsburg, Pa., 1806-31 ; married Feb. 7, .'09, Mary, Morcow, also Jan,;, ^^ '17, Isabella Simpson {^^ ^^^ji ^^Mtsburg, , P^,,, May 20,;;3J., Lawyer. ; to)v I-m^k-^uW ■ ■<, *ScoTT, Abraham.— Son of Josiah and Violet (Foster) ; born York Co., Pa., June 19, 1765; theology with Dr. McMillan ; licensed Presbytery of Ohio; missionary Northeastern Ohio, 1808 ; ordained July 12, '08, Presbytery of Ohio; pastor of Center Church many years, '08; married June 18, 1793, Rebecca, daughter of Hon. John McDowell; died Jefferson Co., Ohio, March 19, '41. Presbyterian minister. *Stephens, Daniel.— Son of Abednego and Catherine (Mills); born Bedford Co., Pa., April, 1777 ; ordained deacon by Bishop Claggett ; priest by sanu', 1810 ; teacher Washington College, Maryland ; preached at Havre de Grace, Md., four years, Staunton, Va., till '28, Columbia, Tenn., '28-33, Bolivar '33-50 ; married '08, Mrs. Margaret Wingate, daughter of Thomas Meeds; died Bolivar, Tenn., Nov. 21, '50; D.D., '20, Pennsyl- vania University. Protestant Episcopal minister. "' '^ ■ • ■ V ■■ '. • ! . • W ,X) ^f-r^liiR ..7/: *Vallandigham, Clement. — Son of George and Elizabeth (Noble) ; bom Allegheny Co., Pa., March 7, 1778 ; licensed June 28, 1806, Presbytery of Ohio ; ordained June 24, '07 ; pastor New Lisbon, Ohio, '07-39 ; mar- ried June 24, '07, Rebecca Laird ; died New Licbon, Ohio, Oct. 24, '39. Presbyterian ministei-:' ' - '^' ;-nr;:..;:lA ,:^aiV \).^^\A v.i.:; / .x.;vr«>!U;t/, ■\^-^<\. hotf) .••''•V' .KmO'^sIA *White, John. — Son of William and Ann; born Canonsburg, Pa.; law student with Obadiah Jennings, Steubenville, Ohio ; practiced law, Wash- ington, Pa.; prothonatory one year; medical student with Dr. Thompson, Thompson ville. Pa.; practiced medicine. Hickory, Pa., 1815-47 ; married '09, Agnes Park; died Hickoryt,! I*aiy >Aug., '?53|, dropayi- Physician. .....■;:••■;: .;';;f>t'/H^-yi*! .^Jk^' ,i]:^,\\ 1^05., ,;; :-i /, , uf 1 1^ : rv - *A.llen, Moses. — Born Westmoreland Co., Pa., Sept. 5, 1780; theology with Dr. McMillan ; licensed June 23, 1807, Presbytery of Oliio ; ordained Nov., '07, Presbytery of Bedstone ; pastor Jefferson and N< Providence, Pd., '07-16, Raccoon '17-39, Crabapple, O., '39-45; married Catherine, daugh- ter of Rev. Dr. McMillan; died Crabapple, O., Jan. 16, '46. Presbyterian minister. : m JEFFKRSON COLLEGE. 17 ^CUNNINOHAM, James Bom Eastern Pennsylvania, 1772; thooloKy with Dr McMillan; heensed 808, Presbytery of Ohio; ordained; plehed in Wes Vu-g.a.a, and L.cki.^ Co., O, pastor Utiea and Mary Ann, O., 18-28 Waterford and West Carlisle; missionary; married Elizabeth daughter of Robert Stockton; died Martinsburg, 0., Sept. 8 '57 Presbyterian minister. ' ♦Galloway, JAMES.-Bom July 23, 178t} ; Associate Seminary \ Y- licensed 1810, Reformed Presbytery; ordained 'U ; pastor Associate Reformed Church, Mercer, Pa., '10-18; married Miss Junkin ; died Mercer, Pa., May 10, '18. Associate Reformed minister. *Hayden, Daniel.— Born Western Pennsylvania, April 9, 1781 ; principal of Greensburg Academy, 1805-08; licensed Oct. 20, '08, Presbytery of Erie ; ordained '09, Presbytery of Cincinnati ; missionary Ohio ; pastor Pleasant Ridge, Ohio, till '35 ; died Aug. 27, '35. Presbyterian minister. ♦McConnell, James.— Son of Capt. James; born Franklin Co., Pa., Oct. 9, 1784; teacher Mercersburg, Pa., and law student ; practiced law Moortield, Va., 1810.; theology ; licensed Virginia ; teacher Moorfield, Romney, Liv- ingston, N. Glasgow, N. London, Va., Chesterfield and Chesterville, S. C, Brownsville and Waynesburg, Pa.; married Elizabeth, daughter of Joseph Luckey ; died near Mansfield, Ohio, Oct. 7, '40. Teacher of Classics. *NoRTON, Carlos A. — Son of Philo and Ann (Baldwin) ; born 1784 ; manu- facturer ; married Mary Booth ; died Connellsville, Pa., May 26, '31. ♦Patterson, James. — Born Ervina, Bucks Co., Pa., March 17, 1819 ; teacher Trenton, N. J.; tutor N. J. C, '06 ; theology under Drs. Smith and KoUock ; licensed Oct., '08, Presbytery of N. Brunswick ; ordained Aug. 9, '09 ; pastor Boundbrook, N. J., '09-13, First Church, Northern Liberties, Philadelphia, '14-37; married Sarah Coe, '11; died Philadelphia, Pa., Nov. 17, '37. Presbyterian minister. ♦Scott, James.— Son of Josiah and Violet (Foster); born York Co., Pa., Feb. 22, 1772; theology under Dr. McMillan; licensed Presbytery of Ohio; ordained Aug. 23, 1808, Presbytery of Ohio ; pastor Clinton, Frederie and Ebenezer, Pa.; missionary to Ohio; pastor Mt. Vernon, Frederick- town, Martinsburg, O. ; missionary; married July 10, '10, Jane, daughter of Capt. Archibald Wilson; died Mt. Vernon, O., Sept. 18, '50, typhoid pneumonia. Presbyterian minister. *Trevor, John B.-Born 1793; State Treasurer of Pennsylvania, 1820-21 ; cashier Bank of Philadelphia ; died Philadelphia, Pa., Oct. 6, '60. Financier. *WiLLS, JAMES.-Son Of Jamcs and Mary (Lawson) ; born Monoghan, Ireland 178^; law student; practiced law Pittsburg, Pa 1807-22 ;marned Sept., '17, Mary Thompson; died Cumberland Co, Pa, Oct., ... Lawyer. GENERAL CATALOGUE OF WiLLsoN, James Renwick. — Son of Zaccheus and Mary (McConnell) ; born near Elizabeth, Pa., April 9, 1780 ; principal Bedford College, Pa., 1805-15; teacher Philadelphia ; theology with Dr. A. McLeod ; licensed ; ordained ; missionary Philadelphia; pastor Newburg, N. Y., '17-23, Coldenham '17-30, Albany '30-33, Coldenharn '33-40 ; professor of Eastern Seminary, '36-40 ; professor of Reformed Presbyterian Seminary, Allegheny, Pa., '40-45; same seminary, Cincinnati, Ohio, '45-49; emeritus professor, Philadelphia, '51-53; married Jane Roberts, '07; published ''Historical Sketch of Opinions on the Atonement," *' The Vow," "The Glory of the Church," "The Kingdom of Christ," "The Sabbath," "The Prince Messiah," "The Written Law;" editor Albany Quarterly; died Cold- enham, N. Y., Sept. 29, '53, effects of sunstroke; D.D., '28, W. U. P. , Associate Presbyterian minister. 1806. *HuNT, Thomas. — Son of Jonathan and Christina; born Princeton, N. J., Aug. 12, 1769 ; theology with Dr. John McMillan ; licensed 1808 . ordained Dec. 27, '09, Presbytery of Redstone; pastor Second Church, Pittsburg, Pa., '09-18, Two Ridges and Richmond, O., '19-38, Richmond, '28; W. C, '38; married March 10, 1791, Rhoda Pool, also, Oct. 19, '15, Mrs. Rebecca Smith, also, Jan. 14, '40, Eliza Colmery ; died Two Ridges, O., Jan. 14, '50. Presbyterian minister. *Leslie, Jonathan. — Licensed June 3, 1807, Presbytery of Ohio ; ordained July 12, '08, same presbytery ; pastor Harpersfield, O., '14-20, Westfield, Pa.; missionary many years ; died '40. Presbyterian minister. *Rebd, John. — Son of David and Margaret (May) ; born Washington Co., Pa., March 14, 1787; Pennsylvania Legislature, 1816-21; married Jan. 5, '26, Jane May; died near Venice, Washington Co., Pa., Dec. 20, '78. Farmer. *Sc..TT, James. *Van Eman, George. — Son of George and Rebecca (Scott) ; born Washington Co., Pa., April 23, 1786; theology with Dr. John McMillan; licensed 1808, Presbytery of Ohio ; ordained '09, Presbytery of Lancaster; stated supply and pastor Mansfield, O., '15-21; Jefferson and N. Providence, Pa., '21-35, Findley, O., '35 ; married Sept. 3, '10, Maria, daughter of Charles Cooper, also, June 4, '39, Mrs. Sarah Flanagan ; died McComb, Ohio, March 12, '77, aged ninety-two years. Presbyterian minister. 1807. *CrLBERTSON, James.— Son of Col. Samuel; born Franklin Co., Pii., 1785; licensed August, 1812, Presbytery of Carlisle; ordained December 24, '12, Presbytery of Zanesville ; pastor Zanesville, O., '12-47; died Zanesville, February, '47; D.D., '35, W. C. Presbyterian minister. *DUNLAP, William.— Son of Rev. James; born Fayette Co., Pa.; licensed Redstone Presbytery; ordained 1811; pastor Abingdon, Va., '11-18; died Abingdon, Va., '18. Presbyterian minister. JEFFERSON COLLEGE. jg *Ma^hews, John -Son of James and Prudence (Gordon); born Franklin Co. olllr'7'-l, I '• K """' '""' ''' ''"'• ^^"'"^'"^ «f «•■- ■■ -1«»«J w? , l;J^'. "'^'""' °* ''"''■' ?■«'" «™-' R-n, Pa., •09-U, Waterford 09-17 ; m,s.,>onary in Missonri '17-27, Ohio •27-32, illinois ■ married Nancy Bracken, also Anna Smith ; died Georgetown, 111., May 12 '61. Presbyterian minister. *P0KTER, Samuel, JR.-Son of Rev. Samuel; born Washlncrton Co Pa (?)• theology under Dr. McMillan (?); licensed 1810, Presbytery of Ohio- ordained '11, Presbytery of Baltimore; pastor Cumberland, Md. II-IS-' died Cumberland, Md., January 3, '13. Presbyterian minister. ^Stevenson, Joseph.— Son of John and Mary; born Harper's Ferry, Va.. March 25, 1779 ; theology under Dr. McMillan; licensed October 18,' 1808* Presbytery of Washington ; ordained June, '09, Presbytery of Washing' ton ; pastor Two Ridges and Forks of Wheeling '09-25, Bellefontaine. O., '25-44 ; missionary '44-65 ; married '04, Sarah, daughter of Rev. Thomas Marquis; died Bellefontaine, 0., February 24, '65, erysipelas. Presby- terian minister. 1808. *BoYER, Stephen. — Licensed and ordained ; principal of York Academy 1823-47 ; stated supply Hopewell, Pa., '34-36, Stewartstown '44 ; mar- ried; died York, Pa., '47. Presbyterian minister. *CoNDiT, Ira. — Born Morris Co., N. J., March 6, 1772; theology under Dr. McMillan; licensed October 17, 1811, Presbytery of Ohio ; ordained Novem- ber 8, '14, Presbytery of Erie; pastor of Fairfield and Big Sugar Creek. Pa., '14-27, Georgetown, Amity and Cool Spring '27-36; married, 1800, Mary Miller ; died Georgetown, Pa , October 24, '3o, typhoid fever. Pres- byterian minister. •^Hughes, Joseph Smith.— Son of Rev. James and Mary (Smith); born Penn sylvania; theology privately; ordained November 11, 1810, Presbytery of Lancaster; pastor Delaware, O., '10-23; Recorder Delaware Co., O.; died Delaware, Ohio, 1823. Presbyterian minister. *Smith, James. -Theology privately ; licensed June 29, 1814; Presbytery of Ohio; ordained August 23, '15, Presbytery of Lancaster; pastor Seneca and Leatherwood, O., '15-19; died April 19, '19. Presbyterian min- ister. 1809. *MlLLiGAN, J AMES.-Son of John and Margaret (Milligan) ; born Ayreshire, Scot- '39-48, Sparta, 111., '48-55 ; married '20, Mary Trumbull ; D.D., '48, Mu8 kingum College ; died Southfiold, Mich., January 2, '62. Reformed Pres- byterian minister. 20 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF *Rankin, Christopher.— Born Washington Co., Pa.; law student, practitioner of law, Natchez, Miss.; Member of Congress, Mississippi, 1811t-26 ; died, s Washington, D. C, March 14, '26. Lawyer. *ScROGGS, Joseph. — Son of James and Margaret; born Cumberland Co., Pa., March 1, 1793 ; entered college at eleven years, graduated at sixteen ; the- ology under Dr. John Anderson ; licensed October, 1813, Presbytery of Chartiers (Associate Presbyterian); ordained August, '14, same presby- tery; pastor Fairfield and Donegal, Pa., '14-73; married Mary, daughter of Dr. Thomas Hanna, also Mrs. Wm. Hogg, daughter of Samue! Wither- spoon ; published **The National Recognition of Christianity"; died Ligonier, Pa., April 21, '73; D.D., '57, Jefferson College. Associate Presbyterian minister. 1810. *Cannon, John. — Son of Hugh and Mary (Thompson); born Dungiven, County Londonderry, Ireland, November 19, 1784; theology at Philadelphia Sem- inary ; pastor Greensburg, Pa., 1816-36; married '18, Martha Brown ; died Greensburg, Pa., February 2, '36. Eeformed Presbyterian minister. *GiLL, Jonathan. — Son of John and Jane (Shaw); born Huntingdon Co., Pa., Aug. 9, 1777; Reformed stated supply Philadelphia ; licensed 1814, Reformed Presbyterian Presbytery of Pittsburg; ordained '16, same presbytery ; pastor Xenia, O., '16-23j Thompson's Run, Pa., '23-33; professor of academy; professor Western University, Pa., '35-45; died near Pittsburg, Pa., April 20, '46. Associate Reformed Presbyterian minister. *Hervey, James. — Son of James and Margaret; born Brooke Co., Va., August 13, 1782 ; theology under Dr. Rhea ; licensed Presbytery of Ohio; ordained January, 1809; pastor Forks of Wheeling '19-59; married Jane McKinley ; died September 13, '59, decay of vital powers ; D.I). ,'47,. Washington College. Presbyterian minister. *Hendricks, William. — Born Westmoreland Co., Pa., 1783; law student; practiced law, Madison, Ind.; Member of Congress, Indiana, 1816-22 ; Gov-- ernor of Indiana, '22-25; United States Senator, Indiana, '25-37 ; married , daughter of Col. John Paul ; died Madison, Indiana, May 16, '50;. 'LL.D. Lawyer. *JoHNSTON, William. — Son of William and Eliza (Laughlin); born near Can- onsburg. Pa., March 7, 1783; licensed April 21, 1812, Presbytery of Ohio ; ordained '13, Presbytery of Redstone ; pastor Dunlap's Creek, Pa., '13-39, Brownsville '13-41; married Martha Gallaher : died '42. Presbyterian minister. *Kerr, James P. — Son of James and Eliza (Powers); born Washington Co., Pa., October 4, 1792; medical student ; practiced medicine Claysville, Pa.: 1820-44, Canonsburg '44-53; married April 17, '21, Elizabeth Miller;, died Jefferson Co., Pa., June 6, '61. Physician. JEFFERSON COLLEGE. .2^ -LusK, RoBERT.--Son of William and Elizabeth (HoUiday); born near London- derry Ireland, March 8, 1781 ; theological seminary Philadelphia; pa^or Chambersburg, Pa., 1816-24, Walnut Ridge, Ind., '24-40; Lrried '16 Margaret Thompson, also '24, Mary Reid ; died Walnut Ridge, Ind Dec 14, 4o. Reformed Presbyterian minister. ^Rekd, JOHN.-Son of William and Mary (Linn); born near Gettysburg, Pa • August 12, 1782; Professor of Languages Washington College 1815- licensed '16 (?), Presbytery of AVashington ; stated supply Indiana and Gilgal' Pa., '1/-18; ordained '18, Presbytery of Redstone; pastor Gilgal, Pa.; '18-39, Indiana, Pa., '18-40; married Isabel Ferguson; died Indiana, Pa., May 27, '40. Presbyterian minister. *Wylie, Andrew.— Son of Andrew; born Pennsylvania, April U, 1789; licensed October 21, 1812; ordained June 23, '13; pastor Miller's Run,' Pa., '13-16; President Jefferson College '12-16, Washington College '17-29 ; stated supply Ten Mile and West Liberty, Pa., '17-29; President Indiana University '29-51 ; ordained deacon Episcopal- Church '4C, priest '41 ; published " English Grammar, Discourses ; " married May, '13, Marga- ret, daughter of Craig Ritchie; died Bloomington, Ind., Nov. 11, '51; D.D. Protestant Episcopal minister. 1811. *McCooK, George. — Son of George and Mary (McCormack); born Washing- ton Co., Pa.(?); medical student under Dr. Warren, Canonsburg, Pa.; prac- ticed medicine Canonsburg till 1818, New Lisbon, 0., '18-49, Pittsburg, Pa., '49-73, New Lisbon, O., '73 ; Professor of Surgery, Pittsburg, '44; Bal- timore, Md.; married January 18, '17, Margaret G. Latimer; died New Lisbon, O., June 23, '73. Physician. ^Mitchell, James P. — No record found. *Wkight, James. — Born Washington Co., Pa., January 1, 1785; theologj privately ; licensed and ordained June 26, 1816, by Presbytery of Hartford (now Shenango); pastor Poland, O., '16-32, Westfield, Pa., '16-42; died near Mt. Jackson, Pa., March 30, '43. Presbyterian minister. 1812. *Andr£WS, Wells. -Born Hartford, Conn., Nov. 21, 1787; theology Prince- ton ; teacher ; licensed 1816, Presbytery of N. Brunswick ; missionary Penn- sylvania, '16-17; stated supply Wilmington, N. C, '17-18 ; ordained Jan. 11 '18 Presbytery of Winchester ; pastor Second Church, Alexandria, \ a., '18-27,' Hartford, O.,' 27-37 ; professor of Ohio University '27-43 ; pastor Fremont, O., '43-53, Washington, III., '54-60; married Sept. 14 19, Nancy kar;er ; died Washington, III., Feb. 14, '6. Presbyterian minister. 22 GENERAL CATALOGUE OP *CoE, James.— Son of Benjamin and 3[argaret (Beagle) ; born near Tarentum, Pa., July 13, 1790; theology with Dr. McMillan; licensed 1814, Presbytery of Ohio; ordained same year by same presbytery; missionary to Ohio 14 — ?; located West Union, O., Troy, Piqua, Dick's Creek and Monroe; married Eliza Jane Greer, also, Elizabeth Todd ; died 56 ; D.D., Center College, Kentucky. Presbyterian minister. *McElroy, Joseph.— Born near Newville, Pa., Dec. 29, 1792; theology with Dr. J. M. Mason ; licensed 1814, Associate Presbytrry, Pittsburg, Pa ; missionary Pittsburg, Pa., '14-22; pastor Scotch Church, New York City, "22-76; married four times; D.D.; died New York City, Oct. 16, '76- Presbyterian minister. 1813. *JoHNSTON, Archibald. — Son of Gavin and Elizabeth (Hunter) ; born Truro^ Nova Scotia, Aug. 16, 1793 ; theological seminary, Philadelphia ; stated supply Cincinnati, O., 1817-18 ; married '18, Miss Furguson ; died Cin- cinnati, O., Oot. 26, 18. Associate Presbyterian minister. *JuNKiN, George. — Son of Joseph and Elizabeth (Cochran) ; born near Car- lisle, Pa , Nov. 1, 1790; theology with Dr. J. M. Mason; licensed Sept., 1816, Associate Presbytery of Monongahela ; ordained June 29, '18, Presbytery of Philadelphia ; pastor iNFilton, Pa., '18-29 ; President Pennsyl- vania Manual Labor Academy '30-32, Lafayette College '32-41, Miami University '41-44, Lafayette College '44-48, Wash. College, Virginia, '48-61; published "Justification," " Sanctification,'' "Lecture on Prophecy," " Sabbatismos, " ''Political Fallacies," ''Gospel According to Moses," "Commentary on Hebrews;" married June 1, '19, Julia Rush Miller; D.D., LL.D,, '56, Rutgers College; died Philadelphia, Pa., May 20, '68. Presbyterian minister. *MiLLER, John.— No record. *MoNTEiTH, John.— Born Gettysburg, Pa., Aug. 5, 1788; P. T. S., 1813-15 ; ordained May 12, '17, Presbytery of N. Brunswick ; missionary to Detroit, Mich., '16-21 ; professor H. C, '21-23 ; teacher Germantown, Pa., '28-31 ; stated supply Elyria, O., '32-45 ; missionary Michigan, '45-49 ; pastor Blissfield, '49-55 ; teacher Elyria, O., '59-63 ; died Elyria, O., April 5, '68. Presbyterian minister. *"RowLAND, James. — Son of John and Frances (McCully) ; born in Chester Co., Pa., Sept. 1, 1792 ; teacher Darlington, Pa., Leetown, Va., Washing- ton, D. C; elected professor W. C, 1818; theology under Rev. T, E. Hughes; licensed April 19, '20, Presbytery of Ohio; ordained '21, Pres- bytery of ; pastor Mansfield, O., '21-41; evangelist; married May 2, '20, Maria S. Christmas, also, May 12, '41, Mary A., daughter of Rev. John Moody, D.D.; died Mansfield, O., Dec. 20, '73, old age. Presby- terian minister. JEFFERSON COLLEGE. 23 *WiL00X, Jeremiah Cullen—Soh of Dr. Jeremiah ; born Hartland Hart- ford Co., Conn , Dec. 6, 1790; medical student with father- practiced medicine Hartford, O., 1815-35, Hudson '35-39, Richfield '39-73 • mar- ried '16, Lorena Bushnell, also, 39, Julia A. Pettee ; died Richfield ' Sum- mit Co., O., Jan. 26, 73. Physician. ' 1815. -Frazek, James THOMPSON.-Son of William and Jean (Thompson) ; born near Hookstown, Pa., Aug. 22, 1795 ; theology in Associate Theological " Seminary, Beaver Co., Pa., 1815-16; assistant teacher languages Jeffer- son College, '16-17 ; died Beaver Co., Pa., May 13, '17, consumption. Theological student. *JoHNSTONE, Thomas.— Born March, 1795 ; student of medicine, and also studied theology in Beaver Co. Pa.; resided near Chillicothe, 0.; died Washington Co., Pa. ^Smith, Joseph. — Son of Rev. David, grandson of Rev. Joseph ; born Penn- sylvania, July 15, 1796 ; Princeton Theological Seminary, 1817-18 ; licensed April, '19 ; missionary Virginia, '19-22 ; ordained '22; pastor Harrisonburg and Cook s Creek, Va., '22, Staunton, Frederick, Md., St. Clairsville, O.; President of Franklin College two years; pastor Frederick, Md , ^Hi- cott's Mills; agent of Board of Domestic Missions ; pastor Round Hill and Elizabeth, Pa., and Greensburg, '56-66; published "Old Redstone," '* History Jefferson College ;' died Greensburg, Pa., Dec. 4, 68. Presby- terian minister. 1816. *DiCKiE, Hugh McKee.— Born near Carlisle, Pa., April 15, 1796; teacher Detroit, Mich., 1816-19; unmarried; died Detroit, Mich., Feb. 16, 1819. Theological student. «Graham, William.— Born ?; licensed and ordained; pastor Dayton, O., 1825, Chillicolhe '28-32, Woodbury, N. J., '50-56; died Woodbury, N. J., '56 or '57. Presbyterian minister. ^Wallace, William.— Son of John and Margaret (Anderson) ; born Chester Co., Pa., March 17, 1787 ; theology with Rev. James Hervey; licensed 1821, Presbytery of Steubenville ; ordained ; pastor Freeport, O., '22-40; editor • Free Press, Concord, 0.; died Dec. 18, '41, heart disease. Presbyterian minister. 1817. -SANDERSON, ABRAHAM.-Son of Abraham and Elizabeth i^^^^^^'^j^'^^ Newville, Pa., Dec. 7, 1789 ; soldier 1812 ; Professor of Languages Jeffe^on Collec^e '17-21; Associate Seminary, Canonsburg ; licensed July, - 1 , missionary Pennsylvania and Carolinas, '22; ordained Oct. 3 '22, Ires^- teryofPisgah; pastor Bethany and Steel Creek, N. C '22-33; Hebron, N.'y., '33-47; 'professor Associate Theologicai ^e-naiy, Canonsb r^^ Pa., '47-55; died Canonsburg, Pa., May 8, 'oo ; D.D. Associate Reformed Presbyterian minister. 24 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF *MclNTOsn, Daniel.— Born Scotland; P. f . R., 1825-2S ; licen8ed(?); or- dained (?) ; pastor Cadiz, O., Middletown, N. Y.; died St. Augustine, Fla., '34. Presbyterian minister. '■••Todd, Andrew. — Born Paris, Ky., Jan. 13, 1800; theology Princeton Sem- inary ; ordained evangelist July 25, '23, Presbytery of Ebenezer ; pastor Cherry Spring and Hopewell, Ky., '24-26, Flemingsburg '2(3-38, Jack- son, 111., '38-')0; married Catherine, daughter of John Wilson; died Monticello, Fla., Sept. 2, '50. Presbyterian minister. 1818. *'Baird, Robert. — Son of Robert and Elizabeth (Reeves) ; born near TTnion- town, Pa., Oct. 6, 1798; P. T. S.; tutor New Jersey College, 1821-22; licensed '22, Presbytery of N. Brunswick ; principal Princeton Academy, '22-28 ; ordained evangelist April 22, '28, Presbytery of N. Brunswick ; agent New Jersey Bible Society, '27-28; New Jersey Missionary Society, '28-29; Sunday-school Union, '29-34; in Europe, French Association, '35- 36 ; Foreign Evangelization Association, '36-38 ; Foreign Evangelization Society, '39-49; Corresponding Secretary Foreign Christian Union, '49-55, '61-03; Secretary Southern Aid Society, '59-61; published "View of Valley of Mississippi," "Religion in America," "Visit to Northern Europe," "Protestantism in Italy," "Christian Retrospect," etc.; mar- ried Fermine de Buisson, '24 ; died Yonkers, N. Y., March 15, '63 ; D.D. Presbyterian minister. *Blair, William Cochran. — Born Bourbon Co., Ky., March 10, 1791; P. T. S.; ordained evangelist Sept. 27, 1822, Presbytery of Chillicothe; missionary Chickasaw Indians, West Tennessee, '20-28 ; missionary Mississippi, '28-31 ; stated supply Butler's Plains, Baton Rouge, La., '31-32; missionary to colored people, Natchez, Miss , '32-40; missionary and teacher, Texas, '40-73 ; died Lavaca, Texas, Feb. 15, '73. Presbyterian minister. *Cowles, Salmon. — Son of Noah and OUe (Mills) ; born Farmington, Conn., June 24, 1784; theology with Dr. Jennings; licensed April 20, 1820, Pres- bytery of Steubenville ; ordained '21, same presbytery ; pastor Crab Apple, O., '21-32, Stillwater '32-38, Shawneetown, 111., '38-40, West Point, Iowa, '40-42 ; missionary in Iowa, '42-46 ; Bloomfield and Keasaqua, '46-49; Morning Sun, '50-53; President Des Moines College, '53-57; H. R., '57-59 ; married May 6, '12, Polly Miner ; died West Point, Iowa," March 25, '69, pneumonia. Presbyterian minister. *Evans, Samuel. — Born Pennsylvania, June 5, 1800 ; law student ; practiced law Uniontown, Pa., some years, from '21 ; colonel militia ; farmer near Uniontown, Pa.; unmarried ; died Dec. 11, '87. Lawyer and farmer. *Hanna, Thomas. — Born Oct. 4, 1799 ; theology wfth Dr. Anderson ; licensed Aug. 16, 1820, Presbytery of Chartiers; ordained Dec. 10, '21 ; pastor Cadiz, Piney Fork and Wills Creek, O., '21-48, Washington, Pa., '48-52 ; Superintendent Washington Female Seminary ; married Sept. 27, '47, Mrs. Sarah R. Foster; died Washington, Pa., Feb. 5, '52; D.D., '50, Franklin College. United Presbyterian minister. JEFFERSON COLLEGE. 25 *Jeffery, WiLLiAM.-Born Allegheny Co., Pa., Oct. 3, 1795; theoloiry privately; licensed Oct., 1819, Presbytery of Ohio; ordainedJan. 3 '•>! same presbytery ; pastor Bethany, Pa., '21-55 ; married Nov. 4, '19, Sarah Cochran, stepdaughter of Eev. Michael Law ; died West Fairfield, West- moreland Co., Pa., Feb. 29, '72 ; D.D. Presbyterian minister. *McClure, William.— Son of Robert and Priscilla; born Paxtang, Pa., Feb. 1, 1795 ; law student, Harrisburg, Pa.; practiced law, Harrisburg, 1820-52 ; died Harrisburg, Pa., Aug. 16, '52. Lawyer. ^MooRE, Joshua. -Born Beula, Pa., May 10, 180(^; P. T. S.; ordained District Columbia; stated supply Detroit, '22-24; pastor Moniken and Wicomico, Md., '26-28, Churchill, Princess Ann; stated supply Norris- town. Pa., '31-33; pastor East Kishacoquillas, Pa., '35-54 ; died near Mil- roy, Pa., April 15, '54. Presbyterian minister. *MiLLER, James Patterson.— Born Beaver Co., Pa., Aug. 1, 1792 ; principal academy Winchester, Ya., 1815-16; theology with Dr. Anderson ; teacher Cadiz, O., Steubenville ; licensed Aug. 25, Presbytery of Chartiers; ordained Sept. 6, '27, Presbytery of Muskingum; missionary West; pastor South Argyle, N. Y., '29-51 ; missionary Oregon, '51-54 ; married Elizabeth Roberts; died Oregon, April 8, '54, explosion of boiler of steamboat. Associate Presbyterian minister. ^ Williamson, Alexander. — Son of David and Tamar (McKnight) ; born near Newville, Pa., Sept. 17, 1797; P. T. S.; licensed 1822, Presbytery of Carlisle ; missionary in Mississippi '23-25 ; ordained evangelist April S, '25, Presbytery of Salem; staled supply Corydon, Ind., '25-35, Lebanon '35-39, Delphi '39-42, Monticello and Indian Creek '42-46, Corydon '46-49 ; married Lydia Rice ; died Corydon, Ind., July 14, '49. Presby- terian minister. 1819. "^ Adams, James.— Born near Canonsburg, Pa., March 7, 17.s5 ; theology under Drs. Anderson and Ramsay ; licensed Aug. 29, 1821, Presbytery of Chartiers ; ordained May 15, '23, Presbytery of Miami ; pastor Massie's Creek, O., '23-38; deposed July, '38; teacher Carmel, Ind.; died Car- mel, Ind., Sept. 16, '42. Associate Presbyterian minister. * Carson, David. -Born Greencastle, Pa., Oct. 25, 1799; theology under Dr. Mason New York; licensed Oct. 8, 1823, Associate Presbytery of Phila. delphia; ordained Nov. 11, '24, Presbytery of Miami ; pastor Big Sprmg, Pistol Creek and Monroe, Tenn., '24-34 ; Professor of Hebrew and Chun^ History, Theological Seminary, Canonsburg, '33; died Canonsburg, Pa., Sept. 25, '34 ; D. D. Associate Presbyterian minister. -COLWELL, STEPHEN.-Born Brooke Co., W. Ya., March 25, 1800; law stu- dent- practiced law '21 ; St. Clairsville, O., '21-28; Pittsburg, Pa., ^^^:!::lii.rS^^ published '' New Themes for the^t^^^^^ Clergy" ''Politics for American Christians/' ''Position oClmstianity in the United States," etc.; died Philadelphia, Pa., Jan. 1-,, . 1. Lawyer. 26 (GENERAL CATALOGUE OF *CouLTER, John. - Son of John and Abigail (Parshall) ; born Sunbury, Pa., June 26, 1784; theology under Dr. McMillan; licensed 1821 (?), Presbytery of Allegheny; ordained Sept. 10, '23, same presbytery; pastor Butler '23-38, Muddy Creek '23—, Concord '23—, Pleasant Valley '50, Sunbury- '62 ; married '14, Jane Logan ; died Butler, Pa., Dec. 6, '67, decay of vital powers. Presbyterian minister. *KuHN, Adam. — Son of Adam and Mary (McJunkin) ; born Westmoreland Co., Pa., March 8, 1801 ; teacher and law student; practiced law Wellsburg, W. Va., '22 72; clerk of courts; President N. W. Bank, First National Bank ; married March, '29, Priscilla Wheeler ; married twice ; died Wellsburg, W. Va., Dec. 27, '72. Lawyer. * Lee, John Hawkins. — Son of Robert Perine and Caroline C. (Hawkrns) ;. born New York City, July, 1798 ; law student with father and Chancellor Kent; practiced law New York City, 1820-68; married '31, Eleanor G. Woodruff ; died No. 43 Lafayette Place, New York City, Jan. 19, '68, heart disease. Lawyer. *McCandlass, Alexander.— Born Washington Co., Pa.; teacher; W. T. S., 1830-33; licensed '34, Presbytery of Ohio; ordained '3(5, Presbytery of Steubenville ; stated supply Woodsfield, Malaga and New Castle, O., '36-48 (?) ; married Eleanor Gray; died Monroe Co., O., April 10, '48.. Presbyterian minister. *McKiNNEY, John. — Son of Isaac and Jane (Fleming) ; born Bellefonte, Pa., Aug. 26, 1797 ; P. T. S.; licensed Aug., 1824, Presbytery of Philadelphia; missionary Georgia, South Carolina and Pennsylvania, '24-29 ; ordained April 16, '29, Presbytery of Richland; pastor Fredericktown, O., '29-37, Alexandria, Pa., '38-48 ; stated supply Lima, O., '48 ; teacher Holidays- burg, Pa., '49-52 ; stated supply Oswego, 111., '52-56 ; married Sarah McKinney, also Margaret Cameron ; died Holidaysburg, Pa., Aug. 25, '67. Presbyterian minister. * Smith, William. — Son of Thomas and Joanna (Moore) ; born Elder's Mills, Dauphin Co., Pa., Dec. 22, 1793 ; theology privately ; licensed 1821, Presbytery of Ohio; ordained '23, same presbytery; stated supply Hope- well and Montour '21-23, Miller's Run '23-73; Professor of Languages, Jefferson College, '21-65 ; emeritus professor, '65-78 ; married April 22, '22, Maria Buchanon ; died Canonsburg, Pa., July 17, '78 ; D. D. Presbyte- rian minister. * Trimble, Joseph. — Born near Shippensburg, Pa., Dec. 4, 1795; P. T. S., 1821-23 : licensed Oct. 8, '23, Presbytery of Carlisle ; missionary Indiana, '23-24; died Madison, Ind., Aug. 11, '24. Presbyterian minister. **■ Wallace, William. — Son of John and Margaret (Anderson) ; born Chester Co., Pa., March 7, 1787 ; theology under Dr. J. Hervey ; licensed April, '21, Presbytery of Steubenville ; ordained '22, Presbytery of Steubenville; pastor Nottingham and Freeport, O., '22-41; married Mary W. McWilliams; died Dec. 18, '41, heart disease. Presbyterian minister. JEFFERSON COLLEGE. 27 1820. * Campbell, Alexander.— Born Pennsylvania; P. T. S., 1821-23; ordained Presbytery ; pastor Backingham and Blackwater, Md'., '28-37 Dover, Del., Poplartown, Md.; stated supply Makeraie Church, New Orleans, La., '50-54; teacher '55; died New Orleans, La., '55; I). D. Presbyterian minister. * Crooks, Egbert.— From Franklin Co., Pa.; licensed preacher M. E. Church, 1820, Baltimore Conference; died . Methodist Episcopal minister. *GULLATT, Charles E.— Medical student ; practiced medicine ; died . * Kennedy, John Herron.— Son of Rev. Robert and Jane (Herron) ; born near Carlisle, Pa., Nov. 11, 1801: P. T. S., '21-2-1; licensed '22, Presby. tery ; missionary in West and South, '23-25 ; ordained Nov. 15, '25, Presbytery of Philadelphia ; pastor Sixth Church, Philadelphia, '25-29 ; Professor of Mathematics, Jefferson College, '30-40 ; pastor Center, Pa., '31-40; married '28, Harriet McCalmont ; died Canonsburg, Pa., Dec. 15, '40. Presbyterian minister. *Nesbit, William. — Son of John and Hannah (Kirkpatrick) ; born Alle- gheny Co., Pa,, Aug. 9, 1797 ; theology under Dr. McMillan ; licensed 1823, Presbytery of Ohio ; missionary Indiana and Pennsylvania ; stated supply Hopewell, New Bedford, Pa., '29; ordained '29; pastor New Bedford, Pa., '29-40, '54-57; stated supply Coitsville and Hubbard, O., '40-45, Noblestown, Pa., "45-54 ; married May 12, '29, Mary, daughter of John McDonald; died New Bedford, Pa., Aug. 3, '84. Presbytetian minister. ^Peebles, John.— Son of Capt. Robert Peebles; born Shippensburg, Pa., July 17, 1800 ; P. T. S., '20-23 ; licensed April, '24, Presbytery of Hunt- ingdon ; ordained June 22, '25, same presbytery ; pastor Huntingdon and Hart's Log, Pa., '25-50 ; teacher Lawrenceville, N. J., '50; stated supply Parkersburg, Pa , '51-54; married May 4, '24, Maria, daughter of William B. Duffield ; also Aug. 5, '34, Jane, daughter of John Lapsley ; died Aug. 11, '54, typhoid fever. Presbyterian minister. * Roberts, W^illiam Louis.— Son of John and Mary (Johnston^; born Pen- dleton, Va., June 27, 1798; theology under Dr. J. R. Wilson, Coldenhara, N Y • licensed and ordained North Reformed Presbytery, 1823 ; pastor Paterson, N. J., '24-26, Clyde, N. Y., '26-30, Baltimore, Md., '35-37, Sterling, N. Y., '37-55, Hopkinton, la.. '56-64; married '22, Margaret Milligan, also '30, Ann Acheson; D. D., '30, Jefferson College; died Hopkinton, la., Dec. 7, '64. Reformed Presbyterian minister. *Sharp, ALEXANDER.-Born near NewviUe, Pa, June 12, 1796; theology under Dr. Mason; licensed 1823, Presbytery of Monongahela ; ordan.ed Sept. 8, '24, same presbytery; P^^^or Chambersburg Pa J. -lS ; B^ Spring, 24-57 ; died NewviUe, Pa., Jan. 28, o. ; D. D. Associate Pies- byterian minister. 28 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF * Williamson, Thomas Smith. — Son of William and Mary (Smith); born Union District, S. C, March, 1800; L. T. S.; licensed '34; ordained 35; missionary to Dakota Indians, '35-79 ; published with Dr. Riggs, translated Bible into Dakota, dictionary and grammar ; also school-books into same language; practiced medicine ; stations Lac-qui-parle, '35-46 ; Kaposia, '46-52; Yellow Medicine, '52-62; St. Peter, '62-79; married April 10, '27, Mary Poage ; died St. Peter, Minn., June 24, 79. Presbyterian minister. Williamson, McKnight. — Son of David and Tamar (McKnight); born Cum- berland Co., Pa., February 28, 1800; P- T. S '22-25; licensed June 15, '25, Presbytery of Carlisle; ordained Oct. 30, '27, same presbytery ; pastor Dickenson, Pa., '27-34, Lower Tuscarora '35-45 ; agent, '46; pastor Crab Apple, O., '47-53; missionary in Ohio, '53-58; pastor Rocky Springs and Cynthiana, '59-73 ; colporteur and slated supply ; married March 9, *30, Jane, daughter of Samuel Woods, also, May 12, '52, Eliza, daughter of William Burt, also Mrs. Susan Walker. Presbyterian minister, Peters- burg, Pa. 1821. ^Adams, Joseph Bruce. — Son of John and Lydia (Bruce) ; born Chester Co., Pa., 1801 ; P. T. S. '22-25 ; licensed Presbytery of Huntingdon '26; missionary- Presbytery of Huntingdon '26-30 ; ordained evangelist, Oct. 6, '30, same presbyteiy ; missionary Georgia '30-32 ; stated supply Hebron, Ala., '34-36; pastor Hebron and New Hope '36-39; stated supply Washington and Greensburg, Ind., '44-45, Urbana and Gallipolis, O., '46-47, Mon- trose and Paulding '48-51; pastor Shade Gap and Waterloo, Pa, '52-54, New Berlin, Mifflinburg and Hartleton '55-59 ; stated supply Newton '59-63; U. S. Christian Commission '63-65; married Lucy, daughter of Rev. Andrew Brown; died Easton, Pa., July 5, '6o, typhoid fever. Presbyterian minister. ^Andrews, Lewis F. W. — Son of Rev. John, founder of first religious news- paper; born , --, medical student; practiced medicine Pittsburg; editor Pittsburg Commonwealth ' 26 ; died — . *Buchanan, George. — Born 1800; theological student; teacher in the South fifteen years; Justice of Peace fifteen years Ashland Co., O.; farmer; married '29, Elizabeth Bragg, also '40, Rosena Miles ; died Ashland Co., O., August 10, '82. Farmer. ^Campbell, Richard. — Licensed 1830; professor Jefferson College '26-27; stated supply Three Springs, Va., '31 ; President Franklin College '33-35; died '35, consumption. Presbyterian minister. *Helm, Meredith.— Son of Thomas; born Williamsport, Md., March 2, 1802 ; medical student, Baltimore Medical College ; practiced medicine Williamsport, Md., '23-33, Springfield, 111., '33-66; married '24, Eliza- beth Orendorff ; died Springfield, 111., March 9, '66. Physician. *Hunter, John. — Tutor Jefferson College ; caetera de»unt. Johnston, William — Omnia desunt. JEFFERSON COLLEGE. 29 ♦McCoNNELL, WiLLiAM.-Son of William and Barbara (Wolf); born Wheel- ing, Va., 1802 ; law student, Wheeling, Va., with Moses Chapline ; prac- ticed law Wheeling and Moundsville, Va., '26-63, except two years in Ohio ; died Moundsville, Va., April 23, '63, general debility. Lawyer. *McKiNNEY, David.— Son of Isaac and Jane (Fleming); born Kishacoquillas, Pa., Oct. 22, 1795: P. T. S. 1822-24; licensed April 24, '24, Presbytery of Philadelphia; ordained April 13, '25, Presbytery of Erie ; pastor Erie, Pa., '25-28; professor of Allegheny College, '28-80 ; pastor Sinking Creek and Spring Creek, Pa., '34-41, Holidaysburg '41-52; founder and editor Presbyterian Banner, Philadelphia, '52-55; ditto Pittsburg, '55-64; Faviily Treasure monthly, '64-68; editor iV. W Presbyterian, '66-69; Treasurer Presbyterian P.oard of Colportage, '66-79 ; married Eliza, daughter of Robert Finley, Baskinridge, N. J.; died Sewickley, Pa., May 28, '79 ; D.D., Jef- ferson College, '21 ; Presbyterian minister. *PlNKERTON, John. — Born Ohio; licensed January, 1823, First Presbytery of Ohio ; ordained August, '24 ; died October, '24. Associate Reformed Presbyterian minister. *Reed, Samuel. - Born Pennsylvania ; P. T. S. 1822-26 ; stated supply Brooke County, Va.; stated supply Fairview and Beallsville, 0.; ordained '38; died at Beallsville, O., Sept. 7, '72. Presbyterian minister, RoDGERS, Levin. Untraceable. *T0BBEN0E, Aaron.— Son of Col. Joseph and Mary (Paull); born Fayette Co., Pa., April 18, 1802; medical student; practiced medicine Mt. Pleasant, Westmoreland Co., Pa., '24-32 ; married Mary, daughter of Joseph Rogerg; died Westmoreland (^o., Pa., Aug. 14, '35. Physician. 1822. *Bbown, RicHARD.-Born Wellsburg, W. Va., Feb. 1, 1796 ; P. T. S. 1822-24; Ucensed Jan. 6, '25, Presbytery of Washington ; agent and missionary for Western Missionary Society, '24-25 ; Ladies' Missionary Society, Princeton, '25- A B C F M., '26-28; ordained Oct. 5, '27, Presbytery of Washing- ton ; pasto'r Congress, Mt. Hope and JeromeviUe, O. '29-32. Three Sprmgs, Va., '32-35, New Hagarstown, '36-58 ; stated supply Oak R.dge, 08-6I , IrHed Dec. 4, '27, Amanda, daughter of John Christmas; died ^ew Hagerston, O., April 12, '79 ; D.D. Presbyterian minister. *Cl^YBAUGH JosEPH.-Born Frederick Co., Md., July 1, 1803 ; theology under '"^^^f,, licensed May 26, '24, ^^^^^^^ ?:^^:Z^ >25, same presbytery; P^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Seminary. r Xa, ^IJ^^ '"-Christian Profession " ; died O.ford,. O., Sept 9, '55. Associate Reformed minister. 30 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF *Clokey, Joseph. — Son of Joseph and Mary (Sawyer); born Dauphin Co., Pa., Dec. 25, 1801 ; theology under Dr. Ramsay, '23-26; licensed July 4, '26, Presbytery of Chartiers (Associate Presbyterian); ordained September, '27, Presbytery of Washington (Associate Presbyterian); pastor Belmont and McMahan's Creek '27-34, Mt. Pleasant '27-47, St. Clair, Pa., '47-55 ; pastor Springfield, O., '55-74; Professor Sacred Rhetoric and Pastoral Theology, Associate Seminary, Xenia, O., '59-74; married Oct. 3, '27, Jane, daughter of Robert Patterson, also, Feb. 21, '38, Elizabeth, daughter of Joseph Waddell ; Moderator United Presbyterian General Assembly, '63; D.D., '58, Westminster College; died Springfield, O., Dec. 8, '84. United Presby- terian minister *Frazer, William J. — Born Northern Pennsylvania, January 8, 1799 ; the- ology under Dr. John Anderson ; licensed 1825 (?), Presbytery of Ohio ; ordained same presbytery; stated supply in Washington Presbytery '25-30, Southwestern Ohio '30-35, McComb, Knoxville and Brunswick, 111., '35 — ?; French Grove and other points ; married Ruth Parker, also, Mary Blanch- ard; died Brimfield, 111., '76, congestion of the lungs. Presbyterian min- ister *GiLLELAND, Adam Baird. — Son of Rev. James and Fanny (Baird); born Lincoln Co., N. C, Jan. 22, 1794; theology under Rev. James Gilleland, 1822-24 ; licensed '24 (?;, Presbytery of Chillicothe ; ordained April 8, '24, same presbytery ; pastor Hillsboro, O., '24-29, Bethel, O., Riley, Venice; married March 15, '18, Nancy, daughter of William Kinkead, also, Febru- ary, '22, Sarah, daughter of Archibald Hopkins ; died January 5, '85. Presbyterian minister. *JoHNSTONE, James Renwick. — Son of Nathan and Mary (Hunter); born Truro, Nova Scotia, March 24, 1800; Reformed Presbyterian Theological Seminary ; licensed '25, Reformed Presbytery of Philadelphia; ordained '25, Reformed Presbytery North ; pastor Newburg, N. Y , '25-29, Mobile, Ala., '30-34, Goshen '35-40, Hamptonburg '44-49, Philadelphia '54, Central Presbytery '61 ; married '27, Margaret Ann, daughter of Dr. Alex. McLeod ; died Burlington, N. J., June 16, '65, general debility. *LiviNGSTON, Andrew D. — Son of John and Jane (Dinsmore); born Slate Ridge, York Co , Pa , Feb. 5, 1803 ; medical student, Baltimore, Md.; practiced medicine York Co., Pa., '30-56; married March 18, '30, Jane A., daughter of Rev. Dr. S. Martin ; died Chanceford Township, York Co., Pa., May 5, '56, carbuncle. Physician. *Martin, Hugh. — Son of John and Ruth (McCoy); born Darlington, Pa., 1798; medicine with Dr. Dustin, Darlington; practiced medicine Columbiana Co., O., 1823-37, Enon Valley, Pa., '37-3S; married Nov. 27, '23, Mary, daugh- ter of George Dil worth ; died Enon Valley, Pa., May 29, '38, kidney dis- ease. Physician. JEFFERSON COLLEGE. 33^ *McCluskey, JoHN.-Son of William and Catharine (Caskadden); born Lancas- ter Valley, Pa., June 17, 1795 ; P. T. S., 182.3-26; licensed Oct. 19, '26 Presbytery of Philadelphia ; ordained Oct. 8, '28, Presbytery of Washington' pastor West Alexandria, Pa., '28-54 ; agent Board of Education, '5.>-o6 ; pas- tor Nesharainy, '56-58; associate pastor Smyrna, Del., '58-59; teacher Philadelphia '59-64, Hightstown, N. J., '64-70, Philadelphia '70-80; married July 6, '28, Lydia, daughter of Adam Hall ; died Philadelphia, Pa., March 1, '80; D.D. Presbyterian minister. ^Morrow, Jaivies B.— Born , Va ; P. T. S., 1832-24 ; licensed Pres- bytery ; ordained ; stated supply Canton, O., New Philadelphia and Sandyville '34-37, Sandyville, Waterford and Uhrichsville '37-39 ; pastor Uhrichsville and New Philadelphia, '39-42 ; di^»d July 31, '42. Presby- terian minister. ^MuNRO, Ebenezer Erskine.— Son of Andrew ; born Canonsburg, Pa., June 28, 1801; Associate Theological Seminary, Canonsburg; licensed and ordained Associate Presbytery of Chartiers ; died Oct. 3, '31. Associate Presbyterian minister. Pitkin, John. -Son of Stephen and Abigail (Buckland); born Poultney, Vt., 1795 ; licensed 1823, Presbytery of Chillicothe ; ordained '25, Presbytery of Athens ; stated supply Indiana, '23-25 ; pastor Waterford and Wooster, O., '25-31, Dresden '31-37 ; stated supply and missionary '37-79 ; H. R., '79 ; married '24, Eliza W., daughter of Rev. Dr. R. G. Wilson. Presbyterian minister, Mt. Vernon, O. *Shellady, (iARLAND B. -Son of Andrew D. and Jane (Boveli); born Brown Co., O., 1803; law student with Judge Campbell, Chillicothe, O.; prac- ticed law at Paris, 111., '28-45 ; Justice of the Peace; District Attorney; married '26 (?), Nancy Hutchinson, of Canonsburg; died Paris, 111., May, '45 of consumption. Lawyer. *Smart, John G.— Son of John and Mary (Hemphill); born Huntingdon, Pa., Aug. 3, 1804 ; theology under Dr. Hall, Philadelphia ; licensed Aug. 17, '26, Pre'sby'tery of Philadelphia ; ordained Nov. 5, '29 ; pastor Jamestown, N.Y., '29-37, Baltimore, Md., '38-50, Cambridge, N. Y., '50-62; married Anna Maria, daughter of W. Stephenson ; died July 18, '62, of inflammation of the bowels. Associate Presbyterian minister. ^Spillman, Benjamin F.-Son of Benjamin and Nancy (Rice) ; born Garrard Co Ky Aug. 17, 1796; theologv under Dr. Rice; licensed Dec, 182^, Presbytery of Chillicothe; ordained Nov., '24, Presbytery of Muhlenberg; pastor Sharon, 111., '24-26; stated supply and pastor Shawneetown, 2.>-4o Edwa-dsville, 111., '45-46, Chester '46-49, Shawneetown '49-59; married March 17, '26, Ann B., daughter of Col John Canon, also, June 2 40, Mary P. Potter; died Shawneetown, 111., May 3, o9, pneumonia. Presby- terian minister 82 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF 1823. •^Andrews, Lorrin. — BoraP]ast Windsor, Conn., April 29, 1795; P. T. S., 1823- 24; ordained Sept. 21, '27, Presbytery of Ebenezer; foreign missionary to Sandwich Islands; missionary to Maui, '27; principal Native College, Lahain- luna; seamen's chaplain, Lahainua, '42-45; Chief-Justice Hawaiian Gov- ernment, 45-55 ; published Grammar and Dictionary, Hawaiian language ; died Honolulu, Sandwich Islands, Sept. 29, '68. Presbyterian minister. *Arbuthnot, James. Born near Gettysburg, Pa., Dec. 1, 1796 ; theology under Rev. James Hervey ; licensed 1825, Presbytery of Washington (Pres- byterian); ordained April 4, '26, Presbytery of Lancaster; pastor Pleasant Hill, O., '26-31, Plymouth, Vermillion and Eden (Associate Reformed),. '32-41, Greenfield and Fall Creek '41-51, Unity '54-66 ; teacher, '51-53;, died Wheat Ridge, O., April 10, '80. United Presbyterian minister. *Beecher, Jacob.— Born near Petersburg, Pa., May 2, 1799 ; P.T.S., 1823-25^ Carl Seminary; ordained German Reformed Synod, '26; pastor German Reformed churches, Martinsburg, Shepherdstown and Smithfield, Va., '26-31 ; agent Carl Seminary, '28-29 ; agent S. S. Union '30-31 ; died Shep- herdstown, Va., July 15, '31. German Reformed minister. *BusHNELL, Wells. -Son of Alexander and Sarah (Wells) ; born Hartford, Conn., April, 1799; P. T.S., 1822-24 ; licensed '25, Presbytery of N. Bruns- wick ; ordained June 22, '26, Presbytery of Erie ; pastor Meadville, Pa., '26-33; missionary to Indians, Kansas, '33-35; stated supply First Church, Louisville, Ky., '35; pastor Greensburg and Shelbyville, Ind., '36-37; stated supply Gravel Run and Cambridge, Pa., '38 ; pastor New Castle '39-54, Free Presbyterian churches, Mt. Ja'jkson and New Bedford, '54-63 ; mar- ried April 25, '26, Eleanor, daughter of Dr. John Hannen ; died Mt. Jack- son, Pa., July 16, '63, dysentery. Free Church minister. ^Carroll, Daniel L.— Born Fayette Co., Pa., May 10, 1797 ; P.T. S., 1823- 26 ; licensed '26 ; ordained Oct. 2, '27, Congregational Association ; pastor Litchfield, Conn. (Congregational) '27-29, First Presbyterian Church, Brook- lyn, N. Y., '29-35 ; President H. S. C. '35-38 ; First Church, Northern Lib- erties, Philadelphia, Pa., '38-44 ; Secretary New York Colonization Soci- ety, '44-45; published two volumes of discourses; died Philadelphia, Pa., Ncv. 23, '51 ; D.D , University New York, '35. Presbyterian minister. ^Cunningham, John K. P. T. S., 1824-27 ; licensed April 23, '28, Presbytery of New Brunswick; ordained Presbytery of Ohio; stated supply Montour '29, pastor '30-38, Island Creek, O., '40-52 ; stated supply Wayne and Chester, '54-55 ; died Wooster, O., '55. Presbyterian minister. *Dilworth, Robert. — Born Nov. 19, 1790; theology privately; licensed Oct. 6, 1824, Presbytery of Hartford (now Shenango); ordained evangelist Nov. 23, '25, same presbytery ; pastor Pleasant Valley, Pa., '26-32, Middle Beaver '32-35, Little Beaver '36-66; died Enon Valley, April 18, '68^ D.D. Presbyterian minister. JEFFERSON COLLEGE. 33 *Emery, Boyd, Sr. [ERY, Boyd, Sr.-Sod of Walter and Jane (Blakenpv^ • K c teacher, '24-25; medical student/ 27^9 with D^^^^^^ ^"""'j'"' ''''' Cincinnati, New York and Ph:iadelir28.^^^^^^^^ ried Sept. 20, '31 Maj,, daughter o^ John MeC^ltXa L M ; 4 T Ph^llr '°'" ^"'^"^^ '^^' ^-^"ingsvilfe,'pa:Sept'7;'^: -Emery, Boyd, JR.-Son of Joshua and Jeannette (McGowan) ; born Can. onsburg PM?); memcal student with Dr. Letherman ; p„.cticed medicino near Wheeling, W. Va., Vicksburg, Miss, Marshal of Mississippi; died near Yazoo City, Miss., April, 1841, inflammatory rheumatism. Physician. *FiNLEY, Samuel Elliott.-Sou of Michael and Ella (EUiott); born near Rehoboth Church, Westmoreland Co., Pa., Jan. 20, 1802 ; medical student with Dr. Porter ; practiced medicine Wayne Co., O., Fayette Co Pa '27-28, lA^errittstown '28-33, Millsboro, Washington Co., '33-44, Woolen Factory '38-44; farmer Greene Co., '44-45; married '30, Maria David- son, also, '43, Anne Miller; died Greene Co., Pa., Jan. 9, '45, being thrown from his wagon. Physician *Hall, James C— Son of William J. and Elizabeth B. (Shepherd); born Alexandria, Va., July 10, 1805; medical student with Dr. Henderson, W. Penn., '27; Blockley Hospital, Philadelphia, '27-28; physician Washington, D. C, '28-80; Professor of Surgery, Columbia University, '30-37 ; first Presi- dent Medical Society District of Columbia, '48-50; published "Report of Anatomical and Post-mortem Appearances;" died Washington, D. C, June 7, '80. Physician. *Henry, Robert.— Son of James ; born Allegheny Co., Pa.; P. T. S., 1823-26; licensed ; ordained April 7, '30, Presbytery of Redstone; pastor Greensburg and Unity, Pa., '30-38 ; married '32, Harriet, sister of President James Buchanan ; died of consumption, Greensburg, Pa., November, '38. Presbyterian minister. - Jennings, Samuel Carnahan. — Son of Dr. Ebenezer and Mercy (Chidis- ter) ; born Washington Co., Pa., Feb. 19, 1803 ; teacher, '23-24 ; P. T. S., '24-27; licensed February, '27, Presbytery of New Brunswick; ordained June 24, '29, Presbytery of Ohio; pastor Sharon, Pa., '29-79; editor Christian Herald (now Baniier) '29-32, Presbyterian Preacher '32-37; principal female seminary, '37-40 ; stated supply Mt. Pisgah '31-48, Tem- peranceville '42-48 ; pastor Long Island '48-57, Valley '57-68 ; stated supply Riverdale '80— ; married June 7, '31, Emma N. W., daughter of Philip Louis Passavant ; D. D., Jefferson College, '58; died Oct. 10, '85. Presbyterian minister. -Lee, John.— Son of James and Elizabeth (Rankin); born 1803; teacher Robbstown, Pa., Halifax C. H., Md.; law student; admitted to the bar; theology at Protestant Episcopal Seminary, Alexandria, Va.; preached Episcopal Church; married Miss Nelson ; died '82. Protestant Episcopal minister. * Lowry, Willi AM.-Born Virginia ; P. T. S., 1823-26 ; licensed Sept. 20, '36, Presbytery of Winchester; missionary in Indiana; died . 3 34 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF *Lyon, George Armstrong.— Son of William and Rebecca (Graham) ; born Mifflin Co., Pa., Dec. 12, 1803; farmer Mifflin Co., Pa; married Jessie Alexander, also, Sidney J. Oliver; died Kishacoquillas Valley, Pa., Oct. *23, '73. Farmer. * McBean, John. — Son of John A. and Jane ; born Dundee, Scotland ; medi- cal student Cadiz, O.; practiced medicine Freeport, O., 1825-29, Cadiz '29-79 ; Judge of Court ; President Board Examining Physicians ; married Belinda Johnson ; died Cadiz, O., Jan. 7, '85. Physician. *May, James. — Son of Robert and Ruth (Potts) ; born Chester Co., Pa., Oct. 1, 1805 ; Episcopal Seminary, Virginia ; ordained deacon Oct. 24, '25 ; rector Wilkesbarre, Pa., '27-36, Philadelphia '36-38; Europe '38-40; professor Episcopal Seminary, Virginia, '42-60, Philadelphia '60 ; pro- fessor training-school, '61-63; married '29, Ellen S., daughter of Samuel Bonman ; died Philadelphia, Pa., Dec. 18, '63 ; D. D. Protestant Episcopal minister. *x\Iecklin, Alexander Hamilton. — Son of Joseph and Margaretta (White) ; born Washington, D. C, Sept. 24, 1805 ; U. S. Post-office Department ; law student Washington, D. C; practiced law Washington, D. C, '25 — ; mar- ried '35, Margaret Goertner; died Washington, D. C, March 19, '76, paralysis. Lawyer. * Moody, Robert Crawford. — Son of Rev. Dr. John and Elizabeth (Craw- ford) ; born near Shippensburg, Pa., 1805; medical student with Dr. ' Finley, Shippensburg, Pa.; practiced medicine Newville, Pa., '25-38; died May 3, '38. Physician. *NouRSE, James.— Son of Michael and Mary (Rittenhouse) ; born Washing- ton, D. C, April 30, 1805 ; P. T. S., '24-27 ; licensed '28, Presbytery of ; stated supply Germantown, Pa., '28 -3 J; ordained evangelist May 19, '29, Presbytery of District of Columbia ; pastor E. Kishacoquillas, Pa., '31-34, Perry ville (Milroy), '34-49; teacher Washington, D. C, '50-54; married Sarah North, daughter of William Harvey ; died Salem, Ind., July 6, '54, cholera. Presbyterian minister. *PoLLOCK, William C. — Associate T. S., Canonsburg ; licensed April 18, 1833, Presbytery of Muskingum ; ordained May 27, '35, Presbytery of Ohio ; pas- tor Harmony and Unity, Butler Co., Pa., '35-52, Sangamon, 111., '60, St. Louis, Mo., '78 or '79; died St. Louis, Mo., '80(?). United Presbyterian minister. *Raum, William Rippy. — Son of John and Catherine (Rippy) ; born Ship- pensburg, Pa , May 2, 1805; medical student with Dr. Findley, Shippens- burg and Baltimore ; practiced medicine Charlestown, W.Va., '30-63; ruling elder Presbyterian Church ; married Jan. 25, '27, Elizabeth, daughter of Rev. Dr. John Moody ; died Charlestown, W.Va., Sept. 17, '63. Physician. JEFFERSON COLLEGE. 3- -Reynolds, JoHN.-Born Cumberland Co., Pa., Feb. 25, 1804; theology with Rev A. Porter; hcensed October, '25, Presbytery of Ohio; ordainfl Jane 28, 26, same presbytery ; stated supply and P. E., Kaskaskia; 111. '2&-'>«) • pastor Providence and Mt. Pleasant '32-40, Conco.d and Clear Creek '40^5* Fair Haven, O., '45-46 ; died Sept. 4, '46. Associate Reformed minister.' *RiDDLE, David Hunter.-Sou of William and Susanna (Nourse) : born Martinsburg, Va., April 14, 1805 ; P. T. S., '25-28 ; licensed '28 ; ordained Dec. 4, 28, Presbytery of Winchester; pastor Kent Street Church Win- chester, Va., '28-33, Third Church, Pittsburg, Pa., '33-57, First Reformed Dutch Church, Jersey City, N. J., '57-62; President Jefferson College, '62-60; professor Jefferson College, '65-68; pastor Canonsburg, Pa '63-68, Martinsburg, W. Va, '68-79 ; Moderator General Assembly ; mar- ried '29, Elizabeth, daughter of Rev. Matthew Brown, D.D.; died Falls Church, Va., July 16, '88; D.D. Presbyterian minister. *R0NEY, Moses.— Son of James and Mary (McWhurter) ; born near Canons- burg, Pa., Sept. 20, 1804; teacher Baltimore, Md., '23-26; theology with Dr. J. R. Wilson, (Joldenham, N. Y.; pastor Newburg, N. Y., '30-48; President Western College, Allegheny, Pa., '49-53; editor Reformed Pres- byterian, '37-54 ; married '32, Elizabeth F. Beattie ; died Allegheny, Pa., July 3, '54. Reformed Presbyterian minister. ♦Rutherford, Roeert.— Born 1792 ; licensed 1825 ; ordained April 19, '26, Presbytery of Steubenville; pastor Economy, Pa., '28, White Oak, O., '36, Shelbyville, 111., '44; W. C, Mattoon, III.; died Mattoon, 111., Dec. 6, '75. Presbyterian minister. *ScoTT, JosiAH.— Son of Alexander and Rachel (McDowell) ; born near Can- onsburg, Pa., Dec. 1, 1803; teacher Virginia; tutor Jefferson College ; law student; practiced law Bucyrus, O., twenty years, Hamilton seven years; Judge of Superior Court of Ohio twenty years ; married Feb. 8, '38, Eliza- beth McCracken, also, May 4, '47, Mrs. S. M. Austin ; died Bucyrus, O., June 15, '79, kidney disease; LL.D.; ruling elder Presbyterian Church. Lawyer. ♦Stevenson, William, ♦Wallace, John.— Son of Samuel ; born Allegheny Co., Pa., 1800(?); Associate T. S., Canonsburg; licensed Aug. 16, '29, Presbytery of Muskingum; ordained April 6, '32, Presbytery of Miami ; infirm ; died Memphis, Tenn., March, '33, consumption." Associate Presbyterian minister. ♦W^HiTE, Samuel. 36 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF * Wilson, Andrew Porter. Son of Charles; born Franklin Co., Pa.; law student; with Geo. B. Porter, Lancaster, Pa.; graduated from Lavr School, Litchfield, Conn; practiced law in Huntingdon, Pa., '28, to Feb. 28,. 71; Deputy Attorney-General, '28; unmarried; died Huntingdon, Pa,. Feb. 28, '71. Lawyer. ■*YoE, Benjamin F. — Son of Benjamin and Susannah (Amos) ; born July 23,. 1804; law student; practiced law Hagarstown, Md., '26-49, Baltimore,. '49-83; married Oct. 8, '29, NarciBsa A. Post; died Baltimore, Md., March 5, '83. Lawyer. 1824. *CuNNlNGHAM, WiLLiAM.— Son of James and Mary (Robinson) ; born Feb. 16,.. 1803, Rostraver Township, Westmoreland Co., Pa.; teacher; law student;, bookseller, Columbia, S. C; married '40, Mary Hunt, New Haven,. Conn.; died Columbia, S. C, Dec, '43, jaundice. *EsPY, Thomas.— Born Cumberland Co., Pa., Aug. 21, 1800 ; teacher, P. T. S,. '27-28; ordained evangelist May 10, '30, Presbytery of Concord ; missionary Burke Co., N. C, '&0-31 ; stated supply Center Church, '31-32 ; Salisbury, '32-33; died Lincoln Co., N. C, April 17, '33. Presbyterian minister. *EwiNG, John T.— Born Pennsylvania ; P. T. S. 1826-28 ; licensed Oct. 8, '28 ; stated supply Somerset and Jenner, Pa., '30 ( ?), Sackett's Harbor, N. Y.;. died (?). *Gallo\vay, John Smith. — Son of John and Margaret ; born Gettysburg, Pa., Aug. 5, 1806; Lutheran Seminary, Gettysburg; P. T. S. '28-29 ; licensed '28, Presbytery of Carlisle; ordained Oct. 3, '32, Presbytery of Miami; pastor First Church, Springfield, O., '32-50; agent American Bible Society '50-61 ; principal Cooper Female Seminary, Dayton, O., '62 ; married Oct. 9, '32,. Belinda Gardiner; died Dayton, O., Aug. 25, '62; kidney disease. Presby- terian minister. *Haynes, Henry. *HiNDMAN, Samuel. - Born Indiana Co., Pa., Feb. 7, 1795 ; A. T. S., Canons- burg; licensed Nov. 4, 1828, Presbytery of Chartiers; ordained April 28, '30, Presbytery of Muskingum; pastor Mansfield, West Union and Washington,. O., '30 — ; died '68. Associate Presbyterian minister. *HiNDMAN, John.— Born Indiana Co., Pa., Feb. 7, 1795, twin brother of Sam- uel; licensed July, 1828, Presbytery of Allegheny; ordained Sept. 1, '31, same presbytery; pastor Mahoning, Pa , '31-45, Glade Run, Berachah and. Lower Piney '31-52 ; died Nov. 26, '60, paralysis. Associate Presbyterian minister. *Hughes, John Donahey.— Son of Rev. Thomas Edgar and Mary ( Donah ey); born Darlington, Pa., July 27, 1800; P. T. S., '25-28; licensed '28, Pres- bytery of ; missionary N.W. Pennsylvania, '28-29; ordained June 16, '30, Presbytery of Western Reserve; pastor Mogadore, O., '30-66 ; married ;. died Newburg, O., March 3, '70, heart disease. Presbyterian minister. JEPPERSON COLLEGE. gy *HiGHES, Watson.-Sou of Rev. T E anrt M„.„ rrv u , , .on, Pa., Sept. 6, 1804; P. T. S '25 28 m"? (Donahey); born Darliog- ordained Oct. 26, '30, Presbyterv of ^H I ''"'^'"^ "^ ^"""^ ., , , ,^ '"''' ^^*^»°ytery ot Kedstone ; pastor Warren Pa "^ri_Qc Saltsburg '30-45, West Newton '51-54 • marr ed '"^l M r , , 'n ' Durg, i-a., Marcnjo, 70. Presbyterian minister. ^McCarrel, James.— Born Virginia, March 9 1802 • A T R f ^ u licensed Sept. 1, '29, PresbytJy o/chartiers'; ^^^^^^^^^^ tery of Miami ; pastor Upper Piney and Brookville, Pa., '31-37 Tumblin son Run '37-54; married '32, Nancy, daughter of John Shearer; died Beaver Co., Pa., March 9, '57, paralysis. Associate Presbyterian minister. ^McCready, Absalom. -Born Washington Co., Pa., June 6, 1796; theology under Rev. S. Tait ; licensed Dec. 28, 1825, Presbytery of Erie ; ordained Sept. 14, '26, same presbytery ; pastor Middlebrook '26-33, Union and Bea- verdam, Pa., '26-35, Warren '37-38, Neshannock '39-58 ; evangelist '58-70; H. R., '70-77 ; married Sarah Calvin, also, Caroline Havwood ; died New Wilmington, Mercer Co., Pa., June 7, '77. Presbyterian minister. *Mahon, Joseph.— Son of David; born Cumberland Co., Pa., June 25, 1805- tutor W. T. S., Va., '28-30; P. T. S., '30-31; teacher; licensed '31, Presby' tery of Carlisle ; ordained April, '36, Presbytery of New Brunswick ; agent Board of Education '31-35 ; pastor Lawrenceville, N. J , '36-48 ; agent Board of Publication '50-54 ; Pennsylvania Colonization Society '56-60; chaplain U. S. A., '62-64; stated supply Petersburg and Irish Grove, 111., '71-7 li ; evangelist '74-84 ; died Shippensburg, Pa. Nov. 2, '84. Presby- terian minister. '^Montgomery, John L. -Born Ireland; P. T. S., 1825-28 ; licensed ; ordained ; stated supply St. Francisville, La., Pinckney villa, Miss., '36 — ; died '44. Presbyterian minister. ^Patterson, John Ewing. — Son of John and Rebecca (Oliphant); born Fayette Co., Pa.(?) June 25, 1803; teacher, Wheeling, Va.; studied law at Wheeling; died Brooke Co., Va., June 24, '27, result of cold. Law student. ^Sickles, William. -Son of Thomas and Mary; born Troy, N. Y., Aug. 20, 1795 ; P. T.S., 1825-28 ; licensed Presbytery of Winchester; ordained evan- gelist May 19, '28, same presbytery; pastor Rushville, Ind., '28-33; stated supply '33 36; pastor Hopewell and Shiloh '37-42; stated supply Shi- loh and Bethany and teacher Franklin '43-45 ; pastor Connersville '43-45 ; missionary '46 ; pastor Jefferson and Pleasant '47-55 ; stated supply Presby- tery of Indianapolis, '56-64; married '29, Alma C, daughter of Dr. Isaac Coe ; died Indianapolis, Ind., Aug. 6, '64, decay of vital powers. Presby- terian minister. *Templeton, James. Born Union Co., Pa, 1805; A. T. S., Canonsburg; licensed July 8, '29, Presbytery of Chartiers; ordained July 26, '30, Presby- tery of Miami ; pastor Sugar Creek, O., '30-38, Granville, 111., '39-43 ; died Granville, 111., Dec. 3, '43, inflammation of the lungs. 38 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF ^Thompson, George W.— Son of John and Sarah (Talhart); born Ohio, 1806; law student ; practiced law in Virginia; United States Attorney of Virginia^ '44-49; Member Congress, Virginia, '51-52; Judge Circuit Court Twentieth Judicial District '60 ; Railroad Commissioner, Richmond, Va.; published " Living Forces of the Universe," ''Life of Lewis Boyd," ''Right of Vir- ginia to the Northwest Territory ; " married Elizabeth Steenrod ; died Wheeling, W. Va., Feb. 23, '88. Lawyer. *Tii)BALL, John C.-Born Allegheny (now Lawrence) Co., Pa., June 5, 1801; ordained '26, Presbytery of Steubenville; pastor island Creek, O., '26-35; Morristown '35 -; law student ; practiced law Coshocton, O., 48-63 ; married Nancy Hunter; died Coshocton, O., Aug. 11, '63. Lawyer. *WiLSON, Samuel.— Son of Rev. William and (Ralston) ; born Ailgheny Co., Pa., May 5, 1806 ; A. T. S., Canousburg ; licensed Aug. 16, '29, Presby- tery of Muskingum ; ordained April 27, '31, Presbytery of Miami ; pastor Xenia, O., '31-56 ; Professor Hebrew and Theology, '55-77 ; infirm ; mar- ried March 6, '32, Mary Cunningham ; died Xenia, O., Sept. 5, '87 ; D. D.. United Presbyterian minister. 1825. Aten, Charles Morgan. — Son of Henry and Mary (Morgan); born Alle- gheny Co., Pa., Aug. 14, 1805; law student with Samuel Stokeley and Roswell Marsh, '26-28 ; practiced law New Lisbon, O., '28 — ; A. D. C. Gen. Blackburn, '31-43 ; Legislature Ohio, '36-42 ; married June 7, '36, Elizabeth D., daughter of Jacob Harbaugh. Lawyer New Lisbon, O. *Brotherton, Robert. — Son of John and Martha (Colwell) ; born Falling Spring, Franklin Co., Pa.; licensed and ordained ; stated supply Alabama 1836, Canton, Miss., '37 ; died Houston, Tex. Presbyterian minister. * Brown, Alexander Blaine. — Son of Rev. Matthew Brown, D. D., and Mary (Blaine); born Washington, Pa., Aug. 1, 1808; teacher Newark, Del., and Princeton, N. J.; W. T. S., '28-31; licensed Oct. 5, '31, Presbytery of Ohio; ordained June, '33, same presbytery; «tated supply Birmingham and Concord, near Pittsburg. Pa., '33-34, Niles, Mich., '34-39; stated supply Portsmouth, O., '39-41; Professor of Belles-Lettres and Latin, Jefferson College, '41-47 ; stated supply Chartiers and Center, Pa., '41-47; President Jefferson College; stated supply Canonsburg '46-56; pastor Center, '56-62; married December, '33, Elizabeth Finley Nevin; D. D., Washington College, '47; died Center, Pa., Sept. 8, '63-. Presbyterian minister. * Campbell, James. — Born near Mercersburg, Pa., May 4, 1798; lawyer; P. T. S., 1825-28; licensed'28; statedsupplyMartinsburg,0., '28-29; ordained Aug. 11, '30, Presbytery of Redstone; pastor Kittanning and Crooked Creek, Pa., '30-32, Poke Run '33-34, Pine Creek and Sharpsburg '34-40; stated supply Pennsylvania, New York and Ohio '40-49 ; teacher Athens, O., '49-52, Shirleysburg, Pa., '53-56; agent H. U. K. '57-59; died New Orleans, La., June 14, '75. Presbyterian minister. JEFFERSON COLLEGE. 39 * Cochran, James B.-Son of Dr. James; born Darlington, Pa., Oct 24 1805; medical student with father; practiced medicine Darlington Pa ' '27-29, Pittsburg '29-34; married '30, Susan Cramer; died Pittsburg, Pa.', Jan. 18, '34. Physician. *Cox, William.— Born Pennsylvania ; P. T. S., 1825-28; licensed '28; ordained Oct. 8, '28, Presbytery of New Brunswick; missionary New Orleans, '29; stated supply Apple Creek, O., '32-36; stated supply and pastor Lancaster, '37-49; pastor Piqua, '51-56; died '56. Presbyterian minister. * Cowan, John Fleming.- Son of Adam and Elizabeth; born Parkesburg, Pa., May 6, 1801; P. T. S., '25-28; licensed '28; missionary St. Charles, Mo., '29-30 ; ordained April 4, '30, Presbytery of Missouri; pastor Apple Creek and Brazeau, Mo., '30-36, Potosi '36-52; agent Board Domestic Missions, '52-54 ; stated supply Washington, Mo., '54-57, Carondelet '57-62 ; married '30, Mary English; died Carondelet, Mo., Sept. 29, '62, typhoid fever. Presbyterian minister. * Gilbert, David. — Son of George; born Adams Co., Pa., July 27, 1803; medical student with Dr. Paxton, Gettysburg, Pa., and Jefferson Medical College, '25-28 ; practiced medicine Northumberland, Pa., '28-31, Gettys- burg '31-52 ; Professor of Anatomy, Pennsylvania College, '38-40 ; Surgery, etc., Medical Department Pennsylvania College, Philadelphia, '40-68; physician of the port, '52 ; married March 25, '29, Jane E. Brown ; died Philadelphia, Pa., July 28, '68. Physician. * Harris, Andrew D.~Son of James and Nancy ; born Belief onte. Pa., April 8, 1805; civil engineer, Bellefonte ; married '27, Anna Bella Johnston; died Bellefonte, Pa., '32. Civil engineer. * Hemphill, John.- Son of Rev. Dr. John and Jane (Lind); » orn Chester District, S. C, Dec. 18, 1803; teacher '26-28; studied law with Hon. D. J. McCord; practiced law Sumpter, S. C, '29-38, Washington, Tex., '38-40 ; Circuit Judge, '40 ; Chief Justice of Texas, '40-58 ; U. S. Sena- tor, Texas, '58-61; died Richmond, Va., Jan. 3, '62; LL. D., Center College, Kentucky, '56. Lawyer. *Hervey, DAVID.-Son of Henry and Margaret (Hutchenson) ; born Octo- ber 1794, Brooke Co., W. Va.; theology under Dr. James Hervey; licensed June, 1827, Presbytery of Washington; ordained '28 {?)_, ^^^^J^' byterv ; pastor Prospect Church, Pa., '28-35, Lower Buffalo '3o-.,0, Wells- bU'Va, '35-40; stated supply other places; married Dora, daughter of Adam FaHs ; died Brooke Co., Va., June, '81. Presbyterian minister. * Hervey, Henry.-Sou of Henry and Margaret (H^^^I^-^^ '^^^^X' Co Va Nov. 22, 1798 ; studied theology and teacher Jeffe^on College Re; J klvey a;d Dr. Anderson; licensed October, 1827, Presbytery of Washington; ordained April 15, '30; pastor Martmsburg O 30- 7 p b- lished ''Old Testament Miracles," d-oajses; married Nov 1,^3^^^^^ dau<^hterof Moses Wade; died Martinsburg Feb 1/, [^'^T D '67, Washington and Jefferson College. Presbyterian minister. 40 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF * Hughes, Thomas Edgar.— Son of James R. and Mary ; born West Liberty, Va., April 3,1804; theology privately; licented and ordained ; pastor Dunlapsville, Ind., '27-31(?), Somerville, O., '3]-62(?) ; married '28, Maria Newton; died Seven Mile, Butler Co., O., Jan. 2-"), '64. Presbyterian minister. * Ingles, Nathaniel.— Born Beaver Co., Pa., 1800(?j ; Associate Theological Seminary, Canonsburg ; licensed July 2, '28, Presbytery of Chartiers ; ordained July 14, '29, same presbytery ; pastor Raccoon, Ind., '29-33, Burnett's Creek '29-59; missionary '59-63; Edina, Mo., '63-64; died Edina, Mo., August, '64, paralysis. Associate Presbyterian minister. * Jacobs, David. —Son of Henry and Anna Maria (Miller); born Franklin Co., Pa., Nov. 22, 1805; Lutheran Theological Seminary, Gettysburg; ordained '29, Evangelical Lutheran Synod of Western Pennsylvania ; teacher gymnasium, Gettysburg, Pa.; principal and Professor Latin and Greek, '27-30; died Shepherdstown, Va., Nov. 4, '30. Evangelical Luth- eran minister. * Livingston, Thomas.— Son of William and Jane (Allison); born Salisbury Township, Lancaster Co., Pa., 1801; farmer, Lancaster Co., Pa., '25-63; died at home, '63. Farmer. ^Marsden, John Hatton.—Sou of James and Rachel (Hatton) ; born near New Oxford, Pa., Sept. 25, 1803; Protestant Episcopal Theological Sem- inary, Alexandria, Va.; ordained by Bishop Onderdonk Sept. 23, '29; principal Female Seminary, Gettysburg, Pa., and rector Huntingdon Township, '29-35; professor and chaplain Hannah Moore Academy, Balti- more, Md., '35-36, female schools Brownsville, Pa., Harrisburg and Get- tysburg, '36-38 ; rector Christ Church, Huntingdon, Pa., '38-40, St. John's Church, York, Pa., '40-44; medical student Jefferson Medical College, '45 ; practiced medicine York Co., Pa., '46-83; married May 5, '35, Susan Grier ; died York Springs, Pa., Aug. 27, '83. Protestant Episcopal minis- ter and physician. *McArthur, John. — Born of Scotch parents, Washington Co., Pa., March 25. 1803 ; theology ; ordained Nov. 19, '28, Presbytery ot" Steubenville ; pastor Ridge, O., '28-36, Cadiz '28-37 ; professor Miami University, Oxford, O., '37-49; married Jan. 15, '29, Christina Ann, daughter of Rev. James Robertson; died Indianapolis, Ind., Aug. 7, '49; D.D. Presbyterian minster. ^McMurren, William. — Son of Joseph and Mary ; born Jefferson Co., Va., Dec. 25, 1806; farmer Jefferson Co., V^a., '25-73; married Feb. 8, '3i, Elizabeth Lucas; died Jefferson Co., Va., July 28, '73. Farmer. *MooRE, John. — Born Washington Co., Pa., 1796; theology with Rev. M. Allen ; licensed Presbytery of Washington ; ordained Presbytery of Ohio(?) ; pastor Cross Roads and Plains, Mt. Prospect, Yellow Creek, O.; missionary Missouri ; married Miss Frasee ; died Parkville, Mo., Aug. 12, 1870 ; D.D- Presbyterian minister. JEFFERSON COLLEGE. 4^ *MusTAKi> CORNELIUS H.-Born _, i)e,awaro; P. T. S., 1825-28; licensed 28 ; ordamed — ; pastor Snow Hill and Pitts Creek, Md., '36-38, Lewes, CoolSprmg and Indian R-er Del., '39-49; stated supply Laurel and Blaekwater 49-52, Lewes and Cool Spring '52-56, Cool Spring and Mil- ford 00-57, Cool Spring and Blaekwater '57-70; died Lewes Del Jan. 26, '70. Presbyterian minister. ' *' *NouRSE, Benjamin Franklin. -Son of Michael and Mary (Rittenhouse); born Washington, D. C, 1809; medical student with Dr. Henderson; practiced medicine Washington, Canonsburg and Springfield, O.; entered U. S. A. assistant surgeon ; married Josephine Stansbury ; ^died Tampa Bay, Fla.j '39, fever. Physician. *OLrPHANT, Ethelbert Patterson. -Son of John and Sarah (McGinness) ; born Fayette Co., Pa., Oct. 4, 1803, law student with Hon. N. Ewing; practiced law Uniontown, Pa., Springfield, 111., Beaver, Pa.; adjutant regiment Black Hawk war of '32 ; Prosecuting Attorney of Fayette Co., Pa.; Pennsylvania Legislature '30-31 ; clerk in Law Department, Harrisburg, '33-36 ; Associate Judge Supreme Court, Washington Territory, '61-65; clerk Interior Department, '66-84 ; married May 13, '40, Elizabeth C. H., daughter of Jonas Howe ; died May 8, '84. Lawyer. *Patterson, Alexander E. — Son of Alexander and Margaret ; born Indiana Co., Pa.; teacher one year; theological student; died Indiana Co., Pa., pneumonia, 1827. Student. *Ritchie, David.— Son of David and Rebecca; born Dauphin Co., Pa., 1806; died Dauphin Co., Pa., May 28, '30. *Smith, Thomas J. S. — Son of Samuel ; born Cumberland, Md., Dec. 10, 1806 ; law student with Robert Thruston, Dayton, O.; practiced law, Troy, O., '32-44, Dayton '44-68; Clerk of Court, Miami Co., O.; State General Assembly ; married May 28, '33, Jane, daughter of Henry Bacon ; died near Dayton, O., July 31, '68. Lawyer. *Smith, jAMES.~Law student ; practiced law Cumberland, Md., '28-65; Cir- cuit Judge, Cumberland, Md., '64-65; died Cumberland, Md., '65, apo- plexy. Lawyer. *Stevens, William A.— Born Maryland, P. T. S., 1826-28; licensed Presby- tery of Baltimore; Westchester; died Warwick Furnace, Oct. 3, '34; D.D. Presbyterian minister. 1826. -»Alexander, JAMES.-Son of William and Elizabeth; born Mercer Co., Pa., Sept. 25, 1798 ; theology with Rev. S. Tait ; licensed April 9, 1828, Presby- tery of Erie ; ordained Oct. 13, '28, Presbytery of Erie; pastor Greenville, Salem and Big Bend, Pa., '28-34; Hopewell, St. Clairsville, 0., 39-46, Martinsville and Bridgeport '46-67, Moundsville, W.Va. '67-77; married, Rebecca, daughter of Rev. Wm. Woods, also, Rebecca, daughter of Mn Lowry, also, Margaret A., daughter of Joseph Kirkwood; d.ed Mounds- ville, W.Va., July 26, '79; D.D. Presbyterian minister. 42 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF *BowLANi), Robert G. — Son of James and Martha (Collins) ; born Nov. 11^ 1808; teacher Milledgeville, Ga.; died Meadville, Pa., July 23, '30, con- sumption. *Chamberlain, James —Born Adams Co., Pa., Feb. 18, 1805; medical student; practiced medicine Port Gibson, Miss., '28 — ?, Thomkins Bend, La., till '50 ; unmarried ; died Charleston, W. Va., Jan. 2, '50, typhoid fever. Physician. •■•Crawford, James. — Born Huntingdon, Pa.; law student; practiced law Hun- tingdon, Pa.; died '29, consumption. Lawyer. *DiCKEy, John H.— Born East Nottingham, Pa., May 19,1807; P. T. S.,. '27-30 ; licensed October, '30, Presbytery of New Castle ; ordained ; missiona>y Lake Phelps, N. C, '30-31, Strasburg, Pa., '33; pastor New Bloomtield, Landisburg and Buffalo '34-54 ; died New Bloomfield, Pa , Oct. 20, '55. Presbyterian minister. *DoNALD, John. — Son of John and Jane; born near Canonsburg, Pa.; medical student. Medical College, Philadelphia ; practiced medicine Bakerstown, Pa., during active life ; died Bakerstown, Pa. Physici.in. Frame, Reuben. — Son of James and Rachel (Fred); born Chester Co., Pa., June 18, 1804; teacher; P. T. 8., '27-30; licensed April G, '31, Presbytery of New Castle; ordained Feb. 13, '33, Presbytery of Cincinnati, O.; pastor Bethel, O., '33, South Salem, N. Y., '34-50, Wappinger's Falls '50-55; stated supply Fond du Lac, Wis., '55-58; pastor Morris, 111., '59-03; blindness; married Oct. 18, '32, Margaret S., daughter of John Selly. Presbyterian minister, Morris, 111. *GiBSON, William J. — Son of Rev. William and Rebecca (Mitchell) ; born Ryegate, Vt., Aug. 22, 1810 ; teacher '26-29 ; theology privately ; licensed Oct. 30, '31, Presbytery of Philadelphia ; ordained Feb. 7, '32, same pres- bytery; pastor Ninth Church, Philadelphia, '31-41, Williamsburg, Pa.,^ and Sinking Valley '41-51, Lick Run, '51-61 ; chaplain 45th Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteers, '61-64; pastor Pine Grove, Pa., three years, Mar- tinsburg and Duncansville sixteen years; published '' History of Presby- tery of Huntingdon," and "Baptism"; married May 17, '32, Cassandra, daughter of H. G. Jameson, also, Jan. 3, '67, Elizabeth M., daughter of Wm. Murray; D.D., Jefferson College, '56 ; died Duncansville, Pa., Oct. 5, '83, paralysis. Presbyterian minister. *Herriott, John Vance. — Son of Ephraim and Sarah; born Miller's Run, Washington Co., Pa.; medical student; practiced medicine Canonsburg, Pa., some years, Philadelphia seven years, Canonsburg, Valparaiso, Ind., '67-87 ; married '36, Anna Diver, also, '62, Mrs. Ann E. Hurst ; died Val- paraiso, Ind., Feb. 26, '87 ; A.M., '53. Physician. *Hughes, William. — Son of Rev. Thomas Edgar and Mary (Donohey) ; born Darlington, Pa., May 20, 1802; P. T. S., '27-28; licensed Jan. 28, '29, Presbytery of Hartford (now Shenango ); ordained April 5, '30, same pres- bytery ; stated supply and pastor Perrysville, O., '29-66, Loudon ville '66-80 ;. married April 13, '30, Martha Bell, daughter of Joseph Wells; died Lou- donville, ()., Aug. 1, '80, dropsy. Presbyterian minister. JEFFERSON COLLEGE. 43 *HuTCHiNSON, John Russell. -Born Columbia Co., Pa., Feb 12 1807- r;-n'>o'oTn"^'^'.^'''T? ^I'^'l"^''29; stated supply Bethel and kodne; Mi^Us 29-30; ordained July, '30, Presbytery of Mississippi; pa«tor Baton Rouge, La., '30-33 ; professor L. C. L. and stated supply Jackson, Miss '34-36; pastor Vicksburg, Miss., '37-42; professor Oakland College '4->-:,4 ! stated supply Bethel '43-52; stated supply and principal Corington, La.,' 54-57; same New Orleans '57-60; same Houston, Tex., '60-65; mission- ary Presbytery of Brazos '67-75; died Houston, Tex., Feb. 24, 78 ; D.D, Presbyterian minister. *KiDDOO, David.— Son of and (Tidball) ; born near Pittsburg, Pa., Jan. 20, 1802 ; teacher academy near Pittsburg, Pa., '26-27, Decatur, Ga.' '28-34, Springfield '34-38; law student with Robert Burke, Pittsburg, Pa.', '26-28 ; practiced law Cuthbert, Ga., '38-63 ; Judge of Supreme Court! Pataula District, '5(5-59; elder Presbyterian Church ; married July 15, '30, Elizabeth Ann, daughter of Lochlin Johnson; died Clay Co., Ga., Sept. 16, '63, of congestive chill, while absent from home. Lawyer. •*McGiLL, Alexander Taggart.— Son of John and Mary; born Canonsburg, Pa., Feb. 24, 1807; law '26-31; theology Canonsburg U. P. Seminary '31-34; licensed '34, Presbytery of Chartiers; ordained '35, Presbytery of Carlisle ; pastor Perry, Pa., '35-38, Second Presbyterian Church, Carlisle, '38-42 ; professor W. T. Seminary, Ecclesiastical History and" Church Government, '42-52 ; Col. T. Seminary, '52-53; W. T. S. '53-54 ; P. T.S., '54-83 ; professor emeritus '83-S9 ; married Eleanor A., daughter of Hon. Geo. McCuUough, also, Catherine B., daughter of Rev. Chas. Hodge, D.D.; died Jan. 13, '89; Stated Clerk General Assembly, '62-70; D.D., LL.D.; Moderator General Assembly '48. Presbyterian minister, Prince- ton, N. J. *Mc[ntire, James.— Son of William and Ellen (Groves) ; born Oxford, Pa., June 6, 1806 ; U. T. S., Va. '29-30 ; And over; licensed Presbytery of New Castle; ordained same presbytery; pastor Elkton and Glasgow, Del., twelve years, Ashland four years; married Lydia, daughter of Edmund Bartlett, also, May, '42, Mary A. Richardson; died Elkton, Md., Dec. 4, '84. Presbyterian minister. NiCHOL, Thomas.— Son of John and Ann; born Muskingum Co., O., May 6 1805; medical student; practiced medicine St. Clairsville, O., '29-47' Iowa '47 ; left practice ; married June 8, '30, Sarah Patterson. Residence Oskaloosa, Iowa. *0SB0RN, ALBERT Gallatin.-Sou of Samuel and Hannah (Ross) ; born. Cadiz, 0., 1807; medical student with Dr. Wilson, Cadiz O.; practiced medicine Wheeling, W.Va., '29-?; married Elizabeth Hawkins; died Wheeling, W.Va. 44 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF ■'Parks, Hugh —Son of Hugh and Mary (Nichol) ; born Belmont Co., O., Jan. 28, 1808 ; Associate Reformed T. S., Allegheny ; licensed May 26, '30, Second Presbytery of Ohio ; ordained April 20, '32, same presbytery ; pastoi Yellow Creek, O., '32-37, St. Clairsvilie '32-40, Moorefield '37-56, Buch- anan Hill '56-61 ; stated supply Little Muskingum '61-78 ; missionary '78-82 ; married Oct. 3, '36, Elizabeth, daughter of John McCartney and Margaret B. Watt; died St. Clairsvilie, O., Jan. 6, '82, general debility. United Presbyterian minister. f ATTON, John. — Son of John and Eleanor (Campbell.; born Cecil Co., Md., May 18, 1808 ; teacher '28-29 ; U. T. S., Virginia, '29-31 ; licensed Oct. 31, Presbytery of W. Hanover ; ordained Dec. 25, '32, Presbytery of New Castle; stated supply Lancaster, Pa., '32-34; pastor West Church, Phila- delphia, '35-43, First Church, Northumberland, '43-47; Secretary Phila- delphia Educational Society '47-55; pastor Logan Square Church, Philadelphia, '55-65, Forest Church, Delaware, '65-80 ; married ; D.D., '60, Jefferson College. Residence, Philadelphia, Pa. *Pattebson, Alfred. — Son of John and Rebecca (Oliphant); born Fayette Co., Penn., Dec. 24, 1805; law student; practiced law Uniontown, Pa., '29-59, Pittsburg ; President National Bank of Commerce, '59-76 ; married '34, Caroline, daughter of Col. Henry Whitely ; died Natchitoches, La., Dec. 16, '78, pneumonia. Lawyer. *P()MROY, John. — Born Pennsylvania ; P. T. S. 1826-28; licensed Oct. 6, '29, Presbytery of New Brunswick ; missionary in North Carolina ; license withdrawn April 22, '34 ; died April 24, '48. ■*Pryor, Azariah. — Son of Gideon and Elizabeth; born Bucks Co., Pa., Oct. 23, 1798; teacher; law under Hon. Joel Jones; practiced 1829-31; theol- ogy privately under Rev. Jno. Gray, D.D.; licensed '36, Presbytery of Newton ; ordained '36, same presbytery; pastor Lower Mt. Bethel, N. J., '36-37, Southwork, Philadelphia, Pa., '37-40, Protestant Episcopal Church, '41 ; rector St. David's Church, Manayunk, Philadelphia, '43-48 ; principal Female Seminary, Pottsville, '49-54; rector Schuylkill Haven, '49-60, St. John's Chapel, Pottsville, '60-'78; married Isabella, daughter of Dr. Adams; died Pottsville, Pa., July 7, '78. Protestant Episcopal min- ister. ■•Ray, James D.— Son of Patrick and Mary; born Wheeling, Va.; licensed 1829 (?), Presbytery of Washington ; ordained '30, Presbytery of Ohio ; pastor Mt. Carmel, Pa., '30-43 ; removed from ministry, '43; principal Mt. Eben- ezer Academy; died Kentucky, 1881 (?). '^Williams, Aaron. — Son of Benjamin and Elizabeth (Reed); born Washing- ton Co., Pa., Nov. 20, 1807; teacher; W. T. S. '28-31; licensed Oct. 5, '31, Presbytery of Ohio; teacher and preached Zelienople, Pa., '32; mis- sionary at Lawrenceville and Minersville, '33; stated supply Pontiac, Mich., '34 ; pastor Beaver Falls, Pa., '36-40 ; stated supply Portsmouth, C, '41-44; Professor of Languages Ohio University, '44-53; ditto Latin, Jefferson College, '54-59; Edgeworth Female Seminary, '59-65; stated -supply various churches, '65-78 ; married May 6, '55, Jane Kennedy, JEFFERSON COLLEGE. 45 daughter of Dr. Francis Herron ; D.D., '53, O. U.; Stated Clerk of Presby- tery ; published -Women of the Bible," -History Harmonv Society," -Centennial Memorial;" died Leetsdale, Pa., Dec. 31, 78, paralysis. Presbyterian minister. \ Wilson, Thomas. -Born Washington Co., Pa., June, 1799 ; Associate T S. Canonsburg ; licensed Aug. 7, 1832, Presbytery of Chartiers ; ordained Sept! 16, '35, Presbytery of Muskingum; pastor Sandy and Carmel '35-42, North Union, O., '35-50; married. Associate Presbyterian minister, Annap- olis, O. *White, Robert Gray.— Son of James and Charlotte (Weitzel); born near Selin's Grove, Pa„, Jan. 21, 1807; law student with A. V. Parsons and Judge Shippen ; practiced law Wellsboro, Pa., '29-75 ; married '39, Sarah, daughter of William Bache ; died Wellsboro, September, '75, epilepsy. Lawyer. 1827. *Armat, Thomas.— Born Baltimore, Md.; law student; practiced law Balti- more ; Natchez, Miss., 1845-? ; St. Joseph's, La., '46-? ; planter ; died Sto Joseph's, La. Lawyer. *Bennett, Isaac T.— Born Bucks Co., Pa., ; W. T. So, 1827 ; licensed June 4, '29, Addison Congregational Association ; ordained April 13, '33, Presbytery of Kaskaskia ; missionary Carmel and Sharon, 111. ,' '29-31, Pleasant Prairie '31-35, Pisgah '35-51, Canton 51-56 ; married July 6, '32, Caroline Buchanan; died Canton, 111., June 16, '56^ Presbyterian min- ister. *B0YD, WiLLLiAM O.— Born Chester Co., S. C; law student; practiced law South Carolina; died (?). Lawyer. *BoYD, James C— Born Chester Co., South Carolina ; medical student; prao-- ticed medicine South (.'arolina; died (?). Physician. ^BoYES, James.— Son of John and Isabella (Kilpatrick); born South Carolina; theological student ; died autumn of 1829. Student. *C00N, jACOB.~Son of Archibald and Martha S.; bom Allegheny Co., Pa., October, 1801 ; theology under Dr. McMillan (his last student); licensed '29, Presbytery of Ohio; ordained '30, Presbytery of Steubenville ; paste r Crao Apple, O., '30-38; professor Franklin College, '38-40; stated sup- ply New Athens '38-40, Poland, O., '41-33 ; principal academy Salem, O., and stated supply Middle Sandy and Rehoboth '43-46; principal Poland Academy '50-52 ; President Vermillion Institute, '52-53 ; Free- port 111,; pastor Morrison, 111., '54-58, Milan '58-63, Albany and Newton '68-76; married October, '27, Mary Monroe, also, '56, Mrs. Harriet Good- rich; died Albany, IlL, Sept. 17, '78, apoplexy. Presbyterian minister. *CURRAN, William. -Born Huntingdon Co., Pa.; teacher; died 1884. *Glenn, JoHN.-Born Pennsylvania — ; licensed —; ordained evangelist Oct. 20, 1830, Presbytery of Allegheny; pastor Richland and Rockland Churches, Pa., '32-45; died Venango Co., Pa., September 4o. Presbj- terian minister. 46 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF *Hampsox, George Washington. — Son of Robert and Sarah (Fee); born Huntingdon Co., Pa., Sept. 9, 1798; P. T. S. 1828-31 ; licensed April 4, 1880, Presbytery of Erie ; ordained June 27, '32, same presbytery ; pastor Oil Creek (now Titusville) and Concord, Pa., '82-37, Cherry Tree, Gravel Run and Cambridge till '09; married Ann, daughter of John McCord, also, Clara Powell; died Gravel Run, Pa., Oct. 1, '69. Presbyterian minister. *HuNTER, Edmund Pendleton. — Son of David and Elizabeth (Pendleton); born Martinsburg, Va., March 25, 1809 ; law student with George Boyd and Judge Tucker ; practiced law Martinsburg and Winchester, Va., '29-54; colonel of militia; Virginia Legislature four terms; District Attorney ; ves- tryman Episcopal Church; married August 2, '32, Martha C, daughter of John Abell ; died Berkeley Springs, Va., Sept. 9, '54, cholera. Lawyer. A.M., Jeffeison College, '54. *'Kelso, Charles William. — Son of Dr. Joseph and Elizabeth; born Harris- burg, Pa., May 17, 1809 ; law student, Litchfield, Conn.; practiced law Erie, Pa., '30(?)-74; married; died Erie, Pa., Nov. 26, '74. Lawyer. *Laird, William W^. — Son of Rev. James and Dorothy A. (Winder); born Cambridge, Md. (?), 1808; law student Cambridge; practiced law Cam- bridge, Md., '30-48; married '37, Wilhelmina E. C, daughter of Gov- Charles Goldsboro ; died Cambridge, Md., '48. Lawyer. *Lake, William A.— Born Dorchester Co., Md.; law student ; practiced law ; member House of Representatives, Maryland ; Vicksburg, Miss.; State Senator, Mississippi ; Member Congress, Mississippi, 1855-57 ; died Vicks burg. Miss., '61. Lawyer. *McClave, Robert. — Law student; practiced law Carroliton, O.; Prosecuting Attorney, Carroll Co., O.; died Carroliton, O., 1856. Lawyer. *McCiiEA, Robert. — Son of Robert; born near Waynesburg, Franklin Co., Pa., 1809 ; infirm ; teacher in Alabama ; died on way home, near Chilli- cothe, O., '31, of consumption, ■*McGiNLEY, John. — Son of Rev. Dr. Amos A. and Annie (Blythe) ; born Path Valley, Franklin Co., Pa., Oct. 29, 1810; law student with Judge Chambers and Hon. Calvin Blythe ; merchant Fairfield, Adams Co., Pa.; married April 5, '81, Jane E. McClay ; died Fairfield, Adams Co., Pa., Feb. 22, '33. Merchant. *McJiMPSEY, John. — From Iredell Co., N. C; theological student; died 1828. ♦McKaleb, William.— Son of Major John and Mary (Clengan) ; born Taney- town, Md., 1805; law student with Hon. David Hoffman; lectures Balti- more; never practiced law; real estate broker, Michigan Territory; unmarried; died Carlisle, Pa., September, '41. *McPherson, William.— Son of Robert and Hannah (Malion) • born Get- tysburg, Pa., Dec. 6, 1808 ; teacher and law student ; teacher Indianapo- lis, Ind., '30-32: died by drowning in White River, by the hand of a murderer. May 8, '33. Lawyer. JEFFERSON COLLEGE. 47 -MATTHEWS, W11.1.AM CALDWEiL.-Son of Rev. Dr. John and Elizabeth (Daniei); born Granville Co., N. C, Sept. 23, 1805; P. T S '■>7-'S0- licensed April 20, '30, Presbytery of Winchester; ordained evangelist April 9, 31, same presbytery; stated supply l^Iartinsburg and Smithfield Va., '31-36; pastor First Church, Madison, Ind., '37-42, Winchester, Ky ] '43-48, Shelbyville '48-71, Fourth Church, Louisville, '71-79;' died La Grange, Ky., Aug. 24, '80 ; D. D. Presbyterian minister. * Matthews, John Daniel.— Son of Rev. John and Elizabeth (Daniel); born Sheperdstown, Va., July 15, 1809; teacher; P. T. S., '28-31- licensed '30; ordained evangelist January, '32, ^Presbytery of Georgia; missionary St. Mary's, Ga., '32 ; stated supply Second Church, Southwork, Philadelphia, '32-33; pastor Opequon and Cedar Creek, Va., '33-35, Nor- folk '37-41, McChord Church, Lexington, Ky., '41-45; stated supply Hopewell '45-47 Paducah '49-51, Henderson '51-54; Superintendent Public Instruction, Kentucky, '53-59 ; stated supply Jackson Street Church, Mobile, Ala., Second Church, Baltimore, New York Avenue Church, Washington, D. C; pastor Portland Avenue Church, Louisville, Ky., '70-80, Denison, Tex., '80-84; married '30, Ann, daughter of Commo- dore Renshaw, also 55, Davidella, daughter of David Glass ; died Dallas, Tex., March 7, '84, nervous debility ; D. D., Transylvania University. Presbyterian minister. May, Newton. — Son of Robert and Ruth (Potts) ; born Chester Co., Pa., Dec. 26, 1807 ; medical student Pennsylvania University ; practiced medi- cine St. Louis, Mo.; Professor of Chemistry, St. Paul's College ; practiced medicine Holmesburg, Pa.; residence Holmesburg, Pa. Physician. *Park, James.— Son of John and Sarah (McDowell); born Washington Co., Pa., Nov. 30, 1802; teacher Kittanning, Pa., W. Alexander; tutor Jef- ferson College two years, Waterford, Erie, Ky., '44-47, Mt. Zion '47-49, Winchester '50; married Sept. 2, '47, Anna J., daughter of Samson Ham- ilton ; died Bardolph, 111., Feb. 11, '82, general debility. * Ramsey, James P.— Son of Re 7. Dr. Ramsey ; born Canonsburg, Pa., Aug. 26, 1809 ; Associate Theological Seminary, Canonsburg ; licensed Aug. 27, '33, Presbytery of Chartiers ; ordained July 30, '35, Presbytery of Ohio ; pastor Deercreek, Pa., '35-57 ; ill health ; died New Wilmington, Pa., Jan. 30, '62. Associate Presbyterian minister. * Reed, JosEPH.-Born Beaver Co., Pa.; W. T. S. 1827-30; licensed Feb. 2, '31 Presbytery of Ohio ; ordained '35, same presbytery ; Sunday-school missionary, '32 ; pastor Highland, Pa., '35-38 ; stated supply Freedom and Concord, '41-42; married Miss Kerr; died Freedom, Pa., Dec. 14, '42- Presbyterian minister. » Scott, John Work-Bo™ York Co., Pa., Nov. 27, 1807 ; teacher Jeffenjon Colieae • P T. S. '30-32; licensed Oct. 3, '32, Presbytery of >ew Castle; ordained April 3, '34, Presbytery o£ Hartford (now Shenango); pastor Poland, O., '34-36; stated supply Three Springs and Second Church, SteubenviUe, O., '36-47 ; principal Grove Acaden.y, Steubenv. le, .f,-4„ S'lntitue, Wheeling, W. Va., '47-53; Pres.dent Washington 48 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF College, '53-65; principal Female Seminary, Morgantown, W. Va., *65 67; Vice-President and professor West Virginia University, '67-77 j professor Biddle University, North Carolina, '79 ; D. D., '52, Washington College; LL. D., Washington and Jefferson College, '65; died Ridgway;, N. C, July 25, '79. Presbyterian minister. *8nodgrass, William W.— From Starke Co., O.; medical student; practiced medicine ; ccetera desunt. * Sterrett, David. — Son of William and Sarah ; born Mt. Joy, Pa., May 12, 1801; P. T. S. '27-30; licensed April, '32, Presbytery of Carlisle; ordained October, '32, Presbytery of New Castle ; pastor Shaver s Creek, Pa., '34-48, Waynesburg and New Hamilton '50-55; stated supply and evangelist, '55-71; married Aug. 12, '34, Mary A. Woods; died June 21, '71, paralysis. Presbyterian minister. *Stoneroad, Joel.— Sou of Lewis and Sarah (Gardner) ; born Mifflin Co., Pa., Jan. 2, 1806 ; P. T. S. '27-30 ; licensed ; ordained Dec. 14, '31, Presbytery of Redstone; pastor Uniontown, Pa., '31-42; agent Board Domestic Missions, '42 ; pastor Cross Roads Church '42-50, Tyrone '50-61, Laurel Hill '51-77 ; married Miss Veach, also, June 27, '54, Hannah Paull ; died Dunbar, Pa., Aug. 11, '84. Presbyterian minister. * Wallace, James.— Born York Co., Pa., Nov. 10, 1801; theology with Dr. Bullions, Troy, N. Y.; licensed July 9, '30, Presbytery of Philadelphia; ordained Oct. 25, '32, Presbytery of Miami; pastor Darby, O., '32-39, Huntsville '32-61, Bellefontaine, Kenton; died Huntsville, O., Nov. 30, '78, cholera morbus. United Presbyterian minister. *Whitehill, James M.— Law student ; practiceil law Waynesburg, Pa.; died near Waynesburg, Pa., before 1840. Lawyer. *Worthington, William C— Son of Robert and Sarah B. (Morrow) ; born Charlestown, Va., Aug. 13, 1810; law student at Judge Tucker's Law School, Winchester, Va.; practiced law Charlestown, Va., '30-54; Prose- cuting Attorney; member House of Delegates, Virginia, four terms; unmarried ; died Charlestown, Va., Sept. 22, '54. Lawyer. Wyeth, Francis.— Son of John and Louisa (Weiss) ; born Harrisburg, Pa., April 5, 1806; editor and bookseller, '27-61; quartermaster Camp Curtin, '61 ; visitor camps and hospitals till '65 ; married May 12, '29, Susan H., daughter of William Maxwell, also, March 15, '45, Sarah C, daughter of Charles Carson. Harrisburg, Pa. 1828. *Alexander, Robert J. — Son of James and Isabella (Ross) ; born Belmont Co., O., Oct. 6, 1806 ; law student with Judge Kennon and Governors- Shannon; practiced law in Belmont Co., O., '30-51 ; Prosecuting Attorney; Common Pleas Judge, Belmont Co., '51-56 ; District Judge, Eighth Judi- cial District, same period ; married Nov. 1, 31, Mary Ann, daughter of David Jennings, also, Rachel Tallmon ; died St. Clairsville, O., Jan. 30, '63, Lawyer. JEFFERSON COLLEGE. 49 Jeffereon Medical College, '34; Paris. France, ',U,e; Professor i mZ. era Languages Delaware College ; teacher, Virginia ; editor Pied^o,U wZ Warrenton, Va, Ph, adelphia, '61-62; newspaper writer; un-narri^' died Manayunk, Philadelphia, '62(?). *Beice Walter -Son of James and Jane; born Fairfield Co., S. C, Sept. 5, 18U4 ; medical student; practiced medicine Fairfield Co. S C '32-71 • married April 28, '31, Martha Emeline Moore; died Fairfield Co., S. C. ' Dec. 7, '71, heart disease. Physician. ' Davis, Levi —Son of David and Elizabeth ; born Cecil Co., Md., July 20, 1808 ; law student with Levin Gale, Elkton, Md.; practiced law Elkton and Balti- more '30-31, Vandalia, 111, '31-39, Springfield '39-40, Alton '46-82; State Auditor of Illinois '35-41 ; married November, '32, Lucy Ann Stapp. Lawyer, Alton, 111. *FiNDLEY, William.— Son of John and Elizabeth (Anderson) ; born Mercer, Pa., Feb. 4, 1808 ; A. T. S. '32-33 ; P. T. S '34; licensed May 16, '32, Pres- bytery of Lakes (Associate Reformed) ; ordained May 25, '37, same presby- tery ; missionary Pennsylvania and Ohio '34-36 ; pastor White Oak Springs and Prospect, Pa., '37-57, Portersville and Prospect '51-57; Professor of Latin, Westminster College, Pennsylvania, '54-67 ; stated supply Plain Grove '58-61, Leesburg '61-67 ; pastor Shenango '61-66 ; agent Wesminster College '67-72 ; stated supply Telfer, Gait and Williamsford, Can., '72-75; pastor Chesley '75 — ; married Sept. 4, '37, Elizabeth Cunningham; died New Castle, Pa., May 9, '86 ; D.D. United Presbyterian minister. * Glenn, Kobert. — Son of Samuel and (Cunningham) ; born Mercer, Pa., March 2, 1802 ; W. T. S. '29-30; licensed Feb. 2, '31, Presbytery of Eric ordained August, '32, same presbytery; pastor Millcreek (now Utica), Pa. '32-57, Amity '32-50 ; stated supply Sandy Lake '32-57, Sugar Creek '52-57 married Rebecca Wycoff, also, Mary A. McCracken, also, Harriet Finley died near Utica, Pa., Sept. 6, '57, consumption. Presbyterian minister. *Green, Ashbel.— Son of Rev. A. Green, D.D., and Christina (Anderson); bom Philadelphia, Pa., Sept. 8, 1811 ; law student with James S. Green ; prac- ticed law Lancaster, Pa., '34-?; Philadelphia; President Jefferson Col. lege, Mississippi ; Pass Christian Military School, C. S. A.; insurance business; married April 29, '34, Mary.E. loline ; died New Orleans, La., March 21, '82. Teacher. *Haft, Stephen LEGGETT.-Born Washington Co., Pa., 1810 ; Associate Reformed Seminary, Allegheny, '31-34; licensed April 23. '35, Second Associate Reformed Presbytery of Ohio; ordained April 18 '37, Second Presbytery of Ohio ; pastor Wolf Creek and Sharon, 0., '37-47 ; died Mor- gan Co., O., March 7, '47, malarial fever. Associate Reformed Presby- terian minister. 4 60 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF ♦Handy, Levin Irving. — Son of Dr Thomas; born Princess Anne, Md.; med- ical student; practiced medicine Princess Anne; married Miss Wilson; died Princess Anne. ♦Hutchinson, W. W. — Law student ; practiced law in the West ; died. ♦Jacobs, Michael. — Son of Henry and Anna Maria (Miller) ; teacher ; Pro- fessor of Mathematics, Pennsylvania College, Gettysburg, '29-66 ; licensed October, '32 ; ordained '32, Evangelical Lutheran Synod of W^estern Pennsylvania; Professor of Mathematics and Natural Science, Pennsylvania College '32-65, Mathematics '65-66; professor emeritus, '66-71 ; married May 3, '33, Julia Anna Eyster; died Gettysburg, Pa., July 22, '71; D.D., '58, Jefferson College and Wittenberg College. Evangelical Lutheran minister. ♦Johnson, Thomas. — Son of Richard and Jane (Bradford) ; born near Can- onsburg, Pa., May 21, 1811; medical student; practiced medicine near Steubenville, O., '33-82; married Catherine Johnson; died Steubenville, O., '82(?). Physician. Kyle, Henry T. — Born near Greensburg, Pa.; law student ; practiced law Cincinnati, O., Illinois, St. Louis, Mo., Keokuk, Iowa, Cincinnati, O.; married. *McJuNKiN, Alexander Moore. — Son of David and Elizabeth Moore ; born Butler Co., Pa., March 14, 1807; W. T. S. '28-33; licensed '33, Presby- tery of Ohio ; teacher and preaclied New Brighton, Pa., '34, Michigan '34 ; teacher Ft. Wayne, Ind, '36-55 ; treasurer Ft W. & C. R. R.; married Eliza Stillwagon, also, Eliza Root; died Ft. Wayne, Ind., April 3, '55. Presbyterian minister. ♦McIntire, Sloan. Born Ireland ; P. T. S. 1828-29 ; infirm ; died. *McNair, John. — Son of Solomon and Sarah (McMasters) ; born Newtown, Pa., May 28, 1806 ; P. T. S. '28-30 ; licensed '31, Presbytery of Erie ; ordained Nov. 7, '33, same presbytery ; pastor Warren, Pa., '32-34 ; stated supply Fairmount '34-35, Vincennes, Ind., '35-36 ; stated supply and pastor Milford, N. J., '36-37; pastor Musconetcong Valley Church '37-40, Lancaster, Pa., '41-51, Clinton, N. J., '51-64; chaplain U. S. Army, '64-65 ; pastor Strasburg, Pa., '65-67; married Susan Adelinfe, daughter of Dr. Hunt; died Lancaster, Pa., Jan. 27, '87 ; D.D. Presby- terian minister. ■^McPherrin, Ebenezer. — Son of Rev. .John and Mary (Stevenson) ; born near Butler, Pa., July, 1805 ; teacher Bucks Co., Pa.; died '28, Newtown, Pa., typhoid fever. Teacher. *Martin, John. — Son of John and Ruth (McCoy) ; born Darlington, Pa.; medical student'; practiced medicine Candor, Pa., Pittsburg, Pa.; died Pittsburg, Pa.(?) Physician. *Peter, Thomas B. — Son of General Peter ; born near Shepherdstown, Va.; farmer ; died soon after graduation. JEFFERSON COLLEGE. 5| -S™.ss James S.-Son of Rev. J.^es S„odgra» , i^ZZ^^i,,. ,„. Pa., 1802, infirm; teacher m Delaware; died '31. Teacher. ^ i 1 / ^ • V V ^- ■^' '^^ ^^-31 > licensed Oct. 7, '30, Presbytery of Redstone ; ordamed June 6, '33, Presbytery of Richland ; pastor LeLl ton and Pleasant Hill, O., '33-37, New Alexandria, Pa., '37-67 • chin 1 nth Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, '61-62 ; married Nov 5 "^2 Eliza, daughter of Rev. James Graham ; died Washington, Pa.,* Oct. is,' 81, inflammation of bowels. Presbyterian ministw. ^Veech, James.— Son of David and Elizabeth ; born Fayette Co., Pa., Sept. 18, 1808 ; law student ; practiced law Uniontown and Pittsburg, ipa., '31-72* married '33, Maria Ewing; died Dec. 11, '79, bronchitis; LL.D., '64,' Jefferson College. Lawyer. ^Watson, James.— Son of John and Mary (Miller) ; born Canonsburg, Pa., 1809 ; law student with Hon. T. M. T. McKennan, Washington, '28-3l''; practiced law Washington, Pa., '31-75 ; appointed Judge '64, declined ; mar- ried Jan. 15, '35, Maria, daughter of George Morgan ; died Washington, Pa., April 15, '75. Lawyer. ^Whann, Samuel M.— Teacher; principal Bel Air Academy, Md.; died Bel Air, Md., '44. Wilson, Samuel.— Son of John and Margaret (Fleming) ; born Bellville, Pa., Sept. 24, 1804; P. T. S. '28-31; licensed April 5, '31, Presbytery of Hun- tingdon ; ordained Nov. 14, '32, Presbytery of Huntingdon ; stated supply Alexandria and Shaver's Creek, Pa., '31-32; pastor Alexandria and stated supply Pine Grove, '32-37 ; principal Seminary Uniontown and stated supply McClellandtown '37-40 ; pastor Dunlap's Creek '10-69 ; stated sup- ply El Paso, III., '69-72, Normal '72-75; published "Life of George Paull ;" married April 21, '34, Anna Maria, daughter of Dr. Joseph Rodgers; D. D. Presbyterian minister; residence Fairfield, Iowa. *WiLSON, Henry Rowan.— Son of Rev. Henry R., D.D., and (Brown) ; born Bellefonte, Pa., June 10, 1808 ; University Pennsylvania, Medical Department, '28-30 ; P. T. S. '30-32 ; licensed Oct. 4, '32, Presbytery of Carlisle ; ordained evangelist Oct. 16, '32, same presbytery ; missionary to Choctaws and Cherokees '32-37 ; medical student with Dr. Rankin ; Penn- sylvania University '28-29, '36-37 ; missionary to Futteghur, India, '37-46 ; agent Board of Foreign Missions '46-52 ; principal Academy, Attleboro, and stated supply Pleasant Valley '53 ; pastor Fairmount and Sewickley '55-60 ; President Female College, Springfield, O., '60-65 ; District Secretary Board Domestic Missions, '66-69; Corresponding Secretary Board Church Extension, Corresponding Secretary Board Church Erection, '70-Sr, ; married Oct. 20, '34, Sarah Beatty, also, Aug. 31, '37, Sarah K little; died New York, June 8, '86 ; D.D., '52, Washington College ; M.D., Pcnn- sylvania University, -45. Presbyterian minister. 52 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF Young, Loyal. — Son of Robert and Lydia (Gould) ; born Charleraont, Mass.,. July 1, 1806; teacher; W. T. 8. '29-31 ; licensed June 21, '32, Presbytery of Ohio ; ordained Dec. 4, '33, Presbytery of Allegheny ; pastor Butler,. Pa., '33-67, French Creek and Buckhannon, W.Va., '08-75, Parkersburg: '75-80; stated supply Winfield, Point Pleasant and Pleasant Flats '80-85; published ''Commentary on Ecclesiastes," "Hidden Treasure," ''Inter- views with Inspired Men," "Communion," "From Dawn to Dusk;" married Oct. 25, '32, Margaret, daughter of Eev. Robert Johnston ; Moderator Synods of Pittsburg and Allegheny ; D.D., Washington College, '58. Pres- byterian minister; residence Washington, Pa 1829. *AiKEN, William.— Born Gettysburg, Pa., April 15, 1809; teacher '29-31;. W. T. S. '31-34 ; licensed '32, Presbytery of Steubenville ; ordained May, '36^ same presbytery ; pastor McConnelsville, O., '36-61; chaplain U. S. Army '61-64 ; stated supply Tennessee, '64-80 ; missionary '64-86 ; died Tennessee, May 3, '86. Presbyterian minister. *Barry, William B.— Son of John H.; born York Co., S. C, 1810 or '11 ;. no profession ; unmarried ; died York Co., S. C, '32 or '33. ♦Hartley, Thomas W.— Son of Governor Mordecai; born Jefferson Co., O., Feb. 11, 1812; law student; practiced law Mansfield, 0., '34-51, Cincin- nati, O., '58-69, Washington, D. C, '69-85; U. S. District Attorney,, Ohio, ; Ohio Legislature '39-41, Senate '41-45; Speaker Senate -'43-44 ; ex-officio Governor of Ohio '44 ; Judge of Supreme Court of Ohio '51-58; married Miss Sherman, sister of General Sherman, also, Mrs- McCoy ; died Washington, D. C, June 20, '85. Lawyer. *BoYD, Bankhead. — Son of Hugh and Elizabeth ; born ; theology with. Dr. Ramsay ; licensed 1833, Presbytery of Chartiers (Associate Presbyte- rian); ordained July, '34, same presbytery ; pastor Pigeon Creek, Pa., '34-60 ; married Margaret Thorn ; died Feb. 3, '60, kidney disease. Associate Presbyterian minister. BOYCE, James. — Son of Samuel and Deborah (Block) ; born Mecklenburg Co., N. C, July 13, 1808 ; licensed November, '31, Associate Reformed Presby- tery ; ordained December, '32, First Presbytery (Associate Reformed Church) ; pastor Fairfield, S. C, '32-69 ; professor Theological Seminary^ Due West, S. C, '69— ; editor Christian Magazine of the South '43-51 ; dele- gate Presbyterian Council '80; Clerk Synod; D.D., '54, Jefferson College ^ and Erskine College. Associate Reformed Presbyterian minister ; residence Due West, S. C. •COYLE, William H.— Son of John and Catharine (Wood) ; born Washing- ton, D. C, Dec. 12, 1810 ; law student ; editor, poet and politician ; lived, chiefly in Jacksonville, 111.; died Washington, D. C, May 7, '79. JEFFERSON COLLEGE. 53 *DuBUissoN, Charles L.-Son of Charles L. and muR^J.^. k« 1^ Yor. Cit„^Jan. 27, 180S; teaeh.Sale., N. ^.^5-27 t'li^rfoi: Sergeant, Philadelphia, ^9-33; profess;r Jeff^srCoU:;, mC'S^ " M ss 42-46, Missigsippr Legislature '53-54; married '34, Salem, N J Ella Bradwe , also April 15, '41, Delia, daughter of Joseph Se^ionsVditi Natchez, Miss., Sept. 21, 70, dysentery. Lawyer. ^Eagleson, JOHN.-Born near Cadiz, 0., Feb. 12 1809- W T S '31-33 licensed Jan. 8, '33, Presbytery of Steubenville.; ordained* Dec '24 '34* Presbytery of Washington ; pastor Upper Buffalo, Pa., '33-73 • married '3o, Mary Stewart, also '43, Mary Gordon ; died Jan. 23, '73 ; D.D., Jeff.r- 8on College, '59. Presbyterian minister. *Eberle, RiCHARD.-Son of Dr. John ; born Lancaster Co., Pa.; medical stu- dent medical college ; practiced medicine Cincinnati, 0.; died ? *Eberle, John.— Son of Dr. John ; born Lancaster Co., Pa.; medical student, Philadelphia; practiced medicine Cincinnati, O.; died ? ^FiNLEY, RobertM.— Sonof Johnand Mary(M ); born 1806; W.T. S.'31-34; licensed '34, Presbytery of Redstone ; ordained '36, same presbytery ; stated supply Somerset and Jenner, Pa., '36-42, Armagh '42-45, Marshallville, O., ■47-48, Green '48-56, Lafayette '58 ; evangelist; married Oct. 10, '38, Mary Foy ; died Wooster, O., April 3, '82. Presbyterian minister. !Fleming, John.— Son of John and Mary (McEwen); born Mifflin Co., Pa., April 17, 1807 ; P. T. S. '29-31 ; licensed '31, Presbytery of Huntingdon; ordained evangelist Oct. 24, '32, same presbytery ; missionary to Creek Indi- ans '33-37, Great Traverse Bay, Mich., '38-39 ; pastor Middle Tuscarora Church, Pa., '40-44, Fairfield '44-48; missionary La Salle Co., 111., '49-75, .Gibson, Neb., '75 — ; published "hymn-book," "primary bool^," and ser- mons in the Muskogee language ; author of its alphabet; married Oct. 29,'32, Margaret, daughter of Jacob Scudder, also Rebecca C. Patterson. Presby- terian minister, Ayr, Neb. "^Flenniken, Warren. — Son of John and Mary (Reid); born near Charlotte, N. C, Jan 9, 1805; licensed '31, First Associate Reformed Presbytery of the Carolinas ; ordained Nov. 15, '32 ; pastor Hopewell, S. C, '3*^-48, Union '32-37 ; married Nov. 22, '32, Jane H. Pressley ; died Chester Co., S. C, July 31, '51, consumption. Associate Reformed Presbyterian min- ister. X3^raham, John Brasch.— Son of George H. and Eliza (Brasch) ; born New York City, Oct. 31, 1806 ; teacher in Virginia and law student '29-30 ; W. T. S. '30-33 ; licensed Oct. 1, '33 ; ordained '38, Presbytery of New Lisbon ; pas- tor Bethel, O., '38-50; stated supply Temperancevilie and Pisgah, Pa., '51 ; Bible agent, Ohio, '51-58 ; pastor Morristown andFairview, O., '58-65, Hol- iday's Cove '65-83, Three Springs '65-78; stated supply Hanover and •Champion '83; Christian Commission '64; married Oct. 8, '83, Margaret Gra- ham. Presbyterian minister. New Lisbon, O. 64 GENERAL CATALOGUE OP^ *Gray, William.— Son of William ; born Washington Co., Pa., April 20, 1806^ teacher '29-31 ; W. T. S. '81-33 ; theological student ; married July 20, '30, Eleanor, daughter of Samuel Thompson ; died Huntsville, Ala., Sept. 29,. '33. Presbyterian. *Hannon, John Ewing. — Born Cumberland Co., Pa., Feb. 4, 1800 ; Associate Reformed Seminary, Allegheny, '29-32 ; licensed April 25, '32, Presbytery of Monongahela ; Europe '82 ; ordained Nov. 13, '33 ; Hinkston and Lex- ington, Ky., '35-38; missionary in Indiana '38-51 ; Albany, Oregon, '59 ; married Nov. 9, '35, Mary Jane Warden ; died Linn Co., Oregon, June 17, '63, cancer. Associate Reformed Presbyterian minister. *Hemphill, James Jack. — Son of James and Cynthia ; born near Newburgy Cumberland Co., Pa., October, 1810; teacher Michigan; law student, Car- lisle, Pa., '32-33; practiced only a short time; lived at Middleburg ; unmarried ; died Middle Spring, Pa., May 28, '69. Lawyer. *HoGi:, Joseph P. — Born Ohio; Galena, 111.; Member Congress, Illinois, '43-57 • San Francisco, Cal. ^HowEY, Samuel M. — Born New Jersey, August, 1804 ; teacher St. Clairsville,, O., '80 — ?, '40-54; Recorder Belmont Co., O., '54 — , two terms; farmer; married '64; died Belmont Co., O., '85. *Jenkins, Robert R. — Son of William and (Robb) ; born Chester Co., S. C; died Chester Co., S. C, about 1840. LowRiE, John Cameron. — Son of Hon. Walter and Amelia (McPherrin); born Butler, Pa., Dec. 16, 1808 ; W. T. S. '29-32 ; P. T. S. '32-33 ; licensed June 21, '32, Presbytery of Ohio ; ordained May 23, '33, Presbytery of New Castle; foreign missionary to Northern India '33-36 ; Assistant Secretary Board Foreign Missions '38-50 ; pastor Forty-second Street Church, New York, '45-50; Secretary Board Foreign Missions '50 to date; Moderator Gen- eral Assembly '65 ; published ''Three Years in Northern India," "History of Presbyterian Missions," etc.; married March, '33, Louisa A. Wilson, also, '39, Elizabeth Boyd ; D.D., '53, M. U. Presbyterian minister. *LowRiE, Matthew S. — Son of Hon. Walter and Amelia (McPherrin) ; born- Butler, Pa., April 13, 1811 ; practiced law in Butler, Pa.; died Butler, Pa., Feb. 24, '36. Lawyer. McCay, Charles Francis. — Son of Robert and Sarah (Reed) ; born North- umberland Co., Pa., March 8, 1810; teacher '29 ; professor Lafayette Col- lege '33, University of Athens, Ga., '34-54, State College, South Carolina,. '54-56; President same '56-58; secretary Insurance and Banking Co.,, Augusta, Ga., '58-62, cashier, '62-69; actuary, etc., Baltimore, Md., '72-84;. published ** Lectures on the Differential and Integral Calculus," ''Civil Engineering;" married Aug. 11, '40, Narcissa, daughter of William Williams. Professor. JEFFERSON COLLEGE. 55 *MooDY, Samuel.— Born Northampton Co., Pa., Feb. 14, 1801- teacher '29-30; W. T. S. '30-33 ; licensed Oct. 3, '33, Presbytery of Washington ; agent Women's Foreign Missionary Society ; ordained July 5, '37, Presby- .tery of Steubenville ; stated supply and pastor Big Spring, O., '34-43 ; pas- tor Hopewell and Orange '43-56 ; married Feb. 17, '41, Margaret A. Don- ahey ; died April 24, '56, accidental drowning. Presbyterian minister. Pollock, Abraham David.— Son of Thomas and Rachel (Hendricks); born Westmoreland Co., Pa., Jan. 22, 1807; W. T. S. '29-32 ; licensed Novem- ber, '32, Presbytery of Blairsville ; ordained '33, Presbytery of Winchester ; missionary Virginia '33-35 ; pastor Richmond '35^43 ; missionary Fauquier Co., Va., '43-52; pastor Wilmington, Del., 52-55, Bethesda, Va., Rap- idan '55-72 ; published " Life on the Exode;" infirm ; married '35, Eliza- beth Lee ; D.D. Presbyterian minister, Warrenton, Va. *Ransox, Richard Henry. Son of Matthew and Elizabeth (Morgan) ; born Jefferson Co., Va., 1806; farmer Jefferson Co., Va., Lewis Co., Ky.; President Cincinnati Bridge Company, Covington, Ky.; married Augusta DeHaven, also Achsah C. Hickmond ; died Covington, Ky., 1859. *Reed, William.— Born Mifflin Co., Pa., 1802; W. T. S. '29-32; licensed '32, Presbytery of Huntingdon ; ordained May 1, '33, same presbytery ; foreign missionary, Northern India, '33-34 ; married '33, Harriet Wells ; died at sea Aug. 12, '34. Presbyterian minister. ^Ritchie, David.— Son of Craig; born Canonsburg, Pa., Aug. 19, 1812; law student; practiced law Pittsburg, Pa., '35-53, '6C-67; Member of Con- gress, Pennsylvania, '53-59 ; Judge Common Pleas Court, Allegheny Co., Pa., '59-60; died Pittsburg, Pa., Jan. 24, '67; J. W. D. '37, Heidelberg University, Germany. Lawyer. *Rogers, William Allen.-Sou of Robert and Effie (Allen) ; born near Han- over, Dauphin Co., Pa., Dec. 9, 1808 ; law student with Judge Kennedy, Pittsburg, Pa.; practiced law Lewistown, Pa., 30-33, Springfield, O., '83-51 ; Prosecuting Attorney, Lewistown, Pa., '31 ; Judge of Common Pleas District of Ohio, '51-54 ; married Sept. 6, '37, Elizabeth Smith ; died Springfield, O., May 20, '55 ; A. M., '48, Jefferson College. Lawyer. ■*Smith, Alexander.- ; studied theology; licensed ; ordained — ; died. *Su^i.ivAK, CHAK.KS C.-Son of Charles and SuBannah ; born Bauer ^ March 10, 1807 ; la^ student; practiced law Bntler, P-' f.-*";/™"^ vania Senate '41-44 ; married '45(?), Snsan Catharme Seltzer , died Bntler, Pa., '60, nervous prostration. Lawyer. •T^XT, SAMUEX. CAX,v,K.-Son o£ Rev. Samnel and A,neUa; ^™ ^ercer^ Pa^ May 2.5, 1809 ; law stndent ; practiced law Mercer, Pa., 32-36 , marr.ea Mii Sample ; died Mercer, Pa., June 2.5, >86. Lawyer. 5C GENERAL CATALOGUE OF Thompson, David.— Son of John and Jane (Hall); born County Cavin, Ireland, 1806; Associate Theological Seminary, Canonsburg, '29-3-4 ; licensed March 18, '34, Presbytery of Chartiers; ordained Sept. 12, '38, same presbytery ; pastor Mt. Hope and Cross Creek, Pa., '38-48; missionary Oregon and Washington Territory '48-61 ; pastor Clear Fork and Guernsey, O., '61-74; published ''How to Make a Will," etc.; married April 8, '40, Rachel I., daughter of James Lee. United Presbyterian minister, Monmouth, 111. ^Williamson, Samuel. — Son of Samuel and Isabella (McQueen) ; born Craw- ford Co., Pa., March 16, 1808 ; law student with Judge Andrews, Cleve- land, O., '29-32; practicedlaw Cleveland, O., "32-72; County Auditor '34-42 ; Legislature Ohio, '50-52 ; Senate Ohio, '62-64 ; attorney C, C, C. & O. R. R.; President Society for Savings; married '43, Mary E. Tisdale ; died Cleveland, O., Jan. 14, '84. Lawyer. ^Wylie, Joseph Smith.— Born Westmoreland Co., Pa., 1812; W. T. S. '29-31 ; licensed June 20, '32, Presbytery of Washington ; stated supply Coshocton, O., '33-42, Apple Creek '42-50 ; pastor-elect Cross Roads, Pa., '51-52; married Miss Moore; died Florence, Pa., Feb. 10, '52. Presby- terian minister. 1830. *Adair, William A. — Son of William and Mary (McChord); born Poland, O., ; W. T. S. 1830-33 ; licensed Jan. 9, '33, Presbytery of Hartford (Shenango) ; ordained Nov. 7, '33, Presbytery of Erie ; pastor Harbor Creek '33-34, North East '33-37, Second Church, Allegheny, '38-40 ; mis- sionary '40 ; business '44-69 ; married '33, Mary, daughter of John Irwin ; died Sewickley, Pa., Feb. 16, '69. Presbyterian minister. -* Allen, Bela S.— Born Westmoreland Co., Pa., ; W. T. S. 1830-32 ; died in the seminary March 25, '32. Theological student. *Clarke, George W. — Son of Robert and Sarah ; born Brownsville, Pa., Feb. 8, 1810 ; civil engineer Baltimore & Ohio Railroad ; Illinois ; real estate agent, Chicago ; miner, California, '49-51 ; Chicago, real estate, '51-56 ; author map Straits of Magellan ; unmarried ; died Chicago, III., Aug. 14, 'QQ. ^Cloud, John.— Son of John ; born Cross Creek, Pa., Dec. 9, 1801 ; W. T. S. '30-33 ; licensed Presbytery of Washington ; ordained Oct. 11, '33, Pres- bytery of New York; foreign missionary, Liberia, Africa, '33-34; died Liberia, Western Africa, April 9. '34, African fever. Presbyterian min- ister. "*Crawford, Lorman. — Son of Williani'and Sarah ; born Georgetown, D. C, 1812 ; law student Yale, New Haven, Conn., and with David Crawford, Mobile, Ala.; practiced law Alabama, '33-47; Alabama Legislature ; mar- ried, '34, Adaline English ; died Mt. Pleasant, Monroe Co., Ala., Oct. 11, '47. Lawyer. JEFFERSON COLLEGE. 57 ♦DiNwiDDiE, John L.— Born ISlOf'^ Ppnr,o«w„ • 4 . ^ I • iG • ,„,^"^'^®°"^y^^ama; Associate ReforraedTheo- logical Seminary, Allegheny, '31; licensed Oct. 10, '82, Presbvterv^ Lakes; died (.edar Springs, S. C, Jan. 26, '33. Ass;ciat; H:^::7J1 -DoHKMAN Arnolb HE.Rv.^Son of Arnold Henry and Rachel (Banks); born Steubenville 0. July 1, isu ; la., student with General Stokely Steubenville; wholesale and retail grocer, commission merchant, Steuben- ville; Government Agent of Transportation, United States Armv during the war; married May 13, '41, Elizabeth, daughter of Col. Jame^ Collier; died Steubenville, O., March 31, '86, pneumonia. Merchant. *HoPE, Matthew Boyd. -Son of Richard and Mary (Boyd); born Mifflin Co., Pa., July 31, 1812; P. T. S. '31-34 ; Medical Department University of Pennsylvania ; licensed , Presbytery of Huntingdon ; ordained evangel- ist April 7, '36,saraepresbytery J missionary American Board Commissioners Foreign Missions, Singapore, Asia, '36-38 ; Corresponding Secretary Penn- sylvania Colonization Society, '38-39 ; Financial Secretary Board of Educa- tion, '39-42; Corresponding Secretary Board of Education, '42-46; professor New Jersey College, '46-59 ; married Agnes C, daughter of Matthew L. Bevean: died Princeton, N. J., Dec. 17, '59, neuralgia of the heart; M.D., U. P. Presbyterian minister. *JoHNSTON, John Watson.— Son of Rev. Robert and Eleanor (Wright); born Scrub Grass, Pa., Oct. 16, 1805; W. T. S. '30-34; licensed April 3, '33, Presbytery of Redstone; missionary, '33-35; ordained Oct. 12, '36, Presbytery of Allegheny; pastor Middlesex and stated supply Bull Creek, Pa., '36-39 ; pastor Highlands and Pine Creek '40-49 ; agent Board of Missions '49-50 ; stated supply Deer Creek '50-52 ; pastor Mt. Pleasant and Newport '52-61 ; stated supply Hopewell '61-63 ; married Dec. 15, '42, Sarah Murray ; died Darlington, Pa., Jan. 12, '83. Presbyterian minister. Johnson, Samuel Porter. =Son of Rev. Robert and Eleanor (Wright); bora Scrub Grass, Pa., Jan. 31, 1809 ; teacher ; read law with Judge Grier '31-33; practiced law Franklin, Pa^ '34, Warren '34—; Presiding Judge ten years ; married, '37, Martha, «kwighter of Laban Haseltine, also May 3, '59, Mrs. Martha L. Parmlee. Lawyer, Warren, Pa. ^Kendall, Thomas Simpson.— Son of William and Jennette (Linn); born Xenia, O., April 14, 1807 ; Associate T. S., Canonsburg ; licensed June 26, '34, Presbytery of Miami ; ordained Dec. 26, '34, same presbytery ; pastor in Blount Co., Tenn., '36-42, Illinois, West Point, Iowa, Oregon City, Ore., '45, California, Williamette, Ore., '50, Calipoola and Harmony, '56-70; married l^lary, daughter of Robert Kendall; died Dec. 5, '70; D.D., '70, Westminster College. United Presbyterian minister. -*Key, John Ross.— Son of Francis Scott {" Star Spangled Banner") and Mary Tayloe (Lloyd); born Georgetown, D. C, March 3, 1809 ; law student with his father; practiced law Washington, D. C, '32-37; married Sept. 2.), »34, Virginia, daughter of General Ringgold; died Washington, D. C, May 21, '37. Lawyer. 68 GENERAL CATALOGUE OP Kerr, Joseph. — Son of Aaron and Sarah, daughter of Rev. A. Peppard : born Johnstonsburg, N. J., Feb. 4, 1805; W. T. S. '30-33; licensed Jun& 26, '33, Presbytery of Ohio ; ordained October, '33, same presbytery ; mis- sionary to Wea Indians '33 37 ; stated supply and pastor Two Kidges, O.^ '37-43; pastor Poland and Liberty '43-54; missionary and colporteur, Towa, '54 ; married Oct. 15, '33, Mary A. K. Caldwell ; residence Fair- field, Iowa. Presbyterian minister. *Laird, Matthew.— Born Union Co., Pa., 1804; P. T. S.; licensed ; ordained evangelist October, '33, Presbytery of Northumberland ; foreign missionary to Africa; died Monrovia, Western Africa, May 3, '34, African fever. Presbyterian minister. *LoNG, Samuel.— Son of Hugh and Mary (McNair^; born Warminster, Bucks Co., Pa., March 17, 1805; first honor; teacher boarding-school near Harls- ville. Pa., '32-35 ; married Oct. 18, '32, Jane Mearns ; died near Harts- ville, Pa., Dec. 5, '35, by falling of a limb from a tree. Teacher. *Mackal, Richard Levin. Born Georgetown, D. C; chief clerk Navy" Department, Washington, D. C, '31-61 ; Confederate Stales Navy, Pay- inaster Confederate Navy '61-63 ; married Dec. 12, '39, Anne Catherine Beet ; died Mobile, Ala., Aug. 11, '63. Marks, James Junius. — Son of General William and Alice Anna (Hanson); born Allegheny Co., Pa., Jan. 2, 1809; W. T. S. '31-34; licensed May, '34, Presbytery of Ohio ; ordained February, '38, Presbytery of Palmyra ; pastor West Ely and Hannibal, Mo., '37-40, First Church, Quincy, 111., '40-58 ; Egypt, Palestine and Turkey ; chaplain United Slates Army '61- 62, liospitals '63-65; pastor Brookville, Pa., '68-69; missionary '69-72; pastor Webster Groves, Mo., '72-76, Fairmount Church, St. Louis, '76-79, Calvary Church, Springfield, '79-82 ; Superintendent Missions '82-84; stated supply Hot Springs, Ark., '84; married ^larch 16, '35, Eraeline W., daughter of Jesse Marks ; published ^' The Peninsular Campaign ;" D.D. Presbyterian minister, St. Louis, Mo. *Marr, Phineas Barbour.— Born Light Street, Pa., Jan. 20, 1808 ; P. T. S., '30-32 ; licensed '32 ; ordained Nov. 13, '34, Presbytery of Northumber- land ; stated supply Williamsport, Pa., '33-34 ; pastor Lewisburg '34-52 ; stated supply Muncy, Bethel '-53-54, Shamokin '54-67 ; Derry '68-70, Lewisburg, '71-74 ; died I^ewisburg, Pa., Jan. 28, '74. Presbyterian minister. *MoFFiT, William. — Son of John and Betsy (Strong); born Rocky Creek, Chester Co., S. C, 1805 or '06; theological student; teacher; unmarried; died Greenville, S. C, '32 or '33. Theological student. i *MoNTGOMERY, Daniel Strawbridoe. — SoQ of Gen. David and Christiana, (Strawbridge) ; born Danville, Pa., ; merchant, Danville, Pa.; mar- ried Sarah, daughter of Rev. John S. Vredinburg; died young, at Danville, Pa. Merchant. JEFFERSON COLLEGE. 5^ Newton JOHS. - Son of Jonas and Sarah (Vanderveer); born GriB«,„»„. N Presbytery of StenbenvUle; ordained Oct. 26, '34, Presbytery of New York ■ foreign missronary_ India; Lodiana, N. India, '34-; pnblisbed graml mar and dioUonary m Punjabi; New Testament in thesame language ; Com- mentary on Ephesians, in Hindustani ; married Elizabeth P. JanTier also Ma^ch 22, -66, Eliza Hornbuckle , D. D. Presbyterian minister^ Uhor" India. * *Patterson, JAMES.-Bom Pittsburg, Pa., July 15, 1812; Associate T. S Canonsburg; licensed July 2, '34, Presbytery of Chartlers ; ordained September, '37, Presbytery of Ohio ; pastor Scroggsfield, O., '37-54 ; Presi- dent of Western College, Iowa, '54-56 ; President of Ohio Central Col- lege, '54-55 ; pastor Living Lake, Iowa, 'G8-72 ; died Washington, I>. C, Sept. 23, '72 ; D. D. United Presbyterian minister. *Prior, AsahelP.— Son of Gideon; born Warminster, Pa., Nov. 15, 1800; died Aug. 30, '30, *PoBTER, James C— Son of Rev. Alexander; born Abbeville District, S. C, 1809; A. T. S., Allegheny, '31-34; licensed April 30, '34, First Associate Reformed Presbytery of Ohio ; ordained April 21 '35, same presbytery ; pastor Piqua, O., '3")-41, Cedar, 111., '41-62, Pope Creek '41-50; mar- ried Mary P. Magaw, also Sarah E. Patterson ; died Little York, III., Nov. 15, '63. Associate Reformed Presbyterian minister. *RuTHERFORD, Francis. — Licensed , Presbytery of Mississippi ; stated supply Spring Ridge, Miss., 1837 ; died '40. Presbyterian minister. *Sharox, James C — Born Pennsylvania, ; P. T. S., 1830-32; licensed '32; ordained '36(?), Presbytery of Lancaster; stated supply Newton and Blue Rock, O., '36-37, pastor '37-38, Blue Rock and Bristol '39-41, Union, Iowa, '42-49 ; professor in Des Moines College, '49-53 ; stated supply Alexandria, Mo., '54, Francesville '55-56, Waterloo '57; pastor Birmingham, Iowa, '58-03 ; stated supply Troy '63-66 ; missionary and stated supply Bloomfield '67-68 ; died Bloomfield, Iowa, June 28, '68. Presbyterian minister. *Sloan, James.— Born Washington Co., Pa., Sept. 16, 1807 ; theology pri- vately ; licensed April 22, '35, Presbytery of Washington ; ordained '06, same presbytery; pastor Frankfort Springs, Pa., '36-44, Pigeon Creek '45-62; stated supply Canonsburg, Waynesburg ; teacher many years ; married '31, Sarah, daughter of William Lindsey, also Margaret, daughter of Hon. James Gordon; died Monongahela City, Pa., March 11, '71 ; D. D.; trus- tee Jefferson College. Presbyterian minister. *Templeton, JoHN.-Born MississippK?); law student; practiced iawatVicks- burg. Miss., 1882-38; died Vicksburg, Miss., '38. Lawyer. 60 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF ♦Thompson, Robert Gordon. —Rom Indiana Co., Pa., Oct. 22, 1806; P. T. S., '30-32; licensed '32, Presbytery of ; ordained evangelist Oct. 17, '33, Presbytery of Philadelphia; stated supply Poundridge, N. Y., '33-35; pastor Yorktown '36-46, Tariff ville. Conn., '46-52 ; stated supply Roscoe, 111., '52-54, Rockford, etc., Janesville, Wis., '55-62, Willow Creek, 111., '62, and pastor '64-68; stated supply Brodhead, Wis., '68-71 ; pastor- elect Greely, Col., '71-77 ; diedGreely, Col., March 19, '79. Presbyterian minister. *TuRPiN, David Holmes. — Son of White and Rebecca; born Washington, Adams Co., Miss., 1814 ; law student University of Virginia '34 ; never prac- ticed ; married '37, Emma Maxwell; died near Natcheis, Miss., March, '51. Vallandigham, James Laird.- Son of Rev. Clement and Rebecca (Laird) ; born New Lisbon, O., March 13, 1812; teacher '30-36; law student; practiced law in New Lisbon, O., '37-43 ; studied theology with Dr. A. O. Patter- son ; licensed April 16, '45, Presbytery of New Lisbon ; ordained April 3, '50, Presbytery of Baltimore; pastor Princess Anne and Rehoboth, Md., '50-54, White Clay Creek '53-75, Head of Christiana '53 , and Newark, Del., '53-60; published " Life of Clement L. Vallandigham," ''Evils of Intemperance," ''Discourses, " etc.; married Sept. 24, '39, Mary E., daughter of L. P. Spence ; D. D., '74, Delaware College ; LL. D., '81, Western College. Presbyterian minister, Newark, Del. '* Wilson, James. — Son of James and Sarah (Morrison) ; born Ligonier Valley, Pa., Nov. 24, 1802 ; teacher '29-30; W. T. S., '30-33 ; licensed April, '33, Presbytery of Redstone; ordained '34, Presbytery of Hudson ; foreign mis- sionary to Agra, India, '34-52 ; missionary to Virginia, Tennessee and Georgia, '53-60 ; evangelist, '60 ; chaplain Confederate States, '62-65 ; stated supply Lawrenceville, Ga., '66-67, White Bluff, Tenn., '68-70, Whitney, Ga., '71-73 ; missionary, '73-78 ; Bible agent, '78 ; missionary, Tennessee and Georgia, '78-83, Tyler, Texas, '83-84; married Oct. 10, '34, Eliza G. Edwards ; died Tyler, Texas, Feb. 13, '84. Presbyterian minister. 1831. *Baird, Washington.— Born Fayette Co., Pa.; teacher Savannah, Ga.; licensed Presbytery of Charleston ; pastor Georgia, 1834-47 ; editor Southern Presby- terian, Milledgeville, Ga. ; agent Presbyterian Board of Publication ; preached in South Carolina and Arkansas ; home missionary, Georgia ; died Clayton Co., Ga., July 25, '68 ; D.D. Presbyterian minister. «'Beal, Thomas B.— Died 1839. *Boyd, Andrew Hunter Holmes. — Son of Gen. Elisha and Ann (Holmes); born Martinsburg, Va., June 4, 1814; P. T. S. '33-35; University of Edin- burg; licensed '37, Presbytery of Winchester(?) ; ordained evangelist April 18, '38, same presbytery ; stated supply Leesburg, Va., '38-40, Harrison- burg and Cook's Creek '40-42 ; pastor Opequon '42-50, Loudoun Street Church, Winchester, '42-65; married Jan. 11, '38, Eleanor Frances, daugh- ter of Philip Williams; died Winchester, Va., Dec. 15, '65, heart disease; D.D., Delaware College. Presbyterian minister. JEFFERSON COLLEGE. g| Bush Lewis Potter -Son of David and Martha (Potter) ; born Wilmington, Del, Oc 19 1812; medical student '32-35, University of Pennsylvanil 3o, Blockley Hospital '35-36 ; practiced medicine Wilmington Del '36- • published -Memoir of Dr. E. Miller," -Typhoid Fever," and other papers^ Corresponding Secretary Delaware Historical Societv; ruling elder in Central Presbyterian Church, Wilmington, Del.; married March 2, '39 Maria, daughter of Morgan Jones; M.D. Physician, Wilmington,' Del! *Byrne, John S.— Born Fauquier Co., Va.; law student; practiced law, Vicks- burg. Miss.; clerk courts, Fauquier Co., Va. *Clabk, David Duncan.— Son of Samuel and Mary (Duncan) ; born Shippens- burg, Pa., October, 1810; P. T. S. '32-33; licensed '37, Presbytery of Car- lisle; ordained April 11, '38, same presbytery; pastor Schellsburg, Pa., '38-43, Lower Marsh Creek '43-56, Waynesburg and Newton Hamilton '56-65 ; married Mary Cochran, also Miss Mahon ; died McVeytown, Pa., Dec. 30, '65, erysipelas ; D. D., '62, Jefferson College. Presbyterian min- ister. ♦Carter, Hamilton W.— Born South Carolina ; licensed and ordained Asso- ciate Keformed Presbyterian Church ; died South Carolina. *Coulter, James W. Born Pennsylvania, ; W. T. S. '31-33 ; died Mifflin- Co., Pa., Nor. 6, '33. Theological student. *Galt, Thomas. — Son of James and Mary (Martin) ; born Lancaster Co., Pa., 1806; W. T. S. '31-33 ; licensed May, '34, Presbytery of Ohio ; ordained '36, Presbytery of Peoria ; pastor Farmington, 111. '36-41 ; stated supply North Sangamon and Irish Grove '42-50, Providence and Ratten Prairie '50-53, Center '53-57 ; married November, '34, Miss Happer ; died Sept. 12, '57. Presbyterian minister. Henderson, John D.— Born Natchez, Miss.; business. New Orleans; president of bank, Vicksburg, Miss. ^Henderson, Isaac J.— Born Natchez, Miss., Jan. 6, 1812; P. T. 8. '32-35; licensed ; ordained ; missionary in Arkansas and Louisiana; pas- tor First Church, Galveston, Tex., '43-50, Jackson '50-52, Prytanea Street Church, New Orleans, La., '52-65, Annapolis, Md., '67-75 ; died AnnapolU, Md., Dec. 8, '75; D.D. Presbyterian minister. *Herron, John.— Son of Rev. Dr. Francis and Elizabeth (Blaine); born Pitts- burg. Pa., 1813; commission merchant; captain Mexican War, '46-47; mayor of Pittsburg '48 ; died Madison, Wis., '83. HiGGiNS, Anthony Madison. -Son of Anthony and Martha (Witherspoon) ; born New Castle Co., Del., Nov. 22, 1809; farmer; member of Delaware Legislature ; ruling elder in St. George's Presbyterian Church ; married May 22, '33, Sarah, daughter of Pennell Corbit. Farmer, St. George s, Dei. *HOQE, John LENOX.-Born Union Co., Pa.(?); teacher, Maryland ; died Mary- land, 1832. 62 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF *JuNKiN, David X. — Son of Joseph and Elizabeth (Wallace); born Mercer Co., Pa., Jan. 8, 1808; P. T. S. '31-33; licensed '33, Presbytery of Philadel- phia ; ordained March 25, '35, Presbytery of Newton ; pastor Greenwich, N. J., '35-51; professor Lafayette College '35-48; pastor F Street Church, Washington, D. C, '51-53, Holidaysburg, Pa., '53-60; chaplain United States Navy, Annapolis, Md., '60-64; pastor North Church, Chicago, '64r-66, First Church, New Castle, Pa., '66-79; published "The Judicial Oath," ** Memoir of Dr. Geo. Junkin," married Jane McCleery ; died Martins- burg, W. Va., April 22, '80 ; D. D. Presbyterian minister. *McClain, Samuel A.— Son of William and Agnes (Fink); born Washington Co., Pa., July 23, 1808 ; theology privately ; licensed '33, Presbytery of Beaver ; ordained '35, same presbytery ; pastor Hubbard and Brookfield, O., '35-37, Clarksville, Pa., '37-60, Porter, O., '60-62, West Alexander, Pa., '62-64; married '33, Anna, daughter of Rev. Thomas Edgar Hughes, and '63, Catherine Dawes ; died Newton, Jasper Co., Iowa, April 26, '69. Presbyterian minister. *McDovvELL, Reuben R. — Born Bedford Co., Pa.; medical student; died '33{?). Medical student. ^McMuRTRiE, Robert Alllson. — Son of David and Martha (Elliott); born Petersburg, Huntingdon Co., Pa., 1812 ; law student with Judge Reed; practiced law Petersburg '33-40, Holidaysburg '44-80 ; Legislature of Pennsylvania, '41, '51 ; State Senate ; married Jan. 1, '52, Sarah A., daugh- ter of John Briscoe, also October, '67, Mrs. Maria M. Denison, daughter of Joseph Milliken ; died Holidaysburg, Pa., Aug. 29, '80. Lawyer. ♦Mackey, Alexander.— Born District of Columbia; medical student; practiced medicine Elkridge, Md.; married; died Baltimore, Md. ♦Marshall, George. — Son of James and Nancy (Adams); born near Milton, Pa., Dec. 23, 1806 ; tutor Jefferson College '31-33 ; theology under Dr. John Stockton ; licensed April 17, '32, Presbytery of Wasiiington ; ordained June 17, '33, Presbytery of Ohio ; stated supply and pastor Bethel Church, Pa., '37-72 ; principal Bethel Academy '37-67 ; married April 14, '30, Mary, daughter of Hugh Lee; died Bethel, Allegheny Co., Pa., April 30, '72, general prostration ; D.D. Presbyterian minister. May, Addison. — Son of Robert and Ruth (Potts); born Coventry, Chester Co., Pa., Dec. 18, 1811 ; law student '33-35 ; practiced law in Erie, Pa., '36-40, Norristown '40-52; ill-health; married June 12, '39, Elizabeth, daughter of Hon. Samuel Shaffer ; member Historical Society of Pennsyl- vania ; delegate to American Philosophical Society of Pennsylvania ; resi- dence Westchester, Pa. Lawyer. ♦Morrison, John E. — Born Bedford, Pa.; medical student ; died Bed- ford, Pa, JEFFERSON COLLEGE. ^o Parke, Joseph M.— Son of Geome W nn^ m /n^. . burg, Chester Co., Pa., Feb TlsTo Ia„ ^H ' "'*'■ ""'"""^ P""* Amanda Motter. Lawyer, Westminster, Md. ^ "' ' ^Patterson, John H.-Born Hagerstown, Md, medical student; practiced Phylirn. ''^^^ ''"'^^"' '"^^^^^^"^^^ '''' Hagerstown, ;^, -Porter, James H Born Fayette Co., Pa.: principal female school, Law- renceville, N. J.; died Lawrenceville, N. J. *Ealston, JAMES.-Born Washington Co., Pa., ; W. T. S. 1832-34; died Washington Co., Pa., March 24, '35. Theological student. *Sheddan, Samuel Sharon.— Born Northumberland Co., Pa., Sept. 13, 1810; P. T. S. '31-33 ; licensed '33, Presbytery of Northumberland ; ordained October, '35, same presbytery ; stated supply and pastor '35-38 ; stated supply WlUiamsport '34-38, Warrior Run '39, pastor '47-52, First Cliurch Rah way, N. J., '52-74; died Rah way, N. J., Oct. 18, '74 ; D.D. Presbyte- rian minister. *Taverner, Cabel.— From Parkersburg, Va.; law student; practiced law Parkersburg, Va.; died Parkersburg, Va. Lawyer. *Wilson, Samuel Marshall.— Born Harford Co., Md., Sept. 30, 180G; P. T. 8. '34-36; licensed 36(?) ; ordained evangelist April 11, '37, Presbytery of Columbus; pastor Lithopolis, O., '37-58, Groveport '56-58; stated supply Clinton, III., '58, Pleasant Plains '58-?; W. C; died Pleasant Plains, 111., April 18, '83. Presbyterian minister. Wilson, William. — Born North Carolina. *Witherspoon, John Graham. — Born Mecklenburg Co., N. C, 1811 ; United Presbyterian Theological Seminary, Allegheny, '31-32; with Dr. Isaac C. Grier ; licensed '33, First Presbytery (Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church); ordained '34, same presbytery; pastor Coddle Creek, Gilead and Prosperity, N. C, '34-46; married, '33, Martha H. Grier; died Jan. 6, '46. Associate Reformed minister. 1832. ♦Bartol, JaxMES Lawrence.— Son of George and Mary (Bayless); born Havre de Grace, Md., June 4, 1813 ; law sauleut '33-36 ; practiced law Denton, Md., '37-45, Baltimore '45-57 ; Associate Judge Supreme Court of Appeals '55-67 ; Chief-Justice '67-83 ; Maryland Court of Appeals '87 ; married June 3, '41, Corinne Mary, daughter of President Cherbonnier ; LL.D., St. John's College, Md.; died Baltimore, Md., June 23, '87. Lawyer. ♦BiXBY, Herbert.— Son of Simeon and Mary (Chase); born Litchfield, N, H., Dec. 24, 1806; medical student ; infirm; planter, Natchez, Miss., '33-63; died Natchez, Miss., April 18, '63, consumption. Planter. 64 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF *BuRNETT, William.— Born Abbeville District, S. C, 1808 (?); Associate Reformed Theological Seminary, Allegheny ; licensed April 23, '35, Second Presbytery of Ohio; ordained April 13, '36, Presbytery of Monongahela; pastor Robinson's Run, Pa., '36-38; President Franklin College '39-40 ; pastor Fourth Associate Reformed Church, Pittsburg, Pa., '40-41, Mt. Nebo '45-50; demitted ministry, went West; died Manchester, Pa., Aug. 20, '54; D.D. Associate Reformed minister. *Fromberger, John Henry. — Son of Henry ; born Delaware; medical stu- dent, Medical College, Philadelphia; practiced medicine Damascus, Del., 1835 — ?; army surgeon; married about '50, Mrs. Smith ; died Hampton, Va , April 10, '85, exposure in army. Physician. *Galloway, John Mason. — Son of James and Agnes (Junkin) ; born Mercer Pa., Jan. 8, 1813; teacher; P. T. S. '33-34; licensed '34, Presbytery of Lakes (Associate Reformed); ordained May 23, '37, same presbytery ; pastor Shenango, Pa., '37-38, Herman's Creek '39-49(?j; teacher Steubenville, O., '51-55; pastor Clearfield, Pa., '58-64; died Clearfield, Pa., April 4, '65. Associate Reformed minister. ,*Hair, Samuel.— Born Monongahela City, Pa., April 1, 1808 ; W. T. S. '32-34;. licensed '35; ordained '35; Washington, O.; pastor Reading, Oxford, Pleasant Valley and Carlisle, Pleasant Ridge, Bethlehem, N. Branch, Hope, Pa., Martinsburg, W. Va., Montana, Wyoming and Elgin, 111.; married April 23, '34, Eliza E. Semple ; died Chicago, 111., May 11, '76. Presbyterian minister. Hanna, Henry. — Son of Thomas and Sarah; born Washington, Guernsey Co., O.; married Dec. 28, 1840, Mary Jane Ellison. Residence Cincinnati, O. *Hull, David.— Born near Milton, Pa., 1806; P. T. S. '32-34; licensed '34; ordained evangelist Jan. 15/ '36, Presbytery of Northumberland; stated supply First Church, Amwell, N. J., '36 — ?; pastor '37-44; stated supply Nippenose, Pa., '44-45, Pennsdale '46, pastor '48 ; pastor Shamokin and Elysburg '48-52, Lycoming Center '53-60 ; stated supply Pennsdale '61-62 ; agent and missionary Cogan's Station '63-67 ; stated supply St. Mary's 68-70, Dewart '68-75; died Alexandria, Kan., Aug. 12, '86. Presbyterian minister. *KuHN, James I. — Son of Adam and Mary; born Allegheny Co., Pa., 1810; Professor of Greek and Latin, Lafayette College, '32-37 ; tutor Georgia '37-40 ; professor Ohio University '40-44 ; law student; practiced law Pitts- burg, Pa., '44—?; died Pittsburg, Pa., July 2, '85. *McCoRMJCK, William. — Son of James and Margaret (Oliver) ; born Carlisle, Pa, 1797; Western Theological Seminary 1832-34; died Newville, Pa., June 30, '35. Theological student, preparing for missionary work in Africa. *McCuRDY, John King.— Son of William and Nancy (King) ; born Adams Co., Pa., 1811; medical student '32-35; practiced medicine Fairfield, Adams Co., Pa., '35-43, Harrisburg '43-44 ; druggist '44-48 ; Reading, Pa., '48-73 ; married June, '38, daughter of Elizabeth J. McGinley ; died Reading, Pa., March 23, '73. Physician. JEFFERSON COLLEGE ^Marshali., William Kikkpateick-Sou of William and Mary (Kirk- patrick) ; born Indiana Co., Pa., July 19, 1808- W T S •^•> •« r . Octobe, .37, Pi-esb^tery of Blai.vl.fe ; o'rdained l^^^^;, 'l^::^. port ; pastor LaPone, Ind., '38-45, Van Buren, Ft. Smith, Ark ^TZ Henderson Texas, '54-68, Marshall '69- ? ; niar^ed Apri 2^ 39, ta ' daughter of Ezekiel Morrison; D.D., '46, Indiana Universiiy. Pre^byl terian minister, Marshall, Texas. Moore, CLARKE.-Son of Joseph and Jane Etta; born Belmont Co. O July 6, 1811 ; farmer near Martin's Ferry, 0., '32-?; married Dec'. I2' '43, Juliana King. Farmer, Martin's Ferry, O. "' *0CHELTREE, William D.-Son of Kobert and Eliza (Maclay); born New Castle Co., Del., 1813 ; law student New Castle, Del.; practiced law New Castle, Del., '44-53; Recorder of Deeds; unmarried; died Christiana, White Clay Creek, Del., July 30, '53. Lawyer. Okbison, William P.— Son of William and Eleanor (Elliott); born Hunting, don, Pa., Nov. 4, 1814 ; law student with John G. Miles, Huntingdon, Pu., and Dickinson Law School; practiced law Huntingdon, Pa., '35—?; elder Presbyterian Church ; President of First National Bank ; married Sept. 16, '41, Lydia R., daughter of Robert Allison. Lawyer, Huntingdon, Pa., ^Patterson, James H.— Son of Hon. John and Grissella ; born St. Clairsville, O.; law student 1833-34; practiced law St. Clairsville, O., '34—?; died St. Clairsville, O.; lived but a few years after '34. *PoLK, David.— Born Baltimore, Md., 1809 ; P. T. S. '32-33 ; licensed '33, Presbytery of Baltimore; ordained '35, Presbytery of (now) Dayton; pastor Washington, O., '35-38 ; staled supply and pastor Bethel (now Broukville), Pa., '40-45; stated supply Ohio '45-51; teacher Brookville, Pa., and stated supply Mill Creek '52-53, Mt. Tabor '52-56, Pine Grove '51-50; Stated Clerk Presbytery of Clarion '42-44; died Brookville, Pa., April 15, '57. Presbyterian minister. *Reynolds, William Morton.— Son of Col. George and Mary Babe (De ); born Fayette Co., Pa., March 4, 1812 ; principal of Preparatory Department Pennsylvania College, Gettysburg, Pa., '33-35 ; tinaucial agent '35 ; licensed '35, Western Pennsylvania Synod Lutheran Church; ordained '36, Min- isterium, Pa.; Pennsylvania College till '50 ; President of Capital College, Columbus, O., '50-53 ; Classical School, Allentown, Pa., '53-57 ; President Illinois State University '57-60 ; ordained Protestant Episcopal Church '64, by Bishop Whitehouse, Illinois; Recorder Harlem, 111.; Oak Park; editor Evangelical Magazine '40, Evangelical Remw '49 ; edited " Captives' of Plautus, translated " History of New Sweden;" married June, '38, Anna . Maria, daughter of John Swan; D.D., Jefferson CoUege, '50; died Oak Park, 111., Sept. 5, '76. Protestant Episcopal minister. 5 66 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF *RiDDELL, Joseph Kerr. — Son of Rev. Dr. John ; born Allegheny Co., Pa.; Associate Reformed T. S., Allegheny, 1840-43; licensed April 19, '43, Presbytery of Steubenville ; ordained April, '45, Presbyteryof Mansfield ; pastor Bear Creek, Mt. Varnuni and Lawrenceburg, Pa., '47-48; medical student; practiced medicine South Bend, Ind., 72; died Bois d'Arc, near Elwood, Tex., April 8, '75, drowned. Physician. ♦Squires, Norman. — Son of Burgess and Sarah (Case); born Vermillion Co., 111.; teacher in the South ; theological student ; unmarried ; died Rodney, Miss. Theological student. *WiLLiAMS, Henry. — Son of Philip and Elizabeth ; born Hagerstown, Md., Jan. 25, 1810; theology; rector Episcopal Church '34-52, Calvert Co., Md.; married November, '38, Priscilla Elizabeth, daughter of John H. Chew; died Calvert Co., Md., April 8, '52. Protestant Episcopal minister. 1833. BaGG, William. — Born Glasgow, Scotland; returned to Scotland soon after- graduation. ■*Blodgett, William H. — Son of Dr. William and Martha ; born Brownsville, Pa., June 22, 1815 ; law student with Judge Holt, Dayton, O.; practiced law Dayton, O., ^5-42 ; Prosecuting Attorney of Montgomery Co., O.; editor Democratic Herald ; unmarried ; died Dayton, O., March 24, '42. Lawyer. Caldwell, Aquila Bolton. — Son of Joseph and Mary (Yarnall) ; born Wheel- ing, Va., Feb. 11, 1814; law student with Professors Story and Greenleaf, Cambridge, Mass.; practiced law Mississippi '40, Louisiana '44, Wheeling, Va., '58 — ; Prosecuting Attorney Ohio Co., W. Va., two terms, '65-66; Attorney-General West Virginia, '63-68 ; married May 14, '46, Matilda A. Newman. Lawyer, Wheeling, W. Va. ^Gordon, Thomas Patterson. — Son of Hon. James and Mary (Officer) ; born Monongahela City, Pa., July 13, 1813 ; W. T. S., '34-37 ; licensed '37, Presbytery of Ohio; ordained '38, Presbytery of Lancaster; pastor Cum- berland, O., '38-42, Montour, Pa., '42-46, Manchester '46-50, Wellsville, O., '50-66, Sixth Church, Pittsburg, Pa., '56-57, Terre Haute, Ind., '57-65 ; married Dec. 27, '37, Mary Ann Lindsay, also July 6, '40, Jane A. Cowan; died Terre Haute, Ind., Aug. 15, '65; D. D., Jefferson College, '59. Pres- byterian minister. *Graham, David Patterson. — Son of David and Martha (Patterson) ; born New Lisbon, O., Nov. 6, 1811 ; medical student ; druggist and bookseller. New Lisbon; married Caroline McMahan ; died Morristown, O., '59. Bookseller and druggist. *Hall, Alexander A.— Born Rowan Co., N. C, April 10, 1807 ; teacher ; teacher Rutherfordton, N. C, Lincolnton and Wilkesboro, Monroe, Ga., Gainesville and W^alker Co., Wilkesboro, N. C; married '33, Martha Ram- sey, also '42, Mary L. Gaither ; died Wilkesboro, N. C, April 13, '59, fall from a horse. Teacher. JEFFERSON COLLEGE. g^ ♦Hamilton, William Young.— Son of Rev Thn«,o. j ^r (Young) ; born New York City, Sept 11 181*1 th". '"i ?^"'"* ''* • c J- ,, , •''^^ ^ ^^' ^^^^ 5 theological student : lieensejl — ; mfirm-disabled mentally ; unmarried ; died Philadelphia, Mard" 'bO. United Presbyterian licentiate. *», ^ larcn w, Hays ROBEBT G.- Son of Patrick and Elizabeth (Galbraith) ; born near Shippensburg, Pa., April 4, 1811 ; teacher. Protestant Episcc;pal minister' ^'"Znc't '^T'lT\ 1.f:\'''' *"''" ^"' ^^'^ (^^-'^^ ^ ^-'^ Chester District S. C July 3, 1813; law student, '33-36; practiced law (Chester. S. C 36-; Commissioner in Equity, '38-53; House of Representatives of South Carolina, 'o7, '62-64; State Senator, '65-66; member Constitutional Convention, '65; married May 17, '43, Rachel Elizabeth, daughter of James C. Branley. Residence Chester, S. C. Lawyer. ♦Hemphill, William Ramsey.-Sou of Rev. Dr. John'and Jane (Lind) ; born Chester District, S. C, March 11, 1806 ; A. T. S., Allegheny, Pa., '33-37 ; licensed '36, First Associate Reformed Presbytery of South ; ordained June,' - '37, Second Associate Reformed Presbytery of South ; pastor Cedar Spring and Long Cane, S. C, '37-48 ; professor Erskine College '48-65 ; married May 10, '37, Hannah Smith, daughter of R^. John Lind ; died Due West, S. C, July 28, '76 ;D. D., Erskine College, '65. Associate Reformed Pres- byterian minister. Huber, John. Kerr, James W. — Son of William and Mary; born Lancaster, Pa., Sept. 9, 1813 ; medical student ; practiced in Blockley Hospital ; York, Pa., '40— ; married Oct. 17, '44, Jane M. Mcllvain. Physician, York, Pa. *Leffler, Shepherd.— Born West Liberty, Ohio Co., Va., 1811 ; law student practiced law at Burlington, Iowa, '36 ; farmer ; member Territorial Legisla- ture ; Member of Congress, Iowa, '46-51 ; candidate for Governor '75 ; married '40, Elizabeth Parrott; died Burlington, Iowa, Sept. 7, '79. Lawyer. ♦McAllister, Hugh N. — Son of William and Sarah (Thompson) ; born Juniata Co., Pa., June 28, 1809 ; law school, Carlisle ; practiced law at Bellefonte, Pa., '35-73; captain Company F, 23d Regiment Pennsylvania Militia, '62; member of Constitutional Convention, Pennsylvania, '73-74; ruling elder Presbyterian Church, Bellefonte ; married Sept. 16, '41, Henrietta Ashman, daughter of Willian Orbison, also Sept. 12, '59, Margaret, daughter of Hugh Hamilton ; died Philadelphia, Pa., May 5, '73. Lawyer. ^McClelland, James.— Son of Hugh; born Pittsburg, Pa. ; medical student ; assistant surgeon United States Navy '38-53, surgeon '53-71, medical direc- tor '71-76 ; retired '76; died Germantown, Pa., Aug. 4, '76. Physician. *MoFFAT, Charles Strong.— Son of John ; born Chester District, S. C, 1812; teacher '33-34; medical student '35-36 ; Medical College, South Carolina ; ■ practiced medicine at Chester, S. C, '37-42 ; died Chester, S. C, Nov. 15, '42, consumption. Physician. 68 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF Nevin, Alfred. — Son of Major David and Mary (Pierce) ; born Shippens- burg, Pa., March 14, 1816 ; law student, Carlisle, Pa.; admitted to bar '37 j W. T. S., '37-40; licensed April, '40, Presbytery of Carlisle; ordained May, '40, Presbytery of New Castle; pastor Cedar Grove, Pa., '40-45, German Reformed Church, Chambersburg, '45-52, Second Church, Lancas- ter, '52-57, Alexander Church, Philadelphia, '57-61; editor Standard '61-66, Presbyterian Weekly, Presbyterian Journal; published about twenty volumes — some of his works are: ** Notes on Shorter Catechism," ''Para- bles of Jesus," ''Churches of the Valley," "Commentaries," "Presbyterian Encyclopedia," etc.; married May 6, '41, Sarah J., daughter of Hon» Robert Jenkins ; D. D., LL. D. Presbyterian minister, Philadelphia. *NEvm, Daniel E.— Born Franklin Co., Pa., March 3, 1813 ; W.T.S., '33-36 ; licensed '36, Presbytery of Ohio; ordained April, '38, same presbytery; pastor Fairmount and Sewickley, Pa., '38-46 ; United States Assessor nine years ; missionary ; teacher ; married Oct. 10, '36, Margaret, daughter of John Irwin ; died Sewickley, Pa., July 21, '86. Presbyterian minister. Nevin, Edwin Henry. — Son of Major David and Mary (Pierce) ; born Ship- pensburg. Pa., May 9, 1814; W. T. S., '33-34; P. T. S., '34-36; licensed '36, Presbytery of Philadelphia; ordained June 25, '39, Presbytery of Mahoning ; pastor Poland, O., '39-41 ; President Franklin College '40-45 ; New Athens, O., Mt. Vernon, Cleveland, Congregational Churches New England, Lancaster, Pa., Philadelphia; published '' Minister's Hand- book," " City of God," "The Man of Faith," " Thoughts about Christ ;" married July 6, '37, Ruth C. Little ; D. D. Presbyterian minister, Phila- delphia, Pa. *Orr, Robert Wilberforce. — Son of Samuel C. and Margaret (Sloan); born Clarion Co., Pa., Jan. 18, 1808 ; W. T. S. '33-36; res. lie; P. T. S. '36; licensed '36, Presbytery of Allegheny ; ordained Nov. 22, '37, Presbytery of Bedford ; foreign missionary to China '37-41 ; teacher Clarion, Pa., '42-44; stated supply Greenwood, Pa., '43-44, Bethel '44; stated sup- ply and pastor Center '44-52; professor Jefferson College '44-52; stated supply Mt. Tabor and Mill Creek, '56 ; Superintendent of Schools Clarion County '54-57 ; married Sept. 12, '37, Eliza Ann Carter ; died Mechanics- ville. Pa., March 30, '57. Presbyterian minister. ♦PiGMAN, Hanson Briscoe. — Son of Bene S. and Harriet (Briscoe); born Frederick, Md., April 15, 1815 ; law student with his father, Cumber- land, Md.; practiced law Cumberland, '35-47; District Attorney; married May 23, '38, Mary Elizabeth, daughter of John T. Shriver ; died at sea on a voyage to Europe, Sept. 8, '47. Lawyer. ♦Scott, James Long.