UC-NRLF $B 531 TTl Mi/ i It '^THOU 'I THAT TEACHES"? ^ ANOTHER ■» ™,.,JEACHEST THOU NOT I THYSELF 7'' , 3 1 s^. ( 1 *Js?fj/t'* i I HtAI I PI:!)AGO(j 'in :i'. I' \ : '"«5f "■''K*** ■iXl" I a) = h. dotation ally a line laterally * presented to the number symbols (— or / ), a colon ( : ), or a combination of both (-f-) represents division. The first is generally to be preferred. 50. With primary number division amounts to repeated subtraction, but it is only safely defined as the inverse of multiplication. (Vide § 45.) 51. Under the developed concept of number, if a num- ber is to be combined with a series of others which operate successively in multiplication and division, there is free commutation and association in using the operators in the manner displayed in the following : — (1) (a X f^) -^ c = (a -i- c) X b = a X h / c = a -i- c / b; (2) {a -~ h) -i- c = a / he = aj c -^ h ; (3) (ft -V- h) X {c -^ d) = ac j bd = a j d -~ b / e = ac j h -^ d, etc. ; (4) {fi ^ b) -^ (c -^ d) ^ ad jbc = a I c-^b-d = ad / b -f- c, etc. ; * The " minus " sign is presented endwise to tlie number .symbols. PRIMARY KUMBER. — NUMERICAL OPERATIONS. 53 as may easily be proved from the laws of multiplication and the definition of division, to be true for primary number, if the opei'ations have any meaning at all. But as in the case of subtraction (§ 43), it is vain to attempt generalizations with division under the primary concept of number, for division is possible only in par- ticular cases. Thus, considering that the primary numbers represented are such that the statement (ct X h) -^ c makes sense, (a -^ c) X l^ ii^ay, or may not, have meaning ; e.g. (3 X 4) -v- 6 makes sense, for there is a primary number which mul- tiplied by 6 gives 12 ; but (3 -i- 6) X 4 is meaningless in terms of primary number, for there is no primary number which multiplied by 6 gives 3. Again (15 X 4) -;- 6 is intelligible, but not (15-4-6) X 4 ; since no primary num- ber multiplied by 6 gives 15. 52. If a sum of two primary numbers is to be miiltiplied by a primary number, the product is the same as the sum of the products of each summand by the multiplier, i.e., — (rt -{- h) c = ac -[- be. For 4 rows of 5 in a row is the same group as the sum of two groups each of 4 rows, 2 and 3 respectively in a ruw, thus : — The principle evidently extends to the sum of any num- ber of summands, and is called the Distributive Law of Multiplication and Addition. 53. If the multiplier be a sum, of course redistribution 'univ.'ehsi'i California 54 NUMBER AND ITS ALGEBRA. will display the final result as a sum of simple products, e.g., {a + h) {c -\- d) = a{r-\- d) -\.h {c -\- d) = ae -\- ad + he -\- hd. 54. If eacli one of a number of factors be a result of mixed addition and subtraction, the Distributive Law ap- plies, but with primary numbers only, under the miserable restrictions inherent in inverse operations. 55. Also a series of additions and subtractions is dis- tributable with a divisor. It is sufficient to give formal proof in one instance : — To prove {rt -\- V) -^ c = (a -4- r-) -f- (Ij -f- c). Now, {(a -\- b) -^ c] c = a -\- b hy definition of division. Again, {(a -^ c) + (i -f- <-)} = (a ^ c) c -\- (b -i- c) c by distribution of multiplication and addition ; but this last also = a -{- b hj definition of division, .: (a -\- b) ^ c = (a -h c) -\- (b ^ c). (Cf. foot-note to § 42.) 56. If factors be sums, redistribution is possible, since the original case merely recurs (vide § 53) ; but if a divisor be a sum, it cannot be distributed. (a -\-b)^ (e-\- d) = a - (^ + d) + // - (. + d), but a -i- (c -)- d) does not equal (a -^ c) -f- (a -f- d), as the student may easily satisfy himself. Let this truth emphasize the principle that all such questions are matters of fact, and not to be convention- ally decided. 57. It frequently occurs in practice that it is required to repeatedly multiply a number by itself. Given the basal number and the number of times it is to occur as a factor, the process is completely determined. The original num- ber is called the base ; the number of times it is to occur as a factor is called, according to the point of view, the PRIMARY NUMBER. — NUMERICAL OPERATIONS. 55 exponent of the base, or the logarithm of the result to the specific base. The result is called the power. The expo- nent is sometimes called an index. Numbers in this relation are notationally represented thus : 4^ = 64, or «* = e, where a is base ; h, the expo- nent ; c, the power. The phrase logarithm of c to base a is written in algebraic shorthand thus, log„ c. 58. When the exponent is two, the power is commonly called the " square ; " and when the exponent is three, the "cube." These names refer to true and proper geometrical applications of number, but have no doubt had their share in postponing general recognition of number's real nature. {Cf. § 25, and §§ 230, 231.) 59. The operation of combining two numbers in the sense represented notationally, as above explained, by a*, is called Involution. But just as we restrained ourselves from prematurely regarding multiplication as repeated ad- dition, we must prejudice no subsequent questions by regarding involution as repeated multiplication. It is re- peated multiplication for primary numbers ; but when we discern other modes of number we shall see that such is by no means the essential nature of the operation. 60. It is impossible (for me) to frame a definition of involution in terms of primary number which will satis- factorily connote the simplest and the general meaning of the operation. {Cf. §§ 45, 46.) In lieu of something more satisfactory I make the following attempt : Involution is a combination of two numbers such that the base shall appear factorially in the result in a mode corresponding to that in which unity exists additively in the exponent. While this definition expresses primary involution, it is not in- consistent with ultimate meanings. For example, if unity 56 NUMBER AND ITS ALGEBRA. exists three times aclditively in the exponent, the base must appear three times factorially in the power ; yet when niimbers are conceived in which unity fulfils a relation the inverse of primary addition, we need not be surprised to discover that the base appears in the power in a relation the inverse of that of a direct factor. [ «3 = aaa, and a~^ = -.-.-] . \ a a aj Again, when a number such as the ratio 1 / 3 is discerned, it becomes a development, not a recantation of former opin- ion, to discover that the exponent 1/3 imposes upon a base an operation which shall cause it to appear in the result as one of three equal factors of itself, since 1 / 3 is one of three equal summands of 1. (a* = V«-) It would be anticipating too much to carry testing any further. I set forth the definition merely as the best that I can offer. Perhaps the most scientific attitude in the dilemma is merely to note the sense of involution for pri- mary number, alertly waiting to discover what its nature may be as deepening insight reveals other modes of num- ber, and surmising upon general grounds that if a* means repeated multiplication when i is a primary number, it will not have this meaning if b is not a primary number. 61. I have dwelt upon this matter because it is an exceedingly important point. The application here of the Principle of Continuity {vide § 103) has led to un- dreamed-of advances, not only in the mathematics, but in the physical sciences. 62. Involution is evidently not commutative : «* is not !)"■. A unique case is commutative ; 2* = 4^. Neither are successive involutions associative : a/^^ is not equal to ((I'^y. PRIMARY NTTMBER. — NUMERICAL OPERATIONS. 57 63. Let the student find the difference between 2(2==') and (2-^) (='). 64. "Law of Indices." — For primary numbers it fol- lows immediately from the definition (let the student deduce the forms, however) that oVa"^ = «* + ^ + ''; (a^y = a^'^, and a'^b'' = (aby. Also iib> c, rt* ~r- a' = a^''. (See also §§ 158, 191.) 65. Because involution is not commutative there are two inverse operations, requiring respectively the solution for X of the synthetic equations (1) a'« = b, and (2) a-^ = //. 66. Operation (1) is called Evolutiox, or finding the ath root of b. In algebraic shorthand the rtth root of b is written -\^b. The radical sign is derived from the letter r (radix). In actual computation (arithmetical or alge- braical) after the theory of exponents has been general- ized, it is far better to employ indices than radical signs. 67. Operation (2) is called Finding the Logarithm {aide § 35). 68. The Formula of Definition of Evolution is (V^)« = b. 69. The Formula of Definition of finding the Logarithm is a^^-a* = b. 70. As has been seen to be the case with all inverse operations in terms of primary number, these inverses of involution are evidently possible only in very special cases. 71. With the discovery of the seven operations, and their laws, Commutative, Associative, Distributive, and the Law of Indices or Exponents, the foundation of arithmetic and the algebra of number is complete. I repeat (Cf. §§ 20, 23) these laws could never have originated arbitrarily, or as springing essentially from the algebra. As ^' algebraic laws " they must be merely the expression of actual prop- erties and relations of number. 68 NUMBER AND ITS ALGEBRA. VIII. Devices of Computation. 72. Various devices of computation, of more or less practical utility, are familiar to all ; but it will be clear upon any thoughtful consideration that they possess none of the fundamental importance suggested by the promi- nent role they play in ordinary text-books. AVhat is usu- ally set forth as a general exhibition of addition must be seen to be several partial additions and a convenient association of resulting summands. The same numbers would have their parts differently associated to suit dif- ferent notations, e.g., XXXVII -f XXXVIII = LXXV ; or 37 + 38 = 75. The average high-school graduate labors under the im- pression that his fashion of " multiplying " is essential to the matter, and arises from the very nature of things. In " division " he learns what he sometimes regards as two ways, ''Short'"' and ''Long." The names are, in truth, appropriate enough, for the sole difference is that more of the necessary thought is actually written down in the Long than in the Short way. Yet the abbreviated form is taught first, and the pupil fancies he is learning some- thing new and more difficult when he learns " Long divis- ion." The rational method would be to teach first an expres- sion still longer than the "Long"; then, as skill and power of retaining conclusions in mind increase, conve- nient abbreviations should be explained and recommended. 73. Let the student critically examine his habitual ways of "adding," "subtracting," "multiplying," and "di- viding " primary nunil)ers, bf)t]i in the common algorithm of arithmetic, and algebraically. Let him denote every DEVICES OF COMPUTATION. 59 act of his mind in each process as an addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, commutation, association, or dis- tribution of numbers, under the definitions and laws set forth in the preceding chapters. To take a very simple example: {an^ c^) {a^ h^ c"^) ~- {aH>^ c^"-) = (a^ a^ ¥■ V^ c^ c") -f- («•* b^ c^^) ... by association and commutation. = (a^h^c^^) -=- (a*b^c^^) ... by three partial multi- plications by law of indices. = (o^/a*) (P /h^) (c^^ I c^°) ... by association and commutation. = a^ ^^ c . . . by three divisions by law of indices. 74. Explain how a multiplying machine, which can do no more at one time than multiply a number of ten places by another of ten places, may be used to multiply 13693456783231 by 46381239245932. . 75. The involution of primary numbers may be ac- complished merely by repeated multiplication. As soon, however, as one investigates logarithmic series, and the construction and use of Tables of Logarithms, he learns command of a more facile waj^ of performing this labo- rious operation. Before learning the use of logarithms, one ought to demand good wages for the toil it would cost him to find 9^" ; afterwards it becomes the Avork of a few minutes. 76. Evolution, as we have seen, is only occasionally pos- sible under the primary concept oi number ; but even in the simplest of these possible cases the device of calculation familiarly used by the high-school pupil is rarely under- stood, else he would be able to find (however laboriously) the fifth root as well as the third. Of course evolution is too laborious to be carried to any extent until Logarithmic 60 NUMBER AND ITS ALGEBRA. Tables are comprehended, Avhen it becomes easy. But if one understood how his device for extracting a second or third root was invented, he coukl on occasion make his own rule for finding a fifth root. Let us investigate. Properly distributing and associating, it is seen that — {a J^ hf = a- -\- b {2 a -\- h). Also {a-{-h -\- c)- = (a + i)- + c {2 (a + Z-) + c], etc. Here is declared a rule for the evolution of a second root of a number ; for a specific composition of the power is displayed in a way to make decomposition easy. Likewise the formulae for the evolution of a cube root are (a + by = a^ + Z. (3 a^ _^ 3 ab + b''), and (a-\-b -^ cf = (ci ^ b'f J^ c {^ {a -^ bf + 3 (a + b) c -f- c-}, etc. In exactly the same way the formula for the evolution of a fifth root is (ft + bf = «5 ^Jj(pa^j^l0 an> + 10 a%'' + o ah^ + b'), etc. Suppose the fifth root of 33554432 is required. liow the preceding formulse show that, if the root be considered as the sum of three numbers, the corresponding power of the sum of the first two is to be taken away, and the remainder decomposed to reveal the third summand of the root, and so on. Therefore we could not go wrong even by choosing parts of the root at random. But a con- sideration of the arithmetical notation may save much trouble ; for it is plain that a fifth root of the number before us has two digit figures, that is, it is to be regarded as the sum of a number of tens and a number of ones. We compute as follows : — FIRST EXTENSION OF THE NUMBER-CONCEPT, 61 a b 33554432 24300000 9254432' 30 + 2 a5_ 5 «" = 4050000 (Here we guess our 6 ; the calculation will test accuracy.) 10 a^b = 540000 10 a%'- = 36000 5ab' = 1200 b^ = 36 4627216 9254432 (Got by multiplying 4627216 by &,as the formula directs.) 77. ISTow let the student compute again, taking 20 for a and 12 for b. Also let him prove 12 a cube root of 1728, taking 6, then 4, then. 2, as summands of the root. IX. First Extension of the Number-Concept. Eatio. — Fractions. — Surds. 78. The first extension of the concept of number is the identification of the ratio of any two magnitudes of the same kind, and without qualitative distinction for the pur- poses of the comparison, as a number. 79. This step was taken long ago (^Cf. Introduction, p. 11), and is now universally accepted as a dictum, even where not clearly discerned as a matter of insight. 80. This development of the number-concept was no doubt occasioned in the history of human experience by problems of practical measurement. {Cf. Introduction, p. 13.) Thought must have operated as follows : If the numeri- cal relation of a yard to a foot is 3, surely there is a num- ber denoting the relation of a yard to two feet, and of a 62 NUMBER AND ITS ALGEBRA. foot to a yard. That is, numbers which are fractions (vide § 83) of primary number were discerned. This advance still leaves number discrete, that is, increasing per saltum. But again, as a second step, if there is a numerical relation between two magnitudes, one of which is a fraction of the other, surely there must be a numerical relation between an 3^ two magnitudes of the same kind, even though neither be a fraction (vide § 83) of the other. Thus, when it is proved that the diagonal and side of a square are absolute- ly incommensurable {Euclid, Book X, 117), the mind can- not tolerate the thought that a numerical relation would exist, provided the diagonal were just the least bit shorter, yet, de facto, does not exist. This thought, I repeat, is in- tolerable. Moreover, since the ratio of a yard to a foot is an exact number, surely the ratio of a metre to a foot is exactly whatever it is. It is, of course, well known that the metre and foot are incommensurable 81. The connotation of all ratio (fractional and surd) as number evidently makes number continuous one ivay, to use a space metaphor on account of the exigencies of lan- guage. Thus, under this concept, number begins with a ratio smaller than any assignable fraction of 1, increases continuously, passing through all the discrete stages of primary number, to a ratio greater than any assignable primary number. 82. To illustrate: Start with the ratio of the weight of these pages to the weight of a granite bowlder. We begin either with a very small fraction of 1, or a surd smaller than a very small fraction of 1 (as the weights are commensurable or not, probability being vastly in favor of the latter case). Now, by gradual abrasion of the bowlder, decrease its mass; the ratios of the weights increase con- RATIO. — FRACTIONS. — SURDS. 63 tinuously until they reach 1. Continue the abrasion, and the ratios increase continuously, passing through 2, 3, 4, etc. At length when the bowlder has been reduced to a grain of sand, the ratio will be greater than some high primary number. 83. The foregoing discourse presumes sufficient familiar- ity with the subject to insure the reception of the terms employed in their precise meaning ; yet it may be service- able to set forth the following definitions {Cf. § 205) : — (1) Multiple. — One magnitude is a multiple of an- other when the former may be separated into equal parts, each equal to the latter. (Of course '' multiple " includes the limiting case where the ''part" is the whole, i.e., jiiulti- plication by 1. It is merely an imperfection of language which might seem to exclude this case.) (2) SuBMULTiPLE. — lu (1) the " latter " is a submulti- ple of the '' former." (3) Fraction. — Any multiple of a submultiple is a fraction. (Of course if a is a fraction of J, i is a fraction of a ; also a multiple of a submultiple may reduce either to submultiple or multiple.) (4) Commensurable. — Two magnitudes are commen- surable if either is a fraction of the other ; (5) Incommensurable. — if neither is a fraction of the other. (6) Ratio. — That definite (exact) numerical relation {Cf. § 80) of two magnitudes of the same kind, in virtue of which one is either a fraction of the other, or greater than one and less than another fraction of the other, which differ as little as we please, is called the ratio of the former to the latter. Of course, from the very concept of ratios, and the 64 NUMBER AND ITS ALGEBRA. continuity of possible ratios, the ratio of the first of two magnitudes to the second is greater than the ratio to the second of any magnitude less than the first. Also two ratios are equal if every numerical fraction greater than either is greater than the other, and less than either is less than the other. A ratio is often spoken of as "incommensurable," of course as an abbreviated expression, since it takes two things to be incommensurable. You might as well say, " x is equal," as to say "x is incommensurable." The abbre- viation is for incommensurahle with 1. Incommensurable ratios may be called surds. Let it be clearly noted that a multiple, a submultiple, or a fraction of any magnitude, is another of the same kind : but that the ratio of two is a number. Thus a fraction of a time is a time, of a surface a surface, of a solid a solid. Bvxt the ratio of one solid to another is a number, — in this case called the volume of the former with respect to the latter. Note also, any number may be regarded as its ratio to 1, and that all numerical fractions are ratios, but not all ratios are numerical fractions. In illustration of the definition of a ratio, and its nota- tion, if of incommensurables, consider the yard and the metre. Measurement {vide § 203} not excessively refined, gives the number 0.9143 + for the ratio of a yard to a metre. This is to be understood to mean that a yard is greater than -fVVotT ^^ ^ metre and less than tVoVo- Meas- urement more refined would yield a numerical fraction still more closely approximating the ratio. The ratio in ques- tion has been found to be greater than 0.914392, and less than 0.914393. OPERATIONS UNDER FIRST EXTENSION. 65 (7) Surd. — Of the one-icay continuous Kumber, the concept of "which we have now attained, those numbers which are incommensurable with 1 may be called surds. It is matter of discovery that the V^ is incommensur- able or a surd. The term surd is sometimes exclusively referred to the results of such operations as V2 ; but Newton's use is a philosophical one. For the V2 is found out to be 1.41421 -f-, that is a number, no fraction of one, but greater than 1.41421, and less than 1.41422, which is surely a number of precisely the same kind as the ratio of a j^ard to a metre, or of a circle to its diameter (0.914392 -)- and 3.14159 -}- respectively). Incommensurable numbers re- sulting from evolution may be distinguished as radical- surds, or simply radicals. (Vide § 145.) X. Significance of Operations, and Special Opera- tional Devices, Appropriate to the First Extension of the jS^umber— Concept. 84. Euclid probably never clearly unified his concepts of ratio and number; but following Euclid (q.v., and cf. Halsted's Elements of Geometry), it may be shown that there is a combination of ratios which obeys the same laws that govern the addition of primary numbers, or of fractions of concrete magnitudes, an inverse operation corresponding exactly to subtraction; another operation ('' composition of ratios "), which obeys the same laws as the multiplication of primary numbers, and an inverse ("altering" a magnitude in a given ratio), corresponding to division. But, from the very definition of a submultiple of any 66 NUMBER AND ITS ALGEBRA. magnitude, the finding of a siibmultiple is identified as an operation of division, since the problem is to find a magni- tude which imdtijylied produces the given magnitude. Now, when number has been discerned as a magnitude, these reflections make it plain that a fraction of a number is the number resulting from the division of that number liy another, that one-half of 1 is 1 -f- 2, etc.* Also, when ratios have been identified as numbers, and number thus be- comes one-way continuous, the operational significance of the principles, established in Chapter YII. for Addition and Multiplication and their inverses, extends to all num- ber (primary, fractional, and surd) thus far conceived. Finally, inasmuch as a fractional number is the result of dividing one primary number by another, it may be represented most conveniently by the notation already established for division. (Vide § 49.) It would be impracticable to invent individual symbols, since an unending' number of different symbols would be demanded to designate even the fractional numbers lying between two consecutive primary numbers ; nor could any such symbol be used otherwise than as a record, since in any calculation with fractions it is the generating numbers which are utilized, and not the fractional number itself. 85. It seems to me that there is no way substantially different from the lines of thought I have followed, where- by one can really understand what he is doing in the oper- ation 7/8 X 9/5 for instance. Teachers of arithmetic would do well to ponder their methods at this point. * The only explanation ( ?) of such conclusions to be found even in the splendid Text Book of Algebra by Professor Chrystal, is " the statement that /i X K isK oi % is merely a matter of some interpretation, arithmeti- cal or other, that is given to a symbolical result demonstrably in accord- ance with the laws of symbolical operation." Vol. i., p. VS. FRACTIONS. 67 86. It remains to investigate devices for performing tlie seven numerical operations in this extended region of num- ber, and in t^vo cases to discover the effect, the meaning, of an operational combination; viz., in involution, if the expo- nent be a fraction or a surd. In the first place, it is to be borne in mind that it is one thing to conceive an operation, and another to perform it. For example, at the conclusion of these introductory lectures, it will be plain to all (if now obscure) thq,t such operations as involving 10 under the exponent tt, or finding the logarithm of 5 to the base 12, are perfectly intelligible, even though ignorance of loga- rithmic series, or of the use of a table of logarithms, should leave one without devices adequate to the performance of the calculations. 87. It should be observed that the terms iiumerator and denoininator applied to the numbers involved in a numeri- cal fraction, or even to the "terms" of a ratio of incom- mensurables (e.g., V2 / 6) may be used as convenience suggests ; but conceived operationally they are to be thought as dividend and divisor. Tlie numerical symbols ill tlie algebra of this chajjter are still to be understood as representinr/ 2^^i'>^i(^fl/ ninnbers. 88. The '•' rules " for the operations of addition, multi- plication, and division of fractions follow immediately from the definition of a fractional number, which is merely the recognition that the inverse of multiplication is always possible, that the result of the division of any primary number by any other is a number. Substraction remains refractory, and meaningless unless the minuend be greater than the subtrahend. The rules are only the generalization of Sections 51 and 55, q.v., yet it may be serviceable to discuss them. 68 NUMBEll AND ITS ALGEBRA. 89. By the distributive ]uw — therefore the common rule. Also a I d — h I d = by the distributive law, if a y b ; therefore the common rule. But how shall we perform a -{- h j c, or a j h -\- c j d, if a / h, h / c, and c / d are fractions ? The operation is dis- tinctly conceivable ; but the device for performing it re- quires an intermediary step of multiplication, which must therefore be investi.trated. Consider -^ 'o*^ (1) a / b X c = ac / b = a -i- h / c = c -^ h / a. (2) a/b -^ c = a I bo = ac H- b. (3) a/b X c/d = ac/bd, etc. (Cf §51, (3)). (4) a/b -i- c/d = ad /be, etc. (Cf §51, (4)). (5) a / b = a / b X c / c = ac / be, also a / b = {ci J h -i- c) ale X c = -J— . b I c (6) a X b I c = ab I e — a -^ c I b, all by the laws of division and multiplication (vide § 51). Therefore the common rules : From (1), To multiply a fraction, multiply the numerator or divide the denomina- tor ; from (1), to multiply by a fraction, multiply by the numerator and divide by the denominator ; from (2), to divide a fraction multiply the denominator or divide the numerator ; from (1), to divide by a fraction divide by the numerator and multiply by the denominator, etc. ; from (3) and (4) for cases where both terms of the operation are fractions. Also from (5) it is obvious that to multiply or divide both terms of a fraction by the same number neither increases nor diminishes it ; and from (G), the result is FRACTIONS. 69 indifferent whether we multiply by a fraction, or divide by its reciprocal. 90. It may be remarked that there is a distinction be- tween dividing by a fraction and multiplying by its recipro- cal, though the results are indifferent, as declared in Section 89 (1). The operations are not identical. The results of 4^, 4 X 16, 4 + 60 are the same, but the operations are by no means identical, b / a is called the recijjr'ocal of a / b, and may be obtained operationally from the latter by dividing 1 hy a / b ; for 1 -i- a / b = b / a. Moreover " in- vert " is a short-cut term which may be used among those whose knowledge of first principles is assured ; but it should never be used in explanation, as designating an operation — one can as little turn a number upside-down as inside-out. In the United States of America the custom is almost universal, never to divide by a fraction, but to choose instead the equivalent operation of multiplying by its reciprocal. In Europe this is not so commonly felt to be more convenient. As a question of practical calculation the matter is of no importance ; but it is surely lamentable if pupils are led to think that they are dividing by a number when they are actually multiplying by a different number of such relative value that the results are equiv- alent. Notationally a fractign expressly represents an unperformed operation. The unexpressed result is the definite number : thus, 7/6 means 7 divided by 6 ; and the result is a number greater than 1 and less than 2, a defi- nite value of the continuous magnitude we call Number. A fraction in operation is to be employed as a composite term consisting of a dividend and a divisor. Now, it can be reasonably explained even to a very young student of 70 NUMBER AND ITS ALGEBRA. aritlimetic that to divide by a quotient is equivalent to dividing by the dividend and multiplying by the divisor. This having been established, he can see that the problem to divide by ajh resolves itself into dividing by a and multiplying by b. If the dividend is an integer, he has simply to do this. If the dividend is a fraction, he must first have been led to see that a fraction is rmiltiplied by multiplying its numerator, or dividing its denominator ; and divided by dividing its numerator, or multiplying its denominator. If these principles are discerned, he can proceed in any manner he prefers. It is of no theoretical consequence how he sets down on paper mental conclusions. There is no obstacle to performing the division, under the princi- ples stated, just as the symbols stand : 7/6-^3/5 = 35/18. A very low order of convenience is subserved by mak- ing a different problem of identical result :7/6 X 5/3 = 35/18. This discussion may seem almost trifling ; but if one will reflect that the average common-school pupil thinks he must transform any such problem of division into a problem of multiplication, some deficiency in the usual instruction at this point will be apparent. I am convinced that our schools require systematic, instruction in arithmetic of chil- dren entirely too young to be capable of the reasoning and insight demanded. In such cases the best one can do is never to leave any- thing totally unreasonable to the child. Even to a young child very recondite matters can be a little explained — • brought within a dim light of reason, if not clearly illu- minated. One thing is certain, — bad history, bad gram- FRACTIONS. 71 mar, bad chemistry, or bad mathematics, is always bad pedagogy as well. If instruction in so-called arithmetic is always to have reference to concrete magnitudes, as recommended * by the latest "psychology of number" (Cf. Introduction), the simplest method for division by a fraction would be to reduce to common denominator : thus, 7/6-i-3/5 = 35/ 30 -^ 18 / 30 = 35 / 18. Indeed, it may well be, when arithmetic has to be taught to children too young for the subject, that this method is the best as a first pi'ese7itation of the matter. Because the crudest notion of numerical fractions, and blindness to the true significance of our nota- tion of fractions, is not incompatible with some rational comprehension of this process. 91. We may now return to ovir problems, a -\- h [ c and a I h -{- c I d. By Section 89 (5) they may be brought under the case oi a I d -\- b j d. For a -{- h j c = ac / c -|- b / c = '^^_±A. And a/b-i- c/d = ad/bd-\- cb / db ^^I^Al^. There is often a better way of solving the second prob- lem. Evidently if b and d have a common multiple, vi, less than their product, it would be advantageous, es- pecially if several fractions were to be added, to reduce to a common denominator by multiplying both terms of each fraction by m-divided-by-the-denominator. No doubt all are familiar with a device for finding the least common multiple of two or more numbers. (Vide § 242.) 92. Inasmuch as an exponent of involution when a primary number requires merely repeated multiplication, we see — * Psychology of Number, McLellan .and Dewey, p. IIG. 72 NUMBER AND ITS ALGEBRA. (a Jh)P = a /h-a /h-a /h • • • = av J bP. Also, since V^ / V^ • Va / V^ r= a J b, therefore, V* / ^ = V^/ / V^, etc. 93. If a fraction is expressed as a sum of decimal frac- tions, e.g., 41.2164, evolution is apparently performed pre- cisely as in Section 76. This is permissible, because — • 41.2164 = -VoVoV- and V-VoVoV" = V412164 -- VlOOOO. Our notation renders it easy to perform a portion of this calculation at a glance by " pointing off; " but the operation must be understood as finding the •\/412164, and then di- viding it by VlOOOO. Let the student perform the calculation, not losing sight of ivhat he is doing in how he does it. Let him also fully express the operations involved in the conclusion, 41.2164 = -VoVoV- ^^^^ notation is so perfect that it may almost be said to work automatically, and for this very reason it often blindfolds teacher and pupil. It would richly repay the student to perform just once in his life such a calculation as V41.2164 under an imperfect notation. Let him do this, expressing everything in the Roman characters. 94. As has been said (§ 83 (7)), it is a matter of dis- covery whether or not, in any particular case, Va is a surd. (Cy. § 156.) For example, if in the process displayed in Section 76, it appears that no primary number is the root in question, we may go on in the process of Section 93, and find a fraction approximating as near as we please the surd number which is the true root. Under such conditions the root is a surd, and the process described interminable ; but it would carry us too far afield to investigate just now general criteria for deciding whether the result of given FINAL EXTENSION OF NUMBER-CONCEPT. 73 combinations of given numbers is a commensurable or incommensurable number. ( Vide § 249.) Let the student critically examine his familiar process in " finding V2." 95. In general an incommensurable number cannot ope- rate, or be operated upon, in ultimate calculation in com- binations with primary or fractional numbers. In lieu of using the surd itself, we must use a fraction differing from it by as little as we please ; e.g., if the ratio of a circle to its diameter enter into the calculation, we employ some approximate fraction, such as 3.14159. Su.rds which are roots of primary numbers or of fractions may operate with their exact force in special cases, and in a partial way ; e.g., (a/2)3 = 2; V2 V3 = V6 ; 2 Vl2 = 4 V3 ; V2/3 = 1/3 V6, etc. ; but investigations into such combinations must be post- poned to the next chapter, as well as the interpretation of a% if s is a fraction or a surd. 96. Finally, let it be distinctly recognized that the great stumbling-block which confronts us at every turn is the wretched limitation to special cases of the operation the inverse of addition, that a — b is meaningless if a < b. XI. Final Extension of the Numbek-Concept. Principle of Continuity. 97. Primary number is a discrete magnitude. The first extension of the number-concept (the connotation of ratios as number) made number one way continuous. (^Vide §81.) The conception of number as continuous in a far more general sense grew from the application of a principle, at first presented as an assumption, but which is so inces- It 4 KUMBER AND ITS ALGEBRA. santly and overwhelmingly corroborated that its rank as a genuine and compulsory theory is perhaps as firmly estab- lished as that of any scientific jDrinciple whatsoever. 98. As has been repeatedly shown in the foregoing chapters, the combination of numbers in the inverse opera- tions is meaningless under the primary concept except in special cases. For example, 5 — 5, 5 — 6, 5 -f- C, V5, logs 6, etc., result in no primary numbers at all. The " first extension " gives meaning to the last three of the cases just cited ; for, although in the treatment here presented, a^, where s is fractional or surd, was not inter- preted from the recognition of all ratio as number, the true meaning might have been developed at that point, and logs 6 thereby rendered intelligible.* All this, be it noted, without understanding 5 — 5, or 5 — G as a number, or even imagining the development yet to come after this insight is attained. 99. For centuries science rested here, either not regard- ing such combinations as intelligible, and their results as numbers ; or only in a halting fashion, regarding the com- binations as symbolic jugglery, and the results as '' imagi- nary numbers." And at the present day it is only by the enlightened van among men of science that this stage has been passed. Negative numbers were in this way long called " imagi- nary ; " but, as they gradually forced themselves into reluc- tant minds, the appellation was narrowed to denote V— 1. 100. It was only after a long struggle that negative numbers gained recognition. I have not the erudition to * It was deemed more convenient to take the final step at once; since the principle which displays ratio as nuniher, and the general iirinciple to which the whole treatment converges, are really one and the same. PINAL EXTENSION OF NUMBER-CONCEPT. 75 furnish exact dates, but I know that Cardan in 1545 in his Ars Magna calls them ^' numeri Jicti;" and it is com- monly asserted that Descartes in the seventeenth century was the first to rend this portion of the veil : and I sup- pose that those who half-heartedly follow in the wake of science continued long afterward to regard negative num- bers as " imaginary," and all operation therewith as some- how a trick of algebraic signs empty of numerical meaning. Certain it is that such is the attitude even to-day, not, it is true, of those who follow in the wake, but of those who do not follow science at all, though engaging a large share of public attention as teachers thereof. For certain also it is, that at the close of the seventeenth century, Newton with- drew negative numbers (and therefore, as will duly appear, zero, and positive and negative infinity) from the befogged region of " nuvierl ficti," and revealed them as " numeri veri. The last stage of this gradual process of enlightenment, in which V — 1 is still regarded as " imaginary," is yet the stronghold of ignorance of fact, of prejudice, and of color- blindness to philosophic evidence. 101. I would have no war of words over the appellation '' imaginary." The term in this connection historically has meant, and yet baldly means, " impossible," or incom- prehensil/le. Of course it has no such meaning among the best mathematicians of to-day; but that it is so received by the unscientific, by many teachers of mathematics, and by the vast majority of undergraduate students, cannot be disputed. The matter of a change in terminology is not of prime importance, for terms may be disassociated in technical use from their general meaning. It is a question of ex- 76 NUMBER AND ITS ALGEBRA. pediency. While sympathizing with the conservative who object to all innovations as tending to confuse the vast literature of the science, neomo7i{c is so much more appro- priate, and '< imaginary" or "impossible" so misleading, that the benefits of the change appear to outweigh the in- conveniences. A reformation in terminology is not nearly so confusing as changes in notation, such as have often been brought about; for example, the famous propaganda of "d-isni versus dot-age" (dy / dx versus y), which Dr. Pea- cock began while yet an undergraduate, in league with Herschel, Babbage, and Maule. The reform was finally adopted at Cambridge, and Newton's notation soon became entirely excluded. Nowadays mathematicians find no con- fusion in using both notations. 102. The principle which has so fruitfully widened the concept of number, yielding perfect self-consistency of number, and ever deepening adaptation to Nature, I call the Principle of Continuity, in emphasis of its most im- portant outgrowth, the unlimited, twofold continuity of number. This principle may be stated as follows : — 103. Principle of Continuity. — The coynhination of two numbers in any defined operation is always possible, the result real, and a number ; and the precise effica-cy in any operation of a number thus revealed is determined by, and may be discovered from, the formula and laws of definition of til e operation in question. 104. Before considering details, a glance at the results which have more than justified the postulation of this principle may be useful in giving the student the proper perspective of the subject. The principle at once makes negative numbers, zero, in- PRINCIPLE OF CONTINUITY. 77 finities, fractions, surds, neonionic and complex numbers, all equally numbers. Also Number thus becomes unlim- itedly continuous in a double sense, whereby undreamed of adaptability to Nature is revealed, and all numerical operations proceed untrammelled by particularity. One who will logically apply the Fr'inciple of Continuity will arrive at all classes of numbers — or divisions of Number — with equal necessity and facility. Negative or fractional numbers will appear as much derived, as little original, or primary, as those numbers still commonly called " irrational " or •' imaginary." One of these classes is as foreign as any other to the primary concept of num- ber ; that is, the concept of number as discrete, the concept which knows only one number between, say, 5 and 7. If the symbol i be set apart to represent the neomon ( V — 1), ■we seem to have in the expression x -f- yi the most general numerical form to which the laws of number lead.* For it has appeared upon investigation that no combination of numbers in any conceived operation can result in a form essentially different. Neither has any operation essentially different from the seven fundamental operations developed from them. It might be surmised that investigation would -reveal some fourth direct opera- tion growing out of involution, as involution grew out of multiplication, and multiplication out of addition ; but such does not seem to be the case. No ground of distinction is furnished for a new species of operation. That is to say, the operation, if assumed ta be distinct, would show itself not essentially so, by failing to lead to new modes of Number. In other words, if the investigations referred * For this expression, a complex number in algebraic form, is numer- ically neomouic if x = 0, aud numerically whatever x is, if y = 0. 78 NUMBER A^D ITS ALGEBRA. to are trustworthy (as is no doubt the case), there can arise no new opportunity to apply the Principle of Continuity, so as to still further widen the meaning of ISlumber. Number in its ultimate sense is therefore seen to form (what primary numbers do not, nor any curtailed concept) a universe complete in itself, such that starting in it we are never led out of it. Cayley says, whether with sound philosophy or essential contradiction of terms I will not attempt to discuss, " There may very well be, and perhaps are, numbers in a more general sense of the term (quater- nions are not a case in point, as the ordinary laws of com- bination are not adhered to) ; but, in order to have to do with such numbers (if any), Ave must start with them.'' * 105. I believe that very few, even among students of mathematics, are aware of the chaos of their conception of number, in spite of long and familiar use. The difficulty here, as everywhere, is the attainment of true concepts, insight into the principles involved. I balieve that the present condition is due to the fact that successive generations of students have not had the difficulties honestly presented to them, and have seldom even considered fundamental theory. They have been entrapped into .an unwarranted complacency; they have juggled with symbols which are meaningless to them, and for the most part without even noticing that no concept * From note made long ago ; exact reference lost. In regard to qua- ternions it may be observed, tliat though in their ordinary presentation certainly not numbers, it is possible that they may yet be divested of extra-numerical properties. Speaking of the anomaly according to which quaternions in the common interpretation would make 'A niv- negative, whereas >^ ?;i is positive and tlie wliole positive, Dr. INIacfarlane, in his Algebra of Physics, remarks, " If this is a matter of convention merely, then the convention in quaternions ought to conform to the established convention of analysis; if it is a matter of truth, which is true ? " PRINCIPLE OF CONTINUITY. 79 rises "witli the words tliey utter, tlie symbols they write, — tliat their discourse upon number is vox et i:)raeterea nihil. I believe that an opposite result would be prevalent, had an opposite course been pursued by teachers and authors, and tliat we would now be reaping harvests instead of sowing seed. 106. Some one ignorant of trigonometry, of the ana- lytical treatment of geometry, of the Calculus, of the varied fields of applied mathematics, and to whom the boundless realms of pure mathematics loom misty and fantastic — some such one, I say, may ask, "Why all this striving to make number continuous, this travail to pro- duce concepts of number and numerical operations, which shall be perfectly general and unrestricted ? The answer is, the need, intellectual and practical, is urgent, impera- tive. Establish the Principle of Continuity, and Arith- metic becomes a logically perfect universe, and besides, all Xature becomes harmoniously numerical ; number and its laws pervading it as an essential principle. Emerson's noble lines, in which, with the poet's seer gift, he speaks truer than he knew, then become literal fact : — "For Nature beats in perfect tune, And rounds with rliynie her every rune ; Whetlier slie work in land or sea, Or hide imderground her alchemy. Thou canst not wave thy staff in air, Or dip tliy paddle in the lake, But it carves the bow of beauty there. And the ripples in rhymes the oar forsake . . . Not unrelated, unaffied, But to each thought and thing allied Is perfect Nature's every part. Rooted in the mighty heart." 80 NUMBER AND ITS ALGEBRA. Besides, the assumption has been made, and its first fruits are the attainments of the physical sciences during the last two centuries. The progress in exact physical science and the dependent arts has been due to the power and freedom conferred upon analysis by this postulate ; for, as I have said, it is implicit in all modern analysis, even whcTi denied with the mouth of the calculator. (See also §§ 110, 117.) 107. Like all profound principles, this one of the con- tinuity and qualitative distinctions of number is a onatter of insight, and does not admit of easy demonstration. One man cannot think for another any more than he can eat for him ; but if a student will fix alert and intelligent atten- tion upon the inherent development of the idea, and upon the manifold Avitness borne by almost every phenomenon, he will at last behold the Principle, manifest in ten thou- sand undreamed-of relations. 108. Tt is not practicable to give more than one example of the mental attitude I desire to excite. I choose one which affords a double illustration : in the first place, yield- ing a geometrical instance of the Avay in which concepts in every science are extended to conform to deepening insight, an extension analogous to the development of the primary number-concept ; and in the second place, displaying (as a consequence of this attainment of an adequate geometric definition) an impressive discovery of supreme law — pro- vided ratios are numbers, and number positive and nega- tive — in what seems, to nai've observation, utter fortuity. 109. Illustration. — (1) The primary concept of the division of a sect by a point is, of course, that the point is on the sect ; but investigation shows that a widening of the concept is required to fit facts presented by Nature. It is PRINCIPLE OF CONTINUITY. 81 discovered that if any point, P, in the straight of a sect, AB (on or out of tlie sect), shall divide it into the segments FA and PB, then innumerable theorems only partially true, and therefore none of their inverses true (^vide infra), under the primary concept, become universally true, and therefore their inverse propositions true, under the extended concept. (2) The same term, division, is necessarily retained for this new relation ; for it is the very essence of the dialectic to display the inherent identity of the two relations. To conceive (or name) the relations in contradistinction would be to miss the very truth revealed by the connotation. It is everywhere discovered that the process of philosophical advance is in great part the identification of old ideas, long in use by the mind in its experience, with ideas which to brute or naive observation appear irrelevant or distinct. Reflection upon the pure thought brings out the implicit identity with the category already named. (3) In particular the case of external and internal di- vision in equal ratios is discovered to be a harmony very prevalent in nature. Such division of a sect is styled "harmonic division." (Cy. any Geometry and any scien- tific treatise on physics.) (4) Now consider the two plane figures {A), a triangle and any straight (cutting the triangle or not) ; and {B), a triangle and straights joining any point (in or out of the triangle) to the vertices of the triangle. Under the ex- tended conception of the division of a sect by a point, the straight in A divides each side of the triangle ; and of the- straights in B, each divides the side of the triangle oppo- site to the vertex through which it passes, in such wise that the product of the three ratios of the segments of the 82 NUMBER AND ITS ALGEBRA. sides is 1 (provided that, of adjacent segments in different sides, if one be tlie antecedent, then the other sliall be the conseqnent of its respective ratio). Tliis is assuredly a most impressive exhibition of unsuspected laivfulness in a fact seemingly a very type of haphazard. But, be it noted, the inverse of neither A nor B is true. Now, it is an established principle that when the inverse of any prop- osition is not true, it is because the subject of the direct statement has been more closely limited than truth required. It is clear that the inverses of A and B are flat contra- dictions. But if the ratio of sects from the same point be consid- ered positive if one sect is part of the other, and negative if extending oppositely, then the easily demonstrated con- clusion of A is that the product of the said ratios is -f 1 5 and of B that the product is — 1. The inverse of each now holds ; that is, if three points divide the sides of a triangle so that the product of the ratios taken as stated is + 1, then the points are co-straight ; and if the product of the ratios is — 1, then the joins of the points with the ver- tices concur. (5) The student should fully realize what is here as- serted ; and to this end let him draw a triangle and then dash straights at random, cutting the triangle or not: Every one of them divides the sides of the triangle in pre- cisely the same way ; and ifnumher he positive and negative, given three points so dividing the sides, they are co-straight. Again, draw a triangle, dot at random points, in or out of the triangle : Any one of these points joined to the ver- tices gives straights which divide the opposite sides in precisely the same way ; and if number be jjosltlve and negative, given this Avay of division .of the sides by three PRINCIPLE OF CONTINUITY. 83 points, the straights joining the point to the vertices come together in one point. 110. When it is considered that the preceding ilhistra- tion recites merely one of ten thousand examples, number is proved to be positive and negative, — not, be it under- stood, as a convention, but as a necessity of thought. Men who represent this qualitative distinction as arbitrary, or as purely a matter of algebraic symbols, do not appreciate the evidence, or do not understand what proof in such premises means. Moreover, it must never be overlooked that a stiir higher order of proof is afforded in the devel- opment of the pure idea, regardless of any adaptations to external facts. When this or that development of the pure science of number is to lind application to facts of other sciences is a secondary matter. {Cf. § 117). 111. Similar illustrations might be given to show the adaptability of number to facts presented by nature, if the other modes of number resulting from the application of the Principle of Continuity are recognized. Presentation of such evidence must be postponed for the most part to subsequent mathematical studies ; and I shall in this con- nection only ask you to observe that the Principle of Conti- nuity, as enunciated in Section 103, unities all the partial explanations of number which you will find advanced, or implied, in various treatises ; and to reflect that the man who in his own opinion discovers the entirely New is prob- ably on the pathway, not of truth, but of estrangement. If his system refutes, in utter antagonism, preceding sys- tems, it is likely to be refuted by a successor. In all philoso})hy and science, advance has been genuine only in systems which have been synthetic, and unifying of pre- vious efforts in a harmony of thought. No development of 84 NUMBER AND ITS ALGEBllA. thought must be regarded as a disjoined succession of dead results, but as living insights in one line, each piercing deeper and deeper. 112. In this light, note that the revelation in antiquity of fractional and surd numbers, and the recognition of number as positive and negative which has prevailed for two centuries (these may be regarded as the " first " (§ 78) and second extensions of the number-concept), are both merely special cases of the universal principle here ad- vanced. 113. To generalize is to see in a multiplicity of objects similar relations to one form of mental activity that knows those objects. But until one sees the need of a deeper principle than that which he has hitherto employed, he does not seek a way leading from what is known to him to knowledge beyond. Any idea is at first bare of manifold essential relations, external and internal. By reflection such relations are slowly revealed. During the process the idea may seem derivative from the relations {Cf. geo- metric definitions of number, § 25) ; but finally this loose- ness must be reduced to order, and then all its belongings are seen to unfold from the idea itself, ■ — *' first the blade, then the ear, after that the full corn in the ear." 114. What has just been said would do for a description of the famous dialectic which Hegel describes as "the self-movement of the notion (^Begrlff).'^ Indeed, it is not much more than a paraphrase of its description by Dr. Harris, " Seize an imperfect idea and it will show up its imperfection by leading to and implying another idea as a more perfect or complete form of it. Its Imperfection tv'dl slioia itself as dependence on another.'''' (Italics mine.) 115. I know no other method by which the teacher can ZERO. 85 lead a student to attain for himself a concex^t of number adequate to any comprehension of modern mathematical analysis. Each tentative idea of number must pass over into the next deeper as the result of further and further insight into the subject. It remains to apply in characteristic cases the Principle of Continuity, discovering from the formula of definition of any operation X^Q nature of the resulting number, as well as the efficacy of any such new phase of number in any combination in the defined operations. XII. SiGXIFICAK-CE A?^D EfFICACT OF NUMERICAL OPER- ATIONS Under the Ultimate Concept. 116. The very first application of the Principle of Con- tinuity to the generalization of the operation Subtraction, displays a number sui generis, which is of immense impor- tance in analysis. The formula of definition of subtrac- tion is (tnde § 42) b — a -{- a = b. Then a — a = what number ? The formula declares that it is a number which, added to a, makes a ; that is, it is a number which has 710 efficacy in addition, and therefore none in subtraction. The best and only unprejudicial name for this number is zero. Its symbol in arithmetic and in the algebra of number is 0. I trust that at least it has been made clear to the student that it is only the very primary and crudest con- cept of number which would consider zero " nothing ; " for although of no efficacy in addition or subtraction, it will presently be seen to exert extraordinary effect in every other operation. I entreat the student not to slip at this point ; for the human mind, once made sensible of its 86 NUMBER AND ITS ALGEBRA. powers, will never afterwards suffer its conception to be clogged by the tyranny of material categories. Moreover, it may quite commonly be found necessary to translate into correct terms much discourse in mathematical trea- tises, even when written by men eminent for skill and learning, to say nothing of inadequate or erroneous pre- sentations in works on physics and applied mathematics in general. For example, you may read a Trigonometry which defines the trigonometric ratios not as numbers, but as sects (pieces of straight lines) ; yet you can often catch the author adding one of his bits of straight lines to 2 or 32, and in a context where he really means the number 2 or 3^, etc. Occasionally you will meet denial or even ridicule of all that I endeavor to lead you to see, and per- haps by a man of world-wide fame. For example, in a didactic treatise on Mathematics by De Morgan, published in a serial Library of Useful Knowledge, London, 1836, zero is conceived to be '' nothing " ; for on page 23 one reads, " Above all, he must reject the definition, still some- times given of the quantity — a, that it is less than nothing. It is astonishing that the human intellect should ever have tolerated such an absurdity as the idea of a quantity less than nothing ; above all, that the notion should have out- lived the belief in judicial astrology and the existence of witches, either of which is ten thousand times more possi- ble." The truly astonishing thing concerning the human intellect is that such a man as De Morgan could have writ- ten this sentence, familiar as he must have been with Newton's distinction, '' Quantitates vel Aflirmativa^ sunt seu majores nihilo, vel Negativse seu nihilo minores." But, although deficiency is quite as quantitative as excess, the whole remark is impertinent ; for zero is not " nothing." NEGATIVE NUMBER. 87 Negative numbers are unquestionably less than zero. Yet, taking liim at his own word, De Morgan should have hesi- tated before ridiculing as crazy the careful dictum of as powerful and piercing an intellect as has ever served man's will. 117. Before investigating the efficacy of zero in other operations, let us look into further results of the generali- zation of subtraction. What are the properties of the resulting number in the operation b — a, ii b <.a? Consider the results of the following series of operations, 1 + 2; 1 + 1; 1; 1 — 1; 1_2; 1-3; 1-4, etc. Here we have a series of numbers which at first decrease by 1, viz., 3 ; 2 ; 1 ; 0. The subsequent numbers respec- tively answer the questions, what number added to 2 makes 1, added to 3 makes 1, added to 4 makes 1 ? Now, in these operations the sums remain the same, and the given summands in each case increase by 1 ; it is clear, therefore, that the required summands must decrease by 1. Moreover, these numbers in additive combination nul- lify 1, 2, 3, etc. ; that is, make the sum in each case zero. Thus, 1 + (1 - 2) = (1 + 1) - 2 == 0; 2 + (1 - 3) = (2 + 1) _ 3 = ; 3 + (1 - 4) = (3 + 1) - 4 = 0. Such reflec- tions reveal an unending series of discrete numbers de- creasing from zero, each less than the preceding by 1. Their effect in nullifying 1, 2, 3, etc., in addition, renders appropriate the appellations ^jostYive and negative to pri- mary numbers and these now discerned. These terms are established terms in logic, and are expressive of just such a relation of clean-contradictory as has been discovered in these modes of number. On this score, either might be called positive and the other negative ; but every propriety 88 NUMBER AND ITS ALGEBRA. commends the course adopted — primary numbers are posi- tive, and such results as we have just considered, negative. That negative number finds unlimited corroboration in adaptation to the facts of other sciences, has been amply illustrated (§ 109) ; but its existence for pure mathematics is nowise dependent upon such circumstances. Negative number should never be defined or explained by such oppo- sitions as right and left, up and down, forivard and hack- ward, north and south, past and future, capital and debt ; but always in its essential character as number. 118. Writing pos. for positive, and neg. for negative, it is evident that pos. a + neg. b = pos. a — pos. b ; for pos. 1 — pos. 2 = neg, 1, therefore, by definition of subtraction, pos. 2 + neg. 1 = pos. 1 ; but pos. 2 — pos. 1 = pos. 1, etc. Also, since subtraction is the inverse of addition, pos. a — neg. b — pos. a -f pos. h. 119. Hereby Section 42 is completely generalized, and the common rule about " signs " and parentheses for addi- tions and subtractions established without restriction. 120. We are arrived now at a matter of extreme impor- tance, viz., the dual significance of the signs + and — . One of the most salient imperfections of ordinary text- books is their failure to make a clear-cut distinction be- tween the essentially double meaning of +, and of — . Too often the operational significance alone is defined, although on the next page }'ou may find a complacent statement « -f (_ o) = 0; whereas, if + means add, and — means subtract, a -\- (— a) means, "starting with a, add and then subtract a," of course, Avith the result a. And under a purely operational definition such an expression as a I — h is like a " sentence " made by writing words on DOUBLE MEANING OF + AND — . 89 dice and rolling them out of a box. Clifford, in liis zeal against this abomination, goes too far, and gives three totally distinct meanings to each of the signs.* His first two for each are all that are needed or justifiable. The names of the signs are respectively " plus " and " minus ; " their meanings respectively add or positive, and subtract or negative. It is, perhaps, to be regretted that beginners are not taught to use at first different symbols for these wholly distinct thoughts, and afterwards led to observe that the notation would be simplified if one symbol were used in both meanings ; because the context always makes it clear which is meant,- if the simple convention be established, that, if nothing is expressed, ^^ positive " is understood, and if one is omitted, it is the qualitative, and not the opera- tional, symbol. Thus, in (2) (- 3), 2 / - 3, 3--, V - 1, etc., the meaning subtract would not make sense, and ambi- guity is impossible ; and in 2 -|- 3 — 4 the convention makes it clear that the meaning is pos. 2 -\- pos. 3 — pos. 4. It is true that 2 -f 3 — 4 = pos. 2 + pos. 3 -f neg. 4, and although less consistent than the notational convention I recite, the expression might be understood in this sense ; for the result, as we have seen in Section 118, is indifferent. But see clearly that the sign cannot have both meanings at one time ; for 7 — 9 = pos. 7 — pos. 9 = pos. 7 -\- neg. 9 = neg. 2, whereas pos. 7 — neg. 9 = pos. 16. Kote, as in accordance with the convention stated, that in solving a synthetic equation for an unknoAvn number, its qualitative nature is unknown, and no sign is to be under- stood after the sign meaning add or subtract. * Common Sense of the Exact Sciences, p. 34 et seq. 90 NUMBER AND ITS ALGEBRA. If for any purpose it is desirable to be quite explicit, the qualitative sign may be put in parentheses with the number- symbol, with the operational sign preceding. Parentheses would hardly be used for the first term, or for a term stand- ing alone ; e.g., + 7 - (+ 8) + (+ G) - (+ 9) = - 4, is the full expression of what is meant by 7— 8 -}- G — 9 = — 4. Of course, if occasion rose, write -|-7-l-(— 8) — ( — 6) — (+ 9) = — 4. In short, write Avliat you mean, if you express fully, but remember that abbreviations must be doubly conventional. {Vide § 162.) 121. What is the product of (— a) (+ h) ? Consider {-(- m — ( -{- «)} (-}- b) where vi > a. By the distributive law, this equals + bm — (+ ba) ; but by Section 118 it equals {+ m +( — a)} ( + /'); but {-{- m + (— <0} (+ ^0 = + ^"^ +(— ") (+ f') by distributive law ; therefore, since -\- bm — ( -\- ba) = -\- bm -\- (~ ba), -\- bm -j-(_ ba)= -f bm+(— a) (+ b) ; therefore (— a) (+ b) = — ba. Hence the common rule of signs. 122. What is the product of (— a) (— b) ? Consider {+ m — (-f a)} (— b). Distributing and ap- plying Section 121 gives (4- m) (— b) — (-\- a) (— b) = — bm — {— ba) = — bm -\- (+ ba) ; but by Section 118, {+ m - (+ a)} (- b) = {+ m+ (- a)} (- b) = - bm + {— a) {— b), therefore (^— a) {— b) = -[- ba = + ab. Hence the common rule. 123. Division's definition as the inverse of multiplica- tion, of course, establishes the rule of signs for division. 124. Sections 121, 122, and 123 render complete under the common "■ rule of signs " the freedom of distribution and commutation referred to in Sections 54, 55, and 56. 125. We are now prepared to investigate still further OPERATIONS UNDER FINAL CONCEPT. 91 the properties of zero. We have seen that it has no effi- cacy in combination with other numbers in addition and in subtraction. What is its efficacy in multiplication, in division, in involution, in evolution, and in finding the logarithm ? 126. ^Vhat is the product (a) (0) ? Consider ba — ba = 0. By distributive and commutative laws, and Section 122, ba — ba = (b — b) (+ «) = (+ a) (b - b) = {b - ?y) (- o) = (- a) (b - b); whence (0) (+ a) = (+ a) (0) = (0) (- «) = (- ") (P) = 0' o^' ^^^^^y> regardless of positive or negative quality of a, («) (<^) = (0) («) = 0. 127. Note that as an independent number zero is with- out qualitive distinction of positive and negative ; for a 4- = a — 0, hence -f- = — 0. 128. It may be a profitable comparison to call atten- tion expressly to a unique property of 1 in multiplication and division ; thus, — (r?) (-(- 1) = rt, and a / -{- 1 = a, that is to say, x (+ 1) = - (+ !)• Also (a) (— 1) = — a, and o / — 1 = — a, i.e., X (— 1) = - (- !)• 129. X = 0, for (a _ a) (Z» - ?;) = X = ab — ah _ ah + aJ> = 0. 130. r.ut what is the result /O ? This case is of extreme importance. Failure to compre- hend it when it comes into systematic use in the Calculus has put a veil of irrational mystery over that whole dis- cipline. Thousands of students, although they have met and slightly used this indeterminate form before, yet inas- much as they have regarded it a matter of special con- 92 NUMBER AND ITS ALGEBRA. vention that 0/0 should represent any number, are dumfounded to find a discipline where a number is, they say, made zero in one member of an equation, and some- thing else in the other. After a pathetic struggle to see reason in their procedure, they commonly give over, and accept the outrageous extravagance that a concatenation of deductions to be valid need not have meaning in every link ; that a compulsory conclusion of an argument does not require intelligibility of its several steps; or that results may be thoroughly made out true for reasons no- wise understood. 131. "When the ratio 0/0 is first presented for consider- ation, one may be disposed to jump to the decision that 0/0 = or 0/0 = 1; but it is clear, from the definition of division, that in the synthetic equation 0/0 = y, any number (0, 3/5, 1, V2, 2, 3, etc.) substituted for y will make a formula (§ 40), an identity. That is to say, / = anv number. V Indeed, this statement is merely another way of saying, "any number multiplied by zero gives zero," which is com- monly accepted without objection. And both of these statements are only particular applications of the postulate expressed in the Principle of Continuity. The ratio 0/0, then, may be any number; but in par- ticular instances it is often a number which may be deter- mined by independent considerations. 132. If two numbers (or any other two magnitudes of the same kind) vary, their ratio varies ; but the ratio at any assigned limits of the variables is the same as at values of the variables only infinitesimally (vide § 222) removed from such limits. In fact, the original definition of equality of ratios contains this doctrine. • ( Vide § 83 (6).) OPEKATIONS UNDEll FINAL CONCEPT. 93 Consider the functions of x, x^ — 1, and x — 1. 3.2 _ 1 What is the ratio wlien x = 1? X — 1 The ratio may be evahiated Avithout hesitation, as x assumes various values, until a; = 1 is reached, when both functions vanish, and the ratio assumes the indeterminate form, 0/0. But when x differed only infinitesimally from 1, beyond objection, = x -\- 1, which differs only X — 1 infinitesimally from 2. Therefore, when x = 1, the ratio - = ~ — = a; + 1 = 2, absolutely, x-1 ^ ' -^ There is no trickery here. The Calculus, with its astonishingly powerful algorithm, applies such numerical interpretations to concrete magnitudes ; nor would it, in my opinion, be out of place in this connection to give illus- trations of the wonderful propriety, and accordance with independent facts, of this method, but out of deference to established custom — usus tyranmis — I leave such corrobo- rations to future studies, with the simple assurance of their cogency. I shall only set forth one more very simple illustration of an. evaluation of a ratio 0/0. Consider the following two functions of y, 2 y -|- 3 y- + 4 y^, and 3 y -\- ^ y"^ -\- 21 y^. Their ratio would be easily evaluated for particular finite values of y ; but suppose the variable y becomes zero, what then is the ratio of the functions ? If y = Q, li^L+ll! + li^ = 0/0. And if each term be divided by y we have 2 + 3.v-f-4.v^ _ 2 /3, when y = 0. 94 NUMBER AND ITS ALGEBRA. Now, it might well be objected that in dividing by y, if y = 0, the most we could say would be 2(y/y) + 3yO////)+4rO////) 3(y/z/) + 9y(y/y) + 27y^(y/y)' and that this remains as obscure as the original if / is any number. The explanation is, that the ratio of one and the same variable to itself is constantly 1 ; a J a = 1 always. Therefore, even when y == 0, y / y = 1, and if so, ^(y/y)+3y(y/y)+4y^(y/y) _ 2 + 3y + 4y^ _^ It would take us too far afield to go further into the doc- trine of limits of variable magnitudes and infinitesimals, and the appropriate application of number. The whole question of the use of this indeterminate form 0/0 may not improperly be postponed by the student, who for the present might content himself with the discernment that, whether it be possible to evaluate / or not in particular problems, 0/0 may be any number. 133. What is the result of the operation / ct ? and what of ffl / ? The first asks the question, what number multiplied by a gives zero ; and from the formula of definition and Section 126, the answer is evidently zero. Also 0/ + a = = 0/-a. The second asks the question, what number multiplied by zero gives a ? Erom Section 126 it is evident that no number 3-et dis- cerned answers this question. But a consideration of the continuously increasing ratios (vide §§ 81, 82) of the same number to a decreasing series INFINITY. 95 of numbers, reveals that, if the ratio -)- a / is a number, it is one greater than any primary number, and of peculiar "efficacy in operational combination. This number, whose reality is requisite for untrammelled numerical analysis, is called 2^ositive infiiiity, and notationally expressed as -|- CO - Similar generalization under the Principle of Continuity makes — a / negative infinity, written -co . 134. The discovery of many properties of infinity, posi- tive and negative, must be left to future studies ; as well as the principles of evaluation of ratios of infinities dif- ferently derived, analogous to evaluations of ratios 0/0. {Vide § 132.) It Avill be found that in the application of ISTumber to cer- tain magnitudes (e.g., straight lines in Euclidean Geome- try) that for them it appears the points at infinity coincide. Other " one-dimensional " (vide § 232) magnitudes show a double absolute : for example, ProhahiUty ranges from absolute certainty /or, to absolute certainty against. Without going too deeply into philosophical questions, it may be remarked that Hegel, in discussing the mathe- matical infinite, " points out that the mathematical infinite . . . uses the idea of the true infinite, and therefore stands higher than the so-called metaphysical infinite. The latter opposes the infinite to the finite as the mere negative of the latter, and thereby makes two finites, the former the void of the latter ; whereas the mathematical infinite ex- presses self-relation as its true form."* Much might be said also of how important to philosophy is the mathe- matical concept of continuity. Indeed, many of Hegel's * HegeVs Logic, Harris, !>. 278. 96 NUMBER AND ITS ALGEBRA. conceptions are true only as glimmerings of wliat mathe- maticians had before made clear, or have since illuminated. 135. I present in tabular form * the possible meanings' of the ratio x j ij, as x and y independently vary from to ao . The student can readily verify the statements, and extend them to cover distinctions of positive and negative in X and y : — ( 1 ) X I y'\'& finite if x is finite and y finite. ( 2 ) may be finite if a; = and y = 0, ( 3 ) or if a; ^= CO and v/ = cc . (4)a:'/?/ = ifa; = and y not 0, ( 5 ) or if .T not co and y ^ c/j . ( 6 ) may =0 if a; = and y = 0, ( 7 ) or if a- = oo and y = cc . (8) x / y = ao ifa-=co and y not cci , ( 9 ) or if a; not and y = 0. (10) may = oo if a; = and y = 0, (11) or if a; = CO and ?/ = oo . 136. Of course oo + oo = co . But oo — oo is indeter- minate ; since any number (0, finite, or infinite) substi- tuted for X satisfies the synthetic equation oo + a; = oo . 137. Of course oo X co = oo . But OXco = coXO is indeterminate ; since the multiplications of which Section 135 (5), (7) are the inverses, show X oo = any number. 138. Various considerations dependent iq^on the con- tinuity of number confirm the interpretation that a;" = 1, if X is finite. But it may suffice to consider that if x, y, and z are finite, a;^ -=- a;^ = x^-' ; and it y = z, 1 = x'J -i- xy = xy-y = x". * A similar table occurs in Chrystal's Text Book of Algebra, Part I., p. 317. OPERATIONS UNDER FINAL CONCEPT. 97 139. Evidently (1) 0-^ = if a: is finite. (2) a;+* =00 if ic is finite and > 1. (3) = if rr < 1 and > 0. (4) x"^ = if 33 is finite and > 1. (5) = CO if ic < 1 and > 0. (6) 0+- =0. (8) a; +=» = 00 . (7) 0-= = 00 . (9) ^ -=" = 0. As the student may convince himself. (§ 143 is anticipated.) 140. But the results (1) 0°, (2) ^ °, (3) 1+^, (4) l-« are indeterminate ; as may be seen most readily by considering that x^ = m2'^°^ra-^, where m is finite and greater than -|- 1. x^' is accordingly determinate when y log„j x is determinate, and indeterminate when ylog^a; is indeterminate. The cases when ?/log,„« is indeterminate are, by Section 137 : — (1) When y = 0, log,„ x = -co"; i.e., when y = 0, cc = 0. (2) When y = 0, log„j,x = -[- co ; i.e., when y = 0, .r = oo . (3) When ?/ = -j- oo , log,„a3 = ; i.e., when y = -j-c/^ ,x ^ 1. (4) When y = — cc , log,„ic = ; i.e., when y = — ct) ,x = 1. 141. Every indeterminate form may be reduced to 0/0, and in this sense it may be said that the one fundamental case of indetermination is 0/0. For example : — 00-^ = 1/0-1/0 = 1^ = 0/0; ^/^ = ^ = 0/0. 142. Let the student tabulate from the foregoing sec- tions all the indeterminate operations. He must be content to postpone investigation into the evaluation of these indeterminate results as they arise 98 NUMBER AND ITS ALGEBRA. from particular functions of variables, regarding Section 132 as a simple example of the general principle. 143. It remains to investigate the efficacy, as exponents of evolution, of fractional, surd, and negative numbers. What is the meaning of the operation a^, if a is positive and finite, and x a fraction ? The conclusion is corroborated by the continuity of num- ber, by countless correspondences, and by perfect consist- ency with all other laws ; but regarding the Law of Indices as the essential definition of the operation, the meaning is immediately revealed. Thus : let a'" ' ", where 7n and n are positive integers, equal z. Then, since «"«/« is subject to the Law of Indices, z^ = zzz . . . n factors = a"'^"a'"^" . . , n factors = «"-/"+«/» ■ ■ ■ n terms ^ „m_ rj^^r^^ -^ ^^ say, z is a. number whose nth power is a'"; or z is an «th root of a"'; i.e., a""'" = V«'". In particular, if m = 1, ct} ' ^ = V«. As we saw in Section 94, the operation ■>/« (where a is positive) is always possible, in the sense that, if the result be a surd number, it can be determined to any degree of approximation. (But see § 153, et seq.) 144. It will appear in the studies to which these lec- tures are introductory that there are n nth. roots of a, where n. is a primary number ; but the student may observe now, that when n is even there are at least two roots of a, one the negative of the other; e.g., 4}/^= J^ 2. But note that the law of indices has regard only to the corre- sponding roots of numbers, simply because V« Va does not equal a, if one positive and one negative root be taken. (ride%^ 191 and 146.) 145. It is necessary to say at this point that we must either use the terms " rational/' " irrational," '' real," and TERMINOLOGY. 99 " imaginary," or invent equivalents. ( Vide Introduction, p. 16, and § 101.) The terms are unquestionably abusive, and perhaps the time is ripe for a protest. No number is irrational, and all numbers are real. Therefore, if merely as an experiment, I shall be consistent in calling numbers commensurable (tvith 1, understood) where the text-books say "rational ; " either incommensurable or surd, where they say "irrational;" radical-surd, where they say ''surd" (^Cf. § 83) ; protomonic, where they say "real" ; neoinonic, where they say " imaginary " (unless they say " imaginary " when they mean complex) ; and when functions or opera- tions are spoken of as "rational" or "irrational," in sub- stituting stlrpal and radical respectively. These words, except 2}'>'otomonic and sthpal, are in good usage either exactly or approximately in the senses defined. Proto- monic and sthyal I coin ; reluctantly, but unavoidably. I hope they justify themselves as antitheses of neomonic and radical. Of course, surd is not much better etymologically than " irrational ;" but the metaphor is dead, and. conse- quently harmless. Concerning commensurable, see Section 205. (See also § 156.) 146. Before passing to other cases of the exponential function a^, it is proper to call attention to certain para- doxes which may arise in the interpretation of such functions. (Cy*. § 191.) For example, a* ^-= a'^. But as a fractional index, a^ ''^ means Va* = i a'^ which at first sight might seem to assert that a" = -^ a~. Likewise, one might be led to say, since (a'")" = a""> = (a")"', (-i^'-y = (■i-y^, and so (-t- 2)^ = J- 4, that is, + 4 = ^ 4. (Cf. § 144.) Such difficulties will arise in a"'^", etc., when mfn is not in its lowest terms, a*'^ = a^ is not a radical function at all; though it is quite true that the second roots of 100 NUMBER AND ITS ALGEBRA. a* are + a^ and — a^. The law of indices is not a matter of arbitrary or meaningless symbols, but of facts. If algebraic expressions are not regarded as logical state- ments, and full account taken of the nature of the derivation of one equation from another, apparent con- tradictions will often arise. (^Cf. § 319 et. seq.) 147. What is the effect of a negative exponent of invo- lution ? Consider «-"» = a"'" X a™- j a"^. By law of indices, a-'" X a''' I a''' = a- '" + '"' -r- a'" = a" / a'" = 1 /a™, by Section 138 ; therefore, «-"» = 1 /a"". That is to say, a~'" is the reciprocal of a"^. 148. The continuity of number at once extends all that has been shown to be true of integral and fractional ex- ponents to surd exponents. Thus in the function a^, whether x be commensurable or surd, we can always find two fractions, m / n and , between which x lies, and which differ by as little as we please. As stated in Section 95, in calculation we use a^jn instead of a^, where m/nis a fraction closely approxi- mating the surd x. 149. When a is positive and > 1, and regarding only protomonic positive roots, a^ is a continuous function of x, passing through all values from to -(- co , as x varies from — oo to -f CO . Thus, — a^ is 0, < 1, 1 /«, 1, > 1, a, + 00 when X is — oo , — , — 1, 0, -\-, -]^ 1, -]- cc . LOGARITHMS. 101 When a is positive and < 1, the vahies of «^ are + co , > 1 1 / a, 1, < 1, a, 0, corresponding to the same values of x. 150. As has been explained, b = a^ and x = log„ b, are merely different ways of writing the same functional rela- tion. Thus all laws and properties of logarithms are de- rivable from the principles of involution, in brief, from the law of indices. Until the uses of logarithms and the con- struction of logarithmic tables are investigated, it is enough to say that for the same base the following are the leading properties of logarithms, — as the student may easily dis- cover from the law of indices : — (1) The log. of a product of positive numbers is the sum of the logs, of the factors. (2) The log. of the quotient (ratio) of two positive numbers is the log. of dividend minus log. of divisor. (3) The log. of any power of a positive number is the log. of the number multiplied by the exponent. (Power is used in the general sense ; for the statement is true for all exponents, and therefore inclusive of the commonly sepa- rated rule for roots.) (4) (log,, b) (logs a) = 1, and log„m = -51^ . The base of " common " logarithms for piirposes of final calculation is 10 ; but the base discovered to be primarily appropriate to mathematical investigations is an incommen- surable number, called e. e = l-ul + — 4- — H \- to CO terms * = 2- 7182818284 +. * 1 X 2 may be abbreviated 2 ! -p^^^^ „ factorial two," 1X2X3 may be abbreviated 3! .. factorial three," etc. 1X2x3X4 may be abbreviated 4 ! 102 NUMBER AND ITS ALGEBRA. The base 10 gives logarithms vastly more convenient in calculation ; the base e, in analysis. Formulae (4) yield the simple process for deducing from a given table of logarithms to any base, the logarithms to any other base. Thus, to deduce log„ m from logj m, mul- tiply by . logs a ^ The constant multiplier, ^j , is called the modulus of the system whose base is a with respect to the system whose base is b. The modulus of the system whose base is 10 with respect to the system whose base is e, is :; — = 0-4342944819 +. ^ loff.lO ■'a e The modulus of the system, base e, with respect to the common system, is = 2-7182818284 -\-. -I logio e Of course, = logio ^ ; that is to say, the recipro- log.lO cal moduli of two systems are reciprocals in the numerical sense. 151. For interesting historical sketches, the student is referred to the articles, " Logarithm's " and " John iSTapier of Merchiston," by J. W. L. Glaisher, in the Encydopcedia Bri- tannica, ninth edition. A perusal of these monographs will lead him to appreciate the brilliancy of Napier's invention, and the merit of Briggs and Vlacq, as well as the claims of Byrgius, a Swiss contemporary of Napier, as an indepen- dent but crude inventor. He should bear in mind that this achievement came prior to the exponential notation, or any clear idea among mathematicians of exponential functions. An attempt to prove — to say nothing of discovering — the laws of logarithms, after divesting one's self of knowledge of the generalization of involution and all moderji advan- INADEQUACY OF PROTOMONIC NUMBER. 103 tages from the correspondences of two series of numbers, one in " arithmetic " and the other in " geometric " progres- sion, would alford a very high estimate of ISTapier's genius and acumen. 152. The student can easily discern tlie laws of the function a^ if a is negative, and x zero or integral. If x is zero or a multiple of 2, the power is positive ; if x is odd, the power is negative. 153. Also, if a is negative, and x fractional, with odd denominator, the power is protomonic (vide § 145). In other words, if a is negative and n odd, there is always a protomonic nth. root of a. For consider the function y", where n is an odd positive integer. The function passes through all values from -co to 0, as ?/ passes from — co to 0. Therefore, there must be some protomonic negative number, y, for any negative nvipiber, a, such that y^ = a. That is to say, there is always a protomonic odd root of a negative protomonic number. 154. But if in the operation a-^, a is negative and x a fraction in its lowest terms, with even denominator, there is no result whatever, nor is the operation intelligible with- in protomonic number. For the function y", where n is an even integer, is always positive. Therefore there is no protomonic number, y, such that ?/" is negative when n is even. That is to say, there is no protomonic even root of 4 a negative protomonic number.* 155. Evidently, then, unless the Principle of Continuity * Also in terms of protomonic number there is no logarithm of a negative number to a positive base. At this stage we cannot investigate such functions ; but log (+ a) ( — b) has been shown to be indeterminately any member of an infinite series of complex numbers. Thus in no case are we led out of complex number as the ultimate generalization. (Cf. § 202.) 104 NUMBER AND ITS ALGEBRA. shall widen our concept of number, the generality of numerical operations abruptly fails at this point. But the Principle of Continuity does apply here as everywhere else ; and the power of analysis is enhanced, and the appli- cability of Number to the relations of concrete magnitudes perfected beyond the dreams of mathematical science prior to this development. Before taking this step, however, we must investigate a few fundamental properties of radical-surds. 156. In all algebraic expression of number the student must avoid confusion on account of any possible value of a function for particular numbers in place of the algebraic symbols. Thus {j^^'^)"" is a radical function of 2> in alge- braic form ; although, of course, in cases where m = 2n, and n an integer (p^ ' "^y = j)^, the nature of which again depends on the character of p. Or, the -y/x is algebrai- cally a radical-surd ; although if a? = 4, it is commensura- ble, and so forth. It is not necessary to be constantly " providing " obvious conditions. Intelligent attention will always secure com- prehension of the algebraic statements in the sense in- tended, whenever explicit provision is omitted. 157. A radical-surd number, or multiple, or fraction thereof, is called a simple, monomial radical-surd. The suD^ or difference of two such, or of one such and a com- mensurate number, is called a simple binomial radical-surd. It will be seen that every stirpal function of a radical- surd can be expressed as a simple radical-surd. Two radical-surds are called similar when they can be expressed as multiples or fractions of the same radical- surd : e.g., V3/4 and VlS are similar; for V3/4 = 1/2 V3, and Vl2 = 2 V3. EADICAL-SURDS. 105 E-adical-surcIs with the same base and same root-index are called equiradical ; e.g., a^'^, a"^, a"'^. Radical-surds with the same root-index are called of the same order — quadratic, cubic, biquadratic, quintic, . . . n-tic; e.g., V3, 5^'", x"'^ are quadratic surds; V3, 5^^^, x"'^ are quintic surds. 158. From the Law of Indices (a'» a" = a"' + ") it is easily proved for protomonic numbers (but see § 191) that a"' a"'' = (aa.y^, or (('"■ [>'"■ = (ab)"K Thus, if m is integral f^m ^m _ ^^^(j . . . m factors) X (phb . . . m factors) by definition, = {ab.ah.ab . . . m factors) by laws of association and commutation, = (a^)™ by definition. And if m is fractional, say ?/i. = 1 / n where w is a posi- tive integer, («i'"a"''a^"' . . . n factors) X (^^ '" ^^ '"^' ^" . . . n factors) = (a^'^'h^"') (a^'^b^'") . . . n factors; but the left-hand member equals ab; therefore (a^'"i^'") (a^^"6^'") . . . n factors = ab, therefore a^'^'b^'" (aby'\ if positive roots of a, b, and ab are alone considered (vide §§ 144, 146). _ 159. A special case, -\/a"b = a^b, is important in re- ducing radical-surds to similarity. 160. Note also ^a = VaP ; for aV» = «"/"? = V«p. pn + q 161. Also, ^(1^^ + " = aP^ai;iov a » =aPaih. 162. Similar radical-surds are " added " or " subtracted " by distributing the radical-surd factor with the coefficients. {Vide § 73.) If possible, first reduce by the principle of Sections 159, 1 60, e.g. , 1/3 V 32 - V l8 + 3 -v'64 = 1/3 V(16) (2) - V(9H2) + 3 V(4) (2) = 4 /3 V2 - 3 V2 -\-Q-j2 =(4/3 - 3 -f 6) V2 = 13/3 V2. 106 NUMBER AND ITS ALGEBRA. Staxements involving radicals are usually intended to concern only positive roots ; but in abstract operation such statements are necessarily various, including the roots in every combination. The whole truth about the result in the example is {±4/3 - (± 3) + (± 6)} V2 = ± 13/3 V2, or ±5/3 V2, or -i-23/3 V2, or ±31/3 V2. The V2 is also both positive and negative; but since each commensurable factor has already occurred with both signs, no new value would be obtained from the double value of the V2. But if all this is to be signified, it would be better to be explicit, and write 1/3 (zl=V32) — (-j-VlS) + 3 (±-^64). (Vide § 120.) 163. Section 158 affords the rule for the multiplication or division of similar radical-surds, or of radical-surds of the same order. If radical-surds are not of the same order they may be made so by Section 160. The Law of Indices immediately furnishes the rule for the involution or evolution of radical-surds. 164. The student should exercise himself in these opera- tions. 165. Two simple binomial quadratic surds are called con- jugate when one is the sum and the other the difference of the same two terms :. e.g., a -\- -y/h and a — -y/h, or V« + V^ and -yja — -y/b. 166. Theorem. — The product of conjugate binomial quadratic surds is a stirpal function of their bases (a com- mensurate number if the bases are commensurate numbers), namely, the difference of the squares of the terras. Proof: (Va -f V^*) (Va — ^h) = a + V« V^* - -\/h ■yja — h = a — b. CLASSIFICATION OF ANALYTICAL FUNCTION. 107 167. It is usuall}^ preferable in the division of one radi- cal-surd by another, or of a commensurable number or non-radical surd by a radical-surd, to stirpalize * the de- nominator. This is accomplished when the divisor is a monomial radical-surd, as Va"*, by multiplying both dividend and divisor by -v/«"~"'. For example, — 3 _ 3 V2 _ ^ _c c Va^ _ 4V2 ~4V2V2~^/^^^' bVa'~ hVa'Va^~ When the divisor is a binomial quadratic surd, multiply both dividend and divisor by the conjugate quadratic surd ; when a trinomial, make it a binomial by association, and apply the principle twice. 168. Let the student find a stirpalizing multiplier for This is the most general case of a monomial. 169. A stirpal integral tervi with respect to any num- bers, means the product of positive integral powers of those numbers. A stirpal integral function of any numbers is a series (one or more) of stirpal integral terms combined in addi- tion or subtraction. Where no ambiguity is to be feared we may say merely "integral function." xj a -\- y fh + ;s/c — 1 is an integral function of .r, y, z ; but is not an integral function of a, b, c. In integral functions the degree of any term is the sum * The common term is " rationalize; " but having eschewed this, we must say stirpalize. 108 NUMBER AND ITS ALGEBRA. of the exponents of the numbers considered (commonly called variables) ; and the degree of the function is the highest of the degrees of its terms. An integral function of the 1st degree is often called a linear function. The term degree applies only to integral functions. Thus, - -I ^ + 1 is of no degree at all : the term does not X x^ apply. Functions in Avhich the variables are affected by positive, but not integral, ex ponent s are called radical functions. For example, a + -yjh + x, or a + (Z> + x f ''\ is a radical function of x (also of I) ; and Vx + \j]), or {x — if '^f '«, is a radical function of x and y. Functions in which the variable occurs with negative index are called fractional functions, and distinguished as stirpal or radical fractional functions, according as the nega- tive index is integral or not. Thus, ^-, or «a;-^, is a stirpal X fractional function of a;; and ~, or ax-^'-, is a radical fractional function of x. "^^ Integral, radical, and fractional functions are classed, not very felicitously, as "algebraical" functions, in distinction from others equally algebraical, called " transcendental." I shall have no occasion to use these objectionable terms, since the other functions are all particularly named upon their own merits. Functions in which the number considered occurs as an exponent are called exponential functions; e.g., «^, a-^"" are exponential functions of x. The foregoing classes of functions are those organically involved in numerical operations. Others, less essentially FUNCTIONS OF EADICAL-SUEDS. 109 connected with orgauic laws, are named from their several points of view ; e.g., log cc, logarithmic function ; sin a;, cos X, tan x, etc., trigonometric functions, etc. Numerical functions (Cf. §§230, 234) of every variety are termed analytical functions (Cf. §§ 145 and 156.) 170. Theorem.- — ^ Every integral function of quadratic surds (V«, V^, Vc . . .) can be expressed as a sum of a non-radical term and multiples or fractions of the radicals and their products — (V'«5 V^, V c . . . 's/iiO, \ac, -yhc . . . -y/abc . . .). Proof: Consider any integral function of one quad- ratic surd, say (Va). Terms of even degree are non- radical, and terms of odd degree can all be reduced to the form na"^ V«. Collecting the even and odd degree terms, we have <^ ( Vc') = Z; -)- A Va, where k and h are stirpal. If we have <^ (V«, V^), proceeding as before, we get ^ ( V«, V^) = K -\- H a/ a, where K and If are stirpal so far as V^ is concerned, and each. an integral function of V^. These can be reduced, and will yield only terms such that ^ (Va, V^) = k -{- h V« + '»i' 'Vb + n ^/ab. 171. CoKOLLAKY. — It follows that <^ (— V«) ■= k — h Va ; and therefore if Va be any integral function of Va, then, (Va, V^, Vc, . . . ) we change the sign of any one, say, V^, then ^ (Va, V^, Vc, . . . ) X <^ (Va — Vi, Vc, . . . ) is stirpal so far as V^ is concerned. 172. Extension of the theorem to all stirpal functions, integral or not, of quadratic surds — and of the corollary to the entire stirpalization of ^ {-yja, -\/b, Vc, . . .) is left as an exercise to the student. 173. As a very simple example of the utility of these prin- ciples, suppose one had to calculate to five decimal places, 110 NUMBER AND ITS ALGEBRA. 1 . Time and labor would be saved by redu- 1 -)- V2 -|- V3 cing to the equivalent integral function of the radicals, 1/2 + 1/4 V2 - 1/4 V6, before cal- culating. 174. Theorem. — '^ If p, q, A, B, be all commensurable, and V/? and Vg" incommensurable, then we cannot have Vi> = A + B Vq. " For, squaring, we should have, as a consequence, j) = A^ -\- B"^ q -\- 2 AB V«7 ; whence, Vv = —^ ~ , which -r i -r I, , 1 2AB asserts, contrary to our hypothesis, that -y/q is commen- surable." The proof of this theorem, Avhich is copied verbatim from Chrystal's Text Book of Ahjebra, Vol. I, p. 200, estab- lishes what may seem at first sight a contradiction of the doctrine of the Continuity of Number. Especially so, under the somewhat ambiguous title of the section in Professor Chrystal's work (perhaps the best yet written in English), the ^^Independence of Surd Numhers.^^ Eadical-surds are definite parts of the continuous magnitude, Number ; nor does the theorem contradict this ; nor are radical-surds <' independent " in any other sense than that there are no commensurable numbers such that V^^ = A -{- B ^ q. 175. Since, by Section 170, any integral function of a quadratic surd can be expressed as in the form, A -\- B -y/q, it follows from Section 174 that one quadratic surd cannot be expressed as an integral function of a dissimilar surd. 176. It is an obvious corollary of Section 174 that if A; + h -yj a -\- m V^ + n "y/ab = 0, where neither a nor b is zero, then k = 0, A = 0, m = 0, and n = 0. 177. One case, whose utility is experienced very early in algebraic studies deserves special mention. If a -\- Va; NEOMONTC NUMBER. Ill = b -\- -y/i/, then a = h and x = y, provided a, b, x, and y are all commensurable, and -\/x and V*/ surds. 178. Let the student prove that the product or quotient of two similar quadratic surds is commensurable ; and inversely. The like is not true for radical-surds of higher orders ; but let him show that the product of two similar, or of two equiradical, surds is either commensurable or an equirad- ical surd. 179. We are now prepared to take up the consideration of the problem presented in a}''^ where a is negative, and n an even, positive integer. As Ave saw in Section 154, the operation is unintelligi- ble under the concept of Number thus far attained. But if the Principle of Continuity is valid, the result must be a number ; and if not any number hitherto conceived, we must investigate the characteristics of this unknown num- ber, X in the synthetic equation (— 1) Y^ = x. 180. Whether fortunately or unfortunately, this prob- lem confronts pupil and teacher at a very elementary stage of numerical analysis. In every high school the solution of quadratic equations is attempted; and these, even in the simplest form, are in general solvable only in terms of neomonic and complex numbers. The question, therefore, cannot be postponed ; and it behooves every teacher to clear up his ideas on this subject. 181. Mathematicians of to-day have left the point of view of the sixteenth century, from which numbers were characterized as " rational " and " irrational," " real " and "imaginary ; " they use V— 1 as naturally as — 1. Neo- monic one, and negative one, bear a similar relation to Primary Number. 112 NUMBER AND ITS ALGEBRA. The conception of neomonic number is not essentially more difficult than that of negative number. He who can conceive the one, can conceive the other. The V— 1 is no more an impossible and meaningless operation in terms of protomonic number, than 1 — 2 is impossible and unintel- ligible in terms of primary number. Terms are often bab- bled in unconscious vacuity of thought. Many speak quite familiarly of negative number, who nevertheless regard neomonic number as some irrational and meaningless trick of handwriting. As suggested in Chapter XII, I lament imperfect concejits of Number on the imrt of us all, but let no man pigeon-hole in his mind contradictory opinions. It seems to me something to put neomonic numbers on the same footing as negative numbers, or even numerical frac- tions. When this point of view is attained, I think we stand in the dawn ; or rather that the sun has risen upon Arith- metic, even as it has risen upon Geometry. Perhaps we shall not have long to wait for still fuller and more satis- fying interpretations of number than have been expounded hitherto ; because not one man, but hundreds, have reached some such standpoint as that from which I have endeav- ored to present the subject. During two thousand years after Euclid saw that he must assume the " parallel postu- late " it was universally regarded either as an axiom, or as a theorem capable of demonstration. But finally the true insight was gained (regained) by many minds about the same time ; and then the Non-Euclidean Geometry, and daylight became, indeed, "inevitable."* * The MoJiist, July, 1894, ' Xon-Eudidean Geometry Inevitable, by- George Bruce Halsted. Of course tVie majority of text-books still pre- sent Geometry at this crucial place from the mediaoval standpoint ; but THE NEOMON. 113 182. If the V — 1 is a number, we have by definition V-1 V-l= -1, also Va ^a = a, where a is any positive protomonic number ; therefore (Va V— 1) (V« V— 1) = — a, multiplying member by member ; therefore Va V— 1 = V— «, taking square root of each member. Consequently it appears that the square root of any negative number is the product of the square root of the corresponding positive number and V — 1- Considering also all multiples and fractions of V— 1, and the nega- tives of each, we discern a continuous Number whose unit is V— 1> and which has, therefore, been called Neomonic Number. The Number whose unit is 1 may be called Pro- tomonic in contradistinction. Writing i for V— Ij this continuous series may be rep- resented — — cx> i . . — 2 i . . — -y/2 i . . — i . . — ^ i . . (i) . , -f ^ i . . . -\- i . . + V2 i . . + 2 t . . + CO i. The protomonic series may be represented — — CO . - 2 . . . - V2 . . . - 1 . . - 1/2 . . ... -f 1/2 . . + 1 . . + V2 . . . + 2 . . . + 00 . 183. No neomonic number can equal any protomonic number except i = 0. For it is deducible from various this is probably as much due to the mercantile rule of using up a stock- on-liand before advancing to something better, as to ignorance of recent developments. No doubt hundreds of teachers put the " axiom " in its right place in their expositions of the text ; and so, as it were by a note, bring their text-books " up to date." 114 NUMBER AND ITS ALGEBRA. premises that 1 = 0. Thus, ii xl = 0, then (xi) (xi) = 0, that is, — x^ = 0; therefore x = 0, and therefore * = 0. 184. Most laws of operation with neomonic numbers are evident from familiar princixDles. Thus: — ai 4- bi = (a -\- h) i . . . hence the sum of two neomonic numbers is neomonic. ai — hi = (a — b) i . . . hence the difference of two neo- monic numbers is neomonic. ai X b = abl . . . hence the product of a neomonic and a protomonic number is neomonic. ai X bi = — ab . . . hence the product of two neomonic numbers is protomonic. ai -ir b r= (a 1 0)1 i _ , hence ratios of protomonic and h -r- ai = (^— b I a) I ) neomonic numbers are neomonic. ai ^ bl = a I b . . . hence ratios of neomonic numbers are protomonic. ^2 = - 1 ; P = - 1 V- 1 = - * ; ^^ = *2 r _ + 1 ; and where n is a positive integer, (aiy = {ai . ai . . . n factors) = {aaa . . . n factors) (iii . . . n factors) = a"*", that is, the positive integral power of a neomonic number is protomonic or neomonic according as the same power of i is protomonic or neomonic. Moreover, the integral powers of * are seen to recur in a period or cycle of four different values. Negative exponents result as always in the recip- rocal of the same number Avith like positive exponent. 185. Discussion of radical functions of i, and the inter- pretation of neomonic exponents, is postponed to more COMPLEX NUMBER. 115 advanced studies ; but we are not led to any new applica- tion of the principle of Continuity, and therefore to no new mode of jSTumber, beyond the result of combining proto- monic and neomonic numbers in addition and subtraction. 186. The extension of the number-concept reaches its own essential terminus in the operation a + hi, where a and h are protomonic. In a -{-hi we have the most general expression of num- ber ; for it is protomonic, neomonic, or complex, according as ^ = 0, a = 0, or neither equals 0. 187. The result of the operation a -\- hi, is called a com- plex number ; and is seen to be really a new mode of Num- ber by considering the series of complex numbers formed in a + hi, as a and h pass independently through all pro- tomonic values. 188. It is highly important to note this two-fold, two- dimensional (vide § 229, et seq.), character of complex number, and its consequent contrast with protomonic and neomonic number. There is only one way of varying x continuously (without repetition of intermediate values) from — 2 to + 3, if it remains protomonic. Likewise, only one way for continuous passage of x from — 2 i to -\- 3 i, if it is to be always neomonic. But in utter contrast, there is an infinite variety of ways for x to pass continuously from — 2 + 3 i to + 2 + 3 /, remaining always a complex number. (Vide § 197.) 189. If a = and b = 0, a -\- hi = 0; and inversely. 190. Complex number contains all protomonic and all neomonic number as special cases, and is therefore Number in its final generalization. 191. The student should everywhere carefully avoid con- fusion in dealing with the alternate square roots of any 116 NUJIBEE, AND ITS ALGEBRA. number ; but especially is this the case with neoinonic numbers. Having been accustomed to write {vide §§ 64, 158) Va V6 = V"^, he may fall into the error of writing V— a V^^ = V(— «) (— h) = -y/ah. I call this an error because we must be consistent in algebraic conventions ; and in such contexts the positive root is understood by -y/ab* It is not a true statement that Vf'- V^ = Vo^, if the square roots are to be taken at random. One cannot make various assertions in the same sentence. Therefore, in Va V^ = Vab, we evidently mean only the positive square roots to be considered. If negative roots are to be taken into account, we must say what we mean. Thus (writing -j- V* for j^ositive square root of a, and — V« for negative square root of a) (— V«) (— V^) = + 'Vab; or (— V") (+ "v^) = — Vcib, etc. Now, if in accordance with the algebraic convention plainly exhibited above, we consider only positive square * In a translation just published of Durege's Theory of Functions of a Complex Variable, by Professors Fischer and Schwatt of the Univer- sity of Pennsylvania, Philadelpliia, 189(3, it is stated on Page 10 of the Introduction: "Euler himself taught, as n ow g enerally accepted, that, if a and b denote two positive quantities, V— « V^^ = y/ab ; i.e., that the product of two imaginary quantities is equal to a real quantity." The omission of the minus sign before Vab may be a typographical error; for the authors, like all others, use \/— a ■\/^^ = — Vab. In the translators' Introduction it is very appropriately remarked: — "To follow the gradual development of the theory of imaginary quantities is especially interesting, for the reason that we clearly perceive with what diffi- culties is attended the introduction of ideas, either not at aU known before, or at least not sufficiently current. The times at Avhich negative, fractional, and irrational quantities were introduce.l into mathematics are so far removed from ns, that we can form no adequate conception of the difficulties which the intro- duction of those quantities may have encountered. Moreover, the knowledge of the nature of imagi)iiiry quantities has helped us to a better understanding of negative, fractional, and irrational quantities, a common bond closely unit- ing them all." Of course I would have one read numbers in the place of " quantities." EFFICACY OF NUMERICAL OPERATIONS. 117 roots of neomonic numbers, V— « V— ^ does not equal ■\/ab, but — V«6 ; — for V— a V— b =^ai^bi =i^^ab =( — 1) V«^ = — Vf<6. One need find no difficulty in reconciling with the Prin- ciple of Continuity the statements that, regarding only positive roots, Va V^ = -s/ab, while V— « V— * is not equal to V(— «) (— b). The law of indices must be applied with due regard to other laws. The essential statement of the law of indices is «^ av = a^ + y. This includes all particular cases as a, x, and y assume differ- ent characters. But it has been necessary with every phase of number to understand in this statement that only corresponding roots are considered when x and y are frac- tional with even denominators. (Cy. §§ 144, 146.) For example, V'^ X 1^^^ would not equal 11/2 + 1/2^ ^^ \^ if one positive and one negative root were taken. Now, this fundamental statement of the law of indices hokls for all number. It is the very definition of V— 1, that (_ 1)W2 (^_ iy/2 ^ ^_ ;Ly/2 + i/'2^ (-_ ly = _ 1. It was easily proved for protomonic number that, regard- ing only corresponding roots when a; is a fraction with even denominator, a^ a^ = («ff)^, and a'-' b^ = (abY ; but when a and aa differ in quality, the very conditions of the original statement are abolished (it is as if one posi- tive and one negative root of a^ had been taken), and different conclusions might be anticipated under the same laws. In fine, all this is not an anomaly of V— 1 in operation, but merely an alternative statement of its existence. The difficulty lies in the origin of neomonic number, not in its operation. On the other hand, a^/b'^ = (ct / by, established for pro- 118 NUMBER AND ITS ALGEBEA. tomonic number, does hold if a^ and h'^ are neomonic, — ■ simply because, in this case, no qualitative difference arises in the direct performance of the operations indicated by the two members of the equation, if, in accordance with the meaning of the formula, only positive roots are regarded. For example, (- ^Y'-i (- 9)^ ^2= (4/9)^ '^ ; for (- 4)^ '^ = 2 i, and (- 9)7^ = 3 * ; therefore, (- 4)77 (_ 9)^ '''- = 2ilZi = 2j2>. Also the positive square root of 4/9 is 2 / 3. Note, also, that for a like reason V« V— h = V— ab; for -y/a -y/ — 6 = -y/a -\b i = '\ab i, and V — cih = ~vab i. The safe practice is to express every neomonic number in its essentially proper form, as based upon a new unit. Rules of thumb would conduct one to true results in all operations except multiplication ; but for many reasons, always express -y/— a as -\/at. If you do this, correct calculation will be easy under the very definition of the neomon, i^ = — 1. 192. As a natural consequence of the view that Algebra is some mysterious conglomeration of " pure symbols " (C/l Introduction, pp. 8, 12) without content, existing for itself, void of numerical meaning, it was long discussed, as if it were a matter to be settled by parliament, whether V— (f^ V — b should equal V— «^, or — V«^. Only one hundred years ago English mathematicians were divided on this question. One party argued that the product must be V — ab; because the product of one "impossible quan- tity " by another, could not possibly equal a " real quantity " — as if a priori deduction of Avhat is, or is not, possible with imjjossihle quantities was not ab initio an impossible discussion within the realm of Reason. COMPLEX NUMBERS. 119 May not tlie foregoing discussion (as well as every other investigation we have pursued) serve to emphasize the car- dinal thesis of these lectures ; namely, that the essential nature of any algebra is as defined in Section 20 ; that it is Arithmetic, as the science of Number, which everywhere underlies, shapes, and organizes our Algebra ; that it is real numerical laws and operations that the algebra conven- tionally expresses; that, although Number is certainly a creation of the human intellect, it is not, therefore, the creature of our choice or whim; that, once formed, the Idea unfolds itself ; that every numerical problem is a question of Truth ; that the explanation is to be discov- ered; and that the verdict is nowise subject to conven- tional decision or parliamentary settlement. 193. It might be very helpful to illustrate the proper- ties of complex number by the graphic representation known as Argand's diagram, which constitutes the foun- dation of a beautiful application to geometry; but we shall here confine ourselves to purely analytical inves- tigations. We have seen (§ 188) the two-dimensional nature of complex number, and the infinite variety of ways in which it may vary continuously from a -\- hi to c -f di, because the protomonic and neomonic parts may vary independently. In order that x -\- yl shall become zero, x and y must vanish simultaneously. Por, li x -\- yi = 0, ic = — yi, and hence cc = and y = 0, — else would a protomonic number equal a neomonic, Avhich is impossible except both be zero. (Vide § 183.) On the other hand, if either x or y becomes infinite, x -{- yi=cc. (FicZe§198). 120 NUMBER AND ITS ALGEBRA. 194. li a -\- bi = G -\- di, then a = c and b = d. For, subtracting c -f- di from each member of the given equation, a — c-\-(b — d)i = 0; therefore, by Section 193, d — c = and b — d ^= ; that is, a = c and b = d. Of course, since x + (— y) = x — (+ y) ox x — y {% 120), the preceding formula inckides all combinations as a, b, c, and d are positive or negative ; e.g., if a -f bi = c — di, a = c, b = — d. 195. Two complex numbers which differ only in that one is the result of the addition, the other of subtraction, of the neomonic part, are called conjugate ; e.g., — 1 / 2 + 2 i and — 1/2 — 2i, 0T2i and — 2 i, or generally x -\- yi and X — yi. Obviously the sum of conjugate complex numbers is pro- tomonic, but so also is their product : — (x -j- yi) (x — yi) = x^ — y"^ i"^ = x"^ -[- y^. 196. Let the student prove the inverse proposition. 197. x^ 4- ?/^ is called the norm of the complex number X -|- yi, ox X — yi] and, as seen in Section 195, the product of conjugate complex numbers is the norm of each. But note that also norm (— a? — yi) = (— xy -\- y'^ = x^ + if'j although — X — yi is not conjugate with x + yi, nor is their product the norm of either; for (— x —yi) (x -\- yi) = y"^ — x"^ — 2 xyi. 198. The positive square root of the norm of a complex number is called its modulus : mod (x + yi) = + Vic^ + y'^. This modulus has extremely important properties. The attentive student may have already discerned diffi- culty in applying comparisons of greater or less to complex numbers ; for example, which is the greater, 3 + 4 i or 2 + 5i? MODULUS OF COMPLEX NUMBER. 121 The quantity {vide § 229) of a complex number is discov- ered to depend upon its modulus. Complex numbers with equal moduli are quantitatively equal, though not identical numbers. Any magnitude of two dimensions must exhibit this mode of equivalence without congruence. Argand's diagram would give a good illustration of this relation : the points representing (or terminating the radii which represent) complex numbers of equal moduli would all lie on a circle ; points corresponding to complex numbers of less moduli would lie within the circle, and of greater moduli without. This property of the modulus is exhibited analytically in the fact that, since mod {x + yi) = + V^^ + y^ which is positive regardless of the quality of x or y, if either x ox y increases, the modulus increases, and if either x ox y de- creases, the modulus decreases. And this change is continu- ous, the modulus vanishing with the number, and inversely. If two numbers are equal, their moduli are equal ; for we have seen (§ 194), \i a -\- hi = c -\- di, a = c and b = d. But the inverse is not true ; for if cv' -{- b'^ r= d^ -\- d% it does not follow that a = c and b = d. ^ Note that if 7/ = in x + yi, that is, if the complex number be wholly protomonic, the modulus becomes + Vx^ = _|_ X, — and this whether x in the complex number be positive or negative. Thus, the mod (+ 3) = + V(+ 3)"'^ = + 3 ; and mod (- 3) = + V(- 3)^ = + 3. For this reason, many European continental writers use the term modulus of x ('^mod x") where a:; is a protomonic number, instead of the term " numerical value of a;," em- ployed by English writers. For example, we constantly speak of + 3 and — 3 as "numerically equal," whereas, if equal — being numbers — they could only be numerically 122 NUMBER AND ITS ALGEBEA. equal ; and they are not equal, for their difference, instead of being zero, is 6. It would therefore serve accuracy and propriety to fol- low the practice of the writers referred to. 199. Evidently the sum of any number of complex num- bers is a complex number. Likewise the product of any number of complex num- bers is a complex number. Also the ratio of two complex numbers is a complex number. For — a -\- bi _ (a -\- hi) (c — di) _ (ac -\- h d) — (ad — cb) i c + di ~ c2 + cZ- ~ ~c2 + d^ _ f ac-\- bd \ _ -\c^^d^' which is a complex number. Since stirpal functions can involve only the operations of addition, multiplication, and their inverses, we have thus established the theorem : Every stirpal function of one or more complex numbers is a complex number. 200. Several other fundamental theorems concerning stirpal functions of complex numbers, and moduli of com- plex numbers, are deferred to the final chapter. In regard to radical functions of complex numbers, we can consider here only the particular case of the square root : — Assume that the square root of a complex number is a complex number, and let — V« + bi = A + Bi, where a, b, A, and B are protomonic. Squaring each member : a -\- bi = A"^ — B^ -\- 2 ABi ; EFFICACY OF NUMERICAL OPERATIONS. 123 therefore, by Section 194, a = A^ — B^ (1) and b = 2AB. (2) Adding the squares of (1) and (2) a2 -|_ J2 = (^2 _^ ^2y^ (3>) Taking square roots of (3), and remembering that j2 _|_ ^2 jg essentially positive : Adding (1) and (4) : + V«M^ -\-a = 2A^ therefore = .v/ + Va"-^ + b'^ + a 2 Subtracting (1) from (4) : + Va^ + b'^ — a = 2 B% therefore ^ = ± y/+ Va2 + 6^ _^ Since -J- Va'^ + ^^ > «> these values of A and i> are pro- tomonic. Since b = 2 AB, like signs in the values of A and B must be taken if b is positive, and unlike, if b is negative, therefore if b is positive, v;r+l5=±{v/+^ffl±i!+.-y/+Vi!±^!^| r. and if b is negative, Let the student verify by multiplication. If the protomonic part of the complex number vanish, we have here the formula for the square root of a neomonic number. Particularly if a = 0, and b = -\-l, formula I becomes, — / -. 1 + i 124 NUMBER AND ITS ALGEBRA. If a = 0, and & = — 1, we have from formula II, — 1 -i V-^= ± V2 By means of these results the student can readily find four 4th roots of -|- 1> and of — 1. 201. Since radical functions of any number involve only fractional exponents besides stirpal operations upon the number, if we show that the nth. roots, when w is a primary number, of a complex number are complex numbers, we establish the theorem : All radical functions of complex numbers are complex numbers. The investigation must be postponed to future studies ; for more powerful instruments of analysis (e.g., Demoivre's theorem) are required than are at the command of the students to whom these lectures are primarily addressed. But the theorem has been established. 202. Command of the proper means of analysis (e.g., logarithmic series) would enable the student to prove that exponential functions (^vide § 169) of complex numbers lead to no new mode of number. Thus, finally, it has appeared that the ultimate gener- alizatioii, (a -\- hiY+y\ is still a complex number; and that therefore the Universe of Number closes, returns upon itself, is comjjlete. MEASUREMENT. 125 XITI. Measurement. 203. The measurement of any magnitude (concrete or abstract) is the process of finding its ratio to another mag- nitude of the same kind, arbitrarily chosen as a unit. 204. The measure of a magnitude is this ratio — a number. Under the conventions of English speech, the measure of any magnitude is expressed by a phrase made up of this number and the name of the chosen unit. 205. The noun, measure, is commonly used in the sense of Section 204, in the sense of submultiple {vide § 83), and in the sense of unit. There may be no very good ground of choice in these terms, but consistency in the same dis- course is desirable. It may be better not to say, '* the greatest common measure " of two or more magnitudes, since any magnitude of the same kind woiild be a common measure, in another meaning of the word ; for example, the yard may be the common measure of all lines, and so may the metre. It may be better to say, instead, the greatest common submultiple. On the other hand, commen- surable and incommensurable point the same way as common measure. The use of measure in the sense of unit is superfluous in the presence of the clearer term, unit, and appears to foster a confusion of concepts with commensurability ; whereas it is very seldom that a unit is commensurable with the magnitude measured. Attention is merely called to this confusion in our language, and consequently in our thought. Under the necessity of some choice, I have se- lected cornvfiensurahle, submultiple., and unit, and have simply avoided measure as the inconsistent synonym both of sub- multiple and unit. 126 NUMBER AND ITS ALGEBRA. 206. The unit of any kind of magnitude may be any magnitude of the same kind. Convenience, or lack of concerted choice, ofteia establishes in common usage many units for magnitudes of the same kind. 207. Magnitudes are of the same kind when, of any two, one is necessarily greater than, equal to, or less than the other. Magnitudes between which there is no such comparison are of different kinds ; and between such there is no ratio, nor could one be added to the other. 208. The ratio of any two magnitudes is independent of any unit, or units, of measurement. Their absolute values can in no way depend upon the arbitrary standard, or stan- dards, by which they may happen to be estimated. For example, the ratio of the time of rotation of Mars to the time of rotation of Venus is that exact numerical relation of the former to the latter, in virtue of which the former is a fraction of the latter ; or greater than one, and less than another fraction of the latter, which differ as little as we please. (Cf.^ 83.) Evidently this ratio can nowise de- pend upon other comparisons of these times with any other periods of time whatsoever. 209. But the ratio of any two magnitudes equals the ratio of their respective measures in comparison with the same unit. For example, the ratio of the two periods of planetary rotation just mentioned equals the ratio of their respective ratios to any third period of time, say, the time of the earth's rotation, ■ — tlie period we name a day. 210. There is such a thing as direct operation with con- crete magnitudes ; but it is only through their measures, that is, their ratios to some unit, that magnitudes other MEASUREMENT BY PROPORTIONALITY. 127 than Number can become subjects of genuine calculation, the proper subjects of which are numbers, and numbers alone. {Cf. §§ 27 and 48.) For example, the sum of two sects is a sect, which may be found directly by placing the given sects end to end in a straight, with none but these end-points in common. The sect between the non-coinci- dent end-points is the sum. But in calculation we add the lengths (i.e., the numbers which are the ratios of the sects to any unit-sect) of the sects, and obtain the length of their sum (i.e., the number which is the ratio of the sum-sect to the same unit). 211. As stated in Section 203, the measurement of a magnitude consists in finding its ratio to another magni- tude of the same kind, chosen as a basis of comparison. Howsoever this ratio may be found, the magnitude is measxwed. In physical science magnitudes are commonly measured, not directly, but indirectly; that is, the direct comparison is not between the magnitude which is to be measured and a chosen unit, but between two magnitudes of a different kind which are proportional to the magnitude which is to be measured and its unit. It is highly important that this fact be recognized by all students of physical science. It also emphasizes very clearly the absurdity of omitting a sound exposition of the doctrine of proportionality from elementary instruction in mathematics. The doctrine of proportionality is not especially difficult or recondite ; but, even if it were, its thorough exposition cannot be postponed, because comprehension thereof is pre- requisite for understanding ordinary measurements in the most elementary physical science, and the commonplace problems of daily life. For example, temperatures are 128 NUMBER AND ITS ALGEBRA. never measured directly, but always by raeaus of tlieir assumed proportionality to the volumes of some body at the temperatures in question. Again, masses are usually measured by their proportionality to the corresponding weights in the same place, etc. 212. Arcs of a circle are so conveniently measured by means of their proportionality to the angles they subtend when the vertices of the angles are at the centre of the circle, that they are seldom measured directly. It must be carefully noted, also, that only angles less than a peri- gon are so proportional, and therefore so measurable. The indirectness of such measurement of arcs is not sufficiently emphasized in many text-books. The most faithful Eng- lish translator of Euclid long ago warned teachers of the dangers lurking around this question. In the first of his introductory Dissertations, he gives good advice for leading a pupil to attain an exact and adequate concept of an angle, and especially deprecates any association of angles and arcs, averring himself at this stage " afraid to meddle with circular arches, lest we should conjure up a prejudice which we might want art afterwards to layP In more than one instance — old Roger Ascham's sage counsel anent teaching Latin comes to mind — modern tyros in pedagogics would have done better to consult wise predecessors than to follow every fad of educational milli- ners as they vie with each other in designing latest fash- ions. In many of our high schools it would be difficult to find a pupil who knows exactly what an angle is ; and not impossible to find some who would speak of an arc as equal to, or half of, an angle. 213. Definition. — One series of magnitudes of the same kind is proportional to another series of magnitudes CRITERIA OF PROPORTIONALITY. 129 of the same or of a different kind, corresponding one-to-one to the first series, when the ratio of any two of the one series equals the ratio of the corresponding two of the other series. Tliis is the direct meaning of the statement tliat one series of magnitudes is proportional to another series. Criteria sufB.cient to prove this relation Avill be discussed presently. 214. Too much prominence is commonly given to the case where each series consists of two magnitudes. Of course two magnitudes are proportional to two others, when a ratio of the one pair equals the corresponding ratio of the other pair. 215. Criteria sufficient to prove the relation of propor- tionality are often, and on high authority, set forth as defi- nitions of proportionality. Of course there is no error in this ; but it appears to create confusion. I believe it is the principal explanation of the not uncommon opinion that the true doctrine of proportionality is unteachable to high-school pupils. 216. Euclid's definition of equality of ratios affords the usual criterion of proportionality : Two series of magni- tudes will be proportional provided that, if any equimulti- ples of a corresponding pair of magnitudes one in each series be taken, and any equimultiples whatsoever of any other corresponding pair be taken, then the multiple of the first magnitude in one series is greater than, equal to, or less than the multiple of the second of the same series, according as the multiple of the first taken of the other series is greater than, equal to, or less than the multiple of the second of that series. 217. That these requirements are capable of being ap- 130 NUMBEE, AND ITS ALGEBRA. plied as a test, may be shown by the following case : Rec- tangles of equal bases are proportional to their altitudes upon those bases. Here a series of surfaces (vide § 229), corresponding one- to-one to a series of lines, is declared proportional to the latter. It is so, for the ratio of any two of the surfaces equals the ratio of the corresponding two of the lines ; be- cause, if upon sects equal to the given base two rectangles be constructed whose altitudes are any multiples of the altitudes of any two of the given rectangles, the rectangles so formed are respectively the same multiples of the ori- ginal rectangles. Thus equimultiples of a corresponding pair, one in each series, and any equimultiples of a second corresponding pair, have been taken. Also, if the altitude of one of these trial rectangles be greater than the altitude of the other, the first rectangle is greater than the second ; and if equal, equal ; and if less, less. Therefore, the ratio of any two of the series of rectangles equals the ratio of the corresponding two of the altitudes ; that is to say, the rectangles are proportional to the altitudes. Note that all this is regardless of commensurability of the altitudes or of the rectangles. 218. Euclid's criterion has been objected to because it is required that the conditions be satisfied for any, that is all, multiples ; and it is impossible to try all primary num- bers. This objection is not valid, though there may be cases which require a searching test in order to avoid error. For example : Consider the numbers, 4 and 3, and 5 and 4. ]\Iultiplying the two antecedents each by 6, and the two consequents each by 9, we get 24, 27 ; 30, 36 — where 24 < 27, and 30 < 36. Making multiples in like manner with 6 and 7, we get 24, 21 ; 30, 28 — where 24 > 21, and CRITEIIIA OF PROPORTIONALITY. 131 SO > 28. ISTevertheless, 4 and 3 are not proportional to 5 and 4. Thus we see that the criterion may be satisfied for certain multiples, and yet not satisfied ; for it demands that the excess or defect be on the same side for all mul- tiples under the stated conditions. In the example cited, if Ave use 10 and 13 for multipliers, Ave get 40, 39 ; 50, 52 — Avhere 40 > 39, but 50 < 52. Of course, Avhere the question concerns the jDroportion- ality of four given numbers there is no occasion to apply any general criterion ; but the relation may be tested im- mediately by a comparison of the ratios. Thus, if 4, 3 ; 5, 4 are proportional 4/3 equals 5/4; but 4/3 does not equal 5/4, because 4/3 - 5/4 = 16/12 - 15/12 = 1/12. 219. Alternative criteria, especially adapted to test pro- portionality in many cases Avhich arise in geometry and physics, are presented and their adequacy established, on page 93 of Halsted's Synthetic Geometry (John Wiley and Sons, NcAV York) : — Tavo series of magnitudes Avhicli correspond one-to-one, are proportional (that is to say, the ratio of any tAvo of the first series equals* the ratio of the corresponding two of the second series) provided (1) If any tAvo of the one series are equal, so are the corresponding two of the other series ; and (2) To the sum of any tAvo of the One series corresponds the sum of the corresponding tAvo of the other series. For example : — The intercepts made by a system of parallel straights upon one transversal are proportional to the intercepts made upon any other transversal : for if any two intercepts on one transversal are equal, so also are * Fide Section 83 (6). 132 NUMBER AND ITS ALGEBRA. the corresponding two on another transversal ; and to the sum of two on one transversal corresponds the sum of the corresponding two on the other transversal. Again, consider arcs of the same or equal circles and their chords. Arcs are not proportional to their chords, because, although if two of the arcs are equal their chords are equal, yet to the sum of two arcs does not correspond the sum of their chords. 220. For the continuous magnitude, Space, the scientific fundamental unit is the metre, which is the sect between two marks on a metal bar preserved at Paris. The sect is to be taken when the bar is at the temperature of melt- ing ice. This temperature has the advantage of being readily fixed ; but a point so far from ordinary working temperatures requires the correction of all observations of objects not iced, and coefficients of expansion need to be accurately known for all substances employed. The origi- nal (1799) French standard metre is a platinum bar end-standard about 1 inch wide and i inch thick. End- standards are objectionable because they can be observed only by contact, and attrition at the ends is inevitable. The new standard of the International Metric Commission is a line-standard of platino-iridium, about 40 inches long and 0.8 inch square, grooved on four sides so that its section is between an X and H form. This gives rigidity and a surface in the axis of the bar to bear the lines of the standard. This standard is preserved at the International IMetric Bureau at Paris, where the most refined methods of com- parison are provided for, and which is supported and di- rected by seventeen nations. The legal theory of the Metric System of Units is : — PHYSICAL UNITS. 133 (1) The standard metre, with decimal fractious and mul- tiples thereof. (2) The litre (declared to be a cube of 0.1 metre edge), with decimal fractions and multiples. (3) The kilogram (defined as the weight in vacuum of a litre of water at 4°C.), with decimal fractions and multiples. No standard litre exists, all liquid measures being fixed by weight. When established in 1799 the metre was supposed to be one ten-millionth of the terrestrial quadrant through Paris. It differs from this fanciful value by about ^oVo- The merits of the metric system of units were briefly discussed in Section 31. 221. The fundamental units for the measurement of physical magnitudes, chosen by the Units Committee of the British Association, and unquestionably the most sci- entific ever agreed upon, are the centimetre, gram, and second. The system is known as the C.G.S. sj^stem. For details of its application to all branches of physical sci- ence (e.g., to electricity) the student is referred to Pro- fessor Everett's Units and Physical Constants, Macmillan and Co. 134 ^*u:MBER a>'d its algebra. XIV. ^Mathematics 222. rormal thouglit, consciously recognized as such, is the means of all exact knowledge ; and a correct under- standing of the main formal sciences, Logic and !Mathe- maticSj is the proper and only safe fovmdation for a scientific education. The origin and nature of the truths of the formal sci- ences are not so recondite as they are often made to appear. The validity of Eeason is the sole postulate. Mathematical truths are discovered as the results of rational operations upon certain elementary concepts determined by the defini- tions with which the science begins. The operations are not capricious, nor is their nature arbitrary. They are not empty words, but realities — not '• material "' realities, but all the more real. For example, numbers, as we have seen, are not concrete things ; and as soon as we forget that they are the products of rational processes, we at once fall into error and confusion. Such confusion is most prominent in concepts of zero and infinity. A vague concreting of infinity is often observable, even among those who do not make a like mistake with any other number. Because In- finity as a concrete is inconceivable, the number infinity is commonly spoken of as inconceivable, and a prevalent opinion regards finite numbers as the only ones we can reason about. Charles S. Pierce, eminent as logician and mathematician (and mastery of both sciences is requisite to authority in either), says, "I long ago showed that finite collections are distinguished from infinite ones only by one circumstance and its consequences ; namely, that to them {the finite) is applicable a peculiar and unusual mode of reasoning called by its discoverer, DeMorgan, the 'syllo- IKFlNItY. 135 gism of transposed quantity.' . . . DelVIorgan, as an actu- ary, might have argued that if an insurance company pays to its insured on an average more than they have ever paid it, including interest, it must lose money. But every mod- ern actuary would see a fallacy in that, since the business is continually on the increase. But should war, or other cataclysm, cause the class of insured to be a finite one, the conclusion would turn out painfully correct after all. . . . If a person does not know how to reason logically, and I must say that a great many fairly good mathematicians — yea, distinguished ones — fall under this category, but simply uses a rule of thumb in blindly drawing inferences like other inferences that have turned out well, he will, of course, be continually falling into error about infinite numbers. The truth is, such people do not reason at all. But for the few who do reason, reasoning about infinite numbers is easier than about finite numbers." * In regard to infinitesimals (the word is simply the Latin ordinal form of infinity), and contending opinions concern- ing the methods of the Infinitesimal Calculus, it may be remarked that, under the true doctrine of continuity and limits, infinitesimals are presupposed, and that there can be no reason except expediency to shun them in the differ- ential calculus. And since they are indispensable for the integral calculus, Mr. Pierce is probably right in his view of the proper procedure of the Avhole discipline, when he says, in the paper quoted above, '■'■ as a mathematician, I prefer the method of infinitesimals to that of limits, as far easier and less infested with snares." At all events^ any avoidance of infinitesimals as absurdities, or as offer- * "Law of Mind," Monht, July, 1892. 136 NUMBER AND ITS ALGEBRA. ing obstacles to sound and lucid reasoning, is unneces- sary. 223. Mathematics has often been characterized as the most conservative of all sciences. This is true in the sense of the immediate dependence of new upon old re- sults. All the marvellous new advancements presuppose the old as indispensable steps in the ladder. It is on this account that " there is no royal road " to mathematics. This inaccessibility of special fields of mathematics, ex- cept by the regular way of logically antecedent acquire- ments, renders the study discouraging or hateful to weak or indolent minds. In reality similar demands are made by every science ; but elsewbere they are not so imperious, so uncompromising. It is possible for one who has not mastered fundamental knowledge in the sciences of phi- lology, history, biology, physics, chemistry, etc., to nurse the delusion of proficiency and comprehension of advanced problems ; but mathematics is inviolable against such vain assaults. Instant and conscious is the curb upon her vota- ries of inadequate knowledge. The modern tendency to dangerously narrow specializa- tion within the bounds of one science is, also, more surely checked in mathematics than elsewhere. The attempt was made in mathematics as in the other sciences ; but it has been restrained. Professor Felix Klein remarked at the opening of the Mathematical and Astronomical Con- gress at Chicago, in 1893 : " When we contemplate the de- velopment of mathematics in this nineteenth centur}^, we find something similar to what has taken place in other sciences. The famous investigators of the preceding pe- riod were all great enough, to embrace all branches of mathematics. . . . With the succeeding generation, how- MATHEMATICS. 137 ever, tlie tendency to specialization manifests itself. . . . Such conditions are unquestionably to be regretted. . . . I wish on the present occasion to state and to emphasize that in the last two decades a marked improvement from within has asserted itself in our science with constantly increasing success. The matter has been found simpler than was at first believed. It appears indeed that the dif- ferent branches of mathematics have actually developed — not in opposite, but in parallel directions, that it is possible to combine their results into certain general conceptions. ... A distinction between the present and the earlier period lies evidently in this : that what was formerly begun by a single master mind, we now must seek to ac- complish by united efforts and co-operation." 224. Another trait of mathematics which renders it at- tractive to some minds and repellant to others, is its self- sufficiency, its isolation, its independence of other sciences. But it must never be forgotten that mathematics is ever at the service of other sciences ; and it is for them to so formulate their problems as to make them susceptible of mathematical treatment. Indeed, in some instances, the difficulties which balk a thorough investigation of certain physical phenomena consist in the mathematical problems encountered in the solution of numerical equations, the summation of numerical series, etc., which the skill of experimenters has succeeded in deducing from the phenom- ena in question. Thus, on the one hand, the physicist or economist is unceasingly occupied in attempting to express the relations of the entities with which he deals, as some numerical function known to be within the reach of mathe- matical reduction, — for so compendious is the language of Algebra, that theoretically most quantitative and many 138 NUMBER AND ITS ALGEBRA. qualitative relations are somehow expressible as numerical relations. On the other hand, the algebraist is constantly striving to bring more and more algebraic forms within the powers of his analysis. By their joint labors the confines of knowledge are steadily widened. 225. It may be helpful to offer a definition of INIathe- matics, not in the sense of final delimitation, but in order to afford a clear notion of what is meant by subjects or relations capahle of viathematlcal treatment. I cannot do better than quote Professor George Chrystal in his article on " Mathematics," Encydopcedia Britannica, ninth edi- tion, who makes the f olloAving definition : " Any concept * which is definitely and completely determined by means of a finite number of specifications, say by assigning a finite number of elements, is a mathematical concept. Mathematics has for its function to develop the conse- quences involved in the definition of a group of mathe- matical concepts. Interdependence and mutual logical consistency among the members of the group are postu- lated, otherwise the group would either have to be treated as several distinct groups, or would lie beyond the sphere of mathematics." 226. Examples of concepts completely determined by a finite number of specifications are familiar. On the other hand, horse, tree, gold, becmty, love, are examples of non- mathematical concepts. Of course, Kumber may be ab- stracted from these, or any other separate objects of thought or sense-perception, and Number is a mathemati- cal concept ; but the concept of a number of trees is not at all the concept of the trees. Again, the form of an irregu- * I have taken the liberty of changing the word " conception " to concept three times in this passage. ELEMENTAL CONCEPTS. 139 lar piece of wood canuot be determined by a finite number of specifications, and its form therefore cannot be mathe- matically treated (its weight of course could). But if from this irregular piece of wood a sphere be turned, its form is specified by stating that it is a sphere, and giving the length of its radius. This illustrates at once the bounda- ries of mathematics, and the relation of mathematics to the arts. 227. ]Mensuration is an important function of mathemat- ics ; but it occupies too prominent a place in some notions of the subject-matter of the science. I have already ((7f. Introduction, p. 13, and § 12) referred to the mistake of assigning the origin of Number to measurement. Nor is the prevalent notion that mathematics is the '^ science of quantity " correct. Projective geometry in the purity of its recent development is displayed as a mathematical treatment and method well-nigh void of quantitative rela- tions, and dealing for the most part with qualitative re- lations of spacial manifoldnesses.* 228. When we reach elementary concepts we always find that they cannot be defined except in cognate terms. Such elemental concepts are quality, one, many, space, time, and the interrelated concepts, whole, part, more, less, equal, quantity. All that can be done in the way of defining such concepts, is to exhibit the phenomena from which they have been abstracted, and the processes of abstraction ; and then, for purposes of exact expression, make the def- inition in cognate terms. A good, short definition of quantity according to a standard dictionary (the Century) is : " The intrinsic mode by virtue of which a thing is more * See a work on projective geometry by Dr. Halsted, just now in press. 140 NU5IBER AND ITS ALGEBRA. or less than another." {Mode = system of relationship.) It is plain that some things exist in this mode; that is, possess quantity, which are not magnitudes, or manifold- nesses, in the mathematical sense. For example, beauty is quantitative, is more or less ; but in no proper sense can it be added to itself so as to double. It is a loose figure of speech to say, the beauty of one thing is tAvice that of another, as is at once apparent, should we go on to say that it was eleven times that of some other. 229. ]\Iany words have been used to denote the charac- teristic relation of a mathematical concept to its elements. Magnitude and quantity are the familiar terms. In the preceding discourse I have employed the former term ; but for reasons both of intrinsic propriety, and less ambiguity owing to irregular usage, the word manifoldness, which has lately come into use,* is perhaps the most fitting term ; though manifoldness is also used to denote a group of correlated magnitudes differing in kind. Quantity and magnitude are each used in two respec- tively synonymous senses. Either magnitude or quantity may be found defined for mathematical purposes as '' any- thing which may be added to itself so as to double ; " and yet the same writer may be found speaking of the magni- tude of some such magnitude, or the quantity of some such QUANTITY. The ancient, and still universally cur- rent, categorical sense of quantity seems to me to render it the more appropriate terra for the sense of the italicized words in the phrases cited ; and therefore, by exclusion, * Cf. the article on " :Matliematics" by Prof. Chrj'stal, above referred to; also the article on "Measurement" by Sir Robert Ball, Royal As- tronomer for Ireland. MANIFOLDNESS. 141 magnitude should be confined to the sense of the capi- talized words. Manifoldness in one sense is entirely synonymous with magnitude in the use I have made of the latter. But be- sides a single totality, manifoldness often means a single system of different totalities, and the difference may be in kind. Thus, a line is a manifoldness, so is a surface, so is an angle ; yet the system of lines, along with the angles and surface determined, which we call a triangle, is also termed a manifoldness. Now, a triangle, in the sense of the whole figure, is not a magnitude ; its surface is a magnitude, its sides are magni- tudes, and its angles are magnitudes. The word triangle often plainly means exclusively the surface of the triangle, and the abbreviation is legitimate where there is no danger of confusion ((7/*. § 217) ; but if triangle means the entire definite system of surface, lines, and angles, then, clearly, a triangle is not a magnitude, but a system of different magnitudes. But a triangle, in this sense of the whole figure, the system of magnitudes, three sects, three angles, and one surface, is called a manifoldness. Such manifold- nesses have been termed discrete ; but this is a totally dif- ferent sense of discrete, from its meaning in any statement that a single magnitude is discrete, e.g., Primary Number is a discrete magnitude. Discrete is the antithesis or an- tonym of co7itimious. Most magnitudes are continuous ; number, time, and space are the great continuums, with which mathematics has most to do. If mayiifoldness is to be used in this double sense, it is necessary to distinguish the meanings by some adjectives ; and discrete is not a good term for the latter sense. Homogeneous and dis- parate would not be abusive terms. I shall use them. 142 NUMBER AND ITS ALGEBRA. 230. Xumber is tlie very web of mathematics, the mani- foldness iipon which are woven investigations concerning all other manifoldnesses whatsoever. All other manifold- nesses are even fundamentally determined (as will pres- ently appear) by means of Xumber ; but Number determines itself. Geometry cannot even apparently proceed without arith- metic. Euclid makes the formal connection in his fifth book ; but there is a more primary and essential connec- tion. We have considered the error of seeking geometric definitions of number, particularly negative, neomonic, and complex number. But the tables are entirely turned Avhen we consider that geometric or any other manifoldnesses are defined in some very fundamental properties by means of number. 231. Most text-books on stereometry set forth that all solids have three dimensions, length, breadth, and thick- ness. But what does this exactly mean ? What is the length, breadth, and thickness of a pyramid, a rough stone, a bunch of grapes ? Xo solids, except cubes or right paral- lelopij)eds, clearly determine three principal directions in which length, breadth, and thickness may be discerned. The dimensions are clearly and sharply defined only by considering the number of specifications necessary and suf- ficient to fully determine any element. Thus, solid space regarded as point aggregates is tri-dimensional, because, given three concurrent straights or planes, as ground of reference, three numbers are necessary and sufficient to determine any one point-element, distinguishing it from all others. Note also that the space of our experience is four-dimen- sional if regarded as an assemblage of geodesic lines, MANIFOLDNESSES. l-i3 because in that case four numbers are required to deter- mine one element. 232. Manifoldnesses, homogeneous or disparate, are one- dimensional, two-dimensional, etc., (or one-fold, two-fold, etc.), according as in the totality or system considered, one number, or two numbers, etc., are necessary and sufficient to determine and distinguish any particular element in the homogeneous totality, or in the system. The distinction between homogeneous and disparate mani- foldnesses must not be confounded with that between continuous and discrete manifoldnesses. A homogeneous manifoldness is either continuous or discrete ; a dispa- rate manifoldness is a system of homogeneous (continuous or discrete) manifoldnesses. Disparate denotes a system of manifoldnesses differing in kind ; that is, such as could not be compared with one another {vide § 207), e.g., the surface, lines, and angles of a triangle. As already said, most homogeneous manifoldnesses are continuous. Pri- mary Number is the conspicuous discrete magnitude with which we have to do. According to different standpoints, the same manifold- ness may be of various dimensions. 233. Examples. — A straight line regardless of position, time, temperature, probability, the totality of all spheres dis- tinguished, not in respect of position, but solely in regard to size or quantity, are one-fold manifoldnesses. All such are homogeneous, for of course no one-fold manifoldness could be disparate. The assemblage of points on a plane, the sphere as sur- face {Cf. latitude and longitude), are two-fold manifold- nesses. Space as an assemblage of points is a tri-dimensional 144 NUMBER AND ITS ALGEBRA. manifoldness. A triangle considered without reference to position' (because it may be completely determined in vari- ous ways by assigning three elements) is a triple disparate manifoldness. The totality of all spheres each to be completely deter- mined is a four-fold manifoldness. Since a plane quadrilateral is completely determined when five elements are known, it is a quintuple or five- fold disparate manifoldness. A plane w-gon in like manner is a (2 ?i — 3)-fold dis- parate manifoldness. 234. There are two general methods in the mathemati- cal investigation of manifoldnesses. They are called the synthetic, or synoptic method, and the analytic method. The analytic method is mainly numerical; the synthetic deals directly with the magnitudes considered, and only unavoidable numerical relations are involved. Of course there is no sharp line of demarcation, and the two methods yield identical results. In geometry metrical relations are in general more readily investigated by the analytic ; descriptive properties by the synoptic method. 235. The synthetic method is peculiarly fitted to pure geometry, but this is not its only field. Ever since Rie- mann's epoch-making dissertation, Ueher die Hypothesen u-elclte (lev Geometrie zu Grunde Ueyen, 1854, synoptic methods have been applicable to w-fold manifoldnesses ; and the applications to Statistics and Physics are familiar. 236. In mathematics all analytic methods employ an algebra {vide § 20 et seq.) ; but it is the Algebra of Number which is the most highly developed and powerful instru- ment of such methods of research. It is to the study of ALGEBRAIC FORM. 145 this organized and compendious instrument of numerical expression that these lectures are introductory. Plainly the first step to the understanding of the algebra of num- ber is to understand the nature and laws of number. It is hoped that these lectures have been a fairly adequate guide and stimulus to this step. After mastering what may be called the vocabulary of the language (proficiency in this matter has been assumed), the next step is to grasp the idea of algebraic /b;v/i. In the study of Algebra this should be the main standpoint. It is only by follow- ing out the problems which arise in a systematic study of algebraic form tljat the modern developments of pure algebra, or its applications to geometry, can be rightly comprehended. 237. In conclusion, I may say, in reference both to this little work, and to any text-book which may engage j^our attention, that if a mathematical treatise is worth reading at all, it is worth re-reading, and reading backwards and forwards, and in special topics. As Professor Chrystal says in the preface to his Text Book of Algebra, ''When you come on a hard or dreary passage, pass it over ; and come back to it after you have seen its importance or found the need for it further on." "UNIVE C.4-.. '"' 146 NUMBER AND ITS ALGEBRA. XV. Some Theorems axd Problems. 238. Every primary number is a multiple (§ 83) of one and of itself : if it has no other submultiple, it is called a prime number ; if it has another submultiple, it is called comjiosite. If one primary number is a submultiple of each of two or more others, it is called a common suhmidtij)le. Primary numbers (prime or composite) with no common submultiple other than unity, are said to be prime to each other. 239. Theorem. — Every composite primary number can be resolved into factors which are positive integral powers of prime numbers. Every primary number less than a composite number either is, or is not, a submultiple of the latter : let a be the least primary number (> 1), that is a submultiple of the composite number, A. Then A = ax. If x be also a multiple of a, x = oij, and A = a^y. Einall}' A = a"^i(, Avhere u is either 1, or prime to a, and either prime, or a multiple of some prime > a and < A, say, b. In like manner ti=h"v, where v J5, we have, by successive divisions, — A = 2>B -\- c . . . Avhere c 1763 = 1148)1763(1 = q (^ = 615) 1148(1 = r 615 e = 533 ) 615 ( 1 = 5 533 /* = 82 ) 533 (6 = t 492 whence, y = 41 is the h. c. s. ^ = 41)82(2 = ?^ 82 RELATIVE PRIMENESS. 149 It must be discerned that the essence of this process is merely that the quotients be integral, and the moduli (^vide § 198) of the dividends be in decreasing order, for qualita- tive distinctions are ignored ; -[- 4, for instance, being in- differently the h. c. s. of 8 and 12. In accordance with these considerations the process may be abbreviated in various ways. If convenient, remainders may be negative, and any submultiple of a divisor evi- dently prime to the dividend, or submultiple of dividend prime to divisor, may be cast out. The above calculation might have been abbreviated thus : — *&' Since neither 3 nor 5 is a sub- multiple of 1763, 15 may be cast out of 615. 1763)2911(2 3526 - 15) -615 41)1763(43 164 123 123 Every common submultiple of A, B, C . . . is a common submultiple of A and B, and therefore of vi, the li. c. s. of A and B. Consequently, to find the h. c. s. oi A, B, C . . . , find the h. c. s. of m and C, and so on. 241. It follows from the preceding discussion, that, if a and b be prime to each other, any common submultiple of aN and b must be a submultiple of N. Also, if a be a submultiple of bN and prime to b, it is a submultiple of N. Also, if a be prime to I, m, n . . ., it is prime to their product, Imn ; and consequently if a, b, c . . . , be each prime to all of I, vi, n . . . , the product, abc . . . , is prime to the product, Imii .... 150 NUMBER AND ITS ALGEBRA. In particular, if a be prime to h, «" is prime to Z/™. This is true, of course, when a and h are prime numbers ; that is to say, positive integral powers of prime numbers are prime to each other. Moreover, an integer can be resolved into factors which are powers of prime numbers in only one way. {Vide § 239.) For, if two resolutions be possible, let alcd = hnnrs. Then ahcd is a multiple of Z; but since / is a positive integral power of a prime number, it is prime to each of a, h, c, d, except one which is a not less power of the same prime number; and there must be such a one, or I could not be a submultiple of cd>nl ; — say a is this one. Again hnnrs is a multiple of a, and it follows as before that I must be a multiple of a. But if a is a multiple of I, and / of a, a = I. Likewise three more of vmis must respectively equal h, c, and d, and tlierefore the unpaired factor must be 1. 242. The lowest common multiple* of two integers equals their product divided by their highest common submultiple. For if A = sx and B = sy, where s is the h. c. s. of A and B, then AB = s^-xy. But s, x, and y are prime to each other, and therefore sxy is the 1. c. m. of A and B, — and AB sxy = * In respect to primary numbers, the term least common multiple means exactly what it says; hut in reference to both positive and nega^ tive integers a variance in the meaning of the term "least" is to he noted, such as was remarked in the foot-note of Section 240 concerning "greatest." Indifferent alternatives— one positive, the other negative — are always considered in the highest common submultiple, and the lowest common multiple of two integers. LOWEST COMMON MULTIPLE. 151 Therefore, to find the lowest common multiple of two integers, we have the rules : — • Divide their product by their h. c. s. ; or Divide either by their h. c. s., and multiply the other by the quotient ; or Divide each by their h. c. s., and take the product of the quotients and the h. c. s. Any one of these three rules may in a special case be the most convenient. The 1. c. m. of more than two integers is the 1. c. m. of the 1. c. m. of the first two and the third, and so on. 243. Plainly (symbols meaning integers) a = xh -\- r in an infinite variety of ways ; for x may be fixed arbitrarily and r found, so that r = a — xh. But important special cases arise if (/, h, and x are positive, and r restricted : — (1) When r < b. (2) When, though r is negative, mod r < mod h. (Vide § 198.) In both cases a = xb -\- r in only one yvciy. (1) Tf xb be the greatest multiple of b, not > a, then r = a — xb, where r < b. Nor could there be a second resolution under the same conditions, else xb -f- *' would equal x' b -}- r ', and therefore r — r' = (x' — x) b, and there- fore )• — r' would be a luultiple of b, — an impossibility, since r and r', being each less than b, r — r' is less than b. (2) If xb be the least multiple of b not < a, then a — xb = r, where r is negative, but mod /■ < mod b ; and the resolution is unique as before. In these cases r is called the least positive remainder and " least " * negative remainder of a with respect to b. * Cf. foot-notes to Sections 240 and 242. 152 NUMBER AND ITS ALGEBRA. Least remainder^ unqualified, is to be understood in the former sense. Obviously a is prime to h if the least remainder of a with respect to h does not vanish, and not prime if it does vanish. 244. Let the student prove, if the least remainders of x and y with respect to z be equal, a; — ?/ is a multiple of z, and inversely. 245. When the ratio a; /y is not integral, a- /y is said to be essentially fractional, or briefly, fractional. li a jh = c I cl when ay h and c > d, prove that the frac- tions, reduced to form n -{- r/h, where r < h, must have their integral and fractional parts equal separately. 246. Pi^ove : 11 A [ B = a / h and a / h is at its lowest terms (i.e., a prime to h), then A = na and B = nh. 247. Prove that, using only positive remainders in the process of finding the h. c. s. of two positive integers, A and B, every remainder equals i {Ax — By), where x and y are positive integers, and the upper sign goes with the 1st, 3d, etc., and the lower with the 2d, 4th, etc., remainders. Also, if a and h be prime to each other, positive integers can always be found such that xa — yh = J^l. It is obvious that these numbers, when determined, will be prime to each other, for by Section 240, 1 is a multiple of every common submultiple of x and y. 248. Prove : (1) If X prime to y, {x + y)" and {x — ?/)" have h. c. s. not > 2". (2) If X prime to y, x" + ?/" and a;" — y" are prime, or have h. c. s. = 2. (3) If X prime to y, a; + y and x^ -\- y"^ — oty are prime, or have h. c, s. = 2 or 3. RADICAL SURDS. 153 (4) The difference of the squares of two odd integers is a multiple of 8. (5) The difference of the squares of two consecutive integers equals their sum. (6) The product of three consecutive even integers is a multiple of 48. (7) The sum of the squares of three consecutive odd numbers and 1 is a multiple of 12, but never of 24. (8) The product of the cubes of three consecutive inte- gers is a multiple of their sum. 249. At several points in preceding chapters, it has been taken for granted that the operation of evolution upon many integers results in essentially surd or incommensu- rable number ; that is to say, that no fraction can possibly be the required root — • although fractions approximating the surd as nearly as desired can be obtained. Fractional number is still discrete, fractions are continuous through surds. (Vide U 94, Sl-82.) To demonstrate these propositions, it is enough merely to consider that no power of an essentially fractional num- ber can be an integer. For, ii x / y is a fraction in its lowest terms, x is prime to i/, and therefore, by Section 241, any power of x is prime to any power of i/, and consequently any power of a-/ ^ is still essentially fractional. For example : Obviously no integer is the square root of 7, but some number greater than 2 and less than 3. But this number is no fraction, for, as just shown, no power Avhatsoever of any essentially fractional number can be an integer. Thus, it is proved that the familiar process of ap- proximate calculation of roots of such integers is absolutely interminable. (Moreover, the endless decimal fraction 154 NUMBER AND ITS ALGEBRA. obtainable can never form a repeating period of figures — (vide § 284). In tliis Avay it is plain that no integers except the series, 1, 4, 9, 16 . . . , (the squares of 1, 2, 3, 4 . . . , and called " square numbers ") can have any but incommensurable square roots ; that the cube roots of all integers but 1, 8, 27, 64 . . . (1^, 2% 3^, 4^ . . .) are incommensurable, and so on. 250. For proof of the proposition : The number of prime integers is infinite (see Euclid, IX, 20). 251. Attentive perusal of the following sections Avill bring out a general distinction (correct apprehension of which is highly important) between the applications of a confusingly similar terminology to individual numbers and to analytical functions of such numbers, — the distinction between algebraic form, and particular numerical values. For example, note the distinction between " exactly di- visible " applied to algebraic forms, and stibmu/fiple applied to numbers. It is not even true that the highest common submultiple of two niimbers which are obtained from the substitution of particular numbers for the numerical sym- bols in two analytical functions, is the same number that would be obtained by substituting the same values in the highest common factor of the two algebraic forms ; nor would it be possible to make a definition of the algebraical highest common factor, so that this should be true. The investigations immediately following apply only to integral functions. A 252. If A and 1> be integral functions of x, and -- = Q, ALGEBRAIC DIVISION. 155 () is a stirpal but not necessarily an integral function of x. ( Vide § 169.) When Q is an integral function of the variables, A is said to be exactly* divlsihle by D. When ^ (x) cannot be transformed into an integral func- tion, it is said to be essentially fractional, or fractional. An essentially integral function cannot be identically {vide § 40) equal to an essentially fractional function. A In — = (), if all the functions are integral, the degree of Q is the degree of A minus the degree of D. If the degree of yl ? 9 less than the degree of D, Q is essentially fractional. 253. If ^ = PD + P (all integral functions) P is ex- actly divisible by P or not, according as A is exactly divisible l)y P or not. For, since A = pp _]_ p A_ P PP + P R = P + R P A P -- P , P P A ■ ■ R . . therefore, as — • is integral or not, — is integral or not. ' i> ° 'Z> " 254. Fundamental theorem in algebraic division : — ~ = Pm-n + -^ , where m > n, and where R vanishes or is an integral function of degree < n. * There are not the same ohjections to this phrase, as against terming one numher exact and another inexact. Of- Sections 1 and 80. 156 NUMBER AND ITS ALGEBRA. (The subscripts represent the respective degrees of the functions.) Arranging A,„ and X*,, according to descending powers of the variable, we would get by dividing the first term of A^ by the first term of i>„ , ■^m — 1^ -^ -'^H ~r -"'TO — 1 (at utmost). Dividing by D„ gives /f 7? B ~ '"-"^ J) • Moreover, this result can occur in only one way ; for, if — = PH — —^=F'A — ^, where the functions satisfy the D 1) D . ■ foregoing conditions, then Avould -D r,, R' -K /i 1 i- ^- T>/ , -K from each\ P—P'= by subtracting P -| ■ ; D D \ D member j -pt r> and therefore P~P'^= — ., which is impossible; since 7?' 7? P—P' is an integral function, and cannot be inte- D gral, since the degrees of P' and R are less than the degree of D. 1 P 255. If — = P-\ — - , the degrees and character of the functions being as stated in the preceding section, P is called the integral quotient and R the remainder (^par excellence). Plainly, the necessary and sufficient condition for " ex- act divisibility " is that the remainder vanish. 256. Example of the " long rule " for division of inte- gral functions : — • Divide \ x^ -f ^\ j-ir + ^\ /f ^'J i ^ + i 2/- ALGEBRAIC DIVISION. 157 The work may conveniently be arranged thus : — 1 4 1 4 -X^lJ + + 1 i/3 1.2 U -I xhj — - tV y \^y 1 ,,3 T^ y ^ a;2 — 1 a-y + 1 y2 + 0, = 7? ; therefore the latter function is an exact divisor of the former. 257. The special case of the division of the general inte- gral function of the ?«th degree by a binomial divisor of the 1st degree, of form x — a, is of extreme importance. If the student will closely examine his results in the operation {ax'' -\- hx''-~'^-\- ex"-- -\- . . . Ix + A} ^ (x — a), he Avill discover the following general laws : — The degrees of the terms of the integral quotient regu- larly descend. The first coefficient of the integral quotient is the first coefficient of the dividend. Each subsequent coefficient is the next preceding multi- plied by a, -{- the corresponding (in orxler, not degree, of term) coefficient in the dividend. The remainder, if it does not vanish, may be obtained precisely as if it were a subsequent coefficient. Care must be taken to supply by zeros any lacking terms in a particular case. Example. — Divide 3 a;^ + 5 x^ — 9 x -\- 11 by x — 2. -|-3-|-0-|- 5 — 9-|-ll... (Coefficients of dividend). I Ci _i -| <> _|_ O < _[_ KA (Each preceding number in third line ~^ ~r '^ r ~r ... multiplied by 2). -1-3 + 6+17+25+61 158 NUMBER AND ITS ALGEBRA. Therefore integral quotient = S x^ -\- 6 x^ -}- 17 x -\- 25, and remainder = -f Gl. 258. The general process which disj)layed the foregoing theorem proves * also the following : — Remainder Theorem. — If any integral function of x be divided by x — a, the remainder is the same function of a as the dividend is of x. That is to say, the remainder may be obtained by substituting a for x in the dividend. Thus, in the example above, 61 = 3 (2y + 5 (2)2 _ 9 (2) + 11. If the divisor were x -\- 2, we need only consider x -\- 2 = X — (— 2), where a is — 2. For instance, {3x* -\- ox^ — 9 x -\- 11} -^ (.y + 2) gives +3+0+5-9 + 11 _ 6 + 12 - 34 + 86 _|_ 3 _ 6 + 17 - 43 + 97 Therefore integral quotient = 3 x^ — 6 ./■- + 17 ic — 43, and remainder = + 97. And, in accordance with the remainder theorem, 97 = 3 (- 2)-' + 5 (- 2)2 - 9 (- 2) + 11. 259. The remainder theorem is clearly proved in the process of dividing the general function of x of the ?ith degree by x — a; but on account of its fundamental im- portance in the theory of equations, I transcribe an inde- pendent proof : — Let ,^ (x) be an integral function of x of the nth degree ; then * Proved iudependently in Section 359. KEMAINDER THEOllEM. 159 ^" ^' ' = Qn-\-\ where R does not involve x ; X — a X — a therefore, (/>„ (.r) = (x) -^ (x — a), and the value of ^ (x) when x — a: — the statement is <^ {(I) = E. Thus in the preceding examples 3 ^^ + 5 U-- — 9 a; + 11 = Gl when x = 1, and = 97 when x _ _ 2. This method of calculating the value of an integral function of x for a particular value of the variable gen- erally saves work in comparison with direct substitution. 260. Prove : If an integral function of x, ^ (x), be di- vided by aa; -f J, / / \ 261. Note that if <^ (x) vanishes for any value of a-, say V, then upon division by a; — r, 7? = 0, and inversely. 262. If «!, ^2, «3 . . . a^ be r different values of x, for Avhich an integral function of x of the ?ith degree vanishes where n > r, then (|) (.7-) = {x — «,) {x — Qa) ... {x. — a;)f„ _ r (x), where/,, _^ (x) is an integral function of x of the (n — r)th. degree. And when 71 = r, ^ (x) = (x — «i) (x — a^) . . . (x — a„) /, (;x), where /, (x) must be a constant. (But see § 268.) 160 NUMBER AND ITS ALGEBRA. 263. An integral function of any number of variables is called, homogeneous when the degree of every term is the same ; e.g., ax -\- hi/, or ax^ -\- hxy -(- y^. 264. Prove : I-f each variable in a homogeneous function of the nth degree be multiplied by iii, the result is the same as if the function were multiplied by ?>i". Also : The product of two homogeneous functions of the mt\\ and nth. degrees respectively, is a homogeneous func- tion of the (jn -\- ?^)th degree. Let this last theorem always be applied to test the accu- racy of distribution of a jjroduct of homogeneous functions. 265. An integral function is called symmetrical with respect to its variables when their interchange leaves the function unaltered. Several approximations to symmetry have received special names ; e.g., if a function be not altered except in sign by interchange of variables, it is called alternating. Functions are often both homogeneous and symmetrical. 266. From the definition, it follows that the sum, differ- ence, product, or quotient of two symmetrical functions is a symmetrical function, — a useful rule in testing and abbreviating algebraic work. Since symmetry concerns only coefficients, general forms are easily written down. Write down the general integral symmetrical function of X, y, z of third degree. 267. Since the coefficients are independent of the varia- bles, if two integral functions are equal as an identity (vide § 40), and the coefficients of one are determined by any means, then these coefficients are determined once for all. This theorem has been called (not very happily) the Theorem of Undetermined Coefficients. UNDETERMINED COEFFICIENTS. 161 It is most useful even in its elementary applications to integral functions, and becomes an indispensable instru- ment in dealing Avith infinite series.* For example : Required the product (^ + 2/ + -) (^'' + y' + -' - ^y - ^- - y^) ; we can write down by symmetry (x + y + z) (x^ -\. ,f ^ z^ - xy - xz - yz) = A {x^ + 7/ + ^3) + ^ (xhj + x-'z + xy^ + xz'' + y-'z + zhj) -\- Cxyz. Since this identity must hold for all values of x, y, z, taking X = 1, y = 0, z = 0, gives 1 = A. Putting x = 1, y = 1, and ;v = 0, and using the discov- ered permanent value of A, we have * Since the whole matter of infinite series is postponed to subsequent studies, this subject cannot be entered upon further than to caution tlie student that in sucli an algebraic statement as =^ \ -\- X -\- X- -\- x^ + x^ . . . it is never to be understood that 1 — X 1 — X equals, or even approximates, the infinite series unless the series be con- vergent; i.e., unless the sum continually approximates a definite limit. Evidently if a; > 1, it would be absurd to take the above statement into consideration for a moment. In fine, such statements are understood as plainly concerning only such values of the variable as make the series convergent. Compare various obvious ellipses common in all expression of thought. Let this be the student's reply to the cavilling he may sometimes hear upon this matter. Of course if the remainder is added at any point, the expression is an identity, always true ; e.g., = 1 + x + x'^ -\ — ; thus, if x = 10, 1 — X 1 — X we have = 1-1-10-1- 100 -{- 1000 + more and more untrue, the more numerous the terms; but if the remainder be added at any stage, we have a true equation: _L^ 1 + 10 + 100+ T<^^ ^ + ffl + ^o _lM = _ 1. 162 NUMBER AND ITS ALGEBRA. 1 ^1 + 1; (^i + 1 - 1; = 1 (1 + 1; + i>Hi + 1; ; or 2 = 2 + 2i?5 therefore i? = 0. Using these determined values of A and B and x = 1, 9/ = 1, z = 1, we get, (1 + 1 + 1)0 = 1(1 + 1 + 1)+ C; therefore C = — 3. Therefore the required product is a;^ + y^ + z^ — 3 xj/z. 268. Returning now to Section 262, it is plain from Sec- tion 267 that/o (x) must equal the coefficient of x" in <^ (x). The " if " in Section 263 must be carefuPy noted. It has not been shown that n integral, 1st degree functions can be found, such that 4>n {x) = A- {x — «i) {x — «o) (.r — 03) . . . (x. — a,). This question is also deferred to subsequent studies in Theory of Equations, when it will be proved that every equation has a root, and that every equation of the ni\\ degree has n roots (all of Avhich need not be different). By a root of the equation ^ (x) = is meant a value of the variable which causes the function to vanish ; that is, satisfies the equation ^ (x) = 0. AVe have seen (§ 261), that when an integral function of x is exactly divisible by x — a, a is, 2^, root of the equation, and inversely. The general formal proof that " every eqiiation has a root " must be postponed ; yet Ave might almost assume the fact as implicit in the Principle of Continuity (§ 103). Assuming this, we can prove that every integral equation of the «th degree has n roots, and no more. Let a be one root ; then, ,/; (.r) = (x- — «)/„_i(.r); ROOTS OF INTEGRAL EQUATIONS. 163 but/„_i(.r) must have a root, and so on for u roots (some of which might be repeated), and a constant factor, fg (x) (vide § 262). Moreover, ^„ (ic) cannot have more than 7i dif- ferent roots, because if any integral function of ?/th degree vanish, for more than ii values of the variable, it must vanish identically; that is, for all values of x (i.e., every coefficient in form cr" -j- ^*"~' + ex""- -\- . . . -\- dx -{- k must be zero). For, let <|)„ (a:) = a (x — i\) (x — r.) {x — r^) . . . (x — ?'„) ... (1). Now, if possible, let ;• be another value of the variable for which the function vanishes. Since (1) holds for all values of x, then ^ (.'') = f* ('■ — ''i) ('' — ^'2) ('■ — ''3) ..•('• — r„) = ; and since each '' r" by hypothesis is different, a must be zero. But a is the coefficient of the .r" term in ^„ (x). In this way, step by step, each coefficient in (f),, (x) is shown to vanish if more than n values of the variable satisfy the equation (|)„ (./;) = 0. For example, x'^ — (x -\- 1) (x — 1) — 1 is of the 2d degree, yet plainly it vanishes for 0, 1, 2, — and therefore for all values of x. 269. The preceding section affords an independent proof of the theorem of undetermined coefficients, Avhich may be re-stated as follows : — Any function of x is transformable into an integral func- tion in only one way. For, if possible, suppose the two following different integral functions, derived from the same function, as identities, and therefore equal for all values of x : 164 NUMBER AND ITS ALGEBRA. No generality is lost in regarding them as of the same de- gree ; for, if not, it would simply mean that the coefficients concerned were zero. Subtracting the right-hand member froin each, we get {a — ai) cc" + {h — h^) a;"-' + (c — c^) a;"-^ -|- . . . for more than n values of x. Therefore, a — a^ = 0, b — h^ = 0, . . . k — k^ = ; that is to say, a = a^, b = l/^, . . . k = k^. 270. Professor Chrystal remarks at this point in his Text Book of Algebra, " the danger with the theory we have just been expounding is not so much that the student may refuse his assent to the demonstration given, as that he may fail to apprehend fully the scope and generality of the conclusions." Their utility cannot fail to be more and more highly appreciated by the attentive student. 271. (1) Determine the value of Z; such that 2 a'^ — 8 x"^ -{- 1 X -\- k shall be exactly divisible by x -{-2. By Section 259, the remainder to division by x — (— -) is 2 (_ 2)3 _ 8 (- 2)2 + 7 (- 2) + /.• = - 62 + k. If the function is to be exactly divisible by a- -J- 2, this remainder must vanish, or — G2 -|- ^^ must be zero ; i.e., k = 62. (2) In like manner the question of exact divisibility may be readily tested : /y»n j,n AVhen ■— , 72 = y" — ?/" = ; the division is always x — y exact. GIVEN ROOTS, TO FORM EQUATION. 165 When - ~^^^i , i? = (_ y)" — ?/" — 0, if n be even, = ^' + y — 2 y if n be odd. When — J^^ , ^ = _j/» -}-?/" = 2 ^" ; the division is ■^ - y never exact. When ^^li.^", R = (— yY -]- y'' = 0, if ?i be odd, = 2 ?/" if n be even. (3) If A -~ D gives remainder R, and B -^ D remainder i2', show that AB -=- 2) and RR' -^ i>* give identical re- mainders. (4) Observe that, in the proposition that an equation of the ?ith degree has n roots and no more, we prove that any finite number has n nth roots and no more, — ■ all of which need not be different. To find these roots of any number, a requires the solu- tion of the equation »•" = a, or ic" — a = ; that is to say, the factorization of a-" — a in the form, {x — ri) (a- — 7\) {x — I's) . . . (x — ?•„). (5) We are also enabled to make an integral equation of given roots. Thus, to form an equation whose roots are 0, + 1, — V2, — 1, we have simply to write, Cx (x — l)(x-\- V2) (x ~\-l) = 0, where C is any constant we please; e.g., thts equation, taking C = 1, is a-" + V2 a;3 _ a;2 _ ^2 a- = : or, taking C = V2, V2 a;-* + 2 a;=5 ^ V2 a;- - 2 x = 0. 166 NUMBER AND ITS ALGEBRA. 272. Having thoroughly explained the meaning of " ex- act" divisibility as api^lied to the division of one integral function by another, the sense in which one function is termed the highest common factor of two others is apparent : — The integral function of x of highest degree which ''exactly divides" each of two or more integral functions of X, is their highest common factor (h. c. f.). (But see § 251.) If the given functions are easily resolvable into factors which are integral functions of the first degree, the h. c. f. is readily taken by inspection; since it is simply the product of such of these first degree factors as are com- mon, each raised to the lowest power in which it occurs in either of the given functions. Otherwise we may proceed very much as in Section 240, since if A = BQ-]- R, the h. c. f. of A and B is the h. c. f. of B and R : proved by considering Section 253. Consequently, to find the h. c, f. of two integral func- tions of X, A and B, where the degree of B is less than that of A, we may divide A hy B so that A = BQ^-^- Ry and divide B by ^i so that B = R^Q^ -\- Rr,, and divide R^ by R^ so that R^ = R^Q^ -\- R., etc., until Rn-i/Rn gives R„_i = R„ ^„+i + R, where R vanishes, or is of zero degree, that is, a constant. In the latter case, there is no h. c. f. ; in the former R^ is the h.c.f. For by Section 253, A and B, B and ^i, ^1 and R2, . . . R„_i and R„, are of descending degree, and all have the same h. c. f., and no factor of higher degree than R^ can exactly divide R„. In case R is a constant, R„_i and R„ have no common exact divisor other HIGHEST COMMON FACTOR. 167 than R ; that is to say, there is no common clivisoi- in the sense intended, although any constant will ''exactly di- vide " any integral function in the sense of giving an integral quotient ; i.e., remainder zero. ( Vide § § 255, 256.) It follows from the nature of this process of finding the h. c. f. that at any stage either divisor or dividend may be multiplied, or divided by any integral function of the variables (of course including any constant), provided it is certain that the factor so introduced or removed has no factor in common with the other functions. Any function which is obviously a common factor of both dividend and divisor at any stage may be removed from each, provided we multiply the h. c. f. afterwards resulting by the re- moved common factor. In dealing with factors which are constants, regard "factor" in the sense of common suh- multlple of the coefficients. Finally, it must be observed that the recurring operations are, on account of such modi- fications as have been ascribed, not divisions in the ordi- nary sense ; for the " division " may, if convenient, be arrested at any stage (while the remainder is yet of higher degree than the divisor), to remove common, or introduce independent, factors. 273. (1) Find h. c. f. of 9 .^^ - 30 .r* + 4.j .7-^+ 24 x and 15 x^ - 30 X* — 90 a;3 + 60 x^ -f 195 a; + 90. (Problem worked out on page 168.) Of the originally removed factors, 3 x and 15, 3 is com- mon ; therefore, cc^ — 3a:;^-|-3a;-|-l must be multiplied by 3 to obtain the h. c. f., 3 a-^ + 9 a;^ -f 9 a; + 3. 168 NUMBER AND ITS ALGEBRA. o CO »o 5^ 00 tH + o I O + Kl cr. tH + ?^ O CO + O lO C5 + cr, + + « CO CC T-f + ^ f^ a o CO + 1 CI N ^i ^i (M C^l T-t T-l + 1 » CO ^ w CO CO 1 1 1 1 5S « CO TJH 1 + o US H H CO CO CC + CI + eo O o o CO O CO 5S O CO CO 1—1 T-l + + H H ^ "^ o LO + + cq C) H f^ '^ -tth lO O + + M CO H f^ CC CC T-i T-i CO CO <3! lO O' -^ 1—1 tH O lO + + 1 1 1 1 H H H f^ « ?^ H ^ O C5 '^ c^ O (M oi T-t CO C^l T-t c^i CO + + + 1 1 1 1 CI (N CI « 1 • 1 f^ c^ H f^ ^ CI >o C^ i a:> ^ bf o 'S O •^ a 4^ o P! 5 r^ ® •^ S-l O £ r-^ CO r^^ e8 -f^ ^ aj +3 «t-i 5i CO o r^* c •?o ;:> c S o "S V tji J ^ +-» ^ <— " o 3 (H e3 ffl "U o (1 a ^ g on a r^ 1 S 1 a _a f-l o > © "o -S S o V aa a> s (!) ci -^ +3 M _C 2 a o +2 a T— 1 ^ >S I — 1 o r^ +J -CS _>5 i -to O) "Si M m -*J o 9 g s c3 O a .2 '•5 * -73 C e8 o ALGEBRAIC PKIMENESS. 169 (2) What is the necessary relation among their coeffi- cients in order that aar- + hx + c and cx^ + te + a may have an exact common divisor of the first degree ? ax /^_.^)' ax"^ -\- hx -|- c ax 2 I «(« + g) X ^^_a{a+c)\ cx'^-\-l>x-{-a cx^-\ x-\ — a a (dividing by coef . of X gives) , fl. + C V' c a c — a — c-\ ^ — ! — -^Jt. Now, if the functions have an exact common divisor of the first degree, It must vanish ; therefore the condition c — a — c A ^^ ■ — ^— = U. ^ b'' Whence - ab"" + a {a ^ cf = ; or, dividing by «, {a -\- cy = b- ; or ■ a -{- c = ^ b. 274. From Sections 253 and 272 it is plain that the h. c. f . of three integral functions is the h. c. f. of the h. c. f. of two and the third, and so on. 275. Integral functions which have no common exact divisor are said to be algebraically prime. Many condi- tions of algebraic primeness, more or less analogous to 170 NUMBER AND ITS ALGEBRA. those estaBlished concerning absolute numerical primeness, might be investigated. 276. The precise meaning of algebraic lowest common mul- tijjle of two integral functions will now easily be understood as the integral function of lowest degree exactly divisible by both. Let A = HQ and B = HQ', where the symbols repre- sent integral functions, and H the h. c. f. of A and 7>. Let M be any common multiple of A and B ; then — M = AE, where E is an integral function of x. Therefore M = HQE. But Jf is an algebraic multiple of i? = HQ'\ ^1 r M HQE QE , QE , , therefore ■ = — - — = -^ — , where -i — must be an m- HQ' HQ' Q' Q' tegral function. But since Q and Q' are by hypothesis algebraically prime, E jQ' = X or E = (i'X, where X is integraL Consequently Jf = HQE = HQQ'X. But this last algebraic statement (translated) declares that any common multiple of A and B is the product of H, Q, and^', as defined, and some other integral function, X. Hence, 31 is of the lowest possible degree when X is of zero degree ; that is, a constant. And since constants are not altogether ignored in the desired result, M is the ''lowest common multiple" when X=l; that is to say, — A P since HQQ' = ■ — -, the 1. c. m. of two integral functions is the quotient of their product divided by their h. c. f. Alternative rules are similar to those for single numbers {vide § 242). The algebraic 1. c. m. has neither the practi- cal nor the theoretical importance of the algebraic h. c. f. SCALE NOTATION. 171 277. The fundamental theorem in the expression of numbers, in a notation such as our common system, is tlie following : — Any primary number may be expressed finitely, and in only one way in the form ■ — • ^o + ^1 (''i) + ^2 OVo) + ^3 (rir^rs) -j- . . . c„ ()\r.r3 . . . r„), where Vi, Vo, r^, . . . r„ is a series of primary numbers, unrestricted except that there are as many as may be required, and Co< rj, c^-C r.2, c.2< r^, etc. For if / be any primary number, dividing I liy r^ gives (1) / = Co + Qi)\ where CoKn; and dividing Q^ by r^ gives (2) ' Qi = r^ -{- Q.,r-2 where where, writing 6'„ for Q„, we have I = Co -\- c^ (ri) + C2 (i\r.2) + (-3 (t\r^rs) + . . . r„ (7\r^r3 . . . ?•„). Moreover, this expression is unique for the same series of r's, because, if not, let ^0 + <-i'-i + ^2 QV2) + . . . = Co' + r^'r^ + e/ (}\ro) + . . . 172 NUMBER AND ITS ALGEBRA. dividing each member by ?*i, gives -0 + q + f2»-2 +...= — + Cl' + C2''-2 + y-l But since Cq '" + ^1 ^~^ + ^2 r-^ -\- d^r-^, etc. ; or, omitting -f's and r's and pointing off the 281. From the condition that the c's and d's must all be less than r, it is obvious that in any such notation r — 1 figures are required to uniquely designate the jDOssible values of c's and c^'s. It is also plain that all the rules of the decimal algo- rithm apply to any other base, say 12, except that the " carriages " would go by 12's instead of lO's. Of course for radix 12, tAvo new digit figures would be required ; and for radix 2, symbols for 1 and only could be used. Thus teM on the binary scale would be 1010 ; that is, 1 X 2^ + X 2-2 + 1 X 2^ + X 2°. 282. Example. — Express 102305 (radix ten) on base twelve 121102305 ■19 ^KOK K 12 710 ... 5 12 59 ... 2 (using a and h as digits for ten and eleven). Therefore 102305 (r = ten) is 4 ^^ 255 (r = twelve). RADIX NOTATION. 175 Inversely, to express 4 h 255 (radix twelve) on decimal base. Consider the expression means (using our common nota- tion for calculation), 4 (12)* + 4 (12/ + 2 (12/ + 5 (12; + 5 ; or, performing the indicated operations. 5 = 5 60 = 5(12) 288 = 2 (12)2 19008 = 11 (12)3 82944 = 4 (12)* 102305 If the student will refer to Sections 257-259, he will notice that the remainder theorem yields an easier way for this calculation. (1) The problem is merely the evalu- ation of the given function of twelve. We may therefore write : — 4, 11, 5, 48, 708, 8520, 102300, 4, 59, 710, 8525, 102305. It would be good practice to Avork^ out as follows the duodecimal algorithm, on its own merits, "carrying twelve — but from our fixed habit of thought this is much more difficult : — m «|4/>255 a 5 b 00 . . . 5 a 713 . . . a 86 . a a . 1 . . 3 . -J . that is, 4 h 255 (radix twelve) is 102305 (radix ten). 176 NUMBER AND ITS ALGEBRA. 283. Fractions expressed in sucli notations as are under discussion are called radix fractions, decimal if the base is ten, duodecimal if the base is twelve, etc. A fraction ^^ expressed as a radix fraction cannot termi- nate unless iVr" is a multiple of D ; for ±=.d,d,d, ' ^^ JJ ^ ^ " ' r"i> Multiplying each member by ?•" reduces the radix fraction part of the right-hand member to an integer, giving ^-_ = d^d„ds . , . d,^-\- j- , where tZj do . . . is the integral part of the quotient ; and there must be a fractional part unless lir" is a multiple of D. Also if N I D is in "lowest terms," i.e., if N be prime to D, it is plain that a radix fraction cannot termi- nate unless ?'" is a multiple of I). Nor can ?•" be a multiple of D unless it be resolvable into powers of primes which are jDrime factors of ;•. For example, to express N j D (in its lowest terms) as a decimal fraction, we must have D = 2'' 5", where either x or y may be zero. N . 284. If, when the proper fraction — in its lowest terms is expressed as a radix fraction, the latter does not termi- nate, its digit figures must repeat in a cycle of not more than _D — 1 figures. For, evidently only D — 1 different remainders can occur, and Avhen one recurs, the figures of the quotient must repeat. Such radix fractions are called repeating, recurring, or circulating. The repeating period may begin at once, or may begin after figures which do not repeat, — commonly distin- guished as ^^wre and mixed circulates. The repeating RADIX FRACTIONS. 177 period is sometimes called perfect when it consists of the full complement {D — 1) of figures. The repeating period is denoted by dotting its first and last figures. This subject could be better discussed in connection with infinite series, and "geometrical" progression; but repeating decimals occur so frequently in practice that their reduction to simple fractions cannot be left in the dark. Consider — 3[lj 1 0-333333 + 3 X ]^Q6 • • • 1/S =0-3 7L1: 1 0-142857142857 + ^-TTTTTT • • • 1/7 =0-142857 ■''- 1) + . . . c,^ (/■" - 1). Since, by Section 271, each term of the right-hand mem- ber is a multiple of (r — 1), if we divide each member by (?' — 1) (or any submultiple) we get = some integer. r-1 r-1 " Therefore, by Section 245. the essentially fractional parts of I J r — 1 and s J r —1 must be equal. EEMAINUEUS TO NINE. 181 288. From this theorem follows the special corollary that in our decimal notation any integer and the sum of its digits give the same remainders to 9 or 3. This is the reason of the familiar rule for "casting out 9's," in order to test the accuracy of calculations. If P = MN = 9 a; + ^> = (9 y + m) (9 s + n), where jh 111, and n are the respective remainders to 9 of P, M, and N, it follows that 2^ ^^tl- "^'^ gi'^e the same remainders to 9, since ^ x -\- p = (9 y + ?») (9 z -\- n) = 9-1/." + 9 (/?y + mz) -J- 17171 = 9 (9 l/Z -(- 711/ -\- mz) -\- 77171. In practice, find 7?, 171, and n, not hy dividing P, M, and N, by 9, but, in accordance with the theorem, by dividing their digit-sums by 9 ; '' cast out " the nines. It is plain also that the remainder to 9 (or 3) of ^ + i> -|- C equals the like remainder to a -\- h -\- c, where a, h, and c are the respective remainders to A, B, and C. Therefore to test addition : — • (1) 8277 remainder to 9 . . 6 3485 remainder to 9 . • > ^ 7146 remainder to 9 . . . 8036 26944 remainder to 9 . . . 8 16 The sums, 26944, and 16, each, give the same remainder, 7 ; consequently the addition * is probably correct, — only probably, because this check could not take note of an error of any multiple of 9, or compensating errors, or transposition of figures. * Strictly, partial additions, and associations to suit our notation. (Fide §§72, 73.) 182 NUMBER AND ITS ALGEBRA. (2) To test subtraction : — 87235 remainder to 9 ... 7 14505 remainder to 9 ... 3 72670 X The difference, 72670, and 4 give same remainder, 4, to 9. (3) To test multiplication : — 349751 remainder to 9 . . . 2 28637 remainder to 9 . . . 8 10015819387 l6 The product and 16 give the same remainder, 7. (4) To test division, let the student prove that if The remainder to nine of P = remainder to nine of {qd 4- ?•), where q, d, and r are the respective remainders to nine of Q, D, and B. Thus to test the division, 27220662 ..o , 398 47923 47923 remainder to 47923 (divisor) =^ 7 remainder to 568 (quotient) = 1 remainder to 398 = 2 remainder to 7 X 1 + 2 =0 remainder to dividend = 289. Problems : — (1) Expressed in a certain scale seventy-nine becomes 142, what is the radix ? (2) In what scale of notation does 301 express the second power of an integer ? (3) Dediice a test of multiplication by "casting out elevens." (4) Prove that any integer of four digits in the scale of ALGEBRAIC SQTTARE ROOT. 183 ten is a multiple of 7, if its first and last digits be equal, and the hundreds digit twice the tens digit. (5) In ten scale a number of 6 digits whose 1st and 4th, 2d and 5th, 3d and 6th digits are respectively the same, is a multiple of 7, 11, and 13. 290. The common process of finding algebraic square roots, cube roots, etc., is familiar to all, most text-books making far too much of it. The method has little interest, theoretical or practical.* Even the analogous numerical calculations are better dispensed with, if a table of log- arithms is at hand ; and the method for the algebraic problem is rendered superfluous by the simpler method of "undetermined coefficients." AVe consider only cases where the function is a perfect square, because further discussion would take us into the question of infinite series. Example. — Eequired the algebraic square root of — ^ 12 3 9 If a " perfect square," the root must be of the form, ax^ -\-l>x -\- c, the square of which is (rx* + 2 abx^ -\-(2 ac -f Z»^) a;2 _|_ 2 l,e.v + cl The corresponding coefficients must be equal ; therefore, o = 1. 2 ab = 1 .-. h = 1 / 2. 2 he = — 1/3. '.6=— 1/3; therefore the required square root is x^-\--- 1/3. ^2 ' * Professor Chrystal remarks: "The metlioil was probably obtained by analogy from the arithmetical process. It was first given by Recorde in The Whetstone of Witte (black letter, 1557) the earliest English work on algebra." It would be serviceable to the student to compare the difference between the numerical and the algebraic ijroblems. 184 NUMBER AND ITS ALGEBRA. To find c we might have taken either of the last three coefficients. A similar method would yield the cube root of a function which is a " perfect cube," etc. 291. Without going too far into the subject, it is proper to add here several fundamental theorems concerning com- plex numbers, postponed from Chapter XII. If (x 4" yi) be an integral function of a complex num- ber, we saw in Chapter XII. that it is reducible to a com- plex number, say A -j- BL Now, if all the coefficients of ^ (x -{- yi) are protomonic, A and B are protomonic, and A can contain only even, and B only odd, powers of y ; there- fore, if X -\- yi be changed to x — yi, A will remain unal- tered, and B changed to — B. That is to say, if (|) {x -{- yi) = A -\- Bi, ^ (x — yi) = A — Bi. The theorem is readily extended to include all stirpal functions, integral or fractional, of a complex number, and generalized for such functions of more than one complex number. 292. As a corollary, if all the coefficients of the stirpal function ^ (ii) be protomonic, and if ^ (u) = 0, when ?* = a + bi, then ^ (u) = 0, when u = a — bi; for if ^ -|- -^'<- = 0, ^ = and ^ = (§ 193). State the corollary for ^ (u, v, iv . . .). 293. Since <|) (x -f yi) = A -{- Bi and ^ (x — yi) = A — Bi, when all the coefficients in the functions are proto- monic ; and since norm 4, (x + y i) =^ norm {A + Bi) = A"-\-B-= (A + Bi) (A — Bi) ; therefore norm <^ (x -\- yi) = norm ^(x — yi) = ^ (.« -(- yi) (f) (x — yi) ; and therefore : — COMPLEX NUMBERS. 185 mod (x —yl) ; and in general mod ^ [x + yi, u -\- v'l, . . .^ = mod <^{x — yl, ?< — vi, . . . } = + V {(/) (a- + 2/^', n + '(;/, . ■. . ) (fi(x — yl, w -t-.-. . . )}. 294. If the function be the product of several complex numbers, this theorem gives mod{(r+ si) (t -\- ui){y -\- u-lj) = V{(^"+ si) (t + nl) (v -\- n'l) (r —si){t —in)(v — 2rl)} = + V{{r-~\-s-)(t'-\-u^)(v^-\-tv^)} = V/'^ + s' ^/t'^ + u- Vv- -\- w'^ — mod l^r -\- si) mod (t -\- III) mod (y + wi) ; that is to say, the modulus of the product of any number of complex numbers equals the product of their moduli. It might plausibly be taken for granted (since we have seen that it x -\- yi = 0, x = 0, and ?/ = 0) ; but it is better to prove distinctly that the product of two complex num- bers cannot be zero, unless one of the complex numbers is zero : If yz = 0, where y and z are complex numbers, mod (yz) = 0. But mod (yz) = mod y mod z ; therefore, mod y mod z = 0. But mod y and mod z are protomonic. Therefore, either mod y = 0, or mod z = ; and consequently, by Section 198, either y = 0, or z = 0. 295. Again, as a special case of the general theorem in Section 293, if the particular function be the quotient of two complex numbers, we have mod S ^ + "\ \^+J\ ^+"\ . ^ - '"' I V -{- tvl ) \ I V -\- ivl V — u-i Y I v-'-{- 'W-' \ Vw' + W mod (v + wl) 186 NUMBER AND ITS ALGEBRA. that is to say, the modulus of the quotient of two complex numbers is the quotient of their moduli. 296. The modulus of the sum of complex numbers may equal the sum of their moduli, cannot be greater, and is in general less. For consider two complex numbers, t -f- «^ and v -f- iH. By Section 293, mod (t -\- ul -[- v -{- vi) = -\- s/ {{t -\- ui -}- V -\- wi) (t — ui -\-v — u-i)} = + ^ {(* + ^)^ + (^ + '^y^}} therefore we desire to prove, + ^{(t-\-vy-\-{u-^wy} not > + V(^^+<) + V(z;^+w;2), or, since only positive roots are concerned, that (t + i.')^ + (u + tvf not > t^-\- u' + V- + IV- + 2 V{b-' + u') (v'^ + w^). Subtracting t' + n^ -{- v" -\- n-^ from both members of this inequality gives, 2 fv -\- 2 mv not > 2 V(^^ + u^) (v'^ + w"^), and dividing by 2, tv -\- uw not > -\J {^^ + m^) (v'^ -f it--). The right-hand member is essentially positive, and there- fore not less than the left, if the latter is negative (as might be on accomit of the original quality of t, n, v, or ir) ; and the theorem is consequently proved for that case. If the left-hand member is not negative, by squaring both sides* we get t-v- + 2 tuviv -f iihv'^ not > f-r" + nhr" + fic^ + v^u^, or 2 tvwu not > t'-^u-" -\- v-i(% or not > t-ir- + r'~n- — 2 tvwu, or not > (fir — ?';/)-. But this is true, since the right-hand member is essen- tially positive. 297. Argand's diagram beautifully apjilies to geometri- cal relations these properties of complex numbers, thus analytically displayed. THEOKY OF NUMBERS. 187 • 298. It would be interesting and instructive to follow a great many very curious and useful investigations of various properties of primary or discrete (to say nothing of complex, or continuous) number^of which no mention ever has been made. But to do so Avould carry us into ideas and notations equally strange, and would be deemed a transgression of appropriate bounds for such an elemen- tary treatise as is this little work. For instance, Gauss makes the notion of congruence fundamental in his Disqui- sitiones Avithmeticae, Congruence meaning the relation of I and J, if 7 = ayx + r, and J =^ h^-\- r, where [x. is termed the modulus of / and J, and / and J are called congruent with respect to modulus /a. Some astonishing facts are directly deducible from this simple mode of classification. It is not from the difficulties of the more elementary por- tion of the Theory of Numbers * that the field lies fallow for our undergraduate courses in mathematics, and I be- lieve the interest of students would be less disposed to flag if the firmer grasp of thought were commanded Avliich. such studies would infallibly encourage. 299. If the equation ^ (x, y, z) = ifr (x, y, z) is satisfied for all values of the variables, it is called an identical equation, or an identity, or a formula. ( Vide § 40.) In this case the equation is formally true, under the very laws of numerical operation, regardless of particular values of the variables. If, on the other hand, an equation is satisfied only for special values of the variables, it is called a synthetic, or conditional, equation. From this point of view, the con- * For bibliography of tlie interesting and important subject which bears tliis name, see Numbers, Theory of, Cayley, Ency. Brit., 9tli eil. 188 NUMBER AND ITS ALGEBRA. stants are commonly spoken of as known, and the varitl- bles as unknown "quantities," — numbers, in the algebra of number. Synthetic equations are classified and named with refer- ence to their unknown numbers, precisely as functions are characterized in regard to their variables. {Vide § 169.) Synthetic equations involving only stirpal and radi- cal functions (exponential, etc., equations are deferred to future studies) can always be made to depend upon an equation of the form <\> (a-, y, z, . . . ) = Q, where (/> is an integral function. This form, therefore, is of prime importance in the theory of equations. 300. Synthetic equations concerning the same variables may occur in sets, or systems. In this case they are called simultaneous, and the problem is to find the sets of values of the variables which render every equation of the . system an identity. Such a set of values is said to satisfy the system, and is called a solution of the system. Such solutions are to be distinguished in many ways from the solutions of one integral equation in one variable, where a solution is called a root. 301. It is important to distinguish between two differ- ent kinds of solution : — (1) Numerical solution, exact or approximate, which can often be obtained where formal algebraical solution would be out of the question ; and (2) What may be called formal solution, that is, a solution in which the variables are expressed as definite analytical functions of the constants. Such solutions of equations of degree higher than the fourth cannot, in general, be found. THEORY OF EQUATIONS. 189 302. The final test of any solution is the satisfaction of the equation, upon substitution therein of the values obtained for the unknown numbers. No matter how the solution has been obtained, if it does not stand this test, it is no solution ; and no matter how obtained, if it does stand this test, it is a solution. It is often a good way to guess a solution, and make the test. 303. FUK^DAMEKTAL PkOPOSITIOX IX THE TlIEORY OF Equations. — If in the equation „ (x) be an integral function of x of the ?ith degree (the coefficients, in general complex, in particular, protomonic, numbers) where the coefficient of the a;" term is not zero, then ^„ (x) is the product of n factors, each of the first degree. With one provision we proved this proposition in Section 268, and it has also been shown that these factors can always be in the form C (x — r{) (x — ?-2) (a- — Ts) . . . (x — ?■„), where C is the coefficient of a:" in (^,^ (x), and Vi, ?-2, r^, ...?•„ are the roots of the equation. Consequently, the problem of solving an integral equation with one unknown number, is identical with the problem of resolving the general function of one variable, of like degree, into factors of form C (x — ?-j) (x — r^) (x — vs) . . . {x — ?■„). 304. It is worth while to call attention to the fact that x^ -\- X -{- 1 = (x -{- 1 -\- Va-) (x -\-l — Va-), often given by beginners when required to factor x'^ ~{- x -\- 1, although a true identity, is no factorization in the sense intended, because the factors are not integral functions. 305. ISTothing need be said of the solution of integral 190 ISrUMBEK AND ITS ALGEBRA. equations of the first degree : properly associating the terms, and reducing by the distril^utive law to the form iV" Cx = N. gives X = — . 306. Eecurring to Section 271 (4), we know that (x — a) (x — h){x — c)... {x — n) = is an equation whose roots are a, h, c, . . . n. Performing the multiplications, we have the form : a.» + r^.r«-i + r„.r"-^+ . . . +r-„_j a- + c„ = 0, where, c^ = — {a, J^ h -{- c -\- . . . -\- n) Co = ab -f- "<' -{- he -\- . . . -\- vin Cz= — {'ihe 4- uhd -\- acd -[-.,. -)- liiui' r„ = -j- ahrd . . . n. (Plus or minus, as 7i is even or odd). Hence, if an integral equation of the ?ith degree is in the above general form : The coefficient of the second term is minus the sum of the roots. The coefficient of the third term is the sum of their products, taken two at a time. The coefficient of the fourth term is minus the sum of their products, taken' three at a time, etc. The last term (the constant) is plus or minus the product of all the roots, according as w is even or odd. 307. It follows : In every equation of the nth. degree in the general form, If the second term is wanting, the sum of the roots is I the last term is wanting, at least one root is zero, [f all the roots are integral, they are submultiples of tiie last term, which must be integral. But the inverse THEORY' OF EQUATIONS. 191 does not follow ; siuce tlie last term may be integral, yet roots be fractional. But if the last term is not integral, some of the roots are not integral. If all but one of the roots are known, the remaining one may be found by adding the sum of the known roots to the coefficient of the second term, and changing the quali- tative sign of the result. Or, by dividing the last term by l^lus or minus the product of the known roots, according as 71 is even or odd. If m roots are known, the equation may be depressed to another of the {ii — m)th degree, by dividing by the product of lit factors of the form, (x — 7\) (x — Vo) . . . (x — ''m)j ^^^^ therefore : — If all but two roots are known, the coefficient of the depressed equation is the sum of the known roots and the coefficient of the second term of the given equation. And the last term of the depressed equation is the last term of the given equation, divided by plus or minus the product of the known roots, according as n is even or odd. 308. From the process of multiplication required in Sec- tion 306, it is evident that if all the r's are positive, the quality of the terms is alternately + ^^^^ — • Hence, if the roots of an equation are all positive, the signs of its terms (supplying missing terms by zeros) are alternately -J- and — , and inversely. Again, if all the r 's be negative, there is no change in the signs of the terms. It would not be difficult to deduce here Descarte's Rule of Signs : An integral equation cannot have more positive roots than it has changes of signs, nor more negative roots than it has continuations of the same sign. 102 NUMBER AND ITS ALGEBRA. 309. Prove : Any integral equation may be transformed into another whose roots are the negatives of the original roots, by changing the signs of alternate terms, beginning with the second. 310. To transform an integral equation into another, whose roots are the roots of the original equation multi- plied by a given number, k : — In tlie general form substitute y / /- for x, obtaining, — Multiplying by k"- gives //" + ^iAr-' + ^./.y--+ . . .r„_i7.-«-V+^„A- = (2) The roots of (2) are the values of ?/ that satisfy it; but 1/ = kx ; therefore, noting the coefficients in (2), to effect the desired transformation, multiply the second term by k, the third by k'-^, and so on. 311. Equations may be transformed in many other use- ful ways ; for example, so that the roots shall be the ori- ginal roots ^ some constant. This mode of transformation is most serviceable in the special case of making the exact increment which will cause the second term to vanish, — a device for preparing cubic and biquadratic equations for solution. For a simple illustration see Section 316. 312. Seeing that we have the unique resolution : ■ — - ^u (^-) = = c(x — ?-j) (x - ;•.,) . . . (x - ?•„), it follows from Section 292 that if ^„{x) has all its coeffi- cients protomonic, and vanishes when x = a-{- hi, it must vanish when x = a — hi. This is to say, that in any integral equation whose coefficients are protomonic, roots which are complex num- bers must occur in conjugate pairs. QUADRATIC EQUATIONS, 193 In like manner {vide § 170) surd roots can enter equa- tions with commensurable coefficients only in conjugate pairs. Thus, all such equations, if of an odd degree, must have, in the former case at least one protomonic, and in the latter at least one commensurable, root. 313. The general equation of the second degree in one variable is ax^ + hx -(- ^ = 0. The general theory of solu- tion is already in our hands, and in this case the formal solution (vide § 301) is always obtainable. Various methods may be followed. The general equation, ax^ -f- ^■^-" + c = Oj may be reduced without altering the roots (§ 303) to a a or X- -\ — x = . a a From consideration of the formula (x -\- yy z= x- -\-2 xy -f- ij'\ it is plain that the left-hand member may be made a / h \2 '' complete square " in x by adding f 7y~~ ) to each member, which gives — X'^ -\ X -\ = 1 = . a 4 a^ a 4 a^ 4 a^ Taking the square root of each member, * * The double sign before the left-hand member would be superfluous, since nothing more would be said than is expressed as the statement stands; e.g. : — ± (a -\- h) — ^ {c -\- d) says no more than a -f ?> = ± {c-^ d), as one may readily satisfy himself. See also Section 325. _„.»—__ 194 NUMBER, AND ITS ALGEBRA. X + ^-^ = ± .— V^/' - 4 ae, la la or 3. ^ Z-IL i "^^''' — 4 «c 2 a We have here a formal solution of the general quadratic equation. Also the quadratic function, ax^ -\- hx -[- c, has been fac- tored. For, by the principles clearly exhibited in Section 303, — ax--\-bx-\-c=^n{ x ■ — ■ " -' 2 a J 314. In solving a particular quadratic in one variable, we may give this process of *' completing the square " its particular application ; or we may employ the formal solu- tion as a rule; that is, after reducing the given equation to the form ax" -)- /y^ -|- c = 0, simply write down the partic- ular values in X — — ^ jz V^' - 4 ac 2 a Of course, if the given equation in form ax- -{- hx -\- c = 0, affords a function readily factorable by inspection, it would be absurd to feign an investigation for what is already known. For instance, one with any skill in the algebra cannot fail to see that in a-^ + 5 a; -f G = 0, we have (x + 3) (a; -f 2) = ; which is to say, that x = — 3, and X = — 2. The device of reducing the given equation to the form, 4 a'^x- -\- 4 ahx + 4 ac = 0, before "completing the square" (known as the Hindoo Method), is hardly Avorth mentioning, since it merely avoids fractions which offer no obstacle to calculation. It is doubtless a relic of the times when fractional number was regarded with suspicion. HOOTS OF QUADRATIC EQUATIONS. 195 315. If i\\e formal solution of ax- -\- hx -\- c ^ 0, — h A- -Vb- — 4 ac X = ^ , 2a be coDsidered, it will be seen that, when the coefficients are protomonic, the roots are : • — • (1) Protomonic and unequal, if Ir — 4 ac is positive. (2) Protomonic and equal, if //- — 4 ac = 0. (3) Commensurable, if V^" — 4 ac is commensurable. (4) Conjugate surds, if V^- — 4 ac is incommensurable. (5) Conjugate complex numbers, if ^- — 4 ac is negative. (6) Equal, if //- = 4 ac. (7) Equal moduli, but one positive, other negative, if as — - is + or — ] . protomonic or neomonic, (8) One zero, other = — h/ a, if c = 0. (9) Both zero, it b = and c = 0. It may be profitable to find, from a different standpoint, more or less the same criteria : — • From Section 306, the equation, ax' -j- bx -\- c ^ 0, gives the following relations of roots and coefficients, — r^ -(-?•„ = , and /^ ?'o == - . a 'a Consequently 1\ and r^ are . ." . b ■ . c positive if - is negative and - positive ; a a negative if - is positive and - positive ; a a 196 NUMBEE AND ITS ALGEBKA. of opposite quality if - is negative. a Tliese statements presuppose (1) above, ^- — 4 ac > 0. ri = — To if 0. a ri = or ?-o = if - = 0. a ri = and r. = if - = and - =- 0. ' a a If ax^ -|- ix + c = be still regarded as a quadratic when a = 0, then one root is co . If ^ also is zero, both roots become infinite. These criteria may be tabulated : — KouTs. Ckitekiox. ]{OOT.S. Ckiteiuon. Protomonic . . . Commensurable . Surd Complex .... Equal Equal moduli, but one +, other— . 62 — 4 ac> 0. Positive . . Negative . . One+, One — One, . . . Both, . . One, CO . . . Both, 00 . . ^+,and^-. a a ^+,and^+. a a c __ a c = 0. 6 = and c = 0. a = 0. rt = and 6 = 0. i/b- — iac, commen- surable. V'62 — -lac, surd. 0- — 4ac <0. 62 — 4 ac = 0. 6 = 0. 316. Another method of solving a quadratic equation is important from its bearing on the solution of cubic equations. The general equation, ax^ -\- bx -\- c = . . . (1), may be reduced by a change in the variable to the form ai/^ -|- (Z = . . . (2), from the immediate solution of Afhich the origi- nal variable is recovered. To discover Avhat change must be made in the original to serve this purpose (^vide § 311), let X — 1/ -\- e. INDETERMINATE SYSTEMS. 197 Ji X = 7/ -{- e, (1) is equivalent to « (1/ + ey-i-b(y + e) + c = 0; or of?/2 ^ (2 ae -\- b) y -\- ae"- -\- he -\- c = 0. (3) To make the second term vanish, 2 ae -\- b must be zero, b or e = 2 a With this vah;e of e, (3) becomes <, b- — 4: ae ^ 4 a whence ±■^/b^ -4= ac ^ 2a But x = y -\- e = y - --; 2 a therefore — Z* ± V/'^ — 4 ac , r X = , as before. 2a 317. If an equation contaifis two {a fortiori, more than two) unknown numbers, it is obviously indeterminate. An extraneous condition (e.g., that the variables shall be in- tegers) sometimes affords a basis for a determinate solution, A system of simultaneous equations is in general deter- minate when the number of equations equals the number of the variables. If the number of equations is less than the number of variables, the solution is in general indeterminate. If the number of equations is greater than the number of variables, there is in general no solution, the system being inconsistent, contradictory. These are ultimate logical principles ; special limitations of the statements are needed rather than proof. It must suffice here to point out that a system may be apparently determinate, yet indeterminate by reason of one 198 NUMBER AND ITS ALGEBRA. being analytically derivable from the others. Also it may happen that a system of analytically independent equations may have more equations than variables, yet not be con- tradictory. Let the student frame examples of such conditions. 318. A determinate system of integral equations involv- ing the variables, x, y, z, . . . , cannot have more than, and in general has exactly abc . . . solutions, where a, b,c, . . . , are the degrees of the system in the respective variables. Proof of this proposition must await future studies ; but it is useful to know the theorem, and the question presents itself at once, and should not be ignored by the teacher. 319. Two systems of equations, each of which may con- sist of only one, are termed equivalent when every solution of each is a solution of the other. From any system we may, in an infinite variety of ways, deduce another system ; but the derived system is not gen- erally equivalent to the original. This matter is of fundamental importance, even at the most elementary stages. It is commonly (with several notable exceptions) left in the dark by our text-books, though " there are few parts of algebra more important than the logic of the derivation of equations, and few, un- happily, that are treated in more slovenly fashion in elemen- tary teaching. Xo mere blind adherence to set rules will avail in this matter ; while a little attention to a few simple principles will readily remove all difficulty." * 320. If A and B are two functions, which do not become infinite for any finite values of the variables (such cases must be considered separately), the only values of the vari- * Text Book of Algebra, Chrystal, vol. i., p. 285. EQUIVALENCE OP EQUATIONS. 199 ables which make ^ x ^ = are such as make yl = 0, or ^ = 0, according to laws already fully demonstrated. 321. Axiomatically, ii A = I>, (1) then A-^C= B ^ C. (2) Also, (1) and (2) are equivalent, for neither can be true xmless the other is true. Note the corollaries whereby we " transpose a term with changed signs," or " change all signs," or reduce any equa- tion to the form () = 0, without destroying equivalence. 322. On the other hand, although, if A = B, (1) then AC=BC, ' (2) the derivation being perfectly legitimate, and the resulting equation true, yet (2) is not equivalent to (1), unless C is a constant not zero ; for, by Section 321 (2) is equivalent ^° AC-BC=0 that is to C(A- B) =0 (3) Now, if C is a constant not zero, (3) is equivalent to (1) by Section 320 ; but not otherwise, for if C is a function of the variables, (3) is satisfied by all values of the variables that satisfy the equation, C = . . . (4), which in general will not satisfy (1). Therefore (2) is not equivalent to (1), but to (1) and (4). In this way it is plain that multiplying both members of an integral equation by an integral function introduces roots, and dividing the members of such an equation by an integral function loses roots. Also, from any integral equation another equivalent equation can always be derived in which the coefficient of any term shall be as desired, say -f- 1 for the highest term ; for this is obtainable by multiplying by a constant. 200 NUMBEK AND ITS ALGEBRA. 323. Fractional equations must never be confounded, in the matter of degree and number of roots, with, integral equations. The very term degree does not apply to frac- tional equations. Fractional functions of x may sometimes be integral functions of some function of .r f e.g., - j; but in general no sucli relations as obtain between degree and number of roots in integral equations subsist for fractional equations. The latter must be solved under the logic of the equivalence of derived integral equations. From any fractional equation an integral equation may be deduced, which may or may not be equivalent. If E ^= F, where E and F are fractional functions, and Jf = 1. c. m. of the denominators in E and F, then EM = FM is integral. Here extraneous solutions of M = may be introduced, but not necessarily or generally. E and F contain frac- tions whose denominators are factors in 31, and in general roots of M =0 would make E ov F infinite, and conse- quently M (E — F) not necessarily zero. See examples below for clear understanding of this point. 324. If both members of an equation be raised to the same power, in general the resulting equation is not equiva- lent. Thus A = B; then A^ = B% or A^ - B^ = 0. But the last is equivalent to {A -\- B) {A — B) = 0; hence the solutions of A -\- B = would in general be introduced. It may be noted that in squaring A = B the result is the same as if the members of the equivalent equation, A- B = 0, were multiplied by A + B. {Vide § 322.) 325. Neither the equation between the positive, nor that between the negative, square roots of the members of the EQUIVALENCE OF EQUATIONS. 201 equation A = B, is an equivalent equation ; but the two equations (generally written together with double signs) between the positive root of one, and both roots of the other, constitute an equivalent system. (Vide § 313.) + VX= + V^ (1) nd + VA = -VB (2) is a system equivalent to ^ = Z?. For A = B is equivalent to A — B = 0, which is equiva- lent to {-y/A -\- -y/B) (VA — -y/B) = 0, which is equivalent to the system (1) and (2). 326. li A = B he Q, radical equation, repeated involu- tions Avill deduce an integral equation which may or may not be equivalent. Extraneous solutions may be intro- duced ; and, if like roots in the original equation alone be regarded, often no solution of the derived equation will satisfy the original. 327. Two equations which are not equivalent are called indejjendent. Two or more independent equations involv- ing a corresponding number of variables may be capable of coincident solution ; if so, they are termed simultaneous, that is, consistent, or involving variables which, though un- known, are the same. Contradictory statements, no matter how artfully veiled the contradiction, can lead only to non- sense in algebra, as elsewhere. Compare again Sections 300, 317, 318. The devices of elimination, whereby an equation in one variable is deduced from a system of simultaneous equa- tions in several variables, are familiar ; but the logic of such derivations, and the paramount question of the equiv- alence of the derived and original systems may have been overlooked. 202 NUMBER AND ITS ALGEBRA. The present discussion must be concluded with two propositions specially concerning the equivalence of simul- taneous systems. The subject will have been by no means exhausted ; but my purpose of stimulating alert and intelli- gent observation in the important matter of solving alge- braic equations will probably be fulfilled. The student's skill and knowledge will steadily increase, if strict atten- tion be always paid to the question of equivalence. 328. The system, P ^^ n S^^ ! I i« equivalent to ^ = (1) | for any solution of I makes A zero, and B zero, and there- fore satisfies II; and any solution of II makes A zero, and therefore reduces II (2) to q B = 0, ov B = 0. Conseqviently any solution of either satisfies both. It may be suggestive to state this proposition again in the form A = B) A — P ^ ? is equivalent to C = D\ AA-C = B-\-D On the other hand, — ^~ ^}I is not equivalent to ^ = ^ | ,j C = B\ ^ AC = Bd] For, though all the solutions of I are solutions of II, II has in addition all the solutions of C = 0, and D = 0. Let the student satisfy himself of the truth of this propo- sition. It explains many ''answers" which may have been incomprehensible to him. The following examples may serve to impress what has been said concerning the equivalence of derived equations with their originals, although at every point the student should have found specific illustrations. EQUIVALENCE OF EQUATIONS. 203 329. (1) Solve ^ ^^ =1. (1) X — 3 X -\- (J Multiplying each member by (.r — 3) (.r -f G) gives a-2 -3x - 18 = 0, or, (x _ 6) (x + 3) = 0, (2) whence x = 6 and x ^= — 3. Both of these are solutions of (1). i^o roots of (x — 3) (x -j- 6) = were introduced, because x ^ 3 or x = — 6 would make the left-hand member of (1) infinite, and therefore M {E - F) not zero. {Cf. § 323.) (2) Solve 1 — = — 6. (1) Transposing, and adding the fractions, gives 1 - -^ J = - 6, X — 1 or 1 — (x + 1) = — G, or a- = G . . . equivalent to (1). But a beginner might multiply by a; — 1, deriving ic - 1 - a--^ = - 1 - G a; + 6 (2) whence x = \ and a* = G, where 1 is no solution of the original, and therefore (2) is not equivalent to (1). Multiplying by any integral function, not nesessary to clear of fractions, will derive an equation not equivalent. Accordingly, every device for identical simplification should be employed before multiplying by the lowest common multiple. (3) Solve i_^ ^'' + ^-6 ^ ^^-3a- + 2 ^ ^ 204 NUMBER AND ITS ALGEBRA. Multiplying each member by (x — 2) (x + 2), and redu- cing identicall}-, gives 3 «2 _ 4 a; _ 4 = 0, (2) whence x = ^ Jz VI6 + 48 ^^_Al = 2o.- 2/3. 6 6 ' Equation (2) is not equivalent to (1), the root, 2, of (x — 2) (x 4- 2) = having been introduced, because the fraction in the left-hand member of (1) is not in its lowest terms. If (1) be reduced before clearing of fractions we obtain 14-0^ + 3^ ^ ~ o"^*^ ? X -^ 2 whence, multiplying hj x -j- 2, x^ -\- 6 X -\- 8 = x^ - 3 X -\- 2, (3) or X = - 2/3, where (3) is equivalent to (1). (4) Solve V4 - .T = ic — 4. (1) Squaring 4 — x = x- — 8 x -\- 16, or a"2 — 7 a- 4- 12 = 0, or (x - 3) (x - 4) = 0, (2) whence x = S and x = 4. Of these solutions of (2), 4 is a solution of (1) if the l^ositive square root be taken, and 3 is not a solution ; whereas, if the negative root be taken, 3 is a solution and 4 is not. Thus (2) is equivalent to -\- V4 — X = X — 4: and — V4 — x = x — 4. (5) Solve V3rK-|- 1 = V9a; + 4 - V2 x-l (1) Squaring twice, and reducing identically, gives a;2 _ I a; _ 5 == (2) whence x = 5 and x = — ^ EQUIVALENCE OF EQUATIONS. 205 Using only positive roots of the radicals, 5 is a solution of (1) ; but — ^ substituted in (1) gives or ^ V2 i = h V2 i — V2 i, (3) an absurdity if the statement be restricted to positive roots ; but if the negative root of the left-hand member be taken with the positive roots of the terms in the right- hand member, (3) is an identity. Therefore (2) is equivalent to -f VSu; + 1 = + VOu; -f 4 - (+ V2 X — 1), and — V3 a; + 1 = + V9 ic + 4 — (+ V2 a; — 1). (6) Solve 2 - V2 X + 8 -f 2 v./; + 5 = (1) Squaring twice^ we deduce a-2 = 16 (2) whence a; = -JL 4. In this case, using the positive roots of the radicals in (1), neither -|- 4 nor — 4 is a solution. So far as I am acquainted with them, treatises upon algebra, if they notice such cases, merely declare that the original equation is impossible and has no solution. Pro- fessor Chrystal states the theorem : — " From every algebraical equation we can derive a rational integral equation, ivhlch to'ill he satisfied Inj antj solution of the given equation ; but it does not follow that every solution, or even that any solution, of the derived equation will satisfy the original one." The italics are mine, and would mark logical contradic- 206 NUMBER AND ITS ALGEBRA. tions if there is " any solution " of the original. Professor Clirystal's example is : — V* + 1 4- V^' — 1 = 1. The derived equation yields the single solution, x ~ & . The only remark is, " it happens here that a; = | is not a solution." Note, I is a solution of + V*' + 1 + (— V.e — 1) = 1. Professor Taylor, in his Academic Algebra, Boston, 1893, which deserves rare praise for emphasizing from the begin- ning the question of equivalence of equations, uses example (6) above, concluding "2 — V2 x + 8 + 2 Vx + 5 = is an impossible equation, for it has no solution." Now, I must not be understood as disputing these state- ments ; they are true, taking the numerical statements to be restricted to positive roots. But it seems to nie that the student stands in need of further explanation : he should be directed to observe, that though one may write down what he pleases, as an isolated statement, no restric- tions can be put upon the operational effect of such nu- merical relations. The square root of 4, as an inexorable fact, is -|- 2 or — 2. In general operation, radical surds necessarily include all their roots. If one says, V-*^, he has expressed six distinct subjects of affirmation, nor can the logical consequences of these alternatives be avoided in numerical analysis. The conclusion of the particular problem under consid- eration is, that no finite number satisfies the equation, taking positive square roots ; but by reason of the perfect generality and freedom of numerical operations, if there is a number such that either of the square roots concerned fulfils the conditions, it must be yielded as a solution of EQUIVALENCE OF EQUATIONS. 207 the equation. We had occasion to notice in Section 323, and in example (1) above, that indeterminate infinite solu- tions do not obliterate or interfere with finite solutions, if there be any such. And in general, the complete analysis of any radical equation would seem to require the investigation of all the alternative equations arising from the indifferent roots of radical surds. Some of these niay be impossible, in the sense of having no finite solution ; but if a finite number will satisfy any one in the system, it will certainly discover itself in the attempted solution of an}' other, — and simply because the choice of particular roots is arbitrary, and an equation cannot be made to yield nonsense, or contradic- tion, so long as there is possible consistency of its terms. (7) Solve the simultaneous system x-2 + 2y2 = 9 (2) f Solving (1) for x x = 5 — 2>j (3) Substituting in (2) from (3) (5 - 2//)^ -(- 2i/ = 9. or 3y- - lOy + 8 = or (3y_4)(y-2) = • (4) System A is equivalent to system B (calling (3) and (4) system B). But system B is equivalent to the double system ^ = ^--^U, and ^ = ^-^^1^ 3y_4 = 0) 7/_2 = 0[ r' A The solution of c is a; = —,?/ = —. 3 -^ 3 The solution of fZ is x = 1, ?/ = 2. Hence these are the two solutions of A. (Vide § 318.) 208 NUMBER AND ITS ALGEBKA. (8) Solve the simultaneous system x^-2xy= (1) I 4x2 ^ 9^2 _ 225 (2) I ^ Factor (1) x{x- 2y) = 0. Hence A is equivalent to the double system 4^2 ^ 92 = 225 ") , , 4*2 -L 9y2 _ 225 ) ' -^ V ^, and ' "^ - c. a; = ) ic-2^ = i The solutions of •'^ are obviously a- = 0, ?/ = 5 ; and a* = 0, ^ = — 5. Substituting ;r = 2// in the first equation of ' ^^^^^ r = 0, or y = ± 3. Substituting in a: — 2// = we have for the solutions of c, X ^ Q>, 1/ = 3 ; and x = — 6, y = ~ 3. Hence the four (vide § 318) solutions of A are x = 0, 7/ = 5 ; X = 0, 7/ = ~ 5; X ^6, 7/ = 3; X = — 6,7/ = —3. In the solution of simultaneous systems, attention must always be given to the correct association of values of the variables. 330. When a simultaneous system has its equations of the second degree, its solution demands in general the solution of a biquadratic equation in one variable. Inas- much as the studies to which these lectures are intro- ductory may be regarded as beginning about at this point, I bring these discussions to a close, without treating of the solution of simultaneous quadratic systems, or of cubic equations, or of biquadratic equations, to say nothing of equations of liigher degree, except in so far as the general fundamental theory may suffice in particular instances. Such matters are to be studied in detail ; but it may be remarked in closing tliat, if a simultaneous quadratic system has only one of its equations of the second degree, or if the equations are homogeneous or symmetrical (vide HIGHER EQUATIONS. 200 § 263), means are offered for the deduction of equivalent equations in one variable of the second degree, and the system may in these cases be solved by the methods for quadratics. Indeed, it is often the case that, on account of symmetry, this is true for a system of simultaneous equa- tions of degree higher than the second. Again, any equa- tion of form, aa;-" + hx^ -|- c = 0, may be solved as a quadratic in cc", and the two unaffected equations, a;" = -1- k, which result may then be solved by factoring the functions a'" -|- k and a,-" — 1:, if n be integral, or by invo- lution of the members of x"- = -J- k if n be fractional with numerator 1, or by both devices if n be fractional with numerator > 1. For it must never be overlooked that the solution of an integral equation in one variable, in form yi = 0, is identical with the problem of factoring the func- tion A into the form c (.« — )\) (x — r^) . . . (x — ?•„). Example. — -Find the six sixth roots of -f 1, and of — 1. (1) Let x^ = 1- then ic" - 1 = = (x^ + 1) (x^ - 1), or (x + 1) (x- - X + 1) (.c - 1) (a- + x + 1) = 0. This equation is satisfied when any factor = 0. Taking the factors in order, and equating to zero, gives the follow- ing six roots : — any one of Avhich, of course, taken six times as a factor, makes -j- 1. (2) Let a-« = _ 1 ; then a-« + 1 == = (x^ + i) (x^ - i), or (x — i) {x- -f IX — 1) {x + t) (a;^ — /^ — 1) = ; whence, as before, 210 NUMBER AND ITS ALGEBRA. %Aj V • *Aj ' — - ^" • t// ~^~ €■ a «jC ■ ■ ■ ' • rvt ^.^ ^^ ^ « ^y, _^ 1 * 2 ' ' 2 any one of which, taken six times as a factor, makes — 1. 331. In the application of JSTumber to concrete problems, the logic of the connection of the numerical statements with the particular concrete conditions must be thoroughly comprehended. It should constitute one of the most im- portant parts of mathematical studies and training. It ought to be no matter for surprise that numerical results are often obtained, totally meaningless in regard to the particular problem. On the contrary, such results should be generally expected, alertly watched for, in order to reject them from the problem in question. Number is a twofold continuous magnitude, and there- fore its thoroughgoing application is possible only to two- fold continuous magnitudes. {Cf. § 188). In reference to time, a one-dimensional continuum, all protomonic num- ber (positive and negative, fractional and surd) has intel- ligible application ; but neomonic and complex number could have no application to temporal relations. To space, all number, protomonic, neomonic, and complex, may have due application. Sj)ace, in fact, being a threefold con- tinuum, in a manner transcends Kumber, in the sense of permitting an infinite reapplication of number. We have seen, however, that, given three planes of reference, it is possible to uniquely determine any point in solid space by means of three protomonic numbers, and that it is this circumstance which constitutes the ultimate meaning of the statement that space is tri-dimensional. On the other hand, if a problem require a number of men, it is limited in its very terms to primary number; since \ men, or V3 men, would be as inapplicable as 2 -|- 7 t CONCRETE PROBLEMS. 211 men, unless, indeed, implicit reference to some continuous magnitude afforded ground for the application of such results ; e.g., if a problem concerns the number of men in a regiment, applicable results are exclusively in primary number, and if such are not found, there is contradiction in the problem as given ; whereas, if a problem concerns the number of men required to dig a ditch, any positive protomonic number might be interpretable. Not only must the student expect to find solutions of his equations which have no bearing on a particular prob- lem, but it may be that no solution of a correct algebraic translation of the numerical conditions of a problem is applicable. The interpretation of such results is that the problem is self-contradictory, the required conditions impossible. The clear logical principle is, that, if the problem have any solution, it must be yielded among the solutions of any system of algebraic equations which correctly state the numerical conditions of the prolilem, no matter how many inapplicable solutions may also be yielded. If no numerical solution is applicable, the problem is impossible, that is to say, its conditions constitute an absolute contra- diction of any such outcome as was contemplated. In many minor ways, also, it is impossible to restrict the perfect generality of numerical operations, and the numerical symbols of the algebra. For example, an un- known number may be added to another; but whether the addition increases or decreases a given number, it is rash to say before the quality of the unknown is discovered. Thus it is ill-considered to demand that 15 be divided '' into two such parts that the greater shall exceed 3 times the less by as much as half the less exceeds three." For 212 NUMBER AND ITS ALGEBRA. (representing the greater by x, and the less by 15 — x) the numerical conditions are plainly intended to be a; _ 3 (15 - a-) = i (15 - »•) - 3, whence x = 11, and 15 — a; = 4. But on turning to the requirement it is seen that 11 falls short of, not " exceeds " 3 times 4 by as much as half of 4 falls short 3. In line, one cannot choose the issue of abso- lute facts according to his whim, and the problem as given is presumptuous ; all that could have been safely required were numbers which would give equal differences for the intended subtractions. The indeterminate result - has already been referred to ; it may mean that any number answers the requirement, or it may be susceptible of evaluation. 332. Very often all that is required may be discovered from equations Avithout solving them, by transformations into various equivalent forms. Consequently the principles governing the equivalence of derived and original systems, and the study of functions, as distinguished from equations, have, besides their theoretical importance, a practical use- fulness quite apart from their bearing upon solution. In- deed, the whole subject of the solution of equations has widened into that of the variation of functions. For a long time equations have been losing, and functions gaining, prominence, both in analytical importance and practical utility. Nowadays, instead of seeking merely the values of the variables which cause the function to vanish, that is, solving the equation ^ (x) = 0, all values of the variable, as it varies continuously, and the corresponding values of the function, are considered. The function is calculated for enough specific values of the variable to give a clear idea VARIATION AND GRAPHS OF FUNCTIONS. 213 of its variation. Especial attention must be given to such values of the variable as cause the function to pass through critical values, - — zero among others. Independently of the analytical treatment of geometry (where the purpose of geometrical investigation is so powerfully served by the numerical analysis), this modern way of regarding analytical functions receives reciprocal assistance — if not theoretically, at least as affording the bodily eye a clear representation — by drawing what is called the graph of the function. The graph of a function of one variable is plotted by laying off, to any scale, sects proportional to {vide § 213) arbitrarily chosen values of the variable, in a straight line, to the riglit or left of a point, according as the chosen value is positive or negative ; and at the points so deter- mined, laying off perpendicularly (one way for -|-, the other for — ) sects projjortional to the corresponding values of the function, plotting the end points of tiiese sects. By sketching a curve through such points, a representation of the corresponding variations of function and variable is afforded. The curve so obtained will generally give warn- ing of critical values of the function, at which stages closely consecutive values of the variable must be taken to insure a correct graph of the function. It is iisual to write j/ = 4> (-^O' ^^^*^ ^^^^ ^^^® values of y corresponding to selected values of x. For example, let the student plot the graphs of the following functions, also tabulating the chosen values of x with the corresponding ij 's. (l)y = l-^ (2) y=(yi^. (3)y = r4i;- 214 NUMBER AND ITS ALGEBRA. At first one may be disposed to examine far more values than necessary. Always plot first the y's corresponding to X 's which allow evaluation by inspection, — often these will suffice. A systematic study of the variations of functions would be surprisingly interesting, even to students who have hitherto found their mathematics dull. The subject could be introduced profitably, even at very elementary stages of algebraic studies, and, while stimulating interest and sus- taining attention, would give a better preparation, both for continued study of pure mathematics, and for the manifold I^ractical uses of mathematics in other sciences, than do the methods at present in vogue. 333. The general theor^^ of Inequalities, and of Maxima and Minima values of functions also, deserves a more thorough and independent treatment than it commonly receives in our elementary text-books. The fundamental ■principles are of so simple and instructive a character, and form so valuable an introduction to the methods of analysis employed in more advanced studies, that our usual elemen- tary courses need in this matter thoroughgoing reformation. The theory of inequalities is the best introduction to that of infinite series, and the latter is indispensable in the study of logarithms and many other subjects which are at once entered upon in the first-year courses of our colleges and universities. For the most part, the logic of inequalities, and the deri- vation of equivalent inequalities, runs parallel to the analogous theory for equations, except where restrictions intervene in regard to inequalities, owing to the fact that the members of an inequality cannot, like the members of anequation, be interchanged. INEQUALITIES. 215 The student may be reminded (vide § 198), in this con- nection, that there is no comparison in the ordinary sense of greater and less between complex numbers, because such numbers are in terms of heterogeneous units. Of course this general statement includes particular cases where one of the numbers is either protomonic or neomonic, and the other complex, or where one is protomonic and the other neomonic. With complex numbers, as we have seen, the comparison must be between their moduli. A fruitful source of error with beginners (on account of the prevailing inadequacy of number concepts) is neglect of the fact that any negative number is less than zero (—00 < 0), and that « > ?/, or x < y, according as x — ?/ is positive or negative. The freedom of transposition of terms with changed signs, in an inequality, is quite as immediate a corollary of axiomatic judgments, and the significance of the symbols, as the like freedom in equations. For it is the same axiom that, if equals be added to unequals, the results are correspondingly unequal, as that, ''if equals be added to equals, the results are equal." (Vide § 42, foot-note.) Examples. (I.) Prove: x" -\- y- ':> 2 xy, if x and y are protomonic numbers, (x — y)' is positive whether x > ?/ or a- < y ; but (x — yY — cf- — 2 xy + y-, therefore x"^ — 2 xy -\- y- is posi- tive, and therefore x- + y"^ > 2 xy. In order to emphasize the extreme importance of limit- ing values, I have allowed a fallacy to pass unchallenged in this argument. It is not true that x"^ -]- y^ > 2 xy. For, although (x — ?/)- is positive, it ma}^, if x = y, be zero, when x"^ -\- y'^ = 2 xy ; consequently the true statement is x- -\- y" not < 2 xy. 216 NUMBER AND ITS ALGEBRA. (II.) Prove: The sum of a positive fraction and its reciprocal is not less than 2. Consider ? + 1^ not < 2. (1) y ^ Multiplying each member by ocij gives a-2 + f- not < 2 :nj ' (2) But (2) has just been proved ; therefore its equivalent inequality, (1), is true. (III.) Prove : Half the sum of two iwsitive numbers is not less than the square root of their product. OC 1 7/ 1 Consider — ~^—-^ not < (xi/)^ (1) '7*" I ' '/*?/ I 7/ Squaring gives — ' " ' -^ ' "^ not < xy. (2) But, by Ex. I, a:^ -|- y- not < 2xij; therefore x^ -\- 2 xy -\- y- not < 4 a-^/ ; therefore (2), and therefore its equivalent inequality (1), is true. This proposition is readily generalized by the reasoning called " mathematical induction," * by showing that if it is true for any number of numbers, it is true for one more : — but it is true for two, therefore for three, and so on. Thus we prove for n numbers t : — a-{-h -\-c-\- . n not < {(the . . .) '/'\ * Not true and proper iuduction, but absolutely cogent deduction, involving no assumption except the validity of reason, the postulate of all thought. t Tlie left-hand member is called the "arithmetic mean," and the right, the "geometric mean," of the n numbers. MAXIMA AND MINIMA. 217 A maximzim of a function does not mean its greatest pos- sible, nor a minimum its least piossihle, value. A maximum value of a function is a value toward which it increases, and from which it decreases as the variable continuously varies, whether by increasing or decreasing. And a mini- mum value of a function is a value before which the func- tion decreases, and after Avhich it increases as the variable varies continuously, whether by increasing or decreasing. Maxima and minima for a function may repeat, definitely or indefinitely ; or there may be only one maximum or one minimum for a function, in which case the maximum is the greatest possible, or the minimum the least possible value. The general connection between inequalities and the theory of maxima and minima values of functions is ex- emplified in the principle, that if <^ (.y, y, z, . . .) and xj; (x, y, z, . . .) be two functions of the same variables such that <^ {x, y,z, . . .)= N, (1) and xp (x, y,z,.. .) not > <^ (.r, y,z, . . .); (2) and if any values oi x, y, z, . . . , say, a, h. c, . . . , can be found which satisfy (1) and at the same time make (2) an equation, then i/^ («, h, c, . . .) is a maximum value of Also, if xp (x, y,z, . . .) = N, (3) and -— t — IL — J o Consequently we have "+;+" = k, (1) and (uvwy not > !L±_L+J1'. (2) o It only remains to find values of u, r, ?<• Avhich satisfy (1) and make (2) an equation. But (2) cannot be an equa- MAXIMA AND MINIMA. 219 tion unless if = v = v\ This, therefore, is the condition, and (uviv)^^ is uniquely maximum when m = i; = ?<; ; and (remembering the meaning of xi, v, and w), if u = v = w, then X = 2/ = z =i — j , where K = the given area. The reciprocity, implicit in the theorem immediately pre- ceding this example, gives the same condition (x = >/ = z) for the solution of the second part of this problem ; but the beginner may have failed to note the reciprocal relations of the conditions for maxima and minima of two functions displayed in the general investigation. In like manner, then, the second part of the problem gives 1 (uvwy = I, (1) 11 -A- V -\- w 1 and not < (uvw')^ ; o w + V + ?y . . . . whence, is uniquely minimum when ic = v = tv , and therefore, as before, the area is minimum when x = y = .v = (i)"% where L is the given volume. APPENDIX. PEDAGOGICAL NOTE. The primary concept of number is the same in all men, and the conception conld not be obstructed, even if teachers set tliemselves to thwart it. As an original question, therefore, there is little peda- gogical import in discussion of methods of stimulating the infant mind to definite specialization of various manys. ( Vide § 2.) It would be enough to jjoint out to the inexperienced teacher that when the time for definite and systematic specialization of manys comes, a child can learn the general system as a Avhole better than he can learn it piecemeal; that the so-called arithmetic of the first two or three grades in our schools is properly a matter of language, a matter of naming, in the manner of the child's linguistic environ- ment, universal concepts already attained by the young innocents when committed to the mercies of the primary school. There is no more sense in attempting to explain icJiut "twelve" is, than in making a like effort in regard to "time" or "space," or such concepts as "more," " less," "greater," "equal." The child really knows these things as well as his teacher. Even if a child lived eight years in an English-speaking society Avithout learning the English name for the special many, " twelve," or even without having definitely recognized it, the substance of the thought, as distinguished from the symbolism of a particular language, would nevertheless be familiar to him, and nearly as well known as it can be until one gives profound study to epistomology. The simple and easily taught subjects of counting, and the ele- mentary phases of numerical operations, have been confused by the inane verbosity of pedagogical writers. In his admirable Philos- ophy of Education* (one of the best books ever written on the * Translated in the International Echication Serks. 221 ^ 222 APPENDIX. subject) Piosonkranz justly remarks, " Treatises written upon it [education] abound more in sballowness than any other literature. Shortsightedness and arrogance find in it a most congenial atmos- phere, and uncritical methods and declamatory bombast flourish as nowhere else." It is enough to point out one example of injurious methods of dealing with imaginary difficulties. Ignorance of psychology and lack of common-sense have led many superintendents, even where the minimum school age is eight years, to i:>rohibit all mention of num- bers greater than ten in the "first grade," and greater than twenty in the "second." This makes both the teaching and the learning a sham, and the nemesis of all dishonesty dogs it. It is benumbing to honest, depraving to vain or deceitful, pupils. 1 know a city whose school superintendent has instituted such methods with fatuous braggadocio, where a visitor, after witnessing an hour's counterfeit teaching, — What is one and two? one and three? two and three ? If you had five apples, and gave one to Mary and one to John, how many would you have left ? and so forth, with occasional introduc- tion of such prodigious numbers as nine or ten, — followed the class to the playground. It was the season of huUn-gnll. Each urchin knew well the score of the treasures in his bulging pockets. "Iluliy- gull, hand-full, how many ? " challenged one 3'oung plunger. "Twenty-two," guessed his opponent. One second for the count and the subtraction, and back came the triumphant cry, " Give me seven to make it twenty-tMo! " On the other hand, there seem to be peculiar difficulties, even for adults, in attaining the concept of nmnber absolutely essential to comprehension of arithmetic, — the discernment of number as a continuous magnitude with fractional parts and qualitative distinc- tions termed positive and negative. Here pedag6gical devices are sorely needed. It is not enough to warn against mistaken interfer- ence; the teacher's skill will be taxed to the utmost to stimulate the minds he is guiding to develop concepts of a high order of abstrac- tion, and such as, left to himself, the pupil would never form at all. As "object-lessons" to young children — the aim being to clear up normal and universal concepts of quantity — presentation of yard-sticks and foot-rules, gallon and quart measures, etc., may be ii useful practice, and it does teach about fractions ; but it does not APPENDIX. 223 at all immediately suggest fractions of numbers. A fraction of a line is a line, of a solid is a solid ; and these can be and universally are discerned under the primary concept of number, and without discernment of numerical fractions. Every savage knows that a quart is a fraction of a gallon. The "object-lessons" mentioned really constitute an elementary discipline in geometry (if every primary school exercise must be labelled with the name of some science). Lines and solids are spacial entities, and contempla- tion of their relations is primarily a geometrical exercise. I say X>riniarili/, because any two magnitudes of the same kind have an absolute numerical relation ; but to see that a quart is one-fourth of a gallon (only another way of saying that four quarts equal a gallon) is not at all to see the number called one-fourth in the systematic terminology of arithmetic. Every child sees the former, an obvious geometric fact, — too many of his teachers have never discerned the latter. {Vide §§ TS-90.) The primary concept of number is universal and normal to the human mind, just as the concei^t of space is common and original to all men. Systematic development of the latter gives geometry, of the former gives arith- metic. The developments of the one are quite as much matters of fact as the developments of the other. Ontological definition of number is as little to be required of arithmetic as like definitions of space of geometry, or of matter and force of physics. Each science simply takes its respective common notions, which it develops according to inherent characteristics. The developed science always casts light back upon primary notions (Cy. the effect of Xon-Euclidean geometries upon native ideas of space, or the exigencies of dilemmas in physics upon naive con- cepts of matter) ; but no such questions are to be raised for young students beginning to study arithmetic, geometry, or physics. The most important maxim for wise teaching in any science is never to set delimitations which confine development and entomb thought in empiricism, — never to clip the growing tree at the top. Now every man (and every dog) knows that one side of a triangle is less than the sum of the other two sides ; but no one would sup- pose that this circumstance entitled every man to opinions concern- ing the conclusions of geometry ; yet similar presumptions are rife among teachers of arithmetic. Men possessing (in common with 224 APPENDIX. their most savage brethren) only the primary concept with which arithmetic begins, often misrepresent as matter of convention or symbolic jugglery the arithmetical conclusions that number is a continuous magnitude, with fractional parts, and qualitative dis- tinctions — • as much matters of fact as any conclusions of geometry. The developments of the number concept are undreamed of to the man whose only thought thereof is his abstraction from a flock of sheep or pile of coins. As soon as man's energetic and organizing thought develops this concept, the insight is infallibly attained that number is a continuous magnitude, not concrete, not material, but none the less real. The concept which appears to me most like the first development of primaiy number, which includes all ratio (including fractions), and the qualitative distinctions, positive and negative, is Time. Even children recognize time as a continuous magnitude, — as more or less; that of two times one must be definitely greater than, equal to, or less than the other,- — and the qualitative distinctions of i^ast and future. The analogy of jjresejii and zero is also perfect. I suggest that teachers, called upon as they always are to teach arithmetic to children somewhat too 3'oung for the reasoning and insight required, would do well, in attempting to stimulate the con- ceptual energies of their pupils, to use definite times rather than lines, surfaces, solids, etc., in illustrating numerical relations sub- sisting between any two magnitudes of the same kind. Altliough no better success can be assured in this way (for any fraction or part of a time is a time and not a number); yet from the very fact that times cannot be seen or handled, the abstracting functions of the mind are brought into play, and there is better ground of hope that the desired conception will take place than if objects of sense- perception had been presented. It may be well to remark in this connection that in all illustration great care is demanded lest the analog hide instead of revealing. Rosenkranz, in his valuable Phi- loHophy of Education, already referred to, wisely cautions : " Our age inclines at present to the superstition that man is able, by means of simple sense-perception, to attain a knowledge of the essence of things, and thereby dispense with the trouble of thinking. It is vain to try to get behind things, or to comprehend them, except by thinking," APPENDIX. 225 I am not aware that the suggestion has been made hitherto ; but, in the Hght of tlie above warning against abuse, 1 am convinced that teachers of arithmetic would do well to contemplate the similarity of the concepts Time and Number, as the latter is conceived, not in the savage stadium of thought, but in its first scientific develop- ment. There are many subsidiary advantages also in choosing the uni- versally conceived magnitude, time, for such illustrations. The mind is unconsciously but directly led from the tyranny of material categories of thought; and the human mind, once made sensible of its powers, will never again suffer its conceiJtions to be shackled in this native slavery of the race. Rightly employed, arithmetic might be used with more efficacy in the intellectual emancipation, which is one of the chief ends of edu- cation, than any subject in the curricula of common schools. There is no other field where one pure idea is developed in such unbroken consistency, and such freedom from involvement in complex rela- tions with foreign elements. In conclusion, no matter whether the pupil at a given stage be in a position to see the end of his studies or not, it is evident that the teacher, with no notion of the end, will be a faulty guide, since he leads he knows not whither. INDEX. The numbers refer to sections. Addition, Si, 37, 45-, 73, 88, 162, 184, 199. Algebra, 20-, 32, 71, 15(3, 192, 224, 236, 251. Algebraic Form : vide Form. Analytics, 27, 169, 234. Angles, 211, 212. Arithmetic, 14, 30-32, 71, 10(5, 192. Arithmetic, Pure and Applied, 31. Association, Laws of, 39, 43, 46, 47, 51, 62, 71, 73. Axioms, 42, 333. Base of Notation : cf. Radix, Scales, 7, 17. Billion, 8. Calculation, 29, 95, 210. Calculus, 130, 132, 222. Cardinal Numbers, 10. Circulating Decimals: vide Re- peating. Coefficients, Theorem of Undeter- mined, 267-268. Commensurable, 83, 145, 174, 205. Commutative Laws, 34, 38, 43, 46, 47, 51, 62, 65, 73. Complex Number, 27, 145, 180, 186-, 193-, 291. Comijosition of Ratios, 84. Computation, Devices of, 72, 93, 95. Concept, Number: vide Number Concept. Concepts, Elemental Mathemati- cal, 222, 228-. Concrete Problems, 27, 30, 48, 210, 331. Congruence, 298. *■ Continuity of Number, 80-82, 97, 188, 198. Continuity, Principle of: vide Principle. Counting, 5, 9, 12, 14. Cube : Cube Root, 58, 76, 249, 290. Decimal Fractions: cf. Radix, 17. Decimal Notation : cf. Notation, 17. Definitions : cf. respective heads : — Addition, 37. Algebra, 20. Arithmetic, 32. Calculation, 29. Commensurable, 83. Counting, 5. Division, 49. Evolution, GG, 68. Finding Logarithm, G9. Fraction, S3. Incomtnensurablc, 83. Inrolution, (50. Mathematics, 225. Multiple, 83. Multiplication, 40. Notation, 14. Primary Number, 2, 3. Proportional, 213. Patio, 83. Submultiple, 83. Subtraction, 41, 42. Surd, 83. Etc. 22*7 228 INDEX. Degree, 169, 323. Denominator, 87. Dialectic, 11, 4.5, W, 80-, 110, 113- 114, 181, 202, 230. Dimensions, 188, 231. Discrete, 2, 80-81, 97, 229. Distributive Law, 52-, 73. Division, 49, 73, 84, 89-, 90, 98, 123, 103, 184, 199. Division, Algebraic, 254-. Duodecimals, 17, 282-283. Enumeration, 5. Equation, Synthetic, 40. Equations, — Classification of, 299. Equivalence of : vide Equiva- lence. Higher: cf. Equations, Theory of, 330. Indeterminate, 317. Quadratic, 313-. Roots of : vide Hoots. Simultaneous, 300, 317, 327, 330. Solutions of: vide Solutions. Systems of: vide Equivalence. Theory of, 2G8-, 30.3-. Transformation of, 309-, .332. Equivalence of Equations, 319-. Evolution, 34, 68, 76, 92, 98, 143, 163. Exponential Notation, 57, 146, 150, 156. Exponents, Law of, 64, 146, 158, 191. Factors, Algebraic : cf. Hiyhest and Theory of Equations, 251, 304. Finding Logarithm, 34, 69. Form, Algebraic, 28, 156, 2.36, 251, 301. Formula, 40, 299. Formulae of Definition, 42, 49, 68, 69. Fractions, 78-, 80-85, 89-, 143, 278, 285. Functions, — Classification of, 169, 263, 265. Variation of, 332. Graphs of, 332. Fundamental Theory: vide The- ory. Geometry, 22, 25, 181, 193, 227, 230, 2;!5, 297. Graph of Function, 332. Greater, 11, 46, 116, 198, 240, 242, 252, 333. Greatest Common Measure: vide Submultiple. Highest Common Factor, Alge- braic, 251, 272. Homogeneous Functions, 263. Homogeneous Manifoldness, 229. Identity: vide Formula. "Imaginary:" cf. Neomonic, 99, 101, 145, 181, 191. Incommensurable, 83, 95, 145, 174, 205. Indeterminate Equations: vide Equations. Indeterminate Forms, 130-, 135-. Indices, Law of, 64, 146, 158, 191. Inequalities, 3.33. Infinitesimals, 222. Infinity, 133-, 222. Integers, 1, 241. Involution, 34, 59, 60, 75, 92, 163, 184. " Irrational " : (/. Surd and Incom- mensurable, 104, 145, 181. Less, 11, 46, 116, 198, 240, 242, 252, 333. Logarithm, Finding the : vide Finding the Logarithm. Logarithms, 57, 150-, 333. Lo"-ic 21 222 INDEX. 229 Lowest Conimou Multiple : vide Multiple. Lowest Common Multiple, Alge- braic, 251, 276. Magnitude, 11, 207, 210, 229. Manifoldness, 229-. Many, 2, 228. Manys, Specialized, 2, 37. Mathematics, 105, 222-, 234. Maxima, 333. Measure, 204, 205, 209. Measurement, 12, 80, 203, 211, 227. INIensuration, 203-, 211, 220, 227, 231. Metre, 220. Metric System, 31, 220. Minima, 333. Minus, Double Meaning of-, 120. Modulus of Complex Numbers, 198, 293, 333. Congruence, 298. Logarithms, 150. Multiple, 83. Multiple, Lowest Common, 242. Multiplication, 34, 44-48, 73, 89, 121, 163, 184, 199. Negative Number, 27, 99, 104, 110, 117, 143, 181, 333. Neomon, 26, 104, 181, 182, 191. Neomonic Number, 27, 104, 145i 181- 191. Nine, Remainders to, 287-. Nines, Casting out : vide Nine, Eemainders to. Norm of Complex Numbers, 197, 293. Notation, 14, 17, 57, 90, 120, 150, 156, 277-, 280-, 284-. Notation, History of, 16. Number Concept, 2-, 27, 34,71, 78-, 80, 84-, 96-115, 155, 179-, 186, 192, 202, 226, 230. Number, — Development of : vide Number Concept. Origin of : vide Origin. Primary, Fractional, Surd, Posi- tive and Negative, Neomomic, Complex : vide Corresponding heads. Numbers, Theory of : vide Theortj of Numbers. Numerals, 6, 8, 15. Numeration, 5, 7, 17. Numerator, 87. One, 2, 128, 181. Operations, 30, 34, 45-, 60. 73, 86, 104, 116, 130-, 135-184, 199, 210. Ordinals, 10. Origin of Number, 2, 5, 2.'50. Physics, 21, 27, 211, 221, 224. Plus, Double Meaning of +, 120. Primary Number, 1-4, 11, 54, 60. 70, 96, 181. Prime Numbers, 238-. Primeness, Algebraic, 251, 275-. Principle of Continuity, 61, 97-, 103-, 107, 155. Projective Geometry, 227. Proportionality, 211-219. Protomonic Number, 101, 145, 154. Quadratics : vide Equations. Quality, 14, 27, 32, 78, 110, 117, 120, 224, 228. Quantity, 198, 224, 228-. Radix Fractions, 17, 284-. Radix Notations, 17, 280-. Radicals, Radical-Surds, 83, 94, 145, 157-, 170-, 249. Ratio, 25, 78-, 83, 84, 132, 203, 208. Reciprocal, 90. Remainder, Least, 243, 255. Remainder Theorem, 258-. 230 INDEX. Remainder to Nine, 287-. Repeating Decimals, 249, 284-. Roots of Equations, 268, 271, 300, 306-, 315, 323. Rules, 43, 88, 93, 119, 121, 124, 242. Scales, Notational, 277-. Series, 267, 333. Solutions of Equations, 300-302, 331. Square : Square Root, 58, 76, 93-, 191, 200, 249, 290. Stirpal, 145. Submultiple, 83, 84, 205, 251. Submultiple, Highest Common, 205, 240, 251. Subtraction, 34, 41-, 45, 89, 98, 117, 162, 199. Surds, 80, 83, 94, 143, 145, 174, 249. Symbols, 14, 17, 20, 23, 32, 192. Symmetrical Functions, 265. Synoptic Mathematical Methods, 234. Synthetic Mathematical Methods : vide Synoptic. Synthetic Equation, 40. Systems : vide Equivalence of Equations, and Manifoldness. Terminology, 83, 101, 145, 198, 205. Theory, Fundamental, 2, 11, 26, 30, 71, 97-, 107, 132, 207, 222, 225, 228, 230, 331. Theory of Equations, 268-, 303-. Theory of Numbers, 298. Undetermined Coefficients, 267- 268. Unit, 203-206, 220. Unity, 2, 16, 128, 181, 203-. Variation of Functions, 332. Variables, 299. Zero, 16, 116, 125-, 182, 189, 222. ERRATA. Page 52. 2d. line from bottom : instead oi b — d read h j d. Page 83. Top line : instead of " point to the vertices " read points to the ojjj^osite vertices. Page 105. 13th line from bottom : sign of equality is omitted in latter portion of the line. Page 115. 7th line from bottom : read § 198. Page 165. 3d line : read x — y in denominator. Page 174. 11th line: read c?3r~^ Page ISO. 7th line: read^ +^. r v Page 203. 11th line : instead of 1 — 6 in second denominates-, read 1-x. '^^NTVEBSJTY OP 04LT'"^- LIBRARY USE RETURN TO DBSK FROM WHICH BORROWED LOAN DEPT. ™"o=V°?'J«¥ SVLmOf^l CLOSING TIME __ONLAST DATE sfXMPED^BEiB'w (J6534sl0)9412A— A-32 . General Library University of CaUfornia Berkeley .* -• • fo JL^-fc^>^ - ■'•ii * •* "^ .♦ ♦ *%■ J