GIFT OF OF NKW YORK Forest, Fish and Game Commission JAMES S. WHIPPLE, J. DUNCAN LAWRENCE, Commissioner Deputy Commissioner LIST OF LANDS IN THE FOREST PRESERVE fnopeirrr OFJHJLO, VISION or 1909 FORESTRY J COLLEGE OF A AGKlCULTUItK SUPPLEMENT TO FOURTEENTH ANNUAL REPORT OF I HE FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION ALBANY J. B. LYON COMPANY, STATE PRINTERS 1909 AGWC. DEFT. " ** 1 i i i i r ^ % ..* * 4f* &NFORESTK LIST OF LANDS IN THE FOREST PRESERVE. OF AGHICUITU OFCALJFOKNl, Report of the Superintendent of Forests ALBANY, K Y., June 1, 1909. Forest, F.ish and Game Commission: SIR. I have the honor to submit herewith a list of lands con- stituting the Forest Preserve. Though of little or no interest to the general public, it is the most important and valuable publica- tion issued by the Department. It is the basis of the entire landed business of the Commission. In this printed list will be found, convenient to hand, full information as to what land the State owns in the Forest Preserve counties, the acreage of each lot, and its location. The source of title is also stated, whether acquired at tax sale, by purchase, foreclosure of mortgage, or resale of bonded lands. If acquired by tax sale, the year in which the sale was held is given ; and, if by purchase, the year when the property was bought. From these schedules the draughtsman obtains the information which enables him to show in colors the State lands on the Adiron- % * *.-. dack and Catskill maps, and to thus indicate definitely the location of each one of the 6,771 separate parcels of land which constitute the Forest Preserve. With this printed list of lots, each forest official knows what lands are in his care and custody, and the property that requires his supervision or watchcare. In section 34, chapter 24, Laws of 1909, the Preserve is defined as follows: The Forest Preserve shall include the lands owned or hereafter acquired by the State within the county of Clinton, except the 4: REPOET/OFJ Fdite^T,.' EiiJH;4ND (TAME COMMISSION. towns of Altona and Dannemora, and the counties of Delaware, Essex, Franklin, Fulton, Hamilton, Herkimer, Lewis, Oneida, Saratoga, St. Lawrence, Warren, Washington, Greene, Ulster and Sullivan, except 1. Lands within the limits of any village or city, and 2. Lands not wild lands acquired by the State on foreclosure of mortgages made to loan commissioners. The second exception renders it difficult in some instances to determine whether a parcel of land belongs to the Preserve. A farm property, sold under forclosure, may contain a large tract of woods or " wild land " as well as cleared or cultivated ground. The question then arises whether the portion containing the woodlands does not belong to the Preserve. It is not always easy to draw the line between wild land and pasture. Then, again, some of the areas required by the State under foreclosure of mortgages made to loan commissioners are now abandoned farms that have grown up to brush or trees, and which in a few years will become second-growth forests. For these reasons several lots obtained through foreclosures are in- cluded in the list. The list, contains, also, some lands acquired through tax sales, the title t 00 CO "3 CO oo>oooooo^ * OOCOOCOCOOM 03 O O3 Tt< N.' ^(' (N 'I O3 i I CN CO CN 2 OS CO i-H CO I > ** | Resale of bonded land. 3 8 8 8 8 i 1 i Sg : : 8 $ CO Ol CO (N Mortgage foreclosures. O O O O 1-1 00 t> 05 O O GO CO CO OS OS i-H GO CO CO rH 00 ii CO O OS O b- OS t^ r-t CO 00 O O 'O t^ CN i> 10 os co co OS ^ CN CO CO 10 rjt 00 CN OS O T-H 00 Tt< CO CN ^ CN CO CO 00 y-t <# CO "-H * O CO r-t t~ 10 t^ T < CO ""* CN CO l> I-H . iO 00 il CO O CO IO CO CO !> ^H i-H CO O ^O OO r-t O CO CO 00 CO CO - iO CO CN CO i a CO O5 ^ CN O O i t 00 OS CM CO d i-( CN ^ CN CO OS CO I-H r-t CO CO CN Number of parcels. r-i CO * 00 CO O O iO CO O CO IO CN O i-H CO r-l CO . t* H Z P O d ; a j I i I I ! 1 ! 1 O H PC, fe W W mni i I 1 as 1 * fc 8 REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. Pn PH I d i-l i-l CM 00 s 1 O5 00 O> i t>^ ^2 S 8 OJ CM t-l rH esT O <; CO CO t" O 1C i-H ^ t^" 00 e5 53 SL s . i 3 f-i 00 CO s S. 00 O O o CO Il o co i oo 1 3 X O> "I ^*" i-l CO o 11 | 2 S g i 11 *o g QJ : ci i 1 1 i 1 Q O M P REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. 9 SUMMARY. NUMBER OF SEPARATE PARCELS. Adirondack Preserve 6,105 Catskill Preserve . 666 Total 6,771 ACREAGE. Adirondack Preserve: *Within the Adirondack Park. . 1,399,365.84 Without the Adirondack Park. 127,834.10 Total Adirondack Preserve 1,527,199.94 Catskill Preserve: *Within the Catskill Park 97,005.34 Without the Catskill Park... 10,056.00 Total Catskill Preserve 107,061 .34 Total State ownership 1,634,261.28 SOURCES OF TITLE. Lands purchased prior to 1897.. 151,451.00 Lands purchased since January 1, 1897 688,011.16 Total land purchased 840,011.16 Resale bonded lands 9,861.46 Mortgage foreclosures 11,153 . 64 Tax sales and reverted 773,235 . 02 Total acreage Forest Preserve 1,634,261.28 *Does not include entire area within the park, as the State has acquired at preterit only a part of the territory. 10 EEPOET OF FOKEST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. This acreage is constantly increasing through the purchases of the Commission. In fact, it is considerably greater at this date than the above figures indicate, owing to lands that were purchased but not conveyed at the time schedules were completed. It will be noticed by referring to the pages containing the fol- lowing land list that one column is set apart in order to show the source of title to each lot or parcel. From the data in this column it appears that of the 773,235.02 acres acquired through tax sales, the title to over three-fourths of the lands thus obtained came through the sales of 1871 and 1877. The lands acquired at these sales were for the most part covered with a virgin forest in which no lumbering had been done. The greater part of the lands ac- quired by the subsequent sales were what is known as lumbered lands, although on a large portion of them the cutting had not been very close. On this latter class of lots none of the hardwood had been taken, and the softwoods had not been cut below 10 inches. By the tax sale of 1895 only 39,564 acres were acquired; and in the sale of 1900 the acquisition from this source was re- duced to 7,202 acres, nearly all of which consisted of lands sit- uated outside the Adirondack Park. Any further extension of the Forest Preserve, aside from a few small, worthless lots, will have to be made through the medium of purchases by the State. As previously stated here the Forest Preserve consists of 6,771 separate lots or parcels of land, mostly 160-acre lots. Some tracts are surveyed out in parcels of 200 acres each, and some town- ships are subdivided into mile square lots. Some townships con- taining 30,000 acres are merely quartered. And so the lots vary from quarter-sections of 40 acres to quarter-townships of 7,500. But, whether small or large, each one of these 6,771 parcels of State land in the Forest Preserve has its own surveyed boundary, stands on its own title, and is a distinct, independent piece of real estate. Several of these lots, when purchased, may be conveyed REPOBT OF FOBEST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. 11 to the State in the same deed ; but one: does not have to go back very far in the abstract of title before there is a divergence in the line of ownership. Your attention is thus called to the large num- ber of separate properties in order to give a better idea of the work necessary in keeping a proper record of all this real estate and protecting the various titles. ADIRONDACK PARK. The area of the Adirondack Park, of which the State owns only a part, is 3,313,564 acres. So many persons are apt to think or speak of the Adirondack Park and the Forest Preserve as being the same, it may be well to state that, of the 1,527,199.94 acres in the Forest Preserve lands of Northern New York, 1,399,365.84 acres are situated within the Park, and the remainder, 127,834.10 acres are outside the boundary or " blue line " as shown on the last edition of the Adirondack map issued by your Commission. The actual acreage of the Adirondack Park is greater than the area indicated by the figures given, how much so it is difficult to say. The statement of area, as reported here is based on the assessed acreage of each lot, which as we have learned by experi- ence is generally less than the real acreage when determind by a careful survey. Most of the lands in the Adirondacks are bought and sold by the assessed acreage the old conveyances specifying the number of acres and always qualifying the statement with the words " more or less." Whenever we have found it necessary to make a careful survey and chaining of a lot, parcel or township, we have discovered almost invariably that there was a surplus, that the lot " overrun " the acreage called for in the various deeds, and on which the assessment is made. This condition is largely due to the loose methods of work in use by the old surveyors who made the original allotments. They used a drag chain, and ran the lines as fast as they could, some of 12 REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. them being paid by the number of acres surveyed instead of by the days worked. Whenever, in their haste or carelessness, they failed to tally a chain there was a corresponding increase of unre- corded area ; and, in some instances, as stated in their field notes the colonial surveyors " threw in a few chains for good measure." It would be difficult to estimate even approximately, how far such methods have contributed to the difference between the as- sessed and actual acreage; but a careful study of the facts, to- gether with many years experience in these land statistics, leads me to believe that the lots will in the aggregate overrun the old surveys at least five per cent; and, that while the official assessed acreage of the Adirondack Park is placed here at 3,313,564 acres, the actual acreage is not far from 3,475,000 acres. CATSKILL PAEK. The Catskill Park, as defined in the State law, contains 576,120 acres, and includes a part of each of the following named counties : Delaware, Greene, Sullivan and Ulster. I desire to acknowledge here the valuable services rendered by Mr. A. B. Strough, of this office, in compiling and tabulating the following schedules. His faithful attention, combined with his previous experience in this particular class of work, insures its accuracy and reliability. I would respectfully suggest that this land list be printed as a separate, or second volume of the annual report. As the work contains no reading matter, or little of interest to the general pub- lic, the edition can be limited to such number only as may be neces- sary for the use of the forest officials, with some additional copies for the Comptroller's office, and to supply the demand made by people who own adjacent lands. WILLIAM E. FOX, Superintendent State Forests. REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. LIST OF LANDS BELONGING TO 1909. CLINTON COUNTY. List of Lands Belonging to the State. (Total number of acres, 20,856.) Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. DUERVILLB PATENT. Beekmantown. . . 29 N. } of 95a, E. end of lot ... 1881 23.75 do 29 W. i ex. 35fa. N. p't & 45a. W. p't of S. i of lot 1877 44.37 do 35 All in Beekmantown 1871/77 43.61 do 52 S W i 1877 '81 '85 62.50 do 57 N. W. , ex. 44fa. N. p't thereof 1890 19.25 do 82 Ex. 15a, N. W. cor., 37a, S. E. cor., 33-nf -a., being all of 51a. S. W. cor. square contained in 53fa. S. W. cor. 15 ch. E. & W. and 35.75 ch. N. & S. and 67i 3 oa., being all of 72a. N. E. cor. contained in E. $ of lot 1871, '77, '81 97 Total, DuerviUe Patent, 290.48 acres. 14 REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. CLINTON COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Saranac 22 Gores. LIVINGSTON GORE. Sub. 1 N. part bd. S. by Burns & McMurray 1895, '00 10.80 do 22 S E cor (Sub 1) 39a ex S. Eells, 3a. in S. E. cor., lOa. b'd N. by A. Norris' 10a., E. by lot line and S. by 3a. owned by Eells & W. by 15a. of McMurray & lla. b'd N. by Farrell, E. by town line, S. by Allen & W. by McMurray 1881 15 do 22 Sub 2 b'd N by Farrell E by McMurray, S. by Sibley & W by Widow Norris 1885 15 Total Livingston Gore, 40.8 acres. Mooers 5 STATE GORE BETWEEN OLD MILITARY AND REFUGEE TRACTS. S \ *Resale 86 do 6 S. \ *Resale 88 do 17 N. part *Resale 118 do . . 20 N part . . *Resale . ... 70.50 Total State Gore, 362 acres. Peru 3 LIVINGSTON PATENT, DI- VISION 5, HART TRACT. 1881 '85 75 25 ; f Ausable 196 MAUL'S PATENT. B'd N & E by land form- erly of Earl Pierce, S. by Ausable River & W. by school-house lot and lands sold in 1841 by Martin Pope to Hugh McClerkin . . 1881, '85.. 16 Formerly bonded land. REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. 15 CLINTON COUNTY. Town. Lot, DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. OLD MILITARY TRACT, TOWNSHIP 3. Black Brook .... 1 N. part 1900 '05 323 do 7 1877, '81, '90 853 . 33 do 8 Ex. 50a. N. E. cor. 12c. wide, N. & S. & 40c. long E. & W., 250a. S. E. cor., 62c. N. & S. & 40c. E. & W. and 16a. S. W. cor 1890, '95 537 do 10 Ex 89a. N W. cor 1877, '81, '85, '00.. 764 do 11 1890 '95 . . . . 853 . 33 do 15 1871, '77, '81, '85. . 853 . 33 do 17 Sub. 3 : 1877, '81, '85 85 do 17 Sub 4 1881, '90 85 do 17 Sub. 8 1871, '77, '81 85 do 17 Sub. 9 1871, '77, '81 85 do 18 Ex. 80a. S. E. cor 1877, '81, '85, '90.. 773 do 24 Ex. 50a. W. p't to E. of J. T. Duncan, b'd beg. on W. line of lot in center of Port Kent & Hopkinton Turnpike, th. N. 1 E. on line 13c. 61. to a stake & stones, th. S. 89 E. 32c. 601. to center of Saranac River, th. up the center thereof to the small island nearest the W'ly shore of the head of the rapids above the falls, th. N. 43 W. 3c. 821. to the bend in said Turnpike, & th. W. along center of said Turnpike to beg. ; & ex. 40a. to John McCullom, b'd N'ly by Port Kent & Hopkinton Turnpike, E. by Saranac River as it winds & turns, S. 2c. by a line running E. parallel with N. line of lot from a point on W. line of lot 42c. S. from where said Turnpike crosses said W. line to W. bank of Sara- nac River at high water 16 REPORT OF FOREST, FISTI AND GAME COMMISSION. CLINTON COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Black Brook do 24 26 OLD MILITARY TRACT, TOWNSHIP 3 (Continued) mark, & W. 168 rods by lot line N E cor square 1881/85 1881 763 113 do 27 1871 '77 '81 '85 853 do 33 Ex. Subs. 1, 2, 3 (being all N. & W. of Sampson's Pond), 460a., & ex. 50a, S E cor . . 1853 '85 .. 343 do do 33 41 N. p't b'd E. by lot line & Sampson's Pond, & S. by Sampson's Pond & N. line of 139a. S. W. cor. owned by Thos. Howard, 319a. ex. 169a. N. p't thereof b'd S. by Sampson's Pond & a line par'l with N. line of 289a. S. W. cor. owned by Thos. Howard & Eli Clough N \ 1853, '85 1877 '81 '85 '95 150 426 do 72 S. E. cor. b'dN. by S. line of land of Moses Perry and by the continuation E. of said S. line to E. line of lot & W. by John Musgrove's 50a. lot 1877, '81, '85 125 do 73 1871 '77 '81 '85 '90 462 50 do 74 Ex. lOOa. N. W. cor Total, T'wp. Three, 9,288 acres. Reverted 1859 753 Snranac 1 OLD MILITARY TRACT, TOWNSHIP 4. All in Saranac 1877 '81 '85 114 Black Brook 9 Sub. 7 1877, '81, '85 85 do 10 Sub. 2 1881 100 Saranac 23 N. E. cor. 50c. N. & S. 30c. E. & W 1900 '05 150 do 32 B'd N. by highway, E. by Trombley & W by Gokey 1877 99 do 48 B'd N. by center line of lot, or Farrell, E. by Hanlon, or Farrell, S. by lot line, or Hanlon, & W. by Coffee.. 1881, '85.. 17 REPORT or FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. 17 CLINTON COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Saranac . 62 OLD MILITARY TRACT, TOWNSHIP 4 (Continued). Ex. 50a. S. E. cor., 50a. S. W. cor., and 400a. on N. line adj 50a N E .... 1853 140 do 67 1895 '00 '05 640 Black Brook . . . 70 Sub. 5, N. p't across 1885 6 do Saranac 70 74 Sub. 7 Pelkey Gilbert; b'd N. by 1895, '00 77 lot line E. by land of La pan, S. by land of Burnah & W. by Rasco 1905 50 do 89 W. end of 140a. N. p't 1871 70 Black Brook 90 Sub 2 ... 1877 '81 '85 160 do do Ellenburgh 91 91 43 S. E. cor. square B'd on E. line 26c. 651. N. of S. E. cor. 27c. 471. on E., 27c. 771. on W. & 26c. 651. on N. & S. lines Total, T'wp. Four, 1,853 acres. OLD MILITARY TRACT, TOWNSHIP 5. S W. cor 1877, '81/85, '90.. 1871,77/81 1871. . . 71 74 50 do 72 1853 213 do 105 S. E. cor 1877 71 33 do .... 123 Purchase, 1868 . 213 33 do 124 Purchase 1868 213 33 do 125 Purchase 1868 213 33 do 126 Purchase, 1868. . . . 213 33 do 129 Purchase, 1868 . 213 33 do . .. 130 Purchase 1868 213 33 do . ... 142 Ex 62a bd beg at a point on E. line of said lot 30r. N. of S. E. cor. th. W. par'l with S. line lOOr. th. N. par'l with E. line lOOr. th. E. par'l with S. line lOOr. to E. line of lot and th. S. on E. line lOOr. to beg 1895, '00 151 33 do do 143 144 1895, '00 1895, '00 213.33 213.33 18 REPOKT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. CLINTON COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Ellenburgh 160 OLD MILITARY TRACT. TOWNSHIP 5 (Continued). 1877, '81, '85, '95. 213 33 do 161 1877 '81 '85 '95 213 33 do 171 Purchase 1868 213 33 do 172 Purchase 1868 213 33 do 173 1890, '95 213.33 do 174 Purchase, 1868. . . . 213.33 do 175 Purchase 1868 213 33 do ... 176 Purchase 1868 213 33 do 177 1895, '00 213.33 do 178 Purchase 1868 213 33 do 179 Purchase 1868 . . 213.33 do 181 All in Ellenburgh Purchase 1868 . 188 33 do 182 Same Purchase, 1868 188.33 do 183 Same Purchase, 1868 188 . 33 do 184 Same N. of outlet of Chazy lake Purchase 1868 175 do 185 Same Purchase, 1868. . . . 186 do 186 All in Ellenburgh Purchase, 1868 188.33 do 187 Same Purchase 1868 188 33 do 188 Same Purchase 1868 . 188 33 do 189 Same Purchase 1868 188 33 do . . 190 Same Purchase 1868 188 33 Ellenburgh 15 Total, T'wp. Five, 6,406.66 acres. OLD MILITARY TRACT, TOWNSHIP 6. N. E. cor 1871 26 Clinton 24 N. E. cor. 50r. wide N. & S. & 160r. longE. & W 1900, '05 50 do 35 E p't 178r wide 356a ex 106a. being Sub. 1, S. E. cor. of lot b'd N. by 25a. N. p't of lot 1885 250 do 37 Sub 4 1900 '05 52 81 do 48 On N line 118r W from N Ellenburgh 59 E. cor., 120r. N. & S. & 9r. E. &W W. side, 208a. & N end of 1881, '85 7 54a. E. side of 262a. W. side, 37a . . 1877.. 245 REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. 19 CLINTON COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Clinton . . 61 OLD MILITARY TRACT, T o WNSHIP 6 (Continued) . What remains of 35 la N E cor., 320r. N. & S. & 175r. E. & W., after ex. so much thereof as is contained in 286a E pt of lot ... 1871. 65 do . . 73 Sub 7 1871 60 do 85 N. E. cor. 380r. N. & S. & 98r. E. & W., 232a. and 50a. on S. line 132r. E. from S. W. cor. 195r. N. & S. & 45r. E & W 1877 282 f Saranac 4 Total, T'wp. Six, 1,038 acres. PION PATENT. B'd N by center E. by Douglas, S. by lot line, & W. by J. Dwyre 1881 25 Peru 31 PLATT'S GREAT LOCATION. B'd N by land formerly oi Benj. Bragg, E. by Prentiss Hewitt, S. by A. H. Merill and W. by J B Spalding . 5 Schuyler Falls. . . 55 PLATTSBURGH OLD PATENT. B'd N. by the S. bank of the Saranac River, E. by the Adams lot, so called, S. by lot of Mrs. Lynch, and W by the Adams lot Mortgage 123 7 ( Chazv 7 REFUGEE TRACT 420 ACRE LOTS. S E cor 1853 45 Mooers . . . 20 S p't N % Sam'l St John b'd N. by a line par'l with N. line of lot . . 1900.. 32. 5( 20 REPORT OF FOKEST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. CLINTON COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Mooers. 102 do 103 do . do . do .. do .. do .. do .. do .. Saranac . 149 176 195 197 203 204 210 237 REFUGEE TRACT 420 ACRE LOTS (Continued) . B'd beg. in center of highway opposite Wood's dwelling and in line with the W. side of a road leading N. to A B. Wood & Co.'s starch factory, th. N'ly lOr. to a stake on W. line of said Starch Factory Road, th W'ly par'l with the road running E'ly from Wood's Falls to Mooer's Village, 75 ft., th. S'ly par'l with E. line of this land 1 0r., and th. E'ly along centre of high- way 75 ft. to beg ......... George White place bd. begins at N. E. cor. of land of Wm. Wilson in W. line of highway from Wood Go's store to Altona, th. N'ly on said W. line to a post & board fence built by Geo. White and Wm. Cheeseman for a division fence, th. W'ly along said fence to within 2r. of high water mark on the river, th. S'ly within 2r. of high water mark of the river to N. W. cor. of said Wilson's land, and th. E'ly to beg ....... S. pt ..................... S. E. cor ................. W. of S. W. i ........... E. pt. b'd W. by Killis ..... S. E. cor ................. N.W. JandW. ^ofS.W. J. B'd beg. at a point in center of highway from Clinton Prison to Saranac, being N. W. cor. of a lot of land here-i 1895. 1895 1853 1853 1853 1877, '81 . . . . 1877 1853 1871, '81, '85. 1 156 48 210 52.50 100 12 157 .REPORT OF FOKEST, FISH AXD GAME COMMISSION. 21 CLINTON COUNTY. Town. Saranac. Pittsburgh, do do Peru, Lot. 237 241 250 252 DESCRIPTION. REFUGEE TRACT 420 ACRE LOTS (Continued) . tofore contracted to Ted- ford, th. N. in center of said road to the S. line of lot 235, th. E. on the S. line of lot 235 far enough to make 25a., besides 2 rods herein and hereby severed on and from the S. line of said 25a. for a road, & the said 2 rods are not to be in- cluded in the 25a Ex. 57a. E. iof S. E. J... E. pt. of W. \ Sub. 32 Total, Refugee Tract, 1,292.43 acres. THORP'S PATENT. Allan Plain lot, b'd N. & W. by the Craig lot, E. by the Ricketson lot, & S. by A. Irwin & Downs . . Tax sales or source of title. Purchase, 1893. 1853, '85 1853 *Resale, 1899 . . 1895. Acres. 25 367.50 83 2.64 40 * Formerly bounded land. 22 REPORT or FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. ESSEX COUNTY. List of Lands Belonging to the State. (Total number of acres, 303,750.) Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Schroon 1 BRANT LAKE TRACT. Purchase, 1908 120 do 2 All in Essex Co Purchase, 1908 53 do 34 Same Purchase, 1908 48 do 35 Purchase, 1908 96 do 36 Purchase, 1908. . . 96 do 37 All in Essex Co Purchase, 1908 56 do 66 Same Purchase, 1908 63 do 67 Purchase, 1908 96 do . . 68 Purchase, 1908 96 do 69 All in Essex Co Purchase, 1908. 65 do 98 Same Purchase, 1908 65 do 99 Purchase, 1908 96 do 100 Purchase, 1908 96 do . 101 All in Essex Co Purchase, 1908. . . . 69 do 130 Same Purchase, 1908 . . 72 do 131 Purchase, 1908 96 do 132 Purchase, 1908 96 do ... 133 All in Essex Co . . Purchase, 1908 75 do 162 Same Purchase, 1908. . 79 do 163 Purchase, 1908 96 do 164 Purchase, 1908. . . . 96 do ... 165 All in Essex Co Purchase, 1908 83 do 194 Same Purchase, 1908. . 85 do 195 Purchase 1908 96 do 196 Purchase 1908 96 do 226 All in Essex Co., 31 a. ex do 227 17/o a. W. part thereof, being a strip of an average width of 15c. 161. E. & W., bd. N. by the Lake Shore . Ex. 43-nfija. W. pt. thereof, &c same Purchase, 1908 Purchase, 1908 . . . 13.40 31.62 Ticonderoga. . . . .... Total Brant Lake Tract, 2,130 acres. ELLIS TRACT OR PATENT. Gore, bd. N. by lots 262, 263 and 264 Ellis Tract, E. by lot 94 Ellis Trac, S. by KEPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. 23 ESSEX COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. conderoga ELLIS TRACT OR PATENT (Continued), the Town of Hague & W do 94 by lot 29 Hague Tract All in Essex Co. 44a. ex. 15a. E'lv part . Purchase, 1908 Purchase 1908 218 29 do 164 Sloan, Elizabeth: W. end bd. N. by land of Chas. G. Wickes & A. Lockwood, E. by land of G. N. Wickes and S. by Gore in said Tract; known as the Red Oxide Ore bed 1890 16 do 262 Purchase 1908 254 do 263 Purchase 1908 194 Total acres Ellis Tract, 711. wis 16 ESSEX TRACT, HENRY'S SURVEY. Bd beg at a pile of stones by the side of the fence, which runs N'ly & S'ly a little E. of where (July, 1867) Win. H. Stover is erecting a coal kiln, and N. E'ly of the house; th. S'ly along said fence 32r., th. W'ly at right angles to 1st line 20r., th. N'ly par'l. with 1st line 32r., and th. E'ly 20r. to b*eg 1885 4 lo 47 1895 196 33 lo 58 1900 160 lo .. 83 Ex 85a bd beg 75r E from N. W. cor. of lot, th. E. to a stake and stones N. 27 deg. E. 181, from a beech tree marked 82, 83 and 107; th. S. 40c. to S. E. cor. of lot, a beech tree marked 82 and 83; th. W. to a point 75r. from a spruce tree on high land, numbered 83 and 84. and th. N. 40c. to beg. . 1885, '90 75 24 REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. ESSEX COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Keene 128 ESSEX TRACT, HENRY'S SURVEY (Continued) . N. pt., Taylor Mill lot, bd. beg. on S. side of Stiles Brook at the upper mill dam, th. N. 8r. to a stake, th. W. 20r. to a stake and stones, th. S. 8r. to a bass- wood tree on S. side of said brook and th. E. along same 20r to beg 1877 '81 1 Elizabethtown. . . 158 1885, '90 80 Keene 179 Purchase 1905 160 do 180 Purchase 1905 160 do 181 Purchase 1905 160 do 182 Purchase 1905 160 do 185 1881 '85 172 do 214 *Resale, 1899 176 do 215 *Resale, 1899 160 do .... 222 1881 '85 160 do 231 1877 '81 '85 '95 201 Total acres Essex Tract, 2,025. Elizabethtown. . . GORE BETWEEN TOWNSHIP 1, 0. M. T., AND ROARING BROOK TRACT. South of lot 6 F in township 1, O. M. T and E. of lot 86, and N. of lots 23 & 24, Roaring Brook Tract, 18c. wide and 20c. long *Resale, 1899 . . . 36 Newcomb GORE NORTH or TOWNSHIP 50, T. AND C. P. All in Essex Co of the fol- lowing described land, viz.- beg. at a beech sapling marked "120" & "1809" standing on the top of a steep hill in a windfall which is the N. E. cor. of Twp. 50, T. & C. P. as lo- cated by John Richards, in ^Formerly bonded land. REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. 25 ESSEX COUNTY. Town. New comb . do Lot. DESCRIPTION. GORE NORTH OF TOWNSHIP 50, T. AND C. P. (Cont'd). 1800, and running from said cor. in a westerly di- rection 554 chains and 27 links, more or less, along the N. line of said Twp. 50, as located by John Richards in 1809, to the N. W. cor. of said township, which is a maple tree marked "No. 1" with witness trees around marked by long blazes ; thence northwest- erly along the lines of lot 12 of Twp. 22 in T. & C. P. and lot 52 in the triangle E. of Twp. 23 in T. & C. P. to the N. E. cor. of said lot 52, being in the S. line of Twp. 26, Macomb's Purchase, as surveyed by Benjamin Wright about 1800; and running thence E'ly along the aforesaid S'ly line of said Twp. 26 as surveyed by Benj. Wright, to a point upon said S. line of Twp. 26 where the E'ly line of Twp. 50 as located by John Rich- ards, if prolonged, would intersect said S. line of Twp. 26; and from thence S. E. along said prolongation of the E'ly line of Twp. 50 to the place of beg GORE NORTH orT. ANDC. P. All that piece or parcel of land bounded easterly bj the old Millitary Tract southerly by Totten and Crossfield's Purchase, west- erly by lands conveyed to the state by George N. Tax sales or source of title. Original and con- veyed, 1904 .... Acres. 650 26 KEPOBT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. ESSEX COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Newcomb GORE NORTH OF T. AND C. P. (Continued). Ostrander and others northerly by the southerly line of Macomb's Purchase in Franklin county Original 2,780 Schroon GUISE'S PATENT A11840a ex 121~i- Sub. 15 1877, '81, '85 140 do .... u [22 \ & 1 Sub. 16 1877, '81, '85 100 do U 22 & Sub 17 1877 '81 '85 '95 100 do . 27 22 & 1 Sub 18 1877 '81 '85 '95 100 do 27 22 & 1 Sub 19 1877 '81 '85 '95 100 do 27 22 & 1 \ Sub. 20 1877, '81/85, '95.. 100 do 27 [22 \ & > Sub 21 1877, '81, '85, '95. . 100 do u 23 Sub. 1 1877, '81, '85, '90. . 160 do 23 Sub 2 ex. S. E. J 1871/77, '81, '85. . 111 do 23 Sub 3 1877 '81 '85 '90 '95. 188 do 23 Sub. 4 1871/77/81/85/90, '95 174 do 24 Sub 1, N. E i & S. W. i . 1877/81/85/90/95. 82 do 24 Sub 2 1871 '77 '81 '95 152 do 24 Sub. 3 1877/81/85/90/95. 148 do 24 Sub 4 N W J 1871 '77 '81 34 25 do . . 30 1877/81/85/90.... 1,458 do 31 1877 '81 '85/90 709 75 do 32 S. i 1877/81/85/95... . 314.50 do 33 Ex. N. E. Jof S. E. i 1877/81/85/95.... 583 42 REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. ESSEX COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. North Elba 34 OLD MILITARY TRACT, TOWN- SHIP 12, RICHARDS' SURVEY (Continued). 1877/81/85 711 75 do 36 N W cor of S. E. 1885 '90 '95 40 do 37 School fund and do 38 purchase School fund 1,121 1 449 do 39 1877 '81 '85 '95 708 40 do 40 School fund 614 75 do 41 Purchase, 1900. . . . 540 do 42 Purchase, 1900 624 80 do 43 School fund 1 278 Total, Township 12, Rich- ards' survey, 19,709 acres. North Elba 1 THORN'S SURVEY. Ex. S. E. i 1877/81/85/90/95. 120 do 2 1877/81/85/90 '95. 160 do 3 1877 '81 '85 '90 '95 160 do 4 1877 '81 '85 '90 '95 1905 160 do do ... 5 6 P 1877/81/85/95.... 1877 '81 '85 '95 120 160 do 7 1877/81/85/90/95. 160 do g 1877/81/85/95.... 160 do 9 1877 '81 '85 '90 '95 160 do .... 10 1877 '81 '85 '90 '95 160 do 11 1877/81/85/90/95. 160 do 12 1877/81/85/90/95 1905 160 do 13 190 5 purchase 1900 160 do 14 1877/81/85/95.... 160 do 15 S \ and N E \ 1877 '81 '85 '95 120 do 16 1877 '81 '85 '95 160 do 17 1877/81/85/90/95. 160 do 18 1877/81/85/90/95. 160 do 19 1877 '81 '85 '90/95. 160 do 20 1877 '81 '85 '95 160 do do 21 22 S.* and N.W.I 1877/81/85/95.... 1877.'81.'85.'95.'05. 120 160 REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. 43 ESSEX COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. North Elba 23 OLD MILITARY TRACT, TOWN- SHIP 12, THORN'S SURVEY (Continued). N W i and S 1877/81/85 '90 '95 1905 120 do 24 1877 '81 '85 '90 '95 1905 160 do 25 1877/81/85/90 '95 160 do 26 1877 '81 '85 '90 '95 160 do 27 1877 '81 '85 '90 '95 160 do 28 1877/81/85/95... 160 do 29 1877/81/85 '95 . 160 do 30 1877 '81 '85 '95 160 do 31 S. *... 1877/81/85/90/95. 80 do 32 1877/81/85 160 do 33 1877/81 '85 . 160 do 34 1877 '81 '85 '90 '95 160 do 35 Ex. N. W. J 1877/81/85/95.... 120 do 36 1877/81/85 '95 .. 160 do 37 1877 '81 '85 160 do 40 1877/81/85 160 do 41 1877/81/85 '90 '95 160 do 42 1877/81 '85 '90 '95 1900 160 do 43 1877/81/95 160 do 47 1877/81/85 '95... 160 do 48 . 1877 '81 '85 '95 160 do . . 49 Ex S W 1877 '81 '85 '90 120 do 50 1871/77/81/95.... 160 do 53 1877/81/85 '95 .. 160 do 54 N and S W J 1877 '81 '85 '95 120 do 55 S. W. 1 1881/85/95 40 do 56 * S. W. 1 1871/77/81/85 ... 40 do 59 1871/77/81/85/90. > 160 do 60 N. W. J Purchase, 1897 1877 '81 '85 '95 J 40 do 61 1 1877 '81 '85 160 do 62 1877/81 '85 '90 '95 160 do 63 1877 '81 '85 '90 '95 160 do do do do 64 65 66 67 N. W. i Ex. N. W. } 1877/81/85 1877/81/85. ...... 1881/85 '. 1877 '81 '85 '90 '95. 160 160 40 120 do 69 1877 '81. '85/90... 160 44 REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. ESSEX COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. North Elba . . 83 OLD MILITARY TRACT, TOWN- SHIP 12, THORN'S SURVEY (Continued). 1877/81/85/95... . 160 do 84 Ex. S. W. J 1877/81/85/95 120 do 90 1877/81 '85 '90 '95 160 do 91 1877 '81 '85 '95 160 do 95 Conveyed, 1895. . . *240 do 96 1877/81/85 160 do 98 1877 '80 '85 160 do 101 Starch mill lot, bd. beg. on west branch of Ausable river, 30 ft. below Fenout & Thompson's sawmill, th. N. E'ly 40 ft. to a large rock, th.S. E'ly60ft.,th. S. Wly 40 ft. and th. N. Wly 60 ft. to b6fiT 1877 05 do 115 N. E. 1... 1877, '81 40 do 121 1877/81 '85 '90 160 do 123 1877 '81 '85 '90' 95 160 do 126 1871/77/81/85/90, 1895 160 do 127 1881 '85 160 do 128 1881 '85 160 do 129 1877/81/85/95 160 do 130 1871 '77 '81 '85 '90. 160 do 131 1877 '81 '85 '90 '95 160 do 132 1877 '81 '85 '90 '95 160 do . ... 134 N. W. J &S. E. J. ... 1877 '81, '85 '95 . 80 do 135 1871 '77 '81 '85 '90 160 do 136 1877, '81, '85, '90.. 160 do 137 Ex. N. E. J 1877, '81 '85 '95. . 120 do 138 1871 '77 '81 '85 '90, '95 160 do 139 W end of N 1871 '85 20 do 140 N. W. i 1881 '85 40 do 141 1877 '81 '85 '95 . 160 do 142 Ex N E J 1877 '81 '85 '95 120 do 145 Same 1885 '90 '95 120 do 146 N. i &S. E. }.. 1871 '85, '90 '95 . . 120 do ' 147 1871 '77, '81, '85, '90 '95.. 160 *John Brown farm. EEPORT OF FOKEST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. 45 ESSEX COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. North Elba 148 OLD MILITARY TRACT, TOWN- SHIP 12, THORN'S SURVEY (Continued), N i &S E J 1877, '81, '85 '95 120 do 149 1877 '81 '85 160 do 153 1877, '81, '85, 1900. 160 do 154 1871, '77, '81, '85. . 160 Total, Township 12, Thorn's survey, 13,180 acres. Ticonderoffa 22 PARADOX TRACT. 1881 '90 164 do 23 1881, '90 164 do 25 1881, '90 164 do 39 1877, '81, ; 85, '95. . 160 Schroon . . . 55 Purchase 1908. . . . 150 do 81 1885 178 40 do 82 Purchase, 1908 178 40 do 85 Ex. und. \ paid by Roth. 1877, '81 80 do .. 86 Purchase, 1908 160 do 88 1877/81/85/90 '95. 160 do 89 1877 '81 '85 165 10 do 95 1871, '77, '81, '90.. 160 do .. 102 1 900, *resale, 1899. 165.10 do 112 Purchase, 1908. . . . 150 do 113 Purchase, 1908 150 do 114 Purchase, 1908 150 do 115 Purchase, 1908 160 do 120 Purchase, 1908 40 do 135 1871, '77, '81 160 N. Hudson 139 Purchase, 1904. ... 114.40 do 140 1895, '00 110 80 do 141 1890 150 do 142 S. E. cor Conveyed, 1904. . . 45 do ... 144 1895, '00 122 do do 145 146 1895, '00 Purchase 1907 . . 122 122 Schroon 147 1900 *resale 1899 122 do 148 1885, '90 160 do ... 149 1885, '90 160 do 165 1885, '90 160 * Formerly bonded land. 46 REPOKT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. ESSEX COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Schroon 166 PARADOX TRACT (Continued). 1885 '90 '95 160 N.Hudson "do 171 172 Ex. und. Crown Point 1890, '95 160 do 174 Iron Co 1877, '81, '85 1877 '81 '85 84.30 150 do 184 1877 '81 '85 '95 160 do 185 1877, '81, '85, '95.. 149 40 do 188 Und. * Conveyed, 1905 . 80 do 195 Purchase 1908 165 20 do 196 1895 '00 160 dg 197 1890 '95 '00 ... 160 do 199 Conveyed 1904 152 do 201 Conveyed 1907 160 do 203 Purchase 1907 . . . 152 70 do 212 S. \ .. Purchase 1905 80 do 217 1871 '77 '81 85 '90 '95 160 do 218 Conveyed 1904 . 160 do 220 Purchase 1908 160 do 221 Purchase 1908 160 do 222 Purchase 1809 160 do 223 Purchase 1908 160 do 224 1871 '77 '81 '85 165 20 do 230 Conveyed 1904&'07 160 do 231 Purchase 1904 160 do 234 Purchase 1907 160 do 235 Purchase 1904 '07 160 do 236 Purchase 1903 '07 160 do 237 Conveved 1905 160 do 238 Conveyed 1905 160 do 239 N p't 53a & und of rem Crown Point. . . . 240 of lot 1871, '77, '81 Purchase 1905 88.66 160 do 247 Und. i for. pd. by Russell . . . 1895, '00 20.75 do 259 Purchase 1905 160 N. Hudson 260 Purchase 1905 160 do 261 Conveyed 1905 . 160 do 262 Purchase 1905 160 do 263 Purchase 1907 160 Moriah 289 1885 '90 160 do 292 1871 '77 '81 '90 160 do 293 Ex. 80a. N. W. cor. . 1871 .77/81. '85/95. 80 ' EEPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. 47 ESSEX COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Moriah 294 PARADOX TRACT (Continued.} 1871 '77 '81 '85 '90 '95 160 do 295 Ex und f of W llOa pd by A. F. Edwards 1871, '77, '85, '90. 86 66 Crown Point. . . . do 297 312 All of N. , in Schroon in 1857 & 1860, ex. und. f thereof paid by D. Rider . . . 1885, '90, '95 1890, '00 160 6 66 do 312 Und. of S. , rem. $ for. pd. by D Rider 1895 26 66 Moriah 314 1871 '77 '81 '85 '90 '95 160 do 315 1871 '77, '81 '95. 160 N Hudson 349 Purchase 1907 160 do 350 1871 '77 '81 '85 '90 do 351 '95 Purchase 1903 160 160 do 352 Purchase 1903 160 do 353 1871 '77, '81, '85. . 167 do .... 354 1871 37 50 do 355 Purchase 1905 89 50 do 356 Purchase 1905 167 do 358 1871, '90, '95 160 do . . 377 Purchase 1905. . . 160 do 378 Purchase 1905 160 do 379 1895, '00, purchase, do 380 1905 Purchase 1905 184 189 do 381 Ex. mill & water power thereon Mortgage 124.60 do .. . 382 Mortgage 43 do do 385 386 1885, '90 Purchase 1905 160 160 do 387 Purchase 1905 160 do 397 Purchase 1905. . . . 148 40 do 398 Purchase 1905.. 55 40 do 399 1881 '85 . . 12 do 400 Mortgage 216 50 do 401 Purchase, 1904; do .... 402 N, W. cor square mortgage, 1905... 1871 Purchase- 216.50 do 403 1903, mortgage... Purchase, 1905 . . 156.60 169 48 REPORT OF FOBEST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION". ESSEX COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Moriah 412 PARADOX TRACT (Continued}. 1871 '77/81 '85 '90 '95 160 N. Hudson 413 1877, '81 160 do 414 Conveyed, 1905. 160 do 416 Purchase 1905 57 do 417 Purchase 1905 161 do 418 Purchase, 1905 .... 138 40 do 419 1881 138 40 do 420 Conveyed 1905 138 50 Moriah 422 1881 138 40 do 423 1881 138 40 N. Hudson do 426 427 Ex. yard room and flowing ground and reserving right to dam river and flow lands N. W. cor Mortgage. 1871, '77 '81 '85 135.40 do 428 purchase, 1905 . . . 1885 '90 174 155 40 Total, Paradox Tract, 16,126 acres. Lewis 26 PERU BAY TRACT. 1895 160 W'llsborough 76 *Resale 1899 100 Total, Peru Bay Tract, 260 acres. Moriah PORT HENRY VILLAGE TRACT. Port Henry Village O'Learv lot, b'd N. by land of Z. Gibson, E. by land of John Riley, S. by Brook street & W. by land of William Salter 1895 .13 Elizabethtown 1 ROARING BROOK TRACT. *Resale 1899 117 40 do 2 Reverted 1867 243 do 5 All in Elizabethtown 1877, '81, '85, '90. . 134.50 * Formerly bondeu land. REPOKT OF FOBEST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. 49 ESSEX COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Keene 5 ROARING BROOK TRACT. (Continued.) All in Keene 1871 '77 '81 121 50 do 11 Reverted, 1867 240 do 12 Reverted, 1867 240 Elizabethtown 16 All in Elizabethtown 1877 '81, '85 126 Keene 16 All in Keene 1877 '81 '85 114 Elizabethtown 20 1900 & *resale do 28 1899 1877 '81 '85 '90 '95 310 379 do 27 1881 '85 281 do Keene 28 28 All in Elizabethtown All in Keene 1877, '81, '85, '90.. 1871, '77, '81, '85. . 147.50 133 50 do 29 1877, '81, '85 '95 281 do 30 1877 '81 '85 281 do 31 1853,'77,'81/85,'95 281 do 32 1853/77 '81/85 . 281 do 38 1881 '85 '90 284 do 39 1871 '77 '81 '85 284 do 41 1853, '71/85, '90. . 284 Elizabethtown. . . Keene Elizabethtown. . . 42 42 43 All in Elizabethtown All in Keene 1877/81/85/90.. 1871/77. 1881/85 149 135 284 do Keene 48 65 All in Elizabethtown All in Keene 1877/85 1871 '77 '81 136.50 121 60 do 66 1877 '81 '85 and partition 256 Elizabethtown. *Resale, 1899 200 86 Total, Roaring Brook Tract, 5,845 acres. Schroon ROGERS (PLATT) & Co.'s ROAD PATENT. B'd N. by lands of Oliver K Knox, E. by land of Abner Squires, S. by lot 62 & W. by lands of John Lewis, now Jno. Knox and the road from Schroon Lake to Hoffman, running through said land Purchase, 1905 20 'Formerly bonded land. 50 REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. ESSEX COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Schroon ROGERS (PLATT) & Co.'s ROAD PATENT (Continued). A part of Platt strip run- do 1 ning from Schroon Lake to Hoffman Township, b'd N. by lands formerly of Bart- lett Seamen, E. by land formerly owned and occu- pied by Sewell Thornton, S. by land of Darius Squires & W. by land formerly oc- cupied by Jeptha Knox. . . Sub 11 Purchase, 1905 1890 39 118 do 1 Sub's 62 63 & 64; all on the do 2 S. side of Platt Strip B'd N by lands of Maurice Purchase, 1905 95 O'Conel or M. O'Connell, and Wiiliam Miller E. by lands of Ann Albro, S. by Schroon Lake and Hoffman highway and W. by land of John Adkin son, Atkinson or Allison 1890, '95 42 Schroon 2 Formerly known as the Bart- do 2 lett Seaman lot bd. beg. at the S. E. cor. of the farm known as the Jeptha Knox farm, th. S. 75; E. 33c. to a hemlock tree, th. N. 14*; E. 33c., 331. th. N. 75^;^. 33c.,th. S. 14;W. to beg. B'd beg at N E cor of lot Purchase, 1905 100 36, Hoffman Township, th. S. 72 E. 69c. 421. to land formerly owned by Jeptha Knox, th. S. 18 W. 13c. 51. to S. side of said lot, th. N.72 W. 69c. 421. to Hoff- man Township and th. N. 18 E. 13c. 51. to beg. 90.10a. ex. W. $ thereof heretofore conveyed to Henrv Ross. . . Purchase, 1905. . 45.30 KEPOKT OF FOBEST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. 51 ESSEX COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Schroon. do do ROGERS (PLATT) & Co.'s ROAD PATENT (Continued). Beg. at a beech tree formerly standing in the road, it being the S. E. cor. of lot 6, or N. W. cor. of lot 61, th. N. 75 W. 30c. to a stake and stones near a hemlock stump; th. N. 14 E. 16c. 661. th. S. 75 E. 30c. to a hemlock tree, th. S. 14^ W. 16c. 661. to beg B'd beg. at a stake standing in the outlet of William's Pond, in N. line of said lot, which is the N. W. cor. of the James lot, th. S. 18 W. 38c. 181. to a stake, th. N. 72 E. 2c. to a corner, th. S. 18 W. 17c. 201. to the highway, th. N. 72 W. 17c. 251. to the cor. of the Ross lot, th. N. 18 E. 30c. to bank of the Williams Pond th. E. and N. along bank of said Pond at high water mark, and down the outlet of said pond to the line of said lot 2, and th. E'ly along said line to beg., ex. and reserving therefrom so much of the above de- scribed premises as was heretofore conveyed to Layton Albro and Lewis Bullet B'd. beg. at W. end of N. line of said lot 3, th. E'ly along said N. line to W. line oi land heretofore sold to Frank Dupue, th. S. 1 8 W, 26c. to N. line of land owned by Lansford Whitney, th. S 85 W. lie. 851. to N. W Purchase, 1905 , 50 Purchase, 1905 . 51 52 REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. ESSEX COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. ROGERS (PLATT) & Co.'s ROAD PATENT (Continued). Schroon 3 cor. of said Whitney's land, th. N. 72 W. 24c. to E. line of Hoffman Township and th. N'ly along said E'ly line to beg., (N. W. cor. of Iot3) Purchase, 1905. 100 do 4 Sub. 2 Purchase, 1905 .... 111.65 do 4 Sub. 3 ... Purchase, 1898 .... 111.65 do 4 Sub. 4, Ex. 30a. assessed to Marcus or Warren Knapp, b'd beg. at a stake & stones on W. side of North Pond Brook above the W. side of road running down said brook, th. N. 72 W. 17c. to a cor. of said Sub. 4, th. N. 18 E. 20c. to a cor. on North Pond, th. S. 72 E. E. to a hemlock tree on W. side of said road & th. along the water side of said road to beg 1905 81.15 do ... 4 Sub. 6 1905 111.65 do 4 Sub. 7 1885, '90 118.55 do 18 B'd beg. at S. E. cor. of lot th. N. 5 deg. E. lOc. 661. th. N.85deg.W.21c. 161. th.S. 2c. th. W. along line of R. Braley's land, 5c. th. N. 3 deg. E. 2c., th. N. 85 deg. . W. 2c. 341. to the bank of Schroon river, at high- water mark, th. down stream as it winds and turns to S. W. cor. of land of A. Harrington, th. N. 5. deg. E. 2c. 751. to N. W. cor. of said Harrington lot & th. E. on S. line of lot to beg 1885 25.26 Total, Roger (Platt) & Co.'s Road Patent, 1,220 acres. REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. 53 ESSEX COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Schroon 1 SCHROON TRACT. Ex 57|a W part thereof being a strip of an average width of 15c. 161. E. & W. b'd. W. by the Lake shore Purchase 1908 57 25 do 2 Purchase 1908 138 28 do 3 Purchase, 1908 144 . 75 do 4 Purchase, 1908 . 190.75 do 5 Purchase 1908 190 25 do 6 Purchase, 1908 190.25 do 7 Purchase, 1908 .... 190 . 25 do g Purchase, 1908 . 190.25 do 9 Purchase 1908 . 190 25 do 10 Purchase, 1908 190.25 do ... 11 Purchase, 1908 .... 190 . 25 do 12 Purchase 1908 190 25 do 13 Purchase, 1908. . . . 190 . 25 do 14 Purchase, 1908. . . . 95 do 15 Purchase, 1908 . 126 25 do 16 Purchase 1908 127 25 do 17 Purchase, 1908 .... 96 do 18 Purchase, 1908. . . 192 do 19 Purchase 1908 192 do 20 Purchase, 1908 .... 192 do 21 Purchase, 1908 192 do 22 Purchase, 1908 192 do do 23 24 Purchase, 1908 Purchase, 1908 .... 192 192 do 25 Purchase, 1908. . . 192 do do 26 27 Purchase, 1908 Purchase, 1908 .... 192 192.25 do 28 E*. 55 T 'o^a. W. p't there- of, being a strip of an average width of 15c. 161. E. & W. b'd W. by the Lake shore Purchase, 1908. . . . 79.98 do 29 Purchase 1908 158.25 do 30 Purchase 1908 169 do 31 Purchase 1908 160 do 32 Purchase, 1908 .... 160 do 33 Purchase 1908 .... 160 do 34 Purchase 1908 . . . 160 do 35 Purchase. 1908. . 160 54 REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. ESSEX COUNTY. Lot. 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 DESCRIPTION. SCHROON TRACT (Continued). Ex. 31 T |~oa. W. part thereof, being a strip of an average width of 15c. 161 E. & W. b'd W. by the lake shore. . Ex. 72y^-oa., same, Ex. 26a., more or less, b'd beg. at the point in the E'ly shore of Schroon Lake, where the N'ly line of lot 52 intersects the same, th. S. 84 E. on N'ly line of lot 52, 33c. to a point, th. N. 36 E. 15c. 901. to station No. 23, th. S. 85 W. 15c. 161. to E'ly shore of Schroon Lake and th. S'ly along the shore of Schroon Lake, as it winds and turns, to beg. ; and 28a., more or less, b'd beg. at a point on E'ly shore of Schroon Lake, which said point of beg. is N. 5 E. 8c. and N. 74 W. 15c. 161. from Station 23, aforesaid, th. from said point of beg. S. 74 E. 15c. 161. to Station 24, th. N. 29 W. 20c. to Station 25, th. N. 50 E. 3c. to N. line of lot, th. N. 84 W. 15c. Tax sales or source of title. Purchase, 1908 . Purchase, 1908 . Purchase, 1908 . Purchase, 1908 . Purchase, 1908. Purchase, 1908. Purchase, 1908 . Purchase ; 1908. Purchase, 1908. Purchase, 1908 . Purchase, 1908 . Purchase, 1908 . Purchase, 1908. Purchase, 1908 , KEPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. 55 ESSEX COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Schroon 54 SCHROON TRACT (Continued). 161. to E'ly shore of Schroon Lake and th. S'ly along said shore, as it winds and turns to beg Purchase 1908 74 do 55 Purchase, 1908 169 do 56 Purchase, 1908 160 do . 57 Purchase, 1908 . . . 160 do 58 Purchase 1908 160 do 59 Purchase 1908 160 do 60 Purchase, 1908. . . . 160 do ... . 61 Purchase 1908 160 do 62 Purchase 1908 160 do 63 Purchase, 1908. .. . 160 do 64 Purchase, 1908 .... 160 do 65 Purchase, 1908 186 25 do 66 Purchase 1908 186 25 do 67 Purchase, 1908 .... 160 do 68 Purchase, 1908 . . . 160 do .... 69 Purchase 1908 160 do 70 Purchase 1908 160 do 71 Purchase, 1908 .... 160 do 72 Purchase 1908 160 do 73 Purchase 1908 160 do 74 Purchase. 1908 .... 160 do 75 Purchase 1908 . 160 do 76 Purchase 1908 169 25 do 77 Ex. 70a., more or less, b'd beg. on E'ly shore of Schroon Lake, where the N'ly line of lot 54 inter- sects the same, th. N. 84 E. 15c. 161., th. N. 50 E. 19c. to station 26, th. N. 20 E. 9c. to station 27, th. due N. 20c. to N. line of lot at station 28, th. N. 84 W. 15c. 161. to shore of Schroon Lake, and th. S'ly along lake shore, as it winds and turns to beg Purchase, 1908. . . . 20 do . . 79 Ex 75a more or less b'd beg. on E'ly shore of 56 REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. ESSEX COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Schroon 79 SCHROON TRACT (Continued). Schroon Lake, where the do 80 N'ly line of lot 77 inter- sects the same, th. S. 84 E. 15c. 161. to station 28, th. N. 40 E. 27c. to station 29, th. N. 32 E. 24c. to N. line of lot at station 30, th. N. 84 W. 15c. 161. to E'ly shore of Schroon Lake and th. S'ly along the lake shore as it winds and turns to beg. Purchase, 1908. . . . Purchase 1908 108 160 do 81 Purchase, 1908 . 160 do 82 Purchase 1908 160 do 83 Purchase 1908 160 do 84 Purchase, 1908 . . . 160 do . . 85 Purchase, 1908 160 do 86 Purchase 1908 160 do 87 Purchase 1908 160 do 88 Purchase, 1908. . . . 160 do 89 Purchase, 1908 186 25 do 90 Purchase 1908 186 25 do 91 Purchase 1908 160 do 92 Purchase, 1908 . 160 do 93 Purchase 1908 160 do 94 Purchase 1908 160 do 95 Purchase, 1908 160 do 96 Purchase, 1908. 160 do 98 N. W. cor. 24c. N. and S. do 99 bd. E. by the road Purchase, 1908 Purchase 1908 63 160 do 102 Purchase, 1908 147 do do 103 106 W. end 21c. 701. on N., and 25c. 301. on S. line, 94a, ex. 33 Ja. N. end thereof . Purchase. 1908. . . . Purchase. 1908. . . . 60.25 160 do 107 Purchase 1908 160 do 109 Purchase 1908 160 do ... 110 Purchase 1908 160 do 111 Purchase 1908 160 Total number acres Schroon Tract, 15.511. HEPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. 57 ESSEX COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Adres. Schroon SHONNARD'S PATENT. All 202i 3 < ) -a ex. 36-^a. W pt. thereof being a strip of an average width of 15c. 16 wide E. and W. b'd W. by the Lake shore Purchase, 1908. . . . 166.06 Lewis .... 2 SOUTH TRACT, (Slower' s Survey). 1885, '90 178 do . 6 1900, '05 188 do 7 1885, '05 188 do g 1885 200 do . 10 1885, '90 124 do . 12 1905 68 do 15 1885, '90 244 do .... 27 1877, '81/95 232 do . 31 1843 224 Jay 33 1877 '81 '85 128 Total, So. Tract, Stower's Survey, 1,774 acres. Westport. . . . 10 SPLIT ROCK TRACT. Mortgage and re- sale 1899* 115.70 do 14 Beg at S E cor of lot 10 th. E'ly on N. line of lot 11 to S. line of highway lead- ing from the Marshall school house to bridge near Jona- than Bristol's, th. Wly on S. side of said highway to E. line of lot 10 & th. S. on said E line to beg Mortgage 10 do 16 1890 157.60 do 20 1885 . . . . 126.50 Total, Split Rock Tract, 309.8 acres. Ticonderoga 35 STOUGHTON'S PATENT. 1866 .25 do 36 1866 .25 do 37 1866.. .25 : Formerly bonded land. 58 REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. ESSEX COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Ticonderoga 38 STOUGHTON'S PATENT (Continued). 1866 25 do 39 1866 25 do 66 1866 2iS Total, Stoughton's Patent, 1.5 acres. Minerva 4 TOTTEN & CROSSFIELD'S PUR- CHASE, TOWNSHIP 14, POND'S SURVEY, N. % & S. E. i 1885, '90 158 do do 5 6 1890, '95 1881 '85 160 160 do 9 1877, '81, '85 '90 220 do 10 S. A 1877, '81 '90 80 do 11 1877 '81 '85 160 do 12 1877, '81, '85. 240 do 13 1900 & Pur 1895 240 do 14 1871, '77 '81 160 do .. 16 1905 & Pur 1905 160 do 18 S pt bd N byMcCullogh 1885 '90 '95 53 do 19 1881 '85 160 do .... 20 1877 '81 '85 160 do 21 All in Essex county 1885, '90, '95 100 do 28 Same 1905 & Pur 1904 28 do ....... 29 do 1877 '85 156 do ... 30 N E J 40a & S E cor b'd N. by F. Harvey & E. & S. by lot lines & W. by Har- vey 30a 1877 & Pur. 1905 . 70 do .... 31 W^ pt across 1885 '90 60 do do 31 33 All of 60a. N. pt. not cont'd in 60a. W. pt. of lot Purchase, 1898 1877 '81 '85 37.50 160 do 34 W \ 1877 '81 '85 80 do 35 Purchase, 1895 160 do 36 Purchase 1895 240 do 37 1885 '90 240 do 38 1877 '81 '85 '90 160 do 39 1885 '90 160 do 40 1877, '81 .'85... 160 KEPOKT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. 59 ESSEX COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Ac Minerva 41 TOTTEN & CROSSFIELD'S PUR- CHASE, TOWNSHIP 14, (POND'S SURVEY), N. & S. E. } (Continued). S. pt. bd. N. by Hudson River, E. by lands of R. Bulger, S. by lands of James Ordway and W. by lands of W H Bennett 1877 '81 '85 1 do 42 1877 '81 '85 '90 '95 18 do 43 Ex. 50a. N. W. cor 1885, '90 11 do ... 44 All in Essex county 1885, '90 8 do . 56 1890 16 do 57 E * 1877 '81 '85 8 do 58 1877, '81, '85 16 do .. 59 1877 '81, '85 16 do 60 1885 '90 9 4 do 61 1885, '90 ?4 do 75 Ex 30-nfo-a N E cor 18c 711. E. &W. & 16c. 341. N. & S., less -i- Q o a - being so much thereof as is con- tained in W. 106a. not con- tained in 60 a. N. part of lot 1877, '85 13 do 77 1881 '85 1fi do .. 79 S * 1890 T> do 81 1881 '85 16 do 82 1877, '81, '85 1fi do . 86 All in Essex countv 1877 '85 '90 is do 87 1881, '85 ifi do 88 1881, '85 if do 89 1900 and purchase 1893 Id do 90 1900 and purchase, 1893 94 do ... 91 1900 and purchase 1893 ?4 do 92 1900 and purchase 1893 1fi do 93 1881 '85 1fi do . 94 1885 '90 1fi do 99 All in Essex county 1885 '90 11 do 100 1885 . . 16 60 REPORT or FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. ESSEX COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Minerva 101 TOTTEN & CROSSFIELD'S PUR CHASE, TOWNSHIP 14 POND'S SURVEY, N. & S E. \ (Continued). 1881 '85 160 do 104 1881 '85 132 do 106 All in Essex county 1885. '90, '95 29 Total, T'wp. 14, 8,251 acres. do 1 TOTTEN & CROSSFIELD'S PUR- CHASE, TOWNSHIP 15. 1890 '95 '00 and do 2 purchase, 1897 . . . 1890 '95 '00 and 160 do 3 All in Essex county purchase, 1897 . . . 1890, '95, '00 and 160 do 21 Same purchase, 1897 . . . 1890 '95 '00 and 116.50 do 22 purchase, 1897 . . . 1890, '95, '00 and 45.25 do 23 purchase, 1897 . . . Purchase 1897 160 160 do 24 Purchase, 1897 160 do .. 25 Purchase 1897 160 do 26 Purchase 1897 160 do 27 Purchase 1897 160 do 28 All in Essex county Purchase, 1897 132 do . 29 Same Purchase 1897 10 do 44 Same Purchase 1897 62 25 do 45 Purchase 1897 160 do 46 Purchase, 1897 160 do 47 Purchase 1897 160 do 48 Purchase 1897 160 do 49 Purchase 1897 160 do 50 Purchase 1897 160 do 51 Purchase 1897 160 do 52 Purchase 1897 160 do 53 All in Essex county Purchase, 1897. . . . 144 do 54 Same Purchase, 1897 . . 7 do . . 67 Same Purchase 1897 79 25 do 68 Purchase 1897 160 do 69 Purchase. 1897 160 REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. 61 ESSEX COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Minerva 70 TOTTEN & CROSSFIELD'S PUR- CHASE, TOWNSHIP 15 (Continued). Purchase, 1897 160 do ... 71 Purchase, 1897 . . . 160 do 72 Purchase 1897 . 160 do 73 Purchase. 1897 160 do 74 Purchase, 1897 160 do 75 Purchase, 1897 .... 160 do 76 Purchase 1897 . 160 do 77 Purchase, 1897 160 do 78 All in Essex county Purchase 1897 152 25 do . 79 Same Purchase 1897 . . 15 do 90 Same Purchase 1897 50 do 91 Same Purchase, 1897 150 do .... 92 Purchase, 1897 160 do 93 Purchase, 1897 .... 160 do 94 Purchase 1897 160 do 95 Purchase, 1897 .... 160 do ... 96 Purchase 1897 . . 160 do 97 Purchase, 1907. . . . 160 do 98 Purchase, 1897 .... 160 do 99 Purchase 1897 160 do . 100 Purchase 1897 160 do 101 All in Essex county Purchase 1897 100 do 102 Same Purchase, 1897 10 do .... 117 Same Purchase 1897 45 do 118 Same Purchase, 1897 110 do 119 Purchase, 1897. . . . 160 do 120 Purchase 1897 160 do do . 121 122 All in Essex county Same Purchase, 1897 Purchase 1897 133 55 do .. 1 Total, Township 15, 7,332 acres. TOTTEN & CROSSFIELD'S PUR- CHASE, TOWNSHIP 16. 1885 '90 '95 1 000 do 2 1885 '90 '95 1 000 do 3 1885 '90 '95 1 000 do 4 1885 '90 '95 1 000 do 5 1885 '90 '95 1 000 do 6 1885 .'90 '95.. 1.000 62 REPORT OF FOKEST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. ESSEX COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. ' Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Minerva 7 TOTTEN & CROSSFIELD'S PUR- CHASE, TOWNSHIP 16 (Continued). 1885, '90, '95 1,000 do 8 N pt lOOa & S pt 31 7a 1885, '90 . 417 do 13 1877,'81/85,'90,'95. 1,000 do ... 14 1877/81, '85/90/95. 1,000 do 15 1877/81/85/90 '95 1,000 do 16 N * 1877 '81 '85 '90 '95 500 do 17 N. *. 1877/81/85/90/95. 500 do . 20 1877/81/85/90/95. 1,000 do 21 S * Patented 1897 500 do 22 Ex. lOOa. S. end 1877. '81, '85, '90.. 900 do 23 Same 1877, '81/85, '90.. 900 do 24 1877, '81, '85 '95 . 1,000 Total, Township 16, 15,717 acres do .. TOTTEN & CROSSFIELD'S PUR- CHASE, TOWNSHIP 17. All in Essex county 1885, '90, '95 779.39 New comb c TOTTEN & CROSSFIELD'S PUR- CHASE, TOWNSHIP 20. All in Essex county Purchase 1906 13 Minerva 2 TOTTEN & CROSSFIELD'S PUR- CHASE, TOWNSHIP 25. (BAILEY'S PATENT.) E t)t 1877 '81 '85 70 do 3 1885 '90 '95 78 do 5 Purchase 1897 78 do . 6 1885, '90, '95 78 do do 7 8 1885, '90, '95 1877, '81, '85 78 78 do 9 1877, '81, '85, '95. . 78 do 10 Purchase, 1897 94 do do 11 14 1877, '81, '85 1885 '90 '95 128 100 do 15 1877 '81 '85 100 do ........ 17 1877, '81, '85 100 EEPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. 63 ESSEX COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Minerva, 22 TOTTEN & CROSSFIELD'S PUR- CHASE, TOWNSHIP 25 (BAILEY'S PATENT) (Con- tinued). s * 1885 '90 '95 50 do 30 1881 '85 117 do 37 W. *. . 1877, '81, '85.... 50 do 46 1885, '90 '95 100 do 51 1905 & Purchase do 53 1897 Purchase, 1897 123 100 do 54 1877 '81 '85 '90 '95 100 do 60 Purchase 1898 100 do 61 Purchase 1907 100 do 64 W. i. . Purchase 1897 50 do .... 65 W. A.. Purchase 1897 50 do . 67 1885 '90 100 do 68 Purchase 1906 100 do 69 1881, '85 100 do 70 1900 & Purchase 1900 123 do 71 1881, '85 122 do 72 1881 '85 100 do 73 1881 '85 100 do . 74 1871 '77 '81 '95 100 do 75 1871 '77 '81 '95 100 do 76 Purchase 1897 100 do 77 1885 '90 '95 100 do 78 1881 '85 '90 100 do 79 1877 '81 '85 100 Total, Bailey's Patent, 3,345 acres. do .... 3 TOWNSHIP 25. (DOMINICK'S PATENT). All in Essex county 1885 '90 '95 161 do . 5 Ex 75-!~oa N W cor 27c do .. g wide E. & W. & 28c. long N. & S. and 62a. S. E. cor. 20c.E. &W. &31c. N. AS. Purchase, 1907. . . . 1885 '90 '95 112.40 200 do 9 All in Essex county 1885 '90 56 do 12 All in Minerva Purchase 1907 152 do 19 Purchase. 1907. . 200 64 REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. ESSEX COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Minerva 48 TOTTEN & CROSSFIELD'S PUR- CHASE, TOWNSHIP 25 (DOMINICK'S PATENT) (Continued). S. * 1885, '90 100 do . 52 1877 '85 '90 '95 200 do 53 1877 '81 '85 '90 200 do 54 W. 1.. 1885, '90 100 do 57 1885, '90 200 do . 58 1877 '81 '85 '90 200 do 59 1885 '90 200 do 60 N. *. 1885, '90 100 Total, Dominick's Pat., 2,181 acres. do 1 TOWNSHIP 25. (THORN'S SURVEY.) 1877 '81 '85 113 75 do 2 1881, '85 ... 97.50 do .... 3 1881 '85 97 50 do 4 1881 '85 130 do 5 1877, '81, '85 130 do 6 1881 '85 105 do . 7 1881, '85 90 do 8 1881 '85 90 do 9 1881, '85 120 . do 10 1881, '85 120 do . . 11 1881 '85 140 do 12 isei '5 120 do 13 1881, '85 . 120 do 14 1881 '85 160 do . . 15 1877 '81 '85 & do 16 Purchase, 1897. . . 1885, '90, '95 160 140 do 17 1881 '85 120 do 18 1885 '90 120 do 19 1881, '85 160 do 20 Purchase 1897 160 do 21 Ore Bed Lot 1881 '85 140 do 22 1885 '90 '95 120 do . 23 1877 '81 '85 120 do 24 1877 '81 '85 160 do 25 1881 '85 160 do 26 1885 '90 '95... 140 REPOBT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. 65 ESSEX COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Minerva 27 TOTTEN & CROSSFIELD'S PUR- CHASE, TOWNSHIP 25, (THORN'S SURVEY) (Con- tinued.} 1885 '90 '95 120 do . ... 28 1885, '90, '95 120 do do 29 30 Ex. 24a. S. E. cor. 8c. wide N. & S. & 30c. long E. & W. Ex. 36a. S. pt. 9c. N. & S. 1881/85 136 & 40c. E. & W 1881, '85 124 do 31 1881/85 140 do 32 1905 & Purchase 1905 120 do 33 1905 & Purchase Total, Township 25, Thorn's Survey 4,214 acres. 1905 120 do 1 TOWNSHIP 26. Purchase, 1893 264 do ... 2 1885 '90 '95 220 do 3 1885, '90, '95 220 do 4 Purchase, 1894 . . . 220 do 5 Purchase 1894 220 do 6 1905 & Purchase do 8 1903 Purchase, 1893 220 240 do 9 Purchase 1897 240 do 10 Purchase 1893 240 do 11 Purchase, 1893. . . . 240 do 12 Purchase 1908 252 do ... 13 1885 '90 '95 & do 14 Purchase, 1903. . 1890, '95, '00 210 200 do 15 1881, '85, '95 200 do ... 16 1881 '85 '90 '95 200 do 17 1881 '85 '90 '95 200 do 18 1877, '81, '85 220 do 19 Purchase, 1893 . . . 220 do .... 20 1877 '81 '85 '90 220 do 21 1877 '81. '85... 220 66 REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. ESSEX COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. MinervR 22 TOTTEN & CROSSFIELD s PUR- CHASE, TOWNSHIP 26 (Continued). Purchase, 1894. . . . 220 do 23 1885, '90, '95 220 do 24 1885, '90, '95 264 do do 25 26 1877, '81, '90 1877,'81,'85,'90,'95. 192 160 do 27 Purchase, 1894. . . . 160 do 28 1877, '81, '85 '95 160 do 29 1877 '81 '85 '95 160 do 30 1877/81, '85/95/00, & Purchase '93 & 1903 160 do 31 Purchase 1893 160 do 32 1905 & Purchase, 1903 160 do 33 1881, 85 160 do 34 Purchase, 1893 .... 160 do 35 1877, 81, 85 160 do 36 1881, '85, '90, '95 & do 37 Purchase, 1905.. Purchase, 1893 .... 168 210 do do 39 40 Purchase, 1893 1905 & Purchase, 200 1906 200 do 41 Purchase, 1897. . . . 200 do 42 Purchase, 1903 200 do 43 1871/77/81/85/95. 200 do 47 Purchase 1893 200 do 48 1877 '81 '85 '95 240 do 49 1881, '85, '95 240 do do 50 52 Ex. 33a. N. E. cor. 15c. N. Purchase, 1893. . . . 200 & S & 22c E & W 1877 '81 '85 167 do do 53 54 Ex. 21a. N. W. cor., 15c. N. & S. & 14c. E. & W 1877/81/85/90/95. 1885 '90, '95 179 200 do Ho 55 56 1885, '90, '95 Purchase 1893 200 200 do 57 1877, '81, '85 . .200 do 58 1871/77/81/85/90. 200 do 59 1885, '90, '95 200 do 60 18E5 '90, '95... 210 KEPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. 67 ESSEX COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Minerva 61 TOTTEN & CROSSFIELD'S PUR- CHASE, TOWNSHIP 26 (Continued). 1905 & Purchase, 1906 210 do 62 1877 '81 '85 200 do .. 63 1885, '90, '95 200 do 64 1905 & Purchase, 1906 210 do 65 1885 '90 '95 200 do ... 66 1877, '81, '85 200 do 67 1877, '81, '85.... 200 do 68 1877 '81 '85 200 do 69 Purchase, 1893. . . . 200 do . 70 1885, '90, '95 200 do 71 1881, '85 200 do 72 1885, '90 240 do ... 73 Purchase, 1893 .... 293 do . 74 1877, '81 '85 244 do 75 Purchase 1894 244 do 76 1881, '85, '95 244 do 77 Purchase, 1894. . 244 do do 78 79 1877, '81, '85 Purchase, 1893 .... 244 244 do . . 80 1885, '90, '95 244 do 81 1877, '81 '85 244 do 82 1877 '81 '85 '95 244 do 83 1885, '90, '95 244 do 84 1877,'81,'85,'90,'95. 256 do 85 Purchase 1893 247.40 do 86 Ex. 74a. S. part Purchase, 1908 162 do 88 Purchase, 1893. . . . 236 do ... . 89 1877/81, '85 '95 '00 236 do 90 1885 '90 '95 236 do 91 Purchase 1893 236 do 92 1871,'77,'81,'85,'90, '95 236 do 93 1877 '81 '85 236 do 94 1877, '81/85 236 do 95 Purchase, 1894 236 do ... 96 1881 '85 283 do 97 Ex. 183a. N. pt. pd. by W. H Halsted 1885 '90 '95 100 do 98 1877, '81 . . 236 68 REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. ESSEX COUNTY. I Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Minerva 99 TOTTEN & CROSSFIELD'S PUR- CHASE, TOWNSHIP 26 (Continued). 1877 '81 '85 '90 '95 236 do 100 1905 & Purchase, do 101 1899 & 1906 1877, '81, '85 236 236 do 102 Ex. lOOa. N. pt. & 50a. N. W. cor. of remainder 1877, '81, '85, '95.. 86 do 103 1881, '85, '95, '00 do 104 E. pt. 122a., ex. 7a. being so & Purchase 1908 236 much thereof as is included in 41- 1 1 -a- P. W. cor. of lot, 21c. N. & S. & 31c. on N. & 8c. on S. line, bd. E. by lake and 2a. S. E. cor. thereof, 5c. on E. & 6c. on S. line, bd N.W. by lake 1877, '81, '85 113 do 105 N. W pt 1881, '85 ... 50 do 106 S. pt. . . 1881, '85 76 do 107 1890, '95 and Pur- do 109 chase, '93 1877, '81, '85 236 247.80 do 110 1881, '85 and Pur- do 111 chase, '97 1895, '00, '05 and 236 do 112 Purchase, 1897/06 Purchase, 1894. . . 236 236 do 113 S. E. cor. 25c. N. & S. & 8c. 451 E & W 1900 21.13 do 114 1877, '81, '85 236 do 115 1890, 1905 & Pur., do 116 1902, '05 1890, '95 1900 & 236 do 117 Purchase, 1893. .. 1877, '81, '85 & 236 do do 118 119 S. pt. 126a. & 15a. N. W. cor. sq. of all that remains after ex. 60a. N. pt. of lot Purchase, 1892. .. 1871, '81, '85, '95.. Purchase 1893. . . . 236 141 236 do 120 1905 Purchase 1903 283 Total, Township 26, . 23,427 acres. REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. 69 ESSEX COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. New comb do 6 7 TOTTEN & CROSSFIELD'S PUR- CHASE. (Continued). TOWNSHIP 27. (Richards' Survey.) 1877, '81, '85, '90.. 1877 '81 233 250 do 14 1877, '81, '85, '90. . 160 do 15 1877, '81, '85 160 do 21 1877 '81 160 do 22 1877 '81 '85 160 do 23 1877, '81, '85, '95. . 160 do 25 1877, '81, '85 160 do 26 1877 '81 '85 '95.. 160 do 27 1877 '81 '85 '95. . 160 do 28 1877, '81, '85 160 do 32 1885 '90, '95 160 do 33 1881 '85 160 do 36 N E cor 1871 '77 '81 '85 70 do do 37 10 Total, Township 27 Richards' survey, 2,563 acres. TOWNSHIP 27, (Thorn's Survey.) 1877, '81, '85 Purchase 1893 250 68 12 do 11 Purchase, 1893. . . . 68 12 do ... 12 Purchase 1893 . . 68 12 do 13 Purchase 1893 68 12 do 14 Purchase, 1893 28.12 do 16 1871 '77 '81 '90 . 80 do 17 Ex 55a N W cor 1877 '81 '85 25 do 18 1877 '81 '85 80 do 19 1877 '81 '85, '90, '95 80 do 23 1877 '81 '85 160 do 24 1877 '81 '85 160 do 26 Purchase 1893. . . . 160 do 27 Purchase 1893. . . 160 do 28 1905 & Pur 1906 160 do 29 1 905 & Pur. 1906.. 160 do 32 1885 '90 '95 160 do 33 1871 '77 '81 '85, '90. . 160 70 REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. ESSEX COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. 5Tewcornb 34 TOTTEN & CROSSFIELD'S PUR- CHASE, TOWNSHIP 27 THORN'S SURVEY (Con- tinued). 1885 '90 . * 160 do 35 1877 '81 '85 160 do 36 1877, '81, '85. .. 160 do . . .. 37 Purchase 1893. 160 do 38 1 905 & Pur 1906 160 do 39 1905 & Pur 1906 160 do 41 N. W. cor 1885 '90 70 do . . 42 1877 '81 '85 160 do 43 1877 '81 '85 160 do do 44 45 1877, '81, '85 1877, '81 '85. . . 160 160 do 46 1877 '81 '85 160 do 47 1877 '81 '85 160 do 48 1877, '81, '85 160 do 49 1877 '81 '85 160 do 50 Purchase 1893 132 do 51 1877 '81 '85 160 do 52 1877 '81 '85 160 do 53 1877 '81 '85 160 do 54 1877 '81 '85 160 do 1 55 1877, '81 '85 160 dol 56 1877 '81 '85 . . 160 i do 57 1877 '81 '85 160 do 58 1877 '81 '85 160 do 59 1877, '81 '85 160 do 60 1885 '90 132 do . ... 61 1877 '81 '85 160 do 62 1877 '81 '85 160 do 63 1877 '81 '85 160 do 64 1877 '81 '85 160 do 65 1877 '81 '85 160 x 66 1877 '81 '85 160 x 67 1877 '81 '85 160 X 68 1877 '81 '85 160 x 69 1877, '81 '85 160 x 70 Purchase 1895 147 Total Township 27, Thorn's survey, 7,486 acres. KEPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. 71 ESSEX COUNTY. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. TOTTEN & CROSSFIELD'S PURCHASE, (Continued). TOWNSHIP 28. N. E'ly cor. of the parallel- ogram, b'd beg. at a point in E'ly line of said parallel ogram which is the line between Townships 28 & 47, said point being distant N'ly on said line from N'ly line of land heretofore conveyed July 9, 1892, by Patrick Moynehan & wife, the parties of the 1st part, to Robert C. Pniyn, 3,605 ft., th. Wly on a line which is a continuation of the S'ly line of N. Wly cor. of said parallelogram con- veyed by said parties of the first part to The People, Dec. 3, 1895, 4,402 ft., th. N'ly par'l to E'ly line of said parallelogram 7,350 ft. to N'ly line of said parallelogram and N'ly line of Township 28, th. E'ly along said N'ly line 4,402 ft. to E'ly line of said parallelogram & th. S'ly along said E'ly line 7,326 ft. to beg B'd beg. at a stake & stones on E. side of a ridge near the low ground or flow of Moose Pond Creek, at a point 524 ft. Wly from centre of said Creek and in N. line of Robt. C. Pruyn's 2d purchase of Patrick Moynehan in the parallelogram, th. from said stake & stones S. 64 deg. 38' W. as the needle pointed at that place Oct., 1895, in 1900 and purchi 1895 . 741 72 REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. ESSEX COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Newcomb , TOTTEN & CROSSFIELD'S PURCHASE, TOWNSHIP 28 (Continued). a straight line on which line the needle varied from S. 61 deg. 48' W. to S. 67 deg. 20' "W. along a line of marked trees & adj. said Robt. C. Pruyn's purchase, 4,335 ft. to a stake & stones in W line of the parallelogram and E. line of lot 86, th. on the same line across lot 86, 2,686 ft. to a stake & stones on W. line of lot 86, the same being E. line of the Cough-na-wawga Club's land, th. from said stake & stones N. 25 deg. 24' W. (angle with last line 90 deg. 2') in a straight line, on which line the needle varied from N. 25 deg. 24' W. to N. 30 deg. 25' W. along a line of marked trees on W. line of lots 84, 85 & 86 adj. said Club's lands, 7,444 ft. to a stake at N. E. cor. of said Club's lands & in N. line of Township 28, & S. line of Township 50, said stake & stones are wit- nessed by marked trees standing as follows: A spruce 9 in. in diameter N. 10 deg. W. 11 ft. 8 in., a spruce 6 in. in diameter S. 47 deg. E. 5 ft. 4 in., a beech 15 in. in diameter S. 30 deg. W. 19 ft. 8 in. a maple 10 in. in diameter S. 50 deg. W. 21 ft., a maple 9 in. in diameter N. 88 deg. W. 16 ft., th. from said stake & stones N. 60 deg. 15' E. REPOET OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. 73 ESSEX COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. "OTTEN & CEOSSFIELD'S PUR- CHASE, TOWNSHIP 28 (Continued). Newcomb (angle with last line 89 cleg. 26') in a straight line along a line of marked trees on Township line 7,207 ft. to a stake & stones, witnessed, by a birch 21 in. in diam- eter N. 22 deg. W. 4 ft. 9 in., a maple 9 in. S. 4. deg.W. 8 ft., a balsam 8 in. S. 87 deg. 15' W. 15 ft., the last line crosses Pine Brook at 1,877 ft. & Moose Pond Creek at 6,443 ft., th. from said stake & stones S. 23 deg. 11' E. (angle with last line 89 deg. 2') in a straight line along line of marked trees 7,378 ft. to beg., containing l,209^ %a- ex - therefrom lots 84, 85 &N. $ of lot 86, 349-f L fl o a 1895, '00 and pur- chase, 1895 860.2: do 84 1895, '00, and pur- chase, 1895 69. 7( do 85 1895, '00, and pur- chase, 1895 168 do 86 N'ly p't 24c. 511. on E'ly & 24c. 901. on W'ly line, being all of said lot conveyed to the people by P. Monyhan Dec. 3rd, 1895 Purchase, 1895 .... 101. 2J Total, Townships 28 1,941.21 acres. TOWNSHIP 30. Minerva . 1 1877, '81, 85, '90.. 1,000 do 2 1877, '81,. '85 1,000 do 3 1900 and purchase 1901 1,050 do 4 Purchase, 1901 ... 1,035 do 5 1871, '77, '81, '85. 1,000 do 6 All in Minerva . . 1877 '81 '85.. 975 74 KEPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. ESSEX COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. N Hudson 6 TOTTEN & CROSSFIELD'S PUR- CHASE, TOWNSHIP 30 (Continued). All in North Hudson 1877, '81, '85 25 Minerva 7 All in Minerva 1877 '81 '85 750 N. Hudson 7 All in North Hudson Purchase, 1897 250 do 8 All in North Hudson Purchase, 1897 .... 600 Minerva do 8 9 All in Minerva do 1877/81, '85 1877 '81 '85 400 25 N. Hudson 9 All in North Hudson 1877, '81, '85 975 do 10 1877/81 ,'85,'00"05, do 11 and purchase, 1901 1877 '81 '85 1,000 1 000 do 12 1877, '81, '85 1,000 do 13 1877, '81, '85, and do 14 N. end purchase, '01 Purchase, 1901 1,000 850 Minerva 15 All in Minerva 1877, '81, '85 250 N. Hudson 15 \.\l in North Hudson 1877 '81 750 Minerva 16 All in Minerva 1877 '81 '85 575 N. Hudson 16 All in North Hudson 1877, '81, '85 425 do 17 do 1877, '81, '85 300 Minerva Minerva 17 18 All in Minerva ex. 7a. to Myra J. La Bier All in Minerva Purchase, 1901 1877, '81 743 700 N. Hudson 18 All in North Hudson 1877 '81, '85 250 Minerva 19 All in Minerva 1877 '81 800 N. Hudson Minerva 19 20 All in North Hudson All in Minerva 1877, '81, '85 1877, '81 150 900 N. Hudson 20 All in North Hudson 1977 '81 '85 . . 100 Minerva 21 All in Minerva 1877 '85 955 N. Hudson 21 All in North Hudson 1877, '81 50 Minerva 22 1877, '81, '85 . 1 000 do . 23 1877 '81 '85 1 000 do 24 1877 '81 '85 and Total, Township 30, 23,883 acres. purchase, 1901 . . . 1,000 N. Hudson 4 TOWNSHIP 44. Sub. 1 Purchase, 1900 128.25 do 4 Sub. 4 ex. 4a. schoolhouse lot & ex. 51a. S. part Total, Township 44, 196.75 acres. Purchase, 1900 68-50 REPOET OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. 75 ESSEX COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Newcomb 14 TOTTEN & CROSSFIELD'S PUR- CHASE (Continued). TOWNSHIP 45. All in Newcomb 1881. & purchase, 1897 491 N. Hudson 14 All in North Hudson Purchase 1897 . . . 23 Keene 33 Und f |a of all in Keene Purchase 1908 349 30 N. Hudson Keene 33 36 Und. ff a. of all in N.Hudson Purchase, 1908 Purchase, 1908. . . . 57.60 514 do 37 Purchase 1908 . 514 do 38 1881, '85 514 do 39 All in Keene not covered by lOOa. S. E. cor. of lot . 1881, '85, & pur- chase 1908 197 Newcomb ... . 39 All in Newcomb Purchase 1908 257 Keene 47 All in Keene Purchase 1908 450 Newcomb 47 All in Newcomb Purchase, 1908. 64 Keene 48 Und. f f a Purchase 1908 406 60 Total, Township. 45, 3,837.50 acres. Newcomb . 9 TOWNSHIP 46. 1885 '90 252 Newcomb TOWNSHIP 47. Bd beg at a point which is described as being a small birch sapling standing on the top of a steep hill in a windfall, being the N. E. cor. of Township 50, Totten & Crossfield's Purchase, th. running E. 554c 401 to a stake standing in a line on the E'ly bounds of Town- ship 47, and known as the Lynch line, th. S. 30 E. 108c. 801 along the Lynch line to the summit of the ridge forming the boundary line of the Cold River Water Shed, at a stake and stones marked O, th. along the 76 REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. ESSEX COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Newcomb TOTTEN & CROSSFIELD'S PUR- CHASE, TOWNSHIP 47 (Continued). summit of the ridges and mountains forming the boundary of the Water Shed of the Cold River and its tributaries, the following courses and distances (the bearings given being from the meridian of 1772, and the variations used being 4 degrees): S. 8 W. 4c 321, N. 57 15' W. 3c 441,. S. 89 30' W. 21c 121, S. 21 30' W. 4c 81, S. 44 15' W. 3c. S. 63 30' W. 4c 801, S. 24 30' W. 35c 311, S. 8 E. 3c 901, S. 37 W. 7c 191, S 13 30' W. lie 161, S. 2130'E. 8c 231, S. 29 W. 13c 911, S. 5 W. lOc 341, S. 46 30' W. 901, N. 76 W. 8c 871, N. 27 W. Ic 681, N. 77 W. 5c 751, N. 44 45' W. 5c 101, N. 71 W. 13c 771, S. 78 15' W. 5c 911, S. 40 30' W. 5c 321, S. 85 W. 3c 721, N. 46 W. 2c 201, N. 70 30' W. 7c 381, S. 69 W. 3c 941, S. 87 W. 5c 551, S. 51 30' W. 5c 521, N. 86 W. 24c 671, N. 65 W. 15c 121, N. 58 W. 12c 891, N. 10 W. 2c 161, N. 58 30' W. 6c 51, N. 57 W. lOc 37) S. 51 30' W. 15c 651, S. 55 E. Ic 61, S. 30 30' W. 18c 881, S. 9 E. 4c 621, S. 6 30 W. 7c 931,8.18 E. lie 191.. S.330'W.7c221,S. 10E. 8c 521, S. 4 E. 21 c, S. 9 45' W. 3c 941, S. 44 W. 13c, S 41 30' E. 5c 451, S. 21 W 14c 851, S. 45 W. 7c 501, S 38 W. 8c 261, S. 59 W. 19c REPORT OF FOKEST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. 77 ESSEX COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. TOTTEN & CROSSFIELD'S PUR- CHASE, TOWNSHIP 47 (Continued). Newcomb .... 501, S. 42 30' W. 4c 731, S. 26 30' W. Ic 201, S. 5 E. 26c 261, S. 29 E. 5c 901, S. 52 W. 29c 41, S. 38 E. 2c, S. 50 W. 6c 441, S. 67 W. Ic 591, S. 71 30' W. 29c 701, S. 56 W. 24c 911, S. 77 W. 17c 431, S. 50 W. 3c 461, S. 35 30' W. 8c 911, S. 33 W. 21c 281,, S. 19 E. lOc 731, S. 46 30' E. 8c 23l ; S. 11 E. 14c 911, S. 11 30' W. 6c 331, S. 34 W. 7c 381, S. 15 30' W. 8c 571, S. 21 30' W. 3c 671, S. 24 W. 4c 111, S. 49 W. 3c 401 and N. 89 30' W. 4c 941, to Transit Sta- tion No. 65 of the Colvin Survey, in east bounds of Township 28, th. N. 30 W. 285c to the N. E. cor. of Township 28, th. N. 60 E. 18c 501, ami th. N. 30 W. 247c 401, more or less, to beg., containing 14,080.82 acres, more or less, except- ing and reserving from said - premises the highest peak of Santamoni mountain, as shown upon the topograph- ical map of the United States Geological Survey, for a distance of 4 chains from the signal station on said peak; also excepting and excluding therefrom 3,490 acres, more or less, being the so-called " Morse Gore," bd. beg. at the N. E. cor. of Township 50, Totten & Crossfield's Purchase, th. S. 30' E. along the east 78 REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AXD GAME COMMISSION. ESSEX COUNTY. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. TOTTEN & CROSSFIELD'S PUR- CHASE, TOWNSHIP 47 (Continued). bounds of said Township 50, 72c 401, th. E. 554c 401, th. N. 30 W. 72c 401 and th. W'ly 554c 401 to beg., leaving 10,590i%a., more or less. . . Bd. beg. at N. E. cor. of Township 50, Totten & Crossfield's Purchase, th. S. 30 E. along E. bounds of said Township 50, 72c 401, th. E. 554c 401, th. N. 30 W. 72c 401, and th. W'ly 554c 401 to beg., 3,274.08 acres, more or less, excepting and expressly reserving there- from 202a. bd. beg. at a cedar post and heap of stones standing in N. line of Township 47 and in the S. line of the Gore N. of Town- ship 47, 6c 501 E. of the point in N. line of Town- ship 47, where the line run East from the N. W. cor. of Township 47 comes to Cold River and S. 60 30' W. 7c from the North wing of a dam across Cold River now owned by John Anderson, Jr., th. S. 5 W. 9c 401 to a cedar post and stones Marked "A. 0." and stand- ing in a small brook, th. S. 85 E. 39c 91 to a cedar post standing on a hill in hardwood timber., th. S. 40 W. 28c 501 to a cedar post and stones, th. S. 30 E. lie 121 to a cedar post and stones, th. N. 70 E. 20c 651 1905 and purchase, 1907.. 10,590.82 REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. 79 ESSEX COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Newcomb . . TOTTON & CROSSFIELD'S PUR- CHASE, TOWNSHIP 47 (Continued}. to a cedar post and stones, th. S. 30 E. lie 121 to a cedar post and stones, th. N. 80 E. 20c 501 to a cedar post and stones standing on the South end of a small hill, th. N. 55 E. 31c 931 to a cedar post and stones, th. N. 35 W. 3c 751 to a cedar post and stones, th. N. 55 E 7c. 611 to a cedar post and stones standing in N. line of Township 47, and th. N. 84 45' W. along N. line of Township 47, 95c 501 to beg. 1905 and purchase, 1907 3,274 08 Total, Township 47, 13,864.90 acres. N. Hudson . . . 1 TOWNSHIP 49. Purchase 1898 1,050 do 2 W part Purchase 1898 665 do 3 N. E. cor. bd. S. by Pepper, do . . 4 & S. W. by Walker E. end Purchase, 1897. . . . 1885, & purchase, 300 1906 213 do 5 1885 '90 & '95 & do 6 Ex 42a S W cor. owned purchase, '91, '98. 1,050 by Walker Purchase 1898 1 003 do 7 Ex 194a W part Purchase 1898 852 do do 8 9 Purchase, 1898 Purchase 1898 1,050 1 050 do 10 Purchase 1898 1 050 do 11 Purchase 1898 1 050 do 12 1885, '90, '95 1,050 do 13 Purchase, 1895. . . . 1,050 do 19 Purchase 1898 . . . 1,050 do 21 All in N Hudson Purchase 1898 442 50 Keene 21 All in Keene Purchase, 1898. . . . 607 50 Total, Township 49, 13.533 acres. 80 BEPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. ESSEX COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. N6wcomb 59 TOTTEN & CROSSFIELD'S PUR- CHASE (Continued) . TOWNSHIP 50. All in Essex county Conveyed, 1903 . . . 17 75 do 60 61 Same Purchase, 1900 132 50 do 65 Same Purchase, 1900. . . . 71.40 do 66 Same Purchase, 1900 2 do 76 Same . . Purchase, 1900 10 45 do 77 Same Purchase 1900 115 68 do 87 Same Conveyed, 1905. . . 141 do 88 Same Purchase, 1891. . . . 40 do 91 Same Purchase, 1900 15 50 do 92 Same Conveyed, 1905 . . . 69 do 95 1877, '81/85 140 do 96 1877, '81/85 140 do 97 1877 '81 '85 140 do 98-99 1877, '81, '85 173.25 do 103 1877, '81/85/90/95 180 do 104 1877/81/85/90 '95. 180 do 105 1877 '81/85 '90 '95 180 do . . 106 1877, '81, '85, '95. . 180 do do 107 108 Ex. 50a. S. W. cor 1900 & purch'se/01 1877/81 '85 '90 '95 88.87 183 do 109 1877/81/85/90/95 160 do 110 1877/81/85/90/95 160 do 111 1877, '81/85 .. 160 do 112 1877 '81 85 160 do < 115- I 1877 81 '85 299 50 ^ ^ do 116 117 /" 1877 '81 '85 '90 '95 236 do 118 1877 '81 '85 '90 '95 236 do 119 1877 '81 '85 '90 '95 236 do 120 1877 '81 '85 '90 '95 236 do 121 1877 '81 '85 '95 101 50 Total, Township 50, 4,185.40 acres. N. Hudson 1 TRACT WEST OF ROAD PATENT. Purchase, 1898 148 do 2 Purchase 1898 176 do . 4 1877 '81 '85 '90 '95 160 do 5 1877 '81 '85 '90 '95 152 do 6 1890 '95. . 76 REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. 81 ESSEX COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. N. Hudson 7 TRACT WEST OF ROAD PATENT (Continued). 1881 '85 do 8 Purchase, 1905 do 10 1871/77/81/85/90 '95 . . do 11 1871/77/81/85/90, '95 do .. . . 13 Purchase, 1905 . do 14 Purchase 1905 . . do 15 1895 '00 do 16 Purchase 1897 do do 19 24 Purchase, 1897.. . . Purchase 1897 do 27 Ex und R R land 1877 '81 do do do 28 29 30 Same Ex. und. R. R. land 1877, '81 Purchase, 1877, '81. Purchase 1897. do 31 Purchase 1897 do 33 1881 '85 do 34 1881 '85 do 35 1877 '81 '85 do 36 1881 '85 do 37 1881, '85 do 38 1895 & Purch'se/91 do 39 1895 & Purch'se '91 do 40 1881, '95 do 41 Purchase, 1907 . . . . do 43 1877 '85 , do 44 Purchase, 1898 do 45 Purchase, 1898 .... do 46 Purchase 1907 do 47 1877 '81 '85 do 51 1885 '90 do 52 1885, '90 do 53 1885 '90 do 54 1881 '85 '90 do 55 1885 '90 do 59 Purchase, 1907 . . . do 60 Purchase 1907. . . . do 61 Purchase 1907. ... do 62 Purchase 1897 Schroon 65 1877 '81 '85 '95 do 67 1877, '81, '85 do do 68 71 Und. formerly R. R. land Purchase, 1907. . . . 1885, '90, '95 82 REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. ESSEX COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Schroon 72 TRACT WEST OF ROAD PATENT (Continued). Same . ... 1885 '90 80 'do 73 1881 '85 '90 160 do 74 1881, '85, '90 160 do . 75 1881, '85, '90... . 160 do 76 1885 '90 168 do 77 1885 '90 171 do 78 1885, '90 165 60 do 79 1885, '90 168 40 do 80 1885 '90 181 60 do 81 1885, '90 168 20 do 82 1881, '85, '90 160 do 85 Und. formerly R R. land 1885 '90 '95 80 do 86 Same 1885 '90 '95 80 do 88 Purchase, 1907. . . . 160 do 89 Purchase, 1892 . . 160 do 90 Purchase 1892 160 do 91 1881,'85;'90 116 10 do 93 1881 '85 '90 120 do 94 1885, '90 160 do do 100 101 1885, '90 1881, '85, '90 160 160 do 102 1885, '90 168 20 do 103 1885 '90 181 60 do 104 1885, '90 148 50 do 105 1881, '85, '90 115 do 106 1885, '90 158 do 110 1905 & purch'se '98 160 do 111 Purchase 1905 160 do 112 Purchase, 1892 .... 160 do 113 1877, '81, '85, '90 120 do 117 1881 '85 '90 160 do 118 1895 & purch'se,' 00 160 do .... 119 1900 & purch'se, 98 155 do 120 Purchase 1892 . 143 do 121 1900 & purch'se '98 157 do 122 Purchase 1905 156 70 do 123 Purchase, 1908. ... 157 do 129 1885, '90 160 do 130 Purchase, 1901 . 160 do 131 * 1 900 & Resale 1899 105 80 do 132 1885 '90 & pur '07 95 do 133 1 900 & Resale 1899* 137 * Formerly bonded land. REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. 83 ESSEX COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Schroon 134 TRACT WEST OF ROAD PATENT (Continued) . 1881, '85, '90 180.80 do 135 Purchase 1907. . . 160 do 138 1881 '85 '90 96 do 139 1881, '85, '90 50.80 do 141 1881, '95 83 do 142 1881 '85, '90 74 80 do 143 1885, '90 28.60 do 145 N E cor Purchase 1908 20 do 146 1885, '90 30.60 do do 147 148 1881, '85, '90 1881 '85 '90 86.50 155 10 Minerva 149 1881/85, '90, '95. . 157 do do 150 151 1885, '90 1881 '85 159 141 do 152 1881, '85 182 do 153 1885 '90 . 161 90 do 154 Purchase 1897 157 do 155 Purchase, 1897 .... 175.60 do 156 1881, '85 144 do 157 1890 160 do 158 All in Minerva Purchase 1897 80 Schroon 158 All in Schroon Purchase, 1897. . . . 80 do 159 Purchase 1905 . . 90 75 do 160 Purchase, 1897. . . . 83.60 Minerva 161 All in Minerva 1885, '90 100 Schroon 161 All in Schroon 1885, '90 60 Minerva 162 1885 '90 143 do 163 1881, '85 167.60 do . 164 Purchase, 1897. . . 152 do 165 1885 '90 157 do 166 1881, '85 167.60 do 167 Purchase, 1897. . . . 152 do . . . . 168 All in Minerva 1877, '81 '85 60 Schroon 168 E part in Schroon 1877 60 do 169 N. W. cor. sq. of 60a. E. pt. in Schroon Purchase, 1897. . . . 50 Minerva 171 Purchase 1897 157 do 175 Purchase 1905 120 30 do 178 Original 0.53 Total, Tract West of Road Patent, 17,498.88 acres. 84 KEPOBT OF FOBEST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. ESSEX COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Ticonderoga .... WEND ALL'S (JOHN) LOCATION. All Purchase, 1908. . . . 400 North Elba Wilmington . . II II WHITE FACE MOUNTAIN TRACT. All in N. Elba S. of river. ... All in Wilmington S. of river 1905&purchase/99 Purchase 1899 569.80 188 20 do V All in Wilmington Purchase, 1899 141.12 North Elba V All in N. Elba ex. 787a. S. pt . Total, White Face Moun- tain Tract, 2,177.12 acres 1905 & purch'se/99 1,275 REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. 85 FRANKLIN COUNTY. List of Lands Belonging to the State. (Total number of acres, 169,866.21.) Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Franklin 1 GORE EAST OF TOWNSHIP 9, OLD MILITARY TRACT. 1900, '05 200 do 2 E. part . .... 1900, '05 75 do 4 1900 '05 160 do do 5 6 1900, '05 1900, '05 160 160 do 7 S. * & N E i 1900, '05 127.25 Bellmont 8 All in Bellmont 1877, '81/85 158 Franklin s All in Franklin 1885 '90 . . 10 Bellmont 28 1877, '81, '85 182.40 do 29 All in Bellmont 1900, '05 170 Franklin 29 All in Franklin 1900 '05 20 do 30 1900 '05 192.66 do : 31 1900, '05 200 do ' 32 1900, '05 194 do 33 1900 '05 198 66 do 34 1900, '05 172.50 do 35 1900, '05 172 do 36 1900 '05 ... 238.80 Total, Gore East of Township 9, Old Mili- tary Tract, 2,791.27 acres. Duane 1 GORE EAST OF TOWNSHIP 12, GREAT TRACT 1, MA COMB'S PURCHASE. 1885 '90 44 do 2 N. pt 1885, '90 27.25 do 3 S Dt 1885, '90 . . 25.70 do do 4 5 Ex. 9a. S. end.". All S of Turnpike 1885, '90 1885 '90 62.78 56 do 6 1885, '90 78 do 7 1885 '90 80 Total, Gore East of Township 12, Great Tract 1, Macomb'e Purchase, 373.73 acres 86 REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. FRANKLIN COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Malone . . . . 43 MACOMB'S PURCHASE, GREAT TRACT 1, TOWNSHIP 6. B'd N. by land of James B. - . Hanna, E. by highway, S. by land of Roger Desotelle & W. by lands of Mitchell Samica or Lamica 1890, '95 20 Brandon 22 TOWNSHIP 8. S. $ of S. E. J 1866 25 do 45 B'd N. by land of A. Cam.- bell, E. by Hinman & Har- mons' land, S. by L. Brown & W. by lot line 1877 15 do 55 B'd N. & E. by land of Webster & Co., S. by land of Thomas, & W. by lot line. 1895, '00 12.50 do 55 B'd N. S. & W. by land of Webster & Co. & E. by land of Adams & Kery 1895 '00 . 30 do 71 On N line of lot 9fc W of do 98 N. E. cor. 20c. long N. & S., 15Jc. wideE. & W S W^ cor square 1895, '00 1900 30 2 do 122 1895, '00 134 Total, Township 8, 248.5 acres. Santa Clara 2 TOWNSHIP 11. Sub. 2 1877, '81 '85 . 69 Duane 3 TOWNSHIP 12. N E cor bd S by Ladd or Wells, and W. by Taggert or Wells 1877, '81, '85 100 Duane 4 N E cor 33c 321 N & S & 29c. 411. E. & W. 98a. N. W. cor., 16c. 661. N. & S. & 58c. 821. E. & W. 98a, and 199a. bd. N. by 98a. N. E. cor. of lot & Widow Berry's land, E. & W by lot lines & S. by land of E. M. M. or Mordecai Ladd. . . 1877, '81, '85, '90.. 395 REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. 87 FRANKLIN COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Duane 6 MACOMB'S PURCHASE, GREAT TRACT 1, TOWNSHIP 12 (Continued). N. E. cor., 142a. & S. W. cor., 200a 1877, '81, '85 342 do 7 All E of highway 504a ex 77a. bd. beg. in centre of Malone Road 19c. 41. N. of S. line of lot, th. E. 36c. 501., th. N. 21 c. 801., th. W. 33c. 751. to the road and th. S. 11 deg. W. along said road to beg., and 40a. bd. beg. at intersection of the Malone Road & S. line of lot, th. N. 19c. 41., th. W. to centre of road & th. S. along same to beg 1877, '81, '85 387 do g 1877 '81 '85 456 do 11 & 19 N. of Turnpike, bd. N. & E. by Olmstead's land, S. by Port Kent & Hopkinton Turnpike & W. by McNeil's or Grimes' land 1881 20 do 13 1877 '81 '85 '95 . 616 do 14 S. W cor 40c N & S and 12c. E. & W 1890. '95 50 do 16 1877, '81 '85 442 do 18 B'dN by lot line E by land of Harriet Roberts, S. by Port Kent & Hopkinton Turnpike & W. by land of Ladd & Smallman 1895 30 do 19 All S of Port Kent road ex 180a. b'd. beg. in centre of said road at a point S. 82 deg. E. lie. 351. from W. line of lot, th. S. 44c. th. E. 43c. to W. bank of outlet of Horse Shoe Pond, th. N'ly along W. bank to centre of said road. & th. W. along same to beg. . . 1877 ,'81 '85 '95.. 202 88 REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. FRANKLIN COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Duane 21 MACOMB'S PURCHASE, GREAT TRACT 1, TOWNSHIP 12 (Continued). Sub. 2 1877, '81, '85 104 do 21 Sub. 3 1877 '81, '85 . 104 do 22 Sub 1 1871 '77 '81 96 do 23 Sub. 3 1881, '85 115 do 24 Ex. 200a. W. pt . 1877, '81, '85 266 do 29 S. *... 1877, '81 '85 '95 338 do 30 Ex. 50a. N. E. cor. & 50a. N. W. cor 1877, '81, '85 499 do 31 S. W. cor. b'd N & E by Port Kent Turnpike 60c. S. & 50c. on W. line, 150a., and E. centre part, b'd N. by J. Sheffield, E. by lot line, S. by Kempton & W. by Malone road, 40a 1871,77, '81, '85.. 190 . do 36 1877, '81, '85 684 do 37 1877 '81 '85 '95 631 Santa Clara 68 Total, Township 12, 6,067 acres. TOWNSHIP 14. S. J & N. E. J (NATHAN WARD'S SUBDIVISION). N. & N $ of S * 1877, '81 '90 . 73.20 do 73 N. | 1877, '81, '85, '95. 125.25 do do 77 78 N.i&N. iofS. f ex. hV- occupied by Northern Adi- rondack R. R. for tracks. . N. i of S. 1 1877, '81, '85, '95. 1877, '81, '85, '95. 71.60 37.60 do 86 N. * of S 1 1871,77, '81, '85. 127 do 100 S J '...... 1871 77 '81, '90 37 25 do 106 N. i & S. I- . 1877, '81, '85, '95. 109.20 do 107 1877, '81, '85, '95. 129 Duane Total. Township 14, 709.9 acres. TOWNSHIP 15. N. W. J. S part 1 987a ex 750a W end thereof 1877 '81 '85 & 1 937 REPORT OF FOREST. FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. 89 FRANKLIN COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Brighton 7 MACOMB'S PURCHASE, GREAT TRACT 1, TOWNSHIP 15 (Continued). SOUTH WEST \. 1877, '81, '85 103 do g .1877, '81 103 do 9 1877, '81 103 do 10 1877 '81 135 do 14 1877 '81 '85 109 do 15 1877, '81, '85 108 do ... 16 1877, '81 108 do 17 1877 '81 108 do 18 1877 '81 108 do 19 1877, '81 108 do 20 1877 '81 130 do 24 1877 '81 104 do 25 1877, '81, '85, '95. . 104 do 26 1877 '81 104 do 27 1877 '81 104 do 28 1885 '90 104 do 29 1885 '90 105 do ... 36 1877 '81 100 do 37 1877 '81 100 do 38 1877 '81 100 do 40 1877 '81 . . 120 do 42 W * 1881 '85 '00 50 do 46 1877, '81, '85 101 do 47 1877 '81 '85 101 do . ... 48 1877 '81 '85 101 do 49 1877 '81 '85 101 do 55 1877 '81 '85 100 do 56 1877 '81 . . 100 do 57 1877 '81 100 do 58 1877 '81 100 do 59 1877 '81 ... 100 do 60 1877 '81 115 do .. .. 65 E 1 1877 '81 '85 52 do 66 1877 '81 '85 103 do 67 1877 103 do 68 1877 103 do 75 1881 '85 '95 103 do 76 1877 '81 '85 '90 103 do do 77 78 1877, '81/85, '90.. 1877 .'81 '85 '90. . 103 103 90 REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. FRANKLIN COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Brighton 79 MACOMB'S PURCHASE, GREAT TRACK 1, TOWNSHIP 15, S. W. i (Continued). 1877 '81 '85 103 do 80 1877 '81 '85 112 Total, Township 15, 5,562 acres. do 1 TOWNSHIP 18. 1877 '81 '85, '90. . 328 do 3 1877 '81 '85 '90. . 328 do 4 1877 '81 '85 '90 328 do 5 1877 '81 '85 '90 328 do ... 6 1877 '81 '85 356 do 7 Ex. und. i pd. by Turner or Hartwell 1877 '81 '85 266 do g Same ... 1877, '81, '85 264 do 9 Ex und ^ pd. by Hartwell . . 1877 '81 '85 175 do 10 Same ... 1877 '81 '85 174 do 11 1871 '77 '81 '85 328 do 13 1877, '81, '85, '90. . 328 do 14 1877 '81 '85 '90. . 328 do 16 1877 '81 '85 355 do 17 Ex und \ pd by Hartwell 1877 '81 '85 177 do 18 Same 1877 '81/85 176 do do 19 20 Ex. und. \ pd. by Hartwell . Same 1877, '81/85 1877 '81 '85 175 174 do 21 1877 '81 '85 '90 328 do 22 1877 '81/85/90. . 328 do 23 1877 '81 '85 '90. . 328 do 24 1877 '81 '85 '90 . 328 do 25 1877/81/85/90. . 328 do 26 1877 '81/85 354 do .... 27 Ex und \ pd by Hartwell 1877 '81 '85 176 do 28 Same 1877 '81 '85 175 do 29 Same 1877 '81 '85 174 do 30 Same 1877 '81 '85 173 do 31 1877 '81, '85 '90. . 328 do 32 1877 '81 '85 '90. . 328 do 33 1877 '81 '85 '90. . 328 do 34 1877 '81 '85 '90. . 328 do 35 1877 '81 '85 '90. . 328 do 36 1877/81/85... 352 REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. 91 FRANKLIN COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Brighton 37 MACOMB'S PURCHASE, GREAT TRACT 1, TOWNSHIP 18 (Continued). Purchase, 1900. . . . 353 do 38 Purchase, 1900. . . . 351 do 39 1877, '81, '85 '00 & do 41 Exchange 1877 '81 '85 35C 328 do 42 1877, '81, '85, '90. . 328 do 43 1877, '81, '85, '90. . 328 do 44 1877 '81 '85 '90. . 328 do 45 1877 '81 '85 '90 '05 328 do 46 1877, '81/85, '00 & do 47 Exchange 1877 .'81 '85 & 351 do 48 Purchase 1877 '81 '85 & 349 Purchase 347.50 do 58 Ex 277- 1 - ( foa W part 51 c do 67 wide E. & W. bd. E. by Ricketson's Purchase Purchase 1900 1877 '81 '85 '90 . 50.56 328 do 68 E part bd E by Ricketson's Purchase Purchase 1900 .... 34.44 do 68 W pt 1877 '81 '85 '90 . . 243 do 76 S W cor 27c N &S &35c E & W 1877 94 do 77 S W cor 21c N & S & 36c E. & W 1877 '81 '85 '90 . . 75 do . . 87 1877 '81 '85 '90 328 do 98 Ex. 160a. N. pt 1877 '81 '85 '90.. 168 do ... Ricketson Tract. B'd beg at N E cor of lot 6 of said Ricketson Tract, at an old cedar post which point is the N. E. cor. of James Patterson's farm ; th. N. on E. line of Town- ship 18, 221c. 131 to N. E. cor. of S. E.J of said Town- ship 18, th. N. 85 W. along N. line of said S. E.J alsoN. line of the Ricketson Tract 92 REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. FRANKLIN COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. MACOMB'S PURCHASE, GREAT TRACT 1, TOWNSHIP 18, RICKETSON TRACT (Continued). Brighton 75c. 901 to land of Rainbow Inn; th. S. 5 W. along E. line of Rainbow Inn land and land of H. M. T. Doty 40c. 871 to land of Frank Wardner; th. S. 85 E. along Frank Wardner's N. line 14c. 401 to N. E. cor. of said Wardner's land; th. S. 5 W. along said Ward- ner's land 26c. 531 to S. E. cor. of said Wardner's land; th. N. 85 W. along said Wardner's S. line lie. 871 to N. E. cor. of L. Chase's land; th. 5 W. along E. lines of Chase's, Butts and Mclntosh lands 33c. 431. to S. E. cor. of said Mclntosh' s lands; th. N. 85 W. along Mclntosh S. line 38c. 801. to N. E. cor. of H. L. Wait's land; th. S. 5 W. along Wait's E. line 31c. to S. E. cor. of said Wait's land; th. N. 85 W. along said H. Wait's S. line 5c. 821. to N. E. cor. of C. J. Riley land; th. S. 5 W. along Riley's E. line 21 c. 151. to said Riley's S. E. cor. ; th. S. 85 E. along the old lot line 37c. 601. to N. W. cor. of lot 18; th. S. 5 W. along W. line of said lot 15c. 501. to N. W. cor. of Mrs. Jane Russell's land; - th. S. 85 E. along Jane Russell's N. line 25c. 551. to the N. E. cor. of said Russell's land; th. S. 5 W. REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. 93 FRANKLIN COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Brighton Santa Clara, do do do do 3 3&4 do MACOMB'S PURCHASE, GREAT TRACT 1, TOWNSHIP 18, RICKETSON TRAC T (Continued). along said Russell's E. line 17c. 601. to N. W. cor. of the Ricketson farm; th. S. 85 E. along N. line of said farm 46c. 401. to N. E. cor. of said Ricketson farm; th. S. 5 W. along E. line of said Ricketson farm 35c. 381. to N. W. cor. of James Patterson's land; th. S. 85' E. along said Patterson's N.j line 15c. 621. to beg Total Township 18, i 17,708.08 acres. TOWNSHIP 20. Bb. beg. on N. line 6c. W. from N. E. cor., th. S. &c. 801. th. W. 18c. 501. th. N. lOc. 201. to N. line of lot, th. E. to beg s.i Beg. on E. line of Township 20 at a point Ic. from the centre of Little Clear Pond outlet, th. S. E'ly so as to include a uniform width of Ic. on each side of said stream to high water mark on Big Clear Pond outlet . . Ex. 12.17a. a strip of land 100 ft. wide right of way of M. & M. R. R. 57.51a. S. W. cor. bd. N. by R. R. land E. by a line par'l to and 56c. 501. E. from W. line of lot and 8.4a. S. E. Purchase, 1908 . . Purchase, 1898. Purchase, 1898, Purchase, 1898. Purchase, 1898 . 1,686.79 640 640 18.50 325 Mortgage, Jan. 15, 1885.. 10 94 REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. flB FRANKLIN COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. MACOMB'S PURCHASE GREAT TRACT 1, TOWNSHIP 20 (Continued). COT. bd. N. by R. R. land and W. by a line par'l to and 6c W. from E. line of lot Purchase, 1898 562.28 Santa Clara 5 Purchase, 1898 640 do 6 Purchase, 1898. . . . 790 do 7 Purchase, 1898. . . . 790 do 8 Purchase, 1898 .... 640 do 9 Ex. 13.28c. a strip of lane 100 ft. wide right of way oJ M. & M. R. R. and ex. 245.61a. being all of lot S. of R. R. Co. land Purchase, 1898 381.11 do 11 Ex. 6a. being all therein oi Dry Island; 6.8a. known as Tommy's Rock and 132a. all therein known as Mark- ham Point Purchase, 1898 495.20 do 12 Ex. 28a. Markham Point . . . Purchase, 1898 612 do 13 Ex. 58a. Moss Point Purchase, 1898 582 do 14 Ex. 244.8a. W. p't bd. E. by Saranac Lake; 6a. all there- in of Dry Island; 12a. Green Island ; 4a. Markham Point & 20. 8a. Moss Point Purchase, 1898 .... 352.40 do 16 Ex. 472.71a. all of lot S. of M & M R R Purchase, 1898. 167.21 do 17 Purchase, 1898. . . . 640 do 18 Purchase, 1898. . . . 790 do 19 Purchase, 1898 790 do 20 Purchase, 1898. 640 do 21 Ex. loa st-ip of land 100 ft. wide right of way of M. & M. R. R Purchase, 1898 625 do 22 Purchase, 1898. 640 do 23 Purchase, 1898. 640 do 24 Purchase, 1898 640 do 25 Purchase, 1898. . . . 640 do ..... 26 Purchase, 1898. . . . 640 do 27 Purchase, 1898. . . . 640 do 28 Ex. 12.99a. a strip of land 100 ft. wide right of way M. &M. R. R Purchase, 1898 627.01 REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. 95 FRANKLIN COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Santa Clara 29 MACOMB'S PURCHASE GREAT TRACT 1, TOWNSHIP 20 (Continued). Purchase, 1898 640 do 30 Purchase 1898. . . . 790 do .... 31 Purchase 1898. . . 790 do . . 32 Purchase 1898 640 do 33 Ex 14 22a a strip of land 100 ft. wide right of way M & M R R Purchase 1898. . 625 71 do ... 34 Ex 9 48a a strip of land 100 ft. wide right of way M. & M. R. R . . Purchase, 1898. . 630.52 do 35 Purchase 1898. 640 do 36 Purchase. 1898 640 do do ... . 37 38 Ex. 49a., being Pine or Camp Point on Rollins Pond . . . Ex 15 55 a strip of land 100 Purchase, 1898 .... 591 ft. wide, right of way M. & M. R. R Purchase, 1898 .... 624.45 do 39 Purchase 1898 640 do 40 Purchase 1898 640 do do 41 42 Purchase, 1898 Purchase 1898 . 640 790 Total Township 20, 24,919.46 acres. Harriets town TOWNSHIP 21. Beg on E line of Township 20, at a point 2c. S. of the S. shore of Little Clear Pond at high-water mark, th. N'ly on Township line 60c. & th. following the E. shore of said pond at a distance of 2c. from high-water mark S'ly to beg . Mortgage, 1885. 40 do S. E. }, ex. 3,095a. E. pt. & 3,()95a. W. pt. 2a. beg. at a point on Greenough's W. line moving th. S. to the shore of lower Saranac lake, th. N. E'ly along the shore REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. FRANKLIN COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. MACOMB'S PURCHASE GREAT j TRACT 1, TOWNSHIP 21 (Continued). Harrietstown. . . . of said lake as it winds and turns to old Colby pond carry, th. Wly along Brick's & Greenough's line to beg. 125a. bd. beg. at a cedar post on the N'ly shore of West bay in Colby pond lOc. N. from a cedar post standing'on the S. bank of a small brook which empties into said bay said post standing at the edge of the pond, th. N. 86 W. 35c. 501. to a hemlock post marked "A. W. M.", th. S. 4 W. 35c. 501. to a soft maple tree marked "A. W. M." th. S. 86 E. 35c. 501. to a hemlock tree and stones and th. N. 4 E. 35c. 501. to beg. reserving therefrom la. water and ex. l,109a. N. W. cor. of remainder 152c. long N. & S., & ex. 109$a., being all of lots 18, 19, 33; map made by H. K. Averill, Jr. of lands sold by M. L. Ins. Co. to Nathan Strauss contained therein also ex. 241 a. being all of a parcel inscribed William J. Ehrick, and so much of a parcel inscribed Ida Ehrick as is contained therein and also ex. SO^a., being all of two parcels of land described as Patrick Buckley on said map as is contained therein leaving. 1895 585 do .... S. E. i north part 152 chs. long N. and S. of 3,095 acres BEPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. 97 COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Harrietstown. MACOMB'S PURCHASE, GREAT TRACT 1, TOWNSHIP 21 (Continued). W. part 1,809 acres ex. 1,060J acres, being all of lots 33, 34, 35, 36, 47, 48, 49, 50, 61, 62, 63 and 88. Map made by H. K. Averill, Jr., of lands sold by the M. L. Ins. Co. to Nathan Strauss contained therein, ex. 70 acres being all of a parcel inscribed P. S. Carley on said map, bd. N. by lot 105, E. by an unallotted parcel, S. by a parcel in- scribed Ellery Donaldson, and W. by another parcel inscribed Ellery Donaldson contained therein, 113-n^o acres being all contained therein of a parcel inscribed P. S. Carley on said map, bd. N. by an unallotted par- cel, E. by a parcel inscribed Frank Coolon S. by lots 62 and 63, and W. by McAuley Pond and a parcel inscribed Ellery Donaldson contained therein; 60 acres, being all contained therein of a par- cel inscribed Ellery Donald- son on said map, bd. N. by another parcel inscribed Ellery Donaldson and a parcel inscribed P. S. Car- ley, E. by another parcel inscribed P. S. Carley, S. by McAuley Pond and lot 93, and W. by lot 93 and said other piece inscribed Ellery Donaldson contained therein 220 acres being all of a parcel inscribed Frank 98 KECPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. FRANKLIN COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. MACOMB'S PURCHASE GREAT TRACT 1, TOWNSHIP 21 (Continued). Harrietstown Coolon on said map; 35^o% acres being all of a parcel occupied by William McMaster, bd. N. by McAuley Pond E. by lot 63 S. by lot 49 and W. by another parcel of said McMaster, and ex. 2Q-^Q& acres being all of a parcel inscribed Henry Coolon on said map, bd. N. by lot 88, E. by lot 74 S. by lot 60, and W. by another parcel of said Coolon 1895 220 do' S. E. J N. W. cor. 152 chs. long N. & S. of all that remains after ex. 3,095 acres E. part & 3,095 acres W. part 1,109 acres ex. 831-njV acres being all of lots 18, 33, 45, 46, 47, 59, 60, 61, 74, 87 & 88 on map made by H. K. Averill, Jr., of lands sold by the M. L. Ins. Co. to Nathan Strauss contained therein; also ex. 29-j^o acres being all of a parcel inscribed Henry Coo- lon on said map contained therein 1895 248 . 