r LIPR' \RY "N UNlVi. :,! ■y Of CALIFiJkHia <- SAN D FGO J Tn3 •Hhmniii ^=^ - i l,j;^jf^9 ^ffeOi^j^iij ^^^ "' ^lJfy^////r/i'///////r// X"' -^' I5 Hasea stnM nm i^™ 6Zf Sumner, passim. CHARLEMAGNE TOWER. W June, 1847, Ijy whom he had one son and six daughters ; and his legal interests induced him to take up his residence in Pennsyl- vania, which he did, in the spring of 1848, at Orwigsburg, at that time the county-seat of Schuylkill County, where he lived until 1850, when, upon the removal of the county-seat to Pottsville, he also moved his residence to that place. He lived in Pottsville from 1850 to 1875. Mr. Tower's career at the bar in Pennsylvania brought him in contact with some of the most difficult and intricate questions of law, more especially upon the subject of titles to lands. The great coal-fields of the State had become the subject of wide- spread litigation, which led to the trial of cases tliat frequently involved estates of large value, and the conduct of which called into action the best legal talent of the day. Mr. Tower's life during this period of more than twenty-five years was exceedingly active and laborious. It was his custom to prepare his cases for trial, not only with a wonderful nicety of detail, so that in coming before the court he was prepared to meet the most exacting inquiry, but also to go out upon the lands themselves, which often lay in a mountainous country, almost inaccessible by reason of thick forest and heavy undergrowth, and to run the lines and establish the monuments himself, in company with his engineers. His excellent training in early life, his patient labor and un- tiring industry, as well as his good judgment in questions of law, and his able treatment of them, won for him a standing at the bar among the foremost lawyers in Pennsylvania. While his devo- tion to the interests of his clients, and his sterling integrity as a man, brought him a very wide practice, his ojiinion upon ques- tions of title was esteemed so highly that it is not unusual, even now, to hear him quoted in open court as authority. Mr. Tower was the leading counsel in the famous trials that arose out of questions relating to the Munson and Williams estate, in Schuylkill County, comprising a large body of coal 10 THE TOWER COLLECTION. lands, the litigation in regard to which he carried along for more than twenty-five years. He mastered it, and perfected the title to these lands, which are now the property of the Philadelphia and Reading Coal and Iron Company; and his footsteps may be traced through many other great legal battles in different counties of Pennsylvania. At the breaking out of the war of the Rebellion, Mr. Tower's loyalty to the Union was instant and decisive. Although he was fifty-two years of age, and long accustomed to the sedentary habits of his profession, he determined to take the field, lie enlisted a body of two hundred and seventy men, \vithin one week, at Pottsvillc, and proceeded with them to Ilarrisburg, where they were mustered into the service of the United States on the 21st day of April, 1861. They were divided into two whole companies and part of a third, and attached to the Sixth Regiment of Pennsylvania Volunteers, in the three months' cam- paign. Mr. Tower having asked to be made captain, received his commission at the time of their entering the service and com- manded, throughout its term, one of his companies, — Company H, Sixth Regiment. He was under the command of General Robert Patterson, and moved into Virginia by way of Chambers- burg and Hagerstown, crossing the Potomac River at Williams- port, June 21, 1861, and taking part in the action at Falling Waters, very early in the war. Mr. Tower provided uniforms for his whole company at his own expense. He was mustered out of service \vith his men, at the end of their term of service, at Ilarrisburg, on the 26th of July, 1861, whence he returned to his family. Afterwards he paid a bounty of five dollars a man to a fiill company, recruited for three years by Captain Henry Pleasants (his second lieutenant in the tiiree months' cam^jaign ; later, brigadier-general); this was Company C, Forty-eighth Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, which performed much honor- able service and became distinguished in the war. CHARLEMAGNE TOWER. 11 On the loth of August, 1861, Mr. Tower's men, who had served under him in the campaign, marched to his residence in Poltsville and presented liim witli an exceedingly handsome sword, bearing this inscription : Presented by the Tower Guards, of Potts ville, Pa., To Capt. Chablemaone Tower, As a token of their respect for him as a man and soldier, and of their esteem for him as a friend. August 10, 1861. Mr. Tower was appointed United States Provost Marshal for the Tenth Congressional District of Pennsylvania, on the 18th of April, 1863, which commission he held until his resignation on the 1st of May, 1864, during a period of great national anxiety and many difficulties that at this time grew out of the carrying on of the war. His administration was soldierly, vigorous, and con- sistent, and won for him high distinction at Washington. Mr. Tower continued in the practice of his profession, after his return from the war, until 1875, when he retired from activity at the bar, and in the fall of that year moved to Philadelphia, in order to devote himself to his jirivate interests, in various indus- tries and enterprises, which had grown to be verj* large. During his residence in Pennsvlvania hu had become owner of larije bodies of coal land, and was director in several corporations, in which he was a party in interest. lie was part owner in the well- known Coxe and Tower lands, on the Green Mountains in Schuylkill County. He was one of the original proprietors of the " Honey Brook Coal Company,"' and for many years one of its managers, and he took an active part, in conjunction with Mr. Charles Parrish and Mr. John Taylor .Johnston, in transforming that successful enterprise into the " Lehigh and Wilkes-Barre Coal Company." He was also actively interested in the construc- tion and management of the Northern Pacific Railroad, and a 12 THE TOWER COLLECTION. member of its Board of Directors for several years. The assist- ance given by him to this road, by both personal attention to its affairs and financial support, frequently, when it became necessary, were of very great value to the company; and Mr. Tower may fairly be said to have contributed largely to its ultimate success. His judgment and foresight in business affairs placed him among the few men who never lost confidence in the value of this road, or in the great future development of the country through which it has been built. The greatest and the most successful undertaking, perhaps, of Mr. Tower's long business career was his development of the iron resources of Minnesota, now well known to the world as the Vermilion Range. The presence of large deposits of iron ore in that country ha^^ng been brought to his attention about the year 1875, he made a thorough investigation of their quantity and value by sending out several expeditions to exj^lore them and report to him; the result of which having proved extremely favorable, he concluded to proceed with their actual development. The enterprise was a daring one. These ore bodies lay in St. Louis County, Minnesota, some ninety miles north-east from Duluth and about seventy miles in a direct line north from the north shore of Lake Superior. The country was densely wooded, was traversed by many small streams and broken by long stretches of swamp that in the summer season were almost impassable. Provisions, as well as materials and supplies, could only be trans- ported in midwinter, laboriously, over the frozen ground and on the snow, frequently at a temperature of forty degrees Fahrenheit below zero, and in the summer carried upon the backs of men, or over a circuitous route by Indians in canoes. The opening and working of the iron mines at this great distance from the out- skirts of civilization implied a formidable expenditure ; but this was far surpassed by the necessity of constructing a railroad seventy miles long to the nearest water communication, the shore CHARLEMAGNE TOWER. 13 of Lake Superior, and equipping it, in order to transport the product of tlie mines to market, and tlie construction of sufficient dock and harbor facilities for vessels to receive it at the water's edge. Many experienced business men, consulted in regard to the enterprise, drew back from an undertaking fraught with so many and so great dangers. But Mr. Tower's courage was sup- ported by his judgment derived from careful and systematic investigation, and he determined, at the age of seventy-three, to carry out his purpose single-handed. After having acquired title to the lands which contained the ore deposits, and also to a Itody of land lying upon Lake Superior, known then a.s Burlington Bay and Agate Bay, which he afterwards called Two Harbors, he formed in 1888 two companies, the " Minnesota Iron Company" and the " Duluth and Iron Range Railroad Company," the former of which owned the latter. He built the railroad from the mines at Lake Vermilion to Two Harbors, on Lake Superior, seventy miles ; erected large docks, round-houses, machine-shops and saw- mills, and pro\nded equipment for the transportation of the ore ; besides carrying along the development of the mines in order that their product might be ready for shijiment at the completion of the railroad. The iron ore lay in veins, tilted into a position almost vertical, extending for more than a mile in a north-easterly and south-westerly direction, and varying in thickness from forty to one hundred and fifty feet. Tin- ore was a hard specular hematite, jieldiug by analysis sixty-eight per cent, of metallic iron and from thirty-thousandths to fifty-thousandths of phos- phorus, free from sulpluir and all refractory substance. Mr. Tower carried along this enterprise with vigor and deter- mination until August, 1884, when the railroad was completed and put into operation, and the first shipments of ore were made from Two Harbors to Cleveland. These shipments met ^-ith great favor after haNnng been largely distributed among the iron and steel manufacturers of Illinois, Ohio, and Pennsylvania, and 14 THE TOWER COLLECTION. almost from its departure, Mr. Tower's enterprise was proved to be successful. The country opened very rapidly, and soon after a considerable town, called Tower, grew up on the shore of Lake Vermilion, and another at Two Harbors; whilst along the line of the railroad, lumbering interests, the quarrying of granite, and various industries sprang up mth the increase of population. In 1886 the railroad line was constructed along the shore of Lake Superior, twenty-seven miles, to Duluth. The annual shipments of ore from the mines at Tower, which in 1884, at the opening of the railroad, were sixty-eight thousand tons, increased in 1885 to two hundred and twenty-five thousand tons, in 1886 to three hun- dred thousand tons, and in 1887 to four hundred thousand tons. This industry, planted by the energy and courage of a single man in a remote and difficult country, placed the State of Minnesota, hitherto unkno^\ni as a mineral-producing district, in the space of four years among the foremost iron markets of the United States, employed fifteen hundred men in its mines, and gave support, directly and indirectly, to more than five thousand people. It is not too much to say that this was one of the most remarkable developments ever made in the United States. Its value to Minnesota, and indeed to the whole country of the North-west, in the benefits that are likely to be derived from it, are almost incal- culable. Mr. Tower in it erected a proud monument to himself as a man and a benefactor of his fellow-man that will endure and grow greater as time goes on. In the year 1887 it was found that valuable deposits of iron ore existed throughout a long stretch of country lying to the east and north-east of the Minnesota Iron Company's property at Tower. These were explored after the opening of the railroail and they had been acquired by various individual owners and companies, who were ready to open new mines upon the extension to tiiem of the railroad by whicii they might reach a nuirket with tiieir product. Mr. Tower concluded that, having carried out success- CHARLEMAGXE TOWEE. 15 fully his own undertaking, he did not msh singly to build the road to an unlimited extent in order to supply the demands that naturally arose as the country was more fully explored ; neither did he wish to separate his railroad from the mines at Tower by transferring its ownership from the Minnesota Iron Company. He therefore concluded to make a combination \\-ith a syndicate formed in Xew York and Chicago, which already had large interests to the east of him. These gentlemen bought from him his entire property in May, 1887, which he then transferred to them, retaining, however, an interest considerably smaller than his former holding, in the new organization which they formed, called " The Minnesota Mining and Railroad Syndicate." This arrangement was highly advan- tageous in a financial sense to Mr. Tower, who now had the gratification of having proved the wisdom of his foresight and of having seen his great undertaking carried through to an emi- nently successftil issue, and in a very short time. He retained the Presidency of the Minnesota Iron Company, at the request of the syndicate, until October, 1887, when he resigned his office. WTiereupon the Board of Directors, composed of the new owners, passed the following resolution, which they had handsomely engrossed and sent to him. Resolred, That in thus severing, at his request, the active connection of Mr. Tower with the Company, we desire to place upon the permanent records of the organization our high appre- ciation of the great service he has performed in developing and rendering successful the enterprise. Mr. Tower came to its support in itd infancy, and has been, from the beginning, its pro- moter and ruling spirit, giving to it always, unselfishly, the benefit of his ripe jnf them are exceedingly rare and valuable. I desire and 19 20 THE TOWER COLLEC?riON. request that the Historical Society shall always keep these books together in one collection, to be known as " The Charlemagne Tower Collection," in order that they may sorv^e as a memorial to him and to the interest that he felt in the Ilistorical Society and its work. In giving these books to the Society, I believe I am doing what my husband would wish to have done if he were now living. It gives me great pleasure, in making this presentation, to do so through you who for many years were among those of Mr. Tower's friends for whom he had the highest consideration and respect. I am, sir, Very truly yours, Amelia Malvina Tower. To this Mr. Coxe replied : Aiken, South Carolina, March fi, 1800. Madam, — Your letter of March 4, addressed to me as President of the Ilistorical Society of Pennsj^lvania, has been received at the Society. In accordance with my instructions and by my autliority, Mr. F. D. Stone, our lil)rarian, has already answered it preliminarily, and I now myself write, without delay, in answer. Before leaving i'liihulelphia I had an opportunity of examining the precious library of books relating to American history and law, which will be henceforth known as " The Charlemagne Tower Collection." Your gift, madam, is a munili- cent one, indeed, and one which our Society accepts with pro- found gratitude. It will be a noble monument to the memory of Mr. Tower. That such a monument should be confided to our care will always be a source of great pride to us. The security and proper use of the rare, precious, and useful books composing this unrivalled collection will always be the object of our as- siduous attention. The trusts and duties which you impose upon us in your letter will always be scrupulously observed and jierformed. /riie concluding paragraph of your letter touches me greatly. The intimacy between the families of Mr. Tower and of my father is now one of long standing. It is, I assure you, very highly PRESENTATION PROCEEDINGS. 21 valued on our part. The feelings which Mr. Tower entertained towards me arc a very great honor. I am very grateful to you for speaking of them to me in your letter. I am, madam, with great respect, Faithfully yours, Brinton Coxe, President of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania. To Mrs. Charlemagne Tower, 1525 Spruce Street, Philadelphia. Mr. Coxe immediately notilied the Society of Mrs. Tower's gift in the following letter : Aiken, South Carolina, 6th March, 1890. To William Brooke Raavle, Esq., Secretary of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania. Sir, — I write you otRcially, as President of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, upon an important event, of which I request you to inform the Society at the earliest opportunity. You are aware of the great value of the rare volumes comprising the unrivalled collection of Americana, made by the late Charle- magne Tower, and of its double importance from the point of \'iew of the historian and lawyer. This precious collection has been pi'csented to our Society by Mrs. Tower, as a monument to the memory of Mr. Tower. It is, therefore, Mrs. Tower's wish that the Society shall always preserve the volumes of her gift in one collection, to be known as " The Charlemagne Tower Collec- tion." An exhaustive report upon the invaluable contents of the collection cannot l)e made at once, for it is a work requiring skill, time, and labor. An elaborate catalogue made by an expert l)ibliographer will itself be a work of great value, especially to students at a distance. The mere inspection of the preliminary catalogue is of the liighest interest. It shows that the volumes of the collection are naturally divided into two classes, — namely, those which relate to the history of the laws of the several colo- 3 22 THE TOWER CXJLT^ECTION. nies and States, and those which relate to American history in treneral. The books of tlie former chiss phice our Society at tlie head of the depositories of first editions of the laws of the dif- ferent colonies. These rare works are, however, something more than first editions. They are the original promulgations of the laws of the several colonies. There is one portion of this class wliicli our members will contemplate with peculiar satisftu'tion and pride. It is the precious and wonderful series of the original promulgations of the printed laws of Pennsylvania. The second division of the collection is that relating to American history in general. At this distance from you it is impossible for me to attempt to do justice to its treasures. I must leave that pleasing task to others more competent. Mrs. Tower has made this donation to the Society in a letter she has done me the honor of addressing to me. Li my answer I have expressed to her the deep appreciation which our members feel of the value and utility of her munificent gift. I have as- sured her that we will always execute the duties and trusts im- posed upon us by the possession of this noble monument to the memory of Mr. Tower. In conclusion, sir, I move you to take early action to afibrd the Society an opportunity of expressing its sentiments upon coming into possession of " The Charlemagne Tower Collection." Respectfully yours, Brinton Coxe, President. The first and last of these letters ha\nng been laid before the Council at a special meeting on the 8th of March, 1800, on motion of Mr. Baker it was Resolced, That the Secretary be instructed to address a letter to Mrs. Charlemagne Tower expressing the thanks of the Council for her munificent gift. Resolved, That Mrs. Tower be made an honorary life member of the Society, in recognition of the great benefit she has conferred upon it. PRESENTATION" PROCEEDINGS. 23 * The letter sent in conformity with the resolution was as follows : The Historical Society of Pennsylvania, 1300 LocrsT Street, Philadelphia, March 11, 1890. Mrs. Charlem.agxe Tower : Dear Madam, — I have the honor to inform you that your munificent gift to the Historical Society of Pennsylvania of the unique collection of colonial laws and other books relating to American history from the library of the late Mr. Tower was made the subject of a special meeting of the Council of the Societj' on the 8th instant, when your letter to Mr. Brinton Coxe, the President of the Society, was read, and his acceptance of your present was communicated. It was unanimously resolved that the Secretary' be instructed to convey to you the most grateful acknowledgment's of the Council for your extraordinary gift, and to assure you of the inestimable value of it to the members of the Society and all students of history in our city, and to express their eminent satisfaction at having been selected as the guardians of so great a treasure and so appropriate a memorial to the late possessor of it. At a stated meeting of the Historical Society- itself, held last evening, the 10th instant, announcement was made of your in- valuable gift, and the action of the Council wa.s approved in terms denoting the highest appreciation of your priceless present. I have the honor to be Respectfulh' yours, Gregory B. Keex, Corresponding Secretary and Secretary of (he Council of the Historical Society of Pennsylrania. The letters, together with the following description of the collection, were read to the Society at a stated meeting, held March 10, 1890. This collection, one of the most important ever formed in this city, and in its special line unequalled in the world, consists entirely of books whose great rarity renders them precious as well for their historical importance as for their extreme costliness. 24 THE TOWER COLLECTION. The special object which Mr. Tower had in view was the collect- ing of material for the comparative study of our colonial laws, l)ut the works on the early history of this country, which were at first acquired only as illustrative and supplemental to the scries of laws, are so numerous and valuable as to form a distinct collec- tion of great importance. The collection of colonial laws, with a number of volumes which the Society can add to it, embraces the tirst extant edition issued by each of the twelve colonies which formed the United States, except Rhode Island, New Jersey, and Maryland, the first edition of the laws of Vermont, as well as those of the British and Danish West Indies. In nearly every case the first edition is supplemented not only by all or almost all of the subsequent revisions issued prior to 1800, but, with the exception of North Carolina and Georgia, by those rarest of rare books, the original session laws. The number of titles of the various issues of the laws of each of the colonies is about : Barbados, 2 ; Bermuda, 1 ; Caribbee Islands, 3 ; Connecticut, 96 ; Danish Colonies, 1 ; Delaware, 7 ; Georgia, 3 ; Jamaica, 5 ; Maryland, 6 ; Massachu- setts, 407 ; Montserrat, 1 ; Nevis, 1 ; New England, 2 ; New Hamp- shire, 6 ; New Jersey, 25 ; New York, 56 ; New York City, 4 ; North Carolina, 2; Nova Scotia, 2; Pennsylvania, 151; Quebec, 7; Rhode Island, 74; St. Christopher, 2; South Carolina, 5; Ver- mont, 2 ; and Virginia, 39. The set of Pennsylvania laws is not only unequalled, l)Ut a junction of all the other known collections would not produce one as complete. The series of Massachusetts laws had as a nucleus the collection of Dr. George H. Moore, of New York, which has been styled by the editor of the reprint of the revision of 1672 the finest private collection in existence, and to it Mr. Tower was fortunately able to make important additions, so that it is now the finest and most complete set in any one place. Beginning with the earliest re^•ision known to be extant, — tliat printed at PRESENTATION PROCEEDINGS. 25 Cambridge in 1660, — the collection of revisions is complete down to 1788. The session laws begin in 1673 and run, -with gaps of varying length, to 1714, from which period to the Revolution they are absolutely complete. The temporary laws lack only about ten pages of the sessional issues of Ijeing e(jually perfect, and the series of tax laws from 1699 to 1800 is probably the best in exist- ence. The series of New Hamjjshire laws begins with the only known copy of the tirst issuetl, — a thin volume printed in Boston in 1699, — which is followed by the only two colonial revisions issued and several session laws. Of Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, and Maryland but one revision is lacking of each colony, while of session laws the Connecticut and New York series are very good. New Jersey is fairly represented, and the Rhode Island series, nearly complete from 1757 to 1800, is very tine. The edition of the laws of New York, printed in 1789, is an especially noteworthy book, from its historical associations and as a very remarkable specimen of eighteonth- century American binding. It is the copy specially bound for presentation to General AYashington, whose autogra[)h and book- plate appear in each volume. The copy of the first edition is an exceptionally fine one. It is a volume of great rarity, but six others being known, and the esteem in which it is held may be judged of from the fact that the three copies which have changed hands within the last ten years have sold for $1450, §1600, and $1750 respectively. The laws and ordinances of the city of New York are also very rare books, the original editions having been very limited. This collection contains four of the six editions known to be extant. All the Delaware revisions arc in the collec- tion, as well as a number of session laws. The Virginia series is very fine, and the first edition, printed in London in 1662, with its contemporaneous manuscript connection to 1684, which differs from the accepted text, is one of many highly -important volumes contained in this collection. 26 THE TOWER COLLECTION. The whole collection has been sumptuously bound on a uni- form plan by the Bradstreet Company, of Xew York. The two great series of Pennsylvania and Massachusetts laws and the first edition of each of the colonies have been bound in fiill-crushed Levant morocco ; the exterior style is Jansenist, while the inside panel has been tooled to a delicate Grolier pattern, in the centre of which is a graceful sjTnbolical design surrounded by an appro- priate legend. The laws of each colony have been bound in one special color, selected as far as possible for its appropriateness ; the inside panel has been varied from red to blue as best con- trasted with the exterior, and a rich orange-colored watered silk with a handsomely-tooled border has been used throughout for the fly-leaves. The other volumes have been bound in half- crushed Levant with cloth sides, on which has been impressed the central design of the panel of the fiill-bound volumes. Among the miscellaneous Americana there are the earliest general histories of the original colonies, such as Neal's " 'New England;" Belknap's "N'ew Hampshire;" Hutchinson's " Massa- chusetts;" Peters's "Connecticut;" Smith's "New Jersey;" Proud's "Pennsylvania;" Beverley's Stith's and Burk's "Vir- ginia;" "Williamson's "North Carolina;" Archdale's and Glenn's "South Carolina;" Hewatt's "South Carolina and Georgia." There are also many volumes on America printed in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. Of these may be mentioned Zeigler's "Syria, Schondia," etc., Strasburg, 1532; Robertus Moncechus's "Bellum Christianorum," Basle, 1.533; Mauri's " Sphera Vol- gare," Venice, 1537 ; Tevet's " Ilistoria dell' India America," Venice, 1561 ; Benzoni's " Historia de Mondo Nuovo," Venice, 1572; Monardes's "Historia de las Indias," Seville, 1574; the same in English, London, 1580; Acosta's "Historia de las Indias," Seville, 1590; the same in English, London, 1604; Linschoten's "Voyages," London, 1598; Peter Martj-r's "West Indies," London, 1612; Wliitbourne's "Newfoundland," 1622; PRESENTATION PROCEEDINGS. 27 Vaughan's " Golden Fleece," London, 1626; Smith's "Virginia," 1627 ; Stigliani's " H Mondo Xuovo," Rome, 1628 ; White's " The Planter's Plea," London, 1630; Castell's "Petition concerning the Propagation of the Gospel among the Lidians," London, 1641 ; AVilliams's " Virginia," London, 1650, and several other early tracts relating to Virginia. In regard to the Indians, we have Hubbard's " Narrative of the Troubles with the Indians," Boston, 1G77, with the rare original map; Colden's "History of the Five Nations," London, 1750 ; " A Treaty held at Lancaster," Philadeli)hia : B. Franklin, 1744; " Several Conferences between the Quakers and the Six Jfations," Xewcastle-upon-Tyne, 1756 ; "The Mohawk Prayer-Book," London, 1787; Doddridge's "Indian Wars," Wellsburg, Va., 1824, and a very tine series of the Eliot Indian tracts. Beginning with the first of these quaintly-worded titles, we have : " Xew England's First Fruits, in respect of the Conversion of some, Conviction of Divers, and Preparation of Sundry of the Indians," 1643 ; " The Day Breaking, if not the Sunrising of the Gospel with the Indians," 1647; "The Clear Sunshine of the Gospel breaking forth upon the Indians," 1648 ; " The Glorious Progress of the Gospel among the Indians," 1649 ; " The Light appearing more and more towards the Perfect Day," 1651 ; "Strength out of Weakness," 1652, in all its three variations; " Tears of Repentence," 1653 ; and " A Late and Further Mani- festation of the Progress of the Gospel among the Indians," 1653. Vice-President Charles J. Stille, LL.D., moved that the action of the Council in reference to the munificent gift of Mrs. Tower be ratified and confirmed by the Society, and in doing so spoke of the great value of the books which Mrs. Tower had kindly presented. They were not valuable simply because they were rare, and 28 THE TOWER COLLECTION. therefore costly, or as magnificent specimens of the bookbinder's art. All this they undoubtedly were, and their rarity and beauty were to be considered as evidences of the value attached to them by Mr. Tower. They had been to him doubtless as the apple of his eye, and we should feel honored that Mrs. Tower had made us the depository of his treasure. But after all the books are priceless to us because of their historical use and value. No one who has studied American history or any other history fails to see the importance of going to the original source for informa- tion, for he can be certain of nothing unless such a source is open to him. We have now what must alwaj's be a desideratum in the study of our colonial history, — a series of books containing b}- authority the original statutes. May they long enlighten the student here, and while he works among them his heart will be filled with thankfiilness that such persons as Mr. and Mrs. Tower have been raised up to help thcni. The resolution of Dr. Stille was thereupon unanimously adopted. ACTS AND LAWS AMERICAN COLONIES. COLONIAL LAWS. 1704 |X I ABRIDGEMENT | of the | Laws | In Force and Use in I Her Majesty's Plantations ; | (Viz.) Of | Virginia,- New- England, I Jamaica, i New- York, | Barhadoes, i Carolina, &c. I Maryland, | Digested under proper Heads in the Me- | thod of Mr. Wingate, and Mr. Wa.shington's | Abridgements. | London, \ Printed for John Nicholmn at the King'.'i-Ann.s in \ Little Britain, R. Parko; and B. Smith, undei- \ the Royal^Exchange, and Benj. Tooke at the Middle- \ Temple-Gate in Fleet street, 1704. | IGmo. 1 Collation: Title, 1 leaf ; Preface, pp. (2); Laws of Virginia, pp. 1-91; Laws of Jamaica, pp. 93-180; Laws of Barbados, pp. 181-284; Laws of Maryland, pp. 1-71, 87, p. 81 to 87, having been misprinted 6-5-71 ; Laws of New England, pp. 1-100 for 104; Appendix, pp. 28.5-304. The last part consists of a few acts passed in New York, New England, South Carolina, and Bermuda. BARBADOS. 1721 CTS I of I Assembly, | Passed in the | Island of Barbadoes, | From 1G48, to 1718. | G R | [Royal Arms.] | London, \ Printed by John Ba.-ikeft, Printer to the King's mod Ex- \ ccllcnt 3Iajesty, And by the Assigns of Tlmnas Newcomb, \ and Heni-y Hills, deceased. MDCCXXI. | Folio. 2 Collation: Title, 1 leaf; Index, pp. iii-xxxii; text, pp 1-314. 1764 ACTS, I Passed in the Island | of | Barbados. | From 1643, to 1 762, inclusive ; | Carefully revised, innumerable Errors corrected ; and the Whole | compared and e.xaniinwl, with the original Acts, | In the Secretaiy's Office. | By the late | Richard Hall, Esquire : | One of the Representatives in the Gencral-Assemblv, for the Parish | of St. 31 32 THE TOWER COLLECTION. Michael ; and one of His Majesty's Justices of the Peace, for the said I Island,,.near Thirty Years ; | And since his Death, continued by his Son, I Riciiard Hall. | To which is added, | An Index ; and Abridg- ment : I M'ith many useful | Notes, References and Observations, never before publishetl. | And also | A list of all the Laws, passed from the Settlement of the Island ; | which are now become Obsolete, Expiretl, or have had their Effect. | \_Royal Annx.'\ | London: Printed for Richard Ball. | MDCCLXIV. | Folio. 3 Collation : Hnlf title, 1 p. ; Advertisement, 1 p. ; Title, 1 leaf; Dedication, pp. v-vii ; 1 p. blnnk ; Prefaci', pp. ix-xi ; 1 j). blank ; Subscribers, pp. i-iv ; text, pp. 1-526 ; Title to Abridijiiicnt ; 1 leaf; Abridgment, pp. 1-7.3, 1 p. blank; Index, pp. 75-84. The half title reads: Acts | P,*.ssed in the Island of | B-\rbado8 | From 1G43, TO 17C2, iNCLi'siVE. I The title to the Abridgment reads: An | Abrido.ment | ok THE I Acts, | In Force, in the Island of | Barbados. | Fro.m 1G43, to 1762, inclusive. I Digested under Alphabetical Heads. | By Richard Hall. | [Royal Anns.'\ | Lmidon: \ Printed fm- Richard Hall. \ MDCCLXIV. | This copy has added in manuscript four acts passed between 1774 and 1782. BERMUDA. 1719 CTS I of I Assembly, | Made and Enacted in the | Bermuda or Summer-Islands, | From 1600, to 1713-14. | G R | [Eoyal Arms.^ I London, \ Printed by John Ba.skeft, Printer to the Kings most Ex- \ cellent Majesty, And by the Assigns of Thomas New- comb, I and Henry Hills, deceas'd. ^IDCCXIX. | Folio. 4 Collation: Title, 1 leaf; Index, pp i-v ; 1 p. blank; text, pp. 1-79. There are separate title-pages to various sessions, at pages 23, 41, and 55, each of which are dated MDCCXVIII. Pages 4, 22, 24, 30, 40, 42, 44, 54, 56, and 58 are blank except a head line on the first. CHARIBBEE LEEWARD ISLANDS. 17.34 jlCTS I of I Assembly, | Pa.ssed in the | Charibbee Leeward Islands. | From 1690, to 1730. | [Royal Arms.] | London, \ Printed, by Order of the Lords Commissioners of Trade and \ Plantations, by John Baskett, Printer to the King's most \ Excellent Ma- jesty. 1734. I Folio. 5 Collation: Title, 1 leaf; Table, pp. 3-15; 1 p. blank; text, pp. 1-24; Table (to pp. 24), pp. (4) ; Laws of Antigua, pp. 2-S-231 ; 1 p. blank ; Table, pp. (30). COLONIAL CHARTERS. 33 1740 ACTS I of I vVssembly, | Passed in the | Charibbee Leeward | Isl- ands, I From 1(590, to 1705. | [lioyiil Anii>!.] | London: | Printed, by Order of the Lords Commiimoners of Trade | and I^/antationx, by John Baskdt, Printer to the \ King's Mont Excellent Majesty. M.DCC.XL. I Folio. 6 Collation: Title, 1 leaf; Table, pp. iii-v; 1 p. Wank; text, pp. 1-24. ACTS I of I Assembly, | Passed in tiie | Charibbee Leeward | Islands. | From 1690, to 1730. | [Royal Arms.'] \ London, \ Printed by Order of the Lords Commissioners of Dade and | Plantatiowf, by John Baskett, Printer to the Kiwfs most \ Excellent Majesty. 1740. | Folio. 7 Collation: Title, 1 leaf; Table, pp. 3-5; 1 p. blank ; text, pp. 1-24; Table, pp. (4). A reprint of the preceding. COLONIAL CHARTERS. 1741 LIST I of I Copies of Charters, | from the | Commis- sioners for Trade and Plantations, | Presented to the Hon- ourable the I House of Commons, | in | Pursuance of their Addre.ss to His Majesty, of the | 2oth of April 1740. | Viz. | Mary- land Charter, granted ■ by King Charles I. in the 8th i Year of His Reign. • Connecticut Charter, ;• grantitl by King Charles II. in • the 14th Year of His Reign • Rhode-Island Charter, | grantetl bv Kiuw Charles II. in • the loth Year of His Reign, j Penn.sylvania Charter, | granted by King Charles II. in | the P,'M Year of His Reign. | Ma.ssa- chusetts Bay Char- | ter, grantetl by King William and | Queen Marv, in the ;3d Year of | Their Reign. | Georgia Charter, granti>Sold by Timothy Green, near the Meeting Honne, \ lehere also *s to be Sold the Body of Connecticut^Laws, with their Addi- tions I since tJie Book was Printed. 1717. | Folio, pp. 219-221. IG [Royal Arms.'^ \ ACTS and Laws | Passed by the General Court or Assembly of His Majesties Colony | of Connecticut in New-England : Begun and Held at New- Haven, | on the 10th Day of Octoljer, in the Fourth Year of the Reign of | Our Sovereign Lord Cieorge, King of (ireat-Britain, j>hon.~\ Acw-London, Printed d- Sold by T. Green, Printer to the Gov. er, the Twelfth Year of the | Reign of Our Sovereign Lord George, King of Great- | Britain, &c. Anno Domini, 1725. | [Colophon.] Xeir-Lon- don, I Printed and Sold by T. (Ircen, Printer to the Governour and | Company, 1725. | Folio, pp. 313-315. 33 172G [Royal Arms.] \ ^VCTS and I^aws | Passed by the General Court or Assembly of His Majesty's Colony | of Connecticut in New- England : Begun and Hckl at Hartfonl, on | the Twelfth Day of May, in the Twelfth Year ol" the Reign of | Our Sovereign Lord Cieorge, King of Great-Britain, &c. | Annoque Domini, 172(i. | [Colophon.] X. London, Printed <& Sold by T. Green, Printer to the Gov. li- Comp. 1726. | Folio, pp. 317-328. 34 40 THE TOWER COLLECTION. [Royal Anm.'] \ ACTS and Laws | Passed by the General Court or Assembly of His Majesty's Colony | of Connecticut in New-England : Begun and PTeld at Xew-Haven, | on the Tliirtwntli day of October, in the Thirteenth Year of the | Reign of Our Sovereign Lord (n-orge, of Gi-eat-Britain, &e. | King. Annoque Domini, 1726. | [Colophon.] New-London: \ Printed and Sold by T. Green, Printer to (lie Gov. & Company, \ 1726. | Folio, pp. 329-326 for 336. 35 1727 [Royal Arms.l \ ACTS and Laws | Passed by the General Court or Assembly of His Majesty's Colony | of Connecticut in New England : Begun and Held at Hartford, on | the Eleventh Day of May, in the Thirteenth Year of the Reign | of Our Sovereign Lord George, of Great-Britain, &c. | King. Annoque Domini, 1727. | [Colophon.'] Neu)- Ijondon: \ Printed and tSold by T. (rreen. Printer to the Governour and I Company. 1727. | Folio, pp. 337-342. 36 [Royal Arnw.] | ACTS and Laws | Passed by tiie General Court or Assembly of His INIajesties Colony | of Connecticut in New England : Begun and Held at New Haven on | tlic Twelfth Day of October, in the First Year of the Reign of | Our Sovereign Lord George tiie Second, of Great-Britain, &c. | King. Annoque Domini, 1727. | [Colophon.] \. London: Printed and Sold by T. Green, Printer to the Gov. & Company. \T21. \ Folio, pp. 343-35U. 37 17-2S [Royal Arm.'<.] \ A("TS and I^aws | Passwl by the General Court or .\ssembly of His Majesty's Colony | of Connecticut in New-England, Begun and Held at Hartford on | the Ninth Day of May, in the First Year of tlie Reign of Our | Sovereign Lord George the Second, of Great-Britain, &c. | King. Annoque Domini, 1728. | [Colojjlion.] AT London, Printed & Sold by T. Green, Pnnter to the Gov. & Comp. 1728. I Folio, pp. 351-356. 38 [Royal Arms.] | ACTS and Laws | Passed by the General Court or Assembly of His Majesties Colony | of Connecticut in New-England, Begun and Held at New Haven on | the Tenth Day of October, in the Second Year of the Reign of | Our Sovereign Lord George the Second, CONNECTICUT. 41 of Great-Britain, &c. | King. Annoque Domini, 1728. | [Colophon.] New-London: \ Printed mid Sold by T. Green, Printer to the Gov- ernour and Company, 1728. | Folio, pp. 357-364. 39 1729 [Royal Arms.'] \ ACTS and Laws | Pa.ssed by the General Court or A.ssembly of His Majesties Colony | of Conncoticiit in New Enirland, Begun and Held at Hartford on | the Eighth Day of May, in the Second Year of the Reign of | Our Sovereign Lord George the Second, of Great-Britain, &c. \ King. Annoque Domini, 1729. | [Colophon.] N. London: Printed and Sold by T. Green, Printer to the Gov. & Comp. 1729. I Folio, pp. 365-368. 40 [Royal Anna.] \ ACTS and Laws | Passed by the General Court or Assembly of His Majesties Colony | of Connecticut in Xew England : Begun and Held at Xew-Haven on | the Ninth Day of October, in the Third Year of the Reign of | Our Sovereign Lord George the Second, of Great Britain, ttc. | King. Annoque Domini, 1729. | [Colophon.] N. London, Printed & Sold by T. Green, Printer to the Gov. & Comp. 1729. | Folio, pp. 369-372. 41 1730 [Royal Arm^.] \ ACTS and Laws | Passed by the General Court or As.semby of His Majesty's Colony of Con- | necticut in New-England, Begun and held at Hartford on the Fourteenth | day of May, In the Thiixl Year of the Reign of Our Sovereign Lord | George the Second, of Great-Britain, ttc. King. Anno Dom. 1730. | [Colophon.] N. London: Printed A Sold by T. Green, Printer to the Gov. & Comp. 1 730. I Folio, pi>. 373-376. 42 [Royal Ainns.] | ACTS and Laws | Passed by the General Court or Assembly of His Majesties Colony | of Connecticut in New-England : Begun and Held at New Haven, on | Thursday the Eiglith Day of October, in the Fourth Year of the | Reign of Our Sovereign Loi-d George the Second, of Great- | Britain, itc. | King. Annoque Domini, 1730. I [Colo2}hon.] \. London, Printed ly of tiie (iovernor and Citnipany of tlic I State of Connecticut, in America; lioldcn at | Hartford, (in said State) on | the second | Thursday of May, Anno Domini, 1784. | 52 THp; TOVVER COLI.BCTION. [Colophon.^ New-London: | Printed by Timothy Green, \ Printer to the Governor and State \ of Connecticut. M,DCC,LXXIV. | Folio, pp. 267-307. 85 [.ir>. 80 17H5 [,S'w/ of Connertiriit.'] | ACTS and Laws, | Made and passey the General Court | or Assembly of the State of Connecti- | cut, holden at Hartford, in said State, 1 on the second Thursday of May, An- | no Domini, 1787. | [n. p. 1787.] | Folio, pp. 351-354. 91 CONNECTICUT. 53 \^Sea/ of (h)nuvtiriil.~\ | ACTS and Laws, | Made and passed by the General Court | or Assembly of" tbe .State of Connecti- | eiit, iioklen at New-Haven, in said | State, on the second Thursday of Oc- | tol)er, Anno Domini, 17lS7. | \^('olophon.^ Ncw-Lorulon : Printfd hi/ T. (iirm. [1787.] I Folio, pp. 355-358. 92 1788 [<*?««? of Connecticut.] \ ACTS and Laws, | Made and passed by the General Court | or Assembly of the State of Connec- | ticut, holden at Hartford, in said State, | on the second Thursday of May, An- | no Dom. 1788. I [ColoplioH.] New-London: Printed by T. G'rct'H. M,DCC,- LXXXVIII. I Folio, pp. 359-365. 93 [rge II. by the Grace of God, of Great Britain, France, and Ire- | laud King, Defender of the Faitii, itc. | And from tiience continued by Adjourn- ment to the Seventeenth | Day of March, 1733. | [^Penn Anns.'\ \ Pkiladelphia : \ Printed and Sold by B. Franklin, at the \ New Printing- Office near the Marhi. \ M,DCC,XX X 1 \'. | Folio, pp. 24. 108 56 THE TOWER COLLECTION. 1741 LAWS I !, 1780.] Folio, pp. 21-35. 112 ANNO Millesimo | Septingentesimo | Octuage,simo. | At a General As.sembly be- | gun at Dover, in the Delaware State, the | Twentieth Day of October, Anno Do- | mini 1779, and continued by Adjourn- | ments till the Eighth Day of June | 1780, the following Acts were passed; | [Wifminr/ion : Jamex Adams, 1780.] Folio, pp. 4r)-67. 113 GEORGIA. 57 17«*1 AXXO Mille-imo | Soptingentesimo | Octuagesimo | Primo. | At a General Assembly be- | gun at Dover, in the Delaware State, | the Twentieth Day of October, Anno | Domini 178; Index, G87-71.5; 1 p. blank; Errata, pp. (3). 18S1 ACTS I passed by the | (ieneral As.sembly | of the | Colony of Greorgia. | 1755 to 1774. | Now First Printed. | Worimhe. | MDCCCLXXXI. I Folio. 118 Collation: Title, 1 leaf; Dedicatory note, 1 leaf; Prefatory note, pp. 5-7; text, pp. 9-423 ; Index, pp. 425-427 ; Certificate, 1 p. Forty-nine copies only were printed for Mr. G. W. J. DeRenne by T. K. Collin.s of Philadelphia. The statement on the title that these laws were " Now first printed" is not correct, as the se.ssion laws were regularly printed at Charleston and Savannah from 1750. JAMAICA. 1684 |HE I LAWS I of I .Jamaica, | Passed by the | Assembly, | And Confirmed by | His Majesty | in | Council, | April 17. 1684. I To which is added, | The State of Jamaica, | As it is now under the Government of | Sir Thomas Lynch. | With a large Mapp of the Island. | London, \ Printed by H. H. Jan. for Charles JAMAirA. 59 Harper, at \ the Flower-de-Liwe over againd St. Dunstan's \ Church in Fleet-street. M.DC.LXXXIV. | Folio. 119 Collation : Title, 1 leaf; State of Jamaica, pp. i-xix ; Index, pp. (3) ; Hap, 1 sheet folded ; text, pp. 1-151 ; Law Books, 1 p. ions THECOXTIXUATIOXofthe | Laws | of | Jamaica, | Passed by the I Assembly, | And Confirmed In- | His Majesty | in | Council, | December 2(3th ltJ9o. | Beinir the .Second Volume of the | said I^aws. I London, \ Printed for C'harlva Harper, at the Flower-de-Luce over- \ against St. Dunsttin's- Church in Fleet-street, and Samuel | Crouch at the Corner of Pope^ s-Head- Alley over-against \ the Rojial-Exchange in Cornhil. MDCXCVIII. | Folio. ' " 120 Collation: Title, 1 leaf; Index, 1 p. ; Advertisement, 1 p. ; text, pp. 1-101 ; List of Books, pp. (.3). 1-3S ACTS 1 of I Assembly, | Passc<.'\ \ London: \ Printed by John Baskett, Printer to the King's Most F.v- \ cellent Majesty. MDCCXXXVIII. I Folio. 121 Collation ; Title, 1 leaf; Index, pp. i-xxii ; text, pp. 1-387, (1). 1740 ACTS I of I A.s.sembly, | Fas.setl in the | Island of Jamaica, | From 1681, to 1737, inclusive. | (JiiR [Royal .lr«i.s.] | London, | I^rinied, by Order of the Lords Commissioners of T)-ade and \ Plantations, by John Baskett, Printer to the King's most \ Excellent Majesty. 1740. | Folio. 122 Collation: Title, 1 leaf; Index, iii-xvi ; text, pp. 1-216; Title to Abridgment, 1 leaf; Abridgment of the Acts, pp. 3-40. The Title is as follows : Ax | Abrido- MKNT I OF THE | ACTS OF ASSEMBLY, | P.tSSED IN THE | ISL.\IfD OF .JAMAICA, | From 1681, to 1737, inclusive. | \^Roynl .-Irfn.?.] | London, | Printed, b;i Order of the Lords Commissioners of Trade and \ Plantations, hi/ John Baskett, Printer to t/ie King's Most I Excellent Majesty. 1740. | 1 cted into One Compleat Body, and Published from the | Original Acts and Records, remaining in the Secretary's- | Office of the said I Province. ) Together with Notes and other Matters, relative to the Con- | stitution thereof, extracted from the Provincial Records. | To which is prefixed. The | Charter, | With an English Translation. | By Thomas Bacon, Rector of All-Saints Parish in | Frederick County, and Domestic Chaplain in Maryland to | the Right Honourable Frederick Lord Baltimore. | \B(dtimore Anns!] \ AnnapoVm: \ Printed by Jonas Green, Printer to the Province. \ MDCCLXV. | Folio. 128 Collation: Title, 1 leaf; Dedication, 1 leaf; Preface, pp. (4); Charter, pp. (17); text, pp. (t)20) ; Indexes, pp. (88) ; Errata, 1 leaf. 1787 LAWS I of I Maryland, | Made Since [ M,DCC,LXIII, | consist- ing of I Acts of Assembly | under the | Proprietary Government, | Resolves of Convention, the Declarati- | on of Rights, the Constitution and Form | of Government, the Articles of Confe- | deration. And, | Acts of Assembly | since the | Revolution. | . . . | . . . | . . . j . • • | ... I ... I ... I ... I ... I .... I Annapnlia : \ Printed by Frederick Green, Printei- to the State. \ M DCC L X X X ^^ II . | 129 Collation: Title, 1 leaf; Introduction, pp. (2); Laws, pp. (440); Table, pp. (12); Appendix, 1 leaf 62 THE TOWER COIJ.ECTION. MASSACHUSETTS. PERPETUAL LAWS. IGGO HE I BOOK of the General | Tiavv.s and Lihertyos ] Concern- in. And continued by Adjournment and Prorogation | unto Wednesday the First of September, following, and then met. | [Bo>^ton .- 1703.] Folio, pp. 247-253. 157 l^Roynl Awis.] \ ACTS & Laws, | Passed by the Great and General Court or Assembly of Her | Majesties Province of the Massachusetts- Bay in New- England : | I5egun and Held at Boston upon Wednesday the Twenty-sixth | of May 1703. And continued by Adjournment and Prorogations | unto "\\'edncsday the Twenty-seventh of October following, I and then met. | [Boxton: 1703.] Folio, pp. 255-260. 158 1704 l^Royal Arnvi.'] | AN ACT, | Passed by the Great and General Court or Assembly of Her | Majesties Province of the Massacluisctts-Bay in New-England : | Begun and Held at Boston upon ^\'cdne8day the Twenty-sixth | of May 1703. And continued by Adjournment and several Pro- | rogations unto Wednesday the Eighth of March follow- ing ; and I then met : Being their fourth Session. | l_Boslon : 1 704.] Folio, pp. 261-262. 159 This copy is a fac-simile. \^Iioyal Arms.] | jVCTS and Laws, | Passed by the Great and General Court or Assembly of Her | Majesties Province of the Massa- chusetts-J5ay in New-England : | Begun and Held at Boston upon Wednesday the Thirty-first | of May, 1704. | [Bodon: 1704.] Folio, pp. 263-266. 1 60 [Royal Ai-vis.] \ AN ACT, | Passed by the Great and General Court or Assembly of Her | Majesties Province of the Massachusetts-Bay in New-England : | Begun and Held at I5oston upon M'ednesday the MASSACHUSETTS. 69 Thirty-first of | May, 1704. And contiiuied by Prorogation unto Wed- I ncsday the Sixtcentii of August following, and then met. | IBonton: 1704.] Folio, pp. 2(J7-2(Jil. 161 [Boyal Ann.s.] | AX ACT, | Passetl l)y the Great and (General Court or Assembly of Jler | Majesties Province of the Massachusetts-Bay in New- England : | Begun and Held at Boston upon Wednesday the Thirtv-first | of May, 1704. -Vnd continiRxl by several Prorogations unto I W'cilnesday the Twenty-fifth of October following, and then met, 1 being their Third Session. | [Boston: 1704.] Folio, pp. 271-272. 162 170.> [Royal Arms.] \ AN ACT, | Pa.sse.] Folio, pp. 275-277. 164 [Royal A mix.] \ ACTS and Laws, | Pa.s.sed by the Great and General Court or Assembly of Her | ^lajesties Province of Massachusetts-Bay in New-England : | Bcgini and Held at Boston upon WtHlncsday the Thirtieth | of JNIay, 1705. And continued by several Prorogations | unto Wetlnesday the Twenty-fourth of October following, and | then met, being their Third Session. | [Bodon: 1705.] Folio, pp. 2711-289. 165 170« [Royal Aniui.'] \ ACTS and Laws, | Passed by the Great and General Court or Assembly of Her | Majesties Province of the ^rass;ichnsetts- Bay in New-England: | Begun and Held at Boston upon Wetlnesday the Twentyniuth | Day of May, 1706. | [Bodon: 1706.] Folio, pp. 291-296. 166 6 70 THK TOWKK COLLECTION. [Ro,/al Arm.%'] \ AN ACT, | Passed by tlic rtroat and (Jcncnil Court or Assembly of Her | Majesties Province of the Massaeliusetts-Hay in New-England : | Begun and Held at Boston upon AVednesday the Twenty-nintii | of May, 1706. And continued by Prorogation unto \\\h.1- I nesday the Seventh of August following, and then met. | [/>Wo»t; 1706.] Folio, 297-298. 167 [Royal Armn.] \ AN ACT, | Passed by the Great and (ieneral Court or Assembly of Her | Majesties Province of the Massachusetts-Bay in New-England : | Begun and Held at Boston upon Wednesday the Twenty-ninth | of May, 1706. And continued by Prorogation unto Wed- I nesday the Seventh of August following, and then met. | [J5o«ton; 1706.] Folio, pp. 299-300. 168 [lioi/al Anius.] | ACTS and Laws, | Passed by the Great and General Court or Assembly of Her | Majesties Province of the Massachusetts- Bay in New-England : | Begun and Held at Boston upon Wednesday the Twenty- ninth | of May, 1706. And continued by several Proroga- tions unto I Wednesday the Twenty-third of October following, and then met. | \ Boston: 1706.] Folio, pp. 301-304. 169 1707 [Royal Anns.'] AN Act, | Passed by the Great and General Court or Assembly of Her ] Majesties Province of the Massachusetts-Bay in New-England : | Begun and Held at Boston n[)on Wednesday the Twenty-nintii | of May 1706. And cctutinuctl by several Prorogations unto I Wednesday the Fifth of March following : and then met. | [Boston: 1707.] Folio, pp. 30r). 170 [Royal Arms.'] \ ACTS & Laws, | Passed b)- the (treat and (Jcncral Court or Assembly of Her | Majesties Province of the Massaciiusetts- Bay in New-England : | Begun and Held at Boston upon Wednesday the Twenty-eighth | Day of May, 1707. | [Bostou: 1707.] Folio, pp. 307-310. ■ • ' ■ 171 [Royal Arms.] \ ACTS, | Passed by the Great and General Court or Assembly of Her | Majesties Province of tiie Massachusetts-Bay in New-England : | Begun and Held at Boston upon the Twenty-eighth MASSACHUSETTS. 71 I Day of May, 1707. And continual by Prorogation unto | Wednes- day the Thirteenth of August following, and then met. | [Boston: 1707.] P\)lio, pp. 311-313. 172 [Roi/af yinm.] \ AN ACT, | Passed by the Great and General Court or Assembly of Her | Majesties Province of the Massachusetts-Bay in New-England : | Begun and Held at Boston upon Weelnesday the Twenty-eighth | Day of May, 1707. And continued by several Proro- gations I unto Wednesday the Twenty-ninth of October following, | and then met. | [Boston: 1707.] Folio, jjp. 315-318. 173 [Royal Arms.'] | AX ACT, | Passed by the Great and General Court or Assembl)' of Her Majesties | Province of the Massachusetts-Bay in New-England, Begun and | Held at Boston upon Wednesday the Twenty-eighth Day of May, | 1707. And continued by several Pro- rogations unto Wednesday | the Twenty-ninth of (October following, and then met. | [Boston: 1707.] Folio, pp. 319. 174 1708 [Royal Anm.] \ ACTS and Laws, | Passed by the Great and General Court or Assembly of Her | Majesties Province of the Ma.ssa- chusetts-Bay in New-England : | Begun and Held at Boston upon Wednesday the Twenty-si.xth | Day of May, 1708. | [Boston: 1708.] Folio, pp. 321-324. 175 [Roydl Anns.'] \ ACT8 and Laws, | Passed by the Great and General Court or Assembly of Her | Majesties Province of the Massa- chusetts-Bav in New-England : | Begun and Held at Boston u])on Wetlnesday the Twenty-sixth | Day of May, 170S. And continued by several Prorogations | unto Wednesday the Twentieth of October following, and then met | [/)V/o// ; 17()S.] Folio, pp. .325-328. ]7() [Royal Arms.] \ Anno Sexto | .Vnufe | Reginse. | [Colophon.] Lon- don, Printed by Charles Bill, and the Ej-ecutriv of Thomas Xcnromh, deccas'd, \ Printers to the. Qneens most E.vceUent Maje.sty. Reprinted at Boston in N. E. \ by Barfholomcio Green, Printer to His ETcelleney the Governoiir & Council. 17(»S. | Folio, ])p. 329-331. 177 An Act of ParliiuiLcut for ustrrtaiiiiii!; tlif Uati'S of Foreiitn Coins in Uer Miijcsties I'ljinUilions in America. 72 THE TOWER COLLECTION. 1709 [Roi/al Ai-rm.] | ACTS and Laws, | Passwl by the Great and General Court or Assembly of Her | Majesties Province of the Massa- ohusetts-15ay in New-England : | Begini and Held at Boston upon Wednesday the Twenty-sixth | Day of ^lay, 1708. And eontiniii'd bv several Prorogations | unto A\'ednesday the Sixteenth of February following, and then | met. | [Boston: 1709.] Folio pp. 3;^;l-;5:'>5. 178 [lioi/al Aiiiis.'l I ACTS and Laws, | I'assed by the Great and (icneral Court or Assembly of Her | Majesties Province of the Mas-^^a- ehusetts-Bay in New-Englaud : | Begun and Held at Boston upon Wednesday the Twenty-fitth | Day of May, 1709. | [Boxtm: 170f(.] Folio, pp. 3;37-.U(). 179 [Royal Anna.'] \ AN ACT, | Passed by the Great and General Court or Assembly of Her | Majesties Province of the Massachusetts-Bay in New-England : | Begun and Held at Boston upon Wednesday the Twent}'-tif\h | Day of May 1709. And continued by several Proro- giitions I unto ^^'ednesday the Twenty-sixth of October following, and I then met. | [Bodon : 1709.] | Folio, pp. ;541-;M2. 180 A leprint. 1710 [Royal Anns.^ \ ACTS and Laws, | Passed by the Great and Genend Court or Assembly of Her | Majesties Province of the Massa- chusetts-Bay in New-P2ngland : | Begiui and Held at Boston upon Wednesday the Twenty-fifth | Day of May 1709. And continued by several Prorogations | unto AW'dnesday the First of February follo^\'- ing; and then met. | Boston: 1710.] | Folio, pp. ;34;3-:3o4. 181 A reprint. [Royal Anns.'] \ ACTS and Laws, | Pa.s.sed by the Great and General Court or Assembly of Her ] Majesties Province of the Massa- chusetts-Bay in New-England : ] Begun and Held at Boston upon Wednesday the Thirty-tirst | of May 1710. And continued by several Prorogations and | Adjournment unto Tuesday the Twenty-fourth of October | following, and then met. ( [Boston: 1710.] lNili<), pp. r,5;j-;3.57. 182 A reprint. MA-SSACHUSETTS. 73 1711 [Boifol Arms.] \ ACTS and Tvaws, | Passefl In- the Great and (General Court or Asscnihly of Her | Majesties Provine« of the Massa- chusetts-Bay in Xew-Enirland : | Be^un and Held at Boston, upon Wednesday" the Thirtieth Day | ..f May, 1711 | [Boxtoit : 1711.] | Folio, pp. .•5r,<)-.'>,(;:5. l.s;i A reprint. 1714 ACTS I and | Laws, | Of Her Majesties | Province | of the | Massachusetts-Bay | in | New-England. | [Roynl Armit.] \ Boston in New-England: \ Printed hy B. Green, Printer to His Excellency thr \ Governour <{• Council, for Benjamin Eliot \ ami Sold at his Shop on the North aide of King's Street. \ 1714. | Folio. 184 Collation : Title to Charter, 1 leaf; text, pp. 1-1-3 ; Table, pp. i-vi ; Table (reprinted and eoverini; the Session Laws to Auijust, 1721, p. 360), pp. 1-16 ; Title to Acts, 1 p. ; Authorization, 1 p. ; Acts, pp. 1-252. Followed by the Session Laws to >[ay 25, 1726, pp. 253-430. The title to the Charter reads: The | Charter | Granted by Their ilAJESTiE.s I Kixo William | axd | Queen Mart, | to the | Inhabitants | or THE I Province | of the | Massachusett.s-Bat | in | New-Enoland | Boston in New-Enr/lond : \ Pr'mteil by B. Green, Printer to His Excellency the \ Gotemotir ^ Couticil, for Benjamin Eliot | and Sold at his Shop on the North side of King's Street. I 1714. i 1715 [Royal Arms.'] \ ACTS and Laws | Passed by the Great and General Court or Assembly of His Majesty's | Province of the >[a.<.<;ichusptts- Bay in New-England : Begun and Held | at Bo.ston upon W'etlnesday the Twenty-fifth of Mav, 171-5. | [Boston: 1715.] Folio, pp. 253-2.54. 185 The first session of 1715-16, and first session laws printed after the revision of 1714, in continuation of which it is paged. [Royal Anns.] \ ACTS and Laws | Passed by the Great and General Court or Assembly of His Majesties | Province of the Mas.sachusett.s- Bay in N(>w-England : Begun and Held | at Boston upon NWHlncsday the Twenty-fit^h of May, 1715. And conti- | nuetl by Prorogation unto Wednesday the Twentieth Day of July | following, and then Met. I [Boston: 1715.] Folio, pp. 255-258. 186 [Royal Arms.] | ACTS and Laws | Passed by the Great and General Court or .Vsscmbly of His ^lajesty's | Province of the Massachusetts- 74 THE TOWKR COI.I.ECTIOX. Bin- ill Xew-Eiiglaud : Begun and Held | at Boston upon Wednesday the Tweuty-fitth of May, 1715. And con- | tinned by several Proroga- tions unto Wednesday the Twenty-thiixl | Day of November following, and then Met. | [Boston : 1715.] Folio, pp. 259-268. 187 171(! .\_Royal Arim.'] \ ACTS and Laws, | Passed by the Great and General Court or Assembly of His Majesties | Province of the Massa- chusetts-Bay in New-England : Begun and Held | at Boston upon Walncsday the Thirtieth of May, 1716. | \_Bo.ston. 1716.] Folio, pp. 269-278. 188 [Royal Arrm.^ | ACTS and I^aws, | Passed by the Great and General Court of His Majesty's | Province of the Massachusetts-Bay in New- P^ngland : Begun and | Held at Boston uj)on Wednesday tiie Thirtieth of May, 1716. And | continued by several Prorogations unto Wednes- day the Seventh I Day of November following, and then Met. | [Boxton: 1716.] Folio, pp. 279-286. 189 1717 [Roi/ (ireat and General Court or Assembly of His Majesty's | Province of the Massa- chusetts-Bay in New-England, Begun & Held | at Boston upi>n 78 THE TOWER rOI,LEay of >rav, | 1727. .\ik1 ('(intinuofl l)v several Afljiiiirn- nicnt.s unto W'ttlnt'.stlay | the Fuurtli Day (if (Jctoljor followinjr. | [Boston. ■ B. Green. 1728.] Folio, pp. :375-;^76. 219 [Royal .1 /•//(.><.] I ACTS and Laws ( Parsed by tlie Great and General Court or As.sembly of His Majesty's | Provinee of tlie Massa- chusetts-Bay in New-England, Begun and | Held at Boston, upon AVedne-sday the Twentv-seuniments to Salem | the Se<>ond of A])ril, 1720. | [Boston: 1729.] Foii(,, pp. 417-419. 223 1730 [Royal Arms.'] | AfJTS and Laws | Passetl by the Great and General Court or Assembly of His Majesties | Province nt' the Mass;i- eiuisetts-Bav in New-Kngland, Begun and | Held at >'alem upon Wednesday the Twenty-eighth Day of May, | 1729. Antl eontinueil by several Prorogations and Adjournments | to Boston the Xini'- 82 THE TOWER COLLECTION. toenth Day of November follo\vin<::. | [7>o,s/o« .- 1730.] Folio, pp. 421-425. 224 This session of 1729-30 was not prinkd till after October, 1730, when it was issued with the Acts of 1730-31. [Royal Ai-ms.'] \ ACTS and Laws | Passed by the Great and General Court or As,sembly of His Majesty's | Provinee of the Miissa- elnisetts-Bay in New-England : Pegun and | Held at Cambridge ujion "Wednesday the Twenty-seventh Day of | May, 1 730. and continuetl by several Prorogations to Wednesday | the Ninth Day of September following, and eontinned by Adjourn- | ment to Roxbury and tlienee to Boston. I [^osfoji; 1730.] Folio, pp. 42G-436. " 225 1731 [Royal Arms.'] \ ACTS and Laws | Passed liy tiie Great and General Court or Assembly of His ]\Lijesty"s | Province of the Massii- chusetts-Bay in New-England : Begun and | Held at Boston upon Wednesday the Tenth Day of February, 17,30 [-31.] | [Boston: 1731.] Folio, jip. 437-456. 226 [Ixoi/al Arms.'] | ACTS and Laws | Passed by the Great and General Court or Assembly of His Majesties | Provinee of the Mas- sachusetts-Bay in New-England, Begun & Held | at Boston, upon Wednesday the Twenty-sixth Day of May, 17-31. | [Boston: 17.31.] Folio, pp. 457-462. 227 [Royal Anns.] \ ACTS and Laws | Passed by the Great and General Court or Assembly of His Majesties | Province of the Mas- Siiciuisetts-Bay in New-England, begun & Held | at Boston, upon Wednesday the Twenty-sixth Day of May, 1731. | and continued by sevi'ral Adjournments unto Wtnlnesday the Third | Day of November following. I [Boston: 1731.] Folio, pp. 463-468. 228 1732 [Royal Arms.] | AC'I'S and I>aws | Passed l)y the Great and General Court or Asseml)ly of His Majesty's | Province of the Massa- chusetts-Bay in New-England, Begun and | Held at Boston upon Wednesday the Twenty -sixth Day of May | 1731. and continued by MA>S.SACHUSETTS. 83 several Adjoui'iiments and Proroj^ation | iint(j Wednesday the First Day of December following. | [lionfun : 1 732.] Folio, pp. 469-476. 229 [Boyctl Anm.] \ ACTS and Laws | Passed by the Great and General Conrt or Assembl}- of His Majesty's | Provinec of the Massa- chusetts-Bay in >>'ew-England, Begun & Held | at Boston upon Wednesday the Thirty-first Day of May, 1732. | [Boston: 1732.] | Folio, pp.'477-4S3. 230 1733 \_Royal ^1 /■//(. v.] I jVCTS and Laws | Passed by the Great and General Court or Assembly of His Majesty's | Province of the Massa- chusetts-Bay in New-England, begun and | Held at Boston upon Wednesday the Thirty-first Day of May 1732. | and continued by Ad- journment unto Thursday the first Day of | November following. | [5o.sto?i; 1733.] Folio, pp. 485-490. ' 231 [Royal A)-mx.'\ \ ACTS and Laws | Passed by the Great and General Court or Assembly of His IVlajesty's | Province of the Massa- chusetts-Bay in New-England, begun & held | at Boston, upon ^Vednes- day the Thirty-first Day of May, 1733 [for 1732.] | and continued by several Adjournments imto Wednesday the Fourth | Day of April following. I [i?o.sto)(.- 1733.] Folio, pp. 491-498. " 232 [Royal Anns.'] \ AN ACT | Passed by the Great and General Court or Assembly of His Majesty's | I'rovince of the ^rassacliusetts-Bay in New-England; begun 4, | and continued by Adjournments, unto Wednesday the Twentieth | Day of November Ibliowing. I [Bodon: 1735.] Folio, pp. 527-530. 238 [Royal Armx.] \ ACTS and Laws | Passetl by the Great and General Court or Assembly of His Majesty's Province | of the Massa- chusetts-Bay in New-England, begun and held at Boston, upon | Wctlnesday the Twenty-ninth Day of May 1734, and continued by | several Adjournments unto Wednesday the Ninth Day of .\j)ril Ibl- lo\ving. I [Colojjhon.] Boston: Printed by John Draper, Printer to Jlis I Excellency the Gocernour and Council. [1735.] | Folio, pp. 531- 534. 239 [Royal Arms.] \ ACTS and I.,aws | Passed by the Great and (ieneral Court or Assembly of His JIajesty's | Province of the ]\Iassa- chusetts-Bay in New-England, Begun and Held at | Boston, upon Wednesday the Twenty-eighth Day of May 1735. | [Colojjhon.] Bos- MAHSACIIUSE'ITH. 85 ton : Prinfcd by J. Draper, Printer to His Excel- | lency the Govemour and Council. 17."io. | Folio, o3o-549. 240 1736 IRoya/ Arm.'i.] \ ACTS and T.aws | Pa.-;se(l by tlic Great and General Court or Afiscmbly of Hi.-; Majesty's | Province of the Ma.^sa- chusctts-Bay in Xew-Enjjland, Begun and Held at | Boston, upon Wednesday tlie Twenty-eiglitli Day of ^fay 17o0. | And eontinned l)v Adjournments to \\'ednesday the Xineteentli Day | of November fol- lowing. I [C'o/o/j/iO)i.] Boston: Printed by J. Draper, Printer to Hi^ I Excellency the Governour and Coimcil. [1736.] | Folio, pp. 551- 558. 241 [Royal Arms.l \ ACTS and Laws | Pa?sed by the Great and General Coin-t or Assembly of His ^fajesty's Province | of the ila.ssa- chusetts-Bay in Xew-England, begun and held at Boston, upon | Wednesday the Twenty-eighth Day of May 1735, and continued by | several Adjournments unto Wcnlnesday the Seventeenth of Mareh fol- lowing. I [Co/o/;Ao)i.] Bonton : Printed by J. Draper, Printer to His I Excellency the Governour and Council. [1736.] | Folio, pp. 559- 560. 242 [Royal Ariiis.l^ | ACTS anil Laws | Passeil by tiie Great and General Court or Assembly of His Majesty's | Province of the Ma.ssa- eluisetts-Bay in Xew-England, begun and held at | Boston, upon Wetlnesday the Twenty-sixth Day of May 1736. | [( 'oloplioii.^ Bodon : I Printed by J. Draper, Printer to His Excellency the \ Govemour & Council. 1736. I Folio, i)p. 561-564. 243 17:J7 [Roy(d Arm.'t.'l \ ACTS and Laws | Passetl by the Great and General Court or .Assembly of His Majesty's | Province of the Massa- chusetts-Bay in Xew-England, begun and iield at | JViston, upon M'alnesday the Twenty-sixth Day of May 1736. | And | continuetl i)y several Prorogations unto Wetlnesday the Twenty-fourth | Dav of Xovember following and then Met. | [Colojilion.^ Bu.il(>u : Printed by John Draper, Printer to His \ Excellency the Governour and Council. [17:!7.] I Folio, pp. 565-502. 244 7 86 THE TOAVKU COLLECTION. [Roj/iil Anm.] I ACTS aiul Laws | Passwl by the Great and (ieiieml Court or As.>emhly of His Majesty's Pro- | vinee of" the Mas- sjiehusetts-I^ay in New-Enfiland, Begun and Held at Boston, | uj)on \\'ednes8, I [Boston: 1738.] Folio, p. 665. 248 An act passed at the first session of 17.38-30, but not printed witli tln' ntlur laws of that session. 1739 [Royal Arms.] | ACTS and Laws | Passed by the Great and General Court or Assembly of His Majesty's Pro- | vincc of the Ma.s- saehusetts-Bay in New-England, Begun and Held at Boston, | upon Wednesday the Thirty-first Day of May 1738. And continued by | Prorogations unto Wednesday the Twenty-nintli Day of November fbl- I lowing. I [Colojthon.] Boston: \ Printed by John JJraper, Printer to His ExceUeney the Governour | awl Council. [1739.] ) Folio, pp. 667-684. 249 MASSACHUSETTS. 87 \^Efii/ray, 17;}!). | [Colophon.'] Boston: I'riatal by Joint Dnijjcr, Printer to His | Krce/lency the (lovcrnour and Council, [nay.] I Folio, pp. (J8o-(Jitl. 2o() 1740 [Roya/ Arms.] | ACTS and Laws | i'asscd by the Great and General Court or Assembly of His Majesty's Pro- | vince of the Mas- sachusetts-Bay in Xew-Eugland, Begun and Held at B(^ston, | upon AVednesday the Tiiirtieth Day of May 17.39. And continued by | Prorogations to \\'ednesday the Fifth Day of De<'ember following. | [Colophon.] Boston: Printed by John Draper, Printer to Hi.'^- \ E.rcel- Icnry the Governour and Cminrii. [1740.] | Folio, pp. 69;3-6!»8. -251 [Royal Anns.] | ACTS and Laws ( Passed by the (Jreat and General Court or Assembly of His Majesty's Pro- | vince of the Mas- sachusetts-Bay in New-England, Begun and Held at Boston, | upon Wednesday the Thirtieth Day of May 17.30. .And continued by | Prorogations to A\'edncsday the Twelfth Day of" March f"ollowing. | [Colophon.] Boston: Printed by J. Draper, Printer to His E.vceltency the I aovernour and Coumil. 1740. | Folio, pp. ()99-700. 252 [Royal Arms.] \ .VCTS and Laws | Passwl by the Great and General Court or .\.ssembly of His Majesty's Pro- | vince of the ^Lis- sachusetts-Bay in New-England, begun and held at Bo.ston, | upon Wednesda}- the Twenty-eighth Day of May 1740. | [Colophon.] Bos- ton : Printed by J. Draper, Printer to His | lur-ellenry the Covernour and Council. 1740. | Folio, 701-714. 253 [Royal Armt<.] \ .\CTS and Laws | Passed by t lie (ircat and Gen- eral Court or .Assembly of His Majesty's Province | of tlic Massiichu- setts-Bay in New-England, l)egun and held at Boston | upon AVednes- dav the Twenty-eighth Day of May, 1740. and continued by Pro- | rogation unto Wednesday tiic Twentieth Day of August following. | [Colophon.] Boston: Printed by John Draper, Printer to | His Excel- lency the Corernoiir A' Council. [1740.] | Folio, pp. 715-71t). 254 88 TIIK TOWER COLLECTION. [Rot/(il Anm.'\ \ ACTS and Jawvs \ Passed bv the Great and General Court or Assembly ot" His Majesty's Pro- | vince of the Mas- sachusetts-Bay in New-England, B^un and Held at Boston, | upon M'etlncsday the Tweiity-ciglith Day of May 1 740. And continued | bv Prorogations to Wtxbiesday the Nineteenth Day of November fol- lowing. I [Co/o^j;/ion.] Bonton: Printed by J. Draper, Printer to Hi» Kvcel/envy the Gover- \ iinitr ami Council. 1740. | Folio, pp. 715— 720. 255 Tlu' thiril session dI" 1740-41, nut issued till JanuiiiT, 174(t-41. The paging is misprinted, 715-720 lor 717-722, and the error was nut eorrected until the second session of 1741-42. 1741 \^Royal Arms.'] | ACTS and Laws | Passed by the Great and General Court or Assembly of the Province | of the Massachusetts- Bay in New-England, begun and held at Boston, | upon Wednesday the Twenty-eighth Day of May 1740. And | continuei^l by several Prorogiitions unto Wednesday the Twenty-sixth | Day of March fol- lowing. I \_Boston: 1741.] Folio, pp. 721-728. 256 \^Royal Armx.] | ACTS and Laws | Pa.sscd by the Great and General Court or Assembly of His Majesty's Pro- | vince of the Massa- chusetts-Bay in New-England, begun and held at | Boston, upon Wednesday the Kighth Day of July 1741. | \_('()hp}um.'\ BoMoh: \ Printed by J. Draper, Printer to His Excellency \ the Governour and Council. [1741.] | Folio, pp. 729-7.35. 257 The first session of 1741-42, see the next but one preceding for un error in paging, which is continued. 1742 IRoyal Anm.] \ ACTS and Laws, | Passed by the Great and General Court or Assembly of the Province of the | Masstichusett.s- Bay in New-England : Begun and Held at Boston on ^\'ednesday | the eighth of July 1741. and continued by Prorogation and xVdjourn- ment | to Wednesday the sixteenth of September following. | [Cb/o- phon.] Boston : Printed by Samuel Kneelund and Timothy Green, \ by Order of His Excellency the Governour, Council and | House of Repre- sentatives. MDCCXLII. | Folio, pp. 737-742. 258 \_Royal ^4/-H/.s.] | ACTS and Laws | Passed by the Great and General Court or Assembly of His Majesty's Province ( of the Ma.ssa- chusetts-Bay in New'-England, begun and held at Boston, upon | MASSACHUSETTS. 89 Wwlnesday the Eighth Day of July 1741. and continued by Proroga- tion I and Adjournments to \Vedne.sday the Twenty-fifth of November following. I [Colophon.] Boston: Printed by Samuel Kneeland and Timothy Green, | hy Order of Hia Excellency the Governour Council and I Home of RepresenUdii-e^. MDCCXLII. | Folio, pp. 745-757. 259 The third session of 1741-42. The error in the pagenation made in the third session of 1740-41 is corrected hy dropping pp. 743-744. {Royal Arms.'] \ ACTS and Law.s, | Passed by the Great and General Court or As.sembly of the Pnjvinee of the | :Ma./(o».] Bonton: X. E. \ Printed and Hold by Saimtel Kneeland and Timothy Green, by Order \ of His Excellency the Governour, Council and Houne of | Representatives. MDCCXLIII. [1743-4] I Folio, pp. ;34ii-.352 -|- [Ibid] pp. 303-356. 267 [Royal Anns.l^ \ AN ACT | Passed by the Great and General Court or Assembly of His Majesty's Province | of the Massachusetts-Bay in New-England : Begun and Held at Boston upon | Wednesday the thirtieth Day of ilay 1744, and continued by Adjournment | to Thurs- day the ninth Day of August following. I [Colophon.^ Boston: Printed by Samuel Kneeland and Timothy Green, \ by Order of His Excellency the Gorernour, Council and House of \ Representatives. MDCCXLIV. I Folio, pp. 357-359. 268 [Royal Arms.] \ AN ACT, | Passed by the Great and General Court or Assembly of His Majesty's Province j of the Massachusetts-Bay in New-England : Begun and Held at Boston upon ( A\'ednesday the thirtieth Day of May 1744, and continutxl by Adjournment | and Prorogations to the tenth Day of Octol>er following. | [Colophon.] \ Bo.'1 \_Ri>yal Anns.'] | ACTS and Laws | Passed by the Great and General Conrt; or Assembly of his Majesty's | Province of the Massa- chusetts-Bay in New-England : Begun and Held | at Boston upon Wednesday the thirtieth Day of May 1750; and con- | tinueS. Kneeland and | T. (Ireen, by Order of Hits Honour the Lieutenant | Govemour, Council and House of Repre- scntativeK 1752. | Folio, pp. 421-424 282 [Royal Arms.'\ | ACTS and I^aws | Passed by the Great and General Court or Assembly of His Majesty's Pro- | vince of the Massachusetts- Bay in New-England : Begun and Held at | Concord in the County of Middlesex, upon Wednesday the twenty-seventh | Day of May, 1752, I [Colophon.'\ Bodon: Printed and Sold by S. Kneeland and. | T. Green, by Order of IBx Honour the Lieutenant | Govemour, Council and House of Representatives. 1752. | Folio, pp. 425-42G. 283 [Royal A)'m~'i.~\ \ AT the Parliament begun and holden at Westmin- ster, I the Tenth Day of November, Anno Dom. 1747, in | the Twenty first Year of the Reign of our Sovereign | Ivord George the Second, by the Grace of God, | of Great Britain, France and Ireland, King, De- | fender of the Faith, &c. | And from thence continued by several Pro- rogations to the Fourteenth | Day of November, 1751, being the Fifth Session of this present | Parliament. | [Colophon.'\ Boston: Printed and Sold by S. Kneeland and | T. Green, by Order of His Honour the Lieutenant Go- | vernour, Council and House of Reprenentatives. 11 52. \ Folio, pp. 427-430. 284 An Act for avoiding and putting an End to Certain Doubts and Questions, rela- ting to the Attestation of Wills and Codicils, concerning Real Estates, in that Part of Great IJritain called England, and in his Majesty's Colonies and Plantations in America. 96 THE TOWER COLLECTION. 1753 \^Royal Anns.^ \ ACTS and Laws, | Passed by the Great and General Court or Assembly of His Majesty's | Province of the Massachusetts- Bay in New-England : Begun and Held | at Concord in the County of Middlesex, upon M'ednesday the twenty- | seventh Day of May 1752. And continued bv Prorojiations to Wed- I nesdav the twenty-second Day of November following, and then met | at Cambridge. | [^Coh- j)hon.~\ Bodon : Printed and Sold by S. Knecland and | T. Green, by Order of His Honour the Lieutenant Go- \ vernour, Council and Houne of Representatives. 1753. | Folio, pp. 431—432. 285 [Royal Anns. 1 \ ACTS and Laws, | Passed by the Great and General Court or Assembly of His Majesty's | Province of the Massat'husetts- Bay in New-England : Begun and Held | at Concord in the County of Middh'scx, upon Wc<]nesday tlic twenty- | seventh Day of May 1752. And continuitl by Prorogations and | Adjournment, to Wednesday the twenty-eighth of March following, | and tlien met at Boston. | [Co/oy>//o«.] Boston : Printed and Sold by S. Knee/and and | T. Green, by Order of His Honour the Lieutenant Go- \ vernour. Council and House of Representatives. 1753. | Folio, pp. 433-438. 286 l^Royal Arms.!^ | ACTS and Laws, | Pa.ssefl by the Great and General Court or Assembly of His Majesty's Pro- | vincc of the Massachusetts- Bay in New-England : Begun and held at Boston | in the County of Suffolk, upon Wednesday the thirtieth Day of | May, 1753. | [Colo- phon.^ Boston: Printed and Sold by >S. Kncelund and T. \ Green, by Order of His Honour the Lieut. Govemour, \ Council and House of Representatives. 1753. | Folio, pp. 439-443. 287 The first session of 1753-54. The heading of page 442 is misprinted " Firing of Woods,'' in some copies, for " Greenfield & District." This copy contains both varia- tions. [Royal Ai-rrus.] \ AN ACT, | Passed by the Great and General Court or Assembly of His Majesty's | Province of the Massachusetts-Bay in New-England : Begun and held | at Boston, in the County of Suffolk, upon Wednesday the thirtieth Day | of May 1 753. and continued by Prorogations to Wednesday the fifth | Day of September following, and then met. | [Colophon.^ Boston: Printed and Sold by S. Kneeland MASSACHUSETTS. 97 and I T. Green, by Order of the Govemour, Council and \ House of Representatives. 1753. | Folio, pp. 44.7-446. 288 1754 [J?oj/oZ Anns."\ | ACTS and Laws, | Pa.ssetl by the Great and Geni'ral Court or Asscnihly of His Majisty's | Province of the Massachusetts- Bay in New-England : Jiegun and held at | Boston in the County of Suffolk, upon the thirtieth of May 1753, and from | thence continued hy Prorogations to Tuesday the fourth Day of Decern- | ber, 1753. | l^C'olojjhon.] Boston: Printed and Sold by S. Kneelund and T. Green, by Order of Hhs \ Excellency the Govemour, Council and House of Representatives. 1754. | Folio, pp. 447-452. 289 [Royal Arms.] \ ACTS and Laws, | Passed by the Great and (ieneral Court or Assembly of His ^L^jesty's | Province of the Ma.aws | Pasisetl by the (ireat and General Court or Assembly of His Majesty's | Province of the Mass;i- chusetts-Bay in New-England : Begun and held | at Boston, in the Countv of Suffolk, upon Wednesday the twenty-ninth | Day of May 1754. I [Bo.-nglaud : Be- | gun and Held at Boston, ujion \\'ednesday the twenty-sixth Day | of May 1 756. And continued by Prorogations and Adjourn- | ment, to the fifth Day of October following, and then met. I [Co/op/io)).] Bonion: N. E. \ Printed hy iSrnnud Kiieeland, by Order of His Honour the \ Lieut. Governour, Council and House of Represen- | tatives. 1756. | Folio, pp. 475-476. 296 1757 [Royal Arms.'\ \ ACTS and Laws, | Pa.ssed by the Great and General Court or Assembly of His Ma- | jesty's Province of the Massachusetts- Bay in New-England : Be- | gun and Held at Boston, upon Wednes- day the twenty-sixth Day | of May 1756. And continued by sundry Prorogations, to the | sixth Day of January following, and then met. I Colophon.^ Boston: | Printed by Samuel Kneeland, by Order of his Honour \ the Lieid. Goverrwur, Council and House of Repre- | sentatives. 1757. I Folio, pp. 477-480. 297 [Royal Arrns.l \ AN ACT, | Pa&sed by the Great and General Court or Assembly of His Ma- | jesty's Province of the Massachusett.s-Bay MASSACHUSETTS. 99 in New-England : Be- | gun and Held at Boston, upon AVednesday the twentj'-sixth Day | of" May 175(5. jVnd continued by sundry Prorof^a- tions and | Adjournment, to the thirtieth Day of March following, and I then met. | [Colopbon.l Bodon : X. E. \ Printed by Order of the Ilonourablc /i/.v Jf(ijc>iti/'.s Council, \ and Housse of ReprexentafioK. | And Sold by S. Kneeland, in (Jneen-Street. 1757. | Folio, pp. 491-4!i;{ for 481-483. 298 [Eoyul Anns.] \ ACTS and Laws, | Passed by the Great and General Court or Assemby of His Ma- | jesty's Province of the Massachusetts- Bay in Xew-England : Be- | gun and Held at Boston upon AVctlnesday the twenty-fifth Day | of May, 1757. | ^Colophon.] Boston: N. E. Printed by Order of His Majedifs Council, and House | of Representa- tives. Aiul Hold by S. Kneeland, in Queen^Street. [1757.] | Folio, pp. 495-496 for 485-486. 299 1768 '[Royal Anus.] \ ACTS and Laws | Passed by the Great and General Court or Assembly of His Ma- | jesty's Province of the Massachusetts- Bay in New England : | Begun and Held at Boston, upon ^^Vdnesday the twenty-fifth | Day of May 1757. And continued by Prorogations to Wcr Assembly of His Ma- | jesty's Province of the Massachusetts-Ray in New-England : | Begun and Held at Boston, upon ^\'etlnes(.lay the thirty-first | Day of May, 1758. And continued by sundry Proroga- tions I to the fourth Day of Ot'tober following, and then met. | Boston : Frinted by S. Knceland, by Order of his Excellency the | Governour, Council, and House of Representatives. 1758. | Folio, p. 495. 303 1759 \^Royal Aiins.'] \ ACTS and Laws, | Passed by the Great and General Court or Assembly of His Ma- | jesty's Province of the Massachusetts- Bay in New-England : | Begun and Held at Boston, upon \\'ednesday the thirty-first | Day of INIay 1758. And continued by sundry Pro- rogations to I Friday the twenty-ninth Day of December following, and then | met. | [^Colophon.'] Boston: N. E. Printed by S. Kneeland, by Order \ of His Excellency the Governour, Council and House of \ Representatives. 1759. | Folio, 497-503. 304 [Royal Arms.l | AN ACT, | Passed by the Great and General Court or Assembly of His Ma- | jesty's Province of the Massachusetts-Bay in New-England : | Begun and Held at Boston, upon Wednesday the thirtv-first I Day of May 1758. And continuetl by sundry Pror(igati(ms to I N\'ednesday the twenty-eighth Day of February following, and | tiicu met. I [Colophon.'] Boston: X. E. | Printed by S. Kneeland, by Order of His Excellency \ the Governour, Council, and House of Repre- I seniativea. 1759. | Folio, pp. 505-508. 305 [Royal Arm.tts-Bav | in | New-En<^lancl. | [lioi/a/ AnnK.'\ | Bodon, In New- Etiglaiul : | I'riiikd Ity >S. Kiur/aitd, by Order of Hix Exedlency the \ Governor, Council and Home of Representativen. \ M,D,CC,LIX. | Folio. * 311 Collation: Title to Chiirti-r, 1 leaf; Chartei-s, pp. 1-14; Tabic, pp. 1-24; Title to Acts, 1 p. ; Authorization, 1 p. ; Acts, pp. 1-396. The title to the Charter reads : The I Charter | Granted by thkir Majesties | King William | and | Queen Mary, | to the | Inhabitants | of the | Province | of the | Massachusetts- Bay I in I New-Enqland. I Boston, in New-England : \ Printed by S. Kneela/id, hi/ Order of His Kxcellene;/ the | Governor, Council and House of Jicjjresentatii'es. | M,DCC,LIX. I The E.xplanatory Charter occupies pp. 13-14. 1761 \_Royal Armf!.'\ | AN xVCT, | Passed by the Great and General Court or Assemljly of His Majesty's | Province of the ]\Ia.ssachusetts-Bay in New-England : Begun and | held at Boston, upon \\'ednesday the twenty-eighth Da)' of May, | 1760. And continuefl by Prorogations until AA'ednesday the | twenty-fifth of March following, and then met. I l^Colophon.^ Bodon: N. E. \ Printed by >S. Kncehind, by Order of his Excellency the Governor, \ Council and Hoiuic of Rcpreiieniative.t. 1761. I Folio, pp. 397-403 312 Altliimnh headed " An Act," there were seven acts passed at this session. \_Ruy. 31.'5 \_Ruy(d Ann.s.J | ACTS and Laws, | Passed by the Great and General Court or Assembly of his Ma- | jesty's Province of the Mas.saohusetts- Bay in New-England : | Begun and held at Boston, upon Wetlnesday the twenty-sixtii | Day of May, 1756. And continued by sundry Prorogations | to the sixth Day of January following, and then met. | [7?o,sfo»; 17()].] Folio, pp. 411-414. " 314 MA&SACHTJ8ETTS. 103 \_Roycd ArtiM.'l \ ACTS and Laws, | Passed by the Great and General Court or Assembly of liis Ma- | jcsty's Province of tlie Massachusetts- Bay in New-ICngland, | Hcgun and held at Boston, upon Wednesday the twenty-seventh | Day of May, 1761. and continued by sundry Pro- rogations I unto Thursday the twelfth Day of Xovenibcr following and I then met. | [_(.'olojjhon.'\ lioston N E : | Printed by S. Kncc/ait'l, by Order of his Excellency the \ Governor, Council and House of Repre- sentatives. 1 M,DCC,LXI. I Folio, pp. 41.5-418. 315 1762 [Royal Arms.'] \ AC!TS and Laws, | Passed by the Great and (Jeneral Court or Assembly of his Ma- | jesty's Province of the Massachusetts- Bay in New-England, | Begun and held at Boston, upon Wednesday the twenty-seventh | Day of May, 17(51. and continuey the Great and General Court or Assembly of his | Majesty's Province of the Massjt- chusetts-Bay in New-England : | Begun and held at Boston, ujjon Wednesday the twenty- | fifth Day of May, 17()."). | [Colophon.] Bos- ton : X. E. I Printed by S. Kneeland, by Order of His E.vcellency the \ Governor, Council and Hoiuie of Representatives. | M,DCC,LXIII. | Folio, i)p. 445-450. 321 17G4 [Royal Anns.] | At'TS and Laws, | I'assed by the Great and General Court or Assembly of his Ma- | jesty's Province of the Massachusetts- Bay in New-England : | Begun and lield at Boston, upon ^^'ednesday the twenty-fifth | Day of May 17().'l, and continued by Prorogations to Wed- I nesday the twenty-sect)nd Day of December next, and then met. I [Colophon.] Boston: N. E. \ Printed by S. Kneeland, by Order of His E.reellency the | Governor, Council and House of Representatives. \ M,DCC,LXlV. i Folio, pp. 451-455. " 322 [Royal Arms.] | ACTS and Laws, | Passwl by the Great and General Court or ^\.ssembly of his Majesty's | Pntvince of the Massachusetts- Bay in New-England : Begun | and held at Concord, upon ^\'ednes- day the thirtieth Day of | May, 17(i4. | [Colophon.] Boston: \ Printeil M.\-SSACHUSETTS. 105 by tS. Knecland, by Order of Hk Excellency the Governor, \ Council and House of RepreisenUitives. MDCCLXIV. | Folio, pp. 457-458. 32.3 [Royal Arms.] \ AN ACT of Parliament, | Passed in the Sixth Year of the Reign of His Majesty | King George the Second. 17;}-"}. | [Bodoii: 1764.] Folio, pp. 45.9-477. -324 This "Act for the better securing and encouraging the Trade of His Majesty's Sugar Colonies in America" is followed, with a new heading, on page 464 hy "An Act [passed in 1764] for granting certain Duties in the British Colonies and Planta- tions in America," &c., better known as the Stamp Act. Pages 460 and 461 are mis- numbered 160 and 161, and 462 is misnumbered 164. [Royal Anns.'] \ ACTS and I^aws, | Passed by the (ireat and General Court or Assembly of His Ma- | jesty's Province of the Massaehu.setts- Bay, in New-England : | Begun and held at Concord, upon Wednesday the thirtieth Day | of May, 1764. And continued by sundry Proroga- tions to I Thursday the eighteenth Day of October following, and then I met at Boston. | [Colophon.] Boston: Printed by S. Kneeland, by Order of His Excellency the | Governor, Council and House of Repre- sentatives. 1764. I Folio, pp. 479-480. 325 1765 [Royal Amis.] \ ACTS and Laws, | Passed by the Great and General Court or Assembly | of His Maje.sty's Province of the Massachusetts- Bay I in New- England : Begun and held at Concord | in the County of Middlesex, upon Wednesday tlie | Thirtieth Day of May, 1764, and from thence | continued by sundry Prorogations to ^\' wines- day the I Ninth Day of January following, and then met at | Boston in the County of Suffolk. | [Colophon.] Boston; Xew-Enijland : | Printed by Richard and Samuel Draper, and Green and Russell, \ Print- ers to the Government. 1765. | Folio, pp. 481-489. 326 [Royal Anns.] \ ACTS and Laws, | Passetl by the Great and General Court or Assenil)ly | of His Majesty's Province of Ma.ssichu.-fetts- Bay in | New-P^ngland : Begun and held at Boston, in the | County of Suffolk, ui)on Wwlnesday the Twenty- | ninth Day of May, 1765. I [Colophon.] Boston: Printed by Richard and Samitel Draper, and \ Green and Russell, Printers to the Government. 1765. | Folio, pp. 491- 497. 327 106 THE T0\VF:K ("OLT.ECriON. [Royal Aniu^.] \ ACTS and Laws, | Tas-scKl hv tlie Great and Gonoral Court or Assembly | of His Majesty's Province of Ma-ssiiehusetts-lJay in I Xew-England : Begun and held at Boston, in tlie | County of Suffolk, upon Wednesday the Twenty-ninth Day of May, J7(io ; and continued by Pro- | rogations unto A\'ednesday the Twenty-fiftii Day of I September, and then met. | [Bonton: 1765.] Folio, pp. 4i»!t-o00. 328 \_Royal Anns.'] | ACTS and I^aws, | Passent<(o)i : I Printed by Bichdrd Draper, and Green & Rituxel/, \ Prhdem to the Government. 1770. | Folio, pp. r,(Jl-.'J68. 338 \_Eoyal ArniH.I \ ACTS and Laws, | Passed by the Great and (ieneral Court or Assembly of | the Province of the Massachusetts- Bay in New- ] England : Begun and Held at Harvard-College in | Cambridge, on Wetlnesday the Thirtieth Day of | May, 1770, and continued by sundry Prorogations | unto AVwlncsday the Twent}- -sixth Day of September | following, and then met. | [Co/o/j/iori.] Bodon: Printed by Richard Draper, and Green & | A'lW.sr//, Printers to tlie Government. 1770. | Folio, pp. 509-575. 339 1771 [Royal Anns.'] | ACTS and Laws, | Passed by the Great and General Court or Assembly | of His Majesty's Province of the Massa- chusetts- I Bay in New-England : Begun and held at Cam- | bridge, in the County of Middlesex, upon Wedncs- | day tlu; Thirtieth Day of May, 1770; and conti- | nued I)y sundry Prorogations unto Wednes- day the I Third Day of April Iblhjwing, and then met. | [Colophon.'] Boston, N. E. Printed by Richard Drn- | per, and Green and Russell, Printers to the Go- \ vernmeid. 1771. | Folio, pp. 577-563 for 589. 340 The second session of 1770-71. Page 585 to 589 are niisnumbered 558 to 563. [Royal Ai-ms.] \ ACTS and Laws, | Passed by the Great and General Court or Assembly of | His Majesty's Province of the Massa- chusetts- I Bay, in New-England : Begun and held at Cam- | bridge in the County of Middlesex, upon Wed- | ncsday the twenty-ninth Day of May 1771. | [Bodon: 1771.] Folio, pp. 591-599. 341 1772 [Royal Arms.] \ ACTS and Laws, | Passed by the Great and General Court or Assembly of | His Majesty's Province of Massachu- MASSACHUSETTS. ] 09 setts-Bay in | New-Enirland : Begun and lield at Canil)ridge | upon Wednesday the Twenty-iiiiitli Day of May | 1771, and ajntinued by sundry Prorogations to | Wednesday the Ninth Day of April 1772, and I tiien met. | \_Colophoii.1 Boaton, New-Ewjlnnd : \ Printed by Rlchurd Draper, and Green and RasaeU, | Prlniern to the Government. 17712. I Folio, pp. 601-606. 342 \_lioyal Aniu'i.'] \ ACTS and Laws, | Passetl by the Great and General Court or Assembly | of His Majesty's Province of Ma.ssa- ehusetts-Bay in | New-England : Begun and held at Cambridge | upon Wednesday the Twenty-seventh Day of May | 1772, and adjouriKHl to Boston the 11th of .June. | [Co/oy^/iou.] Bodon: \ Printed hy lliehard Draper, and Green So!d by Samuel Kneeland and Titnothi/ (Ireen, by Order | of Hit Exce/leney the Govemour, Coundt, and House of \ Representciiives. MDCCXLIII. | Folio, i)p. 77-81. 353 \_Royal Arms.'] \ ACTS and Laws | Passed by tlie Great and General Court or Assembly of His Majesty's Province | of the Massa- cliiisetts-Bay in New- England : Begun and Held at Boston upon | \\'ednesday the twenty-fifth Day of May 1743, and continued by Ad- I journment to Thursday the eighth Day of September following. | [('oloplion.'] Bonton: N. E. | Printed and Sold by Samuel Knee/and and Timothy Green, by \ Order of His Exeelleucy the Gorernour, Couneil, and House \ of Represertlativeit. MDCCXLIII. | Folio, jjj). 8.".-89. 354 [Royal Arms.'] \ AN ACT | Passed by the Great and General Court or Assembly of His Majesty's Province | of the Massachusetts- l?ay in New-England : Begun and held at Boston upon | Wednesday the twenty-fifth Day of May 1743, and continued by Ad- | journment to Thursday the eighth Day of September following. | [Boston : S. Knee- laml and T. Green. 174*3] | Folio, p. 83. 355 [Royal Anii.'i.] | ACTS and Laws | Passed by the (Jreat and General Cotn-t or Assembly of His Majesty's Province | of the Massa- chusetts-Bay in New-England : Begun and Held at Boston upon | Wednesday the twenty-fifth Day of May 1743, and continued by Adjourn- | ment and Prorogation to Thursday the twentieth of October following. I [('olophon.] Boston: A\ E. | Printed and Sold by Samuel Kneeland ami Timothy Green, by Order | of His E.rcAleney the Gov- emour, Council and House of \ Representatives. MDCCXLIII. | Folio, pp. 91-97. 356 1744 [Royal Arms.] \ AN ACT | Passed by the Great and General Court or Assembly of His Majesty's Province | of the Massachusetts-Bay in New-England : Begun and held at Boston upon | Wednesday the twenty-fifth Day of May 1743, and continued by Adjourn- | ment and Prorogations to Wednesday the eighth Day of February following. I [Colo/jhon.] Boston: N. E. \ Printed and Sold by Samuel Kneeland MASSACHUSETTS. 113 anrl Thnnthii Orfcn, by Order \ of Hm Excellrncy ihe Govrrnour, Coun- cil and House of \ Representativejs. MDCCXLIII. [1743-4.] | Folio, pp. 99-109. 3")7 [^lioyal Antis.'] \ AC"1\S iiiul I>a\vs | Passal hy the (Jreut and General Court or Assembly of His Majesty's Province | of tiie Massa- chusetts-Bay in New-England : Begun and held at Boston, ujion | AVednesday tlic thirtieth Day of May 1744. | [C'oloithon.'] Boston: \ Printed y .Vdjourn- mcnt I and Pronigations to the tentii Day of October foliowing. | \('hlophon^ Boston: Printed fry Samuel Knee/and a uil Timothy Green, I by Order of His Excellency the Gorernour, Council aiid House of | Reprcucntativcs. MDCCXLIN'. | Folio, pp. 229-135. 360 Pages 129 to 132 were misnumbered 229 to 232. 1 74.> \_Royal Arms.'] \ ACTS and I>aws, | Passed by the Great and General Court or Assembly of His Majesty's Province | of fiie Massa- chusetts-Hay in New-England : Bcgiui and held at Boston upon | A\'cducsday the tiiii'tictli Day of .May 1741, and continued by .Vdjourn- I iiicnt and Prorogations to AVednesday the twenty-eighth Dav of November | following. | [f^olophon.] Boston : Printed by Samuel Knee- 114 THE TOWER CX)LLECnON. kind aud Timothy Green, \ by Order of His Excellency the Governonr, Council, and Home | of Representativen. 1745. | Folio, pp. 137-158. 361 [Royal Arms.'l \ ACTS and Laws, | Pa.s.secl by the Great and General Court or Assembly of His Majesty's Proviuoe | of the Ma.ssa- chusetts-Bay in New- England : B^iin and Held at Boston upon | Wednesday the twenty-ninth Day of May 1745. | [^Colophon. 'j Box- ton: Printed and Sold by Samuel Kneelund and Timothy \ Green, by Ordet- of His Excellency the GoveiTWur, Council and \ House of Rep- resentcdices. MDCCXLA^ | Folio, pp. 159-171. 362 [Royal Arms.^ \ ACTS and Laws | Passed by the Great and General Court or Assembly of His Majesty's Province | of the Massa- chusetts-Bay in New-England : Begun and Held at Boston upon | Wednesday the twenty-ninth Day of May 1 745. And continued by Ad- I joumment to Wednesday the seventeenth Day of July following. | [Colophon.'\ Boston: Printed and Sold by Samuel Kneeland and Timo- thy I Green, by Order of His Excellency the Governour, Council and \ House of Representatires. MDCCXLV. | Folio, pp. 173-176. 363 [Royal Arms.'] | AN ACT | Passed by the Great and General Court or Assembly of His Majesty's Province | of the Massachusetts- Bay in New- England : Begun and held at Boston upon | M'edncsday tiie twenty-ninth Day of May 1745. And continued by | Adjournments and Prorogations to A\'edncsday the thirtieth Day of October | follow- ing. I [Boston: S. Kneeland and T. Green. 1745.] | Folio, p. 177. 364 1746 [Royal Arms.'] \ ACTS and Laws | Pa.ssed by the Great and General Court or Assembly of His Majesty's Province | of the Massachusetts- Bay in New-England : Begun and held at Boston upon | ^\'cdnes- day the twcuty-ninth Day of May 1745. And continuctl by | Ad- journments and Prorogations to Wednesday the eleventh Day of Decemljer | following. | [Colophon.] Boston: X. E. Printed and Sold by Samuel Kneeland and \ Timothy Green, by Order of His Excellency the Governour, \ Council and House of Representatives. MDCCXLVI. I Folio, pp. 179-190. 365 MASSACHUSETTS. 115 [^Royal Armn.'] \ ACTS and Laws | Passed by the Great and (ienerdl Court or Assembly of His Majesty's Province | of" the Massa- chusetts-Bay in New-England : Begun and held at Boston upon | Wetlncsday the twenty-eighth Day of May 1746. | [^Colophon.'] Bos- ton: Printed by .Samuel KneeUind ami TinwtUy Green, \ by Order of Hix Excellency the Governour, Council and Houne | of Representative's. MDCCXLVI. I Folio, pp. 191-201. 366 [Eoyal Arnut.'] | AN ACT | Passed by the Great and General Court or Assembly of His Majesty's Province | of the Ma.s.sachusetts-Bay in Xew-England : Begun and held at Boston upon | ^\'ednesday the twenty-eighth of ]\Iay 1746. ,Vnd continued by -\.djourn- | ments to Mondaythefourthof August following. | \^Colophon.^ Boston: | Printed and Sold, by S. Kneeland and T. G-reen, by Order of the | Governour, Council and Representalives. MDCCXLVI. | Folio, pp. 2U;3— 20o. 367 [Royrd Arms.'\ \ ACTS and Laws | Passed by the Great and (Jeneral Court or Assembly of His Majesty's Province | of the Ma.ssa- chusetts Bay in New- England: Begun and held at Boston upon | Wednesday the twenty-eighth of May 1746. And continued by Adjourn- | ments to M'cdnesday the twenty-seventh of August fol- lowing. I l^Colophon-l Boston : | Printed and Sold by S. Kneeland and T. Green, by Order of the \ Governour, Council and Represaitatives. MDCCXLVL I Folio, pp. 207-214. 368 [Royal Arnh'i.'] \ AN ACT | Passetl by tlie Great and General Court or jVssembly of His Majesty's Province | of the Massachu- setts-Bav in New-England : Begun and iicld at Boston, upon | ^^'ednesday the twenty-eighth of ilay 1746. And coutinuetl by Ad- journ- I nicnts to Thursday the sixth of November following. | [Colo- phon.'\ Boston : | Printed and Sold by S. Kneeland and T. Green, by Order of the \ Governour, Council and Representatives. MDCCXLVI. I Folio, pp. 21.J-218. 369 [Roytd Aniui.'] \ ACTS and I^aws | Pa.ssetl by the (Jreat and General Court or Assembly of His Majesty's Pro- | vince of the Massa- chusetts-Bay in New-England : Begun and held at | Boston upon 116 THE TOWER COLLECTION. Wwliiesday the twenty-eighth Day of May 1746. And con- | tinned by Adjonnnncnt!? to Wwlnc-sday the twenty fonrth Day of Decern- | her following. I [(h/ajjltoit.'] Boston: N. E. \ Printed and Sold by S. Kncc- Idiid and T. Green, by Order of the | Governour, Council and Reprc- sn,t(diees. MDCCXLVI. | Folio, pp. 219-228. 370 1747 {Royal Arms.'] \ ACTS and Laws, | Passed by the (ireat and General Conit or Assembly of His Majesty's Provinee | of the Massa- ehnsetts-Bay in New-England : Begun and Held at Boston, upon | Wednesday the twenty-eighth Day of May 1746, and continned by | Adjoni-nnients to Thursday the sixteenth Day of April following. | l^Volophon.'] Boston: N. E. \ Printed and Sold by Samuel Kneeland and Timothy Green, by Order \ of the Governour, CoutuAI and liepre- sentaiives. \ MDCCXLVII. | Folio, pp. 229-241. 371 [Royal Arms.] \ ACTS and Laws, | Passed by the Great anri General Court or Assembly of His Majesty's Provinee | of the Massa- chusetts-Bay in New-England : Begun and held at Boston upon | Wednesday the twenty- seventh Day of May 1747. | [(Ailophon.] Boston : N. E. Printed and Sold by Samuel Kneeland and \ Timothy Greai, by Order of the Gorernour, Council and \ House of Reprewnta- tives. MDCCXLVII. | Folio, pp. 24.3-249. 372 [Royal Arms.] \ ACTS and Laws | Passed by the Great and General Court (U- A.ssembly of His Majesty's Provinee | of the Massa- chusetts-liay in New-England : Begun and Held at IJoston upon | Wednesday the twenty-seventh Day of May 1747, and continued by I Adjournments to Wednesday the twelfth Day of August following. | [Co/oj/hon.] Boston: iV. E. \ Printed and Sold by Samuel Kneeland and Timothy Green, hy \ Order (f Hin Excellency the Governour, Council and House \ of Representf dives. MDCCXL\"I1. | Folio, pp. 251-254. ;}73 [Royal Arms.] \ AN ACT | Passed by the (ireat and General Court or Assembly of His Majesty's Province | of the Massachusetts- Bay in New-England : Begun and held at Boston ujion | ^\'ednes(lay the twenty-seventh Day of May 1747, and continued by | .Vdjournments MASSACHUSETTS. 117 and Prorogation to Wednesday tlie fotirteentli Day of October | follow- ing. I [Cb/oy^/(o;j.] Boston: N. E. \ Printed and Sold by Samuel Knee- land and Timothy Green, by \ Order of the Goverriour, Council and House of Bepresm- \ tcdiven. MDCCXLVII. | Folio, ])i>. 255-258. 374 1748 [Royal Arins.'] \ AN ACT | Passed by the Great and General Court or Assembly of His Majesty's Province | of the Massachusetts-Bay in New-England : Begun and held at Boston upon | Wednesday the twenty-seventh Day of May 1747, and continued by | Adjournments and Prorogations to M'^ednesday the third Day of February | follow- ing. I l^Colophon.^ Bodon: N. E. | Printed and Sold by S. Kneeland and T. Green, by Order of the \ Governour, Council, and Home of Represmtative.s. \ MDCCXLVIII. | Folio, pp. 259-261. 375 [Royal xinnx.'j | ACTS and Laws | Passed by tlic Great and General Court or Assembly of His Majesty's Province | of the Ma.ssa- chusetts-Bay in New-England: Begun and held at Boston upon | Wednesday the twenty-fifUi Day of May 1748. | [Colojjhon.^ Boston: Printed and Sold by S. Kneeland and T. Green, by \ Order of His Excellency the Governour, Council and House of \ Representatives. MDCCXLVIII. 1 Folio, pp. 26:3-274. 376 [Royal Arms.'] \ ACTS and Laws | Passed l)y the Great and General Court or Assembly of His Majesty's Pro- | vince of the ^lassa- cluisetts-Bay in New-Kngland: Begun aud held at | Boston upon Wednesday the twenty-fifth Day of May 1748, and conti- | nuetl bv Prorogations to Wednesday the twenty-sixth Day of October I following, and then met. | [Colophon.'] Boston: N. E. Printed and Sold by S. Kneeland and T. Green, | by Order of His Excellency the Governour, Council and House \ of Rejyresentative^. MDCCXLVIII. I Folio, pp. 275-277. 377 [Royal Anns.] \ ACTS and Laws | I'assed l)y the Great and (ileneral Court or Assembly of His Majesty's Pro- | vince of the Mas- sachusetts-Bay in New-l'".iiglanngland : Begun and held at | Boston upon Wednesday tlie twenty-fifth Day of May 1748, and eon- | tinuitl l)y Prorogation and ^Adjournments to Wednesday the fifth Day of | April following, and tiien met. | [('olophon.'\ Boston: N. E. Printed and Sold by 8. Kneeland and T. Green, \ by Order of His Excellency the Govemour, Council, and House \ of Representatives. MDCCXLIX. I Folio, pp. 285-286. 379 [Royal Anns.l | ACTS and Laws | Passed by the Great and General Court or Assembly of His Maje.-^ty's Pro- | vinee of the Massa- chusetts-Bay in New-England : Begun and held at | Boston upon Wednesda}- the thirty-first Day of May 1749. | [Colo^^hon.'] Boston .- I Printed and Sold by S. Kneeland and T. Green, by Order of the | Govemour, Council and Representatives. MDCCXLIX. | Folio, pp. 287-295. 380 The acts of the second sossion of this asserahly occupy pp. 290-295. [Royal Ai-nus.] \ ACTS and Laws | Passed by the Great and General Court or Assembly of His Majesty's Pro- | vince of the Massa- chusetts-Bay in New-England : Begun and held at | Boston upon Wednesday the thirty-first Day of May 1749. and conti- | nuelinn.'] Boston: Printed and Sold by S. Kneeland and T. Green. \ by Order of His Honour the Lieutenant Govemour, Council I and House of Repi-esentatives. MDCCXLIX. | Folio, pp. 297-306. 381 1750 [Royal Aimus.l \ ACTS and Laws | Passed by the Great and General Court or ^Assembly of His Majesty's Pro- | vince of the Massa- ehusett.s-Bay iu New-England : Begun and held at | Boston upon Wednesday the thirty-first Day of May 1749, and conti- | nued by Sim- dry Prorogations and an Adjournment to the twenty-second | Day of MASSACHUSETTS. 119 February followiiijr, and then met. [Colophon.l Bo-Hion : N. E. Printed and Sold btj >S. Knedand and T. \ Green, by Order of Hus Exedlency the Governour, Council \ and House of Represeniatives. MDCCL. | Folio, pp. 307-315. 382 [Royal Ai'msJ\ \ ACTS and Laws | Passed by the Great and General Court or Assembly of His Majesty's Pro- | vinee of the Massacluisotts- Bay in Xew-England : Begun and liciil | at Boston upon M'etlnestlay the thirtieth Day of May 1750. | [^Colophon.'] Boston: N. E. Piinted and Sold by S. Knedand and | T. Green, by Order of Hia Honour the Lieidcnu)d Governour, \ Council and House of Represeidativets. MDCCL. I Folio, pp.317-.322. 383 \^Royul Arni)i.'\ \ ACTS and Laws | Passetl by the Great and General Court or Assembly of His Majesty's Pro- | vince of the Massachusetts- Bay in New-England : Begun and Held at | Boston upon Wednesday the thirtieth Day of May 1750, and continued | by Prorogations to Wednesday the twenty-sixth of September following. | [Boston : S. Kneeland and T. Green, 1750.] Folio, pp. 33:3-342 for 323-332. 384 [Royal Ai-msJ] \ ACTS and Laws | Passed l)y the Great and General Court or Assembly of His Majesty's | Province of the Massa- chusetts-Bay in Xcw-England : Begun and Held | at Bostf>n upon AVednesday the thirtieth Day of May 1750 ; and con- | tinned l)y Pro- rogations to Thursday the tenth of January following. | [Colophon.'] Boston : Printed and Sold by S. Kneeland and \ T. Green, by Order of His Honour the Lieutenant- \ Governour, Council and House of Repre- sentatives. 1750. I Folio, pp. 333-341. 385 1751 [Royal Arms.] \ ACTS and Laws | Passed l)y the Great and General Court or Assembly of His Majesty's | Province of the Massa- chusetts-Bay in New-England : Begun and Held | at Boston upon Wednesday tlie thirtieth Day of May 1750 ; and con- | tinned by Pro- rogations and Adjournment to Wetlnesday tlie twenty- | seventh Day of March following. | [Colophon.] Boston: Printed and Sold by S. Knee- land and I T. Green, by Order of His Honour the Lieutenant- ( Gov- ernour, Council & House of Represcntaiives. 1751. | Folio, pp. 343- 346. 386 120 THE TOWEK COLLECTION. [Royal Arms.'] \ ACTS and I^aws | Passed by the Great and General Court or Assembly of His Majesty's | Province of the Massi- ehusetts-Bay in Xew-England : Begun and Held | at Boston upon Wetbiesday the twenty-ninth Day of May 1751. | [Cb/opAon.] Bos- ton : Printed and Sold by S. Kneelnnd and \ T. Green, by Order of Hin Honour the Lieutenant- | Governour, Council [arch following, and then met. | [('olophon.'] Bodon: Printed by S. Kneeland, by Order of His Ex- I celleney the Governour, Council and Home of Bepresentatives. I 1758. I Folio,"pp. 341-348. 418 [Royal Arms.l \ ACTS and Laws, | Passed by the Great and General Court or Assembly of His Ma- | jesty's Province of the Massa- chusetts-Bay in Xew-England : | Begun and Held at Boston, upon Wetlnestlay the twenty-fifth | Day of ^lay 1 757. And continued by Prorogations and Ad- | journment to Tuesday the eighteenth Day of April following, | and then met. | [Colophon.'] Boston, X. E. \ Printed by Samuel Kneeland, by Order of Hm Excellency \ the Governour, Coun- cil, and House of Representa- \ tivcs. 1758. | Folio, pp. 349-354. 419 [Roijal Arms.'] \ ACTS and Laws, | Parsed by the Great and General Court or Assembly of His Ma- | jesty's Province of the Massa- chusetts-Bay in New-England: | Begun and Held at Boston, upon Wednesday the thirty -first | Day of May 1758. | [Colophon.] Boston: N. E. I Printed by S. Kneeland, by Order of His Excellency the \ Gov- ernour, Council, and House of Represenia- \ lives. 1758. | Folio, pp. 355-363. 120 [Royal Ai-ms.] \ ACTS and Laws, | Passed by the Great and General Court or Assembly of His Ma- | jesty's Province of the Massachusetts- Bay in New-England : | Begun and Held at Boston, upon Wednesday the thirty-first | Day of May 1758. And continued by sundry Proro- gations I to the fourth Day of October following, and then met. | [Colophon.] Boston: Printed by S. Kneeland, by Order of His | &- celleney the Governour, Council, and House of Re- \ presentaiives. 1758. I Folio, pp. 36.5-366. 421 128 THE TOWER COLLECTION. 1750 \^Royal Anm.'] \ ACTS and Laws, | Passed by the Great and General Court or Assembly of His Ma- | jesty's Province of the Mas- sachusetts-Bay in New-England : | Begun and Held at Boston, upon Wednesday tlie thirty-first | Day of May 1758. And continuwl \>y sundry Prorogations to | Friday the twenty-ninth Day of December following, and then | met. | [Colophon.'\ Boston : N. E. Printed by S. Knedaml, by Onlcr \ of His Excellency the Govemour, Council and Home of | Representatives. 1759. | Folio, pp. 367-372. 422 [Royal Arm.'i.'\ \ ACTS and Laws, | Passed by the Great and General Court or Assembly of His Ma- | jesty's Province of the Mas- sachusetts-Bay in Xew-England : | Begun and Held at Boston, upon Weilnesday the tiiirty-first | Day of May 1758. And C()ntinuei.] I AN ACT of rarliaiuoiit, | Passed in tlie JmIUi Year of the Reign of Our | Sovereign T^ord George the Third. | \^Colo- phon.] BoKfon; New-Evgkmd : \ Printed, by Richard and. Samuel Draper, and Green \ and Ra.s.se//, J'rinter.s to the Government. 1 765. | Folio, 2)p. 281-29;5. 443 '•All Act to nmfiul an act lipt- puiiisliini;' Mutiny "iid Desertion." [Royal Ann.t.'j \ ACTS and Laws, | Passey Rieintrd and Samuel Draper, & Green \ and Russell, Printers to the Government. 1766. I Folio, pp. 317-323. 446 iC [Royal Arms.] \ AN ACT of. Parliament, | Passed in the Sixth Year of the Peign of Our | Sovereign Lord (leorge the Third. | [Boston: 17()6.] Folio, pp. 325-333. 447 " An .Vet lor opening, &c'., certain Ports in Janmica and Dominica," &e. 10 l;54 THE TOWER COLLECTION. [Bni/nl Arms.] \ AN AC"T of Parliamont, | Passed in the Sixtli Year of the Reign of Our | Sovereign Lord George tlie Third. | [Boston: 17G(3.] | Folio, pp. ;};55-347. 448 "An Act to amend uud render more effectual in His Majesty's Dominions in America, An Act for punishing Mutiny and Desertion." 17«7 [Royal ArniK.] \ ACTS and Laws, | Piissed by the Great and General Court or Assembly of | His Majesty's Province | of the Mas.sachusett.s- Bay, in | New-England : Begun and held at Boston, upon | Wednes- day the twenty-eighth Day of May 1766 ; | and from thence continued by several Prorogations | to A\^alne[ajesty by the General Assembly, at their several Sessions in May and Oetoher, in the Year, 1710." 1718 ANNO Regni Regis Georgii, Quarto. Tax. | [Royal Ai-ms.] \ An Act I Passed by the Great and General Court or Assembly of His Majesty's Province | of the Massaclmsetts-Bay in Xew-England : Be- gun and Hehl at Boston upon | Wednesday the Twenty-eighth of May, 1718. I [Colojj/ion.] Bo.ston : Piinted by B. Grem, Printer to Hi.s Excellency the | Governour and Council. 1718. | Folio, pp. 4. 478 " An Act for Apportioning and Assessing a Tax of Eight Thousand Two Hundred and Fifty Pounds, upon Polls and Estates." 171« ANNO Regni Regis Georgii, Quinto. Tax. | [Royal .!/-»«.] | An Act I Passeil b}- the Great and General Court or Assembly of His Majesty's Province | of the Massachusetts-Bay in New-England : Be- gun and Held at Boston upon | Wednesday the Twenty-seventh Day of May, 1719. | [Colophon.l Boston: Printed by B. Green, Printer to His Excellency the Gov. & (huncil. 1719. | Folio, pp. 4. 479 " An Act for Apportioning and Assessing a Tax of Four Thousand and Ten Pounds, Ten Shillings and Six Pence, upon Polls and Estates." 1720 ANNO Regni Regis Georgii, Sexto. Tax. | [Royal Arm.'i.'] \ An Act I Passed by the Great and General Court or Assembly of His Majesty's Province | of the Massachusetts-Bay in New-England : Be- gun and Held at Boston, ui)oii | Wednesday the Thirteenth Day of July, 1720. I [Colophon.'] Boston: Printed by B. Green, Printer to Hiji Excellency the Gov. & Council. 1720. | Folio, j)p. 4. 480 " An Act for Apportioning and Assessing a Tax of Six Thousand Pounds, Seven- teen Shillings and Three Pence, upon Polls and Estates." 1722 ANNO Regni Regis Georgii, Octavo. | [Royal Arm.'<.] \ An .\ct | Passetl by the Great and General Court or Assembly of His Majesty's 142 THE TOWER COLLECTION. Province | of the Massaehusetts-Bay in New-England : B^un and Held at Boston upon | Wednesday the Thirtieth Day of May, 1722. | [^ColophonJ] Boxton : Printed by B. Green, Printer to His Exce/leney the Gov. & Council. 1722. | Folio, pp. 4. 481 " An Act Apportioning and Assessing a Tax of Six Thousand Two Hundred and Thirty-Two Pounds, Thirteen Shillings and Eleven Pence." 1723 ANNO Regni Regis Georgii, Nono. | [Royal Ariivi.'\ | An Act | Passed hy the Great and General Court or Assembly of His Majesty's Province | of the Massachusetts-Bay in New-England, Begun and Hekl at Boston upon | Wwlnesday the Twenty-ninth Day of May, 172;). I [^ ('olojjhon.^ Boston: Prinied by B. Green, Printer to His Honour the Lieut. Gov. & Council. 1 723. | Folio, pp. 4. 482 "An Act for Apportioning and Assessing a Tax of Six Thousand Two Hundred and Five Pounds, Fifteen Shillings & Seven-pence Half Penny." 1724 ANNO Regni Regis Georgii, Decimo. | [^Royal Ann«.'\ | An Act I Passed by the Great and General Court or Assembly of His Majesty's Province | of the Massachusetts-Bay in New-England, Begun and Held at Boston upon | ^\'edncsday the Twenty-seventh Day of May, 1724. I [Colophon.^ Boston: Printed by B. Green, Printer to His Honour the Lieut. Gov. & Council. 1724. | Folio, pp. 4. 483 " An Act for Apportioning and Assessing a Tax of Fourteen Thousand Pounds." 1729 ANNO Regni Regis Georgii, II. Tertio. | \^Royal A)ins.'] \ An Act I Passed by the Great and General Court or Assembly of His Majesties Province | of the Mas.sachusetts-Bay in New-England, Begun and Held at Salem upon | Wednesday the Twenty-eighth Day of May 1729. And continued by several | Prorogations and Adjournment to Cambridge the Twenty-seventh Day of | Augast following. | \_Colo- phon.^ Boston : Printed by B. Green, Printer to His Honour the Lieu- tenant I Governour and Council. 1729. | Folio, pp. 5 for 7, there being two pages each numbered 2 and 3. 484 " An Act for Apportioning and Assessing a Tax of Eight Thousand Two Hundred and Eight Pounds, and also ... a further Tax of Four Thousand Six Hundred Forty Three Pounds Sixteen Shillings, paid the Representatives, Anno 1728." MASSACHUSETTS. 143 1730 ANNO Regni R^is Georgii, II. Quarto. | [Royal Anm.] \ An Act I Passed by the Great and General Court or As.sembly of His Majesties Provi nee | of the Massjichusetts-Bay in New- England, Begun and Held at Canihridge | upon Wetlnesday the Twenty-seventh Day of May 1730. And continued | by several Prorogations and Adjourn- ment to the Ninth Day of September I following. I [Colophon.] Boston: Printed by B. Green, Printer to Hi.'s Excclleney the \ Governour and CouncU. 1730. | Folio, pp. o for 7, there being two pages each numbered 2 and 3. 485 " An Act for Apportioning •and Assessing a Tax of Eight Thousand Pounds, and also ... a further Tax of Two Hundred & Forty Pounds Thirteen Shillings laid on several Towns within mentioned for not sending a Representative wi by Law they are obliged, and also ... a further Tax of Two Thousand Three Hundred and Fifty- one Pounds Fifteen Shillings, paid the Representatives, Anno 1729." 1731 ANNO Regni Regis Georgii Secundi, Quarto & Quinto. | [Royal Anm.'] I An Act | Passal by the Great and General Court or Assembly of His Majesties Province | of the Ma.s.sachusetts-Bay in New-England, Begun and Held at Boston, upon | Wetlnesday the Twenty-sixth Day of May, 1731. | [Colophon.] Boston: Printed by B. Green, Printer to His Excellency the \ Governour and Council. 1731. | Folio, pp. 5 for 7, there being two pages each numbered 2 and 3. 486 " An Act for Apportioning and Assessing a Tax of Six Thousand Eight Hundred and Eighteen Pounds," &c. 1732 ANNO Regni Regis Georgii Secundi, Quinto & So.xto. | [Royal Anm.] I An Act | Pas.setl by the Great and General Court or Assem- bly of His Majesty's Province | of the Massachusetts-Bay in New- England, Begun and Held at Boston, upon ( AVednesday the Thirty- first Day of May, 1732. | [Colophon.] Boston: Printed by B Green, Printer to His E.vcellency the | Governour and Council. 1732. | Folio, pp. 5 for 7, there being two pages each luuubered 2 and 3. 487 "An Act for Apportioning and Assessing a Tax of Eight Thousand and seven Founds sixteen Shillings," &c. 1733 ANNO R^ni R^is Georgii, Secundi, | Se.xto & Septimo. | [Royal Anns.] An Act | Passed by the Great and General Court or Assembly 144 THE TOWER COLLECTION. of His Majesty's Province | of the Massachusetts-Bay in New-Eng- land, beifun and held at Boston, upon | Wednesday the Thirtieth Day of May 17.'5."J. | [f 'o/o^Ao?i.] Boston: | Printed by John Draper, Printer to Hin ExeeUency the \ Governour and Council. IT.i'.i. \ Folio, pp. 7. 487* " An Act apportioning and assessing a Tax of Poven Tliousand nine Hundred and Eighty seven Pounds sixteen Shillings." 1 73(5 ANNO Regni Georgii, Secundi, Regis, Nono & Decimo. | [Roy7.] | Folio, pp. 7. 4U] 178S ANNO Regni Georgii, Secundi, Regis, Undecinio & Duodec-iiuo. I [lloyaf Arm.f<.] | An Act | Passetl by the Great and (Jeneral Court or Assembly of His Majesty's Province of the Massaciui- | setts-Bay in New-England, Begun and Held at Boston, upon \\\'dnesday the Thirty-first Day | of May, 17;58. | [Colophon.] Bonton: \ Printed by John Draper, Printer to i/w Exwlleney the | Governour arul ( 'oiincil [17.38.] I Folio, pp. (9.) 492 " An Alt apportioning and assessing a Tax of Thirteen thousaiul pounds, in Bills of Credit of the new Form and Tenor." There are two pages each numbered 2, 3, and 4, respectively. The other three are not numbered. 1740 ANNO Regni Georgii, Secundi, Regis, Decinio Tertio & Quarto. | [lioi/at Armj<.] \ An Act | Passed by the Great and (ieneral Court or Assembly of His Majesty's Province of the Massachusetts- | Bay in New-England ; Begun and Held at lioston, ujion AVinlncsday the Twenty-eighth Day of | May, 1740. | [Co/ophon.] Boston: | Printed by John Draper, Printer to Hia Excellency the | Governour and Council. 1740. I Folio, pp. (9.) 493 " An Act for apportioning and a.ssessing a Ta.x of Twenty-four thou.sand Pounds in Bills of Credit," i&c. 1741 ANNO Regni GtH)rgii, St^'undi, Regis, Decimo-Ciuinto | [Royal Anns.] I An Act | Passetl by the Gre ANNO Regni Regis Georgii Tertii, Qninto. | [Royal Arms.] \ An Act I Passed by the Great and (Jeneral Conrt or Assembly of the MASSACHUSETTS. 14!) Provnnce of the Massachusetts-Bay, in | New-England ; Ix-gun and held at Boston in the County of Suffolk, on "Wednesday the Twenty- I ninth Day of May, 17(}5. | [Co/ojjhon.'^ Boston: Printed by Richard and Samuel Draper, and Green and \ limnell, Printers to tlve Govern- ment. 1765. I Folio, pp. 8 for 13. 505 " An Act for apportioning and assessing a Tax of Fifty Thousand Pounds," &c. 176C ANNO Regni Regis (ieorgii 'I'ertii, Se.xto. | Sexto. | \_Royul Anm.'] I An Act I Passed by the Great and General Court or Assembly of the Province | of the Massachusetts-Bay, in | New-England ; begun and held at Boston in the County of Suifolk on A\'cdnesday the Twenty- | eighth Day of May, 1766. | IColophon.l Boxton: Printed by Richard and Samuel Draper and | Ch-een and Russell, Printers to the Government. 1766. | Folio, pp. 8 for 13. 506 "An Act for apportioning and assessing a Tax of Forty Thousand Pounds," &c. 1769 ANNO Eegni Regis Georgii Tertii, Nono. | [Royal Ai-ms."] \ An Act I Passed by the Great and General Court or Assembly of the Province of the | ^Ia.ssachusetts-Bay in New-England ; begun and held at Boston, in the County | of Suflblk, on Wednesday the Thirt\-first Day of May, 1769. | [Colophon.] Boston: Printed by Richard Draper, and Green aiul Russell, | Printers to the Government. 1769. | Folio, pp. 8 for 13. 507 "An Act for apportioning and assessing a Tax of Thirty Thousand Pounds," &c. 1771 PROVINCE of I Massachusetts- | Bay. | [Royal Arms.'] | The Honorable | Harrison Gray, Esq ; | Treasurer and Receiver-General of His Majesty's said Province. | To the Select-Men or Assessors of the Town or District of | (irecting, ttc. ,| [Boston: 1771.] Folio, pp. 6. 508 A tax levy of £27,300 by the Provincial Treasurer, under an Act passed in 1770, the Assembly of 1771 having failed to pass a tax bill. 1772 PROVINCE of I Mas-siichusctts-Bay. | [Royal Anns.] \ The Hon- orable I Harrison Gray, Es(j; | Trea-surer and Receiver-General of His 11 150 TFIK TOWER COIXEcTIOX. Majesty's said Province. | To the Select-Men or Assessors of the Town or District of | Greeting, &c. \ \^C'ofophon.^ Boston: Printed by Richard Draper, Printer to His Excellency the (iovernor, awl the Honorable \ His Majesty's Council. 1772. j Folio, pp. 7. 509 A tax levy for the year 1772 similar to the preceding. 1773 ANNO Regni Regis Georgii Tertii, Decinio Tertio. | [lioytd Anns.] I An Act I Passed by the Great and General Court or Assenilily of the Province | of the Massachusetts-Bay in New-England : Begun anil Held at I Boston, upon AVednesday the Twenty-sixth of May, 1772. | ^Colophon.] Boston: j Printed by Richard Draper, and Green & Ritssell, I Printers to the Government. 1773. | Folio, pp. 9 for 13. 510 "An Act apportioning and assessing a Tax of . . . Twenty-nine Thousand four [Hundred] and fifty-eight Pounds six Shillings and three Pence." 1774 ANNO Regni Regis G«orgii Tertii, | Decimo Quarto. | \_Royal Arms.] I An Act, | Pa«sed hy the Great and General Court or Assembly of the Province | of the Massachusetts-Bay in New-Eng- land : B^un and Held at | Boston, on Wednesday the Twenty-fiith Day of May, 1774, and | from thence continuci.'] I An Act | For enquiring into the Rateable Estates | within this Commonwealth. | [i'ohphon.'l Printed at Boston, by Thomas Adams, printer to the | honorable. The General CouH. | M,DCC,XCII. I 4to. i)p. 8. 529 1793 TAX No. Ten. | [Arms of Massachusetts.'\ Commonwealth of Massachusetts. | In the Year of our Lord, One Thousand, seven | Hundred and Ninety-three. | An Act, | For apportioning and assess- ing a Tax of twenty thousand and eight | Pounds seventeen Shillings and six Pence, to answer the exigencies | of (iovernment; and also, thirteen thousand, two hundred and sixty- | eight Pounds, and six Pence ; to replace the same Sum drawn out of | the Treasury of this Commonwealth, to pay the Members of the | House of Representatives, for their attendance the six last Sessions | of the General Court, from the twenty-sixth Day of January, one | thousand, seven hundred and ninety-one, to the twenty-<'ighth day | of March, one thousand, seven liuudred and ninety-tiiree, inclusive. | \_C'olopho)i.^ Boston, (Massa- chusetts:) I Printed at the State Pre-is, by Thomas Adams, | Printer to the Honourable General Court. \ M,DCC,XCIII. | Folio, pp. 23. 530 1794 TAX No. Eleven. | [Arms of Massachusetts.'] | Commonwealth of Massachusetts. | In the Year of our Lord, One Thousand, seven | Hundred and Ninety-four. | An Act, | For ajiportioning and assessing the Sum of forty thousand and | forty-seven pounds, fifteen shillings, to answer the exigencies | of Government ; and also, five thousand, and twenty pounds | six shillings, to replace the same sum, drawn out of the I Trea.sury of this Commonwealth, to pay the Members | of the House of Representatives, for their attendance | the last three Ses- MASSACHUSETTS. 157 sions of the General Court, from the | twenty-ninth Day of May, one thousand, seven huiidral | and ninety-tliree, to the twenty-seventh Day of Febrii- | ary, one thousand, seven hundred and ninety-four, inehi- sive. I [Colophon.l Boston {Massachusetts:) \ Printed at the State Press, by Arhims and Larkin, \ Printers to the Commonwefitth. \ M,DCC,'XCIV. I Folio, pp. 24. 531 1796 TAX No. Thirteen. | \^Arms of Massachusetts.'] \ Commonwealth of Massachusetts. | In the Year (jf our Lord, one Thousand, seven Hun- dred and I Ninety-six. | An AvX. | For apportioninu; and assessiiifr a Tax, of one Hun- | dral and thirty-three Thousand, three Hundred and Ninety-four | Dollars and eighty-six Cents, and providing for the reimburse- | ment of twenty Thousand eight Hundretl and Ninety-nine Dollars | and Fifty Cents, paid out of the Puhlit; Treasury to the Mem- I bers of the House of Representatives, for their attendance the | two last Sessions of the General Court. | [^Colophon.] Boston: \ Printed by Young and Minns, Printers to the Commonwealth of \ Massachusetts. [1796.] I Folio, pp. 20. 532 1707 TAX No. Fourteen. | \_Arms of Massachusett.'ssi(ins of the General Court. | [^Volophon.] Boston: \ Printed by Young <& Mimis, Printers to the State. [1797.] | Folio, pp. 20. 533 1798 TAX for the year 1798. | ^Arms of Massachusetts.] | Commonwealth of Massachusetts. | In the year of our Lord, one thousand, seven hun- dretl and ninety-eight. | An Act | To apjiortion and a.s.sess a Tax of one hundretl and | thirty-three thousiuid, tiiree hinidred and eightv-one dollars and | fifty-three cents, and providing for the reimbui-sement of eigh- I teen thousand, five hundred and sixty dollars, paid out of the | 158 THE TOWER COLLECTION. Public Treasury, to the Members of the House of Repre- | scntatives for their attendance the two last sessions of the | General Court. | [i/o.ston; 1798.] Folio, pp. 20. .-);34 1799 TAX for the Year 1799. | [.l/'»w of Mafsmchiuselts.^ \ Comiuon- wealth of Massachusetts. | In the Year of our Loixl, one thousand seven hundretl and nine- | ty-nine. | An Act | To apportion and assess a Tax of one huudriHl and | thirty-three thousand, four luindnnl and tiiirty-five Dollai-s and | thirteen cents, and providing for the reim- bursement of twen- I ty-one thousand, four hundred and thirty-eight dollars, paid out | of the Public Treasury, to the Membei's of the House of I Representatives for their attendance the two last sessions of I the General Court. | [Boston: 1799.] Folio, pp. 20. 535 1800 TAX for the Year 1800. | [Ai-ms of Massachnsetts.'\ \ Common- wealth of Massachusetts. | In the Year of our Lord, one thousand and eight hundred. | .Vn Act | to apportion and assess a tax of one hun- dred and I thirty-three thousand, four hundred and thirty-five dollars and I thirteen cents, and providing for the reimbursement of twentv ( thousand, five hundred and fiity-four dollars, paid out of the | Public Treasury, to the Members of the House of Represen- | tatives^for their attendance the two last sessions of the Gen- | cral Court. | [Colojjhon.'^ Young and Minm, Printers to the Stuie. [1800.] | Folio, pp. 19. 536 MONTSERRAT. 1740 jlCTS I of I Assembly, | Passed in the | Island of Montserrat ; | From 1G68, to 1740, inclusive. | [Boyal Ai-vis.^ | London: \ Printed, by Order of the Lords Commissioners of Trade \ and Plantations, by John Baskett, Printer to the \ King's Most Excellent Majesty. M.DCC.XL. | Folio. 537 Collation: Title, 1 leaf; Index, pp. iii-x ; text, pp. 1-119 ; 1 p. blank ; Title to Abridgment, 1 leaf; Index, to Abridgment, cxxiii-cxxiv ; Abridgment, pp. 125-146. The title to the Abridgment reads : An | Abridgment | of the | Acts of Assembly, I Passed in the | Island of Montserrat; | From 1668, to 1740, inclusive. | l^Rriyal Arms.'\ \ London; | Printetl, hi/ OriUr ijf Die Lords Commissioners of Trtide | and Plantations, by Jokn Baskett, Printer to the \ King's Moat Excellent Majesty. M.DCC.XL. I NEW ENGLAND. 159 NEVIS. 1740 [ ( "I'.S I of I Assembly, \ Passed in tlie | Island of Xevis, | From l'jtj4, to 1739, inclusive, | [^Royal Anm.^ | London: \ Printed, by Order of the Lords Commiisisioners of Trade and Plantn- \ tions, by John Batikett, Printer to the King's Most Excellent Ma- I jesty. MDCCXL. | Folio. .538 Collation : Title, 1 leaf; Index, pp. iii-viii ; text, pp. 1-142 ; Title to Abridgment, 1 leaf; Index, pp. 1-15-146 ; Abridgment, pp. 147-1G8. The title to the abridgment reads : An | Abridgment | of the | Acts of Assembly, | Passed in the | Island of Nevis, | Prom 1664, to 1739, istclusive. | [as in first title]. NEW ENGLAND. 1641 X I ABSTRACT | or the | Lawes | of New England, | As they are now establishetl. | [C'«<.] | London, \ Printed for F. Co'ules, and W. Ley at Paides Chain, \ 1641. | Sq. .Svo." Title, 1 leaf; pp. 1-15; Table, jip. (2). 539 1735 AN I ABSTRACT | of | Laws and Government. | "^Vherein as in a Mirrour may be seen | the wisdome & perfection of the Government of I Christs Kingdome. | Accomodable to any State or form of | Gov- ernment in the world, that is not Antichri- | stian or Tyrannicall. | Collected and digested into the ensuing Method, by | that Godly, Grave, and Judicious Divine, Mr. John | Cotton, of Boston in New- England, in his Life-time, | and presented to the generall Court of the Massachusets. | And now publishetl after his death, by | William Aspinwall. | ... | .... | London, \ Pritiicd by M. S. for Liveicel Chapman, and are to be sold \ ai the Crown in Popes-head Alley, 1655. I Sq. 8vo. 540 Collation : Title, 1 leaf ; To the Reader, pp. 5 ; 1 p. blank ; Laws, pp. 1-35 ; 1 p. blank ; Analysis, 1 p. ; Errata, 1 p. 160 THE TOWKR COLLECTION. NEW HAMPSHIRE. 109!) jlCTS I and | Laws, | Passed by the General Conrt or Assembly I of His Majesties Province of | New-Hampshire in | New- P^ngland. | Begun and Held at Portsmouth, on Monday the Seventh | Day of August, IGit'J. | Annt) Regni Gulielmi Tertii, An- gliae, Scotiie, ) Franciie et Hil)ernia3, Regis, Undeeimo. | [/I'oya/ Anns.J I Boaton, \ Printed by Bartholomew Green, and John AUen, Printers to \ Hi.s Excellency the Earl of Bcllonwnt. 1699. | Folio, Title, 1 leaf; pp. :3-10. 541 Tho onlv known copy. 171C ACTS I and | Laws, | Passed by the | General Court | or | A.s.sem- bly I Of His Majesties | Province | of | New-Hampshire | in | New- England. I [Royal Arms.'\ \ Boston in Xeir-England : \ Printed by B. Green: Sold by Eleuzar Mussel | at his Shop in Portsmouth. 1716. | Folio. 542 Collation: Title, 1 leaf; Table, pp. i-iii ; 1 p. blank; text, pp. 1-00. This copy backs the title page, but has the subsequently passed acts up to page 154, which will be found described in the next two titles. 1718 [Royal Arms-I \ ACTS and Laws, | Passed by the General Court or .\ssembly of the Province of | New-Hampshire in New-England : Begun and Held at Portsmoutii, | the 1:3th. Day of May, 1718. [Colo- jjAou.J Boston : Printed by B. Green, Printer to His Excelleney tlw, | Governour and Council, of the Province of New-Hampshire. | 1718. | Folio, pp. 61-131 ; 1 p. blank ; Table, pp. i-iv. 543 1719 [Royal Arms.'\ | ACTS and Laws, | Passed by the General Court or Assembly of His Majesty's Province | of New-Hampshire in New- England : Begun and Held at Portsmouth, | on the Second Day of May, 1719. | [Colophon.'\ Boston: Printed by B. Green, Printer to His Excellency the | Governour & Council, of the Province of New- Hampshire. I 1719. I Folio, pp. 133-154 -J-. 544 Wanting pp. 155-156. NEW JERSEY. 161 172(5-1889 ACTS I and I Laws, | Passed by the | General Court | or | Assem- bly I Of His ^lajesties | Province | of | Xew-Hampshire | in | Ncw- Englaud. | \^Royal ArmH.~\ \ Bodon in New-England : | Printed by li. Green: Sold by Eleazur Rrissel \ at hin Shop in Poiismouth. 1726. | Folio. 545 Collation: Title, 1 leaf; Table, pp. 1-7; 1 p. blank; text, pp. 1-171. This is u very nicely executed reprint of the edition of 1716 with the session laws down tn .fanuarj' 1725-26, but it is thrown on the world without a word of explanation as to by whom, when, or where it was done. The title page is a fac-simile of that of the edition of 1716 except that the date is changed to 1726. 1771 ACTS and Laws | of | His Majesty's Province | of | New-Hamp- shire. I In I New-England, | With sundry Acts of Parliament. | By Order of the General Assembly. | To which is prefix'd the | Commis- sions I of I President John Cuttss, Esq ; | And His Excellency | John Wentworth, Esq ; | Portstnouth, Printed by Daniel and Robert Foide, \ And Sold at their Office near the State-House. \ 1771. | Folio. 546 Collation: Title, 1 leaf; Cutts's Commission, pp. 1-6; Wentworth's Commission, pp. 1-8 ; Titles, pp. i-iv ; Perpetual Laws, pp. 1-272 ; Temporarj* Laws, pp. 1-51 ; 1 p. blank ; Table, pp. i-xiii. NEW JERSEY. 1703 PNNO Regni lieginss | Annje | Anglise, Scotiae, Franciae & Hibcrnise, | Secundo. | At a General Assembly begun at Perth-Amboy in | New-Jarsey the 8th Day of November, Anno Domini, | ITOo. in the second year of the Reign of our So- | veraign Lady Anne, by the Grace of God, of | England, Scotland, France and Ireland, (Jueen, De- | fender of the Faith, Ac. | \_Royal Ann8.'\ I Printed by Willium Bradford, Printer to the Queens most \ Excellent Majesty in the City of Neic-York, 1703 | Folio, Title, 1 leaf; pp. .V4. 547 1704 [Royal Arms.'] \ ANNO Regni Reginse Annse | Nune Anglise, &c. Tcrtio. I [New York. W. Rradfortl. 1704.] Folio, pp. 1-20. 548 The Acts Passed by the second Assembly of New Jersey in December, 1704, is.-iud in two sections, the arms and bead-lines of the above title reappearing on page 11. 162 THE TOWER COLLECTION. BY His Excellency | Edward Viscount Cornbury Capt. General and Go- I vernour in C'hief in and over her Majestys Provinces of Xew- Jarsey, New- York, and all the Territories and Tracts | of Land de- pending thereon in America, and Yice-Adniiral | of the same, etc. | An I Ordinance | for | P^stablishing Courts of Judicature. | [t'o/o/>Ao)i.] Printed bi/ William Bradford, Printer to the Queens Most \ Excellent Majesty, in the City of Xeic-Vork, 1704. | Folio, pp. 4. 549 A CATALOGUE of Fees | established | By the Governour & Council for the | Province of Xew-Jai-sey. | [Xcw York: W. Brad- ford. 1704.] Folio, i)p. 4. 550 1717 THE I LAWS, I and | Acts of the General Assembly | Of His Majesties Province of Nova Cfesarea or | New-Jersey, | As they were Enacted by the Governour, Council and General | Assembly, for the Time being, in divers Sessions, the first of | which began in November, 1703. I [Royal Arms.'\ \ Printed and , Sold by William Bradford, Printer to the Kings Most Excellent \ Majesty for the Province of Neic-Jersey, 1717. I Folio, Title, 1 leaf; pp. 1-60 for 58. 551 There are no pages numbered 23 and 44. ACTS passed by the General Assembly | of the Province of New- Jersey, in January 1716. in the | Third Year of the Reign of our Soveraign Lord George, by | the Grace of God, King of Great Britain, France and | Ireland, &c. \ [Xew York: W. Bradford. 1716-17.] Folio, pp. 61-78. 552 Paged in continuation of the collection of 1710. I have not met a copy except as bound up with the revision of 1716, but as it begins with sheet B, I suspect it must have been issued separately with a title page. 1718 ACTS passed at a General Assembly begun and held at | Perth- Amboy, in New-Jersey One Thousand Seven Hundred | and Eighteen. I [Xeic York: W.Bradford, 1718.] Folio, pp. (13.) 553 1719 [ACTS of Assembly passed March 27 and 28, 1719. Xeir York: W. Bradford. 1719.] Folio, pp. 95-123. 554 This session was apparently i.ssued without a title page; it begins with "An Act for Running and Ascertaining the Line of Partition or Division between (he Eastern and Western Divisions of the Province of New Jersey," &c., and ends with "An NEW JERSEY. 163 Ordinance for Establishing the Place for Keeping and Holding the Courts of Judi- cature for the County of Hunterdon," ;iiii at Trenton on the 2ntli Day of | Oetober, 1784, and e(intiiniev pp. 1.16, 157, nnd 190. B is numbered 191-194, and the half-sheet 19&-19G. 1701 {Royal Arms.'] \ ACTS made the 7th Assembly & 3d. [for 4th] Sessions. | Beginning the nineteenth Day of August, 1701. and ending the 18 day of j October, 1701. Anno Regni Regis (iulielmi, Tertij, .Vngliffi, Scotise, | Francise and Hibernise, Deoimo, Tertio. | \_New York: W. Bradford. 1701.] Folio, pp. 1.07-17(1. 582 Sheets 1 to 6, of which 1 and .5 are only half-shect-s. The cut of the Royal Anns is smaller than that previously used, and bears over the supporters the initials W. K. This was the fourth, not the third, Session of the Si-vcnth Assembly. 1702 [Royal Aniis.^ \ ACTS passed the First Sessions of the General Assembly. | Beginning the 20th Pay of October, 1702. Anno Regni Reginse, Anna, ,Vnglise, | Seotise, Francire & Hibernise, Primo. | [New York: W.Bradford. 1702.] Folio, pp. 177-202. 583 1703 [Royal Anns.'] | ACTS pa.ssed the 2d Sessions of the General As- sembly, I Beginning the 13 Day of April, 1703. Anno Regni Reginse Annre, Anglise | Scotiae, Francise ct Hibernise, Seeondo. | [Neio York: W. Bradford. 1703.] Folio, pp. 203-228. 584 AN ACT declaring the Illegality of the Proceedings against | Col. Nicholas Bayard, and Alderman John Hutchings, for pretended High Treason, | antl for Reversing and making null and void the said .Judg- ments, and all Pro- I ceedings thereon. | Fr'mted by William Bradford, Printer to the Queens most Excellent Majesty, \ in the City of New- York, 1703. I Folio, 1 leaf. 585 [Royal ArTus.'] \ AN ACT for the I^evying and Collecting the Sum I of Thirteen Hundred Pounds for maintaining one hun- | dred NEW YORK. 171 Fuzileers, with their proper Officers, & Thirty Men | with their proper Officers, to he iin])loye(l as S<'oiits, | for the Defence of the Fronteers. I [AVw Yorlc: \V. Bradford. 170:3.] Folio, pp. 3. 086 1704 [Eoyal Arin«.~\ \ ^\.CTS passed the 4d .Sessions of the General As- sembly, I Beginning the l;3th Day of April, 17U4. Anno Kegni lleginse Aimae, Anglise, | Seotise, Franciae & Hibernia;, Tertio. | [A'ew Vork: W.Bradford. 1704.] Folio, pp. 22!)-2.'58. 587 AX I ORDINANCE | for | The Further Establishing | the ] Su- preani | Court of Judicature | for | The Province of New- York, | And P^ucreasing the 1'erms and Returns | thereof. | [Boyul Arms.^ | Printed by William Bradford, Printer to tlie Queens most | Excellent Majesty, in New-Yorl; 1704. | l''91. | [Boyal Arms:'] \ Printed by William Bradford, Printer to the Queens mo.st E-vcellent \ Muje.dy for the Colony of New- York, 171.!. | Folio. 600 Collation: Title, 1 leaf; Table, pp. (2); text, pp. I-IGS for 167; pages 162-167 being misuumbered 158-103. ACTS passetl by the General Assembly of the | Colony of New- York, in October, 1713. in | the 12th Year of Her Majesties Reign. | [New York: W.Bradford. 1713.] Folio, pp. 170-182. 601 Probably not a se.ssioiial issue, but part of the collection of 1716. The same sunnise may be made of the next two following titles. 1714 ACTS passed by the General Assembly of the Colony | of New York, in June and July, 1714. | [New York: W. Bradford. 1714.] Folio, pp. 183-196. ' 602 174 THE TOWER COIJ-E(TIOX. 1715 ACTS passal 1)\- tlic Cu'iicral Assembly of the Coloii}^ | of New- York ill .Tilly, 1715. in the first year of the Koign of | our Sovcraifin Lord (k'orgc, by the (iraee of God, King of | (Jreat Ri-itaiii, France and Ireland, &c". | [Nnr-York: W. Brmlford. 1715.] Folio, pp. 207- 238. f'0;5 AN ACT passed by the General Assembly of tiie | Colony of New- York the Fourth Pay of September, 1714. be- | ing the 1.3th year of the Reign of Queen Anne. | Printed bif William Bradford, Printer to the Kimjx mod Excel- \ lent Majexti/ for the Province of N'ew- York, 1 71 T). I Folio, i)p. 2.39-280 for 290. <)04 Piiijcd in continuiition of the nets of IVl.'j, but oniittod from tho edition of 1710, in whicli tlic iic't.< of .func and Si'i)toinlicr, 171(1, arc passed 2P,9-2ii> for 2-53. BY His Excellcne)- | liobert Hunter, Esi| ; Captain General anil Governour | in chief of the Provinces of New-York, New-.Jersey, and I Territories depending thereon in America, and A'^ice-Admiral | of the same, &c. in Council, | An Ordinance | For Altering tho Times of sitting of the Supream Court of | .lu(licatin-(> in the City of New- York, and for Trying of causes | in the respective Counties of the said Province, brought to | issue in the said Supream Court. | [iS'c"-- York : William Bradford. 171-5.] Folio, pp. (3). G05 Passed October 20, 1715. 1716 [Royal Arnifi.'] \ ACTS jni.sscd by the General Assembly of the Colony I of New- York in June, 171(J. in the second year of the Reign I of our Soveraign Lord George, by the Grace of God, King of | Great Britain, France and Ireland, &c. | [Xew York: W. Bradford. 171().] Folio, pp. 239-24.5 for 253. (JO(i This includes the acts passed in September, 1710, and, while it appears to be a ses- sional issue, its contents are included in the "Table" to the edition of 1710. Pages 251 and 253 are both misnumbcred 245. AN I ORDINANCE | for | Regulating & Establishing Fees. | By His E.xcellency | Robert Hunter, Esq ; Captain General and Governour I in Chief in and over the Provinces of New- York, New- | Jersey, and of all the Territories and Tracts of Land | dejiending thereon in XKW YOKK. 175 America, and Vice- Admiral of the | same, &c. in Conncil, this 19th Day of October, in the | Nintli year of her Majesties Reign, Annofj ; Domini 171G. | [Xctr Yorh: W. Bmilford. 171(5.] Folio, pp. 20. «07 A reprint of the Fee Ordinance of 1710 made for the Laws of 1716. The differ- ence between it and the original can readily he detected by a comparison of the catch- words, &c. It can be ea-sily recognized, however, from th(! name of the governor at the end, — in the original it is K. Hunter, while in this reprint it is Ko. Hunter. 171» THE I LAWS I Of His Majesties | Colony of New- York, | As they were Enactetl by the Governour, Council | and (icncrai As.senibly (for the Time being) in divers | Session, the first of which began April !)th, 1691. I [Royal Avim.'] \ PmiM bi/ William Brad/urd, Printer to the Kliu/n mod Excellent | JIaJcdy for the Colony of Xeir-York. 1719. I Folio. 608 Collation: Title, 1 leaf; Contents and Index, pp. (9); Directions to the Reader, 1 p. I Act^, pp. 1-88, 155-163 for 1G7; 1 p. blanlc ; 171-190, 207-280 for 290; 239-245 for 252 ; 1 p. blanl: ; 246-324 ; Fee Ordinance, pp. 20. This copy is somewhat defective. ACTS I of I Assembly, | Pa&sed in the | Province of New- York, | From 1691, to 1718. | [Royal Armfi.] \ London, \ Printed by John Basketf, Printer to the Kings most E.r- \ eri/enf jlfajesty. And by the Asslt/ns of Tliortum Xeircomb, | andHenry Mills, deceased. MDCCXIX. I Folio. 609 Collation ; Title, 1 leaf; Index, pp. iii-xv ; 1 p. blank ; text, pp. 1-292. 1722 [Cnt.] I .VN I ORDINANCE | For Regnlating and Establishing | Fees for the Court of Admiralty | In the Province of New-York, [ By His Excellency | William Burnet, Esq ; Captain General and Gov- ernour I in Chief in and over Provinces of New- York, New-Jersey, I and of all the Territories and Tracts of Land Depending | thereon in America, and Vice-Admiral of the same, &c. In | Council. | [Xew York: W. Bradford. 1722.] Folio, pp. 4. 610 Passed July IG, 1722. 1723 AN ORDINANCE for Regulating and Establishing the Fees | to be hereafter taken by the Ofticers of the Courts of Chancery | in the Province of New-York. | [iYe?<' York: W. Bradford. 1723.] Folio, p. (4). 611 176 THK TOAVER COLLECTIOX. AN I ORDINANCE | for | Regulating the Recording of Deeds and other I Writings. | [Xeir York: 11'. Briidjord, 1723.] Folio, pp. (2). 611* The first of these two Ordinances is dated August 22, and the second August 23, 1723. ANNO Regni | Georgii II | Regis | Magnae Britannife, Francise & Hilx'rnise | Nono. | At a Session of the General Assembly of the Col- ony I of New-York, begun the eighth Day of May, Anno Dom. | 1723. and continued to the si.xth day of July following, | at which time the following Acts were published. | \_Royal Arrtus.'\ \ Printed and Sold by William Bradford in the City of \ Xeir- York, 172^. | Folio, pp. Title, 1 leaf; pp. 423-440. 612 1726 ACTS I of I As.sembly | Pa.ssed in the | Province of Ne%-v York, | From 1691, to 1725. | Examined and Compared with the Originals in the I Secretary's Office. | \^Royal A}im.'\ \ Printed and Sold by William Bradford, Printer to the King'n mod Excellent j Majesty for the Province of New-York. 1726. | Folio. 613 Collation : Title, 1 leaf; Index and Alphabetical Table, pp. (8) ; text, pp. 1-319 ; 1 p. blank; Ordinance Regulating Fees, pp. 1-20; Ordinance Regulating Fees in the Court of Chancery, pp. (4) ; Ordinance Regulating the Recording of Deeds, pp. (2). ANNO Regni | Georgii | liegis | Magnae Britannise, Francise & HilxTnise | Duodecimo. | At a Sessions of the General A.ssembly for the Pro- I vince of New- York, begun the 5th of April, 1726. and con- | tinued to the 17th of June following, at which time the fol- | lowing Acts were Passed and Published. | [^Royal Ami8.'\ Printed and Sold by William Bradford, Printer to the Kind's mod Ex- \ cellent Majedy, for the Province of New-York, 1726. | Folio, Title, 1 leaf; pp. 46. 614 1727 ACTS Passed by the General As.sembly of the | Colony of New- York, in November, 1727. and in the first | year of the Reign of his Majesty George II. | [New York: William Bradford. 1727.] | Folio, pp. 1-36. 615 NEW YORK. 177 172S ACTS Passed by the General Assembly of the | Colony of New- York, in the se<;ond year of his Majesty | George II. | [New- York: WilUum Bradford. 1728.] Folio, pp. 55. 616 Acts passed in August and September, 1728, omitting the text of three private Acts. [Boyal Aniui.] \ AN | ORDINAN'CE | (uv \ Establishing the Remedies for Abuses in the | Prartiee of the Law. | [Colophon.'] Printed by William Bradford, Printer to the King's mod Krcel/ent Majesty for the \ Province of New-York, 1728. | Folio, pp. 6. 617 Passed March 7, 1727-28. [Royal Arms.'] \ AN | ORDINANCE | for | Regulating and Estab- lishing the Fees to be hereafter | Taken by the Officei-s of the | Court of Chanceiy | Of the Province of New- York. | [Volojihon.] Printed and .Sold by Wit/iam Bradford, Printer to t/ie Kings Most Krcelknt Majesty for | the Province of New- York. [1728.] | Folio, pp. 4. 618 Passed February 28, 1727-28. 1729 ACTS Pa.ssed by the General As-^embly of the | Colony of New- York, in the Third year of liis Majesty's | Reign, Annex] ; Domini, 1729. I New York: William Bradford. 1729.] Folio, pp. 48. 61!) Acts passed in July, 1729. 1730 ANNO (Quarto | Georgii II. Regis. | [Colophon.] Printed and Sold by William Bradford, Printer to the King's Most | E.vcellenf Majesty for the Colony of New- York, 1730. | Folio, pp. 37, (1). 620 1733 [Royal Arms.] \ GEORGE the Second, by the Grace | of God, of Great Britain, France and Ireland, | King, Defender of the Faith, &c. To I ail Our Loving Subjects iniuibiting and being in Our | Province of New- York, and to all others wliom it doth | and may concern, Greeting. | [New York: W. Bradford. 1733.] Folio, pp. 4." 621 An Ordinance regulating the sitting of the Courts, passed March 19, 1732-33. 178 THE TOWER COLLECTION. 1735 AN ORDINANCE for Kcpiikting and Establishing: Fees. | By his Excellency Robert Hnnter, Y,6i[ ; Capt. (icneral and (io- | vernour in Ciiief in and over the Provinces of" New- York, New-Jersey, and | of all the Territories and Tracts of I^and depending thereon in America, I and Vice- Admiral of the same, &(: in Conncil, this lOtii Day of Octolx'r, I in the Ninth year of iicr Majesty's Reign, Annocj; Domini 1710. I [New York: wilUam Bradford. 1735.] Folio, pp. (12). 622 Printed for the Condusinn of the Luws, lGi»l-1735. 174« ANNO vicessimo Georgii secundi Regis. | An Act to jn-event tlic Expoi-tation of Provisions, (inn-powder, | Arms, all kinds of Ammn- nition. Warlike Stores and "White | Pine Inch Boards. | \_Neir-York: J. Parker. 1746.1 Folio, 1 leaf 623 1752 IvAWS I of I New-York, | from | The Year 1691, to 1751, incln- sive. I Published according to an Act of the General | Assembly. | [Anns of New York.'j | ... | .... | New- York: \ Printed hi/ Jamen Parker, Printer to the Governrnent, at the New | Printing- Office, in Bearer-Street, MDCCLII. | Folio. "624 Collation : Title, 1 leaf; List of Subscribers, pp. (3) ; I p. blank ; Prefaee, pp. i-iii; 1 p. blank; text, pp. 1-4.55; 1 p. blank; Index, pp. 457-488; Errata, 1 leaf. 17(i2 LAWS I of I New- York, | from | The 1 1th Nov. 17o2, to 22d May 1762. I Publislicd according to an Order of the General Assenil)ly. | Tiic I Second Volume, | with | .V Table common to both A'oluincs. | [vl/'»).x (f NewY(irk.'\ I ... I .... I Digested by William Livingston, And I William Smith, jun. | New-]'ork: | I'rintcd byWdliuinWeyman, Printer to the Government, at the New \ Printinff-OJfice in Broad-Street, MDCCLXII. I Folio. * " 625 Collation : Title, I leaf; Krrata, 1 leaf; Subscribers' names, pp. (3) ; 1 p. blank ; Laws, pp. 1-263 ; 1 p. blank ; Index, pp. 2G5-2C8. 1772 [ACTS of Assembly passed in January, February and March 1772. ('olophon.'\ Printed by H. Gaine, Printer to the King\s Mod Excellent Majesty, I ill the Province of Neic-York, 1772. | Folio, pp. 823-049; Table, pp. (2J. 626 NEW YORK. 179 1774 LAWS I of I New- York, | from | The Year 1691, to 1773 inclusive. I Published according to an Act of the | General Assembly. | Volume the First. | [Arms of Xcw York.^ | ... | ... | ... | .... | New- Yo7-k: I Printed by Huf/h Gaine, Printer to the King's Most Excellent 3f(ij('nti/ III. the I Province of New- York, | 1 774. | Folio. 2 Volumes. 627 ColIatii>n : Title, 1 leaf; Preface, pp. iii-iv ; text, pp. 1-420, (1). Volume II., Title, 1 leaf; text, pp. 421-807; 1 p. blank; Index, pp. 809-835; Krrata, 1 p. LAWS I of tlie I State of I New-York, | Commencing with the fii-st Session of the Senate and Assembly, | after the Declaration of Inde- pendency, and the Organization of the | New Government of the State, Anno 1777. | By Order of tlie Legislature. | Poughkerpsie, State of New- York, I Printed by John Holt, Printer to the State. \ MDCCLXXXIL I Folio. ()2S t'ollatinii : Title, 1 leaf; Onntelil.s pp. i-vi ; (ext, pp. ."-255. FjAWS of the State of New- York, | Passed at Poughkeepsic, in the first Meeting of the Sixth Session of the | I^cgislature. | [Poughkeepsic: John Holt. 1782.] Folio, pp. 257-2(i8. 629 17 S3 I.1AWS of the State t)f New- York, | Passed at Kingston, in tlic second Meeting of the Sixth Session of the | Legislature. | [Pongh- keepsie:? John Holt, 178:5.] Folio, j)p. 2r,9-:50n. 6;5() 17S4 LAWS I of the | State | of | New-Yorlc, | Pa-^scd at the first Meet- ing of the Seventh Session of tlie Le- | gishiture of siiid State. | Be- ginning the 12th Day of February, 1784, and ending the 12th Day of May I following. | New-York: \ Printed by Elizabeth Holt, Printer to the State. | JH,DCC,LXXX1 V. | Folio, Title, 1 p.; Contents, pp. i-iii ; text, pp. ;5-127. 631 17S9 LAWS I of tile I State of New-York, | comprising | tlie Constitu- tion, I and I The Acts of the Legislature since the Revolution, | from I The First to the Twelfth Session, inclusive. | Published acc-ordingto 180 THE TOWER COLI-ECTIOX. an Act of the Legislatiiri', passed tlic 15th April, 1786. | [yl;-m.s of New York.] | In Two ^'olunK•s. | Vol. I. | . . . | . . . [ | Xac- York: | Printed by Hugh Gaine, at his Printing-OJfice and Book-Store, at the Bible, in Hanover- Square. \ M,DCC,LXXXIX. | Folio. 2 Volumes. (j.'5'2 Collatiim : Title, 1 loaf; Prctm'c, 1 \ml'; text, jij). l-:i;!ii; Index, pp. (11); 1 p. blank; Appendix, pp. i-xii ; Cipntent.'^, 1 leal', "V'dlunie II., Title, 1 leaf; text, pp. 1-471; 1 p. blank; Index, pp. (17). This enpy wa.s specially bmind for presenta- tion to General AV'sishington whose autojiraph and book-plate appear in each v< plume. NEW YORK CITY. 1707 SEVERAL I Laws, | Orders & Ordinanees | Established by the | Mayor, | Recorder, Alder-nien and Assistants | of the | City of New- York, I C'onven'd in {'oniinon-( 'oinx-il, | For the good Rule and (Jov- ernmeut of the Inhabi- | tants of the said City. And published this 28th Day of | March, in the IMayoralty of William Peartree, Esq ; | Anno Domini 1707. | Printed and Sold by William Bradford at the Sign of the Bible in \ the City of New- York, 1707. | Folio, pp. 18. 633 1731 LAWS, Orders & Ordinanees | Established by the | Mayor, Re- corder, I Aldermen and Assistants | of the | City of New- York | Conven'd in Common-Couneil, | I'^or the good Rule and Government of tile I Inhaljitants of the said City. | Rublished the Eighteenth Day of November, in the | Fifth Year of the Reign of Our Sovereign Lord King George | the Second, by the Grae<' of God, of Great Britain, France and | Ireland, Defender of the Faith, &c. Annoq; Domini 1731. I and in the Mayoralty of Robert Lurting, Esq; [CV/.] | Printed and Sold by William Bradford in the Vity of \ Ncir-York. 1731. I Folio, Title, 1 leaf; pp. 3-37. 634 174!) LAWS, I Statutes, Ordinances, | and | Constitutions, | Ordained, Made and Established, | by the | ^layor, Recorder, Aldermen, | and Assistants, | of the | City of New-York, | Convened in Common- Council, I for I The good Rule and (Jovernment of the | Inhabitants NORTH CAKOIJNA. 181 and Residents of the said City. | Published the Twenty-Seventh Day of Jaiuiary, and tlic First Day | of February, in the Twenty Second Year of the Reign of our Sovereign | Lord (icorge the Second, by the Grace of (iod, of Great-Britain, | France and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith, &c. Annoque | Domini 1 748. And in the Mayoralty of Edward Holland, E.scj ; | To which is addetl, | An Appendix, Contain- ing Extracts of sundry Acts of the Cieneral Assembly | of the Colony of New- York, immediately relating to the good Government | of the said City and Corj)oration. | [J/-»!.s of New York.^ | Printed and Sold by J. Parker, at (he New Printing Office, in Becer Street, 1749. | Folio, List of the Coi-poration, 1 leaf; Title, 1 leaf; pp. 3-79, (1). 635 1703 LAWS, I Statutes, Ordinances | and | Constitutions, | Ordained, Made and Established, | By the | Mayor, Aldermen, and Commonalty, I of the I City of New- York, | Convened in Common-Council, | for I The good Rule and Government of the | Inhabitants and Residents of the said City. | Published the Ninth Day of November, in the third Year of the | Reign of our Sovereign Lord, George the Third, by the Grace of | God, of Great Britain, France and Ireland, King, Defender of I the Faith, &c. Annoque Domini 1762. | And in the Mayoralty of I John Cruger, Esq ; | To which is added, | An Appendix contain- ing Extracts of sundry Acts of the General Assembly, | of the Colony of New- York, immediately relating to the good Government | of the said City and Corporation. | [Arms of Neiv York.^ Printed and Sold, by John Holt, at the New Printing Office, at the loxrer | End of Broad Street, opposite the Exchange, 1763. | Folio, List of the Corporation, 1 leaf; Title, 1 leaf; pp. 3-108, (2). 636 NORTH CAROLINA. 1705 THE TWO I Chartei-s | Grantetl by | King Charles lid. | to the | Proprietors | of | Carolina. | With the Firet and Last | Fundamental Constitutions | of that | Colony. | London: j Pnnted, and are to be Sold by Pichard I'arlur, at the \ Unicorn, under the Piazza of the Royal Exchange. [1705.?] | sq. Svo. Title, 1 leaf; jip. 1-60. 637 13 182 THE TOWER COLLECTION. 1751 A I COLLECTION | of | All the Public | Acts of Assembly, | of I The Province of | Nortii-Carolina : | Now in Force and L^sc. | Together with the Titles of all such Laws as are Obsolete, Ex- | pir'd, or Repeal'd. | And also, an exact Table of the Titles of the Acts in Force. | Revised by Commissionei"s appointed by an Act of the General As- I senibly of the said Provin(«, for that Purpose ; and Examined with tlie I Records, and Confirmed in full Assembly. | Neicbern: Pnnted by James Davis, M,DCC,LI. | Folio. 638 Collation: Title, 1 leaf; Dedication, 1 leaf; Charter, pp. i-xii ; Deed, 1 leaf; text, pp. 1-353 ; 1 p. blank ; Table, pp. 1-8. 1791 LAWS I of the | State | of | North-Carolina. | Published, according to Act of Assembly, | By James Iredell, | Now One of the Associate Justices of the Supreme Court of the United States. | Edenton : | Printed by Hodf/es & Wills, \ Printers to the State of North-Carolina. | M,DCC,XCI. I Folio. 639 Collation: Title, 1 leaf; Preface, pp. iii-iv ; Contents, 1 leaf ; text, pp. 1-712 ; Index, pp i-xxi ; Subscribers, pp. (3). NOVA SCOTIA. 1767 HE I PERPETUAL Acts | of the | General Assemblies | of His Majesty's Province of | Nova Scotia. | [Royal Arms.'] I Halifax, in Nom Scotia.: \ Printed by Robert Fletcher. \ M.DCC.LXVII. I Folio. 640 Collation: Title, 1 p.; Certificate, 1 p.; Dedication, 1 leaf; Table.s, pp. (22); text, pp 1-206 ; Errata, 1 leaf. THE I TEMPORARY Acts | of ti>e | General Asi^emblies | of | His Majesty's Province of | Nova Scotia. | [Royal Anm.] \ Hali- fax, in Nova Scotia : | Printed and Sold by Robert Fletcher. \ M.DCC.LXVII. I Folio, Title, 1 leaf ; pp. 1-65. 641 PENNSYLVANIA. 183 PENNSYLVANIA. 1093 XXO Regni GuHelmi & Marise, | Regis & Reginae, | Angliae, Scotiie, Fraiicife & Hibemise, | Qiiinto. | An Act for granting to King ^\'illiam and Queen | Mary tiie Rate of One Penny per Pound upon the | clear Value of all the Real and Personal Estates I and Six Shillings per Head upon such as are not | otherwise rated by this Act. To be imployed by the | Governour of this Province of Pennsilvania and j Territories thereof, for the Time being, towards | the Support of this Government. | \^Xcw York: W. Bradford. 1693.] FoUo, pp. (4). 642 1714 THE I LAWS I Of the Province of | Pennsilvania | Collected into I One Volumn, | By Order of the Governour and Assembly of the | said Province. | Printed & Sold by Andr. Bradford in Philadelphia, \ 1714. I Folio. 643 Title, 1 p. ; " Advertisement" to the Reader, 1 p. ; Content';, pp. (2) ; text, pp. 1- 184. Signatures A to Uii (the latter, pp. 183-184). Pages 14 and 15 are misnura- bered 12 and 13. Sheet H, pp. 29 to 32, is followed by I, pp. 34 to 37 ; and I by K, pp. 43, 40, 41, and 42. From L, pp. 43 to 46, the paging is regular up to 55, which is misnumbered 52. Sheet O, pp. 52 (for 55) to 58, is followed by P, pp. 69-72. The paging, except pp. 78 and 79, which are misnumbered 76 and 77, is regular to sheet W, pp. 93 to 96, which is followed by X, pp. 95*, 96*, 93*, 94* and Y, pp. 99 to 102. The paging is then regular to the end, except page 143, which is misnumbered 132, and 176, misnumbered 172. The " catch-words" run regularly through this erratic pagination. This is the first printed collection of the Laws of Pennsylvania, and was intended to give in full all the laws then in force, with the titles of such as were obsolete, ex- pired, or repealed. Several Acts, and the titles of about a dozen which should have been included, are omitted. The volume is badly printed and full of typographical errors. 1715 THE ACTS and Laws | of the | Proviuce | of Pennsilvania, | AVhicli were Enactetl by the General Assembly of | said Province, begun at Philadelphia tiie 14th October, 1714. | and Continued by Adjournments to the 28th of May, 1715. ( being the First Year of the Reign of His present Majesty | King George, Over Great Britain, 184 THE TOWER COLLECTION. France and Ireland, &c. | [Royal Aiins.J \ Printed and Sold by Andrew Bradford at the Siffn of tlie Bible \ in Philadelphia, MDCCXV. | Folio. 644 Collation: Title, 1 loaf; Table of Contents, 1 leaf; text, pp. 101-274. Signatures y to Rr. Signature LI, pp. 149-152, is followed bj- Mm, pp. 253-256, and the mis- numbering is continued throughout the volume. 1718 THE I LAWS I of the | Province 1 of | Pennsilvania, | Passed by the Governour and General Assemblies of said Pro- | vince, held at Philadelphia in the Years 1715, 1717 and | 1718 being the second and fourth Year of his present Ma- | jesty King George over Great Britain, France and Ireland, &c. | [Royal Arms^ \ Philadelphia. | Printed ami Sold by Andrew Bradford, at the Sign of the Bible \ in the Second Street, MDCCXVIII. | Folio. 645 Collation : Title and Contents, 1 leaf; te.\t, pp. 275-293 (34), 825-253 for 352. Sig- nature.s Ss to Yy, pp. 275-29.3, p. 282 being repeated ; Aaa to lii, 17 unpaged leaves, [pp. 34], Kkk to Qqq, pp. 325 to 253, the last being a misprint for 352. AN ACT I Passed in a | General Assembly | of the | Province of Pennsilvania, | Begun at Philadelphia the Fourteenth Day of Octo- ber I and continued by Adjournments till the twenty-second | of Feb- ruary, in the Fourth Year of His Majesties Reign | Annoq ; Domini 1717. I [Royal Arms.^ \ Philadelphia; \ Printed and Sold by Andrew Bradford at the Sign of the \ Bible, in the Second Street. MDCCXVIII. I Folio, Title, 1 leaf; pp. 3-6. 646 1721 ACTS I of the | Province of Pennsylvania, | Pass'd in the | General As,senibly | held at | Philadelphia, | The Fourteenth Day of October, and continued by Ad- | journments till the Twenty Fifth Day of Feb- ruaiy, in | the Seventh Year of His Maj&sty's Reign, Annoq ; | Dom- ini, 1720. I [Royal Arnhs.l \ Philadelphia: \ Printed and Sold by An- drew Bradford, Printer to the Province of \ Pennsylvania, at the Sign of the Bible in the Second Street, \ MDCCXXI. [ Folio, pp. 12. 647 ACTS I of the | Province of Pennsylvania, | Pa.ss'd in the | General Assembly | held at | Philadelphia, | The Fourteentii Day of October, and continued by Adjourn- | ments till the Twenty Fifth Day of Feb- PEXNSYLVANIA. 185 ruarv, in the Seventh | Year of His Majesty's Reign, 1720. And from thence by | Acljnurnnionts to the Twenty Sixth Day of August, 1721, I in the Eighth Year of His Majesty's Reign. | [^Royal Arrm.'] \ Philadelphia: \ Printed and Sold by Andrew Bradford, Pnnter to the Province of \ Pennsylvania, at the Siyn of the Bible in the Second Street, I MDCCXXI. I Folio, Title, 1 loaf; pj). 13-30. 648 1722 ACTS I of the I Province of Penn.sylvania, | Pass'd in the | General Assembly | held at | Philadelphia, | The Fourteenth Day of October, One Thousand Seven Hun- | dred and Twenty One, and continued by Adjournments | till the Twenty Second Day of ^Slay, One Thousand | Seven Hundred and Twenty Two, in the Eighth Year of | His Maj- esty's Reign. | [Boyal Arms.'] | Philadelphia: \ Printed and Sold by Andreic Bradford, Printer to the Province of \ Pennsylvania, at the Sign of the Bible in the Second Street, \ MDCCXXII. | Folio, Title, 1 leaf; pp. 33-90. 649 1723 AN I ACT I Pa.ss'd in the | General Assembly | Held at | Philadel- phia I for the I Province of Pennsylvania. | The Twenty Second Day of March, in the Xinth Year of | His Majesties Reign Annofj ; Dom- ini 1722 I l^JRoyal Arms.] | Philadelphia: \ Printed and Sold by Andrew Bradford, Printer to the Province of \ Pennsylvania, at the Sign of the Bible in the Second Street, \ MDCCXXIII. | Folio, pp. 14. 650 ACTS I Passed in the | General Assembly | of the | Province of Pennsylvania. | Held at | Philadelphia | The Fourteenth Day of Octo- ber, One Thousand Seven Hun- | dred and Twenty-Two, and continued by Adjournments | till the Eleventh Day of May, One Thou.sand Seven | Hundred and Twenty Three, in the Ninth Year of His | Maj- esty's Reign. | ^Boyal Anns.] \ Philadelphia: \ Printed and Sold by Andrew Bradford, Printer to the Province of | Pennsylvania, at the Sign of the Bible in the Second Street. \ MDCCXXIII. | Folio, pp. 47. 651 Two Acts are omitted, both of which were prolmhly, iind one certainly, printed separately. The latter with the preceding title. ACTS I Passetl in the | General As.sembly | of the | Province of Pennsylvania. | Held at | Philadelphia | The Fourteenth Day of October, One Thou.sand Seven Hun- | dred and Twenty Three, and 186 THE TOWER COLLECTION. continued In' Adjournments | till the Twelfth Day of December next after, in the | Tenth Year of His Majesty's Reign. | [^Royal Ai-ms.^ \ Philadelphia : | Printed and Sold by Aiidreiv Bradford, Printer to the Province of | Pennttylvania, at the Sign of the Bible in the Second Street, I MDCCXXIII. I Folio, pp. 28. 652 1725 ACTS I Pa.ssed in the | (Jciienil .Vssenibly | of the | Province of Pennsylvania. | Held at | Pliiladelphia | the Fourteenth Day of October, One Thousand Seven Hundred | and Twenty-Four, and Con- tinued by Adjournments till the | 'J\venty First Day of August next after, being the Twelfth Year | of His Majesty [.«ic] Reign, 1725. | [^Royal Ai'ms.l \ Philadelphia : | Printed and Sold by Andrew Brad- ford, Printer to the Province of Pen n- | s-ylvania, at the Sign of the Bible in the Second Street. | MDCCXXV. | Folio, pp. 37. 653 1726 ACTS I passed in the | General Assembly | of the | Province of Pennsylvania. | Held at | Philadelphia | The Fourteenth Day of October, One Thousand Seven Hundretl | and Twenty-Five, and con- tinued by Adjournment till the | Twenty Fitlh Day of August next, being the Thirteenth | Y''ear of His Majesty's Reign, 1726. | [Boyal Arms.^ I Philadelphia : | Printed and Sold by Andrew Bradford, Printer to the Province of Penn- \ sylrania, at the Sign of the Bible in the Second-Street. | MDCCXXVL | Folio, pp. 28. 654 1728 THE I LAWS I of the | Pro%nnoe | of | Pennsylvania : | Now in Force, collected into one | Volumn. | Publish'd by Order of the General I Assembly of the aforesaid Province. | [Royal Arms.'\ \ Philadelphia : Printed and Sold by Andrew \ Bradford, Printer to the Province, MDCCXXVIII. I Folio. 655 Collation : Title, 1 leaf ; Table, pp. (4) ; text, pp. 1-352, with a duplicate of pp. 280-281. Edited by Chief-Justice David Lloyd. 1729 ACTS I Passed in the | General Assembly | of the | Province of Pennsylvania. | Held at | Philadelphia, | The Fourteenth Day of October, One Thousand Seven Hundred | and Twenty Eight, and Con- PENNSYLVANIA. 187 tinned by Adjournments till the 11th. | of August, 1729. l>eing the Third Year of his Majesty's Keigu. | [lioyul AniiH.'] | Philadelphia: I Printed, ami Sold by Andreio Bradford, Printer to the Province, 1729. I Folio, Title, 1 leaf; pp. 35:3-387. 656 Intended as a continuation of the Collection of 1728. 1730 ANNO Regni | Georgii II. | Regis | jNIagnae Britannia?, Francise, & Hiberniffi, | Tertio | At a General Assembly of the Pro- | vince of Pennsylvania, begun and holden at | Philadelphia, the Fourteenth Dat of October, Anno. Dom. | 1729. In the Third Year of the Reign of our Sovereign | Lord George II. by the Grace of God, of Great | Britain, France, and Ireland, King, Defender of the | Faith, &c. \ Aud from thence continued by Adjournment to the Twelfth of | Jan- uary, 1729. Being the Second Session of this present | Assembly. | [PennArms.] \ Philadelphia: Printed and Sold by B. Franklin and H. Meredith, at tlie New \ Printing-Office near the Market. | M,DCC,XXX. I Folio, pp. 47. 657 ANNO Regni | Georgii II. | Regis | Magnse Britannise, Francise, & Hibemise | Quarto. | At a General Assembly of the Pro- | vince of Pennsylvania, begun and holden at | Philadelphia, the Fourteenth Day of October, Anno Dom. | 1729. In the Third Year of the Reign of our Sovereign | Lord George II. by the Grace of God, of Great | Britain, France, and Ireland, King, Defender of the j Faith, &c. | And from thence continued by Adjournment to the Third of | August, 1730. Being the Third Session of | this Assembly. | [Penn Anns.] | Philadelphia: \ Printed and Sold by B. Franklin and H. .Meredith, at the 1 New Printing-office near the Market. | M,DCC,XXX. | Folio, Title, 1 leaf; pp. 51-57. 658 1731 ANNO Regni | Georgii II. | Regis | Magnse Britannia?, | Francise, & Hibernite | (Quarto. | At a General Assembly of the Pro- | vince of Pennsylvania, begun and holden at | Philadelphia, the Fourteenth Day of October, Aimo Dom. | 1730. In the Fourth Year of the Reign of our Sovereign | liord George II. by the (irace of God, of Great | Britain, Franco, and Ireland, King, Defender of the | Faith, &c. \ 188 THE TOWER COLLECTION. And from thence continued by Adjournment to the Fonrth of | Janu- ary, 1730. Being the Second Session of | this Assembly. | [Pc«)i Amis.] I Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold by B. Franklin and H. Meredith, at the \ New Printing-Office near the Market. | M,DCC,XXX. [1731.] I Folio, Title, 1 leaf; pp. 61-89. 659 1732 ANNO Regni | Georgii II. | Regis | Magnse Britannife, Francise, & Hibernise | Quinto. | At a General Assembly of the Pro- | vince of Pennsylvania, begun and lioldon at | Pliiladfl])liia, the Fourteenth Da_y of October, Anno Dom. ( 1731. In the Fifth Year of the Reign of our Sovereign | Lord George II. by the Grace of God, of Great | Britain, France, and Ireland, King, Defender of the | Faith, &c. j And from thence continued by Adjournment to the Tenth of | .January, 1731. I \_Penn Arms.'] | Philadelphia: \ Printed and Hold by B. Frank- lin, at the I Neic Printing-Office near the Market. \ M,DCC,XXXI. [1732.] I Folio, Title, 1 leaf; pp. 93-95. 660 ANNO Regni | Georgii II. | Regis | Magnse Britanniae, Francia;, & Hiberniae | Se.xto. | Xi a General Asseml)ly of the Pro- | vince of Pennsylvania, begun and holdcn at | I'hiladclphia, the Fourteenth Day of October, Anno Dom. | 1731. In the Fifth Year of the Reign of our Sovereign | Lord George II. by the Grace of (t(x1, of Great | Britain, France, and Ireland, King, Defender of the | Faith, etc. | And from thence continued by Adjournments to the Thirty- | first of July, 1732. I [Pain Arms.] | Philadelphia : \ Printed and Sold by B. Franklin, at the I New Printing-Office iiear the Market. \ ]M,DCC,XXXII. | Folio, Title, 1 leaf; pp. 99-102. 661 1733 ANNO Regni | Georgii II. | Regis | Magnse Britannia, Francia;, & Hibernia; | Septimo. | At a General Assembly of the Pro- | vince of Pennsylvania, begun and lioklen at | Philadelphia, the Fourteenth Day of October, Anno. Dom. | 1733. In the Seventh Year of the Reign of our Sove- | reign Ijord George II. by the Gi-ace of God, of | Great Britain, France, and Ireland, King, Defendc^r | of the Faith, &e. I And from thence continued by Adjournments to the Seventeenth I of December, 1733. | [P«i?i Ai-ms.] \ Philadcljjhia: \ Printed and Sold by B. Franklin, at the | New Printing-Office near tlie Market. \ M,DCC,XXXIII. I Folio, Title, 1 leaf; pp. 10.5-128. 662 PENNSYLVANIA. 189 1734 ANNO Regni | Georgii II. | Regis | MagnsD Britannite, Franciae, & Hibernise | Ootav^o. | At a General Assembly of the I'ro- | vinoe of Pennsylvania, begun and holden at | Philadelphia, the Fourteenth Day of October, Anno Dom. | 1733, in the Seventh Year of the Reign of our Sove- | reign Lord George IT. by the Grace of God, of | Great Britain, France, and Ireland, King, Defender | of the Faith, &c. I And from thence continued by Adjournments to the Twelfth I of August, 1734. I [Pe/in Anns.'] | Phi/nrhlphia : \ Printed and Sold by B. Franklin, at the | New Printinr/- Office near the Market. I M,DCC,XXXIV. I Folio, Title, 1 leaf; pp. 131-133. 663 17.3.5 ANNO Regni | Georgii II. | Regis | Magnae Britannise, Francise, & Hibernise, | Octavo. | At a General Assembly of the Pro- | vince of Pennsylvania, begun and holden | at Philadelphia, the Fourteenth Day of October, Anno Dom. | 1734. In the Eighth Year of the Reign of our Sove- | reign Lord George II. by the (irace of God, of I Great Britain, France, and Ireland, King, Defender of | the Faith, &c. I And from thence continuetl by Adjournments to the Seven- | teenth Day of March, 1 734. [1735.] | [Penn Arm.'<.] \ Philadelphia: j Printed and Hold by B. Franklin c | Prinling-O/fice, near tlie Market. \ M,DCC,XXXIV. [1735.] | Folio, Title, 1 leaf; pp. 137- 154. 664 173G ANNO Regni | Georgii II. | Regis | Magnse Britannise, Francise, & Hibernise, | Nono. | At a General Assembly of the Pro- | vince of Pennsylvania, begun and holden | at Philadelphia, the Fourteenth Day of October, Anno Dom. | 1735. In the Ninth Year of the Reign of our Sove- | reign Lord George II. by the Grace of God, of | Great Britain, France, and Ireland, King, Defender of | the Faith, &(: | And from thence continue*! by Adjournments to the | Twelfth Day of January 1735. [1736.] | [Pphji Ai-vis.] | Philadelphia: | Printed ami Sold by B. Franklin, at the N'ein | Printiny-Ojfiee, near the Market. | M,DCC,XXXVI. I Folio, Title, 1 leaf; pp." 157-169. 665 1738 ANNO Regni | Georgii II. | Regis | Magnse Britannise, Francise, & Hibernise | Duodecimo. | At a General Assembly of the Pro- | vince 190 THE TOWER COLLECTION. of Pennsylvania, begun and holden at | Pliiladelpliia, the Fourteenth Day of Oc'tobor, Anno Dom. | 17."57, in the Ekv.enth Year of the Reign of our Sove- | reign Lord George II. by tlic Gi-ace of Gotl, of I Great Britain, France, and Ireland, King, Defender | of the Faith, &c. I And from thence continued by ^Vdjournments to the | Seventh of August, 1738. I [Penn Anm.l \ Philadelphia:] Printed and Sold by B. Franklin, at the \ New Printing-Office, near the Market. \ M,DCC,XXXVIII. I Folio, Title, 1 leaf; pp. 173-189. 666 1739 AXXO Regni | Georgii IT. | Regis, | Maguse Britannia^ Fmneiaj, & Hibernite | Duodecimo. | ^U a General jVssombly of the Pro- | vince of Pennsylvania, begun and holden | at Philadelpiiia, the Foui-teenth Day of October, Anno Dom. | 1738. In tlie Twelfth Year of tlie Reign of our Sove- | reign Lord George II. by the Grace of God, of I Great Britain, France, and Ireland, King, Defender of | the Faith, &c. I And from thence continued by Adjournments to the | Firet Day of May, 1739. | [Penn Arms.l \ Philadelphia: \ Printed and Sold by B. Franklin, at tlie New \ Printing-Offiee near the ilarket. \ M,DCC,XXXIX. I Folio, Title 1 leaf; pp. 193-228 ; Table, 1 leaf. 667 THE 1 BILL I For the better raising ] of Money on the In- | habitants of Phila- | delphia for Publick | Uses, and for repeal- | ing a former Act | made to like Purpo- | ses; | Together with the Governor's | Rea.sons | For not Passing the same. ] [^Philadelphia .•] Printed [by B. Franklin] 1739. | Folio, pp. (2), 16. 668 1740 A I COLLECTION | of j Chartei-s | and other publick Acts | re- lating to the I Province of Pennsylvania, | Viz. | I. The Royal Charter to William Penn, Esq ; | II. The first Frame of Government, granted in England, in 1682. | III. Laws agreed upon in England. | IV. Cer- tain Conditions or Concessions. | V. The Act of Settlement, made at Chester, 1082. | VI. The second Frameof Government, granted 1683. I VII. The Charter of the City of Philadelphia, | granted October 25. 1701. 1 VIII. The New Charter of Privileges to | the Province, granted October 28. 1701. | Philadelphia : | Printed and Sold by B. Franklin, in 3Iarket-Street. | M,DCC,XL. | Folio, Title, 1 leaf; pp. 1-46. 669 PENXSYLVAXIA. 191 1742 A I COLLECTIOX | of all the | Laws | Of the Province of | Pennsylvania : | Xow in Force. | Publisliod by Order of Assembly. | [Penn Arm.] \ Philadelphia: \ Printed and' Sold by B. Franklin, \ M,DCC,XLII. I Folio, Title, 1 leaf; pp. 3-562. 670 Collation: Title to Charters, 1 leaf; Charters, pp. 3-30; Title to Laws, 1 leaf; Laws, pp. 3-562; Title to Appendix, 1 leaf; Appendix, iii-iv, 1-24; Table, pp. xi. The title to the Charters reads : The | Charters | of the | Provi>-ce or Pe.vsil- VANIA I AXD I City of Philadelphia. | [Fe,i„ Arm.<,.-\ | PhihuMphia: | Prhiied and Sold by B. Franklin. | MDCCXLII. | The title to the Appendix reads: An | Appendix ; | Containing a | Summary | of such | Acts of A.ssembly | As HAVE been formerly IN FoRCE | WITHIN THIS PROVINCE, | FoR ReOULATINO OF Descents, | And Transferino the Property of I Lands, &c. | But since ex- pired, altered or repealed. I [Penn A,-nw.-\ | Philadelphia : | Printed by B. Franklin. M,DCC,XLir. | Edited by John Kinsey, who added the appendix. 1743 A I BILL I For the better Regulating the ( Nightly Watch | Within the City of Philadelphia, and | for raising Money on the In- habitants I of the said Citv-, for defraying the | necessarv Expences thereof. | Philadelphia : \ Printed by B. Fmnklin, M,DCC,XLIII. | Folio, pp. IL 671 1744 AXXO REGXI I Georgii II. | Regis | Magnje Britannise, Franciie, & Hibernise | Decimo Septimo. | At a General A.ssembly of the Prov- ince of I Pennsylvania, begun and holden at Phi- | ladelphia, the Four- teenth Day of October, Anno Dom. | 1743, in the Seventeenth Year of the Reign of our So- | vereign Lord George II. by the Grace of God, I of Great-Britain, France, and Ireland, King, ( Defender of the Faith, &c. I And from thence continued by Adjournments to | the Seventh of May, 1744. | [Penn Jrnw.] | Philadelphia: \ Printed and Sold by B. Franlclin, at \ the New-Printing-Office, near the Market. \ M,DCC,XLIV. I Folio, Title, 1 leaf; pp. 3-22. 672 174(5 ANXO Regni | Gef)rgii II. | Regis | Magnae Britannia, Francis, & Hibernise, | Decimo Octavo. | At a General Assembly of the Province of I Pennsylvania, begun and holden at Phi- | ladelphia, the Fifteenth Day of October, .ibino Dom. | 1744, in the Eighteenth Year of the Reign of our So- | vereign Lord George II. by the Grace of God, | 192 THE TOWER COLLECTION. of Great Britain, France and Ireland, King, De- | fender of the Faith, &c. I ^\nd from thence continued by Adjournments. | \^Pcnn Armn.^ \ Philadelphia ; | Printed and Sold by B. Franklin, at \ the New Printing- Office, near Vie Market, \ M,DCC,XLVI. | Folio, Title, 1 leaf; pp. xxv-xxvi. 673 ANNO R^ni | Georgii II. | Regis | Magnse Britannise, Francise, & Hiberniae | Decimo Nono. | At a General Assembly of the Province of I Pennsylvania, begun and holden at Phi- | ladelphia, the Fourteenth Day of October, Anno Doni. | 1745, In the Nineteenth Year of the Reign of our So- | vcreign Lord George II. by the Grace of God, I of Great Britain, France and Ireland, King, | Defender of the Faith, &c. | And from thence continued by Adjournments to | the Seventh Day of March, 1745. | [Penn Anns.'] \ Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold by B. Franklin, at | the New Printing-Office, near the Market. I M,DCC,XLVI. I Folio, Title, 1 leaf; pp. 25-59. U74 ANNO Regni | Georgii II. | Regis | Magnae Britannise, Franciae, & Hibernipe, | Detumo Nono. ] At a General Assembly of the Province of I Pennsylvania, begun and holden at Phi- | ladelphia, the Four- teenth Day of October, Anno Dora. | 1745, in the Nineteenth Year of the Reign of our | Sovereign Lord, George II. by the Grace of | God, of Great Britain, France and Ireland, King, | Defender «)f the Faith, &e. | And from thence continued by Adjournments | to the Ninth Day of June, 1746. | [Penyi Anns.'] \ Philadelphia: \ Printed and Sold by B. Franklin, at the New | Printing-Ofice, near the Market. I M,DCC,XLVI. I Folio, Title, 1 leaf; pp. 61-69. 675 1747 ANNO Regni | Georgii II. | Regis | Magnae Britanniae, | Francia; & Hiberniae, | Vigesimo. | At a General Assembly of the Province of Penn- | sylvania, begun and holden at Philadelpliia, the | Fourteenth Day of October, Anno Domini 1746, in the | Twentieth Year of the Reign of our Sovereign I^ord | George II. by tiic Grace of God, of Great Bri- | tain, France and Ireland, King, Defender of the | Faith, &c. I And from thence continued by Adjournments to the | Third Day of May, 1747. | [Penn Arms.] \ Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold by B. Franklin, at the New- \ Printing- Office, near the Market. MDCCXLVII. I Folio, Title, 1 leaf; pp. iii-iv. 676 PENNSYLVANIA. 193 1749 ANNO Regni | Georgii II. | Regis | Magiue Britannise, Francise & Hibemije, | Vigcsimo Secundo. | At a General Assembly of the Prov- inee of Penn- | sylvania, l)egiin and hulden at Philadelphia, the | Fourteenth Day of Octol>er; Anno Domini 1748, in the | Twenty- st«md Year of the Reign of our Sovereign | Lord George II. by the (Jrace of God, of Great- | Britain, France and Ireland, King, Defender of the I Faith, &c. \ And from thence continued by Adjournments to the Second | Day of .lanuar}-, 1748-9. | [Fenn Anm.] \ Philadelphia: I Printed and Sold by B. Franklin, at the New- \ Printing-Office, near the Market. MDCCXLIX. | Folio, Title, 1 leaf; pp. 73-88. 677 ANNO Regni | Georgii II. | Regis, | Magnse Britannise, Franci a; & HiberniiB, | Yigesimo Tertio. | At a General As.sembly of the Prov- ince of I Pennsylvania, begun and holden at Phi- | ladelphia, the Four- teenth Day of October, Anno Dom. | 1748, in the Twenty-second Year of the Reign of our | Sovereign Lord George II. by the Grace of God, I of Great-Britain, France and Ireland, King, Defender | of the Faith, &Q. I And from thence continued l)y Adjournments to the Seventh I Day of August, 1749. | [Penn Arms.] \ Philadelphia: \ Printed and Sold by B. Franklin, at the New- \ Printing- Office, near the Market. MDCCXLIX. I Folio, Title, 1 leaf; pp. 91-105. 678 1750 ANNO Regni | Georgii II. | Regis, | Magna BritanniaE-, Franciic & Hibernise, | Yigesimo Tertio. | At a Cieneral Assembly of the Prov- ince of Penn- ( .sylvania, begun and holden at Philadelphia, the | Fourteenth Day of October, Anno Domini 1749, in the | Twenty-third Year of the Reign of our Sovereign | Lord George II. by the Grace of God, of Great- | Britain, France and Ireland, King, Defender of the I Faith, &c. | And from thence continued by Adjournments to the First I Day of January, 1749. | [Penn Armt<.] | Philadelphia : \ Printed and Sold by B. Franklin, at the New- | Printing-Offive, near the Market. MDCCL. | Folio, Title, 1 leaf; pp. 107-119. 679 ANNO Regni | Georgii II. | Regis, | Magnse Britannise, Franciae & Hibemise, | Yigesimo (iuarto. | -Vt a General Assembly of the Province of Penn- | sylvania, begun and holden at I'hiladelphia, | the Four- 194 THE TOWER COLLECTION. teenth Day of October, Anno Domini 1749, in | the Twenty-thircl Year of the Keign of our Sovereign | Jjonl George II. by the (Jraee of God, of Great- | Britain, France and Ireland, King, Defender of the I Faith, &c. | And from thence continued by Adjournments to the | Sixth Day of August, 17o0. | [Penn Arms.'] \ rhiiadelphia : | Printed and Sold by B. Franklin, at tlie Xeic- \ Printing- Office, near the Market. MDCCL. I Folio, Title, 1 leaf; pp. 123-125. 680 1751 ANNO Regnl | Georgii II. [ Regis, | Magna; Britannise, Fraucise & Hibemite, | Vigesimo Quai-to. | At a General Assembly of the Prov- ince of Penn- | sylvania, begun and holden at Philadelphia, | the Fourteenth Day of October, Anno Domini, 1750, in | the Twenty- fourth Year of the Reign of our Sovereign ] Lord •George II. by the Grace of God, of Great- | Britain, France and Ireland, King, Defender of the I Faith, &c. | And from thence continued by Adjournments to the I Seventh Day of January, 17o()-l. | [PennAnm.] \ Philadelphia: I PriiUed and Sold by B. Franklin, at the New- \ Printincf-Office, near the Market. MDCCLI. | Folio, Title, 1 leaf; pp. 129-151. 681 ANNO Regni ] Georgii II. | Regis, | Magna; Britannia, Franciie & Iliberniie, | Vigesimo Quarto. | At a (ieneral Assembly of the Province of Penn- | sylvania, i>egun and holden at Philadelphia, | the Fourteenth Day of October, Anno Domini, 1750, in | the Twenty- fourth Year of the Reign of our Sovereign | Lord (leorge II. by the Grace of God, of Great- | Britain, France and Irelaud, King, Defender of the I Faith, &c. \ And from thence continued by Adjournments to the I Sixth Day of May, 1751. | [Penn ^/■»i,s.] | Philadelphia : \ Printed and Sold by B. Franklin, at the New- | Priidiny-tJJfice, near the Market. MDCCLI. | Folio, Title, 1 leaf; pp. 155-158. 682 1752 ANNO Regni | Georgii II. | Regis, [ Magnse Britannise, Francite & HiberniiE, | Vigesimo Quinto. | At a General Assembly of the Prov- ince of Penn- | sylvania, begun and holden at Philadelphia, | the Fourteenth Day of October, Anno Domini, 1750, in | the Twenty- fourth Year of the Reign of our Sovereign | Lord George II. by the Grace of God, of Great- | Britain, France, and Ireland, King, De- PENNSYLVAJOA. 195 fender of the | Faith, &c. | And from thence continued by Adjourn- ments to the I Sixth Day of August, 1751. | [Fenn Anns.'\ | Fhiladd- pliia: I Printed and Sold by B. Franklin, at the New- \ Printing- Office, near the Market. MDCCLII. | Folio, Title, 1 leaf; pp. clxi. 683 ANNO Regni | Georgii II. | Regis, | Magnae Britannise, Franciae & Hiherniffi, | Yigesimo Quinto. | At a General Assembly of the Prov- ince of Penn- | sylvania, begun and hcdden at Philadelphia, 1 the Fourteenth Day of October, Anno Domini, 1751, in | the Twenty-fifth Year of the Reign of our Sovereign | I^ord George II. by the Grace of God, of Great- | Britain, France, and Ireland, King, Defender of the I Faith, &.l: \ And from thence continuetl by Adjournments to the I Third Day of February, 1752. | {Fenn Arms.} \ Philadelphia: \ Printed and Sold by B. Franklin, at the New- \ Printintf- Office, near the Market. MDCCLII. | Folio, Title, 1 leaf; pp. l(il-184. 684 ANNOR^ni | Georgii II. | Regis, | Magnse Britannise, Francis & Hibernise, | Yigesimo Sexto. | At a General Assembly of the Province of Penn- | sylvania, begun and holden at Philadelphia, the | Four- teenth Day of October, Anno Domini, 1751, in | the Twenty-fifth Year of the Reign of our Sovereign j Tjord George II. by the Grace of God, of Great- | Britain, France and Ireland, King, Defender of the I Faith, &c. | And from thence continued by Adjournments to the | Tenth Day of August, 1752. | \^Penn Arnix.'\ \ Philadelphia : | Printed and Sold by B. Franklin, at the Neic- \ Print inr/ Office, near the Market, MDCCLII. I Folio, Title, 1 leaf; pp. 187-2(J8. 635 ANNO Regni | Georgii II. | Regis, | Magnse Britannise, Franciae & Hibernise, | Yigesimo Octavo. | At a (ieneral Assembly of the Province of Penn- | sylvania, begun and holden at Philadelphia, | the Fourteenth Day of October, Anno Domini, 1754. | in the Twenty- eighth Year of the Reign of our Sove- | reign Lord George II. by the Grace of God, of | Great-Britain, France and Ireland, King, Defender of I the Faith, &c. | And from thence continued by Adjournments to the Seven- | teenth Day of March, 1755. | [Penn Arnui.l \ Philadel- phia: I Printed and Sold by B. Franklin, at the New- \ Printing-Office, near the Market, MDCCLY. | Folio. Title, 1 leaf; pp. 211-214. 686 196 THE TOWER COLLECTION. ANNO Regni | Georgii II. | Regis, | Magnse Britannia;, Franciae & Hiberniae, | Vigcsimo Octavo. | At a General Assembly of the Province of Penn- | sylvania, begun and liolden at Philadeljihia, | the Fonrteenth Day of October, Anno Domini, 1754, | in the Twenty- eighth Year of the Eeign of our Sovc- | reign Lord George II. by the Grace of God, of | Great-J5ritain, France and Ireland, King, De- fender of I the Faith, &c. | And from thence continued by Adjourn- ments to the Thir- | tecnth Day of June, 17.55. | [Penn Arms.] \ FhUaihlphia: \ Fruited (Did Sold by B. Franklin, at the New- \ Fr'mt- ing-Office, near the Market. MDCCLV. | Folio, Title, 1 leaf; pp. 217-222. 687 ANNO Regni | Georgii II. | Regis, | Magnse Britannise, Franciae & Hiberniae, | A'igesimo Nono. | At a General Assembly of tlie Province of Penn- | sylvania, begun and holden at I'hiladelphia, | the Fourteenth Day of October, Anno Domini, 1754, | in the Twenty- eighth Year of the Reign of our Sove- | reign Lord George II. by the Grace of God, of | Great-Britain, France and Ireland, King, Defender of 1 the Faith, ttc. | And from thence continued by Adjournments to the I Twenty-third Day of July, 1755. ] [Fenn Aiins.'] | Fhiladelphia : I Frinfed and Sold hi/ F. FnnikHn, at the Xew- \ Frinting-Officc, near the 3Iarkei. MDGCLV. | Folio, Title, 1 leaf; pp. 22.5-235. 688 ANNO Regni | Georgii II. | Regis, | Magnae Britannise, Franciae & Hiberniae, | Yigesimo Nono. | At a General Assembly of the I'rov- inoe of Penn- | sylvania, begun and holden at Philadelphia, | the Fourteenth Day of October, Anno Domini, 1754, | in the Twenty- eighth Year of the Reign of our Sove- | reign Lord George II. by the Grace of God, of | Great Britain, France and Ireland, King, Defender of | the Faith, &c. | And from thence continued by Adjourn- ments to the Fif- I teenth Day of September, 1755. | [Fcnn Arms.] \ FhUadclphia : \ Frinted and Sold by B. Franklin, at the New- \ Frint- ing-Olfice, near the Market. MDCCLV. | Folio, Title, 1 leaf; p. 239. 689 ANNO Regni | Georgii II. | Regis, | Magnae Britannise, Franciae & Hiberniae, | Yigesimo Nono. | At a General Assembly of the Prov- ince of Penn- | sylvania, begun and holden at Philadelphia, | the Fourteenth Day of October, Anno Domini, 1755, | in the Twenty- PENNSYI-VANIA. 197 ninth Year of the Reign of our Sove- | reign liOrd George II. by the Grace of God, of | Great-Britain, France and Ireland, King, Defender of I the Faith, &c. \ And from thence continued by Adjournments to the Third | Day of November, 17o."). | [Penn Anm.] \ Philadelphia: I Printed and Sold by B. Franklin, at the Xew- \ Prinling-Office, near the Market. MDCCLV. | Folio, Title, 1 leaf; pp. 243-260. 690 17i>6 ANNO Regni | Georgii II. | Regis, | Magnae Britanniae, Francis & Hibernian, | Vigesimo Nono. | At a General Assembly of the Province of Penn- | sylvania, begun and holdcn at Philadeli^hia, | the Fourteenth Day of October, Anno Domini 1755, in | the Twenty-ninth Year of the Reign of our Sovereign | Lord George II. by the Grace of God, of I Great-Britain, France and Ireland, King, Defender of ( the Faith, &c. I And from thence continued by Adjournments to the Third | Day of February, 1756. | \^Penn Anm.'] \ Philadelphia: \ Printed and Sold by B. Franklin, at the New- \ Printing- Office, near the Market. MDCCLVI. I Folio, Title, 1 leaf; pp. 263-266. 691 ANNO Regni | Georgii II. | Regis, | Magnae Britannia?, Francise & Hiberniie, | A'^igesimo Nono. | At a General Assembly of the Province of Penn- | sylvania, begun and holdeu at Philadelphia, | the Fourteenth Day of October, Anno Domini 1755, in | the Twenty-ninth Year of the Reign of our Sovereign | Lord George II. by the Grace of (iod, of I Great-Britain, France and Ireland, King, Defender of | the Faith, &c. I And from thence continued by .\djournments to the Fifth | Day of April, 175(!. | \_Penn Arm.'<^ \ Philadelphia : \ Printed and Sold by B. Franklin, at the New- \ Printing-OJiir,near the Market. MDCCLVI. I Folio, Title, 1 leaf; pp. 269-270. 692 ANNO Regni | Georgii II. | Regis, | Magna; Britannia;, Francise & Hibernise, | Vigesimo Nono. | At a General Assembly of the Prov- ince of Penn- | sylvania, begun and holden at I'hiladelphia, | the Fourteenth Day of October, Anno Domini 1755, in | the Twenty-ninth Year of the Reign of our Sovereign | Lord (ieorge II. by the Grace of God, of I Great-Britain, France and Ireland, King, Defender of | the Faith, &c. | And from thence continued by Adjournments to the 14 *■ 108 THE TOWER COLLECTION. Tenth | Day of May, 1756. | [Penn Anns.'] \ Philadelphia: \ Printed and iSold by B. FranJdin, at the New- \ Printinfj-Office, near the Market. MDCCLVI. I Folio, Title, 1 loaf; pp. 27;3-274." 693 ANNO Regni | Greorgii II. | Regis, | Magnse Britanniae, Francise tt Hihcrnise, | Trieesimo. | At a General Assembly of the Province of Penn- | sylvania, begnn and hoklen at I'hiiadelphia, | the Fourteenth Day of October, Anno Domini 1755, in | the Twenty-ninth Year of the Reign of our Sovereign | Lord (Jeorge II. by the Grace of God, of I (ireat-Britain, France and Ireland, King, Defender of | the Faith, etc. I And from thence continuetl by Adjournments to the Six- | toenth Day of August, 1756. | \^Pen7i Ai-vis.] | Philadelphia: \ Printed and Sold by B. Franklin, at the A^ew- | Priniinr/- Office, near the Market. MDCCLVI. I Folio, Title, 1 leaf; pp. 277-316. 694 1757 ANNO Regni | Georgii II. | Regis, | Magn;e Britanniae, Franciae &, Hiberniie, | Trieesimo. | At a General Assemliiy of tiie Province of Penn- | sylvania, begun and holden at Piiiladelphia, | the Fourteenth Day of October, Anno Domini 1756, in | the Tliirtietii Year of the Reign of our Sovereign | L(jrd George II. l)y the Grace of (jod, of | (Jreat-Britain, France and Ireland, King, Defender of | the Faith, &c. I And from thence continued to the Fourth of No- | vcmber, 1756. ( \^Penn Armn.] | Philadelphia: \ Printed and Sold by B. Franklin, at the New- I Printimi-ajHw, near the Market. MDCCLVII. | Folio, Title, 1 leaf; jip. 319-^321. 695 ANNO Regni | Georgii II. | Regis, | Magnae Britanniae, Franciae & Hiberniie, | Trieesimo. | At a General Assembly of the Province of Penn- | sylvania, begun and holden at Philadelphia, | the Fourteenth Day of October, Anno Domini 1756, in | the Thirtieth Year of the Reign of our Sovereign | Lord George II. by the Grace of God, of | Great-Britain, France and Ireland, King, Defender of | the Faith, &c. I And from tlience continueat- | Britain, France and Ireland, King, Defender of the | Faith, etc. | And from thence continued by Adjournments to the | Third Day of May, 1762. | [Penn Arms.] | Philadelphia : \ Printed and Sold by B. Franklin, at the New- I Printing- Office, near the Market. MDCCLXII. | Folio, Title, 1 leaf; pp. 21.5-220. 716 1763 ANNO Rcgni | (ieorgii III. | Regis, | Magna Britannia;, Francis & Hiberniae, | Tertio. | At a General Assembly of the Proviuc-e of Penn- | sylvania, b^un and holden at Philadelphia, | the Fourteenth Day of October, Anno Domini 1762, in | the Second Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord | George III. by the (Jrace of God, of Great- | Britain, France and Ireland, King, Defender of the | Faith, &c. I And from thence continued by Adjournments to the | Fourth Day of March, 176-3. | [J'enn Anm.] \ Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold by B. Franklin, ai the New- \ Printing-Office, near the Market. MDCCLXIII. I Folio, Title, 1 leaf; pp. 22:3-276. 717 206 THE TOWER CX)LLECmON. ANNORegni | Georgiilll. | Regis, | Magiise Britannise, Franeise & Hiherniic, | Tertio. | At a General A.sseinhly of the Province of Pcnu- | sylvania, begun and holden at I'liiladi-lpliia, | the Fourteenth Day of October, Anno Domini 1762, in | the Second Year of the Reign of oui- Sovereign Lord | George TIT. by the Grace of God, of Great- | Britain, France and Ireland, King, Defender of the | Faith, iVrc. | And from thence continued by Adjournments to the | Eighth Day of July, 17(;3. I [Penn Anii.<<.] \ Philadelphia: \ Printed and Sold bi/ B. FraiiUin, at (he A\'w- \ Priniitui- Office, near the Market. MDCCLXllI. I Folio, Title, 1 leaf; pp. 279-28(5. 718 ANNO Regni | Georgii III. | Regi.s, ] Magnte Britannise, Franciae & Hibernise, | Tertio. | At a (Jeneral Assembly of the Province of Penn- | sylvania, begun and holden at Piiiladelphia, | the Fourteenth Day of October, Anno Domini 17(J2, in | the Second Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord | George III. by the Grace of God, of Great- | Britain, France and Ireland, King, Defender of the | Faith, &c. I And from thence continued by Adjournments to the | Thirtieth Day of September, 1763. | [Penn Arms.] | Philadelphia: \ Printed and Sold bi/ B. Franklin, at the Neic- \ Printing- Office, near the Market. MDCCLXIII. I Folio, Title, 1 leaf; pp. 289-296. 719 ANNO Regni | Georgii III. | Regis, | Magnse Britanniae, Fi-anciae & Hibernije, | Tertio. | At a General Assembly of the Province of Penn- | sylvania, begun and holden at Philadelphia, | the Fourteenth Day of October, Anno Domini 1763, in | the Third Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Loi'd | George III. by the Grace of God, of Great- | Britain, France and Ireland, King, Defender of the | Faith, &c. | And from thence continued by Adjournments to the | Twenty-second Day of October, 1763. | [Penn Arrm.] \ Philadelpjhia : \ Printed and Sold by B. Franklin, at the New- \ Printing- Offiice, near the Market. MDCCLXIII. I Folio, Title, 1 leaf; pp. 299-311. 720 17«4 ANNO Regni | Georgii III. | Regis, | Magnse Britannise, Franciaj & Hiberuite, | Quarto. | At a General Assembly of the Province of Penn- | sylvania, begun and holden at Philadelphia, | the Foui-teenth Day of October, Anno Domini 4 763, in 1 the Third Year of the Reign PENNSYI-VANIA. 207 of our Sovereign Lord | Geoi'gc III. by tlie Grace of God, of Great- | Britain, France, and Ireland, King, Defender of the | Faith, &(: | And from tlicnce continued by ^Vdjonrnnients to the | Twenty-Fourth Day of March, 1764. | [Penn Arms.^ \ Plii/adeJphia: | Prinled and Sold by B. Franhlin, at the New- | Printhif/- Office, near the Market. MDCCLXIV. I Folio, Title, 1 leaf; pp. 3l'5-.3.30. 721 AXNO Regni | Georgii III. | Regis, | Magiuc Britannise, Franciae & Hiberniae, | Quarto. | At a General Assenihlv of the Province of Penn- | sylvania, begun and holden at Philadelphia, | the Fourteenth Day of October, Anno Domini 1763, in | the Thii-d Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord | George III. by the CJrace of Gxto. | At a (Jeneral Assembly of the Province of Penn- | svlvaiiia, begun and holden at | Piiihulelpiiia, | the Fourteenth Day of October; Anno Domini 1765, in | the Fifth Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord | George III. by the Graee of God, of Great- | Britain, Franco and Ireland, King, Defender of the | Faith, &c. \ And from thence continued by Adjournments to the | Twentieth Dav of September, 1 706. | [Penn ArnM.] \ Philadelphia: \ Printed and Sold by I). Hall, and W. Sellirfi, at the | New Printing- Office, near the Market. MDCCLXVI. | Folio, Title, 1 leaf; pp. 489-198. 728 1767 ANNO Regni | Georgii III. Regis, | Magnse Britanniae, Framiie & Hibernise, | Septimo. | At a (leneral Assembly of the Province of Penn- | sylvania, begun and holden at Philadeljjlna, | the Fourteenth Day of October, Anno Domini 1766, in | the Sixth Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord | George III. by the Grace of God, of Great- I Britain, France and Ireland, King, Defender of the | Faith, «fec. | And from thence continued by Adjournments to the | Twentv-first Day of February, 1767. | \_Penn .l/ms.] | Philaddphin .- \ Printed and Sold by D. Hall, and W. Sellers, at the \ New Priniing-Office, near the Market. MDCCLXVII. | Folio, Title, 1 leaf; pp. 501-538. 729 ANNO Regni | Georgii III. Regis, | Magna; Britanniae, Francise & Hiberniae, | Septimo. | At a General As.scmbly of the Province of Penn- | .sylvania, begun and holden at Philadelphia, the | Fourteenth Day of October, Anno Domini 17G6, in the | Si.xth Ywir of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord | George III. by the Grace of God, of Great- I Britain, France, and Ireland, King, Defender of the | Faith, itc. | And from thence continued by Adjournments to the | Twentieth Dav of May, 1767. | [Royal Arms.] \ Philadelphia: \ Printed and Sold by William Goddurd, at the Xcir \ Printing-Office, in Market Street. MDCCLXVII. I Folio, Title, 1 leaf; pp. 541-583 ; Table, 1 p. 730 ANNO Regni | (Jeorgii III. | Regis, | Magnse Britaimisp, Francise & Hibernite, | Septimo. | At a General Assemi)ly of the Province of Penn- | sylvania, begun and holden at Philadelpliia, | the Fourteenth Day of October, Anno Domini 1766, in | the Si.xth Year of the Reign 210 THE TOWER COLLECTION. of our Sovereign Lord | George III. by the Grace of God, of Great- I Britain, France, and Ireland, Kinir, Defender of the | Faith, &c. | And from thence continued by Adjuurnnu'nt.s to the | Twenty-sixtii Day of September, 1707. | [Boyal Amis.^ \ Philadelplua : \ Printed and sold hij William Goddard, at the New | Printinc/- Office, in Market- Sired. I MDCC'LVII. I Folio, Title, 1 leaf; pp. 587-594. 731 ANNO Regni | Georgii HI. Regis, | MagnsB Britannise, Francise & Hiberniae, | Septimo. [ At a (icneral .Assembly of the Province of Penn- | sylvania, begun and liolden at Philadelphia, | the Fourteenth Day of October, Anno Domini 1766, in | the Sixth Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord | (ieorge III. by the Grace of God, of Great- I Britain, France and Ireland, King, Defender of the | Faith, &c. \ And from thence continueti by Adjournments to the | Twenty-sixth Day of September, 1767. | \^Penn Anm.'\ | Philadelphia: \ Printed and Sold hy D. Hall, and W. Sellers, nf the | New Prinlinrj-Office, near the Market. MDCCLXVII. | Folio, Title, 1 leaf; pp. 587-593. 732 17CS ANN(^ Regni | Georgii III. Regis, | Magna; Britannife, Francise tt Hibernia5, | Octavo. | At a (Jcncral .Vssembly of the Province of Penn- I sylvania, begun and holden at Philadelphia, | the Fourteenth Day of October, Anno Domini 17(57, in | the Seventh Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord | George III. by the Grace of God, of Great- | Britain, France and Ireland, King, Defender of the | Faith, &c \ And from thence continued by Adjournments to the | Twentieth Day of February, 1768. | [Pom ^1 /•//;«.] | Philadelphia: \ Printed and Sold by I). H(dl, and \V. Sellers, at the \ New Printimj-Office, near the Market. MDCCLXVIII. I Folio, Title, 1 leaf; pp. 597-636. 733 ANNO Regni | Georgii III. Regis, | Magnse Britannise, Francise & Iliberniae, | Octavo. | At a (icneral Assembly of the Province of Penn- I sylvania, begun and holden at Philadelphia, | the Fourteenth Day of October, Anno Domini 1767, in | the Seventh Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord | George III. by the (i race of God, of Great- | Britain, France, and Ireland, King, Defender of the | Faith, &c. | And from thence continued by Adjournments to the | Twentieth Day of Feb- PENNSYLVANIA. 211 ruary, 1768. | [Boyal Arms.] | FhUadclphia: \ Printed ami nokl by William Goddard, at (he New | Frintmy- Office, in Market Sired. MDCCLXVIII. I Folio, Title, 1 leaf; pp. 3-44; Table, 1 leaf. 734 1709 ANNO Regiii | (ieorgii III. Regis, | Magiise Britanni;e, Francise & Hibcrniae, | Noiio. | At a General Assembly of the Province of Pcnn- I sylvania, begun and holden at Philadelphia, | the Fourteenth Day of October, Anno Domini 1708, in | the Eighth Year of the Reign of onr Sovereign Lord | (Jcorge III. by the Grace of (Jod, of Great- | Britain, France and Ireland, King, Defender of the | Faith, &c. | And from thenc(> continued l)y Adjourninent.s to the | Eighteenth Dav of Fel)- niary, 1769. | \_Priin Armn.] \ Philadelphia: \ Printed and Sold by D. Hall, and W. Sellers, at the | New Printing- Office, near the Market. MDCCLXIX. I Folio, Title, 1 leaf; pp. 639-7.37; Table, 1 p. 735 ANNO Regni | Georgii III. Regis, | Magnae Britannise, Francise *t Hiberniae, | Xmio. | At a General As,senibly of the Province of Penn- | sylvania, l)(gun and holden at Philiidel|)]iia, | the Fourteenth Day of Oetoiwr, .Vnno Domini 1 76.S, in | tiie Eighth Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Ijord | Geoi^e III. by the Grace of God, of Great- | Britain, France and Ireland, King, Deti'nder of the | Faith, &c. I And from thence continued by Adjournments to the | Twentv- seventh Day of May, 1769. | [Penn Arms.] | Philadelphia: \ Printed and Sold by J). Hall, and II'. Sellers, at the \ New Printing- Office, near the Market. MDCCLXIX. | Folio, Title, 1 leaf; pp. 741-744. 736 ANNO Regni | Georgii III. Regis, | Maguic Britannise, Francia; ct Ilibernia', | Nono. | At a General Assembly of the Province of Penn- | sylvania, In-gun and holden at Philad<'lphia, | the Fourteenth Day of October, Anno Domini 17()8, in | tiie lOigiitii Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord | (reorge III. by the Grace of God, of Cireat- | Britain, France and Ireland, King, Defender of the ( Faith, tte. I And from tiieiice continual by Adjournments to the | Thirtieth Day of SeptenilKT, 1769. | [Penn Arms.] | Philadelphia: \ Printed and Sold by I). Hall, and II'. Sellers, at the | Xcir Printing- Office, near the Market. MDCCLXIX. Folio, Title, I leaf; pp. 749-754. 7.37 212 THE TOWER COLLECTION. ANNO Regni | GcDrgii III. Regis, | Magnse Britannise, Francise & Hiberniie, | Nono. | At a Goncral Assembly of tlic Province of Pcnn- I sylvania, begun and holden at I'liiiadelphia, | tiie Foiirteentli Day of Oetober, Anno Domini 1768, in | the Eighth Year of tiie Reign of our Sovereign Lord | George III. by tiie (iraee of God, of Great- | Britain, France and Ireland, King, Defender of tlie | Faitii, etc. | And from thence continued by Adjournments to the | Eightecntli Day of February, 17G9. | [lioynl Annn.'\ | PhUadclphia: \ Printed and Sold by Henry Miller, in Second-titrcd. \ MDCCLXIX. | Folio, Title, 1 leaf; pp. 3-101. 738 ANNO Regni | Georgii III. Regis, | Magnse Britannise, Francise & Hibernise, | Nono. | M a General Assembly of the Province of Penn- | sylvania, begun and holden at Piiiladc^lpliia, | the Fourteenth Day of October, Anno Domini 171)8, in | tlie Kightli Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord | George III. by the Grace of God, of Great- | Britain, France and Ireland, King, Defender of the | Faith, &c. I And from thence continued by Adjourimients to the | Twenty- seventh Day of May, 1769. | [^Royal Arms.'] \ PhUadclphia: \ Printed and Sold by Henry Milhr, in Second-Street. | MDCCLXIX. | Folio, Title, 1 leaf; pp. 10o-l()8; Table, 1 leaf 739 ANNO Regni | Georgii III. | Regis, | Magnre Britannise, Francise & Hibernise, | Nono. | At a General Assembly of the Province of Penn- | sylvania, begun and holden at Philadelphia, | the Fourteenth Day of October ; Anno Domini 1768, in | the Eightli Year of the Reign of our Sovereign | Lord George III. by the Grace of God, of | Great-Britain France, and Ireland, King, Defender | of the Faith, , in | the Tliirtecnth Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord | George III. by the Grace of God, of Great- | Britain, France and Ireland, King, IX'fcndcr of the I Faith, «S:c. | And from tiience continued by Adjournments to the | Twenty -second Day of January, 1774. | [Penn Ar-ms.] \ Philadelphia: I Printed and Sold by Hall and Sellers, (d the \ New Printinrj-Offiee, near the Market. MDCCLXXIV. | Folio, Title, 1 leaf; pp. 3(57-407, (1). 750 [ACTS of Assembly, passed at a General Assembly, begun October 14, 1773, and continued by Adjournments to July 23, 1774. Phila- delphia: Hcdl and Sellers. 1774.] Folio, pp. 409-411. 751 ANNO Regni | Georgii III. Regis, | Magnse Britannise, Franciae & Hibernise, | Decimo Quarto. | At a General Assembly of the Province 216 THE TOWER COLLECTION. of Penn- | sylvania, begun and holden at Philadelphia, | the Fourteenth Dav of October, Anno Domini 177.'5, in | the Thirteentli Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord | George III. by the Grace of God, of Great- | Britain, France and Ireland, King, Defender of the | Faith, &c. I And from thence continued by Adjournments to the | Twenty- ninth Day of September, 1774. | [Penn Arms.'\ \ Philadelphia: \ Pntited and Sold by Hull and Sellem, at the \ New Printing-Office, near the Market MDCCLXXIV. | Folio, Title, 1 leaf; pp. 413-436. 752 1775 ANNO Regni | Georgii III. Regis, ( Magna; Britanniae, Francise & Hibernise, | Decimo Quinto. | At a General Assembly of the Province of Penn- | sylvania, begun and holden at Philadelphia, | the Four- teenth Day of October, Anno Domini 1774, in | the Foui-teenth Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord | George III. by the Grace of God, of Great- | Britain, France and Ireland, King, Defender of the | Faith, etc. I And from thence continued by Adjournments to the | Eighteenth Day of March, 1775. | [Pejui Anns.'] \ Philadelphia : \ Printed and Sold by Hall and Sellers, at the \ New Printing-Office, near the Market. MDCCLXXY. | Folio, Title, 1 leaf; pp. 439-464. 753 THE I ACTS of Assembly | of the | Province | of | Pennsylvania, I Carefully compared with the Originals. | And an | Appendix, | Con- taining such Acts, antl Parts of Acts relating to | Property, as are cxpirwl, altered or rejM'alcd. | Togetlier with | The Royal, Proprietary, City and Borough Charters; | and the Oi'iginal Concessions of the Honourable | William Penn to the First Settlei-s of the Province. | Published by Order of the Assembly. | [Penn Anns.'] | Philadelphia : I Printed and Sold by Hall and Sellers, in Market-street, between \ Front and Second-streets. MDCCLXXY". | 754 Collation: Title, 1 leaf; Charters, &c., pp. iii-xxi ; Acts, pp. 1-536; Title to Ap- pendix, 1 leaf; Appendix, 3-22; Index, pp. (12); 3. The Title to the Api)endix reads: An | Appendix: | Con'Tainino a | Summary | of such | Acts of Assem- bly I As HAVE BEEN FORMERLY IN FoRCE WITHIN THIS PROVINCE, | FoR KeOU- LATiNG OF Descents | And Transferring the Property of Lands, &c. | But SINCE EXPIRED, ALTERED OR REPEALED. | AViTH NoTKS UPON DiVERS OF THEM, BY THE LATE LEARNED IN THE | LaW, ChIEF JUSTICE KiNSEY. | [Pe«n Anns.'\ j Philadelphia: \ Printed by Hall and Sellers, in Mnrkef-sireet. | MDCCLXXV. | Edited by Joseph Galloway, Esq. PENNSYLVANIA. 217 THE I CONSTITUTION | of the | Conimon-A\'eaUh | of | Penn- sylvanica, | as estahlislied I)y | Tlie Gpiieral Convention | Elected for that Purpose, | And held at Philadelphia, | July 15th, 1776, | And continued by Adjournments | to September 28, 1776. | Philadelphia: I Frinted by John Dunlap, in Market-Street. \ M,DCC,LXXVI. | 8vo, Title, 1 leaf; pp. 3-32. 755 1777 LAWS I Enacteun(ap. 1778.] Folio, pp. 133-136. 760 L.\WS I Enacted in the Fourth Sitting | Of the Second | General Assembly | Of the Commonwealth of | Pennsylvania, | Which com- menced at Philadelphia, on the fourth | day of August, A.D. One Thousantl Seven Hundral and | Seventy -eight. | \^F/dladelphia : John Bunlap, 1778.] Folio, pp. 137-164. 761 LAWS I Enacted in the Third | General Assembly | of the | Com- monwealth I of I Pennsylvania, | Which met at Philadelphia, | On Monday the twenty-sixth Day of October, in the | Year of our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred | and Seventy-Eight. | ^^nd in the Third Year of the Independence of the United | States of North-America. | Philadelphia: | Printed bij John Dunlap. \ MDCCLXXVIII. j Folio, Title, 1 leaf; pp. 167-177 ; Table, 1 p. 762 1779 THE 1 ACTS I of the | General As.sembly, | of the | Common- Wealth I of I Pennsylvania, | Enacted into I^aws, since the Declaration of Independence on the Fourth Day | of July, A.D. 1776. | Phila- delphia: I Printed bi/ John Dunlap. |" .MDCCLXXIX. | Folio, 1 leaf 763 A title page to the Session Laws from 1776 to 1779, used with a reprint of the first two sessions, the original editions of which were printed on a much larger page than the subsequent sessions. This reprint was not paged. The headings and collation of these reprints are: Laws | Enacted ix the First Sitting | Of the First | General Assembly, | of | Pennsylvania, | Which began at Philadelphia, November 28, 1776, and was | continued by adjournments to March 21. 1777. I [Philadelphia: John Dunlap. 1779.] Folio, pp. (50.) Laws | Enacted in THE Second Sitting | Of the First | General Assembly, | Of the Co.mmon- Wealth I of I Pennsylvania, | which com.menced at Philadelphia, the twelfth day of May One | Thousand seven-hundred and Seventy-seven, and continued to | the nineteenth day of june in the same year. | [phila- delphia: John Dunlap. 1779.] Folio, pp. (18) ; Table, 1 leaf. PENNSYLVANIA. 219 LAWS I Ena<-t(d in tlie Second Sittinfi | Of the Third | General Assembly, | of the Conimoiiwcaltli | of | Pennsylvania, | Which com- menced at Philadelphia, on Monday tiie first day of | February, A.D. One thousand seven hundred and seventy-nine, | and continued till Monday the fifth day of April of the same year. | [^Philadelphia : John Dunlap, 1779.] Folio, pp. 177-228. 764 LAWS I Enacted in the Third Sitting | Of the Third | General Assembly, | Of tlieCommon-wcaltli | of | Pennsylvania, | Wiiichcom- mencetl at Philadelphia, on Monday the tliirtietii day t)f August | A.D. One thousand seven hundred and seventy-nine. | [^Pliiladelpkia : John Dunlap. 1779.] Folio, pp. 229-260. 765 LAWS I Enacted in the First Sitting | Of the Fourth | General Assembly, | Of the Commonwealth | of | Pennsylvania. | Which met at Philadelphia, on Monday the t\venty-fif\h day of October, in | the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and seventy-nine. | [Philadelphia: John Dunlap. 1779.] Folio, pp. 261-280; Table, 1 leaf. 766 1780 LAWS I Enacted in the | Second Sitting | Of the Fourth | General Assembly, | Of the Commonwealth | of | Pennsylvania. | Which Com- menced at Philadelphia, on Wednesday the 19th day | of January, in the Year of our Lord One thousand seven hundred | and eighty. I [Philadelphia: John Dunlap. 1780.] Folio, pp. 283-365; Table, 1 p. 767 LAWS I Enacted in the | Third Sitting | Of the Fourth | General Assembly, | Of The Commonwealtii of | Pennsylvania. | ^^'hicll Com- menced at Philadelphia, on Wednes- | Day the Tentlk Day of May, One Thousand | seven hundred and eighty. | [Colophon.'\ Pnnted by John Dunlap. [1780.] | Folio, pp. 367-384. 768 LAWS I Enacted in the | Fourth Sitting | Of tiie Fourth | General Assembly | Of the Commonwealth | of | Pemisylvania, | Which com- menced at Philadelpliia on Friday the First day | of Septend)er, One Thousand Seven Huudretl and Eighty. | [Colophon.'] Printed hi/ John Dunlap. [1780.] I Folio, pp. 38-5-394 ; Table, 1 leaf. 769 220 THE TOWER COLLECTION. LAWS I Of the Fii-st Sitting of tho FifUi | General Assembly | Of the Commonwealth of I IVnnsylvaniii, | W'liicli met at Pliiladelpliia, on Tuesday, the twcnty-tiiinl | Day of October, in the Year One thousand se- | ven hundred and eigiity. | [^Colophon.l Printed by John Dunlap. [1780.] | Folio, pp. a!)7-417 ; Table, 1 p. 770 17S1 LAWS I Enacted in tlie Second Sittinjj ] of tlie.Fiftli | General Assembly, | Of the Commonwealth of | Tennsylvania, | Which Com- mencetl at Philadelphia, on Tuesday the sixth | day of February, in the year of our Tjord One thousand | seven hundred eigiity and one. | [C'o/oyViOrt.] Printed by John Ditnldj). [1781.] | Folio, pp. ;395-4;i2 for 41!)-4r,(j; Table, pp. (2). 771 LAWS I Enacted in the Third Sitting, | of tiie | Fifth General Assembly, | Of the Commonwealth | of | Pennsylvania, | Which Commenced at Philadelphia, on Thursday | the Twenty-fourth day of May, in the Year of our Lord One | Tliousand Seven Hundred Eighty and One. \[PhHadelph ill. ■ John Dmdap. 1781.] Folio, pp. 459-470. 772 liAWS I Enacted in tlu; Fourtli Silting, | Of the Fif^li | General Assembly, | Of the Commonwealth of | Pennsylvania, | Which com- menced at Philadelphia, on Tuesday, the | fourth Day of September, in the Y^ear of our Lord one | thousand seven Innidred and eighty-one. I [Philadrlphia : John iJanlap. 17S1.] Folio, pp. 477—488. 773 17S2 THE I iV(;TS I of the I (ieneral Assembly | of the | Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, | Carefully compared with the Originals. | And an | Appendix, | C'ontaining the Laws now in Force, passed bet\\een the ;30tli I Day of l^eptember, 177.'}, and the Revolution. | Together with I The Declai-ation of Independence ; the Constitution of the State of I Pennsylvania ; and the Articles of Confederation of the United | States of America. | Published by order of the General Assembly. | [Ai~ms of Pennsylvania.'] | Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold by Francis Bailey, | in Market-Street | ]M,DCC,LXXXII. | Folio. 774 Collation: Title, 1 leaf; Authorization, &c., 1 leaf; the Declaration, pp. i-vi; Con- stitution, pp. vii-xxi; Articles of Confederation, pp. xxii-.xxxi; Directions to the Binder, 1 p.; Acts, pp. 1— '527; 1 p. blank; Index, pp. i-viii. Edited by Chief-Jus- tice Thomas McKean. PENNSYLVANIA. 221 LAWS I Enacted in | The Sixth | General Assembly | of the | Representatives | of the | I'^reenion | of the | f 'oninionwoalth | of j Pennsylvania, | At the Sitting wiiieli (•(jniinonc«l at Philadelphia on Monday, | the Twenty-second Day of October, and continued by Ad- journ- I ment to Friday, the Twenty-eighth Day of December, A.D. I One Thousand Seven Hundred and p]ighty-one. | Vol. II. | Philadelphia: \ Printed by Hall and Sellers, in Market-street. \ M,DCC,LXXXII. I Folio, Title, 1 leaf; pp. 3-8. 77.5 LAWS I Enacted in tiie Second Sitting | Of the Sixth | General Assembly | Of tiie Commonwealth of | I'ennsylvania, | Which com- menced at Philadelphia, on Monday, the I^leventh | Day of February, in the Year of our Lord One Thousand Seven | Hundred Eighty and Two. I [Colopho7i.'] Philadelphia: Pnnted by Hall and Sellers. 1782. I Folio, pp. 9-81 ; Table, pp. (2). 776 LAWS I Enacted in the Third Sitting | Of the Sixth | General As- sembly I Of the Commonwealth of | Pennsylvania, | Which cdni- menced at Philadelphia, on Tluu-sday, the First Day | of August, in the Year of our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred | Eighty and Two. I [Colophon.l P/iiladrljthia: Printed by Hall and Sellers. 1 7S2. I Folio, pp. 85-110; Table, 1 leaf 777 LAWS I enacted in | The Seventh | General Assembly | of the | Representatives | of the Freemen | ol' the | Commonwealth | of | Pennsylvania, | At the Sitting which commenced at Philadelphia, on Monday, | tlie Twenty-eighth Day of October, and continue-1801, pp. 1- 713; Table, pp. 715-719; Index, pp. (23). The third and fourth volumes are the session laws as originally issued bound up with a general title page and indices. QUEBEC. 227 PLYMOUTH COLONY. 17 72 DECLARATION | of the | Warrantable Grounds and Pro- ceedings I of the First | Associates | of the Government of | Xew-Plymouth ; | In their leaving the Fii-st Foundations of this I Government, and in their Making Laws, | and Disposing of the Lands within the Sam(!. | Together AVith tlie (ieneral | Fundamentals I of their Laws. | Enacted, ()i-dain«l, and C'onstitiitetl, by the | Authority of the Associates | of the Colony of | Xew-Plymouth. | />o.s- ton: Printed and Sold at Greenteaf's \ Printinff-OJfice, in Hanover- Street. I M,DCC,LXXIII. I 8vo, Half-title, 1 leaf; Title, 1 leaf; pp. 5-24. 802 QUEBEC. 17G7 RDIXAXCES, I made for the | Province | of | Quebec, | by the I Governor and Council | of the said Province, since the Establishment | of the Civil Government. | [Roi/al Jem-s.] | (/iK'bcc : I Printed by Brown & Gilmore, near the Bi.'^hop''s Palace. \ MDCCLXVII. I Ordonuances, | faites pour la | Province | de | Que- l)ec, I par le | (Jouverneur et Conseil | dc la dite Province, depuis I'Etablissement | du Gouvernement Civil. | [^Royal Arrn,^.'] \ Quebec: I Irnjjrimees par Brown A- Gilmore, proche du Palais episcopal. \ MDCCLXVII. I F'olio. 803 Collation: English title, I j). ; Fronch title, 1 p.; Ordinances in English and French, pp. 3-81. AN I ABSTRACT | of the | Loi.x de Police; | or, | Public Regu- lations for the Establishment of Peace | and good Order, that were of force in the Pro- | vincc of Quebec, in the Tiiiie of the French Go- | vernmcnt. | Drawn up by | A Selwt Committee of Canadian Gentle- men, I well skilled in the Laws of F^rance, and of that Province. | By the Desire of | The Honourable Guy Carleton, Esquire, | Governour in 228 THE TOWER COLLECTION. Chief of the said Province. | [Roi/al Ai"m«.'\ \ iMiidon: \ Printed h;/ Charles Eyre and Wil/iam SIrahan, | Prinfers to the Kinr/'s Jlod E.r- cellent Majesty. | MDCCLXXIl. | Folio. 804 Collation: Half-title, 1 leaf; Title,! leaf; text, &c., pp. 1-31. The Ualf-title reads: An | Abstract | of the | Loi.x de Police. | AN I ABSTRACT | of the | Several Royal Edicts and Declara- tions, and Provincial | Regulations and Ordinances, that were in force in I the Province of Quehcc in the Time of the French | Government ; and of the Commissions of the several | Governours-general and Jn- tendants of the said Pro- | vince, during the same Period. | Faithfully collcf'tcd, from the Registers of the Superior Council | of Quebec, | By I Francis Joseph Cugnet, P^squire, Secretary to the | Governour and Council of the said Province, for the French | Language. | By the Diri-ction of | The Honourable Guy Carlcton, Esquire, | Governour in Chief of the said Province. | \_Royal Arms.~\ | London: \ Printed by Charles Eyre and William Strahan, | Printers to the King's Mod Ex- cellent Majesty. I MDCCLXXIl. I Folio, Title, 1 leaf; pp. 1-14. 805 AN I ABSTRACT | of | Those Parts of the Custom of the Vis- county I and Provostship of Paris, which were re- | ceived and prac- tised in the Province of Quebec, in | the Time of the French Govern- ment. I Drawn up by | A Select Committee of Canadian Gentlemen, | well skilled in the Laws of France, and of that Province. | By the Desire of | The Honourable Guy Carleton, Esquire, | Governour in Chief of the said Province. | \^Roynl Arms^ | London : | Printed by Cluirles Eyre and William Strahan, \ Printers to the King's Most Ex- cellent Majesty. \ MDCCLXXIL | Folio. 806 Collation: Title, 1 leaf; Avertissement, }i\>. 1-11 ; Introduction, pp. iii-iv; text, pp. 1-33. 1773 THE I SEQUEL | of the | Abstract | Of those Parts of | The Custom of the Viscounty and Provostship | of Paris, which were receivetl and practised in | the Province of (Quebec, in the Time of the French | Government : | Containing | The Thirteen latter Titles of the said Abstract. | Drawn up by a Select Committee of Canadian Gentle- men, well skilled in the | Laws of France, and of that Province. | By QUEBEC. 229 the Desire of | The Honourable Guy Carleton, Escjuire, | Captain- General, and Governour in Chief, of the s^aifl Province. | \^Royal Anm.'\ I London: | Printed by Char/oi Eyre and Williavi Hliahan, \ Printers to the Kin(f IS Mod Excellent Majesty. \ MDCCLXXII. | Folio. 807 Collation: Half-title, 1 leaf; Title, 1 leaf; text, pp. 1-154; French Half-title to the Criminal Laws, 1 leaf; English Half-title, 1 leaf; Title, 1 leaf; text, pp. 157-174. The first half-title reads: The | Sequel | of the | Abstract | Of those Parts of I The CtTSTOM of the Viscounty and Provostship | of Paris, which were received and practised in the | province of ql'ebkc in the time ok the French | Government. | Containing | The Thirteen latter Title.s of the SAID Abstract. | The second half-title reads: Loix Ckiminei.lf.s | suivies en | Canada. | The third half-title reads : An | Ab.stract | of the | Criminal Laws | That wkre in Force | In the Province of Quebec in the Time of the | French Government. | The title to the criminal laws reads : An | Abstract | of the I Criminal Laws | That were in Force | In the Province of Quebec in the Ti.me of the I French Government. | Drawn up by | A Select Com- mittee OF Canadian Gentlemen | well skilled in the Laws of France, AND of that Province. By the Desire of | The Honourable Guy Carletok Esquire, | Captain-General, and Governour in Chief, of the said Prov- ince. I [Royal Arms.'\ \ [Imprint as in first title.] 1777 ORDTXAXCES | Made and Pa.ssed | bv the | Governour | and | Legislative Council | of the | Province | of | Quebec. | [^Royal .Inns.] I Quebec: \ Printed by William Brown, behind the Cathedral Church. I .Nr,DCC,LXXVII. I Ordonnances | Faites et Passfes | par le | (Jouverneur | et le | Conseil I.^gislatif | de la | Province | de | (iu6bec. I l^Royal ArniJ^.I A Quebec: \ Chez Guillaume Broicn,den-iererEglise CathMrale. \ M,DCC,LXXYII. | Folio. 808 Collation : English title, 1 p. ; French title, 1 p. ; Ordinances in English and French, pp. 1-134. 17S0 ORDINAXCES | Made and Passed | by the | Governor | and | Legislative Council | of the | Province | of | Quebec. | [Royal Arms.'] I Quebec: \ Printed by William Broini, in Moutitain-Street. \ M,DCC,LXXX. I Ordonnances | Faites et Pa.ss(k>s | par le | Gouver- neur | et le | Conseil Legislatif | de la | Province | de | QuC'bec. | [Royal Arms.] | Quebec: \ Chez Guillaume Brown, au milieu de la Grand Cote. \ M,DCC,LXXX. | I'^lio. 809 Collation: English title, 1 leaf; French title, 1 p.; Ordinances in English and French, pp. 1-86. IG 230 THE TOWER COLLECTION. RHODE ISLAND. 1730 CTS I and | Law.s, \ Of His Majesty's | Colony | of | Khode- Island, I and | Providence-Plantations, | In America. | \^Arms of Rhode Island.'] | Newport, Rhode- Island : | Printed 1)1/ James Franklin, and Sold at his Shop near | the Town School-House. 17.30. I Folio. 810 Collation: Title to Charter, 1 leaf; Charter, pp. 1-12; Table, pp. (12) ; Title to Acts, 1 leaf; Acts, &c., pp. 1-210. The title to the Charter reads: The | Charter I Grantkd by His Ma.jestt | Kino Cbarles | The Second, | to the | Colony I or I Rhodk-Island, | and | Providence-Plantations, | In America. | [Oolon.] I Nejcjmrt, Rhode-Island : | Printed In/ James Franklin, and Sold at his Shop near | the Town Sc/iool House. 1730. | 1745 ACTS I and | Laws, | Of His jNIajesty's | Colony | of | Rhode- Island, I and I Providence-Plantations, | In New-England, | In America. | [^Arms of Rhode Island. '\ | Newport, Rhode-Island: \ Printed by the Widoic Franklin, and to be Sold at the | Town-School- Home, M,DCC,XLV. I Folio. 811 Collation: Charter, Title, 1 leaf; pp. 3-15; 1 p. blank; Table, pp. (15); Title, 1 leaf; Laws, pp. 1-308. The title to the Charter reads : The | Charter | Granted »Y' His Majesty- | Kino Charles II. | to | The Governor and Company^ | of I The English Colony- | of | Rhode-Island | and | Providence-Plantations, I In New-England | in | America. | Neujjmrt, Hhode-hlamI : \ Printed by the W,d,M Friinklin, and to be Sold at the \ Town School-House. M,DCC,XLIV. | The third revision of the Rhode Island Laws. 1752 ACTS I and | Laws | Of His Majesty's | Colony | of | Rhode- Island, I and I Providence-Plantations, | In New-England, | In.Vnier- ica. I From Anno 1745, to Anno 17.52. | \^Arms of Rhode Zsfa?ic/.] | Newport, Rhode-Island: | Printed by J. Franklin, at the Printing- Office under the \ Town-School-Home. M,DCC,LII. | Folio, Title, 1 leaf; Table, pp. («); Laws, i)p. 1-110. 812 A continuation of the third revision of the Rhode Island Laws issued in 1745. 1756 [Royal A7'ms.'\ \ AT the General Assembly of the Gover- | nor and Company of the English Co- | lony of Rhode-Island, and Providence RHODE ISLAND. 231 I Plantations, in Xew-England, in Ame- | rica : begun and held, at ] Providenfc | in said Colony, on the last Wednesday | of October, One Thousand Seven Hun- | dred and Fifty-six, in the thirtieth Year | of the Reign of His Most Sacred | Maje.-ity George the Second, by the | Grace of God, King of Great-Britain, | and so forth. | \^Newport : James Franklin. 1756.] Folio, pp. 79-107. 813 1757 [Royal Ann.w'] | AT the General Assembly of the Govcr- | nor and Company of the English Co- | lony of Rhotlc-Island, and Providence I Plantations, in Xew-England, in Ame- | rica ; begun, in Conserjnence of I Warrants issued by his Honor the | Governor, and holden at Providence, | within and for said Colony, on Monday | the tenth of January, One Thousand | Seven Hundred and Fifty-seven, in the | thirtieth Year of the Keign of His | Most Sacred Majesty George the | Second, by the Grace of God, King | of Great-Britain, and so forth. | [Newport: James Franklin. 1757.] Folio, pp. 108-139-|-. 814 This includes the acts and resolves of the sittings of January 26 and February 1. 1761 MARCH, 1761. I At the General .\ssembly of the | Governor and Company of the English | Colony of Rhode-Island, and Providence | Plantations, in Xew-England, in America ; | begun and holden, in Consequence of a War- | rant issued by his Honor the Governor, at | Providence, within and for the said Colony, | on Monday the Thirtieth Day of March, | One Thousand Seven Hundred and Sixty- | one, and in the First Year of the Reign of | His Most Sacretl Maji'sty George the I Third, by the Grace of God, King of | Great-Britain, and so ■forth. I [Neivporl: James Franklin. 1761.] Folio, pp. (10). 815 OCTOBER, 1761. | At the General Assembly of the | Governor and Company of the English | Colnuy of Rhode- Island, and Providence- I Plantations, in Xew-Eugland, in America; | begun and holden, by Adjournment, at Xew- | port, witiiin and for tiie said Colony, on | the Second Monday in Octolwr, in tiie Year | of our Lord, One Thousand Seven Hun- | dred and Sixty-(jiu', and First of the Reign | of His Most Sacred Majesty George the | Third, by the Grace of God, King of I Great-Britain, and so forth. | [Xarport: James Franklin. 1761.] Folio, pp. 48-59. 816 232 THE TOWER CXJLLECTION. 17«2 MARCH, 1762. | At tlio General Assembly of the | Governor and Comi)any of the Enfjlish | (Colony of Khode-Island, and I'nividciicc- I Plantations, in New-England, in America; | hegnn and holden (in Consequence of War- | rants issued by his Honor the Governor) at | South-Kingstown, within and for the said Co- | lony, on Tuesday tlu' Twenty-third Day of | March, in the Year of our Lord, One I'liou- | sand Seven Hnndred and Sixty-two, and Se- | cond of the Reign of His Most Sacred Majesty | George the Third, by the Grace of | God, King of Great-Britain, and so forth. | [Netcpori: A. Franklin and S. Hall, 1702.] Folio, pp. 85-108. 817 MAY, 1762. I ^Vt the General Assembly of the | Governor and Company of the English | Colony of Rhode-Island, and Providence [ Plantations, in New-England, in America ; ] begun and holden at New- port, within and for | the said Colony, on the first Wednesday in | May, in the Year of our Lord One Thou- | sand Seven Hundred and Sixty-two, and Se- | cond of the Reign of His Most Sacred Majesty | George the Third, by the Grace of | (lod. King of Great-Britain, and so forth. 1 [Newport: A. Franklin and 8. Hall. 1762.] Folio, pp. 109-118. 818 JUNE, 1762. I At the General Assembly of the | Governor and Comj>any of the English | Colony of Jihode-Island, and Providence | Plantations, in New-England, in America; | begun and holden, by Adjournment, at New- | l)ort, within and for the said Colony, on the I Second Monday of June, in tiie Year of our | Lord, One Thousand Seven Hundred and | Sixty-two, and Second of the Reign of His | Most SacrcKl Majesty George the Third, by | the Grace of God, King of Great-Britain, ( and so forth. | [Newport : A. Franklin and »S'. Hall. 1762.] Folio, pp. 120-138. 819 AUGUST, 1762. | At the General As.sembly of the | Governor and Company of the English | Colony of Rhode-Island, and Providence | Plantations, in New-England, in America ; | begun and holden by Ad- journment, at East- I (Jrcenwich within and for the said Colony, | on tile Fourtii Monday in August, in the | Year of our Lord, One Thou- sand Se- ] ven Hundred and Sixty-lwo, and Second | of the Reign of RHODE ISLAND. 233 His Most Sacred Majesty | George the Thiixl, by tlie Gi-ace of | God, King of Great-Britain, and so forth. | \^Newp(»-t: A. Franklin and 8. Hall. 17G2.] Folio, pp. 139-180. 820 SEPTEMBER, 1762. | At the General Assembly | Of the Governor and Company of the | English Colony f)f Khode-lsland, and Providence I Plantations | in New-England, in America; Ijegnn | and holdcn by Ad jonrnment, at Newport, within and | for the said Colony, | on Tues- d:iy the Twenty-first Day | of Scj)teml)er, in the Year of onr Lord One Thousand | Seven Hundred and Sixty-two, and Si'cond of tiie Keign I of His Most Sacred Majesty George the Third, | by the Grace of God, King of Great-Britain, and | so forth. | [Newport: A. FranMin and S.Hall. 17(i2.] Folio, pp. 181-203. 821 OCTOBER, 1762. | At the General Assembly | Of the Governor and Company of tlie | English Colony of Riiodc- Island, and Provi- dence I Plantations, in New-England, in America; begun | and holden, at Providence, \\'ithin and for the | said Colony, on the last Wednes- day of C)ct()bcr, I in the Year of onr Tjord One Thousand Seven | Hundred and Sixty-two, and Third of the Reign | of His Most Sacred Majesty George the Third, | by the Grace of God King of Great- Britain, and I so forth. | \_Nnrpnrt : A. Franklin and S. Hall. 1762.] Folio, pp. 205-220. 822 l7(i:{ FEBRUARY, 17G;!. | At the General Assembly | Of tiic (iovernor and Company of the | lOnglish Colony of Rhode-Island, and Providence I Plantations, in New-England, in America ; begun | and holden by Adjournment at Providence, within | and for the said Colony, on the last Monday in February, | in the Year of onr Lord On(! Thousand Seven Hnndred | and Sixty-three, and Third of tiie Reign of His Most I Sacred Majesty George the Third, by the CJrace | of (lod King of Great-Britain, and so forth. | ( bloplion.^ A'cw/joH : Printed by A. Franklin and S. Hall. [1763.] Folio, pp. 221-236. ^ 823 MAY, 1763. I [lioijal Arms.] | At the General Assembly | Of the Governor and Company of the | English Colony of Rhode-Island, and Providence | Plantations, in New-England, in America ; begun | and 234 THE TOWER COLLECTION. holden at Newport, within and fur the said Colony, | on the firet Wednesday in May, in the Yrar of onr | Ijord One Thousand Seven Hundred and .Sixty-three, | and Tliiiil of the Keign of His Most Saered Majesty | George the Third, by the Grace of God King | of Great-Britain, and so forth. | [^('olophon.l Newport: Printed hy Samml Hull. [1763.] | Folio, pp. 1-10. X24 JUNE, 1763. I [Royal Arm.'^.] \ At the General Assembly | Of the Governor and Company of the | English Colony of Rhode-Tsland, and Providonee | Plantations, in New-England, in America ; begun | and holden by Adjournment at Newport, within and | for tiie said ('olony, on the Second Monday in June, in | the Year of our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred | and Si.xty-three, and Third t)f tlie Keign of His Most I Sacred Majesty George the Third, by the Grace | of God, King of | Great-Britain, and so forth. | [Colophon.^ Newport: Printed by Samuel Hall. [1763.] | Folio, pp. 11-47. 825 MAY, 17(i4. I [Royal Anns.] \ At the General Assembly | Of the Governor and Company of the | English Colony of Khode-Island, and Providence | Plantations, in New-England, in America ; begun | and holden at Newport, within and for the Colony | aforesaid, on the First Wednesday in May, in the Year | of our Lord One Thousand Seven Hinidrwl and | Sixty-fonr, and Fourth of the Reign ol' His Most I Sacred Majesty George tlic Tiiird, by the Grac« | of Goil, King of Great-liritaiu, and so forth. | [('oloplatn.] Neuport: Printed by Samuel Hall. [1764.] | Folio, yV- 1-16. 826 JUNE, 1764. I [Royal Armx.'] | At the General Assembly | Of the Governor and Company of the | English Colony of Rhode-Island, and Providence | Plantations, in New-England, in ^Vmerica ; begun and I holden by Adjournment, at Newport, within and for the | Colony aforesaid, on the Second Monday in June, in the | Y'ear of our Loi-d One Thousand Seven Hundred and | Sixty-four, and F'ourth of the Reign of His Most | SacTcd Majesty George the Third, by the Grace I of Gotl, King of Great-Britain, and so forth. | [Ncicporl: Printed by Samuel Hall. 17(i4.] | Folio, pp. 17-29. 827 RHODE ISLAND. 235 JULY, 1764. I [Royal Anm.] \ At the General As.sembly | Of the Governor and Gom]>any of tlic | Eii<;lish Colony of Kluxle-Island, and Providence | Dantations, in New-England, in America ; bt^un and I holden, (in Consefinence of Warrants issued by his | Honor the Governor) at Xewport, witiiin and for the | Colony aforesaid, on Monday the Thirtieth Day of July, | in tiie Year of our Lonl One Thousand Seven Hundred | and Sixty-four, and Fourth of the Reign of His Most I Sacrcil Majesty George the Third, by the Grace | of God, King of Great-Britain, and so forth. | [Xcirpurf : Prlnteil by Saiimel HuU. 1764.] I Folio, pp. 31-36. 828 SEPTEMBER, 1764. | [Royal Anm.] \ At the General Assembly | Of the Governor and Company of the | English Colony of Rhode- Island, and Providence | Plantations, in Xew- England, in America; begun and | holden, by Adjournment, at Xewport, within and for | the said Colony, on the Second Monday in September, | in the Year of our Lonl One Thousand Seven Hundred | and Sixty-four, and Fourth of the Reign of His Most | Sacred Majesty George the Third, by the Grace | of God, King of (ireat-Britain, and so forth. | [Xewport: Printed by Samuel Hall. 1764.] | Folio, pp. ;!7-48. 829 XOVEMBER, 1764. | [Royal Anm.] \ At the (ieneral As.sembly | Oi the Governor and Company of the | English Colony of Rhode- Island, and Providenw | Plantations, in Xew-England, in America; l)egun and | holden (by Adjournment) at Providence, within and | for the said Colony, on the la.st Tuesday in Xovemln'r, | in tiic Year of our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred | and Sixty-four, and Fifth of the Reign of His Most | Sacred Majesty (Jcorge the Thirtl, by the Grace I of God, King of (ireat-Britain, and so forth. | [Seu-jtori : Printed by Samuel Hall. 1764.] | Folio, pp. 67-83. 830 17C5 FEBRUARY, 1765. | [Royal Anns.] \ At the General Assembly | Of the Governor and Company of the | English Colony of Rhode- Island, and Providence I Plantations, in Xew-England, in .\inerica; l)egun and | holden (by Adjournment) at East-Grwnwich, within and | for the said Colony, on the last Monday in Februarj-, | in tJie Year of our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred | and Sixty-five, and Fifth 236 THE TOAVER (OLLEfTION. of the Reign of His Most | .Sacrefl Majesty (ieorfie the Tliird, by the Grace ( of God, King of Great-Britain, and so forth. | [('olophon.'\ Newpoii: Printed by Samud Hall. [176o.] | Folio, pp. 85-107. 8.31 1766 FEBRUARY, 1766. | [Royal Arms.l \ At the General Assembly | Of the Governor and Company of the | English Colony of Riiodc- Island, and Pniviusand, Se- | ven Hundred and Seventy- two, and I Thirteenth of the Reign of His Most | Sacred Majesty George the Third, | by the Grace of God, King of Great- | Britain, and so forth. | [i'olojjhon.] Nacport: Printed by Solomon Southwick, Printer | to the Honorable the General Assembly. [1772.] | Folio, pp. 77-88. 841 1773 MAY, 1773. I [Royal Arm«.] | At the General Assembly of the Go- I vernor and Company of the English | Colony of Rhode-Island, RHODE ISLAND. 239 and Providence | Plantations, in New-England, in Ameri- | ca, Ix^un and holden at Xcwport, witli- | in and for thf said Colony, on the First I Wednesday in May, in the Year of our | Lord One Thousand, Seven Hundred | and Seventy-three, and Thirteenth of | the Reign of His Most Sacred Majesty, | George tlie Third, by the Grace of f God, King of Great-Britain, and so | forth. | [C(jlophon.'\ Newport: Printed by Solomon SoiUhwick, Printer \ to the Honorable the General Asneinbly. [1773.] I Folio, pp. 27. 842 AUGUST, 177.3. | [Royal Arms.'] \ At the General Assembly of the Go- I vernor and Company of the English | Colony of Kluxle-Islaud, and Providence | Plantations, in New-F^nglaud, in Ameri- | ca, begun and holden by Adjournment, | at Newport, within and for the said Co- I lony, on the third Monday in August, | in the Year of our Lord One Thousand, | Seven Hundred and Seventy-three, and | Thir- teenth of the Reign of His Most | Sacred Majesty, George the Third, I by the Grace of God, King of Great- | Britain, and so forth. | \_Volophon^ Newport: Printed by Solomon Southwick, Printer to \ the Honorable tlie General Aasembty. [1773.] | Folio, pp. 29-71. 843 OCTOBER, 1773. | [Royal Amus.] | At the General Assembly of the Go- I vernor and Company of the English | Colony of Rhode- Island, and Providence | Plantations, in New-England, in Ame- | rica, begun and holden at South-Kings- | town, within and for the said Colony, on | the last Wednesday in Octoiwr, in the | Year of our I^ord, One Thousand, Se- | vcn Hundrctl and Seventy-three, and | Ft>urtcentli of the Reign of His Most | Saci-ed Majesty, George tlie Third, | by the Grace of God, King of Great- | Britain, and so furtli. | [Colophon.^ Newport : Printed by Solomon SouthicicI:, \ Printer to the Honorable the General Assembly. | [1773.] | Folio, pp. 73-91. 844 1774 DECEMBER, 1771. | [Royal Arms.] \ At the General Asscunbly of the Go- I vernor and Company of the English | Colony of Rhode- Island, and Providence | Plantations, in New-England, in Ame- | rica, begun and holden, in Conse- | qHence of Warrants issucil by his Ho- I nor the Governor, at Providentr, with- | in and for the said Colony, on the First | Monday in December, in the Year of | our 240 THE TOWER COLLECTION. liOi'd, One Tliousaud, Seven | Hundred and kSeventy-four, and Fif- | teenth of" tlie Reign of His Most Sa- | eral Majesty (ieorge tiie Tiiird, by I the Grace of God, King of (ireat- | Britain, and so fortli. | [Cb/op/ton.] Newport, Printed by Solomon Southwick, \ Printer to tlie Honorable the General Assembly. [1774.] | Folio, pp. 125-157. 845 1777 MAY, 1777. I At the General Assembly of the Governor aiisaid, on the last Moiulay in | Maroii, in the Year of our Jjord One Thousantl | Seven Hundred and Ninety-four, and of In- | dependence the Eighteentli. | \^('olophonJ] Piirded by Carter and Wilkinson. [1794.] \ Folio, pp. 33. 883 1796 MAY, 1796. I At the General Assembly of the Governor and | Company of the State of Rhode-Island and | Providence-Plantations, begun and holden at | Newport, within and for the State aforesaid, | on the First Wednesday in May, in the Year | of our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundreil | and Ninety-six, and in the Twentieth Year of | Independence. | [n. p. 1796.] Folio, pp. 24. 884 4 JUNE, 1796. I At the General Assembly of the Governor | and Company of the State ol' Rhode-Island, | and Providence-Plantations, in New-E!ngland, in America; [ begun and hoi- | den by Adjournment, at Newport, within | and for the State aforesaid, on the Second | Mon- day in June, in the Year of our Lord | One Thousand Seven Hundred and Ninety- | six, and in the Twentieth Year of Inde- | pendenc«. | [Warren: N. Phillip.r." 1796.] Folio, pp. 28-^. 885 OCTOBER, 1796. | At the General Assembly of the Governor | and Company of the State of Rhode-Island, | and Providence-Planta- tions, begun and hoi- | den at Providence, within and for the State, | aforesaid, on the last Monday in October, | in the Year of our Lord One Thousand | Seven Hundred and Ninety-six, and in the | Twenty- first Year of Independence. | [('oloplwn.'\ Warren {Rhode-Island) : I Printed by Nathaniel Phillips, Printer to the State. [179<3.] | Folio, pp. 23. " 886 1798 JUNE, 1798. I At the General Assembly of the Governor and | Company of the State of Rhode-Island and | Providence-I'lantations, begun and holden, by | Adjournment, at Newport, within and for the I State aforesaid, on the Second ]\Ionday in .Tune, | in the Year of our Lord One Thousand Seven | Hundred and Ninety-eight, and in the Twenty- | second Year of Indepenilence. | [Chlophon.^ Proddence: Printed by Bennett Wheeler. [1798.] | Folio, pp. 27. 887 ST. CHRLSlHM'HKi:. 249 OCTOBER, 1798. | At the General Assembly of the Governor and ( Com])anv of the Stati; of Riiofli'-Islaiul and I'm- | vidence-Planta- tions, begun and liolden at Provi- | dencc, within and for the State aforesaid, on the | last Monday in October, in the Year of our Lord | One Thousand Seven Hundred and Ninety- | eight, and in the Twenty- third Year of Inde- ) pendeiice. | [^Colophon.'] Neioport: | Frinted by H. & O. Fnrnmcorth, \ Printers to the llonorubh Oeneral Atisanhli) of t/w I Skitr of Rhode-Mand, &c. \ M,1)CC,XCIX. | Folio, pp. 2V,. 'sSH 179J) MAY, 1799. I At the General Assembly of the State of Rliode- I Island and Providence Plantations, begun and hold- | en at New- port, within and for the State afore- | said, on the first Wednesday in May, in the Year | of our Lord, One Thousand Seven Hundred | and Ninety-nine, and in the Twenty-third Year | of Independence. | [Colopkon.'} Newport, | Printed ht/ Oliver Farnsworth, | Printer to the Honorable General^ Asmnbhj. [179!).] | Folio, pp. 22. 889 ST. CHRISTOPHER. 173» |CTS I of I Assembly, ] Passed in the | Island of St. Christo- pher; I From 1711, to 1735, inclusive. | [Royal Anns.] \ London: Printed by John Baskctt, Printer to the King's Most F-reel- | lent Majesty. MDCCXXXIX. | Folio. 890 ColUition: Title, 1 leaf; Index, pp. iii-x ; text, pp. 1-182; Title to Abridgment, 1 leaf; General Heads, &c., pp. clxvii clxviii ; text, pp. 169-198. The title to the Abridgment reads : An | Abridgmknt | of the | Acts of Assembly, | Passed IN THE I Island of St. Christopher; | From 1711, to 1740, inclusive. | [^Royal Arms.'] \ London: | Printed, by Order 11/ the Lords Commissioners of Trade \ and Plantations, by John Baskett, Printer to the | Kiny's Most Excellent Majesty. M.DCC.XL. I 17G9 ACTS I of I Assembly, | passed in the | Island of St. Christopher ; I From the Year 1711, to 17G9. | [Royal Arm.'<.'] | ."^^ Chri.-. blank; Titles of Private Acte, pp. 1-17; Table, pp. (3). A large paper copy. There is also a small paper copy of the first part in the collection. ACTS I Passed by the | General Assembly | of | South-Carolina, [ At a Sessions begun and holden at | Charles-Town the Fifteenth Day of November, in the | Seventh Year of the Reign of Our Sovereign Lord George | the Second, by the Grace of God, of Great-Britain, France | and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith, &c. Annoque | Domini One Thousand Seven Hundred and Thirty-Three. | And from thence continued by divers Prorogations and Adjournments, | to the Twenty- Ninth Day of May, One Thousand Seven | Hundred and Thirty Six. I l^Eoyal Arms.^ | Charles- Town, Printed by Lewis Timothy, MDCCXXXVI. I Folio, Title, 1 leaf; pp. 3-60. 893 SOUTH CAROM NA. 251 1737 ACTS I Passed by the | General Assembly | of | South-Carolina, | At a Sessions begun and holden at | Charles-Town, the Tenth Day of November in the Tenth | Year of the Keign of Our Sovereign Loril Geoi^e the Second, | by the Grace of God, of Great-Britain, France and Ireland, | King, Defender of the Faith, etc. Annoque Domini One I Thousand Seven Hundred and riiirty-six. | And from thence continued by divers Adjournments to the Fifth | Day of March, One Tiionsand Seven Hundral and Thirty-six. [17.S()-7.] | [Royal AniiK.] \ Charles- Tow a, Printed by Lewis Timotliy, 1737. | Folio, Title, 1 leaf; pp. 63-107. 894 1779 STATE of South Carolina. | At a General Assembly begun and | holden at Charlestown on Monday the Fourth | Day of January, in the Year of our Lord | One Thousand Seven Hundred and Seventy- | nine; and from thence continued by divers | Adjournments to Thurs- day the Ninth Day | of September, in the Year of our Lord One | Thousand Seven Hundred and Seventy-nine. | [n. p. 1779.] | Folio, Half-title, 1 leaf; pp. 1-14. 895 The Half-title reads : An Act | For raising and payino into the Public TrEAS- I URT OF the StaTE, A Tax FOR THE UsES | THEREIN MENTIONED. | RATI- FIED THE KiNTH OK SkPTKMBER, 1779. 1790 THE I PUBLIC I Laws | of the State of | South-Carolina, | From its first establishment as a British Province | Down to the year 1790, inclusive, | in which | Is comprehended such of the Statutes of Great Britain as were made of force by | the Act of A.ssembly of 1712, | With an Appendix containing such other Statutes as have been enacted or I dec-lared to be of force in this State, either virtually or expressly, I to which is addcil | the Titles of all the Laws (with their respective dates) which have been passed in | South-Carolina down to the present time, I also | The Constitution of the I'niteil ."States with the amend- ments thereto, | and likewise | The Newly Adoptetl Constitution of the State of South-Carolina, | together with a copious index to the whole. I By the Honorable John Faucheraud Grimk4, Esq. A.B. & L.L.D. 252 THE TOWER COLLECTION. and one of the | associate Judges of the Su|)erior Courts in t!ie State of South-Carolina. | . . . . | Pliilddelphift : \ Printed by R. AUken & Son, in Market Street. \ M.DCC.XC. | 4to. 896 C'oUiition ; Title, 1 leaf; Dedication, 1 p. ; Preface, 1 p. ; Titles of Acts, pp. v- Ixxvii ; 1 p. blank; Appendices, pp. 1-43; 1 p. Wank; Index, pp. (58). Judge .Toseph Hopkinson's copy, with lii.s autograph on the title. THE UNITED STATES. 1781 HE I CONSTITUTIONS ] of the | Several Independent States I of I .\meriea; | the | Declaration of Independence; ] the | Articles of Confederation | between the said States ; | the | Treaties between His Most Christian Majesty 1 and the United States of America. | Published by order of Congress. ] Philadelphia: I Printed by Francix Bailey, in Market-Street. \ M.DCC.LXXXI. | Sm. «vo. 897 Collation: Title, 1 leaf; Authorization, 1 leaf; pp. .3-226. The first collected edition of the Constitutions of the several States, of which only two hundred copies were printed by order of Congress. VERMONT. 1779 jlCTS and Laws passed by the General Assembly of the Rejire- sentatives of tlie State of Vermont, at their Session at Ben- nington, February 11, 1779. Dresden: Judah Paddock & Alden Spooner. 1779. Folio. 898 Collation: Title, 1 leaf; Constitution, pp. 1-12; Table, pp. (2); Acts, pp. 1-110; Proclamation of the Laws, 1 leaf. This copy lacks the title page. 1780 ACTS and Laws, | Passed by the General Assembly of the Rcpre- senta- | tives of the State of Vermont, at tiieir Session at | Benning- ton, October 1780. | [n. p. 1780.] Folio, pp. 125-128-|-. 899 VIRGINIA. 253 17S1 ACTS and Laws, | Passed by the General Assembly of the | Repre- sentatives of the State of Ver- | mont, at their Session at Windsor, | April 1781. I [n. p. 1781.] Folio, pp. (4). 900 ACTS and Laws, | Passed by the General Assembly of the | Repi-e- sentatives of the State of Ver- | mont, at their Session at Kenninji:ton, I June 1781. | [n. p. 1781.] Folio, pp. (28 + ). 901 1787 STATUTES I of tlie | State | of | Vermont, | Passed by the Legis- lature in Februaiy and March 1787. | Windsor: \ Printed bi/ George Hough and Alden Spooaer, \ Printers to the General Asaembli/ of said State. I M.DCC.LXXXVII. | 4to. " " 902 Collation : Title, 1 leaf; Table, pp. (2) ; Constitution, pp. 5-18; Laws, pp. 19-171. VIRGINIA. 1662 HE I LA WES I of I A'irgiuia | Xow in Force. | Collected out of the A.s.seinljly Kc<'ords, and | Digested into one Volume. | Revised and Confirmed by the Grand As.sembly | lieid at James-City, by Prorogation, the 23d of | March 1661. in the l."3th Year of the Reign [ of our Soveraign Lonl | KingCharles the II. | [(Vowji.] I London : | Printed in the Year, M.DC.LXII. | Folio. 903 Collation: Royal Arms, 1 p. ; Imprimatur, 1 p. ; Title, 1 leaf; Dedication, pp. (2) ; Laws, pp. 1-82 ; Table, pp. (4). Edited by Francis Morison, whose name appears at the end of the dedication to .Sir William Berkeley. With a contemporaneous manuscript continuation of 84 pages, to October, 1677, which differs in some essential particulars from the text printed by Hening. 1684 A I COMPLETE Collection | of all the | Laws [ of | Virginia | Now In Force. | Carefully Copietl from the | Assembly Records. | To ^vhich is Annexed an | .Uphabctical Table. | London, | Printed hy T. J. for J. P. and are to be sold by Tho. Mercer \ at the Sign of the Half 254 THE TOWER COLLECTION. Moon the Coi-ner Shop of the \ Roy ul- Exchange in Coi-nhU. [1684.] | Folio. 904 foliation: Title, 1 leaf; Dedication, pp. (4); Laws, pp. 1-300; Table, pp. (22). Edited by John Pun-is. This copy belonged to Robert Beverly, the historian, who added, in manuscript, an inde.\ and numerous legal fonns. 1727 -VCTS I of" I Assembly, | Pas,s«l in the | Colony of Virginia, | From 1662, to 171">. | Volume I. | [Iloyal Arnui.'\ | Ixtnflon, \ Printed hy John Ba^kett, Printer to the Kinf/x mod Excellent | Majesty, MDCCXXVII. I Folio. 905 Collation; Title, 1 leaf; Index, pp. iii-xxiv; Laws, pp. 1-891. This volume in- cludes the laws of August, 1715; the second volume wag never published. 1737 AX EXACT I Abridgment | Of all the | Public Acts of A.ssembly, I of I Virginia, | In Force anrti(). | At a General Assembly, begun and | held at tlie Capitol, in Williamslnirg, on Thursday | the Fourteentli Day of September, in the Thirty- | seoond Year of the Keign of our Sovereign Lord | (Jeorge II. by the Grace of God, of Great-Britain, I France, and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith, | &c. and in the Year of our Lord 1758 ; and from | thence continued by several Pro- rogations to Thursday | the 1st of Xoveniber, in the Year of our Lord 1759 ; I and then held at the Capitol, in Williamsburg ; | being the fourth Session of this Assembly. | [ Williamsburg : Witlium Hunier. 1759.] Folio, pp. 8. 912 17fiO ANNO Regni | Georgii II. | Regis Magufc Britannise, Francise, & Hibernia;, | tricesimo tertio. | At a General-Assembly, begun and | held at the Capitol, in Williamsburg, on Thursday | the Fourteenth Day of September, in the Thirty- | Second Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord | George II. by the Grace of God, of Great-Britain, | France, and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith, | &c. and in the Year of our Lord 1758 ; and from | thence continued by several Pro- rogations to Tuesday | the 4th of March, in the Year of our Lord 1760; I and then held at the Capitol, in Williamsburg; | being the Fifth Session of this Assembly. | IWilliuinsburg : William Hunter. 1700.] Folio, pp. 6. 913 ANNO Regni | Georgii II. | Regis Magnae-Britanniae, Francise & Hibcrnia), | tricesimo-tertio. | At a General Assembly, begun and | held at the Capitol, in AVilliamsburg, on Thursday | the Fourteenth Day of September, in the Thirty- | Second Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Ijord | George II. by the Grace of God, of Great-Britain, | France and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith, | &c. and in the Y^ear of our Lord 1758 ; and from | thence continued by several Pro- rogations to Monday | the 19th of May, in the Y'ear of our Lord 1760 ; VIRGINIA. 257 I and then held at the Capitol, in Williamsburg; | being the Sixth Session of this Assembly. | [Williamshurg : William Hunter. 1760.] Folio, pp. 6. 914 ANNO Regni | Georgii II. | Regis Magnse-Britannise, Francise & Hibernise, | tricesimo-quarto. | At a General Assembly, begun and | held at the Capitol, in Williamsburg, on Thursday | the Fourteenth Day of September, in the Thirty- | Second Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Loixl | George II. by the Grace of God, of Great-Britain, | France and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith, | &c. and in the Year of our Lord 1708 ; and from | thence continued by several Pro- rogations to Monday | the 6th of October, in the Year of our Lord 1760; I and then held at the Capitol, in Williamsburg; | being the Seventh Session of this Assembly. | [Williamnbuiy : William Hunter. 1760.] Folio, pp. 7. 915 1761 ANNO Regni | Georgii III. | Rt^is Magnae-Britannise, Francia; & Hibemife, | prirao. | At a General Assembly, begun and | held at the Capitol, in Williamsburg, on Thursday | the Fourteenth Day of September, in the Thirty- | Second Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord I George II. by the Grace of God of (ircat-Britain, | France, and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith, &c. and in the Year of our Lord 1758 ; and from | thence continued by several Prorogations to Thurs- I day the 5th of March, in the l.st Year of the Reign | of his present Majesty, George III. by the Grace | of God of Great-Britain, France and Ireland, King, | Defender of the Faith, &c. and in the Year of our | Lord 1761 ; and then held at the Capitol, in | the City of AVilliamsburg ; | Ijcing the Seventh Session of this General Assem- bly. \^Williaimburff : Willium Hunter. 1761.^ Folio, pp. 9-50. 916 ANNO Regni | Geoi^ii III. | Regis Magnse-Britannise, Francise et Hibernise, se<'undo. | At a General Assembly, l)egun and held at | the Capitol, in Williamsburg, on Tuesday | tiie 26tii of May, in the 1st Year of the Reign of our | Sovereign Lord George III by the Grac-e of God of | (ircat-Britain, France and Ireland, King, Defender of I the Faith, itc. and in the Year of our Loi-d 1761, and | fmin thence continued by Prorogation to Tuesday the 3d | of November 258 THE TOWER COLLECTION. following ; and then held at the Capitol, | in the City of Williamsburg ; being the first Session of this | General- Assembly. | [Williamsburg: miliam Hunter. 1761.] Folio, pp. 14. 917 1762 ANNO Regni | Georgii III. | Regis Magnie-Britannise, Francise et Hibernise, secundo. | At a General-Assembly, begun and iield at | the Capitol, in the City of Williamsburg, on Tuesday | the '26th of May, in the 1st Year of the Reign of our | Sovereign Lord (icorge III. by the Grace of God of | Great-Britain, ] France and Ireland, King, Defender of | the Faith, ttc. and in the Year of our Lord 1761, and | from thence continued by several Prorogations to Thurs- | day | tiie 14th of January, 1762, in the 2d Year of his | Majesty's Reign; and then held at the Capitol, in | the City of ^^'^illiarasburg ; being the second Session of this General- Assembly. | [Williamshurg : William Hunter. 1762.] Folio, pp. 2. ' 918 AXXO Regni | Georgii III. | Regis Magnaj-Britannia-, Francife et Hibernise, secundo. | At a General-Assembly, begun and held at | the Capitol, in the City of Williamsburg, on Tuesday | the 26th of May, in the 1st Year of the Reign of our | Sovereign I^ord George III. by the Grace of God of | Great-Britain, France and Ireland, King, De- fender of I the Faith, &v. and in the Year of our Lord 1761, and | from thence continued by several Prorogations to Tuesday | the 30th of March, 1762, in the second Year of his | Majesty's Reign; and then held at the Capitol, in | the City of Williamsburg ; | being the Third Session of | this General-Assembly. | \^Williamsburg : William Hunter. 1762.] Folio, pp. 10. 919 ANNO Regni | Georgii III. | Regis Magnse-Britannise, Francise et Hibernise, tertio. | At a General-Assembly, begun and held at | the Capitol, in the City [.v/c] Williamsburg, on Tucstlay | the 26th of May, in the 1st Year of the Reign of our | Sovereign Lord (iccjrgc III. by the Grace of God of | Great-Britain, | France and Ireland, King, De- fender of I the Faith, &c. and in the Year of our Lord 1761, and | from thence continued by several Prorogations to Tuesday | the 2d of November, 1762, in the Third Year of his | Majesty's Reign; and VIRGINIA. 259 then held at the Capitol, in | the City of Williamsburg ; | being the Fourth Session of | this Goneral-Asseml)ly. | [Williamiibuiff: William Hunter. 1762.] Folio, pp. 52. 920 17(59 THE I ACTS I of I Assembly, | Now in Force, | in the | Colony of Virginia. | A\'ith | An exact Table to the Whole. | Published by Order of the General Assembly. | [yl;-)/i.s of Mrf/iiiia.^ Wilti(iini0 ACTS I passed at a | General Assembly, | of the | Commonwealth | of I Virginia. | Begun and held at the Capitol, in the City of Rich- | mond, on Alonday, the eighteenth of October, | in the Year of our Lord, one thousand | seven hundred and ninety. liichmoiid: Printed by John Dixon, Printer to this Commomrealth. [179U.] | Folio, pp. 66. 930 VIRGINIA. 261 1791 ACTS I ])assecl at a | General Assembly | of the ] Commonwealth I of I Virginia. | Begun and held at the Capitr)!, in the City of Rich- mond, I ( >n 31(jnday, the seventeenth day of (X'tober, one | thousand seven hundre. ; Copyright, 1 p.; Preface, pp. iii-vi; Contents, vii-viii ; text, pp. 9-^88; Appcndi.v, pp. 289-3.51. Vol. II. Title, 1 p. ; Copyright, 1 p. ; Preface, pp. iii-xiii ; Contents, pp. xiv-xvi ; text, pp. 17-308; Appendix, pp. 309-377. Vnl. Ill, Title, 1 p.; Copyright, 1 p. ; Preface, pp. iii-vii; Contents, 1 p.; text, pp. 9 201 ; Appendix, pp. 252-354. These volumes not yet having been returned by the liindev in London, a full description is unavoidably omitted. BENZONI ((J.). La Historia del | Mondo Nvovo | di M. Girolamo Benzoni | Milancso. | La(ival tiatta dc-llc | I sole, it inari nuoiianicnte ritrouati, et delle | iiiiouc Cittii da lui pmprid Vcdiitc, | jh r acqiia, & per to-ra in | (luattordcci anni. | Niioiianiciitc ristampata, ft illu.'sti-ata con la ginnta d'alcunc | fo.se notabilf dfll" Isole di Canaria. | Con Privilfgio. | [Frinto^s demce.'] \ In Venetia, Ad imtaniia di Pidro, & Francesco \ Tini, fmteUi. M.D.LXXTI. | [Colophon.'] In Venetia, | Appresiso gli hercdi di \ Giovan Maria Bonelli. \ M.D.LXXII. j 16mo. ' 7 Collation : Title, 1 leaf; Dedication, pp. (3) ; "Tavola," pp. (2) ; Portrait of Ben- zoni, 1 p. ; text, folios 1-179; Colophon, 1 leaf. 18 cuts in the-text. [BE VERLEY (Robert)]. Tlie | History | and | Rresent State | of | Virginia, | In Fonr Part.s. | I. The History of the First Settlement | of Virginia, and the Government there- | of, to the present Time. | II. The Natural Productions atid Conveni- | eneics of the Country, suited to Trade | and Improvement. | III. The Native Indians, their Relig- ion, Laws, I and Customs, in AVar and Peace. | IV. The present State of Country, as to | the l*olity of the (Tovernment, and the | Improve- ments of the Land. | By a Native and Inhabitant of the Place. | London: | Frinted for R. Farker, at the \'nicorn, under the Fiazza\ \ of the Royal-Exchange. MDCCV. | lOmo. 8 Collation: Frontispiece, 1 leaf; Title, 1 leaf; Preface, pp. (C) ; text, pp. 1-10-1, 1-40, 1-04, after p. .50 ; 1 leaf folded ; 1-83 ; 1 p. blank ; Table, pp. 1-10, (3) ; Errata, 1 p. ; 14 copper-plates. A I BILL I in the | Clianccry of New-Jersey, | At the Suit of | John Earl of Stair, and others, Proprietoi-s | of tiie Eastern-Division of New-Jersey ; | ^Vgainst | Benjamin Bond and some otiier Pei-sons of Elizabeth- | Town, distinguished by the Name of Clinker Lot Right Men. I With | Three large Maps, done from Copper- Plates. | To wliich is added ; | Tiie Publications | of | The Council of I'roprietors of East New-Jersey, | And | Mr. Nevill's Si>eeches to the General As- 270 THE TOWER COLLECTION. sembly, | Concerning | The Riots committed in New-Jersey, | And | The Pretences of the Rioters, and their Seducers. | These Papers will give a better Light into the History and Constitution of New- | Jcr- .sey, than any Thing hitherto published, the Matters whereof have been chiefly | collected from Records. | Published by Subscription. | Prinlal by James Parker, in New- York, 1747 ; and a few Copies are to be Sold by I him, and Benjamin Franklin, in Philadelphia ; Price bound, and Maps coloured, \ Three Pounds ; plain and stitcld only, Fifty Shilling, Proclamation Money. \ Folio. '• Collation: Title, 1 p.; Errata, 1 p.; The Bill, pp. 3-81; Schedules, i-xiv, pp. 82-124 ; 3 Maps folded (Engraved by James Turner of Boston) ; Publications of the Council (1), March 25, 174G, pp. 1-11 ; (2) March 25, 1747, pp. 13-24 [for 23, there being no p. 16] ; (3) Sept. 14, 1747, pp. 25-39 ; " Reprinted from the New York Weekly Post-Bmj of May 19, 174fi," pp. (2) ; " Reprinted. . . . Post-Boy of May 26, 1746," pp. (2) ; Reprint of fli-st page of the New York Oazeite of March 7, 1747-48, 1 leaf. BISHOPE (G). New-England Judged, | by the | Spirit of the Lord. I In Two Parts. | First, Containing a Brief Relation of the Sufferings | of the People call'd Quakers in New-England, from the I Time of their Arrival there, in the Year 1(556, to | the Year 1 (>(!(). AVherein their Merciless AVhippings, | Chainings, Finings, Imprison- ings, Starvings, Burning in | the Hand, Cutting off Ears, and Putting to Death, with | divei-s other Cruelties, inflicted upon the Bo was lately Try'd and Aequitted for | Printing and Piibli.sjiing Two Tiibels I Against the | (iovernnicnt of that Province. | London : \ Printed for J. lioherh In Warwk-k-Lunr, MDCCXXXYllI. | {Prkc One Shilling.) \ Sm. 4to, Title, 1 leaf; Preface, pp. iii-iv; Remarks, pp. 1-27. 12 THE BOOK of I Common Prayer, | And Administration of the | .Sacraments, | and other | Rites and Ceremonies | of the | Church, | according to the use of the | Cluireh of l^ngland : | Together witli | .V Collection of Occasional Prayers, and | divers Sentences of | Holy Scripture, | Necessary for Knowledge and Practice. | Formerly col- lected, and translated into the Mohawk Language | under the direc-tion of the Missionaries of the Society for the | Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, to the Mohawk | Indians. | A new Edition : | To which is added | The (lospel according to St. Mark, | Translated into the Mohawk Language, | By Capt". Joseph Brant, | An Indian of the Mohawk Nation. | London: | Printed hy C. Buck-ton, Cireat Puliney Sired, I Golden Square. 1787. | 12mo. 13 Collation: English title, 1 leaf; Mohawk title, 1 leaf; Preface (in English), pp. i-iii ; Contents, double column, Euijlish and Mohawk, 1 p. ; text, altiTniite pages Eng- lish and Mohawk, pp. 2-50-3; Observations, 1 p. ; 19 plates. Tlie Mohawk title reads thus: Nk TaKAWKA | YoNDERKANAYENDAOnKWA | OanSERAQWEOOUH, | NeoNI YaKAWBA I Ne OrIGHWADOQEAOHTY I YONDATNEKOS.SERAOHS I NEONI I TeKARIOHWAGEHHADONT, I OTA ONI | AdERBANATENT, I NE TEAS NIKARIWAKE I RaDITSIHUIISTATSTGOWA I RONADERIQHWISSOU | GORAGHGOWA A-ONEA RO- DANHAOun. I Oni, | Watkanissa-aghtoh I Oddyake Adereanayent, I Neoni T.SINIYOQHT-IIARE NE | KaGHYADOOHSERADOQEAGHTY, | NeWAHOiENY AkOYEN- DARAKE neoni AhHONDATTERIIIHONNY. I A-ONEA WADIRoROGHKWE, NEONI TEKAWEANADliNNYOH KaNYEN- | KCIIAGA TsIKAWEANONDAGHKO, NE NEANK RaDITSIHUIISTATSY NE I RaDIRIGHWAWAKOUOHKGoWA RONADANUA-OUn, KaN- YENKE WAON- I DY'E TSI-RADINAKERONNYO OnGWE-OEWE. | KeAGAYE ASE YON- DEREANATENDAQHKWA. | ONI TAHOGHSONDEROH | St. MaRK RaORIGHWADO- OEAGHTY, I Tekawkanadennyoh Kanyenkehaqa Rakowanea | T'Hayenda- NKQBA, I ROEWATATS. | London: \ Karistodarho C. Buckton, Great PuHnej/ Sfrcet, | Oolden Square. 1787. | BOSTON. The | Votes and Proceedings | of the | Freeholders and other Inhabitants | of the | Town of Boston, | In Town Meeting AMERICANA. 273 assembled, | According to Law. | (Published by Order of the Town.) I To which is prefixed, as Introdiictorv, | An attested Copy of a Vote of the Town | at a preceeding Meeting. | Bodon: \ Printed by Edes and Gill, in Queen-Street, \ And T. and J. Fleet, in Cornhill. [1772.] I 8vo. 14 Collation: Title, 1 leaf; Kesolution, pp. (2); text, pp. 1-36; Appendix, pp. 37-43. A BRIEF and True | Narration | Of the Late | Wars | risen in I Xcw-England : | Occasioned by the Quarrelsom disposition, | and Perfidious Carriage | of the | Barbarous, Savage and Jleatheuish | Natives | There. | Licensed November 16. Roger Ijestrangc. | London I Printed for J. 8. 1675. | Sm. 4to, Title, 1 leaf, pp. 3-8. 15 BURK (J.). The | History of Virginia, | from | Its First Settle- ment I to I The Present Day. | By John Burk. | Volume I. | Peters- burg, Virginia, \ Printed for the Author, by Dickson & Pescud. \ 1804. I 8vo. 4 volumes. 16 Collation: Vol. I. Title, 1 leaf; Dedicsition, pp. (2); Preface, pp. i-iv; text, pp. 1-295 ; 1 p. blank ; To the Public, pp. (2) ; Appendix, pp. 299-348. Vol. II. Title, 1 leaf; text, pp., 3-335; 1 p. blank; Appendix, pp. i-lxii. Vol. III. Title, 1 leaf; text, pp. .3-469. Vol. IV. Title, 1 leaf; Dedication, 1 leaf; Preface, pp. v-vii ; 1 p. blank; text, pp. 1—538; Apjiondix, i-xv ; Errata, 1 leaf. The I History ok Viroixia, | from | Its First .'^kttlkment | to | The Prksent Day. | By John* Burk. | Volume II. | I'cferslmrg, Virginia, \ Printed by Dickson ^ Pescud. \ And for sale at the book-stores of Somervell j- Conrad, Pe- \ iers- burg. John Conrad, ^ Co. Philadelphia. Michael e.s axcieses Loix, Coutumes et US.\QES de la I CoLOSIE DU CaXADA, AUJOlRD'Hiy PR0VI^■CE DE QUE- | BEC, TIRE DE LA COUTIME DE LA PREVOTE ET VICOMTE DE | PaRIS, k LAdUELLE LA 276 THE TOWER COLLECTIOK. DITE COLONIE ETAIT ASSUJETIE, EN | CONSEQUENCE DE L'EdIT DE L'ETABLISSEMENT DU CONSEIL I SOUVERAIN DU MOIS D'AvRIL 1G63; AVEC I.'F.Xn.ICA- I TION DE CQAqUE TITRE ET DE CUAQUE ARTICLE, I'UISSEE | DANS LES MEILLEURS AUTIIEURS QUI ONT iCRIT ET CO- | MENTE LA DITE COUTUME. | NeCESSAIRE A TOUTES LES I'ER- SONNES QUI VOTJDRONT AVOIR | UNE TEINTUBE DES DITES ANCIENES LOIX, COU- TUMES ET I USAGES, ET QUI I'OURKA LES FACILITER DANS L'ETUDE QU'ILS | SERONT obliges d'en faike, tant commk ju(!es, que | comme avocats ou procurers. | Par Francois Josei-u Cuonet Ecuier, Seigneur de St. | Etienne, &c. &c. ] ... I ... I .... I Quebec: \ C/iez Guillamne Brown, \ MDCCLXXV. | CUGNET. Trait6 | de la | Police. | Qui a toujours (:i(i suivie en Canada, aiijoimriuii | rrovincc de QueLet-, depuis .son ftablisscment jns- qu'a I la conquOte, tiro de.s diforens reglcmons, jugeniens | et ordon- nanoes d'Intendans, n ([iii par leur.s com- | missions, cette partie du gouvernement etait totale- | nicnt atribuec, a I'cxclusion de tons autres juges, I qui n'en pouvaicnt connaitre qu'en qualitc de leurs | subde- legu<5s. I Traits qui pourrail Ctre de quel qu'utilit^ aux Grands | Voy- ers, et aux juges de Police en cette Province. | Par Franjois Joseph Cugnet, Ecuier, Seigueur de St | Etienne, &c. tor of Gilford in I New-England. | Published by the aforesaid Corporation. | . . . | ... I ... I .... I London, J'rinted by M. Simmons for John Blarpie \ and Samuel HoiceJi, and are to be sold at their | Shop in Popes Head- Alley. 1652. I Sm. 4to. 35 Collation : Title, 1 leaf; Dedication, pp. (4) ; To the Reader, pp. (5) ; I p. blank ; text, pp. (4), 1-40. The fourth edition of the sixth of the series. It is most readily recognized by the omission of the heading on page 40, " The Corporation to the Reader." TF>.\RS of Rejwntance : | Or, A further | Narrative of the Prog- ress of tlie Gosjjcl I .\mongsttiie | Indians | in | Ncw-Englanlish«l by the Corporation for propagating the Gospel there, for the | Satisfaction and Comfort of such as wish well thereunto. | ... | .... | Lonrlon : Printed by Peter Cole in Leaden-Hall, and are to be Sold at \ hix Shop, at the Sif/n of the Printing-PresK in Cornhil, \ near the lioytU Exchange. 1653. | Sm. 4to. 36 Collation: Title, 1 leaf; To His Excellency, signed .John Eliot, pp. (2); To His Excellency, signed William Steel, without date, pp. (2) ; To the much Honoured Corporation, pp. (13) ; 1 p. blank ; To the Reader, pp. (4) ; To the Christiaa Reader, pp. (11); 1 p. blank; text, pp. 1-47; Signatures A to K in fours ; List of liooks, 1 p. The text ends in the middle of page 47 with the word " Finis" in capitals over a line of printer's blocks, under which Itegins the li.sl of bofjks continued on the verso of that page. The first edition of the seventh of the scries. AMERICANA. 281 TEARS of Repentance : | Or, A further | Narrative of the Prog- ress of the Gospel | Amongst the | Indians | in | Xcw-England : | Setting forth, not only their present state | and condition, but sundry Confessions of sin | by diverse of the said Indians, wrouglit upon | by the saving Power of the Gospel ; Togetlu-r | with the manifestation of their l"\iitli and Hope | in Jesus ('iu'ist, and the Work of Grace upon I tiieir Hearts. | Related l)y Mr. lOliot and Mr. Mayhew, two Faithful Laborers | in tiiat woi-l< of the Lord. | Publislicd l)y the Corporation for propagating the GosjjcI tliere, for tlie | Satisfaction and Comfoil of such as wish well thereunto. | ... | .... | Loiidun : Prinkd by Peter Cole in Leaden-Hall, and are lo be Sold at \ liin Shop, at the Sign of the Printinff-Pretis in CoridiH, | near the Royal Exchanye. 1653. | Sm. 4to. 37 Collation : Title, 1 leaf; To His Excellency, signed William Steel, dated " Coopers- Hall, London, March, 20. 16.53.," pp. (2) ; To the much Honored Corporation, pp. (13) ; 1 p. blank ; To His Excellency, signed John Eliot, pp. (2) ; To the Reader, pp. (4) ; To the Christian Reader, pp. (11); 1 p. blank; A Brief Relation, pp. 1-47; signa- tures A to I in fours, K in three, and L, one leaf. The word '• Finis," on page 47, is in larger type between two lines of printer'.* blocks, and the list of books is omitted. The second edition of the seventh of the series. A LATE and Further | Manifestation | of the | Progress of the Gospel I Among.st the | Indians | in | New-England. | Declaring their constant Love and Zeal to | the Truth : With a readinesse to give I Accompt of their Faith and Hope ; as of | their desires in Church Commu- I nion to be Partakers of | the Ordinances of | Christ. | Be- ing a Narrative of the E.xamination of the Indians, about | their Knowledge in Religion, by the Elders of the Churches. | Related by Mr John Eliot. | Published by the Corporation, established by | Act of Parliament, for Propagating the Gospel there. | ... | .... | London: Printed by M. S. 1655. | Sm. 4to. 38 Collation : Title, 1 leaf; Approval, 1 leaf; To all that pray, &c., pp. (4) ; text, pp. 1-23. The eighth of the series. FR.\NCK. (S.) aScItbiicfK fpicsjcl | ttiib bitbtiiifs bcB aantjen | erbt= bobenS toon Scbaftiano iiyraiico | 'iiUn'bcfi in bier hiicficr, ucmlicf) in 3lfi= I am, 3(pbrica, Giiropant, uiib I'lmcvica, i-o'tclt iMib iibtcilt, 3(iidi allcr barifi bc: | i^riffncr I'dnbcv, nation, t^viniinljC vnb o'M»-'l"/ s5>-'l*^!"l>-'ii'"-'it, grbil'c, lucitc, i^c | wa6.)\\, ciH3cnfd,iafft, iMib bcr barinn ijclcgcncr oblcfcr Wnb cinaioncr, nam | men, iicftalt, Icbcn, lucicn, vdiijion, glauben, ccre= 282 THE TOWER COLLECTION. monien, gfa^, rcgimct, | j^otticcti, fittcn, brand), triecj, ijciPcrCi, friirftt, t(iier, ticttbimij on IHT: I cnbcruiiii, enijciitlidi fiir bic aiujcn geftclt, 3(uct> etwa-3 lie iiciu I jcfimbciicn wcltcii onb 3»1"-''"/ "it* ^iuft 23croio, ^i-^^iinc I i'c moittc Dilla, S. Sranbons ^iftori, Bfi bcrglcic^en ] fabein, funb aiife aiuje: mimncn, glaiiblinrbigcn | crfarnc, luctticfireibcrn miifctiij ',& fwuff tra | ge un aufe inleii, ipcitleiiffiijcn biidicrn in | cin hanbtbiicfi eingdcibt onb ik= I ia^t, lionnaU bevijlcidicn | in iciitfdi nic au^-- \ tgangcn. | Wit eincni 3U cnb angcbcnrftcn :'){cgiftcv a\k-i innlm(t-o. | . . . | . . . . | Anno. M.D.XXXIIII. I [Colophon.] C (ktradd zTi Tubingen durch Vlrich Morhart, hn iausent fi'i nf | hundert vier und dreyssisten jar. \ Folio. 39 Collation: Title, 1 p. ; Authors cited, 1 p. ; Preface, pp. (8); text, folios i-ccxxxvii 1 leaf blank; Index, pp (14). [GLENN. (James)] A | Description | of | South Carolina ; | con- taining, I ^lany curious and interesting Particulars relating | to the Civil, Natural and Commercial | Historj' of that Colony,, viz. | The Succession of European Settlers there ; Grants | of English Charters ; Boundaries; Constitution of | the Government; Taxes; Number of Inhabitants, | and of the neighbouring Indian Nations, &c. | The Na- ture of the Climate ; Tabular Accounts of the | Altitudes of (lie Barometer ^lonthly for Four Years, | of the Depths of Rain ^lontiily for Eleven Years, and of | the Winds Direction Daily for One Year, &c. I The Culture and Produce of Rice, Indian Corn, and Indigo ; | the Process of extracting Tar and Turpentine ; the State of | their Maritime Trade in the Years 1710, 1723, 1740 and 1748, | with tlie Number or Tonnage of Shipping employed, and the Species, | Quanti- ties and Values of their Produce exportetl in (^ne Y'ear, &c. | To whidi is added, | A very particular .Account of their Rice-Trade for Twenty Years, | with their Exports of Raw Silk and Imports of British | Silk Manufactures for T\venty-five Years. | London : \ Printed for R. and .J. Doddnj in Pall-MalL \ MDCCLXI. | 8vo. 40 Collation : Half-title, 1 leaf; Title, 1 leaf; Preface, 1 p. ; Contents, pp. vi-viii ; text, pp. 1-96; Index, pp. 97-110; List of Books, pp. (2). [HEWATT. (Alexander)] An Historical | Account | of the | Rise and Progress | Of the Colonies of | South Carolina | and | Georgia. | In Two Volumes. \ Vol. I. | Printed for Alavander Donaldson, \ Xo. 48. St. PauVs Church- Yard, London. \ M.DCC.LXXIX. | 8vo. 2 volumes. 41 AMERICANA. 283 Collation: Vol. I. Title, 1 leaf; Contents, pp. vii-xiv ; 1 leaf blank; text, pp. 1-319; Laws, pp. 321-347. Vol. II. Title, 1 leaf; Contents, pp. iii-ix ; 1 p. blank; text, pp. 1-309 for 329. [HOLYWOOD. (Jolin) ami] M INIAURO. Sphera volgare novameiite | tradotta con iiioltc notande | Additioui di Geometria, Cosnio- I irrapliia, Arto Xavigatoria, et | Stfivometria, Proportion!, et I (ivantita delli Elenicuti, Distan | ze, (irandeze, ct Movimente di I tvtti li Corpi celesti, Cose oer | tamente rade et maravii^liose. | Avtore M. Mavro Fiorentino | Pbona.Sfo et Piiilopaiiarety the | Ciiartcr of King William and (inecn Mary, | in 1691. I By Mr. Hutchinson, | Ijieutenant-Governor of the Ma.ssaehn- set's Province. | ... | .... | The Second Edition. | London: \ Printed for 31. Richardson, in Fater-nostcr Roic. \ MDCC^LXV. | 8vo. ;3 volumes. 45 Collation : Vol. I. Title, 1 leaf; Contents, pp. (3) ; 1 p. blank ; Preface, pp. i-iv ; text, pp. 1-480 ; Appendix, pp. 487-56G. Vol II. Title, 1 leaf; Contents, 1 p.; Errata, 1 p.; Preface, pp. i-iv; text, pp. 1-448; Appendix, pp. 449-520; Index, pp. 521-539. Vol. III. Title, 1 leaf; Dedication, pp. (2) ; Preface, pp. v-xvi ; Contents, pp. xix-xx; text, 1-460; Appendix, Half-title, 1 leaf; pp. 463-551. The titles to the second and third volumes read: The | History | of the | Province | of | Mas- SACHUSET.S-BaY, I FROM TUB | CHARTER OF KiNO WiLLIAM AND QUKEN MaRV, I IN 1091, I Until the Year 1750. | By Mr. Hutchinson, Lieutenant-Gov- ernor OF THE Province. | Vol. II. | The Second Edition. | London: | Printed by J. Smith, neai- Wellciose-Square ; for | O. Kearsly, at Nn. 1 In Ludgate-Streel ; | and W. DavenhUl, at Xo. 8 in Cornhill. MDCCLXVIII. | The I History of the Province | of | 3Iassachusett.s Bay, | from 1749 to 1774, I Comprising a detailed Narrative of the | Origin and Early Stages I of the I American Revolution. | By Thomas Hutchinson, Esq., L.L.U. | Formerly Governor of the Province. | Edited fro.m the Author's MS., by ins Grandson, | the Rev. ,1ohn Hutchinson, M.A. | London: \ John Murray, Albemarle Street. \ MDCCCXXVIII. | [HUTCHINSON.] A | Collection | of | Original Papers | Rela- tive to the I History | of the | Colony of Massachusetts-Bay. | Boston, New-England: \ Printed by Tliomcts and John Fleet, | 1769. | 8vo, Title, 1 leaf; Preface, pp. i-ii ; Papers, pp. 1-576. 46 KEITH. (G.). The | Presbyterian and Independent | visible | Churches | in | New-England | And else-where, | Brought to the Test, and examined according to the | Doctrin of the holy Scriptures, in their Doctrin, | Ministry, Worship, Constitution, Government, Sacraments, | and Sabbatli Day. | More particularly directed to those in New-England, and | more generally to those in Old-England, Scotland, I Ireland, &c. | With | A Call and Warning from the Lord to the AilERICANA. 285 PeoplScr. I Hy (ieorge Keith. | Londoii : | I'rintcA for Tliomaa Noiihcott, in (ilcoiyc-Yard \ hi Lomlxtrd-fitircl, 1(591. | 16mo. 47 Coll(M>ti<>ii : Quotations,! loaf; Title,! Ipiif; I^'iiiiully Kpistli-, pp. ((i) ; t(;\t, pp. 1-230. LAHONTAN. (Arniand Louis de Delondaree, Baron de) Vt)yages du Baron de Lahontan dans I'Amerifine Septentrionale. Amsterdam : MDCCXXXXI. 12mo. ;J volnmes. 48 These volumes not having been returned by the biiuUr in London, a full description is unavoidably omitted. LAWSON. (D.) Christ's Fidelity | The Only | Shield | Against | Satan's Malignity. | Asserted in a | Sermon | Deliver'd at Salem-Vil- lage the | 24th of March, 1692. Being Lecture- | day there, and a time of Publiok [ Examination, of some Suspected | for Witchcraft. | By Dcodut Lawsou, ^Minister | of the Gospel. | The Second Edition. I ... I ... I ... I ... I ... I .... I Printed at Boston in New-Eng- land, and Reprinted \ in London by R. To keij for the Aidhor ; and \ are to be sold by T. Farkhurst, at the Bible and \ Three Crmons in Cheapside; and J. Lawrence, at \ the Angel in the I'oultrey. 1704. | 12nio. 49 (.'oUatJon: Title, 1 leaf; Dedication to Ashhur.st, ! leaf; Dedication to Gidney, llathorne, and Corwin, pp. (2) ; To all my Cliristian Friends, pp. (5) ; ! p. blank ; te.vt, pp. 1-02; Appendix, pp. 93-!20. L'ESTllANGE. (H.) Americans no lewcs, | or | Improbabilities that the | .Vmericans are of that race. | . . . | . . . | . . . | . . . | . . . | ... I .... I Ilamon I'Estrange, Kt. | Londmi, | Printed by W. W. for Henry Seile ovo- against \ St. Dunstans Church in Fleetstreet. 16o2. | Sm. 4to. 50 Collation: Title, 1 leaf; To the Kcader, pp. (2); text, pp. 1-80. LINSCMOTr:N. (J. II. van) lohn Hvighen Van | Linschoten. I his Discours of Voyages | into y" Easte ct West j Indies. | Dcuided into Fouro Bookcs. | Printed at London by | John Wolfe \ Printer to y' Honorable Cittic of \ London. [1598.] | Folio. 51 286 THK TOWEK COLLECTION. Engraved titlo, 1 leaf; Dedication, pp. (3); To the Reader, pp. (4); 1 p. Wank; text, j)p. 1-462; 12 maps. Each of the last three hooks has a special title page with imprint dated 1598. MARTYR. (P.) De Noiio Orbe, | or | Tlie Historic Of | the west Iiitlies, Contayniiig the acte.s | and adiientures of the Spanyaides, whifh hanc | cuiKiiu'rod and jwoplcd those Countrie^j, | inriched with varietie of pleiu-^aiit iv- | iatioii of tiie Maiiiiers, t'ercmonics, | Lawcs, Gouemraeiits, and | Warres of the Indians. | Comprised in eight Dec- ades. I Written hy Peter ^Martyr a Millanoise of Ani^leria, Ciiiefe | Seeretary to the Eniperour Cliarles the tift, | and of his Priuie Couneell. I Whereof three, haue beene formerly translated in- | to English, by R. Eden, wliereunto the otiier | fine, are newly added by tlie Industrie, and I painefuU Trauaile of M. Lok Gent. | ... | .... | London \ Printed for Thomas Adams. \ 1612. | Sm. 4to. 52 Collation : Title, 1 leaf; Dedication, pp. (4) ; To the Reader, pp. (4) ; text, folios 1-318. MATHER. (C.) Magnalia Christi Americana : | Or, the | Eeclesi- a.'^tieal History | of | Xew-I"ngland, | from | Its First Planting in the Year 1()20. unto the Yciir | of our Lord, 16'JS. | In Seven BooUs. | I. Antiquities : In Seven Chapters. With an Appendix. | II. Containing the Lives of the Goveruours, and Names of the Magistrates | of New- England : In Thirteen Chapters. With an Appendix. | III. Tiie Lives of Sixty Famons Divines, by whose Ministry the Clinrehes of | New-England have been Planted and Continued. | IV. An Account of the University of Cambridge in New-England ; in Two | Parts. The First contains the Laws, the Benefactors, and Vicissitudes of | Harvard College ; with Remarks upon it. The Second Part contains the Lives | of some Eminent Persons Educated in it. | V. Acts and Monuments of the Faith and Order in the Churches of New-Eng- | land, passed in their Synods; with Historical Remarks upon those ^''enerable | .Vssemblies ; and a great Variety of Church-Ca.ses occur- rins, and resolved bv I the Svnods of those Churches : In Four Parts. I VI. A faithful Record of many Illustrious, Wonderful Providences, both I of Mercies and Judgments, on divers Persons in New-England : In Eight Chapters. | VII. The ^^'ars of the Lord. Being an History of the Manifold Afflictions and | Disturbances of the Ciiurehes in New-England, from their Various Adversa- | ries, and the Wonderful AMERICANA. 287 Methods and Mercies of God in their Deliverance : | In Six Chapters: To which is subjoined, An Appendix of Remarkable | Occurrences which Xew-England had in the Wars with the Indian Salvages, | from the Year 1688, to the Year 1698. | By the Reverend and I^earned Cotton >[atiior, M.A. | And Pastor of the North Church in Boston. New-England. | London: \ Printed for Tlioincm l'urklmrst,ut iln' Bibk and Three | Ormiyns in Cheapside. MDCCII. | Folio. 5:5 Collation: List of Books, pp. (2); General title, 1 leaf; Title to Book I., 1 leaf; Attestation, pp. (G) ; Prefatory Poem, &c., pp. (8); Oeneral Introduction, pp. (10); Contents, pp. (2); 1 map; Book I., pp. 1—38; Book II., Title,! leaf; pp. 1-75; Book III., Title, 1 leaf; pp. 1-2.38; Book IV., Title, 1 leaf; pp. 125-222; Book V., Title, 1 leaf; pp. 3-100 ; Book VI., Title, 1 leaf; pp. 1-88 ; Book VII., Title, 1 leaf; pp. 3-118; List of Books, pp. (2). The several titles read: Antiquities. | The First Book | of the | New-Exolish History. | Report- ing, I The Design where-on, |The Manner where-in, | And the People WHERE-BY, ; The several Colonies | ok Xew-Enoland | were Planted. | With | A Narrative of many Memorable Passages, | Relating to the | Set- tlement of these Plantations; | and | An Ecclesiastical Map of the Country. | Bt the Endeavocr of | Cotton Mather. | . . . . | London, \ Printed for Thoma.1 Parkhurst, at the Bible and Three \ Crowns in Cheapside near Mercers Chappel, 1702. | Ecclesiarum Clypei. I The Second Book | of the | New Enoli.sh History: I Containing the | Lives | of the | Governodrs, and the Names of the Ma- I gistrates, that have been Shields | unto the Churches of New-England, I (until the Year 1(586.) | Perpetuated by the Essay of Cotton Mather. I ... I ... I . . I .. I ... I ... I .... I [Imprint as above.] Polybivs. I Thb Third Book ] of the | New England History: | Contain- ing the I Lives | of many j Reverend, Learned, and Holy' Divines, | (ar- riving SUCH FROM Europe to America) by' whose | Evangelical Mini.stry THE Churches of New- | England have been Illuminated. | By Cotton Mather. | ... | ...]... | ... | . . | . . . . | [Imprint as above.] Sal Gentium. | The | Fourth Book | of the | New-English History. | Con- taining I An Account of the | University, | From whence the Churches of New-England, (and many other | Churches) have been Illuminated. | Its Laws, its Benefactors, its Vicis- | sitvdes, and a Catalogue of such | AS have been therein Educated and Graduated. | Whereto are Added, | The Lives of some Eminent Persons, who were Plants of Renown | growing in that Nursery'. | Offered unto the Publick | By Cotton Mather. | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | .... | London, | Printed for Tho. Parkhurat. 1702. | Acts and Monuments. | The Fifth Book | of the | New English History : I (In Four P.\rts.) | Containing | The Faith and the Order | in the | Churches of New-England: | Agreed by the | Elders and Messengers of the Churches | Assembled in Synods. | With | Historical Remarks | upon I All those Venerable Assemblies. | And a great Variety of other Church-Cases, | Occurrino and Resolved in these American | Churches. | 288 THE TOWER COLLECTION. .... I Compiled by Cotton Mather. | ... | ... | .... | [Imprint as in Book I.] Thaumaturqus : I Vbl I N'JnDI ^3D i.K. Liber Mkmorabilium. I TuE ' T - T ; T Sixth Book | ofthe | New-English History ; | wukkbix | Vkry many Illus- TRiors I Discoveries and De.mo.nstratio.ns | of the | Divine I'roviui-.nik | in I Kkmarkable I Mkrcie-s and Jldoments I on I Many Particular Persons amono the People | of | New-England, | are | Observ'd, Collected and Related: | By Cotton Mather. | ... | .... | London, Printed in tlie Vein- 1702. I EccLKsiARUM Prjclia : | Or, | A Book of the "Wars of the Lord. | The Seventh Book | of the | New English History: | Relating the | Afflic- tive Disturbances | which the | Churchks of New-England | have | Suf- fered from their Various .Vdversaries: | And The Wonderful Methods AND Mercies where- | by the Churches have been Delivered out of thkir I Difficdlties. I Composed by Cotton Mather. | . . . | . . . | . . . | . . . | ... I .... I [Imprint as in Book I.] [.MATHER.] Memoirs | of the | Life | Of tlie late Eeverend | Increa^' Mather, D.D. | AVho died August 23, 1723. | With a Prefaee by the Reverend Edimind | Calamy, D.D. | London : \ Printed Jot- John Clark and Richard \ Hett at the Bible and Crown in the Poultry, \ near Cheapside, MDCCXXA'. Price Is. \ 8vo. 54 Collation: Portrait engraved by Robert Wbite; Title, 1 leaf; Preface, pp. (6); text, pp. 1-88. [MATHER. (Increase)] A Brief | Relation | of the | State | of ] New England, | From the Beginning of that | Plantation | To this Present Year, 1689. | In a Letter to a Person of Quality. | Licenced, July 30th, 1G89. | London, \ Printed for Richard Raldwine, near the Black Bull in the \ Old-Baily, 1689. | Sm. 4to. 55 Collation : Title, 1 leaf; text, pp. 3-18; List of Books, pp. (2). MATHER. Diatriba | de signo | Filii Hominis, | et de | Secundo Messise Adventu ; | Ubi de modo futiu-se .ludseorum Conversionis ; | Xec non de signis | Xovissimi diei, dis.seritur. | Authore | Crescentio Mathero | V.D.^M. apud Bostoniensis in Xova Anglia. | AniMelodami, I Apud Mercy Browning Juxta Bursam. 1682. | Sm. 8vo, pp. (8), 98, (6). 56 MATHER. The | Mystery | of | Christ | opened and applyed. | In several Sermons, Concerning the | Person, Office, and Glory of Jesus AMEKICASA. 289 Christ. I By Increase Mather, | Teacher of a Church at Boston in X. Enjiland. | [Bodon :] rrinted in the T/ear'SlDCLXXXXI. \ Sm. 8vo, pp. (2), 6, 212, (1). 57 ]\IATHEPt. Tlic Order of the | Gospel, | Professed and Practised hy tile I Churches of Christ in | Xe\v-En copies may appcarc. ^\' here-- vnto are 1 added three other bookes treating of the Bezaar | stone, tiic herbe Escueryonera, the properties of | yron and Steele, in Medicine and the benefite of | snowe. | Imprinted at London, in Paides \ Church- yard at the signe of the Quenes Amies, by William Xoiion. | 1580. | [Colophon.'] Imprinted at Ijon- \ don at the three Cranes in the llii- I tree by Thomas Dawson, for \ William Norton, dwelUny in \ Paidcf Churchyard at the signe of \ the Queenes Armes. \ 1580. | 8vo. 5'J Collation: Title, 1 leaf; Dedication, pp. (3); 1 p. blank; folios 1-181; Colophon, 1 loaf. MONARDES. Primcra y | Segvnda y Tercera | Partes de la His- toria I Medicinal de las co^^as | que se traen de nncstras Indias Och and Swedes on Delaware. | To which is added, | A brief Description of the said Province, | and of the | General State, in which it flourishetl, principallv between the Ycai-s 1760 and 1770. | The whole including a N'aricty of Things, | Useful and interesting to be known, respecting tiiat Country in early Time, &c. I With an Appendix. | Written principally between the Years 1776 and 1780, | By Robert Proud. | ... | ... | ... | .... | N^.lume I. I Phi/adelphia: | PrhUed and sold bi/ Zachariah Pouhon, Junior, \ Number Eif/htij, Vhedmd-Street. \ 1797. ( Svo. 2 vols. 67 292 THE TOWER COLLECTION. Collation : Vol. I. Portrait of Pcnn ; Title, 1 p. ; Quotation, 1 p. ; Preface dedi- catory, pp. 3-16; Contents, pp. 17-18; te.tt, pp. 19-487; Index, pp. 489-508. Vol. H. 1 map folded; Title, 1 leaf; text, pp. 3-373; 1 p. blank; Appendix, pp. 1-132; Index, pp. 133-146. The title to the second volume differs fri>m the first only as follows : Volumk II. I Philadelphia: \ Printal and sold by Zaehariah Poulson, Junun-, \ Ao. 106, Chestnut Street, | Nearly opposite to the Bank o/ North America. | 1798. | K()]iEirrnS MONACHUS. Bellvm C'liristi- | anorvni Prin- cipvm, I praeoipvc Gallo | rvra, contra Saracenos, Anno Salvtis | M.LXXXVIII. pro terra sancta gestum : autore | Roberto Momacho [.«'«]. I Caroliis Vcrardns de expugnatioiie regni Granatae : qua; con | tigit ab hinc quadragcsimo sccundo anno, per Catholicu rc^em | Fcr- dinandum Hispaniarum. | Cristophonis Colom de prima insularum, in mari Indico sitanmi, | lustratione, quae sub rege Ferdinando Hi.spa- niariim facta est. | Do legatione regis Aethiopite ad Clementcm ponti- ficem VII. ac | Rege Portugallise : item de regno, hominibus, atq3 moribus eius- | dem populi, qui Trogloditae hodie esse putantur. | loan. ■ Baptista Egnatius de origino Tnrcarum. | Pomponius Lfttus de e.xortu ilaomotliis. | Lector humanissinie liabes iiicopus quarundam historiariT, quas I lam prima typis no.stris ex antiquo & scripto cxemplari in com I niodnni timni eiuilgaiiinnis. | Pxixlhu; Excvdebul Ilenrin-n | Petna Mcnxc Aryrxto. | \_< '(tl()ph(m.'\ lUisilmc Kn-nhbal Hcttrk-vs I'e- | trm Mense Avgvsto Anno | D.M. XXXIII. | Folio. 68 Collation: Title, I leaf; Prtrface and Index, pp. (4); 1 leaf blank ; folios 1-149; Colophon, 1 p; Printer's device, 1 leaf SEVERAL I Conferences | Between some of the principal People amongst the | Quakers | in | Pennsylvania, | and tlie | Deputies | from the | Si.x Indian Nations, | In Alliance with Britain ; | In order to reclaim their Brethren the Delaware | Indians from their Defection, and put a Stop to their | Barbarities and Hostilities. | To which is prefi.x'd j (A.s introductory to the saiil Conferences) | Two Addresses from the said Quakers ; | one to the Lieutenant-Governor, and the other to the | General- Assembly of the Province of Pennsylvania ; as also I the Lieutenant-Governor's Declaration of War | against the said Delaware Indian.s, and their Adherents. | Newcmtlc vpon 2'yne : I Printed by I. Tliompsoii and Company. \ MDCCLYI. | 8vo, pp. 28. " 69 AMERICANA. 293 » SEWALL. (S.) Plijeiiomcna fnucdam | Aixxtilyptica | Ad Aspec- tum Novi Orbis coufigiirata. | Or, some few Lines towards a deserip- tion of the New | Heaven | As It makes to tliose who stand ujjon the | New Earth | By Samuel Sewall A.M. and sometime Fellow of Harvard I College at Cambridge in Ne\v-England. | The Seexind Edition. |...|...|...|...|...|... I ... I ...|...|...|....| MassadivHd ; \ Boston, Frintcd by Bartholomew Green : And Hold by \ Benjamin Eliot, Samuel (lerrinh &■ Daniel Henchman. 1727. | 4to. 70 Collation: Title, 1 leaf; Dedication, pj). (2); text, 1-C4. The Fountain Opened, pp. 1-24; To the Hon. William Slaughton, pp. (3) ; Psalm 139, 1 p. A SHORT I Collection | of the | Most Remarkable Passages | from the originall to the dissolution | of the | Virginia | Company. | London, ( Prined by Richard Votes for Edward Husband, at the \ Golden Dragon in Fledstred, 1651. | Sm. 4to. 71 Collation : Title, 1 leaf; To the honorable Company, pp. (2) ; text, pp. 1-20. SMITH. (J.) The | Generall Historic | of | Virginia, New-Eng- land, and the Summer | Isles : with tiie names of the Adventurers, | Planters, and (Jovernoui-s from their | first ix'ginniiig An° 1-^84. to this I present 1626. | W'itii tlie Proeedings of those Severall Colonies | and the .Vceidents that ix-fell them in all their | Journeyes and Dis- coveries. I Also the Maps and Deserii^tions of all those | Countryes, their Commodities, people, | Government, Customes and Religion | yet knowne. | Dividetl into si.xc Bookes. | By Cajitaine loiin Smith some- tymes Governour | in those Countryes & Admirall | of New England. I London. \ Printed by I. D. and | I. H. for Michael \ Sparkes. \ 1627. I Folio. 72 Collation: Engraved title, 1 leaf; Dedication, pp. (2); Preface, 1 p.; Poems to Smith, pp. (5) ; Contents, pp. (4) ; text, pp. 1-248 ; 4 maps. SMITH. (S.) The | History | of | The Colony | of | Nova-Ca?saria, New-Jersey : | Containing, | An Account of its first settlement, | pro- gres.sive improvements, | the original and ])resent Constitution, | and other events, | to the year 1721. | With | some j)artieulai-s since; | and I a short view of its present state. | By Samuel Smith. | Burling- ton, in Xew-Jcrscy : | Printed and Sold by James Parke)-: Sold also by I David Hall, in Philadelphia. M,DCC,LXV. | 8vo. 73 Collation: Title, 1 leaf; Contents, pp. iii-vi; Preface, pp. vii-x ; text, pp. 1-511; Appendix, pp. 512-573; Erratji, 1 p. 20 294 THE TOWER COLLECTION. [SMITH. (William)] Relation | Historique | de | I'expMition, [ contre | Les Indiens do I'Ohio | en MDC'CLXIV. | ComniandtV par le Chevalier Henry Bouquet, Co- | lonel d'Infantorie, & ensuite Briga- dier-General en I Am^rique ; contenant ses Transactions avec les In- | diens, relativenient a la delivranee des Prisonniers | c6- dente de I'an 1763, | & de la Bataillede Bushy-Run. | On y a joint des M^moires Militaires contenant des | R6flexion.s sur la guerre avvc les Sauvages : une Me- | thode de former des 6tablissemens sur la Fron- tiere : | quelques details concernant la contr^e des Indiens : | avec une liste de nations, combattans, villes, distan- | cas, & diverses routes. | Le tout enrichi do Cartes & Tailles-• s/iop at the signe of the Angel in Divck lane, 1650. | Sm. 4to. 78 Collation : Title, 1 leaf; To the Honourable Knights, &c., pp. (14) ; Preface, pp. (8) ; Epistolicall Discourse, pp. (16) ; Contents, 1 leaf; text, pp. 1-136, (3). A I TREATY | Held at tiie Town of | Lancaster, in Pennsylvania, I By the Honourable the | Ijientenant-Govemor of the Province, | And the HonoiiraLle tlie | Connnissicniei-s for the Provinces | of | Vir- ginia and Maryhmd, | with the | Indians | of the | Six Nations, | In June, 1744. ( Philadelphia: \ Printed and Sold by B. Franklin, at the Netc-Printing- Office, \ near the Market. M,DCC,XLrV^. | Folio, pp. 39. 79 THP: I TRYAL I of I Jolm Peter Zenger, | of | Xew-York, Prin- ter, I Who was lately Try 'd and Aeqnittetl fi>r Printing and | Puljlish- ing a Libel agjiinst the Gt)vernnient. | With the Pleadings and Argu- ments on both Sides. | . . . . | The Fourth Ext, jip, ]-14!l; 1 p. l.lank ; 1-105; 1 p. Idank ; 1-95. WEI.D. (T.) A I Sliort, Story | Of tlio | Ri.so, HoijTn, and Hnino of tlie Anliiumiiaiis, | Familists and Libertines : | 'I'liat Infected the Olnirelies | Of Nc\v-Enu;land : .\ii('th(T widi a nianilJ'station oCtlie cans'.'s niooving | snch as liave lately vndertaken a Plantation in | N(!vv-En<^land : | For tlic satisfaetion of fiiosc tiiat (iiicstion | tiie la\viidne.sse of the Aetion. | ... | .... | London, | Pnnted bij WUUani Ione.t. | KJ.'JO. | Hm. 4tt). 84 Collation: Title, 1 loal'; To the Reader, pp. (2) ; text, pp. 1-84. W[ILLIAMS. (E[d\vard]) Viri,rinia: | More es|)ccially the Sontli part thereof, | Ri(^hly and trnly valued : vi/.. | The fertile Carolana, and no Icssc excellent Isle of lioa- | noaU, of Latitude from ."51. to .'57. Dei^r. relatinoj the | meanes of raysin;^ infinile ])rolits to the Adventn- | rers and Planters. | The second lulition, witli .V