— Born Coatesville, Pa., Oct. 27, 1812; teacher '33-35 ; P. T. S. '35-38 ; licensed Sept. 27, '37, Presbytery of New Castle ; ordained evangelist Sept. 26, '38, same presbytery; foreign missionary to India,. Mynpoorie, Agra and Futteghur, '39-64; infirm; London, Eng., '65-68;. principal Hammonton, N. J., '68-78; missionary to India at Landour,, '79 i died Dehra, India, Jan. 2, '80. Presbyterian minister. .TEPPlfRSON COLLEGE. ^a *Smart, James P.-Son of James and Mary • bom Hnnr a t> 1814; Associate Presbyterian Seminary CannK.^'"' ^^" "^"^^ ^^» tery of Chartiers (Associate EefZe ;' orda be/'l; a""V'^ ^r''' of Miami; pastor Massie's Creek O '39 fii ' ^'.' /^^^^^^^^^ ^^^bytery died at Massie's Creek, O. Feb og ,fif I ' "^''"'^ ^^^^* McClelland ; terian minister. ' ^'' ''' ^«°«"°^Pt^o°- Associate Presby- "^"^ dai. ^^'"^^"^'-^^^^^^1 ^^"dent ; practiced medicine ; died ',,. Ph,«i. -TKAVEI..I, Joseph S -Son of Francis and Abigail (Monday); born Phila- de phia Pa Apnl 21, 1809 ; W. T. S. '33-30 ; licensed October, '35,7^ 1 bytery of Philadelphia ; ordained April, '36, same presbytery ; foreign mil • sionary at Singapore, India, '36-41 ; teacher, Pennsylvania, 'il -64 f agen" Freedmen '66 ; teacher Western Penitentiary '67-88; married March 31, 36, Susan, daughter of John Irwin, also Dec. 27, '55, Jane Irwin- died Sewickley, Pa., Sept. 17, '88. Presbyterian minister. Williams, John H. -Son of Henry and Jane ; born near Emmitsburg, Md. April 10, 1814; editor Frederick Examiner 'So-44; bank officer Frederick '44-?; president '84; married Nov. 17, '36, Ellen, daughter of Hon. Abra- ham Shrora. Banker, Frederick, Md. Wilson, Thomas Stokeley.-Sou of Peter M. and Frances (Stokeley); born Steubenville, O., Oct. 13, 1813; law student Steubenville, O.; practiced law Steubenville, O., '34-36, Dubuque, Iowa, '36-?; Prosecuting Attorney Dubuque '37 ; Judge Supreme Court of Iowa Territory '38-49 ; Judge of Supreme Court of State '49-50; Judge of State District Court '52-60; Iowa Legislature ; United States Attorney, Iowa ; United States Commis- sioner; married Sept. 29, '36, Anna W. Hoge. Lawyer Dubuque, Iowa. 1834. *Allison, Robert Henderson.— Born Harrisburg, Pa., Aug. 31, 1814 ; med- ical student Jefferson Medical College; practiced medicine Charleston, 111., '36-46 ; married Charleston, 111.; died Charleston, 111., '46. Physician. ^Anderson, A. A. — Born Carlisle, Pa.; law student with Judge Reed, Car- lisle; practiced law Damopolis, Ala.; Texas; died Texas. *Baird, Chambers. --Son of Hon. Moses and Mary (Adams); born Sandy Springs, Adams Co., O., July 25, 1811 ; law student '34-36 ; practiced law Ripley, O., 36—; Provost Marshal '61-63 ; Paymaster United States Army '63-66 ; State Senator '56-57 ; delegate to National Convention '56 ; elder Presbyterian Church; married May 6, '45, Judith A., daughter of Archibald Liggett; died Ripley, O., March 20, '87. Lawyer. *Chapman, Samuel T.— Bom Westmoreland Co., Pa.; law student ; practiced law Macon, Ga.; Savannah; editor Jfacon Telegraph, Satmmah Journal; died Savannah, Ga., 1854, yellow fever. Lawyer and editor. 70 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF *CooPER, Joseph Tate. — Son of Samuel and Jane (Campbell); born Balti- more, Md., Dec. 2G, 1813; Associate Presbyterian Seminary, Canonsburg ; licensed July 4, '38, Associate Presbytery of Philadelphia ; ordained Sept. 25, '39 ; pastor Second Associate Presbyterian Church, Philadelphia, '39-71 ; Professor of Didactic and Polemic Theology, United Presbyterian Seminary, Allegheny, '71-86; published " Oddfellowship," ''Spiritual Arithmetic," ''Sketches of Mr. Bruce, D.D.," pamphlets, etc.; editor Evangelical Repository '42-71, Christian Jnsti'uctor ; Moderator United Presby- terian General Assembly ; married Oct. 15, '40, Susan, daughter of Joseph K. Dickson; died Cleveland, O., Aug. 22, '86; D.D., '49, Jefferson College; LL.D., '85, Westminster Oollege. United Presbyterian minister. *CuMMiNS, John D. — Born Western Pennsylvania; law student; practiced law in New Philadelphia, O., and Milwaukee, Wis.; Member of Congress, O., '45-49 ; died Milwaukee, Wis., Sept. 11, '40, cholera. Lawyer. Davis, James. — Son of Rev. Thomas and Hannah (Gilley); born Pittsburg, Pa., Oct. 28, 1808 ; W. T. S. '34-37 ; licensed April, '37, Presbytery of Blairsville ; ordained '37, Presbytery of Redstone ; pastor Morgantown, W. Va., '37-55; missionary many years ; delegate Christian Commission; stated clerk of presbytery ; married Sept. 28, '37, Margaret W., daughter of Joseph Long ; residence Blairsville, Pa. Presbyterian minister, Blairs- ville, Pa. *FiSHER, Samuel R. — Born Norristown, Pa.; German Reformed Seminary, York; licensed 1836, German Reformed Synod ; ordained '36, same body ;; pastor Emmitsburg, Md., '36-?; editor Messenger forty years ; married April 5, '37, Ellen C, daughter of Daniel C, May, also Mrs. Naomi Kerns; died June, '81 ; DD., '53, F. and Mar. College. German Reformed- minister. Foster, Thomas.— Born in Beaver Co., Pa.(?); medical student; practiced medicine in the West. Galbraith, Robert Craig. — Son of James and Maria (Henderson ; bortt Mahoning, Pa., Feb. 26, 1811 ; teacher '37-44; P. T. S., '35-37 ; licensed October, '36, Presbytery of Huntingdon ; ordained evangelist fall of '44, Presbytery of East Hanover ; missionary Brunswick Co., Va., '44-49 ; pastor Madison Street Church, Baltimore, Md., '49-53, Govane Chapel, Bal- timore, '53-65, Odin, 111., '65-71, Flora 71-75, Fairfield '71-78; stated supply Harrisburg and Equality '79-80 ; pastor Metropolis 80-?, Gol- conda '85 ; married Sept. 23, "37, Mary A., daughter of John Cade, also Dec. 30, '56, Olivia, daughter of Mrs. Gill, also Dec. 29, '65, E. B. Love,, daughter of Benjamin Love. Presbyterian minister, Golconda, 111. *Geary, Edward Ratchford.— Son of Richard and Margaret (White) ; born Boonsborough, Md., April 30, 1811; W. T. S. '34-37; teacher '37-39; licensed spring of '38, Presbytery of Blairsville ; ordained '40, Presbytery of Wooster; pastor Unity (now) Fredericksburg, O., '40-51, Califortiia, Oregon, JEFFERSON COLLEGE. 7^ Washington ol, Eugene City, Ore., 76-86; while preaching held a number of civil offices as a means of support ; principal Albany Collegiate Institute andKegent State University ; married May 15, '38, Harriet R., daughter of Samuel Reed, also Sept. 4, '45, Nancy, daughter of Ed. Woodbridge- died Eugene City, Ore., Sept. 1, '86 ; D.D , Washington and Jefferson College, '72. Presbyterian minister. 'tGiLKERSON, Thomas. -Son of William and Agnes; born Barnet, Vt., Dec 4, 1814 ; teacher ; Associate Presbyterian Seminary ; licensed '39, Associate Presbytery of Chartiers ; ordained '40, Presbyter;^ of Conemaugh ; pastor Apollo and Conemaugh '40-58 ; married '41, Maria L., daughter of James Hart ; died Apollo, Pa., Feb. 10, '59, typhoid pneumonia. United Pres- byterian minister. Hamill, Samuel M.— Son of Robert and Isabella (Todd); born Norristown, Pa., ; theology with Rev. Hugh Hamill ; licensed Presbytery of Philadel- phia North ; ordained evangelist same presbytery ; teacher, principal and professor, Lawrenceville, N. J., '34-83 ; married April 18, '38, Matilda, daughter of Richard M. Green ; D.D., Rutgers College, '62; trustee P. T. S.; residence Lawrenceville, N. J. Presbyterian minister. *Heisley, Frederick Kurtz. — Born Harrisburg, Pa., April 2, 1814 ; civil engineer ; editor Lutheran Observer ; killed Jan. 2, '50, railroad accident. Civil Engineer. *HuRST, Nathaniel N.— Son of Nathaniel ; born Westmoreland Co., Pa., 1812; law studenj ; practiced law Natchez, Miss.; married Ann, daughter of Joshua Emery; died Natchez, Miss., '47. Lawyer. •Hutchinson, William.— Son of Thomas and Mary; born Delaware Co., Pa., Jan. 4, 1803 ; W. T. S. '34-37 ; licensed April, '37, Presbytery of Blairs- ville ; stated supply Apple Creek, O.; ordained '39, Presbytery of Marion ; missionarv Jackson, Wayne and Greene, 0.; pastor Bucyrus '40-46; stated supply Sandusky, Osceola '47; infirm '52-60 ; married Jane L., daughter of Judge Mead, of Meadville, Pa.; died Feb 1, '60, Bucyrus, O., paralysis. Presbyterian minister. *IRWIN William F.— Medical student ; Jefferson Medical College ; practiced medicine near Stewartsville, Westmoreland Co., Pa.; married; died near Stewartsville, Pa., typhoid fever. Physician. *Jackson, Robert M. S.-Son of Dr. William and Mary (Montgomery) ; born Alexandria, Huntingdon Co., Pa., April 20, 1815; medical student, Jeffer- son Medical College '38-41 ; Assistant Surgeon-General Pennsylvania 41-43 ; practiced medicine Blairsville, Pa., '43-52, Cresson '52-61 ^^^^^^rT^^^ • nth Regiments, Pennsylvania Volunteers, '61-63; Medical D^^^^^^^^ ty-third Army Corps, East Tennessee, '63-65; published - The Mountain , married Oct.'l2, '43, Mary E., daughter of Joseph Herron ; died Lookout Mountain, June 25, '65, pneumonia. Physician. 72 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF *Leech, James Stewart.— Born Harrisburg, Pa., 1814 ; teacher North Caro- lina '35, Alabama '36-57, Delaware 37 ; medical student, Jefferson Medical College, '37-41 ; practiced medicine Downingtown, Pa., '41 — ?; unmarried. Physician ; residence Dowuington, Pa. *LeCompte, Samuel Dexter.— Son of Samuel D. and Araminta(Frazier); born Cambridge, Md., Dec. 13, 1814 ; studied law with Hon. Henry Page ; prac- ticed law Westminster, Md., '37-44, Cambridge '44-53, Baltimoie '53-54, Leavenworth, Kan.; Legislature of Maryland '41-42 ; appointed by Presi- dent Pierce, Chief Justice Kansas ; Legislature of Kansas '67-68 ; Probate Judge, Leavenworth, '76; published ''Tale of Kansas History," ''The Other Side ;" married '41, Camilla Anderson ; died Kansas City, Mo., April 24, '88. Lawyer. *McCandlish, William. —Son of Alexander and Jane (McSellon;) born Dal- batie, Scotland, Sept. 12, 1810 ; W. T. S. '34-37 ; licensed September, '37, Presbytery of Carlisle ; ordained May, '39, Presbytery of Wooster ; pastor Wooster, O., '39-49, Lewistown, III., '49-54, Westminster, Quincy '54-57 ; stated supply Astoria and Ipavi, Council Bluffs, Iowa ; missionary Nebraska ; stated supply Indianola, Iowa, Hartford and Sigourney, Iowa ; agent American Bible Society '67-84; married Sept. 10, '38, Maria H., daugh- ter of Henry C. Howells ; died Omaha, Neb., Aug. 4, '84. Presbyterian minister. ^McCartney, Washington. — Born Westmoreland Co., Pa., Aug. 24, 1812; law student ; Professor of Mathematics, Jefferson College, '36-37 ; practiced law Eastern Pennsylvania, '37 ; Professor of Mathematics, Lafayette College; Presiding Judge, Northampton Co., Pa.; published "Differential and Inte- gral Calculus," " History of the United States;" n\arried Miss Maxwell; died Eastern Pennsylvania, July, '56. Lawyer. *McLean, John L.— Born Westmoreland Co., Pa.; Associate Theological Sem- inary, Canonsburg ; licensed 1838, Presbytery of Muskingum ; ordained Nov. 22, '39, Presbytery of Indiana ; pastor Princeton and Midway, Ind., '39-43, Mansfield '43-53, Haysville '43-55, Clear Creek '43-49, Ontario '49-53, Chesterville, Sulphur Springs and Alum Creek '59-63, Monmouth, 111., — , Red Oak, Iowa, '71-74; died Red Oak, Iowa, March 29, '74. United Presbyterian minister. ^McGooKiN, William. — Born County Derry, Ireland, May 3, 1807 ; W. T. S. '34-37 ; licensed Sept. 13, "38, Presbytery of Oxford ; ordained '40, Presby- tery of Sidney; pastor Lima, O., '40; teacher Richmond, Ind., five years, Hillsboro, 111., two years, Sidney thirteen years, Springfield eighteen years; married May 19, '36, Laura A. Phelps, also July 9, '39, Rhoda M., daugh- ter of Azariah Bancroft ; died Springfield, O., March 20, '76. Presbyterian minister. *OsBORN, Robert. - Son of Rev. Ethan Osborn ; born Cedarville, N. J., Aug. 27, 1813 ; P. T. S. '35-38; licensed April 17, '39, Presbytery of Philadelphia; ordained evangelist April 10, '41, Presbytery of Greenbrier; stated supply and pastor Point Pleasant '39-55 ; infirm, Cedarville, N. J., '59-78 ; mar- ried Josephine, daughter of Dr. Benjamin Brown ; died Fairton, N. J., July 13, '78. Presbyterian minister. JEFFERSON COLLEGE. 73 Reyj^olds, John Van LiEw.-Son of John and Jane (EUicott); born Mead- ville, Pa., April 12, 1815; P. T. S. '35-38 ; licensed April 15, '38, Presby- tery of Erie ; ordained Nov. 13, '39, same presbytery ; pastor First Church, Meadville, Pa , '39-69 ; married September, '38, Evalina B. S., daughter of John I. Gaston, also Oct. 8, '51, Catherine E., daughter of William Bell; D.D., Jefferson College, '58; residence Meadville, Pa. Presbyterian minister. ^RiGGS, Stephen Return. -Son of Stephen and Anna (Baird); born Steuben- ville, O., March 23, 1812; W. T. S. '35-36; licensed September, '36, Pres- bytery of Steubenville ; ordained April, '37, Prisbytery of Chillicothe; missionary American Board Commissioners Foreign Missions, Sioux (Dakota) Indians, '37-83; published grammar and dictionary in Dakota, Translations of Scripture, **The Gospel among the Dakotas," " Mary and I ;" married Feb. 16, '37, Mary Ann Langley ; died Beloit, Wis., Aug. 24, '83; D.D., Beloit College; LL.D., Jefferson College. Presbyterian minister. *ScoTT, James D.— Born York Co., Pa., 1811 ; P. T. S. '38-41 ; ruling elder; licensed '42(?), Presbytery of Steubenville ; teacher; stated supply Center, Pa., '52-53, Slate Ridge '53-55 ; died Peach Bottom, Pa., Dec. 8, '55. Presbyterian minister. *Speer, Thomas Latta. — Bom Washington Co., Pa.; Associate Reformed Seminary, Allegheny, 1835-39 ; licensed April 17, '38, Second Associate Presbytery of Ohio ; ordained May 14, '40, Presbytery of Monongahela; pastor New Brighton and Rocky Spring, Pa., '40-43, Chartiers Cross Roads '43-51; died Locust Hill, Pa., Nov. 25, '51. Associate Presbyterian minister. ^Stewart, James Erskine.— Son of John and Jane (Long) ; born Marlins- burg, Dec. 9, 1814 ; law student with Hon. J. V. L. McMahan, Baltimore, Md.,' '36-38; practiced law at Baltimore, Md., '38-42, Martinsburg, Va., '42-52; General Assembly of Virginia, '48-59; Constitutional Reform Convention '50-51 ; law clerk Department of Interior, Washington, D. C, '52-61 ; St. Louis, '61-66(?); Luray '66- ; Judge of Page Co., Va., '73-85 ; married Nov. 17, '42, Frances Elizabeth, daughter of Capt. James Glenn. Lawyer ; residence Luray, Page Co., Va. Walke, THOMAS.-Son of Anthony and Susan H. (Carmichael) ; born Chilli- cothe, O., July 18, 1814; law student; law lectures New Haven Conn.; prated law It Chillicothe, 0., '38-50, Coloma. Cal., '50-52, Ch Ihcothe, 0., '52- ; Registrar Land Office at Chillicothe, '57-61 ; J"^f «/ ^^^^^^^^ Court, Ross Co., O., '67-76 ; unmarried. Lawyer; residence Chilhcothe, O. 1835. -Andrews, William E.-Born Rowan Co., N. C; teacher ; law student; died perhaps about 1838. Law student. pracdced law at York, Pa., 1837- ; prosecuting attorney , marned daughter of Michael Dowdle; died York, Pa. 74 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF ^BARBER, Robert B.— Son of Samuel and Mary (Van Valzah); born Union Co., Pa., Feb. 3, 1812; law student with Judge Merrill; practiced law '37 — ; prosecuting attorney for seven or eight years; ruling elder Pres- byterian Church ; colonel of militia ; married Feb. 22, '38, Mary Foster. Lawyer, Mitiiinburg, Pa. *BiGHAM, Thomas J. — Son of Thomas and Sarah (Christy) ; born Westmore- land Co., Pa., Feb. 12, 1810 ; teacher '35-37 ; law student Washington, Pa., and Harrisburg, Pa.; practiced law at Pittsburg, Pa., '37-84; member Pennsylvania Legislature '45-47, '51-54, '64 ; Senate '65-66-67 ; head of Sta- tistical Bureau '73-74-75; published many pamphlets; married Dec. 30, '46, Maria Louise, daughter of Joel Lewis; died Pittsburg, Pa., Nov. 8, '84. Lawyer. ♦Brown, James Caldwell. — Son of William and Eleanor (Lyons) ; born St. Clairsville, O., October — , 1815; W. T. S., '35-37 ; teacher '37-38; Theo- logical Seminary, Columbia, S. C, '38-39 ; licensed '38, Presbytery of Har- mony; ordained '39, Presbytery of Logansport; pastor Valparaiso, Ind., '39-59; agent Tract Society, New York, '60; pastor South Bend, Ind., '61-62 ; chaplain 48th Regiment Indiana Volunteers '62 ; married March, '38, Mary, daughter of Joshua Emery ; died Paducah, Ky., July 14, '62, camp diarrhoea; D. D., W. and J., '59. Presbyterian minister. ^Buchanan, James Hervey. — Son of Andrew and Phoebe (Pedan) ; born near Lancaster, O., July 10, 1816; teacher; Associate Theological Semin- ary, Allegheny, '36-40; licensed April 15, '40, Second Associate Reformed Presbytery of Ohio ; ordained Oct. 12, '42, same presbytery ; stated supply Birmingham, South Pittsburg, Pa., '42-48 ; pastor Cedarville, O., '49-55 ; President Female Institute, Oxford, O., '55-67 ; editor United Presbyterian Pulpit, '69-70 ; pastor Huntsville '70-79; stated supply Homestead, 111., '81-83 ; married April 8, '46, Mary Salome, daughter of Rev. Samuel Carpenter ; died Sunny Hill, 111., Oct. 18, '83, malarial fever United Presbyterian minister. *BucHER, John J. — Born Alexandria, Pa., March 27, 1817 ; medical student, Jefferson Medical College, '35-38 ; practiced medicine Bedford, Pa., '38-44 ; farmer '44-45; married Jan. 7, '45, Anna, daughter of Rev. James Thompson ; died May 28, '45, apoplexy. Physician. *BuRWELL, Nathaniel. Born Frederick Co., Va.; died 1836, accidental gun- shot. • ^Chambers, Joseph H.— Born Westmoreland Co., Pa., Nov. 3, 1809 ; W. T. S., '35-38 ; licensed April, '38, Presbytery of Redstone ; ordained '39, Presbytery of Steubenville ; pastor Second Church, Steubenville, ()., '39-44, Cross Roads '39-50; pastor-elect Wooster, O., '50; married '38, Mary, daughter of Rev. John Jones ; died Wooster, O., Sept. 13, '50. Presby- terian minister. JEFFERSON COLLEGE. 75 *CooPER, Jonathan KEARSLEY.-Son of John and Jane (Kearsley) • bora Cumberland Co., Pa.. Nov. 14, 1814; teacher '37-38; law student, Law School, Carlisle, Pa., '38-39; practiced law Peoria, lU., '40-84; mar- ried Nov. 6, '45, Sophia, daughter of Pelaliah Rogers ; died Nov. 22, '84. Lawyer. -*Criswell, Ei.i.TAH.-Born Mifflin Co., Pa.; teacher in the South; died proba- bly 1851. ^ Donaldson, Alexander.— Son of James and Janet (Wilson) ; born West- moreland Co., Pa., Aug. 30, 1808; tutor Jefferson College; theology pri- vately, two years; W. T. S., one year; licensed April 4, '38, Presbytery of Blairsville; ordained June 20, '39, same presbytery; stated supply and pastor Elder's Ridge, Pa., '38—; principal of Elder's Ridge Academy; married June 30, '39, Mary L., daughter of Henry Bracken, also Sarah N., daughter of George Craighead ; published " Class History Jefferson Col- lege '65," ''Sketches of Churches in Saltsburg Presbytery," also "Blairs- ville Presbytery," " History of the Donaldson Family ; " D. D., Jefferson College, '56. Presbyterian minister, Elder's Ridge, Pa. *DoNE, John H.-Son of William and Charlotte (Haynie); born Princess Anne, Md., March 29, 1818 ; civil engineer Baltimore and Ohio Railroad till '39 ; law student; practiced law Somerset, Pa., '39-52(?); Slate Senator '46 ; Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, '52 ; Superintendent Illinois Central Rail- road '55 ; married Sept. 27, '42, Rachel A., daughter of Hon. J. L. Kerr; died Chicago, 111., July 23, '56, railroad accident. Lawyer and civil engineer. *EvANS, George H.— Born in McKeesport, Pa., Dec. 3, 1818 ; medical student '35-36 ; law student '37-39 ; infirm '39-44; died McKeesport, Pa., Sept. 13, '44, softening of the brain. *Gailey, Richard.— Born Letterkenney, Ireland, Oct. 31, 1806; Associate Reformed Presbytery, Allegheny, Pa., '35-38; licensed April 11, '38, Asso- ciate Reformed Presbytery of Monongahela ; ordained April 30, '39, same presbytery ; pastor Sewickley and Mt. Pleasant, Pa., '39-49, Monroe, O.; and teacher at Lexington many years ; married June 17, 38, Catherine Thorn- ton ; died Lexington, O., April 2, '75. Associate Reformed Presbyterian minister. *Galbraith William Morrison.— Son of John and Hannah (Mort-ison); bora Harford Co., Md., Aug. 11, 1813; P. T. S. '35-38; licensed Septem- ber ^38, Presbytery of New Castle; ordained June, '39, Presbytery of Marion ; pastor Milford Center, O., '39-47 ; teacher West Liberty '47-48 ; pastor West Middleburg '48-52, Logansville (DeGraff) '50-64 ; stated sup- ply Covington; Wapakonela and Turtle Creek; principal Mt. Pleasant '67-60; stated supply and pastor Amanda '67-70; stated supply Barlow and Watertown, Beach Grove, Olive, Caldwell; ^^f^^^"^]^^^^^ Wilkesville; married Feb. 2, '42, Mrs. Rebecca Jane daughter of Fran s Downing, also Dec. 14, '69, Anna M., daughter of Samuel Gare. T res- byterian minister, Greenfield, O. 76 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF ■*GiiACEY, Egbert. — Born near Newville, Pa., Oct. 10, 1811 ; Associate Reformed Seminary, Allegheny, '32-36 ; licensed April 27, '36, Presbytery of Monongahela ; ordained Aug. 3, '37, Presbytery of Big Spring ; pastor Chambersburg '37-52, Concord, Pa., '37-43, Gettysburg '44-49, Fourth Associate Reformed Church, Pittsburg, '52-67 ; agent Allegheny Seminary, '67-71 ; married Jane Clark ; died Pittsburg, Pa., July 10, '71 ; D.D. Associate Reformed minister. ♦Gbier, James. — Son of Nathan and Jane (Arnold); born Allegheny Co., Pa., Jan. 1, 1813; Associate Reformed Seminary, Allegheny, '35-39; licensed April 14, '38, Presbytery of Monongahela; ordained Aug. 29, '39, same presbytery; pastor Robinson's Run '39-78; infirm; published "Temper- ance," " Infant Salvation," '' Dancing" ; married '44, Mary A., daughter of Rev. Mungo Dick; died Allegheny, Pa., Nov. 11, '86, general debility; D.D., Jefferson College. Associate Reformed Presbyterian minister. *Gbier, Robert Calvin. — Son of Rev. Dr. Isaac ; born Mecklenburg Co., N. C, March 2, 1817; teacher; theology with his father and Due West Theological Seminary ; licensed April, '39, First Presbytery (Associate Reformed Church South); ordained June, '41, same presbytery; pastor Bethany and Pisgah, S. C, '41-47 ; President Erskine College '47-71 ; theological professor '59-71 ; married Aug. 18, '40, Barbara Brown Moffatt; died Due West, S. C, March 30, '71 ; D.D., W. C, Ky. Associate Reformed minister. "*Handy, Isaac William Ker. — Born Washington, D. C, Dec. 14, 1815 ; P. T. S. '34-35 ; licensed '35 ; ordained Nov. 22, '38, Presbytery of Lewes ; pastor Buckingham, Blackwater and Laurel, Del., '38-44; missionary War- saw, Mo., '44-47; stated supply Drawyers and Port Penn, Del., '48-51; pastor Drawyers and Forest Church, Middletown, '51-53 ; missionary East Shore of Maryland '53-55 ; pastor Portsmouth, Va., '57-65, Orange and Gordonsville '65-70, Augusta '70-78 ; married Mary G. R. Purnell, also Sallie Selby Martin, also Rebecca H. Delworth ; died Philadelphia, June 14, '78 ; D.D. Presbyterian minister. Happer, Andrew P. — Son of Baptist and Ann (Arrell); born near Mononga- hela City, Pa., Oct. 20, 1818; teacher '35-40 ; W. T. S. '40-43; medical student Pennsylvania College '42-44 ; licensed November, '43, Presbytery of Ohio ; ordained April 23, '44, same presbytery ; foreign missionary to Canton, China, '44-; published many translations and original papers in Chinese; married Nov. 11, '47, Elizabeth S., daughter of Rev. Samuel Ball, also Oct. 6, '69, A. L. Elliott, also March 18, '75, Hannah J., daughter of John Shaw; M.D., '44, University of Pennsylvania; D.D., '65, Jefferson College. Presbyterian minister. Canton, China. Hawthorn, James C. — Medical student ; practiced medicine. ^Holmes, Robert S. — Born Pittsburg, Pa.; medical student; traveled in Europe ; surgeon United States Army, resigned '50 ; practiced medicine St. Louis, Mo., '50-55 ; medical professor ; married ; died St. Louis, Mo., '55. Phvsician. JEFFERSON COLLEGE. 77 Pa Jur27 l7(^^^^^ t , T' ^r^^(^i^«^-ll)^- born near NewviUe, Pa., June 27 1809; theological student with Dr. Campbell; ordained December, '3v Presbytery of Lodiana; foreign missionary to India '^^ professor m Marengo Institute '57; Carroll College, Wis.; pastor Millers! burg and Edgmgton, 111., '60-63; evangelist Monmouth '63-; married Sept. 8, 35, Kebecca Townsend, also '46, Eliza McCleary, also Aug 26 '58, Mrs. Hannah Manchester; A.M.; D.D, Jefferson College, '59. Pres^ byterian minister, Monmouth, 111. *J0HNST0N, Mortimer D.-Son of William S. and Mary (Hall); born Rowan Coo, N. C, Sept. 1, 1805; teacher and professor .-^ tutor Davidson College '37-40 ; Professor of Mathematics '40-51 ; teacher in Charlotte, N. C, '54-?, Clerk Supreme Court, Mecklenburg Co., N. (!.; ruling eldLr; ma^I ried July 21, '42, Mrs. Margaret Anabella Dunlap; died Charlotte, N. C, June 24, '66, scrofula of bowels. Teacher. *JoHNSON, George.— Son of Richard and Jane (Bradford); born Washington Co., Pa., Aug. 7, 1815; law student; practiced law Portsmouth, O., '38-75; banker ; Member Legislature, Ohio ; married Aug. 25, '47, Mary R. Tracy; died Portsmouth, O., April 14, '75, apoplexy. Lawyer and banker. *Knott, James W.— Son of J. Wilson and Rebecca (Wallace) ; born Westmoreland Co., Pa., Oct. 7, 1812 ; W. T. S. '35-37 ; P. T. S. '38 ; licensed April, '39; Presbytery of New Brunswick ; ordained Nov. 11, '40, Presbytery of Rich- land ; pastor Pleasant Hill, O., '41-42, Hayesville '42-43, Jennerville '43-46, Keene and Jefferson '46-48, Eden '57-61, Shelby '61-64 ; married Julia Kerr; died Shelby, O., Se{)t. 3, '64. Presbyterian minister. *Laurie, Shepherd. — Son of Rev. James Laurie, D.D.; born Washington, D. C, about 1817; medical student; practiced medicine in Texas; died '40. Physician. Lawrence, William. — Son of Samuel and Rachel (Davis); born Washington Co., O., Sept. 2, 1814; merchant Washington, O., '36-79; retired '79—; Ohio Legislature frequently from '42-70 ; Presidential Elector '48 ; Consti- tutional Convention '50-51 ; Member of Congress '58-61 ; married Aug. 3, '47, Margaret Esther, daughter of Samuel Ramsay. Merchant, Washing- ton, O. *LlNDSEY, William S.— Son of William and Mary (Smith); born West Mid- dletown, Pa., 1815 ; theological student '34-35 ; died near Hickory, Pa., '35 or '36, consumption. Theological student. McCuNE, Samuel C.-Son of William and Eleanor (Culbertson); born Cum- berland Co., Pa., Sept. 18, 1814; teacher Seminary, South Hanover, lad., '36-38 ; licensed June, '38, Presbytery of Madison ; ordained October, 40; pastor Canton, 111., '40-50, Fairfield, Iowa, '51-66, McVeytown, Pa., '66-69, Oskaloosa, Iowa, '69-72, Canton '73 ; missionary 73 - ; married July 31,'88, Letitia, daughter of Rev. D. D. Clark ; D.D. Presbyterian minister, Oskaloosa, Iowa. 78 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF *McGiNNis, James Y. — Son of George ; born SWppensburg, Pa., Dec. 8, 1815; teacher Seminary, South Hanover, Ind.; licensed June 27, '40, Pres- bytery of Madison; ordained Sept. 14, '41, Presbytery of Peoria; pastor Lewistown, 111., '41-43, Shade Gap '43-51 ; principal Milnwood Academy; married Oct. 27, '40, Elizabeth Crisswell; died Shade Gap, Pa., '4ug. 31, '51. Presbyterian minister. *MuRRAY, John W.— Porn Beaver Co., Pa., Jaf^. -zd, 1801 ; law student '29; W. T. S. '35-38 ; licensed Oct. 7, '40, Presbytery of Allegheny ; ordained October, '41, same presbytery; pastor Sharpsburg, Pa., '41-62; married October, '40, E. J. Stewart; died Salem, O., Sept. 16, '62, cholera. Pres- byterian minister. Nelson, Clelland Kinlock. — Son of Hon. Hugh and Eliza (Kinlock); born AlbermarleCo., Va., Nov. 14, 1814; tutor Jefferson College '35-36; Epis- copal Theological Seminary, Alexandria, Va., '36-39 ; ordained deacon '39; President '40; rector in Nelson Co , Va.; missionary; principal St. John's College '37-62; rector Davidsonville, Va.; All Haddon Parish, Md.J principal St. John's College '67 ; President Brookville Academy ; married '40, Mary A., daughter of John Marbury, also '54, Mary Margaret, daugh- ter of Peter Hagner; D.D. Protestant Episcopal minister ; residence Brookville, Montgomery Co., Md. *NouRSE, Charles Howard. — Son of Col. Michael and Mary (Rittenhouse) ; born Washington, D. C, Dec. 1, 1816; law student of William Wirt; teacher; founded' and superintended Rittenhouse Academy, Washington, D. C; licensed Presbytery of District of Columbia, '43 ; missionary Maryland and Virginia; after '65 stated supply North Church, Washington, D. C, and teacher Georgetown, D. C; married ; died July 12, '76. Presbyterian minister. *Peale, Emjah. — Son of John and Mary (McClintock); born Franklin Co., Pa., July 12, 1810; teacher; tutor for Dr. Chase, Natchez, Miss.; business in New Orleans, '46 ; elder Presbyterian Church ; during war came North ; New Orleans ; married -Mary N., sister of Rev. I. Henderson; died '73, consumption. *Peebles, James. — Born Shippensburg, Pa.(?); medical student, Ashland, O. ; died 1836, accident. *Ramsey, Charles. — From Juniata Co., Pa.; teacher in Mississippi ; ccetera desunt. *Reynolds, Hugh William. — Son of William and Elizabeth (Maclay); born Franklin Co., Pa., April 19, 1814; teacher Vicksburg, Miss.; law student, Carlisle Law School, '38-40; practiced law Chambersburg '40-53, Peoria, 111., '53-65; married June 6, '43, Margaret, daughter of T. G. McCulIoh; elder in church ; died Peoria, 111., Oct. 12, '78, typhoid fever. Lawyer. *RiLEY, W. H. — Worcester, Md ; medical student; practiced medicine near Worcester; died ?. JEFFERSON COLLEGE. jq *Eyoks Aj.FREB.-Born Long Island, N. Y., 1812; tutor Lafayette College 3o-ob; Professor Mathematics, Ohio University, '36-44; theology privateW; licensed '38, Second Presbytery Philadelphia; Professor Matliematii Indiana University, '44-48; President Ohio University, '48-53; Professor Mathematics, Center College, Kentucky, '54-58; ordained, Presbytery of ; stated supply Madison, O., '48-54, New Providence, Ky., '54-58- married Louisa, daughter of Judge Walker; died Danville, Ky., Mav 8* '58, erysipelas. Presbyterian minister. ' . > *Streit, LAURENCE.-Son of Laurence and Margaret^. born Washington Co., Pa., — , 1810; theology with Rev. Dr. West; licensed June 28, '38, Prea^ bytery of Erie ; ordained June '39, same presbytery ; pastor Watteburg, Pa., '39 -?, Fairfield, Sunville ; married Sarah, daughter of Ithiel Dodd'; died Sunville, Aug. 5, '58, typhoid pneumonia. Presbyterian minister. *Strother, David Hunter.— Son of Col. John and Nancy (Hunter); born Martinsburg, Va., Sept. 16, 1810 ; art student at Rome, '42-44 ; New York, '45-49 ; artist and writer ; United States Army, '61-64 ; captain ; Assistant Adjutant-General; colonel 3d West Virginia Cavalry; Brigadier- General ; Consul to Mexico, '77-85; published "Virginia Illustrated," "Work in Mexico;" married Miss Wolfe, also Mary E. Hunter; died Charlestchvn, W. Va., March 6, '88, pneumonia; nom-de-plume, "Porte Crayon." Artist and author. SwARTZ, D. W.— From Philadelphia ; P. T. S. 1836-37 ; licensed '37(?), Pres- bytery of Philadelphia ; license recalled. Lecturer. ♦Templeton. JosEPH.—Born Wheeling, W. Va., 1805; W. T. S. '35-37; licensed '39, Presbytery of Hopewell ; ordained '40, same presbytery ; missionary Georgia, Kentucky and St. Louis, '41-50 ; editor '50-52 ; mar- ried Miss Sharpe, daughter of F. Sharpe, Esq.; died Hopkinsville, Ky., Oct. 14, '75. Presbyterian minister. *Walker, Robert Brannan. — Son of Robert and Barbara (Brannan); born Beaver (now Laurence) Cq., Pa., May 26, 1808 ; W. T. S. '35-38 ; licensed Jan. 26, '38, Presbytery of Allegheny ; stated supply Plain Grove, Mill Creek and Bethesda ; ordained April 3, '39, same presbytery ; pastor Plain Grove, Pa., '38-72; stated supply Portersville '72-83 ; honorably retired '83-86; married Nov. 29, '38, Jane, daughter of Col. Samuel Scott ; died Whiies- town. Pa., March 11, '86; D.D., '64, Washington College. Presbyterian minister. ♦Walker, James. -Son of Moses and Jane (McGill); born Canonsburg, Pa., May, 1817 ; Associate Reformed Seminary, Allegheny ; licensed '37, First Associate Reformed Presbytery; missionary Georgia, the Carolinas and Tennessee; pastor-elect Chesterville, S. C; died Chesterville, S. C, Sept. 18, '41, hemorrhage. Associate Reformed Presbyterian minister. ^Yarnall, ZACHARiAH.-Born Wheeling, W. Va., law student ; practiced law Wheeling, W. Va.(?); died61(?). 80 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF 1836. *Beer, Thomas B.— Son of Robert and Mary; born Sewickley, Pa., Nov. 19, 1816; W. T. S. '36-38; died Pittsbarg, Pa., March 30, '38, smallpox. Theological student. *BowEN, Henry Franklin.— Born Worcester Co., Md., Feb. 17, 1813; P.T. S. *36-39 ; licensed Feb. 3, '41, Presbytery of New Brunswick ; stated supply Urbana, and Monticello, N. Y., '50 ; Medical Department, Louisville, Ky.; graduated '55 ; license given up, loss of voice ; physician Mississippi and Louisiana '55-61; surgeon United States Army Hospital, York, Pa., '62-65; practiced medicine Crisfield, Md., '65— ?; unmarried ; died Cris- field, Md. *BoYD, Philip Doddrdige. — Born Worcester Co., Md., April 13, 1817; teacher '36-38 ; P. T. S. '38-39 ; teacher '39—? ; postmaster Baltimore, Md.; married Dec. 22, '42, Miss Bosley ; died July 19, '81, Baltimore,, Md. ♦Cameron, James— Son of John and Mary (Sims); born Pittsburg, June 1, 1813 ; W. T. S. '36-38 ; licensed '40, Presbytery of Ohio ; ordained '42, Presbytery of Steubenville ; pastor Ridge and Centre Unity '42-44; teacher; stated supplv St. Mary, Salem and Celina, O.; pastor Fall Creek, 111., Camp Creek, Brunswick; married '40, Isabella Ritchie; died Bruns- wick, 111., May 1, '66, paralysis. Presbyterian minister. *Carson, Irwin.— Born Ohio Co., W. Va., Aug. 6, 1809 ; licensed Aug. 31, '39, Presbytery of Washington ; ordained '43(?), same presbytery ; stated supply Moundsville, W. Va.; pastor Chillicothe, O., '48-55 ; Oskaloosa, Iowa, '55-59; McArthur, O., '59-63; missionary '63-75; married E. M. Carlisle ; died Chillicothe, O., May 31, '75. Presbyterian minister. *CoNDiT, Philip.— Born Mercer Co., Pa., May 1, 1801 ; licensed '39; preached in Hancock and Wood Counties, O., '39-54, Oregon Territory '54-56 ; died Oregon, Nov. 24, '56. Presbyterian minister. *CooPER, Samuel Milroy. — :Son of Robert and Elizabeth; born Mifflin Co., Pa., March 14, 1813; W. T. S. '39-40; licensed April 16, '40, Presbytery of Huntingdon; ordained Oct. 18, '40, same presbytery ; pastor Lick Run, Pa., '40-52; teacher '52-53; stated supply Clearfield, Pa., '53-56, Little Valley '56-60 ; married Nancy Forsythe ; died Walker, Pa., July 16, '60, consumption. Presbyterian minister. *DoTY, Edmund Southard. — Son of Dr. Ezra and Rebecca (North); born Mifflintown, Pa., Aug. 22, 1815; law student Mifflintown, Pa., '36-39; practiced law Mifflintown, Pa., etc., 39 — ; ruling elder in Presbyterian Church forty years ; married Sept. 26, '43, Catharine Nelson, daughter of Hugh Nelson ; died Mifflintown, Pa., Dec. 24, '84, cystitis chronic. Lawyer. JEFFERSON COLLEGE. gj '?7 4 rti'.H Mffl- !' D T. "''' ""''"'"• •'"»"«"" ^'^dical College, 37-38, died M,fli,„town, Pa,, March 14, 'ii, typhoid fever. Medical L dent. *FowLER, Joseph W.-Son of Capt. Richard and Elizabeth (Waller); bom feept. 23, 1816; law student; practiced law Baton Ron-e, La- Clerk of District Court; married Dec. 6, '41, Sarah A. Sham ;'died Baton Rouije La., May 15, '49, Asiatic cholera. Lawyer. ' *Franklin, John RANKiN.-Son of Henry and Sarah A. (Rankin); born Ber- lin, Md., May 6, 1820; teacher; law student 40-41; practiced law Snow Hill, Md., -41-67 ; Member of Legislature, Maryland, '43-49^ Speaker of the House; Member of Congress '53; Judge of the First Judicial Circuit, Maryland, '67-78 ; married Anna Z., daughter of John P. Duffield, also Dec. 9, '68, Kate, daughter of George Martin ; died Snow Hill, Md.,'jan. 11, '78, congestion of brain. Lawyer. *Gass, William.— Son of Benjamin and Jane; born near Canonsburg, Pa., April 15, 1810; teacher, Pittsburg, Pa., '36-44, Green Co., Ala., '44-47; died Clinton, Ala., '47, heart disease. Teacher. *GiBBS, George M.— Born Brown Marsh, Bladen Co., N. C, Dec, 13, 1807; U. T. S., Virginia, '38-39; tea;her '39-42; licensed '42, Presbytery of Fayetteville ; ordained evangelist '43, Presbytery of Concord ; mit-sionary Burke and Yancey Counties, N. C, '42-43 ; stated supply Drusilla, Marion am 1 Siloara '44-52 ; stated supply and pastor Black River Chapel 54-59 ; evangelist Fayetteville Presbytery '60-61 ; stated supply Clinton, Oak Plains, etc., '62-67, Mockville and Tabor, '67-72, Gibbs Mission, '73-77; pastor McPherson and stated supply Cypress and China Grove 78—; died Feb. 3, '85, Morgantown, N. C. Presbyterian minister. *GiLLAND, James Ruet.— Born Franklin Co., Pa , April 3, 1810 ; tutor Jef- ferson College, '36-37; teacher Smithburg, S. C. ; C. T. S.; licensed '39, Presbytery of Harmony; ordained '41; pastor Lancaster and Warsaw, S. C, '41-?, Indiantown '61-67; teacher Mt. Holly, Ark., '67-69; missionary and teacher Arkansas, :\Iissouri and Mississippi '69-77 ; Indiantown, S. C, '77 ; married Rebecca B Hutchinson, also Mary C , daughter of Dr. W. S. Gibbs ; died Indiantown, S. C, Dec. 16. '77. Presbyterian minister. ♦Gray, George B.— Born Worcester Co., Md.; medical student ; Couniy Sur- veyor ; Registrar of Wills six years ; died '63. *Grier, THOMAS—Born Canonsburg, Pa., 1812; P. T. S. '36-39; licensed Oct. 16, '39, Presbytery of Philadelphia ; missionary Washington Co., Pa., '39-40; pastor elect Sidney, O., '40-41; died Sydney, 0., May 18, '41. Presbyterian licentiate. Hamilton, Hugh.-Sou of John and Francesca B. (Edminston); born Juniata Co., Oct. 6, 1816; farmer '36-; married Sept. 10, '40, Sarah Geltys. daughter of John McDowell. Farmer ; residence Thompsontown, Pa. 6 82 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF I ^Henderson, Jonathan Kearslex-. — Son of Dr. John; born Huntingdon Co., Pa., 1817; law student; practiced law Pittsburg, Pa.; died Huntingdon, Pa., '50. Lawyer. Huntington, Backus Wilbur.— Son of Leveret I. F. and Phoebe M.; born New Brunswick, N. J., Nov. 3, 1818 ; law student; practiced law Alabama, '39-53; Judge Circuit Court, Alabama, '52-53 ; practiced law New York City '53 — ?; married Ann, daughter of Daniel M. Riggs, also Aug, 18, '79, Helen E. Seavey. Lawyer ; residence 44 Exchange Place, New York City. Xeim, Henry. — Son of Jacob and Mary (Bradley); born Philadelphia, Pa., July 2, 1812 ; medical student '38-40 ; practiced medicine Manayunk, '41 — ?; ruling elder, Presbyterian Church, Manayunk, Pa.; married May, '47, Mary Hunter, daughter of Benjamin Allen. Physician ; residence Manayunk, Pa. *Knight, Henry C. — Son of Jonathan and Ann ; born Washington Co., Pa., Sept. 3, 1817; law student; Yale, '36-37 ; Detroit; practiced law Pontiac, Mich., '39-48; infirm; teacher, '48-53 ; practiced law Detroit, Mich., '53-67; Proscuting Attorney ; Alderman ; Regent of University ; elder of church ; narried April 21, '41, Frances A. Snow ; died March 26. '67. Lawyer. *LiviNGSTON, John. — Son of William; born Center Co., Pa., Aug. 26, 1806; health failed ; principal Bellefonte Academy, '48 ; merchant ; married '38, lizabeth Johnston; died Bellefonte, Pa., March 28, '49. Student. *Marbury, James Somerville. — Son of John and Elizabeth; born George- town, D. C, 1818; theology Episcopal Seminary, Virginia; ordained dea- con, '40, priest '42 ; rector Bedford Co., Va.; Greensborough, Ala.; married Fanny Sawyer ; died '50, consumption. Protestant Episcopal minister. *Mason, James. — Son of Roswell and Ann (Potter); born Canton, O., Sept. 5, 1817 ; law student '36-38, with A. W. Loomis ; practiced law New Lisbon, O., '38-52, Cleveland '52-85 ; married Oct. 25, '54, Caroline, daughter of William Robinson; died Cleveland, O., Jan. 4, '85, softening of the brain. Lawyer. McFee, John R.— Son of John and Lydia (Read); born Philadelphia, Pa., July 26, 1816; law student with John M. Clayton, Dover, Del., '38-41; practiced law Georgetown, Del., '41 — ?; Clerk of House of Representa- tives, Delaware, '43 ; member and Speaker of House of Representatives, Delaware, '53 ; Insurance Commissioner, Delaware, '79-83 ; married May 27, '52, Charlotte S., daughter of Dr. Wm. W. Wolfe. Lawyer ; residence Georgetown, Del. McGinley, David B.— Son of Rev. Dr. A. A. and Ann (Blythe); born Faw- cettsburg. Pa., May 2, 1813; medical student '37-38; never practiced; unmarried ; Government service. Custom House, Philadelphia. JEFFERSON COLLEGE. McLean, David Henry Anderson-Soh of Rev. Daniel and Mary (Glover)- born Shenango, Crawford Co, Pa., April 5, 1816; Associate Theological' Semniary, Canonsburg, '36-40; licensed June 23, '40, Presbytery of She- nango (Associate Presbyterian); ordained Sept. 2, '41, same presbytery; pastor Greenville, Pa., '41-52, Mercer '41-4o ; Westminster College, '45-49 • principal High School, Pittsburg, '49-52; pastor Beaver '52-59 jsupplyine vacancies '59-? ; married May 12, '42, Elizabeth, daughter ot Andrew Pat terson; D.D., '53, Westminster College. United Presbyterian minister; resi- dence Rochester, Pa. ^Muhlenberg, Frederick Augustus.-Sou of Dr-'prederick A. and Eliza (Schaum); born Lancaster, Pa., Aug. 25, 1818; P. T. S. '36-37 ; professor Franklin College, '39-50 ; ordained June 6, '54, Lutheran Ministerium of Pennsylvania; Professor of Ancient Languages, Pennsylvania College, '50-67, Muhlenberg College, Allentown, Pa., '67-76 ; Greek Language and Literature, University of Pennsylvania, '76—?; published many papers, etc.; married lug. 8, '48, Catherine Anna, daughter of Major Peter Muhlenberg, ■ U S. A.; D. D., '67, Pennsylvania College. Lutheran minister; residence Philadelphia, Pa. ^Ramsey, William.— Born Washington, Pa., 1815; law student; practiced law McConnellsburg, O.; married '44, Clara, daughter of Judge Tall ; died October, '44, McConnellsburg, O., typhoid fever. Lawyer. *RANKrN, John C. — Son of John and Isabella (Dundass); born Belle- fonte. Pa., Aug. 26, 1816 ; medical student, Jefferson Medical College, '88-39 ; practiced medicine, Huntingdon Co., Pa. ; died Saulsbury, Hunt- ingdon Co , Pa., '46, pleurisy. Physician. Rankin, James Huston. — Son of John and Isabella (Dundass); born Belle- fonte. Pa., March 3, 1819; teacher '36—?; last term '79 ; law student; practiced law and taught, Vienna, 111., '43-44, Bellefonte, Pa., '44—?; Dis- trict Attorney, Center Co., Pa., '50-79 ; first lieutenant, Company H, 56th Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteers; married Dec. 8, '44, Barbara Anna, daughter of Robert Furey. Lawyer ; residence Bellefonte, Pa. ^Russell, Charles Wells.— Born Sistersville, Va., 1818 ; law student; prar- ticed law, Wheeling, Va., '47-60 ; Martinsburg, Staunton ; member Con- federate Congress; practiced law Baltimore, Md., '66-67; published "Roebuck;" married Miss Moore ; died Baltimore, Md., November, '67. Lawyer. -»RiGGS, Cyrus Carpenter.-Sou of Rev. Cyrus and Mary (Ross); born Mercer Co., Pa., April 13, 1810; W. T. S. '36-39; licensed April 12, '.JO. IVes- bvtery of Allegheny ; ordained April 15, '40, Presbytery of Ka kaski:. ; pastor Chester and Liberty, Ind., '40-45, Annapolis, 0., '4.)-.,0, Richuior i '45-52; President Richmond College '50-52; Sewickh-y, Pa., •).- ;. Sharon '61-63, Clarksville '61-68; teacher '68-72; married May l.„ . Mary C, daughter of Rev. Nathaniel Todd ; died Beaver I'all.s, Auj;. . . '83 ; D.D., '62, Jefferson College. Presbyterian minister. 84 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF Shearer, Frederick Augustus.— Son of Jacob and Lizzie (Bossart); born- Franklin Co., Pa., Jan, 1, 1812; W. T. S. '36-37; licensed April 11, '39, Presbytery of Carlisle ; ordained June 9, '40, Presbytery of Kichland ; pastor- Savannah, O., '40-43, Second Church, Mansfield, 43-46, Chesterville '46-54, Iowa City, Iowa, '54-")9 ; stated supply Palmyra, Mo., '59-61, Washing- ton, O., '61-68, Aledo, 111., '()8-73, West Liberty, Iowa, '73-79; Colfax '79-85; published sermons; married Martha, daughter of Edward McVitty, also Mrs. Clutter, daughter of Joseph Junkin ; D.D., Jefferson College. Presbyterian minister ; residence Dexter, Iowa. *Steel, Francis James.— Son of Francis; born Cecil Co., Md., Oct. 10, 1816; medical student, Philadelphia; practiced medicine, Philadelphia, Pa., '42-51 ; married June, '43, Miss Wallace, daughter of Robert Wallace ; died Philadelphia, Pa., Sept. 11, '54. Physician. Stevenson, John McMillan. — Son of Rev. Joseph and Sarah (Marquis); born Washington Co., Pa., May 14, 1812; L. T. S. '36-37; Episcopal Theological Seminary, Gambier ; principal Preparatory Department Ken- yon Collfge '37-40; licensed April 14, '40, Presbytery of Richland; ordained April 14, '42, same presbytery; pastor Troy, O., '42-46; princi- < pal Female Seminary, Athens, '40-41 ; Professor of Greek, Ohio University '41-42; agent American Tract Society '46-49 ; pastor First Church, New Albany, Ind., '49-57 ; Corresponding Secretary American Tract Society '57 — ; published "Toils and Triumphs of Union Missionary Colportage " ; editor Tract Society papers ; married Oct. 10, '37, Cecilia Hadassah, daughter of William Gillespie ; D.D., '54, Hanover College. Presbyterian minister. *Thomas, Frederick A.— Born Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia, Pa., Sept. 12, 1817; law student, Vincennes, Ind.; practiced law Lawrenceville, Ind., '40-52 ; died liawrenceville, Ind , March 12, '52, pneumonia. Lawyer. *Weed, Archibald Alexander. — Son of Rev. Henry R. and Phoebe (Biggs); born Jamaica, Long Island, N. Y., Decembei, 1817 ; civil engineer '37-38; died July 5, '38. Student. *WiLLiAMS, Samuel Ralston. — Son of Benjamin and Elizabeth (Reed); born Washington Co., Pa., Oct. 8, 1813; teacher, St. Mary's, Ga., '34-43; Pro- fessor Natural Philosophy, Jefferson College, '43-52 ; teacher, Sewickley, Pa., '52-54, Louisville, Ky., '54-59; Sayre Institute, Lexington, '59-69; elder Presbyterian Church ; married May 31, '38, Marie Louise, daughter of Dr. I. N. Chapelle; died Lexington, Ky., June 13, '69, inflammation of brain. Teacher. Wise, Uriah W.— Born Stark Co., O., March 12, 1813; edited Washington Reporter '36-39 ; Treasury Department, Harrisburg, '39-40 ; law student with T. M. T. McKennan ; teacher Chatham Academy, Savanjiah, Ga., '46, other schools in Georgia till '46-55 ; Professor of Ancient Languages, Mercer University, Ga., '55-64; Superintendent Schools, Nebraska, '65 69, Kansas City, Mo., '82 — ; married Jan. 10.. '45, Henrietta M. Post; resi- dence Kansas City, Mo. *W00DS, Samuel A. — Born near Carlisle, Pa.; law student Carlisle, Pa.; died near Carlisle, Pa., '38(?). Law student. JEFFERSON COLLEGE. or 1837, "*Barnett, William Gibson —Son nf ^a«,., i j xt MonongahelaCity, Pa., Feb 17 18 9 "h T f"" ^''''"^°^' '^^^^ ^.4-85; Legislat^eof Pennsylvania', .^^, %:::T:^^::^:^. dress; earned Sept 24, '45, Mary Cooper, daughter of Major John Morrison ; died Canonsburg, Pa., May 10, '85. Ruling elder, physician. *BoGGS, John MARSHALL.-Born near Cross Creek, Pa., Oct. 20 1818 • Franklin College '40; P. T. S. '44-45; Professor.of Lan;uages, T^wanda.' Pa.; ordained April, '45, Presbytery of Carlisle ; pastor Pax ton and Derry Pa., '45-48(?), Millersburg, O., '48-56; stated supply and pastor Independ- ence, Iowa, '56-69; Financial Agent Lenox Institute '71-72; died Inde- pendence, Iowa, Sept. 1, '72; A.M., Jefferson College, '51. Presbyterian minister. Bracken, Newton.-Soh of Rev. Reed and Mary (Graham); born Butler Co., Pa., Nov. 30, 1812; W. T. S. '87-40; licensed April, '40, Presbytery of Allegheny; ordained '41, same presbytery; pastor Portersville, Pa., '41-63, Rich Hill '41-60; stated supply '71 ; Glasco, Kan., '72-83(?);' hon- orably retired '83 ; married '41, Pamelia Craig, also '60, Jerusha Craig. Presbyterian minister, Glasco, Kan. *Buchanan, Joseph S.— Son of James and Margaret (Ross) ; born near Bur- gettstown, Pa., Oct. 31, 1806; Associate Reformed Theological Seminary, Allegheny, '36-39; licensed April 17, '39, Presbytery of MonongaheU; ordained Nov. 24, '40, Presbytery of Steubenville ; pastor Middle Wheel- ing, Va., '40-50, West Alexander and Short Creek '40-54; infirm; teacher '54-56 ; pastor Clarence, Iowa, '66-72 ; infirm, Monmouth, 111.; married Jan. 19, '41, Jane, daughter of William Waddle, also October, '55, Ellen, daughter of Thomas Cleland ; died Monmouth, 111., March 31, '87. Pres- byterian minister. Oampbell, James. — Son of John and Rachel (Oliver); born Mifllin Co., Pa., July 25, 1813; law student '38-40; practiced law Clarion, Pa., '40-61; Presiding Judge Eighteenth Judicial District of Pennsylvania '61-71 ; practiced law '71~; married May, '47, Nancy I., daughter of Rev. J. K. Hallock. Lawyer ; residence Clarion, Pa. vCampbell, Alexander Hamilton.— Son of William and Priscilla (Porter); born Perryopolis, Fayette Co., Pa., 1817; Professor of Mathematics, Jef- ferson College ; medical student ; practiced medicine "46-52 ; civil engineer Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, Ft. Wayne, '70, Cincinnati and Dayton ; rul- ing elder Presbyterian Church, Liberty, Md.; married May, '47, Harriet L. McCullough. Physician and civil engineer. Liberty, Ind. ^Dickson, Cyrus.— Son of William and Christiana (Moorhead); born Erie Co., Pa. Dec. 20, 1816; theology privately; licensed '39, Presbytery of Erie; ordained June 24, '40; pastor Franklin, Pa., '40-48, Sugar Creek '40-, . Second Church, Wheeling, Va., '48-56, Westminster Church, Baltimore, 86 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF Md., '56-70; Corresponding Secretary Board of Home Missions '70-80f representative Board of Home Missions, Edinburg, Scotland, '77 ; married January, '40, Delia E., daughter of Thomas McConnell; died Baltimore^ Md., Sept. 11, '81; D.D., '58, Washington College. Presbyterian minister. ^Donaldson, John.— Born Washington Co., Pa., March 15, 1806; W. T. S, '39-42 ; licensed June, '42, Presbytery of Columbus ; ordained '42, same presbytery ; pastor Washington, O., '42-47 ; stated supply Kentucky '47-52; principal Muhlenburg Academy '52-57; principal Paducah Sem- inary ; Cape Girardeau, Mo.; pastor First Church, Ironton, '59-65 ; evangel- ist '65 ; married Sept. 15, '42, Sarah Malvina Miner ; died '87, Ironton, Mo.- Presbyterian minister. *Eaton, William. — Son of Isaac; born Franklin Co., Pa., Feb. 22, 1812;^ W. T. S. '38-39; licensed April, '40, Presbytery of Redstone; ordained '41, same presbytery; pastor Round Hill and McKeesport, Pa., '41-44, Two Ridges, O., '45-53; stated supply Elkhart, Ind., '54-56, Clarksburg, W. Va., '56-58 ; pastor Carrollton, O., '58-64 ; missionary '64-70 ; married- '40, Nancy Bachelder, also Mrs. Gladden ; died Pleasantville, Pa., Aug. 31, '70. Presbyterian minister. ♦E'.LDRiDGE, George M. — Born Cold Springs, Cape May Co., iS". J., Dec. 6^. 1810 ; teacher and law student Lowndes Co.. Ala., '38 ; practiced law Haynesville, Ala., '40-50, DeSoto Parish, La., '50 ; President Police Jury, and Judge Supreme Court of Southern District of Louisiana ; Louisiana Legislature '66-68; British Honduras '68-70; Vermillion Parish, La.,, '70-86 ; Louisiana Legislature '84 ; elder Presbyterian Church ; married- '42, Emma E. Frierson ; died Abbeville, La., April 27, '86. Lawyer. Hall, John Buchanan. — Son of Thomas B. and Ann B. (Pottenger); boro Hagerstown, Md., 1819; law student; practiced law Hagerstown '40-50, San Francisco, Cal., '50-51, Stockton 51 ?; married '53, Anna, daughter of Dr. W. A. Hanimill. Lawyer, Stockton, Cal. Hill, George. — Son of Hon. John and Jane (Moorhead); born Ligonier Valley, Sept. 18, 1815 ; W. T. S. '37-40 ; licensed April 28, '40, Presbytery of Blairsville ; ordained Dec. 14, '41, same presbytery ; pastor Salem, Pa.,. '41-48, Blairsville '41 — ; married Sept. 21, '41, Harriet, daughter of Rev. David Lewis, also March 23, '54, Abigail, daughter of N. P. Hawes; D.D., '69, Washington and Jefferson College. Presbyterian minister, Blairs- ville, Pa. ^Jackson, Benjamin Douglass. — Son of Dr. William and Margaret (Douglass); born Vienna, Md., Oct. 29, 1818 ; law student with Col. Page ; practiced law Cambridge, Md., '40-53, Galena, 111., '53-54 ; married Jan. 26, '47, daughter of Wra. Patterson ; died Galena, 111., Jan. 2, '54, by accidental falling of his horse. Lawyer. *Kerr, Thomas Williams. — Son of and Ann (Williams); born Venango,, Co., Pa., Jan. 20, 18C4; W. T. S. '37-39 ; licensed '39, Presbytery of Alle- gheny ; ordained '40, same presbytery ; pastor Middlesex and Bull Creeky Pa., '40-47; married Eliza Lowrie Porter ; died Butler Co., Oct. 29, '47. Presbyterian minister. JEFFERSON COLLEGE. 87 Laird, Harrison PERRy.-Son of Rev Dr. Francis and Mary (Moore)- born Westmoreland Co., Pa.; teacher Kentucky. '37-38; law student with Judge Shaler, Pittsburg; practiced law Greensburg, Pa., '40—?; Pennsylvania Legislature, '48-50 ; Pennsylvania Senate '81-85 ; President Westmoreland Law Association; published several Review articles; MSS. critical analysis of " The Song of Songs, which is Solomon's." Lawyer, Greensburg, Pa. *Laughlin, David.— Son of John and Mary (Williamson); born Cumberland Co., Pa., Oct. 11, 1818; teacher; taught North Carolina, Mississippi, Tu»- carora Academy, Pennsylvania, Airyview Academy, Pennsylvania ; married March, '63, Mrs. Sarah Wilson ; died Raleigh Springs, Tenn., Aug. 18, '85. Teacher. *Law, Robert Ferguson.— Son of Rev. Michael ; born Allegheny Co., Pa., 1813 ; teacher Indiana, Pa., '37-39, Mississippi '39-47 ; minister Cumberland Church; died Richland, Miss., March 2, '47. Cumberland Presbyterian minister. *Lewis, Thomas S. — Son of Joseph; born Canonsburg, Pa.; teacher West Vir- ginia ; theological student ; died '39. Student of theolog) LiND, John Young. — Son of Dr. John and Anna S. (Smith); born Hagerstown, Md., Feb. 6, 1819 ; medical student; practiced medicine Mercersburg, Pa., '40-47, Philadelphia '47-48; practiced and mined, Calaveras Co., Cal., '49-78; member of Assembly, California, '50; Senator, California, '52; Secretary of Senate, '53 ; physician United States Marine Hospital, San Francisco, '54 60(?); Mansfield, O., South Carolina, Philadelphia '72; unmarried. Physician, Philadelphia, Pa. *LowRiE, Walter Macon.— Son of Hon. Walter and Amelia (McPherrin); born Butler, Pa., Feb. 18, 1819 ; P. T. S. '37-40 ; licensed April,'41, Second Presbytery of New York; ordained evangelist Nov. 9, '41, same presby- tery; foreign missionary China, Singapore and Macao '42-45, Ningpo '45-47 ; unmarried ; died on the China Sea, Aug. 19, '47, killed by pirates. Presbyterian minister. »Martin, Absalom. Son of Ebenezer and Hannah (McLaughlin); born Mar- tin's Ferry, O., Feb. 15, 1819 ; law student; went West ; soldier, 11th IIU- nois Volunteers, '61-62; married July 27, '48, Delilah D. Dean ; died m hospital of wounds received at Pittsburg Landing, St. Louis, Mo., May 21. '62. Lawyer. »McMt;bdv, Kobekt.-Soo of Jonathan and Elizabeth D'/l-f !>. ''''™.™''- ilelphia Pa., Nov. 2, 1819; teacher Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 3,-39, prin- cipa o sev ral aoaiemies and Presbyterian Church College, Ken uckr. ordained deacon Protestant Episcopal Church, '48 ; rector Ep-opal U rch, Alexandria Va till '65 ; editor. New York, '65-?; married Marcella h. " D.D , Jelterson' College, LL.D. Protestant Epi^opa, m.n-st.r, Washington, D. C. 88 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF NouRSE, Joseph E. — Son of Col. Michaeland Mary (Rittenhouse); born Washing- ton, D. C, April 17, 1819; teacher, principal academy, '40-49; Professor Ethics and English, Naval Academy, Annapolis, '50-65; Naval Observatory, '(•5-81; licensed ; ordained Presbytery of Baltimore; stated supply Clifton, Va., Lewisville, Vienna and Falls Co., Va., Clifton, '86—?; pub- lished '' Narrative of the Polaris," " Narrative of Hall's Second Expedi- tion," ''American Exploration in the Ice Zones," ''Maritime Canal of Suez;" married Dec. 21, '41, Sarah, daughter of Thomas C. Wright. Presbyterian minister, Washington, D. C. *OwEN, Griffith. — Son of David and Jane ; born Carmarthen, Wales, March 1, 1810 ; P. T. S. '37-39 ; licensed '39, Presbytery of Baltimore ; ordained April 22, '40, Presbytery of Philadelphia; pastor Cohocksenk, Pa., '40-44, Uniontown '45-47, South Church, Philadelphia, '51-55, Third Church, Baltimore, Md., '55-60; Missionary Secretary Maryland Sunday-school Union, '60-71; published "Counsels to Domestics," "Materials for Thought," "Pictures from Life;" died Baltimore, Md., Jan. 14, '71. Presbyterian minister. ^Patrick, John.- -Son of Charles and Isabella; born of Irish parentage. Union Co., S. C, February, 1804; Associate Theological Seminary, Canon»- • burg; licensed '41, Associate Presbytery of Carolinas and Virginia; ordained same body ; missionary many years ; married Feb. 23, '54, Mary E., daughter of John Patrick ; died Russellville, Ark., April 18, '75. Asso- ciate Presbyterian minister. *Pentzer, Jacob. — Son of George ; born Bedford Co., Pa., May 28, 1808 ; W. T. S. '37-39 ; licensed Aprix 16, '40, Presbytery of Redstone ; ordained '42, Presbytery of Miami; pastor Bellbrook, O., '42-45; teacher '46-60 ; pastor Herman, Iowa, '60-63, Wilton '63-66; without charge '66-84; mar- ried '39, Emma, daughter of John Meek, also '47, Martha, daughter of John Coon; died Wilton, Iowa, May 12, '84, paralysis. Presbyterian minister. Pettigrew, Samuel.— Son of John and Agnes (Campbell); born County Armagh, Ireland, April 5, 1813 ; W. T. S. '37-40 ; P. T. 8. '40-41 ; licensed April, '39^ Presbytery of Blairsville ; ordained '41, Presbytery of West- chester; pastor Red Mills, N. Y., '41-42, Moline, Mo., '42; principal female seminary ; high school ; co-editor St. Louis Presbyterian '49-52 ; hospital chaplain Jefferson Barracks, St. Louis, '61-65 ; medical stu- dent St. Louis Medical College '68; infirm; practiced medicine St. Louis '70-82 ; stated supply Lebanon, Ore., '82 ; married Feb. 14, '52, Kate M., daughter of Edward Flaherty. Presbyterian minister, McMinn ville, Ore. *PuRNELi,, George Washington. — Son of Dr. George W. and Mary (Pur- nell); born Worcester Co., Md., 1818; medical student with Dr. Thos. Spence, University of Virginia, and University of Pennsylvania '42, prac- ticed medicine St. Francisville, La., '40-61; married Mary Smith Ford; died St. Francisville, La., '61, accidental gun-shot. Physician, JEFFERSON COLLEGE. *ScoTT, Wilson. -Son Of George and Lydia (Strope); bom Wysox, Bradford Co., Pa., March 7, 1816; law student with Hon. D. Wilmot, Towanda Pa • practiced law Towanda '39-43; unmarried; died apoplexy, Athens,' Pa.' June 15, '43. Lawyer. ' ' Semple, Philo MATHES.-Son of Rev. Robert and Annie (Kirkpatrick); bom Beaver Co., Pa., July 7, 1810 ; teacher ; W. T. S. '37-40; licensed June 24, '40, Presbytery of Beaver; ordained Oct. 5, '41, same presbytery; pastor, Mount Eaton and Berlin, 0., '42-58, Dalton '58-07 ; agent Wooster Uni- versity '67-70 ; married July 29, '46, Sarah J., daughter of Robert Davis. Presbyterian minister (infirm), Wooster, 0. ^ Smith, Joseph T.— Son of Joseph and Elizabsth (Donnell); bom Mercer, Pa., Nov. 6, 1818; theology privately with Rev. Samuel Tait ; licensed April, '41, Presbytery of Erie ; ordained '42, same presbytery ; pastor First Church Mercer, Pa., '42-49, Second Church, Baltimore, Md., '49-60; pro- fessor Danville Theological Seminary '60-62 ; pastor Central Church, Balti- more, '62 — ; married August 20, '45, Elizabeth C, daughter of Dr. Jona- than Letterman ; D.D., Hampden-Sydney College, '50 ; Moderator General Assembly '87. Presbyterian minister, Baltimore, Md. Stewart, Kensey Johns. — Son of Dr. David and Susannah (Johns); bom New Castle, Del., March 12, 1817; Protestant Episcopal Seminary, Va.; ordained deacon and also presbyter '41 ; rector Protestant Episcopal Church, Washington City, Connellsville, Pa., Akron, 0., King George, Va., Spotts- wood, N. J., '68, Lewes, Del., Salisbury, Md,, Griggsville, 111., Toronto, Canada, Gordonsville, Va.; married May 5, '39, Hannah Lee, daughter of E. I. Lee, also May 5, '73, Emma, daughter of Geo. Hickman ; published ''Manual for Christian Free Masons," ''Notes on the Revolution," "The Rivers of Life and Death," etc. Protestant Episcopal minister, Washing- ton City. Stewart, William Moore.— Son of Dr. James M. and Matilda (Elliott); born Frankstown, Blair Co., Pa., Jan. 15, 1817; law smdent with Hon. Thos. M. White ; law school, Carlisle, '37-39 ; admitted to bar March, '39 ; prac- ticed law Indiana, Pa., '40-70 ; Philadelphia '70-; married July 13, '47, Elizabeth F., daughter of Edmund N. Clipper. Lawyer and banker, Philadelphia, Pa. ^Templeton, Samuel S.-Born Ohio Co., W. Va., April 12, 1812 ; W. T. S. •37-38; licensed '40, Presbytery of Louisville; stated supply Bowling Green and Concord, Ky., '41 ; pastor Princeton '43-44, Greenville, O '44, Cadiz, O., '48, Aberdeen, Miss., '49-50 ; married ; died Aberdeen, Miss., Dec. 1, '50, consumption. Presbyterian minister. *-T0DD, JOHN.-Born Beaver Co., Pa., Jan. 25, 1806; Associate Theological Seminary, Canonsburg, '37-41 ; licensed July 4, '41, Associate Presbytery of Chartiers ; ordained Sept. 6, '43 ; pastor Jefferson, Beaver s Run and Upper Piney '43-65; principal Brookville Academy '62; missionary in Indi- ana; infirm; Canonsburg several years; W-hington, Iowa, Preston, m^^^ Burgettstown, Pa., '77-8 1 ; married '40, Miss Thompson, daughter o W.ll- famV Thompso;; died Sept. 30, '81. United Presbyterian minister. 90 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF Williams, Hillary. — Born Worcester Co., Md., 1817 ; law student ; practiced law Maryland; teacher; farmer; married. Residence Accokeek, Md. Wilson, David. — Son of Randal and Nancy (Millard); born Lancaster Co., Pa., April 7, 1813; teacher '37-38; W. T. S. '38-39; infirm; principal Tuscarora Academy '39-42, '44-52; Lewistown Church '42-44; Airy View '44r-59 ; Pennsylvania Agricultural College '59-65 ; married June 29, '46, Jane W. McCuUough, also Jan. 16, '79, Rebecca A. Lyon. Teacher ; elder Presbyterian Church; residence Port Royal, Pa. ♦Wilson, Joseph. — Son of James and Sarah tMorrison); born Ligonier Valley, Pa., July 6, 1813; teacher Steubenville Academy '37-39; un- married ; died Northfield, O., March 24, '39, consumption. Teacher. *WiLSON, Adolphus D. — Born Franklin Co., Pa., Dec. 27, 1816 ; law student with Gen. A. P. Wilson, Huntingdon, Pa , also with Hon. Jas. Madison Porter, Easton, Pa., '37-40 ; practiced law Williamsport, Pa., '40-54 ; mar- ried Elizabeth Ann Petriken ; died Williamsport, Pa., February, '54. Law- yer. WiTHEROVv, John. — Son of Samuel and Mary (Laughlin); born near Gettys- burg, P.I., January, 1815; law student Gettysburg, Pa.; practiced law Gettysburg '43-44, Centerville, Ind., Danville; Senate of Indiana '50; Legislature; drug business, Minneapolis, Minn., '66; teacher California '71 ; Los Angeles '74 ; married Eliza Baker, Evansville, Ind. Lawyer,. California. 1838. Blair, Samuel S. — Son of David and Margaret (Steel) ; born Indiana, Pa. , Dec. 5, '21 ; teacher in Georgia '38-41 ; clerk in mint, Dahlonega, Ga., '41-42 ; law student with Judge White '43-45 ; practiced law Holidaysburg, Pa., '45 — ; Member of Congress '58-62 ; elder Presbyterian Church ; mar- ried Dec. 5, '45, Sarah M., daughter of John Denneslon. Lawyer, Holi- daysburg, Pa. *Brown, Moses M. — Born ; teacher ; W. T. S 40 ; licensed '41, Presby- tery of Richland ; ordained '42, Presbytery of Zanesville ; pastor Buffalo, O., '42-53, Salt Creek '42-46; died Cumberland, O., Feb. 17, '53. Pres- byterian minister. BuFFiNGTON, WiLLiAM Henry. — Son of William and Nancy (Scales); born Guyandotte, Va., June 15, 1818 ; law student with John Laidley, Guyan- dotte, Va., '38-39, also with Caverly & Goodrich, Carrollton, III., '39-40 ;. practiced law Keytesville, ]Mo., '41-43; editor Metropolitan, Jefferson City, Mo., '43-47 ; Auditor of State '52-60 ; married September. '41, Louisa M., daughter of John Laidley, also '53, . Lawyer, Huntington, Cabell Co., W. Va. *Caskey, William. — From Cherry Fork, O.; Associate Reformed Theolog- ical Seminary, Allegheny, '38-41 ; licensed '41, Presbytery of Chillicothe ; infirm; went to Florida ; died St. Augustine, Fla., May 8, '42. Associate Reformed minister. JEFFERSON COLLEGE. g^ Clark, Robert. *D0LL, JACOB.-Son of George and Elizabeth M.; born MartinsburR W Va June 27, 1812 ; UT- S., Va., '38-41; merchant ; licensed jl;^, '41,' Presbytery of Winchester ; missionary Fauquier, Va.,'41-42 ; ordained JuW 8, 43, Presbytery of Orange; pastor Oxford and Lewisburg, N C '43-48- stated supply Milton '49-53, Bethesda '51-52, Snow Creek, and teacher Madison 'o4-56 ; pastor Yanceyville, '57-74, Bethesda '67-78 • stated supply Reid8ville'75-78 ; married '41, Jane, daughter of Nathaniel Price- died Berne, N. C, April 27, '78, suddenly. Presbyterian minister. ♦Farrar, Thomas Prince.— Son of Thomas and Martha ; born Claiborne Co., Miss., Feb. 19, 1817; law student; practiced law Vedalia, La., '44-51, St'. Joseph '51-80 ; Confederate States Army; captain 14th Regiment, Louisiana Volunteers; District Attorney two years ; married '43, Annie M. Genault; died St. Josephs, La., Sept. 1, '80. Lawyer. *Fassit, Charles R.— Son of John F. and Nancy (Bravard); born Bayside, Worcester Co., Md., April 9, 1820; medical student with Dr. George Mc- Clelland, Philadelphia, '38-42; practiced medicine Centerville, La., '42-71 ; married Dec. 21, '52, Evaline, daughter of T. H. Thompson, also April 6, '71, Sarah J., daughter of Robert B. Royster ; died Centerville, La., April 10, '71, taking medicine from wrong bottle in the dark. Physician. Granger, Lewis. — Born Granville, Ohio (?); minister; lawyer; California Senate ; practiced law Oroville, Cal. *Mathiot, William. — Son of John and Mary (Gouter); of Huguenot ancestry ; born Lancaster, Pa., Jan. 21, 1820 ; law student with Col. Frazer, Lancas- ter, Pa.; practiced law Lancaster, Pa., '41-54; District Attorney; Commis- sioner in Bankruptcy ; member of City Councils ; married June 16, '50, Catherine H., daughter of Christopher Hager; died Lancaster, Pa., March 18, '54. Lawyer. *McCarer, William Henderson. -Born Philadelphia, Dec. 20, 1813 ; U. T. S. '40-42 ; teacher two years Darlington, S. C; licensed June 29, '42, Pres- bytery of Philadelphia ; ordained Oct. 5, '43, same presbytery ; Philadel- phia, one year; pastor W. Nantmeal, Pa., '43-49 ; stated supply and pastor Evansville, Ind., '49-68; Secretary A. & F. C. U., '68-74; pastor Evansville, Ind., '74-80; married Aug. 5, '45, Sarah M. Howell, Missis- sippi,' died Evansville, Ind., Feb. 9, '80. Presbyterian minister. ♦McCay, David.— Son of Hon. William and Catherine; born Lewistown, Pa., Feb 17 1816 • P T. S. '38-41; licensed May, '41, Presbytery of Hunt- ingdon;' ordained Sept. 27, '42, Presbytery of Clarion ; pastor Bethesda Pa, '42-49, Callensburg and Bethes'da '42-62; U. S. A. chaplain, 103d Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, '61-62 ; married Oct 30, 42 Sarah Jane McKain ; died Lewistown, Pa., June 4, '62 ; typhoid fever. Presby- terian minister. 92 (JENERAL CATALOGUE OF *McPhail, Benjamin G.— Born Norfolk, Va., Jan. 26, 1818 ; U. T. S., Va., '44-45; licensed Sept. 27, '45, Presbytery of East Hanover; ordained; missionary Louisa and Goochland Counties, etc., '47-48 ; stated supply Scottsville '49, Rockfish '50 ; teacher Scottsville, '51-52 ; pastor Snow Hill, Md., '53-57; died Snow Hill, Md., May 0, '57. Presbyterian minister. ■*MiLLKR, Allen CowAN.—Born Brownsville, Pa., 1807; W. T. S., '37-40 : licensed June 17, '40, Presbytery of Ohio ; ordained June, '41, Presby- tery of Marion ; pastor Marseilles, Ohio, '41-48, Eden and Caroline '48-61, White Rock, 111, '52-61, South Rochelle '61-64, White Rock '74; married November, '43, Mary Pierson ; died White Rock, 111., May 12, '74. Presbyterian minister. *MiLLER, James C — Son of Andrew and Sarah (Steele); born Philadelphia, Nov. 24, 1812 ; law student with Mr. Leet, Washington, '39, and Cox & Avery, Wooster, O., '40; practiced law, Wooster, O., '40-44; married Nov. 28, '40, Mary, daughter of John Watson ; died Wooster, O., March 20, '44, congestion of the lungs. Lawyer. Miller, John Krepps. — Son of Hon. Elie and Eleanor G. (Krepps); born Mt. Vernon, O., May 25, 1819 ; law student with Hon. H. B Curtis, '38-41 ; pracliced law Mt. Vernon, O., '41-63 ; Prosecuting Attorney '41-45 ; Member of Congress, '47-51 ; member National Democratic Convention '44 ; married May 6, '45, Elizabeth, daughter of William Larwell, Wooster, O.; died Mt. Vernon, O., Aug. 11, '63, paralysis. Lawyer. *Montgomery, James — Born Dromara, Ireland, March 16, 1811 ; teacher '36-37 W. T. S., '38-41 ; licensed April 6, '41, Presbytery of Allegheny ; ordained Feb. 15, '42, Presbytery of Clarion; missionary one year; pastor Clarion, Pa., '41-71, Richland '43-45, Rehoboth '45-68 ; married ]May, '44, Jane C, daughter of Rev. William Jeffery, D.D., also '54, Margaret, daughter of Jacob Zahniser ; died Clarion, Pa., Aug. 10, '71, consumption. Pres- byterian minister. *NoRTH, Nathaniel G. — Son of George and Eliza (Keys); born near Charles- town, Va., May 12, 1810 ; 'licensed and ordained '43, Presbytery of Missis- sippi ; pastor Raymond, Mississippi ; Third Church, New Orleans, La.; missionary Louisiana, Maryland, Virginia, Mt. Holly, Ark.,' 70-75; mar- ried Mary M. Worthington ; died Mt. Holly, Ark., Nov. 19, '75 ; A. M., '49. Presbyterian minister. *Patrick, SHEPHteRD GooDWiN.— Son of Shepherd and Catharine (Goodwin) born Wysox, Pa., March 28, 1815; law student ; practiced law Towanda, Pa., '40-44, Dixon, 111., '44-77; married Feb. 14, '47, Phoebe Shaw; ■died Dixon, 111., Oct. 2, '77. Lawyer. JEFFERSON COLLEGE. PK.SS.. JosKPH Hehst -Son of Rev. John T. Pressly, D. D.; born --.8. C., April lo 18 /; Associate Reformed Seminary, Allegheny, Pa., W 20 mTp K^r '/t' "^"^'^'^^-^ ^' Monongahela; ordainei Fr?; p!' u\r ' Vl '^''"' pastor Associate Reformed Church, Erie Pa 4o-74; marned May 24, '47, Annie E., daughter of Thoma; Smith; Trustee Westminster College; died Erie, Pa., Nov. 3 '74. DD United Presbyterian minister. ' » • • *Reid, David Fullekton.-Sou of David and Eliza (iMitchell); born Aug 5, 1810, Indiana Co.; teacher; Associate Reformed Theological Semi narv Allegheny, '38-42; licensed April 13, '41, Presbytery of Blairsville; ordained November, '41, Presbytery of Mansfield ; pastor Millersburg and Mill Creek, O., '41-56 ; Uniontown, O., '57-67 ; farmer Pepin Co., Wis., '67-74 ; Indiani Co., Pa., '74-80, married Oct. 5, 42, to Jean R., daughter of WUUara Alexander, Indiana Co., Pa.; died Dec. 13, '80, Indiana Co., Pa. United Presbyterian minister. RoTHROCK, William.— Son of Philip and Martha; born Mifflin Co., Pa., Aug. 15, 1817 ; teacher Alabama '39-50 ; civil engineer '50-65 ; bookseller, Selma, Ala., '65—; married Nov. 10, '59, Helen M. Fitch. Bookseller, Selma, Ala. *Snyder, Henry.— Son of Charles and Mary ; born Frederick Co., Va., Dec. 2, 1814; teacher; licensed, Presbytery of Ohio; ordained evangelist '50, same presbytery; Adjunct Professor of Mathematics, Jefifereon College, '41-43 ; Professor '43-50 ; Professor of Latin, Center College, Danville, Ky., '50-53; stated supply Amelia Court House, Va., '56-57; Professor of Mathematics H. S. College, '57-61; United States Army chaplain. Fort Richmond, New York, '61-66; married '43, Elizabeth B. Little; died New York, Feb. 22, '66. Presbyterian minister. *Stinson, George W.— Son of Robert and Elizabeth (Porter); born Mont- gomery Co., Pa., Dec. 12, 1817; tutor Jefferson College '38-39 ; principal Academy Thomasville, Ga., '39-41 ; law student with D. H. Mulvaney, Norristown, Pa., '42-44; practiced law Norristown, Pa., '44-49; unmar- ried ; school director ; died at Homestead, Montgomery Co., Pa., July 17, '49 ; phthisis pulmonalis. Lawyer. *SuTTON, THOMAS.^Son of Thomas and Rebecca; born Indiana, Pa., Dec. 31, 1815; law student with Hon. Thomas White? '38-40 ; practiced law Clarion, Pa., '40-53; married June 4, '46, Annie D. Mahon, daughter of John Mahon; died Clarion, Pa., March 26, '51; typhoid fever. Lawyer. Thompsox, Philip Burton.-Sou of Hon. John B. and Nancy P. (Roberts); born Harrodsburg, Ky., Jan. 8, 1821; law student with Hon. John B. Thompson, '38-40; practiced law Harrodsburg, Ky., '40-; Common- wealth's Attorney '51-56, captain United States Army Mexican War, Confederate States Army, colonel, '61-?: Membei. ^-federate Cong^^ married Nov. 2, '42, Martha, daughter of Davis Montgomery, Af.ssis- sippi. Lawyer, Harrodsburg, Ky. 94 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF *Tassey, William Dickson.— Son of John and Mary (Dickson) ; born County Armagh, Ireland, Oct. 11, 1816; emigrated, '20 ; law student with Judge Shaler, Pittsburg, '38-40 ; practiced law at Pittsburg, '38-58 ; married Oct. 16, '45, Emily Evans Rowland ; died Memphis, Tenn., Aug. 5, '58, brain fever. Lawyer. *Watson, John.— Son of John and Mary (Miller); born Canonsburg, Pa., 1820 ; law student with James Watson, W^ashington, Pa. ; practiced law Missouri, '40-43 ; died Missouri, October, '43. Lawyer. Welton, Felix Branson. — Son of Felix and Eizabeth (Branson); born Hardy Co., Va., Feb. 1, 1816; U. T. S., Va., '38-40; P. T. S. '41-42; health failed ; not licensed ; Front Royal, Va., '42-45; farmer, Moorefield, W. Va., '45 — ; Justice of the Peace; Member of the County Court, thirty years; Virginia Legislature, '48-49, '50-51, '56-57; ruling elder Presbyterian Church, '46 ; married Nov. 5, '39, to Miss Jane E. Cunningham, Hardy Co., Va., also June, '54, Miss Sally Burwell, daughter of William Nelson, Yorktown, Va. Farmer, Moorefield, W. Va. *WiLSON, Edward Hancock Custis. — Son of Edward H. C. and Sarah (Stratton); born Somerset Co., Md., Aug. 5, 1820; law student with W. H. Handy, Somerset Co., Md., '39-41; practiced law Hillsdale, Mich., '41-70; Prosecuting Attorney ; Judge of Court, Hillsdale Co., Mich., married Nov. 12, '45, Helen M. Hurlburt; died Denver, Col., Dec. 7, '70, pneu- monia. Lawyer. 1839. . Alexander, John Edmiston. — Son of Hon. Samuel E. and Mary (Alexan- der); born near Lewistown, Pa., June 2, 1815 ; P. T. S. '39-42 ; licensed May 24, '42, Presbytery of Huntingdon; stated supply Indiana, Pa., '42; ordained May 18, '43, Presbytery of Lancaster, O.; pastor Washington, O., '43-53 ; stated supply Senecaville, '43-53 ; principal at Washington', '53-63 ; stated supply Mt. Pleasant, '57-60 ; principal at Hightstown, New Jersey, '63-72 ; Elkton, Md., '72-74 ; teacher and stated supply Ridley Park, Pa., '75; stated supply Greeneville, Tenn., '75-77; Salem '78; President of W. C. T., '77-83 ; stated supply Timber Ridge '83-87 ; Oakland Church, '87— ; married Nov. 22, '42, Mary, daughter of Robert Milliken, also Dec. 28, '58, Catherine M., daughter of Daniel Potter ; pub- lished ''Record Alexander Family," '' Holston Presbytery," "Synod of Tennessee," ''History Washington College," "Greeneville and Timber Ridge Churches;" D.D., Greeneville and Tusculum College, Tenn., '85. Presbyterian minister, Greeneville, Tenn. Blackburn, Moses T. — Son of John and Sarah ; born Columbiana Co., O., Dec. 28, 1811; W. T. Seminary, '39; medical student; practiced medi- cine '44, Petersburg, O.; Pittsburg, Pa., "74—; married April 3, '44, Lavinia Stough. Physician ; 3343 Pennsylvania Avenue, Pittsburg, Pa. JEFFERSON COLLEGE. 95 Brownlee, Alexander W.-Born Scotland; W. T S 18'iq-40. i . • Cherokpp Nati'nn Ua_44. i . j > »»• a. o., l»vJy-40 teacher 111 Cherokee Nation, 40-44 law student; practiced law in Arkansas ; Jud^e 02-61; lawyer, Qumcy Mo., '61-; „,arried November, '42, Annie karreU Lawyer ; residence, Quincy, Mo. "arreii. ^Calhoun, Adley.-Soq of John and Margaret; born AUeKhenv Co Pa Jan. 2, 1821 ; W. T. S., '39-42 ; licensed April', '44, Presbyt; ^f' Ked: '4^8 "d Tpf -^7'.^ --^P-«bytery; pastor Round Hill Church, 4,5-48 ; died Round Hill, Pa., April 19, '48, consumption. Presbyterian minister. -^ Cluff, Peter Palmer. -Son of Jonathan and Sarah S.; born Snow Hill Md., April 18, 1814 ; medical student University of Louisville Ky ' '42-43; Pennsylvania University '44-45 ; practiced medicine Marion Co.' Mo., '4o-51; La Grange, Mo., '51-61 ; Harrisburg, Texas. '61-71 ; Aus- tin, '71-83 ; Galveston, '83-; married Oct. 10, '54, Sarah E. Louthan, also Feb. 24, '69, Mary A. Gale. Physician, Galveston, Texas. ^Coulter, James.— Born Mercer Co., Pa., 1807; W. T. S., '39-42; licensed April, '42, Presbytery of Allegheny ; ordained Sept. 14, '42, Presbytery of Erie; pastor Concord and Deerfield (Tidioute), Pa., '42-46, Sugar Creek, '48-52, Harmonsburg and Evansburg, '52-57 ; stated supply Waterloo and Mt. Pleasant ; Allegheny Church, —'79 ; married Oct. 6, '29, Mary Offut ; died Butler Co., Pa., Sept. 23, '80. Presbyterian minister. ♦Dickson, George Moorhead.-Soh of William and Christiana (Moorhead); bornErifrCo., Pa., Dec. 28, 1814; teacher; law student Huntingdon, Pa.; died Huntingdon, Pa., Feb. 14, '41, consumption. Law student. *DivEB, Charles Fredebick. — Born Philadelphia, Pa., Dec. 15, 1812; U. T. S.; licensed '42, Presbytery of Philadelphia; ordained Oct. 22, '44; pastor Providence, Pa., '44-47, Spring Mills '47-51, Waterford '51-52, Cedarville, N. J., '52-61 ; W. C. '61-62 ; chaplain Philadelphia '62-84 ; died Philadelphia, Pa., Oct. 14, '84. Presbyterian minister. *DuFF, John W. — Born Westmoreland Co., Pa., 1811; Associate Reformed Seminary, Allegheny, Pa., '40-43; licensed April 13, '43, Associate Reformed Presbytery of Blairsville ; ordained Dec. 6, '43, same presbytery ; pastor Puckety, Pa., '43-48, Blairsville and New Alexandria '48-50; married Jan. 23, '45, Rebecca McMasters; died Blairsville, Pa., March 6, '50, typhoid fever. Associate Reformed minister. Earle, Alexander M.— Son of John B. and Maria B. (Miller); born Fred- erick Co., Va., Dec. 12, 1819; farmer Clarke Co , Va., '39-60; Warren Co., '60—; Confederate States Army '61-65, lieutenant, quarterraaater; Virginia Legislature '81, '83 ; Justice of the Peace; married Dec. 12, '67, Mary Ellen, daughter of William C Burns. Farmer, Milldale, Warren Co., Va. »^Forsyth, Eli Johnson. Born near Brownsville, Pa., March22, 1817 ; law student; practiced law Dayton, O., '43-57 ; married '41, Ruth Elliott; died June 9, '57, dropsy of the heart. Lawyer. 96 (GENERAL CATALOGUE OF *Geaky, John White. — Son of Richard and Margaret (White); born West- moreland Co., Pa., Dec. 30, 1819 ; civil engineer; Mexican War, '47; lieu- tenant-colonel ; Commander of the City of Mexico; farmer Westmoreland Co., Pa., '52-56 ; Governor of Territory of Kansas, '57 ; United States Army, '61-65; colonel; brigadier-general; wounded; Governor Savannah, Ga.; Governor Pennsylvania, '67-73 ; married Mrs. Henderson ; died Hamburg, Pa., Feb. 8, '73. A. M., 67. *GiBSON, John K. — Born Melmore, O.; law student ; died near Tiffin, O., Aug. 24, 1841, congestive fever Grier, Smith F.- Son of Rev. Robert; born Adams Co., Pa., Aug. 31, 1819; P. T. S. '41-43 ; licensed April, '42, Presbytery of New Castle ; ordained April 19, '43, Presbytery of Ohio; pastor Valley Church, Pa., '43-52 ; New Cumberland '52— ; married Oct. 25, '42, Jane Connely, also Oct. 11, '53, Eveline Miller. Presbyterian minister. New Cumberland, W. Va. Hamill, Robert. — Born Norristown, Pa. ; teacher Lawrenceville, N. J., 1839-42 ; P. T. S. '42-45; stated supply First Church, Norfolk, Va., '46; ordained May 6, '46, Presbytery of Huntingdon ; pastor Sinking Creek and Spring Creek, Pa., '46-75, Spring Creek '75—; D.D. ; Director P. T. S.;. Moderator Synod. Presbyterian minister, Oak Hall Station, Pa., Harbaugh, John V.— From New Lisbon, O. Merchant, St. Louis, Mo., 1869. *Henry, Edwin W. — Son of Charles and Julia (Fassett); born Berlin, Md.; medical student, University of Virginia ; practiced medicine Baltimore, Md.; married ; went lo Europe and died in Switzerland. *Kunkle, John C. — Son of George and Catherine (Zigler); born 1^816; law student, Carlisle Law School ; practiced law Harrisburg, Pa., '38-68; mem- ber of House of Representatives, Pennsylvania, '44, '45 and '50; Senate '51-53; Member of Congress '54-57; married Elizabeth Crane, daughter of Dr. W. W. Rutherford ; died Harrisburg, Pa., Oct. 16, '70. Lawyer. *Lloyd, John. — Son of Thomas and Catherine ; born McConnellstown, Pa., Oct. 1, 1813; teacher; P. T. S. '41-44; licensed April, '44, Presbytery of New York ; ordained evangelist May 7, '44, Presbytery of Huntingdon ; foreign missionary China ; missionary Araoy, China, '44-48 ; died Amoy, China, Dec. 6, '48. Presbyterian minister. ■^Marshal, Samuel P.- Son of William; born Westmoreland Co., Pa., Dec. 1, 1812 ; W. T. S. '39-40 ; not licensed ; died Westmoreland Co., Pa., Feb. 18, '42. Theological student. *McClelland, Andrew Craig.— Born New Alexandria, Pa., Dec. 5, 1815; W. T. S. '42-45 ; licensed '45, Presbytery of Blairsville ; ordained '47 ; pastor Peru, Ind., ''47-58, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, '58-61, Fourth Church, Pittsburg, Pa., '61-69; Secretary Freedmen's Committee, '69-70; married '47, Mary McMillan ; died April 19, '70. Presbyterian minister. JKFFERSON COLLEGE. CfJ ^0-4:0, innrm 4o-by ; married Mnv 99 'j.4 \r x-r , , ' Pone, diea KocHene'. lU., ^Z, I. "pSeH;;^^^!" '"^^^ iiT K 1' ' ^"'*<'™^'JP™'>y'"-i»n Theological Sen.inarv A legheny ; pastor Ogdensba,^, N. Y., .44-o4, Pe,,,„ Canada, -54-56, Phnl adelplna Pa., ,6-G2 Staunton, 111., '65-70 ; died^^taun.on. 111., Se^t. H, 1 1. Keformed Presbyterian minister. ' ' f » *MiLES GEORGE.-Born Greenwich, Conn, Jan. 17, 1811 ; law student New York City; practiced law Tarrytown, N. Y., '44-48; farmer New Castle iS. Y, 48-76; married Jan. 16, '61; died New Castle, N. Y., '76. Far- mer and lawyer. -Miller, Norman. Born Brattleboro, Vt., 181o(?); teacher; law student - practiced law Martinsburg, W. Va., married Julia Brescoe ; died Martins- burg, W. Va., '62. Lawyer. Mitchell, Jacob Delville.— Born Philadelphia, Pa., Jan. 1, 1819 ; P. T. S. '42-44 ; ordained Sept. 25, '45, Presbytery of Luzerne ; pastor Kingston, Pa., '45-47 ; stated supply Wyoming '47-49, pastor '49, First Church, Scranton, '50-53; principal Presbyterian Institute, Wyoming, '53-55 ; stated supply Wyoming '55-56 ; stated supply Congregational Church, Bingham- ton, N. Y., '58-63; evangelist, Washington, D. C, '63-64; Bingharaton, N. Y., '64-66 ; Wellsboro, Pa., '67-77; Germantown, '77—; married AprU, 24, '39, Almira A., daughter of Conrad Carpenter; A.B., Jefferson Col- lege, '42 ; D.D. Presbyterian minister, Germantown, Pa. Murray, Thomas J.— Born Washington Co., Pa.; medical student Jefferson Medical College; practiced medicine Canonsburg, Pa., '42-51; married; died Canonsburg, Pa., June 21, '51. Physician. *Naylor, James.— Son of William ; born Romney, Va, July 4, 1821 ; U. T. S.jVa., '39-42 ; licensed Sept. 9, '43, Presbytery of Winchester; ordained evangelist Aug. 17, '44, Presbytery of Montgomery; stated supply White Glade '45, Finney wood '46-49; pastor Finneywood and Bluestone '51-58 ; stated supply Middleton, Miss., '59-66, Mt. Paran '67-71. Spring Creek '71-73 ; married May, '44, Ann R., daughter of Rev. S. L. Graham, also 'Q6, Miss Bascom ; died Spring Creek, Miss., Jan. 7, '74. Presby- terian minister. Owen, Roger.— Son of David and Jane; born Carmarthen, Wales, Oct. 15, 1813; P. T. S. '39-42; licensed '42, Presbytery of Baltimore; ordained Sept. 24, '43, Presbytery of Madison; pastor First Church, Madison, Ind„ '43-44 ; Columbia, Pa., '44-50 ; principal Academy Chestnut Hill, Pliila- delphia, '51-56; stated supply and pastor Chestnut Hiirol-86; emeritus pastor '86— J D.D. Presbyterian minister. Chestnut Hill, Pa. 98 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF Patton, Jacob Harris.— Son of Thomas and Anna (Harris); born Fayette Co., Pa., May 20, 1812; tutor Nashville University ; U. T. S. '43-46; teacher New York City ; licensed '46, Presbytery of New York ; teacher '46-; published " Political History of the United States," ''History of the American People," "Youth's Contemporary History of the United States," ^'Natural Resources of the United States"; married '54, Caroline, daughter of Oliver Obear; Ph.D., Washington and Jefferson College, '84. Teacher and author, New York City. Reed, John.— Son of Thomas and Elizabeth (Smith); from Ireland ; born Phil- adelphia, Pa., May 19, 1819; drug clerk, druggist, Huntingdon, Pa., '41 — ; married April, '48, Ann M. Hagey. Druggist, Huntingdon, Pa. *Reid, James Craig. Son of Rev. Robert and Elizabeth (Calhoun); born Erie, Pa.*, Jan. 9, 1818 ; teacher Erie Academy ; law student ; practiced law '47-52; civil engineer Illinois, Missouri and Texas ; member of Pennsylvania Legislature '49-50; married '47, Louisa C. Ingersoll; died Erie, Pa., Oct. 1, '65. Lawyer. *RiTTENHOUSE, JoHN HuGHES. — Born Pennsylvania, Sept. 25, 1815 ; P. T. S. '40-43 ; licensed Presbytery of Northumberland ; ordained Feb. 6, '44, same presbytery ; pastor Derry and Washingtonville, Pa.; married Sep- tember, '47, Jane, daughter of Hon. William Simonton ; died Nov. 12, '53, suddenly, heart disease. Presbyterian minister. Sargent, Fitzwilliam. — Son of Winthrop; born Gloucester, Mass , May 17, 1820; medical student; practiced medicine, Philadelphia (Pa.) Hospital, Wells Hospital '44-54, Switzerland '54 — ; married May, '50, Mary Singer. Physician ; residence Switzerland. Shannon, Owen Evans — Born Norristown, Pa., Feb. 12, 1818; Episcopal Seminary, Virginia; ordained deacon '42, priest same year ; rector Hones- dale, Pa., '42-47 ; missionary in Philadelphia, '47-53, Seymour, Conn., '53-66, East Haven 'Q6 — ; married '42, Margaretta P. Hamill. Protestant Episcopal minister, East Haven, Conn. Smith, Philander C. — From St. Francisville, La.; planter; member Louisi- ana Legislature(?). Speer, William.— Son of Dr. James R. and Hattie (Morrow); born New Alexandria, Westmoreland Co., Pa., April 24, 1822; W. T. S. '43-46; licensed April 21, '46, Presbytery of Ohio ; ordained June 16, '46, same presbytery ; foreign missionary to China '46-58; missionary to Chinese in California; home missionary Wisconsin and Minnesota '58-65; Corre- sponding Secretary Board of Education '65-76 ; evangelist '76 — ; published '* China and the United States," "History of the Great Revival," " God's Rule for Christian Giving ; " married May 7, '46, Cornelia, daughter of 'Alexander Brackenridge, also April 20, '52, Elizabeth B., daughter of Major John H. Ewing ; D.D., Center College, '66; A. M., '47, Jefferson Col- lege. Presbyterian minister, Washington, Pa. JEFFERSON COLLEGE. Wash.ngton Co., Va., Jan. 12, '68. Presbyterian .ninisLr ^ "" ♦Stilley, John B.— Born IST, • «,«j- i . , ''51 T/ff "r^ M '" ''-'' '• ""'' ^"^^''»-' ^o^'^^' Ma-^h, "86 ; tM ' ol, Jefferson College. ">A.m., SwANEY, ALEXANDEK.-Son of John and Jane (Barber); born County Derry Ireland Ma.ch 20 1813 ; teacher '39-44 ; theology privately ; licenced '^i Presbytery oR.chland ; ordained April, '45, Presbytery of Steubenville pastor Carrollton O '45-55, New Hagerstown '55-72; stated suppi; Toronto, O, '87; chaplain 98th Regiment Ohio Volunteers '62-04. married October, '40, Sarah C. McCutcheon, also Oct. 20, '48, Jane Lind- ley, also Nov. 26, '73, Kate C. Brown ; D.D., '68, Washington and Jeffer- son College. Presbyterian minister, Toronto, O. Thompson, William SHERiDAN.-Son of John and Mary (Roberts); born Northampton Co., N. C, Oct. 12, 1815; P. T. S. '39-42; licensed Mav 12, '42, Presbytery of West Hanover ; ordained same date and same presbvtery; pastor Trinity, Va., '42-; married Dec. 28, '43, Caroline S., daughter of John Gulick, also Oct. 11, '53, Ann S., daughter of W. S. Fontaine. Presbyterian minister, Philadelphia, Pa. ^Wallace, Joseph Cummins.— Son of Joseph and Sarah (Evans); born Har- risburg, Pa., Sept. 16, 1821 ; law student; practiced law Harrisburg, Pa., '41-46; United Slates Army in Mexico, '47; second lieutenant, 3d Dra- goons ; died Matamoras, Mexico, Oct. 6, '47, yellow fever. Lawyer. WiLLEY, George.— Born Boston, Mass , Jan. 2, 1821 ; law student; practiced law Cleveland, O., '42—; United States Attorney '09 ; married '-lo^ Julia C. Vaughan. Lawyer, Cleveland, O. AViLLiAMS, Moses Allen.— Son of Benjamin and Elizabeth (Reed) ; born Washington Co., Pa., Sept. 26, 1811 ; teacher Maryland and Georgia; theol- i ogy privately; licensed December, '44, Presbytery of Georgia; ordained evangelist '46; pastor Uniontown '49-52 ; missionary Valparaiso, South America, '52-56, California and Washington Territory '50—; I\Icdford, Ore., '86; married Mrs. Amelia W. Jacks. Presbyterian minister, Med- ford, Ore. ^Wilson, Thomas Mitchell.— Born near Saltsburg, Pa., Aug. 25, 1837 ; med- ical student ; W. T. S. '60-63 ; licensed April, '62, Presbytery of Schuyler ; ordained October, '63, same presbvtery; stated supply P^dgington, 111., '63-64 ; pastor Ebensburg, Pa., '65-67, Sharpsburg '07-70 ; stated supply Hamlet, 111.; pastor Rochelle '72-74 ; married April Ki, '03, Lizzie John- ston ; died Rochelle, 111., Feb. 22, '74. Presbyterian minister. 100 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF *WooDEND, William W. — Son of John and Jane (Flack); born near Callens- burg, Pa., June 2o, 1816; teacher '39-44; theology privately; licensed Oct. 5, '48, Presbytery of Redstone; stated supply '44-46 ; ordained Jan. 14, '46, Presbyiery of Saltsburg; pastor Saltsburg, Pa., '46-79, Highland, Kan., '79-80, Phillipsburg, Pa., '81 — ; without charge — '86 ; married May 2, '43, Matilda R., daughter of Dr. Postlethwaite, also Sept. 28, '-53, Judith, daughter of Hon. A. McConnell, also Sept. 1, '71, Rebecca I., daughter of J. W.Robinson; died Indiana, Pa., Nov. 21, '86, catarrh of stomach and bowels; D.D., '70, W^ashington and Jefferson College. Pres- byterian minister. *WooDS, Samuel Stanhope. — Son of Rev. Dr. Samuel ; born Mifflin Co., Pa., Sept. 8, 1820; law student; practiced law Lewistown, Pa., '42-61; Pre- siding Judge, Twentieth Judicial District, '61-71; married Nov. 6, '44, Henrietta Wilson ; died Lewistown, Pa., Feb. 8, '72. Lawyer. 1840. ♦Anderson, J. Patton. — Son of Col. William P. and Margaret L. (Adair); born Winchester, Tenn., Feb. 16, 1822; law student. Law School, Frank- fort, Ky.; practiced law Hernando, Miss., '42-46; United States Army,, Mexican War, '46-49; lieutenant-colonel; Mississippi Legislature two terms; United States Marshal, Washington Territory, '53-55; Delegate to- Congress, Washington Territory ; nominated Governor, declined ; planter, Monticello, F'la., '57-61; Slate Convention, Florida, '61; Confederate Congress '61; Confederate States Army, '61-64; captain, colonel, brigadier- general, major-general ; wounded, Jonesboro, '64 ; married '53, Etta Adair ; died Memphis, Tenn., Sept. 20, '72, result of wounds in battle. Lawyer. *Andrew, William Hume. — Son of James and Elizabeth (Scott); born Xenia, O., July 28, 1818; Franklin College; Associate Theological Seminary, Canonsburg; licensed June 16, '47, Associate Presbytery of Miami; ordained Sppt. 14, *48, Presbytery of Iowa; pastor Washington and Colum- bus City, Iowa, '48-51 ; foreign missionary to Trinidad '51-52 ; pastor North Liberty, O , '53, Ripley '54-57, Canonsburg, Pa., '57-59, Pittsburg Seventh Church, '59-75, Gait, Ontario, Can., '75-79; married June 17, '47, Margaret Ann McFall ; died Gait, Ontario, Can., March 30, '79 ; D.D.;. A. M., Jefferson College, '~)o. United Presbyterian minister. Austin, George E. — From Eastern Shore of Maryland; farmer Dorchester Co., member State Convention to remodel the Constitution of the State, '67. *BoYD, Samuel F.— Went South; editor. Port Gibson, Miss., California;, died California. Brown, Hugh Arbuthnot. — Son of William and Eleanor (Lyons); born St. Clairsville, O., Dec. 20, 1819; P. T. S. '41-44; licensed Oct. 4, '43, Pres- bytery of New Brunswick; ordained April 16, '44, Presbytery of Logans- port; foreign missionary, China, Amoy, China, '45-48; infirm, stated supply Logansport, Ind., '48-49 ; stated supply and pastor Roanoke, Va., '49-53; stated supply Rockford, III., '53-57; pastor Bethesda, Va., '57 — ; married June 11, '50, Matilda C, daughter of James Little. Presbyterian minister. JEFFERSON COLLEGE. ^' '" jq* *Caiison, James C. — Bom Franklin Pr. i> t same presbytery; pastor Maple Creek and Mt/OIWet, Pa., '4^49 s'ta'e^ Zy 5 70 t"e:r,"'- ""' ■ '^""'- '^■'''- ^^''^ ''"^■' •'■«™ '«^™ ^ dulyo, /U. -rresbytenan minister. '"""o "Math"" 4''i J'r' "!'';"" r' ''^'^'^ ^"^^^^^^^ ^-- ^»-"-ti. O March ^ 1820; law student, Law School, Cincinnati; practiced law Cmannati, O., '41-74, New York City '74-79, Cincinnati '79-85; Prose cuting Attorney '47-51 ; Judge Court of Con,monl>leas, Cincinnati 'o2-(;'> • published '' IJfe of Rev. Adam Hurdus," " Reminiscences and Anecdot'ei of the Bar of Cincinnati," etc.; married March 22, '42, Margaretta, daugh- ter of Dr. John Wishart, also Nov. 30, '72, Mrs. Miranda B. S., daughter of Hugh Barney; died Cincinnati, O., Feb. 21, '85. Lawyer. ^Coulter, Samuel Logan—Sou of Rev. John and Jane (Logan); born Venango Co., Pa., 1814 ,-- teacher Beaver, Pa., Richmond, 0., Paris, Kv., Peoria, 111.; editor Peoria Republican; farmer; died Peoria, 111., Sept. 4^ '85. Teacher. *DouGHERTY, RoBERT W.— Boru Priuccss Anne, Md.; law student ; practiced law Princess Anne, Md., 1842-63, Towsontown '()3-()9 : died Towsontown, Md., '69. Lawyer. Earle, George.— Son of Hon. Richard T. and Mary (Tilghman); was born near Centerville, Md., Sept. 10, 1821 ; studied law under his father and with Hon. John Glenn, Baltimore ; was admitted to the bar in '43; prac- ticed at Centreville '43-45, at Elkton '45-64, and in City of Washington since '70 ; he was Clerk of Court of Appeals of Maryland '43-68 ; was elected to the State Constitutional Convention of '64, and therein served as member of the Judiciary Committee and Chairman of the Committee of Revision; he was First Assistant Postmaster-General of the United States in '69 ; Dec. 13, '43, married Mary, daughter of Dr. Joseph Chamberlain, and grand-niece of Charles Thomson, Secretary of First Congress United States. His residence is 1916 35ih Street, N. W., Washington, D. C. Earle, Archibald B.— Son of John B. and Maria B. (Miller); born Freder- ick Co., Va., 1821(?); medical student; practiced medicine Virginia, Ivansas City, Mo., '88; druggist; married. Physician, Kansas City, Mo. ^Haldem.yx, John.— Son of Jacob M. and Eliza E. (Jacobs); born Harris- burg, Pa., Sept. 19, 1821 ; law student ; practiced law Harrisburg, Pa. Pennsylvania Legislature ; married Maria Stehley ; died Denver, Col., July 13, '6o, on way to California. -^Hatch, Daniel S.— Born Vermont; infirm; died Pittsburg, Pa., 1840, consumption. Student ; ministry in view. Hays, Joseph Martin. -Son of Martin and Mary (Camp); born Prattsburg, N. Y., June6, 1 8 1 2 ; teacher, '40-41; theology W. R. College, '41-44 ; licensed April, '44, Presbyterv of Erie ; stated supply Tallmadge, Peru and Plymouth, O.; ordained October, '47, Presbytery of Huron; principal 102 , -^ GENERAL CATALOGUE OF Female Seminary, Nor walk, O., three years; home missionary Wisconsin^ '56-G8; infirm; married Aug. 12, '45, Hannah Ann, daughter of John- Bassett, also Nov. 10, '64, Mrs. Sarah W. Rublee. Presbyterian minister. West Salem, Wis. Herron, James Clokey.- Son of James and Sarah (Clokey); born Washington Co., Pa., March 26, 1821 ; Associate Theological Seminary, Canonsburg ; licensed May, '44, Presbytery of Allegheny; ordained May 20, '46, Pres- bytery of Ohio; pastor Peter's Creek, Pa , '46-53, Napa, Cal., '53-59, Cross Roads, Pa., '59-63, Lawrence, Kan., '67-75, London, Can., '69-83, Jamestown, Pa., '88. United Presbyterian minister, Jamestown, Pa. Hughes, Daniel IvAWRENCE. — Son of James R. and Eliza (Eldridge); born Cape May Co., N. J., Jan. 8, 1820; P. T. S., '40-43 ; licensed April 1!>, '43, Presbytery of West Jersey; ordained Jan. 10, '44, Presbytery of Huntingdon ; pastor Little Valley, Pa., '44-48, Pine Grove '48-57, Spruce Creek, '48-57, Sinking Valley '53-57 ; stated supply Glenwood, Iowa, '59-65, Plattsmouth, Neb., '63-65; pastor Tipton and New York, Iowa, '66-69 ; stated supply Waterloo, Union and Yankee Grove '72-75, Baker's Grove '75-77 ; Dysart, '77-79; pastor Tranquillity '79-85, Salem '82-85; infirm '86; Petersburg, Pa., '87 — ; published the "Life of Rev. J. W. McGinnes," and ''Sermons;" married Oct. 19, '43, Elmira W., daughter of Captain Humphrey Hughes. Presbyterian minister, Petersburg, Pa. *HuGHES, David.— Son of Aaron and Meribah ; born Cape Island, N. J., Dec. 8, 1819; medical student New Haven and Philadelphia; theology pri- vately; practiced medicine Washington Co., Pa., '43-50; licensed March, '50, Presbytery of Pittsburg ; ordained '52, Presbytery of Athens ; pastor New Plymouth, O., '52-62; married '43, Susan P. Lee; died New Plymouth, O., March 18, '64, typhoid fever. Presbyterian minister. ♦Jacobs, Akdrew Parker. — Son of Robert Urie and Mary (Parker); born; Lewistown, Pa., Oct. 6, 1820; law student; practiced law Lewistown, Pa., '42-56 ; married Jan. 23, '51, Mary E. Van Volzah ; died Lewistown, Pa., Dec. 20, '56. Lawyer. ♦Mahaffey, Samuel —Son of John and Agnes (Jordan); born Washington Co., Pa., March 25, 1816; teacher; P. T. S., '41-44; licensed April 6, '43, Presbytery of Philadelphia; professor Delaware College, '43 ; ordained evangelist Sept. 11, '46, Presbytery of St. Clairsville; President of Madison College, '46-48 ; principal Miller Academy, '48-50 ; stated supply Sharon and Freeport '49-50, Antrim and Freeport '4(5-52, Birmingham '52-57; pastor Concord, '57-61; stated supply Freeport, '62-70, Olive '62-65, West Carlisle and Jefferson '74-75, Mt. Zion '76 ; evangelist; married April 11, '48, Mary J., daughter of Samuel Laurence ; died Washington, O., Nov. 17, '87. Presbyterian minister. ♦McCoNAUGHY, David Walker. — Son of Hugh and Isabella (Walker); born Cross Creek, Washington Co., Pa., Feb. 5, 1820; teacher Grove Academy, Steubenville, O., '40; candidate for ministry; infirm; unmarried; died Cross Creek, Pa., July 31, '41, consumption. Candidate for foreign mis- sionary. JEFFERSON COLLEGE. jQ3 *McNaib, SOLOMON.-Born near Brownsburg, Pa, Aug 3 1815 • P T ^ '41 44; ordained Ma, 8, '40, Presbyter, of Donegal' st'a ed^'uppJ-and pa tor Middle Octorara, Pa., '44-5.; pastor Mans6eld, N. j''L^ staed supply Upper Mt Bethel, Pa., '62-64; stated supplv and pasto minister" ' """'""' '^"' *"''■ ''' ''^ ' Presbyterian *MiLLER George -Son of .Jacob and Elizabeth (Ettleman); born Massillon, V). Jan .1815; law student, Massillon, '40-42; practiced law Mas- sillon, 42-o(); Ohio Legislature, '44-45; Justice of the Peace, o-47 • unmarried ; died Massillon, O., Dec. 18, '50. Law/^r. ^Miller, James WESTON.-Son of Jeremiah and Elizabeth (Weston); born Erie Go, Pa., Nov. 15, 1815 ; W. T. S., '42-44; licensed April, '48, Pres- bytery of Steubenville; ordained October, '44, same presbyterv ; foreign missionary, Texas; pastor Houston, Texas, '44-50; teacher: evangelist, '50-; President of Austin College, '56; principal of Ladies' Seminary, '53-80; married '47, Elizabeth A, daughter of D. F. McKennan,' also '52, Elizabeth S. Stewart; D.D., '75, Austin College ; died Gay Hill, Texas, April 29, '88. Presbyterian minister. *Moore, John Taylor.— Born near Port Gibson, Miss., Feb. 22, 1819; planter, near Port Gibson; died near Port Gibson, Miss., Jan. 1, 7<». Planter. Parke, Nathan Grier. —Son of Rev. Samuel and Martha (Grier);born York Co., Pa., Dec. 16, 1820; P. T. S., '41-44 ; licensed April 30, '43, Presby- tery of Donegal ; ordained evangelist July 7, '46, same presbytery ; stated supply and pastor Pittston, Pa., '44—; published ''History of Presbytery of Luzerne ;" married June 8, '47, Ann Elizabeth, daughter of W. C. Gildersleeve ; Moderator Synod; Stated Clerk of Presbytery; D.D., 'S4, Washington and Jefferson College. Presbyterian minister, Pittston, Pa. Passavant, William A.— Son of Phillipe and Zelie ; born Zelienople, Pa., Oct. 8, 1821 ; Lutheran Theological Seminary, Gettysburg, '40-42'; licensed October, '42, English Lutheran Synod, Md.; ordained October, '44, same synod ; missionary Baltimore '42-44 ; pastor First English Lutheran Church, Pittsburg, Pa., '44-45; established Pittsburg Intirraary ; Orphans' Home, Rochester; Orphans' Farm School, Zelienople; same Mt. Vernon, N. Y.; Milwaukee Hospital, Chicago ; Jacksonville, 111.; Thiel College, Greenville, Pa.; editor Lutheran Missionary fourteen years; workman ; married May 1, '45, Eliza, daughter of Philip Walter ; D.D., Princeton College. Lutheran minister, Pittsburg, Pa. Patterson, Robert.- Son of Rev. Robert (who recited the first lesson in Canonsburg Academy) and Jean (Canon); born Pittsburg, Pa., Oct. 17, 1821; law student with Hon. T. H. Baird '40-44; teacher '46-64; Pro- fessor of Mathematics, Jefferson College, '50-54; Oak College, Mississippi, '54-58; Center College, Danville, Ky., '58-64; editor Presbyterian Banner '64-; married Aug. 27, '51, Eliza Acheson, daughter of Hon. F. H. Baird. Editor Pittsburg, Pa. 104 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF Reed, William H.— Born Woodstown, N. J., Sept. 19, 1820 ; teacher North Carolina '41-43 ; law student. New Jersey ; admitted to the bar '46 ; Super- intendent of Public Schools, Salem Co., N. J., '47-58; married April, '47, Lavinia Townsend. Farmer and teacher. Ross, Robert A. — Son of Samuel and Martha; born Cabarrus Co., N. C, Oct. 9, 1817 ; theology with Dr. J. Boyce ; licensed '42, First Presbytery Asso- ciate Reformed Synod of the South ; ordained December, '43, same presby- tery ; pastor Sharon, Smyrna and Olivet ; stated supply '43 -- ; married July 28, '46, Nancy E Kennedy, also September, '54, Naomi Caldwell; D.D. Associate Reformed minister, Blairsville, S. C. *Steele, Robert. — Son of Robert and Mary (McElwain); born near Newville, Pa., Dec. 17, 1813; P. T. S. '41-44; ordained '45(?), Presbytery of Peoria; pastor Lewistown, 111., '45-48 ; married Nov. 26, '44, Mary McCandlish ; died Lewistown, 111., Sept. 27, '48. Presbyterian minister. *SwAN, John. — Born Cumberland, Md.(?); law student ; practiced law Cumber- land, Md.; Maryland Legislature ; married; died Cumberland, Md., per- haps, '55 ; A. M , '49, Jefferson College. ^Wason, James. — Born Franklin Co., Pa., 1819 ; law student, Hagerstown, Md., '40-42 ; practiced law Hagerstown, Md., '42 — ; Registrar of Wills, Washington Co., Md., '43-57 ; editor Hagerstown Mail; married '43, Mary A. McLanahan ; died Hagerstown, Md., Aug. 14, '67. Lawyer. Wentzel, G. Anthony. — Son of Daniel and Anna Maria ; born Dittlofsrod, Landgericht Hammelburg, Untermeinkreis, Koenigreich, Bayern, Ger- many, Jan. 11, 1816; theology German Theological Seminary; licensed '43 ; ordained '44, evangelist Lutheran Church ; preached Lehigh, North- ampton, Montgomery and Warren Counties, Pa., Philadelphia, Pittsburg, and Washington, Pa.; married Jan. 28, '44, R. B. McAffee. Evangelical Lutheran minister, Pittsburg, Pa. ^'White, Henry A. — Born Princess Anne, Md.; farmer; Superintendent of Public Schools, Somerset Co., Md.; married daughter of Bishop Stone ; died Princess Anne, Md., July, 1868. Farmer. 1841. ■*Arnott, Moses. — Son of George and Jane (Morrison); born Washington Co., N. Y., June 18, 1820; Associate Seminary, Canonsburg, Pa.; tutor Jeffer- son College; licensed '45 (?), Presbytery of Conemaugh; ordained Hebron, N. Y.; pastor-elect New York; pastor Carmel, Ind., '47-74; married April 22, '45, Mary H., daughter of John Pollock ; died July 11, '74, congestive fever. United Presbyterian minister. *Banks, James A. — Born Lewistown, Pa.; law student; practiced law Lewis- town, Pa., '44-53, California '53 — ; died California. Lawyer. JEFFERSON COLLEGE. IQ') ^Be,^, Henry RuTGERs._Son of William and Margaret V. (Dwight); born Pittsburg, Pa., March 29, 1822 ; medical student Jefferson Medical College • practiced medicine Allegheny, Pa., Chicago, 111., -'54, MeadviUe Pa ' '54-58, Chicago, 111., '58-60, Lake Superior 'Gl, Allegheny, Pa., '61 '; mar^ ned Martha J. Irwin; died Allegheny, Pa., '61. Physician. BovARD, William C. Son of Charles and Mary (Craford); born Westmore- land Co., Pa., March 17, 1814 ; teacher Kentucky '41-45 ; merchant Apollo, Pa., '45 - ; assistant Apollo Bank till '80 ; founded Deposit Rank, DuBois, Pa., '80— ; elder Presbyterian Church ; married -Un. 20, '52, Jane Fitz- gerald. Banker, DuBois, Pa. ■^BoYES, John K.— Son of John and Isabella (Kirkpatrick); born Mecklenburg Co., N. C, June 15, 1815 ; Theological Seminary, Due West, S. C; licensed '43, First Associate Reformed Presbytery of the South ; pastor Hopewell and Head Spring, Tenn., '44-48; teacher and evangelist Covington, Tenn., '48-71 ; agriculture and preaching '71-81 ; married Nov. 25, '45, Martha R. Bowen ; died Covington, Tenn., March 21, '81. Associate Reformed minister. Bracken, Thomas A.— Son of Henry and Martha (Simcox); born near Can- onsburg. Pa., Aug. 14, 1820; teacher Kentucky '41-42; N. A. S. '42-45; licensed April, '45, Presbytery of Salem; infirm, Mississippi ; ordained '4S, Presbytery of Upper Missouri; stated supply Burlington, Mo., '45-46; pastor Louisiana, Ky., '46-47, Plane, Mo., '48, Independence '55, Lebanon, Ky., '67 — ; married July 9, '45, Ann W., daughter of William Warren; D.D., '81, Center University, Kentucky. Presbyterian minister, Lebanon, Ky. ^Buchanan, James. — Son of Andrew and Phoebe (Pedan); born Lancaster, O., March 21, 1822 ; Associate Reformed Seminary, Allegheny, '41-45; licensed '45, Second Presbytery of Ohio ; ordained July 23, '46, Associate Reformed Presbytery of Springfield; pastor Cedarville, <)., '4(i_47; died Cedarville, O., April 11, '47, consumption. Associate Reformed Presbyterian minister. Carlisle, William.— Born Shippensburg, Pa., Sept. 4, 1815; Associate Reformed Theological Seminary, Allegheny, '41-45; licensed April 19, '43, Presbyterv of Big Spring ; ordained Oct. 22, '46 ; pastor Lower Chlnceford and Hopewell, Pa., '48-56; infirm. United Presbyterian minister, Shippensburg, Pa. *CooK, Isaac Melancthon.— Born Chillicothe, O., March 2, 1819 ;^ P. T. S. '4->-43; licensed '45, Presbvtery of Carlisle ; ordained Dec. 17, '45, Pres- byterv of Beaver; stated supply Beaver, Pa., '45; pastor Bridgewater, '45-54 ; married Miss Shields, daughter of David Shields ; died Bridge- water, Pa., January, '54. Presbyterian minister. ^Craighead, John B.-Son of W. M. and Jane Boggs; born near Canons- burg. Pa., July 17, 1814; teacher, '44-45; farmer; died near Canons- burg, Pa., Oct. 19, '84. Farmer. 106 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF Crawford, Thomas McCausland. — Son of Thomas and Letitia J. (Buyers); born Georgetown, D. C, Jan. 14, 1819; teacher, '42-4o ; P. T. S., '45-48; licensed April 19, '48; principal Gap, Pa., '48-o0 ; ordained May 23, 'ol,. Presbytery of Donegal ; pastor Slateville, Pa., '51-78 ; stated supply Pine Grove, '73 — ; married Mrs. Margaret A. Wylie, daughter of James Alexan- der. Presbyterian minister, Slate Hill, Pa. Donaldson, Wilson McPherrin.— Son of James and Janet (Wilson); born Ligonier Valley, Pa., June 23, 1817 ; W. T. S., '43-45 ; licensed June 18, '45, Presbytery of Blairsville ; teacher, Indiana, Pa.; ordained April 9, '46, Presbytery of Fort Wayne; missionary Steuben Co., Ind., at Angola, etc., and organized three churches '46-48 ; pastor Bluff ton, New Lancaster and Pleasant Ridge, '48-60, Ossian (the former Pleasant Ridge) '60-76 : supplied also Elkanan, Fairfield and Union, Pa., '76-85, Northfield, O , '85-88; married July 23, '46, Sarah A., daughter of Wra. Van P^mon, Canonsburg, Pa., also June 12, '4^, Rachel, daughter of John Barnet^ Westmoreland Co., Pa., also Jan. 30, '56, Elizabeth M. Egbert; Stated Clerk Fort Wayne Presbytery; Trustee Hanover College ; Moderator Synod of North Indiana '76. Presbyterian minister, Hastings, Minn. ^Donaldson, David. — Son of William and Elizabeth (Morrison); born Alle- gheny Co., Pa., Oct. 21, 1821; medical student with Dr. Tiiompson, Library, and Jefferson College; practiced medicine, Virginia, '45-47,. Sodom, Allegheny Co., Pa., '47-53, Mt. Lebanon '53-59, Bridge ville, fifteen years ; physician Allegheny County Home fourteen years ; married Sept. 23, '47, Ellen Boyce, also June 5, '73, Sophia C. Hays ; died Bridge- ville, Pa., Nov. 20, '83. Physician. Douglass, Ralph — Methodist minister, Missouri. *DuNCAN, James C. — Son of Alexander and Matilda ; born near Florence,, Washington Co., Pa., Nov. 14, 1819; died same place, Feb. IS, '42. Candidate for ministry. *Elder, Joshua.— Born Indiana Co., Pa., Sept. 22, 1819 ; W. T. S., '41-42; licensed Methodist Episcopal Church '42; medical student; practiced medicine Ligonier Valley, Pa., some years, California, Oregon; insane, Portland, Oregon ; probably dead. Preacher and physician. *Elliott, Edward Johnston.— Son of James and Mary; born near Browns- ville, Pa., May 1, 1818 ; teacher; farmer Fayette County, Pa.; unmarried ; died Fort Madison, Iowa, April 20, '54, cholera. Hunter, .Iohn. — Son of Thomas and Margaret H.; born near Charlotte, N. C, Nov. 13, 1814; Theological Seminary, Due West; licensed April 19,. '43, First Associate Reformed Presbytery of the South ; ordained July 25, '44, same body; pastor Back Creek, Prosperity and Gilead, N. C, '44-55, Sardis '55-78 ; infirm '78—; parried July 18, '43, Isabella H- Peoples. Associate'jReformed minister, Querys, N. C. JEFFERSON COLLEQE. lOl ^Kean, John Freeman-Sou of Major William and Margaret (Freeman) born Westmoreland Co., Pa., Aug. 4, 1817 ; teacher; wi.S 74-^'. hcensed April '46, Presbytery of Blairsville ; pa«tor-elect Fairvi'ew and' Girard, Pa., 4b ; married '46, Dorcas, daughter of Rev. Dr. Estep ; died Westmoreland Co., Pa., Dec. 26, '46, consumption. Presbyterian minister. '' Lane, William S.— Son of James and Martha S.; born Butler, Pa., • ; law student with Sullivan & Ayres ; practiced law Butler,' Pa. ' 184:3-45' Erie '45-64, Philadelphia '64-; married August, '45, Elizabeth Ann] daughter of Hon. John Galbraith ; A.M., '44. ^wyer, Philadelphia. Leavitt, John McD.-Son of Judge Leavitt ; born Steubenville, O.; law students practiced law Cincinnati, O., '45-48 ; licensed Methodist Episco- pal Conference ; preached several years ; Professor of Languages Ohio Uni- versity; preacher Methodist Church sixteen years; ordained Protestant Episcopal Church '60 ; professor Kenyon College ; rector Episcopal Church, Zanesville, O., '61; edited American Quarterly Christian Review '66-; President Lehigh University; St. John's College, Md.; published poems; married September, '48, Miss Brooks. Protestant Episcopal minister. New York. MoBride, James Bouvard.— Son of Robert D. and Mary (Bouvard); born Bellefonle, Pa., Aug. 22, 1820; teacher Virginia ; Union Theological Sem- inary, Virginia ; licensed Aug. 22, '44, Presbytery of Lexington ; ordained April 18, '47, Presbytery of Orange; missionary East Tennessee '48-4l>; stated supply Rogersville and New Providence '50-52 ; pastor New Provi- dence '53-55, New London, Iowa, '58-60, Fairfield '61-62, pastor-elect Second Church, Cedar Rapids, '62-64; pastor Princeton '64-72, Venice and Millersburg, 111., '72-76 ; stated supply '76-83; Bethel, Iowa, '83-84, Ains- worth '85 — , Princeton '88 ; married Oct. 19, '47, Sarah M., daughter of Thos. Huston. Presbyterian minister, Princeton, Iowa. *McJuNKiN, Isaiah.— Son of David and Elizabeth (Moore); born Butler Co., Pa., July 16, 1816 ; medical student, medical school, Louisville, Ky.; prac- ticed medicine Butler, Pa., '44-60, Chicago, III., '60-65 ; married '49, Miriam C. Spang ; died Chicago, 111., December, '65. Physician. McJuNKiN, Ebenezer.— Son of David and Elizabeth (Moore); born Butler Co., Pa., March 28, 1819; law student; practiced law Butler, Pa., '43—; District Attorney '48 ; delegate National Convention '60; Presidential Elector '64; Member of Congress, Twenty-third Congressional District, Pa., '42-43; Presiding Judge, Seventeenth Judicial District, Pa., '74-84; married July, '48, Jane, daughter of Hon. John Bredin. Lawyer, Butler, Pa. McLaughlin, Isaac Grier.— Son of John and Margaret (Johns); born Meek- lenburg Co., N. C, Jan. 29, 1820; Due West Seminary '42-43, and Asso- ciate Reformed Seminary, Allegheny, '43-44; licensed '44. Associate Reformed Presbytery; ordained '45, same body; pastor West \ irgm.a '45-55, Mecklenburg Co., N. C, '55-; married Oct. 9, '43, Margaret A. Black, also Margaret W. McElwee. Associate Reformed Presbyterian mm- ister, Query s, N. C. 108 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF ♦Mitchell. Andrew Dinsmore.— Son of David and Martha (Dinsmore); born York Co., Pa., Feb. 2, 1824; teacher '41-44; P. T. S. '44-47; licensed April, '47, Presbytery of Donegal ; missionary in Ohio '47-49 ; ordained April 10, '50, Presbytery of Carlisle, Pa.; pastor Paxton and Derry, Pa., '50-74; chaplain United States Army '76-81 ; married Oct. 25, '54, MaryF., daughter of Dr. B. J. Wiesleng ; died Fort Grant, Arizona Territory. March 26, '82, apoplexy. Presbyterian minister. Oliphant, John.— Son of F. H. and Jane C. (Duncan); born Fayette Co., Pa., Aug. 29, 1822 ; studied law ; iron manufacturer, Fayette County, Allegheny, " Utility Works ; " in '74, Fayette Co., Wampum '80, Wat- sontown '81 ; married Oct. 21, '44, Harriet A., daughter of Stephen Duncan, of Jerseyshire, Pa. Manufacturer, Watsontown, Pa. Ottinger, William.— Born Springfield, Pa., April 12, 1812; U. T. S.; ordained '45, Third Presbytery of Philadelphia ; stated supply Fairton and Cedarville, N. J., '44, Unionville, Pa., '45, Monument, Mass., '45-47, Opequon and Cedar Creek, Va., '47-49, Unadilla and Otega, N. Y., '50, McKean and Edinboro, Pa., '51, Belle Valley, Cherry Tree, Titusville, Kos- suth, Iowa, Grandview, Swedespoint and Boonsboro', Maryland, Delaware, Germantown, Pa., '61-74. Presbyterian minister ; residence German- town, Pa. PoTTiNGER, John H. — Medical student ; practiced medicine altns-house and infirmary, 1844-52, hospitals of Paris ; second trip to Europe '52 ; practiced Baltimore '52-56, St. Louis, Mo., '56-61 ; surgeon Confederate States Army '61-65 ; practiced St. Louis, '65 — . Physician. ^Richards, William Lyman. — Son of Rev. William ; born Lahaina, Moui, Sandwich Islands, Dec. 23, 1823; teacher Virginia; U. T. S. '43-46 ; licensed '46; ordained Oct. 14, '47; fcreign missionary ; missionary Fuh Chan, China, '48-51 ; died at sea, near St. Helena, Indian Ocean, June 5, '51. Presby- terian minister. Robinson, William Marshall. — Son of John and Jane S. (Marshall); born near Saltsburg, Pa., July 14, 1814; W. T. S. '41-44; licensed June 19, '44, Presbytery of Blairsville ; missionary; ordained Jan. 14, '46, Presbytery of Zauesville ; missionary Ohio '46-55 ; pastor of First Church, Newark, O., '55-62; stated supply Wellsburg, W. Va., '62-64; pastor Second Church, Mercer, Pa., '64-72; Providence Church, Allegheny, '72 — ; married Nov. 27, '46, Eliza, daughter of John Caughey; Christian Commission. Presby- terian minister, Allegheny, Pa. Sayre, Henry E. — Son of Daniel and Sally (EUilhorp); born Erie Co., Pa., 1819; teacher; law student ; California; unmarried. Residence Hurleton, Butte Co., Cal. Scott, John A. — Son of Rev. William N. and (N ); bornMartinsburg, Va., Jan. 7, 1820; teacher United Presbyterian Seminary, Virginia, '42-45; licensed April 1, '45, Presbytery of Winchester; ordained August, '46, Presbytery of West Hanover; pastor Halifax C. H., Va., '4(5-62; chap- JEFFERSON COLLEGE. 109 lain Confederate States Army '63-65; principal A. Smitli Waaemy i ex- ington, Va., '65-70; pastor Elk Branch '70-; Moderator Svnod of Vir- ginia '88; married Dec. 8, '47, Mary C. McClelland. Presbyterian mln- ister, Duffield's, W. Va. *ScoTT, William McKENDRiE.-Son of William ; born Jefferson Co., O., Oct. 18, 1817; law student; P. T. S. '43-46; licensed '47, Presbytery of West Lexington; ordained evangelist April 30, '48, Presbytery of Transvlvania; Professor of Ancient Languages, Center College, Kentucky, '47-54*; pastor Danville, Ky., '54-55, Seventh Church, Cincinnati, O., '56-59; Professor of Biblical Literature and Exegesis, Northwestern ^Theological Seminary, '59-61 ; married Mary, daughter of Rev. Dr. Charles Hodge ; died Prince- ton, N. J., Dec. 22, '61, consumption. Presbyterian minister. ScouLLER, John Young. Son of John and Jane (Brown); born near New- ville, Pa., March 13, 1816; Associate Reformed Seminary, Allegheny, '41-45 ; licensed May 1, '44, Presbytery of Big Spring (Associate Reformed); ordained July 21, '47, First Presbytery of Ohio (United Presbyterian); pastor Fair Haven, O., '47 — ; married '47, Sarah, daughter of Rev. Joseph Kerr, also '53, Ellen, daughter of Robert Becket ; Moderator United Presby- terian General Assembly '73; D.D., '75, Monmouth College. United Presbyterian minister. Fair Haven, 0. Shoemaker, William L. — Son of George and Elizabeth (Lukens); born Georgetown, D. C, July 19, 1822; medical student, Georgetown, D. C, and Pennsylvania University ; graduated '46; never practiced medicine; unmarried. Residence Georgetown, D. C. *Sloan, Robert R. — Born Washington Co., Pa., Feb. 28, 1815; teacher Lib- erty, Mo., '41-43, Mt. Vernon, 0., '43-65; ordained presbyter Christian Church '43; pastor Mt. Vernon, 0., '50-65; secretary and financial agent Christian Church, Cleveland, O., '(50-69 ; married April 6, '42, Jane E. Coulter; died Cleveland, O., July 30, '77. ^Sterling, Robert B.— Son of Henry and Susan (Brown); born Pittsburg, Pa., April 28, 1824; law student; business in Pittsburg, Pa.; manufacturer, Philadelphia; cashier Philadelphia Bank, '61-71(?), Pittsburg, '71 ; Phil- adelphia; married Elizabeth R. Wood; died Philadelphia, Pa., Oct. 17, 77. Story, ALEXANDER.-Born Crawford Co., Pa., Dec. 23, 1820; Associate Reformed Seminary, Canonsburg, '41-45 ; licensed Jan. 24, '45, Associate Reformed Presbytery of Siienango; missionary Michigan; ordained '47, same presbytery ; missionary Wisconsin and Illinois, '45-53 ; pastor Grand View, Iowa, '53-57, Columbus City '57-75 ; editor Gazette, Waslnngton, Iowa'; married '57. United Presbyterian minister, Washington, Iowa. Strong, John Mason. -Son of Charles and Nancy (Harris); born Newberry Co. S. C, Sept. 1, 1818 ; teacher '41-42 ; n.edical ^^-^^^'/^J^^" ^ !; " ical College, '47; practiced medicine, York Co., S. C, '4.-50; Mecklen bul^ci, N. C.,''56; surgeon Confederate States Army '63-^o;marn^ Apiil 7 '51 Rachel E., daughter of Dr. Harns. als. Sep . 5. '^3, Mrs. Na:cyGrier; ruling elder, Associate Reformed Church. Phys.c.n. Char- lotte, N. C. 110 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF Stewart, Thomas R. — Cambridge, Md.; law student. *Taylor, John R. — Born Zanesville, O.; San Antonio, Texas ; quartermaster United States Army, '4(5-47 ; died New Orleans, La., Dec. 11, '47, con- sumption. * Watson, Joseph N. — Son of Benjamin and Anna (Banker); born Newark, Del., Oct. 17, 1822 ; ordained priest by Bishop Whittingham 'oO ; rec- tor Church Hill, Md., Hancock, Aberdeen, Miss., Millington, Md., '60-69, Kent Island '69-73, Massey '73-85 ; resided Kingston, N. Y., '85-87; married Feb. 17, '51, Mary E. (Gregory) Ciabaugh ; died Kings- ton, N. Y., July 4, '87, apoplexy. Protestant Episcopal minister. Wilson, Ephraim King.— Son of E. K. and Ann D. (Gumby); born Snow Hill, Md., Dec. 22, 1821 ; teacher Maryland ; law student with Hon. Ira Spence, Snow Hill, Md.; practiced law, Worcester and Somerset Counties, Md., '48-68 ; member of House of Delegates, Maryland, '47-48 ; Presidential Elector '52; Member of Congress '72; United States Senate '84; Judge First Judicial Circuit, '78-85 ; Presbyterian elder ; married Nov. 23, '53, Mary A. Dickerson, also June 2, '69, Julia A. Knox. I^awyer, Snow Hill, Maryland. ^ 1842. *Anderson, Abraham. — Born near Canonsburg, Pa., 1818; Associate Theo- logical Seminary, Canonsburg ; licensed April, '46, Associate Presbytery of Ohio ; ordained '47, Presbytery of Allegheny ; pastor First Associate Church, Pittsburg, Pa., '47-49; died Pittsburg, Pa., July 27, '49. Associate Presbyterian minister. *Baird, Thomas Dickson. — Son of Rev. Thomas D. and Esther (Thompson); horn Newark, O., July 14, 1819; teacher; law student Baltimore, Md.; admitted to practice '44 ; Professor of Mathematics, Baltimore High School ; Mat. ('oUege, Pa., '47; Westminster College, Missouri, '54;. principal and professor City College, Baltimore, '57-73 ; Professor of Moral and Mental Philosophy, sixteen years; Ph.D., '57; Con. College, Missouri; LL.D., '64, Center College, Kentucky; ruling elder; died Baltimore, Md., July 9, '73, pyemia. Teacher ; unmarried ; published addresses. *Baker, David Woods. — Son of Elias and Hetty Rebecca (Woods); born Lancaster Co., Pa., Nov. 18, 1823; Allegheny Furnace, '42-49; student of chemistry, Philadelphia; assistant to Professor McCulloh, at Princeton, '48-49; United Slates Coast Survey; professor-elect, Jefferson College; married May 22, '51, Sarah S., daughter of Mrs. S. C. Tuthill ; died Mai- den, N. Y., Sept. 7, '52, effects of explosion on steamer Reindeer. *Bell, Algernon Sydney.— Son of William, Jr., and Margaret Van Horn (Dwight); born Pittsburg, Pa., Aug. 8, 1823 ; law student with Hon. R. C. Grier; practiced law Pittsburg, '44-78; married Dec. 14, '52, Margaret' S. Park; died Pittsburg, Pa., Aug. 27, '79. Lawyer. Bell, David W. — Son of William, Jr., and Margaret Van Horn (Dwight); born Pittsburg, Pa., July 2, 1825 ; law student with Hon. Thomas Will- iams, Pittsburg; practiced law Pittsburg, Pa.,' 44 — ; married Nov. 7, '78, Frances M. Caughey. Lawyer, Pittsburg, Pa. JEFFERSON COLLEGE. 1\\ BiSER, John Cosx.-Son of Jacob and Margaret; born Frederick Co., Md. April 23, 181G; farmer, Linn Co., Mo.; married March 13, '01, Mrs. Jane Stephens. Farmer, Linneus, Linn Co., Mo. Chain, Benjamin E.-Son of John and Ann (Evens); born Norristown, Pa., Oct. lo, 1823 ; law student, "42-44 ; practiced law Norristown, Pa., '44-; married April 16, '46, Louisa A., daughter of John Bean. Lawyer, Nor- ristown, Pa. ^Campbell, David R.— Son of Charles and Esther ( Mason ^; born Washington Co., Pa., March 20,1820; teacher '42-43; Western Theological Seminary '43-46 ; licensed April, '46, Presbytery of Washington ; missionary, Ohio', '46-47 ; ordained '47, Presbytery of St. Clairsville ; pastor Bealsville, Mal- aga and Woodsfield, O., '47-o0, Mt. Prospect, '50-55, Cross Creek and Two Ridges, O., '55-61, St. Clairsville, O., '61-66, Second Church, Steuben- ville '66-71; missionary '71-73; married '46, Sarah, daughter of Rev. William Taggart, also April 20, '54, Nannie P., daughter of Dr. John White, Washington, Pa ; D. D.; died Steubenville, 0., Feb. 25, '73. Presbyterian minister. ♦Coleman, William. — Son of James and Jane (Baxter); bornCanonsburg^Pa., June 24, 1824; teacher Fleming Co., Ky., '43-47, Union, Franklin Co., Mo., '48-50; went to California in '51; member Legislature '57-63; State Senate '63, till death, Jan. 10, 1867, at Diamond Springs, Cal. Farmer and teacher. ^CoRNYN, John Kinkead. — Born Carlisle, Pa., Aug. 16, 1815; W. T. S. '42-45 ; licensed April 3, '45, Presbytery of Allegheny ; home missionary '45-47; ordained Aug. 11, '47, Presbytery of Erie; pastor Fairview, Gir- ard and Harbor Creek, Pa., '47-50; stated supply Troy, Pa.; published ''Dick Wilson "; married March 21, '48, Eliza J. Frost ; died Jamestown, N. Y., Dec. 22, '53, consumption. Presbyterian minister. Davis, Henry.— Son of Reason and Sarah (Updegraph); born Washington Co., Pa., Sept. 17, 1815; W. T. S. '42-45; licensed June, '45, Presbytery of Steubenville; missionary in Rock Island Co., 111., '46-47; photographer, Cadiz, ()., '47—; married Eliza McWhiston. Photographer, Cadiz, O. Downer, DANIEL.-Son of Levi and Elizabeth ( ); born Uniontown, Pa., Nov. 27, 1820; law student with Hon. John Dawson, Uniontown, '42-45; practiced law Uniontown, '45-; unmarried. Lawyer, Uniontown, Pa., Evans, Rles Cadwgan.-Sou of John and Jane (Williams); born London, England, Jan. 23, 1815; U. T. S. '42-45; licensed '45, Third Presbytery of New York; ordained Jan. 7, '46, Presbytery of Niagara; missionary and teacher '46-48; ordained deacon Protestant Episcopal Church, April, '48; priest '48; assistant missionary Philadelphia '48-53 ; rector Doyles- town '54-55; stated supply Philadelphia, '55-65; rector Port Richmond, Pa.,'65-72, Gloucester, N. J., '73-76, Philadelphia '76-82, Beverley, N^J assiLtant minister and missionary '82-; married Nov 24, '4o, Marv Ann Heyl. Protestant Episcopal minister, Beverley, N. J. 112 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF Frazier, Andrew Benoni. — Son of David and Jane; born Washington Co.^ Pa., Jan. 24, 1814; teacher many years ; theology privately, Connersville, Tenn.; licensed '46, Tennessee ; preached three years at Straight Creek, ()., twelve years at Quasqueton, Iowa ; till '75, Prairie Home, 111.; H. R. married Aug. 17, '46, Margaretta W. Kerr. Presbyterian minister, Beth- any, 111. Fyler, Jared Dudley. — Son of Rev. Jared Dudley; born Trenton, N. J.; medical student; practiced medicine Mississippi. *Gallatin, James. —Born Pennsylvania; W. T. S. 1842-44; licensed April, '46, Presbytery of Ohio ; ordained '47, Presbytery of Iowa ; pastor Spring Creek, Iowa, '47-49, I2ast Tennessee '49, Franklin, Ind., '50, Round Prai- rie, Iowa, '51-53, Scotch Grove and Cascade, '53-56 ; married Miss Hudson ; died Scotch Grove, Iowa, May 1, ''od. Presbyterian minister. ♦Hazlett, John W. — Born Pennsylvania, 1818; W. T. S. '42-45; licensed '46, Presbytery of Huntingdon ; ordained '48, Presbytery of Beaver; pastor North Branch, Pa., '48-52, Bethlehem '48-54, Concord '54-61 ; teacher '61-71 ; Long Island '71, evangelist '71-81 ; pastor Knoxville '81-82 ; died Carrick, Pa., May 21, '82. Presbyterian minister. ^Henderson, James S. — Son of James and Jane ; born Perry Co., Pa., 1813; W. T. S. '42-45 ; licensed '44, Presbytery of Beaver ; ordained '45, same presbytery; pastor Slippery Rock, Pa., '45-50, North Sewickley '18—55, teacher same '48-55 ; pastor Mendota, '55-61 ; married Grac dla Hender- son ; died Mendota, 111., Feb. 18, '61, congestive chills. Presbyterian minister. *HuGHES, Samuel Kelso. — Son of Edward and Letitia W. (Reid); born near Lebanon, Ky., Aug. 11, 1818; P. T. S. '42-45; licensed April 23, 45, Presbytery of Philadelphia ; missionary in Kentucky and Missouri ; ordained Oct. 16, '49, Presbytery of Marion ; pastor Worthington and Liberty, O., '49-53 ; stated supply Radnor '49-55 ; pastor Chesterville and stated supply Harmony '55-58, Canaan '59-61; Mt. Salem and West Unity '61-62 ; infirm '62-78 ; died near West Unity, O., May 18, '78. Presbyterian minister. ♦Lewis, John. — Son of James and (Laughry); born Indiana, Pa., March, 1817; medical student with Drs. Marsh and Watt, and Medical College, Cincinnati, O.; practiced medicine Ogden, Ind., '45-76, Grinnell, Iowa, '76-86 ; married Miss Hutchinson ; died Grinnell, Iowa, January, '86. Physician. *LiNN, Alexander M. — Son of Ayres and Charlotte (Linn); born Fayette Co., Pa., Feb. 9, 1820; law student; practiced law Uniontown, Pa., '43-48; clerk in department, Washington, D. C, '48-50 ; died Washington, D. C, '50. Lawyer. *Lowrie, Jonathan Roberts. —Son of Hon. Walter and Amelia (McPherrin); born Butler, Pa., March 16, 1823 ; law student with W. H. Lowrie, Esq.; practiced law Holidaysburg, Pa., and Warrior's Mark; married Feb. 15, '48, Mary, daughter of John Lyon, also Matilda, daughter of Rev. Dr. Nassau ; ruling elder Presbyterian Church ; died Warrior's Mark, Pa., Dec. 10, '85. Lawyer. JEFFERSON COLLEGE. II3 '^Martin, Charles. -Sou of Ruf us S. and Parthenia ; born Chittenden Co., Vt., April 26, 1817 ; teacher ; principal Martinsburg, O., Academy '42-47*; Professor of Languages Harapden-Sidney College, Virginia, '47-71 ; Acad- emy Christiansburg, Va., ^1-72; professor of Virginia Agricultural and Mechanical College '72-79; Government clerk, Danville, Va., '81-83; Clerk United States District Court, Western District of Virginia, '84-87 ; Confederate States Army '64-65 ; adjutant and lieutenant, captain ; elder Presbyterian Church ; married Oct. 14, '41, Margaret, daughter of Hugh Lee, also Nov. 7, '65, Margaret C, daughter of Capt. H. E. Watkins; LL.D., '76, Washington and Jefferson College and Hampden-Sydney College; died Danville, Va., March 10, '88. McKeehan, Benjamin Franklin.— Son of George and Jane (Johnston); born Emmitsburg, Md., Oct. 20, 1818; teacher '42-47; medical student; practiced medicine Harrison Co., Va., '47-62, Clarksburg, W. Va., '62—; examining surgeon Pension Bureau '68 — ; married Oct. 31, '50, Emily, daughter of Col. William Martin. Physician, Clarksburg, W. Va. ^McMiCKEN, Isaac S. — Law student; practiced law Pottsville, Pa.; United States Army, Mexico, 1846-49 ; major ; Xew York City '.50-57 ; Consul to Acapulco, Mexico, '57-58 ; died Acapulco, Mexico, '58, yellow fever. Lawyer. *Mercur, Ulysses. — Son of Henry and Mary (Watts); born Towanda, Aug. 12, 1818; law student with Hon. T. M. McKennan & Son, and Overton & Adams, '40-43; practiced law Towanda, Pa., '43-61; Presiding Judge, Thirteenth Judicial District, '61-64 ; Member of Congress, '64-72 ; Justice of Supreme Court, Pennsylvania, '72— ; Chief-Justice, '83-87 ; married Jan. 12, '50, Sarah S., daughter of John Davis; died Philadelphia, Pa., May 6, '87. Lawyer. Nestin, Robert P.— Son of John and Martha (McCracken); born Cumberland Co., Pa., July 31, 1820; druggist and white lead manufacturer, '42-70; editor Pittsburg Leader '70-80, Times '80-84; published "Black Robes," "Tracks of a Traveler," "Tom the Tinker," etc.; married Jan. 9, '51, Elizabeth Duncan, daughter of F. H. Oliphant. Residence Edgworth, Pa. Reid, Samuel Irwin.-Soii of John H. and Catherine (Braden); born Eliza- bethtown. Pa., April 4, 1819 ; Jefferson College '36-42 ; W. T. S. '42-44 ; teacher '44-45; licensed September, '45, Presbytery of Transylvania ; ordained September, '46, Presbytery of Chickasaw; pastor Oxford and Hopewell, Miss., '46-49; missionary North Mississippi 49 -; teacher fifteen years; married Feb. 7, '49, Mary J., daughter of Benj. Wilhams, Esq. Presbyterian minister, Oakland, Miss. E.XB, EOBBBT K.Ka.-So„ of Rev. Dr. Eoben and EH-be.h (Calhoan^; born Erie, Pa., Jan. 20, 1820; medical stndent, P'™'''"™'"' ■'2-*« • P~ . naedicine Philadelphia, Abbeville, S. C, '^a-oO, f "f'™' ^'; ,»J:^ 1 chief physician and Superintendent State Asylum for the Insane, ol-5, , 114 GENERAL CATALOGTIE OF Euiope and College of France, '57-60; surgeon, United States Army, '61-66 ; President Stockton National Bank, '66 — ; published medical work; married '54, Matilda Bassett, daughter of B. Hayward. Physician, Stock- ton, Cal. BosEBURGH, William. — Son of Samuel and Isabella B. (Miller); born Pitts- burg, Pa., June 24, 1824; clerk Recorder's Office, Allegheny Co., Pa., '42-46 ; teller and cashier bank, Pittsburg, '46-48 ; post-office '48-51 ; clerk in bank '51-56 ; teller '56-66 ; cashier '66 — ; treasurer Allegheny Suspension Bridge Co., '57 — ; manager Western Pennsylvania Hospital, '77— ; mar- ried Dec. 31, '56, Margaret Jean, daughter of Robert Watson. Banker, Pittsburg, Pa. Sloan, Isaac Oliver. — Son of John and Mary (Harris); born Philadelphia, Pa , Oct. 15, 1821; U. T. S., New York; licensed Fourth Presbytery of Philadelphia ; ordained '56, Presbytery of Hanover ; missionary New Kent Co., Va., '52-56 ; pastor Talleysville '56-61 ; post chaplain. United States Army, '61-65; stated supply Marine, Minn., '67-69; pastor Belle Plain '69-74; stated supply Bismarck, D. T., '74-78, Maudan '79-84, Menokon and Glencoe '85 — Presbyterian minister, Glencoe, Dak. *Smith, John Faris.— Born Chanceford, Pa., Jan. 19, 1822; P. T. S. '42-43; licensed '44, Presbytery of Donegal; stated supply Owensboro, Ky., '45; ordained March 5, '46, Presbytery of Louisville; pastor Bardstown, Ky., '46-47, Vincennes, Ind., '47-56, Richmond '56-59, Hopewell '59-64; mar- ried ; died Chanceford, Pa., July 4, '64, camp fever. Presbyterian minister. *Stanton, Robert. — Son of William and Elizabeth (Brandon); born Windy Hill Manor, Adams Co., Miss., June 1, 1822; law student; practiced law Adams Co., Miss.; planter; delegate Democratic General Convention, Bal- timore, '48; major-general State troops; married June 1, '43, Jane K., daughter of General M. W. Chapline ; died home, Adams Co., Miss., Nov. 4, '53, yellow fever. ••^Stanton, William. —Son of William and Elizabeth (Brandon); born Windy Hill Manor, Miss., December, 1824; law student. Harvard University, Massachusetts; practiced law Natchez, Miss.; planter; married Feb. 18, '54, Anna E. Baughn ; died Egypt Plantation, Mississippi, February, '60, dropsy. Lawyer and planter. *Steele, John.— Born Bellefonte, Pa., Dec. 11, 1812 ; W. T. S. '42-45 ; licensed April 16, '46, Presbytery of Blairsville ; ordained April 8, '49, Presbytery of Lakes; stated supply Bloom and Milmon, O.; pastor LaPorte, Ind., '50-55; stated supply McComb, 111., '55-56, South Bend '56-59, Newton, Iowa, '59-61 ; Iowa Volunteers, '61-62 ; died Delaware, O., Sept. 10, '62. Presbyterian minister. '■'■Sterling, Samuel F. — Son of Henry and Susan (Brown); born Pittsburg, Pa., 1826 ; iron business, Pittsburg, Pa., '43-51 ; married Oct. 3, '49, Vir- ginia Palmer ; died Pittsburg, Pa., Jan. 9, '59. JEFFERSON COLLEGE. 1^5 Pa., Jan. 28 1823; law student, Umontown, Pa, practiced law, U„i„„. town ; Umled btatesArmy, Mexican War; lieutenant; died Jalapa, Mex- ICO, July 18, '4/, yellow fever. Lawyer. Thomas, Darius.-Sou of Amos and Ruth (Bates); born Carroll Co. Md April 30, 181G ; teacher New Lisbon, O., '42-43, Carroll Co., Md. '43-53' Newton, Iowa, '56-84; retired to Carthage, Mo., '84-; married April '^'i, '47, Deborali W., daughter of Thomas Hays, also April 21, '«i8, Mrs! Susan Rice, daughter of Richard Brieden. Teacher, Carthage, Mo. *Van Lear, William Graham.— Son of Dr. William and Susan (Graham)? born Williamsport, Md., 1822; law student; practiced law Cumberland, Md., '44-53 ; unmarried ; died Cumberland, Md., September, '53. Lawyer. Van Bibber, Washington Chew.— Son of Washington and Lucretia (Emery); born Avondale, Carroll Co., Md., July 24, 1824; medical student '42-45, University of Maryland ; practiced medicine Mississippi and New Orleans, La., '45 ; Baltimore, Md., '46—; physician to Alms House, Hospital, Christ Church Asylum, Home of the Friendless ; lecturer ; published "Ven- tilation," "Drinking Waters of Maryland," and other papers; married Feb. 13, '48, Josephine M., daughter of Dr. Chatard. Physician, Baltimore, Md. Whitham, Joseph Ryder. — Son of Joseph and Sarah; born Ohio County, Va., Feb. 18, 1818; teacher some years ; theology privately; licensed '51, Presbytery of Mahoning (Free Church); ordained '52, same presbytery ; stated supply Salineville and Clarkson, 0., '51-52, Iowa, '52-53; Mercer County, 111., '53-59; Martinsburg, O., '60-63; farming; married June 21, '53, Elizabeth McCoy. Minister of the gospel, Aledo, 111. *Wingate, William L. — Son of William and Anna; born Cambridge, Md., June 10, '21 ; medical student University of Maryland; practiced medicine Federalsburg, Md., '46-51; married April 15, '46, Euphemia C. Charles; died Cambridge, Md., April 13, '51. Physician. * Weaver, John.— Son of John and Mary (McMillan); born Canonsburg, Pa., May, 1819; medical student Pennsylvania University; practiced medicine Canonsburg, Pa., '44-56 ; married April, '51, Sarah Remur ; died Canons- burg, Pa., Nov. 10, '56. Physician. * Wolfe, Daniel R.— Son of Nathaniel and Lydia (Hall); born Christiana, Del.; law student New Castle, Del., with Rodney, P:sq.; practiced law New Castle, Del., '44-58 ; married Rebecca Anderson ; died New Castle, el., April, '58 or '59. Lawyer. 1843. *Allison, Richard J.-Son of Thomas and Mary ; born Washington Co., Pa., Oct. 24, 1822 ; law student with Hon. T. M. T. McKennan : practiced law Kenton, O.; United States Army '46, Mexico; died Jalapa, Mexico, February, '47, yellow fever. Lawyer. 116 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF ♦Armstrong^ James Trooper. — From Choctaw Agency, Ark.; law student; practiced law Arkansas, Mississippi ; died in Mississippi. Lawyer. *Baird, Ebenezer Thompson.— Son of Rev. Thomas D. and Esther (Thomp- son); born Allegheny County, Pa., Sept. 17, 1821 ; teacher Baltimore, Md., '40-45; professor Lafayette College, '45-46; President Vigo Institute, Ind., '47-49 ; law student with Dr. Schley, Baltimore ; Baltimore bar, '44; theological student; licensed Oct. 11, '49, Presbytery of Crawfordsville ; ordained Nov. 16, '50, Presbytery of Holston ; pastor Salem, Tenn., '50-52 ; stated supply CarroUton, Miss., Third Church, Richmond, Va., Ashland; pastor Uniontown, Ala., Hot Springs, Ark.; stated supply Seary ; deacon; ruling elder ; President of Washington College, Tennessee; editor St. Louis Presbyterian; General Agent B. D. M. S. W., '54-56 ; Secretary Board of Education, '65-74; Secretary Board of Publication '65-77 ; editor, publisher; President Female College, Virginia, '86 — ; published ''Voice of Praise," " Hymns and Tunes"; married Dec. 6, '60, Anna Susan, daugh- ter of Thomas McDonald ; died Christiansburg, Va., May 28, '87; honor- ary degree A.B., Jefferson College, '43; Ph. D., '86, Center College; DD., Washington College, Tenn. Presbyterian minister. Baird, James H. — Son of Rev. Thomas D. and Esther (Thompson); born Alle- gheny County, Pa., March 20, 1824 ; principal of New Castle (Del.) Academy, '45-47 ; President Synodical College '49 ; studied theology with Dr. Archi- bald Alexander ; licensed Oct. 6, '47, Presbytery of New Castle ; ordained March 1, '52, Presbytery of Wooster ; pastor Wooster, O., '52-57, Lock Haven, Pa., '57-61, Fifteenth Church, Philadelphia, '61; evangelist '64-73, Philadelphia; Clarksburg, W. Va., '85-87; Female College, Chris- tiansburg, Va.; published articles on infant baptism, {Princeton Review)', United States Army ; chaplain Army of the Cumberland ; Stated Clerk Presbytery of Wooster ; Moderator Presbytery of Philadelphia ; Phila- delphia Centennial ; West Virginia ; President of Monticello Female College, Va., '87; D.D., '88. Presbyterian minister, Christiansburg, Va. *Barr, John. — Son of John and Mary (Cannon); born Washington County, Pa., April 11, 1823; teacher '43-45 ; W. T. S., '45-47; licensed Sept. 6, '48, Presbytery of Washington ; stated supply Carlisle, Ind., '49-51 ; died Carlisle, Ind., July 9, '51. Presbyterian minister. *Bingham, John Kelly.— Son of Hugh and Margaret (Kelly); born near Gettysburg, Pa., June 14, 1820; teacher Chanceford Academy; law stu- dent '45-46; practiced law Talboton, Ga.; died Chaticeford, Pa., Oct. 26, '54, disease of stomach ; unmarried. Lawyer. Bingham, William Randolph. — Born near Gettysburg, Pa.; teacher, Mary- land ; W. T. S., '45-47 ; licensed April 19, '47, Presbytery of Donegal ; ordained Feb. 28, '48, Presbytery of Philadelphia ; pastor Great Valley, Pa., '48-59, Oxford '60-62; infirm '62-70; lecturer Lincoln University '68-70; stated supply Faggs Manor and Brandywine Manor '72-73, Avondale '7.3 — ; married Dec. 8, '52, Nannie D., daughter of Hon. R. Allison; D.D., '80, Westminster College; Presbyterian minister, Oxford, Pa. JEFFERSON COLLEGE. W •»^Black, Thomas.— Born Dillsburg, Pa., Dec. 1,1815; \v. t. ,s '44-47- licensed April. '46, Presbytery of Blairsville; stated supply Leechburg* Pa., '46-47 ; died Leechburg, Pa., May 23, '47. Presbyterian minister! *BoAL, David C— Son of Hon. George and Nancy (Jack); born Boalsburg, Pa., March 27, 1822; law student ; practiced law '51-59 ; Pennsylvania Legislature, '55-50; married Frances H., daughter of Hon. Thomas Burn- side ; died Belief onte. Pa., Feb. 4, '59. Lawyer. *BoYD, John.— Son of James : born Steubenville, O., 1823: law student with R. Marsh, Steubenville ; practiced law Xenia, O., '46-52 ; Clerk of Courts, Greene County, O., '52-60 ; unmarried ; died Xenia, O., Aug. 10, '61. Lawyer. *Byles, Cornelius. — Son of Captain Ebenezer and Betsy (Marcy); born Ashford, Conn., March 7, 1815 ; teacher one year, Pennsylvania ; three years in Alabama; medical student with Dr. Gillett Franklin and Medical School ; practiced medicine Mercer County, Pa., '51-86 ; Medical Examiner '65-86; married '50, Eleanor A., daughter of Walter Oliver; died Fre- donia, Pa., Aug. 9, '86. Physician. Clarke, James Cunningham. — Son of James and Jane (Patton); born West- moreland Co., Pa., Feb. 2, 1828 ; law student '43-46 ; practiced law Greens- burg, Pa., '46 — ; State Senate '75-81 ; Trustee Indiana State Normal three years ; married July 5, '53, Isabella A., daughter of James Keenon. Law- yer, Greensburg, Pa. *CocHRAN, Andrew.— Son of Alexander and Nancy B. (Martin); born Ripley, N. Y., March 9, 1817; teacher New Jersey, '43-47; P. T. S. '47-50; licensed April, '50, Presbytery of New York ; ordained Nov. 25, '50, Pres- bytery of Mohawk; pastor Durhamville, N. Y., '50-70; stated supply (ineida Valley, '50-51, Oneida Castle '54-86; married May 29, '55, Catherine, daughter of Robert More ; died Oneida Castle, N. Y., Sept. 24, '86. Presbyterian minister. ^Coulter, J. ALEXANDER.-Sonof Eli and Rebecca (Alexander); born Greens- burg Pa Dec. 6, 1822 ; law student with Hon. R. Coulter, Greensburg, '43-46 ; practiced law Greensburg, Pa., '46-49 ; civil engineer '49-85 ; died Greensburg, Pa., Nov. 9, '85, Bright's disease; unmarried. Lawyer and civil engineer. »r.,v.MiN-rs James -Son o£ Col. William and Sarah (Sterrett); born Mifflin Co Pa Feb 3, 1819; medical st.dent wiA Dr. Van Vahah, Lewistown, P •;pr:;\i!edm;dicinJcallensbarg/Pa./4..-49 Ca.iforniaM9-fi-i %W ani Forest Counties, Pa., ■49-75 ; oil ^u-ess Venango Connt^^.ma^rn«l vtareh 5, '68, Jemima, daughter of James Alcorn ; died Stewarts Run, Venango Co., Pa., May 25, 75, pneumonia. Physician. •Edgar, William.-Bo™ Westmoreland Co., Pa., '?«' ' ^^l' J-/;,',*^'; , A -114 '47 Presbytery of Blairsville; ordained Feb. o, .>1, same licensed April 14, 4,, Presoyteiy oi Harrison Citv ; home mis- presbvtery;pa8torMarraysv.lle,Pa., 04-63 Harrison I, ., Lnary, Topeka, Kan.; evangelist; died Topeka, Kan., Aug Presbvterian minister. 118 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF *Elliott, Egbert Sample.— Born Butler Co., Pa.; W. T. S. 1843-45 ; died Beaver Co., Pa., June 21, '45. Theological student. Erskine, Ebenezer.— Born Kidley Park, Pa., Jan. 31, 1821 ; teacher ; P. T. S. '43-46; ordained Sept. 11, '49, Presbytery of Philadelphia; pastor Penn Church, Philadelphia, Pa., '49-51, Columbia '51-57, Sterling, 111., '58-64; editor Northwestern Presbyterian, Chicago, '64-69, Newville, Pa., '69 — ; Director P. T. S.; D.D. Presbyterian minister, Newville, Pa. *Ferguson, William. — Born Ross Co., O.; law student; practiced law Cincin- nati, O.; died many years ago- *FiFE, James Hultz. — Son of James and Priscilla (Hultz); born Allegheny Co., Pa., Aug. 11, 1821 ; Associate Reformed Seminary, Allegheny, '44-48 j licensed March 31, '47, Presbytery of Monongahela; ordained April 25, '49, same presbytery; missionary Pennbylvania and Ohio, '47-55; pastor Mt. Pleasant and Laurel Hill, Pa., '55-61 ; married May 23, 50, Agnes, daughter of Thomas Donington ; died Allegheny City, Pa., July 26, '61> dysentery. Associate Reformed minister. Gibson, Joshua Gregg. — Son of James and Susan (Gregg); born Roraney, Va., Jan. 3, 1823 ; medical student, Pennsylvania University, '43-46 ;. practiced medicine Charlestown, Martinsburg, Va., and Frederick, Md.; married May 18, '47, Susan, daughter of Dr. William Waters, also March 14, '67, Alice B., daughter of I. H. Grove. Physician ; residence Shepherds- town, W. Va. *GiLSON, Samuel Wier. — Son of David and Elizabeth (Wier); born West- moreland Co., Pa., May 18, 1818; teacher '43-46 ; law student witli Clement L. Vallandighara, New Lisbon, O.; practiced law Canfield, O., '46-74; Legis- lature, Ohio, '57-59; died Canfield, O., May 12, 74, spinal paralysis; unmarried. Lawyer. ♦Gunnison, George W. — Son of E. D. and Sophia (Baker) ; born Erie, Pa., May 8, 1823; teacher; medical student; Newton Theological Institute, Boston, '48-51 ; ordained '52, Baptist Council ; stated supply Ann Arbor, Mich., '51-52; pastor Athol, Mass., '52-53; teacher '53-63; law student; practiced law Erie, Pa., '73-74; associate editor, Boston, '74-78; married Oct. 7, '51, Sarah L., daughter of Rev. Dr. Patterson, also May 14, '78, Harrietta L. Boynton ; published ''Gunnispn Family;" died Boston, Mass., May 14, '78, cancer of the stomach. Baptist minister. Haldeman, Jacob Samils. — Son of Jacob M. and Eliza E. (Jacob*); born Cumberland County, Pa., Oct. 13, 1823; law student with G. W. Harris, Harrisburg, Pa., '43-45 ; agriculture, milling, lumber, York County, Pa., '45-61; aid to Governor Shunk, '44; Pennsylvania Legislature, '50-51; Senate', 53-56; President Pennsylvania Agricultural Society, '60-61 ; Min- ister Resident to Sweden and Norway, '61-65 ; married Caroline R., daugh- ter of Hon. Valentine Hummel. Residence, Harrisburg, Pa. JEFFERSON COLLEGE. 119 Hamilton, John. — Son of Thomas and Sarah (McCormick); born WaBhington County, Pa., Jan. 8, 1819 ; teacher Beaver Lake, Miss., '49-54; Westville Seminary, Simpson County, Miss., '54-61 ; Sheriff and Assessor Simpson County, '65 — ; principal Central Institute, Perry County, Mies., '70-74; Dallas, Texas, '87 ; unmarried. Teacher, Dallas, Texag. *Hempstead, Samuel Booth. — Son of Dr. Giles S. B. and Elizabeth (Pee- bles); born Portsmouth, 0., June 18, 1823; medical student with father; did not practice; iron business, Hanging Kock, O.; Pine Grove Furnace; steamboat business on the Ohio : married March 12,-f46, Mary Ann, daugh- ter of Robert Hamilton ; died Hanging Rock, O., Dec. 12, '73 ; A.M., '49, Jefferson College. *Hendricks, Abram Washington.— Son of Abram ; born WeBtmore- land County, Pa., October, 1822 ; law student with Hon. Wm. Hendricks, and Law School, Lexington, Ky.; practiced law Madison, Ind., '45-66; Indianapolis, Ind., '66—; Indiana Legislature ; United States Army Pay- master ; major ; married Virginia, daughter of Jonathan Fitch, also MiBS Butler, daughter of E. R. Butler; died Indianapolis, Jnd., Nov. 24, '87. Lawyer. Houston, William M.— Son of David and Margaret ; born Poland, O., July 6,1819; medical student; practiced medicine Santa Fe, Mo., '45-55; married May 29, '49, Frances Maria, daughter of Captain B. F. Davie. Residence Santa Fe, Mo. Humerickhouse, JOHN.-Son of Peter and Sarah (Sherman); born Coshocton, O.; medical student, Coshocton, 0.; practiced medicine Coshocton, Cleve- land. Farmer; Fields, Mecklenburg County, Va. Kerr Aaron Hervey.-Soh of Aaron and Sarah (Peppard); born Washiog- ton County, Pa., April 1, 1819 ; W T. S., '43-46 ; licensed April, 46^ Presbytery of Ohio ; ordained October, '47, Presbytery o Lakes ; stated supply South Bend, Ind., '47, La ^-nge '47-51, Dubuque owa ..^-o6, S^ Pe'trr^Minn., '56-78 ; chaplain Ninth M-- a V^unt.rs^^^-^^^^^^^^ ard Hospital, Rochester, Minn., /8-, mamea uci , Craig. Presbyterian minister, Rochester, Minn. rp «^„ nf Hon William D. and Catherine (Rome8)j ^Merrick, Richard T.--Son « ^on VN ill ^.^^ ^^^ ^^^^.^^^ born Charles County, Md., Jan. 2o, 18^6 , law s^ vVashington, Frederick, Md.; practiced law Baltimore, Md. W l^^'Zuil D. C, '64-85; captain Mexican War ; married Feb. 4, McGrier ; died Washington, D. C June 26, 8o. Lawyer. a f Wr^n Tamcs W- and Abby (Sears); *U0Cv.u>B, W.