^ (ji_ijo oiwtri ooo >> Labberton Historical Atlas AN HISTORICAL ATLAS CONTAINING A CHRONOLOGICAL SERIES OF ONE HUNDRED MAPS, fit ^lUrY*.'.! Ttt: ~k^.,A m. Jjfi tyMtmty jrcrioib, front % jtfnunt of Ijisloru io % jtttStttf Kjno BY EOBERT H. LABBERTON. PHILADELPHIA: CLAXTON, REMSEN & HAFFELFINGER, NOS. 819 & 821 MARKET STREET. 1873. Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1871, by CLAXTON, REMSEN & HAFFELFINGER, in the Office of the Librarian of Congress at Washington. STKBKOTTl'Kli I)Y J. FAGAN t SON, PHILADELPHIA. 1630 PREFACE. TT1VERT -*—* 1H-11SU VERY student of History finds an Historical Atlas indis- pensable to Ms pursuits. The advantages derived from such a work are at present fully admitted. It is acknowledged, without exception, that without its aid History can neither be thoroughly taught nor perfectly understood. All teachers of History have long felt the want of a collection of maps, exhibiting at a glance the successive changes in the distribu- tion of States with their attendant alterations of frontier; in other WOrds, Of A TRULY PICTORIAL HISTORY. The object of this work is to supply this long-felt deficiency, by offering to teachers and students a connected Series of Maps, prepared expressly to illustrate the leading events of History from THE EARLIEST AGES TO THE PRESENT TIME. ROBERT II. LABBERTOX. Philadelphia, July, 1871. 866009 r ANALYTICAL TABLE OF CONTEXTS. TWELVE MAPS ILLUSTRATING EASTERN HISTORY. I. 1. The First Progressive Map — Chaldcean Ascendency ; showing | ,f. The Chaldaean Empire in its greatest extent, (blue.) b, The Northern and Southern tetrarehy. c, The course of the Euphrates and Tigris. d, The course of the Nile from the Victoria Nyanza to the Mediterra- nean, showing its affluents, cataracts, and the Delta. 2. The Field of the Pyramids, (from an actual survey ;) showing a. The bifurcation of the Nile and the bluffs. b. The exact situation of Memphis, Cairo, Old Cairo, and Gizeh. c. The exact position of the great pyramid, sphinx, etc. II. ?.. The Second Progressive Map.— Egyptian Ascendency; showing The Egyptian Empire in its greatest extent. 4. The Ruins of Thebes, (from an actual survey.) III. 5. The Third Progressive Map. — Assyrian Ascendency; showing a, The Assyrian Empire in its greatest extent. b, The six great Phoenician towns, and the principal Phoenician colonies. c, The beginnings of Home. fi. Nineveh, (from an actual survey.) IV. 7. The Holy Land and Lower Egypt ; showing fl. The Delta, with the seven arms of the Nile. b, Joseph's Canal, Lakes Moeris and Arsinoe. c, The land of Goshen, with the bitter lakes and the canal from the Nile to the Red Sea. d, The route of the Israelites from Goshen vii Sinai, to Jericho. e, The exact situation of the twelve tribes of Israel. f, Tlie Empire of David and Solomon. ff, The kingdoms of Judah and Israel. h, Phoenicia, with the precise position of the Phoenician cities. 8. Jerusalem, (from an actual survey.) V. 9. The Fourth Progressive Map. — The Four Great Powers; showing (7, The division of Western Asia (after the fall of Nineveh i into Lydiu, Media, Babylonia, and Egypt. 4, The position of Ionia, Greece, and Great Greece. » c, The beginnings of Carthage, Syracuse, and Rome. 10. Babylon, (from an actual survey.) VI. 11. The Fifth Progressive Map. — Persian Ascendency; showing a. The Persian Empire in its greatest extent. b. The march of Darius I. from Sardes to Scythia. c. The march of the Ten Thousand from Sardes to Cunaxi. and their return from Cunaxa to the Bosporus. d. The three decisive battle-fields (Granicus. Issus. and Arbela) on which the Persian Empire was destroyed. 12. The Ruins of Susa, [from an actual survey.) NINE MAPS ILLUSTRATING GREEK HISTORY. VII. 13. Hellas, (the countries set/led by the Hellenes ;) showing a, The North-Eastern coasts of the Mediterranean from the Black Sea to the Tuscan Sea. 6, The Propontis, with the Hellespont and Bosporus. c, The Western coast of Asia Minor, with the principal ,'Eolian, Ionian, and Dorian colonies. d. The JEgse&n Sea with its islands, (Cyclades and Sporades.) c The great divisions of Greece with its ethnological diversities. /, The Greek colonies in Southern Italy and Sicily. 14. The Field of Troy. VIII. 15. Hellas and Peloponnesus ; showing a. The subdivisions of Hellas and Peloponnesus. 6, The historical places and battle-fields. Kemarh: — Stmts = Gulf, anil Mart = &a. 16. Plan of Sparta and its Neighborhood. 17. Plan of Thebes and its Neighborhood ANALYTICAL TABLE OF CONTENTS. IX. 18. Plan of Athens and its Neighborhood. 19. Plan of Corinth and its Neighborhood. 20. The Sixth Progressive Map. — Hellenic Ascendency ; showing a. The Empire of Alexander the Great. A, The route of Alexander to India. c. The Stales sprung from Alexander's Empire, 300 B.C. d, The compact Roman domain, 300 B. c, [colored yellow.) 21. Plan of Alexandria, [from an actual survey.) TWENTY-SEVEN MAPS ILLUSTRATING ROMAN HISTORY. X. 22. Italy during the Regal Period. 23. Enlarged Map of Latium during the Regal Period. 24. The Original Roman Domain, (Ager Romanus.) XI. 20. Italy from the beginning of the Samnite Wars to the begin- ning of the Punic 'Wars; showing a, The earliest boundaries of the great armed confederacy led by Rome, {colored yellow.) b\ The exact boundaries of Italy proper, (indicated by yellow lines.) c, Gaul, south of the Alps (red), Liguria (green), and Istria (purple). d, The maritime fortresses, or burgess-colonies. e, The military roads, with the road-fortresses, (Latin colonies.) The Principal Theatre of 'War during the early Samnite Wars; showing a. The bay of Naples with its islands, the Vesuvius, and Hercula- neuin and Pompeii. A, The battle-fields of the Samnite wars. Plan of the City and Harbor of Tarentum. Rome and Carthage on the eve of and during the First Punic War; showing a, The situation and territorial extent of Rome (yellow) and Car- tiinL"' (Hut) on the eve of the great struggle. A, The principal battle-fields of the first Punic war. Rome and Carthage at the end of the First Punic War. Rome and Carthage on the eve of and during the Second Punic War ; showing a. The Empire of the Barcidas in Spain. A, The situation and territorial extent of Rome (yellow) and Carthage i bilk , on the eve of the second Punic war. r. The march Of Hannibal from Carthago Nuva to the Trasimcnus. d, The principal battle-fields of the second Punic war. 31 . Rome and Carthage at the end of the Second Punic War. XII. 20. 27. 28. 29, 30. XIII. 32. Hannibal's Route from the Rhone to the Apennines. 33. Plan of the City and Harbor of Carthage. 34. Plan of the City and Harbor of Syracuse. 35. The Western Basin of the Mediterranean at the close of the Punic Wars, (146 B.C.) 30. The Western Basin of the Mediterranean a century after the close of the Punic Wars, (50 B. C.) XIV. 37. The Eastern Basin of the Mediterranean during the two centuries preceding the birth of Christ; showing a, Macedonia from the death of Alexander to the Roman Conquest. b, The three "fetters of the Hellenes," — Demetrias, Chalcis, and Corinth. c, The JEtolian and Achaean confederacies. d, Pergamus before and after 190 B. c. e, The great battle-fields of the Grreco-Rosnan wars. 38. Western Asia in the Times of Mithradates ; showing u. The Empire of Mithradates, yblue.) b. The Empire of Tigranes (yellow), and Parthia (green). c. The Roman province of Asia, (yellow lines.) 