/ v- IBRARY THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SANTA BARBARA THE INSTITUTE FOR THE STUDY OF AMERICAN RELIGION ; J All former looks issued in Mr. Moody's name have *een mere compilations, issued without his consent and notwithstanding his protest. The following are the only AUTHORIZED PUBLICATIONS BY D. L. MOODY. SECRET POWER or the Secret of Success in Christian life and Christian work. "A book of intense interest and practical suggestion." Cloth, 60 cents ; paper, 30 cents. TWELVE SELECT SERMONS, by D. L. MOODY. Carefully revised, and containing those gospel addresses most blessed in Kvangelistic work. 128 pp., cloth, rich gilt stamp, 60 cents; paper edition, 30 cents. Ready May i it. HEAVEN- JfA*r it is; It* Inhabitants and ho^v to Get There, by D. L. MOODY. Cloth, rich gold stamp, 112 pp. ,60 cents; paper covers, 30 cents, aytk thousand. The clear, scriptural, common-sense treatment of this subject by Mr. Moody has been commended in the highest terms by leading theologians in Europe and America, while the common people have heard them everywhere with gladness. How to Study the Bible. By D. L. MOODY. Revised. A valuable little work, which should be carefully read and studied by all who desire to enjoy the study of the Word. Papercover, 10 cents; per doz.,