-.AM J*MBS -^n of Ha James ^__.^^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^^ born Baltimore, Md., March 29, 18i7 , cml „ ,50.6, Com- lake. Civil engineer. 120 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF Matthews, James. — Son of James and Elizabeth (Rankin); born County Down, Ireland, May 19, 1820 ; theology with Rev. Richard Brown, New Hagerstown, '43-46 ; licensed '46, Presbytery of Pittsburg ; ordained '49, Presbytery of Ebenezer ; stated supply Lancaster, Ky.; pastor Second Church, Logansport, Ind., '70-74, Marysville, Cal., '74-76 ; teacher Hagerstown, O., '43-46, Maryland '46-47, Kentucky '47-54 ; professor Center College, Ky., '54-67 ; principal of Logansport Academy, '67-72 ; City College, San Francisco, '76 — ; United States Array, '61-64 ; chaplain Nineteenth Kentucky Volunteers ; published ''Debate on Predestination and Foreknowledge of God'"; married June 11, '47, Nancy, daughter of James Forbes; D.D., '67, Center College, Ky. Presbyterian minister, San Francisco, Cal. Moore, Joseph Paden. — Son of Russell and Elizabeth (Scott); born Wash- ington County, Pa., Aug. 5, 1820 ; teacher '44-65 ; W. T. S., '48-49 ; licensed Oct. 2, '50, Presbytery of Washington ; ordained Oct. 4, '60, same presbytery ; stated supply Swan, Hopewell and Albion, Ind., '65-84, Runnymede, Kan., '84 — ; Swan, Ind.; published " Sketches of the Churches of Fort Wayne Presbytery;" married March 28, '44, Mary, daughter of James Bigger. Presbyterian minister; residence Swan, Ind. Oliphant, Samuel Duncan. — Son of F. H. and Jane C. (Duncan); born Franklin Forge, Fayette Co., Pa., Aug. 1, 1826 ; law student Harvard '44-47; practiced law Uniontown, Pa., Pittsburg, Trenton, N. J., and Princeton '47-70; United States Army '61-86, captain, lieutenant-colonel '61, major veteran corps '63, lieutenant-colonel '63, colonel, brevet brigadier- general '65 ; married March 13, '47, Mary Campbell, also Jan. 23, '77, Beulah A. Oliphant. Lawyer, Trenton, N. J. *Penny, John P. — Son of James and Jane; born McKeesport, Pa., Dec. 15, 1817; law student; practiced law Pittsburg, Pa., '49-73; Pennsylvania Senate '64-65 ; married Mrs. Quigg (nee Green) ; died Pittsburg, Pa., Jan. 3, '73. Lawyer. *Rennick, Jonathan. — Son of Thomas and Tabitha (Rudolffe); born Picka- way Co., O., Jan. 5, 1822 ; law student with Hon. R. C. Schenck, Dayton, O., '43-46; practiced law Circleville, O., '46-62; Prosecuting Attorney '47-49 ; married '48, Laura, daughter of Hon. John Graham ; died Circle- ville, O., Sept. 22, '62, pneumonia. Lawyer. Rockwell, Abner Otis. — Son of Zerah and Phoebe (Carter); born Crawford Co., Pa., May 10, 1819; W. T. S. '43-46; licensed April 10, '45, Presby- tery of Beaver ; ordained Jan. 15, '47, Presbytery of New Lisbon ; stated supply Middlesex and Sharon, Pa., '46-47 ; pastor Hubbard and Coitsville, O., '47-52, Bethlehem and North Beaver, Pa., '52-55, Mingo and Lebanon '55-73, Frankfort '73-79 ; home missionary United Presbyterian Church '79-88 ; received again into Presbyterian Church ; married Jan. 15, '46, Sarah Greer. Presbyterian minister, Frankfort Springs, Pa. Rowe, John. — Son of John and Thankful (Stevens^; born Emlen, Me., April 25,1814; W. T. S. '43-45; licensed April, '46, Presbytery of Steubenville ; ordained October, '47, Presbytery of Hocking ; stated supply Burlington, O., JEFFERSON COLLEGE. 121 and vicinity '47-55, Olivesburg, Gallipolis, etc, '55-61, near Springfield, O, '64-67 ; teacher '67-82 ; infirm ; married April 18, '48, Lydia a! Green. Presbyterian minister, Springfield, Q. *ScoTT, Archibald A.— Son of Rev. William N. and N ; born Martins- burg, Va, October, 1818; medical student Medical College, Richmond, Va.; practiced medicine Pocahontas and Botetourt Counties, Va.; married June, '46, Bettie Richardson ; died East Tennessee. Physician. *She£TS, William C— Born Shepherdstown, Va., April 13, 1821; teacher Union Theological Seminary, Virginia, '46-49 ; liclnsed April 25, '49, Pres- bytery of Winchester ; missionary Rappahannock Co.,Va., '49-52; ordained May 15, '52, Presbytery of Concord; pastor Morgantown, N. C, '52-70; died Morgantown, N. C, Feb. 28, '70. Presbyterian minister. *Smith, James. — Born Scotch Valley, Pa., Sept. 5, 1819; P. T. S. '43-46; licensed Oct. 8, '46, Presbytery of Huntingdon ; ordained evangelist Oct. 15, '47, Presbytery of Clarion ; pastor-elect Little Valley, Pa., '47-55; pastor Bridgewater '55-57, Mt. Joy '57-67 ; infirm '67-75 ; died Holidaysburg, Pa., Oct. 4, '75. Presbyterian minister. *Smith, Samuel Hume. — Son of James Hume and Jane (Smith); born York Co., Pa., Dec. 25, 1816; graduate Associate Theological Seminary, Can- onsburg ; ordained June 17, '45, Presbytery of Donegal ; pastor Hopewell, Pa., '45-51, Stewartstown and Centre, Pa., '51-57; married Jan. 2, '45, Louisa E., daughter of Andrew Clarkson ; died Feb. 4, '57, softening of the brain. Presbyterian minister. Stewart, Francis Asbury. — Son of Joseph and Rachel (Linthicum); born Cambridge, Md., May 9, 1822; law student; did not practice; merchant, Cambridge, West Virginia, Mercer Co., Illinois, '57—; farmer ; married Jan. 27, '55, Rebecca Shoemaker. Farmer, Aledo, 111. Sullivan, John McPherrin.— Sonof John and Mary (McPherrin) ; born But- ler, Pa., May 9, 1822; law student with Judge Gilmore, Butler, Pa., '43-45 ; practiced law Butler, Pa., '45-54 ; assistant clerk of Senate, Penn- sylvania, '47-50; chief clerk, '52-53; Dept Sec, Com., Pennsylvania, '55-58 ; Department Secretary, Common Schools, Pennsylvania, '58-60 ; Chief Corresponding Secretary, Quartermaster-General's Office, United States Army, '61-67; United States Collector ; Internal Revenue, Twenty- third District, Pennsylvania, '67-82; married June 10, '73, Mary S., daugh- ter of David Agnew; class valedictorian. Lawyer, Butler, Pa. *SwiFT, Elliot Elisha.-Sou of Rev. Dr. Elisha P. and Eliza D. (Beach); born Pittsburg, Pa., Sept. 8, 1824; W. T. S. '43-46 ; licensed June 16, 46, Presbytery of Ohio; stated supply '46-47; ordained June 6. 48, Presby- tery '50- of Miami ; pastor Xenia, O., '48-50, Second Church, Allegheny Pa., .-54 New Castle '54-61, First Church, Allegheny, '61 S.; pubbshed -History of First Church, Allegheny," -Biography of Ruling Elders in First Church, Allegheny," " Missionary History in Cen. Mem.: marned Jan 5 '49 Mary A. H., daughter of John Huston, also Aug. 1-, •>*, Fr no ; L daughter of Cy'rus Da.on ; D.D., 70, Washington aoaJeffe«oa College; died Allegheny, Pa., Nov. 30, '87. Presbytenan mm.ster. 122 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF *SwEiTZER, Jacob Bowman. — Son of Henry and Anne E. (Bowman); bortt Brownsville, Pa., July 4, 1821 ; law student with Hon. T, M. T. McKen^ nan '43-46; practiced law Pittsburg, Pa., '46-88; United States Attorney '49-61; Prothonotary Supreme Court; United States Army, major '61; lieutenant-colonel '61 ; colonel '62; brevet brigadier-general volunteers '65 ; revenue service '68-73 ; married June 15, '52, Mary Holmes, daughter of Dr. Henry Stevenson ; died Allegheny, Pa., Nov. 9, '88. Lawyer. *Watson, George W. — Son of John and Mary (Miller); born Canonsburg, Pa., 1823 ; law student with James Watson, Washington, Pa., '43-45 ; died Canonsburg, Pa., '45, consumption. *Wharton, Keever. — Son of Samuel and Catharine (Beale); born near Lewis- town, Pa., Feb. 4, 1818 ; medical student, Jefferson Medical College ; prac- ticed medicine Cassville, Pa., '45-47, McVeytown '47-52 ; examining sur- geon United States Army, '46-48 ; married April 3, '45, Prudence, daughter of Jacob Norton ; died McVeytown, Pa., May 19, '52, consump- tion. Physician. Wright, Noah D. — Son of Dr. Wright; born near Cincinnati, O.; ccetera desurU.. 1844. *Anderson, John Adair.— Son of Col. William P. and Margaret L. (Adair);, born near Harrodsburg, Ky., March 2, 1824 ; law student Law School, Frankfort, Ky.; practiced law Mississippi, '49-50, Portland and Astoria, Ore., '50-54, Huntsville, Texas, '55 ; Helena, Ark., '56-58 ; Mexican War, '46-49 ; adjutant ; married Oct. 11, '54, Mary H. Edmonson ; died Mem- phis, Tenn., May 2, '58, rupture of blood-vessel. Lawyer. *Berry, Samuel P. — Son of John and Kachel P.; born near Venice, Washing- ton Co., Jan. 10, 1823 ; Associate Reformed Seminary, Allegheny, '44-47 ; licensed June 28, '47, Associate Reformed Presbytery of Monongahela; ordained 27, '49, First Associate Reformed Presbytery of Ohio ; pastor Mt. Pleasant, O., '49-50; married July 3, '50, Margaret, daughter of Hon. William Sturgeon ; died near Venice, Washington Co., Pa., Dec. 9, '50. United Presbyterian minister. ♦Beveridge, Andrew M. — Born Jan. 10, 1820, Greenwich, N. Y.; teacher '44-46 ; P. T. S. '46-48; licensed, Presbytery of Raritan ; ordained evan- gelist Jan. 15, '51, Presbytery of Troy ; principal Cambridge, N. Y., '48-50; stated supply Hoosick I'^alls, N. Y., '51-58; pastor Lansingburg '58-83; without charge '83 — (?); married Sarah, daughter of Rev. Dr. Loomis, Bennington, N. Y.; died Jan. 6, '89, Lansingburg, N. Y. Presbyterian minister. BoYCE, Ebenezer Erskine. — Son of Samuel and Deborah (Black); born Mecklinburg Co., N. C, Dec. 12, 1820; Theological Seminary, Due West; licensed November, '46, First Associate Reformed Presbytery ; ordained June, '49, same presbytery; pastor Bethany, S. C, '49 , King's Mountain, Gastonia, N. C. ; married Aug. 9, '50, Margaret I. Simonton, also May 11, '54, Rachel E. McElwee ; D. D., Westminster College. Associate Reformed Presbyterian minister, Gastonia, N. C. JEFFERSON COLLEGE. ^23 Crawford, Egbert P.-Son of George T. and Elizabeth (Parks) ; born West- moreland Co. Pa., Jan. 12, 1824; teacher Mississippi, '44-40; Professor of Language, Mississippi College, '46-47 ; business ; railroad ; merchandise- oil, '47-; United States Army '61-64; lieutenant; A. D C • \ \ Q* captain; married Sept. 29, '59, Sarah E., daughter of Andrew Arnold' Arnold's Station. Post-oiBce, Pittsburg, Pa. ' *Elliott, John WooDS.-Born Callensburg, Pa., March 23, 1821 ; law student- W. T. S., '45-46 ; licensed April, '47, Presbytery of Clarion; ordained '47,' pastor Lewistown, Pa., '47-52, Newark, Del., '§2-54, Tronesta '68-62,' Cowdersport '62-64, Rogersville, Tenn., '64-67 ; 'chaplain United States Army '67-68 ; married '47, Kate McClelland ; died Washington, D. C, March 11, '68. Presbyterian minister. Hoffmann, George Augustus.—Sou of John G. and Mary (Bovard); born Cumberland, Md., Oct. 16, 1823 ; business, Cumberland, '44—; married June 7, '58, Rhoda Ann Thomas. Residence Cumberland, Md. Horner, William.— vSon of John and Mary (Morrison); born W^ashington Co., Pa.; teacher Kentucky 1844-49; law student; mercantile business, '49—; United States Army '62-65 ; major 17th Regiment, Iowa Volunteers ; mar- ried January, '47, Josephine L., daughter of Benjamin H. Taylor. Mer- chant, Burlington, Iowa. Irwin, R. Crawford. — Son of Robert and Ellen ; born Frankstown, Blair Co., Pa., April 20, 1824; medical student '44-47, Jefferson Medical College; practiced medicine Logan's Valley, Pa., '47, Johnstown, Armagh, Franks- town '50-54, Holidaysburg '54 ; Assistant Surgeon to Provost Marshal '64-65 ; ruling elder Presbyterian Church ; married Nov. 30, '53, Susan F., daughter of Rev. Dr. David McKinney ; M.D. Physician, Holidtyt- burg. Pa. ^Jackson, James S.— Born Madison Co., Ky., 1822; law student; practiced law Greenupsburg, Ky., Hopkinton ; Mexican War captain '46 ; Member of Thirty-seventh Congress; United States Army, colonel 3d Kentucky Cavalry, brigadier-general '62 ; killed in battle Perry sville, Ky., Oct. 8, '62, Lawyer. Lane, John Jay.— Son of John and Sarah (Wilson); born York Co , Pa., March 21, 1818 ; teacher two years ; Professor of Latin F. C. O.; W. T. S. '45-48 ; licensed Jan. 3, '48, Presbytery of St. Clairsville ; ordained '49, same pres- bytery; pastor Fairview and Stillwater, O., '49-53, Wrightsville, Pa., '53-68, New Harmony '53-57, Donegal '57-68, Rockhill, O., 68-79, New Harmony, O., '79 ; married Oct. 18, '47, Lucy Grimes. Presbyterian mm- ister, Airville, Pa. *Le.peb, jAMES.-Son of John L. and Matilda {HobN; bom Frankfort Springs, Pa., June 10, 1824 ; died same place July 10, '44. Student. •Makquis, James E.-Son of William and Sarah ; born Washington Co., P.., Nov. 20, 181.^; W. T. S. ■44-47 ; licensed '44, P'-^sbyter.v of Waslnngton; ordained '48, Presbytery of Sidney ; Kenton, Mansfield, Shelby and Ont.- 124 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF rio '54-58; home missionary, Illinois, '58-59, Salem, Brunswick and Elm- wood '59-63 ; married '48, Mary DuBois ; died Feb. 22, '63. Presbyterian minister. *McCague, Thomas. — Son of Thomas and Catharine; born Mt. Vernon, O., Aug. 11, 1824; A. T. S., Allegheny, '44-47; died Nov. 10, '47, ship- wrecked off the coast of Ireland. Theological student. *McDoNALD, Nesbit. — Son of Edward and Margaret (Neobit); born Wash- ington Co,, Pa., December, 1821 ; medical student ; practiced medicine Pittsburg, Pa., '47-82 ; died Pittsburg, Oct. 2, 82. Physician. Macdonald, Walter R.— Son of John D. and Catharine (Smith); born Cro- marty, Scotland, Jan. 20, 1826 ; teacher, Virginia, Canada ; law student ; practiced law Hamilton, Canada, '58 — ; married Oct. 30, '61, Catherine, daughter of Edward Mollock, also Jan. 25, '70, Jessie M., daughter of Allen Macnab. Lawyer, Hamilton, Canada. Mason, Rodney. — Son of Hon Sampson and Minerva (Needham); born Springfield, O., Oct. 20, 1824; law student with Hon. Sampson Mason, Springfield, O., '44-48 ; practiced law Springfield, O., '48-65, Washington, D. C, '65-83, Detroit, Mich., '83—; United States Army '61-62, lieuten- ant-colonel, colonel ; married Jan. 27, '53, Frances E., daughter of John L. Green, also Sept. 24, '68, Mary A., daughter of George H. Camp. Law- yer, Detroit, Mich. *MiLLER, John Roberts. — Son of Rev. Dr. James P. and Elizabeth (Roberts); born Steubenville, O., Jan. 8, 1825 ; law student; practiced law Shawnee- town, 111., '45; clerk of courts ; died Shawneetown, 111., '45. Lawyer. •O&DEN, Ephraim. — Son of Jason and Hannah (Bateman); born near Cedar- ville, N. J., June 9, 1818 ; W. T. S. '44-47; licensed April 14, '47, Pres- bytery of Steubenville ; ordained Nov. 14, '48, Presbytery of Butler ; pastor Westminster, Pa., '48-58, Middlesex '48 — ; stated supply Summit '72 — ; married Jan. 11, '48, Sarah' J., daughter of J. I. Harrison, also June 29, '53, Mary J., daughter of Hon. Jonas Banks, also Jan. 30, '67, Lavinia, daughter of John McGarrough. Presbyterian minister, Glade Mills, l*a. *8coTT, Erastus H. — Son of Francis and Mary ; born Morgan Co., O., Sept. 16, 1820; law student Cambridge, O.; practiced law Cambridge, O., '47-52; married Oct. 5, '51, Mary Rainey ; died Cambridge, O., Sept. 15, '52. Lawyer. Shaiffer, George Washington. — Son of John and Ann C. (Geary); born Beaver Co., Pa., May, 1818 ; W. T. S. '44-47 ; licensed April 22, '47, Pres- bytery of Washington; ordained June 20, '48; pastor Hopewell, Pa., '47-52, Fairmount '52-55, Shirleysburg, '55-65 ; stated supply Saxon and Lick Run '65-66, Armagh and Centerville '67-73, Hookstown '73-74, North Branch '74-79, Pine Creek '81-82, Hoboken '83-; married May 1, '49, 3iary S., daughter of Thomas Stewart. Presbyterian minister, Beaver, Pa. JEFFERSON COLLEGE. 125. Shankland, James Alexander. -Son of John and Janet (McKinley); born South Argyle, N. Y., Nov. 16, 1818; Associate Theological Seminary, Can- onsburg; licensed July 17, '49, Presbytery of Cambridge; infirm; ordained April 11, '60, Presbytery of Chicago; stated supply Rock Run and Shannon, 111., '59-61 ; pastor Yorkville, Wis., '61-70, Verona '70-73; stated supply North Page, Iowa, '73 76; missionary Dunbar, Neb., '76-79. United Presbyterian minister, Villisca, Iowa. Taylor, Alexander Wilson.- Son of Hon. John and Mary (Wilson); bom Indiana, Pa., March 22, 1815 ; law student with Judge White, Indiana, Pa.; practiced law Indiana, Pa., '41—; clerk in Surveyor-General's Office, Pennsylvania, '36-39 ; Prothonotary, Indiana Co., Pa., '45-51 ; Pennsyl- vania Legislature '59-60; Member of Congress United States '72-74; President Agricultural Society ; Trustee Pennsylvania Normal School ; married May 8, '49, Elizabeth Ralston ; A.B., '53. Lawyer, Indiana, Pa. Telford, John C. — Son of Stephen and Mary (Cree); born Washington Co., N. Y., Aug. 22, 1821 ; Associate Theological Seminary, Canonsburg, Pa., '44 48 ; licensed June 20, '48, Associate Presbytery of Chartiers ; ordained Jan. 1, '50, Associate Presbytery of Clarion ; pastor Mahoning, Pa., '50-67, West Union '67 — ; married Nov. 7, '5.», Martha, daughter of James Oram. United Presbyterian minister, West Lebanon, Pa. •^Thompson, Alexander W.— Son of Joseph and Margaret ; born Washing- ton Co., Pa., December 26, 1826; infirm '44-53; colporteur, New York City, '53 ; licensed '53, Associate Reformed Presbytery of New York ; pas- tor-elect Argyle and Bovina, N. Y., '54; died Argyle,. N. Y., Nov. 12, '54, typhoid fever. Associate Reformed minister. Torrence, Samuel.— Son of John and Mary; born Allegheny Co., Pa., Feb. 26, 1820; farmer '45—; assistant postmaster, Allegheny Co., Pa.; residence Gamble's, Allegheny Co., Pa. Van Eman, GEORGE.-Born Washington Co., Pa.; W. T. S. 1845-47 ; licensed '47 Presbytery of Pittsburg ; ordained '48, Presbytery of Greenbrier ; pastor Spring Creek, Ky., '48-50 ; stated supply Crittenden and Williamsburg 'ol. Bethel '52, South Fork and Lick Creek '63-66, Memphis, '6()-67 ; pastor Summit, Iowa, '68-75; stated supply Sharon '75-78, Well's Point, Texas, '78-79, Valley Creek and other points '80-. Presbyterian minister, Vernon, Texas. , , , . „ WALKER, George Stoddard.-Sou of John and Nancy (Stoddard) ; born AUe- Zny Co., Pa., June 19, 1820 ; teacher Georgia and South Carolina 44-40 . Sal student, Jefferson Medical College ; pi^cticed -d.-e Pi^^^^^^^^^ Pa '48-49, California '49-51, St. Louis, Mo., 'ol- ; surgeon United hta tea Irmy 61-63; married Feb. 24, '49, AnnC, daughter of James McKa.n. Physician, St. Louis, Mo. n^ Vfl Tan 12, 1825 ; farmer on the old estate , marnc , son Co., Va., Jan. ij, xo Eaimen Clempson; died Lehigh Co., Pa., nor /^. 126 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF *Whyte, Robert A. — Son of Rev. James and Jane (Ford); born East Salem, Washington Co., N. Y., 1827 ; editor i?ome Gazette, Augusta, Ga.; unmar- ried; died Augusta, Cxa., '54. Editor. *WiLKiNS, W. BiDDLE. — Son of Hon. Wm. Wilkins; born Wilkinsburg, Pa., Oct. 11, 1827 ; law student; died Wilkinsburg, Pa., January, '67. Wilson, Joseph Ruqgles. — Son of Hon. James and Anne (Adams); born Steubenville, O., Feb. 22, 1825 ; W. T. S. '45-46; P. T. S. '46-48; licensed '48, Presbytery of Steubenville ; ordained June 20, '49, Presbytery of Ohio ; pastor Chartiers^ Pa., '49-51 ; professor Hampden Sidney College '51-55; pastor Staunton, Va., '55-57, Augusta, Ga., '57-70; professor of Columbia Theological Seminary, South Carolina, '70-74 ; pastor Wilming- ton, N. C, '74-85; professor Theological Seminary, Tennessee, '85 — ; married June 7, '49, Jessie E., daughter of Rev. Dr. Woodrow ; D.D., Moderator General Assembly '79 ; Stated Clerk, General Assembly. Pres- byterian minister, Clarksville, Tenn. 1845. Allison, James. — Son of James and Elizabeth (Brickell); born Pittsburg, Pa.; Sept. 23, 1823; W. T. S. '42-45; licensed '47, Presbytery of Allegheny; ordained '48, Presbytery of Ohio ; pastor Sewickley, Pa., '48-64 ; editor Presbyterian Banner '64—; married Mary Anderson, also Caroline Snowden; D.D., Washington and Jefferson College, '68 ; Director W. T. S.; Trustee Washington and Jefferson College. Presbyterian minister, Pittsburg, Pa. Baldwin, A. S. — Son of Silas and Charlotte (Street); born Harford Co., Md., July 4, 1825 ; medical student Maryland Union Hospital ; practiced medi- cine York Co., Pa., '47-73; farming '60-73; merchant, Baldwin, Md., '73 — ; married June 12, '66, Martha E. Street. Physician, Baldwin, Md. *Bell, James Wilson. Son of James and Mary; born Circleville, O., Jan. 1, 1825; medical student, Medical College, Columbus, O.; practiced medi- cine Circleville, O., Delphos, Requea '51-52; died Cincinnati, O., Dec. 15, '53. Physician. Burgess, Robert. — Born Poland, O., April 18, 1822 ; Associate Seminary, Canonsburg ; P. T. S.; licensed '48, Associate Presbytery; ordained '53, same presbytery ; teacher Columbia, Tenn., '50-51 ; stated supply Austin- burg, O., '52-53 ; teacher Chicago '54, Senecaville '60-61; stated supply Hartford. and Mecca, O., '56, Montrose, Iowa, '67; Woodburn and Denni- son '68-71, California, Oregon, Washington, Iowa, '86 ; married '49, Eliza Bracken. Preacher of the word, Gilbert Station, Iowa. Cameron, John Walton. — Son of Samuel and Margaret (Cur vin)j born Jeffer- son Co., Va., 1824; medical student, Jefferson Medical College; practiced medicine Wheeling, W. Va., '48-53 ; assistant surgeon, Confederate States Army; practiced medicine, Baltimore, ]SId., Moorfiehl, W- V a., '66-71, Guyandotte '71, Fairmount '73, Newberry, Va., 73, Fairmounc '88; married '68, Mary C. Williams. Physician, Fairmount, W. Va. JEFFERSON COLLEGE. J27 ^Campbell, James CASNER.-Born Washington Co., Pa., Nov 18 1828- Associate Reformed Seminary, Allegheny, '44-4S; licensed Apriri4 '47* Associate Reformed Presbytery of Steuben ville ; ordained Nov 14 ' '48' same presbytery; pastor Associate Reformed Church, Wellsville' o' '48-55, Paris, Pa., '55-75, Hopewell, O., '75-84, Mulberry, Mo., '84', died Mulberry, Mo , Aug. 19, '84. United Presbyterian minister. Coulter, RiCHABD.-Son of Eli and Rebecca (Alexander); born Carlisle, Pa. Oct. 1, 1827 ; law student; soldier i| United States Army during Mexican War, '46-48, Civil War '61-65 ; practiced law Greensburg, Pa., '41)-; cap- tain nth Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers '61 ; ^lonel, brevet brigadier- general volunteers '64; brevet major-general volunteers '65; married Nov. 10, '69, Emma Welty; A.M., Jefferson College, '49. Lawyer, Greens- burg, Pa. *DoYLE, William.— Son of Alexander and Jane (Lourey); born Steubenville, O., Oct. 1, 1827; business '48-64; Probate Judge '64; married Jan. 25, 1852, Elizabeth McClure ; died Steubenville, O., Dec. 6, '64, typhoid fever. *Ddncan, John W.— Born Pittsburg, Pa., Feb. 9, 1826; business; major United States Army ; married Miss Shoenberger, also Miss Cash ; died Altoona, Pa., March 15, 1887. Eaton, Samuel John Mills. — Son of Rev. Johnston and Eliza (Canon); born Erie Co., Pa., April 15, 1820; teacher, '45-46 ; W. T. S. '46-48 ; licensed March 16, '48, Presbytery of Erie; ordained Feb. 7, '49, Presbytery of Erie; pastor Mt. Pleasant, Pa., '48-55, Franklin '48-82; Europe, Egypt, Pales- tine. Greece, '71; published ''Petroleum," "History Presbytery of Erie," "Lakeside," "Memorial of Rev. Dr. Dickson," "Memorial of Robert Lamberton," portion of "Centennial Memorial," "Jerusalem," "Pales- tine " Trustee Washington and Jefferson College; Director Western Theo- logical Seminary; married Nov. 5, '50, Clara T., daughter of John W. Howe ; D.D., '69, Washington and Jefferson College. Presbyterian minister- Fleming, James Caldwell.— Son of Matthew C. and Elizabeth (Caldwell); born Westmoreland Co., Pa., Dec. 13, 1826 ; printer ; medical student Jefferson Medical College ; practiced medicine New Stanton, Pa , two years, Deerfield, O., two years, Carlisle '52—; married Eliza Jane Johnston; M.D. Physician, Carlisle, O. *Fey, James Wilson.— Son of Judge J. C. Fry ; born in Charleston, W. Va ; law student Virginia University ; practiced law San Antonio, Texas ; died San Antonio, Texas. «-Gray, Samuel C.-Born Mercer, Pa., Aug. 7, 1817; teacher Mississippi; Professor Natural Science, Clinton, Miss.; dentist; married Amelia Arm- stiong ; died Clinton, Miss., '62 or '63; A.B., '45. ^Henderson, John William.-Sou of Dr. John Hendei-son ; born Hunting- don Pa Nov. 16, 1825; medical student Jefferson Medical College, 48; surgeon' Pennsylvania Hospital; practiced medicine Lock Haven, Pa.,. '49-4; married Dec. 2, '50, Mary Church ; died Lock Haven, Pa., o4 ; Ml). Physician. 128 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF *Jackson, John Harvey. — Born near Lexington, Ky.; medical student Penn- sylvania University '49, Lexington, Ky., Christian County; married Miss Lewis; died Christian Co., Ky., consumption; M.D. Physician. Johnston, Thomas Powell.— Son of Thomas and Abigail ; born Wooster, O., March 15, 1819 ; W. T. S. '45-48 ; licensed June 22, '47, Presbytery of Beaver ; ordained October, '48, same presbytery ; pastor Clarksville, Pa., '48-58, Lima, O., '58-64 ; stated supply Lima Centre '64-70, Concord '71 ; missionary work '71 — ; married July 6, '48, Mary Anne Haskill. Presby- terian minister; residence Lima, O. *Kean, William Freeman.— Son of Major William and Margaret (Freeman); born Westmoreland Co., Pa., Sept. 9, 1815 ; W. T. S. '45-48 ; licensed Janu- ary, '48, Presbytery of Blairsville ; ordained '49, Presbytery of Allegheny ; pastor Freeport and Slate Lick, Pa., '49-68 ; missionary Columbus City and Onoma, Iowa, '68-69 ; Europe, Egypt, Palestine, Turkey, and Athens, '71; pastor Braddock's, Pa., '72-82; evangelist '82-86; married Sept. 17, '50, Helen Maclean; died San Francisco, Cal., Oct. 23, '86, pyemia. Presbyterian minister. *Latham, Milton Slocum. — Son of Bela Latham; born Columbus, O., May 23, 1827; law student; practiced law California; District Attorney 'ol ; Collector of Port, San Francisco, '55-57 ; Governor of California '60 ; United States Senator '61-65 ; banker ; three times in Europe ; married ; died New York City '81 or '82. Lawyer. *Letterman, Jonathan. — Son of Dr. Jonathan and Anna (Ritchie); born Canonsburg, Pa., Dec. 11, 1824; medical student Jefferson Medical Col- lege '49; surgeon United States Army '49-64 ; Florida, New Mexico, Min- nesota, California ; Medical Director Army of Potomac '62-64 ; practiced California '65-72; published "Medical Record Array of the Potomac;" married October, '63, Mary Lee; died San Francisco, Cal., March 15, '72; M.D. Physician. Letterman, Craig Ritchie. — Son of Dr. Jonathan and Anna Ritchie: born Canonsburg, Pa., 1826 ; business pursuits, Buffaw, Texas. *McLuer, Darius Decatur. — Born Claiborne Co., Miss.; law student; practiced law Port Gibson, Miss.; Confederate States Array, majoi- ; fell in battle, Bull Run, Va., Aug. 28, '63. Lawyer. McHenry, David S. — Son of Charles and Martha (Dunn); born Beaver Co., Pa., July 28, 1823; Associate Seminary, Canonsburg; licensed June 13, 1849, Associate Presbytery of Chartiers; ordained Nov. 10, '50: pastor Commerce and Nanking, Mich., York and Covington, N. Y., Roseville, Cal., '86; married June, '55, Maggie M. Barber. United Presbyterian minister, Santa Ana, Cal. *McNay, John D. Born Washington Co., Pa.; Associate Seminary, Canons- burg; licensed June 20, '48, Associate Presbytery of Chartiers ; pastor Craw- fordsville, Iowa, Palestine, 111.; died Palestine, 111., '79. United Presby- terian minister. JEFFERSON COLLEGE. J29 MiNTOK, EOBEKT BucHAKAS.-Bom Momstown, N. J., April 21, 1822; Blackburn UmverB.ty Illinois, '86; married December, '48, Kate Barr ruhng elder Presbyterian Church; died CarlinviUe, III., March 7, '89. i eacner. ^Morton, Robert Slemmons-Soh of William and Hannah (Slernmons); born Lawrence Co., Pa, Sept. 29, 1816 ; W. T. S. '45-48 ; licensed Jnn^ '47 Presbytery of Beayer ; ordained June, '48, samepresbvtery; pastor DaHine' T''-f\^.f~^^\^'''\^^'''''^' ^'"'''^ '^l-'52, Igbensburg and Summit 02-00, Mill Creek and Hookstown '55-65, Slippery Rock and Newport '65-69, East Buffalo '69-70, Chartiers '72, East Palestine '73, Petersburg '74 Little Beaver '75-81, Hookstown '82-85 ; Christian Commission; chaplain United States Army ; married Oct. 11, '48, Mary J. Miller, also April 29, '52, Harriet Alexander; died Hookstown, Pa., Jan. 12, '85. Presbyterian minister. *MoTZER, Daniel.— Born Perry Co., Pa., Aug. 16, 1817 ; W. T. S. '45-48 ; licensed April 12, '48, Presbytery of Carlisle ; ordained May 22, '49, Pres- bytery of West Jersey ; pastor Cold Spring and Cape Island, N. J., '49-50, Madison and Adams Hill, O., '50-52; teacher Virginia; pastor Neals- ville and Darnestown, Md.; married August, '53, Elizabeth B. Williatnson, also Oct. 14, '56, Fannie S. Washington; died Darnestown, Md., Nov. 1,'64. Presbyterian minister. Murphy, James Andrew. — Born Peach Bottom, York Co., Pa., March 22, 1826; teacher Kentucky, Stewartstown, Pa., '45-75; infirm. Teacher; res- idence Stewartstown, Pa. *OwEN, Joshua Thomas. —Son of David and Jane (Thomas); born Caermar- thenshire, Wales, March 29, 1821 ; teacher ; law student ; practiced law Philadelphia, '52— ; United States Army '61-64 ; colonel ; brigadier-gen- eral ; Pennsylvania Legislature; Recorder of Deeds, Philadelphia; married '62, Annie J. Shendon ; died Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia, Pa., Nov. 7, '87- Lawyer. ♦Peebles, John Herron M.— Son of Isaac and Eliza (Herron); born Pitts- burg, Pa., Jan. 29, 1823 ; medical student with Dr. Stewart, Shippensburg, Pa., and Dr. Dickson, Pittsburg; Jefferson Medical College, '48; practiced medicine New Castle, Pa., till '78 ; married Oct. 15, '50, Kate D. Collins, also Nov. 13, '62, Elizabeth Cassel; died New Castle, Pa., Oct. 29, '78, apoplexy; A. M., '49. Physician. Raichley, Louis FREDERiCK.-Born Marion, O., law student; business; mar- ried. Residence Marion, O. *Ross, Samuel P.-Born Allegheny Co., Pa.; law student, Pittsburg, Pa.; practiced law Pittsburg ; coal business ; died Allegheny Co., Fa. 9 130 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF Shane, John. — Son of Isaac and Hannah (Rex); born near Steubenville, O., May 26, 1822 ; law student with Secretary Stanton ; practiced law Vinton, Iowa, '55-76 ; captain United States Army ; major ; lieutenant-colonel ; col- onel ; Iowa Senate '73-76; Judge Fifth Judicial District '76 — ; infirm; married Nov. 19, '47, Hannah S. (Jeorge, also '82, Carrie Lynch. Lawyer, Vinton, Iowa, *Spear, Samuel A. — Teacher Findlay, O., Martlnsburg, O; married; died Martinsburg, O. Sterrett, James Patterson. — Son of Robert and Margaret (Patterson) ; born near Mifflintown, Pa., Nov. 7, 1822 ; law student '45-48, Virginia Univer- sity ; practiced law Pittsburg, Pa., '48-62; Presiding Judge Fifth Judicial District, Pennsylvania, '62-77 ; Justice of Supreme Court, Pennsylvania, '77 — ; married May 29, '50, Isabella Patterson; LL.D., '82, Lafayette College ; Trustee Washington and Jefferson College. Lawyer ; residence Philadelphia, Pa. Stewart, Samuel Calhoun. — Son of David and Sarah (Walker); born Penn- sylvania Furnace, Center Co., Pa., Sept. 6, 1824; iron manufacturer, St. Louis, Mo.; Colerain Forges, Pennsylvania, Tyrone Forges ; married June 16, '65, Margaret M. Sample. Manufacturer, Tyrone, Pa. Stuart, John. — Son of John and Jennie (Little); born Ireland, Dec. 18, 1822 ; Lane Seminary '45-48 ; licensed '48 ; missionary Kentucky and Missouri; stated supply Ohio ; pastor Connersville and Aurora, Ind., Van- dalia and Olney, III., Princeton, Spencer '88; chaplain 5th Regiment Ohio Volunteer Cavalry, United States Army ; married Feb. 18, '52, Eliza C. Bradbury. Presbyterian minister, Spencer, Ind. Sturgeon, John Riddell. — Son of William and , daughter of Rev. Dr. John Riddell ; born Allegheny Co., Pa.; Associate Reformed Tlieological Seminary; licensed March 28, 1849, Associate Reformed Presbytery; mis- sionary several years ; deraitted; farmer; married Miss Mawhah. Residence; Colliers Station, W. Va. *Talmage, Peter Stryker. — Son of Rev. Jehiel; born Somerville, N. J., Oct. 5, 1819 ; P. T. S. '45-48 ; ordained '48, Presbytery of Albany ; pastor Oneida Valley, N. Y., '48-50, Malta '50-52, R. D. Church, Stone House Plains, N. J., '53-65 ; stated supply and pastor Bethune Memorial Mis- sionary Church, Philadelphia, '65-70, Fourth Church, Philadelphia, '70-74; married '52, Miss Davis; died Philadelphia, Pa., Aug. 9, '74. R. D. Church minister. Thompson, Josiah. — Son of Allen and Martha (Lindsay): born Washington Co., Pa., Aug. 24, 1820; teacher; W. T. S. '45-47; farmer; licensed Oct. 21, '56, Associate Presbytery of Chartiers ; ordained Jan. 14, '58, same presbytery; pastor Clinton, Pa., '57-66, Center View, Mo., '67-76, Four Mile, Pa., '76-78 ; stated supply Mulberry '78-79 ; Presbyterian Church '80, several churches '80 — ; married Oct. 14, '47, E. G. George. Presby- ' terian minister, Center View, Mo. JEFFERSON COLLEGE. 131 *Thompso.v, jAaES.--Bo™ Washington Co., Pa., June 20, 1821; A«oci.t. Seminary, Caaonsbnrg, ■45-49 ; licensed June 30, '49, Aasoeiale Presbytery o£ Charuers; orddned July 15, '52, Presbytery of Cambridge ; pastor South Argyle, N. Y., ■52-53, Twenty-fifth Street Church, New York Cilv 53-71 ; married ; died New York City, April 28, '71. United Presbyterian minister. *Vance, Abram RiDDLE.-Son of Isaac and Isabella (Riddle); born Alleehenv Co., Pa., Dec. 10, 1823 ; W. T. S.; civil engineer, Allegheny Co. Pa Cleveland, O.; married Jan. 1, '50, Melissa Folgambe; died Cleveland O ' Jan. 28, '57. Engineer. ^Watson, Augustus A—From Kanawha W. Va.; medical student ; practiced medicine Kanawha Co., W. Va., and Western States; went to Louisiana; planter ; died in Louisiana. ^Winters, Jacob.— Born Canonsburg, Pa., 1826; P. T. S. '49-50; W. T. S. '50-52 ; licensed '52, Presbytery of Pittsburg ; ordained '53, Presbytery of Greenbrier ; pastor Parkersburg, W. Va., '53-56, Macon City, Mo., '61, Palmyra '63 ; editor Trinidad Enterprise, '63-73 ; died Trinidad, Col., June 20, '73. Presbyterian minister. 1846. ■^Allison, James B.— Son of Andrew and Elizabeth ; born Washington Co., Pa., April 16, 1826 ; died at home, Jan. 21, '48, jaundice ; prospective medical student. Brown, Samuel Smylie. — Son of Aaron and Isabel (Pollock); born Martins- burg, O., Oct. 18, 1825; teacher Carroll Co., Miss.; W. T. S. '48-49; licensed April, '55, Presbytery of Tombeckbee ; ordaifced November, '55, Presbytery of Central Mississippi ; pastor church, Carroll Co., Miss., '55-65, Canton, HV) — ; teacher at same time ; married Jan. 10, '51, Janetta, daugh- ter of John Dalrymple ; Moderator Synod of Mississippi, '83. Presbyterian minister. Canton, Miss. *Baird, William Logan. -Son of Rev. Thomas D. and Esther (Thompson); bora Allegheny Co., Pa., Jan. 19, 1827; law student; professor Terre Haute, Ind., '47-49, Washington College, Maryland, '51-54, Western Col- lege, Missouri, '54-58, Oakland College, Mississippi, '58-61 ; Commissary Confederate States Army '63-64; infirm; principal Bel Air Academy '74-81 ; ruling elder, Presbyterian Church ; died Bel Air, Md., May 7, '81, peritonitis ; A. M. Teacher. *CocKiNS, Vincent.— Born Washington Co., Pa., 1827; Associate Reformed Theological Seminary, Allegheny, '46-50; licensed March 27, '49, Presby- tery of Monongahela ; ordained Dec. 31, '50, same presbytery ; pastor Fourth Church, Pittsburg, Pa., '50-51 ; died Pittsburg, Pa., Dec. 16, '51. Associate Reformed minister 132 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF Elder, George W. — Son of Robert and Esther; born Center Co., Pa., July 28, 1821 ; law student, Harvard Law School, '49; practiced law Lewistown, , Pa., '49 — ; married May 24, '53, Margaretta S. Shaw. Lawyer, Lewis- town, Pa. Gilmore,'Thomas R. — Son of Francis and Sarah (McBride); born Cadiz, O., April 30, 1825; teacher; Associate Reformed Theological Seminary, '46-47; infirm ; farming Harrison Co., O., '47-52, Iowa '52 -; Senate, Iowa, '74-79 ; married Nov. 7, '54, Catherine, daughter of Thomas Milligan ; also May 4, '60, Ellen, daughter of Andrew Steele, also Dec. 29, '75, Francinia E.,. daughter of William Wilson. Farmer, Kirkville, Iowa. *Gbaham, Taylor L. — Son of John and Anna (Taylor); born near New villa, Pa., 1828{?) ; medical student ; practiced medicine Fond du Lac, Wis., Mex- ico, Potosi, Wis.; married '50(?), Frances Lewis ; died Potosi, Wis., March,. '82. Physician. *Haft, John.— Son of John and Nancy (McGill); born Washington Co., Pa., Dec. 26, 1820; teacher '46-47 ; mercantile business, Pittsburg, Pa., '47-59 ; married September, '55, Fannie M., daughter of John McGill; died near Canonsburg, Pa., December, '60, consumption. Druggist. Hoffman, Henry William. — vSon of John G. and Mary (Bovard); born Cumberland, Md., Nov. 17, 1825 ; law student with T. I. & W. W. McKaig, Cumberland ; practiced law Cumberland, '46-55, '68 — ; Member of Con- gress, Thirty-fourth Congress, '55-57 ; Treasurer of C. & O. Canal Co., '57-58 ; sergeant-at-arms. House of Representatives, '59-60 ; Collector of Port, Baltimore, '61-65 ; attorney Board of Commissioners, Cumberland, '68-72; Judge Fourth Judicial Circuit, '83 — ; married May 17, '48, Rachel, daughter of William Osborne; A. M., '67, Washington and Jef- ferson College. Lawyer, Cumberland, Md. Kelso, James. — Son of Benjamin and Martha (Murdock); born near Nobles- town, Pa., May 28, 1824 ; Associate Reformed Seminary, Allegheny, '46-50 ; licensed June 27, '49, Presbytery of Monongahela; missionary '49-52; ordained May 25, '52, Presbytery of Blairsville ; pastor Bethel, Pa., '52-65, Unity '52-73, McKeesport '77-85 ; married May 14, '66, Lizzie, daughter of Thomas Boyd, also May 4, '75, N. J., daughter of John White. United Presbyterian minister, Passadena, Cal. Kirkpatrick, John Milton. — Son of Rev. Dr. David and Eliza (Kirk- patrick); born Milton, Pa., Dec. 1, 1825; law student ; practiced law Pitts- burg, Pa., '48 — ; Judge Allegheny Co.; Europe; married Sept. 19, '59, Anna Mary Graff. Lawyer (Pittsburg, Pa.), Sherman avenue, Alle- gheny, Pa. IjAke, Robert P. — Born Dorchester Co., Md.; medical student; practiced medicine Charleston, W. Va., 1850 — , White Sulphur Springs, Va.; mar- ri.ed. Physician. JEFFERSON COLLEGE. 13 J *Marks, J OHN Irwin.— Son of Christopher and Harriet ; born Lewistown, Pa.. April 7, 1826; medical student, Jefferson Medical College, '.32; practiced medicine Lewistown, Pa., '52-83; United States Army; married Ellen D. Jacob ; died Lewistown, Pa., June 12, '83, disease contracted in army. Marquis, George.— Son of William V. and Mary (Park); born Frederick Co., Va., Nov. 19, 1821 ; law student with Hon. W. G. Chelton, Tuskegee, Ala!*; practiced law Tuskegee, Ala., '51-66; Milton, Fla., '66; Florida Legisla- ture, '80-83 ; County Judge, '87—; married May 18, '54, Mary R. Fiti- patrick. Lawyer, Milton, Fla. .. ^Martin, William.— Son of Rev. Dr. James and Rebecca (White); born Albany, N. Y., 1827 (?); Texas; married ; died Texas, '50(?), fever. *Martin, James. — Son of Rev. Dr. James and Rebecca (White); born Albany, N. Y., Sept. 1, 1828; Commercial Bank, Albany, '48-65, cashier '65-75; Europe, Holy Land '69; married June 1, '54, Mary Vosburgh ; died Albany, N. Y., Feb. 7, '75, consumption. Banker. *McCuRLEY, Joseph Akd. Son of Robert and Jane (Barbour) ; born Union Co., Pa., March 17, 1822; traveled South; infirm; died Union Co., Pa., Feb. 20, '53. *McElhaney, William G.— Son of William and Mary (Smart); born Hunt- ingdon, Pa.; Associate Seminary, Canonsburg, 1846-50; licensed '50, Pres- bytery of Chartiers; ordained '55; pastor Hoboken, N. J., '55-60; married Elvira Walsh ; died Hoboken, N. J., May 28, '60, consumption. Associate Presbyterian minister. *McGltffen, John Naff.— Son of Robert and Susan (Naff); born Newville, Pa., 1822 ; law student with Judge McGuffen, New Castle, Pa.; practiced law New Castle, Pa., '47-59 ; married June 29, Anna L. Guerard ; died New Castle, Pa., Feb. 23, '59 ; A.M., '49. Lawyer. MiLLiGAN, Thomas Vincent.-Sou of Thomas S. and Martha (Vincent); born Tuscarawas Co., O., May 15, 1829 ; teacher '47-49 ; farmer '49-.56 ; licensed April 26 '60, Presbyterv of Steubenville; ordained April 24, '61, same presbytery; pastor Waynesburg, O., '61-73, Steubenville (Old) '73-77, East Liverpool '77-87; presbyterial missionary '87-88 ; financial agent Wooster University '88; married Oct. 18, '49, Ellen, daughter of John Swaney; D.D., '80, Franklin College. Presbyterian minister, Wooster, O. *Orbison, James Henry.-Sou of William; ^o- H»ntingdon, Pa. M^^^^^^^ 23 1826- P T S. '47-50; licensed June, '50, Presbytery of Carlisle, ordained' ey^tugelist June 12, '50, same presbytery; ff-^S; "f^'''"^^^^^ India-Amdairand Rawal Pindi, ^^^^^f 1,7;"!,^'? sb^^ also Nannie Harris; died Bellefonte, Pa., April 19, 69. Presbylenaa minister. 134 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF Parkinson, Michael A.— Son of Thomas and Mary (Baker); born Wajshing- ton Co., Pa., July 30, 1821 ; W. T. S. '46-49; licensed April 18, '49, Pres- bytery of Ohio; ordained Sept 11, '50, Presbytery of Erie; pastor Con- cord and Deertield (now Tidioute), Pa., '50-58, Island Creek, 0., '53-65;. stated supply Wellsburg, W. Va., '65 ; pastor Bloomfield and Center Unity, O., '66-71, Carrollton and New Harrisburg '71-76, Industry, Pa., '75-80^ Island Creek, O., '80-87 ; married Sept. 4, '49, Catharine, daughter of William McClelland. Presbyterian minister. Industry, Pa. *Pettibone, Henry Brandon. — Son of Chauncey and Susan (Brandon); born Wilkinson Co., Miss., June 8, 1826; planter '47-78 ; married Sept. 19, '48, Annie Ritchie, daughter of Dr. Jonathan Letterman ; died Wilkinson Co., Miss., March 11, '82, gastritis. Planter. PoMEROY, Joseph S. — Born Lawrence Co., Pa.; W. T. S. 1846-49; licensed April, '49, Presbytery of Beaver; ordained April, '50, Presbytery of Washington ; pastor Fairview, W. Va., '50-72 ; missionary '72-77 ; pastor Moundsville and stated supply Cameron '78-86 ; evangelist '86 ; married October, '49, Isabella Griffiths. Presbyterian minister, Fairview, W. Va. Eamsay, James Ross.— Son of Robert and Jane (Whiteford); born Harford Co., Md., April 9, 1822 ; P. T. S. '46-49 ; licensed October, '48, Presbytery of Donegal ; ordained '49, same presbytery ; missionary Creek Indians, Kowetah, I. T., '49-52; teacher Pennsylvania '53-55; missionary Seminoles, I. T., '56 — ; translated Genesis and Psalms into Creek language ; published "History of the Seminoles" ; married May 29, '49, Mary Jane, daughter of John Livingston, also July 24, '56, Eliza Jane, daughter of Rev. John Lilley, also April 6, '75, Mary L., daughter of Nathan Dement, M.D. Presbyterian minister, Wewoka, Indian Territory. *RoBiNSON, James Brooks Parr. — Son of Ephraim A. and Elizabeth (Parr); born New Alexandria, Pa., April 30, 1824; law student with Judge Shaler, Pittsburg, Pa.; practiced law Greensburg, Pa., '48-52; died New Alexan- dria, Pa., Aug. 21, '52, consumption. Lawyer. Rogers, James Lea. — Son of Joseph and Elizabeth (Gibson); born Connells- ville. Pa., Jan. 3, 1823; teacher Georgia '46-50; Columbia Theological Seminary '48-50 ; licensed April, '50, Presbytery Of Cherokee ; ordained '51, same presbytery ; pastor Waynesboro' '51-53 ; professor Georgia Mil- itary Institute '53-55 ; President Florence Female College, Ga., '55-57 ; pas- tor Central Church, Atlanta, '59-62; Confederate States Army, Soldiers' Home^, '62-65 ; Geological Survey, Alabama, '66-68 ; pastor Bethlehem Church '75 — ; Trustee Oglethorpe University ; Secretary Georgia Academy of Science ; married Jan. 4, '51, Emily A. Gray ; D.D., Davidson Col- lege. Presbyterian minister, Atlanta, Ga. Scott, Alexander. — Son of John and Elizabeth (Skelly); born New Rich- mond, O., Feb. 14, 1822 ; teacher Hampden-Sidney College '47-49, U. T. S., Virginia, '46-48; licensed April, '49, Presbytery of West Hanover; ordained June, '51, Presbytery of Richland ; pastor Blooming Grove, O., '51-54, Savannah '55-69, First Church, Kossuth, Iowa, '70-80; stated JEFFERSON COLLEGE. 135 supply Des Moines, -'80-84, Mediapolis '84—, Hopkinton '88; published " Use of Instrumental Music in Public Worship " ; married Sarah Brown, also Catharine Hall, also Amanda Chidester. Presbyterian minister', Hopkinton, Iowa. ♦Shannon, Isaac N.— Born Ohio; P. T. S., '47-50; ordained Oct. 15, '51, Presbytery of New Brunswick ; pastor Second Church, New Brunswick, N. J., '51-53 ; stated supply First Church, Terre Haute, Ind., '54-56 ; pas- tor-elect Mt. Vernon, O., '56-58 ; died '58. Shakpe, Alexander E.— Son of Rev. Dr. Alexander^; born near Newville, Pa., July 25, 1825; medical student, Jefferson Medical College; practiced medicine St. Louis, Mo., '50-56, Lincoln Co., Mo., '56-64; United States Army surgeon '61-62; business Lake Providence, La., '64-65; agent Post- Offlce Department '65-69 ; Marshal District of (.olumbia, '68-72 ; United States Army, major '68 — ; married Ellen, daughter of Frederick Dent, Soldier, Leavenworth, Kan. Sharpe, Alexander Brady.— Son of John and Jane (McCune); born Cum- berland Co., Pa., Aug. 12, 1827 ; law student with Hon. F. Watts, Carlisle, '46-48; practiced law Carlisle, Pa., '48—; United States Army '61-65; private ; lieutenant ; captain, '64 ; major ; lieutenant-colonel and colonel ; married Dec. 19, '54, Catherine M., daughter of Major George Blaney. Lawyer, Carlisle, Pa. Sturgeon, Hugh.— Son of Robert and Hannah (Boyles); born Noblestown, Washington Co., Pa., Oct. 31, 1821; Associate Theological Seminary, Can- onsburg; licensed June 18, '50, Presbytery of Chartiers; ordained May 6, '52, Presbytery of Richland ; pastor Wooster, 0., '52-56, Kingston, Iowa, '56-59, Darlington, Pa., '62— ; married Feb. 14, '54, Elenora B. Harris, also March 2, '65, Louisa W. Scott, also Jan. 3, '84, Caroline Cook. United Presbyterian minister, Darlington, Pa *Van Buskirk, ELIJAH.-Born Ohio, 1816 ; W. T. S. '45-47 ; licensed Oct. 4, '47 ; died Ohio, Oct. 27, '48. Presbyterian licentiate. *Walker, John W.-Son of James and Mary (Stewart); born Franklin Co., Pa., Sept. 8, 1819 ; teacher '46-48 ; W. T. S. '48-51 ; licensed October, 51, Presbytery of Ohio ; missionary Indiana, '51-52; ordained Noyernber 53^ Presbytervof Blairsville; pastor Fairfield and Union, Pa., oo-69; stated supply Ligonier and Pleasant Grove '72 ; missionary Virgnm ; marr.ed June '16, '.^, Martha L., daughter of Rev. William Jeffery ; D.D.; d.ed Gordons- viUe, Va., April 5, '84. Presbyterian mmister. *WALKKR, Isaac Alexander.-Sou of Moses and Jane (McGill); born Can- on^bu <., Pa., 1823 ; teacher Pittsburg, Pa.; health failed ; marned .Sep. S, ' "3 bu;ines; Pittsburg, Pa.; farmer, Michigan ; died Grand Blanc, M.ch., April 27, '55. Q^. nf Matthew H. and Elizabeth (Hoffer); born. Pittsburg, Pa., March 16, '47. Medical student. 186 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF West, William H. — Son of Samuel and Mary (Clear); born Washington Co., Pa., Feb. 9, 1824; teacher '40-48; tutor Jefferson College, '48-49; adjunct professor Hampden-Sidney College, Va., '49-50 ; law student with Hon. Wm. Lawrence, '50-51; practiced law Bellefontaine, O., '51 — ; Legislature Ohio, '58-60, '62-66 ; Attorney General, Ohio, 66-70 ; Judge of Supreme Court of Ohio, '72-73 ; member Constitutional Convention, '73-74 ; married June, '51, Elizabeth Williams, also Oct. 10, '72, Mrs. Clara G. Gorton; LL.D., Wooster University and Washington and Jefferson College '85. Lawyer, Bellefontaine, O. Whaley, Frederick N. — Son of George and Ann (Furley); born Fairfax Co., Va., Sept. 7, 1819 ; U. T. S., Virginia, '46-49 ; licensed April 23, '49, Pres- bytery of Winchester ; ordained April 19, '51, same presbytery ; missionary Fairfax Co., Va., '49-51 ; pastor Clarksville, Va., '52 — ; married Feb. 26, '50, Elizabeth S., daughter of John Hughes. Presbyterian minister, Clarksville, Va.(?) ■* Williams, O. H. — Son of John and Sarah (White); born near Mt. Jackson, Pa., Dec. 5, 1824; medical student with Dr. A. Cory, Salem, O.: died Salem, O., October, '48, fever. Medical student. Zahniser, George Wright. — Son of Jacob and Catherine (Wright); born Mercer, Pa., March 19, 1823 ; tutor Jefferson College, '47 ; teacher Lexing- ton, Ky., '47-48 ; P. T. S. '48-51 ; licensed April 10, '51, Presbytery of Erie; ordained Sept. 7, '53, same presbytery ; pastor Conneautville, Pa., '53-59 ; Huntingdon '59-75 ; stated supply Second Church, Mercer, '75-77, Venango and Salem '80 — ; chaplain National Guards, Pennsylvania, five years; published " Our Duty in the Present Crisis;" married Jane, daugh- ter of John Forker, also Kate Gaston, also Mrs. Elizabeth S. McGill. Presbyterian minister, Mercer, Pa. 1847. Adams, John. — Son of Joseph and Elizabeth (Simmons) born Mt. Vernon, O., Dec. 11, 1824 ; law student with Hon. J. K. Miller, Mt. Vernon; practiced law Mt. Vernon '50 — ; Judge Common Pleas, Mt. Vernon, '71-81 ; married June 16, '60, Julia A., daughter of M. W. Huxford. Lawyer, Mt. Ver- non, O. Archibald, George D. — Son of Andrew and Catherine (Shields); born Washington Co., Pa., Feb. 15, 1820 ; Associate Reformed Seminary, Alle- gheny ; licensed April, '49, Associate Reformed Presbytery of Monongahela; ordained June 25, '50, same presbytery ; pastor Sixth United Presbyterian Church, Allegheny, Pa., '50-55, First United Presbyterian Church, Cincin- nati, O., '55-60, First Presbyterian Church, Madison, Ind., '61-66; West- minster. New York City, '61-68 ; President Hanover College, '68-70 ; Pro- fessor of Theology Danville Theological Seminary, '70-83 ; President Wil- son Female Seminary, '73-74 ; professor Wooster University, '83-84 ; pastor Seven Mile, 0.,'84— ; married Jan. 14, '51, Agnes, daughter of Rev. Dr. Joseph Kerr. Presbyterian minister. Seven Mile, O. JEFFERSON COLLEGE. J 3^ *Beveridge, Thomas Han^a.-Soq of Rev. Dr. Thomas and Eliza ( \rmitage) born Philadelphia, March 31, 1830; student. Associate Theological Sem- inary, Canonsburg; licensed '51, Presbytery of Chartiere; ordained '53, United Presbytery of Philadelphia ; pastor Sixth United Presbyterian Church, Philadelphia, '54-60; published ''Anderson on Theology," "Life of Hanna;" editor Evangelical Mepository; married Mary Kerr, daughter of Andrew McBride ; died Philadelphia, Pa., Aug. 15, '50, congestion of brain. United Presbyterian minister. ^ILLINGSLEY, Amos S.— Sou of Robert and Jemima (Austin); born Columbiana Co., O., Oct. 16, 1818; W. T. S. '48-50 ; licensed '51, Presbytery of New Lisbon ; ordained '54, same presbytery ; pastor Slippery Rock, Pa., '54-57 ; home missionary, Nebraska, '57-61, Denver, Col., '61-63; chaplain lOlst Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteers, '63 — ; in Libby Prison; pastor; Iberia, O., '69 ; home missionary to the Freedmen, South Carolina, '69 — ; published "From the Flag to the Cross," " Life of George Whitefield ;" married Oct. 26, '65, Emily, daughter of Thomas Hamilton. Presbyterian minister, Statesville, N. C. Bbaden, James. — Son of James and Elizabeth (Boyd); born Green Co., Pa., Jan. 28, 1825 ; medical student with Dr. F. J. LeMoyne and University of Virginia, '50 ; practiced medicine Ten Mile, Washington Co., Pa., '50-63, Indianapolis, Ind., '63-76, West Baden '76-83; Receiver, Land Office, Walla Walla, Washington Territory, '83— ; married Sept. 4, '66, Lydia Ellen, daughter of Milton Short. Physician, Walla Walla, Washingnn Territory. Brandon, George B.— Son of Gov. Gerard C. and Betsy (Stanton) ; born Wilk- inson Co., Miss., March 4, 1828; law student with Gen. Quitman and McMurran, '47-49; never practiced; Clerk Circuit Court ; planter; book- keeper ; Confederate States Army, 2l8t Regiment, Mississippi Volunteers ; married March 20, '62, Leonora L. Shields. Residence, Arnot, Adams Co., Miss. Brown, Dwight.-Sod of Eev. Dr. Joba H. and Clarinda C. (Cleland); bom Kicbmond, Ky., June 26, 1830 ; farmer and bookseller, Kentucky and Illi- nois; Sheriff Sangamon, Co., III., '68-70 ; Mayor Spri^ngfield, H'-;""""! Nov. 20, '66, Caroline E. Weeks, also Oct. 13, 1880, Mrs. Emma B. Blake, daughter of T. S. Little. Residence, SpringHeld, 111. BBOW.K, WILLIAM B™.-Sonof William and Susan (Biyas);born^^^^^^ Dhia Pa Nov. 17, 1818; U. T. S., Virginia, '47-19 ; licensed October, 4J, Pr sbyte y of Ne; York; ordained Aug. 11, '50, Presbytery of On.nge; pLtr Hmsboro, N. C, '50-51; principal A"gp Fema « « ^ ' '51-55 -professor of Frankfort University, Kentucky, o6, teacher Walnu hIu '57 Paris '58-60; pastor Wabash, lod '^^f^^^^ Presbyterian minister, Milton, Pa 138 GENERAL CATALOGUE OP *Bkowninq, Leander.— Son of Lewis and Margaret (Clark); born Brooke Co., W. Va., Feb. 28, 1831; fanner; Justice of the Peace; Clerk of Court; Superintendent of Census ; elder First Presbyterian Church, Steubenville, O.; married '51, Elizabeth, daughter of Edmond Steelman ; died at old home, March 21, '81. Farmer. *Cairns, George.— Born Ireland, 1817 ; W. T. S. '47-49 ; licensed '49, Pres- bytery of A.legheny ; ordained '50, same presbytery ; pastor Buffalo, Pa., '50-56, Union '50-53, Glade Kun and Clinton '53-56 ; stated supply Princeville, 111., '57 ; pastor Prospect '57-63 ; married '52, Elizabeth A. Templeton ; died Princeville, 111., Jan. 25, '63. Presbyterian minister. Campbell, John. — Son of John and Isabel (Perry); born Washington Co., Pa., Feb. 9, 1828 teacher ; medical student, Cincinnati Medical College ; prac- ticed medicine Adams Co., O., '53-70, Delhi '70-85; medical referee^ Pension Bureau, Washington, D. C; United States Army '61-64; first lieu- tenant; captain ; wounded ; medical referee, Pension Department ; married 61, Hettie Whitaker, also Aug. 13, '69, Hettie E., daughter of Hon. J. R. Cockerill. Physician, Washington, D. C. ^Campbell, Hugh McClelland. — Son of Joseph and Elizabeth (Oliver); born Mifflin Co., Pa., Jan. 10, 1822 ; law student; practiced law California,, '48 or '49 ; mining ; died California, May 10, '50, fever Lawyer. Cakson, David Walker. — Son of Rev. David and Jane W. (Gillespie); bo> '65; Europe in '54-83; published ''Sketches of Travel;" member of County Court '88; married May, '55, Frances W., daughter of Col. B. Davenport. Farmer, Charlestown, W. Va. [Enrolled with the class by Trustees at request of Class in 1887.] *GiLSON, William C. — Son of WiUiam and Phoebe (Alexander); born Spruce Hill, Juniata Co., Pa., July 18, 1823 ; teacher Mississippi; medical student wiih Dr. Scales, Loundes Co., Miss.; University of Louisiana '51 ; practiced medicine Oktibbeha Co., Miss., '51-61 ; Confederate States Army, lieuten- ant '61-63, surgeon '63-65; farmer Loundes Co., Miss., '65-69; practiced medicine Macon, Miss., '69, Calvert, Texas, '69-73 ; married May 29, '50, Emily E., daughter of A. C. Jennings ; died Calvert, Texas, Oct. 15, '73, yellow fever. Physician. ^Graham, Albert Gallatin. — Son of Hugh and Margaret (Black); born Fayette Co., Pa., 1825 ; teacher Tennessee ; law student with Hon. T. A. R. Nelson; practiced law Jonesboro, Tenn.; edited; Vice-President East Tennessee and Virginia Railroad, post of some merit ; unmarried ; died Jonesboro, Tenn., August, '62, congestive chills. Lawyer. Orier, Laverty. — Son of Rev. Robert S. and Elizabeth (Laverty); born Adamg Co., Pa., June 4, 1823 ; W. T. S. '46-49 ; licensed April, '49, Presbytery of Carlisle ; ordained January, '51, Presbytery of Clarion; pastor Reimersburg^ Bethlehem and Millcreek, Pa., '50-53, Bacon Ridge and East Springfield, O., '53-61, Forks of Wheeling, W. Va., '61-; married April 30, '51, Mar- garet, daughter of John Jeffrey. • Presbyterian minister, Elm Grove, W. Va. Hamilton, John. — Son of George and Isabella (Wray); born Columbiana Co. O , Jan. 18, 1826 ; medical student with Dr. Dickson and New York Med- ical College '50-55; practiced medicine Greenville, Pa., '55-61, Allegheny, Pa., '61 — ; married May, '72, M. C, daughter of David Culbertson. Physician, Allegheny, Pa.; eminent entomologist. Hays, Isaac Newton.— Son of John and Orpha (Comnell); born Washington Co., Pa., April 17, 1827; W. T. S. '47-50; licensed April 15, '50, Presby- tery of Ohio ; ordained Oct. 10, '50, Presbytery of Carlisle ; pastor Great Connewago, Pa., '50-54, Middlespring '54-68, Central Church, Chambersburg, '68-74, Junction City, Kan., '74-75; principal State Nor. mal School, Shippensburg, '75-78 ; Central Church, Allegheny, Pa., '78 — ; Clerk General Assembly's Permanent Committee on Temperance ; author several small publications; Trustee Western Theological Seminary; mar. ried Dec. 17, '50, Rebecca H., daughter of Robert King; D.D., '83, Washington and Jefferson College. Presbyterian minister, Allegheny, Pa. JEFFERSON COLLEGE. 141 *HoRNSBY, Henry Hancock.— Son of Joseph and Cynthia ; born Shelby Co., Ky., 1828; farmer; unmarried; died Carondelet, Mo., '50. Farmer. *HusTON, James.— Son of John and Elizabeth (Weakley); born Cumberland Co., Pa., June 25, 1822 ; teacher Shippensburg Academy '48-49, Doubling Gap '50, Wilkinsburg '51; co-editor Pmn»ylvanian, Philadelphia,' 53-54; married April, '47, Matilda, daughter of David Line, also December, '50, Margaret, daughter of Rev. James Graham; died Wilkinsburg, Pa., Sept. 26, '54. Teacher and editor. *Irwin, John R. — Son of John and Mary (Thome) ;* born Butler Co., O., Dec. 24, 1821; law student; merchant, California '51-54, Keokuk, la., Everton, Ind., '58-69 ; married Jan. 1, '52(?), Eliza J., daughter of Sylvanus P. Oakes ; died Everton, Ind., Feb. 7, '69. LiLLEY, Robert D.— Son of Dr. R. D.; born Hillsboro', 0.; law student; practiced law Hillsboro, O., '49-; Probate Judge; married Sarah J., daughter of Madison Trimble. Lawyer, Hillsboro, O. Lytle, James Pollock.— Son of William and Nancy (Pollock); born Dec. 6, 1821, Ligonier Valley, Pa.; teacher, Kentucky, '46-48, Pittsburg, Ind., one year; studied theology privately and at Canonsburg Associate Seminary '50-51 ; licensed Oct. 15, '51, Presbytery of Allegheny ; ordained Sept. 18, '53, Presbytery of Miami ; edited Presbyterian Witness, Cincinnati, O., '53^56; pastor Bloomfield, Muskingum Co., O., '55; published "Me- moirs of Rev. James Scroggs, D.D., and Rev. R. H. Pollock, D.D.," " Prog- ress, the law of Christ's Kingdom," "Christ's Mediatorial Government," etc • Trustee Muskingum College ; married April 23, '56, Elizabeth, daughter of Rev. Samuel Wilson, D.D.; D.D., Westminster, '78. United Presbyterian minister. Sago, 9- Maxwell, Alexander Bennett. -Son of John L. and Mary (Hamilton); born ;ear Butler, Pa., Nov. 29, 1826; teacher W. T. S. '49-52; licensed April, '52, Presbytery of Allegheny; ordained March 15 '53 Presbytery of Fort Wayne ; pastor Cedar Creek, Swan and Kendallvil e, nd., o3-56 stated supply Alliance, O., '56-58; pastor ^al- 'f "^ ^M trMerri ' Rome '85-; married Nov. 7, '53, Julia A., daughter of Miner Merr ck ^so Sept. 9, '80, Mary M., daughter of Rev. Dr. A. S. MacMaster. Pres- byterian minister, Rome, O. .MOB... J.H.. H— 0..-S0O o^T^.^ ana A^« (^^^^^^^^^ County Antnu., ^^'^^f ^i'Lllol k. 'Ls; principal Grammar SaS "l^^^a^MatT'aaU^ o. Ua. Va.H„ ; aie^ Boston, Mass., Sept. 25, '84, paralysis of brain. *MCINT0SH, JOHN.-Son of Evan and I^^b^MMc^^^^^^^^^ Co., 0., Sept. 9, 1821; law student jthM^ck ^^^ ^ '47-50; practiced law Petersburg, Ind., o0-&- , mea Aug. 14, '52. Lawyer. 142 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF McKee, David.— Son of David and Jane (ymith); born Batlibay, County Mon- aghan, Ireland, April 10, 1821 ; theology Center and Northwood Theolog- ical Seminary ; Professor of Greek, Western College, Allegheny, 51-54 ; licensed April 9, '51, Presbytery of Pittsburg; ordained July 5, '54, Presby- tery of Philadelphia; Moderator of Synod; pastor Philadelphia, Pa., '54-59, Clarinda, Iowa, '62—; married '56, Mary E.. daughter of David Gregg. Reformed Presbyterian minister, Clarinda, Iowa. McNuTT, John D. — Son of William and Rachel R. (Davis); born Philadelphia, Pa., Dec. 11, 1828; teacher three years; farmer. Deer Creek, 111.; married Oct. 11, '53, Nancy F. T., daughter of Colonel David Peaers, also Sept. 13, '65, Mattie L., daughter of Thomas Little. Farmer, D6er Creek, 111. Myers, Jacob. — Son of John and Catherine (Bear); born Lancaster Co., Pa., April 30, 1831 ; printer, Texas ; druggist, Sherman, Texas ; traveling sales- man ; married '53, Mary Bell Asken. Business, Sherman, Texas. «Orr, James C. — Son of Thomas and Mary; born Haliday's Cove, W. Va.; teacher, Richmond College, Ohio, Lindsley Institute, Wheeling, W. Va., twelve years; business; Collector of Internal Revenue; married '50, Mary J. Connelly, also February, '84, Mrs. Anna C. Turney ; A. B., '50. Bus- iness, 41 Twelfth Street, Wheeling, W. Va. Paynter, Henry Martyn (formerly Painter) . — Son of Rev. Dr. Joseph and Harriet Smith (Oudenburg); "born March 22, 1827, Williamsport, Pa.; W. T. S. '47-49 ; P. T. S. '50-51 ; licensed April, '50, Presbytery of Blairsville ; ordained June, '52, Presbytery of Mississippi; pastor Vicksburg, Miss., '52-56, Boonville, Mo., '56-64; evangelist Boston, Mass., Rhode Island, Virginia, Kentucky, Canada, Great Britain; published ''Shadow on the Hearth," "Renovated Earth," " Holy Supper," '' Holy Sorrow," ''Holy Death," "Holy Resurrection; " married Sept. 23, '52, Alice, daughter of Hon. C. R. L. Moncure. Presbyterian minister ; residence, Chicago, 111. Reynolds, Luther M. — Son of Robert W. and Sarah G. (Marvel); born Kent Co., Del., Jan. 24, 1826; law student, Yale College; practiced law, Baltimore, Md., '51 — ; married Oct. 26, '67, Mary L., daughter of Henry A., Willis. Lawyer, Baltimore, Md. ^Ripley, John Bingham.— Born Mahoning Co., O., April 18, 1824 ; P. T. S. '47-50; licensed '50; stated supply Burlington, N. J., '50-52; ordained July 11, '54, Presbytery of Philadelphia; pastor Mariners' Church, Phil- adelphia, '54-62; published " Thoughts for the Forecastle," " Plain Words for Young Men ;" married Oct. 31, '54, Ellen M. Rogers ; died St. Augus- tine, Fla., March, '62, consumption. Presbyterian minister. RODGERS, James Linn. Son of James and Jane (Linn); born near Shippens- burg, Pa., May 5, 1827 ; P. T. S. '47-50 ; licensed June 12, '49, Presbytery of Carlisle ; ordained Presbytery of Donegal, May 21, '51 ; pastor Donegal, Pa , '51-52, Mt. Joy '52-56; stated supply Sterling, 111., '56-57 ; principal Female Seminary, Springfield, O., '57-71 ; stated supply Yellow Spring '71 — ; married May 20, '50, Hettie B., daughter of Robert Cochran. Presbyterian minister; residence, Springfield, O. JEFFERSON COLLEGE. ^43 *Sample, WiLLiAM.-Son Of Robert A. and Mary (Simpson); born Wildwood Pa., Aug. 31, 1826; died Jan. 21, '48. Theological student in anticipa- tion. *Satterfield, MEAD.-Son of Rev. James and Sarah (Mead); born Mercer Co., Pa., Oct. 22, 1819; W. T. S. '47-50; licensed April, '50, Presbytery of Beaver ; ordained Feb. 12, '51, Presbytery of Allegheny ; pastor Har- risville and Amity, Pa., '51-55; married Oct. 29, '51, Harriet, daughter of John Scott ; died Harrisville, Pa., May 11, '55, consumption. Presbyterian minister. ^ScoTT, Hamilton.— Born Martinsburg, O. ; W. T. S., 1848-49 ; licensed '50, Presbytery of Richland; ordained Dec. %8, '50, Presbytery of Brazos; missionary in Texas '50-51; married Agnes, daughter of Rev. Dr. D. Baker ; died Texas, Sept. 21, '51. Presbyterian minister. *Sexton, Leonidas.— Son of Dr. H. G. and Hannah (Pugh); born Rushville, Ind., May 19, 1827 ; law student, Cincinnati Law School ; practiced law Rushville, Ind., '50-80 ; member of Indiana Legislature '59 ; Lieutenant- Governor '72 ; Member of Congress '78 ; deacon of Presbyterian Church ; married Lydia A., daughter of John Warner, also Anna Hart; died Par- sons, Kansas, July 4, '80, apoplexy. Lawyer. *Shaiffer, James Hervey.— Son of John and Ann C. (Geary); born Beaver Co., Pa., Dec. 13, 1820; teacher; W. T. S. '47-48; died Allegheny, Pa., Dec. 13, '48, typhoid fever. Theological student. Simmons, Samuel. — Son of Samuel M. and Ann (Smith); born Pine Creek, Clinton Co., Pa., Nov. 14, 1826 ; teacher Shelby Co., Ky., '47, Canton, Miss., '48; law student with Governor F. P. Blair, St. Louis, Mo.; prac- ticed law St. Louis, '52 ; United States Army '61-65 ; captain ; major ; lieu- tenant-colonel ; Chief of Commissary Department, Army of the Cumberland ; City Council, St. Louis; Land Commissioner; unmarried. Lawyer, St. Louis, Mo. ^Sloane, James Renwick Willson.— Son of Rev. William and Mary (McNeice); born Topsham, Vt., May 29, 1823; Reformed Presbyterian Theological Seminary, Northwood; licensed Oct. 21, '52, Reformed Presby- tery of Lakes; ordained Jan. 13, '55, same presbytery; pastor Rushsyl- vania, O., '55-56, Third Reformed Church, New York City, '56-68 ; pro- fessor of Reformed Theological Seminary, Allegheny, '68-86; married '49, Margaret, daughter of Rev. James Milligan, also '58, Margaret C, daughter of Rev Dr. D. C. McLaren, also '65, Frances B., daughter of William Swanwick;died Allegheny, Pa., March 6, '86, heart disease; D.D., '69, Western College. Reformed Presbyterian minister. *Smith, William Graydon.-Sou of Rev. Dr. William and Maria (Buchanan), born Canonsburg, Pa., Nov. 15, 1829; teacher; civil engineer; married April 20, '54, ElL Olivia, daughter of Wylei Belsher, Baidwyn, Miss., died Pittsburg, Pa., July 31, 1887. Civil engineer. 144 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF *Snare, Edmund. — Son of David and Catharine (Colestock); born Huntingdon^ Pa., Dec. 14, 1828; jeweler, Huntingdon, Pa.; medical student with Dr. McCuUough, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania University ; practiced medicine Huntingdon '57-67 ; married March 11, '62, Ada M., daughter of William B. Zeigler ; died Huntingdon, Pa., Feb. 27, '67, consumption. Physician. Sturgeon, William H. — Son of Dr. Daniel and Nancy (Gregg); born Union- town, Pa., Jan. 24, 1826 ; medical student with Dr. Campbell, Uniontown, '47, Jefferson Medical College ; practied medicine Uniontown '49-53 ; United States Mint, Philadelphia, '53-61 ; practiced medicine Uniontown, '61 — ; married Oct. 5, '53, Emily V., daughter of Hon. J. L. Dawson. Physician, Uniontown, Pa. Sutton, Robert. — Son of Thomas and Rebecca (Loughry); born Indiana, Pa., April 10, 1828 ; attorney-at-law New Castle and Clarion, Pa., '50-60 ; W. T. S. '60-61; licensed June 18, '60, Presbytery of Clarion ; ordained No- vember, '63, same presbytery; pastor Rushville, Ind., '61-63, Center Church, St. Paul, '64-66, Goshen, O., '68-70 ; agent Western Tract Society, Cincin- nati, O., '70 — ; married Nov. 13, '56, Elizabeth B.Andrews. Presbyterian minister, Cincinnati, O. Taylor, William Graham — Son of James and Margaret (Barr); born Pitts- burg, Pa., March 3, 1820; W. T. S. '47-50; licensed May 5, '48, Presby^ tery of Pittsburg; ordained April 11, '49, same presbytery ; evangelist '49-52; pastor Beaver, Pa., '52-56, Tarrentum and Bull Creek '57-61, Mt. Carmel '62-66 ; editor Herald of the Prairies ; associate editor Watchman of the Prairies, '49 ; Superintendent Soldiers' Orphan School, Phillipsburg, '66-76; evangelist '76-81 ; stated supply Neville and Concord '81 — ; married April 15, '49, Charlotte I., daughter of John Thompson; D.D., '74, Heidelberg College ; Trustee and Financial Agent W. T. S. Presbyterian minister, Water Cure, Pa. Todd, Andrew Calvin. — Son of Andrew and Margaret (McLean); born New- berry, S. C, Jan. 23, 1826 ; Cincinnati and Northwood Theological Semin- ary; pastor St. Louis, Mo., '52-57, Oakdale, 111., '59-71 ; United States Army, captain '61-62; Evans, Col., '71 — ; editor Journal and mayor; married Oct. 2, '49, Margaret Jane, daughter of J. R. Wilson, also July 6, '80, Ella A. Brown; D.D.. Reformed Presbyterian minister, Evans, Col. Wallace, Alexander Gilfillan.— Son of William and Elizabeth (Gilfillan); born Allegheny Co., Pa., March 2,^1829 ; teacher '47-48 ; Associate Reformed Theological Seminary, Allegheny, '49-53; licensed April 13,. '52, Presby- tery of Monongahela ; ordained June 6, '54, Presbytery of Blairsville; pastor McKeesport, Pa., '54-57, Bethel '57-68, New Brighton '68-84, Sewickley '84—; published Church Register, Addresses, etc.; editor United Presbyterian, and Evangelical Repository; two years in Tennessee; professor in United Presbyterian Theological Seminary ; second clerk General Assem- bly since '78 ; Corresponding Secretary Board of Church Extension since '70; married Nov. 2, '54, Isabella S., daughter of William West; D.D., '75, Ershine College. United Presbyterian minister, Sewickley, Pa. JEFFERSON COLLEGE. 145 Ward, Thomas-Soh of John and Elizabeth (Beabout); born Waahingion Co Pa., Oct. 1820 ; W. T. 8^^48-50 ; licensed '50, Presb.tery of ^efZ^^ licentiate 'o0-73; teacher Birmingham, Pa, '52-57 ; teacher and preacher Illinois '57-73; elder Presbyterian Church, Rochelle, 111.; married April 23, '57, Mrs. Harriet Wilson Crawford. Residence, Rochelle, 111. Wilson, William Hamilton.- Son of William and Mary (Wallace/ born Alle- gheny Co, Pa., Jan. 29, 1823 ; Associate Theological Seminary, Canonsburg, Pa.; licensed Oct. 29, '50, Presbytery of Chartiers; ordained August, '52, Presbytery of Miami; pastor Washington, Iowa, '53-69; Salinas Citv, Cal., '69-79, Presbyterian Church, Washington Territory ; The Dalles, Oregon '; United States Army ; chaplain, 17th Iowa Volunteers, '62-64 ; married May 20, '56, Susan B, daughter of General Chipman. Pretbyterian min- ister," The DaUes, Oregon. Wilson, William W. Son of Hugh and Nancy (Story); born Westmoreland Co, Pa., Nov. J5, 1824 ; teacher Iowa; law student with Hon. J. Johnston, Ft. Madison, Iowa; practiced law ; land business; Clerk of District Court, Jones Co, Iowa, '52-56; Iowa Legislature '61; United States Army; quartermaster '62-65 ; European tour '87 ; unmarried. Land dealer, Lin- coln, Nebraska. ^ Woods, Thomas S.— Son of Robert H. and Elizabeth (Boyers); born Indiana, Pa., Aug. 15, 1829 ; law student with Hiram Griswold, Canton, O.; prac- ticed law Canton, O., '50-57; real estate agent, St. Paul, New Lisbon, O., '58-69 ; editor Ohio Patriot '58-69 ; married March 10, '69, Mrs. Kate G. Potter ; died March 26, '69. Lawyer. 1848. Amerine, Alexander Harvey.— Born Scotch Bridge, 0., March 4,1825; W. T. S. '50 ; teacher; licensed Oct. 8, '51, Presbytery of St. Clairsville; mission- ary and teacher '51-57 ; infirm ; license returned April 23, '(37 ; married Feb. 26, '56, Rebecca J. Stanley, also Dec. 1, '63, Cynthia 1. Henderson. *Bartolette, William John.— Son of Dr. D. K. and Anna M. (Kline); born Berks Co., Pa., Sept. 17, 1828; medical student with Dr. D. K. Bartolelte, Washingtonville, O.; practiced medicine Shreve, O., '54-57 ; married Nov. 11, '53, Catherine Almina Greenwalt; died Shreve, O., '77. Physician. Brown, William Young.— Son of William and Mary M. (Young); born Columbiana Co., O., July 22, 1827; teacher, Beaver, Pa., '48-52; studied theology privately with Rev. Isaac M. Cook same time; P. T. b. '52-53; licensed Oct 5, '52, Presbytery of New Brunswick; ordained June 15 '53 Presbytery of New Lisbon ; pastor New Lisbon, O., '53-50 ; chap- lain, United States Army, '61-65; stated supply Seventh Street Church, Washington, D. C, '63-64 ; pastor-elect Buffalo, Pa.. '65-66 ; pastor Perry ville, '66-70, Denver, Col, '70-73, Darby, Pa., '74-; Corresponding Secre- tary Committee on Temperance, -86; married Sept. 24, '57 Flora, daughter of Dr. James Robertson ; D.D, 82, Lafayette College ; Presbyterian min- ister, Port Chester, West Chester Co., Pa. 146 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF Bbown, Milton W. Son of John J. and Sarah (Mercer); born Wayne Co., O., May 21, 1820 ; teacher ; W. T. S. '49-51 ; licensed April, '51, Presbytery of Coshocton; ordained November, '51, same presbyterv ; pastor Hopewell and Nashville, O., 51-71, Mt. Eaton '71-79, Radnor '79-85 ; evangelical work '85 — ; married Dec. 23, '51, Sarah F., daughter of David Finney. Presby- terian minister. *Brown, J. Woods. — Son of Samuel T. and Nancy (Woods); born Union Co., Pa., Dec. 1, 1826 ; law student with Judge Hepburn, and Easton Law School '48-51 ; practiced law Milton, Pa., '51-58 ; Pennsylvania Legislature, . '62-63; President of First National Bank, Milton, Pa ; married Jan. 29, ' '51, Maria Polk; died Milton, Pa., Jan. 6, '88. Lawyer. ♦Clark, George W.— Son of John and May (Smith); born Schellsburg, Pa., Dec. 25, 1821 ; teacher '48-50 ; law student with General Koontz, Greens- burg, Pa. ; practiced law Greensburg, Pa., '52, Muscatine, la., '52-53, Iowa City, la., '53-85; United States Array, '62, captain 22d Regi- ment Iowa Volunteers, wounded ; married Sept. 20, '54, Nannie Y., daugh- ter of George Boal ; died Iowa City, la., June 17, 1885, injury from a fall. Lawyer. Clarke, Matthew. — Son of Matthew and Elizabeth (Wallace); born Pitts- burg, Pa., Aug. 10, 1823; Associate Reformed Seminary, Allegheny, '48-52 ; licensed March, '51, Associate Reformed Presbytery of Mononga- hela; ordained August, '53, Presbytery of Blairsville (A. R.); pastor Blairs- ville. Pa., '53-55, Bloomington, 111., '56-63, Chicago '64-65, LaPorte, Ind., '65-69, Pittsburg, Pa., '70-72, Gambler, O., '73-74, Hyde Park, 111., '74-76, Chase City, Va., '78-81, Norfolk, '81-87; married July 6, '53, Kate W., daughter of Matthew Mitchell. United Presbyterian minister, Chicago, 111. Cook, Archibald Brown. — Son of John and Mary (Kelso); born Noblestown, Pa., Sept. 23, 1828 ; teacher Kentucky ; medical student with Dr. Force, Louisville, Ky., and Dr. Glenn, Sharpsburg, Pa.; College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York, and Kentucky School of Medicine, Louisville, '53; practiced medicine. New Castle, Ky., '53-54, Louisville, '54—; Professor of Anatomy in Kentucky School of Medicine '55-56 ; Medical Depart- ment University of Louisville '56 — ; Professor of Surgery, School of Med- icine, Kentucky, '63 — ; Confederate States Army, surgeon; physician Epis- copal Orphans' Asylum; published many articles in "Medical Magazine and Review"; married February, '72, Fannie M. Downing Roberts. Pro- fessor and physician, Louisville, Ky. Cox, John Irwin. — Son of John and Marlha (Paden); born Franklin Co., Pa., Feb. 20, 1824 ;* student ; farmer, Illinois ; lumberman, Iowa ; married April 13, '58, Keziah, daughter of Alexander McCune ; residence, Shippens- burg. Pa. *Cramer, John Kearsley. — Son of Ambrose M. C. and Emily (Rowan); born Williamsport, Md., Sept. 19, 1824 ; P. T. S. '49-50 ; licensed '50, • Presbytery of Carlisle ; stated supply Charlotte, Va., '"52-53, Washington, JEFFERSON COLLEGE. 14^ D. C, 04-50 ordained Apnl 13, '59, Presbytery of Carlisle; pastor WiU hamsport and Welsh Run, Md., '59-61, Havre de Grace, '6l4; ; pastor- elect Churchville '66-68; died Cumberland, Md., Dec. 20, '69, consump. tion. Presbyterian minister. ' *Crofts, Daniel.— Son of John ; born Columbiana Co., O., 1827 ; West Point Military Academy; law student with J. E. Vance, New Lisbon, O.; prac- ticed law Louisiana ; died Louisiana, consumption. •Curry, Egbert.— Son of Robert and Keziah ; born near Murraysville, Pa. June 8, 1821 ; teacher, principal West Newton Academy, Pa., '50-61 ' Canonsburg '52-53, West Manchester '54, Normal School '55 ; principal New Brighton Female Seminary '55-59; edited National Educator '60; founder and principal Curry Institute, Pittsburg, Pa., '60-73; Department State Superintendent of Schools, Pa., '73-76 ; principal Nebraska State Normal School '76-83; study '83-; published pamphlets; married Dec. 26, '49, Mary, daughter of Dr. Alexander McCloy, also July 19, '76, Jennj B., daughter of James Boggs; Ph.D., '73, Washington and Jefferson College ; residence Palmyra, Neb. *DuNCAN, John R.— Son of John and Elizabeth (Harvey); born Fairview, O., July 21, 1826; W. T. S. '48-51 ; licensed '51, Presbytery of Steubenville ; ordained April, '52, Presbytery of Washington ; pastor Moundsville, W. Va., '52-55 ; stated supply Allen Grove '55-.56, Buffalo Church, Cumber- land, 0., '57-64 ; married Eliza McCurdy, also Mary R. Scott, also Fanny Chapman ; died Cumberland, O., Nov. 23, '64, erysipelas. Presbyterian minister. *Elliott, James.— Son of James; born Lawrenceburg, Pa., Dec. 6, 1824; teacher Pamonky, Md.; law student with R. Moodey, Steubenville, 0.; practiced law Steubenville '52-69, Kansas '69-71, Steubenville '71-83; clerk courts '57-67 ; Mayor of Steubenville '73-75 ; married Dec. 8, '53, Rachel S. Craine; died Chicago, 111., Nov. 10, '83, Lawyer. Geary, John M.— Born Ireland ; W. T. S. 1850-53; licensed '54, Presbytery of Pittsburg; ordained '55, Presbytery of New Orleans; pastor Plains, La., '55-69, Camden and Concord, Miss., '69-75, Lamar, Spring Creek and Cor- inth '75—. Presbyterian minister, Waterford, Miss. ♦Gregg, Ellis B.— Son of Aaron; born Greene Co., Pa., 1824; law student with Hon. T. M. T. McKennon '48-51—; practiced law Peoria, 111., '51-54 ; died Carmichaels, Greene Co., Pa., Dec. 18, '54, consumption. Lawyer. *Grim, Philip M.— Born near Zelienople, Pa.; teacher Beaver Academy 1851-60; business; married July, '52, Matilda Small; died New Galilee, Pa., Aug. 2, '74; A.M., '53. Teacher. *Harbison, JOHN.-Son of Adam and Catharine (Woods); born near Canons- burg, Pa., Dec. 15, 1831 ; teacher ; assistant editor Chicago Gazette ; unmar- ried ;' died Washington, Iowa, June 24, '55, consumption. 148 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF *HiLL, Thomas Mooke.— Son of Sanford 0. and Vashti B.; born East Liver- pool, O., Aug. 14, 1821; teacher Wooster, O., many years; railroad busi- ness Madison, Ind., till '55; married Oct. 29, '51, Elizabeth Jones; died Madison, Ind., Oct. 1, '55. *Jenkins, Thomas Jefferson.— Son of William and Jeannette G. (McNutt);. born Green Bottom, Cabell Co., Va., (now West Virginia), Nov. 22, 1826 ; farmer at home ; Confederate States Array, private '61-63, major '63-65 ; married Nov. 18, '56, Susan L., daughter of Robert Holderly ; died Green Bottom, W. Va., Aug. 1, '72, heart disease, from military exposure. ♦Jenkins, Albert Gallatin.— Son of William and Jeannette G. (McNutt);. born Cabell Co., Va., Nov. 10, 1830; law student Cambridge; farmer; Member of Congress from Virginia '57-61 ; delegate to Provisional Con- federate Congress '61 ; Confederate States Army, brigadier-general '62-63;. married Jennie S. Bowlin ; died of wounds received in battle, Dublin, Va.,, May 7, '64. Lawyer and farmer. ♦Jenkins, William Alexander. — Son of William and Jeannette G. (McNutt);, born Green Bottom, Cabell Co., W. Va.; farmer, Cabell Co., W. Va.j medical student, Jefferson Medical College ; practiced medicine St. Louie, Mo., 1852-54; married Dec. 22, '53, Julia M. Reed, of St. Louis; died St. Louis, Mo., April 18, '77, paresis of the brain. Physician. Johnston, Calvin P. — Son of Dr. William and Rebecca (Reynolds); born. Steubenville, O., Oct. 31, 1830; medical student. Sterling Medical College,. Columbus, O.; civil engineer ; Superintendent Overman Silver Mine, Vir- ginia City, Nev.; City Engineer; married Alice, daughter of Rev. Dr. Bruner. Civil engineer, Springfield, Mo. Lawrence, Joshua Fry. — Son of Elias and Mary P. (Fry^; born Louisville, Ky., Feb. 14, 1827 ; planter, Jefferson Co., Ky., '47—; Kentucky Legisla- ture '65-69 ; business, coal, oil, Louisville, Ky.; Inspector, Kentucky; mar- ried, '52, Urith daughter of Hon. P. H. Pope. Business, Louisville, Ky. Livingstone, William Samuel. — W. T. S. 1852 ; licensed '53, Presbytery of Wooster ; teacher ; missionary Pennsylvania, Ohio, Kentucky and Missis- sippi. Pastor-elect, CoitsviUe, O., '72. ♦Lyons, John— Born Coshocton, O., 1820(?); W. T. S. 1848-49 ; died Alle- gheny, Pa., Feb. 9, '49. Theological student. Lyons, Walter Lowrie. — Son of Thomas and Minnie (Lowrie); born Tus- carawas Co., O., April 21, 1820; teacher '48-52; W. T. S. '52-53; licensed Oct. 7, '54, Presbytery of Schuyler; ordained '56, Presbytery of Cedar; stated supply Winterset and Indianola, Iowa, '57-59 ; Des Moines, South Henderson and Fall Creek '59-63, Franklin Grove, 111., '64-65; domestic, missionary '65-74 ; various points '74 — ? ; married July 7, ^66, Elizabeth M., daughter of Hon. John HoUister. Presbyterian minister, Grennoll, Iowa.. JEFFERSON COLLEGE. ]49 March, William Gilmore.-Soii of Philip and Sarali L. (Gilmore); bom Columbiana Co., 0., April 4, 1826; teacher '48-50; W. T. S. 'o0-o3; licensed April 4, '58, Presbytery of New Lisbon ; ordained Dec. 15, '54,* same presbytery ; pastor Canfield, O., '54-57, Rehoboth '53-68 ; chaplain 115th Regiment, Ohio Volunteers, '64; pastor Marysville, O., '68-78, Mil- ford Center '68-80 ; stated supply Cardington '80-83, York and Jerome '80—; married Dec. 13, '54, Elizabeth J., daughter of Robert Elder ; D.D., O. C. C, '78. Presbyterian minister, Marysville, O. McEwEN, John.— Son of James and Sarah Ann (Wolf) ^ born Canonsburg, Pa., May 8, 1828; bookkeeper, Philadelphia, '48-58; merchant, Orion, 111., at date ; married Dec. 14, '58, Mary E. Smith. Merchant, Orion, 111. *McCarty, John T.— Son of Abnerand Jane; born Brookville, Ind., Aug. 28, 1828 ; law student Brookville, Ind., and Maryville, Cal.; practiced law, Maryville, Cal., '50-60 ; married '54, Mary E. Peirson ; died Maryville, Cal., '60. Lawyer. McFakland, Henry Cowan.— Son of Alexander and Margaret (Cowan); bom Allegheny Co., Pa., Dec. 4, 1822; Associate Reformed Seminary, Allegheny, '48-51 ; licensed March 26, '51, Associate Reformed Presbytery of Monon- gahela; ordained April 12, '53, same presbytery ; pastor Mifflin Church, Pennsylvania, '53-57, East Liberty and Hebron '58-64, East Liberty '66 ; infirm ; business Pittsburg '70 ; cashier. City Deposite Bank, '76—; married Nov. 9, '53, Caroline S., daughter of Joseph Barr. United Prebbyterian minister and banker, Pittsburg. -McKiNNEY, Isaac Newton.—Sou of Rev. Dr. David and Eliza L. (Finley); born Erie, Pa., Oct. 24, 1828; P. T. S. '52-53; W. T. S. '56-57; licensed '57, Presbytery of Pittsburg ; ordained April 14, '57, same presbytery; pastor Montour, Pa., '57-60; professor Jefferson College '60-61 ; Europe '62 ; editor Family Treasure '62-64 ; died Sewickley, Pa., Nov. 21, '64. Presbyterian minister. Miller, Jacob Henry.-Sou of Samuel and Mary A. (Cockins); born Feb 10, 1828 ; teacher Hilliardston, N. C, '48-51 ; law student with Hon. Moses Hampton, Pittsburg, Pa., '51-53; practiced law Pittsburg, Pa., 'o3--; Dis- trict Attorney '59-62 ; married June 29, '54, Mary E., daughter of Edmond McDonald, also April 18, '66, Antoinette E., daughter of Samuel Prew. Lawyer, Pittsburg, Pa. M.I.X..O.X, Josi.H.-Bor„OhioCo., W. Va., March 13, 1821 ; P T. S. '4S-^; ordained Oct. 14, '51, Presbytery of ZaneeviUe ; pastor Eushvdle, O ol-57, Princeton, 111., 'oT-Ti ; missionary Texas '72-74 ;evangel,Bt Prmceton, 111., '74_. Presbyterian minister, agent, Omaha, Neb. D T „!oia Tn Pa Aue. 8, 1830; editor Jumata Pattfrson John James.— Born Juniata Co., ra., Aug. o, *" i South Carolina '61 ; United States Army ; United States Senate, olina, '.73-79. Lawyer, Mifflintown, Pa. 150 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF Paxton, James Wilson.— Born Gettysburg, Pa., Dec. 21, 1827; P. T. S. '50 ? W. T. S. '51-52 ; licensed April, '53, Presbytery of Carlisle ; stated supply Dickinson, Pa.; invalid ; business Minnesota ; Chambersburg, Pa., 72 ; married Dec. 3, '57, Margaret D. Smith. Pennington, John B.— Son of Thomas M. and Henrietta (Barr); born New Castle, Del., Dec. 20, 1825 ; teacher '48-51 ; law student '54-57 ; practiced law Dover, Del., '57—; Delaware Legislature '61 ; Clerk of House of Representatives '59, '63, '71 ; United States District Attorney for Delaware '68 ; Attorney-General '74-79 ; Member of Congress, Fiftieth Congress, '86 ; married '48, Rebecca A., daughter of Henry Rowan. Lawyer, Dover, Del. Pbbshing, Cyrus L. — Son of Christopher S. and Elizabeth (Long); born Youngstown, Westmoreland Co., Pa., Feb. 3, 1825 ; law student '48-50; practiced law Johnstown, Pa., '56-72; Presiding Judge Twenty-first Judi- cial District, Pa., '72 — ; candidate for Member of Congress '56, '58; Supreme Court '69 ; Governor of Pennsylvania '75 ; Trustee of Washing- ton and JeflFerson College '66-74 ; Commissioner to General Assembly Presbyterian Church '84, '88 ; Commissioner from General Assembly to confer with Protestant Episcopal Church '87 ; delegate to London Council '88 ; married Sept. 23, "51, Mary L., daughter of Hon. John Royer ; elder Presbyterian Church. Lawyer, Pottsville, Pa. PuGH, William Arnold. — Son of Reese and Catharine A.; born Rushville, Ind., March 7, 1829; medical student Cleveland Medical College, Medical College, Cincinnati ; practiced medicine Rushville, Ind., '51 ; married May, '51, Nancy A. Bigger. Physician, Rushville, Ind. Rankin, William Alexander. — Born Shippensburg, Pa., Dec. 30, 1829; P. T. S. '48-50; ordained Dec. 11, '51, Presbytery of Donegal; pastor Marietta, Pa., '51-54; stated supply Churchville and Bel Air, Md., '54-56(?), Middletown, Del., '56-58, Wilmington, Newark, Del., Warren, Pa., '66-81; evangelist; married Miss Jefferson. Presbyterian minister,, Warren, Pa. Reaser, Joseph George. — Son of George and Nancy (Kuhn); born Union Co., Pa., Nov. 2, 1825; licensed Oct. 2, '50, Presbytery of Ct)shocton; ordained June 23, '52, Presbytery of New Lisbon ; pastor in Ohio ; tutor Greek and Hebrew, Danville Theological Seminary, till '57 ; pastor Leaven- worth, Kan., till '85; professor Westminster College, Mo., '85-87 (?) princi- pal Carthage Classical Institute, Mo.; married Sept. 20, '49, Agnes B., daughter of James Munn ; D.D., '66, Center College, Kentucky. Presby- terian minister, Carthage, Mo. Robertson, S. S. — Son of Dr. James and Ann Eliza ; born Hanover, Colum- biana Co., O., July 14, '30; medical student with his father, Planoverton, G.; practiced medicine Salineville, O., '54-69 ; Hanover '69 — ; married, Sept. 15, '53, Elmira Pool. Physician, Hanoverton, O. JEFFERSON COLLEGE. J 5]^ EoBiNSON, James W.-Son of John W. and Elizabeth (Mitchell); born Union Co., O., Nov. 28, 182G ; teacher and law student '48-50, Cincinnati Law School; practiced law Marysville, O, '51-; Prosecuting Attorney '51- Ohio Legislature '57-60, '64-65; Member of Congress from Ohio '72-73 ' ruling elder Presbyterian Church ; Trustee Western University ; married Feb. 8, '65, Mary J., daughter of Hon. John Cassel. Lawyer, Marvs- ville, O. ^ ' .r RoDGERS, Andrew Denny.— Son of James and Jane (Linn); born Cumber- land Co., Pa., April 17, 1830; law student with Rodgers and White, Springfield, O., '49-50; law schools in New York and Philadelphia '51-52 ! practiced law Springfield, O., '52-59, Columbus '59 ; United States Army '62-63, paymaster ; Ohio Legislature '57-59 ; postmaster Columbus '77-82 ; married Oct. 5, '58, Eliza G., daughter of William S. SuUivant. Lawyer,. Columbus, O. *RuTHRAUFF, W. P.— Grandson of Rev. Jonathan P.; born Franklin Co., Pa., 1826 ; ordained '50(?), Lutheran Synod of Pittsburg(?); pastor Schellsburg,. Pa., Canton, O., Fort Wayne, Ind., Easton, Pa., Akron, O., Zane8ville,0.; married Miss Young; died Zanesville, O., May 25, '76. Evangelicnl Lutheran minister. *Sharp, Solomon A.— Born Kentucky; law student; practiced law California ; died (?). *Sharp, James McDowell.— Son of Andrew and Rosanna (McDowell); born near Newville, Pa., Oct. 7, 1830 ; law student '48-5i ; practiced law Cham- bersburg. Pa., '51-83 ; married March 7, '57, Emma L. King ; died Cham-^ bersburg. Pa., Aug. 23, '83, disease of brain. Lawyer. Smith, William C. — Son of Daniel and Elizabeth (Copley); born nearBlairs- ville. Pa., June 28, 1820; teacher New Albany Seminary; licensed April, '52, Presbytery of New Albany; ordained April, '54, Presbytery of South Alabama ; teacher and missionary Alabama '54-62 ; chaplain United States Army '63-65 ; missionary '65 — ; married April 5, '53, Rebecca, daughter of James Colburn. Presbyterian minister, Eden Prairie, Minn. *Stewart, W. Walker. — Son of David and Sarah (Walker); born Center Co., Pa., 1826; iron manufacturer; married Miss McGuffey, daughter of Rev. Dr. W. H. McGuffey ; died. A. M. [Not in catalogue.] Strain, George.— Son of Ebenezer and Catharine; born Brooke Co., W. Va., April 14, 1824; law student; practiced law Perrysburg, O., '57—; married June 8, '59, Margaret Elizabeth. Lawyer, Perrysburg, O. ^Thompson, Joseph Russell.— Son of Joseph and Margaret ; born Washing- ton Co., Pa., Sept. 15, 1823; Associate Seminary, Canonsburg ; licensed '50, Presbytery of Chartiers; missionary ; ordained April 25, '53, Presbytery of ; pastor Mt. Pleasant, Pa., '53-61 ; married December, '58, Anna E. WVlie ; died Hickory, Pa., Dec. 16, '61, typhoid fever. United Presbyterian minister. 152 GENERAL CATALOGUJ^ OF Virtue, Andrew. — Son of James and Isabella (Woods); born County Tyrone, Ireland, March 4, 1825; W. T. S. '48-50; licensed Jan. 15, '51, Presbytery of Blairsville; ordained Jan. 14, '52, Presbytery of Ohio; stated supply Maple Creek, Pa., '51-53 ; pastor Cross Roads '53-60, Apple Creek '60-68, Emlenton '68-72, Center '72-80, Spencer and Elizabeth, W. Va., '82—, Bethel '88 ; married July 4, '50, S. N., daughter of William Hill. Presby- terian minister, Williarastown, W. Va. Wilson, Samuel Thomas.— Son of Charles W. and Elizabeth (Thomas); born near Holidaysburg, Pa., Nov. 20, 1823 ; P. T. S. '48-51 ; licensed '51, Presbytery of Huntingdon ; ordained '52, Presbytery of Rock River ; pas- tor Rock Island, III., '54-66, Galesburg '66-69, Birmingham, Pa., '69-78, Lincoln, III., '78-81, Palatka, Fla., '81 — , St. Augustine '85; missionary in Florida '86—; married Dec. 16, '51, Abbie, daughter of Dr. J. P. Kerr, also Dec. 1, '56, Sarah W., daughter of George Kinney; D.D. Presbyte- rian minister, Rose Hill, Fla. '* Wilson, S. B. — Son of Patrick and Rebecca (Moorhead); born Mercer Co., Pa., Feb. 20, 1824; principal Darlington Academy '48-49; law student with Hon. J. S. Black, Somerset, Pa., '49-50; practiced law Beaver, Pa., '50-89 ; married April 12, '54, Elizabeth, daughter of George Robinson, Beaver, Pa.; died Jan. 19, '89, Beaver, Pa. Lawyer. ♦Wilson, Joseph Hemphill. — Son of Thomas and Agnes (Hemphill); born Beaver Co., Pa., May 16, 1820; law student; practiced law Beaver, Pa., '50-62; member of Pennsylvania Legislature '58-60; United States Army '61-62, colonel 101st Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers ; died in Peninsu- lar campaign. May 30, '62, typhoid fever. Lawyer. Woods, Richard Coulter. — Son of John and Mary; born Center Co., Pa., Jan. 27, 1821 ; business in Missouri ; nurseryman and fruit-grower, Mt. Ver- non, Mo.; Deputy Circuit Clerk, Clay Co., III., '56-60; married Feb. 16, '62, Abigail Carr. Nurseryman and fruit grower, Mt. Vernon, Mo. *YouNG, Edward E. — Born Hanover, Pa., Nov. 28, 1826; teacher Alabama '48-50, near Hanover '50-52 ; agent Hanover Branch Railroad ; dealer in lumber and coal; hardware merchant; married '53, Elizabeth A., daughter of Dr. Alexander; died Hanover, Pa., May 6, '57. Merchant. *YouNG, Garretson Ivester. — Son of Peter and Phoebe (Leech); born Achor, Columbiana Co., O., June 28, 1827; law student with Hon. S. W. Gilson, Canfield, O.; practiced law Canfield '51-54; Probate Judge '55-60; Military Secretary for Governor Todd '62-64 ; United States Army, War Department, Judge Advocate '64; Ohio Legislature '69; edited Buckeye State '68-71 ; married March 27, 'biS, Susan Bingham ; died in State House, Columbus, O., Jan. 27, '71, hemorrhage. Lawyer. 1849. ^Anderson, Butler Preston. — Son of Col. William P. and Margaret L. (Adair); born near Winchester, Tenn., Sept. 17, 1828; law student. Law School, Franklin, Ky.; practiced law Astoria, Ore., '50-68, Memphis, Tenn., '68-78; Clerk Legislative Council; Supreme Court; United States Attorney; married Oct. 1, '50, Mary Jane Head; volunteered in '78 to assist yellow fever sufferers; died Grenada, Miss., Sept. 2, '78, yellow fever. Lawyer. JEFFERSON COLLEGE. I53 *Andersox, William KAMSAY.-Son of Enoch L. and Rebecca (Morthland)- born Juniata Co., Pa., July 22, 1830; teacher Washington, D. C, '49; died on steamer near Cincinnati, O., May 15, '50. Teacher. ^Arnold, George Cavit.-Sou of John and Mary (Cavit); born Allegheny Co, Pa., Feb. 19, 1825; teacher; Associate Eeformed Seminary; licensed April 14, '52, Presbytery of Monongahela ; missionary three years ; ordained Jan 11, '55; pastor at Kensington, Philadelphia, '55-63; married March 22, '55, Martha Jamieson ; died Chicago, 111., Nov. 30, '64, hemorrhage. United Presbyterian minister. Barnett, John Morrison. — Son of John and Nancy (Morrison); born West- moreland Co., Pa., May 20, 1826 ; W\ T. S. '52-55 ; licensed April, '54, Presbytery of Blairsville; missionary to Lake Superior summer of '54; ordained evangelist April, '55, same presbytery ; home missionary Superior, Lake Superior, '55-61 ; pastor Mt. Pleasant, Pa., '61-69, Connellsville '69-82; Financial Secretary Washington and Jefferson College '82-89 ; Stated Clerk Presbytery of Lake Superior ; Redstone ; Permanent Secre- tary Synod of Pittsburg; Moderator Synod of Pittsburg '80; Director Western Theological Seminary ; Trustee Washington and Jefferson College ; married April 17, '55, Martha E., daughter of James Elder, Eldersridge, Pa. Presbyterian minister, W^aehington, Pa. ^Barton, Samuel B.— Born Juniata Co., Pa., Dec. 6, 1822; teacher Ken- tucky '49-86 ; married Aprill4, '58, Mrs. Fanny M. DuRelle ; died Huber, Ky., May 21, '86. Teacher. *BuRT, Augustus. — Son of David and Elizabeth (Mackey); born Cambridge O., March 7, 1825 ; teacher Wheeling, W. Va., '49-50, Louisville, Ky., '50-54 ; law student, Louisville ; admitted to bar in '54 ; died Cambridge, O., Oct. 1, '55, consumption. *Calvin, Joseph Hadden. — Son of William and Anne (Haddeu); born near Coloness, Ireland, June 10, 1828 ; P. T. S. '49-52 ; licensed '52, Presby- tery of New Brunswick ; ordained evangelist Oct. 1, '53, Presbytery of Tus- caloosa ; pastor Bensalem and Burton's Hill, Ala., '54-59 ; Professor Lan- guages, Austin College, Texas, '59-60; Professor of Greek, Oakland College, Miss., '60-65; President Oakland College '65-67; married Carrie Crenchaw ; died Oakland College, Miss., Feb. 14, '67, congestive chills ; D D. Presbyterian minister. *Carson, William P.— Born Center Co., Pa., April 26, 1821 ; W. T. S. '48-51 ; licensed '50, Presbytery of Richland ; ordained '51, Presbytery of Peoria; pastor Crow Meadow, 111., '51-54; teacher '55; pastor Middle Creek '55-61, Epworth and Peasta '61-69 ; died Epworth, 111., Jan. 12, '69. Presbyterian minister. 'Carson, James G. -Son of Rev. David and Jane W. (Gillespy); born Ma ry- viUe, Tenn., Feb. 11, 1833; teacher '49-52; Associate Theological Semin- ary, Canonsburg, '52-55; licensed June 22, '55, Presbytery of Chartiers; ordained Nov. 13, '66, same presbytery; pastor South Buffalo, Pa., '66-67, 154 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF Canonsburg '67-69, Second Church, Xenia, O., '69-74; Professor Horn, and Past. Theology, United Presbyterian Seminary, Xenia, O., '74 — ; mar- ried Oct. 1, '56, Mary H., daughter of Rev. Thomas B. Clarkson ; D.D., '75, Monmouth College. United Presbyterian minister, Xenia, O. ♦Cochran, James Linn. — Son of Robert and Eliza (Linn); born Shippens- burg. Pa., March 30, 1828 ; medical student with Dr. Stewart, Shippens- burg, Pa., Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, and Medical Depart- ment, University of New York ; practiced medicine a short time at Sterling, 111., Minneapolis, Minn.; died Shippensburg, Pa., Sept. 7, '58 ; unmarried. Physician. *DlCKiE, Samuel H. — Son of George and Martha ; born Westmoreland Co., Pa., May 18, 1825 ; medical student with Dr. Dickson, Pittsburg, Pa., and Jefferson Medical College ; practiced medicine Allegheny Co., Pa., '52-53 ; died Westmoreland Co., Pa., Oct. 16, '53, dysentery. Physician. *Edmonds, James M.— Born Cold Spring, N. J., June 1, 1827 ; P. T. S. '52-55 ; ordained Oct. 8, '56, Presbytery of West Jersey; missionary Absecon, N. J., '55-56, Deed's Point, '56-58; died Absecon, N. J., March 23, '58. Pres- byterian minister. Elliott, John. — Son of George and Elizabeth (McDonald); born Columbiana Co., O., April 13, 1829 ; W. T. S. '49-52 ; licensed '52, Presbytery of New Lisbon; ordained November, '52, Presbytery of Huntingdon ; pastor Will- iamsburg, Pa., '52-56 ; presbyterial missionary '56-57 ; pastor Spruce Creek and Sinking Valley '57-61, Belle View and Lincoln '61-69, Ottawa, Kan., '69-71, Muscogee, Ind. Ter., '75, Oswego, Kan., '80 — ; married June 15, '59, Elizabeth Wilson. Presbyterian minister, Oswego, Kan. Emory, William S.— Son of William and Margaret; born Fayette Co., Pa., March 9, 1818 ; licensed '44, English Lutheran Synod of Ohio ; ordained '66, English Lutheran Synod of Allegheny ; Water Street charge, Hunting- don Co., Pa., '44; West Newton, Pa., '48; Indiana, Pa., '58; Palmyra, Lebanon County, '62, Kintnersville, Bucks Co., '66 ; married June 25, '45, Martha Row; A. M., Jefferson College, '49. Lutheran minister, French- town, N. J. *Fletcher, Naaman. — From Sidney, O.; law student; practiced law ; died near Zanesville, O. Eraser, George. — Son of Daniel and Euphemia (Ogilvie); born near Wells- ville, O., April 27, 1823; teacher near Lexington, Ky., '49-51; principal of graded schools. New Lisbon, O., '52-53; Danville Theological Seminary, '53-56 ; licensed April 6, '56, Presbytery of Transylvania ; ordained June, '58, Presbytery of West Lexington ; pastor Newstead, Ky., '58-61, Two Ridges, O., '63-66, Kansas City, Mo., '66-69, Greenville, 111., '69-72 ; pro- fessor Washington and Jefferson College, '72-75 ; stated supply Second Church, Washington, Pa., Waynesburg, '75-81 ; teacher in college ; mis sionary Kentucky, '81-87; married April 7, '57, Frances H., daughter of John H. Thayer, also Jan. 4, '69, Mary, daughter of Z. P. W^ardell D.D., Washington and Jefferson College, '76. Presbyterian minister, Lake Charles, La. JEFFERSON COLLEGE. 155 *Gkier, John MASON.-Son of Rev. John W. and Jane (Laverty); bom Mor- gantown, Bucks Co., Pa., 1830 ; lav7 student with Theodore Cuyler Phila delphia; practiced law Palmyra, Mo., '56-63; editor Evening TelearapL Philadelphia, 'G3-66 ; married September, '56, Annie E. Xeill; died Phil- adelphia, July, '66c Lawyer. Gilchrist, John Pabker.-Soii of John and Juliet (Parker); born Butler(?), Pa., March 6, 1830 ; law student Butler, Pa.; admitted '53 ; business '53- • married Sept. 20, '55, Helen C, daughter of Dr. John Eoff. Residence,' Wheeling, W. Va. Hamilton, William R.— Son of George and Isabella (Wray); born St. Clair, Allegheny Co., Pa., Aug. 20, 1828; medical student with Dr. John Dick' son, Pittsburg, Pa., and Pennsylvania University, '54 ; practiced medicine Allegheny and Pittsburg '54— ; surgeon Pennsylvania Railroad, '63—; mar- ried Catherine, daughter of William Huntsman. Physician, Pittsburg, Pa. Hanna, Joseph A.— Son of Rev. Archibald and Mary (Ramage); born Mt. Eaton, O., Feb. 14, 1823 ; W. T. S. '49-52 ; licensed Septeiiber, '51, Pres- bytery of Wooster ; ordained February, '52, same presbytery ; home mis- sionaiy Oregon, Corvallis '52-56, Pleasant Grove '57-59, Brownsville '60, North Oregon '61-65, Ashland '66-67, Eugene Citj '67-69 ; agent '70-71 ; home missionary '71-77, Yaquimea Bay '78-80; missionary '81-83, Cos- mopolis '88; married Feb. 3, '52, Esther Bell, daughter of William McMil- lan, Pittsburg, Pa. Presbyterian ministr, Corvallis, Oregon. *Harris, Adam. — Son of George and Ann (Boyd); born Franklin Co., Pa., 1825; P. T. S. '47-50; pastor Fourth Church, Louisville, Ky., '52-53; stated supply Cane Run '53-54; unmarried; died Louisville, Ky., Sep- tember, '55. Presbyterian minister. *Hempstead, Samuel B. — Son of Dr. Giles S. B. and Elizabeth (Peebles); born Portsmouth, O., June 18, 1823; medical student with his father; United States Army ; steamboat transportation of troops ; iron manufac- turer; married March 12, '46, Mary Ann, daughter of Robert Hamilton ; died Hanging Rock, Dec. 12, '73. A. M., '49. Ingle, Christopher. —Son of Edward and Julia (Pechin); born Washington City, Sept. 24, 1829 ; law student Washington, D. C, '49-51, and Virginia University, '51 ; practiced law Washington, D. C, '51-61 ; Prof essor of Law, Georgetown College, D. C; married '62, Anne Hutton. Lawyer, Wash- ington, D. C. Jones, John Q. A.— Son of George W. and Mary (Dunn); born Wycomico Co., Md., March 8, 1828; teacher Snow Hill Academy, Maryland, '50-58 '> East New Market '52-54, Rockland, 111., '55; Elkton, Md., '56-58; law student with Hon. Isaac D. Jones '49-52 ; practiced law Baltimore, Anne Arundel and Howard Counties, Md., '58-; married July 12, '54, :Mary Armanda, daughter of Noah Dixon. Lawyer ; residence, Baltimore, Md. Keller, Isaac Newton.— Son of Jacob and Katharine; born ^larshall Co., Va., 1828; law student; did not practice; married December, '54, Julia Downs. Resides in Texas. 156 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF Laird, John Boal. — Son of Matthew and Elizabeth (Boal); born np^r Milton, Pa., Aug. 25, 1825; medical student with Dr. A. 1). Kelley, Jacksonville, Pa., '49-50, University Pennsylvania, College of Medicine, Philadelphia; practiced medicine Lock Haven, Pa., Milesburg, Houtzdale, Bellwood, Cleveland, O.; United States Array ; assistant surgeon 4th Regiment, Ohio Volunteers, '62-63 ; married May 3, '53, Jennie L., daughter of Samuel Wilson. Physician, Bellwood, Pa. Leiper, William D. — Son of Hugh and Esther (Harper); born Frankfort Springs, Pa., Feb. 13, 1826 ; teacher Memphis, Tenn., and at Tulip and Malvern, Ark., '49-79; member of Constitutional Convention. Arkansas, '74 ; editor Arkansas Meteor since '83 ; elder Presbyterian Church ; married Dec. 19, '65, PrisclUa J., daughter of John Macon. Teacher and editor, Malvern, Ark. *Leiper, John Anderson. — Son of Hugh and Esther (Harper i, born near Frankfort Springs, Pa., 1826 ; Associate Theological Seminary, Canons- burg, Pa.; licensed '51; called to Bovine, N. J.; infirm '51-55; died near Hookstown, Pa., Oct. 20, '55. Associate Presbyterian licontis,te. Linn, Alonzo. — Son of Dr. George and Elizabeth (Gibson); born Butler, Pa., Sept. 27, 1827; AV. T. S., '51-54; licensed May 3, '54, Presbytery of Redstone ; professor of Lafayette College, '54-57 ; Jefterson College, '57-65; Washington and Jefferson College, '6d — ; married Miss Martyn, also Nov. 29, '58, Rebecca Fulton; Ph. D., '69, Washington and Jefferson College; LL.D. Teacher, Washington, Pa. Logan, James W. — Son of Samuel and Jane ; born Washington County, Pa., March 2, 1826; law student, with Judge J. S. Black, Somerset, Pa., '49-51, editor, Massillon, O., '51, Muscatine, Iowa, Fort Dodge; Water- loo, till '72; clerk Iowa Legislature, '56-57, '75-76; member of House of Representatives, Iowa, '63-64 ; Deputy Collector Internal Revenue, '78-85; married May 25, '55, Abigail J., daughter, of Charles B. Cum- mins. Journalist, Waterloo, Iowa. '*Mathers, John Hutchinson. — Son of James and Jane (Hutchinson); born Mitflintown, Pa., Feb. 25, 1830; law student with James Matthews and Hon, A« Parker, Mifflintown, Pa.; practiced law Mitflintown, Pa., and Sidney, O., '52-75; married; died Sidney, O., April 29, '75. Lawyer- McKiNNEY, David. — Son of Abraham S. and Margaret (Reynolds); born Cum- berland County, Pa., Sept. 5, 1829; teacher Pennsylvania '49-53; lumber merchant Peoria, 111., '53-62; Secretary Insurance Co.; United States Army A. A. Quartermaster, '62-66; captain. Grain dealer, Peoria, 111. *McCullough, William. — Son of Alexander; born near Mercer, Pa., Oct. 15, 1824; W. T. S., '49-52; licensed Sept. 15, '52, Presbytery of Erie; ordained Sept. 7, '53, same presbytery; missionary. Lake Superior ; stated supply Fairview, Pa., Sturgeonville and Girard ; died near Mercer. Pa , Feb 1 '53. consumption. Presbyterian minister. JEFFERSON COLLEGE. 157 ^McGuFFiN, John Naff.— Son of Robert and Susan (Naff); born Newville, Pa.; law student with Judge L. L. McGuffin ; practiced New Castle; Democratie nominee for Congress, '58; married Anna L. Guerard, Sara- -mats, Ga., June 29, '59 ; died Feb. 23, '59, New Castle. A.M., Jefferson College, '49. ^McNay, John B.— Born Washington County, Pa , — ; Associate Seminary, Canonsburg; licensed June 20, '48, Presbytery of Chartiers; ordained by Associate Presbytery; pastor Crawfordsville, Iowa, Palestine, III.; died '79. United Presbyterian minister. MuNN, Charles Anderson.— Born Westmoreland County, Pa., Nor. 17, 1828 ; W. T. S., '50-52; licensed '52, Presbytery of Coshocton; ordained June 8, '54, Presbytery of Muncie ; pastor Muncie, Ind., three and one-half years, Frankfort three and one-half years ; chaplain 100th Regiment Indiana Volunteers; pastor Kendallville, Ind., '71; stated supply Big Rapids, Mich., '71-74; without charge; McComb, Miss., '88 — ; married October, '55, Annie McClean; Stated Clerk Presbytery. Presbyterian minister, McComb City, Miss. ♦Murray, Joseph. — Son of Samuel and Margaret (Potter); born Library, Allegheny County, Pa., April 6, 1828; teacher Salineville, O., '49-51; theological student in prospect ; unmarried ; died Library, Pa., Feb. 3, '53, consumption. Student. Nkwell, Huey.— Born Center County, Pa., March 24, 1811; W. T. S., '46; licensed April 5, '48, Presbytery of Clarion; ordained April, '49, same presbytery; stated supply Greenwood, Tylersburg and Tionesta, Pa., '49-53; Iowa, '53-57; Tidioute and Concord, Pa.; Waterloo, '59; teacher; H. R.; married Louisa J. Hovey. Presbyterian minister, Franklin, Pa. ♦Perkins, Chester H.— Born Madison County, O., 1822; theology privately; ordained '54, Presbytery of Marion; pastor Milford Centre, O., '54-57, Radnor '57-74, Delhi '72-74; died Delaware, O., Oct. 17, '74, heart disease. Presbyterian minister. FlATT, H. C— Son of Hon. William and Hannah (Brady); born La Grange, Lycoming County, Pa., March 24, 1824; teacher La Porte, Ind., '49-51 ; law student with Joseph Jernegan, Esq., South Bend, Ind., '50-52 ; practiced law Tipton, Iowa, '53-88; Recorder and Treasurer, Cedar County, Iowa ; County Treasurer '56-59 ; member Iowa Legislature '87-88; married Nov. 22, '52, Margaret Eason, daughter of John Eason, Lycoming County, Pa.; died Nov. 1, '88. Lawyer; residence Tipton, Iowa. Ray, Benjamin F.~Son of John and Margaret (Dowlin); born Greene County, Pa., Oct. 9, 1828; merchant in Galena, 111., '51-62; Chicago, '62-82; President of Frazer Lubricating Co., '82-; married Sept. 27, '55, Janet E. F., daughter of Hon. W. C Bostwick, also July 9, '74, Julia, daughter of Joseph Matteson. Merchant, Chicago, 111. *Redick, William Whitton.-Sou of Col. William and Mary ,^born Greens- burg Pa Dec. 23, 1826; Superintendent Public Schools. Pittsburg, Pa.,', unmarried; died Peoria, III., Aug. 19, '60; A.M., '56- Teacher. 158 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF Keid, Alexander McGandless. — Son of Henry and Jane (McCandless); born Beaver County, Pa., April 20, 1827 ; teacher ; W. T. S., '50-51 ; licensed April, '57, Presbytery of Steubenville ; ordained April 25, '60, same pres- bytery; stated supply Holiday's Cove, W. Va., '60-63 ; teacher Sewickley, '56-57 ; teacher and principal Steubenville Female Seminary, '57 — ; mar- ried Oct. 18, '56, Sarah, daughter of James Lambert ; Ph. D., '09, Wash- ington and Jefferson College; Trustee of Washington and Jefferson Col- lege ; Director of Western Theological Seminary. Presbyterian minister, Steubenville, O. ♦Bei:>, Samuel C. — Born Beaver County, Pa.; Associate Theological Seminary, Canonsburg; licensed Oct. 18, '53, Presbytery of Chartiers ; ordained Oct. 26, '56, Presbytery of Muskingum ; pastor Ridges and Clear Fork, O., '56-59, Cherry Run, ;Pa., '60-64, Centerville '65-67, Springfield '65-78, Hookstown and Tumlinson's Run '78 — , Beaver '87 ; died Beaver, Pa., Feb. 4, '87. United Presbyterian minister. Sample, Robert Fleming.— Son of John and Jane (Wilson); born Painted Post, N. Y., Oct. 19, 1828; W. T. S. '50-53 ; licensed June 8, '52, Presby- tery of Northumberland ; ordained Oct. 18, '53, Presbytery of Erie ; pastor Mercer I'^irst Church, Pennsylvania, '53-56, Bedford '56-66; stated supply St. Anthony, Minn., '66-68, Westminster, Minneapolis, '68-87; West Twenty-third Street Church, New York, '87—; published "Early Dawn," "Clouds After Rain," "Memoir of Thom ;" traveled in Egypt and the East; married March 31, '53, Nannie M., daughter of Henry Bracken; D.D. Presbyterian minister, New York. Sloan, George Marshall. — Son of George and Jessie (Robertson); born ' Hanover, O., May 20, 1830; law student with James Mason, New Lisbon, O.; practiced law New Lisbon, O., '51-64, Chicago, 111., '64 ; married Sept. 1, '59, Charlotte E., daughter of Woolsey S. Atkinson; publighed " Telephone of Labor." Lawyer, Chicago, 111. *Smith, Hiram N.— W. T. S. '50-51 ; died typhoid fever, Allegheny, Pa., at W. T. S., April 23, '51. Theological student. *Smith, Daniel Fitch.— Son of Walter and Mary A. (Crawford); born Ells- worth, O., Sept. 22, 1828; teacher Lawrenceville Academy, Center Co., Pa.; W. T. S. '50-51 ; died Ellsworth, O., May 22, '51, typhoid fever. Theological student. Snodgrass, J. M. Associate Theological Seminary, Canonsburg; licensed June 18, 1850, Presbytery of Chartiers; ordained October, '51, Presbytery of Miami; pastor Canonsburg, O., '51-56. Poplar Ridge '51-58, Spring Branch, Iowa, '58. *SWAN, Hugh —Born Ireland ; P. T. S. '49-50. Vincent, William Rea. —Son of Joseph S. and Sarah (Rea); born Canonsburg, Pa., May 25, 1825; licensed April 25, '52, Presbytery of Washington; ordained June 25, '53, Presbytery of St. Clairsville ; pastor Crab Apple, O., '53-66, Island Creek '66-75, Dell Roy and North Cumberland '75-83; stated supply Bethlehem and Minerva '84 — ; Superior, Neb., '88 ; married Oct. 25, '53, Eliza J., daughter of Walter Smith. Presbyterian minister, Superior, Neb. JEFFERSON COLLEGE. 159 *Walker, W. GiBSON.-Son of Moses and Jane (McGill); born Canonsburg Pa., 1828; teacher Owensboro, Ky., Nashville, Tenn., Atlanta, Ga., Rome! Ga., and other places; married ^55, Anne Powell ; died Rome. Ga Jan' 26, '88, typhoid fever. *WiLSON, Thomas Brown.— Son of Henry and Jane (Dill); born Washington Co., Pa., Nov. 22, 1822 ; W. T. S. '49-52 ; licensed April, '52, Presbytery of Ohio ; ordained '52, same presbytery ; pastor Sixth Church, Pittsburg, Pa., '52-55; Xenia, O., '55-58; married Margaret B , daughter of Jacob Sanders; died Canonsburg, Pa., Sept. 21, '58, typhoid fever. Presbyterian minister. ' WiTHEROW, Thomas Scott.—Sou of John and Jane (Ross); born near Eramittsburg, Md., Aug. 18, 1827 ; U. T. S., Virginia, '50-52; P. T. S. '52-53 ; licensed April 27, '53, Presbytery of New Brunswick ; ordained July, '55, Presbytery of Winchester; stated supply Hartwood, Va., '55; stated supply and pastor Washington '55-60 ; stated supply Mt. Horeb '61 ; missionary and agent Amherst, Albemarle and Nelson Counties '61-79; Bible agent Fluvana, Nelson and Albemarle Counties '79-85; preaching and teaching '85 — ; married Dec. 19, '60, Lavinia G. Jelt. Presbyterian minister, Faber's Mills, Va. *WoLF, Dr. John A. — Son of John A. and Jane (Orr); born Shippensburg, Jan. 15, 1829 ; medical student with Dr. Alex. Stewart, Shippensburg, and Jef- ferson Medical College, Philadelphia, graduating in '53 ; teacher Shippens- burg, Pa., '53-55 ; practiced medicine Mechanicsville, Ashland Co., O., '55-57; died Mechanicsville, O., Feb. 17, '57, pneumonia; unmarried. Physician. Woodrow, James F.— Son of Rev. Dr. Thomas and Marian (Williamson); born Carlisle, England, May 30, 1828; teacher Alabama '50-52; Professor Natural Science, Oglethorpe University, Georgia, '53-61 ; Columbia Semin- ary, South Carolina, '61-86; licensed Oct. 15, '59, Presbytery of Hopewell ; ordained April 8, '60, same presbytery; published ''Geology," ''Evolu- tion ;" married Aug. 4, '57, Felie S., daughter of Rev. John W. Baker ; Ph.D., '56, Heidelburg University ; M.D.; D.D., Harapden-Sidney College ; LL.D., Dover College, North Carolina. Presbyterian minister, Columbia, South Carolina. Woods, William G.— Born Jessamine Co., Ky.; medical student ; farmer near Nicholasville, Ky.; ruling elder Presbyterian Church; married Miss Stew- art. Residence, Nicholasville, Ky. 1850. Bankston, Newell Woodruff.-Sou of A. H. and Lucy; born Raymond, Mississippi, Sept. 30, 1830; planter, Hines Co., Miss.; Confederate States Army, '61-65 ; captain ; married '57, Nannie G. Ford, also '80, Harriet P. May. Planter, Edwards, Miss. 160 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF *Barbeb, Thomas Moorhead. — Son of Rev. D. M. and Sarah C. (Moorliead); born Fleraington, Clinton Co., Pa., July, 1880; law student with Pattou & Bakewell, Pittsburg, Pa., '50-53; practiced law Shelby, Moultrie Co., Ky., '53-54; District Attorney; unmarried; died Derry Township, Mon^ tour Co., Pa., November, '54, consumption. Lawyer. Barr, John Campbell. — Son of Samuel and Sibella (Bell); born Mifflin Co., Pa., Jan. 4, 1824; teacher; Lane Theological Seminary; licensed April 11, '53, Presbytery of Cincinnati; ordained Jan. 3, '56, Presbytery of Rock River; pastor Princeton, 111., '55-57, Maiden '57-64, Alexandria, Pa , '71-85 ; stated supply '85-87 ; pastor Monaghan '87 — ; married May 1, '55, Jane, daughter of John Hamilton, also May 24, '81, Eliza G., daughter o£ Nicholas Criswell. Presbyterian minister, Dillsburg, Pa. *Brown, Josiah Dixon. — Son of Elijah and Sarah; born Ohio County, W. Va., Feb. 20, 1826; law student; practiced law Austin, Texas, '52-55; unmarried ; died Austin, Texas, Jan. 9, '55 ; chronic dysentery. Lawyer. Brown, John Allen. - Son of John G. and Sarah R. (Patterson) ; born Westmoreland Co., Pa., Aug. 7, 1822; teacher Newville, Pa., East Liberty, Saltsburg, '50-55; licensed Oct. 4, '54, Presbytery of Blairsville; ordained June 3, '56, same presbytery ; pastor Ligonier and Donegal, Pa., '56-59; Unity, Fredericksburg, O., '60-65; West Liberty; and principal academy W. Va., '65-75; Allen Grove, Limestone and Wolf Run, '75-80; Arvilla, D. T., and other points, '80 — ; principal academy, '87 — ; married Oct. 14, '52, Amanda, daughter of Andrew Christy. Presbyterian minister, Arvilla, Dak. *Calahan, John. — Son of Gen. William S. and Mary (Brown); born Canons- burg, Pa., 1832; sheep farmer, Texas; Confederate States Army; died Gettysburg, Pa., July, '63. Farmer. Campbell, Samuel Lyon. — Son of Dr. Hugh and Rachel Lyon ; born Uniontown, Pa., March 11, 1829; teacher; W. T. S., '58—; licensed '64, Presbytery of Redstone; licentiate of Presbytery of Allegheny; unmar- ried ; infirm ; Warren Pennsylvania Asylum for the Insane. Campbell, William. — Son of August and Isabella (Mcintosh); born Colum- biana County, O., Aug. 24, '25; teacher '50-52; W. T. S., '52-55; licensed June, '55, Presbytery of New Lisbon ; ordained February, '58, Presbytery of Wooster; pastor Northfield, O., '55-65; stated supply Bed- ford, '55-65 ; pastor Manteno, 111., '66-70; home missionary, Beneventura, Cal., '70-71 ; Remington, Ind., '71-72 ; pastor Good^and, Ind., '72-79 ; stated supply Manteno, 111, 80-86; Manhattan, Ky., '87; Lincoln, '88; married Oct. 22, '62, Sarah J., daughter of Lyman Foster; Stated Clerk. Presbyterian minister, Lincoln, Kan. Chalfant, John W. — Son of Henry and Isabella C, born Allegheny County, Pa.; iron manufacturer, Pittsburg, Pa., 1851 — ; Board of Public Chari- ties ; Senator-elect, '89 ; married May 31, '60, Eleanor Q. McCrea. Manufacturer, Pittsburg, Pa. JEFFERSON COLLEGE. 161 ^Covert. Wii^liam H.-Son of James and Anna; born Butler County, Pa., Jan. 12, 181(5 ; student ; unmarried • died '52, near Wheeling, W. Va! Supposed to have been murdered. *DiCK, Robert Nelson.— Son of William and Isabella (Nelson); born Indiana (■ unty, Pa., August, 1825; Associate Reformed Theological Seminary, llegheny, '50-53 ; licensed April, '54; missionary; unmarried; died Mt! Ileasant, Pa., Sept. 15, '54, dysentery. United Presbyterian licentiate. *FiNLEY, Caleb Woodward.— Son of Ebenezer and Phoebe (Woodward); born Fayette County, Pa., Jan. 15, 1827 ; teacher '50-53 ; W. T. S.,' '53-55; licensed May, '55, Presbytery of Redstone; ordained September, '55, Presbytery of Columbus; pastor London, O., '55-77; married Sept. 14, '59, Maggie, daughter of Rev. Samuel M. Wilson ; also July 3, '62, Mary, daughter of Edward Cowling; died London, O., April 13, '77, nervous exhaustion. Presbyterian minister. ^Gallagher, James M.— Born Pittsburg, Pa., 1828 ; law student with Penny & Sterrett, Pittsburg, '51-53 ; practiced law Pittsburg, Pa., '53-65 ; mar- ried '64, Rose McNamee; died Pittsburg, Pa., February, '65. Lawyer. GooDWiLLiE, David Henderson.— Son of Rev. Dr. David and Frances (Hamill); born New Bedford, Pa., Oct. 25, 1827; Associate Theological Seminary, Canonsburg, '50-53; licensed September, '53; ordained Septem- ber, '55, Presbytery of Stamford; pastor Stamford, Canada, '55-61 ; Com- merce, Mich., '61-82; Fort Gratiot, '82 — ; married Aug. 31, '54, Catharine R., daughter of John Armstrong. United Presbyterian minister. Fort Gratiot, Mich. ♦GoRSUCH, James M. — Born Beaver County, Pa.; U. P. T. S., Allegheny, 1850-54 ; licensed April 20, '53, Presbytery of Monongahela ; pastor-elect Gavers, O.; married Mary Richmond ; died Allegheny, Pa., Feb. 29, '56. Licentiate United Presbyterian Church. Graff, Alexander Culbertson. — Son of Henry and Elizabeth ; born Pleasant Unity, Westmoreland County, Pa., Nov. 10, 1828 ; business ; Mayor of Frisco, Col.; ranching, Hayden, Col.; unmarried. Ranchman, Hay- den, Col. Green, William Farinfold.— Born Franklin County, N. C; law student; State Solicitor, Franklin County, N. C, 1852-56 ; Legislature North Caro- lina, '55-62; Slate Constitutional Convention '75; Confederate States Army, '61-65; major, '61-62; colonel, '62-65; Presidential Elector, '80. Lawyer, Franklinton, N. C. *Griffin, Thomas G.— Born Mississippi; law student; practiced law- Mississippi, Texas; itinerant resident, Gautemala, '67-; Confederate States Army, '61-65; colonel 18th Mississippi Volunteers; died Feb. 25, '87 at Puerto Cortes, Honduras, by drowning. 11 162 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF Hall, David. — Son of David and Margaret (Hindman); born Armstrong Co., Pa., Dec. 13, 1828; teacher '50-51 ; W. T. S. '51-54; licensed , Pres- bytery of Allegheny ; ordained Nov. 5, '56, same presbytery ; co-pas- tor First Church, Columbus,'55; pastor Brady's Bend and Union, Pa., '56-6(5; Mansfield, O., '66-74; Indiana, Pa., '74 — ; married Dec. 2, '56, Elizabeth, . Presbytery of Washington; ordained Aug. 25, '57, Presbytery of S-'^^^urg; pas cvr Warren and Pine Run, Pa., '57-64 ; married '56, I.zz.e, daughter of Will- iam White ; died Apollo, Pa., Aug. 1, '64. Presbyterian minister. 164 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF *MiNNis, David — Son of David and Eacbel (Berry); born Beaver Co., Pa.^ Sept. 7, 1831; medical student Pennsylvania University; practiced medi~ cine Beaver, Pa., '52-61 ; United States Army ; surgeon '61-62 ; married September, '61, Sarah, daughter of Hon. Daniel Agnew ; died Roanoke Island, N. C, Feb. 14, '62, in service. Physician. *MoRGAN', T. E. — Law student; practiced law Keokuk, Iowa; died Keokuk, Iowa. Okeson, William B. — Son of William and Jane (Black); born Tuscarora Val- ley, Juniata Co., Pa., Aug. 12, 1828 ; law student with Galloway & Page, Columbus, O., and H. I. Harris, Vicksburg, Miss., and John I. Guion, Cooper's Wells ; practiced law Springfield, Texas, '54-56, Dubuque, Iowa, '56-59; business Monroe Co., Mo., '59-62 ; practiced law Chicago, 111., — ?; United States Army ; 70th Regiment, Missouri; colonel ; attorney for an estate at Amsterdam, Holland, '67 ; married Dec. 8, '57, Margaret I. Hardy. Lawyer ; residence, 2821 Indiana Avenue, Chicago, 111. Orr, Franklin. — Son of Samuel C. and Margaret McC. (Sloan); born Clarion Co., Pa., Sept. 27, 1825; W. T. S. '50-53; licensed June, '52, Presbytery of Clarion ; ordained Nov. 3, '53, Presbytery of Blairsville ; pastor Bethel, Pa., '53-57, Currie's Run' 53-58, Tunnellton '57, Jacksonville '58-85 ; evan- gelist '85 — ; married March 20, '55, Margaret, daughter of George ( 'raig- head, also April 2, 57, Mrs. Martha M. Curtis, daughter of David Maclean. Presbyterian minister, Indiana, Pa. ^Patrick, W. W.— Son of William and Jane (Jamison); born Petersburg, Pa., April 19, 1827 ; law student; practiced law Pittsburg, Pa., '53-56 ; banker Pittsburg, Pa., '56—; married July, '59, Martha J., daughter of Samuel Elder. Banker; residence, Pittsburg, Pa. ♦Penny, Levi. — Son of James and Jane; born Allegheny Co., Pa., Feb. 13, 1822; teacher '50-51 ; died McKeesport, Pa., Aug. 21, '51. Pershing, Israel C— Son of Christian S. and Elizabeth (Long); born Youngs- town, Pa., Nov. 5, 1826 ; entered Pittsburg Conference of Methodist Epis- copal Church, '50; preached in various places '50-54; pastor Pittsburg, Pa., and Steubenville, O., '54-60 ; President Pittsburg Female College, '59-86 ; Secretary Pittsburg Conference of Methodist Episcopal Church, 55-77 ; Delegate to General Conference, Methodist Episcopal Church, '62-76 ; Delegate to International Sunday-school Convention ; Delegate to Robert Raikes Centennial, in London ; Delegate to Evangelical Alliance, New York, '73 ; married June 10, '51, Charlotte L., daughter of Major M. Canan ; D.D., '62, Jefferson College. Methodist Episcopal minister, Alle- gheny, Pa. PuRNELL, John R.— Son of William W. and Eleanor H. (Robins); born near Snow Hill, Md., May 5, 1832; teacher '50-54 ; farmer '54-60; merchant '60-62; law student; Maryland Legislature '70-76; married Feb. 1, '60, Emma C, daugh1?ei- of John C. Dirikson, also Nov. 24, '69, Margaret T., daughter of Kdward Stevenson. Residence, Berlin, Md. JEFFERSON COLLEGE. 165 licentiate '59-73 ; teacher public schools, Pittsburg, '59-65; Newell Insti- tute '65-88 ; unmarried. Teacher, Pittsburg, Pa. Campbell, J. H. — Born Black Lick, Indiana Co., Pa.; law student; practiced law Cambria Co., Pa., '56-61, Pittsburg '61—; oil business Venango Co., Pa.; married. Lumber; Toledo, O. *Carothers, Robert. - Son of Robert and Sarah (Shaw); born Turtle Creek, Allegheny Co., Pa., Oct. 18, 1831 ; W. T. S. '54-57 ; licensed April, '56, Presby tery of Blairsville ; ordained '57, same presbytery ; stated supply Millersburg, O., '58 ; pastor Tipton, Iowa, '60-66 ; Cross Roads, Pa., '66-77; principal Iowa College for Blind, '66-82; married June 17, '58, Emeline E., daughter of Robert Milligan ; died Vinton, Iowa, March 17, '82. Presbyterian minister. Clark, W. JEFFERSON COLLEGE. 185 Cunningham, David AvRES.-Son of Thomas and Mary (Ayres); born Wayne Co , O, Feb. 5, 1830 ; W. T. S. '54-57 ; licensed September, '5G, Presby- tery of Wooster ; ordained October, '57, Presbytery of Allegheny City • pastor Bridgewater, Pa., '57-64, Scott's Church, Philadelphia, '64-60,' Spring Garden Church '66-76, First Church, Wheeling, W. Va., '76—'; married Aug. 26, '58, Annie C. F., daughter of Rev. John C. Sinclair;' D.D., '73, Washington and Jefferson College. Presbyterian minister Wheeling, W. Va. ^Elder, Thomas R. -Son of John and Elizabeth McKee ; born Indiana Co., Pa., Nov. 13, 1833; W. T. S. '54-57; licensed O(?tober, 'dii, Presbytery of Blairsville; ordained evangelist April, '57, Presbytery of Saltsburg; home missionary Bayfield, Wis., '57 ; married May 21, '57, Mona J., daughterof Robert Elder, Eldersridge, Pa.; died Bayfield, Wis., Sept. 7, '57, dysentery. Presbyterian minister. Frazer, James iNGLife.— Son of William and Isabella (Ingles); born near Hookstown, Pa., Sept. 1, 1836 ; teacher Xenia, O., '56 ; Associate Seminary, Canonsburg and Xenia, '54-58 ; licensed Oct. 19, '58, United Presbytery of Chartiers; ordained April 25, '61, Presbytery of Indiana ; pastor Melroy, Ind., '61-65 ; Superintendent Freedmen's Mission and Vicksburg, Miss., '66-69 ; pastor Beaver Falls, Pa., '71 — ; married March 30, '69, Lucilla E. Smith, Monmouth, III. United Presbyterian minister, Beaver Falls, Pa. Geddes, Williamson Nevin.— Son of Dr. John P. and Catharine I. (Maclay); born Newville, Pa., Dec. 28, 1836; teacher Virginia, Maryland and New Jersey '54-58 ; P. T. S. '58-61 ; stated supply Kanawha, W. Va., one year . ordained May 5, '71, Presbytery of Carlisle; pastor Waynesboro, Pa., '71 ; Professor of Latin and Mathematics, Hanover College, Ind., '72-76 ; unmar- ried. Teacher, Williamsport, Pa. ~*Gillett, Noah Hallock. — Son of Rev. Noah Hallock ; born W^estmoreland Co., Pa., Sept. 10, 1837 ; Secretary Lindell Hotel Company, St. Louis, Mo.; United States Army '64-65, Company G, 3d Iowa Volunteers ; Deputy Clerk Probate Clerk, St. Louis ; married Feb. 16, '69, Arabella Rhodes ; died March 18, '74, nervous prostration. Graham, Walter M. -Son of Rev. John B. and Sarah (Gilkey); born Butler, Pa., Oct. 25, 1831 ; law student ; practiced law Sutler, Pa., '55—; married Sept. 1, '54, Catharine Keller, also Dec. 5, '68, Margaret A. Zimmerman. Lawyer, Butler, Pa. ♦Graham, Robert St. Clair.— Son of Robert and Ellen (Douglas); born Ligo- nier, Pa., Dec. 25, 1836 ; law student with Colonel Covode, Greensburg, Pa.; practiced law Atchison, Kan., '60-81 ; Judge Second District, Kansas, '66-69; married Dec. 4, 'Q6, Jane Eliza Grimes; died Atchison, Kan., March 15, '81. Lawyer. *Henry, Addison. -Son of James and Sarah; born —; Associate Reformed Theological Seminary, Allegheny ; licensed 1857, Associate Reformed Pres- bytery of Marion ; ordained Nov. 3, '58, Presbytery of Albany ; paslor West Charlton, N. Y., '58-63 ; married Barbara J., daughter of Robert Orr ; died Dec. 6, '63, abscess. United Presbyterian minister. 186 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF Hebriott, William Brice. — Son of John and Rebecca (Brice); born Herriotts- ville, Pa., Jan. 25, 1834 ; law student '55-57 ; practiced law Pittsburg, Pa., Chicago, 111., '57-61 ; United States Army, Quartermaster's Department, '61-65; editor Bedwood Gazette, '73-80; Receiver, United States Land Office, '80 ; married Dec. 25, '60, Margaret C, daughter of Dr. G. S» Hays. Lawyer, Redwood Falls, Minn. *Jamieson, Campbell T. — Son of Rev. J. M. & Rebecca A. (Townsend); born Raj Mahal, India, Aug. 2, '36 ; teacher Pass Christian, La., '54-57 ; book- keeper New Orleans, '57-58; unmarried; died New Orleans, La., Oct. 4„ '58, yellow fever. *Jeffery, William A. — Born Allegheny Co., Pa., May 15, 1830 ; teacher '54-58 ; W. T. S. '58-61 ; licensed '60, Presbytery of Ohio ; stated supply Unity, Pa., '60-61 ; died Clinton, Pa., Feb. 6, '64. Presbyterian minister. Johnson, William F. — Son of Dr. William and Elizabeth (Orr); born Cadiz,. O., March 16, 1838 ; W. T. S. '57-60 ; licensed and ordained '60, Presby- tery of Steubenville ; foreign missionary to India, Futteguhr, Ind., '60-85,. United States '85 - ; President and professor Biddle University, Charlotte, N. C, '86—; married June 5, '60, Rachel Lillie Kerr; D.D. Presbyterian minister, Charlotte, N. C. Kennedy, John Porter. — Son of John and Ann (Porter); born Westmoreland Co., Pa., Oct. 25, 1825 ; W. T. S. '54-57 ; licensed April, '56, Presbytery of Blairsville ; ordained July, '58, Presbytery of Saltsburg ; pastor Cherry Tree, Pa., '58-68, Pine Grove '68-70; stated supply Bethesda '60-68; Par- nassus '69-76, Armagh '76-81 ; evangelistic work '81 — ; married Jan. 1, '62, Mary J., daughter of Jacob McCartney. Presbyterian minister, Par- nassus, Pa. *Kennedy, Thomas Ruston. — Son of Samuel R. and Eliza M. L. (Kennedy); born Meadville, Pa., May 17, 1834 ; law student ; practiced law Meadville, '57-81 ; United States Army ; died Meadville, Pa., Jan. 5, '81. Lawyer* ^Kerr, Thomas — W. T. S. 1854-56 ; died Allegheny, Pa., Feb. 27, 1856. Theological student. Kyle, John T. — Son of Moses and Sarah (Watson); born Juniata Co., Pa., April 11, 1833; law student, Easton, Pa.; practiced law Princeton, 111., '57 — ; married April 21, '57, Mary E., daughter of James Herron. Lawyer, Princeton, 111. Lennox, David.— From Londonderry, Ireland; returned to Ireland. *LoGAN, David Swift. — Son of Joshua and Sabina (Swift); born Pittsburg, Pa., Dec. 4, 1834 ; teacher ; W. T. S. '57-59 ; licensed '58, Presbytery of Allegheny; ordained '59, Presbytery of Coshocton;' pastor New Philadel- phia and Uhrichsville, O., '59-62, Tiffin '62-64 ; married February, '60, Lizzie, daughter of John Spear; died Rochester, Pa., Sept. 16, '64. Pres- byterian minister. JEFFERSON COLLEGE. IgJ *LowMAN, ABRAHAM.-Son of George S. and Rosana (McClain); born Kent, Indiana Co., Pa., Jan. 28, 1835 ; U. P. T. S. '54-58 ; licensed April 15, '57 \ pastor-elect Brookville, Pa.; died Brookville, Pa., Nov. 27, '58. Licentiate United Presbyterian Church. McCuLLOCH, John Scouller.— Son of William and Jane C. (McKee); born Big Spring, Pa., Sept. 5, 1829; teacher. Associate Reformed Theological Seminary, Allegheny, '54-58 ; licensed April 9, '57, Associate Reformed Presbytery of Big Spring; ordained Aug. 23, '57, Presbytery of Blooming- ton; pastor Peoria, 111., '57-64; United States Army, chaplain 77th Regi- ment Illinois Volunteers '64-65 ; pastor Harlen?, N. Y., '65-77; President of Knoxville College '77~; married March 24, '59, Mary C, daughter of James Fulton ; D.D., '79, Monmouth College. United Presbyterian minis- ter, Knoxville, Tcnn. McFeatters, Matthew.— Son of James S. and Rebecca (Cresswell); born Indiana Co., Pa., Jan. 30, 1834; teacher Kentucky ; Danville Theological Seminary '55-58 ; licensed April, '57, Presbytery of West Lexington ; ordained '69, Presbytery of Western Texas ; pastor Texana, Texas, '62, Lockhart '62-65 ; missionary in Tennessee '65-73, Quenemo, Kan., '73-83, Navasota, Tex., '83-86, Ottawa, Kan., '86, Edgerton, Kan., '88; married March 5, '62, M. A., daughter of Rev. James Wallace. Presbyterian min- ister, Edgerton, Kan. *McKee, Wilken Morrow. — Son of James and Ann ; born Indiana Co., Pa., Oct. 23, 1831 ; teacher Black Hawk, Miss., Urbana, O., Bellefontaine till 'Q6 ; married Oct. 19, '54, Martha M. Huston ; died Bellefontaine, O., Dec. 9, '66, consumption. Teacher. *MiTCHELL, William Luther.— Son of William and Eleanor ; born Maury Co., Tennessee, July 11, 1828; P. T. S. '57-60 ; licensed '57, Presbytery of Lafayette ; ordained '59, Presbytery of Hillsboro ; pastor Hillsboro, III., '59-64 ; married May 4, '58, Mary B. Muchmore ; died Hillsboro, 111., Feb. 23, '64, measles. Presbyterian minister. Moore, Alexander Morgan.— Son of Alexander and Nancy; born York District, S. C, July 5, 1828 ; teacher Military Academy, Somerville, Tenn., '55-61 ; Somerville Female Institute, '65 ; principal Byhalia, Waverly Institute, Miss., '80 ; Confederate States Army '61-65, lieutenant 6th Tennessee Infantry; married Jan. 14, '68, Julia Williams. Teacher, Byhalia, Miss. Myers, Benjamin Franklin.— Son of Benjamin and Mary (Carothers^; born near Carlisle, Pa., Jan. 28, 1833 ; teacher '54-56 ; W. T. S. '56-59 ; licensed January, '59, Presbytery of Allegheny ; ordained '59, Presbytery of Red- stone; pastor Somerset, Pa., '59-60; stated supply Chestnut Grove, Md., '61-70, Bethel '64-71, Quarries and Mt. Paran '71, Snow Hill, Md., '72-77, New London, Pa., '77-79, Darby '79-82, Slatington '82-83 ; teacher '83^84 ; evangelist '85-87; Moundsville, W. Va., '87-; married Dec. 26, '61, Vir- ginia Bull. Presbyterian minister, Moundsville, W. Va. 188 ' GENERAL CATALOGUE OF Negley, Jacob Boyd. — Son of George G. and Eleanor (Boyd); born East Liberty (Pittsburg), Pa., Sept. 30, 1833; railroad service, Iowa, '54-65; banker, Muscatine, Iowa, '65-73, Pittsburg '73 — ; married June 23, '73, Cynthia Newell, daughter of Joel Trull. Banker, Pittsburg, Pa. Nevin, Joseph C. — Son of George and Mary (Morrison); born Washington Co., Pa., Jan. 6, 1835 ; tutor Jefferson College '54-55, Associate Reformed Theological Seminary, Allegheny, '56-59; teacher Mississippi '59-60; licensed Dec. 28, '58, Presbytery of Monongahela ; ordained Sept. 30, '59 ; foreign missionary to China, Canton, China, '59-77 ; Chinese mission at Los Angeles, Cal., '77 — ; married Nov. 1, '59, Amanda S., daughter of James Beggs, also July 27, '71, Mary C, daughter of George McCague United Presbyterian minister, Los Angeles, Cal. OsBORN, Benson J. — Son of Jonathan and Hannah ; born Oxford, N. C, Jan. 3, 1835; law student Tyler and Kaufman, Texas; practiced law Kaufman, Texas, '57 — ; Confederate States Army '62-63, brigade commander ; Mayor of Kaufman, Texas ; married Dec. 1, '58, Zelona Ayers, also April 13, '64, Isadora Ayers ; published ''Thirty Years in Texas." Lawyer, Kaufman, Texas. ♦Patterson, Henry W.— Son of Alfred and Caroline (Whitely); born Union- town, Pa., 1836 ; law student Uniontown ; practiced law Uniontown, Pa., '57-61 (?); United States Army '61-66, lieutenant; Pittsburg Steel Works '66-82; married Louisa Dawson, also Anna Hamilton ; died Pittsburg, Pa., May 30, 1882. Business. Pershing, Emanuel John. — Son of Christopher S. and Elizabeth (Long); born Johnstown, Pa., 1831 ; merchant and associate editor of The Echo, Johnstown, Pa., '53-54; editor and founder of daily and weekly Rock Islander '54-60 ; law student Rock Island ; practiced law — till '60 ; married January, '59, Susan J., daughter of Miles W. Conway, Rock Island, 111.; died suddenly, Philadelphia, Pa., July 22, '60; A.B., '54, Jefferson Col- lege. Peterson, Robert Henry. —Son of Elias and Margaret (McCall); born West- moreland Co., Pa., Feb. 22, 1831 ; merchant New London, Iowa, '70 — ; married April 11, '58, Sarah Elizabeth Shelledy. Merchant, New London, Iowa. PiNKERTON, John Alexander. — Son of James and Anne (Byers); born near Pulaski, Pa., Jan. 10, 1826 ; W. T. S. '54-57 ; licensed June, '56, Presby- tery of Beaver ; ordained '57, Presbytery of Sangamon ; pastor Petersburg, 111., '57-70, Chillicothe, Mo., '70-79, Beloit, Kan , '79(?)— , Pueblo, Col., '88 ; married Dec. 6, '64, Mary M., daughter of John Bennett; D.D., '81, Blackburn University, also Stated Clerk Presbytery. Presbyterian minister, Pueblo, Col. Playford, William Henry. — Son of Dr. Robert William and Margaret Ann (Shaw); born Brownsville, Pa., Aug. 31, 1833; law student with Judge Ewing, Uniontown; practiced law Uniontown, Pa., '56—; Pennsylvania Legislature ; editor ; married October, '61, Ellen C. Krepps. Lawyer, Uniontown, Pa. JEFFERSON COLLEGE. 189 ♦Polk, John W.— Son of William T. G. and Elizabeth G. (Woolford) ; bom Princess Anne, Md., Jan. 24, 1834; law student; practiced law Princess Anne, Md.; Confederate States Army; lieutenant, 1st Maryland Infantry; merchant Princess Anne '65-69; unmarried; died Princess Anne, Md.[ April 23, '69. sawyer, merchant. Pretlow, William H.— From Southampton Co., Va. Lawyer; can not be heard from. KoBEKTS, Thomas E.— Son of John E. and Mary (Hughes); born Ebensburg, Pa., Jan. 21, 1828 ; Andover Theological Seminary ; licensed January, '57, South Middleton Association ; ordained May, '4j1, Council Congregational Church; pastor Oskaloosa, Iowa, Troy, N. H., Swanzey '61-73; business '73—; Christian Commission, Army ; married Oct. 6, '58, Mary R. Goodell, also Mrs. C. S. Berlew. Eesidence, Trenton, N. J. RouDEBUSH, George Shotwell.— Son of Daniel and Ruth (Shotwell) ; born Goshen, Clermont Co., O., April 26, 1828; W- T. S., '56-57; licensed August, '60, Presbytery of Mississippi ; ordained November, '62, same presbytery ; pastor Woodville, Miss., '61-64; stated supply Adams County, '64-66 ; teacher ; Superintendent Natchez Academy, two years ; Institute four years; President Oakland College, Mississippi, two years ; professor Agricultural and Mechanical College, Mississippi, '80-83 ; Academy, Jack- son, Mississippi, '83-87; Colored Academy, Madison, Miss., '87 — ; married Dec. 24, '56, Margaret Moore; D.D., '80, Mississippi University. Presby- terian minister and teacher, Madison Station, Mibs. *Smith, Walter B.— Son of Rev. Dr. William and Maria (Buchanan); born Canonsburg, Pa., Jan. 8, 1838; clerk; United Slates Army '61-62 ; first sergeant, Company B, 85th Pennsylvania Volunteers ; died Douglas Hospital, Washington, D. C, May 21, '62, camp fever. SNODGRA.SS, J. C— Sou of John and Anna (Mason); born Westmoreland Co., Pa., May 6, 1832; law student with E. Canon; practiced law Greens- burg, '57-58; United States Army; 2d Cavaliy; lieutenant '61— ; Deputy United States Revenue Collector, '63-72; Department Registration and Records '75-79 ; Greensburg, Pa ; married '58, Mary Q. Goodlin. Resi- dence, Greensburg, Pa. Stevenson, J. M.— Born ; medical student; practiced medicine Pittsburg, East End, Pa.; unmarried. Stewart, Calvin Welford.— Son of William and Mary (Cross); born Lower Chanceford, York Co., Pa., July 4, 1830; teacher '54-55 ; P. T. S. '55-58; licensed May 17, '57, Presbytery of Donegal; ordained June 24, '58, same presbytery ; pastor Union Church, Colerain, Pa., '58-; Moderator Synod of Pennsylvania; married Dec. 1, '59, Sarah E., daughter of Thomas Craw- ford ; D.D., Washington and Jefferson College. Presbyterian minister, Colerain, Pa. *Stewart, Archibald Allison.— Son of Samuel and Susannah (Cummings); born Indiana Co., Pa. ; law student with Hon. H. D. Foster, 1854-56 ; prac- ticed law Greensburg, Pa., '56-81 ; died Greensburg, Pa., July 3, '81, apoplexy. Lawyer. 190 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF Swift, Edward Payson. — Son of Rev. Dr. E. P. and Eliza D. (Beach); born Pittsburg, Pa., Dec. 2, 1834; W. T. S. '57-60; licensed April 20, 'CO, Presbytery of Allegheny City ; ceased preaching ; near Pittsburg, Pa. Teitsworth, William Perseng. — Son of Isaac and Catharine (Perseng); born Northumberland Co., Pa., July 11, 1829; teacher; P. T. S. '55-58; licensed '59, Presbytery of Northumberland; missionary '59-60; ordained '60, Presbytery of Genesee ; stated supply Allegheny, N. Y., '60-63, Ark- port '63-64, Gillespie and Staunton, 111 , '65-67, Lebanon '67-69 ; teacher '69-73, Longmont, Col., '73-75, Fairplay, Rosita, Silver Cliff '79—; Hardy, Neb., '86 — , Irving, Kan., '86; married Sept. 12, '65, Isabella S. Parr; Christian Commission. Presbyterian minister. Hardy, Neb. Van Meter, John M. — Son of John Inskeep and Elizabeth ; born Piketon, ().; law student ; practiced law Chillicothe, O., — ; Member of Congress 1843- 45; Judge Court of Common Pleas, Ross Co., O, '76 — ; married Eliza Sesson, also Susan 1 . Cunningham. Lawyer, Chillicothe, O. Wai.kinshaw, James Daugherty. — Born Saltsburg, Pa., Feb. 14, 1832; Associate Reformed Theological Seminary, Allegheny; licensed Oct. 27, '58, Presbytery of Westmoreland ; ordained June 20, '60, same presbytery; pastor Beulah and Union, Pa., '00-65, West Newton and Sewickley '65-69 ; Presbyterian Church '69, Martin^burg, O., '69-73, Upper Buffalo, Pa., '73-83, W^ellsburg, W. Va., '83-86, Millersburg, O., '86—. Presbyterian minister ; residence, Millersburg, O. Young, John Hugh. Son of William and Fanny; born Pittsburg, Pa., Feb. 5, 1834 ; Associate Reformed Theological Seminary, Allegheny, '54-56, Edenburg, '56-57 ; licensed December, '57, Presbytery of Monongahela ; ordained .July 13, '59, Presbytery of Des Moines ; pastor United Presbyte- rian Church, Des Moines, '58-63; pastor Presbyterian Church, Ironton, O., '64-72 ; Congregational Church, '72-83 ; without charge '83—; married April 17, '60, Mary H., daughter of R. W. Clerk. Congregational minister ; residence, Pittsburg, East End. 1855. Anderson, A. R. — Son of John and Ann (White); born near Canonsburg, Pa., Feb. 3, 1832 ; Associate Reformed Seminary, Xenia, '55-58 ; licensed June, '58; ordained April 17, '60, Presbytery of Chartiers; pastor Venice, Pa., '60 — ; married Oct. 11, '60, Jennie N., daughter of John Shaw. United Presbyterian minister, Venice, Pa. Anderson, Thomas Coulter. — Son of Thomas and Elizabeth (Coulter); born Butler Co., Pa., Aug. 5, 1826 ; teacher; P. T. S. '56-59 ; licensed ; ordained May 9, '62, Presbytery of Lewes; pastor Rehoboth, Md., '62-64, Slate Lick, Pa., '65-68, Huntingdon Valley '69-79 ; evangelist '79-81 ; stated supply Harmonsburg and Evansburg, Pa , '81-83 ; Glasgow, Del., '83 — ; married Oct. 14, '69, Lydia F. Baker. Presbyterian minister, Glasgow, Delaware. JEFFERSON COLLEGE. igj Bakk, J. Calvin.— Son of John and Mary (Cannon); born Washington Co., Pa. Nov. 11, 1823; W. T. S., '55-58 ; licensed Feb. 8, '57, Pretbytery of Ohio- ordained April, '58, same presbytery; evangelist West Virginia, '58-59; pastor Levvisburg '59-G9, Charleston '69—; married May 10, '59, Maria B.] daughter of Rev. Jos. Smith; D.D., 87, Center University, Kentucky! Presbyterian minister, Charleston, W. Va. Bark, William Wilson.— Son of William and Mary (Boyd); born Washing, ton Co., Pa., Sept. 11, 1832 ; A. T. S., Xenia, '55-58; licensed June 15, '58, Presbytery of Chartiers ; ordained Sept. 26, '59, Associate Presbytery of Philadelphia; pastor Shippin Street Associate Pffisbyterian Church, Phila- delphia, now Eighth United Presbyterian '59-; published "Through Pal- estine with Open Bible," 'Christian Beneficence," "The Psalms and their Use, "How to Keep the Sabbath," etc.; editor Evangelical Repository '60-79, Christian Instructor '82—; married June 13, '66, Christina D., daughter of David Barr ; D.D., 74, Westminster College. United Presbyterian minister, Philadelphia, Pa. Barron, David Henry.— Son of John and Jane (Ferguson); born Center Co., Pa , Aug. 29, 1828; W. T. S. '55-58; licensed April, '57, Presbytery of Allegheny ; ordained May, '58, Presbytery of Redstone; pastor Mt. Pleasant, Pa., '5S-61, Holidaysburg' 61 — ; married September, '58, Mary J., daughter of James McCuUough ; D.D., Washington and Jefferson College. Presby- terian minister, Holidaysburg, Pa. Bast, John H. — United States Army ; National Military Home, Leavenworth, Kansas. Carrothers, John A. — Son of John and Nancy (Aten); born Guernsey Co., O., Feb. 1, 1831 ; teacher; theology private", licensed April, '60, Presbytery of Des Moines; ordained evangelist April, '61, same presbytery; preached in Iowa '60—?; now Fresno City, Cal., '86—; married Oct. 11, '55, Mar- garet S., daughter of Jeremiah Brown, Martinsburg, O. Presbyterian minister, Fresno, Cal. Chapman, John S.— Son of Dr. Chapman ; law student, Cumberland Univers- ity, Tennessee; practiced law Alexandria, Va.; Confederate States Army, '61-65; married; died '83. €0NDiT, Ira Miller.— Son of John and Mary (Zahuiser); born Georgetown, Pa., Jan. 14, 1823; teacher Rockville, Ind., '55-56; W. T. S. '56-59; licensed April 14, '58, Presbytery of Erie ; or.dained Sept. 24, '59, same presbytery ; foreign missionary China, Canton, China, '60-65 ; stated supply Girard, Pa., '67-70; Chinese Mission, California, '60; published geog- raphy in Chinese, English and Chinese reader and dictionary, "Come to Jesus," ''Gospel Illustrations," "Gospel Words," "Jesus Words, ' "Idolatry," all in Chinese ; married March 6, '60, Laura E. Carpenter, Oberlin, O., also April 2, '72, Sa.nantha D. Knox, Sacramento, Cal. Pres- byterian minister, Los Angeles, Cal. 192 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF Elder, James S. — Son of David and Julia A. (Sherer); born Elder's Ridge^ Pa., May 30, 1829; VV. T. S. '55-58; licensed Jan. 7, '58, Presbytery of Saltsburg ; ordained Sept. 6, '59, Presbytery of Clarion ; pastor Greenville, Pa., and Bethlehem; former '59-68, latter '59-60; Rehoboth '68-81; Clarion '68 — ; Europe '82; married Dec. 22, '58, Nannie C, daughter of John Barnett. Presbyterian minister, Clarion, Pa. Elder, T. B. — Son of James and Margaret (Barnett); born Elder's Ridge, Pa., March 17, 1835 ; teacher and farmer Elder's Ridge, Pa., '55-58 ; teacher E. R. Academy about twenty years; for several years assistant principal, then principal ; ruling elder ; married Dec. 22, '58, Mary, daughter ol John Barnett. Teacher and farmer. Elder's Ridge, Pa. EwiNO, James Alexander. — Son of William and Margaret (Elder); born Indiana Co., Pa., Jan. 30, 1828 ; W. T. S. '55-58 ; licensed January, '58, Presbytery of Saltsburg ; ordained Dececmber, '58, Presbytery of Clarion ; teacher and stated supply Pennsylvania, West Virginia and Ohio ; stated supply West Carlisle and Warsaw, O.; married Oct. 28, '58, Martha Burt. Presbyterian minister. West Carlisle, O. Foresman, C. S.— Son of George and Nancy ; born Circleville, O., Aug- 26, 1832 ; farmer ; married Feb. 26, '74, Jean Thompson. Farmer, Rushville, Fairfield Co., O. ■^Fredericks, James Turner. — Son of William and Rachel (Turner); born Morris Co., N. J., Feb. 22, 1827; W. T. S. '55-58; licensed June, '57, Presbytery of Richland ; ordained Oct. 26, '58, Presbytery of Washington ; pastor Burgettstown, Pa., '58-86 ; married March 15, '59, Mary, daughter of Robert Patterson ; died Burgettstown, Pa., July 21, '86. Presbyterian minister Graham, George. — Son of Henry and Martha (Stevenson); born Mt. Vernon, O., Dec. 13, 1826; teacher; W. T. S. '55-58; licensed June, '57, Presby- tery of Richland; ordained '58, Presbytery of Marion; pastor Bucyrus, ()., '58-61; stated supply Clerksville, Iowa, '64-77; teacher; agent American Bible Society, '83-84 ; married Nov. 10, '57, Almira E., daughter of Lem- uel Rose. Presbyterian minister, Clerksville, Iowa. Hamilton, Jessk Wells. — Son of -John and Nancy (Wells); born Carroll Co., O., Jan. 5, 1827 ; W. T. S. '55-58 ; licensed April 15, '57, Presbytery of Steubenville ; ordained '60, same presbytery ; teacher '62-65 ; stated supply Waterford and Belleville, O., '60-62 ; pastor Lower Ten ^lile, Pa., '65-70 ; teacher Butler, Pa., '73-75; stated supply Sharpsville '72-75, Mingo, O., '75-80, East Springfield and Bacon Ridge '82 - ; married May 10, '60, Sarah A., daughter of Joseph Chaddock. Presbyterian minister. East Springfield, O. Hanna, Daniel W. — Son of Thompson and Catherine W.; born Steubenville, O., Sept. 20, 1836; developed patent, vulcanized fibre; teacher Michigan and California, '55-82 ; licensed '82; ordained evangelist October, '82, Pres- bytery of Benicia; ruling elder Steubenville, Wilmington, Del.; President, Los Angeles, Cal.; married April 17, ?, Margaret E., daughter of John Lippincott, Los Angeles, Cal. JEFFERSON COLLEGE. jC,^ Hickman, S. M.-Born Columbiana Co, O, April 10 IRo- . , u T.^ • sippi, -oo-SO ; licensed Methodist Episco;arChuroh' ordli^^r ""." supply Beave., Pa., Springfield, fcosLctontditCp;^,;;:^ Mass-lbn, Pittsbu,., Pa., Monongahela City , Residing dderMC^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Talle, O.. ma,.,.ed -58, Kate Arthur; D.D. Methodist'Episc;p;nn"Xe:: HOLLOWAY, ALPHEUS HABDMAN.-Son of Isaiah and Catharine (Hardman) • born Cou.„b.ana Co. O., Feb. 5, 1835; Danville Theological SemZy 60-08; hcensed May 2. '57, Presbytery o£ Transylvania; ofdained May Y. 09 Presbytery of Louisiana; stated supply Sabi», Minn., '87; published Beauty o the K.ng," " Life for a Look, " -Do You R^ad the'Bible?' Do iou Love the Sanctuary ?'■ " Christian Commission," "Good Words for Sunday School leachers," "Teachers' Meetings;" married iug 12 '67 Florence H., daughter of G. W. McCully. Presbyterian minister', Sabin; Minn. ♦Hutchison, William—Sod of William and Eliza; born Washington, Pa. Sept. 22, 1831 ; teacher Ohio ; principal High School, Natchez, Miss., many years, also higher mathematics in Ladies' Seminary, same city ; organized Pemberton Academy '69, and taught till '75 ; journalist, mm de plume ''John Sands," New York Express and 5wn ; Superintendent Public Schools, Burlington Co., N. J.; married January, '51, Eliza Lohra Macmichael ; died Harrison, N. J., Feb. 24, '89. Teacher and journalist. Irwin, John Chandler.— Son of Dr. Joseph M. and Eliza M.; born Morgan Co., O., Jan. 24, 1831 ; W. T. S. '55-58;. licensed '57, Presbytery of Rich- land; ordained '61, Presbytery of Logansport ; pastor Logansport, Ind., '61-67, Greensburg '67-72, Chattanooga, Tenn., '75-78, Wilkinsburg '78-84, Albert Lea, Minn., '84-; married Sept. 2, '58, Jennie E. Burgett ; D.D. Presbyterian minister, Albert Lea, Minn. I Jackson, Richard H.