40 do W. part 3,095 acres ex. 1,809 acres N. part thereof 152 chs. N. & S. 1,286 acres ex. 1,013| acres being all of lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 6, 7, 8, 19, 20, 21, 22, 33, 34, 35 & 36 on map made by H. K. Averill, Jr., of lands sold by the M. L. Ins. Co. to Nathan Strauss contained therein, & ex. 133 acres REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. 99 FRANKLIN COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Harrietstown. . . . .... MACOMB'S PURCHASE GREAT TRACT 1, TOWNSHIP 21 (Continued). being all of a parcel inscrib ed Ida Ehrick on said map contained therein 1895 140 do g (Averili's Survey.} Purchase 1900 151 90 do 9 Purchase, 1900. . . . 136 80 do 10 Purchase 1900. . 121 70 do 11 Purchase 1900 105 50 do 12 Purchase 1900 91 60 do 13 Purchase 1900 78 20 do 14 Purchase, 1900. . . . 90 20 do 18 Purchase 1900 171 60 do 19 Purchase 1900 147 60 do 20 Part N. of Forest Home Road 1905 & condemned d 1902 . 70 80 do 21 Same Condemned 1902 46 80 do 22 Purchase 1900 160 do 23 Purchase, 1900. . . . 160 do 24 Purchase 1900 200 30 do 25 Purchase 1900 213 50 do 26 Purchase 1900 223 do 27 Purchase 1900 160 do . . 28 Purchase, 1900 . . . 229 do 33 Purchase 1900 166 do 34 Purchase 1900 160 do 35 Purchase 1900 155 30 do 36 Purchase, 1900 . . 160 do . . 37 Purchase 1900 172 30 do 41 Purchase 1900 130 do 42 Purchase 1900 217 80 do 45 Purchase 1900 134 60 do 46 Purchase 1900 163 40 do 47 Purchase 1900. 160 do 48 Purchase 1900 160 do 49 Purchase 1900 159 10 do 50 Purchase 1900 170 do 55 Purchase, 1900 114 10 do . . 56 Purchase 1900 207 4C do 59 Purchase. 1900.. 203.70 100 KEPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. FRANKLIN COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. -* Acres. Harrietstown.. . . 60 MACOMB'S PURCHASE, GREAT TRACT 1, TOWNSHIP 21- (Continued). Purchase, 1900 148.60 do 61 Purchase, 1900 134 90 do 62 Purchase, 1900. . . . 114 90 do 63 Purchase, 1900 84 do 66 Purchase 1900 79 10 do 67 Purchase, 1900 85.40 do 68 Purchase, 1900. . . . 81 90 do 69 Purchase 1900 138 50 do 70 Purchase 1900 234 40 do 74 Purchase, 1900 116 do 80 Purchase, 1900. . . . 202 do .. . 81 Purchase, 1900 . . 209 do 82 Purchase, 1900 209.50 do do 83 87 Ex. the part N. of Mill Pond . Purchase, 1900 Purchase, 1900. . . . 181.70 17 do 88 Purchase, 1900. 98.40 do 93 Purchase, 1900 248.30 do 105 Purchase, 1900 248 do 106 Purchase, 1900 118.20 Santa Clara do Total, Township 21, 9,175.40 acres. TOWNSHIP 23, N. $. E. end W end 1877, '81, '85 1898 4,379 *6,661 Harrietstown. . . S. E. 1 E. end of 1 240a. S. end. . . . 1898 *300 do N. end. 6,280a. ex. 144a. N. W. cor. thereof 80c. long N. & S. by 18c. wide E. & W. ; 40a. being Birch Island, inS'ly end of the "Upper Saranac Lake, near and in a N'ly direction from Corry's Carry;" 267a. bd. *Purchased by the Forest Preserve Board and deeded to Cornell University for use of the New York State College of Forestry; at the end of thirty years to be deeded to the people of the State of New York. REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AN> ' GAME COMMISSION. 101 FRANKLIN COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. MACOMB'S PURCHASE, GREAT TRACT 1, TOWNSHIP 23, S. E. i (Continued). Harrietstown.. . . beg. at a stake and stones, N. 2 W. 24r. from a large rock on N'ly bank of the outlet to Upper Saranac Lake and 2r. and 10 ft. below the State Dam, called Norton's Dam, th. N. 80 E. 150r. to a stake and stones, standing lOr. N. of the N. bank of said outlet, th. S. 10 E. 214r. to a stake and stones on a high hill, th. S. 80 W. 200r. to a stake and stones, th. N. 10 W. 214r. and th. N. 80 E. 50r. to beg. 266-^ a. b'd beg. at a large rock on the S'ly shore of the Upper Saranac Lake, which rock is near the Indian Carry, nearly N. from Jesse Corry's " Rustic House " and S. from house on Birch Island, th. N. 34r., th. E. 114r., th. S. 230r., th. W. 194r., th. N. 200r. and th. E. SOr. to beg., ex. 27 parcels reserved in deed by S. M. Weed and M. V. B. Turner and wife to State in 1901 1877, '81, '00, '05.. 3,862.08 SOUTH WEST J. do All ex. lOOa. N. E. cor. 25c. wide N. and S. and 40c. long E. and W Purchase, 1898. . . . *7,42I Total Township 23, j * 22,622.08 acres. *Purchased by the Forest Preserve Board aid deeded to Cornell University for use of the New York State College of Forestry; at the end of thirty years to be deeded to the People of the State of New York. 102 OF ; FOREST, FISH AND GAME, COMMISSION. FRANKLIN COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Harrietstown. . . . MACOMB'S PURCHASE GREAT TRACT I (Continued). TOWNSHIP 24. NORTH EAST J W. *... 1877, '81, '85 3 750 do NORTH WEST J. All 1877 '81 '85 '95 7 500 do SOUTH EAST J. All 1877, '95, '00 7 500 do SOUTH WEST J. All 1877 '81 '85 7 500 Total Township 24, 26,250 acres. do TOWNSHIP 26. All E of Raquette River b'd S. by a line parallel to N. line of Township and far enough distant therefrom to contain 15,619a. ex. therefrom and und. f of that part of 1,333-n^a. known as the Raquette Falls lot lying E. of the Raquette River, and also ex. a. being the Union School house lot Purchase, 1898 .... 15 619 do 1 &3 TOWNSHIP 27. NORTH WEST . 390ia. & W.i of lot 3, 195ia. both in l,561a. W. end of l,961a. N. part . . 1881 & Deed 1904 585 37 2 W. end Conveved 1903 100 3 E. A Conveyed 1904 195 12 4 Conveyed 1903 386 do NORTH EAST J. All 1905 & purch'se '00 7 500 Total Township 27, 8,766.49 acres. REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. 103 FRANKLIN COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Bellmont 10 OLD MILITARY TRACT, TOWNSHIP 8. E. pt. lOc. wide E. & W. of 73a. S. W. cor. of lot, 24c. 501. wide N. & S. & 30c. long E & W 1890 24 50 do 36 N. W. cor. square 1877, '81, '85 200 do do 55 63 N W 1 1877, '81, '85 1871 '77 '81 '85 . 640 160 do 63 S * 1895 '00 320 Total Township 8, 1,344.5 acres. Franklin 2 OLD MILITARY TRACT, TOWNSHIP 9. 1885 '90 136 do 7 N W J 1877 '91 '90 36 87 do 31 1900 171 Bellmont . . . 45 1871 '77 '81 160 do 81 Ex N E J 1871 '90 120 Franklin 138 S W J 1877 '81 '85 50 Bellmont 273 1881 '85. . 160 Franklin 294 1900 & Resale '99* 180 do 296 1905 160 do 300 1877, '81, '85, '90.. 160 do 308 Ex. 93a. W. pt 1877 '81, '85, '90 . 67 Belmont. . . 309 1881 '85 '90 '95 160 do 310 1877, '81, '85, '90.. 160 Franklin 317 1900 & Resale, '99* 160 do 330 1900 & Resale, '99* 160 do 332 1900 & Resale '99* 160 do 333 1900 & Resale, '99* 160 Bellmont 338 S E i 1877 '81 '85 40 do 341 E. i 1881, '85 80 do .... 343 1881 '85 106 80 Franklin 352 1871 '77 '81 . 182 80 do 353 Resale 1867* 180 do 354 1881, '85 220.60 do 359 1877, '81, '85, '90. . 161.40 Total, Township 9, 3,332.47 acres. 'Formerly bonded lands. 104: REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. FRANKLIN COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Franklin 5 OLD MILITARY TRACT, (Con.) TOWNSHIP 10. Purchase 1906 200 do 14 Purchase 1907 200 do 15 1877, '81, '85, '90 . 200 do . ... 16 1877, '81, '85, '90 200 do 17 1877, '81 '85 '90 200 do 18 1877 '81 '85 '90 200 do 19 S. $ of W. 120a 1877, '81, '85, '90. . 80 do 24 S. *. . Purchase, 1905 100 do 25 Purchase 1907 200 do 30 E. pt. . Purchase, 1906 145 do 31 1900 '05 200 do 33 1877 '81 '85, '90 . 200 do 34 1877 '81 '85 '95 200 do 38 1877 '81 '85 '90 200 do 57 1890 200 do 60 N. ^ & S. W. i . Purchase 1905 . 150 do 61 Purchase 1905 232 do 76 1895, '00 232 do 77 1890, '95 232 do 80 N part Purchase 1905. . 60 do . 81 N W. cor 1895 '00 23 do 83 All W of highway " Hall do 84 lot" S. W. cor 1881, '85 1877 '81 107 15 do . 85 1877 '81 '85 168 do 87 1877 '81 '85 '90 168 do 88 1881, '85, '90 168 do 89 1877 '81, '85, '90.. 168 do 90 1877 '81 '85 '90.. 168 do 96 1877 '81 '85 '90 168 do 97 1895 '00 168 do 99 Purchase 1905. . . . 168 do 100 Ex. 33a. W. pt Purchase 1905 135 do 101 S * Purchase 1905 100 do 102 Purchase 1905 200 do 103 Purchase 1905 200 do 104 Purchase 1905 200 do 105 1900 '05 200 do 106 1877 '81 '85 '95.. 200 do 107 1877 '81 '85 '95. 200 do 108 Purchase 1905 200 do 109 Purchase 1906 200 do 112 1877. '81 '85 .'90.. 200 KEPOKT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. 105 FRANKLIN COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Franklin 113 OLD M i L T A R Y TRACT, TOWNSHIP 10 (Continued). 1877 '81, '85, '90.. 200 do 114 1871 '77 '81 '85/90. 200 do 115 1871 '77 '81 '85. 200 do 116 1881 '85 200 do 126 1871,'77,'81,'85,'QO. 200 do 127 1871, '77, '81 200 do 128 1871, '77, '81 200 do 130 1905 and pur 1905 200 do 131 Purchase 1906 200 do 137 1900 '05 200 do do 138 140 1877, '81, '85 Purchase 1905. . .. 200 200 do 141 1871 '77 '81 '85.. 200 do 144 Ex. N. \ of W. 120a 1871, '77, '81, '85.. 160 do 150 *Resale 1899 200 do 151 E \ Purchase 1906 100 do 152 1877 '85 200 do do do . 153 154 160 1881, '85 1885/90 1890 '95 200 200 200 do do 166 167 Ex. 40a. N. of W. 120a.... 1877, '81, '85 1877 '81 '85 160 200 do 168 1877, '81, '85 200 do 171 1871 '77/81/85/90. 200 do 172 *Resale 1899 200 do 179 1871 '77 '81 '85 '95 200 do 180 N. andS. E. i 1900, '05 150 do 188 1877 '81, '85 200 do 189 Purchase 1905. . . . 200 do 190 1877, '81, '85, '95. . 200 do 191 1881, '85 200 do 193 1871 '77 '81, '95.. 200 do . 195 S \ of E 80a . . 1881 '85 40 do 198 Ex S E 1 1871 '77 '81 150 do 199 W * 1877 '81 '85 '90 100 do do 200 201 1877, '81, '85, '90.. 1890 200 200 do 209 1877 '81 '85 200 do 210 1877 '81 '85 '90 200 do 211 1871 '77 '81 '85 '95 200 do 212 1881, '85 200 do 213 Purchase. 1905. . 200 * Formerly bonded land. 106 REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. gp FRANKLIN COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Franklin 214 OLD MILITARY TRACT TOWNSHIP 10 (Continued). Purchase 1905 200 do ...... 215 Purchase, 1905. .. 200 do 216 Purchase 1905. . . 200 do ... . 225 1871.77/81 '85 '95 200 do . 226 1871 '77 '81 '85 200 do 227 Purchase 1905 200 do 228 E. }. Purchase 1905. . . 100 do 229 1871 '77 '81/85 '95 200 do ... 230 1871 '77 '81 '85 200 do 231 1871 '77 '81 '85 200 do 232 1877, '81 200 do 233 1877, '81 200 do 235 S E cor b'd N'ly & W'ly by center of Lyon Brook 1900 2 do 242 N pt of S W J 1895 '00 20 do 243 N. ^ ex la in N. W. cor. on which is built a starch mill Mortgage . . . 99 do 250 1871 '81 '85 '90 200 do 251 1871, '77, '81, '85.. 200 do 254 Purchase 1905. . . . 200 do 255 Purchase 1905 . . 200 do 256 1877 '81 '85 '95 200 do 270 1877, '81, '85, '90.. 200 do 271 1877/81/85/90/95 200 do 272 Ex 25a S E cor owned by Svlvanus Page 1890 '95 ... 175 do 274 1890 '95 '00 200 do 278 Ex 40a S -J of E 80a 1877 '81 '95 160 do 279 Purchase 1907. . . 200 do 280 1877 '81 '95 200 do . 281 1877 '81 200 do 285 N W i 1881 '85 50 do 287 1877 '81 '85 ... 200 do do 288 289 S. i&N. E. i 1877, '81, '85, '90.. 1877 '81 '85 '90 '95 150 200 do 290 1871 '77 '81 '85 200 do 293 1885 '90 200 do 294 1871,77, '81, '85.. 200 do 312 1871,77, '81, '85. . 200 do 313 1871, 77 '81 '85 . 200 do 314 1877 '81 '85 '90 200 do 315 E Dt 1885 '90 80 do 316 Ex. 50a. S. W. cor . . 1871,77 '85... 150 REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. 107 FRANKLIN COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. ] Franklin 317 OLD MILITARY TRACT, TOWNSHIP 10 (Continued). 1871 '77 '81 '85 & do 318 purchase, 1908 . . . 1871,77, '81, '85 & 200 do 319 S A purchase, 1908 . . . 1871 '77 '85 200 100 do 321 S. pt. 13c. on E. line & 24c. do 323 on W. line, b'd N. by high- way, 92$a. ex. 4rf Jg-^a. being right of way of the D. & H. R. R. and a. on high- way adj. said R. R N. $ Purchase, 1908 1881, '85 87iVe 1 2 BERGEN'S PURCHASE, PATENT No. 7 (Continued). Sub 9 bd N by Sub. 8 S 3,4. by Patent line, & W. by Calvin Osborn's lot 1881 100 do 2 Sub. 2 Purchase, 1901 133.50 do 3 W. pt 1890 100 do .... 4 N pt 90a & S pt 75a 1890 . 165 do 5 1854 '77 '81 '85 '90 273 do 6 1854, '77, '81 273 do 7 PATENTS Nos. 8 & 9. 1848 108 do 11 N Wlv 4- 1853 54 do 12 1848 108 do 13 1890 '95 135 do .. 14 Purchase 1897 136 do 15 Purchase 1897 135 do 16 Ex. 12a Geo Gardiner on S. side of highway from Hope Cen. to Hope Falls Purchase, 1897 123 do 2 PATENT No. 10. Bd N by lands of E H Willard, E. by same & J. T. N. Russell, S. by lands of J. Williams & W. by land of D. Stickney 1890 100 r do 5 PATENT No. 11. Ex. 30a. S. W. & 25a. N. W. . 1853 218 do 12 PATENT No. 13. Bd. N by Patent No 12 E by Patent line, S. by lot 10 & W. by lots 13 & 14 1890. . 241 Total, Bergen's Purchase, 7,028.50 acres Inlet BROWN (JOHN) TRACT, TOWNSHIP 8. All in Inlet of a parcel beg on E. line of Township, 35c. S. E'ly from S. shore of Big Moose Lake at high-water 138 REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. HAMILTON COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Inlet. do K BROWN (JOHN) TRA CT, TOWN- SHIP 8 (Continued). mark, th. S. E'ly 205c. along Township line, th. to the right 104 deg. 30 min. 182c th. to the right 96 deg. 15 min. 172c. to a point where a line runs at right angles to the E. line of said Town- ship from place of beg intersect the last course & th. along said line 115c. to beg All in Hamilton Co. of the following described land, viz.: beg. at the S. E. cor. of parcel E on the N. line of the Fulton Chain Allot- ment, th. N'ly along the E. line of said parcel E. to the N. E. cor. of said parcel E, th. 144 deg. to the right 23c. to the N. W. cor. of the Moss Lake Allotment, th. 4 deg. to the right 64c. to the S. W. cor. thereof, th. 90 deg. to the left along the S. line of the Moss Lake Allotment, 32c., th. to the right 20 deg. 45 min. 23c., th. to the left 64 deg. 15 min. 19ic. to the S. W. cor. of parcel C, th. E'ly along the S. line of parcel C, 95 to the N. W'ly cor. of the Cascade Lake Allotment, th. to the right 90 deg. 5Hc. to the S. W. cor. of said Cascade Lake Allotment, th. to the left 90 deg. lOOc. to the E'ly line of said Township No. 8, th. S'ly along said twp. line 120c. to the S. E'ly cor. of Township No. 8, th. S. W'ly Purchase, 1897. 463 REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. 139 HAMILTON COUNTY. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. BROWN (JOHN) TRACT, TOWN- SHIP 8 (Continued). along the S'ly line of said twp. to the E'ly cor. of the Fulton Chain Allotment, th. Wly along the N'ly line of said Fulton Chain Allot- ment to the place of beg., ex. the following lands from said parcel K, designated on said annexed map as parcel O, viz : Beginning on EJ line of Twp. No. 8, at the' point of intersection of a line running parallel to and at lOc. distant S'ly from the Raquette Lake road; th.l Wly parallel to said roac and lOc. S'ly to a line which shall be run from the cor. ol lots 124 and 128 of the Ful- ton Chain Allotment and at right angles to the rear line of said Fulton Chain Allot- ment at that point; th. S'ly along said line 13c. to said cor.; th. Wly along the N line of said Fulton Chain allotment to the cor. of lots 146 and 147 in said Fulton Chain allotment; th. to the right 86 30' 55c to the S. line of the Big Moose road; th. E'ly along the S. line of said Big Moose Road to a point of intersection with a line run N'ly of and parallel to said Raquette Lake road and at lOc. distant from it; th. E'ly along said line to the E. line of said Twp. 8; th. S'ly along said Twp. 8 line to place of beg Cascade Lake . . Purchase, 1897. Purchase, 1897 . 171.71 60 140 REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. HAMILTON COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Inlet . . . BROWN (JOHN) TRACT, TOWN- SHIP 8 (Continued) . All of Fourth Lake Fulton Chain, in Twp. 8, in Hamil- ton County Purchase, 1897. . . . 400 Total Township 8, John Brown Tract, 2,094.71 acres. Morehouse. . . . 1 CALDWELL & OTHERS' TRACT. 1900 05 & pur- do 2 chase, 1901 1905 & purch'se '99 600 200 do 3 1905 & purch'se '99 200 do 4 1905 & purch'se '99 600 do 5 1905 & purch'se '99 200 do 6 1905 & purch'se' 99 200 do 7 1905 & purch'se '99 200 do 8 1905 & purch'se '99 200 do 9 1905 & purch'se '99 200 do 10 1900 '05 & pur- do 11 chase, 1901 1885 '90 '95 200 200 Total, Caldwell & Others' Tract, 3,000 acres. Benson 91 CHASE'S PATENT. FJ pt in Benson 1881 15 do 101 All in Hamilton County 1871 '77 '85 90 do ... 102 1871 '77 '81 '85 100 do .. 103 All in Hamilton County 1871 '81 '85 85 do 105 1871 '77 '81.... 100 do 106 1871 '77 '81 100 do .... 107 1877 '81 '85 100 do .. 108 1871 '77 '81 100 do 116 N'ly pt. . 1871 40 do 117 1871 '77 '81 '85 100 do 118 1871 '77 '81 '85 100 do ... 119 1871 '77 '81 '85 100 do 120 1871, '77, '81 100 Total, Chase's Patent, 1,130 acres. do 1 GLEN, BLEECKER & LANSING PATENT. Sub. 2. S. *. . Purchase. 1898. . 55 EEPOET OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. 141 HAMILTON COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Benson. 1 GLEN, BLEECKER & LANSING PATENT (Continued) . Sub. 3 1871 77 '81 Ill do 1 Sub 4 1871 '77 '81 111 do 1 Sub 5 Purchase 1898 111 do 1 Sub. 6 1871, 77, 81 111 do 1 Sub. 7 1871, 77, '81 109 do 1 Sub 8 1871 '77 '81 111 do 1 Sub 9 1871 77 81 '00 111 do 2 Sub. 5 1877, '81, '85 125 do 2 Sub. 6 1871,77 125 do do 2 2 Sub. 7 Sub 8 1871/81 1871 '77 '81 125 125 do 6 Sub. 1 1877,'81,'85,'90/95 100 do do 6 6 Sub. 2. Sub 3 1871, '77, '81 1871 '77 '81 '85 100 100 do 6 Sub. 4 1871, '77, '81 '85... 100 do 6 Sub. 6, N. i 1871, '81, '85 50 do 7 1881 '85 '90 1 000 do 8 Sub 1 N pt 1885 56 do 8 Sub. 1, S. pt 1871, '81 60 do 8 Sub. 2 1877, '81, '85 '90 150 do 8 Sub 3 1877 '81 '85 '90 150 do 8 Sub. 6 1871, '77, '81 220 do 8 Sub. 7 1871, '77, '81 101 do 9 Sub. 1 1877, '81 '85 100 do 9 Sub 2 1877 '81 '85 100 do 9 Sub. 3 1871,77, '81, '85.. 95 50 do 9 Sub. 4 1871,77, '81 95 do 34 All in Hamilton county Purchase 1897 100 Total, Glen,Bleecker & Lan- sing Patent, 4,007 acres. L. Pleasant 10 GORES. GORE BET. MOOSE RIVER TRACT, OXBOW TRACT AND TOWNSHIPS 1 & 2, TOTTEN AND CROSS- FIELDS' PURCHASE. (Jones Gore.) Purchase, 1898 . . 124 87 do 11 Purchase 1898 182 07 do 12 Purchase 1898 207 do 13 Purchase, 1898 236 34 Total, Jones Gore, 7SQ-ffo acres. 14:2 REPORT OF FOREST, FISH. AND GAME COMMISSION. HAMILTON COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Long Lake. GORE NORTH OF TOWNSHIP 50, TOTTEN AND CROSS- FIELDS' PURCHASE. All in Hamilton County of the following described Ian d viz: beg. at a beech sapling marked "120" and "1809" standing on the top of a steep hill in a windfall which is the N. E. cor of Twp. 50 T. & C. P. as located by John Richards in 1809; and running from said cor. in a Wly direc- tion 554 chains and 27 links, more or less, along the N. line of said Twp. 50, as located by John Richards in 1809, to the N. W. cor. of said Twp., which is a maple tree marked "No. 1" with witness trees around marked by long blazes; thence N. Wly along the lines of lot 12 of Twp. 22 in T. &C. P. and lot 52 in the triangle E. of Twp. 23 in T.j & C. P. to the N. E. cor. of said lot 52 being in the S. line of Twp. 26, Macomb's Purchase, as surveyed by Benjamin Wright about 1800; and running thence E'ly along the aforesaid S'ly line of said Twp. 26 as sur- veyed by Benj. Wright to a point upon said S. line of Twp. 26 where the E'ly line of Twp. 50 as located by John Richards, if prolonged; would intersect said S. line] of Twp. 26; and from| REPOBT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. 143 HAMILTON COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Long Lake. Arietta. Arietta and Morehouse. . . GORE NORTH OF TOWNSHIP 50, TOTTEN AND CROSS- FIELD'S PURCHASE (Con- tinued.} thence S. E. along said pro- longation of the E'ly line of Twp. 50 to the place of beg . GORE NORTH OF LAWRENCE PATENT. All that tract or parcel of land bounded N'ly by the Oxbow Tract, Wly by the Tefft Tract in Arthurboro Patent, S'ly by the Law- rence Patent, and E'ly by Benson Township or Tract. LAWRENCE PATENT. All that remains of 2,493.35 b'd beg. at the most E'ly cor. of the Jerseyfield Patent, th. as the needle point- ed in 1870 N. 58 W. along N. Wly line of said Patent l,061c. toS. E. cor. of lot 1, Sickles Tract, th. N. 32 E. 23c. 501. th. along S. line of lot 12, 11, 10,9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, Lawrence Patent, and nearly parallel with N. Wly line of Jerseyfield Pat- ent to N. Wly line of Ben- son Twp., th. S. Wly along said N. Wly line of Benson Twp. 23c. 501. to beg., after ex. 276a. bd. beg. at N. E. cor. of Lot 90, Jerseyfield Patent and running in a N'ly direction on a con- Original and Con veyed, 1904 1,580 Original . 1,180 144- REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. HAMILTON COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Arietta and Morehouse. . . Morehouse. LAWRENCE PATENT (Continued). tinuation of the E. line of said lot 90, to a point where said E. line continued inter- sects the so-called Bray- house line, the S. line of Lot 6, Lawrence Patent, th. Wly along said Bray house line, being S. line of lots 6 and 7, Lawrence Patent, to a point where the W. line of lot 90, Jerseyfield Patent continued intersects said Bray house line, th. S'ly across said gore to the so- called transit line and the N. W. cor. of said lot 90, and th. E'ly along so-called transit line to beg. and ex. 520.12 acres bd. beg. at S. E. cor. of lot 1, Sickles Tract, th. N. 32 E. along E'ly line of said lot 1, 23c., 501., to S. line of lots 11 & 12, Lawrence Patent, th. E'ly along S. line of said lots 11 & 12 to S. E. cor. of said lot 11, and th, continuing along S. line of lot 10, Law- rence Patent 12c., 501., to S. E'ly cor. of a parcel of lOOa. W. side of lot 10, th. S. 32 W. 23c., 501. along the continuation of E'ly line of said lOOa. to N'ly line of Jerseyfield Patent, com- monly called the County line, and th N. 58 W. along said County line 221c., 331. to S. E. cor. of lot 1 of the Sickles Tract & beg Bd. beg. at N. E'ly cor. of lot 7. Sickles & Van Angle Purchase, 1901. , 1,697.35 REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. 145 HAMILTON COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. LAWRENCE PATENT (Continued). Morehouse Tract, th. N. 58 W. along N. E'ly line of said lot 7 14c., 441, th. N. 32 E. along E. line of lot 8 23c, 501., th. S. E'ly along lot 36 Law- rence Patent 14c. 441., and th. S'ly along said lot 36, 23c.,501.,tobeg Purchase, 1901 33.93 do Bd. beg. at most E'ly cor. of lot 8, Sickles & Van Angle Tract, th. N. 58 W. along N. E'ly line of said lot 8, 44c, 731, to S. E'ly line lot 5 of said Tract, th. N. 32 E. along lot 5, 18c, 581, to most E'ly cor. thereof, th. N. 58 W. along N. E'ly line thereof 44c, 731, to E. line of lot 13, Lawrence Patent and th. N. E'ly along S. E'ly line thereof, 23c, 501, to N. E. cor. of said lot 13, th. S. E'ly along S. Wly line of lot 40, Law- rence Patent, 44c, 731, to lot 36. Lawrence Patent, and th. following the lines of lot 36 S. Wly 18c, 581, S. E'ly 44c, 731, and S. Wly 23c 501 to beg Purchase, 1901 . . . . 210.23 do B'd beg. at most E'ly cor. of lot 14 of the McClellan Tract, th. N. 32 E. along N. Wly line of lots 4 and 5 of the Sickles Tract, 23c, 501, th. N. Wly along S. Wly lines of lots 13 and 56, Lawrence Patent, 44c, 731, to the interior cor. of lot 56, Lawrence Patent, th. S. Wly along S. E'ly line of said lot 56 23c, 501, to 148 KEPOKT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. ^f HAMILTON COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Arietta 5 LAWRENCE PATENT (Continued.) Purchase 1897 635 do 6 1877 '81 '85 '95 635 do 7 1877 '81 '85 '95 778 do 8 1905 and purchase 1900 . . 492 do 9 N. W. cor ... 1905 and purchase 1900 55.40 do 9 Ex. 55.40a. N. W. cor Purchase, 1901 579 60 do 10 All in Arietta Purchase 1900 20 Morehouse 10 All in Morehouse Purchase 1900 515 do 13 Purchase 1897 412 do 14 N. W. cor 1877, '81 36 do 14 Ex. 36a Purchase 1900 599 do 15 All in Morehouse Purchase 1900 615 Arietta 15 All in Arietta Purchase, 1900. . . . 20 do do 16 17 Purchase, 1900 Purchase 1900 635 635 do 18 Purchase 1900 778 do 19 1877, '81, '85 492 do 20 Purchase 1900 635 do 21 1890 '95 635 do 22 1877 '81 '85 635 do 23 Purchase 1901 635 do 24 Purchase 1901 635 do 25 Purchase 1898 635 do 26 1877 '81 '85 635 do 28 1890 '95 635 do 29 1881 '90 492 do 30 Purchase 1900 778 do 31 Purchase 1900 635 do 32 1905 and purchase, 1900 635 do 33 All in Arietta 1885, '90 478 Morehouse 33 All in Morehouse Purchase 1900. . . 157 do 34 All in Morehouse Purchase 1900 492 Arietta 34 All in Arietta. Purchase 1900 16 Morehouse 35 1877 '81 '85 635 do 36 1877 '81 '85 '90 Arietta 37 . '95 Purchase 1898 658 635 do 38 1885, '90, '95 635 do 39 Ex. lOOa. N. W. cor. sa . . . . Purchase. 1897. . 535 REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. 149 HAMILTON COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales . or source of title. Acres. Arietta 40 LAWRENCE PATENT (Continued.} 1900 & Pur. 1901 635 do 41 1890 '95 635 do 42 Purchase, 1897. . . . 635 do 43 Ex. lOOa. E. side & lOOa S. W. cor. . . 1881, '85, '90, and do 44 purchase, 1906 . . 1905 & Pur 1900 535 635 do 45 Purchase, 1900 635 do 46 All in Arietta 1905 &Pur., 1900. 24 Morehouse 46 All in Morehouse . . Purchase, 1900. . . . 738 do 47 Purchase 1900 635 do 48 Purchase 1900 861 do 49 Purchase, 1900 635 do 50 1885 '90 '95 . . 625 75 do 51 1885 '90 ... 635 do 52 1885 '90 '95 144 60 do 53 1885, '90, '95 635 do 54 Purchase 1901. . . . 635 do 55 1900 '05 and pur- chase, 1901 635 do 56 1900, '05 and pur- Benson 2 Total, Lawrence Patent, 35,570.03 acres. LEWIS (MORGAN) SMALL TRACT. chase, 1901 1848 732 1 100 Inlet . 65 MOOSE RIVER TRACT, TOWN- SHIP 3. All in Inlet 125 56a ex und do 79 $ paid by Munn 1881/85 1881 '85 '90 and 42 do . 91 purchase, '98. . . . 1881 '85 '90 and 168 do 103 purchase, '98 1881 '85 '90 and 168 Total, Township 3, 546 acres. purchase, '98. . . . 168 146 REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. HAMILTON COUNTY. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. LAWRENCE PATENT (Continued). most N'ly cor. of lot 14, McClellan Tract, and th. S. 58 E. along N. E'ly line thereof 44c, 751. to beg B'd beg. at most N'ly cor. of lot 12, McClellan Tract, th. S. 58 E. 32c, 731. to most Wly cor. of lot 13 of said Tract, th. N. 32 E. along N. Wly line of said lot 13 23, 501, th. N. Wly along S. Wly line of lot 56, Law- rence Patent, 32c, 731, to most Wly cor. of said lot 56 and th. S. 32 W. to beg. B'd beg. at most N'ly cor. of lot 11, McClellan Tract, th. S. 58 E. 44c, 731, to most E'ly cor. of said lot 11, th. along W. line of lot 56, Lawrence Patent, 23c, 501, lot, th. N. Wly along S. to most N'ly cor. of said Wly line of lots 50 & 51, Lawrence Patent, 44c, 731, to most E'ly cor. of lot 52, Lawrence Patent, th. S. Wly along S. E'ly line thereof 23c, 501, to beg B'd beg. at most E'ly cor. of lot 6, McClellan Tract, th. N. 32 E. 23c, 501, to most S'ly cor. of lot 52, Lawrence Patent, th. N. Wly along S. Wly line of lots 52 & 55, Lawrence Patent, 44c, 731, to an interior cor. of said lot 55, th. S. Wly along S. E'ly line lot 55 23c, 501, to most N'ly cor. of lot 6, McClellan Tract, & th. S. 58 E. 44c, 731, to beg Purchase, 1901 105.11 Purchase, 1901 75.91 Purchase, 1901 105.11 Purchase, 1901 105.11 REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. 147 HAMILTON COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. LAWRENCE PATENT (Continued). Morehouse B'd beg. at most W'ly cor. of lot 5, McClellan Tract, th. N. 32 E. along N. W'ly line of said lot 5 23c, 501, th. N. W'ly along S. W'ly line of lot 55, Lawrence Patent, 32c, 731, to E. line of lot 2, Caldwell's Tract, th. S. 32 W. along S. E'ly line of said lot 2, to most E'ly cor. of lot 1 of t-aid Tract &, th. S. 58 E. along N. E'ly line of lot 4, McClellan Tract, 32c, 731, to beg Purchase, 1901 .... 76.91 do B'd beg. at most E'ly cor. of lot 3, Caldwell's Tract, th. N. E'ly along N. W'ly line of lot 55, Lawrence Patent, 23c, 501, to an interior cor. of said lot 55, th. N. W'ly along S. W'ly lines of lots 55 & 54, Lawrence Patent, 44c, 731, th. S. W'ly along S. E'ly line of said lot 54, 23c. 501, to most N'ly cor. of lot 3, Caldwell's Tract, th. S. 58 E. 44c, 731, to beg Purchase, 1901 105.11 do B'd beg. at most N'ly cor. of Lot 1 Caldwell Tract, th. S. 58 E. 32c, 731, th. N. 32 E. along N. W'ly line of lot 2 of said Tract, 23c. 501, th. N. W. along S. W. line of lot 54, Lawrence Patent, 32c. 731, to S. E'ly line of Vrooman's Patent, and th. S. W'ly along said Vroo- man's line 23c, 501, to beg. . Purchase, 1901 76.91 Arietta 1 Purchase, 1897. 635 do 2 1881, '85, '90 635 do 3 1890, '95 635 do 4 Purchase, 1897. . 635 150 REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME. COMMISSION. HAMILTON COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Inlet 7 MOOSE RIVER TRACT (Con.) TOWNSHIP 4. 1885, '90 168 do .. g 1885, '90, '95 . ... 168 do 9 1885 '90 '95 168 do 10 1885 '90 '95 168 do 15 1885, '90, '00* and do . 16 purchase, '98. . . . 1885 '90 160 160 do 17 1885 '90 '00* and do 18 All in Inlet ... purchase, '95. . . . 1885, '90 160 154 Morehouse 18 All in Morehouse 1885 '90 6 do 31 All in Morehouse 1885, '90, '00* and Inlet 31 All in Inlet purchase, '95. . . . 1885, '90 '00* and .22 do 32 purchase, '95 1881, '85, '90, '00* 159.78 do . ... 33 & purchase, 1895 1881 '85 '90 '00* 160 do 34 & purchase, 1895 1881 '85 '90 '00* 160 do 39 & purchase, 1895 1881 '85 '90 '00* 160 do 40 & purchase, 1895 1881 '85 '90 '00* 160 do . 41 & purchase, 1895 1881 '85 '90 '00* 160 do 42 All in Inlet & purchase, 1895 1885, '90, '00* and 160 Morehouse do Inlet 42 55 55 All in Morehouse All in Morehouse All in Inlet purchase, 1895. . 1885, '90, '00* and purchase, 1895 . . 1885, '90,. '00* and purchase, 1895 . . 1885 '90 '00* and 113 47 180.95 do 56 All in Inlet purchase, 1895 . . 1885, '90, '00* and 31 Morehouse 56 All in Morehouse purchase, 1895, 1901 1885 '90 '00* and 164.75 purchase, 1895, 1901 47.25 *Title to an undivided interest in this lot is by purchase. KEPOBT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. 151 HAMILTON COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Inlet 57 MOOSE RIVER TRACT, TOWN- SHIP 4 (Continued). 1885, '90* and pur- chase 1895 . do ... . 64 All in Inlet 1881 '85 '90 '00* Morehouse 64 All in Morehouse & Pur., 1895.... 1881, '85, '90, '00* do 65 All in Morehouse & purchase, 1895 1881, '85, '90, '00* Inlet 65 All in Inlet & purchase, 1895 1881 '85 '90 '00* Morehouse. 66 & purchase, 1895 1881, '85, '90* and do 79 purchase, 1895 . . 1881 '85 '90 do 81 Und. $ of all in Morehouse . . Purchase, 1899 .... Inlet 81 Und. $ of all in Inlet . ... Purchase 1899 do 82 All in Inlet 1900 & Purchase Morehouse 82 All in Morehouse 1900 & Purchase. . Inlet 83 1881, '85, '90* & do 84 Purchase, 1898. . . 1881 '85 '90* & do 85 Purchase, 1898 . . . Pur., 1898 '99 . . do .. 86 Pur 1898 '99 do . 87 All in Inlet 1881 '85 '90* & Morehouse . 87 All in Mor ehouse Purchase, 1899. . . 1881, '85, '90* & do 88 Purchase, 1899 . . . 1881 '85 '90* & do 89 Purchase, 1899 . . . 1885 '90 '95* & do 90 Purchase, 1899... Pur., 1899, '98 do 97 1881, '85, '90* & do 98 Purchase, 1899. . . 1881 '85 '90* & do 99 Pur., 1898, '99... 1881, '85, '90* & do 100 Purchase, 1898 . . . Purchase 1899 do 101 All in Morehouse Purchase 1899 Inlet. . . 101 All in Inlet . . Purchase, 1899. . *Title to an undivided interest in this lot is by purchase. 152 REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. HAMILTON COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Inlet . . 102 MOOSE RIVER TRACT, TOWN- SHIP 4 (Continued). 1900 & Pur 1899 '98 213 do 103 All in Inlet Purehfrse, 1898 134 Morehouse 103 All in Morehouse Pur., 1899 '98 ... 30 do ... 104 All in Morehouse Pur , 1899 '98 . 180 70 Inlet . . 104 All in Inlet Pur 1899 '98 32 30 Morehouse 105 1881 '85 '90* & do ... 106 Purchase, 1898... 1881 '85 '90* & 213 do 107 Purchase, 1898.. . 1881, '85, '90* & 213 do .. . . 108 Pur., 1898, '99 ... Pur 1899 '98 213 213 Total, Township. 4, 8,596f acres. do 1 MOOSE RIVER TRACT, TOWNSHIP 7. Purchase, 1900 . . . 198 do 2 Purchase 1900 . . . 160 do 23 Purchase 1900 160 do 24 Purchase, 1900 200 do 25 Purchase, 1900 . . . 200 do 26 Purchase 1900 160 do 47 Purchase 1900 160 do 48 Purchase 1900 200 do 49 Purchase, 1900 . . . 200 do 50 Purchase 1900 160 do 71 Purchase, 1900 .... 160 do 72 Purchase, 1900. . . . 200 do 73 Purchase 1900 200 do 74 Purchase 1900 160 do 95 Purchase 1900 160 do 96 Purchase, 1900 .... 200 do 97 Purchase 1900 . . 200 do 98 Purchase 1900 . 160 do 119 Purchase 1900 160 do ... 120 Purchase 1900 115 75 Total, Township. 7, Moose River Tract, 3,5133 acres. *Title to an undivided interest in this lot is by purchase. REPORT or FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. 153 HAMILTON COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Arietta, MOOSE RIVER TRACT, (Con). TOWNSHIP 8. All in Arietta 12 836 9a ex 4,039.4a. being all in Arietta of 5,000a. sq. in N. E. cor. of township Purchase, 1900 .... 8,797.50 Morehouse All in Morehouse 10 952 3a. do 1 ex. 960i%a., being all in Morehouse of 5, 000 a. sq. in N. E. cor. of Township Total, Township. 8, Moose River Tract, 18,789 acres. MOOSE RIVER TRACT TOWNSHIP 9. Purchase, 1900 .... Purchase, 1898 9,991.50 174 Arietta 2 All in Arietta 1905 & Pur., 1907.. 73.3 Morehouse Arietta 2 3 All in Morehouse N. E. part 1905 & Pur., 1907.. 1881, '85, '90 100.7 25 do 3 Ex 25a N. E. cor. sq Purchase, 1898 149 do 4 Purchase 1898 . . . 174 do 5 Purchase 1898 . 174 do 6 Purchase, 1898 174 do .. 7 1877, '81, '85, '90. . 174 do 18 Purchase 1898 . . 160 do 19 Purchase 1898 160 do . 20 Purchase, 1898 160 do 21 Purchase, 1898 . . . 160 do 22 Purchase 1898 . . 160 do 23 Purchase, 1898 160 do ... . 24 All in Arietta Purchase, 1898. .. . 21.40 Morehouse do 24 25 All in Morehouse All in Morehouse Purchase, 1898 Purchase 1898 138.60 43 Arietta 25 All in Arietta Purchase, 1898 117 do 26 Purchase, 1898. . . . 160 do 27 Purchase 1898 . . 160 do 28 Purchase 1898 160 do 29 Purchase, 1898 .... 160 do 38 1877, '81, '85, '90. . 200 do . 39 1877 '80 '85 '90 . 200 do 44 Purchase 1898 . 200 do 45 Purchase, 1898 200 do 46 Purchase. 189S 200 154 REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. HAMILTON COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Arietta 47 MOOSE RIVER TRACT, TOWNSHIP 9 (Continued). Purchase 1898 . 200 do 48 Purchase 1898 200 do 49 Purchase 1898 200 do 50 Purchase, 1898 200 do 51 Purchase, 1898. . . 200 do 52 Purchase 1898 200 do 53 Purchase 1898 200 do 68 1900 & Purchase, 1898 200 do 69 Purchase 1898 200 do 70 Purchase 1898 200 do 71 Purchase, 1898, '97. 200 do 72 1877, '81, '85 '90, 95 ... 200 do 73 Purchase 1898 200 do 74 Purchase, 1898 .... 200 do 75 Purchase, 1898 . . . 200 do . 76 Exchange 1892 & do 77 Purchase, 1897 . . . Exchange, 1892 & 200 do 78 Purchase, 1897 . . . Exchange 1892 200 200 do 79 Exchange 1892 200 do 80 Purchase, 1898 . 200 do 81 Purchase 1898 . . 200 do .... 82 Purchase 1898 200 do 83 Purchase, 1898. . . . 200 do 84 Purcl;e, 1898 210 do 85 Purchase 1898 . . . 210 do 86 Purchase 1898 200 do 87 Purchase 1898 200 do 88 Purchase 1898 200 do 89 Purchase 1898 200 do 90 Exchange 1892 200 do . ... 91 Exchange 1892 200 do 92 Exchange, 1892 & do 93 release, 1897 Exchange 1892 & 200 do 94 release Exchange 1892 200 200 do 95 Exchange, 1892 . . . 200 do 96 Exchange, 1892. . . 200 do 97 Exchange. 1892 . . 200 REPOKT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. 155 HAMILTON COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Arietta 98 MOOSE RIVER TRACT, TOWNSHIP 9 (Continued) Exchange 1892 200 do 99 Exchange, 1892 . . . 200 do 100 Exchange, 1892 & do 101 release, 1897 Exchange 1892 200 200 do 102 Exchange, 1892 . . . 200 do 103 Exchange, 1892 . . . 200 do 104 1900 & Pur., 1898.. 200 do 105 Purchase 1898. . . 200 do 106 1900 & Pur., 1898.. 200 do 107 Purchase, 1898. . . . 200 do .... 108 All in Arietta Purchase, 1898. . . . 133 Lake Pleasant . . do 108 109 All in Lake Pleasant All in Lake Pleasant Purchase, 1898 Purchase, 1898 77 201 Arietta 109 All in Arietta Purchase, 1898 9 do 110 All in Arietta Purchase, 1898. . . . 178 Lake Pleasant . 110 All in Lake Pleasant Purchase, 1898 32 Arietta 111 1895 and Ex., 1891. 200 do 112 Exchange, 1891 . . . 200 do 113 1900 '05 & Pur., 1901 . 200 do 114 1895 & Ex., 1891.. . 200 do 115 Exchange, 1892 . . . 200 do 116 Purchase, 1897 200 do 117 Purchase 1897. . . 200 do do ... 118 119 Ex. 75a. W. pt 1877, '81, '85 1900 & Pur., 1898.. 125 200 do ... 120 1900 '05 & Pur., '01 244 do 121 Purchase, 1908 120.78 do 122 Purchase, 1908 382.42 do 123 Purchase, 1908 200 do ... 124 Exchange 1892 . . 200 do ... do .... 125 126 1885, '90, '00 1895 & Ex., 1891... 200 200 do 127 1995 & Ex., 1891.. 200 do 128 W pt 1900 & Ex. 1891.. 180 do 128 Ex. 180a. W. pt Purchase, 1897 20 do 129 All in Arietta 1895 & Ex., 1891.. 201 Lake Pleasant.. . d 129 131 All in Lake Pleasant 1900 &Ex., 1891.. Purchase 1898. . . . 4 210 do do Arietta. . 132 133 134 All in Arietta . . 1890, '95 1890, '95 1890. '95. '00 . . 210 200 93.75 156 REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. HAMILTON COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Lake Pleasant 134 MOOSE RIVER TRACT, TOWNSHIP 9 (Continued.} All in Lake Pleasant 1885, '90, '00 . 112 25 Arietta 135 1885, '90 '00 200 do 136 Exchange 1891 200 do 137 1885, '90, '00 200 do 140 Triangle N. W. cor 1890 2 do 144 Ex. 200a. N. pt. Adiron- dack Co.'s land 1881 '85 '90 '95 70 do 144 N pt Exchange 1891 200 do 145 1885, '90 '95 '00 200 do 146 Ail in Arietta Purchase 1897 150 Lake Pleasant . . 146 All in Lake Pleasant Purchase, 1897 55 do 147 All in Lake Pleasant 1885, '95 '00 .... 204 do do 148 149 S E cor of E 1885, '90, '00 1881 '85 '90 '95 200 75 do 149 W * Exchange 1891 105 do 149 E. \ ex. 75a. S. E. cor Purchase 1898 30 do ffo 150 150 N. E. * N W i Purchase, 1898 1881 '85 '90 105 52 50 do 150 S. W. part Purchase 1901 20 do 151 1895 & Ex 1891 200 do 152 N pt 1895 & Ex 1891 128 do 152 Ex. 128a. N. pt Purchase 1897 92 do do 153 153 Ex. 150a. E. pt. of S. ^ E 150a of S 250a Purchase, 1897 1895 & Ex 1891 128 150 75 do 154 All in Lake Pleasant of lOOa. E. pt... Purchase 1897 22 Arietta 154 All in Arietta of 100 a E pt Purchase 1897 78 Lake Pleasant. . . 156 Exchange, 1891 200 do 160 Purchase 1908 137 29 Arietta 1 Total, Township 9, Moose River Tract, 22,092.44 acres. MOOSE RIVER TRACT, TOWNSHIP 10. Purchase 1898 . . 212 do 2 Purchase 1898 200 do 3 Purchase 1898 200 do 4 Purchase 1898 210 do 5 All in Arietta Purchase 1898 113 25 Morehouse 5 All in Morehouse Purchase 1898 92 75 Arietta. . 6 Purchase. 1898. . 160 REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. 157 HAMILTON COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Arietta 7 MOOSE RIVER TRACT, TOWNSHIP 10 (Continued). Purchase 1898 160 do ... 8 Purchase 1898 160 do 9 Purchase 1898 160 do 10 Purchase 1898 160 Morehouse 11 All in Morehouse Purchase 1898 8 Arietta 11 All in Arietta Purchase, 1898 . . . 152 do .... 12 All in Arietta Purchase 1898 . . 21 Morehouse 12 All in Morehouse Purchase 1898 139 do 13 Purchase 1898 128 do 14 Purchase 1898 72 do ... 15 Purchase 1898 . . 200 do 16 Purchase 1898 200 do 17 All in Morehouse Purchase 1898 135 25 Arietta 17 All in Arietta Purchase, 1898. . . . 64 75 do ....... 18 Purchase 1898 200 do 19 Purchase 1898 200 do [90 Purchase 1898 200 do !"" 21 All in Arietta Purchase 1898 104 Morehouse . . 21 All in Morehouse Purchase 1898 96 do 22 Purchase 1898 200 do 23 Purchase 1898 200 do 24 Purchase 1898 200 ' do 25 Purchase 1898 198 do 26 Purchase 1898 124 do 27 Purchase 1898 200 do 28 Purchase, 1898 . 200 do 29 Purchase 1898 200 do 30 Purchase 1898 200 do 31 All in Morehouse Purchase 1898 198 80 Arietta 31 All in Arietta Purchase 1898 1 90 do 32 All in Arietta Purchase 1898 140 90 Morehouse . 32 All in Morehouse Purchase 1898 59 10 do 33 All in Morehouse Purchase 1898 . . 188 10 Arietta 33 All in Arietta Purchase 1898 11 90 Morehouse. . . . 34 Purchase 1898 200 do 35 Purchase 1898 200 do 36 Purchase 1898 200 do 37 Purchase 1898 200 do .. . . 38 Purchase 1898 200 do 39 Purchase 1898 250 do 40 Purchase 1898 176 do 41 Purchase. 1898 . . 200 158 REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. HAMILTON COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Morehous6 42 MOOSE RIVER TRACT, TOWNSHIP 10 (Continued). Purchase 1898 200 do 43 Purchase 1898 200 do 44 Purchase 1898 200 do 45 Purchase, 1898 200 do 46 Purchase 1898 200 do 47 Purchase 1898 200 do 48 Purchase 1898 160 do 49 Purchase 1898 160 do 50 Purchase 1898 160 do 51 Purchase 1898 160 do 52 Purchase 1898 . 160 do 53 Purchase 1898 160 do 54 Purchase 1898 160 do 55 Purchase 1898 232 Total Township 10, Moose River Tract, 10,249 acres. Wells * OXBOW TRACT. Purchase 1897 350 do 1 1890, '95 & Pur- Lake Pleasant 2 chase, 1892 Purchase 1897 932 318 do 3 1890 '95 219 do 4 1890, '95 149 do 5 1890, '95 247 do 6 1885 '90 345 do 7 1885 '90 441 do do Wells 8 9 10 1890, '95 Purchase, 1897 1877 '81 '85 320 320 646 Lake Pleasant. . . 12 Purchase, 1897. . . . 320 do do do 13 14 15 1881/85, '90 1885, '90 1885 '90 320 320 320 do 16 1885 '90 '95 320 do 17 1890, '95 320 do 18 1877, '81, '85, '90, '95 '00 373 do 19 1871 .'77. '81 '85. . 274 *Albany corporation lot. REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. 159 HAMILTON COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Lake Pleasant. . . do 23 24 OXBOW TRACT (Continued). E.i 1890, '95 1890 '95 '00 160 320 do 25 1890 '95 '00 320 do do 26 27 1885, '90, '95, '00.. 1890, '95 320 320 do 28 1900 & Resale '99* 320 do do 29 cO 1890, '95 Purchase, 1897. . 320 320 Wells 31 All in Wells Purchase 1897 195 do 32 All in Wells 1881/85 '90 17 do 33 1905 & Purchase 1900 166 do 34 1877. '81 '85 271 do 35 1900 & Resale, '99* 310 do do 36 37 All in Wells All in Wells 1885, '90 1900 & resale 1899* 307 248 Arietta 37 All in Arietta 1900 & Resale '99* 62 do 38 All in Arietta Purchase 1897 140 Wells 38 All in Wells Purchase 1897 170 do 39 All in Wells Purchase 1898 33 65 Benson 39 All in Benson Purchase 1898 41 85 Arietta 39 All in Arietta 1895 & Exchange 1891, & Purchase, 1898 234 50 do 40 All in Arietta 1881, '90, '95 309 do 41 1881 '85 '90 309 84 do 42 1877 '81 309 do 43 1881, '85 '90 155 do do 44 44 Ex. 25a. N. E. cor N E cor 1881/90 Purchase 1897 130 25 do 45 1900 & Resale '99* 155 do 46 1885 '90 155 do 47 1890 '95 155 do 48 Purchase 1897 155 do 49 All in Arietta Exchange 1891 & Wells do 49 50 All in Wells All in Wells Purchase, 1895.. Purchase, 1906 1881 '85 '90 127 28 120 Arietta 50 All in Arietta 1881/85 '90 . . 34 Wells 51 1877 '81 '85 155 do 52 All in Wells . 1881 '85 '90 96 Lake Pleasant. . . 53 1881/85 155 -Formerly bonded land. 160 KEPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. HAMILTON COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. ] Lake Pleasant. . . do 54 55 OXB( w TJRACT (Continued.) 1890/95 Purchase 1897 153 66 do 56 1890 '95 136 do 57 1890, '95 155 do 58 1890 '95 155 do 59 Purchase 1897 155 Arietta 60 All in Arietta 1890 '95 19 la'ce Pleasant.. 60 All in Lake Pleasant Purchase, 1908. 120 Wells Arietta 60 61 All in Wells All in Arietta 1890, '95 1887 '81 '85 15 97 Wells 61 All in Wells 1877 '81 '85 58 Arietta 62 All in Arietta 1890 '95 '00 154 do 63 1890 '95 '00 155 do 64 1877 '81 '85 '90 155 do 65 1890, '95, '00 155 do do 66 67 1885, '90 1890 '95 155 155 do 68 1881, '85, '90, '95. 155 do 69 1885, '90 155 do 70 Purchase 1897 155 do 71 1890 '95 155 do 72 Purchase, 1897. . 155 do . . 73 1885, '90 . 155 do 74 1895 '90 155 do 75 1877 '81 '85 155 do 76 1881, '85, '90 155 do . 77 Purchase 1899 155 do 78 1885 '90 '95 155 do 79 All in Arietta 1890 '95 154 do 80 All in Arietta Purchase, 1897 91 Lake Pleasant. . . do 80 81 All in Lake Pleasant All in Lake Pleasant Purchase, 1897. ... 1890 '95 64 147 50 Arietta 81 All in Arietta 1890, '95 7 50 Lake Pleasant. . 82 1890 '95 155 do 83 1900 & Resale '99* 155 do 84 Ex. und. 80a 1890, '95 128 do 84 Und. 80a Exchange, 1891 . . . 80 do 85 Purchase, 1897 125 do 86 Purchase 1897 196 50 do 87 Purchase 1897 155 do 88 Purchase 1897 155 do 89 All in Lake Pleasant. . Purchase. 1897. . 146 'Formerly bonled land. KEPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. 161 HAMILTON COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acrs. Arietta 89 OXBOW TRACT (Continued.') All in Arietta Purchase, 1897 9 Lake Pleasant 90 All in Lake Pleasant . Purchase 1897 87 Arietta 90 All in Arietta Purchase 1897 68 Lake Pleasant 91 All in Lake Pleasant Purchase 1897 17 SO Arietta 91 All in Arietta Purchase, 1897 137 50 do 92 Purchase 1897 155 do 93 Purchase 1897 155 do 94 Purchase 1897 155 do 95 Purchase, 1897. . . 155 do 96 Purchase 1897 155 do 97 Purchase 1897 155 do 98 1890 '95 155 do 99 1885, '90 . 155 do 100 Purchase 1897 155 do 101 Purchase 1897 155 do 102 Purchase, 1897. 155 do 103 Purchase 1897 155 do 104 1885 '90 155 do 105 Purchase 1897 155 do 106 1890, '95 . . 155 do do 107 108 1890, '95, '00 Purchase 1897 155 155 do 109 Purchase 1897 155 do 110 1881, '85 '90 155 do . 111 1881 '85 '90 155 do 112 Purchase 1897 155 do 113 Purchase 1897 155 do 114 Purchase 1897 155 do 115 Purchase 1897 155 do 116 All in Arietta Purchase 1897 141 50 Lake Pleasant. . . 116 All in Lake Pleasant Purchase 1897 13 50 do 117 All in Lake Pleasant. . . . Purchase 1897 93 Arietta . . 117 All in Arietta . Purchase 1897 62 do 118 All in Arietta Purchase 1897 2 Lake Pleasant. . . do 118 121 All in Lake Pleasant. . . N part Purchase, 1897 Purchase 1897 153 109 Arietta 121 All in Arietta . . Purchase 1897 50 do 123 Reverted 1861 155 do 125 Purchase 1897 155 do 126 1900 & Pur 1898 155 do 127 Purchase 1908 153 do 128 1881 '85 '90 '00 155 do 129 1881 '85 '90 155 do 130 1881. '85. '90. . 155 162 EEPOBT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. HAMILTON COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Arietta 131 OXBOW TRACT (Continued.) 1881, '85, '90, '95. . 155 do 133 Purchase 1897 155 do 134 Purchase 1897 155 do 135 Purchase 1897 155 do 136 Purchase 1897 155 do 137 Purchase 1897 155 do 138 Purchase 1897 155 do ... 139 Purchase 1897 155 do 140 1890 '95 '00 155 do 141 Purchase 1897 155 do 142 . Purchase 1897 155 do ... 143 1890 '95 '00 155 do 144 1881 '85 '90 155 do 145 Purchase 1897 155 do 146 Rem. water 1877, '81 '85 '90 154 do . 148 E. pt. bd. S. by Spy lake and do 149 lot 147, E. by lot 127, N. by lot 149, and W. by W. lOOa. of lot 148 Purchase, 1897. . . . Purchase 1898 55 155 do 150 Purchase 1897 155 do 152 1900 & Resale '99 * 155 do .. 153 1877 '81 '85 '90 155 do 154 Purchase 1897 155 do 156 1900 & Resale 99 * 155 do 157 1 Property known as the Tan- nery property, b'd beg. at an old dry beech tree marked and blazed on 4 sides with original marks of surveys thereon, telling cor. of lots 152, 153, 156 & 157, Oxbow Tract, th. S. 36 W. on a line between lots 157 & 152 41c. to cor. of lots 151, 152, 157 & 158, th. N. 54 W. 15c., 501., to a spruce stump at or near the en- trance of Oxbow outlet in Piseco Lake for a corner & th. N. 57 E. 44c., 151., to beg ! 1905 31.7 'Formerly bonded land. REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. HAMILTON COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. ! Acre ! Arietta do 159 167 OXBOW TRACT (Continued) i Purchase, 1897. . . Purchase, 1897 ! | 131 ! 155 do do do ... 168 169 170 Purchase, 1897. . . Purchase, 1897.. . Purchase, 1897. . . 155 155 155 do 171 | 1895 & Ex., 1891. 155 do 172 1900 & Ex. 1891 i 155 do do .... 173 174 Purchase, 1897. . . 1895 & Ex., 1891. 155 155 do 175 Purchase, 1897 155 do 176 Purchase 1897 155 do 177 Purchase, 1898. . . 155 do ... 183 Purchase, 1897. . . . I 155 do 184 Purchase, 1897 155 do 185 Purchase, 1897 155 do 186 Purchase, 1897. . . . 155 do ... 187 Purchase, 1897 . . 155 do 188 Purchase 1897 155 do 189 Purchase, 1897 155 do 190 Purchase, 1897. . . . 155 do ... 191 1881 '85 '90. 155 do 196 Purchase 1897 155 do 197 1895 and exchange 1891 155 do 198 1895 and exchange 1891. 155 do 199 Purchase, 1897 155 do 200 Purchase 1897. 155 do 201 Purchase, 1897. . . . 155 do 203 Purchase, 1897. . . . 155 do 213 Purchase, 1897. . . . 155 do 216 1895 and exchange 1891 155 do 217 Purchase, 1897 155 do 218 1871 '77, '81, '85. 155 do .... 219 1895 and exchange do 220 Ex 13a on Wly shore of 1891 379 Piseco Lake bd. beg. at in- tersection of line bet. lots 220 and 221 with cen. of h'y. from Piseco to M'ville, th. S'ly along cen. of h'y. 164 REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AXD GAME COMMISSION. HAMILTON COUNTY. Lot, DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. OXBOW TRACT (Continued). 220 17 c., 791. to N. W. cor. of Sub. 1, W. pt. of 222 Camp lots, th. along N. W. line of Sub. 1, S. 35 30' E. about 9c. to Piseco Lake, th. N. E'ly along lake to point where div. line lots 220 and 221 would if extended in- tersect the lake shore, th. N. Wly along div. line to beg. Purchase, 1897 806 221 Ex. 20a. beg. at intersection of line div. lots 220 and 221 with cen. of h'y. from Piseco to M'ville, th. N. E'ly along center of said h'y. 41c., 171. to N. E. cor. of Sub. 22 of lot 221, th. along N'ly line of Sub. 22 S. 39 E. to Piseco Lake, th. S. Wly along shore to a point where the div. line bet. lots 220 and 221 would if extended intersect the shore, th. up said line S. Wly to beg Purchase, 1897. . . . 582 222 N. part Purchase, 1897 340 223 W. pt. b'd E. by a line par'l to and 37 c. E'ly from W. line Purchase, 1908 274.68 225 1895, 18CO 375 226 1895 and exchange, 1891 633 227 1895 and exchange. 1891 640 228 1877 '81 '85 434 231 N. end 1900 & Pur., 1899. 300 232 1895 and exchange, 1891 500 235 Purchase, 1897. . . . 209 236 Purchase, 1897 209 238 Purchase, 1897. . . . 209 241 Purchase, 1897. . . . 148 242 1890 '95 167 243 Purchase. 1897 182 REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. 165 HAMILTON COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Arietta 244 OXBOW TRACT (Continued). Purchase, 1897. . . . 123 do do 245 246 Ex. 50a., W. part 1881, '85, '90 Purchase, 1897 154 101 do 247 Purchase, 1897. . . . 131 do 248 1881, '85, '95 137 do .. 252 1877, '81, '85, '90.. 178 do 253 1877, '81, '85 '90 178 do 254 Purchase, 1897 178 do do .. 255 256 Purchase, 1897 Purchase, 1897 235 418 do 257 Purchase 1897. . 225 do 258 Purchase, 1897. . . . 225 do 259 1877, '81, '85, '90. . 225 do 263 Purchase, 1897 . . . 225 do 264 Purchase, 1897 225 do 265 Purchase, 1897 225 do do 266 267 Purchase, 1897. . . . Purchase 1897 356 351 do 268 Purchase, 1897 179 do do 269 272 1881, '85, '90, '95. . Purchase 1897. . . . 179 179 do .. 273 Purchase 1897 248 do 274 Purchase 1897 248 do 275 Purchase, 1897. . . . 248 do . . 276 1895 & Ex., 1891 . 248 do 277 1895 & Ex., 1891 . . 248 do 278 1895 i f;'.r,v/ j'irf -9i:i; fib '' 1897 Purchase 1897 . 160 160 do 6 1890 '95 & Pur 1897 160 do 7 E. *. . Purchase, 1897. . . 80 do 10 Purchase 1897 160 do 11 Purchase 1897 160 do 12 Purchase, 1897 .... 160 do 13 Purchase .1897. . . . 160 do ' ' 14 1890 '95 '00 & 00 . vi:c \ ; do 15 Purchase, 1897. . . 1890 '95 '00 & 160 *r.oo I,,..':" do 16 Purchase, 1897. . . 1890 '95 & Pur. 160 1897 160 do 17 Purchase 1897 160 do 18 1890, '95 & Pur., 1897 160 do 19 1890 & Purchase do 20 . . . . 1897 Purchase, 1897. . . . 160 160 do do 21 28 All in Hamilton co Same Purchase, 1897 1890 & Purchase 114.75 1897 28 do 29 do 1890 '95 '00 & do 30 Purchase, 189 7 . . . Purchase 1897 150 160 do 33 Purchase 1897 160 do 34 , r' ?lf - I .'. '.j, ,. ;, , ^ ... "> 1890, '95, & Pur., 1897 160 do 35 1890 '95 & Pur. 1897 160 do 36 Purchase 1897 160 do 37 1890 '95 '00 & do ./$J 38 't'^T ../XfW.'J 'M'h '.'hi;,'i_<';. !- Pur., 1897 1890, '95, '00 & 160 do 39 Pur., 1897 1890 '95 '00 & 160 Pur. L 1897 160 REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. 195 HAMILTON COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Indian Lake 40 TOTTEN & CROSSFIELD'S PURCHASE, TOWNSHIP 15 (Continued.) 1890 & Pur., '97. . . 160 do 41 Purchase 1897 160 do 42 Purchase 1897 160 do 43 Purchase 1897 160 do 44 All in Hamilton co Purchase, 1897 .... 97.75 do 53 Same Purchase 1897 . . 16 do 54 do Purchase 1897 . 153 do 55 Purchase 1897 160 do 56 All E of Centre Brook Purchase 1897 20 do 57 Purchase, 1897. . . . 160 do 58 Purchase 1897 . . 160 do 59 1890 '95 '00 & Pur., 1897 160 do 60 1890, '95, '00 & Pur. 1897 .... 160 do 61 Purchase 1897 160 do 62 1890 '95 '00 & Pur., 1897 160 do 63 1890 '95 '00 & Pur 1897 160 do 64 N W'ly* Purchase 1897 80 do 65 All W. of Centre Brook Purchase, 1897. . . . 130 do 67 All in Hamilton co .... 1890 '95, '00 & do 78 Same Pur., 1897 1890 '95 '00 & 80.75 Pur., 1897 7.75 do 79 do Purchase, 1897. . 145 do 80 Purchase 1897 160 do 81 Purchase 1897 160 do 82 1890 & Pur '97 160 do 83 1890 '95 & Pur, 1897 . . . 160 do 84 1890 '95 '00 & Pur., 1897 160 do 85 1890, '95, '00 & do 86 Pur., 1897 Purchase 1897 160 160 do 87 Purchase 1897 160 do 88 Purchase 1897 160 do 89 Purchase. 1897. . 160 196 REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. HAMILTON COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Indian Lake .... 90 TOTTEN & CROSSFIELD'S PURCHASE, TOWNSHIP 15 (Continued). All in Hamilton County 1890 & purchase, 1897 63 50 do 104 Purchase, 1897 133.50 do 105 Purchase, 1897 .... 160 do 106 1890 '95 '00 & pur- chase 1897 160 do 107 1890, '95 & pur- chase, 1897 160 do 108 1890 & Pur. 1897 160 do 109 1890 '95 '00 & pur- chase 1897 160 do 110 1890/95 '00 & pur- chase 1897 160 do 111 1890 '95 & pur- chase, 1897 160 do do 112 113 All in Hamilton County Same Purchase, 1897 1890 & purchase 157 46 50 1897 do 129 do 1890, '95, '00 and do 130 purchase, 1897 . . . 1890 '95 '00 and 137 do 131 purchase, 1897 . . . 1890, '95 & pur- 160 chase 1897 160 do 132 1890 & Pur 1897 160 do 133 1890 '95 '00 and do 134 purchase, 1897. . . 1890 '95 '00 and 160 do do 135 136 All in Hamilton County Same purchase, 1897 . . . 1890, '95, '00 and purchase, 1897 . . . Purchase 1897 .... 160 158.50 30.50 do 154 do 1890 '95 '00 and do 155 purchase, 1897 . . . 1890 '95 '00 and 113 do 156 purchase, 1897 . . 1890 '95 '00 and 160 Total, Township 15, T. & C. P., 11 ; 266 acres. purchase, 1897 . . . 160 REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. 197 HAMILTON COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Indian Lake . . TOTTEN & CROSSFIELD'S PURCHASE (Continued). TOWNSHIP 17. The Gospel, School & Litera- ture lota . 1905 & Exchange 1891 1 280 do 1 Purchase 1900 160 do 2 Purchase, 1900 . . . 160 do 3 Purchase 1900 160 do 4 Purchase 1900 160 do 5 Purchase 1900 160 do 6 Purchase, 1900 160 do 7 Purchase 1900 . . 160 do 8 Purchase 1907 160 do 9 Purchase 1900 160 do 10 Purchase 1900 160 do 11 Purchase, 1900 . . 160 do 16 Purchase 1900 160 do 17 Purchase 1900 160 do 18 Purchase, 1900. . . . 160 do 19 Purchase 1900 . . 160 do 20 Purchase 1900 160 do 21 Purchase 1900 160 do 22 Purchase, 1900. . . . 160 do 23 Purchase, 1900. . . 160 do .. . 24 Purchase 1900 160 do 27 Purchase 1900 160 do 29 Purchase, 1900. . . . 160 do 32 Purchase, 1900 160 do ... 33 Purchase 1900 160 do 34 Purchase 1900 160 do 35 Purchase 1900 160 do 36 Purchase, 1900. .. 160 do 37 Purchase 1900 160 do ... 38 Purchase 1900 160 do 39 Purchase 1900 160 do 45 Purchase, 1900 160 do 46 Purchase 1900 . 160 do . . 47 Purchase 1900 160 do 48 Purchase 1900 160 do 49 Purchase, 1900. . . . 160 do 50 Purchase, 1900 160 do 51 Purchase 1900 . . . 160 do 52 Purchase. 1900.. 160 198 REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. HAMILTON COUNTY. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. 56 TOTTEN & CROSSFIELD'S PURCHASE, TOWNSHIP 17 (Continued). B'd beg. at cor. of lots 42, 43, 55 & 56, th. N. 25 30' W. 23c. 191. to S'ly shore of Cedar river, th. along the shore of said river N. 1 30' W. 2c. 371., th. N. 42 30' W. 3c. 501. to a point in line between lots 43 & 56, th. N. 25 W. along said lot line 13c. 301., to the bank of said river, th. N. 17 E. 601, th. N. 48 10' E. Ic. 231., th. on an average course of the river N. 78 30 E. 19c. 181., th. N. 38 15' E. Ic. 91., th. S. 40 E. 3c. 731., th S. 56 E. 17c. 731., to a soft maple tree stand ing on the Wly shore of said Cedar River, th. S. 27 W. 6c. 51. to a hub in center of the old Mill Road th. N. 77 W. along said center 2c. 401. to a hub, th S. 45 15' W. 17c. to a cedar tree, cornered & marked, th. S. 44 45' E. lie. 601. to a cedar post standing on S'ly line of lot 56 & th. S. 64 W. along line between lots 55 & 56 12c. 581. to beg 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 Purchase, 1908 . Purchase, 1900 . Purchase, 1900 . Purchase, 1900. Purchase. 1900. Purchase, 1900 . Purchase, 1900 . Purchase, 1900. Purchase, 1900 . Purchase, 1900 . KEPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. 199 HAMILTON COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Indian Lake 69 TOTTEN & CROSSFIELD'S PURCHASE, TOWNSHIP 17 (Continued). All N of Cedar River . . r f r j Purchase 1900. . . . 128 do 70 S i Purchase 1930 . . 80 do 74 N A Purchase, 1900 80 do 75 Purchase, 1900 160 do 76 Purchase, 1900 160 do 77 Purchase, 1900 .... 160 do 78 Purchase 19CO . . . 160 do 81 Purchase, 1900 160 do 82 Purchase, 1900 160 do 83 S ^ Purchase, 1900. . . . 80 do 87 N * Purchase, 1900. . . . 80 do 88 Purchase, 1900 160 do 89 Purchase 1900 160 do 90 Purchase 1900 160 do 91 Purchasi 1900 160 do 94 Purchase, 1900. . 160 do 95 Purchase 1900 160 do 96 Purchase 1900 160 do 97 Purchase 1900 160 do 98 Purchase, 1900 .... 160 do 99 Purchase 1900 .... 160 do 100 Purchase 1900 . . . 160 do 101 Purchase, 1900. . . . 160 do 102 Purchase, 1900 160 do 103 Purchase 1900 160 do 104 Purchase , 1900 160 do 106 Purchase, 1900. .. . 160 do 107 Purchasf, 1900 160 do 108 Purchase 1900. . . . 160 do 109 v Purchase 1900 . 106 "1 do 110 Purchase, 1900. . . . 160 '* do 111 Purchase, 1900 .... 160 do 112 Purchss. 1900. . . . 160 5 do 113 Purchase 1900 160 do 114 Purchase 1900 160 T do 115 ; Purchase, 19CO 160 do 116 Purchase, 1900 160 ; do 117 Purchase 1900 . . . 160 do 120 Purchase 1900 160 1 do .... 121 Purchase, 1900 160 1 do 122 Purchase, 1900. . 160 * 200 REPOBT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. HAMILTON COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Indian Lake 123 TOTTEN & CROSSFIELD'S PURCHASE, TOWNSHIP 17 (Continued.} Purchas*, 190G 160 do 124 Purchasf 1900 . . 160 do .. .. 125 Purchase 1900 160 do 126 Purchase 1900 160 do 127 Purchase, 1900 .... 160 do 128 Purchase 1900 160 do 129 Purchase 1900 . 160 do 130 Purchase 1900 160 do 132 All in Hamilton Co Purchase, 1900. . . . 80 do 133 All in Hamilton Co Purchase 1900 140 do 134 Purchase 19CO . 160 do . . 135 Purchase 1900 160 do 136 Purchase 1900 160 do 137 Purchase 1900 160 do 138 Purchase 1900 160 do 139 Purchase 1900 160 do 140 Purchase, 19CO. . . . 160 do 141 Purchase 1900 160 do 142 Purchase 1900 160 do 143 Purchase 1900 160 do 146 All in Hamilton Co Purchase 1900 30 do 147 All in Hamilton Co Purchase 1900 .... 80 do 148 Purchase 1900 . 160 do 149 Purchase 1900 160 do 150 Purchase, 1900 160 do 151 Purchasf 1900. . . . 160 do 152 Purchase 1900 160 do 153 Purch?se 1900 160 do 154 Purchase 1900 160 do 155 Purchase 1900 . . . 160 do 156 Purchase 1900 160 Total, Township 17, T. & C. P., 19,740.25 acres. do TOWNSHIP 19. Gosp- 1 School & Literature lands Exchange, 1891 . . . 1,280 do 10 Ex. 3a. bd. beg. at a maple sapling on N. bank of Tyr- ell Pond stream in E. line of lot 10 2c. 501. up said EEPOBT OF FOBEST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. 201 HAMILTON COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. TOTTEN & CROSSFIELD'S PURCHASE, TOWNSHIP 19 (Continued). Indian Lake. . . . 10 stream above the O'Neil dam, th. N. 25 30' W. along E. line of lot 10, Ic. 501. to a post, th. S. 64 30' W. 6c. to a post, th. S. 25 30' E. at 3c. to center of the stream btlow the dam 5c. to S. W. cor., th. N. 64 30' E. 6c. to E. line of lot 10, th. N. 25 30' W. along E. line of lot 10 3c. 501. to bee . Purchase, 1906, '08 997 do 11 Ex. 7a. b'd. beg. in center of highway leading to Blue Mountain Lake, from In- dian Lakt, it being N. 40 W. along center of high- way 2c. 511. from N'ly end of the iron bridge across the flow caused by the dam known as the 34th dam, th. N. 64 30' E. 4c. to a post set for the N. E. cor. of this pared, th. S. 25 30' E. lOc. to a corner in the highway, th. S. 64 30' W. 7c. to a post, th. N. 25 30' W. lOc. to a corner in the bay, th. N 64 3C' E to beg Purchase, 1906/08. 993 do 12 Purchase, 1906/08. 1,000 do 19 1881 '85 '90 730 do 20 W. part 1881 '85 '90.. . 291 Total, Township 19, T. & C. P., 5,291 acres. TOWNSHIP 20. do A All in Indian Lake Exchange 1891 anc Partition, 1904 . . . 2,400 Long Lake A All in Long Lake l,800a., ex. 568-i%a. b'd beg at a 202 REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. HAMILTON COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. TOTTEN & CROSSFIELD'S PURCHASE, TOWNSHIP 20 Long Lake A (Continued.) stake & stone in E. line o: Great Lot A where the same is intersected by the town line between Indian Lake and Long Lake, th. S. 60 W. along the town line 40c. to a stake and stones, th. N. 30 W. 125c. to a stake and stones standing on N. line of the lot, th. 60 E. along N. line of lot 81 c., 501., to the most N'ly cor. thereof, th. S. 30 E. 16c., 501., to a stake, th. S. 60 W. 41 c., 501., to a stake, th. S. 30 E. 108c., 401., along E. line of lot to beg; and 40a. b'd beg. at a stake & stones standing on the town line, S. 60 W. 75c. from S. E. cor. of lot, th. along the town line S. 60 W. 20c. to a stake & stones, th. N. 30 W. 20c. to a stake & stones, th. N. 60 E. 20c. to a stake & stones do B &th.S.30E.20c.tobeg... Partition, 1906 Exchange, 1891 . . . 1,191.11 1,050 Indian Lake .... c All in Indian Lake Exchange, 1891 & a- j VW Total, Township 20, T., & C. P., 6,470.61 acres. Purchase, 1906. . . 1,829.50 i Long Lake . . 1 TOWNSHIP 21. 1905 & Pur., 1900 . 200 do 2 1895 & Pur., 1900 . 200 do 3 1905 & Pur., 1900. 200 do 4 1905 & Pur., 1900 . 200 do 5 1905 & Pur., 1900 . 200 REPOKT OF FOBEST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. 203 HAMILTON* COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Long Lake 10 TOTTEN & CROSSFIELD'S PURCHASE, TOWNSHIP 21 (Continued). 1877/81/85/90/95, do 11 & purchase, 1899 1877 '81 '85/90/95 200 do 12 & purchase, 1899 1877 '81 '85 '90 200 do 13 & purchase, 1899 1905 &Pur., 1900. 200 200 do 14 1905 & Pur., 1900. 200 do 15 1905 & Pur. 1900 200 do 16 1905 & Pur 1900 200 do 17 1905 &Pur. 1900. 200 do 18 1877 '81, '85, '90 & do do 21 22 purchase, 1899. .. 1877, '81, '85 1877 '81 '85 200 200 200 do 23 1877 '81, '85 200 do 24 1877 '81 '85 200 do 25 1905 & Pur 1900 200 do 26 1905 & Pur 1900 200 do 27 1905 & Pur. 1900. 200 do 28 1905 & Pur 1900 200 do ... 29 1905 & Pur 1900 200 do 30 1877 '81 '85 '90 & do 31 purchase, 1899 . . . 1877 '85, '90 . . 200 200 do 32 1877 '81 '85 '90 & do 33 purchase, 1899 . . . 1877, '81, '85 '90 & 200 do 37 purchase, 1899 . . . 1905 & Pur 1900 200 200 do .... 38 1905 & Pur 1900 200 do 39 1905 & Pur 1900 200 do 40 1905 & Pur. 1900 200 do 41 1905 & Pur 1900 200 do ... 42 1885 '90 & pur- do 44 chase, 1899 1881, '85, '90, '95. . 200 200 do 45 Purchase 1898 . . 200 do 46 1877 '81 '85 200 do .... 47 1877 '81 '85 '90 200 do 49 1905 & Pur., 1900 . 200 do 50 1905 &Pur., 1900. 200 204 REPORT OF FOBEST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. HAMILTON COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Long Lake 51 TOTTEN & CROSSFIELDS' PURCHASE, TOWNSHIP 21 (Continued). 1905 & Pur 1900 200 do 52 1905 & Pur., 1900 200 do 53 1905 & Pur 1900 200 do 54 1877 '81 '85 '90 & do 58 purchase, 1899. . . 1877, '81, '85 & 200 do 61 purchase, 1899. .. 1877 '81 '85 & 200 do 62 purchase, 1899... 1877, '81, '85 & 200 do 63 purchase, 1899... 1877 '81 '85 & 200 do 64 purchase, 1899. .. 1877, '81, '85 & 200 do 65 purchase, 1899.. . 1877 '81 '85 & 200 do 66 purchase, 1899. .. 1877, '81, '85 200 200 do 67 Purchase 1898 . . 200 do ... 73 1877 '81 '85 & do 74 purchase, 1899... 1877, '81, '85 & 200 do ... 75 purchase, 1899. .. 1877 '81 '85 '00 & 200 do 76 All not under water purchase, 1899. . . 1877, '81, '85 200 175 do 77 Same 1877 '81, '85 & do 83 purchase, 1899. .. 1877 '81 '85 133 200 do 85 1877, '81, '85 200 do 86 All not under water 1877, '81, '85 150 do 90 1877 '81 '85 & do 91 purchase, 1899. .. 1877, '81, '85 & 200 do 92 purchase, 1899. . . 1877, '81, '85 & 200 do 93 W * purchase, 1899... Conveyed 1903. . . 200 100 do 96 1877 '81 '85 & do 101 purchase, 1899 ... 1877, '81, '85, '90 & 200 purchase, 1899. . . 200 REPORT OF FOKEST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. 205 HAMILTON COUKTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Long Lake 102 TOTTEN & CROSSFIELD'S PURCHASE, TOWNSHIP 21 (Continued). 1877 '81 '85 '90 & do 103 purchase, 1899. .. 1877 '81 '85 '90 & 200 do 104 purchase 1899. . . 1877 '81 '85 '90 & 200 do . . 105 purchase, 1899. .. 1877 '81 '85 '90 & 200 do 106 purchase, 1899. . . 1877, '81, '85 & 200 do ... 107 purchase, 1899... 1877 '81 '85 & 200 do 108 purchase, 1899. . . 1877 '81 '85 & 200 do 109 purchase, 1899... 1877 '81 '85 200 200 do 112 1877 '81 '85 200 do 113 1877 '81 '85 & do 114 purchase, 1899 . . . 1877 '81 '85 & 200 do 115 purchase, 1899. . . 1877 '81 '85 '95 200 200 do 116 1877 '81, '85 & do 117 purchase, 1899... 1877 '81 '85 & 200 do 118 purchase, 1899 . . . 1877, '81 '85 & 200 do 119 purchase, 1899 . . . 1877 '81 '85 & 200 do 120 purchase, 1899 . . . 1877 '81 '85 & 200 do ...... 121 purchase, 1899 . . . 1877 '81 '85 & 200 do ... 123 purchase, 1899 . . . 1881 '85 '90 & 200 do 124 purchase, 1899 . . . 1877 '81 '85 & 200 do 125 purchase, 1899 . . . 1877 '81 '85 & 200 do 126 purchase, 1899. . . 1877 '81 '85 & 200 purchase, 1899 . . . 200 206 KEPOKT OF FOBEST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. HAMILTON COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Long I,akc 127 TOTTEN & CROSSFIELD'S PURCHASE, TOWNSHIP 21 (Continued). 1877, '81 '85 & do 129 purchase, 1899. . . 1877 '81 '85 & 200 do 130 purchase, 1899 . . . 1877, '81, '85 & 200 do 131 purchase, 1899 . . . 1877 '81 '85 & 200 do 132 purchase, 1899 . . . 1877, '81, '85 & 200 do 1 Total, Township 21, Totten & Crossfield's Purchase, 18,158 acres. TOWNSHIP 22. (South }.) purchase, 1899 . . . Exchange, 1891 . . . 200 176 do 2 Exchange 1891 . . 169 Ho 3 Exchange 1891 170 An 4 Exchange 1891 162 do g 1881, '85, '90 & do 10 purchase, 1905 . . . Exchange 1891 158 154 do 11 Exchange 1891 147 50 do 12 Exchange, 1891 . . . 158 do 13 Exchange, 1891 . . . 166.75 do 14 Purchase 1901 ... 151.50 Ho 15 Exchange 1891 158 do 22 Exchange, 1891 . . . 160 do 23 1877, '81, '85 155 Ho 24 Purchase 1900 .... 167.50 Ho 25 Purchase 1900 . . . 172 do 48 Purchase, 1900 163 do .... 49 Purchase, 1900 161.40 do 55 Ex. 142a S. pt . Exchange, 1891 . . . 52 Ho 59 All not covered by water Purchase, 1900 .... 124 do 60 1877, '81, '85 160 do 61 1877, '81/85 160 do 62 All not covered by water . . . Purchase, 1900 106 Hn 63 N end S pt water 1877 30 Total, Township 22, T. & C. P., 3,381.65 acres. REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. 207 HAMILTON COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Long Lake 1 TOTTEN & CROSSFIELD'S PURCHASE (Continued) . TOWNSHIP 23 INCLUDING TRIANGLE. :\ - 1871, '81, '85, '90.. > 148 Wells TOWNSHIP 29. Beg. at N. W'ly cor. of lot 16 in said township, th. along the N'ly line of lots 16 & 17 in said township, N. 63 deg. E. 86c. 211. to the county line, th. N'ly along the county line to the N'ly line of township 29, th. S. 63 deg. W. along the N'ly line of said township 295 c., 731. to the W'ly line of said township, th. along town- ship line S. 27 deg. E. 343c. 801. to beg. Purchase 1896 6 566 Total, Township 29, T. & C. P., 6,566 acres. do TOWNSHIP 31. S. E. cor. square of l,920a. do N. E. cor. of township, 160c. long N'ly & S'ly, & 120c. wide E'ly & W'ly B'd N' by lots 43 & 44, E. by 1890, '95 640 lots 46, 51 & 57, Gorton Tract, S. by lot 57, Gorton, & lot 38, Range 1 & W. by G S & L lot Purchase 1897 380 do Gospel & School lot Purchase 1897 . . . 640 do Literature lot Purchase 1897 640 do 1 Gorton Tract. Purchase, 1897 132 do 2 Purchase 1897 132 do 3 Purchase 1897 132 do 4 Purchase 1897 132 do ... 5 Purchase. 1897. . 132 208 KEPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. 1 HAMILTON COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Wells 6 TOTTEN & CROSSFIELD'S PURCHASE, TOWNSHIP 31, Gorton Tract (Continued). Purchase 1897 . . 132 do 7 Purchase 1897 132 do 8 Purchase 1897 132 do 9 Purchase, 1897 132 do 10 Purchase 1897 132 do 11 Purchase 1897 . . 132 do 12 Purchase 1897 132 do 13 Purchase, 1897 132 do 14 Purchase, 1897 132 do 15 Purchase, 1897 . . 168 do 16 Purchase 1897 121 do 17 Purchase 1897 121 do ... 18 Purchase, 1897 131 do 19 Purchase 1897 131 do 22 1885 '90 'i5 131 do 23 1885, '90, '95 131 do .... 24 Purchase, 1897. . . . 121 do 25 Purchase, 1897 . . 121 do 26 Purchase 1897 131 do 27 Purchase 1897 131 do 28 Purchase, 1897 131 do 29 Purchase 1897 131 do 30 Purchase 1897 . . . 131 do 31 Purchase, 1897 144 do 32 Purchase, 1897. . . . 121 do 33 Purchase, 1897 .... 121 do 34 Purchase 1897 . . . 131 do 35 Purchase 1897 131 do 36 Purchase, 1897 131 do 37 Purchase 1897 131 do 38 Purchase 1897 . . 131 do 39 Purchase 1897 131 do 40 Purchase, 1897 .... 173 do 41 Purchase, 1897. . . 165 do 42 Pu chase 1897 165 do . . 43 Purchase 1897 . . 156 do 44 Purchase 1897 136 do 45 Purchase 1897 128 do 46 Purchase, 1897 120 do 47 Purchase, 1897 120 do . 48 1890. '95. . 120 KEPOET OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. 209 HAMILTON COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Welle 49 TOTTEN & CROSSFIELD'S PURCHASE, TOWNSHIP 31, Gorton Tract (Continued). 1890 '95 120 do 50 1890 '95 109 do 51 1890 '95 117 do 52 1890 '95 117 do ... 53 1890 '95 ... 117 do 54 1890 '95 117 do 55 1890 '95 117 do 56 1890/95 115 do 57 1890 '95 146 do 58 890 '95 113 do 59 1890 '95 113 do 60 1890 '95 113 do 61 1890, '95 112 do 62 1890 '95 163 do 63 1890, '95 163 do 64 1890 '95 163 do 65 1890, '95 178 do 66 1890 '95 163 do 67 1890 '95 163 do 68 1890 '95 114 do 69 1890, '95 123 do 70 1890 '95 93 do 1 Ranges 1,2,3, 4, 5, 6 and 7. 1890 '95 228 do 2 1890 '95 228 do 3 1890 '95 228 do .... 10 1890 '95 228 do 11 1890 '95 228 do 12 1890 '95 228 do 13 1890 '95 228 do 14 1890 '95 228 do 15 1890 '95 228 do 22 1890 95' 228 do 23 1890 '95 228 do 24 1890 '95 228 do 25 Purchase 1897 182 do 26 Purchase 1897 182 do 27 Purchase 1897 182 do 28 Purchase 1897 . . 182 do . 29 Purchase. 1897. . , 182 210 REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. HAMILTON COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Wells 30 TOTTEN & CROSSFIELD'S PURCHASE, TOWNSHIP 31 Ranges 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 (Continued). Purchase 1897 182 do 31 Purchase, 1897. .. 182 do 32 Purchase 1897 181 do 33 1890 '95 . 182 do 34 1890 '95 182 do 35 1890 '95 182 do 36 1890/95 182 do 37 1890 '95. . . . 160 do 38 1890 '95 160 do Roosevelt Tract. Being what remains of l,920a., N. E. cor. of Town- ship, 160c. long N'ly & S'ly and 120c. E'ly and W'ly, after ex. therefrom 640a. sq in S E'ly cor thereof 1890 '95 1 280 do Wells & Redfield Tract. N. W cor. 1 3c on N line 166.9c. on E line 152.95c on S. & 162c. on W. line. . Total, Township 31, T. & C. P., 20,322 acres. Purchase, 1897 2,519.91 Lndian Lake . . . TOWNSHIP 32. The Gospel & School & Lit- erature lots Exchange 1891 1,280 do N W cor sq 1 100 acres do ex. 273a. N. W. cor. thereof (formerly in Lake Pleasant) N.^&S.W. i!9,528.6a.ex. 512a. being lots 2, 3, 5, & 7 on N. W'ly side of Lndian Lake on Map & Survey in Comptroller's office, 960a. Gospel S. & L. Land & l,100a. sq. in N. W. cor. of Township 1877, '81, '85 Purchase 1897 827 1695660 do N. W. cor. sauare. . . Exchange & 1895. . 273 REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. 211 HAMILTON COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Indian Lake TOTTEN & CROSSFIELD'S PURCHASE, TOWNSHIP 32 (Continued). B'd beg. at S. E. cor. of 5,800a. sq. S. E. cor. being Twp. cor., th. N. on Twp. line, 80c., 271. to a cor., th. S. 62 15' W. par'l with S. line of sq. 240c., 831. to W. of sq., th. S. on said W. line 80c.,271. &th. N. 6215'E. par'l with N. line to beg. (being S. $ of said square) . . Total, Township 32, 21,270 acres. Partition, 1898 1,933.33 do 1 TOWNSHIP 33. EAST PART OF N. J ALLOTTED. *1877 '81 '85 '00 do 2 '05 & Par., 1900.. *1877, '81 '85 '00 160 do 3 '05 & Par., 1900.. *1877 '81 '85 '00 160 do 4 '05 &Par., 1900. . *1877 '81 '85 '00 160 do 21 '05 & Par., 1900.. *1877 '81 '85 '00 160 do ' 22 '05 & Par., 1900.. *1877, '81, '85 '00 160 do 23 '05 & Par., 1900.. *1877 '81 '85 '00 160 do 24 '05 & Par., 1900.. *1877, '81 '85 '00 160 do 25 '05 & Par., 1900.. *1877 '81 '85 '00 160 do 26 '05 & Par., 1900.. *1877 '81 '85 '00 160 do 27 '05 & Par., 1900.. *1877 '81 '85 '00 160 do 28 '05 & Par., 1900.. *1881 '85 '00 '05 160 Total, Township 33, 1,920 acres. & Par., 1900 160 *Title to an undivided interest in this lot is by partition deed. 212 REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. HAMILTON" COUNTY. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. TOTTEN & CROSSFIELD'S PURCHASE (Continued) . TOWNSHIP 34. B'd beg. on W. line at a point 20c. S. from N. W. cor. of township, running th. N 64 E. 50c. to the E'ly line of the Marion River Carry lot, th. S. 26 15' E. 55c. to N. shore of Utowana lake th. in a S. E'ly direction following said N. shore, at low water line, 16c. to the S. W. cor. of lot No. 269, th. N. 3 15' E. 26c. 701., th S. 75 E. 105c. 601. th. N 63 45' E. 59c. 801., th N 3630'E. 146c. 201.. th. N 79 12' E. 74c. 401., th. S 77 43' E. 59c., th. N. 63 C 45' E. 26c. 901., th. N. 7W. 13c., th. N. 63 45' E. 5c. to E. line of township 34, th. N. 26 15' W. along township line 106c. 801. to N E. cor. of township, th. S. 64 W. along township line 490c 71. to N. W. cor. of township, and thence S. 26 15' E. along township line 20c. to beg., 5,013a. ey. lOa. being the parcel in- scribed "Castle Rock" on the Forest Park and Land Company's allotment of said township made in 1901 Beg. on W. line at a point 85c. S. from the N. W. cor. of the township, th. N. 64 E. 50c., th N. 26 45' W. Ic. 50 1. to a stake at low water mark on the S. shore of Utowana lake th. in a S. E'l} direction, following Purchase, 1906. 5,003 REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. 213 HAMILTON COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Indian Lake. TOTTEN & CROSSFIELD'S PURCHASE, TOWNSHIP 34 (Continued). the said shore, as it winds and turns, at low wter m4,rk 15c. to N. W cot. of of lot 210, th. S. 18 12' W. 16c. 701., th. S. 64 30' E. 88c. 601., th. N. 78 30' E. 142c. 401., th. N. 61 30' E. 99c. 701. to the S. W. cor. of the Hiram Duryea tract, th. N. 60 E. along S. line of said Duryea tract 24c. 251. to W. line of the H. C. Caswell tract, th. S. 28 E. along said W. line 21c., th. S. 60 W. 30c. 301., th. S. 71 W. 25c., th. S. 29 E. 9c. 221., th. N. 72 E. 5c. 501., th. N. 80 E. 5c.,th. N. 84 E. 14c. 671., th. N. 60 E. 10c., th. N. 85 E. 8c. 501., th. N. 70 E. 14c. 801. to S. W. cor. of Prospect Homestead tract, th. N. 61 E. along S. line of said tract 41c. 361. to N. W. cor. of Griffin tract, th. S. 28 E. along W. line of said Griffin tract 39c. 461. to S. W. cor. thereof, th. N. 63 E. 36c. 901. to W. line of the Mitch- ell tract, th. S. 26 15' E. 15c. 101. to S. W. cor. of Mitchell tract, th. N. 64 ( E. 2c. to N. W. cor. of the cemetery lot, th. S. 33 15' E. 3c. 501., th. N. 44 W. 5c. 451. to center of road from North Creek to Pros- pect (now Utowana) House, th. S. E'ly along the center of said road 16c 601. to the 214 REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. ! HAMILTON COUNTY. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. TOTTEN & CROSSFIELD'S PURCHASE, TOWNSHIP 34 (Continued). junction thereof with the road to Hollands and Long lake, th. N. 64 E. 33c. 801. to E. line of township, th. S. 26 15' E. along town- ship line 227c. 331. to S. E. cor. of township, th. S. 63 45' W. along S. line of town- ship 504c. 551. to S. W. cor. thereof, and th. N. 26 15' W. along W. line of town- ship 454c. 731. to beg., 16,150a., ex. 160a. beg. on W. line of township at S. W. cor. of Marion River Carry lot, th. S. 26 15' E. along said W. line 50c., th N. 64 E. 32c., th. N. 26 15' W. 50c. to S. line of said Marion River Carry lot, and th. S. 64 W. 32c. to beg.; and 100 acres beg. in center of highway from Blue Mountain Lake to Indian Lake, where said highway crosses the E. line of township 34, it being 383c. 511. S. 26 15' E. from the N. E. cor. of township, running th. N'ly along the center of said highway Ic. 831., th. S. 64 W. 12c. 851. to a stake blazed for the S. E. cor. of this parcel, th. N. 26 15' W. 20c., th. S. 64 W. 50c., th. S. 26 15' E. 20c., and th. N. 64 E. 50c. to said S. E. cor S. end 73c. N. and S., 12c. 231. on N. and 13c. on S. line. Total, Township 34, 20,985. 1905 & Pur., 1906.. Purchase, 1908 15,890 4 92 REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. 215 HAMILTON COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. TOTTEN & CROSSFIELD'S PURCHASE (Continued). TOWNSHIP 35. SOUTH . Long Lake . . . . All Purchase, 1900 .... 12,600 TOWNSHIP 38. do Bd. N. by township line, E 172c. by township line to a small tract of land sold to Chas. A. Tatum & Edmund C. Converse & surrounding the W. end of Bog Lake, S. by the following line. 45c. by said tract, con- veyed to Tatum & Con- verse, th. 40 deg. 15' to the right 120c., th. 33 deg. to the left, 103c to the line between the E. $ & W. \ of said township, & W. 90c., more or less, by said divid- ing line & the county line. . 1900, '05 & pur- chase 1896 2,996 TOWNSHIP 40. do ... Ex. 50a. on Wly side of Raquette Lake, bd. beg. at a large rock boulder on S. shore of Sand Point from said rock or place of beg., which is near a birch sap- ling marked "C" lot 1; the bearing of the Western point or side of Pine Island is S. 13 deg. W., the bearing of a large rock a few feet E. of the E. end of Pine Island is S. 4 deg. W., & the bear- ing of W. pt. or side of High Island is S. 27 deg. 30' E., th. from said rock or boulder due N. 30c. 661. 216 REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. HAMILTON COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Long Lake. TOTTEN & CROSSFIELD'S PURCHASE, TOWNSHIP 40 (Continued). to the N. side or shore of Sand Point, & th. along the shore around said Sand Point to beg., 75 acres (Mrs. A. E. Schemerhorn's estate) on E'ly shore of Raquette Lake known as the Josiah F. Wood Place, bd. N'ly & Wly by the shore of the lake, S'ly by a line par'l to the S'ly line of Township, and running E'ly from a stooping cedar tree on a sharp point of rocks at the Wly extremity of Osprey Point, & E'ly by a line drawn at right angles thereto; 30a., E'ly end of Indian Point, bd. N'ly, E'ly & S'ly by Raquette Lake & W y by land form- erly owned by Win. Wood; 40a., bd. beg. at an iron bolt in top of rock or bould- er on N. shore of Lake Elizab th, said rock being N. 31 deg. E. 24c. 501. from the outlet of said lake, and said outlet being Ic. long from said lake to Raquette Lake at low -water mark, th. from said iron boltN. 28 deg. W. 21 c. 101. to a rock or boulder on the shore of Raquette Lake, th. W'ly & S'ly along said shore to the outlet of Lake Elizabeth, & th. E'ly & N'ly along the N'ly & W'ly shores of said out- let & of Lake Elizabeth to beg.; 160a., bd. beg. at the REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. 217 ' HAMILTON COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. TOTTEN & CROSSFIELD'S PURCHASE, TOWNSHIP 40 (Continued). Long Lake mouth of a brook just "W. of North Point, so called, on the N. shore of Raquette Lake, th. N'ly par'l with E'ly line of Township, 38c. 751., th. E'ly par'l with N'ly line of Township 40c., th. S'ly par'l with E'ly line of Township 38c. 751. to said lake, & th. Wly along shore of lake as it winds & turns including " North Point " to beg.; 160a. land on Ra quette Lake, known as Long Point bd N., S. & W. by Ra quette Lake and E'ly by the N. & S. centre line of Township; Bluff Island in Raquette Lake, granted to the Protestant Episcopal Board of Mis- sions of the Diocese of Al- bany, by chap. 552, Laws of 1881; and ex. 9,550a. covered by water 1871, '77, '81~and referee's sale, '84 . 15,135 Total, Township 40, 15,135 acres. TOWNSHIP 41. do All in Ham. Co., 23,162a. ex. 75a. bd. beg. at a point on the E. line of Township 8, Brown's Tract, S. 26 30' E. 22c. from S. E. cor. of par- cel C, th. 26 30' E. along said Township line 19c., 251. th. N. 79 E. 41c. th. N. 26 30' W 19c., 251. th. S. 29 W. 41c. to beg 1881/90, '95, '00 & purchase, 1897. . . *23,087 *Four parcels aggregating 13,517.50 acres were acquired by purchase in 1897. 218 REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. HAMILTON COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Long Lake 96 TOTTEN & CROSSFIELD'S PUR CHASE (Continued) . TOWNSHIP 42. All in Long Lake . . Purchase, 1896. . . . 16 20 do 97 All in Long Lake Purchase, 1896. . . . 178.12 do 98 Purchase 1896 196 80 do 99 Purchase 1896 196 80 do 100 Purchase, 1896 196.80 do 101 Purchase, 1896. . . 196 80 do 102 Purchase 1896 196 80 do 103 Purchase, 1896. . . . 196.80 do 104 Purchase, 1896. . . . 196 80 do 105 All in Long Lake Purchase, 1896 . . 132 22 do 115 All in Long Lake Purchase 1896 63 do 116 Purchase 1896 196 80 do 117 Purchase, 1896. . . . 196.80 do 118 Purchase, 1896 . 196 80 do 119 Purchase 1896 196 80 do 120 Purchase 1896 196 80 do ... . 123 Purchase, 1896. . . . 168 Total, Township 42, 2,919.14 acres. do 1 TOWNSHIP 50. 1877 '81 '85 '90 '95 163 do 2 1877 '81 '85 '90 '95 124 do 3 1877/81, '85/90/95. 124 do 4 Exchange 1891 . . 124 do 7 Exchange 1891 124 do 9 Purchase 1900 124 do do 10 11 Purchase, 1900 1905 & Pur. 1900 . 124 124 do 12 13 Purchase 1900 146 do 14 15 Purchase 1900 190 do 16 Purchase, 1900. . . . 160 do 17 1900 & Pur., 1900. 160 do 18 Purchase 1900. . . . 160 do 19 Purchase 1900 160 do 23 1877 '81 '85 160 do 24 1871 '77 '81 '85 '95 160 do 26 Purchase, 1900. . . . 154.87 do 27 1871/77/81/85/95. 120 do 29 1877 ,'81, '85... 120 REPOKT OF FOKEST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. 219 HAMILTON COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Long Lake 33 TOTTEN & CROSSFIELD'S PURCHASE, TOWNSHIP 50 (Continued). Exchange 1891 120 do 34 Purchase 1900 120 do 35 Purchase 1900 120 do 36 Purchase, 1900 120 do 37 38 Purchase, 1900 143 do 39 40 Purchase 1900 192 50 do 41 Purchase 1901 160 do ... . 42 Purchase, 1900 160 do 43 Purchase, 1900. . . 160 do 44 Purchase 1900 160 do 45 Purchase 1900 160 do 48 1877 '81 '85 '90 160 do .. 49 1877, '81, '85 160 do 50 1877 '81, '85 . 160 do 51 1871 '77 '81 '85 '95 254 do 52 1871,'77,'81,'85,'95. 160 do 53 Purchase, 1900. . . . 120 do 54 Purchase 1900 120 do 56 1900 & Pur 1900 160 do ...... 57 Purchase, 1900 160 do 58 Purchase, 1900 160 do 59 All in Hamilton Co Exchange, 1891 142 25 do 60,61 All in Hamilton Co Purchase, 1900 60 do 65 All in Hamilton Co Purchase, 1900. . . . 88.60 do 66 All in Hamilton Co . . . Purchase, 1900. . . . 158 do 67 Purchase 1900 160 do 68 1890 '00 160 do 69 Purchase, 1900 120 do 72 Purchase 1900. . . . 158.76 do 73 Exchange 1891 120 do 76 All in Hamilton Co Purchase, 1900 149.55 do do do 77 87 88 All in Hamilton Co All in Hamilton Co All in Hamilton Co Purchase, 1900 Conveyed, 1904 Exchange 1891 44.32 19 120 do 89 Conveyed 1904 . 120 do 90 Conveyed 1900 '01 184 do .... 91 All in Hamilton Co 1900 & Pur. 1900. 68.50 do 92 All in Hamilton Co Conveyed 1904... . 36 Total, Township 50, 7,852.35 acres. 220 KEPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. HAMILTON COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Morehouse g VROOMAN'S PATENT. All in Morehouse 1885, '90, '95... . 66 do 10 1881, '85, '90 200 do 11 1881 '85 '90 200 do 12 All in Morehouse 1881, '85, '90, '95.. 66 do 17 Same 1881, '85, '90, '95. 66 do 18 1885, '90 200 do 19 1885 '90 200 do 20 All in Morehouse 1881 '85 '90 66 do 25 Same 1881, '85, '90 '95.. 66 do 26 1885, '90, '95 200 do 27 1905 & Pur 1907 200 do 28 All in Hamilton Co 1905 & Pur., 1907. 66 do .... 34 All in Morehouse 1885, '90, '95 66 do 35 Ex 50a W pt of E . . 1885, '90 . . 150 do 35 W pt of E Purchase 1899 '00 50 do 42 Purchase, 1897 200 do .... 51 1885, '90 134 do 52 S end 1885 '90 '95 34 do 52 Ex 34a S end Purchase 1900 100 Total, Vrooman's Patent, 2,330 acres. EEPOKT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. 221 HERKIMEK COUNTY. List of Lands Belonging to the State. (Total number of acres, 197,394.68.) Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. ] Wilmurt ADGATE'S EASTERN TRACT. (Blake Lot.) All Purchase 1897 13 968 do 11 (Cramer Lot.) Purchase 1897 212 do 13 Purchase 1897 211 do 14 Purchase 1897 204 do 15 Purchase, 1897. . 206 do 16 Purchase 1897 203 do 17 Purchase 1897 202 do 18 Purchase 1897 200 50 do 19 Purchase 1897 189 do 20 Purchase 1897 197 do 21 Purchase 1897 196 50 do 22 Purchase 1897 195 do 23 Purchase 1897. . . 205 50 do 24 Purchase 1898 183 50 do . 25 Purchase 1897 197 do 26 Purchase 1898 335 do 27 Ex 19a N W. pt Purchase 1898 . 156 75 do 28 Ex 34 83a E pt Purchase 1898 158 17 do 29 Purchase 1897 111 do 30 Ex 30 9a S W pt Purchase 1898 221 85 do 31 Ex 103 9a. S. pt Purchase, 1898 . . 91 60 do 32 Ex 02a S E cor Purchase 1898 190 73 do 19 ( Devereaux Lot). Purchase 1898 100 do 33 E pt Purchase 1898 54 23 do 34 Purchase 1898 100 do 35 Purchase 1898 104 86 do 36 Purchase 1898 83 50 do . ... 37 Purchase 1898 100 do 38 Purchase 1898 142 86 do 39 Purchase 1898 80 80 do 40 Purchase, 1898. . . . 184.54 do (Hamilton Lot.) All 1885 and '00, and purchase, 1898.. . 825 222 REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION". HERKIMER COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Wilmurt ADGATE'S EASTERN TRACT (Continued). (Kirkland Lot}. E. Purchase, 1898 812 do N. W. cor 1885 25 do W ex 25a Purchase 1901 . . 789 do 3 (Miller (J. A.) Lot.) Purchase, 1906 100 do 4 1881, '85 & pur- chase, 1898 100 do 5 Purchase 1898 100 do . . 6 1881, '85, '05 and do 7 Ex 30a bd beg on E'ly line purchase, 1898 . . . 100 of lot 4c. N. from S. E. cor. thereof, th. W'ly par'l to S'ly line of lot -,Q the dis- tance between the E'ly & W'ly line thereof, th. N'ly par'l with E'ly line of lot to a point the distance from S'ly to N'ly line of lot, th. E'ly par'l to S'ly line of lot to E'ly line thereof & th. S'ly on lot line to beg 1881, '85 and pur- chase 1898 70 do s 1881 '85 and pur- do g chase, 1898 1881 & Pur 1898 100 100 do 12 1881 '85 and pur- chr se 1898 . . . 100 do 13 1881 '85 and pur- chase 1898 100 do 14 1881 '85 and pur- do 15 chase, 1898 1881 '85 and pur- 100 do 16 chase, 1898 1881 '85 and pur- 100 do 17 chase, 1898 1881 '85 and pur- 100 do 18 N W cor sq . . ... chase, 188 1881 '85 and pur- 100 chase. 1898. . 25 REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. 223 HERKIMER COUNTY. Tax sales Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. or Acres. source of title. ADGATE'S EASTERN TRACT (Continued). (Minuse (J. #.) Tract.} Wilmurt 9 1900, '05 100 do 12 Purchase, 1898 100 do 13 Purchase, 1907. . . . 100 do 26 Purchase, 1906 100 Total, Adgate's Eastern Tract, 23,149 acres. BAYARD OR FREE MASON'S PATENT. Litchfield 64 Sub 10 Forfeited land 10 BROWN (JOHN) TRACT, TOWNSHIP 1. Webb Beg. at a stone set in a pile of stones on the south side of the track of the old Brown's Tract Road, so- called, on the east line of Township No. 1, John Brown's Tract; th. N. 84 deg. 30 min. W. 67.91 c. to a stake and stones; th. S. 40 deg. W. 4.29c. to a stake and stones; th. S. 70 deg. 20 min. W. 5.55c. to a stake and stones; th. S. 62 deg. 22 min. W. 2.03c. to a stake and stones; th. S. 53 deg. 26 min. W. 1.24c. to a stake and stones; th. S. 45 deg. 12 min. W. 3.27c. to a stake and stones; th. S. 69 deg. 31 min. W. 4.17c. to a stake and stones; th. S. 61 deg. 41 min. W. 4.82c. to a stake and stones; th. S. 81 deg. 41 min. W. 4.85c. to a stake and stones; th. S. 55 deg. 45 min. W. 4.80c. to a stake and stones; th. S. 11 deg. 13 min. W. 5.77c. 224 REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. HERKIMER COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Webb. BROWN (JOHN) TRACT, TOWN SHIP 1 (Continued). to a stake and stones; th S. 14 deg. W. 33.80c. to a stake and stones; th. S. 76 deg. W. 22.04c. to a stake and stones; th. S. 88 deg 3 min. W. 15.51 c. to a stake and stones; th. N. 68 deg 12 min. W. 26.17c. to stake and stones; th. S. 57 deg. 9 min. W. 9. lie. to a stake and stones; th. S. 75 deg. 22 min. W. 8. 42 c. to a stake and stones; th. S. 49 deg. 32 min. W. 3.12c. to a stake and stones; th. S. 51 deg. 9 min. W. 10.72c. to a stake and stones; th. S. 53 deg. 1 min. W. 12.33c. to a stake and stones; th. S. 79 deg. 31 min. W. 50c. to a stake and stones; th. S. 41 deg. 31 min. W. 20.83c. to a stake and stones; th. S. 5 deg. 21 min. W. 33.34c. to a stake and stones in the line between Lyon de Camp and J. P. Gould; th. N. 82 deg. 39 min. W. along said Gould line, 94.16c. to the county line between Her- kimer and Lewis counties; th. N. 5 deg. 25.- min. E. along said county line 206. 14c. to the north line of said Township No. 1, John Brown's Tract; th. S. 84 deg. 35 min. E. 335. 83c. to the northeast corner of said Township No. 1 ; th. S. 5 deg. 30 min. W. 61.72c. to the place of beginning. . Purchase, 1909. 4,607.20 REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. 225 HERKIMER COUNTY. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. BROWN (JOHN) TRACT (Continued). TOWNSHIP 2. All in Herkimer County . . . TOWNSHIP 3. All in Herkimer County TOWNSHIP 4. All in Herkimer County, S of Beaver River. . TOWNSHIP 5. E. pt., bd. Wly by 9,600a set off to Lyman R. Lyon ll,250a. ex. 48a. bd. beg, at N. W. cor. of lot 51. Township 42, Totten & Crossfield's Purchase, th. S. 63 deg. W. 10c., th. S. E'ly parallel with Wly line of said Township 42, 48c. to a point lOc. Wly of the S. W. cor. of said lot 51, th. N. 63 deg. E. lOc. to said S. W. cor., & th. N'ly along Wly line of said lot 51, 48c. to beg. ex. 30 R. R. Beg. at a pt. on the line bet. Twps. 5 & 6, th. along said twp. line S. 84 deg. 30 min. E. 7,728 ft., th. N. 5 deg. 30 min. E. 265 ft., th. S. 84 deg. 30 min. E. 460 ft., th. N. 5 deg. 30 min. E. 1,166 ft, th. N. 84 deg. 30 min. W. 3,650 ft., th. N. 5 deg. 30 min. E. 2,894 ft., th. S. 84 deg. 30 min. E. 653 ft., th. N. 5 deg. 30 min. E. 937 ft., th. N. 84 deg. 30 min. W. 2,629 ft., th. N. 5 deg. Appropriated, 1908 Appropriated, 1908 Appropriated, 1908 14,605 4,500 1900 & Pur., 1896. 11,172 226 REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. HERKIMER COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Webb. BROWN (JONH) TRACT, TOWN- SHIP 5 (Continued). 30 min. E. 1,285 ft., th N. 84 deg. 30 min. W. 636 ft., th. N. 5 deg. 30 min. E. 1,844 ft., th. S. 84 deg. 30 min. E. 320ft.,th. N. 5 deg. 30 min. E. 851 ft., th. S. 84 deg. 30 min. E. 2,194 ft. , th. N. 5 deg. 30 min. E. 1,166 ft., th. S. 84 deg. 50 min E. 5,824 ft. to the E. line of land of Mary L. Fisher, th. along said E. line N. 5 deg. 30 min. E. 836 ft., N. 50 min. W. 94 ft., N. 5 deg. 40 min. E. 152 ft, N. 6 deg. 58 min. E. 108 ft., N. 4 deg. 22 min. E. 256 ft., N. 6 deg. 52 min. E. 2,278 ft., N. 5 deg. 9 min. E. 163 ft., N. 5 deg. 49 min. E. 306 ft., N. 5 deg. 54 min. E. 219 ft., N. 3 deg. 44 min. E.I 18 ft., N. 4c'eg. 19 min. E. 328 ft., N. 6 deg. 18 min. E. 253 ft. and N. 7 deg. 12 min. E. 148 ft, th. N. 84 deg. 30 min. W. 1,578 ft., th. S. 5 deg. 30 min. W. 943 ft., th. N. 84 deg. 30 min. W. 6,012 ft., th. S. 5 deg. 30 min. W. 903 ft., th. N. 84 deg. 30 min. W. 5,850 ft, to land of Adiron- dack Timber and Mineral Co., th. along said land S. 7 deg. 14 min. W. 151 ft., S. 4 deg. 33 min. W. 119ft, S. 7 deg. 19 min. W. 223ft, S. 5 deg. 39 min. W. 262 ft., S. 6 deg. 1 min. W. 324 ft, S. 7 deg. 34 mm. W. 235 ft, S. 7 deg. 42 min. W. 169ft, KEPOET OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. 227 HERKIMER COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. BROWN (JOHN) TRACT, TOWN- SHIP 5 (Continued). Webb S. 3 deg. 22 min. W. 123 ft., - S. 6 deg. 2 min. W. 213 ft., S. 6 deg. 27 min. W. 124 ft., S. 6 deg. 9 min. W. 252 ft., S. 10 deg. 16 min. W. 180 ft., S. 5 deg. 41 min. W. .< - ; 2,685 ft., S. 20 deg. 39 min. W. 64 ft., S. 4 deg. 35 min. W. 265 ft., S. 22 min. W. 33 ft., S. 6 deg. 25 min. W. 312 ft., S. 5 deg. 23 min. W. 1,476 ft., S. 7 deg. 22 min. W. 175 ft., S. 4 deg. 51 min. W. 291 ft., S. 5 deg. 49 min. W. 81 2 ft., S. 6 deg. 51 min. W. 320 ft., S. 5 deg. 30 min. W. 218 ft., S. 5 deg. 30 min. W. 589 ft., S. 5 deg. 30 min. W 354 ft., th. S. 84 deg. 43 min. E. 1,424ft., th. S. 5 deg. 17 min. W. 1,954 ft., th. S. 84 deg. 28 min. E. 1,743 ft., th. S. 5 deg 32 min. W. 1,797 ft. to point of beginning *Appropriated, 1898. 2,754 do . Beginning at a point north of Beaver River, th. S. 10 deg. W. 1,355 ft., th. S. 84 deg. 30 min. E. 791 ft., th S.Sdeg. Omin. W. 870ft., th.S.84dcg. 30 min. E. 221 ft., th. S. 5 eg 30 min. W. 1,220 ft., th. S. 84 deg. 30 min. E. 516 ft., th. S. 5 deg. 30 min. W. 1,644 ft., th. N. 84 deg. 45 min. W. 1,450 ft., th. S. 5 deg. 1 min. W. 1,829 ft., th. N. 84 deg. 59 min. W. 1,417 ft., th. S. 5 deg. 6 min. W. 1,547 ft., th. *This land was acquired by condemnation proceedings for reservoir purposes as compen- sation for water diverted from Black River for use of Erie canal. 228 KEPOBT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. HERKIMER COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. BROWN (JOHN) TRACT, TOWN- SHIP 5 (Continued). Webb S. 84 deg. 43 min. E. 3,392 ft., th. N'ly along the W line of Mrs. Mary L. Fisher 8,437 ft., th. N. 84 deg. 30 min. W. 2,031 ft. to the point of beginning *Appropriated, 1898 348.80 Total, Township 5, 14,274| acres. TOWNSHIP 6. do Beginning at a point on the line between Townships 5 and 6, th. S. 5 deg. 32 min. W. 1,521 ft., th. S. 84 deg. 30 min. E. 1,890 ft., th. S. 5 deg. 30 min. W. 2,057 ft., th. S. 84 deg. 30 min. E. 2,739 ft., th. N. 5 deg. 30 min. E. 1,497 ft., th. N. 84 deg. 30 min. W. 624 ft., th. N. 5 deg. 30 min. E. 1,390 ft., th. S. 84 deg. 30 min. E. 903 ft., th. S. 5 deg. 30 min. W. 489 ft., th. S. 84 deg. 30 min. E. 1,613 ft., th. N. 5 deg. 30 min. E. 731 ft., th S. 84 deg. 30 min. E. 1,207 ft., th. N. 5 deg. 30 min. E. 449ft., th. N. 84 deg. 30 min. W. 7,728 ft., to the point of Leginning. . *Appropriated, 1898. 369.50 TOWNSHIP 7. do Beg. at a point on large rock marked (f) S. 24 deg. 12 min. W. 4c. 851. from S. W. cor. of Lamberton's saw- mill, th. N. 49 deg. W. 6c., 691., th. N. 10 deg. W. lc., *This land was acquired by condemnation proceedings for reservoir purposes as compen- sation for water diverted from Black River for use of Erie canal. REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. 229 HERKIMER COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. T Tax sales or source of title. Acres. BROWN (JOHN) TRACT, TOWN SHIP 7 (Continued). Webb >tftl l AT *7 A A^~ 1 O *v-t! 4yi., tn. IN. /4 deg. lo mm E. 4c. 641., th. N. 80 deg. 15 min. E 4c. 831., th. S. 65 _- deg. 9 min. E. 4c., 441., th S. 73 deg. 1 min. E. 3c., 281. th. S. 41 deg. W. lie. 141. th. N. 49d?g.W. 5c, 21. to beg * Appropriated, 1898 9.78 do '-""'O " ' A 11 A"f lrk"f Q 1 IT* "RoTI CrOC 1 9 ^ .iXll UI 1U Lo J. 111 -LLttll^txo J. j & ) O 4, 5 and 6 of said township all of lots 2 and 3 in Ranges 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 of said town- ship; all of lots 4 in Ranges 1, 2, 3 and 4 of said town- ship; all of lots 5, 6 and 7 in Ranges 1, 2 and 3 of said township; all of lots 8 hi Ranges 1 and 2 of said township ; the westerly one- ..,, . . .-. half of lot 8, Range 3 in V ;V township; all of lots 9 hi *'* Ranges 1, 2 and 3 of said township; being hi all thirty-four full lots, con- taining 160 acres each, more or less, and one one- half lot, containing 80 acres, more or less Purchase, 1909 5,520 do That portion of lot 11 Range 1, of said township, north of the old Brown's Tract Road, so-called, be- ginning at a stone set in the center of a pile of stones on the southerly side of the track of the old Brown's *This land was acquired by condemnation proceedings for reservoir purposes as compen- sation for water diverted from Black River for use of Erie canal. 230 REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. HERKIMER COUNTY. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. BROWN (JOHN) TRACT, TOWN- SHIP 7 (Continued) . Tract Road on the line be- tween Township 1 and Township 7, John Brown's Tract, th. along the center of said road S. 74 deg. 54 min. E. 1. 45c; th. S. 79 deg. 09 min. E. 5.15 c; th. S. 84 deg. 11 min. E. 1.11 c.; th. N. 83 deg. 05 min. E. 1.41c.; th. S. 81 deg. 17 min. E. 3.25c.; th. N. 83 deg. 17 min. E. 0.98c.; th. N. 64 deg. 03 min. E. 1.97c.; th. N. 71 deg. 19 min. E. 1.52c.; th. N. 61 deg. 35 min. E. 1.42c.; th. N. 64 deg. 26 min. E. 2.33c.; th. N. 84 deg. 40 min. E. l.OOc.; th. N. 75 deg. 07 min. E.I. 31c.; th. N. 81 deg. 33 min. E. 1.86c.j th. N. 72 deg. 39 min. E. 1.31c.; th. N. 85 deg. 39 min. E. 1.12c.; th. N. 71 deg. 17 min. E. 2.27c. ; th. S. 77 deg. 51 min. E. 1.72c.; th. S. 36 deg. 45 min. E. 2.19c.; th. S. 65 deg. 10 min. E. 1.60c.; th. N. 79 deg. 07 min. E.I. 81 c.; th. N. 52 deg. 53 min. E. 3.29c.; th. N. 55 deg. 05 min. E. 3.69c.; th. N. 43 deg. 25 min. E. 1.35c. to the easterly line of said lot 11, Range 1 ; th. northerly along the line between Lot 11, Range 1 and Lot 11, Range 2 in said tract N. 5 deg. 30 min. E. 21. 60c. to the corner of Lots 10 and 11, Range 1 and Lots 10 and EEPOET OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. 231 HERKIMER COUNTY. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. BROWN (JOHN) TRACT, TOWN- SHIP 7 (Continued). 11, Range 2; th. along the northerly line of said Lot 11, N. 84 deg. 30 min. W 40.00c. to the northwest corner of said Lot 11, a point on the line between Township 1 and Township 7 in said tract; th. S. 5 deg. 30 min. W. 30.82c to the point of beg Also that parcel of land on the N'ly side of the old Brown's Tract Road in lot 10, Range 2, of said town- ship No. 7, beg. at a stone set in the center of a pile of stones 51. N'ly of the track of the old Brown's Tract Road, so-called, on the S. line of lot 10, Range 2 Township 7, John Brown's Tract; th. along said road N. 53 15' E. 1.90c.;th. N. 4227 / E. 4.05c.;th. N. 32 9'E.4.48c.;th.N.634'E. 2.80c; th. N. 75 36' E. 5.36c.; th. N. 85 6' E. 3.34c.; th. N. 89 23' E. 4.72c.; to a stone in the center of a pile of stones 101. N. of the track of said road on the east line of said lot 10, Range 2; th N. 5 30' E. along the east line of said lot 10, 26c. to the north- east corner thereof; th. N. 84 30' W. 40c. to the northwest corner of said x>t; th. S. 5 30' W. 39.27e. Purchase, 1909. 113.7 232 REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. HERKIMER COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Webb BROWN (JOHN) TRACT, TOWN- SHIP 7 ( Continued) . to the southwest comer of said lot; th. S. 85 7' E. 19.01c. to the place o f beg . . IfeMi Also that parcel of land in lot 11, Range 2, beg. at a stone set in the center of a pile of stones 51. N. of the track of the old Brown's Tract Road, so-called, on the line between lots 10 and 11, Range 2; th. N. 85 7' W. along said lot line 19.01c to the northwest corner of said lot 11; th. S. 5 30' W. 21.60c. to the center of the Old Brown's Tract Road; th. along the center of said road N. 43 25' E. 4.93c.; th. N. 43 21' E. 5.47c.; th. N. 49 41' E. 13.73c.;th. N. 45 46' E. 4.82 -j. to the place of beginning Purchase, 1909 Purchase, 1909 Purchase, 1909 *Awarded, 1898... 130.4 19.8 158.9 1.41 do r do Also all of lot 10, Range 1 ... do Beg. at a soft maple tree at end cf Brown's Tract road marked 13 \ miles from Moose River, th. N. 57 deg. E. lOc. 801., th. N. 62 deg. 52 min. E. on a line towards S. W. cor. of sawmill 8c. 21. to where it intersects the S. E. line of land as aforesaid described Total, Township 7, 5,953.99 acres. *See Court of Claims Award Book, vol. 2, p. 163. KEPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. 233 HERKIMER COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Webb. do do do BROWN (JOHN) TRACT (Continued). TOWNSHIP 8. B'd N'ly by Township line, E'ly 70c. by Township line, S'iy by a line running 68c parallel with N. line of Township, & th. S. W'ly 206c. to W. line of Town- ship & W'ly 160c. by Town- ship line, ex. right of way of Mohawk & Malone R. R. Co Beg. on E. line of Township, 25c. from S. W. cor. of Township 42, Totten & Crossfield's Purchase, & being a rectangular parcel at right angles to E. line of Township, 75c. wide N. & S., & 235c. long E. & W All in Webb of a parcel bd. beg. in E. line of Township 35c. S. E'ly from S. shore of Big Moose Lake, at high- water mark, th. S. E'ly 205c. along township line, th. to the right 104 deg. 30 min. 182c., th. to the right 96 deg. 15 min. 172c. to a point whence a line run at right angles to the east line of said township from place of beg. would intersect the last course, and th. along said line 115c. to beg. Beg on W. line of township 73c. S. from S. E. cor. of Township 6, John Brown's Tract, th. W'ly or. the town- ship line 193c. to the S. boundary of right of way of the Mohawk & Malone railway th. N. E'ly along Purchase, 1896. . . . 2,453 Purchase, 1896 1,762.50 Purchase, 1896 2,155 234 REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. HERKIMER COUNTY Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Webb. D do E do F BROWN (JOHN) TRACT, TOWN- SHIP 8 (Continued). the S. boundary of said right of way to a line at right angles with W. line of Township, which line, if projected, would intersect W. line of Township, 197c. N'ly from S. E. cor. of said Township 6, th. E'ly on said line 80 c. from said boun- dary of said right of way of said railway, th. S'ly at right angles to the last men- tioned line, 21 c., th. E'ly & at right angles to said Township line, 84c. th. to the left 31 deg. 30 min. 32c., th. to the right 110 deg. 30 min. 41 c., th. to the right 69 deg. 106c. th. to the left 18 deg. 30 min. 162c., th. to the right 18 deg. 30 min. 92c. to beg Beg. on W. line of Town- ship 133c. S'ly from S. E. cor. of Township 6 of said tract, th. to the right 59 deg. 120c., th. to the left 18 deg. 30 min. 186c. 581. th. to the right and par'] with W. line of Township 163c. to N. E. cor. of lot 206 of the Fulton Chain Allot- ment, th. along rear line of said allotn.ent and rear line of lands of Robert Perrie & Chas. Barrett & Mary Sprague to W. line of Township 8, & th. N'ly along said W. line 126c. to beg All S. of Fulton Chain Allot- ment which allotment Purchase, 1896 3,753 Purchase, 1896 2,468 REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. 235 HERKIMER COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Webb. do do H do BROWN (JOHN) TRACT, TOWN- SHIP 8 (Continued). shown by map & survey of David C. Wood, filed Aug. 30, 1893, in the office of the Clerk of Herkimer County Beginning at the S. E. cor. of Parcel A on the E. line of Township 8, th. S'ly along the E. line of said Township 8, 60c. to the N. Ely cor. of Parcel B, th. W'ly along the N. line of Parcel B to Twitchell Lak Allotment 56-nro-c., th. to the right 27 deg. a ong the E. line of the Twitchell Lake Allotment 4&AV-I th - to the left 4 deg. 30 min. 38c. to the S. line of Parcel A, th. E'ly along the said S. line of Par- cel A, 33c. to place of beg.. Beginning at the angle on the S. line of Parcel A, th. E'ly a ong said S. line 14c. to the N. line of the Twitchell Lake Allotment, th. to the right 133 deg. 15 min. 134c. to the Silver Lake Allotment, th. to the right along the E. line of Silver Lake Allotment 92 deg. 30 min. 33-r V-7 th. to the right 82 deg. 45 min. 14c. to S. line of Parcel A, th. E'ly along S. 1 ne of said Parcel A 128c. to the place of beg nning Beginning at a cor. on the N. line of Parcel D, which cor. is 80c. from he Mohawk & Malone Railroad, measured on a line at right angles to the W. line cf the Township, Purchase, 1896. 2,141 Purchase, 1897. 244 Purchase, 1897. 426 236 REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. HERKIMER COUNTY. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. BROWN (JOHN) TRA.CT, TOWN- SHIP 8 (Continued). th. N'ly to the left 90 deg. 32c. to the road leading to Big Moose Lake, th. E'ly along the S. line o said road N. 50 deg. 45 min. E. 4c., th. N 72 deg. 45 min. E. ifoV, th. N. 71 deg. 15 min. E. 13-,%-c- to the Big Moose Lake Allotment, th. S'ly to the right 68 deg. 30 min. 37c., th. to the left 52 deg. 15 min. 63c., th. to the right 29 deg. 3-nfoC., th. to the right 54 deg. 30 min. 22c. to the N. E'ly cor. o Parcel D, and th. W'ly & N'ly along the N. & W. lines of Parcel D to the place of beginning Beginning at the S. W'ly cor. of Parcel A on the W. line of Township 8, th. E'ly along the S. line of Parcel A 30c. to the west line of the Silver Lake Allotment, th. to the right 61 deg. 45 min. 14-&V-, th. to the right 69 deg. 30 min. 33c., th. to the left 81 deg. 45 min. 40c., th. to the left 27 deg. 44c. to the west line of the Twitchell Lake Allotment, th. S'ly 60 de g. 15 min. to the right 22- 1 s - ( f -c ., to the N. line of Parcel B, th. W'ly on a straight line along the N. line of Parcel D and the Thirsty Pond Allotment, 86c. to the W. line of the Thirsty Pond Allotment, th. left 79 deg. 30 min. along the W. line of said Purchase, 1897. 455 REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. 237 HERKIMER COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Webb. do K BROWN (JOHN) TRACT, TOWN- SHIP 8 (Continued). Allotment 27^0. to a point which is the inter- section of the continuation of the E'ly line of the Five- acre lot conveyed by W. S. Webb to D. B. Sperry, th. S'ly along said continued line IGfVoC. to the E'ly cor. of said Sperry lot, th. to the right 90 deg. 7. 07c., th. 7 deg. to the right 55c to the west line of said Township 8, 17c. N. of its intersection with the N. line of the Mohawk Ma lone Railroad, th. along the ssid W. line of Township 8 to the place of beginning All in Herkimer Co. of the following described land, viz. : Beginning at the S. E. cor. of Parcel E on the N. line of the Fulton Chain Al- lotment, th. N'ly along the E. line of said Parcel E to the N. E. cor. of said Parcel E, th. 144 deg. to the right 23c. to the N. W. cor. of the Moss Lake Allotment, th. 4 deg. to the right 65c. to the S. W.. cor. thereof, th. 90 deg. to the left along the S. line of the Moss Lake Al- lotment 32c., th. to the right 20 deg. 45 min. 23c, th. to the left 64 deg. 15 min. IVrooC. to the s - w - cor. of Parcel C, th. E'ly along the S. line of Parcel C 95f\>- -c- to the N. W'ly cor. of the Cascade Lake Al- lotment, th. to the right 90 Purchase, 1897. 933 238 REPOBT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. HERKIMER COUNTY. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. BROWN (JOHN) TRACT, TOWNSHIP 8 (Continued). deg. 51roo-c. to the S. W. cor. of said Cascade Lake Allotment, th. to the left 90 deg. lOOc. to the E'ly line of said Township 8, th. S'ly along said Township line 120c. to the S. E'ly cor. of Township 8, th. S. W'ly along the S'ly line of said Township to the E'ly cor. of the Fulton Chain Allot- ment, th. W'ly along the N'ly line of said Fulton Chain Allotment to the place of beginning, except- ing the following lands from said Parcel K. designated on said annexed map as Parcel O, viz.: Beginning on the E. line of Township 8, at the point of inter- section of a line running parallel to and at lOc. distant S'ly from the Ra- quette Lake Road, th. W'ly parallel to the said road and lOc. S'ly to a line which shall be run from the cor. of Lots 124 & 128 of the Fulton Chain Allotment and at right angles to the rear line of said Fulton Chain Allotment at that point, th. S'ly along said line 13c. to said cor., th. W'ly along the N. line of said Fulton Chain Allot- ment to the cor. of Lots 146 & 147 in said Fulton Chain Allotment, th. to the right 86 deg. 30 min. 55c. to the S. line of the Big Moose REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. 239 HERKIMER COUNTY. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. K BROWN (JOHN) TRACT, TOWN- SHIP 8 (Continued). Road, th. E'ly along the S. line of said Big Moose Road to point of intersection with a line run N'ly of & parallel to said Raquette Lake Road and at lOc. distant from it, th. E'ly along said line to the E. line of said Township 8, th. S'ly along said Township 8 line to place of beginning Beginning on the W. line of Township 8 at its intersec- tion with the N. line of the 160 acre lot now or formerly owned or occupied by Julia L. DeCamp, th. N'ly along said Township to the N. line of the Fulton Chain Allotment, th. E'ly along the S. line of Parcel D to the N. W. cor. of Lot 24, Second Lake, Fulton Chain Allot- ment, th. S'ly along the W. line of said Lot 24 to the N. shore of Second Lake, Ful- ton Chain, th. W'ly along the N. shore of said lake and the N. line of the land of said Julia L. DeCamp to the place of beginning Silver Lake Twitchell Lake Thirstv Pond Big Moose Lake First Lake, North Branch. . . Second Lake, North Branch. Moss Lake All of Fourth Lake, Fulton Chain, in Twp. 8 in Herki- mer County Third Lake, Fulton Chain. . . Purchase, 1897 Purchase, 1897. Purchase, 1897. Purchase, 1897. Purchase, 1897. Purchase, 1897. Purchase, 1897. Purchase, 1897. Purchase, 1897. Purchase, 1897. Purchase, 1897. 1,946 29.60 62 145.60 30 975.20 84.40 115 118 1,390 230 240 REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. HERKIMEK COUNTY. Town. Webb, do . do . do . do . Newport Lot. 15 DESCRIPTION. BROWN (JOHN) TRACT, TOWN- SHIP 8 (Continued). Second Lake, Fulton Chain. Bubs Lake Razor Back Lake West Pond Near Big Moose sta . , com. in S'ly right of way line of M. & M. R. R. at a point 4,000 ft. E'ly from the W. line of Twp. 8, th. E'ly, S'ly & W'ly along said right of way line to W. line of Twp. 8, th. N'ly along Twp. line 87c., 121., th. N. E'ly 60c., 741. to beg. 500a. ex. 2.6a. bd. beg. at place of beg. of first described parcel, th. at right angles to right of way of line of M. & M. R. R. 45C ft., th. W'ly par'l with said right of way about 500 ft. to last described line of first tract, & th. N. E'ly along said line about 675 ft. to beg Total, Township 8, Brown Tract, 22,618.4 acres. HASSENCLEVER PATENT. Sub. 3, formerly owned by Richard Herendeen, bd. beg. at S. E. cor. of Sub. 2 in said division, th. N. 34 deg. 55 min. 35c. 621. to a stake at the cor. of land of Robert Heomer, th. S. 53 deg. E. 10c., 791. to a stake and stones at cor. of lands formerly owned by V arnurn Smith, th. along W'ly line of said Smith's land, as formerly owned by him, S. 35 deg. W. 22c. 541. to center of highway, th. Tax sales or source of title. Purchase, 1897. Purchase, 1897. Purchase, 1897. Purchase, 1897. Purchase, 1900. Acres. 140 52 7.50 5.20 497.40 REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. 241 HERKIMER COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Newport 15 do 15 do 15 HASSEN CLEVER PATENT (Continued). along said center S. 54 deg. E. 8c., 961. to E'ly bounds of Lot 3, th. S. 35 deg. W 12c., 561. to a stake and stones at a cor. of said Lot 3, th. N. 53 deg. W. 19c., 601. to beg Sub. 3, bd. beg. at S. W. cor. of lands formerly owned by Shebush Nichols, th. S. 35 deg. W. along N. W'ly bds. of land formerly owned by Alvin Conklin, 32c. 61. to center of high- way, th. along center of said highway N. 54 deg. W. 8c. 961., th. N. 35 deg. E. 22c. 541. to land form- erly owned by said Nichols, th. S. 52 deg. 30 min. E. along S'ly line of land form- erly owned by said Nichols 8c. 961. to beginning Sub. 4, bd. beg. at N. E'ly cor. of lot 3 in said Subdi- vision at a stake numbered 3 & 4, th. along said Lot 3, S. 32 deg. 30 min. W. 50c. to S'ly bounds thereof to a stake numbered 3 & 4, th. along S'ly bds. of Great Lot 15, S. 55 deg. E. 20c. to cor. of lot 5 in said sub- division to a stake num- bered 4 & 5, th. along line between lots 4 & 5 N. 32 deg. 30 min. E. 50 c. to a stake No. 4 & 5, being cen- ter line of Great Lot and on S'ly bounds of Lot 6 of said Subdivision, th. along center of line N. 55 deg. W. 20 c to beginning Mortgage, 1899. 50 Mortgage, 1899. 20 Mortgage, 1899. 100 242 KEPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. HERKIMER COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Newport . 15 Salisbury. do do do 23 HASSENCLEVER PATENT (Continued). Sub. 5, bd. beg. at N. E'ly cor. of Sub. 4, of Great Lot 15, at a stake numbered 4 & 5, th. along Lot 4, S. 32 deg. 30 min. W. 50c. to S'ly bounds of said Great Lot to a stake numbered 4 & 5 th. along said bds. S. 55 deg. E. 16c. 501. to E'ly bounds of said great lot, th. along said E'ly bounds N. 32 deg. 30 min. E. 50c to cor. of Lot 6 of said Subdivision, being cen- ter line of Lot 15, to a stake numbered 5 & 6, th. along line of said lot 6 N. 55 deg. W. 16c. 501. to beg., 82a., ex. 18a. N. side thereof conveyed to Harry Far- rington Nov. 8, 1847 Total, Hassen clever Pat- ent, 234 acres. JERSEYFIELD PATENT. S. W. cor. of N. E. i, 50a. and W. $ ex. 174a. S. pt. 30c. wide N. & S. & 58c. long E. & W., & ex. an und. i pd. by C. Van Rensselaer, of what remains of 50a. N. E. cor. of N. W. i after ex. 210a. N. W. cor. sq E. % ex. 150a. S. pt. thereof, 35a. W. pt. of 50a. N. W. cor. of S. E. }, & 154a. N. E. cor., b'd S. by Ransom & W. by Jersey field road. . . E. i, Sub. 1 All of 104a. E. part in Salis- bury S. of Grayville & Cali- fornia highway Mortgage, 1899. 64 1877, '81, '85. 1885 1885/95 1895, '00. 371.46 247.50 100 15 REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. 243 HERKIMER COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Salisbury 24 JERSEYFIELD PATENT (Continued). E * 1881 '85 ... 525 do 35 S W 1 1877 '81 '85 262 50 do 38 W % & N E J 1877 '81 '85 '95 762 50 do 39 1881, '85, '90 1,050 do 40 All of N. } in Salisbury 223|a. after ex. so much of 215a. N. E. cor. as is not contained in 153Ja. N. pt. of all in Salisbury & ex. 15a. N E cor thereof 1877, '81 '85 144 25 Ohio . . . 42 Beg at N E cor of John do 44 Gibson's lOOa., th. S. 31 W. parallel with W. line of same 44c. 251. to S. line of lot, th. S. 59 E. along same 18c. 991., th. N. 31 E. 44c., 251., & th. N. 59 W. 18c.,99l. to beg B'd beg at a stake at S W Mortgage, 1891.... 84 cor. of lot 44, th. S. 58 30' E. along S. line of lot 20c. 631. to the road, th. N. 31 30' E. along said road 37c. 301. to intersection of the road near S. ColwelTs, th. N. 89 30' W. along said road 24c. 371. to W. line of lot, and th. S. 31 30' W. on said W. line 24c. 611. to beg. . Mortgage, 1899. . . . 63.68 do 44 B'd beg in center of high- wav at a stake standing at S. E. cor. of land of S. Col- well, th. N. 31 30' E. along highway 44c., 331. to N. line of lot, th. S. 58 30' E lie 281. to land of Samuel Rees th. S. 31 30' W. 44c. 331 to middle line of lot, and th N. 58 30' W. lie., 281. to beg Mortgage 1899 50 do ... 48 W. Mclntosh's ot. . . Reverted. . 14 244 REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. HERKIMER COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Ohio. 48 do do Salisbury. do . do . Ohio. . do do Salisbury. Litchfield. 53 67 68 79 80 82 82 JERSEYFIELD PATFNT (Continued.) B'd beg. at the lower end of the old Mclntosh mill yard on E. bank of W. Canada creek, th. N. 82 25' E. Ic. 531., th. N. 71 45' E. 6c. 951.. th. N. 82 35' E. 6c. 251., th. N. 71 E. 3c., 601., th. N. 74 E. 3c., 501. to the N. line of lot 48, th. N. 55 W. 2c. 691. to W. Canada creek, th. down creek S -12 W. 541. S. 82 W. lOc. 251., S. 73 W. 4c. 381., S 60 W. 2c., 371. & S. 38i c W. 3c. 401. to beg S. W. cor All of W. \ in Ohio ex. 200a W. pt. thereof heretofore conveyed to Benj. Hall & others All of W. \ in Salisbury . . . All in Salisbury S. E. cor. bd. N. by town line &W.byAbeel Bd. N. S. & E. by Radley, & W. by highway All in Ohio All in Salisbury Total, Jerseyfield Patent, 5,363.79 acres. LITCHFIELD, TOWN OF. Bd. beg. at N. E. cor. at a birch tree marked on 4 sides, th. N. 55 deg. W 35c. 781. to a stake & stones, th. S. 35 deg. W. 13c. 981. to a stake & stones, th. S. 55 deg. E. 35c. 981. to a stake stones & th. N. 35 deg. E. 13c.98l.tobeg 1895, '00 1881/85 1885 & Mortgage. . . 1881 & Mortgage.. . 1877/81/85 1877, '81, '85, '90... 1877. 1877, '81 1881/85 1877/81/85 4.90 20 232.40 92.60 66 500 100 7 639 12 Mortgage . 50 REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. 245 HERKIMER COUNTY. tepia PS Town. f*f '* r "" Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Russia 5 MA CHIN'S PATENT (Lush & Marvin's Tract). North ^. 1877 '95 .... 160 Webb 112 MOOSE RIVER TRACT, TOWNSHIP 3. 1895 1905 and pur- chase 1908 160 do 113 1895 1905 and pur- do 114 chase, 1908 1895 1905 and pur- 160 chase 1908 132 do 124 1895 1905 and pur- do 125 chase, 1908 1895 1905 and pur- 160 do 126 chase, 1908 1895 1905 and pur- 160 chase 1908 140 do 136 1895 1905 and pur- chase 1908 160 do 138 Ex. 20a. N. W. cor. sq 1895 1905 and pur- chase 1908 128 Total, Township 3, 1,200 acres. Wilmurt 103 MOOSE RIVER TRACT, TOWNSHIP 4. All in Herkirner county Bought 1899 54 do A MOOSE RIVER TRACT, TOWNSHIP 5. Bd beg at N E cor of Twp. 5, th. W. on N. line 44c. to S..W. cor. of lot 1, Twp. 2, th. S. 31 deg. 30 min. E. 40c., th. N. 58^ E. 44c. to W. line of Twp. 4, & th. N. 31 deg. 30 min. W. on W. line of Twp., 4, 40c. to beg . 1885 '90 '95 and Pur., 1898, '99.... 176 246 REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. HERKIMER COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Wilmurt 1 NOBLEBORO PATENT, NEW SURVEY. 1881, '85, and pur- do 2 chase, 1898 1881 '85 and pur- 150 chase 1898 150 do 3 1885 & Pur 1898 150 do 4 1885 150 do 5 1881 '85 and pur- chase 1898 150 do 6 1885 & Pur 1898 150 do 7 1848, '00 150 do g 1881 '85 and pur- chase 1898 .... 150 do 9 1885 & Pur 1898 150 do 10 1885 purchase 1898 150 do 11 1885 & Pur., 1898.. 150 do 12 1881 '85 and pur- chase 1898 150 do 13 1881 '85 and pur- do 14 chase, 1898 1881 '85 and pur- 150 chase 1898 150 do 15 1885 & Pur 1898 150 do 16 1881 '85 and pur- chase 1898 150 do 17 1885 & Pur 1898 150 do 18 Purchase 1898 150 do 19 Purchase 1898. . . . 150 do 23 1848 '85 150 do 24 1881 '85 ... 150 do 25 1885 & Pur 1898 150 do 26 1881 '85 and pur- chase, 1898 150 do . . 27 1885 & Pur 1898 . 150 do . . 28 1881 '85 and pur- do 29 - chase, 1898 1885 &Pur. 1898.. 150 150 do 30 1885 & Pur 1898.. 150 do . . 31 1881 '85, and pur- do 32 chase, 1898 1881 '85 and pur- 150 do 33 chase, 1898 Purchase, 1898 150 150 REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. 247 HERKIMER COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Wilmurt 34 NOBLEBORO PATENT, NEW SURVEY (Continued.) Purchase 1898 150 do 35 1885 &Pur 1898 150 do 36 1881 '85 & Pur 1898 150 do 37 1885 & Pur 1898 150 do 38 1885 & Pur 1898 150 do 39 1885 & Pur 1898 150 do 40 1885 & Pur 1898 150 do 42 1885 & Pur 1898 150 do . . 43 1885 & Pur 1898 150 do 44 1885 & Pur 1898 150 do 46 1881 '85 150 do 47 1877 '81 '85 150 do 48 1877 '81 '85 150 do 49 1881 '85 150 do 52 1877 '81 '85 '90 150 do 53 1877 '81 '85 '90 150 do . . 54 1877 '81 '85 150 do 56 1881 '85 150 do 57 Ex. 25a. E end, and lOOa. W. end 1877 '81 '85 '95 25 do 58 Purchase 1898 150 do 59 1877 '81 '85 150 do 60 1877 '81 85 '95 . . 150 do ... 61 1877 '81 '85 150 do 62 1877 '81 '85 '95 150 do 64 Purchase 1898 150 do 67 1881 '85 150 do .... 69 Purchase 1900 150 do 70 Purchase 1900 150 do 71 Purchase 1900 150 do 72 Purchase 1900 . 150 do 74 Purchase 1898 150 do . 75 Purchase 1898 150 do 76 Purchase 1898 150 do 77 Purchase 1898 . . 150 do 78 Purchase 1898 150 do 81 Purchase 1898 150 do 87 Purchase 1898 150 do 90 1871 '77 '81 150 do 91 1871 '77 '81 '85 150 do ... 93 1881 '85 & pur '99 150 do 94 1848.. 150 248 REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. HERKIMER COUNTY. ' I'll [;1 ' Town. jr Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Wilmurt 95 ^OBLEBORO PATENT, NEW SURVEY (Continued.) 1881 '85 & Pur 1899 150 do 97 1871 '77 '81 150 do .... 98 1871 '77 '81 150 do 99 Purchase 1898 150 do 100 Purchase 1898 150 do 101 E. part Purchase 1898. . . 50 do . . .. 101 Ex 50a E. pt 1881 100 do 102 1871 '77 '81 150 do 103 1881/85 150 do 104 1871, 77, '81 150 do 105 1877 '81 '85 150 do 106 Purchase 1900 150 do 107 Purchase, 1900 150 do . ... 108 Purchase, 1900 150 do 109 Purchase 1900 150 do 110 Purchase, 1898 150 do 111 Purchase 1898. 150 do 112 Purchase 1898 150 do 113 Purchase 1898 150 do 115 1881 '85, & Pur 1899 150 do 116 W Dt 1881 85 125 do 117 1881 '85 150 do 118 Purchase 1898. . . . 150 do . 119 Purchase 1898 150 do 120 Purchase 1898 150 do 121 1881 '85 150 do 122 1881 '85 150 do 123 1877 '81 '85 . 150 do 124 Purchase 1898 150 do 125 1877, '81/85 150 do 126 1848, '85 150 do .. 127 1877 '81 '85 150 do 129 1871 77 '81 150 do 130 1881 '85 150 do 131 1881 '85 150 do 132 1877 '81 '85 '90.. 150 do ... 134 Purchase 1898 150 do 136 Purchase 1898 150 do 137 1881 '85 150 do 138 1881 .'85. . 150 REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. 249 HERKIMER COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. T Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Wilmurt 139 NOBLEBORO PATENT, NEW SURVEY (Continued) . 1881 '85 . . 150 do 140 1871 '77 '81 150 do 141 1881, '85 150 do 143 1881, '85 150 do . . 145 Purchase 1898 150 do 146 Ex 50a S E'ly end Purchase 1900 100 do 147 Ex. 50a. S. E'ly end Purchase, 1900 100 do 1 OLD SURVEY. N & S Lakes & flow lands *Condemned 1857 751 do 1 All that remains of 1 500 a E'ly pt. of all not covered by the flow of the N. & S. Lake, after ex. 925a. E'ly pt. redeemed from 1895 sale by Ostrander & Marsh, & 175a. bd. N'ly by lot line, E'ly by land of Kibbie, S'ly by land & water appro- priated for reservoir pur- poses, & W'ly by line par'l to E. line of lot Purchase, 1898. . . . 400 do 6 E. * . Purchase 1898. . . . 150 do 39 1881 & Pur 1898 300 do 40 1881 '85 and pur- chase, 1898 300 do 41 1881 '85 and pur- chase 1898 300 do . 42 1881 '85 and pur- chase 1898 300 do 43 1881 '85 and pur- chase 1898 300 do . . 44 1881 '85 and pur- chase 1898 . ... 300 do 45 1881 '85 and pur- chase 1898 300 do 46 1881 '85 and pur- chase 1898 300 do 47 1881 '85 and pur- do .... 49 chase, 1898 1881 '85 and pur- 300 chase, 1898 300 * Ses Court of Claims Award Book Vol. 2, page 292. 250 REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. HERKIMER COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Wilmurt 99 NOBLEBORO PATENT, OLD SURVEY (Continued). Ex. und. # of 200a. E. end. . 1871, 77, '81 166 67 do 99 Und. f of 200a E pt Purchase 1898 133 33 do 107 Sub 3 Purchase 1908 200 do 108 1905 & Pur., 1901 272 Total, Nobleboro Patent, 22,023 acres. do 8 REMSENBURGH PATENT. All of N. -J & S. E. i in Wilmurt 1881 '90 '05 and do 9 Ex 20 a beg at a point in purchase, 1899 . . . 277 cen. of Pine Creek, th. N'ly to S. E'ly cor. of land of Lyon, th. Wly on line bet. Woodhull Tract & Rem- senburgh Patent to line between Lots 8 & 9, th. along said line to cen. of Pine Creek, & th. along cen. ot creek to beg Purchase, 1898. . . 480 do 12 S. *... 1881 '85 '90 250 do 13 1881 '85 and pur- chase, 1898 500 do 31 Sub 6 N W cor bd S bv Twin Lk Rd 1895 '00 '05 5 do 31 Sub 6 beg at N E cor of Sub., th. S. 13 deg. E. 36c. 131., th. S. 77 deg. W. lOc. 701, th. N. 13 deg. W. 19c. 501., th. N. 64 deg. 30 min. W. to cen. of Twin Lake Road, th. along same N. 45 deg 30 min. E. 4c. 61. to N. line of lot, & th. along same N. 77 deg. E. lie. 41. to beg.. Purchase 1900 50 15 do 33 Ex. 200a bd. beg at N. E cor. of lot, th. S. 12f deg. E. on lot line 37c. 791., th. Wly at right angles thereto 23c. 821., th. S'ly par'l to REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. 251 HERKIMER COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Wilmurt 33 REM ENBURGH PATENT (Continued). lot line 9 c 121 th W par'l toN. Iine23c. 451. th. N'ly par'l to E'ly line 46c. 911. to N'ly line, & th. N. 77* deg. E. 47c. 271. on lot line to beg 1881/85 300 do do 33 34 200a. excepted above Purchase, 1898 1881, '85 and pur- 200 chase, 1898 500 do 35 1881 '85 and pur- chase, 1898 .... 500 do 36 1881 '85 and pur- chase, 1898 500 do 37 1881 '85 and pur- do 38 chase, 1898 1881 '85 and pur- 500 chase 1988 500 do 39 1881 '85 and pur- chase 1898 500 do 40 Purchase 1899 500 do 41 Purchase, 1899. . . . 500 do 46 E pt 274a ex 50a N end 1900 '05 and pur- chase 1900 224 do 47 Ex 1 lOa W end of S \ Purchase 1899 390 do 52 Sub. 4, being N. J of S. f of lot 1881 '85 100 Ohio 60 Sub 2 all in Ohio 1885 '90 35 50 Wilmurt 65 Ex 74a subs 11 &12ofsub- div. of lots 63, 64, 65, 68, 74 75 & 76 Purchase 1900 426 Ohio 63 64 65 ; 68, 74, 75, & 76 Sub 20 all in Ohio Mortga ge 92 Wilmurt 63 64 Ohio 65, 68, 74,75 & 76 63, 64, 65, 68, 74,75, &76 Sub. 20, all in Wilmurt Sub. 21. all in Ohio.. Mortgage Mortgage. . 15 150 252 REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. HERKIMER COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Wilmurt 63, 64, REMSENBURGH PATENT (Continued). 65, 68, 74,75 &76 Sub 21 all in Wilmurt Mortgage .... 14 25 do 66 Purchase, 1908 500 do . .. 67 Purchase, 1908 500 do 72 1885 & Pur. 1898 392 do 73 1885 & Pur 1898 465 Total Remsenburgh Pat- ent, 9,115.90 acres. ROYAL GRANT, 4TH ALLOTMENT. S W J 1881 50 Salisbury 128 N W. cor. sq. 30a., and S. do 142 W cor sq 30a 1877, '81 60 Total Royal Grant, 110 acres. do 13 MARY JOHNSON TRACT. Emmonsburg Tannery prop- erty, bd. N. & E. by E. Canada Creek, S. by high- way & Jennings, W. by David & Jennings 1900 13 do 14 SUSANNAH JOHNSON TRACT. On W line of lot 16c. 251. do 15 N. from S. W. cor. 33c. 501. E. & W. & 7c. 471. N. & S. In S. W. cor. b'd. W. by land Purchase, 1899 25.22 do 27 of Jan'd Byington now W. Ereanbrack, N. by land formerly of J. Keyser now J. D. Hall, E. by J. Keyser & S. by Ellis & Hall, form- erly owned by D. A. Beach. S E cor bd N by Wai- Purchase, 1899 54 do 28 rath & line par'l to S. line of lot, & W. by highway. . . W end Mortgage, 1895 Mortgage, 1895. . . . 25 15 Total Mary and Susan- nah Johnson Tracts, 132.22 acres. KEPORT or FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. 25i HERKIMER COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Webb TOTTEN & CROSSFIELD'S PURCHASE, TOWNSHIP 38. Beg. on N. line of Township at S. E. cor. of lot 29 in tri- angle N. of this Township, th. E'ly along N. line of Township to county line, th. S'ly along county line to the line between the E. & W. of Township, th. S. E'ly along said line to a point 90c. along same from N. line of Township & th. 199c. to beg Purchase 1896. . 818 do 1 TOWNSHIP 42. Purchase 1895 209 do 2 Purchase 1895 225 50 do 3 Purchase 1895 225 50 do 4 Purchase 1895 225 50 do 5 Purchase 1895 225 50 do Q Purchase 1895 225 50 do 15 Purchase 1895 225 50 do 16 Purchase 1895 225 50 do 17 Purchase, 1895. . . . 225 50 do 18 Purchase 1895 . 225 50 do 19 Purchase 1895 225 50 do 20 Purchase 1895 209 do 21 Purchase, 1895. . . 182 40 do 22 Purchase 1895 196 80 do 23 Purchase 1895 196 80 do 24 Purchase 1895 196 80 do 37 Purchase, 1895 . 196 80 do 38 Purchase 1895 196 80 do 39 Purchase 1895 196 80 do 40 Purchase 1895 182 40 do 41 Purchase 1895 182 40 do 42 Ex 6a Mohawk & Malone do 43 Railway, right of way Same Purchase, 1895.... Purchase 1895 190.80 190 80 do 44 Ex 4a. Mohawk & Malone R. R. ,right of way Purchase, 1895.... 192.80 254 REPOBT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. HERKIMEE, COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Webb . . 45 TOTTEN & CROSSFIELD'S PURCHASE, TOWNSHIP 42 (Continued). Beg. at S. W. cor. th. N. on W. line 30c., th. S. E. to a point 30c. E. from W. line of lot & 20c. N. from S. line, th. S. 20c. to lot line, & th to beg Purchase 1895 75 do 52 Purchase 1895 196 80 do 53 Purchase 1895 196 80 do 54 Ex. la. Mohawk & Malone R R , right of way Purchase 1895 195 80 do do 55 56 Ex. 6a. right of way of Mo- hawk & Malone R. R., & 6a. all N. of said right of way & E. of a line at right angles to N. line of lot & 30c. from W. line of lot Ex. right of way of Mohawk Purchase, 1895.... 184.80 & Malone R. R. & all of lot N thereof . . . Purchas 1895 153 80 do 65 Purchase 1895 196 80 do 66 Purchase 1895 196 80 do 67 Purchase 1895 196 80 do 68 Purchase 1895 196 80 do 69 Purchase 1895 196 80 do 70 Purchase 1895 . . 182 40 do 71 Purchase 1895 182 40 do 72 Purchase 1895 196 80 do 73 Purchase 1895 196 80 do 74 Purchase 1895 196 80 do 75 Purchase 1895 196 80 do 76 Purchase 1895 196 80 do 85 Purchase 1895. . . . 196 80 do 86 Purchase 1895 196 80 do 87 Purchase 1895 196 80 do 88 Pu chase 1895 196 80 do 89 Purchase 1895 196 80 do 90 Purchase 1895 . . . 182 40 do 91 Purchase 1895 182 40 do 92 Purchase 1895 196 80 do 93 Purchase 1895 196 80 do . 94 Purchase, 1895. . 196.80 REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. 255 HERKIMER COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Webb 95 TOTTEN & CROSSFIELD'S PURCHASE, TOWNSHIP 42 (Continued). Purchase 1895 IQfi QO do 96 All in Webb Purchase 1895. . 180 40 do 97 All in Webb Purchase 1895. 18 70 do 105 All in Webb Purchase 1895 fi4 ^ft do 106 Purchase 1895 IQfi 8ft do 107 Purchase 1895 IQfi SO do 108 Purchase 1895 196 80 do 109 Purchase 1895 IQfi 80 do . 110 Purcha se 1 895 182 4ft do 111 Purchase 1895 182 4ft do 112 Purchase 1895 . 196 80 do 113 Purchase 1895 IQfi 80 do 114 Purchase 1895 IQfi 8ft do 115 All in Webb Purchase 1895 100 OA do 1 Total, Township 42, T. & C. P., 12,585.50 acres TOWNSHIP 43. Purchase 1895 1fifi 85 do 2 Purchase 1895 Ififi 8^ do 3 Purchase 1895 197 40 do 4 Purchase 1895 1Q7 40 do . 5 Purchase 1895 1Q7 4ft do . 6 Purchase 1895 1Q7 4ft do 7 Purchase 1895 m4ft do 8 Purchase 1895 m40 do 9 Purchase 1895 1fi8 do .. 10 Purchase 1895 fift 8ft do 11 Purchase 1895 150 40 do 12 Purchase 1895 1Q7 40 do 13 Purchase 1895 1Q7 4ft do 14 Purchase 1895 1Q7 4ft do 15 Purchase 1895 1Q7 4ft do 16 Purchase 1895 197 40 do 17 Purchase 189") 1Q7 40 do .. 18 Purchase 1895 1Q7 4ft do 19 Purchase 1895 ififi s*; do 20 Purchase 1895 166 85 do 21 Purchase 1895 166 85 do . 22 Purchase. 1895. . Ififi. 85 256 REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. HEREJMER COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Webb . . . 23 TOTTEN & CROSSFIELD'S PURCHASE, TOWNSHIP 43 (Continued). Purchase 1895 197 40 do 24 Purchase 1895 197 40 do 25 Purchase 1895 197 40 do 26 Purchase, 1895. . 197.40 do 27 Purchase 1895 197.40 do 28 Purchase 1895 197 40 do 29 Purchase 1895 197 40 do 30 Purchase, 1895. 150.40 do 31 Purchase 1895 150 40 do 32 Purchase 1895 197 40 do 33 Purchase 1895. . . . 197.40 do 34 Purchase 1895. 197.40 do . 35 Purchase 1895 197 40 do 36 Purchase 1895 197 40 do 37 Purchase, 1895 197.40 do 38 Purchase 1895 197 40 do 39 Purchase 1895 166 85 do 40 Purchase 1895. . . . 166.85 do 41 Purchase 1895 . 166 85 do . 42 Purchase 1895 166 85 do 43 Purchase 1895 197 40 do 44 Purchase, 1895. . . 197.40 do 45 Purchase 1895. 197 40 do 46 Purchase 1895 197 40 do 47 Purchase 1895 197 40 do 48 Purchase, 1895. . . 197.40 do . 49 Purchase 1895 197 40 do 50 Purchase 1895 150 40 do 51 Purchase, 1895 150.40 do 52 Purchase, 1895. 197.40 do . 53 Purchase 1895 197 40 do 54 Purchase 1895 197 40 do 55 Purchase 1895 197 40 do 56 Purchase 1895. 197.40 do 57 Purchase 1895 197 40 do 58 Purchase 1895 197 40 do 59 Purchase 1895 166 85 do 60 Purchase, 1895. . . 166.85 do 61 Purchase 1895 166 85 do . 62 Purchase 1895 166.85 do . 63 Purchase. 1895 197.40 EEPOET OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. 257 HERKIMER COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Webb 64 TOTTEN & CROSSFIELD'S PURCHASE, TOWNSHIP 43 (Continued). Purchase 1895 197 40 do 65 Purchase 1895 197 40 do 66 Purchase 1895 197 40 do 67 Purchase, 1895. . . . 197 40 do 68 Purchase, 1895 197 40 do 73 Purchase 1895 197 40 do 74 Purchase 1895 197 40 do 75 Purchase 1895 197 40 do 76 Purchase 1895 197 40 do 77 Purchase 1895 197 40 do 78 Purchase 1895 197 40 do 79 Purchase 1895 166 85 do 80 Purchase, 1895. . . . 166 85 do 81 Purchase 1895 166 85 do 82 Purchase 1895 166 85 do 83 Purchase 1895 197 40 do 84 Purchase, 1895 . 197 40 do 85 Purchase 1895 197 40 do 86 Purchase 1895 197 40 do 87 Purchase, 1895. . . 197 40 do 88 Purchase 1895 197 40 do 93 Purchase 1895 184 80 do 94 Purchase 1895 184 80 do 95 Purchase 1895 184 80 do 96 Purchase, 1895 . 184.80 do 97 Purchase 1895 184 80 do 98 Purchase 1895 184 80 do 99 Purchase 1895 156 20 do 100 Purchase, 1895 . . 156 20 do 104 Ex. 171-,- a. E pt Purchase 1895 13 20 do 105 Purchase 1895 184 80 do 106 Purchase 1895 184 80 do 107 Purchase 1895 184 80 do 108 Purchase 1895 184 80 do 109 Purchase 1895 156 20 do 110 Purchase 1895 156 20 do 111 Purchase 1895 182 40 do 112 Purchase 1895 196 do 1 3 Purchase 1895 196 do . 114 Purchase. 1895. . 196 258 REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. HERKIMER COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Webb 115 TOTTEN & CROSSFIELD'S PURCHASE, TOWNSHIP 43 (Continued). Purchase 1895 . . . 196 do 116 Purchase 1895 196 do 121 Purchase 1895 75 60 do 122 Purchase 1895 174 30 do 123 Purchase 1895 . . . 197 40 do 124 Purchase, 1895 . 197 40 do 125 Purchase 1895 197 40 do 126 Purchase 1895 197 40 do 127 Purchase 1895 . . . 166 85 do 128 Purchase 1895 166 85 do 129 Purchase 1895 166 85 do 130 Purchase 1895. . . . 166.85 do 131 Purchgse 1895 . . . 197.40 do 132 Purchase 1895 197 40 do 133 Purchase 1895 174 30 do do do 134 135 136 Purchase, 1895 Purchase, 1895 Purchfse 1895 75.60 75.60 174 30 do 137 Purchase 1895 166 85 do 138 Purchase, 1895 166.85 do 139 Purchase, 1895 . . . 125 85 do 140 Purchase 1895 . . 53 78 Total, Township 43, 22,385.88 seres. do 1 TRIANGLE NORTH OF TOWNSHIP 38. Purchase 1895 .. 140 do 2 Purchase 1895 214 36 do 3 Purchpse, 1895. . . . 117.24 do do 4 5 Purchase, 1895 Purchase 1895 . . . 140 160 do 6 Purchase 1805 160 do 7 Purchase, 1895 180.80 do do do . 8 9 10 Purchase, 1895 Purchase, 1895... . Purchase, 1895 . . . 82.88 143.20 164 do 11 Purchase 1895 . . 164 do 12 Purchase 1895 164 j~ 1 O 1 RA REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. 259 HERKIMEB COUNTY. Town. Lot, DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Webb 14 TOTTEN & CROSSFIELD'S PURCHASE, TRIANGLE NORTH OF TOWNSHIP 38 (Continued). i Purchase 1895 146 60 do 15 Purchase 1895 143 do 16 Purchase, 1895 . . . 164 do 17 Purchase, 1895 . . 164 do 18 Purchase 1895 164 do 19 Purchase 1895 164 do 20 Purchase 1895 140 do 21 Purchase, 1895 160 do 22 Purchase, 1895 . . . 160 do 23 Purchase 1895 160 do 24 Purchase 1895 160 do ... 25 Purchase, 1895. . . . 160 do 26 Purchase, 1895. . . . 160 do 27 All in Webb Purchase 1895 97 14 do 29 Purchase 1895 160 do 30 Purchase, 1895. . . . 160 do 31 Purchase, 1895. . . . 160 do 32 Purchase 1895 . . . 160 do 33 Purchase 1895 . 160 do 34 All in Webb Purchase, 1895 144.80 do 35 All in Webb .... Purchase, 1895 11.50 do 40 Purchase, 1895 164 do 41 Purchase 1895 .... 164 do 42 All in Webb Purchase, 1895 118.28 do 45 Purchase, 1895 48.60 do 46 Purchase, 1895 127 30 Total, Triangle N. of Township 38, 5,715.70 acres. Wilmurt 1 VROOMAN'S PATENT. Bd. beg. at a line stone mark- ed " H " set in the ground on a knoll, in the edge of the clearing on the Hinck- ley farm, at Wilmurt cor- ners (said monument was placed by D. C. Wood, sur- veyor, for heirs of Gardner 260 KEPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME, COMMISSION. HERKIMER COUNTY. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. VEOOMAN'S PATENT (Con- tinued). Hinckley, Nov. 1889, in a place of a pile of stones which was previously loca- ted by James Popple, sur- veyor, for said Gardner Hinckley about the year 1849, to locate the corner between the Hinckley farm and the Wilkinson lot), th N. from said monument 54 30' W. 45c. 721. to a stake th. N. 35 E. along a line of marked trees 47c. 431. to a stake, th. S. 55 E. along a line of marked trees 46c. 51. to a hub in highway leading from Wilmurt cor- ners to Nobleboro, th. S. 35 30' W. partly along said highway to beg. , being part of Subs. 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, of Great Lot 1 and is bd. N by land of Consolidated Water Co. of Utica, E. by said highway and land of heirs of Gardner Hinckley dec'd., S. by land of heirs of said Hinckley and W. by lands of Nathaniel Sheperd B'd. beg. in center of West Canada Creek, on S. E'ly line of the Wilkinson lot as surveyed by Popple, anc known as subs. 3, 4, 5 and 6 of lot l,Vrooman's Patent th. S. 54 30' E. 26c. 651. to a stake, th. N. 35 E. 62c to center of West Canada Creek, th. down said creek as it winds and turns to beg Purchase, 1907. 217 Purchase, 1908. 138.5 REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. 261 HERKIMER COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Wilmurt 12 VROOMAN'S PATENT (Con- tinued). All in Wilmurt 1881/85 134 do 13 S. \ of N. i 1881, '85 50 do 17 All in Wilmurt 1881, '85 134 do 20 All in Wilmurt 134a ex 60a W. pt. thereof 1881, '85 74 do 20 W. part Purchase, 1899 . . . 60 do . 24 W. end 19c 131 E & W Purchase, 1907 . 50 do 24 Ex 50 a N W part re- deemed from 1885 sale by Ballow Purchase, 1908 150 do . 25 All in Wilmurt 1881, '85 134 do do 28 29 All in Wilmurt 1905 &Pur., 1907. Purchase, 1907. .. . 134 200 do 30 N. \ 1905 & Pur., 1907. 100 do 33 1905 & Pur., 1907. 200 do 34 All in Wilmurt 1885 '90 134 do 41 All in Wilmurt, 134a. ex. 18a. N. W. pt thereof 1881/85 116 Webb do 4 6 Total, Vrooman's Patent, 2,025.50 acres. WATSON'S EAST TRIANGLE. Ex. 143-,- -a. middle part Purchase, 1908 1877 '81 '85 '90 '05 344 542 do 7 W. \.. , 1877, '81, '85, '90. . 286 do 9 N. W. cor. sq 1885, '90, '95 475 do 10 1885 '90, '95 671 10 do 12 N. W. cor. sq 1885, '90, '95 500 do 13 Ex. 392, 73 E. pt 1877, '81, '85 660 27 do 13 E part Purchase, 1903 . . . 392 73 do 15 E. pt. 346a. & lOOa. N. W. do 17 cor. sq. of 334a. W. pt 1877, '81, '85/90/95 Purchase, 1908 446 695 do 18 N. * & S. E. J . . Purchase, 1908 . . 520 50 do 19 Purchase, 1908 690 do 23 Purchase 1908 715 do 24 Purchase, 1908 704 do 27 Ex. 495a. N. W. cor. & 102- T^ftra., all of 194 T Jhr E. side across not contained in 495a. sq. in N. W. corner of lot 1885/95/00 96.47 262 REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. HERKIMER COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Webb 28 WATSON'S EAST TRIANGLE (Continued). W. 357a. ex. 288fa. all of 495a. N. W. cor. sq. therein. 1885, '90, '95 68 25 do 29 1881, '85, '90 and do 34 purchase, 1899 . . . Purchase 1908 658 702 do 36 S. E. cor. 81c. on N. 30Jc. on E., 80c. on S. and 29 Jc. on W. line Purchase 1908 239 48 do 40 N W cor sq 1885 '90 '95 130 Total, Watson's East Tri- angle, 9,535.80 acres. Wilmurt 1 WOODHULL TRACT. Purchase, 1898 653 04 do 4 Purchase 1898 624 do 6 1881 '85 '95 600 do 7 All in Wilmurt 1877, '81, '85.... 92 do 12 Same 1881, '85 166 Total, Woodhull Tract, 2,135 acres RE POET OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. 263 LEWIS COUNTY. List of Lands Belonging to the State. (Total number of acres, 4,520.88.) Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Osceola 38 BOYLSTON PURCHASE, TOWN- SHIP 13. N W cor bd E by Grif- do 50 fiths, & S. by Jackson Bd N by Potter or Porter 1881/85 62 E. & W. by lot lines, & S. by Brockway . 1877 61 do ... 50 N ex und pd by S Burleson 1885 61 5 do 69 N end 1881 '85 25 do 74 1877 '81 '85 236 do . . ... 98 N W cor bd E by Hinman & Williams 120a. & S. W. cor. bd. N. & E. by R. Steward 62a 1881 '85 182 do 127 1881 '85 265 do 134 Bd. N. & S. by Driscol, & E. & W. by lot line 1881, '85 . , 83 Total, Boylston Purchase, Township 13, 975 acres. Greig 95 BRANTINGHAM TRACT. S. pt. " W. Trull " 1877/81/85 141 do do 113 171 N.i W sideSOa ex 16fa all con- 1877/81/85 102 tained therein of 50a. bd. N. by Bender, E. & W. by lot lines, & S. by Smith 1877 33.31 do 187 E pt or side 1881 '85 73 do 188 1881 '85 236 do 189 Ex 50a N E cor 1881 '85 104 6' Lyonsdale 203 E. side 1871/77/81 32 do 203 Bd. N. & S. by lot lines, E. by Brown & W. by Warner 1895 70 do 204 1871 '77 '81 183 do 205 W. side bd. E. by Bogart, 144a., & S. E. cor of Rem. 30c. Ion*. N. & S. 33a. . 1877 '81 '85.. 177 264 REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. LEWIS COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Lyonsdale 222 BRANTINGHAM TRACT (Continued) . N. E. cor., bd. S. by Paint Creek, & W. by road 1871, '77, '81. . . 2.50 do do 223 226 N. E. cor. of lot, bd. beg. at said N. E. cor., th. N. 86J deg. W. on N. line 32c. 801., th. S. 3| deg. W. 6c. 681. to centre of Old Road to Paint Creek, th. E'ly up Paint Creek to E. line of lot & th. N. 4i deg. E. along said E. line 5c. 121. to beg., 23a. & W. part bd. E. byBogart, 90a E. pt. . 1877, '81, '90 1877, '81 113 77 do 262 N. E. cor. bd. S. by Moose river .... 1877 . . . 50 do 305 N. W. cor., bd. E. & S. by Rodgers 1877 '81 '85 14 do 308 Bd. N. by Chase, E. & S. by Rodgers, & W. by Banning 1881 . 14 do 311 S. W. cor., bd. N. by Hoi- comb, & E. by G. H. Brown 1881 50 do 314 1877, '81, '85 181 Total, Brantingham Tract, 1,653^ acres. Lewis 153 INMAN'S TRIANGLE. E. side 1877, '81, '90 147 do 153 N. W. cor 1877, '81 '90 .. . 50 Total, Inman's Triangle, 197 acres. West Turin 5 LYONS FALLS VILLAGE BLOCK 7. N W ex und paid bv Julia L. De Camo . . 1881 . . .13 REPOKT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. 265 LEWIS COUNTY. Town. Diana. do do do do do New Bremen. Croghan. Lot. 906 924 924 990 1977 DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. MACOMB'S PURCHASE, GREAT TRACT 4. S. W'ly cor., bd. N'ly by William Hunt & others, & E'ly by Hammond & Morse lands Simon Van Patten bd. N'ly by lot line, E'ly by Paddock & Judson, & S'ly by Pad- dock & Judson, & W'ly by William A. Paddock & Jud- son's lands McKenna est. bd. N'ly by St. Lawrence County, E'ly by Barber, S'ly by lot 925, & W'ly by Leonard Bd. N'ly by lot 991, E'ly by lots 337 & 338, S. by lot 989 & Seeley, & W'ly by Hughes & Paul's land. . . Total, 471 acres. TRIANGLE IN EASTERLY END Bd. N'ly & W'ly by Beach, E'ly by Humes, & S'ly by lot 2 Bd. N'ly by lot 1, E'ly by Humes, S'ly by Buell & Bartholomew, & W'ly by Beach & Buell or Bush & Buell Total, 309 acres. GREAT TRACT 5. (Chassinu's Tract.) Range 3, E. 7 N., Robinson Elihu lot, bd. N. & S. by R. C. Hurlburt, E. by Erie Canal Road & W. by Mar- cellus Walker Range 4, W. 24. N. pt. . . 1881 . . 1881, .'85, 1885. 1881, '85 1881, '85, 1881/85, Co. Treas., 1890 1881.. 50 66 65 290 90 219 7.50 20 266 REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. LEWIS COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Lewis 20 MACOMB'S PURCHASE (Continued). GREAT TRACT 6. TOWNSHIP 1. E. side 199a ex 135a E do 38 pt. thereof 1877, '81, '85 1881 '85 64.50 257 do 44 1877, '81, '85. .. 259 do 57 E. side . . . 1877 '81 '85 100 Total, Great Tract 6, Township 1, 680 acres. Highmarket. . . . 37 TOWNSHIP 3 LUCRETIA CONSTABLES' PURCHASE B'd. beg. at N. E. cor. of lot, th. S. 37 deg. W. on E. line of lot 26c. 361., th. N. 52* deg. W. 18c. 961., th. N. 75 deg. E. 32c. 351. to beg Mortgage 1899 25 do Turin 37 70-71 S. E. cor. b'd. beg. at S. E. cor. of lot, th. N. 52 deg. W. 18c. 931., th. N. 37deg. E. 26c. 381., th. S. 52* deg. E. 18c. 851., & th. S. 37* deg. W. 26c. 381. to beg. ... B'd. beg at a stake in S lino Mortgage, 1899 50 of lot 71 which stands S. 52*. E. 15c. 281. from the N. W. cor. of said lot and extends from th. S. 37* W. 39c. 501. to a stake on S. side of lot, th. N. 52 W. 19c. 101. to a stake, th. N. 37 E. 39c. 881. to a stake which is N. 52 W. 3c. 821. from N. E. cor. of lot 70, th. S. 52 E. 19c. 101. to beg . Mortgage 75.25 do 84 Bd N'ly by Carpenter E'ly by Parsons & others, S'ly by lot line, & W'ly by Rob- erts, deceased. . 1877.. ..:;: .. 2 REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION". 267 LEWIS COUNTY. Town. Turin do do Watson do Lot. 84 84 84 240 310 DESCRIPTION. Greig . MACOMB'S PURCHASE, GREAT TRACT 6, TOWNSHIP 3, Lu- CRETIA CONSTABLE'S PUR- CHASE (Continued). Bd. N'ly & E'ly by Carpenter S'ly by lot line, & W'ly by Coe & others Bd. N'ly, E'ly & W'ly by Doud's land, & line thereof same course continued, S'ly by lot line S. W. cor. bd. N'ly by Car- penter, & E'ly by Coe Total, Township 3, 87 acres. WATSON'S WEST TRIANGLE S. part S. E. cor. bd. beg. at a hem- lock knot in center of Erie Canal Road, on line be- tween lots 309 & 310, th. N'ly along center of said road, 8c. 331. to a hemlock knot in center of said road, th. S. 87 deg. E. 30c. to a hemlock post, th. S. on E. line of lot 310, according to the original survey, th. W. on line between lots 309 and 310 to beg Tax sales or source of title. WILKES' TRACT. S. part 1877. 1877. 1877. 1877, '81, '85. Mortgage, 1892. 1866. Acres. 48 25 46 268 REPOKT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. ONEIDA COUNTY. List of Lands Belonging to the State. (Total number of acre?, 6,859^-.) Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Fores tport ADGATE'S EASTERN TRACT. (Gouverneur Lot.} Ex. lOOa. S. pt. owned b\ T Delarme ... 1877 '81 600 do 6 (Miller & Swanton Lot.} Sub. 1, Ex. 32^a. conveyed to John Harrig, Jr., June 16, 1864, and recorded in book 253 of Deeds, page 49, & 39iWa., conveyed to John Skillen, April, 1863, and recorded in clerk's office of Oneida Co., April 10, 1863, in Book 244, page 76 Mortgage 1878 28 40 do 10 1877 '85 350 do 14 N. pt 300a & S W. cor. (sub 1) 50a 1877 '81 '85 and do 15 Mortgage, 1870... 1877, '81 '85 350 462 Total, Adgate's Eastern Tract, 1,790-fo acres. Boonville 55 ADGATE'S WESTERN TRACT (East side of Black Hirer}. N. pt . Mortgage, 1871 25 do 55 56 All that certain piece or par- 62,63 cel of land situated in the Town of Boonville, in the County of Oneida, known and distinguished by a survey thereof made by B. Wright, in the year 1794, on a map of said land filed in the Clerk's office of Oneida County by being lots No. 56, 62 and 63, on the E. side of the river in Adgate's REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. 269 ONEIDA COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. T Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Boonville. 55,56 62.63 do 73 ADGATE'S WESTERN TRACT (EAST SIDE OF BLACK RIVER) (Continued). Western Tract, said lot 56 containing 155fa., more or less, said lot 62 containing 160^a. and said lot 63, con- taining 164a., more or less, excepting and reserving, however, from said lot 56 so much said part thereof, if any, as is included in a farm of 51a., surveyed for Wm. Booth and now under con- tract to Stephen Barns ; and and also excepting and reserving from said lot 62 all that part thereof lying N'ly of the center of the Brown's Tract Road, and now under contract to Richard Lee; also is hereby conveyed 25a. off the N part of lot 55 in said Tract on the E. side of river, b'd N. by N. line of said lot, E. by E. line of lot, W. by the Patent line and the line of lot 9 in said Tract, and S. by line par'l with N. line of lot, drawn so as to include 25a. Bd. beg. on W. line of lot in centre of road to Hawkins- ville, th. on lot line N 36 deg. W. 8c. 371., th. N. 55 deg. E. 15c., th. N. 35 deg. W. 7c., th. N. 55 deg. E. 9c, 601. to E. line of lot, th. S. 1 deg. W. 24c. 401. to cen- ter of road to Hawkinsville & th. S. 72 deg. W. along' center of said road 9c. 501. to beg *Resale, 1899 480.75 Mortgage, 1875. 20 "Formerly bonded laud. 270 REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. ONEIDA COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Boonville. 74,75 76,79 do 75,79 do, 75,76 &79 ADGATE'S WESTERN TRACT (EAST SIDE OF BLACK RIVER (Continued) . Parts thereof, being the same premises conveyed by Mor- ris S. Miller & others to Richard Hurlbert, dated Jan. 15, 1856, recorded in clerk's office of Oneida Co., March 22, 1856, in Book 194 of Deeds, page 478, etc. Beg. at a point in E. line of lot 74 where it is crossed by Dan' I. Thayer's N. line, th. N'ly 4c. 251. along said E. line to the center of a road, th. E'ly along said center to a point where it is inter- sected by a S'ly line of B. Churchill's lot, th. E'ly along said S'ly line to a birch tree cornered and marked, th. S'ly on a line par'l with Dan'l. Thayer's E. line & 9c. distant there- from 35 c. to center of Cum- mins' Creek, th. N. & W. along the center of said creek to Dan'l. Thayer's S. E. corner, th. N'ly along said Thayer's E. line to his N. E. corner, & th. Wly along his N. line lOc. to beg. Parts thereof bd. beg. at a hemlock tree, on N. side of Cummins' Creek, about lc. below Burgess' sawmill; th. N. 10 deg. E. 7c. 501. to a beech marked; th. N. 80 deg. E. 40c. 501. to a hem- lock, marked; th. S. 10 deg. E. 16c. 751. to a spruce, marked; th. S. 71 deg. W. 19c, 461. to Cummins' Creek, Mortgage, 1879. 155.89 Mortgage, 1894. 50 REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. 271 ONEIDA COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Boonville 75,76 & 79 ADGATE'S WESTERN TRACT, (EAST SIDE OF BLACK RIVER) (Continued). at a spruce, marked, & th. up said creek 33c. 501. to beg., lOOa. ex. 15a. pt. of lot 75 as surveyed by C. L. Phelps, Feb. 23 ; 1864, & deeded to Andrew Wells, Jan. 1, 1864 Mortgage, 1879. . . . 85 Total, Adgate's West- ern Tract, East Side Black River 8163 acres. Lee 13 BANYAR'S PATENT. N pt bd S by land of Benj Rudd Mortgage 1888 24 25 Western 17 S. W. cor. bd. E'lv by a deep gulf and N'ly a line par'] with S line Mortgage 1888 5 Lee 18 Mortgage 1888 95 do 23 ^ of S. -^ being premises con- veyed Jan. 5, 1846, by G. Leroy Banyar to Alfred Hartshorn Mortgage, 1888. . . . 25.50 do 46 47 w.t E. side adj. the above Total, Banyar's Patent, 198a. Mortgage, 1907 Mortgage, 1907 46.25 2 Bridgewater 5 BAYARD'S, OR FREE MASON'S PATENT. Sub 7 Forfeited 2 50 Rome 87 FONDA'S PATENT. B'd beg. in center of the State Road, th. N. 25 E. Ic. 821. to land owned by Adam Conradt, th. S. 85 E. along S'ly line of said Conradt' s land 34c. 501. to E. line of lot, th. S. 2 E. 13c. 451., th. N. 85 W. 24c. to center j 272 KEPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. ONEIDA COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Rome. 37 Boonville . . do 18 Verona . . FONDA'S PATENT (Contin- ued). of said road and th. N. 44 45' W. 18c. 401. to beg., 40a, ex. sold Lelan Agan. Recorded April 30, 1846, in Book of Deeds 123, page 211.. MACHIN'S PATENT (TOWNS OF AVA, BOONVILLE, REM- SEN & STEUBEN). Bd. beg. on E. line of lot 20c. from S. E. cor. thereof, th. S. 89 deg. 15 min. W. par'l with S. line of lot 35c. to a stake & stones, th. N'ly along land of Henry Shott 20c. to a stake & stones, th. N. 89 deg. 15 min. E. along land of John A. Phelps 35c to lot line, & th. S. 20c. to beg. 70a. ex. 2a. thereof occupied for roadbed by the Black River & Utica R. R. Co N. W. cor. sq. as near as may be, 180a. ex. 25a. N. W. pt. thereof, bd. N. & W. by lot lines, E. by Black River Canal & S. by line par'l with N. line of lot 5a. occupied by the Ogdensburg & Clay- ton & Rome R. R. and ex. so much thereof as is appro- priated for the plank road & Black River Canal run- ning through the same .... Total, Machin's Patent 21 7 acres. NEW LONDON. Village lot Mortgage, 1896. 39,50 Mortgage, 1879, 68 Mortgage, 1882. Resale 1899. 149.50 REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. :,"'> ONEIDA COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. ONEIDA RESERVATION. Vernon 12 Purchase of 1826. S part *Resale, 1899 50 26 do .... 13 *Resale 1899 . . 78 80 do 5 Purchase of 1840. N. part *Resale, 1899 30 do 28 Part *Resale 1899 6 65 Total, Oneida Reserva- tion, 165.71 acres. ORISKANY PATENT. Rome 4 Allotment 3. The S Wly end of Wly part of lot 4 to be taken off the premises designated in a deed from Ber j. Huntington and others to Viena Wheeler & others, dated March 31, 1849, recorded in Oneida Co. Clerk's office, April 13, 1897, in Book 535, Page 342, said 40a. lie on S'ly side of said premises and is b'd N'ly & S'ly by parallel lines, parallel with S'ly line in said description, the S. W. cor. of said 40a. to be 120 rods distant on said S'ly line from S. Wly side of the Rome & Clinton R. R., the Wly side of said 40a. is bound by a line at right angles to said S'ly line of said 40a. the N'ly line is parallel to said S'ly line and is so far distant therefrom N'ly as to con- tain 40a. the S. Wly line of said R. R. being the E'ly line of said 40a Mortgage, 1907... . 40 Total number of acres, Oriskany Patent,40. *Formerly bonded land. 274 REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. ONEIDA COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Forestport Remsen 3 8 REMSENBURGH PATENT. Sub. 3 N. W. cor. bd. E. by Her. 1881/85 93 Co S by O'Brien 1895 120 Forestport 19 S. W. i 1877 125 do 21 S E cor. bd. N. & W. by river 1877 3 Total, Remsenburgh Patent, 341 acres. Annsville 13 SCRIBA'S PATENT, TOWNSHIP 3. S E cor : . . . 1877 18 do . . 25 E i Mortgage 1907 65 27 do 26 N'ly pt. bd. S. by line par'l to N. line Mortgage, 1896. . . . 30 do 26 S of middle 104- 1 1 A -a. bd. do 26 N'ly by 52 1 * 3 o-a. sold Thos. Powers S'ly by 30a. sold said Powers & E'ly & W'ly by lot lines Mortgage, 1896.... Mortgage 1907 52.37 82 37 Florence 45 W'ly \ 67|a ex 30a N end Annsville do 80 81 contracted to Mahoney. . . . In N. *2Ha-& a11 of s -i f lot ex. 50a. W. thereof, 48-nj-a. W. thereof, 48-^a . . All Mortgage, 1900.... Mortgage, 1871 .... Mortgage, 1871 .... 37.85 50.75 154.50 Florence Annsville .... 103 112 S. E. cor. bd. beg on E. side of highway leading from Empyville to Remsen at Benj. Tanner's saw mill at S. line of T. H. Simpkin's land; th. along Simpkin's land to lot 104; th. S'ly along lot line to land of Ramson & Benj. Tanner; th. W'ly along said land to highway & th. N'ly along said highway to beg W'ly of 152 HI fa bd beg Mortgage, 1879.... 11 at N. E. cor. of lot, th. S. 21 W. along E. line of said REPOKT OF FOKEST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. 275 ONEIDA COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Annsville . 112 Florence. . 117 do 148 Annsville. SCRIBA'S PATENT, TOWNSHIP 3 (Continued). lot 62c. 151. to S. E. cor. thereof, th. N. 69 W. along S. line of lot 24c. 601. to a stake, th. N. 21 E. along a line of marked trees 62c. 131. to N. line of said lot and th. S. 69 -E. 24c. 601. to beg Bd. beg. at S. W. cor. of lot; th. S. 67 deg. E. along lot Iinel6c. 261. ; th. N. 23 deg. 53 min. E. 22c. 321. ; th. S. 67 deg. E. 3c. 501. to center of highway; th. N. 23 deg. 53 min. E. 20c. 891. to cen- ter or turn in highway; th. N. 6 deg. 52 min. along cen- ter of highway 6c. 811. to lands of Wm. Whipple on lot 103; th. N. 67 deg. W. 16c. 261. to lot line, & th. S. 23 deg. 53 min. along lot line 48c. 741. to beg Total, Township 3, 641.43 acres. TOWNSHIP 4. Part deeded C. C. Durst to E. E. F. Durst, 1876, re- corded Oneida Co. clerk's office, Book 362, page 34... TOWNSHIP 8. (East i.) Sub. 1, N. hi S. W. cor. deeded to R. R. and 3a. N. W. cor. thereof deeded to J. S. Rosa and J. Woodward. . Mortgage, 1905. Mortgage, 1879. 88.32 Mortgage, 1900. 30 Mortgage, 1897. 51 276 REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. QNEJDA COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Camden do 44 Vienna. 66 do 66 SCRIBA'S PATENT, TOWNSHIP 8 (Continued). West Part in Camden. Bd. N. by lands of Abram Skinner, E. by lands of F Skinner, S. by lands for- merly owned by Strong and W. by lands of Robt Robertson N. W. cor. bd. E. by Fish Creek, & S. & W. by lands of Miner Buell or Buel . . (West i). Bd. beg. at N. E. cor. of lot th. S. 23 deg. W. on E. line of lot 27 c. 181. to center of highway; th. N. 30 deg. W. along said center 9c. 951.; th. N. 55 deg. E. 6c. 291; th. N. 2 deg. W. 3c. ; th. N. 14 deg. W. 3c. 271., th. 43 deg. E. 2c. 281., th. N. 45 deg. 45 min. E. 3c. 871. to center of W. branch of Fish Creek & th. down along stream to beg. 14a Bd. beg. in center of highway from Camden to McCon- nellsville and in E. bounds of farm occupied by A. C. Stewart, th. along cen. of said highway 20 rods, 7 ft. to a point opposite a hem- lock post marked "A" on the left hand side of thej road running towards | McConneilsville, th. to a post on E'ly side of said highway, th. to and along on W. side of a poplar tree to W. bounds of a farm oc- 1877 1871,77. 30 REPOBT OF FOKEST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. 277 ONEIDA COUNTY. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. 66 66 27 SCRIBA'S PATENT, TOWNSHIP 8, West } (Continued). cupied by Jas. Badley, th. along said Badley's Wly bounds as the fence now stands to center of W. branch of Fish Creek, th. along center of said creek to N. E. cor. of farm occupied by said Stewart th. along Stewart'sE'ly bounds to beg. ex. right of the owner of the mill dam at McConnellsville may now have, to flow land described, 22 acres Beg. on E. line of lot 6 in center of highway from Camden to McConnellsville, th. along center of said highway towards Camden 9c. 951. to W. cor. of land of Jas. Badley, th. along Badley's Wly line to a large poplar tree on land of A. D. McLellen, th. Wly on S. bounds of McLellan's land to center of said high- way and th. S. E'ly along said center to lands of J. Badley, 2 acres Ex. from the above 3 par- cels 4a. more or less, right of way of R. R^ Total, Township, 8,118 TOWNSHIP 9. N. W. cor S. E. cor. 24c. 241. long N. & S. and 16c. 501. wide E. & W. ex. lOa. sold Coats; deed recorded, Book 345, page 452 W. iex. 30a. N. end Mortgage, 1903. 1877... 34 Mortgage, 1902. Mortgage, 1902. 14 30 47 278 REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. ONEIDA COUNTY. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. 28 39 39 41 53 53 54 54 SCRIBA'S PATENT, TOWNSHIP 9 (Continued'). E. pt. bd. W. by line parl. to E. line Bd. beg. at S. W. cor. of lot th. N. 21 deg. E. on W. line of lot 43c. 701. to N. W. cor. th. S. 69 deg. E. on N. line of lot lie. 431. to a stake, th. S. 21 W. 43c 751. to a stake on S. line of lot and th. N. 69 deg. W. on S. line of lot, lie. 401. to beg Bd. beg. in E'ly bounds of lot at N. E. cor. of estate of A. Bailey, th. N. 65i deg. W. parallel with N'ly line of lot 17c. 261., th. S. 24^ deg. W. parallel with Wly line of Bailey estate 23c. 811. to the center of high- way crossing said lot, th. N. E'ly along said highway and along a disused high- way to E'ly line of lot and th. N. 24J deg. E. on said line 15c. 501. to beg N. E. cor. 15c. 201. long N. & S.and6c. 591. wide E. &W. N. E. part Part 25a. ex. 6.65a. and 2a. deeded by Dun to Horn . . . Part 30a. ex. l.SOa. deeded to Dun and ex. 5a. deeded J. Hawes to Daw ley Bd. beg. at S. W. cor. of above described 50a. in lot 39, th. E'ly along said line 27.36 rods, th. S'ly 8.77 rods, th. Wly parallel with N. line 27.36 rods and th. N'ly to beg Total, Township 9, 296.10 acres. Mortgage, 1886. 45 Mortgage, 1901, 50 Mortgage, 1902. Mortgage, 1902. Mortgage, 1899. Mortgage, 1899. Mortgage, 1899. Mortgage, 1901 35.65 10 23.10 16.35 23.50 1.50 REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. 279 ONEIDA COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Vienna 9 SCRIBA'S PATENT (Continued). TOWNSHIP 10. Mortgage, 1901 155 do 19 S pt formerly belonging to do 21 P. J. Monroe, bd. N'ly by land conveyed to J. Rae. . . . Bd N'ly by land of Jno Mortgage, 1901 38 do 31 Pierce, E'ly by land of saic Pierce, S'ly by lot 32, W'ly by lot 20, being premises purchased of sheriff of Co. recorded Book 363, page 349 N end Mortgage, 1904. . . . 1877 70 79 do 33 Mortgage 1901... 151.75 do do 40 40 Bd. beg. at N. W. cor. of saic lot in center of highway, th S. 22 deg. W. along said center 20c. 851. to N. W. cor. of R. P. Andus' land th. S. 68 deg. E. along N. line of said land 8c. 501. to a stake & stones, th. N. 22 deg. E. 20c. 751. to a stake on S. line of lot 29, th. N. 68 deg. W. along line of lots 8c. 201. to beg. ex. school- house lot 5x8 rods Bd beg on N'ly boundary Mortgage, 1901 17.50 do 50 on W. bank of Kellogg's mill pond at high water mark, th. N. 73 deg. W. along said boundary 17c. 801. to a stake and stones, th. N. 16J deg. W. to center of highway leading from Malloy saw mill to Kellogg saw mill, th. along center of highway to margin of Kellogg's pond, and th. N'ly along said pond to beg .... N -k bd S by line par'lwith Mortgage, 1901.... 10 N. line of lot Co. Tr. Sale 1884 & Mortgage, 1885. .. 50 280 REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. ONEIDA Coins TY. Lot. 55 89 13 DESCRIPTION. SCRIBA'S PATENT, TOWNSHIP 10 (Continued). W. Jof 49a. S. pt W. pt., bd. beg. at N. E. cor. of lot 65, th. S. 68 deg. E. along lot line 7c. 751. to a stake, th. S. 22 deg. W. 33c. to a stake on N. line of Peter J. Monroe's tract, th. N. 80 deg. W. along said Monroe's N. line, 8c. 41. to S. E. cor. of lot 65, & th. 22 deg. E. along E. line of said lot 65, 35c. to beg Total, Township 10, 622.84 acres. STEUBEN PATENT. N. W. cor. bd. E. by high- way & S. by lands of Evan I. Griffiths. . WESTERN, TOWN OF. Minnie Drummond; bd. N., E. & S. by land of Thos. & Benj. Jones, and W. by highway leading from Delta to Quaker Hill, about 2 miles from the village of Delta, N. Y WILLETT'S (MARINUS) 2,000 ACRE TRACT. W. or N. W. cor. 34c. long E. & W. 23c. 891. long, N. &S... WOODHULL TRACT. Bd. beg. on S. line of said lot 6c. 471. W. of the S. E. cor. thereof, and 11. S. of a rock Tax sales or source of title. Mortgage, 1880. Mortgagt , 1880. Mortgage, 1893. Co. Treas., 1859. Mortgage, 1880, '< Acres. 24.75 26.84 30 80 KEPOBT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. ONEIDA COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. WOODHULL TRACT (Continued). Forestport 13 th. N. 88 deg. W. (as the needle pointed in 1856) along said S. line 6c. 781. to a stake, th. N. \\ deg. E. to the center of the high- f way leading from Bear Creek to Big Woodhuil Lake, th. along the same N 67} deg. E. 6c. 921. to a stake, th. S. \\ deg. W. 8c. to stake, th. S. 88 deg. E. 671. to a stake, th. S. H deg. W. 67c. 151. to beg Mortgage, 1886 .... 50 do 13 E. pt. being E. pt. of Subs. 1 2 & 3 Mortgage, 1888. . . . 50 do ... 13&21 Sub 16 1877, '81, '85 55 do 21 Subs. 9 & 10 in Subdivision of Lots 13, 21 & 28 Mortgage 102 do 31 N. W. 55a. ex. und. ^ thereof paid by Griffith Jones 1890 27.50 do 31 Bd. beg. at N. W. cor. of lot 32, th. S. 88 deg. E. along N. line of lot 32, 39c. 91. to a stake 4c. N. by N. E. from a spruce tree cornered, th. N. 2 deg. E. 55c. 601. to a stake 91. N. from a beech tree cornered, th. along S. line of Peter Rork's land N. 88 deg. W. 16c. 261. to a stake, th. S. 2 deg. W. 5c. 81. to a stake, th. along S line of 55a. N. W. cor. of lot, 31. N. 88 deg. W. 22c. 881. to a stake 111. S. W. from a beech tree cornered, th. along E. line of lot 39 S. 2 deg. W. 50c. 521. to beg Mortgage 205 do 36 ueg ....... Sub. 2, bd. beg. at a stake in S. W. cor. of lot, th. N. 2 deg. E. 37c. 501., th. S. 88 282 REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. ONEIDA COUNTY. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. 36 38 39 39 39 39 39 40 WOODHULL TRACT (Continued). deg. 30 min. E. 13c. 151., th. S. 2 deg. W. 37c. 501., th. N. 88 deg. 30 min. W. 13c. 151., to beg Sub. 5, S. Sub. 6 Sub. A Sub. B Sub. 1 Sub. 3 Sub. 4, 5, & 6 N. pt. Sub. 1, bd. beg. at a stake the cor. of lots 39 & 40, 47 & 48, th. 45 min. E. 38c. 551. to a stake, th. N. 89 deg. 15 min. E. 25c. 941. to a small beech sapling cornered, th. N. 45 min. W. 38c. 551. to a stake stand- ing in N. line of lot 40, th. along said line S. 89 deg. 15 min. W. 25c. 941. to beg. lOOa., ex. 13|a. & 9 sq. rods conveyed by John Coughlin & wife to Philip McGuire by deed May 6, 1859, recorded March 23, 1861, in Book 227, page 106, bd. beg. at S. E. cor. of Sub. at a small beech sapling cornered, th. N. !$ deg. E. along E. line thereof 16c. 791. to center of White Lake road, so called, th. S. 45f deg. W. along said road 23c. 551. to S. line of Sub., th. S. 88^ deg. E. 16c. 451. to beg.; also 4 acres con- veyed by John Coughlin to Esther McCarthy, June 12, 1865, recorded June 17, \ 1865, in Book 261, on page' Mortgage, 1887 Mortgage, 1872 Mortgage, 1872 Mortgage Mortgage, 1882... . Mortgage, 1885 1877, '81, Mortgage Mortgage, 1882.. 49 59 114.39 50 50 100 180 150 REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. 283 ONEIDA COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Forestport . 40 dc . do 40 48 WOODHULL TRACT (Continued). 395, bd. beg. on E. line of Sub. in center of White Lake road, th. S. Wly along center of said road 5c., th. N. par' 1 with E. line of Sub., 'lie. 531., th. N. E'ly par'l with said road 5c., & th. S'ly along E. line of Sub. lie. 531. to beg N. iSub. 3N. f On W. line of lot, 15c. 601. from N. W. cor. thereof 15c. 601. wide N'ly & S'ly, & 31c. 321. long E'ly & Wly Total, Woodhull Tract, 1,424.70 acres. Mortgage, 1887 Mortgage, 1881.... Mortgage, 1875, '82 80.40 54 48.40 284 EEPOET OF FOKEST, FISH AXD GAME COMMISSION. ST. LAWRENCE COUNTY. List of Lands Belonging to the State. (Total number of acres, 47,554.) Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Canton 7 CANTON TOWNSHIP. MILE SQUARE LOTS. RANGE 3. Sub. 6. S. W'ly 1871 50 Madrid 14 COLUMBIA VILLAGE. (Main Street, North Side). 1871 DeKalb COOPER'S FALLS. (Village}. Bd N N'ly or N E'ly by village lots 13, 14, 15 & 17, E'ly, S. E'ly or S'ly by cen- ter of plank road from Dekalb village to Cooper's Falls village, S'ly or S. W'ly by river or ravine, street or avenue to be laid out 100 ft. wide from said plank- road to Oswegatchie river, and N. W'ly by Oswegat- chie river 1866, '71, '77 2.50 Gouverneur 3 FORT TRACT (South of Oswe- gatchie River, Section 1). 1885 '90 '95 . . 8.44 do 6 1885 '90 10 54 Total, 18-, a o 8 o acres. Hopkinton HOPKINTON, TOWN OF. Bd beg in center of the highway leading from Gaines Sheldon's land to East Stockholm at a point in the S. bounds of the town 1 REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. 285 ST. LAWRENCE COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Hopkinton. Lisbon do Louisville. 41 HOPKINTON, TOWN OF (Continued). of Stockholm, th. S'ly 21c. 951. to N. W'ly cor. of Asa Sheldon's land, th. S. lie. 361. to a stake & stones, th. W. along N. line of lands lately under contract of sale to Sheldon & Stoddard, 49c. 831. to Parker Converse lands, th. N. along E. line of said Converse lands 8c. 901. to a stake in the bounds of Stockholm, th. E'ly along town line 53c. to beg. . . . LISBON TOWNSHIP, MILE SQUARE LOTS. RANGE 5. Sub. 21 RANGE 7. Sub. 17, E'ly pt. bd. W'ly by 20a. sold to H. Moncrief . LOUISVILLE TOWNSHIP, MILE SQUARE LOTS. Bd. beg. at a cedar post marked 40, 41, 50, 51, be- ing S'ly cor. of said Mile Square, th. N. 63 E. along S'ly line of said Mile Square 92c. 371. to a cedar post marked 41, 42, 51, 52, the E'ly cor. of said Mile Square th. N. 27 W. along E'ly line thereof 37c. 531. to a post marked 1 & 2, th. S. 62c. 311. W. 92c. 211. to a hemlock post marked 1 2 standing on W'ly line of Mile Square 41 & th. S. 27 E. along said W'ly line 38c. 401. to beg Mortgage, 1896. 1895. 1885, '90. 104.86 20.38 11.74 Mortgage, 1907. 350.33 286 REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. ST. LAWRENCE COUNTY. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. MACOMB'S PURCHASE, GREAT TRACT 2, TOWNSHIP 1 (Sherwood} North East J All thereof covered by Cran- berry Lake & the flowed lands thereof caused by the erection of the dam ...... (North West J.) Ex. 2,733*a. N. E. cor. there- of, 227c. N. & S., & 120c. 421. E. & W., after reserv- ing therefrom 267-ro~o a - Cranberry Lake & flowed lands therein (South West f ) S. W. cor Total, Township 11, 069-^0 acres. 1, TOWNSHIP 4. (Harewood). South East J. Bounded beginning at the junction of the W. line of S. E. J of Township with N. bank of Oswegatchie river, th. N. 2 deg. 45 min. E. along said line 25c. 491., th. S. 88 deg. E. 19c. 721., th. S. 2 deg. W. 14c., th. N. 89 deg. W. 20c., 351. to the W. line of S. E. J of Town- ship, & th. N. 2 deg. 45 min. E. along said line 14c. 851. to beg In S. part being Cranberry Lake and flowed lands .... Ex. 5,250a., N. pt. thereof & 1,954,- " acres, being all that remains of 2,355a. S. pt after reserving there - 1877/85 4,777 1877, '81, '85. 1881/85 5,992.82 300 1877/81/85. 1877/85 80.48 319.60 REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. 287 ST. LAWRENCE COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Clifton MACOMB'S PURCHASE, GREAT TRACT 2, TOWNSHIP 4, (Harewood), SOUTH EAST J (Continued). from 319-j-Qa Cranberry Lake & the flowed lands around the same, and also the above described 80.48a. lot 1877 '81 '85 318 92 Total, Township 4, 719 acres. Colton TOWNSHIP 5. (Jamestown.) N E cor 1 mile sq 1877, '81, '85, '95. . 640 do 1 On N line 1 mile W. of N. E. cor 1877 '81 '85 '95, . 640 do 2 On N. line 2 miles W. of N. E. do 3 cor On N line 3 miles W. of N E 1877, '81, '85...... 640 do 4 cor On E. line 1 mile S. of N. E. 1881, '85 640 do 5 cor 1 mile W of E line & 1 mile 1877, '81, '85, '90.. 640 do 6 S. of N. line of Township . . . 2 miles W. of E. line & 1 mile 1871, '77, '81, '85.. 640 S. of N. line of Township. . Total, Township 5, 4.480 acres. 1871, '77, '81, '85.. 640 do TOWNSHIP 7. (Granshue). Bd beg at a post N 2 deg E. from S. W. cor. of Twp., th. S. 88 deg. E. 145c. to a post, th. N. 2 deg. E. 145c. to a post, th. N. 88 deg. W. 140c. to W. line of Twp. & th. S. 2 deg. W. 147*0. to beg.. 1877,'81&Co.Tr.'01 2.100 *Correct; this lo t is not numbered. 288 REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME, COMMISSION. ST. LAWRENCE COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Colton 10 MA COMB'S PURCHASE, GREAT TRACT 2 (Continued). TOWNSHIP 8. (Hollywood.) S. E. cor. 56|c. N. & S. and 30-^V- F, & W Purchase, 1905... . 172 25 do . . 30 1877 '81, '85 544 do 34 1877 '81 '85 582 do do 35 36 Total, Township 8, 2,61 8 J acres. 1877, '81, '85 1877/81/85 641 679 Hopkinton 6 TOWNSHIP 9. (Kildare.) 1877 '81 '85. 610 do 7 1877 '81 '85 610 do 9 Und. heretofore pd. by S. S. Wood 1877 101 66 do 14 1877 '81 '85 610 do 15 1877 '81 '85 610 do 23 1877, '81, '85 610 do do 24 40 1877, '81, '85 1877 '81 '85 610 610 do 47 1877 '81 '85 610 Total, Township 9, 4,981 f acres. Parishville 4 TOWNSHIP 11. (Wick.} E. pt. 75c. N. & S. on W., & 74c., 881. on E. line, & 23c. wide E. & W 1877, '81/85, '90. . 172 do 5 W. part 294a. ex. Wheeler's 27a. lot beg. on N. line of lot 9c. 631. E. of N. W. cor., 12c. 751. N. & S. & 22c. E. & W 1877 '81 '85 267 do 11 W. pt. . 1877, '81 265 do 13 S. W. cor. S. & W. of road. . 1871 38 ; Total Township 11, 742 acres. REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. 289 ST. LAWRENCE COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. MACOMB'S PURCHASE, GREAT TRACT 2 (Continued). TOWNSHIP 14. (Catherinesville. ) Short (Win.) Tract. Hopkinton 3 P. Harper lot, bd. N. by river lot, E. & S. by A. Squires & Gillen, & S. W. & W. by St. Regis River 1885, '90 16 GREAT TRACT 3. TOWNSHIP 3. (De Witt) Pierrepont Bd. beg. at a point in center of the highway and on the town line between Colton & Pierrepont and the farms owned and occupied by Jesse Oakley & Ezra Per- kins, th. S. 3, 45' W. along said town line 17c. 761. to N. E. cor. of the Shirtliff lot, th. N. 86, 15' W. along said Shirtliff 's N'ly line 13c. 831. to a stake, th. N. 15c. 691. to center of aforesaid highway and th. N. 85 east along center of said highway 15c. 411. to beg. . Mortgage, 1909.... 24.16 MIDDLE . (Harrison Tract.) do 14 Sub 8 1881. 53 TOWNSHIP 5. (Ballybeen.) WEST PART. (Harrison Tract.) Russel 27 Ex. 161a. W. part, bd. E. bv Butler . . 1895.. 13? 50 290 REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. ST. LAWRENCE COUNTY, Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Clare 2 & 5 MA COMB'S PURCHASE, GREAI TRACT 3 (Continued). TOWNSHIP 6. (Clare.) East $. Bd. beg. at S. W. cor. of sec 2, th. N. 3c. 751. along W bounds of said section, th E. 42c. 111. par'l with S line of said section, th. S 23c. 751. to a tree, cornerec & marked, & th. W. 42c 121. to a post, cornered, & th N 20c to beg Mortgage 1888 100 Fine 18 TOWNSHIP 9. (Sarahsburgh). Section 9. 1905 102 27 do ..... . Section 11. E. & H. Clark, cedar lot, bd do N. by Ames, E. by Brown, S. by Holland, & W. by Ames Bd. N. by Knox, E. by Ames, 1881/85 7 S. by Ells, W. by Proctor. . . 1895 5 do Grant, T. bd. N. by Proctor & Ames, E. by Brown, S. by Worthington, & W. by State land 1895 7 50 Total, Township 9, 121 !% acres. 3 itcairn ....*.... 102 TOWNSHIP 11. (Pontaferry.) (Brodie Tract.) S. W. cor. bd. N. & E. by J. Thompson 1895 '00. ... 45 do 108 1895 '00 193 do 109 1895, '00 225 do 110 1895, '00 158 do 111 1895, '00 114 42 do 112 1895, '00.. 187 REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION-. 291 ST. LAWRENCE COUNTY., Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Pit cairn 119 MACOMB'S PURCHASE, GREAI TRACT 3, TOWNSHIP 11 (Pontaferry) (Brodie Tract (Continued). S E cor bd N. by Thompson & W. by Harris & the Luther lot 1881 '85 83 81 do 119 W. pt. bd. E. by Thompson or Thompson & Beach & Dodge 1881 '85 104 78 do 121 W. pt. bd. E. by Hoy or Luther 1881, '85 97 do 124 S. E. cor. Luther lot 19c wide N. & S. & 41 c. long E & W 1895, '00 78 51 do . 130 1895 190 43 do 131 1895 . 118 53 do 133 1895, '00 194 do ... 134 1895, '00 170 do 157 N pt 1885 164 do 177 N. W. cor. bd. E. bv Streeter & S by Fleming lot 1885 50 do 3 (Havens Tract.*) 1885 113 87 Fine 17 Total, Township 11, 2,287^-0 acres. TOWNSHIP 12. (Scriba.) (East i) Beg at S W cor & being 28c. 851. on N. 28c. 801. on S.; 33c. 391. on E., & 33c. 461. on W. lines & bd. N. 6c. 351. by unknown & 22c. 501. by land of Holbrook, E. by land of heirs of Wm. Woodell & S. & W. by lot lines Mortgage 1881 96 31 do 30 Bd N. by Beebe, E. by town line, S. by Colby or Kellogg, & W. by Pitcher Pickett lot.., 1881 . . 68 292 REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. ST. LAWRENCE COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Fine.. 5,15 16 do .. do 19 28 do do MACOMB'S PURCHASE, GREAT TRACT 3, TOWNSHIP 12 (Continued). (West *.) Bd. beg. at cor. of lots 4, 5, 15 & 16, in center of high- way, th. N. 73 deg. E. along highway 6c. 181., th. S. 9 deg. E. 21 c. 801. to a stake & stones, th. N. 42f deg. E. 24c. 561. to line bet. lots 5 & 16, th. N. 88 deg. W. Ic. 901. to S. E. cor. of Butcher's lot, th. N. 3 deg. E. in center of highway, & on Hazelton's W. line 46c. to Oswegatchie River, th. down the river 55c. 391. to N. E. cor. of Rushton lot, th. S. 3 deg. W. 57c. 451. to highway, th. N. 68 deg. E. 4c. 811., th. N. 61 deg. E. 6c. 611. & N. ^49 deg. E. 5c. & N. 45| deg. E. along highway 4c. 751. to Hill's N. E. cor., th. N. 45 deg. E. 3c. 501., & N. 52} deg. E. lOc. 551. to beg.; (sub- ject to same exceptions in deed from W. P. Smith to party of first part) Haskelllot,bd.N. by Town- ship line, E. by Evans, S. by Hitchcock, Phillips & high- way & W. by Anderson . . E. pt. across bd. W. by Hunt Total Township 12, 449.96 acres. TOWNSHIP 14. (Bloomfield.) (South .) E. i 354*c. N. & S. & 67c. 551. E. & W. . 1890 & Mtg. 1881 1895 1895.. 223.65 29 33 Purchase 1908 12,394.65 KEPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. 293 ST. LAWRENCE COUNTY. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. MA COMB'S PURCHASE, GREAT TRACT 3, TOWNSHIP 14 (Bloom-field} (South $) (Continued). On N. line of S. $, 67c. 521 Wly from N. E. cor. there of, 104c. 861. N'ly & S'ly & 67c. 521. E'ly & Wly. . Total, Township 14 3,102.65 acres. TOWNSHIP 15. (Emilyvitte.) (North West J.) Ex. 9pf -a. conveyed to Cranberry Lake R. R. Co May 1, 1905, being railroac right of way; 105a., bd. beg. at a post standing in line between the Townships oi Chaumont & Emilyville at the intersection thereof with the S. Wly bounds of the Cranberry Lake R. R. Go's, lands, th. N. 84 deg, W. along said township line 39c. 41. to N. W. cor. of 2,525a. E. part of N. W. of township, th. S. 5 deg. W. along Wly line thereof 30c., 401. to a cedar post, th. S. 84 deg. E. 26c. to a cedar post, th. N. 37$ deg. E. 24c. 701. to a cedar post & th. N. 5 deg. E. 9c. 401. to beg., & lOa. bd. beg. at a point in center of river known as Cranberry Lake Inlet, & in division line between N. E. & N. W. quarters of said Township 15, th. N. 5} deg. E. along Purchase, 1907, 708 294: REPORT or FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. ST. LAWRENCE COUNTY. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. MACOMB'S PURCHASE, GREAT TRACT 3, TOWNSHIP 15, (Emily wile) (North West$) (Continued). said division line 19c. to a spruce post, th. N. 84 deg W. 5c. 651. to a spruce post th. S. 5* deg. W. 18c. 501., th. S. 89 deg. E. Ic. 901. to center of said river, & th. E'ly down along same to beg., & 2a. known as Gen- son & Barker Purchase near W. side of W. of N. W. of township, bd. N. 8 rods by the Walker road, W. 40 rods by the Sternberg road, the E. line being parallel to & 8 rods E. of the center of the Sternberg road (South West J.) Ex. 877a. E. part thereof & ex. Buck Pond & sufficient land immediately surround- ing it to contain 24a. land & water. . Total, Township 13,750 acres. 15, MORLEY VILLAGE. E. N. Fulton waterpower lot, S. side of Grasse River in lot 2, Range 1, Canton Township, bd. N. by Covey water lot, E. by J. Johnson Ashery lot,,S. by old saw- mill lot, and W. by the Beswick lot (containing 94x54 links) Purchase, 1908. 7,262 1877, '81, '85, '95, Purchase, 1908. . 6,488 1885, To~o REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. 205 ST. LAWRENCE COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Waddington .... 28 MADRID TOWNSHIP. (Mile-Square Lots). Bd. N. by Brosnon, now Rutherford, E by Ruther- ford, and S. & W. by G. F. Rutherford 1895, '00 7 do Norfolk 42 77 Bd. N. & W. by Wilson, E. by Sheridan & S. by Crane. . Total, 10 acres. NORFOLK VILLAGE. Sub. 23, bd. beg. above Bridge Forge lot 1, at S'ly cor. of the stone abutment at N. end of bridge, th. N. 51 deg. E. Ic. 381, th. S. 56 deg. 50 min. E. Ic. th. S. 33 deg. 30 min. W. Ic. 381. to river shore, th. to beg 1895, '00 1866 3 .15 Potsdam 7 POTSDAM TOWNSHIP. (Mile-Square Lots). Beg at N W'ly cor of 43-nfo-a. contracted to M. Nulty, th. S. 62 deg. W. 12c. 341., th S. 28 deg. E. 34c. 851., th. N. 62 deg. E. 12c. 311., th. N. 28 deg. W. 34c 851 to beg Mortgage 1900 42 24 do 75 S E cor 25c 501 long N'ly & S'ly & 20c. wide E'ly & W'ly Mortgage 1881 50 50 Massena 5 Total, 92.74 acres. ST. REGIS RESERVATION, INDIAN MEADOWS. (Along Grasse River). 1 85 do s 45 do 9 84 do 11 .76 296 KEPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. ST. LAWRENCE COUNTY. Town. Lot.' DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Massena 12 ST. REGIS RESERVATION, IN- DIAN MEADOWS (Along Grasse River) (Contin- ued). 4 72 do 19 12 do 20 18 do ... 21 12 do 22 20 do 23 21 do 24 30 do 25 24 do . 30 4 do 31 2 do 36 1 75 do .... 38 4 35 do 39 1 do 40 1.85 do 41 1 63 do . 45 1 15 do 46 .35 do 47 1 50 do 50 61 do 52 2 93 'do 53 15 Total, 48 -iVo acres. De Peyster do 7 8 19,000 ACRE TRACT, ALLOT- MENT 14. E'ly pt. Geo. Parker lot, bd. N. by Black Lake, & Wly by land of Bridges Total, 80-^0 acres. 1881, '85 1885, '00 77.64 3.06 REPOKT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. 297 SAEATOGA COUNTY. List of Lands Belonging to the State. (Total number of acres, 10,787.60.) Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. 19 DARTMOUTH PATENT. SMALL TRACT. (Range 4.) Bd. N. by town line, E. by lot 4, S. by lands of Jona- than Flanders & W. by land of Alexander Kennedy .... Range 11. Bd. beg. at W. end of lot 6, of Lower River division of said Patent, N. th. 30 deg. W. 33c. to a birch tree being S. W. cor. of lot 7 of said Ix)wer River division, th. S. 81 deg. W. 45c. to lot 1 in Range 10 of said Small Tract, th. S. 30 deg. E. to N. W. cor. of land of John B. Aldrich & Reuben Wells, & th. E. 47c. in N. line of said Aldrich & Wells' land to beg Lower River Division. Bd. beg. at N. E. cor. of lOOa. deeded to P. Goode- now by Gersham & Dar- ling in 1822, th. E. on S line of lot 14, Upper River Div. to N. E. cor. of lOOa formerly owned by Gersham & Darling, th. S. to the middle of lot 19, Lower River Div., th. W. to S. E. cor. of lot sold Peasley Goodenow aforesaid & th 1877, '81, '85. 38 Mortgage, 1888. 114 298 REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. SARATOGA COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Hadley 19 DARTMOUTH PATENT. SMALL TRACT. Lower River Division (Con- tinued). N. on E. line of said Goode- now lot to beg Mortgage 100 Day 6 Total, Dartmouth Pat., 250 acres. GLEN AND YATES PATENT. 1885 '90 200 do 7 1885, '90 200 do 13 N W cor bd E & S by Perkins or Wood 1877 '81 16 do 16 1895, '00 200 do . . 21 N ^ or end 1885 '90 '95 100 Total, Glen & Yates Pat., 716 acres. Day. . 16 GLEN (JOHN) AND 44 OTHERS' PATENT Ex 62a N W cor 1877 & Mtg. 1876. 188 do .... 17 Ex 37a in W part 1877 & Mtg 1876 37.75 Edinburgh 39 All in Edinburgh 1877 '81 '85 138 Corinth 39 All in Corinth 1881, '90 112 do 51 Same . . .... 1881/85, '90 86 Edinburgh. . . . \ 85, 86 Uub 3 1877, '81, '85, '95.. 100 87, 88 do Sub. 6 1881/85 100 do Sub 7 1871, '77, '81 100 do do do 111 Sub. 9 Sub. 10 N. W. cor. sq 1877, '81, '85 1877, '81 Mortgage, 1884. . . . 100 100 59 do 112 W pt 1885 50 Total, 1,170.75 acres. REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. 299 SARATOGA COUNTY. Town. Lot, DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. KAYADEROSSERAS PATENT FIFTH ALLOTMENT. (Great Lot 4.) Malta A Sub. 3, N. W. part, bd. beg. at a pine stake, th. N. 64 deg. W. 90c. to a chestnut stake, th. S. 64 deg. W. 6c. 861. to a pine stake, marked on two sides, th. E'ly nearly parallel with first line 90c., more or less, th. N. 25 deg. E. 6c. 121. to beg |Mortgage, 1888 58.50 SIXTEENTH ALLOTMENT. (Great Lot 6 or 7.) Milton Beg. at a stake in the middle of a stone wall at S. E. cor. of a wood lot on this farm, adj. lands of David Morris, th. N. 88 deg. W. 781. along land of said Morris, th. on- ward 23c. 281. along lands of Boughton, th. N. 56* min. W. 7c. 501. along lands of Chauncey Kilmer, th. N. 2 deg. 9 min. E. 6c., 851., th. N. 2 deg. E. 17c. 931., th. S. 62 deg. 25 min. E. 13c. 101. along the Wheeler lot, th. S. 60 deg. 10 min. W. 12c., 391., th. S. 13 deg. 5 min. E. 5c. 241. along land of Harlow Van Os- trand, th. N. 80 deg. 10 min. E. lie., 721. along the highway, th. S. 1 deg. 50 min. W. lie. 731. along lands of David Morris to beg.,46iVo-a.,ex. 2a. N. E. cor. thereof occupied by Aaron Hudson & John Robinson . . Mortffaffe 1892... F44.56 300 REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. SARATOGA COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Greenfield do 12 Wilton , do KAYADEROSSERAS PATENT (Continued). 17TH ALLOTMENT. (Great Lot 6.) Bd. N. by land of Ebert, E. by land of Sesselman, S. by schoolhouse and highway leading from Style's to Greenfield Ctr., & W. by highway running N'ly from School No. 9 Bd. N. by highway from Stile Tavern to H. Lock- wood's, E. by Great Lot 7, S. by Morris, & W. by Williams . . (Great Lot 9.) Sub. 1., E. pt. bd. beg. at a stake in the Skew line, th N. 74 deg. 45 mm. W. lOc to a stake, th. S. 9c. to the Skew line & th. N. 55 deg. E. along said line to beg. . . E. end bd. beg. at a stake & stones standing in the road from S. Philips' farm to Fort Muller bridge & being in W. bounds of Ziba Philips' land, th. S. 88 deg. 30 min. W. 18c. 481. to a stake & stones standing in the road and being the S. E. part of said lot which has been conveyed by John Cox to J. B. King, th. along the same 1 deg. 30 min. W. 28c. to S. bounds of lands of Mary Ann Vanderwerkess 18c. 481., to a heap of stones being an inner angle of said Vanderwerkess land, th. 1895, 1900. . . . Mortgage, 1880. 40.15 Mortgage, 1880. 4.50 REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. 301 SARATOGA COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. KAYADEROSSERAS PATENT, I?TH ALLOTMENT (GREAT LOT 9) (Continued). Wilton 6 along the S. & W. bounds Ziba Philips' land S. 1 deg. 30 min. W. 28c. to beg Mortgage, 1900 51 18TH ALLOTMENT. (Great Lot 2.) do 3 Sub. 4, bd. beg. at a stake near a yellow pine tree at the N. E. cor. of lands for- merly of James Herrick, now of N. Robbloe, th. W. 15c. 201. to a stake, th. N'ly 44c. 471. to the Skew line, th. N. E. along said line 18c. 231. to a stake & th. S. 57c. 441. to beg Mortgage, 1880 60 21 ST ALLOTMENT. (Great Lot 8.) Providence 2 Sub 6 W 1890 100 (Great Lot 10.) do ...... 3 Sub. 1, S. W. cor. square. . . . 1890 10 (Great Lot 11.) do 4 Sub. 8 1885 107 23o ALLOTMENT. (Great Lot 2.) Corinth 1 Bd. beg. in center of highway leading S'ly past W. W. Grippen's house, at a point where A. N. Clothier's land commences & th. Wly 302 REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. SARATOGA COUNTY. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. lor A 2orB KAYADEROSSERAS PATENT 23D ALLOTMENT, (GREAT LOT 2) (Continued). along Clothier's S. line to A. M. Young's land, th. S along Young's E. line & lands of Kingsley to R. P Clothier's land, th. E. along said Clothier's N. line to where said Clothier's land runs N. past this lot, th. N. to said highway & th. along said center of said highway past W. W. Grip- pen's dwelling house to beg. 24TH ALLOTMENT. (Great Lot 1, Town of Corinth.) Sub. 2 or B Sub. 1 N. end Sub. 2 S. part (Town of Day.) Sub. 1 (Great Lot 2.) Sub. 1, N. pt. bd. S. by Hewitt Clark & others, 900a. ex200a. S. iof 600a., N. end S. pt. 737a., ex. 400a. bd. N. by the Chrysler lot, E. & W. by lot lines, & S. by Houghton (Great Lot 3.) Sub. A Sub. B Sub. C Sub. 1, N. pt. bd. S. by Carpenter or Martin Sub. 2, S. pt. bd. Tiff any Mortgage, 1891. 51 1890, '95 1885, '90 1881, '85, '90, '95. 1890. 100 100 100 1881, '85, '90. 1881, '85, '90. 1881, '85, '90. 1881, '85, '90. 1881, '85, '90. 1881, '85, '90. 1881/90 700 337 175 175 175 503 90 REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. 303 SARATOGA COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Corinth. 1 KAYADEROSSERAS PATENT, 24TH ALLOTMENT (Con- tinued). (Great Lot 4.) Sub 2 ex 150a S end 1881 '85 '90 311 do 2 (Great Lot 5.) Bd N by I S Murray E. & W. by lot lines, & S. by C. Johnson 1890 100 do ... 2 Sub 1 on S. end, or S. pt. bd. N. by Widow White's lot 1885 & mtg 1889 100 do 1 (Great Lot 6.) Sub N N pt 1881 '85 '90 35 do 2 Sub H 1890 '95 100 do . . 2 (Great Lot 8.) Bd N. by Holden, E. & W. by lot lines, & S. by J. R. Cruse 1881 60 Total, Kayaderosseras Patent, 4,036.71 acres. Northumberland NORTHUMBERLAND, TOWN OF. Lot known and distinguished as farm lot No. 1 on a map of estate of Herman Gans- voord, made by Jos. Mott; bd. beg. at N. W. cor., a stake standing in S. line of land of John Snyder, being N. E. cor. of land of Wind- sor Hartwell, th. S. along E. line of said Hartwell land 15c. 561. to N. line of land of John Burt, th. E. along said N. line 9c., 501. th 15c. 561. to land of John Snyder, & th. W. along said Snyder's land 9c. 501. to bee.. Mortgage, 1899... 14.71 304 REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. SARATOGA COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. NORTHUMBERLAND, TOWN OF (Continued). Northumberland Also a parcel in said lot 1, bd. beg. on S. line of E. Merchant, being N. W. cor. of land of S. Gifford, th. W. 32c. to pt. in road, 2r. from stump on W. side of road, th. N. 31 deg. E. 571. to N. line of lot 2, said map, th. > W. on N. line 39c. 21., th. S.~on E. line of lot 5, said map, 8c. 211. to N. line of C. Cramer, th. lie. 141. to Cramer's N. E. cor., th. S. along Cramer's line 8c. 221. to stake in J. Snyder's N. line, th. E. along Snyder's N. line 54c. 961. to S. W. cor. of S. Gifford's land & th. N. along Gifford's W. line 8c. 221. to beg Mortgage, 1899.... 75.18 Total, 89-%- acres. PALMER'S PURCHASE. (General Allotment.} Day . . 16 All in Day 1877 37 do 25 Same 1881, '85 66 do 26 Same 1881 '85 290 do 27 Same 1877, '85, '81 & Purchase, 1907. . 555 do 30 N. pt. of all in Saratoga Co., bd. S. by land of Sherman & Lapham 1881 '85 509 do 31 All in Saratoga Co., ex. 888a. S. E. end land of Sherman & Lapham 1877, '81, '85 61 do 44 Ex. 400a. S. end 1895, 1900 600 do 45 Ex. 700a. N. end & 150a. S. end 1877 '81 '85 150 Total, 2,268 acres. REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. 305 SARATOGA COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Day. . 19 PALMER'S PURCHASE (Continued). MIDDLE DIVISION, GREAT LOT 2. (West Part, Bruce Tract.} 1881, '85, '90 104 do 20 1895, '00 104 do 26 (Great Lot 3.) 1895 '00 64 30 do 27 1895 '00 64 30 do 28 1895 '00 64 30 do 29 1895 '00 ... 64 30 do 30 1895 '00 64 30 do 31 1895, '00 64.30 do 32 1895 '00 64 30 do 33 1895 '00 64 30 do 34 1895 '00 64 30 do 35 1895 '00 64 30 Total, Middle Division, 850 acres. Corinth 15 SANDERS' PATENT. 1890 '95 100 do 17 1890 '95 100 do 21 Stedman lot 1881 '85 & Mtg 1880 100 do 22 Bussing lot 1881, '85 & Mtg., 1880 .... 95 Day 23 N end in Day 1885 '90 '95 53 Corinth 29 1890, '95 99 do do . 30 31 1890, '95 1881 '85 96 87 do 32 1881 '85 87 do do 33 34 1890/95 1890 '95 87 87 do 35 1890 '95 101 do 37 1890 '95 101 do 44 All in Corinth 1890 77 do 3 Small Lots. 1890 17 Total, Sanders' Patent, 1,287 acres. 306 REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. SARATOGA COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Stillwater 7 SARATOGA PATENT. Bd beg at N E cor of land of D. Morey, th. S. 24 deg. W. 13c. 81., th. N. 65 deg. W. 24c. 481., th. S. 24 deg. W. lOc. 601. to S. line of lot 7 of Saratoga Pat., th. N. 65 deg. 45 min. W. along same 36c. 201., th. N. 24 deg. E. 31 c. 171., th. S. 64J deg. E. 20c. 901., th. 24 deg. 30 min. W. 6c. 671., th. S. 65 deg. E. 39c. 781. to beg., 133|a. ex. 15a. bd. beg. at stake at N. W. cor. of land of Samuel Denton and on E. line of above- described parcel, th. N. 24 deg. 30 min. E. to N. line of land sold Abram Refen- burgh by Wood & Morey, th. S. 63 deg. 45 min. E. 20c. to stake, th. S. 20 deg. 15 min. W. 13c. 301. to a h ' large white ash tree, th. N. 65 deg. 30 min. W. 20c. to bee Mortgage 1899 118 25 REPORT OF FOBEST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. 307 WARREN COUNTY. List of Lands Belonging to the State. (Total number of acres, 126,221.38.) Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Hague 2 BRANT LAKE TRACT. All in Warren Co Purchase 1908 67 do 3 Purchase, 1908. . . 120 do 4 Purchase 1908 120 do 5 Purchase 1908 120 do 6 Purchase 1908 120 do 7 Purchase, 1908. . . . 144 do 8 Purchase 1908 160 do 9 Purchase 1908 160 do 10 Purchase 1908 160 do 16 1877/81/85 160 do 17 1877 '81 '85 '90 '95 160 do 18 1877 '81 '85 '90 '95 160 do 19 1877,'81,'85,'90,'95. 160 do do 22 23 1877, '81, '85, '95.. 1877 '81 '85 160 160 do 24 1877, '81/85, '95.. 160 do 25 1881/85 160 do do 30 32 1895/00 Purchase 1908 160 160 do 33 Purchase 1908 160 do 34 All in Warren Co Purchase, 1908 112 Horicon 37 Same Purchase 1908 . . 104 do 38 Purchase 1908 160 do 39 Purchase 1908 160 do 41 *Resale, 1899 160 do 63 Purchase 1908 . . 160 do 64 Purchase 1908 160 do 65 Purchase 1908 160 do 66 All in Warren Co Purchase 1908 97 do 69 Same Purchase 1908 . 95 do 70 Purchase 1908 160 do ... 71 Purchase, 1908. . . . 160 do 96 Purchase, 1908 160 do 97 Purchase 1908 160 do 98 All in Warren Co Purchase 1908 95 do . . 101 Same Purchase, 1908. . . . 91 do 102 Purchase, 1908. . . . 160 do 103 Purchase 1908 . . . 160 do 128 Purchase. 1908. . 160 * Formerly bonded land. 308 REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. WARREN COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Horicon 129 BRANT LAKE TRACT (Continued). Purchase 1908 160 do 130 All in Warren Co Purchase, 1908. . . . 88 do 133 Same Purchase 1908 85 do 134 Purchase, 1908. . 160 do 160 Purchase, 1908 160 do 162 All in Warren Co Purchase, 1908. . . . 81 do 165 Same Purchase 1908 77 do 194 Same Purchase, 1908 . 75 Total, Brant Lake Tract, 6,651 acres. Stony Creek 5 DARTMOUTH PATENT, GREAT TRACT. (Range 4). 1871 77 '85 . 234 Thurman 3 Range 5. 1885 234 Stony Creek 11 1885 234 do 13 5 Range 6. 1885, '90, '95 1877 '81 '85 234 234 do 6 1877, '81, '85, '90 . 234 do 7 1881 '85 234 do 11 1900 '05 & Pur 1900 234 do 10 Range 7. 1881 & Pur 1897 234 do 11 1881 & Pur 1897 234 do 13 Purchase 1906 234 do 6 Range 8. 1881 234 do 7 1877, '81, '85, '90. . 234 do 8 Purchase, 1897. . . . 234 do 9 Purchase 1897. . . 234 do 10 Purchase 1897 234 do 11 Purchase, 1897 234 do 12 Purchase 1897 234 do ..... 13 Purchase. 1897. . 234 REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. 309 WARREN COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Thurman 2 DARTMOUTH PATENT, (GREAT TRACT) (Continued) . Range 9. S of 67a W part 1890 33 50 do 6 Ex. 50a. N. E. cor Purchase, 1897 184 do .... 7 Purchase, 1897. .. 234 do . 8 Purchase 1897 234 do 10 Purchase 1897 234 do 11 Purchsae 1897 234 do 12 Purchase, 1897 234 do 13 Purchase 1897 . 234 do 6 Range 10. Purchase 1897 234 do 7 Purchase 1897. . 234 do 8 Ex. 27Ja. N. E. cor. 5c. on E'ly, 25c. on S'ly & 16.8c. on W'ly line Purchase 1897. . . 206 75 do 9 Purchase 1897 234 do 10 Purchase, 1897 234 do 11 Purchase, 1897 234 do 12 Purchase 1906 . 234 do 13 Purchase 1897 234 Stony Creek .... 3 SMALL TRACT. (Range 4). All in Warren Co 1885, '90 198 do 4 1881, '85, '90 234 L,.- do 5 N end 1881 '90 100 Stony Creek 4 UPPER Riv. DIVISION. 1890 '95 144 do 5 W. \.. 1877 50 do 6 w. \ 1877, '90 50 Total, Dartmouth Pat., 8,688.25 acres. P~i Hague ELLIS PATENT. Gore bd beg in line be- tween the counties Essex and Warren at a pile of 310 BEPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME, COMMISSION. WARREN COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. ELLIS PATENT (Continued) . eue. . stones in Wly line of lot 8 of said Ellis Tract, th. N. 87 30' W. along said county line 122c. to E. line of the Hague Tract, th. S. 4 10' W. along said E. line 92c. 921. to S. E. cor. of lot 33 of said Tract, being 501. E. of a clump of spruce trees cornered and marked many years ago, th. N. 85 30' W. 20c. 251. to a beech tree cornered and marked many years ago, th. S. 4 10' W. along E. line of lot 36 of said Hague Tract 20c. 501. to N. W. cor. of lot 226, Ellis Tract, at a soft maple tree cornered and marked many years ago, th. S. 85 30' E. along N. line of lot 226, 44c., 501. to S.W'ly cor. of lot 86, of said Ellis Tract, at a spruce tree on top of the mountain cornered and marked many years ago, th. N. 42 30' E. along Wly line of lots 86, 87 & 88, 122c. to N. Wly cor. of lot 88, th. S. 47 30' E. along N'ly line of lot 88, 5c. to S. Wly cor. of lot S9, and th. N. 42 30' E. along Wly line of lot 89, 30c. to beg Purchase, 1908. . . . 837 . 90 ) 105 W. pt. bd. E. by Patchen .... 1881 '85 85 ) 226 Purchase, 1908. 112 ) 236 1895, '00 115.60 ) 237 1895 102.50 ) 245 1895 100.30 ) 246 1895 102.60 ) 248 1871 '77 '81 102.60 > , 250 1895. '00. . 107.50 REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. 311 WARREN COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Hague 251 ELLIS PATENT (Continued). 1895 '00 105 40 do 252 1895 '00 148 60 do 255 1895/00 100.30 do 256 1895 '00 102.60 do 257 1871 '77 '81 94 50 do 258 1895 '00 123 60 do 259 1895 '00 126 75 Total, Ellis Patent, 2,467.75 acres. Bolton 3 GARLAND'S (PETER) PATENT. 1877, '90, '95 169 do 5 N W cor 1900 50 Warrensburgh Total, 219 acres. GOLDWAITH'S PATENT. N. W. J. Ex 400a W end 80c long E. & W. & 50c. wide N. & g 1895 100 Thurman 1 Gores. GORE BETWEEN DARTMOUTH PATENT AND TOWNSHIP 11, TOTTEN & CROSSFIELD'S PURCHASE. 1885 '90 127 do 2 1885, '90 160 do ... 3 1881 '85 160 Johnsburgh 4 All in Johnsburgh 1881 '85 '90 50 Thurman 4 All in Thurman 1885 110 do 5 S. W. cor. in Thurman 1885, '95 26 Johnsburgh 7 Purchase 1897. . . . 160 do 8 Purchase 1906 . . 160 Thurman do 14 15 1885, '90 Purchase, 1897 38.33 119 do .... 16 Purchase 1897.... 180.25 do 17 All in Thurman . . 1881. '85. . 154.50 312 REPORT OF FOREST. FISH AND CAME COMMISSION. WARREN COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Johnsburgh 17 GORE BETWEEN DARTMOUTH PATENT AND TOWNSHIP 11, TOTTEN & CROSSFIELD'S PURCHASE (Continued). All in Johnsburgh 1885, '90 5 50 do 18 All in Johnsburgh Purchase 1897 75 Thurman . . 18 All in Thurman . . Purchase 1897 85 do 19 All in Thurman 1905 & resale 1905* g Johnsburgh 19 All in Johnsburgh 1905 & resale 1905* 152 do 23 1895 160 Thurman . 26 Purchase 1897 90 32 do do 27 28 Ex. 56.08a. beg. at point on E'ly line of lot on shore of Mill Creek Pond at high water mark, th. S. 30 deg. E. to N. line of Dartmouth Pat., th. W'ly along said N. line 27f c. th. N. 30 deg. W. 9-j-Q c. to high water mark on shore of Mill Creek Pond & th. E'ly along pond to beg. All in Thurman Purchase, 1897 1881 f 108. 25 142 Johnsburgh. . . . 28 All in Johnsburgh 1881 18 do 33 All in Johnsburgh 935a., ex. 700a. N. pt. bd. S. by line par'l to town line 1890 '95 235 Thurman 35 Purchase 1897. . 72.33 Total, 2,594.48 acres. Chester 1 GORE BETWEEN THURMAN'S ROAD PATENT AND HOFF- MAN TOWNSHIP. N E end Resale 1867* . 92 Johnsbursh. . 196 GORE BETWEEN TOWNSHIPS 12 AND 14, TOTTEN A CROSSFIELD'S PURCHASE. 1885.. 106 *Formerly bonded land. REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. 313 WARREN COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Johnsburffh 7 GORE BETWEEN TOWNSHIPS 29 AND 31, TOTTEN & CROSSFIELD'S PURCHASE. All in Warren Co Exchange 1891 38 50 do 8 All in Warren Co 1885 176 do 9 1885 '05 187 do 10 1881 . 187 Total, Gore between Townships 29 and 31, Totten & Crossfield's Purchase, 588.50 acres. do 5 GORE SOUTH OF TOWNSHIP 12, TOTTEN & CROSSFIELD'S PURCHASE, (West of River). 1895 '00 279 52 do 8 1900 475 59 do 13 1881 '85 157 76 do 26 1881 '85 171 53 do 30 1890 264 50 do 31 Total, Gore south of Twp. 12, 1,498.78 acres. 1885/90 149,88 Hague 28 HAGUE TRACT. All in W^arren Co Purchase 1908 14 50 do 29 Same Purchase 1908 68 do 30 Purchase 1908 170 20 do 31 Purchase 1908 175 50 do do 32 33 Purchase, 1908 Purchase 1908 175.50 145 70 do 34 Purchase 1908 165 30 do 35 Purchase 1908 157 10 do ... 36 Purchase 1908 160 do 37 Purchase 1908 160 do 38 Purchase, 1908 184.50 do 39 Purchase 1908 184 50 do ... 41 Purchase 1908 184 50 Fdo 42 Purchase 1908 184 50 L **** do do 50 r 54 1877, '81, '85, '95.. Reverted 1858 150 180 do , '57 1877 '81. '85 '95.. 184.5 314 REPORT or FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. WARREN COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Hague 58 HAGUE TRACT (Continued). 1877 '81 '85 '95 184 50 do 60 1877, '81, '85 184 50 Total, Hague Tract, 3,194.80 acres. Chester 93 HOFFMAN TOWNSHIP. S E cor 1877 . . . 165 do 93 S W part 1881 120 Thurman 17 HYDE TOWNSHIP. N W cor 1871 50 do 17 On W. line 22c. 361., N. from S. W. cor. 24c. 41. long N. & S & 12c wide E. & W. 1871 '81 30 17 do 17 S W cor 1881 50 do 37 Sub 1 N E J 1885 '90 125 do 37 Sub 2 N W side 17c N. & S & 20c E & W. 1885 '90 135 do 39 Ex. 50a. S. E. cor 1881 450 Warrensburgh. . . do 64 64 Sub. 4 N. i of S. W. 1, 63a., ex. 25a. on W. line 31 c. 141. from N W. cor 1881, '95 1890 61 38 do 76 Sub 3 . . 1881 188 do 78 Ex. 26a. E. pt. of 200*.. W. pt. Total, Hyde Township, l^liVo acres. 1881, '85 474 Luzeme 11 JESSUP'S 4,100 ACRE PATENT. Bd N & S by lot line E by H. demons 50a. & W. by Whitton 1885 98 75 do . . 11 demons H bd N & S by lot line, E. by John Pier's 50a. & W. by Aldrich's 98f a. lot 1885 & deed 50 do 15 W end Railroad lot bd E by Taylor Total, Jessup's 4,100 a. Patent, 198f acres. 1885, '90 50 REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. 315 WARREN COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Luzerne 1 JESSUP'S 7,550a. PATENT. Sub 1 . 1885 250 do 4 Sub. 1, bd. N. & S. by lot lines, E. by Griffin, & W. by Morton 1881 100 do 4 Sub 2 bd N & S by lot lines, E. by Griffin heirs, & W by Ramsey 1881 239 do 5 Bd N & S by lot lines, E. by Howe or Home, & W. by Lewis 1881 100 do 5 Sub 3 15c. N. & S. & 50c. E. & W.; bd. N. & S. by lot lines, E. by a line of marked trees, & W. by a line of marked trees being E bds of Coman heirs .... 1885 '90 : 75 do 8 Bd N & S by lot lines & W by Hudson River 1877& Resale 1899* 121 do 12 E pt bd W by Goodness. . . 1871 '77 96 do 12 Middle pt bd N & S by lot lines, E. by John Hall & W. by Henry Pulver or Putnam 1890 . 80 do 3 Total, Jessup's 7,550a. Patent, 1,061 acres. KATADEROSSERAS PATENT, 23o ALLOTMENT. (Great Lot 5). Bd N by Perkins' lot E. by George Murray, S. by Mur- ray, & W. by Barker or Banker 1881 50 Bolton LAKE GEORGE ISLANDS. Noble's Original 50 do Steere Original 50 do Mother Bunch . . Original 7 do Hatchet Original 1 do Floating Battery Origins 1 5 do Dollar Original 2 do Fork or Kittle . . Orieinal. . 2 Formerly bonded land. 316 REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. WARREN COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Bolton LAKE GEORGE ISLANDS (Continued). Gourd Original 1 do Dixes (2) Original 1/8 do South S of Long Island . . Original. . . 8 00 do - Happy Family (5) in Middle Bay. . Original 1 25 do Goose W. of Long Island.. Original 1/16 do Unnamed Island near Hill- view on West shore Original 1/16 do Whipple Island, near East shore . . Original 75 do 2 unnamed islands S of Whipple Island Original 1.00 do Rush north of Marion House Original 05 do Unnamed Island near Perch Original 25 do : Unnamed Islands (3) near Hen and Chickens Original 5/16 do Pine near Tongue Moun- tain S of Turtle Original .75 do Unnamed Islands (5) near Pine Island Original 50 do Phelps near turtle Original 6 00 do do Ship, in the Narrows Unnamed (4) Original Original 1/8 7/60 do Unnamed (1) near Juniata Original 1/8 do Perch N. of Turtle Original .25 do Unnamed (1) near Perch Original 1/8 do Little Turtle N E of Turtle Original 25 do Unnamed (3), near Uncas... Original 1.05 do Unnamed (1) near Gem. . . . Original .25 do Hermit . . .... Original .25 do Unnamed (1), near Hermit . Original .25 do Unnamed (9) near Gourd Original 75 do Little Harbor Original 4.00 do Black Rock north of Little Harbor Original 1/8 do As-you-were Original 1/10 do Round Rock or Artist's Rock ent Paradise Bay Original 1/8 do Commission Original 2.00 do Unnamed (6), near Commis- sion Original .75 do Arrow Original 1/30 do Red Rock Bav. . Original. . .20 BEPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. 3l7 WARREN COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Bolton LAKE GEORGE ISLANDS (Continued). Unnamed (2), near Dollar. . Original 1 13 do Hazel near Paradise Bay. . . Original. . 1 00 do Sarah's near Paradise Bay. . Original 1 00 do The Syrens (3) Original 20 do Unnamed (2), near The Syrens Original 05 do Fox Original 1/8 do Unnamed (3), near Fox .... Original .25 do Halfway at Five Mile Mtn . . Original. . . 1 50 do One Tree near Floating Bat- tery Original 1/60 do Unnamed (10), near Float- ing Battery . . Original 18 00 do Unnamed (1) near Hatchet. Original 1/8 do Unnamed (11), near Mother Bunch Island Original do Refuge Original 1 do Sweetbrier Original 50 do Ranger Original 1 50 do . . Uncas Original 7 do Phantom Original 75 do Watch Original 50 do Big Burnt Origina 1 10 do Gem Original 50 do Juanita Original 1 do Glen Original 1 50 do .... Gravelly Original 1 do Hen and Chickens Original 2 00 do Huckleberry . . Origina 1 2 00 do Log Bav Origina 1 3 00 do Perch Original 50 do Paradise Bay Group in Para- dise Bay 2 do Phelps Original 4 00 Hague Odell . . . Original 1 00 do TValtonian Original 2 do Agnes Original 2 60 do Burgess Original 1 50 do . . Vickar's Original 6 do Cook's 3 25 do Loner Original 75 do Templenoe . . . Original. . .75 318 REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. WARREN COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Hague LAKE GEORGE ISLANDS (Continued). Nobles on E side Original . 2 00 do Unnamed (4) near Nobles Original 7/30 do Huletts, N. of Hulett's Landing . . .... Original 50 do Unnamed (2) near Hulett's Original 3/16 do Narrows at Pickerel Bay . . . Original 50 do Unnamed (1) near Pickerel. Original 1/8 do Loon near Meadow Point Original 1/8 do Rock Dunder Original 50 do Unnamed, near Rock Dun- der . Original . . . 50 do Unnamed (5) near Agnes Original 1 25 do Unnamed (2), near Odell. . . Original 3/16 do . . Watrous Original 50 do Watch or Delaware near Uncas Hotel Original 1 00 do Pudding near west shore . . . Original 25 do Skipper's Jib near west shore Original 05 do . . Scotch Bonnet near west shore Original 1/16 do Mallory on east side Original 75 do Gull, on east side Original .50 do Unnamed (2) near Gull. . . . Original .30 do Round Rock Original 25 do . . Unnamed (1), near Round Rock Original 1/8 do Unnamed (7) near Harbor Island Original 3 00 Luzerne 4 LUZERNE TRACT. *Resale, 1899 99.50 do 5 *Resale 1899 157 do 6 *Resale 1899 . . . 165 do 11 1881 '85 75 do 23 Sub 3 *Resale, 1899 65 ^aldwell 66 Original 127 juzerne 94 N * 1881 75.75 do 139 *Resale 105 Total, Luzerne Tract, 869J acres. * Formerly bonded land. REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. 319 WARREN COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. NORTH WEST BAY TRACT. Bolton 40 Reverted, 1861. 175 do 119 1871,77, '81, '90... 182 Total, North West Bay Tract, 357 acres. PALMER'S PURCHASE, GEN- ERAL ALLOTMENT. Stony Creek 12 All in Stony Creek 1890, '95 360 do 14 All in Stony Creek 1885, '90 650 Thurman 14 All in Thurman 1885 '90 245 do 15 Same (H T P ) Purchase, 1897. . . . 274 Stony Creek 15 All in Stony Creek (H. T. P.) Purchase, 1897 302 do 16 All in Stony Creek 1885/90 265 do 17 Same . ... 1895 542 do 19 Same Purchase, 1893. . . . 1,018 do 20 Ex. HOa. bd. beg. on W. line of lot in center of Stony Creek, th. S. 26 deg. 45 min. E. 27c. 501. to a stake & stones, th. N. 63 deg. E. 36c. to a stake, standing on E'ly line of lot near a large pine stump, th. N. 26 deg. 45 min. W. along said line 34c. to a stump 3c. N. of the pond above the dam, th. S. 63 deg. W. 3c. 751. to a small hemlock tree marked for a corner on north bank of creek, & th. down said creek as winds and turns to beg 1885 '90 938 do 21 ucg,. . . . Ex. 50a. res. land assessed to T. Burgess, bd. beg. at a stake on W. line of lot, th. N. 27 deg. W. along said line 44c. 501. to center of Stony Creek, th. up said creek lie. 241., th. S. 27 deg. E. 44c. 501. to a stake and fence corner, & th. S. 63 dee. W. lie. 241. to bee. 1885. '90. . 998 320 REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. WARREN COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. PALMER'S PURCHASE, GEN- ERAL ALLOTMENT (Con- tinued). Stony Creek 22 Ex. 210a. bd. beg. at a stake on S. bank of Stony Creek, th. along line between lots 21 & 22, 44c. 501. to an ash tree marked, th. N. 64 deg. E. 38e. to a stake in line of lots 22 & 23 in a field, th. N. 26 deg. W. 48c. to a cor- ner, th. S. 64 deg. W. 18c. to a pine stake near a large stump at the edge of the flow, th. N. 26 deg. W. 14c. to an elm tree on N. bank of Stony Creek, th. S. 64 deg. W. about 20c. to the line of lot 21, & th. S. 26 deg. E. & long said line to beg 1885 '90 . . 838 do 23 Ex. 203a. bd. beg. at a stake in line between lot 23 & Great lot 3, Rear Division, 3c. S. of Bakertown Road, th. S. 64 deg. W. 33c. to lot 22, th. N. 26 deg. W. 61}c. to a stake on line of lot 22, th. N. 64 deg. E. 33c. to Great lot 3, aforesaid, & th. S. 26 deg. E. along said Great lot line 61 ^c. to beg. . 1885 '90 845 do 30 All in Stony Creek 1885, '90 49 do 31 Same 1885, '90 70 do 32 Same 1895/00 78 do 33 Same 1895, '00 156 do 34 Same 1895, '00 240 do 35 Same 1895, '00 300 do 36 Same 1895, '00 360 Total, General Allot- ment, 8 , 528 acres. MIDDLE DIVISION, GREAT LOTS 1 & 2. (East part Lens Lake Tract). do North oart . . Purchase, 1897. . ,455 KEPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. 321 WARREN COUNTS. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Stony Creek 1 PALMER'S PURCHASE, MIDDLE DIVISION (Continued) . GREAT LOT 2 WEST PART BRUCE TRACT, (JAS. GREEN'S SURVEY). 1895 '00 102 do 2 1895 '00 102 do 3 1895 '00 102 do 4 1895 '00 102 do 5 1895 '00 102 j Ho 6 1895 '00 102 do 7 1895 '00 102 do 8 1895 '00 102 i do 9 1895 '00 103 do 10 1895 '00 103 do 11 1895 '00 103 do 12 1895 '00 103 do 13 1895 '00 103 do 15 All in Warren Co 1895 52 do 16 All in Warren Co 1895 98 do 3 GREAT LOT 3, (Green's Survey). Conveyed 1902 100 do 4 Conveyed 1902 100 Ho 5 Conveyed 1902 100 Ho 8 Conveyed 1902 100 do 9 1895, '00 100 do 10 1895 '00 100 do do . . . . 1 11 12 Ex. 3-nro a - being a strip of land 4r. in width beg. on E. line of lot, at a point 8c. N. from S. E. cor. thereof, th. N.70W.3c.441.,th.N.62 30'W.2c. 331., th N.71W. 3c. 151.,th. N. 7230'W.2c. 601., th. N. 81 W. Ic. th. N. 62 30' W. 2c., th. N. 64 W. 4c. 311., th. N. 52 W. 2c. 401., th. N. 57 W. Ic. 801., th. N.-62W. Ic. 691., th. N. 45 W. 2c., th. N. 21 i W. Ic. 281., th. N. 60 W. Ic. 1895, '00 98.30 322 REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. WARREN COUNTY. Lot. IDESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. 12 13 14 'ALMER'S PURCHASE, MIDDLE DIVISION, GREAT LOT 3 (Green's Survey) (Con- tinued). 691., th. N. 35 W. 3c. 121., th. N. 63 W. Ic. 661., th. N. 79 W. 2c. 441. to N. line of lot 7c. 501. W. of N. W. cor. thereof Ex. 2- 1 s ( foa. being a strip of land 4r. wide, beg. at a point in E. line of lot, 6c. N. from S. E. cor. thereof, th. N. 36 W. 2c., N. 80 W. Ic. 691., N. 58 W. 2c. 881., N. 2 30' W. 751., N. 40 W. Ic. 381., N. 28 W. Ic. 731., N. 43 W. 4c. 341., N. 34 W. 2c. 181., N. 44 W. 2c. 181., N. 66 W. 2c. 661., N. 89 W. Ic. 231., N. 75 W. 2c. 311., N. 14 30' W. Ic. 501., 37 30' W. 2c. to W. line of lot at a point 8c. from S. W. cor. . Ex. ia., being a strip of land 4 rods wide, beg. in S line of lot, 2c. E. from S. W. cor. thereof, th. N. 21 W 2c., N. 58 W. Ic. 571., N. 40 W. 2c. 401., N. 36 W Ic. to W. line of lot 6c. N. from S. W. cor. . Ex. 3-j-Q-oa., being a strip oi land 4r. wide, beg. in S. line of lot 4c. E. from S. W. cor. running th. N. 70 W. 801. N. 52 W. 2c. 181., N. 50 W. 3c. 491., N. 47 W. 2c 241., N. 25 W. 2c. 421., N 5E. 2c.,N. 27 W. 3c. 251., 1895, '00. 96.25 1895/00. 97.17 1895, '00. 1895, '00. 1895, '00 . 1895, '00. 1895, '00. 99.30 100 98.30 100 100 EEPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. 32 JJ WARREN COUNTY. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 PALMER'S PURCHASE, MIDDLE DIVISION, GREAT LOT 3 (Green's Survey) (Con- tinued). N. 23 W. 3c. 401., N. 20 30' W. 2c. N. 46 W. 3c., N. 23 W. 2c. 561., N. 10 W. 3c. 351., N. 27 W. 2c. 431., N. 14 W. 14c. 201. to N. line at a point 2c. E. of N. W. cor. of lot All in Warren Co Same Same Ex. 4^-Q-Q-a., being a strip of land 4r. wide, the center line of which runs as follows: Beg. at a point in the S. line of said lot, 13c. W. from S. E. cor. thereof, th. N. 8 W. 30c., N. 10 W. Ic. 501., N. 30 W. Ic. 481., N. 32 W. 3c. 371., N. 12 W. 4c. 841., N. 35 W. 3c., N. 13,N.20E. lc.301.,N. 18 W. 2c. 521., N. 27 W. 2c.,N. 40W.3c.,N. 10 W. 771., N. 56 W. 3c. 661., N. 58 W. 2c. 561., N. 63 W. 4c. 181., N. 70 W. 3c. 401. to N. line of said lot at a point 4c. E. from N. W. cor. thereof Total, Middle Division, Pal. Pur. 4,877| acres. REAR DIVISION. (Great Lot 1.) 1895, '00. 1895, '00. 1895/00 1895, '00. 1895, '00. 1895, '00 1895,, '00. Purchase, 1899. Purchase, 1899. Purchase, 1899. 11 324 REPORT or FOREST, FISH AXD GAME COMMISSION. WARREN COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Stony Creek .... do 4 26 PALMER'S PURCHASE, REAR DIVISION, GREAT LOT 1 (Continued). Purchase, 1899 Purchase 1900 80 160 do 27 1877 '81 '85 '95 160 do do do 34 35 37 1877, '81, '85 1881, '85, '90 1881 '85 '90 '95 160 160 122 do 38 1881 '85 '90 160 do do do 39 40 46 All in Stony Creek 1885 Purchase, 1897. ... 1885 160 80 135 53 do Thurman do do 49 49 58 59 All in Stony Creek All in Thurman Purchase, 1897 Purchase, 1897 Purchase, 1897. . . . 1881 '95 98.77 10.23 160 160 do 60 All in Thurman 1881, '90 102 do do 61 62 1871,77, '81 1890 . ... 96 160 do 63 s * 1871 '77 '81 '90 80 do 64 1871,77, '81 80 do 69 1871 77 '81 80 do 70 1881 '85 .... 160 do 74 Purchase 1897 160 do 75 1890 160 do do 76 81 Purchase, 1905 Purchase 1897 . . . 80 80 do . . 82 1895 160 do 83 1890 '95 160 do 85 1877 '81 '85 58 do do .... 86 88 1871,77, '81 Purchase 1897 144 72 Stony Creek .... do do do do 3 4 5 6 Total, Great Lot 1, 4,058.53 acres. (Great Lot 2.) 1890/95 1890, '95 1890, '95 1890, '95 1890, '95 . . 125.60 125.60 125.60 125.60 125.60 REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. 325 WARREN COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Stony Creek s PALMER'S PURCHASE, REAB DIVISION, GREAT LOT 2 (Continued). 1890 '95 125 60 do 9 1890 '95 125 60 do 10 1890, '95 125.60 do do 11 12 1890, '95 1890 '95 125.60 125 60 do 13 1890 '95 . . 125 60 do 14 All in Stony Creek 1890, '95 101.60 Thurman 14 All in Thurman 1890 '95 24 Stony Creek . . . Thurman 15 15 All in Stony Creek Ail in Thurman 1890, '95 1890, '95 9.60 116 do 16 1890 '95 125 60 do 17 1890, '95 125.60 do do 18 19 1890, '95 1890, '95 .... 125.60 125 60 do 20 1871 '81 '85 150 70 do 21 1871 '81 '85 150 70 do 22 1890, '95 125 60 do 23 1890, '95 .... 125 60 do 24 1890 '95 125 60 do 25 1890, '95 125.60 do 26 1890/95 125.60 Stony Creek .... Thurman 27 27 All in Stony Creek All in Thurman 1890 1871 '81 '85 '90 '95 3 122 60 Stony Creek 28 All in Stony Creek 1890 '95 93 60 Thurman Stony Creek 28 29 All in Thurman 1890, '95 1890, '95 32 125 60 do 30 1890 '95 125 60 do 30 1890 '95 125 60 do 31 1890 '95 125 60 do do 32 33 1890, '95 1890 '95 . . 125.60 125 6 do 34 1890 '95 125 6 do 35 1890 '95 125 6 6 do do 36 37 1890, '95 1890 '95 ... 125.60 125 6 do 38 1890 '95 125 6 9 do 43 1890 '95 125 6 do do do 44 45 46 1890, '95 1890, '95 1890 '95 125.6 126.5 125 6 do 47 1890. '95. . 125.60 326 REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. WARREN COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. PALMER'S PURCHASE, REAR DIVISION, GREAT LOT 2 (Continued). Stony Creek .... 48 1890, '95 125.60 do 49 1890, '95 126.50 do 50 1890, '95 125.60 do .... 51 1890 '95 . . 125.60 do 52 All in Stony Creek 1890 70.60 Thurman 52 N. E. cor. in Thurman 1890, '95 25 Stony Creek 53 All in Stony Creek 1890 1 Thurman 53 A 11 in Thurman, 124- x o^a. ex. 75a E end thereof 1890 '95 '00 49.60 do 54 1871/81/85/90/95. 125.60 do 55 1871, '81, '85 125.60 do 56 1871, '81, '85 125.60 do 57 1890, '95 125.60 do 58 1890, '95 125.60 do 59 1871/81/85/90/95. 125.60 do 60 1871, '81, '85 150.70 Total, Great Lot 2, 6,752-!% acres. (Great Lot 3.). Stony Creek All in Stony Creek, 3,91 4a. ex. 563a. S'ly end thereof and ex. 200a. in l,575a. S'ly end, bd. beg. at a stake and stones in W. line of lot being the N. W. end of lot known as the Mill lot, run- ning N. 26 W. 44c. 731., th. N. 26 E. 44c. 731. to S. line of lot, th. S. 64 W. along said line 44c. 731. to beg. . . 1890, '95, '00 and purchase, 1905. . . 3,151 Thurman All in Thurman 1890 '95 .... 1,400 Total, Rear Division, Pal. Pur. 15,282} acres. RIVER DIVISION. ^xo (East End.} Stony Creek Part bd. N. E. by Dartmouth Patent, N. W. by lots 1 and REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. 327 WARREN COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. PALMER'S PURCHASE, RIVER DIVISION (East End) (Continued). Stony Creek .... 2, Middle Division and S. by 1 Saratoga Co. (as surveyed), bd. beg. at N. E. cor. of said lot, th. S. 60 W. 150c. to Co. line, th. along said line to E. side of said lot, th. N. 30 W. 90c. to beg. 675a. ex. 160a. N. W. pt. thereof, also ex. that part of E. i of Great Lot 2, in War- ren Co. 120a. and W. \ of lot 2, 90a., leaving all of Great Lot 1, in Warren Co 1848 305 (Great Lot 3). do N. E. cor. bd. N. by Middle Div., E. by Sub. 1, S. by Saratoga Co., and W. by lot 4 .... 1877 45 Total River Division, 350 acres. i TONGUE MOUNTAIN TRACT. Hague 3 All in Hague *Resale 1899 25.50 Bolton 3 All in Bolton *Resale 1899 174.50 do 6 Reverted, 1859. 168 Hague 35 All in Hague 1900....'. 65 do ... 44 Reverted, 1859.. . . 212 do 46 Reverted, 1867.. 155 do 48 Reverted, 1859. 273 do 49 Reverted, 1859.. . . 270 Total Tongue Mt. Tract, 1,343 acres. TOTTEN & CROSSFIELD'S PUR- CHASE, TOWNSHIP 10. Thurman 15 All in Warren Co Bought, 1896 62.80 ^ Formerly bonded land, 328 REPORT OF FORKST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. WARREN COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. John sbur g h TOTTEN & CROSSFIELD'S PUR CHASE (Continued) . TOWNSHIP 11. 11 All in Johrsburgh 1877 & Pur 1897 277 Thurman 11 i All in Thurman 1877, '85 23 do Johnsburgh do 12 All in Thurman 12 All in Johnsburgh 13 1885, '90 Purchase, 1897. . . . 1885 '90 48 102 150 do 14 Ex und ^ 1877 '81 '85 200 do .... 14 1 Und. i Purchase, 1897. . . 100 do do do 15 16 ; 17 1877, '81, '85 1877, '81, '85 1885 '81 300 300 300 do 18 1885, '81 300 do do do 19 20 21 1885, '81 1885, '81 1885 '81 300 300 300 do 22 1885 '81 300 do do do 27 S. W. part 28 29 1895, '00 1885, '81 1885 '81 150 300 300 do 30 1877 '81 '85 300 do 31 1877, '81, '85 300 do do 32 33 1877, '81, '85 Purchase 1895 300 300 do 34 1877 '81 '85 300 do 35 Purchase, 1895. . . . 300 do do 36 37 .... Purchase, 1895. . . . Purchase 1895 150 150 do 38 Purchase 1897 300 do 39 1877, '81 300 do I do do 40 42 44 N end 1877, '81 Purchase, 1897. . . . 1877 '81 '85 300 300 150 do 45 N end 1877 '81 150 do 46 N. end 1877, '81, '95 98 do 56 1877, '81, '85. .. . 300 do do ' 57 58 ! . 1885/90 1881 '85 300 300 do 59 1877 '81 '85 300 do do 60 61 1881, '85 1885, '90, '95 150 150 do do 62 63 1885, '90, '95 1885, '90, '95 300 300 REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. 329 WARREN COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Johnsburgh do do 64 81 82 TOTTEN AND CROSSFIELD PlJR- CHA8E, TOWNSHIP 11 (Continued). 1885/90/95 Purchase, 1897 Purchase 1897 . . . 300 300 300 do 83 1900 & Pur 1897 300 do 84 1900 & Pur., 1897. 150 Total, Township 11, 11,198 acres. do 60 TOWNSHIP 12. 1881 '85 166 do 134 S E cor 12c E & W & 24c N & S 1885 30 do 135 N. W. pt. 60a. ex. 36a. N. W. cor. thereof 24c. N. & S. & 15c E & W 1885 24 Total, Township 12, 220 acres. do 3 TOWNSHIP 13. 1877, '90 417.56 do 4 Bought, 1905 444 85 do 5 Bought 1905 521 26 do 6 Bought 1905 424 65 do 7 Bought 1905 479 02 do 8 Bought 1905 427 54 do 9 1885, '90 400 do 10 1877 '85 448 83 do 11 1877, '85 437 do 12 1877 '85 416 40 do 14 Purchase 1905 141 40 do 15 1885 '90 145 90 do 16 Purchase 1905 134 80 do 17 Purchase, 1905. . . . 137.60 do do 18 19 Purchase, 1905. . . . Purchase 1905 154 135 do 20 Purchase 1905 165 20 do 21 Purchase 1905 143 40 do 22 1877. '85 . . 131.90 330 RJEPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. WARREN COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. John sburgh 23 TOTTEN AND CROSSFIELD's PURCHASE, TOWNSHIP 13- (Continued). 1885 '90 '95 127 75 do 26 1885/90 145.20 do do . . 27 28 1885, '90, '95 . Purchase 1905 151.10 164 50 do 29 Purchase 1905 187 10 do 30 Purchase, 1905. . . . 152.50 do do . . 31 32 Purchase, 1905. . . . Purchase 1905 174.30 155 do 33 Purchase 1905 152 40 do 34 Purchase, 1905. . . . 163.60 do 35 Purchase 1905 . 157.50 do 36 1885 '90 152 40 do 37 1885 '90 148 30 do do 38 39 1885, '90 Purchase 1905 151.70 157 20 do 40 Purchase 1905 146 50 do 41 Purchase, 1905. . . . 147.40 do do 42 43 Purchase, 1905. . . . Purchase 1899 165.25 143 25 do 44 Purchase 1899 174 75 do 45 Purchase, 1899. . . . 156.10 do 46 Purchase, 1899 . 140 30 do 47 Purchase 1899 134 20 do 48 Purchase 1899 122 60 do 49 1877, '85 122.60 do ..... 50 1885, '90 146 90 do 51 Purchase 1899 154 30 do 52 Purchase 1899 169 do 53 Purchase, 1899. . . . 187.80 do 54 Purchase 1899 . 153 do 55 Purchase 1905 175 30 do 56 Purchase 1905 155 50 do 57 Purchase, 1905. . . . 154.60 do do 58 59 Purchase, 1905 1885 '90 162.80 155 90 do 60 1885 '90 '95 152 50 do 61 1885 '90 118 20 do 62 Purchase 1905 119 80 do do 63 64 Purchase, 1905 Purchase 1899 125.50 118.40 do 65 Purchase. 1899.. 117.8o REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION.. 331 WARREN COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Johnsburgh 66 TOTTEN &CROSSFIELD'S PUR- CHASE, TOWNSHIP 13 (Continued). Purchase 1899 132 80 do 67 Purchase 1899 114 40 do 68 1885 '90 140 70 do 69 1885, '90 126 30 do 70 1885, '90 ... 115 80 do 71 1885 '90 . . 107 60 do 72 1885 '90 118 30 do 73 1885 '90 136 80 do 74 1885, '90 122 75 do 75 1885 '90 131 80 do 76 Purchase 1899 146 30 do 77 Purchase, 1899. . . . 161 30 do 78 Purchase 1899 132 40 do 80 1885 '90 137 70 do . . . 81 Purchase 1905 139 75 do 82 Purchase 1905 147 95 do 83 Purchase 1905 140 30 do 84 1885 '90 140 60 do ... 85 1885 '90 152 60 do 86 Purchase 1905 153 40 do 87 Purchase 1905 161 90 do 88 Purchase 1905 154 50 do 89 1885 '90 151 90 do 90 1885 '90 171 80 do 91 Purchase 1899 147 50 do 92 Purchase 1899 179 80 do 93 Purchase 1899 165 70 do . . 94 Purchase 1899 149 50 do 95 1885 '90 138 70 do 96 1885 '90 157 60 do 97 Purchase 1899 178 20 do 98 Purchase 1899 153 70 do 99 Purchase 1899 152 20 do 100 Purchase 1899 186 10 do 101 1877 '85 200 do 102 Purchase 1899 163 80 do 103 Purchase 1899 192 30 do 104 Purchase 1899 169 80 do ..... 105 Purchase 1899 174 20 do 106 1885 '90 181 50 do ..... 107 1885, '90 171 332 REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. WARREN COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Johnsburgh 108 TOTTEN & CROSSFIELD'S PUR- CHASE, TOWNSHIP 13 (Continued). 1885 '90 171 75 do 109 1885 '90 149 60 do 110 1885, '90 147.40 do 111 1885 '90 156 do . . 112 Purchase 1899 149 60 do 113 Purchase 1899 143 80 do 114 Purchase, 1899. . . . 162.10 do 115 Purchase 1899 . . 136 75 do 116 1877 '85 165 80 do 117 Purchase 1899 158 50 do 118 1885, '90 137 do 119 Purchase 1899 . . 123 75 do 120 Purchase 1899 146 75 do 121 1877 '85 167 30 do 122 1877 '85 138 50 do do 123 124 1877, '85 1877 '85 154 173 60 do 125 1877 '85 184 10 do 126 Purchase 1899. . . 152 do 127 Purchase 1899 181 10 do 128 Purchase 1899 159 25 do 129 1885, '90 168.75 do do 130 131 1885, '90 1885 '90 174.60 164 25 do 132 1885 '90 167 50 do 133 1885, '90 111.30 do do 134 135 1885, '90 1885 '90 110.10 118 90 do 136 1885 '90 116 do 137 Purchase, 1899. . . . 112.20 do 138 Purchase 1899. . . . 128.60 do 139 Purchase 1899 108 90 do 140 v 1877 '85 134 do 141 1877 '85 130 do do 142 143 1877, '85 1877 '85 . . . 115.70 104.75 do 144 1877 '85 125.80 Total, Township 13, 23,408.72 acres. REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. 333 WARREN COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Johnsburgh do 50 51 TOTTEN & CROSSFIELD'S PUR- CHASE (Continued). TOWNSHIP 14. North and South East J. (Pond's Survey.} 1877, '81, '85 1877 '81 '85 160 160 do 99 S W cor 1877 '81 '85 33 do do 106 6 All in Warren Co South West J. Conklin & Others' Tract (Legget's Sur- vey). Ex 20a. N. W. cor 1881, '85 1895 132 130 do 13 Purchase 1908 150 do 14 1881 '85 150 do 22 1877, '81, '85 112.50 do .... 24 1877 '81 ... 178 do 25 1877 '81 '85 178 Total, Township 14, 1,383.50 acres. do 90 TOWNSHIP 15. All in Warren Co 1895, '00 & Pur., 1897 . . 46 50 do 91 Same 1895 '00 & Pur 1897 10 do 101 do 1895, '00 & Pur., 1897 . . . 60 do 102 do 1895 '00 & Pur do 103 1897 1895, '00 & Pur., 1897 . . 150 160 do do 104 112 All in Warren Co Same 1895, '00 & Pur., 1897 1895, '00 & Pur., 1897 26.50 3 do 113 do 1895 '00 & Pur 1897 113.50 do 114 Pur. 1897 & 1907. 160 do ... 115 1895 '00 & Pur., 1897. . 160 334 KEPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. WARREN COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Johnsburgh 116 TOTTEN & CROSSFIELD'S PUR- CHASE, TOWNSHIP 15 (Continued). 1895 '00 & Pur- do 117 All in Warren Co chase, 1897 1895 '00 & Pur- 160 do 118 All in Warren Co chase, 1897 1895 '00 & Pur- 115 chase, 1897 50 do 121 do 1895 '00 & Pur- chase 1897 27 do 122 do 1895 '00 & Pur- chase, 1897 105 do .... 123 1895 '00 & Pur- chase, 1897 16C do 124 1895 '00 & Pur- do 125 chase, 1897 1895 '00 & Pur- 160 do 126 chase, 1897 1895 '00 & Pur- 160 chase 1897 160 do 127 1895 '00 & Pur- do 128 chase, 1897 1895 '00 & Pur- 160 chase 1897 160 do do 129 135 All in Warren Co Same 1895, '00. & Pur- chase 1897 1895 '00 & Pur- 23 do 136 do chase, 1897.... 1895 '00 & Pur- 1.50 do 137 chase, 1897 1895 '00 & Pur- 129.50 do 138 chase , 1897 .... 1895 '00 & Pur- 160 do 139 chase, 1897.... 1895 '00 & Pur- 160 do 140 t chase ,1897 1895 '00 & Pur- 160 do 141 chase, 1897 1895 '00 & Pur- 160 do 142 chase, 1897 .... 1895 '00 & Pur- 160 do 143 chase, 1897 .... 1895, '00, & Pur- 160 chase, 1897.... 160 REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. 335 WARREN COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Johnsburgh do 144 145 TOTTEN & CROSSFIELD'S PUR- CHASE, TOWNSHIP 15 (Continued). 1895, '00, & Pur- chase, - 1897 .... 1895 '00 & Pur- 160 do do 146 147 chase, 1897 1895, '00, & Pur- chase, 1897. ... 1895 '00 & Pur- 160 160 do . . 148 chase, 1897 1895, '00, & Pur- 160 do 149 chase, 1897.... 1895 '00 & Pur- 160 do 150 chase, 1897 1895 '00 & Pur- 160 do 151 chase, 1897 .... 1895 '00 & Pur- 160 do 152 chase, 1897 .... 1895, '00, & Pur- 160 do 153 chase, 1897.... 1895 '00 & Pur- 160 do 154 All in Warren Co chase, 1897 1895 '00, & Pur- 160 Total, Township 15, 5 , 227 acres. chase, 1897.... 47 Chester 18 TOWNSHIP 24. N pt 1877 '81 '85 300 24 1881 '85 '90 420 do 25 1877 '85 '95 420 Chester 29 Sub. 22, N. E. pt 1877 16 Total, Township 24, 1,156 acres. Thurman 15 TOWNSHIPS 10 ANn29. All in Thurman . Purchase 1896 62 80 Thurman 16 All in Warren Co Purchase, 1896. . . . 735.84 do 17 Same Purchase 1896. . . . 1 , 328 . 34 do 18 Same Purchase 1896. . . . 1,370 75 Johnsburgh Thurman Johnsburgh 19 19 20 All in Johnsburgh All in Thurman All in Johnsburgh Purchase, 1896 Purchase, 1896 Purchase, 1896. . . . 26.23 1,396.41 315 Thurman . . 20 All in Thurman . . Purchase, 1896. . 1,104.80 33G KEPORT OF FOREST, FISH AXD GAME COMMISSION. WARREN COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. TOTTEN & CROSSFIELD'S PUR- CHASE, TOWNSHIPS 10 AND 29 (Continued). Thurman All that pt. of l,430a. in N. W. cor. of Thurman, bd. N. by Johnsburgh, S. E'ly by N'ly line of numbered lots in allotments of Townships 10 and 29, and W'ly by Hamilton County, which is included in or covered by a tract of 5,000a., which was patented by the State to H. Balfour 1853/81/85/90 and Purchase, 1905. 702.67 do S. E. cor. bd. N. by town line & W. by lot 20 Purchase, 1896. . . . 1,129.90 Johnsburgh .... N. pt. of all of Balfour Tract in Warren County Purchase, 1892 1,200 do All of unalloted pt. of Town- ship 29 in Johnsburgh, ex- cept 2,400a. E'ly end of the Ruth'ford Tract, 80c. wide E. & W., l,200a., N. pt. of all of the Balfour Tract in Warren county, 176^a. bd. N. by the Sacandaga River, E'ly by a line parallel with and 80c. W. from E. line of Township and S. by the S. line of the Rutherford Tract, 116a. known as the Benj. Harrington farm, bd. E. by said 176^a. parcel, 64a. be- ing all of 125a. on S line of the Rutherford Tract, 80c. W. from E. line of Township, lOc. 261. wide on E. and lOc. 671. on W. line not covered by said 176-5a.andll6a.parcels. Purchase, 1896 7,317.84 do On S. line of the Balfour and Rutherford Tracts 80c. W. from E. line of township, lOc. 261. wide on E. and lOc. 671. on W. line. . 1885.. 125.50 REPOBT OF FOKKST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. 337 WARREN COUNTY. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. TOTTEN & CROSSFIELD'S PUR- CHASE, TOWNSHIPS 10 AND 29 (Continued). Russell Tract. Bd. N'ly by line parallel to and 44c. N'ly from lot 20 of Townships 10 and 29, E'ly 44c. by Townships line, S'ly 80c. by lot 20, and W'ly 44c. by a line parallel to and 80c. from E. line of Town- ship On E'ly line of Township 44Jc. S'ly from N'ly line thereof 129fc. long N. and S. and 80c. wide E. and W. bd. N'ly by the Hopkins lot, and S'ly by the G. R Martin lot, l,038a. ex. 300a. bd. beg. at a post and stones hi the line between 11 and 29, said post stand- ing 2c. 251. on the W'ly side of the Sacandaga River from high water mark running th. along said Township lines N. 3 W 37c. 501., & th. S. 60 W 80c., th. S. 30 E. 37c. 501 to a post & stones, & th. N 60 E. along the N'ly line of the Holden Cook lot 80c. to beg Bd. beg. at a post & stones on line bet. Twps. 11 & 29 said post standing 251. on W'ly side of Sacandaga River from high water mark, th. along town line N 30 W. 37c., th. S. 60 W 80c., th. S. 30 E. 37c. & th. N. 60 E. along N'ly lin of H. Cook lot 80c. to beg. N. E. cor. 41 c. 251. wide N &S.,&80c. longE. &W 1885, '90, '95.., 352 1885, '90, '95 . . 738 Purchase, 1898. Purchase, 1896. 300 330 338 REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. WARREN COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Johnsburgh TOTTEN & CROSSFIELD'S PUR- CHASE, TOWNSHIPS 10 AND 29 (Russell Tract} (Con- tinued). On E. line of Township 191Jc. S'ly from N'ly line, 15c. wide N'ly & S'ly & 80c. long E'ly & W'ly Purchase 1898 120 Total, Township 29, 18,593.28 acres. do TOWNSHIP 31. All hi Warren County 1885 '90 3 476 60 Warrensburgh. . . 3 WARRENSBURGH TRACT. Reverted 1867 .. 201 do 7 *Resale 1899 214 do 10 *Resale 1899 214 do 14 *Resale 1899 .... 200 Total, Warrensburgh Patent, 829 acres. *Formerly bonded land. KEPOKT OF FOREST, Fisir AND GAME COMMISSION. 339 WASHINGTON COUNTY, List of Lands Belonging to the State. (Total number of acres, 2,192.) Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Fort Ann Easton . Granville do Hebron 60 ARTILLERY PATENT. Lying near Parish's lock bd. N. by lands of I. V. Baker, Jr., and Widow White, E. by Wood Creek, S. by land of Ariel West and Leonard Wellen, and W. by lands of Milo Starks and I. V. Baker, Jr., lately owned by Wm. Morton, 70a. ex. about 22a. on the W. side of the lot which has been released and now owned by R. R. Parish. EASTON, TOWN OF. Bd. N. by J. Wetsell, E. by Thos. Berry & S. & W. by Wm. Weed or lands of Jacob Hill.. GRANVILLE, TOWN OF. Bd. E. by Lansing Day's es- tate, S. by highway and W. by A. W. Tupper Potter, Anna, estate of, bd. N. by Thos. Clark, E. by Chas. Savage & highway to Hampton, & S. & W. by O. J. Merrill Total, Town of Gran- ville, 4a. HEBRON, TOWN OF. Bd. N. by Sherman, E. by Boyington, S. by Sherman, & W. by James Elate Mortgage. 48 1877, '81, '85, 23 1881 1885 1877. 15 340 REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. WASHINGTON COUNTY Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Dresden 50 SOUTH BAY TRACT. 1881 '85 '95 120 do do 58 90 Reverted, 1825 1877, '81 , 57 160 do 91 1877 '81 '85 '90 160 do 98 1885 160 do ... 109 * Resale, 1899 .... 103 Fort Ann 122 Reverted 1867 . . 160 Dresden 157 1885 122 Total, 1,042 acres. Fort Ann 36 WESTFIELD TRACT. Reverted 1861 160 do 46 *Resale 1899 160 do 49 *Resale 1899 160 do 50 *Resale, 1899 . . . 160 do do 54 56 *Resale, 1899 *Resale 1899 160 160 Total, Westfield Tract, 960 acres. Putnam 61 WILLIAM'S NORTH TRACT. 1890 100 * Formerly bonded land. REPORT OF FOREST, FTSH AND GAME COMMISSION. 341 CATSKILL PRESERVE. DELAWARE COUNTY. List of Lands Belonging to the State. (Total number of acres, 18,998.11.) Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. BABINGTON PATENT. Walton 10 1853 -... 108 do 11 S. W. 4 1853.: 54 Total, Babington Patent, 162a. EVANS' PATENT. Tompkins 29 Sub. 6 Mortgage, 1826... . 200 FITCH'S (JONATHAN) PATENT. Davenport 10 1895, '00 200 HARDENBURGH PATENT, GREAT LOT 2, Division 28. Hancock 1 S. pt. bd. N. by lands of Cyrus Peak 1881, '85 390 do 2 S. pt. bd. N. by lands of Cyrus Peak 1881, '85 400 do 3 N. W. cor. bd. E. by land of Richard & S. by land of Geer 1895 76.50 Division 29. (East 4). do 1 Ex right of R R 1881, '85 125 do 4 S '* 1881, '85 67.50 (West .) do 2 1885, '90 170 Total, Great Lot 2, 1,229 acres. 342 REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. DELAWARE COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Hancock 12 HARDENBURGH PATENT (Continued). GREAT LOT 3 (Southerly Part, Jacob R. Hardenburgh Tract), Division 3. 1871 76 do 16 1871, 77 67 do 17 1871, 77 67 do 20 1871 77 . 67 do 21 1871 77 67 Total, 344 acres. do do 34 35 10,000 acre tract. Division 3. 1895/00 1895 '00 69.50 69 50 do do 36 37 1895, '00 1895 '00 . 69.50 69 50 Total, 278 acres. Colchester do 39 57 GREAT LOT 4. (Ray Tract.) Ex. 40a. N. W. cor S i bd N by Bell 1871,77, '81 1895 '00 115 80 do 73 All in Colchester 1877 '85 50 do ....... 78 1877 160 do 79 1877, '81, '85 ... 160 do .... 80 Bd N E by lot 72 S E do 87 by county line & W. by Francisco All in Delaware Co .... 1890, '95 1877 28.86 75 Hancock 34 (Spooner Tract.) All in Hancock 1877 '81 50 Total, Great Lot 4, 718-nfo acres. Colchester 18 GREAT LOT 5. Bd N by Francisco E by Warren & Bogart, S. by lot 17 & W. by Brainerd or Brainard & D. Francisco. . 1877.. 38 REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. 343 DELAWAKE COUNTY. Town. Lot, DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Colchester 80 HARDENBURGH PATENT, GREAT LOT 5 (Con- tinued). S. pt. bd. N. by lands of Smith 1885 113 do 98 S W pt bd N & E by lands of A. Campbell, & E. B. Bradley, 165a., ex. 15a. bd. N. by Campbell & Brad- ley, & W. by Campbell, E. by Miller & S by Reid 1885 150 do 120 S. or S'ly pt. bd. N. or N'ly do 156 by Buckley or Bulkley. . . . 1877, '81 1877 '81 ... 30 84 do 314 N. E. pt. bd. S'ly by land of Holmes, Brown & Brown. . 1885 91 do 329 S. E'ly cor. bd. N'ly by Wm. Finch, & W'ly by J. or Wm. Brock 1877 '81 '85 110 do 336 Ex. 55a. N. E. cor. square . . 1885 105 do 338 1877 '81 '85 160 do 374 1877 '81 '85 168 do 375 1877 '81 172 do 376 1877, '81, '85 150 do .... 377 1877 '81 '85 150 do 379 Ex 20a S or S'ly cor 1877 '81 130 do 380 Ex. 25a. S'ly cor. sold to Reagan 1877 140 do do do 386 388 390 Ex. lOa. S. or S'ly cor 1877, '81 1877, '81, '85 1877 '81 150 153 181 Total, Great Lot 5, 2,275 acres. Andes do 14 20 GREAT LOT 6, DIVISION 3, (Robinson Tract). 1871,77 Purchase 1906 130 136 do 21 1871 '77 '85 .... 133 do 26 1877 129 do 37 1877 '81 '85 153 do 44 1871 '77 '81 '85 136 do 50 1877, '81, '85, '95. . 136 do . 53 N. W. cor. . . 1871. . 5 344 REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. DELAWARE COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. HARDENBURGH PATENT, GREAT LOT 6, DIVISION 3 (Robinson Tract) (Con- tinued). Andes 57 1877 153 do 77 1871,77, '81 136 do 78 1871, 77, '81, '85. . 142 do 79 Purchase, 1907. . . . 142 do 99 N. W'ly cor. 22c. 701. long N'ly and S'ly, and 22c. 361. wide E'ly and W'ly 1885, '90 50 do 106 1871, '90 132 do 114 1877, '81, '85, '95. . 167 do 139 1871,77, '81 164 do 140 1871,77, '85, '90. . 161 Total, Great Lot 6, 2,205 acres. GREAT LOT 7. (Garretson Tract). Middle town 69 E'ly} 1905 & Purchase, 1906 80 do 69 W'ly \ . . Purchase, 1909. . . . 80 do 70 1881, '85 160 do 71 1853 160 do 72 1853 '85 145 do 79 Bd. beg. at a stake and stones at the cor. of lots 79 and 114 and on line of Catherine Frear's land, th. S. 50 E. 23c. 771. to a stake and stone about 20 ft. E. from the path, th. N. 41 E. 23c. 771. to a soft maple tree cornered and marked A. B. D., th. N. 52 W. along a line of marked trees 23c. 771. to a stake and stones in line of lot 79 and Mrs. Catherine Frear's land and th. S. 41 W. along said lot line and Frear's land 23c. 771. to beg. (State Hatch- ery) Purchase, 1904 56.5 KEPORT OF FOREST. FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. o45 DELAWARE COUNTY Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Middletown 82 HARDENBURGH PATENT GREAT LOT 7 (Garretso Tract) (Continued). 1853 '81 161 do 84 1871 '90 165 do do 109 110 All in Delaware County . . . 1871, '90 Purchase 1906 30 160 do 114 W. $ (State Hatchery) .... Total, Great Lot 7 1,277.50 acres. Purchase, 1904. . . . 80 do 1 GREAT LOTS 7 AND 10. (Darling's First Survey). N. pt 1853 160 do 6 1853 140 do 14 Purchase, 1906. . 160 do 23 1881 '85 160 do 48 1853 200 Total, Lots 7 and 10, 980 acres. Andes 22 GREAT LOT 9. (Beekman Tract). 1895 156 do 24 1871 '77 156 do do 25 26 All in Delaware County .... N. W. cor., bd. E. by county line 1871,77 1905 . . 126 16 Total, 454 acres. Tompkins A GREAT LOT 35, Division 5 (Subdivision 1). 1881 '85 331 do B 1885, '90. .. 362 do c 1895 '00 102 do 1 Division 6. N. W'ly side of all, after ex. do 9 50a. N'ly pt 1871 1871 '77 '81 100 257 do 4 Division 7. 1877, '85 102 346 KEPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. DELAWARE COUNTY. 1 Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Hancock 8 HARDENBURGH PATENT, GREAT LOT 35 (Continued). Division 14. W'ly pt., 75a. and S'ly end of 75a E'ly pt. 45a 1871 '77 '81 120 Total, Great Lot 35, 1,374 acres. Colchester ... . 3 GREAT LOT 36, Division 59 (N.E. Part). E. end, bd. W. by Gee lot 1895 1900 105 do 3 ,S. W. Part. E end bd W by Gee lot . 1895 1900 400 Walton 3 Division 62. S. E. or S. E'ly \ 1871,77, '81 77.25 Total, Great Lot 36 582 J acres. Andes 6 GREAT LOT 37, EASTERLY ALLOTMENT (Elmendorf, or Jacob Tremper, Tract). W'ly pt., bd. E'ly by line parallel to E'ly line of lot. . . 1881 '85 100 Walton 54 WESTERLY ALLOTMENT (Atkinson Tract). All in Walton 1871 '77 '81 130 do 68 1877 '85 223 Total, Great Lot 27, 453 acres. Andes 14 GREAT LOT 38 (Johnson's 1st Purchase). S. E'ly cor., being same premises conveyed by Abram Hyzer & wife to Duncan Ballentine, Jan. 3d, 1861 . . Mortaasre. 1905. . . 11 REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. 347 DELAWARE COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. HARDENBURGH PATENT, Andes 14 GREAT LOT 38 (Johnson's 1st Purchase (Continued). Beg. at a point below the house formerly occupied by Elizabeth Coon, on S. side of the road, on division line formerly between Solomon Earll & Joseph J. Webb, th. up said road to the line of Lot 11, th. to the cor. of lot 15, th. along line of land formerly occupied by Wil- liam Neild to a cherry sap- ling, th. through the or- chard to a stake & stones in the line aforesaid between Solomon Earll & Joseph Webb, th. along said di- vision line to a beech tree & . th. to beg., conveyed by John Burch & wife to D. do 14 Ballantine Feb. 1, 1858 Beg. below the house on S. Mortgage, 1905... . 12 side of the road, on division line between Solomon Earll & Jos. W. Webb, th. up said road to lot 11, th. up said line to within 40 rods of the corner, th. 20 rods on lot 11, th. 40 rods to lot 10, th. to original corner, th. through orchard to stake & stones, th. down division . line to a beech tree & th. to do 14 &15 beg.... Beg. at lot 11, th. along Sol- Mortgage, 1905 7 omon Earll's land 64 rods to a cherry sapling, th. S. 20 rods to a basswood sap- ling, th. N. W'ly 66 rods to a stake & stones, th. S W'ly to division line of lot 15, th. to beg; also all that part of 348 REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. DELAWARE COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. HARDENBURGH PATENT, GREAT LOT 38 (Johnson's 1st Purchase (Continued) Andes 14&15 lot 15 lying N. W'ly at the highway from TranperskiL to Wolf Hollow; also beg. at lot 15 and N'ly part of 14, th. N'ly to a beech tree, th. 35 rods to a soft maple tree. th. S. W'ly to a birch tree 27 rods & th. along the high- way to beg., all conveyed by Abram Hyzer & wife to Duncan Ballantine March 4, 1859 Mortgage, 1905... . 39 Total, Great Lot 38, 69 acres. GREAT LOT 39 (Morgan Lewis Tract). do 85 S W'ly pt 1871 115 GREAT LOT 40 (New Kingston Tract, Wth Class). Middle town 7 1871, '85 55 GREAT LOT 42. Stamford 157 All in Stamford 1895 . 60 do 159 Same 1895 60 Total, 120 acres. GREAT LOT 51. do 9 N. pt 1871, '85 82 Total, 82 acres. RAPELYEA'S PATENT. Tompkins 131 1895 .... 187.50 do 149 1905 187 do .158 1877, '81, '85/95. . 200 do 166 1871, 77, '81 200 T<*,,1 T7 4 1 ~ REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. 0-19 DELAWARE COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Delhi 10 WHITESBORO PATENT. Bd. beg. at a small beech tree standing on the bank of the Delaware River, marked on N. side "G. F." & on S. side "A. E.", th. N. 31 W. 97c. to a small hemlock sapling marked on N. side "G. F." & on S. side A. E.," th. S. 60 W. 21c. to a beech sapling marked "A. E./' & th. S. 31 E. 104c. to the Delaware River to beg Mortgage 215 350 KEPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. GKEENE COUNTY. List of Lands Belonging to the State. (Total number of acres, 9,849.17.) Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. ATHENS, TOWN OF. Lying in that part of the town known as High Hill, bd. N'ly by lands of heirs Joshua June, dec'd, Jacob Hallenbeck, Henry Bran- dow, John H. Edwards, and Robert Lampman, E'ly by lands of John McGif- fert, S'ly by lands of said John McGiffert, William June & Lewis Weeks, and W'ly by lands of Levi F. Kipp, being same premises conveyed to Henry S. French by deed recorded in Greene County Clerk's office in book of deeds 85, page 220 CATSKILL PATENT. Bd. N. by land now or re- cently owed by heirs of Abraham A. Salisbury, de- ceased, & land of Chas. Schwalli, E. by land of said Chas. Schwalli & land of Bortle Flegle & wife, S. by land of John H. Overbaugh & W. by land of said Over- baugh & Nathaniel Finch, know as the farm on which Geo. Gonnerman resided, except & reserving the burial ground on said pre- mises, with right of ingress & egress for burial purposes only 1900 & Pur., 1906. 95 1900 1896. & Purchase, 134.82 REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. 351 GREENE COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Catskill do CATSKILL, TOWN OP. A triangular piece or trian- gular lot bd. E. by Page & S. & W. by Yager Funk Mrs Robert Wood 1895 18 lot, bd. N. by Massino, E. by C. K. Smith, S. by Funk & W. by J. H. Snyder 1895 5 do Peters or Petus Herman bd N. by J. Carnwright or Carnright, E. by Goodwin or E. Goodwin & C. Fiero, S. by Cooke & Hommel & W. by Chas. Griffin, being S. \ of lot formerly owned by Peters and Cartwright . 1895 '00. . . ! 13 do Highway and King's Road. Brenk Samuel C bd N. by T. & E. Millington, E. by same and highway, S. by highway and W. by King's Road with house 1900 '05 2 do King's Road. West Side. Smith Eliza or Elijah, lot in District No. 3, bd. N. by land of R. Smith, E. by King's Road, S. by land ol Wm. H. Thrompbour, anc W. by land of Smith and J. Sterrett . . 1900 20 Total, Catskill, 192.82 acres. Lexington 35 HARDENBURGH PATENT GREAT LOT 21. West Part. Purchase 1900. . 188 2, do 55 N W cor Purchase 1900 30 do do 56 57 1895/00 Purchase 1902. . . 195 186. 5( do .. . 58 Purchase 1900. . . 187. 5( do 60 Purchase. 1900. . 177 352 REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. GREENE COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Lexington . do do 61 36 HARDENBURGH PATENT, GREAT LOT 21, West Part (Continued). Ed. N. & E. by lands of Richard Congdon or Ru- land Congdon, S. by lot 60 & land of Abner or Abram Mead & W. by lot 34 Total, Great Lot 21, 1,120.75 acres. Purchase, 1900. GREAT LOT 22. North Part. Bd. beg. at the end of stone wall at N. E. cor. of land formerly of Ann Ayres N. 40 20' E., 632 ft. from a pile of stones in lines of lands formerly of Oliver C. Peck & lands formerly of Ann Ayres ; th. N. 40 20' E. 1 ,435 ft. to a stone wall, th. S. 49 40' E. along a stone wall, 1,610ft., th. S. 1 W 892 ft. to a pile of stones th. S. 38 50' W. 774 ft. to a pile of stones, th. N. 49 40' W. 2,200 ft. to beg Bd. beg. at a pile of stones in line between lands formerly of Oliver C. Peck and lands formerly of Ann Ayres, which pile of stones is S. 40 20' W. 632 ft. from the in- tersection of the line wall between the lands here described and lands for- merly of Jason Bloodgood, N. 49 40' W. 1,690 ft. to a clump of basswood trees cornered and marked, thJ N. 40 20' E. 650 ft. to a! large oak tree marked,! standing on the height of land, th. along the height! Purchase, 1908. 156 68 REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. 353 GREENE COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Lexington 35 HARDENBURGH PATENT GREAT LOT 22, North Par (Continued). of land N. 12 30' W. 346 ft. to an oak tree cornered th. along the height of lane N. 9 30' E. 322 ft. to a beech tree cornered, th along the height of land N. 45' E. 625 ft. to a beech tree cornered, standing in the division line between the towns of Windham and Jewett, th. along said division line N. 33 E. 270 ft. to a pile of stones, th along said division line N. 46 E. 400 ft. to a beech tree cornered, th. along said division line N. 51 30' E. 110 ft. to a maple tree cor- nered, th. along said divi- sion line N. 72 30' E. 426 ft. to a beech tree cornered, th. along said division line S. 81 30' E. 230 ft. to beech tree cornered, th. along said division line S. 58 E. 182 ft. to a beech tree cornered, th. along said division line S. 71 30 E. 250 ft. to an oak tree cor- nered, th. along said divi- sion line S. 37 E. 261 ft. to an oak tree cornered, th. along said division line S. 48 E. 525 ft. to a beech tree cornered, th. along said division line S. 34 30' E. 565 ft. to a billberry tree, cornered and marked, th. along said division line S. 58 15' E. 357 ft. to a pile of stones on a rock, th. S. 40 20' W. 2,827 ft. to beg . . Purchase, 1908. 145 354 REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. GREENE COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Lexington 3 HARDENBURGH PATENT GREAT LOT 22 (Con- tinued). S. Township. W * Purchase 1902 79 75 do 5 Purchase 1902 144 50 do 6 W. pt. . Purchase, 1902. . .. 46.50 do 13 Purchase 1902 127.50 do 14 Purchase 1902 137 do 15 Purchase, 1902 135.25 do do 16 17 Purchase, 1902. . . . 1877 '81 '85 143 144 do 18 E part Purchase 1900 40 do 19 S. -J 1877, '81, '85 120 do 21 N. W. cor . ... Purchase 1900 46 do ... 23 1877 '81 '85 140 do 37 S A Purchase 1900 109 37 do do 38 40 Purchase, 1900 Purchase 1909 104.50 105 5 do 41 Ex und ^ 1877 '81 '85 51 do do 41 76 Und. i S. *.., Purchase, 1898. . . . Purchase 1900 51 126.50 do 77 S Purchase 1900 124 50 do 78 S. \ Purchase, 1900. . . . 121.50 do 79 Purchase 1902 159.75 do 80 Purchase 1902 148 do 81 Purchase 1907 161 do 82 Purchase 1902. . . . 157.50 do 84 Purchase 1900 146 50 do 86 Purchase 1900 & 1907 198.5 Jewett 90 Ex 50a N W^ cor square Purchase 1907 182 Lexington 92 Purchase 1907 140 5 do 2 Bryant Tract. All of 225yg-7ja in Greene county described as being in Ulster county, recorded in Ulster county clerk's office, Cory don Bushnell & wife to Edwin R. Longen- dyke 1870 Resale 1 899 187 50 Total Great Lot 22, 2,966.57 acres *Formerly bonded land. REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. 355 GREENE COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Jewett . do 47 78 HARDENBURGH PATENT (Continued). GREAT LOT 23. N. E. cor. & water privilege bd. N. & E. by land of Mills, S. W. by land of Butts Bd. beg. at a pile of stones at S. W. cor. of the Benj. Tay- lor Tract, th. along W. side of said Tract as the needle now points N. 38 50' E 3,567 ft. to a pile of stones at formerly the S. W. cor. of the James Jones farm, and now in S. line of the Milton Jones farm, th. along said Milton Jones farm S. 51 10' E. 1,222 ft. to center line of the old road leading from South Jewett to Spruceton, th. along said road in a S'ly direction to N. line of the Benj. Taylor Tract (the courses and distances along said road are as follows viz.) S. 54 50' W. 347 ft. 9 in., S. 40 46' W. 291 ft. 4 in., S. 23 10' E. 190 ft. 7 in., S. 31 43' E. 208 ft. S 1418 / E. 146ft. 5in.,S. 6 1' W. 147 ft. 5 in., S. 18 51' W. 214 ft. 1 in., S. 21 32' W. 610 ft. 8 in., S. 18 25' W. 556 ft. 2 in., S. 2 4' E. 128 ft. 8 in., S. 8 3' E. 245 ft. 2 in., S. 10 47' E 359ft. 4in.,S.226 / E.233 ft. 8 in., S. 16 1' W. 171 ft. 5 in., S. 43 39' W. 172 ft. 5 in., S. 54 40' W. 236 ft. 1895. 12 356 REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. GREENE COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Jewett . . do 78 80 Hunter. HARDENBTJRGH PATENT, GREAT LOT 23 (Con- tinued) . 9 in., th. along said N. line N. 51 10' W. 2,838 ft. to beg Ex. 50a. S. W. cor Total, Great Lot 23, 328 acres. GREAT LOT 24. East Division. Bd. beg. on W. line of said tract at a heap of stones by a spruce tree, cornered, on the top of the mountain at the E. side of the Stony Clove Notch, th. along said line S. 36 W. 220c. to the 5-mile tree marked, th. E'ly across the lot 84c. to E. bounds thereof, th. along said E. bounds N.35 E.174c. to stones 151 S. of a birch tree cornered and marked for the S. E. cor. of a tract of land surveyed for A. S. Brown, th. along the same N. 55 W. 70c. 751. to beg., l,393a., being a portion of the premises conveyed by Robert R. Kerr and wife to John Martin, Jr., April 15, 1857, recorded in Greene County Clerk's office Feb. 12, 1862, in Liber 57 of Deeds, page 412, Ex. and reserving therefrom 100 acres, bd. beg. at a bass- wood tree, cornered, in W'ly line of said l,393a. parcel, N. 35 E. 77c. 471. from the 5-mile tree, cor- Purchase, 1907. 1895, '00 161 324 REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. 357 GREENE COUNTY. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. HARDENBURGH PATENT, GREAT LOT 24, East Divi- sion (Continued) . nered, which marks the S. Wly cor. of said 1,393 acre tract, th. from said bass- wood tree, cornered, S. 55 E. 25c. to a stake and stones, th. N. 35 E. 40c. to a stake and stones, th. N. 55 W. 25c. to a stake and stones, and th. S. 35 W. 40c. to beg West Division. Part of a certain tract of 1,000 acres hi the W. part of Great Lot 24 lying directly S. of Schoharie hill, bd. beg. at N. E. cor. of that part of said l,000a. tract owned by Ingalls & Brewer Feb. 1, 1871, th. S'ly along said land to S. line of said l,000a. tract, th. E'ly along said S. line to a point to be run in con- tinuation of the E. line of a part of said l,000a. tract sold the late Amos J. Hard, th. N'ly along said line to the said S. E. cor. of said Hard's land, th. Wly along said Hard's land to beg. . . . Bd. beg. at the N. W. cor. of lot 63 in W. \ of said Great Lot 24, th. as the magnetic needle pointed Jan. 16, 1907, S. 38 45' W. lie. 501., th. N. 51 15' W. 2oc., th. S. 38 45' W. 12c. 501. to the N. Wly cor. of lot 62 and N. E'ly cor. of lot 61, th. along Purchase, 1906. 1,293 Purchase, 1906. 100 358 REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. GREENE COUNTY. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. HARDENBURGH PATENT, GREAT LOT 24, West Divi- sion (Continued) . N'ly boundary of said lot 61 N. 51 15' W. 20c. to the N. W'ly cor. of lot 61 and the E'ly bounds of lands now or formerly of Edward Lane, th. along said last mentioned lands N. 34 45' E. 116c. to a large birch tree, cornered, and marked, th. S. 34 15' E. 13c. 151., th. N. 37 30' E. 17c. 251., th. S. 59 45' E. 20c. to a stake, th. N. 34 45' E. 4c. to lands of the Fenwi k Lumber Co., th. along said last mentioned land S. 59 45' E. 14c. 401., th. S. 45' W. 9c., th. S. 7 15' W. 6c., th. S. 15 45' W. 45c. 501., to lands now or for- merly of Albert Post, th. along said last mentioned land N. 12 30' W. 31 c. to an old beech stump, th. N. 75 30' W. 6c. 561 to a heap of stones, th. S. 12 E. 36c. to a heap of stones on the W. bank of a small brook, th. S. 52 E. 5c. 251. to the division line between the E. i and W. J of said Great Lot 24, th. along said last mentioned line S. 38 45 W. 3c. 501. to the N. E'ly cor. of lands now or for- merly of Daniel Ostrander th. along said last men- tioned land N. 84 W. 28c. 501. to a heap of stones, th. N. 8 15' E. 12c. to a stake th. N. 84 30' W. 24c. to a large elm tree standing in REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. 359 GREENE COUNTY. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. HARDENBURGH PATENT GREAT LOT 24, West Divi sion (Continued) . the center of a brook, gen erally called Kibby creek th. S. 3 15' W. 39c. 901 to beg Bd. beg. at a point in W line of Great Lot 24 Hardenburgh Patent, said point being 24c. S'ly of the S. W. cor. of W. W. Ed wards 1,000 acre tract, saic tract being S. of and bounded by the Schohari* Kill, th. S. 51 20' E. 89c 301. to the James Howarc lot, th. S. 38 40' W. along said Howard, lot 20c 701 to S. W. cor. of said Howarc lot, th. N. 51 20' W. 7c 501. to brow of mountain th. along said brow S. 54 20' W. 36c. 561., th. S. 76 W. 12c. 401., th. S. 24 15 W. 3c. 21., th. S. 38 30' W 3c. 21., th. S. 6 W. 6c. 41. th. S. 68 W. lOc. 801., to a marked spruce and stones at N. W. cor. of lands form- erly of John Jansen, th. along said Jansen's land S. 38c. 401. W. 5c. to a cor- nered spruce on ledge, to lands formerly of Nelson Van Valkenburgh, th. along the ledge the ledge N. 17 30' W. 38c. 21. to marked spruce on top of ledge, th. N. 14 56' W. 25c.761.,th. N. 41 26' W. lOc. 601. to a balsam, cornered, in W. line of said Great Lot 24, th. along said W. line N. 3840'E. 52c. 751. to beg.. Purchase, 1907. 585.5 Purchase, 1907. 552.48 360 TXEPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. ;ii* GREENE COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. HARDENBURGH PATENT, GREAT LOT 24, West Divi- sion (Continued) . Hunter E. part of a 200a. tract in W. , part of said Great Lot 24 bd. and described as follows: Beg. at N. E. cor. of land of S. Becker, and at S. E. cor. of lands herein conveyed, th. as the needle pointed in 1907, S. 38 40' W. 24c. to land of John Robb, th. N. 51 20' W. 45c. 421. along lands of said John Robb, th. N. 38 40' E. 24c. and th. S. 51 20' E. 45c. 421. to beg., being a rectangular parcel 45c. 421. by 24c., the shorter side being parallel with W. line of Great Lot 24, being same premises conveyed by J. Frank Lockwood and Mary E. Lockwood to Wm. H. Smith, Jan. 14, 1899, re- corded in Greene County Clerk's office, Nov. 12, 1907, in Book 180 of Deeds, page 354 Purchase, 1907 109 STATE LAND TRACT. Cairo 30 All in Cairo Purchase, 1900. . . . 356 Jewett 30 All in Jewett Purchase, 1900. . . . 48 Cairo 33 Purchase, 1900. 277 do 41 Reverted, 1867.. . . 154 Windham 74 All in Windham *Resale, 1899 14 Jewett 74 All in Jewett *Resale, 1899 110 do 75 S. pt. bd. N. by town line and S. by lot 79 Purchase, 1900. . . . 84 do 76 Purchase, 1900. 274 Total, State Land Tract, 1,317 acres. ; Formerly bonded land. REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. 361 GREENE COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Ashland. . 57 VAN BERGEN'S PATENT, 3d Tract. Bd. beg. at a pile of stones around a beech bush at S. E. cor. of land now or formerly owned or occupied by Levi Austin, th. N. 2 W. 40c. 801. to a stake and stones, on the side of the Mt., th. S. 32c. 311. to a stake and stones, th. S. 88 E. 30c. 101. tobeg.;bd. N. by lot 50, E. by lands of Wm. Decker, S. by lands of Levi Austin and W. by lot 56, same lands formerly of Josiah Tuttle, deeded by him to John Grant, 1826 . . Mortgage, 1903. 127.25 362 BEPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME 'COMMISSION. SULLIVAN COUNTY. List of Lands Belonging to the State. (Total number of acres, 97l 1 /4.) Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Thompson 8 HARDENBURGH PATENT, GREAT LOT 1. Division 30. Ebenezer Coddington lot, bd. N. by lands of P. C. Brown, Browne, or Brome, E. by D. Stratton, S. by W. A. Hansee lot and W. by lam of E Coddington . . . 1900 '05 47 Mamakating .... Division 84. Est of Josiah Greene bd N. E. and W. by Est. of J W. Cudney, and S. by high- way . 1895 1 Liberty 2 GREAT LOT 3, FOURTH ALLOTMENT. Division 4. N W cor heirs of E A Lockwbod 1905 . . 25 Neversink 29 GREAT LOT 4. EAST DIVISION (Middle Allotment}. 1871 126 do 22 West Allotment. Ex 28a N E cor bd S by Croghan, St^a. N. W. cor. bd. E. by Hanophy, and 28a. S. E. cor. bd. N. by Hanophy 1871 55.90 Rockland 17-18 MIDDLE DIVISION. (West Allotment). standing on the point of a small island on line bet. Delaware and Sullivan KEPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. 363 SULLIVAN COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Rockland .... 17-18 HABDENBURGH PATENT, GREAT LOT 4, MIDDLE DIVI- SION (West Allotment) (Continued). Counties and S. 71 J W. Ic. 441. from a large elm tree, marked, th. N. 66 35' E. 6c. 951., along said county line to an iron driven in the ground, th. S. 1 W. lie. 501. to an iron driven in the ground, on N. side of a brook or pond and in line between lots 17 and 18, th. N. 74i W. 3c. 801. to a small water beech tree, cornered and standing near a point of land on E. side of Mill Pond or raceway, and th. following the E. side of said raceway at low water mark, N. 18J W. 8c. 101. to beg. subject to reserved rights of grantor Fish Hatchery 4 75 Total, Great Lot 4,- 186^ acres. NeVersink 528 GREAT LOT 5. S pt 1871 112 Thompson 70 GREAT LOT 14. W. W. Gilman lot, bd. N. by C. Delany, E. by Jas. Oster- hout, S. by Jno. Ruddick and W. by J. Crowley 1900 114 Lumberland. . . . 11 MINISINK PATENT, DIVISION 1. Whole lot, l,707a., ex. 4lTJh,a. (R. C. West) bd. N. by lot 12, S. & E'ly by Beakes & Otis, & W. by W. A. Stokes, 85-iV. (W. A. Stokes) bd. N. by lot 12, 364 REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. SULLIVAN COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Lumberland .... 11 VIiNisiNK PATENT, DIVISION I (Continued). S. by J. J. Stewart & Beakes & Otis, E. by R. C. West, 728a. (Beakes & Otis), S'ly end, 516a. (J. H. Stewart) bd. N'ly by Stokes, a tract called the " gore " and the "Mill lot" so called, S. E'ly by Beakes & Otis, & S. W'ly & N. W'ly by lot lines, Sub. 4 (106a., H. L. West), & 114a., being the und. i of 228a. (pd. April 24th, 1828, by Wm. Thorn- as) 1 590~i an acres 1826 116 42 Highland 16 DIVISION 7. All of original Sub. 8 as shown on a map made by Wm. Cockburn & John Kiersted, lying N. of a line par'l to & 3 miles S. of Mt. Hope and Lumberland Turnpike 41.66 do 18 Sub 5 1895 . 100 do 18 Sub. 18 1871, 77, '81 50 do do 31 31 Sub. 25 Sub 26 1895/00 1895 '00 . . . 46.40 64 do 37 Sub 4 1895 '00 67 Total, Minisink Patent, 485$ acres. Mamakating. . . . PHILLIPSPORT VILLAGE. Hanyen or Hanyene, William H., heirs; bd. N. by lands of Mrs. James Allen, E. by the Kingston Road, or Kingston Public Road, S. by lands of Mrs. Berdell S., or Bedel S. Johnson, and W. by lands of estate of J. B. Daved or Deved 1905 . . 1 REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. 365 ULSTER COUNTY. List of Lands Belonging to the State. (Total number of acres, 82,242.81.) Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Wawarsing . 58 Esopus . do do do BOGARDUS PURCHASE. On E'ly side of Delaware & Hudson Canal, between lot 59 and Broadhead St . . ESOPUS, TOWN OF. Woodland, bd. N. by land of George D. Frear & Charles Lake, E. by lands of Jonas Frear, S. by lands of Alex. Humphrey & W. by land of Hannah Hunt Quick, James T.; bd. N. by lands of Jerry Auchmoody & S. T. Litts, E. by lands of Rosmer or Rosner, & S. W. by lands of Laflin, Rand & Co., or of Laflin & the Rand Powder Co Wood lot, bd. N. by Nicholas or Nichols E. by Taylor & S. &W.byS.W.orS. N. or S. W. Dumond Bd. N. by lands formerly owned by M. Fountain, E. lands of M. Fountain, heirs of R. L. Pell and heirs of John T. Griffiths, S. by lands of Wm. Terpening and W. by lands of heirs of Richard R. Rich Near New Salem; bd. N. by land of Joseph W. Cornell or heirs of said Cornell, E. by the Public highway, S. 1890. 1881 20 1895, '00. 1895.... 30 1905.. 17 366 REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME OOMMISSION. ULSTER COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Esopus ESOPUS, TOWN OF (Continued). by a small stream dividing Election Districts 1 and 2 and W. by Rondout Creek. . Total, Esopus, Town of 75 acres. 1905 ft. 50 x 100 30 5.70 6 .50 Gardiner. . 1895 GARDINER, TOWN OF. Slater, Peter; bd. N. & E. by lands of John D. Van Leu- ven, S. by land of George Davis & W. by the top of the mountain do Van Wagoner, Josiah H., pt. of lot 19, Partners Tract, bd. N. by John H. Van Wagoner, E. by top of mountain, S. by land of P. P. Aldrich, & W. by Wm. Enderly estate Van Wagoner, Cornelia D. part of lot 19, Partners Tract, bd. N. by land of Methuselah Dubois, E. by top of mountain, Solo- mon Sahler, Ri hard D. Sahler, Isaac R. Sahler & Mary E. Turpening, & W. by Wm. Enderly estate . . . Jenkins, Albert or Albert est., bd. N. by lands of Lambert Jenkins, E. by lands of Lambert Jenkins or by the highway, S. by Luther Lefever and W. by land of John Jenkins Total, Gardiner, Town of, 42. 20 acres. 1877, &C. T.* do 1877 & C. T* 1900 do * County Treasurer's sales. KEPOBT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. 367 ULSTER COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. GRAHAM'S OR GRAME'S PATENT. Plattekill Flagler, Francis; bd. N. by S. Penny, E. by Derant & others, S. by J. Harris, & W by J B Griffin 1877 5 do Lockwood, Win. or W. W. bd. N. by Lockwood, E. by N. Adams or J. S. Cosmond or Crasmon S. by J. S. Cos- mond or Crosmon, & W. by Pembrook, Penbrook or 1877, '81, '85, & C.* Tenbrook T. 1879 5 Total, Graham's Patent, 10 acres. GREEN'S PATENT. do Gillis, Jesse, bd. N. by J. Lockwood or Lockwoods, E. by Green or Gerow, & S. & W. by Wm. Pembrook or W. Tenbrouck 1877, '81, '85 8 Total Green's Patent, 8 acres. HARDENBURGH PATENT. GREAT LOT 6. B owen's Survey of East Part, 8,000 Acre Tract (Benedict Tract}. DCD.II luff 1 1905, purch., 1905. 112 do 2 1905, purch., 1905. 100 do g 1905, purch., 1905. 100 EAST PART, 8,000 ACRE TRACT. Pell (Robert L.) 4,000 Acre Tract. Dcnninsr 1 1877 '81 100 do 3 1871, '77, '81 100 do 4 1871,77, '81. . 100 : County Treasurer's sales. 368 KEPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME OOMMISSION. ijj ULSTER COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Denning 5 HARDENBURGH PATENT GREAT LOT 6, EAST PART, Pell (Robert L.} 4,000 Acre Tract (Continued). Purchase 1906 100 do 6 Purchase, 1906 100 do . . 7 1877, '81 & C. T.*. 100 do 13 Purchase 1902 100 do 14 Purchase 1902 100 do 15 Purchase 1902 100 do . . 16 W pt. . 1877/81 '95 & C T * 50 do 17 1877 '81 '95&CT * 100 do do do 18 19 20 1877/81/95 &C.T.* 1877/81 ,'95 &C.T.* 1877 '81 '95 &CT.* 100 100 100 do 21 1877 '81 '95&C T * 100 do 22 1871/77/95 &C.T.* 100 do 23 1877/81 '95&C T* 100 do 24 1877 '81 '95&C T * 100 do 25 1877/81/95 &C.T.* 100 do . .. 26 1877/81 '95 &C T.* 100 do 27 1877 '81 '95 &C T.* 100 do 28 Purchase, 1902 100 do 29 Purchase, 1902. . . . 100 do 30 Purchase 1902 . . 100 do 31 Purchase, 1902 100 do do .... 32 33 Purchase, 1902 Purchase 1902. . . 100 100 do 34 Purchase 1902 . 100 do do do 35 36 37 Purchase, 1902.. . Purchase, 1902. . . Purchase 1902 . '100 100 100 do 38 Purchase 1902 100 do 39 Purchase, 1902. . . 100 do . 40 Purchase, 1902. . . 100 Total, Pell Tract, 3,562 acres. Denning 8 DIVISION 1 (Denning Tract}. A triangle in S W'ly cor 20Jc. on S'ly and 27c. on W'lv line.. Purchase. 1908.. 25.5 *County Treasurer's sales. REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. 369 ULSTER COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. JARDENBURGH PATENT, GREAT LOT 6, DIVISION 1 (Denning Tract) (Con? d). Denning 9 All E. of Buttermilk Falls Brook Purchase, 1901 150 do 11 Purchase, 1908 184 do 25 Purchase, 1901 .... 160 do 26 Purchase, 1908. . . . 160 do 29 Purchase, 1902 160 do 30 Purchase, 1901 160 do 32 F Dt Purchase, 1902 60 do 33, 35, " f v ' 38&40 Bd. beg. at a pile of stones Ic. from the corner of lots 33, 35, 36, 37 and 38, on the line of 35 and 38, th. N. 8 E. 59c. to a yellow birch tree, corner of lots 40, 51, 53 and 38, said birch tree standing on a slope facing the west, with trees marked around a said birch, being marked " J.B.S., 1907," th. N. 50 E. along the line of lots 40 and 51, 25c. to corner of Joseph Blasse and Romaine Moe to a pile of stones on a low rock about 10 ft. N'ly of a large rock, with trees marked around, th. along the line of R. Moe and the Countryman lot S. 50 E. 62c. to a pile of stones on a steep bank facing the north, with trees marked around, and being on the line of Norman Du Bois, th. S. 50 W. 31 c. to a pile of stones on top of a hil in a level spot, with trees marked around, th. N. 50 W. 22c. to a pile of stones on the south of an old roac in a swampy place, th. S 50 W. 45c. to beg. . , Purchase, 1907. . 266 370 REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. ULSTER COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Denning. 36, 37 and 38 HARDENBTJRGH PATENT GREAT LOT 6, DIVISION 1 (Denning Tract) (Con- tinued). Bd. beg. at the corner of lots 36 and 146, Great Lot 5, on the county line be- tween Ulster and Sullivan at a pile of stones, th. along said county line S. 50 E. 9c. to the Herman Depuy lot, now owned by George Porter, th. along his W. line N. 50 E. 34c. to a corner, th. N. 50 W. 9c. to a corner of Barnes' lot, formerly, now E. Van Wagner, on line of lots 36 and 37, th. N. 50 E. 29c. to corner of the William Porter lot on line of lots 35 and 38, th. N. 8 E. 18c. 301. to stones on N. side of an old log the corner of the Quick lot and lands formerly of Luff Smith, now Standard Cooperage Co., th. along the Smith and Quick lot N. 50 W. 28c. to a pile of stones on top of a steep bank up from the Sugar Loaf Brook, cor. of P. Connor, th. S. 50 W. 2c. 481. to a pile of stones on the S. bank of Sugar Loaf Brook, about 10 ft. W'ly of a yellow birch tree, th. down said brookS. 18,S. 17 W. 4c. 801.,S.3530 / W.4c.,S. 12 30' W. 7c., S. 3 W. 6c. and S. 29 30' W. 6c. 701. to line of John Van Wagner, at the brook, th. S. 50 E.. 4c. to a pile of stones on a REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. 3Y1 ULSTER COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Denning. 36, 37 & 38 do 62 do do 63 81 do 102, 115 & 116 HARDENBURGH PATENT, GREAT LOT 6, DIVISION 1 (Denning Tract) (Con- tinued). steep bank below the old dug road, th. S. 50 W. 16c. to stones near a poplar tree standing on the W. side of Sugar Loaf Brook, th. S. 50 E. 22c. to Barnes' corner, in line of lots 36 and 37, and th. S. 50 W. 34c. to the county line and beg. . Bd. beg. at cor. of lots 62, 63, 64 & 65, th. S. 52 deg. E. 40c. to cor. of lots 62, 63, 46 & 47, th. S. 48 W. along line of lots 62 & 47; 30 c. to cor of L. Barber's, th. N. 52 W. along said line 18c. to a pile of stones, th. S. 48^ W. lOc. to line of lots 61 & 62, th. N. 52 W. along line of lots 61 & 62, 18c. to cor. of lots 61, 62, 65 & 66, & th. N. 48 E. along line of lots 62 & 65, 40c. to beg Bd. beg. at cor. of lots 64, 65, 80 & 81, th. W'ly hi line of lots 80 & 81, lOc. to cor. of Dunan's or Peter Vander- mark, th. N. 66 E. 9c. to a pile of stones, witnesses, th. N. 87 E. lOc. to a stake & stones, th. S. 52 E. 8c. to the line of lots 64 & 81 to a beech tree, marked corner, & th. along lines of lots 64 &81,20c.tobeg Bd. beg. at a birch tree, cornered, standing at a falls Purchase, 1907. 147 Purchase, 1902. Purchase, 1907. 142 160 1895. 14 372 REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME 'COMMISSION. ULSTER COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. HARDENBURGH PATENT, GREAT LOT 6. DIVISION 1 (Denning Tract} (Con- tinued). Denning 102, in Iron Brook, near the iron 115 mine, th. N. 68 W. 2c. 901. t &116 to a large birch tree, marked, on the S. side of the tail race of Satterlee's saw mill, th. down the S. side of said tail race to within 2 rods of west branch stream ordinary water mark, th. down said stream, 2 rods S. E'ly to W. line of lot 115, th. along line of lots 115 and 120, S. 49 W. to the cor/ of lots 115, 120, 121 and 114, th. along line of lots 115, 102, 114 and 103, S. 51 E. 80c. to cor. of lots 102, 97, 96 and 103, th. N. 49 E. 40c. to cor. of lots 101, 102, 97 and 98, th. N. 41 W. 40c. to cor. of lots 116, 115, 102 and 101, th. N. 15 W. 16c. 601. to a pile of stones witnessed by a birch tree on E. bank of a small stream called Iron Brook, th. down the E. bank of said brook, as it winds and turns, 23c. to beg. Purchase, 1906 320 Total, Denning Tract, 2,038 acres. DIVISION 2 (Connecticut Tract). Hardenburgh. . . . 1 1881, C. T.* 197 do 4 1877, '85&C. T*... 195 Denning 5 1881, '85 &C. T*... 192.50 do 6 1877, '81, '85 & C. T* 180 *County Treasurer's sales. REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. 373 ULSTER COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Denning . . . 7 HARDENBURGH PATENT, GREAT LOT 6, DIVISION 2 (Connecticut Tract) (Con- tinued). 1877 '81 '85 & C T 248 75 HRrdenburgh 9 Purchase 1899 177 do Denning do . . 10 11 12 Purchase, 1899. . . . Purchase, 1906 Purchase 1906 219 197.5 192 do 13 1877 '81 '85 & do 14 C. T.* 1877, '81 '85 & 182.75 Hardenburgh 17 C. T.* 1881 '85 '90 & 251.75 C. T.* 105 Denning 18 1877, '81, '85 & C T* 98 25 do 19 1877 '81 '85 & C T * 94 50 do 20 1877 '81 '85 &, C T * 86 75 Hardenburgh . . . 22 1881, '85, '95 126 do 24 1885 '90 '95 120 Denning 25 1877, '81, '85, '90 do 26 & C. T.* 1877 '81 '85 '90 109.75 do Hardenburgh . . 28 29 & C. T.* 1881, '85 & C. T.* 1877 '81, '85 & 102.50 133.50 Denning 31 C. T.* 1877 '81 '85 & 103 do 32 C. T.* 1877 '81, '85 & 124 do 33 C. T * 1877 '81 '85 & 123.75 C. T.* 118.50 do do 34 35 Purchase, 1906 1881 & C T.*. . . 112.5 156 Hardenburgh 36 1877 '81 '85 & C T* 71 do 37 1881 '85 & C. T.* 72 Denning 38 1877 '81 '85 & C. T.*. . . 82.25 ''County Treasurer's sales. REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. ULSTER COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Denning 39 HARDENBURGH PATENT, GREAT LOT 6, DIVISION 2 (Connecticut Tract) (Con- tinued). 1877, '81, '85 & do . . 40 C. T.* 1877 '81 '85 & 87 do 42 C. T.* 1877 & C. T.*. . . . 89 127 Hardenburgh . . . 43 1871 '77 '81 '90 98 do 44 1877 '81 & C T * 91 Denning 45 1877, '81, '85 & C. T.* 96 50 do 46 1877 '81 '85 & C. T.* 90.75 do 47 1877, '81 & C. T. . 63 75 Hardenburgh 50 N W part Purchase 1902 . . . 89 Denning. . 52 1877, '81, '85 & C. T.* 94.75 do ... 53 1877 '81 & C. T.* 93 do 54 1877 '81 & C T * 87 do Hardenburgh 56 57 1881 & C. T.*. . . . 1877 '81 & C. T.* 128 95 Denning 58 1895 '00 95 do 59 1877 & C T * 99 do 60 1877, '81, '85 & C T* . . . 97 75 do 61 1877 '81 '85 92 50 do . . 66 1881 & C. T.* 96 do .... 67 1881 '85 & C. T.* 96.75 do 68 1877 '81 '85 90 75 do 74 Purchase, 1902. . . . 106 do 75 1877, '81, '85 91.75 do ... 76 1877 '81 '85 & C T* 96 do do 78 81 1877, '85 & C. T.*. 1877, '81, '85 .... 85.75 89.50 do ... 82 1877 '81, '85. 86.50 do 83 1877 '81 '85 85 25 do 85 1877 '81 '85 '95 100 do 89 1877 '81 '85 & do 90 C. T.* Purchase 1899. . . . 109 111 do 93 1877.'81.'85&C.T.* 129 County Treasurer's Sales. REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. 375 ULSTER COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Denning 106 HARDENBURGH PATENT, GREAT LOT 6, DIVISION 2 (Connecticut Tract) (Con- tinued). Ex. 82a. N. W. cor 1871, '77 52 do do 106 108 N. W. cor Purchase, 1902 1881, '85 & C. T.* 82 do 112 1879, '80, '81 . . . Purchase 1900 153 127 do 113 1877, '81, '85 & C. T.* 142.50 do 118 W part 1905,Purchase 1905 60 Total, Connecticut Tract, 8,876.25 acres. Hardenburgh . . . 154 DIVISION 3 (Robinson Tract). Purchase, 1900 135 do 156 Purchase, 1900. . . . 150 do 194 Purchase 1899. 143 do 196 1877 148 do 207 Purchase, 1900. . . . 120 do 215 Purchase, 1901 .... 143 do 216 Purchase 1899. 130 do 217 Purchase, 1899. . . . 133 do 218 1877, '81, '85 & C. T.* 127 do 219 1877 '81 '85 & C. T* . . 129 do 220 1877, '81, '85 & C. T.* 142 do 221 1877 '81, '85 & C. T* 141 do 222 1877, '81, '85 & C. T.* 145 do 227 1877 '81, '85 & C. T* 161 do 228 1877 '81 115 do 229 1877 137 do 232 1877, '81, '85 & C. do 233 T.* 1877 '81 '85 & C. 140 T.*.. 115 * County Treasurer's Sales. 376 KEPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. ULSTER COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. IARDENBURGH PATENT, GREAT LOT 6, DIVISION 3 (Robinson Tract) (Con- tinued). Hardenburgh. . . 234 1877, '81, '85 & C. T.* 164 do 239 1877, '81 & C. T.*. 142 do 244 1877, '81, '85 & C. T.* 112 do 248 Ex 40a E'ly pt Purchase, 1901 .... 94 do 253 1877, '81, '85 & C. X * 161 do 254 1877, '81, '85 & C. T.* 110 do 258 Purchase, 1900. . . . 134.75 do 259 Purchase, 1900 109 do 260 1877, '81, '85 & C. T* 162 do 268 Purchase, 1901. . . . 120 do 269 1877, '81, '85, & C. T.* 105 do 270 1905 & pur., 1900. 98 do 271 Purchase, 1901. ... 117 do 274 1877, '81, '85 & C. T.* 135 do 275 Purchase, 1901 .... 136 do 276 Purchase, 1901 136 do 277 Purchase, 1900 131 do 278 Purchase, 1900 138 do 279 Purchase, 1901 .... 166.25 do 280 Purchase, 1900. . . . 109.50 do 281 Purchase, 1900. . . . 137.75 Total, Robinson Tract 5,172.25 acres. GREAT LOT 7. Denning Bd. N'ly by town of Shan daken, E. by Vernoy's sur- vey of 80 lots, S. by an 864a. tract, & W. by town oi f Hardenburgh. (Map 461." Purchase, 1899 1,325 *County Treasurer's sales. KEPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. 377 ULSTER COUNTY. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. HARDENBURGH PATENT GREAT LOT 7 (Continued). Formerly in possession ol Benjamin Hyatt, bd. beg, at a pile of stones in the line of Patent Marbletown the S. E. cor. of Peter P Barringers, th. S. 69 45 W. along his bounds and the bounds of Chas. Hamil- ton 42c. 421. to a pile of stones and soft maple sap- ling at the foot of the hill th. S. 48 30' W. along line of Charles Hamilton and Henry Bartlett 69c. 201. to a heap of stones against the E. side of High Point Moun- tain in line formerly of Solomon Barringer, th. S. 45 45' E. along said Bar- ringer's line 32c. 801. to a pile of stones on a high rock on top of Round Top Mountain, a cor. of Martin Winchell's farm, th. N. 45 45' E. 63c. 801. to a pile of stones at the foot of the hill, a corner of the Martin Winchell farm, th. N. 26 45' W. 8c. 501. to a pile of stones at foot of ledge, th. N. 22 45' E. 8c. 751. to an old maple stump on the N. side of the brook, th. down said brook N. 73^ E. 2c. 201., th. S. 83 E. 4c.,th. N. 89 E. 4c. to a pile of stones on N. side of the brook, th. S. 54 E. 7c. 501., th. S. 84 50' E. 6c. 281. to a pile of stones on the Marbletown line & th. N. 1 E. along said Marbletown line 28c. 141. to beg Purchase, 1906. 277.7 378 EEPOBT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. ULSTER COUNTY. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. HARDENBURGH PATENT GREAT LOT 7 (Continued). Bd. beg. at a heap of stones around a bunch of soft maple, a corner of formerly John Ennist, Jr., th. N. 50 W. along land of Lewis Bell 33c. to a heap of stones near a black birch tree on W. side of Blackberry mountain, th. N. 33 E. 16c. to a heap of stones against a black birch tree in division line of Montgomery Living- ston-Eugene A. Livingston th. S. 34 E. 43c. to a birch tree and stones in said divi- sion line, a corner of Adam Traver, th. S. 40 W. along his bounds 12c. to a rock oak tree against a ledge of rocks in a rocky place and th. N. 5 E. 6c. to beg A parcel known as the Krom lot, near Watson Hollow, bd. beg. at N'ly end of a rock in the Bushkill in line of Catherine A very; th. N. 33 50' E. along her bounds 34c. to a heap of stones in the line of W. H. Watson (formerly Walter A. Cun- ningham), th. S. 57 E. along his bounds 19c. 501. to a stake and stones on a hill against the mountain, th. S. 33 50' W. 40c. 501. to stones around a hem- lock sapling, cornered and marked, on the N'ly side of said Bushkili stream, th. N'ly down the same, as it winds and turns, to beg., 72-^. ex. 15a. square, in N. W. cor. thereof. . Purchase, 1907. 46 Purchase, 1907. 57.6 REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. 379 ULSTER COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres Olive HARDENBURGH PATENT, GREAT LOT 7 (Continued). Land at Watson's Hollow, in the town of Olive, sold by Chas. DuBois to John B. Atwood and by said At- wood to Nathan W. Watson by deed dated May 4, 1850, recorded in Ulster County Clerk's office, in Book of Deeds No. 76, page 38, May 7 1850 Mortgage 1880 1 700 Denning 2 (Chamber's Survey.} 1877 '81, '85 & C T* 86 do 3 1877 '81 '85 & C. T.* 85 do 6 1877 '81 & C. T.*. 83.75 do 7 Purchase 1902 . . 79 do g 1881 '85 & C T.* 85 do 9 1877 '81, '85 & C T* 84 do 10 1881 & C T 1879. 83 do 11 1881 '85 & C T.* 81 30 do .. 12 1877 '81, '85 & C T * 106 do 13 1877 '81 '85 & C T* 118 5C do 14 1877, '81, '85 & do 15 C. T.* 1877 8'1 '85 & 100 C T* 100 do 18 1877, '81, '85 & C T * 99 80 do 25 1877 '81 '85 & C T* 101 do 26 1877 '81 '85 & do 27 C. T.* 1877 '81, '85 & 100 do 28 C. T.* 1877 '81 '85 & 99.50 C. T.* 100 * County Treasurer's sales. 380 KEPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. ULSTER COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. HARDENBURGH PATENT, GREAT LOT 7, (Chamber's Survey.) (Continued). Denning. . do .. do .. do .. do .. do Shandaken do 30 33 37 38 39 40 Total, Chamber's Survey, 2,378.85 acres. Division 1. N. W. cor. 44c. N. and S. and 30c. E. and W Bd. beg. at a heap of stones against a hill around a small hard maple tree in line of the lot formerly Ira Murray's, th. S. 55 E. 30c. to a heap of stones on the mountain, the S. W. cor. of the Charles Travis lot afore- said, th. along line of such lot and the lines of the Daniel Marsh and Francis Kelder lots or lots of farms 3, 2 and 1 to a heap of stones, the S. E. cor. of the Francis Kelder's lot or lot No. 1 of farms in the line of Great Lot 7, th. along the same S. 55 E. 70c. to a heap of stones around beech tree, th. N. cor. of lot 3, Division 1 , th. along lot 3, S. 34 W. 103c. to a heap of stones in a hollow, the N. E. cor. of lot 11 of farms or the Levy Vermilyea lot, th. along the bounds of said lot S. 89 W. 20c. to the cor. of 1877, '81, '85 & C. T.* 1881 & C. T.* 1881, '85 & C. T.*. 1881 & C. T.*. . . . 1881 & C. T.*. . . . 1881 & C. T.*. . . Purchase, 1906. 123 101 150 150 80 183 132 * County Treasurer's sales. REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. 381 ULSTER COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Shandaken HARDENBURGH PATENT, GREAT LOT 7, DIVISION 1 (Continued). lot 10 of farms or the John Keely lot, th. along same N. 1 W. 50c. to N. E. cor. of same, a heap of stones, th. still along same S. 89 W. 26c. to Esopus creek (Big Indian branch), th. down the same as it winds and turns, 26c. to N. E. cor. of lot 5 of farms, or the Martin C. Kelder lot, th. along the bounds of said lot 17c. 601. to stones, the corner of Ira Murray lot or lot 4 of farms, and th. along the same N 7 E. 20c. to beg., 590a., ex. la., being school house lot next the bounds of Ira Murray lot; also so much of the lot sold by George W. Tuttle to Christopher Long, containing lOOa., more or less, as lies within the bounds of said lot above described and which last excepted portion is bounded and described in the deed from said Tuttle to Long, as follows: All that lot of land lying and being in the town of Shandaken, in Great Lot 7, Hardenburgh Patent, at or near a place called Big Indian Hollow, on E. side of Esopus Creek, bd. beg. at a stake and stones on line of a lot of land formerly surveyed for Levi Vermilyea and known as Lot 11 on the Mill Lot, a corner of a lot formerly sur- 382 REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME OOMMISSION. ULSTER COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. HARDENBURGH PATENT, GREAT LOT 7, DIVISION 1 (Continued). Shandaken 2 veyed for Joshua Kelly, th. as the needle pointed in 1845, N. 89 E. 33c. 341. to a stake and stones 101. from a hard maple tree, th. N. 1 W. 33c. 341. to a hemlock tree and stones on flat land, th. S. 89 W. 33c. 341. to a heap of stones on the line of Joshua Kelly aforesaid on W. side of the hill and th. along said line S. 1 E. 33c. 341. to beg. Purchase, 1900 489 do 4 1905 & Pur., 1900. . 1,000 do 5 1905 &Pur. 1900. 1,000 do 6 Ex. 150a. being all that remains of 214a. in N. E. part of lot bd. beg. at a pile of stones in E'ly line of said lot, being line bet. Gt. Lots 7 & 8, 25c. E'ly from where said line crosses the wood- land stream opposite three marked soft maple trees on E. side of said stream, th. from said pile of stones as the compass pointed Jan. 1901, S. 37 W. lOc. to the center of a hollow or dry run, th. due W. along the side of the mountain about 32c. to a hemlock marked, and stones standing on the W. side of a woodland stream, th. N. 51 W. on a line par'l with & 30c. from line bet. Gt. Lots 7 & 8 to the line of Lot 5,th. N. 37 E. along said line 30c. to line bet. Gt. Lots 7 & 8, the same being]the N'ly cor. of REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. 383 ULSTER COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. HARDENBURGH PATENT, GREAT LOT 7, DIVISION 1 (Continued). Shandaken 6 lot 6, th. S. 51 E. along said Gt. Lot line & the N'ly line of said Lot 6, 83c. to beg. after ex. therefrom 64a. N'ly part thereof bd. beg. at N. W. cor. of Lot 6, at the cor. of Lot 5, th. S.51E. along N'ly line of Gt. Lot 7, 21 c., th. S. 39 W. parallel with W. line of lot, 30c., th. N. 51 W. par'l with N. line of Gt. Lot 7, 21 c. to division line bet. Lots 5 & 6, & th. N. 39 E. alongsaid division line to beg . . Purchase, 1901. 915 do 7 Purchase, 1901 .... 1,065 do 8 1905 &Pur. 1900. . 1,115 do 9 All in Shandaken of the fol- lowing premises: Bd. beg. at a stake & heap of stones on top of a mountain known as Sam's or Samuel's Point, hi the Town of Olive, th. as the needle pointed May 7th, 1901, N. 77 32' W. 60c. to where a tree formerly stood, with stones around it, th. S. 11 2' E. 40c., ut. N. 49 32' W. 55c. to a beech tree, th. N. 40 28' E. 90c. 351. to a stake & heap of stones, th. S. 78 12' E. 81 c. 711. to a stake & heap of stones near a road, th. S. 40 28' W. 80c. 211. to the top of Sam's Point to beg. . . Purchase, 1901 440 Olive 9 All in Olive of above premises Purchase, 1901 160 do 9 Bd. beg. at a fallen birch tree and pile of stones, cor. of lots 9 and 10, Divisions 1 and 2, th. N. 50 30' W. 384 REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. ULSTER COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. HARDENBURGH PATENT, GREAT LOT 7, DIVISION 1 (Continued). Olive 9 along line between Divi- sions 1 and 2, 21c. to a pile of stones on top of Black- berry mountain, th. N. 7 15' W. along the average top of said mountain 46c. to a pile of stones on top of said mountain, th. S. 50 30' E. 35c. to center of Drykill Brook, th. down said brook S. lQ5 do do , KEPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. 429 CLINTON COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. STATE GORE (Bet. Old Mili- tary and Refugee Tracts') (Continued). . Altona 43 On W. line 3c. 331. N. from S. W. cor. 15c. 251. long N. and S. and lOc. 501. wide E. and W. (State coal kilns) . . Purchase, 1869 16 do 43 Ex. 16a. last above described 1890 '95 159 do 44 Reverted, 1844 200 do 45 Reverted, 1844. . . . 200 do 46 Bd. beg. Ir. E. or W. line S. 14c. 671. from N. W. cor. of lot, th. S. 87 E. 21c. 141., th. S. 3 W. 13c. 651. to a brown ash tree, marked, th. S. 86 W. Ic. 401. to a balsam tree, marked, th. N. 47 W. 4c. 41. to a birch tree, marked, th. N. 4 W. 971.- to a stake hi S. line of lOa. mill lot, th. N. 87 W. 16c. 521. to a stake and stones, 951. N. of the large bolt in center of bridge crossing the river on W. line of lot 46, and th. N. on lot line to beg. (State saw mill.) Purchase, 1869.... 23.20 do 46 Bd. beg. on E. line of lot at S. E. cor. of land conveyed to Samuel Shaw by Beckwith & Johnson, Executors, 15c. S. of N. E. cor. of lot, th. W'ly along S. line of said land 13c. 861. to N. E. cor. of lOa. mill lot, th. S'ly along E. line of said mill lot and a part of said lot sold Jarvis, about 15c. 671. to S. E. cor. of said Jarvis land, th. W'ly along said Jarvis land about 21 c. to W. line of lot, th. S'ly along lot line 9c. 101. to a stake at N. W. cor. of 40a. S. side of lot 46, th. E'ly along N line of said 40 a. to E, line of 430 REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. CLINTON COUNTY. Town. Lot, DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Altona do 46 46 STATE GORE (Bet. Old Mili- tary and Refugee Tracks.) (Continued"). lot & th. N'ly along said E. line to beg Bd. N. & E. by lot lines, S. by a line par'l with N. line of lot & W. by town line, being 14c 671 wide N. & S. Purchase, 1869.... 1895 49.90 51 do 47 Reverted 1844 . . 200 do 48 Reverted 1844 200 do 50 All in Altona 1871 '77 '81 '95 49 Dannemora 50 All in Dannemora 1877 '81 '95 151 do Altona 51 51 All in Dannemora All in Altona 1877, '81, '95 1877 '81 '95 148.20 44 50 Dannemora 53 1871 '77 200 do 54 1871 '77 '81 '95 200 do 56 1871 77 '81, '95. . 200 do 57 1871 '77 '81 '95 200 do 58 1890 '95 & pur- chase, 1866 154 do 59 1890 '95 & pur- do 60 chase, 1866 1853 . . . . 200 200 do 61 1853 175 do 62 1853 176 do 63 1853 176 do 64 1853 152 do do 65 Total, State Gore, 4,703 acres, HOCKSTROSSER LOT. Bd. N. by lots 62 & 63 of Gore bet. O. M. T. & Refu- gee Tract, E. by lots 231 & 233 of Refugee Tract, S. by lot 5 Pion Tract & W. by lots 64 & 65 1877, '81, '85 1877 '81 '85 153 500 do do 190 231 OLD MILITARY TRACT, TOWNSHIP 5. All in Dannemora N'ly pt. bd. S. E'ly by Levi Boyce et al. & S. W'ly by Levi Bovce . . Purchase, 1868. . . . Purchase. 1868 25 76.76 EEPOKT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. 431 CLINTON COUNTY. Town. Dannemora. do do do do do do do do do do Lot. DESCRIPTION. 232 235 236 237 246 247 248 249 292 293 294 OLD MILITARY TRACT, TOWN- SHIP 5 (Continued). N. W. cor. triangle, bd. N. by lot line, N. E'ly by S. Brooks, S. E'ly by Bushey & J. Sawyer and W. by lot line Bd. N. by Jno. Lamshe, E. by lot line, S. by J. Pollard & W. by lot line & Chazy Lake Bd. N. by land of John Lam- she, E. & W. by lot lines & S'ly by highway. . Bd. N. by land of Jno. Lam- she, E. by land of Edward Fournier, S. by highway & W. by lot lines . . . S. W. cor. bd. N. by land of G. W. Storrs & Rogers & Jno. Welch, & E. by lands of John Welch & Ganowy S. E'ly pt. bd. N. by land of J. T. Rogers & G. W. Storrs & Ida M. Rogers, E. & S. by lot lines & W. by lot line & J. F. Rogers . S. end bd. N. by land of J. F. Rogers S. E. cor. 20c. 701. long N. &S.,bd.W. by Chazy Lake S. E'ly pt. bd. N. by land par'l to & 27c. 811. S. from N. lire of lot & W. by Chazy Lake S'ly pt. bd. N. by land of Geo. Dunn & Geo. Dunn, Jr., E. by same & lot line & S. & W. by lot lines S. pt. 35c. 191. long N. & S. bd. N. by land owned by Geo. A. Dunn, Jr. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. OWN- L i. N. 3y S. T B. and Purchase, 1868. . . . 12.50 e, E. Hard 'hazy Lam- les & Purchase, 1868.... Purchase, 1868. . . . 37 71 Lam- ward ay & Purchase, 1868. . . . 20 id of i M. h, & Felch Purchase, 1867. . . . 60 ndof A _. torrs & S. y lot Purchase, 1868 92 id of Purchase, 1868. . . . 55 g N. Lake Purchase, 1868 3.50 land from hazy Purchase, 1868. . . . 54 id of . A. le & y lot Purchase, 1868 100 &S. d by "D,,T.^V,nc./-> 1 OAQ QA 4:32 REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Dannemora. do 295 296 do do do do do do 297 298 299 299 300 Altona . do 62 62 OLD MILITARY TRACT, TOWN SHIP 5 (Continued). Ex. 21a. N. W. cor. 44c. 811 long N. & S. & 4c. 661. wide E. & W Ex. 7$a. N. E. cor. 25c. long N. & S. & 3c. wide E. & W & 45a. on E. line 25c. from N. E. cor. of lot 25c. long N. & S. & 18c. wide E. & W S. pt. 30c. long N. & S. bd N. by land of Jas. Cunning- ham , S'ly pt. bd. N. by land of Zeb Cayea & James Cun- ningham, E. & S. by lot line and land of Jas. Cunning- ham N. E. cor. 35c. 411. long N. & S. & 13c. 341. wide E. & W. . S. W. cor. 44c. 591. long N. & S. &13c. 331. wide E.&W.. N. part 35c. 411. long N. & S . Total, Township 5, 1,472 acres. PION PATENT. Bd. N. by Thorn & Watson's lot, E. by lot 233 Refugee Tract, S. by town line and W. by 500a. said to belong to A. C. Moore, 200a. ex. und. pd. by Burton and und. J pd. by Davison REFUGEE TRACT. (420a. lots.) Bd. N. by lot line E. & S. by land of Dragon & W. by land of Laforce Mrs. Joseph Laforce, bd. N. by lot line, E. by land of Purchase, 1868. 192 Purchase, 1868. Purchase, 1868. Purchase, 1868. Purchase, 1868. Purchase, 1868. Purchase, 1868. 160 80 135 47.25 62.25 94.50 1890. 50 1895/00. 56 REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. 433 CLINTON COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Altona 62 REFUGEE TRACT (420a. lots) (Continued). Geo. Jelly & John Deo, S. by highway & W. by Mil- lette Estate 1895 66 do 83 Small lot (whole) 1853 290 do 84 1853 '77 '81 '85 420 do 107 1890, '95 331 do .... 108 1877 '81 '85 '95 420 do do 109 111 Romer, Brown, bd. N. & S. 1877, '81, '85, '95.. 420 by land of Palmer & Co., E. by highway & W. by land of Estate of Hanley 1885 '90 50 do 132 Bd N by land of Peter Gardner, E. by highway & S. & W. by Hughson & Co. . 1885 2 do 185 All S of tunrpike of 70a. E. side of lot 1881 46 do 223 N part of N E J 51a and do 223 N. partofS. E. J,51a All of 50a N. E. cor., Pat- 1877, '81/85, '90.. 102 do ... 225 rick Caffrey, b'd S. by land of A. or N. Collins of J. C. Hubbell or A. Collins & J. B. Hubbell, and W. by land of Lewis Beach, & Wesley Spaulding, not contained in above 102a. parcel All in Altona 1881, '85, '90 1877 '81 '85 25 235 Dannemora do 225 229 All in Dannemora S. E. cor. 33a. & S. W. cor. 33a 1877, '81, '85 1877 '81 '85 190 66 Total, Refugee Tract 2,661 acres. 434 KEPOBT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. WARKEISr COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Caldwell. 26 do 26 FORT GEORGE BATTLE GROUNDS. Bd. beg. at a point in the W bounds of the Fort George road, said road leading from the S. end of Lake George to the Glens Falls & Lake George plank road, saic point being the N. E. cor of lands formerly owned by the late Dr. J. W. Dowling th. N. 55 W. along the N, line of said Dowling's prem- ises 5c. to N. W. cor. there- of, it being the S. bounds of the new road (so called} leading from the said Fort George road, from point where the same crosses the IX * H. Co.'s R. R. to the said plank road, intersect- ing the same near the West Brook bridge, th. S. 85 20' E. along the S. bounds of said new road 6c. 681. to the W. bounds of said Fort George road, th. S. 48 W. along the W. bounds of said Fort George road 3c. 471. to beg Bd. E'ly by the highway leading from the head of Lake George to the Glens Falls & Caldwell plank road, surveyed by J. H. Smith, 1858, viz.: beg. 57 E. 251. from the S. E. cor. of the Spafford lots, being lots Nos. 5 & 6 in the Old Fort George Village Plot, th. S. 30 W. 6c., th. S. 12 W. 5c. to a stake & stones, th. S. 35 W. 5c. 551. to a stake & Purchase, 1898. KEPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. 435 WARREN COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Caldwell. 26 do 27 FORT GEORGE BATTLE GROUNDS (Continued} . stones E. of a poplar tree, th. N. 57 W. to an alder stake & stones marked & witnessed, th. N. 30 E. 16c. to a stake & stones, and th. S. 57 E. 5c. to beg Bd. beg. at a point in the Wly bounds of the D. & H. Co. lands about 12c. 501. N'ly from the point formed by the intersection of said Wly bounds with the N'ly line of lot 6 of the Garrison ground, said p3int of beg. being also the N. E'ly cor. of a certain parcel of land in said lot 27, conveyed by Harriet C. Nivent of Paris, France, to the party of the second part by deed, July 3, 1900, th. N'ly along the Wly line of said D. & H. Co. land to the point formed by the intersection of said Wly with the E'ly line of the Fort George road lead- ing from the S'ly shore of Lake George to the Glens Falls & Lake George plank road, th. S'ly along the E'ly line of said road as it winds and turns 13c. 901. to N. Wly cor. of the Nivent lands referred to above, which last mentioned corner is distant N'ly 22c. 721., fol- lowing the E'ly line of said Fort George road as it winds and turns from the S. line of lot 27 Garrison ground, th. E'ly along the N. bounds of said Nivent lands Purchase, 1898. 8.75 4:36 REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. WARREN COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. FORT GEORGE BATTLE GROUNDS (Continued) . Caldwell 27 about 8c. 501. to beg., in- cluding the right, title, and interest in that portion of * the said Fort George road which bounds the premises conveyed Purchase, 1900. . . . 7 do 27 Fort George lot bd. beg. at a point in the center of the highway known as the Fort George road, leading from the Glens Falls and Lake George plank road to the head waters of Lake George, th. E'ly along N. line of lots 5 & 6 Garrison ground (the said N. line of lot 5 being also the N. line of land owned by the late W. H. Bradley, and the N. line of lot 6 being also the N. line of premises now owned or occupied by Henry Cham- bers) about 17c. to a point in the W. bounds of land owned by the D. & H. Co. R. R., th. N'ly along the W. bounds of said R. R. lands about 12c. to S. E. cor. of lands owned by Catherine T. R. Matthews and Ann S. Van Cortlandt, th. Wly along S. bounds of said Matthews & Van Cort- landt lands until the line intersects the center line of the above described Fort George road & th. S'ly & Wly along center of said road to beg Purchase, 1900. . . . 17.50 REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. 437 LIST OF LANDS IN THE St. Lawrence Reservation or International Park. JEFFEBSON COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Cape Vincent. do BURNHAM POINT. Commencing at a point on the shore of the St. Lawrence River at the water's edge, which is N. 57 W. 301. from a stone on the line between the Richard T. Connell farm and the William E. Burnham land and running along said line S. 57 E. lie. 701. to a point in the center of the River road, th. along the center of the said road N. 68^ E. 821., th. N. 57 W. 9c. 431. to a cedar stake, th. N. 63f E. lie. 701. to a maple tree, th. N. 23 W. 2c. 651. to the shore of the river at water's edge, which is N. 23 W. 871. from a stone set in the bank, th. along the shore S. 65f W. 8c. 591., th. S. 58 W. 5c. 81. to place of beginning CEDAR POINT. Beg. at a point on the shore of the St. Lawrence River, which is N. 49 W. 401. from a stone on the line between the land of A. D. Percy and Alex. Liddy, and th. S. 49 E. 46c. 101. to a point in the center of the River road, which is N. 49 W. 371. from a cedar post, th. along the center of said road N. 71^ E. 561., th. N. 49 W. 39c. 521. to a point which is N. 70f E. 561. from a stone on the Percy and Liddy line, th. N. 70 1 E. 13c. 341. to a stone on the bank of the river and th. along the shore of the river to place of beginning 438 REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. JEFFERSON COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Clayton . Orleans. CANOE AND PICNIC POINTS. (Being parts of lots numbers 19 and 20 on Grindstone Island). Beginning at a gas pipe driven in the ground on the N. side of Mud bay at high water mark and -lying S. 51 E. 799J feet from a hard wood post driven in the base line, being 6 feet westerly from a hemlock tree lying in the same line and runs thence N. 4 45' E. 1,315 feet to a gas pipe, thence making an angle of 25 53' to the right (N. 30 38' E.) 596 feet to a gas pipe, thence mak- ing an angle of 20 33' to the left (N. 10 5' E.) 1,307 feet to a gas pipe, thence making an angle of 90 to the left (N. 79 55' W.) 990 feet to a gas pipe driven at high water mark on the W. side of the island and thence northerly around the N. point of the island and southerly along the easterly side of the island as the shore winds and turns around the various points to place of beginning. . . . WATTERSON POINT. On Weils island, beginning at a point on the shore of the St. Lawrence river, the N. Wly corner of 4 acres owned by Wm. Watterson and marked by stones and an iron pipe driven in the ground, th. S. 1J W. 438 feet along the westerly line of the aforesaid 4 acres owned by Wm. Watterson to the S. W'ly corner thereof an iron pin driven in the ground and stones, th. 83f W. 350 feet to an iron pin driven in the ground and stones, th. N. 74J W. 208 feet through the marsh to the shore of the St. Lawrence river, thence easterly along the shore of the river as it winds and turns to begin- ning REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. 439 JEFFERSON COUNTY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Orleans. Alexandria. do DEWOLF POINT. On Wells island, beg. at an iron stake at a point on the N. shore of Lake of the Islands, and being the E. cor. of 230.20a. conveyed to Sarah Bartlett, th. along the E. line thereof N. 5 E. 482 feet to the center of the public road, th. along said road N. 85 E. 325 feet, th. S. 38 C E. 463 feet to a black oak tree, th. N 64J E. 587 feet to a large pine tree th. N. 66i E. 260 feet to an ash tree, th. S. 50 E. 15 feet to the water's edge, th. up along the shore of the Lake of the Islands as it winds and turns to place of beg MARY ISLAND. Mary Island in St. Lawrence river at the foot of Wells Island and below the canal or hauling place, so called KRING POINT. Beg. at a stake set in the ground in that part of the Kring farm known as " Kring Point," which stake is 2,800 feet in a straight line from the most S'ly part of said point, th. S.10 E. 4c. 541. (300 ft.) to a stake set in the shore of Goose bay, th. S'ly along the N. W. shore of Goose bay as it winds and turns to the most S. W'ly part of Kring Point, th. N. and N. E'ly along the shore of Goose bay and the shore of St. Lawrence river as it winds and turns to a stake near the shore of the river, th. N. 87 E. 8c. 12*1. (527 ft.) to beg 440 REPORT OF FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. ST. LAWRENCE COUNTY. List of Lands in the St. Lawrence Reservation or International Park. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Hammond Lisbon, CEDAR ISLAND (part). Beginning at a point of a rock on the S. E. shore of Cedar Island and being about 330 ft. N. E'ly from the steamboat land- ing, th. N. 53 W. lOc. 121. to a point in the bay near Park Island, th. N. 35 E. lOc. 201. to a point near the S. E. end of Park Island, th. S. 89 E. 6c. 431. to the extreme E'ly end of Cedar Island, th. S. 19 E. Ic. 901., th. S, 30 W. 2c. 721., th. S. 45^ W. 3c., th. S. 10 E. 4c. 231., th. S. 29 W. 4c. 281. to begin- ning LOTUS ISLAND (part). Beginning at a post and stones at low water mark on the N.E'ly part of Lotus Island, standing N. 18 E. from the cen- ter of the Allison well on said island, th. S. 18 W. lOc. 191. across the center of said well to an iron post standing in center of a heavy stone wall, th. N. 81 W. along the center line of said wall and a continuation thereof lOc. 401. to an iron post and stones standing in a ravine that separates this mian island from a small 7-acre island to the west, th. N 4| E. along said ravine 6c. 581. to a post and stones, th. N. 24 E. 3c. 791 to a post, th. 14i E. 5c. 161. to a post standing at W. side of the dock bet piers 3 and 4 at low water mark, being Ic. 201. along said dock from the land end thereof, th. N. 82 E. diagonally across said dock 2c. to a post and stones at low water mark, th. along low water mark as follows: S. 73 J 6 E. 2c. 381. to post, S. 47 E. to post, S. 30i E. 2c. 851. to beginning, together with one cottage and the right, title and interest of the grantors in the long dock on said prem- 301119 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY