^■■*K*9mmmmmmmm**~ ■■':-:i^'i-'"- : '■;■;'"-..:*.'::'••: : v^J*-- S: : ; " -v.- EW POEMS *£~ T REESE LIBRARY -s-o UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. Receive Accessions No.*** 8- 6%^ i\fo. — t- 4> NEW POEMS By the same Autlwr. ON VIOL AND FLUTE : Lyrical Poems. Second Edition. 1876. KING ERIK : a Tragedy. 1876. STUDIES IN THE LITERATURE OF NORTHERN EUROPE. With a Frontispiece, Designed and Etched by Alma Tadema. 1879. NEW POEMS EDMUND W. GOSSE LONDON C. KEGAN PAUL & CO., i PATERNOSTER SQUARE 1879 ^7 3<^ ( The rights, of translation and of reproduction are reserved) TO MY FRIEND HAMO THORNYCROFT ffi- r V < SCULPTOR CONTENTS. PAGE Proem x j The Gifts of the Muses i The Sisters 21 The Lost Lyre 33 By the Riyer • • 37 The Farm 41 At Dawn 47 The Loyer and the Waterlily .... 48 The YVhitethroat 52 The Maenad's Grave 58 The Return of the Swallows 60 The Autumn of the World 64 Life in Death 67 Desiderium 70 The Pipe Player 73 Verdleigh Coppice 74 The Praise of Dionysus 84 viii CONTENTS. PAGE The Praise of Artemis . ... SS Euthanasia 96 Greece and England 97 The First Snow ico The Suicide 101 The Burden of Delight 104 February in Rome 113 The Golden Isles 114 Leave-taking 120 Song 122 Worship 123 Winter Green 126 The Tomb of Sophocles 129 The Palinode 130 The Aconite 140 To my Daughter 141 Alcyone 144 The Houseleek 147 The Suppliant 150 The Well 151 Dizain 153 VlLLANELLES : — Would'st thou not be content to die . .• . .154 Little mistress mine, good-bye . . . . . 155 Sestina 157 CONTENTS. PAGL ROXDEAU I Go ROXDEL l62 The Ballad of Dead Cities 164 My own Grave 167 A Year 174 Beachy Head 176 A Winter Jixgle ...... 178 Dora at the Play 180 The Loss of the Eurydice - . , iSi The Bath . 1S7 Hans Christian Andersen 188 Eros 192 Ox Dartmoor • 194 May Morning , 196 Serenade 2