39. The Surroundings of Lake Copais, in Bceotia, 'with Eubcea and the Euripus ; showing The principal theatre of war in the first Mithradatic war. XV. 40. The Seventh Progressive Map. — Roman Ascendency; showing a. The Roman Empire in its greatest extent. A, The Parthian Empire. 41. Plan of the City of Rome ; showing a. The seven bills of Home. A, The original settlement, (white.) c, The city and wall ofServiua Tullius, (j/rllow.) d, The city and wall of Aurclian, with its gates, (yellow lint- .) e, The five bridges. ANALYTICAL TABLE OF CONTENTS. vu 42. Enlarged Map of the Capitoline Hill, Fora, etc. ; showing the most celebrated buildings and monuments. XVI. 43. The Roman Empire until 395 A. D. ; showing a. The names of all the provinces with the years of conquest. 6, The relative position of the Christian and heathen world during the fourth century. c, The division of the Empire in 395 A. D. XVII. 44. The Bosporus and Constantinople. 45. Gaul before the Roman Conquest. 40. Gaul after the Roman Conquest. 47. Italy during the Empire; showing the fourteen districts. 48. Division and Subdivision of the Roman Empire since 395. SIXTEEN MAPS ILLUSTRATING MEDIEVAL HISTORY. XVIII. 49. Europe and Western Asia about 500 A. D. ; showing the Ostrogothic, Visigothic, Merovingian, Vandalian, and Byzan- tine Empires. XIX. 50. The Empire of the Franks under Clovis, in 507 A. D. ; show- ing the relative positions of the Salic and Ripuarian Franks. 51. The Division of the Frankish Empire, in 567 A. D., into Neustria, with Aquitania, Austrasia, and Burgundy, (to illustrate the times of Brunehilda and Fredegonda.J XX. 52. The Eighth Progressive Map. — Arabic Ascendency; showing 0, The Arabic Empire in its greatest extent. b, The world at the beginning of the eighth century. (Christianity on the point of being crushed by the Moslems.) c, The four Christian Empires, (Byzantine, Longobardian, Merovingian, and Anglo-Xaxon.) 53. Plan of the City of Damascus, the Capital of the Ommaiad Caliphs. XXI. 54. The Empire of Charlemagne and its Division in 843 A. D. ; showing a, The Empire of Charlemagne and its division into Neustria, Lor- raine, and Austrasia, (bli/e.) b, The Byzantine Empire and the Caliphates of Bagdad and Cordova. XXII. 55. The British Islands during the Saxon, Norman, and early Plantagenet Periods; showing a, The Saxon (blue) and Celtic (yellow) parts of the British Islands. b, The Saxon kingdoms in England. c, The English battle-fields from the beginning of the eighth to the end of the thirteenth century. 5G. South-Eastern Scotland the principal scene of the Anglo- Scotch Struggle. XXIII. 57. The World about the middle of the Tenth Century ; showing a, The Empire of Otto the Great divided into its duchies, (blue.) b, The Byzantine Empire, (yellow.) c. The Burgundian or Arelatian kingdom, (purple.) d. Francia (red), with the great duchies of Neustria. (red lines.) e, The Caliphate of Cordova (green), with the Christian States in Spain, (Leon, Castile, and Pampeluna.) XXIV. 58. The Age of the Crusades ; showing a, The possessions of the Plantagenets in 1160, (blue lines.) b, Franre. i red \ c, The German Empire of Barbarossa. i blue.) d, Poland, Hungary, and Servia, (In, e, The remnant of the Byzantine Empire, (yellow.) f, The Eastern Caliphate, with the Empire of lconium and the dominion of the Ayoubites, (green lines.) g, The Western Caliphate (green), with the five Christian S (Portugal, Leon, Castile, Navarre, and Arragon) in t lie Spanish peninsula. k. The Christian States on the Syrian coast, (blue.) 69. The Christian States in the East, in 1142. A D. : showing the four States founded by the Crusaders Jerusalem, Tripo- lis. Antiochia, and Edessa), with the native Christian king- dom of Armenia (blue . XXV. CO. The Hohenstaufen and the Guelphs. about 1170 A. D , to illustrate the struggle between Barbarossa and Henry the Lion ; showing a. The German duchies in the latter part of the twelfth century. b, The possessions of the Iloheustaut'eu (blue), and thi of the Guelphs (yellow]. 61. The North-Eastern and Southern Parts cf France, to illus- trate the Crusade against the Albigeuses : - a, The situation of the three celebrated Benedictine monasteries of Cluny. Citeaux, and Clairveaux. 4, The possessions of Raymond of Toulouse which were granted to Simon de Montfort, (blue.) ANALYTICAL TABLE OF CONTENTS. 62a. The Latin Empire and the Christian States in the East. a, The Greek Empires of Nicasa an'l Trebizond, (yellow.) I. The Latin Empire with its feudal States, (blue.) c. The Venetian possessions in the East, (green.) d, The Turkish Empire of Iconium. 62b. The Remains of the Kingdom of Jerusalem in 1204. XXVI. 63. The Empire of Frederick II. ; showing {/. The German Empire during the first halt' of the 13th century, (bl.'y b, The hereditary possessions of Emperor Frederick II., (green.) c, The remnant of the Empire of Henry the Lion, (yellow.) FIFTY-TWO MAPS ILLUSTRATING MODERN HISTORY. XXVI. 01. England ana Trance during the Anglo-French Struggle. a, England (blue lines) and France, (red. ) b, The countries claimed by England, (red lines.) c, The portion ceded to England by the peace of Bre'tigny. d, The possessions of Philip the Bold, founder of the second (or great) Burgundian house, (green lines.) e, All the battle-fields and historical places of the Anglo-French struggle and of the War of the Roses. XXVII. 65. The Burgundian Dominion of Charles the Bold; showing a, The countries directly ruled by Charles the Bold, (green.) b, The countries which had once formed a part of the Burgun- dian dominion, (green border.) c, The position of the Burgundian dominion, belonging partly to France and partly to the Empire, (indicated by a yellow-blue line, which shores the boundary between France and the Empire.) d, Lorraine, being also partly a French fief (indicated by yellow lines) and partly a German fief (indicated by blue lines). e, The position of Lorraine, dividing the Northern realms of Charles from his Southern possessions. Central Switzerland. — The scene of the Swiss Struggle against Habsburg ; showing t lie position of the cradle oj the Habsburg race (Castle Habsburg), the original Habs- burg domains, and the famous battle-fields. XXVIII. 67. 'Western Eurcpe about 1400 A. D.; showing a, The English realm, with the English possessions in France. b, Aquitaine, (red lines.) e. The French realm (red), with the possessions of the house of Anjou during the fifteenth century, (red villi black lines.) d, The Burgundian dominion of John the Fearless, (green lines.) t. The house of Luxemburg in its greatest glory, (blue.) f. The Habsburg possessions, (purple ) .'/, The seven German Electorates, (names underlined.') h, The Arr.goninn Empire (brown), with the united kingdoms of Leon and Castile, (brown lines.) XXIX. 08. Eastern Europe and 'Western Asia about 1400 AD., (the Eastern continuation of Map 67 ;) showing a, The Ottoman Empire during the first part of the 15th century. b, The Empire of the Mamelukes, (yellow.) c, The remnant of the Byzantine Empire during the last fifty years of its existence, (green.) 69. The Ottoman Empire in its greatest extent 1682 AD. 70. The Mongol Kingdoms during the Fourteenth Century ; showing the Empires of Genghis-Khan and of Timur. XXX. 71. The Discoveries of the Spaniards and Portuguese in the Fifteenth and Sixteenth Centuries ; showing a, Spain and the Spanish discoveries and colonies, (blue.) b, Portugal and the Portuguese discoveries and colonies, (yellow.) c, Pope Alexander's line of demarcation. 72. The Atlantic Coast of North America in the Seven- teenth Century; showing • a. The English settlements of New England, Virginia, and Carolina. b. The Dutch settlement of New Netherlands. c. The Swedish settlement of New Sweden. d. The French settlement of Acadia. 73. The United States in 1783; showing a. The situation of the Thirteen Original Colonies. b. The principal battle-fields of the Revolution. 74. The Gulf of St. Lawrence, with its Islands. XXXI. 7"). France divided into Thirty-five Provinces. 70. Germany divided into Ten Circles. 77. The Four Rhenish Electorates with the surrounding Countries; showing «, The Archbishopric of Cologne, (purple.) A, The Archbishopric of Treves, (green.) c. The Archbishopric of Mayence, (blue.) d. The Rhenish Palatinate, [yellow.) e. The Cleve inheritance in 1609, (red.) ANALYTICAL TABLE OF CONTENTS. XXXII. 78. Western Europe about 1550 A. D. ; showing especially a, The house of Habsburg in the zenith of its power (purple), with its division into an Austrian and Spanish branch. 6, The kingdom of France {red) with the Bourbon possessions. c, The Hohenzollerns in Brandenburg (blue), Prussia, Anspach, and Culmbach, (blue with black lint's). d, The possessions of the house of Savoy, (yellow.) e, The dominion of the Pope in Italy and France. /, The republic of Poland before the union with Lithuania. 79. North-Eastern Italy ; showing the battle-fields of the Franco- Italian war. XXXIII. 80. Europe in 1648. — Peace of Westphalia; showing especially a, The possessions of the two branches of the house of Habs- burg at the end of the Thirty Years' War, (purple.) b, The possessions of the house of Hohenzollern, (union of Prussia with Brandenburg, (blue.) c, The Swedish Empire on both shores of the Baltic and in Northern Germany, (red lines.) d, The Danish monarchy, Denmark. Norway, and Schonen. e, The British isles, with the battle-fields of the civil wars. /, France, with the battle-fields of the civil wars, (red.) g, Germany, with the battle-fields of the Thirty Years' War. h, The republic of Poland in its greatest extent, (purple lines.) i, The Western boundary of Russia in the middle of the seven- teenth century, (green lines.) 81. The South-Eastern part of Lombardy during the Seven- teenth Century. XXXIV. 82. Europe in 1713. — Peace of Utrecht; showing especially a, The extent of the Habsburg possessions after the extinction of the Spanish branch, (purple.) b, The Bourbons of France and Spain, (red.) c, The extent of the Guelphic dominions (England and Bruns- wick-Luneburg), (blue lines.) d, The dominions of the house of Savoy (Savoy, Piedmont, and Sicily), (yellow.) 83. The Battle-fields of the Netherlands during the Seven- teenth, Eighteenth, and Nineteenth Centuries. 81. The Boundaries of Russia, Poland, and Turkey in 1713. XXXV. 85. Europe in 1748. — Peace of Aix-la-Chapelle ; showing especially a, The house of Bourbon in the zenith of its power (red), with its division into the French, Spanish, and Italian branches, (red with black lines.) b, The Prussian monarchy under Frederick the Great, with the battle-fields of tin- first Silcsian war, (blue.) c, The Empire of the Empress-Queen Maria Theree i d, The division of the house of Wittelsbach into the Pa and Bavarian branches, etc. 8C. England, Scotland, and Ireland during the latter part of the Seventeenth and the Eighteenth Century. XXXVI. 87. Central and Northern Europe in 1795 ; showing especially a, The extent of Prussia. Russia, and Austria after the ab- sorption of Poland. 6, The possessions of the house of Wittelsbach (Bavaria, Juliers, Berg, and the Palatinate), (orange.) c, The extent of Denmark (green) and Sweden (red lines). d, The Eastern boundary of France in 17'JO, (red.) 88. The First Partition of Poland in 1772. 89. The Second Partition cf Poland in 1793. 90. The Third Partition of Poland in 1795. XXXVII. 91. The Age of Napoleon the Great; showing especially a, The Empire of Napoleon in its greatest ezlenl red), with the vassal States ruled by his relations, (red with black lines.) b, The Confederacy of the Rhine, with Bavaria in its greatest extent. c, The Kingdom of Saxony, with the grand-duchy of Warsaw. d, The Austrian, Russian, and Prussian monarchies, etc 92. The Battle-fields of Northern Italy, 1794-1800. 93. Bonaparte's Expedition against Egypt and Syria. XXXVIII. 94. Europe in 1816 ; showing the division of Europe as settled by the Congress of Vienna, illustrating also the Greek, Polish, French, and Belgian revolutions, and the battle-fields of the Franco-Au>trian war of 18o9. 95. The Theatre of the Crimean 'War in 1854-55. 96. The Theatre of the Danish War in 1864. XXXIX. 97. Europe in 1866. — Peace of Prague; showing theD* fields and results of the Austro-Prussian war of L866 and the North German Confederacy. 98. The German Confederacy from 1815 till 1866. XL. 99. Europe in 1871. — Peace of Versailles, showing the resus- citated German Empire, United Italy, etc. 100. The Theatre of the late Franco-Prussian War. ANALYTICAL AND CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX OF THE PRINCIPAL NATIONS AND STATES. A. MAP Acarnania. The Western district of Hellas 15 Acheeans, I The League of the) 37 Achaia. The Northern district of Peloponnesus IS The Roman province of Achaia since 14b' B. c... 40 The principality of Achaia since 1204 a. i> 62 jEtolia. A district of Hellas, or Central Greece.. 15 JEtolians, (The League of the) 37 Africa. North-Eastern Africa and the Nile valley. 1 During the Egyptian Ascendency 3 Daring the Assyrian Ascendency 5 N.E. Africa and the Seven Arms of the Nile 7 During the times of the Four Great Powers 9 Daring the Persian Ascendency 11 Daring the Hellenic Ascendency 20 North-western Africa during the l'uuic wars. .28-31 At the close of the Panic wars 35 A century after the Tunic wars 86 During the first century A. I) 40 During the 2d, 3d, and 4th centuries a. r> 43 Since the division of the Empire in39oA.s 48 About 500 •..!'. (The Vandal Empire) 4'.i About 7011 \ ii. (The Arabic Vscendcncv ) 52 About BOO a. d ■",) About 950 a. d. i The Morabites) 57 During the 12th century, (Age of the Crusades) 68 North-Western Africa about 1400 v d 67 North-Easiern Africa about 1 IIHI a. ii 68 North-Eastern Africa about L682a.d 69 Portuguese discoveries in the 15th and 16th cent. 71 North-Western Africa about 1541 1. 1> 7^ North-Western Africa during the 18th century 82, 85 N.W. Africa in Lhi 191 - century 94, '.'7, 99 Alexandria, | Plan of | is America, | Discovery of) 71 The Atlantic coael of N. America in 17th century 72 ti d States in 177:: 78 Tin: Dull ol the St, Lawrence 7 1 MAP Anglo-Saxons. About 500 a. p 40, 50 About 507 A. v 51 About 700 A. l) 52 Abou: 800 a. I). (Under Egbert).... 54 The British Islands during the Saxon period.... 55 Antiochia, (Christian Principality of, in 1142).. 59 Aquitania, before Caesar's Conquest 46 A Koman Province since 56 B. c 43, 4(i A part <»f the Merovingian Emp. since 507 a. ii. 51 One of the duchies of France about 1000 a. n.... 57 The Empire of the Plantagenets in 1160 A. D.... 58 A part of the French kingdom about 1400 A. D.. 67 Arabia Petraea, with Mount Sinai 7 Arabic Empire. Arabic Ascendency 700 A. d... 52 The division of the Arabic Empire since 750 A. i>. 54 The Eastern and Western Caliphates 58 The Arabic Empire since 1258 A. n 69 Aragon, [originally the Wettern part of the kingdom of Pampeluna ">■ Navarre.) An independent kingdom since 1035 A.D 6K The Aragonese dominion about. 1400 a. i> 07 Aragon united with Castile since 1517 a. d 7 s Arcadia. A District of the Peloponnesus 1 5 Argolis. A District of the Peloponnesus ,. 1". Armenia. During the Egyptian Ascendency 3 During the Assyrian Ascendency 5 During the period of the Four Great Powers... During the Persian Ascendency 11 During the Roman Ascendency 43 During the fourth and fifth centuries A. n 48 Inn in_' the Arabic Ascendency 52 The kingdom of Armenia in 1 100 A. D 58, 5'.i The kingdom of Armenia about 1204 A. D 62 Ascendency. Chaldssan Ascendency 1 EgJ ptian Ascendency 3 Assyrian Ascendency 5 Persian Ascendency 11 Hellenic Ascendency 2u MAP Roman Ascendency 40 Arabic Ascendency 52 Asia during the Chaldaean Ascendency 1 During the Egyptian Ascendency 3 During the Assyrian Ascendency 5 During the period of the Four Great Powers '.' During the Persian Ascendency 11 Greek Colonies on the Western Coast of. 13 During the Hellenic Ascendency 20 During the 2d and 1st century B. c 37 During the times of Mithradates 38 During the first century a. d 40 During the 2d, 3d, and 4th centuries a. i> 43 Since the division of the Koman Empire in 395 48 About 500 a. D. (the Byzantine Empire) 49 During the Arabic Ascendency 52 About 800 a.d. (the times of Haroun-al-Rashid) 54 During the Age of the Crusades 68 During (he first part of the thirteenth century 62 About 1500 A. n. (the Ottoman Empire) 68 The Ottoman Empire in its greatest extent O'.i The Mongol Empires of Gengliis-Klian and Timur 70 Assyria during i he Egyptian Ascendency 8 During the Assyrian Ascendency 5 During the period of the Four Great Powers 9 During tin" Persian Ascendency 11 Athens nod the Bay of Salamis, (plan of) 18 (The duchy of.) in the thirteenth century 62a Attica. The South Eastern District of Hellas. ... 15 Austrasia, since 567 a.d 51 Since 813 a. d 54 Austria. A march against the incursions of LI Magyars, sinoe 988 a. d. (Under the Baben- bergers until 1246 a.d.) 57 A German duchy since 1166 A. D GO United with Styria, Carinthia, and Carniola 68 Under the Habsburgers since 1J82 1.7 During the sixteenth century 78 ANALYTICAL AND CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. M \P Since 1526 united with Bohemia and Hungaria. 78 During the Thirty Years' War Nt Daring the first part of the 18th century 82 Since 1742 (Peace of Berlin) 85 Austria's gain from the partitions of Poland. ..88-90 Austria during the reigu of Napoleon 91 The Austrian Empire since 1816 94 Austria's position in the German Confederacy.. 98 Austria since the peace of Prague, in 1860 97 Austria in 1871 99 Avars, (Empire of the) 62 B. Babel 1 Babylon 3, 6, 9, 10 Babylonia. One of the four great powers 9 A Persian province 11 A province of the Empire of the Seleucidas 20 Barbarians. After the division of the Empire... 48 About 500 a. d 49 About 700 a. d 52 About 800 a. d 54 About 962 a.d 57 Bavaria. The duchy of Bavaria about 970 a. d. 57 About 1170 a. d., (under the Guelphs) 6 About 1270 a.d., (under the Wittelsbachs) 63 During the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. .67, 78 The Bavarian circle 76 The Electorate of Bavaria 80, 82, 85 The Electorate of Bavaria united with the Rhen- ish Palatinate, Juliers, and Berg 87 The kingdom of Bavaria since 1809 91 The kingdom of Bavaria since 1816 94,98 The kingdom of Bavaria since 1866 97 Bavaria as part of the German Empire 99 Belgium, (Flanders and Brabant,) since 962 57 Brabant and Flanders during the 12th century.. 60 Brabant and Flanders during the loth century.. 63 Flanders (since 1383) and Brabant (since 1406) part of the Burgundian dominion 65 A part of the Burgundian circle since 1512 76 Part of the Netherlands under Charles V 78 The Spanish Netherlands since 1576 a. d ,, 80 Belgium, or the Austrian Netherlands 82, 85 The battle-fields of Belgium 83 Part of the kingdom of the Netherlands sincel816 94 MAP The kingdom of Belgium since 1830 97 Baeotia. A district of Hellas, or Central Greece 16 Bohemia. A German duchy since 962 57 A vassal kingdom since 1086 58 An hereditary kingdom since 1212 63 The keystone of the possessions of the house of Luxemburg iince 1310 67 A part of the Ilabsburg possessions since 1526. 78 During the Thirty Years' War 80 During the eighteenth century 82, 85 During the nineteenth century 91, 94, 97, 99 Bosporus and Constantinople 44 Bourbons. Possessions about 1550 78 On the French throne since 1589 80 On the French and Spanish thrones since 1713.. 82 On the French, Spanish, and Sicilian (Naples and Sicily) thrones since 1748 85 Kings of the Island of Sicily since 1799 91 Restored to their thrones since 1815 94 The Bourbons in 1866 (on the Spanish throne). 97 Brandenburg. A Margraviate since 930 a.d... 57 A Margraviate under the Ascanier, since 1130.. 60 An Electorate under the Ascanier, since 1260... 63 The Electorate of Brandenburg since 1373 A. D., {Under the house of Luxemburg) 67 The Electorate of Brandenburg since 1417 A. i>. (the rlohenzollerns), (united with Ans/nich) 78 Brandenburg since 1648. ( The Electors are also, since 1619, dukes in Prussia) 80 Brandenburg since 1713. (The Electors are also, since 1701, kings in Prussia) 82 Brandenburg since 1748. (The results of the vic- tories of Frederick the Great) 85 Brandenburg after the partition of Poland.. 87 Brandenburg since the peace of Tilsit in 1807... 91 Brandenburg since 1816 94 British Empire. See England. Brunswick. See Guelph. Bulgarian Empire about 700 a. d 52 About 950 A. D , (a Byzantine province) 57 During the twelfth century, (independent) 58 Burgundy. The Burgundian Emp. in 500 a. i). 49, 50 Burgundy a part of the Merovingian Empire... 51 The Burgundian, or Arelatiau kingdom, 950 67 Burgundy a part of the German empire 58 The Burgundian Palatinate about 1230 a.d 60 HAP The kingdom, duchy, and county of Burgundy during the thirteenth century 63 The duchy and county of Burgundy during ihe fourteenth and fifteenth centuries ' I, • 7 The Burgundian dominion of Charles the Bold.. 65 The French provinces of Burgundy and Kranche Comte\ (county of Burgundy 1 75 The Burgundian circle of Germany 7'i The duchy ami county of Burgundy about 1550 78 The county of Burgundy ( tranche Comie) 1648.. 80 The absorption of Franclie Comte by France.... 82 Byzantine Empire, or Greek Empire, in 395... 48 About 500 a. d 49 About 700 a.d. During the Arabic Ascendency ■*'! About 800 a. d 64 About 950 a. u 67 About 1150 a. d. During the Crusades 68 About 1204 a. d. The Latin Empire 62 54 An Arabian possession since 850 a. n 57 A possession of the German Empire since 1002 (m reality a possession of the town of Pita) 58 A possession of the Genoese since 1300 a. d. Thi Corsicans did not acknowledge the Geno- ese sovereignty before 1387) 07, etc. A possession of the French since 1708 91, etc. D. Damascus, (Plan of the city of) 53 Denmark. House of Swen Estritson since 1042.. 58 Under Margaretha, the last of the House of Swen Estritson, [union of Calmar between Den- mark, Norway, and Sweden, 1397—1520) 87 Denmark united with Norway (since 1387) 80 Denmark during the eighteenth century. ..82, 85, S T Denmark 'luring the reign of Napoleon 91 Denmark Bince 1816 '.14 Denmark during the war of 1804 90 Denmark since 1S04 97 Doris. A small district of Hellas 15 Dutch Republic. See Netherlands. E. Edessa, (Christian county of,) in 1142 v. n 59 Egypt. The old Km]. in; of Egypt 1 The new Emp. during the Egyptian Ascendency 3 The new Emp. during the Assyrian Ascendency 5 The Delia, with the seven arms of [he Nile 7 Egypt one of the Pour Great Powers 9 The Persian satrapy of Egypt since 525 n. c 11 The < ; 1 :■•. M Kg\|.nan Empire of the Ptolemies.. 20 The Unman province of Egypt since 80 b. 48 \ diocese of the Greek Empire since 895 a. i>... 48 The Arabic province of Deshar Mesr 010 a. i>... "_' The SyTO-Egyptian Empire of the Ayoubitee 58 The Empire of the Mamelukes since 1251 a. i>.. 68 A Turkish vassal-kingdom since 1517 a. n 69 Bonaparte 1 Egyptian expedition in 1799 a. d... 98 Electorates. The seven Electorates 67 The four Rhenish Electorates 77 Elis. A ■ i 1 - 1 i.<-i oi the Peloponnesus 15 Elzass. Alsace.) A district oi German] 60 MAP Tart of the patrimony of Emp. Frederick II 03 In the times of Charles the bold 65 A district of Germany about 1550 78 A province of France since 1648 75, 80, 82 Reconquered by Germany in 1871 90, 100 England, with Scotland and Ireland. Britannia under the Romans 43, 48 About 500 a. D 49, 50, 51 About 700 A. d 52 About 800 a. d 54 During the Saxon and Norman periods 55 The possessions of the Plantagenets in 1100 58 The scene of the Anglo-Scotch struggle 56 During the Anglo-French struggles and the war of the Roses 64, 67 During the sixteenth century 78 During t he seventeenth century 80 During the eighteenth century 86 During the nineteenth century 91, 'J4. 07, 99 Epirus. (The Western division of N. Greece)... 13 Eubcea, (Negrnpont.) A large island along the Eastern coast of Hellas, or Central Greece 15 Europe. The undivided Roman Empire 40. 43 The Eastern and Western Empire 48 About 500 a. p. The Barbarian Empires 40 About 700 A. D. The Arabic invasions 5*2 The restoration of the Western Empire 5) About 050 a. I). The Holy Roman Empire 57 Ab.mt 1150 a. 11. The Crusades 58 The formation of distinct nationalities 07 The Babsburg preponderance 78 In 1648 a. u. Peace of Westphalia 80 In 1713 a. d. Peace of Utrecht 82 In 1748 a. 11. Peace of Aix-la-Chapelle 85 In I8011 a. 11. Peace of Scbonbrunn 91 In 1810a. 11. Congress of Vienna 1 In 1866 *. d! Peace ol Prague 07 In 1871 a. n. Peace of Versailles 00 F. France, or Gaul. Before the Roman Conquest.. 45 During the Roman dominion 43, 46 Since the divis f the Empire in 305 \. d 48 The Merovingian Empires about 500 a. d 49 The Empire of the Frank under Clovis 50 The division of the Prankish Empire in 567 a. d. 61 MAP The Merovingian Empires about 700 A. n 52 The Empire of Charlemagne and its division.... 54 Francia, or the Duchy of France, about 950 57 The Kingdom of France during the 12th century 58 The North-Eastern and Southern parts of France during the Crusade against the Albigenses... 61 France during the Anglo-French struggles 64 France and Burgundy in the limes of Louis XI. 65 France during the 15th century 07 The successive reunion of the Provinces 75 France and the Bourbon possessions about 1550a. n 78 France at the accession of Louis XIV 80 France at the end of the reign of Louis XIV 82 France in the middle of the 18th century 85 The E. boundary of the French republic in 1705 87 The Empire of Napoleon 1. with its vassal States 91 France after the Congress of Vienna 04 The Empire of Napoleon 111 07 The French republic in 1 ST 1 99 The Franco-Prussian campaign of 1870-71 100 G. Galatia, (State of) 37 Germany. Under the Romans 43 Annul 500 A. 11 49 In ihe time of Clovis 50 Alter the division in 507 A. D 51 About 700 a. n 52 The Empire of Charlemagne and its division... 54 The Empire of Otto the Great in 962 a. i> 57 The German Empire during the 12th century... 58 In 1170 (the Hohenstaufen and the Guelphs).., 60 During the reign of Emperor Frederick II 6 I The Franco-German boundary about 1 ISO 64, 65 The German Empire with the seven Electorates 67 Germany divided into ten circles 70 The four Rhenish Electorates with (Teve. 77 Germany in the times of Charles V 7* During the Thirty Years' War 80 During the first half "I I he 1 sth century 82 During the seoond half of the 18th century 85 During the French revolution s7 The Confederacy of the Rhine 01 Since the Congress of Vienna 01 The German Confederacy, 1815-1866 98 ANALYTICAL AND CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. xui MAP During and after the Austro-Prussian war 97 The German Empire in 1871 99 Granada, (Mohammedan kingdom of.) about 1400 07 Greece, (Hellas.) During the settlement of the Hellenes around and beyond the Archipelago 13 Hellas and Peloponnesus 15 Greece as part of the Empire of Alexander 20 Greece during the 2d and 1st century b. c 87 The Roman province of Achaia since 146 B. c... 43 Macedonia a diocese of the Greek Empire 48 A Venetian province since 1250 A. u 67 A province of the Byzantine Empire since 1440 68 The Turkish provinces of Livadia and Morea... 69 The kingdom of Greece since 1829 a. n 94 Guelphs. About 1170. Guelphs and Ghibellines 60 About 1270. After the Lion's fall 63 In 1714. On the English throne 82, 85 In 1810. During the reign of Napoleon 91 In 1816. After the recovery of Hanover 94 In 1866. After the absorption of Hanover 97, 99 H. Habsburgs. The possessions in Switzerland 66 About 1400. (Archdukes of Austria, etc.) H7 About 1550. (In the zenith of their glory) 78 During and after the Thirty Years' War SO After the extinction of the elder branch 82 Hellas. See Greece. Hohenzollern. (A territory north of the Lake of Constants, and near the sources of the Neckar and Danube.) The original seat of the race. .97, 98 Margraves of Culmbach (Anspach-Baireuth ) and Burgravea of Nuremberg since 1170 a. d 78 Margraves of Brandenburg since 1417 A. l) 7S Dukes in Prussia since 1525 a. r> 78 Margraves of Brandenburg and dukes in Prus- sia since 1619 80 Margraves of Brandenburg and kings in Prus- sia since 1701 82, 85, 87 Kings of Prussia since 1807 91, 94 Presidents of the North-German Confederacy... 97 Emperors of Germany since 1871 99 Holland. See Netherlands. Holy Land, or Canaan. During the Chaldajan Ascendency 1 During the Egyptian Ascendency 3 During the Assyrian Ascendency The Empire of David and Solomon The kingdoms of Israel and Judah During the Persian Ascendency During the Hellenic Ascendency During the Roman Ascendency A part of the Greek Empire since 395 a. u During the Arabic Ascendency During the age of the Crusades The Christian States in the East about 1142 a.i>. Remains of the kingdom of Jerusalem in 1204.. Part of the Empire of the Mamelukes Part of the Ottoman Empire since 1517 a. d Hungary, (or Hungaria.) Since the 10th century During the 12th century (the house of Arpad).. Since 1382 (the house of Luxemburg) Partly under the Turks, partly under the Habs- burgers The kingdom of Hungary in 1648 MAP 5,7 11 20 40 49 52 58 59 626 68 69 57 58 67 80 22. 23, ......9, Israel, (Kingdom of) Italy. During the regal period In the 8th century B. c , In the 7th and 6th centuries b. c The Greek colonies in Southern Italy In the 4th century B. c During the Samnite wars 25, 20, During the Punic wars 28, 29, 30, At the close of the Punic wars A century after the Punic wars During the 1st century A. i> During the Empire, (divided into districts) Since the division of the Empire in 395 a. d About 500 a. d. (The Ostro-Gothic Empire).... About 700 A. D. (The Longobardian Empire).. About 800 a. d. (The times of Charlemagne)... About 962 A. D. (The times of Otto the Great.. About 1130 a. D. (The age of the Crusades)... About 1230 a. r>. (The times of Frederick II.) During the Angevin (French) influence During the 16th century The battle-fields of the Franco-Italian wars During the 17th century. (Spanish influence). Lombardy during the 17th century During the first half of the 18th century MAP During the second half of the 18tL century 85 During the times of Napoleon 91 Proud Italians hailed Napoleon as an Imperator whom Gallic legions hud ratted upon ti< The battle-fields of Northern Italy, 1794-1SOO... Since the Congress of Vienna '1 The kingdom of Italy in 1866 '■' The kingdom of Italy in 1871 99 J. Jerusalem, (Plan of) 8 (Kingdom of ) in 1142 a. i> (Kingdom of) in 1204 a. d 624 Judah, (tribe and kingdom of ) 7 L. Laconica. A district of the Peloponnesus 15 Latium, during the royal period -■'■ Leon, (Kingdom of.) About 800 a. d 54 About 950 a. d 57 About 1150 a. d 58 United with the kingdom of Castile' since 1037.. I ' Locris, two districts of the Peloponnesus 15 Longobardian Empire. About 700 a. r> 52 Lorraine, (Lotharii regnum = Lotharingia. ) One of the three divisions of the (former) Em- pire of Charlemagne since 843 54 A duchy of the Roman Empire since 962 57 Lower Lorraine (called Brabant) and Upper Lorraine (called Lorraine) since 1190 60 Lorraine (i. e., Upper Lorraine) about 1470 i '■ Lorraine under the house of Anjou The German duchy of Lorraine about 1550 7~ The German duchy of Lorraine about 1648 80 Lorraine a French province since 1738 75 The Eastern part of Lorraine in 1871 99, 100 Luxemburg. (Situated exactly to the North of Lor- raine, between the Meutt and Moselle.) The home of the Luxemburg Emperors (marked blue North of Lorraine) 67 A part of the Burguudian dominion since 1483 a. D., and hence a portion of the Spanish and (since 1713) Austrian Netherlands 65 A grand-duchy, governed by the king of Hol- land since 1846. 94 Lydia. one of the Four Great Powers about 600.. 9 XIV ANALYTICAL AND CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. HAP M. Macedonia. A country of Northern Greece, oc- cupying t lie const, etc., around the NAY. corner of the JEgean Sea 13 The kingdom of Macedonia about 323 B. c _n The kingdom of Macedonia since 300 b. c 37 The Honian province of Macedonia since 148 B.C. 43 Macedonia a diocese of tin- Bastern Kmpire Is Media, one of the Four Great Powers about 600 9 Merovingian Empire about 500 A. D 49 About 700 a. 1. 62 Messene, a district of t lie Peloponnesus 15 Milan, (or tin- Milanese.) The Duchy of. About 14(i0 a. f. (Under the Visconti) 67 About 1550. (Under the Spanish Habsburgs)... 78 During and after the Thirty Fears' War 80 During the 18th century S2. 85 N. Naples. (Sicily, or the Two Sioil A province of the Ostro-Gothic Kmpire (500)... 49 A province of the Longobardian Empire (700).. 52 A province of the Byzantine Empire (800) 54, 57 ingdom "t Sicily during the 1-th century. 68 The kingdom of Sicily aboul 1230 6'! The kingdom of Naples aboul 1 100 67 The kingdom of ' .ul 1560 78 The kingdom of Naples since 1718 82 f, _: ■ i . . ii i i,i the Two Sicilies since 1748 85 The kingdom of Naples in 1810 ( Mur.it | 91 The kingdom of the 'I - 80 ■ .. 94 Navarre, a Christian kingdom of Spain since 842 a. D., [originally called Pampeluna) 57 Navarre during the 12th century 68 The kingdom of Navarre aboul 1 100 a. d 67 ■ 1512 a. t>. mi ted with Castile (the i/rcutrr <.r Southern part — the mailer or Northern part came t>, Prance) 78 re the patrimony of Henry IV 75 Netherlands. ■ lloll.i r I rman duchy ol Lower I t i> 57 A part of the Burgundian dominion . 65 A part of the Burgundian circle ol Germany. ... 76 The Netherlands during the 16th century 7* l ;•■ Dutch republic since 157'.' 8u The Dutch republic during the 18th century ... E MAP The battle-fields of the Netherlands 83 A part of the Kmpire of Napoleon 91 A kingdom since 1816. (Holland and Belgium). 94 Neustria. The North-western part of the Prank- ish Kmpire since 567 a. n 51 The Western part of the Kmpire of Charlemagne 54 The country, since 912. called Normandy 55 Nile. From source to mouth 1 The Delta, with the seven mouths of the Nile... 4 Nineveh, (I'lan of the Ruins of ) 5 Norway. During the 1 2th century 58 United with Denmark since lo s 7 80 Norway and Denmark in the 18th century 87 United with Sweden since 1815 '.'7 o. Ostrogothic Empire under Theodoric 49 P. Palestina. See Hor.Y Land. Palatinate, (Rhenish.) In the 17th century. ..77. 80 In the 18th century, (with Juliers and Berg)„82, 85 ("nited with Bavaria 87 Palatinate, i Dpper. ) That part of Bavaria winch is Dorth of the Danube 82 Pampeluna. A Christian kingdom in Northern Spain since the beginning of the 10th century [Sim 1 109 a. n i' was called Navarre) 57 Papal States, (755-1870.) Patrimonium Petri ill the middle of the 10th century 57 During the 14th and 15th centurit a 67 The I'apal States during tin* 16th century 78 The Papal State, during tin' 17th century 80 The Papal States during 'le 1Mb century - The I'apal Stale- Bince I81H :>l The Patrimoni Petri , I860- l^T'i, 97 Parthia. See Pibsi v. Peloponnesus, (Morea.) The Dorian and i, i in settlements in the Peloponnesns 13 The seven divisions of the Peloponnesus 15 Dunns the times of the Ichsaan Confederacy... .17 The Roman province of Ichaia -it I 16 n. c... 43 'I'ln- Bastern diocese of Macedonia Bince 896 a. i> 48 The pi ipalitl i sal state of the Latin Empire) since [204 a. d 62a Morea, a province of the Venetian republic since 1250 a. d 67 The principal part of the Byzantine Empire since 1410 a. d 68 A province of the Ottoman Empire since 1460... 69 Part of the kingdom of Greece since 1829 a. d.. 94 Pergamus, (Kingdom of) 37 Persia, or Persis. An Assyrian province 700 5 A Median province about 600 B. c 9 The Persian Ascendency about 500 B. c 11 A province of the Empire of the Seleucidoe. 300 20 The Parthian or Persian Empire since 255 B. c. 40 During the 3d, 4th. and 5th centuries a. i> 48, 49 Fars, or Persia, since 636 a. b 52 A semi-dependent part of the Empire of the Caliphs (since 901 under the Soffarides) 54 A province of the Mongol Empire since 1370 70 Phocis, a district of the Peloponnesus 15 Poland. The Christian duchy of Poland since 963 under the Piasts) 57 The kingdom of Poland during the 12th century 58 During the 14th and 15th centuries (under the Jagellos) 67 The Polish republic under the presidency of an elected king (since 1573) 78 The republics of Poland and Lithuania 1569 "i 1 (Since 1386 Poland and Lithuania had been gov- ernedby //" eanu aovtrt ion, but as distinct count In the middle of the 18th century 85 The three partitions of Poland..." 88, 89, ! u The grand-duchy of Warsaw 91 The kingdom ot Poland (under Russia I '.'7 The Russian government of Poland (since 1863) '.'9 Pontus, (Kingdom of) ■ 37, 68 Prussia. The home of the heathen Servians, Wends, Letts, and Goths before 1280 a. D...57, 58 The country of the Teutonic Order since 1230 l.D, 67 A vassal duchy of Poland ruled by the younger branch of the Hohenzollern since 1526 \. d... 78 A vassal duchy nf Poland ruled by the Elector of Brandenburg since 1618 a. n. (The elder branch of the Hohenzollernt, and, as such, leijal linrs t" the younger line) 80 A sovereign kingdom, ruled by the Elector of Brandenburg -nice 1701 a d 82, B5 Prussia after the partition of Polaud 87 ANALYTICAL AND CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. MAP The Prussian monarchy since 1807 91 The Prussian monarchy since 1816 94 The Prussian monarchy since 1866 '.'7 The Prussian monarchy since 1871 99 Pyramids, (The Fit-Id of the) 2 R. Rome. The vicinity of Rome. (Ager Romanus). 21 Beginnings of Rome about 750 b. c 5 Beginnings of Rome about 550 B. c 1 1 The consolidated dominion of Rome during the Hellenic Ascendency about 300 b. c 20 Home during the First Punic war 28 Rome at the end of the First Punic war 29 Rome during the Second Punic war 30 Rome at t lie end of the Second Punic war 31 The Roman dominion at the close of the Punic wars 35 The Roman dominion a century after the close of the Punic wars 36 The Eastern part of the Roman dominion during the two centuries preceding the birth of Christ 37 The Roman Ascendency 40 The Roman Empire until 395 a. d 43 Division and subdivision of the Roman Empire. 48 Rome, (Plan of) 41 4.' Russia under Valadimer the Great, about 980 a.d. 57 The grand-duchy of Valadimer under the de- scendants of his twelve sons 58 The conquest of Russia by the Golden Horde... 70 Russia during the 17th century Sir Russia towards the end of the 18th century 87 The acquisitions of Russia by the partitions of Poland 88, 89, 90 Rus-ia during the times of Napoleon 91 Russia since 1816 94, 97, 99 s. Sardinia, a Carthaginian possession 20, 28 A Roman province (with Corsica) since 237 B.C. 3(1 A Vandal province since 468 a. 11 4'.l A Byzantine possession about 800 A. ti ."il An Arabian possession since 853 a. d 57 A possession of the German Empire since 1022 (In reality, a possession of the town of 1'isa).... 58 M*P The kingdom of Sardinia since 1104 a. d 63 A part of the Aragonese monarchy since 1324 07 A part of the Empire of Charles V. since 1516 78 A part of the Empire of the Habsburgs since 1713 82 A part of the Sardinian kingdom since 1748.... 85 The kingdom of Sardinia since 1798 a. d 91 A part of the Sardinian kingdom since 1810.... 94 A put of the kingdom of Italy since 1860 97, 99 Savoy. The duchy of Savoy about 1400 a. d 67 The duchy of Savoy with Piedmont about 1550 78 The duchy of Savoy with Piedmont about 1648 80 Savoy with Piedmont and Sicily since 1713 82 Savoy with Piedmont and Sardinia since 1748.. 85 The kingdom of Sardinia since 1798 91 The kingdom of Sardinia since 1816 94 The kingdom of Italy in 1866 97 The kingdom of Italy in 1871 99 Saxony. Settlements of the Saxons about 500 49 Tin* Saxons during the reign of Clovis 50 Settlements of the Saxons about 700 a. d 52 The duchy of Saxony in 960. The Billungs 57 The duchy of Saxony in 1170. The Guelphs... 60 The Electorate of Saxony in 1422. The Wettius 67 The Upper and Lower Saxon circles 76 Saxony since 1547. The Wettins (younger branch) 80 Saxony since 1697. (The Electors also kings of Poland) ."82, 85 The Electorate of Saxony since 1763 87 The kingdom of Saxony since 1807. (The king of Saxony also duke of Warsaw) 91 The kingdom of Saxony since 1816 94 Saxony since 1866 97 Saxony in 1S71 (part of the German Empire). 99 Scotia, or Ireland 55 Seleucidse, (Empire of) 20 Servia. Since 638 a. d. A principality semi-de- pendent on the Byzantine Empire 54 Since 1018 a. d. A Byzantine province 57 Since 1195 a.d. An independent kingdom. ..58, 62a Since 1389 a. d. A principality semi-dependent on the Ottoman Empire 67, 68 Since 1459 a. n. An Ottoman province 69 Since 1817 a.d. An hereditary principality semi- dependent on the Ottoman Empire 97, 99 Sicily. Colouizedby the Phoenicians in the West 5 HAP Colonized by the Greeks in the East 9. 1 : During the first Punic war 2* A Roman province since 240 B. c 30, etc. After the destruction of the Roman Empire 49 First Arabic conquest since 664 a. d 52 A Byzantine province until 880 a. d 54 A province of the Western Caliphate since 965 54 United with Apulia forming the Norman king- dom of Sicily since 1 130 a. i> 68 The kingdom of the Hohenstaufen since 1191... >. A province of Aragonese monarchy since 1282 57, A possession of the Sp. Babsburgs since L516 78 A possession of the house of Savoy since 1713... 82 United with Naples forming the Bourbon king- dom of the Two Sicilies since 1816 The Bourbon kingdom of Sicily since 1798 91 United with Naples forming the Bourbon king- dom of the Two Sicilies 91 A province of the kingdom of Italy since 1 86(1... 9 7. 99 Spanish Peninsula. During the Punic wars...28-30 After the Punic wars 31, 3.j, 36 During the 1st century a. d I I During the 2d, 3d, and 4th centuries a. d 43 Since the division of the Empire in 395 a. d 4s The Visi-Gothic Empire about 500 a. d 49 The Arabic conquest since 713 a. d - The Caliphate of Cordova about 800 a. d G I The rise of the Christian kingdoms (950) 57 During the Age of the Crusades 58 About 1400 a.d., (before the union of Aragon and Castile) 67 The discoveries of the Spaniards and Portu- guese in the 15th and 16th centuries 71 During the reign of Emperor Charles V 7~ During the 17th century ' ' During the reign of Philip V., (the first of the Spanish Bourbons) 85 During the times of Napoleon 91 Spain after the Congress of Vienna '-'I Spain and Portugal in 1866 97 Spain and Portugal in I81 1 '•' '■' Sparta and its neighborhood, (Plan of) 16 Susa, (Plan of the Ruins of) 12 Sweden. During the 12th century 58 Since the peace of Westphalia in 1648, Sweden in the zenith of its glorv) 80 XVI ANALYTICAL AND CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. MAP Since the pence of Nystadt in 1721, (the loss of the Baltic provinces) 87 Since the Congress of Vienna in 1815, (united with Norway.) (Finland had been conquered by Russia in 1809) 97 Switzerland. Central Switzerland the scene of the Swiss struggle against Habsburg GO Western Switzerland the scene of the Swiss struggle against Burgundy 67 Switzerland during the 16th century (a part of the German Empire) 78 Tin- independent republic of Switzerland (with Wallis and Valtellinaj since 1648 80 The independent republic of Switzerland dur- ing the 19th century 91-99 Syracuse, (l'lan of the city and harbors of J 34 T. Tarentum, (Plan of the city and harbor of) 27 Thebes, ( l'lan of the ruins of Egyptian) 3 I Plan 01 the Greek town of) la Thessaly, (The S.E. division of N. Greece) 18 Thrace, (To the north of the .Egean Sea) 13 A satrapy of the Persian Empire since 60S n. c. 11 A Roman province since 47 a. i> 43 Tripolis. (Christian kingdom of, in 1162) 59 Troy, I The Field of) H MAP Turkey, (Ottoman Empire.) The Turkish Em- pire of Iconium in the 13th century 62 The Ottoman Empire in the 15th century 68 The 0. Empire in its greatest extent in 1682 69 The N.W. boundary of the Empire about 1550... 78 The N.W. boundary of the Empire about 1748.. 85 The N.W. boundary of the Empire about 1795.... 91 The Turkish Empire in Europe since 1829 94 The Turkish Empire in Europe since 1866 97 The Turkish Empire in Europe since 1870 99 u. United States, in 1783 73 V. Valtellina. From 1512 till 1797 the South-eastern part of Switzerland (the upper valley of the Adda) 80 Vandal Empire. About 500 a. d 49 Venice. The Venetian dominion about 1400 a. i>. 67 ( The Morea, although in reality Venetian, was generally considered a province of the Byzantine Empire. This is indicated by giving it the same color as Venice on Map 67, but green on Map 68.) The Venetian dominion about 1515 A. D 79 The Venetian dominion about 1550 a. d 78 The Venetian dom during the 17th century. ..80, 81 The Venetian dom. during the 18lh century ...82, 85 MAP w. Wettin, (The House of.) Elder or Ernestine branch. Electors of Saxony since 1422 67 Dukes of Saxony since 1547. Younger or Albertine branch. Electors of Saxony since 1547 80 Electors of Saxony and kings in Poland since 1697 82, 85 Electors of Saxony since 1763 87 Kings of Saxony and Dukes of Warsaw since 1807 91 Kings of Saxony since 1815 94 Prussian vassal-kings since 1866 97, 99 Wittelsbach, (The House of ) 63 Dukes of Bavaria since 1180 63 Dukesof Bavaria and Count-Palatines since 1215 07 Dukes of Bavaria and Elector-Palatines since 1270 67 The elderbranchEleetor-Palatines(1294-1799) 77, 82 The younger branch Dukes of Bavaria since 1294 78,82 The younger branch Electors of Bavaria (1623- 1777) 80, 82 Union of all the Wittelsbach territories in 179'.l ( Under Max Josef representing the elder branch) 87 Kings of Bavaria since 1805 91 Kings of Bavaria and the Palatinate since 1*16 94 Kings of Bavaria and the Palatinate since 1866 97 Prussian vassal-kings since 1871 99 I I'H-Kt progressive Nfap CHALDAEAN ASCENDENCY under t'hetlov l.m mev A i i— l\ x |> I a ii a I i on Chaltl fit'fttt timjnrc in //.* rmtr.st c.x'ttllt is <'<*/<> rrti hiitt* - Second progressive Map EGYPTIAN ASCKXDKNCY under Rxitne* < v // 111 T 1 1 i i ■ 1 1 pro tfre s s rvc Map \SSYR1AN ASCENDENCY it n :<>" 3tH , . ,i„ _ 1 ■ ■ ■ ""(''» ini^i-cssivc Mill) GREAT POWERS In tt i a ns Da rictus 1 iichuvfttts and Afolian VIII BELLAS .ma PELOPOXNKSrS X ITALY during the peg a] d . X 5-^ *. 8 = 5 ^ i — 1 fl a c • ■ ft c eh ■x h - ._= • c \'II ROME & CARTHAGE /// f/tf> t>/ir? of fhf first J f unir rrnr- Mil he Wcatcrn />r,ri of i/«- O.MAN DOMINION iti Utr tlase t>l' f/fi Pitr/ir It't/r.r XIV XV Seventh progressiva Map THE ROMAN ASCEBDEHCl dm-iny die first C eiUmyA J) The h'i/niifn "Empire is colored \ r I la it ' The white Spot i.t eal/irtjetl on -A' / Tr lit fir nf< J'l/JI tcr Z ■ June 3 Jgrttriunt 4 TkmpU at Sttitr* ■S ■ - Conrfnl 6 TuUtuittt m ', 'I'lir iir,! B 7%e Senate Bail .0 Temple tf.it Hi Faiutn hii.riitett it f',ir*-tiin f>-i.ri/tr,i n Trniflrt't' t'eltctfr 'fkmitum II .leiiej t'enattum U Ar,lrj)ulu It,' //flwt/juflj hortr fl Theeolt. UT.aff I? liraeexulneit •'•' JaUai It ii riniM 7/ JeUej Out" Uinerru Z2 Aeiir* f&ttai ZS ra&mni ijttir XVI Tlu'Bosj>ui'us and Canstantinople fcjfere ftg ggn '/■" rt ITALY durtity tin' Empire The /■/ tUrtrid ttrr wtirkrti XVII Division & Subdivision of the ROMAN EMPIRE since 395 .1.1). The tjreeft h'rii pi i-r •■* iiihifr,! The Latin Bmpiix i*tmtor**\ Ww The H'^khii- ^'Iift'lr /Ae >if>ee*e* XVIII XIX The division <>l" tlie FKAXKISH EMPIRE in5B7 A.D XX Eighth progressive nxap AKAMC ASCENDENCY under (*iltf>h Wirfai /. V) xplana tioai of colors The Chri.situn world is colored ycUo Tile Heathen world, ts colored, yrcm The Ataham mtdau world is colored /'■'' XXI XXII XXIII Sultanate of Iconium XXIV EUROPE durliLg the Ci °' Century 'Die Ao> of Ow drasaxLes biuM Thr poaae&iian* vl'tlie TluntuurnH* iii JlfiOar, Itm-d The f'ffftn/in h'rnptre u coloret! f,Ln.n The Christian states in the EuM ttrr aljontfhtue 'flu- h'vzuiitinr Kinpu-c tJ cdtweft ief/o\r The Western CdtiphtUe ie colored green The KtisU-rn CutipUntr i.y Intni armmn XXV XXVI //.. /„■,,./,/.,,;, //„..M-r*v,„„.v colored tfrwn XXVIII WESTERN EUROPE about 1400 A D English dominion hlustuzes .1i/tii/tiirt/' rrii hnv-\ Fbcnch dominion red . t/tt/'i in dominion Araaonese dominion brown In. ventburrj possessions hint, Bdftffbiwzr possessions pui'pin The lt/tmr,vi>t'thr \TVrn tirt'/O/f* ies arr it/t//rr/t//f//. Thr fhiun/hil fhuJiH-.sm Herman} iuv written m Caps. kni;i,\vi) L« M '" % Win r...l,rlrr . lu-.^iry -J*/** '' / ''' Oi.H.rr.vtvr ! tT 4^ / > /"' / '- Winrhnr/rA ,„.,.:%■*■ - PHANCE.1 ii.i. iiy K .1 fienuuwn "' ' % . i;rfii;rsin /" .1 A;«t,«»A •,, «'« J,:,i,,.„, " //„„/ ,., - .-.,.. "- si :' v :r — i-'v SSIA I, We%& &+m£ ':::; % I" \ o Tin- Milanese \lJ.'"l'lllW'. , x . .,/,/.,„ uy.vxswu «. / , ,...., . vi:i'" ,; l\l.ll;,l,.|„,,... - FraJtefonl ./ r. 1. 1 1 s, i I i.i •s 1/ 11/ \ I I ti.nl,,,.,, Ir,,,,',,- Bamberg POLAND l,;,l,y*;,„ y Brum. S<> n. /,',/,/ .*■/.:,**, iri,,,-r ^ jfrT^lkr'""' /^l-r Aicilia !■ \ Morr.V, TT ^ X.XIX XXX 7//, (.nil',,. STLAWRENCE CantimiiitiDR n/ V \\\l ; > t I ; ~. t XXXII ETJUOPE in. 164-8 Peace oEWestpJialia C i pel i.i ll',7„, XXXII! Sfianuih )l n t.*i.<,r : „ Ilohm-zellrrn fro**. t,l*tr Stu-nr pn** y&tlfW t'ranrr red rcn*ff - i r/Ze* tinm to la ntl | Tht* map lUtuAriilr.t ulro iht Sarnd itt u vo - Sel&vtrmu n wutj Ysknr l u/,/lrr n ' nrlr ' -r. XT and 11T J.ivoiiia ; jjf ^ Atntjlrti&h _ Jjy x f 1 ~ , -'; \Ronia"s"»a|- XXXIV — — — « In I>() LAN I) E V rt O I* E i.v 1713. I'i'ace of* Utr«--htm AW l Gurlpht K' * Ihtei Vjni'it4,'t BauHwttJ - ' ~ | HvhetitoUrr-n hbiM Comi'IhiuL • into* XXXV El'UOPK i.n 1718 , Peace of Aix la Cham-He. KI'SSIA ?.u-/,,/„ r Ftvpouk Trri-nii/iOiO . XXXVI b'rrnvi, l^/.uhltr h'tul The /foit-Tf of KiOMOUfg Purplr 'i ■• (>tli I ftha Ktv.r line* hk- IIt>h/nsf.ollcrii I'li/e h i . Congress of Vienna - Hue rf /;.,-.*..., f.-r./ Jtahnn !■ Gtuipkt Klur i'*ew /Mrrixo/f,-//, IU-' TeOne H'lt/rUhnah ftwyi ll'rf/t i, "r-anw l.nr.v l> r mt,ui i. Ctt-em- XXXIX eubope a mm Peace of Prag'ur. EUROPE IN I S 7 I . ■ .V/„ //,,„./ //.T SCANDINAVIA t ' i m ii I ;>ii<1 ■ *.V/. \ "V- -„'" .ll-r.lr,.,/;,,; *"*"'• KS iinthlatut i ',.,./ X u ~£*J*n!riin/ K1ANII ""Biii^h mis< 4S* °l..„ir(t n.rk Kxtii.ANn; ; Xr,*t„l .•I ■• Tinrtt /•' < ".* / \Fn«sliui.l v , ,»„..,„„.„ /v^ *&■-.— ^ ( E ( M P „i RE>y ,^- f/ s S $ ^OKlIMJA iu„...u /.„/,/, n *? £ Jr""?&~ »•■■■■'■ .- * l «*o JTTROl AUSTRIA t.T>...r|-^ ^^^ . Jfi/on 8^^ -■*. Avignon/ ; % JT~^ -^ ^ tnnlniu.r /EMPIRE = ' v - >" . T liANSM.VAMA .,/- H'A1.I,A.«7H J A :r i ^ s ', SKRVIA.W././,,, :y,*,,„/u •iWiin S J* Until r "\ d i n . B .. \ '.*/'/'■-'• - I. M &.ROCCO fiitt.rhin/iif Sicilv I TURKISH EMPIRE 1 * „K -§ UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. REC'O ID " MAR I APR Ultl 6^1 REC'D LDUMI MAR 26 #79 fi, MAY 2 6 1978 ttMJffi" **Cfc A PR Q*c °£pr. ifPf ■ ? s URC 1 5 1979 Form L9-Serii Lilh 573