Till; LIBRARY OF Till: rXIVIiRSlTY Ol ; CAI.Il'ORNIA I.OS AXGHLES * '.JSi -y 3*, > > 3k > 3^ V^ sf ~> TII n BE ll'TfES 01 ENGLAND AND WALES. CAMBRIUGKSIIIKK. '\ ^ I I IF, counties of CAMBRIDGE, SUFFOLK, and NORFOLK, before the de>ccnl of the Unmans were inhabited bv the ('- ni(inni, or Ceniniftyni, one <>f tin- nations ol 'the Iri.M, who^c naini 1 , arcordinii to the opinions of Caindcn and S;-.linnn, \\a-> derived from the wedge-like form of their country; a ifei/^e in the British language bcin^ termed f/.tn. To thi-> it lias been objcrtrd, that the po->-<-~- ions ot the Ircni (lit as.-iniif tho lignro \vliicli i-. said to h;t\e ^ivcn them tlu'.t appellation; tin alleged ctyniolojiy mn.>l therefore be erroneous. .Sjr JJenrv .Spelman deduces the name liom llie ri\er /sr, or Ou-e, \\hiclj the Britons are reported to have called /,fi::i. Baxter ima^iiic.- it to have been derived from t'ic, or / icon, i. e. brace nn ; but \\hitakerobser\es, that " the genuine and proper name \\a-, ('mi, Y-ccn-i, or rV?/-o/-rv, the Ititid oaa; and the apjh:ll;;tions of Cenimaiiiii, Cenimaimi, or Cenomanni, ii r n:K o;i!\- the lit "d men; Man bein^ equally a BritMi and Savon uord. un 1 retained to thiN day in the F.ise." Traces ol'the beiii aie y<-t I!. ; M >\ i rabic by the names of manv places in the tract tiiev iniiabiled : a- Icklelon, Iksniutr, (now F.xniiiLrO Ikenthoip, ik-ii'.rou:;li, t!:i: Iceiiini; \\a\, and vanon> other>, \\hivli are evident h ilerucu from the --aine source. Tliv Iceni a;pear to have \-ery earlv fonned an aiiian-'i. \\itii the Romans, \\hicii continued uninterrupted till t!ie iviirn <-t Clatulius \\iien the j>ropi A -ior ()>toriu-, the betier to en-urt 1 their fulehtv, bei-.m, amoim other ho^iiie nu .uiu\ -. to (i.-]iri\'- \ J -V r \ M r.r.i in, >m HI . them of tin ir arm-. Iiiiii'jn ml ;.! t : i - in-u'.!, tli^N roniuirnrrd \.i; ; .11)1 LM ill'.; .!--.-! t| I'V "lllr <'t lllr llfii'tllmutlli^ ^tati >>, \\llO \M : . | i.u;-. uittifi I .-1 l!i- , .IP!*,. I .. I ;!i. l!i. ill. ii -. lll\ t....k thr Iii i'i < lilt Minn- .i]<;>< .limit i "I -..i ' ' -- . li.il tl,' -:!] I 1| . IIM I- )>!.!. :' Ih- ; 1-1,1 i:i!' j'l- v . ' ,|, .::)'!, .tin-; .iii nli-.t|iia!i- ( millu t. alt- ti'i- .| u i;!i -i . ' .'.i :. l!i IUitmi \\i-n* t HIU|N ))( I tn >ii(>- Ti:.t I" l'i ! .11 -n li-rn ijiu T'IIH. 'I'h> | . . i..i:,'-i lli ui i !in: , \\ .:- "l" v!;> [ t r ; !,!" liii I ' , |ii i .ti-'l li\ in-\\ Mi>(il!-, a^.^.n .ulna 1 i 'i thi :r t (J i !' i .1. 1" _..!:. i i- il -i .l.iiiiiiii'4 1;, IN 'II' 'ill. 11.^ I it MI- |>i< r| t .,ji ! Ii il, "I i 'liiliii tc d'-^tn : :>. I nki 1' i ,: i i -i- ill tin- \s ar 'i ' : i 'i t,i, Ii t in, i i>l I..' . i.m:n\ Jlitl r.al.oll, '.'. .1 .1 till! ' I'. 1 : ! "i i. !. tin' l.lll|. I"T N. r-i. '!..' i" '.' '!> )'!(- ..ii- ! hi lu |_ r r:!ll\ ii.' _ i ' ' t ! . j| laiiiiU \v [< l: .iti I ,t> -l.ui ; | , \^ n jn\\ illM", ai *' ' hi'. i, i .,:n- jili t< 1% 1:11-' i.ili't , i > ! 'i.i'.i [ h\ ti;' ll<. III. II) I -li.' I -. I'm <1 Itv tin -i Iii .. .!:'!. !ii,.li r M|HI t n! ' i . . II i \|i I illl- ii ilni:.' w .n . a u' I. .M I- i ' lit 1 1 t ^ ui i-.'iis, I ' in i "In\ .il < ! I lilt , , I ,, . !i|. , ,| || , I | M I. ||l || > ' i: - ' , tl.t ii.' I f ii.r;- t< i . ' . I . I ! s \M n i ul ii i i% ..v,,! , r AM HU i Dcr.siiiRP.. 5 destroved ; l>ul the cavalry escaping with ditlirultv, flew to their camp, ;nnl defended themselves \\iili entrenchments. Suetonius Paulimis, tin- lloman (ieneral. who, at the rom- nieiit-i mi-Hi ot llu- IIIMII in lion, was husiril 111 destroying the temples ami move-, ot' Drnidism in \nidese, i, ahont this period aimed in London, \\hirh still routiiiui'il faithful to thr Koinans. Here he at first resolved to cnsia^e the Jlritoiis ; yet more ma- ture consideration determined him not to await their attack in .so confined a spot, hut rather to ;;ive them haltle on the open plain>. This decision, which was prohahlv the onlv one he could have made \\ith .-afety, proved the destruction of the Metropolis; lor the foices of liiinduica, entering the city on the retreat of Suetonius, put the whole of its mUcrahle inhahitaiits to the sword. Alter this stvcie retaliation on Ilojnan (inellv, they inarched to \emlain', which the\ also coiKjuered ; and all who were so nnloitiinate as to full in!o their hands, they slaugh- tered without IIKTCN . The siu>- lliat liad liilheiio attended the ftrit.iiis, and the \i\id hopes which ihev he^'aii to entertain ot recovering tlu-ir native liherlv, ranged a considenihlt" aui, r nientation of their ainiN, which nt>\\ amounted to 'J.;<),OO<) men, \\lnle the greatest niimher that Suetonius could a->seinl)le scarcely consisted of l<),0(>o; yet \\illi these he resolved to trv the fortune of a pitched hallle, as the onl\ mode of action that presented the least prohahility <>t ntiie\inu the Roinan ati'.iirs. With this in- tent, he choM- an ad\ai!taL, r eoiis poMtion at the end of an extei:- si\(> plain, enclosed at the hack with a lar^e and thick wood, which prevented the numerous hosts ot the encins limn >urn un-l- iiiir him. II<-re he awaited the attack of the Untons, who heim; led on and animaled hy the heroic Hunduica, wen' la^t aihancin^ to the con:!),!!. Previous to the eni;ai;ement, the Quecu, stand- ing in her \v ar-c!iariot, and attendid h\ her \ iolated daughters, rude throiiLih the ranks ot her army, and encouraged tiicin to Ir^ht \ahanli\ in dclt-nce of the riuhts c,f their injured coimtrv.- She exhorted them !o heliave as men determined to ('nquer o: A :j die, ' Si. ML-an'-, Hcri.'or i^liiiL. di<- ; " f.r -nrli." --.'.i'l tin- ^allant t.i'.i.ilr, " i- His ri'-olntum, wli'i .tin Nut a '.vt'in.m, M-II though \..ii, \\\i<> an nicii, in;i\ uish f-i !i\.- !.'M- .Km-." 'I Li" -(^i-i'i iii-[>ir'l tLr P.ritoiis with a full a :it.u:< nl x ! t"t \ ; -iii'l ill' ^ t'-Mificd tin ir ;i| >| '!.IIIM- I IN limit 41: i n-j' .'.!'! .< l.iin.iticii-. *>..i ' -hi .-, i:i li.' - 1:11 .ri him', li.nl IM-I-JI prcparnii; !MN tnx>pi ! i In .:tt-d lln in ii"t I" In |f in \\ it!i>lait(l t' ! . i: . \ : \ .i ; i Mil . \\ liu !l I l.i- M> f'tti'M ! d ui| tn Ins i \i:..itatii>us . .. I I.. - I,- IM ,:i llii- |i-lit I MM!. I i.||l\ lit.' ! I. i. .1 th. in I,, k' ' I' I lit . li.tl _' .1 III. il il.'.lU.it lli> I! .'!':, \\\\n *U- \ ;"ii . .mil \\ IK ii 1 nf tin- i :.- "I ll;.-ir ;>"-. \\a^ r\ ).- ;:i|. .', . ' . n iitt.n k \- 'lii l!:i tn ilri nlli i> :ic>n, ami ! \ .' !"i \ , I. '! t I . \ .!-- III 1 '!' 'I ' i l.t til- -i . \ i ' t : . ' i "ii I v . i. N. . ! . ( i.p |,\ III. I h i ii | >!.ii i . I |u I I V .- [.,' I I VI II III.' i. u-!i 1 1 tal.ii -, ii|" il i CAMBRIDGESHIRE. 7 When tin* pursuit had ceased, I In- hicfs of the Tceni, \\lio h.id escaped the sword, bc^an tu collect tin- scatk red forces, and once more resolved to try the ch.mce of the battle : but liri:lin that Bundnica, unable to Mi>tain th<' frustration of her dearest ho|ns, \v.is cither dead uith L r i ief, <>r liad terminated licr davs |v poison, they soon dispersed. I-'roin this jK-riod \v<- Iia\r no records of tin- Ict-ni as a M-|i;iralc nation. Tin- nMinliri thry iiilialiitod \vcrt 1 includrd l>> the Romans in tin- division FI.AVIA (J.f.SAlll- KN.SI^, but \rcif formed bv the Savons into a distinct kin^-loin, and named Kiisl -Aii^lia. T\\\-*, after se\oral revolutions, bcr.une part of the kingdom of \V-sse\, :ind, uith the other states of the Ortairln, \\;i-, incorporated into one monarchy under Kgbert. The Sa\on name of tlu> county of Camlrtd^p u;is (iranta- Itrygsri/r ; but \\lu i n it receixed that appellation is uncertain, ;i^ uell as the occasion of ih ln-in so denominated. On the north- \\c^t it i> bciunlcd b\ tlie conntic-. of Northampton, Iliintin^don, and Bedford; on llie south. l>\ Hertfordshire and lvse\ ; on the c.t^t, b\ Snli'i.lk ; on the north-ea>t, by Norfolk; and on the north, by Lincolnshire, lls greatest length is about fifty miles; iU L;n;iir>t br-.!'llh, at llit- -onthcrn and \\idest extremity, is si.iiif\\ h.it moie than tuenty-live : its circumference is about l.'H). Il con!;iin> iu',!i!\ -\ I .;, ',00 acres, 1 7 hundreds, ] 6':] parishes, 7 markft-tov. ns, iiboiit id', l.'iO lioiise*, and SO, loo inliabitants. The l.'iinl- on the nt.rlhcrn half are cliictly livers, and tlicir com- innnicatin^ branches; on the southern tho boundaries are \\holly arliiuial. 'I !;' JM:;I' 'u.il ti\ci> of f'ambrid^p>hir % are the Oi sr. and the (ii;\\i \, or ( \M. The O ,!>( ent'-rs the ( ouiitv li-t\\een I\-ni,\ |)r.i\tc;!, and I'.iilh ; tl'.eiice i! run- eastward through the I'n-, I;!!, .it o:i;e (l!^^;;!l^^ above D.niiN Al)!n v, it .'. nine- .1 noil!,, J\ ('.rtihon, and pa-^ini: S'.rell.am, i ; J\, an 1 Litthport, llov. > ii-.to Ni.|-:':,;k. The C'am iia- l!;;-ee branrii-'-, t!:e chiet' oi \\li;r!i ii-' - nt ar .\>hu<'ll, iu Nertt'ord-liire, and i ntcr- lii;- e..u:itv to i!;c \\c-.t of (iildcn-Mordc'i ; tlience llo\\i.:i: to [he north- ;-!. il iriiivt:- -(v;, 1 .! ii\n!ei-: and near (i r ai'.t( hoster li.i- it- \ i i-anv!^ H IF>r, KsillHF. riilar^'i'il In tin- united vatr-..t its -i-trr i tin ]>iuiri|>al nll-t;-.* at C aitihriii.'r, ami liaMiii.' |M--<| -c\iral \illasjr>, lall- into tin' OHM .it 1 1.u liii'.rt.-. in tin- paii-li 't >tr''li.ini. |1<-..V. l.ii J|M.M- ti\n-, ulniM- i hanin-1- ;'.[>(< .11 In lu\< |M> % II inarki-' 1 "i.t !% N.:t',in-. thm ;n. iii.incriiiiH xtrrain.s in tin 1 imrth j. !i t ' ! ( u.i!>r i !_: >lntr, \\ Jin !i \\< ii (in i.iti ,( |i\ tin rnmmicir. ic*, .'.ll'l I'MllK'i l<^ til'' Ill'lu-Irs i>l III. III. Ill' ^ llltlTMlt tilt ClIlllltN in \ . i hMi* ; .iih I, l\ i .in \ in 1 ,' "tl llnvtnpliiN \\atns oi tin |. nv. li.r i In -iili' IIP an- "1 liiui^iir_ r in.iiiN tliuii-ainl ai r<-> into (, ill r. .!' ii. I i i in' I ': .uii- .11 1 tlir i'l i tl Hit i i , V II i U nt I \\rllt \ III lit -, 111 J -tr.'i-li! Inn .: !..-- tin , miut\ IP- 111 i.i.'li I" DI n\i i. I '.i li ifi- | ' ' : .:_ v\ itii tin- LI in i .M ili -T!|ilnin .HII-. 1\ ii i ^' in tin- -i'\ ri ai i "in it. i - "I ( 'amid n I !_'<', ||n, t liiiL f l..ii. N-.itl.ai:.|.l.'ii, I. MI. "In, N"i!"!k, .!!< I >uli'.,lk. Tin i !, ' t | .'.it "I lli:> . \ti n-i\ < ti ,n I ,i].|n .11 ~. ti "in tin- \. 1 1 mil > i i :; ' ' ' . . - -I ' \ i ... i ill .1 .' :,"i -, t" ii.i\ i In > n l"i i in 1 1\ a i|r\ .HII lainl ; In. I i-itln i tin.Mi^ii . - i inl.ank- nti il l!n \' ,i. : . I ["in l!i" i | ilaiiii- i"ii;iiL; .'.i . "I ll"lll Ml'l ii II I i .;,>"! i i il In I In -l.i!' ul a im -I. - . \( In ;. i!,' u ,i!i . - . 1 . 1 1 1 I I 1 1 1 1 1 > r \ 1 1 a - 1 ' ulaiit , luit ' .1'. "I ' ! - till I Illlll- ' I i hi ! |i i III ji, 1 . ,|iiji I \ I'll I" tin. ll , I >\ tin -i i!;''-, [I I. I i. .it Hi.- \ ! \*a ,il 111 -t a l.iin ili\ I ii"! .ii; l.il;"ii |i\ tin i-.i "i ' I'at.'iii I it- ,i fi !".' ' i -' pi. ' In ' i I In i tiial !. i . i . . li hodirs, for tin iimst j>art, north-west from tin- roots; not rut down \\itli ;i\rs, Imt Iniint iiMitid>r, sonir\>li.il iicar Ihr ground, as the t-nds ut llimi, Ix'in^ cva/rt/, do numifcst. 'I'lu- o: Ls v en- Ivini; in mulliliid* s ;nnl of ;m oxtniordinary M/C, | M -l,,^ f.\,. Minis in romjKis-;, and sixtrcn \;ii'ds IOIILT; and sonu* suiallcr of a ^rcal length, \\illi a L'tioil (juantil\ of acorns and s|ii.:i! nuts near than." Similar disrovrtirs. lia\f IHTII made in lh< !< n nrar 'l'hoin'\ ; in di;_ r llu- mutli ot I.MUI, \xn a sluiri- MTV l;:!i'!v, tllclf \\ci'i; discovcrrd, at M \fiikvn t'ci t deep, several fmv.r li;-!ics and i;ij| trees, pressed flat do\\n, \\itli nuts sound and firm Kini: l)\ tliem : tlie bushes an'! tn es \u-re slaiidiii<; in tl'.e solid eatlli, hi-low tin- >i!t, \\hich had been brought by tli^ 1 inundation of the ^c t \, and in lime raised to thai L'l'i-.'.t tliiekness." Mr. Kieliard Atkins, a gentlonian of considtrabk 1 rese;:rc!i, and u ( 'mini-siuiier ^>i >e\u is ;!i Hie rei^n ot James the l'irt, v. as of opinion, that the fens u ere i'ormeih meadou-laiid, tVnit- I'hl, !n;;!lhs, and lneiati\e to the inha!/;!an!-. tVoin r.}ioidii:L r reli. i to the people ot tlie hi'jh lands in times of threat drought. " Pi - .'( rboi-o'.iLiI:," he o!jser\ rs, " \vas of old ea!!ed .Mfitilhtimslead, on aeeoimt of the meado\\ s there; thon^ii t:ios{ ,,;' the present lens be! lll!i> DM''' ".I ll.l\i II, tin- \\tllkllM II ilx'UX rlCil lli;tll> I. ..!> ,|" tli-r-, |--i:i'"j If.. m II'.' T l'i.|. - u| lM,:lK^, -j'M .nl 111 tllr zri.iin I ; ;!nl "ii I ;. i"; ll,- :M u;i \Mtli tl.' .!itl: in uliuli lli< y v\i ! i :n!'i-'ii ii .(. l!ii \ m t \^:tii .1 -;|, \ :i \ ,:i; 1 iii-i In- III-'.'!,..!, \. I ' i.fllH- I'.i.ll.-l.l i.-Ml," N nt v> nll" I i ,UM| , ( ..lijl'lu*' -IHtl ;!in i- ii < ! ... ' tni-, 1 In. inli - 1 ! \ lit till III, C'l I'l , " I tl Ml -,!\\ !'l\ . Illl II- ! ; :.,! I- . M ' ; 111 tl . i . c AMnntncKSHiRF.. 1 1 if the operations of nature had not been interrupted by the uoiks of ait. DiiL.'daIe, in a ((iiotution r \ tract PI i Ironi llir Life of .\!:ricola bv Tacitu-, -a\s, licit " the I'ntoiis complained lh.it their li.tnds and bodies \\ere \voin out, and consumed, \>\ (lie Romans in clearing the \\oods, and embanking the 1m-." This sentence, when t onsidcrcd conjointly \\illi tin- fiin'oin accounts of tli- state in uliicli tin tn-cs have hern tonnd, cnal>k'> n> to furru an idea of the time \\hcn the \\oods \\ere dotroseil, \\hidi ;i|)j )( ; , rs (,, lia\e been In'tore the Romans hail -.eciircd the entire pose ion of the Island. Some of tin- trees, \\- find, \\ere Inrnt, and others sawn do\vn, and this e\identl\ \\itliotit any rei:.ird either to proiit or utility, sinre the trunks \\ere left to perish on the vojj u he-re they ijreu. Ft i> probable, therefore, that they \\ere felled to de- prive the Britons of >heller, and to enable the Roman soldier.- ! inarch in greater -cmit\, and obtain an ea-ier eono 1 iii j -t. The I'niperor Severn- i- -aid to hu\e bi en the |ir-{ \\Iio inter- -Cvleil tiie tens \\iili run .>uu\ -;. Duird.iK- h.i> men! iuiied one <;ip- posed to have been made by him, \\ho-e leiiL'th \\as t\\ent\-four jiiile-^, extending iVom Dt li'.er, in Norfolk, to Peterboronli. This \\;\- coiMpo-ed of 'jravcl about thre- 1 !'( t in deplh, aiid -i\t\ let t b:'o;:d, and i- in\s ro\ered '.'. illi moor from three to li\e fee i in thickne--. Tiiis tnrni-'hes anot'n! 1 !- pr^ot (.1 (lie ure.u alteralii i> \\iiich the ten-, have nn'.loruoi'.e ; \et tiie t !!.:IILT< - tiiat have taken ph'.i e ma\ be illustrated --lili further. Tiie celebrated Sir Robert Colloii, when making ;i pool at tl , ed'-e of Conniimton l)(j\vii-, in Hiintin^doiT-liiir, found the -kele- ti.ii of a laire -ea-li-h, neaiK t\\en'\ !. t lojii:. al>ont M\ It el be- iifitli the -up'Mrieies of tlio ground, an;! a mneh !n In-,-, tin ::eneral level of the j. ;;-.. \{ i!; v ot'tll. bollf<. \\!ii.'!l, fi'o'u their lrr.' 4 i (.ntiiuiaiioe in tin e.utii. verc iir i-;i-l- ! \.ir !'.-.- Ill-it'^ do-, ellli, ,,t On de- ]u !.in:- the . !r.ii:i: A of \\ !''.. -Ji River, i.i tK \e.tr lli ".;"), the v.'.'Jviraii, at ti'.dit tc: t boK.u t!;o .' ' .-/ l.otti.M. -ii-onered a :'-;oiui bvttom. \vl.uii '.,.. -t 'iiy, \>. i!!i ..n b:vS IMIIL' in it, 1 J i \Mr.KlIX.KsH IRK. con-mi \!lh -ill. Aii'l .it \Viiitt!t-<.t, 'in tli^m:,' through tin" ii!i">i .it i^'lit l't t t il'ip, lor tin- piirp'i-i' >t' making a un>at tt < un .1 plant. i!i'ii 'l liml-tri i--. a prilot -<>il u.i- tniniil, \\illi \\at!.- t.t" ^r.-.s- Uiiiu :i it. a* tln-\ \\m- at lu>t ni"uril. Tin Lit! r n:i -i.ir.-taiii < H..IN lr:ul u- to iinasinr, that tin- iiniiitlatn'u \\ln.ii o\ i r\ hrlinul t!.- country li.nl nut lnvn ti>n>.n |i\ tin- ni(:.t!il.'.ii!-. \\!!.,. iiffk Mllirr. IK. If Ilo-I'Ul. .:t tin il-J'lll it !\!rt|l I. it. .1 .Illitli'- I'-i-i- V.I. <|IM ,,\r;i (I. ii ! li-i. i| in IM it. M'Mial .'.-..-. A j.i I at . ttini: ii'.\Mi a IM ' .v. Ma-.l Ii M I'ali. a Mtt-t I'm-, ami a i .u I -v. l.< i I. \M n- I'mimi. at a. -initial )< ptli I Mirlact 1 . ; \\ i llaml ill p:h "l .il' ul ti ii It i t. -.-..: : I!., -aim di |it!i, i n t!,.- opj>"M(- -iil< "i lln i,\ti, thf ii!i;ain- t'l .'in n nl I .:i \.:t-. r pit-, ,i L'" it i;n.iiitit\ nl licijii-, ;'inl -nir.f -li'n---u!'- ! a \vr- ' isiitt t' l%:i I..-.I.I t!;i - I ! : \ ' i I ! '.'. h'i li\ i 1 1 ill til'- 1 1 ._;l < ii 1\ !!"_: s (c I'iitTi, \ il- " \ i ; \ plravlllt ,1l]i| .l'_:t< c.ilili t' ! i 1 1 \ 1 1 ' . ' \ I . ' . ! - \'. 1 1 . . ! i i : ; 1 1 1 1 1 ! i' i ; u 1 1 it. i h \ i 1 - : I I ' ' i :!!,-. II 1. 1 1,' -, and ailni r.i i mans islands in danijrr of per i>lnn^ tt tnod. " Wluttcscr octaiioiu'il llu- alteration, it c!< ;ul\ ;I]'|M ar> ', tluit attempt- at ilrainini; \v-rc nunlf a- rails a- tin- rci^n of Kilwuitl tiic I'n-t, and liaxr l-rn fontinncil \\itli \arious sucress till (lie present time. Tlie (ainoiis John ot ( iaunt, son of l'.(l\\ard the Tliml, ami Marian t, ( '.i,nte-.s of lUclnnnnd, \\eie aiuon^ the lirt alveiiluiei> \\ln fiiiliarkfd in this undertaking. ' The rriini of I'li/aheth," o!>ser\o Mr. ( ioirjh i , " m i\ he properly tixed on a- llie period \\l-en t!ie (in.it l.e\il !n ',-an to liecome iininediately a pnlilic - ;;re." In her tuenlu'Ii vear a coiiniiission \\as granted to Sir Thomas (Veil, Sir \\ illiain 1 'it/* \Villiams, and other-, to drain tin 1 {'en- about ('/<;//-.% ( i c>^ ; b:it the inutilils of -nch a jinrlittl de-<:i:n appear- to lia\e !K , :i eailv t'oroseen, a- there is no account uf tin 1 plan e\er Inning been ;u ted on. In her forts-third yar, an act of Parliament \\as j-a ed on a in'iit'nil plan, v, Inch not onls included the draining uf the (ireat l.oxel, but hk ui-e all the marshes and drowned lands in the kingdom. Tin- scheme, tor v, !i;< h iv-oijravs e(jual to the ex- tent of thr undertaking art 1 said to have been provided, ua> tVns- trated bv the l^iieen'- (hath. In the Ue^innini' (*i tlu 1 rt imi <,f James the I'ir-!, Sir John Popham, the Lord Chi i' Ju-tice, pro- cured an act for draining the ten- in the I-!e of l.U, and the land- in the adjacent counties. The \\ork \\a- commenced \\ith j/reat spirit, but \\a> -r,on re- tarded bv the death ot' Lord Popham; and atier\\ards entirels dropt, Ilironuh the cppd-itinn ol -onie land-owners, who conceived lheni-cl\c- injured. The per-on- that next attempted to proceed v, ith thi- important imdertakini:, \\cie the Karl oi Arnmiel, Sir William 11 C .\MDKIDGF.SH1BE. \\illuiin AN!"!!, D.ul. ;:iul Antl>on\ Tlionia->, F.^j. but their }>rn- |Ni>uN nut In ,:r.; .ii'K r.iMi- to tho-r \\lto j(Utl ;;N < miiim-Muni r- tt' tl.-- |'iti|nu tur-, uiul imirli time haun:: Itrm lost l\ tin- UK i-t.ji'_> In !'i Li MI ti i iiniir I in- rontr*trl .1 Mii^li - N ji i>. , t.iki :i t'i ( .in ' -. In llii- xi\t!i lit ' , ' . 1 1 l!ani i . i'i ','. liilii I - . I M \', i I , I:. , ... ol tin \\ "i ! - ; :, it urn m n N>.it\ , ).. ;ijiju.;l ' llii n\v.'nl iii-ulli' ii M, .iinl ilciu;it|iir<| , , I < I < ' < :i' : -. 'J'lll> |i|o|io-.!l \\.< |) l;oln tin [ill jinlirt - ! .:' [Hi \.tlii il .,^,lil:-l lilin .'- .1 111 I , \v llii ll; i "I1M 1:1 ' I'M:.- ' i ' i .01 ' .ii r< ~, ,. . r. i ,,i t!-,.- i t ti ; .1 .i 'I i de\oled to the will of the Crown, s\ho were empowered to examine into the utilil\ of the measures executed b\ the Karl. The new commis- sioner-, declared that lh< work- were incomplete; and aer. pled the Kind's proposal to diai.i (lie f. :i-, for which he was to re.ene not onlv the ') ',(' ID acrt s, hut a'-o '>', ,ui to additional ! K\etv hope ot" adxai.taiv which Charles expected to rt;:p from thU un- dei takin-,', was entirely dissipated b\ the en-iiini; tronlle, winch prevented e\ery further proM cnlh'i! ol the work tid t'ie \ear i'i |<), when William, Karl of Heiilord, the he;r a:id -.1. > ss ( .r ,.t l~r,\i\< <-, ivas re-iUii'ed h\ the Convention-Pal lianienl to ;.il t!ie ri^hS oj hi> father. The act oJilained at this period -i tiled the boundaries of ihe Level, and gave fresh \i-jor to the uudertakiug. The works which Jrad tailcn to d'-eas \vere repaired, and nev. channels made, w.th >o much propriety in the opinion ot the ci.mm.^ioner-, that, on tJie 'J.Vtli of M.ircli, in the \ear I o'. '...'., the l.e\el was adjudged to be fully drained, and the _').">,( x.K) acres awarded '" the Karl, ;:'id hi^ participant- : the hitler of wiiom \\tre nv iLi; expense of drain ir-. \\hi.-h amounted to npward> of 4< 1 (),!>t CI.IK! iiie fanner act was confirmed in it- n:o-l es-ential rlau-e ; a;:d a C'frporalion, consisting of a (io\ernor, .-ix IiailitK-, !v\e^!% (!cn.s !'. a'.or, und Commonalty, was otablished nihler the title of " ( on<-erv,;{nrs of the (ireat Level of the I'Yn-," for its better ^iM > rnme nt. The-e commi.-.sii>ne''s were impowcred to |< \ \ taxe- on [',,< ,< id; > aer< >, to defray \sii'ite\er ixpen-e-. ini^ht ari-e in their jin -er\al ; (<;i ; f.iit only S. '..(''CO acre.- wire vested in the Corporation, ia trn-t for the Earl of Bed ford and his a^ociaie-. Tiie remaining 1 J.ctxi ha\i;:^ been allotted to Charles the Fi:-l, in pur-nance of the .iL. r ree'iieiit made by the per-oi;- who met at liimtingdon, \\ere now as-iuned to the kill',', with tiie ex.-eplion of 'Join.) ari>->, which had been granted to the Earl of Poitiand, lf r tMBKIDGESIURK. Though tlir ( nrp'ir.ih'iii \MTI- uiM-Mt d \nfli power. I>v flu ahnvr art, tn|-\\ t.l\r-. ^rfin ilUt/ nil tllr .l>h liiUM ! l.Ulil, Net, .11 lilt 1 form .ui i maim* r 1:1 vvh;. it tint p. I\MT u.i- to !" M n IM d \\.i-. 11. >! pri-M nU d, li:i\ .uU "iiU !> v \ .t Njuciln- - MMI n r\t, .t-- tli< l.'.inK \.iiirtl MI linn li in \.tiui . lli.it 1 .: \ ii'.iiN .i!..niiiitt tl t-> ill'- v.h i|.- viini ll;i> i!ili-nr !.ii!'i \ v . \|'p!i .ill'tli lln-nti'ir \^ .> III. nic ID tli I.i-.i-l.it'in- I -I |" ' ^' i I i - i MI HUM in. nc c , I >N L'..m! 11. _ .:Hli:nt\ I" .1 _'! ,uli. ..i .; i' l.i\ ; ini'l ci>!iiiinip;i' r- \\ ( !t .iji|>> '.nti 'i !>\ til- 1 I'.l I i !.;!..< lit, t> - i: \ s .liiil I.itr t!)<- |.iiii ,11111 ii, ii.nc ru I :ni i ln-t !i i i-i;.iri|- .t.iml rl In I i,i- N- .11 1 1 7 tin 1 1. . ii"i il I.. M 1 \\.i* - tns<- 1 1 ii th. ti:itTt-iit |ir'ji| H-iMfs ; iiinl llifii ilix-atirartiiin lit-in^ >1 iliu.n^ a I'I:L: ni!ii"iilN in tin- lli-iifurd t.miilv, to \\innu, ;t> |iii,n :)',:! |>r"piict' i ^ "I tin- N-uili |.. \t |, tin- ot|T- \M n ! . .'.pj !: .it i"! i \v .! iiiii'lr In tin- I.t ^i^Liturc in tin- I .n .11 t I'lil.iiin 'I to - tti- it;. ,u i ouiils ..! tin ( i.i| .i.ili.in, .:/'.!:.''. tin \"ith I.. \ i i ti"iii li:.- r< -I, t \. . pt \v In . > 1 1 < 1 1 u. HI. . \\ .1 m r< VM \ lr tin- -ii- ntr\. < >n tin IMI.JI, tin I ) il.. ..t I 1 ,, dimij i,- !' Illlll II 'III lin >..lilll .111(1 Nllti.llt- 1.. \. |, ; .:!.'! 1 1. I I n| I il In " ll'ilH til N \M H ,ll-.i IJldi lit. d, COM i ill ' I- I HIM .n(. wh . ii . |..ii .!. .| I),. 1 ^'.iitli I .1 \. I , .1 tH.ltNVt.t-. ||i ^. I'.. I I I \. 1 ( n||Mi[.ll|..||. .Hl'l III' |illl|. l|..d | ! d III ll ' . . .11 | ,. d .Ml lIllMlljil ill. l'"it "I I III d N.,j lli.iiiiii|..|| < AMIlUIIKJr.SHIKI.. 17 and Huntingdon. That part of tin- river which lay within the boundaries of tin- (irc-at Level, was M> filled up liy the sill and other matter which the titles and upland waters had dejvositetl, that the navigation was much impeded, and the expense of every voyage- considerably increased. This caused an application to the .Managers of the Red ford Level, for their assistance in the ncccssnrv work of cleansing the channel of the river, mid making it deeper; and the parlies, after several meetings, agreed in the outlines of a plan intended to answer the ends both of draining and navigation. The .same year the persons interested applied to Parliament, and the meaMires proposed for their mutual benefit received the sanction of the Legislature. liy the act then passed, the Corporation of the Red ford Level renounce the genera! power possessed over the ri\er and its banks, and unite \\ith a stated number of hind proprietors, clx sen from the South and Middle districts, in raising a fund, to be appropriated to scour out and deepen the bed ol the Neiie and its communicating branches. The above acts form the basis of the constitution appointed for the government of the Red ford Level ; lor though many others have been procured within the last fifty years, for draining .separate districts within its limits, yet they all contain a clause, reserving the powers of the Corporation as established by the fifteenth of Charles the Second. Of late years a measure has been fre- quently agitated, and in 17!)") Uils passed into a law, for improving the outfall of the river Ouse, and amending the drainage of the South and Middle Levels, by making a cut across the marshes iVoin Kan-Brink to Lynn, (ireat advantages are expected to be. derived from this new channel, and the commissioners appointed !>\ the act are now employed in having taxes to enable them to proceed: with the work. Notwithstanding the various projects that have been executed, and the vast expense incurred, to complete the drainage of the Feu-, the woik is yet imperfect : and in many places the farmer is >!il! liable to have all the produce of his ground-, carried awa\ bv inundations. The peculiar situation of the Level, which rentiers it the receiver oi the collected water-* of uiu counties N oi , II. K an.! 1 * ( \MHKllM.KSHrKK : nd th nt nf attention l<> those comprehensive measures which alone ronW h:ne equalled the t-\il, l\ pimitlui^ a Milix lent Oittlrt to th sea t'-r llx iU vfeinlimj tnrrriit, \\lnii >\vellel liv the liniiH r-'ii* ennenK If. in (In- hilU prriditml h\ .1 i.unv oii, an- f'n- iiH-ntls t! < < !!! of lu^li flood*, |i\ uhioli iii.iiiN thousand .11 ir- i puine b.nl aiv tnnwlM-lmcd, and iii;ilo\r dr.iill tli>' fn.ii^lx -. !'! (In- ri'i: ;i.ii .:'i'l coiitiiioii IIH .in* ha^e !.ule UK rr< ti'n i>1 ni'iil ini.!-, '.xli'.iii. li'uii tli'ii' nuiiiltcr :nnl Mliiation in th- nrlii p.ut <>! i!u ii.iint\. px -nts .1 \TN ^iiii.'iil;ir ami 'ornf^b.tl \\htiu-n.t! .i|>|'' ,:.nn'. 1 i,' ^i raiM* the natrr I" a Milfi- t^'i'.l In ad 11 1 it n! ,u i" iii^' i "in i \< 1 1 i nt (i iii r|tacle> fiiuuuh nti i! pi i >)MT i li.iiii.i I. Jt I- -l.iln! Ill I 1 ,- \ . iiliil.il S'il\r\ 1. 1 tlil> ('.UlIltN, ttl.lt llji uapN i>l . tti till i'i the riiiiii:tl<>ll .' '\ I ',< n ~ is \ < i N eoiiMilrr.il ile, thev i i l.tiuK ! in. !ui|i wi i.'iinlx i i>l .11 n -. TlM* laiuU -till \a%lr, it i 'ii-ti.iti lli.il (In immense labor eni|>lii\el t I';. I.. ^ i I, h.i> n.. t In < n ;,t i i-n< It-il \Mtli t!u vi!u- I \ i It. , ' till | 'I'" . it'', - . i| I ||i V .11 HIIIS pl.lll-, 1(111 (i.ll'IlN n l. " ! : , iki' i- si i-li hM. in. I Kiiii -i I ;" .iii'l ,! m.i\ vln! ' . II, \\ lit I!,' . tin frlii-'iilrx |, I i. ) i" - il. .Mill |i.irtl.tll\ h | .lie Illllil III > Mm' \ . .1) i " .11 likr i I. UP!- i i-,ir_; ( . in tin ; i !; - lific ! !. ; lill.'U^ll' (I .'I III.' . i otl.rji lie in li:.in\ |>l.i< i II i il Ullll lii.lti II .| I.I.I 'I in- Ill I . . i.vei -.I M .'.t. : n . ' i . I MI i 1 1. 1 ' . ~f !',; I- III CAMBRIDGESHIRE. 19 forty-live to sixty bushels an urn- : great quantities of wheat and role-se d arc also grown, and "fin-rally with a proportional in- < \ \! r, i: i in. FSMII: K. T\\f *lup in I V.i- ! '\- 1 r p. nt* o! tin ri.nntv .ipp< .11 to l.o VIIN n iiltnl utnl, \\ilh r\< r\ uppv.ir- am i oi pr..|al'il,U, !. t!n iir-lt . u il st.itr ol tin- I- si-, \\hirlilias o ( :iM"ix .1 tin- ^!<>!:ii'i I" !> i I'M [ n| |||- i!|i!.nitl-> tin- HN.iU 1 '- '' illiotlirr diM-av Ir.iM l>ii iH-.uU :i t.it;tl tit the sltwp a* tli>* rul. HN tin-. l!|Miriil I till p. n>r .till II:.' 1 .1" ! ( ''III' i 'I t' 4 Si. ill- >i| I v 1 1 ( -I 111- II I it. 1- t ;(!! vt.i't, ruti ;i \< \\ ^\<\>-. .iii-l tin ti f.ill to tin- i ail h, \\!;.;- ii r ii .; 1 1 ii .-.'::> 'I .1 l< -\ n.Miuti-, tlirs iii-. .mil IM--.MII !. ci ' i pi ti-i t In ' '. ! ' '.i.i i tin \ inir- t-'iii - Luc T-li ! 'f t> 11 i r t\\i \r \v i i 1- - ; Inil .i> tin- m-t.m i \ tin I: i U:MU i i>! tlii In t -Miip'niii^. '1 i.i ><-i/ ol ( .null . .in 'I. Tin 1 i H Ii i;i;irli- .11 I In- \ : iinU ! \\ i -! h < "M-i ! > ! .iiiii^luif ! -.!inl jv, i r Ai7/ ; in "I ;i "tron: M.n k ailh, >r inonr. -ii .1 L'.iull (i r L'i.'\' L or tint iiiimr, .n.d M i\ i.r,ni;i!ii<- loi 1 - i ihun i-t'i ! .1:1 I i i !> - '-'I. lii t I.i !.;>!. MitU. o|' i h.ilk, irr.i- \ . ', ! 1 1 111 irl i .1% . :ili' I rl.!\ i, 'i .1 ; : ,!l . 'I In i , inuil' 'II tllllr* Jliii I l>\ tin .!l"ll 'il )! c.'.ixi- illl-l. <1 'n._. ill < .t\i-ii \M'oilrn r.i^ > , '. ' 'l , v\ . 'I i.i- il: ill Inix- . . , l..i I In i M . . ; IIM-I| .1! \\ !;:i|pi.'t-, mi ! I i.i'i ! i iijii .(!> tn In- I'.i-t -pii-.nlrni:. in- in \\ ;:'^l H iiltiil .il in.ii tin. i , 'II.' :. I 1. 1 I.i! III- . I r i 1 1 1 1 1 ! . 1 1 1 ! . | i i i : 1 1 1 1 1 n : I u t tin n m i 1 1 . ! ! . i ; .1- v in- in ti, i ' 1 ' . . i i tin- n L'l'.in'.i* >. ..i i v 'I tit ; . ' "i !iit,t\ i.i In ! . ' .( i. -. .--,.;,. '\..|||i. 1 , , : . .:!..! \I.n! I i .;! ; ' . JM :::.!- i ( I:!-.!'- '..'. ,' j. .1 p .1 ; : i .1 i I ,:..,! ' '..''.!. M - . It:.., < A.MnRIDOESHIHK. '.' 1 .sons who obtained subsislcwe l Im ihc to\\n of Cainbrul^e, .ind two for the t'imcrsil) ; pa%> nine parts oi tlie l slrentlicn this \\ild tale, it has In on .-:>i>i, thai Anaxiniaiider, >-r.'\ after him Ana\ai:oras, travelling to liiis ronntrv, lur.Miie !rai - h"rs of philosophy at Cambridge, \\hich theneefortli v.:? called the Cifi/ttf'Srholars; t!;:;t ra--ive!!auntis j)c-,ioed on it the pmib-i. f e<; of a s;nictiarx ; that Julius ('<<-. ir lepri\;- pm- lesv'M', aial cniivexcd lliein to Ilop.ie, \' i:t-rc ll.cv afterwards were greatly celebrated ; that in the reL'ii of Kit '^ I.Mriu-, .'foooj' its students were baptiy.trd at one time; and thai in the da\> of |)jo- cle^i^n, " thi-> renouned cits, the mother of phiio^ophv, b< autii'ui for dwelling-houses, furtitieil on all >idrs \\iih (\\< i--. a; id < IK M'd with walls of sjuare stones,"' \\;;> coiiMuned !% fuc. r. ; A^ * l'-ikt; .- TKti>!.iliuii ol'< 'iiiil:i!ni>i '< Uii. i:. ,u. i Xuti^iiity of'tln 1 I uisn-iiv JJ CAM BHIDCF.SH IRK. A* thev traditiom tntiiuatf a far more advanced >tate of miti- gation than the umtl IrMimoniea of tin (ireck and Roman wri trr> will Buffer us to liflii'vi- existed in this country at such an arl> |>THM|, tlu-\ an- manifest l\ accompanied \i\ their own con- futation*. To make a lahort'd display of tlu-ir alMirdit\, would I', t IOM- tutu ; and w- shall oWne onlv, tliat both Ihr disciple ofTha'.es, .mil Ana\;!i;nnn hiin-cM, must have IMTII in the peaceful ns ct tlic L'r.ive, iiiaii\ Nar> ln-toir the rcpnU-d luiindn ul the I ni\rrit\ (t the eiitreiu hineiit!. lie.ir tin (.i k tl, I- l>\ HI.IIIN Jii I^"li -':j'|in~(d t li' 1 .1 "Jiecinu'll ol llnt.di I.ili'-r. I' 1 :' I. v--\-i thi^ III.IN l>< , tli.it it \v;i* .1 Kuinaii t.itii>n M i ni^ \ nl' nt. " I In --ite (M tlie Itoinai) tirantti," .>a\>> Dr. >tiikrl\, ' i^ \n\ tr.ii aide ciu the |i|c ,.! ( 'auilirid^o 1<>- xs.ii'i^ tin- ,i*tle, on the iiorlh-wtM -iilc- nl the user, <>\ .111 iiie^n- lur n','un-, rniitaniiii^ thnt\ ;uir>, mrroundcd Its :i deep dildi, m< it | jit ol ulmli \| lein.iin- <'ii Ihe -"i,l!i \M si, and in the i;ri.nnd- In-hind Nla^il.i!' n College." Tli- dii< h i> :it this tnin- in.'.rU lilied up, hut the liank^inav in - \ei.ii pl.iei , { di-cn\eied. Tii' K"!l!.m .rjl.'i-l in tin L.'-HtlM 'l M.iU'l.lleli ( ..;( ; ( I- in \<\\ e\r lit lit |I|CM M .i>l<[ tin i MIi l- "t tin I Ili'U*. Tile liver, \<>\\\t II. t:i'li: the deed- Mi tin < 'itt"lll.!ll i. till. IIS |ll;i:,\e In l||e t "'. I In I ,ll i " ! I "t 'Nt. (rlle-\ ( 1 1 .ni', -e ins In h.i\<- hoitmifd tin ti 1 1:11 i , i:"\\ |i..\\ I "inn i 1 ',< i In i \.:!'l- i.. !\^.l!d. \\lilllll tile \Milk-, vUl.tll h. ih.de tl.' iinrth-\M-t end 1. 1 thi ln\\:i, ,m ih- r IH.III.S nt thpi- i ni:sideiali;i I.. .>li-n-. i.:-i d l.s tin nidi r- nl < mimvi || ; II,, ,,iti -,\ .is >) tin- i .l-lli . I .'. I 1 d .!- t!ie i ntint\ |H. II, .111' 1 the < hllli III > "I s,j f ijlrs .mil v l . |'i !i i 'I he latter W, is 1 1 ] >.iliei I s U ||;< v i .1! > -n,i . .U.d Ill.lMS !! .1 H|>n|liil tn Ji;i\i I...1) |.M!',(| III till il< < .i\rd wali*. \ .1! ." ",- 1 1 .IL'] in nts < I 1,1 iis h:u i ,il " In i n j'l. . d ' i: .1-1 |n| n n,^ i.. ' , .! v !i .! !.,.ili\ It i ill). ill i n|| | n| \i-ji.. -.u. .'I !!.. l.-.Mi r i n ( I "I - : ."'! .t in.ii,i;-i i |>! , .| I >! . \\ . - ,ji . -i .'.,'<- \\: < ,"irji, ..|IM IM - 'Ii.il 1:1 .1 i.i\t I pi'. :, .,r .1 i.'i ! CAMBRIDGE CASTLE. To WARDS the end of the llth century WILLIAM the CONQUEROR built C A M BRIDGE Castle, which is said to have been a large, strong, and stately building, some traecs of it are stiil to be seen, and the Gatehouse, which remains entire, is now theCountyJGaol. CAMBRIDGE, the coun- ty town of CAMBRIDGKSHIHK, is situated on the river Cam, which divides it into two unequal parts. It is SO miles E. N. E. of OXFORD, 1 7 nearly South of ELY. and 51 N. by E. of LONDON. In WILLIAM RUFUS'S reign it was quite destroyed byRooF.u DK MONTGOMERY; but HKNRY the FIRST bestowed many privileges upon it to encourage its restoration, particularly an exemption from the power of the Sheriff", on condition of its paying, yearly, into the Exchequer, 100 marks (equi- valent to lOOOl. now) and from tolls, lastage, pontatre, passage, and stallage, in all fairs of his dominions. It was afterwards often plundered in the Barons wars by the outlaws from the Isle of ELY, till J!KNKY III. secured it by a deep ditch. In 13SS, KiciiAiinll. held a Parliament here. In the rebellion of WAT TYLK n and JACK STRAW against that prince, the University Records were taken and burnt in the Market-PJace. The modern town is about one mile long from S. to N. and about half a mile broad in the middle, diminishing at the extremities. It has 1 I parish churches, of which two are without any towers. It contains above I'Joo houses, but the private buildings are neither elegant nor Ian:, oAing, chiefly, to their being held on Colk-fe or Corporation Leases. It is governed by a Mayor, Hiirh Steward, Recorder, 1 :*, Aldermen, and '24 Common Council Men, a Town Clerk, tVc. Its chief trade is water carriage from hciiee toDovv x a A M, LYNN, Ki.Y,8cc. The Jew? being encouraged to settle i;i EnHand by \\'ILLIAM I. ai.d IT. \\\rc very numerous here t^r ;ev^r.d generations, and inhabited that stn.'. t new Cu!l-jd the .L.iint. Tiw Mark-t-Pl.icc is jituated in th'j ii,;-.:Jj uf thr IO\VM, and consists of two spacious oblong squares, united ton-ether. At the top of the angle stands the Shire- Hall, lately erected at the cxpence of the County. At the back of the Shire-Hall is the Town- Hall and Goal. The UNIVERSITY of CAM BRIDGK, not inferior to any in Christen- dom, eonsiity by THEODORE I*i./. \ , ami supp old as any MS. extant. From this, and the Ci.i K.MONT c-ipv "i St. PatuVs epistles, \\i\7.\ published his larger aMi'>:..t:o::.-, ui I"' 1 -.'. 1 !P- ] rim r,v.l in.uu.ljeluie< --t the county are in..!t, i-i|'r, .uul 1).'. ral-. '1 he (oun h.is fairs on Ji::-.e J4, and Au- gn-i 14, t'-rh'T-i-, v\ ,o.l, ai.d e.irt!ien-\vare. M.ul:<;-, \\'teIIlc^duy a.'n! .S-ituri'.^. . Th' NT in;,' ! r tl. i i;;ny ar- r^)in> C. S'j'.ri- n . 'i NF\ N N i. IM^ a:..i t;.- I'... '.t 1 1 .:;' :\:..'',l' ( . \ (, K K j: . F< : t!r I nr,rr?il\ , the Right li i i , ,i::c! l,'> i.u !'. t, . ro .\ . r, called the ^ icai's Brook, many furious jmln'tr of fine red earth were found, " one larjje xase three feet lout.', brass lafrcHft, .\ brass dish embossed, the handle of a vu i itiuiiu knite, the brakes of a jtuifillaris, or table book, *ome lai^e bones, and Komau coins, now in Trinity College." These circumstances s< em suHicientls decisive of the Koman (iranta being at Camhiidge ; though some writers have af'inncd, that station xxas l\xo miles distant, at (irantifiatcr, which Dr. Cains, in his " It, .lulit/nitnti Cantabristitnsit Acadniinn, " foundation.s of buildings haxing been pi. juried up betxveeji (i rant chester and Cambridge;" and Bede's Hisluiy represents as a small desolated cil\, so situated that it was xisiled in huge boats (nan^iin) by the people of F,ly. From the latter rcmaik, it ii probable that Bede's (Ir.mta was at Cambridge, as the state of the river seems to render the assertion problematical, of its being naxj- gabU' so far as (irantchc-.lcr ^o early as th- year 7<*'. The situa- tion of the ancient roads, xvhich crossing from HaxerHI to ( jodinan- chester, and from Kly to Ashwell, near Baldock, intersect each other al Cambridge, is an additional proof in fax or of tlie latter place being the Boman (iranta. The derivation of its name from the bridge crossing the river is evident. Sir Simon I)e Kwcs in- ferred the great antiqiiity of Cambridge, from the considerable figure that Caer-^rant makes in the li.>h of British cities given by (rildas ami Nennius. The honor of founding the I'nix'ersity seems due to Sigebert, King of Kast \ngli.i, who about the year(>;31 instituted a school for the instruction of youth, vx Inch most authors have agreed to place at Cambridge. This, hoxvexer, shone but \\ith a feeble liphf, and should rather In; considered as a grammar-school than as a classical and learned seminary. The banks of the sedgy Camus were not \et sufficiently peaceable to become tli' haunts of the Muses. His .stream xx as too often discolored \\iih the blood of man, and t!;-' deep -ileni,' m hi- ".i'u-> Joo lVe(niently prophaned i>v ilie tumultuous r< veilings <.i <'IM oidani \'.ar. Ho\\ long llic in.sti'iili'jii coiiiiiuaJ we -lu 1 ivl inf-'nr.ed : Iml 't i!i>piars ec;t,;iu ii - t! ,: .H < AMBRinOKSlUR!'.. that Saxun discminn\ and Danish terontv, had tnlh siirrer tUtJ in banfehini; all kno\\!d^< from tins part ol tin- Idand, hefore the acrwioii ot . \LHUD, \\hos<- complaint, that In- could find no true her* w hen he had >outh and leisure to ! instructed", is a proof that the I'nnrisitx did not exist at that JM riod. The merit ol r storini; it Ix-lon^ to l.d \\ard the F.Ider, wlio appia:-. from the Chioniile of HM!C \||M\, < ited h> John KOII-. to ha\e t rccH'd " halls tor the student*, and chair* and seats foi il.i dor- tor>, at Ins o\\n charge. ' I le also appointed pmfessots, and s t , in* i;eiii r.illv to h.i\e attended to the most neee-saiA measure* ol se- t tif mi: it* stahihtN . In tin- Near !'iio this |O\MI \N.I* plundered, and de-tro\ed with fue, l>\ Hie I).mis, (ml it had m -onie decree teeosriid it* ancient .plendor at the |MIHK| ^i the s iir\e\, m tin rei^n o! \\illiain the Kast. It then cuiitainvd '.7 house., ."7 ot \\huli \MII- shoitU aMeruards n nn>\ rd, t" in.ikt loom lor the (\ ll:e ( oiirpu ror ; or ratiii r, a- I'uller O|IM-IM , " rr-rdijitd." In this 1 1 rtn s. hi sunn .itti i\s,ii i|s n < eixed the SII|>IIIIMSHHI ot the monks ol I l\, \shov,- n -i.t.iiK i- t" his po\\ri appeaii to II.IM- lxu the pr;m :pal indue ment l< >t t : t:.i,' :!. (mat p.n t "! ||iis huildin:; \sa- taken do\Mi, l>% pc i mission o] I |i ui \ the |'. .MI th, to i m t ||;e Nl.iiN t.. I,', I '\-ll.d! ( li.ipi I. and ' e ! ^n J.-l.u Nuddie.tone at JM^sti.il. In the n 1^11 o| \\iili.ini I'.utu-, t(ie I'.uu and ii.iii>t\ o| ( .nii- \\in- i.:\.:_'i d u ,:h In. .,ud s\\,.n| |,\ |;, .-, i di M.. ( ,t:j. I o I ,u I a I i I o n t i . \ i ; . 1 1 , , 1 1 i i \ I i i !\ : 1 1 j , . 1 1 1 d t ! i I HIM r sil\ \.|s |m sunn t MIH al>.: '!-'. To ii pan tin d.: ih.i^i , .'i.d induii- tlii uandirin^ -l-iilinl. t" pMnn, llmiv tin li..' '. \^ltll -i\ilal \.dua''li pi n lli '^i s. ||i i\inip: Vne juri-d:i lion. The leir\ OMT tin- riser, uhiili liii this time, -a\i I'uller, u.is a ii:<^nuit, \\as no\\ li\cd near ( 'amlnidyc. Tin-, il is said, occasioned -nine additional trade to the town ; init the I i;i\eisil\ (oiilinued maMTN languid slate, till Joihid, Aiiiiot of ( rovlaiid, according to th \ppeiid i\ to In-julphns, h\ lYlnis I'd -. us:-, " -cut |o hi- manor of ( 'oil- 'iham, near Caiu- l>iidi;e, (i.il'dt, l:> \\ HoU nionl\ and piol< ^soj i.( ., I.MiL'lit UMi'.mar, h-vie, and rhetoric, \\ith divinitt on Siindas ' and hni.'davs. " '1 hiis onl ot this hlt!e touiltaill, ' contmnes r!''seiisi-, " incrc;;scil lo a ^nairner, \\e sec h<\\ liie citv ot'dod has hi i oine enriched, and 1. upland rendered fnnlln! l>v the manv ma-teis ami It .irl.crs :jo;n^ loitii lioin Cainhrid'^e a^ tVo'ii I'aradi-." T!ic !o-.\ th! to \\iiiih this s.-.| of l;t;'i a!iin % \'.a- re.hiiid, u appaf. nl t'lom the ahove extracts, as v.eil a- Ine -in-u!ar means l>\ \\l,;'!i it once more heciiiKe the res^iencc ol n-ai'ii.nu ; \et lis pro^i'i -- v,;.-, a'_.iin (iia,ii'.cd i. i'e ivlanlej ; t^r in the \ear 1 17 i, i! v.a- .Miisumed h\ a tin-, -o mereiK--, /; > l-'iui-T, " ihat it <>;I!Y .-lopl for v.ant of fiu I to feed i! , t'iu\." \i.is| of the ciiiirciies. a- \\ell as (lie li.>u-e-, \\i-re then of uood, :;::! \\>.".\- p,;i'll\ hurut. 'liiinlv ( h'i! i ii \\ a- i v.lircU ii-tio\id. Inthev-ar l;il. d.naii; t.ieto!.! . -'. l,e!\\erii ilie Haroiis ;,;id km:; Jo!i,!, the luuu \\ts phi:H lend !e\ ill- I'M; ;er, and iht C:>tl- 1'oiecs of the K'li:. 1 . Ulide.'t'l; co;.im;'.iid o! \\i:iu:!:! Lai! of S.Jis- li;ir\, and I nlco iic r .-.I. v i,. i; i^ il.e ii:i'fl,d I'.al'Sl' 1 "i r;vil ai tie> ,:a ! n, e.;s;oii io In ;;' lii I'Lu'es [\ \ r Mixt t!u> fwt:nl 'r>iu:-mi',fn(\ \\c\e trerjnrntU lifM :\\ Cam f>ri -t tin- a, tin- a'mlli^ \<" IHUIHTOUS, that ll.i- vhnlat*, lin at thi> linn- ti.nl ii.-.ilit i (olic^-is nor eutlnw- in- nt-.. wrn imii li traitTi' v l litli tor pron-urn ;unl lxlj;in, flu- jirirfs In itin ctii!i,!rralth **uhaiirol l>\ lh- imrtMinl (leinnnii. 'I'" rrini>\r tins iiironvmirnrr, Hcnnr tlir Thiril, 111 tlir twtiitv- M ulli <>t"lii n iu'ii, for I .(! ;:IIN TOUH,, inmt t< IM k'-|l uitliiu liv- lini' > i.t tin 1 t'.un. K;!'j>!i \ .