— Son of John M. and Sarah (Sterling); born West- moreland Co., Pa., Jan. 24, 1829 ; teacher Missouri and Illinois; W. T. S. '57-60 ; licensed Jan. 4, '60, Presbytery of Blairsville ; ordained Dec. 6, '61, Presbytery of Ft. Wayne ; slated supply New Lancaster and Bluffton, Ind., '60-65 ; Indiana and Ohio ; principal of Lebanon Academy, Ind., '65-67; stated supply Gatysburg and Covington '67-68; principal Bloom- ingburg Academy, O., '68-70; Superintendent of Schools, Atchison, Kan., '70-76 : Appleton and Westfield, Mo., '77-82 ; Westfield, '87 ; married Dec. 27, '60, Mary S. Kerr. Presbyterian minister and teacher, Ohio, Mo. JuNKiN, Benjamin Oliver. — Son of Benjamin ; born Mercer Co., Pa., March 17, 1826; W. T. S. '55-58; licensed June, '57, Presbytery of Clarion; ordained '60, same presbytery; stated supply Sandy Lake, Salem and Mill- edgeville '59, Ridgeway and Elkton '60-61, Westminster, Buffalo, Union and Hicksville '65-69, Dexter, Iowa, '69-72 ; missionary in Pennsylvania. '72-75 ; pastor Concord, Pa., '76-80 ; Fairmount '76-83 ; evangelist, Los Angeles, Cal., '83—; married Dec. 15, 58, Jane Mary McClain. Presby- terian minister, teacher University of California, Lugonia, Cal. 194 GENERAL CATALOCiUE OF *Ke£ling, William Butler.— Born Pittsburg, Pa., May 4, 1828; W. T. S. '55-58; licensed April, '57, Presbytery of Ohio; ordained '58; pastor Mt. Prospect, Pa., '58-63 ; stated supply Coon Meadow and Reading, 111., '63-75, Wenona '75-78 ; married Aug. 15, '54, Mary L. Henderson; died Wenona, 111., April 29, '78. Presbyterian minister. Kennedy, J. Moffitt. — Born Oxford, Chester Co., Pa., Sept. 19, 1833; teacher Hopewell Academy '56-57, Missouri '57 — ; law student; practiced law Pittsburg, Pa., '64 — ; married '68, Miss Miller. Lawyer, Pittsburg, Pa. Kerr, Andrew Wylie. — Son of Samuel and Jane (Nevin); born Washington Co., Pa.; teacher Mercer Co., Pa., '55-56, Amador Co., Cal., '56 — ; mar- ried '56, Nancy Cams. Teacher, Jackson, Cal. "^Kimple, Adam. — Born Center Co., Pa., Nov. 20, 1826; law student Iowa; practiced law Salem, Iowa, '61-62 ; United States Army, wounded battle of Atlanta, Georgia ; married '59, Sarah E. Hartzell ; died Marietta, Ga., hos- pital, '63, from wounds. Lawyer. Lapsley, David Nelson. — Said to be a physician from St. Francisville, Mo. Large, Samuel P. — Son of Samuel and Jane (Pollock); born Allegheny Co., Pa., March 30, 1835; lumber and coal merchant Elizabeth, Pa., '60-70, '73 — , Allegheny '70-73 ; Pennsylvania Legislature '74-76 • married Sept. 20, '62, Elizabeth P., daughter of Richard Breedon ; merchant, Elizabeth, Pa., '73-87 ; Denver, Col. "^McCartney, John Y. — Son of Jacob and Margaret (Shearer); born near Apollo, Pa., June 22, 1835 ; W. T. S. '55-58; licensed April, '57, Pres- bytery of Saltsburg ; ordained Oct. 5, '58, Presbytery of Ohio ; pastor Mt. Washington, Pa., '58-64, Twelfth Church, Baltimore, Md., '65 ; married Nov. 6, 60, Jennie, daughter of Hon. G. E. W^arner ; died Baltimore, Md , May 13, '65, dysentery. Presbyterian minister. ♦McGregor, William. — Born in Scotland ; went South ; teacher Pass Chris- tian, La., '55-57 High School, New Orleans, '57-61; Confederate States Army '61 — , killed by a cannon-ball, battle of Atlanta, Ga. McKiNLEY, John. — Son of James and Rebecca (Poe); born Beaver Co., April 20, 1835 ; medical student Cleveland Medical College '62-66 ; practiced medicine Lawrence Co., Pa.; business; married Mary L. ,Cole. Physician and druggist. New Castle, Pa. McKinney, a. Smith. — Son of Abraham S. and Margaret (Reynolds); born Cumberland Co., Pa., Oct. 12, 1834; teacher Louisiana '55-56; lumber, Ehuwood, Mo., '56-65; planter, Mississippi, '66-67; lumber, El Paso, 111., '68—; President National Bank, El Paso, 111., '83—; elder Presbyterian Church '74 — ; married '61, Adelaide F., daughter of B. Abbott. ■*McMaster, James. —Born Pittsburg, Pa., Aug. 23, 1833; medical student King & Reiter and Jefferson Medical College, '57 ; surgeon, United vSlates Navy, '57-73; married April, '69, Miss Kip; died Chelsea Hospital, Bos- ton, Mass., July 4, '73. Physician. JEFFERSON COLLEGE. I95 Moore, Robert Ralston.— Born Mercer Co., Pa., Aug. 16, 1830 ; W. T. 8 '-35-58; licensed '58, Presbytery of Beaver; ordained '59, Pre'sbytery of Richland; pastor Shelby, O., '59-64; stated supply Shelbyville, Tenn., and Harrodsburg, Ky., '64-69; pastor Wellsburg, W. Va., '69-73; Sixth Presbyterian Church, Pittsburg, Pa., '73-79, Newark, O., '79-83; pastor-elect Uhrichsville '83-85, and Coneautville, Pa., '85-; married Aug. 17, '65, Emma C. Dunlap. Presbyterian minister, Coneautville, Pa. MoouE, William Porter.— Son of John and Matilda (McAfee); born Taren- tum, Pa., June 27, 1830 ; W. T. S. '55-58; licensed October, '57, Presby- tery of Blairsville ; ordained '58, Presbytery of Clarion ; pastor Bethesda, Pa., '58-60, Connellsville, Pa., '60-61; United^Staies Army; chaplain 142d Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteers, '62-63 ; pastor Oil City, Pa., '63-68 ; Second Presbyterian Church, Allegheny, '69-76, Long Run '76-83, Fredericksburg and Holmesville '83-88; married April 8, '58, Rosie M. Fulton, daughter of Robert Fulton. Presbyterian minister, Fredericks- burg, O. ^Murray, Samuel Thomas.— Son of William and Margaret ; born Graysville, Huntingdon Co., Pa., Feb. 7, 1835; teacher McVeytown, Pa.; Holidays- burg ; law student with Ephraim Banks, Holidaysburg ; practiced law Hol- idaysburg, till '61, Bellefont '61-68; United States Army; Ist Pennsyl- vania Cavalry ; second lieutenant ; married Ella Drayton ; died Washington, D. C, July 14, '68, consumption, result of cold taken in army. Lawyer. Pukviance, John. — Son of John N. and Eliza J. (Potts); born Butler, Pa., June 2, 1836 ; law student with father, '55-58 ; practiced law Butler, Pa., '58 — . Lawyer, Butler, Pa. Ralston, Robert G. — Son of James and Jane (Graham); born Slate Lick, Pa., Jan. 26, 1830; teacher Kentucky ; medical student, Jefferson Medical College, '60 ; practiced medicine Cowansville, Armstrong Co., Pa., '61 - ; married June 19, '65, Mattie J., daughter of John Templeton. Physician, Cowansville, Pa. ^Sharp, Samuel M.— born West Middletown, Pa., Nov. 23, 1824; W. T. S. '55-58 licensed ; ordained '58 ; foreign missionary, South America, Bogota, South America, '48-60 ; married Martha Jamieson ; died Bogota, South America, Oct. 30, '60. Presbyterian minister. Simpson, John Archibald Erastus.— Son of Thomas and AnnM. (Bowman); born New York City, Dec. 19, 1827; W. T. S. '55-58; teacher; licensed April 20, '59, Presbytery of Ohio ; ordained Dec. 27, '59, Presbytery of t'oshocton; pastor Millersburg and stated supply Holmesville, O., '59-63, Paxton and Gilman, III., '63-64, Prospect '64-66, Reimersburg, Pa., '67-70, Corinth '70-78, Minerva and Bethlehem '79-80; evangelist '80— ; married Aug. 6, '57, Maggie E. Hill. Presbyterian minister; residence, Lawrence, Pennsylvania. ♦Thomas, John E.-Born Oak Hall, Pa., Aug. 22, 1832 ; teacher Venango Co , Pa., '55-56, Pine Grove '56-72; United States Army; married '06; died '72(?). 196 GENERAL CATALOGUE OP TowNSEND, Daniel W.— Son of John and Elizabeth (Shoemaker); born West- moreland Co., Pa., July 29, 1834 ; W. T. S. '55-58 ; licensed '57, Presby- tery of Blairsville ; ordained '58, Presbytery of Saltsburg ; pastor Parnassus, Pa., '58-67, Alliance, O., '67-69, Unity, Pa., '69—; married Lizzie M.„ daughter of James Kier, Elder's Ridge, Pa. Presbyterian minister,, Beatty, Pa. Wall, Allen. — Son of Joseph and Frances (Allen); born Allegheny Co., Pa., Feb. 6, 1837; teacher '55-58; law student '59-61; United States Array; 155th Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteers, '62-65 ; Register Office, United States Treasury Department, Washington, D. C, '71 — ; married April 16, '74, Lizzie J., daughter of John Stiles. Residence, Washington, D. C. Watson, Samuel. — Son of James and Margaret; born Allegheny City, Pa.; W. T. S. '56-57 ; coal business, Pittsburg and Allegheny; married Sept. 16, '75, Mary Henderson. Business, Allegheny, Pa. *Wead, Samuel. — Son of Robert and Mary (Gibson); born Cedar Springs, near Dayton, O., June 6, 1826 ; traveled West after graduating; unmarried ; died near Dayton, O., Feb. 13, '58, consumption. White, Isaac Newton.— Born Washington Co., Pa., Aug. 17, 1835; Xenia Theological Seminary; licensed July 24, '59, Presbytery of Char tiers ; ordained May 7, '61, Presbytery of Argyle ; pastor Hebron, N. Y., '61-63, New Lebanon and Glade Run, O., '66-75, Fairview and Washington '75—. United Presbyterian minister, Fairview, O. Williard, Philip. — Son of John and Elizabeth (Lindesmith); born Columbi- ana Co., O., Sept. 24, 1830; Mercersburg Theological Seminary ; infirm;, teacher Kishacoquillas, Pa., '59-64; bookkeeper Shamokin '64; superin- tendent; married '60, Anna E., daughter of Henry Prizer. Business, Trappe, Pa. *WiLSON, Miles C. — Son of George and Nancy (Taylor); born Kishacoquillas Valley, Pa., July 12, 1829; teacher Alabama; P. T. S. '58-61 ; licensed June, '60, Presbytery of Huntingdon ; teacher and preacher '60-68, Sioux City, Iowa, '68, Sidney '70; unmarried; died Sidney, Iowa, June 15, '70, drowned while bathing. Presbyterian minister. *WooDS, John S. — Born Sept. 6, 1834; druggist; farmer; died .July 12, '63, consu-nption. 1856. *Allison, William E. — Son of John and Mary (Carothers); born near Fair- view, W. Va., Jan. 24, 1830; medical student with Dr. Todd, Fairview, W. Va.; practiced medicine Paris, Pa., Hammondsville, O., '60-86; mar- ried Dec. 5, '63, E. Calhoun ; died Hammondsville, O., March 15, '86, congestion of the lungs. Physician. *Andrews, Thomas. — Son of Thomas and Annie ; born Ashland Co., O., April 10, 1835; Associate Reformed Seminary, Allegheny; licensed April, '59, Presbytery of Steubenville ; ordained April, '61; missionary to Kansas; pastor-elect Liverpool, 0., '61-62; married Rachel Frazier ; died Oct. 6, '62, consumption. United Presbyterian niinis-fer. J^^FFERSON COLLEGE. jg.^ *Balantine, D. W.-Born Pittsburg, Pa., Dec 24 IR-^ft. a- , ticed law Bellefonte, Pa.. '59-; United States Army; first lieutenant '61 ■ heutenant-eolonel, '61; colonel 148th Regiment, .>en;s,lvani:v;ulel' 62-64; brevet bngadier-general, '64; National Guards, brigadier-generaT' major-general; Governor of Pennsylvania, '86-90; married Dec. '>4. '65 Mary A., daughter of Hon. H. N. McAllister Lawyer, Bellefonte, Pa. BuKCHiNAL, William JARKETTE.-Son of Luther and Mary Ann (Jarre'tte) • born Stewartstown, W. Va., Nov. 10, 1827 ; W. T. S. '56-57 , healtli failed • teacher three years Iowa, eleven years Missouri, seven years Pennsyl- vania; merchant; married Nov. 25, '56, S. J., daughter of E. F. Chalfant. leacher, merchant, Oliphants, Fayette Co., Pa. Butler, William D.-Born near Meadviile, Pa., Oct. 3, 1828- teacher- Assistant Superintendent of Public Schools, St. Louis, Mo., till '74; principal Blow School, '74-; married Mary J. Morton, also Ellen, daughter of Craig Ritchie. Teacher, St. Louis, Mo. ^Campbell, Thomas Cochran—Sou of Rev. Dr. James R. (missionary in India) and Mary ; born on the Indian Ocean, March 12, 1836 ; W. T. S. '56-59 ; licensed April 7, '58, Presbytery of Ohio; ordained November, '60, Presbytery of Western Reserve; pastor Westminster Church, Cleveland,' O., '61-62, Marion, O., '62 ; married Jan. 24, '60, Jennie M. Gourley ; died June 8, '62. Presbyterian minister. •€ampbell, David Thompson.— Son of James and Nancy (Thompson); born Sha- ron, Pa., Dec. 6, 1829 ; P. T. S. '56-59 ; licensed and ordained September, '61, Presbytery of Iowa; pastor Morning Sun, Iowa, '61-77; stated supply Columbus Center, '71-79, Wapella '79, Martinsburg 'S6; Superintendent of Common Schools '74-76. Presbyterian minister, Martinsburg, Iowa. Campbell, Milton.— Son of Robert N. and Jane (Patterson); born Tyrone Forges, Pa., Feb. 15, 1835; teacher Mississippi '56-57, East Liberty, Pa., Alientown till '60 ; law student AUentown, Pa.; practiced law Washington, Iowa, '60-61 ; United States Army, 5th Regiment Iowa Volunteers '61-63, wounded ; practiced law Lebanon, Pa., 'Q6, Platte City, Mo., Weston, Mo., Kansas City '70 — , Prosecuting Attorney, Platte City; married May 10, '68, Clara E. Allen. Lawyer, Kansas City, Mo. 'Chalfant, George Wilson.— Son of Samuel P. and Margaret M. (Wilson); born Fayette Co., Pa., March 29, 1836; law student; teacher Pittsburg, Saltsburg, and Callensburg Academy, Pa., '56-60 ; W. T. S. '60-61 ; licensed April, '60, Presbytery of Saltsburg; ordained June, '61, Presbytery of Car- lisle; pastor Mechanicsburg, Pa., '61-63; Martin's Ferry and Bridge- port, O., '63-81, Park Avenue Church, Pittsburg, Pa., '81—; United States Army, chaplain 130th Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers '62-63 ; married Dec. 20, '60, Sarah E , daughter of William Moore. Presbyterian mini8ter, Pittsbnrg, Pa. 198 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF Craig, John F. — Son of Washington and Nancy ; born Clarion Co., Pa.; law- student with Judge Campbell, Clarion, Pa.; teacher Mississippi '59-1)1 ; merchant Greenville, Pa., '61 — , New Bethlehem at date; married July 3, 63, Jane M. Ogden. Merchant, New Bethlehem, Pa. Cummins, J. M. — Son of Samuel P. and Eliza (Mathiol); born Ligonier, Pa., June 3, 1836 ; medical student Jefferson Medical College ; practiced medi- cine Industry, Pa., '58-61, '66-72, '77-78, Fairview '65-66, Wheatlund '72-76, Lamed, Kan., '78 — ; United States Army, surgeon 114th Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers ; married Oct. 17, '66, Susan H., daughter of Elijah Sargent. Physician, Industry, Pa. *Elder, John D. — Son of Robert and Nancy W. (Douglass); born Ii^Jders- ridge, Pa., Nov. 18, 1837 ; teacher Mississippi and law student '56-59 ; United States Army, lieutenant Company D, 62d Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers '61-62 ; killed at Malvern Hill, Va., July 1, '62. Law student. EwiNG, Samuel Currie. — Son of William and Nancy (Currie); born West- moreland Co., Pa., April 20, 1831 ; teacher '56-57, Associate Reformed Seminary, Allegheny ; licensed April 13, '59, Associate Refortned Presbytery of Allegheny; ordained May 9, '60, same presbytery ; foreign missionary to Egypt, missionary Alexandria and Cairo, Egypt, '60 — ; married Jan. 5, '60, Catharine Ann, daughter of John Bradford; D. O., '84, Westminster College, Pa. United Presbyterian minister, Alexandria, Egypt. *Garretson, J. E. — Teacher in the South 1856-61 ; Confederate States Array, lieutenant Louisiana Crescent Regiment, lieutenant '61-65 ; business in New Orleans ; married New Orleans ; died New Orleans, La. GlLLAM, Jeremiah C. — Son of William and Mary (Kennedy); born Alle- gheny Co., Pa., Nov. 30, 1826; W. T. S. '56-59; licensed April, '59, Pres- bytery of Coshocton ; ordained Jan. 19, '60, same presbytery ; pastor Mt. Eaton and Berlin, O., '6C-6S ; teacher '61-64; stated supply and pastor Holmesville '68-72, Holmesville and Berlin '72-73, Canal Fulton and Mar- shallville, '73-78, Mt. Eaton and Berlin '83—; married March 25, '62, Ann E. Christy, also Dec. 16, '69, Louisa M. Lecky. Presbyterian minister, Mt. Eaton, O. GiLMOR, John Scott. — Son of William and Agnes (Scott); born Ohio Co., W. Va., Sept. 2, 1830; P. T. S. '56-59; licensed April, '58, Second Pres- bytery of Philadelphia ; ordained October, '60, Presbytery of Vincennes ; staled supply Upper Indiana '60-61, Sullivan '61-62; pastor Kennett Square, Pa.,' '62-72, Titusville, N J., '72-75, Freedom Plains, N. Y., '75-80, Stony Point, '84—; published '-History of the Church at Freedom Plains;" married April 27, '59, Catharine, daughter of George Sloan. Presbyterian minister. Stony Point, N. Y. Gordon, W. C. — From Indiana Co., Pa.; teacher Louisiana and Mississippi '56-61 ; United States Army '61, captain Company D, 206th Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers ; Judge Advocate ; Pennsylvania Legislature twa terms. Farmer, near Indiana, Pa. JEFFERSON COLLEGE. 199 *Green, David D.— Son of Isaac and Leltie (Miller); born Washington Co Pa Aug. 12, 1828; W. T. S. '56-59; licensed April, '58, Presbytery of Richl land; ordained '59, same presbytery; foreign missionary to China, Ningpo '59-66, Hangchow '66-69 ; home missionary Doniphan, Kan., '70-72 ; mar- ried May 17, '59. Lydia J., daughter of Stephen G. Goodrich ; died Doni- phan, Kan., Oct. 25, '72. Presbyterian minister. Guthrie, Frances Baring.— Son of James W. and Sarah H. (Rose); born Stratonvilie, Pa., Feb. 14, 1835; teacher Louisiana '56-57; law student '57-59; practiced law Warren, Pa., '59-64, Titusville '64-; United States Army, lieutenant '62 ; married Sept. 11, '60, Flora A., daughter of S. L. Axtell. Lawyer, Titusville, Pa. *Hays, William Wallace.— Born Harrisburg, Pa., Oct. 23, 1836; teacher Texas, '56-58 ; law student '59 ; chief clerk Secretary of State '60-66 ; As- sistant Secretary of State '66 ; Mayor of Harrisburg '6S ; married Marcli 5, '61, Mary, daughter of Dr. S. F. Day; died Harrisburg, Pa., March 31, '70, consumption. *HousTON, J. P.— From Lowellville, O.; teacher Mississippi, '56-58, Still- water, Minn., '60-61; United States Army, colonel 5th Regiment Min- nesota Volunteers '61-65 ; Provost Marshal ; planter Fayette, Miss., aiicl Tensas Parish, La., '65-66 ; died Tensas Parish, La., '66, swamp fever. HowEY, John Dagg. — Son of Ebenezer and Anne (Dagg); born Carrollton, O., Nov. 22, 1831 ; W. T. S. '56-59 ; licensed April 14, '58, Presbytery of Steuben ville ; ordained Sept. 21, '59, Presbytery of Erie* pastor Millcreek and Sugar Creek, Pa., '59-65, Wortliington and Liberty, O., '65-69, Ver- rfnont. 111., '69-71, Prairie City '71-76, Kewanee '76-79, Altoona '80-83, Raymond, Neb., '83-(?) Fairmount '86; married May 28, '61, Lena E, daughter of James Bowman. Presbyterian minister^ Fairmount, Neb. Keady, William George. — Son of William and Isabella; born Baltimore, Md., Feb. 25, 1833; teacher Tennessee '57, Mississippi '58-70; theology privately ; licensed April 10, '72, Presbytery of Springfield ; ordained October, '72, same presbytery ; pastor Williamsville, 111., '72-73, Jeffer- son City, Mo., '74-75, Savannah '75-80, Lagrange, Tenn., '81, Bolivar, Tenn , '82-83; Confederate States Army '61-63; Cynthiana, Ky., '86-; married April 21, '69, Martha M., daughter of John Chambers, Canons- burg, Pa.; D.D., '83, Washington and Jefferson College. Presbyterian minister, Cynthiana, Ky. ^Kennedy, George Hays.— Born Alabama, 1828; teacher Shelby, Ky., '.56-58 ; law student ; associate editor Chicago Herald, also Times ; United States Army '62-65, captain, major, 65th Regiment Illinois Volunteers; editor '65-69 ; died Chicago, 111., April, '69. Journalist. Lawson, ORR.-Son of Hon. James and Lavina ,Orr); born Clarion Co., Pa., Oct 17 1831 ; W.T. S. '56-59 ; licensed April, '58, Presbytery of Clarion; ordained April, '59, same presbytery ; pastor Buchanan and French Creek W Va. '59-61 ; stated supply and pastor Sinking Valley and Logan Val- ^00 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF ley, Pa., '61-67, former till '69, Sunbury '69-70, Oxford '70-8(), Aberdeen, Dak., '86-88; Vice-President Keystone Mortgage Company. Philadelphia, Pa.; married October 27, '69, Mary E. Marshall ; D.I)., '83, Washington and Jefferson College. Presbyterian minister. *Lewis, Alexander Brown. Born Indiana Co., Pa.; teacher in the South, '56-58; law student; practiced law Independence, Iowa, MlMJl ; United States Army, 5th Iowa Infantry, lieutenant ; died September, '62, from wounds in battle at luka, Miss. Lawyer. Lower, Joseph Laney. — Son of John and Isabella (Laney); born Williams- burg, Pa., July 14, 1829; P. T. S. '56-59; licensed June 14, '59, Presby- tery of Huntingdon ; ordained Dec. 22, '59, Presbytery of Lakes ; pastor Crown Point, Ind., '59-65; stated supply Upper Sandusky, O., '65-67; agent Wooster University '67-68 ; pastor Brown '68-70, Kingston '68-72, Union City, Ind., '72-74, DeGraff, O., '74-76; stated supply Hardin '76-77; home missionary, Nebraska, '77 — ; Akron, Col., '88 ; published many pieces of sheet music; married August 29, '61, Susan T., daughter of Will- iam Chase. Presbyterian minister, Akron, Col. *McCurdy, William M. — From Washington, O.; son of John ; died Wash- ington, O., aged 35 years. McDaniel, Charles W. — Son of William ; born Canonsburg, Pa. Merchant, Terre Haute, Ind. *McIlheny, J. K. — Born Hunterstown, Pa.; law student; died September, '59. Law student. McKee, James Y.— Son of George and Deborah (McKee); born Allegheny Co., Pa., June 20, 1836; teacher Miller Academy, Washington, O., '56-59, Mansfield Academy, Pa., '59-60; principal Allegheny City College '61-63; Professor of Greek, Miami University, Ohio, '63-66 ; Pennsylvania State College '67 — , Vice-President of same '68 — ; married July 18, '61; Maggie A., daughter of James B. Glenn. Teacher, State College, Center Co., Pa. *McPherson, Samuel Davidson. —Son of Reynolds and Elizabeth B. (Hen- derson); born near Shippensburg, Pa., Nov. 31, 1821; principal Prepara- tory Department Oakland College, Miss., '56-58 ; commission agent. New Orleans, La.; Europe; California; died San Francisco, Cal., .June 6, '75, consumption. Marshall, William Stanhope. — From Ontario, O.; teacher Louisiana '56-57 ; law student ; practiced law Independence, Iowa, '59-61 ; United States Army '61-65, 5th Iowa Infantry, lieutenant, major ; prisoner of war '63 ; practiced law Chattanooga, Tenn., '65—; married '68, Louisa C. Bryant, also '73, C. S. Montague. Lawyer, Louisville, Ky. (?) Matthews, James Henderson. — Son of Alfred and Marguerite; born Ship- pensburg, Pa., 1834 ; United States Army, Pennsylvania Cavalry '61-65; quartermaster's department ; revenue service two years ; cashier AVilson & Hanna Bank, Lafayette, Ind., 70, unmarried. Banker, Lafayette, Ind. JEFFERSON COLLEGE. 201 near Morrow, James E.-Son of Alexander and Sarah J. (Wilson)- born Fairview, W. Va., March 28, 1837 ; teacher Kentucky '56-57 ;' law student '58-59; practiced law Wellsburg, W. Va, '59-61; United States Armv 1st West Virginia Infantry '61-64, captain '64; teacher '65-; Nebraska; West Virginia; Pennsylvania; Superintendent of Public Schools; elder Presbyterian Church; married Allegheny, Pa, Sept. 19, '67, Clara J, daughter of J. J. Johnston. Professor Western University, Allegheny, Pa! *MoRBOW, Nicholas Van Eman.— Born Lawrence Co, Pa., March 8, 1830 ; W. T. S. '56-59; licensed April, '58, Presbytery of Beaver ; ordained Novem- ber, '60, Presbytery of Findley ; pastor West Union and Enon Valley, O, '60-70; stated supply Troy, Iowa, '71-72, Fairview '72-74; Union City '72-73, Lenox '73-78 ; missionary '78-87 ; married May 26, '59, Mary J. Smith ; died near Sharpsburg, Iowa, Feb. 10, '87, typhoid pnebmonia. Presbyterian minister. Murray, Andrew Jackson.— Son of James and Priscilla (Shaiflfer) ; born Murraysville, Pa, May, 1836 ; business Pittsburg, Pa., '56 — ; married '62, Isabella W. Smith. Business, Allegheny, Pa. Paxton, Wilson N.— Son of John and Elizabeth (Wilson); born Canoasburg, Pa., Dec. 6, 1834; teacher Kentucky '56-57, Louisiana '57-58; law student '57-60; practiced law Pittsburg, Pa., '61-81 ; United States Army, '61-65; 140th Kegiment, Pennsylvania Volunteers; lieutenant; captain; prisoner of war ; Pension Department, Washington, D. C, '81 — ; married March 27, '65, Emily J., daughter of Henry Newkirk, Wooster, O. Law- yer, Washington, D. C. Peairs, Henry Robinson. Son of John and Mary (Westboy); born Duncan's Falls, O., April 14, 1825 ; W. T. S. '56-59 ; licensed April, '58, Presbytery of Allegheny; ordained '59, Presbytery of Zanesville ; stated supply Allen Grove, Va., pastor Brownsville and Uniontown, O., '59-61 ; stated supply Rushville and Bethel '61-62 ; pastor Kenton, '64-70, Harrison '70-73, Hey- worth. 111., '73-82, Normal '82, Clayton '87; married '60, Sarah A., daugh- ter of Richard Hope, Pittsburg, Pa. Presbyterian minister, Clayton, 111. Polk, Joseph Littleton. — Son of Joseph G. and Imogen S (Gilman); born Washington, D. C, Aug. 12, 1837 ; teacher '56-58 ; P. T. S. '58-60 ; licensed May 27, '60, Presbytery of Lewes ; ordained Nov. 27, '60, same presbytery; pastor Pittscreek and stated supply Rehoboth, Md., '60-77; principal Academy, Newark, Del., '77—; Cochransville, Pa., '87 ; Fagg's Manor '88 ; married Aug. 8, '61, Mary, daughter of T. M. K. Wilson, Canonsburg, Pa.; Ph.D., Delaware College, '79. Presbyterian minister, l-'agg's Manor, Pa. Heed, James Armstrong.— Son of John and Eliza (Donelly); born Huntingdon Co., Pa., May 22, 1830 ; W. T. S. '56-59 ; licensed May 29, Presbytery of Huntingdon ;' ordained October, '60, Presbytery of Wooster ; pastor First Presbyterian Church, Wooster, '60-68; stated supply Minnesota, Washington, D.C.; pastor Springfield, 111., '69-88; published '' Later Life of Abraham Lincoln; married May 24, '59, Cornelia M., daughter of Hon. John Kee, Huntingdon, Pa.; D.D., '74, Wooster University. Presbyterian minister, Springfield, 111. 202 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF Rider, Thomas F. J.— Teacher; law student; practiced law Washington^ D. C, Maryland. RiGGS, Samuel Agnew. — Son of Joseph and Rebecca; born Hanging Rock, O.;^ law student with Penny & Sterrett, Pittsburg, Pa., and Law College, Cin- cinnati, ()., '56-58; practiced law Lawrence, Kan., '59 — ; Proseculing Attorney, Fourth Judicial District, Kansas, '62-(3G ; State Senate '(KMJS ; United States District Attorney '(57-69 ; Kansas Legislature '79-81 ; married Dec. 31, '61, Kate D. Earle, Pittsburg, Pa. Lawyer, Lawrence, Kan. -*ScoTT, George.— Born Hancock Co., W. Va., Dec. 12, 1830; W. T. S. '56-59 ; licensed April, '59, Presbytery of Washington ; ordained June 6, '60, Presbytery of Erie ; pastor Greenfield, Evansburg and Hamionsburg, Pa., '60-62, Minerva, O., '63, Little Redstone, Pa., '70-71, Tarentum, Pa, '71, Concord '83; married April 1, '61, Harriet N. Murray; died Tarentum, Pa., July 28, '83. Presbyterian minister. *ScROGGS, C. S. — Teacher South; Marshall, Texas; Confederate States Army(?); killed in battle(?). Smith, Joseph Davis. — Son of David and Jane (Davis); born Ireland, May 20, 1838 ; P. T. S. '56-59 ; licensed April, '59, Presbytery of Philadelphia; ordained Oct. 30, '60, Presbytery of Donegal; pastor Slate Ridge, Pa., *60— ; Europe '78 ; published Historical Discourses. Presbyterian minister. Delta, Pa. Smith, John M.--Born Washington Co., Pa., March 6, 1831; U. T. S. '56-59 ; licensed April 7, '58, Presbytery of Ohio ; ordained April 28, '60, Presbytery of Washington; pastor Wellsburg, W. Va., '60-61, Sharps- burg, Pa., '61-67, St. Charles, Mo., '67-70, Hilands, Pa., '71-74, Central Church, Pittsburg, '74-76, Canonsburg '76-88, Marshfield, Wis.; married Sept. 29, '59, Margaret Patterson. Presbyterian minister, Marshfield, Wis. Stockd le, Thomas R. Son of William and Hannah (McQuaid); born Greene Co., Pa., March 28, 1828; teacher Mississippi '56-58 ; law student, Mississippi University ; practiced law Woodville, Mississippi, '59-61 ; Sum- mit '65 — ; Confederate States Army '61-65; lieutenant-colonel, 4th Mis- sissippi Cavalry ; major 16th Mississippi Cavalry ; Member of Congress 'S8 ; married Feb. 3, '57, Frances J., daughter of Adam Wickes. Lawyer, Summitt, Miss. Taggart, Samuel B.— Born Canonsburg, Pa., March 31, 1833; P. T. S. '58-61 ; licensed Presbytery ot New Brunswick ; ordained '62 ; pastor Sulli- van, Ind., '62, Brazil, El Paso, First Presbyterian Church, Bloomington, Upper Alton, Uhrichsville, O., '87 — ; married Feb. 18, '63. Presbyterian minister, Uhrichsville, O. TowNSEND, R. S. — Teacher Oakland, Miss., '56-59 ; medical student with Dr» McBryar, Apollo, Pa., and Pittsburg '59-60 ; teacher W^ilsonsville, Ky., '60-61; United States Army '6 1-64 ; 62d Regiment, Pennsylvania Volun- teers; regiment quartermaster ; oil business '64-66 ; merchant South Bend, Pa., '66-87, Kansas City, Mo., '87 ; married Helen Durett. Merchant^ Kansas City, Mo. JEFFERSON COLl.EGE. 20li Travis, Mordecai Moore.— Born Columbiana Co., O., Oct. 22, 1827; W. T. S. '56-59 ; licensed '59, Presbytery of New Lisbon ; ordained' 'Go* Zanesville; missionary Athens and Hocking Counties, O., 62-68 ; teacher; pastor Chenoa, 111., '69-87 ; Sacaton, Arizona, '87—; married July, 'r)9,' Mattie A. Croxton. Presbyterian minister, Sacaton, Pinal Agency', Arizona. Weaver, Theophilus.— Son of David and Christiana (Mizer); born Aarons- burg. Center Co., Pa., Aug. 12, 1833; teacher Boalsburg Academy '56-57, Glean, N. Y., '57, Seelinsgrove, Pa., '57-60; United States Army; 46th Regiment, Pennsylvana Volunteers, '63 ; High Sbliool, South Harrisburg, Pa., '64; United States Pension Department, Solicitor of Patent:, '64—; lay reader, Lutheran Church ; inventor; writer ; married Caroline Pancake. Residence, Harrisburg, Pa. Wilson, Alexander Gibson.— Son of Allen and Jane (Gibson); born Clarion Co., Pa., Feb. 17, 1836 ; teacher Beaver, Pa., '56-57 ; principal High School, Superintendent of Institute, Natchez, Miss., '56-61 ; N. W. T. S. '53-65 ; licensed April 18, '64, Presbytery of Fairfield ; ordained June 15, '65, Presbytery of Bloomington ; pastor Onarga, 111., '65-70, Beloit, Wis., '70-71, Streator, 111., '71-75; professorof Parsons College '75-78, Lake Forest University '78-81 ; principal Elgin Academy, '81-83, Lake Forest '83-; President of Lenox College, Hopkinton, Iowa, '88 — ; Delegate Christian Commission; married April 11, '64, Hattie, daughter of N. R. Stedman; B. D., 65, N. W. T. S.; D.D., '81, Washington and Jefferson College, Presbyterian minister, Hopkinton, Iowa. Young, John Jay.— Born Pittsburg, Pa., Oct. 14, 1836; law student '56-58; practiced law Pontiac, Mich., '58-62 ; United States Army, '62-65 ; captain Pennsylvania Volunteer Artillery ; business '65 — ; married Sept. 21, '62, Alice Victoria Maples. Lawyer and business man. Young, Joseph C. — Law student 1856-57 ; practiced law Ottawa, Pofltiac, 111., '57-59, Pittsburg 59-66 ; United States Army '62-63 ; lieutenant. Young** Independent Battery; Chicago, '66-74; Pittsburg, Pa., '74—; married. 1857. *Arnold, John Hancock.— Son of George B. and Mary Ann (Herschell); born New Bloomfield, Perry Co., Pa., March 18, 1837; law student; prac- ticed law Middleburg, Pa., '60 ; United States Army, '61-65 ; march to the sea, 2d Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteers ; 9th Cavalry ; clerk in Adju- tant's Office ; infirm ; farmer ; married Sept. 3, '61, B. Ellen Moati. Lawyer, Middleburg, Pa. Ballantine, William.— Born Paisley, Scotland ; Associate Reformed Theo- logical Seminary, Canonsburg ; licensed and ordained Associate Reformed Presbytery of Chartiers ; two churches in Muskingum Co., O.; President McCorkle College ; pastor since 1882. Associate Presbyterian minister. '204: GENERAL CATALOGUE OF Ballard, William Wirt.— Son of Levin and Sarah M. (Willing); born Som- erset Co., Md., Nov. 15, 1838,- teacher Maryland and Virginia; law student; practiced law New Castle, Va., '60-08, Salem, Va., '70 — ; State's Attorney, Craig Co., '65-08; married Dec. 16, '74, Ella Mosby Worrell. Lawyer, Salem, Va. *BoYD, Andrew W.— Born Mechanicstown, O., March 4, 1834; W. T. S. '57-60 ; licensed '59, Presbytery of Steubenviile ; ordained '60, Presbytery of Beaver ; stated supply Darlington, Pa., '60-65 ; pastor Florence '65-66, Leesburg '66-69 ; married April 24, '60, Kachel E. Brugh ; died Illinois, June 18, '69. Presbyterian minister. BuRCHFiED, James Penrose.— Son of William and Susan Elizabeth (Petrikin); born Pennsylvania Furnace, Huntingdon Co., Pa., June 23, 1834 ; teacher Pine Grove Mills, Pa., '57-58, Elmira, N. Y., '58-59, Milroy, Pa., '60; medi- cal student. University of Michigan, '57-60; United States Army, '61-65; private ; assistant surgeon, 53d Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, '62-63; surgeon, 83d Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, '63-65; prac- ticed medicine Phillipsburg, Pa., '62, Clearfield '65 — ; examining surgeon for pensioners ; married March, '62, Eva M., daughter of Rev. J. M. Nourse, also June, '67, Emily J., daughter of James Alexander, also Novem- ber, '82, Edith B daughter of Joseph AVilkinson. Physician, Clearfield, Pennsylvania. *Caruthers, James Ewing. — Son of Richard E. and Eleanor ; born West- moreland Co, Pa., May 5, 1821 ; W. T. S. '57-59 ; licensed April 7, '58, Presbytery of Saltsburg ; ordained May 12, '59, same presbytery ; pastor Boiling Spring, Pa., '59-67, Leechburg '59-70, Yates City, 111., '71-74; married December, '58, Matilda E. Bruce ; died Poland, O., March 7, '75. Presbyterian minister. Craig, Hugh Boyd. — Son of William and Mary (Watson); born near Welsh Run, Franklin Co., Pa., Nov. 2, 1831 ; farmer old home, '57 — ; married May 8, '61, Martha A., daughter of William Orr. Farmer, Welsh Run, Pennsylvania. *Deaderick, William Von Albade. — Son of J. Franklin and Rebecca L. (Williams); born near Jonesboro, Tenn., Aug. 26, 1836; law student; prac- ticed law .lonesboro, Tenn., '58-61, Blountsville '61-83 ; Confederate States Army paymaster; professor Tennessee University ; member of Constitutional Convention '69-70 ; married Nov. 12, '57, S. Evelina, daughter of Gen. A. E. Jackson ; died Blountsville, Tenn., Sept. 27, '83, consumption. Lawyer. DoDD, Samuel Calvin Tait. — Son of Levi and Julia A. (Parker); born Franklin, Pa., Feb. 20, 1836; teacher '58-59 ; law student; practiced law Franklin, Pa., '60-81 : New York City '81—; member of Constitutional Convention, Pennsylvania, '72 ; attorney Standard Oil Co.: married July 12, '60, Mary E. Gchr, also March 8, '77, Molvina E. Smith. Lawyer, New York City. JEFFERSON COLLEGE. 205 Downs, Caleb Bracken.-Soh of Jonathan and Mary (Miller); born Fayette Co., Pa., June 20, 1830; W. T. S. '57-58; teacher '58-60 ; licensed June 20, '60, Presbytery of Richland; ordained '61, same presbytery ; pastor Utica and Homer, O., '60-74; Lithopolis 74-81; stated supply Frazeys- burg '82-83, Hanover '83-; married March 28, '60, Martha M., daughter of Martin L. Dayton. Presbyterian minister, and editor, Granville, O. *DuNLAP, Silas Glenn.— Born Westmoreland Co., Pa , Nov. 1, 1832, W. T. S. '57-60; licensed April 7, '60, Presbytery of Saltsburg; ordained June 13, '60, same presbytery ; stated supply Waterford and Bellville '60 ; pastor Monongahela City '62-66 ; agent Wooster Univers^y '67-68 ; stated supply Orrville, O., '69; married May 15, '60, Jennie L. (Joodrich; died Orrville, O., Feb. 8, '70. Presbyterian minister. *Evans, Richard J.— Son of John and Margaret (Jonesj; born Ebensburg, Pa., 1834; W. T. S. '57-60; licensed '59, Presbytery of Allegheny City; ordained '59, same presbytery ; missionary Washington Territory, Olympia, Wash. Ter., '61-63; married Feb. 7, '60, Sarah F. Woods; died Olympia, June 15, '63. Presbyterian minister. *FiELDS, Alexander Ballantyne.- Son of Andrew and Mary (McFarland); born Allegheny Co., Pa., Oct. 16, 1835; teacher Mississippi ; law student; United Presbyterian Theological Seminary, Allegheny; licensed June 11, '61, U. P. Presbytery of Westmoreland ; ordained Nov. 4, '62, same pres- bytery ; pastor Madison and Mt. Pleasant, Pa., '62-67, Presbyterian Church, '67, Connellsville '67-69, Findlay, O., '69-72, Brookville, Pa., '72-80, Brownsville, '80-83 ; Colorado ; Kansas ; pastor Brockwayville and Dagus, Mines, '84-86 ; married Sept. 17, '57, Mary J. McElroy ; died Brockway- ville, Pa., Oct. 17, '86, railroad accident. Presbyterian minister. Fisher, Daniel Webster.— Born Blair Co., Pa., Jan. 17, 1838; W. T. S. '57-60 ; licensed April, '59, Presbytery of Huntingdon ; ordained April, '60, same presbytery ; home missionary Virginia '59 ; Thalia Street Church, New Orleans, '60-61; pastor First Church, Wheeling, W. Va., '61-76, Second Church, Madison, Ind., '76-79; President Hanover College '79—; married April 25, '60, Amanda D. Kouns ; D.D. Presbyterian minister, Hanover, Ind. Fitz-Gerald, James D.— Son of James and Hannah (Wallace); born Frank- lin Co., Pa., Oct. 20, 1831; W. T. S. '57-60; licensed June, '59, Presby- tery of Carlisle ; ordained August, '60, St. Clairsville ; pastor Martinsville, O., '60-63, Bell Air '63 66, First Church, Cumberland, Md., '66-74, Knox- vilie, 111., '74-77, Morristown '77-81, Clarksburg and Weston '81-83, Light Street Church, Baltimore, Md., '83—; married April 26, '60, Mary L., daughter of David Witherspoon. Presbyterian minister, Baltimore, Md. Foster, Joseph M.-Son of John K. and Margaret (Morrow); born, near Mt. Jackson, Pa.; teacher '57-61; soldier; teacher Greensburg,. Pa., three years, Indiana eight years; druggist '81-; married Kate J. Moore. Drug- gist, Pittsburg, Pa. 206 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF Poster, Alexander Scott. — Son of John K. and Margaret (Morrow); born near Mt. Jackson, Pa., May 2, 1837 ; W. T. S. '62 ; licensed April 16, '63, Presbytery of Saltsburg ; ordained April 24, '67, same presbytery; stated supply Armagh, Centerville and Mechanicsburg, Pa., '66-67 ; teacher '67-69; pastor Litchfield, 111., '69-73, Austin, Minn., '73-74, Fremont, Neb., '74-77, Cedar Valley, Iowa, '77-80, Sac City, '81-82, Miller, D. T., '82, Brookings, ^S6, Pipestone,. Minn., '88 ; married Jan. 1, '74, Maggie R., daughter of Davis Banks. Presbyterian minister, Pipestone, Minn. Harsha, Daniel Houston. — Born near Canonsburg, Pa.; teacher '57-59; farmer Ohio '59 — ; residence Eckmansville, O. Hays, George Price. — Son of John and Orpha (Cornwell); born near Can- nonsbiirg, Pa., Feb. 2, 1838 ; W. T. S. '58-60 ; licensed April, '59, Pres- bytery of Ohio ; ordained March 5, '61, Presbytery of Baltimore ; pastor Second Church, Baltimore, Md., '61-68 ; fiscal agent Western University '68-69: pastor Central Church, Allegheny, Pa., '69-70; President Wash- ington and Jefferson College '70-81 ; stated supply Second Church, Washing- ton, Pa. ,'70-81 ; pastor Central Church, Denver, Col., '81-85, Second Church, Cincinnati, '85-88, pastor Second Presbyterian Church, Kansas City, Mo., '88—; published ''Everyday Reasoning"; Moderator General Assembly '84 , married August 1, '60, Eleanor S., daughter of Hon. Samuel Wherry; D.D., '71, Lafayette College. Presbyterian minister. *Henderson, David H. Son of Joseph and Sarah ; born Armstrong Co., Pa., 1838; teacher Texas '57-61; Confederate States Army, lieutenant; died Gettysburg, Pa., July, '63 ; killed in battle. HoGi:, Alexander Brown. — Teacher Kentucky, Nashville, Tenn.; law stu- dent ; practiced law Nashville, Tenn. Jenkins, JA.\ii:s Wood. — Born Mifflin Township, Pa., Sept. 1, 1832; agent Sioux Indians, Yellow Medicine, Minn., '58-60; oil producer '60 — ; mar- ried Jan. 1, '78, TillieT. McLaughlin. Oil dealer ; residence Warren, Pa. *Kennedy, Francis H.— Son of Prof. John H. Kennedy; born Philadelphia, 1840(?); law student ; practiced law San Francisco, Cal.; died San Fran- cisco, Cal., — . Lawyer. *McCartney, Joseph. — Born Armagh, Indiana Co., Pa., May 29, 1828; Asso- ciate Reformed Seminary, Allegheny, '57-60 ; licensed April 12, '59, Pres- bytery of Conemaugh ; ordained June 12, '60, same presbytery; missionary in Minnesota '60-62 ; pastor Mexico and Readsville, Pa., '60-67, Franklin '68-72 ; stated supply East Brady, First Church, Freeport, '75, Omaha, Neb., '75-77 ; married Maria Frazier ; died Omaha, Neb., Oct. 19, '77. United Presbyterian minister. McDonald, Noah A. — Son of Charles and Mary (Foreman); born Franklin Co., Pa., Jan. 30, 1830; W. T. S. '57-60; licensed April, '59, Presbytery of Huntingdon; ordained April, '60, same presbytery; foreign missionary Siam, Bangkok, Siam, '59—; Vice Consul to Siam '68-69, '80—; published JEFFERSON COLLEGE. 201 "Manners and Customs of Siam," ''Lessons in Astronomy," "Juvenile Philosophy," also translated portions of Old and New Testament into Siamese ; married April 24, '60, Eliza S., daughter of Stewart Dickson ; D.D. Presbyterian minister ; residence Bangkok, Siam. *McDoNALD, Edward, Jr. -Son of Edward and Margaret (Nesbit); born Washington Co., Pa., April 25, 1833 ; teacher Frankfort, Ky., '57-58; died Frankfort, Ky., July 21, '58, dysentery. Teacher. McKhk, Samuel Vigo.— Son of Archibald B. and Julia A. (Smith); born Vin- ceanes, Ind., Oct. 27, 1833; teacher Missouri '57-58; W. T. S. '58-61; licensed April, '60, Presbytery of Allegheny City ; ordained April, '62, Presbytery of Vincennes: pastor Indiana Church, Ind., '61-63; stated supply Clermont and Prospect '63-64, Second < ;hurch, Peru, "64-65 ; pastor Kendallville '65-67, Argola '67-68, Waynesville '68-72, Gilmore '72-76, Buckley '76-78, Mishawaka '78-81, Port Austin, Mich., '81-83, Birming- ham '86-87, South Lyon '87 — ; married June 28, '58, Susanna C. Vanatta. Presbyterian minister, South Lyon, Mich. McNiTE, William P. — Born Sherleysburg, Pa.; medical student; practiced medicine Huntingdon Co., Pa., '59 — ; physician Almshouse '64—. Phy- sician. McPherran, James E. — Son of John and Elizabeth (Stewart); born Hunt- ingdon Co., Pa., Nov. 21, 1834; law student '60-63, Chicago University; practiced law Sterling, 111., '63 — ; Illinois Legislature '73-74 ; married April 20, '65, Sarah A., daughter of William E. Withrow. Lawyer, Ster- ling, 111. Marling, Moses Morton.— Son of Samuel and Mary (Carter); born Ohio Co., W. Va., Nov. 5, 1835; teacher '57-59 ; United Presbyterian Theological Seminary, Allegheny, '59-62; licensed '61, Presbytery of Wheeling; ordained April 8, '64, Presbytery of Kansas ; missionary Kansas, '63-65 ; Union Church, South Illinois, '65-71, Roney's Point, W. Va., '71-86. United Presbyterian minister. Marquis, David Calhoun. -Son of Andrew and Lydia (Morehead); born Lawrence Co., Pa., Nov. 15, 1834; W. T. S. and N. W. T. S. '60-63; licensed April, '62, Presbytery of Beaver; ordained October, '63, Presbytery of Sangamon ; pastor Decatur, 111., '63-66, North Church, Chicago '66-70; Westminster, Baltimore, Md., '70-78, Lafayette Park Church, St. Louis, Mo., '78-83; professor Northwestern Theological Seminary, '83—; married Oct.' 8, '63, Anna M Kennedy, also July 16, '79, Helen M. Pearson ; D.D., Washington and Jefferson College. Presbyterian minister, (Chicago, 111. Marshall, James Abram.-Sou of Thomas and Mary (Taylor); born Lanca- shire, England, Jan. 23, 1834; W. T. S. '58-60; licensed April, 'o9. Pres- bytery of Sidney; ordained May, '60, same presbytery ; pastor Lanesfield O '60-63, Saline, Mich., '63-67, Beulah, Pa., '67-73, Chandler Memorial Church, Philadelphia, '73-79, Upper Octorora '79-86; President Grotou College '86 ; married March, '59, Ellen B., daughter of Dr. James Tnmble, HoUidaysburg, Pa. Presbyterian minister, Groton, Dak. 208 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF Mateer, Calvin W. — Son of John and Mary X. (Diven); born Cumberland Co., Pa., Jan. 9, '36; W. T. S. '59-61; licensed April, '60, Presbytery of Allegheny; ordained Nov. 11, '62, Presbytery of Marion; stated supply Delaware, O., '61-63; foreign missionary to China, Tung Chow, China^^ '64 — ; married Dec. 30, '62, Julia A., daughter of Robert Brown ; D.D., '80, Hanover College. Presbyterian minister, Chefoo, China. Matthews, James P. — Teacher '58-62 ; law student ; United States Army : practiced law Hagerstown, Md., '65-70; associate editor -Ba/tiwiore Ameri- can '70-77, Philadelphia Press '77 — , and Baltimore Sun; married. Journalist. Moore, Robert Braden. — Son of Ebenezerand Nancy B. (Hurst); born West- moreland Co., Pa., Sept. 13, 1835; W. T. S. '57-60; licensed October, '59, Presbytery of Redstone ; ordained December, '60, Presbytery of Huntingdon;^ pastor West Kishacoquillas, Pa., '60-66, Tiffin, ()., '70-72 ; pastor-elect Upper Sandusky, O., '73-76; teacher Green Spring; evangelist '85 — ; married Louise J., daughter of James Paull ; D.D., '82, Western Univer- sity. Presbyterian minister. Tiffin, O. Morton, Joseph Venable. — Son of William Q. and Elizabeth M.; born Shelby Co., Ky., Aug. 23, 1836 ; business Winchester, Ky.; Secretary and Treasurer School Board ; married Nov. 13, '61, Sarah Taliaferro, Winches- ter, Ky. Business, Winchester, Ky. Neely, William Cowper. — Son of Samuel and Sarah (McCormick); born Allegheny Co., Pa., July 3, 1835 ; W. T. S. '57-60 ; licensed June, '59, Presbytery of Allegheny City ; ordained evangelist '60, Presbytery of Green- brier; pastor Uhrichsville, O., '62-68, Piper City, 111., '69 — ; married Nov. 15, "65, Mary, daughter of John Davis, Coshocton, O. Presbyterian min- ister, Piper C'ity, 111. NiccoLLS, Samuel Jack. —Son of William T. and Elizabeth (Jack); born Westmoreland Co., Pa., Aug. 3, 1838; teacher; W. T. S. '57-60; licensed '59, Presbytery of Redstone ; ordained '60, Presbytery of Carlisle ; pastor Chambersburg, Pa., '60-65, Second Presbyterian Church, St. Louis, Mo., '65 — ; United States Army ; chaplain 126th Regiment, Pennsylvania Vol- unteers, '62; married Aug. 14, '60, Margaret A, daughter of John Sherrick ; D.D., '65, Center College, Kentucky; LL.D., Hanover College, '85; Moderator General Assembly, '72 ; published " Eastern Question in Proph-^ ecy." Presbyterian minister, St. Louis, Mo. Orr, Thomas X. — Son of John and Mjllie (Brackenridge); born Orrstown, Pa.. Aug. 10, 1836 ; law student ; practiced law Chambersburg, Pa., till '6(1 : W. T. S. '60-63; licensed '62, Presbytery of Carlisle; ordained '63, Pres- bytery of Allegheny City ; pastor Central Church, Allegheny, l*a., '63-69 ; First Reformed Church, Philadelphia, '69-83, Second Presbyterian Church, Peoria, '83 — ; married May 4, '63, Mary V. Reilly, also Aug. 26, '7i». Mervinia, daughter of Dr. N. L Hatfield ; D.D., '85, Washington and Jefferson College. Presbyterian minister, Peoria, 111. JEFFERSON COLLEGE. OQ^ Pierce, Thomas W.-Born Wheeling, Va., Nov. 13, 1839; law student, New Orleans ; teacher Virginia, Florida and West Virginia; Confederate States Army; major; practiced law Norfolk, Va.; City Attorney ; practiced law St. Louis, Mo., 79—; married '65, Fannie, daughter of Samuel Hart. Lawyer, St. Louis, Mo. Reeves, William H.-Born Greene Co., Pa., June, 1835 ; teacher Louisiana and Texas ; commercial traveler ; banker, California; married '70. Banker, with Mcintosh, Reeves & Co. Richie, William Marshall. — Born near Mansfield, O., May 16, 1832- United Presbyterian Theological Seminary, '60-62 ; licensed April 9, '61, Presbytery of Mansfield ; ordained Sept. 11, '62, IPresbytery of Frankfort; pastor Hanover, Pa., '62-65, Crawfordsville, Iowa, '66-71, Paxton, 111.,' '72-77, Spring Hill, Ind., '77-79, Marshalltown, Iowa, '80-84, Burchard' Neb., '84-; married '62. United Presbyterian minister, Burchard, Neb. *R0BB, John Byers.— Died Allegheny, Pa., 1859. *RoBB, James W. — Business Kansas, 1857-58 ; law student • practiced law Albia, Iowa, '62-74, Astoria, Ore., '76-81 ; married December, '59, Julia M. McCleary, also Oct. 4, '68, Lottie £. Darrah, also February, '79, Josie M. Curtis ; died Astoria, Ore., April 23, '81, murdered in his office. Robinson, Aaron Black.— Son of John W. and Elizabeth (Mitchell); born Union Co., O., Nov. 10, 1833 ; law student Cincinnati, O., '58-59; practiced law '59-62 ; United States Army '61-65 ; captain '61 ; major and lieutenant- colonel '62; colonel '65; Legislature of Ohio, '80-83; married May 12, '68, Keziah, daughter of A. F. Wilkins. Lawyer, Marysville, O. Shutterly, John Jay. — Born Carraichaels, Greene Co., Pa.; law student Washington, Pa.; real estate Pittsburg, Pa.; oil business, Franklin; Daven- port, Iowa; Chicago, 111. Smith, James. — Son of Robert and Sarah (Wray); born Elder's Ridge, Pa., July 29, 1837 ; medical student ; farmer ; United States Army ; regimental quartermaster, 7th Kansas Cavalry ; Kansas Legislature '66 ; Secretary of State '78-84; private secretary '84—; married Jan. 23, '68, Jennie, daugh- ter of Thomas Edgar, Topeka, Kan. Smith, James Povter.— Son of Rev. Dr. Joseph and Eliza (Bell); born New Athens, O.. July 4, 1837; teacher '57-58; U. T. S., Va., '58-61; licensed Dec. 29, '63, Presbytery of West Hanover ; ordained Oct. 13, '66, Presby- tery of Montgomery; pastor Big Lick '66-69, Fredericksburg, Va., '69-; Confederate States Army '61-65 ; captain ; aid-de-camp to General Jack- son and General Ewell; married '81, Agnes, daughter of Maj. J. H. Lacy ; Europe; Stated Clerk Synod, Virginia. Presbyterian minister, Fredericks- burg, Va. Snowden, Archibald Loudon.— Son of Dr. Isaac Wayne and Margery (Bynes); born Cumberland Co., Pa., Aug. 11, 1837 ; law student with J. W. Martin and David Webster, Philadelphia; United States Army three years; lieutenant-colonel; register, United States Mint, '57 ; chief coiner, same, '66; . postmaster, Philadelphia, '77; superintendent United States Mint, '79 ; married Feb. 16, '64, Elizabeth R., daughter of Isaac R. Smith. Residence 1812 Spruce Street, Philadelphia, Pa.; A.M., '88. 14 210 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF Sproull, Robert Dunlap.— Son of Rev. Dr. Thomas and Magdalena (Wal- lace); born Allegheny, Pa., Oct. 10, 1837; teacher; Associate Reformed Theological Seminary ; licensed April, '61, Reformed Presbytery of Pitts- burg; ordained '03, Presbytery of Rochester; pastor Reformed Presbyterian Church, Rochester, N. Y., '63-80, Presbyterian Church, '80 — , Providence, R. I., '82-85, Brooklyn, N. Y., '85—; married April 19, '64, Margaret A., daughter of John Gormly. Presbyterian minister, Brooklyn, N. Y. Stewart, Robert — Son of David T. and Olivia W. (Hall); born Shelby Co., Ky., Dec. 1, 1837 ; medical student, Louisville; practiced medicine Daviess and Henderson Counties, '60 — ; United States Army ; assistant-surgeon, 2d Kentucky Cavalry ; married May 8, '61, Sue E., daughter of B. S. Read. Physician, Zion, Ky. TowNSEND, Cyrus. — Son of Cyrus and Susan (Snyder); born May 7, 1838 ; law student with Judge Kirkpatrick three years; United States Army '62-65, first-lieutenant 211th Pennsylvania Volunteers; practiced law Pitts- burg, Pa., '62, Leavenworth, Kan., '70-72 ; secretary of manufacturing company ; married March 13, '69, Emma L., daughter of Albert Hawks. Lawyer, Leavenworth, Kan. Wallace, Thomas Freeman. — Son of James and Isabella (Kean); born Westmoreland Co., Pa., Dec. 28, 1833; W. T. S. '57-60; licensed April, '60, Presbytery of Blairsville ; ordained Nov. 5, '61, same presbytery ; 'for- eign missionary to South America, Bogota, New Grenada, '61-75 ; Ameri- can Consul Charge de Affaires '72-73 ; Zacatecas, Mexico, '78 — ; married Oct. 31, '01, Martha, daughter of Rev. Adam Torrenee, New Alexandria, Pa. Presbyterian minister ; residence Zacatecas, Mexico. ^Wallace, William Lockhart. — Born Canonsburg, Pa.; U. P. S., Alle- gheny ; licensed and ordained United Presbyterian Presbytery ; pastor New- ville. Pa., — till 1879, Sewickley '79-84 ; professor United Presbyterian Theological Seminary, Allegheny, '84 — ; married ; Superintendent Freed- men's School, Norfolk, Va.; died Asbury Park, N. J., Sept. 2, '88. > United Presbyterian minister. Wiestling, Robert R.— From Dauphin Co., Pa.; medical student University of Pennsylvania ; practiced medicine with his father, Middletown, Pa., '62-67, Pennsylvania State Hospital, Huntingdon, Pa., '67, physician Pennsylvania Railroad Company ; married '73, Kate A. Hurst. Physician, Huntingdon, Pa. *WiLSON, Lowrie W. — Born Morgantown, W. Ya.; law student; practiced law Morgantown, W. Va.; died Morgantown, W. Va., 1866, consumption. Lawyer. Wood, William Shadrach.— Born Fayette Co., Pa., Nov. 9, 1839 ; W. T. S. '57-59 ; licensed Feb. 11, '59, Baptist Church, Allegheny ; ordained April, '61, Baptist Church, Harrisburg ; stated supply Waynesburg, Pa., '59-60, Harrisburg '61-63, Doylestown '68-70, missionary Western Pennsylvania '71-78, Smithfield '79-84, Connellsville '85—; married May 11, '59, E. I. Ray. Baptist minister. JEFFERSON COLLEGE. 211 1858. Alden, William Livingston.— Son of Rev. Dr. Joseph and Isabella (Liv- ingston); born Williamstown, Mass., 1838; law student '58-60; Europe '60-61; practiced law New York City '61-65; journalist World, Graphic, Times '65-; Consul to Kome '85~; published ''Domestic Explosions,'' ^'Shooting Stars," ''Canoe and Flying Proa," "Life of Columbus," and juvenile volumes; married Agnes M., daughter of Rev. Dr. McClure; Europe '79. Journalist, Garden City, Long Island. Alexander, William.— Son of Randall and Sarah H. (Caruthers); born near Shirleysburg, Pa., Dec. 18, 1831 ; P. T. S. '58-^1 ; licensed April, '60, Presbytery of Huntingdon; ordained June 10, '61, Presbytery of Northum- berland ; pastor Newberry, Pa., '61-63 ; President Carroll College, Wis., '63-64; pastor Beloit, Wis., '64-69, San Jose, Cal., '69-71 ; President City College, Cal., '71-74; professor San Francisco Theological Seminary '71 — ; published sermons, etc.; married Dec. 25, '61, Minerva P., daughter of JohnR. Osborne; D.D., '76, Western University. Presbyterian minister, San Francisco, Cal. Alexander, Samuel Carothers. - Son of Randall and Sarah (Carothers); born near Shirleysburg, Pa., April 7, 1833; Columbia Theological Seminary '57-61 ; licensed April 9, '60, Presbytery of Charleston ; ordained '61 ; pas- tor Steel Creek and Pleasant Hill, N. C, '61-65; missionary to Freedmen '65-71 ; pastor Shirleysburg, Pa., '71-75, Upper Path Valley '75—, Millers- town '88 ; married March 25, '62, Nannie R. Price. Preebyterian minis- ter, Millerstown, Pa. Barclay, Hugh Aratus.— Son of Henry and Elizabeth (Armstrong); born Greene Co., Pa., Dec. 28, 1837 ; W. T. S. '58-61 ; licensed '60, Presbytery of Ohio; ordained '63, Presbytery of Cedar; pastor Summit and Kossuth, la., '63-68, Oswego, 111., '68-73, Council Bluffs, Mo., '68-73; name removed from roll of Presbytery '75 ; married Oct. 29, '67, Jane Chapman. Far- mer ; residence Weston, Saunders Co., Neb. Bark. James Smith.— Son of John and Elizabeth (Smith); born Washington Co., Pa., Dec. 22, 1832; U. P. T. S., Allegheny, '58-61 ; medical student '60; ordained June 25, '61, United Presbyterian Presbytery of Chartiers ; foreign missionary to India '61-83 ; principal Theological Seminary, Sial- cot, India, '77-83; married June 27, '61, Mary G. Black; D.D., West- minster College, '78. United Presbyterian minister, Sialcot, India. Collier, Francis James. -Son of Daniel L. and Hetty (Larimore); born Steubenville, O., July 21, 1838; P. T. S. '59-62; licensed April 3 '62, Presbytery of Philadelphia; ordained April 27, '64, Presbytery of Ohio; pastor Center Church, Pa., '63-71, Downingtown '72-88 ; published sermons and sketches ; class historian '58 ; married June 2, '74, Maria P., daughter of Robert AuU; D.D., '86, Otterbein College. Presbyterian minister, Down- ington, Pa. 212 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF CoNDiT, John Gordon. — Son of William and Margaret ; born Mercer Co., Pa., August 10, 1829 ; W. T. S. '58-61 ; licensed April 11, '60; Presbytery of Erie; ordained June 26, '61, saine presbytery ; pastor Sandy Lake, Pa., '61-63, Prospect, Iowa, '71-73, Viola, Edwards and Camp Creek, 111., '73-80; missionary Illinois and Iowa '80-87; married May, '62, M. J. McCurdy. Presbyterian minister, Fairfield, Iowa. CowDEN, William Forbes. — Son of Dr. John and Nancy (Forbes); born Lawrence Co., Pa., June 22, 1834; teacher; law student; Baptist Theo- logical Seminary, Lewisburg; ordained Bapiist Church ; pastor Jersey Shore, Pa., '64-67, New Castle '67-71, Christian Church '71-81, Lexing- ton, Ky., '81 — ; married June 29, '59, Mary J. Rice. Christian minister^ Lexington, Ky. Craighead, Samuel Judson.— Son of George and Elizabeth (Neill); born near Canonsburg, Pa., Dec. 5, 1834; teacher Fayette Co., Pa., '58-60, Elder's Ridge '65-78 ; Superintendent of Common Schools; Pennsylvania Legislature '86-87 ; Indiana County, Pa., '78-88 ; married Sarah, daughter of David Elder. Teacher and farmer ; Elder's Ridge, Pa. Cully, David R. — Son of Joseph and Margaret (Mondebaugh); born Wayne Co., O., Jan. 17, 1836 ; teacher ; Missouri, '58 — , Cooper Co., Mo., Mexico, Sedalia ; married October, '64, Sue, daughter of Charles Chilton ; ruling elder Presbyterian Church. Teacher, Sedalia, Mo. Cunningham, Joseph Hemphill. — Son of Dr. Smith and Cynthia; born Beaver Co., Pa.; law student ; practiced law Beaver, Pa., Butler, Bradford, '61 — ; unmarried. Lawyer, Bradford, Pa. Dickson, William — Son of James and Mary (McElroy); born County Down, Ireland, March 24, 1830; W. T. S. '58-61; licensed '60, Presbytery of New Lisbon; ordained '61, same presbytery; pastor Long's Run, Madison, O., '61-66; Deerfield '66-76; principal Poland Academy, '76-81; pastor Canfield, and professor in Normal School, '81 — ; published *' Yankee in Dixie;" married April 27, '57, Hettie, daughter of John Neswonger; D.D., '75, Mt. Union College. Presbyterian minister, Canfield, O. Dobbins, Hugh Hillis. — Son of Hugh and Rosamond (Logan); born Poland, O., April 13, 1833; W. T.S. '58-61 ; licensed '60, Presbytery of.New Lisbon ; ordained '61, Presbytery of Omaha; pastor Brownsville, Neb., '61, Kansas '64; missionary St. Bonaventura, Cal., Watsonville, vSanta Clara, San Luis, Obispo, '64 — ; married July 12, '65, Mary Eloise Trowbridge. Presbyte- rian minister, West Berkley, Cal. *DoNAL,DSON, James Henry. — Son of Rev. Dr. Alexander and Mary (Bracken); born Elder's Ridge, Pa., May 18, 1840 ; teacher '60-63; W. T. S. '60-63 ; licensed April, '62, Presbytery of Saltsburg ; ordained Oct. 4, '64, Presby- tery of Carlisle; United States Army '63 ; pastor Schellsburg, Pa., '63-67 ; died Elder's Ridge, Pa., Oct. 1, '68, consumption. Presbyterian minister. DuNLAP, William Boyd. — Son of Samuel R. and Nancy H.; born Darlington, Pa., July, 1836 ; law student; infirm ; business ; Pennsylvania Legislature,, '71-72; unmarried. Businessman; residence, Bridgewater, Pa. JEFFERSON COLLEGE. 213 EwiNG, John.— Son of Jamee and Rebecca (Robb); born Allegheny Co., Pa Oct. 8, 1834 ; W. T. S. '58-61 ; licensed Dec. 24, '60, Presbytery of Ohio'; ordained Jan. 1, '61, same presbytery ; stated supply Fairview, Pa., '61-63 • Trinity, Philadelphia, '63-69, Clinton, N. J., '69-83, Plymouth, Pa..' •83-85, Pittsgrove, N. J., '85-; D.D., '82, N. W. C; delegate Christian Commission ; unmarried. Presbyterian minister, Daretown, N. J. Fulton, Samuel— Son of John and Hannah (McMillen) : born Washington Co., Pa., Oct. 22, 1832 ; teacher '58-60 ; dental student with Dr. G. W. - Moffitt, Washington, Pa.; practiced dentistry Washington, Pa.,'62—; married April, '58, Margaret J., daughter of John Rankih. Dentist, Washington, Pennsylvania. Gamble, Samuel L.— Son of Morrow R. and Hannah (Filson) ; born Franklin Co., Pa., Aug. 10, 1832 ; P. T. S. '58-61 ; licensed ; ordained Aug. 29, '61, Presbytery of Albany ; pastor New Scotland, N. Y., '61-67, Still- water '67-70, Reformed Church, Guilderland Center, '70-83; married Sep- tember, '61, M. Josephine Leggett. Reformed Presbyterian minister, Guilderland Center, Albany Co., N. Y. Graham, Loyal Young.— Son of James H. and Fannie (Thompson) ; born Butler Pa., Oct. 22, 1837 ; W. T. S. '58-61 ; licensed April, '60, Presbytery •f Allegheny ; ordained Oct. 2, '61, Presbytery of BlairsviUe ; pastor Somerset '61-65, Rehoboth '65-71, Olivet Presbyterian Church, Philadel- phia, '71 — ; Egypt, Syria, Greece, '84 ; married April 25, '61, Sarah J. McCoy; D.D., '85, Otterbein University. Presbyterian minister, Philadel- phia, Pa. *Hawkins, a. W. H. Harrison. — Son of J. C. and Margaret ; born Washing- ton Co., Pa., Jan. 22, 1839 ; medical student, University of Pennsylvania ; Europe ; United States Navy ; surgeon '66 ; druggist ; infirm ; died Mans- tield, O., Nov. 10, '76, killed by railroad engine. Hervey, D wight B. — Son of Rev. Dr. Henry and Julia (Wade); born Mar- tinsburg, O., June 4, 1834, P. T. S. '58-59; W. T. S. '59-61 ; licensed June 13, '62, Presbytery of Richland ; ordained January, '62, same presbytery; pastor Mt. Vernon, O., '62-71 ; stated supply Millwood '71-73, Jersey '74-75, Granville ,'75-81, South Alabama '81-82 ; President Female Col- lege, Granville, O., '82— ; married Sept. 16, '61, Mary E., daughter of John Reeder, Newark, O. Presbyterian minister, Granville, O. Hill, Harrington Rowland.— Son of Sanford C. and Sarah (Leech); born East Liverpool, O.,' Nov. 12, 1834 ; law student ; practiced law New Lisbon, O., '60—; United States Army ; captain; major; lieutenant-colonel, 115th Regiment Ohio Volunteers ; married July 25, '66, Louisa D. Briggs. Lawyer, New Lisbon, O. HOLCOMB, James FooTE.-Son of James H. and Mary (Foote); born Granby, Conn., Jan. 20, 1837 ; W. T. S. '58-61 ; licensed '60; ordained '66, Hope- well and Nashville, O., '66-68, Athens '68-70; foreign missionary, India; Lodiana, India, '70-71, Furrukhabad '71-73, Allahabad '73-; married Jane 28, '66y H. Harriet Howe. Presbyterian minister, Jhansi, India. 214 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF HoLLiDAY, Samuel Henry. — Son of William and Margaret (Gillespie); born Lancaster Co., Pa., Aug. 9, 1833 ; W. T. S. '58-61 ; licensed April 16, '61, Presbytery of Washington ; ordained June 16, '63, Presbytery of Clarion ; pastor Brookville, Pa., '62-68, Brady's Bend '68-75, Bellevue '75-87 ; married Jan. 13, '63, Sophia M., daughter of John Haft. Presbyterian minister, Allegheny, Pa. Hooper, Washington Augustine. — Son of John and Jane (Rice); born Springfield, O., Nov. 10, 1834; W. T. S. '58-61; licensed April, '6U, Pres- by tery of Miami ; ordained '61, Presbytery of Huntingdon ; pastor Tyrone and Birmingham, Pa., '61-64 ; Morgantown, W. Va , '64-67; Ellicott'sCity, Md., '68-81, New Providence, New Jersey, '81 — ; married Aug. 8, '61, Eunice H., daughter of Rev. Dr. Critchlow. Presbyterian minister. New Providence, N. J. Hughes, Samuel Adams. — Son of William and Nancy (Sloan); born Free- port, Pa., March 4, 1835; W. T. S. '58-61; licensed April, '60, Presby- tery of Butler ; ordained '61, Presbytery of Columbus ; pastor Grove City, O., '61-62, Leesburg and Rich Hill, Pa., '64-65, Center '65-70, Parker, '70-74 ; stated supply Brady's Bend, Mahoning and Middle Creek '74 — ; married May 5, '63, Seffie W. Breck. Presbyterian minister, Parker's Landing, Pa. *HuLTZ, Marshall Matthews. — Son of Henry and Margaret; born Alle- gheny Co., Pa., Dec. 31, 1836; medical student Jefferson Medical Col- lege ; practiced medicine Washington Co., Pa.; United States Army sur- geon '61-64 ; died Clokeyville, Pa., Sept. 5, '64. Physician. Hunt, Robert Thomas. — Son of Dr. David and Nancy (Kennedy); born Harris- burg, Pa., Aug. 31, 1835; law student; practiced law Pittsburg '60-65 j. merchant Philadelphia. Banker ; residence Pittsburg, Pa. Irwin, David Johnston. — Son of William and Rosannah ; born Kittanning, Pa., Nov. 30, 1832; W. T. S. '58-61; licensed '60, Presbytery of Salts- burg; ordained June, '61, same presbytery; pastor Ebenezer, Pa., '61 — , Clarksburg '70—; married April 18, '61, Sarah H., daughter of Benjamin Coe ; D.D., '83, Lenox College, Iowa. Presbyterian minister, Ebenezer, Pa. Jelly, Alexander Melanchthon. — Born Beaver Co., Pa., Aug. 15, 1831 ; W. T. S. '58-61; licensed '61, Presbytery of Ohio; ordained '61, Presby- tery of Central Philadelphia ; pastor Belmont, Pa., '61-63, Richmond '65-70, Washington, N. J., 70-74, Twelfth Church, Baltimore, '75-79; President New Windsor College '77 — ; stated supply Windsor, Mt. Paran and Granite '79 — ; married June 9, '68, Clara C. Smith ; A.M., '66, Wash- ington and Jefferson College ; D.D., '78. Presbyterian minister, New Windsor^ Md. Jenks, George A. — Son of J. W. and Mary D. (Barclay); born Punxsutaw- ney. Pa., March 26, 1836; law student; practiced law Brookville, Pa., '59 — ; Member of Congress, Pennsylvania, '74-77 ; Assistant Secretary of Interior '85-86 ; Solicitor General '87 — ; married Jan. 3, '60, Mary A. E. Mabon ; LL.D.^ Washington and Jefferson College. Lawyer, Washing- ton, D. C. JEFFERSON COLLEGE. 215 Johnston, William Pollock.— Son of Samuel P. and Eleanor (Thomson); born Harrison Co., O., Jan. 26, 1839 ; Reformed Presbyterian Theological Seminary, Allegeny ; licensed and ordained Reformed Presbyterian Pres- bytery '64 ; pastor Reformed Presbyterian Church, Baltimore, Md., '64-73, Washington, Iowa, '73-81 ; professor Geneva College, Pa., '81 — ; Europe '68—; married June 16, '74, Clara D. Anderson. Reformed Presbyterian minister, Beaver Falls, Pa. *JoNES, Addison. — Son of Dr. and Martha (Hawkins); born Lawrenceville, Pa., 1838 ; W. T. S. '58 ; writer ; died New York City, Feb. 23, '64. Jones, Edw^ard A. — From Princess Anne, Md.; \?ent South ; editor ; law student ; practiced law Waco, Texas. Lawyer, Waco, Texas. KEI.LEY, Archie Bennett. — Born Pittsburg, Pa., Jan. 10, 1837; U. P. T. S., Allegheny ; health failed ; oil producer ; banker ; ruling elder Presbyterian Church; married April, '63, Francis A., daughter of SeldenMay. Banker, Tionesta, Pa. Kerr, Alfred.— Son of James and Mary (Carnahan); born Westmoreland Co., Pa., Sept. 6, 1838; law student ; practiced law Pittsburg, Pa., '61—; United States Army '62-65, first; lieutenant Young's Battery Heavy Artil- lery ; published work on finance. Lawyer, Pittsburg, Pa. Lowrie, Newell Samuel. -Son of Henry and Helen (Cole); born Montour Co., Pa., Jan. 27, 1832 ; W. T. S. '58-60; P. T. S. '61 ; licensed '60, Pres- bytery of Saltsburg; ordained '62, Presbytery of Erie; pastor Coneaut- ville and Harmonsburg, Pa., '62-68, Gorham, N. Y., '68-86, O'Neill, Neb., '88—; married Ajig. 22, '61, Mary L. Page. Presbyterian minister, O'Neill, Neb. MgClaren, John.— Born Pittsburg, Pa.; law student; practiced law Pittsburg, Pa., I860—. Lawyer, Pittsburg, Pa. McCoMBS, John Caldwell.— Born Wheeling, W.Va., March 9, 1838 ; W. T. S. '58-61; licensed '61, Presbytery of Allegheny; law student '62-64 pra(v ticed law Allegheny, Pa., '64-; married June 15, '65, Lucy E., daughter of Rev. E. P. Swift, D.D. Lawyer, Allegheny, Pa. McConahy, Joseph Hennon.-Soh of William and Mary (Hennon); born Lawrence Co., Pa., Nov. 16, 1836 : teacher Kentucky '58-61 ; California, mining, '61-63 ; teacher Silver Mountain, '63-65 ; Nevada, mining ; teacher '65-67 ; Moravia, Pa., '67-73 ; farming '73-; married '72, Mary L. Phil- lips ; residence Moravia, Pa. MCCOEMICK, SiLAS.-Born Westmoreland Co., Pa.; law student; practiced law Greensburg, Pa.; unmarried. Lawyer, Irwin, Pa. .MoHenby, Chablzs W-Son of James and ^-f-' 'B«l«'*^)'i"°^" r.'"": burg, Pa , Dec. 28, 1839 ; law student ; practiced law P.Msburg, Pa., 60-08 UnL S;ates Army, '61-62; captain, 63d Regiment, Pennsylvan.aV o an teers; practiced law Janesville, Wis., '68-74; ■»»"-<> J*' ^^ f'U D., daughter of John McFadden.- died Janesville. Wis.. Feb. S., ,i, malarial fever. Lawyer. 216 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF McIlvaine, Joseph Lawrence. — Son of Garvin and Jane (Brittain); born Washington Co., Pa., Nov. 14, 1837 ; teacher TxS-Gl ; law student '61 ; teacher '61-65 ; editor Tuscaraivas Advocate '65- ; married Dec. I, '68, Anna, daughter of John Coventry. Editor, New Philadelphia, O. *McKowN, John Orr.— Son of James and Mary (Orr) ; born Frankfort Springs, Pa., Aug. 7, 1834; law student with Chas. W. Russell, Wheeling, W. Va.; teacher Huntsville, Ala.; practiced law Ponton, Texas; Confed- erate States Army, 12th Regiment Texas Dragoons, '61-62 ; died Browns- ville, Texas, in hospital, Oct. 12, '62, consumption. Lawyer. *McMiLLiN, Milton.— Born Beaver Co., Pa., Sept. 27, 1832 ; W. T. S. '59-62; licensed April 17, '61, Presbytery of Beaver; ordained January, '65, Pres- bytery of Marion ; pastor Delaware, O., '65-67, Mt. Gilead, and stated supply Cardington '67-74 ; married Sept. 2, '62, Mrs. Nannie Van Eman ; died Lexington, O., June 19, '76, fever. Presbyterian minister. *McNiTE, Thomas Irwin.— Son of William and Eleanor (Postlethwaite); born Huntingdon Co., Pa., May 28, 1830 ; teacher; died Shirleysburg, Pa., April 30, '65. Teacher. Marshall, Kennedy. — Son of Hon. Samuel and Mary ; born Butler Co., Pa., July 21, 1834; law student with Hon. T. M. Marshall, Pittsburg, Pa.; practiced law Pittsburg, New York City and Butler, Pa., '59 — ; Pennsyl- vania Legislature, '61 ; married July 21, '59, Anna E. Totten. Lawyer, Butler, Pa. Martin, John Williamson. — Son of John and Mary (Williamson); born Jef- ferson Co., O., Nov. 10, 1834; U. P. T. S. Allegheny; licensed April, '61, United Presbyterian Presbytery; ordained April, 62; pastor Carrollton, O., '62-65, East Liverpool '65-68, Edgarton, Kan., '68-73; North Salem, O., '74 — ; Jonathan's Creek '88; married August, '59, Susie E. Laughlin, also February, '63, Nannie J. Erskine ; Moderator United Presbyterian* Synod of Ohio. United Presbyterian minister, Mt. Perry, O. Martin, Thomas Alexander. — Can not be traced. ■*Massey, Mordecai B. — Son of Robert and Martha J.; born Huntingdon Co., Pa., Oct. 18, 1835; law student with Hon. William Montgomery, Washington, Pa.; Philadelphia, '61-65 ; practiced law Huntingdon, Pa., '65-77; married '65, Maggie D., daughter of John R. Hunter; died Hunt- ingdon, Pa.,. March 13, '77, consumption. Lawyer. *Means, Nathan Amzi. — Son of Capt. John A. and Eliza C; born Northfield, O., Dec. 26, 1836; teacher '58-62; Clerk of Courts, Akron, O., '62-68; farmer '68-73 ; business, Aultman, Miller & Co., Akron, O., '73-86; mar- ried Feb. 27, '62, M. A. Keady ; died Akron, O., May 28, '86. *MooRE, James Ramsey — Son of William and Eleanor (Hughes) ; born near Canonsburg, Pa., June 6, 1835; medical student with Dr. Jos. C. Hughes, Keokuk, Iowa; practiced medicine Natchez, Miss., '61-62; physician State Hospital; Confederate States Army; surgeon, Ist Regiment, Missis- sippi Artillery, '62 ; died Port Gibson, Miss., Aug. 1, '62, thrown from his horse. Physician. JEFFERSON COLLEGE. 217 MowRY, Philip Henry.— Son of Dr. Robert Mowry and Ariana R. (Riddle); born Allegheny, Pa., March 6, 1837 ; W. T. S. '58-61 ; licensed April, '60,' Reformed Presbytery of Pittsburg ; ordained '61, Presbytery of Philadel- phia; pastor Fourth Church, Philadelphia, '61-63, Newvllle '63-68, Second Church, Springfield, '68-73, First Church, Chester, '73—; married '61, Kate R. Richardson ; D.D., '82, Western University. Presbyterian minis- ter, Chester, Pa. j^ESBiTT, John Harvey.— Son of Samuel and Jane (McConaughy) ; born Indiana Co., Pa., Aug. 20, 1834; W. T. S. '58-59; N. W. T. S. '59-61; licensed April 11, '60, Presbytery of Chicago ; orcfained evangelist October, '61, same presbytery ; stated supply Onarga '60-61 ; missionary Oswego, 111., '61-64; pastor McComb, 111., '64-69, Frankfort, Ky., '69-76; infirm: pastor Mingo, Pa., '78-81, Owensboro, Ky., '81-86, Oxford, O., '86—; married May 25, '64, Agnes R., daughter of Hugh Ross. Presbyterian minister, Oxford, O. **Nevin, John Irwin. — Son of Rev. Daniel £. and Margaret (Irwin); born Sewickley Aug. 22, 1837 ; teacher '58-60 ; United States Army '61-65 ; lieu- tenant 28th Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers; major; lieutenant-colonel; prisoner of war; editor Pittsburg Dispatch '68, Leader '70; married '73, Eleanor H. Hawes ; died Sewickley, Pa., Jan. 5, '84, Bright's disease. Editor. "^NiBLOCK, Samuel Holmes. — Son of Dr. William and Ann ; born Landisburg, Pa., Feb. 23, 1836; teacher; died Landisburg, Pa., Feb. 19, '59, consump- tion. Student. *Noble, James Davis.— Son of Hon. Joseph B. and Charlotte (Davis); born Fulton Co., Pa., Aug. 8, 1837 ; medical student, Jefferson Medical College; United States Army '61-62 ; assistant-surgeon 51st Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteers ; Ignited States Navy ; assistant surgeon, '65-66 ; practiced med- icine Waterside, Pa., '62-65, Pattonsville '66-74; married Feb. 4, '69, Eliza J. Haderman; died Pattonsville, Pa., March 14, '74. Physician. Orr, Grier C— Son of Gen. Robert and Martha (Grier); born Kittanning, Pa., Feb. 17, 1837; law student; practiced law Kittanning, Pa., '62—. Lawyer, Kittanning, Pa. ^^Patterson, Robert Baird.— Son of Joseph N. and (Baird); born Pitts, burg, Pa., Jan. 21, 1841; teacher Pennsylvania and Louisiana; law student with Hon. Joshua F. Bell, Danville, Ky.; practiced law Greens- burg, Pa., '62-67, Pittsburg '67-71 ; died Pittsburg, Pa., April 29, '71, accidental fall. Lawyer. ^Paull, GEORGE.-Son of Joseph and Eliza Lea (Rodgers); born near Con- nellsville. Pa., Feb. 3, 1837; W. T. S. '58-61; licensed April 10, '61, Presbytery of Redstone; ordained Sept. 16, '63, same presbytery ; foreign missionary to Africa, Benita, Western Africa, '63-65 ; died Benita, Western Africa, May 14, '65. Presbyterian minister. 218 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF Pollock, Edie Stewart.— Son of Charles and Ann (Stewart); born Clarioa Co., Pa., Dec. 14, 1835 ; teacher Kentucky '58-59 ; fourth-sergeant 37th Kegiment Pennsylvania Volunteers '63; oil business, Oil City, Pa.; trader; Deputy Collector Internal Revenue '69-70 ; clerk's office ; House Representa- tives Washington, D. C, '70-71; First Auditor of the Treasury Department '71 — ; married June 29, '68, Sallie, daughter of James Dubois ; residence Washington, D. C. Schneider, Francis Joseph Christopher. — Son of John C. and Anna. (Kahlert); born Erfurth, Prussia, March 29, 1832 ; W. T. S. '58-61 ; licensed , Presbytery of Ohio; ordained '61, Presbytery of Saltsburg; foreign missionary to Brazil ; Sao Paulo, Brazil, '61-77 ; New York, translator, '77-81; Brazil '81—; " A Ymprensa Evangelica ;" married March 24, '64, Ella G., daughter of Robert Kingsley. Presbyterian minister, Sao Paulo^ Brazil. Simpson, John. — Son of Samuel and Catharine (Hout); born Richland Co., 0., June 26, 1829; teacher '58—, Millersburg, O., Haysville Institute, Professor of Science, principal '60-71 ; Superintendent Institute, Mansfield, O., '71—; married Dec. 25, '62, Millie J. Stringer; Ph.D., Wooster Uni- versity ; residence Mansfield, O. Slemons, Frances Marion.— Son of John B. and Martha J. (Bennett); born Somerset Co., Md., Aug. 12, 1839; medical studentwith Dr. L. W. Morris, Forktown, Md.; University of Maryland '58-60; practiced medicine Fork- town, Md., '60-66, Salisbury, Md., '66—; married May 15, '61, Martha A.,, daughter of Jephtha Morris. Physician, Salisbury, Md. Smith, Nelson Horace. — Son of Daniel and Elizabeth (Cepley) ; born near Blairsville, Pa., May 9, 1830 ; W. T. S. '58-61 ; licensed '60, Presbytery of Ohio ; ordained 61, Presbytery of Kansas ; pastor of Oregon and Forest City, Mo., '63-68, Cameron '68-69, Albany '70-72, Filmore '73-80, stated supply Gainesville, Ga., '80 — ; married May 1, '65, Jennie N., daughter of Absalom Lloyd. Presbyterian minister, Sharon, Ga. *Smith, Joseph Norris. — Son of Rev. Dr. Joseph and Eliza (Bell); born Frederick, Md., Feb. 2, 1840 ; W. T. S. '60-61 ; United States Army, wounded Pittsburg Landing ; infirm ; teacher Eastern Pennsylvania ; New Mexico; Charleston, W. Va.; Rockbridge Baths, Va., '83 — ; died Vir- ginia, March 4, '89. Teacher. Sproull, John Wallace. — Son of Rev. Dr. Thomas and Magdalena (Wal- lace); born Allegheny, Pa., Jan. 17, 1839 ; teacher '68-69 ; Reformed Pres- byterian Seminary, Allegheny; licensed and ordained Reformed Presbytery ; pastor Elizabeth, Pa., '66-71; Central Reformed Presbyterian Church, Allegheny ; Europe ; edited Reformed Presbyterian and Covenanter '68 — ; married June 26, '79, Anna M. Stewart. Reformed Presbyterian minister^ Allegheny, Pa. JEFFERSON COLLEGE. 219 *Starrett, William Aiken.— Born Allegheny Co., Pa., Jan. 3, 1834; P. T. S. '59-62 ; teacher Leavenworth, Kan., '63 ; ordained Feb. 6,' '64, Pres- bytery of Leavenworth; pastor First Church, Lawrence, Kan., '64-70; demitted ministry 70 ; Superintendent of Institute, Kansas, '69-70 ; editor* Kansas, Daily Tribune] practiced law Chicago, 111.; married Miss Aiken; died Chicago, 111., Jan. 6, '87. Lawyer. Stewart, James Albert.— Born Huntingdon Co., Pa., Sept. 23, 1834; teacher, North Carolina, '59-61 ; farmer '61-65 ; principal Sewickle'y Acad' emy ; teacher Nottingham, Md., '67-68 ; Logaij Academy, Bell's Mills, Pa., '69-74; principal, Holidavsburg, '74—; married Dec. 29, '59, Mattie J. Murphy. Teacher, Holidaysburg, Pa. Stewart, Robert Crain.— Son of Robert and Sarah (Barnett); born Dauphin Co., Pa., March 14, 1830 ; W. T. S. '58-61 ; licensed '60, Presbytery of Saltsburg ; ordained '64, Presbytery of Hocking ; stated supply Hagerstown and New Castle, lud., '62-70 ; West Columbia and Upper Flats, W. Va., and other points, '70-74 ; Carthage, O., '74—; Tupper's Plains '88 ; mar- ried Oct. 27, '64, Mary Fulghum. Presbyterian minister, Tupper's Plains, O. Taylor, William Mercer. — Son of Samuel and Charity (Mercer); born Lawrence Co., Pa., March 4, 1834; W. T. S. '58-61; licensed April, '60, Presbytery of Beaver ; ordained June 12, '61, same presbytery ; pastor Westfield Church, Pa., '61 — ; Egypt, Holy Land, Greece, '78; married May 21, '61, Lorinda, daughter of S. R. Packer, Hiram, O., also Sept. 24, '85, Sophie B. Loring; Christian Commission ; Moderator Synod of Erie; D.D., Washington and Jefferson College, '88. Presbyterian minister, Mt. Jackson, Pa. *Templeton, John Francis. — Son of John and Amanda Malvina (Dawson); born Vicksburg, Miss., Aug. 20, 1835; law student; practiced law Vicks- burg, Miss.; Confederate States Army '61-65 ; clerk Vicksburg '65-71 ; died Vicksburg, Miss., Aug. 18, '71. Yellow fever. Thompson, Henry Adams. — Son of John and Lydia ; born Center Co., Pa., March 23, 1837 ; W. T. S. '58-60 ; licensed Jan. 7, '60, Conference United Brethren Church ; ordained Jan. 7, '61, same Conference ; teacher '60-61 ; Professor Mathematics, Washington College, Iowa, '61 ; professor Otterbein University '62-67; Superintendent of Schools, Troy, O., '67-72; professor of Western College '71-72; President Otterbein University '72—; published "Schools of the Prophets," " Power of the Invisible ;" D.D., Washington and Jefferson College, '73; married '62, Harriet E. Copeland. United Brethren in Christ minister. *ToDD, Edward Nevins.— Son of George and Catherine (Nevins); born Salis- bury, Md., Oct. 20, 1889 ; law student ; practiced law Salisbury, Md., '62 ; Confederate States Array ; died Perryville, Ky., Nov. 29, '62, wounds in battle. Lawyer. 220 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF Tbumbull, Charles DeWitt. — Son of John K. and Laura (Dunbar); born Craftsburj, Vt., April 4, 1837 ; professor Geneva College '58-59 ; Reformed Presbyterian Theological Seminary '60-03 ; licensed April, '63, Reformed Presbyterian Presbytery ; ordained December, '63 ; pastor Medi- apolis, la., '64-74, Morning Sun, '74 — ; married June 8, '64, Mary M., daughter of Rev. Dr. Thomas SprouU ; Moderator Synod '78. Reformed Presbyterian minister, Morning Sun, Iowa. White, Robert Hall. — Son of Rev. R. M. and Ellen M. (Davis); born Fairview, W. Va., Dec. 29, 1839 ; medical student University of New York '60-64 ; hospital, New York, '65-67 ; United States Army, medical staff, '67 — ; assistant surgeon West Point, N. Y.; unmarried. Physician, West Point, N. Y. WooDBURN, James Skiles. — Son of Skiles and Margaret (McKeehan); born Cumberland Co., Pa., Oct. 29, 1837 ; teacher '58 ; United Presbyterian Theological Seminary, Allegheny, '59-61 ; licensed '60, United Presbyterian Presbytery of Monongahela ; ordained May,'64; pastor United Presbyterian Church, Gettysburg, Pa., '64-65 ; Missionary Church, New York, '65-66 ; Presbyterian Church '66; Dickenson and other points to '81; pastor Liver- more '81 — ; Black Lick, Pa., '81-83 ; Lower Tuscarora '88 — ; married Oct. 29, '62, Mary K. Delts. Presbyterian minister, Academia, Pa. 1859. Ankeny, a. Thomas. — Born Somerset, Pa., Dec. 27, 1837 ; Office of Attorney General, Washington, D. C; Quartermaster-General's Office till '65 ; law student ; practiced law Somerset, Pa., '65-72 ; business Minneapolis, Minn., '72-77; practiced law '77 — ; married May 2, '61, Martha V., daughter of John Moore. Lawyer, Minneapolis, Minn. Blair, John Frank.— Born Allegheny Co., Pa., Jan. 31, 1835 ; farmer '59-66; lumber McKeesport, Pa., '66-70 ; farmer '70 — ; married Dec. 26, '64, Adelaide Ventress. Ruling elder Presbyterian Church, Elizabeth, Pa. ■♦Blair, Bruce Benton.— Born Dillsburg, Pa., March 9, 1839; teacher; P. T. S.; U. T. S., Virginia; licensed Sept. 22, '62, Presbytery of Greenbrier; Confederate States Army, chaplain '62-65 ; stated supply Kanawha, Saline, W. Va., '66 ; ordained Oct. 12, '67, Presbytery of Greenbrier ; pastor Point Pleasant, W. Va., '67-71 ; died Shippensburg, Pa., June 19, '71. Presbyterian minister. "*BoLLS, David Samuel. — Born Warren Co., Miss., Sept. 5, 1838 ; Confederate States Army, Cowan's Battery, '62-65 ; prisoner of war ; merchant ; mar- ried May 20, '70, Leila, daughter of Dr. Harper ; died Smith's Station, Miss., Jan. 23, '77. Oheeseman, George. — Born Washington Co., Pa., April 16, 1829 ; teacher near Lexington, Ky., '59-61, Bethel, Pa.; medical student, Jefferson Med- ical College, '63-65 ; practiced medicine Library, Pa., '65 — ; married Feb. 19, '73, M- B., daughter of Hon. J. A. Happer. Physician, Library, Pa. JEFFERSON COLLEGE. 221 Cowan, Alexander.— Born Shelbyville, Tenn., Jan. 21, 1839; W. T. S. '59-60; U. T. S., Virginia, '67-70; licensed '69, Presbytery of 'Nashville j ordained '70; pastor Henderson and stated supply Shiloh, Tenn., '70-79; teacher ; pastor McMinnville '79-80 ; stated supply Henderson and Madi' son '81—; married July, '72, Tabitha D. Wherry. Presbyterian minister, Madison, Tenn. *DixoN, John Edgar.— Born Columbia Co., Pa., July 28, 1832; W. T. S. '61-62 ; P. T. S ; teacher ; married Maggie Boon ; died St. Paul, Minn., March 15, '68, consumption. Teacher. Douglas, James McQuewan.- Born Pittsburg, Pa^ Nov. 10, 1839 ; banking, St. Louis, Mo.; merchant; married Oct. 20, '64, Augusta Whitehill. Business, St. Louis, Mo. *Edie, James William.— Born Baltimore, Md., Feb. 27, 1831 ; P. T. S. '59-62 ; ordained July 29, '62, Presbytery of New Castle ; pastor Penning- tonville. Pa., '62-68, New Scotland and Bethlehem, N. Y., '68-70 ; Ebens- burg. Pa., '70-73 ; married May 20, '62, Josephine M. Logan; died Ebens- burg. Pa., Sept. 10, '74, consumption. Presbyterian minister. Elliott, James George.— Son of B. F. and Mary (George); born Butler Co., ■ Pa., March 11, 1888 ; teacher '60-63 ; law student, New Castle, Pa., '63-65; practiced law Franklin, Pa., '65-69, New Castle '69-70, Sharon '70-78, Mercer '78 — ; married July 7, '70, Eva, daughter of Johnson Pearson. Lawyer, Mercer, Pa. EuwER, J. Alvan. — Son of John N. and Jul • Con- federate States Army '61-65; merchant, Transylvania Plantation,' Lake Providence, '65-77 ; unmarried ; died Lake Providence, La., Sept. 29 '77. Planter. • > • Kline, William J. K.— Son of John and Elizabeth (Knapenberger); born Westmoreland Co., Pa.; oil business; medical student Jefferson Medical College '60-63 ; United States Army Hospital Service, Harrisburg, Pa., '63 ; practiced medicine Irwin, Pa., '63-71, Greensbdrg '71—; Pennsylvania Legislature '67-78; editor; married '68, Emma Tinstnan. Physician, Greensburg, Pa. *McCuNE, Walter Scott.— Son of Joseph A. and Agnes; born Perrysville, Pa., July, 1845; law student with Thomas Marshall, Pittsburg, Pa., '60-62; practiced law Pittsburg, Pa., '62— Ironton, O.; Prosecuting Attorney, Ironton ; married Libbie Culbertson ; died Ironton, O., August, '87. Lawyer. *McGiNNEs, George Harold.— Son of Rev. James Y. and Elizabeth M. (Cresswell); born Lewiston, 111., Sept. 21, 1841; teacher '61-62 ; United States Army '62-63 ; died Camp Falmouth, Va., June 1, '63. Teacher. McMahan, Robert Todd.— Born Morgan Co., O., Nov. 8, 1832 ; W. T. S. "60-61, '64-66; United States Army "61-64; licensed June 16, '66, Presby- tery of Schuyler ; ordained October, '67, same presbytery ; stated supply Wythe, 111., '67-69, Rushville '69-71, Bardolph '71-72, Ellsworth and Jack- son, O., '73-75, Long's Run '76-79, Colman, Dak., '83-87, Jasper, Mo., '87 — ; married Feb. 22, '66, Maria A. Walkenshaw. Presbyterian minister, Jasper, Mo. *Melvin, James W.— Born Pennsylvania; W. T. S. '60-61; R. P. T. S. '61-64 ; licensed April, '61, Reformed PresbyterianPresbytery of Pittsburg; slated supply Presbytery of Pittsburg, Presbytery of Ohio '62 ; died near Cedar Hill, O., July, '64. Reformed Presbyterian minister. Meredith, William Boling. — Son of Jonathan E. and Caroline M. (McKee); born Kittanning, Pa., Sept. 13, 1839 ; business ; Senate Pennsylvania, Forty-first District ; married June 23, '68, Eliza N. Colwell ; residence Kittanning, Pa. Business man. :Miller, Robert Thompson.— Son of Dr. James and Danthula (Wright); born Finleyville, Washington Co., Pa., Jan. 11,1835; W. T. S. '60-61 ; ordained deacon Methodist Episcopal Church by Pittsburg Methodist Episcopal Con- ference '63; elder '65 by the same; pastor Claysvilie, Pa., five months, Canonsburg five months, Wellsburg, W. Va., one year, Carmichaels, Pa., one year, DuQuesne two years, Braddocks three years, Pittsburg two years, Greensburg two years, Uniontown three years, Connellsville three years, Allegheny three years, Pittsburg, South Side; married Ju«e 11, '62, Vir- ginia, daughter of Craig Ritchie, also June 2, '74, Mary E., daughter of Capt. John A. Wood. Methodist Episcopal minister. 280 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF Miller, Samuel W.— Son of Samuel and Mary H. (Cockins; born Washings- ton Co., Pa., May 3, 1835; teacher Virginia '60-61; W. T. S. '61-64; licensed Dec. 27, '63, Presbytery of Ohio ; ordained April 26, '65, Presby- tery of Gedar Rapids ; pastor Cedar Rapids, Ta., '63-68, Wooster, O., '68-74, Mansfield '74-80, Saltsburg, Pa., '80—; published "Memorial of William Smith, D.D."; married Sept. 5, '63, Lennie L., daughter of Robert Craw- ford ; D.D., '80, Wooster University. Presbyterian minister, Saltsburg, Pennsylvania. Milliken, John Anderson.— Son of Col. John and Isabella Barcley ; born Juniata Co., Pa., March 2, 1838; law student; practiced law Juniata Co., Pa., '62-70, Kansas '70 — ; married June, 1865, Mary A. Greshard; infirm Lawyer; residence Wellington, Kan. MooRHEAD, William Wallace. — Son of Samuel and Martha (Bell); born Blairsville, Pa., Feb. 28, 1837; W. T. S. '60-63; licensed April, '62, Pres- bytery of Blairsville; ordained October, '64, Presbytery of Bureau; stated supply and pastor Beulah '62-68, Camden, 111., '62-71 ; pastor Greensburg^ Pa., '71 — ; Trustee Washington and Jefferson College ; married Oct. 27, '63, Martha J., daughter of Dr. A. Donaldson, also Dec. 12, '72, Jennie L., daughter of A. Horbach ; D.D., '85, Hanover College. Presbyterian min- igter. Morrison, John Culbert. — Medical student ; practiced medicine Kansas. Orr, John. — Son of Chambers and Hannah ; born Kittanning, Pa., April 25 1835; W. T. S. '61-64; licensed '64; ordained '64, Presbytery of Kittan ning; pastor Pine Run and Apollo, Pa., '64 — , Kilbourn City, Wis., —till '72; infirm; Europe; business '82 — ; married Sept. 7, '70, Lottie L daughter of J. M. Weber, Kilbourn City, Wis. Presbyterian minister Pittsburg, Pa. »Patton, David.— Born Lawrence Co., Pa., Nov. 29, 1837 ; W. T. S. '60 United States Army '61-64, captain ; R. T. S. '64-65 ; licensed May, '65, Reformed Presbyterian Presbytery of Pittsburg ; ordained June, '66, same presbytery ; pastor Cochranton '66-69, Shenango '66-67, Presbyterian Church '67 ; stated supply Cochranton '67-69 ; St. Anthony, Minn., '69-70, Petroleum Center, Pa., '70-72; infirm; married Nov. 10, '63, S, C. Tidball ; died Feb. 22, '75, consumption. Presbyterian minister. Paxton, John Steele. — Son of John S. and Margaret (Steele); born Monroe Co., Va., Nov. 21, 1833; farmer; Grand View, 111., Clinton, Kansas, 111.; ruling elder Presbyterian Church, '73 — ; married June 25, '62, Lauretta CoUom, Charleston, 111. Farmer, Kansas, Edgar Co., 111. Rogers, James Patterson. — Son of Alexander and Elizabeth (Johnston); born Wheeling W. Va., April 29, '39 ; law student, New Richardson '62-63; practiced law Wheeling, W. Va., '63 — ; Prosecuting Attorney '67-71; Judge Municipal Court '73; married Oct. 9, '74, M. J., daughter of George Jackson, Green Co., O. Lawyer, Wheeling, W. Va. JEFFERSON COLLEGE. 231 »Shelledy, John H.-Son of Garland B. and Nancy (Hutchineon); born Feb 14, 1802, Paris, 111.; law student with Judge Trogden ; practiced law Kan- sas, Pans, 111., till '67; Master in Chancery; married; died Paris, 111. May, '70. Lawyer. ' * Sickles, Thomas Norwood.— Son of William and Anna C. (Coe); born Indian- apolis, Ind., Oct. 22, 1839; law student; editor Chicago, 111., '«I-H2; United States Army, 10th United States Artillery, 'G2-6() ; Independence', Kan., United States Land Office ; editor Daily Evening Republican ', married May 21, '(>7, Harriet E. McNeil. Independence, Kan. Snoddy, Llewellin O.— Son of William J. and Barbara (Sweader); born Tippecanoe Co., Ind., Aug. 12, 1836 ; teacher; law student; United States Army, 10th Indiana Volunteers, '61-66 ; captain ; practiced law Topeka, Kan., '63 ; married April 25, '68, Alice M. Sears. Farmer, Topeka, Kan. Stafford, Pascal George.— From Trenton, 111.; law student ; practiced law Sedalia, Mo. ; Legislature. Lawyer, Sedalia, Mo. Stewart, William Shaw.— Son of John and Margaret (Shaw); born Stewart's Station, Pa., Nov. 10, 1838 ; medical student, Jefferson Medical College ; United States Army, '63-65 ; surgeon 123d and 83d Regiments Penusyl- vania Volunteers; practiced medicine Philadelphia, '65 — ; Professor of Obstetrics and Dean Medico-Chirurgical College; Vice-President A. A. Med.; published various papers; married Delia, daughter of Thomas Allman ; elder United Presbyterian Church. Physician, Philadelphia. Stewart, Robert Ekin. — Son of John and Margaret (Shaw); born Stewart's Station, Pa., April 2, 1841; U. P. T. S. '60-62; United States Army, '62-65 ; lieutenant, 123d Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteers, '62 ; major, 24th Regiment, C. T., '65; law student; practiced law Pittsburg, Pa., '67—; ruling elder United Presbyterian Church; Trustee General Assembly ; Director United Presbyterian Theological Seminary; Delegate to Third General Council Reformed Churches, Belfast ; married July 2, '68, Caro- line M., daughter of John McMasters. Lawyer, Pittsburg, Pa. I Stuart, Winchester H.— Son of Rev. D. T. and Olivia (Hall); born Shelby Co., Ky., July 7, 1839; law student; teacher Shelby Co., Ky., Columbia; President Stuart Female College; married Dec. 26, '65, Martinette M., daughter of Dr Marcus Cherin. Teacher, Shelby ville, Ky. Thompson, Roland. Son of James and Jane (Reed); born Milroy, Pa., March 8, 1837; United States Arpiy, '61-62; 13l8t Pennsylvania Volun- . teers; manufacturer Milroy, Pa., '63-73; lumber North Carolina '73-7H ; manufacturer '76—. Residence, Milroy, Pa. *ToDD,MARTiNLuTHER.-Born Wheeling, W.Va., Jan. 9, 1840; W. T. S.'60-63, licensed '63, Presbytery of Washington ; stated supply Point Pleasant and West Columbia, W. Va., Vernon, Ind., Richmond, Ky.; married May 19; '68, Genevieve Sheppard; died Aug. 14, '70. Presbyterian minister. Vi.NCE, Samuel Eldridge.-Sou of Andrew M. and Esther (Sholledy); born Paris, 111., July 29, 1835 ; N. W. T. S. '60-63 ; licensed April, '62, Presby- tery of Palestine ; ordained September, '63, same presbytery; pastor Oneida, 232 CiENERAL CATALOGUE OF 111., '63-69, Grand Ridge '()9-71, Granville, '71-73, Lexington '78-79, Stevens Point, Wis., '79-82, Ridgefield '82-85, Lodi, Wis , '85—; married Dec. 23, '63, Kate Frame. Presbyterian minister, Lodi, Wis. ^White, Alexander May.— Son of John and Mary (Fuller); born near (.'anonsburg, Pa., 1833 ; U. P. T. S. '60-63 ; licensed June, '64, Presbytery of Monongahela; missionary Columbus, 0., '64-66; married October, '64, Josephine Cook; died Venice, Washington Co., Pa., June 13, '66, con- sumption. United Presbyterian minister. White, William McCrea. — Son of Rev. R. M.; born Fairview, W. Va.; teacher '60-61 ; W. T. S. '61-64 ; licensed April 27, '64, Presbytery of Washington ; ordained April 25, '6(5, same presbytery ; pastor Hookstown, Pa., '66-72 ; Methodist Episcopal Church '85, Princeton, iS^. J., Redbank, Freehold. Methodist Episcopal minister. WiGHTMAN, James Wallace. — Son of William H. and Olivia (Carroll); born Jefferson Co., O., Dec. 22, 1837 ; W. T. S. '60-63 ; licensed April 26, '62, Presbytery of Pittsburg ; ordained October, '63, Presbytery of Carlisle ; pastor Greencastle, Pa., '63-70 ; acting president ; Wilson Female College, '70-72 ; pastor McKeesport, Pa., '72-77 ; President Ogden College, Ken- tucky, '77-83; assistant principal and principal Steubenville Female Sem- inary, '83-86; pastor Old Presbyterian Church, Steubenville, '83-86, Turtle Creek, Pa., '88 — ; married April 26, '64, Emma, daughter of Alexander Jaynes; D.D., '80, Center College, Kentucky. Presbyterian minister. Turtle Creek, Pa. Wilson, David Boal. — Son of John F. and Agnes (Sawyer); born Union Co., Pa., March 12, 1838 ; law student ; United States Army, '61-62, '63-65 ; 13l8t Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers ; first and second lieutenant ; practiced law Lewisburg, Pa., '63 ; lumber and coal, Virginia ; Regular Army, adjutant 25th Regiment, Ft. Snelling, Minn., '81 — ; married Sep- tember, '70, Sarah L., daughter of Rev. Charles Jones. Soldier. Wright, Williamson Swift. — Son of Rev. Dr. E. W. and Henrietta M. (Swift); born Lafayette, lud., Aug. 7, 1840; W. T. S. '60-()3; licensed April 30, '63, Presbytery of Logansport; ordained Sept. 6, 'iio, same pres- bytery ; stated supply and pastor Delphi, Ind., '65-68 ; stated supply Clarksville, Pa., '69-70, Westminster '70-84, Pearsall, Texas, '84 — ; married '69, Annie E., daughter of Dr. Washington Davis. Presbyterian minister, Pearsall, Texas. 1861. Bealk, David J. — Son of Joshua and Milly (Millikeri); born Juniata Co., Pa., July 1, 1835; W. T. S. '61-62 5 P. T. S. '62-64; licensed April 17, '63, Presbytery of Huntingdon ; ordained Aug. 11, '64, same presbytery ; pastor Middle Tuscarora '64-69, St. George's, Del., '69-72, Light Street Church, Baltimore, Md., '72-83, Johnstown, Pa., '83—; published "History of Tuscarora Valley ;" married May 2, '6-5, Mary M., daughter of Thomas Moore; D.D., Washington and Jefferson College, '85. Presbyterian min- ister, Johnstown, Pa. Jf^FFERSON COLLEGE. 233 Caldwell, Henry Palmer—Sou of Joseph K. and EUen Mary ; bora Wash ington, O., Jan. 11, 1840; clerk 'G1-G3; United States Army 'G3-05 ; first lieutenant 12th Ohio Cavalry; druggist, Kansas City, Mo., '65-67, Chicago, 111., '67-70; real estate agent '70— ; unmarried; Chicago, 111. Oaldwell, James Clinton.— Son of Joseph K. and Ellen Mary; born Wash- ington, O., 1841 ; United States Army '61-65 ; Ist Ohio Volunteer Cavalry ; adjutant; merchant '65; manufacturer, Aurora, 111., '85—: riling elder Presbyterian Church ; married Feb. 22, '70, Miss Wright ; residence, Aurora, III. Manufacturer. Campbell, John James.— Son of Samuel and Mary vMorrow); born Hunting- don Co., Pa., Oct. 5, 1840; teacher Pennsylvania '66-70, Warrensburg, Mo., '70—; W. T 8. '61-63 ; '65-66; United Stales Army, Signal Corps ; married Aug. 22. '70, Rebecca A., daughter of Rev. James French, Phila- delphia, Pa.; also Lila M., daughter of Maj. J. W. Smith, Little Rock, Ark. Teacher, Warrensburg, Mo. Chalfant, James Thomas.— Son of Henry and Isabella (Campbell); born Allegheny Co., Pa., May 18, 1839 ; United States Army '61-65 ; 9th Penn- sylvania Reserves ; first lieutenant '62, captain '64 ; prisoner of war March, '64-April, '65; oil business '65-82; general agent Pittsburg Locomotive Works '82 — ; married Mary Scott, Cleveland, O. Residence, Pittsburg, i'ennsylvania. Chalfant, George Alexander. — Son of Henry and Isabella (Campbell); born Allegheny Co., Pa., March 5, 1841 ; clerk; partner jEtna Iron Works, Pittsburg, Pa.; manager of same; President F. and M. Bank, Sharpsburg, and Bridge Company ; married Nov. 11, '65, Margaret J. Bell, Braddock, Pa. Residence, Sharpsburg, Pa. Chapman, Pearson. — Son of Pearson and Mary (Alexander;; born Glymont, Md., Aug. 5, 1840; medical student, Maryland University, '61-62; prac- ticed medicine Harford Co., Md., '62 — ; married Nov. 21, '76, Eleanora K. Ward. Physician, Perryman's, Md. Chapman, Nathaniel. — Son of Pearson and Mary S. (Alexander); born Charles Co., Md., Aug. 26, 1842; Confederate States of America '61-65, lieutenant 1st Maryland Cavalry ; medical student Maryland School of Medi- cine, '65-73 ; practiced medicine Charles Co., Md., '73—; married Oct. 23, '67, Mary, daughter of Hon. J. M. Chapman. Physician, Baltimore, Md. *Clarke, Robert Alexander.— Son of Rev. Dr. David D.; born Schells- burg. Pa., Nov. 13, 1839 ; W. T. S. '61-62 ; ruling elder Presbyterian Church; merchant; died McVeytown, Pa., Aug. 24, '79. Dickey, Nathaniel E.— Son of John and Mary (Hardy); born Canonsburg, Pa., July 4, 1837 ; United States Army '61-64, Company D, 10th Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers ; teacher and law student '64-69 ; failure of hear- ing from array exposure; Assessor, Riley Co., Kan.; farmer, Kansas ; Mis- souri; married June 26, '73, Rebecca Daywitt, also Oct. 24, '86, Lucretia M. Agee. Farmer, Lebanon, Mo. 234 GENEKAL CATALOGUE OF Duff, James B.— Son of David and Nancy (Henderson); born Wilkinsburg, Pa., Oct. 28, 1839; United States Army '61-65, lieutenant '63-65; book- keeper Pennsylvania Salt Manufacturing Company, Natrona, Pa.; married Oct. 1, '65, Mattie E., daughter of H. W. Lang, Homewood, Pa.; resi- dence Natrona, Pennsylvania. Evans, James. — Son of Oliver and Mary A.; born McKeesport, Pa.; teacher; law studen t] with James I. Kuhn, Pittsburg; practiced law McKeesport, 1865—; married Jan. 24, '74, Matilda E. Stotler, East Liberty, Pa. Lawyer, McKeesport, Pa. Fairall, Herman Husband. — Son of Truman and Mary P.; born Allegheny Co., Md., Jan. 23, 1840; licensed Methodist Episcopal Church, March 15^ '61; Waynesburg, Pa., '61-63; Somerset '64-65; Iowa '65-71; District Secretary A. and F. C. U. '71-73 ; General Superintendent Home Missions '73 ; Corresponding Secretary Evangelical Protestant Association '84 ; Egypt, Palestine and Greece '71 ; published " History of Italy from Begin- ning of Christian Era to the Present Day ; " edited Iowa Methodist '82 — ; married Oct. 10, '61, Sarah R., daughter of Aaron G. Phillips ; D.D., '74, Upper Iowa University. Methodist Episcopal minister, Iowa City, Iowa. Gallovtay, James M. — Son of Rev. John M. and E. J., daughter of Rev. George Buchanan; born Steubenville, O., December, 1839; law student with Hon. W. A. Wallace, Clearfield, Pa.; practiced law Fort Collins, Col., '70-78, Denver '78 — ; Deputy Secretary of State '78-83; Secretary State Board of Land Commissioners '83-85 ; married Mary E. Ridgley. Law- yer, Denver, Col. ♦Gibson, William J. — Son of Rev. Dr. William J. and Cassandra (Jameson); born Holidaysburg, Pa., Dec. 3, 1840 ; law student with Hon. G. M. Dal- las, Jr.; practiced law Philadelphia '64-67 ; died Minneapolis, Minn., Jan. 22, '70, consumption. Lawyer. *GiLFiLLAN, John Caldwell. — Son of Andrew B. and Ann (Caldwell); born Allegheny Co., Pa., June 19, 1839 ; United States Army '61-62, first sergeant 101st Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers ; wounded at Fair Oaks, May 31, '62 ; died Pittsburg, Pa., July 1, '62, wounds in battle. *Hall, William, Jr.— From Washington Co., Pa.; U. P. T. S., Allegheny,, '61-62; United States Army ; medical student; died Aug. 5, '70. Farmer. Hawkins, William G. — Son of William G. and Margaretta (Dilinger); born Allegheny Co., Pa.. Sept. 6, 1840 ; law student with Penney & Sterrett ; practiced law Pittsburg, Pa., '63-75; Presiding Judge, Orphans' Court, Allegheny Co., Pa., '75-85; married Feb. 11, '75, Jennie W., daughter of Richard Hays. Lawyer, Pittsburg, Pa. Hazen, Aaron Lyle. Son of Henry and Sarah (Warnock); born Lawrence Co., Pa., Feb. 19, 1837 ; law student with S. W. Dana, New Castle, Pa.; practiced law New Castle, Pa., '65-85; United States Army '61-64, captain 14th Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers '62, quartermaster's clerk '63, aid- JEFFERSON COLLEGE. 235 de-camp; District Attorney ; City Solicitor New Castle seven years ; teller United States Treasury Department. '64 ; Judge Seventeenth Judicial Dis- trict, Pa., '8D-; married Jan. 19, '65, Amelia J., daughter of William Watson, New Castle, Pa. Lawyer, Butler, Pa. ♦HODGENS, Samuel Graham. -Son of Thomas and Mary (Graham); born Canonsburg, Pa., Nov. 15, 1842; medical student Philadelphia, Jefferson Medical College '66; United States Army, 10th Pennsylvania Reserves; wounded, prisoner of war '61 ; practiced medicine Sunbeam, 111., '69-73 ; married Dec. 31, '68, Anna K., daughter of Dr. T. J. Murray,' Canons- burg, Pa.; died Sunbeam, 111., Sept. 16, '73, effects of wound in army. Physician. ^Houston, Archie Wood.— Son of Dr. Matthew Hale and Margaret (WUson)^ born Wheeling, Va., 1842 or '43 ; Confederate States Army, '61-64, artil- lery ; killed battle of Spottsylvania Court House, Virginia, May 12, '64. Hunter, James Sloax.— Born Zelienople, Pa., March 18, 1834; teacher Sedalia, Mo., '62, Zelienople, Pa., '63-64, Eldora, la., Whitten '85; married ; - residence Whitten, Iowa. Farmer. Johnson, Thomas H.— Son of William R. and Elizabeth (Humrickhouse); born Coshocton, O., Jan. 12, 1841 ; banker ; civil engineer ; assistant engi- neer Pacific Central and St. Louis Railroad ; married Oct. 28, '68, Mattie E. Patterson, Steubenville, O. Civil engineer, Columbus, O. Krise, William Andrews. — Son of Samuel and Dorothy (Paget); born Belle- fonte, Pa., Sept. 26, 1838 ; United States Navy, Marine Corps, '61—; teacher Johnstown, Pa., Center Hall, various places in Center County, Pa.; ruling elder Spring Mills Church ; married January, '62, Nannie E. Hunt, Can- onsburg, Pa. Teacher and farmer. Spring Mills, Pa. KuHN, William C. — Son of David and Jane (Caven); born Allegheny Co., Pa., July 25, 1839 , W. T. S. '61-65; licensed April 26, '65, Presbytery of Redstone; stated supply Somerset, Pa., '65-66; ordained June, '68, Pres- bytery of Huntingdon ; stated supply Wolcott, la., 66-67 ; pastor Shade Gap, Pa., '68-78, Pine Grove, '79-85, Kylertown '86, Ligonier '87 ; United States Army '62-63, 136th Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers ; married Nov. 27, '66, Lizzie S., daughter of Dr. David Roberts. Presbyterian minis- ter, Ligonier, Pa. *Lang, Robert Noble.— Son of Henry W. and Matilda J. (Noble); born Alle- gheny Co., Pa., Nov. 2, 1842; United States Army, 10th Reserve Pennsyl- vania Volunteers, '61-64, wounded in the Wilderness, May 14, '64 ; died Alexandria Hospital, May 30, '64, wounds in battle. Laughlin, John Wilson.— Son of Thomas W. and Jane T. (Robe); born Washington, O., March 15, 1837; United States Army '62-65, 1st Ohio Volunteer Cavalry, lieutenant, adjutant, captain; Ohio Senate '73-74; farmer '66—; ruling elder Presbyterian Church; married Nov. 16, '65, AFargaret J., daughter of David Cowden. Farmer, Barnesville, O. Leyenberger, Joseph Anderson. Son of Jacob and Mary (Bryant); born Washington Co., Pa., Dec. 7, 1834 ; W. T. S. '61-64 : licensed April 22, ''i.'i, 236 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF Presbytery of Wooster ; ordained June 28, '64, same presbytery ; foreign missionary to China '6o — ; stated supply Hopewell and Nashville, O.; Ningpo, China, '65-78, Chefoo '78 — ; Christian Commission '64 ; ^loderator Synod of China; published "School Geography," ''Commentaries on Galatians," " List of Sounds," manuscript commentaries on I. Corinth- ians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, all in Chinese ; married Sept. 14, '65, Susan S., daughter of John Fugate, Berlin, O. Presbyterian minister, Chefoo, China. McCandless, Stephen C. — Son of Hon. Wilson and Sarah N. (Collins); born Pittsburg, Pa., Sept. 22, 1840; sergeant 15th Pennsylvania Militia, '62; law student with Hamilton & Acheson, '61-63; practiced law Pittsburg, Pa., '63—; Clerk United States District Court, '63—; United States Com- missioner, '65 — ; married June 8, '70, Margaret R., daughter of Charles Bartles, Flemington, N. J. Lawyer, Pittsburg, Pa. McClellan, David Martin.— Son of Robert G. and Nancy (Cruikshank); born Washington Co., N. Y., May 23, 1837 ; Xenia Theological Semi- nary, '61-65; licensed April 12, '64, Presbytery of Argyle ; missionary '65-67; ordained Sept. 10, '67, Presbytery of Conemaugh; pastor Homer City, Pa., '67-73, Kansas City, Mo., '74 — ; assistant editor Centropolis', married Nov. 13, '67, Christiana Mc Arthur, Ogdensburg, N. Y.; also Nov. 27, '83, Maggie Shiland, Cambridge, N. Y. United Presbyterian min- ister, Kansas City, Mo. McKee, James Smiley. — Son of William and Mary B.; born Perry County, Pa., April 9, 1840; United States Army '61-65; 139th Pennsylvania Volunteers ; telegraph operator Signal Corps ; Chief Clerk Military Department of Pennsylvania; unmarried. Residence Bloomfield, Pa. McNary, William Pollock. — Son of William H. and Margaret (Murray); born Canonsburg, Pa , Sept. 16, 1839 ; Xenia Theological Seminary '63-65 ; licensed March, '65, United Presbyterian Presbytery of Xenia ; ordained Dec. 8, '6Q, Kansas; pastor Leavenworth, Kan., '66-69; Bloomington, Ind., '70-84; Tarkio, Mo., '84— ; editor Midland '84— ; United States Army, '61-63 ; adjutant 123d Pennsylvania Volunteers ; lieutenant-colonel ; mar- ried Sept. 27, '6G, Elizabeth M., daughter of James Graham, Wilkins- burg, Pa. United Presbyterian minister, Tarkio, Mo. McWilliams, John Watson.— Son of James M. and Lydia (Mc Williams); born Canonsburg, Pa., Sept. 8, 1840; clerk New York; United States Army '63-65; law student with Col. Totten, Washington, D. C; Columbia Law School ; county editor Washington Rqyorter • practiced law, and real estate broker, Cottonwood Falls, Kan.; Legislature ; married July, '69, Emma Clark, Allegheny City, Pa.; also June, '75, Louisa D. Walker. Lawyer, Cottonwood Falls, Kan. jMabtin, Samuel.— Son of .Tohn and Mary (Williamson); born Jefferson County, C, Dec. 9, 1836; teacher Carrollton, O., '61-62; United States Army '62-63 ; 98th Regiment Ohio Volunteers ; lieutenant ; prisoner of war; U. P. T, S., Allegheny, '63-()4; Xenia Theological Seminary, '64-65; licensed March, '65, United Presbyterian Presbytery of Steubenville; JEFFERSON COLLEGE. 237 ordained July, '66, same presbytery: foreign missionary to India; Punjab '67-; married Sept. 27, '66, Lydia M. Mossinan ; D.D., '84, M. U. United Presbyterian minister, Sialcot, Northern India. Metzgar, Lebbeus Ringer.— Son of Daniel and Elizabeth (Ringer); born New Salem, Westmoreland County, Pa., April 30, 1836; medical student with Dr. Stephenson ; Jefferson Medical College ; Long Island Hospital College, Brooklyn, N. Y.; graduated 'm; practiced medicine New Texas, Pa., '66-69; East Liberty, '69-78; Terrell, Texas, '78-81; Greensburg, Pa., '81—; United States Army '62-65 ; Pennsylvania Cavalry , Signai Corps ; wounded ; married Oct. 28, '69, Jenr^e M. Lloyd. Phyeician^ Greensburg, Pa.; A.B., '67, Jefferson College. *Meyers, Joseph Henry. — Son of Samuel and Ann (Wertz); born Congress, O., Dec. 30, 1837; P. T. S. '61-64; ordained June 28, '64, Presbytery of Wooster ; foreign missionary to India; Lodiana, India, 64-69; married May 3, '64, Harriet B. Stanley ; died Lodiana, India, Nov. 19, 69. Pres- byterian minister. Miller, Joseph Wright.— Son of Dr. James and Darthula (Wright); born Washington County, Pa., Nov. 13, 1836 ; medical student with Dr. Cook, Dr. DaCosta, Jefferson Medical College ; United States Army '62-65 ; i6th Pennsylvania Cavalry : hospital steward three years ; practiced medicine Sewickley, Pa.; Allegheny ; Wheatland and Beaver, Pa.; married Dec. 23, '67, Eleanor P., daughter of John P. Kramer. Physician, Beaver. Pa. ^Miller, John Montieth. — Son of Thomas and Catharine (Shaw); bora Washington County, Pa., March 18, 1842 ; farmer ; married Sept. 13, '66, Agnes W., daughter of William S. White ; died May 14, '88. Farmer. Noggle, Joseph.— Son of George and Susan (Kissenger); born Cumberland County, Pa., Aug. 14, 1836 ; teacher Pennsylvania, ^61-65 ; Illinois, '66-77; Kansas, '78-81; farmer Kansas, '81—: married Sept. 21, '70, Roxana S., daughter of E. H. Collins. Farmer, Parkersville, Kan. Park, William Jeffeby.— Son of William and Jane (Law); born Washing- ton County, Pa., March 14, 1839 ; W. T. S. 62-65 ; licensed '65, Presby- tery of Washington ; ordained '66, Presbytery of Wooster ; pastor Fred- ricksburg, O., '66-74 ; Canton, '74-80 ; business '80 ; President Raynolds Cattle Co., Canyon City, Col.; married. *Pitcher, Henry Clay.- Son of Hon. John and Amanda (Cissna); born Mount Vernon, Ind., Dec. 12, 1842 ; clerk Provost Marshal Bureau '61-65 ; law student with Judge Pitcher : practiced law Mount Vernon, Ind., '66-87; unmarried; died Mount Vernon, Ind., July 8, '87, consumption. Lawyer. Pringle, James V.-Son of Stewart and Fanny (Boyd): born Pittsburg Pa. Sept. 9, 1845; Denver University ; Jefferson College '61 : W. 1. b. ana U. P. T.S. '61-63; licensed May, '63, United Presbyterian Presbytery of Allegheny ; ordained May 11, '(55. Presbytery of Mansfield : pastor Mar- 288 (JENEKAL CATALOGUE OF tinsburg and Mt. Vernon, O., '65-68 ; Pana, lU., '68-77 ; Clayton, '77— (?); Clarinda, Iowa, '88 ; married Dec. 25, '71, Ida Hoopes. United Presby- terian minister, Clarinda, Iowa. Smith, Ambrose Cephas.— Son of Samuel M. and Eliza (Kareffelt); born Wrightsville, York County, Pa., Aug. 21, 1840 ; P. T. S. '61-64 ; licensed '63, Central Presbytery of Pliiladelpliia ; chaplain Insane Asylum, Harris- burg; ordained Jan. 18, '67, Presbytery of Rock Kiver ; stated supply and pastor South Church, Galena, 111., '67 — ; married April, '68, Hannah Slaymaker, Columbia, Pa.; D.D. Presbyterian minister. Galena, 111. Stark, Denton D.— Born Franklin County, Pa., Jan. 12, 1840; United States Army '61-65 ; adjutant 37th Illinois; captain 1st Arkansas Battery ; law student; merchant, Fayetteville, Ark.; Internal Revenue Collector; coal business; banker; married Sept. 4, '75, Martha C. Trimble, Wash- ington, Ind. Residence San Francisco, Cal. Stewart, William C. — Born Homer City, Pa.; law student with H. W. Weir, Pittsburg; United States Army, '61-65; practiced law West Virginia; West Virginia Legislature, and member of Constitutional Convention ; practiced law Ft. Scott, Kan ; Judge Sixth Judicial District, Kansas (two terms); practiced law Kansas City, Mo., '86 — . Lawyer, Kansas City, Mo. Stuart, John Linton. — Son of Rev. D. T. and Olivia W. (Hall); born Shelby Co., Ky., Dec. 2, 1840; P. T. S. '65-68; teacher Columbia, Ky.: ordained July 5, '68, Presbytery of Raritan ; foreign missionary, China, Hangchow '68 — ; n\arried '74, Mary, daughter of Judge Horton, Mobile, Ala. Presbyterian minister, Shanghai, China. Turner, William Pitt. — Son of John and Alice H. (Travers); born Wycomico Co., Md., Dec. 21, 1840 ; licensed and ordained Methodist Episcopal Church Conference; stated supply Pittsburg, Allegheny City, New Brighton; married April 10, '66, Rebecca Lanch, Braddock's Fields, Pa. Methodist Episcopal minister. New Brighton, Pa. W^ALLA.CE, Wilson De Witt. — Son of James and Sarah A. (Marquam); born Lafayette, Ind., Nov. 19, 1838; United States Army, '61-63; 40th Regi- ment Indiana Volunteers ; captain ; wounded at Stone River ; law student with Orth & Stein; practiced law Lafayette, Ind., '66 — ; Prosecuting Attorney; published "Love's Ladder;' married Nov. 19, '61, Anna M. Shields. Lawyer, Lafayette, Ind. ^Watson, Curtis Bruce. — Son of Robert and Mary C. (Watson); born North- umberland Co., Pa., June 17, 1839 ; law student ; United States Army, 131st Regiment Pennsylvania* Volunteers ; wounded Fredericksburg; teller Milton Bank; infirm, Minnesota.; married Oct. 18, '66, Mary E. Nagle, Milton, Pa.; died Milton, Pa., June 15, '72, consumption, from army life. * Weaver, Thomas Jefferson. — Son of James W. and Mary (Perry); born Canonsburg, Pa., Aug. 1, 1839; United States Army, '62; 140th Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers ; died typhoid fever, Harrisburg, Pa., Sept. '29, '62. JEFFERSON COLLEGE. 239 ^Welsh, Egbert Caldwell.— Son of John and Elizabeth (Woodburn); born Washington Co., Pa., Aug. 19, 1838; United States Army '62-65 ; lieuten- ant 22d Regiment Pennsylvania Cavalry ; Associate Reformed Theological Seminary, Allegheny, '61-62; licensed April 17, '66, Presbytery of Char- tiers; ordained May 14, '67, same presbytery ; pastor North Buffalo, Pa., '67-68 ; married Nov. 10, '64, MoUie, daughter of John Cowden ; died Washington Co., Pa., Dec. 22, '68. United Presbyterian minister. White, Samuel T.— Law student with Boyd Crurarine, Washington, Pa.; practiced law Washington, 1863-70, Warrensburg, Mo., '70—. Lawyer, Warrensburg, Mo. *White, Henry Kirke.— Son of Rev. R. M. and Ellen M. (Davis); born near Fairview, W. Va., Oct. 3, 1843; medical student with Drs. Dickson, Pitts- burg, Pa., '61-62, New York University '62-63, University Pennsylvania and Hospital, '63-65 ; United States Array volunteer surgeon ; M.D., '65 ; died Allegheny City, Pa., Dec. 13, '65. Physician. *WiLSON, Samuel Robert. — Son of James and Margaret (Wilson); born ; United States Army, 27th Regiment Illinois Volunteers, '61-65 ; private ; captain ; assistant adjutant-general ; killed near Mobile, Ala., April, 9, "65. Wilson, James E.— Son of James and Elizabeth; born Allegheny Co., Pa.; United States Army, '61-64, 10th Pennsylvania Reserves ; medical student with Dr. Donaldson, Jefferson Medical College, '64-66 ; practiced medi- cine Mt. Lebanon, Pa., '66-72, Pittsburg, '73—; married March 22, '66, M. R. Kidder, Library, Pa. Physician, Pittsburg, Pa. 1862. Adams, Lucian. — Son of Jacob and Margaret (McMeen); born Mifflintown, Pa., Jan. 7, 1843 ; law student with E. S. Doty, Albany Law School, '65-68 ; practiced law Wooster, O., '68-69, Rock Island, 111., '69-77; Judge County Court, Rock Island Co., 111., '77—; married June 5, '78, Susan G., daughter of Wm. G. Woodward, Rock Island, 111. Lawyer, Rock Island, 111. Agnew, Frank H.— Son of Hon. Daniel; born Beaver, Pa., April 6, 1842; civil engineer ; law student, Beaver, Pa.; practiced law Beaver, Pa., '64— ; Pennsylvania State Senate; married '85, Miss Locke. Lawyer, Beaver, Pennsylvania. Armstrong, John A.— Born Westmoreland Co., Pa., Aug. 13, 1838; medical student Jefferson Medical College '67 ; practiced medicine Leechburg, Pa., '67—; United States Army, '63-65 ; married April 2, '68, C. C. McKallip. Physician, Leechburg, Pa. ♦Belville, J. Janeway.— Son of Rev. J. L., and Elizabeth M. (Long); born Dayton, O., Aug. 10, 1838 ; law student University of Michigan ; practiced law Dayton, O., '65-87 ; United States Army, '63; captain 6th RegimentOhio Militia, '63 ; married Sept. 16, '74, Margaret, daughter of John Hawitsch ; LL.B , Michigan University ; died Bayton, O., Jan. 24, '87. Lawyer. 240 GENERAL CATALO(JL'i: OF Bingham, Henry H.— Son of James and Ann (Sheller) ; born Philadelphia^ Pa., Jan. 4, 1841 ; United States Array, 'G2-()6 ; lieutenant ; captain 140th Regiment Penngylvania Volunteers ; major ; judge-advocate ; brevet major; lieutenant-colonel; colonel; brigadier-general, United States Volunteers; law student with B. H. Brewster; postmaster Philadelphia, '07-72 ; Clerk of Courts, Philadelphia Co., '72-7S ; Member of Congress, 4Gth, 47th and 48th Congresses; married Feb. 4, '74, Mary H., daughter of Thomas S. Alexander, Philadelphia, Pa. Lawyer, Philadelphia, Pa. "*Brown, Albert Hampton. -Born Westmoreland Co., Pa., May 26, 1840; P. T. S. '62-04; teacher ; Christian Commission ; died Sept. 24, '64, lung trouble. Theological student. ■••BuRRELli, William R.— Son of Hon. J. M. Burrell ; born Greensburg, Pa.(?), 1845 ; civil engineer, Tennessee ; died Chattanooga, Tenn., July 10, '03, dysentery. Civil engineer. Caldwell, Albert J. — Son of William S. and Nancy (Cunningham); born Westmoreland Co., Pa., April 25, 1888; tutor Jefferson College '02-64; W. T. S. '64-67 ; licensed April 25, '66, Presbytery of Redstone ; ordained October, '68, Presbytery of Palmyra; stated supply Oskaloosa, Kan., '07-68, Le Clede and Grantville, Mo., '08-70, Carondelet; teacher St. Louis '70-83; Pro- fessor Latin and Mathematics, Blackburn I'niversity, 'S3-8() ; teacher St. Louis '86 — ; married July 16, '83, Marietta E., daughter of William Phillips, Springfield, O. Teacher, St. Louis, Mo. C!alifp, Stephen Allen.— Sou of Allen and Hannah (Thomas); born Smith- field, Bradford Co., Pa., Feb. 29, 1886 ; P. T. S. '62-65 ; licensed August, '65, Presbytery of Susquehanna ; ordained May 14, '67, same presbytery ; stated supply Congregational Churches, Speedsville and West Newark, N. Y., '66-69; Presbyterian Churches, Wells, Columbia and North Wells, Pa., '70-72, Mclntyre '72-74; infirm '74-81; Mclntyre, Pa., '81-86; mar- ried April, '05, Emily, daughter of Samuel Matthews, Williamsburg, L. I. Presbyterian minister. East Smithfield, Pa. Campbell, William Oliver. — Son of James and Rebecca B. (David); born Middlesex, Pa., Nov. 14, 1841 ; United States Army '68 ; captain ; W. T. 5. '68-04; P. T. S. '64-66; licensed '05, Presbytery of Butler; ordained April 17, '67, Presbytery of Winnebago ; statc-I supply and pastor Depere, Wis., '66-69, Monongahela City, Pa., '70-85, Sewickley '85—; Instructor W. T. S.; Director W. T. S.; Trustee Washington and Jefferson College; D.D., '85 Wooster University ; married Sept. 17, '68, Mary L., daughter of James Shaw. Presbyterian minister, Sewickley, Pa. Clokey, Joseph Waddle. — Son of Rev. Dr. Joseph and Eliza (Waddle); born Jefferson Co., O., Feb. 22, 1889; U. P. T. S., Xenia, O., four years: licensed April, '64, United Presbyterian Presbytery of Xenia ; ordained Sept. 7, '64, Presbytery of Steubenville; pastor Steubenville, O., United Presbyterian, '64-70, Richmond, Ind., '70-73, Presbyterian Church, Mid- dleton, O., '73-78, First Church, New Albany, Ind., '78—; married Oct.: 6, '64, Dellie R., daughter of Rev. Dr. .John Ekin, also Dec. 30, '65, Flor- ence Day. Presbyterian minister, New Albany, Ind. JEFFERSON COLLEGE. 241 Davis, Chables.— Bom Bridgetown, Backs Co., Pa., July 11, 1837; United States Army, '61-65; 10th Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers; private; captain; prisoner; civil engineer 'Go ; commissioner to Vienna Exposition '73 ; married May, '68, Anna V. Cooper ; A.M., Washington and Jefferson College, '87. Civil engineer, Pittsburg, Pa. Ferguson, William Adams.— Born Mt. Jackson, Pa., Feb. 27, 1838 ; W. T. S. '62-64 ; P. T. S. '64-65 ; ordained Oct. 16, 65, Presbytery of Nassau ; pastor Wallabout, L. I., N. Y., '65-67, First Church, Dubuque, Iowa,' '67-68; Waynesburg, Pa., '69-72, Pittsgrove, N. J., '72-81, Marysville, ()., '81—; married Sept. 17, '67, J. Olivia French, Canonsburg, Pa. Presbyte- rian minister, Marysville, O. Ferguson, Robert Gracey.— Son of James and Mary A. (Doyle); born Franklin Co., Pa., Feb. 16, 1842; U. P. T. S., Allegheny, '62-66; licensed April 12, '65, Presbytery of Monongahela; ordained Oct. 17, '66, Presbytery Big Spring ; pastor Mercersburg and Cove, Pa., '66-74, Butler '74 84 ; Presidentof Westminster College '84— ; United States Array, '63-64 ; Signal Corps; second lieutenant; married Jan. 28, '68, Emma M., daughter of Dr. II. O. Huber, Gettysburg, Pa.; D.D., '84. United Presbyterian min- ister. New Wilmington, Pa. Gates, Stephen Pratt. — Son of Bezaleel and Sarah A. (Pratt); born Chester, Conn., Jan. 10, 1839 ; P. T. S. '62-65 ; licensed May, .65, Presbytery of Sus- quehanna; ordained Aug. 2, '66, same presbytery; pastor Canton, Pa., '66 — ; married June 8, '67, Emma F., daughter of W. A. Fay, Hinckley, 111.; also Matilda J., daughter of G. G. Freeman, Berkstown, N. J. Pres- byterian minister, Canton, Pa. Guthrie, Alexander Murray. — Son of John B. and Catharine S.; born Pittsburg, Pa., March 2S, 1842 ; law student with J. V. LeMoyne, Chicago, 111., '61-62; United States Army, Ohio Volunteer Cavalry '62-63, second lieutenant ; clerk and teller Exchange Bank, Pittsburg, '65-69 ; business '69-77 ; steel business, New York, '77—; married June 2, '68, Mary Hussey, also Oct. 15, '84, Katherine Rhodes; A.M., '82, Washington and Jefferson College. Business, 3 Clifford Street, New York. *Hedges, Andrew Newman.— Born Mansfield, O., Jan. 7, 1843; law student Mansfield, O.; United States Army '62-64, clerk, provost marshal; died Sept. 18, '64. Lawyer. Hensill, R. Flavel.— Born Fairmount, W. Va., Sept. 6, 1839; law student; practiced law Portland, Ore.; Tacoma.W. T.; unmarried. Lawyer, Tacoma, W. T. «-Herriott, Jamp:s H.— Born Venice, Washington Co., Pa., June 12, 1841 ; infirm ; farmer Washington Co., Pa., Canonsburg, '74-78 ; Lawrence, Kan., cattle dealer '78-81 ; married Aug. 24, '67, Millie, daughter of Thomas Buchanan ; died Lawrence, Kan., March 29, '81. Farmer. HuGUS, H. P. -Born Westmoreland Co., Pa., Aug. 30, 1839; medical stu- dent Jefferson Medical College, Long Island College, hospital; pract,ceovernment Land Office '64-69 ; married July 5 '66, Carrie M., daughter of Alexander Hamilton. Physician, Monongahell City, Pa. ^^Stewart, Henry Ferguson.-Sou of John W. and Jane (McFarland); born Allegheny County, Pa., Oct. 15, 1842 ; United States Army '62-63 • 149th Pennsylvania Vo lunteer Infantry ; disabled by wound ; Associate Reformed Theological Seminary, Allegheny, '63-67 ; licensed April 10, 'liQ, Presbytery of J' rankfort ; ordained May 7, '67, Presbytery of Lake ; pastor Jamestown, Pa., '67-68; married Oct. 17, '67, Sallie E Myers; died Jamestown, Pa., Sept. 20, '68. United Presbyterian minister. Sumney, John.— Born Washington County, Pa., July 29, 1833; medical stu- dent with Dr. Herriott, Canonsburg; Jefferson Medical College '62-64 ; practiced medicine Northern Illinois, '65-82; Chicago, 111 , '83—; United States Army, assistant surgeon, '64-65; Lincoln Hospital, Washington City; Litttle Rock, Ark.; surgeon; married Sept. 15, '62, Mary M. Foster. Physician and druggist, Chicago, 111. Sutton, Rhodes Stansbury. — Son'of James and Sarah (Stansbury); born Indi- ana, Pa., July 8, 1841 ; medical student Jefferson Medical College and Pennsylvania University, '62-65; Blockley Hospital '65-66; practiced medicine Pittsburg, Pa., '66-81; Europe, Hospitals and Clinics, '81-83; published medical journals; married April 17, '67, Josephine M., daugh- ter of James McCullough, Canonsburg, Pa.; M.D.; LL.D., '84, Wooster University. Physician, Pittsburg, Pa. Taylor, Samuel Oliver. — Son of David S. and Sarah (Oliver); born near Washington, Pa., April 4, 1838 ; law student with Montgomery & Gib- son, Washington, Pa ; practiced law Washington, '63-65 ; Wheeling, W. Va., '65—; married June 28, '72, Mrs. Emma S. Holsten Harding. Law- yer, Wheeling, W. Va. Thompson, H. Alexander. - Son of H. A. and E. M.; born Blairsville, Pa., July 12, 1840 ; United States Army ; acting assistant paymaster one and one-half years; quartermaster's office two and one-half years ; now in Equitable Life Assurance Company. Clerk, 120 Broadwav, New York. *Wherry, James A.— Son of John and Jemima (Dunlap); born Armstrong Co., Pa., near Elder's Ridge, Dec. 11, 1838 ; went from college sick ; died Dec. 3, '62 ; intended to study theology. Wherry, Elwood Morris.— Son of James and Sarah (Nesbit); born Arm- strong Co., Pa., March 26, 1843 ; teacher '63-64 ; P. T. S., '64-67 ; licensed April, '66, Presbyterv of Donegal; ordained i^Fay, '67, same presbytery; foreign missionary India, Rawal Pindi, India, '68-70; Lodiana '70-83; Saharanpur '83-; professor in theological seminary; published " Masih Ibu UUah," ''Nabi I. Masum," in Urdu; tracts and other papers in Urdu; 246 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF compiled Commentary ou Quran (four vols.); newspapers in same language y married July 17, '67, Clara M., daughter of William P. Buchanan, Honejr Brook, Pa.; D.D., Parsons College, '86. Presbyterian minister, Saharanpur, India. Wilson, John Fleming. — Born Dauphin, Pa., Nov. 1, 1835; United States- Army, '62-67 ; 77th Regiment Illinois Volunteers and 14th Regiment Veteran . Reserve Corps ; wounded ; assistant quartermaster '64-65 ; provost-marshal in Virginia, '65-67 ; postmaster Lynchburg, Virginia, '68-86; married Dec. 19. '72, Anna C. Robinson, Dauphin, Pa. Resi- dence, Lynchburg, Va. *WiLSON, John Fleming. — Son of Rev. Dr. Samuel and Anna M. (Rodgers); born Uniontown, Pa., Oct. 10, 1839 ; United States Army '62-65, 140th Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers ; corporal ; lieutenant, '63 ; captain '64 ; died in hospital. City Point, Va., April 16, '65, from wound received in battle. WooDBUBN, Benjamin Franklin. — Son of William and Elizabeth (Veasey)^ born Allegheny Co., Pa., March 23, 1832 ; W. T. S., '62-65 ; licensed Sept. 11, '62, Baptist Church ; ordained Sept. 5, '65, same body ; pastor Mt. Pleasant, Pa., '65-70, Sandusky Street Baptist Church, Allegheny, Pa., *70 — ; married Sept. 7, '54, Margaret A., daughter of Samuel Shouse; D.D., '81, University of Louisburg. Baptist minister, Allegheny, Pa. Wright, John Elliot. Son of Rev. Dr. Edward W. and Henrietta M. (Swift); born Lafayette, Ind., Dec. 17, 1842; P. T. S., '62-65; licensed April, '64, Presbytery of Logansport ; ordained December, '66, Presbytery of Allegheny City; pastor Allegheny City, Pa., '65-69, Greenville, '69-74, Cincinnati, O., '74-78, Madison, Wis., '78-82, Jefferson Park, Chicago, 111., '82-83, Germantown, Pa., '83—; married May 27, '69, Ellen M., daughter of Rev. John Kerr; D.D. Presbyterian minister, Germantown,. Pennsylvania. 186a. *Barnes, William Guthrie.— Born Fredericksburg, O., July 31, 1841; W. T. S., '63-65; P. T. S.. '65-66; licensed '65, Presbytery of Richland; ordained July 17, '66, Presbytery of Long Island ; pastor Islip, Long Island, N. Y., '66-67, Sag Harbor '67-72, Ft. Green, Brooklyn, '73-74, South Fourth Street, Brooklyn, '74-77, Jacksonville, Fla., '77-82 ; evan- gelist New Jersey, South Boston, Philadelphia, '82-84; married April,. '68, Mary E. Vail; died Fredericksburg, O., Dec. 9, '84, pneumonia. Presbyterian minister. *BoYD, Hugh Wilson. — Son of Rev. Bankhead; born Washington Co., Pa.; U. P. T. S., Allegheny, Pa., 1867-68 ; licensed April 29, '68, Presbytery of Chartiers; died Clokeyville, Washington Co., Pa., June 12, '69. Licen- tiate United Presbyterian Church. *Brown, Thomas Madison. —Born ; W. T. S., 1863-66; licensed '66, Pres- bytery of Richland; ordained '67, Presbytery of Blairsville ; pastor Beulah, Pa., '67-69; married Kate Sharp; died Beulah, Pa., March 16,. '69, consumption. Presbyterian minister. JEFFERSON COLLEGE. 247 Campbell, Robert Gregg -Son of William and Nancv (Somerville); born County Down, Ireland, April 29, 1834 ; U. P. T. S., Allegheny apd Xenia, '03-67; licensed May 1, 66, United Presbyterian Presbytery of Monongahela- ordained Sept. 1, '70, Presbytery of Caledonia; missionary Pennsylvania! Ohio, Nebraska. Illinois, Michigan, New York, '66-70; pastor Lynden' N. Y., '70-80, Buffalo, Wis., '82-87; married April 11, '71, Jennie E.,' daughter of James Sleetli. United Presbyterian minister, De Witt, Iowa. Campbell, Richard Morrow.— Son of Samuel and Mary (Morrow) ; born Juni- ata Co., Pa., Jan. 4, 1842; W. T. S. '63-66; licensed April, 'iiii, Presby- tery of Huntingdon ; stated supply Moshannon, Pa., '66-67 ; ordanied June, '67, same presbytery; pastor West Kishacoquillas, Pa., '66-86; Port Royal, Pa., '87—; married Dee. 15, '70, Almira, daughter of William McFarlane, Reedsville, Pa. Presbyterian minister, Port Royal, Pa. Chalfant, William Lusk.— Son of Henry and Isabella C.; born Turtle Creek, Allegheny Co., Pa., Aug. 3, 1843 ; law student with George P. Hamilton and M. W. Acheson, Pittsburg, Pa.; practiced law . Pittsburg, '81—; married Nov. 5, '74, Elizabeth Ashley Pirtle, Louisville, Ky. Law- yer, Pittsburg, Pa. Cunningham, Thomas Beer. — Son of Thomas and Mary ; born near Lattas- burg, Wayne Co., O., Nov. 11, 1837; teacher Canaan Academy, Ohio, '63-64; principal Wooster High School '64-65; Philadelphia, Pa., Boys' Academy '65-67 ; merchant '68-70 ; editor Holmes County Republican, '70 — ; postmaster Millersburg, O., '72-76 ; published Sunday-school music books, *'Song Birds,' and " Song Birds No. 2 ;" sheet music ; elder Presbyterian Church, '77 — ; married May 6, '68, Maria Louisa Mitchell, Beaver, Pa. Editor, Millersburg, O. Duff, William G.— Son of Samuel A. and Isabella (Lawson); born Chartiers, Allegheny Co., Pa., July 1, 1839 ; teacher ; law student with Judge Lowrie, Pittsburg, Pa., '63-65 ; practiced law a short time in Pittsburg ; merchant ; seeds and implements, Pittsburg; married June 21, '69, Ella C. Lawson. Merchant, 533 Liberty Street, Pittsburg, Pa. Glenn, Samuel M.— Son of Rev. Robert and Rebecca (Wycoff); born Venango Co., Pa , Sept. 14, 1837; W. T. S. '63-66 ; licensed December, '65, Presby- tery of Erie ; ordained November, '(S^, Presbytery of Columbus ; pastor Lithopolis, O., '66-69, Upper Ten Mile, Pa., '71-78, Sandy Lake '78-79, Clintonville '79-84, Mt. Zion and High Hill, O., '85-88 ; principal Putnam Female Seminary, Zanesville, O., '88— ; married Oct. 24, '67, Eliza Irwin, daughter of Rev. Joseph Travelli. Presbyterian minister, Zanesville, O. Haughawout, Lefferd LEASB.-Son of Lefferd and Elizabeth (Alexander); born Juniata Co., Pa, Dec. 23, 1837; United States Army, '63-64 ; teacher '64-65- P. T. S. '65-68; licensed June, '67, Presbytery of Huntingdon; ordained May 19, '68, Presbytery of Northumberland ; pastor Centraha, Pa., '68-69, Washington '70-75, Bald Eagle and Nittany '7o-83, Upper Tuscarora, Shade Gap and Peru. '84-; Stated Clerk of Nor.humberland Presbytery ten years; married Dec. 4. '67, Jane E., daughter of James Alexander. Presbyterian minister, Waterloo, Pa. 248 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF Hench, John Campbell. — Son of George and Mary (Campbell); born near Millerstown, Pa., Jan. 22, 1833; W. T. 8. 'G3-60 ; licensed April 20, '65, Presbytery of Redstone; ordained Nov. 0, '66, same presbytery; home mis- sionary in West Virginia, '05 ; stated supply Bull Creek '65-00 ; pastor Trent and stated supply Mt. Washington '66-69 ; pastor Springfield, O., '69-70, Nickleville and Rockland, Pa., '70-76; missionary West Viiginia, '76-81; pastor Concord, O., '80-84; staled supply. Dell Roy '84-80; Downs, Kan., '87 ; married June 9, '65, Nannie J., daughter of Samuel Johnson. Presbyterian minister. Downs, Kan. Johnson, John Gladden. — Son of David and Margaret J. (Rex); born Rich- mond, O., April 10, 1843 ; United States Army, '63-67 ; medical student, Heidleberg, Germany, and Paris, '67-70 ; practiced medicine Steubenville, O., '67-71, Detroit, Mich., '71—; married B. L., daughter of C. B. Doty, Steubenville, O., also Alice M., daughter of William Parker, Detroit, Mich. Physician, Detroit, JVlich. "■'•Jordan, John J. — W. T. S. '63-64 ; died probably as a theological student. Leiper, Hugh Y. — Son of Hugh and Esther (Harper); born near Hooks- town, Pa., May 13, 1838; teacher Xenia Theological Seminary '63-67 ; licensed April, '66, Presbytery of Frankfort ; ordained Jan. 1, '68, First Presbytery of Ohio; pastor Sycamore, O., '68-70 ; Mooretown, '70—; mar- ried May 28, '67, Mary, daughter of William Rosborough, Sparta, 111. United Presbyterian minister, Moore's Salt Works, O. Linn, John M. — Son of John R. and Margaret I. (McKee); born Perry County, Pa., Feb. 26, 1842 ; United States Army '63-64 ; sergeant 21st Pennsylvania Cavalry ; teacher ; P. T. S. '64-67 ; licensed May, '66, 'Presbytery of Huntingdon ; ordained September, '68, Presbytery of Rock River ; stated supply Cedarville and Dakota, 111., '68-71 ; Durand and Sharon, '71-72; Lena, '72-75; pastor Winnebago, '75 — ; Geneseo and Munson, '87; married Nov. 9, '71, Mary C., daughter of Hon. John H. Addams, Cedarville, 111.; Stated Clerk Presbytery of Freeport twelve years. Presbyterian minister, Geneseo, 111. Mc(5regor, John. — Son of John and Margaret (McBane); born Wellsville, O., June 14, 1836; law student Cleveland, O.; Loudon College '63-65; practiced law Akron, '65 — ; married Nov. 11, '68, Hattie E., daughter of William M. Folger, Massillon, O. Lawyer, Akron, O. ■•'•Morrison, Alexander F. — Son of Samuel and Abbie (Gordon); born York County, Pa.,(?) July 27, 1835; W. T. S. '63-65; licensed;67. Presbytery of Donegal; ordained '69, Presbytery of Rock River ; stated supply Franklin Grove and Ashton, 111., '69; pastor New Harmony, Pa., '71-75; died Chanceford, Pa., March 16, '75. Presbyterian minister. Noble, William Brown.— Born Bedford, Pa., April 13, 1831 ; W. T. S. '03-66; licensed April, '65, Presbytery of Huntingdon; ordained May 30, '66, same presbytery ; home missionary Glenwood, Iowa, '66-67 ; pastor Fort Madison, '07-71; East Mattoon, '71-72; Fagg's Manor, Pa., '72-81 ; First Church, Norristown, '81-80; pastor San Diego, Cal., '86—; stated supply Coronado Beach, '86 — ; D.D., Parsons College. Presbyterian minister, San Diego, Cal. JEFFERSON COLLEGE. 249 *Paxton, George MiLLS.-Bom 1838; U. P. T. S., Allegheny; licensed April 18, '66, Presbytery of Cliartiers ; died Washington County, Pa., Dec. 14, '66 ; consumption. United Presbyterian minister.' -EioGS, Alexander Brown.— Son of Joseph and Rebecca G. (Baldridge); born Portsmouth, O., June 21, 1842; law student with Judge Veech,' '63-65; practiced law Nashville, Tenn., '65-66; Pittsburg, '66-67- A. T. S. '67-69; licensed April 14, '69, Presbytery of Cayuga; ordained Dec. 1, '70, Classis Keformed Dutch Church ; pastor Reformed Church, Fort Plains, N. Y., '70-76; Presbyterian Church, Waterford, '76-; married Oct. 19, '70, Charlotte B., daughter of B. S. K. Richardson, Brooklyn, N. Y.; D.D. Presbyterian minister, Waterford, N. Y. HiGGS, Elliott S. —Son of Rev. Dr. C. C. and Mary C. (Todd); born Chester, 111., Jan. 16, 1843; medical student with Dr. McConaughy, Blairsville, Pa., '64; practiced medicine Youngstown, Pa., '66-70; Emporia, Kan., 70-72; Allegheny, Pa., '72—. Physician, Allegheny, Pa. Sherrard, Robert, Jr.— Son of Robert A. and Mary (Kithcart); born Jef- ferson County, O., June 9, 1823 ; law student with Mason & Moody, Steuben ville, O., '46-48 ; practiced law Steubenville, O., '48-63 ; banker— Sherrard, Mooney & Co., '63 ; Ohio State Senate, '61-63; Trustee Washing- ton and Jefferson College ; married July 2, '46, Sarah A., daughter of Cutler Salmon ; also Dec. 13, '81, Katie, daughter of Dr. Thomas Johnston. Banker, Steubenville, O. A.M., Washington College, '63. Slater, George R. — Son of William and Jane (Reed); born Allegheny, Pa., Feb. 22, 1842 ; shoe merchant, Allegheny, Pa., '64-65 ; oil business '65-67; bookkeeper '67 — ; married Nov. ^17, '64, Martha E., daughter of John Sloan, Pittsburg, Pa. Residence Pittsburg, Pa. Smart, James S. — Son of John G. and AnnaM. (Stevenson): born Baltimore, Md., June 14, 1842; United States Army; captain 16th New York Artillery ; Member of Congress, 43d Congress ; United States Revenue Collector, '83-86 ; married Jan. 15, '69, Jane E., daughter of Zina Sher- man. Residence, Cambridge, N. Y. Snodgrass, William Johnston.— Son of James and Lydia (Clark); born Allegheny County, Pa., Nov. 3, 1840 ; coal merchant ; business Pittsburg, Pa.; married June 23, '68, Sarah Risher. Coal merchant, residence, Cam- den, Pa. *Sproull, Thomas Alexander— Son of Rev. Dr. Thomas and Magdalena (Wallace); born Allegheny, Pa., Oct. 13,1842; Reformed Presbytenan Theological Seminary, Allegheny ; pastor New Alexandria, Pa., '68-78 ; married '69, Emma Stewart; died Gainesville, Fla., April 8, '78. Reformed Presbyterian minister. New Alexandria, Pa. Stewart, Thomas H.-Son of Dr. Z. G. and Jane (Laird); born Murrysville, Westmoreland County, Pa., Oct. 10, 183S ; studied medicine with Dr. Barnett, Canonsburg, Pa., and Michigan University, '63-68; practiced medicine Church Hill, Trumbull County, O., '70-; Ohio Legislature •'86-87, '87-89; married June 6, '70, Sarah G., daughter of Dr. 1. \> . Snowden, Cumberland County, Pa. Physician, Church Hill, O. 250 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF Stewart, Thomas Calvin.— Son of John G. and Elizabeth (Steinman); born Alexandria, Pa., July 28, 1839 ; W. T. S. '03-0.5 ; P. T. S. '05-00 ; licensed Jan. 9, '00, Presbytery of Huntingdon; ordained June 10, '07, Presbytery of New Lisbon ; pastor Niles, O., and Liberly, '00-78 ; Solon, - '78-80; Brazil, Ind., '80—; published ''Sabbath Observance," "Our Nation " ; married Nov. 20 '07, Sarah I)., daughter of William Ward, Niles, O. Presbyterian minister, Brazil, Ind. Weiss, John H.— Son of John and Martha (Strickler); born Shaeflfertown, Lebanon Co., Pa., Feb. 23, 1840; law student with Hon. David Mumma, Harrisburg; practiced law Harrisburg '05 — ; married June 7, "70, Virginia, daughter of John E. Fox. Lawyer, Harrisburg, Pa. Wllson, Henry Rowan. — Son of Rev. Dr. Henry R. and Sarah (Little); born Futteghur, India, Nov. 22, 1843 ; P. T. S. '64-07 ; ordained Presbytery of St. Louis; stated supply Kingston and Diamond Lake, Minn., Galesville, Wis., '07-70 ; Treasurer Board of Church Erection '70-80; married Oct. 7, '75, Jennie A., daughter of John A. Moir, New York. Presbyteriaa minister. 1864. *Alexander, Albert. — Son of William and Maria (McCoy); born Mercer, Pa.; United States Army, 109th Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteer^; killed in battle, Petersburg, Va., April 2, 180-'. Alexander, L. Dade. — Son of James Brutus and LucyF. (Dade); born Doe Run, Ky., May 12, 1843; banker. New York City, '05 — ; married June 12, '00, Orline, daughter of Newton St. John ; New York City. Barron, James Potter. — Son of John and Jance C. (Ferguson); born Center Co., Pa., Nov. 23, 1835; teacher W^est Virginia and Missouri; law student with W. C. Carker and R. B. Robinson ; practiced law Pleasant Hill, Mo., '69-79, Loudonville, O,, '79-84 ; edited Troy Democrat '84 — ; married Dec. 24, '60, Libbie Mullins, also June 24, '70, Mary A. Galloway. Editor and lawyer, Troy, O. Beatty, Samuel Jameson. — Son of Jameson and Margaret (Mclntyre); bora Washington Co., June 10, 1839; W. T. S. '64-66 ; licensed '07, Presbytery of Pittsburg; ordained '77, Presbytery of Catawba; teacher; Professor of Hebrew, Biddle University; missionary neighboring churches; married July 11, '70, Hattie N., daughter of Rev. Watson Hughes. Presbyterian minister, Charlotte, N. C. *Brown, Robert Madison. — Son of William and Eliza (Warner); born New- port, Pa., Aug. 11, 1839; W. T. S. '04-67; licensed April 10, '00, Presby- tery of Allegheny City , ordained Oct. 0, '68, Presbytery of Beaver; pastor West Middlesex, Pa., '08-71, Rouseville '71-73, Irwin '73-70, Centre City, Col., '77, Einsworth, Pa , '77-80, Bellaire, O., '81-87, Wellsburg, W. Va., '87 — , married Oct. 8, '08, Kittie J., daughter of John R. Blaine, Bridge- water, Pa.; died Wellsburg, W. Va., April 19, '89; D.D., '80, Washing- ton and .Jefferson College. Presbyterian minister, Wellsburg, W. Va. JEFFEKS50N COLLEGE. . 251 Bi^KGER, ALBERT J. (formerly Leyenberger).-Son of Jacob and Mary Ana (Bryant; Leyenberger ; born Washington Co., Pa.. July 27, 1837 • X W LX^V^' ^"Tif ^^'^' '^^' Presbytery of Chicago ; ordained iun; loi 68 Presbytery of Bloommgton; pastor Lincoln, 111., 'G7-70, First Church Kockford, ^0-.4, Champaign '74-Sl ; stated sufply Petersburg '82^ pastor Indianola, la., '83-; married April 23, '07, Mary J., daughter of Kev. William Hughes. Presbyterian minister, Indianola, Iowa. *Caldwell, Ebenezer BYRAM.-Son of Williams, and Nancy (Cunningham)- born Westmoreland Co., Pa., May 25, 1844; teacher '04-05 ; W. T. s' '65-68; licensed Jan. 22, '68, Presbytery of Redstone; ordained June 8^ '69, Presbytery of Wooster ; stated supply and pastor Hopewell and Kash'- viUe, O., '68-78, Shreve '68-73 ; Financial Secretary Wooster Universitj '83-8^4; stated supply Sliiloh Church, Minneapolis '84-87; married AprU 13, '75, Nettie, daughter of Andrew Laylander ; died Minneapolis, Minn., Dec. 20, '87. Presbyterian minister. Cabr, William Brainard.— Son of William C. and Jane M. (Hunt); bora Island Creek, O., Oct. 14, 1841 ; farmer '64-70 ; W. T. S. '70-73; licensed April 4, '72, Presbytery of Steubenville ; ordained May 25, '76, Presbytery of Blairsville ; pastor Livermore, Pa., '76-79 ; infirm ; evangelist '80—; married May 27, '73, Sarah F., daughter of James Dickey, also '87, Miaa Sarah Hite. Presbyterian minister, Latrobe, Pa. Cunningham, T. D.— Son of John and Rachel (Wallace); born Blairsville, Pa., Aug. 17, 1839; United States Army, first lieutenant 50lh Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers '62-63 ; cashier First National Bank, Blairsville, Pa., 'Go—; married June 13, '67, Helen S., daughter of Rev. S. H. Shep- ley ; residence Blairsville, Pa. FuRST, Albert S.— Son of John S. and Elizabeth (Hanna); born Cedar Springs, Clinton Co., Pa., Nov. 14, 1842; law student with his uncle. Lock Haven, Pa.; practiced law Lock Haven for a short time; farmer; mill business at Cedar Springs; married '69 or '70, Annie L. Brown. Farmer, Cedar Springs, Pa. Gamble, Joseph. — Son of Archibald and Louisa B. (Easton); born St. Louis, Mo., Sept. 6, 1842; P. T. S. '64-67 ; licensed September, 'm. Presbytery of New York ; ordained April, '68, Presbytery of Cincinnati ; pastor Cin- cinnati, O., '67-80; Plattsburg, N. Y., '80—; married April 25, '67, Mary, daughter of Rev. Dr. Alex. T. McGill. Presbyterian minister, Plattsburg, N. Y. GiLFiLLAN, Andrew Boyd.— Son of Andrew B. and Ann (Caldwell); born Allegheny Co., Pa., Feb. 12, 1842; U. P. T. S., Allegheny, licensed April 4, '67, United Presbyterian Presbytery; ordained May 12, '69 ; pastor Peo- ria, N. Y., '68 - ; married May 4, '70, Margaret, daughter of James Gor- don. United Presbyterian minister, Peoria, N. Y. Gill, William Hugh.— Son of Hugh and Eliza (Davidson); born Ireland, Feb. 27, 1841; P. T. S. '64 66 ; W. T. S. '66-67; licensed April, '60, Presbytery of Ohio; ordained June 26, '67, Presbytery of Blairsville; pastor Greensburg, Pa., '67-70, St. Josephs, Mo., '70-72, Central Church, 252 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF Allegheny, 72-78, Westfield, N. J., 78-82, Otsego, N. Y., '82-86, Church of the Evangel, Philadelphia, Pa., '86—; married June 23, '67, Kate Rus- sell. Presbyterian minister, Philadelphia, Pa. OoRMLEY, Geokge C— Sou of Johu A. and Susan (Bowman); born Oct. 18, 1841; banker; cashier First National Bank, Bucyrus, O.; married Jan. 4, '66, Sallie, daughter of C. H. Ward. Banker, Bucyrus, O. Hill, Winfield Euclid. — Son of Sanford C. and Sarah (Leech); born East Liverpool, O., June 2, 1842 ; W. T. S. '65-68 ; licensed April 29, '68, Presbytery of New Lisbon; ordained May 11, '75, Presbytery of Lima; stated supply Gettysburg, '69-72 ; Fletcher, O., '69-70 ; Wapakoneta, '72-76; Ottawa, '76-79: Fairview, W. Va., '79—; published '•Ornithol- ogy of the Pan-Handle," " Botany of the Pan-Handle"; married Sept. 29, '70, Nannie J., daughter of David Horner. Presbyterian minister, Fairview, W. Va. HowENSTiNE, Emanuel Jay.— Son of Jacob and Martha; born Bucyrus, O., April 5, 1842 ; law student with Jacob Scroggs, Bucyrus, O., '64-66 ; practiced law Bellefontaine, O., '66 — ; married Oct. 31, '67, Mary Defrees, also July 19, '86, Effie Armstrong. Lawyer, Bellefontaine, O. Jennings, Samuel D. — Son of Rev. Dr. Samuel C. and Emma (Passavant); born Temperanceville, Pa., June 11, 1844; medical student with Dr. Por- ter and Jefferson Medical College, '64-68 ; practiced medicine Perrysville, Pa., '66-67; Beers, Allegheny County, Pa., '70 — ; married May 26, '70, Juliet E., daughter of Rev. Dr. L. R. McAboy; ruling elder; Presby- terian Church. Physician, Beers, Pa. Knepper, Charles.— Born Albany, Pa., Dec. 3, 1834; P. T. S., '64-67; Mercersburg Theological Seminary; ordained Dec. 29, '67, German Reformed Classis of Illinois; pastor German Reformed Church, Foreston, 111., '67-70; Reiraersburg, Pa., and Principal Clarion Institute, '71 — ; editor Mansfield Valley, '71 —. McCoNKEY, William James. — Son of Samuel and Mary (McBride); born Cambridge, O., June 28, 1837 ; W. T. S. '64-67 ; licensed April 26, '66, Presbytery of Zanesville ; ordained Dec. 5, '67, same presbytery ; pastor Mt. Zion, O., '67-75 ; Grove City, Pa., '75 ; married June 23, '70, Hetty H., daughter of G. W. Pringle. Presbyterian minister, Grove City, Pa. McMurtrie, Edward Stewart.— Son of William E. and Margaret (Whit- taker); born Huntingdon, Pa., Aug. 13, 1842; law student with W. M. Stewart, '64-66; practiced law Huntingdon, Pa., '66 — ; unmarried. Law- yer, Huntingdon, Pa. Magill, Hezekiah.— Son of William and Margaret (Griffith); born Island Creek, O., Sept. 12, 1842; W. T. S., '64-67; licensed April 25, '66, Pres- bytery of Steubenville; ordained May 9, '67, Presbytery of Kittanning; pastor Concord and Mahoning, Pa., '69-72; Apollo, '72-79; Union and Midway, '79-84 ; Prairie City, 111., '84-86 ; Council Grove, Kan., '86—; married Jan. 25, '69, Alice A., daughter of William Neems. Presby- terian minister. Council Grove, Kan. JEFFERSON COLLEGE. 253 Moore, John McAfee.— Son of John and Matilda (McAfee); born Taren- tum, Pa., May 19, 1833; W. T. S., '64-67; teacher '67-; PennsviUe, Scotdale, Latrobe, Homer, Derry Station. Teacher, Derry Station, Pa. Morton, Samuel Mills.— Son of William and Hannah (Slemmons); born Lawrence County, Pa., April 20, 1840; teacher St. Louis, Mo., '64-65; W. T. S., '65-67 ; licensed April 25, '66, Presbytery of Beaver; ordained March 22, '68, Presbytery of St. Louis ; pastor North Church, St. Louis, '67-71; Urbana, III., '71-74; Westminster Church, Jacksonville, '74— ; married Oct. 2, '67, Julia A., daughter of Nathan D. Allen. Presby- terian minister, Jacksonville, III. > *Musser, Robert Sturgeon.— Son of John M. and Jane; born Noblestown, Pa., Feb. 14, 1842; teacher and civil engineer, '64-68; law student; practiced law St. Joseph, Mo., '68-88 ; married Dec. 25, '67, Gertrude Comstock ; died St. Joseph, Mo., June, '88. Lawyer. t*ATTERS0N, James Walker. — Son of Andrew and Ann Eliza (Walker); born Academia, Juniata County, Pa., Jan. 28, 1836; teacher Tuscarora Female Seminary, '64-69 ; Osceola Mills, Pa., '69-70 ; Ebensburg, '70-71 ; Edge- hill School, N. J., '71-72; Shade Gap, Pa., '72-73; Mt. Union, '73-74; West Dublin ; '75-76 ; Bedford, '76—; married July 3, '65, Margaret J. Lyon. Teacher, Bedford, Pa. Patterson, Thomas Harlan Baird. -Sonof Joseph N. and Mary (Baird); born Pittsburg, Pa., May 6, 1844 ; United States Army '64-65 ; law student with Judge Baird and R. B. Patterson, and George Shiras, '65-66 ; prac- ticed law Pittsburg, Pa., '67 — ; member Constitutional Convention, Penn- sylvania. '72-73; married June 21, '77, Sarah C, daughter of Rev. Dr. W. W. Lord. Lawyer, 139 Fourth Avenue, Pittsburg, Pa. *Perrine, William King.— Son of Isaac and Sarah ; born Monroe, Butler County, O., March 15, 1840; medical student with Dr. Barnett, Canons- burg, Pa.; practiced medicine Cincinnati, O., '67-71; Monticello, Minn., '71-73; Minneapolis, '73-75; Pleasant Ridge, O., '76-78; married Sept. 20, '70, Emma L. Perrine; died Mt. Healthy, 0., Feb. 19, '79, chronic catarrh of bowels. Physician. ROBB, John Scott.— Son of Mark and Jane S. (Donaldson); born Allegheny County, Pa., April 30, 1839; law student with James L Kuhn ; practiced law Pittsburg, Pa., '66—; Pennsylvania Legislature '70-71 ; District Attor- ney, Allegheny County, '78-84; married April 7, '59, Mary A., daughter of ' William Hemmingway. Lawyer, 1 Wylie Avenue, Pittsburg, Pa. RoBB Robert S.-Son of Ebenezer and Eliza; born Washington County, Pa Aug. 25, 1841; U. P. T. S., Allegheny, '65-66; teacher '64-67; United. States Army; law student with Judge Kirkpatrick, '67-69 ; mer- chant, '70-; married Emma S., daughter of Alexander Boyd. Merchant; residence, Allegheny, Pa. Stanford, Joseph DoNAi.DSON.-Son of Thomas and Rebecca (Merchant); born Allegheny County, Pa., Oct. 10 1832; Pri^-f^^g^*^^^";^^^^^^^^^ '64 '74-76; graded schools, West Elizabeth, Pa., 6<-68, McKeesport, '68l69 ; principal North Sewickley .