ft THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PRESENTED BY PROF. CHARLES A. KOFOID AND MRS. PRUDENCE W. KOFOID Hamilton's System of LEGAL MEDICINE [Complete in 2 Vols. A Complete work of Reference for Medical and Legal Practitioners By ALLAN flcLANE HAMILTON, M.D., Consulting Physician to the Insane Asylums of New York City, Assisted by LAWRENCE QODKIN, Esq., of the New York Bar, and Others. Its list of thirty contributors includes the names of the most distinguished writers arid authorities upon Medical Jurisprudence in America. As a book of reference, with its 4000 citations and cases, it will be found an invaluable help to medical men, and to those of the legal profession who desire the aid of the most advanced and sound opinions of practical students of forensic medicine. So much opprobri- um has been attach- mm ed to the word "ex- pert," that it has been the aim of the Editor and his col- leagues to give the work a decided judicial and impartial tone, so that it may be consulted with confidence by all as an authority of the highest order. Short articles upon legal subjects by distinguished members of the American Bar are a marked feature of the work. The cases cited are recent, and chiefly American, and up to date in theory and practice. THE WORK is complete in two large royal octavo volumes of about seven hundred pages each, illustrated. Fully Indexed by 3202 References. In cloth, per volume, $5.50; full sheep, per volume, $6.50. Sold by subscription. Sent carriage paid on receipt of price. E, B. TREAT & CO,, Publishers, 241-243 West 23d Street, New York. AN ATLAS OF THE Bacteria Pathogenic in Man WITH DESCRIPTIONS OF THEIR MORPHOLOGY AND MODES OF MICROSCOPIC EXAMINATION. BY SAMUEL G. SHATTOCK, F.E.C.S., Joint Lecturer on Pathology and Bacteriology, St. Thomas' Medical School, London ; Pathological Curator of the Museum of the Royal College of Surgeons, London. WITH AN INTRODUCTORY CHAPTER ON BACTERIOLOGY : ITS PRACTICAL VALUE TO THE GENERAL PRACTITIONER. BY W. WAYNE BABCOCK, M.D,, Pathologist to the Kensington Hospital for Women; Clinical Pathologist to the Medical-Chirurgical Hospital; Demonstrator of Pathology and Bacteriology in the Medico-Chirurgical College of Philadelphia. SIXTEEN FULL-PAGE COLORED PLATES. E. B. TEEAT & CO., 241-243 West 23d Street, NEW YORK, 1899. Price, 81. OO COPYRIGHT, E. B. TREAT & CO. 1899. J. Publisher's Note. This Atlas was originally published in the "International Medical Annual " in two sections, one in the 1898 issue, the other in the 1899 issue. The perfection of the plates illustrating the appearance, under the microscope, of the Bacteria Pathogenic in the human subject was of such a high degree as to evoke the admiration of those familiar with Bacteriology. Then, too, the descriptive text was succinct and practical, and written for the use of physicians desir- ous of keeping up to date, but who have not the time nor inclina- tion to master the elaborate text books on Bacteriology. We have had requests that these articles be reprinted in book form, thus giving a sufficiently complete work on the subject to meet ordinary requirements. Having secured a number of sets of the illustrative plates, we have decided to meet these requests. We trust our effort to give the medical profession a small but first-class work both as to authorship, illustrations, press work, etc. at a very reasonable price will meet with a reception such as we believe it to be entitled to. The value of the original work has been much added to by the publication of an introductory chapter on "Bacteriology; its Prac- tical Value to the General Practitioner," by W. Wayne Babcock, M.D., of Philadelphia. M3517S5 BACTERIOLOGY : Its Practical Value to the General Practitioner. Bacteriology : Its Practical Value to the General Practitioner. BY W. WAYNE BABCOCK, M.D., Pathologist to the Kensington Hospital for Women; Clinical Pathologist to the Medico-Cbirurg'cal Hospital; Demonstrator of Pathology and Bacteriology in the Medico- Chirurgical College, of Philadelphia. To the general practitioner, bacteriology is offering a con- stantly increasing field of usefulness. From its earliest days, this science has suggested a theoretical basis for treatment, while it has developed, especially during more recent years, numerous prod- ucts of practical remedial value. For the most part it has not been difficult for the physician to avail himself of these advances in treatment. The methods founded upon theory have been par- ticularly popular, and it has been only necessary for the micro- organismal nature of an affection to gain credence in order to have innumerable preparations of real or fancied antiseptic value pressed into service. From the earlier vague and theoretic means of combating bacterial invasion, we are now emerging upon a more rational therapeusis, founded upon laboratory investigation and endorsed by clinical trial. Although preventive inoculations and the use of toxins and antitoxins have been adopted with some reluctance, their application is not difficult and their employment is now be- coming general. Coincident with the recent advances in etiology, prophylaxis and therapeutics, and scarcely less important, are the strides made in bacteriologic diagnosis and prognosis. And yet, despite the great value of these latter innovations, it is entirely 7 g BACTERIOLOGY : probable that bacteriology has been of far greater service to the practitioner in the line of treatment than in diagnosis. The scratch of the vaccine lancet or the thrust of the antitoxin needle requires neither erudition nor great technical skill, while in- dulgent manufacturers beg to supply the practitioner with more convenient and refined products. On the other hand, unfortun- ately, the methods of diagnosis have not only required laboratory training but also laboratory apparatus. These difficulties are being largely overcome in the medical centers by the establishment of municipal laboratories, but in the more remote districts the general practitioner is left, as usual, self-dependent. There is, moreover, a prevalent impression that the general practitioner requires but little knowledge of bacteri- ology. This needs correction. The specialist is a man who, by exceptional proficiency in a single branch, is exempted from a thorough knowledge of general medicine. Serving in a single field, he exacts service from his confreres in all others, including that of skilled laboratory workers. The true position of the general practitioner is, naturally, quite the reverse, and with the knowledge that "diagnosis is treatment," bacteriology must be far from the least of 'his many accomplishments. He may therefore rejoice in the fact that some of the most important of bacteri- ologic methods now require but simple apparatus, are capable of rapid performance and demand no exceptional skill. Given a good microscope, which may now be considered an essential part of the practitioner's outfit, a very moderate additional expense will provide the essential equipment for many of the very impor- tant diagnostic tests. Indeed, it is now possible without any aid ITS PKACTICAL VALUE TO THE GENERAL PRACTITIONER. 9 from the microscope and with no more complicated apparatus than a test tube, to determine the presence and activities of typhoid bacilli in the body; and thus, by a procedure scarcely more difficult than the test for sugar in the urine, diagnose the existence of enteric fever. The single example may serve to il- lustrate the error of a prevalent opinion that bacteriology is hardly accessible to the practitioner as an aid in his daily work. In this article I desire to mention a number of the practical advances in bacteriology and to indicate how much of essential value in the various fields they offer to the progressive physician. Certain of these advances may never have a general use; others are as yet very imperfectly developed ; improvements may be ex- pected upon all ; yet we do our patients an injustice if we do not avail ourselves of some of the present benefits. It is convenient to group the bacteriologic advances under the general headings of Etiology, Diagnosis, Prognosis and Treatment. In attempting this, no excuse is offered for mentioning much that is trite to many medical readers. Etiology. On referring to the causal relations of bacteria to morbid conditions, we find that there is a large number of dis- eases for which micro-organisms may reasonably be claimed as the inducing factors; a considerable number for which certain bacteria have been described as the etiologic agents, and until within a very recent period but a very moderate number of which definite bacteria have been satisfactorily established as casual. Under this latter class we now have such prominent bacteria as Koch's bacillus of tuberculosis, Eberth's bacillus of typhoid fever, Klebs-Loffler's bacillus of diphtheria, Koch's spiril- lum of cholera, Neisser's diplococcus (gonococcus) of gonorrhea, 10 BACTERIOLOGY : Nicolaier's bacillus of tetanus, Obermeier's spirillum of relapsing fever, and Kitasato's bacillus of plague. Scarcely less impor- tant and also well authenticated is the bacillus anthracis of malig- nant pustule, bacillus mallei of glanders, bacillus leprae of leprosy and the streptothrix (?) (ray fungus) of actinomycosis, and of madura foot. To these should be added the well-recog- nized, micro-organismal causes of many septic and suppurative conditions such as the varieties of staphylococci, so frequent in abscesses; the streptococcus found in erysipelas; the bacillus pyocyaneus of green pus ; the bacillus coli communis, frequent in abscesses adjacent to the intestines ; the bacillus aerogenes eapsu- latus, found in a usually fatal form of sepsis associated with gaseous edema, etc. Nearly all of these organisms have been proved to be the specific causes of their respective diseases by conforming to the well-known rules of Koch. That is, the organism is found to be constantly present in the bodies of those affected by the disease, may be grown in pure culture outside of the body, when properly inoculated in lower animals it reproduces the disease, and may again be recovered from the animal so infected. There are also good reasons for accepting a number of other organisms as specific. Recent investigations corroborate the claims of Sanarelli that his bacillus icteroides is the cause of yel- low fever. The bacillus described by Canon and Pfieffer for influenza, and by Canon and Pielicke for measles, are generally accepted. The Lustgarten bacillus of syphilis has not been sustained, but van Niessen claims to -have cultivated from syphilitic blood a bacillus producing characteristic lesions in pigs and monkeys. ITS PRACTICAL VALUE TO THE GENERAL PRACTITIONER. 11 The claims made that the bacteria causing mumps, scarlatina and whooping-cough have been isolated, do not, as yet, appear conclusive; while the organisms of such notably infectious dis- eases as typhus and small-pox await discovery. The better knowledge of the bacteria producing the infections has been fruit- ful in improving hygienic measures a subject too extensive to be considered at this time. Not less important have been the re- flections of etiologic advances in improvements of diagnosis, prophylaxis and treatment. Bacteriologic Diagnosis. Having ascertained that a micro- organism is invariably found in the body in association with a single disease and with that disease only, the diagnosis of the dis- ease may readily hinge upon the determination of the presence of the bacterium. The chief methods used to determine the char- acter of u micro-organism, 'and thus diagnose the disease, depend upon: (1) Peculiarities in form and arrangement; (2) peculiari- ties of staining; (3) peculiarities of cultural growth; (4) pecul- iarities of effects produced when introduced into the bodies of certain animals; (5) peculiarities in behavior of cultures of the micro-organism when brought in contact with certain fluids from the diseased animals. Certain of the higther forms of the vegetable parasites, es- pecially the parasitic moulds and yeasts, are readily recognized by their peculiarities of form -alone. For example, the sacchar- omyces a given disease to agglutinate, or collect in clumps, and to lose their motility when brought in contact with the serum from a person affected by the disease. Although this method is useful in determining the variety of the bacteria, the presence of infective organisms in drinking water, etc., its greatest value has been in diagnosing disease. Being present in over ninety-five per cent, of cases of ty- phoid, it is the most useful diagnostic sign yet discovered. The 16 BACTERIOLOGY : method has not been as thoroughly developed in other diseases, but has shown a value in aiding the identification of cases of cholera, glanders, malta fever/ tuberculosis, leprosy, relapsing fever and other diseases. Considering that the method is yet in its infancy, the results obtained have been surprisingly accurate. The test is performed with or without the microscope, the former having the -advantage of quickness and greater accuracy. The main difficulty that the practitioner will find with this method is the difficulty of keeping on hand fresh cultures of the bacilli. The advantages of emulsions of dead bacilli are readily apparent, but thus far they have proven less reliable than the fresh cultures. A final, simple and practical method of diagnosis is by the in- jection of bacterial products into the affected animal. Tuber- culin, a glycerin extract of tubercle bacilli, has proved to be a most reliable agent for diagnosing tuberculosis. Unfortunately, its tendency to exacerbate this affection has largely precluded its use in the human family. Mallein has also proven successful in diagnosing glanders in horses. Prophylaxis and Treatment. Two main classes of bacterial remedies have been developed, namely, those obtained directly from the micro-organism and those indirectly obtained by the ac- tion of bacterial products upon animals. To the first class be- long the toxins -and vaccines ; to the latter class the antitoxic and bactericidal serums. The former 4/6/ca/s. MEDICAL ANNUAL, 1898 PLATE XXIM. SACCHAROMYGES ALBIOANS. THE BLASTOMYCES OR YEAST-CAUSING THRUSH. The drawing is made from a hanging drop of a broth culture which had been incubated at 37* C. for 24 hours. There is shown on the left and upper part of the figure a series of simple oval cells ; and below these, similar cells from which the formation of a second element is pro- ceeding ; this appears as a minute bud growing out from one of the ends or side of the parent cell. Where the cells lie in groups their opposed faces are flattened or facetted, an extensive group resembling a mosaic. The process whereby a filamentous stage is reached consists in the elongation of the cells, which continue to give rise to others from apex and sides until a complex branching system results. The chief secondary branches arise from the nodes of the main filaments, and from the former a tertiary set of smaller cells, and so forth. On the right hand side are shown four cells, the protoplasm of which has been tinted with a dilute aqueous solution of gentian violet ; they exhibit a certain number of spaces filled with fluid, or vacuolea, analogous to those holding sap in higher plants ; and spherical granules, the function of which is not yet known, possibly zymogenic in nature. In the elongated or filamentous cells the vacuoles are sometimes of considerable length, and can be readily seen in tbe unstained condition. PLATE XXIV Fig. 1. Typhoid Bacillus. Fig. 2. Typhoid Bacilli. MEDICAL ANNUAL, 1898 PLATE XXIV. FIG 1. TYPHOID BACILLUS. Prom a culture 24 hours' old, incubated at 87 C., and made on the surface of agar. Stained with carbol fuchsin, washed in water acidulated with acetic acid. Straight or very slightly curved rods, the shortest of which appear as oval : the bacilli present great variations in length and breadth: parallel grouping is fairly common. The filamentous forms exhibit no trace of a segmented or composite structure. FIG. 2. TYPHOID BACILLI. Five typhoid bacilli, from a dried preparation stained by Van Ermengen's silver method, and showing the long wavy flagella arising around them. The largest number shown is seventeen, but this may be exceeded. PLATE XXV Fig. 1. Colon Bacillus. Fig. 2. Colon Bacillus. MEDICAL ANNUAL, i8(>8 PLATE XXV. FIG. 1. COLON BACILLUS. From a culture in a simple aqueous solutiou of Peptone, 24 hours' growth, incubated tit 37 G. The figure is introduced to show the "end-staining" often observed in bacilli, the causation of which is not fully understood. The interest attaching to the present specimen, is that it demonstrates the effect of one particular factor in leading to this result. It has been noticed by Mr. H. C. Haslam that the "end-staining" occurs regularly in the colon bacillus if it is grown in alkaline media. In an unstained hanging drop corresponding appearances present themselves, the ends of the bacilli being darker and more granular than the centres. FIG. 2. COLON BACILLUS. From an agar culture of 48 hours' growth, incubated at 37 C. Showing the usual form of the Colon Bacillus : plump straight rods with rounded ends, variable in length and thickness, the shortest appealing as oval. Parallel grouping occurs. As there are many varieties of Colon Bacillus, it is necessary to take one as a standard ; that selected is from a culture of Professor Bscherich's (the original describer of the bacillus). A subculture of this particular organism was obtained from Professor Bscherich by Mr. Wallis Stoddart, to whom the author is indebted for a sample of the strain. PLATE XXVI Fig. 1. Staphylococcus Pyogenes Aureus. Fig. 2. Plague Bacillus. MEDICAL ANNUAL, i8 9 8 PLATE XXVI. FIG. 1. STAPHYLOCOCCUS PYOGENES AUREUS. From the edge of a growing culture on agar. Carbol fuchsin, washed in acidulated water. The cocci occur in clusters or botryoidal groups (2ravA?- bunch of grapes), here and there in short chains, twos, or singly. The individuals in the groups vary in size, indicating probably differences in age ; in some of the groups the process of division appears in a diplococcus with flattened sides, the elements of which have not yet parted and become spherical. FIG. 3 PLAGUE BACILLUS. Agar culture, incubated 37 C.; the advancing edge of a three days' growth. Carbol fuchsin, washed in acidulated water. Short rods, mostly of oval form, often in pairs, side by side. Here and there slightly curved, longer forms occur, some of remarkable thickness. The original source of the bacillus was a Lascar admitted into the Seamen's Hospital, Albert Dock, from a P. and O. steamer arriving from Bombay; the bacteriological diagnosis was made by Dr. R. T. Hewlett; inoculations carried out upon guinea pigs caused d^ath with typical symptoms. The forms examined in the blood of animals experimentally inoculated with this particular bacillus showed marked "end-staining"; this is entirely absent in the specimen prepared from the agar culture. PLATE XXVII. GONOCOCCUS. A cover glass preparation of urethral pus, made by means of the loop, from the ureihral meatus in a case two days after infection. Carbol fuchsin, washed in acidulated water. Two flattened epithelial cells from the urethra, and one " polynuelear " leucocyte are represented. The stain has tinted the bodies of the epithelial cells, but not that of the pus cell. The cocci, without exception, occur in pairs with flattened or slightly concave faces; here and there is a group of four. The diplococci are set in groups or colonies which lie outside and unconnected with the cells; elsewhere, upon and within them. The groups connected with the epithelial cells are surrounded with an uncolored zone of ground substance indicating their location within the cell protoplasm. Those about the nucleus of the leucocyte are in cell protoplasm. PLATE XXVtt Gonococcus. MEDICAL ANNUAL, 16 PLATE XXVIII. Fio. 1. ANTHRAX BACILLUS. Agar culture, incubated at 87 C.; of 24 hours' age : the films treated with 20 per cent, acetic acid before staining with aqueous solution of gentian violet. The lowest filament is as yet sporeless ; some of its component segments are but half the length of others, and separated by a narrower interval, indicating that fission and interstitial elongation are proceeding in the filament. In the others, various stages of spore-formation are shown. The spores appear at first as minute unstained points at or near the centre of the segments, the capsule of tha spores preventing the penetration of the dye. When fully grown, the spores dis- tend the wall or "sheath" of the bacillary cell, from which they are subsequently set free, as shown at the highest part of the figure. In many of the sporulating segments there is a minute second point, probably an abortive second spore, since the fully developed spore in in most instances not strictly central, but nearer one end of the spore-bearing segment, and this whether the latter presents a second point or not. The staining or the spores is best carried out by means of hot carbol fuchsin, and the use of acid and methylene blue as described under the Tubercle bacillus. FIG. 2. ANTHBAX BACILLUS. Broth culture of 24 hours' growth, incubated at 87 C. Carbol fuchsin, washed in acidulated water. Very few spores were found in the preparations, and none are present in the filaments figured. The spore formation takes place only under the free access of gaseous or atmospheric oxygen. The filaments adhere in tresses or strands. Active subdivision is taking place in the segments, the ends of which remain straight or squarely cut. PLATE XXVUl. \ \ \ Fig. 2. Anthrax Bacillus. MEDICAL ANNUAL, PLATE XXIX. ANTHRAX BACILLUS. ,*^ eSS *r i PreP"?. 4 ' 011 " of a small colony on agar in a Petri capsule; lowly magnified ; the actual diameter of the colony is one millimetre. Aqueous solution of gentian violet, washed in acidulated water or ha1ry p rocelse? Stl f * feltw rk f wavy fllamen <*> extending at the margins in tufts allowing the latter to fal1 on the colo >- PLATE XXIX Anthrax Bacillus. MEDICAL ANNUAL, 1898 PLATE XXX. TUBERCLE BACILLUS. A preparation of Tubercular sputum, distributed over the cover-glass in the fresh state. Carbol fuchsin, heated on the cover, the latter then transferred to a watch glass of 25 per cent, hydric sulphate till decolourized, washed in water, and then counter-stained with aqueous solution of inethylene blue in the cold, washed again in water, and allowed to dry. Tubercular sputum is best examined when no antiseptics have been used for its- disinfection. It should be spread out in a thin layer over a sheet of glass on a black surface, or one of the black-bottomed plates made for the purpose; the most purulent foci are then isolated with needle and forceps, or cut out with scissors and forcibly broken up and distributed on a series of cover-glasses with the back of the forceps, whilst the covers are steadied by the pressure of a needle. Passing the films through the name is not necessary. If the cover-glasses are not heated after the carbol fuchsin has been filtered on to them, the dye must be allowed to act for a considerably longer time fifteen minutes: if heated, they must be held over a low flame in a small pair of forceps of which the ends have been somewhat sharply bent, in order that the dye may not be conducted to the under side of the glass. The rationale of this particular method is as follows: the carbol fuchsin stains all the different microbes present ia such a film ; with the exception of the tubercle bacilli, all are afterwards decolourized by the action of the hydric sulphate, to be re-dyed, together with the cell nuclei, by the methylene blue. This peculiar resistance to the action of the acid is common to the tubercle, leprosy, and smegraa bacilli. In the examination of pure cultures of the bacillus, this differential method is unnecessary, and the organism may be stained simply with carbol fuchsin, or by Gram's method, etc. In addition to the " polynuclear" leucocytes (pus cells), there are shown in the figure two squamous epithelial cells derived from the upper part of the respiratory passages ; the body of these is faintly tinted with the blue. Many of the tubercle bacilli occur in small grotesque groups, that have been likened to Chinese characters. The bacilli are mostly slightly curved, their extremities rounded, and their proto- plasm segmented, so that the microbes appear " beaded." The beading is not invariable in such preparations of sputum. PLATE XXX Tubercle Bacillus. MEDICAL ANNUAL, 2898 OF THE HUMAN SUBJECT. 47 such a hanging drop, motile bacteria retaining their power of movement whilst the coloration is proceeding in them. To Make a Permanent Preparation of the Hanging Drop. Lastly, a permanent specimen may be made from the same prep- aration by removing the cover-glass, placing it again with the drop upwards on a piece of filter paper beneath a watch-glass or bell-jar, and allowing it to dry ; after which a small drop of Canada balsam (dissolved in xylol) is placed on a slide, a second small drop on the dried film, and the latter then allowed to fall on the slide in the usual manner. Or, after the examination of an unstained hanging drop, this may be allowed to dry in the same way and treated in the manner to be presently described under the dry method. The dyeing of hanging drops made from broth cultures (in which case, of course, no water need be placed on the cover - glass) is not quite so satisfactory as those from agar, in conse- quence of an extremely fine colored precipitate appearing in the fluid, probably a proteid present in the broth, which unites with the dye. This precipitate is unconnected with the growth of the bacteria, as it appears if sterile broth is mixed with the diluted dye and examined as a hanging drop. Nevertheless, in such broth preparations when colored, many fields may be found devoid of adventitious granules, which, it may be noted in pass- ing, exhibit lively Brownian movements. The examination of jelly that is being liquefied by the growth of an organism is conducted precisely as that of a broth culture ; and admirable preparations may be obtained by color- ing the hanging drop with dilute solution of gentian violet in the manner already described. Of all the methods of bacterial microscopy, the hanging 48 PATHOGENIC BACTERIA drop, with few exceptions, is the best ; the important method of Gram, for instance, cannot be carried out except on a dry prep- aration. The Dry Method. The more minute attention paid to de- tails, the more satisfactory will be the results. To commence with, then, the cover-glasses (No. 1 thick- ness) must be properly clean. They are to be moved about in a capsule or other flat vessel of hydrochloric acid, washed in com- mon water and then kept in a wide-mouthed stoppered bottle of absolute alcohol, to which glacial acetic acid has been added in the proportion of 10 per cent. The addition of acid will be found to prevent the cover-glasses receiving too high a polish when wiped, a result which greatly interferes with the equable distribution of the bacteria over the surface. Three cover-glasses having been wiped dry, a loop of distilled water is placed on each ; the loop should be drawn a short way over the surface, and if it is found that the water does not adhere to the glass, but returns again to a bead, the cover must be replaced in the acidulated alcohol and wiped afresh. The sterilized loop having been inserted into the culture tube and a small quantity of the growing edge withdrawn, it is applied to the drops of water in succession, and the residue having been burned off in the flame, the loop is used to distribute the turbid drop over the entire face of each of the cover-glasses, which are then allowed to dry; the distribution is facilitated by breathing on the surface, and the glasses are best steadied by the pressure of a needle. The prepared side is to be kept upwards throughout all the subse- quent manipulations. The time-honored custom is now to pass the covers thrice across the flame, with the object of coagulating the albumen and fixing the films. Although so generally OF THE HUMAN" SUBJECT. 49 adopted, it is in reality wholly unnecessary ; if the transit through the flame is made sufficiently slowly to really heat the glass, there is a risk of inducing still further shrinkage of the bacteria. Not only is the practice unnecessary for preparations made from agar cultures, but from careful comparative experi- ments, the author has found it equally without advantage in the case of such as are made from liquefied gelatine or from broth ; the film will remain adherent even if the dye has to be heated on the glass, provided always that it is not afterwards violently washed beneath a stream, but in a vessel, of water ; to such cul- tures the addition of water is not required ; the loop is simply dipped into the fluid and distributed over the cover-glass. The next procedure is that of staining For this purpose aniline dyes are alone used ; none others are sufficiently intense. The three chief are carbol fuchsin, aqueous solution of gentian violet, and aqueous solution of methylene blue ; for special pur- poses modifications are necessary, the most important of which are Gram's method and those for staining spores, capsules, and flagella. Of these dyes carbol fuchsin* holds the first place, and takes the same position for bacterial staining that hematoxylin does for histological : it not only dyes all known bacteria, but gives, as a rule, cleaner preparations, in consequence of its being more readily washed out from extraneous material. The cover-glass should be quite covered with a high bead of the stain. This may be done from a drop bottle, but the author invariably filters the stain directly on to the cover-glass through a small cone of filter-paper held across its overlapping parts in a pair of forceps. The stain having remained on from five to fif- * Fuchsin, 1 gram: absolute alcohol, 10 c.c. Dissolve and add lOOc.c. of a 5 per cent, aqueous solution of carbolic acid. 50 PATHOGENIC BACTERIA teen minutes, the cover-glass is taken up with a fine pair of pointed forceps, tilted to throw off the stain, and at once gently submerged in a saucer of water faintly acidulated with acetic acid ; the washing may be completed in a second or a third saucer, and finally in unacidulated water. The degree of acidity can be arrived at by pouring a few drops of glacial acetic acid into a saucer, inverting it to get rid of the excess, and then fill- ing with water, common or distilled a solution of about .5 c.c. glacial acetic acid to 70 c.c. of water. The washing is preferably carried out in this way rather than beneath a stream, as the latter tends to displace the film ; nor is the excess of the dye so well removed by water without the acid. Fig. 4. Sheet of lead bent at right angles, with filter-paper folded upon it, and cover-glass stood edgewise to drain without the film coming in contact with the paper. After the final washing the cover-glass is allowed to drain and to dry by placing it obliquely with the prepared surface downwards, against a sheet of filter-paper folded at right angles over a piece of lead (Fig. 4). It may be more rapidly dried by pressing between filter-paper, but at the risk of damaging the film and transferring fibers to it. When dry, the preparation is completed by mounting it on a slide with a xylol solution of Canada balsam. In a certain few cases (as in agar cultures of the anthrax OF THE HUAIAH SUBJECT. 51 bacillus) this method does not satisfactorily clear the prepara- tion, i.e., decolorize the ground substance in which the bacteria lie. Under such circumstances, the cover-glasses, after being prepared with the bacteria and allowed to dry, are to be left for ten minutes in a capsule or saucer of 20 per cent, solution of acetic acid ; after which they are washed in distilled water, al- lowed to drain and to dry, edgewise, on filter-paper, and after- wards stained in the usual manner, the subsequent washings being carried out without acetic acid. It is not requisite to pass the films across the flame at any stage of the procedure, even if the cover-glasses have been prepared from broth cultures. Even this at times fails to give clean preparations (as, e.g., in the case of the glanders bacillus) ; the use of saturated alcoholic solution of gentian violet, left on the cover- glass for an hour (beneath a watch glass), will often then give satisfactory results ; the wash- ing in such circumstances should be carried out rapidly in water to which no acetic acid has been added. An Atlas of the Bacteria Pathogenic in the Human Subject. PART II. As stated in Part L, the object of this Atlas is to present graphically from original preparations the chief bacteria which are pathogenic in the human subject The figures now intro- duced comprise nearly all the remaining bacteria of interest. Certain are omitted Amongst such omissions may be named the bacillus of influenza, diplococcus intra-cellularis, bacillus enteritidis, bacillus melitensis, streptothrix pseudo-tuberculosa, etc. ; and time will surely add yet others as causative agents, es- pecially in the group of infective granulomata. Amongst the micro-organisms depicted in the present series, two of the most important in practical medicine are the typhoid* and diphtheria bacilli; and a succinct statement may be made in regard to the bacteriological diagnosis, firstly of typhoid fever, and secondly of diphtheria. Typhoid Fever. Although the bacteriological diagnosis of typhoid during life can be made from the discovery of the typhoid bacillus in the stools or the urine, such methods are of little practical avail, necessitating, as they do, a well- equipped laboratory and the expenditure of much time. Widal's Reaction. However interesting it might be to give an account of the observations of previous investigators which led up to Widal's application, neither space nor the main object of the present article will allow of it. Widal was, however, the first to demonstrate that a reaction, which had been previously * Other illustrations of this are given in Part I. 53 54 PATHOGENIC BACTERIA shown to take place between the serum of animals experimen- tally immunized against certain diseases and cultures of the spe- cific bacilli producing such, could be obtained during the period of infection, and in this way serve as a means of clinical diagno- sis. If thte blood serum of an animal which has been rendered immune against, e. g., the typhoid bacillus be added in a tost tube to a living broth culture of the same microbe, the bacilli in the culture rapidly cohere and subside to the bottom of the tube. This is known as " clumping" or "agglutination," and is taken to indicate the presence of an agglutinating substance or " agglu- tinin" which has formed in the blood in consequence of the presence of the bacilli experimentally introduced into the ani- mal. The blood serum acquires this property, however, before immunization is established, i. e., during the progress of infec- tion itself, and the property may be utilized as a means of diag- nosis, for the important reason that the serum of a typhoid patient, whilst it will agglutinate typhoid bacilli, will not agglu- tinate those of other kinds. What is true in the case of typhoid is true also of other bacterial diseases. The phenomenon admits of two applications; a disease may be diagnosed by the action of the blood serum upon a known bacillus; or a bacillus may be diagnosed by the action of a known "immunized serum." It is to the former that importance attaches in practical medicine and surgery. After this brief explanation of the rationale of Widal's re- action, the method of carrying it out may be described. The broth culture of typhoid bacillus used must not be more than of twenty-four hours' growth, and must be grown in the incubator at 37 C, preferably in a broth that is not alka- line, but amphoteric (giving simultaneously an acid and an alka- OF THE HUMAN SUBJECT. 55 line reaction to blue and red litmus paper). There arises even at this point the first possible source of fallacy. If such a broth culture be examined by the hanging-drop method (fully de- scribed in the previous volume), clumps of bacilli are not rarely encountered, and these, at times, of considerable size. In all cases, then, the broth culture is to be first passed through a small double cone of filter-paper into a watch-glass, in order to remove any such clumps present; and after this, a hanging drop is to be prepared for comparison with the result obtained when the reaction is tried for. One important difference to be ob- served in the microscopic preparations is that although in the broth culture clumps may be met with, the field between con- tains varying numbers of bacilli in active movement; whereas when clumping occurs from the action of the serum of a typhoid patient, the bacilli become motionless between the bacterial isl- ands, if any remain incoherent. How to test the Blood Serum. The reaction is obtainable quite early in the course of the disease, as early as the fifth day, and it persists during convalescence, but for an extremely vari- able period afterward. Not rarely the reaction will continue for a year, but it may last many years, and might without enquiry into a patient's history be erroneously taken to prove the exist- ence of typhoid on the occasion of some subsequent illness sug- gestive of it. The blood to be used in the test is withdrawn either from, the lobe of the ear or from the back of the finger near the root of the nail; and the puncture is best made by means of a surgi- cal or other neede with a cutting edge as well as a sharp point. If the test cannot be carried out at the time, the blood must 56 PATHOGENIC BACTERIA be collected in a pipette of the kind represented in the adjoin- ing wood cut (Fig. 5), by breaking off the sealed ends of the Fig. 5. Pipette containining blood which has separated into clot and serum, the former occupying the lower half of the bulb (nat. size). capillary to be on either side of the bulb, and applying one end to the issuing blood. When the expanded part is filled, the ends are hermetically sealed in the edge of the flame of a spirit-lamp. Blood so stored can be tested at leisure, and (if kept in the dark) retains its qualities for long periods. Even if dried the blood will provide the reaction; for this purpose it is collected on a series of cover-glasses, which, after being allowed to dry, may be, if necessary, posted to an expert for examination. If dried blood is used, a solution of the specific substances in it is ob- tained by means of distilled water; but the method is an inferior one, owing to the difficulty of estimating the dilution reached a matter of cardinal importance. Nine loop-fulls* of the filtered broth culture of typhoid are placed separately and fairly close together on an ordinary micro- scopic slide, the loop or ose being introduced as many times into the broth. The platinum wire is now sterilized in the flame, and with it a single loop of the blood serum is transferred to the slide and well mixed up with the whole of the nine droplets of broth culture. If the test is carried out on the spot, a few drops of blood may be allowed to flow from the lobe of the ear or fin- ger, and to clot in a small test tube or a watch-glass; the serum so furnished will be ample. * For a figure of the " loop," see p. 26. OF THE HUMAK SUBJECT. 57 If the blood to be used has been stored in a pipette, the two ends of this are broken off, and the contents blown gently on to a slide. A hollow-ground slide having been prepared with a ring of vaseline, and a clean cover-glass (before commencing the proceedings just described), a single ose of the admixed broth and sernm is placed on the center of the cover glass and gently spread out so as to cover an area about 4 millimeters in diameter; the cover is then inverted, placed over the hollow of the slide, and gently pressed at the margin so as to render the enclosed space quite air tight. The preparation is now placed beneath the microscope and and examined, with a ^ homogeneous immer- sion, or a ^ objective, which answers perfectly well for a study of the result. As the preparation is unstained, much of the light (if -y^- is used) must be cut off by means of the diaphragm the bacilli are otherwise scarcely visible. If WidaFs reaction ensue, it is seen in the movements of the microbes becoming sluggish and ultimately ceasing, whilst they become at the same time aggregated into clumps of the kind represented in Fig. 1, Plate XVIII. The time allowed for the observation should be half an hour. If no reaction has ensued within this time, the result is to be reckoned negative, and the existence of typhoid may be excluded, not with absolute certainty, but with very high proba- bility. In the case of such a negative result, similar examina- tions must be repeated during the course of 'the disease, as the reaction, for causes not known, is in some cases delayed. If, however, the bacilli become motionless, even without any marked clumping, or if they become motionless, and clump, the result is to be reckoned as positive. Before deducing the existence of typhoid in these circum- 58 PATHOGENIC BACTERIA stances, nevertheless, the result of farther dilutions must be tested, for the reason that the reaction ensues in certain cases in which typhoid does not enter into the question, and, moreover, that the blood of healthy persons possesses at times an unusual degree of the agglutinizing power which is normally present. The diagnosis, it may be said, becomes strengthened in pro- portion as the reaction persists on dilution. In certain instances it has been ascertained that a dilution of 1 to 5,000 will yet suf- fice for its production, and even a considerably further dilution than this. The test is to be repeated, therefore, with a dilution of 1 in 20 (i.e., 1 part of serum to 19 of the broth culture), and if still observed, with a dilution of 1 in 50. The last limit may be held to suffice for the exclusion of other possible sources of phenomenon, and to establish a diagnosis of typhoid. The dilu- tion of 1 in 20 is best made by placing nineteen loops of the broth separately on a slide, and mixing with a single loop of the serum; that of 1 in 50, by diluting 1 loop of serum with 10 of distilled water, and mixing one loop of this with four loops of the broth culture. After use, all the slides, cover-glasses, and other materials are to be disinfected in a 1 in 20 carbolic acid solution. Diphtheria. For the bacteriological investigation of a supposed case of diphtheria it is necessary, firstly, to make a microscopic examination of a culture from the throat or nasal passages ; and secondly, if the investigation is to be complete, to inoculate animals with a pure culture in order to test the de- gree of virulence which the bacillus possesses, i.e., both the morphological and the physiological characters of the microbe should be determined. The inoculation of test tubes for the purpose of dia^ nosis PLATE XV [II Fig. 1.W!dal'8 Reaction. MEDICAL ANNUAL, 1899. PLATE XVIII. FIG. i. WIDAL'S REACTION. This fi-ure is given to show the bacillary clumps which form when the blood serum of a p.uient sufn_nng from typhoid (ever is added to a living broth cultiue of the typhoid bacillus, the phenomenon being known as Widal's reaction. In the case of the preparation figured, i part of blood serum was added to 19 ot a twenty- four hours' (incubated) broth culture. The blood had been collected in a pipette and allowed to clot ; a certain number of red corpuscles are admixed with the serum. The clumping or agglutination of the bacillus is readily observable under i-Ctri objective, though the clump represented was drawn under i-i2th oil immersion, and is magnified about TOGO times. The method of carrying out the test for the diagnosis of typhoid fever is ully given in the text. FIG. 2. BACILLUS OF LEPROSY. The figure represents three highly vacuolated enclothelial cells from a lymphatic gland secondarily infected in a case of leprosy of the tongue. The cells occurred along with others of similar character in irregular groups scattered throughout the gland. The notable vacuolation (regularly seen in such "leprous cells") is possibly due to an abundant formation of digestive fluid secreted by the cell that it may destroy and utilise the bacilli. Highly vacuolated cells at times hold extremely few bacilli, possibly as a result of such a process of destruction. The bacilli mostly lie in the septa between or around the vacuoles, though when the vacuole is not viewed in strict optical section they appear to lie within. The leprosy bacilli are slender, straight, or slightly curved rods, very uniform in breadth, and fairly so in length, and they closely correspond in size and general character with those of tuberculosis, as the latter are met with, e.g:, in phthisical sputum. They present a markedly beaded appearance arising from protoplasmic segmentation. They give, again, the same common staining reaction, in this resembling, moreover, the bacillus of Mnegma ; i.e., after being dyed with carbol fuclisine the bacilli resist decolorisation in a 25 per cent, mixture of sulphuric acid in distilled water. The smegrna bacillus is not infrequently present in the urine of both sexes, and may be mistaken for that of tubercle. This error can be avoided by examining the urine drawn off by catheter, the smegma bacillus being in this way excluded. And to select one of many differential staining methods, though dyed with carbol fuchsine, the colour of the smegma bacillus is discharged in a mixture of 20 per cent, nitric acid in alcohol, whilst that of the tubercle bacillus is retained. For the reliable examination of urine a centrifuge is indispensable. The sections of the leprous gland were stained for fifteen minutes (without heat) in carbol fuchsine, passed through 25 per cent, sulphuric acid, washed in water and counterstained for five seconds in a i per cent, aqueous solution of methyl blue, after which they were passed through water, absolute alcohol, oil of cloves, and mounted, finally, in a solution of Canada balsam in xylol. For the counterstaining of tissue methyl not methyler.e blue, is to be used ; the latter is almost entirely removed by the subsequent immersion of the section in alcohol. The counterstaining of cover-glass films of phthisical sputum is satisfactorily carried out by means of an aqueous solution of methylene blue. (See the previous volume.) The Leprosy bacilli are not in all cases located within the cells of a tissue : they may lie in a ground substance or gloea occupying the lymph spaces. PLATE XIX f/g. r. Diphtheria Bacillus (typical form}. * \ '"'... ... <. " -; '- 2. Diphtheria Bacillus (atypical). Fig. 8. Diphtheria Bacillus (atypical). Fig. 4. Hoffmann's Pseudo-Diphtheria Bacillus. MEDICAL ANNUAL, 1899. PLATE XIX. BACILLUS OF DIPHTHERIA. FIG. i. THE "TYPICAL, 1 " KLEBS-LoFFLER," OR "LONG" DIPHTHERIA BACILLUS. Fro n a culture on Loffler's blood-serum ot twenty-two hours' age, incubated at 37 C. The growth was the third sub-culture of the original from the throat. Stained with Lijffler's methylene blue, washed in tap water. The case from which the culture was raised concerned a boy (P. R.J, admitted to St. Thomas's Hospital, October iSih, 1897, with inflamed throat ; there was much membrane on the tonsils, and in the larynx as evidenced by the stridor and retraction of the chest. Tracheotomy was performed, the tube being removed on the founh day. Four thousand units of diphtheria antitoxin were administered by subcutaneous injection. Until the early part of November progress had been favourable ; on November 24 th palatal paralysis was noted, the voice acquiring a nasal twang; this slowly improved. The knee-jerks were absent on November agth, and still absent on December 24th, but the patient could at that date swallow without regurgitation. The Bacilli are straight or slightly curved rods of varying length and thickness, often set in parallel groups of two or more. The designation of "long" implies that many, not all, are of conspicuous length. One end (or both) may be enlarged or bulbous ; in the absence of this, the ends are abruptly rounded without tapering. The bacilli present a notable segmentation of protoplasm, which is divided into deeply stained parts ; these, which may be far from equidistant, are in some instances flattened across the long axis of the rod, in others, spherical. The extremities of the bacillus correspond with terminal segments. In -some of the shorter rods only terminal parts are dyed end or polar staining. The primary forms appear as short uniformly stained bacilli, with ends slightly smaller than the rest of the rod ; these undergo transverse division, before the completion of which they appear as diplo-bacilli with the opposed ends flattened. Segmentation rapidly takes place, the shortest forms exhibiting onh end-staining ; the hitter are distinguishable from true diplo-bacilli by the absence of tapering free ends and the length of unstained centre. These forms of the diphtheria bacillus are classed as " typical," since they are commonly associated with the typical, more virulent examples of diphtheria; yet not invariably so, for not only may ''atypical" forms be highly virulent, but similar "typical" or "long" forms may possess little palhogenicity (as tested upon the guinea-pig), and occur in cases which clinically present no other features than those of sore throat, unaccompanied even with any marked malaise. Fu;. 2. "ATYPICAL" OR "SHORT" DIPHTHERIA BACILLI. A culture of thirteen hours' growth on Loffler's blood serum, carried on !rom one (Viennese) of the virulent strains in use at the Conjoint Laboratories of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons, London, for the preparation of toxin employed in the production of diphtheria antitoxin from the horse. Besides a few segmented forms are others of an "atypical " kind, commonly ranged in parallel collections of two or more ; these mostly taper off at the extremities, presenting a deeply stained centre, which is usually divided by an uncoloured narrow line indicative of an incompleted transverse fission, the elements being double, or diplo-bacilli. Beyond the deeply stained centre the bacillus is of a lighter blue. Here and there a pyrifonn element occurs, more deeply stained towards the larger end ; or short deep'y stained spindles. FIG. S.-A SECOND EXAMPLE OF THE "ATYPICAL" OR "SHORT" DIPHTHERIA BACILLUS. From a virulent case of the disease. Diplo-bacilli in parallel groups ; beyond their opposed deeply stained central ends the component elements taper off and are but lightly coloured. Pear-shaped forms are present, and a few which exhibit polar and segmented staining. From its staining reaction the form has been named the "sheath" variety by Dr. J. Eyre, to whom the author is indebted for the preparation from which the figure has been drawn. The " sheath/' variety occurs, as a rule, in the milder types of diphtheria. It is but rarely met with, and is not strictly stable ; if grown for some days upon alkaline potato and again sown on blood- scrum, it acquires the segmented characters of the "typical" form. Another atypical pathogenic variant has been described of the same form as the above, but staining uniformly and deeply throughout. FIG. 4 . HOFMANN'S BACILLUS. Culture of twenty-four hours' on agar, incubated at 37 C. Stained with Loffler's blue, washed in tap water. The culture was carried on from one isolated by Dr. E. A. Peters, to whom the author is indebted for a sample of the strain. Diplo-bacilli, occurring in parallel groups of two or more. The elements composing a single diplo-bacillus are short, squat, wedge-shaped, with opposed bases, and stain uniformly throughout. They are markedly shorter than the atypical or short varieties of the diphtheria bacillus, and relatively broader at their bases. In older cultures segmented and irregular involution forms may be encountered. Hofmann's bacillus (sometimes named a pseudo-diphtheria bacillus) is not found as a cause of true diphtheria in the human subject. Hence, though isolated in many forms of sore throat, such lesions are not to be regarded as diphtheritic. The bacillus, may, however, be associated with the " typical," " Klebs-Loffler," or " long" diphtheria bacilli in diphtheritic affections, but under such circumstances its presence may be regarded as of secondary significance. PLATE XX - 1. Proteus Vulgarts., Fig. 2. Proteus Vulgar!* (the early filamentous phase). MEDICAL ANNUAL, i8gg. PLATE XX. BACILLUS PROTEUS VULGARIS. This organism is introduced as one of the most common of those causing putrefaction, though different varieties of the bacillus coli are almost as ubiquitous. Although by some, putrefactive organisms are not classed as pathogenic, because they are not the causes of any process differentiated clinically as a disease, they are pathogenic in the wider and truer sense, since putrefaction plays so important a part in the sepsis of wounds and in the toxa;mia accompanying cancrum oris, the ulceration of extensive carcino- mata of the alimentary and respiratory passages and conditions of a like kind. FIG 2. An '' Impression preparation 1 ' from a gelatin culture of eighteen hours. Carbol fuchsine, washed in water weakly acidulated with acetic acid. The culture was made by streaking a Petri capsule (after the jelly poured into it had set) with a straight platinum wire infected from a pure culture of the organism. The impression preparation is obtained by allowing a cover-glass to fall upon some part of the streak of growth and then gently raising it by one edge, when the line of culture is brought away adhering to the under side of the glass ; the specimen is then stained in the usual way. The preparation shows the early or filamentous stage in the growth of the bacillus, which is highly pleomorphic, whence its name of Proteus. The streak (of which one edge is depicted) consists of long, closely-matted, unbranched filaments arranged in strands. As seen at the free margin, some are sharply re-curved upon themselves. The organism figured was isolated from macerating muscle, the actual material being beef steak, which was minced and incubated in distilled water at 37 C. FIG. i. Ail impression preparation of a similar streak culture at a later stage when the gelatin was in process of liquefaction. Carbol fuchsine, washed in acidulated water. The filaments have mostly divided into short rods, often constricted across the middle or in pairs end-to-end as diplo-bacilli. Here and there longer rods occur and filamentous forms, but the longer of the latter have not been introduced. PLATE XXI -\' I ** N. U o< ' : i Fig. 1. Bacillus of Glanders. . 2. Bacillus Tuberculosis, in a pure culture. MEDICAL ANNUAL, 1899. PLATE XXI. FIG. i. -BACILLUS OF GLANDERS (BACILLUS MALLEIJ. From the growing edge of a culture on glycerin-agar of three days' growth, incubated at 37C. Carbol fuchsine, washed in diluted acetic acid. The culture was made from a potato growth of characteristic honey-yellow colour, raised from a glandered horse, the potato culture being the second remove only from the original. The bacillus (which is very difficult to stain with certainty in the tissues) may be stained in cover-glass films with aqueous solution of gentian violet (ten minutes), followed by washing in i in 10,000 caustic potash solution and afterwards tap water ; or, by means ot alcoholic solution of gentian violet for one hour, rapidly washed in water. The action of Loffler's blue, for cover-glass films is uncertain. Somewhat slender rods of varying length and thickness, straight or slightly curved, the shortest appearing as ovals, the longer as unsegmented filaments which are commonly less deeply stained ; some of the filaments present were longer than those figured. Here and there end-to-end pairs are met with. In some of the rods one or more minute, sharply- defined, circular vacuoles are present. A few of the bacilli present a inoniliforin outline, but none any distinct segmentation of protoplasm or " beading," as they may in the tissues. The organisms tend to cohere in clusters, some of the smaller of which are selected in the illustration. FIG. c.-TUBERCLE BACILLUS. Pure culture on Luffler's blood-serum, incubated at 37 C., carried on from a growth on glycerin-agar which was raised from the lymphatic gland of a guinea pig, inoculated from a case of tubercular pleurisy in the human subject. The growth on the serum progressed slowly and took the form of a thin, white film in which were sparsely scattered, thicker, more opaque areas. Stained with ca.'bol fuchsine warmed on the cover-glass, and treated with 25 per cent, sulphuric acid in a watch-glass. If used in the cold, the dye should be allowed fifteen minutes. The culture consists of straight and slightly-curved rods with rounded ends, and of varying length, the shortest hardly more than oval. The bacilli tend to occur in small parallel groups arranged in irregular lines, or set at .various angles to one another in away suggestive of Chinese characters. They exhibit none of the segmentation, or " beading," so commonly presented in phthisical sputum (see Plate XXX in the previous volume). Branching Forms. On the right are shown, from the same culture, two examples of the filamentous forms, which recall the branched mycelium of the hyphal-fungi or moulds. The colouration of the bacilli (stained by Gram's method) is almost limited to the minute spherical granules lying within the bacillary cell._ _ Branching forms are at times met with in phthisical sputum. PLATE XXII. FIG. i. -BACILLUS OF RHINOSCLEROMA. From a streak culture on agar, of forty-eight hours' growth, incubated at 37 C. Carbol fuchsine, washed in dilute acetic acid. The figure shows a group of bacilli united into a zooglcea by an abundant ground substance which is faintly stained with the dye. The micro-organism consists of spherical elements occurring 'singly, but most frequently in pairs or short chains. Rod forms may also be met with. As showing the essential similarity of ground-substance, or gloea, and, that which con- stitutes a bacterial capsule, it will be noticed that whilst at the periphery, where active multiplication is proceeding, the bacilli lie closely embedded in this substance, more centrally, where the latter has accumulated in larger amount, it has parted into areas appertaining to definite groups, showing the divided share which the organisms have taken in its production. At the lower end of the figure, near its middle, there is a diplo-bacillus quite isolated from the neighbouring mass, and furnished with a capsule proper to itself. FIG. 2. STREPTOTHRIX ACTINOMYCES. Broth culture, of seven days' age. incubated at 37 C. In broth the growth occurs as small spherical colonies, which are best examined by being teased out on a cover-glass after haying been washed in distilled water. The preparation is allowed to dry and may be then stained with carbol fuchsine or aqueous solution of gentian violet ; in the former case the subsequent washing is carried out with acidulated water, in the latter with tap water, or. what is better, with a i in 10,000 solution of caustic potash, followed by tap water. The culture consists solely of long, interlacing, slightly wavy filaments which give off lateral shoots. The branches vary in length according to their age, taking, on their first appearance, the form of minute excrescences. Cultures of the streptothrix Madura? (the cause of mycetoma or Madura disease) are indis- tinguishable in microscopic features from streptothrix actinomyces. As found in the tissues of oxen affected with actinomycosis, the filaments, as a rule, terminate in clubbed enlargements, and radiate from a central mass. In the lesions of the human subject the clubs are by no means regularly present, nor is a radial disposition of the filaments always obvious. Such differences possibly indicate that the streptothrix causing the disease known clinically as actinomycosis in man and the lower animals is not always identical, the existence of pathogenic varieties (which have received special names) having been demonstrated by means of artificial cultures. Owing to its anomalies, the classification of this group of organisms has been long a subject of controversy, which has been terminated, at least for a while, by raising it into a distinct class of fungi under the name of streptothricise. The group includes non-pathogenic as well as pathogenic forms, and comprises micro- organisms which, like hyphal-fungi or moulds, form a mycelium of branching filaments originating from spherical spores ; certain of the filaments (like the aerial hyphse of moulds) ru>e into the air from the mycelium and produce at their extremities chains of spherical elements comparable to spores, though of a different morphological nature from, e.t;,, the endo-spores of bacilli. PLATE XXIL >?->'..,. ^w ../: ;; /" ; ' ;: .. , - > J -^ Fig. 2.Streptothrix Actinomyces. MEDICAL ANNUAL, PLATE XXIII. FIG. i. -STREPTOCOCCUS PYOGENES. Broth culture of forty-eight hours' growth, incubated at37C., from the pus of one of the subcutaneous abscesses which arose during the course of puerperal septicaemia. Carbol fuchsine, washed in dilute acetic acid. The chain on the right hand side of the figure is added from a cover-^lass preparation of the pus of an axillary abscess which showed large numbers of such without any staphylococci. The micro-organism, which is best studied in broth cultures, presents itself as micrococci arranged in chains of varying length. The component elements are almost everywhere Hattened, and occur in pairs, showing that active division is in progress throughout the chain. Here and there elements occur which are oval or elongated in the direction of the chain, and all transitions may be traced between such and the pairs of flattened cocci resulting from their sub-division. Wedge-shaped forms may be met with in adaptation to the pressure arising at sudden bends. At times division of a component co cus takes place in the long axis of the chain, as may be seen in that on the right hand side. This mode of fission may become a source of lateral branching should the process of sub-division continue in parallel planes. At times certain of the cocci will divide cross-wise into four. Some of the chains are very slender, and different parts of the same chain may present marked differences in respect of breadth or thickness. FIG. 2. BACILLUS OF QUARTER-MVIL, OR SYMPTOMATIC ANTHRAX. Cultivation in 2 per cent, glucose broth, incubated at 37 C., of twenty-four hours' growth. The organism, like those of malignant oedema and tetanus, is a strict anaerobe, i.e., it grows only in the absence of gaseous oxygen. The culture was grown in an atmosphere of nitrogen by Buchner's method of removing the atmospheric oxygen with pyrogallate of potassium. Carbol fuchsine, washed in water weakly acidulated with acetic acid. The growth at this stage consists of rods of varying length produced either into simple or segmented filaments. The elements composing the filaments are by no means of regular length, in consequence of a continuance of their sub-division. The breadth is less than that of the anthrax bacillus, and the apposed ends of the segments, in place of being squarely cut (as in the latter ; see preceding volume), are rounded. It must be here observed, however, that in the bacillus of anthrax squareness of the apposed ends may be as wanting as in either malignant oedema or quarter-evil. At the end of twenty-four hours few sporulating rods were present in the culture. By the third day abund ;nt spore-formation had taken place, as is shown in Fig. 3. The preparation consists of straight rods, large numbers of which are sporing. Pairs of rods joined end-to-end are not infrequent. The spore forms, as a rule, at one of the extremities of the rod, which it considerably exceeds in diameter so as to give rise to a drum-stick appearance, much as in the tetanus bacillus, except that the spores are oval in place of being spherical. The formation of the spore is first evidenced by a swelling of the end of the rod : in this enlargement the unstained spore subsequently appears. This organism is closely like that of malignant cedema both in its cultural characters and its. morphology. In the bacillus of malignant cedema, however, the spores, in place of bsinsr terminal, form towards the centre of the rods. The bacillus of quarter-evil has not yet been identified as a cause of disease in man ; that of malignant redema not infrequently has. Stain : Aqueous solution of gentian violet, washed in i in 10,000 solution of caustic potash, followed by tap- water. PLATE XXIII ?*... '*""" : * v ~ * * '-* .!'." .t" > " / r F/g. 1. Streptococcus Pyogenea. Fig. 2.~Bocitlu8 of Quarter Evil. /' . 3. Bacillus of Quarter Euil (sparing stage). MEDICAL ANNUAL, PLATE XXIV FIG. i. DIPLOCOCCUS PXEUMONL-E. Culture on Loffler's blood-scrum, of twenty-four hours' age, incubated at 37 C. Stained by Gram's method. The cover-glares having been prepared in the usual way, are immersed ina watch-glass of aniline gentian violet for ten minutes, passed through water, and then placed in Gram's iodine solution for five minutes, after which they are washed in alcohol until no further colour comes away ; they are then placed on edge to dry, and finally mounted in xylol balsam. The cocci occur singly and in pairs, but mostly grouped in rows of varying length. In the particular strain shown (which was isolated by Dr. J. W. Wash bourn and Dr. J. Eyre, and found highly virulent when tested upon animals' the chain formation is unusually pro- nounced, the organism being a streptococcal variant. Considerably longer chains than the longest depicted were present. The cocci composing the chains are actively subdividing, as evidenced by the flattened pairs of which they so largely consist. Here and there unusually large elements occur in which sub-division has not yet taken place. In pure cultures the organism is unprovided with the capsule which it presents when studied in the sputum and pulmonary tissue in cases of acute pneumonia. FIG. 2. A preparation of the heart-blood of a rabbit expejimentally infected with the foregoing strain of diplococcus pneumoniae by intra-peritoneal injection. All the organisms, whether single cocci or pairs, are surrounded with a thick capsule. The specimen was dyed with the following modification of dahlia stain devised by Dr. A. MacConkey : Dahlia, '5 grms. ; methyl green (oo crystal), 1*5 grms.; saturated alcoholic solution of fuchsine, 10 c.cm. ; distilled water to 200 c.cm. The dahlia and methyl green are rubbed up in a mortar with part of the water until dissolved, the fuchsine is then added, and, finally, the rest of the water. The cover-glass, after the dye is placed upon it, is held over a low flame until the steam rises, placed asicl- for five minutes, washed, allowed to dry, and, finally, mounted in xylol balsam. The appearance of the capsule under the conditions of the experiment and in the human tissues possibly marks a defensive formation on the part of the bacterium to protect it against the action of the cells and body fluids (Louis Jenner). FIG. 3.-TETANUS BACILLUS. Culture in glucose broth, grown anaerobically at 37 C. ; stained with gentian violet. Slender rods and simple filaments. Most of the rods have sporulated, the spore being of spherical form and situated at one end of the rod which, in consequence, acquires the appearance of a drum-stick. Branching filaments may be met with, as in the case of the tubercle bacillus. PLATE XXIV s i y .. '* -v % t *. .. \ ,.--% " ; v "', '," X"- /-""" * * . : * . / % -' Fig, 1.Diplococcus Pneumonice (pure culture, encapsulated). % 4^i A 1 I * . 2.Diplococous Pneumonia (capsulated condition). . 3. Bacillus of Tetanus. MEDICAL ANNUAL, 2899. PLATE XXV. FIG. i. BACILLUS PNEUMONI/E (FRIEDLANDER). From a streak culture i>n agar, of twenty- four ho\\rs' growth, incubated at 37C. Stained wii h aqueous solution of gentian violet, washed in caustic potash solution i part to '0,000), followed by tap-water. Thick rods of varying length, the shortest appearing as ovals or even as coccus fornih or spheres. Fairs of oval (or spherical) elements, end-to-end nre not uncommon. In some <( the shelter form-; one or more circular vacuoles are present. In pure cultures the micro-organism has no capsule such as it presents when found in the sputum or lung in acute pneumonia It is not stained by Grain's method, and in this contrasts with the diplococcus pneumoni.c which is found in othi-r cises of acute pneumonia, in the sputum and pulmonary tissue, etc. FIG. 2. SPIRILLUM OF ASIATIC CHOLERA (KOCH'S "COMMA BACILLUS "V From a streak culture on agar, of twenty-four hours' growth, incubated at 37 C. Aqueous solution of gentian violet, washed in i in 10,000 caustic potash solution, followed t>y tap-water. A group of typical, slighty-cur\ed rods is shown at the lowest part of the figure ', others are selected to show varieties of form. The rods vary in length as well as in thickness. Some are sharply curved like the letter C ; others are curved in opposite directions and present two bends like a shallow S. Some of the bacilli exhibit one or two circular vacuoles ; the vacuole may occupy one end of the rod, which may be slightly enlarged. Although commonly rounded, the extremities of the bacilli may be bluntly pointed. In addition to the simple, curved rods, there are longer filamentous, undulatory forms of different lengths; these present no traces of a segmented or composite structure. The proper spirillar or twisted feature of the filamentous forms is appreciable only in a hanging drop made, e.g., from a broth culture. In such a drop even the longest forms are twisted, as appears by the alternation of parts within and out of focu. In 'iried preparations the curves are reduced to a single plane, the filament becoming undulatory or serpentine without spiral twist. PLATE XXV /-. * 5 ' & \ * '\ ->> Fig. l.Baeillus Pneumonia. FRIEDLANDER. Fig. 2. Spirillum of Asiatic Cholera ("Comma Bacillus "). MEDICAL ANNUAL, 1899. OF THE HUMAN SUBJECT. 77 is carried out as follows: The best culture medium is Lbffler's blood serum, though ascitic or pleuritic, or even hydrocele fluid answers sufficiently well ; the medium is solidified by heat in test tubes placed on the slant to furnish a surface on which the microbes may be sown. The serum slant may be inoculated by means of the platinum ose ; this having been first sterilized in the flame is drawn over the tonsil or pharynx (over the mem- branous exudation if such is present) and is then rubbed over the whole surface of the medium so as to distribute the organ- isms present as widely as possible. Or the serum may be more effectively inoculated by means of a small swab of cotton. The swabs for this purpose are made by passing a strip of cotton through an eye at the end of a piece of stout copper wire around which the material is then twisted for a short distance c Fig. 6. A reduced figure of the swab, etc., described in the text. (Fig. 6). The opposite end of the wire is bent to afford a hold, and a second piece of cotton is wrapped around near this as a plug which closely fits the mouth of the test tube, into which the swab is inserted. A set of such tubes may be sterilized by being heated for an hour in the hot-air sterilizer at 150 0, and can be kept ready for use. When about to be employed the swab is removed from the tube and applied to the most promising area of the throat ; it is then introduced into the culture tube and gently moved over the surface of the serum The swab may then be destroyed 78 PATHOGENIC BACTERIA in the flame. After inoculation the culture tube is incubated at 37 C, having been first capped to prevent any drying of the medium. Incubation of the tube is essential, and without an in- cubator the further investigation is preferably handed over to an expert or to one of the Associations or Institutes where such work is carried out. Culture tubes and swabs may be obtained, moreover, from many such sources. After twenty-four hours' incubation the growth of the diphtheria bacillus appears as small hemispherical, greyish, shining colonies; where such have arisen so closely as to coalesce the circular outline is wanting. As a rule, colonies of other bacteria develop concurrently, such, e. g., as staphylococcns pyogenes aureus, staphylococcus pyogenes albus, streptococcus pyogenes, sarcina lutea, or forms of yeasts. The colonies of the diphtheria bacillus cannot be distinguished with any certainty by their macroscopic characters, though yellow colonies may be ignored. If no suspicious colonies appear for individual exam- ination, the 6se is swept over the culture and the material trans- ferred to cover-glasses, on each of which a drop of distilled water has been previously placed, the examination being made in the dried state, by the technique fully described in Part I. Labor may be saved by using a single, long cover-glass on which a series of such preparations may be made and stained, in place of separate circles or squares. The films having been allowed to dry, they may be stained with carbol fuchsine or by Gram's method, but as satisfactorily and simply with Loffler's methylene blue as with any other dye: Concentrated Alcoholic solution I Solution of Potash (1-10,000) of Methylene Blue 30 parts | 100 parts The stain is allowed to act for five minutes and washed off OP THE HUMAN" SUBJECT. 79 in tap water, the cover-glasses being then placed on edge to dry or gently pressed between filter paper; when quite dry they are mounted in xylol balsam. The diphtheria bacillns is depicted and described on Plate XIX. If no diphtheria bacilli are found, a second series of prepa- rations should be made from another 6se of the same culture, and if a negative result is again obtained, a third set. Where any doubt enters into the morphological diagnosis it is impera- tive to test the virulence of the bacillus upon animals. With this object a tube of broth is inoculated from a colony of the ba- cillus, and after forty hours' incubation 2 cubic centimeters of the shaken culture are injected into the subcutaneous tissue of the anterior or lateral abdominal wall of a guinea pig weighing 500 grams. The broth used for the culture is prepared from minced veal which is allowed to ferment in order to remove the glucose present in it, and by so doing to reduce the amount of acid formed by the bacillus, the production of which acts dele- teriously upon the micro-organism and diminishes the amount of toxin elaborated by it. It must be borne in mind that diphtheria bacilli present all grades of virulence, the virulence at one end of the scale dimin- ishing until it entirely vanishes. There are, that is to say, diphtheria bacilli of typical mor- phological form which have, presumably, lost their virulence, and the injection of a broth culture of which produces neither local nor general results in the animal upon which they are tested. In the lower grades of virulence a local swelling only results; in the higher, death ensues in from twenty- four to forty- eight hours; in the case of very high degrees of virulence, much 80 PATHOGENIC BACTERIA smaller doses of such a broth culture are lethal within the same time; death may be deferred for seven or even twenty-one days when the virulence is low. The crucial test, however, as to whether a bacillus is truly a diphtheritic one is not, strictly speaking, its possession in gen- eral of a pathogenic property, but of one so specific that the lo- cal or general action of a broth culture is inhibited by the pre- vious injection of the animal with anti-diphtheritic serum. The true diphtheria bacilli, again, are characterized physi- ologically by producing an acid reaction in a 1 per cent, glucose broth. This reaction is not given, e.g., by Hof mann's bacillus a form sometimes present along with that of true diphtheria, or met with in cases of sore throat where none of the true forms occur (see Plate). Lastly, it is a fact, with much practical bearing, that bacilli having the morphological characters of those of diphtheria, and highly virulent, as tested upon the guinea pig, may be isolated from the throats of persons, who themselves exhibit no disease and have not suffered from diphtheria; since such individuals, whilst themselves immune, may serve as carriers of infection. This has been particularly shown in the case of outbreaks of diphtheria in schools. And, what is equally important, after a diphtheritic patient has quite recovered from the disease, that is to say, after having acquired an immunity from the disease by reason of having had it, he may bear about diphtheria bacilli in the throat for months, harmless enough to himself, but capable of conveying the dis- ease to others. It becomes, hence, strictly necessary to make repeated bacteriological examinations of the throat after conva- lescence is established; and if the patient is to be no longer a OF THE HUMAN SUBJECT. 81 source of danger to others, his isolation may be maintained so long as the bacilli persist. Formulae of the stains referred to in this volume : Carlol fuchsin (Neelsen's solution'): Fuchsin 1 gram Absolute Alcohol Aqueous solution of Carbolic 10 cubic centimeters (c.c.) Aqueous solution of methylene Hue: ylene Blue 2 lute Alcohol 15 c.c. Acid (5 per cent.) 100 c.c Methylene Blue 2 grams | Distilled Water 85 c.c. Absolu Loffler's methylene blue : Concentrated alcoholic solu- tion of Methylene Blue 30 c.c. Solution of Caustic Potash in distilled water (1 in 10,000) 100 c.c. Aqueous solution of gentian violet : Gentian Violet 2.25 gram | Distilled Water -100 c.c. Or the following may be used, except for the coloration of the hanging drop (see p. 28). Gentian Violet 1 gram I Distilled Water 80 c.c. Absolute Alcohol 20 c.c. | As gentian violet is a basic dye, the washing of cover-glasses after staining with an aqueous solution of this re-agent is best carried out in tap water, which is naturally slightly alkaline; distilled water extracts more of the dye, and acidulated water yet more. Better than tap water, however, is a solution of caus- tic potash in distilled water, one in 10,000, the use of which for this purpose was devised by Mr. Arthur Mead. The cover- glasses, after staining, are passed through two saucers of the potash solution, and finally through tap water. 82 PATHOGENIC BACTERIA. A series of comparative trials has shown that the violet is in this way rendered more intense, and the result of the stain more certain. Or the potash, as suggested by the author, may be added to the dye. The following formula of Mr. Mead's gives excellent results, the specimens being washed in tap water after the use of the stain. Potassic gentian violet : Gentian Violet . 1 gram Absolute Alcohol 20 c.c. Caustic Potash Solution in dis- tilled water (1 in 10,000) 100 c.c. Concentrated alcoholic solution of gentian violet : Gentian Violet 25 gram | Absolute Alcohol 100 c.c. Gram's method : * (1) Aniline gentian violet : Concentrated alcoholic solu- I Aniline Water 1,000 c.c. tion of Gentian Violet 11 c.c. | The solution is to be freshly made, and filtered before use. Aniline water is prepared by well shaking 4 c.c. of pure aniline with 100 c.c. of distilled water, and twice filtering through paper, first moistened with distilled water. (2) Iodine solution : Iodine 1 gram I Distilled Water 300 c.c. Iodide of Potassium 2 The preparation of distilled water for the purpose of making cover-glass films (described on p. 26), may be ex- peditiously carried out by allowing the steam of a beaker or kettle to condense on the clean under side of a flat capsule, par- tially filled with cold water, and afterward quickly inverting the latter, when ample will be found on the side brought uppermost. * [The thin smear is dried on the cover-glass, fixed by heat, stained with aniline gentian violet for five minutes, immersed in the iodine solution one or two minutes, washed in strong alcohol until nearly colorless, dried and mounted with balsam. I.U