^ v.ioii .il"tt iA\ani-> tim .K. N "!ii- Inuli ili s j>ntr^, \\!ii'!i (luidfii tin- -ttn!fii(v into t (li l|n!l!;II.lti 'I ill- Ndrtln !i: .'.li'l ill'' ^'Mltllt III Mill. Tin >( ' "i t' ('I >h' !.\rnf" ||Ul(!l IV'llllL.', .1!:'! >-|y.r ! ll( t(!-l|r( I, ' Ifll ... ( ;'S"Hi .| :\ rnni!"!->|('!l t" IK- i-MUil, to tfN .llnl pllllisll ' ,< '|nl i>llr-,i|t r-. I><'.>M;I t\-.cnt\ ;nii| tliiil\ |u: >!> \\>rr ::;!:i .;,! .- |. M |,., ( j ! 'I l!i,!i IM\MI !) :i I!-' ii i-i'iii, r-MHi!' I I :n\'-i-il\ .i-i,: !'( i v\ \\r>\ - ! im.: t" ' it;i\ tii-- t'>\- n, li. -j t\\,, -,,;. - . .,,,,) ;i ililf ii i in ii' ' I ;il 'i IP I \v iiii th'- ri\ r , iH.ni< ! i IK u i ! th.- . i-i M.|. . 'I'll.' .iti !i IM I.. - ii !.,!- , :' -I' lln I. iH. r -'ill n ,, .1111 . -.iii.l ! .1;- li..- n.nnt U , I >iii li. 1 n ' ; - l mi ' T-'l tl" ri ;] '.1 I' u li.i: ! tin S- ninl, tin- :m 1 nln ' : pit nt litt!.- i. in, nk. id I.-. ' ilili-li:'.. -it - ; .IIP 1 I In If 'jllf lit sij-i. 1 '.' lll.ll .UOM lir!"\ > 'i I ' i '\ !-;>,' IM- t' : '! -I'm I i ,-|,t . . ' I ''.I' -lt\ , u ill' il 111 I] :l : i I. I III! - i |-i |, ; ;i . : .'. I .it tin i lull, i .1 ' -i f .: . I. r. . ..tup. llr.l 'i I ' ! P.iii CAMBRIDGESHIRE. '.'7 f.ss\s should command. This dour, lln-\ \\cat to Corpus ClnUii Colle-jr, :ni(l breaking ojK'ii the doors, carried ;wav ;:!! tin- rhar- (i-rs and other papers; then proceeding to lln- house ni tin- Cli.ni- r, thev obliged him, as uell us all other person* the\ r<>nM iiifi t \\iih h lont/iiiv tn tin- I niseisit\, to renounce, under pain of death, all I he pmilr^rs lli.it had -\er been ^ranted to tlicin, .nid al.v) to dclivrr ii|> \vli;il-\(i lrtts- M^SJOII. .\(J> i tlii>, I'lcy broke OJH-II tlir I iii\r!-ily < IK >t in SI. Mary's ( iiiuv!:, and taking tin \ had hclori- rollecti'd. Many other arts nf violcnco acronipunicd I hoc prorecdin^rs. Th' niismiidt-d rnmd issued a proclamation to depri\e tin- 11 dell ol'llie l'ni\ei>.ity of life, after having dr-,tro\nl his hou-e 1>% lire. They also did tvat damairr to the 1'riory of I*arn\v,-ll ; ;si:d. (> r-eenre their own s.itvty, \\lieii the tumult should he allay!, and the ci\il poucr in a condition to notice these int'iiiii'i .v.ents 0:1 ihe jii;I!ie peace, forced the officers of the I'liiversity to SIL:II a bond, tthich vested its entire future ^o: ernnieiit in the Burgesses of the IOMH; and contained an ac'[uiltance from all actions which mii;ht he hrought against them on account oftiie present tumults. Soon afterwards, this usurped power was \\rc>tod from their li.'.nds h\ l!enr\ Spencer, Hi^lio;-. of \or\\ i'li, who ti:-nal!y en- tered Ciimhridge \\i'.h some soldier. Se\eral priiK-ipal leml.'is of this tli-^turhance were imprisoned during life; the ma\or \\;u de- pii\ed oi' iii> oilice ; and tlie lilidiics of the t\\n \\cre lorii'ited. and bestowed on the \ i> e-('iianc. !lor, in icin.iintil li!l the reii;n of llenrs tlie Si\c,ith and l!ie (Corporation was n-tore:id, in tiie y.ir 1'^S, in th's- t->'.\ n, liiroisiih its hein^ thv mo-! ( oi ph'.ce lo the eastern cnniiiie-, ulii.li v> eio ti, ( :, in .: --iri. of in rection. .Many of 1he Kind's aMen-iai:!- ; : ! I ;:! kiic'-H hat Ri.-h;'id liim.M'lt' had ar'-njnmoil.i!!, us JVi.!i;.i!!cnt a -t.lule wa> nv.idc i-raiii-l M nt <-;th-r I nn ( . .it lli.it |xrii'iuiiit>ii [.-".icti. r. On tin- .'.I of Ma\, !'>;, ti.r I MV I.KsI I'Y ut" (' AMI.imx.K rruoiiiifnl lln- :i]iirm.:i \ , into ihr ham Is I'M!,.- l.miiiui-ll, M Ii' mi tin- Km 1 .; hail .i|i| H.ii it I'd to rv- iii\< tin-in I h> x- in ncrn 1.1. /.tin 'ii, < .i:i'!:[i ' _;< in i\ I" ~'\'.'\ to ii.i 1 , i- In nt HI i < ID Inn if I rum- i.!cifiii:. \s t'.i- '_''-! 1:111. lit hi. .line |MIS-C,> ( -(| hv L.tJiT. !:! | .lit." - l 'i: I til" |niUrl nt tin- I Hl\i l--;!\, ;ilt'i till - iu:; ' : '.\ thr atiiiniixilii-x In Hi c Ljrlirratrtl, i\ra tl;r ,t. k:i'\\ It ili'.r'l '.'Hills \M-l.t tlll|lll!l|olli l|, .Is til'- ii|))KilU lit-- lll.iilr ill- I i act I ntln-l s' i ura s| DCS U n ill" (>l .11 III Hi. \\ itllKl till-. Hi \, Dukr i if \urtliiiinln-i lam I, an- 1 (''i.tun II- >r nl ; 1 .1 ';t I : :ln l!i 1 1 t..ti < I IH-.H i- In !ln I ;ir,<-iMt\ , : I l! - l.ii M| lli aci tlstnlllril i ll.tlllli I. \ i'"Ul ' i i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i r i i ^ 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 - I ' i i 1 1 1 i s M -. 1 1 < I lis < l.i\ -, il'r :'i \\ Lh ii |x i ' i -, .mil \\.is i ' lii \ ..i I.MI- I I'l.tl .| , .i,: ! uti.i I 1 ' tin- li.\- n. tin I Jin <", 1:1 ..n ' i ,!''.'. 1 ll'llii I ! In ( IIM I ' ' ! i III i! ' lip- I.I III. I 1 1- I 1 1! . UN I i.H s!,, vc.is placed iii tin' situation of Alexander, \\\\ ua- urieved \\\\, >\ lie lr.nl no iiniii 1 piosiiiic> t<> !;>.[, >\\ ; hut pionnsrd to n t.nii tln-ir interest in her memory till cimim-taiices admitted of IK r making a pio\iM"n lot them adequate to h i intention*.' In tin' \rar l.>7"> an art \va- passed, tlno'iidi tin 1 influence n!' Sir Thomas Sniilh, principal secretary of -tale, l>\ which ihe revenues of the two I 'mvcrsilies wcte ino-t i -.-.i -ntialU hent lit-l. I'ldsision was nia'lc hs tlii.s act, that onc-tliinl \' tin- r-nt n! .!! l< % aso> m'ant'(l l>\ tin- colleges, >liouhl in tuliii'f Ix- pan! in rum, or in IIIOIICN proportioned to llic tfnn mat kit pncrs ; tlic v. ln-at ;it th.it liiix' Ix-iiii; at six and iv.dit-prncr, ;;r,d tin- liarl< i \ at live ^ln!- lini;->, a nnartrr. 'V\w u'"- 1 ' mlvaiitujjos \\liirli fhr l*iu\cr>iUt's dtri\f t'roin this law, nia\ lie coujt'cturfd, IMMII the sar.-lf roni- deration that every increa>e in the price ol corn iin^niriiti their income proportionahK . James thr FirM, in idol-, ronferred l!i- privilciri' ot" M-ndinpj tuo Meinliers to I'ai liainent on the I'luxer-itx ; tlie i:i,ht ot elec- tion lu-in^ \ested in the Doctors and .Mallei- ot' Art-. S-HIM- \ears aftcn\ard-. the Kin^ visited Canihi iil^'e, and diirii: 1 ^ his stav rcsiunted to hetuei n three and i'.ur hun- dred. Durinir the continuance oi' tlie >!iaLid> the -.i^-ixe.-. v. ere ie- moved to Royston. hi the contest hehuin C'liavles the I ii-t and !: ; - 1',,! 'i.:;;:t nt, the I mver-itv \ erv ear!\ d t!a:ed tin II:H ls.-- on lite -;dc oi' !!,_ Kintr, and sent tlieir plate t.i lr C'iii\ert- d n/i;> ni"iie\ !;" !:i-- '.i*~ a leu- (hnr> before the ei-'(U"iii!' hi- >!ah-'ard i;t \^'.,i:i^l<,:vi. Fhis condnrt occa.sioneil the arie-t ot n:;i:.\ i.;' il- iue:n!"'!'s ; u: : I ihc- i'! iiunuder, a- a kind <>; [tc;:ct--of;rin! | j r , '.vore oi'Ieie'i {> <':! tiibnte to'.sanls tiie si:pp"rt ol' {in- i\:rli.;i:.'. i.t : i.:,; :'':. ^1:1: [> 'Mi!p!\, -Dine ot' theiii \'.t;(. 'i;.pri.-'.ined, .u;d a ':c:n-ia! ;;. .;-;.;; . !' \ii!-'oii dc'.ei ::..;:! (.;i. Tiit c\t( ution ot ii..~ i.c-i^:; "...- ::.- ( VNfniilDG tfiitrt tit tl- 1 :uJ i'i M.UH !) -ti-r, 1'v \>l|oiti c\irv jiri^ui thai rv- III*'! lit lakf (i.c ('"\r;iail! .i^ iSjuliol . .l.nl < oinillUKiiril (i Nratr th l'ni\T-;lv uitl::r> thrrc |UN. Th--< |>i"- 1 'iuii^ ran-rd a _'!. it !i.in_'r .i!::.ni; tlu fM
  • l tin i'.;l<^'*, tin- slmiftiti I'tui^' tunicil <>i i t iju,t!l\ uith the in:ixtrri, (>n tin- Ki'-ti>!.tli<'ii, pi.uit 'f' tii-'i\;inl !.' ni!.-i^ \M ic r<->l<>n I t'i ill' ir "liiro. 'I'iii- I'.f'l iii.rti'iial CM ii'- tr.i'isn 't' \n*l ;;! < :i'Hrt< ii >Mtli tin- iii -i i jjilU'ii - .1' lln- i n!iri;-. Tin- i.'iMTnii:' i i>l tin I ui\r] -itN i-- \. >!<-il ID t.n ( i; \ \ ' t .!!";, 1 ! I II *> 1 I . 'A \ !, I), \ I i > ' II 'i N( I l.l.OU, Tl I'hIM . ' . ' i : -.. i x < i: I 1 S I '!;-, a ( o \t ! IS'-AMY, .! l'ir.1.1- ' M:\TIII:, i:.- ( \;i i, ai-.-l tin SK s \ I . I i : ( . . i [H i N .!> .in< i' nt ;>> li.i I . i : t til' i.lilr^t H'Ci-llU l'\ t-jiit. l'i, ii of \ i ( ; .r.i' i ll'.r-. I In- (iiiiu - n c'liiir \Mii- CM i .t'l li\ tin- ( ii.in. i !!'>i , \' lin \.i-> thru < ii' -i M ;n!iiu.ilU, ;:in! li,^ < it < limi r(iiitiilu'(l I'N tlir l^i^lmi aii'l In- N:HTI w,iis ( ,t (In- |io\\ii u|' i .11 nht'l lll.lt tin- rlti'.iuii vlimil.l Ix-siiril- \ itll all till- |i| i\ilr'_'t ^ nt" till' < 'I I ' li:>l|.y ill l.i\ at till MIIU Jn-ll'iil n|M .Uliril, 1 ' lor /,. nr, al I I I I i j'.i ill S iii. t\i n'\ !:. i ' ' \\ l.m .. ' - ' itiha :ii' I i..-./ i-r\ . II. , r AMUR i ix;i f change as incoim-nient, iu the year IJOi, elected J*rpU Fisher, Bishop of Rochester, and continued him iu otlice tluntutr ritd. They icM-rvcd, however, the riht of removing Iheir Chan- cellor at the expiration of the same tciuii as former 1} ; or by a tacit acquiescence, to permit his remaining in otlice during their pleasure. The Ckancrliw is the chief magistrate and governor of the I n: vcrsity. His duties are to defend and preserve its rL'hK, to con- voke assemblies, and distribute justice ; to seal the diplomas, or letters of decrees, provisions, CYC. The Chancellor's com) j>o>- sexses exclusive jurisdiction over all suits and i ml action*, where ;t scholar, or privileged pei.son, i. one of the parlies, (excepting iu those cases where the ritdit of freehold i> concerned,/ and have authority, by the University charter, to tr> and determine cause*, 'ither according to comnton law, or their OVMI local cu-toms. The ffi<^/i StftrarfJ is choM-n by the Senate, and holds h,-, nfhce iiv patent from the I niversitv : his du'urs arc to a-,-i-l the C'h.m- cellor, and, when rvtjiti.-ile, ot!;er oflicers, a:,d to hear anJ ilcter- iiiine capital causes. Thr l"w {'hantellor is elected annually. Hi-. otViee is to suj>er- iiileiiily sjenerallv d \O!M s i:p. \,i;;.ii it is knov.n who wul be ti.e 1'rin.t'Us for *e\er.-.l suie-., dii'g yars. Their dutie- me to attend to the fii-ciplh:e i.f t!.< P-iiui^.-'is u:,d '. lulei '-_;;.. J.ialts. t.- !,,( '> '. <>'[ . idt 1 : 1:1 t;,i. L I;AU ~ilv, .-,->; ;i. lli.. .V < \ v tu:n> . i -ii ii: i . liif>iin - o| tin- > h' '.. :irit .l.i\ - f.-r il, ;<>M- :'!:x. .]..! .iiiii^i ill! \!.i!al..rs ! ,' c -l.itlld- ,,1 tli I. ,|Vi til. ! i\\!l. ..ll'l .HI' \\luTl 111 tilCN rotllll llf .!l r'i||iii l : .- l'i tT-. 'i ii< :i l)Jlllir- i> ti> 1< j ii.i''- tl.i ii ,ii k i, . i '.:!,( :;!it- .mil ui< .1-1:1 ' -. W Itniti'i s \N!I'> .111 lii>iiiiu:itci| ,ni(| |i.iiii h\ tin- I'ldclnis, : -,'- ->f.i:,s. 'I'lirN s'.ipri niti-mi tin- <-\< i <:'- :nt'l il;-|ii:t.itinii ni !!,> ij!K>.|i(MiN ui ]iiui'i-"|!i\ , :i;ul tin < l:i>l!N |i;i-\l II- to < 'i ill -rr< 4 't I'.u !.t !"1 it \I i -. 'I', NI ,;;!! I ,il\\ . i\ >(!:;_!.! to In-, i,! llir iil">t II . ' : I kll\\ II I ! / ('.' ( :i . .lilll.llU IIMIII (i.r \nU I'f.'i 1.1-. i. [ III i \\,\t- tin \ .in- appninlt il In !. .!.-, .\r.<\ .il-n In |, .1 ' ' /.-'/' 1 Inil-i . 7 ( , / >/ ,;ii nl ' !!nr. V Iin ;i( 1 :i- ^ ... t.. ; , \ , I. lir ! nf n il t'..i .:,! pin ,, ;i i pi IM.M-, .H!< f n| \j| v x. lini .'II . .IMM - , P : I I / ' ' ' ' 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 , ; - i 1 1 , i i i . t > i -> i , - ' i In \v | l!.'. I !l In I ','i '' ' i :| ' 'i ' \ | ( . . , - ! ' , | , , ' < AMHKIDOf.SHlKK. CS The Cy put cotix is oi the \ i< Chancellor, a Doctor of each faculty, Dninifi/, I.an', and /'//;/-<, a Rffrnt,VOd i\OH-JiffffHt, Master of Ail-. Thcv art' lo consider aud dvtcnuinr what (iiae-s arc lo In 1 laid before the Senate, ys HOIK- ran Ix: olK-red without then umiiiiinous approbation ; e\er\ member btini; privilr<;cd to ;iu' a uegative vote, witlioul iiviynin^ a reason. The Caiuit ifl rhovn iiiinu.illv . in tJi.- Sojiatc-I louse, l>y tlif V ice-Clianccllor, tlif Heads <>f (.ollfsifb, th< 1 Uoctoi s, and Scrutators, out of ' tliree li-ts oi naiius pirparcd l>v tlie Vioe-Cliancfllor and tlio Proctors. The Sinait is omposrd of all tin: Doctors ;inil Masters of. Arts in the University, and is divided into l\vo budie.s or houses. 'J'lie lirst consists t)t Jiryfiitx, or those \\lio hti\e not been Masters of Arts live years : they are also railed II hitf-ft stand - jn^ vote solely in the Regeut-I louse ; but all others, \\ilh the 1'nblic Orator, may vote in \vhich house they please; and either hon-e is cnmpctenl to reject a ({iiestion. In the Senate-House, the election of all the officers takes place, the appointments of the Magistrates, the admissions to decrees, and all the cither impor- tant business of the I'uiversily. The resolutions ^ubniiltcd to the consideration of the 1 Senate, are always dra\\n up in L;.!i.i, and oaths are administered, and decrees conlerred, in the ,-an:e lun^uaiie. 'I'iie nuiiiher of Arsons maintained on the cliilinnt foundalioi:s >t li;e I niversity is upwards of 1100. Aiiinn^ thc-e ;:iv \a;iuistiA, Arabic. .M;:lhvmatn--, .Mu-iv', Natii- r.i! and i".\perimental Pliilo*<*pliy, CheinistrN, 1>< !au\, .AiiatoniN, Mo'ifia Ili>t nv ami l.aimuau'*, ?>lineraln. r y, A-.lronon <'oiiiij:cn l.itu ; ahiM,! !uO I-'cllo\v-, and 7('(' Stndei.t-. 'I'h Ins!-, Hi the Students arc admitted member* ol'ti.tii dillerent c-.!- |e-cs, either as ft n*i(it't'$, or .^i~(tra. The >i/;<;A//'.v arc ek-ctt'd iiulnlerenlly <>ut of both tlie-e bodi's. The /'< >:^h>nti's are ::e:.e- \ OL. II. C rd!v H < \MRHinr, r.siiiKr.. rallv nolil*-m*n, or |*-r<.i -\\\ o| a certain rank or distinction, and FHlow Commoner-; thrv li\e criitirrU at tht'ir ot the college to \\lin h th'\ ln-l"n ; and the fellows arc 1 M lc < ted out ol the It.K ht hr, or MaMmot" Vrt, who have In-en Scholar*. Tin- Pen- sioner- mat/ fiti't, :iiid -OHM times have, rxlnliition- ; Itnt, strictl) -|*-.ikm<_', h;\e no part of tlie n \eiinesol the c olle^e. The Si/.n< ue [*! -oii< of inferior fortune, u ho are a--i-ted in thr i \JKIIM > ol their edne.itloM li\ < \lillulion-, and otlu ! lit liel.ullolls. 'I lie >tudent>. ;.ecordui^ to then -enx.nU, or jiroticieiu v in |cain:ir_', af entitjel to tin d <^ree> ol ll.n lielor and Master ot Ait*, laehi loi and |)oi!i>r in l)irinil>/, I'ln/^tc, and Ijnr. 'l'ln - tlllH: lecjUTid l'\ the -l.lli.l- - f-T stnd\||ii: III the I Ilivt'l ->lt N , lie- toie tin \ i an IM qualified ioi taking tlic 1 ^.iid de^u-c-s, i- tout \car- loi a K.I' I.- NT ol \i!>, .ind time mon tm a Ma^tt r ot Ait-. S4-ven N-.II- atlei\'.ud- tiie Student ma\ i ninnu in Huchclor ot /)iiinih/; but an additional tc-rin ol li\e \ear- IN ic(]lHM(c to liu taking the d'L,'n- of D.'ttor. |n I stir and l'!i'/*/<- -i\ \ear-, aie . d I--; a d. ' i ; 1- ,t the ^Indent in < itlnr in IN IM admitted l)o|n| at ' timi nl (.'in \eal- lnoi-. 'I'ijc Mudtlils in e.-i Ii (i> :;ii > are d. I ;:_ i. -In n)-ari'l !-\ il>e t.nMiiin for i in ir n i i (ill on. \ll the i h ;ri;i-> -! c dm alinii and nuiiilen.iiK e u rle paid !% tl:< . r ii tin- ' de^|i i - and in i nt \M-I r, ; lepoit :' i n ol I iii .tin :i ill M'.I v till -' i .- - nt. 'I In i . ;n I'uili . . ! I !, iio Ii |s .ill.ollllt 1 ...I --.in - i ' MI- d ol il- ai '.;;ai \ : ll.i > i ol .'lied I" -l\li < II . I - ,.:.;,, 1 ! . III. ii!, :. i,l i \ 1 1 - ' . ! - ' . I .1 |o ' 'I -. -I '. , v. i n ' s !': ri or ( AMIUU W;I:.SHIKK. NT. PKTFll'S COLI.F.Ci; originally consisted of two hostels, \\hidi were purchased hv Hugh 7. to tin- u->e ot Stu- dciit-;, to n lieu- them from the e\;;ction> of the townsmen. Tins was :ill the tiii;inces the enerous Prelate ;it tli.it time jK'rmitted liiui to effect : hut in I JS1, after he became, 1'ishop of Civ, he endowed h:> new foundation for the support of a Master, fourteen Fellows, twenty-nine Bible Clerks, and eight poor Scholars : the number to he increased or diminished according to the fluctuation ot the revenues. At his death he bequeathed .300 marks to be. expended in enlarging the College, which was repaired about titty years since, and the buildings of the inner court neatly cased with ^one. In 1'jyi the Chancellor and Masters of the University, to e\ince their respect for the zeal with which de 1'alsham had at- teniled to the interests of learning, decreed, in full assembly, that :i solemn congregation of the Regents should be annually held to oiler tip prayers for his soul. Since the decease of the founder, the income of this College has been cousitJerablv augmented by numerous benefactions, and the Fellow and Scholarships propor- tionally increased. In the list of benefactors is Lady Marv Ramsey, who is reported to have offered a \ery larire property, nearly equal to a new foundation, to this College; but unluckily making the change of its name into " Peter and Mary's" an in- dUpensible condition, was thwarted in her intensions by Dr. Snnnie, the Master. " Peter," said the crabbed humorist, " has been too lonij a Bac/it'lor to think of a female comrade in his old :--fe." " A dear-bought jest for so good a benefactress," observes rihh-r, wht) relates the story: "for Lady Uainsey, tlisgiisted at liis lo'usal, turned the stream ot her benuNulente in'o a different channel." The (.'/HI pi I :.-- .; \.':y liarjlsome structure, wilii embn^un-s and pinnacles, il wa^ ere(.!ed \>\ >ubscripiion in Uie year R : .;j, iniil neatly embellished ; but \\a> deprived of many of its orir.t- i!-.eiit> in ll'.e Civil \V.:;>. In the report of the commissioners ;iic these woriK: " \\ "e pulled down two mighty angels willi ^.:i-, and di\ers oti;cr anu'eN, tin; four F.\unge!ists, vtnd Peter \\itli In- k v * 'n !- ( !< ijx !-d.><>r, to^rlluT \Mtli alout li-u < h- rub. in-, ami Hi. 1 :; 1 - -UJK i Mitiu- Itttn- in i;"ld. Mrco\er < li'tm-1 M.\ a'lj' !- n III- viii'1ir\ iou-K to tin- M-it ih'Mi, i'ii,''.. ', and ruiiri'ali-d in IMIM-. It r-pn % -fiits ti"- t 'r ui'iii iit>", ami i-, in M>IIH- iarl> M;N inli!\ c<>lii. .MI ("|iiri| limutlic lanii'ti- jut tuir i.I lln- '> ! - "ii tin -.nut- -a!>|. i t at \nt\M-r| : tin- group* at th' -iili-arr -aid In !> In. TII a 'i. -IUD l\ I.. I ..:,ili.uil. 'I'll*' Lilir.iry runtain*- , 'in i. nt aii'l \ alu.'lili Inii'k-. Tin- taimtn- ( ardinal lit uufurt, JJi.ii. p ..I \\ :m In -t. r ; .Idlin \N L.i-.n, \;-l:!>i-lnip .)' ( 'antnbiiiN ; and Jnlin t'ii-\n-, I'i-li-.p '.' l>in !i,::n, an- ain.'ii^ thr K-aimd pir- lati - \\lio !I.:M !.. I- In i 'In. .itrd. U.-UIT Mar-hall, an -ni!iunt U all" : |'l In K(i\Miiii tl.c I'l'in III ; ( i-..| / J"V, <:..- 1. 1 III.- I ' .l.,!:n I'.i! ,\, ..l.tliiT nl' M.lltltl .I/.//'- /'/ ' dii' : >n ^ainni 1 ('.ni'i, .tiitlii r "t tl.r l)i\jjin^iii'i/ : and lii<- I'm I ( 1 1 a\ , ;; 1 1 I.!.' \\ ; r numln ;cd aiiii'ii^ liic -ludcn'. > <>I llll- I t i \i;r. N M.I "n th,- -it. ,,r / /;//,/.*/>/-//,///. a |.\ ! ': . Kli ll.ild lladi !;. ( I i'I t! r I I lll> -tint tlllf lirniL; I'l'll-MIln d l>\ an at i idi i it a I I . 't < n M a; - .. in i il- i i n tiuii, v a- i . - i l',ni-li, Iliiiil d.nr.Jitrr and In in--. . ; ( ,.1!" : ' . . !'\ tin- lad\ it \\a- rani -I ( iaif- , '. I' a Ma-t. :. 1 :li - - an : tin ii,;.' mi"! 1 ! i l v : ii ! ., -. It;. ii..id t ! . Ti,.:d h.r. r .11 ' !" u nit i ..- d !> v I ;, ' . ! , ; ':.! I'l- . in..:. vMBRinr, F. ninn, of (iirat Billiii'.;, KM|. \Vi!!i;un P.ulN-r, of Ip^\i, h ; and S.imiu | Blvthe ; besj 'es those i>| immei <.us sin.dh r briit'l'ar.Jors. Thcpicsi nl re\enne, in.uiil.iin se\i n!ei it I \\n\\ ,, .mil In hM-en tliht\ ;nrl forty Schol.iis. This is inn ul liir neatest and most uniform |H>UM , in the I'niviTbilv. T!i<' \vest ln.nl consists ol I\M ro\\ s of pihistt/rs of tin 1 TUM .m aii'l Imur onlrr>, liin^hril \\itli ;ui nitahlaturc ;ml liandsoinr bullu^trailc. The iiiidillc lii r <-f uin re- hnill ii\ >-iilsci-ipiioii, \\ith Kt HOII--IOIIC, in ]f;;s. The C'hapel i^ ino:e niodern : il \uis i-rertt il 1:1 17 ( '-', from ;i \ an ( ! -.';'.nt dnme. Tile oul>ide is orii'.'.'ii'.enird \'.i',!i ( 'oriiithimi pila.>lei>, i ;>:;IL' i'luin a rtislie It.isenicnt, and ^iij)|)o;''.^ :\ ;;>;:! ei.n ice, cio\\neil \\itli a hallu-trade. The I!;;!! ih roni:< cJc.l l>\ a u;i!i( rv \>it!i t!.e (' iiparlincnt, :I;K| i, nearlx oi' tlie -;une diiiien>i(tn. It ;s \ . i , tif.-.iU lillt,! tip \\itfi Nor\\;:y oak, and oinuinented v, itii approniMte c.iiAinir. Henee then- i^ a passant. 1 to the M;;si( T'N !.n;l^(>, \\hich, like the .,lh< r buildings, is coinenieiit and luMulsojne. In t'.i - apa: t.:u i.i ;:ie miniature portraits : of l'i: r r.i: (i r \ \ i \.,, I'.i-hop of l'i\. and .'oHN Tl I.!.()TM>N, the ceiebrati d \nhlii-hop oi' C.;;;U ; bu -\ : both of \\hoin \\cir M;,-|( ix ( t' thi- 1 ia'l. In the Coniliin.it:. -n T'iooin i> ;i neat ropv, !>v I're in.iu. of I. v i>\ I"i.; /, \r, I;T;I ('). xi: ;:, the found n vs; and an e \ei-lh lit \\hole lenutll of TlloM \s ll< ii.l.rs, Duke of \i\\castie, an! late ( 'hanci ii'ir of tl:< I 'n;\er-it\ , ^;MII h\ liiniselt'to thesociet\. \n:< iii: th i :!!!i;'!it \\ riter> ho \\eie in>lructi'd in thi< ('.!!_", are the ;>iio\e n:-!:ops ( innnini: 1 and Tillolsui), ( ',( ori^e I! n':';li , ar.lh'ir o!' t^:.i>r/ut.<; ; A!'i.;]i.ini \\ hit C lock. s* CAMBRIDGESHIRE:. lock, who translated the Now Te>tament into the Per>ian language ; Ralph Cutiwnrtli, author t>t the Intellectual \v>.V;.v ; and the late unfortunate Dr. I)< d !. I'i.MBUOKT. H \1-I- \sa- founded in the y.ir 1.31 :", l>> Man, third Mite nt \udon, T tit Vah in la, Marl ot Pembroke, wlio aa killed at a tiitiniz-m.itt h on hit ttfiiding-clav This >ad acrid* -nt in. lurid Ins \irtiin Midou tn renounce the \\orld, and tit-vote her I.HL.T |>ln- uiil.iinfd a liaiti-r of incorporation t'rum Kdwaril tin- Third, and i ii'lo^eij the ( tillei,'e lor a Master antl >i\ Felloe -, ei\in_ r it tlu> ap|M'lhiti(in \ Maiia de \.ilinua, the family name. !uit MIM > ( lia.iu 1 ' d tor that <>l the title. The oii_;iii.il e>t.d)hh- n.t-n' h;:- IHI-U L'l'.i'U iiifH-.i>-tl \>\ Mirr--din IM in tai tti^, but iM"i- partifiilarlx \>\ HCLIN the ^i\tli, \\lio augmented it \Mtli thf rnli IIMII^' "t Nih.uu, and otiiri rei toii< >. In hiN charter it i-> ti-rined, " lh iiv ^1 iinliii-, i(ii"\\nrd, and precious Collcm 1 , \\luch, auionu' all othrr> in the l'in\er> ; t\, a- IMI uondcrfullv re'-plen- d'-nt. The present ininiht r of' t''llo\vliip^ i> Mxtcen, the Stlmlai hip-. a!)o,,t .i-\eni\. The Imildmijs liave luit a nu-aii a|>pt,u.in>., \\ith the exception ot the ( ii.ipel, ulnch ua^ erefted l lii->hop \\nii, t'ri.;n a de>i^'ii \>\ hi-. n-phe\\, >n C 'hn-lopln r. It u.i- i "H,. , MI.-.! Si-pt. nil'i r tiie ;M, !()(.';. The tolhn\in poitia.l- aid to In (npud !>\ \\I|M. n fiojn ;M oii'j'.nal. I 'in- mint nt port \\a^ Imrn in London, and itrd in thi> college. here lie took thf di--:.. ot" Muster ot Ait- in ! '7' 1 ; hut h<-connn'4 candidate toi a tf lh>\\lnp. \\ithoi.i uii>--\ ijuitli-d lir I n:\i'it\, .iiid iiliii'l to th< noith. Jl i<- ).' UP.!.-, " 'I'll, >hi pl. rd's < .il- ii. l.i i," to \\luc h hf pi< lixfd a d. i! in \ i i ^ I' i x n I'hihp ^\dnf\ , \\ li *>oon at tci \\aid s lii iiioird tii. p .! c.i'li |],N liifiidvinp, and iiitrnilin rd Iniii |.. tin- co;:it .! I In th. I > . ' . ;_;ii. tin I.OH! Tira-iiii r, \\ h<. had not sut h an h./h i.piu.iiii nt v |" :i. ' : I.''' li' .1- ^ll 1'hlllp, I- ^.!id to h.iv "ji sc.ir , \\ In li 1 .old ( i n \ .! \'. ' I.' ri I >. i utv of In !, in. I. I.. .K , ..mi, mi, .1 i. in < vMniunc F.SHIRK. r,.')S, and was hurled in Westminster Abbey. Kow.Mti) (iuiM> AM., Archbishop ot Canterbury, painted on wood, with the d.ile I.i7.'">- Tin* Archbi>hop is represented sitting with a prayer-book in his hand. He \\as born in Cumberland, in the year l.">l<), and educated at this University, where he early attained preferment, and became Chaplain to I'.duard the. Sixth. On the accession ol (^neen Marv, he tied from pei-e< iitiuii into (iermany; but, after her death, returned to l.nuhind, a>si-ted in drawing up the Lilur^v, and \\as successiveK promoted t<> the Noes of London, York, and Canterbury. In the latter station, he received some peremptory injunctions from the Queen iv-peetinsi religion, and, on ln> refusal to olisi\e tin in, \\a-> deprived of his dignities, and confined to his house. Beini; afterwards restored to his honors, he resigned them about l\u> months before his death, in 1 ,")S.). I'KNJVMIN I.VM:Y, liisliop of F.ly, i6'(*: three death, he attended Charles the Second on the Continent, and endured manv pri\alions ; but, on the Re- .-toralidii, was rewarded \\ith the bishopric of Peterborough, and in three years was translated to Lincoln. In 1(1(17 he \\as removed to F,lv, wher< he died in Id'; I. UO<;F.U LOM;, L. l>. by }\. \\iKon, dated 17(i;>. Th:-. i- :t jjood In ad, and esteemed a cornil likene<-. It uas painted when the Doctor uas nearly >N \ears ol' aue, and displays a ver\ plea- sing countenance, \Mth stnui^ inaik> of that shrewd stnsibiiilv which dictated ln> htnuorons Music Speech, dc.li\'tred ;st the j'iiblic C'tmmeiKeiiK'iit iti the Near 1711. (.rcut part of his rd>- (' I bruted lrat'<| Tr-.itis- ni \>tr<>iiotm \va> piuitrti umlcr ln> ntvndirc* tinn lit this Culli J.M . 'l:>iN \ ,ln ii>l<- Murk \vas pit.ir.i>ti-i| \>\ MiWriptinn . l>nt <> in. ni\ nr mn-t.mrt - !i.:il rrtardi'fi it* publication, that j \\\t- i-riL''u.il 'ii-i i ilc !> *tn' iili\* when it \>.i- riiniplrtivi. Tlif iuii"i> iiAlioni'inu al mitcliine, or liullo\v >y>/r/r, ui\mtc>t it I).Mtm, .i:n ( 'II,M > .11 u i| |>\ hinivll .ir.il Mr. Jonathan Munii, an invenicni-. (si: jii.il'-wuikfr ol Canitiiniuc, i- n>nlauitfl ::i .1 l>i ii k l''i:l !<^f in I In 1 innri i .nu I <>t : - ( . i 1 . It IN IIM\\ \ - i \ ii.iv ': ii. 1:1 ; i i| ; p;n t nl llu- -||Ml!. ! ~l ! \. . I, .tii'l !ln- it 'iii.' 1 1 it It : . < > ' n <1 \Mtli rust and \fidi ! .! - . i If'l -l.ltf I II-' fill pit (< "t p i t!rrti i'>ni i i .'Me i(ix'ji .M i- n pi .11 I i, -i \-, !ii.-i- t 1 its ;' |s ;.i ki -ji l! ill l p.lil ; l> .1 tin til- JI.H i lllll-l ln-.'jiltrll llltti ,1 (lit- n j)rt ! li.it. th.tt tiif nilrn-t nt' Ji.nl. !!/:>:/.' .',<- v .1- I" jut all i. >i li\ l!,' 1 ).M tm It. LI j. tin- " In-ti unit lit I'liU I ,11 'IMl| tllijt . I.i (In- flail i- tin- piiilrail nl' ^11: I',!. \I\\IIN ki.r.-.i. I .'t Mailii'l, "i.tu tlif kin-lit \;i- \n;i..; ailnt ;:t tin- ( .. lit I -I In- l.< u in 1 ,!.' . ' II |i ! Ill '!; I 11 ' . , i; ; ;, I\ i .'h | -.'.I ' , 1 ; : :>:i u.-. i. i l.,l$ I, ,.l..l I'll n .1 ! .11 ! I ! - \\nuii i;r.smn i-:. H < uiirt ni >p.i.n 171; "f IliMloi' Iti JM.I.V and Jo:i\ \\R \ni oni), Maitxrs copied from prints in Holland'*. Hooro|oi,i ; NICHOLAS KKI.TON, Ilishop of I'.ly; and M VKY DI: \ AI.I.NCIA, the fonnd- !->. Tin- lal! r is a modern copy by Marchi, but appears, from its particularity, to have been e\.< < ulcd trim an original ITM mblame. Tin- lanv i- ai raxed in a snrcnat, and represented kneeliiiL', uith her hand-, eia-pcd, and a praxer-book IX.P.L: on a cushion before her. Ill the l.odue is ;i |,,| -;e painting of the l'ea-1 ol the ( iod-, f|o||| (he -lionl ol l!;ihcns; .1 curious I'lcimdi piece on board, railed tin* Twelfth Ninht lviii'_' and Qnccn ; ;:nd a small half-length of Mr. ( ' I' A V , A\ ho resided here \\lien the mischie\ons pra-iks of the Sln- dents had canned him to desert St. Peter's. The Library occupies the bnildinu that \\as formerly the chapel, and contains a number of \vcll chis-( d and < lioice books. Manx celebrated character- have belonged to this -eniiiiarx. besides Iho-e already mentioned. Anion^ thi e arc, .loiin Holers, \\hotran-lated the Jiili'i', anhop of Lin<'o!n ; and William Pitt, late Chancellor of the F.xcheqner. COK PI'S CM 11 1ST), 01: I$K\ KT ( '< LLK(iK, ditl'er- in it- ori- gin tid;n ail other- in either of the I'niser.-iiie- ; tho-e havinj; been founded b\ the be:ie- olence of ono or t'.vo |)er-on<, \\hile thi- \\as etabli-hed hx the union ot t\vo (imh!-', or so< letie-, i'i -peel i\cl\ entitled the ( .uild- of the l?nrlv of Chri-t and of the 151' - d \"ii-iu Marx. The < \ -\'n ue \.a- be^an in I l' Cor- pus Chrisli, \\lio In-ill^ soon joined Ir. the (inihl ot the P>!C-M d \ ir::ii;. ad\ahcid r.ijtidlv \\ith their buiidin 1 ^, \\iiieh appears to h:nc l.ecn pi ;-fei-l,-d through iheinleie.! >)' M'-nrv Plji. !.!_< n I, Puke ol l,.nr.''.n, v. honi t he bret In en had i h< "ii .is tin i;- til >t !lr/r i ."mi. V !h" li-.Hiiiiiceiu e o|' Si;- .1 olui Ciimbrifl'ji', and hi> -on, i'ii' i . eii.li- \> i : .' con-;di i ah'x ,'!'L'ii!"ii'i'd, ar.d f;;i,i!: \ .'ppro - l-.iated, 1:1 '!; :; ! v !' M-.-.'-I h, I ;.",'', to \\\\- m. :'!'-::;:!, of a M.t.-l. i, ei-lil i'.-i 1 . -v, -, lli.ct- Pjible Clerks, ;. n d -i\ l 'c!; -!ar . IXl' !' : ,.; ' A (mil.) ".i- a i-,;,!.):n:y ef |- : ;i < r,~ - ! f ; ,-! , l)K-VC>;!i\!i. I'li^'. -..:'-'.'. 1- :. ; ' I 1 to i t: i .vrv.uDi l-rmt liciH-faclions MII< < that JHMUM! Imr rnl.irirt-d tiie nnla\\ . uirnl* viHi< it-ntlv to support t\M-I\<- ]' llu\\lii|i, ami nrarh M\tv Sf Iiol.ll Mli|>-. IN I:.1!1I'' 1 Ill-Ill- I. "1 |>. ;.. Ill t, (.'oi'rijr arOM I'lO'll i'- |T"MmiU IM ill-- t hti'i !i ! lli.tt saint. 'ill'- ] :.lt.,t licnrl .'.!.! I., llli- ('.illfur v .1 - M.lll!ir\\ 1'jlMT, XiriiljiMi'ip til (,'jnti rbiu\, \\ Ii", lirsiilr-. ir- \< ; :.! s ( vi r.il <>1 iN i!% iiii'l fiuin^ ;MI-| liv ^i liol.jrslup-, tuf- .llO .11. " ii !)! 'I \\llil I||.:!!\ |)!:!l!<-'l Ir",k-. .!!!>! . .' t n~-. '!!,.-) roil* i' tl< i|| i .!!' |)\ irl.it'-> t<> it i !' -i.i>lu ,i! .ili.il; -. ;. , , M \tr'iin-iv (iifiu nil i-f arcrv>. i;\ , I- ,1 i", i;, , A nt' tin- ('! !, ji-in..'ti .ti'i : : i it i.;, :i - >ni|i.n:i< ! l>\ ;iii"lii i l'i !lc,\^ ..r ^ ' : : ,u-t |. Ill mi \Mlli Li'.i ilni,;:^ tin- \\!n>!r t,iu- ot 1, - . If 1" .k i- n.i-ii.j, " ;IM'I riltui; tn 1 1 ic \S ill ui ti < ' - (- til" \\ii-. ', ; ;!i!l t'T tr.it [r.i^.'.i t'i- -v .in >.iinii;i 'I f\-i\ \. :i, liv l\\.i|-: --.i- nf ain'tlu r mili-^i'." I ImVi-v rn iu\\-. ii.' tin- Hall air uni.unmtrd \ - .illi ji.untril '41. t>* nt liic :iiii'^ "I lit" till Ma>tlTS illl'l I" JH't.li tt'I-. '1'llr Cil.:]ir| Is |:< :!, Vi:!| [IIITf III < .1, > I'.ir :|. If | '" i tr.nN in tin- ( i ill i - ji- ;n r ih -( i : ( ';i: . liiu . '>' ' . . !'!:< iiu.i ', I .''i i ( :uimM-ll ; >ir 'I'h"in.i M . .: < ; I! . - I- il ! ! -I I KH !; ml l.-.iii.-, snjipu,, I |,\ I). MM, ;.. M ; , \\ \ .mi, I;. .;...|. ..t' l.l\, !.s II, , . j, !,,, |\,, , ti.. V..: , \. l)is!i.,|) I'.irK. . . ^ainu.-l r.i.ull. i.l. \>\ l.i IH !i /. V. ... .I'M I i'V !! > I 111 |r \ . \\ ,. ' lit IT" '. i \.'( li!ll>l|n|i I'.n ki f. ill '',,,.;;'/ / .' . , I ! 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 ( . i \ i 1 1 1 1 i -> 1 1 , 1 1 i i ' 1 1 i 'i / / '(./ v / \ I >.jlnniM, ' : ' /:/;'.. . '/'- I ton!- tnn r//u/ /,x i ; I'.i nj.uiiiii Ili-.i-IU. .nitlt..i tit'l!,. / .'/.. -/ untl : !', .in ; ' ^I !i ; -, .1 \'. < !! ;n|ii||iii ./ri i: l.u.l i,,,u ; -ii. ! .,. I l..j .. : 'i ' . : i-I .','.. '.t !; ./,''(' I Ir < .-... Ii n|fi| Li Ii : , ... < AMBR1 DUKSIIIRK. 4J GONVILK AND (\\IINCOUJXJE, or more rommoul) KF.YS (,'oi.l.K<; K, was origin. illy founded in the year l.-ts, on the spot which i-. now occupied 1>\ the ^.iideii and d nn!>-conrt ot Bene't'-, b\ I'M in 1 1 in! ( iomile, Keel or ol TII minion .11 id Kiishwoilh, in Nor- folk. He diil not, however, h\f to effect liU plan ; M't, on his death, left a Mirliciciit sum i< i il> ii .it'I'iiuiU Hall, removed tin- Mle of (Jouvile's, and having li\ed it near ln.-> o\\n, riwlowcd it \\ith K:ud> and l< iioiii* nt> lor llu* support oj a muster, t-nir lellous, and t\'.o 'M hol.ns. In the. uc\t < enturv different benefacJors increased tho 1'eMous to eleven; and William Ffyslnvskf, Inquire, Bedell, added an hostel, railed atter his oun name, an 7, the revenues of (jon- Mie Hall \\ere UULIU. nttl ly many donations. In that \ear John Cauis, I'lro'.i !;.:! lo (^,iet 11 Marv, procured a rontinnation ol its l>ri\iiei",, ,(ii(i a iliail-'r of incorporation, in ulmli its name \\as ...uiLied ! (iomile and Cains College. He likewise increjscd (lie ndowim ills co.i-ideral)K, Iniill a new com!, and three remarkable i.-..t<'s of \arii.i:.-, architecture, by \\'ni' li lie apparently intended lo mculcate .1 moral lesson. The first 1411 te, throui;b which the ( 'ol- ; i;e i.s entered from the toun to the inntli of the. Senalc House, is in it \erv simple .st\le, \\ilh this inscription : ' 1 ! MI 1.1 i \i i- :" The (late i)t"HiiiiIifv. TIic second, \\!iich is .1 noble poilicoin thi 1 middle of t!ie College, torin-; the coniinuniciition between tiie two courts: on one side i> written, ' YiiMt Tis :" Tiii' (i; i!> .;' \irtue. And <>a liie ot'.tr -Ide is inscribed the following ^cnlence : ' .(n. ( \H s 1'usl IT < MM I s ri 1 . ' .' hn (' tin- lunii ll:i- in H.pni'i ol' U i-ilnai. The tliird, 1. ..-ii.iu' to tin.* I'tiblir Sfliools, i> executed in a more ( !i;aiuen!-'d x 'v-, < \hiiiitiiii; specinicns ot the Doric, Ionic, and r.)iiiit!iia.:i urdei-; !i;^ i-. inscribed, " i IiiNOKls : ' The Cl.lIP i-t' ]],>'} >r: '\hifh i! siTiii- to iK;\c ht cii i Iii- opinion i.s tl.i' Doctor, all v. ho ! p.-.sM-.l lh> LM'e lo UiKc their .I'-n.'s had iitlaino 1. Since , 1 t ( \ M nr. i !<; r>mn i . tin' t)frr.'-f of Ciin-. t'f IY!l>u < ':.!'. !u n iii'Tt .',' '1 to tun;'-- liim-, \\:<- *, lii.!.u > ! - Hi .irlv i.iir !::;r..!rri!. \Vi..-:: !>> ('!. (',,!!,: u;i- i, 5. :i!. ;>l tl,. !>.>:,,, .niif,' "I :-: i i-iitin \ , I h< n, :.' :ii!i I : Pr. ( . ' . - v i . r i'!"\ i I trtiiii '.: l!,.- .I't.tr, \\l-.i '. h;nl IMTII hnric-f !i\ !.; i v.n \ !!!i; l!, I ' - ' M '>rklMrl! :'!' i' r.:i-i ! !.:- !. >i!\, wliidi \V.IN \\lio!.- .-.i; . I |.. ;'..(, a"'! lli- tiiutii;!i it li:; I h. ' ;-!n!o-t 1 ".') \. .M-. ! 1 :- n .i:cn ij'i- ! >! I M.l.0 ( \ II . \ I i i . i . , lull u.ill, \ililiiiit.!i;i^ s iin i ' ! ' >'i N \ ..! ,- li'l 1 .1 - .!!! ! 'J' '' ' . lii l!i. | . \!.. '. . t'luin I! i . , ' , L - .,1'thr < .'. i-\ri-|,t:;|.; Wllli.llll Di 11. \\lld S^lM il.l]. ; ':. : I" ] .!!'! i:!'- ,;;':\ lii tin' C:\il \\ .',! . Tl,' !;' \'::-^ CM:-, '. . ; v ; ...,! I ''. .''"'' \ j . , i.llltll' . . ' 111', .111 , p !l \ i . >, \ , \ ,!i I 1 ' V " ' l,r V. < |> t' > I ! i ' : l!;, .1 , K.iplM M \ - i! !., .:. l.M i- 1 ! ' ': I ' I Tl I! .In. t-it'. I ,,ii'! ' I !' i t I* i 'M' j "' I ' i ' ' I ' I /' ' ' < , ,,; :' l AMl'.IM Hi.l vlilKi . 45 Hut n< r.'MT, I). I). ij .. I>ipn\(d \ ilu- i'ai- li.iim nt in Hit'), but u.:s n-t,.ivd m loon, and iv-i^ii' d llu- su.'i.i- M\ir. KorF.Kl Hl!Ai>v, l;< L'lii^ IVofi ~-nr ol" !'h\-ir lo tii< I iir>'Tsit\, and inlhor ut' a ' ( 'oii;j;!i !,- Jli-,lor\ of lli.^lai.d," in \\hirh hf rrprt'M'iils I'ai li.inn'iits as ot modern da'n-, am! < \,dls tin 1 jo\al pMToj.;uti\f lir-.ond tin- b.un portiaM-d M'IIUL; in MI i llo\v-( liair in i:.- I'loti'vior's mln->. Mi: 'I'lin.M '> ^ (:,<,.[ 1.' i-ij- <. MI: JA.MI> I'ruKoi <;ii, kul. !.\ li'i.i^. 'i'iii> i- a v.'-il-t .- -iitcd hfad : tin- kniL.!.t J-> ai:a'. d in a .-..Mir! ^'iv.it u;rl i,.ii<: ui^'. JO;IN SMITH, U. 1). IN s!r jiisiua r.t\a"!i!-. 'I ia- ic- M'liildanco \IT\ \\ifc JOANNA, \\h- unilvd in I:I\HJ.; L.iid- KM tl.c -!,] !..l t>i lo'.ir .Solsulais ; i.olii >aid tt ha\f In.. 'ii painted \>\ \\->".'.:.- , .'! \\\n >iuall lik. lit-NC-,, ,.H nnp.';-, of II i:.M lilt A N D r a;i.l v - . :: V. .M.- i i i; HAI.KK.H. In Ihr Hall, uhirh ha>lnr!i lattis i iiiin l!i-!;i d, and ii;-;:oud uilh an < levant cow ccihnu r , arc jioilraits, ;ai;o,ii: oil. , , of \\II.I.IAM HAI;\I:\, .M. I). iYH.u, (ainoiis iVojn I.'. -..,., li ro\fr\ of the ciiruhitioii (>1 (lie blood; \i\ HOJ.AS S.YNur.i'- MN, I.I.. D. tl.r. h:i:;.l I'l-ulr-sor, and auih .r ol a \..i,,aim- Tt't'ulisf nn Alyt'biu; and J(H"osA I'ltANs.i \ND, r.iii^'.U-'' ; ihc aho\t- Hoi.'Tl an 1 .Itiaii. 1 !-.: Trapps, i',)jnidi\->s -!.;u I'l'l'ov sliip, a. nl tir.f of !hf tlihf l/eiu-tac'.ii'.s !<> l-a- ('.il>i;.\ \\ilh the L-a:-iiL'd \\iiUjballvadv iin-ii'i.'itcd, \\ !,o \i.\\ > !;, M ]. ra ni>tnuUd, inav I;;' ila>-cd Dr. BranJii.'.aiir, mu i'tii. '. ;: of I'll- llibh ; \\;llia:;i Walls, i!;,- !,.,:.;,- ! rdi:., ;/< ; li'.sd ii-isi>t'.inl ni s y i //..li.v'.N (.j.Y- ,../, ';.' i i,a.' an t am:i-iii in .:'!:i ; ; . .... :.:a ,:ad anatwi:ii-' ; !!i,..'. \'. ..;.. to; of the ./ /.'-//.; > .-./ ; i. NCM-, ;::: i. :..!.: ijuaix ; Sir lii'iii'v Caaiiin"-. antSinr oi L.I /, ru ./:<'! ; Sir 'I i:mi; ^ { Jr;--l!L;in, loinjiier > I '.1. at hi i!u;a\ t :., . l'i;^!ci.,i.-, '... Law- .1-^,. -. \- : i l>r. J>M 1 1; v. Ftilior, ;< n Or. (\t:..- !:. i !>oipr.'!li d ;i in'-'!i--iiul c'-inu> in i ,- foundation. TKIMTY H \I.l. v..!- ..ti-i;: -i!!s t.np of lii-.-i- h'i-te!< ulu-n-Mi minis r ->drd ,,t th' ,1 <.v, n t v[* n-. , but xx.i- puirh.iM d |i\ ler. Pri'-r >f 1'N. in th- r. ii-ti ..!' |.dx\.nd th,- 'Hard, a- .. -!:id\ :MI'| lr tin- IIK-HK- }' l"!\, uhcn i' tin- < liuii li :.i\>' ! :-nr<- t^r ti ;r ,iii|!'.fii i nt it. |.!ii.'.\|.-il'.'i .it < -.!!.l'riili.T. l!v. . f- : \. .irds . i,| ir^i (I !-. l; ; . ::.i;.t i . < i:aiirc!lr l ;.!]> ii-.tnl , M.'-!M. ti.Kc ri!!n\<-, :.!nl t\\u ^< -li'.l.M -. In ! v !u'!-nt- in tin- ( .;';-i]| .n.d ( i\ il I.au. 'I lie L' 1 !:'' '.'" . " '.' 1 . ' !<>i nitiii' : ( ! ' I'.i 1 .".' MM lilt i i ill i- n inn) M 1 to l\M-nt\ , ! n! (is ii.i' l.i-fi.n- the ruiunl.ilidii \\. i ii.j 'rtcd, tli<- < h i '. i, ' \' Tf liii'iflit in- tiHu- it-lit td -lijijun t ... :i\ i a< in-. \ .11 nni- l,, lnif\rr, -'Hi c til: |i:i'l, \i.\\ i .1.1 ' t .: -i d lilr !'-.'- 1 ,v s!,ip> I. . !.-.( I-,.-, and Hit !*-i linl. r-!iip> ( J-. ' n. 'II.. :i!l.u-j it i in ll.t < ; . ;;.! i- .il.-i^r j, . tiirl'fl SKN r A T U> N i N i i! K 'I ! M ri.l . Seven t'utiut s ;irc mlnnim r: It. til :!' S:i; N . ni \ v . : ^ : 1 .1 < >\ \>. \\ mvlit, \\ iili \- 'n lu-tjin -I "t .'.ixol. ti : ( i ili - . :l,i- ;.|i n tun ;: v ('. ii.r:|).-!! v i i :: I'M it- I . ! '! itic l.ih 1 i?:i m M \ N- t ifi . i-\ x . I 1 - -tt .,1 -: .l.f-nrs M. ,. t, M '. r. Tin- !.-; m- >.ii 1 1 - I .'it 1 1 ; j ; 'A < ' i; . ..- ' : \ ; , \ :! f i d;-. ' Tiif I. In .-' \ I- I.*'.'!' ' il- ;!?ll(i|!2 I . i-i .':.: t i . r'.i; . i.- i ii!!>-rt](iij < .! < . .! i-iid i [ - , I i !!" M," [< i n! .11 U .:[:'- I . '' . , in ,- In !!.. I ni .1 ! I: r ' ' : ! ; i i ' ! i . i :-.;<<.. r ^ '.! !': I . i M > ' I X'. . I < l : 'i i' . I 1 : .sin in.. -i; fV-sor of l.au. STKIMIMN (IAUIUNKK, lli** lVpi-.li I'Uhop ( >t Winchester; IMlll.lt' DOHMI.U STANHOPK, the immoral Kail of Cheitertii'ld, by \\ . lloare; and JOHN ANHRKWs. LI.. I). who in the year 17 17 netpieathed 'JU.ooid. to the Collie, after tlio decease of two maidm sisters, for improving the building, ami establishing si\ additional IVIIowship-., ami as many Siliolai- -lu|is. N\ ith the various otlirr U-aimvJ cliaiactcrs fdmaU '1 iu-n-, niiiv be named Tliomas 'l'u-.sfr, sucressivi-lv a niu->iviaii, -. lioi! iiiasSiT, liusbandnian, and }x>ct ; Dr. (Jabriel Mancv. a taiuo'i-, poet and orator ; Dr. Cowell, famous for his Imttiltttioiifs Jurii A 11% Hcu tut ; Sir IVti-r Wyclii 1 , iinciit">r of the (icflyrap/iical Curds; Sir Robert Naunlon, author of the Fro foment a ftr-e/ia ', Sir James Marriot, Kiii^lit, late Jiul^f of th Admir.'.lty; Un: Ki^ht Hon. Sir \\ . Wynne, Snpitn.c Jadt^e of the J : .ccl -Magical CoiiiLs; and three of the present Common Law Judges, Sir Na.sii tituted a small seminarv on tli.s ^|l<>l tor a Hector and luche I-V.lous ; and on l")e.-emi)er ihe ('ih, li> hinli-il.is,) li!l, linllc.ilrd if. Jo the \ ir^ni Marv and >-t. Nii'ho!;'^; but \\iti.iiit\\o\iai-, in J ! IJ, he fiitireis < han^eii i!- !<.i:n. and ci:do\\cd il for a IV.'.oM, > i v*.'ijt\ LVllows or Sc'uilar-, ,l!;.' Lttnppl:< d in ic^ni.-.r siii-ce>^ion from I'lon. e^t.itilishcd iie.irls at llu -anu- tim-.l !iiu t - Chaplain-, ,-i\ C!t r!\-. i\!cfii C'hori,' 4 s f \M P. i: i IK;I:MM UK. foundation, tv. rl\r Si:mt"n it. r tin 1 -rnuu- \ '<;!<. \\ 5, at:-l ,v\ jn-cr Scholar- '. It tin luiiliiijiu' ot thi> Collar hail IK-I ii liuMiril arrorilin<: 1 tlu.* I'i.in ul tin- founder, it> ap hilt't:luri> would lia\- ii\a!!rd tl.r juo>t iplrndid palaces of KiirojH', or pcrlia| tin- NNotUI; hut llu- raianulim* -virut> that, ii|K-niiiii into ri\il war, liil- >l tin- kiu^ilmu \\illi (!IM iii ;ui'l iniMTV, iuslr;i<-lcd the Kiilif's atU-iiti"!!. ai.il un- \\jlluiL:l\ l'n-il him t > p (a\s \VaI[xi|p. ";il ilrath, \fl lln- uholt nurit ol roiuiiifiiriii^ tlu> uu.i^ ultinuiti-ls luibihcil, niii't uiiqucstionuhh IK- a^mlinl to him. Tiii^ n. ,::MI. !ut nt >lriutnr' has Itreii al\\.is> roiiMiltTfi! a* a |>' !- fcil >|(imiii ot (lullur, or Kni;h>b I A< Icsusliral arrhik romjxiM'd, and ;lit- Uiiint 11^1- luUr'S>t'5 that ^npjioit it, KIN*' an idi-a i'f tl;i HH'-jl iinrotiiinnii vilulitj : lnt tlii> d\\rli> hut a >liort Inn- "u the mind ; tin In i Jit and inaanitutic ot the huildmt!, il> |>< n i.l-.. and ti;;f!\ proporln'iird |ii!ih.n Ir- and t'j\\-i-. < v.ilt tl;i- t)> i '.; :: riiiuliiiiis llial aii^- linni lla i ni^idi ration <>i it- liii'_tli. mti. li.i- - n>alii'ii> lli.il i inaii.itt tii'in lln i onl niplatinli i I !!> ^i.li!.tint\ .Hid iMaiidcur. '1 i.i int< iidi \ :i \\ i- \i t nmii- nn- |ii-->iM. lln \.IN| archrd ioo{, i.n-u-tann d \>\ a ^mL'.ii jiill.n. \\ ,1:1 it-. Miiumiiiniii -'i/in-, ili-|,la\ IIIL; all Jin' tli-Lianii . . in d tin ill '! t!;iii tih -;i .; it.it' - :,.. j . .1 I i' a i I ' ; . < \ MBHI ix.r.siiiHK. 10 at once a-loiii-hcs ;ni<| confound*. Tin- c\lretne Nir.-th of l!ns Mip< rl) editin is :>lr.'d!h > I- feet, the |j--ilit fr..m the Around t. the Miit'-nit of the kittlcnients <)() fet t, to tin- top of the pinnai !es soiiifu lr.it more than 1OI, ami to tin- vinimif of tin- coiner to\\ei> 1 I.M' feel 1} iiu IK -S. Tlu- space in< losed l.\ the \\..IK i- :;)| U-rl in lri]tli, 7^ I'cct iii lici^lit, and I ' JVct fi iiiv!i;n;ilr<| f'roin tin* Anti'-Cliapr! \>\ a vvoo.liii srri'cn ;ni'i Hi','. in 'jallrry, rnridu-d \\itli caninu- in alto ir!i-\. Thi-. <\as c;c>Icd in the \r.ir }'i.'>\, \\hcn llir hcaiilcnus \iinr liolfMi \\.iv ( v >uc<'U to llniry tin' F.i^'htli. 'J'iic \\cvt Mile is 0111.1 nifiitrfl uilii M-vrral tnic-lo\rrs' knot^ ; and a |.:nnc| iic.:r tip- \\:\\\, on tin- r.'irlit, (li>|)la\s tin- amis ot thr ill-fated Anne iiupah';! with those of' the Kin:;. On another paniiel i< a line piece oi scnlptnre, i |re--e; 1 tin^ tlie AlniiuhK hiiilini,' li;e llel;el \nuel> li'oni He::re!i. Over the screen is a -lah'U and line -toned 01^,111, lalel\ pnl u|i at the i \peiiv, ( ,f the (':,!!i^e. 'I'he \',alls d' llie Aiite-< ii.int !, \\hitli iiK-'ndi s (lie ^ hole ^pa"!' !)ot\\ceii the \\e-t ;ind nor ih or^an-^allery, aie omani- ;.!c I \\ith sculpture, }' excellent \\(i Isina;; hip, repro-enlini; the urnis ol' liie hoiiM-s o{ ^cilv and I .;i;ic. ,.-!cr, \v:tli niinieions crouiis, rosr-, poit- <-ullise.-,, ainl llcins tie iis. Fn t!ie \\ > of >lal!s ot' caned wood ; on the panneN, a! the Iraclx part ol the np|KT rows, are thr arr.is of all the lviiii. r s of I r .ni:- land, li'iin IleniA t'.i Fil'lli to James ihe I iist ; the amis ol' i!,e I ni\er-ilies of ( 'a niln idi^e and () \iord, and of tin- ( 'olh u'e-, Kini: - and I'.ton. These arms ;;re caned v, itii i onidera!/!e *\\\i ; ;.,..\*-,, re!;,M>. The car. in;,' of the St. C.coi-eand ihe Dra^-n : ,j (h,. ), ,,-J, (li -j| u . l>,- uv , 1 s) 1 s stall is fin.-N cent cd. The ( 'hon j> jia\ 1 1! \\ i!h n:a i!>!'' iroin the l)ott oni ol t!: 1 ' ^!.'l is. The ea^t endoflhi- (':iap''l, \\h:-h had it mained nnli.ii -!i-' 1 tiil anout thirtv vea'.s au'o, is im\\ completed in a s;\!c .,, -Ninini'rv IK arl\ correspond; 111; \\ ;i h ti.e m 'ii :\il nr.'uiji!.' < :u v ol tr.e hi, id ;;;_ I'nder ihe inpec'l:..:i ot' the :, .;,- >[,-. Ja.n. > C-ex, V. *. \..i \<)I.. II. I- :;!.:<,'} i-v i \ v r HIM. i -KiRy. i::.ti:tl .ilt.ti i'.. v. ..> < u t, !. \s!iirh Li- -in- . in u n;i!.< :!, i,, i with .in -MI l!i-iii |i.i:ii!ii!u r '" ihr Di - i.\ i i "."M i in. (::.., I i. M i Vi| t.. ;!.i -'.i ;i IN IIN tin ]>n M ut l...il i ; < .nli-Y. \\iiu N\.! , .;iu.it''t at li;.> (>!::;<. 'I In j..uu'. , . ,:t!i.i-i>l IIN liU I i< Um:; mi the ( 'untun id. .:- tlu- \\ni U (>l l);t . \ ...'.., .1 i r!;in.--fui- :. >!'.; il it to Li\r i. I. '1 In ni ut' tl:< . f the I.. nt i ''u! -!' !,' .'., t" <( . 'ii-ii iu hi., MI, IN IP . ;i - '.. ( h.i|> I .in i - ; ..i.ii .ii i .it !i : . i. i .'... ! :.':,: . 'I In i . nl !> '. . ,;.,,-, '. ji ;. Inilll '111 lilltttl -- -. 'I IK' |i 'll.i |..:?!4 I till' I.M.|' i- li.!l ll Uitll l !l _.!!;! lln- r.:j.!l.i!i i.T i n'li . i in i IIJ.N ti , . ,1', : . mi! i i i : nl, . '. I.l.:--i\r -!m;c, ;it lr.'.-t a Imi in \M i ' : ' . ; . I ;..i k in ->. ']'.,, i . .,n UM 1\ i- i.f lln - I' 'in s. N-! ii Ii. I v !. IIN l.iiv i:ii: tin ir uinlri p.' 1 1 - i .ti \ 'I i..' > . "- - .>, I |. .1 1 > iu .ill m i.i It -..i i >-i"ii. ': :<-; i. .! \v ill; lln < ' \ ; ... \~ <,\ t . ' ! l.l!i|ll:L'. ill i i 'I 111-,; I lin-i hii , nl i - ( i \\ !.n !l -.;,.. r i. T:.I -i I IM i I i !\ r '.;.' -, ' u .1 t' .li \\ !-_;li! ' " !! tin- I I : . I i > : I i . I I I ' t : i i 11,1 >11 ( r ,. : V> " ; . ' . r ,l 1. 1 k.. . , . I i . ' .1 \ \t I'.F: i in. i>m i: !.. '.I found in the rvjaisite lieautv l il^ painted uilld'\\s, \\liii 'i .11 in tin 1 pninli .i luini, ;ni I i-;i h t tin 1 ni",t int.-p--.tm'.; *ci ip!'i: ,il f.ent-, (Ml iKMii.u IN |!|r I. lie, ! >i till. ;-n.l I!H'!"' IIirmu! a!)!e :iil|n.:-- nf nut Sa\io-|r, \\i\h rul'l' pi 'll'll'T' lilt I'leli!-, tii'iu t||i- ()|i| 'IV't.lllielit, :iii>! .in- <>;,( hi; 1 1' !: < 'I i" tiiii: .!" i . T'.e -vli' \\ ind.ms air seaiali-d ami l.ilicU, (lf-rn|il'\ r of llic <>. \-<\\> ic|in'sciilcd in l!n- n!l:cr !ii:l;t-, \\lilch ;ur >(( iipit:,! !>\ (iiiir s'ilijfcls in i ;;c!i \\imiu\\, c;icli !i-(ir_; continued in h\i> ii;!iU. In the ;p i.jii^ciiic'it ol the ~-::!i;i : I -, ;! peculiar order li:i k hrrn observed, an. I ^oisietliini; i:!\e ;t to::' i nid- aiice alten/plcil ; llic m line.ltiolis in Ilie lij);n;- iii\i-i<>!;^ ') i, _' ;i| _(- neralst'lceled Irom tin- (>/,/ '/) - './.v/ in '.lie .^. -;.- 71 /.;- Hit'H? . r riiu> in ' I: ntijier ei Hi [;: i liiii'iil - (it ( nv v. ;,; i '.\ ;- ll.c ' ^;r-fii lit Siirli.i nlii i:n', r itr<'':.ts In I\:ii7 '- 'nmi'ii. ;sn i l \ ; i; .:''::i.'i |" I'd'HMiii; tin 1 ( c 1 1'in >'.\ 'l ( 'irr'ii-:. i iu;i ; in I !:e di\ >:;:];-, In ii'ii.! 1 ', Tiir \\i-e Meii^OiVeiirL^ lo ( 'liri-l. a;:l III-- Ci:-ei!!aei.;-)!i !'< 'V^:. 'I i,e I'.IN! ;;!,;! V. i -! vvind'.v., dilVrr !V>m ;.'! t!ic .!i;. , : t!if t{l;iN> of the latlt r is u>'! painted : \\l\\ il :s no!, IN ;; in\ -!(;. in. . in l!ic !;:(! nt ti !'c v. hicii li.e < 'oil. : . en'er.-d in'o In -i i PM ci/h;- i n of lliCM. 1 \\indo\vs, the \\c-t \\iiniti\\ i-. pa:lir;i!arh inri;!ii:i'' -I .;-: one !' t lie n i. The I'.;:-! \\ i.",'lo\v, \\ h:( h i- I',,' 1 \ -lliree i'eel hi-h. Itv !\M II!N-( iijii It et \\\ l'\ i- i inliellishi'd v, ;l!l p.; :ii! in . : of ;\\\>\ K> ,!!- eniii fi\ ;il>le li'-.i'ilv . '! Ip 1 upper and lov. er iii\ :>iui)s ol tiii- \\in- t!u\\ ;HT dai'l. \ .; lia: "in, ; 1:1! i ..,.' -\ '.-. l\\ . ,';_.,:.! i ,!- li'i >e>. I'ttn M\ etiuipi'.i l:m M)-., e;i.'!i (i;!>ii 1 1 ; t,':e-v' i oinpai l;i:' II'N .ire ;i -aui suit\ :M';!l",ns nn.y three IIL:';!^. '!',:< vix sui| ,|s are all ta!.ni I'min t!:e \. s T. -tanieiit, aiid n - previ-i,! (IK- ( 'i; i < i i i \ |i i \, and the ::-.o-t material e\ eu!^ I,H::,I . ( ; :.i!. !\ coaneet. >l \v il!i i'. In lh,' lo\\er di\ i>;on na i'.e ri^lil i- ( iii'i^i' F.xi'osr ' i< nil-. ProPI.K : >- \,id \\ '..'<-.-'. I. !;< 1: ! ! li-.e n-aa." .U^n- i- re[Te-e!iii'.l (.:i a !>a!n>:i\. \'>il!i hi-. I'M,;:!- !; !. ; n-i:-! in r"".;i.l :M- ' 2 < \MBr.IOC.F.sHtR! . \\.-i-t, :<:. I ?..- '.'.! n.im liv.iiiii 1 :^ ilii lit-- tilim;- 1 Inmulilx .11:1 1 ! !_::.'.:'. 'I!;.' uMitr.il', UMtl \ iruinit < .i^ 1 '! iu <>* ill thr rtiuntf- M.iin < . '... i !.;i t 1'iii -t .-ml l.l-l' i - "1 til-- .It u -, an- liiirK '\ ,,,-. !. Till- I |UI tllH III "I t'n ! I 1 \ N 1'^, ;!iul l i ' -i !| I II I mi i lit "I In,- < .. : t i" ' :<:<\, \\ ill i ,i i i.-v '.i i'l t!mi ii- n-s, \v ! ii .in- ch.i: .n ; "i ' i i iln MI (!i-p!.i\* lln i In, .\ \\ Lip up n I:. ill "t tin nun M-|:HL' .1 l.M'k I'l --. 'I '.,' I III ' ! N", III I ( !'.n- .. : : .', .!i"ll all' V i ii i 1 ' Illli .tU il. l':l.il' , \\ LH-I i uliltli 11.11 in' -I |ii|i '(. i \p; i >^i > : I.ill!l!i;!it, ilppraii nil liul ' . .:;p.llin-,| l>\ _' IllL^li I'lH-t. ,:!.'! in.iiix .illi ;i. l.iiil -. Ji Ml-, hi.uiv n .1 !' 1 1 i.t If, u ii'im : . Mi a riipi i . i .ui| l.i- \- I I ! .!"!,_' i'' : . ' pi- >M\r I t.i'- I '. - -! tt MM u ' ' v >' . ' i;:, II I- .1 II1.UI i .11 I \ II!'; ;i il.illlll.' pp.lM'liiK \ ir\MIIL; ti I ! ;i i|i i p 11 >1 .li:i i . N. < ml ,n l!,.- il ' <'.,: I'll!'' i ,t. Ill tin- Ii , . \ S i , 1 1 | 1 i i , , < : i i. ! . i : n :_ 1 ''i ' 'Mir ll'i- ' ,\i.|, !i i . ; I k i : i . - - 1 ' ' '. ..p. I . I'll! . I .1 ; 1 1 .-.'..-.. Df.F.sHIRI'.. M ,ire admiralile. In the forr-^round is a so'dier with a pikr ami ropes; ami another with a h,"-ke| <>| tools, who Meni^to h.r e lieen at nork on tin- Cio*v '1 he fi rocion. triumph displayed on the counleiiaiire ot the latter i extremely line. Ill the centre of the npii. i dr. j -ion i- the ( 'HI < 1 I ' \ I'iN. JCMI- i A re pi CM n let I on the ( '10--, \, i ; \\ i i u the two 'I'hsevi -,. 'I he co;m- lenanee I the penitent tir> I lineK e\pie.->i-s l>o'it ii:i tit d and bo- marke'l v. i(!i d> riion and nioi kei \ . Heneath I fie penitent li... ! ^ .1 M.I lici on I'ni-t buck, picrtin-j (he -.ide of ('ioi-t wiih a -.pea:. IVIow the S'\;our is Mars Mipjd. (It'll embracing the Cro-,; and in the fi're-urotui.i ;';),(. .,,ldier-! cj-lini; l,.t> fo;- h:- ^.iraient. Tl:' e\pres>iou ol one rtf them i> vei \ l:ne ; lie app< a;> point ;tr_ r ' t> mi- jfr to the dice, whii'i are ma:l.ed vsilh i!ence-;;i ', and i \niti!i^ at the il! MI LTSS of hi-, eoiiu;;-!:', v. ho had l.i>! liirov.n. On t!i.' iel'l i^ St. John and the \iruin: the face of (he former di>p!a\s uncommon feeling, niule<| with devout re^im'.ition to I he di rree ol the Deity; that t.f the latter, heal t-reiidiiiL' aimuM.-. lti:.;iybe worths ot remark, /or heiiii; the only attempt at aileron miro- dncetl in th< paintings of ihis window, that above the ii.'.i'l of the penitent thief, is the sun rising in splendor; over the Ir ad ol tl,.- other, the moon in her wane. In the left and remaining compartment is tin: TAKIN , <>; CMHIST I ; ::OM TUC. CKD-S. This painting represents li;- n ::io- \al of the bod\ of Je^u-, eveix imiM'le of which appear- lo be re- la\ed by death. On the It ft is the \ ir:;in and Si. Ji,i,n. 'I !:<> lormer i> portrayed taiutini:, and -inkini: to the ground : w i:i!e ano (her tentale, v\;!h nine-i !enderne-s, is endeavoring to >i j :{ .<.. i eomturt her. Mn^[ c,' the li- ,rc> introduced in t!i!> j-:i ce h.^e an ,.ir ami c\p; > ->i .11 ol iib;ec(s represented in thi- i ! i ra'ed window: tlieir fuli i!t >rripiimi would have occupied t,io -real a length. Tin itra-', c:ieri:v, and varii t\ , '::.: a. ler ; the powerful ji.d';,!!! i.t ev inced in the ilispOMtion .,;!>! !::oti| ., of the figures ; lilt* buklno-* uml freedom of the pciiciiiii^, n.i'i-:- d t ( \ v r.i; I IM. i sin KV. v*ith a | ! v l ul il'lnr -> el -\n ntioii, IM \\ hii 1, ll.r ha in I ot a IIKIN- ti i MII!\ < ;,M !! i .n.pi t. lit ; !'. M.i'liiMlv t tin- lii'-i^; -;(!,. i.i . ;i< .,' ' \ ' I I!H' < !"riii'4 ; a ' M|M;,S .>n i !ra- ..l . pn --IMI i., ))..' . . u" ~, IPI.IN v i :l ii.'ial'ir ]>! \ ( ' \ l .:n !\ t>< i .i | .ii .:. . li i i IN \ IT r\i i lit (j , 1 '.. - l < ' | <>-il;(,i;. nit.i In ai.lv '| i .\- . .,;. i :v .,.'.-.' I.i !> t < I I. .in - l!..'!l < . ,ii; .! i< i . , . vMlli tl'r .irin-, ;:i.'l lin ,n,i!'l- \ | .h. I- III!- i . ill I I ! . 1 1 K i r. . a ! i , v. 1 1 1 ) ; i . > 1 1 i ; ; . 1 1 tiiat I L- "I th- i it In li-i j'i.'pi r ' t I , I -\l :\\ I I I-II-." lYi liaj-- tin li u iin < i .i - ; :ll'-t-, \\ ln-'- I't -I i .1 . . - ' . i i '., . |r . ! ! ', ::in| i . ! ( i I.i - /:< i - " ' ' l!,.it i- ji.i - 1 i \ i i 1 1 1 I . ' , ;. : I i i ' ' i . 1 1 1 1 : , ! j ! . - lilll lie i -. !'i MIX ..l tin M I. ). iilim -. ! ,li I M. . i 'Ji i ; r l .1 i/ ' , ; ' ,'. ,,n. tin- 1'ir.vo-!, \f. <>n tin- nut- put, ;i'id i't'tincif H'iliiammni, l Soul!i\\ .11 k, (ihi/i'T, ;IIM| .^iaii'ii >;/""'"'/'. l "*' Mar,'ar t's, \\.-l miii^liT, (il.i/irr, <>n !',< otln-r; llic l;.ll.-r ;_!( Mil>>l.nitial!\ , ru- iioii-!\, and Miiiicii'iii U to ;', i/i 1 /< \vnidn\\ i o| llic ii|i|T v tr\ i>i' I In- ( 'm IT 1 1 "I Ki'v^N (',.!!. ii- 1 ( '.mi In i' I' i , " \\ illi .'MM>!, < |. :-.r, MIII-, ami ]irrt\ti' ':';--''. .:. ! <>iM'iil r<>!ni.i-< and IMM-.TIA 'l l!i'- |..r\ . :i'i ! rl'ii'l\ in >< in r\ r\ ]m\:it . i tin- ,!.;( \\\\\d >\\ - n!' Ill;- k\'i.;r'-> \rui- ( 'li.ii'i I! ;il \\ ^1 n::ii-N i : ;'U<'! :I!-.M ;i,- t iij-t'\::'j!\ ;m;l ;t'!i r Mil 'if UKUHT .1- <;irt>..inl !:!">'.:, (ii.iNM-r. i.itf ili'ct-.i-' 1 '!, I" !r.:ifi;tiirf -lu'li- lunuuli- lu ili.n ; :m-{ ;'!> :i"i i TI l\ ';,'!% to '.',.< ir't'.'i'n^, >i!i-r\\ \s- r,:!li-il r/.//i-iifc ;i Initt ; .; . I , -ii.i > ;i^rt c |:i " . Itr ; " l\\ o < I Ilii 1 v\ liiilou , n \< \n ^, .mil liif i.lih-i -. 1,1 If;, .. -c -, . ;ii'-. Atiotlu'r Indt'iitiiiv, !i. !\\c-u (In- Mini"' liol'irl HticO/ahiiiiH, \r. on llic one part, iiiid Civ''','"-" //<.<1 lii- j'i;i^!i nl' M. \i,ivv MnuiLiU-ii, (l.i/Icr; Uic'i", d l!,>ir/.!.':, !' M. ( !.- : i:<-iil\ |).:nrs, (ihi/icr; Tlioin /\ /.;(, o! M. Scp-.ilciirc's, (ilu/hr: ;!:ni .l-mna A/V//O/.VI;//, (ilii/icr; t m-r nuMitioncd \>.\ I!M- i.-nurr i|i-i (I : tilt- -aid rc'.itractois to " MirrU Uxiido ,-'.\ tl.r -'nd ^\^;!- dov.> \Mlii doii'ili i'.;i;;U of lead*- i'ur dd* i;rc i,|' Lrrc.d \\vi;i!f> and iiu 1 i'ofiiur out 1 , \\i !i li.-.ii | .. ",-'ii!-, ur (/'.'/,.;?/-.< v, .'1 ,; i :. 11. ;!;! pru r. Tii.> i> datt d ;. i, t u .\ : . .' :.[ .1 ,!-(' mi ;1 oi' I he .il>ii\ i : :-i ; " 1,1 a! -, t!:;,! , - a lunch us \vr iiii.i^iai 1 our-'l\r>j arrixod al ii-.!;-. ; . "'M!:I n t v ( VMBKI IX,K>IIII:K. tin- art.-, it wouM not \,, -.i,\ |.u a M.i^ti i oi .1 ( ..llc^f i\n\\ to t. Maii.'.'n i s ji.mli, or Soutlm.uk, ami In'iprak a tlo/rii oi t\\o \\iiiiiuMs - i adiuiialiU dr. mil. .sii'l citli i tin . \ t IK- - nt Jlollli- |i\ sin ll ,1 i|.i\, as It In- \\rlr iM'.sjM'.lklU^ .1 rlirqiirivil pavr- liii-ut, DI .1 ( i ii-ii Hi!-'!.. I'.Mii tliox .lilies, \\il.iaiu- -MiioiiiU, Iriu.T, HIM. in-, ,\ i . would figure a*- riii->i.t.n!i i - in am i ' iL'ii ; an; I \v ii.it .1 i .11 it\ in a co nl drauni^s \\ oti!lc, !: Ml likt K to Jio.s.-ss ; i i ;t> ('it \ lia\r lint in in I||M-.I- ii tin . . i: - o| 111 .11 IN i:;. . i -i;t ui ii -, it M'I iii- hi^iiU [HO- I lh.it lli. A ! .1 into ti.i liatul> . ! |n-o| .;>! o|' (in ir ,11 ! W L'l, t.ikl:: j lio ran !> \>\ < - . ' i 1 In in thf i .t;|M o| !(,. M , j. -|| I li< '. I. VM' H ; I tin S'.l ! I |Ct I f l| I III >-. it IIU1N III' (IP (MT to I. -i ! '. i , I |,.;t I IM- - I!" ex, licdl ll.>|>i.n < d . Ys ..' I . ii.! . li,.~ ! a I '). i ll> M. : iii ^1- 't' .iin .:li"ii i- ii nn it.- 1.. ti.nr tin- vn!>|ri;N; \it ti,. ni'iil ol (-.< remain^ uiuirjK-ai In nr; \\ iiolU ;;>( i .li.ilili- tn liol.llll ' o! I 1 :' NN'i'i.Hii || i-| i(,|t,Ni'i| III tin I. ::i.; til' ji.l-s \\..| k i!, !. ji ; M.I on,- i-ll 1 1 1C no| til -.'i'', ,lt till " ' -I n'i "I I |jf ( l.i | I, ,||.|>i ,! so 111 111 I- Lilnl, nr ini-]il.ii i tl, liial lii< i \< n! lln-\ \\ . ;. iiiU-iii U il In rrpri - s.'iit r.in ii.ii 'li\ I" > Tin-M- | in t > .'.!! ll,iiiii;iil li\ son." |o ||.|\ > III I II < OIKJII < .1 to ii.tM' IHTII i -I i -i I i-il in tin- I ..i -I \' h'l' ;_::i "I I; ii h.iiil tin- 'I inn I : |IO\M-M-| tlii> i n. i\ In-, li,. N d i no! ,i||irar ijn.il to ;ln nth< i p.'.inl - llll.'s 111 (III ( |l.l|>l-|. It li.is Ii . -i|in ill ! \ lii-rn . 'it' I, ' ;! IHMII >HS]N , tii ! .til the . iniinni - t In- < . v i .1111! < "U. , al< ! .it tin- l!i<- t,.n.it.i i-:u o{ tii I i' rut ni'lin ( niniiM"iiers tiiteiiuve a ml destroy whatever they p!i.i.iij In lie l;ikcii c'.i.nn, iiml UK)() Mi]iiTstilious pic- tures, tin- l;i>t and tliic\<'S l<> u'n ii|>'>n, vVr." The thon .iinl ^') i :m onl\ rdiT to the paiutiii>;s of I ;, \\ ini!. >\\ ^. (in- iiifiil ill MC.ii".! v.hirh i>, sdliiftiiucs usculicd to Or. \\iii-.I.cnM, uiin !i;id L>: c:i ; pjc./intcd I'roviM li\ tiir l.on.i; i'.r.-li.Hi.. ,il ; and ;:! ';'.!;riv, !> Oliver C'ronmvll, \\liui~i said to I:.i\r t)rraxit:it"! l!u*ir pn'scnatioii, limn the re>|trr the I niM'i^iK, ;i> t':e pl.'.rt- \\lieiv he itici\ej liiS t'du- ration. \\lu-uliiis xplcntlid lalnie \v;i^ !<>:;. ;n h\ ll.nrvlhe S:\lh, he MI:: ie !he |'r-.-,:> IHTJH lual .''aul ni' a stour ju;UTy, in liie idi , i.i \orkxluii'; ;in i !ike\\i*e veiled a part d hi- din h\ c< ! .Mir.Mer i;i I"i ;i;M. !/_:. Iiu\\ ilir it \\;\^ rai-ed durin<; the life .f t!ii-> M(!i);:ri'!'. is !i ( 't acnir.iti-lN k;!\v, Imt it i> jtroliahlo that it v:,\s nirricd no iii^luT lh:in \-, hirt 1 the' \\hite >toiie rear-lie-, v. hiehis pretty lii^Ii ;it llie ct-t en put t<> ih- 1 \virk ; I'^r Kd\\ard tlie l-'ourth conlisi-aJed t!:' (l',ie!:\ ul !.;n;> ;i-t< r, a- v. ell as all the other revenue-, ot the C)lle^o, re-^r^.n'iir,', ln>\\e\ei, ;; sutlicieut sum ti'f tlie niai iU-naiiee ot' the Provn-t and Si hohn-, Imt nuthi;::; lo\\ard> the eiinpletinii of the huildiii'. 1 . At'ler :in interruptinii ol' -i\!een M-ar-, the \\.>rk \\.\- resumed tliriMi-jh lln- ir,!ere-l uf 5>r. 1'i.ld, \\ard.-n of \\ ine!n -ter ( 'olle^r, and then eiio-en Pn.\,.-t () t' Kir,^'-. In the lour vear- lii!Io\\i'iu. 1 ";HI|. I -. , V M!. \\ .:-. expended on the Chapel, oi' \\liieh l; :i u>i. \\,i- i_'i\en li% tne Kili'j;, and 1 t 1 I. h\ Thomas de l'other,:ni, I'.i-hi-j) d I.inenlii. l-'f.nn the ! !l!i i>t' .h;i:e, MS'., tillth" :jd of Mare!;, in the < II-IIIM;: \e.ir, tin- ln,-ine-s u:i- a!.-ain at ;' -'.MI;! ; i-i'.t I'ieh 11 '! *!: Third at Sl.al ti.nc .ijin-'inf' d Timiiias Lll: 1 .' u\Tseer ol' !'; ^ < \ < r, ': M.I, i - ;')f. 7. uoikf, wl-M r,>r !:: >i!;, in- ,11.1: i i.il ]<- |* U t" l,.i\r ! MI:I 'in!n-; [].>> ]<<;} -, nit' ! ,,|;r 111. ., t ,.- r , >\ >, .; mi -si.: hi :_ t' ," : I. 1 ' . ' I. "t v !.n h -:,ni Kirh.u.l i- -;i|i|n >-i il ).. I I i Mil til 1 | > I ! "I llit V. nlk U'.l- v(!o|M-r,t ' , 1 i s, U Il< II H i '.urn. i i.n i 'i\ lint: \ v ] ., .1! (!;. " vi r :i.t - "I i . i tlii ijr ;. . i 1 . i),M 1 1 1 > . " ' 1 1 > ; 1 1 1 . i N t ' i t < i r 1 1 r , ' - , ; \ . 1 1 1 t , . _< , , i , . . - I . ! i I ! i ! ' ' I i it i '.,'! 1 , 1 1 \ i ' - ! | : ; ! ; 1 1 ' .'Ii'l !"!HI II..M ln-f i! !' in ; i t. ,1 -, Ml -.Mil \u:< ,.!.;. i ,,] ih:- ; iin hi ii i I i - .1:1 . :iii i I IM-SIM-. ti M..-1. i /' / // /.//. M - . i M..- , " \\ .nil IM ;; ! r 1 . I ni-iiM!'.!, .i.;r iht- l\n;c Hi' liicr IH'^MUIMI^ ujKi'i Ihf i.n, :t ; and Itii' tin- L;IIH| and M:U |rrii>riii\ii^ nl all III^ \n>'- )ii\ -M - a-. i> at oi f )>*( \ I M 1 1, ! In- -fill l'i n\ l, i\ r. ro\ i na';i;!f iiii'l tan!f |:> |i.i\ iihli. l!n- I .Mia \\a-lfll .ml NI-III\ >,-.iifik JM..I." Alliitll' !' llldflllllll !;'. \crll l!lf SIll.f J'illtli-N rr!.:!c, (<> lllf \.iultiuU t.l' I-.MI | H, i<-!:. ,, v \ ,-. . .(' I ! if Cliiijicl ; .tin I .1 liiinl In i.i.iki-r,' ;uiu -' ih-'v ;i|> " ll:<- lm\;il> .ni-l l)iiltrc- . ( tin- ( iir.nl!; .1 |i.u-r :.* i.i.c ij' lii<- t-uiiifi-N ol t:;i -.iiil < 'lii.n h ; iiiri tiiii-.!:::i'^ .ni'l |" r- tfi.i ; i,L' i!:t--;i:i! tu\\rruu!; i.,i'.;il!>, IAI'.U.I-, :,.i!>l'i-. i.,!lK-:iif,i! , '.ri..>\-, an.l iu ij;,..- N i-, ;iini i^crv tiling lu-ln'i^in^ t llicin." li\ III,-, iink-i.liiif '-'I. !.;. ,!.!- ;'.'-f,l I-. !i. |, , ii, 1 i-1' :: !.!>;,[- ti-', .mil It i-l. li.r iiif li.v.. :. Tin 1 lii;;!i li.-i;i,r ul' i'! i,.- '.!:, ;'i- 4 -iii;i ! i .' ;!;; ;i'lni:' a'.!. 1 -'inc- l;in- i'. m'i!i-;;.!!^ <. ..,' ,,.- ,1 i-illuT en " . \ .. u-, - !' ; < . '% .!u\ lllliii; ;ij>j--.,i -. I;- !)t- k;,nv.i; |r|t :, ; ;i;i;r, u| In- , ;i , liuliis Hix.x, mo !' !!.. lii-l !\ !!..,-. , 1.1' l!. ; . T ',i!i ::-, iui'1 iit'ii r\\ani.s i'i:>!li>j> (>i I.l-'iiiii-M. li i-- |U o'r.iliii- t', ;l l;i ill li'lO'c p'TSDMi \VMO (ilircnifl in it, !:>! 11:'-:, >,:. '.rnUiiv llu 1 ', !'i r; :i-.i i:iami-( i ill : Hi .><:;,-it\ Kiii'i [[fiiiAli].' S:v!: aim !:;:;| itj-jxiinlt'il liiiii lYUmv in 1 ! ! ' iurl --'ifli (vmlidiMire, li:: 1 ! ' in i'!c !ii:i: OMT-I rr .iiui !iKUi,:mT of ::'! !i'. i: 1 !' :; !:(! lini! i;::^-, ;i!i' i!i^ ( '.- It-r " Mloui.iL.' t'ull crc.lil In t!:is ;mlluiiil\, il v. :i! not, in .-,'ir oniiiii.n, \\iir:'i!iil tiif iircli'U'i'lural nicii 1 ol'lin- ^Irarliiif ii> % iii^ t \- < !i^iM'i\ at t; it'lh"! !' I In ( ItMisf-i. \\ liii 1 lit- '_M>\ i j-nir.fnt o! if i:;-\ , III all likfiili'im!, h : s If f,;i;, ,;,|f I : SM' !lH\<', llirn '.'. IT, IKI ..'ii-t.n to iuu!.ji:;t (..'I ij..- i; ; -!mj) \v.i> ctn;tir,'.ic i :,i \;\* uflicr <;f i ,\ cr>i cr !>\ 1 ifiHA '> -'ift i . i - ; air I ,i lie \-. ;.-, ii. 't, i ' ca.aint hr . nlillfl in iiiniT [ir;:i-;' liian lliat nriiisini: 111' 1 ioam! ii-iii, .,.;([ 1 at>!iiu ii |x M lit. 11 t'l I lit- \\ '!' -. Ill tlif arcnn i'- ol ( . : .> ( 'oi't _:', an Iiidt .;i src \', .'. > 'h- '>,; i ;l i n thf Lit:- Ma-l' 1 !', v !r .l.ian'> li;iri'i>i : :. li, iii'i],- .in; : n! li an rnhi r ol' ll:;' PIT, . !.:, : n , . In in:: da'-.-d in l!n : i'l t.l' I'.du aid if.- ("o < \MttRi IX;K>HI !:r.. M.i-on ni'tlif \\Yik<* I't'KMi 1 .:'- ('(.!!<;.." T" him thru, ;\<. \\<]\ .1- t> Jliii NVjvi. li, M!I> < ii^.!'!'-'l tn r\f( ,'.'/< ih' n>ol, (.in mi(l \\.\- kini; I>N f.ir IIMM- !:!'".< n!t llr.iM -i"niii'_- r :!il t" IK- I^|>!.M,~r \\liiiii I ^ !>< - i: Inlhrrtu " n< L - ni!!\ hr-t,,\ , 1 .n tin- B:-h"i>. t hi a. ii -Mi <>f t'h. 'M- in in., 11 I :)('< rtl.s .it "< ii pril.:!il\ i n c|. i. \ r d.-i ti i ^'I'j 1 ' '|'i :.tti - il. '1 i;; -' < 'li.'.jn !> .1 1 < !";n! In ;hf |u tlr'i --t , :ni't. i' i t!' inns) |.nl. mnimuirc.itr \\itli <.u li nilii ;. Sr\rr;il ot'lhi in. mi ' . . illi si-lr, ( (.nt.ilti Ifn- t'ul- lc^>- I.i!ii.it\, \\liiih I- \\ : ! (MM:; -'> <\ v.illi ^ iu>l *r.ti(<- li'K'k-. 'I'iif - COM'I ( ' ;,'!M t!i- \',.^l nil ill - ' " - < '!!-* - ( -r;it( u-t - li' l'm\ ! I I,i< mii!il \ :i, h\ v IIMH- il \MIS oni.uiH iitrd inn:<- th.tn ;m\ n! tin ntlu t, ;iii'l .:!i- i" .in'^, I' 1 . !HN .\MI <]<-.'.< . n. :'li I :> I in i . ! j >!:<. IM l< < VMIH' <\\ \* :\ ]> i lr.nl "i\ "hi-- it' l|.i,r\ tin- Sixth, fnlrr.ilijN \s.!l .-.-..!,. I; :i'i.| 1:1 tl:r rlitif nf'th" Cli;iji.-| ;i l,n L;C tislili- iMniiniii' lit . >l i ,';i !!'-. ,,u I!M t"|i ; v. ! li .- :i t'. 1 . inn: '.- urn ; .uni <>n (hi- i-;t-l ;tn I u -I ^fli -. < ln-iulis -ipjK'i !i!i'_: 1 1:1- t;:!i,:!\ :;'. i\ - . On tl.i i.- nil -ni< - i I ' n .1-1 r!|> ti.-n t- ;',> '-it., i : s ; - ' . j i i ' i i '. i . r 1 1 i , i i , . hi' M , \\ i," < : i.' . i : . I- l.i- I 1 . n." \. . v ,.!..-.;;.'.! : < I'. ' ' :' I, 1, ' I . . I. i.ni]ili-ln 'I M'H'ii u - .1 -tuili ".I ..I i 1 > < !'. :-. uln-ii : '..,'. i i M i, 1 1 i ' t \ i : '_ . . | ' . , ' , . l !i < 1l .1 ' ' ' i "t \\. .11 ( . . . I ' t i i . i ; 1 1 j . 1 1 . I 1 1 f . |,: Ml. i I III I ' 1 , 1 "I ' i ' ' ,'i.i JM : i (A.MBKIIM.KSIIIRF.. 01 Koill I! n (il.\ N N < I Ul:l i: -. , M. I>. ! X \ftfll ill .l;'|i| < C'l IMll'!' Il-l |i!i'-;l| I.I (irilllllll, Hiljus r.illr-ii I. Mil aiill.n M,,i, Moruiii anliijiuii HIM ( I I .it' ! i! inn IIiiiKuuiu 4 ulloii-., I'iiiidiii, \iinlinv Ijlll i M||I-"|iin.mi |ii-i inn i- Minimum til --tll'll.l jllVI'llltttil |>l |,nt VHI i,| IVh. MIX ( ( . ,, t. IA\M. ll.llir T.llllll .1111 In I'ict.iti-, ft tlt-.sitJrni 'JVstiinoniimi PC \ pulilii (i (!<(!<(<> Collf uitini. Th<' cdilin- lu'loiiyiiij; to tlii> College, callcti llu- .\i ir IluilJin^, \\as foiiiuu'iK'oil in 1 7 ' I , the lii'^l Mono In MIL; laid on llir t\\rul\- tinii of M.irrli. An iiiM i i|>tii>n, cir^r.uc'l on a )>!:itr of rojij)rr, and in-ri'lfd in tlii> -tout-, atiirni-, that it had irinainrd in tin? adjoininir ronil hoin t!u- iri^n of Mrnrv tin 1 Sixth, \vl> had in- tt'iuK'i! it a^ li'f tonndatidn >toiu- of his new (!ol!'<>. Tin- rl'va- tin of tliJN stnu-lur*', \\lit 11 si-en from I ho fit-Ids ha> a noble jt- pfaraiii ; hut tin 1 Done portal in the ri-ntrt- is far from beautiful. Tlit- ajMitnirn!- arc tv. t'nt\-loitr in number, and art- disposed \nv i ou\'t'iucntlv. I'ht.' \\Iiolf lenijtli ot the building is - J.5(i f.(M. It u as rri'ttt'tl \\ilh Portland Mom: by (iibbs. \\ hen tin- \\i;rkni-n \M-rt' di_;L!;ii:^ tin- foundation, lliev t'i^ 'ovi-rcd an rarthrn pot, \\lnch contained niar,% t;uld pieres oT tii: ci.in of 1J ( -\\\-\ the I'ifth. 'I he external appe. nance ol the I'roNo.M'^ Lodur ii li\ !io liieaiii prt'pse^!;), ill cluimber i> a 'raimi-, jiovii.n'. ol .'AN:'. SUOUK ;:i bo, i rt 1. 1 1 ere :< lu\e\\ i-e a ii.ili ieii';;!i ol " '. ;; IJoiJKRT \\ A !.!';>!. i., l\ Daii! : and u IMKM! p.>:irait of li;e l.i'e i)i;. JOHN Si M \ ::', lather of the \>>; t -~ t .;t !';.r 'M. .Manv eniinei:? >tale-m n and !,ier,:r\ r!:arii*'U-rs 'i.-.'.v 1 ivr-'ivfl their edlieation .1! t.'ii- ( 'olli-^t 1 . \IHOHLJ i':e |.r., , :u,,! :ii:i\ : num..'.!. \Yi!i:.;iM < .'iu;,-!.\, S'.-i. Ju-t'- - !':!] Ki;- V H.>H.-!; 1:1 02 r \MIU: n><.i-.sHir. r. t!,- nL'ii {" Il-isn ! r.L-hili: i'.-lu.M.I Hull, \ntli.u of tin- ///\- ft,".-.'' //,. JI-.-is In't-fn (In //,.-/ ws ,7 ),.;/. ///,-.'/ Ln!)f>:*t t r : l>i. ( iiii - !'! it iii 1, \in'>. i>-.!. !"i I" l! ."i.i liiiiii ( v ' ,. , n r.li/iiltrtli ; -MI Ji.iri ( MiMim. \:,ti,ui . .i tin- /,'. .,,< nil,tu; < . ; v i: Kni " : t Mm IMI<, K;-l. s ' < :< t.u\ i.f >:.:'.- t- .Linn--, tin- I .!-' : ",! V> ui.iin Ti-;.i|'lr, K.u. V.l!i<>i Hi' .-. ( i>i,i.!n nl ifi/ n H'nitit* ; s n I . 1.1 i~ \\.iNi!i'_'- l,..ui; Pi. K-!" 1 1 H.!' n:! !, MI. I'mvosi ; \\ .lli.in; r..i-!.ti, !. I'. P. A:.t!i-.riif * /:'-'^ I/.;//.' '/ : ll.i- i'" t \\.ill.-i . Pi. M..i ii -|M . A',lli..| ..i" l!.- /',./-,;; .'./ ffaji ,..;,//. /./;,'.//. i//;rf f,u^/ ; l>i. K :,', I'-lil-i ii' l.t.i ij'itl'* ; .^ir Ki.in ii \\ .ilji'.lc ; ( :,.,il.-. l.oi.l N i-. ..!..! T,.\M.-rui! ; th< :! .:t l'.:ni ( .iiu-icn ; tl. l..ul u|' ( . i!N. ; ;..,M x .i V. il! ..... : I)i..:ii, " I'.-.ni";^ !; h.~ (..;.;: i.\ i- J , ' -. l.KN s ( ( il.I.I'.f . I". u.i> i-iiinii-.l in :'. _M .n : ; ; , .:m! ni- l-.\\ ! v. .1 !i i i \ i iii;i > tit ll.r .iiunii:;! i.i V !. j ' i .;:.iiii:ii, I'M tin 1 M.i'l'nit i,i' a 1'iiiu ijial ;:iul t'liur l' !..>. . l\ ^ !.: ;'.ii t "I \ni-ni, : i.tn-pitl tun-nil nf l\i iu\ ll.i .-: :i>. 'lin !:i-l -t.ti.i- M| III.- ( I ,i| 1 v. .i> I.i. 1 1 I ni I In- ','u. i ,: !>\ ^11 . i.! n \\ < -nli'i k, .ttli i\v .tni> i.llt \ , \^ II" I ,1|. -I ll till \MH l! / .' ' 111! 1:1 .' I It .M. i i .1 M.I ! > : , '.- I.:, li 1. i !.. . l- .! , i.'M .1 i. .:. . i.:- . !i:- s " i I;-. ' i, . .t\ N 1 1- !.' \ I . ^ . I. Uj.il , I 1 III,- I .,:. - ( \\iniMfKil SHIKK. (*:$ Karl's patrimony :is soon a-, he ol.iainnl po-M-ision of the Tii t one. The endow inent-i ha\e since been iiicrca^eil by various benefactor*. Tin- aunt ut liuildiii'jN here .in- mm repairing. The entrancr to tin- outer (mil! is under a small toner ;atewa\. The inner court is liiini-hi d with rloi-ler-, and extends to the w-r\ hanks of the liver, over which i-. a cmioii-, \\ovdm bridge of one aiclr, supported It) aluilnu'iits <(' rustic ^lollr v\<>ik. Thi> v,;is rebuilt in the \", ami nine h iuifciiuitv (li^playtl in iK ci.nstnic ticii. Tiie i;.iriln> are pleasant anil f\triiM\e ; llic> lie 011 Ixitli siiir. ilu rivrr, and are adorned with some line elm-.. The H;;ll i-> a vvell-proportioiH'd room, contaiiiin^ the tiiree follovviiii; p-ir- Iraih copied li\ I ludson. >i i: TIIOM AS S\i rni ; half lenuth ; dre->-cd in a fur ( l(t;-.L, and Iranini; on a Ljloho. Tln.i enniu nl character was hum at SafVron \\aldnm, in I'.^ex, in the \ear 1 .'> ! J, and recei\ed his ednc ,rtio:i in this College. Having acijnired )n-i'!.-ra!i!e cclchriK !>\ li,-> i'.U.iiiiUM n!-, lu \vas made choice ol' to he M-M! t> IlaS, at tl:e l\i;i'.:^ charge, to complete hi^ studies. <)n l.i> retmn, he v\'.!i ciio-i is !'ul>i,<- <);;( tor ;HK I ( rc< k i*nfe -"f, \ (Jti'.f'ii Mary, on account of hi-. r< ii-jioii. <>n t'h' ::i avion o)' i ; .ii/.a!-eih, he \va^ au.'.in employed in -t;:le atlaii's, and )u.iii.!'_M\! the hn>inf>s of several eiiiha>- d;< d in the year l.")7~; and on his death hcfjiiealred :;ll hi^ I.itin and ( 1 1'< i \ books to li:e College, and al.^o a cre,,i _;!u!)e made lv liim-elf. Kl.l/.\i;ivni \\"iii\ li.i.r., (>:I,'.M of l ; ,.i\\.:rd the F.v.th. Th:-> i- a line p.iiiilin--. The f.:ce of ;!; (>;!., ,; is p!eaini:, hut nol in- ti!iiLre;il, and di-}>!a\- nioi'e tri-iii;'.:i oi characicr. I'.IM-Mi s. -,;::,', i,, a fnrt^ak, ai a h.:i!-\ v,i it:i:_'. 'I i . h.H'.ii \\ilnll I-- i;!i:.'li".: Sill' pell is i'\rcri!;,i_'U \\i;[ t \ec!:'iC :. N^ i" ii !i,i- \ i r\ ertnl.ie v\ M,.T v ]-iied lv..u i.'.i'.d. ;;! i!:e ins iiati'.n ': M c iMp.uitH;!>.iiiKr. iiov '!.[- ( lir.r ..- Li-, j'l.trr ol n -:lr!icr, IKIMII? im -lii.K, v:\ I'ulli r. .il ti.i- t..[> "t !!n- - 'U lli \M -l tou i r t tii' M|I I r.t;i t. '1 m> i.tl: I }H>itui!* "1 Li-.-iini* .i|i- |'M >ci\-.l in "lift 11 n! .iji.irt im -nt> MI lill% Ixtlliiill^ ; d!ir <>i lili 111 MIJI]MlVl| to l.i .Ml iMlL'IH.ll Il'Ml 1 1 If | rut .1 1 ll.|hr;n. Tin- .il>->\ < |.i lurr-.m .': M i \ i ' -j.int !i.-.!;i'--. ,.u.| \v. ;.- |.n M n!. .1 t.. tin- N-.. i.-ls !> li,.- tic- !i< l..i:l i >!. n. .!-.:. I. l.i t'.. I . ! "U (hrt. |i.in:.' i-, in in: !i n. JM.!. i> In M ,:\ i.:- ( Inivt ; ll:.- i;. -ni - 1 1 1 :; M H)'!I < uttrr lli' Kr*tu n i'- : H v. i il tin nii'^'.i tlif .ijurl- i \ iu i 11 U i n 1 . i i i r. i'ii i.' ..; i , I ) \ N ' : i \\ i 1 ).iii. ; \ ii M ; i: \ t. ( V I I r. i < i i > i ; '. . 1 s \ v ; I i ! . ' :< _ .in- !i.<- ;i!- t .\i- !'.%:; ' ' . ! > ; . n.'lit, .iii'l I! !i HIM in ; I )r . i i i .1 / 1 .',..-'.',',- ,-l I .ii^/i'H'/, \ el i!if / .-. , ./ l; Hi!i"ji !'.i- ' /" -. .///, /hop Long, editor of the Cambridge Terence; Beiu jamin Hoadly, Bishop of Winchester; and Thomas Sherlock, Bishop of London. The rivalry of the two latter prelates, who advanced themselves to the height of their profession by embracing verv opposite political opinions, is said to have commenced while they were students at this College. JESUS COLLEGE was erected on the site of an ancient Bene- dictine nunnery, founded about the year 11.3t>; but more am- ply endowed bv Malcolm, the fourth King of Scotland, and, with the addition of a new conventual church, dedicated to St. Ilhadagund in 11 (>'(>. This establishment flourished for several centuries; but, through the illicit conduct of its inmates, was :it length dissolved by Henry the Seventh, and Pope Alexander It!' Sixth. Its possessions were granted to John Alcock, Bishop of Ely, who, in the year 1 tOO, founded this College for a Mas- ter, six Fellows, and >i\ Scholars: but the endowments have since been increased by various benefactors, and now supply maintenance for sixteen Fellows, and nearly fifty Scholars. Vol.. II, E This Tli 1 * ( 'v>c e " '<';.' 'I .t a I'H'i- 'ti't.inrf from the town, on th* nt. N....I > i. .1 jrme <>! o tiM'Irr.'.hlr wtc t, iiinl >oinc fi'v UH -.i'l"u . Tb- snulli or prudpal lioi.t i ;iliout I so fort ji!i. I't (I. :[!, I'M .in i's form ;itui ;ipi>Mt:nrr, MM-IIIS ft> h;Mf }>!) t 1 r .tjKirnt n>nv nttr.il rhiiri li, l>;t\iiii; ;i IniiiM'pt, \r\ .1 l.ir-jr ^ji:.ir- touct. n.iiij Imni arrht - :t tin ir intersection !th tff ii.iM-. T!i'' iln- |'i; T'-KN r \ ri')\ IN nil. Tf^!IM r, .i'l'l .'.- i;iv-n, in '7 '. ' )V I^r Pi-.iirr, llu- prcviit ^^^v^| r. Tin* tt'p.'i nt nut' "t 111' Illllis 1^ M-t KHUlllllll^ 111 llir rri. n ! , \>ilh tliN sn^ul.ir HIM ii|ilii>ii, " .IJtiribtt.i cntatn jurd *ir /x>';,; /;.;,'. l\i*rt,:.' Tin II. ill i* U iuunlvmr ronlii, .IM M1(1 - 'l l>\ :i |] : ,'lit f' M<|- : .it llir ii|i|!i r < irl .ire I. .ill" l-u-lli- ft' llie f .!! f.\\ in L* p "!' Ton i \>. I' i s i \ i , |'.M|. | M. 1 1 1. 1 \ nl Nil! in:', \\itli l.ir-. u'.ik.'l nitll.-v ;u:il l.itnl nr. k-( li.lli. Tii:> :;. ::t!< in.sii rsfaltli^lifl < '< I-M M !in!,ir-!i ) IM-H-, ;uil u.i^ |>,:rli< r.l.u !\ ili^lin '1 t" -r hi . \t' ii-ivf ( Lin !-. TMIM \ , ( i; \ N v nt. \ifl. !i\ s ir J>lma ilrMiuiiU, ;iui ptr- ..',(! In ll >.niil\ lis I.-'l'l (,il\-!..lt ill ti.i- %.:ir 17;'S. H H H \ K It s I 1 i: v - l> , \i. lilii-'iup of ('.iiil'-ilnii v. In l!.t !.(.(! '.: ,l p.i nl '!..:< nt Ihc \n Iii'iMh j'- ( i:\NMiii ami l'i\N( !.<)[ |, nil lii'UI'l. 'I III' l.l!ir.ll\ i il't.li:)'- 11.1, IS M'.IMr .tlill .!. r. I ill.- lls ' t tl.r ll^sllf. Till- 111'. M If li lil.llril Ilii-ll tllAt In Ion-. 'I t.i HIM . i.!li-_'f, *., ,|.f ( . tin ,:!, .,, lusliop-. ar^ J'i>'i..p l'.i!-. .nillior "l" /.I'M' r/> V ,; ',: . i<- Hi-iti< ' ; r, !..,|,| ! I Ui-iJ : s n Kn ' i I ,u .' ului I . :. .:.|, |; .-m., I'r. !,-. i r . . \ . . i ,". i -. I . V, . i!hni':l( m , !>.!>::.,.. i '.\ . |,|. < !;i:i- 1 - rm.i.r.r.i: > i,. : i , ; , ii , . \ t . , ( - ., i,,,,,, j '' ' ', u < 'I.iic ' I r i 1 1 1 1 .il s ! J , .1 , | , ^ ' ' ' ' ' I " ' ' ' . HI t!,r M .u '\ 1 1 . ' ^ ' - mil mini pH M ill. .1 II 'ii;iti ir.il CAMBRIDGESHIRE. 67 shtrr-in-liw Margaret, Counters of Richmond and Derby, ino- thcr to Henry tlic Sevenln, obtained a license from her son to complete what her half-brother had projected; and in 1 .'>(>( i > the changed the name God's House to Christ\ College, and endowed it for a Master and twelve Fellows. Some superstition-) objec- tions luninjj been made to thi-> number, a-, alluding to Christ and the twelve Apo-,tles, F.duard the Sixth added ;i thirteenth fellow- ship ; and two others have since been founded by Sir John Finch, and Sir Thomas llaincs. The scholarships, which were originally tifty- three, have also been increased; and the persons now main- tained bv the endowments, arc a Master, fifteen Fellows, and about seventy Scholars. The ancient buildings of this College have been repaired, and cased with stone. They inclose a small quadrangular court, behind which is a more modern and uniform pile, designed by Inigo Jones, about 1/>0 feet in length, commanding an extensive view of the 'adjacent eountrv. The garden is pleasingly laid out, and contain-; a neat summer-house, and a bath surrounded by a Mnall wildtrnevs. In the Fellows' garden is a large n.ulberry-tree, lluit was planted by Milton when a student here. The trunk is much decayed from its age ; but the Fellows, with a decree of sentiment which even a classic education will not always inspire, have endeavoured to preserve the tree from further harm, by covering the damaged parts with sheet lead. The Chapel is neatly ornamented, and floored with marble. On the north side the altar is a handsome monument of white marble, eroded to record the memory and friendship of Sir John Finch and Sir Thomas Baine>, who were educated together in this dilute. Sir John died at Constantinople, whither he had been .-'cut on an embas.-v. His body was brought to England, and interred here by his friend, who survived but a short period, ,iid \vjs buri-'d in the same vault. In the east window are some well-executed whole leniiih portraits on glass, of HKNUV THK SKVENTH, i;p.d some oU.tr relations of LADY MAKKARF.T, the foundress, whose own likeness is also preserved in this Cha- pel, by an ancient puiniinj; on board. In the CombuKition Room i; another portrait of the foundress, a half length, on board ; E : aud P.I l)<; K-'HIRF. ami in tlir I." i^- >* < ^i\:\\\ 'l^uii:- !' Dr. K xi.rn CrmvoinH. In tl;- l>t "I t!" < :v -' 1 <'::.ir.rnt li.ir.H In > \vh !..tu- either in part, nr \^!. .'!:%. in i\-il tin ,r nlui ;it.l" th? /.;/ '/ />/-'<'/' /VsArr; \nin.r Hi. i t'ii .1:11. . /f.!'ii- 1'tuit.in; Dr. >tli NN .ml. <>ne <>1" ||K- Si..:t'!.r'ii- "I ti;- /.'('-''.'f : I i.uicih (jn;ulr. iiuihor >t" tin 1 l.inhl' .;/ : I'' | '' NIiit-Mi; 1 )r . Th 'in.is Knmrt, antlmr >f tlu' /'/.<-. >i ;/ i'/ //! l.ai'th. ^<. N II- K"!IM; II IMII"IM|. l.onl Chief Jus- |'..;,:it'l. li !i '"i:.ri; ;i:.'l l>r. I'alrv, tin- n-le- in.il, I . ,ili..r "1 t!f /' '/' Mo-,;! ,-ntl /'.////>/// /Vn'/ovo- //. ,, /' ulintt . i-. : .l"-ij'li Mi-lf. :in I Hiiir\ M"H-, t\\o ct" ll.r Ill-.^t Ir.ilitil li;. n .i|' thiii tilllr. \M 1 1 .;!> I'rllitUx ( .| t|j> . . 1.1 \ ii.. h il .. \ | . - < I 1 1,. i. . :, -t | M( ..I' I IK :r li\r-, lr.i\ mi; ri-ttiM-'l iiMH' i-l t h^ t.< ! \ . ;! in n ( - i>| ti.i i Iinicli. ^r. JOIIV> ( nl.l.l.i ,1. v. < c.tahli-h, ! .n Hi.- M!C nf ;i ii-s..l\i-.| In. >;.!!! l..i rai i ! tr. l..l'i ifr.l to St. John thr ,-ii't, thr .'. i nt' \\'n\ ': h.'.i |MI;I _;!< !tl!\ ;i-rnliri| t<. \iji p .ln, i"p nt I'.K . 'I ':. . - '! ' n: : ; ! . . - I - n -HITI > i ''-\ ^Ii. i' .'. \\\. >. : i "' '!ll-r:ii)t Uigurs ..I" t!;> < : 'i i:v. li;i- |n,,\nl ti. it tin li.-]i;' ! \- 'I ,I!M , |>s ||. n!\ 1 < . ; t;Mit-l ii .- !_. iri'i- I .!> .1 .ll.i -h il< ' I' -'ii.j. .. I I'.lv i i, mi !. l\\.iri| I 1 ;.- I i; (. ti. i il I!;.- IK--JM- l-il III 1 il !..HI'li.||. .1 <>:t ih- - r ; i > \) uith tin* possessions she had appropriated to clnrit;-,ble u>is, to found .iinl endou a college upuii tliis spot. To fuithi T tin- d- ij/ii she procured iieriuLvrfnii from the kin;:, and tin- Hi-Imp of l.U, to dissolve tin- ancient hospital, anporl the intended est.il)lis!iinent ; I'lil llie bequest IK ILL; annr\ed in a odiril to the \\ill, and not otiiciall) sealed, the landi uerc r'sutn<'d |>v IJeniA the Kiyhlli, \\hoal.so refused to e.-n-eiit to the dissolution of the hospital. '1 h<' e\ecntois no\v applied to l'o|ie Jiilins the Second ; and, idler eoiisideraMe expense and eniltarraasini'iit, obtained a denvton bull, dated the eiL.litli of Ihe e.:!' mis of July, 1510, \\hich anthoii/ed thnn to r \\inni D<;FSUIRF.. Mist, tin I (.ill; in tin .mule lntwrm tln-M- lnnlilir.':> is tin 1 M.i^- t r > l.-nl^r : tin- rfin.tiudrr nl 'tin- roml i> occupied l% the ajmt- m< rit nl' tin- Minli ntv Tin- i ntii- (mitt i-- IIMM- -\trn-iv' tli.ui !'. t'inii' r, uii .iMinii-.; "'> i< < I MI Im^Ui, ;ui'l ? S ' :n lirrudlh ; th> i-tl.-irK appropriated I" tin- u-r of llu- I"i-l!n-\-, r\rptin^ li.r p:n. rip. i! l!'.r KM tin- tic ;tli Mile, >\ln!i I td.iu lh<- M||IT-. . i .l|'|l!"pr:.lll ll d \ ..! l",;s |I,M I -< v Tin 1 tMltrl \\ .ill- <>1* t'.,- k M< ! li\ !: i ; i\t i , .i\. i \\ i: i ' > ,i LiM'Uoiiii- -t -lit- hii'i _''. ,. !,(>' \\a',k', \\lin 1) .n I-M 1- . ;ii nrn.lllH lit' I N'- llll I 'V. " "I lii-li'r < lllo. 'I I : :. .it tl.i i !! I ..t t..i- I'lllHI'.ll \\.llk, < lit -IIIl- .( .IIM! l>"\\ 'n J-L:H < M. '111.- ( llllt cti'iu i.( ^r\it < iiif- .ui'l iM-l.iN. 'Il:t- i (iiiiniuiii'iii-pl:i'r \^;i- ;il-o carn'i i fniil ("i,M-itri| into .1 |I|!M.H Joj (lit- i: -.x.i M-. i (if ( II.IJH 1 |i...s !,.] | it' !\ i |i.i:rfl, ami .1 in \\ rout' ;:d<|i '. I .;.!:. -I ; - !: .ill \ lilted up, ami - p. ll.lt i < I Illtii t\\u p.lft- Ii\ I-.- '.: i, L -.,H, , N. '] , ; , v\lmjf 1,-irjli is 1 '(i Lit. 'I In .iM.u i- d \\.tii .1 iii'idiiii p.tiiiiiui: dt >i.J"MN ri; I-.AI n i NI. IN | in SVl I Hi'itN i|s, |.\ I ;.,i.. it KM I'urtrr ; tin- .\\>\<- .11- .i tin i".- p-.). M|. ii pi< , . !.,! is , vhiltiti d in lit.- p"! i.I i' i Mi linn ; t ">. iin-.ip.it. mi, .iinl ll.. x :- : ..t' \ ' . i . . 1 ." 'i- .1 mini" in - .! i-nil'!.i'_'< r t pi '' I .nts, I'lln r pi' 1 1 v 'I !: l"li> i\'. .ii-j ii!.i\ l.r i .i;-i' 1 ' 1 1 1 .! li.r I 1. [> i t p.. , !;, r... 1 " : : i ,i!t' i. i, ::, ; 1 1 i II !' :n. I : i M i 'i i- i ipi i i iitr.l ii v 'lli I ui >: i . . - '. ' , ; . i I II I! I .,,.!, ,:, ,| p., i , , , ,i, ,,/. I l,\ I . .1 M 1 .. Ill n| ')!, '1 ':: ' I ||. v ' ,, . ) p,, v, ,1, ., in N , (,!). .SHIKK. 71 Yorkshire, in the Near I I '>*>, and receded his education al Cam- Ijud^r. (.),) ciiicnii^ is. to oidei*,, In- became coide-or, to the .Lady M.iriMi'cl, a.i.l \\as altcr\\ards cho-en Chancellor ot tin- I'H:M-I il\. In Ixil In- \\.is appointed liiihop .( Rochester, which Set- lit- could nut he p.i \aili-d mi to xvlinc|iii-,!i, oh-i-niii'j, iii.il liis bi-hopnr was hi- uite, ;niil In- m\-r v. mil I part with IJIT l rauso -^ln- \\>\-* ])<><>r. \\lim thf ijin^lioii ii^itatfd, lit- >| ki 1 in lln- QIHTII'S lii'luiJ \\illi i^u-al fifotloin, and also .tlru-hlv dclriuJtrd tin- I'ojd-'s >><.i|>fciiiucy. For lliis conduct, and the |>;nt lii-. crttlu- hly had indiict-d I.MII to ar! in J'avur nf Klixnl)clli Dai ton, the viaiunarv propln'toss of Kent, iu 1 \\as iuiprii>oiu''J in tlie Tower, and treated \\ilh niiicli ri;,'or. NVInle in eoiiiin* 11:1 nt, (,'lrinent !he St-ventli, to leujid th*- I>i>h"p's adhcrenee to Papacy, con- ferred on him a cardinal's hat, \\hirh Henry pruhibiteci b.:i!i{ brought into the kingdom ; hut scut Cromwell to em|iiire ol hi-, priioiu-r, il he inlnidrd to artejit it. l'i-ln i an>ueiii^ in tin atHrnuttive, the IMUL: \( l.nnied, " W;;, i^ IR >o ln->t\ .' Well, !{ tiie 1'ope MMid him a hat u IK ;i lie \\ ill. .Mother of ( iml ! he shall uear il on his shoulders then; (nr I \\ill leave him i:e\er a head to set it on." The Isrant kept lu^ \\uiH, and i!ie l>i>iii>|* \\a- he headed in the \\ ar 1. '>.'>.'>. " MAU;AIIKTA MATKU HLMMIVI \"1I. Cmuiti-,i PJeumun.iie et Derhie, Fnn:latri\ Colle^ior, Chri. et Jo.t-i. ()!>. Ann. Uom. l.-jO'), Kalend Jnlii." This is a ->in;t!l three-quartet len^lli, <'ii \\oud, and, toi;< iher \\iih another portrait ot lliis distinjni>lieo-h p:ec s iepre,ent the C''tuiite^> kneelilii; ^sith her hands ela-[:ed, and a ho./k l\iii'j -i: a eiislnm: In J..K- her: one ot them appears to !>e an oii^ini.! : the oiii.r i> prubulily l>\ Holbein, \\lio, \\eauMiiluniKd hy \\alpolc, copied the portrait ol'this lady seveial lime^. Hor.Ktt r Sm K ro\, tin- tir-l Master, and huilder ol' the ( Cl lege, rcpieH'lited ill a t\ir eloak. \'. lili tile anil- ot I'enilncke Hal!, to u -mil he had t'ormei i\ h longed. Till- i> dated 1 ..'. 1 1 . OTKKN KM / \ HI. TM, a -mall painlinp: on hoard. i ; ! ( n jl 7: r VMKP. inc. F.-HIPE. C'r.rn , I .nun P>r Kt.KH.H, lull' l -nizlh on l)":inl, \\ilh hi-* arin^ ami in . -tlo. f "' itnuin rt unit int. M \ r. > , <,M i i N oj- *i . t -. :vt. '. >, tl.itt I I'M, halt IriiL-th n fii-anl. in a '. ' tin s, \\illi i.i-ii 'I >lrvc-. 1 !>v. u:;> I'.i. M.MVS . l.-|. a li-in'!ai lor I., the Library, jvor- ti.is- i \\.tii .1 !n> \M! |" :: l:.ii:: : < <".intriiaii( . an I .1 l k in in> luiid. Tl.i- L' 1 n:li in. in \\a> tii'' .iii'ijur ut N> \ci.:! < >t( ;m ! | i ni >n >ai ii| Mii'i' . I-. v Ili'^t \> 1 .1. 1 i: i i v. ( ; "i 1 '.i i|; tin I in tl.r u iju .,t J IK. - t!,. hi-!; ..!!! unri-stur In tin jTi-M-nt Di.l.< "l" Brnl^ - \-. (in iiiht i .It il In-- i--tati--. HKM:> \'< r i" l n i I i I rl J4. ^l \l: v, ( i M STK.-- < i "UUl v -' \ It Y. Tii:- l/.'lv -n !'! I In- rl x-f |',ir: i I tin- "ii'l i "int. Hi i poitiait i^ im-u- i mi'iii- lit.iu _u!.u it\ Mian it- ^Munliif--. of fvcmtion. S !H' i- n jm ^i nh t| in .1 I. !!!'_'' lanlin^alr. \\;lli .1 Ln;li lull, .mil In I ilrr- ornHIUflltfil .1 .:'h i ilaiirr .| ]i \\ i-'~. I' i | I II ' l N M Mt, I'. I:"!' "1 I !v , il.ltt i ' ' ' !; Ill III- r- ]>-, and ilfl. 111 .it<.| \Miii a pl asini: .tinl \t n- i.i!>!-- c oiinlrna:.i f. \\< Hi. d ,u tin \MI : - 1. I \I \ \i i: . 1 1 1 i M l. I s Nnc KS TS, ap]'ati-nll\ i iij>i tl liom ! I . ' M ; I-. '..!:;! I, .lli'i 1 1 i 'lll|" I : ii !; : . > mi; - ii 1 1 , I :'i I it III . Jnns I \K . . I',. h"|. ..; ( HI ' il IciiL'tlt. T!i> Pi. !.: W.I III .It" ll,r 'I . ,' . I Ml - i . lan an. I "] ,n I I . i ! I'M. (.. |i a-i ol < li-t-r: lialfli "-,-'' '' < . i...,, i \ (...Mint r.ii i, r i ''!. M| '" . itit'l .1 | , >' . ' '.', t, .it i i . -,, .- i. i, .1 ! f. , fi I CAMBRIDGESHIRE. 73 imolvrtl liim hi I he very heat of tin- battle, when his rxistmrp %vas terminated by u musket ball. He fell lament--'! even by Ins i'lxs ; for such vas the spotless integrity of liis ln.nt, !' ;! neither stal- policy, nor private advantage, rould \t-r induce him to dc\iate from tin 1 principles of truth ami probity. I'.arlv in life, lie I:, id oppose-! the a- -Mined prrrn'^ativrs of the ("ro\ni ; but as t!i<- breach inrn-.iM-d hetueeri tin- Ki:i^ and Ins Parliament, he occasionally stipporlt'd il:r K(.yal ati'.*-. NVIini llu- disputr had ripciird into \\.ir, In- raiscii troop-, to dctt-iul the Throne; l>nt tin- v.oi.l jimci \\.\-~, (icijui'iillv heard to l>i;r-i cutpiiatirally troiii his oppre>>cd Ix.siiiii. Had he lived, it is pio!>al>le that inany of tho ovils of thai calamitous period had never been known, since lii> iiilliienct- uitli Ciiarlcs ini^hl have induced the latter to have made those sacrifices to the demands of the nation, which his nm itiated judgment mu^t haw ucknowlcdged to have been highly lifct'ssary. TIIOM AS, I'.Ai: \. o i' STK \ ! ion n, in armour, from the original, liv \a:u!\(k,at Wontworth Caistlr, Yorkshire. K i en AIM) Nr.ii.K, Bishop of Dtirhatn, small, onboard. I'.DXVAiM) S ri i.i-i N<: I'l.K KT, IJMiop of Worcester, tliree quar- t-r length, \>\ Mrs. I>eale. The works of this learned 1'rclale have been published in six \oiimies lo'io. MATTIIKW I'IMOK, the poet and statrsnuni ; portrayed with u full lace, in hi> ambassatior's roh^s, richly decorated. Prior was born in !.i,;i Ion in the war |()(>1, and, ;ii!< r beins; taught the rudiments of education at Westminster School, \vas taken into the hou-e of his miclc, a \nitncr, near Charhllj-Cross. Here i he \ii\or ol' liis talents attracted the attention < f the F.arl of I)or>et, thro;! r'u \\hose jKitrona^e he \v;> sen! to thi> College, whe;'e he to >k the decree <>f Bachelor of Art-, and was elected Fellow. .\! ll'.e Ile\olnlion hi> patron introduced him to the c.)ii!t, a;:d proemvd him s. \<-i.!l honorable a])pointmcnts. In tin; reii;n of Ouren A;,i;e. he \\>is sent as pleiiip-.itentian to the te.uit, of France, \\ii-.' re he roided .some !i:ue: but the (Queen's death having occasioned a considerable change in pub- lic measures, lie \\as arrested in 171.'. <>n hi.s ;nr!\ai in r.ir'.land, I'y order of the Iloust 1 qt (,'omm<>n, cxtiiniiii;!' bv .s-tme select 71 v r.Kn>r,r>Hii.r. ir.cnilHT* i:T;-.f j>: . \ rmiiM .i, ;t:id ( i>mnn!tr I t> pnvn. \shrrf he r-ij''i:iii ii t.-.rrii'l hMM.M-. At tin- < "i.rli;>M>n of llx- \ .ir !.i . !'. i. . i 1 1 , ;. I..';:, i : ti-il ,11. :i \ . n |>r M'iitoii 1 1 1 I It 1 1 ! i I ; > 1 . i r i , ' \ 1 1 1 . . i i I II! 1 -' ! \' it ll.lt 'i'-lf. 'I il 1 . ;'. I, til I., lii. V. ' (i \\ |li i \ . r ! . i ri -I .1 a i ff.it!.;>--!- ! in lli> ;;!'' v i 1 [)iilh. Ill, i )!, i!,.- : ; - >'. II iiiirl .1 k.n.xv!, .1^, . i I ' ' ' . .. : /I Pi. I ir.iMl, I . : ito ti,:> ( nlii -', .!!;! in ' ' '.. ' !::> ^\ i ' - . , .,'(.; nf I ,..; \' ' ,; . ! ' i . ' i .1- ..'. : I . :,;i :i:i .1 I! i ' . 'in |.. :,!< . din In k: .l.'iin -, |,i- ' I: >iii '!'.', I .:.;- i !.i ,-.)..; ' ' : ' |'|n.|l!i::;l\ }i!i , ,] ' . ' :.,,..,, I , i ,.'. , x. < V M BUI IK. I..' Hi It F.. 7.') . , ho li.'.d tin honor of hU acquaintance. Most of his piinlrd books IK- bcmieathcd to the Lihr.iiA of this (!ol|ee; hut his \alu- ahlc collection ol manuscript*, in iii\ ivu volumes, lit* divided between the t'nivtTsitY Library and Lord (Kfoid. Tin- t \\ent v- thrce \olunics ^'ivn to tin- lal'rrai- ii->\v deposited in tin- I'nti-li Museum. \\H.i.i.\r.: Pi. \ vi, L- <;. the founder of .several fellowships; a small piece, of t oiiMderable mcnl, [Minted on ho;ird. In .111 apartment in this Lodge, a curious set ol chairs arc prr- sencd s.iid to )ia\e heen presented to the Society hv (,'harles the Second, about the year 10.SO. One otlheinisa lari;e elbow-chair, ornamented \\ith beautiful rar\iiii;s >t cherubs, lioits'-lieads, and other t'.ineil\il embellishments. Tiic Library is containt d in a sj>a- < HHIS room, erected at the charge ot John Williams, \rchbisliop ot Vt>rk, \\lio \\u^ a1 ello\v ot (his College in the year I0n.>. The collection of books Is extensive and valuable: one chi^>, coiisiitm^ j)rim ipally oi' I'lencii l.isto; ical \\uilo, \\.i^ ^'iven b\ .Matthew 1'rior. in a small apartment, detacheci ipl.s are preserved : among them i.s a copy of Baker's llisiory of this Colic-e. The Hall, do let [ by thirty, is ernbc.lii,shed with several i;;)od poi traits, particularly a highly finished likeness of LADY MAK- GARKT. similar to those in the Lodije ; and another of THOMAS \VENT\VOUTH, the unfvirlunale L-tr! ofSlran'oid, \>\ .1. Miilianl- .-on. This i.s a \\hole leir.;lh. Ti;e I'.arl is p(,;1.,i\ed standini:, \Mth one arm e\ tended, and the other IcaniiiL' <>n ins side. Many eiuiii! nt per. onaiies have been educated iii this College besidts tho-e ::lnr,e mriiiioued, particularly, llo^er \sdiam, preceptor t-> (Ji;: en r.ii/.ai-eiii ; Bishop TaNtor, o,,e ol' the compilers ot the 1. it :i. _.'/; Sir Th.imas \Vyatt, tiieei-Ui; Ctcil, Lord IJurleigh ; J);-. J.ini! l)t e. the celebrated tnathciiKiticiaii, and reputed magi- cian : iiisri-.-j) MM!::-,M, the li.st tran-lalor oi'the Iii!>l<- into NN'elsli ; IV-n .lons-.ii, l!;e t'.in! ,i;-. ,Y;. P. a %r\ < rt:, t!;r port ; Hitti.ih IV If. r !, .mt!i"i- oft!.,- Hrntli'.tn/ flight < 'k- 'I : ii*, -t.i. kin -IT, .!i,:|;(. i .,' III. //I'x/crf/r/ //.v /;/7;,V ; I '. i: . . : i; John II..M,.- Touk-, I'.- j. ;suil I -t llrln.V \l \( ,1) M.I \ ( 01 I l.f.l". i.n] - ;i poiti,,]! M. ( ii!i->. :m:l luiilt l>\ !' '. .1 N :n .'. l'..:i. in ! !'-ni;.r M l!ii> (niHiTv. 1 tin. ru!i I'- | i i M:.I-:..II of I,;- \< !).. ]!'',,!. in 1 1 Tin ii!ii:.:t< > ot i r,-nio\-.| '. i M.IIMS. II \ i :,; hu:-.t\ \i-.:r- ;;lti r . , tl i i > * < ::i to li.r. ln n i > ^!rr!i ii t.il lii" . . . ii l!,< \ v, i , |I,.K . , M ("!- . ' . I ' . ' II of I >.<'.- ^ . \ h . t'lf ( I- '.v '. I ' . '1 i:, . . ! , I !:.i:.|. :.- 1 PM: i ' , 'II, M II i-l'si. V ,;s ( ,\l ll.r > III : 't I.. I .1 M..-- . i : Lis "line LCI ii in .. IM.I! .,>[,), !. 1 . ' II < * 1 1 1 I i h 1 1 o t I i I ' i i < > i o I 1 1 ; i i I ', ' i ! . l.o.l '. Il II V . ,.,.,. ' ! , v 77 Edward Station!, Duke of Bur kin^li.tiu ; Lord Chief Justice Sir Christopher \\'r;iy, Knight; and I'.dnard Rainbow, Bishop of Car- lisle; from originals: another ol Bishop Cumberland, l>\ Koimtcy; and it whole length of HentA Hou.trd, Kurl of Suffolk, h\ (Jibson. In the l.oil"*- is the ordinal portrait of (In- Duke of Buckingham, -.INCH to the College h\ Dr. l>. \\illN. This h;is been i'.nni\:d by I loiibr.iliei) ; but IN lv .1 mistake of that artist, railed liriirv, iu>le;i<| o| l'..!\\ ard Sl.itl'onl. Tlie ('iiai)el i-. xcccdiiiu'lv ueat : the altar-piece is of plaster ol 'IViri-;, ami represents 1 lie f\\o Maries at the Sepulchic ni'lfr the Kesurrcction, in a!to-relievi, l.v Collins This Cnlhe has two l.ibrarii's ; the prinripal of uhirh was fiiven l-y .'--aiKUcl Pej\\ s 1'%']. Secretary to tlie A(l,i:i:aliv in tl.e liiiM* of Ciiarles tiie SITOIU! : it rontaias many vahu ;')! p-.sbii;-.:- tiniis, and aNo MHUC ciuim^ manuscriiils on niaritimc allairs, cul- h'(teJ and \\iitlcn by Mr. l'cp\s, ulio is sometimes rt'ijardod a-; the founder of the present iiix%\, from the fjreat attention he be- stowed o;i its concerns, durinv t! .e r.-i^ns of the above Monarch, and his Miccessor. Here aro likewise several volumes ol scarre and curious prints; alining \\hich are the twelve Caesars and tJicii' \\ ixes iVtnn Titian, cr.gravi'd ny Sadlier ; these are in \ery line pre- servation. A laruo folio volume, i:i this colleclion, contains a kind of sories of scraps .seh'-'led as sperimens of various hand- writ inirs from about the year J/CO. In some of them the \\ riling i-> so excredin^ly minute, tiial it appears like a fine hair Kinir across the paper, and cannot be na-.l without a magmlier: thon-jh \M'I!I the aid of (lie i.'la>s, the letters are as di-tin< t ai:d Ici;ihle as liiie printini;. In the same book are tome manuscript iinifatiim^ <>! prinlinir, >> completels deceptive, ;>s to refjnire c.'ii:.; i -j'able at- tention to discover the ditVeren.-e. In a -!::all octavo volume arc l':e (nc-fhhil:'s t*f the sitrnaturcs of many eminent characU-rs !;o-e hMlcrs were amon<; liie papers of Mr. I'ep v s : and in another \(.!anv of the sanu' >ixv, arc \a- lior.s inpnl'/i^'tt'// particulars of tiie escape ot'Chailcs the Second atlcr the fatal battle of Worcester; and likev, i*e the original ac- couut of that event, written in >i;uil-ha:id l.y Mr. IVpys from tht Kin"'? ; * i \MISKnu.F.SHIP.f. Kins'* own Mm >is ; I 'O lln'i \Mlli tin- nanativr at Ini^tli, tramlatcd from tin- slmrt-li.ind mt.i I nuli-.li. An uni'|Ui- rollrclion ol aii cinit liallads is .ii- |>iiMi\<-d Int.-, l< \thHi l>"t:i Dr. Pi TO an I Piiiki-rtuu h.i\i- had irlinii-r. In (la- I.ilirarN au- llini |>ortra;S ft' Mi. IVjiN": oin "| tin-in is a half length, said to havr lu-rn r> 1 i tilnl li\ >ir Pt It r I.4-K. \Nith tin 1 (lislin^iiilit d liti-raiv character* rduralrd hrrc, n;av !>< n.tmril Hi-nr\, l.nrd Stall'ir.l. lu-ir to tin- OM^KM! Iniind. r . Sir Oilandn lltitl^iuan, ( iiu I' JusLn i,|" llu- Coiiiinon Pitas. Sir NNilhani MOXM II, aulliur nl tin Mnlul/ii Hi*tt>ii(C .tnylicanif : Pi |.NS, alioM- ir.inli.iiir,! ; Da;.!. I \Y.-N il.iml, \nlidi a, nil nf Mid- |)i an of Prlcilinn n^li . '.i.'! I ' i:..::. -i \\ . i :' :', a:, :: :an.t n; :'!:i 11. all" tan. TKIMTV rnl.l.l (,]'.. Tlii- r..-!.!, :ii:,i inairiiifiiviil . sl;d,!;sii- inrnt IHTII|III--. ll.r site u | scM-ial liostrU, a- \M il a* ol ll;r t\vt llir-f \\.is fnutidrd IIN H:ir\r\ \nii^;ii-r. nl Maiilon, in v.l'ii'ik. "li'i \N:IS siicfi ss|\rl\ ( hiil 1'iaimi nl tin I.M ln(|ini . ( Ini I JuslKt i,| tin- ( ..II,M.'.:I 1'lra-. and ( lilt t' .liislm- nl tin Kiin.''-" lii'inli. 'I Ills rinuii nt l.av\\rr |iucli.:M'd a sji.n im:^ man r h s|, ,,,| i,, ,, r I IK- on I \M'V| (i. i in I .|" 1 1;' L'n-at i our : ol tl,c [Hi-si Hi ( ..ill jr. Ill l!:r M litri nlil n| l.'l\S..r'l l!. >.,.,.,,,, j ai:d in l!;- MU n i ln. M-:ir, \Mlli (hi- roti-i-nt ot' tin Kiiiu', and t! !'..-!.<] i, .ind ( '.1:1 \. nl ..I I 1\ , i i, i|i. \\i-d it \\ jtli | in- sin. |]| |i;n ; ,|i "I "' Nl.i ii. 1 ' I's, III tnud, ai.d (\M> I. in icriiN, In lli "I : .M.i 'I i- r and ton i 1 i \\-.\\ -. In I hi n-^.-n nt I'd .n I Mi' 1 I . ' ' ] ' "in \M M i , di I..'N[\ .iu:.!.:i nlri! \>\ . l '-. v. . ill i Mje-i.i, Ii- ' ' ') - i 1 . , lit til I at loii. Tlnniiidi ihr .c duiiati'.!.-. ii..i- , I', lid \ atii'll- -nMlli I !'i in I'.n l:..Ii, t!.. : . lln '.-.- n n| , :..! | .1 I" '-I :t. '.I ll;r < ul'i , .;,.) ill.],;. '. . ! '* i .. : ' In SITU ni tl 1 ' 1 1 ..i!. ]. (' "H Kil< !: n u| Tl !lil1% ( -i i'.- liit- ' ' ' ' ' !.. "..i|.!% ,,{..!., fff I LHMBRIDGRSII1BE. 7}J increase*! whenever tin- revenues would allow: in its most nourish- ing slate, it consisted of a Master, ten Fellows, ami tour IJjbh* Clerks, besides Students. hiiny'x //a// derived ils origin fVoin the munificence of Edward the Third, who endowed it for a Master and thirty Fellows, and ]ilaced them on the north side of the present College, in a spa- ions mansion, whidi was afterwards enlarged, and extended nearly to the liver. In this buii-lm.-; the ioi;.t of I!i< luni (In- Second resided when that Monarch lield his Parliament in llns town. In addition to the fuiul> for the support ilu ml our, with ail the spit-dthjt -.r. must. allow ; and, a> .1 prep.:t.!t"T\ un-.'.suie. lie ir.j'.iiird the -nrrrtider nf t!-f .d'.'.e i -t.dili-!ili:ei:t-, \\!ii!l -.Stfe -"'II '.'.I ITW '.U !s cojj- \i \d to him h\ an In-tiunn lit, -.IM-II under the roninson -cals ot tin- resin i-|i\i- S ittirs, signed on the J'Uli ot Oelohet, :;st!i of IliiiiA th- I iijith. TO thr ri'xenues of thrsv hou-t - ill.- Monarch in.i ie Lteaf addition*, mid n ''ted the present -|..i. ;,.i;s Collre \>\ c !i.itt r, il.:trd !)(((:. ili. r tin l>.t!i, l."'t', and dedicated it to the H.'lv .tiid i:ii.ii\iiid 'iii:.;iv. 'i i e i !,i.-t ptirpi>-e- tif its in- !titntion, as dir!.irfd in tl:r ihaifrr, v,i < " the enlaru'einrut and -lahilr.s ill! e intt t A/M//,//I /'<,'/ ;." ; t'"e i viiiji..!:..!! of errors kno!i-!_'- l Inn "ii - ; tin- e '!'i. .iti'Ui .il \ :i i'\ !! .1 '.IIH ;il- d hv his danj;h- trr, ( v 'ui i n ^!.:i \ ; . :i.| tin 1 [ ' r-. i - il." \ P"\\ iii.iii.l.rn a it- up\\ards of fnur hiiii'ln d, //. a .M.i-ter, \ in ^l,>!e|, -i\|\ |\ Ho-, sixty- nine S4hnl.ii-. three puh!:e I'l. ile nrs, t< >ui ( ' nlucts, and vaiious otlnr i. tin - r- .iiul -en The huil< lint:- "I lh.- ' ' '.ie'.-e UK lo-r t \\> < -p.K ion-* (|iradr.iiit;ul.ir rnurt-, lh' pimeipal <>l \\hieh i- .'.',} tit I h\ ,VJ."> \\r-t and cast, and >7 ''^ ' ' i."itli and >.i.iith. The ni.i-.'intirrnt to\\rr j^atr- \\.!\ at the rhll.'nte I- < imailK lite I \>i:ll a -t.ltlie of I|e|||N the r.rjht'i. .nil had f'.riiKiU an n|i-.-i \ .it. .r\ on the -'iiuniit, eiectetl for tin- v:,| ( |ii - i.f tin iininiiil.:! \eton: hut tin- \\.i- r'ino\-d in the \..ir I7''7. On the noith -idi of thi- emiit i- the r'e^aiit (h.yil i H i till li\ i!,e -i-li-r (,'iierii-. M.IIN and I'.ll/ahetll. 'Ill- -'rniiuie i- |.,.i'l in Ii ' -'[. and di-p!,i\s mm h I'liiniii. -in p] i il\ and t.t-'i . 'J i e nitcii"! i- Ji't tert in Irii'^ih, ! t ii. i In - hr-.i'!, .-i,il aliout ! I fi e| hi-!:. Th \nte Chapel i Il'Ml the (h'.'.l li\ ail < \|i !,-".< |_'.',!let\, \\hllll 'oil I'll" ' I ' Us in I'm;! '.I'd. 'I'he .ill. il p;ere n - n I- Ii a I i.f "-I . \hc tl \VI. AM) 1 II C I' .1 l.\ \\. -I 'i ., . pi. ii . .1 undei a iii.'.:;i 1 ilieenl |..,.| ,.f ^ . np]"-! l i I l-\ ( . : nlliian pd'i:-: the prdnm nt i, '' .t!i 1: . i;. . in the -oiiuiiit : :'!id (.hroi.iti'd NN III CAM HUi IM;I'.SHIHK. M \vitli wrt-alhs and (lowers In aiitifiiHs *culpttirrd. On <-;i< -!i side the choir air rm\s ' :!!-, f.r I lie IVllo/s, with s,-;jU below them for tin- Scholars. !n tin- \ntr-('!iitp<-! is :i inn-t a !- iniiaMe piece of Matuary, -\ernted lr, Knubiliac. This i,lhe figure of the -treat \i.v. r<>\ in v. hile tr..n !>!. Tilt; l*hilo.v,plirr is rrprwi'litrtl "!: ii'liir; mi .. pi'ijcNtal, in III'- '."H\n nf a Mii^ti r of Arts, uith a pii>ni in Ir^ liaml < , i'.n ! !:N Ix-'ii^nant < lrartci| mrJila- lion. Tlic diapt r\ is qracct'iil, ad \v-ll dis|Kis4'd; and tin- < a>t of features is prubabU tin- ino-.t jmlicimis tlial tin- sculplor rould l:a\c adoph-d. On llic prdi'-Ua! IN liu 1 inscription, Qui fcnitft /in- manum ins^enio svptTtivit ; iiupurtiit^, ihal he cxreirdi-d all nit-n in uisdoin. T!ii-> slaliic \MIS <-refled at liir e\pe;.>o of the late Dr. liciln'il Smith, at:d ha- l)<''e:i drsriihed !>% a uunlviii !',ii in the follow inj v. < nl-: li.tik' \\l i M- tl;e n'jiiii. r.i'I iiv.'l >!< ai, V\ itli Imul Hosui.n.i!. ei.-.ii!::- ;hr c..i . i>< iiiiitl, it pri;ii \\itliiu lii> !..r ( ,', Ali.-iiili'il ii: llioiu!;! t;icat Ni.\\ KIN >: iin!^' Suili \\;-~ In- !TI>\\, ;anl i. "k M Kli'-. l!i c .-i litiu- L r ail. and mii-ini: i.icin, U lien, lan^li! on (-.i:,!r \sii:^- to i!\, !! tiurM l!:>- \on;!r|-s dl'thr -kv ; 'I in- etianilicr- "!' lu' sur. <-\plainl luir^ are -'ofil. r,t-h\i;'i:;r,s MUHC \ti\ f.-.-ainl jind spacimi^ roi T.:*, uli*-^ lii: ^oxeixi^n rrM'ir.s \\hfiH-vfr he \i>its Canihiiti^f. ')"..( apartments i:i tin-. I>uiidiii5; rontain a numerous roilei lion oi' jci; Ir.iiN, ol \\hk-li t!)t : muier-iiU'iuioiieil nra\ lie re^.ird-. ;i a> !;.; jii. -L Mi:i!h ut. HOIH'.RT I)].vn:Ki\, r-.irl ({' !'.- e\, l.a!f leu:;!!;, in link \\ith t!ie (.'t^oiL'e pemlaiit fnun Li> neelc, and a \sord in !:> \> !? hand. This \\as painted l\ M;;ik (ianaid. <. V H i.i.N i'.)i;-\ 'H'.TH, porJiaved n; a mlF, \ei\ la rue s!e\is, ;-.iid a i!. \-.e: !)( ticiiat: the \\hoh- dri'>s richly oniaineiiit'd \\ iih lai e. l'.i>\\ .\r "'UK Tin Hi); a riirM.it- ;,iid ve v v - i/ ' I! 1 MY ill 1 i- M i ii, a larci- ami singular picturr l.v l.i.i II-'". .1- .] j-. n- l\ Ii;iniaik. 1-1.. Tllf fltflire of' I ' i M : r. ii i - i" ' v.t i M i j . ami ti . i It ft lu'_;li, a nil (In- Imilo jiro- j i 1 1 !. _"":"i'i ( I !' r l-i'' 1 ' -TIII l< li.ui' In < ii n | Minted ; Imt li,< r< -I ! li:- j';lii!- \- i)i_-lil\ liin>in'l, ainl in ;-.iu.| |>; i MT\ .iliou. 'j'ln l..i!..n .ir.' \MTI|> an- I:IM-| :l.n| I,M ll. /.' ( t } t n i i'!, s 1 1, n > ,i i /,' _'i -.i>t'': r , <{'<( '< i 1 :' ti: .'i. .U'/\*> fn>r tfrit nl ij\-;fiiin niti- ;-'r/c ,!'ii:n\. Qiiis nifljoi' ftr^'in, /.-'/ : li/'i.l:t.-* irilrf. 1,1. Ml,i !. 'I Ml- jic,]||.ut |r.|s -J )|]|(. I iir. -. IM i M .1.,-iili- -It" I I'll" i!. 1 \> \v \ i: l> i i: I v l \ i ii, a >n;a!l \\ I ml. ! ;-_tii oil I' -::i.l ; -'!:. :!:! V til in. MI. !_''!. Tli') V \ s N l.\ M.I. r. ; /.. M \ I.;-. I f, i'\ |'.t::l \ ITIIIH M-, i:i\-n In (li- Mifir|\ |i\ l>r . }'.< ;.'... (Ji i i \ M AI.^ . on Imai.l. >. ;: ! \ M \ i \\ m\ , i .,.1 ln.jli. !.\ \ a: ilril-.u,' : th> li.i> Itri'ii i-,i'jia\i .1 !i\ \ ! ..If.:-'. !. I, l'\ ll.i!ii!!.-\ : . \!; :;: !\ li:i . |)|;. ^I pi. - i.t ' Li-!. I. 1 li n I- . !-' .i !. :-! !' ( , \ ! ! I ! ' , 1 ( , I ; ; , ! <, Can .11. | ;, - i.I. 1 I . l!,. ( ..;|i - - V '.' I ,'. ill I II . -'l ' !' !. "J -i'.li.l-ll II'. till' I : .ij (" . i t" I 'i hi' i- v liirli i:;i ~l since iira'!\ rrluiiit, ai;tn-, air in tK^ ;: ! ! ," !u,: r . 'pacioui of lhf-' upaituH-i.U La- ! rij li;:!.'l.-iii;i'!\ S ' I'J orniimriili-tl v.iMi l!i' p..il; ' -I C:i\; x i v'.i'ii , ol N'>|||< I'M'I, ; liil jiri'iN \r, ( 'h ':.(r'! i! (.i I., '-I "i D.uicr : ;mil .!);'., \!,i<- i.j-. u!' ( ii.n ; ,> . , '. .,i;,ii <\ ii.- ' >, tin- hili- ( li;irlrs, Diik srllt the lllIMI'^'N iil I'.lli, ,;!!,(!.'. ''',' I-'!!!'. li.'li: !'Mi! i thiN court iiif crcu'n ,1 !i\ !.'* ;ip :!!:.: !:'i> i.!l'. < irii.'A-, Nr;ir llic i!ii(!'llc d il is ;: l.ir. < iici;; .CM.,! < m,ii ;', \..n !; --.(\ t!:c Col!.'c, ;t!..| i'> in : -!ili.,,.i ..:.; :: !. .: ;! :.! ., uit'i \c< '. i:t v. luoiiulit li\ .1 M.l.lc: r;:i:i -us ( !.>nr... ! Ii :::.> ^j >i .M; .;! u! (:. uc t nt' the lu\\n. '!'!; in:., r mill I i- r.;<. iv i !r :.;.!.:, ! :.; !< - -y-.i !/'--. i' .MI l! n;i r, lU li'.riisiiirn:'. 1 ;!' linii'/ \ i .; .' ut >! and c;^t. Ti.i ^ i-, u> . ..'. \i!V> (''>!!!!, i'i"i!i li:;.- naiuc of ti;c |'i i -uii !>:.'! i. ..... s ., ;:t \\li"-f (\;ni,M' il v. ;;s |>t ii;i ;j';;!!\ :n;;:: t '!, in ;!.< \--;ir '. v !!.cc t!i.:t iii..r a ii:;-^i'.ii'.i i Ml l.'.!i)\!i'% Ii.:- IJI-IM t ifrti M(!I ;:M.! i-.orth -!.>, \\Li-- !i rdiiiaiu tin- SIu.l ;;;>,':! t;i;c!i!-, ii;i\c ln-cn iiiniift \\!m!l\ rc!i:,:it : ;!i:-..!-.! -i-!- i- t' i t\ l!i-- ii.iil: iii !':; lid!:' ui' iii<- lu.Irr is a It i'i;i:-i', v, ' liiiU'isunir !iLtl!u>!ia'l'- ;'.;;*! hi".!:! :; .'IM-. I-;',:;c IJ.MIOW ; ;:i:ii !;' M.'.-.CI i|iliu.';> v. liil \. liirii i! \\ ;-. ,-r, ; ;, ,1, a i i i"i! :il 11:1: in in ;i; !\ '< i.i;i ' !. \>r< c i i. . ;!\ i n!!' ' I t '.:'!:/: !.!> rvri'lidi!-. ; 1 !, ;IM !.i!-..\ t \\ ,,- tlir !! ii;:! . i ;,( . ivi .;,;-! rr \' . ;:. 'i i:c i*\!t-.;iU' (., t!,i> ^lnn ':,( ! oii'ai::; hit I v i'.ii p-| '-'.IT-, c, \- ! Liji'.tc;--, .si 1 -- 1 ;'.r!iilr::\f-: ul.'i a ^t in,- !,. ; ;!. !-;..; ' -,;;;. m:. ',' . ,' !i.i- MiaiiTit. ( '\<",' ii:r c;',sl Iriiiii arc !m;r >i,i!i.i -, II,' , : !- . ! i t . - |'H M'!.! Di\ i;:!;\, ! .a\\ , i'ii\ I,', a; id Ma: ': :i;;-!ii > ; 1.!,! . ' !'t ; M- U lar liuiif Ui)illi\ (i, i,;;-r iVciii l!;r r\ci-'I. .-:< ,i|' .! \\ , ' 5 { < \ M r.r. : : : r*nn:K. i,./ i !,-, M-. < , '.r;. I (':!>!>- r. \s !i-> !<< -.iiiii- -M il.-rn. ; i','.K.:i!i. 'Ilii* trniil i liKi-wiM- ilrrorati'il i';'!i .1 ! >'. ' "f !'!(.'.' ;\ l.rrMliii; t!n \i \\ \f|vimi ot" tilf >. fit : - !:i'i:i t ; ^I-M-II'V li.t- rpn I'T. 'I!. ;,? -'.i i (', \ r . !'li -' ; ! rlili-, u:i< I \\.iin-t nt tr< I \\ilii (M,!. 1 .it (l)l' IIKI ill (Mil. v. ; . . in- :t:i _': . i' ! 'M "' t 1 i ' > Imi^t- IIJKMI tli- ! ' . In |iMMt'ir\ !< in .iii\ 111 .. Tin- - 'Utii i.-l i- |. ..! i) ' i ' i" rl.'Uii.in.T nt i l.\ tlf ! .1. M.:>t :, |>i ! 1 . !!_ i- -\ti< MM Iv i !.:'. , ,li-:inl .t- <.'ii!. I .., <\. i ' . . , nN l!.i Tii - :,!,il:..n .( ^:r 1 V ' i: M s (i-i : I . ; ; . v In. I- -...:!. -.| :i::il ,-tt.-ii '< I ' ' i . -.\ .: : ii in- i . ' ' r. " II ',i .MI- :!,. ' i : }*, .:- n I i.: i > l : . ! , I' i 1 ! - u ,' LI ;i 1 1 i.ii.' i ; > v. ! !,\ i!o i i I ' !i:i "I :i H ( \ Mi; It I Dl. I. >H I UK. S.'i ,llollt (olirtrrlt IHlIl'.S liolll Itullir, ,llni ^I\UI ID (lie - . , ] , l>\ Sir C. Wintrinj'haiii, I'art. M. 1). Mau\ othrr i \\\l iii< .n- alo piwnnl line; paita ulai l\ a :-li;!if, uiir.'-iv.l i :ir_.-iL I, quadrant, ami <-Diupa.-.s, \\liiili f.MUh-iU In 'n.^nl ID l ^:r !-.:< \r\Uon; a <|imrr ol JITDU-., l'\.,| !i\ l.ii'iard I..- Tinr ! a^auiNt Hrnp, llir Si'U'lith at l!;' 1 l>.i!'V '> l>">\\orl!i Ii'iil; a Chinese |Klpulil ; 11 .skclcliui ol a man hi in::;,. ''.' i , ca! \;\ a iln-p- llfl'i|'> IKIV ; tlif l of the \\ito it l!iu! , -tlin-c oiu^n > an I l!u< j.cii'i- .- \\ri^li1s, luii \\a> In'i.Ki ii iulD tv.o j;ii . > In . .1: i!\ ;i:c cu: n^iis irril ID .v r il a! Ni'\viin: !\i-l ; ;.u I'.i;\j)tiaii MiiiiuiiN, in very lino ppvscrva'.'.uii, v/li tin 1 on; i !c nuiouslv J,iit ai, ; ;'iiil t!:c '!i.;"i i/Di!y ui uii.- D|' tlir aliori^'ina 1 ii:!i-.:i ii-Mit-. < !' ll.c M;.'.!i-:r.J !! . !:'-, in ;,, ; , like di i> (1 !'!, a.ui I'M litres thrtmii into tlu* ino^l l.:>rn!i'<- lio! u-' ;: : I!. '.>lni!i ,..i: i- iniu'li slinaik, ci a (i ; ai r \ -;.!(/r, a,'.' .'i lici^lit. Thi'sc j'.iisrrahlr unreins oi' \\liiil t!i:ri- \\;i--. !iu.;;,iv, \\ many rurili.-s Iirou^ht l>y I'aplai'.i (':)!; iVoni Iln- iii'uly- !: I.>laiuis in Jin.' StUilli .'.a>, v.iu: p.c I'liU'tl t ) !!; ('.i.u^.- ; late Earl of S,ii:(iuii'!i ; tumtli'T \\i\li (lie .Mnnnny ;;;ul li;c ii.is; \\liirh lii> Lordship liim>c!i* iiuil roiuoynl Ironi I ; .^\j)t. Anioiii; the portraits in this Librars, \\lu^c I:K.TII cr.lii!< -. t!:; in to notict', arc \v!i(.lc leiiL r tli>, l>\ \aiiuiiii<' ilili- i-l Dit. I ; \.\c IiAKitow; Hi:. Nr.vn.i.K; Mi: llr.NKv l'i -. .: : ::i v. ; i,i: IM'.M > a- ;...';;':! (.i' Ii." (Jartrr; ami Cn Al: l.i'.s MoNr\(,i i', 1'ail i (' ii-.ii.'.iv, !.;, Sir (iii!;Vry Kia-lU-r. Ili".r i- al-D an oii^in.:! hii'f i i.Jii (;(' MiAKi^rrAlM., I is Ahirk (iananl. '1'hc liDi.L> aiv ....'.ikJ into tinrtv rla^o, aiul :ii--j).'H".i in c.i.-f< c\ oak: on li.c i\ich ca-r i> a \\< !l-i'\r, utcif inarlilr !)u-t of .-.>:!> <1: '\: :;.iiv < I literary characttr ; in tin- Hioii-c of v, hir'i DO uiah.t 1 Jias bft'ii ^i\cn to am a^c, lr, ( t a jiiDirii.n-. --I'l'ili:!! J.M i ol the most tiuiiU'iit autlioi.-, u!.il':ri ;.,.< ! i.l i ; )..."!;;]. '!.:' ' ....... : '< i !>\ IS , : !l- ! .' -i< i. lit IM-II. t'.u t"i-. .i i i , iti! t'l'i ti -' tin ir..inu*iTi|'t* .irr ;:!*< r>ni.uii , < 1 1 - : i \ r, ' ' j ' - ' . i 1 ! i ' 1 1 . h i i : : ' : n _' " ! M : ! ! i n . 'i, i '. . < \. . ' u.-i i ix i tri! .1.:. r:: i '. |. :j>i t * >1 S|j- : . . : . : < . ;. !' !< . . f.i- l-u (...'.. I rh-at\, \>\ I i. I V II. 'I '.' I ' !!-i-l f t" l!,' nil./|..;| < (.j.V .. ! ( : t .' ' ..(' .1 !. I, .'I I.. ; ti . li'1 j. . .:. i ' ;. :. ' i i . ' I ' - ' ' l.il J'i.!li'> i-f : . I . ?. I i ir.t. iid< .! I" i;.r.^ . ; :' '- In - ..' MM - .. ,., ... , 'i .it.- 1 - i.!t:-!i j .<:' ni I . ' > t . 1 -in. i ii> !' !.'.! . ] i I I' I' . 'i'- '..:; ii.ii:'! ; - *-. . i .. > i '!,i :: in tin 1 i:< .u ti < i,i) /!" n|' (!.. J .iln.'i \ i> ,-n p"! ! ','M-'| in :i . ..MM !!! n'in r i-it i I .1 1 ! - ['.ill !. ! ' ' I 11 < ! :l I' . V IV i. .((..in ..! I! .' i.l'i ,!l i ! I -t' .!ll - Vi I'll I ' ..... I tin I 11*1" I!. . i I _ H, . v .l Ji iilli ( '<'tt<'ll. \\ ll< * |ri'*rnl I- .r. In lllr \\;ill. il.*i l :!M .1 \. ;!h a . . I I : " Tin .. I;..|I,.MI Nlnilli ''.< . I ::.-.. i irli i i'l M |i.u I i 'I 1 .ii 1 /- ^n I; -'.i :l ( i.Miui, .ni'l ! |H,V|!, .| 1 ( r, \i i if ici:i'i\ i i) .'.II i- i |n u-c n| v ,i .l"lii) ('(!' n, I - I . ; n l!n >* , n IN !.\ . V. | ' . . ) -,. , I \, ,i \\ llll till . ! ! !lii ., 1 . Illlll . i..ll.!i ''I. I V i l.tcil ,.| t . H < iMni:t m.r.sii ii: t;. sf Ihr cxpeii-e of his -,i,lrr Mar\, CounU^ >J' Hut'', b> maker. Here is ItkcuiM- an aim. nl >loin-, \\illi ;i(irrrk ni-> n^- lion, bronchi I'om tlit- \n hip !.:i:", . M.| l.t.'U pn rat<-d In the College l-\ Mr. Haukm-, <>|' ( i.inv.all, \. M. and a k'-nr.ni uiiiliaiA, i;i\en by Ilichard (ion.h, 1 - j. 'i In- laller ^ilt u.u accompanied l\ a I'-ni; 1. !m li'.iii, ill'- s: ; !,^aii. i- ot' v. iarli li:i-. ln'fii tiius lian-l.ilcil l'\ I'H ; : -i;l M.t-!r- " l!.i lloiuaii u:ili * stoiu-, prcM'iil;-,! l.i Tuiiiiv (...!<_;, M,;\ ill.- vT'!', IT 1 "', \'-' touiid . I'l.Oi: 1 A N I' >, \\lln >il( C. < ill .1 ills llMililtT 'l\!'i!'l III llic \car <>l our Lonl 'J/n, ;i!iii'\ \\\<> or t'licr niuni!, , ln'iii'4 uinnU'H'il lv liis own stililifi's. IV-nii iiir -, : i.,it IUTIM! <>i iliis l'.iii|)t'rur\ n'i',!i, it i> |)fi.!al)!t- that Ihi- mi! --!>.;>< i> die i;i!y inriiioii.il ci 1 :!.. nl\ ;: S'.MTC and valuable' i\ii- - i liiiti .j'u! 1 . . 'iiir iiiMT';)!i:/ii !.-> !.". ' _M\:rs old." lU'iu.r.li tin- l.i!):\:i'\ i> a .-p:;.. inn-, |,ia/,: ', I. mi v.! ;1 .'i I -r ' \\ n infill iron -,iti -s <>|)..'ii t\..U'i> tin- risiT. ( ) . r 1 1n- lalh-r i-, .i:i < l'^s,i:n'd ii.o j-hapo ol tin- poinit ii arch. .Mans PCIM;HS <>i tin. 1 ino-t di.>tini;ui>lu!(l and p.-t -c.iiiiici'.t ..! iuuc 1 hrcu Mad''iil> or .M'UiinT> oi' t!ii-> Colic .c. \'. ii!i liii-M \\lio IKUI- iiccoinc nmrc p.-ciiliarU I'clc'ni'aft'd, nia\ Lt 1 1:11; i!n r-d, Sir Francis liacon, Loi'ti \ortilatn; l^oi'd C'lnct Jusiit c M; t.d^ard Coke; l'"u!kc (ii'cvilt', l.oi'd Ili'uoke ; Hubert i)e\ereuv, i :il 1.1 lvs:r Jloht-i t C'oilon. t'.Ji.ndcr oi' the ( \>!li;t;!.,i.' !.i< : h..;> \'. ilk.: -, antir v ot the { iiirt r.v.v/ < .'..n-itc'fr ; Joiai lla\, aii-l ir. .;.(.- V. iii(.ii^!ii>\ , the celel)ra!ed mitunilbls; l>r. 'l'hoi:,;;s C.ile, mi i-ir.ii.eut auli- 1' i (;..!-, ;i ii!,i'.' u.'li .< '. .'.it I .:ii!!i-ii "1 I l:f'; :!.-'; \;i'i:-\* M;u\:l, l--i |>"il ;iitil -t.it-->- i?i M ; I f (>! I 1 !*..,.,!: v : !->;., N.-\M..n. |)i.lvi.i<- Biiir-iw: |>: K...I '!!',.:,;; .. l'i.( n\ns M .n -M-I.I | >iln>j , I . . ..... .f! . . |) . . .. >;i I.;,, ( >| |;-||,, s ; .Mill L.tll >)> ' ' ! -, \1 . i. ! ' ' ,!. . i. n l!i- -:;- ..I' .1 l)..inun- \ . l>\ . : . |i: i\ .(! ; r-i-l; . . i.- ' IM-I I \ i'i i , -< < !.,! 1 ' MI it - -j'.v,:. ! t'. 1/1- i i N i i i ! n : .1 \ . i > 1 1 f ! H i . ! ; i \\ .i ( ' .: . . I |'r,\\ ( iii (, i'-r,i II; .Mim . id r. 1 !: :i t""i ('..> ' .! n.iin ' I .. , Sill I |!l ;l J- II, ,(1 I . II-, .1!,"! If 1 1 ' I I ! ! i N i ' I ! ; ! | .' '' ( I ' ! , ! :i . . .1 : .!)'; ; ! i . " .'.if; I-.MI-.I iiji. nl , i Mi,.-. ( i \l l . ii-l i- .1 , \ .!>,.; Kin ' . . ( '-r ! ; - I ., !; nii'l i , N |.,,|l ' f..i!i.\Mi>.; v i H \\ \ i i M: M ! i f M \ "> . '' I )-t I i. j, : ' !'\ \. !!;- in- ! , M | , ,, I f ." ll.ll |l ll'.'li'. \ l I I . Tin tin i \ i i > :i:"iil,ii ; ' I li ! - n I )' ,1 ','"lt II'" 1 . , \ i, . i I l,i - !' ( it. UK , -! , h, \ lt( r. ' -in '! s \ N , i ' < i i , r \MI-.H i f)(;!:sinur.. so , MttiiiL,' :il a wniiii^-tahlc, \\ilhhisarins ami motto, li'ijj'uLt cvntriiriu* Orbi : \" 1'. K. "M-II-. Mi:. I'IIAM Is ASH, a In n< - lartor, Mippovil | t \ |)o!i>-ou, half U-n^ili. Koimi.r:i Sv MO.NDS, the utrhilcft of llu' ( ..!. L''^ I'.usauitrl ;IM| Siilm-y, |Hirlru\fJ \\illi a lai'm 1 pair of onnnasM >, in li> L.rnU; liail Uir.'lh; in a lianlsKli. liul still mi MI-. JI.IIN I \\i, l,,nl .f \Nri< - lainl, and H.iroti IUi;:!,ii- : i, I>N !!....! : s ; DM;. r,nii.M;i) l'\U- MKli, liif I. ill- M.i-icr, ;r.'l a' i- i>;r.ir, :,tatui mi slmkr-; !, liv KoliiiH \. 1 )i:. !' M: u ; a > rpy, liul t \hiMr' !v \\ 11 M tuU.I ; llic l*-atiin's Kn ,i a:-(| pi'in-naliii.i;. Cll \Kl.l-. .! \( K.V.JN, l'ii!np of Kiiil.uc, |.\ (,. colloid!; it. Ml: \\iill.\M 'l'i:\; JM.K, siiil to lia\c hrni '\r\ >ir !' ; . i l.tiv, l> ,i ll.is is iit>iil).lul. Mi:. Ill in; AI; i), inar.N u-.us 'i utur in Juis (.'olift' 1 , - trar of llic I ui\ci-:l\, MIIIM. ,M >| !,\ ( /aiii-!r.>n>u^ii. '1 lie (.'hajH'l IN >t'i\ U^ :.l, \.i!.'i .! ni;'.i' it- HOOVIH:.', ;'!nl li.u rt'ilni^ onr.iuinitf'll \\illi slurco-work. '1 !:is > -!ii;; Inn' u .;> lit'- MiTiii'd, :ni(l coiuir.vHCO:! iii li:<- \';ir lin-s, In \i< lil'i^Jinit *-.iii- in ft ; luil \\as ciiiiipli'tcii diiii.i^ H," M,! .(i ; -i,i|> i. !'!'.,.;:, in H>77- 'I'm 1 t -vtriiM - \\tic (i"i;;iM-(l !>\ Milj-r ; ij>U' n. 'in.; l.i'jiary is vm.iii, i)..l Im- I,,.!.- . ;i:im ij..:i!\ (ii\i:iil\, UK- n.i! rliuvrii, an.l iv.i':\ ( '...'i. ,.ii;\. .iiji \ ,il;i..li!f. (>,,.- <>{ tlmii is -\{u H". i\ ; K.ii-i, ;iii-i , l.;.r piTsi'rv.i'ii.ii. T!ii> i> 7. :////'* Of/i-ix, piintr-l IA I'au-t in i In."); it iijip; ;:i^ to l.,r,c IK !.ii;^, .; ti I'niH-f Ar!!n.r, !'i\,!ii 1; ;n:j Jinrtravt'il < ;i t!.c iiilr-j:;, ;c. 'i hr iMi^'ti,-. >,.i |lf;iv.'.;ii ;:u 1 r\- Ji'ii^ivf. 'i'lii's ;u' j!!^\i,n,i v\il.: a i.tat ht>>.\';iii!;-:..;< i.;:, :u,.i a t-ol'i hath. 'J'lir principal rlmrarttTs f !.t'r;;;\ <"; i:- ;ici' >>!i-.> 1 . ;. < I.c- lon-r.l to iho ('(.!:<-"', arc a.-, f..!L\\v. l;;-''..j, ][". < ,u- tti' ti, i <:i!ii!ii-%->i'i:i-r-i M )!( IA .!.:i. ;! It- i.^-,! 1.- l.t v . ts i of' i) ..sit; iiidiaul ivi.i.irr, ilMm;! r.t !:!,, .,:.,! V..!!, kli.-. '.>, l>\ the la!! of ;: >'.:< '. .f < !.iii:::v> .;( '.i-, j aiatv al \\ . !!.- ; Jo>hua 1'aii,.--, -.:i'.i-r (1 f /. ; 1 ' /; / ;, * t n-d .:(. -,;: l -ir !',!, <,l T\\ \xlcii, \\-.\\\. ;;: a'iM MI ;u \ , a:i'.i ai.ti.'.r it i'.c /.'(' .':.ricul l)>i*>if< rt lit, (//;'>! ,''.'.:/,, .',,-/; ,!;.i,,i ",l:il.i!t ( aiilitor ui a \ntlir<;l !li,\tvr,i n\ i ; vi I'i.n.'i-. IVii,I" rt..ti, < i., I J> -!: <>;' tin- Kmi;'< IVni h : ,l"!n \\.ii,'., li.< 111. it', rm. tin Kin ; \i,ti.:in\ lUat'kurll, ;in(JMii il I.. !).,:. ,! /.'.. >,:<;<,/< /,.<-.<( v ; .ill, >-!.\ ( ( >! ' ! f ,1 "..l> l.'iilt ..;, tin -V i.f ;i n;n- n.i-:. . > . ,..'.'-. >.! .,..( i\ < -'..in ., . .1 s:i the t.iv :i . , ' i - i.- -n i.!' !! 11... I".:' ::!. .M .! In tin> I. IN \ l.n.UM.-. il.'Ill |., ^> n i - \ , . !.. ; t ptrMiiu-* III I - . t >'( I I; O! I I !l- ;nnl i in . ,-- 'I !% tin , , . . \- ;.i \\ to 'In ! x i.~- . 'i .. i ' '\ . !v N'. i.!, . .Us, .,;i.l I , . .t i . ... tr.is ti:r < .-: >...!..; ut, tlio i In i !>. r LI t^iii.i!i\ i , ' . ' : i i i . I M .":., I . ( . li.r l.ili.u v. 1 1 1 i 1 1 i , , : . i . 1 1 1 < . r, . n i .1 I >i . I .!.. -loii. li,. p . ' . V! ...... 1 111' ( II. 'jll ! I. ! i ,,,-, i- < n .hi mi tii<- l.i-l'- .111.1 j . . . I ' u ..- i.;- . i, . ... i.iii i t. 'I IK- IL S.i ilv ; 1, ,t i, M.I. n!S .1 I', I ; N i o I i, -i i' i l! v, ... . \. - i !. t i , . . , . .li. ,.|. -, i ' i ill v. .Ill \l . .11 -. .in. |> .. . -i ii".'. I hi I li. I I - ..II /ml U. ll. I'M. Hi. l.\ !il. .'-k. !. . i j i|i. i | . . ; iii , < s:i . I \' ! "li : ( \ MHI: i IM;I -lit nr.. ?>1 \vlio:n l)t-:ir-i ;i fiil< I, <>u u!ii .!/!nV::;t -\ the ' I. in: .,- !!n- ; in! 'i:; M '.ii.n-ii i!ir<''i::!i Jin- i:iji l .1-4 !. ,ikv, in \\liii !i it v,;is hi.*, -Jit IK MI \miic, ulicrc it \\Ui pun l..ivli ]\< ->.'!!. 1. Until thr cnii!|!< -.tiiiis ,tM \\ I-M r'lrn!. \\ tin 1 "ji- JMisiIr i ml i,|' (hr ('!: I ! 1- ;i I'l-.'.l ;'::llr:\ |n| ll.c NJiliti-i'i Kr.lil'v, ivlm li.i\f ,U(r-> IM i; (In (iir.-'i liu- !..!'r;;iN. 'I'l.'i 1 !!..:] 1- .1 \'1\ ||J>- piirlnl li\ |:ii!:iis |i!!i::.ii, r il \r-.i!. ;i!r ;il (lie i:i :.iui <, ;;i:d a li;;ii(!M)ii!r l> "-\\i.nlii\\ ;,l tli" r. jirri 1 ::-!. Tin' ujiii',' ;HI of v\'. nil fi)ii\rni'iit ;ij'ai'!!i;' i.l -. Ari. 111: otlu r |n>i i'-.;':!-, it c..'U- tiiii-N ;in (>ri^:n ;!, i;i rn^.m^, i.l \ '.'. i 1 ( 'i:< > M v, I I.I., li\ ( 'onj -T, ri'l'-irtril In IT llic x ; n,r i,< :i\ \\!,:r!i lli.M :irli-t |.:u; !i ! !i ; - n.iiii.i- turr- ii!' tlit- I'lMtft (or. "il.'i- i- . -I. . :'->:' ;> ;i f.-.n- - ! Iikna-s, ;:;nl ll.l^ lie ;! tVi'tJHi'litN ( ,/, !. \\- M/r i, .;:') ,|;| . i; ! 1,-,-n JIIC'D-S IV l\Mi\f. Iltli' 1-- I.MuiM- ,| I'ljll |( !'. I'l (,;' !.\]>V SVDN'i'.Y, li:C fnuii'li'i --, in \ i TN -:::u'i',ir I';.:;H i\ ; tin- Cdlminq !.;ii---!i .i;;d itu- ]>U-;iMii! : ;i :;i ui f 'v to 1'i.e M;ii!i'i ''s Ilooiii-;, ;iri- >i\,".;il nl'it-cU. i>- M!r- l;.;i-l-.>, v. i.i:ii !i;iv IM-CII t'xiii^lit \\orllr. ni' |H'cf'i\;itii'i). Aii;i'i: ; li.u is ;i p;;:l >.i' ;ui i::' n:M;!i:<>:i '!'.! iiii-i - -!-.!i! : , l.nu: 1 .;: (',;' V "i '<.' . \<-, .':>'..[ tt'll !i t i l)t-|;f.ll!l l!if -..:', ,::.it IliOi'.'Jii { I".."!,.!!. ! :>! !( ':-.:r I n J7 'I hi' li'i'lii ;in' \\li.U 1 ;ii; i MHU. i, aii>l it u: u.i ;i '...::'^, ! ; hut iiiy i-liirr p-.irN n'-i mil!.- .. !. ;! MiMi-x'i i.-. 'i';; -! ::!!, v. li-.-n ill's! i!i :n)-:!'"i i'i II'K- ( ''>:!' _, \\:ii v. lit.lc ; luii i! .!> ;u '; rv,;i; ii j l)rn!^ .!, ::r.! -MIIKI- .;P{> ' t. li-vi'i 1 !- ;:!.v.\ ;- * lii ll.c- ]!l'n ,;" 'Ml;! i : !i:-::-.i'ii'iis UM". Ot'('in;,!:\' ii, il i .:it I. tli.lt ti " !!'-.: (iian.l l)i,k-.- "l"i '::-( n.\ . !, . -.; ii'. j l. rliciKK".; i . anil ii..\\ ;icc- )< ;. i in i: K. \\ I'LL, *' ul (I !'N tl.c i < i' l>: it- U r iiiipn i- >H'1I t.;k< : t:> 111 U.i',.1 > l.i i .I'.Vl (!.it!i. .111(1 -(1,1 [(i |t.ll\. Till' l>Ul W.l* |'i i,ii.| !.. ti.i ( '.: ' : * illidlil l\*'i \( .it- Mln c, |i\ tilf Ko . 'I'lu'iM.i- Ni/tlMi. lit . in- \'\ .'It -'r ( I i;< - 1. ii \ . '!!. rc'inlt - liar.n- in-.ll- .1 : ' .;! I- " M '!. I" ' I" t' ' I "iil...l I ( ,. | ( I , lull h ... i.,-i-ii . ' ' uinU;ii (li-.'i:-.:.i._ ..i..l i . Ui-ii< |.\ tin ml; <.', n i-i : '1 In M- !;; .,....! !., ; I )i . !. : u .:- U.i ^i,i;.ii^' \ . . f . . .!( man, I . i :..!..!. ,li ( .l!( It II.H. i ;... ';'. ' i .1 '^ < .... ll i . . V. .Ill id |i > .11 i \ 1 1 ii i 1 I ..'.. i ; i . . 1 1 u , ll ill I I l,]|:.,l -,.!l l.il . \\ i . ., I ii.urli ( ii I 1, ;:M i "'in-' t , l< i . On liii i!< .itli --l" !:. |" t - ',\ .' _ l\ i n I. Ii',- ' ! - . i I i I'.'I t -, -!!,(, ' I ' V. II! tl 1 I.I I.I 111 II I . II I 1, ., I . . . 1 I ,:..<.._. i i : i ( '.!. . v , , The inside is of diUcmit desires of ii-xttirr; the ilMii?\ vanlm; in rireles, beiii! alternately li;inl .mil solid, and soft :unl pnrom. This dillereiice, affording lo ;m iii'_"-iiM>ns roiijt'clurr of Di. i,lii>- lon's, \\a-. oreasioned l.y the \ari:itii>n of the loud lh:-t was 2Jvti to tile lliaie ill the ditfi Tent season- of the M';sr. Tin 1 pirrr of mill-stonr, M-;nn l\ hall' an incli in (!.'.:ii'li r, i-> ^!jli in llic JIO-.M-S- >iin oi l*rtffSMir Mart MI. Tlif ^roiiiiil-. lc|)ii^in; to (!!; <'.l!<'^r arc laid out with > \- trfir.*' t.c.lf. In lin- Fellows' irardt 11 is a spurious bowlirj^-ffn^-ii, a pleasant ^uniiin'r-hdiisc, ;uid a sliriilihcry. The following arr a t'rw only of tin- einitiffit persons who have In-longed to tin\ rstuli- lisliiniiil. Oliver Cromwell ', the S'p, lector ; I'i-,hoj) S"lh \\ard; Charhs AlleMi, aiillior of I'oenis on the IViltles of OTM?/, /'o/7/Vr.v, and liosirorth I'i'lil; William YYoll;iston, hciore men- tioned ; Sir Ili)hert Alkiiis, ( A |-.ief ll.iron of Ihe l'.\< hr-pier : >!r llo^er I/F.str:!i'4' ; Thomas Comber, author of n I'tmHrnticii uf I'n- /)/:;//, Iti-i-hl of Ti/!/:t s ; and Kit-hard Kt-MjohN, Bishon of l.iiirnln. Tiicse are all the ('"Ilexes at present fstalili^iird in Camhrid^p ; l;it a new one is shortly intended to he rrcctt d \i\ the name of I>OWMN(i ( Ol.l.r.f,!"., in pur-nanre of the wilhu' .sir George pimuiut;', !>.itt. Thi- j^'Mllomati, in Ilie yenr 1717. d;-\>ed sv- veral \alna!le est.ites in tin- oiimlii's oi Cambridge, Bedford, ;i;i'J StilVolk. to liis nearest relation*. Sir Jaro!> Dov. niic and his three ^oiis ; \vilh ren:. under to their i-~ue in suee. s^un : ai-d in r::-u thev ail died wilho::t i-^ne, he de\i-:'(i tin- e>tv!te-> l<> tr;i-!ees. \i';,i. %\ilh the ;;j ']>!.! a 1 10:1 of the Arrlihi.-liops ol C'ante; hnrx un.M <>i k. * T','- ii:rv <>:' Cromwell'- r > .'inii--u 11 into tlie ( ol!t _'( is tlin> nuiii-nl ia t',i- if;.i-ter: \\n-\\ -J ', !' ; lc. 1 ! .1. 1. ()li\c-!ti< CniDiwi-ll Hi-iitiiiu(l.>r,i."i-i> ;i'l!:ii-.-n- ;:t ( 'omiiiri:!ii:!i S(iei'ii-.i:n \|i:ii^ \ier-iiuo tiito. '.:". T ; ,1 -.- Mr." llii 1 in!.> Hn\\lt !." 15ei\s< i :i li.i- e::;n ;,i;d lin n \: t~ '. f. 11 ...-, s-eiir.iik.il>!! 1 eiu'..-artei- ol' tiic I'n.lt rltir. ci -.\ ih-.| in, i:, ; iliti'-n ; Irej I j'.^ : Ilie t'.ii' Lnn>!.- ill- Iipii'd-i.-r. C..i It' \ ;>' .''ii :-iiii . ].;. I;.,! . T ., ,.; : .!-' \ \.<\ it." t r \ M n: : ln.K-ini; !". an.! f\L<" M,!- 1 ' r> . ;' -t. J,,lin' ..n-l < i.iu- H.i!!, , ., (., f, m .! . C..lli i- :(',. 1 1 tl.r I'M '!.. N ..\\ i, n:j ( . !i. . '!'.- I- -'.!' T .1:.- I i:i tin- \ .11 ! ," ' . .-i!.| h> ).;..- p^lt^ .!, r. i..!. I t,. > : .1 . , i.l., U'MM, ,.n l!:r .l.-.illi !' I ,> M.;> \\illi- t.nt I-M:<- in I - . ' nr tin -,!, ji.h, ; ,.-. ;., ,| ,,t |.,, in..-.-, n l ' I !. -i-.hs t:. I... !.i i\ : !,! tin- -' I . % >'' ( H I ' V- . ir i !.i:i!.. .i I'N ti;c I 111 >. ! III.' |.|..j 1 < '! \ ' .1 -l.lij.-. I ! i: ; .\\.i-. ..t !>-u^t!i IKAN ' ' .- .1, .:lhl ' : 1- ! ! ' i\ tin- 1 r.l ( i !; r I < <. ! . < \l ,v , .1 t . ;\l. t :i ! i;i.!.i|s .,.,. 'i I*. ' ' :, ii . i' ' , !..:r. .1 'I ,. M !'i .- I' : ' . i I' r I. II I IMP, !!irH;i:smuF.. of Lincolnshire; on tin- south, the Si hool lor Law and Physir, whtTr the eandidales for ilr^ri'i-s perform lln-ir e\<-r< isr-, in ihr srveral faculties a required h\ tin- statuti--. ; :unl DM tin- east a I.eeluie I'.OOIM, liaiidsomrK lilted up f.>r I he \Drri>i;ni .nul other Professors in llif year 17.<>>. Connected \\iih the north end of the l'liilosoph\ Sc hools, is .111 :i|i;:; tn:i i;t < MI l.iii i;i^ ;i iii h (-(.HcctioM D! lussils, or< ., Miiiii-iiiU, ;unl olhrr lanlic-, L'Hfii to (he I ni\( r- >it% in Ilic \ai I7J,~, l>\ Joliu \\ <>ti(|\\aiil, M. 1). who touniU-il a Professorship to promote tin- kiKAvlfdm; of niiiii-niloi.'v, \\illi ;i salary o| altout K'.ol. prr aMiiuni. 'I'liis collcrtioM has hrm CDiisi- dfrablv ati^nu'iitcil l>\ John li.iil.slDiif, \. M. ti.f pic.scnt I'ro- fi-ssor. The r\ivi:i;sirY I.IHRAHY occiijiics the \\hote quailrannlc of apartments PUT the Schools. The origin, il Iiuil.liii!,' \\as erer!*-.! at tho charm 1 "' llollyram, \rehhi'hop of \oik, and 'I nii-lal, r>ishoj) of l)iirh;M)i. ;;!ioiit the \ear 1 ISO. T!:e e.;>t fri;ii!, (un- tainiiiLr \vhat i> (!eium:ii!;.ted llie \<\\ I.iliraiA, \\.:s n built l,y suhserijitiou previous ID the \ear 17 f '!', i" ii \''!' v hcUidsoine sl\!e. The !..'!u..r\ was furnished l>y the alv iv.;!i!\ ser.i'ce and enrioiis ei!iii-..i:s ci o.sU't'HU'ti authors, ^I\CM hy various hi'iieiac'tor.s. (ie-n'm 1 llie I'ir-t iiicrea^cd the i'.s>enihh!i:o hy the <;ifl ot' the e;:ti,' I.;!)iary of I);-. Moore, li-h"M of l'.!\ : a;.il ;,!-o pi'ese:;'.e ! the I niuTMlv with 'J'HMil. t(.\\;irds the e\p. ii.-e of ere< !;;;. ih-.: i !.!.->t - !i> eop'.a.u them. MaiiV eui!:iiis an I \ahral)le j'.iaiiiisei ii.-l > are }:< ~n\> 1 !;<;i ; p;M':!. - i'.huK a line |ii:!:> coj>\ o!' t'.e KM ran, wr'.i!e;i i.i a \<'\\ IM aalil'ul ha lit 1, on ]>.>prr \:::'. \\- oi eolli in : ,s h:r'jr , v; :i >> 1 it i n \. I'iJili 1 , v. i 'ii ini in tlic \t ar S,',,i ; iiu i'- nr ( I-. '-jit i - ;:;;;! the \<-' - . : the .\]io>tles', MUijK.M'd to ha 1 ..- het-ji wii!!m M !', '1 i : -.| r fosiilh ei',i!u;-\, and :;:\t n ' '.,n i nr.,'i-.t\ !;, '1 h; .) I ; .;:. i ;,' r \Mf\r.i IK.!. MI if:;:. :i'tl x i:n>\( |M .-;!, i'.il IVt-i.m M>!umr, mliilttl, Thi 11 t>i;ff>r\ t^f tflr <.,,-.nrt, .11. ! ijtl M> ; Mt til' W...i ilM'lt' ap|H-.i;> In |M\ I.M-II fii:.iii.ii!\ < "Hi|><^< 'I iilioiil l!<- iiM'I'Lic | low - in^ ! L ' !' ''!..' i 'I !Vr~ ;'.ll \ i !i :;.i- i^ \ lie \.llllnl i::'-n ill. .11 :."! i . nol'i.: 1 * Iviii t!u -!\lr. i'i(l I;. HI I III v i ;i li |! ^ \\li:!'ll, lull ill. i V. . -f tl 111 tin t U'lf.llll " n.iiitc ii-i|, In i ,(li>r lie i . i I 1 ! ' <\i< .1 in tin- \c.ir 1 , ! !'.. ',<..- .1 \t-rv I..MU 1'" t ! .id - t,i n . II il . - l!i<- I i. ,Hi .-, '-! I ~. !< n> : thr l..f. i (In r..u:!i, \\. .!.-... M. ' '-. \III1I ,|N, I'.i. . i -Mir P.II- 1 I v i !< in c -, T.ii.-ir.in-, .'i'.'l !i" . I >:. I i < n t!ir I in - I: !.'>.' CAMBRIDGESHIRE. half wide: a pack of Chinese playing-cards, consisting of suits on tortoise-shell ; and varioui other curiosities. Among the printed books arc many of tin- first editions of the (reek and latin classics and histories. The more rare, are the (\ttholiroH, printed by Faust, in It6<); Tullifs Officfi, at Men!/, in I 4oo' ; Cicero's Oration*, 147<), ; wd TnHy's tynitfrs, on vellum, 1471; hoth printed by Cornelius Jansen: The Hook of C'AfM, by Caxton, in 147-1 ; this was the first book printed in KniMand ; and I'lint/'s \tifural History, on vellum, printed 1 47^, with a very beautiful letter. .Some collections of curious drawings and prints are also preserved hero : among the latter is a large folio of Kembrandt's etchings, valued at .-5001. The Library eoutains several portrait* : among the principal are those of CHARLF.S THE FIRST, supposed to have been painted by Vandyck; ANTHONY SHKPHKHU, late professor of l-'\pe- rimental Philosophy, portrayed in his robes, sitting, and holding a book; JOHN MOORE, Bishop of Kly ; CHARI.KS, I.ORI TowssilENn", Secretary to Georgr the First; and PIUNIT. CHARLES, sou id' James the First; probably by D. Mytrns. On the stair-case is an excellent whole length, by Reinagle, of the lat.- JOHN* NICHOLSON", a bookseller of Cambridge, better kno\\n by the iKiine of Maps. The SENATE HOLSE, a magnificent bujlding of the Corinthian order, was designed by Sir James Burrell, and erected by Mr. (iibbs, at the e\j)ense of the University, aiilt d by an extensive subscription. This structure is composed of Portland stone, and is ornamented with pilasters and a neat balustrade. In the middle of the south front is an elegant pediment, supported by lour tinted columns, \\ith caived capitals. At the east end, which is the usual entrance, is a second pediment, sustained by tour column-;, ol Minilar workmanship to the former. The interior forms a spacious apartment, the ceiling of which is enriched by stucco-work, and displa\s considerable ta-te and neatness of exe- ution. Tlie length of the room i^ 101 feet, the breadth J-2, and \ or.. II. G the TiiU N'ulilc'.naii \vii< tin first person that introduecil the use of turnips iii : \\-.\- ' (Miniiv . I Ir N n-ptirtt d i.i l;;ivi' lirniiLlit tin stvd fjoin Hauuvcr. .!',!; 1 !M\C .-.i'nixiitiil tin- iii:ni|i- at the tlti:iii> -''Ut in Vi'ilMk. tlir hn^lit i .\ At tli< UI>|M i <.r \\r-t triil, i- the Vice Cham rllor' i li.nr, wilfi M-nii- in ular -i.il->n < .u ii -nir, t'>r tlu* hraiN of rol- |fi,--, in'M MM n. A'. !' I\N ili'-- art tin- pi. i. - for tlir ll'i;rut>, .r If ftifr .*i. J> ; in"il the 'j.illciv ;it tin ( .!-t fiiil, art 1 l^o iii.tilil. 1 -latin-. '1 h.'t en tl.< iii'it'i -i<|i- i- an emlilrinatical li^uir .f Al M \ NI VI i i:, I'M . :'' 'I l'\ l>'i.'tl i. MM Italian, ;iutl presflitfil t' tin- I niM-i-:t\ l>\ x ;i I". t< i r>i!ii'!l: nn tin- -. mil an- tlir- i i.nl; (iimti /i/v'.'i.' Mtritdy. I i < i>< ttutt . I 'in mid . I'dlma :' mi 1 1 mi tli'- li"iit i.| li.' p< il -la! llii- HIM 1 1 pi i' MI ; (, . i VP. ' . Mi- i . \i .1 i< mi.. * . i \ in IM.IHI . i . .. . r.xtvi'j 1'. i; ' -. I . ! 'ii I I ' ' I. M I'. I ' I ', I '. \ . : . 1 1 III I ; , . - I -I ]'\ :i ! ,. \ !'; \i .. \ mi . (MM M D ; \l\lll-. ' ; l.-pK M lit- tin i.it( I );.!.. <[ Snii.i : . I p.tit "I i III' 1 \ .HI.IM 1-, Tli:- ua> ' \. i n!i i| l.> tllH j i ut -i 'ilptuir. Tin l"l- i u i'l . 'i 'i '! . u l!n- fi.'iit ni tin p.- t vi... i.. i . <'AMBRir>(;i:sniKK. r >i LectiMiniarvm Mntronarvm Mvniv J.. M. ponendvni dcrrevit Academia ( .ini.ihi i^icii.'M 'Jv.mi J'l.i -ilni SM> inviiivit \\\it M Miiliecnti.t 1'er unnci> |>h* Sfxa^inta I'anccllaiiM." On l/tf rnrrsc art lite it'ordi HHIIC S tat vain Svip in I'arfiilcm pictati* In Acadcmiain stvilii Monvnientvin Ornatissiuur K!1 -.IK FT, a StP-miOllS ilfl'clnliT of tllf riiilit-i dt' the I'nisci^ity, a iiid^t aidrnt a-rrtor (it' piitilie lilii'i'ty, THIS Sr\- u!', tin 1 ifift ot' two most fxeellriit i.tlioiiv. \\ -.i (Mrctcd witli the lltlllo^t p!( ;iy \\i-~ putioihu.'e, and auirniented hy his munificence, during more than --ivly year-. Tlie niostaoconipli.olifii hulir<. I'u \\crs, \viteof the Marqui-% of (Jr.in- 1>\, :tnd Cn \ui ui i i , I>ai'oiie-i ut (luci n>.f'\ , caused this ^l.ttue to he en -ete.i .ii tin ir own t \;ien-e, in the year 17 >o, a< .1 nioiuuneiit c>t' their filial iiut\ i'. 'ii'-ii' p.urjit. and tiieir uAVctiun to tlie I nivtiMtv l<\-< r anH this rfolnhon b'inr: rnmmuniratfH to Lord Vnrount Townv htn'l, that nohlnn.Mi ini:^2'">e[]< if" tin niv riptmim, was CfjuaH} the IK-IF t<> lii- lallu-r's \ir- ,U'I ti> hi- li'.riiitK'*. 'I hr otlier st-.itiu- t. ]!- nU (iKORr. K IHf *cMsn, b\ NVillmi, "ith thrc lines on tin I MM.- ot tin- ] it tal. f ?! n!t' I" ^Tiitnl.. 1 : - MI", opliinr irr^nti. \ C ,1 \ Illl ! (I I' rui '.iiiiMiMv-in, in !'.< . - I in T. I i ur K' i Ili'|' -'-\\ .' . ',' . .; \< ni< muni < .inta! I o\ .1. JMVlf. ITI..H .( . //fi-i .V a.' !... 1 ' rn.ini, I IXll I '< ii. ^1' ( il .:! I .III. IHI III X' I ' ' ' 111 1'. Ill \ M \ 1 ' // H I \. 1> I ! I M'.Pl'.^TTV BoTANM r-' .HI<| l"iii .11 i- "ii tin -nnth-r.ist ':- -I " M|, .MM \\>l\ \*al'ii'il. I ' fill i i r i ! j and nint r''(ir.-t. il I'.itioi .iii ! Jn-ii' ' , II ininn IN . .11. -I \ i r I. .mi./ i In M!I. il. an -M i-iil- 'I, .ui'l .nl.. ii; lit M s .. ,,.., v ,, |,; ( ., . ( ,,,,| i I ! t M , K ' . tem ol Utmaeus. The old house having been sold \ery advantageously, u new building has lately been ercrted tor the UM- of the lecturers in chemistry and botany, and furnished with the necessary requi- sites for tlli: instruction ol students in those science-,. Beyond the brook which llows on the outside of the walks of St. John's College, are the remains of an uncicnt and spacious building, called Pytluigorass School, or Merlon Hall, reported, by tradition, to have been the place where the monks of Croyland delivered their lectures. The walls are composed of rough stone, supported by arches, and strengthened by buttresses of considerable magnitude. The arches are chiefly Saxon ; but the building is wholly without ornaments, it we except one window on each .side, which i-, separated into I wo parts by a slender pillar, haviiu: a capital decorated with a round moulding. This fabric, whatever was its primary destination, is now used as a barn, being connected with a farm ot about six acres, rented by a Mr. Stevens, of Merton College, Oxford, to which foundation it was gi\en by Edward the Fourth, who obtained il by his seizure of the possessions granted to King's College by Henry the Sixth. From the particulars relative to the writings of thi.s estate, quoted in Couch's Additions to (.'anuien, it appears to have been in the poy.c>Mon of a t'amily named Dunning, from the time of the Conquest, but wa- afterwards used as a kind of inlirmarv to St. John's Hospital, in this town, and called ihcir Stone-House: but though the 1 nil Mrrtrc, !> ro-^nrd'd a- :\ mod- in app- l!ati".'i. Tin ground round it is *u|>|>OM.'d to ha\r IMIII i;!ao . ( ainlind^' 1 roMainx I'mirtrrii patidirs rarli of uliirli. with >nr IM, ption, i- pio\idd \utli a (Ininli ; Imt tliovc onl\ ot dp-at >t. Marv *, and >t. S-jnl< hrr, pr's-nt o!>|t-i t* ot Mitfirirnt irnp>rtan, r for ol'^i'iN ation. Tlir furtlUT wai rnvtrd li\ \olnn- t.ii\ contribution; Imt \\hHlirr tlx 1 i har^f* -\nTi|rd tin- tMi in. !, or troin hatr\rr r:iu*c, tin- Mil>MTi|>tion> \\tic r;\\*< d >o v 1 >l\, tliat tin -.trurtinr \\as not ciniiplcti-ii till tin- c\piralion o|' rnort- th.n mn' liuiidnd \i-.\v-. It \\a rnmint'ficrfl in 147 s ; l'"t .:-!ird uith tin- toucr lill I'" 1V >. It cli i > : tin- lio|- Im-jlii i ;doiit 1 .'i ' ti i t ; ai'.th ' S. In this i l:nr. Ii tin- Mrinlwis ol the I Hi\i r*it\ at - ti . 1 l!if i !< lir.ition ot divnii scr\ur. 'I In- icats o| tlir \ a i ( .'!i;u:f -llor, hi ad^ ol i ol!i'^rs, iiohlrmm, and dm tor>, arr ronlain- 'i 1:1 a liand-onn ^a!l-r\, raivrlwr'n the ua\' and clianrrl : at-M of ait-. ! llou riiininitMT-, i\<\ ha\r ral> in the lo\\ ( r put o| tin (Imiili; and tin- l>.uinlo|- and nndi r i;radiiati % aii- In! with plat i-s in (hi i \trii>!\i i:alli : n > o\rr tin- a!~li>. \t (In ^^ i t rnd i^ a *p.ii ion* iiruaii l"tt, \'.lnrh, on tin 1 pi i I"i mail' < !{ oratorio*, ni llir c rl bratiun of tr-li\aU, i> iil.n L''d toi !in- ,i. - dation o| liii- \ o< . d and m-1nmn nt.tl prrtornii-r-. >'. St'jiulrlirr'*, or tht Hmni/I (fniiifi, r\ itr- tlir i u i"-i'\ <[ thi antiijuar\ tioiii it^ -in-j'iljr toirn, though it- pmnar. lia] - li.i* I' i n Miiirh di*tr_'!ii i-d \>\ MiliM'tiuriil l>nildnr;, and. in iK t *tati-. appi.ir* nndrr III.IIIN di-advaiilai'i v "ll i- i\; v - - Mr. I'.*M \t, "a v|,,iN lii^li-r than H> ou-in.;! ;rrrln I. . I . it. !. i-.i tin in ,-!,l...in!i.i ! ..!"( .nnl.ri.t : :*.ii I ! I - i 1 .. t. I nj.H. I v. M * ; ,,|, .,, n'ii i \j,i i. -i- ..i Mr ^^.|l- I! I ' i I .in 1 il,. p. . ' i. l!,i- n. l-': l:.- :.' l- .1' 11.1:1 li.iii'l i in !> 1. 1 i!,' \' i -I . .. i . i l , I l ; -,* 1 1 1 1 . I . u, . in .HI 1 ., . .- .,. . : I' V l! 'I ( i: .: ' -i . i i . lit - ' ' , ' I ! ! ' K {' ! ! <>!' S'. S ,l' n , P 1' !,<' 1! i v ' ', '-&.. ( AMlllliUUKSHIHt. 1O< lert intended it should In-. Tin-. alteration was rn.i ! in tin- n i_u of I'. about til' 1 door dt'fiieed, ;IIK| |). nl'\ li. I !, a uoodcii portal." 'I he iniiii- a '< .ml pail \~> ciimpIeUK cirt ular, \.i'!i a peiMsle in till interior nl I'.'ht Killinl pillars lit L'li'l.: h . ,,.;U'!" . ..,. i 1..1 gMMter solidity tlian could be iiT'*>i;iiy !< Mippnrl lln- (oiiicaJ root \\itli \\lucli ,1 appr.irs to ha\r l>r-n origin. ill \ iiiriii-licd. Tin- art li over tht* \v-L door ! < > iiib'Ili t l\ It- ol arrliitrctiuc. 'i i,.-, rntiam < v\a> probuliK the oii!\ iii!c \\lna tin- claurli v...-, li.-t luull, but thr circular art'.i i-> ii(i\\ llnouii < |K n to tin- riuiiici !. The pillar^ oj llu- upprr poi tii o \\fic inline! l\ iiiddi n \>\ a pK.jri IIIIL; ^al!ci\, but tins has ht'(ii lately rciuovol, ami li:;' u.-io'i ol ll;c lalnic repaired and \\liitc\\ usluul. '1'hi- proper name o!' liti> luiilili:;:; i>, ' tlie < ,'.'.;, n !i i tht' IIo!\ Sepulrhrc in ll;e Je\\r\;" i;u app llalloii \\hil inioted, all< i an attentive nr.cs- ti^atioa of Ihe-uhjeit, i'liimi^, thai it \\::s bu'.ii !.>'. the Kni.trliK Teinphu>', 01 l>\ sonif pcivui^ concenicd in the CroUudcs, \\lio tcHk the churcli nl'lhe the 1J'!\ Sepidehro at J' :u-a!em lor tiieir model. " '1'lu re ean he no doiihi," sixsMr. l.-^t'\, " either l' lie time \\lien thi> eimreh v. ,;-. h'.nil, i>r that li;e\ \\iio biiiit it iuleiulcd it >hoiil.! ic->e!iil)ie the i ii^u'li v.l'iiio ile-inreolim), .r 11!\ Sepulchre, in JenisileiM ; ,;;,"!. a- far a^ c:,n be luil^ed iicm the descriptions ^i\en nt' ihat elmr.-ii, t!n-> i> the IK -t e'0>\ \\e I:;;M- uf it in r.njaiul ; but a pr;-;'c< ! i< -uni.iain:* 1 imi.-t ii'.l lie e\|ieeted, vshere the Miu;!l;;r-> of i>i;e cn:iriai' -d to the oilier, vsou'.d make an ^;;.r/ iinilalion in in Her than a l.:;m' ;!:>idel, uh.th could be ot no u-e b.:t to uiiiii^e l!;e cu:i"ii-. ' It \\i:l he easier, oloervi'S our author, in anoh.cr pail "i hi> i;'.'|iur\, " \-.> a-(cil;'in t!:e :IL.''', llian llie fuitudcr i.-l i! ;" .n:d he utlerwiirtls i'\]iie-* Ins (i 1 decided * Ti.e Klliillits '!"'!. ;|i!.ir \\' >! .-' i)\- ill.; -I i:i liir \i-ai ll: :. ;,i pruteet til.- jiiiuri.i * \\lic \Ni:ei! ;i.e ^.ic.i 1 |>,. k > . -. ;I'M!I' .! r!.-.i!- in. Ai>.u lu.i UN \\ i-. jii>i"r ' tii . :;; '.] ;r '':. .'.;.;; Jlj n't' i.i j 1 [ i ?i.-'iu!i'i,n-. . V ( \MHRIIH.KSHIRE. lt -r:dt-d opinion, dr.tun tioin tin- tniuidi 1 ration ot the oii^iiul buil'lin-.', tliat it u.i> ererted in tin- leiijn <>t Henri, flic Hist, or b< tut i-ii tin tit^t and vcond rroiades, and i> the oldest dinivli of tin I'otni in Kjiiilan'!. \\ ln une itt |Me>M>rs prior to the i .lion ft I'.- Knight- I < mplar* in tin- \tar 1 1 ' i-. unknown, but otue trw \ear attrrtiial e\eut tlir advo\v>on appr.it to ha\r Ix IOM-I d tr> I'.tmv.t'.! Pi!"i\, about uliuli tune tin- binldiii'4 is -i-j-|K>i! to liav IMTII IK -i-^hlt -iit-d, .Mid tin- rhaiut-l ann-\rd, and 'I t" , in IJOUM-- in tin- it'.^n nt' lleniN lli< - KiL'htl: : it i- nu^ ill the tlilt nt tii. Kth< . nfr.lv In tin- I'.IM-II, i'tui-!i "*t. Joliu'- ( Hi!' '^c and tin' l!nnd ' i- \'. .'- IiiriiniU an ancn tit ut, lH'ilde> tilt linprobahlhtN that a < oin ' i'. 1 .< i:n"_' hci:-i -, built in tin- M-vtiith ctiilnis, >liulM- otl;i " \\ ,i to pr.i v 1ni lim-i . ;i t !)'_. i ^. 'I in tin \\ .UN tor n t MM i iiu- lln 1 |nl\ Land timu ifi-, .'lid tln-it-1"!'- ii'^l iinjiiop. 1 1\ i.ilud tin- P.-a-i- . \' !n> I. n. 11 n r it in fj.'it retain >ine i t-nl rn % aflei !iit >'.-> (,t it v. .i- t-r-fiN . .''.'I lli< P<.nl- Hou i \\ntild thru In t..-,l\ i I.T P- '" I l"-i, ; ... \I-:r L't I . i ails in lln f.u in .( tin P'H'i.iM L, at I. in 1. 1 '- 1, tin ^tn: II ;. , : i; .if i!:, niiini.J. an ! in ii:- lii- t. . ,, '. . . .1.. tin d i , , :M I th.:ll 1 . ',' It I Ti . p, ' I' d on an In--, I., d * rii -t :, , i i ) . :.y; /;. . ;t ti .- ti 1 i . :il !i-:i .... !.,,. ! ,1 ' I; .... i \Minmx.i si; i I:K. jnj trausacl in it: the principal, or, (,'ourt-Koom, i-, ~\ !< I in length, x's broad, ami '.> hiidi. 'I'lw Cam/nil, < ucied in tin- year Hilt, a! tin- charge of Thonia* //o//v*/f, the rcMinitrd laiiicr, nil tthose enclosed by an in n palisade, '('lie water is l):nii'jlii by a small rlianncl ti"in a brook about tliice miles from the to\\n, and i- coiiM*vcd bcticatli tli<- principal strct-t l>y an a(|tiedu(t to tin* conduit, \\liicli :-. hmlt \\illi stone, and decorated vilh ruile carvings. An itisriiptioii on tin- noilli sido ivcoids il" cn'< lion in tlu-Mar 1014; and aKo that liol>M>n f on his death, \\hicli hapjH'iicd January the 1-t, ](>:',(), lc\ I'.duard l > olt^ ) an alderman of Cambridge, ll nray be \\oitiiy remark, from iiflurHiii'j; data to the tnture iiHjnin r into the- \\*<- of common savings, that one of the most i, r riieral pro\erbial fxpres^ioii.s in the l.njli^h lan^na^c originated v. it li the alo\e l>ent voleut carrier; \\lio, to his em- ployment in that capacity, added the profusion of -'t|ip!\iii'. r the .students \ulli horses; and having made ii. an u M ;dt< ri'l/Ie rule, that every horse should have an eqir.'l p^r'Jo;; oi i< -! ;;s veli as labor, Mould never let one out of its turn; ami he'.x iltc c!:-ri- vation <>l the sa\i:i^, " llobson's Chon e : /, ';.'<. or ni.n ." The, market i v\cll Mipplinl ; but, from tiie V;A '/.u^a 1 coi'-uinptioii ot tin- I iiivrr>ity, the ariicle- are comparativ t i\ .r. '!'(( .-ale ttcr is attended \vilh the peculiarity of evers j ,.m.! de-.ii;ned tor the market beinj; rolled or draxvn out I<> ili< 1< nvlli ol a yard i each pound in that >!ate i.s about ihe sixe of a \valku::; -< aue. The principal charitable institutions in tln.s ion;; ;.n-, a / /re ( ii\".'ii/>i'ir >'(//".'/, -.md ;i i;ei\'Tal Infirmarv, caileii .iddcnbrookrn lloijiiicl. The i ii'nii r v. a.< lo'!;:;lcil ip. jiur-raihv ot tin- viil oi Stephen l'er-e, felidvv of (.';iin-> (.'olle^e. \Villi the properly be (Uieatlu-d l>\ thi^ 'j.ei;th man, v\!io di-d <>\\ the .-nil, of S ptvmber, a School-i;:Mi--r \\,;^ built vho v.eie to !>' i: CAMBK1DC.KSU1RK. '] run.pini:' 1 ii. "i I>.un\v-ll ; :iuil to lw rihiratt'd by a matri and u>hi r. uii'-i .iir-'. v i it- to !> rt'qmtrd \\itli tin- ti -^M < t-.\ < >aLu:' I I . .ai'i .'"1. \arlv. Tin adiniiii^rati'.n of t!n < h.i nU .'pjHar-i !" IT ii'ti mlrd \\itli viinr tlr^iii- of ni.Mu.niai;rim-ijt ; tin- .d.t;i .iif j).!!-l \Mt!ini:t l-i:iL r rained; ami tin >t liool-liuusr \il. \\itiHiiit rln>!.ir; !<>r flit- U->\ l>o>s tli.it viKi-li:ii' r'fi'i\r IJiril li-o|i> at till Iir.l^tfl N Idii^ill^N, lui Mirh \M Il.lM- IMTM ill- t thr t.U't, I'iiniiot In- ilix i \ ui'j of that title. Tlii'. iiliti'c I- il.t iuM- to ) M i;i< tt il, UN tin rhildirn, <.'<'H*'!>illN sJM-iklll?. ot lln- poor iiili.thitaiitt ot ( .'ii.ln i I:T, an- ni'ir, untaught, and uii'liM ijilun-'l. \t ra !i ctut lit' tin- -< !. ol H a Imii-c uitli a il .i-.lli M 'I, oriU'lll.dK ill -l'_'lird I'M (];, |i s iri, i .,( tin- DKl^- ti i .:nd II-|HT; and .it thi >-'>ulli-riid an- .1; >' !ii< - .ilin- Ii' u-r^ lor |'o r \M'lou -, tmiiidi-d, like tli<- i|n>o|, l\ tin- d"n.i!,oii ,i? .Mi. I'.IM-. Add H/-/.W.,'s U,^,nt,l \- .1 lait-|i;i,k I.MMini:. .-iiu.iti I MI ar tli"' -outli iiiti.ii!i< 1^1 tin ti.v-.ii, and \\.i* o i ..inii d ti"iii Jolin \dilfiibrnokr, an i iu;iii lit pliN-nt. 11, " do. in ll:r M ail i d ai.mit JIK i |. on ));, d, ath .t' l,i- \\\- to i i i t and tin i. rlli' liiitotiv I-IHC Mi-. ' ,., \\. .:,:,. i !\> i. \ . ; : I . i .. . : :, \^ : , . had i -M.'idi I ..!'i|i ii- '.IN III til'- II. i . In .,;:,/!.,.:...- ..(,' :,,,, ,| a d. : -; 1 ii . . ' Ii ':: _ \\a Ii: i 'i- 'I ; !-u ll;- r<-- 1 ' i '.< ' \l < i..u il\ . ai' .: ii .1 \'. - 1 < I r < | " ' d I o i . : i ; > ! I . . : i I , ^ i ; S ' i ; . t . . i : ; . ; | , - 1 , : 1 1 ! v. ; . .1 . ; ' . i , , . i IJM- , ,| ,'_;ai.:l d, ,I^M , : l)|. \'Idl , ' , ; ' ^(i.l.l!. 'I'll! hi, II i.' . iii-l n in-\ r I -,in i- tii.:' |M nod, i- a\i i .-: d ,:l , . i i i \ . i '''.! . i ;!i .;||t| -.','. i ' i . t,- i /I. :,.i- ; ..: I i... ; ! ! , .. :. 'I ,<;;,-. In .! i .. : |. , . i | i. M . ' : ( \ M ni; t m; rsiu i; r.. 107 in CainbridtM', lumlorini; <>n tin- lii'.'h-uavs should p:nr them to tlir middle ot the said \va\s, " 1:1 h iiflh as their uromnfs do extend," ami also kt'i'p them HI lep.nr, under llic penaltv o| .s/r- }n-iirf lor c\er\ square \:nd. This regulation licin-4 hut little observed after the lapse of tuo iiiiliiii<-, ;i ncu :u t \\;'.^ jtiisst-d in tlic sc.ir 17 S 7. t (| r " I'"' I-'!IT |>;r. ni<_ r , ! 111^1117, ami li^'lil- iil'4 Ihf (nun, -.tiid \\iiii :iiii^' tin- -trrclN. l.nit^, and nllirr |l;l^^;!l:l^^." INltinv iiii|tro\c!u< iil> MI < ;i'h it llit^c r"*jM'rls IKIVC snicc hrcn ftlcclcd. The popuhitiiiti r,in d \\ ilh the limited extent \< r\ ^leal ; fur. In ,i(!es the ] ervii's reMdnr,' in the eolleui--, the niuuber d" inli.iliilants on March tlie lOlh, 1SO1, as aeerlained under the late act, \\a- MJ?.'^; of l!iec 1 [(('_ \ver' males, and .M I 1 teiuali--. \Ci\ lillle trade oj '..n\ kind i> carried on at Caiiihi id'.'e, hut \\Iial is eil'icr iiniiu'diatclv or remotelv con- nected \\ith liii- I 'i:i\c:-!l\. 'Me Corporal inn con-i-h of a Ma\or, Ili'Ji Ste\\;ird, It* corder, t\\e!\e A Merlin ), l\\ cut \-lniir Coin- liioii Comieil-Meii, four I'.;:!,;!'-, a Tou n (i. The Ma\or, er>on he u;a\ think pro- p:T. The clicicc dt' vending llcpri'scntalivc.s In I'arliainenl is \e--ted in the Mavnr, l>aiiit!N, and ['rfeincii no' rct'c'Uinij alms : ;lu' \oler> are ahout 'Joo. Thoui;ii Caii',hridi:t' ha> had the honor of ph ing education lo >o inanx illustrious characters, hut \crv !e\\ <>i it> natives ;ij). pear t(i have attained ai:\ di>tiiimiislied literal \ eminence. \moni; tho-c- of it- MHIS \vhosc abili'ies are nio-t con>j)icuous in the records ot' bioijr.iphy, ;ire S.r John Cheke, a ^tate-nian, gram- marian, and di\ ine ; and Jeremy Ta\ I -.r, a leari.i d j>r. l.i'e. Mn JDIIN CMKKK \\a-lh-i-n in the \var l.'ll. :;.,'! e.iucat<-d ill Si. Ji'llil'-- ( '"lieu:', V hi 1C i'e liuik his (It -n , s j;| ;; |v, .jnd Was ;;i^ r\'.;n i!s M;rfi-M\.!\ aj.poiutid io li.e oiiui - i\i Uc!ni;i' and j.i-:'i sur oi !i:e (iu:-k lair.i:;:^ , the promiiich.'ioii , ,{' \v!;!ch, l;e ;;t tl;at lu:;e iiti'tj i, //';/// ;/ ciidi ;r> ored to coiui! i:i:i-i;:'; t.' ,'on- In 1 .' I! he \> as i, ;,K!C i.-.:i:.i I'.iti'T, |oii:i!s v.lh .'i'.' \nli:oiiv ( 'noke, to Prince l f .(iv\aid, (iiv\!,ii-e ;( ;< - -, :i i lh: Y C':'i>\>. n, he s\.is iw auh il \\ith a tiisiou ol' 100 liiailv, ,',' -' n at'lt r n'n- 1 OK . AMBKIDr.KSKIRK. tt;i!td graii^ of siiiial considerable estates. Thc.se |>ccuin:trv a ra i>ii|!\ I'M'ir.ot'd through ml.iioi o|ii>-c oi >en:ai\ ot Mate, and 1'ins (,omis< lloi. His fall M.I, \et inure sudden than |:! i le%ali"ii ; f"r ha\in_' concurred in the in- asures which bound the fat.il ' iiadeni on the IKOM, of tin- unfortunate I,ad\ Jain- (ire\, ;.nd also acted as her secretary during the nine ilavs ot l.t'i iii^n. lie was < oninuUed to the Tower, under Queen Marv, and dcjirned ot the t/'iaie-t pail ot hfs possessions. Obtaining hi hb'-rlN HI !."'" I, lit vint abroad, and, after travellini; tt> \a- I)"ii- ji'.n s i,n llic i oiilii.i-iit, v\as icdiiced to the neri --^itv ot _ (.:.! le(t;irs .,t s. tl |s |, m ,, (,,, , u |,siM, .,,, ,_ Though !,! : '. ! -< d, tl.e HI ! i.M \ ol lii> < in HIM-- \\.is M'l nn.i|i|" .IM d : | ,ti, i . l.i- M . out Ji'l r.,ll>-, U ; but \'..i> s, 1/1 ,| bfjule In' b li.i i.|!'i- of Philip the Set ond, ;n.'!bii:_- , . . . > , - ( ii'-ind, M .i, vMtliont a knowledge ol his i nun , i to his apaitint :its in theTowei. I Ic; r h: >(!-]' :.-- v, as lint :. 1 1 l,\i d ; li.i . i'ii l.is rrliual to MI|>M ulir to tli- ('jllr , I.e M .is informed tli.it he niiivt i ith r .ilmie In- lait'i, .it tin -take. Tin- allei n.stn M.'S too dn.'.'ltul ; hr signed h.-, ;i!)jiual|on, was i< 'i-.tscd, .uid I..;. I ji|opiit% n 'ou-d; but Irs IM-.H-.- .,f mind M..S for e\ti t! i. iln i in ( .| I is iijio-t.H'N inl'ittnt d i \I-IN tntmr hot.i. ; ; ev i d IIJM .:i, .11 id ill lilll.it i IN t' rilllll.it I'd, lli^ e\|sl in e Hi It .1 twt !\i month. I \< 'n d in ^> \>\* inlier, 1 /" . I : 1 i >' ', 'I \ V l.i ii: v, .is | xini .ill 'i;l I he M-;II 1 ', ai.d I'lon^i.! tin ! ;n liii- Inuii tnl li.i ,II_M- n| thn teen, \\lii n ] v ,i- t 11!' ' -ooli .is lie v..:s -:., , a'., v..i i iios.-n I. -\\<>\\ . \\!,e;i .1 lli.lsti-i of;:its, liri-uii'M I I iiilo , :-,rl b'-iaine DiMliitv !.''i!;i!i'' 111 >!. 1'aill's < .itln n ' : lion, his abilities attract- d th-' atte.ilio.-! , I d, '. l.'i llmiknii: i! lor the al\ jiil.r''' ,| ti - i- iiion \ ,;IM I 11 stmiN ,'ud niijv i -. .; ' : i I i ! ' i.,11" v oiild allow, |t|' uied \ . ^ ( < I xfold. .1 i'l "Hi all. ! I, , I! ' .,! I ham, in I'.'.tlaii'lshii'-. ! I ,. M| ; i., I,,, .,!!,. ( '..: CAMBRIDOF..-WIRK. 1 (\9 ( huplain to Charles the 1'irit, and engaged with ;u!- lee, uas originally toimded on the spot now occupied by tiiat buildiuir, bv 1'irot, a Norman nobleman, through the iwrsuasions of his wife Ihi^olina. This pious lady, beinu sei/ed \vit!ia i.tiit.'i-- rous illness at Cambridge, made a vow, tii;:t if she recovered, -.}** would ImiM .1 church in honour of St. (iilos; and bein^ r --lored to health " vithin three days," she. in conjunction \\iili \\i-i husbaml, eomiueuced and endowed a religions foundation l'; a prior and six Austin canons. I'etore the completion ol I 1 ;." buildinir, both Pieot ;;nd his wife died, leaving ili sr e-!!r and hojionrs to their son Koberl. ;ind eulnitted linn to l'.:;i>!i !!. -triictiire : but he bein" accu-ci! of a conspiracy -.iro'ii-t l!-.n\ !he !';!>(, lii-- harom v. ;;> ci>i;fi-o;tted, and afier\\ards ^:\- .1 I > the Kiu^r tohi^ favourite xv^rvior, P::';.ir.M- 1'e". ere!!. Ti'i- it '-.. m:\ii finding the hor.'-e t-io -mall, obtained !!ie '.!'.i!;i: ;>-, ;/.-;i;: '-ion to irtiune the i^tablislunent tn '.ino'luT ] i.u-e, ;n i ..: wards coinmenced the \b!>ev oi U-JKI-.M li, >i .1 in- ;. situation, be!o\v t!;i' to\\n. ik-iir the --ource < tin- pl.irr in tin- \t.ir 1 1 K\ ami an^inrntci! tlieii IIUIII!MT ; iiii'l i> .s!-n s;ml to li,!\r tun>ln 'I ;inl <>i iiam. utril tlir rtinri Ii in :i v< r\ ! z:\iil >t\!-. ( )n In- ilc.itli, tlic !iap>n\ |MI| !> hi- ...n, \\iili.tm IY\rnil, \n:: In- tniir v!>lfi - ; um- of \\ limn nutrn-'l !'< In-, s-'iinr, in u ih.-- l.uinU the |Mlnma!;r of thr . On tlir Di^ioliition, tin- annual n-\ir.' s ^ilc \\:i* L.'t.iiit'l (! \ntiiit|i\ I' .' ii lint .itti r anU. in thr (-tli of I :! ti" sr.tii. In l.ilv I I/. 1. 1 ( linlon. Tin- mr.itr^t part ot tli. li.i,!i!.ii,' I;.-.- Ixi ii i m<\ri|. ;i ni it- ||.in- urrtipicil f|\\i Hint; In. nv .,; .it.:mi. TKI am it hi \' .ilU --till Mirnxnul a \< >: t; n ' In !M\ r liri n \ IT\ c\t-i!- .*!>i-. x - \ i i. ! i .;i(i i liiLJ. 'i:.:> I -ill'itlii l'iii>r% air n.i\', liM l| I'.lIIlN'il! i |l!,.rs|,\ (;,. |||t||i \ r . I r TJ *> 7 a llu-fii if liL'li'niii'j -I liii : !!. Itcli'iv. ;:inl ni|ii'.-.l tin- t"\\, r :i;. ! Si iv I tin- i i rmi-i IrraliU . I'nl tlii- ino-t M'n<>u> - . I oil v . l llilirl tiic . 'III. 17.1, x\ ): ii ' Ii '. ,-.-, i .in i IIL:UH-, 111. 1:1 , ii|l. (Ic-tlnM ,| i,\ ll|r fl.uiir-. 'I'|,i- i . ' ' ' 'I!, ( .Illi ll ' i ! I , I ' - I 1 1 , i I ' I I I > I , i 1 1 1 , I n 1 1 1 II!' in ' l"l llil'^iil. I in- ; . . -, v I'.h t . .:- il.i.i:.'. - i.t lul- inv ;itti inli il liv. , , . . 1 1- n| -..in. ; I I'! llll ' . 'II till- -}"l1 i . 1. 1 ! . tin- 1'n . I. I'hr ;iitn !t- ii"\'. i HI . i iiri- tin- It ttixal li.i- ( / ' ' / I (.. I HI i- . - i .in-. 1. 1 lit. i : I .-.it. iu.ii '- iMi I . . In . .1- .III' ' i I" |. : in .! i- )i| I. . i l . \i . : I,,.;, .ii- t -. t > I I I'i'KM".' CAMBRIDGESHIRE. Ill STURHRIDfJK FA1K w annually held in a large field or meadow, near the litllr ii\er Stour, or Sture, from which it Mrmis to have derived its name. Tin- oiiijiii of tliis fair is involved in so much incertitude, thai Dr. Stnkeley has deduced it from his hero CurdUMiis ; lul however it arose, it vein* evident that kiui; John granted it lor lite use and maintenance ot an hospital ot lepers, who had an aneient chapel here, culled, the 1'ree Chapel of St. .Mary Magdalen, at Slere*l>r\ ::::<, by Barnwell, " whose CHS/O.V demanded dues tor all inerchandi/es exposed in it-. \ard ;" and had >ix shillings and ei-Jit-pencc al- lowed him by a jurv, in the \ear I II 1 .?, lor e\ery Ixioth >*-t up there. In the rei^n ot Henry the Seventh, John Arnndell, the t/it-n Chaplain, airain claimed the riuht of stallai-e within llic precincts of the C'hapel, \\hich pri\ilei;e, alter a heaiin^ in the. Exchequer, ^;is adjudged to him upon the plea, that the >mm ri'^iit had heeii enjoved there hy his prt'der'>s fair in their own la\or, in consideration of Kino marks by tlu'in paid to the Kiii'_ r . This charter \\;is ronlirmed hy Kli/a- heth : it specifies the ditierent (matters of the fair to he a^i^ncd lo the ditierent trailers. The field in \\Inch the fair is held is alcmt half a mile Mjirjir, ha\in^ the river C'am tor iis boundary on the north side, aini the Slure on the east. The ground, since the alleratii-n of the -t\le, has he-'n maikcd oi.l on tl-e fom'di of Sejilemlter, h\ the Ma\oi and Aldermen, and the deiilers aie then authorized i" ' !<\t ih^ir booths, \\hich aie built in re^'ilar (.rder, like -U'eets, e,:ch n.\\ bein:; designated b\ a particular nani' 1 . The r<>\\* \\crt- toi- merlv numi'ions, and \u te dotioininated .'V lri'u;r.'!ii^;-i - IIo\v, Cooks I'.ov, , Ho'.ksellers U.)\v, (i.iriie l!n',\, k \c. bit of (In- -j, tiie Litter )- not now unfie'juenliN the <>ul\ o;u'. O:;ep.irt uf the I...: < called the DucKltry. and c<.n.M- ot' the laii;.-:! bc.othj, iotmcd into a ' See Kikci'i Hi^iop- ,:'--. J^l,n> Col't^-e ai nt.K>III k **itiar<* of about ?'"' feet, rluetlv occupird l\ v, oollcii-drjjM'r-. inerrer*, and wlioU'vde dealers in f|oat!i-. 'I'lif t.ur i* prm iaiin- eil with yrmt vilrmnily. OM the I Mh of S*j>trmli*T ; tn-l l\ the \Ve Cnnirrllr, I'pirtors iiml ollu-r oriVei- of tin- I'lnvrr-ity ; and afterw.trds l<\ ion an air.tNed in tlu-ir t-f!in.il lj.duti. The -t.itcd tiinr of tli< roiitinuatii < ot' tin- fair w f.ni'l'i.". i!i\-; its ciiiM-ip.il i oinii.mliti' - an- vonl, |IO|>H, Iratlior, .- of llt.fM - . I i : - iiior- n! :'n I '. ! inn 1 ,' tin - Mirer \M k-, tin Norwirli * 'omp.uiN ot f'l.r- i > ;u ai !".' i i lorni in a ''. ion* i i Woodrn Kuildiiii;. l.iN !\ tr ;!- .1 theatre. A toint lor tin- j K n IM (ii-tirr i- ;ilu;i\s held IT In- deputy proides a* i , |III*M n e d< rn! uin. I If i< .itii iu'i i I'v i - I 1 I". M hi are onploxed in t!.i- ijii's . t . 'ii ' i i. -. I . i-l iineiK tl.<- l.tr^f-t l.nr in !'.:"'. I i :!,. \ . IM '-ii Mrcled. i :. 'ti - i ' . - . ii I i i' intiod'n tion i.| . Ii'' Mr.i -. ' I ..',(< , f, ]n a'eil H;.-T| I;. i- I \\ : ..'U "i : s . l?i Sin* \i-ai I li.!' K \ . ,' - I'lMlll I .>,, i i. '!'' ! in -,.ii"- -.. .:: ^ h.i\r ' . 'ih.. 1 ,, ' t ' - "I ' ' \ ' -I. ' iijs , it Ijrii .1' .,. . i , '. i . !, | , ]_.|)t I.; i .HI- :. h I. . .'" !!!.' , t tin- f.ur ... i ,, .,,11, ; i< I ' ' ! ), I i, ' \ \\ illi ..n~|i .'. I ; ill ( ,N ! i'ii- ' '.! . '-it .-.- ,.-, ' PI ' 'ii. t 11 . i Mi >l I i: KI\ i . '\ t, f i 'i i.. CHESTFRTON " * hrg- \illaqe, situated about one mile north of Cambridge, and principally inhabited by farmers. The Church ii an ancient and spacious building, with a nave, chancel, and side aisles. The remains of a mansion-house in this place, formerly belonging to the Priors of Barn well, is now used as a granary. The parish contains nearly l})00 acres, and (50 inha- bitants. It obtained its name from Cambridge Castle, which is si- tuated within its limits. At a little distance from this village are the vestiges of an ancient camp, of a squarish form, called Arbiiry, or Hiirborougli. Three parts of the vallum is yet remaining, and inclose nearly six acres of ground, where Roman coins have been, found. In a composition made between the lord of the manor and his tenants in the nineteenth of Elixabeth, it is called liar- borough, otherwise Batsborough.* IMI'IN(iTON is a small village, rendered memorable by the singular ease of one of its female inhabitants, who lost her way durin<; the inclement wealher of l?!^-), '-"id was overwhelmed in a snow-drift, where she continued nearly eight days and nights, but \\as discovered alive, and survived her confinement several months. This unfortunate woman, whose name was Elizabeth Woodcook, was returning on horseback from Cambridge market, on the evening of the second of February, and was not more than half a mile from her own house, when her horse started at a sud- den light, and going backwards v illi rapidity, she dismounted, through fear of being precipitated into a ditch, to which the ani- mal \\iis fa>t approaching. Soon afterwards the horse "gain started, and broke Irnm her, and she pursued him over the fit- Ms for nearly u quarter of a mile. Having recovered the bridle, she H (raced her steps towards home; but, \\earied \\\\\\ her exer- tions, and hcnuMih.'d in IHT left toot, through tin- lo-s of her shoe, she released the horse, and sit doun under a thir!-.r!, round which the snow rapidl> accumulated, and by eii. r ht o'clock had com- pletely incloM'il her; and still continuing to fall, incmi-ed to be- tween three and four fivt in thickness over her l:e.! !. l;i this hapless situa!io:i, her clothes sliilened bv t'n^l, and In r trength VOL. II. H t-xhau^ted ' DA.r- >i^s. ; ;l M; ( T/mv.r^u I,i!>r.irv. \j\. \\\l\ . 1U CAMBRIDGESHIRE. rxli.un.ted by f.itiuuo ami inanity, she remained till the n)oniiii of the tenth da> of the month, when tin- MIOW having IMM-II ra- fiiially dissolved d\ a thaw, rendered a colored liaudkerchief (whuh on the second dav <>[ her confinement she had contrived to 1 .in_' on ihf U|'|M rino-l branches it a .ink-; visible to u \\in^ t'liimer, who was dossing tlic I. eld. |1 immediately walked up In it. and, tin. i:-. 'u an .ipeituie in the -m-w. ! I eM the identical woman who had v> IOIIL: leen ini^jn^ ; aud having proctuv*! as- fc.-.'..nnf, <|iiii-k'\ iele.tM'(l In r. I>iiiin^ the \\hole period ol her V-!HNHIH, ^lle had -N j>l \ery little, and l-en tntally without nou- rithnieiit, evftpt \\li.it *lie tihlaiiHfd from sucking the surrounding M.O\\. \\hith >!i- <:;! at \..i.u-- tinus to all. IN her tl.n-t. I'.i 1111: rojnt'Ned lutnii*, she \a> put to Iwd, when >he cxprrieureil iniirh pain in hi i h','x aiid til. Thr latter wire soon ihvovered to be mortified ; and in the tnd all the integuments and toes nine away, and the f* ruliis of e;ich foot was in iiiany parts completely e\- [ -i il. Her general health, howe\er, lc<;an to amend ; but the inutilatc.il >tate of her tj.nue preyed upon her mind, and at length, roujointU with o4hci ailments, deprived her of hfe. MILTON was the relirement of the late Hev. \Villiam Cole, an eminent anti<|u.ir\, who, after a life of laborious reM-arch, died here on the sixteenth of I)eembear I?J>,\ anl be- queathed h.s m.'.niist npt olleetioitt, in 10O volumes, lo the Hi ilish Museum, with liircttions that thev shonl I not he opened nil twenty \eais after his dtrease. In this village is a neat residence Iwloncins to S.inmcl Knight, HNJ. DI.N\\ M'.liKV, -itual. (| in the parMi of Waleibeaeh. neaily midway bet\\cn ( .iinluid^e and l.lv, v\a orit^inalU a e< II <>l lU-ne tu tine Monk 1 *, .Milmidinate to the eouvrut at ll\. who had ben reinuvt 1 limn l.liiieinv, I>N Allwriu-. l'it<.l, about the y< -it I l'i), ;tii'l K in. tined here till suine tune in the n< \l eentiiiN, win il tin i. |.i.--.i -s:i.|l> In i .line the propel IN i.f the Kli!^ li!> I lli- pl.ii -. '1 .> oidi t In iii'.' di^olved in I lie NI .u 1 i 1 .'. tin u i !:i!i s win- L.M.ilite.1 I.N !' |M ( I. in. ill tli.- I'lfih. I.- the Ki.i.-hN l|t.s|.;- l.t!l.i-, who I. tri.ihl.'l DIIIHN Ahbe\ t.i I'hv.n I the !.. >iid. t.dv. .i.'l :!.. T. ..id, :.l" i.t Iii' Near I.'iil, !><- 1'ined it -n M.MS St. C A M n U 1 DO P.S I! I R H. 11 5 St. 1'anl, rountcss of Pembroke, 'reliet of Audomer !. Valencia,) who founded a nunnery here feach, in 1 2',) ', wm united to that of Denny. l.;n!v Mary, the foundress, died in 1 >7 I-, at an advanced ago, and was buried here, between the nniis' choir and that of the seculars. The number of nuns at the dissolution was tuenty- riv, and their revenues amounted to I/?'- Ss. 3<1. per ainnini. Their possessions were granted, by Henry the Eighth, to Edward Ebrington, and after passing through various hands, an annuity of 1341. 3*. 4d. issuing from the lands at Waterheach, \\.is purchas- ed by Tobias Knstat, soon after the Restoration, and settled on Jesus College. The estate at Denny has f.tr many years been oc- cupied by the Hemniingtnn family, but lnloni;s to Henry 1'ointer Standley, Esq. of little 1'axton, in Huntingdonshire. The scite of the abbey is occupied bv a i-pa-.'ious and convenient dwelling- house. The transept of the chapel, about thirty yards by ten, still remains, and is now used as a barn ; tin; reftctory also has been appropriated to a similar purpose. The walls inclose an area of about four acres, and were- formerly surrounded by ;t moat, nearly the whole of which may yet be traced. GOTTEN HAM was the birth-place of THOMAS TKNMSOV, Archbishop of Canterbury. He received the earlv part of his education at the fire-school, Norwich, whence he removed t Be- ne't College. In KiSi) Charles the Sc,:ond picx :;'.c:l him with the vicarage of St. .Martin's in the Fields, Loirhm, on whidi pa- rish he bestowed sevaral bcneluctions. llu vva- proir.oled to the Sec of Canterbury in l f '!'l, and hail the honour of placing the CrovMi on tin- he id of ( v > ir>n Anne: !:ut >h{a!:!-.- ! \er\ li'tlo in- fluence clip-iiiii t!ie r*-i^n of that I'iii'ce-s; fur, l!:<>UL:h !:; was complimented by l,ein<; lust niiined in the list oi Cfjiinnissiocers appointed to conclude the terms of tiie Union vv:i!i Scotland, it appears to have been more from respect to his -.tjli'in, t'i :ii de- ference to his opinion-. On the ac 'e^ion of (it'orue the Fir.-t, whom he like\\i-c crouneil, \n^ interest increased; bul IM- pro- gress was soon after aiu'sU'l by tiic ha;ul ofolcaih. He il;-.-d :n 11 : Ducoiubvv HfJ CAMBRIDGESHIRE. December. 171 ">. in the 7. l 'th yar of hi-> c;e. He wrote several \\oik* on Theo!i;\ . f.oMt .s'r\N'I'<)\ i> a small village, about sevfa miles from Cambridge, wh'-re tin- liatloii family have IMTJI si-ated ever since the em I of the -ivtrenth century. The ancient manor house wan a rrnerable building, cre< ted .ilxmi the year l.iOO; but ha*, in a treat m-aini', iwin taken do\\u; ami a smaller mansion built, which is M'i\\ inhabited hy Duplex \-l\am Ilatton, lls<|. brother to , ami Staiilon St. MHiaiTs; though the inhahi- t juts ld not < \r< - ii J "i ; anil thtr uholv numlier of houses is onlv fwrt\. M \DI\r; LIIV* i> t!i- MM! of , \ilniiral Sir Cliarli-s Iliiulc Cotton, Bart, who*- anrr-tor inhcrilnl it !>v inaniaf ith the lau^liter aii'l hrir'-% ot St rc ( 'a"t John Ilindf, in tin- ITIJJII of limn lli<' Ki^'hth, ami since lh.it <\'iit, tins family luis always \>a n ciiHtin^uishexi from I he other haioncK o| the *aine name, by ti.c pictixture of thai of lim a brick butUlm::, orn<-\\ l;:\t Miinlar in a|'|earancc, :ind apparently uf the *ai!M- aL'-. ,i> Iitilhtinl-Hoii.<>e l near Keii-int.'lon. It ii nearly siir- rouii'it 1 \Mlii vod.K .UK! pleasure zroumi*, and lum the road has a , and a Jt-\\ fine portrait-*. ' T <:,?.'< "! un>! ,' f H'l.ij !l:o r.i-l:tli,('h.>p. -'I. r i!f. tl.it rrr- t^:r pf-r- r v.r-r mt".- >l''fl nl *] in th- iMiin^r nt" /.'nr/<'ca>. othrrwur rallot tti- r/.nnl\ (t < .nnl>i nl: ( , IMIIL' ;inl l-'.'iiig in tin- |>anii (.{ M.I''. ifU. ' . I" :IU' "t ti.' >'! i> > 'in' ' I !"' t" l< -Mm tlic s.:n,r t. (".inn ill tiiLl (! '\, ! . , I.' .1 ii'. :i!ii| iliti ri. l! ,it !li> ]! li I fill-rent siinlllll l>< ! . ' t ,% ( I .mil l.lk' II ( ' i' .1 (.,.< j ..). i: | r\n . :jf .Ml., ;. . < .iii'l r.j.-, i.|'lli Ki.iulitMil' ll.r viiii fjr.f% .l< ir..i c I.. IL- i I...-I ii t, i id' t'Aiii. mi* nt \titl, in li. i nil fi.iintx, :s: I I'K ' ' -. t r -:iii .i::d tf r> ]>'T|. i t roiitiii::! 'tl'' Kiru * ''t.'ai:' a! l'n. .in !! o f.) . .| Mu , . ':. / , ;.:; II ,. ; , . "i /-. ,. '. t . I 1 (I..- .. . ,.i .1 Kin;li> '! tl.< I ,. 1 .\. ;,!! ; - -1:1.1 -;:.! .;.... ...: . i . . . I j>.. , M : ( .,;-. i, CAMBRIDGESHIRE. 117 portrait*. The Ix-st art- those of SIR JOHN HlNDK COTTOV, Bart. by Sir (rodfny Kneller, dated ifi<)<> : JAMKS CkA<;t;s, Ju. nior, Ks<|. and WILLIAM Sn KI.I.Y, I-'.-<|. by NValt-T. The park ami pleasure grounds of this estate were considerably im- prove'l by Ilir late Sir John II. Cotton ; an. I the \illage Church, which stands very near the house, \\a-> repaired .uni ornamented at Iiis expense. It is a sinnll hut very n';it structure, \sith a btatiti- rul painted uitnlo\v o\cr tln> Coniiiiunion TahNv Tin- rcntrt: di- vision represents our Saviour on the Cro^, with sonic hu^iliD^s in Ihe Uack iTouml, exr'e') inhabitants. CHILDEKSLF.V, a reduced village, some di-tance to t!ie \\estol' Miuliiigley, :is the scat of the Cults fainilv, from an early |x;rioi.l t( the time ot the brave John, Lord Cult-, \\ho \sa-i Licuteiiunt- Gent'ial <>f tlie Rriti-h forces in Holland in the rei-^u of ( v 'uceu Anne. Sir Join; ('til!-, one ol th<- ancc>tors of this Nobleman, h mentioned by I^ord Heibert, in his Liie of Henry tne Ki^htii, as beinij M> eniinerit for his hospitality, that the Spanish Ambassador was consigned to the Knight's house, in tiii-* county, bv Queen Elizabeth, eonsequ'iire dispar,i'jeu//its. It i\ situated on a Ivoman r<>;>ide of the com;t\ ; .;.'!, though botli a market aii'i post town, il li.trdiv ioi,taii!> muic than forty houses, of a \ers r.oaii and shabby appearance. The iiJui- bitunts are chieily inn-keepers, and agricultural l.iburers. Mat- II J Uiew IIS CAMBRIDGESHIRE. tht-w Pari*. the hiMnrian, va* horn fi ti;^ tn\\n; \Nhioh is al>o re- p"i ' i.m- In l ['niitui^ into 1. upland. Thi>, IH.UI \< c, thi'ii^ii i;riMia!i> rirililcd, i> .-nuii-nu, ; am! \vr have (. a\;:i's uvMi a.itl.niiiN i<>r atiiriniii^, that lit \\.i-- Itiini ui K ht, iii-ilra i litn*. 'I in> i> i\' iriil limn I In- " Iff rule of tf'r Hi, <'"' i:< i !'' itoi/r," \\lut 1 ] ^ a> Uaiitl.iU-ii tiin tin- lunrli \i\ ( 'a vii-t;, aiJ'i \v. is lilt" Iii^i In ii i- lli.it l.t- |uiil< <1. In tin- jiu l,u f In ii..it \\cfA !i- -.^-, " !;> 1 i.u" ' \^:i^ 1 IK u i, .'inl w.t> iniiii ami l< . l.i 'i luM.r l.'l_'!.-ii 111 K- Nil Ki I I'M' \' I M, \\ 1. lr l.l.l'li-il l- -jlt)- ki u in. .i.l . i I i .: '. ." 'i <:i- .M \v .ii, v. iin ii v..i> >i.: MiaiK n < .,!;.-i^ I-'.- . >u .-u tl,. On- j:iii ul l'i j.l.:;^ iii 1 .1 1 ,i.n,' i, iii't-t lii- ii i u 'i ii .1 - i it i .-r. ; .'. :il th>' ;i!..r>, ui.. . i .in ii . 1 . .ii.'i r In i un-ii.it !'! ..- ili< ji.ni "I n.iU\ il\ n! till ll.^c M.o .-, ( a vl". 1. M V I 1 Hi.u P.\i:i> \'.:^ a T- 1.1 -li- lii.r M-: k !' S:. \l...i,-. airl fliiiitiiiii-ii in tin- thi; t< i-ulli 'Tu'itiN . 1 i< \- . .> 1 1 |. r.i ! In In '-in- ut tin- in'{ !..tr' : i.l nit n ui ln^ .lu 1 '. i" i'!~ -"i . | . p lf ih.illiiiu.iliri.nl, aii'iitift t, p"i-l, I'Uiti ]', iiii'l hi-ti'i i. ii. lli^ !.i!r!ii^ profttifii him ptniitiitiiiii. ..,i'i In \\.;- !.i.ii'. u, nl- ; paili- l li'i.l! !\ \\ ill; tin- I< ! ii II..:! in; i ut t ' .ll'i. " 'i. i. i \ i Ii ,il tli.tt i .! I ! V pi HIM! I .. -H'l in 'i,.' l 'Pit lll"l...-:i 11:- HH.I.IL''- J- >.int l' ll.lVf r'ji..i..i il in - | 'I "!;.' \ ; Inl I.' in i ..i.:..i il a !,k i .r. .. IM t i.i \ ii i N i'l tin- LuiiUih ( 'dill I, ;si ;il tin i :u i u.n niiir;ii> \'. j 1 1 ii !.,i- ,ii Ih i . n! ut tin- i'.ipal s i ' \M : ui i!.i;:': m. ;! i in i i;i ni l.i . u.u.ti \. I ! iiiil ai)iui tl.f M .u 1JV). II.- lii^itirit' M i '>!' :* Jr. i-ii il 1'ito Iv.i' p. tit-, 1:1 v.hiih !.' t:aii ', l.r lii-l.'iN nt ihr ..Mii II..KI tin- n atn-i; tn tl.i M ar i.l' !.,- .; a'li. I'.t )l KM . r Huri.r, aitnut ut null ;u;l- ltiji ! \l' fi .11 , " W iin It .'I a . .illli I >>U> .il|i| v. .u ul-.i lailll.N . 1 1 t In- aii-i nt'ivt i',-i|iii Ii. . Mir li\ tin Ji.n.i -." It \\.i-. atli-rar burnt by Ribald de Lisle during tin- Barons' Wars in the reign of Henry the Third. GAMLINGAY is a village of considerable c\ient, situatpdnr.tr the boundaries of tliis and the adjacent rmuitir- of l'.-iii-ir:,''', !< nn\v tlie pro|H.-rty of Tlioiiiiis (juiuton, Es(j. Sir (iron,''' l)n\Mi'ur% u!n> bequeathed his fslutrs to found a in-w Collf-L't- at Caniliriii^ , bad a large house at Gamlingay, \\bicb, sinre the death of Sir Jacob, his lu-ir, has bern ptillt-d down. The parish contain* about 700 inhabitants, who an- prinripall') employed in agriculture. HATLL1Y ST. CiKOlKiH, soniciisiu-s, from the nature of tJie soil, called //MHVT Halltif, was the seat of the >t. (Jeorge family from the time of Henry the Third. The title lay dormant from tbo death of Lord St. (Jeorge, an Iii>h peer, in 17>3, till the vear 17ti3, when it was revived in the person of Usher St. George; but when he died, in 177-', it again became extinct. One of this fa- mily was honored with the arms of Sweden, in addition to his own, by Gustavus, the Swedish kin 1 .;, to whom he had been sent by Charles the First \\ith the Order of the Garter. Tiie residence of T. Quittton, Lsq. is extremely pleasant ; the 1'aik i> s!i);i!!, but well laid out, and in good order. The population of this parish consists of about 10O persons, most of whom are employed in agricultural pursuits. WIMI'OLK, the x'.it of Philip Yorke, F.arl of Hardu icke, and Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, is by far the iao^t splendid private re- sidence in Cambridgeshire. The mancr seems to have pa-.-cd through the families of the /?fr/tr\, and the . lirwc//*- into tl:at of the Chichelfij.?, u ho were originally of Iligham Ferrei~>. Tlie lir.st of this fiunily \\ho o\\ned \Vimpole, ajipear* to IKUJ been llOES>HIRC. Chklirlcy, I'.sq. Iiu was in po.-M-s-.iou in the iomtivnlh of Henry the Sixth, From him it lirtcruik'd to Thomas CUichdfy, IVM|. whuM- M>II, Nir Thomas, was Master of the Ordnance and I'nw COUUM ii>r t' (iuu Irs the Second, in whose rut;n it became tin 1 pro- pert \ ui'Lad\ Su\iilc, who sold it to Sir John Cutler. The daughter of tl.ii m iitli'iuan couvocd it l>v marriage t<> C'liail>"- Robarts, Kail ol lUidiior, I'N whom it was sold, near tin- be^iiminjj ol the la>t CfiiluiN, ti> L>ru ot the LtinlTrciisiircr, oJ uiiof n-|if -rnt.itivi'> it was purcliu^tnl, about the year 17-K). by Uir i. <-<\ ('ii.Murll.ir I I.u 'iw ii'ki', !iux- ur.nnNoii, thf pri'>cut tail, obt.ni;. 1 ii i>\ t!li- ilr.itli t't'lli^ 11IH If ill M:i\, 17.'H). 'I'..- ^1 i::-,.'.i HI.UM i> .1 -p.iriou- hiiik M.u lun 1 , \\ilh t'\t-n- M\<- u .!:.;>; l!n l.iUrr lia\f l)cu .ulilnl -nn tin < n < tnii .t tho rt'nU.i 1 p.it '.-; tin- luiiliiin^, lu^li appi';u> l< lia\c been raivy bir liu.!!..!-. Ciiichi It N . Tt.i 1 < ;i>l wini: i-> ( 'iniUTtctl \Mtli tho oltici -, ami i], ( - wot Mtlli a Lr^c jircfU-lioiisf. Tin- -ntrain-- to tin- ll.ti! ii ii\ a (i.'iilili- tli^ltt <>r.>tt ;>". Tin* iuifiior ot'Uns labrn 1 n.ihi>iiu s i.rat.n -v> ui'h ! : i i> i, ;u..l li;t- IK CD lately iiupruM lliroun into i.m % , wlurli i-> --j.ii ndi'iU hil.il i,|> a> .1 V.i'.r Dr.i\\ii u Il'miu. Tiic \a- ri" i- apaitiiu-iit* ntaiu a ui.^n.'.c .-n! a. riulilau* 1 ol p'.unlui^i ; ina;i\ .l lln.ni an !>\ tiit- li:-,t m.i-l> r- ; a.i'l, in L'<'i.' ral. llir uhnli- (oliirt'nn ii..'% IM >... I In In- \\tij M !<.- 1 i-il. \\<- -ijuil U'. a li-l "t tiioM- u!ii'-|. :ijijtt-ar t' !/< in..-t \aiual!r. In !!; ( i A I.l.i.U Y an 1 tl.t !"..!; iv, i.i- ; Hr.N J i N -'i\ ; Cituii link JailM n; a Intij; pidurr. 'I'iif CMII:.!.'- uiiin nl liic I 1 . nl is lliuiiyliUul ati'l |H in tialit'L;. I ! ii dtlinratrd Sl.tli'l .it .t t >) ! , Will) .1 |)i I) 111 In. h.lllii, .l!|l| ,l|'|i,IH ll!l\ 111 lilc.lll (! 'I': K. Tin \\!i.il- < \|r|. ; ,i i^ di'.'iiiln 'I ai;i| m.l)!.-. l'r\s^ HAI>, l_. ii.ii. -til". Tin-, i- a MIN itriniis In-.--!. Tl:< I '.'.in '.i i i. ... - |'"il:.f < 'I li:n:-i il \\j.h roiiL'li liair anil hum- \\ In - k' i v \ll .til nl i ( -|;l I .1 .1 \ .lll'i \'.l! -. A N i: M. i \ ' rAMBHlDGESHlRE. 121 AV'ENKTIAN NOBI.KMAN: Titian. Extremely fine. IGNATIUS LOYOLA: Titian. The feature* of this extraordi- nary man, who was I he founder of l he society of Jesuits, are ex- pressive of much thought, and seemingly ou more deu>ut aud holy objects than lii.s disciples judged it expedient l<> attend lo. Hvuus born in the year 1*91, in the Spani.->h province of (iuipiuxroa, aud bred to the military prole>Mon ; but having hi. leg broken at the siege of l'aiiij>e!r,iia, made a >o\\, tliat, on uvou-ry, ho \vould tjo on |)ilt;riiiiai;e to Jcrn^alL-ui, and evrr afterwards devote ImiiM-U to -Ihe smirfs of u-li.uion. On tJie completion of hi^ cure, he perfonned his jouniev \\illi llie most .scrupulous exactuvsb ; uml having; nludied the. Latin language for a short period at Barrelcna, he commenced preacher. Ili^ fervency oi manner, contempt of worldly riches and peculiar truel*, soin attracted the attention of the linjui.sition, bv \\hom he \s t is imprisoned, but altenvauls re~ lea.sed, under an cni'.a^emenl to foibtar pieaciiiuj; for four years. Tliis suittd not the i;real!!evilh as little success as before, beinjs; once more iniju 'boned, and only liberated on terms similar to the former. 11 is indigence uo\f retluceil him to many clilhculties, but contiuuimr stedtast in the prosecution oi his dc-iuns heal length had Lhe j^iict::)!! ofthe Se*i of Rome; and his onh-r \v.ts h'^.ill\ e>iubl^hed by the title of tho Socielv of Jesus. Ii,'!iaiiiis died in the year ].">ju; bat lu> nistjlu- tion spreatl rapidiv throu:,'h every purl oi t!;e \\oild; :~.\n\ the bre- thren ol' the order, from il:al jx.iiod till iiie b< J.;:.::ii: of tiie. eighteenth centurx, j'iic'sscd ijreaier po\\er, ai;.l m<-re ( \ici^i' ; connections, than any society thai ever \\a iormed. Tjiia Order, lamoiis fur its crimes, a* well as infiuence, \\;v> finally suppressed by Clement the Fourteenth, ii: the \ear \'/7->- .Si'ivH.A, the faiiHiu> Spaiibli CJeueral: Ru!)e!is. Head of a Monk ; !>\ -oate supposed to be Murim Lu'lier. A hall' length of a i.adv, delineated lookinj; o\cr the railintr of a balcony, 'i'iiis \\.i- bn>i:i:!it froia llaly by L;>rd H.'.ahxieke. 'The neck ai:i Ix^oiu are parti\ iiuctver;'d: 1'ie coloring is veiy rich, and bri;!:; 1 .:;!. I H " 1?2 CAMBRIDGESHIRE. THE LlBP.ARV i* a noble upartnuMit, and the collection of honks exlreiiH-K -elect ami valuable. It contains the bet editions of both r.ti-.'li-'!' and foreign authors, in every branch of literal tire : besides nr.uiv \olumes o| "curious enjjravinc*. The. room is plain, but neatK titled up, and ornamented with pot traits of the most eminent writers: amon these are head* of Lord Soincrs, \\arbur- ton, Dr. Clarke, Ben Joiison, Ppe, Sir Isaac Newton, and Or. Narrow; a whole length of lliMiop HrRMiT, ly Sir tiodfrey Kueller; and ;t half l -n-jMi of M ATTHT.W PRIOR, with one hand placed on a Ixwtk. This IN a \,r\ -jnnlid resemblance: thecoiin- tenJiuT olt!i- To*-! is linn, ami tin- tn>s< -Ii.irp; but tin- e\pres>'nn is \t-r\ MI pT i. >r I" ll.i- paintiiii; of him mentioned in the de iipli>n of M. John'- ('ollfje, aiid tin- tf.itun- aie likiwisi- \r:\ .i\iouron the ('TO-*; brtui^ht trom ItaK IIN Lord liardwnke. Tlie a-joiu of the ciiimlenunce, and the appeaianre of tiii- l>ni|\ drawn up bv extreme pain, ale rxceedni'jlv \ < < illl.llli. (I ill tills lilir.il'v, I. old ILinlwicke lias .1 l.ir-je and valuable collection of Mate Paper*. and oilier in.mu-i i '|>N, pie rived in an apailinent >., , nied tiom all danger uf be;n.' de-t|o\ed !'\ tile. The ni "t st ici-f i.t the leniaiiiiiiL' panitiii:'-- \^ e ^!i:il! de\ri)be, v. :t In nit at lend ,11',' to the rooi:,s in w Im h tin \ are -itaa'i ,|. David and (ioli.vth ; ( iioiirn-ne ; aruinati d, and \M II colored. Tiie AiiL' 1 '! appealing' to lla'/ar. 'I lie li^nie ol llai'ar. mi her knees, is evl:- hit Iv line. Tills p:i < e ;.ppeais ti h.ive (teen Y K . :. I .. ad, bx Mil If. 'I in- I., -i] ,'i.n.i' .Mp I ( i Mm: 1'hiloMiplnT 1 - : H \\},i ii'-. \ :i v.n and < i.ii'l. MH K.I.II.J. .| \\nli | li,\s. i - : \ .mii\< !, . 'I he Pas..|r o| |,,e Isl.n llti s. \ r !!, i'.,,. : i;.. ., ,1, -| n.-ii. SIR THOMAS MOUK: Holbein. JOB AND His \Virr.: a \ery Miimilar painting. The body of Job is naked, and covered \\ith boils. Near liiin stands his wife, who, from her expression ;iwl altitude, appears to be telling hiijp to I'ur.tf fiW and tlir. A curious piece, called a I'hilosophcr'.s Study; but is more like the Cabinet of a Virtuoso: Old I'ranks. Il represents (lie interior of a larsje room, with various irroups ol h-jrures assembled in difier- eul parts. '1'lie \\alls are ornamented with numerous su.ali paint- ings, many of tlie-u hijjhly finished ; and though \erv mmuJr, clear and expressive. lUmiau Charily: Rubens. RICHARD, Karl of \\arw i*k, the Varliamcr.tary Admiral: Vandyck. JOHN DK WITT, Ciraud I'eiiMonary of Holland. Moon IJ^ht SKMIC; srn \ie\\: Marlon'. This is a vorv r\miNi!e pel forHiiinoe : llu-\\a>e^, tiiu'ed v, ith the moon hcani^, v.ud rippled with the hree/e, lia\e a f ir !<- eli((t. On the bcarh is the hull of a vessel, u recked; and in one corner, two figures bmlin^a pot over a bru.sluvood lire. The (ftfl'usion of iln- ditierent colored lights ovrr the surrounding oNicct> is managed with t appears to h.ive intU'diU'td to explain the Mihjcct. \::i;in and l'!i;!'l: T:iian. Ka".d--cape : S;;'\ator Ro-a. I.oiM) HoYspuN, \\ii;-na C'.iid: Sir .bi'ua ileMio!'!.'. lUrnit 1:1 his C'>k : Ciui'io. Inside ol' ;; ( ir< cii-( i :<:crr's Co!i:i:;e : Ten it r>. Marriage < \ \\\>- \'i<;-j \\ : \.\\--.\ ( ,IMV. imio, V: - ,-:;> 1C4 CAMBB1DGRSHIKB. F.nw \nn TIT SIXTH, an aurirut pojntiii'.; on board. Vrnus .,nd Man: Luca (iiordano. T!e Temptation of St. Anthony: Rubens-, and other artis|. The Mil'jcct it the 'lYiupt.UJon onh occupies a small compartment in the n::dd!r of thr piece, ami is surrounded witli (lower* ciiarni- incl> -\e< u!t d. Tin- Saint i.s delineated at a taMe with a book in rm haijil : round him art- a \anet% ot h^ures, ir rather fiends, that luxe a^^ninr'l tin- fiiriii-* >t' thr ino>t similar and unco'.ilh ai.i- inaU and r |'. !<-., \'. !M a;c thrown into M ;s ludicrous and uhmiM- cal positions. II A I'M \J !.. Tiiis I* :i v-r\ fir.r p'Mlr.ii', ic-p^irti'd t<> haxo b'ii (\Miittil 1>\ Titi.ui. It .'.jtju'.irs t'i !< painti'd uii i .ta\.i>. j;!ufl < ln*-l\ t>i! buard. l.'U: D s o\: !..!>, ^ ilh th< ^> ;!!-. 'I'liK Il'1-.K or COMMON* in tin- !iin- of tlir Sj* akcr On- flow. Tii;s \\;> painted lv Sir J.niifs Thornhill, a-isistnl, as il IN Mjpposrd, l'\ Hf_':irll, his von-iii-I.ivv. Thf rlianirtrrs mo^t -on- tpiLiioiis. ;i:<- L'II.M- ol the S|nakrr; Sir >\'ln \ (iodolphin, ;u tliat t!in. 1 ,i'L. T >.\ tl:r ll'.uv -; ( ,,!<,; M )n-|. >\\ ; :md Nr H.-b.-rt \\ .ilpnlr, v. tin i- ti paling to vj>;ik. \Vln-n tiiis p.'.iiiliii^' was i \ i < uti 1 1, Sir J.i n it s \\a- :i ni- iiil> <!. Thi- N"hlmianina:rird ; dauphin >'l" t!.- l.o:d ChaiUiHor I l.ndwi. I..-. I'MII IP > O::KI , t',. Cli.tn- 1 i.,.i, ;ui'l (', i I'.'.il II.ii'lv. ; k- : \\ . 1! . r, 17, ;. I'M 1 1 n VOKKI . !!; M- ( n,l l...f I Il.ii.lv,:, 1 ^v\v, lit v, if.- nl' tin- I i< .1,^1.1!,:.- ( l.-nl s ^ "il..-. .ind nii-liur oMlii- pn -- nt I ...id ll.t livn, I.. . T!,- !.' - .-I \;l n..: \i-.M-. \, rs tiin-|\ mlnnd. I'll!., 1 '.1. 11. _ 11 ;i I- .' \. [\ I,||. |.|, , ill ^l '!! \\'.,|k, I. pn-.i i.liii ; lh, ti II }'.! I!,, Muls. T,.. ptui. )>.:! li-un - iut! o- ' ' 1 . : a in. in .:..'! I'.' i, i '.:.-. '|!i: ]^ .1 i 'ii'*- 1 li.i." li ! 'i 1 |':l"! li..i'i ' . .Mi i .it .1 i,Mlr it, t.u.-i- II". I t.i lir li. Illr.'U'-il. l:tii> adiini.isl'-, iii-tii as to H'li'i u.-l ili.iMin^. CAMBRIDGESHIRE. 125 GEORGE THE FIRST, GEORGE THE SECOND, CF.ORGK THE THIRD; Qr BEN CHARLOTTE ; Marshall I-audohn : ,Mr. Pellmni; Thomas Holies, Duke of Newcastle ; Lord Lyttleton; Lord Chesterfield ; the Great Ilani|xicn ; Sir Hani ley \Vilmot; Archbishop Seeker ; Mrs. Montague ; and numerous other por- traits are also preserved in this mansion. The private Chapel is an apartment in the house, ornamented with various figures of" Roman Saints and Pontiffs on the walls, and a large painting of THE NATIVITY, over the altar; all exe- cuted by Sir James Thoniliill. The grounds in the \iciuity of the mansion arc rather flat ; but from some parts of the Park, the views are extensive and beauti- ful. Opposite the south front is an avenue of fine trees, about two miles and a half in length. This is crossed by a branch of the river Cam, which flows through this quarter of the grounds* On the north side of the house are three pieces of water, which treat I v contribute to the merest excited bv the surrounding see-* no; v ; and on a ri>ini; ground, an artificial ruin, denominated a dothic Tower. This, with a heavy and ungraceful building, named the Park-House, whose weight has caused the foundation to give way, was erected by the late Lord Hardwicke, who made many alterations in the Park and grounds; but the principal im- provements have been eiVecled .since the estate came into the pos- session of the present Nobleman. Under his direction the gardens and plantations have assumed a IK-W appearance. The inclonres have been considerably extended, and many more acres of hind] brought into cultivation. His Lord-hip's farming establishment H nil a very extensive scale ; and, from every improved method in agriculture beiui; judiciously introduced, the produce of his grounds ;-, yearly increasing;. The drill lui>bandrv is chiefly em- ployed at \\impole; and, from various comparative experiment*, U li.is broil ibund to bi- the imsf beneficial nindo tf culture. A new ihrashin^ and dressing mach.iiu' lias bs'en l.itt-'v erect t.-d ; and the various other inventi* 1 :)- to f.iciillate t!i'.: I.ibor* ot 'tlie ayricul- turali-t, me on thi> estubliilnncnt i-.tltr.ded to 121 propoitioii to tlu-ir utilitv. For 126 CAMBRIIICESHIRR. For UK ronvenienry of his Lord-hip's laborers, several neat cottage* ha%e b*en built within the indoMires, and a small piece of ground attached to each, fur the jwasant to culti\ate ut hi* own djMittii'ti: ; nd. -t.il more to hem-tit tlie industrious, the llarl ln-sto\s prt/cs "ii those wliu raise the i;rcatet quantity of jirodiue. ami keep tin ir little iraniins in the neatest order. The habits of Mjhrivty ami cl an'iiness, oi ^mating in tin- praise-worthy attention to the interests ;:nd domestic romfrt^ of the poor, are *jMikfii of in (|i<- hi^he^t Urui> UM > , uml wa> n<-.ili> r'lniilf, in l!ie Near 17 I. 1 ', bv the Lorti Chanrellor llarluirk<-. I'-.ur ! the \\IIK|IM\N .ire ot painte whom tin- \oike t.uiui\ are allied by innin.ii;'; ami a \eiv In-atitiful timire 01 D.i\nl pl.i>ini: on the Harp. The i'hiihtlni Chaprl UT Moiin- ijient Kixiin, ail)o!nui'4 the Churi'h, contain-* M-veral haiul-oine iiioiiuitK lit- ,| UK- ll.U'lu.ike laiinU ; an )itrin! r, \ >l, ;ind lies Inn ted beneath it. ( hi '.e t'.ji i- tin- elii-ii - of tin- KIIIL;!)! on in- it.nk, x^illi h;- hands cla-j'i-d, and l.i- he."| i 11 .1 rti-hmn; ainl al li\* li i I an ill e\ee - nleil figure ol -oinr animal. 'I lie nioiniii.' ill o| ||M Lord ( haisc i lloi llaiciw lekt* i> \ir\ sii- [* 1 1 1. < hi tin upper p.i it aie medal lions ot' the I'.ul .mil the lit -t I i'ti!;N -s ni I l.iidw u ke ; ,\nd lien' a ill it a -a i rophat;ii, l;a\ MIL' on i < -i'!< li;i tr.'ure ot \\ I>li' v ni_; |'.u li nl.'.i-, relatne to hi^ oJlii -. I'hiiip, I -i I "I li.'i'i <.. i . . v,.' !, MI .:! 1>>.\( r. |(.')n; , .dl- d to the I. n I', i i , 'ir-'ii lu'.i I'. ?) .UN- ;it !,"!: n:ade *ol:i il"i ( H in ral 1, Mi'.ll.i \ ( ,i IP l.ll I ; ' ) 1 ; ( i.lel' JI;S!K c ;,.|d H, II oil li ' d ' 1 I ,' , l\- 1" I "1 t).. ( HI ,:l ^i .:! i i .nil linn s CAMBRIDGESHIRE. 127 High Steward, between 17" and 174o'; Karl 17">4; resigned the Seals 175<>;died 17^4, aged 7 I." I' aUo records the memory of liis Ladv, Margaret, Countess of Hardwicke, who was the daughter of Charles Cocks of Worcester, by Marv, sister and co- heir of John, Lord Somers. The second Lord Hardwicke is commemorated by an urn, with a mourning figure decking it with Dowers. This Nobleman mar- ried Lady very small, thouji xcatlerevl ovrr a large surface. The houses do not txceeh of \Vluddun. At 1-73 At ARRlMiTON, ;i \\nlv villas nrar the western sidt- of UilvuoKr'* Park, tin- >ki ! tons of Mxttt'n human !>odii-s wrr , in tfie^w'2 fr a water nnirse, within two fret of tin* *ur- . in OctolnT 1 7 J I . Tin' bine< xetiwd all to ha\ e beon bnrii-d l!ii- --..mi- lrni:lii <>i tiiw, ;t:is, as ifnf-V4M-.il lx>di's lul IK-I-II intrwd to<-tlirr ; and olhrn, of tin- psrN of orn* kr!cfon ml\. SMI'.C pit'n-s of iron XMMV also found, wlii<-li sj>o.- o^'i tin* iivr durint; the Civil War-. ABIMiTON,or.-M/ff;rf//<, ! an ancient s*Ht of t!ic ri^ott tanuls ; on-.' of h>m was a (itMicral in Williiun !h- Coninu'iiM's tiino, an. I li;-.'l tlii^, uilh Mxtrrii othor inanor-v, 5nnitr<| him f\ tli.it I'riurt-, ulio likci-e uppointol liini Sh^riflTof Cjnihril tin 1 (!oniinon Picas in tin* r'i'/n of K|v an! lli< 1'iMirth, and rontiiMR'd on thai Bench dnrin lh' rri',Mi of Uirhard tin 1 Tliir I, and a roiisiiK-ntbU' jnirt of tliat of }Iffn> tin- Si>\t-n!h. IN prf-fnl |ro|nrtor, (iiiiu.ulo Pi^olt, F. H. S. v. s (. li'iit>-h\o honsi-s. B:tr!. uli' ri-riMi-tl tli.-t till'- \"'\ a l -v Mil;-* si;n >. i-. ,:ii aiirii-nt brick "Ir-H turr, jIt a inllv sitiiHtcd. Theprcvrnt |os \, IVnt. Knrr-'orlh i* a liain!< ! In n.i-:i.: 'M.iin;'\ ;:(.! rmihsii:- alfi,'. foitv lii' M -i^. >'!i,i'l '',!. ! H i- .1 [>'. . /;! ill '.If \illa;-i-, m.ul\ , n\ir l -i.M| \\i\l\ .!: ,11 ri-K'- !H. In !,. rt-ivn "f H":::N l!n- 'll.ijd it l>- !"ii:'-.| to t 1 - ii-siiU" ' :i' 'ii'l n| (lie 1 >!-* < 'lul i> >U v - '-.I ?.t *- . \\ . Tli.i'.i;;- \\ .!nt"'i. ;i:i 1 u.i- niliri itol H' < -.\rl\ la hi- I'.iiii- son-, v. h< .ill !;-'! \\i',',-'.l i -lie. S,. !n ' - '!.. %..nn-r.t, I... p.. .;!.. d it !,, lu. mi-Ii.-^. .//.-; !..n/,r. v,\\'\ \\: "' i i.inu-M :j.t <>!!' ^.li'.ii^ I"i' t 1 .'- Li l'>i . "f -< \-r.i! 1 lin-rlird-.. Hundred^ in this p-.irt of the. county ; some of which are now in the British MIIM-IIIII ; and our volume, a thin folio, is in thr Library of Lord Hardwicke, at \Viinpole. MKLDI1I I'll was thr birth-place of ANDRKW MARVKU., who was imin- !-r of Hull, iii Yorkshire, and drownrd in rroiin the Humbcr in the year Kilo. Hr was the father of Andrew Mar- veil, the poet and ^talesman. TKH'LOW is mentioned by Fuller as being the birth-place of ELIAS UUBKNS, a writer in the reign of Henry the 'I'hird : and lien- aNo, it i. M-id, Cromwell influenced the: officers of the. Par- liament's army to form the Council of Agitators. The parish contains about filly houses ; many of the women and children find employment in preparing woollen yam for the Norwich and north country markets. At HASLINGF1FLD Queen Fli/ubeth lod^-d th.'niht before she made her public entry into Cambridge. Ou ll'/iilt-/iilf, about half a mile fnun the villlaijp, " was a chapel dedicated to the Virgin M.iry, much resorted to by dc\out j>ersons. Among olher otlorings huni; up, was a large pair of iron fetters, offered by one of the Lord Seales, in commemoration of his deli- verance from some imprisonment. Out of a barrow, be- tween this \illai;e and Comberton, was taken a free-stone colHn, covered with a stone, inlaid of divers colors, as Mr. Layer was told, who imagined it belonged to some noblt personage ." Tlit manor of COMttKRTON was anciently held of the Sove- reign bv I'hilip dc Hastings, b\ tlsc ser\ ice of keeping the Ivini/'s falcon, and not bv Kniuht's service ; and half a bide, hf-re, \\.:s held in the reii^n of I'.iiward tin- 1 ir-t, by the grand serjcantry of beiiiL' the Kin'- baker. " In the winv a tree, pnbablv the rebus (if some ilistinguislad inhabitar.l oi benefactort." VOL. II. I Till 'M1MNUTOX. 1*0 r \MBRinCKSniRE. TRt'MPfVf-iTOV, a -mall xil!.ir nr.-r Oaiuhridai-, wa many >;!< a"- t'i' rvM\ - Wtdd, K-q. At Dfim-fiill, in tin* p.in-h, mar tin- river, fi'run nrnv \\i\\\ hum r bones, i and difft n-i.t flmii.ui antiquities, \\.\M- b-en found. !.<>rd Oxford had SCM nil \.IM-S and patenr ti.al v. i ir iliM o\i . i ! here : a;;d M : . Hough :nrn(ii.ii-, a ilni my in hi- fu p>^t -M'-n. hv I{'.itij>ri- ll-ll, ot a p.tlrni " ha:i; in the - '!iti<- a griffin J< urin; a vtaif, surrotindcd l>\ . IM)|(|I i.f il<^, i"arv harr-, A *. and an rmtrr <>nr ot t!i\\ !>.' < I1I!'H\ !I!\'Tl\. -. :tll.-i t'.oin lii.- al.iwi'laitre .i'rhrrr\- trres vh.rh f> >iincr!\ 1:1 rv. there, !> :i I ir^c \il!.ii! , prim ipallN in- hahitril }> lanr.. r. It IN pl'-a*. nt!v v< .:li .1 in a t.dlev, m-.u t!:- li"ttc:,i ct' t!:r ( n-i", .!-,.- II,;:-, >: . 1( 1 js j|;|. cultivated. In the ia iu'lii>"iii.UL.' rh:dk Ii'.N >aii<> small I(>NI! tettli, and \erti I.::T- of fi-h, June \n -n found. <;<)(, \1 \(i(K, HII.I.s, ai.out four miles t<1 the r.M d' fnin- l)rid;e,are ti.i lii^h->t einiiienr* in thf* n.nntv. Hcnrxot M\nilinu- flon ( :ilN :!VMI llv l'l ;.v; 1M l Mil!-, oi' H.ilsh-.nn. MI\\ t!:e\ o|.lain-d t''.-!r |>ii- < lit I: !'' il .! npprllatinn IN ni!< rr!.ti:i. Mr. I..IM-I ( n- iiili^rt^ il i I .MI I in : !.'% |> 'iti.rin!'' ot a uiaut, v. h: Ii t!i- *r Ir ! r - ot '. in ; i i-l'jr (ill cp'-n i hi- tt.it, or -in I.IT o! ('..r in,,-? t !c\.i'.! .1 p...l ot l!ii- i; ... ;a.ii j-;- ! ' IN nan.nl f r""'i r ''^. 'I i,i- IIL^IM l, h."l -i i 11 ; l>.il Hit- 1' i-!n -> )> i-|" tli' -r IrlN IN ;i tiiplr /./.,'. ( rt h.r,> ;tl \\itiil\\o '!:,!ii--, rifii i\ fim.lai. '! ,- .n|ipns-d li\ s'.n \\ntr- Io h.:\t 'n .: liiMi-h. ar.'l h\ < lli< i - a lion. an, rainji ; I". I .1 a- j,:i!..t!!\ oii':|,.id in NIK , ( ,;., n |>\ Imlh ji.nl, r-. (iii\,i-c, ot 'J ill, i, \ , i . ' |,.' ,;_, ipiottd !'*- ( J'.iniil'll, '('[" a! - to Ii.i- i ,!< :'.. I it l>\ !, I..IIIH -.I / ,. mil' b'n u, \\lmli i! m ,v t d tiom the yfiir 1<>H.">, and the continuity of tin- Roman W;y, which runs from llif lro\\ of tin- hill towards Cambridge, supposed il to b; Roman. " I'unilli liitry," oh>>rr\es Mr. CJoii^h, " L the fourth of ihe chain of forK which begins at llw lar^e camp on the hill where the Hunting TU \ ;iiitlk'!>iir\ surctrdt'd (iriutacc;iat'r ; tlitn Arl>ury; and la->t, Bcl^i:-. IliiU; all \\ithiu ^ii;lit of our an^tlu-r, i-arliiu^ from the \\oo:!!;ni(l of I'.sscx to tin 1 fens, and cio-^rd 1\ ,>>c\t,'ral jiaiulKl ditches, ijniti 1 to tin- Devil's Ditch." \\ilhin the c'tilreiichmcnt, \\hicli m-|oscs about thirlcni acres and a hall, i> tin- House and grounds of J'raiu M-, Lord Oilioriic, ntpheu to the late I. ail i/f (iodolpliili. 'I lie IIOIIM? ^ uu iiic^nhir brick huUdin^, u Iniiitur,' bo\, and i--.la- bli.shtneiil I'.r breedin"; '.Hid iv.irii^ !I"!'M : il u,;- cM^-l.il |>\ ti.c. J.arl ( iod' ![i!i!ii, '\!ii> became teU-bi'aled lor h.s i'a>',!o!:.iti i li) V - ol hnrse-iacin;.'. 'I lie jjardi'i:^ \\i;iil!, dunii;.; t ! , juinnr;!v <,-t Lord Odc'inr, \\ir<- i;rea!l\ ncLlvcKj, lia\r !,e. i n l.ile!\ improved ; and luaiiy ln'<^ have been phintfd. Near t!ic tcnln; ik a ->in;.!l ti-.h pond, ;\hi(Ji i> snj'jilic 1 \silli v. ater!i\ a lariii- fon-iii^ ma- chine \vorked !\ !I,MMV, tliai lai c-i it tioin a will J'M teet deep. All the \\ater lor ('unu.itir jmrpo-es is al-o obtained {'101:1 tlii> \\cil, there !>. SIIL; no ^nrin^s \\ilhm a considcraljle di-tance. UAUl: \I1\M, t:,c i-o.-i.UMia- of (ii-iitral NVImnvood \d. ;uu\ \\a> foi meil\ in the posse^ion ol tile celebrate,! Xi Il.:.itio I'al;:\i- rin', ului appears to have obtained it ;ibm:t l.')7<'. 'I !ii-> i;-i:tl:'- iiKii!, acrordiiiLT \<> t!;e tiadiiion of the uiM^libouruood, \\a> Col- lector o! the 1'ojie'-, 'i'a\s > ni 1 n^laiiJ 1,1 the rei^n ul (^uen Marv, on \\ho.-e death, and liie <-cii-,e(jue:il clian^f *.t religion uuder h< r sister I'.li/al't th, he lock tin !;b''\ nt' detair.in^ the HIMICN, and settliiiL; in this country. The Iraililion is corrolxirdtcd by a \\hiin- .sical cj-ulaph, \\hieh Mr. Walpole has (jnoled in his Aiiecdoiis of i'ainlmy;, from a mani'.vT.pt oi Sir J.ilm Ci'c", ;m einaier.t hi - raid and antiipiary. I : Hue 132 CAMBRIDGESHIRE. FT re !y Horatio I'a'ax.urnc, \U;.' ruM.d tin- 1'ojw* to lod the Ou.rr, . M .i* a thu-lV \ tlii'-t'- ' 'I'll. .11 |y >t : I'or uhat' Mr roliti (I but Aiitx'hii-r. Mini !>' atli w>tli booim- vwrjit fri'tii I'.iK'i.ini Info the l>.inm ol Onlil Al.r.ili.ini . Hut tluM) i-ainr Hi irnli \ith I us rlnl>. And Unrk iiiin down lo Hi i/-bnb." Tlir I'ahivifini family \\ne hapti/wi ;m* tin 1 !' ui-f< r, wliirh .iNu n'(itn|x the murmur ut Sir ll'iratiu's \MI!')\\ \\iili Sir Oli\er CnnnxNt-ll, the l'iot< < hn's uiirlf, -\.nlU a \rar an-l ;i <|.IN .ild r l.rr lni>l>;iml'' (!( r;t^<'. The building in wlurli Sir lloi.i'io r-.iK <.illiil I'.ilo.ili.ini 1'i.m-. It is UK iili.iiif I l>\ .Mr. (inii^li ;i> hrini; a tml!r (iuthic Inirtiirr, IMMIIL.' "in- in flu c.nn!\ From th- r ILMI l Chail-s tin- Tn-t il Itclnn^cd ID tin- r.'im t f.i jniK, s<'\i - i.il of \shoM' iiiM[)uin< nl ;ir' in tlir rliitrrh. \lr\amli r ]\> urn t, I'.Mj. \\Iin ni.itiic<| .1 laiiuhl-r of Sir IVtrr Hurrcll, ']< tun ^, and i >t.ilc, in the vr.ir 1 7'' '. wlifii the ruaiiMi-u v.t^ wliollx l.iki ii (!"\\n. Hulnit Join,, l'.M|. JIIIP lia-rtl tlir r -!.i!' - d| t!if |'< r-iin In uh'iiii it Ii.id l>ri ii MiM li\ I'fjiiu t, and on tjir ^ilr ill tin- am nut m.niMii i-irr!-d tiic JMI < ut . Tlir I'ar!.. liiCH^h Hut \li !!MM', l> |.!r.iv!!lJ, ail I t"l< l.liU -linkc'l \\ltll \\ I. 'Minis B<-n- i.'-t. Tin- ji.'i i'ii <-oiitanis .ilidiit I SO inhaliitanto. Tlic |>oor an- | i:ll% niaiiit. mil d l>\ a lii-ijiirsl nl |.,"l. Ni.ulv, i\|niii!ii| under 1 1 i la i n 1 1 -I i ii lii MIS i ii 1 1 HI -i -'I !i\ ti,i dniinr. I.I !'l 1. 1. ^III.I.IOKI) \\a. I'.. iin. :U |MIS r M ,1 1,\ (!, an. irnt fa- ni.uiN nl u lii >n i \\ i 1 1 I iii .1 I in tin i h:.i i h. I ndrr an .nil. IM tl:<- i.'.illi \\all nl the ham '!. \\ ,'.s .MI alt M !onil> , " .T :|ij" :iu I-'- -i.. .. ii ' l:!...- PI !! I i.> .1 ..nr i,| Mi< ( '1.11,11, i!. ! , > . .iii,-l l; s ]..i l -ii \i iin l.i n I i . .111 I M,- |M.I 1 1 Hi i- j.i . r . \ ,1 ,,m .,(, ' i :,' !r i < u; ti t I- i. .M I .. :.>j :.s u, U.. II : I , I , i r n . ,i I I ' . . ////// .-1/n'tit/frn /'Jti//r/t. S. /: Jff\ ('.. A,,,,,//,, ,,,./,/,.//,/ /,,, ,,,,,/, ,//,/. '. ,,/ r.AMniMDCF.SIIIKK. 133 Ici jrist oiro Julian il<- Fii*ilr Kc fust Sci^uovr iK- CI-M villf ^ ov.i k<- par ici p.iMi-t 1'vr charitc p\r I'alinc prirt *. P.ilkiviriui, besides his nuiision at Bahraham, liad a house in ibis ullage, in a \<-r\ charming situation on the banks of a small .stream. Thi> was built by himself in the Italian stvle, with a Jarge |)i.i//.i or gallery, and pillars in front of the srcond storv. It was taken down about forty years .sine**, and a handsome man- sion erected on the spot by William Finch, F.slle, then in ruins, upon him, with the stones whereof he built his fair house in this county." LITTLE ABINGDON appears to have been the residence of Michael Dalton, Esq. of Lincoln's Inn, who was formerly as well known for his Book on the " Otlice of Justice of Peace," as Burn is now. II is " Duty of Sheriils" was also in good repute. In Neale's History of the Puritans, mention is made of Mr. Dalton, the Queen's Counsel, who, in 1 ."'!'(-', pleuded against Mr. Udal, condemned for writing a libel, calir.l " A Demonstration of Discipline.'' Oliver Dalton, Esq. hi> son, was buried in the church. L1NTON Is a market-town, situated on the south-east side of the countv, in a ver\ pleasant spot, the grouuds round it being more varied lliau in most other places in this part of Cambridgeshire. It I 3 cousiiU * 1-loinflielu's Culkvtaiieii 1 H r \MBRT nr.F. SHI RH. toiiM't* of Mvirr.l KM ,' 1 >lnr . aiwl lain-, thr iu< i i.f uiiith i- al>u! lull a milt in Irn^tli. Thr hou- - an- |-in>< i|>a!h |..u, a:i'l o\finl uilli thatch : vmr, ho\M\i r, ;'.n o! hi i. k, ;ni.!t n>u- Ntinrturr, with two ai-Ir>. a na\f, a riiam rl, ami ht'je towvr. lu t! .< 'mill a'-lr i- a liamtauw mural monument <>t niardlr, tncU'M \sith a Itt- (jiii-l si-tcr .mil honrfarlrr**. (hi i !. i- pi (I. -In! i' an Iruant nuirhlc urn, v. ith tl:r fi^tirc of IIi'j-M- n i. in- -nlr, -li-ilainn! \'\ hri aiiclmr, an\< r l!:t urn. mi a M.trk liiarlilc L.'.''!iiitcr. Thf >iui(la\-Si lion! iu tins tn, vlncli ii"\\ liiini-l.i - tuition lo iijiuaid- ol lo() fliildri'li, :is oii^'inally < -lal of tin- Hi \. Mi. I'i^hrr, Ihi- prr- - lit \ n .11, a::ii a M.i-i-'.rali of the n initv ; anit.U!t- ami iifis!:hourin^ ^<'ii^r\. lli-rt- \\;^ I.MimiK .1 -MI ; 1 I'noix, -'.I'ord:.,. . to tin- \l,'ic\ <,! *(. J.uut.'.- ! 1: - i!.!, in DM t.iL.'in-. It- j'o- 1 .-;MI,> \\crr ^lanti-J !.\ llnir\ t!:. Vvtli, ..l...i.t thr \-ar 1.V'. tot!,, Mn-i.-i ;mr| r<;!o\v>i.i 1', n.lcok. ('..!! _-. Al I'.tn li.'.m a!-", m lliix j :: !-!i. \v.i- a Prioix of (.'iomlii-1 1'ria:-, L't.MiUil |.\ H-IHN (lit- r.i-_'!tli to riiiiij- P.':;-, KM), \\lio M,|,| it to tin- l.imiK of \M!c, n.t. Di;. I! K n \ i; i.- UN , Hi ^.ii- I'll d --<.r at r.!Hiluii|r in t! :. n i.'ii <>i J.-.iin . tl: ln-t. \.! li'iin I)' K. Tin iHimlii i lit ' ho 1 :-. N in this j .:n-li i- \ > ; of niii.iliil.ui'-> 1 I >7 ; oi tij ( -c '.;MI ,ii- inn!'"-, a:. (I ' 7 f< in.-]- -. 'I .., I' r Wn.r. (' \MI'^ ": "innlr i |.% \\nlhin tl,. f:..!i'|'.' .. i ! - \ V n . a Noun n, l..,i!. \\li -i.'.n.l-. u Aiil. r-v, in. iti| l.ail.l (Kli.nl' |.\ 11. MX (I,,, s. M|..|, I ui.l .-. VTI . : t .. i it.- .. i i.i i<. I . |,| i \ i,'. 1 1,. i' ft , * til'' ' r' i? \: TV.I * ' ' i:m-t !.. f.tpMTVi .!.(!,..; I i ;:iv II.. M . . .||.| I > 4.. ' !l.. \i.l.|v \ ( AMBRilH'KSIIIBB. ].>, lle hi ic, which < niiiimi* i( t<> be tin- resijeurc of liL> siircevior-* (ill tlir attainder of J. ha de \ err, the l-.'lh Karl, lor hit adltu rncc lo the House . then br->t>\v- *>d by Kd\\ard tin- Koiiilh on IJiiiiajd, Duke of (ilouceitei : hut John, liie l.jlli Karl, having b\ ln> c\ertioiis "really promoted tii.- success of the K;iil of KicliiiKiml in the l>;i!!lc of J > ,ui\\ortJi Kii ill, \\a> l)> that I'rnne if-in-lat'-il in ihe pt.M>-iMii of all lii> cil. !'-. and dignities. Kihsaril \ eiv, Ihe i;ili Kail, h;t\in^ reilu \\.ini !)\ hi-. e\lr.i\a^;u)t j)i<iuii, s<.|il tl,i, j]..inoi lo ThoiiKi.s Snlioii, K-'|. \\ h" ir-,i'i-. ! .si t!:e tattle sonic- linn, anj afleiAvani.s ina:le it |K,I! of the uiliAvinent uf ins new ioumiatiou the (Jliarlei-IJonsc, to \\iiirh i! still hi-loiii;^. The Cuttle stands on a bc:mti!i:l ruiiutMii r, :.ml i-oiiunaiiiU ;m extensive pri^juci of Ihe counK touanU C' nnl>iit >i'l<- \\a-;'. lnU\ lo\>er of hii. -j,, \\!:it.h ua, l>!o>\n inai'iin^ pail has bt't'ii suhstuntialK K j>aiii sin;:!l, \\illi an eii.lialtlo'i to\\r. In liie C!KI:K cl is a uionaaient \\iiith records !h* \i.!ucs of the Lord (.'hicf li.:voii Jle\noltls, \\ho tiiivl in February, 17".^. HOUSKllKATIl \\as foimeilv the scut of William Miiii-Um, \\lio was Siienli o! the fouii!% i\\ I'.o rei,. 1 .! of [Iein\ th<- 1 ,,i!i, aiid cuntiutied 111 his dt scendaius l:il near the coiniaeiiceniciit ut tjie last ce.iiuiA, when iiie stale ML. purchased l>v John I)io;i:K\, of an ancient hunilv <>!' tl,;:! nnjue in hhropsliiiv. Ilearv, his .sun, ^as created Kurd ]\l:.,,;io:-,!. H.tron IIoisehcui.il, in the 1 1th o! (eori;e the St Tond. 'i !::/i;:.:-, h:s >i'ii, t!ie I;,ie l.i'id, succeeded io the e-late i'.nd lit!i.-; !-::( \u\\ i.i- n.ii.cd hi:n^-lf, tiie ji:;ik uas let as a farm, anl tin- ili;....it nr.'nsjun sold lor the materials, ! 1 ulmh VOIT. ar.il Li- lii'ii- in ;! !'. i "vcr. ('..- 'itio uf I'.ii I rf ()\!'.id. uitl, tl.i' t ; ti^i'i di'iidfiiiin, IT ti,iiil ) c mix ci i.ir | '< - it' ( Kilip >]i:rc. to !!,< ci.il !.<. nii^lit be Karl tit' that e.uuiiv ; v.l.'-i-i-.i- <0u. i-n Ain.e ci.iifeut,! nil :\ii- L.^nl Tu-a.'ia'er Harlcv, the n;.v i i'i;,,il i.fiii,- ( I ; ..i' O\f,,ui." it e 'ri)n,.-iaj,!ici. V ji. IV. whence tia- c.iivf [..-.;:. ui..is c:'C a-:| L . (.',iaij>s \\trt; t\tru. ! '!. 130 CAMBRIDGESHIRE. which have .ince been pulled diwn. The r*tato is now the prHAM a- tin- birth-place of I! r (ill I>K H\I. SHAM, foun- der ol L'le 1'rter- House, Cambrics*" I ami, according to ('alter, of \\JLL1AM UK HoTIKSHAM, or /W> l>hop of JU tlilchcni, in the Hol\ I .and, b\ the Pope, in IJ*.'>; and af- terward*, Bi-hop ol Rochester: but other writer* have affirmed, that Hotti*h.tm w:\ hi* birth. Thi* \i!!.r;r i* M-MO\MI- fl for tlie i;n-at re\fiiue* ol iK rertorx, \\hirli i^ in tiie palnma^* 1 (.f the ( h.rt< r-lb.iiM- C'AKLTON .i* the rr-id'iKi- ;in!-iitl ol tlii> < ui.t\ in llir J lt!i liic aullmr ol ^..ti.il (Nt.nind MorkN. Hii " Justin .ni'l Knuli^h I>n II'-II.HN," 1 . ,s, .i)tTv.ir'!s au^tiu'titeti !% Bi-ln.p C''II|KT; IIIN " ( io\ inoui, 1 '..t\, s\o. ;HK| lib " Ca*lle of Health," 1 ">-U, quarto ; an- all o-|i lii.ilni. \VII.I.INr.H\M .^ a lar.- \illae, wlneli IM-I .ui.v niein..r;!b| from having been tlie bitth-plaee ol a vmth \\in> \\.i- roiiMiUrrd a.s one (>t N.ituri '* jirodimc-. |U tin- ncromit eontained in ;t l!tcr from 'Mirqeon l).t\ski * to Dr. >!.!', and publi*hed i;i UK IMnlovi- plnral 'rr.n:*ar!ion>, it appr.u-, thai hr \\.i>- oni\ a lu-l\ li-.v M!HII b'-ni, l/ut rapuil\ inrn .iNcd in -\/<-, and di-p!a\id iuirk> ot' pnb-rt\ before !; \>a>> a lw Ivnnoiith old. \\lnu In \\.i>|.ui three vear* ol a'', li' nieaMtie >i\t!i Mai. \\ith all the \ \nlmitai <. rontribntioii. Hi-, mother died \\h,l- he ".IN MI kuiL; at In r brt asl. \\ In n he \\a^ onl\ nine months old. ( \ I I I.D( !. HALL i^a n i ion ~. m.! \. nei.ible n<.iii-in b. Ion-- tr ; I" tin l.irl of (.uildlord, i.\ uho.e .ui;>--V, lie was bniie<| in the small Chapel which In- had built lor the interment ol ins portents in tins Milage, adjoining the chancel of the church. Catledtje Hail was eieeled l>y ti;i* Nobleman in the rei^n of Henry (lie l',ihth ; and thon-Ji much of its original splendor is departed, it still has sufficient i I,ar:i> to iiiteresl the feelings of the antiquary. The building \- entlre!\ if brick, ith the exception of the window-frames and dnr-< .!-<>. H stands on a raised platform, and is nearis surrounded \\ith 4 deep and broad moat, filled with water. The entrance is lr/ni .t small law n under a square bi.ik t'pvtr, wi'li tour Liru-l-. - Hence a tliht of stcne >tejts 1. ads |<> a j:;i\ed terrace, \\ii:r!i ev- tends to the porch. The L'feat Hail i> i.iriii^iied uilli aiiiti.ir- I'allerv and screen, and h;;s an O(i, ';, tl.'Laiit cushion*, and pulpit-liai;i;in2;s have Seen sioi-cd in an c-iik-hox, c!:!;iu>i\ carved. One of the windows is full ot painted ;_ r !a--.. (;m !% exeeuted. Several of the apartments are Irani; wi'.ii h!pc-lr\ : air! one or two ot them are connected \\i!ii the lu-i'-ry ol tjneeii l-a';/.:!eth, who was nuiiriiifieently entertained in thi-. iniiiisioii b\ Uo^.-r, t!ic. >econd Lord North, in the -Jl-l y; i;r of !u -r n ii;n. Tiii- l'ii.)^, according to the traditions of the nei^hboiiihood, wa-> a! >o con- cealed In re during some jvart .f the so\crei_y;nt\ <-i !:!vl frii"/e. ai;d a ch.ur a;;v; 1- !*!(. u| T.;e )S* CAMBRIDGESHIRE. 'Ilif nll.i^r- >( Cutlttlgo is 4oim linns caiicil Kirtling, ami i* sji i !>v -'-Hi- iM-t.'i i.ui-., to i..'.\i ln.!i llif place ulitrv a S\nu(i w; lii'i clunii^ tin 1 humus, routrsts .ill ul L,i-*t-r, uliuli p ivailid in tut- M-ar J P 77; lit '-? allu.iu'.ious % o'''ti>; tiild t hi* actual pluic of .i>-> rn!ii\ app*ar^lo lx> iiit!t.:i . > i< -, ~ V JIHUM >, auU 4.'C> i.iii.il'it.n:t-. TIM'. !>!'.\ 11.'^ PI'n II. Tlji-t-a^i inpait tj' C.nii'>ri 1-. .liin- i- illtCfMClcil 1>N > 'if |nli^l, ,lll:i h aj>p .1: I > !i.i\ !>i rr i.iiiM'i a- l>ouiulaiii < u^aui*! iif>.i<>ioH. Tlir i;:ust irniaik.iMr ul t!i<- l.iTri i.> \:lini tlir />'i//'.i /Jj/ A, a lUUHr ulm il l>\ MtUM 1 p rill- is suj-pi*:il In !..j\ |> rii di rnt 'I Iruiu till' ill klu>x\ |i d^cil pri -t.-uiiiifiirc i.i in- . n:> i i..ii 1 1. _!: IH ^s ill till' r\t i ulMUl "1 V. ol}-, it tilth, lll'v . A lllclr l.'.li"ll.i! flMlluli>^> li.i-, liuuiM-r, In ui fo'.ujj in li.t iu.ii:- i.t l) t nlii r. wilii liclll till- 111. HUT of r/ldulllC, ill Slllti'lk, li\ tllf VI'. .if ui 'In - i,i^ r< miurtiii i.f tlio footmen, or inland \, ct tint n-unK tun I Ni-rli'lk. !: v.iii- !>o;n.il \n M-I\- tin- Ivinj in liii \\.i>h A\.T, ailtl Il.l'l I i. .' ! ' ir I' /"..> a: \v ;i\> ,:t t 1 !. it t.lii il ", \\llli !l, ( '.I little 11 rij-MM-, \'.. i :N l)"lli ol' tlii- Liii^iloiii, ami bi-iuiprif, ol ti.i 1 ..i t \i.; ,i ; . T in- t i ii In . .1 ii tiitrll ( ol mi mi' c> lit .11 ( i. 1 .'- Itd^r, ;!. i mi ..i. i II',':';, in .1 -Ir.rui'l 1m loi" M\I...| 1.... -, t' /u i/'(, \\liilrtin 1 u> \\K ,tln.f:ill\ li..il>..N iiii'l nrj'.i- .;''.(-. 'i i!' i.iilii t!, i! u.:- i!ii" out ol tin ti>-inii i tlnoun up, aii'l trti!> .1 Ii :Ji d.'i.k, on tln - i .!-( ->ii!f, \\li.c !; i- tli.it tint to lip- ui. '[ in-, inoilr ui iiiN|M ^,1,^ 1,1 la,' lAiUvati-il i.iitii, I i- i>p!i.i i ot Dr. Miiki-ii-s, .tii'l olii. i ,intii|ii .1 n -, :i pn-ot Ii .-.[ tin- ill. i Ii \\ .'.s i : i.i if -onif i iitui n i'i !'!! < 'a'-.'r, !>N th- in -t i:il).iiiilaiit.t lii..t -i-U.i il i <: -U\.!i >l, in in. iii to ><.!!! till lllx'U t . lioin I'ii alt. H 1\> .>! IIP mi. 1 , i'i \l>"i i^ni' 1 -. . 1) I , - ! , : ,|.pS. i|ii..l-ii l-\ Ml. (..'. ...I', it i' I.- :, lli.il ti.r - i, .lion of tin- ilttt il ' !> -o \M-1I illi.'Mi. iii.ll i ' -,!\ -'..;',..!- lot.-, il < "ii I'i -'-I I.I'- .\uili-! A an I ^ i!l"ii> : ,.; i!;: !!.:;. I int.. -i.on ., l,n j. ,i si < 'iiin^ '.i 1 ! l> t\\i :. ':..il .n. ! 1 Mill . J.vrtn ; ami il there was a coiitinnaiion of wood from Dittoii to tin- Thaine**, as \M- have some accounts of its having' IH-CII in later a^'-t, it would cover F.ssex aUo. ll.s greatiie** prmi-H it the woik only of a whole province, especially as there wa^, for greater wtjnce. not so J)iji, hut longer, hcyiniiiu^ at l'<-n I)iHc-u rut through the hank, and the ditch tillrtl nj. '1'ln-c ja-.s;^ l -> ;ur mostly called saps. " Another Ditch," continues Dr. !M;i>'in, " a!xut a mile smil!i >t I>4>nriie Bridge, between Al)ii:^don and l'ant|M"ifurd, j>:>i:its io Cambridge on declining ijioiind. r r';:\ to pa^ <>\c\ il, and i^ tlieret'oir older than t!u i road. Il i> \rr\ lar^-e :tnd d.-ep ; hut \\!i.il i-. n- innrkable, is, thai it has n > !.iii!> on ( ili'u-i i-iur. V. lu.l hn.^r.t of the soil taken out, hi iiii, r chiH'v cimlk ;;n'i r\!\i\>\<-, and r.il (it t'. r manure, is iloubtfui. Tiu> dih !i is aUo (:;.> ..i>-ht>. it.ialt d f\>r preventing flu- inarch <.!';!:) arn;\. !!:< upl" i n*d U-it:.v cln,t. woods; tin' toucr, \-ilii tl.tl, ^<>i\ land.' II AS lo:;^ been oek'brated i;i !';; unn'.iN of liMjxeniansIiip fr.r its extensive- heath, v. hirh, i;i t'.t in i'.'.iibo'.niniTi .J ti 1 :- t >'.\n, )j;is been torr.ied in!;) or.i nf (lie tinc-l nr c-ci>j;ri-s in t!ie ki'.iLrdojn. The diversion of liorsc-raciiitr, liionidi ii!idotibtet !!!: Floinan Inv ,:vnii, <;'> not :ijij>ear to ha\e :ii;.dc .r.i\ t i.ii^idt r.iiilr I'.rn^re- , lr.it r.iiiier became dormant, iil! (!: neceisi'.ii of Janv- the I'ir.-i, v.!:-> aLvii: i:'.::ud,ie'd il fie-m Scotl.r.id, v.liere i! ca:::c iiito \o^i:e in '11 tii;- sj)! : il and >vviOne-s of thi- Sjn'.Mi-h hor-es vvhieh Ind heejj {lirc'.^n I'-M'-rc on the coasts of (ial!u\\ay, v.!-..-n llie \es-e!.s <.f t!;: 1 Ar::i;;'!a lu-re v. reek., I. From this per:<;d il b< e.uv.c taoiv f;!-lii.'i:;:i)ie, ;i;.d Nc\M::i:r:-.et l:;vl j>;.i!).;!'i\ SDIIH !.:nd .f a i: 1 .!:^ e^a');i-:::i.en! ;> r.ni;. as the. i:;n of !!::> ?.J:>r--ir. I 1 , v !"> irert."' .1 hiu:-e !.c:e t vvhieh v^.;s do- 140 s4ro( 'the turf, Chsrle tin- Second, aud is itill the residence ol' the Sovereign whenever lie visit* New market. Tin idea of improving the breed < f Imp-en, ha, in a certain decree, induced tin- legis- lature ti> encourage this speeu-s if raniblihi; ; and even the throne seems t<> -auction its continuance; fur, in addition to the plates j:i\ei! hv llic nobiilN, the Kinu' himself give* two evers \ear. Tlif chief |>;ir! of tliii town is situated in Suffolk; but as the whole of the ruce-coiiie, mi whose atliaclivc channs ils supporJ prinriiiall\ t nt ihc i ..,.-!- arc niodcrn, ami well buill ; and many of them, w hiih have In en ererted ;.- r >iil< u > !t>r tlit- nobiiilN ami jri\ ale L'en'K rn< n who ;.lt irl the rat -r- t an- \ i\ liand>oiiu*. 'I Vt the c< Tiie-hotiM x are MTV ronvt'iiientls furnished lor the UM- ol the Hiffrrs, \\l;tii th\ UK c t to j.ititv their agreements, or settle n;at In -. JJilhaid and other nx-in-. are a!-u prepared for the re- ception nt ihosf ;_M 'iiilemeii \\|KJ pie(-r s:ann's of skill, or ha/ard, t'> lln- ni"i< Ix.i-li ro!i- (|j\'-i>iniix of llu- tint; and excellent acroni- ino'iatioi.'x | ( -r vixjlm x nia\ be fofind 111 ti.e numerous illlix \\ith v 1 1" !i I'll- lo\\ n jx pii.\ ;d'-d. The Jtt.n \ an- held M vrr.il Imp's in c.i h \-ar ; < hi> '. '.\ in ?!,< Sprii'v, ai:d during the months of July tiU'l (>i I'.b. r. 'J I.e houses ;! cluellN di-jx ( ! in one loiij^ and wide slieef, f.ait!\ eiritidon the ^eu'lr decli\:!v of" a lull. 'I lie tou !i ha< btt-n I \\iie h!rovri| b> t.n : tin In -t Inur in the vear ]d,s. 5, (htriJ 1 ^ Ihi- prt n< e ol ( !..:i!s the SIOIK!, in-. (^IMMI, and tlir iJtlk' tif Votk. The (KiMia:^ s VVi JC e~tlil..lti-'l at jMjil.dl. Imt the \jwnx s ol iibuil IIIL; VM re in p.nt ilelia\ed l>\ .1 xnbici ip- ti"ii. '1 he Mioi.'l t'ne \'ax about the ( o]iMiien< i :in nt o| the la>t < i lit ii' v . 'i i i- t\'. o i lit,! i !. > l:(ic iln i.i it < out .1111 ai"V tiling i - n:aik.i!.!e ; liiat ot M. .Mai\. on the nilli side the -tml, i- iii S llo k ; II e i tin i. < n the . uili, jx in ( ainbMdL ? '--hiie ; but ix o|n\aiia|l 1. 1' Use In the >!>:! !-('!. til< ll at \V i '.,| |) [!,,n- 'J he in! al.ilanls . I the Snflik it.\ , -,. 'ii .. . !.'.;; !.;' ot the ( '.il.ibl. !.'< -I. lie ,-:de nuK -t,^;. NVMI..ul>t L'.ive blltil I" CAMBRIDGESHIRE. 1 II THOMAS MKIIKS, Bishop of Carlisle, who became famous from his steady adherence to Kit hard the Second, fur which In- u.u de- graded to be titular Bishop of Saiiios. Several coins of Trajan, one of Faustina, and one of Maxiiniunu* Ilcrcnlius, wen; found ueur the heath ahout ti;'l\ years a^o. SWAFFHAM IIOLKHKC u as anciently posted by the f.n.iily of Boltbrc, one of whom founded a Benedictine nunnery here an early as the reijju of i\m:: John, some small r mains of wh'eh s'.ili exist ; hut tlie site is occupied principally by a modem hniise. At the Dissolution the revenues of the nuns amounted to liltlr more than -to!. which had been appropriated to the maintenance <>i i,i;n* persons. The parochial, formerly llie Nuns' Church, u.is !.. ill about the year l:j. r >0; and dedicated, in IJj.', l>\ !); I>i-.l,'|i .f Ely. This village stands in three parishes. Tin* oil. et |\vi, \\hi a are called Priors, or hilllr Su'0ff'lnt)n, ;ii"! v/ (" i<\ 01 ( '/.//./. , have their churches standing <>n a lii'^li lull, in n;:f iluii*-!.-\ani, and hence ha\e obtained the n.imo of >v. A'.iiiiM TUo ClirRrHKS*. These structures are built in dill'ic.,l >!\!(.sul" architecture, aiid, from their situation, wiiich n ndcr-. tlitiutou- 5|>icuous at a jjreat distance, become u-r\ beajilif.il nrnai);cnl> lu the adjacent country. The tower oi SiriitJ'ltnn /Y/W.v !.> M|tiaie at bottom, with an octngon story above, and double (hat laimbcr of sides upwards, terniiiiatiug in a spire. The toucr of Si. ('trie is also square below, and octagonal above, but terminates abruptly a little beyond the roof. It was originally dt signed I'M a ^|>iic, but iiui>iieil with dirficulty in its present st.ite. Tl'e cliaucc! uas built as early as the year 1J11; but the ei.liie labiic u,'> n^t. completed till l.;Ul: the~t % periods .ire Miliici. n'!\ di .i.inl t'm!-.i each oilier t r:d>!' xil! ;'_; on the e.idrrn s,!r ol' thf rtii!'t%. al'.>nt t!;r- mi!'- di-Lint from Wwiuarket. Tl Ii!!< d n<.rd ol it* ai,-;ri;t la>trv, i roittaiiHNl in Camdrii's lUil.ninia, in \\liidi it i* ol^mcd, tli.il it* (\>1l- ;> xiorons|% at- * :i !,rd. in !'i!i < :iiit"nM"ii nf str|.!n-i'- rr^p, !% ( imtln, dc Majjna>i!!f , I'.nl : !>Nt \, v!i< as slain lr. an a:r\v, and tin- roi.nlv lli\t-nd ffiim tht- fi.it-> tli v ii.i-i ii'i'tr cnlfttuiiiHl |n >-i\<- r>n- tfiuf. Ti:> ! rt!< > v, .> )>:n!i;il'-N f'-U-d infix- liuif of the Oclar- r!i\, ; li- M!I:.-.'I' n i- - mar i' tin- !>rMl'> Ditch, tli' i'|ut'd lioundar\ < \ Hn- kii:c '''-' of tl;i- l'.,i-t An^! 1 -. SMMP -mall re- i! .:!:.5 'ft!.- (';!!> .".c M! -t.Mi'ii:^ . , i - i ri'Kiidint; tin 1 sit- is into it. Thi-> \iihi^" l)ira;:;c n.ci:i' >; .sl'ir Ir"iii tin iut!ii:;rhf>l> cv'iit KnnurJ.v ;i.-i,. inn' 1-1" Hariri tl ! .; ~t '. v ;:'.< li, ffin tin- dr-lrurlion >; !iV' > it urra'iniu'il, i<, |n rli.,j >. nnj'ar.;II< !i il !>N anv -itnil.ir .n'- cidcnt in tl:<- ln-t!' ":' r <. N. |{. Al>..nf iiinr i.'< !i. 'v in !! - f\-ni!ii,' a di-inal tin- limKc out in a liaru, in v !.: /,.: |K IMIII-. urrf iin-t tu^'ctlicr to M a I'up- J i ' v ':',\; : 'i; li } ' il tj r , v. ,;u\ !...; I . ( In \v li-'il I I,, 1 1) \', ;; - I ! ' i i I v. :' . - ' i . . < ' . \' :< - v ci \ i i i \ , .'lid ' .:,:;'> ' : -\ ! .!.\<. !.>, -. r I..-!,. n-in- t-i (!;.- |.;:r:i. uhn h ^^ is rli n.nli ' . ' < " .! ! !i-.t .:-'. In- I n "ki n i ')>,, ; .::. ! v. : . n 1 ':i- I' - ci \ !..n!\ -.1 j;n- ; ' i:- : and ' . : * : \ !. ,', , \. n . "f lliMM' t! .'! \:-\ -MI .1 i: I t\' ,, i : , r| nl" tin !i v .;ili'l- ' uii!:i \\\n .1. \ -. 'I ' , , ff ' ' - i ti ill II.. I CAMBRIDGKSHI11. 143 The tire was occasioned l>v the iH-'JiiN-nr*; of a servant, who vt a candle anl lanlhorii in or near the heap of straw which was in tlie Karu. The servant's name \vas I'irhanl Whitaker, of the paiiih of Hadstofk in K>se\, nr.ir I.iuton in Camhrid[je.ihire, who was tried for the fact at the a-si/es hrll at Camhridpr, M.mh C7 t 17'S, hut was acquitted." The name* of tin* unfortunate sutlcrer* are aunt xed (') this rt-Litiuii : ainoii^ them were several NOUII^ la- dies of foriiuic, and 111:111% hi!'!rn. Sonu- additional particulars coiircrnin; this ;vl arridrut \v< re published in 17?.), hy the Uev. Tluuirjs d'ihhom, vsho v.:s horn in tin- U'v.'liooiii hood, and lu.ud inaii\ rirruniNtami's i r !"ii' !!,:- lative-^ of th' survivor*, tliat ut-rc uniiotirvd in th< i i- "i-h r. lie liken i< % drii\rd inforiuatioii from a jwtion named H^.'.", \- . l:i was in Hi- 1 I-arn ulicn tin- lir:- roM'.!na:;r'!, :'nd i.n!\ - '.i;'.l ll;o flam i'* fi'ini the oirrninstanrc of haviii 1 ,' } <-n -<-.ili-d c'i ;: f-va-n, wliich t'uu" iiiin an opport.iisiiv < (' -]irii:" ; i-^ <;'.>T t!, !,--.r!, of iho-f \\ ho h.;d fallrn, ;MM! M'.i '.( d ;;> t!^- \<;\\< r p :i! of ihc (|oir- n.i\. I'roiii ihi- ro!!orti\c cM.lfiur it ;;),( ':-, \'.,,\\ urailv two- thirds of il.f Ic.irn v.t'n- fiil.-d v\\\\ tru--<^ of o :i!- :r;i\\. and that the ham ;;s i>nly ^cpnrateil fioin a siiililr, \\livir P.UMIN ctlii-r triis>L-; were luMjH'd i'|), hy a paitiiion of hith UTIM ]>!.;-,Vr. In thf -l - ,;l*K' fit.' tu'o liorsts It^'ouuiirj to Mr. . v '!; phord, t!ip niusti 1-iO puppet-.- ho\v, \\hi!i \\frc r.ru't'r tlio rare of \Vliitukor, \\lso\vnit to tcrd t'nrin afler th' entertaiiinwnt \\as besun, and hcin^ df^irous of seeing it \\itliimt pa\ii.u t!ic price of adnii-Mim, l/fcain*'. through hi> e,iu-r;-n<--s to rnnove the >lraw, \\hirii impeded hi^ ohsenalion, the unintenti >nal eati*e of IMC ;.h-.ve roniplicattd n-.i^rrv. \\ i'.eu ilu- r. >1 t< il, \\hicb v<\* b-areei\ half ;'ii h^ur froi.i th > cotni!:' 'leeir.-i.t ot' i!ie Ine, the -laii-lo and :'.;u:i: ii ->l (lie lielple^ s'.ifli-reis were at onn; -i!(i.-(< in oiie uiiis'T' :,! >:'/'.itH' ail'! t'eal.'i. 'i !;i' \> .- V-TV r'dured l.> a ill:;--" ot i;'."".'.!' -i r.uv.t** 4 -, halt ;, ;;(, -I, ;ii'l w!;oll\ un ii^- r,r Hie p::'o,-e in tl.e i !t.ircl:-\.:i i. TK - d. >;:. M'iil caLi>tr<>!-i v. :>- son!'. .:!'.! ::> .! :.; .1 .- i:.iu : i j.ii'at i: ! i A tin- He\. .\le ...ii-.lt - i in. '!.-o''.. V!,L .:>:.;; ^i' ilii; jails! 1 , l'iu:u t!:-j 1'jllowi:^ jm Ill rAMBRIIH, K n:tt appri'i'! '.i 1 !- t< \t, MUvl.tl Ironi tin- fourth rh:ipt*r of l^aim n- l.iii !.. 'I'lf if fM//T i\ blacker ihc.n a ciMil: thri/ arc nut knotrn in //. \'<'t '*: their skin cluntlh to t/itir boiif*: it is irithrrrd, it t'j / I'm- (in/ like n >//c/.. 'I lit- principal ho.tuiN at HUMM il is its flc^Unt Church, which i-t IMH.: in tin- Mvle i)t ;i;> liitrclun ini>!.;ki'ii!\ ti-rninl (iotliic, au; -N:::II!>|;N iiinl ,:n!.i.i!i' |i["|tul ticii-, ix sr.Ui-I\ r\ir TT|I-I| .limut t-nly ;il"jvi li.r foiiinl.lli' M tit' Knu;'^ < ' ill'i;' Cha|K 1. Caiul.i ul^< , :IM>..!'!N \>\ -\\,<- "I tiir .triilici-r^ v.li'i \\cn- I'liijtloyii in tin." c !!>-!.! ti"!'. "t" ld;it l.i!n:i- : Imt. \\ h<>t \, r ^ t-, it i> c\ i'i . tl.ji li.' v i I'* IHV < '1 I in- ii> -:^i:, .n ii I rir.i-U rK iii.uiiitr in \\in !i it \sa-> CM-I ut< i|, i i Hi M |i.i\ t- 1 1 1 1 ':;::.! I nl \<\\\\ \\ illi tliicn- vslio HiTf piTtVrtlv ti>:iM-i-.:til . .Mln.r ;nt. '1'lir v ';MI,I!\ l.iiijf, .iii'l ii/.\i .1 \<:\ ii'iidf ;I|'|H .ir.uiC'' : ai.'i li, luwtr, \'.!.: ii i-< i-:::l'i:i-:i!fil, ;t:ul nin.'.Miriitid \Mtli rii 1 - ^..IH jiihii.. . i\ 'otiir^iii :.illi<- t .:i!c I, : /. I :!;n .slili.i . ..i! <\ iil-ri ijilioij in the i.'.il !' : l' . v ii"i.l tl:r ,i!ili|i \ ..ii,.i;i>, i> ;u |..ll.i\\. (>i,:'i r - /,'-./ .' ./r'/'. 1 ' 1 '' Alttn n HT it in t ju J ! ft I I I . i i ;i! !. lit!' / ' ' ' " '" "I ' HI [I! ll'lii l( lit : >> I i/i; - ,. ()\i-i i . - .1 I" .int. ft I 11 t . . i I . ;.., L, t ill -ti'l.i , li ; - . -, \ MI im\ . \ i ! s t It .'.ml 1 \ in < l - '!' I |IH.| i- ..| u..i I \\llii llf.I.U .lll'l li'^lin ; .. c- ,i.,;,n.i! -. ( )\ . . ' ' ' in < I. up t! i : i" \ n -MI M.II v i 'i i.' -i!t. ii i^ i:r.il. i ' 'U j..i--i --i"ii .| in> ln-;n-- (.',.. : ' iii li \N .i-> rniiM'i' r. 1 - l.lv ! !'. 1 T .- < AMi-.n tnor.sHttM-:. 115 My out of repair, esprci.d:\ the \viiitov\s. which wore 'jreitllv de- faced, aii! I tin- < rocket-\\otk neatlv tilled up with stow-, :v the judicious expenditure of thr annual reci-i|)ts, tlie chiirrh lias le-en thoroughly repaired, and restored to its original state of prinran elegance. The names of the persons \vlio qave the hundred acres cannot he aiiirnied with certainty; h.il they are supposed to lur.e been William Sv^ar, Thomas C'.itlvne, and - Foster. l>'.u\''!l I:. id aiK'ietitlv two parishes, and t\\o C'!iurche>, drdie.tlcd lo St. ^^l^\ and St. An- drew. The tilllCs ol'tlie former U< l;- ;'i\;li 1.-. 11. li:\ I;,.' I'i^lltli to the I, ni\ei-sil v of ( 'ainhi :di' e ; and tin i-e of the latter, \\ iiich \v,i-> i.illed the Dilapidated Keeton. ,f St. AJ: irevv, \\eie p.nrhased l.v the University alxnit a een!nr\ atiei^v; .[!<. 'I'lu* rni.i-. ol'ihe \\est end of this Church ha\e hn-n n !:io\e I \\ iihin the last thiiU \e;u >, and the cliurch-yard converted into p:;>!nre ^ronnd. The length of this \il!ai:r is ui>\\;:rds of thrc* e|i'.',rtei's ot a mile: it cniisi-ts (hietl\ of one irregular street. The houses are. Iniilt with a peculiar kind of slot. e, obtainetl iVotn the n< ^hlio'.iiin^ pits; and in.iiiv of the i;ic!nM;;is in llu? virinily are. s-irronndc.l \\ith it. This stone i> lainou? f,.r iii.:k:iiL, p e\crl!< nt li!i;e. r\ritrs, aad iuai;y shavl.s' teeth, ia i;o"d |>ic-tr\>itinn, have In ea found in t!ie pits therein it i-> iiu'_r. Tile j)o|iulatii'H ;:ppears to have increased xvithin the l.i>t (iilurv, and the houses a'e at present in!i to lire 1 in the ullage, 'i ue n>.:!i- iuha!)ita!it-j are chiei!\ en jiloyid iii iim'icnltnre, and tlu 1 \voni'-n in sM;ii|iiiiLr. The parish ctir.i.ims 7i'D() acres, ;K"I(I:> of \\!i!c!i are fc:i hud--, tli, t are fie [iiently ovcrtlowed in \\et seasons. Of the rein.iininir q'i.ni'.'.r., ^nn) acre, are appropriated to the Drouth of c.ni. The s ( -rd v, heat they produce is in hiji rL']>ii!e. and much --;:u!ii af.er h\ the f.ir- iners of the iiPilln.ii) couutii-, as it -rov.s i'.i-lci. ami <.'>n: > < a;ii' r VOL. II. 140 CAMBRIDGESHIRE. t tke it k!c, than thai which U (he produce of most oilier |Ki- ri.siicv The iiuiul>ei nt'limiM-, L, .'71 : that ui* iuhubitiUiU U.,o; .">(i Uinah-a. < IlllTl.V.l \M T MIK IN sit ated near llu- i-.isti ru boundary fit ihe ruin. t\, \\.liuu tuiir uiiU'.i "t Ntnviuurket. Tins manor \vaj irnia U, \\ iihain d- Man lesiile, I.arl ot lls^x, m the \-ar 1181, lu tin 1 .SinKlN i-l Kiu^hts Ilo-|ntaK i>, uUu made it a Prrrrptury t tic ir pmuijial ( >ta!th-.h)Ufiil in I.unilun. On tin- lJis>oluliuii il \\:\t ^i.inUil tti l.tluaid, Ir^l Lunl Nmlh, l>ut al1crar'l-> IC - ranir tin- pii.jiiitN <1 >n 1 i.i i.i.i- U< \ i t. \\ ho ilic 1, and W;M ImricJ Jii-n-, :n l'i< \i .ir 1 .. \ . .1 li.i ni;iMI -i-l tin- sr\ ciitrriilli ci-u- tnr> it \\.i- {> '- ' - 'i i . v n 1 i.:i.> n Ku I, I'.irt. \vlu>T daughter in.irrit-il II-iiiy (ruinufli, tiii- loiulii sun <>1 ' liiv. I'mti'i tur. ^ir r.Uiail UnM 1 (crcatfd l'.ail of Oi: .,! trctii the iiu-iunrahlr li.it- I!L- (.t 1^.1 11", a , r< --I'll il in u- Sr"in ll:< N< ai K'Si ) tn 1 7 J'i, and had a magnificent h'>:i-- P ' I \>\ In, jn .'m-*. lit al>u liatl a parlv a 11. 1 ground- !.::d nal a* < >i iiii-^ \ tl;>- tin n pi c\ .lihm; I)nt< It taste, and i> ii],i; (1 | IK ha\o i-\jicndi-i! . n tin- !.nildin:;-\ and IK (>-..!! \ ;i|ij i. nd. '.'_'''. <>.i h,< dt..lh, i;: 17-7, 'I diMrndrd to I.i>rd s ..ii!\~, \vi..> IL, I ii.nind 11.' I . ..i i'- -j.i at n:- < -, and has - ...i i !i. t n |MI \-d 1>\ -\t-ral |n i- ,n-, mi.- (it \\uuii:, Drniiiini'iid S;.i:;.i, I. |. had .1 i i ill I mnt mi: l'"\ 'T< i ! I ,11 tl i |i!.n < dl' tin- li'i!"!i- lu/;. :ni, v'...il \\.;> t..k' II C|M\\II, .!:! tl.r lu.ll'll.'U -nld. .J-.'in Thai ,. i . i. i,. pi< < n |>:ijirn In:, |> in li.i ! i!.i- il. n i >jir ni 1^ i, .t'il lui^ ^. C'>ii .:t n.;]ii\( nil nU h.i\< h< < n t ;; < tr I mi tl.i- ( ^l.i!<. *'liM it In ; Uir tin |iR'|x t l\ (it III, J. .illi n., ,i, V\ lid h.l> t\l>i lull d ! : _ Mini- ni tliaii.nu', pl.i:i!i:r_'. and in I- ,-.1!^'. Tii' 1 jiark ha i n ( n 111 nil . 1,1/1 d, anil (A tended In .' . \ lira uli I ill sin i t '-1 \-. ..; i , in .ill < Ilip-c 'jM.n it i - ot .'. i, . .;, i.i I !!'!,, 1 1 > a! I 1 1 r.id mil Midi i Ihr ilnn. tiu <(' Mi . I .1 . and, I. If i l\, i.i Mr. Li] i . 'i In 1 ,(.i|^rx, at li, i ill;. in. i ..111. j,.;i k, iii- ll fli ^.!in ( . l:,\ \\',< iliiliil I,. 'li. x !..'!', . ..lid !l' n , \\ ,l.i h'. . in \ I. . iai. I. 'I In I I,. I CAMBRIDGESHIRE. 117 Mouse is at present iii.tiin In d ; Imt \\ln-n completed, tlio e\t nt of glass \\ill be upwards of tin ft et in length. Its print ipal produce arc crapes, of a superior quality and six*- ; hut, b-xidi-s the**, it contains some valuable exotics, p.irtu ularlv a (iuava trf-, which has borne fruit, vet not of (hat rich llaxotir xvhich distinguishes it in ill nalixe climate. 'I lie plantations are \cry considerable. They chiefly consist of oak, In-rdi, elm, Spanish cliesnnt, and spruce and Sctlcli firs. Tlu- nniiiln r of trors planted by Mr. Tliarp is upwards of tuo million^. '1 In- M. m-ion i-, built w itb bricks, and stnrrord ; but, with the PX- crplion of tin.- tol lowing original painting, il contains little rc- tii.n k.ililc. St. John, a Madona, a MaiMlaU-n, and tin- 'l'rinil\, l>v t'arlo Dolci : Rinaldo and Arinida, ami a Ma^'HaN-ii, lv Cincr- cliino : au.i Da. id and (iolialli, b\ d i.do. 'I'hr OVMI-,rs> i-i.iiM !> r.ilili' 'li'n l>nal'd t< r'lit\' tin 1 poor. Tin' ni'Ht Srhool-HoiM 1 , opjm- silr tin' toxvcr ol the Churrli, \\ascrcrtfd, in 171 K bv tin* I'arl it Oitord, who si- 1 tied 'Jul. \car!y on a srhool-mish.'r, a< a rcroin- peiiff for education all tlio indi^ftit chil'lu-u of the village . Tlie number of the inhabitants is 5^1; of tiit-se J71 ^n't-' "i^!*" 5 , 'J ( i Jv>^ leuuiles. I. ANHNV \I)I'. is a small par Mi !.rlo!U'in<_' ti> Sir Cli.nl. x Hindo Cotton, >\liov- iinee>!ors berame po-.ses.ed of the estat*' by a niar- riaL'' with the heiress of, /\ a sp;i-ions moat. Tin- whole parish, which contain* but t\\o fann-h.iuses. ,;i,d a v\;\tt r-miil, is li at-d out m?< tuo farms. The (.'Innvli is s-.-jd fo h.ne |.,'cn erec'etl by ^ir NValter Cotton, between |uO and '>O \eais ;!. : it i- not r,;i-; r ;;i;\ r- rlesiaslieal inrisdictioii. b inu' built oi.l\ l' r t'.e aceoi.iiKodalion <>t the familv, \\ iin-r In .rial-place it has ron!i:nied to ie ever shire tin: manor c.anc into tii- ;; posMs.i.iii. Il e'i;.i;uiis s.,n-.e \.t-y K J h,.!.:-^.- 14 s ; r \MnKincr.sHiRr. Itamlsomr ni"iriMii-nts of wlutr inaihK* ; with Hii^ies of several of tin ('(!.. n-, null- ai.d It mal\ I'nKDII \M \\as anrn n!l\ the st-at of a small l'i:K>l:Y, founded in tin- i'i^M ot Hen i N tin- '1'lnril. \t tin- (liiMthitmn, its ]. >--i -S-IOIH, vilm-d .tl Jnl. 1 '.-. id. \\rrr ur.uilfd to l'inii|i 1'an-, I,M|. anil Margaret hi*. \\iir. In tin- rrisu of Cliurlf> tin- .Vi.>nd this manor \\.i~ the )i<.[H-rtv i>l \\ilh.ini Kiiv^i I, |,-i|, .1 Nn\ni^i-r bniiu li of lln- KtlsM lt o|< liijiJH liliani, \\ lin 11. .n ! i i .1 i_'i .uid-d.iii^iitri \ the 1'ii.tii'oi ( ri'in\\i-!l, and h.nl .1 n u.i< > l.'M.iK, snnif u| \\lioin >*.! ri-, v |..> iii^:j. ., . .1 tin . inti'iiii UN in i d!< s- 1 vpmditiirr. AKout thr iif^iiiiiuii; nf l| d l>\ \d- inir.il Sir Ch.irlrs \S ; .1 tin \I <: ."i HIHIM*, nlurli lie .Id - .ii att'-n'. iirds to ( n .\ i i:> .1 I l.;i i i^ -n, \v 'n - ilati^htd < mi- \-\i-d ll ! '. II..I: I i.t^c In tljr l.tt- \lM..lllit I '"'.v !i-i lid. Jalllft M !,:!!. r.sij. tl.t Lite |M. ,>>-<. r, M)ld it t- I'ianu> \ulilc, \%ln> p .i'.i il it down for tin- n.aU-n.iN. Tm- nuin!>< r i>f inhabitants ol this |ian-lt ,> 7''" ; tii.it i>, i.'.'l in.ili-s, ami . H t". in. :!-. M'!\M.\ MII',1-.^ , iirar Snliain, "as !h. ,,.,1 ,,t H,-,,r> ( mm- \M II, t"'.: th s..|| i,( 'tin I'rotrrtor, l>\ \\ l."iu In \\ .( - .-.pp. lintrd l.';d I .n u 1 1 I .11 il ' ! I : ( ! . 1 1 1 ( I , in \^ i : i < i i - ! ,i 1 i i 1 1 1 1 1 s i ii t < L. 1 1 1 \ , i : 1 1 1 I . , 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 - i us -d l.iin t 1 Irfin nf . ITN parlN. \lti i il !! -t" i. it !!), h-- n tifi ' i i' ( hi)>|M-iili.iiii, \\ h ; i h 1 1 -,il< d >Mlh !.!> t.ilh< r and in> |iritliiT-in-!.i IHMI|N -i \ \<-,n-. II' t!ii-ii n-iiiiiM ! to lu> r-tali- at ! i . ( i i).!i''ii>, ' lr< 'in li 1 ' ! :i;:ndi iii' < ! . . , u _: UK n, I" tin- . i i HI >.il i' ii i ! lin^- I'.ilnil \ ." In till- H lll I in lit In- V .1- \l-it-d I'S < li.ll 1 1 - tl.' ^ i i, I id, : i 1 1 1 1 1 r 1 1 1 1 t ' N i \ 1 1 k i t . i ! I I 1 1 1 1 i ' . -. i i " 1 1 i . ! h . i M 1 1 ; 1 1 1 1 i lit xirmit\ i.l >|..in \ \l'!n-\ ( in "- |'li iiii " ; . 1 '/"I, \- | > ii| . '.-I li |, a i 1 1 1 -, n.. ;,t, .n id li in :' il i! "i mi d I IN .1 i "Mi ! ii i , 1 \ i I \ 1" >i.< -I L. 1 ' litli Ili.lll |( ->ldrd III thi III I ' ' ' I In H.I I, \> h, , .!. 1 1 .in In mi ml I" i III- i I. 1 :,] i . M ' IN i!' M|i d In I r i ti-d to lii- in. n. i.|i. ( -.,.'. v\ In. Ii n d I l! I i.i. , i.r.i- nl tin K 'i'iK, I i i, i. -M.I r , ( . . . ! li..- r.\Mnuinor.sjiiKK. 149 number <>1 lus visitors, and .,till iimri- M at this rm'inonv, nlnrli cvrii surprised tin- laughter-loving Charle-, \\lio rn'jiiired it* meaning. " > ne," -aid the nun k-l< .1 k In ,n ; , " the ''.! man In - lore \\liomlamiio\\ earning lliis implfim-nt <>t In. l'..nd!\, is Mr. IInn\ ( 'lomwell, to u ii..m I had the hoiim i hriim iua h> .ir-r, u hen In- \\a- in Ireland." 'I In' Moiu;. :. Mini' d ; l.t Mi. C,o;u- ivrll thrilled uith contusion. Tin-, houivcr, \\.. 3 M>OU irmo\rd \>\ the t'.iM- ami ^.IU-IN i.)' lii-, II\ lln L ii'-ron> 1 1 nil N, 1 1 r| P. i rti il t'loin 1 1 i^ 1. 1 1 ilc \', illi r\|n' ---;oii> "i ^i a I u!.i! .<>n .u;:l p! -.i-uic '. Mr. Croinufll lirrilrr, I In- ^t"in-, ;-n.| ua-. huii- <1 with- in lln 1 coniinnnioii ni:K of \\ K ken (Jl.in li. The cst.itt' li\cr, <>n \\li"c dralli, in J(>SJ, it ilr\oi\nl on iii> I'r^llin HCUIA, \\!i'i, ,-.['< T SI-MT.I! M.H-, IIONM-SV.OH, \\;is oldliM'd to -cl! il, li Jl ',];. ( ,; ! i ,l~;.i III <>[ In- \\jtc, in Mi]>p<>il ct the di>-( iiliiiL; in!'ii>!. Il v. ,H ; l.ii!\ it \\;i> df\i-i'i| !'< In ; Iv, o i!.ini;!ilci>, \\lio lja>l aiarriod Lord SaiulNsuntl I.oni . \iclnr. SOU \M, oi> MONk'i soil \M, As it IN soiiietiiiu's called, i^ a lar^i 1 it I'cu. !.tr 1o\vn. Mlutlr'l near tin- holders of (lie len-, and had tonne! i\ a dangerous in- !', or lake, on its stuitli-wo-lfrn -ide, ot' :.iaii\ 1 Jim aerc-. Tin-. lias lieen drained and cultivated, .;; ' ;.: -oil IK IIPJ i;nr.'iiiino:;!\ jM'olilic, i^ let at a proportionalile M nl. SI. !' iiv, the (iit l'>:-iioi ot'lva-t Aii'^lia, t'oiinded a MoN A^-TKH V, a d |>!.icei[ an rpivi nai See lie: e, a- eai K a- d ' '. l>ut lhi> \\ a- li niov * d to I )uir '..: h, 1:1 little inure than 'J'ld \ear-: the I>a>ie-<, nnd' i the emu i,.;:i'i i.i' In-nar and llhhki. !ia\ in-,' d- --lro\. d the Mon...-t, , -, . and -Ian ;!it' i- f(l tile M<>llk>. M , v; "l'. 'I'llO L.'!'' Mt ( HI !: 1!, ini'll l>\ l.'i!!illi:r>, a Si'A'i.i Nolileinaii, \\as InnM al the same hiiie; li'.t -.nii.f viNtiin'.s ot its r in-> ;ire -till reni.'inin'_ r . The ]ne-r;.t Cut !'.' M i- ;t spaeion- editiv e, limit ui the tm m < f a cri---, M r. i .^ : ' -\\ er at the \\i--t cud, the nj.jKT j)art ut \\ iiuii is ornanu iiN 'i '.. . ! !i a U^-.-lated k .i , u;:, N.:'.;,-, Me-i, .i; of the I'l.itvjt.ir.iti !i .;-, ,.;'', .. work, rtnnpo-^d of llints. In the Church- Yard i^ thr following ruii.ij'fi on tlit hi-Jil-jtoiK' of a pru\r. .Inun l>.,m li II. .l.Ul. M;.-, I ,.,. II. -P IP- /;...'.., II .(../. \O,..:u \ i u kn- u \M !1 In ton : If. v. .-.- ki.l I., l.i. 1.,^!.!.. in, (. ..... I to !!: | ..... r. Tin 1 i-r.1r\ PI tin- n_;i~ti r mnri nun 1 .' tin* r< m.iik.ibli 1 in>l.m< r ul li 'Mi: i \ it\ !< 11.^ !! .11 !\ ohlllt l.tlt'll lli'lll .!_" , \\ .. - (I -'>M till II I>N lilC I.:!'- \ u .11 , ;uiJ ii'j\\ -l.tml- l!i;> : V. ,,:.',-|,.,, \ The 1 rliii'T prirthirc of lu 1 |'"<.| mlialu- t:uits .ire ciiiicatt'ij in .1 l.::i;i- < i\u i!\ --v li>."l UH'! i t\\i> M.i-lrrs. Tin- |t.|itil.itnin iiiiii.un'- to ,M in;i!r->, ;in IK I-jlilxM.! li'.nd. Tllf 111. II- krl i.i- I" u diM out. inn tl ur.ir.\ \fuis, jm-haliK "li tin- n-' ! frru'iniii Lit. \\ K KI.N \>,i- t' Illli-lh p.--. ! !^ llif <, , iK'ii l.'ii :lv, t,-.;i| \t l:ii|il, ali' 'ijt tli< I' IL'M i 't I .las .ii'l tli '1 l..lil, > I v .1^ CII||\<-M-I| l>v in. ii 1 1. ii.'' tu Ui- I't :, fin< >. . s u llini\ l'i\li'i, I'uiil. \\ ,i^ ( r /<(.i Ji'i't !!/<<> uni t Ihl^ i I'l.l:' '. Ill tll< 1 1 i_'. 'I ( 1 1. . I If i 1 1 ir I 11 ^f, kill v. .1- iii|iji\iil "t In-. I'll 1 1 !i\ il,<- |)i,k' "i Dui kiui'h.iiii. Hi- u.i .illi ;\'. ,ii'l> an in\ i d i .1:1 i in iii\ to I In i ! \ .' i i .ii,M , .in' i \v H'ti- a J'.lll | 'I ill t td | U -t.l\ tlir li;.ll:ll' I i I 1 ill' K .11'. - ill .1 til, \\ iil( il I I I Ik- til. ul I IK Dntni ( nln^li < y//. .,'.':'.< !\,'^/i/ U, ti^i ../ tfu ^{i/.'it*. In t!.' li!!. ii, Mi nl l..r,\,u.| ll.r v i."l. o| l.iiii), lii l!i< M'ii.ilii> jl x |Miln \ \l!" \, '. II . i I'" X ^li'.lii.) . . ' -'.UuU I!,.MII- '.: It i vi || .: i .i |),i ii, |.\ "i\ .1 " i nil (I i i;i in .1 I.I. I hlli'J !' 'I, .'. !:'-| im;-, .IMI| .1 |>i mix '\ ; ' ,i i I .1 ,i::'l i ' \ M ,11 liii i 151 *1N of linm, a woollen trannmt, a |>iir of >ln--h, mid 'JOO dry turfs for tiring. The numl" r of !!..:! inhaMtanH of this parish ii 31+, that of females .Jot. Sr\rr:d iiiditiditulH of tin* Croimu il family, hesidcs the H''itr\ ('r |>l;iin in-ii rijition ; I'.i.i/ \n i ii \ ( rn>t\\ i i i , >! I'.ly Olnil \M. (In S< j'ti-i:. lilts, Aiinn fcn-ii MIX ! AMI AIIMO,|. .i.iUis I. \\llll. Tlio iiisrriptitMi to n i <->rd l!n- IIHIMOIA of Ilmrv f'ntns-!!, wlio lios rl)M* to his mother, is fii^ratcii on u lihu-k niarUIr i!.i!i in llicsc words : Hr\nnr<< CiuiM\vrii, i|c ^'viv \ < Y. < ! !!t \\iii Dii; M \itrn *NNO Cin is;i IIH I. \\1II. Ann. i,. .Klatis \l.\ II. On the gravc-stono of Kli/niu-tli, Ili-iirv'v v. ii'c, i- thi- in- iij.t;uii: 111. i/ MM I ii ^ I '.Mir /.' >!> An'- 1 . ! ,;. Anrx)({. .-Lt;::N Mi;i- >J. ELY. THE City of ETA" is situated on a ron.-idrr.tMe oinint nrr in the Isle of Ely*, \vhirh was denominated !-\ the Siixon>, .S'w/A dmtm; but, according to Hide, < hi..;' >l ; >r i,,unr of l.'^i, or / /.-V , from the ubundancc of erN |i:..,i ( ircd in the li-n^ a.ni \\.;in> tniit cnronipa.s.sed it. Otlitr \\nler> l.a\e dnivcd III.- aji|u-I!.uii>ii .! this di-lrict iVoin the Him-li \M>rd /A/,^, -i_'i!ii\ IIIL; uvV/c.r-, \-i.:. a i;re\v on the islr in ^:c:it imantilies. K 1 Th.-. * ' Tlic l-!i> ft' I'.ly. Miirtly .'-pi ;ikiii.:. i- tint !.-,r-.- tri.-l ct'l.i-!i !.!'.:' , COinjKl^i'il \\hli I'fii^ lint \\vir ti.|lui|-ly o\i il;,,.-- I v.i'.'.i v\;i;ir, .! \ r i: ; '] Kh i> I he |iiiiiei|'al pla.-e, aii'l '.MM-- nainc !

    \:< '(. r.i \'. i i'-'i .)' :::;!(. I also, the \ilUiurs (>f Strethiiiii .nil T.,rit',.iil. V. iliinrt-'i 1 . i' i ; - ....". s i't;. i:. Mi-pal, \Vitdiam, \Vfiittiiitli, Uiiicl.f.iril, l).i\\i,i :... ;!:;!( ..,.-'/> i,r.,\\ Colli-i'tively !>nt clif> I^'a:;.!. L,!l;e[><>rt. ( 'n\c;:--\ . ,i;i'l Attain. :-\ , [I. omctiuics reckoned 'litol' it, \U-K-. in :!:' ir diiyi.ri! -t.iir. ili^'iiur I i.\ - 1 v? r \ Ml'.l'.I Pf. F.SHI Flf. Thf orii;ii:.tl >(ltU IIH i.t a|>|>ar-> to lia\- |M->II ;i!oiit a unit horn tin- piiMiit t\. .il .1 j'i.itt- raliol ( rutmdui.t, i.uu r.tlU'd Cr.itiii- iloii I'll-!-!. \>ln!r, v i, ,n -.iiVr I)H- introilui timi "i ( i,iMi.un!\ into tin ki'o'"tu oi 1-1.1 -t \iii-, 1. 1, I'll. i ii. i it, (ho |ir!un{>al NIMUI Kin::, til il ( I ,(ll, tl.nlijll ii.<- | I -ii.lM"'|^ "I \UL'l'~lllir, All ll- bll|i>jl < I ( ., U'il>:ilN ', l>ut till ll,.ill-lcl> \\l,. Ill 1:1 ll.!>l (li.Htll jKitnil ti.i i!i\;ni i'|il:ii.iiii ' -, v<. L.I'.III ,.\v.is l>v -, K: IL; ..f M. ..:!. T!i.- : Itt nipt, v. 1 " 1 1 :i t\ oi /.//! / '^ :> i :i, [MOM I -!ll I ' --Ilil. 1 llii i In .!.i ' , , I l.\i:ii;-j. in ^i.ii'i.'.k. A , \ i . , -. , i v ;i r < ! ( i< .' i. . : ! I' . i. r,\ , . . :i li :n t!..il .:_. \ . ! . 'I . In < ll.ili ] l.oii. '11:- .1 (! li,..: \ i!.' HI i -. I'l-l >!. v. .:- I\M( r liMint il : dih i l>\ tin iiutlioiil v , ! i,, i | ,'ritt- ; .; 1,1 1 a I tin:i tl.M.iiL'll tll- iiilluu.' r "1 i.' i ,.,'. l.tli- ;;MI|I|, thru K. - ot' l'..i-t \i- , .1. T :.!:, I : >1, v .1 .1 | i ..i ] ; \ ' '- ;: ,i;i ; :I:M|I-; li.i 1 : ', \ ..-.! in. MI r Mli'-i /.', ' .("' i - \' . .' ' ! . ! - 1 , , , . I ; : , , ( , t 1 ' . I i i.t" lln- II, r i . . , ;, 'I ,,:,,,,, , , |.j, I , .;,,.! / I i M.- 1 ... i., V ' (,., \ (AM HIM DCK.SIIIUK. 1 r )J Tin* trtnporal jurisdiction uliirli lltr l>iMit>|> of tin-. Sec now jn)*.M".v <, i-> |ia:iK llir .--.mir a-> Tonl-it \xa> tiivr in.ui.i:;riiifiil to (hm, \\lio xx'as rallrd " t'ir HJ'JMT I .t>ld i man of hri IIOIIM lii'ld ; " and uriil IHTM|I in'.-) idm Mii-iil, tuti n-iin^ lo |>a-> tin- it niaiiid' r of IHT da%- in a< ti of di-\l < Im i n jor lh< ir r*li- ^icii-> ijiialilii:alioii>. H.tMir^ ouiliiuu N IIUH- in M>- lltildr, IHT liaiid u;:- .ii^aiu soli< :lt-i| |i\ 1'iiiicr I.',!irl, xni <>1 ()-\\\, Kini; nf Noit!iHIlilri!:illd, \\lini:i >!n- ;>' l :: > j'.!i niii:.til; lul, ;:riMnli:i'4 lu ti.- nan .il i ']' i',i dc, ;i,;d otli.-r li\A, ..Mi", livid v. illi him t\\i!\t- \t\u>, \nl!ii.l u:. .-dnii,' h-T \:j^ni!v, \\liu-h >lu- ajij)c.ir^ to II.IM- mianli-.l \>\ a jin.a'- a^ifr;ufi:t in nic \\ilh the TMIII t- !i< i'mc iiiaii:;iu''. On thr doatli of (>-.'.\v. in tin- \t \< ('*'/ c, \'..'.'.l\ .virn-rd. d to lii'- tit, i:!ii ; I'll' ilo\;:!!\ !i:id i;u m:!;.i M . d\ i r : .u- nii.id i.i I'.tlir!- 2 IT da, >\lui jurjci'i't-d cliii>tt'rcd -'. ! 11-1. in iii i ),!:!'% xj/!t i: !i .r. 1 i. i idia^ !.(' n-!i,i.!i!- dti;'. 1 - ci'iili.iirir. 1 tin- -am*', >lr- n-iji.r^lrd iicr !mlai:.i^ |ifrmi--i,Mi li> lt-.n- Hit- imirt, an-l i< :in- to M-HH- Mo- uii-ltTN, \x I. ; -lit- ui:"!:t !i:i\r nion. 1 lr;-;nr tn alltnd l!:c d :!> of li:\(ilioii. \\iaiifd \\iMiIi.T ii'.iporl.niitv, lu- ^a'.r o>i:-.rnt : .IIM! v!i.- ciilt-ird .i.ni rm-i\al tin- >acrl Mil in tin- >!o:!a-,tt-r\ <-!'('..!- dihiiliuin ; liul [',^!:ul'> t^U CMI for her I;KTI .!>;:)', !; rtMi!\rl, as ju-r.>ua--!i)ii> vt'fc iiicilt't iital, I" R-IUOM- In r h\ i'oirc. r.!iic!ii;i ;i.i di'si^'ii, h it l\> r it i::vi:,n:l. :-.:\>\ ', .! to thv- \-l o! l.'v. Tin- i\i;i,' j,iu-:ii'i, air!, ;:c;-oi. ;!:)- I lii" Mi'i'.'vi-li l.i '.,(:, d>, ('. ;'im!\ her M ar a n t i.\ i n.iiifiirr, \\iiiltrr <1; '.- ' v '':(-!i -o".!;'. 1 . '.'t:ii.' : ', in 1 .'.! \\ a> -ii''i''< m\ r-urroiim ii-;i !. \.,iii i r, v :,, !i ruiiliiijit i! I- 1 i la-Mi: ;>,!-- lu r ii.r sc\ <...! ii.;\ -. i' ;; i i i.- li. \i;:i: iin^ t.. !.<. ::H iiiS in.;-!'!";! "i' !;. :;\. ;i i i . t ll.xo^i, i; tiird to ^ ( ik, ;u;.| cr!iiit?i i !,i r {> |-r. .;, JM r juuri.' \. \\hrii I'll. (' ire 'da .;i.;\rd in thi- l-i-, >!; at iii-t !ti\ i:;..r ii; !ua l!.r -|-..t u.i \\!:i,\i !".!\ i- ii'>-.\ v!'!aii I in 1:14 r'.i'xT to i!;t- i ;\ t r, and in.'iv \n> .:iiit, >-i.f ;::trii d h< i di i t-r:i; !:;.:- ti>'!!. and li.-an U, li.;:i,i:i-;- nvar ti.r Mtr of tin- |.n nil C.!ti:f- hal. ;j-o;,! tin- . i .;; . ," /, ,;:i,i u; a iildc u.i.t' .;- t. ihl.lrd ;; IUH-.I- - I luas ron fnnjrrrpitifni of n'li^HHis IXTMUK. Her oMalilNlirnont vr.i, !.: h i t!iu- (! -rr:!>i'd |;\ l'i d : " From her first m- ttanr- <>n lirr < ii- r, -!:< IH\olhn (.'.irnn ntN. Six II-II.I|!N air >:il\ tn ii r a linn - lunn1 '- *i f.;i 1 i-jii li l |" r-' n ^ !n !" nine In r niixt-rt^, and li\r i;nd< r In r til; i i hi. n, i \ ! i i i id< -! <-!', s t \!nii ;:!, ( v 'ii rn i>\ K' lit ; Krinrnild.t, h< i , f*':rrn , am! c,,i,fiMr.d uilli all i!- mm:',< -1^ tlf !', ;" , ( >n tlir \ Ii r t -.IMC--* ' n M i;>i |, -. . ! )!,, \ -.- ; I,;,! i., i li,.dv V.I- I. JIM ( ,,;., !,. .,;,d d.j.n- M !,ad (..till i nr.tr tii' v,, , I els , , ( itridtnltr. 'Hi.- Iian-Iati..!i ^'' MiaC" oil I'M s/ \,,.|M i, id ,,f (),!,,!!, (-')'., \\hi.ll d.l\ V\.'^ i .1 t- -tiv,! 1 , ;u d -! ;! ! u !,:i;. a |i!.'- in >ur Ca- r. V, ..... -.. .. ,. m ,.,, |_ t;,, jl, ,|, NV ,, N ,,,iihd, ami I ' ':. \ mil. | , , \\. H a!tn!i',lrd IM if r .-.i.d tin (!.(!. , iii \\ !,-i !i x! , |, .id In . ii iiitrnid; - I. 'I r ' -, \'. a> -aid t<> l,a\ r i -|'-l uh. I.' -llf had III- 1 l.i-i II l-l,l,rd. V "' ; iv .- ll.r I .,-! \>,! , -, ',..-, I,.,,, , h.,, d. M i, did !, i,-, M"i.a I. r\ .u: 1 n... I ni.di i ll.r ddi I and ill-, iplini- I,.- i |r, St. I.lfii :,b< l.i f"i 1 '.; \. .11- ; and i,- ininair, r'- ' |" ; ' and . i HII' ti'l ,Jn nt 1 1 v ' . i -, u !.i n tlr^ r \Mr.iun<:r.Miirr. IT.* plae^ of rolironirril was discovered ]>\ tli.- IVine<, who imad.-d thr !>!e, .111(1, though ill lil-.| repulsed li\ till- lll.lVI TN 1. 1' li!C il'll.llli- tanls, returned in ^-ical imni!icr, 'and mercamr e\.r. delt-n^vr 'H'<>rt. The D.lll'-s man 'lied illlllll lli.ilt !v to till- IIii>li;i~!riy, put tin- religion-, to the M\<>nl, >-< I I'm- to the chiinh and other l> nld- il'.lJS ;illd (!< p. II led IM;;I|-I| \\illi the -jxiil, iml n::!\ i.i' l!lr tu\M) ;i[|i| lll( -ii;i^l<'!'\ , lint ;;!-.' <>| ;i!{ |l:<- iici^lilxiiu IIIL: |>!;K P I-S, \\lnt c inh.ilii- litlits h.id d< ]>(i-.it, |fi ,:l l.!\ fur IK tliT M cm ilN. Hfirlicd, Kiii'4 of Mi ici.i, \\lioh. id Irucil an :IMII\ l< IHM-UC thi- DaiH"*, aniu \fi! t ! ir juri^ilu linii n| l!:c I-'. 1 , iiml llir r''.ri;in< of tin- Miiini>U i v, to tin- ( 'mu n, uliirii retained I hem till (!:. i , i-.-n of Ivl^ar, wlio iiiliiii.iteil an inti ntioii nf n -l<-n;n r the anen ;it ii;n- nastrrs to I-'tlu'lwohl, Hi-hop l \\ iiu'l'i -t i . '1 iis I'relati 1 Iia> IMIJ provided monk-, ami ejci tfd SOMJC >eri.!:ir- v. huli;-hip, a^rrrd \\ilh the Kii:-,' 1'cr t!ie MUM nder e.l' ll;e v,!ic!e -lishii I .if the Me i-f l'.l\. 'I'he .I'.aitir^i.-iiled |.\ l'.'!.'..r, i. daled at U ' ij'i.n-.i i; , in the vear .'17 1 '- It pnnido 1'ur the -urrender ot 1'ie Me, \\iih :.il ils apptii'tenaiu e>, pri\ i!e:;< '>, pd\\er to try eau-M >, i\ e. in ronMdera- tion of -i\l\ Mr!"- r! Kind, ami lOt'l. in inoiiev, and a (itu:i',\ Pirilhnolh, \v!io uas appointed \>\ F.disir, and eveiird JiiniM-lt' to complelc '.lie ie- j>ans li('d, \a^ dedicated, h\ the cel( hrated An hl/!-lmp Diir.Man, ("> >l. Peter a;id tl>e \i\'_'n Mary. The ;.hhot \\;i- a>-i-! d in the hn.-ine i.t hi- i.jiiie i-v I. eo, a monk, \\'i:> greatly roiitriinited lo i;:e .-,'-\'\ , l>\ procnrin^' a meeting oi' the p,:i.M;>.d inlfi-bitaut-i oi' the Me, and the adjuiiiit;;,; eoiniiie-, in \\!;.i h il.e ri^hl^ dl I'.;-.' -m i;-!\ urn 1 a>ciM'ta:ned. and the ii \ iii- i :r stales di-i-i:--ed, and >t tiled to!';- -,i!i>KK t:.-;i .-,'' ihe \\ hole a>- seiiihly. (>nli;;> on -.--ion, ai!i, and r;il!cd ./:,':;/'.> or I!i-,'i t ;>'* Ihlj ', ;,- a m< mori;:!, and 1.,-uiidary * The ili<-!: t!:at rr. >-'> ;! i - i>;i;J fiein S; jr. '!;> y (;> ^' .!:;! in, I M\ in . n !ti ill -4'.: (>\er it. c.il! 1 1 \1 ''.]' Mi ! !-. i i-i !i':il' i -. ti P .1:; ..'.'I C'!i;i;it. r i,i . ; . i i> i.ii- ntnin-i Ni!!i:il.i:\ ,,;';!:, J }c , :' !.,\ i,n '',..: . . , .: ' ;,. . i:l|,.a' i|-i.e>f, 11,- piiiiie li;.i: \\.i- r: 1 '!'.; !'.! :, - I'-.l'. ' /. ,,;,... . . Hi. it \ tl.' nt'lc't, \\lio i- -.lid t. ii.:\c In m -l.tin li\ tin- oid< t-i>1 (* ;i i n l.ifr: I:;, v. H'M- 'i\.;iiU !.< .tl.-ii .|i,!tj! [tiiintcd IKMIN in the .i.<\ thru-! tlirin iil'iii.. li.n!\ ln-ij. atii In- .1: 1:1 pit*. Tiiis ir.tiniiT < 'i.tiii'i ' undi-i -n\ 'it ', till tin- rout! iti'-u >l I'.ltinla l'i>r - - iiiuliiDi ..{' !".'!\\.t!i!, h. i u;i-iu-L A, i;:lurr I In I In i "iilV-s i \ .hi i.i r .illi- ; ( i in" -. |'P i:! I . ) ..; i I i! tin- linir i.f !!; ('.'iii|iir-, tii- al.l-A rouli- rii'.'-'l li- l!i . I!N pov-' Kiiir !>( :n_; iiu r< ,i-t il l>\ th" ;;it U ol I. l!'.\ L'i Hi 1 . i i "I -, I' 1 :' p.'.I ! . ''!'.'. ill, .1 s .l\n;i \,i- !,' IP. i", \\'i.. ivli'uit ;i:i'l i.!.-:^' -I :!.'-;. '': -u|.- .!' )';. [n;r. !i ; :M,-| I i.i'.r r.u:!:;ii.:li, \\in.u..- U'.I! i l\ ll. 1 '. M-.I! M.'li. n, in 1.- c\, ;illl i>'i: 11 .| in ti.c < IP >:r .;t 1 '.' . . I in- | . i\ it , - "I I in 1 inn : \ \\ i ir < -Hi.! 1 1 n H 1 1 |i\ Km.: ( .i. ut r, ;nii! . _;.n:i l'\ i . i\\ .in! \\\>- ('i-ii!' -*<'\\ < h:iiti i , v.i... !i ciiiiiuri:itc'l .lit the pn--- v --ini,-, 1 1 ,-iit -, ;ii.'l pi i\ iK i;' > (d ! I.i i '. 1. 1 ::. .iicl \N.I> ( "iiln nu i| l.x 1' , . \ N-, ,.,!. T i . ' I !\ t!.i N'inii.iM ii:\.i-imi. l!,<- I '1 illl. -'.Ml. till M M ll'.ll I.!-! l.r - ..-I li'. I .1 ( i..;'.i. :.!. j. -..I.. ! In -'.:]'j .. ! i iiniinl . ,!! l! i ;r ru:iii'i\ l'i.>-i! l!'i 1 1 !'::. 1.1! i- !) >\ mir u !: .:n I In N ill :: ;-n u-uipi r. '!'!. n.rm il s'i. irj! 1 . ! i 1 .'- !-! i.i' 1 IN v . "i -1 i ; j'.ii ' i I ; -! .11 !:. pri ;_, i -- 1 \\ IHI.IIP'- .11111* ; _ n!:i' i i). ' !> n 1 1 n, 1 iv . . ii, I ..u t "I ( !.- -It I ; ^!l'll .M , I .:i I i I N Ili-i. \\;:i'i, M ..I' I.. Mt'ur, I.., M | , |' I i.i ' ': ;... Ill i!, \; I.;!.- !!!-!. I :n !: ,||, ! | |l ! I \\ .11 i{ \\.l- i I . ] . i t ' , r i : i . ( - ; i \ i 1 1 . . , . i , . i [!;: I i i . \ j . . . : . I . i t i , . N . i i, '''ni S' I'-ll'.l!" i -I I .ill. II J' 1 . -I |.i } . : i i i r , . \M - 1 1 ; 1 1 i 1 ' , 1 1 ! i : . ' . . i \ ' , i i r \Mnim>r:r.sim:K. 1 '.7 the ft'ns, of straw, wood, ami l>n<;s ofeaith; hut t!.e work w.i^ oh- Mrui ted l>y HtTeward in M-veral Micccvif ul nail ies. Some distur- bances in tin 1 iinrtli of KiiL'land hreakini,' out aliut tin- vuiic pe- nod, the Kiii'_.' was oldiLM-d to r.n-** 1 tin- sie<_M-, to which, however, lie returned in the -piiii"i>t tin- \i-ar !''7", and rnrarpped mi ;t vpt i.ppo-itr It i \ldre\, win re a iiei k of firm l.nid, sr-| ( liin^ into the tin, rendered tin- pa-sr_'e into the l-le narnmer tlr.tii in ;inv dtlicr part. From this v pol he k; hnttlie \>ater liuxiii'. 1 , liv il- \\(i'jht, (li->tru\eil a iLmi \\!i:i!i IK- l;:id funned aero > <> llie ri\er, lie retire.! In Brandon, on the e.i^ern side of'tlie Isle, \\liei\-, in a council of \v;ir, it was rt'.solved t<> renexr the at- tack from tlio MIIIH- point. Hcrcvvard, \\|M had attecdt-d (in 1 council in dismiiso, relumed in ihe l:alit t a (i-lienn.ui, and -el tire to the inaija/ines of str.iv, and tiinlier \\hieii \\niiam'-. troops had collected, and taking advantage ol (lie eonltivioii, jii;:d- a -ue- cosful Nalh ui'.h hi> l^o.it^, and destroyed llie Juris \\hicli i:i> e:ir- lities had ei- et< i! ' . The KiiiLr, inllamed with rc^entiuent ;it the-r repeated diviN r>, proceeded t<> (.'.ur.hridu'c, when- he alien.ited all tin- e>!ates and manors of the niona^terv, situate \\ilhonl the lle, (> liis Nornian fol!o\\-r-. Tll!^ ua-- the. >urest mode of e\t<.rtin<_ r llie suljinis^inn of the inniiLs; hut i:< the KtvJMi -tlici-rs led al lln-ir !.;!>!-;, \\itli their arms in cmi^iant readiness for IIM-, thev d.;!id not oiler to juake terms \\ith th<- Kin::, till ti.ev were it: -:>me ili-!re- f.ri>ro- \. ; >i<>n<: hat even then their j erMia-ioii-. were in<-ili 'cti: a! ; for thiir L.'ix^t- ei:iild n<. \\ i-'i- iiii r , huwLAc-r, to make their o\vn pence wilii tl.e ^inj-rei^n, li:.- a!>- I-' I. ' Tl cc-i-nn rh.K u.is ..rcin.ic.l !,% tl.r C ,..,|u. ,, ,\ ;,.-,;-,% - i - . !.. :.. -i :;- I I'.'- I-!< .!' F.!\. i- Mill \i-ii !r a' I lif -.:,!: i enl i.f \ !; \ ( '.MM v . \\i-' in tl ' liiaiini -dt' Vt iM 'iii'Jiam, a:;i| i^ i.>iii:j>i'\ cal'i I /,'.../> /.''',. 'j ; if ti , c.iiup r- ; > i\i'.i i's ; i i>!i :', , .ia i 1 ' !. 1-1 1;-. . .'i i^- ' . -. (!.- I'Ti.;- ( '..MI.-I.'- i, i .i!> in ;1 i > vpi ;' . i.. i- IA ii|i-i-l I'lma :i ii".. i !'.'i-f; ij't : n\\ m i;,.- i", '.-, I. \'\ M^.ini, rctii'i i!, >.' '-i /:t'i'l in tin I.\'. <-f I ' '. in v.l.ii ': :t: > tl.i : \\ i.l- : \. !.- fin 1 i! !i.<- \ i.'.' ii*. :.:i i p i;- i l' !i.i' X "|-M- MIS - ". i! \ ;: in.i l!i' i , i:i,'\ 1! -o 'i I\!i!i-:i- i'l-'a- \ 'i> i.i i :e ;.i i! nl 'i.i- 1\\ r.u'- air \ i.. ;i \ - - . \ .< . i I \-. ian:; ci i I.iin it;.!!-, \\lii, it at tin 1 M-uiii eii.l d'AIiiietli ( nii\ \ i- in.i' 1 i'.u tl;i- > ,:',-?\ ,.( tl... \ni.>.-. took thi-ii 11.111,1-. u!., .,;: i: v. ! ;. c,.i ; '. _ .,!.-.. 4 I , ..., il. I. .x. : L. >,'.,... i ' :. bot. with s4-u-i.il of Ins u.t.iik-, Icrt KK privwlrly, atwl went lo \\illl4iuut \\.ir\snk, \\licirtiiN liiiploml lus )I;IM|<>II ; ami tlic jl>Nul, in a -tiTit iiitcni<"t, l).i\in^ inlornn 1 the Kiu^ oi'lhc bot iiir.isitro lor ivi-il to tiv hit rt:air&t t-\ rtioiis In loriju'i lU ii l< inki> lo ubeilkmc, rrturucii with hi* I.I!!..VUT% t.. l.S. li. th- ii-ims; \-;n. llii l^ijiiiltTs rennc'l i< iiilli ti.ur ri'in^ !i|u-s, iii.irc!u:d .1 lar^c irim to i'-i'H,i ii-ucf il.c su-jc. lie llivu 1'iut- orili rt tur Ilic n!ii|il' tn.ii i, | li: . ,U-.A'\, \\!;.>'n, ;-.lti r M-\ ( ial nioutK' *-\i:rf Lilnir, M.IS JH ; t-. i lc I. ai;'! .-.Kiiv;i!K'ni i ! >\ I >i!-.;i:nl niili!.ir\ rn- J?i!H >. 'i lie st. iI| toUtxi tin ir nr.iii li iin|mliii !>N s'-.tn- in | u-.ilrr^. uhuh lav In-twct-ii tin-in .11,1! tin linn l.r.ri, ;iu>l v.i ic olil;^. il to ir.r.; .1 nuiiilx i ut l.o.its thrii:^li tin i.ii-., ,11 oiiinti. ui.u.i- a tlintiu^ luiil^'c, to rn.t- 1 i in to cniiti:r.if tlu-ii - 'I > ' ..s i/i tlu- ln'si,.-, ( | 1, ..h'l i ',* \

  • j': !ol lin- ;>. .-.i_:' ;i iirmuss ; lut tin -H|-iii,r >ki.l i-; the Ni'Mii.iii vil iu:- in tin- MM- ct' their niili- t.tt N i ;^ i iu >, n\ ii -;>t.uii -, un I \ n'inj v ii< -i lain I tor llu? Kill','. (ii'-.il ir.iin':' ; > nl liu- l'.i.:.i.>li \M-II- -i.iin in l!i>- li.illli ; unii- 'in r - O'-K- <', i'-\l; u-titi',1* t (I ; - t, aj'.-i iill.i : - ; !., ir !i.in! ;u.ii fn I rut il, l!i..! lii< v n: .'.il M -ni.iiii .1- I.M;..: iiii'irirn-nt > ! ilic ( MI, p,i i "i - M n ji-.i;nT, ,t:i,l !> oi:ic .'. t> 1 1 < r to -i.it.i js ju i M.IIK ,j tii |> ill- ii.s ;itilh- n |t\. 'I .. K , ; I..! I Jlo of ill.- ] .If. l!,,lil ll.' {- k ,' i I I' i:, '!,- )';!< ;i-li : :. i.f .i\ - t !.r Nn ! i. '!! li.c in. n.i^ici \ , . . .' 1 ' -. :. . ' . !1 II , I. \ . i . . , . .' - .![ ul. .1 :i. ..... i.' ;.,.:.. i \^ i .:., , . . 'i i.i ( '.in. :..i,; .1; ;. -mt'.i.i*. I ;,:> i. CAMI!P. UHn.ilUKK. J;V) monastery, and Ihc most \aluahlc furniture of the Clinrrli srueii by ill** Kinij ; but the tjold, sil\rr, and jewel*., wne afterwards restored tliioii-h the lii'inur-i ol'Theodwin, a Monk of Jumiaije, ill Normandy, \\liiiin tin Conqueror lial)iil Thui>laii, hut who refined to accept the oilier, uulevi ever\ article nl tin- aho\e description wa< L'i\< - u hark. On the death ol Thcodwin, in 1(7>, the adinini-tnilion of the atlairs ot tlie \hbcy was bestowed on a Monk named (iodfiey, who retained it* entire management lor -e\rral M.IM, and hud sufficient influence \\iththe Kmu, to obtain h: j-i -run ->i'n that the rights and liberties of the .Mciia^Uiy should In- einjiiind into, ina i;reat a.sseml)l\, enlivened for the purpo>c at /v ;///.'/v/, a small ^illa^e in Sullolk, bordering "ii C.milu :>l , -lute, 'i'inr proceedings of tlii.-' iiicvling Iwiii-^ reiliii'd to tin- l\\\\<,< !% hit ]>arons, he issued a precept, in conformity \\;l!i it> tlecisioii, In Ihe. Shcrilis of the several eounlies interested, di'.eding them lo put the C'liuuli of l'.!\ ia po><(^'inii of all the riulil-, ei^tuin-, and privileges, it enjo\ed at Kinii Kdward's death. In iiie \ear K>S1, (iodfr'y \\.isrenio\tdto Malinsbury, and Simeon, brother to Wal- kolin, liijhop of \\ iiichester, appointed to the abbuey of I'Jv. TliU 1'relate, soon aitcr liis promotion, laid tl'e foundaliuii of the. ma^nilicent conventual Church, which IM.S been justly charac- terized in tl:e " Stury of F.I\ ," \\l;i< !i I'iillcr, in !,is Cl:rrc!i ) li-intA-. '.rir.M-c'.; to Iiavf ! . ii \\ litli'ii in the it 'i-n cl' 1 Ii-iii v til' 1 S. , ci'ili. > \; ,i! < i'_i.;v i;:"- i.l'it, tiipin ancifiit ro|'i.'-, h i\c liccn piiiiii !!(! : cur i>i' i!.( ;.i 1>\ 15'. TM ;li i '. ;' < :u an oli I i u re) i ii. i nt r.ill . an-.itiici !-.\ I'ltllci-. t':"i'.; a tiai> M ' - u ;' ' rvi! - i i! < Dean's dining Ki'HM : :ni'l ;i tLinl !>\ I'.'ii'li.ii,!, l'i o'.i. ,::i :t!n-i; ,1! |M. ; : ;..!:, w in the KjiUeopal P.ilaee al I'.Iy. Aefi'nlint; tmlii ti.i>'iiiiii.,i!\ t.i'n- M! 'i ac- e ni!(i;i!ii' i'. \l;f u\ ii:in.il painting \\.i- il-jur :,,'. . , ; !!: \. n'l^ nt ;..' : i ;< c!i i y, Tii ri'Cii. I tin- ir.'.'n.il - i'i-l'ii'ih.ii \\i.;c, i i'\i.ii i i, :\v< : :; ;i.c >!rn'..x .:> i !;..'ii LiM'-;- an 'I I lit- !in-> - \\i < n ii wa> ili'iic, jv s:;j | ;,, ) " i ii ;ii'l. i I, > -.- ;'.!;. .".'( v.-t i ILL !, <,-. \ tlu- iu-ti'ivetii'iM-xci'i-l .ivain-'t i-ii !>> l'i- -"a !'.: . YvK'\.' :.(.;-, i'i :i ( : ill. .! \ '.'iiii ;! 1^0 ( x'tnri Df.r.sinnr. t ri/ed a> ono of the nnt < nri"ii> monument- of ecclesiastical nn- ti'piitN in the kingdom. Hi 1 spared r.o exertions, o| which hi- ai;e was capable, to cam it on with \\^r ; Imt, pai'K from insufficient fund*, and pail!\ from tin inflect ot those to whom his inJinni- tM>* had obliged him to mtrn-t its execution, it remained imfi- nished at tin- time of hi- idc \>< -mi: tinid;- rd in tin- M.:I 1 P '.'', t! 1 -- liodn s and slnir.es of tin Saints I'.lht 1- dr-'!.t, Sf\!,-.ir':-.i, !.:nn-i,iMa, and NVi'ihur'ja, were nmo\ed from tin- old ( iiiuh, ar.d depo-iteii in the uew stiuetiiic hefore tin* altar. The ai.iii: 1 re\eiiin-s (,i' tin.- aliliev, aliout t!/i? period, umoiinted to | ;<".!. lln iiard, \\ !io \\ ;ts tin- !,!-( aol, !, -.olniliil HuirN (lie Tii-lto r-t;dii,s|i ;. pi;di 'j.rif !ii ic ; liut though his impnitaiiities w r- MTV nruMit, l!i- i! '\'j.n v as not i ll'eet d till afler In- ii alii, in llo/". I!'':\i\, I'J-Iiop et I'.-.iiL'or, wa> the fii -I appointed t"tliei:\\ S e, vtiich was partis l.:ken from the diocese ol Lincoln, whose H:>l;( p had the manor -};, Huntingdonshire, in exrliauge. IJer\e\ ploenred n:.:i:\ '_'!;-. .llld pn\ llrues t"l hi~ l'i-!lopnc ; and .i!-. ill,- L'fant t-f a fair, I- commence at I'.N on the thiid da\ pie- eilii,^' tin- J( 'th f .ln;:e. w hi' h v\.:> the .'iini\ < i <\t \ ol' the d, .ith {' i ; .lln Idieil.i, and to coi.'.aa.e for s. M n da\s. 'I he ..ndin t o| i!.;-, I'lsliop apjieais in Mime parti iili'.i s not to h.;\e l.( < n , oii-i-t< nt \.i:h jnstiii-; for h:i\ iiiL' .|il.;ird t!n- Kti:^'* n.ainl.ite to ir.aki- an njtnil ilni-i'.n <(' (lie aliln \ e-!a!i -. In UM i n the 1>; liopm and tlie jnoiiks, in- ronlrutd to i< tain a lull thiul ol lue p. - -i -*i..u- more Nii'i !!:.-. I::- --.|(ec--o], \\ ,'!i a \ n \\ to ::-:^t the I'mpress .Ma'.i'd.!. .l:n,.;! -i c..nte,t > .||; Kin- N,ph ll,.- " | -n.i'. -!. i! . i .-i.M.:i-t ;,.. .rt.T I. \,,,\. ii ..n rl.r I'K. ;. vh,, . ,i t i ; 1 1 -v n 1 .\ ' ' |.. !<( .I 1 :- n.i: ' ! l-\ lii< lii.'li> v Tt i . !'.i t li.i.l .![ H I li. i i.! |. i I.,:. '! IT..! ! < I: in 1 !'... I I 1 v ' , .ili'l c. .'- 11-11 a' \ I. ' ' I' , . I . i, . \. .1 i ;;:.'! Ha l>. ! . i>'h. il.' M-L r \MBR1 DGF.SHIRF.. io'l at FJy, and another at Aldicy ; yet lie u.i> di~pos->< sscd of all hi>> estates ami rc\cnues by the Kin^, who suddenly paised tin- ii\tr with lii.-> hone, uiul made himself linger of tin Nr ; lint btini; soon afterwards taken prisoner at Lincoln, Nicllus profited by the opportunity, ami, \vitli the aid of some forces sent l.im by the Kmpivss rtfjNrrcd the l>|i-, ;nnl \\;is rc-in-.tateil in liis bishopric, whirli, \Mth a slmrt iiitcrini^ion, lie retained till hit death in 1 K'l. At'ter the simmr r of the Monastery to Henry the Ki^hth, thut Monarch, by hi> I.e!li"s I'.itt nt, da!et, and eiyht Prebendaries, with othtr Ministers: the T^'an and Prebendaries to form a body corjntrate. Thomas Ooodcricb, the thirty-second Hishop, \vho at that time held the See, was a zealous promoter of the Reformation; and bis injunctions to de.noli>!i imni;es, shrlii' 1 , a ii;'s, and other su- jier^tiUous emblems, were executed with so much punctuality, that no trace of them remains within his diocese; though before that period it contained many objects of frequent resort. In the first Parliament of Elizabeth, an act was passed, which empowered the Queen to retain any lands belonginii; to whatever See illicit become vacant, and to ijivc tenths, and impropriate rec- tories, instead of them. This was a ijreat disadvantage In tin- bishopric of Kly, which, under this act, was deprived of Manors \\ho.ie revenues amounted to upward-* ot 11.5J1. yarlv. The Bishop possesses all the rii^hts of a county palatine, and is Sove- reign within the Isle, where all causes are heard and determined liv a Judje of hi> appointing, who holds a-'i/c-, c.iol delivery, and quarter se>^i'>ns; and has proper oflicers under him to pre- serve the j)eace, and execute hi> decisions. The CATHKDKAK <>f 1'ly is the workman-hip of very dirferent periods, a;id displays a singular admixture of various styles of ar- chitecture ; yet, notwithstanding the dissimilarity of its parts, when considered a> ;i whole, it must imquestionublv be regarded VOL. II. I. *; r a- a \*n majrmliicnt structure. It is .il-o interestins; from fur- nlshmt,' l!i< antupiarv uitli tin- advantage of obtaining an ;tc<|uaint- TIICI- with the mode-, ol building practised bv our ancestors in dif- ferent :i_ r < , and which can ln>t be acquired from a rompaniti\r examination. Tin- north and south transepts arc tlir oldest part* of the Cathe- dral, and were em ted in the reigns of William Rufus and Henry tlir Fir-t. Here the urehe- are circular, as well as in the nave, which was |>r<;im about tlie middle of the reiun of the latter Mo- narch, ami completed lie fore 1171. Between this period and the year 1 lv;>, li^hop !{\d' 1>\ a building ofihesanu* kind as that on the south ; but this either fell, or was taken down, and another building be.tn in its place, but ne\er carried higher than lwe|\e or t-niit'iii feet. The interior \iew of iJijs tower is parti- eul.iily Iieautitid, it benm decorated with small columns and .tutus running round in several stones, a i lt | lighted b\ tweiitx- sexen wmdow>. Tie lower part was repaired, ami new cased \\ilh siniie, in the mid ih 1 of the tilteenth centiir> ; but the bcatil* <.) iln t-. dm c ! tile ionise <>! the In 11 l"|>< v Tills b'.ll\, \\llll o|!|e[ cumbrous obst ni< t if nis, has bt en iemo\ ed during the |>ie-ent \ .u, through the inuiiiliei nee and taste of the Hi -hi Hi \ . James ^ mkc. the present I'-^h.-p, who h.is ;iNi, enabled tile De.ill and < liapler to repair the mutilated dot orations ol the towT. ami restore tlk* whole tu it- <"iii,'ii:al splendor. 'I'iie handsome I, \tilnili at tl>- enlrt'iiii, timerl\ called The tiall.ftr, \*a-- built aliout the \e,ii , !'\ IJi.-h.iji ('.(taelnus. Tins has likewise In en itji.iiied : .iinl the 'jround m li":,l MI ni,,( h lowered, that, iu^tt ad of a de- M ent at the entrance nl three o| ti.ur -N |'-, ; 1N 1i,iu:ei!\, ti.eie is no an a-> < ut ml' i it n| one -t^ p. The touiid. :!,': ol t)i i it L'a::J -tn: lure w l < in>ll. bill wa I'llU'lll..! . tie pj. |i\|e|\, Ai'I'l, til'' ei-iit!i r,.,iii'p. 111 ll.i \iar I - '11. tl.iei ,11--! !, ii|.,s w.l.- 'I ' C AMHHIIK.r.Sllll'.K. 10, of till' lofty stollC to\\rr ill till- Ilildlt of till' twelfth uf IVIiMl.lIN, l.I'J'J. Tlii-. lower ^tood iii the (i litre ul the building on Jnur arches, \\liicli a\e wav, ,md |n< < ipilalt-d it In tlr- ground. To prevent tin- n cuirciM of ;i like ac< idenl, Al m de \\ .iNiii^- li.ini, Sub-Prior of the Comcnt, .unl S.niM of tl,- Church, a IHTSOII eminent!) \ir--cd in architecture, de>ined ami t reeled the present inamiificent octagonal toner, uliirli M Mi|i|>oit-i| \ ,m < Ir^.uit l.iu- tt'in. The capital^ of tin- pillai^ arc oiiianu uti i| \\itli mile Iii%to- rical ramies \\liicli ri'pn'M-iit llu- priii(i|>al cvnils in tin- life of Kllicldivila. Tliis oota^on is proli.ihlv iiucqualh'd by an\ other ol the Kiixl : lli* stoiii'-work was conipl* led in HI\ \car-, anil tin- \votxl-\vork rabi'il thcroon, and ro\Tfd \< itli lead, in ;!)'ut fittn n. The wliolt: \\a. prrfrctcd in the \i\ir 1 .} I J, at the expense ul CKMil. 4s. lid. The three arclies lastuard of the octagon \\ere rduiilt about the same period ly liMiop Hotlium, and are \ery Jiiiihly rinhellished. The vaulting i^ dixided into regular roinpart- juenls \)\ various ribs, which .spring from the capital-) of the pillars, and are ornamented at the intersections with flowers and clc^anl foliage, executed with much skill. The arches of the second ar- cade, and the windows above them, are decorated \\ith graceful and delicate tracery work. The wood-work of the dome and lan- tern, with part of the roof, was repaired between the years 17 >7 and 17''-t by Mr. James Essex, of Cambridge; and the important impi>\e- nienl greatly contributes to the beauty of the C'atLcdral. The stalls in the new choir were originally made by Alan de WaUinsi- liam : the eat window i^ embellished with a ^oud painting "I St. IVter. The ali.n-piece i^ a tine old paiutini:, repre-ontin^; St. I'eter delivered from l'ii>on by the Vnm 1 ; it \v;i^ p\ir ha-ed in Italy b\ the late Marl ot Cinilithaiu, an 1 piesented to the Mean and Ch.ipter of I'.ly by the pUM-nt l^^iop. At l!ie t i-t end ot t!ie noith ai-ie 1-, a -innpliious Chapel, erected by lii>l!np Mtuik. who died at hN Ca>ll at ^ i-beih in the \, ,ir ljiH>. Ili> ton.'-, with hi> efliiry IMII^ tiiereon, but nuu'ii delac-'d, i> placed undei 1 . MI .'ivl: ni" ^\c,i\f ntli ai-l', arid in -r.;i;r n'|N'< t- rn M-|>. ii:'!iii'4 \\;(h tin* fonniT, liul mm ti MI)* M'>r in its (;;!.(!!. -hai'iiN, j- aiMtii'-r (*li:i|wl. Thi> a> rirrtetl by IiOii'] \V. -t :-.ii' 'it ?!: \ -.ir 1 ; > '.i', and i^ liiidiU mri< lii'il \\\\\\ r h.. "i n.t;ii'-:it-v .MI '! rlrtr.uit carving. In tins falinr the )...!.. - .' - 1:1, Xiru:,:.!!.,!! ,,f V.-ik; liiUlmnjli, Dukr >!' Ni':! : . .;n ; M iLtii'i : .ui'l tli'- 15i-li"pN \l\\in, I'.ltVar, AtlirUtan, and r.'ii;"tii, arr l']^iti ! in -in.i!l <, Minilar t<> thosf in \>lnrh th-% urn 1 irninnif'l in tin- \%;I|!N o( tin- dl clioir. Bulh tlir-r ('ii;|>-N \\t-rt' ^ti ;itl\ ililapicl.itrd 1>\ llu- -iithn^m>tii' rrtm nn i -> %\iii "priini; n]> ilui'i'i'^ tlir (nil \\:ir><, a no x fin l li.i\c had i'.n iin inriblt: anlijialliv ti C\IT> rrli^imi-. air tin- rcrn.nns "| <-\rr.iI aiii .rut iii'imnni'it!^ \\!nili apjwar to lia\- \n-< n <>1 U" >d wilkiu;inln|>, l>ut ait rniit !i il.iin.!L;rt lli' raivtiiL* IlIN'd nj) i-v ri tlnk coat 't ^larin^ \v Inti \\ ,idi. Tln> injuiiinnui :'.nd iri- yrar. tnl modr <'t indi ; ir/in^ lln--c \ cntTal-lr iH-rtdnnanci 1 - l <>\;\ ! ! 'licit, (iii^'lit to I"- i j 'i "!>.:' 1 l>s '\-r\ i>ii- on \\linM 1 inin!CN i.[ t.i-ti- and |M'pi M l\ II.IM- .in\ inll'iciicc. \i::"in; l,n M'iiiiiin-iit-< an- t! : tin I'.i-h- p> N-ilInMld. Kiiknm'., PI I ji.l.i. 1 1 "I I i.ini. !'. M h< I, ( i n \ . l!i d.n.in, sj.Lril, \ t ;i:id n.an v ;i Hiolinpt ; ;'i!il ,d--M a rnnm:-' tuinli I" tin- II;' itmi N "I !!. famous Julin Ti|t"lt. r.;:;li't \\"|i.->t,r, and ln> h\ n \< i . -. <' lii. limr of Hi.h.ud :!i.- 'I l.nd. The I ; ..nt i> cf \ci \ rl.-j.nitlv \\ >: ki d in.: i Mr, uilnrii* d \'ii!ii -r\ > ral --inall -t.:tr,i -. ll \\.i- i.i\ c'i I-. C !.\ H... i Six HOT. n< - !.-.!!,,. ( '.,t!n di.'.l, from ra>t ti> -t. i- '. . 'I'll.- l n-lli <.J" tli. ti.i:; . : i lallti :n r.\( i liir diMii I ' i. ! ' . i. tin- I\M. ! \,-r- ..'. I I ' I I., I! IT i I ll ,. 'I !] !,. i-!:t ..| II ' .ll-, i- N' / ./,' I i . : I i 1 1 d t ti. \ M UlU I)-. I sill !: i . !'"> the me of tin- inlul.il. int-, .,| tli.it pir-h . 'ti .ill 7 I... !' >tm.i- lioll, l\ til' Dr. in .11 id ( 1 1. 1) )'(. This ! ril '! 1' tlllf r ,i, ctt.'ll- Jliem t (I in tlir M-!-.;II ..t I'.tlr. .ud liif ^ . nd. .tii-l i* n i.l lli. im. t pellet I Imildin^s of tli.it .!_;.. Tin- sh.'j.i i- ,m ol.it.n" J-I.M--; th-- Jiiti-in.; It-n-ili IK-MI- ;. in It t t. I'"- !,! idlh I 1 '. :MI I l! r IK : lit : the vaulted loni (n). Thn Inii'-lLix li.i- m-ilii.'i p.!iai> IKT sid- aisles, Iml is ^upjH'i It-d l.N >lii>n',' -.p:ii.i^ In, tin - t >, sri!ii'iiiiit d with pililiat !<>. Tic- -p.ift ^ <.\t i tin < a-l and ut ,t nmdi.u-, \:> H- foruicrlN ili-coratfil \\ilh slatiu-, and a \amt\ ui* other vulpturc, well eM-i'iilrd. Tin- interior \\ .IN liKr\\i-r eutlii-|;:-l)t 1 1 u iih IIH In > liiuhU tatut-s, orn.iim-ntal loiia^'e, and llower-work ; Init tin- t-lt-^.incc of llit- stnlplui'- ronl'l not pre->< i \r it lioni the ra^e of the l.nutiral s"l, !UN ln-t-n su \\\\ i.il.l\ rlo^^ed and oh.M'lired !)\ white-wash, that all the line;' \>.\'.\* ol lin- earvini.' a:e obliterated. This edilice \\.is huilt at the ehaii'e u! tin- emiM-nt 1>\ Juliu de \\ i^ln i li, one of the !:IOI.KN, and \l hi de \\ a!Miii:l,ani, who erected the ocia^uii. The lir^t stone \\:i- i.'id !>v tin- latter on l.ad\-d.;\, L'JI. This Chape! i- iiou in. !< -. ','":i::: a complete The r/ \ 'loiu 1 ::; r I" tl.-' in\ 1'rior t'rjade;i, an ' Rev. Le\\ i> Jones. The remains <>', the Ji; -1 s !\n ( li'irdi, b:;i,! 1>\ Ltheldirda, are \ery <-oiisidera!.!". ai:J h. \e i.'- n l'. ii'.ed int-i preliendal lions,',. The v.csteru Lr'e ul' I'.e Coiieu--. or the I. IN I'o rt a, is still sUimliMir. I' .'- l'"' ; l i" *''<*' latter en i '. tii-- I'^ur- teenlh cenlnrv. ami Ls ot' lirii k, \ r . ilii !.:il!i ru :il- and i t"-.^-rs. There are no \esti-c-; of the ea^le erect- d i the vmih side el' the ( 'at liedral, which in;-!'.: II.IMJ (.ecu tin- The /;;s//c//v /'-///:. i> a neat hii< L -; the r,is!:..p> \l<-nck ai'd fii.odeiich; ! .;: w.:> p.; til- I,;!e I'.lshop kee:,e, part!\ a1 hi :'.\ u e^per.v 1M> CAMBRIDCF.S1URF.. rcior Bishop M;nv>on, to lio\r philanthropy ami pnblir spirit the inhabitants of T.|N an- indebted lor mans ad\antat;c*. When his Lordship was pr< motrd to this See in 17 '> I, the < it\ ;:nd it* neighbourhood \M re srratl\ on the dc< !.ne, tioin the adjoining lou l.unU h.miii; bet n nmi'-r uater lor <\IM| Near-; -md the vrrtrhrd M?u.'ti(,n <,t tin- |i;ii-!;.- r.>a !-, \\lin !i v. err in -o h.:d a Mat.', that tl;. \ could not b< tra \elle I \\ith -af. t\. " I'-id. t th. - < trrtinistanci >," O!IMI\(> Mr. )' nthani, " il \\a-> oli\:on tlia' the nn|\ clfi'rtual inraiih ot rr^lormij tin- rom.t\ r> ;i tlouri < liiiiv i.it', uoulii !> t<> cuiinuik tin- riser, tin-rt-rt niilN (or -<.ilil)- lr\rl> \\ith \\hicli l!u- rit\ of KK \\;'.- -r- \ironrd; all ot'thini wirks o| i^r< at ditlniilt\, and tonnidahh- in pmnt of rvpnis*-*." Tin- |)atfon.iL.T and -npport of I5i^ln |> Ma\\- voii yjivr i-lhi .1- \ to th< -ihi nil > that \M-IC proposed to n nn d\ tlir-e iiu onvi -nit-licit > : and, \i\ tin- aid of M u ral Acts of 1'aiha- innt, the ijcres-;tiN iinprovenu-nts \\er made, and hoth the ri-m- ni'-.'ir and li-alih ot the inhabitants con>i'l< rall\ heiu tilled. \iii"iii,' otln t .lid ration^, tiie ro;id from I"J\ lo Cainhridiif ^.1% made ttiMijHi.r, .;t ihe expense, m Mime phu e--, of .'.(ii;l. .1 mile. Tin | iil>h< '_';in| \\;is ;il-o rrpaiifd and strnii;tln ned at the i h.iiur 1' -',<>p, \-. ho hl.i\\i>e eonli ilmted a roiisideiahle ~uin to- \. .'.M!- tin i i. I nf 1 1 lllo\ >ir_; the eh'Ui into the pie>h\te|\ . Tile pi I in lp.ll c it. n tt.ililr h< i! '.li tlnli lor tin |!M- 't the poor, is \(-ted in I'eotV-e-i, and an e-, horn evlates in th( liriL'hhourhood, In |u- alh d h\ - - I'.il sons alu 'lit the \ear I I .' >. II- t< i^.i!-o ,i ( , i .M;:I:..II ^'h >'] ap|M-ndnnt lo the ('alhnii.il, m \\hi(h pio\i- -.oii i> m.'di h . the s'.jtnli s fur the ed;ualion i>f trnt\ I'MUI 1,,,\ ,, IK! Kii - x ' hol.i; ; .m i .1 ( ': intv s. hm.l l,.r , |, -. >. u I;.. ., . < hit \'< I .Hid i !"llli 'I I", the IlK -011,1- i.f ' '. : .- 'I . .1 I.N M, -. Nei ilhaii! about M\|N N, ,,i- vj|, r 'In, ' Hi-'< i v . ' ' \ I . . il v , : ( ,, i .. i ' li I ' ' /////>,-/,/> f / r ,i,t,/>,,/. t ,.,fat, /* ' c AM HIM !>', I ^ll\ It r. . Che police of I'.ly IT refill. i! 'I !.- l!:c Mr ntf, \\i... pointed h\ the Itiihup, and .tie .ln-ii.< ' i I' v.i;,',:ii tli.- lil-. These mcetlbr tile dlsp.lU !l of I. II ll;r - . '. ' f ',.|fi.l\, ivhnll was ;illrit-ii at llie heumnniL' < l'l!: jnt-.nl M-.-.I l;om V lui-!.t\ In Thnisday. This ril\ i, tin- i,i,;\ uiir in l.ii"l.i:i(! ii'.t i. j.i- -, ;,!, ,| in Parliament. Mans o! lli.- h.Mi-t > .i.c ot ,ti.ii-, aii-i V.H.. ( .|' llii'in li.ivc a vcr\ ;iin it-iil .i|i|H,ii;ni( i-. I'l;,- -i;r, t,.n. UH- :i.!.'.r. ailll, \Mlll tin- i M.|,!,. :i ill thr |.!!:.M|..i! 01;.-, in -iliii I |r.:\, i ||.,t liL;lit<'il. Tin- |'>|)ii!.iti.iii, a-, ii-i-ri t.iuii .1 ninlrr tin- inpn, li-mi i.t' tho late act, .llllllHllt^ to 1,""' ui:ilc>, .mil 1<)^ l'i iinl. .. 'I in- nil in In T lit' In HIM--. i> about 7< ". Tin* cliirfriiipInMiiriit "i tin- m- IiabiLiiil.s M tjardciiiii'^, uliuli i> r.niu-il on m lln-- i. i_-U>.nuii.i.>c| to a i^rt'at extent. ( '.nnlniil^i-, >t. l\c>, an<: i-\.ii l.oiiiloii, i< rei\e roii>idiTal)l<' siijsplie-. ot \c_'. !.il>li < lioin I,, ;.<<-. ( ; ,il IJH.UI- titif-i ol si I.IVN ltd i ic-, .lie aNo ie.i!-il lii-i. , ,;n ! some i.lh< i tnnN ; but these ;n<- ( !iu ll\ roiiM \e<| in l t.i l.\i.i., . inl c.irtieil thence li\ tlie \(^-l-, einplo\il in the CM,;| ti.i-'ir !> V ..!-'!< iijion Tvne, ami o!h. i places m [he north oi 1 .,. .i.ti.'l. With llir celebrated natives o!' !'.!\, ;M.I\ be luinf! l:i" l'.!.\. J \Ml.s IlKNrilXM, \N!H> \\a^ br,;n in l^> ; .:.. I havi'.iu- been tau^Iit the eaiK nnli:nents ot' edin .1'; -.n in l!i> i,;\, \\,.i ei.teii-d u Slllllellt ol 'I'lllliU ColleL'e, ( .'alllbl 'i !::', \\!n-I'e !,. took thi- dearie ot Ma.ster ol' Arts in ihf \riir 1 7 '"> I'eini,' a nun o) \ i \ !,;.. i. I talents, lie de\oted nnu !i aUi-ntion !. pioji--i- ot i;eii'.-:.il utiii!\, -ncli a> enc!(.>niL r \^.i~ l| !.:ii'l-, reji.nnnii n>ad>, a:l (inniiiii,' i i;-'. In 17," I lie publislied his \.,hi.i!r.- u..ik o.i iiiv Il.->!oi\ and \nti- <[iiitii - of l'.l\ : and in 1 7,*" CM !i. ,r,r-l the HI tors "i N.iiti; \\ol.i tor a piebend.il stall in ihe C.ith. dial, v. !nie ,t:it;.M:itv .1:1 I be. nits he h.,d ilhi-.li.id I ^^!i i ' :::..;! ; . : . ; . . IN. '! 'i.i- j)<. ; .:.,.; tioii obiained biin -. . .;.'j..:.il!v ' .' i in- ki.o'.Mi -ki!! in ancien! ;,t-chitectnr.', that uh< u tin 1 ! ( ''.i:i a;: ! ' : .:;:; !\.-d on a - :; :..! r pair o! the C.;lh' dral, b'- ^a> ,-.] p./ai!' .! < Itik ot the \\oiu,; a sitiiatioa \\!iic!i 1;.- h. '..! I.:! the loinple -iiriis. a !' \\ \rai- bt fore hi- .h'.ith. i! di. d ! : : .- : ban. >;\. i loS CAMBRIDGESHIRE TATTFP?\M. H.V1.I., al>llt our Illllr fn-lll F.|\, !" Mf>r!; r^ niriuoiA, niul i- n<.-'^*-(l |i\ Iijx VIM, V|IM li'il.N ,, rt.nr i. mli r a U-.i-r ot IlVi > I'l-.lll tl,. IV-I. ]> lit' 1'U 'I'll.' ilOi.M- 1- -ll I. I'llt, I'llllll lt> \U !1- r'l.iM'M M'.l.til'MI, <'.!. M.tl, .- .1 ;'i.ii' ji,,s'..'i I it. ihr ( .itllcdl .l! . It - - ,; i. u ;i ii ii hv u }>;. ltii>( k, anil s-'iii'' i .iin 1 ; |.,.iii!.ilu.n-. |mii- riii>.\ I|>J..M I. ( >ii tl." < l.ilc- i- a l;::ni-l> >, \v i . !i "Ittoi.'iril th- tit.i- \ ]\, ; htK. i H .!!, iiMiu tl.r i . 1 iint. 'I I.-M . f t ! . ! n.iiiu- l:a\ 1:11. (' . u k< |i! ili"; r. Ill llic /-/< '//,/(/, 1'Ut l!l\\!,lt |.:';ir,ll' jiul \- IIIK . I t.llll.'l tli-- ciniurnl |ih\Niri-.i!i ;:ml i''.. .:.;< I); \\ii.M\M lltri.'YN \v,i> li'Mii, .licmt tl.c ci'iiiiiiriii UK it) n| ',!; ! i. H 'il llriin tin 1 .. I' iu th- n-i;-ij- >!' |.i|\\;iiil llu- Si\tli. ami l! ( v in-<-: M.u\ ;'.ii'l r.ii.'.dn ih, lii> .il.ililii^ rrr lnll in linn Ii f-tin .i'inii. lit- iii 'I 1:1 1 '>' I, l..r, 11:1: \\ i ill i ii ;i 1 In i LI I, ain! M \ i I..I I MI-!.* nn jili\-ir ;uiil ( ha in i;rr\. 'Ilii |;\ii,-- u| ('ii!,-!/ ;unl Minim, \\\n |>',.ir.-s in ti.i 1 I. n-, \MH In;. 1 .1 sh '. tin, i- |i\ liic i r|i In. itiil Dr. ( iMiNfi- Miilillrtnii, \\lni i,;irii"l tin \M.).\\ i,!' Mi. |);.'L.\ !! i . nl. i - f tl.i> l;i.|\ 1,\ 1 1. i lii-t lni-]);iii'l, In ( .u tic tin \\itr .t' M.'!:!|. '. il.;!.lll-"|,, |\:|. ;|M(I \' > lljuhl, I 1. 1 |l,r late |.,i|.| 11-1-.. l'\, ill: 'i tin- . i ! luat. 'i Mix M.I;. I .'.. .1 IIMII-J- itli- IIM\\ ]) K -v M t.\ tin' i;. v. M.siti . ,-, iiniin ...n, ,,r Hiii-ii!;, 1. 1, i',.'ii,s, \\ii.i pin \\ r. lilt ,i!i..\. l.i i ';. 1,1 ii\ . >l ['!'( >\ i-- a I.ir^t- xili.iL'' 1 . ill I -i-. mili-N ! .f |".!\. mn- I., liiiu,' l'tt'.\..ii i ''jiit .ui'l linn lrnii!:'i.| inii.iiiil.'.nS. " 'I'ii' 1 < Ii . ' ' i. " . ..| . ..t t . ... t ',. . ,'; .! ! , tl,. tul.llix. Il -l.lll'U nil .1 l,;il, .ill I III.IV ! ,'.t .: )| t: , |. [III. [I I,., ||i ;i|| , , . I 1 , 1 . . ! ni ' , - - ;H| .MM -I v. i'li -j<:: ' ..: '.. -.,'.'.' I. .i.l. n I ..!.- i ^.- i, hi ; . |, , i - . v i > . ,i ,..,, 1 l 1 .. . ! r....j nt" I , ..|. Ili'l I I II V. l| II hit , , .!,,, I , ,,...,. t ! , ; , , p' ' .'.'-'.:! t\MnFu IK; r.sirntF. joQ and one ol the laborers thrusting his hand into the earth near the same spot, discovered thiee silver plate-,. The tuu largest had a round silver wile running through the middle. Round the -dgr ot one of the plates was a D.tiio-Saxon in- liption, which Dr. Hickes, who had it engraved for his Tin \tninti, conjectured tu contain a mystical meaning, employed as a h;um or amulet. CMATTr.KIS is a large village, where . -\lwen, wife |r, F.tlu-I- stan, Karl of the F.ast \nglcs, and nurse to Kin-,' Ldgar, fo'.mdi d a Benedictine M NM.itY, in conjunction with Kdnoih, her bro- ther. Its revenues were granted, at the Suppression, to Ldwaid Lord Clinton, and valued at 1 );!. ,',s. id. lleie, in tln-yeir I7''7, in a Kind of tumulus, near Somer-ham Ferry, several human skeletons, with an iron .sword, spear, and umbo ot a -lucid, an earlhern urn, and a glass vase, were found. The hitler were re- ferred b\ Dr. Stukelev to some P.nti-h KiiiL', whom he supposed lo have been buried in this -pot. The population ot this parish is estimated at upwards of 'JU(X). MARCH is an extensive hamh r in the parish of Doddington, .ituated neailv midway between Cliatteris and \\i-h ch, on the banks (d' the river Nene, from which circumstance it enjoys the advantages of a considerable trad--. The Church i- an !<;. tut and spacious edifice, \\heu the road v\:;s niade from this p!.v - \n Wi.sbech, in the year \i-A), tluee uins v\er- <:;-( ..',1 n 'I tail o! burnt bone- .i:id adies; and a p;-l was a!>o (!;;'_- ".p. co:;l;/iiiiig I' 1 *' I'oinan denarii, (.fall U;e Lmpen.! - lVo:u \\-pa-:. :n to Antoninus I'ius, but chieily of the laller F.iMpiTur. M.i::y ^'-' r '"iii- have been found in its neighb.-.ni'ho, .!. \t I'.'f.i, au ;'.!t..r, twenty- iiuhe- hi_h. was ilixcovcn d ; and at \\ elm y, \,:riou- <\,.ii- h.ive been iound in urn- ^^ithill reach ot the ploughshare. TIIORM'.Y. TV ii;e gi-r. r;.i di-piav of Cair.bri kc-iiiie, we !i se nolin I the [;, : , of tlh- ' i^libo.nho.-d. !! r< j'n -. lit- ii .:- a !e:re-tiL! pa: :- . , : ;.. ' the -ct: u.-l c.' di\ :ia ;'h :'.'-'! >\ , tin n ' ^ of v^tue. 170 c \MBK1 IM;KMIU:K. tin- al>.'d "1 rl:;iNlil\." Hit ji.n.-.iliM , inn\-\-r, wa* not a p.ua- diM- of //':. -!% oUstivrs, tliat lirrr "a \xoin.ri would in- (U-ii'H'l a MI-) l.u 1 . ." D.I:; lali nmaik-, tli.it li\ tlie >1a- tiitt*- of tin- -al>ln-\ il \\a> enjoin* (I, ii.it " im \xoiuan should romc ukliin six milts <>i it." Tli:- ^alr of iiuii'4- < \i>U no lonm r, luil in tin- ll"! i'i pa^r- of tin l:i toii.in. The ciau^linT of M\r lias l>i't-u u iiuitt'-'! !iiU> l.'it :i ; ;ni'l it- rl..i-tit% , it-, vn lur, ;nul its philosopln , an nitt rinMii;!r ituatiou is \trcim 1 - 1\ |i!i-a-aiit, tlir i-iuiiiitKi- mi \\.aili it -t.'.inK !>t iiii; Mirrouildrd lv li>\\ aii'l ttitil'- '.'loiin -\> in .1 \-IA coiiipUlc state ot h i> lUli.iM i IA .111 annual t.i\ "1 aii>ut i.il- l:nu an a< !<. ll> j)i-i-nt iiai'ir \'..i^ ilrnxnl tit-in tin- lln'iii- anil liu->!n> lliat ^ \\ in il- \uiinl\; luit its am icnt apjn Itatmn ssa-. /.;/.// iilii'f, xx i ut 1 1 it diitauifd tr'in tli' anrln>ntr-> \x lit* dxxclt in tin 1 r- ,!.!' an Ar.U!^ I'liini'Ifd Inn- h\ N \ui|>!r,i>, tin lust al>l>ot <>| I'.-!.-! li'timiijli, in tin tiiut 1 ot >t. Ktlii'lihciia. 'I'iiit lionr IKIII^ iJ(-Nli.s-tl !)\ ti.i Dai;*--. x ,i> r< -lo'.iinlf.l |i\ I'.tlii !\'. .Id, llislio| ol \\ IIP ii. -1i !, in tin- y .11 <)," J, I'll I't i.r.luliiit innuk-, and l> ran;- tin- liiiii.il-j'lari 1 't uiaiiN di'Xoiit >a\i>;it, x\h> - i< |>nta!i..!i l.it vn n li'v j).n nn d f!ii- in th'- ':! ! ' ' i a:iit-: In it n-in. ..( ji-c :r n'.iim- li!< '.! -. .M < U i:.:i,n:n_'. I . I l.t \t-.\i ! is.'i til- .iii< i' lit < !i iii n v, .1- t.t!.' n liuxxn, .Mid a \i--w on . i-rotniinMH'cd li\ the ahliot ( i ntitr; , l>iil ll.i- vx is nut cuinpli d d Iii! i ; .' ., i:i x\ liii n \i-ar it X'. .1-. il. -d:< ali-d to s l. M.I: \ and >(. !>"- t'Mj-li. h-. il'-;\. n;-, B:-iinp of l.!\. '1 'i. :-(.!., ini-- jMi^.-rd < <>n ^.i!i ; :i!<- in .i^n .;ii . if T. ai. ! v. a^ at l< .1-! , > ..\ - l>io\x m- \\ ilh--, " li\ ;'- i .. ; , l - .:! )>! -- lit. an I L: !, ii" '!:. I;!, .1 I.M. .it cii ai-l , .: I ".',; in t '.!.. i :;.,.;n I .1 i h u, Ii. %. nd il." \\ In n tin .- -i.- .!,, I nv !!, ; ix t". i..J iii. , ,i! j.ait of III.-, Inn. I. . ' . ' . ii -i' l! :> ..v ,! i i .' ! i!. ^!i iu !i"ii !'\ I" ;n x. i M 1 1 inn 1 . ' iu ii;i \i ar ! ' .' ; and . 'i : -. \ . :! i.i Ii :: ' !i. ..n-l t\\n.t\ i ;u!:t 1.1 i, . I " the Bfho'.i ,,f rltvinc IMiilo-cphy, the residence of Virtue, the abode of ( ha^tity ;" ;iii(i IK- expiv--Iv n in irk*, that here " a woman would be dtcnud a ;;<,>!:/.." 'I b> >t.-)te of things exi>ts no loii'.vr, but in the florid pALTO "f the Ifi-t ri.m. The daughters of Kv K has c been admittrd in:o thi- (I; li'_'bt:i;l I'.DTN, .it'.i! it- ( !iastit\-, it 1 - virtue, and il< pluto- M'[)hy, are lutt rmin<.'I< (i v.ith the common frailties of the human r.if. At th;> j i.i- e ilnre wa- al>o .in Ho-pital for p>or j'erson<, un- '' r \l irovrrnniMit. of the Abbt v. I' ir-, Jn'v I, Sept. -J I , for ' -JfM -. NT ,-l''. ! r,n 'I i:r.<-d.tv. C VMIllll !>(.! Mil UK. 171 of the ancient building. The recess f..r tlie <|iM>r-\vav, and tlir arch of the wc>t \Miido\v, are pointed; and above the latter it a row ot inie Matties , lau'onrd towers, which rt>'- fioin cadi side the (V.-nt, Ileaii\ to the hel'.-Iil of twenty feet*. The revenue ot till 1 Abhex \\i-re \.lltied at Heath V'e>-|o||s WrflT granted, in tin- n-i^n '>t l-'.d\said the Sxth, t'i Jnhn, l.arl of Bed- ford, \\ll-e lll'scrildailt, the p|r-''lll I)'ike, Is not <.lll\ OVMHT of this IOVMI, but likewise ol IO^HUI aeres ot the Miironndini; lands. This extensive |>ro|)crtv is divided into farm-, In Id at will, from I'.'i to l()t)l. per annum, and, SjnakniL', is m a very improved Mate of cultivation. Tin maik>-t and annual fairs of Thorn. ;. were "ranted to Fr.mcis, I'.arl i:>e. 'F:it inhabitants are chit il\ the de-een- <>\ the I. nip' ior 'Fi.i|.tn have been !.!; ;> mar the Alpb' >v >, wiiicli h:ui the privilege ot sending H> I'arlianifn*. wisnnni, Till", ino-t northern tovn in C'ainln-idi:i'-iiire, and tin 1 -erond :n roi!-r([':ri,i-' , derivi'd it-> n.iii!'- tirrn lit -iiualion on t!ie banks <>t" the liver On-e, r \'. i>, \\ii!i'li !!.-\'.- i!;t')i,';h it, and !.:!!> into the M a .it ..' tit tlie ili-tance ofeiulit iai!i -. The e..!| -t, d \\ati-iN ot' tile i.pia'.d I'M.iitlN, thai, mi some , ;;' .r;e-, l:a\e p.itd to I. Mill, h\ a eh;!lii.el cut t'ni the |i;.r t u .1 tin- n i_-n i.t' Ldu.ud the FiiM, from I.ilileport to tii.' nvu iii.irlon, or I.iitle ( )a.\ \\.Tl i'.iiillelU '!:-, !:.!! :;r'l ihrolljl I,; | !.I. i . K .t \-M< i!l\e;tc.| tl '.ill 17? r.VMBTMDGESHtRP.. f;iuu t'nii ;i:ii trill r.inr-'- \<\ tiu- iujudii ions attempts m.j'lr !> ;in- jvu\- tin- n."j.t. * )n' |Mit tn'iu ti-i- r.nmtv i>l Nm!iIK. 1'inlll tin' I 'A lulliKUi.ll> t \laiit ni.;ti\r In V. .Mirth ill 'hi' lini aiitircdi ut In tl:i- CMIII|UI *t, it ;:JI|MMI-> ti:.il tin Inv. uu.i* ( im lit : ! '.!\ \>\ ()>u\ ;iiiil IA "|K'.|.- ', tlif ji.ir< iiU \in, .illi r\' -.'.I'!- r>i-li"j> <>l I'.linli.iiii, n:i ti.< n M.II IM-III^ a'linilti'l ii;!o tin- M"ii;:-tiT\ . I i h>71, Il\- ^t.tI^ MilM'jiic!it (..liMUi-t, KIII^' \VilLtm cuilc! .1 stiuu' r,,,//, I;.-.', ihr ( .. . '.:'.r ul' v. I lid i \\.u ilii^i.iin i u illi tlir li'ir <-t ' ( '.ni-l;:!>li t , .ii:d tl:c U.llK .'.ll'l 111". it or'lirnl to lie KI ( i| l;i Ji]i.;ii l>s tin- |'lo- pri' '."i - i 't' i i-il. i :;i '.. i ill V. . i NV.ill in, \\\i<> lu Id t!. i: i -i.ili-s li\ ;i t- IM.I-- to th.it < ti. i I . '1 - ... pi ill -i!N < ' I'll i : I nil, ii"V. ''\ - i th.it m:-_ in .' . | i : - t !i.:t a iii >'. ( .itlr .-I In i-U \\a> hr.ilt on i! - --iti , . :: tii.- \.U1- 1 17 s itll.i 1 IS.!, i.\ Moil -II, r,i-!h.|) 1 I.K. ' iiii li i't:i IVlfilniMHi^li In dii\ liirn. \\ !,n ii !>.!> 1 . i II <|i 'Moll I IM.lt < I Mo| t"Il'^ I ." '.Ill, t lo| 11 ill- II. I 111"'. Tin 1 III \ |. ic l!:r l>iilii<|ii I'.il.ici- ; M-vorul ol ln^ --ill fr>^"i > li 1 tin rr ; ..ii'l ilurin^ l!ir i< i^u .-I" l.ii/.iln ;li. u u;--, i- .;,- \ . ii n,l 1 1 ;i j '! -",i lor tin l';i|iits \s ho roii-jii:i d ;r_;.:ii^t 1.- I i v ' . I ' ' I ' ' 1 ' 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 r < . : - t < ) > i . i 1 1 . :j !'. ..! ' ' ' i' -.,.,. , ;,., i;;. '.,- ,!. I I ' 1 . ' , r i i M.-.i! ,, i . I- . i ... r.i .1 1;,. -. ii- ( ;..! I !' I ' ' ' Li. ilpq " r.A M mi I IH; r.sin it v. 1 1 .* the death of Ihr liaplvvi Clurles tin- 1'ii-J. il M:I-. punli.i^d liv Joliu Timiloe, l'.M|. aftei\\ai still <-;i!lri| the ('.Mir, itli.i-u appearance l ever having !nu !"ililid. Uutlie lt -!'>;. ;|MII, the >!. Me levelled in IJie sr.- (,|' r.!\, -.iinl IIMIII tint |u-ri'n| > , :> u-ualK ur.intcil mi !(.i>i-ii MIIUC (in-- nr (.li.cr ,| t!;-- piiiK:-.'! Luiiiiit >. nf I|:'-|II\MI, hit .''i.nil-ix \,u>,u'i, \\li'-:i il ' '. unil', i .:u V,i H Pai 'i.ilil' lit, li\ ti:r |ICM,I! I'.i.ln.-, I.. Ju--|i!i Mfit\\nlll|, 1'. ,|. v !;.. |i.i, rc|ll(i\i-il lid' i a vis ^'ii^'il.ir en:.-' iieni/ ;,i,H, ;!,, 1 \\.lii Iv.o ha,*,; and i\',.i ;:i-le. 'In Intls, and :'CJ'.iK:!tv| in/11) eaeil oilier li\ a lt>\\ of !i'j' t f,eillL r di\id\V, lHi:'. pi!!:,-, .illd '( Illi cileill.U >a\nll :i(!le'. ( >Ii ...i" of llie tune- d.'.te 1 iSO. 'Jin to\.ir i ( vti'eiiuK bcuuiitul; \'!, l'..i ::i;!i '_*- in r.illv I'ppo < d to li.i\e 1 MI enited in the year 11!!, 1 . the tup of tin? iioi;h <;de Ic-inn app:>i'fiitl\ iiiaik.d v, i h |i unit-, i-- ". i(h'!itl\ i.f in ; ii l.idv \'. ,ii!v::;aiilii|i : Imt i!- fi,; : ', il.iiiu In ant'. jiiit\ i- di :IH .i-tial' d h\ r<.n>nU \\Iiiiii -:iii and pr.i\ e ii- i n t., 'ii to l;;,\ i l,i , n j ';., i In !!: ! ; Mar< h, 1 '.JO. Th" d.ile - f Hie \\i \ '< i ureliitrcl .':<. \ iue\ 1 1! I'miii V> .-! ,-!i !> ;', j )- sx-nl Hishiij>, pi'i'viuiu tu 1 - \c. "i 1' u . .:. ;:..!. 171 maintenance of ;t Pn>st to ;% HU-M- for tin- MVI! -if tlif fotiihii-r. Tin- iin:ic''' s , lirini--, ;It.ir-, Ar. in tins ( ii.ui!r\ \\rrr dtmo.i>.iii i-li >|. ( : ..ui, Hi h\ in^iin-iion, datrd at r .lv ih<- Clit ot (>r tin- fuH'-uin^ jut.i|ili-i, Mhich \M' li.i\r lii-cii imluicd to ni-rrt lor their Mij>riir clc^.iinf. !' i i ';.'.. 1 1 '.' .1.' !\ -, T.i ILiitli ! , i: Hi n .!'. i -' >!! i - i . . , Hilt .itri iM'i An.i wl.fii Tip \n-ii \ . i Tri uiil, \n I ,.!,'- : I, MI, H.I.I Iv.l; \ inutil.itrii c(.|i\ of ihi-s t'i'il.t, 'ii .ijjc.ir.'d in the ( n ntlfiii.nr* M.t^ii/.inr lor M.tuh, 17 !.>, v. .lii tin InilouinL; Ir.uisiatiou. I i fiiur ricili:'":- I i i..c <.' ! , - il.lt <;! .I'lllMlt'jIU I >H - ^ C'tllt 1 1 I r||\ |\ ;i|^ ( il.'l i.l III. III. r 1'llM I .III \ lt.l!!l llllll.t H'tlitl- JHit. ',. <.'li.!l .1 iiif.lll' ' !.UI_"II- 'I 'ill 1. 1 ' Ul l, M..; 'in -ill _ lit I!' iMi :.1 ... ,,1-1 \n i, i- ( '..i ] I I' M ' I'.!' Ijll.lllt.l : IIIUl /t.'jl:,l"l lit \ It. llll >! I'M \ ll .!' ' '1 Mr }{ \ . J.HlM's \-lil'-\ , ;i i ,ili\T .| tln^ |o\\ ti, :n id nc.\\ !! < tot ot I'lci-t, 111 I. MIC i. Ill III!*', t". .pu-id ll)i- Ulldr|\\ Utti II I" .iUtllul '> tlii- ini'iii'irN ol In-, h: itiii r. I! . I)' ,! . - U , ; , ' ', \ U ll'-ll i: | :.. : ,: ' ' i : . ... ,.. \ !' - . I CAM niu ix.r.Mi! in:. {'an*, I'.iin- ami Dr.rh. 1. mi:.- ;.!., i.m i.<> II.M- 15.it -(in ?i. p.i\.- .1 i.-..!.;. ii U .\\ In I ! .n i 11 , '1 lit' K..V < I.) 1. .!< ll Ih. llf.lMtl! ( ,.ll 11 II I. '11. !uli-, D( .llil '. cljIMI I ).ll l~ l!.; il ( )j i (.',,.! ii'ill I -I |i I. l.;i,'lit lit-, tin' Tril'ii|.. :: rhc L;nil'l-sv Hic;i-t, \\ liu . M. ui-inii ]ii:i - t." tarlll-linl'll l',;-!ni! l.:i.i il. Win 1 1- I'uili' nr'i-r t;i(,(.:ii'(l i. n it- rniitiiin.il n -t, NIU l.u-iiuiiv 1 '.n\ \ \\ i ill IHT 1' i'-; tih |t|-ii|t|i;m '. Sncli ^li;ill 1 1 u' iiii-fk-i \'t\ ( 'in : u IP'. I'l iriul-liip c'.ni'i. Anil \\itli ci)iii|iaiiinn \r.',i N -'.\> ii tin- <"ln i:' In Si.lllliN "t' I'I.IIM- !,i !,. I'.' in::' \ line, \'. iiiKt ll.-.iM-n'- ir.xn H.iinu'tiy infnini* tin- l.\ H-. iii tin^ t.iluit' .111' ^i'\'i';il vriA h.ui'1-iiiin- Moiiuiiii ,1!-. iii i i '. tilU'i'fiil hraurlics of tlu' Soulliucll I'.ni'iiv uim |.iniii-iU ;- .'.t tin- C,l>!lr, \\liicli l!ic\ iTiiti-il nt' t!;.- r,i-ho|. : ;ili(i '. '. \- i-t .. \. I -. line O: - !^:n, \Mtii t'Ainl\ -li'j^, luiilt li\ -uli-ci i|>lii;i. in 17-Sj), ls (lit- late .Mr. ( iiTt-n, ui' IMrunitli. 'I lie '>:-.,i, I Ii'.i- a siilarv (1 lul. ;i M-;ir. W Nbecli, \\ilh lin- ;nl piccnt c<.-t.ntiA , i,,i- t: i ijiii'iilh i.;liir.l I'loin ituuithitioiis. Inthf sr.'.r i ,\'(i. mi tin- iui)i;i.\\ .ii;-i \\.\r- 170 IMBKIDGKSHlkit. Lijiiiiiuv-il.iv, aii'l lli' rujlit following i!.i\-, ilir M \, b\ l'ir MtiU'ii.-v of tlu p \Miul, U;IN nji-nl to -u'h a hi i Jit, tli.it tin- hank- \n M.n^ to tin- f>ivr tit the \\ a!- r, v.tic )>r< k< n -n, that, " of -mall fialt, cattle, an>l incii." :;it.it imiltiluiir- v, ro uritro\ l '. \ -ini.Lir ralamitN lia|i|H-m ut uuirtci u v.u- al'.i r\\ai\ a luraih in tin- I). ink tit \\ isJM't h P< n, 4 l'" a'rrs ><\ laml w :' O\fitlou< i '. 11,,; tlic i;rcat''-t ili^'.iM.tti'iu triun an u-fiiru HIT i<\ tin- ii.'.tv.ri , ua~ii!a,!t in Iii] .;:. I i i J, und ciiiiiiiciiu>r.it< 1 N an iii-i-iijlii>u i>n tli<- ca-t \\.tll ot the ( linn li. ^!u\ llic crt - tion of a iiiiiiHuiu'iit. Tin- >u!-taiirp \vas ;it follow s : '!.. :!.. niriiurl.il lYiit . i (r,nl. I'.'- it in nil mory, tluit on tlir 1-t V \. }< ; :. in tl. ,:':. !. ti >* -r : i-.ii".. . by tin 1 \ lull in i nt" .1 n..; i'i < ;i( w iiul. Tin 'tin. 1 .t -|'riir_' ln!'. uinl < . -:!'I>\M ii .i.l Mai-lil.inii with lli-- T'.uu i l'\Vi-ln-.-|i, liniii ,,r. (!. Nnrlii .uul S,,r.!h Suli--. .tii.l aliin ^t tin' v i <: H'ncii.-il r-MiiiiI .i!i .ill, I , !.. ..I. it ii.n;..-r i.f n.< ii- IIM- . vitll tin ! - iii'-uiiir d\ "k." tut .irli < f luiik-. A. . In >u!i - I '.ii j>i-il ot' i-i'Mi. -, \\;.., ii i. uKi nut in i --iiui.it 1 i- ii ..:; r, tiii il.i -il 1.1' M.n<-h. it \\.t- tin n ,. in % it'i'wH \>\ i'".* fif-\i ' ' i i:u l>\ .1 i.l'-.i! ninv. ih.i! I! s " :li >!'! "I 11.':- TMMII. ! ! ti.. LI- iln ] .11 1 l :!. ^n.iinil \-. 'llui. ^i.u'li I'.au Il.i:.! in H.ill.vn.l. fiuiii v ; i .Im.' t.i 'l'\ 1 1 -. ( i i!i -. u.i ,i''ii -! 1 1 .-i I', i tli 1 1 \ u \\ .;!i .i _ i. .' |> ., l ol M . il.uiil. h. in ti . r h ' ., !'.:- .u:.i M r .hi . I \ iiji : '. - ' i - I . : - . . -I,;.-. I) n M - .: <) ' '!. iri |.i i-iii..!.. I).,.- i, i.;. 11:111.,.. I ' ., '. ii I' - \ \ , ' '.Mi i i ' ? i . - : I . .< Ii !.! ( ANniKIIKJKslllR!.. 177 On Miireli tin- tv.ril i;ratit> (| (in- ti ii.nil <>i \N i-\ln i h-I'.u tun M.irinr, ;ui vi'inp- tioll, in IP ('(lulu, tiuiu I II i;i .ill !.'..!. or niaik'-t throughout I'.ir'land. 'I his m'anl \sa-> conhrnied in 1 .' i '>% ki'r_ r Julm, \\lio ranie In \S i>hci h I'M mi I. \iiii iii Orlolxi 1 '!(>, ;i, I)i. lli.id\ II.IH pro\f(l ii'i'in OIT. m;d teinidi prr-rrvril in the Ji.U'i. In the turlllli of' llriiiv l!ii I :.iut!i i! \\;it MIU urd, .MM! .ii.'.iin ennlirmed llN writ til pi i\ \ sr.d "! I IMII s the .MV lh ; |i;il I iir | M l\ ilc.-r l.--ni^ ;il!fi\\.in!-> l" .,rli :t I, \\.i- ifst.ip-d tlir-i":'i tin- < \c iti n* "i Mr. Nuliola^ Suiicllord, \vln> ilioil on tin- tl.h.l i M )<-t..li.-r, 1'- i>, :iii>t In--, hniii'il in l!n- ( !nir< !i. T'n^ lii.'ini\ \ ( \~r \. mi< iilifl nu tlii- brass j>!.ttr iii^-itc'i in In- iiiouiiiiioni.il >tonr, in roli nuci- to tin- ab:'i'\.!| li:rt IHTM ..));>.. :"!.! < ,o\ . i n, n ,.)' ihr !-!'<.!" I'.U, (',:. it\ in -\v.i\in- ii I) ti; n:t,o>t < ;' ill,- !'.-.! li.inirnt, lie (ji.-.'l t :I:!':r.i'in!i, to !) i .-: -ci| ;.. .ir l':c I ! : illor. ..!! I':, :,, .. [ }\-'.\ , -! -h'. ,,t' \V i-| f .'.-!l , J.) n'lt !' Lincolnshire, '. i l !: : ili cnntinur 1 ;i!l.n.-I ! '> tii-- Ki.rr. 'I'ii-' Nd!(lit'!'> \\ lio \\ ;n- latiolit't! io driv nil i!iT.i, \'. ( 1 1' cc:)! : i; ' ! Ii . r"',..i !t 'l k ir J..iui Pal'.;r.-.\c ai.it ('.ijit.iin V, . I).,.|,,,n; an-1 til-' :im!iiuiiiti()ii, iind (ilht'r warlike* storrs, \vn-i- Mippliorj tVo"i a l>;'.li ship, \\hich | ! ,<- ( v )i,f( n Ir.d di-put* !ird t'roin l!c!!;ur: l'.>r li of tin- Lo\a!i>N. l:i l!n- -.- ;M : '.:. tin- !! ,!:. TS lent l.'.d!. to Capi.' : n Pn V ho s>. .!- l!,r:: cii ML* 1 '*. in li 1 '- sr^f nl' ('; i\ lar.-l ; ;ri ! n , ;',, {\M-JII , si\t!i 't' M, .!'., i' , !, tin's ;: iivrn-l to M:ijor John In-ton, !.. r liin-Ki'ts, (!.!' \> :'..';. ;, 'iii t-\ n ^\' ..i, 1 -, {' - the ><-i \ u ' l!: I'.irliaiiu-n!. Thv . al o hiinishi d tin- I, Her ' h .< loan of iov. ar].., I',,;- (;;: ,! !'. nci <>' f'h- i-i'-. '!'!'- troop -) i !!,- t i !>. , i i ,-:; iij.j-oi ! ! t \ ' ;'. :.-r t' \\ : t,\: '>:[. i Id'sS, a c:i li.r -ivlh i.f J:iut', !'" ', loin poii;iii> s\ to he paid t'.ss.ud-. !he . .p !:-, nl' .: hoi -. o in ill : Illlil the ToS 1 . II -T. .llill V, .l~ i!|i.ctt'l to lit tl v II!. ' ' < '. tile t .: .1 '. '' M 17> r \MBRim.F.siURr.. "vert tan Tliuiloo, \\l.i<, a- ua- iu ntiitm-il hcfmo, rt-liuilt tlic < a-lir, li.r.mu I" ( ii .1 iilxial \ n -!.n tor to t!,r timn, tin Iinr^r-. in 1(> '~ , cnrt((l a uaHt [A in tin- ( luirrli I- > ii "t .lann.iiN. if.'t>, rli'iM linn a> Kr|ir--mt;tti\r <>t l!li^ t'.VMl .'.ml bl>rvit/l .( it Is callnl lur t!;r <'!lK tllllr III llir J.Hiii'.aN 111 Kiihai'l ( iiii)\\< ii > 1' ,,i !:.-.i;n lit, \\huli inrt nt J'luiilur l:.i\ni'^ lvn likc- \M f (!,i'^ll 1'if 1 lt,'i!,l';->li'II, li: ;!( lll> ( !rt tloll i;i 1 i liriKtfV, t') v. i i !..[ tliat lmriti;'_li ; ;!iii! ' i.nuit In in , d>wi|\ fd in Ajii il, \\ i-l'i-i li IHM r I tail tin lMiir :M- ami u;di JH-II - tl' nt 11 j 1 ! i -rut;;' i".;. 1',. tu>-. ;i tli.- | M ii,l <>f lli- Krtn-.Lli'n <-f (!,.'!- tin- >.(diir til > t-nrc i>| ti-.iUIL;.^C-, in l. <-u\< n 'I tl.- Tn\\n Inn..,! to c\) < sal Ji i. 1:1 in I'dijuj;:; i,.i:!jn IK .-, \\ itli tin- wnnli " \ \\ i-ln i li I lailjx iili\ ," on one -i 'r ; .in I mi tin- nt 1 n I , tin- iuipri-s>i, ,;i (.1 tin tu'.Mi -' ..I. In 1. !;if l%iui Hi'ii- \\.f, i i. rh ! l.rr\ .it . "t !. I...;P v. . (I in that j.,ii JM.-. |,\ till ( ..( ' :.;[ }" ' ;| till II ( ' I (' ! . ' lull T.'.l. '! in .;,.. nl |- liv ( -t ' i .1 tin- ^. , , ml t.> I Ian 1 1 \ i- r , '. ',;,!;, i i i ; ,-..;. ii ! . ' . . . ' . , : I c - 1 ;i j > i j^i 1 1 ai r i il ; II r. ami in. atlai !m . i:t I" I ..\>l\ \\ aln;.i.li n. alt' i '.' .ii ! - t ' ' ' . ' il.-|i|t .i-i'u .. I I'.' v . 'I l;..n;.t \\in~tn , < ,ial. tn Dr. I'rt-ll, |ii-;:i In il a M iini.ii t't.ll nf a-j,t n!\ !. Ill- tl \l. I til. M \l |||]l ; > t l'i / L, >^, ,,i/ in, at o n. i nl / /,; , /- /- ' I!' I //i t,i.l.,/i ii l'i".: "I m I // t.'fifii'infr il. \\ ,ll , . /i till til, //,;.'/,/ ;/ . , ',.,/, -/ / . /. /: , /; /,/., ,. ' . , 'if, i 'i it., \\ . ,, ill! I.I 1..1M ' ''I . I I. ...I Unit l!,.,t . \- !, i ii . i a lai iht\ in , 'I;;. r. MHKI1M. K.>HIIM.. 17;) adapting tin- l.iiiii;ir ""d of diit.ml :tf< - to tin- occiiriciii <>t mod. m him--. \ftii tin- -;:p|>,. --<"ii <,\ li.i !!- iM-llimi :n 171', ini'l l!i- n-lniii of tl.r I';, t I'd- i iiilu I'l.inrr, llf /rlllnllxls <|i l.'lldi < u I" II.IM- i \'. ird ,mv iniitt-i i.d d, mi. "_;<. Til'- Ciir|)(ira!ion ol' \\i-in-.-li riu;ni.itcd li. -H |( l |>O>M'fisi'tl o( <--l;ilc^ tor pious ;UK| cli.i! il.'i/'r p;npii-i>. Tills i'.sl;il)li>liiu nt .sliarrd ll.r :--m-i.i! i.;!i i.f i-n Ii ^:.it:i ,d t'.un- tl.lli ( I'.du.nd l!it v l\tll, oil lll> ilCi't -Mi) II to ihr I'.; MH-, i, :'. ..: i , , , '; p;o- \idtd tor t':<- ^riiin!\ l!i '. hail iion oii.i- luilK lonii'.lt-d illirr ::- f i r.iiniii;ii-. s t liooU, !'nr tin- n-lii i ol |-i-i.-oii-, or tor l!;r K:.iii:U IUUKT o! " '' . . i' : !i -, i , <. l-.iiiks, ii^.iMi-t ol' ilir si .1, ,\ c. i.ihiUi:.'^ of \\ i.- IH-I-JI a\.ihid tin Ui < i\i - in !..r ^Lituli', :!.:d, t!r.'.i;_!i ti:<- -.>li iUi- lioiis of ( io'Mii -rii-li, l';-!ioj) oi' l'.i\, v.cir flrx.itcl iulo a< :"- i.ition on ti;c til -I i ! .! ui.f, l.''i;l, uiid iii\i-s!n! \MlIi alii M'MOII> ol Trim! v ( 1 1 -I I. (lie n-\ i ,1111 > ol .-, !iu Ii urn- I !:i n ;:.:. l< i at ;>!. ;-. ' i ;, ,\ [;! liinii ''! in' i'i A-/-, 1 '/ 1 ! -v ol UK- I* (', . -. ; p'.ralr : \d, l'i r t ! ':','.-[ :.,.;, llii.!' ' : ai;rr l;ir i ti-r \\J> old ,-i; d, i!.- -ri-ni to i ii\r di :. I:..!.- !-< , ili,:u 1111 ! oi:ri a IM -:.l:i i To\\ll-Hall, 'a . I, " 11 . \ . ' i:;::. adjt iU! n to a i. , v. !.i : c !i.i\ "I',' '/ I ,,..--..... . . i'n! ;,! !;.' ,'.iiN l!:i ;. ] l'ii! UKT tiii'.u :,.>-: ' .:: raiiti d lis li:r i . . ,< . : l!n N l< !- . M ' i.. .. I'M' fAMniMDnF.SHIRK. nir.iiiiv f<\ t'.io arcrmnti of t!u* churcli-wanlern, ami surveyors of flu lvi;liu.!\* : l!n\ ilirtvtrcl tin- application 'Uf." ( >n tin t\.i : t\ i i^'lilh ( x|\ ( . .|j>r,il'. . hs tl'->l\lr ot t' l!:iiL r| s >' 1 ' "t (!; T"U!i iif \\ i-lici-h ; liut lll^ riuht <>! flrrtion . t '.i ;:' ( )i M\\ .11 'I i, aiii' 'I " (.ijnt.il P>unj'se>," .t> ur* t* frifhoM<> of the valur tit' ',''>. |>T :iu Ii'-.lll. 1'i "111 I:::- j" I \ I t!l. ( .:[ it.'.l fill: :;<>"'- In r.iMr " olijci't-. ot \rncr;iti'in ;ni'l ronlidt nrc, ami urrc iutrn-tfii \villi the rare "I iif.uN :ill l!i ilmiatioiis n;a'i<- t.r tin 1 I" in-fit n| llic |ur." Tin n fM-rui : i- tiif 7- ten- fldilit]'' , \\h", t!i"iii;!i :i person >\!icl!\ u:,!xii. '.MI t<> tin- (ii.uttr, h.i-- tin- n;!:rr ni:in.iL:' int-nt of tin- i -!.i!i - .:nd ;ili,'ir- n| t! ( 'urj " i .'! n .n. HI- i- ir .it li!rrt\ , li"\\ - i-\c r, t" -\|M'[;i| iiiorf tl/.in t,\r [i nuiil> ;it mi' 1 tiuir, \Ml!nnit an INjirr^ i.Ii!' 1 ut 1 1 If ]\l>< I N -( "I ) H ,;.!(,. Till' (t I.I it' I nt Itn'i >rp< >r.l- li"!i u:i* r'<"). 'I IH-M- ' !i.:\i ii i i inn rli'in \\;;ii lli'- |iu i^prii'lfiicr nt\ : tiuir | -I lill>illf-i I- I" 1< :i;!.tlr tin I . ::t ! tin I- \r;ni''' .t' ll. -. -';'., L.-ijlir ithril, ]..I:?!N !'>! . !i.' : i'..l -! , hut i ; '!]''' . 'I !n- i;u "lin- of w ' in i t tin- r\j- -ii'li La ; !. : .un! : ! . ' ; 'lit ;ui-1 I.* MI i i t tli p.ii i !> < rni'il, il to In- in t MII!\ liM- 'i . ^n, t. i - l . i. , i .. ' * ft. 'i ' I i !> I u, i . niri.i i \Mnri , . , in r i \MllUllH.r.ill! UK. 1 I licsllv, l)llt c\ui \MM !\, csprndi d. I'.nt n| tin- alx.ve ^uiil ;il, -' from a uranl m.idc !.. the Corporation !.\ tin- Ti::c!\ ll< ^'-. in 17 lit, ol om ji;iin\ a Ion iiix.it all U"<- !> CM'oi'i.l .-.ml m: ..;< !, lor Ihr purpo.sf of in. ,:ii!. lining l)ui\> .i.> I IM.I. .11., .,,. , L .; :n^ rleur the channel of the iv, er ; a pn :i,r,i"ti li'-JiN m -i - . . .i.nn llu- Nliii'tmn s.in \- I). !\' lt u \\ i, In , h ,ui, | lii, ( ) . .1,1. AIIHUIJ; ollirr iiiiiifdNcini-iiU to v.iu< It tin- .it'.-ni>iu ul" ti. Cm poiatioll \\.i> IK TII ilii'i rlril, V\.u llli liuiliiiii^ ol .ill i !/_.:. I -N.'i.' hruit.'* 1 , in tlic IIIMMI .| UK- iilii \Mitnli-u line, i>\t-r the ^n.iln.ir. J'lii-. slturturc u.i, i.u.tc.1 .ilnn.l ti;c M\U 171 7, .,1 i'..- t / HM- i.l" IlcarK J'/." 1 !. ll (mi-jot'* iif i;c i-|iij>tir.i! .Mill, MIS ;n i i;..tln'-|5 Li-, iiinrl; iuciv.i-ril n|' |..tr Nr.ir,, throu<. r li tlic ini|irnvilaU- of the drain. :i_"' ail 1 ! na\ii:.(tioii ot i ( Ion-;, ami thr con-.c ( |u'iil auu r iii<'iitatinn of tin- |>rn- sliinption of tin- ctniiitrx. The au-raur ol' MIC c>|.'.it> and import^ ainoinils to (ii.tniii to:is umuuliN. Tlic priuci;r.i! a:l'< los of tratlic arc coal-, com, linilicr. uiitl \viiu*. 'J'lu 1 nci iil)iiur:ii<; lands arc iu lii^ii cultivation, cnt !\MCI r 1 i i r\ \\t i\ lu llic I ."..(.on market. Tlic iuliabitanls arc uln.lh cn-i-Jii- .-d .:i i ;. .^i- c, Slicrc hciiiL; no inaiiut'.icturc of ai:\ Kind ;.i iin- pi^ 1 >, ili.i . i h.c surnunnlin^ cininliN prodiar> iir.incii.M 1 ijiiaiiinir- m ., c'., .; . !j, and ila\. The market is ahnnd.iiillN -'.ip.jvlii'd \\uup-. and !nilcliei'> mc;:t ; and tlie trail, of the ', \\\ .1 i- iurti:ei l>v -i\ annual lair>, tor liei'ip and lla\. li.irncil catt!' 1 . a; i !..;- -. Tlie Canal, \\hicli \va> l 1:1 i :;:.'.'-, ,':id ha>al;iad\ Iteiieti'ted the tu'-Mi foii>i
  • > t- in t!;< !>!ii!<':;ii;- li.i\c l>r. n niadi' \\illnn the l.i-t l<'it\ \.it-: .iiiinplrlr..in of tin am it nt *>;;:[. !!..;! .'.ml I'n't li< r-' MI..IU!)!. -, Imilt in ! '.;):, Kut \.ill !>< !:! ;r l..i:: !- mn . 'I'ln II" r lun, \\\.< i<- ill! , .U. ln-1,1, l..l> I..-HI .1 |.|.,ut-!i:ii!iiin^, i it t N- tin- J.iaiM- i,M' . !.' ' . ' , v i IITI.M! ti.i ^/,/V;.////.', ;/ nt' it- I. i!i - li u.t- ii;-litutt . : \ in lulu i*. 'J iic iiutnln r ot \ uluuK > in tin-- ruili-il i.|' HMI. Tin i ii:|i .;!;nii n| M.I, Hi is pr>- M|-I| I"r li\ .! I'M i s !i '!, :iml t\\i- ( li,in;\ x i IHM.IN, Nti]>ji..rti-l l>v \ n!. 111!. M \ cii.,1 1 llilil.i'Il-. Till- i i i.ii I't- h.;)itln rll-lli ! ( !.uii\ii|rr| viili ,i IIH i-lmij limix 1 . Tln-N ini!>i-t ut (Ja.iki -I-. !',,ijil,- ij>ti-K Mi lhii'lil. ;iml C'lilMiiilrs. The l.itti r .in M, (.;!!, | tun 1 1 I,, i i: M !: . I > \ \ I I > ( I I. V , u ln> v^i^ >i n.iti\ i i.l tin i i-il .it < i u\ linn 111 tin- i :iiK p-.u I (it tin- l,i| t t-ii! in \ . 1 1 :-. \s i itiii^s In ) H-. i k him I' i 1 1 i\ r In in an i^nor.iiit < nlliu>>i:i>t, \silli.i ih-i>iilcrr'l l>i.im, ,\\\<\ nlii-rt) im,i'_;i n.iti Hi. \\lit-n hiN ilMiiiiin^ .!|'pr<>:ii h \ mti !li^ili.!il\, tin \ >trm. i>l I .I'UIIIMM. 'I lii iiiiiiiiii ! '. I ii.ii.ilul.int-, .1- : !>\ tin I. it' ,11 t. .iiiimiiit* t'i I," I". I |-.ii -li i iiitl.iui> . [i ; I i 1 1 p.iiti-Mi\ii MS ut tin K\UI,1 I.K IMVHRS1TY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles Thli IxxiU i> 1)1 I on the last date slumped below. FEkr.ii LU UKI 1969 \ r MAY. '/M t / FEE 2 '81 ' : , 1.111 2* *\ ' V \ sS&