\cademy, '71 ; New Hagerslown, O, OENERAL CATALOGUE OF '72-73 ; graded schools, East Palestine, O., '73-74 ; farmer and surveyor Allegheny and VV^ashington Counties, '77 — ; married Nov. 17, '81, Sarah P., daughter of William Armstrong. Residence, Library, Pa. ♦Thompson, Alexander Scroggs. — Born Big Spring, Pa., April 28, 1834 ; P. T. S., '04-66 ; W. T. S., '66-69 ; licensed April, '66, Presbytery of New Brunswick ; ordained Nov. 20, '67, Presbytery of Allegheny ; pastor Worthington, Pa., '67-78; died Worthington, Pa., Dec. 4,78. Presby- terian minister. Waggoner, Dickson Reynolds.— Son of Rev. David and Elizabeth B. (Hatch); born Sheakleyville, Pa., Jan. 12, 1844; medical student. Medical College, Ohio, '69-71 ; practiced medicine Mercer Co., Pa., '71-74, McKean, Erie Co., Pa., '74-84, Orleans, Neb., '84 — ; married May 18, '65, Phoebe C. McCready. Physician, Orleans, Neb. White, William Allison. — Son of Andrew and Eliza (Quiggley); born Beech Creek, Pa., April 9, 1843 ; law student, Lock Haven, Pa., with C. G. Hunt, '65-67 ; practiced law Lock Haven, Pa., '67 — . Lawyer, Lock Haven, Pa. Wilson, James C— Son of Rev. Dr. Samuel and Mary (Cunningham); born Xenia, O., May 31, 1840; U. P. T. S., Xenia, '65-68; licensed April 30, '67, Presbytery of Xenia; ordained April 13, '69, Presbytery of Allegheny pastor Beaver, Pa., '69-72, Third Church, Philadelphia, '72-75, Erie 76 — ; married Henrietta M., daughter of Jacob Hassler. United Presby- terian minister, Erie, Pa. 1866. AIjCOTT, Ahaz N. — Son of George and Eliza (Allen); born Olmstead, O., Dec. 4, 1839; W. T. S. '68-70; licensed April, '69, Presbytery of Richland; ordained '70, same presbytery ; pastor Savannah, O., '71-74, Fredericks- burg, '74-79 ; withdrew from presbytery '79 ; ordained Unitarian Church '82 ; pastor Unitarian Church, Kalamazoo, Mich., '82—; married July, '72, Theresa A. Kerr. Unitarian minister, Kalamazoo, Mich. •Bracken, Thomas S. — Son of Reid and Hannah (Calahan); born near Can- onsburg. Pa., Dec. 1, 1842 ; U. P. T. S., Allegheny, '65-69 ; licensed Sep- tember, '67, United Presbyterian Presbytery of Michigan; ordained Aug. 19, '69, Presbytery of Detroit; pastor Port Huron, Mich., '69-72; infirm ; pastor United Presbyterian Church, Oil City, Pa., '75; married Jan. 12, '71, Carrie E., daughter of Henry A. Chapin ; died Niles, Mich., Nov. 5, '75, consumption of bowels. United Presbyterian minister. Bbown, William F. — Son of Rev. Dr. A. B. and Elizabeth (Nevin); born Canonsburg, Pa., 1843 ; W. T. S., '65-68 ; licensed April, '69, Presbytery of Ohio ; ordained '72, same presbytery; pastor Canonsburg '72-75, New- ark, O., '75-79 ; principal Canonsburg Academy, '84-88. Presbyterian minister, Canonsburg, Pa. Cbonemeyer, Charles F. William. — Son of F. W. and M.; born Detmold, Germany, April 4, 1848 ; painter '65-70 ; preacher and teacher '70 ; artist, photographer and preacher, '80— ; married July 17, '67, Elizabeth J. Smith. Preacher, Ravenna, O. JEFFERSON COLLECxE. 265 ^Donaldson, John W.-Born Washington, Co, Pa.; law student with R M Gibson, Washington, Pa.; practiced law Pittsburg, Pa, 1867-84- died Pittsburg, Pa, '84. Lawyer. ' F1.EMING, Joseph Henderson.- -Son of James and Eliza Betsy (Wills); bom Mifflin Co., Pa, June 18, 1841; P. T. S., '66-67; W. T. S., '67-69; licensed April, '69, Presbytery of Huntingdon; ordained June, '70, Pres!^ bytery of Northumberland ; pastor and stated supply Centralia and Mt. Carmel, Pa., '71-73; Robert Kennedy Memorial Church, Welsh Run, '73—; married May 14, '74, Margaret F., daughter of Timothy Boyle. Presby- terian minister, Welsh Run, Pa. # F1.OYD, Henry S.— Son of Rev. Moses and Arviatta (Steely); born Belleville, Mifflin Co., Pa., Oct. 28, 1845; law student with Hon. R. E. Wright, Allentown, '69-72; practiced law Pittsburg '73—; married , to Laura Neely, Pittsburg. Oalt, Thomas. — Son of Rev. Thomas and Sarah (Happer); born Springfield, 111., July 10, 1844 ; N. W. T. S., '64-67 ; licensed April, '67, Presbytery of Chicago; ordained May, '69, same presbytery; stated supply and pastor First Church, Aurora, 111., '68— ; married Aug. 0, '69, Jennette, daughter, of George McFarland. Presbyterian minister, Aurora, 111. Oregg, David. — Son of David and Mary (Rafferty); born Allegheny, Pa, March 25, 1845; Reformed Presbyterian Theological Seminary, Allegheny; pastor New York City, '70-87 ; Boston, Mass., '87—; editor Our Banner, '74-86 ; married 70, Kate Etheridge. Reformed Presbyterian minister, Boston, Mass. Harmon, John F. — Son of John M. and Martha F. (Croaise); born Duffields, W. Va., May 1, 1844 ; banker (Hanby & Harmanj; married May 19, '74, Amelia, daughter of William Gray. Banker, 24 Nassau Street, New York City. Hill, Meriden S.— Son of Sanford C. and Sarah (Leech); born East Liver- pool, O, Nov. 26, 1843; medical student ; practiced medicine East Liver- pool ; druggist ; ruling elder Presbyterian Church. Physician, East Liverpool, O. lIiNDMAN, Thomas.— Son of John and Rachel (Stevenson); born Indiana Co., Pa., June 12, 1833; United States Army, 38th Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, '61-62; principal Public Schools, Oil City, Pa.; Kittanning; law student, Butler and Kittanning, Cleveland Law School, '68 ; practiced law Pittsburg, Pa., '68-78, Gove Co., Kan., '78-85; Keystone Hotel, Grainfields, Kan., '85—; married '74, Miss Marshall. Lawyer, Grain- fields, Kan. Jennings, William K.— Son of John F. and Elizabeth B. (Fitz Gerald); born Allegheny, Pa., July 25, 1844; law student with Hon. H. W. Williams '65-67 ; practiced law Pittsburg, Pa., '67—; married Sept. 17, 74, Alice B., daughter of Jefferson Crawford. Lawyer, 161 Fifth Avenue, Pitts- burg, Pa. 256 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF Johnson, JohnM. — Son of Dr. Thomas J. and Catherine (Johnson); bornSteu- benville, O., Dec. 15, 184(3,; cashier Union Bank, Pittsburg, Pa., many years ; cashier Sherrard, Mooney & Co., Steubenville, O., six years ; drug- gist same city till date ; unmarried ; residence Steubenville, O. Kelso, Alexander Peebles. — Son of James A. and Elizabeth J. (Linn); born neai Oakville, Pa., Oct. 4, 1840; medical student; W. T. S. '66-68 ; P. T. S. '68-69 ; licensed and ordained '69, Presbytery of Carlisle ; foreign missionary to India '70 — ; married Oct. 12, '70, Louisa Mary, daughter of Lieut. John C. Bolton, at Dehra Doon, India. Presbyterian minister, Saharanpur, India. MacConnell, Thomas, Jr. — Son of Thomas and Mary A.; born Allegheny City Pa., July 29, 1844; law student with Thomas MacConnell; married Sept. 14, '75, Matilda J. Gross; Pittsburg, Pa. ^McCreery, Samuel. — Son of Samuel and Margaret ; born Livermore, Indiana Co., Pa. Nov 20 1838; teacher; principal Elderton Academy '66-69, Indiana Public Schools '69-73, Classical Department Newell Institute, Pitts- burg, '73-88; married June 30, '75, Lizzie Carter ; died Livermore, Pa,, June 19, '88. Teacher. McFarland, George M. — Born : W. T. S. 1865-68; licensed '67, Pres- bytery of Washington; licentiate '67-69 ; license recalled. McIlvaine, John Addison. — Son of William and Matilda (Mcllvaine); born April 13, 1843 ; law student with Boyd Crumrine '65-67 ; Treasurer's'Office '67-69 ; Kansas '69-72 ; practiced law Washington, Pa., '72 — ; adjutant 10th Regiment National Guard Pennsylvania '80-82 ; District Attorney '75-^1; Presiding Judge Twenty-seventh Judicial District of Pennsylvania '87 — ; married Dec. 17, '74, Ada C, daughter of James T. Shaw. Law- yer, Washington, Pa. *McKiNNEY, John R. — Son of Abraham S. and Margaret (Reynolds); born Cumberland Co., Pa., July 16, 1845 ; manufacturer; married Nov. 6, '72, Kate, daughter of Frederick Swannell; died Peoria, 111., June 3, "76, con- sumption. McKowN, Samuel Hunter. — Son of John and Eloisa (DeMoss); born Ger- rardstown, Va., March 20, 1842 ; P. T. S. '65-68 ; licensed July 8, "69, Presbytery of New Castle ; ordained July 8, '69, same presbytery ; stattd suppl} and pastor First Church, Wilmington, '68-74, East Liverpool, O., '77, Mt. H0II7, N. J., '79-80 ; infirm '80-87. Presbyterian minister, Ger- rardstown, W. Va. ^Mitchell, Andrew W. — Son of Isaac W. and Sallie Ann (White); born March 19, 1845, Wheeling, W. Va.; cotton broker from '67, St. Louis, Mo.; married October, '67^ Ella, daughter of James Carson ; died October, '87, St. Louis, Mo. Cotton broker. Neill, Samuel Tait. — Son of Captain William T. and Jane (McCaslin); born Neillsburg, Venango Co., Pa., July 16, 1841; law student with Lewis C. Cassidy, and Pennsylvania University; practiced law Titusville, Pa., '68-83, Warren '83 — ; married June 15, '71, Julia L., daughter of Rev. James Sinclair. Lawyer, Warren, Pa. JEFFERSON COLLEGE. 257 PfiREJNE, Thomas A.-Soa of Isaac V. and Sarah; born Moni:oe, O, Sept. 5, 1842 ; law student University of Michigan ; practiced lawBuffalo, Minn '68-69; Probate Judge, Wright Co., Minn., '69-74; Superintendent of Schools; practiced law Denver, Col.; married Oct. 15, '79, Mrs. Inen E. Miller. Lawyer, Denver, Col. ♦Parker, Thomas U.— Son of Andrew and Ann Eliza (Doty); born Pennsyl- vania, Dec. 4, 1843; grain and stock broker; married Charlotte, daughter of Amos Martin. Business, Emsworth, Penn. ♦Price, Egbert W.— Born Centreville, Eastern Shore of Maryland ; studied law- Baltimore ; practiced law Baltimore, Pittsburg; married June 25, '67, Mary E., daughter of George P. Hamilton ; died Baltimore, Md., April, '74, consumption. Eea, John.— Son of Samuel and Elizabeth J. (McKee); born Pittsburg, Pa.^ Dec. 31, 1843 ; W. T. S. '65-68 ; P. T. S. '68-69 ; licensed Apr U, '68, Pres- bytery of Pittsburg ; ordained May 6, '69, Presbytery of Chester ; pastor Downingtown, Pa., '69-72; home missionary Port Townsend, W. T., '72-78, Oakland, Cal., '78-80; pastor-elect Watson ville '80-83, assistant pastor Congregational Church, Oakland, '83 — ; married May 6, '77, Catha- rine P., daughter of J. B. Ford. Presbyterian minister, Oakland, Cal. RiTCHEY, John Hamilton.— Son of Hamilton and Jane (McAllen); born Ganges, O., June 26, 1840 ; W. T. S. '65-68; licensed May 9, '67, Presby- tery of Richland ; ordained June 28, '69, Presbytery of Winnebago ; pas- tor Portage, W^is., '69-74; stated supply Quincy, Mich., '74-75; Rock- ford, 111., '75-78 ; First Church, Canton, O., '80 ; Independence, Iowa, '80-87; Portage, Wis., '87~; married May 18, '71, Ella L., daughter of Dr. Peter Moore. Presbyterian minister, Portage, Wis. Scott, Xenophon C. — Son of John and Elizabeth C. (Rowland); bo n Haysville, O., Dec. 4, 1842 ; medical student with Dr. Scott and Dr. Geo. Weaver; practiced medicine Cleveland, O.; Professor of I)isease8 of Eye and Ear and Throat, Cleveland Medical College, '81-84 ; Medical Department West- ern University ; married May 30, '78, Edith L., daughter of John Cole. Physician, 557 Prospect Avenue, Cleveland, O. Seyler, James Harbison.— Son of John H. and Sarah F.; born Luthers- burg. Pa., Jan. 6, 1842 ; medical student Western Reserve College, medi- cal department, '67 ; Pennsylvania University '68 ; practiced medicine Sharpsburg, Pa., '69-70 ; Preemption, 111., '70—; married Nov. 19, '74, Lauretta Crisswell. Physician, Preemption, 111. Shaw, Robert Phllander.— Son of Rev. Joseph and Naomi (Waite); born West Alexander, Pa., May 27, 1844; law student '65-66; teacher; civil engineer; P. T.'S. '67-70 ; licensed Feb. 2, '69, Presbytery of New Bruns- wick ; ordained Nov. 8, '70, Presbytery of Westminster; pastor Cedar Grove and Churchtown, Pa., '70-72 ; Bedford, Ind., '72-74; Saginaw City, Mich., '74-78 ; Sturgis, '79-; married Dec. 11, '73. Mary C, daughter of George A. Thornton. Presbyterian minister, Sturgis, Mich. ♦Smith, Robert P.-Born Washington County, Pa., 1842 ; died Sept. 28, '66. Student. ^56 GENERAL CATALOGUP: Stewart, William F. — Son of William B. and Mary M. (Laird); born Pitts- burg, Pa., Dec. 10, 1842; law student with W. P. & G. A. Jenks, '65-67; practiced law Brookville, Pa., '67 — ; married July 14, '70, Agnes E., daughter of Samuel Craig. Lawyer, Brookville, Pa. -•■Stotler, Andrew Mellon. — Son of David and Eleanor (Mellon); born Allegheny County, Pa., Dec. 30, 1842 ; law student with Judge Mellon, Pittsburg, Pa.; practiced law Pittsburg, '67-73; unmarried; died Feb. 15, '73, Alviso, Santa Clara Co., Cal., consumption. Lawyer. *Wasson, Luke J. — Son of Hugh and Elizabeth (McQueety); born Antrim, Ireland, October, 1846 ; W. T. S. '65-68 ; licensed '68, Presbytery of Alle- gheny ; ordained April 28, '69, Presbytery of New Lisbon; pastor Fair- view, Pa., '70-73; married Nov. 5, '68, Jennie, daughter of James Craw- ford; died Minneapolis, Minn., June 13, '73, consumption. Presbyterian minister. Williamson, William C. — Son of A. D. and Isabella (Collins); born Xenia, O., Feb. 2, 1843 ; Xenia Theological Seminary '65-68 ; licensed April, '67, Presbytery of Xenia; ordained June 15, '69, Presbytery of Western Missouri ; pastor Kansas City, '68-70 ; First Church, Washington, Iowa, '70-85 ; Keokuk, '85—; United States Army ; married June 30, '68, S. J., daughter of O. K. McNary. United Presbyterian minister, Keokuk, la. Supplement. The following data came in too late for the body of the work ; 1806. ♦Norton, Carlos ALONZO.-Son of Philo and Ann; born Newtown, Conn.; law student Chillicothe, O.; practiced law ChiUicothe ; Clerk Ohio Senate; United States Army 1812 ; captain ; major ; went to Connellsville, Pa., '20 ] practiced law there until his death ; married Mary Booth, Skeneateles, N. Y.; had a dozen children; died Connellsville, Pa., '34. Lawyer. 1833. HuBER, JoHX.— From Fairfield Co., O. Lawyer, 1835. ♦Donaldson, Alexander.— D.D. Died EUlers Ridge, Pa., April IS, 1889, paralysis. 1841. Stewart, Thomas R.— Son of Joseph and Rachel ; born Tobacco Stick, Dor- chester Co., Md., July 16, 1820; law student Westminster ; practiced law Maryland and Texas forty years ; member of Constitutional Convention, Maryland, '51 ; Commissioner of Lotteries, '52 ; left Maryland in '55, set- tled in Mont Gonzales, Texa^ ; removed to Phoenix, Arizona ; farmer ; local preacher Methodist Episcopal Church, South, many years ; married Anna Maria Jones, also . Residence, Phoenix, Arizona. 1844. Moore, Joseph M.— Son of Joseph A. and Mary (Collins); born Opelous&s La., Sept. 23, 1823 ; law student at Opelousas, La.; practiced law Opelousas *49-80, '88—; Legislature Louisiana '61-65; member Constitutional Con- vention '79 ; Judge Court of Appeals, Third District, '80-88 ; married '52, • Annette Wartelle, also '67, Ella, daughter of John H. Overton ; A.M., '88, Washington and Jefferson College. Lawyer, Opelousas, La. 186a. Griffin, Thomas G.— Son of Rev. Thomas and Ann (Ford); born Madison Co., Miss., Nov. 4, 1827; law student, Shreveport, La.; practiced law Austin, Texas, Florida; Confederate States Army '61-65; colonel 8th Mississippi Volunteers; Guatemala; Honduras '65-87; married Belle Cleveland, Texas ; died Puerte Cortes, Honduras, Feb. 25, '87, by drowning. Lawyer. 260 JEFFERSON COLLEGE. 1853. Amis, J. A. — Born Buncombe Co., N. C; law student; practiced law Buncombe- Co., N. C. Ccetera desunt. 1855. ♦Hutchison, William. — Son of William and Eliza ; born Washington, Pa.j Sept. 22, 1831 J teacher Ohio; principal High School, Natchez, Miss., also Ladies' Seminary in Nashville many years, Academy Pemberton, N.J,, '69-75; journalist '75-89, nom de plume " John Sands ' ' in New York Express, Sim and Press; Superintendent Public Schools, Burlington Co., N. J.; married January, '59, Eliza Lohra MacMichael ; died Feb. 24, '89, Har- rison, N, J. Teacher and journalist. General ©atctl^gue OF Washingto|vJ ^ College, 'Bfom IKe tirae it was chartered, ia 1S06, until its uaioa with ^ffersoa (College, ia -1565. Ifistnriccil J^otice. Washington Academy, from which Washington College sprang, wag- chartered by the Legislature, Sept. 24, 1787— five years after the town of Waah- ington was laid out, and six years after the establishment of Washington County, which was the first county formed after the Declaration of Independ- ence, and only second to Westmoreland, the Mother C^iunty of the West. The act of incorporation names the following persons as its first Trustees, in the fol- lowing order: Rev. John M'Millan, Rev. Joseph Smith, Rev. Thaddeus DoDD, Rev. Jno. Clauk, Rev. Matthew Henderson, Rev. Jno. Corbley, J AS. Marshall, James Edgar, John M. McDowell, Alexander Wright, James Allison, Thomas Scott, David Bradford, James Ross, David Red- dick, John Hoge, Alexander Addison, Thomas Crooks, James Flanna- GAN, Dr. Alexander Baird and James Brice. . The Academy received, by a provision in its charter, a donation of five thousand acres out of the public lands of the Slate, the value of which at the time was twenty cents per acre. This land was taken chiefly in what is now Beaver County. For a long time it was unproductive, and involved the Board in much expense, but was eventually sold and the proceeds judiciously applied in carrying on the Institution. After much effort, the Academy was put in operation in 1789, under Rev. Thaddeus Dodd, who, in 1782, had opened, within his pastoral charge on Ten Mile, what its friends claim was " the first classical and scientific school in the West." For the accommodation of the Academy, the upper rooms of the Court House were rented, and served the purpose until the building was destroyed by fire. This drove the Board to the erection of an Academy building, which is still standing, being the central stone building of the old College. In that building, and in the temporary structure which preceded it, David Johnston, James Dobbins, Benjamin Mills, and others, carried on the Academy with vary- ing success during the years preceding its transformation into a College. In the spring of 1805, Rev. Matthew Brown became at once Principal of the Academy and the first pastor of the Presbyterian Church of Washington. He was assisted as Principal first by David Elliott, and afterward by Cf eokge Baird ; and such was the success of the Institution, under their management, that, on the 28th of March, 180G, an act was passed by the Legislature granting the Trustees the charter of a College. The minutes of the Trustees have no record of the graduates, until a meet- ing held Sept. 27, 1831. This list of the Alumni was prepared by Thomas H. Elliott, M.D., after very great research and labor, and is believed to be entirely correct, it is certainly bv far the most accurate ever yet published. At the semi-centennial anniversary in 1856, a very full historical address was delivered by Rev. James I. Brownson, D.D., of the class of 1836. Most of the above is quoted from that address. ^i^incipals c^ tl|E Institution, Froin the Time It was Chartered, Rev. MATTHEW BROWN, D.D., LL.D. Elected December 13th, 1800 ; Kesigned April 30th, 1817. Rev. ANDREW WYLIE, D.D Elected April 30th, 1817 ; Resigned December 9th, 1828. Rev. DAVID ELLIOTT, D.D., LL.D. Elected September 28th, 1830 ; Resigned November 7th, 1831. Rev. DAVID McCONAUGHY, D.D., LL.D. Elected December 2l8t, 1831 ; Resigned September 27th, 1849. Rev. JAMES CLARK, D.D. Elected May 6th, 1850; Resigned July 13th, 1852: Rev. JAMES I. BROWNSON, D.D. i^Pro Tem.) Elected .Inly 13th, 1852 ; Resigned September 20th, 1853. Rev. JOHN W. SCOTT, D.D., LL.D. Elected November 10th, 1852 ; In Office at the Union. Which, by the Act of Incorporation of March 28th, 1800, were made the First Trustees of Washington College, Rev. Obadiah Jp:nnings Alex. Wright, James Allison, . John Hoge, James Brice, Samuel Clark, Rev. Joseph Patterson, Andrew Swearingen, William Hoge, . Parker Campbell David Bruce, Isaac Jexkinson, David Cook, Joseph Pentecost, James Allison, Jr John Simonson, Rev. John Anderson Alex. Reed, . Samuel Ralston, Isaiah Blair, . David Hoge, Rev. Andrew Gwin, Wm. M'Kennan, Rev. Cephas Dodd, Rev. Wm. Speer, David Shields, James Ashbrooke, Hugh Wilson, Rev. Philip Dodridgk Daniel Moore, David Morris, . Resigned September 28, 1808. Resigned September 20, ]81o. . Resigned September 27, 1809. Resigned April 28, 1808. . Resigned April 30, 1824. Resigned Sept. 28, 1808. . Resigned Dec. 26, 1806. Resigned Sept. 27, 1810. . Resigned April 27, 1810. Died July 30, 1824. . Resigned Sept. 28, 1808. Resigned Sept. 28, 1808. . Resigned Sept. 26, 1815. Died March 22, 1823. Resigned April 2, 1830. Died Dec. 2, 1809. , Resigned Sept. 27, 1831. Resigned Oct. 7, 1819. , Declined to serve April 28, 1808. Resigned. Resigned Sept. 28, 1808. TRUSTEES ELECTED. Elected Dec. 26, 1806 ; Res. May 8, 1818. Elected Dec. 26, 1806; Died Jan., I-SIO. Elected April 28, 1808; Res. May 6, 1850. Elected April 28, 1808; Res. Oct. 7, 1819. Elected Sept. 28, 1808 ; Res. April 2, 1830. Elected Sept. 28, 1808; Died Sept. 29, 1825. Elected Sept. 28, 18C8 ; Died April 13, 1832. Elected Sept. 28, 1808 ; Res. Sept. 26, 1816. Elected Sept. 27, 1809 ; Res. April 2, 1830. Elected Sept. 27, 1809 ; Res. Sept. 24, 1823. 266 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF Rev. Thos. Allison, Rev. Joseph Stephensox, . Thos. McGiffix, Rev. Robt. Anderson, Rev. Obadiah Jennings, George Baird, Alex. Murdoch, Rev. Thos. Hoge, Thos. M. T. McKennan, . Rev. Joseph McElroy, D.D., Rev. Charles Wheeler, . Hon. Th. H. Baird, Rev. John Graham, . Hon. John Kennedy, James Blaine, Rev. Wm. Wylie, . Hon. Joseph Ritner, . j:iected April 27, 1810 ; Res. April 30, 1823. Elected April 27, 1810 ; Res. April 2(5, 1825. Elected April 27, 1810; Died Feb. 5, 1841. Elected Sept. 27, 1810 ; Res. Sept. 29, 1825. Elected April 28, 1812 ; Res. April 22, 1828. Elected April 28, 1812 ; Res. 1832. Elected Sept. 26, 1815 ; Died Aug., 1837. Elected Sept. 26, 1816; Res. April 29, 1818. Elected April 29, 1818; Died July 9, 1852. Elected Oct. 7, 1819 ; Res. April 30, 1824. Elected Oct. 7, 1819; Res. March 26, 1834. Elected Oct. 7, 1819; Res. April 2, 1830. Elected April 30, 1823; Res. April 2, 1830. Elected April 30, 1823; Res. May 2, 1842. Elected Sept. 30, 1824 ; Died Feb. 1, 1848. Elected April 26, 1825 ; Res. Sept. 24, 1833. Elected April 24, 1827 ; Res. Nov. 9, 1852. Rev. J. Breckenbridge,D.D., p:iected Sept. 25, 1827 ; Died Aug. 4, 1841, Talbot Jones, . Rev. John Stockton, D.D., William Baird, . F. J. LeMoyne, M.D., . Alex. Reed, John K. Wilson, Elected Sept. 25, 1827 ; Res. Aug. 4, 1832. Elected April 22, 1828 ; Res. March 27, 1839. Elected April 2, 1830 ; Died Oct. 6, 1834. Elected April 2, 1830 ; In Office at the Union. Elected April 2, 1830 ; Died Sept. 9, 1842. Elected April 2, 1830 ; Res. March 29, 1853. *Rev. J. M. McCluskey, D.D., Elected Aug. 27, 1830 ; Res. Nov. 9, 1852. Rev. David Elliott, D.D., Elected March 31, 1832; Res. Nov. 9, 1853. Rev.Wm. C. Anderson, D.D., Elected Sept. 25, 1832 ; Res. Nov. 9, 1852. Isaac Leet, .... Hon. John H. Ewing, Robert R. Reed, M.D., John L. Gow, . Rev. D. Deruelle, tREV. Wm. Annan, D.D., Rev. E. S. Graham, . Hon. a. W. Acheson, Rev. a. D. Campbell, D.D., Joseph II. Kuhns, Rev. II. G. Comingo, George Baird, Elected Sept. 24, 1833 ; Res. March 30, 1842. Elected Sept. 24, 1834 ; Res. Nov. 9, 1852. p:iected Jilarch 26, 1835 ; Res. :\[arch 29, 1853. Elected Sept. 28, 1836 ; Res. Nov. 9, 1852. Elected Sept. 25, 1838 ; Res. Sept. 24, 1845. Elected Sept. 25, 1838; Res. March 23, 1848. Elected March 25, 1841 ; Res. Elected March 30, 1842; Res. Nov. 9, 1853. Elected Sept. 27, 1842 ; Res. Nov. 9, 1853. Elected Sept. 27, 1842 ; Res. Nov. 9, 1853. Elected Sept. 26, 1843; Res. Nov. 9, 1853. Elected March 26, 1844 ; Res. Nov. 9, 1853. *By the terms of the agreement with the Synod of Wheeling, the members of the Board were to resign, and their places to be filled from the nominees of the Synod, except a quorum, who were to resign in like manner one year thereafter. The College was taken into the official connection with the Synod, November 9, 1852, when, as will be seen, a large number did resign; many of these, however, being nom\nees of the Synod, were immediately re-elected and took their seats. The same regulation included also the Faculty, which will explain the resignation and the immediate re-election of Professors Alrich, Murray and McKennan, on the next day, November 10, 1852. fDid not take his seat till Sept. 27, 1842. WASHINGTON COLLEGE. 267 Kev. John Stockton, D.D., Rev. John Kerk, Rev. J. I. Brownson, D.D., Alex. Murdoch, . Rev. Thomas Hanna, D.D., Rev. Wm. D. Howard, D.D. Wm. McKennan, Elected Sept. 24, 1845; Res. Nov. 9, 1852. Elected Sept. 24, 1846 ; Res. Nov. 9, 1853. Elected March 28, 1849 ; Res. Nov. 9, 1853. Elected March 26, 1850 ; Res. Nov. 9, 1852. Elected March 26, 1850; Res. March 27, 1853. Elected Sept. 25, 1850 ; Res. Nov. 9, 18.53. Elected July 13, 1852 ; Res. Nov. 9, 1853. Elected under the Union with the Synod of Wheeling. Hon. John H. Ewing, . Elected Nov. 9, 1852 ;Jn Office at the Union. Rev. John McCluskey, D.D., Elected Nov. 9, 1852 ; Res. 1857-8. Rev. John Eagleson, D.D., Elected Nov. 9, 1852 ; Resigned 1856. Elected Nov. 9, 1852 ; Died in 1861. Elected Nov. 9, 1852 ; In Office at the Union. Rev. H. G. Comingo, Thomas McKennan, M.D., Rev. James Kerr, Alex. Murdoch, Rev. Robert Hays, Rev. Samuel Wilson, D.D., Rev. C. V. McKaig, D. D., David S. Wilson, George Baird, John Kerr, . Rev. J. I. Brownson, D.D., Hon. a. W. Acheson, Elected Nov. 10, 1852 ; Res. Sept. 20, 1853. Elected Nov. 10, 1852 ; In Office at the Union. Elected Nov. 10, 1852; Res. Sept. 14, 1858. Elected March 29, 1853 ; In Office at the Union. Elected Sept. 20, 1853 ; In Office at the Union. Elected Nov. 9, 1853 ; Died Nov. 2, 1860. Elected Nov. 9, 1853; In Office at the Union. Elected Nov. 9, 1853; In Office at the Union. Elected Nov. 9, 1853; In Office at the Union. Rev. D. Elliott, D.D., LL.D., Elected Nov. 9, 1853; Res. March 29, 1865. Rev. a. D. Campbell, D.D., Rev. Samuel M. McClung, *Rev. Wm. Y. Brown, D.D., Joseph Donahey, Rev. John Stockton, D.D., Rev. Benj. Mitchell, D.D., Rev. John Moffatt, Rev. John Eagleson, D D., Rev. Robert Herron, D.D., James Lee, Rev. James R. Hughe^ Collin M. Reed, Rev. Loyal Young, D.D., . Elected Nov. 9, 1853; Died 1862. Elected Nov. 9, 1853 ; In Office at the Union. Elected June 19, 1855 ; Res. June 19, 1858. Elected June 19, 1855 ; Res. June 19, 1858. Elected Jan. 2, 1856 ; In Office at the Union. Elected Sept. 15, 1857 ; In Office at the Union. Elected Sept. 15, 1857 ; In Office at the Union. Elected March 17, 1858 ; In Office at the Union. Elected March 17, 1858 ; In Office at the Union. Elected Sept. 14, 1858 ; In Office at the Union. Elected March 15, 1859 ; In Office at the Union. Elected March 26, 1862 ; In Office at the Union. Elected March 26, 1862 ; In Office at the Union. Rev.C.C. Beatty, D.D., LL.D., Elected Sept. 1, 1863; In Office at the Union. *Elected at a former meeting. ^ilincipctls an5 5i|o^essoi[s. ELECTED. Dec. 13, 1806. Rev. Matthew Brown, D.D., Principal. Resigned April 30, 1817 Dec. 13, 1806. .Tames Reed, Prof, of Mathematics and Natural Philosophy. Resigned July 21, 1823 Dec. 13, 1806. Dr. J. Blair, Prof, of Medicine. April 26, 1815. John Reed, Prof, of Languages. April 30, 1817. Rev. Andrew Wylie, D.D., Principal. Resigned Dec. 9, 1828 April 29, 1824. John W. Scott, Prof, of Mathematics. Resigned Nov. 15, 1828 Aug. 27, 1830. Rev. Wm. P. Alrich, D.D., Prof. Math. Resigned Nov. 10, 1852 Sept. 28, 1830. Rev. David Elliott, D.D., Principal pro tern. Resigned Nov. 7, 1831 Jan. 12, 1831. J. Holmes Agnew, Prof, of Lang. Resigned Sept. 26, 1832 March 30, 1831. John L. Gow, Esq., Prof, of Eng. Lit. Resigned Aug. 27, 1836 Dec. 21, 1831. Rev. David McCoxaughy, D.D., LL.D., Prin. Resigned Sept. 27, 1849 Oct. 31, 1832. Robert Fulton, Prof, of Languages. Resigned 1833 Nov. 26, 1832. Joseph Ritner, Jr., Prof. Civ. Eng. and French. Resigned Sept. 24, 1833 Sept. 19, , 1833. Wm. K. McDonald, Prof, of Belles Letters. Resigned Sept. 26, 1837 Dec. 2, 1833. Rev. Rich. H. Lee, Prof, of Lang. Transferred Sept. 27, 1837 Sept. 27, 1837. Rev. Rich. H. Lee, Prof, of Belles Letters. ^ Resigned April 25, 1854 Sept. 26, 1837. Rev. David Ferguson, Prof, of Languages. Resigned June 19, 1844 Nov. 4, 1839. Louis B. Williams, Prof, of Eng. Lit. Resigned March 25, 1840 Sept. 22, 1840. Rev. Robert Milligan, Prof, of Eng. Lit. Resigned May 4, 1852 June 19, 1844. Rev. Nicholas Murray, Prof, of Languages. Resigned Nov. 10, 1852 Sept. 23, 1846. John L. Gow, Prof. Extra, of Municipal Law. Resigned 1849 Sept. 23, 1846. James King, M.D., Prof. Extra, of Physiology and Hygiene. Resigned 1849 WASHINGTON COLLEGE. 269 May 6, 1850. Kev. James Clark, D.D., President. Resigned July 13, 1852 Jan. 21, 1851. Rev. Jas. W. McKennan, Adjunct Prof, of Lang. Resigned Nov. 10, 1852 July 13, 1852. Rev. James I. Brownson, D.D., President pro tern. Resigned Sept. 20, 1853 Nov. 10,1852. Rev. John AV. Scott, D.D., LL.D., President. In Office at the Union Nov. 10, 1852. Rev. Wm. P. Alrich, D.D., Prof, of Mathematics. Resigned March 28, 1860 Nov. 10, 1852. Rev. Nicholas Murray, D.D., Prof, of Lang. ^ Died March, 1853 Nov. 10, 1852. Rev. Jas. W. McKexnan, D.D., Prin. Eng. Dept. Resigned April 25, 1854 Nov. 9, 1853. Rev. E. C. -Wines, D.D., Prof, of Languages. Resigned Sept. 20, 1859 Aug. 15, 1854. Wm. J. Martin, Prof, of Natural Science. Resigned March 17, 1858 Sept. 14, 1858. John W. Acheson, Prof, pro tern, of Languages. Resigned Sept. 20, 1859 Oct. 20, 1858. Wm. H. Brewer, Prof, of Nat. Science. Resigned Sept. 4,. 1860 Oct. 25, 1851). Rev. James Black, D.D., Prof, of Languages. In Office at the Union Jan. 11, 1861. Dr. Alex. Muckle, Prof. Nat. Science. Resigned Sept. 2, 1862 Nov. 5, 1863. Rev. Wm. J. Brugh, Prof. Nat. Science. In Office at the Union Kasf^ington ^ollegE ?tlumni. 1808. ♦ANDERSON, Alexander Augustus.— Son of William ; born Cumberland Co., Pa., 1785 ; law student with David Watts ; practiced law Lewistown, Pa.^ 1812-23 ; Pennsylvania Legislature, '19 ; died Lewistown, Pa., April 9* '23, consumption. Lawyer. -*Baird, William.— Son of Dr. Absalom and Susanna (Brown); born Washing, ton. Pa., July 23, 1789 ; law student with T. H. Baird, 1808-12; practiced law Washington, Pa., '12-34; District Attorney '16-24; Trustee Washing- ton College ; married '23, Nancy, daughter of John Mitchell ; died Wash- ington, Pa., Oct. 6, '34. Lawyer. *Blair, Alexander.— Son of Dr. Isaiah ; born Carlisle, Pa., May 22, 1789; medical student with Dr. McCloskey, and Pennsylvania University; United States Army 1810-12 ; surgeon, '12-15; practiced medicine Wash- ington, Pa., '15-30; died Washington, Pa., May 26, '30. Physician. *Law, Michael. —Born Ireland, 1775 ; licensed Oct. 17, 1810, Presbytery of Ohio; ordained Jan. 15, '12, same presbytery; pastor Montour, Pa., '12-21 ; missionary to Indians, Toledo ; married; died Ashland, O., Oct. 9, '21, malarial fever. Presbyterian minister. 1810. *Becket, Joseph Beeler. — Son of Col. Joseph ; born Allegheny Co., Pa., . 1781; law student with Parker Campbell ; practiced law Kittanning, Pa., 1813-16 ; leisure, '16-26; died Allegheny County, Pa., October, '26. Law- yer. *CuNNixaHAM, Thomas Scott. — Son of Alexander and Elizabeth (Scott); born Washington, Pa., March 30, 1790; law student with Parker Campbell, Washington, Pa.; practiced law Mercer, Pa., 1813-55; Senate Penn- sylvania ; Associate Judge ; died Mercer, Pa., March 28, '55. Lawyer. *McKennan, Thomas McKeax Thompson.— Son of Capt. William and Eliza- - beth (Thompson); born Dragon Neck, New Castle County, Del., March 31, 1794 ; tutor Washington College ; law student with Parker Campbell ; practiced law Washington, Pa., 1814-52; Member Congress, Pennsylvania, '30-38, '42-44 ; Secretary of Interior, '50 ; Trustee Washington College '18-52 ; married Dec. 6, '15, Matilda, daughter of Jacob Bowman ; died Reading, Pa., July 9, '52, gangrene in foot; LL. D., Jefferson College, '48. Lawver. 272 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF 1811. *CiiARK, William. — Studied medicine ; practiced medicine ; died. *Kearsley, Jonathan. — United States Army 1812-15 ; first lieutenant 2d Regiment Artillery, March 12, '12; 4th Rifle Regiment, April 21, '14; brevet-captain Aug. 15, '14, for distinguished service at Fort Erie ; assist- ant adjutant-general; rank of major Aug. 20, '14; discharged June 1, '15 ; Recorder United States Land Office, Detroit, Mich. *Laird, John. — Son of James and Margaret (Sproat); born Washington County, Pa., 1791; teacher Margaretta Academy, Accomac, Va.; law stu- dent; practiced law New Lisbon, O., 1820-24; died New Lisbon, O., '24. Lawyer. *PuRViANCE, Henry. — Son of John and Elizabeth (Thompson) ; teacher Butler County, Pa. ; merchant ; law student with Parker Campbell, Washington^ Pa.; mental derangement ; unmarried ; died Butler County, Pa. *Steen, James T. — Son of Isaiah and Amelia; born Washington, Pa.; teacher York, Pa.; law student; Newark, Del.; Baltimore, Md.; Abingdon, six years ; Govanstown, fourteen years ; married May 7, 1833, Sarah E. McComas ; died Baltimore, Md., April 13, '55, paralysis. Teacher. 1812. *EwiNG, Nathaniel. — Son of William and Mary (Conwell); born July 18, 1794, Dunlap's Creek, Pa.; teacher Newark, Del., 1812-13 ; studied law with Hon, Thomas MoGiffin, Washington, Pa., '13-16; practiced law '17-74; Presiding Judge Fourteenth Judicial District Pennsylvania, '38-48; ruling elder Presbyterian Church, '33-74; married '22, Jane, daughter of Hon. John Kennedy, also '30, Anna Lyon, daughter of Rev. David Denny, Chambersburg, Pa.; died Uniontown, Pa., Feb. 8, '74 ; LL.D., Washington College, '61. Lawyer. *EwiNG, George. — Son of William and Mary (Conwell); born near Browns- ville, Pa., Feb. 27, 1792; merchant Mansfield, O.; Vincennes, Ind.; Texas; Alcalde, Tex., under Mexican Government ; Judge ; Texas Army ; married September, 1853, Elizabeth Sarah, daughter of Edward Par- kinson ; died Houston, Tex., Aug. 25, '76, dropsy and asthma. *Fee, Samuel. — Minister of the gospel ; died. 1813. *Allison, George W. — Son of James and Jane (Shannon); born Washington, Pa., 1794(?); medical student Baltimore Medical College; practiced medicine Beaver, P^, '16(?)-'63 ; married June 24, '41, Sarah K. Lyon; died Beaver, Pa., Sept. 7, '63. Physician. *Brady, John Spear. — Son of James ; born Greensburg, Pa., 1794 ; law student with Parker Campbell, Washington, 1813-17; practiced law Washinglon, Pa., '17-67 ; State Senator, Pennsylvania; Secretary Land Office; married '24, -, daughter of Parker Campbell; died Greensburg, Pa., Nov. 11, '67, paralysis. Lawyer. WASHINGTON COLLEGE. 21^ ♦Bowman, James LowRY.-Son of Jacob and Isabella (Lowry); born Browns vilie, Pa., June 23, 1794; law student with John Kennedy, Uniontown Pa • merchant Brownsville, Pa , till 184G ; President Monongahela Bank '46-57- married February, '25, Mirtilla, daughter of John Bever, Beaver Co., Pa.'; died Brownsville, Pa., '57, jaundice. *CozAD, JACOB.-Licensed Jan. 15, 1819, Presbytery of Ohio ; ordained Jan. 5, '20, same presbytery ; pastor Lower P.uffalo, Pa., '20-27, Center '27-28, Big Spring, O., '27— Waveland, Ind., '46, Warren '47 ; died '51. Presby^ terian minister. *Stokeley, Samuel.— Son of Col. Thomas and Elizlbeth (Mountfordj; born Washington, Pa., Jan. 25, 1796 ; law student with Parker Campbell, Wash- ington, and Charles Hammond, Steubenville, O.; practiced law Steuben- ville, O., 1817-43; KecorderLand Office, Steubenville, '24-29 ; Ohio Senate '36-38(?); Member of Congress '40-42 ; real estate '43-61 ; married April 10, 1830, Mrs. Rachel Mason, widow of Dr. P. S. Mason ; died Steuben- ville, O., May 23, '61, apoplexy. Lawyer. • 1814. *EsPY, John. — Medical student ; practiced medicine ; died. *EwiNG, John Hoge.— Son of William and Mary (Conwell); born Fayette Co., Pa., Oct. 5, 1796 ; law student with Hon. Thomas McGiffin, Washington, Pa., 1814-18 ; practiced law Washington '18-20 ; farmer '20— ; Pennsylvania Legislature '35-36; Senate '38-42; Member of Congress, Pennsylvania, '44-46 ; Trustee Washington College and Washington and Jefferson Col- lege '34-87 ; Trustee Female Seminary, Washington, '36-87 ; married Nov. 2, '20, Ellen, daughter of James Blaine, also Aug. 12, '45, Margaret C, daughter of Richard Brown ; died June 9, '87. Farmer. *GtLLELAND, ALEXANDER. — Son of Rcv. Jamcs and Fanny (Baird); born Lin- coln Co., North Carolina, Aug. 30, 1795; law student Georgetown, O ; practiced law Georgetown, O., 1816-21 ; Prosecuting Attorney ; married '19, Ann Ellis ; died Georgetown, O., '21. Lawyer. ♦Johnston, James.— Born York Co., Pa., 1784; theology with Dr. Mason, New York; licensed June 27, 1821, Presbytery of Monongahela; ordained May 2, '22, same presbytery ; pastor Mansfield, O., '22-55 ; died York Co., Pa., March 12, '58 ; D.D., '52, Jefferson College. Associate Reformed Presbyterian minister. ♦Patterson, Andrew Oliphant.— Born Fayette Co., Pa., July 1, 1794; P. T. S. 1819; ordained April 18, '21, Presbytery of Redstone; pastor Mt. Pleasant and Sewickley, Pa., '21-31; Agent Board of Home Missions '34-36 ; pastor Beaver, Pa., '37-39, New Lisbon, O., '40-51 ; stated supply and pastor Bethel '52-57 ; pastor West Newton, Pa., '57-63 ; stated supply College Corner, Ind.; married Nov. 11, '23, Maria, daughter of Rev. Will- iam Speer ; died Oxford, O., Dec. 14, '68 ; D.D., '44, Washington College. Presbyterian minister. ♦PoAGUE. -VndrewW.— Born Ohio; P. T.S.I 815-16; licensed and ordained (?); missionary '16-36 ; pastor Yellow Springs, O., '36-40 ; died Yellow Springs, O., April 29, '40. Presbyterian minister. 18 274 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF *Rankin, William. —Born Potter's Mills, Centre Co., Pa., Oct. 9, 1795; med- ical student, Pennsylvania University '19; practiced medicine Campbells- town, Pa., '19-21, Shippensburg '21-72 ; ruling elder Presbyterian Church; died Shippensburg, Pa., July 15, '72. Physician. *Van Lear, William.— Son of Matthew ; born Mt. Taraony, near Williams- port, Md., Jan. 29, 1794; medical student with Dr. Watson, Pennsylvania University; practiced medicine Bedford, Pa, 1817, Williamsport, Md., '17-38; married Susan Graham; died Williamsport, Md., May 7, '38. Physician. , 1815. *Addisox, Alexander. — Son of Hon. Alexander; born Washington, Pa.; law student with Hon. T. M. T. McKennon, Washington ; practiced law Washington, Pa., 1820-22 ; died Feb. 28,'22, injury from a falling chimney. Lawyer. "^FiNLEY, Clement A. — Son of Samuel ; born Newville, Pa., 1797 ; medical student Chillicothe, O., Pennsylvania University ; United States Army 1818-62 ; surgeon's mate, assistant surgeon, surgeon — Louisiana, Florida, Mexico, Arkansas, Rocky Mountains ; Surgeon-General United States Army '61 ; retired '62, brevet brigadier general ; died Philadelphia, Pa. ^FiTZHUGH, Samuel Hughes. — Son of Col. William and Ann (Hughes); born at "Forge," near Hagerstown, Md., Feb. 22, 1796; law student, Wheeling, Va.(?); practiced law. Wheeling, Va., 1817 — ; Mount Morris, N. Y., '40-47 ; Judge, Livingston Co., N. Y.; married '22, Mary Addison ; died Mt. Morris, N. Y., Feb. 23, '49. Lawyer. *Kellar, Isaac. — Son of George and Barbara ; born near Hagerstown, Md., Feb. 6, 1789; P.T. S. 1815-17; licensed '18, Presbytery of Carlisle; ordained Oct. 26, '19, same presbytery ; pastor McConnellsburg, '19-24; co-pastor G. R. Church, Hagerstown, Md., '24-26 ; pastor Williamsport, Pa., Pres- byterian Church '26-35 ; First Church, Peoria, III., '35-48; stated supply Orange Prairie '48-53 ; married '20, Margaret, daughter of John Schnebly, Hagerstown, Md.; died Kellar Station, near Peoria, 111., July 25, '67, heart disease. Presbyterian minister. *Le Moyne, Francis Julius. — Son of Dr. John Julius De Villiers and Nancy (McCully); born Washington, Pa., Sept. 4, 1798; medical student with father and Jefferson Medical College '15-22 ; practiced medicine, Wash- ington, Pa., '22-79; candidate for Governor of Pennsylvania '41, '44, '47; candidate for Vice-President United States of America, on Abolition ticket; Trustee Washington College, '30-65; Female Seminary '36-65; endowed Chairs of Agriculture and Applied Mathematics, Washington College; married May, '23, Madeleine Romaine Bureau ; built the first crematory in this country and was the third subject; died Washington, Pa., Oct. 14, '79. Physician. WASHINGTON COLLEGE. 275 ^McCarrell, JosEPH.-Born Shippensburg, Pa, July 9, 1795; theology with Dr. Mason, New York; licensed June 19, 1821, Presbytery of Big Spring- ordained March 14, '23, Presbytery of New York; pastor First Associate Keformed Church, Newburg, New York, '23-64 ; Professor of Theology Newburg Theological Seminary, '29-59; published many sermons; died Newburg, N. Y, March 29, '64; D.D. Associate Reformed Presbyterian minister. ♦MoDERWELL, WiLLiAM.— Bom Lancaster, Pa., Dec. 26, 1794; P. T. S. 1815-17 ; ordained Sept. 29, '19, Presbytery of New Castle ; pastor Augusta, Ga., '21-26; resigned '33 ; died Philadelphia, Pa.,'42.^ Presbyterian minister! *MooRE, Henry.— Son of Daniel and Margaret (Wilson) ; born Washington, Pa., Oct. 23, 1800 ; iron merchant. Wheeling ; real estate owner Baltimore, Md.; married Matilda Denison, Ohio, also Ann C. Macgovern, Virginia, also Maria McBlair, Baltimore, Md.; died Baltimore, Md., Nov. 24, '83, angina pectoris. ♦Reed, WiLLiAM.~Son of William and Margaret (Linn); born near Gettysburg, Pa, Sept. 3, 1785; theology with Rev. T. E. Hughes; licensed Oct. 20, 1818, Presbytery of Hartford (now Shenango); ordained April 11, '21, same presbytery ; pastor Long's Run and New Salem, O., '21-66 ; married August, '20, Maria Cook, Washington, Pa.; died Calcutta, O, Oct. 17, '67. Presby- terian minister. *Snodqrass, William Davis.— Son of Rev. James; born West Hanover, Dauphin Co., Pa., June 30, 1796 ; P. T. S., 1815-17 ; ordained July 30, '19, Presbytery of Fayetteville ; pastor Fayetteville, N. C, '19-22; stated sup- ply Independent Presbyterian Church, Savannah, Ga., '22-23 ; pastor Murray Street Church, New York, '23-32 ; agent Board of Missions '32-33, pastor Second Church, Troy, N. Y., '34-44, Fifteenth Street Church, New York, '45-49 ; Goshen, '45-86; Director P. T. S.; D.D.; died Goshen, N. Y., May 28, '86. Presbyterian minister. *Waugh, William.— Son of Samuel and Eliza (Hoge); born Cumberland Co, Pa.; law student; practiced law, Washington, Pa, 1818-69; District Attorney, Washington County, '24-30 ; Pennsylvania Legislature '28-32 ; Washington Co., Pa.; unmarried ; died Woodville Hotel, '69, pneumonia. Lawyer. ♦Wilson, John K.— Son of John and Catharine (Cunningham); born Washing- ton, Pa, May 8, 1800 ; merchant Washington, Pa, '15-50, Leetsdale '50-82; married March 25, '25, Maria, daughter of David Shields; died Leetsdale, Pa., July 4, '82 ; Trustee Washington College. Merchant. 1816. *CoTTON, Henry.— Son of John and Margaret (Stockton); born Washington Co., Pa, Nov. 24, 1785 ; medical student with Dr. John Wishart^, prac- ticed medicine West Middletown, Pa., 1817-23 ; married Feb. 16, '15, Mar- garet McKenney ; died West Middletown, Washington Co., Pa., March 28, '23, bilious fever. Physician. 276 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF ♦DiNWiDDiE, James Lemonte. -Born near Gettysburg, Pa., Feb. 23, 1798; theology New York City ; licensed May, 1820, Presbytery of Monongahela ; ordained Nov. 22, '20, same presbytery ; pastor Mercer, Pa., '20-34 ; Pres- byterian Church, Philadelphia, '34-41; Second Associate Reformed Church, Pittsburg, '43-44 ; Professor Biblical Literature and Sacred Criticism, Asso- ciate Reformed Theological Seminary, Allegheny, '44-46 ; died Allegheny, Pa., January, '49, paralysis of brain ; D.D. Associate Reformed minister. *Heaton, William. — Teacher Greensburg, 1816; Hagerstown, Md.; medical student; practiced medicine; died Western Reserve, O., '23. Physician. ♦Nesbit, William. — Born Eastern Pennsylvania, 1794 or 1795 ; theology with Dr. Mason, New York; licensed Aug. 8, 1820, Presbytery of Big Spring, Pa.; ordained Jan. 2, '23, Presbytery of Saratoga; pastor Seneca, N. Y., '23-32 ; died August, '34, Geneva, N. Y., suddenly. Associate Reformed minister. *PlPER, James. — Born Uniontown, Pa.; law student; practiced law Union- town, Pa., 1819-56{?); went West '56 ; Register and Recorder, Fayette Co., Pa.; died in the West. Lawyer. ♦Smith, Frederick. — Son of Frederick and Mary ; born Bedford County, Pa., Feb. 6, 1796; law student Bedford, Pa.(?); practiced law Chambers- burg, Pa., 1818-61 ; Pennsylvania Legislature, Speaker of the House, '30; married June 22, '22, Catherine Smith ; died Chambersburg, Pa., April 3, '61. Lawyer. Sfeer, James Ramsay. — Son of Rev. William and Sarah (Ramsey); born Chambersburg, Pa., Nov. 19, 1796 ; medical student with Dr. Postie- thwaite, Greensburg, Pa., 1816-19 ; Pennsylvania University '21 ; prac- ticed medicine New Alexandria, Pa., '19-24 ; Pittsburg, '25-71 ; Trustee W. T. S. '27-29 ; Trustee Western University, Pa. ; Secretary and Treasurer Allegheny Cemetery ; married July 19, '21, Hettie, daughter of Paul Morrow, Greensburg, Pa. Physician, Pittsburg, Pa. ♦Sweeney, John M. — Studied medicine ; practiced medicine ; died. 1817. ♦Laird, Robert MacMordie. — Born Raccoon, Washington County, Pa., March 23, 1799 ; ordained evangelist Aug. 19, 1823, Presbytery of Ohio ; missionary Sault Ste. Marie, Mich., '23-24; stated supply Manokin and Wicomico, Md., '25-26 ; pastor Montour, Pa., '26-28 ; agent Western Theological Seminary '28 ; stated supply Manokin and Wicomico, Md., and Principal Washington Academy, '28-35 ; died Montpelier Springs, Ga., March 19, '37. Presbyterian minister. ♦McFarland, Francis.— Born County Tyrone, Ireland, Jan. 8, 1788 ; P. T. S. 1817-18; licensed '19 ; missionary Indiana, Missouri, Georgia ; ordained evangelist Aug. 1, '22, Presbytery of New Brunswick ; pastor Bethel, Va., '23-26 ; (. /orresponding Secretary Board of Education, '35-41 ; pastor Bethel, Va., '41-71 ; died Bethel, Va., Oct. 10, 71; D.D., '39, Washington Col- lege; Moderator General Assembly, '56. Presbyterian minister. WASHINGTON COLLEGE. 277 ^Miller, Jacob B.-Born Uniontown, Pa., 179S(?); law student ; practiced law Umon own Pa.. 1821-7^.^ editor Whig and Republican orga'n'r„any,ea«" died Uniontown, Pa., 78. Lawyer. J' ^ ' > *Neal Samukl SiMES.-Sonof John and Eliza (Simes); born 1800 ; medical student Washington, Pa.; practiced medicine Plaquemine, La. '21-28- married; died Plaquemine, La., '28. Physician. *OoLE, Charles. -Son of Alexander and Mary (Williams); born Somerset Pa., 1798 ; law student with Major John B. Alexander, Greensburg Pa ' practiced law Somerset, Pa., 1820-41; Member Q;ongre88, Pennsylvania* '37-41 ; married Sept. 14, '25, to Emily, daughter of Dr. James Postle- thwaite, Greensburg, Pa.; died Somerset, Pa., May 10, '41. Lawyer. *Smith, John.— Born Adams County, Pa.; farmer Adams County ; Lancaster County ; married Miss Smith ; died Lancaster County, about '45. Far- mer. ♦Williamson, James.— Son of David and Tamar (McKnight); born near New- ville. Pa., June 11, 1795; P. T. S. 1818-19; licensed October, '20, Presby- tery of Carlisle ; ordained June 21, '23, same presbyteryi?) ; pastor Silver Spring, Pa., '23-38; Milton, '38-45; Hazeiton and Mifflinburg; pastor New Windsor and Taneytown, Md., '49-54; Athens, Pa., '54-58; West Kishacoquillas, '58— (?); stated supply Little Valley; married; died Lewistown, Pa., March 10, '65. Presbyterian minister. ^WoLFE, Jacob, Jr.— Born Pennsylvania; P. T. S. 1823-24; licensed and ordained; pastor Plymouth, O., '28; Blooming Grove, '32; missionary; Benton, Ind., '40; Eel River, '43-50; teacher Leon, '53; Coesse, Ind.; died '53(?). Presbyterian minister. 1818. * Addison, William, Jr. — Son of Hon. Alexander; born Washington, Pa., Dec. 28, 1801; law student; medical student Paris, France; practiced medicine Pittsburg, Pa.; died March 26, '62. ♦Barrington, Samuel.— Medical student; United States Navy 1828-62 ; sur- geon-mate '2S-35 ; passed surgeon '35-37 ; surgeon '37-62 ; died Sept. 4, '62. Physician. ■*Beattie, William Quigley. — Born near Shippensburg, Pa., April 12, 1796; P. T. S. 1818-19 ; ordained July 8, '24, Baptist Church ; missionary North Carolina, '24-26; pastor Mechanicsville, S. C; '36-38; Darlington Court House, '38-40 ; Bennettsville, '40-52 ; Saw Mill Colored Church, '52-82 ; married June 17, '29, Ann, daughter of Capt. John Terrell ; died Ben- nettsville, S. C, Oct. 29, '84. Baptist minister. *Clark, Birmingham McKennan.— Son of and Mrs. (Thompson); bom Delaware ; law student with T. M. T. McKennan ; practiced law in Arkan- sas a few years ; died in Arkansas in '30(?). *Clemens, James Walton.— Son of William and Mary (Wolf); born near Taylorstown, Washington Co., Pa., May 26, 1795 ; teacher and medical stu- dent Wheeling, W. Va., and Pennsylvania University, 1823-24 ; practiced 278 GENERAL CATALOGUE OP medicine Wheeling, Va., '19-46; married '18, Eleanor Sherrard, Washing- ton, Pa.; died Valley Grove, Va., Nov. 21, '46, chronic diarrhoea. Phy- sician. *DuNCAN, Thomas A.— Born Butler Co., Pa.; law student; practiced law; died. ^Harris, George Washington.— Son of Robert and Elizabeth (Ewing); bora Harrisburg, Pa., June 23, 1798 ; law student 1818-20 ; practiced law Har- risburg and Philadelphia '20 — ; Reporter Supreme Court, Pennsylvania; Secretary Liberia Commission, United States Senate ; published Law Reports, vols. 1-12; ''Journal of William McClay"; first United States Senator, Pennsylvania ; married Elizabeth M. Hall ; died Harrisburg, Pa., Aug. 13, '82. Lawyer. Hawkins, John L. — Born Chambersburg, Pa., Aug. 8, 1800 ; licensed April 21, '25, Presbytery of Washington ; ordained October, '27, by the same ; stated supply Connellsville, Pa., '27-31, pastor '37-43 ; stated supply Sharon and Carmel '44-50, Mt. Carrael '52-56, Baxter Springs and Car- bondale, Kan., '72-82 ; honorably retired '87. Presbyterian minister, Mel- rose, Kan. ♦HoGE, John. — Son of David and Jane (Scott); born Washington, Pa., 1801;^ law student with Judge Wilson, Steubenville, O.; practiced law Mercer, Pa., '35-54 ; Legislature, Pennsylvania ; Senate, Pennsylvania ; married '35, Rebecca, daughter of Joseph Smith ; died Mercer, Pa., '54, apoplexy. Lawyer. *Laird, John M. — Medical student ; practiced medicine Perry Co., Pa. ; mar- ried Miss Powers ; died Bloomfield, Perry Co., Pa. Physician. *Langley, James. — Son of James, Sr., and Mrs. Elizabeth (Lockhart); borrt Washington, Pa., July 23, 1798; merchant Washington, Pa., 1818 — ; died Washington, Pa., Feb. 7, '58 ; merchant. *Reed, Charles M. — Son of Rufus S. and Nancy ; born Erie, Pa., 1803 ; busi- ness; Member of Congress from Pennsylvania '42 (?); married Harriet Gil- son ; died Erie, Pa., Dec. 18, '71. Business. 1819. ♦Christmas, Joseph Stibbs. — Son of John; born Georgetown, Pa., April 10^ 1803 ; P. T. S. '20-22 ; ordained Aug. 1, '24, Presbytery of New York ; pastor American Chapel, Montreal, Canada, '24-28 ; agent American Bible Society '28 ; pastor Bowery Church, New York, '29-30 ; died New York City, March 14, '30. Presbyterian minister. *Horner, John Scott.— Son of Dr. Gustavus Brown, assistant surgeon Revo- lutionary Army, and Frances Hammel (Scott); born Warrenton, Va., Dec. 5, 1802 ; law student with Hon. T. L. Moore '25; practiced law in Virginia '25-35 ; Secretary and Acting Governor of Michigan, Wisconsin and Iowa Territories, '35-36 ; Register of Land Office, Green Bay, Wis., '36-49 Judge of Probate Court, Marquette and Green Bay Counties, Green Lake, WASHINGTON COLLEGE. 279 Wis., '50-52 ; married Oct. 24, '33, Harriet Love, daughter of James Wat- son, Washington, D. C; died Ripon, Wisconsin, Feb. 3, '83, softening of the brain. Lawyer. *Laird, Francis H. L.— Son of James and Margaret (Sproat); born Wash- ington Co., Pa., 1801 ; ordained priest Protestant Episcopal Church ; Pres- byterian Church '64 ; preached in Maryland, Pennsylvania, Alabama, Illi- nois and Kentucky ; died Springfield, Mo., February, '84. Presbyterian minister. *MiLLER, Andrew Galbraith.— Son of Matthew and Jane (Galbraith); born Carlisle, Pa , Sept. 18, 1801 ; law student with Andrew Caruthers, Carlisle, Pa., '19-23; practiced law Gettysburg, Pa., '23-38, Milwaukee, Wis.; Judge of Supreme Court, Wisconsin Territory, '38-48; United States Dis- trict Court, Wisconsin '48-73 ; married Feb. 7, '27, Caroline E. Kurtz, Har- risburg, Pa.; died Milwaukee, Wis., Sept. 30, '74. Lawyer. *NiCHOLSON, Thomas Witter.— Son of James W. and Nancy ; born Friend- ship Hill, Fayette Co., Pa., April 5, 1803 ; at sea '19—; merchant, Mason- town, Pa., '28-29, Pittsburg, '30; farmer Fayette Co., Pa., '31-69; married March, '29, Mary A. Bufle; died Fayette Co., Pa., April 10, '69. Farmer. *Ship, Edward G. — Minister, Kentucky. *SiMPSON, Edward. — Son of Dr. John and Elizabeth ; born Shippensburg, Pa., 1802 ; law student ; practiced law Pittsburg, Pa., '23-66 ; Prothonotary Supreme Court; City Solicitor '32-36 ; edited Tirms, Pittsburg, '28-29; unmarried ; died Pittsbvirg, Pa., March 7, '66. Lawyer. *Smith, Mease. — Son of James and Martha; born Washington County, Pa., 1797 ; law student with J. R. Potter, Accomac, Va.; practiced law Colum- bus, O., and Accomac, Va.; Commissioner in Chancery, Accomac County, Va.; married '22, Elizabeth Parker; also Mrs. Cook; also Mrs. Anna M. Potter ; died Accomac County, Va., Aug. 14, '69. Lawyer. *Stansbury, Henry.— Son of Dr. Jonas Stansbury ; born New York City, Feb. 20, 1803 ; law student with E. Granger and C. B. Goddard ; practiced law Lancaster O., '24-46, '51-52; Cincinnati, '53-66, '68-81; member Constitutional Convention, Ohio, '51; Attorney General United States, '66-68 ; married Frances, daughter of Philemon Beecher, also Cecelia, .daughter of Key Bond ; died June 25, '81. Lawyer. *Wells, James Ross.— Son of Bezaleel and Sally (Griffith); born SteubenviUe, O., Oct. 8, 1803; law student with Hallock & Root, SteubenviUe, O.; practiced law SteubenviUe, '22(?)-42 ; Dubuque, Iowa, '42-46 ; Ohio Legis- lature '26-27 ; clerk courts '30-39 ; married April 17, '34, Ann Eliza, daughter of Peter Wilson ; died Dubuque, Iowa, Oct. 27, '46. Lawyer- 1820. ♦Anderson, TnoMAS.-Son of John and (Laughlin); born Cumberland County, Pa., Jan. 1, 1791 ; teacher Mercer, Pa., 1820-25; theology with Rev. Samuel Taiti licensed Dec. 28, '25, Presbytery of Erie : ordained 280 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF '26, same presbytery ; pastor Concord, Pa., '26-31 ; Franklin and Big Sugar Creek, '26-37 ; stated supply Beaverdara and Union, '37-43 ; Huntingdon, Ind., '43-48; missionary '48-53; married Oct. 11, '20, Piioebe, daughter of Kev. William Wick ; died Huntingdon, Ind., Dec. 22, '53. Presbyterian minister. *CoLMERY, David.— Son of John and Mary (Murdock); theological student; licensed by Presbytery; preached but once; died consumption, 1822 1?). ♦KuHNS, Joseph Henry. — Son of Col. John and Eliza (Marchand); born Greensburg, Pa., Sept. 30, 1800; law student with John B. Alexander, '20-23; practiced law Greensburg, Pa., '23-74; Member Congress, Penn- sylvania, '51-53; married Oct. 19, '25, Margaret E., daughter of Col. John Alexander ; also '52, Mrs. Harriet Jack ; died Greensburg, Pa., Nov. 16, '83 ; Trustee Washington College. Lawyer. ♦Paul, John Peter — Son of Col. John and Sarah T. (Grover); born Greene County, O., Dec. 25, 1800; law student; civil engineer, Madison, Ind.; married '31, Eliza M. Meek ; died Harrison County, Ind., September, '35. Civil engineer. ♦Smith, William.— Can not be traced. ■^Stockton, John. — Son of Thomas ; born Cross Creek, Washington Co., Pa., Nov. 18, 1803; P. T. S. '25-26; licensed Presbytery of Washington; ordained June 20, '27, same presbytery ; pastor Cross Creek, Pa., '27-77; pastor emeritus, '77-82 ; married '31, Nancy Rodgers Clark ; also Elizabeth Johnson; D.D., Jefferson College, '46 ; died Cross Creek, Pa., May 5, '82. Presbyterian minister. 1821. *Gates, Guerdon. — Son of Cyrus and Ruth G. (Rockwell); born New Lom don. Conn., Oct. 17, 1796 ; theology privately; licensed and ordained by Baptist Church ; went to Bourbon County, Ky., 1823; pastor Baptist Church, Paris, Ky., and Principal Female Seminary, '23-33 ; pastor Mayslick, '33-35; evangelist Louisville, '35-58; married Dec. 22, '26, Cynthia Rice; also Dec. 24, '33, Rebecca Tyler; also Dec. 11, '51, Jane Loder ; died Louisville, Ky., Feb. 4, '61. Baptist minister. *KooNTZ, Hugh Mitchell. — Son of John ; born Washington, Pa., May 15, 1804; theology with Dr. John Anderson; licensed Jan. 29, '25, Presby- tery of Washington ; ordained '26, same presbytery ; pastor Hopewell, N. Y.; Philadelphia; Amsterdam, N. Y. ; died Amsterdam, N. Y., July 31, '36. Presbyterian minister. ♦Workman, James. — Son of Hugh and Elizabeth (Bryson); born Washington Co., Pa.; studied theology; unmarried; died '27 or '28, consumption. 1822. *BowMAN, William Robert. — Son of Jacob and Isabella (Lowry) ; born Brownsville, Pa., Dec. 7, 1800 ; P. T. S. '23-25 ; ordained by Bishop White, '25; rector Episcopal Church, St. Francisville, La., '27-35; mar- ried '29, Eliza, daughter of James Perree ; died St. Francisville, La., '35, malignant fever. Protestant Episcopal minister. WASHINGiON COLLEGE. 281 *Leet, IsAAC.-Born Washington, Pa., 1802; law student; practiced law Washington, Pa.; District Attorney; County Treasurer; Pennsylvania Senate four years ; Member Congress, Pennsylvania, '39-41 ; died Wash- ington, Pa., June 10, '44. Lawyer. *McFarren, Samuel.— Son of William and Mary (Scott); born Northampton Co., Pa., July 9, 1796 ; P. T. S. 1825-26 ; licensed Jan. 25, '25, Presby- tery of Washington; ordained Oct. 3, '27, Presbytery of Redstone; pastor Congruity, Pa., '27-69; married Feb. 24, '29, Harriet Newell Colwell ; died Blairsville, Pa., Aug. 1, '70 ; D.D. Presbyterian minister. *McKennan, James Wilson.— Son of Col. William and Elizabeth (Thomp- son); born Washington, Pa., Sept. 2, 1804; law student with Hon. T. M. T. McKennon ; theology with Dr. John Anderson ; practiced law Millersburg, O.; licensed '28, Presbytery of Washington; ordained' 29, same presbytery; pastor Lower Buffalo and West Liberty, '29-35; Indianapolis, Ind.; infirm ; Cuba and United States ; slated supply Florence, Elizabeth, Lower Ten Mile, Frankfort Springs; teacher Wheeling; Adjunct Professor, Washington College, '51-52 ; died Clifton, O., July 19, '61 ; D.D. Pres- byterian minister. *Moore, Joseph Stibbs. — Son of Robert and Mary (Stibbs); born Beaver, Pa., Aug. 29, 1805; law student with father, Beaver, Pa.; died Beaver, Pa.. March 12, '26. Student. *MuRDOCK, John S. — Son of Dr. Samuel and Eleanor (Scroggs); born Canons- burg, Pa., Jan. 11, 1805 ; medical student with father, '22 ; Jefferson Medical College, '27; died Washington, Pa., Aug. 27, '27, dysentery. ♦Smith, James T. — Licensed and ordained; stated supply Pisgah, Ky., 1831; without charge, Danville, '32 ; died probably in '34. Presbyterian min- ister. *Walker, John Hoge.— Born near Harrisburg, Pa., Feb. 9, 1800 ; law stu- dent ; practiced law Erie, Pa., '24-75; Pennsylvania Legislature, '32-35; Pennsylvania Senate, '34 ; Constitutional Convention, Pennsylvania, '72 ; married '31, Catharine D. Kelly; died Erie, Pa., Jan. 25, '75. Lawyer. ♦Wilson, Alexander.— Son of John and Catherine (Cunningham) ; bom Washington, Pa., June 5, 1804 ; law student with William Baird,Washii?g- ton; practiced law Washington, Pa., '26-29; Wheeling, Va., '29-46; unmarried ; died Washington, Pa., Jan. 2, '46. Lawyer. 1823. ♦Jennings, Thomas R. —Son of Rev. Dr. Obadiah and Anna (Reid)j born Steubenville, O.; teacher Baltimore; medical student with Dr. S. K.Jen- nings ; Professor of Anatomy, Tennessee University ; practiced medicine Nashville, Tenn.; died Newport, R. L, '73(?;. *McKaig, Robert Stuart. — Son of Patrick and Rachel (Stuart); born Steubenville, O., 1802(?); Columbiana County, O., '25-45; medical stu- dent; practiced medicine Cumberland, Md., until '26(?); business, manu- facturing; B. & O. R. R., '45-85; married Sarah McMahon ; died Cum- berland, Md., '84. 282 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF Scott, John W. — Son of Rev. George M. and Anna (Rea); born Beaver Co., Pa., Jan. 22, 1800; Yale '23-24; professor Washington College, '24-28^ Miami University '28-45 ; Farmers' College '45-49 ; Oxford Female College '49-59 ; Hanover College '60-68 ; Monongahela College '75-81 ; licensed April, '30, Presbytery of Oxford ; ordained October, '31, same presbytery; married Aug. 18, '25, Mary P., daughter of John Neal ;. D.D., '40, Augusta College. Presbyterian minister, Washington, D. C. *ToMLiNSON, Henry. — Born Tomlinson's Stand, near Cumberland, Md.; law student; practiced law; died Tomlinson's Stand, Md., 1828(?). ^Wallace, Hugh. — Son of James H. and Agnes (Moore); born Cumberland Co., Pa., Aug. 10, 1812 ; law student with George Porter, Lancaster, Pa.; practiced law Lancaster, Pa., '25-37; farmer and lawyer. Sterling, 111.,. '37-64 ; Illinois Legislature ; Senate ; Register Land Office, Dixon, 111., four years; married March 16, '30, Mary Gait; died Sterling, 111., Aug^ 18, '64. Lawyer. 1824. ^Anderson, William Caldwell. — Son of Rev. Dr. John and Rebecca (Byers); born Washington Co., Pa., Aug. 18, 1804; theology with father ; licensed Dec. 13, '27, Presbytery of Washington ; ordained same presby- tery ; missionary North Carolina ; agent Board Home Missions ; agent Western Foreign Missionary Society, '36 — ; Pittsburg, Pa., '37; New Albany, Ind., '39; Europe; professor Hanover College, Ind., '43-44; Fort Wayne, Ind., '44; Washington, Pa., '45; Dayton, O.; Europe; President Miami University, '49-54 ; Chillicothe, O., '54-55 ; San Fran- cisco, till '63 ; Cincinnati and Kansas ; married Jane Mary, daughter of Major Alexander, Carlisle, Pa.; died Junction City, Kan., Aug. 28, '70', D.D. Presbyterian minister. *Barber, Daniel Montgomery. — Son of Phineas and Anna; born Dauphia Co., Pa., March 16, 1800; P. T. S. '25-26; licensed April 19, '27, Pres- bytery of Northumberland; ordained Nov. 21, '27, same presbytery ; mission- ary Sinnamahoning Creek, Pa., '27-33 ; stated supply Great Island, '29-36; Williamsport, '33-36 ; pastor Newton, N. J., '36-38 ; stated supply New Columbia, '39 ; stated supply and pastor Chillisquaqua, '40-58 ; Moores- burg, '43-58; stated supply Jersey Shore, '42-54; stated supply Lycom- ing '59; Bald Eagle and Nittany, '61; chaplain United States Army '61-64 ; married October, '21, Sarah Moorhead ; also Oct. 10, '64, Elizabeth Shannon ; died Milton, Pa., Oct. 30, '65, congestion of liver. Presby- terian minister. ♦Connelly, Henry. — Born Greensbnrg, Pa., Nov. 5, 1798; Associate Reformed Theological Seminary, Allegheny, 1827-28 ; P. T. S. '30-31 ; licensed April 30, '29, Presbytery of Monongahela; ordained evangelist Sept. 30, '32, Associate Reformed Presbytery of New York ; pastor Bloomingburg, N. Y., '33-48 ; Principal Academy Newburg, '48-53 ; agent New York Colonization Society; Principal of Academy; Goshen, '63-68; died Newburg, N. Y., Aug. 8, '68. Associate Reformed minister. WASHINGTON COLLEGE. *Hampton, Moses.— Sonof Moses ; born Beaver Co., Pa., Oct. 28, 1803 ; teacher Uniontown, Pa., '26-28; law student Uniontown, Pa., with J. M.Austin; practiced law Somerset, Pa., '29-38; Prothonotary, Somerset Co.; Pittsl burg, Pa., '38-53; Member Congress, from Pennsylvania, '47-50; Presid- ing Judge, Pittsburg, '53-73; eider Presbyterian Church; LL.D.; mar- ried Annie Miller ; died Pittsburg, Pa., June 24, '78. Lawyer. ♦Martin, Joseph M.— Born Milton, Pa., (?) April 7, 1802 ; law student ; prao- ticed law Milton, Pa., Clearfield, Pa.; died Clearfield, Pa., April 17, '32. Lawyer. ♦Montgomery, John G.— Born Northumberland Co., Pa.; law student; prac- ticed law Danville, Pa., '27-57 ; Pennsylvania Legislature '55; Member of Congress from Pennsylvania '57 ; died Danville, Pa., April 24, '57, malaria. Lawyer. ♦Neely, JoHN.~Son of Kobert and Susannah (Rutherford); born Lancaster Co., Pa., 1796; teacher; principal of an academy in Washington City, D. C, for many years, and at the time of his death was principal of Margaret Academy in Accomac Co., Va.; elder in Presbyterian Church ; married October, 1827, Amelia, daughter of Edward Bayly ; died in Accomac Co., Va., Aug. 13, 1850, of erysipelas. *Reed, Robert Rentoul. — Son of Alexander and Janet (McFarquhar); bom Washington, Pa., March 12, 1807; medical student with Dr. LeMoyne and Jef- ferson Medical College; practiced medicine Washington ; farmer; Pennsyl- vania Legislature '63-64 ; Member of Congress from Pennsylvania '49-50 ; married Feb. 2, '30, Eleanor, daughter of Hon. T. H. Baird ; died near Washington, Pa., Dec. 14, '64, smallpox. Physician. ♦Wallace, Hamilton.— Son of James H. and Agnes (Moore); born near Shippensburg, Pa., Jan. 10, 1805; medical student; practiced medicine Greencastle, Pa., '27-52, Sterling, 111., '52-54; farmer '52-54; married Nancy Sharpe, Newville, Pa., also Helen Herr, Greencastle, Pa.; died Ster- ling, 111., July, '54 ; cholera. Physician. ♦Wallace, William. -Son of David; born Allegheny Co., Pa., 1800; Asso- ciate Reformed Theological Seminary, Allegheny; licensed April 14, '27, Presbytery of Monongahela ; ordained Oct. 3, '28, same presbytery ; pastor Wheeling '28-49, Short Creek, Va., '28-37, West Middletown, Pa., ^'28-33; Canonsburg '50-51 ; Professor of Moral Science Jefferson College 'o0-51 ; D.D.; died Canon-burg, Jan. 31, '51. Associate Reformed minister. 1825. ♦Gallagher, WiLLiAM.-Medical student, Philadelphia ; practiced medicine, Philadelphia, 1827-60; died Philadelphia, '60. Physician. Henderson. James P.-Son of Rev. Matthew and Rebecca (Patterson); bom Allegheny Co., Pa., Jan. 17, 1803; medical student with Dr. Porter also BaltLore Medical College, and Ohio Medical College; practiced medicme Shanesville, O., '30, Newville, Richland Co., O., '30-; Ohio Legislature 284 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF '41-42, '42-43, '50-51 ; Constitutional Convention ; married Nov. 19, '35, Annie G. Moreland, daughter of Hon. John Hoge, also Nov. 25, '69, Kebecca, daughter of William Tarres. Physician, Newville, O. ♦Hilton, William. — Born England, 1798 ; emigrated 1819 ; ordained priest Protestant Episcopal Church about '28 ; Rector Episcopal Church Arm- strong and Butler Counties '38-78 ; died Kittanning, Pa., Jan. 19, 1878. Protestant Episcopal minister. ^Leonard, Abner. — Licensed 1826, Presbytery of Washington ; pastor Truro, O., '30-32, Worthington '36 ; died Burlington, Iowa, '52. Presbyterian minister. *MiTCHELL, John C. — Son of John and Susanna M. (Jacob); born Morgan Co., Va., (now West Virginia); licensed 1843, Presbytery of Oxford; ordained '44, same presbytery; stated supply Eaton and Lexington, O., '55, Salem, O., '56, Montgomery — , Piqua '72. *WiSE, Henry Alexander.— Son of John and Sarah (Cropper); born Drum- mondtown, Accomac Co., Va., Dec. 3, 1806 ; law student ; practiced law Richmond, Va., '27-76 ; Member of Congress from Virginia '32-43; Min- ister to Brazil '43-47 ; member of Constitutional Convention, Virginia, '50 ; Governor of Virginia '56-60 ; member of Secession Convention '61 ; Con- federate States Army, general '61-65 ; married Ann, daughter of Rev. Dr. Jennings, also Sarah Sargent, also Mary Lyons ; died Richmond, Va., Sept. 12, '76 ; LL.D. Lawyer. 1826. ♦Anderson, James. — Born Washington Co., Pa., Jan. 29, 1802; W. T. S. '29-30; pastor West Rushville and Bremen, O., '32-51 ; Miller Academy ; pastor Washington, O., and stated supply Cambridge '52 ; stated supply Bladensburg and Mt. Pleasant '52-54; pastor Lexington '54-64; also stated supply Bellefield and Bloomfield, Ontario South Ridge and Bethel, Iowa, '64-71 ; published " Divine Decrees; " D.D., Washington and JeflFerson Col- lege '69 ; married '31, Lauraine Marvine, also '52, Frances P. l*ratt, also '56, Mrs. Abigail D. He; died Williamsburg, Iowa, Jan. 21, '70. Presby- terian minister. ♦Campbell, Francis C. — Son of Parker and (Calhoun); born Washing- ton, Pa.; law student with his father 1827-30 ; practiced law Wheeling, Va., '30 — ; unmarried ; died early in life. *Hoge, David. — Son of David and Jane (Scott); born Washington. Pa.; Jaw student ; practiced law Davenport, Iowa ; Trustee Washington College ; died Davenport, Iowa, '47. Lawyer. *Jennings, Jacob. — Son of Dr. Ebenezer and Mercy (Chidester); born Wash- ington Co., Pa., Jan. 25, 1805; law student with Gov. Jonathan Jennings; practiced law '30-32; died Allegheny Co., Pa., Feb. 23, '32, consump- tion. WASHINGTON COLLEGE. 285 ♦McCuLLOUGH, JOHN.-Son of Samuel and Priscilla (Turbit); born Juniata Co., Pa., Nov. 15, 1806 ; medical student Pennsylvania University, '29 • practiced medicine McVeytown, Alexandria, Petersburg, Pa., '52 ; Hunt^ ingdon, '55-69 ; Member of Congress, from Pennsylvania, '52-55 ; married May 5, 39, Mary A., daughter of James McMurtrie; died Huntingdon. Pa., May 15, '79. Physician. *McGuFFEY, William H.-Son of Alexander and Anna (Holmes); born Washington Co., Pa., Sept. 23, 1800; licensed '29, Presbytery of Miami; professor of Miami University, '26-37 ; Cincinnati College '37-39 ; Ohio University, '40-44 ; Virginia University, '45-73 ; jJublished series of school- books ; married April, '27, Harriet Speninty, Dayton, O.; also September, '51, Laura Howard ; died University of Virginia, May, '73 ; D.D., LL.D. Presbyterian minister. *McKaig, Thomas Jefferson.— Son of Patriclc and Rachel (Stuart); born near New Lisbon, O., 1805; teacher Cumberland, Md., '26; law student and practiced law, Cumberland, Md., '26-83; married Sarah Bealle; died near Hagerstown, Md., '85(?). Lawyer. ^Officer, Patterson. — Son of Thomas and Jane (Patterson); born Washing- ton, Pa., Jan. 9, 1806; merchant at Natchez, Miss., and New Orleans, La., '26-48; married Caroline BoUman.; died New Orleans, La., Aug. 30, '48, yellow fever. Smith, Joseph. 1827. Acheson, Alexander W. — Son of David and Mary (Wilson); born Phila- delphia, Pa., July 14, 1809; law student with William Baird, '27-32; practiced law Washington, Pa., '32—; Deputy Attorney- General, Washing- ton Co., Pa., '35-36, '39, 45, '46; Presiding Judge, Washington Co., Pa., '66-77; United States District Court, '77; married April 13, '36, Jane B., daughter of Dr. John Wishart ; LL.D., '85, Parsons College. Lawyer, Washington, Pa. ♦Acheson, George Weir.— Son of Gen. Thomas and Jane (Cummins); born Washington, Pa., 1808; law student '27-30; practiced law Pittsburg, Pa., '30(?); infirm; editor Washington Beporter : Prothonotary, Washington Co., Pa. ; unmarried ; died in early life. ♦Acheson, John. — Son of David and Mary (Wilson); born Philadelphia, Pa., Sept. 14, 1807 ; study ; died Jackson Co., Ark., July 4, '33. ♦Chestnut, David D.— Born Milton, Pa.; theological student; licensed and ordained by Presbytery ; pastor Plaquemine, La., '29-37 ; Ascension, East Baton Rouge ; married Oct. 3, '30, Catharine, daughter of Nicholas Wilson, Iberville Parish, La.; died Plaquemine, La., Aug. 15, '37, pneu- monia. Presbyterian minister. ♦CoLVER, Samuel— Son of Thomas and Rachel ; born Greene Co., Pa., March 12, 1801; medical student with Dr. Merchant, Uniontown, Pa.; practiced medicine Jefferson, Greene Co., Pa.; Warsaw, O.; unmarried; died Ind»- pendence, Washington Co., Pa., Oct. 16, '76. Physician. 286 GENERAL CATALOGUE OP •Green, James R. — Born Kentucky; medical student ; practiced medicine in Kentucky ; died. •Harris, John. — Son of Joseph and Martha ; born AVashington Co., Pa., 1797 ; teacher in the South ; law student ; practiced law Covington, Ga.; Judge of Courts; married; died Covington, Ga., '81. Lawyer. ♦Lawrence, William Cochran.— Son of John and Jane (Cochran); born Beaver, Pa., March 6, 1804 ; teacher and law student with Mr. Sturgis, Florence, Ala., and Hon. T. W. Powell, Delaware, O. ; practiced iaw Medina, O., '31-32; Decatur, Ala., '32 ; New Orleans, '32; Marysville, O., '32-40- Prosecuting Attorney, Marysville, O., '36-38; Ohio Legislature '40-41 married May 7, '31J Rosannah Piper ; died Marysville, O., Sept. 2, '46, typhoid fever. Lawyer. MiTTAG, John F. G. — Son of Gotlieb and Susannah (Miller); born.Hagers- town, Md., Oct. 21, 1803 ; teacher; medical student with Dr. Keagy ; law student with Mr. Douglass ; practiced law in South Carolina, '28-29 ; South Carolina Legislature, '29 ; Commissioner in Equity, '29-33; Europe; County Auditor, '68; Probate Judge, '71 ; published "Natural Language of Forms"; married Anna, daughter of Hon. William McKenna. Law- yer, Lancaster, S. C. •Smith, James. — Born Washington Co., Pa., 1801 ; theology with Dr. A. Wylie ; licensed '29, Presbytery of Washington ; ordained '31, same pres- bytery ; pastor Corinth, O., '31-39, Carrollton '31-41, Marysville, '41-51; missionary; teacher; died Marysville, O., June 2, '74. Presbyterian minister. ♦Smith, John Newton. — Son of John and Nancy (Porter); born Harrison Co., Ky., 1803 ; medical student with Dr. Drake, Cincinnati, O., and Transyl- vania University, Kentucky ; practiced medicine Maysville, Ky., '31-37 ; Paris '38-44 ; married '29, Jane Odin ; died Colemansville, Ky., Aug. 20, '79. Physician. •Thistle, William.— Son of George and Ann (Bayard); born 1805 ; teacher; lawstudent with H.B.Pigman, Cumberland, Md.; practiced law Cumberland, Md., '33 — ; teacher Allegheny Academy '37 ; married June, '35, Mary E., daughter of Ralph Hilliary ; died Cumberland, Md., September, '37, con- samption. Lawyer and teacher. honorary degree. McKaig, W. W. — Son of Patrick and Rachel (Stuart); born ; law stu- dent; Cumberland, Md.; practiced law; died Cumberland, Md.; A.B., Washington College, 1830. 1828. •AUiisoN, William. — Son of James and Jane (Shannon) ; born Washington, Pa., 1812(?); law student; practiced law Beaver, Pa.; married '42, Sarah Jane Henry ; died Beaver, Pa., July 23, '44. Lawyer, Beaver, Pa. WASHINGTON COLLEGE. 1^87 ♦Blaine, John Stephen.— Born Rockingham Co., Va., 1800{?); U. T. S., Virginia ; licensed April 25, '29, Presbytery of Lexington ; orddned evan- gelist, Oct. 23, '30 ; stated supply Tygert's Valley, Va., '30-40, Bethany '40-57 ; Rocky Spring '57-70 ; infirm '71-72 ; died Oct. 8, '72. Presby- terian minister. ♦Chestnut, Thomas M.- Son of Benjamin and Ann (McKinnie); born Wash- ington Co., Pa., Jan. 15, 1803; licensed June 21, '31, Presbytery of Steu- benville; stated supply Connellsville, Pa., '31, Mt. Pleasant, O., '37, Rock Island, 111., '56, Sioux City, Iowa, '58, Newton, 111., '71 ; married Oct. 15, '28, Jane Officer ; died Perry ville, O., March 6, '72v Presbyterian minister. ♦Cratty, Thomas.— Son of William and Sarah ; born Butler Co., Pa., April 26, 1798 ; theology with Dr. John McCluskey ; licensed April 21, 1830, Presbytery of Washington ; ordained November, '32, Presbytery of Colum- bus ; stated supply Bucyrus, O., '31-32(?); pastor Marion and Pleasant '32-36; married '30, Elizabeth Wilson; died Marion, O. Nov. 21, '36. Humrickhouse, Thomas Shuman. — Son of Peter and Sarah (Shuman); born Hagerstown, Md., April 25 1809; law student with Hon..T. M. T. Mc- Kennon, '29-32 ; practiced law, Coshocton, O., '32-54 ; published maga- zine articles ; married November, '34, Sarah Johnson, niece of Rev. Joseph Kerr. Lawyer, Coshocton, O. • ♦McCandlass, Alexander. — Born Washington Co., Pa.; teacher; W. T. S., '30-33 ; licensed '34, Presbytery of Ohio ; ordained '36, Presbytery of Steubenville; stated supply Woodsfield, Malaga and New Castle, O., '36-48 (?) ; married Eleanor Gray ; died Monroe Co., O., April 10, '48. Presbyterian minister. Miller, John H. ♦Mitchell, William C— Son of John and Susanna Maria (Jacob); born Mor- gan Co., Va. (now W. Va.), 1810; went to Louisiana '28 ; probably soon died, as he was never heard from. ♦Stewart, Charles.— Born West Alexander, Washington Co., Pa., April 28, 1800 ; licensed '31, Presbytery of West Lexington ; ordained same pres- bytery ; pastor Clear Creek, Ky., '40-48 ; stated supply Savannah, Mo., '49-52 ; married May 14, '29, Mary Frazer, also Jan. 13, '42, Elizabeth A. Miller ; died Savannah, Mo., July 27, '52, consumption. Presbyterian minister. 1829-30. Not in operation, but Class of 1829 graduated. 1829*. Holmes, HENRY.-Son of William and Elizabeth (Davidson); born 1800, Washington Co., Pa.; teacher; studied theology with Dr. Wylie ; died May, '29, consumption. Jameson, Alexander C. ♦Although the College was not in operation for the latter half of the year, yet these seven young men secured diplomas. 288 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF *McCoNNELL, Alexander. — Son of Alexander and Mary (Fleming); bom near Cross Creek, Pa., Oct. 16, 1804; ministry in view ; died Cross Creek Village, Pa., Aug. 30, '29. Student. *McKaig, William Wallace. — Son of Patrick and Rachel (Stuart); born near New Lisbon, 0., June 2, 180G ; teacher Cumberland, Md., '29-30; law student with B. W. Howard, Cumberland, Md., and A. W. Loomis, New Lisbon, O., J. V. L. McMahon, Baltimore ; practiced law New Lis- bon, O., '31-39, Cumberland, Md., '39-80; Prosecuting Attorney, New Lisbon, '33 ; Clerk Senate Ohio ; Ohio Senator : Maryland Legislature '43 ; Mayor Cumberland ; died Cumberland, Md., June 21, '80. Lawyer. *McMasters, William. — Born Accomac Co., Va.; business Attakapas, La.; married; died Attakapas, La., about 1860. *RussELL, Alexander Lyon.— Son of James M. and Rebecca (Lyon); born Bedford, Pa., Nov. 29, 1812; law student with faither, Bedford, '32-34; merchant in Tennessee and Mississippi ; business in North; Deputy Sec- retary Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, '48-50; Secretary Commonwealth '50-52; -Adjutant General, Pennsylvania, '62-67, '70-73; United Slates Consul, Monte Video, Uruguay, South America, '79-85 ; married Sept. 6, '43, Caroline J., daughter of John King, Bedford, Pa., also Nov. 10, '70, Elizabeth M., daughter of John A. Fisher, Harrisburg, Pa.; died Monte Video, Uruguay, South America, May 30, '85. softening of brain. *Smith, William D. — Born Washington Co., Pa.; licensed April 20, 1831, Pres- bytery of Washington ; ordained evangelist June 19, '32, same presbytery ; missionary to Indians; pastor Marysville, O., '38-41 ; editor Presbyterian of the West, '41-45 ; professor Anderson's Collegiate Institute, New Albany, Ind., '46-48 ; published " What is Calvinism ?" died New Albany, Oct. 2, '48 ; D.D., Washington College, '48. Presbyterian minister. 1831. *Calahan, Samup:l G. — Son of John and Rebecca ; born Valley Forge, Ches- ter Co., Pa., Feb. 11, 1806 ; theological student ; ordained deacon and priest, by bishop — ; rector Oshkosh, Wis.; Booneville, Mo.; married Mar- garet Tierman ; died Booneville, Mo., Feb. 22, '67, thrown from a horse. Protestant Episcopal minister. *Dale, James ^fcG. Smith, James M. 1832. ^Cooper, James. — Born Frederick Co., Md., May 8, 1810 ; law student; prac- ticed law, Gettysburg, Pa., '34 — ; Member of Congress, Pennsylvania, Twenty-sixth and Twenty-seventh Congresses; Pennsylvania Legishiture '44-48 ; Attorney-General, Pennsylvania, '48 ; United States Senate '49-55 ; United States Army, brigadier-general '61 ; died Cincinnati, O., March 1, '63. Lawyer. *GoRDON, George. — Son of Alexander; born near Washington, Pa., January, 1806 ; W. T. S. '33-35 ; licensed April 22, '35, Presbytery of Washington; ordained Dec. 22, '36, Presbytery of Wooster ; pastor Millersburg and WASHINGTON COLLEGE. 289 Hopewel , Pa., 35-43; stated supply South Bend, lod., '43-44; pastor Frankfort Pa and Three Springs, W. Va., '45-50; left Presbyterian Church 50; Free Church, Mercer, Pa., '50; returned to Presbyterian Church G. ; President Iberia College; published -Life of Rey. Joseph Gordon ;" married Ann E. Finney ; died Salem, O., Dec. 11, '67. Pres- byterian minister. •McCartney, William Duane.— Born Montour Co., Pa., Jan. 20, 1806 ; W T. S. '33^35 ; licensed '35, Presbytery of Washington; ordained June 27,' '36, same presbytery ; pastor West Liberty, W. Va., Ridge, O., Clarkson, Madison, Holmesville, Holiday's Cove, W. Va.j married April 25, '37^ Mary J. Stewart, Olaysville, Pa.; died July 29, '63. Presbyterian minisl ter. *Magill, Thomas Forsythe.— Son of Samuel and Eleanor ; born Cross Creek, Pa., Nov. 16, 1811 ; teacher Franklin, Pa., '32 ; W. T. S. '33-35; licensed Apnil, '36, Presbytery of Washington ; ordained '38, Presbytery of Steuben- ville ; pastor Island Creek, O., '38-41, Wellsville '41-45 ; stated supply Urbana '47-52 ; married June 19, '38, Laurinda D. Waters ; died Urbana, ■0., Sept. 20, '52, typhoid fever. Presbyterian minister. *Slaymaker, Isaac Ferree.— Son of Mathias and Rebecca (Ferree); born Wiliiamstown, Lancaster Co., Pa., June 10, 1812; law student; infirm; unmarried ; died Wiliiamstown, Pa., Feb. 9, '43. 1833. *BoGGS, Thomas Marshall.— Born Cross Creek, Washington Co., Pa., June 26, 1813 ; teacher; P. T. S. '35-36; ordained April 25, '37, Presbytery of New Castle ; pastor Donegal, Marietta and Mount Joy, Pa., '37-50; died Mount Joy, Pa., Nov. 10, '50. Presbyterian minister. *Crane, Nathaniel Marcus.— Born West Bloorafield, N. J., Dec. 12, 1805 ; W. T. S. '33-34; A. T. S. '34-35; licensed April 13, '36, Presbytery of Cayuga ; ordained '36, same presbytery ; foreign missionary to India ; Madura '36-44 ; New Jersey '45-47 ; stated supply Sugar Grove and'Irvine, Pa., '48-54, Bethesda, New Bethlehem and Middle Creek '54-57; Indi- antown, Ind., '58-59 ; married '36, Julia A. Ostrander ; died Indian- town, Ind , Sept. 21, '59. Presbyterian minister. *Dawson, John Littleton. — Son of George and Mary (Kennedy); born Uniontown, Pa., Feb. 7, 1813 ; law student with Hon. John Dawson '33-35 ; practiced law Fayette Co., Pa., '36-70; Deputy Attorney General '38; United States District Attorney '45 ; Member of Congress from Pennsyl- vania '52-55, '63-67 ; married Oct. 20, '36, Mary, daughter of Robert Clarke, Brownsville, Pa.; died Friendship Hill, Fayette Co., Pa., Sept. 18, '70, angina pectoris. Lawyer. •Fleming, James.— Born Washington Co., Pa., Aug. 5, 1806 ; W. T. S. '36-37 ; licensed '38, Presbytery of Washington; ordained '39, same presbytery; pastor West Union, Pa., '40-56, Lower Buffalo '58-69, Mansfield, Til., '69-76; honorably retired '76-86; married Oct. 31, '39, C. B. Parks; died Dunlap, HI., Nov. 16, '86. Presbyterian minister. 19 2^0 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF ^Fulton, Robert.— Licensed '33, Presbytery of Washington ; Professor of Languages Washington College '32-33. GiLMORE, Alfred.— Son of John and Annalenah ; born Butler, Pa., 1813; law student; practiced law Butler, Pa., '36-48, Philadelphia '50; Member of Congress from Pennsylvania '48-50 ; married Miss Grant. Lawyer, Lynn, Mass. *GuiLLE, Napoleon Augustus.— Son of Joseph Francis Nicholas and Anna Margaretta (Frickie); born Easton, Pa., Nov. 15, 1815 ; medical student Paris, France, '33-35; law student with S. W^. Culbertson, Zanesville, O., '35-36; practiced law Zanesville, O., '36-85; Prosecuting Attorney '39-51 ; married July 22, '45, Caroline, daughter of John P. Whittaker ; died Zanesville, O., May 20, '85, paralysis. Lawyer. *McLean, James.— Born (?) W. T. S., '35-36 ; licensed '62, Presbytery of Marion ; missionary ; died Nevada, O., '68. Presbyterian minister. *McCoMBS, William.— Born Pittsburg, Pa., Dec. 11, 1803 ; W.T. S., 1833-36; licensed '35, Presbytery of Washington, ordained June 27, '37, same pres- bytery ; pastor Canfield and Salem, O., '39-49 ; Middle Sandy ; agent Pres- byterian Board of Colportage, '53-54 ; married Mary B. Morgan ; died Pitts- burg, Pa., Aug. 2, '54. Presbyterian minister. McKennan, William. — Son of Hon. T. M. T. and Matilda (Bowman); born Washington, Pa., Sept. 27, 1816 ; law student with Hon. T. M. T. McKen- nan, '34-37 ; practiced law Washington, Pa., '37-69 ; Circuit Judge, Third Judicial District, United States, '69 — ; married Oct. 13, '42, Pauline Ger- trude, daughter of John De Fortevieux. Lawyer, Washington, Pa. *E,AMSEY, Benjamin. — Born Washington Co., Pa.; law student; practiced law Portsmouth, O., 1836-55; Probate Judge, Scioto Co., O., '51-54; Mayor, Portsmouth, O.; Pennsylvania, '55-56 ; married Miss Doddridge ; died Washington Co., Pa., '56. Lawyer. Steen, Isaiah. — Son of Isaiah and Amelia; born Washington, Pa., 1812; law student Washington, Pa., and W^ellsburg, Va., 33-35; practiced law Wellsburg, Va., '35-46(?), Wheeling, Va., '36-39, Wellsburg '39-63 ; Pros- ecuting Attorney, Hancock Co., Va., '44-52 ; married Oct. 29, '39, Theresa M. Klein ; died Cincinnati, O., May 30, '63, typhoid fever. Lawyer. *Sterling, James A. — Son of Henry and Mary (Bowman); born West Felici- ana, La., 1814 ; medical student Louisiana, and Pennsylvania University, '35 or '36 ; died West Feliciana, La., '37, consumption. Physician. HONORARY DEGREE. *Lafferty, William L. — Son of Jonathan and Anna C; born Kent Co., Del., May 17, 1807 ; medical student, W^ashington, Pa.; practiced medicine Brownsville, Pa., '36-66 ; Kent Co., Del., '66-86 ; married April 5, '36, Rachel Wilson Marshall ; died Canterbury, Del., Oct. 12, '86 ; A.M., '51, Washington College. Physician. WASHINGTON COLLEGE. 291 1834. *B0GGS, James -Son of James and Rebecca (Kerr); born Washington Co., I'a., feept 14, 1810; teacher Pennsylvania and North Carolina '34-37- theology with Dr. Stockton; licensed Dec. 30, '36, Presbytery of Washing! ton; ordained June 27,' '38, Presbytery of Marion; pastor Bucyrus, O.; home missionary Ohio and Indiana; pastor Fairfield Church, New Jersey ;' Secretary Seamen's Friend and Ladies' Aid Society ; published "Old Man Beloved" and ''Fallen Worlds ; " married May 5, 34, Sarah, daughter of James Orr, Washington, Pa.; died Philadelphia, Pa., April 9, '88. Pres- byterian minister. '■' *Bradley, William. -Born Mercersburg, Pa., Aug. 21, 1805; P. T. S., '35-36 ; W. T. S., '36-38 ; licensed '39, Presbytery of Carlisle ; evangelist ; teacher Burlington, Iowa, '50-52 ; honorably retired '52-71, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa j married Elizabeth Hollingsworth ; died Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, Sep- tember, '73. Presbyterian minister. ^Cunningham, Hugh Blair.— Son of David and Mary ; born Canton, O., November, 1808 ; teacher South; C. T. S.; licensed and ordained Presby- tery of Charleston ; pastor Hopewell and Paw Creek, N. C, before 1861 ; editor Southern Presbyterian, Charleston, S. C; Columbia '61-65, Ohio '65-73; infirm; married L. Dovie Alexander; died W^ayne Co., O., March 23, '73 ; D.D., '54, Jefferson College. Presbyterian minister. ^CuRRAN, Richard Augustus. - Son of Thomas and Susanna ; born Mifflin- town, Pa., Aug. 12, 1808 ; P. T. S., '34-37 ; licensed April 19, '37, Presby- tery of Philadelphia ; stated supply Millville, N. J., '37, Gallipolis, O., '38, Cassville, Ga., '39 ; ordained evangelist '39, Presbytery of West Jersey; stated supply and pastor Cedarville, N. J., '39-48 • pastor Shavers Creek '49-54, Cottage Church '56-59; professor Pottstown Seminary ; stated supply and teacher Huntingdon, Ind., '61-69, Minerva, O., '72-74; chaplain Indi- ana State Prison ; Decatur ; Bourbon ; married Sept. 12, '39, Elizabeth Bartine; D.D.; died Bourbon, Ind., March 26, '83, erysipelas. Presby- terian minister. *Garrett, William.— Law student with Hon T. M. T. McKennan ; died in the South. "*Graham, Ebenezer Stephenson.— Son of John and Jane (Stephenson); born Cross Creek, Washington Co., Pa., Dec. 25, 1810 ; teacher ; theology with Dr. Stockton ; licensed Dec. 29, '36, Presbytery of Washington ; ordained Dec. 27, '37, same presbytery ; pastor Pigeon Creek, Pa., '38-43(?); traveled South '43-44 ; infirm ; married Sarah Johnson ; Trustee Washing- • ton College ; Director Western Theological Seminary ; died Tampa Bay, Fla., April 27, '44. Presbyterian minister. Hamilton, William. - Son of Robert and Anna (Jackson) ; born Lycoming Co., Pa., Aug. 1, 1811; teacher; W. T. S., '34-35; teacher; licensed '37, Presbvtery of Northumberland ; ordained October, '37, same presbytery ; missionary Sac and Fox Indians, '37-53, Omaha Mission, '53-66 ; missionary Blackbird Hills '67-; published grammar and elementary book, hymn-book, 292 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF and translated Matthew and part of Genesis, ail in Iowa language ; married Sept. 11, '37, Julia A. N. McGiffin, also Sept. 1, '69, Etta D., daughter of Deacon John Hunting. Presbyterian minister, Decatur, Neb. KerRj John. — Son of James and Hannah (Mason); born Washington Co., Pa., Dec. 25, 1813 ; W. T. S., '34-36 ; teacher '36-38 ; licensed '38, Presbytery of Washington ,- ordained April, '40, Presbytery of Ohio ; pastor MonxJn- gahela City, Pa., '40-62; stated supply Kaccoon '65-68 ; missionary Pitts- burg '68-^09; pastor Valley '69-74; Verona '74; Laird; Natrona, '83—; married April 8, '40, Anna B., daughter of Rev. Dr. A. D. Campbell ; Trustee Washington College; Director Westei^n Theological Seminary. Presbyterian minister, Parnassus, Pa. ♦Murray, Nicholas.— Son of William and Nancy (Robinson); born Brodke Co., Va., Feb. 5, 1809 ; tutor Washington College ; teacher Winchester, Va.; theology with Dr. McCluskey ; licensed Oct. 2, '39, Presbytery of Washington ; teacher Wheeling, Va. ; ordained evangelist April 16, '45, same presbytery; Professor of Ancient Languages, Washington College, '44-53 ; stated supply Ten Mile ; married Dec. 29, '35, Nancy Carson ; died Washington, Pa., March 23, '53. Presbyterian minister. ♦Nejll, John. — Son of David and Mary (Crawford); born County Antrim, Ire- land, 1804 ; Associate Reformed Theological Seminary, Allegheny, '33-36; licensed April 14, '36, Associate Reformed Presbytery of Monongahela ; ordained Aug. 4, '38, Presbytery of the Lakes; pastor Mt. Jackson '38-60; Center and Mahoning '38-57 ; married '37, M. Waugh ; died Mt. Jackson, Pa., July 27, '62, paralysis. United Presbyterian minister. BussEi*., Samuel L. — Son of James M. and Rebecca (Lyon); born Bedford, Pa,, July 30, 1816 ; law student with J. M. Russell '34-37 ; practiced law, Bedford, Pa., '38 — ; District Attorney ; Member of Congress, Pennsylvania, Thirty-third Congress, '52-54 ; Constitutional Convention '72 ; married Oct. 14, '47, Nancy C. Reamer, also June 3, '58, Emily R., daughter of William Montgomery. Lawyer, Bedford, Pa. *WooDS, Robert.— Son of Stephen ; born Washington, Pa., Feb. 19, 1814 ; teacher '34-35 ; law student with W. H. Lowry ; practiced law Pittsburg, Pa., '37-79 ; President Pan Handle Railroad ; married '42, Sarah L., daughter of Robert Christy ; died Pittsburg, Pa., Nov. 30, '79. Lawyer. 1835. ♦Berryhill, John Hastings. — Son of John and Eliza (Hughes); born Philadelphia, Pa., July 18, 1815; law student with G, W. Harris, Harris- burg, Pa.; practiced law Harrisbeirg, Pa., '37-64; Davenport, Iowa, '64-80 ; married March 2, '54, Caroline J., daughter of W. T. Smith, Philadelphia, Pa.; died Davenport, Iowa, March 3, '80, paralysis of throat. Lawyer. *BOYCE, Alexander St. Clair. — Son of Dr. William and Jane (St. Clair); born Staunton, Va., 1820; law student with Howard Peyton, Staunton, Va., and University of Virginia; practiced law Chillicothe, O.; Hillsboro, O.; Ohio Legislature, '51-52 ; died Hillsboro, O., August, '68, consumption^ Lawyer. WASHINGTON COLLEGE. 29a ^FuLWEiLER, William Black-Sou of Abraham and Mary (Black)- bora Landisburg, Pa.; infirm; died Shippensburg, Pa., 1837. iude^^' " -Hamilton James JAcxsox.-Son of Kobert and Anna (Jackson); bom Clinton Co Pa., June 16, 1809; Principal of Clinton Academy ; Mifflins- burg Academy; hcensed June 14, '42, Presbytery of Northumberland; ordained Nov. 12, '44, same presbytery; pastor Shamokintown, Pa.; Cur- winsville, Bellwood, Tipton, Middle Tuscarora, Buffalo, Upper and Mil- lerstown; published "Existence of a God," «'Maid of Tuckahoe," etc • married May.ll, '39, Sarah Coates ; also March 31, '58, Kate G., daughter of J. L. Hoffmeier ; died Eoseburg, Pa., Feb. 1^, '86, Bright's disease. Presbyterian minister. Hawkins, William B— Son of Charles and Sarah (Orr); born Washington, Pa., Aug. 28, 1814; medical student with Dr. John Wishart ; Jefferson Medical College ; practiced medicine Connellsville, Pa., ten years ; Brazil, Ind.; elder Presbyterian Church, '72; married '40, Christiana, daughter of James Bailing ; also '67, Abigail D. M., daughter of Stephen Daniels. Physician, Brazil, Ind. *J0YNES, Levin Smixh— Son of Thomas K. and Anne Belle (Satchell); born near Onancock, Va., May 13, 1819 ; medical student Virginia University, '39 ; University of Pennsylvania ; Dublin ; Paris, '40-41 ; practiced medi- cine Onancock, Va., '43-44; Baltimore, Md., '44-46; Professor of Physi- ology, etc., Franklin Medical College, Philadelphia, '46-48; practiced medicine Onancock, Va., '48-55 ; Professor of Medical Jurisprudence, etc.; Medical College, Virginia ; Richmond, '48-71 ; Confederate States Army '61 ; assistant surgeon, Virginia forces; President Richmond Academy of Medicine, '66; American Medical Association, '73; Delegate from Medical Association of Virginia to International Association. '76; pub- lished "Curiosities of Medical History," "Paris Pharmacopoeia," "Yel- low Fever in Virginia"; married Dec. 12, '55, Rosa F., daughter of Col. Thomas H. Bayley ; also '57, Susan V., daughter of Dr. R. Archer; LL.D., William and Mary College, '79 ; died Richmond, Va., Jan. 18, '81. Physician. ^JoYNES, William Thomas. — Son of Thomas R. and Anne Belle (Satchell); born Onancock, Va., Nov. 8, 1817; law student with Judge Scarburgh and University of Virginia ; practiced law Accomac, Va., '40-41 ; Petersburg, '41-73 , United States District Attorney, Virginia ; Judge First Judicial District, '63; Judge Supreme Court of Appeals of Virginia, '66-72 ; Vir- ginia Legislature, '65 ; President P. & W. R. R.; married April 8, '40, Margaret Field, daughter of Judge May ; died Petersburg, Va., March 14, '74, paralysis. Lawyer. ♦Lawrence, Thomas C— Son of Dr. Lawrence, Cumberland, Md.; born Cumberland, Md.; medical student Cumberland, Md.; practiced medicine Natchez, Miss., 1838(?); died Natchez, Miss.(?). *Lawrence, Richard J.— Son of Dr. Lawrence, Cumberland, Md.; born Cumberland, Md.; law student; practiced law >"atchez. Miss., 1838(?); died Natchez, Miss. (?). 294 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF *McCoy, John Brice.— Born West Alexander, Pa., May 20, 1814; P. T. S. '35-37 ; licensed ; stated supply Millville, N. J., '38 ; missionary to Geor- gia, '39 ; ordained June 26, '39, Presbytery of Washington ; pastor Eiiza- bethtown, Va., ^39-40; Millcreek, '40-41 ; died Weeling, Va., Oct. 13, '41. Presbyterian minister. *McKiNNEY, Edmund.— Born Middlesex, Pa., April 21, 1815 ; Andover Theo- logical Seminary ; P. T. S. 1836-37 ; licensed '37 ; stated supply Clear- field Co., Pa., '37-38 ; ordained evangelist Nov. 13, '39, Presbytery of Erie ; stated supply Warren, Pa., Petersburg, Monaghan ; missionary. Board of Foreign Missions, Creek, Choclaw and Otoe Indians, '44-56 ; Principal Presbyterian Academy, Indiana ; stated supply Montgomery and Somer- set, O., '59-62; chaplain United States Army '62-65; agent Freedman's Committee, '65-71 ; editor Keyport, N. J., '71-77 ; died Keyport, N. J., March 3, '78. Presbyterian minister. *Mahon, David D. — Son of David; born near Shippensburg, Pa., Aug. 10, 1813 ; medical student Jefferson Medical College ; practiced medicine, St. Thomas, Pa., Fairfield, Columbia; Fairfield, Iowa, '68; Newton Hamil- ton, Pa., '68-86; surgeon Pennsylvania Kaih-oad, '66-86; married '40, Martha S. Cochran ; died Newton Hamilton, Pa., Jan. 8, '86. Physician. *M00DY, John W. — Son oi Rev. Dr. John and Elizabeth (Crawford); born Shippensburg, Pa., June 12, 1816 ; medical student ; practiced medicine Greensburg, Ind., '39-67 ; married '49, Martha L. Howland, Brookville, Ind.; died Greensburg, Ind., Aug. 17, '67. Physician. *Paull, James. — Son of George and Elizabeth (Woods); born St. Clairsville, O., July, 1818 ; teacher; law student with Judge Fry, Wheeling, W. Va.; practiced law Wheeling, W. Va.; Mayor of City; Virginia Legislature ; Judge Supreme Court, W. Va.; married June 20, '43, Jane Ann, daughter of Hon. J. L.'Fry ; also March 19, '61, Eliza J., daughter of Samuel Ott; died Wheeling, W. Va., May 11. '72, gastritis. Lawyer. *Smith, James' M. -Born Butler Co., Pa., June 20, 1806; W. T. S. '35-38; licensed '38, Presbytery of Washington ; ordained December, '38, same pres- bytery ; pastor Upper Ten Mile and Nebo, Pa , '38-43; Tarentum, '43-56 ; Parnassus, '43-48; Bull Creek, '48-56; Bethlehem and North Branch, '56-66; Freedom, '67-72; married Dec. 1, '38, Margaret Donahey ; also Mrs. Maria McBride; died Beaver, Pa., Feb. 23, '73. Presbyterian minister. *Smith, John McNulty.— Born Canonsburg, Pa., Nov. 13, 1809 ; W. T. S. '36-37 ; licensed June 6, '38, Presbytery of Redstone ; ordained '39, Pres- bytery of Ohio; pastor Mingo, Pa,, '39-44; Warren '45-47 ; stated sup- ply Galena, 111.; teacher '47-66; missionary '66-71; left Presbyterian Church ; married '39, Mary B., daughter of Rev. Dr. F. Herron ; died Allegheny Co., Pa., March 19, '72. Presbyterian minister. Whitham, John Dement. — Son of Joseph R. and Sarah (Dement); born Ohio^ Co., Va., March 22, 1815; P. T. S. '37-40 ; licensed May 25, '40, Presby- WASHINGTON COLLEGE. 295 tery of Philadelphia; ordained Oct. 12, '41, Presbytery of Washington; pastor Unity and Wolf Run, W. Va., '41-43; stated supply and pastor Keene, O., '43-45 ; pastor Canal Fulton, 45-49 ; entered Free Presbyte- rian Church; Mt. Jackson, Pa., and Lowellville, O., '49-57 ; stated supply and pastor Keene and Paint Valley, O., '57-64; missionary United Presby- tery of Mansfield '64-66 ; stated supply and pastor Sugar Branch, 111., '66-74; pastor Fairfax and Florence, Iowa, 74-84; married Nov. 2, '41, Maria C. B., daughter of John Gray, also Sept. 25, '44, Caroline, daughter of Robert Farwell. United Presbyterian minister, Norfolk, Neb. ♦Work, William Ramsay.— Born Lancaster Co., Pa.^ Oct. 10, 1810; teacher; P. T. S. '35-36 ; W. T. S. '37-38 ; licensed April 18, '38, Presbytery of New Castle ; ordained Dec. 3, '40, same presbytery ; pastor White Clay Creek, Del., '40-46, Christiana '45-46 ; teacher and stated supply Potts- town, Pa., '45-48 ; stated supply Trinity, Philadelphia, '58-61 ; agent Presbyterian Board of Publication '61-63 ; agent Lincoln University '63-67 ; Howard University '67-73 ; died Dec. 27, '82. Presbyterian minister. 1836. Anderson, John Byers.— Son of Rev. Dr. John and Rebecca (Byers); born Washington Co., Pa., Nov. 22, 1817 ; teacher Kentucky; New Albany, Ind., Female Seminary and Collegiate Institute '4 1-58 ; civil engineer and railroad superintendent '52-64 ; Europe; law student, Kentucky, '38 ; Superintend- ent Transportation of Military Supplies, Department of the Cumberland, United States Array, '61-64; ruling elder, Presbyterian Church; married April 25, '38, Cecelia G., daughter of Gerard Alexander; LL.D., '87, Washington and Jefferson College. Civil engineer, Manhattan, Kan. *Bell, William Gilmore.— Son of Moses and Mary (Gilmore); born West Alexander, Pa , Dec. 11, 1812; P. T. S. '35-37; licensed Oct. 5, '39, Pres- bytery of Redstone ; ordained M ay 25, '40, Presbytery of Missouri ; pastor Booneville, Mo., '40-54, and stated supply '60 -65 ; principal Female Sem- inary Booneville '43-58 ; stated supply Warrensburg '65-66 ; missionary in Texas '69-72; agent American Bible Society, Eastern Texas, '72-73; stated supply Georgetown '73-74 ; missionary Austin '74-77 ; honorably retired '77-80; died Austin, Tex., Sept. 23, '80. Presbyterian minister. Brownson, James Irwin.— Son of John and Sarah (Smith); born Mercers- burg, Pa., March 14, 1817 ; teacher Bucks Co., Pa., '36-37 ; W. T. S. '37-40 ; licensed Oct. 10, '40, Presbytery of Carlisle; ordained Nov. 25, '41, Presbytery of Redstone; pastor Greensburg and Mt. Pleasant, Pa., '41-48 ; First Church, Washington, '49—; Presidentpro fern. Washington Col- lege '52-53 ; Washington and Jefferson College '70; published memorials of Rev. Dr. Elliott and Rev. Dr. Beatty ; author of a portion of ''Pres- byterian Centennial Memorial;" Trustee Washington and Jefferson Col- lege; Director Western Theological Seminary; married March 14, 43, Sarah E., daughter of John McClay, also Jan. 9, '55, Eleanor M., daughter of David Acheson; D.D., '58, Lafayette College. Presbyterian minister, Washington, Pa. 29G GENERAL CATALOGUE OF ' ' *Bruce, Andrew. — Son of Dr. Andrew; born Somerset, Pa., March 23, 1816 ; medical student with Dr. Bruce and Jefferson Medical College ; practiced medicine Mt. Savage Works, Md., Somerset '47-50 ; Springfield, O., '50-73; married Dec. 31, '41, Catharine Armstrong; died Springfield, 0., Oct. 10, '73. Physician, Springfield, O. *Caldwel,l, Alfred. — Son of James and Ann ; born St. Clairsville, O., June 4, 1817; law student; LL.B., Dane Law School, Harvard College, graduated '38 ; practiced law Wheeling, W. Va., '38-68 ; United States Consul at Honolulu, Sandwich Islands, '61-67 ; Virginia Legislature ; Virginia Sen- ate ; delegate to National Convention '60 ; married Aug. 16, '39, Martha, daughter of George Baird, also Aug. 16, '60, Alice Wheat ; died Wheeling, W. Va., '67(?). Lawyer. ♦Caruthers, John.— Born Westmoreland Co., May 5, 1807 ; W. T. S. '36-39 ; licensed '39, Presbytery of Washington; ordained June, '40, Presbytery of Blairsville; pastor Gilgal, Pa., '40-72, Perry '40-54, Manor '60-69, Rock- bridge '69-72; married March 24, '40, Sophia Huston, Washington, Pa., also Jan. 1, '67, Mary, daughter of Rev. David Kirkpatrick, D.D.; died Washington, Pa., Nov. 27, '80. Presbyterian minister. Craighead, Richard. — Son of William and Hettie (Weakley) ; born Cumber- land Co., Pa., Oct. 31, 1815; W. T. S. '36-39; licensed June, '39, Presby- tery of Erie ; ordained Sept. 9, '40, same presbytery ; pastor Springfield, Pa., '40-43, Second Church, Meadville, '43-75; married Jan. 14, '41, Lydia L., daughter of Jolin Reynolds, Meadville, Pa. Presbyterian minister, Meadville, Pa. •Cummins, Robert Hazlett. — Son of James and Mary; born Bellaire, O., April 23, 1817 ; medical student with Dr. LeMoyne, Washington, Pa., and Pennsylvania University '41 ; practiced medicine Wheeling, W. Va., '41-73 ; married Feb. 15, '49, Anne M., daughter of Samuel Ott ; died Wheeling, W. Va., April 12, '73. Physician. DiNSMORE, James Hamilton. — Son of James and Esther D. (Hamilton); born Washington Co., Pa., Nov. 8, 1815; W. T. S. '39-40; teacher '46-53 ; licensed '43, Presbytery of Transylvania; ordained April, '49, same presby- tery ; missionary in Kentucky '49-54 ; professor Washington College, Ten- nessee, '50-51, stated supply Bethel, Ky., '54-55, Shiloh and Olivet '55-58, Goshen '58-63, Hopkinsville '63-68 ; infirm '68-69 ; Europe '73 ; mission- ary in Texas, Florida, Colorado ; honorably retired ; D.D., '86, Washing- ton and Jefferson College. Presbyterian minister, Washington, Pa. DuNDAss, John Rankin. — Born Erie Co., Pa., June 30, 1815 ; tutor ; P. T. S. '36-38 ; ordained April, '40, Presbytery of Steubenville ; pastor Richmond and Annapolis, O., '40-45; Mingo, Pa., '45-55 ; stated supply Richmond, O., '55-57 ; pastor Homeworth '57-68 ; pastor-elect Bethesda and Hanover ; agent American Tract Society ; temporary President Richmond Col- lege, O. ; pastor-elect Harlem Springs ; D.D., '61, Jefferson College; mar- ried '40, Julia Cunningham, Richmond, O. Presbyterian minister. Home- worth. O. WASHINGTON COLLEGE. 297 ^Elliott, Thomas Holliday.-Sod of Kev. Dr. David and Anna (West); born near Mercersburg, Pa., May 8, 1818; teacher Steubenville, O.; medical student with Dr. LeMoyne, Pennsylvania University, graduated '41 ; Mer- cersburg; practiced medicine Pittsburg and Allegheny, Pa., '42-60, Frank- lin'Gl-62; United States Army, surgeon, '63-65 ; practiced medicine, Alle- gheny '66-75 ; married Euth H., daughter of Col. James Kinnear ; died Nov. 25, '75, paralysis. Physician. Fulton, Samuel.— Son of David and Jane (Dunlap); born St. Clairsville, O., Sept. 14, 1814; theology with Rev. Dr. William Burton '36-39; licensed June 26, '39, Presbytery of Washington ; ordained ^ct. 6, '40, Presbytery of Ohio ; stated supply Indianapolis, Ind., Wellsburg, W. Va., Ashland, O. ; pastor Fourth Church, Pittsburg, '43-61 ; infirm : pastor Great Valley, '71-80; married Sept. 10, '39, Sarah, daughter of Elisha Macurdy. Presbyterian minister, Westchester, Pa. ^Happersett, Reese.— Son of Melchi and Rebecca; born Chester Co., Pa., July 31, 1810; P. T. S., '36-39; licensed '39, Presbytery of New Castle; ordained '41, same presbytery; pastor Havre de Grace, Md., '41-54 ; Assistant Secretary Board of Missions ; stated supply Waynes- burg, Pa., '58-59; pastor Stockton, Cal., '62-66; unmarried; died Stock- ton, Cal., Oct. 2, '66 ; D.D., 'oQ, Jefferson College. Presbyterian min- ister. *Hattery, John. — Son of Nathaniel and Rachel ; born near Laurel Hill, Pa., Nov. 22, 1802; theology with Dr. Stockton; licensed June 26, '39, Presbytery of Washington; ordained; pastor Woodsfield, O.; since '52, business at Bellaire ; married Mary McCullough, also Mrs. Sarah Cline ; died Bellaire, O , May 7, '86; D.D., Wittemburg College. Presbyterian minister. ^Hamilton, George Plumer. — Son of James and Mary (Elliott); born Dau- phin Co., Pa., May 4, 1818 ; law student with J. S. Brady and Richard Biddle; practiced law Pittsburg, Pa., '38-82; married March 29, '42, Hadassah, daughter of Major John Irons ; died Pittsburg, Pa., Nov. 23, '82. Lawyer. ♦Hershey, Andrew Moses.— Born Franklin Co., Pa., June 16, 1809 ; W. T. S. '36-39 ; licensed April, '39, Presbytery of Washington ; ordained August, '40, Presbytery of Kaskaskia; pastor Carmi, 111., and vicinity, '40-43; teacher Washington, D. C, and Hagerstown, Md., '43-49; stated supply Nealsville, and Mt. Paran, Md., '47-52; Nokesville, Va., '52—; Confede- rate States Army; chaplain Hospital, Richmond, '62-68; married Sept. 12, '39, Elizabeth Lee; died Nokesville, Va., May 9, '88. Presbyterian minister. *J0NES, Alexander.— Born St. Mary's Co., Md., Jan. 15, 1818; medical student with Dr. Jones; Pennsylvania University, '39; Marine HospitaJ? Baltimore; surgeon United States Navy; died Baltimore, Md., Jan. 21, '41, inflammation of brain. Physician. 298 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF ♦KooNTZ, Robert Hamilton. — Son of John H. and Jane (Mitchell); born Washington, Pa., June 16, 1818 ; law student with Hon. T. M. T. McKen- nan; practiced law Washington, Pa., '40-63; Deputy Attorney-General, Washington Co., '48-50; married March 1, '48, Mary A., daughter of William Hunter, Washington, Pa.; died Washington, Pa., June 30, '63. Lawyer. Leonard, Aaron Lewis.— Son of Abner ; born Washington Co., Pa,, July 3, 1812; W. T. S. '36-39; licensed April, '39, Presbytery of Columbus; ordained '41, Presbytery of Des Moines; pastor Kossuth, Iowa, '41-46; stated supply Congregational Churches, Columbus City and Crawfordsville, and teacher, '48-52; home missionary, Iowa, '52-56; Congregational Church, Danville, '56-65; Franklinville, '66-74; lona, N. J., '74—; mar> ried '42, Caroline R. Chamberlin. Congregational minister. ♦McCall, Matthew W. — Born York Co., Pa.; teacher Blairsville, Pa., 1842 ; Kittanning, — '47 ; married Amanda, daughter of Henry Manifold ; died Kittanning, Pa., '47, apoplexy. Teacher. McCiiiNTOCK, John. -Son of William and Mary (McGowan); born Washing- ton, Pa., Nov. 10, 1808; W. T. S. '36-37 ; licensed April 19, '37, Presby- tery of Washington; ordained Jan. 15, '40, Presbytery of Redstone; pas- tor New Providence, Pa., '40 — ; married April 17, '34, Mary, daughter of James Orr, Washington, Pa. Presbyterian minister, Carmichaels, Pa. *Moore, Oscar Fitzallan. — Born near Steubenville, O., Jan. 7, 1817 ; law student with Hon. D. Collins, Steubenville, O.; Cincinnati Law School, '38; practiced law Portsmouth, O., '39 — ; Ohio Legislature, *50 ; Senate, '51 ; Member of Congress, '55-57 ; United States Army '61-64 ; 33d Ohio Volunteers ; lieutenant-colonel ; colonel ; wounded ; prisoner ; married '43, Martha B., daughter of Hon. Thomas Scott, Chillicothe; died Waverly, O., June 24, '85. Lawyer. ♦Newell, Thomas Marquis. — Son of George and Mary (Marquis) ; born Cross Creek, Washington Co., Pa., Oct. 16, 1815 ; teacher in South ; Columbia Theological Seminary ; W. T. S. '36-38 ; licensed '38, Presbytery of Wash- ington ; ordained '43, same presbytery ; pastor Wellsburg, W. Va., '43-51; teacher Deaf and Dumb Asylum, Jacksonville, 111., '51-57 ; pastor Waynes- ville, '57-65 ; married '59, Martha J., daughter of Robert Officer, Wash- ington, Pa.; died Waynesville, 111., May 10, '65. Presbyterian minister.. *Pinkerton, William.— Born Chester Co., Pa., 1808; P. T. S., '36-38; ordained Oct. 29, '42, Presbytery of West Hanover; pastor Cove, Va., '42-46 ; Scottsville, '49-51 ; stated supply and pastor Highbridge, '51-56 J pastor and teacher Collierstown, '56-58 ; teacher Midway, '58-61 ; stated supply Fairfield, '58-66 ; stated supply and pastor Mt. Carmel, '58-75 ; married Margaret Garrett ; also to ; died Midway, Va., March 13, '75. Presbyterian minister. *Reed, John McM. — Son of James and Susan; born Washington Co., Pa., Nov. 8, 1818; teacher Lexington, Ky., '36-44; Academy, Madison Co., '44-48; Dallasburg, '48-53; farmer '53-85 ; married Jan. 1, '48, Malinda E., daughter of Francis Hedley ; died June 15, '85. Teacher. WASHINGTON COLLEGE. 299 TEMPL1.TON, Samdel McCi.EAN.-Son of Alexander and Charily (McClean) born \Vash.„glon Co., Pa., Dec. 21, 1816; W. T. S. '38 ; iLnsed '42 Iresbytery of Washington ; ordained Presbytery of Coshocton; stated supply Mansfleld O.; teacher ; pastor Millersburg. O.; Middleboro, MS-oG- Delavan, 111., 'oB-fil ; married Miss Dickey; died Delavan, 111., May 13 b7. Presbyterian minister. ' HONORARY DEGREE. Blachly, Stephen LiNDLEY.-Son of Dr. Henry W. and Hannah (Love ridge); born Sparta, Washington Co., Pa., Dec. 11, 1815 ; medical student with ]ii| father and Jefferson Medical College, graduated '70; practiced medicine Washington Co., Pa., — ; married Jan. 9, '40, Sarah, daughter of Benjamin Lindley, also July 28, '59, Maria, daughter of James Wade; . A.M., '85, Washington and Jefferson College. Physician, Sparta, Pa. 1837. ♦Armstrong, James.— Son of Gen. John and Isabella (McKaig); born New Lisbon, O., Dec. 23, 1816; post-office clerk Columbus, O, '37-39; law student with Hon. E. M. Stanton^ New Lisbon, '39-42 ; practiced law New Lisbon ; Canton; Janesville, Wis., '48; County Judge; clerk Wisconsin Senate; United States Army; 3d Wisconsin Cavalry; first-lieutenant; married May 19, '42, Mary Nelson, Columbus, O.; died Fort Leaven- worth, Kan., Oct. 2, '62, in the army. Lawyer. BoNAR, WiiiLiAM. — Son of Barret and Jane (Donahey); born Washington Co., Pa., Dec. 11, 1814 ; teacher; W. T. S. '38-41; licenced April 22, '41, Presbytery of Washington; ordained April 19, '43, same presbytery; stated supply Sidney, O., '41-42 ; Sistersville, W. Va., '42-50; Savannah, O., '50-51; missionary Noble Co., Ind., '51 — (?); honorably retired; married Nov. 3, '43, Catharine A. Munn. Presbyterian minister, Albion, Ind. ♦BoNNELL, William Wilson.— Born Philadelphia, Pa., April 10, 1809; P. T. S., '36-37; Assistant Secretary Board of Missions, '39-42; ordained July 10, 42, Mercersburg Classis German Reformed (Ihurc'j ; pastor German Reformed Church, Chambersburg, Pa., '42-45 ; stated supply Presbyterian Church, Port Carbon, '45-46, Central Church, Pottsville, '46-48 ; principal Female Seminary, Frankford, Pa., '49 ; died Frankford, Pa., Dec. 2, '49. Presbyterian minister. DtiNGAN, James May.— Son of James and Joanna (Holland); born Frankford Springs, Pa., March 1, 1817; law student with Thomas Livingston and Col. Collier ; practiced law ; teacher '48-51 ; medical student, Cleveland Medical College, '51-52 ; practiced medicine Beaver and Washington Counties, Pa., '52-68, Hardin Co., Ky., '68-76, Nelsonville, Ky., '76 -, La Rue, Eliza- bethtown. Gold Village, Ga., '84, Villa Rica '86; married June 9, '41, Mary A., daughter of Samuel Marshall. Physician, Villa Rica, Ga. Faris, John McDonald.— Son of William and Elizabeth (McDonald); born Ohio Co., W. Va., May 23, 1818; W. T. S., '37-40; licensed April, '40, Presbytery of Washington ; ordained April, '42, Presbytery of Lancaster ; 300 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF pastor Barlow, O., '41-44, Fredericktown '44-55 ; agent Washington Col- lege Endowment, '55-57; pastor Rockford, III., '58-62, '64-69; agent Westminster College, '69-73; N. W. T. S., '73-81 ; stated supply Dongola, 111., '81-83; evangelist '83—; married Sept. 24, '40, Anna E., daughter of Moses Wallace, Allegheny, Pa. Presbyterian minister, Anna, 111. MoCiiEAN, Oliver Ormsby.— Son of William and Hannah (Mahon); born Gettysburg, Pa., Nov. 28, 1816; teacher '37^0; theology with Dr. R. S. Grier, '40-42 ; licensed April, '43, and ordained November, '44, Presbytery of Carlisle ; pastor Dickenson, Pa., '44-52; stated supply Middletown ; pastor Huntingdon '54-59; stated supply Iowa (/ity, Iowa, '5^-61 ; pastor Lewistown, Pa., '62-84; evangelist '84 — ; married Sept. 8, '40, Anna G., daughter of C. W. Bigham ; D.D., '69, Pennsylvania College. Presbyterian minister, Lewistown, Pa. McKaig, Clement Vallandigham. — Son of Patrick and Rachel (Stuart); born near New Lisbon, O., July 12, 1815; W. T. S. '37-40; licensed April, '40, Presbytery of New Lisbon ; ordained June, '41, Presbytery of Ohio; pastor Raccoon, Pa., '41-66 ; missionary and stated supply Pitts- burg, Pa., Bayfield, Wis.; pastor Bloomfield eight or nine years; honorably retired ; married Aug. 24, '42, Jane B., daughter of Alexander Laughlin, Pittsburg, Pa.; D.D., '82, New Windsor College. Presbyterian minister, Pittsburg, Pa. "*MooDY, James Crawford. — Son of Rev. Dr. John and Elizabeth (Crawford); born Shippensburg, Pa., July 4, 1816; law student with Judge Denny, Shippensburg, Pa.; practiced law, New Albany, Ind., '40-57, St. Louis, Mo., '57-62 ; Circuit Judge '62 — ; married '43, Catharine Hillyer, also '51, Mary Ada Rankin ; died St. Louis, Mo., Jan. 15, '80. Lawyer. ^Roberts, Lewis. — Son of John D. and Susannah (Smith); born Washington, Pa., July 14, 1816; law student with Hon. Isaac Leet, '37-40; practiced law, Waynesburg, Pa., '40-57, Clinton, Iowa, '57-61 ; postmaster Clinton '59-61 ; married about '40, Agnes, daughter of Wm. Ingham, also '52, Mary Rinehart ; died Clinton, Iowa, Jan. 5, '61, assassinated by a drunken man. Lawyer. ^Robinson, David. — Son of James and Ann (Cunningham); born Washington Co., Pa., March 10, 1810; W. T. S., '37-38 ; licensed Oct. 6, '41, Presbytery of Washington ; ordained April 20, '42, same presbytery ; pastor Millcreek, Pa., '42-54, Long's Run, O., '56-58 ; married Aug. 15, '39, Letitia Ramage, also Oct. 25, '53, Elizabeth A. Calhoun ; died Hookstown, Pa., March 17, '61. Presbyterian minister. ^Smith, Thomas T.— Born Guernsey Co., O., Sept. 27, 1815 ; W. T. S., '39-40 ; licensed '42, Presbytery of Richland ; ordained '43, same presbytery ; pastor Lexington and stated supply Bellville, O., '43, Sharon '49-52, Zanesville '53, Union Grove '55, Prospect, 111., '56 ; pastor Mansfield '58-63 ; without charge ; Richland and Hermon '68 ; married July 4, '44, Eliza B. Carson; died Chenoa, 111., Aug. 5, '70. Presbyterian minister. WASHINOTON COLLEGE. 301 Pa, Oct 21 1819; law student, Cambridge, Mass, '38-40. with Siialer & -7-anu ' ^"^"''""^ ^"^ ^^"'^"'^' ^^" '^^-53; San Francisco, Cal. o3-o6, Chicago, 111, '56-62, Washington, D. C, '62-78 London Fna ' '78-80; visited Europe '80-81 ; Washington, Pa, '81-84, Los Angeles Cal ' '87; married May 10, '48, Charlotte, daughter of Dr. f. J. Le Moyne! LL.D., Washington and Jefferson College, '69. Lawyer, Los Angeles, California. ® * YoCNG, Egbert A—Son of Thomas and Elizabeth (Trower); born North ampton Co., Va., June 18, 1819 ; teacher in H. A>. Wise's family MO-41 • Margaret Academy '41-45; farming '45-55; infirm, Washington, Pa.,' '55-63 ; farming Jefferson County, Iowa, '63-65; Fairfield '65-83 ; Clinton. Co., Mo., '83—; married '41, Sarah E. Grimaldo; also February, '86, Mrs. Marilla Quimby. Eesidence, Clinton Co., Mo. 1838. *^ANEY, John Buchanan.-Sou of G«orge and Margaret; born Washington Co., Pa., March 29, 1811 ; licensed September, '40, Presbytery of Richland ; ordained September, '41, Presbytery of Marion; pastor Iberia, O., '41-63* Denmark '63-65 ; Sandusky '65-81 ; infirm '81-86 ; married Oct. 5, '4o] Tamar, daughter of Matthew Elliott, also Mrs. Catherine C. Axtell^ daughter of J. C. Stockton ; died Aug. 16, '86, nervous prostration. Pres- byterian minister. *BoNNELL, John M.~Son of William and Jean; born Bucks Co., Pa., April 16, 1820; home in South ; Ircensed and ordained Methodist Episcopal Church; Professor of Greek, Emory College, Georgia, '49-51, Natural Science, Wesleyan Female College, Macon, Ga., '53-55 ; pastor Frankfort, Ky., '56; President Female College, Tuscaloosa, Ala, '57-59; President Female College, Macon, Ga., '59-71; President Georgia Teachers' Assooia- tion ,; married Jan. 31, '47, Mary A. Morton, Macon, Ga.; D.D.; died Macon, Ga., Sept* 30, '71. Methodist Episcopal minister. Fulton, Samuel S.— Son of William and Mary; born Washington Co, Pa, March 8, 1814 ; teacher in Jefferson Co., Ky., Taylorsville, Bloom- field '38-52 ; farming and milling '52-80 ; married Jan. 27, '42, Margaret J. Anderson ; died near Bloomfleld, Nelson Co., Ky., Feb. 12, '80. Teacher afad farmer. Gkie]^ Matthew Blackburn. ^^on of Rev. John W. and Jane (Laverty); bofn Brandywine Manor, Pa., July 25, 1820; P. T. S., '41-44; licensed '42, Presbytery of New Castle ; ordained Dec. 3, '47, Presbytery of Balti- more; pastor EUicott's Mills, Md., '47-52; Wilmington, N. C, '52-61; Ri^ey Park, Pa,, '81-84 ; editor Presbyterian '61- ; married Sept. 5, '48, Maria, daughter of Rev. Dr. C. C. Cuyler; D.D., Lafayette College. Presbyterian minister, Philadelphia, Pa. *Haib, Gilbert Mitchel.— Son of James and Rebecca; born Washington Co., Pa., Sept. 4, 1815 ; teacher Martinsburg, O.; theology with Dr. Hervey ; licensed April, '40; ordained '40; pastor Nottingham, O.; President 302 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF Female College ; pastor Wellsburg, W. Va.; stated supply Covington and Newport, Ky.; pastor Montgomery and Somerset, O., Franklin, Youngs- town, Carlisle and Moorfield, Ky., Walnut Hills, O., Cambridge City, Ind.; Delegate Christian Commission; Alexandria, Va.; Gerardstown, W. Va.; Baltimore, Md.; pastor McKeesport, Pa., '69-72; Kehoboth 72-74; Chi- cago, Pittsburg, Ravenswood, Fla.; married '88, Jane Sample, also '50, E. J. Naylor; died West Point, N. Y., June 3, '84. Presbyterian minister. *Hale, Edward Powell. — Son of William and Eleanor Tyler (Harrison, cousin of President Tyler); born near Point Pleasant, W. Va., Nov. 10, 1812 ; teacher Vicksburg, Miss., Lexington, Mo.; medical student with Dr. Shaw, Point Pleasant, W. Va., and Jefferson Medical College, graduated '47; practiced medicine Claysville, Pa., '42-46, West Alexander '47-51, Paris, 111., '51-56; merchant '56-65; practiced medicine Peoria, 111., '65-77, Wichita, Kan., '77-86; married June 21, '41, Margaret Work- man, also Nov. 22, '48, Sarah S. Mayes ; died Wichita, Kan., Sept. 18, '86, heart disease. Physician. *Hamill, Samuel Kippey. — Son of George and Mary (Rippey); born Ship- pensburg, Pa., 1820; law student with Judge Reed, Carlisle; practiced law Carlisle, Pa., '39, Newark, O., '40, Evansville, Indl, '42-44, Newport '44-50, Baraboo, Wis., '50-53, Sullivan, Ind., '53-75; Prosecuting Attor- ney Forty-third Judicial District, Indiana ; Secretary of Senate, Indiana ; married May 31, '50, Martha Wood ; died Sullivan, Ind., June 16, '75, heart disease. Lawyer. *Henry, John Brown. — Son of William and Nancy (Rankin); born Harts- town, Crawford Co., Pa., Sept. 21, 1819 ; teacher Cynthiana, Ky., '38-39; died Cynthiana, Ky., Aug. 27, '39, supposed typhoid fever. Teacher. *Marple, John. — Son of Joseph and Hannah (Greer); born Chester Co , Pa., 1817 ; medical student; practiced medicine Bath Co., Ky., '45-50, Newton Co., Ark., '50-84; married Mrs. Sarah A. Wilson; died Newton Co., Ark., April, '84. Physician. Mason, James Dinsmore. — Son of Thomas and Sarah (Dinsmore); born Washington Co., Pa., Nov. 15, 1812; W. T. S. '38-41; licensed April 22, '41, Presbytery of Washington ; ordained June 14, '43, Presbytery of Blairsville ; pastor Rural Valley and Glade Run, Pa., '43-48 ; stated supply Fort Madison and Round Prairie, la., '48-49; pastor Davenport, '49-59; district missionary '59-64 ; stated supply Summit and Eldridge '64-69, Red Oak Grove '69-74, Second Church, Davenport,'74-76 ; evangelist '77— ; mar- ried Nov. 15, '42, Annie L., daughter of Capt. James Blaine. Presbyterian minister, Davenport, Iowa. *Oldham, Wylie H. — Son of Samuel and Rebecca (Wylie); born Pennsyl- vania, Nov. 21, 1819; teacher Mt. Vernon, O., and near Lexington, Ky., '38-40; law student with Isaac Hoge, Moundsville, W. Va , '4<'-41 ; prac- ticed law Moundsville, W. Va., '41-65, Marietta, O , '6-5-75 ; Virginia Leg- islature '46-48 ; married May 23, '44, Mary, daughter of Robert J. Curtis, Moundsville, W^ Va.; died Marietta, O., July 22, '75, brain disease. Lawyer. WASHINGTON COLLEGE. 303 *Paull, ALFRED.-Born St. Clairsville, O., Jan. 17, 1815 ; P. T S '39-42- hcensed Presbytery of Washington ; missionary Presbytery of Washington 43-44 ; stated supply Captina and Pipe Creek, O., '44-49; ordained evan- gelist April 17, '50, Presbytery of Washington : stated supplv Third Church. Wheeling, W. Va., '49-51; stated supply and pastor Fourth Church o2-bo ; pastor Hestonville, Philadelphia, Pa., '65-71 ; died West Phila- delphia, Pa., Nov. 18, '72. Presbyterian minister. *Ealston, James Grier.— Born Chester Co., Pa., Dec. 28, >815 • P T S '39-40; licensed April 14, '41, Presbytery of New Castle'; ordained evan- gelist Dec. 17, '45, same presbytery; stated supplv,. Newark, Del., '41-43- principal Oxford Female Seminary '41-45 , principal Norristown, '45-74* '77-80; died Norristown, Pa., Nov. 10, '80; D.D., Jeflferson College'; LL. D., Lafayette College. Presbyterian minister. ^Rankin, Robert C— Born Mercer Co., Pa., Jan. 5, 1816; law student; practiced law Mercer Co., Pa., '40-55 ; died Mercer, Pa., Jan. 22, '55! Lawyer. ♦Stevenson, James Edgar.— Son of John and Elizabeth ; born Washington Co., Pa., May, 1815 ; teacher two years in Tennessee ; Albany Theological Seminary '40-41 ; W. T. S. '42-43 ; licensed Presbytery of Washington '43 ; died Quincy, Fla., June 29, '44. Theological student. *Templeton, David R.^Son of William and Rachel (Robertson); born Bran- dy wine Manor, Pa., Oct. 1, 1817; teacher Parkersburg, W. Va.; theology with Rev. Festus Hanks, taught also, '38-39; died Brandywine Manor, Pa., May 17, '40. Theological student. ♦Thompson, James P. — Son of John and Elsie A. (Pigot); born Amity, Wash- ington Co., Pa , Feb. 27, 1818; principal academy, Mansfield, O., '38-40 i studied theology with Rev. William Smith and Dr. McCluskey ; licensed; married May 4, '41, Margaret Jane, daughter of William Peterson, Wash- ington, Pa.; died Washington, Pa., inflammation of stomach. *Vance, Thomas Hall. — Son of Henry and Jane (Hall); born Washington Co., Pa., Aprin[3, 1818 ; medical student with Dr. Stevens, Washington, and Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia ; practiced medicine Clays- ville. Pa , '40-45 ; unmarried ; died at the homestead, Pigeon Creek, Wash- ington Co., Pa., Aug. 8, '45, consumption. honorary degrees. ♦Williams, Louis Buchanan.— Born Bellefonte, Pa., Dec. 15, 1804 ; W. T. 5. '39-41 ; teacher ; Professor English Literature, Washington College, '39-40; Bible Agent; teacher; preacher; married Rebecca Lees, Washing- ton, Pa.; died Indianapolis; A.B., '38, Washington College. 1839 ♦Beeson, Charles Henry.— Son of Isaac and Caroline L. (Pennock); born Uniontown, Pa., Aug. 5, 1822; law student Harvard, and with James Veach, Esq.; practiced law Uniontown, Pa., '46-67; married Sept. 22, '64, Amanda L., daughter of William Bailey, Esq.; died Uniontown, Pa., Aug- 6, '67. Lawyer. 304 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF *Brooks, Edward Flint.— Born Halifax, Vt., Sept. 27, 1812; P. T„ S. '39-42 ; ordained evangelist Oct. 20, '42, Presbytery of Karitan ; stated supply French Creek, Va., '43; Elver Head, Long Island, N. Y., '44-46; pastor Congregational Church, West Woodstock, Conn., '46-50; Presbyterian Church, Manchester, N. J.; Congregational Church, Gill, Mass., '51-55; Connecticut, '56; pastor Mansfield, '59-66; Westminster, '66-67; stated supply Paris, N. Y., '68-(?); died Elgin, 111., Sept. 15, '72. Congregational minister. BusHPiELD, JoHH M. — Son of John and Ella (Oldham); born Ohio Co., Va., March 11, 1820; law student with Judge Evans, Cambridge, O. ; practiced law Cambridge, O., '41 ; United States Array '62--63, lieutenant-colonel ; Prosecuting Attorney Guernsey Co., O., '55-57; married Dec. 20, '42, Sarah E., daughter of Andrew Moore. Lawyer, Cambridge, O. ♦Cunningham, John D. — Born Washington Co., Pa., 1816; Associate Theo- logical Seminary, Canonsburg ; licensed June, '43, Presbytery of Muskin- gum ; ordained Oct. 16, '44, Presbytery of Stamford ; pastor Eingsques, Canada, '44-48 ; home missionary Iowa, '48-53 ; pastor Otter Creek, Iowa, '53-74 ; died Wayne Co., Iowa, '76. Associate Presbyterian minister. Dawson, Ellis Bailey. — Son of John and Ann G. (Bailey j; born Union- town, Pa., Oct. 29, 1820 ; law student with John Dawson ; practiced law Uniontown, Pa., '43 — . Lawyer, Uniontown, fa. DiNSMORE, Alexander W. — Son of James and Esther (Hamilton); born Washington Co., Pa., April 26, 1820; teacher Kentucky, '39-48; manu- facturer, Benton Co., Ark., '48-58; merchant '58-61 ; Texas, '61-65; Ben- ton Co., Ark., '65—; member State Convention, Arkansas, '60 ; Trustee State University, Arkansas ; married '48, Kate, daughter of Col. Hugh Anderson, Butler Co., Ark.; residence Benton Co., Ark. Fry, Francis Thorn'Ton. — Son of Thornton and Eliza R. (Thompson); born Kanawha Co., Va., Sept. 2, 1819; medical student with Dr. Thompson, '40, Charlestown, Va., and with Dr. Patrick, '41, in Richmond ; Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburg ; practiced medicine Virginia, '43-65 ; Eng- lish Marine Service '66-72 ; West Virginia, '72 — ; Confederate States Army, assistant surgeon, '61-63 ; married Nov. 18, '75, Sarah Frances, daughter of Dr. F. M. Boykin. Physician. ♦Montgomery, William. —Born Candor, Washington Co., Pa., April 11, 1819; law student; practiced law Washington, Pa.; Member of Congress, Pennsylvania, '57-61 ; died Washington, Pa., May 2, '70. Lawyer. Patterson, David Watson.— Son of Col. James and Mary (Watson); born Lancaster Co., Pa.; law student with J. R. Montgomery, Lancaster, Pa.; practiced law Lancaster, Pa., '42-72 ; United States Army, Militia, '61 ; captain; Prosecuting Attornley, Lancaster Co., three years; Pennsylvania Legislature '47-48 ; Constitutional Convention '73-74 ; Additional Law Judge, Lancaster Co., '74 — ; married Dec. 2, '46, Mary, daughter of H^ Y. Slaymaker. Lawyer, Lancaster, Pa. WASHINGTON COLLEGE. ^05 *Sheets Joseph Son of Adam and Margaret; born near Frostburg Md Apr.1 19 1810; teacher Florence, Pa.; medical student Maryland Unit sity; Jefferson Medical College; drug business, Philadelplfia ; pranced medicine Salisbury, Pa., '48-49 ; SteubenviUe, O., '50-55 ; Fredericktown '55-61 ; Ashland '61-65; Hayesville, '65; marri;d Ann/e Spenc":^ Td Hayesville, O, April 26, '65, disease of liver and iungs. Physician. 1840. ^Blocksom, James B.-Son of Fisher A. and Margaret (Graham); born New Lisbon, O July, 1821; law student with father. New Lisbon; practiced law^ew Lisbon, O., '42-46; Canton, '46-63 ; Mayor; Prosecuting Attor- ney, '48-63 ; married Jan. 9, '49, Frances M. Church ; died Canfield, 0. Jan. 15, '63. Lawyer. ' *' Colmery, William Wirt.— Son of William and Violet (Scott); born Wash- ington Co., Pa., Oct. 28, 1818 ; teacher near Lexington, Ky.; N. A. T. S. '42-45; licensed July, '45, Presbytery of Salem; ordained September] '46, Presbytery of Richland ; pastor Hayesville, O., '46-55 ; pastor-elect First Church, Fayette, Ind., '56-57; pastor Lebanon, O., '57-66; Monroe, '66-72 ; Harmony and College Corner, '72-79 ; Osborne, Bath '79-82; infirm; Stated Clerk Presbytery of Miami, '67-70; Dayton, '70—; married June 26, '46, Mary C, daughter of John Scott, Washing- ton, Pa.; D.D., Waynesburg (Pa.) College. Presbyterian minister, Oxford, O. CoNDiT, Silas.— Son of Jonas and Hannah, daughter of Rev. Thadeus Bodd ; born Amity, Washington Co., Pa., 1817 ; medical student ; practiced medi- cine Georgia ; New Orleans ; Confederate States Army '61-65, surgeon ; bookkeeper T. J. Carver & Co., New Orleans, La., '88—. Physician, 44 Perdido Street, New Orleans. *CuNNiNGHAM, ALEXANDER.— Son of Gcu. Thomas S.; born Mercer, Pa., Jan. 21, 1815; W. T. S. '40; licensed Sept. 4, '42, Presbytery of Erie; ordained Oct. 5, '43, same presbytery; pastor Gravel Run and Washington^ Pa., '43-51, Mt. Nebo and Muddy Creek, '51-74; married Miss Clark; died Whitestown, Pa., Sept. 5, '74. Presbyterian minister. Finney, Oswald J. B. — Son of Col. John and Margaret (Boman); born near Onancock, Accomac Co., Va., July 2, 1819 ; medical student ; graduated University of Virginia, '42 ; University of Pennsylvania, '43 ; practiced medicine Accomac Co.. Va., '43 — ; member of House of Delegates, Vir- ginia, '53, '77 ; Virginia Senate, '55, '59, '79 ; Confederate States Army, asssistant surgeon, '61-65 ; member Board of Medical Examiners ; unmar- ried. Physician, Onancock, Va. *FiNNEY, Thomas M.— Son of David T. and Mary (James); born Holmes Co., O., 1816(?); theology privately; licensed '43(?), Presbytery of Coshoc- . ton; ordained same date and presbytery; pastor New Philadelphia, O., '43-51 ; Free Presbyterian Church ; stated supply Martinsburg, '53-59 ; married '51, Jane Orr ; died Martinsburg, O., '59. Presbyterian ministei . 20 306 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF *GoRDON, Joseph.— Born near Washington, Pa., Sept. 28, 1819 ; W. T. S., '41-42; licensed '42, Presbytery pf Washington ; stated supply Ashland, O., '43, Uhrichsville '44 ; ordained '45, Presbytery of liipley ; pastor New Athens, O., '45-48 ; professor of Franklin College '45-48 ; editor Free Presbyterian, '50-58 ; married '44, Sarah Ao Robertson ; died Washington, Pa., Feb. 28, '58. Free Church minister. *LaffSrty, Egbert H. — Son of John and Ann ; born Trumbull Co., 0., March IC, 1812 ; teacher '40-42; C. T. S.; licensed April 7, '45, Presbytery of Harmony ; ordained April 25, '46, Presbytery of Concord ; pastor Sugar Creek, N. C, '46-64 ; Confederate States Army, chaplain ; married Jane T. Chamberlain; also C. H. Park; died Charlotte, N. C, July 18, '64, typhoid fever, from camp. Presbyterian minister. McCoNAUGHEY, David. — Son of John and Margaret (Patterson); born Gettys- burg, Pa., July 13, 1823; teacher High School, Maryland, '40-42; law student with Hon. M. McClean, '42-45; practiced law Gettysburg, Pa., '45 — ; United States Army ; aid-de-camp to Gen. Couch ; duty at Battle of Gettysburg; Senator Pennsylvania, '65-68; married March 21, '48, Cath- arine, daughter of George Arnold, Esq., also June 11, /56, Leona, daughter of James B. Matthews, Esq., Maryland. Lawyer, Gettysburg, Pa. *McD0NALD, Andrew.— Son of William and Elizabeth (Frazier) ; born Wash- ington Co., Pa., June 4, 1819; teacher near Lexington, Ky.; law student with Isaac'Hoge, Elizabethtown, Va., '42-44 ; practiced law Morgantown, Va., Roane Co., Va.; Virginia Legislature '50-52 ; Board of Visitors Uni- versity of Virginia, '50-54 ; State Senate, Kansas Ter., '55-57 ; Confederate States Array, '61-65; lieutenant-colonel; married Sept. 6, '49, Jane V., daughter of William Gay. Residence, Grasmere, Fla. *Martin, William Buchanan. — Son of Hiram and Elizabeth (Buchanan); born Wheeling, W. Va., April 2, 1821 ; law student with M. C. Good, Wheeling ; practiced law Wheeling, '42-80 ; unmarried ; died Wheeling, W. Va., Aug. 29, '80. Lawyer. *Means, Joseph. — Son of James and Sarah (Page); born Steubenville, O., Aug. 1, 1822 ; law student with Major D. L. Collier ; practiced law Steuben- ville, O.; foundry and machine business; Legislature of Ohio, '61-63; married Nov. 30, '54, Mary J., daughter of Hon. William Kelley, Erie, Pa.; died July 1, '72, Steubenville, O., apoplexy. *MiLLiGAN, Robert. — Son of John and Margaret ; born County Tyrone, Ire- land, July 25, 1814 ; Professor of English Literature, Washington College, '40-50, Chemistry and Natural Philosophy, '50-52, Indiana University, Bloomington, Ind., '52-54, Bethany College, W. Va., '54-59, Kentucky Uni- versity '59-65 ; Professor of Sacred History, Mental and Moral Philosophy ; Presiding Officer Transylvania University, Lexington, Ky., '66-75; married Ellen Blaine Russell; published "Reason and Revelation," " Scheme of Redemption," ''Great Commission," "Analysis of the Gospels and Acts/' "Commentary on Hebrews;" died Lexington, Ky., March 20, '75. Professor. WASHINGTON COLLEGE. 3Q7 Council Bluffs, '5b— ; published Reports; married Aua S '48 m- k /u i-a., April 12, 1823; teacher Huntingdon, Pa., '40-41; medical stud^n wiOiDr. Wishart, '42^; practiced niedicine FaW^d, i;wr'44 62 M d ical Department, Iowa University, '59; Ottumwa '60-72; United Slate, Army; assistant surgeon, 5th Iowa Cavalry, '62-63; surgeon 2l8t Iowa Si rv'?:*^^^"''^'^^'^'^^^^^"'°'»^S"^-°'«3-!-"- Mo. WASHINGTON COLLEGE. glj *Bell, Adie KYLE.-Son of Edward and Mary A. (Martin); born Hunting- don Co., Pa., Dec. 9, 1815 ; licensed '39 ; ordained '42, Baptist Church • pastor Holidaysburg, Blair Co., and Allegheny County; Lewisburg,' Pa., 'o4-59; Allegheny, '59-70; without charge, '70-78; Lewisburg, '78-81 ; Altoona, '81-88; published "Baptism Defended," ''Revision Revised"; married Oct. 27, '42, Mary E., daughter of Joseph Allen; died Rochester, Pa., Aug. 25, '88; D.D., '65, Lewisburg University. Baptist minister. Braddock, Joseph S.— Born Greene Co., O., June 27, 1817 ; W. T. S. '43-44 • licensed April, '47, Presbytery of West Lexingtdn ; ordained June, '48, Presbytery of Louisville; pastor Franklin, Ky., '48-56; stated supply Bethel Union, '56-64 ; President Lebanon Female Seminary, '56-64 ; pas- tor Middle Creek, 111., '64—; married '37, Hannah McBride ; also- June, '50, Mrs. Ella Wilson. Presbyterian minister, Elida, 111. EwiNG, William. — Son of Hon. John H. and Ellen (Blaine); born Washing- ton, Pa., Oct. 16, 1823 ; W. T. S. '42-43; Geneva and Germany, '46-49; licensed April, '50, Presbytery of Washington; ordained Jan. 14, '52, Presbytery of Pittsburg ; pastor Chartiers, Pa., '52-71; stated supply Prosperity and Mt. Pleasant, one year; Miller's Run, '79 — ; Principal Jefferson Academy, '71-84 ; married April 14, '53, Isabella M., daughter of David Quail ; Ph. D., Washington and Jefferson College. Presbyte- rian minister, Canonsburg, Pa. EwiNG, John Kennedy. — Son of Hon. Nathaniel and Jane (Kennedy); born Uniontown, Pa., Dec. 15, 1823; law student with Hon. N. Ewing ; prac- ticed law Uniontown, Pa.; Presiding Judge 14th Judicial District, Penn- sylvania, '64 ; ruling elder Presbyterian Church, '60—; married Ellen Wilson. Lawyer, Uniontown, Pa. *Feench, David Wishart. — Son of Rev. David and Sarah (McClelland); born Washington Co., Pa., May 20, 1818 ; Associate Presbyterian Theo- logical Seminary, Canonsburg; licensed June 16, '46, Presbytery of Char- tiers ; ordained Sept. 8, '47, Presbytery of Cambridge; pastor-elect Salem, N. Y., '47-55 ; Mercer, Pa., '56-72; died Mercer, Pa., March, '72. United Presbyterian minister. ♦Grayson, W- illiam.— Son of Hon. John ; born Washington, Pa. ; theological student ; infirm ; died. *Hart, George S.— Son of John and Susannah (Barr); born Pittsburg, Pa., July 29, 1824; teacher Accomac Co., Va., '42-43, also Washington Co., Pa.; law student with Hon T. R. Joynes and J. L. Gow, '43-46; practiced law Washington, Pa., '46-88; editor Examiner '55-56; Deputy Attorney- General, '46-48 ; District Attorney, '50-53 ; Presiding Judge 27th Judicial District, Pennsylvania, '76-86 ; died Washington, Pa., May 5, '88. Law- yer. *McBryer, David Dickey. - Son of James and Elizabeth; born Poke Run, Westmoreland Co., Pa., July 15, 1817; teacher Erie Academy; law stu- dent Greensburg, Pa.; practiced law Greensburg, '45(?)-50 ; unmarried; died^Greensburg, Pa., Dec. 3, '50. Lawyer. 312 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF McCoMB, George B. — Son of Jonathan and Lucretia H. (Beeler); born Sept. 6, 1814, Cross Creek, Washington Co., Pa.; teacher West Virginia, Ohio, Tennessee, '42-49 ; theology with Kev. Dr. Duncan Brown ; licensed September, '49, Presbytery of Maury ; ordained October, '51, same pres- bytery ; stated supply Fountain Creek, Tenn.; Salem, Cathey's Creek, '51-65 ; Equality, Harrisburg, Moro, 111., Mt. Vernon, Vincennes, Ind., Waynesville, 111.; teacher twelve years; married April 7, '46, Mary M., daughter of D. L. Jones ; also Dec. 20, '55, Amanda F. Davis. Pres- byterian minister, Utica, Neb. McKennan, Thomas. — Son of Hon. T. M. T. and Matilda (Bowman); born Washington, Pa., May 21, 1825 ; medical student with Dr. Lafferty, Brownsville, Pa.; Pennsylvania University '43-46; practiced medicine Blockley Alms House and Hospital, Philadelphia, '46-47 ; Allegheny, Pa., '48-50 ; Washington, Pa., '51 — ; Trustee Washington and Jefferson Col- lege ; Washington Female Seminary ; Manager West Pennsylvania Hospi- tal ; Pennsylvania Keform School ; married Oct. 4, '54, Margaret, daugh- ter of L. W. Stockton. Physician, Washington, Pa. *MooRE, Franklin. — Son of Hon. Kobert; born Beaver, Pa., Feb. 14, 1822; W. T. S. '43-45 ; licensed '45, Methodist Episcopal Conference ; ordained '46, same body ; pastor Chartiers, Pa., '45 ; Steubenville, O., '46 ; New Lisbon, '47-49 ; Union town. Pa., '49-51; Washington, '51-53; Pottsville, '53-56; Wheeling, W. Va., '56 ; Philadelphia, '64-67; Harrisburg, Call- fornia ; married '64, Rebecca B. Wickersham ; died California, Jan. 22, '70 ; D.D., Allegheny College. Methodist Episcopal minister. *NoCK, Littleton.— Son of William and Milcha ; born Mappsville, Accomac Co., Va., 1822 ; law student at William and Mary College, Virginia; never practiced; farmer, Accomac Co.; House of Delegates, Virginia, '48-52 > married '44, Elizabeth, daughter of William West; died Accomac Co., Va., January, '70. Patterson, James L. — Son of Robert and Mary (Linn); born Burgettstown, Pa., Nov. 12, 1824; merchant '42-53; teacher one year; farmer '54-72 ; banker '72 — ; Justice of the Peace '64-74; married April 20, '54, Sarah A., daughter of William Linn. Banker, Burgettstown, Pa. PuGH, JosiAH M. — From Gatesville, N. C; theological student; licensed Methodist Episcopal Conference ; pastor ; presiding elder ; Professor of Mathematics, Mississippi ; President pro tern. College, Sharon, Miss. Metho- dist minister. *Rankin, James Graham.— Son of John M. and Agnes (Burns); born War- ren, O., 1821 ; Associate Theological Seminary, Canonsburg, '43-47 ; licensed June 15, '47, Associate Reformed Presbytery of Chartiers; ordained Oct. 18, '47, Presbytery of Northern Indiana ; missionary '47-48 ; pastor Robinson, Pa., '48-68; married Catharine, daughter of Judge Pollock. died Washington Co., Pa., Nov. 6, '68. United Presbyterian minister. *Reed, Joseph Allison. — Son of James; born Washington Co., Pa., Dec. 31, 1823 ; medical student with Dr. LeMoyne, and Jefferson Medical Col- WASHINGTON COLLEGE. 313 lege; practiced medicine Allegheny '47-57; Superintendent West Penn Hospital 'o7-64; Superintendent Dixmont Ihsane Hospital '64-84- died Nov. 16, '84. Physician. ' ^Wilson John EussELL.-Son of John and Mary (Orr); bom Washington Co., Sept. 7, 1822 ; medical student with Dr. R. P. Lane, Washington, and Jefferson Medical College '43-48; practiced medicine ClaysviUe '48-60 Washington '50-73 ; married Aug. 29, '49, Charlotte C, daughter of John P. Walker, ClaysviUe, Pa.; died Washington, Pa., March 15, 1873, chronic pneumonia. Physician. Wolf, Joseph Dennis.— Son of William and Catharine (Dennis); born Wash- ington Co., Pa.; Associate Theological Seminary, Canonsburg, '42-46 ; licensed '46, Associate Presbytery ; pastorNew York; Butler Co., Pa., Mon- mouth, 111. ; law student ; practiced law '57-61 ; United States Army '61-65, captain ; practiced law Pensacola, Fla., '65-80; Alderman of Pensacola; edited Pensacola Commercial '80—; married April 29, '47, Mary C.,daughter of Samuel Brownlee. Editor, Pensacola, Fla. HONORARY DEGREES. Hastings, John M.— Son of James and Letitia ; bom Allegheny Co., Pa., Jan. 27, 1816 ; theology with Dr. McCluskey ; licensed April 19, '43, Pres- bytery of Washington ; ordained Sept. 9, '46, Presbytery of Blairsville; pastor Beulah, Pa., '46-65 ; infirm '65—; married Sept. 4, '45, Margaret Raybold ; D.D.; A.M., '47. Presbyterian minister, West Chester, Pa. *LoGAN, William B.— Son of John and Elizabeth (Blackmore); bora Wash- ington Co., Pa., Feb. 20, 1830; clerk. Wheeling, Va.; United States Army, '61-65(?); unmarried; died Wheeling, W. Va., July 23, '84; A.M., '59, Washington College. Salesman. 1843. DiNSMORE, Francis Braddock. — Son of Moses and Irena (Braddock); born Greene Co., Pa., April 22, 1817 ; teacher; P. T. S. '45-47 ; licensed April 22, '47, Presbytery of Washington ; ordained June 20, '49, Presbytery of Iowa ; pastor Mt. Pleasant and Trenton, Iowa, '49-52 ; Professor of Latin, Des Moines College, '52-53; pastor-elect and pastor '54-59, without charge '59-60; stated supply Mt. Pleasant '60-62, Trenton '62-63; infirm '63-72 ; stated supply Pisgah, Mo., '73-74 ; infirm '74-77 ; stated supply Long Branch '78 ; County Judge, Missouri, '79-80 ; married June 3, '47, Jane, daughter of William Patterson, West Alexander, Pa. Presbyterian minister, Gaynor City, Mo. DiNSMORE, Thomas Hughes.— Son of Moses and Irena (Braddock); born Greene Co., Pa., Aug. 15, 1819; teacher; P. T. S. '44-47; ordained evan- gelist July 3, '50, Presbytery of Iowa ; stated supply Washington and Wal- nut Creek, Iowa, '47-48 ; professor Des Moines College '49-53 ; pastor Wash- ington '54-59, Liberty, 111., '58-59 ; principal Pigeon Creek, '59-64 ; stated supply and principal St. Francisville, Mo., '64-68 ; stated supply Athens '68-71 ; agent H. W. K. and Professor of Mathematics '72-76 ; missionary Kansas '77-86 ; stated supply Perry '87o Presbyterian minister, Perry, Kan. 314 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF Elliott, David.— Son of Hugh and Rachel ; born Martinsfourg, O., 1818; U^ S. Army, Mexican War, '47-49; teacher Little Rock, Ark.; planter io Arkansas. *Elliott, Harrison. — Son of James and Nancy ; born Martinsburg, O., 1819 ; teacher in Mississippi '43-49; farmer near Lee Roy, Kan., '58-72 ; married '45, Eunice Bell; died Lee Roy, Kan., '72. Farmer. Hughes, John. — Son of Barnabas and Anne (Vankirk); born Washington Co., Pa., May 15, 1821 ; farmer; elder of the Church of Christ '50 — ; married Nov. 6, '45, Elizabeth, daughter of Samuel Nichol. Farmer, Washington, Pennsylvania. Jamison, Samuel. — Son of John and Mary (Neely); born Washington Co., Pa., March 2, 1820 ; Associate Reformed Theological Seminary, Allegheny, '44-48 ; licensed April 14, '47 ; ordained Aug. 16, '48, Associate Reformed Presbytery of lUairsville; pastor Bethesda, Pa, '48-66, Warrensburg, Mo., '68-70, Guinston, Pa., '71— ; Moderator United Presbyterian Sy^od, Pittsburg; married Aug. 23, '49, Jane M., daughter of James Fleming, also Sept. 22, '63, Sarah, daughter of Hugh Fergus. United Presbyte- rian minister. Muddy Creek Forks, Pa. King, Obadiah Jennings.— Son of John and Margaret (Davidson); born Al- legheny Co., Pa., Nov. 25, 1822; W. T. S. '46-49; licensed January, '49, Presbytery of Blairsville ; ordained October, '52, Presbytery of Iowa; stated supply and missionary in Illinois, Iowa, Nebraska, Missouri and* Kansas ; married Oct. 29, '51, Caroline E., daughter of Rev. L. G. Bell. Presbyte- rian minister, Marion, Kan. •McCoy, Joseph. — Son of Kenneth and Jean (Brownlee); born West Alexander, Washington Co., Pa., Nov. 1, 1819; teacher Fayette Co., Pa., Wheeling, W. Va., etc.; farmer near Aledo, 111.; married Oct. 26, '47, Mary W., daughter of Hugh McConaughy ; died Aledo, 111., Dec. 27, '87, paralysis- of the heart. Farmer. *McDowELL, Nathaniel. — Born Washington Co., Pa., July 29, 1821; Asso- ciate Theological Seminary, Canonsburg ; licensed July 9, '46, Presbytery of Chartiers ; ordained July 13, '47, same presbytery ; pastor Bethel, Smith Creek and North Henderson, 111., '49-54; Crawfordsville, Iowa, '54-67, Indianola ; died Jan. 6, '89. United Presbyterian minister, Indian- ola, Iowa. *McFarland, John.— Born near Pittsburg, Pa., April 29, 1816 ; W. T. S., '43-46 ; licensed '46, Presbytery of Blairsville ; ordained '49, Presbytery of Upper Missouri ; missionary Missouri '49-72 ; died Greenfield, Mo., July 21, '72. Presbyterian minister. Marquis, John. - Son of James and Ann (Marquis) ; born Cross Creek, Wash- ington Co., Pa., March 5, 1809; theology with Dr. Stockton; W. T. S., '45-46 ; licensed April 23, '45, Presbytery of Washington; ordained '48, Presbytery of Miami; pastor Washington, O., '48-53 ; stated supply Eaton and Camden^ WASHINGTON COLLEGE. 315 N V ^rT^\^T\^^^'' '"^ ^'^'^°^^y' '^^^' ' P^«^«r Union Grove Nov 5, '29 Mary v., daughter of David Newell, also Nov. 19, '38, Eli J 08-64; infirm, b4-.0; missionary California ; honorably retired ; married beth, daughter of James Robb, also Nov. 26, '74, Sarah J., daughter of William Stewart. Presbyterian minister. East Los Angeles, Cal. M1L1.ER, Obadiah Haymaker. -Born Westmoreland Co., Pa June 22 1822; W. T. S., '48-46 ; licensed March, '46, Presbytery of Blairsville '; ordained June 27, '47, same presbytery; stated supply and pastor Fair- field, Pa., '46-48; pastor Lebanon '48-58; stated supply Wapello and Oakland, Iowa, '58-60 ; pastor Centerville and Armagh, Pa., '60-63 ; West Newton '64-69 ; United States Army ; chaplain 12th Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers ; secretary and clerk of State Library, Pennsylvania, six years; chaplain Allegheny Work-house '80— ; married June 23, '46, Julia A. K. Wilson. Presbyterian minister, Parnassus, Pa. *MooRE, John. -Son of Robert and Nancy (Wyckoffj; born Fairview, W.Va., Oct. 16, 1822 ; W. T. S., '43-46 ; licensed April, '45, Presbytery of Wash- ington ; ordained June, '47, Presbytery of Allegheny ; pastor Harrisville, Clintonville and Pleasant Valley, Pa., '47-51, Cherry Tree '51-56, Will- iamsburg '56-63; teacher '63-75; pastor Galesville, Wis., and professor of University '76-79 ; pastor Ripon '79-81 ; infirm; published "Presbyte- rian Faith and Practice;" pamphlets; married April 27, '47, Ann E., daughter of Rev. Robert White, also Aug. 26, '79, Abby, daughter of Abner Johnson ; D.D., '80, Galesville University; died Chatfield, Minn.^ Aug. 18, '88. Presbyterian minister. *MooRE, Thomas L.— Son of Robert and Nancy (Wyckoflf); born Fairview, W. Va., 1816; teacher Kentucky, '43-72; died Louisville, Ky., '72, smallpox. PuGH, Nathaniel T.— Born North Carolina; law student, Yazoo, Miss.; Jus- tice of Peace, Yazoo ; editor, Yazoo ; Clerk of Courts. Residence, Yazoo City, Miss. *Reed, David. — Son of James and Jane Ann (Allison); born Washington, Pa., Nov. 28, 1821 ; law student with Hon. T. M. T. McKennan ; practiced law Pittsburg, Pa., '46-77 ; United States District Attorney ; married Sept. 17, '51, Sarah Ann, daughter of Dr. Archibald McKinney; died Pittsburg, Pa., '!Feb. 17, '77, congestion of lungs. Lawyer. Woods, Edgar.— Son of Thomas and Mary (Brison); born Wheeling, Va., Dec. 12, 1827 ; law student; practiced law Wheeling, Va.; P. T. S., '51-52 ; licensed June, '52, Presbytery of Washington; ordained October, '53, same presbytery; pastor Wheeling, Va., '53 57 ; First Church, Columbus, O., '57-62, Charlottesville, Va., '66-77; teacher Charlottesville, Va., '77-87; pastor South Plains '77-; married Sept. 7, '53, Maria C, daughter of Sam- uel Baker ; Ph.D., '85, Washington and Jefferson College. PresbyteriaD minister^ Charlottesville, Va. 316 GENERAL CATALOGUE pF 1844. Allen, Benjamin W. — Born Kingwood, Va.; teacher Fauquier Co., Va.; medical student, Virginia University, '47-49 ; practiced medicine King- wood, Va., '50 ; Philadelphia Hospital '52-53 ; professor Virginia Uni- versity, '53-62 ; Confederate States Army, surgeon, '62-65 ; practiced med- icine. Wheeling, W. Va., '67 — ; married Oct. 1, '50, Helen M. McCoy. Physician. Bower, Edward Lewis. — Son of John L. and Caroline (Kachtrib); born New Orleans, La., Oct. 8, 1826 ; teacher New Orleans '46-50 ; merchant Yazoo City, Miss., '50-62; Confederate States Army, '62-65 ; lieutenant Wither's Artillery, '62; captain '63-65; chief clerk, Mayor New Orleans, '68 — ; General Assembly, Louisiana, Sixth Kevenue District, '72, '74 and '79 ; married April 22, '56, Georgiana Washington, daughter of George W. Carter. Residence, New Orleans, La. *Brinton, William Penn. — Son of Caleb and Hannah ; born near West Chester, Pa., June 20, 1824; home '44-48 ; law student with Judge Long, Lancaster ; infirm ; business ; Secretary and Treasurer, Lancaster & Sus- quehanna Road; married Nov. 12, '56, Susan M., daughter of Hon. E. C. Reigart; died Lancaster, Pa., April 5, '88, apoplexy. *Brown, William Irvin. — Born Rockbridge Co., Va.; Associate Theological Seminary, Allegheny, 1846-48; infirm; died Quincy, Fla., '50, consump- tion. Theological student. Brownlee, John T. — Son of Joseph and Esther (Templeton); born Washing- ton Co., Pa., April 24, 1824; Associate Presbyterian Theological Seminary, Canonsburg, '45-49 ; licensed June 13, '49, Presbytery of Chartiers ; ordained Oct. 31, '50, Presbytery of Albany ; missionary Michigan ; pastor Mt. Hope, Pa., '51--; published History of Class of '44; United Presby- terian Presbytery of Chartiers ; Moderator United Presbyterian General A-Ssembly; married May 3, '53, Martha J., daughter of B. B. Ashton ; D.D., Westminster College. United Presbyterian minister, West Middle- town, Pennsylvania. Hagans, Marcellus Brown. — Son of Elisha M. and A.nn M. (Brown); born Petersburg, Pa., April 21, 1827; law student with Hon. W. G. Brown, Kingwood, W. Va.; Coffin & Mitchell, Cincinnati, O.; practiced law, Kingwood, W. Va., '48-52 ; Cincinnati, O., '52 — ; Judge Supreme Court, Cincinnati, '69-74 ; married Sept. 9, '52, Almira, daughter of Hon. Samuel Lewis, Cincinnati, O. Lawyer, No. 20 Pike's Building, Cincinnati. O. Hamilton, William Ferguson. — Son of Joseph and Margaret (Ferguson); born Monongahela City, Pa., March 24, 1824; W. T. S. '46-49; licensed April 18, '49, Presbytery of Ohio ; ordained evangelist Oct. 16, '50, same presbytery; stated supply Monongahela City, '50-51; pastor Center, Pa., '52-55 ; stated supply and pastor Uniontown, '55-66 ; Salem and Liver- more, '68-75; stated supply Mt. Pleasant, '75-87; married Jan. 28, '58, L. Louisa, daughter of Isaac Beeson, Uniontown, Pa.; D.D., Washington and Jefferson College, '82 ; Trustee Washington and Jefferson College. Presbyterian minister, Washington, Pa. WASHINGTON COLLEGE. 317 Hupp, John Cox.— Son of John and Ann (Cox); born Washington Co., Pa., Nov. 24, 1819; medical student with Dr. LeMoyne and Jefferson Medical College ; practiced medicine Wheeling, W. Va., '47—; examining surgeon Pension Bureau ; corresponding member Gynsecological Society, Boston ; published *'Phymosis," ''Importance of Symptoms," and many other medical papers; married March 1, '53, Caroline L., daughter of Dr. A. S. Todd. Physician, Wheeling, W. Va. Hutchinson, Fulton A.— Born Chester Co., Pa., 1820; Associate Theological Seminary, Canonsburg ; licensed June, '48, Presbytery of Philadelphia; missionary Michigan, '48-49 ; ordained October, '49 j^ Presbytery of Southera Indiana ; missionary Indiana, '49-50 ; pastor Noblestown, Pa., '50 — ; mar- ried '50, Martha Buchanan. United Presbyterian minister, Noblestown^ Pa. Leason, Thomas Sharp.— Born Butler Co., Pa., April 29, 1817 ; W. T. S. '44-47 ; licensed June, '46, Presbytery of Butler ; ordained June, '48, Presbytery of Zanesville; pastor Marietta, O., '48-49; Leechburg and Pine Run, Pa., '51-59 ; Mt. Tabor and outposts, '60 — ; married Mrs. M. M. Stewart. Presbyterian minister, Brookville, Pa. McCoy, Alexander. - Son of John and Jane (Brice) ; born Washington Co.> Pa., Oct. 26, 1818; teacher; law student with Given & Bancroft, Millers- burg, O.; practiced law Peoria, 111., '51-71; Chicago, '71 — ; District Attor- ney '56-64; Illinois Legislature '65; married Sept. 27, '57, Sarah J., daughter of Reuben Matthews ; also June 23, '69, Lucinda, daughter of Alva Dutton. Lawyer, Chicago, 111. McElwain, Andrew.— Son of John and Mary (Hutchinson); bom Allegheny Co., Pa., Aug. 1, 1817 ; W. T. S. '44-47 ; licensed April 7, '47, Presby- tery of Blairsville ; ordained Feb. 1, '48, same presbytery ; pastor Ebena- burg, Pa., '47-52; Indiana, '52-72; Hestonville, Philadelphia, '72-84; Agent Presbyterian Historical Society; married June 8, '48, Mary,. daughter of John Haymaker; D.D., '84, Parsons College. Presby- terian minister. Philadelphia, Pa. •Marshall, Alexander Addison.—Sou of John ; born Washington, Pa.^ May 12, 1825 ; medical student with Dr. Lafferty, Brownsville, Pa., and Pennsylvania University ; practiced medicine Cincinnati, O., San Francisco, and Sonora, Cal., till '50 ; service Russian Government, as surgeon, '55; died Sympheropol, Black Sea, March 2, '56, typhus fever. Physician. *Mason, William CooPER.—Born Washington Co., Pa., 1819 ; W. T. S. '45-48; licensed April 14, '49, Presbytery of Washington ; ordamed June 3 '52, Presbytery of Cedar Rapids; stated supply Nashville, O.; Daven- port, Iowa ; pastor St. Clair, '52-62 ; Albany, '62-66 ; Fulton City. '66-70 ; Farmington, 111., '70-76 ; United States Army, chaplam, 63 ; agent American Tract Society ; married Sept. 4, '49, Mary Osborn ; died Gales- burg, 111., Dec. 13, '71. Presbyterian minister. MORRISON, Joseph ScoTT.-Born Monongahela City, Pa.; law sUident with Hon. T. M. T. McKennan ; practiced law Pittsburg, 1 a , 40 . 318 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF ♦Officer, John Scott. — Son of Thomas ; born Washington, Pa. ; teacher Deaf and Dumb Institution, Jacksonville, 111., '44-52 ; superintendent same, '52-65; married Miss Lockwood ; died Jacksonville, 111., Feb. 3, '65. *Paull, James. — Son of Thomas and Ellen ; born Wheeling, Va., Sept. 11, 1825; infirm; died Wheeling, Va., Feb. 26, 1851, consumption. Reed, David Cook. — Son of Rev. William and Maria (Cook); born Calcutta, O., June 24, 1821 ; W. T. S. '44-47 ; licensed April 15, '47, Presbytery of New Lisbon ; ordained Oct. 5, '47, Presbytery of Beaver ; pastor Freedom and Concord, Pa., '47-49; West Middlesex, '49-67; Unity, '49-82; hon- orably retired; Stated Clerk Presbytery of Shenango; married April 20, '47, Isabella A., daughter of Rev. T. McDermott, Doylestown, O.; also April 10, '60, Anna M. Craig, Massillon, O. Presbyterian minister. New Castle, Penn. *Boss, Randall. — Son of Clement and Jane R. (Barr); born Westmoreland Co., Pa., Jan. 9, 1818 ; teacher '44-47 ; Associate Theological Seminary, Alle- gheny ; licensed April 13, '47, Associate Reformed Presbytery of Blairs- ville ; ordained April 25, '49, Second Presbytery of Ohio ; pastor Cumber- land '49-53; Sharon, O., '49-66; U. S. A. '61-65 ; ordnance officer ; postmaster ; chaplain 15th Ohio Volunteer Infantry ; President Lincoln College, Mo., '70-77 ; married Sept. 21, '45, Sarah Lemon ; also July 4, '55, E. Jane, daughter of John Mitchell ; died Greenwood, Mo., April 20, '77, consumption. United Presbyterian minister. Smith, William T. — Born Youngstown, Pa., Dec. 15, 1824; medical student with Dr. Jackson, Blairsville, Pa., and Jefferson Medical College ; prac- ticed medicine Illinois two years ; near Pittsburg, till '54 ; Mercersburg, '54 — ; married Susan, daughter of Thomas B. Reynolds. Physician, Mer- cersburg, Pa. *Stewart, James M. — Born West Union, Va., June 26, 1823 ; died at Col- lege, Washington, Pa., June 9, 1844. Student. Stewart, William Bell. — Son of William B. and Isabella (Craig); born Butler Co., Pa., Oct. 10, 1818 ; W. T. S. '44-46 ; P. T. S. '48-49 ; teacher '46-48 ; licensed April, '49, Presbytery of New Brunswick ; ordained July 28, '50, Presbytery of Baltimore; pastor Govane Chapel, Md., '50-52; President 8eminary '52-55 ; stated supply Chestnut Grove and Bethel '52-53(?); Pottstown, Pa., '60-64; Secretary American and Foreign Christian Union '64-70; stated supply Spencerport, N. Y., '70-73, Port Henry '73-76, Fort Edward '76-78, Third Church, Coventry, '79; District Secretary American Tract Society '84 — ; Philadelphia ; married October, '47, Catha- rine, daughter of James Mitchell ; D.D., '78, Harvard University. Presby- terian minister, Philadelphia. Van Voorhis, John S. — Son of Isaac and Mary (Hair); born near Mononga- hela City, Pa., May 8, 1823 ; medical student with Dr. R. F. Biddle, Monon- gahela City, Pa., and Jefferson Medical College ; practiced medicine MonongahelaCity, Pa., Belle Vernon '47— ; Pennsylvania Legislature '57 — ; published '* Sepulture and Cremation," '* Management of Insane," ''Glance at Ferns, Monongahela Valley "; married Sept. 7, '47, Elizabeth P., daugh- ter of Amzi Smith. Physician, Belle Vernon, Pa. WASHINGTON COLLEGE. 319 Wallace, Jonathan H.-Born Columbiana Co O IS07.1 , , Hon. E. M. Stanton; practiced law Ne A"^ a '.4 ^Z^'ptl^ WeTk—bora"'"^''^''' "■' ^-^^- "^ -^- «-^» =" *Wmrich IsK.E..-Son of Jacob and Susannah ; born near Washington, Pa.. f- in 'u "^^ '""'"" *'"• ^'- L""'. Washington, Pa.; praiticc^ medtcme HUlsboro, Pa., .47-50(?), Martin's Perry, O.,%0-87; drug bust 1845. Baikd, William M.-Son of William and Nancy (Mitchell); bom Washing- ton, Pa.; law student with Judge Acheson, Washington, Pa., '48-49 • prac ticed law Cumberland, Md., '49-, Washington, D. C; married '52, Annie Cornelia Nelson. Lawyer, Washington, D. C. Brown, John J.-Son of Robert and Annie (Hawthorne); born Kingwood W. Va., Nov. 19, 1825 ; Clerk of County and Circuit Courts, and law stu- dent with Hon. W. G. Brown '46-48 ; practiced law Kingwood, W. Va., '49-64, Morgantown '64—; President of National Bank, West Virginia'; 148th Eegiment Virginia Militia, captain and major '57 ; married June 17,' '52, E. I., daughter of Z. Ludington, Uniontown, Pa. ; also Mary E., daughter of Matthew Gay, Morgantown, W. Va. Lawyer, Morgantown! W. Va. Calhoun. John Young.— Son of Robert and Mary (Young); born near Hooks- town, Pa., Jan. 9, 1820; W. T. S. '47-50 ; licensed April, '48, Presbytery of Washington ; ordained April, '50, same presbytery ; missionary Glen- ville, W. Va., '48-49; stated supply Waynesburg and Unity, Pa., '49-52; stated supply and teacher Ashtabula, O., '52-53 ; Cove, W. Va., '53-56 ; Three Springs '53-63 ; infirm ; evangelist '63—; married July, '48, Char- lotte E. Merriman. Presbyterian minister, Bloomington, 111. Chandler, John W.— Son of Abel and Catharine; born Manchester, Md., Aug. 24, 1822; teacher Shelby Co., Ky., '45-47, Lowndes Co., Miss., '47-49 ; law student '51-61 ; Sup. Co. two years ; Mississippi Legisla- ture four years ; planter '65 — ; married Jan. 1, '56, Julia A., daughter of Judge Clayton. Planter, Cliftonville, Miss. *CuMMiNS, James. — Son of James and Mary (Hazlett), born Washington, Pa., 1827 ; medical student with Dr. R. H. Cummins, Wheeling, W. Va., Med- ical College, Cincinnati, '46-47, Pennsylvania University '49; practiced med- icine Wheeling, W. Va., '49-77; member of Medical Society, West Vir- ginia, and American Medical Association ; married '52, Kate Hobbs, also '61, Annie Williams; died Wheeling, W. Va., Aug. 18, '77, chronic hepa- titis. Physician. *Erskine, AVilliam Ralph. — Born Washington Co., Pa., Aug. 17, 1819; Associate Reformed Theological Seminary, Allegheny, '45-49; licensed March 10, '50, Presbytery of Steubenville ; ordained April 16, '51, Second 320 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF Presbytery of Illinois ; pastor Ellison, 111., '52-58, White Oak Grove, '59-65, Scroggsfield '67-70, Berea, Kan., '71-73, Olena, 111., '74-75; died Olena, 111., Feb. 5, '75. United Presbyterian minister. *Fergus, Alexander Gilfillan. — Born Elizabeth, Pa., Nov. 18, 1823; Asso- ciate Keformed Theological Seminary, Allegheny, '45-49 ; licensed April 10, '50, Presbytery of Blairsville ; ordained Sept. 2, '51, same presbytery ; pastor Sewickley and West Newton, Pa., '51 ; died West Newton, Pa., Sept. 30, '51, inflammation of the bowels. Associate Keformed minister. *HoPKiNS, Andrew. — Son of William and Kachel (Herron); born Washington Co., Pa., Oct. 18, 1824; law student with Hon. A. W. Acheson, W^ashing- ton, Pa., '46, and Judge Lowrie, Pittsburg, '47 ; practiced law for a short time ; edited Washington Examiner '48-53, Daily Union and Legal Journal, Pittsburg, '53-54, Patriot and Union, Harrisburg, '54-57, Erie Observer '61-62, Lycoming Standard '69-71, Review and Examiner, Washington, Pa., '77-80 ; Kegister United States I^and Office, Nebraska City, '57-60 ; married May 8, '49, Hannah M., daughter of John List; died Washington, Pa., March 5, '80, avoemia. Editor. v Hughes, James Rowland. — Son of Rev. Thomas Edgar and Mary (Donahey); born near Darlington, Pa., March 17, 1819 ; W. T. S. '45-48 ; licensed Oct. 16, '47, Presbytery of Steubenville ; ordained June 26, '49, same pres- bytery; agent Board of Colportage; pastor Rehoboth, Pa., '49-64; prin- cipal Ladies' Seminary, Blairsville, Pa., '65-67 ; pastor-elect Presbyterian Church (now Memorial), Dayton, O., '70 — ; Trustee Washington College ; married Oct. 16, '51, Ann Caroline, daughter of David Stewart, Colerain, Pa. Presbyterian minister, Dayton, O. Jacob, Alexander M. — Son of John and Elizabeth (Mitchell); born Wellsburg, W. Va., June 29, 1823; law student with Z. Jacob, Wheeling, W. Va.; Magistrate and Judge of County Court ; West Virginia Legislature ; Senate, West Virginia ; Ida Co., Iowa, '71-77 ; married October, '50, Julia Woods, Wheeling, W. Va. Postmaster, Arthur, Iowa. ■*J0HNST0N, Robert. — Son of James; born Beaver Co., Pa., Aug. 2, 1813; W. T. S. '45-48 ; licensed October, '47, Presbytery of Steubenville ; ordained Nov. 17, '48, same presbytery ; pastor Corinth, O., '48-49, Gettys- burg, Pa., '50-55, First Church, Peoria, '55-64; married April 11, '48, Jane G., daughter of Rev. Mr. Waters; died Peoria, 111., Aug. 19, '64. Presbyterian minister. ♦Johnston, Mervin E. — Son of James ; born Columbiana Co., O., Aug. 17, 1822 ; W. T. S. '45-48 ; licensed October, '47, Presbytery of Steubenville ; stated supply Bethel and Madison, O., '47-48 ; ordained August, '48, Presbytery of Carlisle ; pastor Second Church, Carlisle, Pa., '49-54 ; mar- « ried July 7, '48, Julia, daughter of Rev. Mr. Waters ; died '54. Presby- terian minister. *Krepps, John B. — Son of Samuel J. and Elizabeth B.; born Brownsville, Pa., Nov. 2, 1822 ; law student with Hon. James Veach, Uniontown, Pa. ; WASHINGTON COLLEGE. ggj v. ™. Sep. .0, .. .a:/^^i^-;^ --. unmarried; died Washington, Pa., March 26, '63. Phy^cian ' ' KuHNs, Henky BYEKs.-Son of Joseph H. and Margaret E. (Alexander)- KuTntT ? ^"'/"^' '' '"''-^ lawstudenrwith Hon. Joseph H Kuhns Greensburg, Pa.; practiced law Greensburg, Pa., '48- United States Arm, Mexican War; lieutenant. '61-65 ; Uth LgleLt P nn. syvania Volunteers; married Aug. 4, '53, Harriet S., daughter of Peter Moritz, Greensburg, Pa. Lawyer, Greensburg, Pa. ^^"^TentT 1'^!^: K 'r' ""■ ^°^ ""^"^^ ^- (H^")' b«- Memphis, lenn., ^ov 8, 1823; book and stationery business till '61 ; Secretary and Treasurer Mississippi and Tennessee Railroad Co., '66-; married Nov. 8, '49, Estelle Avery, Memphis, Tenn. *McGiNLEY,RoBERT.-Son of Robert; born Westmoreland Co. Pa 1823- law student with H. D. Foster, Greensburg, Pa., '46-47 ; United States Army, Mexican War; 2d Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, corporal • died City of Mexico, Oct. 3, '47. Law student. *Menager, R. L-Son of P. and M.; born Gallipolis, O.. April 4, 1827; merchant Gallipolis, O., '45-50; unmarried; died Gallipolis, O., Julv 19 '50. ^ ' Miller, George W.— Son of Thomas and Abigail; born Claygville, Wash- ington Co., Pa., Jan. 17, 1822 ; medical student Bellefontaine, 0.; practiced medicine Bellefontaine, O., '51-54; Indianapolis, Ind., '54-67; Chicago, 111., '68—; married March 21, '55, Caroline K. MiUer. Physician, Chi- cago, 111. NiccoLLs, Robert.— Son of John and Jane ; born West Newton, Pa., Sept. 29, '26; medical student with Dr. Hassan, West Newton, Pa.; Jefferson Medical College, '45-49; practiced medicine Westmoreland Co., Pa., '49-50; Sandwich Islands, '50-54 ; Bloomington, Ind., '54-61 ; United States Army, surgeon, '61-65; Bloomington, Ind., '65—; married Oct. 10, '54, Frances Moore, Westmoreland Co., Pa. Physician, Bloomington^ Ind. *Oliver, George Hewes.— Son of John M. and Mary S. (Hewes); born Washington Co., Pa., Sept. 26, 1823 ; law student with Hon. T. M. T. McKennan, Washington ; practiced law Keokuk, Iowa, '50-53 ; Recorder City ; died Keokuk, Iowa, July 8, '53, accidental drowning in the Missis- sippi. Lawyer. ^Patterson, William Speer. — Son of Rev. Dr. A. O. and Maria (Speer); born Mt. Pleasant, Pa., July, 1825 ; medical student with Dr. J. R. Speer, 21 322 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF Pittsbui;g, Pa., and Jefferson Medical College ; went to California '48 ; Custom House, San Francisco, '48 ; practiced medicine Nevada, Cal., '49 ; Auditor and Recorder, Nevada, and Clerk of Courts; unmarried; died Nevada City*, Cal., April 17, '56, typhoid fever. Physician. *PoRTER, Byron. — Son of William and Rachel (James); born Bridgewater, Pa., Jan. 24, 1824 ; Associate Theological Seminary, Canonsburg, '45-49 ; licensed July 2, '49, Associate Presbytery ; ordained '51, same body ; pas- tor Jordan's Grove, 111., '51-56; Elderton, Pa., '56-76; United States Army ; lieutenant Pennsylvania Volunteers ; Christian Commission ; mar- ried June 21, '49, Agnes M. Rankin, Washington, Pa.; died Elderton, Pa., Nov. 28, '76. United Presbyterian minister. *PoT'i:ER, Lyman W. — Son of E and Jane ; born New Lisbon, O., Nov. 8, 1824 ; law student with James Moore, New Lisbon ; practiced law New Lisbon ; St. Louis, Mo. '54 ; Salem, O., '62 ; Judge Sixth Judicial District Ohio '52 ; Collector 17th Internal Revenue District, Ohio, '65 ; married Dec. 25, '51, Kate Geddes; died Alliance, O., Dec. 13, '66. Lawyer. *PuMPHREY, Nicholas N. — Son of Nimrod; born Brooke Co., Va.; died several years ago. Reed, William. — Son of Rev. William and Maria (Cook) ; born Columbiana Co., O., May 16, 1823 ; teacher and law student with Hon. C. L. Yal- landigham ; practiced law Millersburg, O., '47 — ; Prosecuting Attorney *56-60 ; Judge Common Pleas Court, '67-77 ; married July 18, '54, Maria D., daughter ojE Samuel S. Henry. Lawyer, Millersburg, O. ♦Robinson, Joel C. — Born New York ; principal Academy Sharpsburg, Ky., 1846 ; married '39, Emily Durell, also '45, Lucy E. Beach ; died Sharps- burg, Ky., '46, murdered by three men. Teacher. Stowe, Edwin Henry. — Son of Hiram and Martha A. (Darragh); born Beaver Co., Pa., Jan. 2, 1826 ; law student with Hon. M. Hampton, '47-49 ; prac- ticed law Pittsburg, Pa., '49 — ; Judge Common Pleas Court, Allegheny Co., Pa., '62 — ; married June 14, '64, Emma, daughter of Charles Vick, Esq. Lawyer, Pittsburg, Pa. *Stringer, Albert G. — Son of John G. and Elizabeth ; born Weston, Lewis Co., Va.; law student Washington, Pa.; never practiced law; unmarried; died near Ripley, Jackson Co., W. Va., September, '87. Templeton, William Harris. — Son of John and Elizabeth (Long); born Chester Co., Pa., Oct. 13, 1824; teacher '45-47 ; P. T. S., '47-50; licensed Oct. 3, '49, Presbytery of New Castle ; ordained Aug. 13, '50, same presby- tery ; missionary Creek Indians, Kowetah, '50-57; stated supply Ga)um, 111., '58-68, Cave Spring '59-71, Georgetown '59-70; Denmark '68-72, •Oak Grove '72-76, Vergennes '73-75, Shiloh Hill '78-79, Walnut Hill '78—; honorably retired; married Jan. 1, '55, Mary C, daughter of Will- iam Workman, also Aug. 20, '62, Eliza, daughter of John M. Craig. Pres- fcyterian minister, Pinckneyville, 111. WASHINGTON COLLEGE. 323 TWYFORD, JACK.-Son of Purnell and Elizabeth (Hannaford); born Accomac Co., Va., 1832(?); law student with Mease Smith, Accomac, Va.- iron business Virginia, Kentucky, Georgia and Alabama, '87. Iron business Birmingham, Ala. ' ♦Waterman, E. Nixox.— Son of L. S. and P. S.; born Blairsville, Pa., Jan. 10, 1825 ; merchant Pittsburg, Pa., '45-57, Ottawa, 111., '57-73 ; City Clerk'; unmarried; died Ottawa, 111., Feb. 13, '73, pneumonia Merchant. ♦White, Joseph.— Born Washington Co., Pa. ; Associate Reformed Theological Seminary, Allegheny, 1845-49 ; licensed April 12, '4§, Presbytery of Steu- benville; ordained June 12, '56, Presbytery of Iowa; pastor Knoxville '56-58 ; missionary ; infirm ; died Knoxville, Iowa, July 12, '72. United Presbyterian minister. WixsoN, David S.— Son of John K. and Maria (Shields); born Washington Pa., April 12, 1826 ; law student with Hon. A. W. Acheson, Washington, and Dane Law School, Harvard College, '49; practiced law Wash- ington, Pa., '49-76; retired Leelsdale, Pa., '76—; married Oct. 17, '50, Sarah, daughter of Geo. Baird ; LL.B., '49, Harvard University. Lawyer, Leetsdale^ Pa. 1846. Acheson, Marcus W. — Son of David and Mary (Wilson); born Washington, Pa., June 7, 1828 ; clerk Post-Office, Washington ; law student with Hon. A. W. Acheson, Washington, till '52 ; practiced law Pittsburg, Pa., '52-80 ; United States District Judge, for Washington District, Pennsylvania, '80 — ; married June 9, '59, Sophie D., daughter of Dr. William C. Reiter ; LL.D., Washington and Jefferson College, '71. Lawyer, Pittsburg, Pa. Anderson, Samuel McCullough. — Born Butler Co., Pa., Dec. 18, 1823 ; W. T. S., '48-51 ; licensed April 8, '51, Presbytery of Butler ; ordained '51, Presbytery of Wooster ; pastor Fredericksburg, O., '51-59, Daven- port, Iowa, '59-69, Hamilton, O., '69-80, El Dorado, Kan., '80-88 ; D.D. Presbyterian minister, El Dorado, Kan. *Abnold, John.— Son of John and Agnes (Neil); born County Down, Ireland, Jan. 16, 1827; teacher Jeffersonville, Ky., '46-53; civil engineer, Austin Railroad, '53—; unmarried ; died Shreveport, La., Jan. 21, '53, supposed suffocation in burning building. *Blaney, Faris C. - Son of Charles and Nancy ; born Ohio Co., Va., Jan. 30, 1825; teacher Kentucky, '50; unmarried; died Ohio Co., Va., July 16, *50, typhoid fever. *Carson, John Elder.— Son of William and Esther (Elder); born near Mt. Jackson, Pa., Sept. 21, 1819; teacher Poland (O.) Academy, '46-48; W. T. S,, '48-50; licensed March, '50, Presbytery of New Lisbon ; ordained Nov. 12, '50, Presbytery of Coshocton ; pastor Apple Creek, O., '50-59, Chippewa and Marshallville, '60, Canal Fulton '59-65 ; stated supply Bethesda and Hanoverton '65-68; pastor Red Oak '68-72, West Umon 324 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF '72-73 ; stated supply Winchester and Mt. Leigli '72-77, Robinson and Palestine, 111., 77-79; pastor Brimfield '79-83; stated supply Warren '83-84; married March 21, '44, Mary Fullerton ; died Warren, 111., July 4, '84. Presbyterian minister. Creighton, Henry.— Son of Thomas and Sarah (Montgomery); born Calcutta, O., May 16, 1823 ; mining in California ; since farming in Merced Co., Cal. Farmer, Plainsburg, Merced Co., Cal. EwiNG, George. — Son of Major John H. and Ellen (Blaine); born Washing- ton, Pa., February, 1829; medical student Jefferson Medical College; practiced medicine, Clinton, Iowa, one year ; infirm ; Patent Office, Wash- ington, D. C, '61-64 ; Pension Department, '64 — ; unmarried. Washing- ton, D. C. PuiiTON, James Power. — Son of Henry and Mary (Chapin); born West New- ton, Pa., Oct. 10, 1824; W. T. S., '46-49; licensed April, '49, Presbytery of Ohio ; ordained October, '50, Presbytery of Washington ; pastor Burgetts- town, Pa., '50-57, Salem '57-66, Pulaski and Hopewell '66-69, McClelland- town and Dunlap's Creek '69-78; stated supply Laurel Hill '78-79 ; home missionary Harper and Stations, Kan., '79-88; Richfield '88 — ; married May 21, '50, Fannie C, daughter of John Shouse. Presbyterian minister, Richfield, Kan. Gaston, William Kilgore. — Son of James and Elizabeth (Kilgore); born Columbiana Co., O., Dec. 6, 1820; law student New Lisbon, O.; practiced law New Lisbon, O., '49-59, St. Paul, Minn., '59 — ; married '57, Martha J. Graham, also '65, Andora S. Waage. Lawyer, St. Paul, Minn. GiTTiNGS, William A. — Son of Dr. M. D. and Mary P. (Williams) ; bora Greene Co., Pa., Jan. 28, 1826 ; civil engineer, B. & A. R. R. '50, B. & O. R. R. '51-52 ; married Sept. 10, '55, Columbia, daughter of Jeremiah Gittings. Civil engineer, Clarksburg, W. Va. Glass, William J. — Son of John and Ann ; born W^ayne Co., O., 1818 ; teacher ; principal College, Sequin, Texas, '50-61 ; stock raiser ^Gd — ; mar- ried '50, F. B. Stevens. Professor and stock raiser, Yoakim, Texas. Grayson, Wray. — Son of John and Martha (Wray); born Washington, Pa., Nov. 9, 1827 ; medical student with Dr. James Stevens and Jefferson Medical College, '53; practiced medicine, Washington, Pa., '53 — ;. except Northern Ohio Lunatic Asylum, '61-65 ; Dixraont Hospital '65-70 ; married Dec. 27, '77, Margaret, daughter of Samuel Hazlett, Washington, Pa. Physician, Washington, Pa. ♦Gregg, Cephas. — Son of Cephas and Susan (Clymer); born Bridgeport, Pa.; teacher ; minster of the gospel ; married Mary Newton ; died Ever Green, Pa., aged sixty-five years. Teacher and preacher. Hagans, Lucian Adams — Son of Harrison and Jane (McCollum); born Bran- donville, Page Co., Va., Jan. 31, 1825; Secretary of State, W. Va.; Staff of Governor Pierpoint ; associate editor Wheeling Daily Intelligencer, eight years; married April 19, '48, Lovela Hagans. Residence, "Hawthorne," Elrahurst, 111. Jackson, John E. WASHINGTON COLLEGE. 325 ^LoGAN, Thomas H.— Son of John and Elizabeth H. (Blackmore); born Wash- ington Co., Pa., Feb. 14, 1828 ; medical student with Dr. John Wishart, Washington, and Pennsylvania University '50 ; practiced medicine, Waah- ington. Pa., '50-51, Wheeling, Va., '51-52; wholesale drug business '52— ; West Virginia Convention '61; West Virginia Legislature '61-62, '78-79; Regent, West Virginia University, seven years; married Nov. 11, '52, Eliza N., daughter of John List; died Wheeling, Oct. 8, '88. Physician. *McGiLL, John Davitt.— Son of John and Mary (Davitt); born Mercer, Pa., Jan. 21, 1827; law student with Stewart & Rankin^ Mercer, Pa., '46-48; practiced law Columbia, Tenn., '48-69; Confederate States Army, '61-65; 48th Tennessee Regiment, first lieutenant ; prisoner of war; Ft. Donaldson, Lookout Mountain ; unmarried ; died Spring Hill, Maury Co., Tenn., Oct. 26, '69. Lawyer. *McMiLLiN, John. — Son of Robert and Hannah (Graham); born near Clays- ville, W^ashington Co., Pa., Oct. 15, 1824; medical student with Dr. M. H. Clark, W^ashington, Pa.; teacher Ohio and Kentucky ; law student with John L. Gow, Washington, till '53 ; died at home, near Claysville, Pa., Aug. 8, 53, consumption. Law student. *Menager, Charles.— Son of P. and M.; born Gallipolis, O., Feb. 10, 1825; law student; practiced law, Gallipolis, '49-74; married Nannie Freeman ; died Gallipolis, O., March 4, '74. Lawyer. Miller, George W.— Son of Dr. George and Martha (Anderson); born Marion, O., July 25, 1825 ; teacher Florence Academy, '46-47 ; Frankfort, Ky.; Greene Academy, Carmichael, Pa., three years ; professor Washington College; law student with Hon. T. M. T. McKennan; practiced law, Washington, Pa., '54—; Pennsylvania Legislature '56-57 ; Senate '57-60; United States Marshal, Western District of Pennsylvania, '87—; married March 3, '57, Gertrude, daughter of George W. Shuman. Lawyer, Wash- ington, Pa. Mills, Andrew B.— Son of Rev. James and Delilah ; born Monongahela City, fL, Dec. 5, 1825; grocery Pittsburg, Pa., '56-60; oil business 70-80; chief clerk, Revenue Office, Pittsburg; married '52, Ellen J. Dering. Business, Philadelphia, Pa. MURDOCK, James Neal.-Sou of John R. and Virginia H. (Neal); born Park- ersburg, Va., June 29, 1828; medical student, Pennsylvania University; practiced medicine Parkersburg, Va., '52-55, '58-59, Orrville, Cal., '5^8 ; druggist Greenville, Tenn., '59-65; wholesale druggist Parkersburg, 65-; married Dec. 15, '58, Mary C, daughter of William Steinberger. Druggist, Parkersburg, W. Va. •Neel, John JACK.-Son of Samuel and Kuth (Jack): born Westmorel'and Co Pa., Feb. 4, 1819; W. T. S., '46-49; licensed Oct. 4 48. Presbytery of Bedstone ; stated supply Ligonier, Pa.; died near Mt. Pleasant, Pa , Feb. 10, '52, pneumonia. Presbyterian licentiate. 326 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF *PoLLOCK, John Donahey. — Son of John and Anne (Donahey) ; born West- Alexander, Washington Co., Pa., July 14, 1822; teacher Alabama and Tennessee; law student, Cumberland University, Tennessee, '51 ; practiced law Oskaloosa, Iowa, '53-56 ; married Nov. 22, '55, Mary Ann, daughter of Thomas Thompson ; died Oskaloosa, Iowa, July 17, '56, bilious colic. Lawyer. *Rankin, Clarke D. — Son of William and Martha ; born Mercer, Pa.; medical student, Medical College, Philadelphia ; practiced medicine, Peoria, 111.^ '54-69 ; United States Army; surgeon 7th Illinois Cavalry, '61-62 ; unmar^ ried ; died Dansville, N. Y., '69, cancer of stomach. Physician. ♦E.EED, James Hoge. — Son of Rev. William and Maria (Cook); born Cal- cutta, O., Aug. 28, 1825; W. T. S. '49-52 ; died Calcutta, O., Oct. 16, '53. Theological student. Reid, John C. — Son of Rev. Robert and Elizabeth (Calhoun); born Erie, Pa., May 13, 1825; teacher Erie '47-48, Lewis Co., Ky., '48-49 ; railroad '50 j California in '51 ; civil engineer ; real estate business ; married Aug. 21, '62, Harriet E., daughter of Rev. A. S. Allen. Real estate business, Stockton, California. Sanns, John. — Son of John and Julia Louisa (LeMoyne); born Gallipolis, O., Aug. 1, 1826 ; medical student; practiced medicine Gallipolis, O.; surgeon, for pensions ; Trustee Athens Asylum for Insane ; married Feb. 13, '51, Viola M. Shepard. Physician, Gallipolis, O. Snyder, Simon.— Son of Henry and Elizabeth (Mentzer); born Newville, Pa.,. Oct. 24, 1819; teacher, Clinton, Ky., many years; Columbus; cashier and bookkeeper, Louisville, five years ; grain business Newville, Pa., till '74 ; Dickenson, Pa., merchant '74 — . Merchant, Dickenson, Pa. *Stewart, Benjamin. — Born Mercer, Pa., Oct. 9, 1826 ; law student; prac- ticed law New Madrid, Mo., '50-60 ; married Prudence LaFarge ; died New Madrid, Mo., Jan. 1, '60. Lawyer. *Thomas, a. S. — Went South; Tennessee, Mississippi; California; died(?). Todd, Oliphant M.— Born Washington Co., Pa., Oct. 10, 1826; W. T. S. '46-49 ; licensed April 10, '49, Presbytery of Redstone ; ordained '52, Pres- bytery of Washington; pastor Florence, Pa., '52-59, New Lisbon, O., '59-67, Muncie, Ind., '67-71 ; stated supply Union andSelma '72-73, Jones- boro and Cumberland, '73-79, Tuscola and Kaskaskia, 111., '79, Pearson and Dalton '84-86 ; married '50, A. S. Clarke. Presbyterian minister, Evans- ville, Ind. *Van Eman, George L. — Son of Nicholas and Ann ; born Washington Co., Pa., Sept. 9, 1811; dentist; practiced dentistry Cincinnati, O., and Ala- bama ; died Huntsville, Alabama, Oct. 29, '74, pneumonia. Dentist. Walker, Thomas S. — Son of Matthew and Alison; born Gallipolis, O.; med- ical student ; practiced medicine Gonzales, Texas. Physician, Gonzales* Texas. WASHINGTON COLLEGE. 337 * Warren, William C— Son of Tnlin «.,.i a July 10, 1826 ; lawstudent w th t„ Joht Ga h T^^^^ '"" ^"^' ^''> '47-54 ; banker '54^70 ; „.arned Oc" 16 'M IVllnH ' 7"'^' '^"^' ^"' Kennedy ; died Erie Pa aJu Ifi ''7n ^'^^' ^^"^^^"' «^ ^^^id ^^ -c^rie, i-a., April 16, '70, congestion of the brain. Banker. Wish ART, John Wilson.— Son of Dr t^k^ i xt , Washington, Pa., April 19 1829 rn.. V , ^'''^' <^^^^°"^' ^«'° T> , . TT . '^ ' ^ ' °iedical student with his father anri Pennsylvania University, graduated '51 • TTn?fn^ c* . * ^ surgeon 140th PennsyLL ^^^sfT^::^.'^^ -Wood, Davib Evans.-Sou of Eev. William and Margaret (Donald); bom ^ew Bedford, Lawrence Co., Pa., Dec. 10, 1823 ; law student Fond du L^ Wis.; practiced law Fond du Lac, Wis., '51-61 ; Judge of Court ; United States Army '61-62, colonel Mth Eegiment Wisconsin Volunteers ; wounded at battle of Pittsburg Landing, Miss.; died from wounds at Fond du Lae Wis., June 17, '62 ; unmarried. Lawyer. ' *WoRK, James EwiNO.-Son of James and Mary H.; born Indiana Co Pa April 24, 1822; died Indiana Co., Pa., April 3, '47, consumption. ' Stul dent. 1847. Baird, GEORGE.-Son of George and Jane (Wilson); born Washington, Pa., Nov. 30, 1829; studied medicine with Dr. JohnWishart, Washington, Pa.r '47-48 ; practiced medicine W^heeling, W. Va., '52—; married Jan. 1, '57, Margaretta J., daughter of John McColloch, Esq. Physician, W^heeling, W. Va. *Barr, Andrew.— Son of John and Nancy (Nelson); bom near Columbus, O., Jan. 30, 1820; P. T. S. '47-50; ordained '50, Presbytery of Columbus; stated supply Eavenswood, W. Va., Shamokin and Elysburg, Pa., '52-^4 j pastor Truro, O., '54-56 ; stated supply Crestline '54, Wysox, Pa., '59-63 ; United States Army, chaplain '63-64; married '51 (?), Mary Franciscus; died in camp April 11, '64, exposure. Presbyterian minister. Blaine, James Gillespie.— Son of Ephraim L. and Maria (Gillespie); bom Brownsville, Pa., Jan. 31, 1830 ; teacher Kentucky ; lawstudent ; practiced law Portland, Me.; editor Portland Advertiser, Kennebec Journal; Maine Legislature '59-62; Member of Congress from Maine 38th and 44th Con- gresses ; Speaker of the House of Eepresentatives ; United States Senate '63-83 ; Secretary of State '81 ; candidate for President of the United States '84; Europe '87-88; Secretary of State '89—; Washington City, District of Columbia. 328 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF CoLMERY, KoBERT C. — Son of William and Violet (Scott); born Washington Co., Pa., April 10, 1822; P. T. S. '47-50; licensed April 10, '49, Pres- bytery of Richland ; ordained June, '51, Presbytery of Richland ; pastor Mt. Vernon, O., '50-50, Wooster '56-61 ; stated supply and pastor Men- dota, 111., '61-69; pastor Delevan '69-71, Frankfort, Ind., '71-74; stated supply Lexington '74-75, Upper Sandusky, O., '75-85, Cardington and Ashley '85 — ; published ''Memoir of Judge Scott," and sermons ; married Oct. 14, '51, Catharine McComb. Presbyterian minister, Upper Sandusky, Ohio. Cooper, Josiah C. — Son of Valentine and Margaret; born Maple Creek, Washington Co., Pa., Oct. 25, 1821 ; teacher ; medical student with Dr. VanVoorhis, Belle Vernon, Pa., and Jefferson Medical College ; Califor- nia one year; practiced medicine, Philadelphia, Pa., '54—; married '58, Emeline Morton. Physician, 1103 Arch Street, Philadelphia. *Creighton, Thomas. — Son of David. and Elizabeth; born Columbiana Co., O.; law student Calcutta, O., '47 — ; unmarried ; died Gallia Co. , O., '49(?). Law student. Curtis, George Douglas. — Son of Robert I. and Anna (Fox); born Wheeling, W. Va., Dec. 29, 1826; horticulturist, Moundsville, W. Va., '47-72, New Martinsville '72—; married Oct. 9, '60, Cynthia A., daughter of John Riggs. New Martinsville, W. Va. *DoDD, Cephas. — Son of Rev. Dr. Cephas and Ruth (Franklin); born Wash- ington Co., Pa., Nov. 29, 1820 ; teacher '47-49 ; medical student; practiced medicine Greene Co., Pa., '51-55, Amity, Washington Co., '55-59 ; married October, '54, Mary, daughter of John McNay ; died Amity, Pa., May 30, '59. Physician. Forbes, Hugh W.— Born Wayne Co., O., Dec. 10, 1821; W. T. S. '52-53; licensed '53, Presbytery of Wooster ; ordained '61, Presbytery of Toledo ; stated supply West Ewing, Iowa, '60-62, Millersburg and South Ridge '62-65, Agricola '65-70, St. Charles '70-71, Iowa Center '77-78 ; honorably retired '79; married July 27, '49, Mary Broadwell. Presbyterian minister, Newell, Iowa. Gow, Alexander Murdock. — Son of John L. and Mary (Murdock); born Washington, Pa., March 18, 1828; law student with J. L. Gow, Esq.; teacher ; Superintendent of Schools, Washington, Pa., Dixon, 111., Rock Island, Council Bluffs, la., Evansville, Ind. ; editor five years ; banker three years; elder Presbyterian Church; published "Good Morals and Gentle Manners," " Primer of Politeness " ; married Oct. 5, '52, Sybil C, daughter of William G. St. Johns. Banker, Fentonville, Iowa. Hampton, John Henry. — Son of Hon. Moses and Annie (Miller); born Union- town, Pa., Oct. 25, 1828 ; law student with Hon. E.H. Stowe, Pittsburg, Pa.; practiced law Pittsburg, Pa., '51 — ; solicitor Pennsylvania Railroad '52 — , Pittsburg, Fort Wayne and Chicago Railroad '52 — . Lawyer, Pittsburg, Pennsylvania. WASHINGTON COLLEGE. ^Hervky, John C.-Son of David and Dora (Faris); bom Canonsburg, Pa 1824; law student; teacher Wellsburg, W. Va., two years, Wheeling! Ward Schools, West Alexander Academy ; Superintendent Schools, Wheel- ing, W. Va.; professor Miami College two years; United States Army, pro- vost marshal ; married '49, Letitia Alexander ; died near W^heeiing, W. Va., '82, heart disease. Teacher. ' " *Hoi.LiDAY, E. Campbell. - Son of William and Mary (Campbell); born Sept. 23, 1821 ; law student, Isaac Hoge, Moundsville, W. Va., '48-49 ; practiced law Moundsville, W. Va., '50-79 ; West Virginia Legislature '56-57 ; Prosecuting Attorney '61-63 ; married April 11, '54^ Sarah L., daughter of Lewis Lunsford ; died Moundsville, W. Va., June 26, '79, congestion of liver. Lawyer. Jacob, John G.— Son of Samuel and Mary A. (Shryer) ; born Wellsburg, W. Va., Oct. 1, 1826 ; editor ; farmer ; married Dec. 29, '59, Belle T., daugh- ter of William Tarr. Editor, Wellsburg, W. Va. Lee, Richard Henry.— Son of Richard Henry and Anna E. (Jourdan); born Leesburg, Va., Aug. 22, 1831 ; civil engineer Pennsylvania, Virginia, North Carolina and Tennessee, '47-61 ; manufacturer near Lewistown, Pa., '61—; married May 24, '58, Mary, daughter of Calvin M. Wilson. Manu- facturer, Lewistown, Pa. LeMoyne, John V.— Son of Dr. F. J. and Madeleine R. (Bureau); born Wash- ington, Pa., 1828; law student ; practiced law Chicago, 111., '52-87; Mem- ber of Congress from Illinois '76-77 ; Europe '87 ; Milvale, near Baltimore, Md., '87 — ; married March, '53, Juliat N. Murray, Pittsburg, Pa. Lawyer, Milvale, Baltimore Co., Md. ^Markle, LaFayette.— Son of General Joseph and Elizabeth (Lloyd); bom Westmoreland Co., Pa., 1826 ; law student ; editor Connellsville, Pa.; Nyack Chronickf Nyack, N. Y.; clerk. Interior Department, Washington, D.C.; mar- ried Mary Ashmun, ( 'onnellsville, Pa., also Emily Souder, Philadelphia, Pa., also Ellen Reid, Brooklyn, N. Y.; died Nyack, N. Y., Oct. 8, '88- Editor. Miller, Gasper M. — Son of William and Mary ; born West Newton, Pa., Nov. 5, 1821; medical student; practiced medicine Fayette Co., Pa., '50-71 ; Ottawa, 111., '71—; married May 8, '51, Rebecca J. Schrozer. Physician, Ottawa, 111. •*Moore, James Robinson.— Son of William and Susanna (Maxwell); born Columbiana Co., O., Aug. 20, 1823; teacher Wheeling, W. Va., '47-52; Morgantown '52-64 ; licensed '52, Presbytery of Washington ; infirm ; mar- ried Jan. 5, '53, Elizabeth I. Moore, Wheeling, W. Va.; died Morgantown, W. Va., Dec. 12, '64. Presbyterian minister. *Moore, William S.— Son of James and (Sutton); born Washington Co., Pa., Nov. 18, 1822; law student with Hon. T. M. T. McKennan, '46-48; practiced law, Washington, Pa., '48(?); Prothonotary Washington Co., '54- 57 ; editor '57-77 ; Treasurer Washington Co., '63-66 ; Member of Congress '72-74; married '49, Elizabeth L., daughter of Samuel Brownlee; died Washington, Pa., Dec. 30, '77, consumption. Lawyer and editor. 330 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF *MoRRisoN, Matthew Porter. — Son of John and Margaret (Porter); born Allegheny Co., Pa., Dec. 14, 1826 ; medical student with Dr. King, Monon- gahela City, and Jefferson Medical College, '47-51 ; practiced medicine, Monongahela City, Pa., '51-85 ; United States Army, surgeon '61-65, Second Divison, Sixth Corps ; unmarried ; died Monongahela City, Pa., Nov. 10, '85. Physician. MuNCE, Robert J. — Son of Robert and Mary (Quail); born Washington Co., Pa., July 4, 1824; teacher; medical student, with Dr. J. Stevens, Wash- ington, Pa.; practiced medicine, Richland Co., O., '50-51, New London,^ Iowa, '51-56; infirm; farmer, Washington Co., Pa., '56 — ; married April, '52, Mary A., daughter of Louis Rehard, Clokeyville, Pa. Neely, Edward B. — Son of John and Amelia (Bagley); born Accomac Co., Va., Dec. 25, 1828 ; teacher ; assistant teacher Warfield Academy, Howard Co., Md., '47-48, Onancock, Accomac Co., Va., '48-50, Margaret Academy, '50-55, St. Joseph, Mo., '55-64 ; Superintendent of Public Schools, St. Joseph, Mo., '64 — ; published •• Supplement to Eclectic Geography;" mar- ried May 5, '52, Charlotte, daughter of Hon. Jacob Slagle. Teacher, St. Joseph, Mo. Orr, William M. — Son of Smith and Maria; born Wayne Co., O., Jan. 7, 1826 ; law student ; practiced law, Orrville, O. ; married '48, Charlotte Mc- Farland. Lawyer, Orrville, O. *Porter, Thomas W. — Son of Moses B. and Mary W.; born Merrittstown, Fayette Co., Pa., November, 1826; law student Washington, Pa., practiced law Waynesburg, Pa., '49-52; unmarried; died Waynesburg, Pa., April 14, '52. Lawyer. *Power, Samuel. — Son of Dr. James and Nancy (Jack); born near Elizabeth, Pa., January, 1826; law student with Col. S. Black, Pittsburg, Pa.; saw- mill on Russian River, California, '50-64 ; White Pine, Nevada, '69-72 ; unmarried ; died near Mineral City, White Pine Co., Nev., June, '72, cabin burned over him, supposed to have been murdered. PusEY, William H. M. — Son of Nathan and Martha (Mills); born July 29, 1826; Locust Farm, Washington Co., Pa.; banker, Council Bluffs, Iowa, '47 — ; married June 21, '49, Sarah E., daughter of Robert Officer. Banker, Council Bluffs, Iowa. *QuAiL, Huston. — Son of David and Margaret R. (Walker); born Washington Co., Pa., October, 1827; law student with Hon. T. M. T. McKennanj practiced law Pittsburg, Pa., '49-55 ; died Washington Co., Pa., Dec. 22, '55, consumption. Lawyer. Rankin, Alexander Reed. — Son of John M. and Agnes (Burns); born Washington Co., Pa., Oct. 15, 1828; Associate Theological Seminary, Can- onsburg, Pa.; licensed Oct. 2, '51, Presbytery of Muskingum; ordained Aug. 17, '52, Presbytery of North Indiana ; pastor New Providence, 111., '52-56, Slippery Rock and Centerville, Pa., '56-61 ; infirm '61-66 ; Xenia Prairie, 111., '66-71; Milroy, Ind., '71-76; Murraysville, Pa., '78-86; Americus, Kan., '86 — ; married June 1, '52, V. C. Degraff. United Presbyterian minister, Americus, Kan. WASHINGTON COLLEGE. 33^ Kobe, Robert.-Soq of Josiah and Jane D. (Frame); bora Waahington Guernsey Co., O., Oct. 10, 1822; theology privately one year; W. T S '48-49 ; licensed '49, Presbytery of ZanesviUe ; ordained '50, same presby- tery ; stated supply Coshocton '51-52 ; Eugene City, Ore., '52-62, Brown». ville and Crawfordsville, '62—; married July 18, '54, Eliza A., daughter of William Walker. Presbyterian minister, Crawfordsville, Ore. *SmTH, James Hervey.— Born Allegheny Co., Pa., 1819; teacher East Lib- erty, Pa., '47-49 ; died East Liberty, Pittsburg, Pa., November, '49, typhoid fever. Teacher. Storer, John H.— Son of John and Sarah (Hindmanj; born Allegheny Co.> Pa., April 22, 1830; teacher Academy, Monongahela City, Pa., '48-49 ; medical student with Dr. Connely, Monongahela City, and Jefferson Medi- cal College, '54; practiced medicine Triadelphia, Va., '54-83, Elm Grove '83-^; married July 24, '66, Susan L., daughter of Elijah Waddeil. Physician, Elm Grove, W. Va. Wilson, Alexander.— Son of Marcus and Ann (Evans); born Wheeling, W. Va., May 23, 1830; telegraph operator, Washington, Pa.; law student with Hon. A. W. Acheson, '50-52, and Harvard Law School, LL.B.; practiced law Washington, '52 — ; District Attorney '56-62. Lawyer, Wash- ington, Pa. HONORARY DEGREE. Ferguson, William McCldskey.— Sonof Joseph and Elizabeth (McCluskey); born Muskingum Co., O., Aug. 30, 1819 ; licensed April 19, '49, Presby- tery of Washington ; ordained April, '50, Presbytery of Zanesville ; pastor Uniontown and Deerfield, O., '50-55, Washington '55-76, Fredericktowa '76-83, Plymouth '83— ; chaplain Ohio Penitentiary, '74-76 ; married Hannah M. Milligan ; A.M., '51. Presbyterian minister. 1848. *Baird, a. Todd.— Son of George and Jane (Wilson); born Washington. Pa., Sept. 25, 1831 ; grocer Washington, Pa., '48-87 ; Treasurer and Trustee Washington and Jefferson College ; married June 8, '65, Clara, daughter of Hugh Wilson ; died Washington, Pa., March 25, '87, diaboetes. Grocer, Washington, Pa. «Blachley, Lewis S.— Son of Dr. S. L. Blachley and Sarah (Lindsey) ; born New Castle, Pa., 1826 ; medical student with Dr. Blachley, Medical Col- lege, Cleveland, O.; practiced medicine Dane, Wis., till '56, Wyandotte, Kan., '56-61, Wisconsin '61-63 ; United States Array surgeon, '63; naar- ried May 9, '50, Rebecca McCombs; died in army near Vicksburg, Miss., May 23, '63, dysentery. Physician. Black, James.— Born Westmoreland Co., Pa., April 27, 1826 ; teacher ; W. T. S., '48-49 ; licensed April 15, '52, Presbytery of Redstone; ordained June 14 '53, same presbytery ; stated supply, Jefferson, Pa., '52 ; stated supply and pastor Connellsville '53-59; Professor of Greek, Washington College, '59-68 ; Vice-President Washington and Jefferson College ; stated supply 332 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF Lower Tea Mile '50-64, East Buffalo '64-68 ; President State University, Iowa, '68-70 ; President Female College, Pittsburg, Pa., '70-75 ; Professor of Greek, Wooster Uuversity, '75 — ; married April 20, '52, Mrs. Emily W. E. Foster; D.D., New Jersey College; LL.D., '83, State University, Iowa. Presbyterian minister, Wooster, O. Clark, James Murray. — Son of Major David and Eliza (Johnston); born AVashington Co., Pa., March 7, 1828 ; law student with Hon. T. M. T. and W. McKennau ; practiced law Washington and Allegheny Counties, Pa.; married Jan. 28, '51, Margaret A. Clark. Lawyer, Canonsburg, Pa. CoLMERY, J. Scott. — Son of William and Violet (Scott); born Washington Co., Pa., Feb. 12, 1824 ; teacher ; President of Grenada Masonic Academy, Mississippi, Odd-Fellows' Female College, Carrollton, Miss., Central Mis- sissippi Institute, French Camp, Miss.; farmer; married July 14, '53, Abigail, daughter of Seth Geer; also Bettie L., daughter of Rev. W. H. Harris. Residence, Vaiden, Miss. Cooke, James Eyster. — Son of Rev. Dr. Charles and Charlotte ; born W^heel- ing, Va., Aug. 24, 1829 ; business ; real estate broker and conveyancer, Philadelphia ; United States Army ; Battery H, Independent Pennsylvania Light Artillery, '64-65. Residence, Philadelphia, Pa. Craig, John H. — Son of Hugh and Hannah (Henderson); born Washington Co., Pa., July 31, 1824; teacher Merrittstown, Pa., '49, Natchez, Miss., '50-53 ; law student with Hon. T. M. T. McKennan, Washington, Pa., and others, '49-56 ; practiced law Keokuk, Iowa, '57 — ; married Dec. 24, '63, Alice, daughter of Daniel Read, LL.D., Madison, Wis. Lawyer, Keokuk, Iowa. ♦Creigh, John D. — Son of John; born Bloomfield, Pa., 1828; business in Mexico, California and elsewhere; married Mrs. Smith; died Nov. 1, '81. *Davenport, Samuel.— Born Barnesville, O., June 14, 1828 ; teacher Woods- field Academy ; Dickinson College, Carlisle ; United States Army '61 ; law student ; teacher most of the time ; married Jan. 19, '51, Caroline Gratigny; died Bluffton, Ind., Dec. 18, '80. Teacher. DoDD, Elias F. — Son of Rev. Dr. Cephas and Ruth (Fleniken); born Wash- ington Co., Pa., Dec. 1, 1823; teacher '48-49; medical student with Dr. C. Dodd ; practiced medicine Washington Co., Pa., '53 — ; captain band, Ringold Battalion Pennsylvania Volunteer Militia ; married May 12, '53, Margaret, daughter of Eli Bradford. Physician, Van Buren, Pa. Edmiston, David. — Son of Robert and Rebecca (Smith); born Jan. 1, 1823 ; teacher Sunbury, O., Shreveport, La., '50-51, Dayton, O., '52-53; princi- pal Edgar Collegiate Institute, Paris, 111., '54-66 ; United States Army '61- 64, captain artillery and infantry ; Superintendent of Schools, Olney, 111., '67-83; Flora '83-85; farmer, Harper, Kan.; married Aug. 10, '51, Sarah A., daughter of I. R. Irving, Auburn, N. Y. Farmer, Harper, Kansas. ♦Fenton, Norman D. — Born Washington, Pa., Feb. 3, 1831 ; law student with J. H. B. Latrobe, Baltimore, Md.; practiced law Galveston, Texas, '51-53; died San Antonio, Texas, June 1, '53, dysentery. Lawyer. WASHINGTON COLLEGE. 333 Fleming, William ARCHER.-Bom Westmoreland Co., Pa., Aug. 29 1829 • W. T. S., '48-53; licensed April 15, '52, Presbytery of Redstone ; ordained May 31, o4, Presbytery of Peoria; pastor Farmington, 111., '54-57, Lewis- town, Pa., '57-59 ; stated supply Center '60-61 ; pastor Johnstown '61-02 Frostburg, Lonaconing and Boston, Md., '62-63, Martinsburg and East Freedom, Pa., '64-65; pastor Marietta '65-67, Johnstown '67 ; evangelist; pastor Duluth, Minn., previous to '81 ; married Sept. 23, '62, Lizzie J. Prideaux. Presbyterian minister, Duluth, Minn. FoRSYTHE, James C— Son of George and Margaret (Henry); born near Mc- Keesport, Pa., June 24, 1826; teacher '48-49 ; A^ociate Reformed Theo- logical Seminary, Allegheny, '48-51 ; licensed April 20, '51, Associate Reformed Presbytery of Blairsville ; ordained Oct. 27, '52, Presbytery of Steubenville ; pastor Associate Reformed Church, Cadiz, O., '52-58, Salem, N. Y., '58-70, Reformed Dutch Church, Farmer, '70-75, Presby- terian Church, Montgomery, 75—; married Nov. 10, '57, Persis M., daughter of Jechonias Thayer. Presbyterian minister, Montgomery, New York. *FoRSYTHE, James H.— Born Wheeling, Va., (now West Virginia,) Jan. 5, 1830 ; business, Wheeling, Va., some years ; St. Louis, Mo., business; died St. Louis, Mo., Sept. 6, '67. *Hartz, Antoine. — Born, Northern France ; law student, Pittsburg, Pa.; prac- ticed law Cincinnati, O., '51-56; disappeared, believed to be dead. ^Kennedy, William Bentley. — Son of John and Hannah; born Union Township, Washington Co., Pa., Feb. 17, 1827 ; medical student with Dr. W. B. Lank, Finleyville, Pa.; practiced medicine Canonsburg, Pa., '52-55; died Aug. 31, '55, at his father's, Union Township, Washington Co., Pa. Physician. Kjng, William Richardson. — Son of John and Christiana; born Bedford Forge, Bedford Co., Pa., Nov. 8, 1824; no profession; Associate Judge Bedford Co., Pa., '83 — ; residence Bedford, Pa. Leavitt, Edwin Howe.— Son of Hon. H. H. Leavitt; born Steubenville, O., Nov. 18, 1829 ; P. T. S. '51-52 ; W. T. S. '52-54 ; ordained '54, Presby- tery of Steubenville ; foreign missionary to India, Lahore, India, '55-57 ; agent Bible Society, Tennessee, '58-61 ; pastor Zanesville, O., '62-65, Cin- cinnati '65-66 ; United States Army, chaplain '66-70 ; Protestant Episco- pal Church '79—. LouGHRY, Joseph Nelson.— Son of Colonel William and Mary ; born Blairs- ville, Pa., March 28, 1826 ; P. T. S. '50-51 ; licensed April, '51 ; ordained April, '52, Central Presbytery ; teacher; principal Stone's River Academy '51-54 ; President Green River Female Academy, Ky., '54-58 ; pastor Murfreesboro, Tenn., '62-65; married March, '51, Ada A. Brown, also February, '80, Mrs. S. C. Bethel. Cumberland Presbyterian minister, LasCassas, Tenn. 834 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF *McCann, Hugh Dickson. — Son of John and Anna (Dickson); born Erie, Pa., May G, 1824 ; law student; practiced law New Orleans, La., '50-55; married '51, Eliza, daughter of Dr. INIcConnell, New Orleans, La.; died Philadelphia, Pa., Dec. 12, '55, consumption. Lawyer. McClusky, James W. — Son of William and Jane (Larimore); born Indiana Co., Pa., Sept. 11, 1822; W. T. S. '48-51 ; licensed April, 51, Presbytery of Blairsville ; ordained June, '52, Presbytery of Fort Wayne ; stated sup- ply and pastor Wabash, Ind., '51-53 ; stated supply Kosswell '53-57, Cas- cade, la., '57-58, Camden, Ind., '58-64, Somerville, O., '64-76, Paulding '76-79; Delta '79-84 ; pastor Antwerp '85—; married April 28, '52, Eliza- beth, daughter of Matthew Rankin. Presbyterian minister, Antwerp, O. *McFarland, David Fulton.— Born Washington Co., Pa., March 12, 1820 ; W. T. S. '49-51 ; licensed Oct. 8, '51, Presbytery of Washington ; ordained July 8, '52, Presbytery of Peoria; pastor Brunswick and Salem, 111., *53-54, French Grove '54-59 ; stated supply Quiver, Havanna ; teacher Mattoon Female Seminary '61-66 ; Santa Fe, N. M., '66 ; San Diego, Cal., '73 ; married Oct. 20, '57, Amanda A. Reed; died Lapwai, Idaho, May 13, '76. Presbyterian minister. Marquis, John Stevenson. — Son of Robert and Mary (Stevenson); born Washington Co., Pa., May 19, 1825; W. T. S. '51-53; licensed April 20, '53, Presbytery of Washington ; ordained April 18, '55, same presbytery ; stated supply Sistersville, W. Va., '53-57, Big Spring, New Cumberland and Fairmount '57-61 ; pastor Richmond, Bacon Ridge and East Spring- field, O., '62-65, Pigeon Creek '68-84; principal Academy, Canonsburg, Pa.; stated supply Lower Ten Mile; married June 8, '63, Margaret B. McConoughy. Presbyterian minister, Washington, Pa. Messenger, John. — Born Washington Co., Pa.; Associate Theological Semin- ary, Canonsburg; law student, W^ashington ; teacher Academy, Washington County ; Pennsylvania Legislature; ruling elder Presbyterian Church; mar- ried Mary J. Wilson. Teacher, Dunningsville, Pa. *Pressley, David Alexander Porter. — Son of Rev. Dr. John T. and Jane (Hearst); born Cedar Springs, S. C, April 12, 1829 ; medical student with Dr. R. Mowry, Allegheny, Pa.; druggist many years; Pennsylvania Legislature ; unmarried ; died Allegheny, Pa., Feb. 28, '65, apoplexy. Searight, Thomas B. — Son of William and Rachel (Bromfield); born Fay- ette Co., Pa., Feb. 20, 1827 ; law student with Hon. James Veach, Union- town, Pa., '48-50 ; practiced law Uniontown and Pittsburg, Pa., '50 — ; Lin, Colorado, '51-54 ; Prothonotary Fayette County, Pennsylvania, three terms, Pennsylvania Legislature '64-65 ; Senate '67-69; Surveyor-General, Colo- rado, '74-77 ; published ''The Old Pike;" married Oct. 29, '57, Rose, daughter of Hon. R. P. Flemkin. Lawyer, Uniontown, Pa. Shafer, Joshua M. — Son of John and Charlotte (Slagle); born Washington, Pa., Dec. 13, 1830; medical student Washington, Pa., '48-51, and Univer- sity of Pennsylvania '51-52 ; practiced medicine Elizabeth, Pa., '48-52, WASHINGTON COLLEGE. 335 Fairfie d, la., 'o2-74, Keokuk '80-; published thirteen volumes Iowa State Agricultural Society ; United States Army, surgeon '03-04 • Iowa Senate '62 ; married March 18, '56, Malvina J. Cu'rry. 'physieian! kZu^ Slagle, Jacob F -Son of Jacob and Martha (Allison); born Washington, Pa.. April 6, 1830; teacher Pennsylvania and Virginia '48-51; law student Zt ^T'.^- ^- T- ^;^— - '53-56 ; ordained '56, Synod of Allegheny ; pastor Freeport '56-61, Bethel '61-67, Elderton '67 — ; married , also June 6, '54, Martha Shellabarger^ Lutheran minister, Elderton, Pa. 1852. Blair, John Pringle. — Son of Rev. Dr. Blair; born Indiana, Pa., March 28, 1823 ; law student with Hon. S. S. Blair, Holidaysburg, Pa. ; practiced law New Castle, Pa., '56-61 ; District Attorney '58-61 ; United States Army '62-65; wounded ; practiced law Indiana, Pa., '65-74 ; Presiding Judge Fortieth Judicial District '64 — ; married Feb. 14, '66, Elizabeth M.. Sutton. Lawyer, Indiana, Pa. *Brooks, David L. C. — Born New Lisbon, O., Nov. 27, '30 ; law student Cambridge Law School '55-56, Poughkeepsie, N. Y., '56-57 ; practiced law Beloit, Wis., '57-61, Booneville, N. Y., '61—; died Beloit, Wis., July 14, '63. Lawyer. WASHINGTON COLLEGE. 547 *Clark, William Owen.— Bom Washington Co., Pa., Feb. 20, 1831 ; law student with Hon. Steele Blair, Holidaysburg, Pa.; practiced 'law Peoria, 111., '54-55 ; died Peoria, 111., Oct. 21, '55, typhoid fever. Lawyer. Finney, Jonathan.— Son of John and Eebecca; born Holmes Co., O., Feb- ruary, 1828 ; theological student ; licensed '58, Free Presbytery ; ordained Free Presbytery; stated supply DeKay, O., one year, Red Oak seven years, Goodhue, Minn., twenty-two years ; married May 18, '54, Agnes L. Finney. Presbyterian minister, Red Wing, Minn. GiLMORE, Robert.— Born Ohio Co., Va., Aug. 24, 1822 ; Associate Theolog- ical Seminary, Canonsburg, '52-53 ; licensed '53, Associate Presbytery of Chartiers ; preaching three years ; infirm ; editor Presbyterian Witney, '58-68; teacher Eleutherian College, Ind., '68-71, Richmond, '71-83, McKinney Manufacturing Co., Allegheny, Pa., '83—; married Oct. 17, '65, Sarah E. McKinney, Allegheny, Pa. Henderson, John D.— Born Allegheny, Pa., June 27, 1832; California, Mexico; la>jr student with Hon. Wm. McKennan, Washington, Pa.; assistant editor Memphis, Tenn., Eagle and Enquirer, till '56 ; colonel of Southern Regiment to Kansas ; editor Leavenworth Journal ; member Lecom- ton Constitutional Convention ; Colorado '58-61 ; United States Army, '61-65 ; agent Pueblo Indians, New Mexico, '66-68 ; chief engineer Bureau of Mines, Island of Oruba, West Indies; engineer Venezuela; captain of steamer South America; journalizing. New York, '72 — ; mar- ried , '57, also '72, Miss Ross. Ijams, William E. — Son of James H. and Mary Ann ; born West Rashville, O., Dec. 16, 183C; licensed '64, Presbytery of Huntingdon; ordained '65, Presbytery of Northumberland ; stated supply Clearfield '64 ; pastor Danville (Grove), '65-68, Germantown '68-71 ; Superintendent Iowa Institute for Deaf and Dunb, nine years ; pastor Congregational Church, Iowa City, Iowa, '79 — ; married Nov. 6, '56, Elizabeth A. Culbertson. Congregational minister, Iowa City, Iowa. *Kennedy, Elias W. — Editor, Florence, Ala.; business Louisville, Ky.; Confederate States Army; died Louisville, Ky., Nov. 16, *75, heart disease. *La whence, William Caldwell Anderson.— Son of Joseph and Maria (Bucher); born Washington Co., Pa., May 18, 1832 ; law student, Washing- ton, Pa. practiced law Harrisburg, Pa., '53-60 ; Pennsylvania Legislature, '57, '58, '59; Speaker House of Representatives, Pennsylvania, '59-60; died Harrisburg, Pa., April 21, '60. Lawyer. Maxwell, Robert F.— Born Washington Co., Pa., Oct. 27, 1826 ; teacher Accomac Co., Va., '52-54, St. Joseph, Mo., '54-55 ; merchant '55—; mar- ried Sept. 1, '58, M. L. Wallace. Merchant, St. Joseph, Mo. Ormond, Benjamin Kelso.— Son of Alexander P. and Jane (Kelso); born. Washington Co., Pa.; Associate Reformed Theological Seminary, Alle- gheny, '52-55; licensed '55, Associate Reformed Presbytery of Alle- gheny ; ordained Sept. 9, '58, Presbytery of Lawrence ; pastor Sharon 348 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF '58-80, Presbyterian Church, '81, Jackson, O., till '86, Toledo, '86— ; mar- ried May 6, '57, Mary, daughter of Col. John McFarland, Ligonier, Pa. Presbyterian minister, Toledo, O. Kked, Thomas Baird.— Son of Dr. Eobert R. and Eleanor (Baird); born Washington Co., Pa., Oct. 23, 1834; engineer railroad '52-53; medical student with Dr. Blackburn, and Jefferson Medical College, Pennsylvania University, '59 ; resident physician, Pennsylvania Hospital, '59-61 ; United States Army; assistant surgeon Pennsylvania Volunteers; surgeon '62-65; practiced medicine, Philadelphia, '60 — ; married Oct. 23, '67, Mary G., daughter of Archibald Campbell. Physician, Philadelphia, Pa. *Shields, James Marshall. — Son of John and Elizabeth (Speedy); born near Indiana, Pa., Jan. 27, 1829; W. T. S., '52-55; licensed April 11, '54, Presbytery of Blairsville ; ordained Aug. 29, '55, Presbytery of Erie; pastor Georgetown and Fairfield, Pa., '55-64, Bridgewater '64-74, Millvale 74_84, Orrville, O., '84-87 ; Director Western Theological Seminary ; married May 11, 55, S, Anna, daughter of Samuel Donahey ; D.D., New Windsor College ; died Allegheny, Pa., Nov. 8, '87. Presbyterian min- ister. •Smith, William Wrenchall. — Son of William and Fannie F. (Wrenchall); born Washington, Pa., Aug. 15, 1830 ; law student, merchant and banker, Washington, Pa.; United States Army; aid-de-camp, staff of General Grant ; married June 13, '67, Emma W., daughter of Hon. Wm. McKen- nan. Banker, Washington, Pa. ♦Taylor, Thomas Jefferson. — Son of Robert and Margaret (Patton); born Indiana, Pa., Sept. 23, 1828 ; teacher; W. T. S., '52-55 ; licensed June, '55, Presbytery of Steubenville ; stated supply Coshocton, O., '55, Montezuma, la., '56-59; ordained evangelist November, '56, Presbytery of Cedar ; pastor Winterset, la., '59-62; United States Army ; chaplain 39th Regiment Iowa Volunteers, '62 ; Tolona, 111.; married Aug. 28, '56, Sue F., daughter of Prof. Alrich, Washington, Pa.; died Tolona, 111., Jan. 1, '65, exposure in the army. Presbyterian minister. Todd, David R. — Son of James and Catherine (Seltizer); born Dauphin Co., Pa., Jan. 31, 1829; N. A. T. S., '53; D. T. S., '54-55; licensed Sept. 12, '55, Presbytery of Miami; ordained July 12, '59, Presbytery of Hillsborough; pastor Litchfield, 111., '59, Dawson and Williamsville '60-67, Bethlehem and West Union, Ind., '67-70, Netawaka, Kennekuk '70— (?); Netawaka and Corning '86 ; married March '23, 58, Carrie N., daughter of Abner Baker. Presbyterian minister, Netawaka, Kan. *WiLSON, SAMUEii Jennings. — Born Washington Co., Pa., July 19, 1828 ; W. T. S., '52-55 ; licensed April 19, '55, Presbytery of Washington ; ordained Oct. 20, '57, same presbytery; stated supply Sharpsburg, Pa.; pastor Sixth Church, Pittsburg, Pa., '6Q- {?); tutor Hebrew and Church History, W. T. S., '55-57 ; Professor of Biblical and Ecclesiastical History, '57-83 ; married Dec. 22, '59, Mary E., daughter of Robert Davis ; Moderator Gen- eral Assembly, '74 ; Synod of Pennsylvania, '82 ; Trustee Washington and Jefferson College; died Sewickley, Pa., Aug. 17, '83 ; D.D., LL.D. Pres- byterian minister. WASHINGTON COLLEGE. 349 WiSHART, ALEXANDER.-Son of Dr. John and Martha (Wilson); born Wash- ington, Pa., June 4, 1834; clerk; teacher, West Virginia; principal of schools, Washington, Pa., '59-61; United States Army, '61-()2 ; captain 8th Pennsylvania Reserves; Superintendent Schools, '62-66 ; United States Army, '66-; lieutenant; brevet captain ; agent L. and O. Society, Pitte- burg, Pa.; married Dec. 1, '53, Rebecca M. Stockton, Pittsburg, Pa. 1853. *Blair, Carter C— Son of David and Eleanor (Deary); born Pittsburg, Pa., March 24, 1830 ; teacher Kentucky, '53-54 ; practiced law Pittsburg, '56-68*;. married March 3, '57, Nannie E., daughter of' William McCullough, Linton, O.; died Linton, O., Feb. 12, '68, spinal meningitis. Lawyer. BoREMAN, Jacob Smith.— Son of Kenner Seaton and Sarah (Ingham); born Middlebourne, Tyler Co., W. Va., Aug. 4, 1831; law student '53-55, with Gov. A. I. Boreman and Virginia University ; practiced law Parkersburg, W. Va., '55-58, Kansas City, Mo., '58-61; United States Array, '61-62; Judge of Probate Court and Common Pleas, Jackson Co., Mo., '62, and Criminal Judge, '62-68 ; Legislature, Missouri, '69 ; editor Kansas Bulletiuy '70; United States Judge, Territory of Utah, '73-80, '85~; member General Conference, Methodist Episcopal Ciiurch, '85 ; married Sept. 4, 'Q6, Mary, daughter of N. R. Ferguson. Lawyer, Salt Lake City, Utah. Campbell, William Ward.— Son of Dr. Hugh and Rachel B. (Lyon); born Uniontown, Pa., Dec. 28, 1832; teacher '53-56; W. T. S., '56, and privately with Dr. A. G. Fairchild ; licensed April 14, '59, Presbytery of Redstone ; ordained Oct. 5, '59, same presbytery ; pastor Fairmount, W. Va., '59-62, Parkersburg '62-64, Seventh Street Church, Washington, D. C, '64-67, Nashville, Tenn., '67-70; stated supply Delphi and Crawfordsville, Ind., '70-71, First Church, Plymouth, '72 ; stated supply New Castle, Pa., Gettysburg '72-75, Huntingdon Presbytery '75-79 ; professor Pennsylvania Agricultural College, '79-81 ; Grove Church, Maryland,. '81-84 ; married May 29, '61, Caroline, daughter of Mr. Z. Chandler, also Oct. 31, '66, S., daughter of Truman Belt. Presbyterian minister, Wilmington, Del. *Elliott, Andrew Jackson. — From Monroeville, Pa.; United Presbyterian Theological Seminary 1853-54 ; died Saltsburg, Pa., Sept. 25, '54. Theo- logical student. *EwiNG, George C. — Son of James and Harriet (Baird); born Fayette Co., Pa., Oct 22, 1835; medical student Jefferson Medical College '53-58; practiced medicine West Liberty, W. Va., '58-62 ; United States Army, surgeon 115th Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers '62-64 ; practiced medi- cine Uniontown, Pa., '64-66 ; married May 4, '59, Jennie B. Porter; died Uniontown, Pa., Jan. 26, '66, diphtheria. Physician. *F0RBES, Anderson C— Son of Rev. Cochran and Rebecca D. (Smith); born Kaowaloa, Hawaii, Sandwich Islands, April 14, 1833; P. T. S. '55-58; licensed '57, Presbytery of Blairsville ; ordained May 5, '58, Presbytery of Philadelphia ; foreign missionary to Sandwich Islands ; missionary Molokai, Hawaii, '58-68 ; pastor Second Native Church, Honolulu, '68-71 ; professor 350 GENERAL CATALOGUE OP native college, Lalialnaluna, 71-74; pastor First Foreign Church, Hilo, '74-80 ; Corresponding Secretary Hawaiian Board of Missions '80—; married Dec. 21, '58, Maria J., daughter of Levi Chamberlain ; died '88. Presby- terian minister, Honolulu, Hawaiian Island. ♦Hamilton, John Reyburn.— Born Westmoreland Co., Pa., March 17, 1833; W. T. S. '55-58 ; licensed '57, Presbytery of Blairsville ; ordained '58, Presbytery of Erie; pastor Fairview, Girard and Westminster '58-63; United States Army, chaplain 111th Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers '63-65; pastor Newark, Del., '66-70; Red Bank, N. J., '70-76; married Maria M. Hamilton ; died Jan. 12, '76. Presbyterian minister. Heslet, Samuel M.— Son of John and Eliza ; born Uniontown, Pa., July 29, 1826; teacher Mendota, 111.; United States Army one year, captain; Blinois Legislature one term ; married July 11, '55, Mary M. Stewart. Teacher, Mendota, 111. HrLii, John Franklin.— Son of John and Margaret (Galbreath); born Slate- lick, Pa., Feb. 20, 1835 ; teacher, Ohio '54-55 ; Reformed Presbyterian Theological Seminary, Philadelphia; W. T. S.; licensed June, '57, Reformed Presbytery of Pittsburg ; ordained Dec. 29, '58, same presbytery ; pastor Harrisville, Pa., '58-69, New Bedford, Pa., andLowville, O.,'69-70, Shelby ville, Tenn., tiir76, Bridgeville, Pa., '76-84, Chartiers '84— ; mar- ried Dec. 29, '59, Margaret G., daughter of Rev. Dr. T. C. Guthrie. Pres- byterian minister, Canonsburg, Pa. Howard, Robert Allen. — Son of Rev. Dr. William D. and Adelaide M. (Allen); born Philadelphia, Pa., Nov. 8, 1835 ; law student with Shaler, Stanton & Umbstadter, Pittsburg, Pa.; practiced law Omaha, Nebraska, '57-61; United States District Attorney ; United States Army '61-65, 1st Nebraska Infantry, cavalry, staff of Generals Marcy and Steele ; Cotton Commission ; prac- ticed law Little Rock, Ark., '65-85 ; Assistant Attorney General for Court of Claims, Washington, D. C, '85 — . Lawyer, Washington, D. C. LuDiNGTON, Elisha H. — Bom Pennsylvania(?) ; United States Army, captain 17th infantry '61, brevet major '63, major and assistant inspector-general '64, brevet lieutenant colonel '65, brevet-colonel; retired from service March, *79, because of disease contracted in army. Soldier. •Lyons, Nathaniel Barr. —Born Donegal, Ireland, Nov. 5, 1822 ; W. T. S. '53-56 ; licensed April 12, '55, Presbytery of Redstone ; ordained '56, Pres- bytery of New Lisbon ; pastor Hubbard, Liberty and Brookfield, O., '56-59, Upper Ten Mile, Pa., '59-68 ; married May, '56, Mary Jane Sample; died Prosperity, Pa., May 19, '68. Presbyterian minister. *McCluskey, Clement L. B— Son of Rev. Dr. John and Lydia (Hall); born ; law student with Theodore Cuyler ; died Philadelphia, Pa., March 1, '61. Lawyer. McIlvaine, George H. — Son of Rev. William B. and Elizabeth (Breading); born East Liberty, Pa., Aug. 10, 1834 ; merchant Peoria, 111., '53-70 ; banker '70 ; President Bankers' Association ; cashier Second National WASHINGTON COLLEGE. 351 Bank, Peoria ; Mechanics' National Bank ; Christian Commission; Sanitary Commission ; elder Presbyterian Church ; mairied Aug. 18, '57, Priscilla J daughter of Josiah E. McClure, Franklin Co., Pa. Banker, Peoria, 111! Marshall, Alexander Stewart—Soh of John and Elizabeth (Stewart)- born Dayton, Armstrong Co., Pa., April 29, 1829 ; W. T. S., '53-54; P t' S. '54-55; licensed June, '55, Presbytery of Blairsville; ordained April* '57, Presbytery of Cedar; pastor Marion, Iowa, '56-; published '*0n Woman's Sphere;" married Dec. 3, '55, Mary K., daughter of Andrew Christy; D.D. Presbyterian minister, Marion, Iowa. Posey, David K.-Son of William and Sarah (Boot); torn Chester Co., Pa., 1832 ; W. T. S., '54 ; sight failed ; medical student ; practiced medicine^ Philadelphia, Pa., '56—; married Feb. 20, '62, Emily J. CampbeU. Physician, Arch Street, Philadelphia. Stockton, James Clark.— Son of Rev. Dr. John and Nancy R. (Clark); born Cross Creek Village, Pa.; studied with Dr. L. M. Sevin, Philadelpnia; United States Army; surgeon 36th United States colored troops, '6U65; practiced medicine Chicago, 111., Philadelphia '65—; married April 15, '68, Lou M. (Carington). Physician, 654 North Forty-third Street, Philadelphia. Williams, Samuel. — Son of Levi and Mary (Phipps); born Venango Co., Pa., Oct. 25, 1820 ; W. T. S., '53-56 ; licensed June 15, '56, Presbytery of Alle- gheny ; ordained April 14, '57, same presbytery ; pastor Centerville and Muddy Creek, Pa., '56—; married March 12, '63, Sarah, daughter of William Dunlap. Presbyterian minister, Elora, Pa. 1854. Agnew, Benjamin Lashells.- Son of Smith and Maria M. (Sterrett)); born Armstrong Co., Pa., Oct. 3, 1833; W. T. S., '54-57 ; licensed April 8, '56, Presbytery of Allegheny ; ordained Feb. 8, '58, Presbytery of Blairsville ; pastor Johnstown, Pa., '58-67, Westminster Church, Philadelphia, '68-70, North Church '70-82, East Liberty '82-84, Bethlehem Church, Philadel- phia, '84 — ; married Anna Cochran ; D.D. Presbyterian minister, Phil- adelphia, Pa. Alexander, Ross J. — Son of Robert J. and Mary Ann (Jennings); born St. Clairsville, O., Dec. 25, 1834; law student with R. J.Alexander, St. Clairs- ville, O., '54-56; practiced law St. Clairsville, O., '56-72; Bridgeport '72—; Ohio Legislature '78-79; Mayor, St. Clairsville, O., '58-59 ; married July 14, '58, Margaretta, daughter of Isaac Askew. Lawyer, Bridgeport, O. *Beldex, Edward L. — Sen of Austin and Charlotte I. (Hawley); born Norfolk, Cofln., April 28, 1831 ; W. T. S., '54-57 ; licensed 'oQ, Presbytery of Steu- benville; ordained '58, Presbytery of Cedar; pastor Muscatine, Iowa, '58-65 ; teacher Mt. Pleasant, Iowa ; stated supply Mt. Pleasant, and New London '65-71 ; married Jan. 27, '58, Jane McCullough ; died St. Paul, Minn., Aug. 22, '71. Presbyterian minister. 352 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF *Craig, James F.— Born Venango Co., Pa.; W. T. S., 1854; died Venango Co., Pa., April 23, '55, theological student. FiNLEY, Francis M.— Son of Levi and Rachel (Neel); born Washington Co., Pa., March 7, 1833; medical student with Dr. C. W- Townsend, '55-50 ; and Jefferson Medical College '56-57; health failed ; farmer '57 — ; married Sept. 23, '69, Emmeline, daughter of John Thompson. Farmer, Finley- ville, Pennsylvania. ^Fuller, Daniel. — Son of James and Lucinda ; born Perryopolis, Fayette Co., Pa., Feb. 24, 1831 ; medical student ; practiced medicine Pittsburg, Pa., '58-66 ; married Nov. 8, '59, Margaretta T. Coleman ; died Philadel- phia, Pa., March 7, '70. Physician. FuiiTON, William. — Son of William and Mary (Peairs); born near West New- ton, Pa., June 4, 1829; teacher Louisiana '54-56, Pennsylvania '56 ; law student Louisiana '55-56, Pennsylvania '56, Keokuk, Iowa, and Hornish & Loman, '57-58 ; practiced law Keokuk, Iowa, '58 — ; deacon and elder Presbyterian Church ; married June 20, '65, Lizzie, daughter of W^illiam Dalzell. Lawyer, Keokuk, Iowa. Harding, Hugh Wilson.- Son of Richard W. and Rachel L. (Wilson); born Washington, Pa.; teacher, Academy, Wheeling, W. Va., '54-66 ; professor Bethany College, W. Va., '66-72, Lehigh University of Physics, '72—; teacher, Bethlehem, Pa. *Jack, Robert Boyd. — Son of John and Margaret (Boyd); born near Taren- , tum. Pa., Nov. 8, 1829 ; teacher ; principal Glade Run Academy, '54 ; studied theology with Rev. C. Forbes; died Glade Run, Pa., Feb. 18, '55, typhoid fever. Student. King, Courtlen.— Born Dec. 25, 1826 ; W. T. S., '57-58 ; dentist, Mononga- hela City ; manufacturing dentist, Uniontown, Pa. Residence, Uniontown, Pennsylvania. Lewis, George R.— Son of Rev. David and Elizabeth W. (Porter); born Indi- ana Co., Pa., Nov. 21, 1836; medical student with Dr. D. W. Lewis, Ebens- burg, Pa., '54-57 ; practiced medicine '57-62 ; United States Army ; assist- ant surgeon 57th Pennsylvania Volunteers, '62-63 ; surgeon 61st Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, '63-65; drug and book business Indiana, Pa., '65-82 ; wholesale merchant, St. Paul, Minn., '82—; married Aug. 3, '60, Nannie, daughter of John McLane. Merchant, St. Paul, Minn. McBride, Archibald.— Son of James and Ann (Cockins); born Allegheny Co., Pa., Sept. 2, 1831 ; law student with' Geo. S. Selden, Pittsburg, Pa., '54-57 ; practiced law Pittsburg, Pa., '57—; married June 3, '62, Fannie J., daughter of James S. Porter, New Cumberland, W. Va. Lawyer, Pittsburg, Pa. *McKennan, Thomas T.— Son of Rev. Dr. James W. and Elizabeth (Hal- stead); born West Liberty, Va., Dec. 19, 1831 ; died Frankford Springs,. Pa., May 6, '58. Civil engineer. WASHINGTON COLLEGE. 353 *MooRE, James H.— Son of Joseph and Sarah (Ross); born Waynesburg, Pa., Feb. 25, 1829 ; teacher Shelbyville, Ind.; Superintendent of Public Schools,' Terre Haute ; law student Terre Haute; practiced law Terre Haute, Ind.] (?)— 64 ; married '56, Sophrone, daughter of G. R. Webster ; United State! Army, '64; volunteer ; died Bridgeport, Ala., '64, congestion of the brain. Lawyer. *ScoTT, George Kerr.— Son of George K. and Mary Ann (Holbert); born Washington, Pa., Aug. 17, 1837 ; W. T. S., '55-58 ; licensed April, '58, Presbytery of Washington; ordained April, '59, same presbytery; stated supply Wayne and Chester, O., '61-62, Virginia,^ III., '63-65, Indepen- dence, Mo., '66-67 ; pastor Appleby Manor, Pa., '67-71, Crooked Creek '67-70, Cherry Run '67-70, Westmoreland Co., Pa., '72-74, Clarksburg, W. Va., '74-77, Cairo '77-81, Shade Gap, Pa., '81-83, Schellsburg '83^ Mobeetie, Tex., '86 ; Mason '88, married Nov. 24, '59, Ella T., daughter of Samuel Beatty, Macon, Tex.; died Jan. 10, '89, consumption, Mobeetie, Texas. Presbyterian minister. Slagle, Bernard Wolff.— Son of Jacob and Martha ; born Washington, Pa., Dec. 27, 1832; law student; W. T. S., '55-58; licensed '58, Presbytery of Washington ; ordained '59, same presbytery ; stated supply Monticello and Canton, Mo., '58-61 ; pastor Defiance, O., '62 — ; married Oct. 30, '62, Margaretta B., daughter of Dr. John D. Vowell. Presbyterian min- ister. Defiance, O. Wishart, Marcus. — Son of Dr. John and Martha (Wilson); born Washington, Pa., Feb. 4, 1836 ; W. T. S., '56-59 ; licensed '60, Presbytery of Wasiiing- ton ; ordained '61, same presbytery; stated supply Moline Creek, Mo., '60, Third Church, Wheeling, AV. Va., '61-62; First Church, Meadville, Pa., '63-64 ; pastor Tarentum, '68-70 ; stated supply Minersville '71, Rehoboth '74_77^ Waterford '77— : married May 15, '61, Elizabeth W., daughter of William Bell. Presbyterian minister, Waterford, Pa. 1855. Alexander, Robert.— Son of James and Elizabeth (McGregor); born Bridge- port, O., June 15, 1837 ; P. T. S., '55-58 ; Edinburgh, Scotland; licensed Jan. 4, '58, Presbytery of St. Clairsville ; ordained Aug. 6, '60, Presbytery of Donegal; pastor Little Britain, Pa., '60-66, St. Clairsville, O., '66—; Director W. T. S.; Trustee Washington and Jefferson College ; married April 9, '63, Mary E., daughter of Henry Eckert, Lancaster Co., Pa.; D.D., '79, Franklin College. Presbyterian minister, St. Clairsville, O. Alrich, William a. ^ Born Wilmington, Del., April 23, 1836; U. T. S., '59-62; licensed '62 ; Confederate States Army ; chaplain 1st Virginia Infantry '62-65; Episcopal Theological Seminary, Virginia, '66 ; ordained deacon Feb. 24, '67, priest, March 4, '68; rector Zion Church, Fairfax Court House, Virginia, '67-69, St. Martin's '69-75, Immanuel, Chatham '67—; married May 6, '69, Mary Love,also Dec. 27, '77, Mary Berkley. Protestant Episcopal minister, Chatham, Va. 23 354 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF Barb, Andrew Jackson.— Son of Samuel and Sarah ; born Washington Co., Pa., Nov. 24, 1831 ; law student ; clerk Pennsylvania Senate '57-60 ; United States Army, captain of cavalry; farmer; married Oct. 16, '62, Emma W. Vankirk. Farmer, Zollarsville, Pa. Boyd, James Shields. — Son of John and Nancy (Morrison); born near Taren- tum. Pa., Oct. 13, 1830 ; W. T. S. '55-58 ; licensed April 15, '58, Presby- tery of Allegheny; ordained September, '63, same presbytery; principal Witherspoon Institute '59-65 ; city missionary Hannibal, Mo., '65-66; pas- tor Kirksville, Mo., '66-85, Minneapolis, Minn., '85-86, Preston '88 ; pub- lished "Early Dew, or Mammoth- Songs for Sunday Schools," " Every Family Apart"; married January 20, '59, Lida J., daughter of Prof. Daniel Shryock. Presbyterian minister, Preston, Minn. Fairalx,, Samuel Husbands. — Son of Truman and Mary P. (Husbands); born Allegheny Co., Md., June 21, 1835 ; teacher ; law student with W. Penn Clarke, Iowa City, Iowa, '55-56 ; practiced law Iowa City, Iowa, '56_; Iowa Legislature '62-64; Senate '68-76; Judge District Court, Eighth Judicial District, Iowa, '87 — ; married Nov. 19, '56, Ellen J., daughter of Samuel Workman. Lawyer, Iowa City, Iowa. KuHN, James I. — Born Wellsburg, Va., Jan. 9, 1835; farmer '55-56; Duff's Mercantile College '56-57; Deputy Sheriff Brooke Co., Va., '58, Sheriff '58-62 ; United States Army, captain '62 ; business '63-71. Business, Bar- boursville, Cabell Co., W. Va. Little, Joseph Harris. — Son of Moses and Nancy (Harris); born Washing- ton Co., Pa., May 6, 1835 ; principal Blairsville Academy, Pennsylvania ; West Alexander; medical student with Dr. Annowalt and Dr. Wishart; Pennsylvania University '59 ; practiced medicine Library, Pa., '59 — ; resi- dent physician Marine Hospital, Washington, D. C, '61, West Alexan- der, Pa., '61-74; Washington, Pa., '74 ; volunteer surgeon United States Army; married March 26, '62, Maggie A., daughter of Harvey Wads- worth, Library, Pa. Physician, Washington, Pa. *Porter, George McCandlass. — Born Brooke Co., Va., May 29, 1835 ; Cuba '56-57 ; Europe '57 ; House of Delegates, Virginia, '57, '59-61 ; Eestored Government, Wheeling; Speaker; married August, '59, Sarah E. Lewis; died New Cumberland, W. Va., July 8, '64. ♦Spargrove, George Meredith. —Born Belmont Co., O., Feb. 18, 1836; W. T. S. '55-58; licensed '57, Presbytery of St. Clairsville ; ordained '60, same presbytery; pastor Plum Creek, Pa., '61-65, Murraysville '67-80; married '58, Emma S. Crane ; died Pittsburg, Pa., Oct. 30, '81. Presbyte- rian minister. *Stewart, William M. — Born near Washington, Pa., Feb. 24, 1832 ; teacher ; Professor of Languages, college, Washington, Iowa, '58-59 ; editor United Presbyterian of the West, Monmouth, 111., '59-62; married March 11, '57, Sarah McCutcheon; died Monmouth, 111., November 19, '62. Editor. WASHINGTON COLLEGE. 355 HONORARY DEGREE. Martin, Jefferson McConaijqhy.— Son of Joseph and Caroline; born Wash- ington Co., Pa., Sept. 27, 1837 ; teacher Upper Buffalo High School '55-57; principal Greene Academy '57-58 ; professor Washington College '58 ; principal Braden Classical Institute, Mississippi, '60-61; Wellsville, O., '61-66; Crestline '66-69; Tiffin '69-71; President Vermillion Institute, Haysville, fifteen months ; professor Ohio University ; principal Ladies' Seminary, Taylortown, 111.; ruling elder Presbyterian Church; married Aug. 27, '61, Eliza Jane, daughter of James McFadden; A.M., Washing- ington College ; Ph. D., '77, Wooster University. Teacher, Taylortown, 111. Miller, Benjamin K. — Son of Hon. Andrew G. and Caroline E. (Kurtz); born Gettysburg, Pa., May 6, 1830 ; law student with Judge Miller, Mil- waukee, Wis.; practiced law Milwaukee '57 — ; married Sept. 3, '56, Isabella Peckham, also Feb. 19, '69, Annie M. Smith; A.M., '73, Washington and Jefferson College. Lawyer, 559 Marshall Street, Milwau- kee, Wiscongin. 1856. ♦Armstrong, Martin L.— Born ; teacher 1856-60; W. T. S. '60-61; United States Army, '61-63 ; died Annapolis, Md., Oct. 4, '63. Theological student. Blackford, Alexander Latimer.— Son of Joseph and Isabella G. (Latimer); born Jefferson Co., O., Jan. 6, 1829 ; teacher Ohio ; W. T. S. '56-59 ; licensed April, '58, Presbytery of Washington ; ordained April, '59 ; for- eign missionary to Brazil ; missionary '60-76 ; agent American Bible Society, Brazil, '77-80; stated supply Bahia and Cochoeira '81—; Secretary Ameri- can Legation to Brazil '61 ; Charge d' Affaires '61 ; published Portuguese tracts ; edited " Imprensa Evangdica " ; married March 8, '60, Elizabeth W., daughter of Dr. William Simonton, Harrisburg, Pa., also March 24, '81, Nannie T., daughter of Dr. James M. Gaston, Bahia, South America. Presbyterian minister, Bahia, Brazil, South America. ♦Fitzwilliam, Francis P.— Son of Francis and Mary ; born Washington Co., Pa., May 31, 1834; law student with Montgomery & Gibson, Washington, Pa.; practiced law Leavenworth, Kan., '60-76; Kansas Legislature two years; married Eliza Clay Jackson; died Leavenworth, Kan., February, '76. Lawyer. *HuGHES, John Watson. -Born Summit Co., O., Nov. 18, 1836; W. T. S. '56-59; died Allegheny, Pa.. March 1, '59. Theological student. Kirkpatrick, W. K.-Son of John H. and Jane (McKee); born ; Pro- fessor of Mathematics Alexander College, Iowa, 1857-58; civil engineer Kansas and Nebraska '58-59 ; Professor of Mathematics Summerville Insti- tute, Mississippi, '66-70; chief of engineers Mississippi levees 71-; tarm- ing and stock-raising ; Confederate States Army '62-65. major topographical engineers; married July 8, '75, Lizzie C, daughter of Haughton Hughes, Waco, Texas. 356 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF Lacock, Ira J.— Son of Ira and Anna (Bane); born Washington Co., Pa.^ Oct. 3, 1831 ; law student with Montgomery & Gibson '57-58 ; practiced law Hiawatha, Kan., '60—; captain and colonel State militia; Kansas Legislature '63-64, '66 ; Couniy Attorney '73, '74, '79 ; married Oct. 3, '61, C, daughter of J. F. Babbitt. Lawyer, Hiawatha, Kan. Lewis, Egbert P. — Son of Rev. David and Elizabeth W. (Porter); born Indi- ana Co., Pa., Aug. 18, 1835; teacher; law student with Hon. A. W. Ache- son & Wilson, Washington, Pa., '57-59; practiced law St. Paul, Minn., '59 — ; United States Pension Agent '63-67 ; married June 4, '66, Charlotte H., daughter of Richard Marvin. Lawyer, St. Paul, Minn. McElhee, Robert Latimer.— Son of James and Martha ; born near Wash- ington, Pa., Feb. 15, 1833; theological student; licensed and ordained Cumberland Presbyterian Church ; preached in Kentucky, Tennessee^ Mis- souri and Texas; teacher Texas; married December, '58, Mary Smith. Cumberland Presbyterian minister, Alvarado, Texas. *WoRK, John A. — Born St. Clairsville, O.; law student St. Clairsville, O.; practiced law St. Clairsville, Virginia City, Montana ; died Virginia City, Montana. HONORARY DEGREE. Bbown, Faris. — Son of Jonah and Mary ; born Ohio Co., W. Va., April 24, 1836; W» T. S. '60; D. T. S. '60-61; licensed April, '61, Presbytery of Washington ; ordained April, '63, Presbytery of Ebenezer ; pastor Green- upsburg and Greenup Union, Ky., '63-66; stated supply Muskingum, O., '66-75 ; pastor New Concord and Norwich, O., '75 — ; married September, '60, Belle Waddell ; A.M., '88, Washington and Jefferson College. Pres- byterian minister. New Concord, O. 1857. *AcHESON, John Wishart. — Son of Hon. A. W. and Jane B. (Wishart); born Washingt,on, Pa., June 11, 1837 ; tutor Washington College '57-58 ; law stu- dent with Hon. A. W. Acheson ; United States Army '61-65, sergeant, lieutenant, assistant adjutant-general, captain, brevet major ; wounded i medical student with Dr. T. McKennan, Washington, Pa.; Pennsylvania University '68 ; practiced medicine Washington, Pa., '68-72; unmarried ; died Washington, Pa., May 1, '72, congestion of brain. Physician. Carson, Richard M.— Born Ohio Co., Va., Sept. 28, 1838; teacher Kentucky '58 ; South '58-59 ; D. T. S. '59-62 ; licensed June, '61, Presbytery of Louis- ville ; ordained '62 (?), same presbytery; pastor Fourth Church, Louisville, Ky., '62-66, Richmond, Mo., '67-72, Mexico '72-74 ; missionary Indian Territory, Colorado, Kentucky, Tennessee, Arkansas, Texas, Denison, Tex., '75-78, West Virginia, Missouri, Texas, '78 — , New Mexico '84, Sedalia '87. Presbyterian minister, Holly Springs, Miss. Conn, SAMUEii. — Son of Alexander and Harriet (Campbell) ; born Steuben ville, O., March 4, 1838 ; teacher Lawrenceville, N. J., '57-60 ; tutor Washing- ton College '60-61 ; P. T. S. '61-62, '63-66 ; United States Army '62-63; chaplain 21st New Jersey Volunteers ; licensed Oct. 8, '62, Presbytery of WASHINGTON COLLEGE. ' 357 New Brunswick; ordained July 21, '67, Presbytery of Sangamon; pastor Decatur, 111., '67-68 ; stated supply Carrollton, 0., '68-70 ; pastor First Church, New Albany, Ind., '70-78 ; stated supply aad pastor First Church. St. Paul, Minn., '78-83 ; Beverly, N. J., '84 - ; published - Class History '> and a few pamphlets ; married Dec. 28, '65, Leonora, daughter of Philip Beall ; D.D. Presbyterian minister,. Beverly, N. J. Ckacraft, George K.-Born April 31, 1838 or '39(?); teacher Tuscumbia, Ala., '57; law student ; practiced law Chicot Co., Ark., '60-; Confederate States Army '61-65, captain. Planter near Grand Lake, Ark. *French, Charles Porter.— Born Fayette Co., Pa., IVIarch 10, 1829 ; W. T. S. '57-60 ; licensed April, '59, Presbytery of Washington ; missionary Lake Superior; ordained April 24, '61, same presbytery ; missionary work ; stated supply Williamsburg and Monterey, O., '62 ; Buckhannon and French Creek, W. Va., '64-66 ; Farm Ridge, 111., '66-70 ; married Aug. 14, '61, Mary J. Brown ; died Farm Ridge, 111., Feb. 8, '76. Presbyterian minister! Hanvtay, William Augustus.— Son of John and Sarah (Steen); born Mor- gan town, Va., Dec. 16, 1836; merchant and farmer '57-59 ; law student Brockenboro Law School, Lexington, Va., '59-60 ; practiced law Morgan- town, W. Va., '60-70 ; real estate dealer Baltimore, Md., '70—; City Coun- cil, Baltimore, '83-85 ; married March, '61, Mary D., daughter of Rev. Dr. J. W. Scott. Lawyer, Baltimore, Md. Hays, Joseph.— Born Washington Co., Pa., Jan. 9, 1832; civil engineer Kan- sas ; law student with Montgomery & Gibson, Washington, Pa.; practiced law Pittsburg, Pa., '65 — ; Pennsylvania Legislature '74; married Nov. .27, '59, Elizabeth A. Crawford. Lawyer, Pittsburg, Pa. *KiNKEAD, Samuel Porterfield. — Son of John and Jane (Porterfield); born Butler Co., Pa., May 24, 1827 ; W. T. S. '57-60; licensed April, '59, Presbytery of Allegheny; ordained Nov. 13, '60, Presbytery of Clarion; pastor Academia, Richland and Rockland, Pa., '60-63 ; [Callensburg and Concord, '63-66; married August, '61, H. J. McFarland ; died Callena- burg, Pa., March 24, '66, kick of horse. Presbyterian minister. "McFarland, Samuel Gamble. — Son of William and Mary (McKenahan); born Washington Co., Pa., Dec. 11, 1830; W. T. S. '57-60; licensed April, '59, Presbytery of Washington; ordained April, '60, same presby- tery ; foreign missionary to Siam ; Bangkok, '60-62 ; Petchaburi, '62-78 ; Superintendent of Education for Government of Siam, '79 — ; published ''Translations of the Pentateuch and Minor Prophets," "Confession of Faith," "Church History," "Evangelical Christianity," "Hymnal and Sermons in Siamese"; married May 3, '60, Jane E., daughter of John Hays, Canonsburg, Pa.; D.D. Presbyterian minister, Bangkok, Siam. Marshall, James Harvey.— Son of John and Martha (Kirkpatrick); born Armstrong Co., Pa., Nov. 28, 1836 ; teacher '58-59 ; W. T. S. '59-61 ; licensed April, '61, Presbytery of Saltsburg ; ordained '62, same presby- tery ; teacher Rock Island, 111., '63-64 ; pastor Concord and North Butler, '65—; married July 21, '64, Maggie H. Barnard. Presbyterian minister, Hooker, Pa. 358 • GENERAL CATALOGUE OF *Ramsey, Samuel.— Born Harrison Co., O.. July 13, 1832; W. T. S. '57-60^ licensed Oct. 4, '59, Presbytery of St. Clairsville ; stated supply Columbus and Dayton, Washington, Bellbrook and Carrollton, 0.; ordained June 17, '(52, Presbytery of Allegheny; pastor Tarentura, Pa., '62-64; Lima, O.; Napoleon ; missionary in the West; married June 28, '64, Nannie J. Ran- dolph ; died Tarentum, Pa., Sept. 18, '72. Presbyterian minister. Keppert, Josiah S.— Teacher in South ; Confederate States Army ; teacher Mt. Vernon, Ky.; married Maggie Van Kirk. Sherkard, John Hindman. — Son of Robert A. and Jane (Hindman); born Jefferson Co., O., March 24, 1830 ; W. T. S. '58-61 ; licensed April 26, '60, Presbytery of Steubenville ; ordained Sept. 25, '61, Presbytery of Clarion; pastor Bethesda, Oak Grove and Middle Creek, Pa., '^1-67; Bucyrus, O., '67-78; Upper Ten Mile, Pa., '78-82; Delphos, O., '82-88; Rockville, Ind., '88 — ; married Oct. 13, '57, Kizzie N., daughter of Abram Fulton. Presbyterian minister, Rockville, Ind. Stockton, John Peter Paul. — Son of Rev. Dr. John and Nancy (Clark); born Cross Creek, Washington Co., Pa., March 17, 1836 ; W. T. S. '57-59 ; licensed April 20, '59, Presbytery of Washington ; ordained April 29, '63, Presbytery of Maumee ; stated supply Defiance, O., '60-62 ; pastor West Unity and Mt. Salem, O., '62—; married Nov. 18, '68, Ellie, daugh- ter of John Dinsmore. Presbyterian minister. West Unity, O. ♦Warden, James W. — Born Wheeling, W. Va.; law student Alabama ; mer- chant St. Louis, Mo.; died St. Louis, Mo., '76(?). Merchant. Waugh, Joseph Moore. — Son of Richard and Eliza (Moore); born Brooke Co., W. Va., Nov. 19, 1835 ; W. T. S. '57-60 ; licensed April, '59, Pres- bytery of Washington ; ordained '60, Presbytery of Mississippi ; preached near Natchez, Miss., '60-61; teacher Washington College, Pa., '61-63; teacher Steubenville, O., '63-65; stated supply Holiday's Cove, W. Va., '63-65; Principal Holidaysburg Female Seminary, Pa., '66-77; Europe;, agricultural dealer '78-88 ; teacher Allegheny City '88-89 ; married April 12, '64, Arabella S., daughter of Rev. Andrew Todd ; Ph. D. Washington and Jefferson College. Presbyterian minister, ill health ; business Wash- ington, Pa. Wines, Frederick Howard.— Son of Rev. Dr.|E. C. and Emma (Stansbury); born Philadelphia, Pa., April 9, 1838; tutor Washington College '57-58; P. T. S. '58-61; licensed '60, Presbytery of St. Louis; stated supply Cal- vary Church, SpringBeld, Mo., '60-61 ; United States Army, chaplain, '62-64; ordained Oct. 29, '65, Presbytery of Sangamon; pastor First Church, Springfield, 111., '65-69; Secretary of Illinois State Board of Chapities '69—; special agent Tenth Census '79-84 ; commissioner Illinois International Prisoner Conference, Stockholm, Sweden, '79 ; President National Conference of Charities '83; published '' Children in Paradise," " Questions on Theology " ; married March 21, '65, Mary T., daughter of Wilson Hackney, Springfield, Mo. Presbyterian minister, Springfield, IlL WASHINGTON COLLEGE. 359 Woods, Henry.— Son of Andrew and Rebecca (Brison); born Marion Co., Mo., July 2, 1838 ; teacher AVest Virginia, '58-59; W. T. S. '§9-02 ; licensed April 11, '61, Presbytery of Baltimore ; ordained Oct. %% '02, Presbytery of Steubenville ; pastor First Church, Steubenville, O., '62-67 ; Professor of Ancient Languages, Washington and Jefferson College, '67 — ; StatedClerk of Synod ; married Jan. 15, '63, Mary L., daughter of Hon. John H. Ewing; D.D., '79, Westminster College. Presbyterian minister and pro- fessor Washington and Jefferson College, Washington, Pa. 1858. Birch, George Washington Fleming.— Son of John and Harriet (Reed); born Claysville, Pa., March 26, 1837 ; W. T. S. '58^-61 ; licensed April 19, '60, Presbytery of Washington; ordained June 17, '62, Presbytery of San- gamon ; pastor Springfield, 111., '62-09 ; Second Church, Lexington, Ky., '70-73 ; Third Church, Indianapolis, Ind., '73-76 ; Bethany Church, New York, '79 — ; Adjunct Professor, Washington College, '60 ; married Jan. 17, '74, Louisa J., daughter of Richard Parker, Lexington, Ky.; D.D, Presbyterian minister, New York. Boyd, George Edmund. — Son of John E. and Elizabeth (Endley); born Cum- berland O., Dec. 29, 1839 ; law student with Alfred Caldwell, Wheeling, W. Va.; Law School, Cincinnati, O.; practiced law Wetzel Co., W. Va., '60-05; Wheeling, '65-76; Judge County Court, '76-80; Circuit Court, First Judicial District, '80-; married June 18, '63, Annie, daughter of Hon. Alfred Caldwell. Lawyer, Wheeling, W. Va. Brown, James A.— Born Kingwood, W. Va., June 11, 1836 ; law student with Hon Thomas Brown ; practiced law Kingwood, W. Va.(?); Prosecu- ting Attorney ; member Union Convention '61 ; married Nov. 5, '68, Eliza- beth A. Hanna. Lawyer, Kingwood, W^ Va. Day, Alanson Ritner.— Son of William V. and Sarah (Patterson); born Washington Co., Pa., Oct. 2, 1835; principal Public Schools, Kan., '58-59; W\ T. S. '59-62; licensed April, '61, Presbytery of Washington; ordained evangelist October, '62, Presbytery of Highland; stated supply Waynesburg, Pa., '61-62 ; Denver, Col., '62-65, '67-73 ; Brodhead, Wis., '05-07, '73-76; near Waukeshaw, '76-80; pastor Marshalltown, '80— (?); published "History of Presbyterianism in Colorado, from 1860 to 1872"; married Dec. 28, '58, Lydia M., daughter of Simon Cort. Presbyterian minister, York, Neb. Dickey, Charles Andrews. -Son of John R. and Margaret (DeHass); born Wheeling, W. Va., Dec. 25, 1838; Associate Reformed Theological Semi- nary, Allegheny, '58-61 ; licensed April, '61, Associate Reformed Presbytery of Wheeling; ordained April, '62, Associate Reformed Presbytery of Alle- gheny; pastor Fourth United Presbyterian Church, Allegheny, Pa., '6'>-69; First Presbyterian Church, St. Louis, Mo., '69-75; Calvary Church, Philadelphia, '75-; married Jan. 8, '63, Catharine, daughter of James Donnell, Allegheny, Pa.; DD., '75, New Jersey College. Presby- terian minister, Philadelphia. 360 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF *Faris, William Brown.— Son of William and Margaret (McDonald); born Ohio Co., W. Va., July 11, 1834; W. T. S. '58-61; licensed April 19, '60, Presbytery of W^ashington ; ordained '62, Presbytery of Marion ; pastor Mt. Gilead, O., '62-64; Mansfield, 111., '64-68; Neoga, '68-71; married Sept. 13, '60, Adaline, daughter of David Birch ; died Neoga, III., Nov. 5, '71, typhoid fever. Presbyterian minister. *FiSHER, Albert D.— Son of John and Elizabeth (Hill); born East Liver- pool, O., March, 1835; teacher Believue, La, '58-61; law student with brother, Believue, La.; practiced law Believue, La., '60-61 ; Confederate States Army, Louisiana Regiment, '61-63, surgeon; died May 3, '63, killed in battle near Chancellorsville, Va. ♦Flack, Luther Brown. — Son of Samuel and Sarah (Brown); born Wash- ington Co., Pa., May 19, 1832; died Washington Co., Pa., Oct. 29, '58, typhoid fever. Forbes, Hannibal. — Son of George and Elizabeth (Echols); born Wheeling, W. Va., June 1, 1837 ; law student with Z. Jacobs and Cincinnati Law School; practiced law Wheeling, Va., '60 — ; married June 18, '67, Emma Bailey ; also Nov. 2, '75, Amanda Bailey. Lawyer, Wheeling, W. Va. Gans, John Holmes. — Son of John and Jane (Holmes); born Columbiana Co., O., April 19, 1835; teacher and law student Sullivan, Ind., '58-62 ; practiced law Eaton, O., '62-66; Logansport, Ind., '66-70; Superinten- dent Common Schools, Yellow Springs, O.; Principal Public Schools, St. Louis, Mo.; Fredrickton ; married Oct. 10, '65, S. A. Coburn. Teacher, St. Louis, Mo. Gaston, William.— Son of James W. and Rebecca fConkle); born near Clark- son, O., April 19, 1835 ; W. T. S. '58-61 ; licensed April 13, '60, Presby- tery of New Lisbon ; ordained Oct. 18, '61, same presbytery ; pastor Glas- gow, O., '61-66 ; Clarkson, '61-64 ; Bell Air, '66-80 ; North Church, Cleve- land, '80—; married May 4, '55, Julia M., daughter of Samuel Cunning- ham. Presbyterian minister, Cleveland, O. *Gay, John G. — Son of Matthew and Margaret (Smith); born Morgantown, W. Va., 1835; law student with Hon. James Neeson ; practiced law Mor- gantown, Va., '60-65 ; went to Oregon ; married June 17, '65, Mary W. Simonson, Connellsville, Pa.; died San Francisco, Cal., July 30, '65, shipwreck, sinking of the ''Brother Jonathan." Johnston, George Newell.— Son of George B. and Evalyn (Shannon); born Hancock Co., W. Va., March 31, 1835; W. T. S. '58-60 ; N. W. T. S. '60-61: licensed April 26, '60, Presbytery of Steubenville; ordained September, '61, Presbytery of Beaver; pastor New Salem, Pa., '61-63; Knoxville, 111., '63-69; stated supply Carthage, '70; pastor New Lisbon, '72-78; Old Church, Steubenville, '78-80; McKeesport, Pa., '80-84; Lebanon, '84 ; married April 17, '61, Emma Coffin. Presbyterian minis- ter, Camden, Pa. WASHINGTON COLLEGE. 361 LuNSFORD, Thomas.— Born Ohio Co., Va.; dental student; practiced dentistry Wheeling, W. Va., I860-; married Mary E. Todd. Dentist, Wheeling, W. Va. ^McDoNOUQH, James McCane.— Son of John and Letitia (Greenlee); born Washington Co., Pa., 1837; medical student with Dr. Blatchley, '58-63; United States Army ; assistant surgeon 46th Kegiment Pennsylvania Volun- teers, '63-65 ; practiced medicine Vanceville, Pa., '65-67 ; California, Pa., '67-74: married May 17, '67, Lizzie A. Denman, Washington, Pa.; died California, Pa., June, '74, consumption. Physician. *Penteco.st, Joseph Henry.— Son of George and Harriet (Stewart); born West Middletown, Pa., Dec. 31, 1836; Professor of Mathematics, Austin College, Texas, '58-61 ; United States Army, 100th Kegiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, '61-65 ; lieutenant ; captain, '62 ; lieutenant-colonel '64 ; died Petersburg, Va., March 26, '65, killed in battle. Brevet-colonel. Shepherd, Henry Clay. — Son of Asa B. and Mary (Erwin); born Brooke Co., Va., Aug. 3, 1839 ; law student; teacher Ohio and Louisiana, '59-61 ; druggist Wellsburg, W. Va., '61-69; Superintendent of Schools, '69-73; Principal of Schools, New Cumberland, W. Va. ; Professor of Mathematics, McKenzie College, Tenn., '76-77 ; Principal Central School, Wheeling, W. Va., '77—; married November, '61, Anna Mahan. Teacher, Wheel- ing, W. Va. ♦Stewart, Benjamin S.— Son of Benjamin S. and Elizabeth (Acheson); born Washington, Pa., Nov. 20, 1835; teacher Texas, '58-61; United States Army, 100th Pennsylvania Regiment, sergeant ; married August, '60, Emma Hardin; died Hilton Head, S. C, Nov. 25, '61, accidental explo- sion of a shell. Vance, Joseph. -Son of Samuel and Mary (Fife); born Washington Co., Pa., Oct. 8, 1837 ; W. T. S. '58-61 ; licensed April 19, '60, Presbytery of Washington ; ordained June, '62, Presbytery of Winnebago ; stated supply Beaverdam and Juneau, Wis., '62-65; Christian Commission ; Assistant Superintendent Freedmen's Schools, Vicksburg, Miss.; pastor Vincennes, Ind., '65-74 ; First Church, Carlisle, Pa., '76-86 ; Second Church, Chester, '86—; married April 17, '66, Mary H., daughter of J. M. Maddox ; also Sept. 20, '80, Sarah H., daughter of J. M. Maddox ; D.D., Washington and Jefferson College. Presbyterian minister, Chester, Pa. WOTRING, Frederick Rahauser.— Son of Hon. Abraham and Elizabeth M. (Rahauser); born Washington Co., Pa., Jan. 26, 1836; teacher '58-59 ; W. T. S. '59-62 ; licensed April, '61, Presbytery of Washington ; ordained Oct. 2, '63, Presbytery of Winnebago; pastor Portage City, Wis., '63-66 ; stated supply Van Wert, O., '66-68, Mansfield, Pa., '68-78, Knox- ville and Ninth Church, Pittsburg, '78-80 ; stated supply and pastor Wenona, 111., '80-85, Plum Creek, Kan., '85—, Plum Creek, Neb., '86—; married Jan. 10, '65, Mrs. Martha S. Ege. Presbyterian minister. Plum Creek, Nebraska. 362 GENERAL CATALOGUE OP HONORARY DEGREE. Cooper, John M.— Son of Francis and Elizabeth ; born Martin's Ferry, O.,. Dec. 1, 1831 ; medical student with Dr. S. B. West, and Medical College, Ohio; practiced medicine West Liberty, W. Va., '58-67, Wellsburg '67—;. druggist ; married Sept. 20, '60, S. B. Hedge; A.M., '75, Washington and Jefferson College. Physician, Wellsburg, W. Va. 1859. Anderson, William Wylie.— Son of Kev. Dr. James and Laurane (Mar- vin) ; born West Rushville, O., Nov. 6, 1839; W. T. S. '59-62; licensed April, '61, Presbytery of Richland ; ordained June 20, '62, same presby- tery ; pastor Chesterville, O., '62-69; stated supply Waterford '66-69;. pastor Shelby '69-77 ; Belleville '77—; Christian Commission '64 ; married June 29, '65, Elizabeth, daughter of George W. Uric. Presbyterian minister, Belleville, O. Blackford, Robert Allen.— Son of Joseph and Isabella G. (Latimer); born Martin's Ferry, O., Aug. 5, 1832; teacher Louisiana '59-60; Canons- burg Theological Seminary '60-61 ; Western Theological Seminary '61-62 ;. licensed April 22, '62, Presbytery of Allegheny City ; ordained April 20, '64, Presbytery of West Virginia ; stated supply Callensburg and Concord, Pa., '63 ; stated supply and pastor Clarksburg and Gnatty Creek, W. Va., '64-73, Croton Falls, N. Y., '74-80; White Lake '80—; married March 16, '69, Annie E., daughter of John Davis. Presbyterian minister. White Lake, N. Y. Caldwell, George Baird. — Sonof Hon. George and Martha (Baird); born Wheeling, Va., Aug. 1, 1840; law student with D. S. Wilson; United States Army '61-65, 12th Pennsylvania Volunteers, private, lieutenant, and 100th Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, captain, major, lieutenant- colonel ; practiced law Wheeling, W. Va , '65 — ; married June 28, '66, Sue M. Smith, Accomac Co., Va. Lawyer, Wheeling, W. Va. *Clark, David Wilson. — Son of John and Mary (Smith) ; born Schellsburg, Pa.; died Schellsburg, Pa., March 8, 1860. Dinsmore, John Walker. — Son of William and Rebecca (Anderson); born Washington Co., Pa., March 13, 1839; W. T. S. '59-62; licensed April 25^ '61, Presbytery of Washington; ordained June 28, '63, Presbytery of Win- nebago ; stated supply Cambria, Wis.; pastor Prairie du Sac '64-70, Bloomington, 111., '70 — ; Director McCormick Theological Seminary ; Board of Aid for Colleges ; Moderator Synod of Illinois '83 ; married Dec» 23, '62, Adaline, daughter of Isaac Vance; D.D., '78, Illinois Wesleyan, University. Presbyterian minister, Bloomington, 111. DoNEHOO, Elijah Ramsey. — Sonof James and Eliza (Ramsey); born Cross Creek Village, Pa., April 11, 1839; W. T. S. '59-62; licensed April 23, '61, Presbytery of Washington ; ordained Oct. 15, '69, Presbytery of Ohio ; business '61-68 ; pastor Eighth Church, Pittsburg, '69 — ; married April 28> '62, Georgiana M. J., daughter of George W. Patterson, Allegheny, Pa. Presbyterian minister, Pittsburg, Pa. WASHINGTON COLLEGE. 363 Evans, Dudley.— Son of Rawley and Clarissa (Cox); born near Morgantown, Va., Jan. 27, 1838; teacher Morgantown Academy '59-60; Louisiana '60*; Confederate States Army '61-63, 20th Eegiraent Virginia Cavalry, captain '62, lieutenant colonel '63 ; Virginia Legislature '63-65 ; California, express agent '65—; superintendent Wells, Fargo & Co.'s Express, Portland, Ore.; married Sept. 17, '78, Nellie, daughter of H. E. Seelye. Expresd agent', Portland, Oregon. *Fabrar, Robert Buchanan.— Son of Andrew and Eliza (Buchanan); born Washington Co., Pa., July 7, 1836 ; W. T. S. '59-62; licensed April 26, '61, Presbytery of Washington ; ordained April 26, '63, Presbytery of Toledo (now DesMoines); stated supply Montezuma and Deep River, Iowa, '62-68; pastor West Union, W. Va., '69-76, Cameron and Unity, Pa., '77-80, Volga and Bainbridge, Dak., '81—, White, Dak., '81—; married Dec. 22, '64, Martha E., daughter of Frances Thompson ; died East Pierre, Dak., Jan. 14, '88, inflammation of stomach. Presbyterian minister. Jones, Sylvester F.— Son of Charles E. and Susanna; born Washington, Pa., Oct. 29, 1838 ; licensed Methodist Episcopal Church, '59 ; ordained by the same body; Pittsburg; stated supply in Virginia, Canonsburg, Pa., New Brighton, Pittsburg, Rhode Island, Maine, Boston, Mass., etc.; married Jan. 1, '70, Adalinde E. Dodge. Methodist Episcopal Church minister. Kerr, James Dixsmore. — Son of James M. and Rebecca (Dinsmore); born Washington Co., Pa., Nov. 28, 1839; W. T. S. '59-62; licensed April 26, '64, Presbytery of Washington ; ordained June 15, '65, Presbytery of Sangamon; pastor Sangamon, III., '64-70, Nebraska City, Neb., '70-77, Denver, Col., '78-81, Chestnut Street Church, Erie, Pa., '81-83; Kearney, Neb , '83 — ; married Aug. 15, '65, Sarah A., daughter of H. P. Lyman. Presbyterian minister, Kearney, Neb. Kirkwood, William Reside.— Son of William C. and Jane (Thompson); born Woodsfield, O., Nov. 22, 1837 ; W. T. S. '59-61 ; licensed April, '61, Presbytery of St. Clairsville ; ordained June, '62, same presbytery ; pastor Barnesville and Wegee, O., '62-63; stated supply Beech Springs '64, <.'ro88 Creek and Center '64-71, Smithfield '64-71 ; pastor New Philadelphia, '72-80; pastor-elect; fiscal agent Western University '81-83 ; pastor Win- field, Kan., '83-85 ; professor Macalester College '85— ; married Sept. 4, '62, Rebecca Gray; D.D., '72, Western University. Presbyterian minister> Macalester, Minn. Magill, John Fulton.— Son of Col. Samuel and Sarah L. (Fulton); born Wash- ington Co., Pa., June 22, 1835; W. T. S. '59-62; licensed April 2, '61, Presbytery of Washington ; ordained '62, Presbytery of Peoria ; pastor Lewistown, 111., '62-83; Second Church, Washington, Pa., '83-86, Fairfield, la., '86—; married June 3, '62, Sarah E., daughter of William McCabe; D.D., '82, Parsons College. Presbyterian minister, Pairfield, Iowa. *Merritt, James Long.— Son of Robert and Evaline (Milligan); born near Bell Aire, O., Oct. 7, 1836; P. T.'S. '59-62; ordained June 18,'63, Presby- tery of Rock River; stated supply and pastor Middle Creek, O., '62-65, 364 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF - Port Washington, Wis., '65-68, New CumWland and Canonsburg '69-70, St. Charles, Minn., 70-74, Trinidad, Col., 74-75, West Las Animas '75-80 ; married April 21, '63, Sarah Brown, also September, '74, Lavina Avrill, St. Charles, Minn.; died Athens, O., Aug. 23, '83, result of a fall from his horse. Presbyterian minister. Miller, David McConaughy.— Son of Samuel and Martha (McCandlass); born North Benton, O., May 24, 1832; W. T. S. '59-62 ; licensed April 10, '61, Presbytery of New Lisbon; ordained June 18, '62, same presbytery; stated supply and pastor Bethesda, O., '61-67, Alliance '61-67 ; Christian Commission in war ; Cross Koads, Pa., '67-71 ; Lock Haven '71-74 ; Johns- town '74-83 ; Conemaugh '83— ; married Aug. 28, '62, Marion, daughter of H. Wines. Presbyterian minister, Johnstown, Pa. Miller, Oliver William.— Son of Jacob and Mary (Gans); born Mononga- lia Co., W. Va., Nov. 10, 1834; teacher Nashville, Tenn., Ohio and West Virginia; Warsaw, Ind., '71-76; President Business College, Emporia, Kan., '79—; married June 19, '62, Hattie F., daughter of Reuben Haas, New Vienna, O. Teacher, Emporia, Kan. Sloan, David Harvey.— Son of George B. and Mary (Morrison); born Arm- strong Co., Pa., Jan. 26, 1836; professor pro tern. Washington College '59-60; Deputy Sheriff Armstrong Co., Pa., '61-62 ; principal Dunlap's Creek Academy '62-66; Slate Lick Institute "66-72; W. T. S. '60-62; licensed April 12, '64, Presbytery of Allegheny ; ordained July 2, '73, Pres- bytery of Kittanning; stated supply and pastor Leechburg, Pa., '71—; Stated Clerk Presbytery of Kittanning ; Permanent Clerk Synod of Erie ; stated supply Clinton '71-87 ; married October, '65, Cynthia A., daughter of Isaac H. Jones; D.D., '88, Washington and Jefferson College. Presby- terian minister, Leechburg, Pa. Wilson, Edward Preble. — Son of Hugh W. and Frances (Barlow); born near Washington, Pa., April 25, 1838: teacher, Texas, '59-61; United States Army '61-63 ; railroad service '63—; married Sept. 14, '69, Anna B., daughter of Alfred Hynes, Louisville, Ky., also Nov. 9, '75, Katie, daugh- ter of L. C. Baker, Louisville, Ky. Railroad, Chicago, 111. Wines, Casper Morris.— Son of Rev. Dr. E. C; born Philadelphia, Pa., May 13, 1841; P. T. S., '59-62; stated supply First Reformed Dutch Church, Jersey City, N. J., '64; pastor-elect Calvary Church, Newburg, N. Y., '65-66; ordained March 16, '66, Presbytery of Rochester City ; pastor First Church, Rochester, N. Y., '66-68, Harvard Congregational Church, Brookline, Mass., '68-70, Fourth Church, Hartford, O., '70-74; ordained Episcopal deacon May 16, '75; rector St. Paul's Church, Cleveland, O., '75-76 ; St. Paul's Church, Yonkers, N. Y., '76-83, Cooperstown, '85 — . Protestant Episcopal minister, Cooperstown, N. Y. Woods, Robert. — Born Pittsburg, Pa.; teacher ; professor University, Kittan- ning, Philadelphia. Teacher. WASHINGTON COLLEGE. 365 1860. Allen, John W.— Son of William and Jane (Workman); born Belmont Co., O., Feb, 1, 1837; W. T. S., 6^-62; licensed April, '62, Presbytery of St. Clairsville ; ordained '64, Presbytery of Findley ; pastor Van Wert, O., '63-66 ; Lake City, Minn., 66 ; Ridgewood, 111., '66-68 ; Kansas City, Mo., '68-71 ; presbyterial missionary '72-81 , synodical missionary '82-84 ; Super- intendent Board of Public Works, '84 — ; editor St. Louis Evangelist '79-81 ; Superintendent and Business Manager of News Company ; married Nov. 29, '64, Roxana, daughter of Minor Purmort, Van Wert, O.; D.D., W^estern University, '79. Presbyterian minister, St. Louis, JVIo. Anderson, Matthew Lowrie.— Son of John and (Patterson); born Butler Co., Pa., Jan. 1, 1837 ; W. T. S., '60-63 ; licensed April 10, '62, Presbytery of Butler ; ordained Nov. 10, '63, Presbytery of Wooster ; pastor Millers- burg, O., '63-66, Holmesburg '63-69; stated supply Orrville '66-69; Rosen- dale, Mo., '69 — ; stated supply Barnard '84 ; married March 12, '64, Fan- nie A. Gamble, also Dec. 3, '67, Mrs. S. F. Evans, also Feb. 7, '72, Maggie T. Guthrie. Presbyterian minister, Rosendale, Mo. Bla^vTEy, Henry GiLES.-Born Ohio Co., Va , March 5, '39; W. T. S., '60-63, '66 ; licensed April 24, '62, Presbytery of Washington ; United States Army, Vlih. Regiment West Virginia Volunteers, '62-65 ; ordained April 28, '69, Presbytery of St. Clairsville ; stated supply Mt. Gilead, O., '66-67, Madison '67-68, Graysville '68-69 ; pastor Martinsville '69-72 ; stated supply Grantsville, Spencer and Elizabeth, W. Va., '73-75, Kingwood '75-79, Point Pleasant and Pleasant Flats '79-80 pastor and stated supply Ravens- wood '79-84; pastor Lower Buffalo, Pa., '84—; married Sept. 25, '67, Carrie M. Todd. Presbyterian minister. Independence, Pa. Blaney, John McClusky.— Born Ohio Co., Va., Feb. 21, 1841; W. T. S., '60-63 ; licensed April, '62, Presbytery of Washington; ordained April, '64, Presbytery of West Virginia ; teacher ; stated supply Charleston, W. Va., '64-68 ; stated supply Second Church, Frankfort, Ky., 68-69 ; stated supply and pastor First Church, Albany, N. Y., '68-80; Europe; First Church, Frankfort, Ky., '84— ; married Nov. 3, '70, Lucy W. Lindsey ; D.D., '77, Union University, New York. Presbyterian minister, Frankfort, Ky. Boyd, William Logan.— Son of Samuel and Elizabeth (McGrew) ; born Westmoreland Co., Pa., Aug. 17, 1833; W. T. S., '60-63; licensed April 23, '62, Presbytery of St. Clairsville; ordained Nov. 3, '63, Presby- tery of Redstone; pastor Sewickley, Pa., '63-67, Tyrone 64-67; Round Hill '67-70, Elgin, 111., '71-76, Centralia '76-78, Normal, '78-80, Prairie City '80-84, Fairfield, Iowa, '84—, Auburn, Neb., '88; married April 28, '63, Maria J., daughter of John Rose. Presbyterian minister. Auburn, Neb. *Childs, William Riddle.— Son of Asa P. and Frances (Bradley); born Pittsburg, Pa., Feb. 18, 1838 ; medical student Pittsburg, New York and Philadelphia, '60-62; volunteer; surgeon United States Army, '62-63; practiced medicine Pittsburg, Pa., '63-68; married March 31, '64, Mary, daughter of Hon. A. W. Acheson ; died Pittsburg, Pa., Nov. 18, '88, cere- bral apoplexy. Physician, Pittsburg, Pa. 366 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF Eagleson, William Stewart. -Son of Rev. Dr. John and Mary (Stewart); born Washington Co., Pa., Jan. 15, 1840; teacher; W. T. S., '60-63; licensed April 28, '63, Presbytery of Washington ; ordained May 5, '64, Presbytery of Wooster ; stated supply and pastor Frederickstown, O., '63-74; stated supply Apple Creek '74-75; pastor Mt. Gilead '76—; married Nov. 28, '69, Clarissa E., daughter of G. W. Pentecost, West Middletown, Pa. Presbyterian minister, Mt. Gilead, O. Edmunds, James E. — Son of James and Eliza (Pickwick); born Newtown, Conn., Jan. 22, 1836 ; teacher Natchez, Miss., '60-61 ; cotton planter, Boliver, Miss., '66 — ; United States Army, 94th Regiment Ohio Volunteers ; sergeant, lieutenant, captain, major, assistant adjutant general ; married Dec. 15, '75, Anna M., daughter of John P. Nugent, New Orleans, La. Cotton planter, Boliver, Miss. EwiNG, Thomas Davis. — Born Indiana Co., Pa.; teacher Dunlap's Creek, Pa., '60-62; W. T. S., '62-64; licensed June, '63, Presbytery of Saltsburg (nowKittanning); ordained May 15, '64, same presbytery; pastor Kittan- ning. Pa., '64-80 ; President Parsons College, Iowa, '80 — ; married June 5, '67, Annie Graham, also '88, Annie Rogers, Brownsville, Pa.; D.D., '80, Washington and Jefferson College. Presbyterian minister, Fairfield, Iowa. Gantz, Henry.— Born Washington, Pa.; teacher Beaver Academy; law student; practiced law Washington, Pa., '65 — . Lawyer, Washington, Pa. Gbaham, Samuel.— Born Armstrong Co., Pa., Jan. 15, 1830; W. T. S., '60-63; licensed April, '62, Presbytery of Clarion; missionary '62-65; ordained Nov. 20, '65, Presbytery of Washington; pastor Millcreek, Pa., '65-66, Allen Grove and Wolf Run, W. Va., '66-69 ; stated supply Unity and teacher '69-72 ; Cameron, W. Va., and teacher '73, Newburg and King- wood '73—; stated supply Unity, Pa., '89 ; married May 28, '62, Nancy J. Jolly, also Nov. 7, '70, Melinda J. Archer, Prosperity, Pa. P resbyterian minister, Hervey's, Pa. ^Griffith, Samuel T.— Son of John R. and Sarah; born Washington, Pa., Aug. 16, 1839 ; law student with Hon. John L. Gow, Washington ; United States Army, '61-65; lieutenant; captain; married Mary Forrest; died Washington, Pa., May 16, '67, result of army life. *Hazlett, James J.— Son of Samuel C. and Jane ; born Indiana Co., Pa., Sept. 9, 1840 ; teacher Louisiana '60-62 ; law student with Hon. H. D. Foster, Greensburg, Pa.; practiced law Greensburg '64-87 ; married April 1, '68, Lizzie C, daughter of Hon. E. Cowan ; died Greensburg, Pa., June 3, '87. Lawyer. ♦Henderson, Samuel McFarren— Born New Hagarstown, O., Dec. 24, 1839; W. T. S., '60-63; licensed April, '62, Presbytery of Steuben ville ; ordained Nov. 4, '63, Presbytery of Washington; pastor Pigeon Creek, Pa., '63-67, Wilkinsburg '67-78 ; profes,sor Pennsylvania Female College ; Florida '78; professor Biddle Institute, North Carolina, '78-79; married Oct. 22, '63, Jennie C. C. Mateer ; died Mechanicsburg, Pa., April 2, '79. Presbyterian minister. WASHINGTON COLLEGE. 367 Jack, William.— Born Indiana Co., Pa.; medical student with Dr. Mabon, Allegheny, Pa., and JefEerson Medical College, 1861-62 ; United States Army, '62-65, 177th Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, 84th ; captain ; surgeon ; practiced medicine Allegheny, Pa., '65—: married March 13, '66, Mary J. Bruce. Physician, Allegheny, Pa. Lafferty, James.— Born Pittsburg, Pa., 1839 ; law student Harvard Law School; LL. B., '62; practiced law Pittsburg, Pa., '63-67; P. T. S. '67-70; licensed '70, Presbytery of New Brunswick ; ordained June 14, '71, Pres- bytery of Platte; stated supply and pastor Oregon, Mo., '70-72; stated supply Sandy Lake, Pa., '72-73; Nichols, N. Y^, '74-75; Shelbyville, Mo., '77; Nekomis and Raymond, 111., '78-79; Hardin and Belle View, '79 ; Malta Bend and Salt Springs, Mo., '86 ; La Clede, '88. Presbyterian minister. La Clede, Mo. Laverty, David Hull.— Born Clearfield, Pa., June 20, 1833 ; W. T. S. '60-62 ; licensed April 26, '62, Presbytery of Washington ; ordained June 16, '63, same presbytery; pastor Frankfort Springs and Paris, '62-65 ; Rock Hill, O., '65-67 ; missionary Bethel, Pipe Creek, O.; Cameron, Wolf Run, Cameron, W. Va., '67-71; Barnesville, Fairview and Summerton, O., '72-74; Enon, Palestine and Waterford, '74-81; Crestline, '81-83; Scottsville, N. Y., '83-85 ; Lonacoming, Md., '88—; married Oct. 27, '64, Kate E. Smith. Presbyterian minister, Lonacoming, Md. Lewis, Edward Payson. — Son of Rev. David and Elizabeth W. (Porter); born Indiana Co., Pa., March 14, 1841 ; teacher Minnesota, '60-61 ; W. T. S. '61-64; licensed April, '64, Presbytery of Blairsville; ordained '65, Presbytery of Highland ; pastor Atchison, Kan., '64-68; Brownsville, Pa., '69-73; Waynesburg, '73-75; Rochester, '75-80; Fairfield, 111., '80-85; Mt. Vernon, '85—; married Oct. 18, '66, Almira A., daughter of Henry Fulton, Washington, Pa. Presbyterian minister, Mt. Vernon, 111. "'^McGregor, Reuben J. — Born near Bell Air, O.; teacher 1860-62 ; United States Army '62-65, 136th Regiment Ohio Volunteers ; Quincy, 111., '65; civil engineer, Minnesota, '66 ; Gov. Ins. Har. Imp., Ontonagon, Mich.; Manitowoc, Wis., '79 ; died Manitowoc, Wis., June 8, '79, heart disease. McKnight, David Acheson.— Son of Joseph and Mary Jane; born Pitts- burg, Pa.; law student with Hamilton & Acheson, Pittsburg, Pa., '60-61; United States Army, 100th Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers; wounded; prisoner of war ; business '64-78 , Kansas City, Mo., '78 ; practiced law Washington, D. C, '78—; published "Electoral System of the United States"; Attorney Patent Office; married '70. Lawyer, Washington, D. C. Martin, John F.— Born Indiana Co., Pa., Oct. 3, 1837 ; Associate Theo- logical Seminary, Alleglieny ; licensed April 16, '63, Presbytery of Cone- maugh ; ordained Nov. 15, 'Q6, Presbytery of Allegheny ; pastor Mt. Pleas- ant and Evansburg, Pa., '66-70 ; Monroe, Iowa, '71-79; Lebanon, Mo.,(?) '79-; married '64, Lillie M. Ross. United Presbyterian minister, Leb- anon, Mo. 3(58 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF Maxwell, James McCluskey. Sou of Samuel and Jane (McCluskey); born New Cumberland, Va., Aug. 1, 1837 ; W. T. S. 'G0-G2 ; N. W. T. S. '62-63; licensed April, '62, Presbytery of Zanesvilie; ordained September, '63, Presbytery of St. Louis ; pastor Kirkwood, Mo., '63-65 ; Twelfth Church, Baltimore, Md., '65-74 ; Belvidere, N. J., '74-80 ; Europe, '80-81; editor Baltimore Presbyterian, '83-85; pastor Monongahela City, Pa., '85-; married Oct. 26, '66, Gertrude A. Appleget ; D.D., '88. Presbyterian minister, Monongahela City, Pa. Meloy, John Calvin. -Son of John and Eliza (Young); born Washington Co., Pa., Feb. 15, 1836; U. P. T. S., Allegheny, '61-63; licensed April 21, '63, United Presbyterian Presbytery of Chartiers ; ordained June 27, '64, Presbytery of Philadelphia ; pastor Philadelphia, '64-65 ; Buck Creek (O.) Presbyterian Church, '66-71 ; Wellsville, '71-74 ; West Newton, Pa.,_ '74—; married Oct. 6, '64, Mary L., daughter of Rev. IT. R. Price. Presbyterian minister, West Newton, Pa. Meloy, William Taggart.— Son of John and Eliza (Young); born Wash- ington Co., Pa., Oct. 4, 1838 ; U. P. T. S., Allegheny; licensed April 20, '64, Presbytery of Chartiers ; ordained June 2, '65, Presbytery of Wheel- ing; pastor Cadiz, O., '65-78 ; Chicago, 111., '78 — ; United States Army, lieu- tenant ; adjutant; published "Songs of the Ages," " The Church at Lan- sington," married '65, Mary Brownlee, Washington, Pa.; D.D., '78, Franklin College. United Presbyterian rainisteo-, Chicago, 111. MiLLiGAN, John Linn.— Born Perry Co., Pa.; P. T. S. 1860-63; ordained' Feb. 21, '65, Presbytery of Winnebago, Wis.; pastor Horicon, Wis., '65-68; chaplain Western Penitentiary, Allegheny, '68- ; United States Army, captain; chaplain 140th Pennsylvania Volunteers; Christian Commission; Delegate International Prison Congress. Presbyterian minister, Allegheny^ Pa. Kewp:ll, Henry A. — Son of Rev. Dr. Samuel and Catharine; born Indiana, Pa.; N. W. T. S., Chicago; licensed Presbytery of Palestine; ordained Presbytery of Miami; pastor Greenville, O., Rock Island, 111., Rochester, Minn., Fargo, D. T.; stated supply Salt Lake, Utah, '86; Salem, Ore., '87 — ; married L. L. Benney. Presbyterian minister, Salem, Ore. Powelson, Benjamin Franklin. — Son of Charles and Catharine (Cass); born near Romney, W. Va., Sept. 10, 1840; W. T. S. '60-62, '66-67; licensed April, '62, Presbytery of Washington ; ordained Sept. 10, '68, Presbytery of Southwestern Missouri; stated supply and pastor Deep Water and Montrose, Mo., '67-75 ; principal Butler Academy, Mo., '76-79; pastor Greenfield and Ozark Prairie, '79-82; Lyons, Kan., '82—; United States Army '62-65, 140th Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, and 41st Regiment Regulars; sergeant, lieutenant ; married July 26, '70, Mersylvia J., daughter of John H. Austin, Deep Water, Mo. Presby- terian minister, Dodge City, Kan. WASHINGTON COLLEGE. Beed, John Brice. — Son of Parker and Jane A. (Brice); born Washington Co., Pa., April 5, 1839 ; W. T. S. '60-63 ; licensed April 24, '62, Presby- tery of Washington ; ordained April 30, '64, Presbytery of West Virginia; pastor First Church, Parkersburg, W. Va., '64-71; Sistersville, 71-82; Fairmount, '82-88; Laarel Hill, Pa., '88—; Stated Clerk Presbytery of West Virginia; married May 12, '64, Isabella J., daughter of James M. Shields, New Alexandria, Pa. Presbyterian minister, Dunbar, Pa. Sloan, Barkley Shields.— Born Armstrong Co., Pa., April 16, 1831 : W. T, S. '61-64; licensed July 30, '63, Presbytery of Saltsburg; ordained April 11, '66, Presbytery of Bureau ; home missionary Illinois, '64-67 ; stated supply Perry, Pa.,. '67-68; home missionary Illinois, '68-71; staled sup- ply Greenville and Mechanicsburg, Pa., '72-75; pastor Harmony and stated supply Bethesda, '72-82 ; missionary '82 — ; married October, '60, Cynthia S. McComb. Presbyterian minister, Indiana, Pa. *W^hite, Henry H.— Born Indiana Co., Pa.; P. T. S. 1860-63; licensed '62, Presbytery of Blairsville ; ordained pastor Sidney and Clarinda, Iowa ; married '66, Eva Brown ; died Sidney, Iowa, '71, consumption. Presby- terian minister. 'Wilson, David C. — Son ot Samuel and Elizabeth ( Wilkins ); born Indiana Co., Pa., Sept. 8, 1832 ; U. P. T. S., Allegheny ; licensed September, '62, Presbytery of Coneraaugh ; ordained June, '63, same presbytery ; stated supply Amity, Iowa, '63-65; St. Croix Falls, Wis., '66; pastor Clarinda, Iowa, '66 — (?) ; Tingley ; married June 17, '68, Abbie, daughter of James Thorne, Clokeyville, Pa. United Presbyterian minister, Tingley, Iowa. HONORARY DEGREE. MaCtNER, William Campbell.— Son of John A. and Sarah (Campbell); born Orleans, Ind., Oct. 21, 1837 ; teacher Mississippi, '60-61 ; Paris, 111., '65-66; President of Academy; United States Army, 12th Illinois Infantry, '61-64; wounded; first lieutenant '63; Signal Corps '63-64; licensed April 10, '62, Presbytery of Palestine ; ordained April 10, '67, game presbytery; pastor Woodhull, 111., '67-72 ; Carthage, '72-76 ; Onarga, '76-80 ; Rossville, '80-85; Morris, '85—; chaplain Grand Army of the Republic, Illinois; married Aug. 13, '63, Maria E. Stevenson. Presby- terian minister, Morris, 111. A.M. '76. 1861. *Algeo, William Reynolds.— Law student Woodsfield, O.; practiced law Ohio, 1865-66 ; Missouri, '66-67 ; Stanislaus Co., Cal., '67-69 ; San Diego, '69-72; Stanislaus Co., '72-77; Sutter Co., '77-83; died near Pleasant Grove, Sutter Co., Cal., Aug. 28, '83. "Lawyer. Belden, Luther MARTiN.-Son of Austin and Charlotte Irene (Hawley); born Sandisfield, Mass., Nov. 14, 1837; W. T. S., '61-64; licensed April 29, '63, Presbyterv of Redstone ; ordained Dec. 12, '64, Presbytery of Erie; pastor SturgeonviUe (Fairview) '64-70, ChatBworth, 111., '71-75; 24 370 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF teacher '75-76 j stated supply Centerville, Iowa, '77-81, Elk Rapids '81-84; evangelist '85 ; pastor Kaisin, Mich., '86-87, liolloway '88—; married Oct. -12, '64, Margaret A., daughter of George Knight. Presbyterian minister, Holloway, Mich. Benham, Silas Nelson.— Son of Wilson and Margaret (Grove); born Wash- ington, Pa., Nov. 20, 1843; United States Army; aid-de-camp on General Bingham's staff ; lieutenant 7th Virginia Eegiment ; medical student with Dr. Le Moyne, Washington, and Dr. Wylie, Meriden, Conn.; University of Pennsylvania, '65; practiced medicine Pittsburg, Pa., '65—; married June 29, '66, Nellie, daughter of Robert Rand, Meriden, Conn., also Feb. 20, '89, Margaret, daughter of Wilson Miller. Physician, Pittsburg, Pa. ♦Birch, Francis Augustus.- Son of John and Harriet (Reed); born Clays- ville. Pa., April 25, 1840; teacher; died Claysville, Pa., Sept. 13, '63. •Buckingham, Simon. — Son of John and Jane ; born Washington Co., Pa.; law student W^ashington, Pa.; practiced law Philippi, W. Va.; married Mary A. lams; died. Clark, James R. — Son of Dr. M. H. and Ann (Reed); born Washington, Pa., Oct. 28, 1843 ; United States Army ; corporal and sergeant 5th Pennsyl- vania Artillery, '62-64; lieutenant 204th Pennsylvania Volunteers '64-65 ; druggist Pittsburg, Pa., '68-74, Washington '76-83, Mandan, Dak., '83—; married Oct. 28, '68, Laura B., daughter of Colin M. Reed, Washington, Pa. Druggist, Mandan, Dak. Dawson, John Nichols. — Son of John and Ann G. (Bailey); born Uniontown, Pa., Dec. 6, 1839 ; farmer ; merchant, Uniontown, Pa.; married Sept. 9, '63, Lucy S., daughter of Col. James Evans, Morgantown, W. Va. Merchant, Uniontown, Pa. •Dawson, Richard William. — Son of John and Ann G. (Bailey); born Union- town, Pa., Feb. 25, 1841 ; United States Army, '61-65 ; 85th Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers ; lieutenant '62 ; captain ; assistant adjutant-gen- eral ; died Fortress Monroe, Virginia, Feb. 1, '65, wounded at Fort Fisher, North Carolina. ♦Dote, George.— Son of Stephen D. and Julia (Tifft); born Rockville, Park Co., Ind., Jan. 19, 1834; United States Army, '61-65 ; lieutenant ; adju- tant '62; lieutenant-colonel '62-65 ; law student with J. L. Gow, W^ashing- ton, Pa.; practiced law Paris, 111., '66-88; ruling elder Presbyterian Church; married May 4, '64, Annie E., daughter of Col. John Osborn, Greencastle, Ind.; died Paris, 111., Feb. 14, '88. Lawyer. Evans, Samuel G.— Son of Ephraim S. and Ruami; born Jackson Co., W. Va., March 19, 1839; merchant Evansville, Ind., '61—; married Nov. 25, '67, Anna L., daughter of Phil. Hornbrook. Merchant, Evansville, Indiana. Falconer, William Campbell.— Son of John and Catharine (Campbell); born Wellsville, O.; W. T. S., 1861-64; licensed June 10, '63, Presbytery of New Lisbon; ordained Oct. 11,'65, same presbytery; pastor East Palestine WASHINGTON COLLEGE. 371 and Columbiana, O., '65-66, Sharon, Pa., '66-70, Sharpsburg '70-71, First Church, Parkersburg, W. Va., '71-74; President Highland University '74-76; North Church, St. Louis, Mo., '76-80, First Church, Springfield, O., '80—; married Jan. 31, '67, Bessie W., daughter of Rev. Dr. Robert Dickson; D.D., '77, Wabagh College. Pregbyterian minister, Springfield, Ohio. *FouLKE, Henry C— Son of George J. and Elizabeth J. (Negley); born near Hagerstown, Md., April 15, 1834; teacher; W. T. S., '61-64; licensed April, '63, Presbytery of Zanesville ; ordained June, '64, Presbytery of Ohio; pastor Forest Grove and Montour, Pa., '64-67, Cumberland, O., '67-68, Hagerstown, Md.; infirm; married Oct. 4, '64, Lizzie M., daughter of Rev. Wm. P. Alrich ; Washington, Pa.; D.D.; died near Hagerstown, Md., July 15, '79, consumption. Presbyterian minister. *Hays, Hugh Henderson.— Son of Samuel and Elizabeth ; born Whitestown, Pa., December, 1835 ; W. T. S., '61-63 ; died Whitestown, Pa., Feb. 21, '63. Theological student. ♦Johnston, Daniel O'iSfEAL.— W. T. S., '61-64; licensed '64, Presbytery of Steubenville ; licentiate to '70 ; probably died at that date. Presbyterian licentiate. KiNKEAD, James John.— Born Butler Co., Pa., Nov. 5, 1837 ; W. T. S., '61 ; business ; Superintendent of Schools, Oil City, Pa., '67-75 ; teacher Illi- nois '75-77, Oil City, Pa., '77-79 ; law student ; practiced law Bradford, Pa., '79 — . Lawyer, Bradford, Pa. ♦McElhenny, Robert. — Son of Robert and Mary (Shaffer) ; born Washington, Pa., 1841; law student; practiced law Fairfield, Iowa, '63; unmarried; died Fairfield, Iowa, Feb. 22, '63, bilious fever. Lawyer. Nelson, Henry Francis. — Son of James and Judith S.; born Hillsboro, O., Oct. 5, 1839 ; Manager School Furniture, Cincinnati, O., '66-73 ; selling same '73-83; loan and insurance agent, '83 — ; Christian Commission; mar- ried Jan. 11, '70, Maria L. Davis, Maysville, Ky. Loan agent, Paris, 111. Price, Robert Thompson.— Son of Benjamin and Nancy (Duglas); born New Hagerstown, O., June 2, 1836; W. T. S., '61-64; licensed April 26, '64, Presbytery of Steubenville; ordained June, '66, Presbytery of Washington ; pastor Wellsburg, W. Va., '66-68, Prospect, Pa., '68-73, Belleview '73-75, Dunbar '75-83, Shreve and Hopewell, 0.,'83— ; married May 24, '64, Nan- nie, daughter of Henry Fulton, Washington, Pa. Presbyterian minister. Paint Valley, O. Ramsey, James Smith.— Son of Robert and Ellen; born Washington, Pa.; W. T. S., '61-63 ; licensed '64, Presbytery of Washington ; ordained '64, Presbytery of Carlisle ; pastor Perry Co., Pa., '64-67, Baltimore, Md., '67-71, Harlem, N. Y., '71 — ; unmarried. Presbyterian minister, Harlem, New York City. Raymond, Samuel Moses. — Son of Rev. Moses and Sarah (Walker); born Hampshire Co., Va., Aug. 18, 1841 ; law student with Hon. S. Galloway, Columbus, O., and D. Reed, Pittsburg, Pa.; clerk. United States Quarter- 372 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF termaster, '62-65; clerk, Alabama, Freedmen's Bureau; practiced law Pittsburg! Pa., '67—; married March 9, '65, Lucie, daughter of David Clark. Lawyer, Pittsburg, Pa. Reed, James.— Son of Samuel and Mary A. (Vincent); born Washington Co., Pa., Nov. 27, 1834; teacher '61-64 ; W. T. S. '64-67 ; licensed Oct. 3, '66, Presbytery of Washington; ordained April, '72, Presbytery of Palmyra; stated supply Millwood and Mt. Pleasant, O., '67-69 ; missionary in Mis- souri '70-80 ; Grantville, Bethel, Wheeling, etc., '71-80 ; Avalon and Dawn '80-84 ; Savannah, Hackberry, Rosendale'85— ; married May 20, '68, Eliza J., daughter of Robert McWilliams. Presbyterian minister, Savan- nah, Mo. RiGGLE, George Washington.— Born Washington Co., Pa., July 8, 1839; teacher '61-64 ; W. T. S. '64-67 ; licensed October, '66, Presbytery of Washington ; ordained '67, Presbytery of New Lisbon ; pastor East Liver- pool, O., '67-75 ; teacher Santa Fe, N. M., '76-77 ; stated supply New- comerstown, O., '78, Santa Fe, N. M., '79-80; infirm '80-83 ; stated supply Silver City, N. M., '83—, Socorro, N. M., '87— ; married Ella A. Scroggs, East Liverpool, O. Presbyterian minister, Socorro, N. M. Todd, Alexander Martyn. — Son of Kev. Andrew and Catharine (Wilson); born Jacksonville, Illinois, Sept. 23, 1842 ; law student with D. S. Wilson, Esq., Washington, Pa., '65-68 ; practiced law Washington, Pa., '68 — ; Trustee, Solicitor and Treasurer Washington and Jefferson College ; married March 24, '74, Anna, daughter of Joseph Mason. Lawyer, Washington, Pennsylvania. Wilson, James Ewing.— Son of William and Louisa (Ewing); born Union- town, Pa., Oct. 1, 1842 ; United States Army eighteen months ; merchan- dise Washington, Iowa, '63-67 ; railroad agent, Knoxville, '67 — ; married May 17, '67, Mary E. Jenkins, also May 9, '83, Kate Wright. Agent, Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Railroad ; residence Knoxville, Iowa. HONORARY DEGREE. Hays, Loyal Young.— Son of Robert and Nancy (Black); born Butler Co., Pa., Feb. 1, 1838; N. W. T. S. '64-67 ; licensed Feb. 16, '66, Presbytery of Peoria; ordained Nov. 11, '67, Presbytery of Bureau; pastor Ottawa, 111., '68-73, Madison, Wis., '73-79, Springfield '79-81, Crawfordsville, Ind., '81-85, Mifflintown, Pa., '85—; Stated Clerk and Moderator Synod of Wisconsin; married Nov. 11, '61, Jennie McGahan ; A.B., '86. Presby- terian minister, Mifliintown, Pa. 1862. •Aiken, Albert Wilson.— Son of Rev. William and Martha (Asbun); born McConnellsville, O., June 7, 1839; law student with William Montgomery, Washington, Pa.; practiced law Lexington, Ky., Knoxville, Tenn.; United States Array, quartermaster in army ; unmarried ; died Knoxville, Tenn., May 3, '65, typhoid fever, Lawyer, WASHINGTON COLLEGE. 37S AiiEXANDER, James McGregor. — Son of James and Elizabeth (McGregor); born Bridgeport, O., April 8, 1840 ; P. T. S. '62-65 ; licensed April, '6§, Presbytery of St. Clairsville-; ordained June 20, '65, same presbytery ; for- eign missionary to India, Mainpuri, India, '69-74, Allahabad '65-69, '75 — ; United States, '74-75 ; married Sept. 21, '65, Sue P. Alexander, Steuben- ville, O., Presbyterian minister, Allahabad, India. Alexander, William Wilson.— Son of Kobert J. and Mary A. (Jennings); born St. Clairsville, O.^ July 19, 1842 ; law student with K. J. Alexander, St. Clairsville, O.; practiced law St. Clairsville, Q.j '66-68; drug business Uhrichsville '68-80, Akron '80—; married Oct. 22, '68, Galena, daughter of Joseph Woodmansee. Druggist, Akron, O. Bassel, John. — Born Harrison Co., W. Va., 1843(?); law student with J. J. Davis, Clarksburg, Va., and Cincinnati Law School '61-64; practiced law Clarksburg, W. Va., '64 — ; member of Convention to formulate the new Constitution of West Virginia '72 ; State's Attorney '76-80 ; married Feb- ruary, '67, Martha, daughter of Charles Lewis, Clarksburg, W. Va. Lawyer, Clarksburg, W. Va. *Bro\vn, David. — Son of Josiah and Mary (Faris); born near Elm Grove, W. Va., Dec. 28, 1840; W. T. S. '62-63; Christian Commission '63; died at home, Elm Grove, W. Va., July 8, '63, typhoid fever. Theological student, •Caldwell, John Calvin. — Born New Athens, O.; W. T. S. '62-63; licensed May 3, '64, Presbytery of Kichland ; ordained Oct: 9, '64, Presbytery of Washington ; stated supply and pastor Mt. Prospect, Pa., '64-68, Second Church, Washington, Pa., '68-69, Lycoming and Newberry '70-74, Central Church, Chambersburg, '74-83^ First Church, Westchester, '84 — ; married Feb. 10, '64, Alice, daughter of Rev. S. Dieffendorf ; D.D. Presbyterian minister, Westchester, Pa. Campbell, Elgy Vanvoorhis. — Son of William and Nancy (Randolph); born Claysville, O., March 25, 1836; W. T. S. '62-65; licensed April, '64, Pres- bytery of Washington ; ordained December, ^66y Presbytery of St. Paul; pastor St. Cloud, Minn., '66-75, Butler, Mo., '75-77, St. Cloud, Minn., '77 — ; married April 7, '65, Mary C, daughter of Joseph Shane, Allegheny, Pa. Presbyterian minister, St. Cloud, Minn. Davis, WiLLiAM.—Born ; W. T. S. '62-65 ; licensed '64, Presbytery of Ohio ; ordained '66 ; Toledo, Iowa, '68 ; in transitu. Dickey, David L. — Son of David and Elizabeth (McClelland); born Beaver Co., Pa., Feb. 15, 1825 ; W. T. S. '62-65 ; licensed April 13, '64, Presby- tery of Blairsville ; ordained Sept. 5, '66, Presbytery of Beaver ; stated supply and pastor New Salem, Pa., '65-67; pastor Mahoning '67-70, Irwin '71-73 ; stated supply Armagh and Centerville '73-76 ; pastor Hookstown and Bethlehem '76-82 ; evangelist '82-88 ; pastor Glenfield '88— ; married Oct. 24, '65, Mary R., daughter of Rev. Dr. B. Mitchell, Mt. Pleasant, O. -Presbyterian minister, Glenfield, Pa. 374 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF Gillespie, JoHN.-Soa of George and Janet (Thompson); born Edinburgh, Scotlaad, Feb. 20, 1839; W. T. S. '62-65; licensed April, '64, Presbytery of St Clairsville; ordained April 26, '65, Presbytery of Ohio ; pastor East Liberty, Pittsburg, Pa., '65-82, Westminster Church, Elizabeth, N. J., '82-85;' Secretary Board of Foreign Missions '85-; married May 18, '65, Annie M., daughter of Robert Quigley, also April 13, '76, Matilda L., daughter of C. H. Paulson ; D. D., '78, Western University. Presbyterian minister, New York City. GiLMORE, John.— Son of James and Margaret (Roderick); born Merrittstown, Pa., Oct. 25, 1835 ; W. T. S. '62-65 ; licensed Oct. 5, '64, Presbytery of Redstone; ordained June 19, '66, Presbytery of Washington ; stated supply Moundsville, W. Va., '65-67, Third Church, Wheeling, W. Va., '65, Wegee, O., '65-67, Columbiana '67-69, Andrew and Farmer's Creek, Iowa, '69-71, Belleview, '71-76, Hanover, 111., '74, Elizabeth '78—; pastor Han- over and Elizabeth '87-88, Minden, Neb., '88—; married March -29, '64, Fanny Louisa, daughter of William Stone, Uniontown, Pa. Presbyterian minister, Minden, Nebraska. *Graham, Henry M.— Son of Joseph and Jane (Lee); born Cross Creek, Washington Co., Pa., 1841 ; United States Army, heavy artillery. Com- pany B, Pennsylvania Volunteers; died Fort Delaware, July 22, '63, typhoid fever. Greer, David Humet. — Son of Jacob R. and Elizabeth G. (Armstrong) ; bom Wheeling, W. Va.,* March 20, 1844; teacher; theology Gambler College '63-66; ordained by Bishop Mcllvaine '66; rector Clarksburg, W. Va. Covington, Ky., three years; Europe one year; Grace Church, Providence, R. I., '70-88 ; New York City '88—; married June 29, '69, Caroline A., daughter of Q. A. Keith, Lexington, Ky.; D.D., '79, Kenyon College. Protestant Episcopal Church minister, New York. Jackson, William Wallace. — Son of William C. and Martha H. (Lawton); born Wheeling, W. Va., March 19, 1844; farmer; teacher; ruling elder Central Presbyterian Church '83 — ; married Sept. 30, '72, Mary, daughter of Jacob Boyls, St. Clairsville, O. Residence, Patterson's Mills, Pa. Jepson, Samuel L, — Son of John and Hannah (Hunt); born near St. Clairs- ville, O., April 7, 1842 ; clerk '62-65 ; medical student with Dr. J. Alex- ander, St. Clairsville, O., and Medical College, Cincinnati, '65-68 ; resi-: dent physician Cincinnati Hospital, '68-69 ; practiced medicine Wheeling, W. Va., '69—; President Medical Society, Wheeling, W. Va.; Secretary Medical Society of West Virginia ; President same, '87 ; Trustee Female College ; married Sept. 14, '71, H. Belle, daughter of Rev. A. Scott, Jef> f arson Co., O. Physician, Wheeling, W. Va. Johnson, Thomas Ray.— Son of Job and Margaret (Ray); born Stratton- ville, Pa., Feb. 12, 1837 ; W. T. S. '62-65 ; licensed April 26, '65, Presby- tery of Clarion; ordained Oct. 9, '66, Presbytery of Bureau; pastor Edgington, and stated supply Pleasant Ridge, 111., '65—; married Oct. 12,. '65, Margaret J., daughter of Samuel Sloan. Presbyterian minister,. Edgington, 111. WASHINGTON COLLEGE. 375 *JoxES, James Judson. — Son of Charles E. and Susan J.; born Washington, Pa., June 19, 1843 ; licensed and ordained by Methodist Episcopal Church Conference, '62 ; stated supply Claysville, Pa., Connellsville, Pittsburg, INFalden, Mass., '71-74 ; married June 30, '68, Virginia Ruple ; died Den- ver, Col., June 30, '75. Methodist Episcopal minister. *Kerr, William C. Anderson. — Son of William and Leacy (Connely); born Washington Co., Pa., Dec. 16, 1835 ; United States Army '63-64, captain ; 140th Regiment Pennsylvariia Volunteers ; wounded ; W. T. S. '64-67 ; licensed April 24, '67, Presbytery of Carlisle ; ordained Nov. 19, '67, Presbytery of Philadelphia Second ; pastor First Church, Easton, Pa., '67-70 ; First Church, Williamsport, '70-73 ; suspended '73 ; teacher and lecturer; died Hope, N. J., Feb. 28, '87, nervous prostration. Pres- byterian minister. Knight, William Sims. — Son of George and Keziah J. (Boggs); born New Castle, O., Aug. 17, 1839; W. T. S. '62-65; licensed April, '64, Presbytery of Richland ; ordained April 8, '66, Presbytery of Schuyler ; pastor Carthage, 111., '66-70 ; Augusta, '70-75 ; Carthage, Mo., '75 ; mar- ried Aug. 17, '71, Anna M., daughter of David Mack, Esq., Carthage, 111. Presbyterian minister, Carthage, 111. *Linn, Samuel Pollock. — Son of James and Jane (Pollock); born near Washington, Pa., March 5, 1842 ; W. T. S. '62-65 ; licensed April, '65, Presbytery of Washington ; ordained May, '66, Presbytery of Cleveland ; Westminster Church, Cleveland, '65-67 ; Wayne, Pa., '7C-71 ; Shamokin, '72-73; evangelist '74-76; pastor Baton Rouge, La., '77-78; Lincoln Park, Cincinnati, O., '80-81 ; Evansville, Ind., '84; infirm '84; published ''Living Thoughts of Living Men"; "Golden Gleams of Thought" ; "Words that Burn": died Dixraont, Pa., July 1, '87. Presbyterian minister. LuTZ, John S. — Son of John and Martha (Patton); born Fayette Co., Pa., Oct. 18, 1837 ; W. T. S.'62-65 ; licensed Oct. 5, '64, Presbytery of Redstone; ordained Sept. 26(?), Presbytery of Bureau ; pastor Aledo, 111., '66-69 ; stated supply and pastor Center '69-76; Buffalo Prairie '76-; married May 11, '69, Martha N. Thornton. Presbyterian minister, Buffalo Prai- rie, 111. McClintock, John Calvin.— Son of Rev. John and Mary (Orr); born near Carmichaels, Greene Co., Pa., Aug. 20, 1843 ; W. T. S. '62-65 ; licensed April 26, '65, Presbytery of Redstone; ordained Sept. 18, '65, Presbytery of Iowa ; pastor Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, '65-71 ; Burlington, '71—; married Oct. 4, '65, Mary E., daughter of Thomas McKean, Washington, Pa.; D.D., Monmouth College, '86. Presbyterian minister, Burlington, Iowa. McCuRDY, Thomas Alexander.— Son of John R. and Sarah (Ewing); born Indiana Co , Pa., Jan. 18, 1839 ; W. T. S. '62-65; licensed Dec. 30, '64, Presbytery of Saltsburg ; ordained July 26, '65, Presbytery of Steuben- ville; pastor Wellsville, O., '65-68; First Church, Steubenville, '68-75; Wooster, '75-84 ; President Macalester College, Minn., '84—; married Jan. 9, '66, Lizzie S., daughter of Rev. Dr. W. W. Woodend ; B.D., '78, Wittenburg College. Presbyterian minister, St. Paul, Minn. 376 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF ♦McDowell, Robert Wilson.— Son of James R. and Margaret (Hazlett); born Mifflin Co., Pa., Feb. 3, 1834; United States Army '62-65; lieu- tenant and captain Company B, 16th Pennsylvania Cavalry; major; assistant adjutant-general, on Gen. I. I. Gregg's staff; teacher Penn- sylvania and Illinois, '6;3-71 ; married June 25, '68, Mary E., daughter of John Taylor ; died near Lake City, Minn., Oct. 2, '71, from a fall from a wagon. •McIntosh, Alexander McKenzie.— Son of William and Alexeina (McKen- zie); born Corovone, Scotland, Oct. 8, 1830 ; United States Army '62-63 ; orderly sergeant Company D, 126th Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry ; died in army, Martinsburg, W. Va., Feb. 16, '63, typhoid pneumonia. Mills, William James.— Son of John and Mahala (Berkshire); born Mor- gantown, W. Va., May 22, 1841 ; teacher '62-66; W. T. S. '64-65 ; licensed and ordained by Methodist Episcopal Church ; minister in Philadelphia, Pa., '66 — ; married June 23, '69, Laura V., daughter of Levi Borleau, Merrisville, Pa. Methodist Episcopal minister, Philadelphia, Pa. •Reed, Robert Rentoul, Jr. — Son of Dr. Robert R. and Ellen (Baird); born near Washington, Pa., Feb. 1, 1844; United States Army, '62-63; 140th Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, second lieutenant ; died Officers' Hos- pital, Georgetown, D. C, July 19, '63, brain fever. Todd, Thomas Milton. — Son of James and Mary R. (Byers); born Wheeling, W. Va., April 6, 1839 ; United States Army '61-64, Young's Pittsburg Battery, Pennsylvania Volunteers ; medical student with Dr. Storer, Tria- deiphia, W. Va.; Miami Medical College, O.; practiced medicine San Francisco, Cal., and Auburn, '61 — ; married Sept. 25, '77, Alise, daughter of A. Adrian, Auburn, Cal. Physician, Auburn, Cal. Wycoff, Cornelius William. — Son of Isaac and Catharine (Frye); born Carroll Co., O., Oct. 14, 1837 ; W. T. S. '62-65; licensed April 25, '65, Presbytery of Steuben ville/, ordained April 25, '66, same presbytery; pastor Richmond, O., '66 — ; Bacon Ridge, and East Springfield, '65-73*; Bethel, Pa., '73—; married Dec 19, '65, Martha B., daughter of Alexan- der Morrison, New Hagerstown, O. Presbyterian minister, Upper St. Clair, Pa. ♦Young, Robert Alexander, Jr.— Son of Robert A. and Sarah E. (Gren- nalds); born Margaret Academy, Accomac Co., Va., July 24, 1842; United States Army, Young's Battery, '62 ; died Fort Delaware, Oct. 10, '62, typhoid fever. HONORARY DEGREES. Gow, John Loudon.— Son of John L. and Mary (Murdock); born Washington, Pa., Jan. 2, 1842 ; United States Army three years ; 140th Regiment Penn- sylvania Volunteers ; sergeant; law student with father, Washington, Pa.; Prothonotary Washington Co., Pa., '66-70 ; practiced law Washington, Pa., '66—; married July 7, '71, EmelieM., daughter of R. W. Harding, Wheel- ing, W. Va. Lawyer, Washington, Pa.; A.M., '62, Washington and Jef- ferson College. WASHINGTON COLLEGE. 377 1863. Aiken, Henry Martyn.— Son of Rev. William and Martha (Osbun); born McConnellsville, O., March 4, 1844 ; law student with Hon. M. L. Hall, Knoxville, Tenn., Pennsylvania University '63-65 ; practiced law Knox- ville, Tenn., '65-72 ; Clerk United States Courts '72-78 ; President Rogers- ville and Jefferson Railroad '78 — ; married April 29, '77, Mary, daughter of Hon. W. G. Brownlow, Knoxville, Tenn. Lawyer, Knoxville, Tenn. CuMMiNGS, Philander J. — Son of K. Bruce and Hattie; born Coshocton Co., O., Nov. 23, 1834 ; W. T. S., '63-66 ; licensed April, '66, Presbytery of Washington; ordained '67, Presbytery of Ohio; pastor Mt. Carmel, Pa., '67-78; stated supplv '81-83; North Branch '67-74; evangelist '78-80; pastor Industry and Bethlehem '83-87, Mt. Carmel '87 — ; married Hattie C, daughter of John Miller. Presbyterian minister, New Sheffield, Pa. Dunaway, Charles P. — Son of William and Phoebe L. (Porter); born Fayette Co., Pa., July 29, 1843 ; farmer '63-68 ; law student with Hon. D. Kaine, '66-68; practiced law Uniontown, Pa., '68-78, Clay Center, Kan., '78-86; real estate agent and insurance, Stockton, '86 — ; married Oct. 11, '71, Cor- nelia, daugliit r of Nelson Porter, Fayette Co., Pa.. Lawyer, insurance, loans, etc, Stockton, Kan. EwiNG, Thompson R. — Son of Alexander and Catharine Eaton (McAfee); born Indian;. C.., Pa., May 24, 1837; Christian Commission '63-65; W. T. S., 65-68 ; licensed May, '67, Presbytery of Kittanning; ordained April 30, '68, Presbjlery of Blairsville; pastor New Alexandria, Pa., '68-78; prin- cipal Ladies' Seminary, Blairsville, '78 — ; chaplain 10th Regiment, Penn- sylvania Grand Army, '77-79 ; married June 24, '68, Minnie, daughter of William D. Hilts, Esq.; D.D., '84, Washington and Jefferson College. Presbyterian minister, Blairsville, Pa. EwiNQ, James Breading.— Son of James and Harriet B. (Baird); born Fay- ette Co., Pa., May 22, 1843 ; medical student with Dr. Eastman and Jeffer- son Medical College ; practiced medicine Grand Ridge, lU., '65, Union- town, Pa., '65-69, Dixmont Hospital, '69-71, Uniontown, Pa., '71—; pension service, United States; married June 25, '72, Effie, daughter of D. B. Arrell. Physician, Uniontown, Pa. Hough, Abia Allen. — Son of WUliam and Catherine (Fisher); born Fayette Co., Pa., March 29, 1838; teacher '63-65; W. T. S., '65-68; licensed April 24, '67, Presbytery of Bedstone ; teacher Aledo, 111., and stated supply Center, '68-69, Limestone '69-71 ; ordained April 23, '74, Presby- tery of Peoria ; stated supply West Jersey '72-74 ; pastor Smithfield, O., '75-81, Pleasant Unity, Pa., '81-86, Livermore '87—; married Sept. 17, '63, Mary, daughter of Josiah Atkinson, West Liberty, Pa. Presbyterian . minister, Livermore, Pa. Jones, Isaac Frederick. — Son of Isaac and Sarah (Brown); born Ohio Co., W. Va.; W. T. S., 1863-64 ; law student Wheeling, W. Va.; practiced law Wheeling, W. Va., ; married November, '81, Ida May Kelley. Lawyer, Wheeling, W. Va. 378 GENERAL CATALOGUE OP ♦KiNKEAD, Moses 8.— Son of David and Nancy (Stansbury) ; born Monongalia Co., W. Va., Aug. 23, 1842 ; W. T. S., '63-66 ; licensed April 26, '65, Presbytery of Redstone ; died near Morgantown, W. Va., March 25, '66, typhoid fever. Theological student. McCldng, S. a.— Son of Rev. Samuel M. and Nancy C. (Gilchrist); born Alle- gheny Co., Pa., March 2, 1845; teacher, farmer and law student '63-68,. Kirkpatrick & Mellon, Pittsburg, Pa.; practiced law Pittsburg, Pa., '68—; married Oct. 12, '74, Fannie A., daughter of Dr. George Merritt, Otsego Co., N. Y. Lawyer, Pittsburg, Pa. Patterson, James A.— Son of Alexander and Nancy ; born Columbiana Co., O.; teacher 1863-75 ; infirm, insane asylum. Pitkin, Paul Henry.— Born Milford, O., Oct. 30, 1841; P. T. S., '63-66; ordained evangelist Sept. 11, '66, Presbytery of Richland ; foreign mission- ■ ary. South America ; Bogota, Colombia, '66-72, Mexico '72-73 ; stated supply Winnebago, 111., '73-74; Congregational Church, Farmington, N. H., '75-77. Residence, Springfield, Mass. Sharpe, John Henry.—Sou of William L. and Isabella (McFadden); bom Steubenville, O., Aug. 8, 1842 ; W. T. S., '63-66 ; licensed April, '66, Presbytery of Steubenville; ordained '67, Presbytery of Allegheny; pastor Valley, Pa., '67-69, Wharton Street Church, Philadelphia, '69-74 ; assist- ant pastor Tenth Church, '74-75, Holland Memorial Chapel, '76-81, West Park Church, '81 — ; married June 30, '68, Mary, daughter of John B. Semple ; D.D. Presbyterian minister, Philadelphia. . ♦Smith, David Scott.— Born Washington Co., Pa., Feb. 1, 1836; law student; practiced law Sedalia, Mo.; died April 12, '70. Lawyer. Smith, Alexander Ewing. — Son of Robert and Eliza (Ewing); born Jefferson Co., O., Oct. 19, 1836; W. T. S., '63-66; licensed May, '66, Presbytery of Richland ; ordained May, '67, same presbytery ; stated supply Sioux City, Iowa, '66-69, Warrensburg, N. Y., '70-75; stated supply Vernon Center '76-77 ; pastor Ida Grove, Iowa, '78 — ; married Jan. 2, '68, Jennie C. Mc- Dougal. Presbyterian minister, Ida Grove, Iowa. Walker, Henry S.-Son of Samuel and Elizabeth S. (Wilson); born Winches- ter, Va., May 31, 1840 ; journalist, Clarksburg, Wheeling, and Charleston, W. Va.; Regent West Virginia University, '73-83; Secretary of State, West Virginia, '85-89; married June 17, '68, Emma E., daughter of Hon. George W. Bier. Journalist, Charleston, W. Va. Wylie, Robert D.— Son of David and Harriet Belle (Simison); born Wash- ington Co., Pa., Aug. 23, 1840; teacher Washington and Jefferson College, '63-69; law student; health failed; farmer '69—; married June 14, '82, Margaret E., daughter of Jonathan Walker, Butler Co., Pa. Farmer,. Washington, Pa. 1864. Cunningham, Robert Henry.— Son of James and Jane (Patterson); born Westmoreland Co., Pa., Oct. 8, 1840; W. T. S., '64-67 ; licensed April 25, '65, Presbytery of Redstone ; ordained Nov. 11, '67, Presbytery of South WASHINGTON COLLEGE. 379 Minnesota; pastor Owatonna, Minn., '67-68, Rushford '68-71; missionary Pittsburg and Allegheny, Pa., '71-73, Middletown, Iowa, '73-75, Afton '75-80, Griswold '80-82 ; pastor Mt. Sterling, O., '82—; married June 4, •68, Virginia R., daughter of John F. Loy, Allegheny, Pa. Presbyterian minister, Columbus, O. Irwin, James Perry.— Son of William H. and Rachel P. (Tipton) ; born North- umberland Co., Pa., Nov. 13, 1839 ; W. T. S., '64-67 ; licensed May 8, '67, Presbytery of Erie ; ordained June 30, '68, Presbytery of New Lisbon; pastor Canfield, O., '68-80, Pulaski, Pa., '80-87, Jamestown, '87-88, Belle Valley '88-; married Dec. 22, '68, Nannie B., daughter of James Jewell. Presbyterian minister, Belle Valley, Pa. Kerr, Samuel Carrick. — Son of Samuel and Nancy (Hamilton) ; born Harrison Co., O., Sept. 9, 1838 ; W. T. S., '64-67 ; licensed April 24, '67, Presby- tery of St. Clairsville ; ordained Oct. 7, '68, same presbytery ; stated supply Turtle Creek, O., '68-74, Mt. Jefferson '68-74, Red Oak '74-79, Decatur '79-83, Mt. Leigh '81—; married May 11, '71, Elizabeth N., daughter of Luther Rowley, Bowerstown, O. Presbyterian minister, Winchester, O. Knight, Hervey B. — Son of George and Keziah J. (Boggs); born New Castle, O., July 20, 1841 ; W. T. S., '64-67; licensed June, '66, Presbytery of Saltsburg ; ordained April, '68, Presbytery of Iowa ; stated supply West Point, Iowa, '67-69 ; pastor Ottumwa '69-81 ; Financial Secretary Parsons College, '81-84 ; Professor of Mathematics, '84-85 ; pastor Geneseo, 111., '86-87 ; professor Fairfield, Iowa, '87—; married Feb. 14, '71, Jane M., daughter of J. C. Simonson. Teacher and Presbyterian minister, Fairfield, Iowa. *"Ktjhn, Archibald Alexander. — Son of David and Susannah ; born New Texas, Westmoreland Co., Pa., Jan. 11, 1838; law student ; unmarried; died New Texas, Pa., May 10, '66, consumption. Law student. McCarrell, Samuel John Miller. — Son of Rev. Dr. Alexander and Martha (McLain); born Washington Co., Pa., Oct. 19, 1842 ; teacher and law student with McKennan & Richardson, Wheeling, W. Va., and Hon. D. Fleming, Harrisburg, Pa., '64-67 ; practiced law Harrisburg, Pa., '67 — : United States Commissioner of United States District Courts for Eastern Pennsylvania, '72-81 ; District Attorney, Dauphin Co., Pa., '81-87 ; mar- ried Dec. 21, '71, Rebecca A., daughter of Robert Wallace, Clearfield, Pa. Lawyer, Harrisburg, Pa. Mealy, John McCaskey. — Son of Anthony and Jane. ; born Claysville, Pa., Jan. 17, 1843 ; W. T. S. '64-67 ; licensed April, '66, Presbytery of . Washington ; ordained Oct. 25, '67, Presbytery of Beaver ; pastor Neshan- nock, Pa., '67 — ; married Oct. 7, '67, Ida C. Wilmarth, also Miss Pome- roy; D. D., '87. Presbyterian minister. New Wilmington, Pa. Moore, Isaiah Thomas. — Son of Isaiah and Maria; born Ohio Co., Va.; business ; car conductor, St. Louis, Mo., 1882 ; unmarried. 380 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF Newton, Charles BEATTY.-Son of Rev. Dr. John and Elizabeth (Janvier); born Lodiana, Northern India, Feb. 3, 1842; United States Army, 15th Pennsylvania Cavalry, '62-63; W. T. S. '64-67; licensed '67, Presbytery of Steubenville ; ordained '67, same presbytery ; foreign missionary to India; missionary Lahore, India, '68-82; Rawal Pindi, '82—; Lodiana, '83—; President Municipality of Lodiana; Superintendent Mission Press; editor Nur AJshan ; married April 13, '71, Margaret B., daughter of Rev. John J. Thompson. Presbyterian minister, Lodiana, India. OxTOBY, John Thomas.— Son of Isaac and Elizabeth (Beecroft); born May 8, 1839; W. T. S. '64-67 ; licensed April 17, '66, Presbytery of Allegheny; ordained Oct. 6, '67, Presbytery of Erie; pastor Petroleum Center, Pa., '67-70; North East, '70-79; East Saginaw, Mich., '80~; married June 9, '68, Mary E., daughter of Hon. James Veech ; D.D., '86. Presby- terian minister. East Saginaw, Mich. Phillips, Ellis.— Son of Ellis and Phoebe (Lilley); born Fayette Co., Pa., Aug. 31, 1843; medical student with Drs. Fuller, Uniontown, Pa., '65-67; JeflFerson Medical College, '67 ; practiced medicine New Haven, and Con- nellsville, Pa., '67 — ; married May 16, '72, Ada A., daughter of. Robert Mcllvaine, New Haven, Pa. Physician, New Haven, Pa. Stokes, John Dunlap. — Son of Joseph and Ann (Wallace); born Marion, O., Sept. 17, 1839 ; P. T. S. '64-67 ; licensed April, '66, Presbytery of New Brunswick ; ordained May 21, '67, Presbytery oi Long Island ; pas- tor First Church, East Hampton, Long Island, N. Y., '67 — ; married June 20, '67, Mary B., daughter of Joseph J. Williams, Marion, O. Presbyterian minister, East Hampton, Long Island, N. Y. Thompson, William Reed. — Son of James and Sarah (Reed); born Wash- ington Co., Pa., Jan. 1, 1835 ; medical student with Dr. Wilson, Washing- ton, Pa.; Jefferson Medical College, '64-67 ; practiced medicine Taylors- town, Washington Co., Pa., '67-71; Washington, '71 — ; United States Army, quartermaster, sergeant ; married Nov. 12, '68, Margaret A., daughter of Elisha Ely. Physician, Washington, Pa. Watson, David T. — Son of James and Maria (Morgan); born Washington, Pa., Jan. 2, 1844; law student with his father '64; Dane Law School, Harvard College, '64-66 ; LL. B.; practiced law Pittsburg, Pa., '68—; Lawyer, Pittsburg, Pa. Weills, John C. S.— Son of Rev. Absalom and Rebecca (Steeher); born Washington Co., Pa., March 17, 1841 ; law student with Braden & Miller, Washington, Pa.; bar '66 ; Lutheran Theological Seminary, Philadelphia, '66-68 ; licensed by Lutheran Church ; pastor St. Luke's Church, Vala- tie, N. Y., '68-72 ; ordained deacon Protestant Episcopal Church, '72 ; priest, '73, Bishop Odenheimer ; rector Episcopal Church, N. J., '73-76; St. Peter's Church, Lithgow, N. Y., '76—; married June 20, '72, Katharine, daughter of John H. Isbester. Protestant Episcopal minister, Lithgow, WASHINGTON COLLEGE. 381 Wiley, John W. — Son of John and Margaret (McClain); born Washing- ton, Pa., Sept. 8, 1843 ; United States Army, 140th Kegiment Pennsyl- vania Volunteers '64-65 ; law student with Alexander Wilson, Esq., Wash- ington, Pa., '65-68; practiced law Pittsburg, Pa., '68 — ; married March 28, '85, Mary E. Haven. Lawyer, Pittsburg, Pa. Woods, Francis Marion. — Son of Andrew and Rebecca H. (Brison); bom Captina, O., Aug. 22, 1843 ; N. W, T. S. '64-66 ; Union Theological Seminary, Virginia, '66-67 ; licensed Feb. 20, '66, Presbytery of Chicago ; ordained Nov. 3, '67, Presbytery of East Hanover; pastor Hartwood, Va., '67-72, West Middlesex, Pa., '72-79, Martinsburg, W. Va., '79—; married Nov. 6, '67, Julia M., daughter of Rev. Dr. D. X. Junkin. Presbyterian minister, Martinsburg, W. Va. 1866. Bain, Henry.— Bom Greene Co., O., Aug. 10, 1840 ; W. T. S. '65-68 ; licensed April, '67, Presbytery of Findley ; ordained June, '69, Presbytery of Blairsville; stated supply Somerset, Pa., '68 ; pastor Poke Run '69 — ; mar- ried Sept. 1, '74, Mary H. Stewart. Presbyterian minister, Oakland Cross Roads, Pa. Blackford, John Hosock. — Son of Joseph and Isabella G. (Latimer); bom Belmont Co., Sept. 3, 1834 ; teacher West Virginia '65-67 ; W. T. S. '67-70; licensed April 27, '69, Presbytery of St. Clairsville; ordained Jan- uary, '71, Presbytery of Steubenville ; pastor Beech Spring, O., '70-76, Glasgow, O., '76-84, Linton '84-85, Yellow Creek '85, Linton and Bakers- field '86 — ; married July 28, '75, Margaret I., daughter of George B. Sloan, Slate Lick, Pa. Presbyterian minister. West Lafayette, O. Brownson, John Maclay. — Son of Rev. Dr. James I. and Sarah Ellen (Maclay); born Greensburg, Pa., Oct. 10, 1845; tutor Washington and Jefferson College '67-68 ; law student with Judge Acheson, Washington, Pa.; infirm ; office Pennsylvania Railroad Company '69-72 ; cashier Juniata Iron and Steel Works; married Nov. 4, '80, Mary M., daughter of Rev. L. L. Conrad, Allegheny, Pa. Business. Allegheny, Pa. *CoRNES, Edmund. — From Marengo, 111.; born 1840; licensed '67, Presbytery of Chicago; ordained '68, same presbytery; foreign missionary to Japan '68-70; professor of Government College (Japan); married Eliza Dare; died Yokohama, Japan, Aug. 1, '70, explosion of steamer City of Yeddo. Fleming, George W. — Son of George W. and Belinda (McGrew); born West- moreland Co., Pa., Nov. 27, 1843; medical student Michigan University and Bellevue Hospital, New York ; practiced medicine Shelby ville, Ind., '68—; married May 28, '79, Mrs. Laura G. Wilson, daughter of S. A. G-^rgas, Indianapolis, Ind. Physician, Shelbyville, Ind. Lee, Daniel Bockias. — Son of Thomas and Ann ; born Carrollton, O., Aug. 4, 1837 ; wool broker, Carrollton, O., '65—; married Dec. 23, '69, Bessie Howey. Business, Carrollton, O. 382 GENERAL CATALOGUE MiLFORD, Thomas J.— Born Venango Co., Pa., 1837; United States Army one year; W. T. S. '65-68; licensed April, '67, Presbytery of Allegheny,* ordained '68, Presbytery of Clarion; pastor Callensburg, Pa., and Concord, '68-73, Crab Apple, O., '73-83; stated supply Wheeling Valley and Farm- ington '83; evangelist '85—; married Sept. 1, '69, Mary E., daughter of Hon. W. M. Francis ; Ph.D. Presbyterian minister. New Athens, O. Noble, Angus.— Son of John and Sarah (Backus); born near Wellsville, O., June 4, 1840 ; medical student with Dr. Hammond, Wellsville, O., '65-67, Jefferson Medical College '68 ; practiced medicine Wellsville, O., '68-72, Sharpsburg, Pa. , '72-74, Wellsville, 0., '74 — ; ruling elder Presbyterian Church ; married June 12, '72, Aggie M., daughter of David Samson. Physician, Wellsville, O. Patterson, James Given.— Son of John B. and Rebecca (Radcliffe) ; born Fayette Co., Pa., March 31, 1843 ; W. T. S. '65-68 ; licensed April 24, '67, Presbytery of Redstone ; ordained May, '68, Presbytery of South Min- nesota ; home missionary in Minnesota '68-70, Waverly, Iowa, '70-72 ; pastor Fort Madison, '72-77, London, O., '77-81, Urbana '81-84 ; editor Presbyterian Observer, Baltimore, Md., '84-86 ; pastor Park Church, Erie, Pa., '86~; married June 10, '69, Maria N., daughter of Rev. Richard Gra- ham. Presbyterian minister, Erie, Pa. Paull, Archie W. — Son of James and Jane Ann (Fry); born Wheeling Va. November, '45 ; manufacturer ; married Oct. 15, '69, Caroline B. Ott. Business, Wheeling, W. Va. Snodgrass, Horace S.— Born Richland Co., O., April 8, 1839 ; W. T. S. '65-68; licensed April, '67, Presbytery of Marion; ordained June, '68, Presbytery of Columbus; pastor Lancaster, O., '68-71, Oskaloosa, Ind.' '72-78, Sigourney '78-82 ; stated supply Stockton, Cal., '82-83, Monterey '83—. Presbyterian minister, Monterey, C»l. Watson, William B.— Son of Rev. John and Eliza (Buchanan); born Athens, N. Y., 1845 ; W. T. S. '65-66 ; licensed and ordained ; pastor Frederick- town, 0.,Pontiac, 111.; married '66, Lucy Reynolds, Pontiac, 111.; died Pontiac, 111., '74. Baptist minister. ©enerctl OTatctlague OP Washington and Jefferson College, 'WasKingtoTi, 1?a., !From the l/nion of the CLolleges u,atil the preseat time. If istoi|iccil §^|;Etct[. Washington and Jefferson College owes its origin to the union of the two colleges, which was effected in 1865. Attempts to unite them had been made as early as 1807 and 1815. The latter attempts resulting not only in failuie, but bitter feeling, neither Board of Trustees made any advances, until both were forced to consider the matter by their financial condition at the close of our civil war, and by the demands of alumni and friends. The income of the two institutions was insufficient to meet the increased expenses of living caused by the war, and efforts to increase the endowments were unavailing, because of the widespread conviction that there should be but one college instead of two rivals. September 27, 1864, a convention of joint alumni met in Pittsburg, adopted earnest resolutions calling on the Boards of Trustees to unite the institutions. The Rev. Dr. C. C. Beatty, of Steubenville, had previously made an offer of $50,000, when the colleges should be united. The two Boards then agreed upon the plan of union, substantially as suggested by the convention of joint alumni, and, embodying it in the form of an act, petitioned the Legislature to pass it. This was done, and the act is dated March 4, 1865. The act provided for a Board of Trustees of thirty-one members, fifteen of whom should be chosen by the Board of each college, and the thirty-first member by the thirty. The plan of union provided that Sophomore, Junior and Senior Classes should be at Canonsburg ; and the Freshman Class, a Scientific Department and Preparatory Department at Washington. The Faculty was correspondingly divided, the President and professors for the three upper classes being located at Canonsburg, and Vice-President and other professors at Washington. As early as 1868 it became evident to all that a more perfect consolidation was essential to the successful conduct of the College. A committee of the Board of Trustees reported April 8, 1868, that they, "in common with all the mem- bers of this Board who were members of the old Boards of Jefferson and Washington, are fully aware that the existing organization was brought about under what was sincerely believed to be a necessity, and under a belief that time and effort would render it successful. The motives and purposes were good, and the prospect, at least, hopeful ; but the Committee are constrained to •ay that, after three years of the best directed efforts of which this Board were capable, aided by the President and other friends of the College, the scheme has proved a failure. And we entirely concur in the conclusion expressed by the President, that further effort to secure additional endowment upon the present basis of organization will be unavailing, because of the almost entire want of public confidence in the plan and workings of the union provided for by our charter. That some radical change is imperatively demanded for the 386 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF continued existence and usefulness of the College is, in the opinion of your Committee, a deduction from existing embarrassments which is irresistible; but what that change should be, your Committee do not feel themselveB able or warranted, owing to the short time allowed for consideration, to recommend. At present they can only submit to the Board for adoption, the following resolu- tions, viz.: 1 , 1 T» .J " ' Resoh^d : That a committee of six be appointed by the President, to whom the whole subject of devising a proper remedy for existing defects of organiza- tion be referred, with instructions to report to the meeting of the Board in August next. " ' James Veech, " * A. W. ACHESON, " 'James McCullough, ** ' Jas. I. Browkson, *' ' James Alexander.' " The report was adopted, and the committee appointed consisted of Messrs. Sterrett, Veetch, Sherrard, Acheson, McDaniel and McMillan. This committee reported to the Board Aug. 5, 1868, a plan of consolida- tion, providing a mode of determining the place where the consolidated college should be finally located. Their plan was adopted by the Board, and Judges Sterrett and Veech appointed a committee to secure an act of the Legislature authorizing the Board to carry out the plan. The principal features of the plan are incorporated in the act, which was passed February 26, 1869. The following is a quotation from the act : ♦'Section 1. Be it enacted, etc., That as soon as the necessary preliminary arrangements can be made and suitable buildings provided, the several depart- ments of Washington and Jefferson College shall be closely united, and located either at Canonsburg, Washington or some other suitable place within this Commonwealth, to be selected and fixed in the manner hereinafter specified. •' Section 2. The location of the College shall be determined by the Board of Trustees by a vote of no less than two-thirds of the members present at a regular meeting, or at a special meeting called for that purpose, if they can agree; and if they can not agree within sixty days after the passage of this act, the question of location shall be referred to a commission of five gentlemen, who shall visit Canonsburg and Washington and such other places as they may deem advisable, inquire into the condition and value of the College property, receive offers of donations and contributions to the College, hear those who may be interested and desire to say anything on the question submitted to them, and after obtaining all necessary information within their reach, and taking into consideration all the advantages and disadvantages of each locality, and every- thing that may have a bearing upon the future prosperity and welfare of the College, and the advancement of liberal education, they, or any four of them, shall report to the Board of Trustees, in writing, where, in their judgment, the College shall be located; and thereupon the Board of Trustees shall proceed with as little delay as possible to carry into effect their recommendation. In determining, or endeavoring to determine, the location of the College, the Board of Trustees shall proceed in the same manner and consider the same matters as above provided for in the case of the commission." WASHINGTON AND JEFFERSON COLLEOE. 387 In accordance with the provisions of this act, the Board of Trustees met April 20, 1869, and by the requisite two-thirds vote located the College at Washington, influenced doubtless, to some extent, by the subscription of ^50,000 by the citizens of Washington. The legality of their action was thoroughly tested by suits in the Supreme Court of the State, and the Supreme Court of the United States, the decisiong in both cases sustaining the action of the Board, 5ifBsifl8nts 0^ tljE Institution, TEOM THE UNION IN 1865. Rev. JONATHAN EDWARDS, D.D., LL.D. Electted March 6th, 1866 ; Resigned April 20th, 1869. Rev. SAMUEL J. WILSON, D.D., LL.D. Elected President pro tern. April 20th, 1869; Time expired August 4tli. 1869» Rev. JAMES I. BROWNSON, D.D. Elected President pro tern. February Ist, 1870; Time expired August .'Jd, 1870. Rev. GEO. P. HAYS, D.D. Elected August 3d, 1870 ; Inaugurated September 2l8t, 1870 ; Resigned June 3d, 1881. Rev. JAMES D. MOFFAT, D.D. Elected November 16th, 1881 ; Inaugurated June 20th, 1882. TE/USTEES Wasl^inf ten and Jeffersei^ Gellege jy f licit by the Act of 1865 ivere to be elected, fifteen by Wash-^ ington College and fifteen by Jefferson College, and thereafter to fill their otvn vacancies, Jeffer- son men elected March 29, 1865, Washington same time. Hon. a. W. Acheson, . Elec. by Wash. Board; Kev. James Alexander, D.D ., Elec. by Jeff. ii Kev. James I. Brownson, D.E •.,Elec. by Wash. a John E. Bell, . Elec. by Jeff. (( Rev. Jamp:s C. Campbell, Elec. by Jeff.. tc Rev. John Eagleson, D.D., Elec. by Wash. << Hon. John H. Ewing, . Elec. by Wash. << Rev. W. F. Hamilton, D.D., Elec. by Wash. <( John Hays, Esq., . . Elec. by Jeff. ii Rev. Robert Herron, D.D., Elec. by Wash. ii Rev. Wm. Jeffrey, D.D., Elec. by Jeff. it Rev. J. R. Johnston, D.D., Elec. by Wash. ii Rev.George Marshall,D.D., Elec. by Jeff. a Hon. J. K. Moorhead, . Elec. by Jeff. li James McCullough, . Elec. by Jeff. a William McDaniel, Elec. by Jeff. iC Hon. Wm. McKennan, Elec. by Wash. ii William Park, . Elec. by Jeff. i( Rev. John T. Pressly, D.D., Elec. by Jeff. a Hon. Cyrus L. Pershing, . Elec. by Jeff. << Colin M. Reed, Elec. by Wash. (< Robert 8herrard, Jr., . Elec. by Wash. << Rev. James Sloan, D.D., Elec. by Jeff. a Hon. James P. Sterrett, Elec. by Jeff. tt Rev. John Stockton, D.D., Elec. by Wash. (( James Veech, LL.D., . Elec. by Jeff. it Rev. Samuel J. Wilson, D.D. , Elec. by Wash. ti Washington, Pa.* Resigned June 25, 78 Washington, Pa. Resigned Aug. 1, 1866 Resigned Mar. 20, 79 Died Jan. 23, 1873. Died June 9, 1887. Resigned Aug. 1, '66 Resigned Dec. 23, 73 Resigned June 29, 75 Resigned Sept. 21, 70 Resigned Dec. 19, 71 Resigned Aug. 4, *69 Resigned Dec. 19, '66 Resigned Mar. 19, 72 Died Feb. 25, 1869. Resigned June 27, 71 Resigned Aug. 1, '66 Resigned Oct. 1, '69 Resigned June 26, '77 Died Jan. 12, '88. New York City. Died Mar. 12, '71. Pittsburg, Pa. Resigned Mar. 21, 71 Resigned June 9, '69 Died Aug 3, 1883. *Where the residence is given, those persons are still inembers of the Board. 890 WASHINGTON AND JEFFERSON COLLEGE. ELECTED TO FILL VACAKCIES. REV.C.C.BEA'rrY,D.D.,LL.D., Elec. April 12, 1865 Rev. John McMillan, D.D., Elec. April 12, 1865 Rev. F. J. Collier, D.D., David C Houston, . Rev. S. F. Scovel, D.D., Hon. Alex. Murdoch, John N. McDonald, Rev. James Allison, D.D., James B. Lyon, David S. Wilson, Esq., Rev. Thomas Johnston, Henry Hice, Esq., James H. Hopkins, Esq., V. Harding, . Elec. April 4, 1866 Elec. July 31, 1867 Elec. Dec. 18, 1867 Elec. Dec. 18, 1867 Elec. Dec. 18, 1867 Elec. Aug. 5, 1868 Elec. Aug. 4, 1869 Elec. Aug. 4, 1869 Elec. Aug. 3, 1870 Elec. Sept. 21, 1870 Elec. Mar. 21, 1871 Elec. Mar. 21, 1871 Rev. David X. Junkin, D.D., Elec. Mar. 21, 1871 Thomas McKennan, M.D., . Elec. June 27, 1871 Gen. James A. Beaver, . Elec. June 27, 1871 David F. Patterson, Esq., . Elec. Mar. 20, 1872 Rev. John T.BROWNLEE,D.D.,Elec. Mar. 20, 1872 George K. Anderson, . . Elec. July 1, 1872 William W. Smith, . . Elec. July 1, 1873 Rev.Robert Alexander, D.D., Elec. .Tune 29, 1875 Elec. June 27, 1876 Elec. June 27, 1876 Elec. June 26, 1877 Elec. Dec. 18, 1877 : Elec. June 25, 1878 Elec. July 1, 1879 Elec. July 1, 1879 Elec. July 1, 1879 Elec. June 29, 1880 Elec. Mar. 21, 1881 Alex. Wilson, Esq., A. S. Ritchie, Esq., . John C. Hervey, Esq., . A. M. Gow, Esq., Rev. T. D. Ewing, D.D., John S. Slagle, Esq., Rev. a. M. Reid, Ph.D., Rev. S. J. M. Eaton, D.D. a. M. Todd, Rev. John Gillespie, D.D. Rev. W. W. Moorhead, D.D., Elec. Mar. 21, 1881 Rev. James D. MoFFATT,D.D., Elec. Mar. 21, 1881 Rev. John M. Barnett, . Elec. July 21, 1881 Hon. G. L. Cranmer, . . Elec. July 21, 1881 Rev. J. M. Thompson, . Elec. June 20, 1882 Rev. John M. Richmond, D.D., Elec. June 20, 1882 Rev. Wm. F. Hamilton, D.D.,Elec. June 19, 1883 Rev. Wm. O. Campbell, D.D., Elec. June 19, 1883 Hon. John H. Hampton, . Elec. Dec. 19, 1883 A. Todd Baird, Esq., . Elec. June 24, 1884 S. J. M. McCarrell, Esq., . Elec. June 25, 1886 Rev. M. B. Riddle, D. D., Elec. June 21, 1887 Rev. James H.Snowden,D. D., Elec. June 21, 1887 AlvanDonnan, Esq., . Elec. June 21, 1887 William R. Thompson, Esq., Elec. June 12, 1888 Rev. E. D. Ledyard,D.D., Elec. June 12, 1888 Died Oct. 30, '82. Died Aug. 30 '82. Resigned June 27, '71 Died May 27, '88. Resigned Mar. 23, '79 Resigned July 1, '7a McDonald, Pa. Pittsburg, Pa. Resigned June 26, '77 Resigned. Died 1886. Resigned July 1, '75 Resigned June 26, *77 Washington, Pa. Resigned July 2, '7^ Washington, Pa. Bellefonte, Pa. Resigned June 26, '77 West Middletown,Pa. Titusville, Pa. Washington, Pa. St. Clairsville, O. . Washington, Pa. Washington, Pa. Died '81. Resigned June 24, '84 Resigned Dec. 22, '80 Resigned Dec. 22, '80 Steubenville, O. Franklin, Pa. Washington, Pa. Resigned Mar. 22, '82 Greensburg, Pa. Resigned Mar. 22, '82 Washington, Pa. Wheeling, W. Va. Died Mar. 15, '89. Resigned Jan. 23, '85 Washington, Pa. Sewickley, Pa. Pittsburg, Pa. Died Mar. 25, '87. Harrisburg, Pa. Allegheny, Pa. Washington, Pa. Washington, Pa. Washington, Pa. Steubenville, O. ^riEsiflents an5 l5iI0^Bssar[s. ELECTED : June 21, 1865, Rev. David H. Kiddle, D.D., Professor of Mental and Moral Philosophy at Canonsburg ; resigned April 8, 1868. June 21, 1865. Samuel Jones, Ph.D., Professor of Natural Philosphy at Canonsburg, and transferred to Washington in same Chair ; close of year was elected Professor Emeritus of Physics and Chemistry ; resigned March 19, 1878, to take effect at ; died May 22, 1885. June 21,1865. Alonzo Linn, A.M., Professor of Ancient Languages at Can- onsburg. June 21, 1865. Rev. James Black, D.D., Vice-President and Prof essor of Ancient Languages at Washington ; resigned Aug. 5, 1868. Aug. 1, 1865. George B. Vose, Professor of Mathematics and Mechanics at Washington. Aug. 2, 1865. Daniel Kirkwood, LL.D., Professor of Mathematics and Astronomy, at Canonsburg ; resigned Dec. 18, 1867. Aug. 2, 1865. Rev. Wm. Smith, Prof essor Emeritus of Greek, at Canonsburg. Aug. 2, 1865. Rev. Wm. Ewing, Professor Extraordinary of Modern Lan- guages, at Canonsburg. Aug. 2, 1865. Wm. G. Babnett, M.D., Professor Extraordinary of Physiol- ogy, at Canonsburg. Oct. 9, 1865. Rev. Edsall Ferrier, Professor of English Literature, at Washington ; resigned Dec. 19, 1866. March 6, 1866. Rev. Jonathan Edwards, D.D., LL.D., President and Pro- fessor of Philosophy and Natural Theology; resigned April 20, 1869. Aug. 1, 1866. E. H. Twining, Professor of Natural Science, at Washington ; resigned Dec. 23, 1868. April 3, 1867. Rev. Henry Woods, Professor of Ancient Languages, at Washington. Dec. 18, 1867. Rev. John S. Roberts, Professor of Mathematics and Astronomy, at Canonsburg; resigned Dec. 23, 1868. Dec. 23, 1868. James S. Simonton, Professor of Mathematics and Astronomy, at Canonsburg. Jan. 19, 1869. S. F. Peckiiam, Professor pro tern, of Natural Science, ended with college year of 1869. April 20, 1869. Rev. S. J. Wilson, D.D., LL.D., President pro tern, for the remainder of that college year. 39a GENERAL CATALOGUE OF June 9, 1869. Ai.OKZO Likn, transferred to the Professorship of Greek. June 9, 18(59. Rev. Henry Woods, transferred to the Professorship of Latin. Sept. 24,1869. Dr. Brownson made Vice-President. Feb 1, 1870. Eev. James I. Brownson, President pro tern, for the remain- der of that college year. Aug, 3, 1870. Rev. George P. Hays, D.D., President, Professor of Philosophy and Natural Theology ; resigned June 3, 1881. Aug. 3, 1870. Alonzo Linn, Vice-President. March 21, 1871. Terrence Jacobson, Professor of English Literature; resigned Dec. 17, 1872. March 21, 1871. Robert Kidd, Professor of Elocution. June 26, 1871. George B. Vose, transferred to the Chair of Mathematics; resigned July 2, 1873. June 26, 1871. James S. Simonton, transferred to the Chair of Modern Languages. March 20, 1872. Hiram Collier, LeMoyne Professor of Agriculture; resigned Dec. 17, 1872. Dec. 17, 1872. Alonzo Linn, A.M., transferred to the Chair of English Language and Political Philosophy. July 29, 1872. Rev. Henry Woods, D.D., to Chair of Greek. July 29, 1872. Rev. G. P. Hays, D.D., Professor of Logic and Evidences of Christianity. July 29, 1872. Rev. George Eraser, D.D., Professor of Mental and Moral Science ; resigned June 29, 1875. July 29, 1872. D. J. McAdam, A.M., Professor of Latin. Dec. 23, 1873. Col. W. H. G. Adney, LeMoyne Professor of Agriculture and Correlative Branches ; resigned June, 1880. Dec. 23, 1873. D. J. McAdam, A.M., transferred to the Chair of Mathe- matics. June 30, 1875. Alonzo Linn, A.M., transferred to the Steubenville Chair of Greek and Philosophy of Language. June 30, 1875. Rev. Henry Woods, D.D., transferred to the Chair of Latin. J une 25, 1878. Prof. James A. Lyon, Jr., to Chair of Physics and Chemistry; resigned June 23, 1885. Dec. 24, 1879. Prof. D. J. McAdam, transferred to the LeMoyne Chair of Applied Mathematics. Dec. 24, 1878. Edwin Linton, A.B., Instructor of Mathematics. March 23, 1881. Prof. E. Linton, Chair of Agriculture and Correlative Branches. June 21, 1881. D. F. McGill, Adjunct Professor of Mathematics; resigned June 20, 1882. Nov. 16, 1881. Rev. James D. Moffatt, President and Professor of Meta- physics. Political Philosophy and Evidences of Chris- tianity. June 20, 1882. T. A. Anderson, Adjunct Professor of Mathematics ; resigned June 25, 1884. WASHING ION AND JEFFERSON COLLEGE. 893 June 19, 1883. Rev. Wm. M. Eaton, Principal Preparatory Department ; resigned June 21, 1887. June 25, 1884. Wm. C. McClelland, Adjunct Professor of Mathematics. June 23, 1885. Prof. James F. Ray, to Ctiair of Physics and Chemistry. June 23, 1885. Pkof. Wm. C. McClelland, transferred to Chair of English Language and Literature. June 22, 1886. T. C. Noble, Adjunct Professor of Mathematics ; resigned June 12, 1888. June 22, 1886. Prof. J. Adolph Schmitz was elected Professor pro tern. of Modern Languages to supply the Chair of Professor Simonton, who was granted leave of absence for one year. June 21, 1887. Prof. J. Adolph Schmitz, to the Chair of Anglo-Saxon. June 12, 1888. Prof. J. S. Simonton, made Professor of the French Lan- guage and Literature. June 12, 1888. Prof. J. Adolph Schmitz, made Professor of the German Language and Literature. •June 12, 1888. John L. Lowes, elected Adjunct Professor of Mathematics. J^ T^ JJ 1\T1S T. 1866. Alexander, Milton. — Son of Robert and Mary (Rodkey); born Williams- burg, Pa., Jan. 2, 1846; law student with David Lawson, Clarion, Pa., Albany University; practiced law Altoona, Pa., '69 — ; District Attorney 71-74; solicitor Blair Co., '76; Altoona, '74-75; married Sept. 10, '72, Katie F., daughter of B. B. Martin. Lawyer, Altoona, Pa. *Allison, Andrew J. — Son of Andrew and Elizabeth; born Washington Co., Pa., Jan. 26, 1845; medical student with Dr. Corson, Middletown, O., Ann Arbor, Mich., and Jefferson Medical College; practiced medicine West Chester, O., '69-71; died West Chester, O-, Sept. 26, '71, diphtheria. Physician. Black, John F.— Born Butler Co., Pa.; U. P. T. S., Allegheny, 1869-73; licensed April 11, '72, Presbytery of Butler; ordained April 21, '74, First Presbytery of Ohio; pastor Oxford, O., '74-78; Harrisville, Pa. Byles, Julius.— Son of William D. and Nancy (Smith) ; born Pleasantville, Pa., Jan. 18, 1841; law student with B. Grant, Erie, Pa.; practiced law Titus- ville, Pa., '69—; married Sept. 23, '74, Mary A., daughter of I. P. Axtell; Lawyer, Titusville, Pa. CoLVER, Anthony Wayne. — Son of Burrell M. L. and Mary M. (Lane); born East Liberty, O., Jan. 23, 1844; N. W. T. S., '66-70; licensed April, '69, Presbytery of Chicago; ordained October, '71, Presbytery of Ottawa; pastor Spring Valley, An Sable, Plats, III., '70-74; Hopkinsville, Ky., '74-75; Kansas and Pleasant Hill, Mo., '75-78; Morning Sun, Iowa, 78-79 ; Congregational Church, Woodbury, Conn., '79-82 ; Carmel, N. Y., '83-84; general agent American Encyclopedia, '83-88; stated supply Richfield, Kan., '88—; teacher '88—; married Oct. 25, '71, Eliza M., daughter of John Hutchinson. Presbyterian minister, Cundiff, Kan. Davis, Samuel Miller.— Born Saltsburg, Pa., Dec. 29, 1839; W. T. S. '66-69; licensed April, '68, Presbytery of Saltsburg; ordained June 8, '69, Presbytery of Blairsville; pastor Latrobe, Pa., '69-75; Wellsville, O., '75-84; Newton, Kan., '84—; married May 25, '69, Lydia A. B. Robinson; D.D., Wooster. Presbyterian minister, Newton, Kan. Davis, Thomas D. — Son of Rev. James and Margarette W. (Long); bora Morgantown, Va., April 20, 1846; teacher Lawrenceville, N. J., '66-67; medical student with Dr. Maury, Philadelphia, and Jefferson Medical Col- lege ; resident physician Philadelphia Hospital '70-71 ; practiced medicine 3y(j GENERAL CATALOGUE OF Dayton, O., 72-78, Piltsburg, Pa., East End, 78—; United States Armj, 133d Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers ; surgeon Soldiers' Home, Dayton, O., Mercy Hospital, Pittsburg ; St. Francis Hospital ; ruling elder Presby- terian Church ; married Sept. 25, 73, Elizabeth D., daughter of Rev. David A[cCay. Physician, Pittsburg, Pennsylvania. Dickson, Joseph N.— Son of Dr. John and Mary A. (Way); born Allegheny, Pa., April 8, 184(> ; medical student with Dr. John Dickson, and Jefferson Medical College 'GG-69 ; practiced medicine Sewickley, Pa., '66, Pittsburg '67, Philadelphia '68-69, London, England, Hospital, '70-71, Pittsburg, 71 — ; member American Academy of Medicine, Allegheny County Medi- cal Society, Mercy Hospital, Pittsburg Infirmary; surgeon Pennsylvania Railroad '78 — ; married Jan. 29, '73, Hannah B., daughter of Robert Watson, Sewickley, Pa. Physician, Pittsburg, Pa. Donaldson, William. — Son of Richard and Nancy; born Washington Co., Pa., Nov. 24, 1842 ; United Presbyterian Theological Seminary, Allegheny ; licensed May 5, '69, Presbytery of Chartiers ; ordained 7, '70, Presby- tery of Caledonia; pastor Erauklinville, N. Y., '70-74, Cascade and Wyo- ming, la., '77-86, Cedar Creek, 111., '86 — ; married Dec. 29, '70, Annie A. Cunningham. United Presbyterian minister. Little York, 111. DoNNAN, Ingham Wood.— Son of William and Harriet L. (Wood); born Washington Co., Pa., Feb. 9, 1843 ; medical student with Dr. Donnan, Bur- gettstown, Pa., and Cleveland University, Bellevue Medical College, New York, '74 ; practiced medicine Pittsburg, Pa., '74 — ; married Dec. 9, '80, Louisa L., daughter of John Hoffman. Physician, Pittsburg, Pa. Donnan, John White.— Son of Dr. John H. and Matilda K. (White); born Washington, Pa., March 1, 1845; law student with Boyd Crurarine, Washington, Pa.; practiced law Washington, Pa., '67 — ; married Aug. 22, '78, Gertrude M., daughter of John E. Bell, Washington, Pa. Lawyer, Washington, Pa. Downing, Nathan H.— Son of David R. and Catherine F. (Bird); born Knox Co., Mo., March 25, 1835; N. W. T. S.; licensed and ordained October, '67, Presbytery of Catawba; missionary to freedmen, Franklin- ton, N. C, '67-68, Salisbury '68-69, Lawrence Co., Mo., two years, Sump- ter, S. C, eight years, Clarence, la., four years, Mechanicsville '83-86, Montezuma '87—; married April 22, '68, Sarah C, daughter of Eleazer French, Cass Co.,. 111. Presbyterian minister, Montezuma, Iowa. Elliott, Orren A.— Born near Callensburg, Pa., Aug. 8, 1842; teacher '66-67; W. T. S. '67-70; licensed April, '69, Presbytery of Clarion; ordained '72, same presbytery; pastor Greenville, Pa., '72-78, Rehoboth '72-79, Farmington, 111., '79-83, Carson, la., '83-88, Logan '88—; married May 18, '75, Bell Lowrie. Presbyterian minister, Logan, Iowa. Evans, Cadwalader.— Son of Oliver and Mary A. (Samson); born McKees- port. Pa., July 23, 1843 ; medical student with Dr. Kuhn, McKeesport, Pa., '66-67, Jefferson Medical College '68 ; practiced medicine Braddock, Pa., '68-69, Hazlewood, Pittsburg, '69-83; manufacturing business '83—; married Oct. 1, '72, Margaret B., daughter of H. W. Oliver, Hazlewood, Pa. Residence, Hazelwood, Pa. WASHINGTON AND JEFFERSON COLLEGE. 397 Fisher, Sanfobd George.— Son of John and Elizabeth (Hill); born East Liverpool, O., May 16, 1844; N. W. T. S. 'G6-(57 ; W. T. S. '67-69; licensed April, '69, Presbytery of New Lisbon ; ordained '70, Presbytery of Vincennes; pastor Mt. Vernon, Ind., '70-71, Burlington, Kan., '71-73, Washington '73-77, Hudson, Wis., '77-80, Terrell, Tex., '80—; married May 5, '69, Louisa J., daughter of William H. Drury. Presbyterian min- ister, Terrell, Texas. Fulton, Robert Henry. — Son of Henry and Elizabeth (Plumer); born near Monongahela City, Pa., April 10, 1843 ; teacher '66-70 ; W. T. S. '70-72 ; licensed April 26, '71, Presbytery of Redstone; ordained June, '72, Presby- tery of P>altimore ; pastor Second Church, Baltimore, '72-83, Northminster Church, Philadelphia, '83 — ; married May 30, '72, Caroline R., daughter of J. V. Gibbons, Brownsville, Pa.; D.D. Presbyterian minister, Phila- delphia, Pa. ♦Gilmer, Robert. — From Middlelown, 111.; no profession ; farmer near Spring- field, 111.; unmarried ; died Springfield, 111., Dec. 31, 1883. GiLsoN, Samuel Smith. — Son of Robert M. and Sarah H. (Gilsou); bom Westmoreland Co., Pa., Oct. 28, 1843 ; W. T. S. '67-70 ; U. T. S., New York, '70-71 ; licensed April, '69, Presbytery of Blairsville ; ordained October, '71, Presbytery of Louisville ; pastor Bowling Green, Ky., '71-74, Uniontown, Pa., '74-79; Europe; Dennison, O., '80-83; editor iZera/d and Presbyter, Cincinnati, O., '83 — ; married Oct, 4, 1871, Agnes M., daughter of Thomas Pollock, Ligonier Valley, Pa. Presbyterian minister, Cincin- nati, Ohio. Hamilton, John Milton.— Son of Hanson and Sarah ; born Rowsburg, C, May 16, 1842 ; W. T. S. '66-69 ; licensed June, '69, Presbytery of Rich- land ; ordained '69, Presbytery of Clarion ; pastor Corsica and Greenville, Pa., '69-71, Plum Creek '71-87, Armagh and New Florence '89 — ; married Sept. 30, '69, Julia Loomis. Presbyterian minister. New Florence, Pa. Hatfield, William Searight.— Son of Hon. William and Elizabeth ; born Redstone Township, Fayette Co., Pa., Oct. 28, 1842; farmer, near Brownsville ; married July 21, '67, Mary T. Lanehart. Farmer, Union- town, Pennsylvania. McDowell, James W. — Son of John and Margaret (Miller); born Washington Co., Pa., Jan. 29, 1842 ; teacher '66-69 ; law student with Hon. W. Mont- gomery, Washington, Pa.; practiced law Pittsburg, Pa., '70-72, Washing- ton '73— ; married Sept. 23, '69, Nannie J., daughter of Joseph V. Reed. Lawyer, Washington, Pa. Marchand, Norval. — Son of John I. and Mary E. (Irwin); born Feb. 14, 1843; law student with Kirkpatrick & Millen, Pittsburg, Pa., and Albany Law School '66-68; practiced law Leavenworth, Kan., '70-73; trader Choctaw Nation, Indian Territory, '73-81 ; United States Army, 136th Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers ; Kansas Legislature '72; Treasurer of Leavenworth, Kan., '83 ; married May 14, '74, Hessie M., daughter of Col. Isaac Young. Lawyer, Leavenworth, Kan. GENERAL CATALOGUE OF Markek, Harry Foster.-Soii of benjamin D. and Margaret (Lowry); born Youngstown, O., Nov. 1, l'S4(J ; connected with dredging company, New York Harbor. Residence, New York City. MiLLEK, James McBride.— Son of Samuel and Mary Ann ; born Allegheny (Jo. Pa., Sept. 17, 1843; medical student Jefferson Medical College '08; practiced medicine Pittsburg, Pa., '09-72, Yankton, Dak., '73-83 ; ill health '83-88 ; practiced medicine Chattanooga, Teun., '88—; married '76, Annie W. Sheafe. Physician, Chattanooga, Tenn. Miller, William S.— Son of Samuel and Mary Ann ; born Allegheny Co., Pa. • law student '66-08 ; practiced law Pittsburg, Pa., '68 — ; Assistant United States Attorney '09-70 ; married Mary B., daughter of Rudolph Robbins, Upper Sandusky, O. Lawyer, Pittsburg, Pa. Mn.NER, Duncan Chambers.— Son of David M. and Mary A. (Chambers); born Jefferson Co., O., March 10, 1841 ; U. T. S. '66-68 ; licensed April, '68 Presbytery of Brooklyn ; ordained October, '68, Presbytery of Osage ; pastor Osceola, Mo., '68-72, Third Church, Kansas City, '72-80, Ottawa, Kan., '70-83, Atcheson '83-88, Manhattan '88—; United States Army 98th Regiment Ohio Volunteers, '03-04, sergeant, lieutenant, adjutant ; wounded ; married May 19, '68, Lucie M., daughter of William Reid. Presbyterian minister, Manhattan, Kan. Moreland, Joseph. — Son of John and Priscilla (Rogers); born near Con- nellsville. Pa., May 26, 1842; law student with Brown & Hagans, Morgan- town, W. Va., '66-69; practiced law Morgantown, W. Va., '09 — ; Regent West Virginia University ; married Oct. 24, '75, Mary Ellen, daughter of Thomas Brown, Kingwood, Va. Lawyer, Morgantown, W. Va. Myers, William Jackson. — Son of C. Frederick and C. Magdalena ; born Daltorl, O., May 21, 1839; principal Steubenville High School, '00-08; Superintendent Public Schools, Cadiz, O,, '08-82; part owner and man- ager woolen mill, Decatur, Jnd., '82—; married July 9, '87, E. J. Hunter. Teacher and manufacturer, Decatur, Ind. Paxton, John R.- Son of John ; born Canonsburg, Pa., Sept. 18, 1843 ; W. T. S. '00-09 ; licensed April, '08, Presbytery of Pittsburg ; ordained June, '71, Presbytery of Baltimore ; pastor Churchville, Md., '71-74, Pine Street Church, Harrisburg, Pa., '74-78; New York Avenue Church, Washington, D. C, '78-82; West Church, New York City, '82—; D. D., Washington College. Presbyterian minister. New York City. Robinson, George Alexander Boyd.— Son of James and Mary B. (Speer); born Allegheny Co., Pa., July 17, 1844 ; United Presbyterian Theological Seminary, Allegheny; licensed April 21, '08, United Presbyterian Presby- tery of Monongahela ; ordained June 29, '69, same presbytery ; pastor Temperanceville, Pa., '69-72, Oxford '73-76, Jersey City, N. J., '77-78, Brookville and Jefferson '78—; married May 8, '73, Anna M., daughter of Nathaniel Balantine, Temperanceville, Pa. United Presbyterian minister, Brookville, Pa. WASHINGTON AND JEFFERSON COLLEGE. 399 ScHURTZ, J. C. — Son of John and Catharine (Hoagland); born Feb. 13, 1845; merchant, Brownsville, Neb., '66-72 ; steward Insane Hospital, Lincoln, '72-78 ; chief clerk United States Land Office, and teller First National Bank, Deadwood, Dakota Ter., '78-8.3; cashier Lawrence County Bank, Sturgis; unmarried. Residence, Deadwood, Dakota Ter. Shaffer, James Douglas. — Son of Rev. A. G. and Maria D. (Harper); born Allegheny Co., Pa., Dec. 5, 1848 ; teacher '66-71 ; law student with James I. Kuhn, Pittsburg, Pa., '71-73; practiced law, Pittsburg, Pa., '74 — ; married Sept. 27, '77, Rose, daughter of A. B. Strauss. Lawyer, Pitts- burg, Pa. 8iiAYMAKER, NATHANIEL EiiLMAKER. — Son of Nathaniel E. and Mary M.; born Lancaster Co., Pa., Feb. 21, 1844; law student with Nathaniel Ell- maker, Lancaster, Pa.; practiced law Lancaster, Pa., '68-73, Silverton, Col., '73 — ; married Oct. 14, '79, Anna M. Russell. Lawyer, Silverton, Col. Smith, Charles H. — Son of Rev. John F. and Dorcas M. (Collins); born Owensboro, Ky., July 12, 1845; bookkeeper; treasurer Savings Bank; married June 17, '68, Clara Drake, daughter of Hon. B. Applegate. Residence, Indianapolis, Ind. Stewart, Robert Laird. — Son of Zechariah G. and .Jane (Laird); born Mur- raysville, Pa., Aug. 11, 1840; W. T. S., '66-69; licensed April 28, '68, Presbytery of Blairsville ; ordained July 6, '69, Presbytery of Erie ; pastor Conneautville, Pa., '69-73, Golden, Col., '73-79; Europe '79-80 ; Mahon- ing (Danville, Pa.), '80—; United States Army, 140th Pennsylvania Volun- teers, '62-65; Superintendent of Schools, Colorado, two terms; married April 28, '70, Sadie, daughter of John P. Ewing, Oakdale, Pa. Presby- terian minister, Danville, Pa. Streator, Alexander C. — Son of Lyman P. and Eliza J. (Martin); born Washington Co., Pa., Feb. 20, 1848; medical student with Dr. T. McKen- nan, Washington, Pa., and Adelbert College, '80-82; practiced medicine Fayette Co., Pa., '82 — ; married Nov. 21, '76, Annie, daughter of William Birmingham. Physician, Belle Vernon, Pa. Walter, Johnston Estep. — Son of Daniel and Margaret (Johnston); born Saltsburg, Pa., Jan.. 17, 1843; R. T. S., '66-69; ordained by Council of Monongahela Baptist Association, Dec. 11, '75; Professor of Mathematics, Franklin College, Indiana, '69-73; principal Western Pennsylvania Classical and Scientific Institute, '78-81 ; published "The Perception of Space and Matter." Baptist minister. West Newton, Pa. *WooDBURN, William Herbert.— Son of Capt. James and Sarah ; born near Edgeworth, Pa., Sept. 23, 1845; medical student with Dr. John Dickson, Pittsburg, Pa., and Pennsylvania University ; died Philadelphia, day of graduation, March 6, '68. Medical student. Woods, John Young.— Son of James F. and Elizabeth F. (Young); born Greensburg. Pa., March 17, 1844; law student with Hon. H. D. Foster & J. F. Woods, '66-69 ; practiced law Greensburg, Pa., '69—; District Attorney '71-74; married June 10, '71, Miss Johnson. Lawyer, Greens- burg, Pa. 400 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF WooLFOLK, Leandeb C— Son of Thomas J. and Adaline (Caldwell); bora Goshen, Ky., May 27, 1843; law student with Hon. A. Barnettand Chancellor Edwards, Law School, Louisville, Ky.; practiced law Louisville, Ky., '68—; attorney Jefferson County and Louisville, Ky., '78—; married Oct. 30, '77, Fanny H., daughter of George A. Owen. Lawyer, Louisville, Ky. HONORARY DEGRB AcHESON, Alexander Wflson, Jr.— Son of Hon. A. W. and Jane B. (Wishart); born Washington, Pa., Oct. 12, 1842 ; United States Army, 140th Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers ; private, captain ; wounded at battle of Wilderness ; medical student with Dr. McKennan, Washington, Pa., and Pennsylvania University ; practiced medicine Dennison, Texas; married June 20, '64, Sarah M., daughter of John L. Cooke ; A.B., Wash- ington and Jefferson College, '66. Physician, Dennison, Texas. 1867. Black, James Litton.— Son of William and Eleanor (Manifold); born Wash- ington Co., Pa., Feb. 28, 1842; United States Army, '61-64, 10th Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteer Reserves ; wounded ; law student with Alexander Wilson, Washington, Pa., and Dane Law School, Harvard College ; prac- ticed law Pittsburg, Pa., '71—. Lawyer, Pittsburg, Pa. BoLLMAN, William James. — Son of James M. and Martha (Steele); born near Saltsburg, Westmoreland Co., Pa., Nov. 13, 1841; W. T. S., '67-70; licensed April 13, '69, Presbytery of Saltsburg ; ordained '70, Presbytery of Blairsville ; pastor Congruity, Pa., '70-72 ; stated supply Moulton, Iowa, '72-73; pastor Farmington, III., '73-75, Middletown and Spring Creek, Iowa, '75-81 ; teacher High School, Burlington, Iowa, '76-83 ; Pro- fessor of Mathematics, BeUevue College, '83-85; stated supply Osceola and Shelby, Neb., '85-86; professor Lenox College, '86—; married Dec. 23, '69, Margaret J., daughter of T. M. Caruthers; Ph.D., '82, Parsons College. Presbyterian minister, Hopkinton, Iowa. *BoYD, Bankhead.— Son of Rev. Bankhead and ; born Washington Co., Pa., Oct. 19, 1846 ; United Presbyterian Seminary ; licensed January, '70; died Clokeyville, Pa., March 4, '70, hemorrhage. United Presbyte- rian minister. ■* Brown, David.— Son of Henry and Jane (Harkness); born Westmoreland Co., Pa., Feb. 14, 1838; W. T. S., '67-70; licensed April 13, '69, Presbytery of Kittanning ; ordained April, '71, Presbytery of Fairfield ; stated supply Kirkville, Iowa, '70-73; pastor Oxford '73-83, Newton '83—; married July 22, '69, M. J., daughter of William Calhoun, also May 16, '72, Lucretia, daughter of H. R. Skinner. Presbyterian minister, Newton, Iowa. Campbell, John Alexander.— Son of Alexander and Ellen; born Wellsville, O., Dec. 11, 1842; minister Disciples Church ; West Virginia Legislature; House of Delegates, West Virginia, '71-76; law student; practiced law New Cumberland, W. Va., '71—; Presidential Elector '80 ; Manager Citizens' Bank. Lawyer, New Cumberland, W. Va. WASHINGTON AND JEFFERSON COLLEGE. 40l •Cellars, Joseph Villers.— Born Carroll Co., 0., Oct. 10, 1845 ; W. T. S. '67-70; licensed April 28, '69, Presbytery of Steubenville ; ordainedJune 23, '70, Presbytery of Allegheny; pastor Providence Church, Allegheny, Pa., '70-72; teacher Hebrew, Western Theological Seminary, '70-72 : mar- ried May 24, '70, Emma Huston ; died Carrollton, O., Sept. 20, '72. Pres- byterian minister. Converse, Rob Roy' (formerly McNulty, Rob Roy McGregor). — Son of Caleb I. and Caroline A. (Converse); born Cincinnati, O., Nov. 16, 1844; W. T. S. '67-70; Berkley Divinity School, Middletpwn,Conn.; licensed '72, Presbytery of Pittsburg; ordained '72, Presbytery of Columbus; pastor Westminster Church, Columbus, O., '72-75; business; ordained Protestant Episcopal Church '79, Bishop Williams, priest '80; rector Watertown, Conn., '80-83, Christ Church, Corning, N. Y., '83-88 ; chaplain Hoboken College. Protestant Episcopal minister, Geneva^ N. Y. ^Crawford, William Orville. — Son of Robert and Sarah ; born Washington Co., Pa., March 28, 1843; law student with Robb & Snivelej, Pittsburg, Pa.; practiced law Pittsburg, Pa., '68-86; married April 2, '72, Lydia McClure, daughter of Thomas Collins ; died Jan. 1, '86, consumption. Lawyer. Davis, Samuel Taylor.— Son of John H. and Martha (Seathorn); born Washington, Pa., March 4, 1845 ; N. W. T. '67-69, '73-74; Rush Medical College '67-70 ; licensed May 4, '69, Presbytery of Schuyler ; ordained Nov. 15, '70, Presbytery of Washington ; stated supply Independence, Pa., Hia- watha, Kan., Aledo, Milan and McComb, 111.; Golden, Col., '88 ; Denver '88 — ; editor Christian Hour '86—, "Written Anatomy of Theology;" married Mary, daughter of Adam Morrow ; M.D., Rush College. Pres- byteriaxi minister, Denver, Col. Elliott, Samuel Wilson. — Son of Samuel and Mary A. (Wilson); born Tip- pecanoe Co., Ind., Nov. 29, 1844; W. T. S. '67-70; licensed April, '70, Presbytery of Logansport ; ordained June, '71, Presbytery of Des Moines; pastor Wood burn, la., '70-74; stated supply Russell '71, Louisville, Ky., '75-76, Wilmington, O., '76-79, Thorntown, Ind., '79-82, West Union, O., '82 — , Mt. Pleasant '88 — ; married Nov. 11, '74, Jennie B., daughter of Rev. E. Grand-Girard ; Ph.D. Presbyterian minister, Kingston, O. Gallagher, James Stewart.- Son of James and Elizabeth (Foster); born Pleasant Unity, Pa., Jan. 16, 1846 ; merchant Johnstown, Pa.; married Oct. 15, '73, Emma J., daughter of W. J. Rose. Merchant, Johnstown, Pa. Harvey, David Todd.— Son of Josiah and Catharine; born Murraysville, Pa., May 3, 1842 ; teacher New Salem Academy '67-70; law student with Hon. James Todd, Greensburg, Pa.; practiced law Greensburg '70—; Pros- ecuting Attorney 75-78; married Aug. 28, '72, Minnie E. Brown, Canons- burg, Pa. Lawyer, Greensburg, Pa. Larimore, John Kaen.— Born Delmonf, Pa., April 2, 1845; W. T. S. '67^68- Teacher ; merchant ; residence Philadelphia, Pa. 402 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF McCarrell, LUDOWICK.-Son of Thomas and Elizabeth (McCoanaughy); born Washington Co., Pa., Feb. 2, 1842 ; teacher '07-68 ; law student with Montgomery and Gibson, Washington, Pa., '67-69 ; practiced law Wash- ington, Pa., '70—; married July 25, '76, Lide, daughter of Robert Jackson. Lawyer, Washington, Pa. McCoNNELL, George N.-Son of John and Elizabeth (Robbins); born Aurora, Ind., Sept. 20, 1840 ; law student with J. I. Kuhn, Pittsburg, Pa., '67-69 ; practiced law Burlington, Kan., '69—; County Superintendent Public Instruction '72-75; Judge Police Court '77-79; married May 13, '74, Mary E., daughter of Leonidas GoodaU. Lawyer, Burlington, Kan. McDowell, John McFarland.-Sou of William H. and Jance C. (McFarland); born Franklin Co., Pa., Aug. 1, 1845 ; teacher '67-68 ; Deputy Prothono- tary '68-69 ; law student with Kennedy & Stewart, Chambersburg, Pa., '67-69; practiced law Chambersburg, Pa., '69-79, '82—, Prothonotary Franklin Co., Pa., '69-82; married Jan. 15, '80, Clara C, daughter of John Clendennin. Lawyer, Chambersburg, Pa. McGuiRE, Thomas W.— Son of Elam S. and Catharine (Lewis); born Bates ville, Ark., Aug. 17, 1845; law student with John C. Orrick, St. Charles, Mo.; practiced law St. Charles and Carrollton, Mo., '68 ; married May 1, '72, Virginia, daughter of W. W. Austin. Lawyer, Carrollton, Mo. McKnight, David Kennedy. — Son of David K. and Lavinia (Long); born Allegheny Co., Pa., Aug. 13, 1846 ; U. P. T. S., Allegheny ; licensed June 28, '70, Presbytery of Monongahela; ordained July 9, '72, Presbytery of Frankfort; pastor Clinton '72-86, Salt Creek, O., '87—; married Oct. 28, '75, Ella C, daughter of Rev. Dr. A. D. Clark. United Presbyterian minister, Rix's Mills, O. McNuLTY, R. R. McG. — See Converse, Rob Roy, above. Mitchell, Alexander. — Son of Zachariah and Ann (Baird); born Ohio Co., Va., March 19, 1847; teller People's Bank, Wheeling, W. Va.; City Coun- cil; married Oct. 21, '80, Delia Harbour. Banker, Wheeling, W. Va. Moore, Alfred Stibbs. — Son of Alfred R. and Jane (Small); born Beaver, Pa., Sept. 13, 1846; railroad man '67-69; law student with S. B. Wilson, Beaver, Pa.; practiced law Tidioute, Pa., '72-73, Butler '73-75, Beaver '75—; District Attorney, Beaver Co., Pa., '81-84; married Oct. 18, '83, Celia J., daughter of Harrison Richardson, Bentleysville, Pa. Lawyer, Beaver, Pa. ♦Moore, Henry Robert. — Son of Alfred R. and Jane (Small); born near Beaver, Pa., Aug. 3, 1844 ; law student with Hon. Henry Hice, Beaver, Pa.; practiced law Beaver, Pa., '69-78 ; married Dec. 24, '72, Sadie, daughter of Rev. Joseph Woodruff; died Beaver, Pa., Sept. 25, '78, consumption. Lawyer. *Moorhead, Everett Huston.— Son of James and Jane E. (Sharpe); born Indiana Co., Pa., Jan. 4, 1846 ; United States Army ; law student Indiana, Pa.; practiced law Indiana, Pa., '69-87; unmarried; died Indiana, Pa., Jan. 19, '87, bronchitis. Lawyer. WASHINGTON AND JEFFERSON COLLEGE. 403 Newton, Francis Janvier.— Son of Rev. Dr. John and Elizabeth P. (Jan- vier); born Sabathu, Northern India, July 24, 1847; W. T. S., '67-70; licensed April, '69, Presbytery of Steubenville; ordained July, '70, same presbytery ; foreign missionary, India, Lodiana, India, '70-77, Lahore, India, '70-79 ; American student of medicine, Jefferson Medical College, '77-79; Ferozepur '79 — ; published treatise on " Evidences" in Urdu ; mar- ried Sept. 27, '71, Fanny C, daughter of Wm. G. Keed, Chambersburg, Pa. Presbyterian minister, Ferozepur, India. ^O'Neall, George Edwin. —Son of George and Elizabeth (Johnston); born Steubenville, O., May 2, 1845; Secretary Salver Wrecking Company; clerk on steamer Olive Branch ; unmarried ; died March 10, '70, typhoid pneumonia. Reiber, Ferdinand De Soult. — Son of Martin and Mary (Yetter); born Millerstown, Pa., June 19, 1847 ; law student with Col. Thompson, Butler, Pa., '68-69; practiced law Butler, Pa., '69-84; District Attorney '73-75; oil business '84 — ; unmarried. Lawyer, Butler, Pa. Riddle, David Hoge, Jr. — Son of Rev. Dr. D. H. and Elizabeth (Brown); born Pittsburg, Pa., Jan. 27, 1846; W. T. S., '67-69; P. T. S., '69-70; licensed '70, Presbytery of Allegheny; ordained April 10, '71, Presbytery of Washington City ; pastor Falls Church, Virginia, '71 — . Presbyterian minister, Falls Church, Virginia. RiOPEL, Edmund Eusebius. — Son of Solomon and Amelia (Van Dett); born Ottawa, Canada West, Oct. 16, 1843 ; United States Army, '62-63 ; Com- pany C, 142d Regiment New York Volunteers ; medical student with Dr. Barnett, Canonsburg, Pa., and Western Reserve University, Cleveland; practiced medicine Apple Creek, O., '70-72, Cleveland '73-76, Honduras, Central America, '77-79, Detroit, Mich., '80 — ; President State University, Honduras, Central America, '77-80; published ''On the Winds;" mar- ried '68, Sophia M. Beechers, also '8^, Elizabeth M. Labadie. Physician, Detroit, Mich. Scott, .James Herron. — Son of Major James and Mary (Cubbage); born near Canonsburg, Pa., Aug. 10, 1846; banker Grinnell, Iowa, '68-79; bookkeeper and paymaster '79-86 ; general insurance agent, Pittsburg, Pa., '86 — ; married '76, Millie A. Bell, also '79, Fannie Kuhn. Insurance agent, 79 Fifth Avenue, Pittsburg, Pa. Sharp, JamesP. — Son of John and Catherine (Thompson); born Berlin, O., Jan. 5, '45 ; United Presbyterian Theological Seminary, Allegheny, '67-70; licensed May 10, '69, United Presbyterian Presbytery of Mansfield ; ordained Sept. 27, '70, Presbytery of Frankfort ; pastor Ohio '70-73, and Raccoon, O., '70-83, Sidney '86 ; married Oct. 8, '73, Aggie J., daugh- ter of N. Ballantine. United Presbyterian minister, Sidney, O. Wallace, Thomas Davis. — Son of James and Isabella (Kean);born West- moreland Co., Pa., Oct. 10, 1843; W. T. S., '67-70; teacher; licensed April 28, '69,- Presbytery of Blairsville ; ordained April 23, '71, Presbytery of Iowa City ; stated supply and pastor Washington, Iowa, '70-79, Hanni- 404 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF bal Mo 79-87, Eighth Presbyterian Church, Chicago, 111., '87~; mar- ried Oct.' 19, 75, Elizabeth M.. daughter of Kev. Adam Torrence, New Alexandria, Pa.; D.D. Presbyterian minister, Chicago, 111. ♦Wilson, Jesse BROWN.-Born Armstrong Co., Pa., Aug. 15, 1842; United States Army ; W. T. S., '67-70; licensed April, '69, Presbytery of Ohio ; ordained May, 70, Presbytery of Erie(?) ; home missionary, Eugene City, Ore., 70-72; married Frank Wallace; died Zelienople, Pa., June 2, '73. Presbyterian minister. Wilson Joseph Rodgers.— Son of Rev. Dr. Samuel and Anna M. (Rodgers); born Merrittstown, Pa., May 14, 1847 ; W. T. S., '67-70; licensed April 28 '69, Presbytery of Redstone; ordained April, '72, Presbytery of Erie; sta'ted supply Normal, 111.. '70-71, Belle Valley, Pa., '72-73, Chestnut Street Erie, '72-79 ; Professor of Greek, Parsons College, Fairfield, Iowa, '79—; married Sept. 2, '75, H. Viola, daughter of Johnston Eaton ; D.D., '84, Washington and Jefferson College. Presbyterian minister, Fairfield, Iowa. Wylie, Samuel S.— Son of David and Harriet B. (Sernison) ; born near Washington, Pa., Dec. 2, 1844 ; W. T. S., '67-70, and Free Church, Scot- land ; licensed April 28, '69, Presbytery of Ohio ; ordained June 11, '72, Presbytery of Carlisle; missionary '70-72; pastor Middle Spring, Pa., '72— ;' United States Army, '64, Knapp's Battery; published Church His- tory ; married Nov. 24, '74, Jennie, daughter of John McCune. Presby- terian minister, Middle Spring, Pa. Zimmerman, George Michael. - Son of John M. and Barbara ; born Butler, Pa., Nov. 19, 1842; medical student with Dr. Bredin, Butler, Pa.; practiced medicine Hubbard, O., '71-72, Butler, Pa., '73—; married Aug. 26, 76, Jennie E. Ralston. Physician, Butler, Pa. 1868. Alexander, Thomas Rush. — Son of Silas and Rachel (Long well); born Mifflin Co., Pa., March 10, 1844; teacher; law student, '68-70; W. T. S., '70-73 ; licensed April 10, '72, Presbytery of Huntingdon ; ordained Sept, 24, '73, Presbytery of Washington; pastor Mt. Prospect, Pa., '73—; mar- ried March 12, '64, Elizabeth E., daughter of H. S. McNabb, Lancaster, Pa. Presbyterian minister, Hickory, Pa. Anderson, Thomas Bingham. — Son of Joshua and Jane (Anderson); boro Leechburg, Pa., April 30, 1844 ; W. T. S., '68-71 ; licensed April 13, '70, Presbytery of Kittanning ; ordained June 5, '71, Presbytery of Shenango; pastor Pulaski, Pa., '71-73, Hopewell' 7 1-75, Latrobe '75-87, Plum Creek *87 — ; married March 14, '72, Lida A., daughter of Dr. Thomas H. Brown. Presbyterian minister, New Texas, Pa. •Ball, Eugene J.— Son of Hon. Cyrus and Rebecca G.; born Lafayette, Ind., April 5, 1844 ; law student with Hon. J. M. La Rue, and graduated at Harvard Law School, '71; practiced law Lafayette, Ind., 71-75; United States Consul at Booda Pesth, Hungary; unmarried; died Vienna, Austria, Jan. 8, '79. Lawyer. WASHINGTON AND JEFFERSON COLLEGEo 405. Bell, James Edgar Stevenson.— Son of Solomon and Emily (Stevenson); born Washington Co., Pa., Feb. 26, 1847 ; teacher Lawrenceville, N. J., '08-09; farmer Washington Co., Pa., '69-72; merchant Finleyville '72-75j teacher in Los Angeles and Bonaventura, Cal., '75-85; drug business Los Angeles '85 — ; student of pharmacy and chemistry Philadelphia and Uni- versity of California, '86-88 ; unmarried. Chemist and pharmacist, Los Angeles, Cal. *Bkady. William A. — Son of J. R. and Nancy (Canon); born near Canons- bnrg, Pa., Sept. 20, 1847; died at place of his birth Nov. 14, 1868. Student. Brandon, Washington D.— Son of John W. and Ruth A. C. (Beighley); born Butler Co., Pa., Nov. 1, 1847; teacher and law student with Hon. E. Mc- Jnnkin, '68-71; practiced law Butler, Pa., '71 — ; married May 27, '75, Clara Bell, daughter of James Campbell. Lawyer, Butler, Pa. Campbell, William T. — Son of Rev. Dr. David R. and Sarah (Taggart); born Ohio, 1847 (?); law student Steuben ville, O.; practiced law Steuben ville, O., '70(?)— . Mayor of Steubenville. *Castner, Silas W.— Son of David and Rebecca M.; born Washington Co., Pa., March 18, 1846 ; medical student; died Washington Co., Pa., April 10, '70, consumption. Medical student. *CoMiNGO, Neville B. Craig. — Son of Rev. Dr. H. G. and Isabella W. i Craig); born Steubenville, O., March 8, 1850 ; Princeton College, '68-69 ; W. T. vS., '70-73 ; licensed April, '72, Presbytery of Steubenville; ordained Aug. 25, '74, Presbytery of Pittsburg ; pastor Mt. Olive, Pittsburg, Pa., '74-88 ; died near Johnstown, Pa., Aug. 22, '88, by drowning. Presbyterian minister. Crowl, Theodore. — Son of Peter and Mary (Anderson); born Darlington, Pa., July 22, 1844; N. W. T. S., '68-69; W. T. S., '69-71, four years; U. T. S., New York, '71-72; licensed April 13, '70, Presbytery of Alle- gheny; ordained evangelist Apr Jl 10, '72, same presbytery ; home missionary Seattle, Washington Ter., '72-74; pastor Tidioute, Pa., '74-77 ; stated supply Canon City, Col., '78; pastor Second Church, Zanesville, O., '79 — ; United States Army, 178th Ohio Volunteer Infantry, '64-65; lieutenant; married Oct. 25, '81, Mary C, daughter of Charles Hobart, Grinnell, low-a. Presbyterian minister, Zanesville, O. Cunningham, Samuel. — Law student Indiana, Pa.; practiced law Indiana, Pa., 1870 — ; married Hattie Elliott. Lawyer, Indiana, Pa. Currie, Robert. —Son of John ; born near Monmouth, 111., 1840; N. W. T. 8., Chicago, ''68-69 ; traveling in Europe '72; law student with Robert Inger- soU, Peoria, 111. Farmer; residence, Roberts, Ford Co., 111. Darley, Alexander M.— Son of John S. and Janet (Fleck); born St. Louis, Mo., Feb. 2, 1840 ; N. W. T. S.; licensed April, '70, Presbytery of Chicago; ordained April, '71, Presbytery of Ft. Dodge; missionary Colorado, Iowa, '70—; published ''El Papado Segun la Biblia," ''La Teologia de Salva- cion;" pastor Storm Lake and Providence '86 ; married Aug. 16, '71, Ami-a M., daughter of John L. Gow. Presbyterian minister, Storm Lake, Iowa. 406 GENERAL CATALOGUE OP KcKUSY, Harvey J.— Son of Col. Ephraim R. and Martha L. (Brown) ; born ' Carrollton, O., Oct. 29, 1845; law student Carrollton, with Col. EckJey ; business Chicago 72; practiced law Carrollton, O., 74—; Prosecuting Attorney; married July 10, 79, Anna M., daughter of William McCoy. Lawyer, Carrollton, O. Fleming, David B.-Son of James and Catharine B. (Parks); born Dallas, W. Va., July 22, 1840 ; W. T. S., '68-71 ; licensed April 26, 70, Presby- tery of Washington; ordained September 3, 72, Presbytery of Missouri River ; stated supply Deer Creek, 111., 71-72, Fairmount, Neb., 72-74, Andover, 111., 74-76, Kingsbury 76-83, Unity, Iowa, '84-; married Dec. 18, 72, Helen V., daughter of J. D. Noble, Lincoia, Neb. Presbyterian minister, Iowp. City, Iowa. Floyd, Samuel McG.— Son of Rev. Ivlobec ?nd Arviatta (Steely); born Belle- ville, Pa., 1845 ; law student ; infirm ; Pittsburg, Pa. ♦Forsyth, McNary.— Born Washington Co., Pa., July 17, 1848; W. T. S. '63-71 ; licensed April, 70, Presbytery of Washington ; ordained June, 71, Presbytery of Allegheny ; stated supply Upper and Lower Ten Mile 70 j pastor Mill vale. Pa., 70-74; r^arried November, '72, Anna E. Burchfield; died Lynn, N. C, March 28, '74. Presbyterian minister. French, John McClellan.— Son of Rev. David and Elizabeth (Ingles); born Washington Co., Pa., July 19, 1844; Xenia United Presbyterian Theolog- ical Seminary '68-71; P. T. S. '71-72; licensed April, '71, Presbytery of Xenia ; ordained June 27, '72, Presbytery of Rock Island ; pastor North Henderson, III., '72-75, Mercer '75-80, Cleveland, O., '80-; married Oct. 22, '72, Mary Frances Wilson. United Presbyterian minister, Cleveland, O. *Gans, Enoch South — Son of John F. and Delila ; born New Geneva, Pa., Oct. 6, 1841 ; teacher Cape May, N. J., '68, Bethel, Pa., '69. Cape May '69-70, Charleston, W. Va., '70, Red Blufle Academy, Cal., '79-86; civil engineer '70 ; infirm ; farmer ; married Oct. 9, '72, Cornelia Shrewsbury ; died Red Bluff, Cal., Aug. 27, '86, rheumatism. Teacher. GiLLELAND, Leland McAboy.— Son of Robert and Sarah (Hutchinson); born Butler Co., Pa., June 7, 1843 ; N. W. T. S. '68-71 ; licensed April, '70, Presbytery of Chicago; ordained April 17, '71, Presbytery of Kalamazoo ; pastor White Pigeon, Mich., '71-77, Tidioute, Pa., '77-84, Walnut Street Church, Evansville, Ind., '84 — ; married May 2, '71, Lavinia R., daughter of E. H. Danforth, Jamestown, N. Y. Presbyterian minister, Evansville, Indiana. Gillespie, Samuel Lovejoy.— Son of Joseph M. and Mary (Wilson); born Biooiuiugburg, O., Jan. 12, 1838 ; P. T. S. '68-71 ; licensed and ordained Feb. 14, '70, Presbytery of Chillicothe; foreign missionary to Western Africa, Gaboon and Corisco '70-74; home missionary Corinne, Utah, '74 — , Brigham City, 79 ; married June 18, '83, Martha B., daugliterof William White. Presbyterian minister, Box Elder, Utah. WASHINGTON AND JEFFERSON COLLEGE. 407 Glendenning, John Stewart. — Born near Pittsburg, Pa., Aug. 17, 1849 ; P. T. S. '68-71 ; ordained Oct. 26, '71, Presbytery of Jersey City ; pastor Prospect Avenue Chur^hi .Jersey City, N. J., '71-75 ; na°tcr-olect i^'irst Congregational Church, Henry, 111., '75 — , without charge '87; stated supply Pratt, Kan., '88 — . Presbyterian minister, Pratt, Kan. McAdam, Dunlap J. — Son of John and Susan ; born Moorfield, O., Aug. 2, 1843 ; teacher Harlem Springs, Pa., '68-69 ; tutor Washington and Jeffer- son College '69 ; Superintendent of Schools, Carrollton, O., '70-72 ; profes- sor, Washington and Jefferson College, Latin one year. Mathematics '73 — ; married July 8, '75, Kate W., daughter of Captain A. Wishart, also June 14, '88, Rebecca, daughter of John D. Braden. Professor, Washington, Pennsylvania. McCarrell, William Alexander.— Son of Rev. Dr. Alexander and Martha (McLain); born Greene Co., Pa., Aug. 20, 1846; W. T. S. '68-71; licensed April, '70, Presbytery of Washington ; ordained September, '71, Presby- tery of Erie ; pastor Cambridge and Gravel Run, Pa., '71-75, Shippens- burg '75 — ; married May 16, '71, Martha, daughter of Benjamin Means. Presbyterian minister, Shippensburg, Pa. McConnell, Samuel D.— Son of David and Agnes (Guthrie); born Westmore- land Co., Pa., Aug. 1, 1845; editor Evening Mail, Pittsburg, Pa.; P. T. S. '68-70 ; W. T. S. '70-71 ; Nashotah Theological Seminary ; ordained deacon June 14, '71, priest, June 17, '72 ; minister St. John's Church, Erie, Pa., '71-73 ; rector Christ's Church, Watertown, Conn., '73-76, Holy Trinity Church, Middletown, Conn., and arch-deacon '76-82 ; St. Stephen's Church, Philadelphia, '82 — ; dean New England Con., Philadelphia, '85 — j married Sept. 3, '73, Anna, daughter of Col. John Bliss ; D.D. Protes- tant Episcopal minister, Philadelphia, Pa. McCuRDY, Stephen Oliver Brow^n. — Son of Stephen Oliver and Maria Barbara; born Franklin Co., Pa., Oct. 21, 1843; law student ; W. T. S. '68-71; licensed June, '71, Presbytery of Carlisle; ordained November, '72, Presbytery of West Jersey; stated supply McConnellsburg, Pa., '70 ; pastor Woodstown, New Jersey '71-85, Duncannon, Pa., '85—; married Oct. 2, '73, Jennie M., daughter of J. D. McCord. Presbyterian minister, Duncannon, Pa. McDonald, William H.— Son of Rev. Samuel H. and AnnE. (Addams); born Belleville, Pa., Feb. 3, 1847; medical student Bellevue Hospital, New York City ; United States Army, assistant surgeon '71-72 ; Blooraingdale Asylum '73-80 ; practiced medicine Pueblo, Col., '81—; married May 9, '82, Mrs. Mary S. Wells. Physician, Pueblo, Col. McFarland, William.— Son of James and Martha (McNichol); born West Bedford, O., Nov. 5, 1844 ; Reformed Presbyterian Theological Seminary, Allegheny ; pastor Lisbon Center, N. Y., '71—; married '71, Martha E. McClure. Reformed Presbyterian minister, Lisbon Center, N. Y. 408 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF McKallip, John K.— Son of Henry K. and Mary (Keely); born Shearersburg, Pa., Sept. 19, 1847; W. T. S. '68-71; licensed April 13, 70, Presbytery of Kittanning; ordained September, '72, Presbytery of Louisville ; pastor Eliza- bethtown, Ky., '72-74, Uhrichsville, O., '74-81, Bellaire '82-86, Beaver, Pa., '86—; married Marian, daughter of Kev. Dr. B. J. Wallace, also Dec. 11, '88, Mary C. Latshaw. Presbyterian minister, Beaver, Pa. Hay, John Ross.— Son of John and Mary (Berry); born Washington Co., Pa., Feb. 19, 1841; United Presbyterian Theological Seminary, Allegheny, '68-71 ; licensed July 20, '70, United Presbyterian Presbytery of Chartiers; ordained Aug. 15, '76, Presbytery of Frankfort ; pastor United Presbyte- rian Church , Beavor Run and Beech Woods, Pa., '88 ; married Aug. 13, '80, Samantha, daughter of James L. Fulton. United Presbyterian minister, Stanton, Pa. MooRHEAD, James Sharpe.— Son of James and Jaue Elizabeth (Sharpe); born near Indiana, Pa.; law student with William M. Stewart and Judge Clark, Indiana, Pa.: practiced law Greensburg, Pa., '70 — ; married July 15, '81, Elizabeth W. Singer. Lawyer, Greensburg, Pa. Orbison, Robert A. — Son of William P. and Lydia R (Allison); born Hun- tingdon, Pa., Jan. 31, 1849 ; law student with father, W. P. Orbison, and Albany Law School; practiced law Huntingdon, Pa., St. Paul two years; Washington, D. C; Office of the Secretary of Commonwealth, Pennsylvania; unmarried. Lawyer, Huntingdon, Pa. Porter, Robert Baird. — Son of Moses B. and Mary (Wilson) ; born Fay- ette Co., Pa.; W. T. S., 1868-71 ; licensed; ordained '75(?), Presbytery of St. Clairsville; pastor Senecaville, 0., '75, Fairview, W. Va., '77, Roches- ter, Pa., '79, Freedom '82, Cross Roads '83-88 ; without charge '88; mar- ried Dec. 29, '74, Celia G., daughter of L. M. Speer, Belle Vernon, Pa. Presbyterian minister, Wexford, Pa. Roberts, James. — Son of James and Elizabeth ; born Harrison Co., O., Sept. 25, 1849 ; law student, Ohio State Law College, Cleveland, '69 ; practiced law Montezuma, Iowa, '69-72 ; druggist '72— ; married Oct. 5, '75, M. E. Bosley. Druggist, Montezuma, Iowa. Shanks, James Dici^son.— Son of John and Margaret (Wilkins); born Sewickley, Pa., Jan. 8, 1844; W. T. S., '68-71 ; licensed April 13, '70, Presbytery of Allegheny City; ordained Oct. 15, '72, Presbytery of Alle- gheny ; pastor Cross Roads, Pa., '72-74 ; stated supply Fairview, O., '75-76 ; pastor CarroUton, O., '76-80 ; Round Hill, Pa., '80-83, Trinity Church, Philadelphia, '84—; married May 31, '71, Lina, daughter of William McCoy, Canonsburg, Pa. 'Presbyterian minister, Philadelphia, Pennsylvar'", Shaver, Thomas A.-W. T. S., 1868-71 ; licensed '70, Presbytery of Wooster; ordained '75, Presbytery of Ft. Dodge; stated supply Glidden's Vale, Iowa, 75-77, Grand Junction '77-79, Linn Grove and Springfield '79-80, Dakota '80, Lincoln, Dakota, '82; honorably retired. Presbyterian minister, Marne, Iowa. WASHINGTON AND JEFFERSON COLLEGE. 409 Shkrrard, Thomas Johnson. — Son of Robert A. and Jane (Hindman); born Steubenville, O., Feb. 25, 1845 ; N. W. T. S., '68-69 ; P. T. S., '69-71 ; licensed April 27, '70, Presbytery of Steubenville ; ordained June 11, '72, Presbytery of Huntingdon; pastor Mifflintown, Pa., '72-80; Brookville, Pa., '80-83, Honeybrook '83—; married Dec. 21, '71, Mary R., daughter of Hon. James Campbell, Clarion, Pa. Presbyterian minister, Honeybrook, Pennsylvania. Smith, George B. — Son of William and Elizabeth (Rings); born Westmoreland Co., Pa., Dec. 28, 1841 ; W. T. S., '68-71 ; licensed April, '70, Presbytery of Blairsville ; ordained evangelist April, '71, same presbytery ; Seward, Neb., '71-76, Martinsburg, Iowa, '76-80, and missionary Iowa '80—, Malcolm '86 — ; married Annie E., daughter of W. S. Caldwell, Westmoreland Co., Pa. Presbyterian minister, Malcolm, Iowa. ^Stephens, William M. — Son of Joseph and Mary; born Sept. 2, 1843, East Wheatfield Township, Indiana Co., Pa.; County Clerk Jewell County, Kansas ; married Belle Heyman, of Illinois ; died April 25, 1886, Mankato, Jewell Co., Kan. Stevenson, William R. — Son of David and Agnes (Miller); born Scroggsfield, O., April 4, 1842; United Presbyterian Theological Seminary, Allegheny; licensed May 10, '70, Presbytery of Steubenville ; ordained Sept. 15, '71, Presbytery of Conemaugh; pastor West Newton '72-81, Portland, Ore., '81-85 : missionary work '85 — , Oregon, Idaho ; married Nov. 7, '72, Annie L., daughter of John Weaver. United Presbyterian minister, Nampa, Idaho Stewart, James Harris. — Son of Dr. James Harris and Jane Abigail (Fuller); born Sidney, O., Oct. 19, 1845; P. T. S., '68-71; licensed June 15, '70, Presbytery of Huntingdon ; ordained Aug. 15, '71, same presbytery ; pastor Port Royal, Pa., '71-77, Greencastle '77-83, Brookville, '83-86; stated supply Casselton, Dakota Ter., '86 — ; married Aug. 21, '77, Annie F., daughter of Rev. Dr. G. W. Thompson, Academia, Pa. Presbyterian minister, Casselton, Dakota Ter. Stewart, William Houston. — Son of David and Caroline (Houston); born Indiana, Pa., Feb. 22, 1847 ; medical student with Drs. McCullock and Cunningham, Kittanning, Pa., and Jefferson Medical College, '68-71, University of Leipzic and Vienna ; practiced medicine Kittanning, Pa., '74 — ; unmarried. Physician, Kittanning, Pa. Sutton, William B. — Law student with Judge Blair, Indiana, and Utica, N. Y.; practiced law Utica, N. Y.; Judge Common Pleas, Utica ; married Agnes, daughter of John E. Black. Lawyer, Utica, N. Y. Torrance, Elisha S. — Son of Rev. Adam and Eliza (Graham); born New Alexandria, Pa. , April 6, 1846 ; teacher Missouri '68-70 ; law student with A. Gillett, Emporia, Kan., '70 ; practiced law Winfield, Kan., '70-81 ; * Prosecuting Attorney '71-75, '79-81 ; Judge Thirteenth Judicial District Kansas, '81 — ; married Feb. 1, '77, Virginia, daughter of Jordan Stewart. Lawyer, Winfield, Kan. 410 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF Troutman, Michael A.— Son of J. G. and Caroline ; born Wooster, O., Oct. 4, 1846 ; teacher Apple Creek, O., '68-69, High School, Canton, '69-75, private echool 75-80; assistant cashier City National Bank '81—; ruling^ elder Presbyteiian Church ; married Dec. 24, '74, Frances A. Goodwill. Banker, Canton, O. •Welsh. JosiAH.-Boru Holiday's Cove, W.Va., Sept. 3, 1841; P. T. S.,'68-70; U. T. S., '70-71; licensed April 27, '70, Presbytery of Steubenville; ordained June, '71 ; pastor Salt Lake City, Utah, '71-77 ; married Oct. 14, '75, Emma, daughter of Prof. J. M. Coyner ; died Uhrichsville, O., March 18, '77. Presbyterian minister. Wilson, Andrew Porter, Jr.— Son of Adolphus and (Petriken); bom Huntingdon, Pa.; studied law with Gen. A. P. Wilson ; has not practiced 5 residence Huntingdon, Pa. ♦Wilson, Joseph Dioii.— Born Falkirk, Scotland, June 14, 1843; Chicaga Theological Seriiinary '68-69 ; P. T. Seminary '69-71; ordained Oct. 11, '71, Presbytery of West Jersey ; pastor Millvale, N. J., '71-73 ; died Mill- vale, Nov. 26, '73. Presbyterian minister. ♦Wise, Samuel A.— Son of Samuel and Mary Ann ; born Vincennes, Ind., Dec. 19, 1847; law student at Bloomington, Ind.; practiced law Vincennes, St. Paul, Minn.; unmarried ; died Vincennes, Ind., Oct. 3, '74, dropsy of the heart. Lawyer. scientific graduates. ♦AcHESON, Joseph M.— Son of Hon A. W. and Jane (Wishart); bom.Wash- ington. Pa., March 22, 1848 ; United States Army '64-65, Knapp's Battery; law student with Hon. A. W. Acheson '68-71 ; practiced law Pittsburg, '71-87 ; married Alice, daughter of Hon. Edward Campbell ; died Oct. 21, '86, Fairfield, Iowa. Berry, George A. — Son of Benjamin J. and Nancy J. (Irwin); born Center Co., Pa., Nov. 9, 1848 ; law student with McCallister and Beaver, Beile- fonte, Pa., '68-69, George M. Eeed, Ebensburg, and Lechler till '71 ; practiced law Ebensburg, Pa., Tidioute, Bradford '71 — ; United States Commissioner; married Nov. 9, '76, Kate I., daughter of Nelson Parker, Bradford, Pa. Lawyer, Bradford, Pa. Davis, William J.— Son of David G. and Sarah B. (Packer); born Fairfield Co., O., Sept. 24, 1847 ; teacher and law student '68-71 ; practiced law Wells Co., Ind., '71-78, Goshen '78-; married Oct. 9, '73, Maria M., daughter of Thomas McKean, Esq., Washington, Pa. Lawyer, Goshen, Ind. Duncan, Thomas Jefferson —Son of Thomas and Priscilla (Stevens); born Brownsville, Pa., Feb. 11, 1845; teacher eight years, and law student with J. Y. Hamilton, Washington, Pa., '68-76 ; practiced law Washington, Pa., '76—; married '80, Ella W. Morris, of Pittsburg, Pa. Lawyer, Washing- ton, Pennsylvania. WASHINGTON AND JEFFERSON COLLEGE. 411 Fisher, Samuel Bbownlee. — Son of Jacob P. and Jane T. (Brownlee); bom Cherry Fork, Adams Co., O., Oct. 24, 1846 ; Rogers' Locomotive Works, Paterson, N. J., '69-71 ; civil enefineer with Pennsylvania Railroad Com- pany, Pittsburg, Pa., '72-86 ; chief engineer Milwaukee and Northern Railroad; Green Bay, Wis., '86 — ; published ''The Gravity Inclined Plane;" ''The Highways of the People;" "The I-ronle of the Quanti- ties ; " ruling elder United Presbyterian Church, Paterson, N. J., and Second United Presbyterian Church, Pittsburg; married February 7, '82, daughter of James Crooks, Pittsburg, Pa. Civil engineer. Green Bay,. Wisconsin. HooN, John M. — Son of John and Sarah Jane (McCracken); born Claysville, Pa., xrf47 ; law student Wheeling, W. Va.; practiced law Wheeling, W. Va., '70, Grand Rapids, Mich.; grain, Chicago, 111., '71 — . Commissioii business, Chicago, 111. Mason, George Wilson. — Son of Joseph M. and Mary (Mason); born Stea- benville, O., Sept. 28, 1846 ; law student with A. M. Wilson, Washington, and James Mason, Cleveland, O.; practiced law Cleveland, O., '70 — ; notary public. Lawyer, Cleveland, Ohio. Olivet., John Milton. — Son of John M. and Mary Ann (Towne); bom Washington Cb , Pa., April 15, 1846 ; law student with Hon. George S. Hart, Washington, Pa., 'oS-^O ; practiced law Chicago, 111., '70 — ; United States Army '61-64, Hopkins' Infaniry ; married Nov. 17, '70, Agnes, daughter of John Sharp, Uniontown, O. Lawyer, Chicago, 111. Riley, Isaac M.— Son of Richard L. and Mary (Keyser); born Belmont Co., O., Jan. 20, 1848; law student St. Olairsville, O.; practiced law St. Clairs- ville '71 — ; editor St. Olairsville Gazette '83 — ; Mayor of St. Clairsville; married Sarah Patton. Lawyer and editor, St. Olairsville, O. Stockton, John Wilson. — Son of Robert and Rebecca (Wilson); born near Washington, Pa., May 15, 1848 ; medical student with Dr. Whittlesey, Ann Arbor, Mich.; graduated Eclectic Medical College, Cincinnati, O., '77 > post-graduate course, Philadelphia, '82 ; practiced medicine Washington, Pa., '78—; unmarried. Physician, Washington, Pa. Young, John Fletcher. — Son of James and Lydia A. (Hulse); born McCon- nellsville, O., Nov. 14, 1842; law student with Alexis Cope, McConnells- ville, O.; practiced law Caldwell, O., '71-73, Bellaire, '73-77 ; farmer St. Olairsville '77 — ; married December, '87, Mary Ellen Fawcette. Lawyer,, farmer, St. Olairsville, O. honorary degrees. Aiken, John — Son of William and Nancy (Daugherty); born West Liberty^ W. Va., Feb. 7, 1844 ; clerk and law student with Alexander Wilson, Washington, Pa.; practiced law W^ashington, Pa., '69 — ; United States Army, '62-65 ; corporal, sergeant, lieutenant, captain ; ruling elder Pres-r byterian Church ; member of General Assembly, '87 ; married Dec. 16, '69, Jennie, daughter of Matthew Blaine, Washington Co., Pa.; A.M., Wash- ington and Jefferson College. Lawyer, Washington, Pa. 412 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF MCJUNKIN, Hugh KiNG.-Son of Josiah and Parthenia G ; born Allegheny Co Pa., Oct. 18, 1845 ; United States Army, 3d Regiment Heavy Artillery; law student with Judge Sloan, Keosauqua, Iowa; practiced law, Glenwood, la., '09-77, San Francisco, Cal., '77—; District Attorney, Thirteenth Judicial District, Iowa, '73-77 ; Assistant District Attorney, San Francisco, Cal., '81-82; 'Legislature California, '85-86; married '80, Cornelia H. Ransom; A.M., Washington and Jefferson College, '73. Lawyer, San Francisco, Cal. 1869. Blayney, Charles Philander.-Sou of Vincent M. and Mary (Donahey); born Wheeling, W. Va., Nov. 21, 1848 ; business '69-75 ; W. T. S., '75-78; licensed Sept. 26, '77, Presbytery of Washington; ordained Dec. 5, '78, Presbytery of Osage; pastor Olive Branch and Austin, Mo., '78-84, Ray- more '84 ; stated supply Breckinridge '86-88, Milan -'88 ; married Oct. 4, '81, Maggie S., daughter of Jacob C. Wallace. Presbyterian minister, Milan, Mo. Brown, John H.— Son of Rev. Dr. Richard and Amanda (Christmas); bom New Hagarstown, O., Feb. 14, 1847; teacher New Hagarstown Academy, '(19-71, Ladies' Seminary, Portsmouth, '71-74, High School '74-75, New Hagarstown Academy, '75—. Teacher, New Hagarstown, O. Bbownlbe, Martin Beveridge.— Son of Joseph and Jane (Auld); born near West Middletown, Pa., June 7, 1845 ; teacher and agent '69-71; Monmouth Theological Seminary, '81-82 ; United Presbyterian Theological Seminary, Allegheny, '82-84; licensed April 15, '83, Presbytery of Chartiers; ordained evangelist June 11, '78, same presbytery ; stated supply Garnett, Kan., '78-80 ; Berea and Blue Mound, '80-81 ; missionary '81-82, Centerville, Iowa, '82—; married Dec. 26, '72, Sally A., daughter of Matthew Cannon, Canonsburg, Pa. United Presbyterian minister, Centerville, Iowa. • CoLFELT, Lawrence Maclay. — Son of Charles and Nancy (Bates); born Mif- flin Co., Pa., Dec. 22, 1849; P. T. S., '69-72; licensed ; ordained May 9, '72; pastor Allentown, Pa., '72-74, First Church, Philadelphia, '74-84, Oxford Church '85 — ; married June 24, '74, Rebecca, daughter of James McManes; D.D., Hampden-Sidney College. Presbyterian minister, Phil- adelphia, Pa. ■*CoMiNGO, Edward Gray.— Son of Rev. Dr. Henry G and Isabel W. (Craig); born Steubenville, O., June 22, 1848 ; books and stationery, Pitts- burg, Pa., '69-77 ; law student with J. M. Stoner, Pittsburg, and H. G. Ward, Philadelphia, '77-81 ; practiced law Pittsburg, Pa., '81-82 ; infirm ; Europe '82; unmarried; died Philadelphia, Pa., March 22, '84, nervous prostration. Lawyer. Cooke, Silas.— Son of David and Agnes B. (Ritchie); born Washington Co., Pa., Oct. 20, 1842 ; teacher '69-71 ; W. T. S., '71-74; licensed April, '73, Presbytery of Washington; ordained May 12, '74, Presbytery of Athens; stated supply and pastor Nelsonville, O., '75-78; pastor Prospect Church, WASHINGTON AND JEFFERSON COLLEGE. 413 Dunlap, 111., '78 — ; United States Array, '62-65, corporal ; married Aug. 20, '74, Elizabeth M., daughter of Joseph B. Musser. Presbyterian min- ister, Dunlap, 111. Cook, Joseph S. — Son of John and Mary ; born near New Alexandria, Pa., Feb. 11, 1846; law student with Judge Kirkpatrick, Pittsburg, Pa., also John Mallon ; practiced law Pittsburg, Pa., '71-85, Orlando, Fla., '85 — ; married June 25, '74, Kate Thorn. Lawyer, Orlando, Fla. *CuLBERTSON, Thomas. — Sou of Franklin and Narcissa (Craig); born Westmore- land Co., Pa., Oct. 24, 1844 ; teacher Armagh, Pa., '69-72 ; law student with H. H. Greer, Mt. Vernon, O., '72-73 ; practiced law Pittsburg, Pa., '73-77 ; unmarried ; died Mt. Vernon, O., Aug. 1, '77, pneumonia. Lawyer. CULBERTSON, WiLLiAM C — Son of Franklin and Narcissa (Craig); born West- moreland Co., Pa., June 1, 1847; law student with General Wylie, Wooster, O., '69-72; practiced law Mt. Vernon, O., '72 — . Lawyer, Mt. Vernon, Ohio. DoNAHEY, Martin Luther. — Born Washington Co., Pa., Sept. 2, 1847 ; W. T. S., '69-72; licensed April, '71, Presbytery of Washington; ordained '72, Presbytery of Za^esville ; pastor Duncan's Falls, O., '72-74 ; stated supply Weston '74-81, Napoleon '81 — . Presbyterian minister, Napoleon, Ohio. ♦Donaldson, Alexander Haseltine. Son of Rev. Dr. Alexander and Mary (Bracken); born Elder's Ridge, Pa., March 12, 1849; teacher; merchant Minnesota '69-71 ; farmer ; W. T. S., '76-79 ; licensed April 25, '79, Presbytery of Kittanning ; ordained evangelist July 2, '79, same presby- tery ; missionary Indians, Ft. Defiance ; married Feb. 10, '73, Dora E., daughter of Robert F. Donaldson, Dundas, Minn.; died Ft. Defiance, Ari- zona, April 30, '80, congestive chills. Presbyterian minister. ♦Donaldson, William Bracken.— Son of Rev. Dr. Alexander and Mary (Bracken); born Elder's Ridge, Pa., July 8, '51; teacher; infirm; died Elder's Ridge, Pa., June 21, '71, consumption. Duncan, Thomas Duncan. — Son of Robert C. and Nancy W. (Patterson); born Pittsburg, Pa., July 9, '46; W. T. S., '70-74; licensed April, '72, Presbytery of Pittsburg; ordained '75, Presbytery of Zanesville; pastor Clark, O., '75-79; teacher Keene '80-86, Biddle University, Charlotte, N. C, '86-; married June 29, '76, Ella Craig. Presbyterian minister, Charlotte, North Carolina. Ealy, Taylor Filmore.— Son of John C. and Maria (Clark); born Sch ells- burg. Pa., Sept. 12, 1848 ; W. T. S., '69-72 ; medical student Pennsylvania University ; licensed and ordained evangelist Oct. 6, '74, Presbytery of Pittsburg ; evangelist Ft. Arbuckle, Indian Ter., '74-77 ; practiced medi- cine New Mexico '77-81 ; Government agent '78-81 ; physician, Schells- burg, Pa., '81—; wrote ''Child's Catechism" in Zuni ; married Oct. 1, '74, Mary E., daughter of Lemuel Ramsay, M.D. Physician, Schellgbwrp, Pennsylvania. 414 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF Elcock, Edward Payson.— Son of Rev. Thomas and Elizabeth H.; bom Cov'ington, Miami Co., O., Aug. 20, 1847; P. T. S., '69-72; licensed May 9, '71, Presbytery of Lima; ordained May 7, 72, Presbytery of New Cas- tle; pastor Port Deposit, Md., '72-73; stated supply Bridgeville and Farmington, Del.; stated supply and pastor Galion, O., '75—; married Oct. 15, '84, Mary Helen Sill. Presbyterian minister, Galion, O. Elliott, John Wilson.— Son of James S. and Mary (Wilson); born near Can- onsburg. Pa., Aug. 28, 1850; infirm many years; insane asylum, Dixmont, Pennsylvania. Gibbons, Hughes Oliphant.— Born Fayette Co., Pa., March 16, 1843; teacher 71-74; W. T. S., '70-71, '74-76; licensed April 28, '75, Presbytery of Red- stone; ordained Oct. 13, '76, Presbytery of Baltimore; pastor Annapolis, Md., '76-81, Pine Street Church, Philadelphia, Pa., '81—; married June 13, '76, Cora Ida Johns ; D.D. Presbyterian minister, Philadelphia, Pa. Gibson, Joseph Tate. — Son of Andrew and Jane (McSparren); born Jefferson Co., Pa., Feb. 13, 1844; Superintendent of Common Schools, Indiana Co., Pa., '69-71; W. T. S., '69-72; licensed '71, Presbytery of Kittanning; ordained October, '72, Presbytery of Baltimore ; pastor Govanstown, Md., '72-80, Sharpsburg, Pa., '80 — ; Secretary Synodical Board Sustentation, '87—; married May 21, '72, Belle Anna, daughter of Alexander Brown, Clarion Co., Pa. Presbyterian minister, Sharpsburg, Pa. Graham, Joseph Patterson.— Born New Lisbon, O., May 12, 1847; P. T. S., '69-72 ; ordained evangelist June 14, '72, Presbytery of Washington ; for- eign missionary India; Kolapoor, India, '72— (?), Sangli '86 — . Presbyte- rian minister, Sangli, India. Herriott, Thomas.— Son of David and Isabella (Fryer); born Alleglieny Co., Pa., May 4, 1849 ; teacher '69-70 ; law student. Harvard Law School, '70-71, and with Judge Ewing, Pittsburg, Pa.^ practiced law Pittsburg, Pa., '71—; married April 2, '74, Wilhelmina J., daughter of George W. Patter- son, Allegheny Co., Pa. Lawyer, Pittsburg, Pa. Herron, Andrew.— Son of Rev. Dr. Robert and Mary E. (McMurray); born Harrison Co., O., Aug. 20, 1849; P. T. S., '69-72; licensed April 7, '71, Presbytery of Steubenville ; ordained Oct. 23, '73, Presbytery of Council Bluffs ; stated supply Pawnee City, Neb., '72-73; pastor Avoca, Iowa, '73-77, Wilton Junction '77-79, Albion '79-87, Sanborn '87—; married April 10, '73, Narcissa, daughter of Isaac Brower, Ackley, Iowa. Presbyterian minister, Sanborn, Iowa. Hessin, John E. -Son of Henry and Sarah (Crall); born New Lisbon, O., May 8, 1847 ; law student with Hon. John Clarke, New Lisbon, O.; practiced law Manhattan, Kan., '71—; married Oct. 2, '72, Cordelia S., daughter of Joseph Postlethwaite, Newton Hamilton, Pa. Lawyer, Manhattan, Kan. •Hull, James Johnston.— Born Suramitville, 0., March 20, 1847; teacher; W. T. S., '69-72 ; licensed '70, Presbytery of Steubenville ; ordained '72, came presbytery ; foreign missionary to India ; Kolapoor and Ratnagiri, WASHINGTON AND JEFFERSON COLLEGE. 415 India, '72-79; United States '79 ; infirm ; married Bombay, Dec. 21, '74, Anna M., daughter of Kev. J. Y. McGinniss ; died Suffolk, Va., March 8, '82, consumption. Presbyterian minister. Hurst, Nathaniel N. — Son of James P. and Phoebe Ann (Rogers); born Westmoreland Co., Pa., July 29, 1846 ; medical student with Dr. Hord, Ottawa, 111., and Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, '69-73 ; prac- ticed medicine Streator, 111., '73-76, Chicago '76 — ; unmarried. Physician, Chicago, 111. Jackson, Joseph Buffington. — Son of John and Elizabeth (McCartney); born Apollo, Pa., Nov. 21, 1845 ; U. P. T. S., Allegheny, '69-72 ; teacher '69-72 ; licensed Sept. 5, '71, United Presbyterian Presbytery of West- moreland ; ordained April 8, '73, same presbytery ; pastor Latrobe '73-75, and Greensburg, Pa., '73-77 ; Elderton and Shelocta '77 — ; married June 26, '73, Carrie, daughter of W. H. McNary, Canonsburg, Pa. United Presbyterian minister, Elderton, Pa. Johnston, James Tytler. — Son of John an.d Elizabeth (Tytler); born Aber- deenshire, Scotland, Oct. 18, 1840; teacher Wooster, O., '69-70; business, Indiana '70-73, Ohio '73-76 ; teacher Indiana '76 — ; married June 1, '71, Eliza P., daughter of William J. Vermilyea, Ashland Co., O. Teacher and civil engineer, Albion, Ind. Lamb, John D. — Son of Peter and Mary (Trimble); born Rushville, O., March 15, 1845; law student with S. T. Sutphen, Defiance, O.; practiced law Defiance, O., '76-87, Paulding '88—; Clerk of Courts '79-82; assistant engineer Board of Public Works State of Ohio '85-86 ; married Oct. 13, '81, Florence M. Buffington. Lawyer, Paulding, O. *Le\vis, Robert Thompson. — Son of Dr. David W. and Maria (Thompson); born Ebensburg, Pa., July 17, 1848; died Pittsburg, Pa., May 7, '70, con- sumption. Little, John Wilder.— Son of John W. and Mary (Loomis); born Athens, 111., May 20, 1842 ; W. T. S. '69-72 ; licensed April 25, '71, Presbytery of Allegheny; ordained June 16, '72, Presbytery of Pittsburg; pastor Fourth Church, Pittsburg, Pa., '72-73, Long Run '74-75, Cross Roads '75-82, Columbus, Neb., '82-87, Table Rock '87—; married Oct. 10, '72, Lizzie J., daughter of James Watterson, Red Bank, Pa. Presbyterian minister. Table Rock, Neb. McCoNAHEY, George Gillespie. — Son of Dr. James M. and Catharine S. (Kirkwood); born Kirkwood, Belmont Co, O., Jan. 6, 1848; teacher Mar- tin's Ferry ; married '82, Margaret E. Payne. Teacher, Martin's Ferry, Ohio. McKiNLEY, Edward Grafton. — Son- of William and Ellen (Merchant); born Moore's Prairie, 111., Aug. 4, 1843; W. T. S., '69-72; licensed April, '71, Presbytery of Washington; ordained Oct. 29, '72, Presbytery of Blairs.- ville; pastor Pleasant Grove, Pa., '72-81, Ligonier '82— ; married Nov. 12, 72, AnnaM., daughter of W. H. McNary, Canonsburg, Pa. Presbyterian minister, Ligonier, Pa. ^jg GENERAL CATALOGUE OF MILLER, ANPEEW S.-Sonof Thomas and Anne (Reed); born near Canons buri Pa April 7, 1844 ; medical student with Dr. Hamilton, Pittsburg, and Bellevue, N. Y.; law student Columbia Law College, New York, and with A. M. Brown, Pittsburg, Pa.; practiced law Pittsburg, Pa., '73-; married April 13, '72. Lizzie A., daughter of W. A. Eeed, Allegheny, Pa. Lawyer, Pittsburg, Pa. Mitchell, Thomas J.-From Auburn, 111.; residence Connellsville, Pa. MoFi-ATT James David.— Son of Rev. John and Mary Ann (McNeelan)j born New Lisbon, O., March 15, 1840 ; P. T. S. '09-72 ; licensed April 14, '71, Presbytery of Washington ; ordained May 8, '73, same presbytery ; co-paator and pastor Second Presbyterian Church, Wheeling, W. Va., '73-82 ; President Washington and Jefferson College '82—; married Sept. 6, '76, Elizabeth D., daughter of Henry Crangle ; D.D., '82, Hanover Col- lege, New Jersey College '83. Presbyterian minister, Washington, Pa. MuBDOCK, John Huey.— Son of Alexander and Eliza J. (Huey); born W^ash- ington. Pa., Nov. 5, 1848 ; manager Western Union Telegraph Office, W^ash- ington, Pa., and law student with A. Murdock and J. L. Gow '09-73 ; practiced law Washington, Pa., '73—; elder United Presbyterian Church ; married Jan. 8, '74, Martie, daughter of Robert Boyle, Allegheny, Pa. Lawyer, Washington, Pa. Patten, Nathaniel N. — Son of William and Isabella ; born near Mononga- hela City, Pa., Jan. 11, 1847 ; medical student with Dr. Morrison, Monon- gahela City ; practiced medicine Pittsburg, Pa., '73-83, City Farm, '82-80, Monongahela City, Pa., '86—; unmarried. Physician; Monongahela City, Pennsylvania. PouLSON, Elmer. — Son of William and Effie (Brittony); born Holmesville, O., April 15, 1845 ; teacher; vice-principal Grammar School, Philadelphia; law student Columbia Law School '72; married Nov. 12, '72, Kate Costello. Teacher, 129 East One Hundred and Twenty-first Street, New York. Sexton, Thomas Lawrence.— Son of Stephen and Sarah (Gibson); born Poland, O., March 29, 1839 ; N. W. T. S. '69-71 ; U. T. S., New York, '71-72 ; licensed April 27, '70, Presbytery of New Lisbon ; ordained May 9, '72, Presbytery of Troy ; stated supply Knox and Fall Creek, 111., '70-71 ; pastor Westminster Church, Troy, N. Y., '72-75, New London, Iowa, '75-80, Kossuth '80-82, Seward, Neb., '82-85; synodical missionary '85—; United States Army, lieutenant and adjutant 12th United States Colored Infantry ; married June 6, '72, Mrs. Rosa Hamill Dawson, daughter of Smith Hamill; D.D., '86, Lennox College; Stated Clerk Presbytery of Nebraska City. Presbyterian minister, Seward, Neb. Shaw, William Conner.-Sou of William A. and Sarah Y. (Conner); born Allegheny Co., Pa., Feb. 7, 1846 ; medical student with Dr. Hamilton Pittsburg, Pa., and Bellevue Hospital Medical College '09-72 ; practiced medicine Bellevue Hospital, New York, '72-74, Pittsburg, Pa., '74—, Free Dispensary '76-81, Mercy Hospital '76-78 ; surgeon Pennsylvania Rail- road '77-79 ; published medical papers; married Nov.- 1, '77, Mattie M., daughter of J. C. Lewis, Emsworth, Pa. Physician, Pittsburg, Pa. WASHINGTON AND JEFFERSON COLLEGE. 417 Shields, James Harvey. — Son of James and Abigail (Redick); born near Freeport, Pa., May 2, '46 ; W. T. S. '69-71 ; licensed June 10, '70, Pres- bytery of Butler ; ordained May 7, '72, Presbytery of Bellefontaine ; pastor Crestline, O., '72-79 ; pastor-elect Carondelet Street Church, St. Louis, Mo., '79-85; pastor Cote Brillante '85 — ; married May 7, '74, Harriet, daughter of Hon. S. F. Covington, Cincinnati, O. Presbyterian minister, St. Louis, Mo. Small, Oscar Adams. — Son of Johnston and Anna C. (Small) ; born Bridge- water, Beaver Co., Pa., April 18, 1845; railroad bujsiness '69-71; law student with S. B. Wilson, Beaver, Pa., '70-72 ; practiced law Beaver, Pa., '72-73, '80-82; manufacturer '82 — ; prothouotary Beaver Co., Pa., '73-80. Manu- facturer, West Bridgewater, Pa. Sproull, William Oliver. - Son of Rev. Dr. Thomas and Magdalena (Wal- lace); born Allegheny, Pa., May 8, 1848; Reformed Presbyterian Seminary, Allegheny ; teacher Newell Institute, '72-76 ; German University, Berlin, Jena and Leipzic, '72-79; Professor of Arabic and Latin, University of Cin- cinnati, O., '83 — ; published essay *' Ibn Kutaibas Adab-al-Katib;" mar- ried April 3, '79, Clara J., daughter of John Haslett, Allegheny, t*a. Professor, Cincinnati, O. Tassey, John Clement. — Son of William D. and Emily E. (Rowland); born McKeesport, Pa., June 12, 1848 ; business Pittsburg, '48-79 ; President Sherman Cotton Seed Oil Company, Sherman, Texas, '79 — ; married Decem- ber, '69, Minnie Hawes, Canonsburg, Pa. Business, Sherman, Texas. Thompson. Jacob L.— Born Washington, Pa., Dec. 28, 1842; W. T. S., '69-72; licensed April 23, '71, Presbytery of Pittsburg; ordained June 20, '72, Presbytery of Kittanning; pastor-elect and pastor Currie's Run, Pa., '72-76; Elderton '74-76, New Salem '76—; married Sept. 4, '72, Sarah Park. Presbyterian minister, Delmont, Pa. *Wallaoe, Thomas. — Son of Charles and Mary (Gamble); born County Down, Ireland, Jan. 5, 1844 ; United Presbyterian Theological Seminary, Allegheny, '69-71; licensed June 27, '71, Presbytery of Monongahela ; died Noblestown, Pa., Sept. 18, '72. Licentiate United Presbyterian Church. Welty, Frederick Bierer. — Son of Henry and Mary (Bierer); born West- moreland Co., Pa., Dec. 23, 1838 ;W. T. S., '69-72; licensed April 23, '72, and ordained April 24, '72, Presbytery of Redstone; evangelist Nevada, Wyoming, Colorado, Utah, Nebraska, '72-75 ; married July 22, '73, Mar- tha L., daughter of William Braden, Latrobe, Pa.; left Presbyterian Church. Printer, Greensburg, Pa. Wilson, W^illiam Hamilton. — Son of James and Margaret (Morton); born Beaver Co., Pa., Dec. 4, 1844; law student with Griffith & Mason, Mercer, Pa., '69-71; practiced law Davenport, Iowa, '71 — ; married Oct. 27, '74, Abbie, daughter of Albourne Oliver. Lawyer, Davenport, Iowa. Wilson, Robert A. — Son of Thomas Mc. and Elizabeth (Murdoch); born Canonsburg, Pa., July 8, 1849; teacher Missouri; chief clerk of railroad mail service, Hannibal, Mo., and Dennison, Texas ; assistant principal ^^g GENERAL CATAIX)GUE OF -_ ^ w^ »fiq_7A • studied law ; admitted to bar, Snow Hill, Juu. , ,„___:ed Dec. 20, '81, Mary Porter, daughter of pany, Nashville, Tenu. T.^v, fi Son of William H. and Jane A. (Petei's); born Pittsburg, '";: 'dT^ msTlaw ^dent with Judge Ewing, Pittsburg Pa '69-72; practiced law Pittsburg, Pa., '72-; married March 4, '73, Lida J., daugh- ter of Dr. J. D. Baldwin, Oil City, Pa. Lawyer, Pittsburg, Pa. SCIENTIFIC GRADUATES. Buchanan John M.-Son of Thomas C. and Eliza (Mayhew); born Florence, Washington Co., Pa., April 25, 1857 ; teacher; law student with S. B. Wil- son, Beaver, Pa., '69-72 ; practiced law, Beaver, Pa., '72—; District Attorney '74-80. Lawyer, Beaver, Pa. Cbkigh, John W.— Son of Alfred and Julia A. (Stephenson); born Washington, Pa.,' July 30, 1850; civil engineer and surveyor Pittsburg, Pa., '69-74; Washington '74—. Civil engineer, Washington, Pa. (lADDis, Levi Springer. -Son of Henry W. and Ruth Ann (Springer); born near Uniontown, Pa., Feb. 2, 1850; medical student with Dr. F. C. Robin- son. Uniontown, Pa., and Jefferson Medical College, '69-73 ; practiced medicine West Penn Hospital for the Insane, Dixmont, '73-75 ; Pittsburg, Jn Grove and Harlansburg '82-; married Sept. lo '64, Anna M., Lghterof Joseph Marshall, Enon Valley, Pa, AM., Washington and Jefferson College '89. Presbyterian minister, Plain Orrove, fA, 1873. •Borland, Matthew HEXRY.-Son of John and Mary A (Brown); born Sept. 17 1849; medical student with Dr. McKennan, Washington, Pa., . i-/3, Dr. Agnew, New York, '73-74; M.D., Jefferson Medical College, Piii^a- delphia, Pa., '75; practiced medicine Pittsburg, Pa., '80-88 j died Pitts- burg, '88. Physician, Pittsburg, Pa. HuNTFK Stephen A. Douglas.-Soo of Rev. William and Annie E. S. Veard); born Lancaster Co., Pa., March 23, 1851 ; W. T. S. '73-76 ; Jef- ferson Medical College '76-78 ; licensed April 24, '75, Presbytery of Pitts- burg ; ordained June 6, '77, same presbytery ; stated supply Mt. Olivet and Millcreek, Pa., '76-77, Faith Chapel, Philadelphia, '77-78, Mansfield 78-79; foreign missionary to China, Chefoo, China, '78—; published •'Handbook of Pharmacy" in Chinese language; married June 3, '85, SalHe H., daughter of John Moreland, Connellsville, Pa.; M.D. Pres- byterian minister, Chefoo, China. Linn, Levi Gibson.— Son of Henry C. and Sarah L. (Gibson); born Mercer Co., Pa., March 3, 1850; law student with Hon. C. McCandlass, Butler, Pa.; prac- ticed law Butler, Pa., '75—; Clerk of the House of Hepresenta lives, l*ennsylvania, '77-78; married June 10, '75, Elizabeth A., daughter of Jt)8hua Wright, Washington, Pa. Lawyer, Butler, Pa. Pollock, Samuel Wiley.— Son of James and Mary (Logue); born Atkinson's Mills, Mifflin Co., Pa.; teacher '75-78; law student Iowa College of Law '78-79 ; practiced law Iowa 79-80 ; theological seminary, San Francisco, Cal., '80-83 ; licensed and ordained April, '83, Presbytery of San Jose ; stated supply Grand Junction, la., '83-84, Wilton '84-86 ; evangelist for Presby- tery of Fort Dodge '86—. Presbyterian minister ; residence Davenport, Iowa. Smith, James Mease.- Son of Rev. James M. and Margaret (Donahey); born Tarentum, Pa., Nov. 29, 1849; W. T. S. '73-76, '79-80; licensed April 13, 75, Presbytery of Allegheny ; ordained June 19, '77, Presbytery of Des Moines; stated supply and pastor Dallas Center and Minburne, la., 7t)-78, Missouri Valley '80, Colusa and Arbuckle, Cal., '80-83 ; slated supply West Berkley '83-86 ; married Aug. 28, '80, Ellen R., daughter of Henry L. Aiken. Presbyterian minister, Pleasanton, Cal. Taylor, Edward Matthew. -Son of W. H. and Jane E. (Jones); born Wash- mgton Co., Pa., Feb. 25, 1852; licensed Methodist Episcopal Church, '73, ordained '79, same; Boston School of Theology '75~; pastor South Bmin- tree, Mass., three years, Norwich, Conn., three years, Fall River. Mnw., three years, Stafford, Conn., one year; pastor-elect Somerville, M-.ss., 'SS, Trinity Methodist Episcopal Church, Boston, '89 ; married '82, Mary Elizabeth Bradford. 'Methodist Episcopal minister, Boston, Mass. WASHINGTON AND JEFFERSON COLLEGE. 42§ Van Kirk, James Scott. — Son of Samuel and Mary (Scott); born Allegheny Co., Pa., Feb. 26, 1850; civil engineer; unmarried. Residence, Eliza- beth, Pa. SCIENTIFIC. Bawyer, Burritt Hinman. — Son of John M. and Maria (Snow); born Pitts- burg, Pa., Nov. 6, 1851 ; bookkeeper Pittsburg, Pa., '73-78; publisher and printer, firm of McLaughlin Bros. & Co., Philadelphia, '82 — ; married Nov. 5, '78, Sallie, daughter of James Frazier, Allegheny, Pa. Publisher; 114 South Third Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 1874. Britt, FRANKiiiN PiERCE. — Son of Robert and Asenath (Greenlee); born Fay- ette Co., Pa., Apri} 22, 1853; W. T. S., '74-77; licensed April 27, '76, Presbytery of Washington ; ordained Aug. 24, '77, Presbytery of Clarion ; Pisgah Church, Corsica, Pa., '77 — , Greenville, New Rehoboth, Pa.; mar- ried Dec. 28, '76, Jennie M., daughter of Thomas Ralston. Presbyterian minister, Corsica, Pa. •Campbell, Charles S. — Son of Joseph and Ann ; born Martinsburg, Butler Co., Pa., November(?), 1859 ; unmarried. Teacher and farmer, Deland, Illinois. Cheeseman, Joseph Redick. — Son of John and Abigail P. (Coulter); born near Portersville, Pa., July 4, 1845; W. T. S., '75-78; licensed April, '78, Presbytery of Butler; evangelist '78-86; ordained June 24, '86, Presbytery of Iowa City ; pastor West Branch and Fairview, Iowa, '87 — . Presbyterian minister, West Branch, Iowa. Clark, Samuel Clokey. — Son of John G. and Sarah H. (Clokey); born Washington Co., Pa., June 22, 1854 ; law student with A. Wilson, Esq., Washington, Pa., '74-75, and Smith & Clokey, Decatur, 111., 'To-ll; prac- ticed law Decatur, 111., '77-79, Washington, Pa., '80—; married June 18, '78, Martha R., daughter of George W. McCulloh, Huntsville, Ala. Lawyer, Washington, Pa. CIooper, David Wright.— Son of Archibald and Lydia ; born Miltonsburg, O.; law student; practiced law Bellair, O.; postmaster, Bellair; married. Lawyer, Bellair, O. DuNAWAY, William Edwin.— Son of William and Elizabeth J. (Porter); born Fayette Co., Pa., Oct. 4, 1851 ; law student with C. P. Dunaway, Union- town, Pa., '74-77; practiced law Clay Co., Kan., '77-83; Prosecuting Attorney '83-86; Wichita Falls '86— ; married May 15, '79, Nannie W., daughter of Joseph Small. Lawyer, Wichita Falls, Texas. Ely, John Calvin. — Son of Elisha and Keziah B. (Snodgrass) ; born Washington Co., Pa., Aug. 11, 1849 ; W. T. S., '74-77 ; licensed April, '76, Presbytery of Washington; ordained June 6, '77, Presbytery of Pittsburg ; stated supply Pisgah, Pa., '76-77, Birmingham, Pittsburg, '77-80, Piqua, O., '80-85; Superintendent of Missions, Dallas, Texas, '85 ; missionary Washington, Pa., '86; pastor Xenia, O., '86—; married April 20, '82, Anna M., daug^iter of Dr. J, H. Duff, also June 28, '87, Flora A. Brooke, Columbus, O. Presbyterian minister, Xenia, O. 4:>,; GENERAL CATALOGUE OP Kk vziKic Samuel Robinson—Sod of Hamilton and Sarah J. (Maxwell); bora lloney'9 Point, W. Va., Dec. 15, 1848 ; Newburg Theological Seminary, 74-75; United Presbyterian Theological Seminary, Allegheny, '75-78; licensed March 29, '77, Presbytery of Chartiers ; ordained Dec. 11, '78, Presbytery of Wlieeling ; pastor Cadiz, O., '78-80, Oxford, and professor of Femaie College, '82-85, Rushville, Ind., '85-87, Presbyterian Church, Columbus, '87—; married Dec. 24, '79, Lillie Florence, daughter of Oapt. William Reed. Presbyterian minister, Columbus, Ind. GOURLKY, John.— Son of Samuel S. and Eliza (Clements); born near Greens- burg. Pa., Sept. 17, 1850 ; W. T. S., '74-77 ; licensed April 26, '76, Presby- tery of Blairsville ; ordained June 6, '78, Presbytery of Kittanning; pastor Black Lick and Bethel '77-80, Homer City and Bethel '80-83, South Lyon,. Mich., '83-85, Lewistown, Pa., '85—; married May 24, '77, Lizzie A., daughter of Joseph Harvey, Delmont, Pa. Presbyterian minister, Lewis- town, Pa. Hearne, William H.— Son of William L. and Maria E. (Rose); born Cam- bridge, Md., June 16, 1852 ; law student with Hon. D. Lamb, Wheeling, W. Va., '74-75, and Virginia University, '74-76 ; practiced law. Wheeling, W. Va., '76—; married July 13, '76, Annie M., daughter of D. M. Stock- ton. Lawyer, Wheeling, W. Va. •Howard, Samuel Kino.— Born Westmoreland Co., Pa., July 28, 1851 ; W. T. S., '76-78; licensed '78, Presbytery of Blairsville; ordained May 10, '78, same presbytery ; pastor Irwin, Pa., '78-80 ; pastor-elect Mans- field, O., '80-81 ; died Murraysville, Pa., typhoid fever, Nov. 26, '82. Presbyterian minister. Irwin, Anderson Forbes.— Son of Joseph T. and Mary J. (Travis); bora Armstrong Co., Pa., Sept. 28, 1850; teacher '74-76 ; W. T. S., '74-77; licensed April, '76, Presbytery of Kittanning ; ordained June 9, '77, Pres- bytery of Bloomington; pastor Paxton, 111., '77-80, Grace Church, Peoria, III., '81—: married May 31, '77, Bell M., daughter of Joshua Anderson. Presbyterian minister, Peoria, 111. Leyda, James Emery.— Son of Emery and Hannah (Wilson); born Washing- ton Co., Pa., Jan. 18, 1848; W. T. S., '74-75, '76-77; U. T. S., New York, '75-76; licensed April 25, '77, Presbytery of Washington ; ordained Nov. 7, '77, Presbytery of Clarion ; pastor Perry and Worth ville, Pa.,. '77-80, Worthington and West Glade Run '80-84, Ellsworth, Kan., '84— ; married April 5, '77, Nannie R., daughter of Philip Robinson. Presby- terian minister, Ellsworth, Kan. McMechan, Edwin E.— Son of John and Matilda (Bullentin); merchandise broker, St. Joseph, Mo., '74-80; real estate agent, Kansas City; notary public, '80—, Kansas City, Mo. Mechlin, Lycurgus.-Sou of William and Catharine (Kuhn); born Butler Co.. Pa., Sept. 23, 1841; W. T. S., '74-77; licensed April 6, '76, Presbytery of Kittanning; ordained June 29, '77, same presbytery; Elderton and Currie'8Run,Pa., '77-; United States Army, '61-65; wounded four times; married Aug. 28, '77, Rebecca A., daughter of James Farley. Presbyterian minister, Elderton, Pa. WASHINGTON AND JEFFERSON COLLEGE. 427 Owens, John Dyer. — Son of William and Jane (Dyer); born Allegheny, Pa., Feb. 19, 1847; law student '70 ; admitted to bar Pittsburg, Dec. 28, '70; W. T. S. '74-77 ; licensed April 11, '7G, Presbytery of Allegheny; ordained June 10, '79, Presbytery of Huntingdon; home missionary Acheson, Mo., '77-78; pastor Orbisonia, Pa., '78-82, Shade Gap '78-83, Sewickley near West Newton '83-85, Yellow Creek, O., '85 — ; United States Army, drum- mer boy ; married April 17, '79, Aggie Gertrude, daughter of W. M. All- ston, Allegheny, Pa. Presbyterian minister, Glasgow, O. Shaw, Robert Theodore. — Son of John and Sarafi ; born Washington Co., Pa., 1849; U. P. T. S., Allegheny, '74-75; medical student with Dr. Thompson and Jefferson Medical College; Hospital '77-78 ; practiced medi- cine Washington, Pa., '78-79, Kansas City, Mo., '79-81, Silver Plume, Col., '81 — ; Colorado Legislature '84-86. Physician, Silver Plume, Col. Storey, John Andrew. — Son of Thomas B. and Margaret ; born Worthing- ton, Armstrong Co., Pa., April 13, 1851 ; law student; practiced law Green- field and Fontanelle, Iowa, '80 — ; Iowa Legislature, twentieth and twenty- first sessions ; Chairman Judiciary ; married May 18, '76, Miranda Hays; also Nov. 24, '85, Ella Mullaly. Lawyer, Fontanelle, la. Storey, James Alexander. — Son of Thomas B. and Margaret ; born Worth- ington, Armstrong Co., Pa., Dec. 25, 1846 ; teacher '74-79 ; ranchman '79-82 ; merchant '82 — ; married '73, Jennie Heighten. Merchant, Bir- mingham, Ala. 1875. Anderson, Robert Elder. — Son of Joshua and Jane (Anderson); born Arm- strong Co., Pa., Feb. 26, 1853 ; W. T. S. '75-78 ; licensed April, '77, Pres- bytery of Kittanning ; ordained Aug. 24, '79, Presbytery of Mankato ; stated supply Lake Crystal and Garden City, Minn., '79-81, Redwood Falls, '81 — , Owatonna — ; married Aug. 24, '82, Alice B., daughter of E. A. Lyman. Presbyterian minister, Owatonna^ Minn. BrownsoN; James Irwin. — Son of Rev. Dr. James I. and Eleanor Mc. (Ache- son); born Washington, Pa., Jan. 25, 1856 ; law student with A. Wilson, Washington, Pa., '75-78 ; practiced law Washington, Pa., '78 — ; unmar- ried. Lawyer, Washington, Pa. Cheeseman, John Coulter. — Son of John and Abigail P. (Coulter); born Portersville, Pa., May 6, 1847 ; teacher '74-75; medical student with Dr. J. C. McKee, Miami Medical College, Cincinnati, O.; practiced medicine Kelly's Station, Pa., '78-79, Slate Lick '79 — ; married June 2, '79, Sallie A., daughter of Samuel Peale, Cincinnati, O. Physician, Slate Lick, Pa. Cline, William Thomas. — Son of Philip and Mary (Irwin); born July 24, 1853 ; teacher '75-78 ; law student with Hon. John W. Banks, Indiana, Pa.; practiced law Saltsburg, Pa. *C0LWELL, Pruce. — Sou of Alexander and N. J. (Waterson); born near Punxsutawney, Pa., Feb. 21, 1853; law student; died June 11, '76. ^28 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF CoLWELi Charles -Son of Alexander and N. Jane (Watterson); born near Kittauning Dec. 11, 1856; business; doorkeeper Pennsylvania House of Representatives '87; married R. D. McAfoos. Residence, Greendale, Armstrong Co., Pa. DoNNAN, Alvan.— Son of John H. and Matilda K. (White); born Washington Co.* 'Pa., Aug. 12, 18.")2 ; law student with John W. Donnan, Washington, '75^77; "practiced law Washington, Pa., '77—; Trustee Washington and Jefferson College; married April 20, '82, Lucy A., daughter of Alexander Murdixjk. Lawyer, Washington, Pa. FisHFK, George McVey.— Son of Jacob P. and Jane T. (Brownlee); born Adams Co., O., Oct. 31, 1849; farmer '75-80 ; U. T. S., New York, '80-82; U. P. T. 8., Allegheny, '82-83 ; licensed Sept. 13, '82, Presbytery of Washington; ordained Feb. 4, '83, Presbytery of Montana; stated supply Missoula, Mont., '83-88; Ashley '88—. Presbyterian minister, Ashley, Montana. Fuckixger, Robert Elliott.— Son of Major D.W. and Julia A. (Saylor) ; born Port Royal, Pa., Dec. 3, 1846; law student; P. T. S. '75-78; licensed April 12, '77, Presbytery of Huntingdon ; ordained June 5, '79, same pres- bytery; pastor Doe Run, Pa., '79-82, Walnut and Marne, la., '82-86, Fonda '86 — ; published *' History of Doe Run Church " ; married June 20, '78, Mary A., daughter of John Brockville, Port Royal, Pa. Presbyterian minister, Fonda, Iowa. ♦Henderson, Samuel TucKER.—Born Fallston, Pa., Nov. 19, 1850 ; W. T. S. '75-77; died Beaver Co., Pa., Feb. 18, '80. Theological student. Johnston, Thomas Brown. — Son of William Henry and Eliza Jane; born Brownsville, Pa., April 15, 1851 ; teacher ; principal Public Schools, Brown.sville, Pa., '75-81, Johnstown, Pa., '81 — . School Superintendent, Johnstown, Pa. McClelland, Henry Thorn.— Son of James H. and Margaret H. (Thorn); born Westmoreland Co., Pa., June 7, 1849 ; W. T. S., '75-78 ; teacher and missionary '75-78 ; licensed April, '77, Presbytery of Clarion ; ordained August, 78, Presbytery of Pittsburg ; stated supply and pastor Montour, Pa., '78-81, Sixth Church, Pittsburg, '81-86 ; Professor of Theology, Western Theological Seminary, '86— ; Europe '89 ; married May 29, '78, E. P., daughter of James G. Marshall, also Feb. 1, '88, L. D., daugh- ter of William E. Ewing, Ewing's Mills, Pa.; D.D., Washington and Jeffer- son College, '87. Presbyterian minister, Allegheny, Pa. McCracken, John Calvin.— Son of James and Anna (Mears); born Leech- burg, Pa., March 23, 1850; W. T. S., '75-78; licensed April 3, '77, Presbytery of Kittanuing; ordained May 6, '79, Presbytery of Steubenville; pastor Two Ridges and Pleasant Hill, O., '79-82, Slate Lick, Pa., and Srader's Grove '82-; married June 20, '78, Emma, daughter of Daniel Hill. Presbyterian minister, Slate Lick, Pa. •McElroy. James B._Son of James and Mary E. fCundall); born near Washington, Pa., Dec. 17, 1852; Deputy Recorder of Deeds, Washing- WASHINGTON AND JEFFERSON COLLEGE. 42^ ton Co., Pa., '75-76 ; medical student with Dr. Daugherty, Washington, Pa.; infirm; sheep farmer Bandera, Texas, '79-82 ; died Washington, Pa., May 5, '82. OiiLER, William Emery. — Son of Samuel and Catharine (Myers); bom Washington Co., Pa., Jan. 13, 1852 ; W. T. S., '75-78 ; licensed April, '77, Presbytery of Washington ; ordained Sept. 10, '78, Presbytery of Allegheny ; pastor Tarentum, Pa., '78-82, Butler '82—; married Oct. 10, '78, Ella D., daughter of Dr. Alfred Creigh, Washington, Pa. Presbyterian minister, Butler, Pa. Pebrin, William McBride. — Son of Samuel and Susan ; born Independence, Washington Co., Pa., 1852; law student with Dunbar & Kithcart, Stea- benville, O., '76-77 ; Harvard Law School Graduate '79 ; LL.B.; practiced law Washington, Pa., '79-87, Pittsburg '87 — . Lawyer, Pittsburg, Pa. Ritchie, James McFaddex. — Son of Andrew Scott and Jane (McFadden)j born West Middletown, Washington Co., Pa., Nov. 22, 1854 ; bookkeeper First National Bank, Washington, Pa., and Pennsylvania Salt Manufactur- ing Company, French Spring Company ; manager Redstone Coke Company and auditor J. M. Schoonmaker Coke Company, Pittsburg; married May 20, '84, Nannie J., daughter of B. W. Doyle, Sewickley, Pa. 120 Water Street, Pittsburg, Pa. SNOvy^DEN, James Henry. — Son of William and Violetta (Thayer) ; born Hooks- town, Pa., Oct. 18, 1852; W. T. S., '75-78; licensed April 24, '77, Pres- bytery of Steubenville ; ordained May 6, '79, Presbytery of Huron ; pastor Huron, O., '79-83 ; stated supply Plymouth '83; pastor Sharon, Pa., '83-86 ; Second Church, Washington, '86 — ; married Aug. 1, '78, Mary A. daughter of William B. Ross, Wellsville, O. Presbyterian minister, Washington, Pennsylvania. Swan, Thomas Ball. — Son of Rev. Samuel and Mary (Priestley); born Johns- town, Pa., Dec. 17, 1850 ; law student with Hon. A. W. Taylor, Indiana, Pa., '76-78; practiced law Blairsville, Pa., '78-79, Aurora, 111., '79 — . Lawyer, Aurora, 111. Taylor, David Blair. — Son of Dr. James M. and Margaret (Blair); born Indiana, Pa., Sept. 14, 1853 ; law student with Hon. A. W. Taylor, Indi- ana, Pa., '75-78; practiced law Indiana, Pa., '78-81; clerk law office of Railroad Company; practiced law, Scranton, Pa.; married Feb. 3, '81» Anna M. Daugherty. Lawyer, Scranton, Pa. Watson, William Morgan. — Son of James and Maria (Morgan); born Wash- ington, Pa., April 3, 1855; law student at Harvard Law School, '76-78; practiced law Pittsburg, Pa., '78 — ; married April 16, '84, Sarah, daughter of William McKnight. Lawyer, Pittsburg, Pa. scientific. Hayes, Sheldon B. — Son of Marshall H. and Sarah (Morrison); born Washington, Pa., Feb. 3, 1855; teacher '75-76 ; medical student with Dr. McKennan '76-77 ; carriage manufacturer '78 — ; brigade commissary ser- geant '80-84, adjutant 10th Regiment Pennsylvania National Guard. Resi- denoe, Washington, Pennsylvania. 430 (;eneral catalogue of HONOBARY DEGREES. AcHEsox, Ernest Francis.-Sod of Alexander W. and Jane (Wishart); born Washington, Pa., Sept. 19, '55 ; law student with M. C. Aclieson, Washington, Pa; practiced law Washington, 77-79; editor Washington Obserrfr '79—; married Nov. 22, '82, Jennie B., daughter of Galbraith Stewart; A.M., '89. Editor, Washington, Pa. Emery, Boyd Alfred — Son of Dr. Boyd (Jefferson College '23) and Ann (Oraham); born Dunningsville, Pa., Nov. 16, 1851; medical student with his father; practiced medicine Dunningsville, Pa., '78—; Trustee of Jef- ferson Academy : married Nov. 27, '83, Kate W. Townsend ; A.M., '89. Physician, Dunningsville, Pa. Lttle, George Elmore. — Son of Perry Andrew and Sarah (Wycoffj; born Allegheny Co., Pa , Aug. 17, 1855 ; medical student with Dr. Linn, Monon- gahela City, Pa., and Jefferson Medical College, '75-77 ; M.D. '77 ; assistant surgeon 10th Regiment National Guards, Pennsylvania, '86 — ; practiced medicine Monongahela City, '77 — ; unmarried ; A.M., '89. Physician, Monongahela City, Pa. 1876. •Adney, Julius Regnier.— Son of Jonathan and Electa (Glenn); born Vinton, O., April 13, 1852; teacher; infirm '76-84; died St. Louis, Mo., May 28, '84. Alexander, Robert Ard.— Son of James and Celia ; born Kishacoquillas, Pa., Feb. 15, 1852; farmer; married Fob. 25, '85, Maggie E. Maclay. Farmer, Kishacoquillas, Mifflin Co., Pa. , Anderson, Ora Heman.-Soh of Robert P. and Eliza J. (Redic); born Six Points, Pa , March 31, 1851. Farmer, Six Points, Pa. Dickey, John Lindsay.— Son of John R. and Elizabeth (Vance); born Wheel- ing, W. Va.. Jan. 23, 1855; teacher Wheeling, W. Va., '76-80; medical student with Dr. Frissell, and Jeffersjn Medical College, Pennsylvania, Wheeling, \Y. Va., '78-80 ; practiced medicine Wheeling, W. Va., '80~- captain Matthews Light Guard, '78-80; published '' Esthetics of Anatomy."' Physician, Wheeling, W. Va. EwixG, James Caruthers Rhea.-Sou of James H. and Eleanor J. (Rhea); bornArmstrong Co., Pa., June 23, 1854 ; W. T. S., '76-79 ; licensed April 24, .8, Presbytery of Kittanning; ordained Sept. 4, '79, same presbytery: foreign missionary to India; Futteguhr, North India, '79-81, Allaiiabad otl^LTclT- ^^''l'^''^' ^^---^' Saharanpur, '84-; President of Lahore Christian College, Lahore, India. '88-; published Greek-Hin rl7j 'ne2r '70 T %"';"" ^^"^" Victorious," in Hindi; mar- Walhinrn /; i'"' ^;' ^'''^^'''' "^ ^'^' J- H. Sherrard ; D.D., m hington and Jefferson College, '88. Presbyterian minister, iahore . WASHINGTON AND JEFFERSON COLLEGE. 431 Fleming, James Samuel. — Son of David G. and Martha (Steele); born Wash- ington Co., Pa., Aug. 1, 1847 ; W. T. S., 76-79; licensed April 25, '78, Presbytery of Washington ; ordained April 2, '80, Presbytery of Larned ; Stafford Co., Kan., '79-80, Wolf Run, W. Va., '80—. Presbyterian min- ister, Dallas, W. Va. Imbrie, Addison Mukray. — Son of James M. and Clarinda J. (Jackson); born near New Gaiike, Beaver Co., Pa., July 29, 1853 ; law student with S. B. Wilson, Beaver, and T. M. Marshall, Pittsburg ; practiced law Pittsburg, Pa., '78 — ; married Hattie Silliraan, Allegheny, Pa. Lawyer, Pittsburg, Pennsylvania. 'Lee, Thomas K. — Son of Thomas and Ann ; born Harlem Springs, O., June 14, 1849; law student ; practiced law Carrollton, O. ; Probate Judge, Carroll Co., O.; Big Timber, Montana; unmarried. Lawyer, Big Timber, Montana. McCuNE, Thomas P'l.eming. — Son of Joseph and Mary J. (Medill); born near Tiltonville, O., Oct. 1, 1850; principal Frankford Springs Academy, '76-77; assistant principal Iowa College for Blind, '77-82 ; principal '82 — ; married March 28, '83, Etta W., daughter of John R. Wilson, Washington, Pa. Teacher, Vinton, Iowa. McJuNKiN, James Montgomery. — Son of Alexander and Margaret C. (Pat- terson); born Washington Co., Pa., Sept. 21, 1847 ; W. T. S., '76-79 ; licensed April 28, '78, Presbytery of Blairsville ; ordained May 17, '79, Presbytery of Pittsburg ; pastor Oakdale, Pa., '79 — ; married Dec. 21, '71, Lizzie J., daughter of George B. Alter, New Texas, Pa. Presbyterian min- ister, Oakdale Station, Pa. MrLLiGAN, James Vincent. — Son of William and Margaret (Stewart); born Ohio Co., Va., Nov. 29, 1850 ; W. T. S., '76-79 ; licensed April, '78, Presbytery of Washington ; ordained June 10, '79, same presbytery ; stated supply Astoria, Oregon, '79-84, Ashland '84 — ; married July 3, '79, Alice M., daughter of Rev. R. A. Criswell, Normal, 111. Presbyterian minister, Portland, Ore. Ralston, Joseph Hughes.— Son of James and Angelina (Harper); born Fair- view, W. Va., June 25, 1851; W. T. S., '76-79; licensed April 28, '78, Presbytery of Washington; ordained Nov. 5, '80, Presbytery of Emporia; stated supply and pastor Burlington, Kan., '79-83, Belle Plain '83-85; McPherson '85-86, W^orcester, Mass., '86 — ; Moderator Presbytery, Stated Clerk; married March 25, '80, Mary Emma, daughter of James M. Adams, Canonsburg, Pa. Presbyterian minister, Worcester, Mass. Robinson, P:dgar Sutton.— Son of John R. and Sarah J. (Oxiey); born Wheeling, W. Va., April 21, 1854; W. T. S., 76-79; licensed April 25, '78, Presbytery of St. Clairsville; ordained June 24, '79, Presbytery of Blairsville; pastor Congruity, Pa., '79-84, Scottdale '84-86, Ironton, O., '86-87, Canon City, Col., '87—; married May 1, '79, Alice, daughter of Capt. Andrew Smith, Wegee, O. Presbyterian minister, Canon City, Colorado. 432 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF SiiANOR, John D.—Son of Dr. David; born Washington Co., Pa.; medical hiud'ent with his father ; practiced medicine Allegheny, Pa. Physician, 56 Chestnut Street, Allegheny, Pa. Smith, Robekt FuxHEY.-Son of Andrew and Jane (Futhey); born Belmont Co., O., Oct. 29, 1853; law student with K. G. Barr, Wheeling, W. Va.; pra^ticJd law '78-81 ; druggist Youngstown, O., '81-84; W. T. S., '84-87 ; licensed April 27, '8t), Presbytery of Shenango ; ordained May 26, '87, Presbytery of Redstone ; pastor Pleasant Unity, Pa., '87~; married June 1, '82, Eliza F., daughter of Rev. Byron Porter, Elderton, Pa. Presby- terian minister. Pleasant Unity, Pa. Stevenson, Whxiam M.— Son of Rev. Dr. Ross and Martha A. (Harbison); born Johnstown, Pa., Nov. 30, 1855; teacher Placerville (Cal.) High School, '76-78 ; student at Dresden and Leipzig, Germany, '78-80 ; teacher of Greek and Latin, Pittsburg High School, '80-84 ; studied law with John D. Shaffer, Esq., Pittsburg, Pa., '84-85; on New York Tribune staff '84-85; musical and dramatic editor Pittsburg Gommercial '86 — ; practiced law Pitts- burg, April, '89—. Lawyer, Pittsburg. Waterman, Isaac N.— W. T. S., 1876-79 ; licensed April, '78, Presbytery of Baltimore ; ordained '81, Presbytery of Sacramento ; stated supply Redding, Cal., '81 — , Gilroy '88. Presbyterian minister, Oakdale, Cal. *White, Johnston Duffield. — Son of Isaiah and Emeline (Duffield); born Westmoreland Co., Pa., March 6, 1852 ; W. T. S., '7(5-79 ; licensed April 24, '78, Presbytery of Kittanning ; ordained Oct. 2, '79, Presbytery of Iowa City ; pastor Washington, Iowa, '79-84 ; died New Mexico, June 2, '84. Presbyterian minister. Wilson, Maurice Brown.— Son of Thomas B. and Margaret (Sanders); born Baltimore, Md., April 2, 1855; W. T. S., *76-79 ; licensed April 25, '78, Presbytery of Pittsburg ; ordained Dec. 2, '79, Presbytery of Athens; pastor Gallipolis, O., '79-81, Emsworth, Pa., '81-86, Westminster Church, Balti- more, Md., '86—; married June 19, '79, Fannie L., daughter of George F. McComb, Washington, Pa. Presbyterian minister, Baltimore, Md. Wilson, Calvin Dill.— Son of Thomas B. and Margaret (Sanders); born Bal- timore, Md., July 12, 1857 ; W. T. S., '76-79 ; licensed May, '78, Presby- tery of Pittsburg; ordained '80, Presbytery of Chester ; stated supply and pastor Atglen, Pa., '79-83, Churchville, Md., '83—. Presbyterian minister, Churchville, Md. Woods, George W.— Son of John and Ruth H. (Jacob); born Ohio Co., W. Va., .Jan. 25, 1854; crockery and glass business Wheeling, W.Va., '76-80; farmer '80—; President Board of Commissioners, Ohio Co., W. Va., '83-87. Residence, Wheeling, W. Va. SCIENTIFIC. Dawson, R. William.-Sod of Levi and Sarah ; born BeallsviUe, Washington Co., Pa., Jan. 6, 1853; teacher '76-86 : foreman Homestead Steel Works, Allegheny Co., '86—. Busidess, BeallsviUe, Pa. WASHINGTON AND JEFFERSON COLLEGE. 433 Kurtz, Charles M. — Son of Davis B. and JuliaM. (Wilder); born New Castle, Pa., March 20, 1855 ; art student, National Academy, and in studios of L. E. Wilmarth and W. Morgan '76-79 ; law student with D. B. Kurtz, New CasUe, '79; journalist. Tribune, New York, '79 — ; Europe '81; Director Art Department Exposition, Louisville, Ky., '83; published "American Acad- emy Notes," "Illustrated Art Hand-Books," etc. Journalist, New York City. HONORARY DEGREE. McFarland, Joseph Fulton. — Son of Samuel an(|. Ja^ie (Van Eman); born Washington Co., Pa., Aug. 11, 1850; law student with John Aiken, Wash- ington, Pa., '76-78 ; practiced law, Washington, Pa., '78 — ; corp. '83-84; married March 9, '82, Mary A., daughter of Rev. James Rankin, Wash- ington, Pa.; A.M., Washington and Jefferson College. Lawyer, Washing- ton, Pa. McJuNKiN, George Crawford. — Son of Alexander and Margaret C. (Patter- son); born Logan's Ferry, Allegheny Co., Pa., June 8, 1850; teacher Liv- ermore Select School, Saltsburg Academy ; Principal Oakdale Academy, '88; married Nov. 30, '82, Helen Mitchell; A.M., '88, Washington and Jefferson College. Teach sr, Oakdale Station, Pa. 1877. Brown, Thomas vStephbn. — Son of William and Margaret (Orr); born Holi- day's Cove, W. Va., Nov. 23, 1855 ; teacher and law student Holiday's Cove, W. Va.; law student with Hon. J. H. Miller, Steubenville, O., and G. W. Caldwell, Wellsburg, W. Va., '78-79 ; practiced law Wellsburg, W. Va., '79-81, Pittsburg, Pa., '81—. Lawyer, Pittsburg, Pa. Craig, John Enster. — Son of Alexander K. and Sarah F. (McLain); born Claysville, Pa., March 14, 1853 ; teacher '77-78 ; law student with Craig & Collier, Keokuk, la., '78-79 ; practiced law Keokuk, la., '79 — ; Legisla- ture of Iowa '85-87 ; married Oct. 7, '80, Fame Susannah, daughter of Moses Coulter. Lawyer, Keokuk, Iowa. Dinsmore, William S. — Son of Samuel and Cecilia M. 1 Williamson); born West Bangor, York Co., Pa.; practiced law Hagerstown, Md.; married Aug. 14, 1882, Mamie K. Cooper. Lawyer, West Bangor, York Co., Pa. Donnan, Edmund Arthur. — Son of John White and Matilda (King); born Hickory, Washington Co., Pa., Feb. 22, 1855; medicaf student with Dr. Donnan, Pittsburg, Pa.; practiced medicine Philadelphia '80, West Penn Hospital, Pittsburg, New Castle, Pa., '81 — ; married Jan. 6, '85, Nettie, daughter of Dr. M. P. Barker. Physician, New Castle, Pfe. Fawcett, R. C. — Son of John and Rose Ann (Crozier) ; born Carrollton, O., Jan. 24, 1847 ; teacher Ohio '78-79 ; Superintendent Union Schools, Car- rollton, O.; law student with Shober& Roley, Carrollton, '79-80 ; practiced law Waynesburg, O.; teacher '80—. Lawyer, Carrollton, O. Keys, John Austin.— Son of John and Hannah (McClelland); born Greene Co., Pa., Jan. 16, 1856; law student ; practiced law St. Louis, Mo., '81-84 ; farmer '84-88. Lawyer, Zollarsville, Washington Co., Pa. 28 434 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF - MrTANDL.ss John- Son of Philip and Margaret (Stonecipher); born Alle- h?nv Co Pa May 11. I800 ; law student Pittsburg, Pa , '80, Ann Arbor ti'ced law Moniez.ma. Iowa. '81- Lawyer, Montezuma, Iowa. McCakkfii THOMA8 CALViN.-Son of Rev. Dr. Alexander and Martha ''^(McL^lin); born Claysville, Pa., Sept. 29, 185« ; W. T. S '77-80 ; l.ensed April 23 '79, Presbvtery of Washington; ordained July 21, '80, Presby- tery of Carlisle ; pastor Waynesboro, Pa., '80-; married June 16, '80, Matilda B., daughter of George W. Wartick, Washington, Pa. Presby- terian minister, Waynesboro, Pa. McCoMB, James MASON.-Son of Kev. David Scott and Jane (Riching); born Oskaloosa, Iowa, Jan. 9. 18."^;^ ; W. T. S. '78-81 ; licensed April, '80, Pres- bytery of Kittanning; ordained April 27, '81, same presbytery; home missionary Sanborn, Iowa, '81-82 ; foreign missionary to India, Lodiana, Punjaub '82; married March 29, '81, Ann Mary, daughter of John Black- stock, Allegheny, Pa. Presbyterian minister, Lodiana, India. •Ramsey, James Rea.— Son of Lemuel and Margaret (Rea); born Juniata Co., Pa., March 12, 1854 ; teacher; died' Washington, Pa., Oct. 17, 1876, typhoid fever. Shanor, Henry Kuhn.-- Son of Daniel and Sophia (Mechling); bom near Butler, Pa., March 9, 1853 ; teacher '77-82 ; Lutheran Theological Semin- ary, Philadelphia, '81-82; ordained June 22, '82, Pittsburg Synod of Lutheran Church; pastor church near Freeport, Pa., '82-88; professor Thiel College, '8^—; associate editor Indicator, Philadelphia, '81-82; mar- ried May 17, '78, Maria Agnes, daughter of Franklin Fisher. Lutheran minister, Greenville, Pa. Stekrett, James R. — Son of John P. and Annie (Kennedy); born Juniata Co., Pa., March 21, 1853 ; law student with John M. Kennedy, Pittsburg, '77-80 ; practiced law Pittsburg, Pa., '80 — . Lawyer, Pittsburg, Pa. Stewart, William Galeraith. — Son of Galbraith and Phoebe (McKeever); born Washington Co., Pa., Jan. 5, 1856 ; law student with J. W. Donnan, Washington, Pa., '77-80 ; practiced law Pittsburg, Pa., '81—; unmarried. Lawyer, Pittsburg, Pa Wilson, Geor(;e Porter.- Born Masontown, Pa , Sept. 9, 1853; W. T. S. '77-80 ; licensed April 15, '79, Presbytery of Washington ; ordained Oct. 14, '80, Presbytery of Ebenezer ; pastor Lexington, Ky., '80-83 ; Lafay- ette Park Presbyterian Church, St. Louis, Mo., '83-89 ; married. Presby- terian minister. SCIENTIFIC. Acheson, Harry MaRtyn.— Son of Hon. Alexander W. and Jane (Wishart); born Washington, Pa., Dec. 29, 1857; medical student University of Penn- sylvania, 'ftO ; practiced medicine Pittsburg, Pa., '80-85, Denison, Texas, '85-8(5, Pittsburg, Pa., '8G~. Physician, Pittsburg, Pa. Bonar, Barnet L — Son of Samuel and Elizabeth (Andrews); born Washings ton Co., Pa., July 31, 1852; medical student with Dr. T. McKennan, Washington, Pa., and Pennsylvania University, '77-80; practiced medicine Sireator, 111., '80--. Physician, Streator, 111. WASHINGTON AND JEFFERSON COLLEGE. 435 Clark, Addison M. — Son of Matthew H. and Rebecca B. (Marshall); bom Washington, Pa., March 4, 1857; medical student University of Penn- sylvania '77-80 ; practiced medicine West Penn Hospital, Pittsburg, Pa., '80-81, Youngstown, O., '81 — . Physician, Youngstown, O. Haeding, Chakles Vachel. — Son of V. and Annie (LeMoyne); born Wash- ington, Pa., Oct. 15, 1856; coal business '77-84; agent W. & W. K. R. Co., Washington, Pa., '84 — ; married Feb. 28, '7t>, Belle, daughter of J. A. Galbraith, also Nov. 3, '86, A, Virginia, daughter of Dr. John C. Hupp, Wellsburg, W Va. Railroad agent, A\'lishingion, Pa. Waerick, AVesley Thatcher. — Son of William W. and Maria W. (Wylie); born Washington, Pa., April 15, 1856 ; clerk Washington, Pa., '77-89 ; clerk Southwestern Pipe Line '89 — ; married June 17, '80, Alice F., daugh- ter of Stephen Perkins, Pittsburg, Pa. Clerk, W»shington, Pa. 1878. Blackburn, Jqhn Irwin. — Son of John and Margaret (Irwin); born West- moreland Co., Pa., April 11, 1852; W. T. S. '78-81 ; licensed April 28, '80, Presbytery of Redstone; ordained June 21, '81, Presbytery of Blairsville ; pastor Murraysville, Pa., '81-86(?), Portsmouth, O., '86 — ; married Oct. 5, '81, Cecelia E., daughter of John A. Murphy, Perryopolis, Pa. Presby- terian minister, Porlsmouth, O. Brady, Andrew.- Son of Andrew and Nancy (Arnold); born Washington, Pa., Dec. 20, 1856; manager blast furnace, Cornwall, Pa.; married Sept. 6, '83, Mary E. Porter. Business, Cornwall, Pa. Brownson, Marcus Acheson.— Son of Rev. Dr. James I. and Eleanor M. (Acheson); born Washington, Pa., June 24, 1859; W. T. S. '78-81; licensed April 24, '80, Presbytery of Washington ; missionary in Philadel- phia ; ordained April 29, '83, Presbytery of New Castle; assistant pastor Central Church, Wilmington, Del.; pastor First Church, Camden, N. J., '84-89, First Presbyterian Church, Detroit, Mich., '89 — ; married April 23, '85, Julia J., daughter of George W. Bush, Wilmington, Del. Presbyterian minister, Camden, N. J. Carson, David Gibson.— Son of David and P^lizabeth (McKin«j*y); born Beaver Co., Pa., Jan. 13, 1852; W. T. S. '78-81 ; licensed April 20, '80, Presbytery of Shenango ; ordained June 29, '81, Presbytery of Wooster ; pastor Canal Fulton, O., '^l-84, Upper Sandusky '84 — ; married July 6, '81, Laura Rufina, daughter of William B. Rose. Presbyterian minister. Upper S*ndusky, O. Clark, Charles Fremont. — Son of Hugh and Agnes (Boyd); born Wheeling, Va., Aug. 13, 1856 ; teacher Wheeling, W. Va., '78-81 ; medical student with Drs. Hildrith and Frissell ; College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York City, M.D., '83 ; practiced medicine I>rooklyn, N. Y., '83—. Phys- ician, 135 Remsen Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. Crosbie, Alexander Hoddeb. — Son of William and Jane (Hodder); bom Washington, Pa., March 5, 1855; U. P. T. S., Allegheny, '78-81 ; licensed '81, Presbytery of Chartiers; ordaiced '81, Presbytery of Philadelphia; 436 GENERAL CATALOGUE UF r:„"rT.oL"twn,:, wtH,,.eo„; Pa. United Pres^.te^.n .in- Uler East One Hundred and .Nineteenth Street, .New \ork. . w ., 78-81 ; practiced medicine St. Mary's HospUal, Plula- ddphi" a^ Dixinont Hospital ; practiced tnedicine Merrittstown, Pa., '82—. Physician, Merrittstown, Pa. Flsov' Joseph DEAN.-Son of William K. and Mary Jane (Dean); born. Wheeline. W. Va., Jan. 30, 1857 ; law student with Ex-Gov. J. J. Jacob, Wheeling. 78-80; practiced law Wheeling, W. Va., '80-; notary public '80—. Lawyer, Wheeling, W. Va. Enoch. Hiram D.-Son of Dr. H. D.; born Washington, Pa. Business, Washington, Pa. •EwiNG, John HooE.-Son of Dr. William and Isabella M. (Quail); born near Canonsburg, Pa., Nov. 4, 1855; infirm; died Canonsburg, Pa., Oct. 9, '80, pulmonary disease. Eraser, Charles McLean.— Son of John and Margaret (Ogilvie); born Wellsville, 0., Feb. 24, 1854; W. T. S. '78-81; licensed April 28, '80, Presbytery of Sleubenville ; ordained April 28, '81, same presbytery ; stated supply Walton, Kan., '80; home missionary and superintendent of Presby- terian schools, Nephi, Utah, '81-84; pastor Manor and Harrison City, Pa., '84-8(>; postmaster Nephi, Utah, '83-84; Manor, Pa., '86; Forest, O., '86—; married May 12, '81, Lilliej daughter of J. C. Ruple, Washington, Pa. Presbyterian minister. Forest, Pa. Gault, Wiluam Chambers.— Son of John and Mary (Davidson); born Jef- ferson Co., O., June 28. 1.S50 ; W. T. S., '78-81 ; licensed April 28, '80, Presbytery of Steubenville ; ordained evangelist Aug. 31, '81, same presby- tery ; foreign missionary to Africa, Batango '81-86, Bata '84-87, Gaboon '87—, West Africa '87— ; married Aug. 16, '81, Mary Elizabeth, daughter of William Gray, Pittsburg, Pa. Presbyterian minister, Benita, West Africa. Hallock, Harvey Totten. — Son of Dr. William A. and Margaret B. (Ewing); born Pittsburir, Pa., Nov. 24, 1850; manufacturer of sheet iron '82-84; farmer and business, Mandan, Dakota Territory, '84-88 ; with Carnegie, Pittsburg, Pa., '88—; married '84, Ellen, daughter of Dr. John Wishart, Pittsburg, Pa. Helm, John Stewart.— Son of John and Jane (Templeton); born Armstrong Co., Pa., Jan. 14, 1851 : W. T. S., '78-82 ; licensed June, '80, Presbytery of Kittanning ; ordained evangelist June 28, '82, same presbytery ; stated supply Lime Spring, Iowa, '82-83 ; stated supply and pastor Perry, Worth- ville and Mt. Pleasant '83-87 ; Punxsutawney '88 -; married May 17, '82, Sarah W., daughter of Samuel McQuilkin, Kellysburg, Pa. Presbyterian minister, Punxsutawney, Pa. WASHINGTON AND JEFFERSON COLLEGE. 437 Imbrie, Wilt.tam: James. — Son of James M. and Clarinda J. (Jackson); born near New Galilee, Beaver Co., Pa. ; farmer and stock raiser '80 — . Residence, New Galilee, Beaver Co., Pa. McClenethan, John Carter.— Son of John and Rachel (Carter); born Sun- set, Washington Co., Pa., July 9, 1852 ; medical student with Dr. McKen- nan and Jefferson Medical College, '78-81; M.D.; practiced medicine Connellsville, Pa., '81 — ; married Jan. 12, '82, Flora M., daughter of Thomas Hanna, Prosperity, Pa. Physician, Connellsville, Pa. McCoLLOUGH, Frank. — Son of John and Sarah A., born Frankfort Springs, Pa.; farmer Frankfort Springs, Beaver Co., Pa. Miller, George Peytox. — Son of George W. and Gertrude (Shuraan);|born Loudon Co., Va., June 16, 1858; secretary to Hon. S. J. Randall, Forty- sixth Congress, '79-81 ; law student with G. W. Miller, Washington, Pa,; practiced law Washington, Pa., '83 — ; Pittsbui^g, Pa. Lawyer, Pittsburjg, Pennsylvania. Pollock, William Gilmore. — Son of John N. and Maria (Gilmore); born Ohio Co., W. Va., Jan. 10, 1849; W. T. S., '78-81 ; licensed June, '80, Presbytery of Washington; home missionary Wickes, Montana Ter., '81, Ft. Concho, Texas, '81; teacher Princeton, Ky., '82, West Pennsylvania '82-84 ; stated supply Colton, Cal., '85-86, Monument, Col., '87—; married Oct. 5, '87, Minnie Repp. Presbyterian minister. Monument, Col. Pollock, George Washington. — Son of John N. and Maria (Gilmore); born Brooke Co., W. Va., Feb. 22, 1856 ; Europe '78; W. T. S., '78-81; licensed April, '80, Presbytery of Washington ; ordained Aug. 21, '81, same pres- bytery ; foreign missionary to India ; Futtehguhr '81-84, Mainpuri '84-87; ill health; Colorado '87; pastor Durango, Col., '88 — ; married Aug. 17, '81, Minnie W., daughter of Mrs. Dr. Jane B. Ewing, Washington, Pa. Presbyterian minister, Durango, Col. Pollock, John. — Son of Robert J. and Mary J. (Rainey); born Uniontown, O., June 30, 1854; law student with Hon. L. Danford, St. Clairsville, O., '78-80 ; practiced law St. Clairsville, O., '81—. Lawyer, St. Clairs- ville, O. Robinson, William Harvey. — Son of John L. and Margaret C. (McMullen); born Indiana Co., Pa., Dec. 6, 1852; W. T. S., '78-81; licensed July 1, '80, Presbytery of Blairsville ; ordained evangelist June 21, '81, same pres- bytery ; foreign missionary Africa ; Kangive, Ogove River, West Africa, '82-85, Heyworth, 111., '86; foreign missionary Chili, '88 — ; married Mattie L.. daughter of Daniel Jones, Pittsburg, Pa. Presbyterian minister, Quillola, Chili. Smith, Robert Leard.— Son of John and Elizabeth B. (Peelor); born Elder's Ridge, Pa., Dec. 14, 1853; W. T. S., '78-81 ; licensed July 1, '80, Presby- tery of Kittanning ; ordained June 13, '83, Presbytery of St. Clairsville; pastor New Athens, O., '83-88; Europe '88; unmarried. Presbyterian min- ister. New Athens, O. 4;^(^ GENERAL CATALOGUE OF ^vmuu^ J vMK. VoNAHOO.-Son of Joseph M. and Margaret (Donahoo); born Washington, Pa., March 16, 1856; Boston Theological Seminary, Boston University, Methodist Episcopal Church, '78-81; W. T. S., '85-86 ; licensed Methodist Episcopal Church, '81 ; ordained deacon and elder New York Conference ; preached four years New York Conference ; became Presby- terian 'So ; Holiday's Cove '85—, Mingo '86-87, Three Springs '87-88 ; ill health ; business Washington, Pa., '88 ; married May 16, 83, Anna Y., daughter of James Wilfton. Presbyterian minister, Washington, Pa. Welshouse, George Henry.— Son 6f Henry A. and Emily T. (Mabon); born Westmoreland Co., Pa., Feb 2, 1857; newspaper work Pittsburg, Harris- burg and Washington, D. C; editor Pittsburg Times, '84-85; correspondent PhiUidelphia Timet and Pittsburg Dispatch, '86 ; married June 22, '82, Carrie, daughter of James G. McLean, Pittsburg, Pa. Journalist, Pittsburg, Pa. SCIENTIFIC. Hazzari), Thomas L.— Son of T. R. and H. M. (Hamilton); born Monongahela City, Pa., April 26, 1855 ; medical student Pennsylvania University '78-81; M.D.; practiced medicine West Penn Hospital, Pittsburg, '81-82; Pitts- burg, Pa., '82~; 10th Regiment National Guards, Pennsylvania; assistant surgeon 18th Regiment ; unmarried. Physician, Pittsburg, Pa. honorary degree. Frazeb, John M. — Son of John and Margaret fOgilvie) ; born Columbiana Co., O., Jan. 15, 1852; medical student with Dr. A. Noble, Cleveland; practiced medicine Cleveland, O., '81—; married Dec. 27, '82, Mary G. Hardie; A.M., '86. Physician, Cleveland, O. 1879. ♦Beatty, Charles Albert.— Son of John and Eliza J. (Chambers); born Westmoreland Co., Pa., Dec. 14, 1856; medical student with Dr. G. B. Anderson and Jefferson Medical College, '79-81; died Beatty's Station, Westmoreland Co., Pa., March 31, '82, consumption. Brinton, Marshall Homer.— Son of Stephen M. and Mary (McGrew); born Allegheny Co., Pa., Sept. 16. 1856; farmer Moss Side Station, P. E. R., Allegheny Co., Pa., '79-85; banker and stock raising, Ellsworth, Hamil- ton Co., Iowa, '85 ; married June 8, '88, Jennie, daughter of John Scott, Elizabeth, Pa. Banker, etc., Ellsworth, Iowa. Buchanan, Aaron Moore —Son of Joseph K. and Martha T. (Bigger); born Beaver Co.. Pa., July 7, 1856; W. T. S., '79-82 ; licensed April 27, '81, Presbytery of Washington ; ordained Oct. 4, '82, Presbytery of Pittsburg ; pastor Clinton, Pa., '82-86, Morgantown, W. Va., '86-; married June 28, '82, Sarah, daughter of John Wilie, Washington, Pa. Presbyterian min- ister, Morgantown, W. Va. Day, Edgar WiLHs.-Son of Allison O. and Hannah J. (Bell); born Wash- "igton Co., Pa., Feb. 21, 1855; W. T. S., '79-82; licensed April, '80, Cumberland Presbyterian Presbytery of Pennsylvania; Presbyterian '82 ; WASHINGTON AND JEFFERSON COLLEGE. 439 ordained Oct. 10, '82, Presbytery of Red River ; missionary Stump Lake Co., Dakota, '82, Bismarck '82 ; stated supply Lisbon and Sheldon '82-83, Lisbon '83 — ; married May 30, '83, Anna B,, daughter of George W. Wade, Washington, Pa. Presbyterian minister, Lisbon, Dak. Donaldson, Newton. — Son of William A. and Sarah (Hall); born Venango Co., Pa,, Dec. 13, 1853; teacher '79-80; W. T. S., '80-83; licensed April 26, '82, Presbytery of Clarion ; ordained April 25, '83, Presbytery of St. Clairsville; pastor Washington, Seneca and Lore City, '83-87, Bellevue, Pa., '87 — ; married Sept. 25, '83, Lizzie J., daughter of John Martin, Armstrong Co., Pa. Presbyterian minister, Robella, Pa. *DuNCAN, George Alexander. — Born Washington Co., Pa., Nov. 13, 1855 ; W. T. S., '79-81 ; licensed April 27, '81, Presbytery of Washington; died Washington Co., Pa., Jan. 11, '82. Presbyterian licei;itiate. Duncan, Robert C. — Son of Robert C. and Nancy (Patterson); born Beaver Co., Pa., March 2, 1857 ; law student Pittsburg ; practiced law Pittsburg, Pa., '82 ; unmarried. Lawyer, Pittsburg, Pa. Eakin, John Anderson. — Son of Joseph and Eliza (McCay); born Lawrence Co., Pa., Feb. 28, 1854; teacher Royal College, Bangkok, Siam, '80-84; W. T. S., '84-87 ; licensed April, '86, Presbytery of Butler ; ordained Sept. 6, '87, same presbytery ; missionary Japan '87 — . Presbyterian min- ister, Bangkok, Siam. Elliott, Addison Stewart.— Born Callensburg, Pa., Feb. 2, 1847; W. T. S., '79-82 ; licensed April 29, '80, Presbytery of Clarion ; ordained June 21, '83, Presbytery of Kittanning ; pastor Covode, Pa., '83-84, Miller, Dak., 84-86, Poland, Ind., '86, Academia, Pa., '87, Coon Rapids, Iowa; mar- ried Aug. 14, '83, Lizzie E. Foster. Presbyterian minister, Coon Rapids, Iowa. Good, Adolphus Clemens.— Son of Abram and Hannah C. (Irwin) ; born Indiana Co., Pa., Dec. 19, 1856 ; teacher ; W. T. S., '79-82 ; licensed April 21, '81, Presbytery of Kittanning; ordained June 28, '82, same presby- tery; foreign missionary Africa; Gaboon, West Africa, '82 — ; married June 21, '83, Lydia Belle, daughter of Peter Walker. Presbyterian minister, Gaboon, West AfHca. •Grim, Louis Edwin. — Son of Philip L. and Matilda (Small); born Beaver, Pa.; law student with Frank Wilson, Beaver, Pa.; practiced law Beaver '83 — . Lawyer, Beaver ; residence. New Galilee, Pa. Hacket, George Stuart. — Son of Robert and Matilda R. (Marshall); born Altoona, Pa., Feb. 10, 1855; W. T. S., '79-82; licensed June 22, '81, Presbytery of Huntingdon ; ordained June 12, '83, Presbytery of St. Clairsville ; pastor Crab Apple, O., '83 — ; married Nov. 29, '82, Lizzie Agnes, daughter of Joseph H. Moreland, New Haven, Pa. Presbyterian minister, Uniontown, O. 440 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF LANGPirr, Joseph Alonzo-Soh of Philip and Mary Ann (^ristler); born Beaver Co Pa., Oct. 19, 1858 ; assistant editor '79 ; law student with Robb &Fi(«immon8, Pittsburg, Pa., 79-81; principal Public Ward Schools, Pittsburg, '81-83; Professor of Com. Law, Curry Institute, 8b; prac- ticed law Pittsburg, '88-. Lawyer, Pittsburg, Pa. Lanofitt, Obadiah Thompson. -Son of E. and Mary (McMillan); born Fairview, W. Va., March 4, 1852; W. T. S. '79-82; licensed May, '81, Presbytery of Washington ; ordained July 12, '82, Presbytery of Fort Dodge ; sUted supply Storm Lake, Iowa, '82-84 ; pastor West Liberty '84—; married Jan. 15, '85. Ella Virginia, daughter of William C. King, Claysville, Pa. Presbyterian minister. West Liberty, Iowa. *Lacohlin, Calvin E.— Son of Matthew E. and Eliza J. (Conkey); born Jef- ferson Co., O., Sept. 17, 1854 ; W. T. S. '79-82 ; licensed April 28, '81, Presbytery of Steubenville ; ordained Oct. 16, '83, Presbytery of Fort Dodge ; stated supply Randolph, Iowa, '82-83, Manning '^3-85 ; married Jan. .3, '84, Fannie E., daughter of W. D. Sterner; died Manning, Iowa, June 28, '85. Presbyterian minister. Linn, Georcse T.— Son of Rev. Dr. Alonzo and Rebecca Elizabeth (Fulton);. born Canonsburg, Pa., Sept. 15, 1859 ; drug clerk Washington, Pa., '79-81; druggist Monongahela City '81—; married Aug. 30, '88, Cara Netta, daugh- ter of John W. Teeters, Monongahela City, Pa. Druggist, Monongahela City, Pa. Linton, Edwin.— Son of Joseph and Naomi (Harry); born Washington Co., Pa., March 14, 1855; tutor of Mathematics, Washington and Jefferson College, '79-81; student at Yale College, '81-82 ; Assistant Naturalist Nova Scoiia Fish Commission, '82-83; Professor of Geology and Natural History^ Washington and Jefferson College, '82 — ; published ''Notes on Ento- zoone Fishes," and other papers; married July 9, '85, Margaret M.,. daughter of Rev. Dr. J. I. Brownson. Professor, Washington, Pa. Lyle, James Prestley.— Son of James J. and Rebecca D. (Robertson); born Cross Creek, Pa., May 20, 1854 ; W. T. S., '79-82; licensed April 27, '81, Presbytery of Washington : ordained April 26, '82, same presbytery; stated supply Taylor, Texas, '82—; married Dec. 22, '82, Elizabeth J., daughter of William Cunningham. Presbyterian minister, Taylor, Texas. McClelland, David Thompson.— Son of George and Elizabeth (Thompson); bom Belfast, Ireland, June 6, 1858 ; bookkeeper ; United Presbyterian Theological Seminary, Allegheny, '79-81 ; Professor of Latin and Physical Science, Knoxville College, Tennessee, '81-83 ; licensed April 20, '82, United Presbyterian Presbytery of Tennessee ; ordained April 22, '85, Presbytery of Louisville, Ky.; evangelist in Iowa, Nebraska and Missouri, ^84, Bowling Green, Ky., '85-86, Gilroy, - Cal., '87—; married Aug. 22, '83, Marion W., daughter of Rev. Dr. George Eraser. Presbyterian min- ister, Gilroy, Cal. WASHINGTON AND JEFFERSON COLLEGE. 441 McKennan, Thomas McKean Thompson. — Son of Dr. Thomas and Margaret (Stockton); born Washington, Pa., July 13,1859; medical student with, father, Pennsylvania University, '79-82 ; practiced medicine West Penn Hospital, Pittsburg, '82-83, Minneapolis, Minn., '83-84; assistant physician. Dixmont Hospital '84-86, Pittsburg '86 — ; published *' General Paresis.*' Physician, Pittsburg, Pa. Mehard, George H. — Son of Robert and Christiana ; born Wurteraburg, Pa.^ Sept. 22, 1858 ; medical student with Dr. T. M. Mehard ; graduate of .Jef- ferson Medical College, '82; practiced medicine Wampum and Wurtemburg, Pa., '82 — . Physician; residence, Wurtetnburg, Lawrence Co., Pa. MiNTON, Henry Colmn. — Son of Matthias and Margaret (Hanna); bor» Washington Co., Pa., May 8, 1855 ; W. T. S., '79-82 ; licensed April 26, '81, Presbytery of Washington; ordained. June 15, '83, Presbytery of St. Paul ; pastor Duluth, Minn,, '82-83 ; pastor-elect Second Church, Balti- more, Md., '83-84; San Jose, Cal., '84 — . Presbyterian minister, Saa Jose, Cal. Morrison, W. A. — Son of James F. and Anna (Mehard); born Feb. 15, 1856;^ studied medicine with Dr. D. Cunningham, Wurtemburg, Pa., and Western Reserve Medical College, O., '78-82; M.D.; practiced medicine, Struthers^ O., '83 — ; married Sept. 30, '79, Mary E., daughter of Nathan Hazen,. North Sewickley, Pa. Physician, Struthers, O. Post, Silas B. — Son of Charles and Jane (Hays); born Washington, Pa., Jan^ 3, 1858 ; medical student with Dr. Wray Grayson, Washington and Jeffer- son Medical College, '79-82, M.D.; practiced medicine New Brighton, Pa.,. '82 — . Physician, New Brighton, Pa. RoDGERS, John L. — Son of S. S. and Elizabeth (Wilson); born Washington Co., Pa., Dec. 29, 1857 ; law student with Boyd Crumrine, Esq., Washing- ton, Pa., '79-82 ; practiced law Chicago, 111., '82—. Lawyer, Chicago^ Illinois. Scott, J. F.— Elizabeth, Pa. Scott, John A.— Son of Thomas J. and Sarah A. (Anderson); born Indiana Co., Pa., Sept. 2, 1858; teacher Elder's Ridge '79-80, Johnstown, Pa., '80-82;. law student with Hon. S. M. Clark and G. W. Hood '82-84; practiced law Indiana, Pa., '84-88; Prothonotary, Indiana Co., '88 — . Lawyer, Indiana,. Pennsylvania. Stewart, David Harrold. — Son of Thomas B. and Theresa (Vanvoorhis)^ born Ohio Co., Va., Feb. 16, 1855; W. T. S. '79-82; licensed May, '81, Presbytery of Pittsburg ; ordained May, '83, Presbytery of DesMoines ^ stated supply and pastor Seymour and Promise, la , '82-84 ; pastor Hutch- inson, Kan., '84 — ; married Oct. 10, '83, Anna M., daughter of Robert Jeffrey. Presbyterian minister, Hutchinson, Kan. Stewart, Samuel Eakin. — Son of John S. and Martha J. (Clark): born Alle- gheny City, Pa., June 30, 1856 ; law student with R. E. Stewart, Pittsburg ; practiced law Pittsburg '82 — ; Pennsylvania Legislature '86-87. Lawyer,. Verona, Pa. 442 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF 8WEARINOBN, J08EPH M.-SoD of William V. and Nancy I. (Shannon); born Beaver Co., Pa., Sept. 5, 1854; teacher Sewickley Academy '79-80 ; law student with Boyd Crumrine, Washington, '80-81 ; practiced law Pittsburg '81—. Lawyer, Pittsburg, Pa. Warxk, James CJalvin.— Son of Hiram and Elizabeth ; born Ginger Hill, Washington Co., Pa., Dec. 25, 1857 ; medical student with Dr. Daugherty, Washington, Pa., and Medical Department AVestern Reserve University, Cleveland, O., '79-82; practiced medicine Orrville, O., '^2, Cambridge '82—; married Feb. 22, '87, Ida May Orme. Physician, Cambridge, O. Weirich, Colin M. - Son of Samuel K. and Anna C. (Shaffer); born Washing- ton, Pa., Jan. 31, 1857 ; medical student with Dr. G. A. Daugherty, Wash- ington, and Jeflferson .Medical College '79-82 ; M.D.; practiced medicine Washington, Pa., '83—. Physician, Washington, Pa. •YoDNO, James Theophilus.— Son of John L. and Mary C. (Christy); born Westmoreland Co., Pa., July 10, 1854; W. T. S. '79-82 ; licensed April, '81, Presbytery of Blairsville ; ordained '83, same presbytery ; stated sup- ply and pastor Coneraaugh, Pa., '82-85; married August 16, '83, Lizzie M., daughter of Z. W. Phillips; died Conemaugh, Pa., Jan. 11, '85, consump- tion. Presbyterian minister. SCIENTIFIC. Oaston, Isaac Hazlbtt.— Son of S. Wilson and Margaret F.(Hazlett); born St. Clairsville, O., July 6, 1858; law student Bellaire O.; practiced law Bel- laire, O., '82-84, St. Clairsville, O., '84—; Probate Judge, Belmont Co., two terms. Lawyer, St. Clairsville, O. 1880. JSausman, Joseph Henderson.— Son of John and Sarah S. (Wickerman) ; born Washington, Pa., Dec. 26, 1854; W. T. S. '80-83 ; licensed April 27, '82, Presbytery of Washington ; ordained evangelist, April 26, '83, same presbytery ; stated supply and pastor Homer City and Bethel. Pa., '83-87, Rochester '88—. Presbyterian minister, Rochester, Pa. Beacom, James S. -Son of Rev. Dr. H. C. and Mary A. (Speer) ; born West- moreland Co., Pa., Dec. 9, 1853 ; principal of Blairsville Academy and editor An^erpme; law student with W. H. Klingensmith, Greensburg, ^'81-84 ; practiced law Greensburg, Pa., '84—; Pennsylvania Legislature '86-87. Lawyer, Greensburg, Pa. BEI.L, Rice H.-Son of James R. and Mary C. (Williams); born Cameron, W. Va., Sept. 7, 1859; bookkeeper and collecting agent, Keokuk, Iowa, '80 ; law student with Hon. John H. Craig, Keokuk, '80-82 ; practiced law Keokuk '82-; Justice of the Peace '85-87 ; married Aug. 20, '83, Mary L., daughter of James Culbertson, Peoria, 111. Lawyer, Keokuk, Iowa. BOYEH, James Cochran.-Sou of Peter and Sarah J. (Cochran); born Alle- f«oT. ." ' '^*°' ^^' ^^^^' teacher Polytechnic Institute, Allegheny, Pa., 80-84 ;_law student with Malcolm Hay, Pittsburg; practiced law Pittsburg, Pa., '80-. Lawyer, Pittsburg, Pa. WASHINGTON AND JEFFERSON COLLEGE. 443 Breck, Frank A. — Son of William F. and Elizabeth C. (Smith); born March 21, 1860; fruit-grower and manufacturer of unfermented wine, Vineland, N. J.; married May 28, '84, Carrie E., daughter of Stephen T. Ellis. Kes- idence, Vineland, N. J. Clark, James Buchanan. — Son of James and Rebecca E. (King); born West- moreland Co., Pa., Oct. 28, 1855 : W. T. S. '80-81 ; P. T. S. '81-84 ; licensed April, '82, Presbytery of Blairsville ; ordained October, '84, Presbytery of Chester; pastor New London, Pa., '84-86, Clifton, Pa., '86-88, Lower Mt. Bethel '8u8 — . Presbyterian minister, Middagbs, Pa. Hamaker, Winters D. — Son of Adam P. and Sarah J. (McVicker); born Schellsburg, Pa., Sept. 21, 1859; teacher Cross Creek '80-81; medical student Pennsylvania University '81-84, M.D.; practiced medicine Pres- byterian Hospital, Philadelphia, '84-85, University Hospital '85-86. Mead- ville, Pa., '86—; married June 2, '87, Lizzie G., daughter of Rev. D. W. Townsend, Beatty, Pa. Physician, Meadville, Pa. Hamilton, Isaac Beeson. — Son of Rev. Dr. William F. and Lydia Louisa (Beeson); born Uniontown, Pa., Nov. 20, 1858; medical student Pennsyl- vania University '80-83, M.D.; practiced medicine West Penn Hospital, Pittsburg, Pa., North Side, Allegheny, Point Clear, Ala., Mobile, Ala.; Secretary Mobile County Medical Society '86-87 ; surgeon Mobile Rifles '87-88 ; Los Angeles, Cal., '89 — ; unmarried. Physician, Los Angeles, Cal. Hazlett, Edward.— Son of Robert W. and Mary E. (Hobbs); born Wheeling, W. Va., June 20, 1869; Secretary !Gas Works, Wheeling, W. Va.; mar- ried Oct. 12, '86. Jessie Miller, daughter of Henry K. List. Residence Wheeling, W. Va. HoEY, Newton Stewart. — Son of William and Sophia (Naly); born Murrays- ville. Pa., Sept. 7, 1856; W. T. S. '80-83; licensed May 15, '83, Presby- tery of Blairsville ; ordained Jan. 22, '84, Presbytery of Pittsburg ; stated supply and pastor Mt. Washington, Pa., '83-87, Bellaire, O., '87 — ; unmar- ried. Presbyterian minister, Bellaire, O. Hunter, Alexander Stewart.— Son of Joseph and Margaret (Stewart); born Washington Co., Pa., March 30, 1857 ; teacher Oakdale '80 81, West- ern University '81-82 ; W. T. S. '82-85 ; licensed April, '85, Presbytery of Washington ; pastor-elect Brownsville, Pa., '86 ; married Dec. 31, '85, Laetitia, daughter of Joseph Hunter. Presbyterian licentiate, Wilkins- burg. Pa. Hunter, Robert Armstrong.— Son of Rev. William and Annie E.; born Clinton, Pa., June 25, 1860 ; W. T. S. '80-83 ; licensed April, '82, Presby- tery of Washington ; ordained June 25, '84, Presbytery of Clarion ; pastor Beech Wood, Pa., '84—; married Sept. 13, '84, Mary A. Crosby. Presby- terian minister, Rockdale Mills, Pa. Irwin, Thomas Forest.— Son of Thomas S. and Mary Jane (Frazier) ; born Claysville, Pa., Sept. 15, 1854 ; law student Keokuk, Iowa, with Hon. John H. Craig '79-80 ; practiced law Helena, Mont., '80 ; reporter Pittsburg Times; editor Washington (Pa.) Journal '89 — . Editor Washington, Pa. 444 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF McCarthy, William BRAINARD.-Son of John R. and Eleanor (Lane); born Mifflin Co., Pa, May 9, 1853: W. T. S. '80; teacher; principal public schools, Indiana, Pa., '82-; married Dec. 20, '82, A. Mary, daughter of John Kiner. Teacher, Indiana, Pa. ItfcCoRMiCK, Samuel B.— Son of James I. and Rachel (Black); born West- moreland Co., Pa., May «, 1858; teacher Jefferson Academy '80-81, and Washington and Jefferson College '81-82 ; law student with H. H. McCor- mick, Pittsburg, Pa., '80-82; practiced law Pittsburg '82-83, Denver, Col., '83-87 ; student of theology W. T. S. '87—; licensed April 24, '89, Presby- tery of Pitlsburg ; married Ida May, daughter of William Steep, Washing- ton, Pa. Lawyer; student of theology, W. T. S., Allegheny, Pa. McIlvaine, Winfield. — Son of S. B. and Catharine (Hill); born Washington Co., Ph., Jan. 30, 1856 ; teacher and farmer ; law student with McCracken & McIlvaine, Washington, '80-83 ; practiced law Washington '83 — ; editor Washington Observer, Washington, Pa. McKennan, David Wilson. — Son of William and Pauline G.; born W^ash- ington. Pa., April 10, 'GO ; clerk with Jones & I^aughlin, Pittsburg, Pa., '80—. Clerk, Pittsburg, Pa. Rose, John Marshall. — Son of Wesley J. and Martha (Given) ; born Johns- town, Pa., May 18, 1856 ; teacher '80-82 ; law student with W. Horace Rose, Johnstown, '82-84 ; practiced law Johnstown '84 — ; Legislature of Pennsylvania '88—; married Oct. 21, '84, Fannie Sarah, daughter of George R. Slick. Lawyer, Johnstown, Pa. ScouLLER, John Craavford.— Son of Rev. Dr. John Y. and Eleanor (Beckett); born Fairhaven, 0., Nov. 3, 1858; U. P. T. S., Allegheny, '80-83; licensed June 27, '82, Presbytery of Monongahela ; ordained Sept. 18, '83, Presbytery of Wheeling; pastor Uniontown, O., '83—, Bannock '86—. United Presbyterian minister, Bannock, O. Stewart, Thomas A.— Son of Galbraith and Phoebe (McKeever); born West Middletown, Pa., Oct. 19, 1860; farmer West Middletown, Pa., '80-88; fire brick manufacturer, Toronto, O., '88-; unmarried. Residence, Toronto, Jefferson Co., O. Weaver, Joseph Lawrence— Son of John G. and Margaret (Alter); born Freeport. Pa., June 20, 1855; W. T. S., '80-83; licensed June, '82, Pres- bytery of Kittanning ; ordained Nov. 6. '83, Presbytery of St. Clairsville ; pastor West Brooklyn, O., '83-87, Morristown, O., '83-87, Burgettstown, Pa., '87-; married Oct. 21, '84, Flora A., daughter of John L. Grimes, Uniontown, O. Presbyterian minister, Burgettstown, Pa. 1881. Alexander, George Vance-Sou of Napoleon B. and Priscilla ; born p r'T ? ' ^''- ^' ^^^^ ' ^"^ «'"^^»t ^ith A. Rust, Lewistown, ^a., 81-83; f^u-ming in Pennsylvania and Dakote '83-86; practiced law Minneapolis, M.nn., '87-. Lawyer, Minneapolis, Minn. WASHINGTON AND JEFFERSON COLLEGE. 445 Barton, Joseph Hughes. -Son of Ebenezer and Rebecca (Craft); born Jef- ferson Co., Pa., April 2, 1856 ; W. T. S., '81-84; licensed April 24, '83, Presbytery of Clarion ; ordained evangelist June 23, '84, same presbytery ; stated supply Boise City, Idaho, '85 — ; married April 29, '86, Eva T. Craig, Clarion, Pa. Presbyterian minister, Boise City, Idaho. Bassell, Burr. — S^m of Daniel and Louisa M. (Burr); bosn Upshur Co., W. Va., Sept. 25, 1858; law student with John Bassell, Clarksburg, W. Va., '81-83 ; practiced law Los Angeles, Cal. Lawyer, Los Angeles, Cal. Brownlee, Anderson Ebenezer. — Son of Jonathan and Catharine (Ander- son); born Washington Co., Pa., Oct. 25, 1855; U. P. T. S., Allegheny, '81-84; licensed June 12, '83, Presbytery of Chartiers ; ordained Sept. 21, '8Q, Presbytery of Wheeling; pastor Martin's Ferry, O., '86 — . United Presbyterian minister, Martin's Ferry, O Chambers, Harry Preble.— Son of John D. and Anica (Barton); born Washington, Pa., Sept. 11, 1860 ; drug business Rockford, III., '83-85 ; Edison Electric Light Company '85 — ; Washington, Pa. EwiNG, James Chambers. — Son of George C. and Jane B. (Porter); born West Liberty, W. Va., Jan. 31, 1860 ; journalism '82, Wallace's Monthly, New York, '82-86; law student with McCracken & Mcllvaine, Warfiington, '82-87 ; practiced law '87 — . Lawyer, Washington, Pa. EvviNG, William Brown. — Son of Rev. Dr. William and Isabella M. (Quail); born Canonsburg, Pa., Dec. 12, 1859; teacher Jefiferson Academy '81 82 ; medical student with Dr. Donaldson, Canonsburg, Pa., and Rush Medical College, Chicago, 111., '82-85; M.D.; practiced medicine Canonsburg '85-87; assistant physician Dixmont, Pa., '87 — . Physician, Dixmont, Pa Forsyth, Clarence Jane. — Son of Thomas and Jane A. (McNary); born Washington Co., Pa., Nov. 10, 1857 ; W. T. S., '81-84 ; licensed April 24, '83, Presbytery of Pittsburg; ordained October, '84, Presbytery of Mahoning; pastor Hubbard, O., '84-85 ; stated supply Little Meadows and Warren, Pa., '85-86 ; home missionary Barton, Md., '86-88 ; pastor Greensboro '88 , Presbyterian minister, Greensboro, Pa. Hays, Calvin Corn well. — Son of Rev. Dr. Isaac N. and Rebecca H. (King); born Cumberland Co., Pa., May 21, 1861; W. T. S., '81-84; licensed Feb. 10, '83, Presbytery of Allegheny; ordained April 27, '85, Presbytery of St. Clairsville; stated supply Bethel Church, Allegheny, '83-84; pastor Bridgeport, O., '84—. Presbyterian minister, Bridgeport, O. Hertzler, William.— Son of Noah and Susan (Garman); born Port Royal, Pa., July 7, 1858; law student with Hon. Lewis Atkinson, Mifflintown, Pa., '80-84 ; practiced law. Lawyer, Port Royal, Pa. Hickman, George Mattock. — Son of William C. and Victoria E. (Gibbons); born Chester Co., Pa., Dec. 21, 1857 ; P. T. S., '81-84 ; licensed April 25, '83, Presbytery of Washington ; ordained June 24, '84, Presbytery of West- minster; pastor Marietta, Pa., '84 — ; married June 15, '86, JMary, daughter of Benjamin Smith, Philadelphia, Pa. Presbyterian minister, Marietta, Pa. ^g GENERAL CATALOGUE OF McBi'KNEY James McAuLEY.-Soa of Ebene%er and Mary (Maxwell); bom Washington. Pa.. March 7, 1858; law student with J. W. Donnan ; prac- liced law Washington 84 . Lawyer, Washington, Pa. MrGnr Dvvii) FftAZiER.-Son of James L. and Christiana (Lights); born West Alexan.ler, March 22, 1857 ; Adjunct Professor of Washington and Jefferson College '81-82; professor of Polytechnic Institute, Allegheny, Pa., 'S'>-8:i- U. P. T. S., Allegheny, '82-84 ; licensed June 12, '83, Presbytery of^Chartiers ;*ordained June 8, '85. Presbytery of Allegheny ; pastor Sixth United Presbyterian Church, Allegheny, 'So-; married June 12, '84, Hat- tie, daughter of J. E. Weddle, Elizabeth, Pa. United Presbyterian min- ister, Allegheny, Pa. McKee, Albert E.-^Son of William and N. J.; born Pittsburg, Pa., Oct. 1, 18()l ; law student with W- A. Lewis, Pittsburg; practiced law Pittsburg, 'So—. Lawyer, 90 Diamond Street, Pittsburg. Martikdell, J. W.— Son of Thomas and Eliza L. (Thompson); born Washington Co., Pa., June 29, 185G ; law student with McCracken & McUvaine, Wash- ington ; practiced law Eureka, Kan., '84—; mercantile appraiser of taxes '80. Lawyer, Eureka, Kan. PATTEB30N, RoBERT P. — Son of. James and Jane (McWha); born near Holiday's Cove, W. Va., Oct. 25, 1H5(); farmer; unmarried. Holiday's Cove, West Virginia. Power, David P. -Son of W. J. and Mary J. (Pollock); born Elizabeth, Pa., Nov. 15, 1857; medical student with Dr. Knox, McKeesport, Pa., and Pennsylvania University, '84; M.D.; practiced medicine McKeesport, Pa., '84—; married .Jan. 1, '85, Nannie A, Stewart. Physician, McKeesport, Pennsylvania. ♦Reamer, Mark M.— Son of Dr. F. C; born Bedford, Pa., Jun6 7, 1861 ; engineer corps ; School of Pharmacy; Blair «& Sons, Philadelphia ; engineer corps; died Philadelphia, Pa.. Jan. 16, '82, pleurisy. Rked, Robert Jeffery. — Son of John and Jane (Burns); born Washington Co., Pa.. May 6, 1859; medical student under direction of Bellevue Hos- pital College '81-84; M.D.: resident physician West Penn Hospital, Phil- adelphia; practiced medicine Wheeling, W. Va., '85—; Health Officer, Wheeling, '87-89. Physician, Wheeling, W. Va. RoBBiXH, EpwABD EvERETT.— Son of Joseph ; born Bobbins' Station, Pa., Sept. 27, 18.39; law student with L F. Wentling, Greensburg, Pa., a:.d C(.lu.ubia Law School, New York, '82-83; practiced law Greensburg, Pa., '83—, Senate, Pennsylvania. '88-89. Lawyer, Greensburg, Pa. Shields. George William. Son of William C. and Sarah (Huffman); born Btllrtire, O., July 25, 18.53 ; business '82-83; W. T. S., New York, '81-85; licensed Sei)t. 22, '85, Presbytery of Troy ; ordaine.l Sept. 29, '85, same presbytery; pastor White Hall, N. Y , '85—; married June 17, '86, Mary J., daughter of George W. Seward, Florida, N. Y. Presbyterian minister. White Hall, N. Y. WASHINGTON AND JEFFERSON COLLEGE. 447 Strean, Jaimes G. — Son of Robert F. and Maria J. (Greenleaf); born Washing- ton, Pa., Oct. 13, 1860; bank clerk, Washington, Pa., '81-87; in bank Kansas^ City, Mo., '87 — . Residence, Kansas Oily, Mo. Waeker, Alexander Franklin.— Son of John and Mary (Henderson); born Shelocta, Pa., Feb. 21, 1856; W. T. S. '81-84; licensed April 25, '83,. Presbytery of Kittannin^; ordained June 24, '84, Presbytery of Allegheny; pastor Tarentura,'Pa., '84 — . Presbyterian mini8ter, Tarentum, Pa. SCIENTIFIC. ^ BoYCE, Isaac. — Son of Joseph and Sarah J. (Young); born Nobleslown, Pa.^ Dec. 14, 1855; W. T. S., '81-84; teacher '82; home missionary '83 ; licensed April 24, '83, Presbytery of Pittsburg ; ordained Sept. 9, '84, same presby- tery ; foreign missionary Mexico :. Monterey, Mexico, '84 — ; married May lb, '84, Annie S. Rapp. Presbyterian minister, Montere)^ Mexico. Gow, Alexander M. — Son of Alexander M. and Sybil C. (St. John); born Dixon, III., Dec. 16, 1861; studied mechanical engineering Ohio State Uni- versity, '81-83 ; Pittsburg, Cinojnnati and St. Louis Railway, '83-87 ; fuel gas and electricity '87—. Mechanical engineeir, Pittsburg, Pa. McDowell, William J. — Son of John and Sarah ; born Washington, Pa.,. Feb. 8, 1860; student Leipzic, Germany, '81-82; medical student, Jefferson Medical College, '82-84; M.D.; practiced medicine Philadelphia '84-85, Trevorton, Pa., '85 — ; married Nov. W, '84. Martha Beatrice, daughter of Charles T. Williams, Philadelphia, Pa. Physician, Trevorton, Pa. 1882. Anderson, Thomas A. — Son of John R. and Sarah A. (White); born Clays- ville, Pa., Sept. 10, 1860 ; Adjunct Professor of Mathematics, Washington and Jefferson College '82-84; W. T. S. '84-85; U. T. S., New York, '85-87; licensed April 28, '86, Presbytery of Washington ; ordained April 11, '88, same presbytery ; pastor Up][^r Buffalo, Pa., '88 — . Presbyterian minister, Buffalo, Pa. BrARNprrT, James E.— Son of Rev. John M. and Martha R. (Elder); born Elder's Ridge, Pa., Aug. 1, 1856; clerk; railroad contractor '82; with County Proth«notary ; County Cotnrnissioner two years ; law student with John W. Donnan, Washington, Pa., and Columbia Law School, New York, '88-89. Residence, Washington, Pa. Boyd, Edgar E.— Son of Samuel J. and Sophia Lenora (Endley); born Ohio Co., Va., Jan. 19, 1862 ; law student with Hon. George E. Boyd, Wheel- ing, W. Va., and Columbia Law School, New York ; practiced law Wheel- ing, W. Va., '85 — . Lawyer. Clark, Norman Emmett. — Son of John G. and Sarah H. (Clokey); born Toledo, Washington Co., Pa., Nov. 8, 1861 ; law student with Samuel C. Clark, Esq., Washington, Pa.; practiced law Washington, Pa., '85 — ; Clerk of Courts, Washington Co., '87-88. Lawyer, Washington, Pa. 448 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF Cook, James G.-Son of Dr. Joseph L. and Mary J. (Gallagher); born New Alexandria. Pa., April 1, 18(51; teacher; medical student with Dr. Cook, New Alexandria, Pa.; married Margaret Shields. €ro8.sfr John Roach.— Son of Benjamin R. and Elizabeth (Armstrong); born Millport, ()., Feb. 18, 1856 ; W. T. S. '82-83 ; U. T. S., New York, '83-85; licensed Oct. 7, '85, Presbytery of Boston ; ordained April 15, '86, same presbytery; stated supply and pastor First Presbyterian Church, Portland, Me., '85~. Presbyterian minister, Portland, Me. Davis, Harry H.— Son of Robert W. and Mary H.; born Washington, Pa., May IS, 1S60; Assistant Treasurer Washington Co.; married July 4, '87, Tillie R. Wilkinson, Chicago, 111. Clerk, Washington, Pa. Denman, Mark Austin. -Son of John and Mary (McDonald); born Washing- ton Co., Pa., Aug. 3, 1868 ; P. T. S. '82-85 ; licensed and ordained April, '85, Presbytery of Troy; pastor Melrose, N. Y., '85—; married Oct. 27, '86, Clara Smith. Presbyterian minister, Melrose, N. Y. Ely, Robert Wesley.— Son of Elisha and Keziah B. (Snodgrass); born Washington, Pa., Sept. 12, 1851; W. T. S- '82-85; licensed April 25, '84, Presbytery of Washington ; ordained Aug. 17, '85, Presbytery of Fargo; pastor LaMoure, Dak., '85-88; Neosho, Mo., '88 — ; married Oct. 13, '85, Jennie T. Shields. Presbyterian minister, Neosho, Mo. FKRfJUSOX, Hen'ry Clay. — Son of Robert and Anna (Spencer); born near Newark, Del., Jan. 6, 1853 ; W. T. S. '82-85 ; licensed April 22, '84, Presbytery of Pittsburg ; ordained June 19, '85, Presbytery of Allegheny ; pastor Emsworth, Pa., '85—; married June 11, '85, Elizabeth P., daughter of Alexander Rennick, Allegheny, Pa. Presbyterian minister, Emsworth, Pennsylvania. •Graham, John Howard.— Son of John and Martha A. (Greenfield); born Lick Creek, Mo., Dec. 10, 1857 ; reporter Pittsburg Dispatch '82-83, Globe Democrat, St. Louis, Mo., '83; died Denver, Col., June 25, '84, typhoid pneumonia. Gbier, John Knox.— Son of Rev. Laverty and Margaret (Jeffrey); born East Springfield, Jefferson Co., O., Oct. 29, 1859 ; clerk in freight department Pennsylvania ttnd Western Railroad '82—. Residence, Pittsburg, Pa. Hartje, Edward G.-Son of August and Henrietta (Goehring); born Alle- gheny, Pa., ]^ov. 7, 1859 ; law student with John H. Mueller, Pittsburg, Pa., '82-84; practiced law Pittsburg, Pa., '84—. Lawyer, Pittsburg, Pa. Hays, George Smith.-Sou of William and Mary J. (Bebout); born Can- onsburg, Pa., Feb. 22, 1861 ; W. T. S. '82-85; licensed April 21, '84, Presbytery of Washington ; ordained June 30, '85, Presbj^terv of Mahon- ing; pastor East Palestine, O., '85-86 ; foreign missionary to China, Chefoo '85-; married July 6, '86, Fannie C, daughter of Rev. Dr. Hunter Cor- bitt. Presbyterian minister, Chefoo, China. HiNEs. J. LEONARD.-Son of Peter and Maria (Webster); born Jewett, O., Dec. 23, 18oo; medical student Bellevue, graduated '89. Kesidence Jewett, 0. WASHINGTON AND JEFFERSON COLLEGE. 449 H(>i?STOx, Sandy H. -Son of James and Martha J. (Ramsay); born Washing- ton, Pa., May 3, 18<>0 ; civil engineer Baltimore and Ohio Railroad 'K2-83 ; dental student with Dr. W. B. Libby, Washington, ' ; W. T, S. '83-86 ; licensed April 29, '85, Presbytery of Shenango ; ordained April 29, '86, Presbytery of Wash- ington ; pastor Cross Creek, Pa., '86—; married Sept. 8, '86, Teresa A. Burns. Presbyterian minister, Cross Creek, Pa. Bairi), George. — Son of John and Harriets. (Clark); born Washington, Pa., Oct. 6, 1862. Business, Fort Pitt Bank, Pittsburg, Pa. Clark, George C. — Son of William A. B. and Jane L. (Ramsey); born Schells- burg. Pa., Sept. 28, 1862 ; medical student with his brother, Dr. Clark, Schellsburg, '83-86, Jeflferson Medical College '86-88; M.D.; practiced med- icine Bedford, Pa. Physician. Oollier, Francis Marion. — Son of Thomas J. and Julia A. (Douglass); born Fayette Co., Pa., April 29, 1858 ; National School of Elocution '83-84 ; W. T. S. '84-87 ; licensed April 28, '86, Presbytery of Redstone ; ordained Oct. 24, '87, Presbytery of Gunnison ; stated supply Grand Junction, Col., '88—. Presbyterian minister, Grand Junction, Col. Crumrine, Ernest E. — Son of Boyd and Harriet J. (Kirk) ; born Canons- burg, Pa., April 14, 1861 ; law student with Boyd Crumrine, Esq., Wash- ington, Pa., '83-86 ; practiced law Washington '86—; married July 22, '86, S. Gertrude, daughter of Rev. Dr. J. F. Magill, Fairfield, Iowa. Lawyer, Washington, Pa. Elliott, Robert A.— Son of Robert W. and Rebecca A. (McGregor); born Murraysville, Pa., Nov. 13, 1861; U. P. T. S., Allegheny, '83-86; licensed April 14, '86, Presbytery of Westmoreland ; ordained Aug. 31, '87, Pres- bytery of Albany; pastor Lisbon Center, N. Y., '87 ; married June 16, '87, Jennie L. McCracken, Allegheny, Pa. United Presbyterian minister, Lisbon Center, N. Y. Hamilton, William Beeson.— Son of Rev. Dr. William F. and Lydia Louisa (Beeson); born Uniontown, Pa., Sept. 10, 1864; teacher '83-84; W. T. S. '84-86 ; P. T. S. '86-87 ; licensed April 28, '86, Presbytery of Washington ; ordained Sept. 16, '88, same presbytery ; foreign missionary to China, Chi Nan Fu '88—; married May 16, '88, Clara, daughter of R. J. Linton, Belle Vernon, Pa. Presbyterian minister, Chi Nan Fu, China. Irvine, James Elliott.— Son of John and Mary (Elliott); born Ickesburg, Pa., March 25, 1858 ; W. T. S. '84-87 ; licensed April, '86, Presbytery of Washington; ordained June 12, '88, Presbytery of Erie; pastor Fredonia and Coolspring, Pa., '88—; married Josephine, daughter of Joseph How- arth, Washington, Pa. Presbyterian minister, Fredonia, Pa. Johnston, James Houston.— Son of Rev. Thomas and Sarah G. (McNaugh- ton); l)orn Allegheny Co., Pa., March 28, 1861 ; law student with C. Has- brouck, Pittsburg, '85-87 ; practiced law Pittsburg '87—. Lawyer, Pitts- burg, Pa. 452 (iENERAL CATALOGUE OF joHs.ToN WALTEK.-Son of Rev. Thomas and Sarah G. (McNaughton); born Mleehenv Co., I>a., A^,^ 17, 1S(;2 ; medical stndent with Dr. Mc( ook and . Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, Pa., 'S7 ; practiced medicine Hos- pital, Harrishnrg, Pa. IKPPER, Geouge H.-Sonof Christian and Margaret (Gastrogel); horn Pitts- burg, Pa., May 8, ISHl ; law student with John G. Bryant, Pittsburg ; prac- ticed' law Pittsburg 'H7—. Lawyer, Pittsburg, Pa. Linn Andrew M. --Son of Rev. Dr. Alonzo and Rebecca E. (Fulton); born Washington, Pa., June 21, 18(5S; law student with John W. Donnan, Washington, '83-8H ; practiced law Washington, Pa., '86—. McCoNAUOHEY, WiLLiAM C-Son of William and Margaret (Terapleton); born Cameron, W. Va., Feb. 14, 18(51 ; Legislature of West Virginia. Timber merchant, Burning Springs, W. Va. McH^UAin, Joseph Reid.— Son of Thomas K. and Mary; born Delmont, W^est- moreland Co., Pa., May t), 1858; law student Pittsburg, Pa., '8.S-85 ; prac- ticed law Pittsburg '8-5—: married Jan. 2o, '80,»Agie S. Morrow. Lawyer, 110 Diamond Street, Pittsburg, Pa. Reid, ('ha kles Clinton Beattv.— Sonof Rev.Dr. A. M. and Sarah (Lambert) p born Steubenville, O., Nov. IH, 18()2 ; teacher Female Seminary, Steuben- ville, O., '83-84; law student Columbia Law School, '84-86; practiced law New York City, '86—; LL.B., '86, Columbia Law School. Lawyer, New York, N. Y. Ri;OH, Carroll B.— Son of Dr. Jacob W. and Rebecca (Gilchrist); born New Alexandria, Pa., Feb. J>, 18()1 ; medical student with Dr. Rugh, '81-83, Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia,. '8") ; M D.; practiced medicine, New Alexandria. Pa., '85. Smith, S. Grier— Son of Rev. S. F.; born New Cumberland, W. Va., Dec. 12, 1860; law student; practiced law Wheeling, W. Va.(?)— ; married Jan. 8, '88, Nannie S. McClurg. Lawyer, Wheeling, W. Va. Smith, Norton M. Son of E. R. and S. H. (Zediker); born Washington, Pa., Dec. 27, 1861 ; drug clerk, Washington, Pa.; married. Stevenson, Matthew Harbison.— Son of Rev. Dr. Ross and Martha A. (Harbison); born New Florence, W^estmoreland Co., Pa., Dec. 19, 18(50;, law student with McCracken & Mcllvaine, Washington, Pa., '82-85; prac- ticed law Washington, Pa., '85-86 ; with McCracken & Stevenson '8(5—; married Nov. 21). '88, Margaret Hallock, daughter of Samuel B. Ewing, Esq. Lawyer, Washington, Pa. Touzeau, John G.— Son of N. W. and Elizabeth (Cake); born Guei-nsey, •Channel Isles, April 13, 18-30; P. T. S., '8.3-86 ; licensed Dec. 31, '84, Presbytery of Kittanning ; ordained June 11, '86, same presbytery ; foreign missionary, Bogota, South America, '86 ; married Sept. 13, '86, LiUie While, Washington, Pa. Presbyterian minister, Bogota, South America.. WASHINGTON AND JEFFERSON COLLEGE. 453 Van (/LEVk, Benjamin G. — Son of Abraham L. and Susan (Jackson); born Fulton Co., Pa., March 6, 1853: P. T. S., '83-80; licensed '85 ; ordained 'S7, Presl)ytery of Steuben ; pastor Andover, N. Y., '87 — ; married. Walker, James Taylor. — Son of Rev. John W. and Martha L. (Jeffery); born Westmoreland Co., Pa., Sept. 1<), 1859 ; medical student College of Physicians and Surgeons, Baltimore, Md., '83-86; graduated '86; practiced medicine Somerset, Orange Co., Va., '86 —. Physician, Somerset, Va. AVeirick, .James E. — Son of Israel and Sarah (Thompson); born Washington, Pa., March 30, 1862 : dental student with Dr. S. Fulton, Washington ; practiced dentistry, St. Paul, Minn.; married. Wise, William Frederick. — Son of J. B. and Sarah (Stockdale); born Wash- ington Co., Pa., Nov. 3, 1861 ; law student with Thomas Lazear, Pittsburg, '•3-86; practiced law Pittsburg, Pa., '8(5—. Lawyer, Pittsburg, Pa. SCIENTIFIC. Amsi'uker, Samup^l. — Son of Samuel and Elizabeth C. (Ault); born Washing- ton Co., Pa., March 8, 1857 ; law student with Mayor James P. Sayer, Washington, Pa.; practiced law Washington '85 — ; married March 31, '86, Maria S., daughter of A. T. Halstead, Collins, W. Va. Lawyer, W^ash- ington. Pa. Frasher, Elmer Fieldren. — Son of Jacob M. and Grace E. (Johnston); born Port Washington, O., Nov. 12, 1862; teacher of penmanship and mathe- matics. Wheeling Business College, Wheeling, W. Va., '83-84 ; medical student college, Baltimore ; practiced medicine West Penn Hospital '88, Pittsburg, Pa. honorary de(;ree. •iSi'iNDLER, George Ashton. — Son of W. R. and Elizabeth (Colvin); born Washington Co., Pa., Aug. 14, 1851; County Superintendent of Schools, Washington Co., '82-88; Washington, Pa.; A.M., '83, Washington and Jef- ferson College. 1884. Adams, Andrew Addison. — Son of John Quincy and Christiana (Elliott); born near Columbia City, Ind., .Jan. 27, '64 ; journalist; law student with Rob- ertson & Harper, Ft. Wayne, Ind., '84-86; practiced law. Ambrose, John C. — Son of John and Elizabeth (Simpson); born Armstrong Co., Pa., Feb. 2, 1860; W\ T. S., '84-87 ; licensed April 21, '86, Presby- tery of Kittanning; ordained June 28, '87, same presbytery; pastor Marion, Pa., '87; married Oct. 13, '87, Nannie B., daughter of Dr. R. G. Ralston, Cowansville, Pa. Presbyterian minister. Armstrong, Frank Elmer. — Son of William and Mary; born West Alexan- der, Pa., Dec. 24, 1862; W. T. S., '85-86; U. T. S., New York, '86-87 ; licensed April 28, '86, Presbytery of Washington ; missionary Missouri, "87 — ; licentiate, Missouri. 454 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF Clark, James MuRDOCK.-Son of William D. and MarsjaretD. (M ): born Washington, Pa., Dec. lo, 1863 ; law student Columbia College Law Schoor84-. Day, Minor Ha rj.'ori).— Son of Alison Osseon and Hannah Jane (Bell); born Washington Co., Pa., Dec. 2, 1863 ; farmer '84-87 ; law student with Judge Hart, Washington, Pa., '87-88, and J. F. McFarland '89-. Law student. FrraoERALD, David Bruce.— Son of Rev. James D. and Mary L. (Wither- spoon); born Martinsville, O., May 17, 1862 ; P. T. S. '84-87 ; licensed April, '86, Presbytery of Baltimore ; ordained Dec. 20, '87, same presby- tery; pastor Deer Creek, Harmony, Md., 87—. Presbyterian minister, Level, Md. Irwin, Wn>LiA.M Buroett.- Son of Rev. John C. and Jennie (Burgett); born Olivesburg, ()., May 27, 18.>9 ; teacher Trinity Hall, Washington, Pa., '84-85 ; McCormick Theological Seminary '85-88 ; licensed April 18, '88, Presbytery of Winona; ordained April 18, '88; pastor Second Church, Freeport, 111., '88 — . Presbyterian minister, Freeport, 111. *Ir\vin, Ralston DeWitt. — Son of Rev. John C. and Jennie (Burgett); born Logansport, Ind., Oct. 19, 1861 ; McCormick Theological Seminary '84-87 ; licensed May 8, '87, Presbytery of Winona ; ordained August, '87, same presbytery; married June, '87, Hattie, daughter of Rev. Dr. J. F. Magill; died Jetmore, Kan., Feb. 9, '88. Presbyterian minister. Kexnon, Albert Wilson.— Son of William and Elizabeth (Kirkwood;) born St. Clairsville, O., Nov. 30, 1861 ; law student with N. K. Kennon, St. Clairsville, '84-85, and Cincinnati Law School '85-86 ; practiced law St. Clairsville '86—; LL.B., '86, Cincinnati Law School. Lawyer, St. Clairs- ville, O. Little, George B.~Son of Dr. James H. and Margaret A. (Wadsworth); born Washington, Pa.. Aug. 1, 1863; clerk, Washington, Pa., Latrobe, Allegheny City, Pa.; student with Perry McGleim '86 ; graduated School of Pharmacy, Pittsburg, March, '88; drug business, Greensburg, Pa. Druggist. LivixGSTOx, S. AusTiN.-Born Allegheny Co., Pa., June 7, 1861 ; United Presbyterian Theological Seminary '84-87 ; licensed ; ordained May 10, '87, First Ohio Presbytery ; pastor Mt. Pleasant, O., '87—. United Presbyterian minister, Monroe, O. McDonald, Edward—Sou of J. N. and E. Mary (Lee); born Washington Co., Pa., Jan. 11, '64. Farmer, McDonald Station, Pa. McFari AND. Samuel Enwix HuNTER-Son of Rev. Dr Samuel G. and Jane • h. Hays); born Bangkok, Siam, June 27, 1864; teacher in King's Enghsh School, Bangkok, Siam, '85-; published "English-Siamese Primer, " Lessons in English." Teacher, Bangkok, Siam. WASHINGTON AND JEFFERSON COLLEGE. 455 Means, Henry Filton. — Son of James and Margaret G. (Fulton); born Lebanon Church, Allegheny Co., Pa., Sept. 20, 1856; W. T. S. '84-87; licensed April 27, '8(), Presbytery of Pittsburg; ordained Oct. 4, '87, Pres- bytery of Blairsville ; pastor Fairfield and Union, Pa., '87 ; married June 2, *87, Anna G. Reckman. Presbyterian minister, West Fairfield, Pa. Nease, .James Sebastian. — Son of Jacob and Abigail A. (Hutson); born West Alexander, Pa., April 17, 18o7 ; teacher '85 — , and law student with Capt. H. J. VanKirk ; admitted to Washington bar '88 ; married Jan. 3, '88, Clymena, daughter of Hugh Brady, Esq., Oil City, Pa. Teacher and Lawyer, Washington, Pa. Robinson, William Thomas. — Son of John F. and Rebecca E. (Stoltz); born Adamsburg, Westmoreland Co., Pa., Feb. 4, 1862 ; teacher '84-86 ; licensed Oct. 4, '86, Methodist Episcopal Church Preacher, Fairvale charge, Greene Co., Pa. Ri THERFORD, MATTHEW.-Son of Matthew and Anna (Dohrman); born Washington, England, Dec. 22, 1856; W. T. S. '84-87 ; licensed April 28, '86, Presbytery of Steubenville ; ordained '87, Presbytery of Pittsburg; pastor Water Cure, Pa., '87-88, West Bellevue '88— . Presbyterian min- ister. West Bellevue, Pa. SCIENTIFIC. Oliphant, Samuel Duncan, Jr. — Son of Samuel D. and Mary (Campbell); born Uniontown, Pa., .Jan. 4, 1862 ; law student Harvard Law School two years, one year Trenton, N. .J. Law student, Trenton, N. J. Wright, Frank Lawrence. — Son of .Joshua and Catherine; born Washing- ton, Pa., Oct. 26, 1864; dental student with Dr. Libby, Washington, Pa., '84-85; Pennsylvania College of Dental Surgery '87; D.D.S.; practiced dentistry Washington, Pa., '87 — . Dentist, Duluth, Minn., '88—. 1885. Campbell, Oliver McClellan. — Son of Joseph A. and Elizabeth; born Belleville, Mifflin Co., Pa., July 6, 1863 ; law student with Hon. Andrew Reed, Lewistown, I^a., '86 ; principal of schools Beaver Creek, Minn., '86-87 ; practiced law St. Paul '87—. Lawyer, 356 Van Slyck Court, St. Paul, Minn. Darrah, Alexander Emmet.— Son of Patrick and Catharine (Naughton); born Washington, Pa., February, 1862 ; teacher Beech Grove, Tenn, '85-88; will study medicine. Teacher, Beech Grove, Tenn. DoNEHOo, James De Quincey. — Son of John R. and Eleanor (McCown); born Fairview, W. Va., Aug. 10, 1864; W. T. S., '85-86; law student with father, Fairview, W. Va., '86-87 ; Episcopal Theological Seminary, Phila- delphia, '88—. » ' DuNLAP, John Barr.— Son of William R. and Nancy Jane (Barr); born New Alexandria, Pa., Sept. 12, 1860; W. T. S., '85-88; licensed April, '87, Presbytery of Blairsville. 456 tJENERAL CATALOGUE OF Eltkric;h, William Otto.-Sou of Rev. Vfilliara L. and Elizabeth (Vogel); born Thavingen, Sliauffhausen, Switzerland, March 25, 1865; W. T. S., •S5-8S; special course '88-89; licensed April 12, '87, Presbytery of Alle- gheny; under appointment as foreign missionary. Licentiate, Allegheny City, Pm. Fredericks, \Vili,iam J amk.s.— Son of Kev.. James T. and Mary (Patterson); horn Hurgettstown, Pa., March (5, 1865; W. T. S., '86-87 ; medical student with Dr. Bodkin, Burgettstown, Pa., and Jefferson MedicaK'oilege, '87-88. Hawks, Gk<»roe Edward.— Son of i:dward and Mary J. (Walden); born Fair Haven. ()., Jan. 27, 1864; United Presbyterian Theological Seminary, Allegheny, '85-88 ; licensed April 27, '87, First Presbytery of Ohio. Haymakkr, Edward Graham.— Son of George K. and Priscilla (Graham): born Newlonsburg, Pa., Nov. 25, 1860; W. T. S., '85-87; licensed AprJl 20, '87, Presbytery of Blairsville ; missionary Brookings, Dak., '87, for four months ; teacher '88, Malaka, Indian Ter. Presbyterian licentiate, Murraysville, Pa. HiNDMAN, Darwin Alexander. — Son of Evin D. and Jemima (Marsh); born Brooke Co., W. Va., Oct. 1, 1858 ; teacher '85-86 ; law student with J. H. S. Trainer <& Son, Steubenville, O., '86-88; practiced law '88—, Wellsburg, W. Va. Lawyer, Wellsburg, W. Va. Kerns, Francis A.— Son of Jacob M. and Nancy J. (Blair); born Westmore- land Co., Pa., March 27, 1860; W'. T. S., '85-88; special course '88-89; licensed April 20, '87, Presbytery of Blairsville; stated supply Armagh '87. Licentiate, North Washington, Westmoreland Co., Pa. LAR.iE, Samuel S.— Son of Samuel P. and Elizabeth P. (Breedon); born Eliza- beth, Pa.', Jan. 13, 1865; cattle grov/er Loveland, Col., '86-87, Lander City, Wyoming, '87; merchant, Denver, Col., '87—; official, United Pres- byterian Church, Denver, Col. Laughlin, John Clark.— Son of Eliphalet and Caroline A. (Chron); born Westmoreland Co., Pa., March 17, 1858; McC. T. S., '85~; licensed April, '87, Presbytery of Chicago. Lewis, Samuel Theodore.— Son of William G. and Margaret G.; born Locust Lane, Pa., July, 1860 ; W. T. S., '85-87 ; licensed May 5, '87, Presbytery of Kiltanning ; ordained July 17, '88, Presbytery of Erie; pastor Pleasant- ville. Pa., ^88—. LoNf;, Daniel EATON.-Son of John and Mary J. (Eaton); born Greene Co., Pa., Feb. 8, 1857; McC. T. S., '85-88; licensed April 11, '88, Presbytery of Madison ; ordained May 24, '88, same presbytery ; pastor First Church, Baraboo, Wis., '88-; married April 7, '85, Laura Mabel, daughter of Dr. IL D. Enoch, AVashington, Pa. Presbyterian minister, Baraboo, Wis. Lyle^ James B.-Son of William and Sarah J. (Robertson); born Cross Creek, Pa., July ({, 1860; W. T. S., '85-88; licensed April 13, '87, Presbytery of Wasiungton; ordained April 11, '88, same presbytery; pastor Millcreek an.i Mt. Olivet, '88-. Presbyterian minister, Hookstown, Pa. WASHINGTON AND JEFFERSON COLLEGE. 457 ]VIcCoRMiCK, Edwaki) Baker. — Son of Eli and Sophia (Keppel); born Irwin, Westmoreland Co., Pa., Oct. 8, 1861; law student with Wentling & Miller, Greensburg, Pa.: editor Tribune and Herald, Greensburg ; Deputy Prothon- olary, Westmoreland Co., '87 — . McElwaine, William H. — Son of James and Penelope J. (Long); born Sandy Lake, Pa., April 22, 1859 ; law student with S. R. Mason, Mercer, Pa.; practiced law Findlay, O., '87--; married Aug. 11, '86, Nellie Nelson. Lawyer, Findlay, O. Mar(^uis, Hugh McConaughy. — Son of Rev. J. ^. and Margaret (McCon- aughy); born Cross Creek, Pa., Sept. 12, 1864; business '85 — , Glenwood, Pennsylvania. Marquis, John Abner. — Son of James T. and Mary C (Bucher); born Wash- ington Co., Pa., Dec. 27, 1861 ; Professor of Mathematics, Blairsville Ladies' Seminary, '85-86 ; W. T. S. '88-89. Mar(4UIS, John Logan. — Son of Rev. Dr. David C. and Anna M. (Kennedy); born Decatur, 111., Aug. 21, 1864; teacher Faribault, Minn., '85-86; Professor of Languages, Bellevue College, Neb., '86-88. Student theology McCormick Theological Seminary, Chicago, 111. Means, Nathan Alfred. — Son of James and Margaret G. (Fulton); born Allegheny Co., Pa., Dec. 11, 1858 ; teacher High School, Keokuk, Iowa, '85-86 ; law student with Moreland & K«rr, Pittsburg, Pa., '86-88 ; prac- ticed law Pittsburg, Pa. Lawyer. Noble, Thaddeus Clark. — Son of Thaddeus C. and Sarah ISL (Truesdell); born Claysville, Pa., Feb. 1, 1864 ; assistant teacher Trinity Hall, Washing- ton, Pa.; Assistant Professor of Mathematics, Washington and Jefferson College, '8()-88 ; law student with A. W. & M. C. Acheson, Washington, Pennsylvania. Patterson, .John Pollock. — Son of John and Caroline E. (Pollock); born Elizabeth, Pa., May 28, 1864; teacher of mathematics, Pittsburg Academy; law student with W. S. Patterson, Pittburg, Pa. Patterson, William Stuart. — Son of Dr. Robert H. and Sidney (Johnston); born Stoystown, Pa., April 12, 1865; medical student with his father '85-86, College of Physicians and Surgeons, Baltimore, Md., '86-87. Res- ident physician, Allegheny General Hospital, '88 — . Pickens, John Caldwell.— Son of William and Jane (Caldwell); born Mar- tin's Ferry, O., Aug. 31, 1859; W. T. S. '85-88; licensed April, '87, Presbytery of S;.'Clairsville ; ordained April 11, '88, Presbytery of W^ash- ington ; pastor Frankfort, Pa., '88 — ; married May 15, '88, Ida L. New- ' come. Presbyterian minister, Frankfort Springs, Pa. ^AWHiLL, Elden Olifaunt. — Son of John and Jane (Pollock); born Clays- ville, Pa., May 30, 1861 ; W. T, S. '85-88 ; licensed April 13, '87, Presby- tery of Washington ; ordained Sept. 11, '88, Presbytery of Shenango ; pastor Enon, Pa,, '88 — . Presbyterian minister, Enon, Pa. 45S GENERAL CATALOGUE OF SiUNDRETT. Richard Brown.— Son of William A. and Mary (Brown); born Pittsburg, Pa., June 30, 18()1 ; teacher of mathematics, Allegheny High School, 'HV— ; teacher '.sr)-S7 ; law student with Thomas M. Marshall, Pitts- burg, Pa.. 'HiVSS; Trustee Slippery Rock Normal School; practiced law Pittsburg, '88—. Lawyer, Pittsburg, Pa. SpEKR, Breading.— Son of Rev. Dr. William and E. B. (Ewing); born Lake City, Minn., .Lily 11>, lS«)o. Teacher of Physics, High School, Pittsburg, Pennsylvania. TD. Frank Lkster.— Son of .James and Mary (Byers); born Ohio Co., W. Va., May 1<>, 1861 ; teacher Oakland, Cal., '8()-87 ; Trinity Hall, Wash- ington. Pa., '87-88 : teacher Academy, Summerville, .Jefferson Co., Pa., 'HI)—. Walker, Albert .John. — Son of Noah S. and Carrie (Evans); born Chicago, III., .Jan. 2;i, 1863 ; law student with Miller & McBride, Pittsburg, Pa., '85-87; practiced law^Pittsburg, '87 — ; office 129 Fifth Avenue, Pittsburg; residence, Elizabeth, Pa. Wallace, Edwin Sherman. — Son of Dr. T. C. and Lizzie (Hamilton); born Allegheny, Pa ,(?) Oct. 3, 1864; W. T. S. '8,-)-S8 ; licensed April 12, '87, Presbvtery of Allegheny. Wei^h, Warren Sedgwick.— Born McConnell's Mills, Pa., March 26, 1864. Teacher. , scip:xtific. Crangle, Robert Henry.— Son of Plenry and Harriet Maria (Pierson); born Wheeling, W. Va., Oct. 10, 1863; assistant secretary Star Encaustic Tile Company, Pittsburg, Pa., '87 — . 1886. Baker, Rdbixson J.— Son of .John and Priscilla (Bane); born Washington Co., Pa., Oct. 30, 1861; teacher Bridgeport, Pa., '86-87; bookkeeper East Bethlehem, Pa., '87-88; W. T. S., '88-. Student of theology, Bealls- ville, Pa. Hrownson, Robert McKennan -Son of Rev. Dr. James I. and Eleanor M. ( Acheson); born Washington, Pa., Nov. 21, 1865; law student with James I. Brownson, Jr., Washington, Pa. Elder, Wilson Barnett.-Sou of Thomas B. and Mary (-Barnett;; born Elder's- Ridge. Pa., Jan. (5, 1862 ; farmer ; six months with engineer corps in the West; clerk, Kansas City, Mo.; poor health. Fulton, George W.-Son of David C. and Nancy A. (Mayhew); born Dins- more Washington Co., Pa., Sept. 29, 1865 ; W. T. S., '86-89 ; licensed April 10, 'S9, Presbytery of Washington ; ordained April 24, '89 same presbytery; foreign missionary Japan. Godfrey, .Jo.seph L.-Son of George and Rachel L. (Berry); born Martin'a w"va ^^' ^^^^' ^'''^•'^^^P"'' La Belle Stove Co., Wheeling, WASHINGTON AND JEFFERSON COLLEGE. 459 Hill, George H. — Son of Rev. Dr. George and Abigail (Hawes); born Blairs- ville, Pa., Dec. 8, 1862; W. T. S., '86-89; missionary American Tract Society '87, stated supply Red Oak, Cedar Co , Iowa, '88 ; licensed April 18, '88, Presbytery of Blairsville. Licentiate, Blairsville, Pa. Hill, James Barxett. — Son of Rev. John F. and Margaret (Guthrie); born Ilarrisville, Butler Co., Pa., Feb. 2, 1863 ; merchant '85-88; Canonsburg, Pa.; W. T. S., Allegheny, Pa., '88 — ; student theology, Canonsburg, Pa. Hupp, F'raxcis Julius Le Movne. — Son of Dr. Joha.C. and Caroline Louisa (Todd); born Wheeling, W. Va., July 8, 1865; medical student with Dr. Frissell, Wheeling, and College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York, with Dr. Bull, '86-88; Presbyterian Hospital, New York, '89—; Wheeling, W. Va. IinviN, .losEPH Morrison. — Son of Rev. John C. and Jennie (Burgett); born Lagansport, Ind., April 19, 1S66; private study at Albert Lea, Minne- sota, '86-87 ; licensed April 19, '88, Presbytery of Winona. Presbyterian licentiate, Albert Lea, Minn. .foxES, William A. — Son of .Tames and Rachel P. (Craig); born St. Cloud, Washington Co., Pa., Nov. 25, 1860 ; W. T. S., '86-89 ; licensed April 11, '88, Presbytery of Washington ; pastor Knoxville Presbyterian Church, Presbytery of Pittsburg, installed June 11, '89. Keith, Lewis E. — Son of .Jacob and Nancy (Good); born Cambria Co., Pa.; W. T. S., 1886-89 ; licensed April 9, '88, Presbytery of Kittanning ; stated supply Harmony and Mechanicsburg, Pa., "88 — ; pastor-elect New Athens, Ohio. KiNTER, William Alexander. — Son of F. M. and Martha (Thompson); born Indiana, Pa, Aug. 9, 1863; W. T. S., '86-87; P. T. S., '87-89; pastor- elect Mt. Holly, N. J. Lang, Charles P.— Son of Frederick and Agnes (Schlotter); born Allegheny City, Pa., Nov. 29, 1862 ; law student with Miller & McBride, Pittsburg, Pa., '86-87 ; clerk State House, Harrisburg, '87 — . Lauffer, Edward Franklix. — Son of Isaac and Jiydia (Fox); born Manor Valley, Westmoreland Co., Pa., Aug. 7, 1859; Reformed Seminary, Lan- caster, Pa., '86—; licensed. Minister, Reformed Church, Bouquet, Pa. Lewis, Alexander Brown.— Son of William G. and Margaret G. (Davis); born Locust Lane, Indiana Co., Pa., Sept. 19, 1862; teacher Trinity Hall, Washington. Pa., '86-87 ; law student with Peebles & Doty, Minneapolis, Minn., '87-88. Residence, Minneapolis, Minn. McAnixch, John Valentine.— Son of J. Lewis and Jennie (Myers); born Callensburg, Pa., April 12, 1859; teacher Pennsylvania and Iowa : AV. T. S. "S6-89 ; licensed April 25, '88, Presbyterv of Clarion; called to Tionesta, Presbytery of Clarion. Licentiate. McDonald, Charles Henry.— Son of Rev. George and Martha S. (Blayney); born Beallsville, O., July 7, 1865; U. T. S., New York, '86—. 460 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF M. Kijtov, uhoRGE Smith.— Son of Samuel B. and Sarah B. (Bausman); born Fitt8bnrg, Pa., East End, July H, 1865. Farmer, Gordonsville, Va. MoOKE, MAKION.-Son of Henry and Mary Ann (Diehl); born Beaver Co., Pa., Dec. G, 1H')S; W. T. S. '8()-8i> ; licensed April 11, '88, Presbytery of Washington. Licentiate, Poe, Pa. Plummer, William Franklin.— Son of G. Lafayette and Mary J. (Moore); born Washington Co., Pa., Dec 21, 1802 ; P. T. S. '8G-87 ; W. T. S. '88-89 ; licensed April 11, '88, Presbytery of Washington. Licentiate, Florence, Pennsylvania. Ritchie, Robeet.— Son of J. C. and Margaret (McDonald); born Woodlawn, Pa., Nov. 23, 18.39; law student with John M. Buchanan, Beaver, Pa., '8()— . Residence Woodlawn, Beaver Co., Pa. Sloan, Emmet I'aysgn. — Son of John T. and Jane (Hood); born Rural Val- ley, Pa., Sept. 17, 1862; W. T. S. '8(5-89; licensed April 11, '88, Presby- tery of Kittanning. Rural Valley, Pa. Stevenson, Joseph Ross.— Son of Rev. Dr. Ross and Martha A. (Harbison); born Ligonier, Pa., March 1, 186(5; McCormick Theological Seminary '86-89; licensed April 7, '88, Presbytery of Chicago; Europe '89; Wash- ington, Pa. Stevenson, James Van Eman.— Son of James M. and Hannah (Van Eraan); born Washington Co., Pa., Jan. 14, 1864: W. T. S., '8(3-89; licensed April 24, '88, Presbytery of Pittsburg; pastor Du Quesne Church, Presby- tery of Pittsburg; ordained June 11, and installed June 12, '89. Raccoon, Pa. Thomas, William S.— Son of Evan D. and Mary A. (Jenkins ; born Pittsburg, Pa., Sept. 14, 1858; law student with Major J. F. Slagle and W. K. Jennings, '86-88, Pittsburg, Pa.; practiced law Pittsburg. Lawyer, Pittsburg, Pa. Tredway, William Thomas.— Son of Crispin and Melvina V. (James); born Coshocton Co., O., Feb. 12, 1862; law student with H. W. Weir, Pittsburg, Pa., '86-88 ; practiced law '89—. Lawyer, Pittsburg, Pa. Warne, William W.— Son of Hiram and Elizabeth (Nicholls); born Dunnings- ville, Washington Co., Pa., Nov. 14, 1862. Medical student, Washington, Pennsylvania. Weir, William Figley.-Sou of Andrew D. and Emily (Figley); born Augusta, Carroll Co., O., Dec. 28, 1861 ; W. T. S. '86-87; Union Theolog- ical .Seminary. '87-88; W. T. S., '88-89; licensed Dec. 19, '88. Presbytery of Steubenville ; ordained May 14, '89, same presbytery. Mechanicstown. Ohio. M^HEELER^ Franklin Taylor—Sou of Joseph H. and Rachel A. (Taylor); born York Co., Pa., Feb. l.",, 1860 ; W. T. S., '86-89. Wilson, William Riley. -Son of David S. and Mary J. (Orr); l,orn Fair rtaven, O., SepL -5, 18(5(» ; United Presbyterian Theological Seminarv, Allegheny, '8(;-X«i. ^ ^ ' WASHINGTON AND JEFFERSON COLLEGE. 461 SC^IEXTIFIC. Cassiday, James Buchanan. -Son of Hugh and Nancy (McCune); horn Washington Co., Pa., Sept. 2, 185!); teacher '86—, Elgin, Neh. Galbraith, Stephen A. B. — Son of William and Mary (Hill); born May 27, 1863, Washington Co., Pa.; medical student Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, '86—. Mkdill, Walter Worthington.— Son of William and Martha (Worthing- ton); born Brilliant, Jefferson Co., O., Jan. 17, 1863 ; railroad postal clerk '86 — ; medical sludent Ohio Medical College, Cincinnati. Miller, Horatio Hamilton. — Son of Julius P. and Harriet (Hamilton); born West Middletown, Pa., Aug. 29, 1855; civil engineer, BeUaire, O., '88 — . Moore, James Scott. —Son of Martin Luther and Johanna (Beatty); born Bloominglon, Ind., June 10, 1861; McCormick Theological Seminary '86-89. Ni:w, Alexander. — .Son of Isaac and Henrietta (Gallinger); born Lagro, Wabash Co., Ind., June 2, 1861 ; law student with Cowgill, Shirely & (^owgill, Wabash, Ind.; ill health. Residence, Wabash, Ind. Rodgers, Myron Knox. — Son of William and Sarah E. (Sphar); born Clarion Co., Pa., Nov. 6, 1861 ; assistant engineer Montana Central Railroad, Hel- ena, Mont. Civil engineer, Helena, Mont. 1887. Alexander, Henry Eckert. — Son of Rev. Dr. Robert and Mary (Eckert); born St. Clairsviile, O., Oct 25, 1866; reporter Chicago Herald, '87-89, Register, Wheeling, W. Va. Bell, James Ross. — Son of James H. and Eliza L. (Quigley); born Idlewood, Pa., Nov. 3, 1863; law student with Bruce & Shields, Pittsburg, Pa., '87—. Craig, William Hugh.— Son of Alexander K. and Sarah F. (McLain); born Washington Co., Pa., Aug. 19, 1859; teacher; ill health ; married March 15, '87, Anna R., daughter of John Rollston. Teacher, Haysville, Pa. Craig, Joseph Addison Alexander. — Son of Alexander K. and Sarah F^ McLain); born Washington Co., Pa., Feb. 12, 1862 ; Professor of Mathe- matics, High School, Keokuk, Iowa. Teacher, Keokuk, Iowa. EwiNG, Arthur H.— Son of James H. and Eleanor J. (Rhea); born Saltsburg^ Pa., Oct. 18, 18()4; W. T. S., '87—; licensed April 10, '89, Presbytery of Kittanning; summer of '88, city missionary, Pittsburg, Pa. Garrison, Clarence Clifton.— Son of John N. and Mary Anne (Thompson) j born Brookville, Pa., April 27, 1864; in business with theHolden Smelting Company, '87--, Denver, Col. Residence, Smelter, Col. Herron, David A. — Son of Rev. David and Louisa (Browning); born Dehra, India, Dec. 24, 1860; civil engineer, Montana Central Railroad, '87-88-^ McCormick Theological Seminary, '88 — ; Chicago, III. 462 (lENERAL CATALOGUE OF Hii.i., Jamks Millkr.— Soa of Thomas and Rebecca (Miller); born Canons- burg, Pa., Aug. IH, m>'^; Professor of Languages, Academic Department, Tnion Free School, Canandaigua, N. Y., 'MT-SS; post-graduate course .Johns Hopkins ITniversity, '88—. Residence, 1128 McCulloh Street, Balti- more, Md. Hill, Thomas Fraxklin.— Son of Rev. John Franklin and Margaret Gille- land ((mthrie); born Harrisville, Butler Co., Pa., Oct 15, 1865 ; W. T. 8., '87—; summer of '88, teacher Corsica, Pa.; licensed April 24, '89, Presbytery of Pittsburg ; student theology, Canonsburg, Pa. Johnson, Edwin K.— Son of Rev. Dr. Wm. F. and Rachel L. (Kerr); born Futtehghur, India, Dec. 6, 1865; W. T. S., '87— ; summer '88, Sunday- school missionary, Nebraska; licensed April 10, '89, Presbytery of Wash- ington. Licentiate, Charlotte, N. C. Larimkr, Charles A.— Son of Alexander P. and Elizabeth W. (McCall); born Library, Allegheny Co., Pa , March 27, 1866 ; W. T. S., '87—; sum- mer '88, stated supply Nebraska; licensed April 24, '89, Presbytery of Pittsburg; student of theology. Library, Pa. LiKN, Harry Hill. — Son of Rev. Dr. and Rebecca E. (Fulton); born Can- onsburg, Pa., May 11, 1867; clerk Jarecki Manufacturing Company, Washington office. Residence, Washington, Pa. LiPPiNcoTT, Charles Augustus.— Son of E. W. and Annabelle (Weir); born Piedmont, W. Va., July 30, 1865 ; P. T. S. '87-88 ; U. T. S. '88—. The- ological student. Piedmont, W. Va. Long, James Grier.— Son of John F. G. and Frances H. (Gallaher); born Spruce Hill, Pa., Dec. 4, 1861 ; principal Airy View Academy, Port Royal, Pa., '87—. Lyle, Ulysses Lowrie.— Son of James J. and Rebecca D. (Robertson); born Cross Creek, Pa., Feb. 2, 1867; W. T. S. '87—; summer of '88 missionary South Dakota ; licensed April 10, '89, Presbytery of Washington. Licen- tiate ; residence Cross Creek, Pa. Mkloy, John Ellsworth.- Son of Cyrus and Hannah ; born Amity, Wash- ington Co., Pa., Nov. 9, 1864; teacher. Principal Academy, Hocking- port, O. Montgomery, A. J., JR.-Son of Jesse and Sarah Jane (McDaniel); born Washington Co., Pa., Sept. 8, 1864; W. T. S. '87-; summer of '88 Sunday school missionary Kentucky ; summer of '89 missionary Kentucky ; tempo- rary licentiate April 10, '89, Presbytery of Washington ; married March 2.1, '89, Henrietta B., daughter of Thos. Duff, Pittsburg, East End, Pa. Residence, Washington, Pa. Palmer JAMES.-Son of John C. and Frances (Waugh); born Brooke Co., W. \a., Aug. 11, 1865; U. T. S., New York, '87-. PoGUE, Province McCormack.-Sou of Henry E. and Frances A.; born Maysvdle, Ky., Oct. 14, 1865; law student Cincinnati Law School '87-. WASHINGTON AND JEFFERSON COLLEGE. 463 Reed, James Watson. — Son of Rev. Dr. Alexander and Mary B. (Wat- son); born Philadelphia, Pa., Dec. 31. 18«)5; Pittsl)urg and Lake Erie Railroad, Freight Department, 411 Penn Avenue, Pittsburg, Pa. Speek, Peter Mooke. - Son of Alexander and Grizzey (Ifays); born Venango Co., Pa.; Dec. 29, 18(52; teacher Kennedy, N. Y.; Demseytown, Pa. Stewart, Harry Trkvv. — Son of Carl and Sofa J. (Hollenbeck); born Hub- bard, 0., Nov. 2, 1HG8; Pittsburg Press Club. Journalist, Pittsburg, Pa. Vance, .John Levda. — Son of William and Elizabeth (Clutter); born West- moreland Co., Pa., Jan. 12, 1866; U. P. T. S. 'Si—. Welsh, Robert L.~Son of Rev. Robert C. and Mary C. (Cowden); born Canonsburg, Pa., Oct. 1(5, 18(5.); United Presbyterian Theological Seminary, Allegheny, Pa., '87 — . Weaver, Tiiomas N. — Son of John O. and Margaret A. (Alter); born Freeport, Pa., Dec. 8, 1859; W. T. S. '87—; licensed April 10, '89, Presbytery of ; summer of '88 missionary in Minnesota. Licentiate. Woods, John E. — Son of Rev. Dr. Henry and Mary L. (Ewing); born Wash- ington, Pa., Dec. 17, 1867. Clerk for Carnegie, Phipps & Co., Pittsburg, Pennsylvania. scientific. McCoi.LUM, Henry Emmet. — Son of Elias and Sarah Ann (Moss); born near Amiiy, Pa., .Jan. 22. 1861. Teacher near Amity, Pa. 1888. Armstroncj, J. Newton. — Son of William K. and Susan (Alter); born Arm- strongville, Pa., March 29, 18(5(5 ; student of theology W. T. S. '88—; mission work summer of '89. Hall, Francis M. — Son of Robert M. and Nancy (Langdon); born Wash- ington, Pa., Dec. 23, 18(54; W. T. S. '88—. Hays, Charles W.— Son of Rev. Dr. George P. and Eleanor S. (Wherry); born Baltimore, Md., Sept. 18, 1867 ; theology Lane Theological Seminary '88 — . Theological student, Kansas City, Mo. Herriott, George W^atson. — Son of W. A. and Kate AV.; born Federal, Al- legheny Co., Pa., June 4, 1862. Law student, Pittsburg. Hess, Grant Ephraim.— Son of Ephraim and Mary (Wilson); born Wash- ington, Pa , Oct. 4, I860 ; law student with Aiken & Duncan '88— . HoLLisTER, Edgar F.— Son of A. F. and Malinda C; born Clintonville, Pa., Aug. 31, 1866. Law student. Inglis, Robert Scott.— Son of Dr. George and Janet (Scott); born Montreal, Canada, May 2o, 1867 ; W. T. S. '88—; mission work summer of '89. Theological student, Claysville, Pa. -Jack, James D.—Son of Lowry and Cornelia; born Troy, Pa., Jan. 15, 18(52. Law student. 464 (iENERAL CATALOGUE OF Jones, Rush Thobukn.— Son of Rev. James JF. and Jennie M.; born Bellaire^ {)., May 4, 18<»'). Law student, Kittanning, Pa., '88. Kino, Hash. Kohekt.— Son of Robert and Martha (Hastings); born Mill- port, O., Dee. 2(), 18(11 ; theology VV. T. S. '88—. I^wEs, John Livixostonk.— Son of Rev. A. B. and Mary B. (Elliott); born Pecatur, Ind., Dec. 2). Medical student. Montgomery, William B.— Son of William and Mary Jane ; l>orn Washing- ton, Pa., April 6, 1868. Oliver. George Grant.— Son of W. and Kate A. (Beach); born C'oneaut- ville. Pa., Aug. 2, 18(J6 ; teacher Washington, Pa. Skillim;, David M. -Son of Dr. John D. and Mary (Quail); born Lonacon- ning, Md., Aug. 2, 18(56; W. T. S., '88—; missionary work Pittsburg, sum- mer of '8<>. Templeton, Alexander M.~Son of S. M. and R. M.; born Washington, Pa., June :], 18(5!>; studied law with John H. Murdock, Washington, 'HH—. Law student, Washington, Pa. Wei^h. James M—Son of Rev. R. C. and Mary C. (Cowden); born Canons- burg, Pa., July 4, 1860; theology at United Theological Seminary, Alle- gheny, '88—. Wise, Charles S.-Son of Joseph B. and Sarah V. (Stockdale); born Zollars- vdle, Pa., .June 20, 1866; studied law with D. T. Watson, Esq., Pittsbur- Pennsylvania. ' ^ ' o> Wright, J. RoBERT.-Son of Joshua and Jennie (McFerran); born Washin.^- ton. Pa., Oct. 20, 1866. SCIENTIFIC. '^^''T^'Jr'' V"^"" ""^ ^"^ '^"^^'' (Robinson); born Indiana, Pa , Feb. ;j.J8(,.^; real estate and insurance, '89~; Sehome, Whatco.n Co., Wash. WASHINGTON AND JEFFERSON COLLEGE. 465 1889. CLASSICAL,. AiiEXANDER, James Rufus.— Son of Rev. Dr. Robert and Mary (Eckert); born St. Clairsville, O., Jan. 22, 1869. Residence, St. Clairsville, O. Blackford, Robert A. — Son of James M. and Kate (Reid); born Clarksburg, W. Va., Oct. 31, 1866. Residence, Martin's Ferry, O. Clugston, John Audley. — Son of Robert and Sarah J. (Mc Williams) ; born Turtle Creek, Allegheny Co., April 5, 1867. Residence, Turtle Creek. Cunningham, James Alexander. — Son of John B. and Elizabeth (Whitaker); born Burgettstown, April 22, 1866. Residence, Burgettstown. DiLLE, Samuel Leonard. — Son of William H. and Drusilla (Young); born Lindley's Mills, Washington Co., April 10, '1863. Residence, Washington. Donehoo, James Ramsey. — Son of Rev. Elijah R. and Maria J. (Patterson) ; born Allegheny City, Nov. 27, 1867. Residence, Pittsburg. Edmunson, George Robinson. — Son of James A. and Eliza A. (Robinson) j born Remington, Allegheny Co., Oct. 18, 1866. Residence, Remington. Ewing, Samuel Blaine. — Son of Rev. William Ewing, Ph.D., and Isabella M. (Quail j; born Meadow Land, Washington Co., May 5, 1864. Residence, Canonsburg. Gifpen, James Edwin. — Son of William and Mary E. (Hill); born near Pleas- ant Unity, Aug. 31, 1864. Residence, Greensburg. Haymaker, William Sevtard. — Son of William N. and Mary (Simpson); born Monroeville, May 23, 1865. Residence, Turtle Creek. HoLLiSTER, William P. — Son of Parker M. and Mary A. (Parker); born Clinton ville, Oct. 31, 1866. Residence, Franklin. Irwin, Isaac McKinney. — Son of Dr. Crawford and Susan (McKinney); born Hollidaysburg, April 15, 1867. Residence, Hollidaysburg, Pa. Irwin, George Barnard. — Son of Rev. Dr. D. J. and Sarah H. (Coe); born Ebenezer, Sept. 13, 1865. Residence, Ebenezer, Indiana Co. LiNHART, Arthur Edward. — Son of Wilkins and Sarah A. (Ritchey); born Pittsburg, May 27, 1868. Residence, Allegheny. McKee, Clement L. V.— Son of Finley and Eliza Ann (Harper); born near Flatwoods, Fayette Co., May 15, 1864. Residence, Flatwoods, Fayette Co. McKennan, Moore Stockton. —Son of Dr. Thomas and Margaret (Stockton); born Washington, Pa., Oct. 22, 1867. Residence, Washington, Pa. Marquis, George Paull. — Son of Rev. Dr. D. C. Marquis and Anna M. (Kennedy); born Allegheny, Sept. 12, 1868. Residence, Chicago, 111. . Moore, John Wilson.— Son of Martin Luther and Joanna (Beaty); bora Bloomington, 111., Aug. 29, 1866. Residence, Bloomiugton, 111. 30 4gg GENERAL CATALOGUE MooRHEAD, Alexander DoNALDSON.-Son of Eev. Dr. W. W. and Martha J. (Donaldson); born Camden Mills (now Milan), III., April 23, 1868. Residence, Greensburg. PiNKERTON, John Pierce.— Son of J. P. and Martha J. (Guffey); born Madi- son, Westmoreland Co., Aug. 6, 1866. Residence, Madison. Reid, Joseph James.— Son of Robert and Lavina Jane (Brothers) ; born Augusta, Carroll Co., O., Aug. 13, 1867. Residence, Augusta, O. Slmmons, Kiddoo Peter.— Son of Philip and Jane (Kiddoo) ; born Library, Allegheny Co., Nov. 7, 1865. Residence, Library. Weoley, William Fleming.— Son of A. H. and Sina (Hull); born near Penn, Westmoreland Co., April 19, 1865. Residence, Penn, Pa. Welch, John Cowden.— Son of Rev. Robert C. and Mary (Cowden); born Taylorstown, Pa., Aug. 10, 1867. Residence, Washington, Pa. scientific. Baird, Wn.LiAM Absalom. — Son of John and Harriet L. (Clark); born Wash- ington, 1867. Residence, Washington. Gibson, Robert. — Son of Rev. Dr. Wm. J. and Elizabeth M. (Murray); born Duncansville, Aug. 20, 1869. Residence, Washington. Jones, Fix)y Carleton. — Son of Rev. James F. and Fannie M. (McGill); born New Lisbon, O., Jan. 28, 1870. Residence, Washington. Laidley, Edmund Wirt.— Son of Dr. J. B. and Mary E. (Galbreth); born Carmichaels, Green Co., July 18, 1866. Residence, Carmichaels. Reed, Robert Rentoul.— Son of Rev. Dr. Alexander and Mary B. (Watson); born Philadelphia, Sept. 19, 1867. Residence, Washington. Templeton, James O.— Son of John and Mary (McNary); born Beck Mills, Oct. 6, 1863. Residence Beck Mills. 5inal ^upplemEnt. J. C. '33. Edwin H. Nevin, D.D., died Philadelphia, Pa., June 2, 1889. J. C. '46. George W. Zahniser, died Mercer, Pa., June 12, 1889. Utcifinlcrii ^tatEment. JEFFERSON- COLLEGE. Ministers 940 Lawyers 428 Physicians 208 Other Occupations. . 374 Total Graduates 1 ,950 Deceased 1,061 Missionaries 45 Soldiers 24() HONORARY DEGREES H. N. Lee, Esq., A.M. Eev. Simeon Brown, A.M. William Orr, A.M. John Millington, Professor, A.M. Eev. Joshua Williams, D.D. Rev. E. P. Swift, D.D. 1837. Alfred Marks, Esq., A.M. Hon. L. S. Handy, A.M. M. Morgan, Esq., A.M. Dr. Robert Thompson, A.M. Rev. Isaac Grier, D.D. Hon. Lewis Cass, LL.D. 1838. Rev. John Rhea, D.D. Rey. Daniel Zacharias, A.M. Rev. Asahel Nettleton, D.D. Rev. David Stewart, D.D., Ireland. 1839. Joseph Braddock, A.M. Jacob Hall, Esq., A.M. Rev. William Shaw, D.D., Scotland. Rev. John W. Nevin, D.D. 1840. Rev. J. S. Dunwiddie, A.M. 1841. Prof. L. Gaussen, D.D., Geneva. Rev. Andrew Marshall, D.D., Scotland. Rev. Thomas J. Biggs, D.D. Prof. Adolphe Monod, D.D., France. Rev. John Jameson, D.D., Scotland. Hon. Robert C. Grier, LL.D. T. D. Baird, Jr., A.B. Rev. Robert Baird, D.D. Rev. E. Thompson Baird, A.M. William Reynolds, Esq., A.M. Rev. James Peddie, D.D., Scotland. Rev. James Martin, D.D. W. 8. Lane, Esq., A.M. Hon. Daniel Duncan, A.M. Rev. James L. Dinwiddle, D.D. 1842. Rev. J. D. MitcheU, A.B. 1843. Hon. James Thompson, A.M. Rev. Wm. M. Atkinson, D.D. Rev. James Harper, D.D., Scotland, Hon. Henry Baldwin, LL.D. 1844. Henry D. Maxwell, Esq., A.M. T. D. Baird, A.M. Rev. Nathan L. Rice, D.D., Ky. 1845. Prof. S. C. Gray, A.B. David H. Strother, A.M. Rev. James H. Thornwell, D.D. Rev. David McKinney, D.D. Rev. James Carlisle, D.D., London. Rev. Robert Ferguson, LL.D., London. Rev. Matthew Brown, LL.D. Hon. James Ross Snowden, A.M. Dr. J. E. Snodgrass, A.M. Rev. James Rodgers, D.D. Rev. Ezra Keller, D.D. Rev. Jos. T. Smith, D.D. Hon. Henry Clay, LL.D. JEFFERSON COLLEGE. 477 1846. W. S. Sterrett, A.M. ReT. Wm. Smith, D.D. Rev. Samuel Steel, D.D. Rev. John Stockton, D.D. Hon. John Ji Crittenden, LL.D. Francis Stewart, Esq., A.M. Rev. William Speer, A.M. Rev. James Smith, D.D., Ky. Rev. Robert J. Breckinridge, LL.D. Rev. Wm. L. Roberts, D.D. Rev. J. B. Spotswood, D.D. Hon. Samuel Hepburn, LL.D. Hon. Samson Mason, LL.D. Rev. Huey Newell, A.B. Rev. W. S. Emory, A.M. John Swan, Esq., A.M. J. Natf M'Guffin, Esq., A.M. Dr. J. H. M. Peebles, A.M. Richard Coulter, Esq., A.M. Rev. Jos. T. Cooper, D.D. Rev. J. P. Pressly, D.D. Hon. Thaddeus Stevens, LL.D. Peter Hay den, A.B. S. S. Lyon, A.B. Samuel Long, A.B. J. J. Aiken, A.M. Rev. James Clark, (President Wash- ington College), D.D. Rev. Robert Dilworth, D.D. Hon. Thomas H. Baird, LL.D. Enoch Lanning, A.B. Rev. Robert Steel, D.D. Rev. Charles C. Jones, D.D. Hon. Kensey Johns, LL.D. 1847. Rev. Stephen Yerkes, A.M. Rev. P. S. Sp*encer, D.D. Rev. James C. Watson, D.D. Rev. James Dennura, D.D., Ireland* 1848. William Rogers, Esq., A.M. Hon. Thos. M. T. M'Kennan, LL.D. 1849. Rev. Nathaniel G. North, A.M. Rev. J. Lochren, A.M. S. B. Hempstead, A.M. Doctor M'Gugen, A.M. Rev. Wm. D. Howard, A.M. Rev. J. W. Dickey, A.M. Rev. Geo. A. Lyon, D.D. Hon. Thomas Bradford, LL.D. 1850. W. W. Stewart, A.B. James Orr, A.B. Wm. P. Harvison, A.B. Wm. Dickey, Esq., A.M. Rev. Charles W. Nassau, D.D. Rev. Daniel M'Kinley, D.D. Rev. Samuel Wilson, D.D. Hon. James Allison, LL.D. 1851. George Marquis, Esq., A.M. Benj. Rush Bradford, Esq., A.M. Rev. Wm. M. Grimes, A.M. Rev. Thomas Woodrow, D.D. Rev. John Clark, D.D., Scotland. Rev. A. P. Goudey, D.D., Ireland. Rev. Alex Campbell, D.D. Matthew Stewart, Esq., A.M. Dr. John B. Stilley, A.M. Rev. John W. Richards, D.D. Rev. Charles Forbes Buchan, D.D.^ Scotland. Rev. James Steel, D.D. 478 HONORARY DEGREES Bev. Matthew H. Wilson, A.M. W. P. Pearson, Esq., A.M. Rev. Melancthon VV. Jacobus, D.D. Rev. John Marth, D.D. Rev. James Johnston, D.D. 1852. J. Booth, Esq., A.M. Rev. Wm. J. Gibson, D.D. Rev. John Ekin, D.D. Rev. Septimus Tustin, D.D. Dr. R. Dunglison, LL.D. Rev. David Davidson, LL.D., Scotland. Alexander W. Taylor, Esq., A.B. Dr. John V. Herriott, A.M. P. M. Grim, Esq., A.M. 1853. Dr. Joseph Connelly, A.B. Hon. John W. Howe, A.M. Rev. David Kirkpatrick, D-D. 1854. E. J. Pershing, Esq., A.B. Rev. B. M. Kerr, A.M. Rev. George Marshall, D.D. Rev. James Boyce, D.D. Rev. John H. Brown, D.D. Rev. D. D. Heather, D.D. Edmund P. Hunter, Esq., A.M. P. A. Cregar, Esq., A.M. Rev. H. B. Cunningham, D.D. Rev. A. D. Clark, D.D. Rev. A. M'Farlane, D.D. Dr. Thomas D. Mutter, LL.D. 1855. Rev. Patrick F. Jones, A.M. Rev. James Chrystie, D.D. Rev. J. R. Hutchison, D.D. Bev. Charles W. Baird, A.M. W. Whitton Redick, Esq., A.M. Bev. James Sloan, D.D. Hon. Thomas H. Burrowes, LL.D. Bev. James Alexander, D.D. Bev. Edward D. Griffin, D.D. Rev. Joseph Scroggs, D.D. Rev. Donald McClarren, D.D. Hon. James Pollock, LL.D. A. C. Armstrong, A.M. J. 8. Grimes, A.M. B. G. Pardee, A.M. Bev. Alex. Young, D.D. Bev. Robert Crawford, D.D. Bev. Samuel C. Jennings, D.D. Rev. William H. Andrew, A.M. Rev. Wm. M. Hetherington, D.D.» LL.D., Scotland. 1856. Rev. A. W. Couse, A.M. Rev. John Newton, D.D. Rev. Reese Happersett, D.D. Prof. Chas. McCay, LL.D. 1857. Rev. George W. McPhail, D.D, Rev. E. V. Gerhart, D.D. Rev. John McNair, D.D. Rev. Thos. E. Vermylie, LL.D. 1868. N. B. Webster, A.M. J. Gourley, A.M. Rev. Joseph Painter, D.D. Rev. John V. Reynolds, D.D. Rev. James R. Doig, D.D* JEFFERSON COLLEGE. 479 Rev. J. Y. Ashenhurst, A.M. Beaj. L. Jones, A.M. E. E. Morgan, A.M. Rev. Henry M. Micken, A.M. Prof. C. L. Frombille, A.M. Rev. George W. Thompson, D.D. Rev. Wm. E. Schenck, D.D. Rev. M. Jacobs, D.D. Rev. Thos. P. Gordon, D.D. Rev. James Prestley, D.D. Rev. Albert Hopkins, LL.D. Rev. Robert McMurdy, D.D. Rev. John Patton, D.D. Rev. George M. Giger, D.D. Rev. John R. Dundass, D.D. Dr. Samuel D. Gross, LL.D. John A. McCandlass. Rev. George Sheldon, D.D. Rev. D. D. Clark, D.D. Hon. Caleb B. Smith, LL.D. 1859. A. B. Byerly, A.M. R. W. Smith, A.M. Wm. S. Everett, A.M. Prof. Richardson, A.M. Rev. S. Deifendorf, D.D. Rev. Jas. C. Brown, D.D. Rev. J. E. Rockwell, D.D. Rev. Jesse M. Jamison, D.D. Rev. John Eagleson, D.D. Hon. Josiah Scott, LL.D. 1860. Rev. Wm. M. Paxton, D.D. 1861. Rev. James Grier, D.D. Hon. Joseph L. Holt, LL.D. 1862. Adolpha Tafel, A.M. Rev. I. C. Pershing, D.D. Rev. C. C. Riggs, D.D. Dr. John Curwen, LL.D. Daniel Thompson, A.M. Prof. George Woods, LL.D. Dr. W. Bodenheimer, A.M. Chas. H. Shears, A.M. Rev. J. Britton Smith, D.D. Rev. Wm. M. Cornell, D.D. 1863. H. C. McKnight, A.M. 1864. Franklin Carter, A.M. Benj. F. Wilkins, A.M. Rev. Andrew P. Happer, D.D« James Veech, LL.D. CONFERRED BY Rev. John Riddell, D.D. Rev. John Anderson, D.D. Rev. Samuel Ralston, D.D. Hon. James Ross, LL.D. Rev. John Black, D.D. Rev. John DeWitt, D.D. Rev. James Boyle, D.D., Ireland. Prof. John E. Annan, A.M. Rev. Luther Halsey, D.D. John D. Craig, LL.D. Alexander Jamison, M.D., A.M. Rev. James Culbertson, D.D. Hon. John Reed, LL.D. Rev. David Ferguson, A.M. Rev. Benjamin Wurtz, D.D. Rev. William S. Plumer, D.D. 1820. 1821. 1823. Rev. John Matthews, D.D. 1824. Rev. John Knox, D.D. Wm. McGuffin, A.B. 1827. Rev. John Graham, A.M. 1831. Rev. Eli S. Hunter, D.D. 1834. 1835. 1837. 1838. Louis B. Williams, A.M. Rev. Henry E. Wo' i, D.D. Rev. Davis Young, D.D., Scotland. WASHINGTON COLLEGE. 481 Kev. Francis McFarland, D.D. Henry J. Schmidt, A.M. Kev. John N. C. Grier, D.D. 1839. 1840. Rev. Charles C. Beatty, D.D. 1841. Rev. John McLean, D.D. 1842. Rev. A. G. Fairchild, D.D. Rev. Wm. H. McGuffey, D.D. Rev. Andrew Marshall, LL.D., Scot- land. 1843. Rev. John C. Brigham, D.D. Rev. Allen D. Campbell, D.D. 1844. Rev. Archibald Baird, D.D., Scotland. Rev. Wm. Chester, D.D. Rev. James Smith, D.D., Scotland. Robert M. Kountz, A.M. Richard Biddle, LL.D. Rev. John Skinner, D.D. Prof. Nathaniel Chapman, LL.D. P. S. Johnson, A.M. Rev. John Hastings, A.M. Rev. James Hervey, D.D. Rev. Archibald Alexander, LL.D. Rev. David Elliott, LL.D. Rev. Wm. D. Smith, D.D. Rev. John Barker, D.D. Prof. John N. Pomeroy, A.M. Rev. Samuel Sprecher, D.D. Rev. A. A. McGinley, D.D. J. L. Taylor, A.M. Rev. Albert G. Hall, D.D. Rev. Wm. M. McElwee, D.D. Rev. Elisha L. Cleaveland, D.D. 31 Rev. A. O. Patterson, D.D. 1845. Thos. Bakewell, A.M. 1846. Hon. George Evans, LL.D. Rev. Samuel McFarren, D.D. 1847. John Chislett, A.M. Rev. Alex. B. Brown, D.D. Rev. John Bruce, D.D., Scotland. Rev. Samuel Miller, LL.D. 1848. Rev. Wm. Jones, D.D., Scotland. 1849. Prof. Daniel Kirkwood, A.M. Rev. Matt. B. Hope, D.D. Rev. David McConaughy, LL.D. 1850. Jas. P. Wickersham, A.M. Rev. William Jeffrey, D.D. Rev. James Rawson, D.D. 482 HONORARY DEGREES 1851 Dr. R. Lafferty, A.M. Dr. W. C. Reiter, A.M. Rev. Samuel Ruple, A.M. Rev. Wm. M. Ferguson, A.M. Rev. Cochran Forbes, A.M. Rev. Wm. P. Alrich, D.D. Rev. Francis Laird, D.D. Rev. J. Holmes Agnew, D.D. Rev. Silas M. Andrews, D.D. Hon. Walter H. Lowrie, LL.D. Wm. R. Lower, (Prof.) A.B. Wm. Bakewell, A.M. Dr. Daniel Leasure, A.M. Rev. Wm. D. Howard, D.D. Hon. Jeremiah S. Black, LL.D. Dr. Samuel Schriner, A.M. Rev. John M. Boggs, A.M. Rev. Wm. D. Moore, A.M. Rev. Wm. Speer, A.M. 1852. Rev. C. A. Gilbert, A.M. Rev. John W. Scott, D.D. Rev. Henry R. Wilson, D.D. Rev. Joseph R. Walker, D.D. Rev. David Longmore, D.D. D. M'K. Grover, A.M. Bev. John R. McKiosie, D.D., England. 1853. John Proctor, A.M. Rev. I. M. Price, A.M. Rev. George Burrowes, D.D. Rev. Thos. Thompson, D.D., Ireland. Ormsby M. Mitchell, LL.D. 1854. Rev. A. H. Dumont, D.D. W. R. Linn, A.B. Rev. Jonathan Edwards, D.D. 1855. Rev. Joseph Warren, D.D. 1856. Rev. James M. Olmstead, D.D. 1857. Rev. Benj. Chase, D.D. [France. Rev. Frederick Monod, D.D., Paris, Rev. A. S. McMaster, D.D. Rev. J. P. Safford, D.D. 1858. J. B. Johnson, A.M. Prof. Rev. T. H. Byers, A.M. Rev. Rev. Alexander Rentoul, D.D., Ire- Rev. Rev. Cyrus Dickson, D.D. [land. Varro, A.M. Silas Johnson, A.M. Loyal Young, D.D. 1859. Hugh W. Sevier, A.M. A. M. Lorentz, A.M. Neville B. Craig, LL.D. Wm. B. Logan, A.M. Rev. D. L. Barrow, D.D. Prof. E. C. Whines, LL.D. WASHINGTON COLLEGE. 483 1860. Geo. M. Elliott, A.M. Benj. Shoemaker, A.M. Rev. R. B. Westbrook, D.D. Rev. Isaac Greer, D.D. Rev. F. DeW. Ward, D.D. Rev. Samuel J. Wilson, D.D. Hon. George Chambers, LL.D. Rev. Samuel Newell, D.D. Joseph H. Barrett, A.M. Rev. J. H. Morrison, D.D. Rev. Robert B. Walker, D.D. Hon. Daniel Agnew, LL.D. Geo. W. Acheson, A.M. Dr. J. D. White, A.M. Rev. Jas. W. McKennan, D.D. Rev. John Scott, D.D. 186L Rev. Richard Brown, D.D. Rev. Chas. C. Beatty, LL.D. Hon. Nath. Ewing, LL.D. 1862. Rev. Samuel D. Alexander, D.D. 1863. Robert Sherrard, Jr., A.M. Hon. H. H. Leavitt, LL.D. 1864. Rev. Charles Hodge, LL.D. — CONFERRED BY — Rev. John HaU, D.D. Capt. A. W. Acheson, A.B. Dr. Trail Green, LL.D. L. R. Metzgar, A.B. Hon. John W. Geary, A.M. C. W. Allen, A.M. Collins Williamson, A.M. Rev. Henry Hervey, D.D. Rev. Lewis Davis, D.D. Rev. Alex. Swaney, D.D. James McCosh, D.D. Wm. V. Jones, A.M. Rev. A. M. Reid, Ph.D. Prof. Samuel Jones, Ph.D. Rev. S. J. M. Eaton, D.D. John A. Wills, LL.D. J. T. Daniels, A.M. Rev. Elliott E. Swift, D.D. M. C. Acheson, A.M. Rev. H. McCoy, A.M. J. R. Newell, Ph.D. Rev. W. W. Woodend, D.D, 1865. Rev. John W. Scott, LL.D. 1866. Rev. A. M. Jelly, A.M. 1867. Wm. F. Barclay, A.B. N. K. Wade, M.S. Henry W. Hoffman, A.M. Nicholas K. Wade, M.S. 1868. Rev. Samuel Wylie, D.D. Rev. James Allison, D.D. Rev. J. G. Ralston, D D. 1869. Rev. Chas. W. Heisley, A.M. Prof. Alonzo Linn, Ph.D. Rev. James Anderson, D.D. Rev. George Hill, D.D. Rev. Samuel Martin, A.M. 1870. Rev. David Hall, D.D. Rev. Edward R. Geary, D.D. 4 1871. Geo. P. Fulton, A.M. D. D. Stone, Ph.D. Rev. John Robinson, D.D. Rev. Luther Halsey, LL.D. WASHINGTON AND JEFFERSON COLLEGE. 485 1872. George B. Vase, A.M. Rev. Samuel Harrison, A.M. Geo. M. Laughlin, A.M. Rev. E. T. Jeffers, D.D. Rev. James B. Rentoul, D.D. Hon. James Ross Snowden, LL.D. Rev. David R. Campbell, D.D. C. M. Reed, A.M. H. K. McJunkin, A.M. Prof. Robert Currie, Ph.D. Rev. Joseph Mateer, D.D. Rev. F. A. Shearer, D.D. Rev. Stephen R. Riggs, LL.D. H. K. M'Junkin, A.B. James M. Gow, A.M. Rev. John W. French, D.D. Rev. A. M. Milligan, D.D. Rev. Alex. Young, LL.D. Hon. John Scott, LL.D. 1873. Hon. Edvrard Campbell, A.M. B. Kurtz Miller, A.M. Rev. H. A. Thompson, D.D. Rev. David A. Cunningham, D.D. Rev. John Parry, D.D., Wales. Hon. William McKennan, LL.D. T. J. Barton, A.M. Dr. John A. Ritchie, A.M. Rev. B. L. Agnew, D.D. Rev. Robert A. Ross, D.D. 1874. Dr. David Shanor, A.M. Rev. George W. Mechlin, D.D. Rev. Wm. Symington, D.D., Scotland. Rev. Eli Ta'ppan, LL.D. 1875. Rev. W. J. Bridges, A.B. Dr. J. M. Cooper, A.M. Rev. William Ewing, Ph.D. Rev. William J. Brugh, D.D. Rev. Robert Stewart, D.D. Wesley Grier, Esq., A.B. Rev. J. M. Cummings, Ph.D. Prof. Joseph Waugh, Ph.D. Rev. David C. Marquis, D.D. Rev. Samuel T. Lowrie, D.D. 1876. Rev. W. C. Magner, A.M. Dr. W. S. Taylor, A.M. Prof. Martin Gantz, Ph.D. Prof. John Hughes, D.D., England. Hon. B. H. Bristow, LL.D. Prof. S. T. Sharp, A.M. Prof. Edward Brooks, Ph.D. Prof. George Fraser, D.D. Prof. Ebenezer D. Junkin, D.D. Prof. Charles Martin, LL.D. Dr. R. W. Haslett, A.M. Prof. H. S. Phillips, A.M. Rev. J. Addison Henry, D.D. Rev. Calvin W. Stewart, D.D. James Duncan, Jr., A.M. Rev. Samuel G. McFarland, D.D. 1877. Prof. A. A. McDonald, A.M. Prof. W. H. Weeks, Ph.D. Rev. Dunlop Moore, D.D. Dr. W. H. Bailey, LL.D. 1878. George Lilly, A.M. 4«b HONORARY DEGREES 1879. Hou. Ulysses Mercur, LL,D. 1880. Prof. W. H. Brewer, A.M. Dr. David N. Kaukin, A.M. Rev. Samuel Earp, D.D. Henry M. Alexander, LL.D. Richard Darlington, Ph.D. Rev. J. M. McElroy, D.D. Rev. Alex. McLeod Symington, D.D. Hon. M. W. Acheson, LL.D. J. H. Clark, A.M. J. M. Birch, Ph.D. Rev. T. Davis Ewing, D.D. 1881. Thomas J. Milford, Ph.D. Rev. William F. Johnson, D.D. Rev. Alex. G. Wilson, D.D. Hon. J. J. Burns, A.M. William S. Welsh, A.M. Rev. William F. Hamilton, D.D. Rev. Stephen Phelps, D.D. 1882. Alexander Guthrie, A.M. Rev. David H. Barron, D.D. Rev. N. S. McFetridge, D.D. Rev. David R. Kerr, D.D-, LL.D. George A. Spindler, A.M. Rev. Edgar Woods, Ph.D. Rev. Orr Lawson, D.D. Rev. W. G. Keady, D.D. 1883. Rev. J. A. Ritchie, Ph.D. Rev. Isaac N. Hays, D.D. Rev. D. J. McMillan, D.D. Rev. Wm. M. Paxton, D.D., LL.D. 1884. DeWitt T. Alexander, A.M. Prof. David Wilson, Ph.D. Rev. Robert Balgram, D.D. Rev. N. Grier Parke, D.D. Rev. J. Rogers Wilson, D.D. J. Harris Patton, Ph.D. Prof. H. H. Young, Ph.D. Rev. R. G. Ferguson, D.D. Rev. Joseph Vance, D.D. Hon. John B. Anderson, LL.D. 1885. Dr. S. L. Blatchley, A.M. Rev. John Edgar, Ph.D. Rev. T. R. Ewing, D.D. Hon. George W. Mcllvain, LL.D. Hon. William H. West, LL.D. Charles J. Clark, Esq., A.M. Rev. W. J. Holland, Ph.D. Rev. James H. Dinsmore, D.D. Rev. Hunter Corbett, D.D. Rev. Robert H. Fulton, D.D. Dr. James L. Miller, A.M. Rev. R. L. Blackford, D.D. Rev. Thomas X. Orr, D.D. Rev. John H. Vincent, D.D., LL.D. 1886. J. Lawrence Rentoul, A.M. Rev. A. M. Brown, D.D. Rev. Thomas Dorsey, D.D. Rev. David J. Beale, D.D. Prof. E. M. Turner, LL.D. WASHINGTON AND JEFFERSON COLLEGE. 487 1887. Rev. J. C. R. Ewing, D.D. Rev. William S. Knight, D.D. Rev. Henry T. M'Clelland, D.D. Rev. Joseph T. Smith, D.D., LL.D. George C. McJunkin, A.M. Hon. Joseph M. Moore, A.M. Prof. E. C. Richardson, Ph.D. Rev. A. B. Riggs, D.D. Rev. J. W. Sproull, D.D. Hon. James A. Logan, LL.D. Rev. Alvin M. Reed, A.M. E. F. Acheson, A.M. Rev. Charles B. Newton, D.D. Rev. George P. Wilson, D.D. Dr. Wm. Bodenhamer, LL.D. Prof. James E. Morrow, Ph.D. Rev. Sylvester F. Jones, D.D.' Rev. E. D. Ledyard, D.D. Hon. Isaac G. Gordon, LL.D. 1888. Col. A. Louden Snowden, A.M. Prof. B. Wl Mitchell, Ph.D. Rev. George T. Purves, D.D. Rev. David Harvey Sloan, D.D. Rev. William M. Taylor, D.D. Gen. D. B. McCreary, A.M. Rev. A. K. Knox, A.M. 1889. Rev. J. G. Patterson, D.D. Rev. A. R. Anderson, D.D. Hon. E. King Wilson, LL.D. Rev. A. H. Caughey, Ph.D. NOTE. In the record of an individual, where the residence is given with the State, and changes follow in the same State, the name of the State is not repeated. An interrogation point indicates uncertainty as to the fact set forth. A.B. and A.M. attached to a name, indicates that the person did not graduate with his class, but was a regular student, and afterward received his degree at the date indicated. Where a name is followed by a blank, the history of the person could not be found, or he declined giving his record. ^fifiilEYicrticns. The abbreviations in this Catalogue are few and readily understood, viz W. T. S.— . . , Western Theological Seminary. P. T. S.— . . . . Princeton " « N. W. T. S., or McC. T. S.— McCormick " U. T. S.- . . . Uni lion U. T. S. v.- . . «* « u xr. . . Am T q A . Virginia. iriT.'aA.-- . • . • . ^"^r :: : ^---"-s- U.P.T.S.- . United Presbyterian " « ^"«gf"y- U. P.— United Presbyterian. l]^t>^¥- ^LXJIMIZSri. Page. AcHESON, Alex. W 285 AcHESON, A. W., Jr 400 AcHESON, Ernest F . . . , 430 AcHESON, Geo. W 285 AcHESON, Harry M 434 AcHESON, John 285 AcHESON, John W 356 AcHESON, Joseph M 410 ACHESON, M. C AcHESON, Marcus W 323 AcHESON, M. C : 420 Adair, John M 183 Adair, William A 56 Adams, Andrew A 453 Adams, James 25 Adams, John 136 Adams, Joseph B 28 Adams, Lucian 239 Addison, Alex 274 Addison, William 277 Adney, Julius E 430 Agnew, Benj. L 351 Agnew, F. H 239 Aiken, Albert W 372 Aiken, H M 377 Aiken. John 411 Aiken, William 52 Alcott, Ahaz N 254 Alden, William L 211 Alexander, Albert 250 Alexander, George V 444 Alexander, Henry E 461 Alexander, James 41 Alexander, James M 373 Alexander, James R 465 Alexander, John E 94 Alexander, L. Dade 250 Alexander, Milton 395 Alexander, Robert 353 Alexander, Robert J 48 Alexander, R. Ard 430 Alexander, Ross J 351 Alexander, Samuel C 211 Alexander, Thomas 183 Alexander, Thomas R 404 Alexander, William 211 Alexander, William J. 173 Alexander, W. W., '62 373 Algeo, William R 369 Allen, Andrew J 336 Allen, Bela S 56 Allen, B. W 316 Allen, Milton 336 Allen, Moses 16/ Allen, John W i 365 Allison, Andrew J 395 Allison, George W 272 Allison, James. 126 Allison, J. B 131 Allison, Richard J 115 Allison, R. H 69 Allison, William 286 Allison, W. E 196 Alrich, William A .353 Ambrose, John C 453 Amerine, a. H 145 Amis, J. A 179, 260 Amspoker, Samuel 453 4yo INDEX. Page. Anderson, Abraham .^ HO Anderson, Abraham 17, 23 Anderson, A. A., '34 69 Anderson, Alex. A., '08 271 Anderson, A. R 1^^^ Anderson, Butlkr P 152 Anderson, J. Patton 100 Anderson, J. Philander 451 Anderson, John A 122 Anderson, John B 295 Anderson, James 284 Anderson, James W 166 Anderson, Matthew L 365 Anderson, Ora H 430 Anderson, Robert E 427 Anderson, Samuel M 323 Anderson, Thomas 279 ANDER.SON, Thomas A 447 Anderson, T. Coulter 190 Anderson, Thomas B 404 Anderson, William C 282 Ander-son, William R 153 Anderson, W. W 362 Andrew, James H 336 Andrew, William H 100, 191 ■ Andrews, Lorren 32 Andrews, L. F. W 28 Andrews, Thomas 196 Andrews, W. E 73 Andrews, Wells 21 Ankenv, Thomas A 220 Annan, John E Annan, Robert L 173 32 . . 136 .... 45 .... 453 .... 299 .... 239 Arbuthnot, James Archabald, G. D Armat, Thomas Armstrong, Frank E Armstrong, James Armstrong, John A Armstrong, J. Trooper 116 Armstrong, Martin 355 Armstrong, J. Newton 463 Armstrong, Johnston 173 Arnold, George C 153 Arnold, John 323 Arnold, John H 203 Arnott, Moses 104 Aten, Charles M 33 Page. Austin, George K 100 Bacon, David. 173 Baily, F. E 73 Bain, Henry 381 Baird, Absalom 308 Baird, a. Todd 331 Baird, Chambers 69 Baird, E. Thompson 116 Baird, George 327 Baird, George, '83 451 Baird, James H 116 Baird, Robert 24 Baird, Thomas D\ 110 Baird, Thomas H., Jr 310 Baird, Washington 60 Baird, William 271 Baird, William A 466 Baird, William L 131 Baird, W^illiam M 319 Baker, D. Woods 110 Baker, R. J 458 Ballantine, D. W . 197 Ballantine, Wm . 203 Baldwin, A. S 126 Baldwin, Caleb ' 310 Ball, Eugene J 404 Ballard, W. W - 204 Banks, James A 104 Bankston, N. W 159 Barber, Daniel M 282 Barber, R. B 74 Barber, Thomas M 160 Barclay, Hugh A 211 Barclay, William F Barlow, F. S 336 Barnes, W. G 246 Barnett, Enos 184 Barnett, J. E 447 Barnett, John M 153 Barnett, William G 85 Barr, Andrew 327 Barb, A. J 354 Barr, James S 211 Barr, John 116 Barr, J. Calvin 191 Barr, J. Campbell 50, 160 Barr, W. Wilson 191 Barrington, Samuel 277 INDEX. 491 Page. Bareon, James P 250 Barron, David H 191 Barry, William B 52 Bartlay, Thomas W 52 Bartol, Joseph L 63 Barton, Joseph H 445 Barton, Samuel B 153 Bassell, Burr 445 Bassal, John 373 Bast, John H 191 Bausman, Jos. H 442 Beacom, James S 442 Beale, David J 232 Beale, Thomas B 60 Beamer, a. B 173 Beattie, Wm. Q 277 Beatty, Charles A 438 Beatty, Samuel J 250 Beaver, James A 197 Becket, Joseph B 271 Beecher, Jacob 32 Beer, Thomas B 80 Beeson, Charles H 303 Begg, William 66 Bell, James S 49 Belden, E. L 351 Belden, L. M - 369 Bell, A. K 311 Bell, A. Sidney 110 Bell, Abram T 419 Bell, David W 110 Bell, Henry R 105 Bell, James E. S 405 Bell, James R 461 Bell, James W 126 Bell, Rice H 442 Bell, Solomon 227 Bell, William G 295 Bell, William H 227 Belville, J. J 239 Benham, H. R 340 Benham, Silas N 370 Bennett, Isaac T 45 Berger, a. J. (see Leyenberger) 251 Berry, George A 410 Berry, Samuel P 122 Berryhill, John H 292 Berryman, Charles 179 Page. Bartollette, W. J 145 Betts, C. B 166 Beveridge, a. M 122 Beveridge, Thomas H 137 Bigham, Thomas J 74 BiLLINGSLEY, A. S 137 Bingham, H. Harry. 240 Bingham, John K 116 Bingham, William R 116 Birch, Frai^cis A "... 370 Birch, G. W. F 359 Birch, John M 422 Biser, John C Ill Bitner, J. L 184 Bixby, Herbert 63 Black, James 331 Black, James L 400 Black, John F 395 Black, Thomas 117 Blackburn, J.I 435 Blackburn, Moses T 94 Blackford, A. L 355 Blackford, John H 381 Blackford, R. A 362 Blackford, R. A., '89 465 Blachley, L. S 331 Blachley, Stephen L 299 Blaine, James G 327 Blaine, John S 287 Blair, Alexander 271 Blair, B. Benton 220 Blair, Carter C 349 Blair, John F 220 Blair, John P. 346 Blair, S. S 90 Blair, William C 24 Blaney, Charles P 412 Blaney, Faris C 323 Blaney, Henry G 365 Blaney, John B 301 Blaney, John Mc 365 Blocksom, James B 305 Blodgett, Wm. H 66 BoAL, David C 117 BoGGs, Crosby M 166 Boggs, James. 291 BoGGS, John M 85 Boggs, Thomas M 289 4M: INDEX. Page. liOM-MA.N, W Si. .1 . . 400 Hoi-i>i, David S . 220 BOMBAIWJEK, C. C .310 BoxEu, Bakxkt I. . . 434 Bo-vAR, William .. 299 Bunnell, John M . 301 Bonnell, Willlvm W 299 Boon, Samuel 179 I^IIKMAN, JaucHANAN, Aaron M 438 Ijuohanan, George 28 Buchanan, James 105 Buchanan, James H 74 iJucHANAN, John M 418 Buchanan, Joseph S 85 Bucher, John J 74 Buckingham, Simon 370 BUFFINGTON, Wm. H 90 Bunting, R. F 336 Burchfield, J. P ^ 204 Burchfield, William A 184 BURCHINELL, W. J 197 Burgess, Robert 126 BURGETT, J. R 179 Burnett, William 64 BuRRELL, William R 240 Burt, Augustus 153 BuRWELL, Nathaniel 74 Bush, Lewis P 61 Bushfield, John M 304 Bushnell, Wells 32 Butler, William D 197 Byers, Walter E 450 Byles, Cornelius 117 Byles, Julius 395 Byrne, John S 61 Cairns, George 138 Calahan, John 160 Calahan, Samuel G 288 Caldwell, Alfred 296 Caldwell, A. Bolton Q6 Caldwell, A. J 240 rage. Caldwell, Ebenezer B 251 Caldwell, George B 362 Caldwell, Henry P 233 Caldwell, James 167 Caldwell, John C 373 Caldwell, James C 233 Caldwell, John D 179 Calhoon, Adley 95 Calhoun, John Y 319 Califf, S. A 240 Calvin, Joseph H 153 Cameron, James 80 Cameron, J. Walton 126 Campbell, Alex 27 Campbell, Alex. H 85 Campbell, Charles S 425 Campbell, David R Ill Campbell, D. T 197 Campbell, Elgy V 373 Campbell, Francis C 284 Campbell, Hugh M 138 Campbell, James, '37 85 Campbell, James, '25 38 Campbell, James C 127 Campbell, John 138 Campbell, John A 400 Campbell, John A., '51 167 Campbell, J. H 184 Campbell, John J 233 Campbell, Milton 197 Campbell, Oliver M . 455 Campbell, Richard 28 Campbell, R. G 247 Campbell, R. K 174 Campbell, R. Morrow 247 Campbell, Samuel L 160 Campbell, Thomas C 197 Campbell, William 160 Campbell, William O 240 Campbell, William T 405 Campbell, William W 349 Cannon, John 20 Carlisle, William 105 Carr, William B 251 Carroll, Daniel L 32 Carothers, Robert 184 Carothers, J. a 191 Carson, David 25 494 INDEX. Page. Carson, David G 435 Carson, David W 138 Carson, Irwin 80 Carson, James C 101 Carson, James G 153 Carson, John E 323 Carson, Richard M 356 Carson, William P 153 Carter, A. G. W 101 Carter, H. W 61 Cakuthers, James E 204 Caruthers, John 296 Caskey, William 90 Cassiday, James B 461 Castleman, Lewis 138 Castner, Silas W 405 Caughey, Andrew H 337 Cellars, J. Villebs 401 Chain, B. E Ill Chalfant, G. a 233 Chalfant, G. Wilson 197 Chalfant, J. T , 233 Chalfant, John W 160 Chalfant, William L . 247 Chamberlain, James 42 Chambers, Harry P 445 Chambers, Joseph H 74 Chandler, John W 319 Chapman, John S 191 Chapman, Nathaniel 233 Chapman, Pearson 233 Chapman, Samuel T 69 Cheeseman, George 220 Cheesman, John C 427 Cheesman, Joseph R 425 Chestnut, D. D .... 285 Chestnut, Thomas M. ....... . 287 Childs, William R ' ' * 355 Christmas, Joseph S 278 Christy, W. M * * .* .' [ ' 174 Clark, Addison M ]_ 435 Clark, Albert B Clark, B. McKennan. ......,, 277 Clark, Charles F 435 Clark, David D gj Clark, David W 362 C1.ARK, George C .....* 451 Clark, George W., '30. . . . *. . " 55 Page Clark, George W., '48 146 Clark, Hervey H 308 Clark, James* B 443 Clark, J. H 174 Clark, James Murdock 454 Clark, James Murray 332 Clark, James R 370 Clarke, Matthew 146 Clark, Norman E 447 Clark, Robert 91 Clark, Rush 179 Clark, Samuel C 425 Clark, Silas M 174 Clark, Williajm 272 Clark, William O 347 Clark, W 134 Clarke, Charles J 178 Clarke, George W 56 Clarke, James C 117 Clarke, Matthew 146 Clarke, Robert A 233 Claybaugh, Joseph 29 Clemens, James W 277 Clemens, Sherrard 308 Clemens, William 341 Cline, William T 427 Clokey, Joseph 30 Clokey, Joseph W 240 Cloud, John dq Clijff, Peter P 95 Clugston, John A 465 Cochran, Andrew 117 Cochran, James B 39 Cochran, James L 154 Cochran, S. N 133 CocKiNs, Vincent 131 CoE, James 22 Coleman, J. Matthews 341 Coleman, William m COLFELT, L. M 412 Collier, Francis J 21I Collier, Francis M 451 Colver, a. W 395 CoLVER, Samuel 285 CoLMERY, David _ 280 CoLMERY, J. Scott 332 COLMERY, R. C * 328 CoLMERY, W. W [[[[[ 305 INDEX. 495 Page. CoLWELL, Bruce 427 CoLWELL, Charles 428 Col WELL, Stephen 25 CoMiNGO, Edward G 412 CoMixGO, N. B. C 405 CoNDiT, Ira . 19 CoNDiT, Ira M 191 CoNDiT, John G 212 OoNDiT, Phillp 80 CoNDiT, Silas 305 Conn, Samuel 356 Connelly, Henry 282 Connelly, Joseph 183 Converse, Rob Roy.... 401 Cook, A 167 Cook, Archibald B 146 Cook, Isaac M 105 Cook, James G 448 Cook, J. S 174 Cook, Joseph S 413 Cook, W. B 227 Cook, James E 332 Cooke, Silas 412 Coon, Adam 26 Coon, Jacob 45 Cooper, Daniel W 425 Cooper, Charles W t . 337 Cooper, James 288 Cooper, John M 362 Cooper, Joseph T 70 Coober, Josiah C 328 Cooper, Jonathan K 75 Cooper, S. M 80 CoRBETT, Hunter 227 CoRNES, Edmund 381 CoRNYN, John K Ill CossiTT, D. B. C 308 Cotton, Henry 275 Coulter, James 95 Coulter, James M 139 Coulter, James W 61 Coulter, J. Alexander 117 Coulter, John 26 Coulter, J. Redick 167 Coulter, Richard 127 Coulter, Samuel L 101 Covert, Wm. H 161 Cowan, Alexander 221 Cowan, John F 39 Page. CowDEN, W. F 212 CowLES, Salmon 24 Cox, John Irwin 146 Cox, William 39 Coyle, William H 52 CozAD, Jacob 273 CozzANS, H. B 167 Cracraft, George K 357 Craig, Hugh*B 204 Craig, James F . . 352 Craig, John E 433 Craig, John L 138 Craig, J. A. A 461 Craig, John F 198 Craig, JcrtiN H 332 Craig, William B 179 Craig, William H 461 Craighead, John B 105 Craighead, Richard 296 Craighead, S. Judson 212 Cramer, John K 146 Crane, Nathaniel M 289 Crangle, Robert H 458 Cratty, Thomas 287 Crawford, George A 139 Crawford, James 42 Crawford, Lorman 56 Crawford, Robert P 123 Crawford, Thomas M 106 Crawford, William O 401 Creigh, John D 332 Creigh, John W 418 Creighton, Henry 324 Creighton, Thomas 328 Criswell, Elijah 75 Criswell, Robert A 337 Crofts, Daniel 147 Cronemeyer, C. F. W 254 Crooks, Robert 27 Crosbie, Alex. H 435 Grosser, John R 448 Crowl, Theodore ... 405 Crumrine, Boyd 228 Crumrine, Ernest E 451 Culbertson, James 18 CULBERTSON, ThOMAS 413 Culbertson, W. F 167 Culbertson, W. C 413 Cully, David R 212 496 INDEX. Page. CuMMixos, James 117 CUMMINGS, P. J 377 Cummins, Cyrus 308 Cummins, James 319 Cummins, J. M 198 Cummins, John D 70 Cummins, R. H 296 Cunningham, Alex 306 Cunningham, David A 185 Cunningham, Hugh B 291 Cunningham, James 17 Cunningham, James A 465 Cunningham, John D 304 Cunningham, John K 32 Cunningham, Joseph H. 212 Cunningham, R. H 378 Cunnlngham, Samuel 405 Cunningham, Thomas D 251 Cunningham, Thomas S 271 Cunningham, T. Beer 247 Cunningham, William, '52... 174 Cunningham, William 36 CuRRAN, Richard A 291 Curran, William 45 Currie, Robert 405 Curry, Robert 147 Curtis, George D 328 Dale, James Mc 288 Darley, Alex. M . . 405 Darrah, Alex. E 455 Davenport, Samuel 332 Davidson, John B 174 Davis, Charles 241 Davis, Harry H 448 Davis, Henry Ill Davis, James 70 Davis, Levi 49 Davis, Samuel M 395 Davis, Samuel T 40l Davis, Thomas D 395 Davis, William 373 Davis, William J 410 Dawson, Ellis B 304 Dawson, Hawkins 337 Dawson, John L 289 Dawson, John N 370 Dawson, R. Wm., 76 432 Dawson, R. Wm., '61 370 Page. Day, Alanson R , . 359 Day, Edgar W 438 Day, M. H 454 Deaderick, W. V. A 204 Dean, E. Van Ess 139 Penman, Mark A 448 Dick, Robert N 161 Dickey, Charles A 359 Dickey, David L 373 Dickey, John H .42 Dickey, John L 430 Dickey, N. E 233 Dickie, Hugh M 23 Dickie, S. H .154 Dickson, Cyrus 85 Dickson, George M 95 Dickson, James G 13 Dickson, John E 221 Dickson, Joseph N 396 Dickson, William 212 Dille, Samuel L , 465 DiL worth, Albert 228 DiLWORTH, Robert 32 DiNSMORE, A. A 228 DiNSMORE, Alex. W 304 DiNSMORE, F. B 3ia DiNSMORE, James H 296 DiNSMORE, John W 362 DiNSMORE, Thomas H 313 DiNSMORE, William S 433 DiNwiDDiE, James L 276 DiNwiDDiE, John L 57 Diver, Charles F ., . 95 DixoN, John E 221 Dobbins, H. H 212 DoDD, Cephas 328 DoDD, Elias F 332 DoDD, S. C. T 204 Dodder, E. L 174 DOHRMAN, A. H 57 Dole, George 370 Doll, Jacob 91 DoNAHEY, Joseph A 420 DONAHEY, M. L 413 DoNAHOo, E. R 362 DoNAHOo, James D 455 DoNAHoo, James R 465 Donald, John 42 INDEX. 497 Page. Donaldson, Alex 75, 259 Donaldson, Alex. H 413 Donaldson, David lOG Donaldson, James H 212 Donaldson, John 80 Donaldson, John W 255 Donaldson, Newton 439 Donaldson, William 390 Donaldson, Wm. B 413 Donaldson, Wilson M 100 Done, John H 75 DoNNAN, Alvin 428 Donnan, Edward A 433 DoNNAN, Ingham W 390 Donnan, John W 390 Doty, Edmund S 80 Doty, James C 81 Dougherty, R. W 101 Douglass, James M 221 Douglass, Ralph 100 Downs, Caleb B 205 Downer, Daniel Ill Downing, Nathan II 390 Doyle, William . 127 Drennen, p. H 341 Drydkn, J amios 337 DuBuissoN, Charles 53 Duff, J. A * 175 Duff, James B 234 Duff, John W 95 Duff, W. G .....247 DUNAWAY, C. P 377 Dun AWAY, W. E 425 Duncan, B. H 139 Duncan, Georgh A 439 Duncan, James C 100 Duncan, John R 147 Duncan, John W 127 Duncan, Robert C 439 Duncan, Samuel 108 Duncan, Thomas A 278 Duncan, Thomas D 413 Duncan, Thomas J 410 DuNDAss, John R 290 Dungan, James M 299 DuNLAP, Henry C 139 DuNLAP, John B 455 DuNLAP, John R , . . 200 Page. DuNLAP, Silas G 205 DuNLAP, William 18 DuNLAP, William B 212 Dunn, John B 179 Dunshee, William A 421 Eagleson, Henry G 420 Eagleson, John 53 Eagleson, William S 300 Eakin, Jo^n a 439 Ealy, Taylor F 413 Earle, Alex. M 95 Earle, Archibald B 101 Earle, George 101 Eaton, Johnston 15 Eaton, S. J. M .127 Eaton, William 80 Eaton, William M 423 Eastman, Thomas N 430 Eberle, John 53 Eberle, Richard 53 Eckles, J. S 180 Eckley, Harvey J 400 Edgar, John T 139 Edgar, William 117 Edie, James W., '52 175 Edie, W. J., '59 221 Edmiston, David 332 Edmonds, James E 300 Edmunds, James M 154 Edmunson, George R 405 Elcock, Edward P 414 Elder, George W 132 Elder, James S 192 Elder, J. D 198 Elder, Joshua 106 Elder, T. B 192 Elder, T. R 185 Elder, AVilson B 458 Eld ridge, George M 86 Elliott, Addison S 439 Elliott, Andrew J 349 Elliott, David 314 Elliott, Edward J 106 Elliott, Harrison 314 Elliott, James 147 Elliott, James G 221 Elliott, John 154 Elliott, John W . 414 498 INDEX. Page. Eluott, J. Woods l'-23 Elliott, Orrin A '^S*; Elliott, Samuel W 401 Elliott, Robert A 4ol Elliott, Robert S U!^ Elliott, Thomas H 297 Elson, Joseph D 436 Elterich, Wm. B 456 Eltkrick, Wm. O 455 Ely, John C 425 Ely, Robert W 448 Emery, Boyd 33 Emery, Boyd, Jr 33 Emery, Boyd Alfred 430 Emery, W. S 154 Enoch, II. D 436 Enster, Thomas F 337 Erskine, Ebenezer 118 Erskixe, Wm. R 319 Espy, John 273 Espy, Thomas 36 EuwER, Anthoxy 221 Euwer, J. Alvan 221 EvAxs, Cadwalader 396 Evans, Dudley 363 Evans, Geoiige H 75 Evans, James 234 Evans, Reece C ill EvAxs, Richard J 205 Evans, Samuel, '18 24 Evans, SaxMuel G., '61 370 Ewing, Amos G 228 EwiNG, Arthur H 461 Ewing, George 324 Ewing, George C 349 Ewing, George W 272 Ewing, James A 192 Ewing, James B 877 Ewing, James C 430 Ewing, J. C, '81 44,5 Ewing, John, W. 0. '51 343 Ewing, John, J. C. '58 213 EwixG, John H 273 Ewing, John H., '78 43(5 Ewing, .John K 311 Ewing, John T 36 Ewing, J. C. Rhea 430 Ew'Vf!. Xathaniel 272 Page. Ewing, S. C 198 Ewing, Samuel B 465 Ewing, Thomas 180 Ewing, T. Davis 36() Ewing, Thompson R 377 EwiNG, William 311 Ewing, W. Brown 445 Ewing, William F . . 420 Fairall, Herman H 234 Fairall, Samuel H 354 Falconer, Wm. C 370 Faris, John M 299 Faris, William B 360 Farrar, Robert B 363 Farrar, Thomas P 91 Fassit, Charles R 91 Faucett, R. C 433 Fee, Samuel 272 Fentox, Norman D . 332 Fergus, Alex. G 320 Ferguson, Henry C 448 Ferguson, R. Gracy 241 Ferguson, William 118 Ferguson, William A 241 Ferguson, William M 331 Fields, Alex. B 205 Fife, James H 118 Fife, N. H. G 221 Fike, J. F 168 Finley, Clement A 274 FiNLEY, C. W 161 Finley, Elliott 33 FiNLY, Francis M 352 Finley, James L 140 Finley, Robert M 53 Finley, Samuel E 33 Finley, Theodore M :221 Findley, William 49 Finney, Jonathan 347 Finney, Louis C. H 308 Finney, O. J. B 305 Finney, Thomas M 305 Fisher, Albert D 360 Fisher, Daniel W 205 Fisher, George M 428 FisHFR. Samuel B 41T Fisher, Samuel R 70 Fisher, Sanford G 397 INDEX. 499 Page Fitzgerald, D. B 434 Fitzgerald, James D 205 FiTZHUGH, S. H 274 Fitzwilliam, Francis 355 Flack, Luther B 360 Flanagan, James H 343 Fleming, David B 406 Fleming, George M 420 Fleming, George W 381 Fleming, James 289 Fleming, James C 127 Fleming, James S , . 431 Fleming, John 53 Fleming, Joseph H 255 Fleming, Wm. A 333 Flenniken, Warren 53 Fletcher, Naaman 154 Flkkinger, Robert E 428 Floyd, Henry S 255 Floyd, Samuel M 106 Forbes, Anderson O 349 Forbes, Hannibal 360 Forbes, Hugh W 328 Foresman, C. S 192 Forsyth, Clarence J 445 Forsyth, E.J 95 Forsyth, McNary 406 FoRSYTii, Walter 221 Forsyth, James H 333 Forsyth E, James C 333 Foster, Alex. S 206 Foster, Joseph M 205 Foster, Thomas 70 Foulke, Henry C 371 Fowler, Joseph W 81 Frame, Reuben 42 Franklin, John R 81 Eraser, Charles M 436 Eraser, George 154 Frazer, James 1 185 Eraser, Wm. B Frasher, Elmer F 453 Frazer, James 1 23 Frazer, John M 438 Frazer, Wm. J 30 Erazier, Andrew B 112 Frazier, Samuel R 426 Fredericks, James T 192 Fredericks, William J 456 French, Charles P 357 French, Daniel H 222 French, David W 311 French, John M. 406 French, William H 175 Fromberger, John H 64 Frow, John G 180 Fry, Francis T 304 Fry, James W 127 Fuller, Daniel 352 Fulton, George W 458 Fulton, James I* 324 Fulton, Robert 290 Fulton, Robert H . . . . 397 Fulton, Samuel S., '38 301 Fulton, Samuel, '58 213 Fulton, Samuel, '36 297 Fulton, William 352 Fulweiler, Wm. B 293 Eurst, Albert S 251 Fyler, Jared D 112 Gabby, James E 243 Gaddis, Levi S 418 Gailey, Richard 75 Galbraith, R. C 70 Galbraith, S. a. B 461 Galbraith, William M 75 Gallagher, J. M 161 Gallagher, J. S 401 Gallagher, William 283 Gallaher, J. F 344 Gallatin, James 112 Galloway, James, '05 17 Galloway, James M 234 Galloway, John M 64 Galloway, John S 36 Gallaudett, S. H. S 222 Galt, Thomas, '31 61 Galt, Thomas 255 Gamble, Joseph 251 Gamble, Samuel L 213 Gans, J. Holmes 360 Gans, Enoch S 406 Gantz, Henry 366 Gantz, Martin 337 Garrett, William 291 Garrettson, J. E 198 500 INDEX. Page. (jtARRISON, C. C . 461 Gaston, Isaac H 442 Gastok, Samuel 805 > Gastox, William 3()() Gaston, Wo.liam K 324 Gass, William 81 f^ . •to.'.j OfTV'RIlOV 280 Gatks, Stephen T* 241 Gault, William C 430 Gay, John G 360 Geaky, Edward R 70 Geaky, John M 147 Geauy, John W . 1)(J Gei>deh, C. K 175 Geddes, W. N 185 GiBHs, George M . . 81 Gihbons, a. F . 228 Gibbons, Hugh 414 Gibson, J. Greckj 118 96 Gibson, John Thomas, '47 140 Gibson, Joseph T 414 Gibson, Robert 466 Gibson, William J., '26 42 Gibson, William J., '61 234 Gibson, William Mc. 344 GiFFiN, Samuei 222 GiFFiN, James E 465 Gilbert, David 39 GlL«HRIST, JoH^ P 155 Gilfillan, a. B 251 GiLFiLLAN, John C 234 Gilkerson, Thomas 71 Gill, Jonathan 20 Gill, William H 251 Gillam, J. C 198 GiLLAND, James R 81 Gilleland," Adam B 30 Gn.LELAND, Alexander 273 Gilleland, L. M 406 Gillespie, John 374 Gillespie, Samuel L 406 Gillett, Noah H 185 Gilmer, ){orert 897 GiLMOR, J. S 198 GiLMORE, Alfred 290 Gilmore, John 374 GiLMORE, Robert 347 Page. GiLMORE, Thomas R 1 32 Gilson, SaxMuel W ns GiLsoN, Samuel S 3lt7 GiLSON, William C Uo Gittings, William A 324 Glendenning, J. S 407 Glass, W. J 324 Glenn, John , . 45 Glenn, Robert 49 Glenn, Samuel M 247 Godber, Wm. H 222 Godfrey, Joseph L 458 Good,- Adolphus C 439 Goodwillie, D. H 161 Gordon, George 288 Gordon, Joseph 306 Gordon, Thomas P 06 Gordon, W. C 198 Gormley, George C 252 GoRsuc'H, James M 101 Gourley, John 426 Gourley, John C 423 Gow, Alex. M 328 Gow, Alex. M., Jr 447 Gow, James M Gow, John L 376 Gracey, JIobert 76 Graff, Alex. C 161 Graham, A. G 140 Graham, David P 66 Graham, Ebenezer S. 291 Graham, George 192 Graham, Henry M 374 Graham, Henry Q 338 Graham, John B 53 Graham, John H 44S Graham, Joseph P 414 Graham, Loy'Al Y 213 Graham, R. St. Clair 185 Graham, Samuel 366 Graham, Taylor L 132 Graham, Walter M 185 Graham, William 23 Granger, Lewis 91 Grant, Frank W 421 Gray, G. B 81 Gray, Samuel C 127 Gray, William 54 INDEX. 501 Page. Grayson, Wray 324 Grayson, William 311 Green, Ashbel 49 Green, David D 199 Green, James K 286 Green, William F 161 Gregg, Cephas 324 Gregg, David 255 Gregg, Ellis B 147 Greer, David H 374 Greer, J. C 1 75 Grier, James 76 Grier, J. Mason '. . 155 Grier, John K 448 Grier, Laverty 140 Grier, Matthew B 301 Grier, Egbert C 76 Grier, Smith F 96 Grier, Thomas 81 Griffin, Thomas G 161, 259 Griffith, Samuel T 366 Grim, Lewis E 439 Grim, Philip M 147 Grimes, Samuel M 450 GuiLLE, Napoleon A 290 GuLLATT, Charles E 27 Guthrie, Alex. M 241 Guthrie, F. B 199 Gunnison, George W 118 Guv, Cyrus E 222 Hackett, George S 439 Haft, Ebenp:zer E 180 Haft, John 132 Haft, Stephen L 49 Hagans, Lucien a 324 Hagans, M. B 316 Haines, Alfred W ISO Hair, Gilbert M 301 Hair, Samuel 64 Haldeman, J. S 118 Haldeman, John 101 Hale, Edmund P 302 Hall, Alex. A (){] Hall, David 162 Hall, Francis M 463 Hall, J. Buchanan 86- Hall, James C 33 Hall, William, Jr 234 Page, Hallock, Harvey T 436 Hamaker, W. D 44S Hamilton, Alex. E 338 Hamilton, George P 297 Hamilton, Hugh 81 H/..MILTON, IsAA(; B 443 Hamilton, James J. 293 Hamilton, Jesse W 192 Hamilto^, John, '43 119 Hamilton, John, '47 . 140 Hamilton, John M 397 Hamilton, John E 350 Hamilton, William 291 Hamilton, Wm. B . . 451 Hamilton, William F., '44. . . 316 Hamilton, William E 155 Hamilton, Wm. Y 67 Hamill, Egbert 96 Hamill, Samuel M 71 Hamill, Samuel E 302 Hammond, George 175 Hampson, George W 46 Hampton, John H. 328 Hampton, Moses 283 Handy, I. W. K 76 Handy, Levin 1 50 Hanna, D. W 192 Hanna, Henry 64 Hanna, J. A 155 Hanna, J. W 168 Hanna, Thomas 24 Hanna, W. A 357 Happer, Andrew P 76 Happersett, Eeese 297 Harbaugh, John V 96 Harbison, David S 228 Harbison, John 147 Hannon, John E 54 Harding, Charles V 435 Harding, Hugh W 352 Harman, John F 255 Harris, Adam 155 Harris, Alexander 344 Harris, Andrew D 39 Harris, George W 278 Harris, John 286 Harsha, Daniel H 206 Harsh A, H. T 228 502 INDEX. Page. Harshe, Wif. P 309 Hart, (jteorgk S 311 Hartje, Edward (J 448 Hartley, William . 162 IIaktc, Antoim 333 Harvey, D. T 401 Harvison, William P Hastings, John M . . . 313 Hatch, Danikl S 101 Hatfikld, Wm. 8 397 Hathaway, John W . 341 Hattkry, John 297 Hauohawout, L. L 247 Ha WES, George E 450 Hawkins, A. D 162 Hawkins, A. W. H. H 213 Hawkins, John L 278 Hawkins, Wm. P. 293 Hawkin.s, W. G 234 Hawthorn, J. C 70 Hayden, Daniel 17 Haye.s, Charles W 463 Hayes, George L 450 Hayes, Sheldon B 429 Havnes, Henry 36 Hamaker, W. D 443 Haymaker, E. G 456 Haymaker. Wm. S 465 Hays, Calvin C 445 Hays, George P 206 Hays, George S 443 Hays, Hugh H 371 Hays, Isaac N 14q Hays, J. Smith 162 Hays, Joseph 357 Hays, Joseph M jq^ Hays, Loyal Y 372 Hays, Robert G . . 67 Hays, W. W '. ■■ 599 Haywari), George 162 Hazen, a. L 234 Hazi,ett, Edward 443 Hazlett, James J 3gg Hazlett, John W 112 Hazlett, Robert W . . 336 Hazlett.Samtel... !^^' 350 Hazzard, Thomas L 433 Hannon, John E 54 Page. Hearne, Wm. H 426 Heaton, William 276 Hedges, A . N 241 Heisley, F. K 71 Helm, J. S 435 Helm, Meredith 28 Hemphill, James 07 Hemphill, J. J 54 Hemphill, John ., 39 Hemphill, Wm. R 07 Hempstead, S. B 155 Hench, John C 248 Henderson, D. H 2O6 Henderson, Isaac J 61 Henderson, James P 283 Henderson, James S 112 Henderson, John D 61 Henderson, JohnD., '52, (W. C.) 347 Henderson, J. K 82 Henderson, J. William. ..... 127 Henderson, Samuel Mc 366 ■ Henderson, Samuel T 428 Hendricks, Abram W 119 Hendricks, William 20 Henry, Addison 135. Henry, Edwin W 96 Henry, John B 302 Henry, Robert 33 Hensell, R. Flavel 241 Hepburn, A. D 168 Hershey, a. M 297 Hertzler, William 44.> Herriott, George W 463 Herriott, James H 241 Herriott, John V 42 Herriott, Thomas 414 Herriott, Wm. B igQ Herron, Andrew 414 Herron, David A 461 Herron, James C 102 Herron, John, '31 61 Herron, John, '69 418 Herron, Robert Hervey, David 39 Hervey, Dwight B 213 Hervey, Henry 3^ Hervey, James 20 Hervey, Joseph H 33g INDEX. 503 Page. IIekvey, John C 329 Hervby, McKinley W 341 Hesi.et, Samuel M 350 Hess, Grant E 463 Hessin, John E 414 Hickman, G. M 445 Hickman, Peter L 341 Hickman, S. M 193 HiuaiNS, Anthony M 61 Hill, B. F 162 Hill, George; '37 86 Hill, George H 459 Hill, Harrington R 213 Hill, Merriden S . 255 Hill, James B 459 Hill, James M 462 Hill, John F 350 Hill, T. Moore 148 Hill, Thomas F 462 Hill, Winfield E 252 Hilton, William 284 Himes, T. Newton 180 HiMEs, T. J 175 Hindmax, D. a 456 Hindman, John 36 HiNDMAN, Samuel 36 HiNDMAN, Thomas 255 HiNES, J. Leonard 448 HoDGENS, Samuel G 235 Hoey, Newton S 443 Hoffman, George A 123 Hoffman, H. W 132 Hoge, Alex. B 206 HoGE, David 284 Hoge, John 278 HoGE, John L 61 Hoge, Joseph P 54 Holcomb, James F 213 HOLLIDAY, R. C 329 HoLLiDAY, Samuel H 214 Hollister, Edgar F 463 HOLLISTER, Wm. P 465 HOLLOWAY, A. H 193 HooN, John M 411 Holmes, Henry 287 Holmes, R. S 76 Hooper, Wash. A 214 Hope, Matthew B ' 57 Page. Hopkins, A.ndrew 320 Hopkins, James H , 341 Horner, John S 278 Horner, William 123 HoRNiSH, John P 338 Hornsby, Henry H 141 Hough, Abia A 377 Houston, A. W 235 Houston, J. P 199 Houston, *Sandy H 449 Houston, Wm. M 119 Howard, R. A 350 Howard, Samuel K 426 Howenstine, E. J 252 HoAVEY, John D 199 HowEY, S. M 54 HuBER, John 67, 259 HuGus, H. P 241 Hughes, Daniel L 102 Hughes, David 102 Hughes, James R 320 Hughes, John Watson 355 Hughes, John 314 Hughes, John D 36 Hughes, Joseph S 19 Hughes, Thomas E 40 Hughes, Samuel A 214 Hughes, S. K 112 Hughes, Watson 37 Hughes, William 42 Hull, David 64 Hull, James J 414 Hultz, M. M . 214 Humphrey, G. H 419 HUMRICKHOUSE, JoHN 119 Humrickhouse, Thomas S . . . . 287 Hunt, George W 344 Hunt, John D 222 Hunt, Morris 344 Hunt, Robert T 214 Hunt, Thomas 18 Hunt, William E 180 Hunter, Alex. S 443 Hunter, Edmund P 46 Hunter, John, '21 28 Hunter, John, '41 106 Hunter, James S 235 Hunter, Robert A 443 504 INDEX. Hunter, S. A. D Hunter, William H Huntingdon, B. W Hupp, F. J. L Hupp, John C HuR. Huston, Sami : Hutchinson, F. A HuTOHiNsoN, John R Hutchinson, John N. . HUTfHINSON, J. F HuTiHiNSoN, William Hutchinson, W. W Hutchison, William, '55 . .193 Ijams, Wilijam E Imbuie, a. M Imbkie, William J In(;i«e, Christopher. Ingles, Nathaniel lN Langfitt, Joseph A 440 Langfitt, O. T 440 Langley, James 278 Lanius, J. W 17(> Lapsley, David X 194 Large, S. P 194 Large, Samuel S . 456 Larimer, Charles A 462 LakimopvE, John K 401 Lashells, Theodore B 223 Latham, Milton S 128 Latta, Samuel R 163 Lauffer, E. F 459 Laughlin, C. E 440 Laughlin, John C 456 Laughlin, John W 235 Laurie, Shepherd 77 Laverty, David H 3(57 Laverty, Wm. W 338 Law, Michael 271 Law, Robert F 87 Lawrence, J. Fry 148 Lawrence, Joseph H 419 Lawrence, Richard J 293 Lawrence, Thomas C 293 Lawrence, William 77 Law^rence, William C 286 Lawrence, W. C. A 347 Lawson, Orr 199 Lazear, Thomas C 341 Leason, Thos. S 317 Leavitt, E. H 333 Leavitt, J. McD 107 Le Compte, S. D 72 Lee, Daniel B 381 Lee, Jerome L 242 Lee, John H., '19 2& Lee, John, '23 33 Lee, Richard II 329 Lee, Thomas K 431 Leech, J. S 72 Leet, Isaac 2,s] Leffler, Shepherd 67 Leggat, Wm. a 242 Leiper, Hugh Y 248 Leiper, James 123 INDEX. 50' Page. Leiper, J. a 156 Leipeii,W. D 156 LeMoyne, F. J 274 LeMoyne, J. V. B 329 Lennington, Robert 223 Lennox, David 186 Leonard, Aaron L 298 Leonard, Abner 284 Lepper, George H 452 Leslie, Jonathan 18 Letterman, C. R 128 Letterman, Jonathan . 128 Letterman, AVm. H 181 Lewis, A. B 200 Lewis, Alec Brown 459 Lewis, Edward P .") Livingston, Thomas 40 Livingston, W. S 14S Lobaugh, J. M 449 Lobaugh, S. C 449 Logan, David S 186 Logan, James W 156 Logan, Thomas H 325 Logan, W. B 3ia Lloyd, John 96 Long, Daniki. E 45i> Long, James G 46i Long, Samuel 5S- Loughry, Joseph N 335^ Love, John S 163 Lower, J. L 200 Lowes, John L 464 LowMAN, Abram 187 Lowrik, John C* 54 LowRiE, J. Roberts 112 Lowrie, Matthew S 54 Lowrie, Newell S 215 Lowrie, Walter M 87 LowRY, William 33 Ludington, Elisha H 350 LuNSFORD, Thomas 361 LusK, Robert 21 LuTZ, John S 375 Lyle, James B 456 Lyle, James P 440 Lyle, Ulysses L 462 Lytle, George E 430 Lytle, James P 141 Lyon, George A 34 Lyon, S. Stewart 166 Lyon, W. Walker Lyons, John 14S Lyons, N. B 350 Lyons, Walter L 148 McAdam, Dunlap J 407 McAlister, H. N 67 McAninch, J. V 459 Mc Arthur, John 40 McBean, John 34 McBride, Archibald 352 J^IcBride, Isaac 163 McBride, James B 107 McBride, James H 141 McBride, S. B 242. INJJEX. Page. McBryer, D. D 311 MtBuRXKY, J. Mc 440 JdcC'AGUE, Thomas, '51 169 McCAOUEi Thomaw, '44 124 McCalkb, William 4(5 McCall, MA'rruEW W 298 McCandlass, Alex., '19 26 McCandlash, Alex 287 AlfCANDLAss, John 434 McCandlass, S C 236 McCandlish, William 72 McCaxn, Hugh I) 334 McC'AXx, R. B 169 McCakkr, William H 91 McCaiikell, Alex 309 McC'arkell, James o7 McCakrell, Joseph, '15, W.C. . 275 McCarrell, Joseph J 421 McCarrell, LrDowicK 402 McCarrell, S. J. M 379 McCarrell, Thomas C 434 McCarrell, William A 407 McCartney, AV^illiam D 289 McCartney, John L 169 McCartney, Washington 72 McCartney, John Y 194 McCartney, Joseph 206 McCarthy, Wm. B 444 McCarty, John T 149 McCay, Charles F 54 McCay, David 91 McClain, Samuel A 62 McClaren, John 215 McClave, Robert 46 McClean, Oliver O 300 McClean, William 34,5 McClellan, I). M 236 McClelland, A. Craig 96 M«('li;lland, David T 440 McClelland, JAM^:s 67 McClelland, Henry T 428 McClelland, William C 449 McClenethan, John C 437 McClintock, John 298 McClintock, John C 37;? McClung, S. a 378 McClure, Robert E 46"^ McCli're, Thomas C 338 Page. McClure, William 25 McCluskey, C. L. B 350 McCluskey, James W 334 McCluskey, John 31 McCollough, Frank 437 McCoLLUM, Harvey E 463 McComb, James M 434 McCoMBs. John C 215 McCoMB, George B 312 McCoMBS, William 290 McConaughy, David W 102 McConahey, George G 415 McConaughy, John M 97 McConahy, Joseph H 215 McConahey, William C 452 McConahey, William M 464 McConaughy^ David 3O6 McConkey, Wm. J 252 McConnell, Alex 288 McConnell, George N 402 McConnell, James 17 McConnell, Robert A 34.3 McConnell, Samuel D 407 McCdNNELL, William 29 McConnell, William L 181 McCook, George 21 McCook, Henry C 223 McCoy, Alexander 317 McCoy, Hamilton 223 McCoy, John 243 McCoy, John Brice 294 McCoy, Joseph 314 McCoRMicK, Henry 176 McCoRMiCK, Edward B 457 McCoRMicK, S. B 444 McCoRMicK, Silas 215 McCoRMicK, William 64 McCracken, John C 428 McCrea, Robert 46 McCready, Absalom 37 McCreary, David B 342 McCreary, W. G 169 McCreery, Samuel 256 McCULLOH, W^M. J. 119 McCuLLOUGH, C. C 309 McCullough, John 285 McCuLLOUGH, John S 187 McCullough, Rohert 163 INDEX. 509 Page. McCui.LOU«H, S. N 163 McCuLLOUGH, William 156 McCuNE, Samuel C 77 McCuNE, Thomas F 431 McCuNE, Walter S 229 McCuNE, William C 169 McCuRDY, John K 64 McCuRDY, S. O. B 407 McCuRDY, Thomas A 375 McCuRDY, W. M. . .• 200 McCuRLEY, Joseph A 133 McCutchen, George B 464 McDaniel, C. W 200 McDonald, Andrew, (J. C.) . . 15 McDonald, Andrew, (W. C). . 306 McDonald, Charles H 459 McDonald, Edward J 207 McDonald, Edward, '84 454 McDonald, Henrv R 419 McDonald, J oiin 16 McDonald, Nesbit 124 McDonald, Noah A 206 McDonald, Wm. H 407 McDonald, Yantzinger 65 McDoNOUGH, James 3<)1 McDowell, James W 397 McDowell, John M 402 McDowell, Nathaniel 314 McDowell, R. W 376 McDowell, Reuben R 62 McDowell, Wm. J 447 McElhaney, W. G 133 McElhenny, Robert 371 McElrath, Archibald 345 McElree, Robert L 356 McElroy, George S 4(50 McElroy, James B 428 McElroy, John M 169 McElroy, Joseph 22 McElwain, Andrew 317 McElwaine, W. H * 457 McEwEN, John 149 McFarland, D. F 334 McFarland, S. E. H 454 McFarland, Francis 65, 276 McFarland, George M 256 McFarland, Henry C 149 McFarland, John 314 •Page. McFarland, Joseph F 433 McFarland, Samuel G 357 McFaro^and, William 407 McFarren, Samuel 281 McFeaters, Matthew 187 McFee, John R 82 McGiffen, Geo. W 309 McGiFFEN, Norton .... 309 McGiLL, A^PEXANDER T 43^ McGiLL, David F 446 McGiLL, John D 325 McGiLL, Thomas F 289 McGinley, D. B 82 McGiNLEY, John 46 McGinley, Robert 321 McGinness, George H 229 McGinness, John Y 78 McGiNNis, J. Y 78 McGooKiN, William 72 McGregor, John 248 McGregor, Reuben J 367 McGRECiOR, William 194 McGuiRE, Thomas W 402 McGuFFEE, Wm. II 285 McGuFFEN, J. Naff. 133, 157 Mc Henry, Charles W 215 McHenry, David S 128 McIlheny, J . K 200 McIlvaine, G. H 350 McIlvaine, John A 256 McIlvaine, John L McIlvaine, Joseph L 216 McIlvaine, Winfield 444 McIntire, James 43 McIntire, Sloan 50 McIntosh, a. M 376 McIntosh, Daniei 24 McIntosh, John 141 McJimpsey, John. . . 46 mcjunken, a. m 50 McJuNKEN, Ebenezer 107 McJuNKEN, George C 433 McJuNKEN, Isaiah 107 McJUNKEN, H. K 412 McJuNKiN, James M 431 McKaig, Clement V 300 McKaig, R. S 281 McKaig, Thomas J 285 610 ^^ Page. M.KAm,W.W 286.288 M.Kalkb, William 46 McKallip, John K 408 M« Kay, Willl\m 1<>^ MrKEAN, Jamks* W 223 McKeax, John 224 M MasseV, Thomas C 309 Mateer, Calvin W 208 Matheny, S.-M 170 Mathers, John H 156 Mathers, Joseph H 163 Mathers, J 176 Matthews, James 120 Matthew.s, James H 200 MATTHE^vs, James P 208 Matthews, John 19 Matthews, John D 47 Matthews, William C 47 Mathiot, William 91 Maxwi:ll, Alex. B 141 Maxwell, James M 368 Maxwell, Robert F 347 May, Addison 62 May, J.A.MES 34 May, John R 408 May, Xewton 47 Mealy, John M 379 Means, Henry F 455 Means, Joseph 30() Means, Nathan Alfred 457 Means, Nathan Amzi 216 Mechlin, George W 181 Mechlin, John C 449 Mechlin, Lycurgus 426 Mecklin, Alex. H 34 Medill, Walter W 461 Mehard, George H 441 Melhorn, John K 342 Meloy, John C 368 Meloy, John E 462 Meloy, William T 368 Melvin. James W 229 Menager, Charles 325 Menager, Robert 1 321 Mercer, Simon B 1 70 Mercur, ITlysses 113 Meredith, W. B 229 Merrick, Richard T 119 512 INDEX. Voi^e. Merritt, Jamks L .. 3f)3 Metcalf, F. W . 421 Messenger, John ;'.34 Metzoar, L. K. . 237 Meyers, Joseph 1 1 237 MiniiE, F. M 170 MiDDLETON, JOHX . . i>7 MiDDLETON, Thomas Miles, George. .. 97 Miller, Albert (, Miller, Albert C . . 449 Miller, Allen C 92 Miller, Andrew ' . 279 Miller, Axdrkw 8 .. 416 MiLFORD, Thomas J . . 382 Miller, Benjamin K . 365 Miller, David A . . 449 Miller, David M .. 364 'Miller, Gasper M . . 329 Miller, George 103 Mn.LER, George W., '45 . 321 Miller, George W., '46 . . . .. 325 Miller, George Peyton ,. 437 Miller, Horatio Hamilton . 461 Miller, Jacob H . . 277 Miller, Jacob H . 149 Miller, James C . 92 Mn.LER, Jamp:s M . . 398 Miller, James P . . 25 Miller, James W .. 103 Miller, John .. 22 Miller, John H . 287 Miller, John R .. 124 Miller, John M . 237 Miller, J. Krepps . 92 Miller, Joseph W . 237 Miller, Norman ,. 97 Miller, Obadiah H 315 Miller, Oliver W . 364 Miller, Robert T. 229 Miller, Samuel W . 230 Miller, >Villiam N . 338 Miller, William S . 398 Miller, William W., '88. . . . . 464 Miller, W. W . 176 MiLLiGAN, James . 19 Milligan, James V . 431 MiLLiGAN, John L . 368 Page. Milligan, Josiah 14if Milligan, Robert 80() Milligan, Thomas V 133 Milligan, William V 339 Milliken, J. Anderson 230 Mills, Andrew B 32S Mills, William J 376 MiLNER, D. C 898 Minnis, David 164 Minton, Henry C 441 MiNTON, R. B 129 Mitchell, Alex 402 Mitchell, Andrew D 108 Mitchell, Andrew W 256 Mitchell, J. D <)7 Mitchell, James P 21 Mitchell, John C 284 Mitchell, Matthew R 243 Mitchell, Thomas J 416 Mitchell, Wm. C 287 Mitchell, W. L 187 Mitchell, W 181 Mitchie, F. M 170 Mittag, John F. G 286 Moderwell, E. C 224 Moderwell, William 275 Moffat, Charles S 67 Moffatt, James D 416 Moffitt, William 58 Monteith, Alex 16 Monteith, John 22 Montgomery, A. J., Jr 462 Montgomery, D. S 5S Montgomery, James, '38 92 Montgomery, John G 283 Montgomery, John L 37 Montgomery, William 304 Montgomery, Wm. B 464 Moody, James C 300 Moody, John W 294 Moody, R. C 84 Moody, Samuel 55 Moore, Alfred S 402 Moore, Alexander M 187 Moore, Clarke 65 Moore, C. T. B , . 248 Moore, Franklin 312 Moore, Henry 275. INDEX. 513 Page. MooRp], Henry R 402 ^looRE, James H 353 Moore, James R 21G Moore, James R., '47, W. C. . . 329 Moore, James S 461 .\[ooRE, John 40 Moore, Johx, '43, W. C 315 Moore, John Taylor 103 Moore, I. T., '64...' 379 Moore, John Mc 253 Moore, John W 465 Moore, Joseph P 120 Moore, Joseph M 259 Moore, Joseph S 281 Moore, Joshua 25 Moore, Marion 460 Moore, Oscar F. . 298 Moore, Richard J 224 Moore, Roiiert B 208 MooitE, Robert R 195 Moore, Thomas L 315 Moore, William P 195 Moore, William S 329 Moorhead, Alex. D 466 Mooriiead, E. H 402 Moorhead, James D 243 Moorhead, James S 408 Moorhead, William W.. 230 MoRELAND, Joseph 398 Morgan, T. E 164 Morgan, Wm. F 170 Morrison, Alex. F 248 Morrison, Andrew P 339 Morrison, J. Culbert 230 Morrison, John E 62 Morrison, Joseph S 317 Morrison, M. P 330 Morrison, W. A 441 Morrow, James B 31 Morrow, J. E 201 Morrow, John H 342 Morrow, Nicholas V 201 Morrow, Richard H 171 Morton, Joseph V 208 Morton, Robert S 129 Morton, Samuel M 253 Motzer, Daniel 129 Mowry, Philip H 217 33 Page. Muhlenberg, F. A 83 Mince, Robert J. . , 330 MuNN, C. A 157 Ml nro, Ebenezer E 31 MuRDOCK, James N 325 Mi'RDOCK, John H 416 MuRDocK, John S 281 MussER, R. S 253 Murphy, James A 129 Murray, £ J 201 Murray, John W 78 Murray, Joseph, '49 157 Murray, Nicholas 292 Murray, Samuel T 195 Murray, Thomas J 97 Mustard, C. H 41 Myers, B. F 187 Myers, Jacob 142 Meyers, William J 398 Nash, John H 339 Naylor, James 97 Neal, Samuel S 277 Nease, James S 455 Neel, John J 325 Neely, Edward B 330 Neely, John 283 Neely, William C 208 Negley, J. B 188 Neill, John 292 Neill, Samuel T 256 Nelson, C. K 78 Nelson, Henry F 371 Nesbitt, J. Harvey 217 Nesbit, William, '20 27 Nesbit, William, W. C, '16 . . 276 Nevin, Alfred 68 Nevin, Daniel E 68 Nevin, Edwin H 68, 466 Nevin, J. C 188 Nevin, John 1 217 Nevin, Robert P 113 New, Alexander 461 Newton, Charles B 380 Newton, Francis J 403 Newton, John 59 Newell, George B 171 Newell, Henry A 368 Newell, Huey 157 514 Newell, Thomas M N I BLOCK, Samuel H Nh'HOL, Thomas Niccolls, S. J NircoLLs, Robert Nicholson, Thomas W Noble, Angus Noble, James D Noble, Joseph T Noble, Thaddeus C Noble, William B Nock, Littleton N(KiOLE, Joseph North, Nath. CJ Norton, Carlos A 17 Noi'RSE, B. F NouRSE, Charles II NouRSE, James NoritsE, Joseph E Ocheltree, Wm. D Officer, John S Officer, Robert P Officer, Patterson Officer, Thomas Ooden, Ephraim . Ogle, Charles Okeson, William Oldham, Wylie H.- Oliphant, E. P Oliphant, John Oliphant, S. D Oliphant, S. D., Jr Oliver, George G Oliver, George H Oliver, John M Oliver, Samuel A Oller, William E O'Neall, George E Orbison, James H Orbison, Robert A Orbison, William P Orlady, George B Ormoni), B. K Orr, Franklin Orr, Grier C Orr, James C Orr, John Orr, Robert W INDEX. Page. ^'''^''■ 2S)8 Orr, Thomas X 208 217 Orr, William L 307 48 Orr, William M 330 208 Osborn, Albert G 43 321 Osborn, Robert 72 279 Osburn, Benson J 188 382 Ottenger, Williasi 108 217 Otwell, Thomas F 17t> 423 Owen, Griffith 88 457 Own, Joshua T 129 248 Own, Roger 97 312 Owens, John D 426 237 Oxtoby, John T 380 92 Painter, H. M. (see Paynter) . . 142 259 Palmer, James 462 41 Park, James 47 78 Park, William J 237 34 Parke, N. Grier 103 88 Parke, Joseph M 63 65 Parks, Hugh 44 318 Parker, Thomas U. . . . * 257 339 Parkinson, M. A 134 285 Passavant, W. A 103 307 Patrick, John . 88 124 Patrick, Shepherd G 92 277 Patrick, W. W 164 164 Patterson, Alfred 44 302 Patterson, Alfred J 224 41 Patterson, Andrew O 273 108 Patterson, Alex. E 41 120 Patterson, Burkey 419 455 Patterson, D. W 304 464 Patterson, H. W' 188 321 Patterson, James, '30 59 411 Patterson, James, '05 17 342 Patterson, J. A 378 429 Patterson, James G 382 403 Patterson, James H 65 133 Patterson, James L 312 408 Patterson, James W 253 65 Patterson, John E 37 420 Patterson, John H 63 347 Patterson, John J 149 164 Patterson, John 1* 457 217 Patterson, Robert 103 142 Patterson, R. B 217 230 Patterson, Robert P 446 68 Patterson, Samuel 181 INDEX, 515 Pajre. Patterson, Thomas H. B 258 Patterson, William S 321 Patterson, William Stuart . . 457 Patten, Nat. N 416 Patton, David 230 Patton, John 44 Patton, J. Harris 98 Patton, William 1) 224 Patton, William P 224 Paul, John P 280 Paull, Alfred 303 Paull, Archie W 382 Paull, George 217 Paull, James 294 Paull, James, '44 318 Paxton, George M 249 Paxton, John R 398 Paxton, John S 230 PxVXTON, Wilson N 201 Paxton, J. Wilson 150 Paynter, H. M. (see Painter). . 142 Peairs, H. R 201 Peale, Elijah. 78 Pearson, Alfred 181 Peebles, James 78 Peebles, John 27 Peebles, J. H. M 129 Penney, John P 120 Penney, Levi 164 Pennington, J, B 150 Pentzer, Jacob 88 Pentecost, Joseph H 361 Perkins, C. H 157 Perrin, W. M 429 Perrine, Thomas A 257 Perrine, William K 253 Pershing, Cyrus L 150 Pershing, E. J 173, 188 Pershing, Israel C 164 Peter, Thoma"s B 50 Peterson, R. H 188 Pettibone, H. B 134 Pettk jrew, Samuel 88 Phelps, Stephen 225 Phillips, Ellis 380 Phillips, S. H 422 Piatt, H. C 157 Pickens, Israel 15 Page. Pickens, John C 457 Pierce, Thomas W 209 PiGMAN, H. B 68 Pinkerton, John 29 Pinkerton, J. a 188 Pinkerton, John P 466 Pinkerton, William 298 Piper, James 276 Pitcher, Henry C 237 Pitkin, John 31 Pitkin, Paul H 378 Playford, R. W 176 Playford, W. H 188 Plummer, W. F 460 PoAGUE, A. W 273 PoGUE, P. M 462 Polk, David 65- Polk, Joseph L 201 Polk, J. W 189 Pollock, A. D 5& Pollock, George W^ 437 Pollock, Edie S 218 Pollock, John 437 Pollock, John D 326 Pollock, Samuel W 424 Pollock, William C 34 Pollock, W. G 437 Pomray, John 44 Pomeroy, Joseph S 134 Porte, James H 418 Porter, Byron 322 Porter, E 243 Porter, George Mc 354 Porter, James C 59 Porter, James H 63 Porter, Robert B 408 Porter, Samuel 19 Porter, Thomas W 330 Posey, David R 351 Post, Silas B 441 Pottenger, John H 108 Potter, Cyrus K 342 Potter, Gilbert M 225 Potter, H. N 243 Potter, James H 171 Potter, John W 225 Potter, Lyman W 322 PouLSON, Elmer 416 516 INDEX. PowBi*soN, B. F PowKR, David 1' Power, Francis H. Power, Joseph C. Power, Joseph 1' Power, Samuel PEE8SLY, David A. P PRESSLY, Joseph H Pretlow, Wm. H Price, Robert T. . Price, Rorekt W. Prinole, James V. . Prior, Asahel P. Page. 368 44() ;;4.-) 345 225 330 334 1)3 180 . 371 257 237 59 Pryor, Azariah 44 pugh, josiah m 312 PrGH, Nathaniel T 315 'Pu(5H, W. A loO Pdmphrey, N.N 322 Pdmroy, John 44 PURNELL, GEOR(iE W 88 PiTRNELL, John R 1(54 PiTRViANCE, Henry 272 PuRViANCE, John 195 PusEY, W. H. M 330 Pyle, W. Hamilton 171 Quail, Huston 330 Quay, Matthew S 105 Radcliff, Wallace 243 Raichley, Louis F 129 Ralston, James 63 Ralston, James G 303 Ralston, Joseph H 431 Ralston, R. G 195 Ralston, Walter W 244 Ralston, Wm. D 225 Ramsay, Charles 78 Ramsay, J. Ross 134 Ramsay, J. vSmith 371 Ramsay, Josiah A 342 Ramsey, Benjamin 290 Ramsey, James P 47 Ramsey, James R 434 Ramsey, Samuel 353 Ramsey, William 83 Rankin, Alex. R 330 Rankin, Christopher 20 Rankin, Clarke D 326 Rankin, George T 225 Page. Rankin, J. C 83 Rankin, James G 312 Rankin, J. H 83 Rankin, John W 309 Rankin, Robert C 303 Rankin, William 274 Rankin, William A 150 Raxson, R. H 55 Raum, William R 34 Ray, B. F 157 Ray, James D 44 Ray, James F 421 Raymond, S. M 371 Rea, John 257 Reamer, Mark M 446 Reasen, J. G 150 Redick, W. W 157 Reed, Alexander 345 Reed, Alvin M 423 Reed, Carson 244 Reed, Alexander, '71 421 Reed, Charles M 278 Reed, Colin M 419 Reed, David 315 Reed, David C 318 Reed, David F. 93 Reed, James 372 Reed, James A 201 Reed, James H 326 Reed, James S 244 Reed, James W 463 Reed, John, '06 18 Reed, John, '10 21 Reed, John, '39 98 Reed, John B 369 Reed, John Mc 298 Reed, Joseph 47 Reed, Joseph A 312 Reed, Robert J 446 Reed, Robert R - 283 Reed, Robert R., Jr 376 Reed, Robert R., '89 466 Reed, Samuel 29 Reed, Thomas B 348 Reed, W. H 104 Reed, William, W. C, '15. . . . 275 Reed, William, '29 55 Reed, William, '45 322 INDEX 517 Page. Reeves, Wm. H 209 Reiber, F. DeS 408 Reid, Alex. M 158 Reid, C. C. B 452 Reid, David F 93 Reid, James C 98 Reid, John C . . 326 Reid, Joseph J 466 Reid, Robert K 113 Reid, Samuel I 113 Reid, S. C 158 Rench, Samuel H 35 Renick, Jonathan 120 Reppert, Josiah S 358 Reynolds, H. W 78 Reynolds, John 35 Reynolds, John V 73 Reynolds, L. M 1 42 Reynolds, W. M 6o Rhea, John 15 Rice, George S 165 Richards, Wm. L 108 Richie, William M 209 RiDDELL, Joseph K 66 Riddle, David H 35 Riddle, David Hi, Jr 403 Riddle, M. Brown 176 Rider, Thomas F. J .202 RiGGLE, G. W : . . . . 372 RiGGS, A. Brown 249 RiGGS, Cyrus 16 RiGGS, Cyrus C 83 RiGGS, Elliott S 249 RiGos, Samuel A 202 RiGGS, Stephen R 73 Riley, Isaac M 411 Riley, W. H 78 RioPEL, Edmund E 403 Ripley, John B . 142 Risher, Levi 225 Ritchey, John H 257 Ritchie, Andrew S 339 Ritchie, James A 226 Ritchie, James Mc 429 Ritchie, David, '25 41 Ritchie, David, '29 55 Ritchie, John A Ritchie, Robert 460 Page. Rittenhouse, .J. H 98 RoBB, James W 209 Robb, JohnB 209 RoBB, John S 253 Robb, Robert S 253 Robe, Robert 331 Roberts, Lewis 300 Roberts, Wm. L 27 Roberts, James 408 Roberts, Thomas E 189 Robertson, O. P 449 Robertson, Wm. M 244 Robertson, S. S 150 RoBBiNs, E. E 446 Robinson, Aaron B 209 Robinson, David 'S09 Robinson, Edgar S 431 Robinson, G. A. B 398 Robinson, J. B. T 134 Robinson, James F 177 Robinson, James W., '48 . 151 Robinson, J. C 322 Robinson, J. W 158 Robinson, John H 339 Robinson, Robert 244 Robinson, Samuel B Robinson, Thomas A 420 Robinson, W. H 437 Robinson, William M 108 Robinson, Wm. T 455 Rockwell, A. O 120 RoDGERS, Andrew A 339 RoDGERs, A. Denny 151 RoDGERs, James Linn 142 RoDGERS, John L 441 RoDGERs, Levin 29 RoDGERS, M. K 461 Rodgers, David B 421 Rogers, David J 165 Rogers, James Lea 134 Rogers, James P 230 Rogers, William A 55 Roney, Moses. 35 Rose, John M 444 RosBOROUGH, Hugh O 339 Roseburgh, William 114 Ross, Randall 318 Ross, R. A 104 518 INDEX. I'age. Ross, Samuel 1* 12^ Roth ROCK, William 93 RoruKiuisii, Geo. S. 189 Ro WE, John 120 Rowland, Jameh . 22 Rowland, R. H . . 244 RiKJH, Carroll B . 452 RuPLE, Samuel H. 310 Rush, William J 418 Russell, Alex. L 288 Russell, John T 339 Russell, Charles W . 83 Russell, S. L 292 Rutherford, Francis 59 Rutherford, Matthew 45«'» Rutherford, Robert 35 KUTHRAUFF, W. P 151 Ryors, Alfred 79 Sample, J. Lo(;an. 226 Sample, Roueut F . . 158 Sample, William 143 Sanns, John 32(5 Sar(;ent, Fitz- William 98 Satterfield, Mead 143 Saunders, Wm. P 1(55 Sawhill, E. O 457 Sawyer, B. H 425 Sayre, Henry E 108 Scandrett, R. B 458 Schmucker, S. M 307 Schneider, F. J. C 218 Schriver, John C . 226 Schurtz, J. C . . . . 3<)ii Scott, Abraham 16 Scott, Alexander, '46 134 Scott, Alexander, '52 177 Scott, Alex. W 244 Scott, Archie A . 121 Scott, A. O 105 S<^oTT, David ir 182 Scott, D. W -244 Scott, Erastus H 124 Scott, George 202 Scott, George K . 853 Scott, Hamilton. 143 Scott, James, '05 17 Scott, James, '06 18 S<'OTT, James D 73 Scott, James H ScoTT, James L. Scott, J. A., '70 Scott, John A . Scott, John P . . Scott, John W., '27 Scott, John W., '23, W. C Scott, J. F Scott, Joseph Z Scott, Josiah Scott, William Mc Scott, Wilson Scott, Xenophon C . . Scoullee, John C. Scouller, John Y. Scroggs, C. S ScROGGS, Joseph Se aright, Thomas B . Semple, Philo M Sexton, Leonidas Sexton, Thomas L Seyler, James H Shafer, Joshua M . Shafer, Noah W Shaffpjr, John E. Shaffer, J D Shaiffer, (iIeo. W ShAIFFER, J AMES H Shane, John Shankland, James A . . Shanks, James D Shannon, Isaac N Shannon, O. E Shanor, H. K Shanor, John D Sharp, Alexander. Sharp, James P Sharp, Samuel M Sharpe, Solomon A Sharpe, Alex. Brady . Sharpe, Alex. E. Sharpe, J. McD Sharpe, John H Sharon, James C Shaver, Thomas A Shaw, Joseph Shaw, R. P Shaw, Robert T Page. 403 ()8 441 108 1(55 47 282 441 310 35 109 89 257 444 lOi) 20!> 20 334 89 143 416 257 334 226 307 399 124 143 130 125 408 135 98 434 432 27 403 195 151 135 135 151 378 59 408 177 257 427 INDEX. 519 Page. Shaw, William C 41(> Shearer, Frederic A 84 Sheddan, Samuel S 63 Sheets, Joseph 305 Sheets, William C 121 Shp}t^aday, Garland B 31 Shelledy, John H 231 Shepherd, Henry C 361 Sherrard, John H 358 Sherrard, Kobert, Jr 249 Sherrard, Thomas J 409 Shields, George W 446 Shields, James C 450 Shields, James H 417 vShields, James M 348 .Ship, Edward G 279 Shoemaker, Kobert B 226 Shoemaker, William L 109 Shryock, L. B. W 171 Shutterly, John J 209 Sibbett, Wm. R 226 Sickles, William 37 Sickles, T.N 2.31 Simmons, A. B 177 vSimmons, K. P 466 Simmons, Samuel 143 Simpson, Edward 279 Simpson, James 307 Simpson, J. A. E 195 Simpson, John 218 Skilling, David M 464 Slagle, B. W 353 Slagle, G. W. 307 Slagle, Jacob F 335 Slater, George R 249 Slaymaker, I. F 289 Slaymaker, N. E 399 Slemons, F. M 218 Sloan, B. Shields 369 Sloan, D. Harvey 364 Sloan, Emmet P 460 Sloan, G. M 158 Sloan, Isaac O " 114 Sloan, James 59 Sloan, James G 245 Sloan, Robert R 109 Sloan, Thomas J 340 Sloan, J. R. W 143 Page. Small, Oscar A 417 Smart, James P 69 Smart, James S 249 Smart, John G 31 Smith, Alexander 55 Smith, Alexander E 378 Smith, Ambrose C 238 Smith, Charles H 399 Smith, D^ F 158 Smith, D. S 378 Smith, Frederick 276 Smith, George B 409 Smith, S. Grier 452 Smith, Hamilton 69 Smith, Hiram N 158 Smith, Henry M., '50 . 16^ Smith, Henry M., '51 172 Smith, James, '08 19 Smith, James, '25 41 Smith, James, W. C. '27 286 Smith, James, '43 121 Smith, James, '57 209 Smith, James H 331 Smith, J. Henderson 171 Smith, J. 1 171 Smith, James M., '31 288 Smith, James M., '35 294 Smith, James Mease 424 Smith, James P 209 Smith, James T 281 Smith, John, '17 277 Smith, John A 307 Smith, John F 114 Smith, John M 202 Smith, John McN 294 Smith, John N 286 Smith, Joseph, '15 23 Smith, Joseph, '26 285 Smith, .Joseph D 202 Smith, Joseph Norris 218 Smith, Joseph T 89 Smith, Julius A 182 Smith, Mease 279 Smith, Nelson H 218 Smith, Norton M 452 Smith, Philander C 98 Smith, Robert Futhey 432 Smith, Robert Leard 437 520 INDEX. Page. Smith. Robert 1' 2'^7 Smith, S. Humk 121 Smith, Thoma.»< J. S 41 Smith, Thomas P. 342 Smith, Thomas T. 300 Smith, William, 'Vj 26 Smith, William, '20 280 Smith, W.B 189 Smith, William C l-*"^! Smith, W. Graydon 143 Smith, William D 288 Smith, William T 318 Smith, William W., '52 348 Smy.>*er, B. R 345 Snair, Edmund .144 Skoddy, Llewellyn . 231 Snoikjrass, H. S 382 SxoixjRASs, James S .51 SSODGRA.SS, J. C 189 SN(iD«RA8.*l, J. M 158 Snodgrass, Wm. D 275 sxodorass, w.j 249 SxoixatA.ss, W. W 48 Snowden, a. Loddon . 209 Snowdex, James H 429 Snyder, Henry 93 Snyder, Simon 326 SpARotiovE, Geo. M 354 Speeu, Hreadixo 458 Speer, James K 276 Speer, Thomas L 73 Speer, Peter M 463 Speer, Samuel A 130 Speer, William 98 Spexce, Johx J05 Spencer, John C 335 Spencer, Thomas P 226 Spillman, B. F 31 SpRKJCrS, James D 438 Spixdler, Geo. A 4.53 Sproull, R. C. G 172 Sproull, Robert D 210 Sproull, John W 218 Sproull, Thomas A 249 Sproull, William O 417 Squires, Norman 66 Stafford, Pascal G 231 Stanford, J. D 253 Page. St ansbuby, Henry 279 Stanton, Robert 114 Stanton, William 114 Stark, Denton D 238 Starrett, William A 219 Steel, Francis J 84 Steele, John 114 Steele, Robert 104 Steen, Isaiah 290 Steen, James T 272 Sterling, James A 290 Sterling, Joseph M 219 Sterling, Robert B 109 Sterling, Samuel F 114 Sterrett, David 48 Sterrett, James P 130 Sterrett, James R . 434 Stephens, Daniel 16 Stephens, Wm. M 409 Stevens, William A , 41 Stevenson, James E 303 Stevenson. J. Ross 460 Stevenson, James V 460 Stevenson, J. M 189 Stevenson, John M 84 Stevenson, Joseph 19 Stevenson, Matthew H 452 Stevenson, William >. . 35 Stevenson, Wm. R 409 Stevenson, Wm. M 432 Stewart, A. A 189 Stewart, Benjamin 326 Stewart, Benjamin S . . . 361 Stewart, Charles 287 Stewart, Calvin W 189 Stewart, David H 441 Stewart, David P 346 Stewart, David J 423 Stewart, Francis A 121 Stewart, Francis L 177 Stewart, Harry T 463 Stewart, Henry F 245 Stewart, James A . 219 Stewart, James E 73 Stewart, James H 409 Stewart, James M 318 Stewart, J. Roavland 177 Stewart, John B 385 INDEX. 521 Page. Stewart, Joruon 335 Stewart, Kensey J 89 Stewart, Louis M 178 Stewart, Matthew 173 Stewart, Reid T 309 Stewart, Robert, '59 226 Stewart, Robert C 219 Stewart, Robert E 231 Stewart, Robert L 399 Stewart, S. Calhoun 130 Stewart, Samuel E r 441 Stewart, Thomas A 444 Stewart, T. B 16G Stewart, T. Calvix 250 Stewart, Thomas H 249 Stewart, Thomas R 110, 259 Stewart, William 340 Stewart, William Bell, '44. . 318 Stewart, Wm. C 238 Stewart, William F 258 Stewart, Wm. G 434 Stewart, William H 409 Stewart, William M., '37. . . . 89 Stewart, William M., '55. , . . 354 Stewart, W. S 231 Stewart, W". Walker 151 Stuart, John 130 Stuart, John L 238 Stuart, Robert 210 Stuart, W. H 231 Stickley, Wm. W 99 Stilley, John B 99 Stinson, Geo. W 93 Stockdale, Thomas R 202 Stockton, James C 351 Stockton, John 280 Stockton, John P. P 358 Stockton, John W 411 Stockton, Thomas Mc 346 Stokeley, Samuel 273 Stokes, James H 182 Stokes, John D 380 Stone, George H 166 StoneroaA, Joel 48 Storer, John H 331 Storey, James A 427 Storey, John A 427 Storey, Alexander 109 Page. Stotler, Andrew M 258 Stowe, Edwin H 322 Strain", George 151 Strean, James G 447 Strean, Robert F 346 Streator, Alex. C 399 Streit, Lawrence 79 Stringer, A. G 322 Strong, Jq^hn M 109 Strother, D. H 79 Stuchell, J. S 227 Sturgeon, Hugh 135 Sturgeon, James C 182^^ Sturgeon, John 115 Sturgeon, John R 130 Sturgeon, Wm. H 144 Sullivan, C. C 55 Sullivan, JohnM 121 Sumney, John 245 Sutherland, John W 182 Sutton, Robert 144 Sutton, R. Stansbury 245 Sutton, Thomas 93' Sutton, William B 409 Swan, Hugh 158 Swan, John 104 Swan, Samuel M 172 Swan, Thomas B * . 429 Swaney, Alex 99 SwARTZ, D. W 79 swearengen, j. m 442 Sweeney, John M., '69 419 Sweeney, John M., '16 . 276 Sweeney, John Mc, '71 422 sweitzer, j. b 122 Swift, Edavard P 190 Swift, Eliot E 121 Taggart^, Samuel B 202 Tait, S. Calvin 55 Taliaferro, D. M 166 Taliaferro, Francis 182 Talmage, p. S 130 Tassey, John C 417 Tassey, William D 94 Taverner, Cabel 63^ Taylor, Alex. W 125 Taylor, David B 429 Taylor, Edavard M 424 522 INDEX, Page. Taylor, John R HO Taylor, John S 450 Taylor, Oliver I . 343 Taylor, S. 245 Taylor, Thomas J 348 Taylor, William G 144 Taylor, William M 219 Teits worth, W. P 190 Telfair, William B 335 Telford, J. C 125 Templeton, a. M 464 Templeton, David R 303 Templeton, D. W 178 Templeton, James 37 Templeton, James O 4(56 Templeton, John 59 Templeton, John F 219 Templeton, Joseph 79 Templeton, Milo 310 Templeton, Samuel S 89 Templeton, Samuel Mc 299 Templeton, William F 346 Templeton, Wm. H 322 Thistle, William 286 Thom, J. C « 182 Thomas, A. S 326 Thomas, Darius 115 Thomas, Fred A 84 Thomas, J. E 195 Thomas, John L 464 Thomas, Wu>liam S 460 Thompson, Alex. S 254 Thompson, Alex. W 125 Thompson, David 56 Thompson, Geo. W 38 Thompson, Henry A 219 Thompson, H. Alex 245 Thompson, Jacob L 417 Thompson, James 131 Thompson, James P 303 Thompson, J. Russell 151 Thompson, Josiah. . .•'. 130 Thompson, Josiah V 422 Thompson, Philip B 93 Thompson, Robert G 60 Thompson, Roland 231 Thompson, William M 422 Thompson, Wm. R 330 Pago. Thompson, W. Sheridan 99 Thomson, A. E 182 Tidball, John C 38 Todd, Alex. M 372 Todd, Andrew 24 Todd, Andrew C 144 Todd, David R 348 Todd, Edward N 219 Todd, Frank L 458 Todd, Martin L 231 Todd, John 89 Todd, Oliphant M 326 Todd, T. M 376 Tomlinson, H 282 Torrance, Elisha S 409 Torrence, Aaron 29 Torrence, Adam 51 Torrence, Samuel 125 Touzeau, J. G 452 Townsend, D. W 196 Townsend, Cyrus 210 Townsend, R. S 202 Travelli, Joseph S 69 Travis, M. M 203 Travis, William 340 Tredway, William T 460 Trevor, John B 17 Trimble, Joseph 26 Troutman, M. a 410 Trumbull, CD 220 Trussell, Joshua D 420 Turner, Enoch G 335 Turner, William P 238 Turpin, D. H 60 Twyford, Jack 323 Vallandigham, Clement 16 Vallandigham, James L 60 Vance, A. R 131 Vance, John L 463 Vance, Joseph 361 Vance, Samuel E 231 Vance, Thomas H 303 Van Bibber, W. C 114 Van Buskirk, Elijah .' 135 Van Cleve, B. G 453 Van Eman, George, '06 18 Van Eman, George, '44 125 Van Eman, George L 326 INDEX. 523 Page. Van Eman, Thomas B 172 Van Kirk, James S 425 Van Lear, Jopin 178 Van Lear, William 274 Van Leak, William G 115 Van Meter, John M 190 Van Meter, Isaac 188 Van Voorhis, John S ;'>18 Van Vibber, W. C 115 Veech, James. . , 51 Vincent, William K 158 Virtue, Andrew 152 Waggoner, D. R 254 Walke, Thoma.'? 73 Walker, A. F 447 Walker, Albert J 458 Walker, George S 1 25 Walker, Henry S 878 Walker, Lsaac A 135 Walker, James 79 Walker, James T 453 Walker, John H 281 Walker, John W 135 Walker, Robert B 79 Walker, Thomas S 326 Walker, W. Gibson 159 Walkinshaw, J. D 190 Wall, Allen 196 Wallace, Alex. G 144 Wallace, Edwin S 458 Wallace, Hamilton 283 Wallace, Henry 227 Wallace, Hugh 282 Wallace, James 48 Wallace, John 35 Wallace, Jonathan H 319 Wallace, Joseph C 99 Wallace, Thomas 417 Wallace, Thomas D 403 Wallace, Thomas F 210 Wallace, William, '1<). 23 Wallace, William, '19. 26 Wallace, William, '24 283 Wallace, William, '82 450 Wallace, Wm. Lock 210 Wallace, Wilson D 238 Walter, Johnston E .599 Ward, B. C 178 Page. Ward, Lsrael W 310 Ward, Thomas 145 Warden, James W 358 Warne, James C 442 Warne, William P 450 Warne, William W 460 Warren, Wm. C 327 Warrick, W\ T 435 Washington, Geo. L 125 Wason, James 104 Wasson, Luke J 258 Waterman, Isaac 432 Waterman, R. N 323 Watson, Aug. A 131 Watson, C. Bruce 238 Watson, David T 380 Wat.son, George W 122 Watson, James 51 Watson, John 94 Watson, Joseph N 110 Watson, Samuei 196 Watson, William B 382 Watson, W. M 429 Waugh, Joseph M 358 Waugh, William 275 Wead, Samuel 196 Weaver, John 115 Weaver, Joseph L 444 Weaver, Theophilus 203 Weaver, T. Jefferson 238 Weaver, Thomas N . . 463 Weed, A. Alex 84 Wegley, W. F 466 Weight, J. Elliot 246 Weight, Frank L 455 Weight, Jacob 346 Weight, Williamson S 232 Weills, John C. S 380 Weir, William F 460 Weirich, Colin M 442 Weirich, Israel 319 Weirich, James E 453 Weiss, J. H 250 Wells, James R 279 Welsh, James M 464 Welsh, John C 466 Welsh, Josiah 410 Welsh, Robert C 239 524 INDEX. Page. Wki.sii, Rohekt L 4()8 Wklsh, VVarrkn b 4.")8 WeLSSHOUSE, (rEO. H 4.SS Welton, Felix B i»4 Welty, Fred. B 417 Wen Tz ELL, G. A . 104 West, Jacob II 13o West, William II 13(5 Whalev, F. X Whann, 8. M Wharton, Keever Wheeler, F. T Wherry, J. A Wherry, E. M White, Alex. M . White, A. McLean White, Henry A White, Henry H White, Henry K 136 51 . 122 . . 460 245 245 282 172 104 869 289 White, I. N 190 White, James D 450 Whit?, John 10 White, John W., '51 340 White, Johnson D 432 White, Joseph, '45 323 White, Robert A 126 White, Robert G 45 White, Robert Halt 220 White, Samuel 35 White, Samuel T 289 White, William A 254 White, William Mv 232 Whitehill, James M 48 Whitham, John D 294 Whitham, Joseph R 115 Whitten, James B .840 Whyte, Robert A 120 183 232 210 23 450 881 . 126 196 99 44 66 WujHT, William WiGHTMAN, J. W . WiESTLINO, R. R Wilcox, Jeremiah C Wiley, James A Wiley, John W WiLKINS, W. BiDDLi: WiLLARD, Philip WiLLEY, (JeORGK Williams, Aaron Williams. TIkv,>v Williams, Hillary Williams, John H . . . . Williams, Louis Williams, Louis B Williams, M. A Williams, O. H Williams, Samuel Williams, Samuel E . . . Williamson, Alex Williamson, James . . . . Williamson, McKnighi' Williamson, Samuel. , Williamson, Thomas S Williamson, Wm. C Wills, James Wills, John A Wills, Isaac L Wills, William J Wilson, Alex., '22 Wilson, Alex., '47 Wilson, A. G Wilson, A. D Wilson, A. P Wilson, A. P., Jr Wilson, Calvin D Wilson, David Wilson, David B Wilson, David C Wilson, D. M Wilson, David S Wilson, Eugene M Wilson, E. H. C Wilson, E. King Wilson, Edward P Wilson, George P Wilson, Henry R Wilson, Henry R., Jjj Wilson, Henry H Wilson, James, '30 Wilson, James C Wilson, James E., '61 . Wilson, James E Wilson, James R Wilson, Jesse B Wilson, J. H Wilson, J. L Wilson, John C Wilson, John Fleming . . Page-. . 90 . 69 843 803 99 136 851 84 25 . 277 28 56 28 258 . 17 , 301 . 810 310 281 881 203 90 36 410 432 90 282 369 183 323 178 94 110 804 434 51 250 422 60 254 239 372 18 404 152 172 346 246 INDEX. 525 Paiie. Wilson, John F 246 Wilson, John H Wilson, John K 275 Wilson, John K 313 Wilson, Jonathan 172 Wilson, Joseph .... 90 Wilson, Joseph D 410 Wilson, J. Rodgers 404 Wilson, Joseph Ruggles 126 Wilson, Lowrie W 210 Wilson, Maurice B 432 Wilson, Miles C 196 AViLSON, Robert A 417 Wilson, Robert D 4')0 Wilson, Robert F 166 Wilson, Samuel, '24. 38 Wilson, Samuel, '28 51 Wilson, Samuel B 152 Wilson, Samuel J 348 Wilson, Samuel M 63 Wilson, Samuel R 239 Wilson, Samuel T 152 Wilson, Thomas 45 Wilson, Thomas B 159 Wilson, Thomas M 99 Wilson, Thomas S 69 Wilson, Marion B Wilson, William 63 Wilson, William H 145 Wilson, William R 460 Wilson, William Swan 172 Wilson, William H 417 Wilson, W. W., '47... 145 Wines, Casper M 364 Wines, Fred R 358 Wingate, W. L 115 Winters, Jacob 131 Wise, Charles S 464 Wise, Henry A 284 Wise, Samuel A 410 Wise, Uriah W 84 Wise, William F 453 Wishart, a lex 349 WisHART, Marcus 353 Wishart, John W 327 Witherow, B. H 227 Witherow, John 90 Witherow, T. Scott 159 Page. Witherspoon, John G 63 Wolcott, C. P 308 Wolf, Daniel R 115 Wolf, John A 159 Wolf, Joseph D 313 Wolf, R. Clay 422 Wolfe, Jacob 277 Wood, David E 327 Wood, Samuel S 100 Wood, William S 210 WooDBURN, B. F 246 WooDBURN, James S 220 WoODBURN, W. H 399 WOODEND, W. W. . . . . . 100 WooDROw, James F 159 Woods, Edgar 315 Woods, Francis M 381 Woods, George W 432 Woods, Henry 359 Wooj)S, John E.* 178 Woods, John E., '87 463 Woods, John S 196 Woods, John Y 399 Woods, Robert, '34 292 Woods, Robert, '59 364 Woods, Richard C 152 Woods, Samuel A 84 Woods, Stephen 343 Woods, Thomas S 145 Woods, William G 159 WOOLFOLK, L. C 400 Work, James E . 327 Work, John A 356 Work, William R 295 Workman, James 280 Worthing TON, W. C 48 Wortman, M. L 183 WoRTRiNG, Fred R 361 WoTRiNG, Jonathan 335 Wright, James 21 Wright, J. Robert 464 Wright, Noah D 122 Wycoff, C. W 376 Wyeth, Francis 48 Wylie, Andrew 21 Wylie, James B 450 Wylie, Robert D 378 Wylie, Joseph S 56 526 INDEX. Wylie, Samuel 8 Wyly, Andrew J Yarnall, Zacharia I YoE, Benjamin F Young, Edward E YouN(i, Garretson I YouNo, James YouN(i, J. Charles YocNCJ, James S YouNo, James T Young, John B . . I'age- Page. 404 Young, John F 411 2l'7 Young, John 11 190 71) Young, John J 203 36 Young, John N ijg lo2 Young, Loyal r>2 ]')2 Young, Robert A., '62 37(j 340 Young, Egbert A., '37 301 203 Young, William 335 418 Zahniser, Geo. W 136, 466 442 ZimxMerman, Geo. M 404 203 A LETTER Elm Street Printing Company, Cincinnati, Ohio: Dear Sirs:~Oa Tuesday, July I6th, you mailed the last proof of this book to Rev. Dr. Eaton. You wrote at the close, "The book is finished." It is with sincere sorrow that I write to say to you, and all to whom this book will come, that 6n that day his earthly life was finished. He had been suffering for several months with kidney trouble, but no immediate danger was apprehended. He was some- what better. In the morning he had taken a carriage ride. In the afternoon, about four o'clock, he started out to take a walk. He had gone but a little distance, when some gentlemen saw him throw up his hands and fall forw^ard. They immediately carried him to his home ; but with a glance of recognition toward his wife, he was gone. His diligent, graceful pen was laid aside forever, his bodily sufferings over, and his busy life ended. The J'Jveuin^/ yitos, of Franklin, closes a well-merited tribute to his worth with these words : " But yesterday he walked and wrought and suffered among us. To-day he feels repose upon his brow * the breath of the eternal morning.' He has fought a good fight, he has finished his course, he has kept the faith. Not a broken shaft, but a pyramid completed, should mark his resting-place. Crown him with the victor's chaplet. Strew his pall and his grave with the flowers he loved so well, types of the immortal — amaranth and asphodel, and pure lilies of eternal peace, which bloom by the river ' that makes glad the city of God.'" Intimately associated with him in this work for nearly three years, I can bear testimony to his eminent fitness for it and his great delight in it. He was wonderfully patient and persistent in seeking to rescue from oblivion the graduates of the College, and his enjoyment was very great when facts were found for which he had searched long. He was a loyal son of the College ; it gave him sincere pleasure to write: "It is not assuming too much to say that no college in the land has had such an influence in molding and forming public opinion in all parts of our common country." A memorial will shortly be published, for which his friends will look with interest. His was a beautiful, useful and busy life ; pure and consecrated. All who had correspondence or dealings with him can join heartily with you in saying they have been very pleasant indeed, and will not soon be forgotten. Yours truly, John M. Barnett. Washington, Pa., July 25, 1889. D lU bOJOJ THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY