\\V N rur iiK'i\'Cor/ vjiirva^ •'J IJ Jl^v "Jui ■ ''JUJ/MHil 3['i' \crAiirnPi. ,,iri'iii\.'rnn, "^/m".. ^J5l3DNVSOV^^^ ,^WEUNIVre% <§ — ^s i ^mmiiFs^ § 1 If" ^ 5 1 If^^ ffll' < '^' P= ..-^ r_-> ^ c: ■I'AUYuaii ^^^ %jj:i\.}j I* \v^> '« I) .>;lOSANCFlfj^^ .NlOSANCflfT. 5 ^. -n «_ 01^ '^ ^^.OFCAIJFO%^ ^OF-CAIIFO/?^ ^AlllBh'ARV6i^^ ^^UIBRARY^/^ ^ "i? ^^Qjny-i^ \(\''^ r>^ ^.mc.Aijrrifr. SUBJECT-INDEX TO THE CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OP THE INSTITUTION OF CIVIL ENGINEEKS. A-L. LONDON: if}ublisf)ci bg ific Ensttttttifltt, GREAT GEORGE STREET, WESTMINSTER, S.W. [Tbleokams, "Institution, London." Telephone, "Westminster, 51."] 1904. LONDON : PRINTED BY WILLIAM CLOWES AND SONS, LIMITED, DUKE STREHT, STAMFORD STREET, S.K., AND OKEAT WINDMILL STRKKT, W. 5'S5'4 PEEFACE The present Index forms a key to the subject-matter of the books, pamphlets, etc., enumerated in the Author-Catalogue of the Library published in 1895; and the references are to that Catalogue. When "the heading referred to is the name of an Author, the date of his publication in question is added for the sake of precision, e.g. : — ARCHES. Treatise on the Oblique Arch. Nicholson (P.), 1846. When the reference is to such a heading as Anonymous, Periodical Publications, or Parliamentary and State Papers, or to an other extensive heading {e.g., India, London, etc.), the page in the Author- Catalogue is added, with the same object ; thus — BRIDGES (Railway). Bridges to carry a single line of Railway over an occupation road. Anonymous, p. 41. CANALS (Particular). Calcutta Eastern Canals. India, 1883, p. 99. The abbreviations " Add." and " App." prefixed to a page-number refer respectively to the Addenda and the Appendix printed at the end of the third volume of the Author-Catalogue. 4105Jil CATALOGUE OF THE LIBEARY OF THE INSTITUTION OF CIVIL ENGINEERS. SUBJECT-INDEX (to DECEMBER, 1894.) A— L. ABATTOIRS. See Slaughter Houses. ACCIDENTS. Associations pour prevenir les Accidents du travail. Colne, 1891. Bridges. Liege. Causes of the Accident at the Foot Bridge between the Rue Regence and the Boulevard Sancy. Kraft and Libert, 1881. ■ St. Charles Bridge Disaster, Nov. 8, 1879. Testimony at the Coroner's Inquest. Yoxge (S. H.). Cables in Mines, breaking of. Aguillox, 1881. Catastrophe at Zug, 5 July, 1887. Heine, «fec. Chimney Disaster, Cleckheaton. Report. Yorkshire Boiler Insurance, &c., 1892. Factory and Workshop Employees, 1889. Parliamentary .. Papers, p. 464 Machinery. Protection of Life from Casualties. Watson (William), 1879. Return of Accidents caused by Circular Saws and other Machinery used in Woodwork. 1887. Parliamentary . . Papers, p. 486. Mills. Report on fall of Templeton Mill, at Greenhead, Glasgow. Templeton Mills, 1890. Mines. Report of Select Committee, 1835. Parliamentary ,. Papers, p. 487. VOL. 1. B 2 ACCIDENTS — ADDRESSES. ACCIDEI^TB— continued. Miues. Report of Commissioners, 1881-86. Parliamentary . . Papers, p. 487. Mining Accidents, 1889. Parliamentary .. Papers, p. 464. . Summaries of Fatal Accidents, 1893. Parliamentary .. Papers, p. 487. See Mines (Explosions). Oil (Mineral) Lamps. Reports. Parliamentary . . Papers, p. 492. Potentite. Factory at Conscougli Bridge, Lanes. CoNscouGii Bridge, 1885. At Mailing, Melling, 1882. Railway Servants. Parliamentary .. Papers, p. 464. Sea. Reform of Maritime Police. Lossignol, 1860. See also Coal Mines (Accidents). Explosions. Railways (Accidents). ACCUMULATORS. See Electricity (Secondary Batteries). ACOUSTICS (General). Barrett (W. F.), 1869; Chladni, 1809; Lardner, 1874; Weber (Wilhelm), 1892-94. Theoretical. Donkin (W. F.), 1870. Public Buildings. Lachez, 1848. See also Sound. ADDRESSES. Academy of Science, St. Louis. Eads, 1872. American Association. Barker (G. F.), 1882. American Gas Light Association. Forstall, 1883; Hickenlooper, 1882. American Society of Civil Engineers. Chanute, 1891 ; McAlpine, 1868. Amsterdam, Congress, 1879. Chadwick (Sir E.), 1879, p. 235. Arundel Society. Exhibition of works of art, 1855. Wyatt (M. D.). Association of Municipal and Sanitary Engineers and Surveyors. Gordon (J.), 1887. Association of Public Sanitary Inspectors. Chadwick (Sir E.), 1884, p. 234 Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science. Bell (C. K), 1892; Russell (H. C), 1886. Bombay Mechanics' Institution. Berkley (J. J.), 1857. Boston Society of Civil Engineers. Fitzgerald (D.), 1889. British Association. Abel (Sir F. A.), 1890 ; Airy (Sir G. B.), 1851, p. 15 ; Armstrong, 1881 ; Bramwell, 1888 ; Forbes (J. D.), 1834 ; Hawkshaw, 1885 ; Murchison, 1846; Siemens, 1869, 1882; Whewell, 1833. Mathematical and Physical Science Section. Spottiswoode (W.), 1865. ADDRESSES. 6 ADDRESSES— conhnuefZ. British Association. Mechanical Science Section. Baker (Sir B.), 1885; Bidder, 1868 ; Bramwell, 1872 ; Froude(W.), 1876 ; Head (J.), 1893. British Association of Gas Managers, 1870. Ohren. California University. Inauguration. California University, 1893. Add 490. Cardiff Naturalists' Society. Price (P.), 1884. Civil and Mechanical Engineers' Society. Adams (H.), 1890; Boyd (R. N.), 1890 ; Brewster (E. H. G.), 1880, 1886 ; Driver, 1878; Haughton (B.), 1868; Middleton (R. E.), 1887, 1888. Convention of Agricultural Colleges and Experimental Stations. CoLMAN {N. J.), 1885. Add 493. Dublin Geological Society. Mallet (R.), 1847. Dudley and Midland Geological Society. Murchison, 1842. Engineering and Scientific Society of King's College, London. Worms (H.), 1860. Engineers' Club of Cincinnati. Bouscaren, 1889 ; Merrill, 1888. Engineers' Club of Philadelphia. Wilson (Joseph M.), 1889. Engineers' Club of St. Louis. Moore (Robert), 1893. Ethnological Society of London. Brodie, 1854. Gas Institute, London. Newbigging, 1885. Geological Society of London. Delabeche, 1848, &c. ; Hopkins (W.), 1852; Lyell, 1851; Prestwich (J.), 1872. Add 529. Geologists' Association, London. Woodward (H.), 1873. Hull and District Institution of Engineers. BoHN (G.), 1888. Incorporated Association of Municipal and County Engineers. Eayrs, 1893. Incorporated Gas Institute. Valon (W. A. M.), 1892. Institution of Civil Engineers. Cubitt (Sir W.), 1850 ; Fowler (Sir J.), 1866 ; Rendel (J. M.), 1854 ; Rennib (Sir J.), 1846; Simpson (J.), 1854; Stephenson (R.), 1856. Manchester Students. Vawser (R.), 1887. Newcastle-on-Tyne Studonts. Harrison (C. A.), 1894. Add. 505. Institution of Civil Engineers of Ireland. Mallet (R.), 1866 ; Griffith (J. P.), 1887 ; Stoney (B. B.), 1872. Institution of Electrical Engineers. Siemens (A.) 1894. Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders in Scotland. Kirk (A. C.) 1887. Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Armstrong, 1869 ; Bramwell, 1874; Tomlinson (J.), 1890; Whitworth (Sir J.), 1856. 4 ADDRESSES. ADDRESSED— continued. Iron and Steel Institute. Abel (Sir F. A.), 1891 ; Bell (Sir I. L.), 1873, 1874, p. 120 ; Percy (J.), 1885-6. Junior Endneering Society. Barry (J. W.), 1893 ; HoPKiNSON (J.), 1892. Liverpool Engineering Society. Boulnois, 1893. JoHNSTOX (R. E.), 1893. Manchester Association of Employers, Foremen and Draughtsmen. ASHBURY, 1883. Manchester Geological Society. Dawkins, 1874. Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Lowell, 1890. Melbourne. Proposed Burke and Wills Group of Statuary. Millar (John), 1862. Munich. Akademie der Wis-enschaften. Pettenkofer, 1890. National Convention of Farmers and Gardeners, Xew York. Gardner (D. P.) 1844. New Zealand. Progress of Applied Science in Canterbury, N.Z. DoBSON (E.), 1880. North East Coast Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders. &ICHARDS0X (W.), 1890. North of England Institute of ^M^Tning and Mechanical Engineers. Armstrong, 1873; Wood (N.) 1852. Norwich Geological Society. Blake, 1880. Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. Wilson (J. M.), 1894, Add 539. Royal Academy (Sir Joshua Reynolds) 1786-91. Royal Academy. Royal Astronomical Society. Airy (Sir G. B.), 1850, 1854, p. 15 ; Heeschel (Sir J. F. W.), 1827, 1828, 1829, 1841, 1849. Royal Geographical Society. Greenouoh, 1841 ; Hamilton (W. R.), 1843. Royal Institute of British Architects, 1859. Tite (W.). Royal Institution of Cornwall, 1869, 1871. Henwood (W. J.). Royal ]VIicroscopical Society, 1867-68, 1868-69. Glaisher. Royal Society. Airy (Sir G. B.), 1872, p. 15 ; Davy (Sir H.) Works, vols. 7 and 8 ; Davy, 1827 ; Gilbert (D.), 1827, 1828, and 1830; Northampton, 1839, 1846; Sussex (Duke of), 1833-36 ; Wrottesley, 1856. Royal Society of New South Wales. Liversedge, 1888 ; Russell (H. C), 1892; Warren (W. H.), 1893. Royal Society of Victoria. Barkly, 1860. Sanitary Institute. Marten (H. J.), 1889 ; Rawlinson (Sir R.), 1884, 1890; (Sir Douglas Gallon), Sanitary Institute, 1892, Scottish Society of Arts. Stevenson (D.), 1854. Society of Arts. Abel (Sir F. A.), 1884. ADDRESSES — ADMIRALTY. ADDRESSES— confi'nuec/. Society of Engineers. Adams (H.), 1890 ; Berxays, 1880 ; Church (J.), 1883; Nursey, 1886; Robinson (Prof. H.), 1887 ; Valon (W. A. M.), 1893 ; Walmisley (A. T.), 188k ; Wiuos (Joseph W., Junior), 1892. Society of [Civil] Engineers of France. Flachat, 1859. Society of Telegraph Engineers and Electricians. Adams (W. G.), 1884; Bright (Sir C), 1887; Clark (L.), 1875; Siemens (Sir W.), 1878. South Yorkshire Viewers' Association (J. T. Woodhouse). South Yorkshii-e Viewers' Association, 1858. Tyneside Naturalists' Field Club, 1855. Sopwith (T.). University College, London, 1842. Donaldson (T. L.). University College, Liverpool (Walker Engineering Laboratories). Coode (Sir J.), 1889. University of California. Hagek and Holden, 1886. Victorian Trades' Hall and Literary Institute, 1860. Millar (John). Vienna. K.K. technische Hochschule. Oser, 1887. Wellington Philosophical Society, 1887. Hutchinson (F. B.). Young Men's Christian Association of Baltimore. Garrett, 1883. ADMINISTRATION. France. Block, 1856. India. Annals of Indian Administration. Periodical Publications, p. 11. British Rule in Hoshiarpur, 1857. India, p. 119. Report 1873-74. India, p. 110. Report on the Administration of Bengal, 1871-72. India, p. 110. Travancore and Cochin Administrative Reports, 1860. India, p. 132. London. Evils of Disunity in Central and Local Administration. Chadwick (Sir E.), 1885, p. 235. Western Australia Legislative Council. Despatches laid before and Votes and Proceedings of, during 1871. Western Australia, p. 423. ADMIRALTY. Administration. Admiralty, 1861. Admiialty Buildings Extension Scheme. Protest of Institute of British Architects, 1888. Parliamentary . . Papers, p. 465. Admiralty Reform. Robinson (R. S.), 1886. Moneys and Accounts, 1868. Parliamentary. .Papers, p. 465. Navy and Ships of War. Statutes. Admiralty, J 742. Present State, 1871. Parliamentary . . Papers, p. 464. 6 ADVERTISEMENTS — AGRICULTURE, ADVERTISEMENTS. Advertisers' Guardian, 1885. Collins (L.), 1885. Advertising Stations (Rating) Act, 1889. Reports. Haywood (W.) and Baylis, 1891, p. 36. AERIAL NAVIGATION. Bruignac, 1875 ; Chanute, 1891 ; Dallet, 1886 ; Derval, 1889 ; Fontaine (J. A.), 1886; Graffigny, 1888; Hardingham, 1871 ; Mansfield (C. B. and R. B.), 1877 ; Renucci (J. E.) 1866; Vaussin-Chardanne, 1858, 1873. Aerial Navigation (China), DELAViLLE-Dedreux, 1863. Aerial Locomotion. Murray (G.), 1865. Aerial Ship. Courtemanche, 1882. Aerostatic Machine with Horizontal Direction. MusY, 1860. Angus and Mack on the Air path. ' Armour, 1877. Apparatus (new) for the direction of Aerostats. LuzARCHE (L.), 1812. App. 566. Application of science to the art of war. Aerostation. Wauwermans (H.), 1869. Attempt at Ottobeuren, 1784. Ottobeuren. Birds considered as living aeroplanes. Drzewiecki, 1889. Dynamic Flight. Wechmar, 1888. Experiments and adventures ii; the Atmosphere. Turner (H.), 1865. Flight of Birds. Stagopoulos, 1891; Steiger, 1891. Flying Machines. Steiger, 1891. Giant Balloon, with notices on the screw applied to aerial navigation. Silas (T.), 1863. Military Aerostation. Hess (P.) and Wachter, 1887 ; You, 1886. Montgolfier's aerostatic machines. Ehrmann, 1784 ; Faujas de Saint-Fond (B.), 1783. Add 500. Progress in Flying Machines. Chanute (O.), 1894. Add 491. Societe Francaise de Navigation Aerienne. Bulletin. SociETE Francaise de Navigation, etc., 1877. System of Aerial direction. Petui, 1840. Thoughts on the Improvement of Aerostation, with description of a new Machine. Anonymous, 1785, App. 545. Voices in the Air. Armour, 1878. See also Balloons and Ballooning. AGRICULTURE. Ellerman, 1848; Kreuter, 1859. Advantages of Railways to Agriculture. Johnson (C. W.), 1840. Agricultural improvement of landed property. Morton (J. L.), 1858. • Lease, Forms and Conditions of. Black (J.), 1862. AGRICULTURE. / AGRICULTURE— continwefZ. American Agriculture, Commercial Policy of England affecting. Tallmadge (J.), 1844. Amount and Composition of the Rain and Drainage Waters. Lawes (Sir J. B.), Gilbert and Warington, 1882. Annals of Agriculture, ifec. Periodical Publicatioks, p. 11 Austrian Minister. Report. Kaan, 1885. Belgium. GouRCY, 1849. Book of the Farm. Stephens (H.), 1889 Brazil, Commission. Brazil, 1887. California. Reports of the Agricultural Experimental Stations of the University. California University, 1890, 1891. State of California. Hilgard, 1884. California University. Alkali Lands, Irrigation and Drainage in their mutual relations. California University, 1886. Report of Special Committee. California University, 1883. Report of the Viticultural Work. California University, 1886-92. Canada. Instruction in Farming in, and the United States of America and Tasmania. Ford and Rathbone, 1887. Cirencester Royal Agricultural College. Prospectus. Cirencester, 1886-90. Civil Engineering as applied to Agriculture and Estate Manage- ment. Bagot (A. C), 1885. Climate in connection with Husbandry. Lovelace, 1848. Colorado, Agricultural College. Colorado, 1883. Experiments in the Farm Department. Blount, 1887. As an Agricultural State. Pabor, 1883. Course of Agriculture. Buffon (N. de), 1852. Cultivation of the soil, with special reference to the question of water-level. Kaiser (O.), 1883. Cyclopaedia. Morton (J. C), 1869. Depression in Agriculture : its causes and remedy. Ross (O. C. D.), 1885. Downton College. Prospectus, Work, Examination Papers. Downton, 1885-90. Effect of thunderstorms on trees and ligneous plants. Colladon, 1872. Egypt. Paponot, 1884. Ancient Egyptians. Hirt, 1815. Experiences. Kuhlmann, 1847. Farm products moved as mail matter at a uniform rate for all distances. Lubin, 1893. Farm Homesteads of England. Denton (J. B.), 1864. 8 AGRICULTURE. AGRICULTURE— oon/murd. Farming (Modern), outlines of. Burn (R. S.), 1865-74. Farming Essays. I^AVis (H.), 1855. Formation of a National Agricultural Institution. Handley H. (1838). France. Gourcy, 1849, '51. Map. Delesse, 1862. Hydraulique Agi'icole. France, 1885, p. 435. Review of Agricultural Statistics. Lovelace, 1848. Great Britain. Steam Farming in Great Britain and the Colonies. Adams (W. B.), 1850. Present and future prospects of farming in. Thorold (W.), 1849, How to obtain good and cheap beef and unfailing crops. Macbay, 1866. Hungary. ' Turr, 1881 Husbandry. Plat, 1653. India. Agricultural Reform. Hume (A. O.), 1879 Farming in India. Greenaway 1864. Ireland. County of Armagh. Lindsay (H. L.), 1836. Italy. Annali di Agricoltura. Italy, 1886-88, p. 146. Kansas State Board of Agriculture Report. Kansas, 1881. Land Question. Aveling (T.), 1880. Laying down land to permanent grass. Faunce-Delaune, 1882. Luxemburg. Best means of fertilising the waste lands of the Ardennes. Le Docte, 1849. Madras. Report on Agricultural Exhibitions, 1856. India, p. 122. Mathematical foundations of the science of husbandry. Francke, 1892. Milan. Meadow lands. Berra, 1822. Mysore, agricultural condition. Harm an. (1877.) New Zealand Agricultural Company. Prospectus, 1879. New Zealand, p. 413. Paris, environs. Map. Delesse, 1874. Exhibition, 1867. Salviati, 1867-68. Points in Connection with Vegetation. Gilbert (Sir J. H.), 1876. Potato Disease. Coxworthy, 1847. Rate of Wages influenced by the cost of transportation on farm products. LuBiN, 1894. Retrospect of . . . Agricultural Discoveries. Periodical Publications, p. 23. Rothampsted Agricultural experimental station. Rotiiampsted, 1877. AGRICULTURE. VJ AGRICJJLTTJR'E.— continued. Rothampsted Agricultural experimental station. Amount of Water given off by Plants during their growth. Lawes (Sir J. B.), 18.^)0. Composition of Soils. Lawes (Sir J. B.) and Gilbert, 1885. Determination of Nitrogen in the soils of some of the Experimental Fields. Lawes (Sir J. B.), and Gilbert, 1883. Experiments on Ensilage. Lawes (Sir J. B.) and Gilbert, 1886. Experiments on the growth of Wheat. Lawes (Sir J. B.) and Gilbert, 1885. Experiments on Barley, Leguminous Crops, Root Crops. Gilbert (Sir J. H.), 1886-89. Field Experiments conducted on the farm of J. B. Lawes, 1876, &c. Lawes (Sir J. B.). New determinations of Ammonia, Chlorine and Sulphuric Acid in the Rain Water. Lawes (Sir J. B.), Gilbert and Warington, 1883 Valuation of Unexhausted Manures. Lawes (Sir J. B.) and Gilbert, 1886 Rural buildings and industries. Bayer y Bosch, 1889 Rural Economy, general principles. Boussingault, 1843-44 BuFFON (N. de), 1852 Seine et Marne, Map. Delesse, 1880 Series of agricultural papers. Anonymous, 1867-69, p. 52 Societe des Agriculteurs de France. Chabrier, 1871 Spain, 1861, '66, '67. Spain, p. 234 North. GouRCY, 1851 Stations. Duraud-Claye, 1878 Thorough Cultivation. Cotton (Sir A.), 1887 Tillage a substitute for Manure. Burnett, 1859 Transmission of goods. Perels, 1882 United States of America Agriculture, Grasses, Soil, etc. See United States, pp. 339, &.c. Utah Agricultural College Experiment Station. Bulletin and Report, 1894. Utah Agricul. Coll. Add 537. Valuation of tenant's right on entering and quitting farms. Bayldon (J. S.), 1827. Watering Meadows. Boswell (G.), 1790. Wisconsin Agricultural Experiment Station Farm. Fluctuations in the level and rate of movement of ground-water. King (F. H.), 1892 Wyoming, Agricultural Survey. Wyoming (State of), 1893. Yester deep Land Culture. Stephens (H.), 1855. VOL. I. c 10 AGRICULTURAL BUILDINGS — AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. AGRICULTURE (Agricultural Buildings). Agricultural Buildings, Designs for. Waistell (C), 1827. AGRICULTURE (Agricultural Chkmistry). Agricultural Chemistry. Cox (G.), 1844; Davy (Sir H.), works, vols. 7 and 8 ; Davy, 1813 ; Dundonald, 1803 ; Fownes (G.), 1859 ; Johnston (J. F. W.), 1847 ; Liebig, 1842 ; MacIvor, 1870 ; Nesbit, 1856 ; Petzholdt (Alex.), 1844. Agricultural Chemistry and Geology. Johnston (J. F. W.), 1847. ■ Application to Agriculture and Physiology. Liebig, 1842. Course of Lectures. MacIvor, 1870. Chemistry of Soils. Scoffern (J.), 1862. Dairy Farming. United States Milk Fermentations and their relations to dairying. United States, 1892, p. 243, Drainage (Thorough) and deep Ploughing. Smith (James), of Deanston, 1844. Laboratory Guide for Agricultural Students. Church (A. H.), 1882. Nitrification. Warington (R.), 1884. Vegetable Chemistry and Physiology. Le Docte, 1849. AGRICULTURE (Agricultural Implements). Agricultural Locomotives. Aveling, (T.), 1878. Agricultural Mechanism. Williamson (T.), 1840. Cultivation of Land by Steam-power. Howard (J.), 1869. Electrical energy applied to Agriculture. Siemens (Sir W.), 1881, p, 198. Common, seed-furrow and draining ploughs. Randall, 1764. Derby, Agricultural Implements exhibited at. Johnson (C. W.) and Hare, 1843. Improvements in Machinery for digging Land. Crossby and Carey, 1881. Machinery (Agricultural). Bevan (G. P.), Industries, vol. 10 ; Fritz, 1880; Jourdier, 1856; Perels, 1880. Mechanics relating to Agriculture. Person (C), 1802. New Engine for Ploughing. Evelyn, 1670. Plough, construction of. Bailey (John), 1795. Plough-wright's Assistant. Gray (A.), 1808. Plough (Steam), Heathcoat's. Blacklock, 1837. Portable Engines and Threshing Machines. Grimaldi, 1880, '86. Portable Farm Railway. An account of, and uses and application of. AVestly (Vv^ K.), 1860. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS — AIR. 11 AGRICULTURE (Agricultural Implements) — continued. Reaping Machines. Specifications of English patents for. Commissioners, p. 283; Woodcroft (B.), 1853. Rural Engineering. Mangon, 187.5. Steam Cultivation. Smith v. Fowler. Hutchinson (S.), 1865. Steam engines (portable), report of the trials. Bramavell and Anderson, 1887. Steam Cultivation at the Watling Works, Stony Stratford, Bucks. Hunt (R.) 1863. Power, application of, to Cultivation. Fowler (J.) and Greig, 1865. Tools, Machinery, &c. Hill (J. W.), 1880. AGRICULTURE (Live Stock). United States Cattle, their diseases, &c. United States, 1885-93, pp. 341, 342. Report from Committee to examine the petition of Breeders of Sheep on Act of Edw. VI., 1755. Parliamentary .. Papers, p. 513, AGRICULTURE (Manure). Deposits of Guano in the desert of Atacama. Pissis, 1878. Principles and use of Artificial Manures. Liebig, 1845. AGRICULTURE (Soils.) Lawes (Sir J. B.) and Gilbert, 1885. Alluvia of Babylonia and Chaldsea. Beke, 1839. Clay lands and loamy soils, rudimentary treatise. Donaldson (J.), 1852. India. Deterioration of Lands in India from the presence in the Soil of Reh. India, 1864, p. 99. Influence of Water on the temperature of Soils. Parkes (J.), 1844. Modern High Farming. A treatise on soils, plants and manures. Wyatt (F.), 1886. Nitrogen as nitric acid in the Soils and subsoils of some fields. Lawes (Sir J. B.), Gilbert and Warington, 1883. Physical properties of Soils in their relation to moisture and crop Distribution. Whitney (M.), 1892. AIR. Aerial Vibration in Cylindrical Tubes. Hopkins (W.), 1833, App. 562. Air and its relations to Life. Hartley, W. N., 1876. Air as a fuel, or petroleum, etc., utilized by carburetting air. Ross (O. C. D.), 1874, p. 131. Atmosphere. Woodhead (G.), 1852. Constitution. Gylden, 1866. 12 AIR — AIR (compressed). AIR — continued. Atmosphere. Nature and properties. DowNlE, 1801, Power of the intercepted pressure of, and its application to bakeries, iron-works, &c. Pbatt, 1844. Atmospheric Air, changes produced on, by Respiration. Allen (W.), and Pepys, 1808. Change of elastic force of a constant volume of, between 32° F. and 212° F. Stewart (Balfour), 1863. Different modes of using the elasticity of, as a motive force on railways. Crelle, 1846. ■ Pressui'e, letter on the proposed plan of travelling by. Ricardo (M.), 1827. Vibrations in. Airy, (Sir G. B.), 1868, p. 19. Experiments made to determine Resistance of Air to the surface of bodies moved through it. Hutton (C). 1787, App. 562. Flow of Air, Movement of atmospheric air in Tubes. Chowne, 1855, Modifications of the Atmosphere. Luc, 1772 ; Deluc, (J. A.), 1772, App. 553, Movements of the Atmosphere. Guldbepg and Mohn, 1876-80, Observations. Priestley, 1779-86. Purification. Alkaline permanganates. Condy, 1862. Preventible causes of impurity in London Air. Galton, 1880. Relations of Air to heat and moisture. Leslie (Sir John), 1813. Refraction of an Atmosphere nearly resembling that of the Earth. Finite and exact expression for. Young (Dr. T.), 1824. Spring and weight of the Air, Defence of the doctrine touching. Boyle (Hon. R.), 1662, App. 549, 1682. Examination of Hobbes's Dialogus physicus. Boyle (Hon. R.), 1662, '69; App. 549, 1682. Thermal and mechanical Properties of Air and other permanent gas, subjected to expansion and contraction. Thurston (R. H.), 1874, p. 310. AIR (Compressed). Biadeoo, 1886 ; Birmingham Compressed Air Company, 1886 ; Hanartb, 1879; Pernolet (A.), 1876. Application of, to Ventilation and to various other purposes. Mondesir and others, 1870. Apparatus for mechanical perforation. John Cockerill Society at Seraing. Santiago, 1814. Add 532. As a motive power. Andraud, 1890. Theoretic and practical value of compressed air motors. CoMPAGNiE Continentale, 1886. AIR (compressed) — ALKALI TRADE. 13 AIR (Compressed) — continued. Compressed Air Engines. Hauarte, 1879. Compressed air installations and new devices for distributing mechanical power. Proell, [1891]. Compressed Air Power and Compressed Air Engine. Parsey, 1851, Disease due to compressed air, new theory. MoiR, 1891. Dufresne Sommeiller, use by. Frossard de Saugy, 'evari, 1875. Barberini Palace. Tetius, 1642. Roman Yillas of the Augustan Age. Moule, 1833. Russian Magazines, Storehouses, etc. Atlas of designs of. Russia. Add. 532. Salisbury Cathedral. Price (P.), 1755. Scotland, Churches in the Highlands of. Acts for building additional ones and report of the Commissioners. Scotland, 1823, 1824, 1825-35, p. 174. Serapis, Temple of, at Pozzuoli, near Naples. Babbage (C), 1847. Singapore, New Government House. Designs. Singapore, 1868. Spalatro. Ruins of the palace of the Emperor Diocletian. Adam (Robert), [1764]. Sydney. New Central Police Court, Report on. Sydney, 1888, p. 272. Proposed Hospital Buildings, Macquarie Street. Report, Plans, etc. Sydney, 1891, p. 272. Victoria. Public Buildings. Amounts expended on them. YicTORiA, 1851-2, p. 377. AVells Cathedral history. Britton, 1847. Woolwich. Royal Engineers' Establishment on the opening of the new Lecture theatre. Simmons (Col.), 1861. ^Yurtembe^g. Palaces and Country Seats. Leins, 1889. See also Architecture. BUOYS. See Beacons, Buoys, etc. BURIALS. Inquii-y into the practice of Interments in Towns, 1843. Parliamentary. .Papers, p. 521. London Metropolitan Interment Act. Reports of preliminary proceedings, 1851. London, p. 255. Metropolitan Burials Act. Returns, 1852. London, p. 255. Revolting practices in St. Giles's Cemetery. London, p. 255. Reports on interment in towns, 1843, '53. Report on extramural sepulture, 1850. Parliamentary. .Papers, p. 468. BUTTER. Artificial Butter Manufacture. Mott, 1876. Butter and Cheese. Bevan (G. P.), Industries, vol. 12. CABINET MAKING — CALCULATING MACHINES. 101 c. CABINET MAKING, practical. Anonymous, 1826, p. 52. CABLES. Hallidie system. Hallidie, 1882. Patent Iron.. Brown (Sir S.), 1816. See also Chain Cables, Telegraph Cables. CABS, London. The " course " system. Haddan (J. L.), (1878 ?). CAISSONS. Introduction of the patent Metallic Caisson, in forming piers, hai'bours, etc. Deeble, 1827. CAISSONS (Ship) for dock basins and dry docks. Andrews (J. J. F.), 1891. See also Cofferdams. CALCULATING MACHINES. Eavaro, 1876. Abacus or Counter by Lalanne. Olivier (J.), 1846, Adding up Counter with two rollers and with differential move- ment. Raffard, 1889. Graphic calculation. Favaro, 1872. Instrument for performing mechanically the Involution and Evolution of numbers, Description. Roget (P. M.), 1815. App. 574. Machine for calculating the products, quotients, logarithms, and powers of numbers. Moseley, 1847. Machine for finding the numerical roots of Equations. Bashforth, 1845, 1892. Tables calculated and printed by machinery. ScHEUTZ (G. and E.), 1857. Theory of continuous Calculating Machines. Hele-Shaw, 1885. Babbage's calculating engines. Babbage (C), 1843 ; Babbage (H. P.), 1889. Babbage's Analytical Engine. Mechanical arrangements. Babbage (H. P.), 1888. Edmondson's Circular Calculating Machine. Instructions for use. Edmondson, 1885. Swedish Tabulating Machine. Scheutz (G.), 1856. Thomas' Calculating Machine. Reuleaux, 1892 ; Francoeur (L. B.), 1822, App. 557. Thomas de Colmar's Calculating Machine, called Arithmometer. HoYAU, 1822. App. 562. 102 CALENDAR — CANALS. CALCULATION. Intuitive Calculations. O'Gorman, 1879. CALENDAR. See Chronology. CALICO-PRINTING. Crace-Calvert, 1876. Practice and Principles of Calico Printing, Bleaching, Dyeing, &c. Oliver, 1870. CANALS (General References). Aitken (R.), 1871-72; Anony- mous, p. 42 ; Boileau (P.), 1878, 1881 ; Dupin, 1831 ; Girard (P. S.), 1804, 1820, 1824; the article " Canal" from Rees's Encyclopaedia. Anonymous, 1819, p. 41. Letter on Canals. Anonymous, 1825, p. 48. Navigable Canal. Frisi, 1818 ; Gerstner, 1827 ; Huerne de Pommeuse, 1822 ; James (E. J.), 1890; Lecchi, 1824. Papers relating to Canals. Page (Col. F.), 1843. Add. 525. Treatises. Sut- CLiFFE (J.), 1816 ; Yernon-Harcourt (L. F.), 1882. Article in Chambers's Encyclopaedia. Vernon-Harcourt (L. F.), 1888 ; Inland Navigation. Wheeler (W. H.), 1889. Banks (Canal), Consolidation. Schlichting (J.), 1892 ; Sleijden (P. W. van der), 1892. Canal Association. Canal Assoc, 1855-75. Charges. Bill for revision, 1888. Board of Trade Rules, 1888. Return for Draft Rules, 1888. Railway and Canal Com- mission Rules, 1889. Parliamentary. .Papers, p. 505-6. Committee (Select) on Canals, Report, 1883. Parliamentary, .Papers, p. 469. Construction. Standard Construction for Canals. Yates (J. A.), 1886. Construction of Navigable Canals. Ducrest, 1809. Cuttings and Embankments. Tables for calculating the cubic quantity of Earthwork. Macneill, 1833. Digest of the Opinion of Parliament on the Powers and Manage- ment of Canals. Grahame (J.), 1886. District Canals. Construction and Management. Grey (L. J. H.), 1885. Duke of Bridgewater's Inland Navigations. Anonymous, 1766-69, p. 47. Economic relation to Transportation. Haupt (L. M.), 1890. Engineering (Canal) : its past, present, and future. Vernon-Harcourt (L. F.), 1888. Equipment, modern, of canals and harbours. Schemfil, 1882. Formula for mean velocity of discharge of Canals. KuTTER, 1873, '76. Free canals essential to the State's prosperity. Richmond (A.), 1878. CANALS. 103 CANALS (General References) — continued. History. Anonymous, 1835, p. 41. How to make state canals without borrowing. Prinsep (E. a.), 1 870. Importance and utility. Whitworth (R.), 1773-4. Improvement of Canal Navigation. Pulton (R.), 1796, Inundation Canals. Bellasis, 1873. Law relating to Canals. Webster (R. G.), 1885. Law relating to rates and traffic. Butterworth and Ellis, 1889. Laying out of. Baudson, 1884. Locks of Canals. Anonymous, p. 49. Maps of English Canals. Anonymous, p. 41. Means of passing the falls of canals. Gruson and Barbet, 1889. Method of conveying boats or barges from a higher level to a lower, and vice versa, by the immersion of a plunger or plungers. Hudleston (L.), 1801. Methods employed in Italy for rendering canals water-tight. BoMPiANi and Luiggi, 1892. Modes of setting out the curved portions of canals. Lall (K.), 1854. Navigation Canals. Hagen (G.), 1863. Normal profiles. Holtz, 1886. Plan for passing declivities on Canals with little expenditure of water. Grahame (T.), 1836, Practical results of experiments on Canal Navigation. Ellis (R.), 1835. Railways and Canals. Bills for regulation of Railway and Canal Traffic, 1886, '87. Amended 1888. Act 1888 amending Acts, 1892, '94. Parliamentary. .Papers, p. 504, Canals destroyed by the Railway Companies. Spence (E.), 1882, Comparative merit of. Anonymous, 1832, p. 48. Compared with Railways. Anonymous, 1825, p. 54. Comparative performances of motive power on Canals and Railroads. Grahame (T.), 1831. Conveyance upon, compared with that of Railways. Anonymous, 1831, p. 43. Railway and Canal Combination. Grahame (T.), 1852. Railway and Canal Commission. Butterworth, 1889. Railway and Canal Traffic Bill. Railway and Canal Traders' Association, 1888. Traffic Act, 1888. Hunter (W. A.), 1889. Rules, 1888. Returns to Board of Trade, 1890, &c. Return of Owners, 1892. Parliamentary. .Papers, p. 469. ■ Report on Railway, Canal, Tramway, Gas and Water Bills, 1854, &c. Parliamentary. .Papers, p. 504. 104 CANALS. CANALS (General References) — continued. Railways and Canals. Reports of the Railway and Canal Com- mission, 1890, &c. Parliamentary. .Papers, p. 500. Reports of Select Committee on Railways and Canals Amal- gamation, 1846. Parliamentary. .Papers, p. 501. Respective uses of Water-ways and Railroads. Fleury, 1892 ; Pescheck, 1892. Rates, Tolls and Charges Confirmation Bills, Nos. 1-12. Return giving names of the Railway and Canal Companies comprised in. Parliamentary. .Papers, 1894. Add. 526. Provi- sional Order Bills. Report from joint Committee of the House of Lords and House of Commons, 1893. Parlia- mentary. .Papers, p. 469 Report from the Joint Select Committee on. Parliamentary. .Papers, 1894. Add. 525. Resistance of Water to the passage of boats upon Canals. Macneill, 1833. Rules for Calculating the Velocity and discharge of Open Canals. Lall (K.), 1858. State of the Canals (France). Becquey, 1823. Statistics. Salt (S.), 1845. Tables, Canal and Culvert. Jackson (L. d'A.), 1878. Tables for setting out Half -widths. Olver, 1870. Transport. Periodical Publications, p. 25. Transportation. Respective uses of Waterways and Railways. SCHROMM (A.), 1886. Various systems of Canal Navigation. Chapman (W.), 1797, p. 241. Works connected with navigation. Minard, 1841. See also Inland Navigation. CANALS (Particular). Aberdare Canal Act, 1793. Aberdare Canal. Aberdeenshire Canal Acts, 1796, 1809. Aberdeenshire. Agra Canal. Papers, 1867-71. Atlas of Plans, 1884. India, p. 109. Aire and Calder Navigation. Barnsley Canal, 1871. America (North). Lange (F.), 1885. United States. Purdy, 1880. Canal Enlargement between Lake Erie and Montreal. Page (J.), 1877. ■ Description of Canals. Tanner (H. S.), 1840. ■ Proposed Tide Level Canal from the Gulf of Uraba to that of St. Michel. GoGORZA, 1888. Waterway between the Great Lakes and the Atlantic Sea- board. CORTHELL, 1891. ■ United States and Canada. Notes on ©anals in. Walch (G. T.), 1877. CANALS. 105 CANALS (Particular) — coniinnpd. Antwerp to the Rhine. Gobeut, 18da (S.), Olivetti and Silvota, 1891. VOL. 1. 2 b ISG DICTIONARIES OF LANGUAGES — DISEASL^. DICTIONARIES OF LANGUAGES (Technical)— confimteof. Marine. German, Italian, French, and English. Dabovicii, 1883. Marine Dictionary in English, French, and German. Paasch, 1885. Mechanical Engineering. Terms used in the practice of, LocKWooD (C), 1888. Military and Naval. (Polyglot). Anonymous, 1881, p. 44. Technical Dictionary of the French Language. Burn (R.), 1860. Polyglot Dictionary of Technical, Military, and Naval Terms. Landolt, 1865-68. Mining. English and Foreign Mining Glossary. Anonymous, 1871, p. 45. English-German Dictionary of Mining, etc., terms. RoiiRiG (E.), 1881. Glossary of Scotch Mining Terms. Barrowman, 1886. Nautical. Vocabolar of Italian sea-phrases. Fincati, 1877. Vocabulary of French sea-phrases. Falconer, 1815. Dutch, French and English. Roest (C), 1842. Vocabulary of Sea Words in English, French, German, Spanish, and Italian. Littleton, 1879. Railways. Italian, French, German and English. Fadda (Olivetti and Silvota, 1891. Steam marine. Vocabulary of terms in the German, Danish, Spanish, Dutch, Italian, Russian, Swedish, and French. Paris (F. E.), 1861. DIGGING. Art of Mechanical Digging. Proctor (F.), 1882. Digging and Cultivation of Soil. Specifications of Patents. Commissioners, p. 283. DILAPIDATIONS. Nature, etc. Morris (T.), 1863. Report of the Select Committee on Dilapidations. Royal Inst, of British Architects, 1844. DISCOVERY. Philosophy of discovery. Whewell (W.), 1860. DISEASES. Aneurism. Correspondence with Richard Owen on John Hunter and Aneurism. Jesse, 1882. Diphtheria, Prevention of. Balch, 1889. Fever, outbreak of, at Balranald, caused by polluted water. Balranald, 1889. Heart Disease, Dropsy, Cancer, Phthisis. Geographical distribu- tion in England and Wales. Haviland (A.), 1875. Heat cure. Treatment of Diseases by heated air. Wilson (Erasmus), 1860. See also Epidemics, Infectious Diseases. DISINFECTION — DOCKS. 187 DISINFECTION. Disinfectants and Disinfection. Smith (Robert A.), 1869 ; Vallin (E.), 1882. Investigations on the power of "Amines" Disinfectant on patho- genic micro-organisms. Klein (E.), 1889, '90 Railway Sanitation. Methods used and results obtained in making germicidal-efficiency tests of a disinfectant. Sedgwick (W. T.), 1893. Add. 533. DISTILLATION. Fermentation and Distillation, Hartley (W. N.), 1884. Patent West India Still, plan and description. Saintmarc (J, J.), 1829, p. 156. DISTILLING APPARATUS. Distilling Apparatus for Ships. Thurston (R. H.), 1870, p. 308. DITCHES, use and construction of. Bowie (A. J.), 1885. DIVING AND DIVING DRESSES. Appliances for Working under Water or in Irrespirable Gases. Gorman, 1882. Divers' Manual. Siebe, Gorman & Co., 1881, 1885. Diving and Diving Machines. Smith (S. W.), 1820. Diving apparatus : with instructions for submarine operations. Siebe, Gorman & Co. Diving Dresses. Quinton, 1840. Description of improved, Bethell, 1838. History of Diving from the earliest times. Heinke, 1870. Method of supplying the diver with air under water. Hough, 1813. DIVING BELL (Nautilus). Circular Exhibit. Anonymous, 1858, p. 42. DIVINING ROD. See Water (General References). DOCKS (General References). Docks and Dockisation. Salwey (E. R.), 1893. Docks and Dock Construction, notes on. CoLSON (C), 1894. Add. 493. Dock Walls, design and construction. Allen J. R., 1876. Floating Docks, calculation of. Forchheimer, 1892. Hydraulic Pontoon-dock. Nystrom, 1859. Janicki's patent floating dock. Simon (H.), 1872. Patent Dock Gates. Peacock (R. A.), 1882. Patent floating pontoons or docks. Rennie (G. B.), 1860. Patent Slip Docks. R'-xr, dl. B.), 1869. 188 DOCKS. DOCKS (General Reverences)— continued. Physical features, history, construction, etc. Vernon-Harcourt (L. F.), 1885, Self Propelling, Self Careening Floating Docks. Rennie (G. B.), 1884. Ship Caissons for dock basins and dry docks. Andrews (J. J. F.), 189L Simpson's Improved Dry Docks. Simpson, 1884, Specifications of Floating Docks. Campbell (J.), 1869. Transport, a review of Docks, etc. Periodical Publications, p. 25. Windmill Croft Dock, Report on. • Ure (J. F.), 1855. DOCKS (Particular). Aberdeen Gi'aving Dock. Report as to cause of damage, Nov. 24, 1887. Messent. Alexandra (Newport and South Wales) Docks and Railway. Report on Classification of Merchandise Trafiic, 1891. Newport, Mon. Alloa (South), proposed wet dock. Leslie (J. & A.), 1872. American System of Dry Docks. Little, 1882. Antwerp Docks. Rogers (G. A.), 1893. Avonmouth and Portishead Docks. Report on the proposed scheme for their construction. Stevenson (D.) & Ball, 1872. Barcelona. Proposed Floating Dock. Halpin (D.), 1878. Barry Dock. Description, Robinson (John), Architect, 1888, Barry Docks and Railway. Classification of Merchandise Traffic. Barry Docks, 1891. Bermuda, Voyage of the floating dock " Bermuda " from England to. Bermuda, 1869. Birkenhead. Webster (Thomas) Q.C., 1848. Letter to Share- holders in the Dock Company. Laird, 1851. Letters. Rendel(J.M.), 1848, 1850, 1851. Reports. Abernethy(J.), 1850 ; Stephenson (R.), & Beaufort, 1851. Bombay. Johnson (S. A.), 1874. Construction of a wet dock in Moody Bay. AiTKEN (R.), 1867. Prince's Dock 1871-74 ; foundation stone, 1875 ; extension, 1888. India, p. Ill, ■ Wet and Dry Docks, 1856, 1867. India, p. 112. Bordeaux. Construction and Working of the Dock of the fort of Bordeaux. Fbanchimont, 1893. Bridgewater. Price (H. H.), 1835. Brisbane, Report on the proposed dry dock. Brisbane, 1875. Bristol Dock Bill, 1863. Rcpurl on. Bkistol. Add. 487. DOCKS. 189 DOCKS (Particular) — continued. Bristol. Differences between the Bristol Dock Company and the inhabitants of Bristol. Bristol, 1807. Contract for a two-floor shed. Avonmouth, 1886. Dockising the River Avon. Bristol, 1881. Report. Howard (T.), 1859. Report on increased dock accommodation in the port of. Hawkshaw (Sir J.), 1860. Add. 506. British Columbia. Esquimalt Graving Dock Works. Bennett (W.), 1889 ; Esquimalt, 1888. Calcutta. Construction of Docks, 1885, '87. India, p. 114. Floating Docks, necessity of forming wet docks. Henderson & Greaves, 1854. Carthagena. Iron floating dock. Rennie (G. B.), 1869. Diamond Harbour on the River Hooghly. BoiLEAU (J. T.), 1839. Dublin. Wrought Iron Dock Gates of Graving Docks. Griffith (J. P.), 1880. East and West India Dock Company. Blackwall Docks Act, 1803. East and West India. East India Dock Amending Act, 1803. East and West India. East and West India Docks Extension Bill, 1882. East and West India. < Kirk and Randall v. East and West India Dock Company. Kirk and Randall, 1885-86. Projected railways to the East and West India Docks. Commercial Docks, 1835. European Dock-yards. Hichborn, 1886. 'France, Dockyards of. France, 1841. Add. 501. Frankfort-on-Main. Construction of settling reservoir for the lock water. Lindley (W. H.), 1884. Glasgow. Report on graving docks for the port of. Ure (J. F.), 1854. Great Britain and Ireland. The Dock and Port Charges. Thubron (R.), 1877, '81, 'SS. Greenhithe and Northfleet. Plews, 1866. Greenock. Report regarding the proposed Wet Docks at. Walker (James) and Burges, 1836. Great Grimsby. New docks, 1852. Great Grimsby, Halifax, N. S. Proposed dry dock. Keating, 1883. Hartlepool (West). Report. Hartlepool, 1850. Add. 505. Havre Port. New metal gates to the transatlantic docks. WiDMER (E.) and Desprez, 1887. • Notes on the construction of the walls of the quay of the wot docks, WiDMER (E.), lf:<85. 1 90 DOCKS. DOCKS (Pakticulak) —continued. Hull Proposed extension of the dock accommodation of the port. Hartley (J. B.), 1843. Ipswich. Report of the Dredging and Ballasting Committee on the Improvement of the River near Wherstead Reach, etc., 1888. Ipswich. Kidderpur Docks. Proposed wet docks at Calcutta, 1883. India, p. 114. La Villette. Dock- Warehouses. Construction, etc. VUIGNER (E.), 1861. Leghorn. Extension of Graving Dock. Inglese, 1893. Leith. Dock Accommodation. Rendec (Sir A. M.), 1862. New Dry dock. Description of the Reclamation Embank- ment. Robertson (G.), 1861. Wet Docks and other improvements. CUNINGHAM (C), 1810. Wet docks for the harbour. Robertson (G.), 1864. Liverpool. Chart of the Approaches to Liverpool, 1852. Lord (W.) Liverpool Dock estate. Acts relating to. Webster (Thomas), Q.C., 1848. General construction. Gage, 1841. Application of Wallasey Pool to the purposes of dock accommodation. Gage, 1844. Improvements in working. Grantham (J.), 1853. — — - Liverpool and Birkenhead. Havestadt (C), 1886, Liverpool and Birkenhead Dock bills in the sessions of 1844, '51, '51, '52, '55 and 1856. Minutes of Evidence, Plans, etc. Webster (Thomas), Q.C. Dock Acts, Bye laws, etc., 1785 Liverpool, p. 246. Liverpool and Birkenhead Docks. Reports, 1862-89. Liverpool, p. 246. Dock Granaries, 1890. Liverpool, p. 246. Mersey Docks and Harbour Board. Liverpool and Birken- head Corn Warehouses. Liverpool, p. 246. ■ Trials as to encroachment, 1826-27. Liverpool, p. 246. Deposit of the Dock Dredgings, 1874. Liverpool, p. 246. London Docks. Concrete used in their late extension. Robertson (G.), 1860. ■ Impracticability of the plan of the London Dock, 1794. London Docks. Answer to objections. Reasons in favour of the London Docks, 1796. London Docks. Plan of the London Dock, 1794. London Docks. • Minutes of Evidence taken at the Committee on the London Docks Bill, 1797 and 1799. London Docks. DOCKS lOl DOCKS (Particular) — confhined. London Docks. Case of the London Dock Company, 1825. London Docks. List of Proprietors, 1833. London Docks. Proposed Eastern entrance. Palmer (H. R.), 1828. Two Plans. James (W.), 1795. Free Ports and London Docks. London, p. 263. Minutes on Bill for making Wet Docks, Basins, Cuts and other Works, 1799. London, p. 263, Establishment of Wet Docks, 1817. London, p. 263. Wet Docks, Quays and Warehouses, 1793. London, p. 263. Additional wet dock accommodation in the port of London, 1824. London, p. 264. North of the Thames. Carr and Duckham, 1893. Wet Docks, Quays and Warehouses. Vaughan (W.), 1794. Port and docks of London. " Luiggi, 1882. Thames and its Docks. Forrow, 1877. Malta. Clarence Hydraulic Dock. Clark (E.), 1872. New Malta Dock. Malta, 1863-65. Marseilles Dock and W^arehouse Company. Establishment of. Marseilles, 1890. Add. 518. Graving Dock at. Denamiel, 1873. Notice on the execution of works. Sebilotte (L. A.), 1873. Melbourne. Synopsis of proposed Dock Systems. Russell (Macnamara), 1887. Mersey Dock estate. Improvement of the working conditions. Graving Docks. Lyster, 1883. Montreal. Report on the construction, of docks at. Trautwine (J. C), 1859. Newfoundland, St. John's. Simpson's improved Dry Dock. Report. St. John's, Newfoundland, 1884. Add. 532. Newhaven. Roberts (Capt. Julius), 1866. Newport. Smyth (W. S.), 1893. New York. Plan of Bulkheads and Docks. Evans (W. W.), 1881. Northfleet Docks, " Wet or Dry," proposed. Nortiifleet, 1859. Portishead Dock, proposed. McClean and Stileman, 1871. • Report to Bristol Port and Channel Dock Company. Brunlkes, 1871. Portsmouth. Proposed Steam packet docks in the port of Ports- mouth. Rendel (J. M.), 1840. ■ Portsmouth Dockyard. Plan. Portsmouth, 1858, 1878. Prices for works on new docks. Portsmouth, 1800. 192 DOCKS. DOCKS (PAwncVLAR)— continued. Portsmouth. Prices for dwelling house for Port Admiral. Portsmouth, 1800. Quebec. Pilkington (W.), 1879-81. Dry dock at mouth of the River St. Charles, Quebec. Baillairge, 1876. Ptotherhithe, Commercial Docks. Specifications. ROTHERHITHE, 1852-60. Commercial Docks and Howland great Wet Dock. Gould (N.), 1844. Grand Collier Docks. Prospectus. Grand Collier, 1837. St. Helena. Practicability of making a 'depot for repairing leaky vessels. Lees (J.), 1860. St. John's, Newfoundland. Wooden graving dock. Report. Keating, 1884. St. Katherine's Docks Act, 1825; information useful to owners, masters, etc., using them, 1829 ; List of Proprietors, 1832 ; facts connected with them, 1824 ; Prospectus, 1825 ; Tables of rates and charges, 1832 ; and a refutation of misstate- ments made against them, 1825. St. Katherine's Docks. Sheerness Dockyard. Plan. Sheerness, 1858, 1878. Southampton. Collection of photographs. Southampton. Port and docks of Southampton. Luiggi, 1883. Statement as to establishment of Docks within the Port. Southampton Dock Co., 1882. Suez repairing dock. Notice on its construction. Stcecklin (A.), 1867. Sunderland. Formation of wet docks. Rennie (G.), 1832, • • Specifications for the Excavation, Masonry, etc. Sunderland Harbour, 1850. Report on the formation of. Walker (James), 1832, p. 393. Surrey Commercial Docks. M'Connochie, 1893. Swansea. Page (T.), 1846. Objections to the plans of I. K. Brunei and T. Page. Murray (John), 1846. Table Bay Docks and Breakwater. Management Committee, with Reports, revenue and expenditure, etc. Table Bay, 1877-79. Table Bay, Port Elizabeth, the Kowie and East London. Return of Revenue and Expenditure. Table Bay, 1875. Thames Dry Docks. Jordan (C. H.), 1882. Tilbury Dock. Luiggi, 1886. Tilbury Deep Water Docks. Opening, 1886. East and West India. Tyne. Repor-t on the plan of a dock on the low lights shore. Ure (J. F.), 1870. DOCKS — DOCKYARDS. 193 DOCKS (Particular) — continued. United States. Department of Docks. Report. Graham (C. K.), 1875. Naval Dry Docks. Stuart (C. B.), 1852. Wapping. New docks to be established. Plummer, 1796. Letter to Lord Mayor on, Reports relating to. Wapping Docks, 1796. Docks in Wapping and the docks in the Isle of Dogs. Compar.iti\ e Statement of the advantages and dis- advantages. Vaughan (W.), 1799. Comparative statements of the adA'antages and disadvantages of, with remarks on making London a great depot. Wapping Docks, 1799. Plan for making. Quoz's Letter on Bill, and refutations of the same, etc. Wapping Docks, 1796. Wear River. Bill for the Construction of a Dock on the south side of. Wear (River), 1833. Whitehaven Wet Dock. Brunlees, 1870. Dock Accommodation in the Harbour of. Rendel (Sir A. M.), 1863. Wisbech, proposed dock. Coode (Sir J.), 1874. Improvement Bill. Minutes of Evidence, etc, Wisbech, 1877. York, Newcastle, and Berwick Railway (Construction of Docks) Bill, 1854. York, Newcastle, etc., Rly. DOCKYARDS. Dockyard Economy and Naval Power. Barry (P.), 1863. Dockyards and the private shipyards of the Kingdom. Barry (P.), 1863. Dockyards, shipyards, and marine of France. Barry (P.), 1864. Improvement in Dockyards. Bentham, 1795-99. DOCKYARDS (Particular). Chatham Dockyard extension works. Bernay's (E. A.), 1872-79. Extension, 1875-76. Parliamentary .. Papers, p. 489. Extension. Correspondence. Chatham, 1870. Progress of works. Chatham, 1871. Prices for erection and completion of chapel. Chatham, 1 800. Plan of Dockyard, Barracks and Hospital. Chatham, 1858, 1879. Deptford. Plan. Deptford, 1858, 1878. — ■ — Masonry, Brickwork, etc., of a new Entrance to the Basin at the Royal Dockyard. Deptford, 1830. Devonport. H.M. Dockyard and Keyham Steam Yard. Plan. Devonport, 1858, 1879. Pembroke Dockyard. Plan. Pembroke Dockyard, 1858, 1878, vol. 1. 2 c 194 DOCKYARDS — DRAINAGE OP LAND. DOCKYARDS (Particular)- continued. United Kingdom. Accounts showing cost of articles manufactured in workshops and steam factories, 1862-68. Parliamentary. .Papers, p. 475. Report of Committee on Dockyard Economy, 1859-60. Parliamentary. .Papers, p. 474. ■ Report of Commissioners to inquire into control and manage- ment of H.M.'s Naval Yards, 1861. Parliamentary. .Papers, p. 474. Report of Select Committee on Dockyards, 1864. Parliamentary. .Papers, p. 474. Labour Charts, 1864-65. Parliamentary. .Papers, p. 474. Value of Land Buildings, etc., 1866-67'. Parliamentary. .Papers, p. 474. Admiralty and Dockyard Administration and Expenditure. Reports of Committees, 1886-87. Parliamentary. .Papers, p. 475. Annual Accounts of Shipbuilding and other Dockyard Tran- sactions, 1866, etc. Parliamentary, .Papers, p. 475. Washington Navy Yard, Channel Improvement. Menocal, 1882. Woolwich Dockyard. Plan. Woolwich, 1858. New Mast Pond. Proposals of Prices for Works. Woolwich, 1800. DOMES. Dimensions of ironwork in the cupola of the Halle aux Grains. Brunet, 809. Ironwork for the Dome of the proposed Government Building, Chicago Exhibition. McGuire, 1892. Stabihty of Domes. Tarn (E. W.), 1866. DOMESTIC ECONOMY. Derbyshire General Infirmary. Philosophy of Domestic Economy exemplified in. Sylvester (C), 1819. DOORS. McNeil's patent steel-embossed Man- and Mud-Hole Doors. I^eport. Traill (T. W.), and Samson, 1888. DOOR FASTENINGS, History of Ancient. Higgin, 1850. DRAINS, CULVERTS. Average plans. Hart (J. H. E.), 1868. DRAINAGE OF LAND (General References). Leclerc, 1853 ; Mechi, 1847. Acts for the advance of private money for the Drainage of Land. 1849, '50, 56. Parliamentary. .Papers, p. 475. Land Drainage Act, 1861. Denton (J. B.) ; Thring (T.), Provisions, working, and results. Grantham (R. B.), 1865. Act to amend the Law, 1861. Parliamentary. .Papers, p. 475. DRAINAGE OP LAND. 195 DRAINAGE OF LAND (General Refebej^cks)— continued. Agricultural Drainage. Anonymous, 1850, p. 40 ; Denton (J. B.), 1883. Bill for further facilitating the Drainage and Embanking of Lands, 1852. Parliamentary. .Papers, p. 475 Drain tiles and Drainage. Parkes (J.), 1843. Drainage and Embanking. ScoTT (J.), 1883. Drainage and Irrigation of Land in their relations to Health. Graniiiam (R. p.), 1891. Drainage Engineer and general Land Improver. Linehan, 1849. Drainage of Fens and Lowlands by Gravitation and Steam Power. Wheeler (W. H.), 1888. Drainage of Land by means of negative Artesian Wells or absorbing bored Wells. Bruckmann, 1855. Drainer and Irrigator. Stephens (George), Land Drainer, 1834. Draining Bogs and Swamps. Anderson (J.), 1797. Draining Land with stone, wood plows, open ditches and tiles. French (H. P.), 1884. Draining of Land by Steam Power. Glynn, 1836. Fallacies exposed. Parkes (J.), 1851. History of Embanking and Draining of fens and marshes in foreign parts and in this kingdom. Dugdale, 1772. Improvement of Waste Lands. Forbes (P.), 1778. Land Drainage, Embankment and Irrigation. Donald (J.), 1861. Add. 497. Land Drainage and Irrigation, and on the application of drainage water as a motive power to machinery for agricultural pur- poses. Williams (E. L.), senr., 1849. Level for the use of workmen. Denton (J. B.), 1843 ; and Drainage Systems. Denton (J. B.), 1849, 1855. Manual. Barral, 1854; Larbal^trier, 1890. Minutes of Evidence on road drainage, and drainage of suburban lands. Parliamentary. .Papers, p. 475. Philosophy and Art. Parkes (J.), 1848; Thackeray (T. J.), 1849. Plea for an Arterial Drainage, Embankment and Improvement Act. Dean (G. A.), 1861. Political Economy of Drainage. - Tatham (W.), 1799. Practical Manual of Drainage. Stephens (H.), 1851. Proposals for the purchase of derelict lands. Anonymous, 1726, p. 53. Proposed General Drainage Bill for the whole British Empire. De Salis, 1813. Rates levied by Drainage and Embankment Boards in England, 1881. Parliamentary. .Papers, p. 475. Reclamation and protection of Agricultural Land. Stevenson (D.),. 1874. 196 DRAINAGE OF LAND, DRAINAGE OF LAND (General References) — continued. Reclamation of Slob Lands. Belfast, 1876. Reclamation of Tide-lands and relation to Navigation. Mitchell (H.), 187L Report of Select Committee on the enabling of possessors of entailed estates to charge cost of draining, 1845. Parliamentary. .Papers, p. 475. Resources of Reclaimable Land. Sanderson (J.), 1860. Rudimentary Treatise. Dbmpsey, 1859, 1887. Suggestions for the general employment of water-mills with inclined scoop wheels. Eckhardt (A. G.) and Douwes, 1808. Straight t;er«MS inclined scoop wheels. Eckhardt, 1816 . System practised by Mr. J. Elkington. Johnstone (J.), 1797, 1841. Thorough drainage and deep Ploughing. Smith (James) of Deanston, 1844. Treatise. Hutchinson (H.), 1844. "Water Meadows, their utility, form and management, and the drainage and irrigating of Peat Bogs, etc. Smith (William), Engineer, 1806. DRAINAGE OF LAND (Special). Ancholme Lincolnshire Level. Rennie (Sir J.), 1845, p. 102. Ancroft Fen, Marshes from, to Wainfleet Haven, drainage. Chapman (W.), 1810, p. 242. Arun Level. Macneill, 1837. Australia (South). Drainage works in the South East District. Report and Correspondence. South Australia, 1872-1875, p. 227. ■ Port Macdonnell Swamps. Port Macdonnell, 1878. Bedford Level. Anonymous, 1726, p. 53 ; Badeslade, 1729 ; Bedford Level ; Dodson, 1665 ; Elstobb, 1793 ; Labelye, 1745 ; POWNALL (T.), 1775. Collection of Acts. Bedford Level, 1685-1762. Deepening the rivers. Archer (T.), 1829. History with the laws, etc., of the Bedford Level Cor- poration. Wells (S.), 1830. History of the great level of the Fens. Moore (Sir Jonas), 1685. Bedford Level. Laws of the Bedford Level Corporation. Cole (C. U.), 1803. Lot Book. Wells (S.), 1841. Petition to the House of Commons. Bedford Level, 1777. Principles of the Bill. Bedford Level, 1777, 1778. DRAINAGE OP LAND, 197 DRAINAGE OF LAND (Special)— confinwet?. Bedford Level, Report on 100-foot Wash, and proposed Wash Bank. Rennie (John), 1812. Bedford Level — Middle Level. A letter on the Drainage of the Middle Level. Rennie (Sir J.), 1842. Report on the drainage of the Middle Level. Walker (James), 1842, p. 394. Substance of Report on the Drainage of the Middle Level. Walker (James), and Burges, 1848, p. 395. Walker and Burges's Reports on the Middle Level Drainage. Bedford Level, 1848, p. 114. Bedford Level — North Level. Considerations on Mr. Rennie's plan for the drainage of South Holland. Wing (J.), 1820. Historical account. Bedford Level, 1809. Outfall of the Wisbeach river. Golborne, 1769. Report on drainage of North Level and the outfall of the Wisbeach river. Yeoman (T.), 1769. Bedford Level— South Level. Letter to the Proprietors of Land in that part of it called the South Level on the expediency of the Middle Level Bill and a second letter. Thorold (W.), 1861. • Observations on the frequent drowned condition of the South Level of the Fens. Leaford, 1740. Present State of the South Level. Page (Sir T. H.), 1794. Schemes for draining the South Level, Page (Sir T, H.), 1775. South Level part of the Great Level of the Fens. Cole (C. N.), 1784. Bedford Level — South and Middle. Draining of the south and middle levels. Smith (Humphrey), 1729. Humphrey Smith's Scheme for the Draining of the south and middle levels of the Fens. Kinderley, 1730. Improvement of the Drainage of the South and Middle Levels. Rennie (J.), 1810. ■ Proposed Improvements in the Drainage of Middle and South Levels. Wells (S.), 1842. South and Middle Levels of the Fens. Reports. Page (Sir T. H.), 1794. Report for the better drainage of the south and middle level of the Fens and other lands on both sides of the River Ouse. Watt^ (J.), 1791. Bedford Level. Denver dam and sluices, pernicious consequences of replacing. Elstobb, 1745. Eau Brink Cut. Bedford Level, 1823. Eau Brink New River or Cut Deed Poll. Huddart, 1804. Eau Brink Drainage Company dispute relating to Cut and Works below Lynn, 1852, 53. Norfolk Estuary. 198 DRAINAGE OP LAND. DRAINAGE OF LAND (Special)— continued. Bedford Level. Drainage through the New River or Cut from Eau Brink to King's Lynn. Eau Brink, 1825. i Joint Report of the Engineers appointed in consequence of the late intended Eau Brink Act. Walker (James), and Mylne, 1825. Eau Brink Drainage Bill, Minutes of Evidence. Page (Sir T. H.), 1794. Bedford Level Corporation and Eau Brink Commissioners, Report on the Norfolk Estuary Scheme. Gordon (L. D. B.), 1849. Lynn, port of. Bridgeman, 1724. Moreton's Leam-wash, Drainage of, and Whittlesea Mere and a portion of the Bedford Level. Rennie (Sir J.), 1840. Ouse. Wood (Rev. P. S.), 1825. Letter on the Works in the New Bedford, or one hundred feet River, the River Ouse, etc. Wells (S.), 1828. Sutton and Mepall Levels. Book of Reference to the Map of. Elstobb, 1750. Vermuyden's Drain. Rennie (Sir J.), 1840. Wisbech Outfall, Report as to the, and the Drainage of the North Level and South Holland. Rennie (J.), 1814. Berbice, Alary and West Coasts Districts. Drainage of. British Guiana, 1879. Beverley and Barmston Drainage. Chapman (W.), 1806, p. 242 ; 1801, 1803, 1804, 1809, p. 243. Report to Commissioners. Jessop, Rennie & Chapman, 1804. Black Sluice, Drainage and Navigation of, 1799-1846. Black Sluice. Carr Dyke Scheme. Report. Williams (John E.), 1880. Dagenham Breach frauds and abuses. Dagenham Breach, 1717. Derwent and Hertford, low grounds in the vales of. Chapman (W^), 1800, p. 242. Driffield Navigation. Jessop, 1797. Essex Act for reclaiming Lands on the E. and S.E. Coast, 1852. Essex. Essex Estuary Land Reclamation. Essex, 1851. Fenland. Gibbs (L.), 1888. Ancient Reclamations in the English Fenlands. Grover (J. W.), 1878. Drainage of Fenlands Act, 1794. Welland River, 1794. Fens, method of making the Banks almost impregnable. Harrison (J.), 1770. Proposals for draining the fens. Armstrong (Col. J.), 1724. ■ Fens and Inundations of Marshland. Latham (B.), 1863. DRAINAGE OP LAND. 199 DRAINAGE OF LAND (Special)— cowimtted. France. Drainage of Lakes and Marshes in France befoi-e 1789. DiKNNE, 1891. Studies on the drainage of France, meteorology and geology. ViLLENEUVK (H. de), 1854. Add. 538. Grand Sluice, Draining by the. Hawkshaw, 1862. Great Britain, general and uniform system of drainage. Denton (J. B.), 1842. Under Drainage of Land in Great Britain. Denton (J. B.), 1856. Hamburg. Sluice System. Lindley (W.), 1843. Holland. Holland, p. 65. ■ • Account of the steam-engines for draining the polders of Wamel, Dreumel and Alphen. Advantages of drainage into the North Sea at Schevengen. Conrad (F. W.), 1847. Hull. Low lands lying below the Wolds at the west side of the river, and in Frodingham, Carrs. Chapman (W.), 1796, p. 243. Low grounds lying on the Wolds on the west side of the river Frodingham, Carx's,. Lifi'et, etc. Jessop, 1796. Humber, defence of Cherry Cobb Sands against the, drainage of Keyingham marshes and improvement of the foreshore opposite Foul Holme Sands. Chapman (W.), 1801, p. 243. India. Nujjufgurh Jheel, 1838, '55. India, p. 126. Reh Swamp and Drainage of the Western Jumna Canal Districts. Oliver (E. E.), 1881. Ireland. Drainage of Land. Bevan (J.), 1846-47. Farmer & Eraser, 1847 ; Fitzgerald (M.), 1846-47 ; Forsyth, 1846- 51 ; Eraser (.J.), 1847, Eraser (W.), 1844-51. Reports, 1831, '43-51. Ireland, p. 140. Various districts. Barry (E.), 1847-52 ; Deverell, 1847-50 ; Kelly (J. W.), 1843-51 ; Klasen, 1847-51 ; Macmahon, 1843-47 ; Manning (R), 1847 ; MuLVANY (T. J.), 1846-51 ; Murphy (E.), 1846-47 ; Ottley, 1846-49 ; Rankin (W. H.), 1846-51 ; Roberts (S. U.), 1843-52; Russell (E.), 1843-45. ■ Arterial or River Drainage in Ireland. Lynam, 1860. Drainage and Improvement of Lands. Reports. Farrell (J. B.), 1844-49; Farrell (M.), 1846-50. ■ ■ Ballinamore and Ballyconnell district. Valuation of the lands proposed to be drained in the. Brassington, 1845 ; Drainage of flooded lands. Macmahon, 1845. Ballinamona District Co. Tipperary. Report on the Drainage and Improvement of the Lands in the above District. Thomson (James), 1846. Ballinderry Lake District. Preliminary Report on the drainage and Improvement of Lands, 1846. Long (J.). 200 DRAINAGE OF LAND» DRAINAGE OF LAND (Special)— continued. Ireland. Biillybay River near Athlone. Report on proposed drainage of flooded lands, 1846. Long (J. . Clongill District, Co. Meath. Packer & Benn, 1847. Cork. Argideen District. King (M.), 1847. Ballinhassig District. King (M.), 1849. , Castlemartyr District. King (M.), 1847. Ratooragh District. King (M.), 1846-49. Deel, District of the. Brassington, 1846. Devon Estate drainage, Ehernagh district, co. Limerick. Brinsden &. Harding, 1846. DoohuUa District. Nicholson (S.), 1846. Hind River, co. Roscommon. Report on Drainage of lands, 1846. Long (J.). Ker Estate District, county Down. Report on the Drainage and improvement of the lands in. Tannihill (W.) & Eraser, 1847. Kilbride District, Counties of Kilkenny and Tipperary, Matier, 1846. Kildare and Westmeath. Reports of districts chiefly in. Gray (R. A.), 1846-50. Leslie (Meath) Estate District. Baronies of Upper Navan, Lower Moyfenrath, and Ratoath. Report on their Drainage and Improvement. Sullivan (T.), 1847. Lough Alick district, County of Mayo. Report. Brett (H.), 1846. Lough Corrib District. Valuation and improvement of the lands. Harding (R.), 1846. Lough Erne Drainage Scheme. Return for Report of Commissioners of Public Works, Ireland, with reference to. Erne (Lough), 1891. Add. 499. Lough Neagh District. Drainage and Navigation. Manning (R.), 1884. ■ Flooded lands and improvement of the Navigation in the Loughs Neagh, Corrib Marsh, and Carra Districts. Macmahon, 1845-46. Meath, County of. Mulvany (C), 1847. MuUyfarry, Lake District, County of Mayo. Brett (H.), 1846. Shanagolden (Districts of) Limerick. Nicholson (S.), 1846. Shanbogh District, County of Kilkenny. Report. LiNEHAN, 1847. Skane, River, District, County of Meath. Neville (P.), 1847. Waste Lands. Letter on the propriety of reclaiming them. Smyth (G. L.), 1838. DRAINA(iK OF LAND. 201 DRAINAGE OF LAND (Hpkcikl)— continued. Italy. CUPPARI, 1893. (South), Mai'shes of. Land speculation and cotton growing. Dknton (J. B.), 1865. Kent (West) Drainage Bill. Minutes of evidence, 1875. Kent. Keyingham Level in Holderness drainage and navigation. Chapman (W.), 1797, p. 242. Drainage and improvement of Keyingham Level and the adjoining country. Cueassy, 1801. Keyingham Level. Golborne, 1779, 1800. Mr. Golborne's plan of draining. Chapman (W.), 1800, p. 242. Keythorpe System of Land Drainage — its principles, efficiency, economy, and opponents. Trimmer (J.), 1855. Lewes Laughton Level. Report concerning its drainage. Smeaton (J.), 1768, p. 208. Lincoln and Boston, Drainage of Water between. Grundy, 1753, Lincolnshire. Act for embanking and draining certain Salt Marshes and Low Lands, 1793, 1812, Lincoln (County of). • Act for reclaiming from the Sea certain Lands abutting on the Coast of Lincolnshire, 1851. Lincoln (County of). (South) Fens of. History. Wheeler (W. H.), 1868. Maiden and Sheen. Bill for the more effectual Drainage of certain Lands in the Valley of. Malden, 1859. Massachusetts. Mystic, Blackstone and Charles Rivers Valleys. Report of Commission on General System of Drainage. Massachusetts, 1886. Add. 519. Muston Drainage Bill. Compensation for lands. Muston, 1800. Nene. Amending the outfall of the, securing the Middle and North Levels of the Fens from inundation. Edwards (L.), 1771. Nene Valley. Rendel (J. M.), 1849. Nene Valley Drainage and Navigation Reports. Fowler (Sir John), 1858. Add. 501. Improvement, Olver, 1875. Netherlands. Drainage Machinery of. HuET (A.), 1893. Add. 508, Norfolk, Draining of marsh land in the County of, Bateson, 1710. Nottingham. Low lands in the County of. Acts and amended Acts, 1796, 1801, '13, Nottingham, Oxford, Valleys of the Thames and Cherwell, near. Phillips (J.), 1874. Potomac flats at Washington, Reclamation of. Hains (P. C), 1894. Add. 505. Regent's Park Drainage, 1848. Mitchell (D. W.). Romney Marsh. Expense of Dymchurch AVall, 1764-1809. RoMNEY Marsh, 1810-37. VOL. 1. 2d 202 DRAINAGE OF LAND— DRAINAGE OF TOWNS. DRAINAGE OF LAND (Special)— continued. Romnev Marsh. Laws and Customs of Rumney Marsh. ^ RoMNEY Marsh, 1726, 1840. Expenses of the wall from 1810 to 1837, inclusive. ^ Hallowes (J.), 1837. Taillau, Domaine du. Bryas, 1855. Thames (Lower) Valley Drainage. Buchanan (Dr. G.), 1878. Thames Valley Drainage Works Proposed. Effect on the Hincksey Lake. Prestwich, 1884. Manor of Imber, otherwise Imworther, 1607. Denham (J.), &c. Thames Valley Drainage Acts, 1871 and' 187 4. Falkiner and Tancred, 1876. , Report on Drainage of Lands. Hawkshaw, 1878. Trent. Gibbs (L.), 1888. Witham (River). Steam power applied to the Drainage of the fourth district. Welsh (E.), 1865. Yorkshire. Various parishes of East Riding. Hodgman, 1796. Zeeland, regulations. Caland (A.), 1857. Zuider Zee reclamation. Huet (A.), 1890 ; Busing, 1894. Add. 489; Kielmann, 1857 ; Kreuter, 1854, '87 ; Schoute (P. H.), 1893. Sep also Bogs. DRAINAGE OF TOWNS (General References). Henrot, 1891 ; Rawlinson (Sir R.), 1854 Application of the Siphon. Cowen, 1853 Bad Drains and how to test them. Reeves (R. H.), 1885 Drains and Drainage Notes. Slacke (W. R.), 1875 Drainage for profit and for health. Waring (G. E.), 1879 Evacuation of night-soil. Report on. Tr^lat (E.), 1882 Fowler's self-acting Water closet. Fowler, 1874 House drainage. Ough, 1879 ; and Water Service. Bayles 1882; Chadwick (Sir E.), 1884, p. 134; Gray (.J.), 1855 Middleton (R. E.), 1881 ; Putnam (J. P.), 1886. Guild ford. PiLBROw, 1867 ■ Architects and House Drainage. Waring (G. E.), jun., 1886 Architect's Letter on House drainage. Masters, 1876 By-Laws and Regulations. Field (R.), 1877, '78 Drainage and Ventilation of Houses. Field (R.), 1882 Drainage and sanitary appliances of residences. COLYER, 1889 Drainage of habitable buildings. Beardmore (W. L.), 1892 DRAINAGK OF TOWNS 203 DRAINAGE OF TOWNS (General References)— confiwMed. House Drainage. Drainage of town houses. Lawford (G. M.), 1892. How to drain a house. Reade, 1877 ; Waring (G. E.), 1885. Information respecting House Drainage. Atkinson (J.), 1894. Private Connections, House Drains, etc, McKie, 1881, Sanitary Drainage of Houses and Towns. Waring (G. E.), 1878. Sanitary Regulations and rules for house drainage. CUTHBERT, 1884. ^e also Sanitation. Hydrosthetics of the Cistern, Drain and Sewer. Morris (T.), 1878. Information as to ventilating and flushing sewers. BUCKHAM, 1884. Law of Drainage and Sewers. Kennedy and Sandars, 1884. Lincoln's (Lord) Sewerage, Drainage, etc., of Towns Bill, 1846. Health. Martin's improvements in apparatus and means used for draining towns, cities, etc. Martin (John), 1850. Native Guano versus Sewage Water. Anonymous, 1849, p. 49. Pneumatic Drainage, Berlier System. Smith (Adolphe), 1883. Principles. Lee (W.), 1854. Reform of the Sewers, or, manure wasted and land starved. Clarke (G. R.), 1860. Rudimentary Treatise. Dempsey, 1867, 1887. Scheme for effectual Drainage. Anonymous, 1855, p. 55. Separate system. Monson, 1875. Sewerage of Towns. Denton (J. B.), 1855. Sewerage, Irrigation. Latham (B.), 1867-71. Sewerage and Land-Drainage. Waring (G. E.), 1889. Sewerage works in Urban Disti'icts. Vawser (R.), 1886. Subsoil drainage, foundations, etc. Slacke (W. R.), 1875, 1878. Systems of evacuation of water and filth. Overbeck de Meijen, 1883. Town Sewage Question. Child, 1865. Vitrified versus porous Drain Pipes. Anonymous, 1856, p. 58. Wharnclifie's (Lord) letter on Draining. Reply to. Davis (H.), 1851. DRAINAGE OF TOWNS (Special). Adelaide. Adelaide, 1878 ; Clark (W.), 1878. Aldershot. Report. Aldershot, 1870. Alnwick. Balfour (D.), 1892. Atlanta, Georgia. Sewerage. Hering (R.)^ 1891. 20-i DRAIXAGK OF TOWNS, DRAINAGE OF TOWNS (Spkcial)— continued. Barm Drainage Bill. Bann, 1889. Batley. Proposed scheme of sewerage and disposal of sewage. HiLDRED, 1874. Beckenham Drain. Atkinson (W.), 1870. Belfast. Bretland, 1883. Main Drainage. Specifications and drawings. Belfast, 1888. Specifications. Montgomery (J. J.), 1869-83. • Reports. Montgomery (J. J.), 1866, 67, 75. Berlin. Berlin, 1879 ; Lossen, 1879 ; Wiebe (E.), 1861. Drainage and Sewerage system. ' Silk (A. E.), 1894. Beverley and Barmston. Report of Commissioners. Beverley, 1804. Drainage. Hall (James), etc., 1859. Drainage Bill. Beverley^ 1880. Binghampton, N.Y. System of sewerage. Hering (R.), 1882. Hering's project. Waring (G. E.), jun., 1883. Birmingham. Liernur system of Drainage. Scott (A.), 1876. Sewerage Bill. Evidence before Parliamentary Committee, etc. Scott (T. W.), 1872. Blackburn, Borough of. Details of House Drainage. MacCallum, 1890. Municipal and Sanitary Works. MacCallum, 1885. Bombay, 1863. India, p. 111. Reports 1855, '57, '58, '61. India, p. 114. Main drainage. Aitken (R.), 1866, 1867. Drainsige and Sewerage of Bombay. Reports, etc. TuLLOCH (H.), 1868, 1872. Boston. Pumping plant, 1885. Pumping machinery, 1884. Leavitt (E. D.). Boston [U.S.]. .Clarke (E. C), 1885, 1888. Sewerage. Boston, 1871, 1876. Sewage Question. Folsom, 1877. Bournemouth Drainage. Vindication of the rock Concrete Tubes. Sharp, Jones and Co., 1879. Bristol. Green (J.), 1848. Buenos Ayres. Bateman (J. F. La T.), 1871 ; Buenos Ayres, 1887. Burnley. Intercepting and Outfall works. Bryan (W. B.), 1878. Cairo. Report. Latham (B.), 1890. Calcutta. Official Papers, 1863-68. India, p. 115. California. Special message to the Legislation of the State of (on the Drainage of California). Perkins (G. C), 1881. Cambridge. Sewage Report. Stephenson (G. W.), 1870. Sewerage. Shone (I.), 1879. DRAINAGE OF TOWNS. 205 DRAINAGE OF TOWNS (Special)— cow^wMecZ. Cannes. Sewerage on the Shone System. Report. Shone (I.), 1885. Works of Sewerage and Di-ainage, proposed. Galton, 1883. Canterbury. Pilbuow, 18G7. Castleford and Whitwood Main Drainage, 1875. Paterson and Wheater. Chelsea, U.S. Drainage Construction Company v. City of Chelsea, U.S. Pleadings and Evidence. Drainage, 1889 Chicago. Chicago, 1887 Christchurch. Clark (W.), 1878. Cleveland. System of main sewerage. Hering (R.), 1882. Columbia, Disti'ict of. Sewerage. Hering (R.), etc., 1890. Columbus, Ohio. Sewerage of. Waring (G. E.), 1890. Concepcion. Concepcion, 1892. Croydon. Arnott and Page, 1853. ■ Epidemic, 1853. Croydon. Proposition to discharge portion of the Sewage into a sewer under the jurisdiction of the Metropolitan Board of Works. Croydon, 1862. Reports on the Sewerage. Croydon, 1853. Danzig. Danzig, 1881 ; Wiebe (E.), 1865. Delhi. Report. Greathed, 1852; India, 1852, p. 118. Dorking. System of Sewerage. Dorking, 1893. Dortmund, drainage of. Michaelis and Gordon, 1878 ; Mittermaier, 1878. Driffield. Report, 1874. Oldham and Bohn. Specification of Works in earthwork, concrete, brickwork, ironwork, and iron and earthenwork pipes, 1878. Oldham and Bohn. Dublin Sewage. Applying Hydraulics to design for Sewage works, etc. Smith (John A.), 1885. • Main Drainage Outfalls. Griffith (J. P.), 1885. Report of Royal Commissioners. Dublin, 1880. Dudley. Marten (H. J.) and Stileman, 1876. Dunedin. Sanitary Commission on Sewerage and Drainage. DUNEDIN, 1865. Elberfeld. Lindley (W. H.), 1882, '93. England, Sewage- works of some towns in, Report. RowE (R. R.), 1869. Eton College and Eton. Roe (J.), 1812. Europe. Portugal, 1880. Florence. Turin, 1886. France. Instructions. France, 1865, p. 436. Frankforb-on-Maiii. LiNDLKV (W. H.), 1886. 206 DUAINAUE OF TOWNS. DRAINAGE OF TOWNS {Special)— continued. Fraukfort-on-Main Drainage. PuLS (O.), 1886. Geneva, N. Y, Sewerage. Croes, 1884. Georgetown, Demerara. Drainage and Sewerage. Report. Georgetown, 1880. Glasgow, deodorizing the sewage. Anderson (T.) & Bateman, 1858. Halifax Sewer Works. Specifications. Halifax (1874 ?). Hampstead, Frognal and Oak Hill Park. Hampstead, 1892. Heilbronn. Gordon (J.), 1876. Heston and Isleworth Local Board. Ho^se Connections with Sewers and Drainage of Houses. Heston, 1890. Homburg. Lindley (W. H.), 1886. Hongkong. Proposed drainage of the City of Victoria. Leigh (R. K.), 1888. Hornsey. Hornsey Local Board, 1886. Northern portion of the District. Hornsey Local Board, 1885. Houghton-le-Spring. Balfour (D.), 1876. Huyton-with-Roby. Sewerage. HuYTON-with-Roby, 1875. Ironton, Ohio. Sewerage system. Hering (R.), 1891. Karlsruhe drainage. Carlsruhe, 1881. Keene and Laconia, sewerage of. Two New Hampshire towns. Waring (G. E.), 1892. Kingston, Jamaica. Sewerage of. Waring (G. E.), 1887. Kingston-upon-Hull. Report on the outfall drainage of the West District. Sharp (J. F.), 1862. Laneham Drainage. Chapman (W.), 1813, p. 241. Leeds. Report on the sewerage of, under the Leeds Improvement Act. Vetch (J.), 1843. Leicester. Gant, 1873. Report, 1845. Leicester. Report on the Sewerage, Drainage, etc., and a report upon the analysis of the sewerage water, etc. Wicksteed (T.), 1850. Lincolnshire Sewers. Burgh, etc., Drainage Reports. Williams (John E.), 1880-1. Liverpool. Mr. Rennie's Report on the Sewerage. Rennie (J.), 1846. I^ochee. Greig, 1883. London. City Drainage. Ansley (G. D.), 1879. Add. 481. Metropolitan Drainage Reports. Neville, 1 858. Metropolis Sewerage districts. Smith (Joshua Toulmin). London and other large towns. Copland, 1855. Drainage of Cities. Sewage kept for use. Rivers kept clean (especially applicable to the Thames). Spurgin (J.), 1858. DRAINAGE OP TOWNS. 207 i:>RAINAGE OF TOWNS {8PECJAh)—conthnu'd. London. Bryson (J. M.), 1858; Denton (J. B.), 1849; Jebb, 1854 ; Phillips (J. O.), 1885 ; Wright (A.), 1856. Main Drainage. Bazalgette (Sir J. W.), 1855, 1857 ; Bidder, 1858. ■ Contract Drawings. Bazalgette (Sir J. W.), 1859-73. Specifications. Bazalgette (Sir J. W.), 1859-73. Main Drainage of London. Baker (Sir B.) & Binnie, 1891. Main Drainage System, working of. Crimp, 1893. Metropolitan Main Drainage. Folsom, 1876 ; Latham (B.), 1883. • Sewage interception and main drainage of the districts north and south of the Thames. Bazalgette (Sir J. W.), 1856. Tenders for the southern sewage. Bazalgette (Sir J. W.), 1865, 1867. Northern and southern drainage. Bazalgette (Sir J. W.), 1856. Requirements which the Main Drainage is and is not intended to answer. Bazalgette (Sir J. W.), 1871. Scheme for main drainage of the districts north of the Thames. Law, 1855. Metropolitan Board of Works. Inspection of Manure and Chemical Works in the neighbourhood of the northern and southern outfall. Letheby & Bazalgette. Plans for the Drainage of London, 1857. London, p. 256. • Objections to plan suggested by Galton, Simpson, and Blackwell, 1857. London, p. 256. Request for further information, 1858. London, p. 256. Main Drainage. Report by Bidder, Hawksley and Bazal- gette, 1858. London, p. 256. Answer to this report by the Government Referees. London, p. 256. Obser- vations on answer, by Bidder, etc., 1858. London, p. 256. Letter of Government Referees on Observations, 1858. London, p. 256. Letter from G. P. Bidder on the Drainage, 1858. London, p. 256. Metropolitan Main Drainage Contract. Drawings by J. W. Bazalgette, 1859-73. Specifications, 18.59-73. London, p. 256. Report of Committee, 1862. London, p. 256. ■ Western Pumping Station. Specifications of Engines and Buildings, 1872. London, p. 257. Scheme of London Drainage Company. Report by J. W. Bazalgette and W. Haywood. London, p. 256. 208 DRAINAGK OF TOWNS. DRAINAGE OF TOWNS (Special)— continued. London. Reports and Communications of the Board of Health on the Drainage of the Metropolis, 1854. London, p. 256. High level for the interception of the drainage north of the Thames, and the intercepting lines south of the river, 1853. London, p. 256. Report upon Bill of Quantities for the Northern high-level sewer. Pole (W.), 1859. Sewage Interception and Main Drainage of the district North of the Thames Report. Stephenson (R.), 1854. London Main Drainage. Memorandum on the data employed in determining the size- and estimating the cost of the works designed for. Ward (F. O.), 1855. Lower Thames Valley Union proposed by the Surbiton Commissioners. Cox (P.), 1876. Application from the Local Board of Hampton Wick to the Local Government Board. Cox (P.), 1877. Lower Thames Valley Main Sewerage Board. Harrison (J. T.), 1880. Lower Thames Valley, Brent and Lea Drainage High Level Northern Route to Sea Reach. Mansergh, 1885. Lease to Mrs. Corbett of the East Moulsey Glebe. Indenture. Reynolds (O.), and Corbett, 1879. Objections to Mr. Hayward's scheme. Richardson, Rowley and East, 1880. Lower Thames Valley Main Sewerage. Robinson. (Prof. H.), 1885 ; Shone (L), Ault & Donaldson, 1884. Report on the Lower Thames Valley Main Sewerage. Robinson (Prof. H.), and IVlelliss, 1878. • Thames Valley. Preparation of plans as to Main Sewerage and Drainage and Water Supply. Thames Valley, 1873. Lower Thames Valley. Account of schemes for the disposal of the Sewage of Towns in Thames Valley, 1884. Lower Thames Valley Main Sewerage Bill, Report on. Thames Valley, 1884. Thames Valley Sewerage, Report of Col. Cox. Thames Valley, 1876. Lower Thames Valley Main Sewerage Board. Bill to extend its powers and Petition against it, and Debate on its Second Reading. Thames Valley, 1879. Lower Thames Valley Main Sewerage. Haywood's, Man- sergh, and Melliss' Scheme, Minutes of Evidence on. Thames Valley, 1880-4. Lower Thames Valley Sewerage Board. A petition for a [novisional Order for compulsory taking of land. Thames Valley, 1884. DRAINAGE OP TOWNS. 209 DRAINAGE OF TOWNS (Special)— row/wmerf. London. Thames Sewerage Commission. Plan for purifying the Thames from Sewage between the Metropolis and Windsor. Bazalgette (Sir J. W.), 1871. Main features of the plans for the Drainage of the Metropolis, 1840. London, p. 255. Drainage North of the Thames. Engineer's Report, 1851. London, p. 255. Debates and questions in Parliament relating to the Main Drainage, 1882. London, p. 255. Great London Drainage Scheme and Victoria Street Sewer, 1853. London, p. 256 Great London Drainage Bill, Minutes of Evidence, 1853. London, p. 256. Sewage on the south side of the Thames (Metropolitan Board of Works). Ellis (T.), 1866. Thames Reform : a new plan for the drainage of the Metropolis. Worsley (Sir W.), 1856. Boring Operations at the Crossness pumping station. Bazalgette (Sir J. W.), 1869. • Thames Conservancy and Main Drainage Outfalls, Report on the Arbitration. Bazalgette (Sir J. W.), 1880. Plans of Captain J. Vetch for the Sewerage of the Metropolis. Gordon (L. D. B.), 1851. Drainage By-Laws as administered under the Metropolis Local Management Acts. Tidman (E.), 1889. Project for the Drainage and Sewerage. Murray (John), 1852. City of London Sewers. Report, etc. Walker (James), Cubitt and Brunei, 1848. Metropolitan Commission of Sewers. Court Minutes Jan., 1849, July, 1852, and Nov., 1854. London. Add. 516. Report on that portion of the main intercepting drainage called the Northern Drainage. Roe (J.), 1854. Metropolis Southern Sewerage utilization. Smith (R.), 1867. Suggested works on the Thames. Hall (M.), 1852. ■ Proposed aqueduct sewer from extreme west of the Metropolis to the Thames at Bai'king Creek. Beardmore (N.), 1850. Disposal of the Sewage. Denton (E. F. B.), 1887. System of Pipe Drainage, unsuccessful results. Anonymous, 1852, p. 49. Metropolitan system of Drainage and the interception of Sewage from the Thames. Bazalgette (Sir J. W.), 1865. VOL. I. 2 E ■ 210 DRAINAGE OF TOWNS, DRAINAGE OF TOWNS {iipECi\h)— continued. London. Outfall of the Main Drainage and intercepting sewers. Austin (A.), 1856. Kensington Drainage. Phillips (J.), 1846, 1847. Lisson Grove Drainage. Phillips (J.), 1846. St. Giles in the Fields. Drainage. WooLRYCH (E. H.) 1852. Temple (Middle). Contract drainings. Redman (J. B.), 1849. "Westminster. Improvement of the Drainage of that district now drained by the King's Scholar's Pond Sewer. RJennie (Sir J.), 1846. Drainage of the Westminster Abbey precincts. Austin (H.), and Lovick (T.), 1849. Louth. Gant, 1874. Ludwigshaven. Gordon (Joseph), 1878. Madras. Clark (W.), 1875. ■ Report on a project for the Drainage of. Tulloch (H.), 1865. Maldon, Essex, Sewerage. Grantham (R. F.), 1891. Manchester. Manchester, 1845. Mannheim, lietween the Neckar and the Rhine. LiNDLEY (W. H.), 1890. Margate. Report. Latham (B.), 1877. Massachusetts Drainage Commission. Report. Waring (G. E.), 1886. Melbourne Drainage. Critique on Mr. Mansergh's report. ""Shone (I.), 1891. Memphis. System of Sewerage at Memphis and elsewhere. Waring (G. E.), 1893. Milan. Bignami-Sormani, 1868. Munich. Gordon (J.), 1876; Eckert (K.), 1879. Muston. General principles of public drains. Chapman (W.), 1803, p. 241. New South Wales. Manly. Report on Drainage Works, 1888. Manly, N.S.W. Newport. Clark (G. T.), 1850. Nottingham Sewerage and River Conservancy, Account of. Tarbotton (M. O.), 1875, '86. Nuremberg. Gordon (Joseph), 1876. Ossett Main Drainage. Report, 1874. Paterson (M. M.). Oswego, N.Y. Rules and Regulations relating to Plumbing, Drainage, and Ventilation, 1893. Oswego, N.Y. Oxford Main Drainage. Cubitt (Sir W.), 1851 ; White (William Henry), 1877. • Oxford, Eton, Windsor, Abingdon. Ewart (C. B.), 1868. DRAINAGE OF TOWNS. 211 DRAINAGE OF TOWNS {^PECixh) — continued. Paris. Health Department, 1871, '90. Paris, p. 460. . Sewage water utilised, and the purification of the Seine. Stoffkl (L. M.), etc., 1873. Sewerage of Paris. Waring (G. E.), 1887 ; Emmery, 1837, '53. ■ Water and Sewerage Department, 1879. Paris, p. 460. Patrington. Specification of W^orks in earthwork, concrete, brickwork, ironwork, and iron and earthenware pipes, 1878. Oldham and Bohn. Peterborough. Addy, 1874. Philadelphia. Hering (R.), 1881. • Drainage Question. Waring (G. E., jun.), 1885. House and Street Drainage. Hering (R.), 1878. Port Louis, 1870. Port Louis. Portsmouth Drainage and a scheme for amending it on the Shone Pneumatic System. Shone (I.) and Wallis, 1882. ■ Sewerage. Angell (L.), 1864. Potsdam. Shone System. Knauff, 1885. Providence, U.S. Gray (S. M.), 1884. Providence, R.I., Sewerage and Sewage Disposal. Waring (G. E.), 1885. Rangoon. Sewerage on the Shone Hydro-pneumatic system. Shone (I.), and Ault, 1892. Raventhorpe Branch Drainage. Report, 1875. Paterson (M. M.). Richmond, Surrey. Donaldson (G.), 1849, 1856. Richmond Main Drainage Plan for dealing with the Sewage of Richmond, Barnes, Mortlake, Kew, and Petersham. Melliss, 1885. Rio de Janeiro, Drainage of. Specification. Rio de Janeiro, 1859. Rugby, Sandgate, Tottenham, St. Thomas's Exeter, and Barnard Castle. Bazalgette (Sir J. W.), 1854. St. John's, Newfoundland. System of sewerage. Hering (R.), 1889. Sandgate . Drainage in connection with the outbreak of Cholera. Report. Sandgate, 1855. Sebastopol Plateau and Durham Lead. Proposed underground drainage Scheme report. Sebastopol, Victoria, 1878. Shanagolden District, County Limerick. Supplemental Report. Coneys, 1849. Sioux, City of. Falls. Sewerage system. Hering (R.), 1893. Skegness. Balfour (D.), 1876. Southampton Sewerage Report. Simpson (J.), 1855. Southport Drainage by Gravitation, and disposal of Sewage. Report, Letter and Speech on. Shone (I.), 1883. 212 DKAINACSE OF TOWNS — DRAUGHT. PRATNACJE OF TOWNS (Special) — continued. Southport. Report on Crossens Channel new cut. Yebnon Harcourt, 1884. Spezia. Raddi, 1886. Stansty. Report on the gravitating Sewerage Schemes, with proposals for sewering the same on Isaac Shone's Pneumatic System. Shone (I.), 1879. Stapleton, Co. Gloucester. Curtis (J. P.), 1880. Stockport Sewage Scheme Report. Stockport, 1892. Stratford-on-Avon. Sewerage and Sewage Disposal. Davis (A. F.), 1886. Stuttgart. Gordon' (Joseph), 1874, '76. Superior, City of, sewerage system. Hering (R.), 1893. Sydney City and Suburban Sewage and Health Board Reports. Sydney, 1875-76, 1888, pp. 272, 273. Drainage Works Act. Sydney, 1889, p. 273. Drainage Works Report. Reticulation Report, and City Surveyor's Report on Disposal of Refuse by towing out to sea. Sydney, 1889-91, p. 273. North Shore Drainage Works. Sydney, 1888, p. 273. Sewerage Reports. Sydney, 1855-82, p. 272. Sewerage Reports. Sydney, 1889-90, p. 273. Street and House Garbage, Refuse, and Nightsoil. Removal and Destruction. Sydney, 1885, p. 273. Toronto. Disposal of sewage. Hering (R.), and Gray, 1889. Torquay Drainage. Torquay, 1884. Tottenham and Wood Green Sewerage Bill. Report from Select Committee on, etc. Tottenham, 1891. Trenton, N.J., Sewerage system. Report of the Sanitary Com- mittee. Trenton, N.J., 1885. Truro Main Drainage, Problem. Special Council meeting, etc. Truro, 1888. Turin. Bignami-Sormani, 1885; Raddi, 1891. Uppingham Sewage and private Drainage. Field (R.), 1876. Warsaw Drainage. Warsaw, 1879, 1890. Waterbury, Conn., sewerage works. Hering (R.), 1882. Wellington, City of. Clark (W.), 1878. Wellington, N.Z. Report on the Sewage. Cuthbert and Perguson, 1890. Wilmington. System of sewerage. Hering (R.), 1883. Wimbledon. Main Drainage and Sewage Disposal Works. Crimp, 1888. Wolverhampton. Sewerage scheme and ventilation of home drainage. Broom, 1878. See also Sewage. Sewerage (Places). DRAUGHT. Effect of forces applied to. Rankine (D.), 1828. DRAWING — DREDGING MACHINES, 213 DRAWING. Appleton's Cyclopedia of drawing. Appleton (D.), 18G9. Architectural Drawing, application of Geometry to. Burn (R. S.), 1853. Geometrical and Engineering. Pigot, 1879 ; Portlock, 1858. Instructor in Drawing and Working the five orders of archi- tecture. Nicholson (P.), 1839, '45. Isometrical drawing as applicable to geological and mining plans. SopwiTH (T.), 1834, p. 225. Lineal Drawing. Francceur, 1835. Linear Drawing. Introduction to technical drawing. Mast, 1874. Map and Plan Drawing. King (C. C), 1873. Mechanical Drawing. Aborn, 1886 ; Halliday (G.), 1889. Topographical Drawing. SxMITH (R. S.), 1882. Treatise of Projection, first principles of plans and elevations. Nicholson (P.), 1837. Projection and artistic drawing. Smith (James), Architect, 1843. Working drawings and how to make and use them. Haupt (L. M.), 1881. DRAWING INSTRUMENTS. Descriptive Treatise on Mathe- matical Drawing Instruments. Stanley (W. P.), 1866, 1878. DREDGING. Dredge Illustrations. Bucyrus Steam Shovel and Dredge Company, 1892. Add. 489. Results of the dredging [natural history] cruises of H.M. Ships " Porcupine" and " Lightning" during the summers of 1868, '69 and '70. Thomson (Sir C. ^Y.). Clyde. On the Dredging of the lower estuary. Stevenson (C. A.), 1887. Disposal of Dredgings. Kidston, 1862 . Italy. Rock dredging works in some Italian Harbours. CiMiNO, 1893. New South Wales. Report by the Engineer -in-Chief on Dredging Operations, 1889-91. New South Wales, p. 401. St. Nazaire, Bremerhaven, Oakland and St. Petersburgh Har- bours. Dredging operations at. Timonoff (V. E.), 1892. DREDGING MACHINES. Dredging machine. Anonymous, 1843, p. 51 ; Salomon and Forchheimer, 18B8. Dredging and Dredge Plant. Brown (A.), 1874, 1889 ; Schonberg (A. C), 1890. Automatic gear for working the larger sizes of Bull's patent dredgers. Bull (W.), 1886. 21.i DREDGING MACHINES — DRY ROT. DREDGING MACHINES— cowfinwecZ. Molesworth Ratchet Dredger. Molesworth, 1874. Patent Hydraulic Deepener. Affleck, 1833. Steam Dredgers. Hagen (L.), 1887. Use of the under-excavating or Steam Dredging Engine. Archer (T.), 1829. Bristol Docks. New dredger. Girdlestone, 1886. Clyde Navigation. Dredging Plant. Deas, 1892. Report on Hopper Barges. Kidston, 1862. Cork Harbour. Benson, 1872. Mersey Docks and Harbour Board. New Sand Dredge " Brancker " for the. Blechynden, 1893 New South Wales. Report. New South Wales, 1881, p. 401 Queensland. American Dredges, Queensland, 1877, p. 71. Contract for new dredge or dredges. Queensland, 1879, p. 71. Dredgiiig Plant. Queensland, 1876, p. 70. ■ Groper Dredge. Queensland, 1877, p. 71. Sinclair's-birth Bay. Machine for lifting a cargo of iron sunk in 1829, buried in the sand six feet. Bremner, 1836. DRILL IN SCHOOLS. Chadwick (Sir E.), 1885, p. 236. DRILL. Potato drill machine. Randall, 1764. DRILLING APPARATUS. Drilling apparatus for Water and Gas Mains. Pearson (H. W.) 1891 '92. DRILLING MACHINE (Square). Bolton (R.), 1892! DRILLS. See Rock Drills. DRINKS. What shall we drink ? GosLiN, 1883. DROWNING. Table for the reviving of drowned persons. Pouchet, 1840; Pouchet, App. 572, Will a drowned person be raised by the discharge of a cannon 1 Cuento, 1884. DRUGS. Cultivation and uses. Christy (T.), 1882. DRY ROT. Dickson (R.), 1838. In Buildings. Randall (James), 1807. In Timber. Practical observations. Dodd, 1815. Cause of, discovered. George (J.), 1829. Causes and origin of the dry rot. Lingard, 1819, '27. Means to preserve the British Navy from dry-rot. Knowles (J.), 1821. Origin and Operation. Mc Willi am, 1818. DRYIXG^DYXAMOMRTERS. 215 DRYING. Machine for drying and pulverising blood, excrementitious matter, etc. Farmer, 1883. Patent Concentrator or mechanical Dryer. Forrest, 1881. DUST. Method of collecting Flue Dust. Egleston, 1883. DWELLINGS OF THE POOR. See Housing of the Working Classes. DYEING. Crace-Calvert, 1876; Berthollet, 1824. Dyeing and Bleaching. Be van (G. P.), Industries, vol. 6. Dyeing and Tissue Printing. Crookes, 1882. Dyeing and Calico Printing. Crookes, 1874. DYKES. Construction. Caland (A.), 1833. Zealand, Atlas of plates. Ordt, 1860. DYNAMICS. CoLLiGNON (E.), 1885; Earnshaw, 1844; Greenhill (A. G.), 1893 ; Pinkerton (R. H.), 1888 ; Warr (G. F.), 1851 ; Whewell (W.), 1823. Dynamics of Magnetism, Electricity, Heat, Light, Crystallization and Chemism in relation to vital force. Reichenbach, 1851. Diagram of speed and acceleration. Mohr (O.), [1888]. Dynamics of a Particle. Tait (P. G.) and Steele, 1865. Electro Dynamics. Manual. Gumming, 1827. Force of falling bodies and dynamics of matter. Nystrom, 1873. Principles and practice. Baker (T.), 1851 ; Nystrom, 1874. Rigid Bodies. Treatise on the Dynamics of a system of. RouTH (E. J.), 1860. Rotation, Dynamics of. Worthington (A. M.), 1892. Solution to the celebrated fundamental question (hitherto un- solved). Gardiner (M.), 1883. See also Mechanics. Motion. DYNAMO ELECTRIC MACHINES. See Electricity (dynamos). DYNAMOMETERS. Dynamometers and the Measurement of Powers. Flather, 1892. Dynamometric Apparatus. MoRiN, 1841. New Dynamometer. Froude (W.), 1857. Transmission Dynamometer for expresses. Raffard, 1890. 216 EARTH. E. EARTH. Calculation of the Age of the Earth. Reade, 1883. Creation and Physical Structure. Harrison (J. T.), 1889. Cooling (Secular) of the Earth. Reade, 1887. Secular straining of the Earth. , Reade, 1890. Density of the Earth. Experiinents to determine. Cavendish, 1798. App. 551. Pendulum experiment made in Harton Colliery for ascertaining. Airy (Sir G. B.), 1855, p. 21. Figure of the Earth. Airy (Sir G. B.), 1850, p. 23; Bakewell (F. C), 1862; Laplace, 1818, 1819; Maupertuis, 1738; Merriman, 1881. Curvature of the Earth. Carletti, 1882. Determined by the pendulum. Brussels, 1876; Sabine (Sir E.), 1825. By measure of arcs. Brussels, 1876. Dimensions and mean specific gravity of the Earth. Clarke (A. R.), 1858. Ellipticity of the Earth. Pritchard (C), 1831. Method of ascertaining, by means of Occultations of the Fixed Stars. Cagnoli, 1819. Method of investigating the Ellipticity of the Earth, considered as a heterogeneous spheroid. Pritchard, 1831. • Precession and Nutation. Airy (Sir G. B.), 1831, p. 17. ■ ■ Water. Experimental proofs that the surface of standing water is not convex, but horizontal [by J. Hampden]. Anonymous, 1870, p. 45. Are rivers, lakes, seas, and oceans flat or round, plane or spherical? [by J. Hampden]. Anonymous, 1870, p. 46. Is Water level or convex ? John Hampden triumphant. Hampden, 1870, '71. Not a globe (water not convex). Carpenter (W.), 1871. ■ See Pendulums. Formation of the Earth. Dynamical Theory. Ritchie (A. T.), 1850. Interior of the Earth. Probable condition of. Airy (Sir G. B.), 1878, p. 21. Motions of Fluids and Solids relative to the Earth's surface. Ferrel, 1860. Orbit, eccentricity of. Airy (Sir G. B.), 1880, p. 22. EARTH RARTIIQUAKKS. 1*17 KARTK— con fmiied. Physical theories of the Earth in relation to mountain formation. Reade, 1889. Physics of the Earth's crust. Anonymous, 1850, p. 40 ; Reade, 1890. Rotation of the Earth. Laplace, 1821. Plato's doctrine and Aristotle's comment. Grote (G-.), 1860. System of the World. Collin, 1846 ; Laplace, 1813, 1836. Temperature of the Earth's crust. Reade, 1891, EARTH WAVES. Earth Wave at destruction of Flood Rock, New York Harbour. Abbot (H. L.), 1885. Velocity and Transmission of Earth Waves. Abbot (H. L.), 1878. EARTHQUAKES. Zurcher (F.) & Margolle, 1884. Aseismatic arrangement, adapted to structures in earthquake countries. Stevenson (D.), 1868. Catalogue of the British Association. Mallet (R. & J. W.), 1858, Cause of activity. Peacock (R. A.), 1877 History and philosophy of Earthquakes. Anonymous, 1757, p. 46. Measurement. Ewing, 1883, Observations of Earthquake Phenomena. Mallet (R.), 1859, Principle that may be employed in Earthquake measurement. Perry (Prof. J.) & Ayrton, 1877, Protection of Buildings. Cerero, 1890. Resistance of buildings against Earthquakes. Favaro, 1883. Saturated Steam the motive power. Peacock (R. A.), 1882. Structures, effect on. Notes on recent publications. Pownall (C. a. W.), 1891, Structures in an Earthquake country. Perry (Prof, J.) & Ayrton, 1878. British Earthquake, Nov. 9, 1852. Mallet (R.), 1854. East Anglian, 1884. Report, Meldola and White, California, 1890 and 1891. Holden (E. S.) ; Keeler, 1890; 1892 & 1893 ; Perrine (C. D.). Add. 528. Oregon and Washington Territory. List of recorded earth- quakes. Holden (E. S.), 1887, Charleston, S.C., examination of buildings injured. Charleston, S.C, 1887, Photographs, 1886. Charleston, S.C, Ischia, Isle of, Baldacci, 1883, '85 ; Johnston-Lavis, 1885. Japan. Construction in Earthquake Countries, Milne (John), 1887 vol. I. 2 F 218 EARTHQUAKES — EARTHWORKS. EAUTHQV AK'E^— continued. Japan. System of Construction intended to give security to con- structions in masonry. Lescasse, 1877. Earthquakes and other Earth Movements. MiLNE(John), 1886. Earthquakeeffects,emotionalandmoral. Milne (John), 1887. Earth Tremors in Central Japan, Milne (John), 1887. Great Earthquake, 1891. Milne (John) and Burton, 1891. Seismic Survey made in Tokio in 1884 and 1885. Milne (John), 1887. Seismological Journal of Japan. Periodical Publications, p. 24. Seismological Society of Japan. Transactions, 1880-92. Seismological Society. Krakatoa, Eruption of. Report of the Committee. Royal Society, 1888. Naples. Great Neapolitan Earthquake of 1857. Mallet (R.), 1862. Nicaragua Canal. Possible effects of Earthquake shocks on the structure of the. Dutton (C. E.), 1891. EARTHWORKS. Gobin (A.), 1884; Graham, 1863; Thomason Civil Engineering Coll., 1853-4, 1862-4. Calculating cost of earthwork. Kreuter (F.), 1887. Calculation of Earthwork. Cunningham (D.), 1865; Lalanne, 1879. Directions for estimating the cost of Earthworks. Trautwine (.J. C), 1887. Lateral (actual) pressure of Earthwork. Baker (Sir B.), 1882. Measurement, rules for. Morris (E.), 1872. Earthwork Measurer. Branfill, 1877. Ploughing Machines in the construction of Military Earthworks. Application. Webber (Maj.-Gen. C.E.), 1863. Pressure of Earth. Curie, 1873; Hagen (G.), 1871 ; Mayniel, 1808 ; Weyrauch, 1881. Pi-essure of sandy earth. Saint Venant (A. J. C. B. de), 1884 ; Boussinesq (J.), 1884. Profile of earthworks. A quick process for determining their surface and declivity. Switkowski (M.), 1884. Resistance required to sustain banks of earth, Formulae for finding maximum amount of. Shrinkage of Earthwork. Flynn, 1885. Slips (Earthwork) and Subsidences upon Public works. Newman (J.), 1890. Spontaneous sliding of clayey ground. Collin, 1846. Stereometric Tablet for the Computation of Earthworks. Warner (J.), 1863. EARTHWORKS— EnUCATIOX. 219 EARTHWORKS— continited. Tables. Buck (J. H. W.), 1885 ; Gallott, 1884 ; Hales (W. P.), (1881?) ; Merth (L.), 1873. Neally, 1880. Bidder's Earthwork Tables for use of the Public Works Department in India. O'Callaghan, 1865. Metrical Earthwork Tables for finding the contents of earth- works. Greenbank and Pigot, 1866. Table for facilitating the Calculation of Earthworks for Railways, Canals, etc. Bashforth, 1847. Tables for Calculation of Earthwork in the formation of Railways, Roads, and Canals. Huntington, 1846, '47. Tables for estimating contents of Earthwork of railways and other public works in cubic yards. Sibley (C. K.), and Rutherford, 1847. Theorems (New), Tables and Diagrams for Computation of Earthworks. Warner (J.), 1861. Theory of earth pressure and calculation of retaining walls. Kreuter (F.), 1877. Universal scale for measuring Earthwork. Heald (G.), 1839. Ohio Earthworks and Mounds, etc. Smithsonian Inst., 1889, 1891 ; Thomas (Cyrus), 1889. Sind. Price (W. H.), 1874. See also Railways (Earthworks). ECCLESIOLOGY. Ecclesiologist. Periodical Publications, p. 14. Sketches of Continental Ecclesiology. Webb (B.), 1848. ECONOMIC PRODUCTS. Punjab. Powell (B. H.), 1868-72. EDDIES, propagation of. Bidone, 1820, 1825. EDUCATION. Art Education. Papworth, 1889. Artillery and Engineers, joint education of the, injurious to the public service. Anonymous, 1873, p. 47. Classical Instruction. Anonymous, 1854, p. 42. Observations on its advantages. Russell (Rev. Michael), 1836. Colleges of Arts and Manufactures for the better instruction of the industrial classes. Lloyd (J. A.), 1851. Commercial. Bristol Diocesan Trade School. MosELEY, etc., 1869. Education Department : i. Expenditure ; ii. Results of Inspection, 1879-88. Parliamentary. .Papers, p. 476. Engineers, Civil and Mechanical, Education of. Dyer (H.), 1880, 1887 ; Jenkin, 1868. Civil Engineer. Graham-Smith, 1876; Hele-Shaw, 1891. 220 EDUCATION. EDVCATIOI^— continued. En<^ineers. Engineering Education in the British Dominions, 1891. Institution of C. E. ; Society for the Promotion of Engineering Education, 1894. Equipment of Engineering Schools. Thurston (R. H.), 1893. Engineers' Examinations of the Board of Trade Solutions to questions. Davies (E. J. M.), 1891. Engineering Education at home and abroad. Mitchell (E.), 1882. Engineering Mechanical Schools, Efficiency of. Wolff (A. R.), 1888. Fine Arts, Teaching of. ' Tbelat (E.), 1864. Higher Education, plea for making it accessible to all. Angell (J. B.), 1879. Higher Polytechnic education, in Germany. Koristka, 1863. Industrial Education. Dupin, 1828, 1836. on the Continent. Geological Survey, 1852 ; Playfair (L.), 1852. Missing Link. Hele-Shaw, 1891. Organisation of. MoRiN and Tresca, 1863. Lectures on Education. Royal Inst, of Gt. Britain, 1855. Libei'al Education with special reference to the leading studies of Cambridge. Whewell (W.), 1845. Living Languages, Study of, for colloquial purposes. Cotton (Sir A.), 1875. Manual Industry, relation to. MacArthur, 1884. Mechanical Science, Prospectus of Sir J. Whitworth's Scholarships for. Whitworth (Sir J.), 1870, etc. Minutes of Committee of Council, 1840-41. Parliamentary. .Papers, p. 475. National Education, Speech in the House of Commons on the Government plan for promoting. Russell (Lord John), 1839. Speech in the House of Lords on the Government plan. Lansdowne, 1839. Reports of National Education Union, 1869, '70. National Education Union. National Schools of Science. Reports on. Gilman (D. C), 1872. Natural Philosophy, Advantages of, and Astronomy as part of a general and professional education. Lardner, 1829. Naval Education, Report on Foreign Systems. SoLEY (J. R.), 1880. New Education and the new Civilisation ; their unity. Thurston (R. H.), 1892, p. 310. People, observations on the education of the. Brougham, 1825. Physics in Secondary Schools. Slate (F.), 1892. Apparatus for. Mijller (F. C. G.), 1889. EDUCATION. 221 EDUCATION— co«f/H ued. Plea for Education as a public duty. Lothrop, 1878. Popular Education. Fairbairn (Sir W.), 1860, pp. 403. Present state and future Advancement. SopwiTii (T.), 1853, p. 225. Primary Education and the half-time system. CiiADWiCK (Sir E.), 1887, p. 234. ■ and the receptivity of children. Chadwick (Sir E.), 1880, p. 234. Recent measures for the promotion of Education, 1839. Parliamentary. .Papers, p. 475. Reports of Royal Commission on Scientific Instruction and the Advancement of Science, 1872-75. Parliamentary. .Papers, p. 47G. Scientific Education. Report of Select Committee on Scientific Instruction, 1868. Parliamentary. .Papers, p. 476. Reports of the Committee of Council, England and Wales, 1879-88. Parliamentary. .Papers, p. 476. • Study of abstract science. Playfair (L.), 1851. Science and Art Department. Calendar, Directory, Exami- nation Papers, Reports, etc. Science and Art Dept., 1853, 1870-86. Science Education Movement. Robertson (C), 1868. Science Teaching. Guthrie (F.), 1886. Scientific and Art Education in relation to Progress in manufactures. Tylor (A.), 1863. University study. Sedgwick (A.), 1834. Village Schools, Education in. Sopwith (T.), 1868, p. 225. Australia, Western, public elementary Education Bill. Report. Western Australia, 1871. Bristol. Education Statistics. Statistical Society of Bristol, 1841 ; Bristol, 1841. California. Educational Progress. Kellogg, 1892. France. Education of the Engineer. Flaciiat, 1868. Report on general Education. Jones (Rev. H. L.), 1842. Germany and Switzerland, Industrial Education in. Germany, 1865. Holland. Holland, p. 65. India, Madras. Department of Public Instruction. Report, 1859-60. India, p. 122. Ireland tranquillized. Kennedy (J. P.), 1835. New South Wales. Proposed College for the Training of Teachers of Public Schools. New South Wales, 1891, p. 401. Report of the Council of Education on Public Schools, 1873-74. New South Walks, p. 401. 2-22 EDUCATION — ^KLECTUICITY. E D U CATION— continued. New South Wales. Report of the Minister of Public Instruction, 1889. New South Wales, p. 401. Scientific, Professional, and Technical Instruction. New South Wales, 1880, p. 401. New York State. Report on School Hygiene, 1888. New York State. Philadelphia. Public Schools Report, 1866. Philadelphia, p. 34. Exhibition, 1876, Education Department. Philadelphia, 1877, p. 33. Saxony, Elementary Education in. > Bashfoed, 1881. Scotland. Report on the Examination of its science and technical teaching. Scotland, 1888, p. 174. Spanish Public Education Annual, 1868. Spain, p. 234. Toronto School of Practical Science. Prospectus, with Syllabus of the courses of instruction, etc. Toronto, 1886, etc. United Kingdom. Educational List and Directory of , for 1887-8. Stephen (W.). Add. 535. United States Education. United States, pp. 343-4. Wisconsin Common Schools. Elementary Course of Study for. Thayer (J. B.), 1889. EDUCATION (Technical). See Technical Instruction. ELASTICITY OF SOLID BODIES, Laws of. Rankine (W. J. M.), 1851, 1852 ; Weyrauch, 1884, '85. See Strength of Materials. ELECTRICITY (General References). Becket, 1773; Becquerel (A. C), 1834 ; Beetz, 1873 ; Bird (G.), 1849 ; Bohnenberger, 1793-95; Caillard, 1891; Chamorro, 1870; Coulomb, 1785-89; Dary, 1883, 1892; Dove, 1848; Exner, 1888; Ferguson (J.), 1770; Ferguson (R. M.), 1876, '82; Guille- MiN (A.), 1891; Guthrie (F.), 1880; Jenkin, 1878, '81; Mascart and Joubert, 1882, '83; Maycock, 1891; Munro (J.), 1883, '90 ; Pepper (J. H.), 1880 ; Plant6, 1879 ; Reese, 1881. Essays and Treatises. Adams, G. (1784), Desaguliers, 1742 ; Harris (Sir M. S.), 1857 ; Krieg, 1888 ; Martin (B.), 1746 ; Murphy (R.), 1833; Penrose (F.), 1752; Priestly, 1786; Turner (R.), 1746. App. 578. Vaschy (A.), 1890; Wilson (B.), 1752. Lectures. Fleming (J. A.), 1886; Sturgeon (W.), 1842, 1852. Lessons. Thompson (S. P.), 1882; Tyndall (J.), 1876 and '87, p. 335. Manuals. Burch, 1893 ; Cadiat (E.), 1892 ; Noad, 1855-57, '59. Researches. Cavendish, 1879. Thoughts on. Chalmers /n \ ig5i Amateurs, Electricity for. Hospitalier' 1885*. ELECTRICITY. 223 ELECTRICITY (General References)— coH/mwecZ. Amber-soul to Telephone, Electricity from. Benjamin, 1886. American Electrical Directory for 1887-8. Periodical Publications, p. 9. American Electrical Society. American Elect. See. American Institute of Electrical Engineers. American Inst, of Elect. Eng. Annals of Electricity, Magnetism, etc. Periodical Publications, p. 11. Annual of Electricity, 1884. Reverend (A.) Application to Domestic Purposes. Preece, 1861. Industry and Arts. Annual Account. Delahaye, 1885-91. Military Purposes. Wachter, 1883. Modern Life. Urbanitzky (A.), 1886. Add. 537. Practical Purposes. Lecture. Solly (E.), 1847. Useful Arts, by Bain. FiNLAisoN (J.), 1843; also App. 557. Applications of . Du Moncel, 1872-78; Ferrini, 1884; Schcentjes (J.), 1886. Applied to Agriculture, etc. Siemens (Sir W.), 1881, p. 198. Board of Trade, Electricity at the. Blakesley, 1883, Cause of Electricity, and why some things are non-electricable. Freke, 1746. with Remarks on Chemical Equivalents. Carruthers, 1886, Century of Electricity. Mendenhall, 1889. Chemical Agencies of Electricity. Davy (Sir H.), 1807. Clock and Electrical Fire-brigade Telegraphy. Jobler, 1883. Diagrams (Electrical) and Connections. Davis (C. H.) and Rae, 1876. Dictionary. Jacquez, 1883. Dictionary of Electrical Words, Terms, and Phrases. Houston, 1889, '92. Electric Communication. AVhite (W.), 1850-1. Electric Current : how Produced and how Used. Walmsley (R. M.), 1894. Electric Formulary. Zach, 1883. Electric Lines and Transmissions. General Treatise. Weiller (L.), and Vivarez, 1892. Electric Waves. Hertz, 1893. Electrical Condition applied to Facts. Cox worthy, 1848. Electrical Deposition of Dust and Smoke. Lodge, 1886. Electrical Directory. Berly', 1889, etc. Electrical Engineer. Periodical Publications, p. 14. Electrical Engineer. Aide-Memoire. Duche, etc., 1888-89, Constant Cui-ront. Desmond, 1891. l)-_>4 RLKCTRICITV. ELECTRICITY (General References) — continued. Electrical Engineer's Pocket Book of Modern Rules, Formulas, Tables and Data. Kempe (H. R.), 1890 ; MuNRO (J.) and Jamieson, 1884,'86, '89. Electrical Engineers' Price-Book. Griffin (C.) and Co., 1893. Electrical Engineering. Fiskk, 1883 ; Polytechnic, 1886-87. Formulas. Geinitz, Fleck and Hartig, 1865. Electrical Experiments. Francis (G.), 1848 ; Hoadly and Wilson, 1756 Electrical Installations. Rules for. Victorian Engineers' Assoc, 1889. Electrical Interferences and the Doctrine of G. A. Hirn. Schwoerer (E.), 1891. Electrical Magazine. Periodical Publications, p. 14. Electrical News and Telegraph Reporter. Periodical Publications, p. 14. Electrical Phenomena and Theories. Notes on a course of lectures. Tyndall (J.), 1881, p. 335. Electrical Review. Periodical Publications, p. 14. Electrical Science. Bakewell (F. C), 1853. Electrical World. Periodical Publications, p. 14. Electrician. Periodical Publications, p. 14. Electrician and Electrical Engineer. Periodical Publications, p. 14. Electricien. Periodical Publications, p. 14. Electrostatic, direct comparison of, with Electro-magnetic Force. Maxwell, 1868. Electro-technics. Biscan, 1891 ; Gerard, 1886; Strecker, 1888. Elektrotechnische Zeitschi'ift. Periodical Publications, p. 14. Elettricita. Periodical Publications, p. 14. Exhibitions. See Exhibitions (Electricity). Experimental researches. Faraday (M.), 1849. Experiments and Observations. Franklin (B.), 1769 ; Rack- STROW (B.), 1748. App. 572; Watson (Sir WilHam), 1746, pp. 407, 408. Faraday's lines of Force. Maxwell, 1856. Fundamental Doctrines. Hauck (W. P.), 1883. Galvanism. Rudimentary treatise on Galvanism. Harris (Sir W. S.), 1856. Handbook of Electro-technics. Kittler, 1886-90. High Frequency Discharges. Experiments with. SwiNTON (A. A. C), 1893. History. HOPPE (E.), 1884. Homes, Workshops, etc. Walker (S. F.), '89, '90. Industrial Electricity. Cadiat (E.), and Dubost, 1889 ; Monnier, 1889. ELECTRICITY. 225 ELECTRICITY (General References)— co;S'ee Distillation. FF.ItlUKS — FILTllATIOX. 263 FERRIES. Boat " Bergen," Experiments made on the Double Screw Steel Ferry Boat. Ishkhvvood, 1890. Compound Ferry or Ferry Bridge. Stockman (B. P.), 1882. Rolling Stock Ferries of the World. Report on. Hadgiiton (W. R.), 1894. Add. 506. Alloa ferry, proposed steam-boat. Bald (R.), 1822. Dundee Ferries Committee of Management. Observations by Steyenson on Telford's Plan. Warren (Capt.), 1820. Fife and Forfar communication improved by means of ferries. Stevenson (R.), 1818. Indus Valley State Railway Ferry over the River Indus at Sukkur. Robertson (F. E.), 1884. Isle of Wight Ferry Bill, 1859. Report of J. G. C. Curtis on. Wight, Isle of, Queensferry Passage, Memorial to the Trustees of the. M'KoNOCHiE, 1828. Tay River Ferries. Statement on the Bill for improving them. Tay (River), 1822. Usk. Report on the establishment of Ferries across. Vernon Harcourt (L. F.), 1889. Woolwich. Act foi' a ferry across the Thames at, 1811. Woolwich, FESTIVALS. Brean Down. Brean Down, 1889. FIBRES. Botanical sources. Christy (T.), 1882, Fibres and Cordage. Bevan (G. P.). Industries, vol. 9, Phormium Tenax as a fibrous plant, 1889. New Zealand, p. 409. FILTRATION, Comparative trials of Water- filtration at the Army Medical School. FRANgois de Chaumont, 1880, Improvements in Filter Presses. Clark (D, K.), 1887. Maurra's Patent Filter. A letter on the filtration of water on a. large scale. Sloper (B. G.), 1844, Mechanical Filtration. Colcock, 1887. Production of pure water by Filtration. Piefke, 1887. Public Filtration. Fonvielle, 1839, Report of M. Arago. Arago (F.), 1837. Sand Filtration. Grahn and Meyer, 1877; Kummel, 1893. Hamburg. Gill (H.) and Folsch, 1881, Toulon. On board the ' Thetis' frigate, France, p. 440. Toulouse, natural filters of, Dupuit, 1854. See also \\'ater Analyses. •2C)\ nxANCE. FINANCE. Budgets and Accounts of En^^laiid and France. Balfour (G.), 18GG. Bullion Question. Gilbert (D.), 1819. Corporation of Foreign Bondholders. Corporation, 1874-79. Depreciation of Silver, causes and remedy. Molesworth, 1886. Divorce of Silver and Gold. Molesworth, 1891. Financial Reform. Bentham, 1830. Law of Bills of Exchange, Promissory Notes, bank notes, bankers' notes, drafts and checks. Manning (E. W.), 1817. Modern Cambist, forming a manual of Foreign Exchanges, in the different operations of bills of exchange and bullion, etc. Tate (W.), 1889. Monetary Union of Fi-ance, Italy, Belgium and Switzerland. (Latin Mlinzverein). Parieu, 1866. Payment of Interest out of Capital during construction of "Works. Guthrie (E.), 1886; Pease (Sir J. W.), 1885. Proposal to reduce the quantity of fine gold in the sovereign. Maclaren, 1869. Registration of Transfers of Stocks, Shares, and Securities. Ennis, 1893. Silver question. Molesworth, 1886. Standard of Value and Circulating Medium of the Country. Haggard (W. D.) 1847. Tables of Exchange between Paris, Bordeaux, Marseilles, Brussels, Genoa, and London, bein^ French money reduced into Eng- lish, and English money reduced in French. Laurie, 1845. Thoughts on Finance. Lauderdale, 1797. Universal Exchange Tables. Laurie, 1852. What is Money? Granier, 1892. Working of Foreign and Colonial Exchanges of Gold and Silver. Norman (J. H.), 1891. American, British, and foreign securities. Official intelligence for 1882, etc. Burdett, 1862. Australia, Western. Estimates of Revenue and Expenditure for the year 1872. Western Australia, 1871. Belgium. Budget of receipts and expenses of the kingdom of Belgium. Belgium, 1841, p. 116. Canada. Budget Speech, May 12, '87. Tupper (Sir C), 1887. Costa Rica. Proposed settlement of the external debt of the Republic. Costa Rica. Great Britain. Available gold Reserves for the British Isles. Norman (J. H.), 1891. Fallacy of our Monetary System. Endkrby, 1847 FINANCE — FIRE-ARMS. 265 FINANCE— continued. Great Britain. Money Laws. The cause of the National Distress. Enderby, 1847. National Debt. Hibbard, 1793. National Debt and Sinking Fund. Anonymous, 1856, p. 47. ■ Present pecuniary panic. Sankey (W. H. V.), 1866. Reports of Committees on Public Income and Expenditure, 1786-91. Finance Reports, 1798-1803. Parliamentary. .Papers, p. 478. India. Finance and Revenue Account, 1884-7. India, p. 101. Revenue and Expenditure, 1862-80, 1869-85. India, p. 101. Report of Financial Report, Madras, 1860. India, p. 122. New South Wales. Financial Statement of Colonial Treasurer. New South Wales, 1875-79, p. 401. Public Accounts for 1889. New South Wales, p. 401. Financial Statement of the Colonial Treasurer. New South Wales, 1877. Add. 522. New York State. Report, 1872. New York State. New Zealand. Statements by Colonial Treasurer, 1870-87. New Zealand, p. 410. Payments to Provinces Act, 1871. New Zealand, p. 410, Paris. Budget for 1866, 1883-84. Paris, p. 460. Turkey. Reformation of Turkish Finance. Low (W.) and Thomas, 1876. United States. Financial and political condition of. Hazard (R. G.), 1864. Finance. United States, p. 347. Monetary Commission. United States, p. 347. See also Banks and Banking ; Currency. FINE ARTS. See Arts (Fine). FIRE-ARMS. History and science of. Deane (J.), 1858. Selection and management. Silver (S. W.) & Co., 1872. Treatise on Fire-arms. Antoni, 1789. Breechloading, Specification of Improvements in. BODMER (J. G.), 1813. Breech-loading Rifles. Photographs. Tupper (A. C), 1870. Breech-loading Infantry Rifles produced since the adoption of the Snider breech-loading principle. Returns, 1870. Parliamentary. .Papers, p. 493. Colt's Pistols, Report on. Shields, 1851. VOL. 1. 2 M 26G FIRE-ARMS — FIRE-PROOF BUILDINGS. FIHE-ARMS— continued. Colt's Pistols. Armsmear, the home, the arm and the armory of S. Colt. Colt, 1866. Application of Machinery to the Manufacture of rotating chambered-breech Fire-arms. Colt, 1854, 1855. Patents for Repeating Fire-arms previous to 1851. Colt. Repeating Pistols. Invented by Colonel Colt and other inventors. Colt, 1851. Gun-flints. Manufacture. Geological Survey, 1879 ; Sketchley (S. B. L.), 1879. Manufacture of Fire-arms and Ammunition. ' Fitch, 1882. Martini-Henry breech-loading rifles. Reports, 1871, '76. Parliamentary. .Papers, p. 493. Martini-Henry arms. Reports, 1870. Parliamentary. .Papers, p. 493. Reports of two battalions of infantry who have had them in use, 1874. Parliamentary. .Papers, p. 493. Rifled Infantry Arms. A description of the modern system of small arms. Schon (J.), 1861. Rifled Small Arms. Whitworth (Sir J.) 1882. Small bore rifles. Report of Committee, 1863. Parliamentary. .Papers, p. 492. Sporting arms. Greener, 1858. Use and construction of. Greener, 1841. Various small fire-arms. Greener, 1835. "Weapons for the chase. Roux (L.), 1869. FIRE DAMP. See Coal Mines. FIRE-GRATES. Improved fire-grate. Bodmer (J. G.), 1860. Lighting fires from the top. Economy of. Barlow (P. W.), 1882. Smoking Fires, their cause and cure. Ainslie, 1869. Utilisation of Waste from Open fire-places. Edwards (F.), jun., 1868 FIRE INSURANCE. See Insurance. FIREPROOF BUILDINGS. Construction. Barrett (J.), 1853 ; Bartholomew (A.), 1839 ; Fairbairn (Sir W.), 1844, p. 403.' Construction of Public buildings and dwelling houses. Fox and Barrett, 1849. Examples of one-storey Slow-burning Constructions. Boston Manufacturers, 1890. Add. 486. Fire-proof and thief-proof depositories. Price (G.), 1856. FIEE-PEOOP BUILDINGS — FIRES, FIRE-ENGINES, ETC. 267 FIRE-PROOF BUILDINGS— co/ih'HMCf/. Fire-proof floors. Lawford (G. M.), 1889. Fire-proof flooring. Cunnington (T. C), 1889. Houses. Essay on the erection of Fire-proof Houses, in flats. AsHPiTEL and Whichcord, 1855. Incombustible Constructions such as buildings, bridges, etc. Complete patented system of. Tarte (X.) and Toovey, 1860. FIRES, FIRE-ENGINES, ETC. Alarms, Telegraphic Fire. Rogers (H. B.), 1851. Automatic Extinction. Apparatus for the Automatic Extinction of Fires. Lynde, 1886. Berlin. Description of the steam fire-engine made by Braith- waite & Co. Wedding, [1840]. Detection. Pyrakodon or Fire detecter. FooTE (R.). App. 557. Escape from buildings in case of Fire. Baillairg6, 1887. Fire-engines and apparatus, Construction of. Bach, 1883 ; Braidwood, 1880. Application of manual power to the working of. Braidwood, 1844. Extinguishing Fires by Explosion and Sufibcation, Method of. Godfrey, 1724. Steam Fire Engines. Roper (S.), 1876. Competitive Trials. Anonymous, 1862, p. 53. Dick's Chemical fire-engine " L'Extincteur." Sinclair (J.), 1872. Specifications for a portable combined Pumping and Fire Engine, 1877. South wark and Vauxhall. Inquests. City of London Fire Inquests Act, 1888. London, p. 260. London Fire Brigade and Late Fire Engine Establishment. Shaw (Sir- E. M.), 1870, 1876, 1890. Metropolitan Fire Brigade. Reports, 1868-1888. Report from Select Committee, 1876. Report on Conclusions arrived at by Select Committee, 1877. London, p. 260. Mills, Fire Protection of, and construction of Mill floors. Woodbury (C. J. H.), 1882. Preservation of Life and Property. Heathman, 1882. Prevention of Fires. Attfield, 1872; London, p. 260. Of calamitous fires. Dudley (S. B. W.), 1828. Fire prevention and fire extinction. Braidwood, 1866. Fire Surveys, or a summai-y of the principles to be observed in estimating the risk of buildings. Shaw (Sir E. M.), 1876. 268 FIRES, FIEE-ENGINES, ETC. — FIREWORKS. FIRES, FIRE-ENGINES, T.TC— continued. Prevention of Fires. Hints for preventing damage by, in the construction and warming of buildings. Beaumont (A.), 1835. Means of preventing the loss of life and property by Fire. Keating, 1883. Method of reducing Fire and loss. Woodbury (C. J. H.), 1890. Protection (Fire). Report of Select Committee, 1867. Paeliaaientary. .Papers, p. 478, Steam, use of, to extinguish fires in factories and steamboats. , Colladon, 1840. Theatres. Fires in Theatres. Shaw (Sir E. M.), 1876, 1889 ; Tr^lat (E.), 1887. Theatre Fire Catastrophes and their prevention. Gerhard (W. P.), 1894. Add. 502. Exeter. Theatre Royal. Fire, September 5, 1887. Report and Reply. Exeter, 1888. Water. Fire-stream Tables. Freeman, 1889. New experiments and tables. Freeman, 1890. Hydraulics of Fire-streams. Freeman, 1889. Work done by and required for Fire Streams. Ellis (G. A.), 1878. Best means of providing an efficient supply of Water. London, p. 260. Defective supply of Water, 1824, '77. London, p. 260. Metropolitan Water Supply for Fires, 1876. London, p. 260. Means of rendering large supplies of water available in cases of Fire. Braidwood, 1844. Nozzle (The) as an accurate water meter. Freeman, 1891. Report on the best means of providing an efficient supply of water for extinguishing fires, etc., 1877. London, p. 273. Report on Water jets for extinguishing Fires, 1877. London, p. 273. Water jets for extinguishing Fires. London, p. 260. See also Hydrants. FIREWORKS. Accident at a display at Batley. Batley, 1887. Burning of fireworks in Hanley, 6 March, 1882. Hanley. Dissociation Temperatures, with special reference to Pyro- technical questions. Siemens (F.), 1886. Firework Factory at Barton Moss, near Manchester, Barton Moss, 1893. Fireworks Manufacture. Steerk (Major), 1 866. FISH SUPPLY — FISHERIES. 269 FISH. The Flying Fish. Galloway (W.), 1891. FISH SUPPLY. London. Fish markets. Fish trade abuses. Fish frauds and adulterations. Lawrence-Hamiltox, 1890. Scheme for a Central Fish Market for London. Cayley, Boyes, and Bridgman, 1881. FISHERIES. Establishment of fisheries. Keller (H.), 1885. Belgium. Restocking of Belgian Waters. Clercq, 1881. Belgium and England. Stahl (B.), 1890. British. Reports, 1785-1801. Parliamentary. .Papers, p. 478. Fisheries and Fish Markets of Great Britain. Dempster, 1874. National Fish Culture Association Journal, 1867. National Fish Culture. French fisheries, and the condition of the Fishing Industry. Wallem (F. M.), 1880. Ireland. Bill to amend Fishery Act, 1888. Ireland, p. 140. Deep-sea and Coast Fisheries of Ireland. Brabazon, 1848. Report of Commission, 1836. Ireland, p. 141. New South Wales. Oliver (A.), 1871. Report on Working of the Fisheries Act, 1889. Report of Commissioners, 1888. New South Wales, p. 401. Scotland Fishery Board Annual Reports. Scotland, 1883, p. 174. Returns. Scotland, 1888, p. 174. New branding regulations on the Continent. Report of the deputation from the Fishery Board for Scotland. Scotland, 1891, p. 174. Trawling regulations in Scotland. Report. Scotland, 1888, p. 174. Severn Fishery District. Appendices XII. and XIV. of the 21st annual Report of the Board, 1888. Severn (River). Thames, Medway, etc. Rules, orders, ordinances, etc., for fishing in. Thames (River), 1800, 1846, p. 294. Tweed Fisheries Acts. Report on. Tweed River, 1875. United States Commission of Fish and Fisheries. Report of the Commissioner for 1883. p. 348. Herring. Dutch pamphlets, 1858. Parliamentary. .Papers, p. 470. Scotch-cured Herrings and other fish. Reports on the best means of increasing the demand for them in foreign countries. Scotland, 1888, p. 174. Mussel beds in tidal waters and Drying grounds for fishermen's nets in Scotland. Reports. Scotland, 1887, p. 174. 270 FISHERIES — FLOODS. FISHERIES— core/fnuec?. Oyster. Convention between the Queen and the King of the French, 1839. Parliamentary. .Papers, p. 478. lleport from Select Committee 1876. Parliamentary. .Papers, p. 478. Salmon, England and Wales. Report of Commissioners. Parliamentary. .Papers, p. 478. Salmon Fisheries, Scotland. Report. Scotland, 1871, p. 174. Whale Fishery Company, Southern. Reports. Preston (T. R.), 1850. FIXTURES, Law of. ^ Gibbons (D.), 1836. FLAMES. Light of. Siemens (Werner von), 1883. Relation betwixt Flame and Air. Anonymous, 1704, p. 49, Sensitive Flames, as illustrative of Sympathetic Vibration. Barrett (W. F.), 1879. New sensitive flames. Decharme, 1875. Transparence of Flames. Allard (E.), 1875. FLASHLIGHTS, and the physiological perception of instantaneous flashes. Blondel, 1893. FLAX. Brotherton, 1857 ; Campbell (F.), 1845. Flax and linen. Bevan (G. P.). Industries, vol. 5. Flax and its products in Ireland. Charley, 1862. Punjab. Flax operations, 1855. India, p. 129. United States. Flax Culture. United States, 1890-2, p. 348. FLOATING BODIES. Dynamical stabiHty and oscillations. Moseley, 1850. FLOODS. Causes and effects. Valles (F.), 1857. Causes and remedy. Dumas (J.), 1857. Laws, causes and effects. Bastelica, 1874. Legislation respecting Water, from the point of view of Inun- dations. Monestier-Savignat, 1858. Prevention of Floods. Blake, 1881 ; Fabrb, 1797 ; Klunzinger (P.), 1882, '86. Means of prevention. Dupuit, 1858. Flooding of Rivers and formation of Conservancy Boards. Dawbarn, 1878. Protection of plains from inundations. Comoy, 1861. Prevention of Floods Bill, 1883. Parliamentary .. Papers. Add. 527. FLOODS. 271 FLOODS— continued. Prevention of Floods. Decrease in the water in springs, rivers, etc., contemporaneous with increase in height of floods in cultivated countries. Wex (G. von), 1873, '80. Effect of Reforesting mountains, hills and upland. Cooper (R. T.), 1886; Thiery (E.), 1891. Is the destruction of Forests a cause for their increase ? Roberts (T. P.), 1884. System contrived by foresters and engineers. Breton, 1873. Works of defence against Floods. Comoy, 1868. Stream Regulation in Flood Regions. Dalmann, 1856. Alps (High), Torrents of the. Surell (A.), 1870-2. Campsbourne, Flooding at, 1886. Hornsey Local Board. Ceylon. Report of Flood Commission, 1873. India, p. 115. Clutha, River. Clutha, 1880. Colombo. Flood Outlets, 1877-78-80. India, p. 117. Elmira, N.Y., Protection of, against Floods. Collingwood, 1890. France, South-west. The inundations of 1875 : Toulouse, Castel- sarrasin, Moissac, Agen, etc. Toulouse, 1875. Gryonne Valley. Report of the inundation in, Sept. 2, 1873, and on the measures taken to prevent its recurrence. Gryonne. (River), 1874. Add. 505. Indus River, Floods of the. O'Connell, 1871. Irwell Floods, 1866. Report. Bateman (J. F. La T.) Report on Floods in the Irwell River. Whitaker (W. H.), 1881. Italy. Control and regulation of Floods. Speech in the Italian Senate for the sale of bare uncultivated communal lands situated on Mountains and Hills. Torelli, 1882. Loire, River. CojaOY, 1861. Melbourne, 1891. Culcheth. Montreal. Reports, 1888, '90. Montreal. New South Wales, Hunter River. Report of Hydraulic Surveyor. Hunter River, 1877. New South Wales, Hunter River. Report of G. Gordon. Hunter River, 1890. ■ Floods in the Hawkesbury River. Josephson, 1885. Ouse (Lower). Fen Floods and the Lower Ouse. MoxoN (J. H. H.), 1878. Oxford, Floods around. Their causes, effect, and remedy. Vernon- Harcourt (L. F.), 1883. Rome. Proposed Works for the prevention of the inundation of the City of Rome by the overflow of the River Tiber. Collyer, 1875. 272 FLOODS — FLUIDS. FLOODS— continued. Shannon Floocls, extent and causes. Bateman (J. F. La T.), 1863. Somersetshire. Report, 1872-73. Grantham (R.). Stony Brook, Prevention of Floods in the vaUey of. Francis, Clarke and Herschel, 1886. Switzerland, Floods in. Their regulation. Salis (A. de), 1891. Taieri River. Reports on Floods. Taieri River, 1880. Thames Valley, Floods in the. Palmer (F. I.). 1877. Thames Floods. Report to inquire what amendments are required to deal with the injuries inflicted by. Thames (:fliver), 1877, p. 295. Thames River (Prevention of Floods) Bill. Reports. Thames (River), 1877, 1879, p. 295. Tiber. Causes of, and remedy for floods of the. Chiesa and Gambardini, 1746. Victoria. River Barwon. Kernot, 1885. Yarra River Floods. Report. Yarra River, 1892. See also Inundations. FLOORING. Improved Patent Wood Block Flooring. Lowe (R.), 1889. Wood Paving. Its application to the flooring of warehouses. Stevens (J. L.), 1842. Wooden and Fireproof floors. Marsh (J. T.), 1878. Wooden Floors. Anonymous, 1885, p. 58. Saltaire Dining-Hall Floor. Collapse of, 1889. Waugh (J.). FLOUR MILLING. See Corn Milling. FLOWER POT. New aerating. Clark (E. IL), 1884. FLUIDS. Efflux and influx of elastic fluids under variable pressures. Fliegner, 1874. Elevation of. Anonymous, 1824, p. 44. Equilibrum and Motion of Fluids. Webster (Thomas), Q.C., 1836. Equilibrum and movement of. Alembert (J. L. d'), 1770. Fundamental principles which govern the behaviour of fluid with special reference to the resistance of ships. Froude (W.), 1876. Impulsive action of Inelastic fluids. Donaldson (W.), 1883. Inquiries concerning the principle of the Lateral Communication of Motion in Fluids. Venturi (J. B.), 1799. Mathematical Theory of the Motion of Fluids. . Lambs, 1879. Fluid Motion. Displacement. Maxwell (J. C), 1870. Motion of Fluids in pipes. Anonymous, 1850, p. 51 ; GiRARD, 1817. FLUIDS FOOD. 273 FLUIDS — continued. Properties and Motions of Fluids. Stanley (W. F.), 1881. Relation between the velocity and the resistance encountered by bodies moving in Fluids. Heppel, 1846. Resistance of Fluids. New theory. Alembert (J. L. d'), 1752. • To Bodies passing through them. Walker (James), 1828, p. 393. Laws. Froude (W.), 1879. Surface of Fluids. Hagen (G.), 1845. Theory of Elastic Fluids. Laplace, 1821. FOG. Inconveniencie of the aer and smoak of London dissipated. Evelyn, 1661. Nature and Origin of different kinds of di-y fog. Martins, 1860. Natural process of dissolution. Dulier, 1892. London, prevention of fogs. Colwell, 1892. FOG SIGNALS. Coast Fog Signals. Beazeley, 1872 ; Stevenson (D. A.), 1881. Correspondence with the Board of Trade, 1875. Parliamentary. .Papers, p. 479. Fog Signalling. Seoane, P. P., 1883. Report by Professor Tyndall to the Trinity House, 1874. Parliamentary. .Papers, p. 479. Returns of Fog Signals, United Kingdom, 1873, '79. Parliamentary. .Papers, p. 479. Special Gun and the utilization of Gun-Cotton for Fog Signals. Correspondence and reports in relation to the construction of. Trinity House, 1876-78. Steam Whistle. Signals to show the course of steamships in foggy weather by means of. Adamson (H. H.), 1894. Add. 479. Ailsa Craig Fog-signalling Machinery. Ingrey, 1886. FOLK LORE. Hymns of the Nangipanth. Temple (R. C), 1884. FOOD. Letheby, 1872 ; Stutzer, 1894. Reports of Select Com- mittees on the high price of provisions, 1800. Parliamentary. .Papers, p. 497. Adulteration. Food and Food Adulterants, United States. United States, 1887-93, p. 348. Extent and character of Food Adulterations. Wedderburn (A. J.), 1890. VOL. I. 2 N 274 I'^OOD FORESTS AND FORESTRY. FOOD — continued. Condemned meat, various methods of dealing with. London Report. Saunders (W. S.), 1877. Preservation. Abstracts of English and colonial patents relating to the Preservation of food. Archer (W. H,), 1870. Preservation of Alimentary Substances. Paulet, 1874. Products of the Food-producing interior of the United States. McAlpine, 1873. FORCE. Apparent lines of, on passing a current through water. Andrews (T.), 1875. Force and Matter. Natural order of the Universe. Bijchner, 1881. Unity of Force. Anonymous, 1862, p. 43. FORESHORES. Wales and Monmouth Foreshores sold or leased since October, '51. Return of. Wales, 1888. FORESTS AND FORESTRY. Collection of works on Forestry. Catalogue. Surveyors' Inst., 1894. Creation, maintenance and enrichment of Forests. M acIvor, 1870. Cultivation and Acclimatization of Trees and Plants. LUDLAM, 1865. Cultivation of Copse, half -grown and full-grown trees. Monceau, 1764. Distribution of Forest Trees. Everett, 1866. Evergreen and Deciduous Trees. Lawes (Sir J. B.), 1851. Floods. Effect of reforesting of hills and uplands on Floods on rivers. Cooper (R. T.), 1886. Is the destruction of Forests a cause for the increase of Floods? Roberts (T. P.), 1884. Reforestation of mountains to prevent floods. Thiery (E.), 1891. Forest Management. Kreuter, 1859. Forester, The. Treatise on the planting, rearing, and general management of forest trees. Brown (James), 1871. Formation and management of young plantations. Black (J.), 1855. Means of preserving woods from damage. Baumhauer (E. H. von), 1866. Add. 484. Method of improving estates by plantations of oak, elm, ash, etc. Langley, 1728. Oaken Timber planting. Anonymous, 1691. Add. 480. Organisation and Valuation of Forests on the continental system. Macgregor (J. L. L.), 1883. Submarine Forests on the shores of Liverpool Bay. BouLT (J.), 1865, 1866. Woods and Forests. Report on destructive insects, 1868. India, p. 109. FORESTS AND FORESTRY. 275 FORESTS AND FOBEBTRY— continued. Woods and Forests. Reports of H.M.'s Representatives abroad on their cultivation, 1884. Parliamentary. .Papers, p. 521. America, North. Report. Sargent (C. S.), 1884. Australia, Eucalypts of, and the adjoining islands. Mueller, 1879-84. Australia. Notes on the rate of growth of some Australian Trees. Russell (H. C), 1892. South, Tree-Culture in. Brown (J. E.), 1886. State Forest Administration. Report. South Australia, 1882, p. 230. Burmah. Reports of Forest Administration, 1861-62, etc. India, p. 114. Cambridgeshire and Lincolnshire, Preparation of land for the growth of Timber in. Harrison (J.), 1770. Canada. Bell (R.), 1886. Delamere Forest, Cheshu-e. Works for reclaiming the late forest. Grantham (R.), 1864. Epping Forest. Report. Epping, 1871. Europe. Schools of Forestry. Brown (J. C), 1877 Fi-ance. Pine Plantations on the Sand- Wastes of France. Brown (J. C), 1878. French Alps. Planting of trees in the valley of Barcelonnette. GoNiN (L.), 1890. Great Britain and Ireland, Afforestation in. Schuch (W.), 1886. India. Report on the Attaran Forests, 1861. India, p. 109. Central Provinces. Progi'ess Report, 1864. India, p. 115. Forest Question. Cooke (S.), 1879. Kumaon, 1855. India, p. 122. ■ Madras. Report of Conservator of Forests, 1859-60. India, p. 123. Pegu Teak, Forests of. Papers and Reports, 1855-62. India, p. 128. Scinde. Management of Forests, 1853. India, p. 131. Tenasserim and Martaban Provinces. Reports, 1858-59, '59-60. India, p. 132. Teak Forests of the Tenasserim Provinces. Report, 1852. India, p. 132. Italy. Replanting of the Alps, the Cevennes, and the Pyrenees with trees, herbage, and bush. Brown (J. C), 1876. ■ Planting of trees on the denuded mountains of Lombardy. Megusciier, 1847. Portugal. Portugal, 1868. Rossendale Forest. Newbiggino, 1893. United States Forestry. United States, 1878-93, p. 348. 276 POEGINGS — FORTIFICATION. FORGINGS (Large) for Marine purposes, Manufacture of. Cameron, 1886. FORTIFICATION. Borgo, 1777 ; Emy, 1843 ; Fergusson (J.), 1849 ; Lendy, 1862 ; Noizet-Saint-Paul, 1806 ; Pasley, 1822 ; PoRTLOCK, 1858. Attack of Fortresses in the Future. Fraser (T.), 1877. Attack and defence of places. Bousmard, 1797-1804. Fortification, offensive and defensive. Deidier, 1742. Fortifications, containing the manner of fortifying all sorts of places. Ville (A. de), 1666. Fortification and Military Science. Elementary treatise. VERNON (G. de), 1805. Theory of Field Fortification. MALORTlEdeMartemont,1834. Field Fortifications. Pleydell, 1768. Geometry applied to Fortification. Anonymous, 1885, p. 43. Iron. Use of iron for Fortifications. Barnard (J. G.), etc., 1871-2. Iron Fortifications. Inglis (T.), 1875. New system adapted to existing arms. DouLL, 1860. Permanent forts and movable floating Batteries. Boxer, 1862. Perpendicular Fortification. Anonymous, 1786, p. 49. Science of engineers in the management of the works. B^LiDOR, 1739, 1789. Subterranean Fortification. Monze, 1804. Mines offensive and defensive. Gillot, 1805. Alexandria. Chasseloup de Laubat's system. Chasseloup de Laubat, 1833. London. Use of Earthen Fortresses for the defence of London. Palliser, 1871. Paris, Defences of, September, 1870, to January, 1871. Memoir. ViOLLET-LE-DUC (E. E.), 1871. Khine. Modern system adopted for the defence of the Rhine frontier. Humfrey, 1838. United Kingdom. Returns, 1861-74. Parliamentary. .Papers, p. 474. Construction of Fortifications for the defence of Dockyards and Naval Arsenals, 1867. Parliamentary. .Papers, p, 474. Report of Committee to inquire into construction, condition, and cost of fortifications, 1869. Parliamentary. .Papers, p. 474. Permanent Fortification for English Engineers. Lewis, 1890. Richmond's, Duke of, plans. Anonymous, 1794, p. 50. Speeches in the House of Commons. Samuda (Joseph D'A.), 1869. See Defence (National). FORTIFICATION — FOUNDRIES, 277 FORTIFICATION— conhnueri. United States Fortifications of To-day. Fire against Models of Coast Batteries and Parados. Horizontal and Curved Fire in Defence of Coast. United States, 1883, p. 348. Report of the Board on Fortifications and other Defenses. United States, 1886, p. 348. FORTRESSES. View Sketches of ground adjacent to a Fortress. Lloyd (E. M.), 1864. Alessandria, in Italy. Alessandria. Ceylon. Memoranda. Laffan, 1868. Coblentz, Fortress of. Humfrey, 1838. FOUNDATIONS. Bremecke, 1887 ; Dobson, 1866 ; McAlpine, 1868 ; Patton, 1893 ; Slacke (W. R.), 1875 ; Street (W. C), 1882. Artificial Foundations and method af Sinking through quicksand. Garforth, 1889. Foundations and Foundation Walls for all classes of buildings. Powell (G. T.), 1879. Foundations in Sand. Newman (J.), 1894. Add. 522. Foundations on treacherous soil. Mitchell (E.), 1866. Add. 521. Foundations and Concrete Works. Dobson, 1867. Limits of deep foundations. Gaudard, 1890. Monolithic Construction of Sea Works under Water by Cement Grouting. Kinipple, 1893. Patent method of protecting Foundations. Login, 1872. Stone Caissons for Foundations, manufactured in Ransorae's patent stone. Butler (J. W.), 1871. Subaqueous Foundations. Kinipple, 1890. Well Foundations. Cunningham (A.), 1873. Use of Wells in Foundations, as practised by the Natives of the Northern Doab. Cautley, 1839. Albany, N.Y. New Capitol at. McAlpine, 1874. East River Suspension Bridge. Foundations of the Pneumatic Tower. Roebling (W.A.), 1873. Fort Montgomery, application of formula to. Mason, 1850. FOUNDRIES. American Foundry Practice. West (T. D.), 1883, '88. Methods used for Founding in the Missouri River. Chanute and Morison, 1870. France. Guettier, 1882. Founding, treatise. Sprelson (N. E.), 1878, '83. Iron and Steel Founding. Ledebur, 1879, '83 ; Wylie (C), 1880, '88. 278 FOUNTAIN MAKER — FRUIT CULTURE. FOUNTAINS. Prony, 1816. Dijon. Public Fountains. Darcy, 1856. Paris, ancient and modern. MoiSY, 1812. Toulouse, establishment of fountains at. AuBUissoN de Voisins, 1830. FREEMASONRY. Symbols and Legends. Finlayson, 1889. FREE TRADE. Anti-Corn Law Conference, Statistical Committee. Anti-Corn Law. Cobden's Plaything. Grandguillot, 1867. Solution of problems relative to Protection and Free Trade. Anonymous (I860?), p. 56. FRESCOES. Notre Dame of Paris, mural paintings of the chapels of. ViOLLET-LE-DUC (E. E.), 1870. FRICTION. Clerk (H.), 1868 ; Hele-Shaw, 1886 ; HiRN (G. A.), 1885 ; Jellett, 1872 ; Morin, 1832-34. Angle of Friction. Herrmann, 1882. Friction and Lubrication. Thurston (R. H.), 1879, p. 309. Friction of slipping, specially of rails of railways. Bochet, 1861. Loss by Friction in beam and direct action Steam-engines. Pole, 1842. New theory. Petroff (N.), 1887. Treatise on Friction and lost work in Machinery and Millwork. Thurston (R. H.), 1885, p. 311. Triumphal Chariot of Friction. Pope (W.), 1829. Wheel carriages. Rankine (D.), 1828. See also Lubrication. FRIENDLY SOCIETIES. Assurance, Investment, and Emigration. Formation and Manage- ment. James (J. H.), 1851. Friendly Association of Working Lightermen. Articles of Agree- ment, 1840. Friendly. Instructions for the establishment of Friendly Societies. Anonymous, 1838, p. 47. Reform of. Ehrenwerth, 1885. Suggestions to the promoters and members of Friendly Societies. Anonymous, 1852, p. 56. Trade Unions, etc. Reports of Registrar, 1878. Parliamentary. .Papers, p. 479. Treatise on Friendly Societies. Ansell (C), 1835. FRUIT CULTURE. Fruit Blights and Diseases of Fruit Trees. Kirk (T.), 1889. United States. United States, p. 349. FUEL. 279 FUEL. Galloway (R.), 1880 ; Joly, 18G9 ; Ndrsey, 1865 ; Siemens (Sir W.), 1873, p. 198, Air as Fuel : or, petroleum, etc., utilized by carburetting air and rendering it inflammable. Ross (O. C. D.), 1874. Artificial Fuel, manufacture of. Danvers, 1869. Briquette Fuel. Dumble (E, T.), 1892. Add. 497 ; Franquoy, 1861. Calorimetric valuation of Fuels. Schvvackhofer, 1886. Chemistry of Combustion. Dimond, 1867. Combustion and Economy. Clark (D. K.), 1879. Consumption of Fuel, and the prevention of smoke. Fairbairn (Sir W.), 1845, 1851, p. 403. High pressure combustion for mechanical power purposes. Lefroy, 1864. Economy of. Buchanan (R.), 1815; Prideaux, 1853; Rankine (W. J. M.), 1867 ; Ryder (Capt. A. P.), 1852. In Steam Vessels. Anonymous, 1840, p. 57 ; Renton (A. H.), 1846. Fossil. Great Britain. Anonymous, 1841, p. 46. Fuel and its Applications. Groves and Thorpe, 1898. Fuel and Rational Ventilation. Deny, 1883. Fuel and Water. Schwackhofer (F.), 1884. Gas (Coal) as Fuel. Lencauchez, 1878 ; Siemens (Sir W.), 1881, p. 198. Economy of Gas as a Fuel for Cooking Purposes. Goodwin (W. W.), 1879. Efficiency of Gaseous Fuel. DowsoN, 1888 ; Matthewman, 1894. Fuel and Power Gas distribution in Birmingham. Thwaite (B. H.), 1892, p. 312. Gaseous Fuel: Schilling, 1883; including Water Gas, its Production and Application. Thwaite (B. H.), 1889, p. 312. Heating Power of Combustibles. Mahler, 1893. Prussia. Brix, 1853. Liquid Fuel. Hodgetts (E. A. B.), 1889, 1890 ; Paul (B. H.), 1868; Selwyn (Capt. J. H.), 1869. Dorsett's Patent Apparatus for applying it to Steam Boilers and Furnaces generally. Dorsett, 1868. Advantages for Firing Steam Generators. Thwaite (B. H.), 1887, p. 312. In Ocean Steamers. Carmichael (W. V.), 1891. Metallurgy, Fuels used in. Percy (J.), 1861. Mineral Fuel. Fi-ance. Caillaux, 1875. Patent Fuel. Utilisation of small Coal. Bassett (A.), 1867. Petroleum Refuse as Fuel on Locomotive Engines. Urquhart (T.), 1884, '86, '89. 280 FUEL — FURNACES. FJJYih—cojitinued. Petroleum Refuse. Russia. On the Compounding of Locomotives burning Petroleum Refuse. Urquhart (T.), 1890. Power without Fuel. Baldwin (J. S.), 1869. Purification. Bateson, 1892. Solid and liquid Fuel, their calorific value estimated. Rowan (F. J.), 1888. Use of Fuel at a high temperature. Lencauchez, 1882. Wet Fuel, Efficiency of Furnaces burning. Thurston (R. H.), 1874, p. 309. See also Peat. FURNACES. Argand Furnace of C. W. Williams and its imitation by T. S. Prideaux. Dircks, 1854. Assay Furnaces. Reports by Abel and Taylor relating to their Flues. South Kensington Museum, 1880. Draught in the several parts of Retort Furnaces. Colding, 1874. Ferris's covered Self-cooking Furnace. Bell (Sir I. L.), 1867, p. 119. Furnaces and Boilers. Specifications. Bodmer (J. G.), 1843. Furnaces, Forges and Steel manufactories for the Navy and Railways (Saint Chamond). Comportey, 1889. Glass and Steel on the open hearth, manufacture of. Head (J.), 1886. Hot air furnace. Boyer and Consorter, 1861. Industrial Furnaces, rational construction. Fichet, 1874. Iron Furnaces, Askham Explosion. Askham (1882). Mechanical Puddling : its successful working in the U. S. A. Ryland (G.), 1871. Munich generator furnaces. Schilling (N. H.), [1882]. Newport Puddling Furnace. Head (J.), 1872. Open-hearth Furnace. Rationale of an improved design. Thwaite (B. H.), 1891, p. 312. Price's Patent Retort Furnace. Bell (Sir I. L.), 1875, 1876, pp. 119, 120. Regenerator Furnaces, Construction and Working of. Graham (M.), 1894. Add. 503. Reverberatory Furnaces, for the manufacture of iron, economy of fuel. Prideaux, 1853. SchaufFelen's hot-air Furnace feeder. Schauffelen, 1835. Steam Boiler Furnaces, Improvements in. Baker (H. F.), 1848. Stedefeldt Furnace. Egleston, 1885. Townsend Furnace, Albany, Description of. Townsend (F.), 1870. FURXACES — FUSKKS. 281 FURNACES- corj^/HMcc?. Water. Certain new methods of constructing Furnaces for heating, boiling, or evaporating of AVater. ' Watt (James), 1855. Wet Fuel, Efficiency of Furnaces burning. Thueston (R. H.), 1874, p. 309. See also Blast Furnaces. FURNACES (Gas Furnaces). Construction and Working. Liegel, 1886. Furnace for the manufacture of illuininating gas. Berard (E. p.), 1889. Gas generating Furnaces. LiJRMANN, 1880-85. Generative or recuperative, Crockett, 1885. Mendheim Continuous Gas Furnace for burning Firebrick and Porcelain, Egleston, 1886. Ponsard Gas Furnace. P^risse (S.), 1875, Siemens' regenerative furnace, Krans, 1869. Siemens' Regenerative Gas Furnaces. Description. Siemens (Sir W. and F.), 1861. Siemens' furnace arranged to recover waste Gases as well as waste Heat. Head (J.) and Pouff, 1890. Siemens' new furnace. Damour, 1893. Utilisation of heat in regenerative furnaces. Damour, 1893. FURNITURE (Household), Pollen, 1885. Forty-four engravings in colours of fashionable furniture. Anonymous, 1823, p. 46. Furniture and Woodwork. Bevan (G. P.), Industries, Vol. 7. Tudor period. Hunt (T. F.), 1841. FUSEES. Going Fusee. New Construction. Airy (Sir G. B.), 1841, p. 18. vol. 1, 2 282 galvanisjM — gas, coal Cx GALVANISM. Bird (G.), 1849; Cuthbertson, 1821. Weber (Wilhelm), 1892-94. History. Bostock, 1818. Theory and practice, &c. Wilkinson (C. H.), 1804. Galvanic chain. _ Ohm (G. S.), 1827. See also Electricity. GAME LAWS. Reflections and Appeals. De Berenger (A.), 1828. GARDENING. My Garden, its plan and culture. Smee (A.), 1872. GAS, COAL (General References). Analysis. Bowditch, 1867; Brown (J. T.), 1883. Apparatus of M. Orsat. Fichet, 1873. Methods. Hempel, 1892. Gas Analysts' Manual. Hartley (F. W.), 1879. Apphcations of Gas in 1889. Delahaye, 1890. Co-efficient of the dilatation of. Antoine (C), 1885. Compressibility of Gas. Antoine (C), 1886. Illumination by means of Compressed Gas. Nursey, 1881. Cooking and Heating, advantages of Gas for. Ohren, 1874. Economic production. Spice (R. P.), 1886. Flow of Gases, and proportioning Gas Mains. Cripps, 1892. Gas Engineers' Chemical Manual. Wanklyn (J. A.), 1886. Pocket Almanack and Lighting Table for 1887, etc. Sugg (W.) & Co., 1887, etc. Gas Examiners, Instructions for. Gas Referees, 1873 ; Parliamentary. .Papers, p. 476, 1872-73. Gas in the house. Faraday (H.), 1843. Domestic uses. Sugg (W. T.), 1884. Gas Interest in England. Report of a Speech. Spice (R. P.), 1888. Gas Managers' Handbook, 1870, '74, '83, '89. Newbigging. Gas Users, Common sense for. Wilson (Robert), 1877. Gas and Water Engineer's book of reference. Bower (G.), 1880. Gas and Water Orders Confirmation Bill. Memorandum on provisional orders, 1888. Parliamentary . . Papers, p. 480. Gas and water review. Periodical Publications, p. 15. Heating by Gas. See AVAKMiN(i and Ventilation. GAS, COAL. 283 GAS, COAL (General Repkrences) — continued. Hygienic Comparison between the Light of Coal Gas and that of Electricity. Tuwaite (B. H.), 1883, p. 312. See Electricity. How to manage Gas. Wilkins (F.), 1868. Law. Michael and AN' ill, 1884 ; Stewart (C. E.), 1889. List of periodicals connected with the Gas Industry. Pease (E. L.) and Cripps (F. S.), 1893. Manipulation. Banister (H.), 1867. Nature and Chemical properties. Thompson (L.), 1855. Power (Gas). DowsON, 1892. Price and quality. Cleminshaw, 1865. Rating Gas Undertakings. Griffith (W.), 1887. Recovery of hydi'ocarbons. Davis (G. E.), 1884. Referees (Gas). Reports on Ammonia Impurity, 1871 ; Gas Burners, 1871 ; Sulphur Question, 1870. Parliamentary. . Papers, p. 479. Correspondence relative to appointment, 1872. Parliamentary. .Papers, p. 479. Notification of the Gas Referees, 1872-77. Gas Referees. Report. Jersey (H. de), etc., 1865. Residual Sulphur in Coal Gas. Wills (T.), 1876. Retort System. Automatic Coal-gas Retort Co., 1894. Salubrity of the use of Coal gas. Leeson and Warington, 1865. Technical Calendar. Schaar, 1885. Technical Gas Analysis, Handbook of. Winkler (C), 1885. Temperatui-e of gas. Antoine, 1888. Treatise on Gas. Perkins (E. E.), 1856, 1862. Use of Coal Gas. Cantor Lectures. Dixon (H.), 1855. Waste products, application to agricultural and other purposes. Croll, 1844. GAS, COAL (Manufacture of). Accum, 1819, 1820; Borias, 1890; Darlington (F. A.), 1887. Apparatus employed. Anderson (G.), 1880. Catalogue of Products obtained from the residual substances. Burt, Boulton, and Haywood, 1883. Chemistry of Gas Manufacture. Harcourt (A. G. V.), 1877. Gas making and purification. Briggs, 1876. Management of Clay Retorts. Kitt, 1872. Manufacture and distribution of Coal Gas. Clegg (S.), jun., 1841, 1853, 1859; King (W. B.), 1878. Manufacture, use, and testing. Pole, 1873. Modern Improvements in Manufacture. Spice (R. P.), 1886. Naphthalin and Benzol in Illuminating Gas. Bunte, 1892. Retort-house extension, cannel store, etc., Belfast Specification, etc. Belfast, 1890, p. 116. 281 GAS, COAL— GAS. GAS, COAL (Manufacture op) — continued. Seven Experiments on Gas making. Williams (G.) and Martin, 1883. Societe Technique de I'lndustrie du Gaz en France. Soci^TE Technique de I'lndustrie, etc, 1874, Treatise on its manufacture and distribution. Richards (William), 1877. GAS, COAL (Purification). Anderson (G.), 1889; Croll, 1844. by Liquid Ammonia. Hammond (John), 1887. Analysis, technical valuation, purification and use. Bowditch, 1867, Coal-Liming process Patent. Spice (R, P.), 1888. Coal Gas Purification and the advantages of ' Cooper's coal-liming process. Spice (R. P.), 1884. Manchester and Coal Liming. Spice (R. P.), 1888. Oxide of Iron, Action of, in Gas purifiers. Somerville (J.), 1884. Oxygen, Use of. Valon (W. A. M.), 1888. In the revivification of Oxide of Iron in purification, Valon (W. A. M.), 1888. Patterson's Patent. Copy of Correspondence, 1876. Patterson (R. H.), • Infringement of Patterson's patents for Improvements in, (Appeal of R. H. Patterson against Gas Light and Coke Co.). Patterson (R. H.), 1877. Add. 527. GAS (Gas Producers). Improvements in and applicable to Gas producers. Sutherland (W. S.), 1885, GAS (Natural). Bannister (L.), 1886; Metcalf, 1884. Fiery fountain of St, Barthelemy. Piret, 1881, In Pennsylvania and New York. Crew, 1887, Transportation of natural Gas. Roberts (T. P.), 1886. GAS (Petroleum, etc.). Gas manufactured by the decomposition of water and Petroleum. Spice (R. P.), 1875. Lighting by gas of mineral oils. Kuchler, 1879. London and Westminster Oil Gas Bill. Evidence before Com- mittee, 1824. Parliamentary. .Papers, p. 479. Tar oil and other liquid hydrocarbons. Manufacture of Gas from. Burns (W.), 1887. GAS (Water Gas), Bell (J. F.), 1889; Blass, 1886. Fuel of the future. Strong's Patent. Quaglio, 1880. Gas manufactured by the decomposition of water and Petroleum. Spice (R. P.), 1875. Heating question in connection with Water Gas production and heating. Naumann, 1881. Invention and Manufacture. Jobard, 1846. GAS — GAS ENGINES. 285 GAS (Water Gas) — continued. Production and application. Tiiwaite (B. H.), 1889, p. 312. Uses. Lapfont, 1889. Van Steenbei-gli Water Gas. Van Steenbeugpi, 1890. Water Gaslight, Gaslight Lo Prince, and Ordinary Oil Gas- light compared. Vekvek (B.), 1859. GAS BURNERS. Rationale of the principle of Recuperation in its application to. Thwaite (B. H.), 1886, p. 312. Siemens' (F.) Regenerative Gas Burner. Guest and Chrimes, 1884 ; Siemens (Sir W.), 1882. GAS ENGINES. Bourne (J.), 1878 ; Clerk (D.), 1886 ; Macgregor, 1885; Schottler, 1886; Slaby, 1886. Benier's gas-engine. Slaby, [1889]. Bull's gas Engine, patented by Thwaite. Thwaite (B. H.), 1885, p. 312. Chatterton engine. Chatterton (B.), 1892. Combustible Gas Engines, Invention and future of. Tresca (H.), 1865. Curves. Smith (R. H.), 1888. Determination of gas consumpticjn. Proell, [1891]. Dowson's 100 indicated horse-power gas motor, Experiments with WiTZ (A.), 1890. Efficiency. Miller (T. L.), 1890. Electric Lighting. Delahaye, 1890. Elementary principles. Lane (D.), 1885. Gas-engine Indicator-Diagram. Ayrton and Perry, 1884. Gas Exhauster. Savile (G. E.), 1878. "Griffin" Patent, Double-Acting, Horizontal Gas Engine, Report on tests of. Jamieson (Andrew), 1888. Influence of cylinder walls. Witz and Slaby, 1886. Lenoir's Gas Engine. Experiments. Tresca (H.), 1865. Motors (Gas). Lieckfeld, 1891 ; Richard (G.), 1885. • Recent examples. Le Van, 1890. • Study of Gas motoi-s. Sauvage (E.), 1894. Theoretical and practical treatise on gas motors. CUAUVEAU, 1891. Theory of gas motors. Kohler (O.), 1887. " Otto" gas engine. Brooks and Steward, 1883. Petroleum. Gas and Petroleum Motors. Richard (G.) 1892. Petroleum in Prime Movers. Robinson (W.), 1892, 1891. Petroleum Oil Engines. Robinson (W.), 1891. ■ Gas and Petroleum Engines : a treatise on the Internal Combustion Engine. Roui.\sill to incorporate a company for that purpose. Rochester, 1825. Sheffield. Progress. Key (J. T.), 1883. GAS-METERS. Board of Trade Memorandum on the re-verification of Gas Measuring Standards. Parliamentary . . Papers, p. 480. Clegg's dry gas-meter. Clegg, 1838. Construction and use of Gas Meters. Croll, 1845. Fallacies and frauds. Jones (W.), 1843. Manchester. Report on Gas Meters. Manchester, 1858. Measurement, Correct Gas. Glover (G.), 1879. Gas Measurement and Gas Meter Testing. Hartley (F. W.), 1882. Standard Gauges for the connecting pipes used with gas meters, 1887. Parliamentary, .Papers, p. 480. GAS SUPPLY. Automatic Gas Machine Company. Prospectus, 1887. Automatic Gas Machine Co. Birmingham. Fuel and Power Gas distribution in. Thwaite (B. H.), 1892, p. 312. Brighton and Hove Gas Act, 1879. Brighton. Commercial Gas Company Bill, 1875. Minutes of Evidence, etc., 1875. Commercial Gas Co. Add. 493. Consolidation Acts (Gas Supply), 1847. Parliamentary. .Papers, p. 479, Conveyance of Gas. Stewart (G. R.), 1884. Correspondence relative to the supply of Gas by the Great Central Gas Consumers' Company. Dakin, 1853. Crystal Palace District Gas and the Gas Light and Coke Co.'s Bills, 1877. Report on. Crystal Palace Gas Co. Add. 494. Darlington Act, 1849. Darlington. Gas Light and Coke Company. Acts, Chartei', and Returns. Gas Light and Coke Co., 1823, 74. Add. 502. Injurious eifects of pending Bill upon the inhabitants of Fulham and Chelsea. Ree, 1865, Gas undertakings. Lass, 1888. Precedents in Private Bill legislation affecting, 1879-90. Stevenson (E. H.), and Burstall, 1890; Stevenson (G. W.), 1879. General Acts. Reeson, 1874. Great Central Gas Company. Croll, 1875. 2SS <^'-^S SUPPLY. GAS SUF'P'LY— continued. Great Central Gas Consumers' Company. Reports, 1850, '57. Great Central. Hartlepool Gas and Water Act, 1890. Hartlepool. Henley-on-Thames Gas Act, 1888. HENLEY-on-Thames. Hills V. London Gaslight Company. Report of Ti-ial. Hills (F. C), 1852. Houghton-le-Spring Gas Company Act, 1879. Houghton. Inverness Gas and Water Bill. Report, 1847. Inverness. Kendal Gas and Water Supply Act. Kendal, 1846. London. Existing conditions and circumstances affecting. Haywood (W.) and Letheby, 1865. Consumption of Gas at the Public Lamps. Haywood and Letheby, 1862. City of London Gas Act, 1868. London, p. 260. Metropolitan Gas Companies' Accounts, 1856, etc. London, p. 261. Analysis of the Gas Companies' Bills, 1869. London, p. 261. Imperial and South Metropolitan Gas Companies' Bills. Report of Parliamentai'y Committee. London, p. 261. Gas Works and Gas Lighting in London. London, p. 261. . Correspondence, 1868, '69. London, p. 261. Cost and Supply of Gas, 1849, London, p. 261. Special Committee, Report, 1867, London, p. 261. Metropolitan Gas Inquiry, 1860. Report of Committee of the House of Commons. London, p. 261. Gas Referees, 1873-74, etc. London, p. 261. Report on increase of price of gas, 1874. London, p. 261. City of London Gas Company. Analysis of Accounts, 1868. London, p. 261. Metropolitan Gas Companies' Bill. Report from Select Committee, 1875. London, p. 261. ■ Metropolitan Gas Bill. Report from Select Committee, 1867. London, p. 261. • Imperial Gas Company's Bill, Course taken by the Board, 1869. London, p. 261. — — Gas Examiner's Reports, 1868-78. London, p. 262. • London and its Gas Companies. PIugiies (S.), 1863. London Gas Companies : their future control. Letter to Sir S, Northcote as to the proposals of the board. Thwaites (J.), 1867. Metropolitan Gas Companies' Accounts Analysis, 1867, etc. , Field (J). Malmo. Lease of the gaswork of the town. Malmo, 1883. Marple Local Board Gas Act, 1886, Marple, 1886. GAS SUPPLY. 289 GAS SVFFLY— continued. Midland Associatiou of Gas Managers. Reports, 1878-84. Midland Association, North British Association of Gas Managers. Reports, 1867-91. North British Assoc. Statistical report, July 1890 to Aug. 1891. North British Assoc. Add. 524. Paris Gas Company. Flow of gas in long pipes. Arson 1868. Pontypool. Evidence. Pontypool, 1873. Ramsgate, 1877-90. Ramsgate, p. 80. Relation of the Modern Municipality to Gas Supply. James (E. J.), 1886. Returns of gas undertakings in the United Kingdom, 1882, etc., 1885, etc. Parliamentary. .Papers, p. 479. Ryde Gas Arbitration. Story of. Spice (R. P.), 1872. Scotland. Report, 1891. North British Assoc. Scotland, West of, Association of Gas Managers. Reports of Proceedings. West of Scotland, etc., 1875-79. Supply and distribution. Clayton (A. G.), 1883. Thirsk Gas and Water Provisional Order Confirmation Bill, 1879. Thirsk. Woking Gas Act, 1885. AVoking. GAS SUPPLY (Gasworks). Arrangement, construction, etc. Colyer, 1884. Construction. Herring {W. R.), 1892, '93. Gasholders. Pease (E. L.) and Cripps, 1893. Guide framing of Gasholders. Cripps, 1889. Gas Works and the Introduction of Cannel Coal Gas into the Metropolis. Taylor (G. L.), 1848. Management. Holmes (W. C), 1874. Purchase of gasworks with the latest statistics of gas supply. Silverthorne (A.), 1881. Rating of. Quick, 1880. Statistics, 1879-86. Hastings (C. W.). Transfer of gasworks to the Local Authorities. Silverthorne (A.), 1871, 1873. Treatise on Gas Works. Hughes (S.), 1875, '85. Valuation of Gasworks for Assessment. Newbigging, 1891. Amsterdam. New Gasworks (Imperial Continental Gas Associa- tion). Pazzani, 1886. Beckton and Bow Gasworks, Sulphur purification at. Beckton, 1872. Birmingham. Windsor Street Gas- Works, Hunt (C), 1886. Cologne. Cologne, 1875-77. vol. i. 2 p 290 GAS SUPPLY GEMS. GAS SUPPLY (Gasworks) — continued. Exeter. Report on their state and observations thereon by Spice. Stevenson (G. W.), 1877. Germany, Switzerland, etc. Schilling (N. H.), 1868, '77. Le Mans, Gas works at. Seguin (L.), 1892. London. Colbden, 1865. Necessity for removing gasworks from London, as has been done in Paris. Simpson (T. B.), 1866. Philadelphia. Reports. Cresson, 1841 ; Philadelphia, 1836-45, p. 34. Sydney Gas- Works. Description of a three Jiift gas holder. Sydney, 1889, p. 272. Victoria Gas Co. Act for incorporation and for authorising the acquisition and enlargement of the North Woolwich Gas works. Victoria Gas Co., 1857. GASES. Apparatus for purifying, burning, and generating gases. Sutherland (W. S.), 1879. Combustible gases. Production of. Gruninger, 1890. Production and application and Purification, etc. Sutherland (W. S.), 1883, 1884. Combustion of explosive gases. Mallard (E.) and Le Chatelier, 1883. Dynamical Theory of gases. Maxwell, 1860, '67. Experiments on Powder gases. Kalakoutzky, 1879. Gases and Mining. Baker (J. P.), 1870. Kinetic Theory of Gases. Watson (H. W.), 1876, 1893. Method of Collecting the gases given off from Furnaces. Langen, 1862. Properties of gases. Bunsen, 1857 Physical Properties of gases. Kimball, 1890. Proposal for heating large towns with Pyrogen gas. Knowles (Sir F. C), 1874. Tables for Gasometry. Baumann, 1885. Treatise on the Gases met with in Coal Mines. Atkinson (J. J.), 1879. W^aste Gases, Disposal of. Good acre, 1891. GASES (Explosions). See Explosions. GAUGES. Improved Gauge for ascertaining the pressure of highly com- pressed steam, gases, and fluid bodies. Seaward (S.), 1824. Apparatus invented and constructed by E. Bourdon. Bourdon, 1862. GAZETTEERS. See Geography (Gazetteers). GEMS. Poniatowski Collection, Remarks on fallacious opinions respecting. Poniatowski, 1842. GEOGRAPHY. 291 GEOGRAPHY. Grove (Sir G.), 1877. Ancient Geography, disputed questions. Leake, 1857. Cities of the World. Hodder, 1880. Definition of terms used in. Hodgkin, 1804. Direct Highway to the East. Jones (Capt. F.), 1872, p. 165. English and Continental Inter-Communication. Nursey, 1869. Exhibition of 1878. Brussels. Hints to travellers, scientific and general. Royal Geographical Soc, 1889, p. 139. Lectures on Geography. Strachey (Lt.-Gen. R.), 1888. New routes of the globe. Helene, 1883. New Survey of the Globe. Templeman (T.), 1730. Overland route to India, China, &c. Galloway (J. A.), 1844 ; SIMMS (F. W.), 1878. World's Highway. Anonymous, 1856, p. 58. Relative quantities of Land and Water on the Surface of the Earth. Rigaud (S. P.), 1837. App. 573. Sea Routes. Baudrand, 1870. Stanford's Compendium of Geography and Travel, Europe, Asia, Africa, America, Australasia. Stanford (E.), 1883-94. Universal Geography, the earth and man. Reclds, 1876-82. Universal route book by .sea, by land, and by rail. Dempsey, 1870. Voyage round the world in 1766, '7, '8, and '9. Bougainville (Comte L. A. de). App. 549. Aden. Descriptive account of the Settlement. Aden, 1891. Afghanistan (Southern) and the North Western Frontier of India. Vyse (G. W.), 1881. Africa. Johnston (A. K.), 1884. Plan of territories formerly known as KafFraria Proper. Kaffraria, 1884. Circular by the Committee of the Royal Geographical Society to administer the African Exploration Fund. Royal Geographical Society, 1877. Aiguesmortes. Pietro, 1821. Alabama, U.S.A., Hill Country of. Alabama, 1878. Albany, N.Y., New Capitol Commissioners' Annual Reports. Albany, 1870-71. Alps, Passes of the, by which Italy communicates with France, Switzerland, and Gei-many. Brockedon, 1828. Route du Simplon. Ceard, 1820. Mont Blanc and the Simplon considered as international ways. Berard (E.), 1880. American Notes, 1881. Sutter (A.), 1882. — — Resources, etc., of America. Peto (Sir S. M.), 1866. Trip to America. Howard (J.), 1867. 292 GEOGRAPHY. GEOGRAPHY— continued. America. Wanderer in. Wilson (C. H.), 1822, America (Central). Advantages of a road across Central America from Admiral's Bay, on the Atlantic, to Chiriqui Bay, on the Pacific. America, 1852. Free Indian Tribes of Central America. Boyle {¥.), 1867. Transit Route through Central America. PiM (B.), 1862. (Central and South) and West Indies. Bates (H. W.), 1885. Add. 484. (North). Hayden (F. V.) and Selwyn, 1883. Add. 506. North American Boundaries. Correspondence. America, 1838-43. North America in 1853 and 1854. Lambert, 1855. Northern Traveller, or routes to Niagara, Quebec, and the Springs. Goodrich, 1826. (North). Travels through the interior parts of, in 1766, 1767, and 1768. Carver. (South). Visit to. Clark (E.), 1878. Western republics of America. Byam, 1850. Arabia Petrsea, and Palestine. Geography of. Hull (E.), 1886. Add. 509. Arctic and Antarctic Explorations. White (W.), 1850-1. Baffin Bay. Remarks on. Allen (R. C.) ; Snow and Inglefield, 1853. Map of the Polar Regions, Baffi^n Bay to Lincoln Sea. America, 1885. • Baffin's Bay. Remarks on Captain Ross' Account of the late voyage of discovery. Sabine (Sir E.), 1819. Sir John Franklin's Expeditions, 1850. Parliamentary. .Papers, p. 465. Greely Relief Expedition. Report of W. S. Schley. Schley (W. S.), 1887. Hall's Second Arctic Expedition. Yarnall (E. H.), 1880. International Polar Expeditions, 1882-83. International P. E. Last of the Arctic Voyages. Belcher, 1855. Sir G. S. Nares's, 1875-76, "Journal" and "Proceedings"; equipment and fitting out ; Results : Physical Obser- vations, Eskimo Dog Disease ; Outbreak of Scurvy. Parliamentary. .Papers, p. 465. • Voyage to North Pole, 1773. Phipps (C. J.). App. 571. Travels in the English yacht " Pandora." Becker (A. R. von), 1878. • North Polar Expedition, U.S. ship " Polaris." Davis (C. H.), 1876. United States ship " Polaris." Hall (C. F.), 1876. pEOGRAPHY. ' 293 GEOGRAFKY— continued. Arctic. Second Arctic Expedition, made by C. F. Hall. Hall (C. F.), 1879. Argentine Republic. Napp, 1876. ■ Country of. Argentine, 1869, Engineering, Finance, Mines, Public Works, Railways, Weights and Measures. Argentine. Arizona and Sonora. Geography and resources. Mo wry, 1863. Arkansas Valley. Pangborn, 1878. Asia. Keane, 1886. Auckland Islands. Enderby, 1849. Austria. Baedeker. Position and prospects. Lever, 1861. Austrian Tyrol, Bavaria, etc. Tour through them. Spice (R. P.), 1879. Azores, St. Michael's Island. A summer trip. Swindells (R.), 1878. Baghdad. Jones (J. F.), 1857. Barcelona, improvement of. Cerda, 1867. Belgium and Holland. Baedeker. Bombay Presidency, 1884. India, p. 111. Borneo. Districts lying between Gaya Bay and the Tampasuk River. Borneo, 1859. Brazil, Chorography of. Macedo, 1873. Exploring and travelling 3000 miles through. Wells (J. W.), 1886. Pioneering in South Brazil. Bigg-Wither, 1878. Southern Provinces. Carvalho, 1884. Year in Brazil. Dent, 1886. Brazils and La Plata. Sturz, 1865. Buffalo, Some things in and about. Buffalo, 1884. Burma. People and productions. Mason (F.), 1882-83. Bustar. Papers relating to the Dependency of Bustar, 1863. India, p. 114. Canada, Western U.S., and Mexico, Five Months fine weather in. Carbutt (M.), 1889. Sandford Fleming's expedition. Grant (G. M.), 1873. Picturesque Canada. Grant (G. M.), 1885. Carolina (South). Hammond (H.). 1883. Charleston, South Carolina, centennial celebration of the Incor- poration of, 1883. Charleston, S.C. Celebes, Island of. Narrative of Captain David Woodard, who lost his ship, and was captured by the Malays. Woodard (Capt. David), 1805. 294 GEOGRAPHY. G'EOGRA'PKY —continued. Ceylon. Deane (A.), 1875. Adam's Peak, Ceylon. Davey, 1818. Chateau Caradoc. Besan^on, 1866. China. Journey of exploration through the South China border lands, from Canton to Mandelay. Colquhoun, 1883. Chinese Empire. China, 1798. Rival Routes to China. Hallett (H. S.), 1888. Connecticut, Massachusetts, and Rhode Island. Geographic Dictionaries of. Gannett (H.), 1894. Add. 502. Constantinople and the Bosphorus. - Andeeossy, 1828. Cuba and Nassau, the Winter Sanatoriums. Cuba, 1886. Cutch, Gulf of. Baird (A. W.), 1880. Cyprus, Three Months in. Brown (S.), 1879. Dakota, Black Hills of. Reconnaissance in 1874. Dakota, 1875. Delhi, Jama Masjid. Description. Balmokand, 1881. Duluth, The " New York " of the great Inland Lakes. Merchant, 1887. East Indies (Dutch). Dutch, 1872. Egypt (Lower). Baedeker. Egypt (Ancient). Gliddon, 1848. Arts, Antiquities, and Chronology of. Wathen (G. H.), 1843. Egypt, Aden, and Australia. Sherriff's Charts and Handbook to them. Sherriff ( — ), 1893. . and the Holy Land. Conrad (F. W.), 1859. ■ Letters. Barthelemy Saint Hilaire, 1857. Proposals for Scientific Exploration of Egypt and Ethiopia. Wild (J. J.), 1850. ■ Notes on a visit to Egypt, via Paris, Lyons, Nismes, Marseilles and Toulon. Sopwith (T.), 1857, p. 225. Political, financial and strategical. Vyse (G. W.), 1882. Europe. Edited by Ramsay. (Stanford's Compendium.) Rudler (F. W.) and Chisholm, 1885. Guide-book for English-speaking travellers. Appleton (D.), 1891. Floridas. Observations. Vignoles (C. B.), 1823. France. Maritime ports. Jefferys, 1774. Galilee (Sea of). Oliphant (L.), 1887. Add. 524. Germany, Bohemia, Hungary, Switzerland, Italy and Lorrain. Keysler, 1760. Germany (Northern and Southern). Baedeker. Gesoriacum. Locality of the Roman Gesoriacum. Airy (Sir G. B.), 1870, p. 20. Goshen (Land of). Airy (Sir G. B.), 1865, p. 17. GEOGRAPHY. 295 G^EOGRAPIIY— continued. Gravelines. Gravelines, 1873. Guinea (Gulf of), Exploration of. Buchanan (J. Y.), 1888. Havre in 1878. Faure, 1878. Herculaneum. Breton, 1855. Himalaya Mountains and Nepal, 1857. India, p. 119. Holland and the Dutch Colonies. Macgregor (J.), 1848. Hudson's Bay and Strait. Bailey (J. C), 1884. Iceland: the Faroes. Brine, 1881. Ilios : the city and country of the Trojans. Schliemann (H.), 1880. India. Allen's Map of India. Allen (W. H.) & Co., 1842. Alternative Route. Mathew (Francis). Central Provinces. Topographical Report on the Political Districts of Raiguhr, Sarungurh, Sonepore, and Sumpul- pore, 1855. India, p. 115. Communications with British India under possible con- tingencies. GOLDSMID, 1878. British India. Cotton (J. S.) and Payne, 1883. Administration of the Marquis of Dalhousie, 1848-56. Dalhousie, 1856. Frontier Tribes on the north-east border of Assam, 1855. India, p. 109. Highlands of India, 1882-87. Newall (D. J. F.). • India and her neighbours. Andrew (Sir W. P.), 1878. North- West Provinces. Raikes, 1852. Northern Littoral districts of the Madras Presidency, 1856. India, p. 122. Overland Route, India to England. Latham (G.), 1870. Passage to India through Egypt and across the Great Desert. Capper (J.), 1784. ■ via the Red Sea and via the Cape of Good Hope. Red Sea, 1838. Productive Resources of India. Royle (J. F.), 1840. Progress and Condition. India, p. 103. Public Service Commission. India, p. 103. Our Scientific Frontier. Andrew (Sir W. P.), 1880. Report on the Eastern Frontier. Pemberton (Capt. R. B.), 1835. Indus and its provinces considered in connection with im- proved means of communication. Andrew (Sir W. P.), 1857. Italy. Baedeker. Ischia. Administrative prescriptions. Ischia. Kingdom of the Two Sicilies. Cuciniello and Bianchi 296 GEOGRAPHY, GEOGRAPHY— con^mttec/. Japan. Mikado's Empire. Griffis, 1886. Eight years in Japan, 1873-81. Holtham. History, traditions, and i-eligions. Reed (Sir E. J.), 1880. Jerusalem. Temple. Adler, 1887. Jummoo and Kashmir Territories. Drew (F.), 1875. Kansas. Description of the States of Kansas and Missouri, Fryer, 1887. Karachi, past, present, and future. Baillie (A. F.), 1890. Kattywar, Resources of the Province, 1856. India, p. 121, Kra, Journey across the Isthmus of. ' Loftus, 1883. La Plata, foundation of the capital of the Province of Buenos Aires. La Plata, 1883. Lake Superior, Exploration of the country between, and the Red River Settlement. Dawson (S. J.), 1859. Languedoc State and the Department of I'Aude. Trouve (Baron), 1818. Communication between the two seas, Froidour, 1672. Lyons, Dead cities of the Gulf of Lyons. Lentheric, 1879. Madeira in 1883. Spice (R. P.), 1884. Madeira and Mamore. Pinkas, 1885. Malta, Alexandria, Cairo, Thebes, Upper Egypt, and Nubia. Photographic Views. Murray (R.), 1859. Malta and Valetta (newspaper cuttings, photogi-aphs, etc.). Tucker (J. S.), 1872, '3. Maryland, Pennsylvania, and Delaware, Intersection of the boundary lines of. Reports. Maryland, State of, 1850, '62. Add. 519. Mexican Republic. Colonization, Industry and Commerce. Mexico, 1887. Mexico. Pastrana Mine Batopilas. Randolph, 1881. Valley of Mexico. Garay, 1888. Middlesborough, Kentucky. Middlesborough, 1890. Midnapore (including Hijelee) and Cuttack, 1858, Districts of. India, p. 126. Milan and its territory. Cantu, etc., 1844. Montana. Climate, soil, etc. Montana, 1883. Mont Cenis route. Derrien, 1816. Montpelier, Paris, Geneva, and Great St. Bernard. Raulin, 1864. Murray River district, Murray River, 1856. Nebraska and Dakota, Explorations in. Report, 1855-57. Nebraska. Netherlands. Beekman, 1884. Nevada and Arizona, Explorations and Surveys, principally in. Nevada, 1872. r;KO(;KAPiiv. -'■'" GEOGRAPHY— continued. Nevada and Arizona. Reconnaissance through 8outlu»rn and South-Eastern Nevada. Nevada, 1875. New Granada and Costa Rica Boundary question. New Granada, 1852. New York and San Francisco in 1882, Wandei'ings between. Spice (R. P.), 1882. Niagara, State Reservation. Report of Commissioners, 1890. Niagara. Nicaragua in 1859. Finner, 1860. — — Two routes through Nicaragua. Oliver (S. P.), 1867. Nineveh. Jones (J. F.), 1857. Nizam's dominions. Sketch of the. Bilgrami and Willmott, 1883-4. Norway and Sweden. Baedeker. Odessa, Contract for the execution of certain works at. Bazalgette (Sii- J. W.), 1863. Orissa, Present State of. Haly, (G. T.), 1866. Oudh, Province of, 1862. India, p. 128. Pacific, North- West. Oregon and Washington Territory. Oregon, 1883. Central Route to the, from the Valley of the Mississippi to California. Heap (G. H.), 1854. Panama, Two years at. Cermoise, 1886. Paraguay. Masterman, 1869. Paris. Baedeker. Patagonia. Moreno, 1879 ; Quesada (V. G.), 1875. Pathan and Biloch, Across the Border, or. Oliver (E. E.), 1890. Paumban Channel. India, 1856, p. 128. Pegu, Province of. Reports, 1856. India, p. 128. Peru. Paz Soldan (Mateo), 1862. Add. 527 ; Raimondi, 1874-76. Pompeii. Breton, 1855. Portugal. Forrester, 1853. Portuguese African Territories. Reply to Livingstone's Accusa- tions. Lacerda, 1865. Pi'ovence. Lentheric, 1878, '80. Red River Expedition. Huyshe, 1871. Red Sea. Welsted's attack on Lord Valentia's work on the Red Sea refuted. Robinson (F.), 1842. Rhine. Baedeker. River Plate Republics. Mulhall, 1875. States of the River Plate. Latham (W.), 1866. " Rob Roy " on the Jordan, Nile, Red Sea, and Gennesareth : a canoe cruise in Palestine, Egypt, etc. Macgregor (J.), 1869. Rocky Mountain Scenery. Run pictui-es. Hayden, 1 870. VOL. I. 2 Q 208 GKOORAPHV. GEOGRAVHY— continued. Rocky Mountain Tourist. Pangboen, 1878 Rome, Ancient. Naedini, 1818. Remains of Ancient Rome. Bellorius, 1673. Russia, Advance of. Andrew (Sir W. P.), 1886. -. Its origin and development. Boulton (S. B.), 1882. San Francisco and back. Rae (W. F.), 1871 . Sao Paulo Geographical Commission. Sao Paulo, 1889. Satara Territory, Memoir of, 1857. India, p. 130. Scottish Geographical Magazine. Periodical Publications, p. 24. Shanghai Bund. Photographs and plans of American and English Settlements. Shanghai, 1866, 1891. Sierra de Cura-malal (Currumalan). Holmberg, 1884. Sikkim and Tibet. Convention between Great Britain and China, 1890. India, p. 130. Sinaloa. Buelna, 1877. Soissons-l'Abbaye de Saint Leger. Laprairie and Poquet, 1850. Soudan, Eastern, and Central Africa, Policy. Soudan, 1885. Seoul, Journey from, to the Phyong Kang Gold Washings. COREA, 1885. Spain, Commercial and Industrial. HiGGiN, 1886. Spain in 1866. Higgin. Suez and its trade with the ports of the Red Sea. Dassy, 1859. Suez, Isthmus of. Borde, 1870. Sumatra, West Coast. Sumatra, 1883 ; Verbeck, 1883. Sunderbund. Soonderbun Channels. India, 1854, p. 132. Sweden. Dahlberg [circa 1700]; Thomee (G.), 1866. Switzerland. Baedeker. • Swiss Baths. Switzerland, 1830. Terni. Riccardi, 1818. Tinnevelley District, 1878. India, p. 132. Tounghoo District, 1856. India, p. 132. Tripoli, Barbary. Trade and Commerce, 1870. Hay (D.), 1871. Tunis, Journey to. Botley, 1879. Turkey in Asia. Undeveloped resources. Austin (C. E.), 1878. Some Notes on Turkey. Turkey, 1867. Turkey (Frontier of) and Persia. Jones (J. F.), 1857. Turkestan. Visit to Kokan. Khokand, 1863. United States. Bromley, 1876. Western States and Cincinnati in 1826. Bullock, 1827 Cave Exploration in Eastern United States. Mercer (H. C), 1894. Add. 520. Expedition through the Big Horn Mountains, Yellowstone National Park,etc. Report. Sheridan (Gen. P. H.), 188-_'. GEOGRAPHY. L'99 GEOGRAPHY— confrnw^d. United States. Mason and Dixon's line. Boundary lines of the States of Maryland, Pennsylvania, and Delaware. Graham (J. D.), 1862. United States and Territories. Boundaries. Garnett (H.), 1885. Tourists' Guide. Allan Liine, 1881. • Utah, Teri'itory of. Report of Explorations across the Great Basin of the. Utah, 1876. Ute Country. Report of a reconnaissance in, made in 1873 by Ruffner. Ute Country, 1874. Uruguay. Its geographical history, commerce, etc. Uruguay, 1883. Venezuela. Hawkshaw, 1838. ■ • Statistical Annuary of. Venezuela, 1884-87. Wyoming, North Western. Yellowstone National Park, Recon- naissance of. Jones (Wm. A.), 1875. Yellowstone Park. Annual Reports, etc. Yellowstone Park, 1881, '83. Zuiderzee. Zuiderzee- Vereeniging, 1892. See also Topography. GEOGRAPHY (Gazetteers). Gazetteers and Dictionary of Geogi-aphy. Brookes, 1801 ; Johnston (A. K.), 1877. Index Geographicus. Johnston (A. K.), 1864; Lippincott (J. D.), 1893. Add. 515. Wright (Rev. G. N.), 1834-35. Geographic Dictionaries of Connecticut, Massachusetts, and Rhode Island. Gannett (H.), 1894. Add. 502. Geographical Dictionary of the World. Lippincott (J. D.), 1893. Add. 515. Imperial Gazetteer. Blackie (W. G.), 1860, 1868. Cyclopasdia of India and of Eastern and Southern Asia. Balfour (E.), 1871. India Imperial Gazetteer. Hunter (Sir W. W.), 1881. Indian Gazetteer. Thornton (E.), 1893. Library Cyclopsedia of Geography. Bryce and Johnston, 1880. Pocket Gazetteer of the World. Bartholomew (J. G.), 1888. Railway and Commercial Gazetteer of England, Scotland and Wales. McCoRQUODALE & Co., 1882, '94. United States. Geographical Dictionary. Colange, 1884. GEOGRAPHY (Physical). Ansted, D. T. 1850 ; Ansti:d, D. T. 1868 ; CooLEY (W. D.), 1876 ; SoMERViLLE(Mrs. Mary), 1849. Brazil. Physical Geography. Wells (J. W.), 1886. 300 OEOGKAl'HY — GEOLOGY. GEOGRAPHY (Physical) — continued. Canada. Physical Geography. Selwyn (A. R. C), and Dawson, 1884, Great Britain. Ramsay (A. C), 1863, 1878. New South Wales. Russell (H. C), 1892. Sea. Maury, 1855, '60 Typical Mountain Ranges. An application of the calculus of probabilities to physical geography. Spottisvvoode ( W.), 1860. GEOLOGY (General References). Ansted D. T. (1850); Bake- well (F. C), 1854 ; Bakewell (R.), ;1815 ; Bayle, 1869 ; Beudant, 1874; Bowen, 1865; Braude, 1829; Cole (G. A. J.), 1891 ; Dana (J. D.), 1869, 1879. Text books, Dana, 1869 ; Geikie (Sir A.), 1882 ; Jukes, 1872 ; Le Conte, 1883; Phillips (J.), 1835, '85 ; Phillips (W.), 1826; Port- lock, 1859 ; Selle (A. de), 1878. Advantage to the Civil Engineer of a study of Geology. Reade, 1888. Annuaire geologique universel et guide du geologie autour de la Terre. Periodical Publications, p. 11. Application to Acts and Agi'iculture. Orbigny and Gente, 1851. To the Arts and manufactures. Ansted, (D. T.), 1865. Applications. Ramsay (A. C), 1852. Archiv fUr practische Geologie. Periodical Publications, p. 12. Astronomical influence upon geological phenomena. Herschel (Sir J. F. W.), 1832, p. 50. Chemical and Physical geology. Bischof, 1854-59 ; Cavendish Society, 1854-59. Chemical, physical and stratigraphical. Prestwich, 1886. Consumption, Geology and. Whitaker (W.), 1869. Elements, 1865. Lyell. Engineer, Applied to the art of the. Buzzi, 1878 ; Nivoit, 1887-89. Engineer's Manual. Varley, 1846. Engineering Geology. Penning (W. H.), 1880. Field Geology and Palseontology, Text Book of. Penning (W. H.), 1879. Geological Glossary. Oldham (T.), 1879. Geological Magazine. Periodical Publications, p. 16. Geological Record. An account of works on Geology, etc., pub- lished during the years 1875-89. Periodical Publications. Add.. 528. Geologist. Periodical Publications, p. 16. Great Ice Age and its relation to the Antiquity of Man. Geikie (J.), 1874. GEOLOGY. 301 GEOLOGY (General References) — continued. History. Ramsay (A. C), 1849. How to observe. Delabeciie, 1836. Index Geologicus. Bartlett. International Geological Congress, London, 1888. International Geol. Cong. Manual. Delabecue, 1832, '33. Mineralogy considered with reference to Natural Theology. Bridgewater Treatises, 6. Museum of Economic Geology and Mining Records Office, Account. SopwiTH (T.), 1843, p. 224. Natural History, Relations of, to geology and the arts. Forbes (E.), 1851. Neues Jahrbuch fur Mineralogie, Geologie, etc. Periodical Publications, p. 20. New System of Geology in which Modern Science and Sacred History are reconciled. Ure (A.), 1829. Petrology, Pinkerton (J.), 1811. Physics, Geology and General. Thomson (Sir William), 1889-94. Popular Geology, Sketchbook. Miller (Hugh), 1869. Practical Geology, Museum of. Catalogue of the Geological Mining and Metallurgical Models. Bauerman, 1865. Government School of Mines. Delabeche, 1851. Practical Geology and Mineralogy. Trimmer (J.), 1841. Principles, 1833, '40, '53, '67. Lyell. Progress. Dickinson (J.), 1887. Revue de Geologie. Periodical Publications, p. 23. Students' Elements, 1871. Lyell. Theoretical. Delabeciie, 1834. Value to the military engineer. Cooke (A.), 1864. Wonders. Mantell, 1839. GEOLOGY (Special). Age of the Earth, Calculation of, based upon the hypothesis of the permanence of oceans and continents. Reade, 1883. Antiquity of man, Geological evidence of. 1863. Lyell. Chalk between Croydon and Ostend, Some Sections of. Evans (E.), 1870. Chemical denudation in relation to geological time. Reade, 1879. Compressive stress in Rocks, Cause of active. Reade, 1891. Construction of geological cuttings. Chance (H. M.), 1881. Continental growth and geological periods. Reade, 1894. Contraction during the cooling of intrusive masses of granite. Reade, 1889. .302 GKOLOOV. GEOLOGY (Special) — continued. Cooling, Results of unsymmetrical, and Redistribution of Tempera- ture in a shrinking globe. Reade, 1894. Correlation Papers. Archean and Algonkian. Van Hise (C. R.), 1892. Cambrian. Walcott (C. D.), 1891. Cretaceous. White (C. A.), 1891. Devonian and Carboniferous. Williams (H. S.), 1891. Newark System. Russell (I. C), 1892. Crust, Solid, of the Earth. Woods, J. J., 1884. Devonian fossiliferous beds. , Malaise, 1879. Devono-Silurian formation. Hull (E.), 1882. Eocene. Clark (W. B.), 1891. Faults, Origin of Normal. Reade, 1890. Miniature illustration of Normal faulting. Reade, 1891. Faulting in Drift. Reade, 1892. Field Geology, Outlines of. Geikie (Sir A.), 1892. Flint Implements in the Drift. Evans (Sir J.), 1862 Not Authentic. Whitley (N.), 1865. Flints. Peculiar Markings on the Broken Surfaces of. Wetherell (N. T.), 1859. Geological aspects of the Mersey Tunnel. Reade, 1885. Geological consequences of the discovery of a level-of-no-strain in a cooling globe. Reade, 1888. Geological and Natural History Repertory. Mackie, 1867. Geological Time. Reade, 1877. ■ Measurement. Reade, 1893. Estimate of Post-Glacial Time. Reade, 1888. Glacial Geology. Reade, 1875. Granite. Concretionary Patches and Fragments of other Rooks in. Phillips (J. A.), 1880. Gravels, High level Shelly sands and. Reade, 1893. Handbook of Geological Terms, Geology and Physical Geogi'aphy. Page (G.), 1865. Hypersthene-Andesite and Triclinic Pyroxene in Augitic Rocks. Emmons, 1883. Mesozoic Fossils. White (C. A.), 1884. Molecular forces. Relation of, to Geology. Mallet (R.), 1844. Moulin Quignon, Human Jawbone of. Delesse, 1863. Mountain Ranges, Genesis of. Reade, 1893. Origin. Reade, 1886, 1891, 1894. Ocean Currents, action of. Babbage (C), 1856. Physical theories of the Earth. Reade, 1889. Physics of Mountain Building. Reade, 1892. of the Earth's Crust. Reade, 1890, GKOLOGY. • ;5u;! GEOLOGY (Special)— continued. Quarternary Gravels. Tylor (A.), 18G9. Rocks, Origin of. Delesse, 1858, 18G5 Rocks composing the surface of the earth. Orbigny, 1868. Sand, Miniature Domes in Sand. Reade, 1884. Sandstone, Old Red. Miller (Hugh), 1859. Cause of the Coloration. Reade, 1890. Circulation of Water in. Reade, 1884. New Red Sandstone and the Physiography of the Triassic period. Reade, 1889. Secular Cooling of the Earth. Reade, 1887. Straining of the Earth in relation to the deep phenomena of Volcanic action. Reade, 1890. Sedimentation, Effect of, on the Temperature of the Earth's crust. Reade, 1891. Silurian System. Murchison, 1839. Slickensides and Normal faults. Reade, 1889. Some New Red Horizons. Lyman (D. S.), 1894. Add. 517. Stalagmites of Sand. Reade, 1891. Subaerial Denudation, and on cliffs and escarpments of the clialk and the lower tertiary beds. Whitaker (W.), 18G7. Technical Education, Geology as a branch of. Cadell (H. M ), 1887. Add. 489. Terrestrial Magnetism, connexion of Geology with. Hopkins (E.), 1844, '51, '55. Testimony of the Rocks. Miller (Hugh), 1869. Tidal action as a geological cause. Reade, 1874. As an agent of geological change. Reade, 1888. Trias Rounding of Sandstone grains of the. Reade, 1892. • Trias of Cannock Chase. Reade, 1892, Physiogi-aphy of the Lower Trias. Reade, 1889. Triassic Borings. De Range, 1879. • • Near Warrmgton. De Range, 1880. Valleys and their relation to Fissures, Fractures and Faults. Kinahan, 1875. Water in the inteinor of the Earth. Delesse, 1861. CEOLOGY (Places). America (North and South). Denudation of the two Americas. Reade, 1885. America (North). Cambrian Faunas of N. America. Walcott (C. D.), 1884, 'SG. Laurentian Limestones. Hunt (T. S.), 1871. Nortli Ameiicaii P>il)li()gia])hy t'of 1886. D.MrroN, I8S7. :iU4 GKOLOGY. G EOLOCi Y (Places) — continued. America (North). Record, 1887-91. Dabton, 1891 ; Darton. Add. 495. America (Central). Geology of a part of Costa Rica. Attwood, 1882. Alt River. Submarine Forest of the Alt Mouth. Reade, 1878 Arabia Petrtea and Palestine. Physical Geology. Hull (E.), 1886. Add. 509. Atlantic (North) as a geological basis. Reade, 1885, Australia. Geology of Australian Goldfields. Wathen (G. H.), 1855. Australia physical structure. ' Jukes, 1850. Queensland. Geological features of the south-eastern districts. Queensland, 187y, p. 71. South Australia. Adelaide to Hale River. Report on a journey. South Australia, 1889, p. 227. • Port Augusta to Eucla. Report on the Geological Character of the country. South Australia, 1885, p. 227. Barossa Hundred. Geological map of its tertiary deposits. South Australia, 1889, p. 227. Gumeracha and Mount Crawford Goldfields. Notes on Geological map. South Australia, 1887, p. 227. • Warrina to Musgrave Ranges. Report on a Journey. South Australia, 1890, p. 227. Victoria. Murray (R. A. F.), 1887. . Geological Survey and Maps. Reports, etc. Victoria, 1854-61, 1869-83, p. 375. ■ Report of progress, 1874-84. Victoria. Add. 538. Volcanic Rocks of the Ballarat District. Krause, 1882. ■ ■ Physiogi'aphy and Geological Structure of the locality of Mount Buninyong. Krause, 1882 • (Western), Geological Survey. Brown (H. Y. L.), 1872. Report from the Government Geologist. Western Australia, 1871. Bas Boulonnais. The lower Cretaceous Beds of. ToPLEY (W.), 1868. Belgium, geological map of. Belgium, 1880-81, p. 116, and the French Ardennes. Gosselet, &c., 1885. Brazil. Sao Paulo Geological Commission. Sao Paulo, 1887. Canada, Elevations in. Spencer (J. W.), 1884, Geology Selwyn (A. R. C.) and Dawson, 1884. Publications of the Geological Survey. Canada, pp. 216-217. Stvatigraphical Collection of Canadian Rocks. Ferrter, 1893. (;koi.O(jv. 305 (JEOLOGY (Places)— cfm/tH?te^. Canada. Higher Devonian Faunas of Ontario County. Clarke (J. M.), 1885. Deposits of Apatite near Ottawa, Canada. Dawkins, 1884. Cape Colony. Reports of the Geological and Irrigation Surveyor, 1888-90. Cape Colony, p. 221. Sketch map of Cape Colony. Dunn (E. J.), 1875. Damoodah Valley, Geological Report t)n. Williams (W. H.), 1850 Egypt and the Nile Valley. Hull (E.), 1890 Estramadura, beds of phosphated limestone of. Delesse, 1877 Europe. Geological Map. Dumont (A. H.), 1860 National Geological Surveys of. Topley (W.), 1885. Forez, Plain of. Laur, 1881. France. Map. France, p. 43() Distortion of Strata. Delesse, 1872 Explanation of the Geological Map. Dufrenoy, 1841 Geology. Villeneuve (H. de), 1854. Add. 538 Geological and hydrologic maps of Paris. Delesse Subterranean Inundation in the north of Paris in 1856. Delesse, etc., 1861. Geneva, town of. Colladon, 1870, 1875 Georgia (South), Island of, Atlantic Ocean. Reade, 1884 Gotland, List of Fossils of the Upper Silurian Formation of. Lindstr'jm (G.), 1885. Great Britain. Ramsay (A. C), 1863, 1878, Geological Relations of the Alpine Flora. Crombie, 1870. Building of the British Isles. Jukes-Browne, 1888. • Two British Types of the Lower Cambrian Beds. Hull (E.), 1882. Jurassic Rocks of Britain Geological Survey, 1892-3 ; Geological Survey, 1894. Add. 502; Woodward (H. B.), 1892. British Isles. Map. Phillips (J.), 1842. Geological Map of the British Isles and part of France. Knipe, 1873. British Organic Remains. Decades and Monographs. Geological Survey, 1849-72. British Petrography : special reference to Igneous Rocks. TeallV- J- H.), 1888. Pliocene Deposits of Great Britain. Geological Survey, 1860; Reid (Clement), 1890 Strata. Smith (William), Geologist, 1815. Anglesey. Geological Notes on the Excursion to Anglesey, April, ISSO. Readk. 1800. VOL. 1. 2 K ;{()(; GEOLOGY. GEOLOGY (Places)— continued. Great Britain. Bridgwater Railway. Clarke (J. F. M.), 1891. Buckinghamshire Geological Map. Smith (William), 1824. Chesil Bank, formation of. Bristow and Whitaker, 1869. Chippenham. Strata and organic remains exposed in the cutting of Branch Railway from the Great Western line near. Mantell (R. N.), 1850. Cleveland, District of, North Yorkshire. Bewick (J.), 1861. Clwyd, Trias of the Vale of. Reade, 1891. Clyde and Forth, Glacial Beds of the. Reade, 1880. Clydesdale and Arran. , Bryce, 1859. Colwyn Bay, Drift Deposits of. Reade, 1885. Cornish Rocks, Chemical Composition of. Phillips (J. A.), 1871. Cornwall. Geology. Symons (B.), 1884. Cornwall, Devon, and West Somerset. Delabeche, 1839 ; Geological Survey, 1839. Cromer Forest Bed. Reade, 1883. Devon (North), Grouping of the Rocks of, and West Somerset. Jukes, 1867. Dover, Straits of, excavations in, for Channel Tunnel. COLLADON, 1883. Submarine exploration. Potier and Lapparent, 1875-77. Midland Counties, Triassic and Permian Rocks of. Geological Survey, 1869. Triassic and Permian Rocks. Hull (E.), 1869 North-west Drift Beds. Reade, 1874, '83. St. David's, Pembrokeshire, Geology. Reade, 1888. South-east of England. Mantell, 1833. South-east, Geological relations at the beds between the Chalk and the Purbeck Limestone in. Filton, 1833. — Geological map of. Whitaker (W.) and Topley, 1870. • England and Whales. Conybeare and Phillips 1822 ; Woodward (H. B.), 1887. Geological Map of. Greenough, 1865. English Channel. Submarine Geology off the coast of South Devon. Hunt (A. R.), 1881. Eskdale Drift, and its bearing on glacial geology. Reade (T. M.), 1893. Add. 530. Fenland. Geological Survey, 1877 ; Sketchley (S. B. L.), 1877. Formby and Leasowe marine beds (section of the) and superior peat bed. Reade, 1883. Glamorganshire, Lower Lias, or lias conglomerate, of a part of Bristovv, 1867. GEOLOGY. 307 GEOLOGY (Places) -cuntlnued. Great Britain. Godaliniiig, Lower Greensaiul of. Mkykr (C. J. A.), 1SG8. Hastings Strata, Obsei'vations on. Webster (Thomas), 1824. Hertfordshire. Geology and Climate. HoPKiNSON (J.), F.L.S., 1887. List of Works on. Hopkinson (J.), F.L.S., 1885. Silurian Rocks in Hertfordshire, and their relation to the Water-bearing strata of the London basin. Hopkinson (J.), F.L.S., 1880. Holderness. Geological Survey, 1885 ; Keid (Clement), 1885. Hordwell Cliff, Hampshire. Freshwater formation in, and on the subjacent beds from Hordwell to Muddiford. Webster (Thomas), 1821. Hull, Barnsley, and West Riding Junction Railway and Dock. Cole (E. M.), 1886. Isle of Wight. Bristow, 1889 ; Geological Survey, 1889 ; and Coast of Dorsetshire. Mantell, 1847. Freshwater Formations in. Webster (Thomas), 1814. Tertiary Fluvio-marine formation. Forbes (E.), 1856 ; Geological Survey, 1856, Kent (East), Geological changes in, since the Roman Conquest. Dowker (G.), 1880. Add. 497. Kent, Surrey, and Sussex. Map. Kent, 1868. Lancashire and Cheshire, Post-glacial Geology of. Reade, 1871. Leith, Edinburgh, and Glasgow, Mineral Survey on level line for a Canal between. Paterson (J.), 1814. Liverpool, Country around, and north of Flintshire. Morton (G. H.), 1891. Notes on a few Borings and the base of the New Red Sandstone near. Timmins (A.), 1888-89. London. Hopkinson (J.), F.L.S., 1889. Clapham and the neighbourhood of London. Prestwicii, 1857. London. Geological Inquiry respecting the Water-bearing strata of the country round. Prestwicii, 1851. Jurassic Deposits which underlie London. JuDD, 1884. London and Neighbourhood. (Geological Survey, 1889 ; Whitaker (W.), 1875, '89.. Notes On the surface geology. Whitaker (W.), 1867. London Strata. Sections. Mylne (R. W.), 1850. London and part of the Thames Valley, (Jeology of. Whitaker (W.), 1889. Malvern Hills. Phillips (J.), 1855. 308 GEOLOGV. GEOLOGY (Places)— covtiiiiied. Great Britain. Manchester, Sketch and Geological Essays. Taylor (John), F.R.S., 1864. Mersey, Post-glacial geology of the Estuary of the. Reade, 1872. Norfolk, (geological observations on the eastern valleys of. RoBBERDS (J. W., Jun.), 1826. JSTorthuinberland and Durham, Strata of, as proved by Borings and Sinkings, 1881. North of England Institute. Oxford and Valley of the Thames. Phillips (J.), 1871. Geological conditions affecting the Water Supply to houses and towns, with special reference to. Prestwich, 1876. Plvmouth District, Hydro-geology of the. Inglis (J. C), 1877. Reygate Stone, and of the Fuller's Earth at Nutfield, Geognostical Situation of. Webster (Thomas), 1821. Scotland (Scenery of), viewed in connection with its physical geology. Geikie (Sir A.), 1865, Shropshire and Cheshiie, Ripple marks in Drift in. Reade, 1884. • Sub-AVealden Exploration, Fourth Quarterly Report, 1873. Sdb-AVealden Exploration. Vyrnwy Valley, Glacial Geology of the. Deacon, 1889. Wales (North) Coast, Drift Beds of the Moel Tryfaen area of. Reade, 1893. Weymouth and Isle of Portland. Damon, 1860. Yorkshire. Phillips (J.), 1835. Yorkshire Coalfield. Green and Russell, 1878. Yorkshire Coast, Geological Survey of. Young (Rev, G,), 1828, Traverse of Yorkshu-e Drift, Reade, 1883, Geological Map, Smith (William), Geologist, 1821, Jurassic Rocks of. Fox Strangways, 1892, India, Geological Survey Memoirs, Contents and Index of, Theobald (W.), 1892, Reports, 1858-59, 1863-67, Memoirs, 1859, etc. Records, 1870, etc, PaljBontologia Indica, 1861, etc, India, pp, 101-2, Catalogues of Cephalopoda, Echmodermata, and Meteorites in the Museum, 1865, '66, '68, India, p, 101. Kattyawar, South Coast, and Runn of Ivutch. Memo- randum on the Geological Action. Sowerby (W.), 1867. Manual of the Geology of India. Medlicott (H. B.) and Blandford, 1893. Add. 519. Geological Map. Greenough, 1857. GKOI.UCiY. 309 GEOLOGY (Places)— co?i/«//H6'(/. India. Indian Museum, Calcutta. Catalogue of the remains of Pleis- tocene and Pre-historic Vertebi-ata. Lyderker, 1886. Catalogue of the Remains of Siwalik Vertebrata. Lydekker, 1885-86. Stratigraphical and structural Geology. Oldham (R. D.), 1893. Summary. Carter (H. J.), 1857. Western India. Geological Papers, 1857. India, p. 102. Western India, including Cutch Sinde and the south-east coast of Arabia. Carter (H. J.), 1857. Ireland. Hull (E.), 1878. ■ Dublin and Wicklow Shelly-Drift. Reade (T. M.), 1894. Add. 530. Londonderry and parts of Tyrone and Fermanagh. Geological Survey, 1843; Portlock, 1843. Italy. Subterranean Treasures. Jervis (W. P.), 1873-89. Jamaica. Report. West Indies, 1869. Japan. Hokkaido. Survey, 1874-76. Munroe. Geological Survey. Reports of progress, 1878-79. Ly'aian. Yesso, 1874, '77. Lyman. Liege, Province of. Dumont (A. H.), 1832. Namur. Minerals and fossils of the Namur province. Cauchy", 1825. New South Wales. Geological map of Hill End and Tambaroora. Hill End, N.S.W. Sedimentary Formations of New South Wales. Clarke (Rev. W. B.), 1878. New Zealand. Canterbury Province. Survey. Haast, 1864. Formation of Canterbury Plains., Haast, 1864. Corals and Bryozoa of the Neozoic Period in. Tenison- Woods (Rev. J. E.), 1880. ■ Reports of Geological Explorations, 1874, etc. New Zealand, p. 409. Index to Reports of Geological Survey, 1866-85. New Zealand, p. 409. Western districts of Nelson Province. Exploration. H.VAST, 1861. North Island. Crawford (J. C), 1865. Palceontology. Corals and Bryozoa of the Neozoic period. New Zealand, p. 409. Tertiary Molluska and Echiiiodei-mata, 1873. New Zealand, p. 409. Formation of the Timaru District. Goodall, 1886 ; Haast, 18(;."). 310 GEOLOGY. GEOLOGY (Places) — continued. New Zealand. Lower Waikato District. Geological Report. HuTTON (F. W.), 1867. West Coast Exploration. Haast, 1865. Norber Brow and their levels, Perched Blocks of. Reade, 1891. Palestine Dynamic Geology. Taunton (J. H.), 1892. Geology of Palestine. Hudleston (W. H.), 1885. Rhineland between Basel and Mainz. Oeynhausen, Dechen and La Roche, 1825. Russia. Geology of Moscow. Petunnikoff, 1886. Russia in Europe and the Ural Mountains. MuRCHiSON, Verneuil and Keyserling, 1845. Saint Gothard, Alpine Chain of. Giordano, 1872. Spain. Rio Tinto Mines. Pyretic region of the Sierra Morena. Collins (J. H.), 1885. Fossils. Mallada, 1885-87. Suez Canal. Geological Notice. Suez Canal, 1865. Tyrol. Remarkable occurrence of Serpentine at the junction of Sienite with the Dolomite of the Tyrol. Herschel (Sir J. F. W.), 1835. Trinidad, Report on the Geology of. Trinidad, 1860; "Wall (G. P.) and Sawkins, 1860 ; West Indies, 1860. United States, Geological Observations on the United States, Canada, and Nova Scotia. Lyell, 1845, '55. Geological Map. Hitchcock (C. H.), 1886. ■ Geology of the Globe and of the U.S. in particular. Hitchcock (E.), 1854. Neocene. Dall and Harris, 1891. • ■ Relations of the Traps of the Newark System in the New Jersey Region. Darton, 1890. Sandstone : Junction between the Eastern and the Keweenaw Series. Irving (R. D.) and Chamberlin, 1885. Secondary Enlargement of Mineral Fragment in certain Rocks, 1884. Irving (R. D.) and Van Hise. Subaerial Decay of Rocks and origin of the Red Colour of certain formations. Russell (I. C), 1889. Add. 531. Tertiary Rhynchophorous Coleoptera. ScuDDER (S. H.), 1893. Add. 533. Agassiz (Lake). Upper Beaches and Deltas of the Glacial. Upham (W.), 1887. • Arkansas. Geological Reconnoissance of the Northern Counties of. Owen (D. D.), 1858-60. ■ Baltimore, Maryland. Gabbros and associated Hornblende rocks occurring in the neighbourhood of. Williams (G. H.), 1886. Bonneville (Lake). Gilbeut (G. K.), 1890. GEOLOOV. 311 GEOLOGY (Vlaceh)— continued. United States. California. New Cretaceous Fossils from. White (C.A.), 1885. Northern California. Dillek, 1886. Southern California. Post-Pliocene Diastrophism of the coast of. Lawson (A. C), 1893. Add. 514. Stratigraphy. Becker (G. F.), 1885. Carmelo Bay. Lawson (A. C.) and Posada, 1893. Colorado. Buffalo Peaks. Emmons, 1883. Colorado Formation and its Invertebrate Fauna. Stanton (I. W.), 1893. Add. 534. Leadville. Emmons, 1886. Striking Products of Erosion in. Endlich, 1878. Comstock Lode and Washoe District. Becker (G. F.), 1882 ; United States, 1882, p. 347. Connecticut Geological Survey. Shepard (C. U.), 1837. Dakota. Geology, mineral resources and mills of the Black Hills. Dakota, 1888. Delaware, Gabbros and Associated Rocks in. Chester, 1890. Elliott County, Kentucky, Peridotite of. Diller, 1887. Grand Canon District, Tertiary history of the. DuTTON (C. E.), 1882. Green Bay and the Wisconsin Territory to the Coteau de Prairie. Geological Reconnaissance, by way of. Featherstonhaugh, 1836. Huron (Lake), Report on the north shore of. Huron, 1849. Idaho and Wyoming, Jura Trias Section of. Peale (A. C), 1879. Indiana. Geological Survey. Reports, 1870-72. Indiana. Kansas City, Clays and Building Stones of counties tributary to. Ladd (G. E.), 1891. South Western Kansas. Geological Reconnaissance. Hay (R.), 1890. Lahontan, Crystallographic Study of the Thinolite of. Dana, 1884. Geological history of Lake Lahontan (U.S. Geol. Survey, Monograph XL). Russell (I. C), 1885. - Superior (Lake) and the Rocky Mountains. Altitudes between. Upham (W.), 1891. - Massachusetts and Narragansett bays. Country between. M'Neill, 1832. - Michigan, Greenstone Schist areas of the Menominee and Marquette Regions of. Williams (G. H.), 1890. - Minnesota, Eruptive and Sedimentary Rocks on Pigeon Point. Bavlky (W. S.), 1893. .\dd. 484. ;{i2 OKOLOGV GEOLOGY (Places) — continued. United States. Missouri. Age and origin of the Crystalline Rocks. Haworth, 1891. Geological Survey. Broadhead, Merk and Shumard. Lower Carboniferous Crinoids from. Miller (S. A.), 1891. Reports of the Geological Survey, Missouri, 1855-71, Bulletins, 1890-91. Report of State Geologist, 1891. Missouri. Montana. The Laramie and the overlying Livingston Formation in. Weed (W. H.), 1893. . Paleozoic Section in the Vicinity of Three Forks. Peale (A. C), 1893. Add. 527 Nanticoke disaster, 1886, Geologic relations of. Ashburner. Nantucket Geology. Shaler (N. S.), 1889. Add. 533. ■ Nevada. Eureka District. Hague (A.), 1892. Crystallisation in the Igneous Rocks of Washoe. Hague, A. and Tddings, 1885. New Jersey. Cook (G. H.), 1868. Agricultural Geology, United States, particularly New Jersey. Delesse, 1880. New Mexico. Volcanic Rocks from the Tewan Mountains. Iddings, 1890. Ohio. Geological Survey Report, 1871. Ohio. ■ — Geology. Andrews, E. B. and Ballatine, 1870. Pennsylvania. Geological Survey, 1886, etc. Pennsylvania. Glacial Boundary in Western Pennsylvania, Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana, and Illinois. Wright (G. F.), 1890. • Point Bonita, Eruj^tive Rocks of. Ransome (F. L.), 1893. Add. 530. Potomac Formation, Fossil Wood and Lignite of. Knowlton, 1889. Quaternary Lakes of the Great Basin Call, 1884. ■ St. Louis City and County, Clay, Stone, Lime, and Sand Industries of. Ladd (G. E.), 1890. Sioux (Great) Reservation, Lignites of. Report on the region between the Grand and Moreau Rivers, Dakota. Willis (B.), 1885. ■ Tennessee and adjoining districts, Hull (E.), 1891. Texas. Present condition of knowledge. Hill (R. T.), 1887. Texan Permian and its mesozoic types of Fossils. White (C. A.) and Nicholson, 1891 GEOLOGY. 313 GEOLOGY (Places) — continued. United States. Tuscaloosa, Tombigbee, and Alabama Rivers, Tertiary and Cretaceous strata of the. Smith (E. A.), and Johnson, 1887. Utah, U.S.A., Report on the Geology of. Utah, 1880. Virginia. Geological Survey Reports. Virginia, 1838. Virginia and Kentucky. Geology of the Big Stone Gap Coalfield. Campbell (M. R.), 1893. Add. 490. Washington (Central), Geological reconnaissance in. Russell (I. C), 1893. Add. 531. Washington Territory, Changes in River Courses in, due to Glaciation. Willis (B.), 1887. Yellowstone and Missouri Rivers, Geological report of the Exploration of. Yellowstone River, 1869. Yellowstone Valley north of the Park, Glaciation of. Weed (W. H.), 1893. Vienna, Tertiary formation in the neighbourhood of. Karrer, 1877. GEOLOGY (Paleontology). Account of Works published during the years 1875-89. Periodical Publications. Add. 528. New South Wales coal-fields. Palaeozoic fossils. Keene, 1867. United States. California, Mesozoic and Cenozoic Paleontology of. White (C. A.), 1885. Eureka District, Palaeontology of. Walcott (C. D.), 1884. New Jersey and Connecticut Valley, Fossil Fishes and Fossil Plants of the Triassic Rocks of. Newberry (J. S.). GEOLOGY (Paleontology : Fauna). Bone Caves. Serres, 1838. Dinocerata. Extinct order of gigantic mammals. Marsh (O. C), 1886. Fossil Alcyonia. Some new varieties of. Webster (Thomas), 1814. Fossil Insects including Myriapods and Arachnids. Our present knowledge of them. Scudder (S. H.), 1886, '90. Laramie Molluscan Fauna, Relation of, to that of the succeeding Freshwater Eocene and other groups. White (C. A.), 1886. Thesaurus Siluricus. Flora and fauna of the Silurian period. Bigsby, 1868. Ventriculidse of the chalk, their microscopic .structure, affinities, and classification. Smith (Joshua Toulmin), 1848. America. Marine Mollusca. Dall, 1885. North American Invertebrate Palfeontology, Supplement to the bibliography of. White (C. A.) and Nicholson, 1879. VOL. I. 2 s 314 GEOLOGY— GEOMETRY. GEOLOGY — (Palaeontology : Fauna) — continued. America. Jurassic Freshwater invertebrates of. White (C. A.), 1886 Paleozoic Crustacea from 1698 to 1889 including a list of N. American species, etc., Bibliography. Vogdes (A. W.), 1890. Paleozoic Fishes of North America. Newberry (J. S.). America (Western North). Marine Eocene, Freshwater Miocene, and other fossil Mollusca of. White (C. A.), 1885. Borneo. Fossil Mollusca of the Eocene. Borneo, 1877. Europe and North America, Extinct Vert^brata of. Fauna of the Miocene Tertiaries of Oregon. Cope, 1879. Great Britain. Asterolepis of Stromness. Miller (Hugh), 1869. Pacific. 1 nvertebrate Fossils from the Pacific Coast. White (C. A.), 1889. United States. Mesozoic Echinodermata of the United States. Clark (W. B.), 1892 ; Clark (W. B.), 1893. Add. 492. ■ Idaho (South Western), Fossils of the Jura Trias of. Con- ditions of Preservation of Invertebrate Fossils. White (C. A.), 1879. New Jersey. Brachiopoda and Lamellibranchiata of the Raritan clays and greenstone marls of. Whitfield (R. P.), 1885. Gasteropoda and Cephalopoda of the Raritan Clays and Greensand Marls of. Whitfield (R. P.), 1891. New Mexico. Systematic Catalogue of Vertebrata of the eocene of New Mexico. New Mexico, 1875. New York, Fossil Fauna of the Upper Devonian. The Genesee Section of. Williams (H. S.), 1887. Rhode Island Coal Field. Insect fauna. Scudder (S. H.), 1893. Add. 533. Tompkins County, N. Y., to Bradford County, Pennsylvania, Fossil Fauna of the Upper Devonian, along the meridian of 76" 30' from. Williams (H. S.), 1884. GEOLOGY (Paleontology : Flora). Types of Laramie Flora. Ward (L. F.), 1887. Vegetable Fossils of the Auriferous Drifts. Mueller, 1883. Portugal. Anonymous (Relatorio), 1868, p. 54. United States. Illustrations of Cretaceous and Tertiary Plants. United States. 1878, p. 347. Missouri, Flora of the outlying carboniferous basins of South Western. White (D.) 1893. Potomac or Younger Mesozoic Flora. Fontaine, 1889. Virginia Older Mesozoic Flora of, Fontaine, 1883. Yellowstone National Park, Fossil Forests of the Volcanic tertiary formations of the. Holmes (W. H.), 1879. GERMS GIRDERS. 315 GEOMETRY. See Mathematics. GERMS. See Bacteria. GILDING. New Processes in the Art of the Gilder. AcAD^MiE des Sciences, 1842. GIRDERS. Phipps, 1881. Bowstring girders without vertical members. Engessrr (F.), 1880. Construction. Baker (W. L.), 1892. Continuous girders. Arched ribs and tension circles. Guthrie (F.), 1878. Continuous web girders and Braced Girders. Unvvin (W. C), 1868. Effect of impact on Girders. Fairbairn (Sir W.), 1866, p. 403. Iron beams or girders. Fielder's patent for improvements in con- struction. Baker and Son. Iron girders, Design of, with open webs. Kernot, 1883. Wrought Iron Girders, effect of impact, vibratory action, and long continued changes of load. Fairbairn (Sir W.), 1864, p. 401. Fielder's patent, for improvements in construction. Baker and Son. Wrought Iron and Steel Girders, graphic table for facilitating the computation of the Weights of. Buck (J. H. W.), 1883 Improvements in constructing wrought iron Girders. Arrol, 1877. New method of graphic statics applied in construction. Olander, 1880. Principles of Mechanics applied to Wrought iron girder work. Latham (J. H.), 1858. Weights up to 200 feet span. Baker (Sir B.), 1875. Jointed Bow Girders. General Theory. Werner (E. A.), 1888. Lattice and Plate Girders. Their relative deflection. Stoney (B. B.), 1863. Mechanics of the Girder. Crehore, 1886. Strains in Riveted Girders. Simple and practical method of obtaining, by diagrams. Timmins (T.), 1882. Strains in Girders. Stoney (B. B.), 1866-69, 1873, 1886. Stresses in Girder and Roof Trusses for both dead and live loads by simple multiplication, e^c. Johnson (F. R.), 1894. Add. 512. ' Examples of the calculation of stress in, by graphic and algebraic methods. Unwin (W. C), f869, p. 360. Theory and Calculation of Girders. Engesser, 1880. See also Beams. 316 GLACIERS GOLD. GLACIERS. Glaciers of the Alps. Origin and phenomena of glaciers and the physical principles to which they are related. Tyndall (J.), 1860, p. 334. Studies on Glaciers. Agassiz, 1840. Theory. Forbes (J. D.), 1847-48, 1859. GLASS. Art of painting on glass or glass staining. Gessert, 1844 ; Le Vieil, 1780. Electrostatic capacity of Glass. Hopkinso^, (J.), 1877, '80, '81. Furnaces for the manufacture of Glass on the open hearth. Head (J.), 1886. Glass and Silicates. Bevan (G. P.). Industries, vol. 7. Silicates, Silicides, glass and glass painting. Barff, 1872. Glass Tubes, Experiments relating to the action of, upon water and quicksilver. Jurin (J.), 1719. App. 563. Manufacture. Benrath, 1875; Pellatt (A.), 1821, '49. For optical purposes. Faraday (M.), 1830. Nature and physical history of Glass. Brayley, 1845. Optical Glass prepared by Dr. Ritchie. Simms (W.), 1840. Principles. Powell (H. J.), 1883. Crown and sheet glass. Powell (H, J.), 1883. Plate Glass. Powell (H. J.), 1883. Refractive Indices of glass. Hopkinson (J.), 1877. Writing on Glass. A glaze to facilitate this. Terquem (A.), 1876. GLOBES. Armillary sphere. Slater (J. S.), 1890. Globes celestial and terrestrial, How to use. MoxoN (J.), 1670. App. 569. GLUE (Marine). Jeffery, 1843. French Commission at Toulon, 1845. France, p. 439. GOLD. O'Brien, 1884 ; Streeter (E. W.), 1877. Chlorination process for gold-bearing sulphurets. Kustel, 1868. Thiess process of Barrel Chlorination. Egleston, 1890. Geology. Calvert, 1853. -= Chemical Geology of goldfields of California. Phillips (J. A.), 1868. England. Gold Supply. Cornish (T.), 1887. Hydraulic Gold-Miner's Manual. Kirkpatrick, 1890. Losses in Amalgamation. McDermott and Duffield, 1890. Metallurgy. Eissler, 1888 ; Percy (J.) 1880 ; Rose (T. K.), 1894. GOLD — GOLD MINES. 317 GOLD — continued. Metallurgy. In the United States. Egleston, 1887, '90. Milling (Grold) Handbook. Louis, 1894. Nevada and California Processes of gold extraction. Kijstel, 1868. Occurrence and extraction. Lock (A. G.), 1882. Pyi-ites, best means of treating, on goldfields. Victoria, 1874, p. 376. Refining California gold by the Zinc method. M'CuLLOH (R. S.), 1852. Rocks, Gold-bearing, of the World, Geology of. Hopkins (E.), 1853. Treatment in the Arrastra. Egleston, 1887. Treatment of Fine Gold in the Sands of Snake River, Idaho. Egleston, 1890. GOLD MINES. Gold regions of the world. Calvert, 1853. Gold working. Bevan (G. P.). Industries, vol. 11. Gold-seeker's Manual. Ansted (D. T.), 1849. Vertical structure of the Primary Rocks and general character of their gold-bearing varieties. Hopkins (E.), 1856. Africa and America. Confirmation of laws and liberties to all the King's subjects. Houghton, 1694. South Africa. Edwards (D.) and Co., 1890; Mathers, 1887 ; Reunert (T.), 1893. South and East Africa. Ingram (J. F.), 1889. Discoveries in the Division of Kjiysna, S. Africa. Bain (T.), 1886. S. Africa, Lydenburg goldfield. Map. Loveday, 1883. Australia. Fairfax, 1852. Discovery of gold. Earl, 1853. From 1860 to 1871. Clarke (Rev. W. B.). Deposits in Australia. Davison, 1860. Geology of Australian Goldfields. Wathen (G. H.), 1855. Lectures for instruction of emigrants to Australia. Jukes, etc., 1852. South Australia, Gumeracha and Mount Crawford Goldfields. Geological Map. South Australia, 1887, p. 227. Ulooloo. Goldfield Report. South Australia, 1887, p. 227. Brazil. Minaes Geraes. Mounteney, 1825. California. Chemical geology of Goldfields of California. Phillips (J. A.), 1868. California, Russia, India, Brazil, etc. Davison, 1860. Chili. British Capital. Gana, 1889. Cleveland (Mount), Specimen Gold Reef near, and Corunna Gold Field. Cleveland, 1884. Great Britain and Ireland Gold Rocks. Calvert, 1853. Guiana, South America. Reports. Guiana, 1881. 318 GOLD MINES GOLD MINING. GOLD MINES— continued. Guiana, South America. Plan of Gold Mines in French Guyana, 1888. Guiana, 1888. India. Ball (V.), 1881. Examination of gold dust and gold from Shuy-Gween, 185.'^. India, p. 130. Southern India. Notes on some of the auriferous tracts of Mysore province. Attwood (1888). Japan. Yesso. Monroe, 1875. Montana Company. Report, 1886. Montana Co. New Zealand. Reports, 1869-75. New Zealand, p. 410. Supply of water, 1871. New Zealand, p. 410. Nova Scotia. Heatherington, 1871, '73. Report, 1863. Nova Scotia Otago. Construction of reservoirs. Report. Otago, 1868. Queensland. Mount Morgan Gold Mine, Rockhampton. Mount Morgan, 1885. Queensland. Report, 1892. Queensland, Sierra Nevada, Auriferous Gravels of. Whitney (J. D.), 1880. Tasmania, Black Creek Gold Field. Black Creek, 1882. Den Gold Field. Mineral Resources and Permanency. Den Gold Field, 1882. Gold Fields Regulation Act, 1880, and the several Acts amending the same. Tasmania. Linda Goldfield. Auriferous and other Mineral Deposits. Report. Linda, 1886. Mineral resources and permanency of the Lefroy Gold Field. Leproy Gold Field, 1882. Transvaal. Auriferous Conglomerate. Collins (H. R.), 1888. Gold Fields. Stuart (J. M.), 1883. Venezuela. Gold Mining Prospects, and a guide to the Guayana Goldfields. Wears (W. G.), 1888. Victoria. Hopkins (E.), 1853 ; Smytu (R. B.), 1869. Statistics, Acts, etc., 1859-64, 1884-91. Victoria, pp. 376, 377. Witwatersrand Gold Fields, South Africa. Description. Williams (T. D.), 1891. Wynaad and Carcoar Ghat Gold Mines. Smyth (R. B.), 1880. GOLD MINING. Mining and Metallurgy. Phillips (J. A.), 1867. Union Gold Mining Company of Virginia. Report. Union Gold Mining Co., 1835. Victoria. Removal of Sludge, 1859. Victoria, p. 376 Witwatersrand Chamber of Mines. Reports, 1890, etc. Witwatersrand Chamber, 1892, GOLD ORES — GOVERNMENT. 319 GOLD ORES. Leaching Gold Ores containing Silver. Egleston, 1886. Origin and occurrence of Gold-bearing Gravels, Rocks, and Ores. Lock (C. G. W.), 1889. Roasting Gold Ores, Losses in, and the volatility of Gold. Christy (S. B.), 1889. Roasting and extraction of the Metal without Quicksiher. KiJSTEL, 1880. Treatment. O'Driscoll, 1889. United States. Leaching Gold and Silver Ores in the West. Egleston, 1883, GOLD AND SILVER. Amalgamation. Egleston, 1884. Doctrine of Gold and Silver Computations. Snelling (T.), 1766. App. 577. Gold and Silver Mining Company (Alice), Butte, Montana. Report on the Property. Maynard, 1882. Parting Gold and Silver, by means of Iron, at Lautenthal. Egleston, 1885. In California. Egleston, 1882. In the United States Assay Office, New York City. Egleston, 1885. In the United States Mint at Pliiladelphia. Egleston, 1886. Pliny's Natural History of Gold and Silver. DuRAND (D.), 1729. App. 555. Scamander Silver and Gold Deposits. Report. Thureau (G.), 1886. United States. Treatment at the United States Mint. Egleston, 1886. Report of the Director of the Mint upon the production of the Pi-ecious Metals. United States, 1886, etc., p. 351. Worker's Guide. Bloede, 1867. GOVERNMENT. Aid to Art, Science, and Literature. Donaldson (T. L.), 1838. Beneficent Government : an Essay on. ViSHNUBAWA Brahmachari, 1869. England, Constitution of. Le Play and Delaire, 1875. India. Administration of the several Presidencies and Provinces of British India. India, p. 98. ■ Lord Dalhousie's Administration 1848-56. India, p. 99. Province of Government. Pleydell Bouverie, 1884. Representative Government. International Question. Marcoartu, 1874, '84. ■ Spain. Marcoartu, 1886. Uses and Abuses. Coxworthy, 1852. 320 GOVERNOR FOR STEAM ENGINES — GYROSCOPE. GOVERNORS FOR STEAM ENGINES. Buss Governor. D welsh AUVERS-Dery, 1872. Centrifugal governors, graphical analysis. Herrmann, 1886. Drum governor. DwELSHAUVERS-Dery, 1872. Hydraulic Motion. Regulator or Governor. Pitcher, 1852. Improved governor. Hick (B.), jun., 1841. Mohn governor. DvvELSHAUVERS-Dery, 1890. New theory. Beer and Dwelshauvers-Dery, 1877. Watt's governor. Rafpard, 1893. GRAIN. Improvements in appliances for facilitating the discharge of Grain and Bulk Cargo from Ships. Lyster (G. F.), 1880. Improvements in Portable Elevators for Grain and like Cargo. Lyster (G. F. and A. G.), 1885. Pneumatic Grain Elevator and Conveyor. Duckham, 1894. GRANITE. Block of Granite from the Salcombe Fishing Grounds. Hunt (A. R.), 1876. Concretionary patches and fragments of other Rocks in Granite. Phillips (J. A.), 1880. Effects of contraction during the cooling of intrusive masses of Granite. Reade, 1894. Granites and Granite Industries. Harris (G. F.), 1888. GRAVITATION. Airy (Sir G. B.), 1838, p. 17. Determination of Gravity, with half-second Pendulums, on the Pacific Coast, at Alaska. Mendenhall, 1892. Effect of Gravity. De Penning, 1885. Gravitation considered as a Mechanic Power. Gumming (A.), 1802. App. 553. Natural phenomena referred to Newtonian laws. Seguinaine, 1861. Universal Gravitation. Whewell (W.), 1832 ; Pratt (J. H.), 1836. GUANO BEDS in Peru. Durand-Claye, 1875. GUN CARRIAGES. See Artillery. GUNPOWDER. See Explosive Agents. GUTSPINNERS' ART. La BARROQue (A. G.), 1822. App. 565. GUTTA PERCHA. Bevan (G. P.), Industries, vol. 9. GYROSCOPE, Phenomena of. Barnard (J. G.), 1858. Spinning Tops. Perry (Prof. J.), 1890. Tl ARROfltS. .'<21 H. HARBOURS. AxoNVMOus, p. 42 ; Breckinridge, 1885 ; Prichard (W. B.), 1844. Add. 529. Accommodation Harbour. Bateman (J. F. La T.), 1871. Bar (Harbour). D'Auria (L.), 1889. Add. 495 ; Haupt (L. M.), 1889 ; Prichard (W. B.), 1844. Add. 529. Constructing, Method of. Redfern, 1888. Design and Construction. Stevensox (T.), 1856, 1864, 1874, 1886. Equipment, modei'n. Schemfil, 1882. Harbour building. Hagen (G.), 1863. Hydrographical Engineering as applicable to Harbours, etc. Sleigh (Capt. R.), 1859. Marine Works, Construction of, with artificial blocks of large size. Stoney (B. B.), 1874. Military and Refuge Harbours. Coode (Sir J.), 1875. National Harbours. Calver, 1876. Natural and Artificial. Cheesewright, 1891. Physical features, history, construction, etc. Vernon-Harcourt (L. P.), 1885. Physical Phenomena of Harbour Entrances. Haupt (L. M.), 1887. Planning and construction of harbours in deep water. Bremner, 1845. Refuge, Harbours of. Glover (F.R.A.), 1846, 1859 ; Lovelace, 1849; Mather, 1858; Richardson (T.) and Jaffrey, 1859. • Bays of Refuge for vessels in Storms. Bain (D.), 1857. Formation of Harbours of Refuge. Calver, 1858; Tayler (Capt. J. N.), 1840 ; White (John), 1840. Proposal for a floating Harbour of Refuge. McCosH, 1882. Harbours of Refuge and Breakwaters in the Channel. Quarterly Returns of Engineers, 1850-74. Parliamentary. .Papers, p. 480. ■ Report of Select Committee, 1836. Parliamentary. .Papers, p. 480. Report of Select Committee, 1857-58. Parliamentary. .Papers, p. 480, ■ Royal Commission. Evidence, 1858; Report, 1859. Parliamentary. .Papers, p. 480. ■ Remarks on Supplementary Report. Abernethy, 1859. ■ Observations on certain poitions of the Reports. Scott (M.), 1859, p. 176. VOL. I. 2 T 322 HARBOURS. RARBO'UR'S— continued. Refuge, Harbours of. Memorandum of the Board of Trade, 1860, '62. Parliamentary. .Papers, p. 4au. Correspondence between the Board of Trade and other departments of Government, 1864. Parliamentary. .Papers, p. 481. Report on Harbours of refuge, shipwrecks, etc. St. George's Harbour and Railway Co., 1836. Reports of the Board of Trade on the General Pier and Harbour Acts. Parliamentary. .Papers, p. 481. Report on Passive Obstructions for the defence of Harbours and Channels, 1866. ' Parliamentary .. Papers, p. 481. Transport : a review of . . . Harbours, etc. Periodical Publications, p. 25. Trusts (Harbour) Constitution. Schonberg (A. C), 1886. Aberdeen. Act for improvement. Aberdeen Harbour, 1810—29. ■ Committee on Bill. 1828. Aberdeen Harbour. Reports by Smeaton, Rennie, and Telford, 1834. Aberdeen Harbour. Reports. Walker (James), 1838, p. 393. Extension of North Pier and improvement of the Harbour Enti'ance. Aberdeen Harbour, 1876. Committee on Bill, 1839. Aberdeen Harbour. Adelaide (Port). Best means of giving accommodation to large Ocean Steamers at or near it. South Australia, 1878, pp. 227, 228. Africa (South). Harbour Works. Report. East London, 1868. East London, Port Elizabeth, and Kourie Harbour Works. Papers. East London, 1868. Aldborough Harbour of Refuge Bill. Aldborough, 1852, Alderney. Sheringham (W. L.), 1872. Report of Select Committee. Alderney, 1872. Algoa Bay. Improving the Port and Harbour. Algoa Bay, 1877-80. Altona. Deepening of the Elbe. Hubbe, 1851. American coast, removal of bars. Putnam (J. R.), 1841. Anstruther. Correspondence. Anstruther, 1871. Antwerp, its importance, etc. Royers (G. A.), 1879. A Description, etc. Royers (G. A.) and others, 1885. Appledore, Bideford and Barnstaple. Reports. Appledore Harbour, 1848. Ardrossan Harbour Act. Ardrossan, 1805. Arklow. Reports. Arklow, 1886. Improvement and the practicability of a navigation from thence. Chapman (W.), 1792, p. 242. HARBOURS. 323 H AR BO UR8- continued. Athens. Topographv of the Harbours, and position of the Long Walls of Athens. Ulricks (H. N.), 1847. Australia (South). Harbours and Jetties Engineer. Report. South Australia, 1878, p. 227. Outer Harbour Accommodation, Estimated Cost. South Australia, 1878, 1879, p. 227. — Formation of. Letter of advice. South Australia, 1878, p. 227. Port Harbour Commission Report. South Australia, 1866, p. 227. Shipping Accommodation (Increased), Estimates for. South Australia, 1878, p. 228. Ballyshannon. Report of improvement of. Stevenson (R.) and Son, 1832. Batavia, Tandjong Priok. Batavia, 1876, 1888. Beitkul in Sedashigur Bay. Harbour, 1858. India, p. 110. Improved Harbour Works. Latham (G.), 1862. Belfast, history. Belfast, 1852. Harbour and Dock Accommodation. Bell (R. B.) and Miller, 1862. • Improvement, plans for. Cubitt (Sir W.), 1835 ; CuBiTT (Sir W.), 1835. Add. 494. Report on the improvement of. Walker (James) and Burges, 1830. Report. Hawkshaw, 1870. Plan. Woodhouse (T. J.), 1834 ; W^oodhouse (T. J.), 1834. Add. 539. Belgium and France. Report to the Dutch Government. Belgium, 1864, p. 116. Belgium and other low sandy coast harbours. Means of improving. Vernon-Harcourt (L. F.), 1881. Berwick-on-Tweed. Fishery Harbour at Green Haven, Report. Sandeman (J. W.), 1882. Bombay. Proposed road through the reclamations on the harbour side. Aitken (R.), 1866. — — Harbour and Dock trust, proposal for establishment of. Aitken (R.), 1867. Lighting up of the entrance. Barker (W. C), 1863 ; 1866. India, 1886, p. 112. ■ Deep Water Basins, 1872. India,, p. 112. Deep Water Berthage for Ships and Steamers. Eraser (A.) and Ormiston, 1872. Bombay Harbour and Pilotage Board Reports, 1863-73, etc. India, p. 112. Survey, 1875. India, p. 111. Boston, Lines. Act for improving the harbour, 1812. Boston. 324 HAUBOUUS. IIARBOVR^— continued. Boston, Lines. Reports of Engineers, 1800-1877. Boston'. Improvement of Boston Harbour and Outfall. Hawkshaw, 1864. Improvement of Port and Harbour. Huddart, 1800. • Improvement of Boston Haven. Chapman (W.), 1800, p. 241 ; Rennie (Sir J.), 1822. Report on the Sea- Wall for the preservation of Ram Head. Thayer (Col. S.), 1844. Bremen. Formation of the new harbour. Franzius, 1888. Bridlington Harbour. Minutes of Evidence, 1837. Bridlington. Brindisi. Re-opening. Pigonati, 1781. Brisbane. Extension of Harbour accommodation. Brisbane, 1878. Bristol. Plan for improving the harbour. Bristol, 1802. Broadstairs. Act for repairing or removing the pier. Broadstairs, 1805. Calais Harbour Works. Calais, 1&89. Inauguration, 1889. Calais. Calcutta, Proceedings relative to, 1838. India, p. 114. Cape Colony. Inspection of Harbours by Sir John Coode. Cape Colony, p. 221. Cape Town. Report on the safety of the port of Table Bay. Cape Town, 1854. ■ Eastern Harbour Works. Cape Town, 1867 Cette. Bensaude (J.), 1885. Charleston, Engineer and Artillery Operations against the defences. GiLLMORE (Q. A.), 1868. Chester. Improvement of port and harbour. Chester, 1839. ■ Chester Port and Harbour. Rennie (Sir J.), 1837. • Chester Improvements. Russell (John S.), 1838. Chicago Harbour and Bar, Illinois. Graham (J. D.), 1857. Colombo Harbour Works, 1872-81. India, p. 117. Copenhagen. Plan for the development of. Copenhagen, 1878, '81. Cork harbour and river. Barry (P.), 1874. Means of improving the River and Harbour. Nimmo, 1815. Report on the River Lee. Benson, 1872. Reports on state and capabilities of the River and Harbour. Nimmo, Killally and Owen, 1845. Crail. Proposed Asylum Harbour. Leslie (J.), 1846. Dartmouth. Advantages as a port for the departure and arrival of mails. Dartmouth Harbour, 1864 ; Holdsworth (A. H.), 1841. Denmark. Harbours and Ferry System. Carey, 1893. HARBOUllS. -I-) HARBOURS— t'on/;« "ed. Diamond Harbour on the River Hooghly. Proposed docks. BoiLEAU (J. T.), 1839. Wet Docks, 1882. India, p. 118. Douglas Bay, Isle of Man. Proposed formation of a Low Water Asylum Harbour. Rennie (Sir J.), 1835. Dover. Proposed national harbour. Calver, 1875. Report from Select Committee on Harbours. Dover, 1836. Harbour of Refuge to be constructed. Dover, 1846. Reports, Dover, 1845, 1848. ■ Specifications. Dover, 1860. Admiralty Pier. Dover, 186G. Wasting of the shore to the eastward of the Pier. Dover, 1873. Damage by the storm of 1st Jan., 1877. Dover, 1878. New Harbour. Hoseason, 1874. History. Jones (J. B.), 1892. Add. 512. — — Employment of Convicts, 1883. Parliamentary. .Papers, p. 473. Proposals for rendering the ports of Dover and Dublin commodious for lai'ge ships. Perry (Capt. J.), 1721. Proposed enclosure of Dover Bay. Redman (J. B.), 1875. Report. Smeaton (J.), 1769. Proposed plan for imju'oving, by an extension of the south pier head. Worthington (B.), 1838. Drogheda. Report. Bald (W.), 1837, Improvement of Harbour and River. Nimmo, 1826. Dublin. Improvement and deepening of the Bay and Harbour of Dublin. Beaumont (F. W.), 1839, Letter. Dublin, 1814 Report to Commissioners, Cubitt (Sir W.), 1835. ■ Dunleary Asylum Harbour. Dublin, 1816, Howth, Harbour erecting at. Dublin, 1811. Letter to Directors General of Inland Navigation concerning Harbour of Dublin. Dublin, 1805, Practicability of making an artificial Harbour. Jessop, 1800. Report. Page (Sir T. H.), 1801. • Observations on reports for its improvement. Rogers (T.), 1805. Report, etc. Walker (James), 1861, p. 393. Dundee Harbours. Reports, 1814, 1«21, 1855. Dundee; Leslie (J.), 1843 Arbitration. Carstairs, Mitchell and Co., 1863 Improvement. Guild, 1814 • Improvement and prospective extension, 1855. Leslie (J.). 326 IIAKBOURS. IIAIIBOVRH— continued. Dundee Harbours. Reports, etc., 1885. Leslie (J.). Improvement and Extension of the Harbour. OwER, 1855 ; OvvER and Leslie, 1854. Report on its improvements. Stevenson (R.), 1822. Report. Telford (T.), 1814, p. 287. Report on embanking the shore or bed of the River Tay. Walker (James), 1845, p. 339. Dunedin, N.Z. Correspondence relating to the reclamation of. DuNEDiN, 1878. Add. 497. Dunmore, Estimate and Act for improving. Ddnmore, 1814-18. Dynllaen (Port). Survey, 1837. Liverpool, p. 246. Port Dynllaen Harbour. Report. PoRTHDYNLLAEN Harbour, 1838. England. Harbour Accommodation in the West of England. Tnglis (J.' C), 1885. British and Foreign Harbours. Rennie (Sir J.), 1854. Channel Refuge — Harbours and Naval stations. Brooks (W. A.), 1856. Harbour for the downs in England. Plan for it. Semple (G.), 1776, 1780. Harbours of England. Turner (J. M. W.), and Ruskin, 1856. Harbours of Great Britain. Bartlett (W. H.), etc. South Eastern Coast. Portwine, 1849. Report of Com- missioners, 1840. Parliamentary. .Papers, p. 480. Plans for Improvement. Prichard (W. B.), 1844. Add. 529. Memorandum on proposals in the Provisional Orders in the Pier and Harbour Orders Confirmation Bills, 1888. Parliamentary. .Papers, p. 481. Plans of Harbours, Bays and Roads in St. George's and the Bristol Channels. Morris (W.), 1801. Report on Harbour Accommodation, 1883-84. Parliamentary. .Papers, p. 481. Return of Harbour Authorities, 1883. Parliamentary. .Papers, p. 481. Tidal Harbours Commission. Report, 1845—47. Opinions of Harbour Boards, etc., 1847. Parliamentary. .Papers, p. 480. Falmouth. Reports. Price (H. H.), 1835. CuBiTT (Sir W.), 1835, Famagusta, Cyprus, proposed improvements. Famagusta, 1880. Flushing. Projected International Communication in the north and east of Europe. Mulvany (W. T. and T. R.), 1873. HARBOURS. 3l'7 KARBOVR^—cmtinued. Frankfurt Harbour Works. PuLS (O.), 1886. French Harbour Works. Watson (William), 1892. Galveston, Improvement of. Eads, 1884. Glasgow. Deas, 187G, '81. Plans. Deas, 1876. Improvement. Bell (D.), 18.37 ; Logan, 1835. Report on the Extension of. Ure (J. F.), 1854. Report to the Parliamentary Trustees for enlarging. Walker (James), 1841, p. 394. Granton. Report. Stevenson (R.) and Son, 1834. Grasbrook Harbour establishment. Hagen (G.), 1858 ; Hamburg, 1858. Greenock. Proposed Harbour. Greenock, 1868. Harbours. Methven, 1886. Greenway Breakwater, Small Harbour of Refuge. Thomas (E. C. G.), 1880. Grey mouth, New Zealand. Protective Works. Greymouth, N.Z., 1872. Gris-Nez, Port. Creation of an arsenal and maritime port at. Cambrelin, 1889. Hartlepool (West) Harbour and Docks. Acts and Reports. Hartlepool, 1850. Report. Hartlepool, 1850. Add. 505. Harwich. Accounts, 1873-88. Harwich Harbour. • State of the Landguard Point. Harwich Harbour, 1862. Holyhead. Act for the purchase of lands, 1847. Holyhead. Anchorage of the proposed harbour of refuge. Christie (J. H.), 1847. Chester and Holyhead Railway Company. Carriage of H.M. mails. Holyhead, 1847. Comparative merits of Holyhead and Port Dynllaen as a Harbour of Refuge for the Channel trade. Holyhead, 1844, '46. Construction of a Deep Water Pier and the removal of the Platters Rocks. Holyhead, 1890. Large blasts at Holyhead. Robertson (G.), 1859. Plan by Rendel, 1846. Holyhead. Approval of Rendel's plans, 1847. Holyhead. Report on Holyhead and Dynllaen Harbours Communica- tion with Ireland, 1844. Holyhead. Report of Commissioners. Holyhead, 1847. Report of Select Committee oii Ho ynearl ilarbour J3ill. Holyhead, 1847. ■ Report of Committee on Holyhead Road aud Harbour, 1810. Holyhead. - — Reports of Engineer since 1803. Holyhead. 328 IIARBOIRS. HARBOURS— coh//h«.(?. Holyh&id. Final Report of J. Hawkshaw. 1873. HoLYHKAn. Select Committee to inquii-e into. HuLyhead, 186-1. Survey, 1837. Liverpool, p. 216. Holyhead Refuge Harbour. William (C. W.), 1847. How-th Harbour. Dlxleary, 1809. Report. HowTH, 1810. Indian Harbours. Report to the Government ot India. RoBERTSox (G.), 1871-73. Ireland. Observations on Capt. Evans" report on the Harbours of Larne. Loch Rvau, Portpatrick, Donachadee. and Belfast. Rexxie (Sii- J.), 1846. Isle of Man Harbours. Report. Walker (James), 1856. Italy. Italy, p. U6. (Leghorn, Grenoa, Palermo), Rock Dredging Works. CiMixo and Verdinois, 1893. Kakanui in the province of Otago. -Johxston (T. M. H.), 1875. Karachi Harbour, tides, port dues, pilotage, fees, etc., 1892. Ixdia, p. 120. Harbour Works, 1855, 1866-67, '68, '69, '72, '73, 79, 91. India, p. 121 Works. Price(W. H.), 1879. Improvements. Wells (H.), 1858. Reports. Parkes (W.), 1858, '64 ; Walker (James), 1835. 1858, p. 396. Kattegat, Northern. Yachting and commercial harbour in. LiJDERO, 1878. Kidwelly, Carmarthenshire, Act for improvement of, 1812. Kidwelly. King's Lynn Port and Harbour. Wheeler (W. H.), 1882. Report on the outfall of the River Ouse. King's Lynx, 1882. Kowie Harbour. Reports on improvement. Kowie Harbour, 1863, '68. Kustendjie Harbour Company. Report. Danube and Black Sea, 1860. Leith, present state. Anderson, J., 1836. Plan of Leith Harbour and Docks. Leith, 1884. Plans and Reports for the improvement of. Walker (James) and Cubitt, 1839. Wet docks, proposed. Robertson (G.), 1864. Lisbon. Projected hai-bour works. Bensaude (J.), 1887. Liverpool. Sm-vey, 1837. Liverpool, p. 246. ■^.iverpool and Birkenhead. Havestadt (C), 1886. Lynn. Proposals for amending the harbour of Lynn. Armstrong (J.), 1724. Lyttelton, Xew Zealand Harbour works. Canterbury. N.Z. HARBOURS. 329 B.AB.BOVRS— continued. Macquarie Harbour, Tasmania. Report on Entrance, 1890. Macqcabie Harbour. Madras. 1873, '85. Ixdia, p. 123; Molesworth, 1882. Harbour and Ports of the Northern Circars, 1855. India, p. 123. Present state and prospects of the Works. Parkes (W.), 1879. Malabar Coast, Harbours of refuge on, on the mud-banks of Xarrakal and AlUppey. Robertson (G.), 1873. Mandavee in Kutch. Albert Edward Breakwater. Ormiston, 1876. Mannheim Harbour establishment. Mannheim, 1886. Margate. Report. Ramsgate, 1850. Maryport. Bill to amend Acts, 1833. Marypobt. Proposed Harbour of Refuge. Page (T.), 1865. Massachusetts. Report of Board of Harbour Commissioners, 1868. Massachusetts. Massachusetts. Reports of the Harbour and Lands Commissioners, etc. Massachusetts, 1881. Mediterranean Sea. French Harbours. Hagen (G.), 1858. Melboui-ne, improvement of. Coode (Sir J.), 1879. Mersey Docks and Harbour. Birckel, 1865. Mexico (Gulf of) Deep Harbour. Letter. Mexico (Gulf of), 1889. Add. 520. Milford, Province of Canterbury, formation of a proposed harbour. Johnston (T. M. H.), 1877. Montreal. Scheme of Improvements. Bell (R. B.), Newton and Fleming, 1877 ; Childe, 1857 ; Montreal, 1873-77 ; Trautwine (J. C), 1859. Reports, 1863, 1875. Montreal. Mossel Bay, Cape Colony. Harbour Improvements. Mossel Bay, 1876-80. Mount's Bay. Prospectus of new Harbour. Mount's Bay, 1810. Report on the practicability of forming a harbour at the mouth of Loe Pool, Cornwall. Rendel (J. M.), 1837. Napier, New Zealand. Report. Napier, N.Z., 1875. " Narrows " (The). Necessity and utility for harbours of refuge in. Martin (K. B.), 1839. Natal (Port). Coode (Sir J.), 1877. Harbour Board Surveys of the Bar at Port Natal, 1843-94. Natal. Add. 522. Reports. Natal, 1888, etc. Harbour works. Report. Natal, 1889. New York. Destruction of Flood Rock by explosion. Abbot (H. L.). 1886. vol. i. 2 u 330 HARBOURS. HARBOURS — continued. New York. Observations on the deposit of silt, 1854-57. Haswell. Delawai-e Breakwater. Haupt (L. M.), 1886- Haupt's system of Floating Deflectors. Haupt (L. M.), 1886. Plan for defending the Harbour, 1862. New York City. Report on the Improvement of Harbours in the vicinity of New York City, etc., 1886, p. 356. New Zealand beaches, Drift material of, and their effect on Harbour works and Rivers. ' Bell (C. N.), 1892. Newcastle Harbour, New South Wales, Improvements, 1888. Newcastle, N.S.W. Newhaven. Modern history. Banister (F. D.), 1879. Harbour and piers. Newhaven. Harbour of Refuge. Roberts (Capt. Julius), 1866. Sketches for its improvement. Fortune, 1825. Report. Walker (James), 1846, p. 393. Newport. SiMYTH (W. S.), 1893. Norway. Norway, 1877-80. Ontario (Lake). Annual Report upon the Improvement of Harbours on. Kingman (D. C), 1893. Add. 514. Spur Crib placed off Oswego outer Harbour, Lake Ontario, New York. Judson, 1889. Ostia. Rennie (Sir J.), 1845. Pendeen, Cornwall, proposed Harbour and Breakwater. Johnston (T. M. H.), 1854. Perth. Extension. Stevenson (R.) and Son, 1834. Peterhead harbour works. Reports. Peterhead Harbour, 1888 ; Stevenson (D.), 1847 ; Stevenson (T.), 1883, Plymouth Sound. Proposal for a Coal Depot and Harbour. Harris (T.), 1857. Port Alfred, Cape Colony. Harbour Works. Port Alfred, 1876. Port Elizabeth, East London, and Port Alfred, S. Africa. Port Elizabeth, 1870. Portcullin Cove Harbour, estimate of expense. PoRTCULLiN Cove, 1814. Portland. Harbour of Refuge. Portland, 1847. Portsmouth. Proposed Steam-packet hai-bour. Rendel (J. M.), 1840, p. 100. Pulteney-town, Wick, Caithness. Bremner, 1844. Quebec. Pilkington (W.), 1879-81. Harbour Commissioners' Reports. Quebec, 1887. Queensland. Mackay, Townsville. Coode (Sir J.), 1887. Port Curtis. Port Curtis, 1875. HARBOURS. 331 HAHBOJIR^— continued. Queensland. Report. Queensland, 1865, 1877, 1882-83, 1886, p. 71. Sailing Directions, 1894. Queensland, p. 71. Ramgate Pier and Harbour. Rajisgate, 1815. Reports. Ramsgate, 1850, 1853. Acts for maintenance and improvement. Ramsgate, 1792, 1797, 1815. Bye Laws for regulation. Ramsgate, 1840. Report. Smeaton (J.), 1791, p. 208. Redcar. Asylum Harbour and Naval station. Brooks (W. A.), 1832, 1834. Rye Harbour Bill to amend several Acts, 1833. Rye Harbour. Rother Levels Bill. Improvement and drainage of Rye Harbour. Rother (River), 1791. Harbours of Rye and Dover. Report on Petitions, 1757. Rye Harbour. ■ General plan of the Bay and of the Old and New Rye Harbours. Rye Harbour, 1763. Add. 532. Saint Helier, Jersey, Report on, and documents. Saint Helier, 1838. Specifications for New Pier. St. Helier, 1841. Victoria Harbour. Enlargement. Bonnin (R.), 1863. St. John's, Newfoundland. Harbour Report. Robinson (G.), 1883. St. Nazaii-e, Bremerhaven, Oakland and St. Petersburg Harbours. Dredging operations at. Timonoff (V. E.), 1892. St. Peter-port, Guernsey. Proposed new harbour. Johnston (T. M. H.), 1850. San Prancisco, California. Working of the Mai'ine Worms and the remedies applied. Blackbourn, 1874. Report on the removal of Blossom Rock in. Williamson (R. S.) and Heuer, 1871. Sandwich. Rennie (G.), 1837. Centi-al Kentish Railway and Sandwich HarVjour Company. Prospectus. Central Kentish Ry., 1836. Cleansing of the Haven of Sandwich. Ramsgate, 1792. Proposed Harbour. Sandwich, 1744. Report to the Directors of the Sandwich Harbour Company. Rennie (G. and J.), 1837. Sarclet in the parish of Wick. Machinery employed in the rebuilding of the harbour. Bremner, 1836. Scarborough. Chapman (W.), 1800-30, p. 243. Scheveningen. Conrad (F. W.), Storm Buijsing and Beijerinck, 1858. Scheveningen, 1858, '61, '66; Siccama (H.'T. H.), 1874. 332 HARBOURS. HARBOJJBS— continued. Scilly Islands. Report on the obstacles, etc., attending the forma- tion of a Roadstead within the Islands. Scilly Islands, 1810. Scotland, East Coast, the most suitable place for a harbour of refuge. Report. Scotland, 1884, p. 174. Scottish Harbours. Scotland Roads and Bridges, 1806-21. Seaham. Explanation of the plan of the Harbour. Chapman (W.), 1830, 1831, p. 241. Projected extension. Chapman (W.), 1832, p. 243. Shoreham. Chapman (W.), 1821, p. 243 ; Chapman (W.), 1822, p. 241. Shingle bar at the mouth Pritchard, 1843. New Shoreham. Chapman (W.), 1815, p. 242 ; Chapman (W.), 1823, p. 241. Sailing directions for. Clegram (W ), 1823. Harbour near New Shoreham and making a new entrance into the dangerous port near Kingston-on-Sea. Compara- tive statements of the specific differences between. Vazie (R.), 1816. Sierra Leone. Improvements. Price (J. M.), 1871. Sound harbour between Sweden and Denmark. Havestadt (C), 1880. Southwold. Proposal for its improvement. Calver, 1856. • Expediency of improving the harbour by means of the River Blyth. Clissold, 1840. Report. Ellis (F. W.), 1839. • Report on the state of the harbour, bar, and river. Walker (James), 1841, p. 394. Sunderland. Pickernell, 1798. Engineer's Report. Lower Harbour Improvements. Sunderland Harbour, 1858. Add. 535, • Pier, Plan for rebuilding it, etc. Smeaton (J.), 1780, p. 208 Progi-essive Improvement. Murray (John), 1849. River Wear Act, 1819. Wear (River), 1819. Report. Rennie (Sir J.), 1831. Swansea. Acts 1804 and 1854. Swansea Harbour. Report on the site for docks and works now in progress in. Brunel (I. K.), 1846. Add. 488. Plan of the harbour. Capper (R.), 1879. Report on improvement of the harbour. Huddart, 1804. Sydney Circular Quay, Report on Improvements to, 1 888. Sydney, p. 272. — — Report relating to the proposed Dredge and Plant. Sydney, 1890, p. 272. Table Bay, Cape of Good Hope. Harbour of Refuge. CooDB (Sir J.), 1859, HARBOURS. 333 UARBOVR^—contimied. Table Bay, Cape of Good Hope. Despatch from and Correspon- dence with the Secretary of State on the Construction. Table Bay, 1857, 1859. Report for impi'oving, 1879. Table Bay. Works projected by Mr. Coode. Report. Table Bay, 1860. Works. Statement of Expenditure incurred in their construction. Table Bay, 1864. Table Bay, Mossel Bay, and Algoa Bay Harbour Boards. Revenue and Expenditure, etc. Table Bay, 1881. Table Bay, Mossel Bay, Knysna, Plettenberg Bay, Port Elizabeth, Port Alfred, and East London. Coode (Sir J.), 1877. Tasmania Circular Head (Stanley), Report on. Tasmania, 1890. Tees Bay and Hartlepool Harbour. Rendel (Sir A. M.), 1883. Timaru Harbour Works, New Zealand. Johnston (T. M. H.), 1877. ■ Report on Improvements. Wilson (R.) and Bell, 1891. Toronto. Memorandum with plans and documents relating to the past and present state of. Toronto, 1881. Report. Eads, 1882. Townsville, Queensland Harbour improvements. Report. Townsville, 1885. Trieste, projected. Trieste, 1862. Report, 1863. Pasetti, 1863. Address to Harbour Commission. Hartley (Sir C. A.), 1863 ; RziHA, 1874. Customs warehouses, Trieste. Buzzi (L.), 1892. Proposed canal to join Trieste and Muggia. Buzzi (L.), [1870]. New harbour, 1883. Kostlin, 1884. Trinity Bay, on the south shore of the Firth of Forth, formation of harbour and dock. Grainger and Millei*, 1834. Tyne as a Strategic and Refuge Harbour. Plummer (B.), jun., 1875. Add. 528, Tynemouth. State of the harbour. Dodd, 1796. United States. Improvement of the harbours of Lake Michigan, St. Clair, Erie, Ontario, and Champlain. Graham (J. D.), 1859. Ogdensburg, on the St. Lawrence, on Lake Champlain, of Grass and Tricanderoga Rivers and of Otter Creek. Ogdensburg, 1885. Powers and Duties of the Board of Harbour and Land Commissioners, United States, 1890, p. 349. Reorganisation of National Public Works so far as they relate to the improvement of Harbours and Rivers. United States, 1888, p. 349. 334 HARBOURS — HEALTH. HARBOURS— con/mMe(?. United States. River and Harbour Bills of the U.S. Congress. Herschel (C), 1885. System of Submarine Mines for defence of harbours. Abbot (H. L.), 1881. Valencia Harbour as a Western Packet Station. Reports. Walker (James), 1858. Vardo Harbour. Sections of Breakwaters. Vardo, 1894. Venezuela. La Guaira Harbour Works. Carey, 1893. Verawal Harbour Works, 1869. India, p. 133. Victoi'ia Harbour Improvements and a / River and Harbour Trust. Reports, etc. Victoria, 1860, p. 375. Whitby Harbour Improvement. Report. Sandeman (J. W.), 1880. Whitehaven. Wet dock. Coode (Sir J.), 1866. ■ • Dock accommodation. Rendel (Sir A. M.), 1863. Plans for improvement of. Whitehaven, 1836. Wick Harbour Improvement. Report. Sandeman (J. W.), 1881. Correspondence. Wick Harbour, 1874. Wynyard, Tasmania. Report on proposed new Harbour. Wynyard, Tasmania, 1890. Yarmouth Harbour and Roads as a Harbour of Refuge. Walker (James), 1858, p. 395. Port and Haven. Report on the Extension of the North Pier and Improvements of the Haven. Teasdel (W.), 1867. Yarmouth. Report on the practicability of making Bray den navigable for vessels drawing 10 feet of water. Walker (James), 1826. See also Ports. HARMONY of sound and form. Cole (P.), 1865. HEALTH (Public). Buck (A. H.), 1879 ; Chadwick (Sir E.), 1868, 1877, 1878, p. 235; Chapelle, 1850; Parent-Duchatelet, 1836 ; Parkes (E. A.), 1876. Practical Hygiene. Parkes (E. A.), 1864, '83 ; Periodical Publications, p. 22 ; Rawlinson (Sir R.), 1870 ; Wilde (E.), 1885. Acclimatisation and Tropical Hygiene. Schellong (O.), 1894. Acts, etc. Bill for improAdng the Health of Towns, 1847. Act for promoting Public Health, 1848, '49. Parliamentary. .Papers, p. 497. Public Health Act, 1848. Notes and Queries. Gant, 1855. Act for promoting the Public Health. Lawes (E.), 1849. Administration of the Public Health Act from 1848 to 1854. Burnell; Parliamentary. .Papers, p. 497. New Public Health Bill. Burnell, 1855. Public Health Bill and Nuisances Bill, 1855. Smith (Joshua Toulmin), 1855. HEALTH. 335 HEALTH (Public) — continued. Acts, etc. Reasons against the Public Health Bill, 1855. Parliamentary. .Papers, p. 497. • • Reports of the Medical Officer of the Privy Council, 1858-70, 1873-78. Parliamentary. .Papers, p. 498. Act for consolidating and amending the Acts relating to Public Health in England, 1875. Report of Select Committee on, 1878. Parliamentary. .Papers, p. 498. Local Government Act, 1875. Fitzgerald (J. V. V,), 1886. Bill to amend the Public Health Act in relation to Buildings in Streets, 1888. Parliamentary. .Papers, p. 498, Instructions for the use of Local Boards of Health, 1855. Parliamentary. .Papers, p. 498. Health (Public) Act, 1875. Suggestions as to preparation of district maps and plans. Rawlinson (Sir R.), 1878. Reports of Health of Towns Commission, 1844-45. Parliamentary. .Papers, p. 497. Appliances, Health and its. Nicoll, 1885. Armies in the Field, Hygiene of. Rawlinson (Sir R.), 1883. Building in relation to Health. Buzzi, 1879. Culture (Health). Jaeger (G.), 1887. Dangers to Health. A guide to Domestic Sanitary Defects. Teale (T. p.), 1883. Demography, Public Health and. Handbook. WiLLOUGHBY (E. F.), 1893. Dictionary. Blyth (A. W.), 1876 ; Tardieu (A.), 1852-54. Engineers, present and future work of, in reference to. Donaldson (W.), 1878. Handbook, Hygiene. Weyl (T.), 1893, etc. History and development of the Public Health service in civilized States. FiNKELNBURG (C), 1893. Hygiene of Dwellings. Rietschel, 1894. Add. 530 ; Buzzi (L.), 1879. International Congresses on Hygiene and Demogi'aphy. Paris, 1878 ; Vienna, 1887 ; London, 1891. International Congress. Laws relating to Public Health. Baker (T.), 1865 ; Chambers (G. F.), 1875; Corpield, 1880; Smith (William R. and H.), 1883. Manual, 1847. Metropolitan Working Class Assoc. Nations, Health of. A review of the works of Edwin Chadwick. Richardson (Sir B. W.), 1887. Naval Hygiene. Le Roy de Mericourt, 1876; Macdonald (J. D.), 1881. Nuisances Removal, and Diseases Prevention Amendment Acts, and the Common Lodging-house Acts. Anonymous, 1855. Add. 481. 336 HEALTH. HEALTH (PvBLic)—co7itinued. Sanitary practice and law. Guide. Willoughby (E. F.), 1893. Zeitschrift fiir Hygiene. Periodical Publications, p. 26. Baltimore. Health Department. Baltimore, 1884-87. Belgium, Dangerous trades. Belgium, 1873, p. 117. Berlin. Berlin, 1886 ; Boerner, 1882, Brighton, Health Congress, 1881, Brighton, Brunswick. Blasius (R.), 1885. Dukinfield and Denton Local Boards of Health Bill. Ddkinfield, 1869. London. Act to consolidate and amend the Laws, 1891, London, p. 264, Macmorran, Reportof the Medical Officer of Health, 1849. London, p. 264, Metropolitan Sanitary Commission, Reports, 1847-48, London, p. 264, Massachusetts. Reports of the Board of Health, 1870, etc. Manual, 1886, '90. Massachusetts. New York State. Report and Bulletin of State Board of Health, 1881, etc. Kew York State, Local Boards of Health, 1890, New York State, Act for the preservation of the Public Health, 1888. New York State, Oswego, N. Y. Rules and Regulations of Board of Health, 1889. Oswego, N, Y, Paris, Report, Mari^c-Davy, 1880. Rio de Janeiro. Galvao, 1858. United States. Annual Report of the National Board of Health, United States, 1882-3, p. 355. Winchester, Health of the Prisoners of War in the King's House at. Winchester, Hants, 1803, Wisconsin, State Board of Health. Tenth, etc., Annual Report, 1886-90. Wisconsin, State of, HEALTH (General Board of). Exercise of its extraordinary powers. Hawksley, 1853, Letter to Chairman, Applegarth, 1853, Minute on the proposed Surveys, 1850. Parliamentary, .Papers, p. 497. Money received and payments, 1851-52. Parliamentary, , Papers, p, 497, Reports. Rawlinson (Sir R.), Reports of Surveying office, 1849-52. Parliamentary, , Papers, p. 497. h HliALTlT OF TOWNS — IIKAT. S37 HEALTH OF TOWNS. Health and Sewage of Towns Conferences, 1876, '79. Society for the Encouragement of Arts, 1876. Works, progress of. Anonymous, 1856, p. 45. HEAT. Chamorro, 1870 ; Garnett (W.), 1887 ; Peclet, 1828, 1843, '78 ; Stewart (Balfour), 1863. Absorption and Radiation of Heat by Gaseous and Liquid Matter. Tyndall (J.), 1863, p. 335. Analytical theory of Heat. Fourier, 1878 ; Lame, 1861. Application of heated currents to manufacturing and other purposes. Whishaw, 1848. Calorescence. Tyndall (J.), 1865, p. 335. Caloric. PuGH (S.), 1826. Coal, relation to. Binnie (A. R.), 1888. Cold, mechanical production of beat and. Montgrand, 1886, Colour, Influence of, and mechanical condition on Radiant Heat. Tyndall (J.), 1866, p. 335. Conduction, relative powers of metals and alloys to conduct heat. Crace-Calvert and Johnson, 1858. Conversion of Heat into useful work. Anderson (W.), 1885, 1887, 1889; Binnie (A. R.), 1888. Distribution of Heat over the surface of the Globe. Dove, 1853. Effects of Heat on the bending qualities of Iron Plates. Barnaby (J. F.), 1882. Elements. Guthrie (F.), 1868. Energy, Thermal storage of. Halpin (D.), 1893. Entropy Temperature, Diagram. Mollier, 1893. Exchange of Heat between Metal and Steam. Dwelshauvers-Dery, 1888. Expansion by Heat of Water and Mercury. Matthiessen, 1865. Expansion of Structures by Heat. Keily, 1887. Fuel, economy of, and management of Heat. Buchanan (H.), 1815. Fumific Impeller. (Direct application of hot products of com- bustion to the bodies on which they are required to act without the intervention of Machinery). Gordon (Alex.), 1845. Geometrical representation of the expansive action of heat. Rankine (W. J. M.), 1854. Handbook. Lardner, 1877. Iron and Heat. Armour, 1874. Latent heat of steam and Absolute Zero. Donaldson (W.), 1894. Add. 497. Mabler's Calorimeter. Golaz, 1892. vol. i. 2 X 3:58 HEAT. H EAT — contin ued. Mathematical Theory. PoissoN, 1835, 1837. Measurement, Heat. Ure (A.), 1839. theory of, and its application to industry. ScHiNZ (C), 1858. Mechanical action of Heat. Ranking (W. J. M.), 1850. Mechanical applications, 1884. Institution of Civ. Eng. Mechanical equivalent of Heat. Cowper and Anderson, 1887 ; Hanssen (C. J.), 1888 ; Rowland (H. A.), 1880. Rumford's Determination. Thurston ^R. H.), 1874, p. 310. Mechanical theory of. Clausius, 1867, 1876, 1879 ; Dupre, 1869 ; HiRN (G. A.), 1862, '68, '75 ; McCulloch, 1876 ; MuRGUE, 1888 ; Pictet, 1876; Rankine (W. J. M.), 1850 ; RiJHLMANN, 1876-85; Wassmuth, 1882; Wolff (A. R.), 1880. Molecular Physics, Contributions to. Tyndall (J.), 1864, p. 335. Contributions of molecular Physics in the domain of Radiant Heat. Tyndall (J.), 1872, p. 334. Molecular Vortices, hypothesis of, applied to the Mechanical theory of heat, Rankine (W. J. M,), 1850. Motive Force, Heat as a. Bourne (J.), 1878 ; Devillez, 1881-2 ; Tyndall (J.), 1863, '67, '75, '80, '87, p. 334. Nature of Heat. Colburn, 1863 ; Leslie (Sir John), 1804. Power. Heat as a source of power. Trowbridge (W. P.), 1874. Production and utilization of Heat. Ser (L.), 1888. Radiant Heat, Free transmission of, by different solid and liquid bodies. Melloni, 1833. Immediate transmission. Melloni, 1833. and conducted heat. Hood, 1837, '44, '55, 69, '79. Radiation. Tyndall (J.), 1865, p. 335. .Specific Heat of Atmospheric Air and Steam. Rankine (W. J. M.), 1850. Sum of heat utilised in smelting Cleveland Ironstone. Bell (Sir I. L.), 1875, p. 120. Sun heat. Terrestrial radiation, etc. Cunningham Memoirs, vol. 3. Royal Irish Academy, 1880-88. Total heat of Steam. Antoine (C), 1892. Theory of Heat, application to the Steam Engine. Anderson (W.), 1886; Madamet, 1889, Theory. Kelland, 1837; Maxwell, 1871 ; Preston (T.), 1894. Ritter (A.), 1879; Weber (Wilhelm), 1892-94. Thermal Conductivity and Thermo- Dynamics. Forbes (G.), 1879. Thermodynamics of Steara-Engine and Heat-Engines. Peabody (C. H.), 1889. Thermodynamics, Technical. Zeuner (G.), 1887-90. Useful arts, Heat applied to the. Box, 1860, 1880. HEAT HISTORY. 339 HEAT — continued. Utilization of Heat and other natural forces. Siemens (Sir W.), 1878, p. 198. Waste of heat in smelting Ores of Iron. Bell (Sir I. L.), 1894, p. 121. Some Wastes of Heat. Metcalf, 1881. Water, heat developed by, when agitated. Rennie (G.), 1857. Water. Heat in its relations to Water and Steam. Williams (C. W.), 1860, '61. HEAT ENGINES. Redtenbacher, 1857. Action of Heat Engines, explained by the Molecular theory. Hele-Shaw, 1890. Application of Heat to hot-air engines, compressed air engines, and steam-engines. Courtin, 1878. Caloric Engine. Ericsson (J.), 1833. Handbook. Anderson (W.), 1887, 1889. Heat Engines other than Steam Engines. Hubert, 1892. Lectures on Heat Engines other than Steam. Harris (H. G.) 1889. Motive power of Heat, and on Machines fitted to develop that power. Carnot, 1878, 1890. Theory and Construction of a Rational Heat Motor. Diesel (R.), 1894. Add. 497. HEMP. Culture. Campbell (F.), 1845; Wissett (R.), 1808. India, Cultivation. India, p. 102. HERALDRY. Display of Heraldry. Newton (W.), 1846. HIGHWAYS. Highway Acts, 1862-78. Glen (A.), 1879. Highway construction, treatise. Byrne (A. T.), 1892. Pratt's Law of Highways. Kynnersley, 1853 ; Pratt (J. T.), 1837, 1881. Surveyors of Highways, Powers and duties of. Glen (A.), 1880. See also Roads and Streets. HILLS AND VALLEYS. Measurements of the Altitude of, in Kent. Bland, 1870. HISTORY. Brazil. Revolt of 1893. Message addressed to the National Congress on. Peixoto (F.). Add. 527. Correspondence on the surrender of Insurgent Refugees on board Portuguese corvettes. Brazil, 1894. Add. 487. Britain. Camp of Aulus Plautius. Airy (Sir G. B.), 1866, p. 19. Invasion of Aulus Plautius. Airy (Sir G. B.), 1860, p. 19. Invasion by Julius Csesar. Airy (Sir G. B.), 1863, p. 20. Invasions by the Romans. Airy (Sir G. B.), 1865, p. 16. 340 HISTORY — HOISTS AND LIFTS. HISTORY— coH/i/iitefi. Britain. Landing of Julius Csesar. Airy (Sir G. B.), 1851, 1852, pp. 17, 18. . Replies to Astronomer Royal and Camden Professor. Lewin (T.), 1862. Add. 515. Chilian Revolution. Manby (E.), 1891 ; Montt, 1891. Congo Treaty. Tomlinson (Thomas), 1884, Eastern question. PiM (B.), 1877. • Letters to the press on the Eastern Question. Waghorn (T.), 1840. England, History of. Answer to Mr. Freeman. Pearson (C. H.), 1868. England in Egypt. Milner, 1894. English. Chronological, historical and heraldic charts of the Royal House of England from King Egbert to the present time. TiMMis (I. A.), 1890. Examination of Christopher Layer and others on charge of Conspiracy, 1722. Layer, 1803. France. Monarchy, its rise and fall. TooKE (W.), 1855. Greek. Fasti Hellenici. Clinton, 1824. Hastings, Battle of. Airy (Sir G. B), 1852, p. 17 ; 1865, p. 16. Holland. Ancient condition and History. Stratingh, 1847-52. Indian Official Thesaurus, introductory to Annals of Indian Administration. Townsend (M.), 1858. India. Report on causes of war in the Carnatic. India, 1806. Add. 509. — Taylor's Manual and the Edinburgh Review. Jacob (Sir G. L.), 1877. Sind 710 to 1590. India, 1855, p. 131 ; Mahomed Masoom, 1855. Italy. Ancient Peoples. Micali, 1844. Social Sciences as aids in teaching History. Moses, 1892. Turkish affairs. PiM (B.), 1878. United States. American Civil War. Hope (A. J. B. B.), 1862. HOISTS AND LIFTS. Construction of lifts for persons in America. Gutermuth, 1894. Hydraulic Lifts. Seyeig (T.), 1883 ; Whichcord (J.), 1865. ■ on boats. Freson, 1888, 1889. - — - on Canals. Clark (E.), Standfield and Clark. See also Canals. Lifts and Pneumatic Ptailways at the Liverpool Exhibition, 1886. GONIN (L.). Lifts and Elevators. Selfe (N.), 1891. Passenger and Warehouse Lifts. Crackxell, 1882. HOISTS AND LIFTS — HOSPITALS. 341 HOISTS AND LIFTS— continued. Patent perpendicular lift at Tardebig, on the Worcester and Birmingham Canal Smith (E.), Notary Public, 1810. Railway Lifts of Compressed Air. Gonin (L.), 1880. Relative merits of working Hoisting Machinery by Steam, Water, and Electricity. Goodwin (G. A.), 1893. HOME RULE. Ireland. Repeal of the Union, 1844. Loyal Nat. Repeal Assoc. HOOKS (Iron). Strength of. Higgins (G.), 1889. HOROLOGY. See Clocks and Watches. HORSE-POWER. Diagrams. Iveson, 1875. Nominal horse-power. Gray, 1872. Ratio of indicated to effective. Froude (W.), 1876. Tables of perfoi-mance of horses. Rankine (D.), 1828. HORSE-SHOEING. " Goodenough " system of shoeing horses. COTTAM, 1869. HORTICULTURE. See Agriculture. HOSIERY AND LACE. Bevan (G. P.), Industries, vol. 6. HOSPITALS. Barrack Hospitals in time of War. Aden aw and Kaven. British Seamen in Foreign Parts, Correspondence, 1879. Parliamentary.. Papers, p. 481. Circular Hospital wards. Snell (H. S.), 1885. Construction of Hospitals. Galton, 1869. Healthy Hospitals. Galton, 1893. Report on the mode of conveying Small-pox and Fever Patients to the Hospitals in public vehicles, 1852. Parliamentary .. Papers, p. 497. Addenbrooke, Cambridge. Act. Addenbrookk (1767). Chatham. Plan of Naval Hospital. Chatham, 1858, 1879. Glasgow, Royal Infirmary, Designs, Plans, etc. Aberdeen, 1887. Hospital Accommodation for infectious diseases. Russell (James B.), 1883. Hull, Royal Infirmary. Hull, 1886, India. European Hospital, Darjeeling. Christie (W. B.), 1885. ■ Madras. Report on Civil Dispensaries, 1856. India, p. 122. Hospitals for Indian stations. India, 1804. Add. 510. Marylebone, St., Infirmary. Snell (H. S.), 1886. Sec also Barracks. .$42 HOT-HOUSES HOUSING OF THE WORKING CLASSES. HOT-HOUSES. Remarks on the Construction of. Loudon, 1817. HOUSE. Practical Hints on taking a. Boulnois, 1885. Hints on Houses. Lang (A.), 1853. HOUSE-BUILDING. Designs for Cottages and small Villas. Gyfford, 1806. HOUSE DRAINAGE. See Drainage of Towns. Sanitation. HOUSE-PROPERTY. Handbook. Tarbuck (E. L.), 1875, 1880. HOUSING OF THE WORKING CLASSES. Martin (W.), 1872. Agricultural Labourers' Healthy Moral Homes Thompson (P.), 1863. Back to Back Houses, Report on, 1888. Parliamentary .. Papers, p. 481. Cheap and healthy Dwellings. Chadwick (Sir E.), 1869, p. 235. Countries, Workmen's dwellings in all. MuLLER and Cacheux, 1879. Dwellings for Agricultural Labourers. Society for the Improvement of the Labouring Classes, 1850. Dwellings for the Labouring Classes. Allen (G. B.), 1867. Their arrangement, etc. Roberts (H.), 1850 and 1867. Dwellings for the poor. Colthurst, 1863 ; Ford (A. H.), 1877. Workmen's dwellings at the end of the 19th century. Cacheux, 1891. Dwellings. Essentials of the Healthy Dwelling and the extension of its benefits to the labouring population. Roberts (H.), 1862. Home reform, or what the working classes may do to improve their dwellings. Roberts (H.), 1852. Labourers' Prize Cottages. Fitzgerald (L. M.), 1883. Model Houses built in connection with the Exhibition of 1851. Roberts (H.), 1851. Rehousing of the Artisan and Labouring Classes in Sanitary Dwellings. Dunscombe (C), 1889. Sanitary Improvement, illustrated by the Metropolitan Societies for improving the Dwellings of the industrial classes, the Common Lodging House Act, etc. Smith (Southwood), 1854. England and Wales. Reports of the Commissioners, 1885. Parliamentary. .Papers, p, 52. France. Model Lodging-Houses in. Clark (Geo.), 1855. Ireland. Reports on Labourers' Dwellings 1873. Ireland, p. 1 4 1 . London. Artizans' and Labourers' Dwellings between Middlesex Street and Houndsditch. Haywood (W.), 1885, p. 35. HOUSING OP THE WORKING CLASSES HYDRAULICS. 343 liOUSING OF THE WORKING CLA8^^8— continued. London. Application of the Artizans Dwellings Bill to the Courts and Alleys of Gray's Inn Lane. Isaacs, 1875. Displacement of the Poor by Metropolitan Railways and by other public improvements. Denton (Rev. W.). Provision of accommodation for the Labouring Classes. London, p. 254. Rehousing of the Poorer Classes of Central London. CORBETT, 1886. Paris Exhibition of 1889. Workmen's Dwellings at the. ROULLIET (A.), 1889. HURRICANES. See Meteorology (Storms). HUSBANDRY. See Agriculture. HYDRANTS. Hydrants and Water-pipes for the protection of a City against fire. Freeman, 1892. Injector Hydrant for Fire Extinction. Greathead (J. H.), 1883. HYDRAULICS. Anonymous, p. 47 ; Belanger, 1854-55 ; Boileau (P.), 1878, 1881 ; Box, 1867, 1870, 1879 ; Collignon, (E.), 1869-70; Downing, 1855, '61, '75; Eytelwein, 1808; Ferguson (J.), 1799; Franzius, 1890; Guglielmini, 1719; Graeff, 1873 ; Hagen (G.), 1853, '63 ; Langsdorf, 1794-6 ; Lecreulx, 1809 ; Lesbros, 1850 ; Leupold, 1724 ; Love (H. D.), 1887; Masoni, 1889; Meissner, 1878 ; Merriman, 1889 ; MoRiN, 1858 ; Rennie (G.), 1835 ; Switzer (S.), 1729 ; TuRAZZA (D.), 1880 ; Vauthier (L. L.), 1889 ; Vecchio, 1887 ; Weisbach (J.), 1855 ; Wray (H.), 1880. Agricultural Hydraulics. Buffon (N. de), 1852, 1861, 1867 ; Varenne, 1857. Analysis of a Hydraulic Step. California Univ., 1887. Description des travaux hydrauliques de L. A. de Cessart. Cessart, 1806-8. Experiences of undermining. Durand-Claye, 1873. Graphic solution of hydraulic problems. Spiess (O.), 1887. Hydraulic Architecture. Funk (F. E. T.), 1808-9 ; Prony, 1790-96 ; Wiebeking, 1811-17 ; Wiebeking and Kroncke, 1798-1805; Woltmann, 1791-99. Hydraulic Engineering. Aubuisson de Voisins, 1840, 1852 ; Belidor, 1737-53; Bubnell, 1868; Dwyer (J.), 1847, 1852. Hydraulic experiments. Lagerhjelm, 1822. Hydraulic Manual. Jackson (L. d'A.), 1875, '83. HydrauHc Mechanics. Flamant, 1891. Hydraulic service. Passy, 1876. Hydraulic woi-ks. Foundations, Bkaudkmoulin, 1820. 344 HYDRAULICS — HVDRArLIC MACHINERY. B.YDRAJJLICS— continued. Hydraulics as a branch of Engineering. Rennie (G.), 1835. Hydraulics of the Motion and Equilibrium of Fluids. JOBSON, 1828. Hydraulics, Town and Country. Laffineur, 1865. Hydraulics and Pyrodynamics. Dubuat, 1816. Hydrotechnical data. Hubbe (H.), 1844. Liquid veins : vena contracta. Bidone (G.), 1829. Mathematical and Practical Hydraulics. Nazzani, 1876-77. Physical Hydraulics. Mollet, 1810. Resistance to bodies passing through water. ' BouRGOis (J.), 1845. River and Harbour Hydraulics. Corthell, 1884-86. Rural Hydraulics. Grier, 1877 Simple Hydraulic Formula. Stone (T. W.), 1881. Tables. Beardmore (N.), 1850, 1852; Blackburne, 1870; Ryde (E.), 1851. Torrents, rivieres, fleuves, vallees. Elie de Beaumont, 1869. Tracts on Hydraulics. Tredgold (T.), 1826, '36, '62. Vocabulary of terms peculiar to French and Italian Hydraulic Works. BuFFON (N. de), 1869. Add. 489. America, South. Hydraulics of the Rivers Parana, Uruguay, and La Plata Estuary. Revy (J. J.), 1874. Belgium. Hydraulic Works. Belgium, 1878, p. 116. Cape Colony. Reports of the Hydraulic Engineer, 1877-87. Cape Colony, p. 221. Egyptians (Ancient). Hirt, 1815. England, etc. Hydraulic Works and Hydrology of England, Canada, Egypt, and India. Jackson (L. d'A.), 1885. Italy. Italy, p. 146. Venetian territory. • Fossombroni, 1847. Venice. Jervis, 1884. Low Countries. Maganzini, 1877. Lowell HydrauUc Experiments. Francis (J. B.), 1855, '68, '71, '83. Roorkee Hydraulic Experiments. Bellasis, 1886 ; Cunningham (A.), 1881 ; Flamant, 1882. HYDRAULIC MACHINERY. Hydraulic apparatus. Le Chatelier (H.), 1893; LuiGGi, 1883. Hydraulic Buffers, Application of. Clerk (H.), 1868. Hydraulic Cranes. Mayer (P.), 1887. Hydraulic Machinery in Engineering Workshops, Employment of. TWEDDELL (R. H.), 1885. Hydraulic Machinery. Adams (H.), 1880; Anderson (W.), 1880 ; Fabrr, 1873; Cantor Lectures on Hydraulic Machinerv. Perry (Prof. J.), 1882, p. 29. HYDRAULIC MACHINERY HYDRAULIC POWER. 345 HYDRAULIC MACHINERY— continued. Hydraulic Machines, results as applied in Holland. CUPPARI, 1883. Hydraulic and other Machinery for raising Water. EvvBANK, 1842, '50, '54. Motive power. Hydraulic Machinery for obtaining small. Anderson (W.), 1871. Water Motors. Treatise on hydraulic Motors. Armengaud (J. E.), 1844 ; Weisbach (J.), 1877-83. Relative Advantages of Wind, Water and Steam. GosLiN, 1879, 1881. Hydromotor. Fleischer, 1879. Press. Casalonga, 1888. Improved injection entrances to Hydraulic Presses. Clark, Staudtield and Clark, 1882. Friction of the Leather Collars. Hick, 1867. High pressure and rubbing of leather. Marie, 1881. Pressure. Application of hydraulic pressure to the rollers of sugai'-cane crushing mills. Stewart (D.), 1886. Propeller, Patent Hydraulic, rudder and steering apparatus. RuTHVEN (M. W.), 1866. Ram applied to large Machinery. Eytelwein, 1822 ; Pearsall (H. D.), 1886. Water-pressure Engines. Glynn, 1849 ; Mayer (P.), 1887. — — For Mining purposes. Davey, 1880. Genoa Port. Hydraulic Machines furnished to the Italian Govern- ment by T. Walker & Co. Walker (A. T.), 1887. HYDRAULIC POWER. Best means of utilising Water Power. Cutler (W. H.), 1879. Calculation of Water and Mill Power. Beardmore (N.), 1850, '52. Hydraulic Machinery employed in the Concentration and Trans- mission of Power. Marks (G. C), 1891. Hydraulic Power and Hydraulic Machinery. Robinson (Prof. H.), 1887, 1893. Power of Water applied to drive flour-mills, etc. Glynn, 1853. of various districts. Porter (D.), 1880. Testing Flume of the Holyoke Water Power Company. Herschel (C), 1882. Verein Deutscher Ingenieure. Reports. ^ Intze, 1889. Workshops and Ironworks. Angstrom, 1886. Huron and Erie Lakes. Greenleaf, 1885. India. Proposals for utilising Water Power in Southern India. Chatterton (A.), 1892. Leeds. Notes on the proposed Hydraulic Power Company. Walker (A. T.), 188G. VOL. I. 2 y 346 HYDRAULIC POWER HYDROGRAPHY. HYDRAULIC TOWER— continued. London. Public Hydraulic Power. General Hydraulic Power Company, 1884. Add. 502. Hydraulic power supplied in the City of London, West- minster, Southwark, and Kensington Court, 1886. London Hydraulic Power Co. Maine water power, Report upon. Wells (W.), 1868. Mississippi. Greenleaf, 1887. Niagara River. Greenleaf, 1885. Sydney. Motive Power on the High Pressure Hydraulic System Act, 1888. , Sydney, p. 272. United States. North-West. Greenleaf, 1887. Winnipeg. Water Power of the Assiniboine River in Manitoba. Fanning, 1889. HYDRODYNAMICS. Bossut, 1771, 1796 ; Bernouilli (D.), 1738 ; MosELEY, 1830 ; Russell (John S.), 1837 ; Wex (G. von), 1888. Hydrodynamics of Blue Books and of the Metropolitan Drainage Reports. Neville (J.), 1858. New equation. Prof. Challis and Prof. Tardy. Moon, 1850. HYDRO-GEOLOGY. London. Water-bearing strata. Prestwich, 1851. Middlesex, Herts, Essex and Surrey. Lucas (J.), 1877-78. Moscow, Hydrogeology of. Petunnikoff, 1886. HYDROGRAPHY. Hydrographic Proceedings of H.M.S. Challenger. Challenger, 1873-76. Hydrographic and Mining Surveys. Hearding, 1872. Hydrographical Surveying : a description of the means employed in constructing marine charts. Wharton (W. J. L.), 1882. Nautical Surveying. Beautemps-Beaupre, 1823 ; Belcher, 1835 ; Jepfers (W. N.), 1878; Laughton, 1882. Ocean Currents. Smellie (T. D.), 1885. African hydrography or the 16th century after the first Portuguese explorations. Cordeiro (L.), 1878. Add. 494. America. Anuario hidrografico del Rio de la Plata. Arocena, 1891. Province de Minas-Geraes. Liais, 1865. Atlantic (North). Ocean and Davis Strait, Hydrographic Proceedings in. "Valorous" (H.M.S.), 1875. Baden. Baden, 1883. Belgium. Hydrographic Service Report. Belgium, 1879. Add. 484. Bohemia. Harlacher, 1872-75. Caspian Sea. Caspian Sea, 1877. HYDROGRAPHY HYDROLOGY, 347 HYDROGRAPHY— conimMed. Damietta and Om Fareg and Port Said. Remarks on the Surveys of the Coast between, made in H.M.S. " Fawn." Wharton (W. J. L.), 1877. France. Dictionnaire hydrographique. Ravinet, 1824. Great Britain. Admiralty Hydrographic Surveyors, General Instruction for. Admiralty, 1862. Add. 479. Admiralty Interference with tidal and navigable waters, 1847. Parliamentary. .Papers, p. 465. Bristol Channel to English Channel. Account of a level Line measured from, during 1837-38. Whewell (W.), 1839. Channel Pilot. King (J. W.), 1856-59. List of Oceanic depths and serial temperature observations, 1888-90. Parliamentary .. Papers, p. 516. Pilot's Handbook for the English Channel. King (J. W.), 1876. Hydrographical Map of the British Isles. Petermann, 1866. Piloting Directions for St. George's Channel and the Coast of Ireland. Nimmo, 1832. Report by the Hydrographer of the Admiralty on the examination and charting of the seaboard in various parts of the globe, 1880, &c. Parliamentary .. Papei-s, p. 516. Sailing directions for the Sound of Harris, Western or Outer Hebrides. Otter and Stanton, 1859. Holland. Observations hydrographiques et topographiques. Krayenhoff, 1835. Italy. Italy, p. 146. Milan. Sormani, 1881. North Sea Pilot, 1857-58. North Sea. Piedmont. Michelotti (J. T.), 1803. Scotland. Little Minch, between the Outer Hebrides and Skye. Otter, 1859. Spain. Spain, 1866, 1886. West India Pilot. Barnett (E.), 1883. HYDROMETRY. See Water-Meters. HYDROGEN. Hydrogen for lighting and warming, manufacture of. Vial (E.), 1868. HYDROLOGY. Hydrological Conditions of the upper basin of the Mississippi. Reid (R. C), 1885. Manual. Beardmore (N.), 1862. Africa (South). Brown (J. C), 1875. Cotteswolds and the district around Swindon, Hydrology of. Taunton (J. H.), 1887. Jura Mountains. Lasiairesse, 1873. 348 HYDRO-MECHANICS — HYGROMETRY. HYDRO-MECHANICS. Besant, 1877 ; Emerson (J.), 1881 ; Insti- tution of Civ. Eng., 1885 ; RfJnLMANN (M.), 1857, '80. HYDROSTATICS. Ferguson (J.), 1799 ; Galbraith and Haughton, 1855; Greenhill (A. G.), 1894; Jamieson (A.), 1837; Lardner, 1831 ; Magnus, 1878 ; Mariotte (E.), 1718. App. 567; Moseley, 1830; Parkinson (Rev. T.), 1789; PiNKERTON (R. H.), 1888; Switzer (S.), 1729; Webster (Thomas), Q.C., 1838, '47, '56. Demonstrated after the manner of the Elements of Geometry. Whewell (W.), 1843, '49. Hydrostatic Cabins for Ships to prevent sea-sickness. Allan (A.), 1874. Hydrostatic batteries for coast defence. Allan (A.), 1874. Hydrostatic batteries to give a steady gun-deck at sea. Allan (A.), 1874. Objections of H. More to Boyle's experiments. More (H.), 1762. HYGIENE. See Health. HYGROMETRY. Hygrometric Methods. Report. Shaw (W. N.), 1888. Hygrometer. Decharme, 1875. ICE— INDICATORS. 349 I. ICE. Anchor Ice as affecting Public Water Supply. Cole (J. A.), 1879. Ice Industry of the United States. Hall (Henry), 1888. Ice Machines. Leze, 1890. Manufacture of Ice. See Cold and Refrigeration. Observations on Pure Ice. Andrews (T.), 1886, 1890. Remarkable deposition of Ice round the decaying stems of Vegetables during Frost. Herschel (Sir J. P. W.), 1833. Ice-breaker. Inland Navigation, Germany. Honsell, 1880. ILLUMINATION. Art of Illuminating. Wyatt (M. D.), 1860. IMMIGRATION. See Emigration. IMPERIAL INSTITUTE, Work of. Abel, 1887. IMPERIALISM AND FREE TRADE. Molesworth, 1886. IMPORTS AND EXPORTS. Venezuela and British Guiana. Differential Duties, etc. Venezuela, 1887. See also Exports. INDEXES. See Catalogues. INDIA-RUBBER. Bevan (G. P.), Industries, vol. 9. India-rubber as an insulator for telegraphic conductors. Hooper, 1865. Vulcanised India-rubber Joints for Water and Gas Socket-pipes. Report. WiCKSTEED (T.), 1848. INDICATORS. Constants for correcting Indicator Springs that have been calibrated cold. Carpenter, Marks and Barraclough, 1894. Add. 491. Gas-engine Indicator Diagram. Ayrton and Perry, 1884. Indicator diagi-am practically considered. Burgh (N. P.), 1869. Installed on the armoured corvette, " La Thetis." Madamet, 1875. Richards's Steam-engine Indicator. Porter (C. T.), 1874, 1883. Slide bars. Hartmann (W.), 1889. Steam-engine Indicator. Errors of measurement of Power by. Jacobus (D. S.)> l^''^^- Add. 512. 350 INDICATORS — INFANTICIDE. INDICATORS— conimwed. Theory. Slaby, 1889. Twenty years with the Indicator. Pray, 1885. Watt's Indicator. Cobnut, 1873; Maupeou, 1882. See also Steam Engines (General References). INDIGO, Culture and Manufacture of, in India. East India Company, 1836. INDUSTRIAL CLASSES AND INDUSTRIAL STATISTICS. Bevan (G. p.). Industries, vols. 13 and 14. INDUSTRIAL LIFE, Phenomena of. Dawes, 1874. INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY. Congres Suisse de la Propriete Industrielle. Congrbs, 1883. INDUSTRY. Industrial and Commercial Enterprises. Lincol, 1869. Industries and Iron. Periodical Publications, p. 16, Productive Industry. How to develop it in India and the East. Cola, 1867. Protection to Home Industry. Anonymous, 1879, p. 53. Revista tecnologico industriale. Periodical Publications, p. 23. Revue industrielle. Pp^riodical Publications, p. 23. Alaska, Report on the Industries of. Petroff (I.), 1884. British Industries, Revival of. Anonymous, 1885, p. 54. Cleveland and South Durham. Cleveland, 1885 ; Iron and Steel Inst. France, Industrial Publications of. Thirion (C), 1867. Germany. Tarussio, 1880. Ireland. • Kane (Sir R.), 1845. Development. Stoddart, 1847. Italian. Ellena, 1880. Mechanical and Naval Industry. Italy, 1885. Add. 511. Jubbulpore School of Industry. Report, 1856. India, p. 120. Mulhausen. History of an industi-ial centre. Cacheux, 1876. New South Wales, Catalogue of products of. Philadelphia, 1876, p. 33. New Zealand. Blair (W. N.), 1884, 1887. Scotland. Bremner, 1869. Ulster. Clark (G.), 1882. See also Arts and Manufactures ; Commerce ; Trade. INFANTICIDE, India. Measures adopted for the Suppression of Female Infanticide in the Pi'ovince of Kattywar. India, p. 121. INPECTIOX^INLAND NAVIGATION. 351 INFECTIOiSr. Floating matter in the Air in relation to Putrefaction and Infection. Tyndall (J.), 1881, '83, p. 334. INFECTIOUS DISEASES. Cholera at Sandgate : the connection of the Drainage and Water Supply. Report. Sandgate, 1855. Scarlet Fever and Measles. Effectual and simple remedy. Witt (C), 1862. See also Epidemics. INFECTIOUS DISEASES (Animals). Bovine Tuberculosis, Investigations concerning. United States, 1894. Add. 537. Infectious Swine Diseases, Investigations concerning. United States, 1894. Add. 537. INFERNAL MACHINES. Infernal Machines in War. Wauwermans (H.), 1870. INFLAMMABLE LIQUIDS. Bill to amend the law relating to keeping, selling, and conveyance, 1891. Parliamentary. .Papers, p. 481. INJECTORS. Giffard's Injector. Gipfard, 1861 ; Olrick, 1865. Steam Injectors, history and use. Pochet, 1877. INLAND NAVIGATION. Betancourt, 1807 ; Egerton, 1818-20; GouRY, 1827; Gray (J.), 1768; Phillips (J.), 1785-94, 1792-1803 ; Stevenson (D.), 1850 ; Sympher, 1886 ; Vallancey (C), 1763; Zels, 1887. Map. Priestley (J.), 1830. Canals and Inland Navigation. Wheeler (W. H.), 1889. and Rivers. Lagren^, 1869-73 ; Guillemain, 1885. Canal and River Engineering. Stevenson (D.), 1858, 1872-86. Canalisation by means of self-acting weirs. Carro, 1887. Conference on Inland Navigation. Report. Society for Encouragement of Arts, etc., 1888. Congresso Internazionale di Navigazione interna. Fourth Con- gress at Manchester, 1890. Bompiani and Luiggi, Congres international de navigation interieure, Paris, 1892. COENE, 1893. Convention on Waterways. Proceedings held at Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan, July 20th, 1887. Waterways Convention, 1887. Experimental researches on material. Mas, 1891—93. History, 1766-69. Anonymous, p. 47. 352 INLAND NAVIGATION. INLAND NAVIGATION— coniinwecZ. Improvement of Waterways. Benefits to be derived from. Vernon-Harcourt (L. F.), 1893. International Congresses : Brussels, 1885 ; Vienna, 1886 ; Frankfort, 1888; Manchester, 1890; Paris, 1892. BoEHMCHES, 1890; International Congress on I. N. Improvement and Extension of Inland Communication and Transport. Grahame (T.), 1835. Keeping canals open for navigation during winter through the agency of artificial heat. Thurston (R. H.), 1873, p. 309. Organisation. Marchetti (C), 1886 ; Schromm, 1886. Normal profiles of Canals. Schlichting, 1886. Political Economy of Inland Navigation, etc. Tatham (W.), 1799. Prime Cost of Transport by waterways — France, Germany and Austria. Nordling, 1885. Regimen of Ports. Monet, 1892. Stoppages on canals and canalised rivers. Coene, 1892. Tolls and fees collected on Navigable Ways. Couvreur, 1892. Dues. BEAURiN-Gressier. Traction, different means of. RiGONi (G.), 1887. Universal Inland Navigations and the use of all sorts of Mines. Leach (E.), 1791. Value of Inland Waterways. Peez, 1886. Waterways (Inland), Transportation. Johnson {E. R.), 1893. American Artificial Waterways between the Lakes and Hudson River. Sweet (E.), 1885. Arun (River), Act for the improvement of the navigation of. Arun (River), 1785, Austria and Germany. Navigable ways. Saint Hubert, 1881. Belgium. Grangez, 1855. Navigation of, towards Paris. Vifquain (J, B.), 1838. Navigable Ways in 1893, Movements of Transports on. Belgium, 1894. Add. 484. ■ Network of navigable waterways. Belgium, 1881, p. 116. Belgium to Paris. Belgium, 1840, p. 116. Voies navigables. Belgium, 1879, 1880, 1889, p. 116. Bristol, Liverpool, and Hull. Inland navigation easily effected between. Whitworth (R.), 1766. Canada. Improvements of Inland Navigation. Canada, 1871, p. 216. Canadian Water Ways, from the Great Lakes to the Atlantic. Keeper (T. C), 1893. Add. 513. Chelmer and Blackwater Navigation Act. Chelmer, 1793. Chicago International Congress on Water Transportation. Reports, etc. Chicago, 1893. Add. 491. INLAXI) NAVIGATION. 353 INLAND NAVIGATION— coH//««e J. Coleraine, Belfast, and Limerick, system which connects. COLERAINE, 1882. Durham to the River Wear and branches. Dodd, 1796. Elbe and Oder Basins (Ports in the) Building and Working. DOEMMING, 1892. England. Cordier, 1819-20. England and Wales, History of the Canal and River Navi- gation of. Wells (L. B.), 1894. Add. 538. Map of the Canals and Navigable Rivers of. Wells (L. B.), 1894. Europe. Navigable Ways. Hartley (Sir C. A.), 1885. Europe, particularly England. Oddy, 1810. Europe (Central), Water communication of. Lanfranconi, 1880, '81. Europe (Northei-n). Waterways. Weber (M. M. von), 1881. Forfar and Aberbrothwick. Inland navigation between, by means of Strathmore Canal. Stevenson (R.), 1817. France. Becquey, 1820; Cordier, 1819-20; Dumont (A.), 1861; DuTENs, 1829; Fabre, 1797; France, p. 439; Grangez, 1855; Molinos, 1875. Laws. Poterlet, 1820. Canals and Rivers which traverse the departments of the Meui'the, the Vosges, Meuse and Moselle. Lacreulx, 1796. Commercial Regimen of Ports in. DELAUNAY-Belleville, 1892, Departement du Nord. Cordier, 1820-28. Map of routes. Delaistre, 1812, Rivers and Canals. Reynauld (L.), 1883. Stoppages on Canals and Canalised rivers in the Northern and Eastern regions of France. Derome, 1892. Territories of the French Empire. Dupain-Triel, 1811. Traction of Boats in France. Lasmolles, 1892, France and England. Huerne de Pommeuse, 1822. France, Belgium, and Provinces on the left bank of the Rhine. Collin, 1865. German Waterways. Reutsch, 1885. Map, 1885. Germany, Navigable Ways, Tolls and Dues on. Sympher (J.), 1892. Waterways of Prussia and adjacent States. Prussia, 1877. Great Britain. Grahame, 1834. Legislation. Grahame, 1836. Hohensaaten to Spandau, Traction of Boats from. Thiem (A.), 1892. Hungary. Respective use of Waterways and Railroads. Halasz, 1892. VOL. I, 2 z 354 INLAND NAVIGATION. INLAND NAVIGATION— confmwefZ. Hungary. Utilisation of Water and Rail Routes in, and their competitive influence in reducing freight charges. Halasz (A.), 1893. Add. 505. Utilisation of the Watercourses. TiJRE, 1881, '85. India. Waterways or Railways. Tyrrell (F.), 1874. Ireland. Acts 1815, 1816. Ireland, p. 141. Drainage and improvement of navigation and water power, Ireland, Act, and amended Acts 1842-47. Ireland. Add. 511. Increase of Agi'iculture, Manufactures and Commerce by its extension. — - — Inland Navigation. Williams (C. W.), 1831, '33. Papers, State, etc., 1800, 1806, 1812, etc. Ireland, p. 141. Reports, 1813. Ireland, p. 141. Italy. Navigation between Venice, Padua, Verona and the Adige. Wiebeking (C. F. von), 1810. Knaresborough. Chapman (W.), 1802, p. 243. Limerick Navigation. Chapman (W.), 1795, p. 241. Liverpool and Manchester. Means of competing with railways. Grahame, 1833. London and Birmingham. Report on Improving the Water Communication between. Marten (H. J.), 1886. Lough Neagh to Belfast. Plan and Estimates of the intended Navigation from. Whitworth (R.), 1770. Lynn, Complaints of the Merchants, Mariners and Watermen of. King's Lynn, 1724. Lynn and Yarmouth, Mediterranean passage between. Mathew, 1656. Lynn, Wisbeach, Spalding and Boston, Navigation of the Towns of. KiNDERLEY, 1751. Michigan (Lake). Proposed Waterway from Lake Michigan to the Mississippi River, via the Illinois and Mississippi Canal. Bryson (A.), 1893. Add. 489. Henderson (T. J.), 1893. Add. 507. Proposed enlargement of. Cooley (L. E.), 1893. Add. 494. Milan. Bruschetti, 1821. Neckar Basin, relations between the Waterway and the Railroad in the. Harttung, 1892. Netherlands. Dues and Tolls on Navigable Ways. DEKiNG-Dura, 1892. New South Wales. Reports. New South Wales, 1859-60, p. 401. Newcastle and Maryport, proposed line between. Jessop and Chapman, 1795. Newcastle and Carlisle, Navigation between. Dodd, 1795. INLAND NAVIGATION INSTITUTIONS. 355 INLAND NAVIGATION— roH/«mecZ. Newcastle-upon-Tyne to the Irish Channel. Chapman (W.), 1795, p. 242. Newcastle to Haydon Bridge. Proposed navigation between tl;e east and west seas. Chapman (W.), 1795, p. 243. Norway. S^tren (G.), 1892. Norwich Navigation Improvement Committee on the Norwich and Yarmouth Navigation. Curtis (J. G. C), 1846. Norwich to Yarmouth. Plan for making the river navigable. Brown (C), 1818. Rhine Basin. Waterways and Railroads ; their co-operation and their reciprocal competition in the. Landgraf, 1892. Russian Waterways enlarged to meet the demands of Commerce. Hoerschelmann (E. F. de), 1893, '94. Add. 508. W^aterways, Taxes and Tolls on. Sytenko (N. de), 1892. Salisbury and Bristol, passage by W\ater between the two Avons of. Mathevv, 1656. Sheffield. Chapman, 1813, p. 243. Stella to Hexham, and Hexham to Haydon Bridge, on south side of the Tyne. Report on proposed line of navigation. Whitvvorth (R.), 1797. Stockton to Winston and branches. Dodd, 1796. Thames and Canal Navigation. Report to the Committee. Wiiitworth (R.), 1780. United Kingdom, Taxes and Tolls upon the Inland Navigations of the. Clem'^.nts, 1892. United States. Cordier, 1819-20. Internal Navigation, natural and artificial : present and prospective. United States, 1826, p. 341. The Levels of the Lakes, as afi'ected by the proposed La,kes and Gulf Waterway, iTEEL—conthiued. Influence of temperature on the mechanical properties. Le Chatelier (A.), 1889. Information and tables relating to the use of Wrought Iron and Steel. Carnegie, Phipps and Co. Letters Patent for Improvements in the manufacture. Bessemer, 1857, 1886. Letters Patent for Improvements in shaping, pressing and rolling malleable. Bessemer, 1856. ^lanufacture. KoHN, 1873. Cantor Lectures. Williams (W. M.), 1876. Manufacture of Steel and Ingot Iron from Phosphoric Pig Iron. Thomas (S. G.) and Gilchrist, 1882. Iron Ore Producers at Cresson, 1882. Iron and Steel Inst. Mechanical, etc., properties of, in connection with their Chemical Composition. Vosmaer (A.), 1891. Metallurgy, with special reference to American materials and processes. Osborn, 1869. National Convention of Iron and Steel Manufacturers and Iron Ore Producers. Proceedings, 1882. National Convention New method of casting. Dormoy, 1871 Papers on. Mushet (D.), 1848 Passive state of Iron and Steel. Andrews (T.), 1890-91 Principles of the Manufacture of. Bell (Sir I. L.), 1884, p. 120 Puddling Iron and Steel, guide for. Urbin (E.), 1868 Relative corrosion of. Phillips (D.), 1890 Relative electro-chemical positions of wrought iron, steels, cast metal, etc., in Sea Water and other solutions. Andreavs (T.), 1887. Resistance and other properties. Love (G. H.), 1859. Specitications of Improvements in the ^lanufacture. Mushet (R.), 1857. Steam and water-power used in the manufacture. Hollerith, 1888. Strength and determination of dimensions and stabiHty. Iron and Steel Constructions. Weyrauch (J. J.), 1877, '88. Tensile Strength of American and English Iron and Steel. Thurston (R. H.), 1872. Theoretical and Practical Treatise on the manufacture. Valerius (B. and H.), 1875. Trade. Bell (Sir I. L.), 1886, p. 119. Transformation of Iron into Steel, by cementation. Boussingault. 1875. IRON AXD STEEL — IRRIGATION. 369 IRON AXD HT'EEL—continue'L Treatment of manufactured Iron and Steel for constructional purposes. How (W. F.), 1893. Add. 508. Weight exported. Fossick, 1886. Welding Cast Steel. Case of Mr. Heath, Inventor and intro- ducer of the Manufacture of Welding Cast Steel from British Iron. Webster (Thomas), Q.C., 1806. Whitworth. Improvements in Casting Iron and Steel. Minutes of evidence taken in the matter of the prolongation of Whitworth's patent, 1879. Whitavorth (Sir J.). Whitworth's Patent for Fluid-compressed Steel. Hearing of Sir J. Whitworth's Petition for a Prolongation. Whitworth (Sir J.), 1879. Madras Presidency, 1855. Manufacture. India, p. 123, United States, Industries of the. Colquhoun (W.), 1892. Iron and Steel Production Statistics. Swank (J, M.), 1883. United States Board appointed to test Iron and Steel and other metals. Report. United States, 1878-81, p. 351. IRONWORKS. DiJRRE, 1882; Jonstorft, 1885; Kerpely, 1866-87; Styffe, 1868. Management of Iron Foundries, DuRRE, 1892. Creusot Works. Schneider (H.) and Co. France. Comite des Forges de France. Comite, 1865, etc. Grosmont. New Works. Coulthard, 1863. India. Kumaon Government Ironworks, 1859. India, p. 121. Languin. Survey and Estimate of the proposed Ironworks. Manby (E. O. and J.), 1841. Park Gate Iron and Steel Works. Description. Rotherham, 1890, Sweden, Ahrenberg, 1864. Ironworks, Mines, etc., province of Orebro. Blackwell (J. H.), 1864. United States. American Iron and Steel Assoc, 1878-88 ; Bell (Sir I. L.), 1875, p. 119.' Saugus Ironworks at Lynn, Mass., etc. AVooDBURY (C, J, H.), 1892, Wendel's Ironworks, Quality of products. Tetmajer, 1875. IRRIGATION. BuFFON (N. de), 1843; Cossigny, 1874, Culcheth, 1886; Donald (J.), 1861. Add. 497. Mullins, 1890; RoNNA (A.), 1888-9 ; Villeroy (F.) and Muller, 1860. Artificial Reservoirs for Rain Water, for the Irrigation of Land deficient in running water. Carena (G.), 1869. Add. 490. Embanking, draining, and tilling land in tropical and other countries. Gibbs (Joseph), 1862. Engineering (Irrigation). Wilson (H. M.), 1890, '93. VOL. I. 3 b 370 IRRIGATION. IHRIGATIO'^— continued. Irrigation Canals and other Irrigation "Works. Flynn, 1892. • Irrigation Works. Thomason Civil Engineering Coll., 1862-4. Practical Irrigator and Drainer. Stephens (George), Land Drainer, 1834. National Irrigation ; or, the various methods of watering meadows, etc. Tatham (W.), 1801. Notes on Continental Irrigation. Roth (H. L.), 1882. Management of Waters. Cotard, 1888. Peat Bogs. Their Irrigation. Smith (William), Engineer, 1806, Political Economy of Irrigation. ' Tatham (W.), 1799. Productiveness. Eorchheimer, 1886. Societies for Irrigation. Rabbeno, 1878. Vocabulary of terms peculiar to French and Italian Irrigation Works. BuFFON (N. de), 1869. Add. 489. Water. Application of drainage water as a motive power to machinery for agricultural purposes. Williams (E. L.), senr., 1849. Irrigation and water supply. Scott (J.), 1883. Quantity of water consumed. Culcheth, 1882. • Use of water in Agriculture. Pareto, 1851. Water supply for Irrigation. Newell, 1894. Wind Power, use of, for Irrigation. Brownlow (H. A.), 1877. America (Central), Irrigation in. Victoria, 1885, p. 379. Australia. Australian Irrigation Colonies Monthly Newspaper. Periodical Publications, p. 12. Australian Irrigation Colonies on the River Murray, in Victoria and South Australia. Vincent (J. E. M.), 1888. American and Australian. Gordon (G.), 1885. India, lessons for Australia. Culcheth, 1891. Australia Irrigation works. Culcheth, 1891. • • Victoria. Deakin, 1886. Victoria, Reports on the supply of water to the Northern Plains Irrigation. Victoria, 1882-4, p. 376. Victoria Irrigation Reports. Victoria, 1886, p. 376. Western Australia. Deakin, 1885. Burma, British. Irrawaddy Circle Works. Gordon (R.), 1883. Caucasus Irrigation Canals. Ghercevanoff, 1890. Cowal Lake. Irrigation pumping plant. Donkin (J. B.). Egypt. Barois, 1887 ; Buckley (R. B.), 1893 ; WiLLCOCKS (W.), 1889. ■ Administration of the Irrigation Department, 1892, etc. Garstin. Reports of the Administration for 1886-92. Egypt, p. 384 ; Ross (Lt.-Col. J. C), 1890-92; Scott-Moncrieff (Sir C. C), 1868. IRRIGATION. 371 IRRIGATION— co7i. 377 LAKES — continued. Fucino, drainage of, by Prince Alexandre Torlonia, 1876. Brisse and Rotrou, 1876 ; Rotrou (L. de), 1871, '72. Geneva, Lake of. Torel, 1892 ; Vallee (L. L.), 1843. Drain- ing. Pestalozzi and Segler. Water level. Geneva, ISsO. ■ Production and transmission of sound in water. COLLADON, 1841. Greece. Reclamation of Lake Copais. Durand Claye, 1888. Haarlem, drainage of the Lake. Endegeest, 1849-61 ; Leeghwater (J. A.), 1838. Ireland. Project for keeping Lough Neagh at its usual summer level. M'Cleery, 1836. Lago Salpi improvement. Rivera, 1845. Lake St. John, and the Great North-East. St. John (Lake), 1884. Switzerland. Gauging of the lakes. Keller (K.), 1885. Tunis, salt lakes (shotts). Roudaire, 1884. Zurich. Movement of the water level during fifty years. Wetli, 1885-6. LAMPS. Ventilation of Lamp-burners. Faraday (J.), 1843. LAND. As property. Molesworth, 1885. Customary or local measures of land in the British Isles. BouLT (J.), 1871. Inclosure and Improvement of Waste Lands. Reports, 1795-1800. Parliamentary. .Papers, p. 482. Land War. Ireland. Godkin, 1870. Mortgages on Land. Land Securities Company, 1881. Occupation of, Ireland. Digest of evidence. Kennedy (J. P.), 1847. Proposed regulations for the improvement of Land, 1855. Parliamentary. .Papers, p. 482. Report of Select Committee on the Improvement of Land, 1873. Parliamentary. .Papers, p. 482. Salt-marshes and Waste Lands — Moulton, Lines. Act for enclosing. Moulton, 1793. Sinking caused by the working of coal mines. Dumont (Gustave), 1871. Australia (Western). Proposed Land Regulations. Memorandum of, and Report of Select Committee, etc. Western Australia, 1871. India, Land Improvements. Fraser (A. T.), 1892. South Holland in the County of Lincoln. Perry (J.), Capt., 1727. United States. Report of the Commissioner of the General Land Office for 1866 (1884). United States, 1867-84, p. 349. See also Drainage of Land. VOL. I. 3 c 378 LAND LAWS — LATITUDE. LAND LAWS (Ireland). Evidence before Commissioners, 1847. Ireland, p. 141. Reminiscences of Grattan's Parliament and the Irish Land Question. Ross (O. C. D.), 1886. LAND VALUATION (Ireland). Kyle Park District. Report on the Valuation of Lands in. Thomson (James), C.E., 1843. LANDED ESTATES. Management of. Garnier (R. M.), 1891. LANDED INTEREST (Devon). On the Monopoly of the Landed Interest. Holdsworth (A. H.), 1826. LANDING PLACES. Report on the erecting of low water, on the Coast between Kinghorn and Pettycur. Buchanan (G.), 1827. LANDSLIPS. Devon, east coast between Axmouth and Lyme Regis. Conybeare and Dawson, 1840. Sandgate Disaster. Special A'iews of, with full account. Sandgate, Kent, 1893. Add. 532. LANGUAGES. Algonquian, Athabascan, Chinookan, Iroquoian, Muskhogean, and SaUshan Languages. Bibliography. Pilling, 1888-93. Burmese. How to speak it in three months. Davidson (F. A. L.), 1889. Add. 495. Cegiha Language. Dorse y, 1890. English Synonyms, Crabb, 1837. French Vade-mecum. Baranowski, 1883. Kamilaroi and other Australian languages. Ridley (Rev. W.), 1875. Omaha and Ponka Letters. Dorsey, 1891. Orthography. Report of Committee on amended Orthography. American Philosophic Soc, 1889. Reflections on Language. Beddoes, 1793. Spanish Grammar. Harvey (W. F.), 1890. Universal Language. International Correspondence by means of numbers. Stewart (C), 1874. Supplementary Report of Committee on International Language. American Philosophical Soc, 1888. LANTERN (Optical). Optical pi-ojection : use of the lantern in exhibitidn and scientific demonstration. Wright (L.), 1891. LATHES. Practical treatise on Lathe Work. Hasluck, 1881. Screw-cutting Lathes. Screw threads. Hasluck, 1887. LATITUDE. See Longitude. LATRINES LAW CASES 379 LATRINES. See Water Closets. LAW. Bill of costs, pains and penalties. Young (M.), 1863. Bills of Exchange, promissory notes, banknotes, etc. Law of. Byles, 1834. Canon Law, Magna Charta and the Bill of Rights. Maw(H. L.), 1869. Civil Engineers, Architects and Contractors. Law relating to. Macassey and Strahan, 1890. Clauses Consolidation Acts. Bigg (J.), 1877. Commentaries. Blackstone, 1855. Contracts, Law of, and of the responsibilities of architects, engineers and builders. Donaldson (T. L.), 1859. Criminal Law (Remarks on). Jevons (T.), 1834. Justices of the Peace. England and Wales. Return, 1888. Parliamentary . . Papers, p. 482. Law and Practice of Injunctions. Drewry, 1841. Liberty or Law. Donisthorpe, 1884. Property Law. St. Leonards (Lord), 1858. Riparian Rights. Round (O. S.), 1859. Add. 531. Way-leaves and Easements. Godfrey (R.), 1891. India. Reports relative to the administration of justice in. India, 1804-6. Add. 509. Administration of Justice in the Madras Presidency, 1859-60. India, p. 122. See also Arbitration. LAW CASES. Services of experts in the conduct of judicial inquiries. Herschel (C), 1886. Binney (E. W.) & Co. v. The Clydesdale Chemical Co. BiNNEY, 1860. Brogden and others v. Metropolitan Railway Company. (Breach of Contract for Supply of Coal Appeal). Brogden (A., H., and J.), 1877. Add. 488. Crane v. Price and others. (Anthracite Iron Case.) Webster (Thomas), Q.C. 1842. " City of Eall River," Report on Trial. Sague and Adger, 1884. Doolan v. Midland Railway Company. (Action for loss of cattle.) DooLAN (T.), 1876. Add. 497. Evans (G.) & Co. v. The State of New York, 1869. Evans (G.) & Co. Florence. Spolveretti and Luder. Spolveretti, 1894. Add 534. Gillespie v. J. Russel & Son. Gillespie, 1862. Macerone v. Mechanics' Magazine. Macerone, 1834. 380 LAW CASES LEAD WORKS. LAW CA8E^—contmuerl. Pennsylvania, State of v. The Wheeling and Belmont Bridge Company. Walworth (R. H.), 1851. Selous V. The Wimbledon Local Board and others. Selous (— .), 1884. Severn King and Co. v. Imperial Insurance Company. Report of the trial, 1820. Severn, King and Co. Sickels V. Borden, argument, chai'ge and verdict of the jury (New York, 1856). Dickerson. Smith, E. V. Great Western Railway Company in House of Lords. Smith (E.), 1877. Toomer v. London, Chatham and Dover Railway. Correspondence respecting a service of local trains into and out of the Chatham Station. Toomer, 1877. Towns Improvement Company v. Water Supply, Drainage and Towns Improvement Company. Towns Improvement Company, 1845. LEAD. Employment of, in building construction. Burn (R. S.), 1874. History. Pulsifer, 1888. Laws which regulate the deposition of lead ore in veins illustrated from the mining district of Aleton Moor. Wallace (W.), 1861. Lead manufacture. Sopwith (T.) and Richardson, 1864. Lead-minium and other colours, minium compared with. Anonymous, 1860, p. 49. Lead Oxides. Pulsifer, 1888. Lewis and Bartlett Bag-process of collecting lead fumes at the Lone Elm Works, Joplin, Missouri. Dewey (F. P.), 1890. Metallurgy of lead. Percy (J.), 1864. Desilveration of base bullion. Hofman, 1892. Missouri new dressing works of the St. Joseph Lead Company at Bonne Terre. Munroe, 1889. Pribram, Bohemia. Pribram, 1875. Red Lead, Destructive effects of red lead upon the bottoms of iron and steel ships. Anonymous, 1872, p. 51. Silver lead deposit of Eureka, Nevada. Curtis (J. S.), 1884 ; Eureka, 1884. of Pontgibaud. RivoT (S. E.) and Zeppenfeld, 1851. • Metallurgy of Argentiferous lead. Eissler, 1891. White lead manufacture. Pulsifer, 1888. LEAD WORK, old and ornamental. Lethaby, 1893. LEAD WORKS. Ems. Freudenbeeg, 1882. Engis. Manufacture in a re verberatory furnace at. Bouley, 1870. Pontesford, near Shrewsbury. Moissenet, 1862. LEASES LIBRARIES. 381 LEASES, tables for the purchasing and renewing of. Baily, 1802. LEATHER. Hides and leather. Bevan (G. P.). Industries, vol. 9. LEGrlSLATION and administration in Europe, economical results of different principles. Chadwick (Sir E.), 1859, p. 234. LENGTH, Standards of. See Measures, Weights and Money. LENSES. See Optics. LETTERS PATENT. See Patents. LEVELLING. See Surveying and Levelling. LEVER, fundamental property of the. Brewster, 1812. LIBRARIES. Free Public Libraries. Greenwood (T.), 1886. Pree public libraries and museums. Their usefulness as compared with the libraries of Sunday Schools. Chadwick (D.), 1887. Library appliances. Cotgreave, 1882. Library Association of the United Kingdom. Transactions and Proceedings, 1878, &c. Library Association. Library Indicators versus Book-keeping. Cotgreave, 1885. Moral Influence. Ireland (A.). Museums, law relating to public libraries and. Chambers (G. F.), 1879. Need of adding a division of applied art and industry to public libraries. Anonymous, 1847, p. 43. Barrow in Furness Free Library. Barrow in Furness, 1885. Birkenhead Free Public Library. Birkenhead, 1887. Birmingham, twelfth annual report. Birmingham, 1873. Bolton Public Free Library. Report. . Bolton, 1883. Boston, Mass. Public Library Dedication, 1858. Boston. Reports of Trustees, 1859-63. Boston. Bradford. Report, 1885. Bradford. Brighton. Pteports. Brighton, 1885-91. Calcutta. Catalogue, 1846. Report, 1847-48. India, p. 115. Cardiff Free Library, Museum and Science and Art Schools. Report. Cardiff, 1889. Derby Free Library and Museum and Art Library. Reports. Derby, 1886, &c. Dundee Free Library. Reports. Dundee, 1881-87. 382 LIBRARIES — LIFE BOATS. LIBRARIES — continued. Florence. National Central Library. Bulletin. Florence, 1886, etc. Add. 500. Glasgow. Mitchell Library. Reports, 1880, &c. Mitchell Library. Indian Library and Museum. On the measures required for the efficient working of. Watson (J. F.), 1874. Leeds Public Library. Reports, 1 885, &c. Leeds, p. 226. Leicester. Reports, 1882, >kc. Leicester. Liverpool Reports, Catalogue, 1872, &c. Liverpool, p. 246. London. Guildhall Library and its work. ' Welch (C), 1893. New York State Library, fifty-fourth and fifty-fifth annual reports of trustees. New York State, 1872-3. Add. 523. Report 1886. New York State. Newcastle upon Tyne Public Libraries. Catalogue of books in the juvenile lending department, 1887. Newcastle upon Tyne. Supplementary Catalogue, Lending Department. Newcastle upon Tyne. Reports of Committee, 1881, &c. Newcastle upon Tyne. Pennsylvania University Library. Opening. Pennsylvania University, 1891. Portsmouth Free Public Library. Portsmouth, 1890. Rochdale Free Public Libraries. Annual Report. Rochdale, 1885. St. Helens Free Library. Annual Report. St. Helens, 1885. United States Public Libraries : their history, etc. United States, 1876, p. 349 ; Eaton (J.), 1886 ; Jewett, 1851. American Library Association Library, Catalogue of 5,000 vols, for a popular library. American Library Assoc, 1893. Add. 480. Walsall Free Library. Annual Report, 1885. Walsall. West Bromwich Free Library. Eleventh report of the Com- mittee. West Bromwich, 1885. Westminster Public Free Library. Annual Report. Westminster, 1878-80, 86-88. Wigan Free Pubhc Library. Annual Reports, Catalogues, etc. WiGAN, 1882-3. Wolverhampton Free Library. Annual reports. Wolverhampton, 1884-91. LIFE, Duration of. See Statistics (Vital). LIFE BOATS. Berthon's Patent Collapsing Life-boat. Berthon, 1854. Fareham Life-Boat. Berthon, 1853. LIFE BOATS LIGHT. 383 LIFE BOATS— continued. Francis's Metallic Life-boat. Francis, 1853, '56. Greathead's Life-boat. Greathead (H.), 1802. Landguard Fort (built at Ipswich). Gower (R. H.), 1822. Life-boat models submitted for premium ofiered by the Duke of Northumberland, 1850. Northumberland. Life-preserving ships. Clare (J.), 1860. Proposition for a ship life-boat. Forbes (J.), 1855. Report of Committee on the supply of Life-boats to the Navy, 1872. Parliamentary. .Papers, p. 490. Report on awarding the Duke of Northumberland's prize, 1851. Parliamentary. .Papers, p. 482. Steam life-ships and how to build them. Busk, 1870. LIFE SAVING AT SEA. Life Saving Vessels and mode of launching. Stockwell (J. A.), 1875. Report on best methods, 1879. Society for Encouragement of Arts, etc. United States Life Saving Service Annual Reports, Report Life Saving Ordnance and appurtenances, and Report on Foreign Life Saving Apparatus. United States, 1878-83, p. 350. LIFTS. See Hoists and Lifts. LIGHT. Chamorro, 1870; Pugh (S.), 1826; Stokes (Sir G. G.), 1887 ; Tait (P. G.), 1884; Tyndall (J.), 1873, '75, '85, p. 335. Aberration of Light, Fresnel's theory. Stokes (Sir G. G.), 1846. Astronomical Aberration of. Airy (Sir G B.), 1873, p. 15. Absorption of Light. Becqderel (H.), 1888. by coloured media. Herschel (Sir J. F. W.), 1833. ■ and the colours of natural bodies. Lectures. Stokes (Sir G. G.), 1878, Action of Light on Sulphide of Lead. Price (D. S.), 1865. Action of transparent bodies upon the differently coloured rays of light. Brewster, 1815. Cause of. Carruthers, 1888. Central Spot in Newton's Rings. Stokes (Sir G. G.), 1849. Chemical effect of the Spectrum. Eder, 1883. Colours of the rainbow. produced by the reflection of light. Bourgeois (C), 1813. App. 549. Discoveries relating to Light. Priestley, 1772. Epipolic Dispersion of Light. Herschel (Sir J. F. W.), 1845. Equations applying to Light under the action of magnetism. Airy (Sir G. B.), 1846, p. 20. 384 LIGHT. LIGB-T— continued. Experimental determination of velocity of white and coloured lifrht. Young (J.) and Forbes, 1882, Experiments respecting. Yodxg (Dr. T.), 1800. Formula for determining optical constants of doubly Refracting Crystals. Stokes (Sir G. G.), 1846. Intensity of Light in the neighbourhood of a Caustic. Airy (Sir G. B.), 1848, p. 23. Light and air, a text-book. Fletcher (B.), 1886. Light and Colour. Lectures. Spice (R.), 1889. Light and heat throughout the universe. Dq,rkness in Egypt. Eraser (A. T.), 1885. Means of providing building with light and solar heat. Trelat (E.), 1887. Measurement of Light. Wybauw, 1885, '89. Nature of the Light in the two rays produced by the double refraction of Quartz. Airy (Sir G. B.), 1831, p. 21. Nature and properties. Higgins (W. M.), 1829. New species of coloured fringes produced by the reflection of light between two plates of parallel glass of equal thickness. Brewster, 1815. Newton's experiments of Diffraction, calculation of. Airy (Sir G. B.), 1833, p. 19. Newton's observations on the inflections of light. Jordan (C. W.), 1799, 1800. Phenomena. Hauksbee, 1709, '19. Refraction of rays of light. Gylden, 1866. Remarks on Faraday's paper on Ray -vibrations. Airy, 1846, p. 22. Researches on Light in its chemical relations. Hunt (R.), 1854. Spectrum of the Sun and Spectra of the Chemical elements. Kirchhoff (G.), 1862-63. Steel for striking a light, and lucifer matches. Maigne, 1878. Superficial colour presented by a homogeneous liquid internally colomdess. Herschel (Sir J. F. W.), 1845. Theory of Light and Colours. Young (Dr. T.), 1802. Theory of Reflectors, and Application on Collins's System. HOWARTH, 1879. Titano-Silicic Glass. Its optic properties. Stokes (Sir G. G.) and Hopkinson, 1875. Velocity of Light. Forbes (G.), 1879. Verification of lenticular apparatus. Cornaglia, 1857. "Waves of Light. Corrections to the computed lengths. Airy (Sir G. R), 1871, p. 16. Wave Theory of Light. Lloyd (H.), 1857 ; Weber (AYilhelm), 1892-94. LinilT - LiaTTTITOl'SK.S. 3So LIGHT (Artificial). Gas-illuminated Buoy. Pintsch's Patent Lighting Company, 1879. Gas Buoys, Lightships, Lighthouses, Lightboats, Steamboats, etc. Pintsch's Patent Lighting Comi3any, 1881, 1885. Mineral Oils. Colin, 1870. Pintsch's Gas. Carriage lighting on Continental Railways. Pintsch's Patent Lighting Company, 1880. Solid and Liquid Illuminating Agents. Field (L.), 1883. South Kensington Museum. Its lighting. South Kensington Museum, 1869. Treatise on Lighting. Peclet (E.), 1840. Use of a mixture of spirit of wine and camphine as a light for optical purposes. Children, 1847. LIGHT (Polarised). Effect of compression and dilatation in altering the polarising structure of doubly refracting crystals. Brewster, 1818. Laws which regulate the distribution of the polarising force in plates, tubes and cylinders of glass. Brewster, 1818, Lectures. Anonymous, 1843, p. 48 ; Pereira (J.), 1854 Spottiswoode (W.), 1879; Woodward (C), 1848 New Polarity of Light. Airy (Sir G. B.), 1840, p. 22 Polarisation and Inflection of Light. Lecount, 1836 Vibrations of Plane. Rankine (W. J. M.), 1850 LIGHTERING and Wrecking Company, New Orleans. Laws, Act, etc. New Orleans, 1867. LIGHTHOUSES. Adams (W. H. D.), 1878; Renard (L.), 1881; Ryder (Capt. A. P.), 1864 ; Stevenson (A.), 1840 ; Stevenson (D.), 1864; Stevenson (T.), 1882. Ancient and Modern. Heap (D. P.), 1889. Apparatus and Lighthouse Administration in 1894. Kenward (J.). Add. 513. Characteristics. Correspondence, 1880. Parliamentary. .Papers, p. 484. Construction and Illumination. Stevenson (T.), 1881. Description of a Patent Screw-pile Battery and Lighthouse, 1843. Mitchell (A.) and Son. Dues received and Expenditui'e incurred on Lighthouses abroad, 1884-5, etc. Parliamentary. .Papers, p. 483. Estuaries and Rivers, more efficient lighting. Douglass (W. T.), 1893. Floating Lighthouse " Wandelaer." Boulvin, 1884. Floating and fixed Lighthouses. Stevenson (D.), 1856. Engineering, Lighthouse. Report. Barnard (J. G.), 1879. Establishment, Lighthouse. Johnson (A. B.), 1881, vol. I. [] D 386 LIGHTHOUSES. LIGHTHOUSES— con/mHerL History, construction and illumination. Stevenson (A.), 1850. Improvements. Luiggi, 1893. Inspection of Local Lighthouses, buoys and beacons, 1885-87. Parliamentary. .Papers, p. 484. Instructions to Surveyors concerning Lights and Fog Signals, 1886. Parliamentary. .Papers, p. 484. Management. Anonymous, 1861, p. 48. Lighthouse Revenues and Expenditure, 1839. Parliamentary. .Papers, p. 483. Lighthouses and Beacons, Courier, 1855, 1884-86. British Colonies. Gordon (A.), 1847, 1861. List of the Lighthouses of the AVorld. Findlay (A. G.), 1879. Means by which a seaman may identify Lighthouses. GURNEY, 1864. Notes on their progress. Stevenson (D. A.), 1893. Sea Coasts of the World. Anonymous, 1884, p. 43. Specification for framing Lighthouses, piles, cylinders, &.c. Douglass (Sir J. N.), 1864. Statistics. Babbage (C), 1853. Africa. Western Coasts, 1886. France, p. 437. America, Coasts and Lakes of British North America, 1853. Parliamentary. .Papers, p. 483. Eastern and Western Coasts of South America and Western Coast of North America, 1853. Parliamentary. .Papers, p. 483. Western Coasts, 1886. France, p. 437. (North). Eastern Coasts, 1886. France, p. 436. (South). Eastern Coasts, 1886. France, p. 437. Antilles, 1886. France, p. 436. Atlantic islands, 1886. France, p. 437. Australia (South). Lighthouses at Port Adelaide and off Cape Jaffa and on Troubridge Shoal. Plans, etc. South Australia, 1866, p. "228. Azov, Sea of, 1886. France, p. 436. Baltic Sea, 1886. France, p. 436. Belgian, Dutch, Hanoverian, Danish, Prussian, Russian, Swedish and Norwegian Lighthouses, 1854. Parliamentary. .Papers, p. 483. Bell Rock Lighthouse. An account of its erection. Stevenson (R.), 1824. Correspondence. Rennie (Sir J.) and Stevenson, 1849. Bermudas. Cast-iron Lighthouse Tower on Gibb's Hill. Paterson (P.), 1850. Black Sea, 1886. France, p. 436. LIGIITIIOUSKS. .'{87 LIGHTHOUSES— co?(. App. 560. Method of determining Longitude by means of observations on the moon's greatest altitude. Spottisvvoode(W.), 18G0. Method of finding the Longitude by the apparent true place of the moon at Sea, etc. Anonymous, 1834. App. 544. Methods of Lunar observations for finding Latitude and Longitude. Harrison (Thomas and James), 1788. App. 561. Needle, Longitude and Latitude found by the Inclinatory or Dipping. Whiston (W.), 1721. App. 580. Sea. Researches made in France since 1730 to determine the Longitude at Sea by the artificial measure of time. Le Roy (J.), 1773. App. 566. • Attempts to find the longitude at sea. Le Roy (P.), 1768. Errors in Longitude as determined by Chronometers at sea from the action of the Iron of the Ships. Fisher (G.), 1820. App. 557. Method of determining Longitude at sea with the help of marine clocks and watches, etc. Berthoud (F.), 1775, 1787, 1792. App. 548. Harrison and Le Roy's attempts to find the Longitude at Sea. Le Roy (J.), 1768. App. 565. • • Instruments for the determination of Longitude at sea. Voyage of the Marquis of Courtanvaux to verify. CouRTANVAux (F. C. le T. de), 1768. App. 552. Instruments (New-invented) for facilitating the Knowledge of the Longitude at Sea. Leguin (S.), 1790. App. 565. Problem to discover the Longitude at Sea by the same observations as in the case of Latitude. Locke (R.), 1751. App. 566. New machines proposed in France. Berthoud, 1773. Invention, theory, construction and trials of new machines. Berthoud (F.), 1773. App. 547, ■ Means for finding Longitude at Sea. Grant (C), 1808. App. 559. Methods, etc., for finding Latitude and Longitude at Sea. Browne (Robert), 1714. App. 550. New method for discovering the Longitude by sea and land. Whiston (W.), 1714. App. 580 ; Whiston (W.), and Ditton, 1714. App. 580. Petition to the Commissioners for providing a public reward for persons that find it. Browne (Robert), 1730. App. 550. Narrative of proceedings relative to. Harrison (John), 1765. App. 561. VOL. I. 3 E 402 LONGITUDE LOTTERIES. LO'NGITTJ'D'E— continued. Sea. Method of finding the Longitude at sea by timekeepers. Wales (W.), 1794 and 1800. App. 580. Stars. Longitude discovered by a new theory of the stars. Wright (T.), 1773. App. 581. Terresti'ial Longitude, Weights to be given to the separate results for. Airy (Sir G. B.), 1850, p. 22. Austi'alia. Longitudes of Places on the coast of. Beautemps Beaupre, 1823. Bengal. Burrow's Measurement of a Degree of Longitude and another of Latitude near the Tropic in, 1790-1. Dalby (J.). App. 553. Brussels and Greenwich. Difierence of Longitude between Observatories of. Airy, Sir G. B. (1855), p. 19. Dover and Falmouth and Portsmouth and Falmouth and Madeira and Falmouth, Chronometrical observations made in 1823 to ascertain the differences of Longitude between. TiARKS (J. L.), 1823, '24. App. 578. Elmira, U.S.A., Report on the Longitude. Elmira, U.S.A., 1864. Add. 499. Geneva, new determination of. Gautier, 1824. Madeira, Longitude. Tiarks (J. L.), 1822, Maryland and Pennsylvania. Observations for determining the length of a degi'ee of Latitude in the provinces of. Mason (C.) and Dixon, 1768. App. 568. Missouri, Kansas, and New Mexico, Latitudes and Longitudes of certain points in. Woodward (R. S.), 1889. New Zealand. Measurement of Longitude between Wellington and Otago by electric telegraph, 1871. New Zealand, p. 410. Ogdensburgh, Longitude and Latitude. Ogdensburg, 1865. Paris and Amiens, Degree of Longitude between, determined by Picard and the observations of Maupertuis. PiCARD (Abbe J.), 1740. App. 571. Portsmouth to Port Royal, Jamaica. Experiment made with Harrison's timekeeper in a voyage to determine difference of Longitude between the two places. Harrison (John), 1762. App. 560. Valentia in Ireland, Determination of the Longitude. Greenwich Observatory, 1846. See also Clocks and Watches. LOTTERIES (Art Union). Proposed interference of Board of Trade. Art Union, 1848. LUBRICATION — LUNATIC ASYLUMS. 403 LUBRICATION. Friction and Lubrication. Thurston (R. H.), 1879, p. 309. Greasing of Cylinders of steam-engine and on lubricants. Seguela (R.), 1890. Lard oil for lubricating machinery. Hawkins, (J. I.), 1843, Lubrication of heavy bearings. Boston Manufacturers Mutual Fire Insurance Co., 1883, Lubrication and Lubricating OUs. Mac Arthur and Jackson, 1886, '91. Patent for improvement in Lubricating Apparatus. Clark (W.), 1858. Real value of Lubricants. Thurston (R. H.), 1884, p. 310. Specification of an improved apparatus for lubricating metallic and other surfaces when in motion. Sidmarsh (R.), 1856. Some aspects of Lubrication. Wilson (J. V.), 1893. Decoster versus the Orleans Railway Company. Action for infringement of lubrication patent. Polonceau (C), 1859. See also Friction, LUNATIC ASYLUMS, Derby. Pauper Lunatic Asylum for the County of. Report. Oakes, Clowes and Bent, 1844. Gottingen. Funk (A.), and Rasch, 1862. Melbourne proposed new Lunatic Asylum. Report. Melbourne, 1856-57. Add. 519. Middlesex Lunatic Asylum, Osnabriick. New South Wales, Report. Choice of ground for it, etc. Sibley (R.), 1828. Funk (A.), and Rasch, 1862 New South Wales, 1868, p. 401. END OP VOL. I. LONDON : PRINTED BY WILLIAM CLOWES AND SONS, LIMITED^ DOKE STREET, STAMFORD STREET, S.K., AND GREAT WINDMILL STREET, W. f fr. University of California SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY 305 De Neve Drive - Parking Lot 17 • Box 951388 LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90095-1388 Return this material to the library from which It was borrowed. ^ s$^ "-^Z Of c ■ 1 cr <: '^mh ^Wf•UNIVERS//i 'Jr A>:lOSANCElfj> _^| ^TiiJONVSm^ %«3AINfl-3WV t_3 ,a?-IIRRARY/0/ . ^ L 005 1 1 8 030 5 ^'rtEUNIVERJ/A o svNUIBRARYQ^ .4JJU ^ \NCElfj> "^/^jiaMNnawv ^nNHIBRARV 33 ■ S ^OfCALIF0%, >^.OFCA1IFO% ^ UC SDUIHI RN HI GKINAL LIUHAHY I ACUITY AA 000 921348 9 9 ~ O uL 1. %/ojnv3-jo'»^ ^ojiivD-jo'^ '^'j:^i33nvsoi^ '^^/smmi^'i^ ^OfCALIF0% ^^,OFCALIF0/?;JO'^ '%OJI1VO-J0'^'