***** ** r CAPTAIN LANDON HEADS ARMY! TAILS, I STAY HERE ! "-Page 32. CAPTAIN LANDON A Story of Modern Rome RICHARD HENRY SAVAGE, AUTHOR OF "My OFFICIAL WIFE," " CHECKED THROUGH," ETC. CHICAGO AND NEW YORK: RAND, McNALLY & COMPANY, PUBLISHERS. Copyright, 1899, by Richard Henry Savage. All rights reserved. BOOK I A WAITING GAME CAPTAIN LANDON. BOOK I. A WAITING GAME. CHAPTER I. ALL ROADS LEAD TO ROME. The stuffy little Italian railway train slackened, after skirting the Sabine and Alban mountains, and, when it halted at the bridge over the diminu- tive Arno, Frank Hatton wearily raised his head as the guard, with a suggestive snap of his fingers, cried "Ecco la !" There, before him, to the right, the dome of St. Peter's rose sharply cut against lean brown hill and pale green sky. It was their world goal. And, the realization seemed, after all, so prosaic. "All roads lead to Rome," cheerfully mur- mured Hatton, as he roused his tired companion. "Boots and Saddles!" he cried, with a civilian's vague misuse of military jargon. 8 CAPTAIN LANDON. "If there is any other road," muttered Captain Sidney Landon, "I will patronize it, on my next visit!" "So, you were not asleep?" queried Hatton. "I have just discovered, by slipping on my thinking cap, Frank," remarked the Captain, "that I have only a faint idea of my official responsibili- ties as Vice Consul General to be, of the United States of America." "Leave all that for the future," replied his trav- eling companion. "I fancy that you will have little to do but draw your salary ! In words of the present, we have lodgings to select, the inner man to provide for, and we must cogitate, for we will be there in half an hour ! Here is a sight for you !" "Pshaw !" muttered the soldier. "I've seen the Grand Canyon of the Colorado and the Yosemite. It is a bit strange, however, that we two soldiers of fortune should not know a single soul in a city of three hundred thousand. And we are so fitly prepared for the greatness about to be thrust upon us. My West Point French and border Spanish is but slimly reinforced here with your vast stores of guttural German. We are outside barbarians." ALL ROADS LEAD TO ROME. "First class passengers in a second class com- partment," cheerily rejoined Hatton. "After all, our 'bumblezug' from Florence is better than foot- ing it like the old invaders. We have seen Thrasi- mene's storied shores, frowning Orvieto, Soractes' storied steep, and Mentana's bloody slopes with the purple Apennines for a background. In the old days, I would have carried a spear as a humble soldier under Brennus, 'larding the lean earth/ while you, appropriately ranked, would have ridden a snow white charger and gone on glitter- ing in cuirass and golden greaves !" "There, away you soar, in your literary balloon, Frank," cried the Captain, gathering up his little belongings. "My laurels were all won in a buck- skin jacket on the hurricane deck of a wild west broncho. "I've seen but little of the pomp and glory of war," he sighed "but, I've felt the sharp snap of the enemy's lead, 'to the Queen's taste !' "Let us be prosaic ! We must make a first camp somewhere! Besides, tho' used to tortillas and broiled 'jerky,' I am in a revolt against the dark little birds, the things that crawled, and all the mystery of our railway cuisine!" 10 CAPTAIN LANDON. The two young Americans descended to be pounced upon, at once, by a horde of drivers of "botti" and "citadine." "This chap seems the least vociferous and un- civil! Let's take him! This is the Holy City. 'Ogniuno per se, e Dio per tutti !' ' The soldier revolted at the touch of the scream- ing drivers and drew back his stately head as the coarse peasants snapped their fingers under his nose with inviting clicks. So, it fell out, that the gilt banded cap of the head porter of the Hotel de Russie was doffed, a little unwillingly, as the young pilgrims strode, half an hour later, into the cool entrance of the aristocratic resort. The shades of night already invited rest, and the white stars sparkled like diamonds over the dusky ilex shades under the Pincian when the friends counted up all the disjecta membra of their luggage rescued from the Fra Diavolos of the cus- toms and the Robert Macaires of the Universal Brotherhood of Insolent Railway Porters. The curious throng of English aristocrats, Rus- sian nobles and visiting cognoscenti stared pas- sively at the tired travelers when they were ush- ALL ROADS LEAD TO ROME. 11 ered into their cosy apartment au premier. "We have made our debut in style, and so, we can soon disappear in the interests of a prudent economy, Frank," laughed Landon, as they sat down to a raffine little supper. It was an hour later and the cigars were lit, when the Captain called up the programme of action. "Of course there's a stroll on the Corso, be- fore turning in, but, before us lies the morrow, laden with the stern realities of life. I have only my chief to interview, and to explain the leisurely process of four months lost in arriving at my station, via Ireland, Scotland, Wales and Eng- land, the Low Countries, Paris, Switzerland and Lombardy." "You certainly have fulfilled the State Depart- ment's kindly injunction 'not to hurry in report- ing,' and their courteous permission 'to take the most circuitous route/ " admiringly remarked Hatton, gazing at the strangely moody face of the young soldier. "I always try to obey orders," placidly rejoined Landon. "And, now, I suppose that you will hurl your- 12 CAPTAIN LANDQN. self into your new duties, with a vengeance," continued the journalist. "I will let the work come to me, Frank," re- marked Landon, strolling to the window and gaz- ing out at the unanswering stars. "My dear old chief, General George Thomas, told me never to volunteer ! 'There's always work enough waiting to be put up against you/ said the dear old 'Slow Trot' " The young official tossed his cigar away with a sigh. "If there was only some good stiff fighting now, over here," the soldier impatiently murmured. "Let us go down I have to find out where the lordly Consolate Generale degli State Uniti di America is housed ! Somewhere, I believe, around the Piazzi di Spagna." "There is where stout Caesar Borgia hewed the head off a bull with a single blow," murmured Hatton. "Don't believe a word of it, any more than the letters you will write from the Eternal City to your somnolent Philadelphian newspaper," an- swered Landon, with a touch of sarcasm. "By the way, all I know is my chief's name and ALL ROADS LEAD TO ROME. 13 the rumor that he has a thoroughly charming wife, a subtle spirit of fire and flame. You, at least, have a distant hold upon your unknown em- ployer, Mr. Rawdon Clark, and I believe a far- stretched cousinship with some artist here. Let us go down and find these addresses out. "A pretty Rome we will see yours the dim re- flections of journalistic skimming, mine, the 'demnition grind' of an unimportant office. The Rome of the modern newspaper the Rome of the brand new American Consular circle. We will see no lances glittering on these hoary hills, no flam- ing signs in the skies. The days of miracles are over! Vogue la galere!" Hatton eyed his companion curiously. "I won- der at your lack of interest in life, Landon. A Captain at twenty-seven, you have already made a distinguished record ; the official way has been made smooth for you by all sorts of concessions, in fact, on the steamer, it was hinted to me that you would soon displace your chief s while I must rack my brains to send two letters a week 'chron- icling the doings of distinguished Americans' or, else lose my local habitation and a name that of a poor foreign correspondent." 14 CAPTAIN LANDON. Landon had halted in the doorway. "See here, Hatton," he sharply said, "you'll do me a favor to contradict any such nonsense. I come to bring peace not a sword! My army career is closed forever, and, I care nothing for the officious friends behind me who would push me on un- fairly." He ceased abruptly, as he noted Hatton's look of surprise. "Tell me, rather, something of this meteoric capitalist, Clark!" "I will have to wait," slowly answered Hatton, "until the Brandons can enlighten me. Robert Brandon and I are linked by some attenuated kin- ship, tho' I've never met him; but I'm told that Myra Brandon has well earned her title of 'The Encyclopedia,' by her fifteen years' residence in Rome. "As Brandon vibrates from his studio here to the Schuylkill, he is au fait with all Philadelphian gossip. "When I left Rutgers College and entered on the dismal drudgery of a law office, it was Edgar Styles of the Mail who first encouraged my feeble attempts at the belles lettres. "He, God bless him, had already arranged for ALL ROADS LEAD TO ROME. 15 this three years' European tour of mine when Clark bought in a controlling interest and fortu- nately saved the venerable 'Philadelphia Mail' from ruin. "It was a case of outside speculative, general bonhomie and too much enterprise, with Styles. "All I know of Rawdon Clark is that he has ac- cumulated a huge fortune by meteoric operations in the far west, that he is a man of uncontroll- able vigor and push, and, that, boomerang like, he is attacking our staid Philadelphian society from the uttermost curves of a long European tour. He is both parvenu and masterful man !" The chance-met companions were strolling along the narrow sidewalks of the Corso, when Landon, with piqued curiosity, returned to the subject of Hatton's strange employer. "Is this Clark a self-made man, a product of the wild west ?" he demanded. They had tired of the mixed multitude, the tawdry shop windows, the deafening cries of "Ecco il Fanfulla, ecco la Capitale," and had sought for a quiet refuge in a wine cellar, the re- sort of a motley crowd of students, officers and tourists. 16 CAPTAIN LANDON. "No one seems to know of his antecedents," gravely replied Hatton. "He appeared suddenly in Philadelphia, staggering the town with the magnitude of his many investments. It was rumored that he intended to erect unto himself a palace, like the fabled Kublai Khan who did 'a stately pleasure dome decree.' "It is further said that a preliminary club black- balling caused him to cut over here, and to swear that he would re-enter our home society as a vic- tor, for the little bird whispers that the doors of swelldom at home were closed upon him, until he can prove title." "We can't all be born Biddies," laughed Lan- don. "Well, I will soon size him up," murmured Hatton. "I have a sheaf of letters to artists, resi- dent Americans and our past journalistic connec- tions. I am told that Mrs. Myra Brandon's salon is his great coign of vantage, for he's a liberal purchaser of Brandon's pictures." "A sure way to reach the heart of an artist's wife, be he ever so successful," retorted Landon. "Moreover, he must be a sly dog," continued Hatton, "for he is forming a collection of objets ALL ROADS LEAD TO ROME. 17 d'art and allows Madame Myra to generously se- lect for him." "Then he is a sure winner," smiled Landon, "for pleasure and percentages go hand in hand, here in Rome, I am told." The entrance of a half dozen young fellows who had been companions of the deck-tramping on the Aurania a few weeks before, soon made up a moving circle, augmented by the flower girls, ciceroni and all the mysteriously evolved touts who follow up the callow American abroad. While Hatton, note book in hand, was already busied in gleaning local items for their joint Com- mittee of Ways and Means, Sidney Landon, with his head buried in his hands, listened to the ringing notes of a body of passing student singers. In vain did Giuletta, the veriest witch of the flower girls, toss the red and white Roman roses in his lap. He saw not her smiling eyes, though he absently threw her a coin which made her mur- mur "Ecco un cavaliere !" The young soldier's thoughts were far away in a stormy and a shadowed past. The long-necked wine flasks went round all unheeded, as he ran a 18 CAPTAIN LANDON. down the strange life-current of the seven years of his frontier fighting experience. Tall and graceful, with dark earnest eyes, Sid- ney Landon, at twenty-seven, was a proper squire of dames. But there were deep lines of care on his brow, showing white above the sun-burned tints of the Apache land, and a strong curve of repres- sion in the stern lips, under the darkly sweeping cavalry mustache. "Nice looking fellow, Landon," said Grimes of the New York Herald, to Hatton, as they lingered in a far corner, where the newcomer had dragged his senior to gather points upon "bachelor house- keeping" in Rome. "Soldierly looking chap, too, but, there's something gone out of his life! I wonder if he had any trouble in the army," mused Grimes, al- ways an agnostic by habit. "Nonsense," retorted Hatton. "Old General Rufus Hatcher, who came over with us, told me that he was one of the most promising young cav- alrymen in the army. He has been desperately wounded and three times mentioned for conspic- uous gallantry in action." ALL ROADS LEAD TO ROME. 19 "And, yet, there are flaws even in diamonds," mused Grimes. "These West Pointers are about the last of the sentimentalists." "All I know is what Hatcher told me," stub- bornly rejoined the loyal Hatton, "and, you may be sure, when Colonel Miles Atwater of the 'Grays' made him Regimental Adjutant, after only three years of service, that he is a simon pure." "All right," good humoredly nodded Grimes, "I'll take your friend into our coterie, at your esti- mate." The free lance of the Herald had already turned forty and he had seen "a deal of life, its varnish and veneer, the stucco fronts of character, flake off and disappear." He was the doyen of the Roman American lit- erary cult, and, so, presided over an informal club at a miraculously discovered old dwelling on the Corso, happily unknown to the Philistine of the baser sort. It was a very haven of rest to the flower of the transplanted American colony, and Grimes ruled it with a rod of iron and much circumspection. 20 CAPTAIN LANDON. The elder man nodded his assent as they moved back to Sidney Landon's table. Grimes gazed kindly on Frank Hatton's beaming face. There was something inspiring in the genial face of old Rutger's favorite son. At thirty, Hatton's boyish faith still shone out unbroken in his honest blue eyes. The upright solidity of his plump, robust figure was set off by his merry, honest face, still smooth shaven, a deference to his jilted first love, the law, and finished by the frank smile of his fresh lips and the unruffled composure of his manly countenance. "Hatton is an acquisition, one in whom there is no guile," murmured Grimes, recalling the Three Star introductions of the new champion of the Philadelphia Mail "but, if I mistake not, our dark-eyed, handsome soldier is like the 'woman with a past/ he is a man with a story !" Grimes was vaguely wondering if he would ever find it out, when Hatton had already plunged "in media res." "Such a lucky chance, Landon. To be settled at once, and, in the heart of the best region" en- thusiastically ran on Hatton, "and, there's a bit ALL ROADS LEAD TO ROME. " 21 of deserted garden, a ruined fountain, the dia- mond water pouring from an old lion's head, a glimpse of waving olive trees, and even a patch of visible blue sky." When the ardent journalist had finished his catalogue, Grimes' grave voice broke in with a word of solemn warning : "You are not a society man, Captain? If you are, I should deem it my duty to " "I am alone in the world," rejoined Landon, "and I have only come to Rome to get away from that peopled loneliness called society." "You will never be lonely again," grimly re- plied Grimes. "We are a companionable sort, but our fortress on the Corso is an Eveless Paradise. You will find 'no light plume as a token.' ' "So much the better," laughed Sidney Landon as they sat down to hear a band of Roman students musically intone "Santa Lucia," with the unrepressed enthusiasm of the explosive Italian nature. "Then, it is all arranged," joyously cried the sanguine Hatton. "I have no doubt the wine will hold up to the bush." "I leave it all to you, Hatton." 22 CAPTAIN LANDON. "Suppose that you act as Quartermaster Gen- eral to-morrow while I go and pay 'my official re- spects.' There is always one saving clause," gravely added Landon, with a serio-comic bow to Grimes. "We can be ejected, at any time, if we break the unwritten rules of your Eveless Para- dise." "I shall issue a writ of ne exeat," politely an- swered Grimes, as they fell into an easy chat. Before they all strolled over to take a midnight peep at the Tiber from the Ponte San Angelo, Grimes and Landon had traced out twenty com- mon friendships. The newly arrived pilgrims merrily laughed at Grimes' flashlight photographs of their still unknown acquaintances to be. "Ah ! Yes ! Your official chief, Landon, Arthur Melville, has the soul of an impassioned artist in a Puritan body ! I doff my beaver to his dainty wife! Madame Gertrude Melville has convinced even the difficile Italian noblesse that an Amer- ican woman can be the 'grande dame,' even with no heraldic quarterings. "You'll get on famously with them both! As you are fond of loneliness, Melville's official habits will suit you. He has an Italian famulus there, a ALL ROADS LEAD TO ROME. 23 party with the atrocious name of Jacopo Maspero who seems to enjoy doing all the work ! "Melville is conspicuous by his absence, but his home in the rambling old palace is the cradle of a graceful hospitality. "Maspero knows his Rome, and all the slumber- ing vendettas of the Colonna and Orsini lurk in his veiled eyes and are hidden in his silken voice. "All the notables and artist guild you will meet, soon enough, at their studios, or the American Club. "There are a few really nice people here you can soon sift out the lot at discretion. I have no advice to give to those 'who are at Rome also.' You will soon meet all the cads and traveling American nuisances officially, so, gird on your armor ! The round of so-called society has a strange undertow of picture and statue peddling in it." "My respectable poverty is an ironclad de- fense," laughed Landon. "Then, all I can bid you is to avoid two things flirtation, and the Roman fever ! "For the first, I will cure you by dragging you away into the Abruzzi, where no petticoat flaunt- 24 CAPTAIN LANDON. eth ; for the last, Doctor Caesar Corvini, the Lega- tion and official physician, is a 'feste burg.' "If you go in for riding, there's the Roman Hunt, with lots of nice people, and if you are fond of athletics, 'Charley' Hollingsworth, our Harvard ex-champion, will coach you on the crooked Tiber, if he can drag you away, once that you are under her batteries, from his charming wife, Mrs. Elaine Hollingsworth, our bright par- ticular social star." They had reached the Place San Angelo, when Hatton bethought him of his own future connec- tions. Grimes laughed with an unaccustomed glee as he sketched Robert Brandon. "The very best fellow in Rome, an admirable host, an alleged artist, the prince of good fel- lows, who manages by hook or crook to sell all his smears, and to leave no sting behind !" "They say," growled Grimes, lowering his voice, "that he provides his artistic victims with funds to leave Rome secretly, after he has done them a la Monte Carlo. The Madame! Ay! There's the rub! No one has ever been strong enough to resist the many wiles of Mrs. Myra Brandon. A modern prototype of the Admirable ALL ROADS LEAD TO ROME. 25 Crichton from choosing a cameo to arranging a difficult match, from matching a Roman scarf, to turning out a Minister Resident, from church to fair, and back through all the Midway Plais- ance of fashionable folly. She is the wheel horse of the American colony. "To you, Hatton, she will be of immense value ! Modern Rome revolves around her ample form as a reliable human hub. "To Captain Landon, she is the very acme of danger and deceit. She is the match maker of our time! If you run not upon the Scylla of one of her baby-faced blonde protegees, you will be wrecked upon the dark beauties of some inviting dusky-eyed Charybdis of a brunette. "She evolves the. most inviting girls from social nothingness, and has actually married off a poor American girl to a rich Roman prince a feat hitherto deemed impossible of achievement!" They were looking at the stars twinkling on the Tiber and listening to Grimes' deep voice mouth- ing "Stop! For thy tread is on an Empire's dust !" when Hatton, in a business-like way, called up the name of Rawdon Clark. 26 CAPTAIN LANDON. The declaimer dropped into an energetic stac- cato. "Oh! Yes! Your spick span new millionaire employer ! Croesus Magnus ! He is a thin-lipped human shark," mercilessly proceeded Grimes. "If I met him in the Bad Lands I should surely jerk out my Winchester and cover him while in sight. "In Texas, I should endeavor, 'pro bono pub- lico,' to get him lynched, on early acquaintance. Otherwise, he would wind up with all the belong- ings of the vicinity. Omnivorous, active and ener- getic is this same Mr. Rawdon Clark, withal a very smooth package and he gets around nimbly, even in a salon." They were on their way homeward, bent on passing the location of the Eveless Paradise, when Grimes, after firing a last shot at Rawdon Clark, in calling him a "heartless human snake," broke out, "You men will find life enough in old Rome! It does not seethe around you as in the modern Babylons, but the inundation of the Tiber, silent and unheralded, has swept away countless human lives. The social life of the old Mistress of the World is vastly complex. ON THE PINCIAN HILL. 27 "I knew all about it fifteen years ago, now, I confess myself a tyro. "Old McPherson, the photographer and club man, who has been here forty years, tells me he has been only hidden in a groove, and so wander- ing blindly! People go down here like in a tide rip, without a single cry." It was with a nod, and a hearty "al rivedersi" that the newspaper cynic disappeared within the portals of the Eveless Paradise and left the tyros to wander back to the Hotel de Russie, watched only by the stars and the becloaked and cocked- hatted gens d'armes, lurking on the dark street corners. CHAPTER II. ON THE PINCIAN HILL. Though Mr. Forrest Grimes of the New York Herald was a grim and worn cynic, still he was a man with a strong undercurrent of human sym- pathy. He had rightly divined that clouds hov- ered over Sidney Landon's abruptly broken off military life. 28 CAPTAIN LANDON. After the Captain had sought his lonely room, his pillow was haunted by changing visions of the past. The deep-toned clang of Rome's unnum- bered church bells only accentuated the long vigils in which dream faces returned to torture the wound-weakened soldier into a vain unrest. But, the keen-eyed man of the world was in error, when he fancied that a cloud of shame or some sudden fall from honor had driven Landon out of the "Grays." Sorrow's mantle, alone, hung over the tossing soldier as he recalled the scene, on the far away headwaters of the Rio Grande, when a chance- found newspaper had brought the shock of his life to the iron-hearted young leader, hidden there un- der the mesquit bushes with his swarthy cavalry- men, grimly awaiting the coming of the mad Co- manche riders. And all his beloved army life seemed hateful to him then ! Landon vainly tried to close the doors of the past upon these haunting visions, the memory mist-wreaths which hid the secret which had astonished the whole "mess," when Sidney Lan- don sheathed his sword and abruptly left the ON THE PINCIAN HILL. 29 "Grays" with an insistence which smacked of some imminent crisis not otherwise to be averted. Resolutely pacing his room, Landon read over his official instructions and sought for weariness in the platitudes of that unromantic red book, labeled "Consular Regulations," which was, as yet, a terra incognita to him. He gazed out of the window into the blue and silent night, where the unfamiliar outlines of steepled Rome now took on fantastic shapes. "The pen may be mightier than the sword," he sighed, "after all! There's Frank Hatton, dear old resolute soul, deliberately plodding his way upward in life, with not a single quickened beat of the pulse. "So many hours, so many note books rilled so many days, so many letters dispatched ; and, the beef and beer of life is thus insured, with the unromantic modern garb which isn't half as pic- turesque as the skin mantles of the Stone age after all." "Perhaps, in the society of this coterie of bright fellows, I may find forgetfulness." So, rolling the stone against the tomb, he ended his "night of memories and of sighs" in following down the 30 CAPTAIN LANDON. chance-made itinerary of his long voyage, since a lucky introduction from a college friend as the Aurania sailed gave him the bright-hearted Hat- ton as a fellow traveler. It had been pleasant enough after all, the chance led rambles over dewy Ireland, the casual wanderings by Scottish tarns, the restful glimpses of merrie England, the wild hurly burly of Paris, and the gliding panorama of the castled banks of the Rhine, where the thrifty steamer Ober-Kellner now replaces "the peasant girls with deep blue eyes, and hands which offer early flow- ers." Switzerland's Alpen-locked lakes, the superb defiles of the Tyrol, and fair Lombardy's fruit- ful plains, where earth bares her richest bosom, the "frozen music" of Milan's Duomo, the treasures of the past, in the dusky chambers by the unfamiliar Arno, all this varied panorama had charmed him where "under many a yellow star," they "dropped into the magic land." But one temptation, a soul-racking one, had followed him on from Nice, when the dear old Consul Swasey had sent him a letter by special messenger. It was a letter from sturdy old Miles ON THE PINCIAN HILL. 31 Atwater, the Colonel of the Grays, forwarded on through the War and State Departments. Sidney Landon drew the letter from his bosom and read it once more by the flickering light of the Hotel de Russie's two "superb" wax candles. His heart leaped up as he read the words laden with a tempting possibility "The President has promised me to reinstate you in the Army at any time within six months if you will only make an application. General Hatcher will soon be at Rome and, I have been charged by him to talk to you. Remember, my dear boy ! 'once a Captain, always a Captain' Listen to Hatcher. Our regimental officers are all of one mind ; you could be appointed in the Staff and then transferred back to the old Regiment. I may come over myself and urge this, if I can get leave. And, lastly, Mrs. Atwater joins me in begging you to reconsider your resignation. You know that she owns you for she nursed you back to life in the old days!" "Gallant old heart!" cried Landon, as he racked his soul in an agony of unrest ! Suddenly starting up, he cried, "Let chance decide!" 32 CAPTAIN LANDON. Tossing up a coin, he muttered, "Heads, Army! Tails, I stay here!" His face was pale as he picked up the two- franc piece. "I am to be a Roman," he mur- mured, with a sigh, as an old verse returned to haunt him now. It was a soldier song of the days of the civil war, "Never again on the shoulder, to wear our knightly bars, Never again on the shoulder, to bear our lordly leaves, Never again to dream the dream Which martial music weaves." And, tired out at last, his cares fell away from him then, as the needles are shaken from the gusty pines, and the soldier who had faced the Apache rifles a hundred times slept until the bugles of a passing Bersaglieri corps woke him from dreams of the old life, the beloved Regiment, and the far horizoned western plains where every man guards his life with his own hapd ! "Do I look decorously professional, Old Reli- able?" cheerfully queried Landon as he sallied forth at ten a. m., having achieved as non-military a toilet as the habit of eleven long years would permit. ON THE PINCIAN HILL. 33 The friends had breakfasted merrily and al- ready Hatton was delivering over their effects to Battisto, the factotum of the Eveless Paradise. "All but the red book, that smacks too much of Baedeker, and that enforced martyrdom, a ten days' rush through Rome, 'personally con- ducted by Thomas Cook and Son.' ' "J'y suis, j'y reste," gaily cried Landon. "That, sir, is the code I am to live up to, now, my signal book for battle with the unterrified American tourist. I am off." "You are to come to the Consulate General, after you have hunted up the Brandons, and duly made your social report!" "I will begin my 'arduous labors' by asking for a day off to arrange my urgent private affairs. It might be well to inspect the cuisine of the Eve- less Paradise, and see that we are fed not upon tomtits and those wretched yellow snails!" Hatton merrily rejoined, "Grimes awaits us at two for a house-warming breakfast, and will guide us to the Pincian in due form, and will show us all Rome that is knowable. So away with you ! Make your first plunge !" As Frank Hatton watched Landon stride away, 3 34 ON THE PINCIAN HILL. with his springy, soldierly step, he never imagined that the crisis of a life had been passed, and that the innocent looking letter just dropped in the box bore homewards Landon's firm refusal of the President's kindly offer to take up again the old free wild life of the plains, under the fluttering silken guidons of the Grays. Many an approving eye followed the young American as he strode down the Via Babuino, a notable contrast to the faineants dawdling along the Corso. "Photography has ruined travel now," mused Landon, as at every turn familiar objects met his eye. "The freshness of first sensation is gone, for, in all this, I only see the blurred recollections of the Voyage autour de ma Chambre. Every- thing turns up with the instant suggestion, 'I have seen all this before but, where?' ' Resting to gaze at the motley throng in the Piazzi di Spagna, Landon culled one thought from his morning glimpses of the Corso and the Via Babuino. He finished his cigar as he idly scanned the grouped models, after he had escaped the onrush ON THE PINCIAN HILL. 35 of the cab drivers, and the clattering attacks of the mutilated beggars. "Nothing seems to have survived of the olden beauty of the women," he mused. "All the gar- nered loveliness of Italian womanhood in the gal- leries has vanished forever. Perhaps womanly beauty is only transmitted in splendid aristocracies or floats -down the dead golden tide of our modern money luxury. Here, only a few officers seem to have preserved the stately old Italian beauty of feature! These heroes of the boudoir and the higher priesthood seem to be the only classes who can now cultivate 'la hermosura' in a fitting idle- ness ! And on woman here lies the heavy bur- den of unending drudgery! The glories of the Decameron have flitted forever." Landon was ignorant of the fact that the whole Continent of Europe is paved with the bones of the woman drudge. The man who had breasted the cliffs of the Lava Beds laughed at the hundred and twenty- five steps of the Scala de Spagna, and, then, his face grew sober as he turned southeastwardly and halted at the open archway of a dingy old palace. "Sufficiently threadbare and uninviting," he 36 CAPTAIN LANDON. murmured as he gazed at the faded glories of the hideous oval tin consular shield, whereon the eagle of our country ramped in ghastly grays, blues and yellows. With the composure of Daniel in the lions' den, Captain Sidney Landon ascended two sufficiently inconvenient stairs and strode into the main room of the Consulate General of the United States of America. Nothing relieved the utterly repellant interior, but a glimpse of blue sky at the open windows, the gurgle of a hidden fountain below in the gar- dens where waving tree tops brushed the windows of the old overhung palace, now, in its decadence, given over to a pretentious public, economically aristocratic. Landon had already sought out a dozen Amer- ican Consulates in their skilfully chosen hiding places. This was the same repellant interior. Raw red tiled floor, wheezy looking tables, fly-spotted "affiches," and, a thin array of chairs. A few sparsely filled book shelves carried the sporadic "archives," and, at the door, a dejected Italian youth, the possessor of a mongrel English, lay on watch in wait for the bold intruder. ON THE PINCIAN HILL. 37 By a lonely window a pale-faced American clerk was toiling over huge blue sheets of the sacred despatch paper while, at the end of the room, well fortified behind two long tables, littered with bundles of paper, Signore Jacopo Maspero was systematically defending himself against a motley crowd of Americans of all ages, sexes and "previous conditions" of personal experience. With an amused smile, Landon finally fought his way to the front and presented his card. With an obsequious leap, Signore Maspero rose and led the Vice Consul General within his fortifi- cation of Dictionaries and Patent Office Reports. Tall, dusky, with eyes of glowing intensity, Signore Maspero furtively warded off the impa- tient crowd, while he suavely stated that he would announce the new official to his Chief. Landon laughed inwardly while waiting for the return of the detached messenger, and idly scanned his own pile of accumulated letters, as he picked up from Maspero's rapid despatch of busi- ness the secret of official duty. Every one seemed to ask for impossibilities. They had come on the wrong day or were else doomed to hear the word "Impossible" uttered in 38 CAPTAIN LANDON. tones of silky decision. An official machine grind- ing out gruff negations. Conscious that the factotum was slyly regard- ing him, the Captain simply bowed formally, thrust his letters in his pockets, and followed the returned messenger, gracefully escaping the out- stretched hands of several fellow citizens bent upon plucking some official consolation from his coat sleeves. It was only the prospect of the castled Tiber, gleaming golden in the bright October sunshine far below, which stifled a sudden pang of regret for the hasty dispatch of the letter of the morn- ing. "I may live if I keep out of this den," he mur- mured as he walked down a grand old gallery to another wing of the palazzo. "It is about as ro- mantic as a fourth-class corner grocery in its environment." The title of Vice Consul General seemed to have a cheaper ring in its announce- ment, after gazing upon his theatre of action. A tap from an old carven knocker recalled Lan- don, as he entered an octagonal room, from whose windows the rarest vistas of Rome were visible. There was an easel in a fair light, and a slight, ON THE PINCIAN HILL. 39 delicate man courteously advanced to meet his visitor. In a moment, Arthur Melville had made his fel- low official cordially welcome. Landon surveyed, in wonder, the superb tapes- tries of the walls, the glowing Persian rugs upon the floor. Besides a huge divan, with a splendid outspread tiger skin before its inviting bulk, the only piece of furniture in the room was a rare cabinet of antique ebony and ivory. Upon this stood a vase of matchless old Vene- tian and a Cellini silver misericorde dagger lay by its side. But one picture hung upon the walls that of a thrill ingly beautiful woman, with one rounded arm displayed as she drew back a broidered cur- tain, and, a rosy ringer pressed upon her smiling lip! It needed not the word "Invitation," graven upon the frame, to translate the witchery of the canvas. Sidney Landon leaned back and laughed softly in the anti-climax of the surroundings of the mo- ment. 40 CAPTAIN LANDON. Melville clapped his hands and in a moment old Joconda, wrinkled like the Fates, had served coffee and cigarettes. The young Captain recognized the artist in his Chief's delicate features, his blue-veined trans- parent hands, the slight yet graceful mould of form and the waving silken hair. Clear brown eyes, with the glassy sheen of the idealist, a soft, restrained voice and a manner of modulated courtesy, proved that Arthur Melville was not of this workaday world. "I fear, Captain," he gently said, "that you found the Consulate rather uninviting." Landon bowed in a polite deprecation. His host, however, was not deceived. "I see but little of it. You will find Deputy Vice Consul General Maspero, very capable, and an admirable cicerone, by the way. Young Mr. Morgan is untiring, and, I believe that he is intelligent. He is an official Consular clerk ! The other people will give you no trouble. In fact, Maspero attends to all. I am there very seldom myself!" "I am quite ready to enter at once upon my ON THE PINCIAN HILL. 41 duties," resolutely remarked Landon, "after a day or so to settle myself." The quick-witted Captain could see that there was a good painting light. Melville's tell-tale eyes strayed toward the beloved canvas. "Then, I have but one command to lay upon you Mrs. Melville will be happy to receive you, at dinner, en petite comite, to-night at eight! I shall leave you free hand as to the office. "I have received many kindly letters regarding you, and we will surely find we have hosts of friends in common. We shall try to make Rome pleasant for you." In answer to the artist official's query as to his address, Landon was charmed to hear his host say, "Grimes is a man of the rarest social talents ! You cannot go wrong in Rome under his guid- ance! "He is the head of 'Young Rome,' and, withal, a man of the rarest gifts !" Landon was startled at the sounding echo of his own footsteps as he walked away through the lonely hall. "There is happiness" he mused "a man who builds his own dream castles and lives in them. 42 CAPTAIN LANDON. If this aesthetic Puritan has found his fitting mate in Mrs. Gertrude Melville, then the thorns are few in his rosy pillow." Melville's fortune, breeding and powerful polit- ical influence had kept the gentle sinecure many years in Rome, most judiciously shielded by his office absences from daily carking cares and offi- cial fret. There was an unwonted activity in the Consul- ate General as Landon entered. A desk and fit- tings had been skirmished for, and before the rosy Hatton arrived to drag him away, the Captain be- gan to admire the tireless energy and easy inso- lence of the indefatigable Maspero. He was re- lieved when Hatton pounced down upon him. "Well?" anxiously demanded Hatton, as the two young men left, after a few pleasant words with the pale faced Morgan, a consumptive and intelligent young student in search of health, who had drifted into the bare subsistence of a Con- sular clerkship as a defense against the wolf. Landon laughed gaily. "It's all right! Sig- nore Jacopo Maspero seems to be the autocrat of the institution, with an ostrich-like capacity for official toil which I shall not disturb. He seems to ON THE PINCIAN HILL. 43 digest everything. Morgan is a decent little chap enough. My chief is a delightful dreamer, a thoroughbred, and I am to meet 'la dame blanche/ his household queen, to-night at dinner. I left my duty cards. To-morrow, I shall make all my consular calls en grande tenue. "Ca ira. I have changed my mind. I shall lock up the red book and allow Maspero to gradually instruct me! I expect to become wise by induc- tion ! And you ? What is your harvest ? Noth- ing but leaves ?" They had safely steered across the Piazza de Spagna, and were navigating up the Corso, with its "trattorias," its show windows gleaming with cheap gewgaws and false antiques, its squalor and splendor, its tide of unexpectedly fa- miliar tourists, its priests, soldiers, beggars and loiterers, before Hatton could sketch the details of his visit to that Promised Land Robert Bran- don's studio. "It looks all right enough!" rather doubtfully concluded Hatton, loth to sit in harsh judgment. "Of course, they are very kind and all that." "Brandon is coming over to meet us at Grimes' initial breakfast. By the way, he says that the 44 CAPTAIN LANDON. Eveless Paradise is a veritable haven for us, as Grimes is a Defender of the Faithful. "Just the man to post you, and to launch me, journalistically. Brandon says that I can pick all my weekly letters by feeding on these fellows' freshness. "As for Brandon's studio, it seems to be only an artistic 'bucket-shop/ of course there's a union of the practical and the ideal ! He has his living to make. "I'm not so sure about his pictures! I caught sight of two or three young Italians working up backgrounds and legs and arms." Landon's laugh made the melancholy passers-by start. "Like the American sculptors with a squad of twenty Italian stone masons hammering out mas- terpieces !" "Just so," dryly resumed the journalist. "But the overpowering thing is Myra Brandon. She has definitely traced out our relationship, moved it up a couple of degrees and several gen- erations nearer! She is a human battleship, a multum in parvo! She has simply swooped down ON THE PINCIAN HILL. 45 upon me ! She has promptly undertaken to make a man of me !" Hatton stopped and mopped his honest brow. "And, Rawdon Clark?" slowly said Landon, as he saw Hatton's brow darken. "I met him, there, poking over Brandon's pic- tures and engaging Mrs. B to matronize a grand dinner which he is to give at the Hotel Cos- tanzi. It appears he has some lovely American girl here in his eye 'with ulterior views,' of mak- ing her Mrs. Croesus Clark." "What sort is he?" anxiously demanded the Captain. "I think that he is a thorough-paced cad," very decidedly replied the writer, as they saw Grimes waiting, a la porte du Paradis, to pounce upon them "but, I'll know more after to- morrow night. "I have to dine there to meet him, and others. I wish he were out of my way but, I hear that he's a fixture here as long as Naera of the golden hair lingers." With gleeful rapacity, Grimes bore down upon his two neophytes and then led them into the gen- eral assembly room of the Eveless Paradise. There was a hearty welcome awaiting the pil- grims at the table where two draped American 46 CAPTAIN LANDON. flags reminded the score of assembled good fel- lows of the land for whose integrity a half million brave men had died under the consecrated folds. A dozen universities, as many different callings, and a baker's dozen of different states, were repre- sented in the bright-hearted circle of gay fellows under thirty. Landon had been led away to see his two quaintly romantic chambers where, already, Bap- tiste had laid out his things, when the merry breakfast room was invaded by Mr. Robert Bran- don. The soldier vainly tried to resist the infection of the artist's all-round manner. Portly of frame, ruddy of hue, cheery and in- sistent, with a dome-like rounded head and banker-like side whiskers, the mercantile artist deftly oiled the hinges of every unopened human door around him. It was only when the two hours' banquet was waning to its close that Landon found time to whisper to Hatton : "If his wife is a fit running mate, I can easily see why the bucket-shop studio is a go!" Whereat Hatton only feebly smiled, for he was ON THE PINCIAN HILL. 47 now firmly entangled in the meshes of the Bran- don net, and doomed to fight under their colors in Rome and, in his heart of hearts, he felt fated to be a tout for the social pushing off of those remarkable canvases wherever Brandon only con- descended to add ears, eyes, hands and noses, the tails of horses, pretty woman under the tree, and "such small deer," to the efforts of his artistic job workmen. Sidney Landon, too, was also in the toils, he had fallen a victim to Brandon's perfunctory hos- pitality for the dinner of the morrow. No friendly spirit whispered to him Mrs. Myra Brandon's parting injunction to her spouse on this fateful morning, "Remember, Robert, he can be very useful to us in the Consulate ! We must cultivate him !" Yet, it was a red-letter day when the last chorus had ceased, the nervous Italian countess upstairs had resumed her afternoon nap, and Grimes escaped with his prizes in a charmingly appointed carriage for a long drive in the gardens of the Villa Borghese. The quickening warmth of these new fellow- ships lightened Sidney Landon's heart, as he 48 CAPTAIN LANDON. watched Frank Hatton delightedly drinking in the veteran Roman's keenly critical babble, while they slowly threaded the charming groves where count- less hearts have beat in rapture or mutely broken in the fierce old days when Roman passion seethed around the splendid Papal throne. "I have kept the best for the last," sagely ob- served Forrest Grimes as the sun declined to its glorious setting. They were enraptured as they slowly crowned the beautiful Pincio, where Nature smiles still in her unfading beauty. Landon sat as in a day dream, enjoying the superb view from the terrace, while Grimes, with deft touches, brought up the old days when Lucullus reigned, the supreme arbiter of the social world, over the gardens where the mad Messa- lina later lit the torches of Venus in men's throb- bing hearts. The green-bowered Villa Medici, with its gray turrets, lay there under Hadrian's obelisk, and, far away, the huge dome of St. Peter's hung like an eternal benediction over the Queen City of all Time! Landon listened to the wind-borne laughter of ON THE PINCIAN HILL. 49 the women far below in the charming Passeggiata, while the wooing music of the band set every pulse beating and every arched-stepped foot tapping with Strauss' dreamy waltzes! There were double lines of stately carriages, now slowly moving on, while groups of ardent cavaliers leaned over the low sides, murmuring loving words into the shell-like ears shaded by the protecting fans. Sidney Landon forgot to listen to the disser- tations upon the Castella San Angelo, the eter- nal Pantheon, the glories of the Querinal, and the romance-haunted banks of the Tiber. "All the Roman world and his sister are here," merrily said Grimes, in a change of key. "For sheer consolidated love-making, this is the garden spot of God's footstool, and, now and then, you will see an Italian woman who is not half bad looking, " he stopped abruptly, as Landon, with a convulsive gesture, grasped his arm, "Do you know who that is?" the Captain quickly said, while his voice took an unwonted softness. "That's Clark, Rawdon Clark, the American Croesus," briskly replied Grimes. 50 CAPTAIN LANDON. But, while Frank Hatton craned his neck to glance at his new master once more, Captain Landon made no sign. His eyes were very dreamy, and he was gazing distraitly at a re- ceding carriage. There was the gleam of golden hair, the graceful curve of a neck with the sweep of the Venus of Milo, and, a sigh from Landon, as a high break with a party of Italian military dandies blocked the road from view. He was strangely and moodily silent for the rest of the outing. They drove silently back in the sunset's dying splendors, but all Grimes' diamond wit failed to awaken Landon's flagging interest. He was still lingering under the spell of eyes which had met his own in one of those flashlight glances thrown across life's darkened seas which shine out unforgotten through all the lingering years. The soldier was murmuring those words of Buchanan Read, when the carriage drew up with a crash at the narrow gateway of the Eveless Paradise, "She came as comes the summer wind, A gust of beauty to my heart." ON THE PINCIAN HILL. 51 But his lively companions were now deep in a plot to thrust Hatton into the "foremost and focal fire" of Rome's intellectual circles, and, hence, they did not see that something more than the glow of the setting sun had stolen into the lonely soldier's heart. It was under the soft starlight that Sidney Landon wandered down alone to the Piazza Spagna, after leisurely making his dinner toilet. His thoughts were not at his own command, for as he crested the Scala de Spagna, his mind was far away on the Pincian Hill, lingering still in contemplation of that lovely, womanly apparition which had flashed by him as the sunset in its glow- ing blood-red embers. "If there is any such woman in the world as she seems to be," he mused, "then, beauty has not fled from Egeria's bower. And she did not seem to be an Italian." He was still in a dream as he threaded the long hall in the now deserted palazzo on the hill. The young soldier hardly lifted his eyes as the butler ushered him into Mrs. Gertrude Melville's drawing room. There was that softened light which ladies love in the splendid apartment, 52 CAPTAIN LANDON. though silvery gleams lit up the dining hall be- yond ! He bowed low over Mrs. Melville's hand as that incomparably charming lady welcomed him to the Eternal City. And then all the blood rushed to his cheeks as his hostess said, "We shall be a little party of four! Miss Hawthorn, Captain Landon." There was a tingle in every bounding pulse as the young man woke from his day dream with a start ! "I think we met to-day " Miss Agnes softly said, her eyes dropping before that unconsciously ardent glance. "On the Pincian," murmured Landon, as he offered the goddess his arm. CHAPTER III. AT THE TOMB OF CECILIA METELLA. There was no social ice to break in the little dinner party, for sundry little radial lines of sym- pathy had already been traced out long before the matchless Luigi and his perfectly trained as- AT THE TOMB OF CECILIA METELLA. 53 si slants had reached the service of the unapproach- able Italian ices and confetti. Arthur Melville descended from the cloudland of art long enough to remind Sidney Landon that General Rufus Hatcher was a cherished "ami de maison." "My poor brother Will was killed on his staff at Spottsylvania," sighed the dilettante, "and, the General has written, congratulating me on your coming as my confrere here!" "The fact is, Captain," said Melville, "when I accepted this post, it was quasi diplomatic ! The Vatican Legation had been abolished, and our Italian Minister Resident was then located at Florence. "We have grown into Rome ; our little girl was born here, and, in the past, the holding of this sinecure post opened all the art treasures, even those of the reserved chambers of the Vatican, to me! "Now that we are knitted by friendships to the shy, proud Italian noblesse, thanks to Gertrude, I am ready to yield up the position. "The pressure of tourist and business relatives becomes heavier daily, the monetary responsi- 54 CAPTAIN LANDON. bilities are large, and General Hatcher writes me wonders as to your executive ability. I would feel much safer to see the office under your con- trol. "I sometimes doubt Maspero. He is just a little too smooth! But, Hatcher declares that he will have you back in the army." Landon's eyes strayed around the superb apart- ment. It was easy to divine that the gentle- hearted artist only lived in the realms of form and color, while the social sway of the family, the executive reins of their daily life, and all sublu- nary matters were guided by the firm little hands of the uncrowned American queen who had blessed Melville's life. Madame Gertrude's slight, girlish form, her small, well-poised head, her steadfast, brown eyes shining out under an unruffled brow, proved the woman "nobly planned." At thirty-five and twenty-seven the pair were still notable lovers, and Landon easily divined the power behind the throne in learning that Madame Gertrude was the favorite niece of one of Ameri- ca's colossal money magnates, a man whose thunderbolts easily shook financial thrones. AT THE TOMB OF CECILIA METELLA. 55 It was only when Melville had lured Miss Haw- thorn away to his studio for a short art colloquy that Sidney Landon felt relieved of the imperial presence of the young goddess of the Pincian. Little Elsie Melville, a lovely sprite of five, flitted before the visitor a new charm to the man who was beginning already to doubt the eternal fitness of an Eveless Paradise. "I must make friends with you, Captain Lan- don," said the hostess, "for I am anxious to see Arthur shielded and aided by some one of reso- lution and courage! "The frank, bustling American does not easily penetrate all the deep subtlety of the Italian character. "Of all countries in Europe, we assimilate here the least ! I believe in putting none but Ameri- cans on guard." She pointed smilingly to the two silken Ameri- can banners glorifying the dusky richness of the stately dining room. "You will have a career yet in diplomacy, though. I know that the army is loth to lose you. / know all!" she smilingly said. "Colonel Atwater married my mother's beloved 56 CAPTAIN LANDON. schoolmate, and Mary Atwater has been already singing your praises. I shall try to make Rome so pleasant that you will not wish to leave us!" Mrs. Melville saw the shade of grave concern which darkened Landon's face, as he bent over the lovely child, his hand straying through the silken wreath framing the sweet face. "Certainly, you will be at my disposal as escort," lightly resumed Mrs. Melville. "Arthur is wedded to his art. Time is fleeting, and I am charged with unfolding the glories of Rome to Agnes Hawthorn. We shall claim a share of your leisure, and I hope that you will begin slowly in the official remodeling of the office. "Frankly, Signore Maspero looks upon you as the one who will take away the reins of his power ! His position has been both enviable and lucrative for an Italian. But, he needs a curb!" Captain Landon murmured an acquiescence, but turned his head away to conceal a deepened color. "Tell me of Miss Hawthorn," he said, with affected carelessness. "You see her, as she is," fondly said Gertrude Melville. OX THIS PIXCIAN" * * * AS HE OFFERED THE GODDESS HIS AK-U.-Pag-e 52. AT THE TOMB OF CECILIA METELLA. 57 "Our families have been linked by the closest friendship of a generation. "When Agnes was left an orphan by the death of both her parents in a fearful Atlantic ship- wreck, my dear mother took the child to her heart. With all her enormous fortune, her life has been lonely enough. "Lawyers, guardians and Philadelphia Trust Companies are cheerless surroundings for a woman in the flower of her beauty. "It seems sad," sighed the lady, "that such wealth should bring down the jackal tribe of for- tune hunters upon Agnes, but it has! "Last year was her first season. Released from the gentle tyranny of Bryn Mawr, Agnes has fled over here for an indefinite stay. Here we can, in a measure, shield her for a time ! She is the sister of my heart. "But, alas, her splendid, stately, daily life at the palatial Hotel Costanzi, her complete establish- ment, the deference of bankers and shopkeepers draws down the swarm of mournful-eyed Italian Princes, and all the hungry visiting noblesse flut- tering around the salons of the best circles here." 58 CAPTAIN LANDON. Landon gloomily said, "It seems that women must be either hunted down for the beauty of their skins, or else trapped for the gold so needful to the heiress hunter." "It is too bad," murmured Mrs. Melville. "Agnes is a gifted, bright-hearted and sincere woman. She should not meet her fate under false lights ! She is only happy and at home with us, in our little circle. "The Brandons are distant, very distant con- nections. There is some Kentucky cousinship, very remote, with Robert Brandon. You will dine there to-morrow night, you tell me! You will see a strange social menagerie," Gertrude Melville laughed merrily. "Robert Brandon is a bustling, fatuous soul, profoundly happy in a colossal vanity, and his art rooms are carried on 'for revenue only.' He is harmless enough in his own bourgeois way ! "His wife," said Gertrude, with a determined flash of her eyes, "is a distinct social meddler, an intrigante, a busybody, and determined to force the attentions of this nouvean riche man- eater Rawdon Clark upon my lovely friend. "And so," she decisively said, "Agnes is forced AT THE TOMB OF CECILIA METELLA". 59 to take refuge in visits to me, which baffle the 'Encyclopedia.' "Arthur always wages a determined war upon Brandon's alleged art, and so our home is 'terra incognito' to that faction." It was easy to see the chevaux de frise fencing out the Brandons. When Elsie Melville had been duly kissed and sent to the Land of Nod, Landon rapidly seized upon the pith of his hostess' remarks, while the return of his host and Miss Hawthorn gave him a breathing spell, while the fair visitor and the enthusiast fought over again their battle as to respective art values of the Venus of the Capitol and the Florentine marvel. The chatter of Grimes returned to enlighten him, Hutton's remarks as to Clark's career, the presence of the capitalist dogging Miss Haw- thorn's carriage in the Pincian, and the pro- jected diner de societe, all these were pregnant with social meaning. "The campaign is already laid out," mused the soldier, "Mr. Rawdon Clark probably knows of this solid Philadelphia fortune, of the pyramidal social position of the Hawthorns. 60 CAPTAIN LANDON. "The closed doors of mansions and clubs would soon open to Agnes Hawthorn's husband, and the financial magnates would unbend to the pow- erful stranger once anchored down locally ! For, people buy everything now, seats in the Senate, the dignity of Governor, and, even all the trap- pings of the First Citizen." The soldier's eye rested gravely upon that ardently enthusiastic, woman face, flower-like, in its beauty. Nineteen golden years were reflected in the maiden's sunny hair, the violets of all the happy springs in those deep-lashed, splendid eyes. The splendor of youth modeled the superb lines of her figure. Landon's memory recalled Eugenie de Montijo in that vernal loveliness which swept the cold- hearted Bonaparte off his feet and changed the destiny of France. The flute-like voice had lulled him until he woke with a start as Miss Hawthorn directly ad- dressed him. "If I mistake not, Captain Landon, I owe your gallant regiment an unpaid debt of sorrow- ing gratitude. You knew my cousin Willy Grear, AT THE TOMB OF CECILIA METELLA. 61 who died at the hands of those frightful Utes?" "He was my beloved classmate, Miss Haw- thorn," gravely answered the soldier. "Then," cried Agnes Hawthorn, clasping her jeweled hands in a sudden emotion. "You can tell me the name of the young Cavalry officer who, with three men, repelled the murderers and saved him from the last horrible mutilation of Indian warfare!" "I have heard of the occurrence, "answered Lan- don, rising suddenly. "I think it was in 1878, but I do not now remember the officer's name." "He was of your own regiment, the Grays," the heiress persisted, "and, in my girlish school- days, I vowed to find out the man who, alone, exposed himself to the red men's fire, while his little party, from a safe ambush, turned back the murderous brutes with their rifles! For such a man, I could go around the world, only to tell him," she said with sparkling eyes, "what an American woman thinks of a brave man !" Mrs. Melville started at the sudden pallor of Landon's face. "Excuse me," he said. "The hour is already late, and " he said lightly, "I must go into 62 CAPTAIN LANDON. official harness in the morning. I shall have the honor of meeting you, I believe, at dinner to- morrow evening at the Brandons." When the young soldier had made his graceful adieux, the two women gazed blankly at each other. "There must have been something very pain- ful," murmured Agnes, "in these old recollections. I am told that classmates become deeply attached to each other at West Point!" Gertrude Melville was still lost in astonishment at Landon's abrupt departure, when her husband returned from escorting his guest to the cavernous stairway of "il grande palazzo vecchio." In one hand he held his office keys, in the other, a gray pasteboard-bound Army Register. Arthur Melville smiled knowingly as he said, "Ladies! I will read to you from the Medal of Honor record of 1878: "First Lieutenant Sfdney Lafidon, th U. S. Cavalry, medal of honor for heroic gallantry in personally exposing himself to the fire of a hostile band of Utes to draw their fire, while his detachment, from safe position, inflicted the heaviest loss upon the enemy, thus rescuing, un- AT THE TOMB OF CECILIA METELLA. 63 mutilated, the body of Captain William Grear, U. S. Ordnance, who had been treacherously slain." Agnes Hawthorn sprang up, standing there, beautiful, thrilling, living statue, with her hands crossed upon her bosom, as Melville quietly closed the book. "When you next meet him, Agnes," he simply said, "you can say, 'Thou art the man!' ' There were diamond tears fringing the beau- tiful lashes as the young goddess silently clasped Gertrude Melville's hands! "God bless him," murmured the young mother, as she led her speechless guest away to the hap- piest of slumbers. Far below them, Sidney Landon was stalking through the shadowed Piazza de Spagna. "They must never know !" he muttered, as the mist of years rolled away and he saw once more the gray hills of Utah, and the crack of rifles, long silent, came back to memory. "It was not much, after all, any good man would have done the same." Landon was strangely silent in the bright Val- halla of the Eveless Paradise, where Frank Hat- 64 CAPTAIN LANDON. ton was the center of a lively bevy of the foreign literate of the Eternal City. The son of old Rutgers had already projected "works'' of great magnitude under the inspiration of the scenes storied in his youthful classic dig- ging- Hatton marveled when they reached their apartment at Landon's brief comment upon the Melville establishment over the last evening pipe. "Nice enough people," remarked the soldier, with a crafty guile newly born. "They all seem to be very fond of Grimes. Melville tells me that he holds the highest possible social position compatible with, " "Working for a living, you mean! Out with it!" good-naturedly said Hatton. "But they tell me, all here, that Melville's home is a fairy palace, marble halls and all that ! They are gilt-edged swells, rich as cream and can buy out a lot of the Colonnas and Orsinis." "They are all well enough," wearily said Lan- don. "I am only an incident of their lives ! The lady is a witching fairy, sweet and earnest, and is a niece of the great Ogden Mowbray !" AT THE TOMB OF CECILIA METELLA. 65 Hatton's whistle of astonishment gave way to a last query. "Anybody else there?" "Nobody to speak of!" remarked the Captain, as he knocked out his pipe. "From what I hear we will have a song and dance entertainment at the Brandons!" "Yes!" gloomily answered Hatton, "and that despotic cad, Rawdon Clark, has sent me a letter to call on him at the American Club to-morrow 7 at eleven, 'to learn his wishes governing my letters from Europe !' ' Sidney Landon was glad to escape into his own apartment, where he sat for an hour gazing out into the night. The face of "nobody to speak of" returned to haunt him, and he saw her again, with that sweetly impassioned face! "I would go through the whole Ute tribe for such a woman," mused the lonely man, as he laid his head upon his pillow. "Strange that we should both be alone in the world! That fellow Clark must be a nice specimen of 'true American man- hood !' " There was one supremely happy man in Rome upon the morrow of this initial entree of Captain 66 CAPTAIN LANDON. Sidney Landon into Roman life. That man was the pale-faced Consular Clerk Edwin Morgan, who, open-eyed in wonder, heard the Consul Gen- eral inform Signore Jacopo Maspero that hence- forth Vice Consul General Landon would assume the entire active management of the office. "Captain Landon will receive all your reports and use my name without question," suavely said the happy artist, as he fled away to save three hours of splendid painting light. It was a consular upheaval ! There was a suppressed scowl on Maspero's face as Landon took his seat, with a quiet dignity, at the official opening hour. "I shall now turn all over to you, Signore Capitano?" sulkily said the Italian. "By no means, remarked Landon, with a searching glance of his steady eyes. "I shall pro- ceed to make a thorough examination of the whole office accounts for the past ten years. "As Mr. Morgan is a perfect Italian scholar, he will hereafter conduct all business jointly with you, and he will represent me! I have a State Department order to engage another copyist, and he will relieve Mr. Morgan. I desire no business AT THE TOMB OF CECILIA METELLA. 67 of importance to be transacted which I do not personally supervise. But you can get orders from Mr. Morgan in all things without waiting for me." The Italian bowed in silence. The wandering American public, gathering in at the hour of ten, found a singular courtesy in Signore Maspero's new manner, and the crafty Italian smothered an oath when he observed his new Chief and the young student depart for luncheon together. "This will be our general rule, Signore," re- marked the Vice Consul General. And thus the reign of King Stork in that Con- sulate General came to an end, giving way to one soon destined to revolutionize the methods which had dealt out humble pie in large quantities to the distracted tourist. Captain Sidney Landon was in a fairly cheerful mood when the loyal Hatton, with much flourish, presented him to the hostess of the evening at Mrs. Myra Brandon's resplendent establishment on the Via Babuino. An imposing woman of an impressive middle 68 CAPTAIN LANDON. age was Madame Myra, firmly insistent in voice and manner. Fortified in network of chain and bangle, with suspiciously raven hair, and piercing, round un- smiling black eyes, the wave of her fan or the side glance of her watchful orbs brought the bus- tling Brandon to her side at once. "I can only make my peace by buying a pic- ture," mused Landon. "I wonder if there are any very small ones!" But the walls were only resplendent with the hugest spoils of Brandon & Co.'s artistic bows and spears, regular wall coverers. Landon was awaiting the awful moment of dinner assignment when Mr. Brandon descended upon him. "Captain, allow me," the host exclaimed, as he dragged the young official into a corner and pre- sented him to Mr. Rawdon Clark. The eyes of the two men met in that quiet, in- stantaneous assumption of hostility with which nature has endowed certain antagonistic souls. As Landon escaped, he could not but hear the loudly whispered aside of the man of money : AT THE TOMB OF CECILIA METELLA. 69 "Army fellow isn't he? I hear he has some place in the Consulate." But Landon forgot to contemplate the outer man of Croesus as Mrs. Brandon flusteringly fell upon Miss Agnes Hawthorn, the latest arrival. "Now, our golden circle is complete!" gushed the hostess. "Mr. Clark, you will take in Miss Hawthorn ?" "Pardon me one moment," coldly remarked Miss Hawthorn, as Captain Landon bent over her hand. "Mrs. Montgomery, let me present Captain Lan- don," she said as the soldier was made acquainted with the sweet-faced widowed woman' who was the Grand Inside Guard of the heiress' daily life. Miss Agnes was a dream of beauty in her cling- ing robes of white with a corsage knot of Parma violets. She found time to whisper to the cavalry- man, "You are strangely forgetful of names, sir! I have learned how you won your medal of honor!" Before Landon had raised his eyes, he was whisked away by the voluble hostess. "As our ranking United States officer, you have the place of honor, at my side, sir." 70 CAPTAIN LANDON. In all the clatter of the polyglot circle, Landon did not forget the keen, vulpine craft of the woman who had nailed Agnes Hawthorn to the pillory of public attention as Rawdon Clark's pos- sible matrimonial prey. The Austrians, Russians, French and Italians chattered around that noisy board, devouring the gathered American beauties with their eyes, while Landon strove to shut his ears to Brandon's boast- ful announcement of the purchase of his two great historical pictures by "my friend, Mr. Clark." "Such a fascinating man, a wonderful man, Captain," raved on the hostess. "He has ordered his architect to build a gallery in his new house especially for the 'Boadicea Beaten with Rods,' and The Death of Alaric!' Oh ! if only more Americans were like him !" The soldier quietly "sized up" the hard-featured capitalist at Agnes Hawthorn's side. Rawdon Clark's outer man was perfectly en regie "Has a good valet," murmured the Cap- tain. The man himself, on the sunny side of forty, sturdily built, with a strongly cast face, carried in AT THE TOMB OF CECILIA METELLA. 71 his cool, gray eyes and heavy jaw the ear-marks of personal power. Closely waving wiry dark hair, a slightly frosted mustache, firmly set, pitiless lips, and a heavily cleft chin, with the sternly carven facial lines of the financial operator, the whole ensemble denoted the "Silver King" type, the man who had arrived, through desperate struggle and soul- eating persistence. "Not a fellow to tackle lightly," thought the soldier, "and, a man who will have a good deal of his own way." There was one memory of the Brandon dinner which never faded from Landon's mind. It was the furtive inventorial glance with which Clark surveyed the proud young beauty at his side. Miss Hawthorn seemed to have developed a slightly glacial manner, when the long drawn out feast ended ! And, she seemed to have reserved her smiles largely for the courtly old Count Esterholz, the Austrian minister, seated at her other side, for the old bon vivant was the soul of courtesy, de la vieille roche. But once during the dinner did Landon catch a 72 CAPTAIN LANDON. fleeting glance from the lovely eyes which had spoken so eloquently to him at their meeting. And their friendly gleams seemed to say, "Wait ! Wait!" With a quiet decision, Sidney Landon ignored Brandon's officious cordiality when the ladies re- tired. "I do not take wine," he decisively re- marked, as he rose to follow the ladies. "You are a poor army man, then !" sharply in- terjected Rawdon Clark, who had just made an autocratic sign to Hatton. "Did you address me?" sternly demanded the soldier. And, strangely enough, the millionaire was silent as Landon passed out into the drawing room. "He dropped his eye, at any rate," mused Landon, as he sought the side of Mrs. Montgom- ery. The little artifice succeeded, for in a few mo- ments Miss Hawthorn joined her chaperone. In the dining room, Clark had found a tardy consolation in remarking, "Brandon, your friend is pretty sharp set for a broken down army officer ! Cut him out of my dinner list !" There was a gloomy silence between the two AT THE TOMB OF CECILIA METELLA. 73 friends as Hatton and Landon walked home through the deserted Via Babuino. At last the journalist broke into angry speech. "Do you know that cur Clark has actually ordered me to attend his swell dinner for Miss Hawthorn at the Hotel Costanzi and to 'feature it' for the journal ! I think that I will resign !" "Nonsense, my boy," coolly answered the Cap- tain. "Don't fall out at the first skirmish !" "He is a brute and a tyrant," indignantly cried Hatton, now thoroughly out of temper. "He is giving me a lot of slush about his art treasures and his new home and he darkly intimates that this pretty Miss Hawthorn is to be its future mis- tress !" "Oh! He does does he? Well! Damn his impertinence!" cried Landon as they regained their abode. That night a new feeling of cold isolation in the world possessed the lonely soldier. "It's the old Juggernaut business," he growled. "I suppose, as usual, money will have its way." A month later, the glories of Mr. Rawdon Clark's superb feast were forgotten save by the distant readers of Hatton's unwilling tribute. 74 CAPTAIN LANDON. The Roman season was briskly coming on, and the American colony had set up an idol in the shape of the dignified and effective Vice Consul General. It was true that the gossips wondered to see the handsome young soldier choose Arthur Melville's fairy child Elsie as his companion. The Quirinal Gardens, the Borghese, and the Pincian knew the strangely assorted pair. All Rome soon knew of the little coterie at Melville's home which now embraced the honest-hearted Hatton, that accomplished scribe, Forrest Grimes, and the energetic Vice Consul. The absence of the whole American official circle from Mr. Rawdon Clark's superb feast at the Hotel Costanzi had convulsed the three dis- tinct circles of American Roman society, the man- sion and villa people, the students and pension boarders and the feverish tourist guests of the Hotels. And, yet, in the artistic circles, the shining face of Mrs. Myra Brandon was in evidence. The loudly heralded purchase of Mr. Rawdon Clark's third acquisition, "Regulus Before the Roman Senate," had been duly advertised in the "Phila- AT THE TOMB OF CECILIA METELLA. 75 delphia Mail,", which estimable journal also ex- ploited the preliminary plans of the Honorable Rawdon Clark's marble palace, "soon to rise upon the banks of the Schuylkill." There was a quiet content in the Eveless Para- dise on the Corso, where Frank Hatton "snatched a fearful joy" in digging away at his forthcoming book, "Modern Relics of Ancient Rome." The honest-hearted fellow marveled greatly at the changed manner of Captain Sidney Landon. This young official had suddenly developed a strange taste for the red Consular Book and toiled, late and early, in the Consulate General, working till the wee sma' hours upon his comprehensive re- view of the accounts and archives. A dull smouldering anger burned in Signore Jacopo Maspero's bosom since he had delivered the keys of the safe and office over to Consular Clerk Morgan, now revitalized by the kindness of the young Chief. While it was true that Captain Landon had left a card on all the American residents who boasted Lares and Penates, still the society circles saw little of his handsome face. It was true that he acted gravely as Vestryman 76 CAPTAIN LANDON. at the one Episcopal Church and that he had re- vived his boating with Charley Hollingsworth. There were some whispered colloquies between dashing Elaine Hollingsworth, the cautious Ger- trude Melville and the enraptured Consul General, now left free to soar in the artistic Empyrean. "He's a famous fellow is Landon," remarked Arthur Melville, "and, I hoped he would take kindly to Agnes Hawthorn. "But," the good man sighed, "beyond our Elsie, and your two roguish cherubs, Hollingsworth the man seems devoid of all social sympathy! Have you noticed that he only comes here when our little coterie, 'The Five Spot,' meets? He has taken to roaming alone from Ostea to Tivoli, from Palestrina to Frascati." "Has he no Egeria this all too romantic young Numa Pompilius?" demanded Charley Hollingsworth, who was the leading spirit in the Flirting Club known as "the Devil's own." "Don't be % a goose, Charley," imperiously cried his wife. "There's Agnes Hawthorn, the hand- somest woman in Europe to-day, why he has only left a formal duty card upon her at the Cos- tanzi !" AT THE TOMB OF CECILIA METELLA. 77 "By the way," murmured the silenced Rollings- worth, pulling his long yellow mustache nerv- ously, "the American Club fellows are betting two to one on this cold-hearted fellow Clark marrying your peerless Agnes! He's an insufferable cad and so already assumes open airs of proprietor- ship." Gertrude Melville's pretty lips curled in an un- disguised sneer. "That oaf that promoted fore- man, marry Agnes never ! Agnes in her own quiet way is as proud and distant as Landon ," the little queen checked herself with a resolute prediction. "She never will enter Rawdon Clark's marble palace ! The whole siege is kept up by those stuffy Brandons. I think," slowly said the dainty Ger- trude, "that Captain Landon is only fighting with his stubborn pride about going back into the army ! "Next month, General Hatcher will be here, and perhaps the Atwaters ! They will draw him out!" "You may be right!" mused Arthur Melville, "but he has developed a strange frenzy for work and a misanthropy unsuited to his years. "To all that, he's the finest fellow, by all odds, 78 CAPTAIN LANDON. who ever entered the Consular service. I'd resign in his favor, in a moment, if his pride were not a barrier." Gertrude Melville's beautiful brown eyes were very dreamy. She reflected that Sidney Landon's pride did not prevent him from hearing the light fall of Agnes Hawthorn's pretty feet every time that particular young goddess illumined the dark gallery of the Palazzo Vecchio. A smile softened the curves of her rosy lips. "Wait and hope!" she murmured. With a quick womanly divination she had guessed the secret of the revolt of Landon's soul against the glittering barrier of wealth which fenced in the blue-eyed goddess ! And, that night, Gertrude Melville prayed "Oh ! Jupiter aid us !" before her pet statue of the God- dess Fortune, and breathed a prayer that the scales would fall from two pairs of impassioned eyes. "There is a sort of fern seed glamour in this thing," the pretty matron pouted. "They seem to be invisible to each other !" That very night, Rawdon Clark, Esq., in a con- fidential talk with his visiting manager, Barker Bolton of Denver, confided to his returning busi- AT THE TOMB OF CECILIA METELLA. 79 ness agent his high scorn of the ex-Captain, Sid- ney Landon. 'That fellow has surely some hidden shady spots in his career. I know he was kicked out of the army in some way ! Now, he's making trouble for friends of mine here ! "All I know is that he left the army suddenly ! Spend all the money that you want to, and get me a report over here, at once. I want to down him. There's old 'Black Bill' Prindle, the Lieutenant Colonel of the Grays. "He is in command while old man Atwater is on leave. I'll send you a letter to Mrs. Dora Prindle. She is the secret boss of the Regiment, and, mind you, nose the whole thing out ! You can make Mrs. Prindle a handsome present in my name. They are at Fort Stanton now !" All unconscious of the gossip provoked by his reticent avoidance of rosebud society, Sidney Lan- don went along unruffled on his lonely way. In his own mind, he had resolutely thrust out the image of the lovely woman who stood so far above him on the heights of Fortune. And yet, her softly shining eyes pursued Him, as he wandered out, a week later, to think calmly 80 CAPTAIN LANDON. over the accumulating proofs of Signore Jacopo Maspero's hidden official delinquencies. "It will take Morgan months to trace all out," he mused, "and the Cavaliere shall have a square deal." Landon had wandered out of the Porta San Se- bastiano, leaving his carriage to await his return. The cool November air braced his spirits as he sped along the old Appian way, with that swing- ing stride which he had learned on the boundless prairie seas of the west. His heart and mind were full of but one beloved theme as he paused at the little church of "Quo Vadis." "Who knows where fate, not faith, will lead me !" he murmured, as he passed the Jewish catacombs, the Circus of Maxentius, and, then resolutely trudged along to where the "stern round tower of other days" told of the sorrow of Crassus for Metellus' beloved daughter ! Throwing himself down in the shade he mur- mured, "Let my heart entomb her as a memory ! Death is not the only barrier ! The battlements of wealth, to-day, are stronger fences than these crumbling crenellated walls." A slow mental torture now goaded him on in his daily life. THE FOREMOST SCOUNDREL PITCHED OVER HEADLONG ON HIS FACE.-/>a f eS2. AT THE TOMB OF CECILIA METELLA. 81 "I'll wait" he mused, after a half hour's intro- spection, "until I see dear old Miles Atwater and Hatcher then, when I have set Signore Jacopo Maspero to rights, I will ask for a change of offi- cial station, anywhere, anywhere !" Around him dreamed the lonely wastes of the Campagna! There was nothing living in sight save a wretched stray buffalo ! The ruined arches of the old aqueducts glared out on the lonely plain, the silence-haunted tombs of old Romans glowed in the stark sunlight ! Suddenly the piercing scream of a woman's voice was borne down on the breeze. The soldier sprang up, alert and ready as when the crawling scout had laid a hand on his mouth while he whispered, " Vienen los Apaches !" "It's over there, in the hollow," he mechan- ically muttered, as he took a smart double time to the brow of a little hill a hundred yards away. And, then, the fighting blood within him boiled, for, sixty yards below, a group of raffish looking fellows were pulling two helpless women out of a Victoria. On the road beyond, the fleeing coward driver was speeding away, yelling with Italian fervor. e 82 CAPTAIN LANDON. "I'm in luck!" thought Landon as he drew his army revolvers, which, by chance, he had brought out to fire away the useless charges in some se- cluded place, where five hundred francs fine would not follow such a daring indiscretion. "I must get nearer to make sure," he muttered, as he gazed at the group of robbers. "Some poor English tourist women, of course." At thirty yards, he raised the heavy weapon and fired point blank at a clump of three of the brutes who had darted toward him, brandishing heavy clubs. The foremost scoundrel pitched over headlong on his face, and then, with a chorus of screams, the other ruffians fled, diving into the deep radial gulleys leading down toward the catacombs. Landon never stopped to gaze at the villain lying there before him, weltering in his blood, but he dashed up to the helpless woman who had been dragged from the carriage. The revolver dropped from his hand as he fell on his knees by the side of the senseless victim of the daring raid ! His manhood almost forsook him as he mur- AT THE TOMB OF CECILIA METELLA." 83 mured fondly " Agnes! Dead! My God! Look up! Speak to me!" For, pillowed on his breast lay the fair head of the goddess of the Pincian, as he roused Mrs. Montgomery with vigorous appeals for help ! Five minutes later, the coachman, returning with a rescue party of sheep herders, met the car- riage slowly proceeding homeward, driven by the chance rescuer. At a slow walk, the vehicle regained the Porta San Sebastiani. "Here is my own carriage," whispered Landon to the pale-faced goddess. " You are now safe ! I will follow in yours ! Say nothing of this ! I will report to the authorities. It must not be noised abroad. Mrs. Montgomery is now herself again." "How can I repay you ?" faltered Agnes. "By never leaving Rome without due escort and in a suitable party," answered Landon. "Besides, I am paid already! Your head has rested once upon my breast !" And they parted in silence while all the way homeward the young heiress fondly looked at her limp and helpless hands ! She felt his passionate kisses tingling there yet ! 84 CAPTAIN LANDON. CHAPTER IV. IN THE COLOSSEUM. With the quick decision of a soldier, Landon had already framed his plan to stifle any needless gossip as to the morning's adventure long before his carriage reached the American Consulate Gen- eral. He was delighted at the womanly prudence which led Agnes Hawthorn to refuge herself with Gertrude Melville, that sagacious and undaunted matron. As he supported the trembling beauty in scaling the two giant staircases of the old palace, the young man whispered, "Leave all to me, and, say nothing. Confide only in Mrs. Melville. "I will have my coachman artfully detain yours, until Melville can take your cowardly driver and go directly to the Minister of Police. "There, this fellow can be detained as a witness against the wounded brigand. "I advise you to spend the whole afternoon here IN- THE COLOSSEUM. 85 and dine later with the Consul General! In the evening, we will all escort you back to the Hotel Costanzi, and, remember, above all Mrs. Montgomery must be silenced." Five minutes later the two American officials were on their way together to the Ministry of Jus- tice. Landon had dismissed his own driver, a re- liable fellow provided by Forrest Grimes. The soldier was astonished at Arthur Melville's sudden energy and decision. "We have only the journals, the clubs and the society gossip to fear, my dear Landon," remarked the Artist. "Gertrude will send out and bring down the Hollingsworths, and we will have a musical evening. You can bring up Grimes and Hatton on my informal bidding! "I only fear one thing, have the two coach- men been chattering with each other?" "Certainly not," coolly answered Landon. "Re- member! I had left my man behind at the San Sebastian gate, and, when the shooting occurred, the cowardly wretch who drove the ladies was out of sight ! The two men have not had a chance to exchange a single word !" "Good !" mused the Consul General. "Then I 86 CAPTAIN LANDON. will have this driver fellow detained as a witness against the wounded thug. "In this way we can control the tongue of local gossip. "It must be done!" gravely continued Melville, "for the watchful geese whose squawking saved ancient Rome are marvels of silence compared to the glib-tongued slanderers of the modern burg. To have your name bandied with Agnes' in this, would be her social ruin. We must stifle the whole thing!" Captain Landon bowed his head in a silent as- sent. Melville marveled at the look of sadness which mantled the young soldier's features. When they drew up before the Ministry of Jus- tice, Landon woke from a reverie and seized both his companion's hands convulsively. "You must do all you can, Melville, to hide this occurrence." "You are right! No woman can be protected against the fangs of her merciless sisterhood ! I could tell you of one whose heart broke under the lash of unmerited scorn " and then Landon sud- denly checked himself, noting Melville's surprised glances. Fortunately, the carriage halted, and the obse- IN THE COLOSSEUM. 87 quious sentinels presented arms as the American officials were received by the orderly officer. The Consul General whispered a few words to the young Lieutenant on guard, who then cour- teously led the way into the Minister's reception room. In five minutes the grave Minister was pos- sessed of the main facts of the case and an officer followed by an orderly was clattering away to the Porta San Sebastiano for an official report. Landon admired Melville's aplomb as the Min- ister, after exhausting the Consul General's brief relation, turned to himself with detailed question- ing. Abandoning the graceful Italian in which he was a Tuscan adept, Melville interjected a few French words of expostulation. "My Dear Signer Crispiani," he began. "You must speak French to my friend, Captain Landon. "Now, as he has not understood our colloquy, I will tell him that you desire the names of the two imperiled ladies, and, if possible, a description." With a furtive wink to Landon, Melville slyly continued : "Of course, busied as I was at the Consulate I paid no attention to the two ladies, 88 CAPTAIN LANDON. who took a passing carriage and drove hastily away." The astute Italian's glittering dark eyes rested inquiringly upon Landon's handsome face. Ringing for coffee and cigarettes, the Minister proceeded to jot down a few queries. In his own mind, he was really studying the handsome soldier's demeanor. "If he were one of our Roman cavaliers," mused Crispiani, "it were easy to unravel the intrigue. A hot-hearted beauty, a complacent duenna, a little meeting outside the walls, a jealous rival's rage. "Bah! These English and Americans only have ice water in their veins after all !" In his silkiest tones, Crispiani began : "Signior Landono, you, alone, can aid me. I have already ordered the driver to be kept apart from all other prisoners, in close detention, as an honorable wit- ness for the state. "But you know not the subtlety of our Italian peasants. I presume if these ladies picked up a 'voiture d'occasion,' this fellow may be one of those loafers who drive people out of the city, and, by a passing sign or a messenger sent on ahead, IN THE COLOSSEUM. 89 assemble a few ruffians who pillage unprotected tourists. ''Your imprudent English and American ladies are traveling treasuries! Corpo de Bacco! Dia- monds, money, jewels, all these riches adorn them, even by day ! We Italians are very poor, and hence" he sighed, "very prudent." Sidney Landon had caught the drift of his offi- cial friend's warning, and he tarried long over his coffee and cigarette, before he answered. "Mon- sieur le Ministre will observe," he calmly began, "that I am a recent arrival, not a man of society and, as a soldier of the far west, unacquainted with even the faces of the leading American resi- dents. "I paid no special attention to the ladies. There was no one in sight when the attack occurred, save the cowardly coachman, who had cleared the knoll before I fired at the brutes. "I only waited an instant at the San Sebastian gate, to put the ladies into my carriage, and, fol- lowing, in the other, at a safe distance, I was only busied with detaining this fellow, whom I thought would be needed as a witness. "The two ladies were both too badly frightened 90 CAPTAIN LANDON. to talk, and, they gave me no names. I drove the deserted carriage myself rapidly on till we met the gend'armes and villagers going back with the strange driver. "The ladies looked to me to be English tourists of the middle classes. "You may hear of this later through the En- glish Embassy. The English always make a great racket if their travelers are interfered .with." Arthur Melville sank back with a sigh of relief as he noted the effect of Landon's judicious and gentlemanly lying. "Two to one on Landon," he mused, as he gazed on the soldier's impassive face. Signior Crispiani touched a bell and whispered a few words to an aid, who vanished like a jack in the box. "Of course," suavely said the Minister, "the Consul General's official guarantee of your rank and station makes your evidence all that is neces- sary. "I will wait and hear what this fellow has to say his first tissue of lies, and then merely ask you to dictate a brief statement to my secretary. You will be troubled no farther than to identify the fel- IN THE COLOSSEUM. 91 low whom you wounded, and to swear that the shooting was done in self defense." Landon bowed politely and studied the pictures of the royal family until Signior Crispiani's aid returned. There was much exchange of the Italian dialect carried on by both hands and all the ringers, with added manipulations of the eyes, until, finally, the aid vanished. Signior Crispiani resumed his fluent French, with an air of profound wisdom. "We have the fellow's name, description, cab number and so forth one of the average handy rascals of the town. He, of course, howls 'non capisco.' "His story is that the ladies hired him near the Teatro Apollo for a drive. Trying to make a good fare, he took them out to the nearest of our outside 'lions,' seeking only a round twenty lire for his half day's work. "All he will say is that one was oldj the other not so old! He classes them as 'Inglesi.' "Of course, he stoutly denies all complicity in the attack, and, also, declares that he did not see the shooting ! He only jumped off his box and 92 CAPTAIN LANDON. cleared out when the band of loafers swarmed out of the bushes." "What will you do with him?" carelessly de- manded Melville. "He will be kept and well treated until the other fellow dies or is tried," answered Crispiani. "I believe him innocent. I think he tells the truth," said Landon. "Allow me," he remarked as he handed the Minister a fifty-lire note. "Let the poor devil have this for tobacco money ! After all, he brought aid back as soon as he could." "You are very generous, Capitano," bowed the Minister. "Ah ! Here is our report from the Captain of Gendarmerie at the station near San Sebastiano." . The crafty Italian ran his eye over the precis handed to him. Dismissing the aid with a nod, Crispiani read with a professional triumph : "Prisoner badly wounded in shoulder, now in prison hospital. Recognized as Giuseppe Corti, a professional criminal wanted on other charges. Three of his party, lazzaroni, also in custody." "Good," concluded the Minister. "Corti will get five years in the government sulphur mines, the others for say three years, and, on the whole IN THE COLOSSEUM. 93 report, we shall simply charge them with an at- tack as common footpads upon you. So we need not look further for the vanished ladies, although, their evidence would, of course, be valuable." For half an hour the scratching of the Secre- tary's pen was the only sound which punctuated the Minister's questions and the carefully guarded general replies of the cautious Captain. Finally, Crispiani presented the transcript to Captain Landon for his signature. "You will observe, Your Excellency, that I can not, especially after a few days, identify any of the wounded man's companions," gravely said the young American. "All easy enough, my dear friend," smilingly said the functionary. "I shall send you home in my carriage. If you would honor me now with your signature you can avoid all future appearance in court, by permitting me to send my carriage and a staff officer to the Consulate General to-morrow at such hour as you choose. "If you will be good enough to drive down to the Hospital and identify the wounded man, then your Consulate General seal on this paper will serve as final evidence. 94 CAPTAIN LANDON. "I shall send for the driver, who will be de- tained here, later in the day, and he, for mere policy, will swear to the identity of the whole gang." An hour later, the friends had regained the fam- ily home in the Palazzo Vecchio. It was a royal progress in the official carriage of the Minister with its liveried outriders. Melville and Landon, closeted in the studio, dis- cussed a bottle of Lachrymse Christi, while they concerted plans for the evening. Melville's face was grave as he returned from a brief colloquy with his energetic wife. "All looks well, Landon," he cheerfully said. "Do you now go and make sure of Grimes and Hatton for the evening. "I find that Mrs. Melville has sent Mrs. Mont- gomery home in our carriage and I think there can be no gossiping." For all that, when the Captain had departed, Melville called his wife aside. "Be careful, Gertrude," he affectionately sug- gested. "You know what Italian maids are. Do not let our women overhear you talking with Agnes over this romantic episode. All these Ital- IN THE COLOSSEUM. 95 ian girls have lovers, and the lover is the keeper of the heart secrets of the inamorata." The Consul General fled away to his brush and a peculiarly adaptable painting light, leaving Madame Gertrude in silent blushes, for, alas, the two snapping black-eyed maids were already mag- nifying in their simple hearts the artless disclos- ures of the hostess and her beautiful guest. The warning came too late ! There was a peculiarly joyful dinner in the Mel- ville household on this eventful evening. With bashful maiden wit, Miss Agnes Haw- thorn had contrived to be taken in by the genial Frank Hatton, and the two Philadelphians gaily chatted of the sleepy metropolis by the beloved Schuylkill. This gentle artifice in no wise deceived that ex- perienced matron, Gertrude Melville, for, the pale beauty's eye would wander, in spite of her affected coldness, to rest, with a cerulean flash, upon Lan- don, happily sheltered under Mrs. Elaine Hol- lingsworth's friendly wing. But "it was merry in hall" as Melville grace- fully wrangled about art with Forrest Grimes, 96 CAPTAIN LANDON. finding, to his secret glee, so many points of con- venient difference. "The very charm of Art lies in its unvarying vagueness," was the crowning dictum of the saturnine Grimes. And Charley Hollingsworth, outrageously flirt- ing with his hostess, was only able to escape when the ladies left the gentlemen to their wine. Drawing Landon into a corner, he then handed the Captain an evening journal. There, in all the exuberant romance of the "lingua Toscana," was a floridly fabulous account of the desperate battle waged with robbers on the Via Appia by the gallant Capitano Landon of the Consulate General degli Stati Uniti. "You are famous forever, now, my boy," gaily cried the volatile Fred. But Landon, with a grave face, drew Melville aside, and the two men at once began to build additional battlements around the truth. Hastily excusing himself, Melville sought his wife's boudoir and, after a few hasty words of conference, they decided to escape further social complication by sporting the oak. It was with an affected gaiety that the hostess IN THE COLOSSEUM. 97 summoned her guests to a moonlight excursion to the weirdly haunted interior of the Flavian Am- phitheatre. "We will have our music later when we come home for supper," cried the dainty social tyrant. And so the whole party sallied forth, under the experienced guidance of that Admirable Crichton, Grimes, after the men had agnostically listened to Landon's disclaimer of any heroism. ''The whole thing is a sheer exaggeration," calmly answered the Captain, as his eyes met Mel- ville's in a renewed pledge of secrecy. "But we demand to know who was the lady of incomparable loveliness for whom you fought?" cried Fred Hollingsworth, and then, the jester marveled to see the ashen whiteness of Agnes Hawthorn's face. "Let us talk of something else than battle and murder," she cried, as she seized upon Hollings- worth for her cicerone of the evening. "You, sir an old Roman, must now personally present me to 'the glory that was Rome !' ' The deep-toned bells were beating midnight as the merry party in little duets wandered through 98 CAPTAIN LANDON. the vast moonlit depths of Earth's greatest human- made crater. It had been by a prudent coup de main of Ger- trude Melville that Agnes Hawthorn laid her trembling hand at last on Sidney Landon's arm. The vast walFs overhung the young couple as, with a gentle craft, the grateful girl drew Landon away from the happy roysterers. There were scores of parties dispersed around the interior, in moonlight and in shade, and the guttural German, the nasal Yankee intonation, mingled with the nervous snap of the Frenchman and the honeyed babble of the Italian. The brooding silence had wrapped them, at last, as they threaded a gallery once devoted to passive martyrs and infuriated beasts, to buckler clashing gladiators or the merciless Roman soldiery. "I wish you to believe in my gratitude, Cap- tain," began the sweet-faced goddess, now melting at heart. "I do not know why you seem to have avoided us, but " "I tell you he will marry the girl," rang out a harsh voice near them, and, then a rougher one answered, with a doubtful snort: "Why so?" IN THE COLOSSEUM. 99 "Because Rawdon Clark owns the millions of the Elkhorn Mine!" "Why, this Hawthorn girl is rich as a Jew !" Landon felt the arm leaning upon his own tighten sharply as the merciless voices of the night proceeded. "Rawdon Clark never missed a trick in his life. "There is Philadelphia society, and, the Senate to conquer. With this girl's family con- nection, he can do both!" but Sidney Landon only heard the agonized whisper, "Take me back to them anywhere, out of here!" It was in silence that Landon drew the cloak closer around the girl's shivering form and hur- ried her away to where Mrs. Melville was now mustering the party for a return. A chill icier than the breath of the night wind froze the young man's heart as he bowed, and sought a refuge in the second carriage. He could only see the fair graceful head resting upon Mrs. Melville's shoulder as the first carriage moved away. "It's a brutal outrage," the proud young soldier mused in the bitterness of his heart. "The doom of the heiress! To be hunted down by callous- 100 CAPTAIN LANDON. handed millionaires or to be the sport of the ad- venturer." "My God, Landon," cried Forrest Grimes, at his side, "you have not come out clad only in a dress suit ? Where's your cloak ? This night air is deadly to strangers! Here! I'm an older Roman than you !" But the bronzed Captain resolutely declined the offer, as he pitilessly exclaimed, "Never mind me, old boy! There is no one left to mourn for Logan!" And, yet a half hour later, when the car- riages drew up before the Palazzo Vecchio, Cap- tain Landon soldierly attentive was the first to aid Miss Agnes Hawthorn from the carriage. The detachment of Americans halted, in aston- ishment, in the arched entrance of the old mansion, where Landon, in a muffled voice, made his adieux. Melville turned in astonishment. "By no means! You are to sup with us, and, we will have the Star Spangled Banner and all that ! You have not heard Miss Hawthorn sing !" Standing with reluctant feet on the gleaming marble stairway, the heiress turned slowly, as IN THE COLOSSEUM. 101 Landon reiterated his apologies! The golden- haired young goddess appreciated the delicacy which would shield her from his knowledge of the brutal meshes of the fowler's nets. She stood there, with one graceful arm ex- tended, in a gesture half a command, half a sup- plication. Suddenly there was a shriek from Gertrude Melville as Agnes Hawthorn fell heavily upon the slippery marble! By the glimmering light of the crescent, Landon stooped and, with the skill of a trained athlete, raised the prostrate form ! Up the stairway he strode, never halting, as Melville dashed on ahead, until, passing through the frightened domestics, he had placed the moan- ing sufferer upon the bed in Gertrude Melville's chamber. "Doctor Corvini!" cried Melville as he gave place to his wife, followed by the artist's wife. "Fred is away, in the carriage, on the gallop to bring him," said Elaine Hollingsworth, as she knelt, white-faced, by the sufferer. In the drawing room the men lingered in ex- 102 CAPTAIN LANDON. pectant sadness, awaiting the arrival of the great surgeon, Doctor Cesare Corvini. It was Landon's presence, of mind that brought the nearest practitioner in spectacles and dressing gown, from the other side of the square. Arthur Melville returned from the improvised sick room to announce the "first aid" efforts of the minor practitioner and the probable gravity of the case. "Broken, I fear," the Consul General murmured in answer to the mute inquiries of the haggard eyes fixed upon his anxious face. "She has been given an opiate !" Two hours later the coterie separated, after knowing Doctor Corvini's work done. "A bad compound fracture of the right ankle, gentlemen," said the old Professor, as he dis- missed the visitors. "Miss Hawthorn will see little of our Roman season, until carnival time. As for moving her, it is simply impossible. Thank Heaven, she is in a household offering every facility. The ankle will go into a plaster cast to-morrow morning." Sadly enough, Grimes, Hatton and the dejected IN THE COLOSSEUM. 103 Landon betook themselves through the gloomy streets to the Eveless Paradise. There, even at three o'clock, the reception room blazed with light. All the members of the in- formal club were awaiting the return of the hero of the journalistic sensation of the evening. "You are the most talked-of man in Rome to- night, Landon," gaily cried Wilson Waddingham, the jolly English attache. "The great thing is, 'dove la Donna?'" But, sadly enough, the three friends repulsed all the questioners, wearily hearing that the clubs and salons were ringing with the wildest rumors. "Damn the Italian newspapers!" growled Cap- tain Landon, as he stalked away shivering to his fireless room. "I want you fellows all to understand that my lips are silent on the whole occurrence !" "You had better keep out of the salons and clubs, then," kindly answered the Briton, "for, Robert Brandon and the all-compelling Mrs. Myra have already taken the affair in tow. It's the sensation of the hour!" The three friends had already agreed to a strict 104 CAPTAIN LANDON. silence upon the embarrassing accident of the beautiful heiress. "Clouds everywhere," murmured Landon. "My life lies darkly before me," he sighed, as he threw himself half dressed upon his bed, and fell asleep, with unaccustomed rigors of crawling chills racking his frame. Down below on the "causerie," Forrest Grimes was grumbling over a hot grog at Landon's reck- less exposure of his health. "You fellows know what it is for a man to linger a couple of hours in that old death trap, the Colosseum, a man only clad in a light dress suit. "I fear Landon may hear from our insidious enemy the dismal Roman fever. I pray to God not but I fear it !" Up in the Palazzo Vecchio two devoted women watched over the moaning sufferer, while their husbands gloomily exchanged a good-night. Charley Hollingsworth charged himself with an early morning visit to Mrs. Montgomery, and agreed to convey Miss Hawthorn's companion down for general instructions. "I'll have Elaine watch over the dear old lady at the Hotel Costanzi," cheerily cried the good fel- RAWDON CLARK TAKES A HAND. 105 low, "and see that the simple old soul is neither robbed nor carried off by some scandal monger." It was a gloomy ending of the day which had promised so fairly to the bright-hearted American coterie. CHAPTER V. MR. RAWDON CLARK TAXES A HAND IN THE GAME OF HEARTS. Vice Consul General Landon awoke to a day of unusual responsibilities with an aching head, and strange languorous shivers creeping over his still tired-out body. When he joined the jolly coterie in the breakfast room it was already ten o'clock and yet the mem- bers of the informal club were lingering over the newspapers. With a resolute denial, the soldier waved away the sheaf of papers presented to him. He silently drank his morning coffee, and then drew Forrest Grimes and Frank Hatton out of the quizzing circle. "I shall go up to the Consulate," he said to his 106 CAPTAIN LANDON. friends as they took their constitutional down the Corso. "I will try and relieve Melville as much as I can. This affair of last night will upset his household for some time. "Favor me with quieting all this row about the bandit episode and all that. I must seal my lips, and you know I hate notoriety of all kinds." "Landon, my dear boy," affectionately said the veteran Grimes. "I wish you to go and see Doctor Corvini. See him to-day! Have him tone you up a little. "For, never again must you tempt life and death as you did last evening in braving the poisonous night air of 'Rome.' " "All right," wearily answered the Captain, as he hastened away abruptly, for Mr. Robert Bran- don, bustling and officious, was booming down upon them, evidently gossip mad. The offices of the Consul General were filled with an augmented crowd as Landon entered, find- ing the young secretary, Morgan, the center of a knot of eager questioners. Gravely replying to Signore Maspero's over- done bow of official obsequiousness, Landon si- lently addressed himself to his letters. RAWDON CLARK TAKES A HAND. 107 He tossed them in his desk after a hasty glance. "So dear old Rufus Hatcher will be here in three days," he mused as he sought the private apart- ments of the Consul General. "I wish I could escape the dear old General," uneasily ruminated Landon. "For he will put the Army matter at me roughly, in his kind old stormy way !" The brutal comments of the unknown babblers in the Colosseum recalled Rawdon Clark's per- sistent chase of the fair young orphan. "I will face Hatcher and, then, get out of here," grimly decided the young man. "I can not bear to see the end of this cold-hearted marking clown of that sweet orphaned girl." Captain Landon's utmost courtesy was soon tested in resisting the flustering queries of Mrs. Myra Brandon, bustling down the long corridor and coming into the Consular office in a towering rage. "Perhaps you can tell me, Captain Landon, why I am denied access to my young relative, Miss Hawthorn. I hear rumors of a frightful accident to her. I have just returned from the Costanzi. 108 CAPTAIN LANDON. Agnes' apartments are closed. I am denied a meeting with her." With grave politeness, Captain Landon re- minded the social magnifico that he was a mere stranger to the Consul General's household. "I am merely an official, Madame, a casual visitor to Rome. I shall probably depart soon, and my acquaintance with the Melville household is that of a mere recent hospitality. "Surely Consul General and Mrs. Melville are the leaders of our colony, and any one is safe in their hands ! Pray, excuse me. I have my official reports to make !" With a deep bow, he passed on into the studio to receive Melville's morning report of the suf- ferer's condition and to concert means for wrap- ping the whole occurrences in a graver reticence. "It will be weeks, my dear Landon," sighed Melville, "before dear Agnes can leave us. And, so, I depend in all things upon you. "I shall station two servants here to keep away the noisy jackdaws. "By the way, you are looking wretchedly. I shall send Corvini in to see you." With the knowledge that the sufferer was in the RAWDON CLARK TAKES A HAND. 109 torturing agonies of the plaster cast operation, Landon sought the nearest florists and sent a basket of the beautiful Roman blossoms to bear his mute greetings. And then the young man returned to his duties at the crowded reception room of the Consulate General. The bells were clanging for noon when, from his open window, Landon saw Rawdon Clark's splendid equipage dashing up. The burly Bran- don was seated in the Victoria with the hard-fea- tured millionaire. A premonition of trouble flashed over Landon's mind as, with a face darkened by a quiet rage, Clark strode into the room. "I demand to see Consul General Melville," he curtly said, without even removing his hat. Captain Landon calmly replied, "I have sole charge of all official matters, sir." "I wish to send my card in to his personal resi- dence," hotly followed up the visitor. 'T understand that there is illness in the fam- ily," remarked Landon, "and the servants have or- ders to receive all cards and to beg that Mr. Mel- ville be excused." 110 CAPTAIN LANDON. "I demand to know why the flowers I sent to Miss Hawthorn have been returned," broke out Clark. "And I wish to know why my wife was refused access to her relative," pompously threatened Brandon. "Gentlemen," said Captain Landon, "you must seek such answers from Doctor Corvini, or ad- dress a note to Mr. Melville. I am in no way con- cerned with the social affairs of Mr. Melville or his guest." "I insist," thundered Clark. "Then, sir," said Landon, with dignity, "I can only say, in the absence of my superior, that your conduct is unwarranted, and that, as his official representative, I shall not discuss these matters. You will find that he will resent this intrusion ; if he does not, then, / will!" Cowed and snarling the two men dashed out of the door, with added fuel to the flames of their ire. It was three o'clock when Landon's strange weariness forced him to turn the office over to Mr. Morgan. "If I were not proof against small and RAWDON CLARK TAKES A HAND. Ill large ailments," he muttered, "I should fear that Grimes' prophecy was a correct one." He reached the Eveless Paradise only to find Frank Hatton awaiting him there, with the light of battle in his eyes. "I have just left the American Club, Sidney," began the honest scribe, "and the whole crowd of dawdlers are simply gone mad over the affair at the Cecilia Metella tomb, and this mysterious acci- dent to Miss Hawthorn. "Grimes sharply called two or three of them down. I'm sorry to say that they are coupling your name very freely with Miss Hawthorn's." Captain Landon clenched his shapely fist. "Cowards!" he muttered. "It's that cackling pair, the Brandons." "Worse than that!" gravely answered Hatton. "That cold-hearted brute, Clark, has been driving all over town from the Hotel Costanzi to club and hotel, swearing that he will get at the bottom of the affair. I see trouble ahead for both of us !" "Why for you?" said Landon, now pale with anger. "Because the scoundrel took me into the card room and demanded that I go out to the Porta San 112 CAPTAIN LANDON. Sebastiano, and, on carte blanche orders, write up the whole affair of the banditti, in detail. "He has ordered me to find out the two ladies, and to interview them, as well as to feature the whole affair for the 'Mail.' "Further, and the crowning infamy of all, he in- sists upon a two-column article upon the distress- ing accident to Miss Hawthorn " "And, you said ?" broke out Landon, his eyes blazing with a suddenly kindled wrath. "I flatly refused," blurted out the manly young son of Rutgers, "when he threatened me with an instant discharge. "I braved him with my contract, which holds the journal for a year, and then he stormed away, swearing he would have it done by others. I can not prevent the insertion of this stuff !" "/ can, and, so help me God, / will!" cried Landon, as he gratefully grasped the brave young fellow's hand. "I'll see Melville, my boy ! He is rich and pow- erful ! You shall be protected." Sick at heart, Captain Landon sought his room and lay down in a deep exhaustion. That night, while the fever crept through the RAWDON CLARK TAKES A HAND. 113 young soldier's weakened frame, in a private room at the Hotel Quirinale, Rawdon Clark plied Sig- nore Jacopo Maspero with the choicest wines. "Find out the whole mystery for me," the mil- lionaire whispered. "I'll give you a year's salary if you let me know what goes on in that sick room daily. A few hundred lire notes will make the servants in the Melville household your slaves for life." As Clark drove home after binding his infa- mous bargain, he chuckled over his own acuteness. "This Italian fellow hates Landon, who lords it over him, and he will be glad for his revenge! I will have the whole circle under my secret search- lights soon! "And now for the great stroke! Old General Hatcher comes soon. He is brave and frank, and yet as vain as an old turkey cock! I'll just give him a bang-up dinner and make that fool Hatton write it up, in style ! A few bottles of wine will worm out the story of how this fellow Landon left the army, how and why! "Then, by Heaven, I'll use the paper against him ! I'll ventilate the whole story and chase him out of the Consular service. 8 114 CAPTAIN LANDON. "When he is out of the way, the Brandons must get hold of Agnes Hawthorn. "After that, the running will be easy ! Yes ! I will take a hand in this little game of 'Hearts,' a winning one!" Signore Maspero, waiting gloatingly for the dawn, recalled how skillfully he had planted the seeds of jealousy in the ardent bosoms of Emilia and Lucia, the deft Italian maids of the Melville household. "Ah! Bella ragazza," mused the thrifty spy, "a half of each hundred lire note shall go in my own pocket ! I will play these pretty women devils off against each other. "And, II Signore Clark shall pay heavily for what Emilia has already told me of the sly meet- ing at the Cecilia Metella ! I shall pay off a score to this young upstart Captain !" He strode home, humming "Piano, piano, por mi Vendetta!" Rawdon Clark bounded from his chair in de- light the next day, when Maspero sent him a fur- tive message : "The young Vice Consul General lies in a rav- ing delirium at his rooms on the Corso. The Roman fever has him in its deadly grip. I will RAWDON CLARK TAKES A HAND. 115 have a full report of the Hawthorn bellissima for you when we meet to-night." "Here's luck!" shouted Clark, in joy. "The fellow is weakened with his wounds! He will either die or else be laid out for three months and I will surely have Miss Icicle melted down into Mrs. Clark long before then! Hurrah for the fever!" A wave of redoubled gossip swept over the American colony, and the journals feel on with alacrity into the garbled stories which, in spite of Melville's calm denials, entangled the names of the graceful heiress and the young Captain, by whose tossing bed of pain the grave-eyed Doctor Corvini muttered, "Two to one on death ! Only a miracle can save him ! "Alone, so young, a stranger in a far land to die like a dog in the flower of his youth, it is hard !" And yet, around Landon's sick bed rallied all the genuine friends of the Eveless Paradise, and the Hollingsworths and Melvilles only waited his return of reason to hale him away into their min- istering hands. Pale-faced and patient, Agnes Hawthorn, silent 116 CAPTAIN LANDON. in her maidenly pride, ignorant of Landon's ill- ness, turned her face to the wall and murmured, "He does not even send a flower ! Ah ! that hor- rible jargon of the men in the Colosseum! His pride is greater than his love, or he would give me a chance to thank him for my life." For the Doctor had bidden them all not to ex- cite the sufferer with the news of Landon's seizure. "It might bring a fever on her! They were exposed together to the night air." Mr. Rawdon Clark, delightedly conferring wit'h Maspero, was in the seventh heaven of joy when General Rufus Hatcher arrived, falling headlong into the trap of the "testimonial dinner." "What he cannot tell me, Bolton will," gleefully exclaimed Clark, as he reread a cablegram from his agent, now in America: "Mailed letter with full particulars. Perfect success. Send you his whole story. He was forced shamefully out of the army." The fortnight which followed the receipt of this telegram was the very busiest one of Rawdon Clark's active life. There was a vicious sparkle in the eyes of the owner of the Elkhorn mine of Leadville. RAWDON CLARK TAKES A HAND. 117 His step was springy and his smile joyous, for the tide was bearing him bravely on. And yet he tossed uneasily upon his pillow at night, murmuring, "I must have all the facts, then, as this army fellow is making a strong fight against death. I must find a way to chase him out of here." He burned with impatience for the arrival of Barker Bolton's letter. Every evening he was closeted at the Hotel Quirinale with the adroit Maspero, whose lean pockets were now beginning to be well lined. In spite of a considerable use of backsheesh, the Italian had as yet gained no substantial victory over the crafty housemaids. "Go ahead, use patience and plenty of money, Maspero," urged Clark. "The women must be made to talk !" "Ah ! Signore," sighed Maspero. "These Mel- villes are rich ; the women have good places ! And they fear to lose them !" Clark bounded to his feet in a sudden rage. "Find out their price ! They say every woman has her price! If you can unlock this mystery, 118 CAPTAIN LANDON. I will not spare my cash and I will protect them and you! "Remember, Sidney Landon is your enemy. If he ever recovers and is made Consul General, out you go! You know that he hates you!" "Yes ; and you shall know all ! 7 will have my revenge ! Wait but another week !" Fortune had singularly favored Rawdon Clark's sinister designs. For, Mrs. Myra Brandon's emo- tional letters praying "for access to her darling" supplemented Miss Hawthorn's very natural de- sire to return to the Hotel Costanzi. And these letters of Clark's loquacious ally had made plain to her the fact of Landon's serious illness. With womanly directness, Agnes Hawthorn secretly questioned Doctor Cesare Corvini, who sighed as he replied, "It is but too true! Captain Landon must be removed soon from his damp rooms on the Corso, either to the hill here, or else to a Hospital. He is too weak to be moved away to the Riviera ! His mind is still wandering, and he seems friendless and alone." That very evening, a council of war between Mrs. Melville, Mrs. Hollingsworth and the heiress RAWDON CLARK TAKES A HAND. 119 led to the instant translation of Miss Agnes to the Costanzi, at which palatial oasis Mrs. Myra Bran- don, with outspread arms, swooped down upon the helpless girl. As the days ran on, the burly frame of Robert Brandon haunted the Costanzi. Mr. Rawdon Clark's floral offerings and daily carte de visite, with Mrs. Myra's artful ap- proaches paved the way for the later wooing which was now the millionaire's only object in life. "She will open every door for me at home," he chuckled, while honest Frank Hatton's blood boiled to read the syndicated social "relations" artfully padded out, and published, broadcast, in America, hinting with all too transparent vague- ness at the "approaching nuptials" of the western Crcesus with the "famed American beauty." "Thank God, poor Landon can not read this slush," muttered Hatton, who now divided the post of honor at Landon's bedside, with all his loyal comrades of the Eveless Paradise. Knowing Arthur Melville's thoroughbred na- ture, Hatton was not astonished when Doctor Cesare Corvini, with the Consul General and a watchful staff, cautiously removed the fever- 120 CAPTAIN LANDON. stricken man to the special apartments in the Palazzo Vecchio, where the Melvilles and Hol- lingsworths a brave Samaritan quartette took charge of Landon's fight for life. Little Rose in Bloom, Miss Elsie, had been duly sent away to Tivoli, and in the long December days, Gertrude Melville and Elaine Rollings- worth watched the sick man by whose bedside a sweet-faced Sister of Charity sat, ever a guardian angel. Down at the Eveless Paradise, Forrest Grimes and Frank Hatton gloomily conferred in impa- tient indignation. For persistent rumors, derogatory and disgrace- ful to Landon, were now floating through club and salon, and agitating the American colony. "If I could only trace these things directly to Clark, I would go and cowhide him," growled Grimes, "but, by Heavens, we must wait and bide our time!" Hatton gloomily shook his head. There were flying stories of Landon's impending removal,and hints that the shooting on the Via Appia amount- ed to a cruel intended murder. The Roman authorities had artfully hushed up RAWDON CLARK TAKES A HAND. 121 all press comment, and slanderous tongues began to connect the affair with some disgraceful social intrigue. "Now, Grimes," said Hatton, "it would be just like this fellow Maspero to try and blacken Lan- don's name ! We must wait for clearer skies and happier days! For God's sake, hold your hand off Clark as yet!" Mr. Rawdon Clark's brilliant social welcome of the game old fire-eater, General Rufus Hatcher, had been delayed by the bold warrior falling into the hospitable clutches of Consul Swasey at Nice. But, the astute Clark had rallied the whole Bran- don-led faction of Rome. The banquet-day was arranged, with a reception and soiree dansante. Upon the Committee of Arrangements the princely host had judiciously omitted the names of the Minister Resident and the Consul General. "Tit for tat," growled Clark. "I will even up matters with these local tin gods." He was all dressed ready to take the train and run up to Florence when Jacopo Maspero, with well affected excitement, hurriedly sought him out. "Excellenza," whispered the sly Italian. "I 122 CAPTAIN LANDON. have at last brought the women to the talking point. They know the whole affair but, it is a matter of ten thousand lire" "Come to the bank with me," joyfully cried Clark. "There is no time to lose. I hear this fellow is beginning to convalesce, and I don't want General Hatcher to meet him until I have got the whole story of his leaving the army out of the old soldier." In half an hour, Maspero stole away with ten one-thousand lire notes in his pocket, leaving Clark, open-eyed in wonder, over a letter found waiting at the bank, with Mr. Barker Bolton's secret report. "You shall know all on your return," cried Maspero. "I stake my life upon ft." All that afternoon, while Rawdon Clark lay back in his luxurious first-class compartment, he mused over the disclosures of Bolton's letter. He had read it over and over again, with a sense of delicious power. "So, the gallant Captain left the army for the army's good! He is a sly one! When I get to Florence, I must cable to Bolton." "Trust to a woman's desire for vengeance!" RAWDON CLARK TAKES A HAND. 123 Clark laughed, with a triumphant delight as he thought of how Mrs. Dora Prindle, in far-off Colorado, had fallen into Bolton's artfully set trap. "I suppose that this young Landon was the regimental lady killer?" mused the millionaire, "and yet, bitterly neglected old 'Black Bill' Prin- dle's wife. "Wrong policy! Wrong policy for an army Lothario ! Captains should be duly devoted to the wives of field officers, lest these same experienced dames may turn again and rend them !" But, with a cold, world-worn prudence, the crafty wooer decided that the contents of the let- ter must only be used later, and through a woman's hand, as a stab in the dark ! He laughed gaily, "Myra Brandon is the party to handle this bomb. It must not be hurled by my hand." But he carefully extracted a series of names, dates and facts from the letter, copying them in his private betting book. He complacently lit a cigar, as he murmured: "Bolton certainly got it up in good form Dora Prindle's letter, with our names judiciously elim- 124 CAPTAIN LANDON. inated. It can be very neatly used in its present form." After Rawdon Clark had telegraphed to his agent, from Florence, he gave himself up to the enthusiasm of the moment. For, he triumphantly captured the social lion of the hour. General Rufus Hatcher had been of real service to the great mine owners of Colorado in the past. Indian foray, miners' strikes, popular tumults had all been met by the brave old General with unerring sagacity and bravery. It was after a sumptuous dinner that Clark and his guest, lighting their Perfectos, dropped into a cosy chat. Hatcher was visibly flattered at the social prep- arations in his honor. With an affected carelessness, Clark brought up the various leaders of the Roman colony. He winced a bit when the old retired Cavalry General gave vent to his enthusiasm for the Melvilles. "I can't tell you much about our officials, Gen- eral," reflectively said Clark. "I keep away from them all, on principle, but I believe that they have RAWDON CLARK TAKES A HAND. 125 a young army fellow now at the Consulate Gen- eral, a Captain Sidney Landon." The old warrior brightened visibly. "One of the finest fellows I ever met, in fact, I came here largely to see him, as well as to do Italy ! I want him to take back his old rank in the army. Miles Atwater, his Colonel, has made me promise to use my influence! He was one of the very best young officers in the army !" "I thought he was still on the active list," art- fully interjected Clark, skillfully filling the Gen- eral's glass. The old soldier mournfully shook his old gray head. "There is a mystery in Landon's leaving the service that I must try and fathom. He made a splendid reputation in our ten years' Indian wars with the Sioux and Cheyennes. I tried to get him on my staff when I commanded the Department. He would stick with his regiment. "On the very eve of his promotion to a Ma- jority, he suddenly jumps the Regiment, gets transferred to another Cavalry corps, then, with- out a word, in a few months pops in his resigna- tion and leaves the service. 126 CAPTAIN LANDON. "It's ruin for such a man to quit his profes- sion. Now, Atwater has prevailed on the Presi- dent to appoint him on the staff, so as to get him back in the army, and then assign him to his old command! So far, he has stubbornly refused." "Anything wrong with his record ; any hidden disgrace?" questioned Clark. "You don't know the man ! He is the very soul of honor. It's a mystery. Even Atwater knows nothing!" cried Hatcher, with an ominous flash of his eyes. "I am sorry for the young man," artfully in- terjected Clark. "He is lying very low with Roman fever at the Melvilles, now! No one is allowed to see him !" "My God ! I can't get to Rome too soon !" ex- claimed the old General. "Tell me all you know of it?" And so, they talked on, long into the night. BOOK II ADVERSE GALES BOOK II. ADVERSE GALES. CHAPTER VI. AT THE AMERICAN CLUB "l WILL HAVE RE- VENGE!" Rawdon Clark, with judicious tact, left the moody old General to his anxieties the next morn- ing, for the anxious warrior had decided to push on at once to Rome, abandoning the first glimpses of Florence. The capitalist did not fail to note that General Hatcher had telegraphed to Melville for an imme- diate report on Landon's condition, with orders to reply to Orvieto. Before they reached the Eternal City, Hatcher confided his growing anxieties to his obsequious host. "I am terribly cut up about Landon," he broke out. "You see, when a man suddenly jumps his regiment and then leaves the service, with no 9 129 130 CAPTAIN LANDON. apparent reason, it sets people's tongues all wag- ging at once. I hold that a man's duty to his command is to leave it with no cloud of mystery. "I know that the Atwaters are coming over soon, and if Landon will not re-enter his old corps, he, at least, should thoroughly post men like Atwater and myself, his old friends, so we will be able to meet the mystery mongers. Now, if he should die, the explanation would be lost to us all !" "Then there has been unfavorable talk, Gen- eral?" quietly replied the alert Clark. "Precisely!" grumbled the old veteran; "just in proportion as we army people know each other's lives intimately, so much more does the right exist to know all useful and proper facts of each other's lives. It's 'all for one, and one for all' in a regiment of proper tone." "From what you say, he needs no vindication !" calmly answered Clark. "Certainly not!" roared the old man, "but his friends are anxious to stay the tide of this damag- ing gossip." It was with an adroit self effacement that Raw- don Clark turned his distinguished guest over to AT THE AMERICAN CLUB. 131 the Reception Committee on their arrival at Rome. But, Clark was inwardly disturbed when Arthur Melville, with the First Secretary of the Legation, drew the General aside for a few moments. The guest of honor was visibly moved, as he beckoned Clark apart. "My dear old friend," he hastily said. "You must put off the serenade and your formal wel- come for a day or so! I am going down to see Landon. "Melville tells me that he is raving with an unexpected return of the fever. When I have satisfied myself that nothing more can be done with him, I am at your service. "As for the public dinner, that can go on as you have planned, in three days, unless Captain Lan- don should die, in which case you must postpone it indefinitely." With a cold bow to the two officials, Clark com- municated with his colleagues, and then the impa- tient soldier was driven rapidly away in the Lega- tion carriage. The Committee of Reception nervelessly dis- persed in a general dissatisfaction. 132 CAPTAIN LANDON. With muttered curses, Rawdon Clark drove rapidly down the hill to his rooms, and sent a trusty messenger to summon Maspero to the Quirinal. There was no uncertain ring in the rich man's voice as he demanded a full report of the agent's dirty work. "I think that I can satisfy you now, Eccelenza," grinned Maspero, lighting his "Cavour," with a gleam of satisfaction. "I have drawn out the whole story of the adventure on the Appian road. "It was the bellissima, Mees' Agnes Hawthorn, who was the companion of that morning excur- sion. "Of course, the old dame de compagnie, Madame Montgomery, was taken along as a sheep dog." The veins stood out on Clark's throbbing tem- ples as the crafty scoundrel related the vile story built up by the two maids from the overheard confidences of Gertrude Melville and the fright- ened girl. The tale was the result of mean servile sur- mises. "Of course, the poor devil of a peasant surprised this sly couple in their illicit lovemaking, and AT THE AMERICAN CLUB. 133 then the unlucky contadini was shot to prevent his babbling! It is only a game to win the enor- mous wealth of this orphan girl for these crafty Melvilles and this handsome adventurer. "Melville, himself, went to Signior Crespiani and had the whole affair hushed up. You observe that the Roman journals suddenly dropped the whole subject. Now, I happen to be your good fairy in this. "One of my college chums is Crespiani's pri- vate secretary. I have visited him, and I learn that financial oil has been deftly poured upon the troubled waters. The wounded man has been released, after a secret police examination, and sent off to some village in the Abruzzi to recu- perate. "The three poor vagabonds who were found near the spot by the frightened coachman have scuttled away out of Rome with a few francs I" "Damnation !" cried Clark, starting up. "And so, then, all proof is lost ! It was worth anything to me to fasten the truth upon these people." "Not so," smoothly rejoined Maspero. "You do not know the Italian subtlety," he proudly cried. "I traced out through my friend the poor 134 CAPTAIN LANDON. coachman who was held as a witness. He was released with a beggarly fifty lire for his silence. "Of course, he fears the American Minister and the all-powerful Consul General. But he has his own ideas ! "He has looked diligently around Rome and found the fellow who drove the two ladies out on the memorable day ! It was slyly done ! The Capitano is a skillful Don Juan ! He left his own carriage behind at the Porta San Sebastiano." Maspero paused and poured out a glass of wine with a delightful sense of enjoyment. His enemy was under his foot at last ! The swindling official had learned from the Italian office boys of Landon and Morgan's nightly delving into the suspicious accounts. "Diavolo!" he mused. "This man is as rich as Prince Torlonia. He will drive the Captain out of Rome for the love of this bella ragazza, and then, my place is safe! I might even burn up all the accounts as if by accident." "Maspero!" harshly cried Rawdon Clark. "I must see both these men. I must know the whole story !" "Softly," smilingly answered Jacopo Maspero. AT THE AMERICAN CLUB. 135 "Remember that we are all three Italians! You can not even talk to these men. You know not the language. They only trust me, for I have friends in the Italian courts, wheels within wheels. I have my own revenge to work upon this military busybody! "As for your affair, you only want the girl! It is as you see, Signior," he paused impres- sively, "only a question of money!" "How much ?" doggedly demanded Clark, glar- ing at the spy, now his master. "We have not as yet fixed our price," sullenly answered Maspero, "but you will be our first cus- tomer! You see, there is the lady herself, this young heiress ! "If this Capitano should die, she will be a good customer for me. If he lives, perhaps then she will be a better one! "And you must outbid them all! The two women and the coachmen are in my hands! If you interfere, then every mouth will be shut for- ever ! "You must be the best paymaster of all! "Now," continued Maspero, "I will throw in something gratis. 136 CAPTAIN LANDON. "It was to cover up the possible discovery that Signora Melville (who has all this girl's secrets) arranged the dinner and the night visit to the Coliseo. "LandonandMees' Hawthorn wandered off to- gether to arrange their stories, and there she fell and broke her ankle. She was brought home at midnight. "But it is Melville who has smoothed the whole thing over with Crespiani ! This cruel American should go to prison for shooting that poor man ! Melville and his wife are greedy, and want to divide the girl's money with this starving Cap- tain!" "Nonsense !" cried Clark. "They are well off !" "Bah ! No one has ^enough money," snarled Maspero. "If he was so rich, why would he paint, paint, paint ? And they live expensively. Why does he hold the consular place, with its small salary ? For need of money !" "You may be right, Maspero," sharply cried Clark. "Meanwhile keep all these people in line ! I will think it all over! As you say, it makes some difference if this fellow is alive or dead ! If he dies, you and I are well rid of him !" AT THE AMERICAN CLUB. 137 "I think that he will," significantly said the spy. "I know our good old Roman fever! It burns and burns!" "Look here," answered Clark. "Take this thousand lire and give the coachman a few hun- dreds ! You and I will talk later !" "So, my fair dove; my fond dove," mused Clark, as he drove away through the cool Decem- ber night. "You are now in my power! By Heavens! You shall be my wife, and then I'll train you, see if I don't! I must gain the whole story of this fellow's shameful past, and chase him away from here! "Once he is ousted, Myra Brandon shall open Agnes Hawthorn's eyes." While he was revolving a new telegram to his agent, Barker Bolton, he felt a coldness at heart, which even his rich furred coat could not avert. "Damn these romantic women! To run after a penniless shoulder-strapped dandy! She may not be so easy to handle after all. He has touched her fancy ! I must crush him ! There is no half way now! And Signior Maspero, he's a beau- tiful blackmailer ! I will not need him long ! I'll 138 CAPTAIN LANDON. make a short campaign of it. Sharp and de- cisive!" While Mr. Rawdon Clark was busied at the telegraph office in weaving his web around the victim-to-be, General Hatcher and Arthur Mel- ville silently watched Sidney Landon, uneasily tossing upon his bed of pain. The hollow-eyed sufferer was now living in a dead past ! His fever- ish lips moved incessantly, and Melville shook his head gravely. "Do you know anything of his family!" sadly said the Consul General. "I have sealed up all his effects, jointly with Hatton. I do not even know whom to communicate with if he should die." "I believe that he is alone in the world, poor fellow," answered the old soldier. "He is always talking of Ethel, calling for Ethel," said Mel- ville; "perhaps she is a sister." The loyal old soldier started as if he had been shot. "There is no such person," he huskily said, "as far as I know!" And then, they left the young man to fight out his battle under the saddened eyes of the watching nun. AT THE AMERICAN CLUB. 139 Hatcher and Melville parted in uneasy forebod- ings. "See here," broke out the veteran. "I've got this reception and dinner, and all that humbug on hand. I suppose I will have to go through with it! "Clark is very kind and forward. When it's all over, I'll come back to you. If there's any un- favorable turn, send to me instantly and I'll break everything off! What does Corvini say?" "An even chance, with Death holding a shade the stronger cards !" mournfully replied Melville. "Poor Ethel! whoever she may be!" General Rufus Hatcher was glad to escape from the house of sickness. He dared not ques- tion himself as he was driven up to the Costanzi. "If the Atwaters were only here, I could talk plainly to Mary! Ethel! Ethel! Can there be anything in this?" For a vague suspicion had, at last, entered the old man's mind the echo of a half-forgotten story. He roused himself as he reached his hotel, where a crowd of journalists were ready to fall upon him, notebook in hand! 140 CAPTAIN LANDON. "I'll not believe it," he growled. "If it was anyone but old Dora Prindle, that regimental ghoul, I might believe;" and yet, long after he was released from the interviewers, the clinging suspicions took unwelcome shapes. "// it was that," he growled, "I don't wonder that he left the army ! My God ! It can not be ! I must find out that it was impossible!" The Hotel Costanzi soon blazed with the splendors of General Hatcher's serenade, levee, and the gatherings of loyal Americans. The beaming face of Mr. Rawdon Clark smiled out over the glories of that ostentatious banquet which astonished all Rome a few days later. There was but one shade upon the social triumph of the millionaire. It was the unwelcome telegram which was handed to him while presiding over the feast, and listening to General Hatcher's naive and sol- dierly speech of the evening. Clark gritted his teeth as he read that cable- gram from far over the rolling green Atlantic. The words were pregnant with a bitter disap- pointment. They read: AT THE AMERICAN CLUB. 141 "Impossible. Major Murray Raynor was killed last week in General Wilton's fight with the Nez Perce Indians. Wait your orders." "The Devil himself fights against me," mur- mured Clark; and yet, after a couple of glasses of champagne, he recovered his usual calm. "It may be just as well," mused the schemer, "for, if his guilt can not be absolutely proven from Dora Prindle's letter, his innocence never can be! But now I will have to buy in Maspero and work him for all he is worth." As a curious experiment, before the merry guests separated, Clark carelessly approached General Hatcher. "I see they are fighting again, out in Mon- tana," the miner remarked. "General Wilton has had a stiff fight with the Nez Perces, and Major Murray Raynor was killed." Hatcher started back, crying, "How do you know this? Did you know Raynor?" "Not personally," calmly answered Clark. "I was looking for the control of a Montana copper mine, and had authorized my agent to buy out an interest of this man, and I have a cable to- 142 CAPTAIN LANDON. night from my man out there that he was killed a week ago ! News is just in." Rufus Hatcher dropped into a chair. "Poor Murray," he slowly said. "He was a fine soldier, as Captain in the Grays, he was Landon's com- manding officer. It's a great loss to the service." Under the Roman stars that night, Rufus Hatcher walked the gardens of the Costanzi. "Ethel ! Ethel !" he groaned. "There is now no way of finding out the truth ! I dare not speak to Landon, and even the Atwaters can not roll away the stone from the tomb. There is no one left to tell the whole truth!" There was a ripple of sympathy in the Ameri- can colony a week later, when Doctor Corvini announced the turn of the tide in the protracted illness of Captain Sidney Landon. "Weak, but rational now; a fortnight more with absolute seclusion, and no undue excite- ment, will put him far along toward the line of safety." And so, General Hatcher, borne along in triumph by the exuberant Brandons, a led lion in the hands of the watchful Clark, was hurried on from gallery to Vatican, from feast to revel^ AT THE AMERICAN CLUB. 143 from the Catacombs to the Villa Borghese, and only stole away for a quiet hour to the Palazzo Vecchio, where the watch over Sidney Landon was not a moment relaxed. "Next week, next week, my good sir," pleaded the suave Corvini to the impatient veteran. There was a grand celebration at the Eveless Paradise upon the announcement of Landon's probable recovery, Forrest Grimes skillfully elim- inating Clark and Brandon, presided over the banner-draped feast, whereat General Hatcher was forced to fight his battles over again, under hospitable volleys of champagne. In all these days, the watchful capitalist had crept nearer and nearer to the avowed social in- timacy of Miss Agnes Hawthorn, the veiled god- dess of beauty, still chained to the chaise tongue. Rawdon Clark well knew the effect of quiet persistence, and with a skillful propitiation of Mrs. Montgomery and the assiduous secret work of Mrs. Myra Brandon, he was at last launched as the recognized "ami de maison." The tacit avoidance of the Brandon clique by Madame Gertrude Melville enabled Miss Haw- 144 CAPTAIN LANDON. thorn to treat with the two rival camps of Roman society. But her soul's confidence was given alone to the bright-hearted Consular lady. The helpless heiress could not but see the drift of her most assiduous advisers. Rawdon Clark's social headquarters were now the Brandon household, where the recurrent hos- pitalities spoke strongly of an assisting financial element. "Panem et circenses" draws the crowd, and even General Rufus Hatcher was not proof against the seductions of the ambitious Myra. She it was who gathered from villa and hotel from the recurrent tourists and passing nota- bilities the crowd who enjoyed the splendid feasts and receptions supported secretly by Raw- don Clark's ever open purse. The poor old sol- dier, harmlessly vain, accepted all this homage. The baffled General waited wearily for Doctor Corvini to open the doors of Landon's sick room, but the gentle professional tyrant simply laid his finger on his lip, smilingly saying "Aspetto !" Arthur Melville had relapsed again into his painting mood, now the danger was over, and he AT THE AMERICAN CLUB. 145 was either buried in his studio, or else away in the hills at Tivoli with his still banished Rose in Bloom. No one in Rome but Gertrude Melville knew of the longing solicitude with which Agnes Haw- thorn waited for the end of Landon's long struggle against death. Some mysterious feeling kept her from sharing her heart with Mrs. Montgomery, who, simple soul had yielded, blindfolded, to the continued seduction of Clark's flatteries, his unvarying "kindness" and the discreetly offered presents heaped upon her by that princess of picture brok- ers, Myra Brandon. It was Clark's purse which was the hidden magnet drawing the simple old widow over into the camp of circumvallation which the determined Clark was fast closing around his intended bride. Miss Hawthorn now only awaited the coming of the early spring to seek softer skies than win- try Rome, and an uneasy feeling crept into her heart ; for, she could not deceive herself as to the purport of Rawdon Clark's unflagging wooing. And yet, still chained within her winter apart- ment, now made into a temporary tropical bower, 10 146 CAPTAIN LANDON. she waited, heart hungry, to meet Sidney Landon and listen to the still unasked question. Gertrude Melville was the faithful keeper of a note, written as the final successor of twenty de- stroyed ones, in which she conveyed to Landon her burning solicitude for his fate. "Let it be the first thing he listens to, darling, if God gives him back his reason," she said with fleeting blushes. Fate ordained that when Sidney Landon opened his eyes to a restored mental life the delicate and lovely face of Gertrude Melville was the first one to meet his eye. The window was open, for a fugitive day of ethereal softness was brooding upon the Eternal City, the ilex tops were waving against the blue sky, and the gurgle of the ruined fountain below alone broke the dreamy silence. Suddenly, from far below, was wafted up the thrilling notes of a proud military march, as the Bersaglieri Brigade swept out for a practice tour. The soldierly instinct recalled Landon's wan- dering mind, he strove to raise his head, passed one thin and wasted hand over the unaccustomed beard, and then his head fell back in weakness. AT THE AMERICAN CLUB. 147 It was half an hour before his feeble whisper reached Gertrude Melville's ear. "How did I come here ; what is the matt erf" The haggard eyes feasted long upon her beau- tiful face, for it seemed to him that he was in some earthly heaven, some fabled sublunary Paradise. Then the silent nun arose from the bedside and, falling upon her knees before a little prie Dieu, thanked God for a life restored. The week after Landon's mental reawakening showed the rapid upward sweep of Life's curve, and Gertrude Melville had penned a few words in answer to the shy, proud epistle of the anxious heiress. "Say that I must thank her myself, for words fail me ! I shall make my pilgrimage to see her." General Rufus Hatcher, away on his flying trip to Sicily, was duly telegraphed for, and be- stirred himself to a return to Rome. There was but one shadow upon Landon's re- covery. It was at the end of the second week of convalescence, when Doctor Corvini cheerfully clapped his hands in joy. "Victoria," he cried. "In another week you 148 CAPTAIN LANDON. may drive out and begin to take the air under careful attendance. Miss Hawthorn, too, will re- duce my list of patients, for, with the safeguard of crutches, she can soon leave her palace prison at the Costanzi." Arthur Melville, jealously guarding Landon's private letters, was acting as a volunteer amanu- ensis, when he suddenly bethought him of Lan- don's fever ravings. "These look to be only official letters," he said. "Can I perhaps write or cable to any of your fam- ily. You were in your fever always speaking of Ethel " and then, the gentle-hearted artist started as a spasm of pain passed over Landon's pale face. "Drop that name for God's sake, Melville," he groaned. "I have no family no ties there is no Ethel of my blood in this world !" Melville stole away and left the soldier to battle with dark thoughts which seemed to encompass him. And a fever spasm seized the unrestful patient once more. "Certainly, no sister" mused Melville as he betook himself to his brushes. The only gleam of brightness in Landon's life after a few days' AT THE AMERICAN CLUB. 149 mending was the cautious advent of Forrest Grimes and Frank Hatton as the advance guard of the Club of the Eveless Paradise. They had claimed from the overjoyed Doctor Corvini the right to be the first to convey the con- valescent out into the mellow sunlight. And to this, Captain Sidney Landon gladly assented. He recognized the generous self devotion with which the Melvilles had turned their house into a fever hospital for six weeks. There, too, was little Elsie, "Rose in Bloom," pining at Tivoli for the home quarantine to be lifted. Doctor Corvini was proud of snatching the soldier back from the jaws of death, and so, four days later, he awaited the advent of the two jour- nalistic friends. The first excursion was to be a brief drive in the gardens of the Villa Borghese, with a halt at the American Club, where the gathered friends of the soldier could all shake his hand. After the arrival on the morrow of General Rufus Hatcher, the question of removing Landon for a radical change of air was to be decided in a general council. 150 CAPTAIN LANDON. And afl went merry as a marriage bell. Lan- don, upborne by the strong arms of his friends, reached the carriage in safety. For two hours he drank in the strong fresh air of the woods, and there was a flush on his cheek as the carriage stopped before the American Gub. Then, while Frank Hatton betook himself to notify the waiting friends at the Eveless Para- dise, Forrest Grimes watched over Landon, seated in a little refreshment room, slowly sip- ping a priceless flask of Johannisberger. Suddenly Grimes sprang up, as Sidney Lan- don, pale as marble, strode to the door, carelessly left ajar, of the next private guest room. The clear pitiless tones of Rawdon Clark's voice were unmistakable. "Yes! Poor devil! Murray Raynor died broken-hearted. He never held his head up after a brother officer first stole his wife's heart, and then, robbed him of his honor ! So he threw his Kfe away under the Nez Perce rifles !" Grimes held his breath, in horror at the agony on Landon's face, when a rough voice care- lessly queried, "And, what became of the AT THE AMERICAN CLUB. Ill "Oh, the young brute cast her off to die dis- graced and broken-hearted, while he sneaked out into another regiment, and then quickly resigned to escape Raynor's pistol! I'm told he's here in Rome now!" There was the crash of overturned chairs as Sidney Landon dashed into the room! Throwing his wine, glass and all, into the face of the millionaire, he cried "Dirty, lying hound!" Forrest Grimes sprang between the; two men as Rawdon Clark yelled, "I will have his heart's biood for this !" The veteran journalist's face was sternly set as he smote Clark's cheek with his open palm. "Take that, you slanderer! My friend is a sick man. But, I happen to be a dead shot, and very much at your service." Tossing his card on the table, Grimes dragged Landon from the room. With a sign to Frank Hatton, Grimes, calling the dub servants, bore the now reeling Landon to his carriage. "Take him to my rooms, Frank !" he cried. "He must not go back to Melvilles. Here, Danvers," he entreated of a friend, "go for Doctor Corvini 152 CAPTAIN LANDON. and bring him to my apartment! Tell him that Landon has had another relapse." For the sick man was now wildly raving. "What's the matter here?" sternly demanded Royston, the pet of the Eveless Paradise, as Raw- don Clark and his companion strode out of their room. "Only a sick man's petulant quarrel!" gruffly said the stranger, as he dragged the furi- ous Clark away. But the owner of the Elkhorn was now a lion raging in his loosened wrath. "I'll have my re- venge!" he yelled. "You know how to get it," sternly said Forrest Grimes. "If you want it now, just step around to the shooting gallery with me!" When the resolute stranger had hauled Clark away, Forrest Grimes drew his startled friends aside. "Not a word of this, upon your lives ! It might ruin helpless ones here ! I will look out for Mr. Rawdon Clark. He shall not be balked of a fight! Just say that I had a chance row with Clark, that's all!" Late that evening, Doctor Corvini returned to the Palazzo Vecchio, where he held a council of war with General Hatcher and the Melvilles. DIRTY, LYING HOUND ! " Page 150. AT THE AMERICAN CLUB. 153 The tongue of wild rumor had been busy and even Agnes Hawthorn at the Costanzi knew of the desperate fracas between Grimes and Clark over an American society beauty. And all could easily guess the hidden name. The whole colony was agog! But General Hatcher only shook his head in hopeless sorrow when Corvini demanded of him the history of Ethel, the unknown. "In his whole illness he has only raved of this Ethel, and if the shadows of the past are not lifted this poor man may only come out of this relapse into the death in life of insanity. "I shall put only professional attendants over him now, and then, when he can bear it, send him away as soon as possible. He can not be moved again." Old General Hatcher's eyes were dim as he said to Melville, "I shall not leave Rome till this poor boy's fate is decided! What a sudden re- turn of delirium! I will take up my quarters with Grimes to be near him !" But the husband and wife, not altogether de- ceived by the old General's repeated denials, only gazed into each other's eyes when alone, saying, 154 CAPTAIN LANDON. "Who is this Ethel who has wrecked his life? Is the burden of the story one of sin or shame this recurrent history of the past ?" CHAPTER VII. THE INTELLIGENCE BUREAU AT WORK. General Rufus Hatcher, taking a vigorous command of the situation at the Eveless Paradise, at once established his personal headquarters in a suite of rooms next to the indefatigable Forrest Grimes. He was in entire ignorance of the fracas which had led to the relapse of the man now most talked about in Rome. While the startled Arthur Melville dropped his artistic life and spasmodically took up the reins of his office at a hint from Morgan, the evenings at the Palazzo Vecchio were often enlivened by Hatton and Grimes' visits. There was a look of grim determination on Grimes' face, which showed a settled purpose. Beautiful Gertrude Melville's eyes blazed with indignation as Grimes recounted to her his most THE BUREAU AT WORK. 155 recent social discoveries. For the two were sworn secret allies in Sidney Landon's behalf. "There is a persistent flooding of Rome going on, with a tide of foul stories to the discredit of this poor young soldier," said the journalist. "I hear them everywhere. "The foreign circles here are agitated over stories that Landon's banditti experience was a myth that he wantonly shot the unaimed peas- ant to cover up an ugly intrigue, and that he was disgracefully forced to resign from the United States Army." "Are any names coupled with his?" said Mrs. Melville her cheek paling as she bent over her embroidery. "Not that I know of," wrathfully exclaimed the writer, "but, neither Hatton nor I can get at the whole stories. They will not talk before us. Of course, Hatton is handicapped with his imper- fect Italian, but I have dropped in on several coteries where the running story seemed suddenly cut off by my appearance. "I dare not confer with General Hatcher upon these matters, for I do not wish the rash old vet- 156 CAPTAIN LANDON. eran to babble to Sidney Landon, as he surely would. "Doctor Corvini says that our friend must be spared all excitement." "Whom do you suspect of spreading these rumors?" asked the troubled Melville. "I know of no one with whom Captain Landon has had a quarrel. Perhaps they are circulated by the friends of some aspirant for his place." He smiled faintly as he said, "Many ambitious American residents at once begin to intrigue for diplomatic or consular rank here as soon as they strike social roots into this fertile ground. "Every mail carries away to America some furtive and scandalous complaint of the Legation or Consulate General Officers. I only answer the Department of State that my resignation awaits the slightest intimation of the President's wish for my retirement !" "That's the safest official life insurance," laughed Hatton. "I did at first suspect Robert Brandon, for I think that he feels that your family holds aloof from his picture jobbing salons, but even the closest watch has not caught him nap- ping as yet. THE BUREAU AT WORK. 157 "And, then, there's this flamboyant mining mil- lionaire, Rawdon Clark! I wonder if the two men ever met out west ; but Clark is far too pru- dent to betray himself !" Mrs. Melville dropped her eyes and walked away to hide conscious blushes. Her own womanly intuitions told her of the veiled antipathy of the Crcesus. She alone knew of the daily creeping nigher of Clark's proprie- tary lines about the orphaned heiress. "It must be some mysterious hostile influence," she said. "Charley Hollingsworth has been liv- ing here nearly twenty years. His cherubs are real Romans, 'to the manner born/ and he sent his wife down yesterday to tell me the Italian and French clubs are filled with the vilest scandals against the poor Captain. "Now, Hollingsworth has grown into the very core of the Italian life here, and he thinks that the active agents are local foreigners whoever the veiled principals may be. "He fears that Captain Landon may be en- trapped in a quarrel, or forced into a duel with some of these matchless swordsmen and then killed while yet weak!" 158 CAPTAIN LANDON. "I will take care of that!" grimly replied For- rest Grimes. "He shall fight no one in Rome if I can prevent it." The brave fellow had locked up in his own gal- lant heart the details of the fracas between Lan- don and Clark. "Thank God, no one overheard that row," he mused. "Landon seemed to catch Clark's meaning instantly ! He certainly will not talk ! And they dare not!" Grimes smiled as he remembered Mr. Burton Wilmot's baffled rage as Clark's confidant and friend had approached him on the next day after the trouble with a pompous challenge for Landon, addressed to him as the second of the sick man. "See here, Mr. Wilmot," Grimes had sharply answered. "I shall not, at any time, deliver your cartel to Captain Landon. "You, as the bearer of it, know the man is rav- ing helplessly in the delirium of a relapse of fever. "Now, Landon only threw wine at your friend Clark, while / struck him! I accept the whole re- sponsibility for both insults! You, as a respon- sible second, are a coward to push a challenge at a bed-ridden man! I will, however, accommo- THE BUREAU AT WORK. 159 date you! I will send for my friend, Mr. Charles Hollingsworth. We will follow you and Clark out of Rome. / insist on fighting him, first! "If he does not challenge me now within twenty-four hours, I will have the right to re- fuse any future cartel, and also to post him as a coward. "As to you, I take the place of my principal. I will cheerfully go out with you and show you that I can hit a five-cent piece nine times out of ten at ten paces! After that exhibition, if you wish to take Clark's place, try me on, as Lan- don's representative. "In any case, if either of you breathes any slan- ders against that dead woman, or tries to vilify Landon, while sick, I will publicly horsewhip both of you !" And, then a week had gone by in silence, Grimes easily learning that Burton Wilmot had left Rome for America, "recalled by sudden busi- ness." "No," he mused. "It can not be Clark! He would not dare. For he has too much to lose to face a pistol." The journalist was firm in this belief, for in all 160 CAPTAIN LANDON. the rumors the occurrence at the American Club had been strictly ignored. Not even the honest-hearted Hatton had an idea of the scene which took place in the little pri- vate room. So, when Forrest Grimes said, with a sigh, "We must leave it all for General Hatcher to fathom," the little coterie agreed. "Certainly, the General is the only one to whom Captain Landon could properly unveil himself," thoughtfully remarked Mrs. Melville, "but all these slanderers will be careful to shun General Hatcher. He will not hear the damag- ing slanders, and then if he goes away unin- formed as Captain Landon is himself ignorant of all, we leave our friend entirely helpless." Her clear eyes met Grimes' steady gaze. "You are the only man, Mr. Grimes, who can frankly tell the General all, for my husband's offi- cial position would prevent him so doing. "Then, before the General's final departure, you and he can decide how much Captain Landon shall know; afterwards Arthur can follow up all these matters and meet them at the Depart- THE BUREAU AT WORK. 161 ment, for there, I apprehend, is the place where the poison is intended to injure him." While the anxious friends reviewed the situa- tion, at the Hotel Quirinale, Rawdon Clark con- ferred with his now crafty master, the secretly jubilant Maspero. "Mark you, my man," he curtly said, "this thing may come to an open issue in two or three months, at longest. "You now understand all my wishes. This old fool, Mrs. Montgomery, is going home in a few weeks. She has been frightened away by the stories about the Via Appia affair. "Your friends in the Clubs have done their work well ! We will have her soon off our hands ! "Then, all that I ask of these women, Emilia and Lucia, is to meet my friend, Mrs. Bran- don, and to tell her the whole truth that Miss Hawthorn was with Landon when the shooting occurred. That is all I wish Mrs. Brandon to know. "As for the two vetturini, they can, later, tell their story to Mr. Brandon in my presence. "I shall have my revenge on this young fool; you will have him out of the way ; and he will fail 11 162 CAPTAIN LANDON. in his chase of the heiress. That will soon drive him out of Rome !" Maspero's glittering black eyes rested hungi ily on Clark's face. "The people are to be kept apart?" he demanded. "Of course, of course," hastily answered Clark. "And to be paid separately paid well for their work?" "You know how I pay, you dog!" angrily cried Clark, rising in wrath. "Basta! Count on me!" growled Maspero. "The thing is done." He folded up a roll of notes as Clark rapidly strode away. "How he hates that Captain ! What a gold mine to me! What a fool! "And all for a woman who has to be trapped to get her! Corpo di Bacco! He will have a fine time to keep such a sly bird! Fool! when our ruby-hearted Italian women are here white bosomed and open armed waiting for the shower of gold ! Such a Jupiter could choose his Danae here among the proudest !" But late that night Rawdon Clark labored in his splendid apartment over the "Intelligence Bureau." THE BUREAU AT WORK. 163 "I must work quickly," he resolved. "Already Agnes Hawthorn shows a restlessness! She wishes to leave! Thank Heavens, she will wait until disembarrassed of this old Mrs. Montgom- ery! That leaves me a clear field! Then, with Myra Brandon ready to work upon her pride, with the old army scandal, with both Myra and her husband to arouse her fears in this Via Appia embroglio, it only leaves her the choice to give up Landon, or else, lose her reputation! I am safe! Agnes Hawthorn will never dare to dis- close her relatives' confidential warnings !" After several attempts, the revengeful capital- ist succeeded in producing the draft of a letter to be addressed simply "My Dear Friend." This carefully drawn document was to bear the signature of Mrs. Dora Prindle, and to be for- warded to the hostile wife of "Black Bill" for her personal signature. Clark leaned back and lit a cigar, dreaming of his future Philadelphian glories. "Yes!" he mused. "This will work. The story is well and yet vaguely told. The envelope is to be addressed directly to Mrs. Myra Bran- 164 CAPTAIN LANDON. don, who is not named in the body of the letter." He read a clause or two with delight. "I have learned through Mr. Burton Wilmot of the possibility of an engagement between your beautiful niece, Miss Hawthorn, and an un- worthy man, formerly of our Regiment, a trick- ster, and one whose social misdeeds drove him out of the army." The capitalist read over and over Barker Bol- ton's explanation of Mrs. Prindle's hatred of Landon. In the inevitable opposing cliques of regimental life, poor Landon had loyally held to the side of Colonel and Mrs. Atwater. It seemed but natural that Lieutenant Colonel Prindle should hate the man who on the one step above debarred him from active regimental com- mand, and his wife from queening it over the forty-seven regimental officers. A little social frontier maneuver which had failed, the importation of Mrs. Prindle's dashing unmarried sister, with a set purpose of marrying her off to Sidney Landon, the eligible social star, was another cause of deadly personal hatred. THE BUREAU AT WORK. 165 The fish did not bite, and both sisters hated Lan- don with a due acerbity. Barker Bolton had written that Mrs. Prindle had been loud in accusation of the man who had "skipped his regiment," and now grimly pointed to Major Murray Raynor's reckless death in the fierce Nez Perce fight. "I am ready to begin my campaign," mused Clark, "as soon as Mrs. Montgomery leaves. Old General Hatcher will be very soon out of the way. Brandon can use Bolton's letter to arouse his wife's aversion of Landon and kindle it to a bitter hatred ! "Landon, the young fool, has ignored the Brandons here, worshiping at the shrine of that finicky social lay figure, Mrs. Melville. "Maspero's information can be divided up, the women going to Mrs. Brandon, and the coach- men confessing to her husband. All this will frighten Agnes Hawthorn away from Rome. Landon is poor and tied down here. He can not afford to follow her! I can, and Mrs. Brandon can later chase on after the girl, as my secret guest and agent. And, so I will be in at the finale, 'a sure winner, the last in the race !' ' 166 CAPTAIN LANDON. Two weeks later, General Rufus Hatcher judged Sidney Landon to be well enough to be- gin the main business of his Roman visit. He had now fortified himself with a letter from Colonel and Mrs. Atwater, whose leave was put over to the next season, by virtue of certain spo- radic Indian raids calling for the immediate handling of the veteran Chief. Loyal Forrest Grimes, loth to enter into un- pleasantness, was watching his chance to confer with the General upon the continually rising tide of scandal involving both Landon's past and pres- ent. With all the watchful loyalty of Hatton and Grimes no straw as yet pointed to either Clark or the Brandon faction as in any way responsible for the wriggling scandals. "By Jove!" growled Grimes. "I believe that the best thing for Landon to do would be to apply for a transfer to Vienna or Paris, or to some other continental station. There is a fatal under- tow pulling against him here. "Why, even Charley Hollingsworth tells me that the Melvilles and Miss Hawthorn have heard THE BUREAU AT WORK. 167 many of these disgraceful stories, and they are becoming, to say the least, uneasy. "I'll wait for another week. Landon is now gaining rapidly, and I will then bring things to a head before General Hatcher leaves for home. He can, at least, send on from the War Depart- ment such authoritative letters as will scotch the snake." It was a pleasant spring afternoon, and Gen- eral Hatcher had left Sidney Landon pleasantly sleeping, when he stole away to bring up all the arrears of his correspondence. He sighed as he contemplated convoying home the faded Mrs. Montgomery, but who could re- sist that most fascinating of invalids, Miss Haw- thorn, the only woman who had ever invested crutches with piquancy and grace? General Hatcher pushed back his spectacles and dropped his big cane penholder with an impa- tient snort, when the butler brought him the card of "Mr. Charles Hollingsworth." Upon the turned-down corner was penciled "Very import- ant." "What the devil" began Hatcher, but his so- liloquy was cut off by the entrance of the head- 168 CAPTAIN LANDON. long Hollingsworth, with the light of battle in his eyes. "You must excuse me breaking in on you, General," he began, "but in an affair involving Landon's honor I could not wait !" "Speak out," hastily cried Hatcher. "What's up now?" He pointed to a seat and pushed over his cigar box. "They are the most lightly damned of all the cigars I could find in Rome ! Now, sir!" The undaunted Hollingsworth came to the point at once. "You are the oldest friend, I apprehend, of Sidney Landon, and the only army officer of rank now in Italy! I come to you to aid me in solving a mystery which is taken advantage of by Landon's enemies to work his social ruin." "What's your mystery?" roared the old vet- eran. "Why did Captain Landon suddenly throw up his command leave his regiment, transfer, and, then suddenly quit ' the army ?" gravely asked the visitor. "What's that to you?" fiercely demanded Hatcher. Charley Hollingsworth kept his tem- per admirably. THE BUREAU AT WORK. 169 "A great deal, General," he quietly answered, "to Landon, himself, to you and, to all his real friends here! "Just before his illness came on, I put his name up at the Cercle de Rome. "The Marquis de Pallavinci, a good fellow, signed as sponsor with me, at my especial re- quest. I was astonished that the election after the four weeks' wait, was put off through January and February. "Here we are at March first, and the season already beginning to wane. "To my horror and surprise, I received this morning the official notification that Captain Sid- ney Landon had been heavily blackballed and re- jected." General Hatcher sprang up, his face reddened with wrath. "The damned Italian curs!" he cried. "When a man is in the jaws of death to so openly insult him !" Hollingsworth's voice was sorrowful in tone as he mechanically continued : "Now I started this morning to look up Pal- lavinci, for I was not at the election. "I met him on his way to my house, and he was 170 CAPTAIN LANDON. fierce in a white heat. There was simply a storm of black balls. "Now, Pallavinci happens to be a high-spirited fellow, a man of sterling honor, and he wants to go in, at once, and fight the whole damned club! It appears he has forced out of some of these fel- lows the stories which have worked this wrong. "He will not tell me, for he is afraid that I will go and get a rapier through me in championing Landon. "He reminded me of my duty to Elaine and my frolicsome 'cherubs.' "But the insult to the United States is a flat one ! This poor boy Landon is our Vice Consul General, as well as a representative of the army. Our Secretaries of Legation are all members of the Club ! There'll be blood shed sure ! "For Pallavinci said, 'I am a bachelor! You and I have been insulted as sponsors, I have no ties, I am a Roman, and they insult Roman hos- pitality through me. Find out the truth, and I will try my hand on one or two of them.' "So there is the whole story! I shall not go into the club again, save with Pallavinci, and if he fights, why/ do, that's all." THE BUREAU AT WORK. 171 The two men gazed blankly in each other's eyes, while Rufus Hatcher swore an old-time Army of the Cumberland oath, as long as an army mule train. "Does anyone else know anything of this?" the General growled. "I fancy that Forrest Grimes can enlighten you," sadly said Hollingsworth. "He is a man of the world, of our own world. Melville is an artistic dreamer in his little home Paradise, while Frank Hatton is an unsuspecting simple-hearted manly Christian! I thought that Grimes had told you of this trouble, before!" "See here, Hollingsworth," the old veteran said, with a husky voice. "You are a game and loyal gentleman. I will go deeply into this for the honor of the army! "I will see Grimes myself before dark, and, leaving the club matter out, will soon gain all he knows. "To-night, I'll go into the subject with Sidney Landon. In the meantime, promise me to keep Pallavinci away from the Club! "I will meet him at your house at breakfast to-morrow! And, let there be no fire-eating CAPTAIN LANDON. on your part, sir ! You have a charming family ! I am a lonely old oak! It makes no difference where I fall! I will look out for the honor of the Army!" The two men separated with that convulsive grip of the hands which speaks more than the vain jingle of words with true-hearted men. Hollingsworth's graceful form had no sooner disappeared than General Hatcher sought out Forrest Grimes, who was seated in the midst of a pyramid of sheets, his weekly syndicated review of "Roba di Roma." For three long hours the two friends conferred, and then the story of the mysterious flood tide of gossip was given in all its details to the now maddened veteran. Forrest Grimes, pacing his floor, with his old mahogany-colored cutty pipe in his teeth, grimly said, "And, as an additional humiliation, Mr. Rawdon Clark was duly elected a member of the Corde de Rome at this same balloting. I know that he's a cad, but I will stake my soul that there was no hand of his in this!" Something in Grimes' voice betrayed his hid- den knowledge of the fracas! THE BUREAU AT WORK. 173 "Are you holding anything back, Grimes?" eagerly demanded the General. And then the game fellow quietly said: "Nothing that anyone has a right to know! You must let Sidney Landon enlighten you!" That evening, before General Hatcher opened his batteries upon Landon, he re-read the letter of Colonel Miles Atwater and the gallant hearted Mrs. Mary. He sighed as he read the lines, "Even if you can not persuade Landon to re- main in the army he should re-enter it, serve a couple of years, and then go out in due form. "I cannot reach all the low gossip here, but, his sudden transfer, his hasty resignation after- wards and his leaving the country, have been made the basis of dark rumors. Of course, these, in their worst form, are kept away from us! Make Landon, at least, unbosom himself! His new regiment went into a hot campaign just as he left, and yet, I'll swear there is no white feather in Landon!" With a confidence born of his own high bred sense of honor, General Hatcher, that night, seated by Landon's bed, cautiously approached the tender subject. He sheltered his real purpose CAPTAIN LANDON. behind the generous offer of the President to reappoint Captain Landon upon the staff, and later retransfer him to the line, and the old be- loved "Grays." The old General's face was hidden behind the green lampshade under which the yellow gleams lit up Sidney Landon's wasted face, with its straggling beard of the sick room. The young soldier's face was keenly scanned by the speaker, who noted the nervous twitching of the sick man's thinned hands. Driven on by his own earnestness, the General became slowly irritated by the negative attitude of the listener. There was an evasiveness in Landon's manner which was foreign to the man of old, the man of whom a Commanding General had once said, "There's a soldier! See young Landon take his troop into action! He will go up to the stars yet!" General Hatcher paused when he had fired off his official ammunition, and tossed his head in surprise as he saw Sidney Landon slowly shake his head. There were tears stealing out under the young THE BUREAU AT WORK. 175 soldier's closed eyelids, but his lips merely moved in whispers. General Hatcher's heart melted as he drew out the letters of the Colonel and his beloved wife! He read recklessly on until he was checked by the tell-tale finishing clauses. Sidney Landon feebly turned his eyes to the old General's face. "It is impossible," he said. "I can not re-enter the army. You can thank the President for his kindly consideration ! By and by, I will write to the Atwaters." And then all General Hatcher's solicitude for Landon's honor thrilled in his voice, as he pleaded : "Sidney ! I am an old and broken man ! I have neither wife nor child! You would have been the son of my heart ! Tell me, at least, that you will consider this for three months! You are weak and broken now!" The sufferer turned his head away. "Not for a single moment!" he whispered. "When I rode past the Regimental flag of the Grays, it was for the last time !" "Then, by Heaven, you shall tell me why you left the army?" the General eagerly prayed. 176 CAPTAIN LANDON. "For the sake of the Regiment, for my sake, for your oivn sake, Sidney, tell me! "You are a young man, you have much to learn! Let me beg you, before I leave, that I shall know!" The General started up, as Captain Landon answered, his voice almost sinking into a hollow groan : "My past life is a sealed book, there are two graves now hiding what you would know, and, for good or ill, I shall go on silently to the end, for the past is voiceless!" The old General grasped the sufferer's hand. "My God! Boy! You do not know what you say! Tell me! In your sickness you have raved incessantly of Ethel! Who is this Ethel!" Landon's voice rose almost to a shriek. "Her very memory is too sacred for my lips to profane! Let them say what they will! I will be silent! I am forced to be silent!" "And, so let disgrace fall upon you?" sharply cried the General. Landon turned his face to the wall with a sigh. General Rufus Hatcher summoned the attend- ants and left the room without another word. BEHIND CLOSED DOORS. 177 "Can it be true?" he muttered; but he choked off the unbidden suspicion. General Rufus Hatcher's face was very grave as he reported at Hollingsworth's home, the next day, a half hour before Pallavinci's arrival. Drawing his host aside, he sadly said : "You must not let Pallavinci fight! As for yourself, as my countryman, I bid you to guard your own home. "There is some ugly mystery here! I shall leave Rome as soon as I can and, advise Lan- don to do the same! "For he has locked his lips in a stubborn folly!" "And his reputation?" said Hollingsworth. "He must guard that for himself, as best he can!" sadly said the old man. CHAPTER VIII. BEHIND CLOSED DOORS. The week which followed Captain Landon's club blackballing was one of many fiercely foughten social battles in Rome, and many 12 178 CAPTAIN LANDON. society vehme-gerichts were held behind closed doors. The subject of all this bitter wrangling was now hobbling around the Eveless Paradise, and faithfully attended by the golden-hearted Hatton. Captain Landon's gloomy face brought no brightness to the joyous circle of the gathered good men and true. He even met the unwearying General Hatcher, with a slight constraint, tacitly acknowledged by both, for, either Hatton or Grimes always seemed now to singularly happen in upon their meeting hours. And Forrest Grimes' face was soberly over- cast, for in vain he had essayed to plead with the young fever patient to reconsider his refusal to re-enter the army. In a conference with General Hatcher, Grimes had agreed to push the matter on, but only on the basis of the favorable career reopened to the soldier. Forrest Grimes resolutely refused to touch upon the scandals, or upon the matter of the emphatic blackballing of a high United States official. BEHIND CLOSED DOORS. 179 "Either you or Melville must deal with that," resolutely said Grimes. "You two men represent the War and State Departments! I will stand by Sidney Landon, but he must 'dree his own weird.' " Landon himself was astonished at the number of cartes de visite showered in upon him, pro forma ! In his ignorance of the social battle, he fool- ishly ascribed these visits to a general solicitude. As the Doctor still forbade his receiving guests, he was guarded by the happy chance from any unlucky disclosure. Forrest Grimes, though revolving through all the polyglot circles of Roman society, could not, even with his keenest sagacity, touch upon the hidden machinery of this sudden social crusade. In fact, he had even acquitted, in his mind, Rawdon Clark, who was now giving breakfasts and dinners, ad libitum, to the Roman aristocracy at the forbidden ground of the Cercle de Rome. With all the finesse of a cautious enemy, Grimes caused Landon's name to be brought up again and again before Clark, by his own Italian loyal-hearted brothers. 180 CAPTAIN LANDON. The cautious plotter merely spoke gravely of the Captain's serious illness, or referred to the attacks on his past army record or official be- havior in his present place with no prejudice. Rawdon Clark was, however, laughing in his sleeve. "It's the quiet poison that does the deadly work," he smilingly resolved, and yet, his masked batteries were all now regularly in action. Jacopo Maspero, a past master of cowardly duplicity, had taken the "unfortunate occurrence" in commission. There was no gossipy circle in Rome which did not have its busy chronique scandaleuse in which the previous slanders were nailed down with this public disgrace. For the Italian was earning his vile money the gage of dishonor. While a saddened coterie secretly met at Arthur Melville's drawing room to sigh over the growth of the rising storm, Landon was all un- conscious that his chief, and Grimes, General Hatcher and Hatton, even the optimistic Hol- lingsworth were forced to agree that Landon stubbornly would not explain his abrupt exit from the army, and, that there was no one else who dared to leap into the daily widening breach. BEHIND CLOSED DOORS. 181 It was far otherwise with Gertrude Melville and Elaine Hollingsworth. With all the fond ardor of womanhood, they adhered to the fixed idea of some coming sun- burst of explanation which would clear away all the black clouds lowering over the romantic young official. These were halcyon days for Mrs. Myra Bran- don! With an exquisite skill, she slyly rallied at the Art Bungalow all the acrid-tongued ene- mies of the Melville regime. The burly form of Brandon bobbed around from the American Club to the English Library, from artists' guilds to villa coteries and all the details of Sidney Lan- don's social disgrace were thus artfully sowed broadcast. It was with a fine application of the cowardly art of backbiting that Myra Brandon made the timid Mrs. Montgomery the vehicle of carrying all these oft-repeated slanders to Agnes Haw- thorn, now eagerly craving to leave Rome, and so to avoid the possibility of her name being coupled with the unfortunate Landon. The lonely girl dared not confide her secret fears to any one. 182 CAPTAIN LANDON. Mrs. Montgomery, deep in the mystery of marking her boxes, timidly crooned over the dan- ger of the Via Appian adventure becoming public. "It would be your social ruin, my own precious darling. To think that this young man should turn out to be such a character." And floods of tears accentuated her forebod- ings. A personal timidity, now amounting to fear, forbade the lonely heiress from confiding this news to Mrs. Melville and the loyal Elaine Hoi- lings worth. For, Mrs. Brandon, a daily visitor, artfully brought those who, by their own tongues, con- firmed the very worst of the floating rumors. And, at last, pushed on by an overweening anxiety, the orphan girl questioned Rawdon Clark, whose unflagging attentions had given him the right to an almost daily admittance at the Costanzi. He seemed to be now Rome's fore- most American citizen, and decidedly the vogue everywhere. The capitalist was armed and ready for this welcome sign of a growing confidence. BEHIND CLOSED DOORS. 183 "My dear Miss Hawthorn," he sadly said. "I never repeat boudoir gossip nor club scandals! The young man is certainly most unfortunate, to say the least, and, more I can not tell you ! "In your place, I should confide alone in your worthy relative, Mrs. Brandon. She has a vast social experience. It would seem that the intimate acquaintance of Captain Landon is not desirable, but, after all, he is a mere minor official, and, I hear, one shortly to be removed !" The conservative quiet of his manner lulled the girl's lingering suspicions. And yet, there was her still unpaid debt of gratitude, but, it was a social secret (their joint property), and most undesirable as to pub- licity ! And, so with all a timid woman's halting indecision, Agnes Hawthorn quietly avoided all mention of Landon's name! The tide was run- ning strongly against his bark of Life, now weathering adverse gales! Even General Hatcher now anxious to quit Rome, evaded the young beauty's questions, lest his tell-tale face should betray his own heart- 184 CAPTAIN LANDON. wearing sorrow over Landon's seemingly pusil- lanimous behavior. "A bitter disappointment, he's not the man I took him for," sighed the old hero. "By Jove! When I get home, I will just run over to Fort Stanton and see the Atwaters. I dare not write to them this ugly situation, for half the letters posted in Italy are stolen for the stamps, and the other half are opened and read to sate the gnawing curiosity of police spies, officials, and to further the perpetual warfare of the adherents of Pope or King. "If any one can wake up Sidney Landon, it certainly will be Miles Atwater." The General consumed boxes of cigars in a vague unrest. He feared each day some fatal confirmation of the lies. General Rufus Hatcher was, however, loth to abandon any of his few cherished ideals. Cap- tain Landon had been to him as the ideal rising cavalryman of the army. Hatcher spent a whole day in writing to the War Department and the President a euphemistic statement of Landon's condition. He finished with strongly recommending that BEHIND CLOSED DOORS. 185 the President kindly extend his gracious favor to Landon, and allow the matter of the reinstate- ment of the young soldier to be held open for another year. The honest old soldier blushed as he wrote the closing paragraphs: "I shall have the honor upon my return to call personally upon Your Excellency and to explain the peculiar mental and physical condition of my young friend. He has been the victim of a very severe attack of Roman fever, and is just now able to resume his official duties. Doctor Cesare Corvini, the leading specialist of Rome, who at- tended him, has fully explained to me the mental and moral dejection which follows on, as an aftermath, of this dreadful and weakening malady. "I have been unable to arouse Captain Landon to a just conception of the gravity of the situ- ation, as affecting his future career. "He is in a state of weakness and physical inertia, following upon the inroads of disease. His honorable wounds, received while leading his troops, have greatly added to his debility." "That is all I can do, to hold the situation 186 CAPTAIN LANDON. open," growled Hatcher, as he sealed the docu- ment. "The boy shall have a fair chance to reconsider, and to learn by his own experience, that the social world has some claims to a man's confidence." Captain Sidney Landon's altered manner was not lost upon any of the keen observers now watching him, when he silently took up again his work at the Consulate General. There seemed to be an uneasy unrest in the way that his chosen friends hovered around him at the Eveless Paradise, and, even the Melvilles forebore to break in upon the young official's proud reserve. Before the departure of General Hatcher, the Melvilles assembled the Hollingsworths, Grimes and Hatton and the old soldier at a farewell dinner. To the astonishment of his chief, Sidney Lan- don declined his invitation, though sent in a strictly formal manner. In vain, Gertrude Melville informed her guests that Doctor Corvini had strictly forbidden all social excitement and unnecessary fatigue. There was the shadow of a coming storm BEHIND CLOSED DOORS. 187 brooding over the pleasant household in the Palazzo Vecchio. Two of the anxious circle were not deceived by Captain Landon's perfunctory letter of regret. Forrest Grimes had noted that Landon now avoided the American Club, and all the usual haunts of the jeunesse doree of Rome. "That sinister disclosure of Clark's has turned him in upon himself," mused the journalist, "and he has some reason, a powerfully impelling one, that he does not face the music." The absence of Miss Agnes Hawthorn from the Melville dinner did not escape the quick-eyed guests. And Grimes, with great astonishment, also noted the anomaly of a superb dinner at the Hotel Costanzi, in honor of General Hatcher, at which the Melvilles met their secret social enemies, the Brandons, and Mr. Rawdon Clark was the second star of the evening. A final reception and dejeuner at the Brandons was also graced by General Hatcher, but, the Consul General and his graceful wife were con- spicuously absent, the western capitalist, how- 188 CAPTAIN LANDON. ever, acting as "Pere d'honneur" to the superb festivity. It was idle to deny that the absence of the Vice Consul General from all three of these func- tions set the ball of gossip again rolling, and with unexampled velocity. "Tabooed, sent to Coventry, and, ignored," soliloquized Forrest Grimes. "These public in- sults are his final ruin, unless he acts! Shall I tell him all? The whole story of the blackball- ing? Useless, for there seems now to be no one to fight!" Forrest Grimes wondered at the calmness with which Rawdon Clark had explained the fracas at the American Club to its managing President. "Who could notice the ravings of a poor fever patient?" the suave capitalist had pityingly said. "I was breakfasting with an American partner, Mr. Burton Wilmot, when this unfortunate young man wandered in, behaving in a most in- coherent manner! "He created some little confusion, but my friend, a cool frontiersman, and a fearless man of honor, simply advised me to ignore the whole affair ! BEHIND CLOSED DOORS. 189 "I pity the young man, for he could not dis- tinguish even his friends from myself and com- panion. "He was only fighting shadows, poor man, let it go at that! "You see that he now feels so much ashamed of himself, that he very wisely avoids the club! His proper place is in a sanitarium! Of course, he merits all our compassion !" "Clark is either a very smooth article, or else he was really innocent in that matter," mused Grimes. "I am not called on to fight for the whole Army, but, I will watch over poor Lan- don! If there is to be any more of this 'dead, cold, open cut,' I shall certainly ask Hatton to join me in begging Landon to leave Rome at once ! No one can fight the whole world 'en Don Quixote!' That day has passed forever!" It was on the eve of General Rufus Hatcher's departure that the Minister Resident gave his formal dinner of farewell to the national hero, who was now gladly turning his face homeward. While every American of note in Rome was honored with an invitation, Forrest Grimes, with Hatton, both guests, could not control their 190 CAPTAIN LANDON. astonishment at the absence of Captain Landon. Melville, silent and distrait, merely filled a lay figure's place at the Minister's splendid entertain- ment. Landon determinedly kept his rooms and avoided all social appearances without exception. There were those who marveled much to see the third place of honor filled by Rawdon Clark, Esq., of the Elkhorn Mine. But the more worldly-wise of the guests re- flected that after all the Minister Resident was dependent upon the home politicians for his transitory glory. His tenure of office was the slender single hair of political favor, and the Presidential guillotine axe was always suspended over his head. What could be denied to the mighty Croesus Clark, the reputed owner of two western sena- tors as well as the richest carbonate mine in Leadville ? What might not be done by Rawdon Clark, Esq., directing owner of the "Philadelphia Mail," which staid old journal was now popularly known as the "Philadelphia Flail." He was a man of power "in esse" and "in posse." The tactful wife of the Minister had duly as- BEHIND CLOSED DOORS. 191 signed the now convalescent beauty, Agnes Haw- thorn, to the prandial care of Clark, at her astute husband's direction. "We must cultivate that man, Maria," he con- fided. "He is a pyramid of political weight; he is booked for the U. S. Senate, and my promo- tion lies in his power ! "From Colorado, he could at once enter the Senate, double banked. He carries both the other men in his pocket ! But his social position is higher ! He even dreams of conquering a share of the Keystone State's representation ! He will soon be a political Warwick! So, give him all your spare moments, and distinguish him as far as possible." It was the evening of Clark's social culmina- tion in Rome as a bright particular star, for his lavish hospitalities at the Cercle de Rome had hypnotized the foreigners. Mrs. Myra Brandon's "open door" policy had drawn the floating Americans, and, now, the Minister Resident openly crowned him as the "first citizen" of the social constituency. Champagne and Roman punch made General Rufus Hatcher very communicative as he drove 192 CAPTAIN LANDON. home that night in the splendidly appointed car- riage of the wily Clark, who was to convoy the departing guest as far as Florence. With a subtle flattery, Clark had retained a private car as far as Florence for the General and Mrs. Montgomery. On this evening drive home, the General con- fessed to a few thousands of dollars of hard won savings, and asked the capitalist's advice as to a "turn in stocks." The dancing light of joy glittered in Clark's wary eyes, as he confidentially said : "I will give you a letter to my New York broker. I will see that you are put into a deal that will double it! No! No thanks! General! Leave all to me! I will give you my own guarantee of honor against loss!" Disarmed by all this "brotherly love," the old General opened his heart when Clark asked him if he could be of any service to him in Rome. "I shall remain on the Continent for another year," complacently said Clark. The story of Sidney Landon easily oozed out of the old veteran's addled mind. Leaning back BEHIND CLOSED DOORS. 193 in a delicious reverie, Rawdon Clark listened with a deferential interest. "Trust to me to keep an eye on this young man," he purred, "for your sake! You can write to me, after you reach Washington, just how the President views his case!" Rufus Hatcher went to his rest somewhat shamefaced that his adieu to Sidney Landon could be only for an hour in the morning before the departure of the noon train. He felt they had grown sadly apart. He burned to demand flatly of the Minister or Melville the reason of Landon's absence from the fete par excellence. But he was forced to grumble himself to sleep, while Rawdon Clark, still in his dress suit, drank to his own future glories in a little private seance in his own rooms. "Capital," he laughed. "I can now have both Allerton and Bostwick flatly oppose Landon's re- entry to the army. These powerful Senators can overweigh the simple old soldier! What a fool a man is to tell all he knows!" Clark glanced at his table loaded down with invitations ! "I have snowed this young jackanapes under," 13 194 CAPTAIN LANDON. he mused ; "and, the fool stands off in his stupid pride, now, and is playing right into my hand !" He well knew from Mrs. Montgomery that a simple carte de ceremonie had been Sidney Lan- don's only social approach upon Miss Agnes Hawthorn, now thoroughly afraid of some gos- sipy disclosure. "The Minister's dinner was a ticklish corner," laughed Clark. He chuckled over his own acuteness at sending Mrs. Brandon to frighten the Minister's timid wife with stories of Landon's frightful "Epilep- tic" attack at the club. "Such a man is positively dangerous, my dear," said Myra Brandon, as she sailed away in proud swings like a Spanish galleon. But the poison deftly insinuated into Minister Van Buren Hartford's mind had done its work! Rawdon Clark builded well when he lost five thousand francs at baccarat to the Marquis di Santa Lucia, at the Cercle de Rome. A friendly staking of this same noble later made the impe- cunious Italian as soft as wax in the schemer's hands. And so, Santa Lucia had, under the guise of an official confidence, filled the Minister's BEHIND CLOSED DOORS. 195 ears with the story of Landon's blackballing and a resume of all the rolled up Roman scandals. "There is my friend Rawdon Clark," he said; "he knows that this man was kicked out of the American army, only his generous, noble soul will not let him blacken a countryman." As Santa Lucia really held a minor place in the Foreign office, the startled Minister at once men- tally crossed Landon off his social books forever ! "Remember, mon cher Ministre," silkily said the Marquis, "this is all in strict confidence, behind closed doors! It is only to shield you that I violate a club rule, never to talk of our inner life." The parting between General Hatcher and Sid- ney Landon was one of mutual constraint and relief. The Captain awaited his estranged friend in his own rooms at the Eveless Paradise. Lan- don was but slowly groping toward the light as regarded his altered social position. There were few cards and no invitations seeking him now, and he awoke at last with a start to realize that Doctor Corvini, the faithful Morgan, and Grimes and Hatton now comprised his entire active social list. 196 CAPTAIN LANDON. The singular avoidance of the Melvilles by Miss Hawthorn had also forced itself upon his inner consciousness, for he knew of her social reappearance, a thing of beauty and of added joy everywhere in Rome. He was aware also of her invitation to Myra Brandon's dearest friend, Mrs. Agatha Waring, a prononcee young widow, to share her splendid solitude. General Hatcher's manly heart smote him as he saw the pale face of the young soldier, now shaven, but only to display his sunken cheeks ! "Sidney!" he cried. "Will you not give me your confidence?" "There is nothing to give, General!" proudly answered Landon, turning his head away to hide a sudden emotion. "I am thinking of soon leaving Rome." "See here," pleaded the kindly old Hatcher, with a quiver in his voice. "You are bent now upon ruining your second career! Recall your foolish words! Let me cable to you your army appointment! Come back to us, my boy!" "General!" sadly said the agitated Captain, "My honor, my peace of mind, and the honor of others forbids!" BEHIND CLOSED DOORS. 197 "Then, all I say is," cried the excited veteran, dashing his card down upon the table, "when you are at the end of your rope, you'll find me at the Army and Navy Club, Washington." The young man rose and stood in a respectful salute, as the old warrior hurried away to hide the gathering tears. "/ believe that the boy is mad," he testily cried, as he drove away to join Mrs. Montgomery at the Hotel Costanzi. Captain Landon slowly dressed, and then made his way to the Consulate General. He merely nodded to Grimes and Hatton, who were watch- ing him, hidden in a corner of the smoking room. When Landon's tall form disappeared, Grimes resolutely said : "Now that Hatcher is gone, we must dip in our oars! Landon must face the music at once, or else leave Rome! And, if he stays, we must tell him all from the first to the last!" Frank Hatton bowed his head in a sorrowful silence. He had been made aware of Rawdon Clark's changed manner in the last month, a patient urbanity, a deferential courtesy now marked his employer's newer moods. 198 CAPTAIN LANDON. The magnate had even spoken of Sidney Lan- don with a cordial sympathy. "I suppose the blonde goddess has decided in Clark's favor!" mused Hatton. "The Croesus is to be the happy man. "Yes!" gloomily said Grimes. "Landon's career in Rome is ruined ! The women, too, have all turned their thumbs down! Vae Victis! He has been tried and condemned unheard behind closed doors! And, money has won its usual victory a golden walkover!" While they were speaking, Vice Consul Gen- eral Landon, entering his office, was startled by a sudden recontre with the United States Minis- ter Resident. The pompous diplomat was wending his way down the long hall of the Palazzo Vecchio to the private rooms of the Chief. Utterly ignorant of the Minister's secret decree of social banishment, Landon courteously spoke and offered his hand "en Americain." He remained rooted to the spot as the Min- ister, calmly ignoring both outstretched hand and polite greeting, passed on in silence, with a frozen stare. AT THE FOUNTAIN OF TREVI. 199 A ferocious gleam of joy lit up Jacopo Mas- pero's eyes as he touched Landon's arm, and, with mock humility, handed him his letters. Landon mechanically tore open the first, and read it, with an increasing wonder! It was postmarked Cairo, Egypt, and bore the chiffre of the Egyptian War Department! The young man's eyes flashed out with the old soldier light again! "Thank God! I shall have a chance to die by the spears of El Mahdi's fanatics!" He realized that the Minister's person was sacred, and, an instant leave of absence was his only possible safeguard! "I'll cable my acceptance at once!" he mused, while within Melville's room he was being judged behind closed doors. CHAPTER IX. AT THE FOUNTAIN OF TREVI. While Captain Sidney Landon awaited the departure of the highest American representative in Italy, he mechanically busied himself with the 200 CAPTAIN LANDON. arrangement of the few private paper? which were locked in his personal desk. Suddenly he caught Maspero's glances resting upon him, in an ill-disguised triumph. And at the sight of his enemy's glee his old fighting spirit returned. He drew the faithful Morgan aside into the little consultation room. "Edwin," he said, with a voice trembling with rage. "Pray go into Mr. Melville's studio and tell him that I ask for a few words with him, here, instantly, on an important matter which must be laid before His Excellency before he leaves the building!" The faithful secretary hastened away mutter- ing "What's in the wind? Landon looks as if he had received his own death sentence!" While awaiting the arrival of his Chief, Cap- tain Landon began to feel the full force of the open and avowed insult offered him before the man whose now totally experted accounts proved him to be a tricky scoundrel. "I must not abandon Morgan to Signior Mas- pero's rancor," he muttered. "The mills of the AT THE FOUNTAIN OF TREVI. 201 gods shall grind him slowly, perhaps, but, all in due time!" When Morgan returned, Sidney Landon whis- pered: "Reserve to-night for me! Come and dine with me, and spend the whole evening. I leave the office to stay forever, but, your work must go on ! This Italian hound must finally be brought to bay!" As the young man left the consultation room, Arthur Melville hastily entered with his face a curious study of sorrow and indecision. He had vainly sought for the particular plati- tude to cover the "mauvais quart d'heure." The first glance at Landon told him that some random shaft had gone home. Captain Landon bowed with all the formality of a duellist upon the field of honor. He ex- tended a sheet of dispatch paper upon which a few lines had been hastily traced. "Will you favor me with asking His Excellency to approve this leave of absence for one month?" coldly remarked Lando