I 38P april 21,22,23,24,1902 jJBangs & Co. 91^93 fifti) abenue, j^eto f orh f 804 Please preserve this Catalogue for use at the Sale CATALOGUE OF A SPLENDID COLLECTION OF ENGLISH LITERATURE ^Tncluiing; t^e Waxki of tl)c €I)icf ©li^abctljan, Jacobean anJ Keetoratton 9lutI)orBi ALL FROM THE LIBRARY OF Mr. Marshall C. Lefferts OF THIS CITY ^ TO BE SOLD AT AUCTION, WITHOUT RESERVE BY BANGS & CO. 91 & 93 Fifth Avenue, New York M0NDAY,APRIL2 1'^' I 902, AND FOLLOWING DAYS AT 3 P- M-i AND CONTINUED AT 7.30 P- M. TERMS— CASH THE AUCTIONEERS WILL EXECUTE ORDERS, WITHOUT CHARGE, CONFIDED TO THEM BY BUYERS WHO CANNOT BE PRESENT AT THE SALE. N. B. — ALL BIDS TO BE MADE AT A PRICE PER VOLUME (Drtio: of J>ale Monday, April 21st, at 3 o'clock, Lot i to 200 Monday, Tuesday, Tuesday, <( 2ISt, " 7.30 22d, " 3 22d, " 7.30 Wednesday, " 23d, " 3 Wednesday, " 23d, " 7.30 Thursday, *' 24th, " 3 " 201 to 400 " 401 to 600 " 601 to 800 " 801 to 1000 " 1 00 1 to 1200 " 1 201 to end. ^ ll^ote TTAVING decided to sell by auction the portion of the library purchased from Mr. M. C. Lefferts, described in this Catalogue, I wish to state that the sale is absolutely without reserve. No items will be purchased by me for stock. If any are bought on my account it will simply be in execution of com- missions from customers. Geo. H. Richmond. • • • U5'(i c Clje iCefferts Boofes npHE special attention of collectors is directed to the condition of the books described in this Catalogue. Mr, Marshall C. Lefferts, of whose magnificent library these volumes formed an important portion, was one of the leaders in the modern system of book collecting. That system de- mands perfect condition as a sine qua non. No book was admitted to his library unless it was in a state to satisfy the most fastidious, so it is that in nearly every case each volume now offered is the finest copy procurable. Where the book is of such ultra-rarity as, say, the Earl of Surrey's Poems of 1567, of which the number of known copies can be counted ^ upon one hand, this rigid rule must be relaxed. The copy now to be sold is the finest in all probability that will ever come upon the market; and, indeed, beyond a few repairs to some leaves, is in choice state. Mr. Lefferts' superb copy of the second edition of Queen Elizabeth's Prayer Book is worthy of mention; we have little hesitation in pronouncing it the ^ finest copy known — the first is unprocurable. The "Prayer ^ Book " is almost equalled in condition by his copy of Coryat's '^'f Crudities in the original vellum, or the original calf copy of John Bunyan's famous Holy War, first edition — the original portrait by While, which is in the present copy, is of the most excessive rarity. Other books of great value are the choice copies of Allot's England's Parnassus (the first and in many re- spects the most interesting of English anthologies) ; Ascham's NX Toxophilus and more famous Scholemaster, first and second ^jT^editions; the first edition of Francis Beaumont's Poems; the ^ Florio Montaigne, 1603, first edition, and one of the most famous of books; Fenton's Tragical Discourses, a storehouse where many great writers secured their plots. John Dryden is represented by nearly all his works in first editions as also is Edmund Waller, while the Lefferts collection of Clevelands is famous. There is a splendid copy of the fourth folio Shakspeare, a large collection of the works of John Taylor, the poetical waterman, and an equally complete series of the curious writings of George Wither. That great Elizabethan Samuel Daniel is represented by no less than seventeen items. Among these is the very rare "Tethy's Festival." To be classed with such rarities as the Earl of Surrey's Poems and that rarest of Samuel Daniel's works referred to above is such a book as Patrick Hannay's "Nightingale," which will be found described in the Catalogue, In it will also be found no less than five early folio editions of Chaucer's works. The Orient is represented by some strikingly beautiful MSS. — one from the collection of the Duke of Sussex, son of George III. There are several beautiful Sixteenth Century Horse printed upon vellum, and an illuminated MS. of the Fifteenth Century also on vellum. The books have been modestly catalogued and will, we believe, in every instance more than justify the description. Mr. Richmond's note prefixed to this Catalogue should be read. BANGS & CO. CATALOGUE 1 /^DAM BELL, Clim of the Clough, and William /\ OF Cloudesle. Rough wood engraving on title-page showing the three characters. BIcTCk letter. 4to, brown calf, lower edges, uncut. Lond. : A. M. for W. Thackeray .^ n. d. * Splendid copy. " The old wives, that wedded themselves to the profound histories of Robin Hood, Clim of the Clough and worthy Sir Isambras, may here learne a tale to tell amongst their gossips." — The Cobler of Canterburie. 4to. 1590. This edition is described by Collier in his " Scarcest Books in English Literature." 2 Addison (Joseph). Observations upon Cato: a Tragedy. By Mr. Addison. Second Edition. 4to, half brown levant morocco, gilt top, by the Club Bindery. Lond.: E. Curll, 1713 * Bound up is "Cato Examined," being animadversions upon the play. 3 iEsop's Fables and Life. In English by T. Philipott and in French and Latin by R. Codrington. First impres- sions of the 112 engravings by F. Barlow. Folio, old green morocco, borders of gold, gilt edges, with crest of Gulston in gold on back. Lond. : William Godbid^ 1666 * First Edition. Apparently a thick paper copy. 4 Alabaster (William). Roxana Trsegedia. Prettily en- graved title-page. 8vo, green crushed levant morocco, gilt edges, by Riviere, Lond. : William Jones, 1632 * First and genuine edition. A spurious issue appeared the same day. The play was several times successfully produced at Trinity College, Cambridge. 5 Aleman (Matheo). The Rogue; or. The Life of Guzman de Alfarache. Device on title-page. Folio, full green crushed levant morocco, gilt edges, by the Club Bind- ery. Lond.: Edward Blount, 1623 * Among the preliminary verses is one by Ben Jonson, who says the work has " the noblest mark of a good book." 3 The Lefferts Collection 6 Aleyn (Charles). The Battailes of Crescey and Poictiers, under the Fortunes and Valour of King Edward the third of that name, and his sonne Edward Prince of Wales, named the Black. The Second Edition, en- larged. 8vo, full dark crimson crushed levant mo- rocco, dull gold edges, by the Club Bindery. Lond. : Thomas Harper for Thomas Knight, ^^ZZ * Beautiful copy of this rare and interesting volume. The first edition (of which we can trace the sale of no copy) appeared in 1631, and consisted of 78 pages only, while in this edition there are 125. As pointed out in the Collectanea Anglo-Poetica, the Poem of the Battaile of Crescey is enlarged from 129 stanzas in the first edition to 253 in this, while the second poem is increased from 141 to 242 stanzas. The poems also underwent a careful revision. One wormhole through about half the book (on margin). 7 Almack (Edward). A Bibliography of the King's Book; or, Eikon Basilike. Facsiinile plates. Royal 4to, cloth, uncut. Lond.: Blades, East and Blades, 1896 * Large Paper copy, of which but 150 copies were printed, each signed and numbered by the publishers. 8 Allen (Chas. Dexter). American Book-Plates. Illus- trations. 8vo, original cloth, uncut. N. Y. 1894 * Collectors' edition, of which but 100 were printed, on English hand-made paper, with 41 full-page plates from the original coppers. In this copy are inserted the five various bookplates of M. C. Lefferts. 9 Allen (Chas. Dexter). Ex-Libris, Essays of a Collector. 21 plates. i2mo. Bost. 1896 * Limited edition. 10 [Allot (Robert).] England's Parnassus; or, The Choycest Flowers of Moderne Poets, with their Poeticall Comparisons, Descriptions of Bewties, Personages, Castles, Pallaces, Mountaines, Groves, Seas, Springs, Rivers, etc., whereunto are annexed other various discourses, both pleasant and profitable. 8vo, green levant morocco, dull gold edges. Lond.: N. L. C. B. for Thomas Hayes., 1600 * "This, tho' I have been many years seeking after, yet I cannot get a sight of it." — Woou in the Athena:, Oxoti. It is the first poetical anthology of English literature, and is also the most valuable. This extremely rare selection from Shakespeare and other poets 4 The Lefferts Collection has enabled editors to assign to their true authors various pieces not otherwise known. It has also preserved numerous verses of the Elizabethan and ante-Elizabethan period nowhere else to be met with, and the names of poets who are not otherwise known in literary history than by their mention in England's Parnassus. Among other early English authors the following are referred to: Chapman (George), referred to 69 times. Churchyard (Thomas), " 5 " Daniel (Samuel), " 115 " Dekker (Thomas), " 17 " Drayton (Michael), " 163 " Gascoigne (George), " 42 ' Greene (Robert), " 32 " Harrington (Sir John), " 106 " Jonson (Ben), " 13 Lodge (Thomas), " 108 " Marlowe (Christopher), " 33 " Marston (John), " 16 Middleton (Christopher), " 25 " Middleton (Thomas), " 3 " Nash (Thomas), " 2 " Peele (George), " 13 Shakespeare (William), " 79 Sidney (Sir Philip), " 47 " Spenser (Edmund), " 255 " Surrey (Earl of), " 11 " Title mended, but a tall, fine and sound copy. 11 American Book Prices Current, compiled by L. S. Liv- ingston. Complete set. 7 vols. 8vo. N, Y.1895-1901 * The early volumes are scarce. 12 Ames (Joseph). A Catalogue of English Heads; or, an Account of Two Thousand Prints, describing what is peculiar on each, as the name, title or office of the person; the habit, posture, age or time when done; the name of the painter, graver, scraper, etc., and some remarkable particulars relating to their lives. 8vo, original calf, rebacked. Lond. : W. Faden, 1748 * The first attempt at a catalogue of English prints. 13 Anacreon Done into English out of the Original Greek. 8vo, half brown morocco, gilt tops, by the Club Bind- ery. Oxford: L. Lichfield, 1683 * Fine copy. The translations were made by Cowley, Oldham, Francis Willis and T. Wood. The Lefferts Collection 14 Apparition (The); or, The Sham Wedding: a Comedy by a Gentleman of Christ Church College, Oxford. 4to, half green morocco, gilt tops, uncut, by the Club Bindery. Lond. : A. Dodd, 1714 15 Archery. Archerie Reviv'd; or, the Bow-Man's Excel- lence. An Heroick Poem * * * by Robert Shot- terel and Thomas Durfey. 8vo, mottled calf gilt, gilt edges, by Riviere. Lond. : Thomas Roycroft, 1676 * First Edition of this curious poem. Fine copy. 16 Aristophanes. The World's Idol, Plutus: a Comedy, written in Greek, translated by H. H. B. 8vo, half brown morocco. Club Bindery. * The title says: Lond. : Richard Skelton, 1659 " Some dare affirm that Comedies may teach More in one hour than some in ten can preach." 17 [Arrowsmith ( M. A.)]. The Reformation: a Corn- ed}'. 4to, half morocco. Lond. : William Cademan, 1673 * Fine copy. This play was too immoral for the taste even of the period in which it was produced. 18 AscHAM (Roger). The Scholeraaster Or plaine and per- fite way of teachyng children to understand, write and speake the Latin tong, but specially purposed for the private brynging up of yoth in lentlemen and Noble mens houses and commodious also for all such as have forgot the Latin tonge and would by themselves with- out a Scholemaster in short time and with small paines, recover a sufficient habilitie to understand, write and speake Latin. tJlack ZtXiCX. 4to, brown crushed levant morocco, gilt tops, rough edges, by the Club Bindery. Lond. : John Day, 1570 * Splendid copy of the First Edition, with some contemporary marginal notes. The book was published after the author's death by his widow, who dedicates it to Sir William Cecill, Chancellor of the University of Cambridge and Queen Elizabeth's Secretary of State. In the author's " preface to the reader" is given a most interesting account of the origin of the book. It seems it was suggested by Sir Richard Sackville after a dinner at Windsor Castle, where Ascham was in attendance upon the Queen. It was intended as a Christmas present or New Year's gift to Sir Richard; but owing to various causes its completion was delayed, and before the MS. of the work was ready Sir Richard Sackville died. Ascham calls him " That 6 The Lefferts Collection faithfull servitor to his Prince and Country; a Lover of learning and all learned men; Wise in all doinges, Curtesse to all persons; shewing spite to none; doing good to many." Ascham's own death is also referred to in touching terms by his widow. The last leaf is occupied by Day's pictorial device and the colophon. 19 AscHAM (R.) The same. Second Edition. Dlflck £ettcr. 4to, full crimson crushed levant morocco, extra gilt edges, the Griswold arms on side, by F. Bedford. Lond. : John Day, 1571 * Splendid copy. It differs slightly from the first edition. The " Scholemaster" is a memorable and delightful book, and Ascham's wise and humane rules for the treatment of school boys may be read to-day with pleasure and with profit. The book is an honor to the noble literature of the period, a monument to his name, and so long as the language exists will serve to keep his memory green. 20 AscHAM (Roger). Toxophilus, The schole of shootinge conteyned in two bookes. To all Gentlemen and Yomen of Englande, pleasaunte for theyr pastyme to rede, and profitable for theyr use to folow, both in war and peace. Clack Cettcr. 4to, green crushed levant morocco, gilt edges, by the Club Bindery. {Colophon) Londini: Edouardi Whytchurch, 1545 * First edition, and a magnificent copy. The first leaf is occupied by a large device bearing the following verse ; " Rejoyse Englande, be gladde and merie, Trothe overcometh thyne enemyes alle. The Scot, the Frenchman, the Pope and here sie, OvERCOMMED by Trothe, have had a fall : Sticke to the Trothe, and evermore thou shall Through Christ, King Henry, the Boke and the Bowe All nianer of enemies, quite overthroive" As pointed out in the Collations and Notes of the Grolier Club, the work has a distinct value to the student of English literature as being one of the earliest attempts at an original work in the language of the common people. The author in his dedication to Henry VIII. says : ' ' Although to have written this boke either in latin or Greke (which thing I wold be verie glad yet to do. If I might surelie know your Graces pleasure therein) had been more easier and fit for mi trade in study, yet neverthelesse, I supposinge it no point of honestie, that mi commoditie should stop and hinder ani parte either of the pleasure or profile of manie have written this Englishe matter in the Englishe tongue, for Englishe men : " The book was written in 1544, and this first edition is of the 7 The Lefferts Collection UTMOST RARITY. The Huth catalogue has only the editions of 1589, and at the time the Grolier Club " Collations and Notes " was com- piled there was no copy in this country available to secure a collation from. The present copy is fine in every way and may fairly be described as WITHOUT A BLEMISH. 21 AscHAM (Roger). Toxophilus. Second Edition. Woodcut border to title-page, l^lack £ctter. 4to, crushed levant morocco extra, by F. Bedford, with the Grisivold arms on side. Imprinted at London in Flete Streate by Thomas Marsh, 1571. * A splendid copy, with some marginal notes in an early hand. In this issue the dedication to Henry VIII. is omitted and the folios are numbered continuously. In the first edition the two parts are folioed separately. 22 [Austin (Samuel).] Naps upon Parnassus. A Sleepy- Muse Nipt and Pincht, though not Awakened, such voluntary and jovial copies of Verse, as were lately received from some of the Wits of the Universities in a Frolick dedicated to Gondibert's Mistress, by Cap- tain Jones and others. With marginal notes by a friend to the reader. 8vo, elegantly bound in green morocco extra, sides tooled with gold, gilt edges. Lond. : N. Brook, 1658 * Wood says: ' The real object of these droll and facetious verses was to ridicule Saml. Austin, a Cornishman, and a Commoner of Wadham College, " who, being extremely conceited of his own worth, and over valuing his poetical fancy, fell into the hands of the satirical wits of the University, who, having easily got some of his prose and poetry, served him as the v.-its did Tom Coriat, and published them (with their witty effusions) under the title of ' Naps upon Parnassus.' " ' Over half the volume is taken up with satirical poems upon Austin's writings, while his own are printed with abusive side-notes. A beautiful copy in a very nice old binding. McKee's copy, very much poorer, sold for $70.00. 23 Aylet (Dr. Robert). Divine and Moral Speculations in Metrical Numbers upon various Subjects. Splendid impression 0/ the engraved portrait by Cross. Thick Svo, original sheep. Lond. : Abel Roper, 1654 * First collected edition. Includes poems on Susanna and the Elders, Joseph, and other pieces, with separate title-pages. At the end is "A Christmas Carol for the Year 1645." 8 The Lefferts Collection B 24 1^ ACON (Francis, Viscount St. Albans). Consider- ations Touching a Warre with Spaine. 4to, pol- ished calf gilt, gilt tops, UNCUT, by F. Bedford. [ Lo n d . ] Imprinted 1629 * The surreptitiously printed edition and of great rarity in such choice uncut shape. 25 Bacon (Francis, Viscount St. Albans). Certaine Mis- cellany Works, published by William Rawley, one of his Majesties Chaplaines. 4to, polished calf gilt, gilt tops, UNCUT, by F. Bedford. Lond. : Printed by J. Havilajid for Humphrey Robinson^ 1629. 26 Bacon (Francis, Viscount St. Albans). The Twoo Bookes of Francis Bacon. Of the proficience and ad- vancement of Learning, divine and humane. To the King. 4to, full crimson crushed levant morocco extra, panelled sides, gilt edges, by F. Bedford. Lond. : Printed for Henry Tomes ^ 1605 * First Edition, and a splendid copy of one of Bacon's most famous works. 27 Baker (D. E.) Biographia Dramatica, Memoirs and An- ecdotes of British and Irish Dramatic Writers, with List of Plays, revised by Isaac Reed and Stephen Jones. 4 vols. 8vo, half morocco, gilt tops, uncut. * Best edition of an invaluable reference book. Lond. 181 2 28 Bale (John). The First Part of the Actes of English Votaries comprehendynge their unchaste practises and examples . . . collected out of their own legendes and Chronicles. Also^ The Second Part or Continuation, from the yeare a thousand from Christes incarnation to the raygne of King Jhon. 2 parts in i. Thick i2mo. Slack Cctter. Brown calf gilt, gilt edges, by Larkin. Lond. : John Tisdale^ 1560 * Suppressed upon account of its bitter attacks upon the Roman Catholic Church. The present is an unusually fine copy. 29 [Bancroft (John).] Henry the Second, King of England, with the Death of Rosamond: a Tragedy. 4to, half olive crushed levant morocco, gilt edges, by the Club Bindery. Lond. : Jacob Tonson, 1693 * First Edition. The Epilogue was written by Mr. Dryden and "spoke by Mrs. Bracegirdle." 9 The Lefferts Collection 30 [Bancroft (John).] King Edward the Third, with the Fall of Mortimer: an historical! play. 4to, half calf, gilt tops, lower edge uncut. Lond, : /. Hindmarsh^ 1691 * The dedication is by the actor Will. Mountfort, to whom it is said the play was presented by the author. The Epilogue was spoken by Mrs. Bracegirdle. 31 Banks (John). The Albion Queens; or, The Death of Mary Queen of Scotland: a Tragedy. 4to, half crushed levant morocco, gilt edges. Lond. : Ric. Wellington^ 1704 * Fine copy. The characters of Elizabeth and Mary were played by Mrs. Knight and Mrs. Oldfield. 32 Banks (John). Cyrus the Great; or, The Tragedy of - Love. 4to, half crushed levant morocco, gilt edges. Lond.: Richard Bentley^ 1696 * First Edition. This play was acted with success for four days, but Smith, who played King of Media, died suddenly and the piece was laid aside, never again to be produced. 33 Banks (John). The Destruction of Troy: a Tragedy. 4to, half crushed levant morocco, gilt edges. Lond.: A. G. and J. /'., 1679 34 Banks (John). The Innocent Usurper; or. The Death of the Lady Jane Gray: a Tragedy. 4to, half crushed levant morocco, gilt edges. Lond.: R. Bentley^ 1694 * Fine copy. Prohibited from representation on political grounds. 35 Banks (John). The Rival Kings; or, The Loves of Oroondates and Statira: a Tragedy. 4to, half crushed levant morocco, gilt edges. Lond. : Langley Curtis, 1677 * First Edition. Very tall and fine copy. 36 Banks (John). The Unhappy Favorite; or, The Earl of Essex: a Tragedy. 4to, half crushed levant morocco, gilt edges. Lond.: R. Bentley, 1682 * First Edition. The prologue and epilogue were written by John Dryden. Headline of title clipped, as usual. 37 Banks (John). Vertue Betray'd ; or, Anna Bullen: a Tragedy. 4to, full green crushed levant morocco, gilt edges, by Zaehnsdorf. Lond. : R. Bentley, 1682 * Fine copy of the first edition. 10 The Lefferts Collection 38 Baron (Robert), The Cyprian Academy. Engraved title- page, also fine impression of the portrait^ both by William Marshall {the portrait inlaid^, 8vo, full crimson crushed levant morocco, gilt edges, by F. Bedford. Load. : Printed by W. IV., and are to be sold by J. Hardesty, 1648. * Beautiful copy. The Cyprian Academy is a poetical romance founded on the plan of Sidney's Arcadia. The book was published in Baron's seventeenth year and is dedicated to James Howell, who was the author's uncle. One of the famous " Letters " of Howell is devoted to this book. 39 [Baron (Robert).] Mirza: a Tragedie, really acted in Persia, the last age. Illustrated with Historical An- notations. 8vo, calf, gilt edges. Lond. : Humphrey Afoseley, n. d. {circa 1650) * First Edition, with five pages of commendatory poems. Said to be an imitation of Ben Jonson's Catiline. 40 [Baron (Robert).] Pocula Castalia. f The Author's Motto, J Fortunes' Tennis Ball, ] Eliza, \ Poems, Epigrams, etc. By R. B, Gen. Portrait engraved by William Marshall [laid down). 8vo, blue crushed levant morocco, gilt edges, by Ramage. Lond. : W. H. for Thomas Dring, 1650 * The portrait is very seldom found with the book. The Corser copy lacked it as did the one in the Bibliotheca Anglo Poetica. The McKee copy, in much poorer condition, sold for $75. 41 Barker (Mrs. Jane). Poetical Recreations, consisting of Original Poems, Songs, Odes, etc., with several new translations, in two parts. Printer's device on leaf preced- ing title. 8vo, original calf. Lond. : Benjamin Crayle, 16S8 * The second part contains poems by Godolphin, Sedley, Charles Cotton and others. Fine copy. 42 Basse (William). Poetical Works. Now for the first time collected and edited, with Introduction and Notes, by R. Warwick Bond. Frontispiece. 4to, cloth, gilt tops. Lond. : Ellis ^ Elvey, 1893 * Large Paper copy, of which but 25 were printed. The author lived in the Elizabethan and Jacobean eras, and his chief poems re- mained in manuscript till printed in the above volume. II The Lefferts Collection 43 Beaumont (Francis). Poems, viz. : The Hermaphrodite, The Remedie of Love, Elegies, Sonnets, with other ■ Poems. 4to, half brown crushed levant morocco. Lond. : Printed by Richard Hodgkinson for W. W. and Laurence Blaikeiocke, 1640. * First Edition, and a splendid copy, with imcut leaves. A volume of particular interest, which, according to Corser, in- cludes poems by Cleveland, Randolph, Harrington, King and others. 44 Beaumont (Francis). Poems, viz. : The Hermaphrodite, The Remedy of Love, Elegies, Sonnets, with other Poems. 8vo, russia, marbled edges. Lond.: Wm. Hope., 1653 * The second edition, but containing some very beautiful poems not in the first editio?i. Among them: "A Description of Love," " Mr. Francis Beaumont's Letter to Ben Jonson," and "To William Shakespeare." Renowned Spencer lye a thought more nigh To learned Chaucer, and rare Beaumont lye A little nearer Spencer to make room For Shakespeare in your three-fold, four-fold tombe." Also the famous " Vertue of Sack," commencing " Fetch me Ben Jonson's skull and fill 't with sack," besides numerous other pieces. 45 Beaumont (Sir John). Bosworth Field, with a Taste of the Variety of other Poems, left by Sir John Beaumont, Baronet, deceased, and set forth by his sonne, Sir John Beaumont. i2mo, calf extra, gilt edges, by W. Pratt. Lond. : Felix Kyngston for Hen7'y Seile^ 1629 * An interesting little volume, containing commendatory verses by BEN JONSON, Francis Beaumont, Thos. Nevill, Michael Drayton, etc. The author of this poem was elder brother to Francis Beaumont, the dramatist. Drayton, in his epistle " Of Poets and Poesy," thus celebrates Sir John Beaumont and his brother Francis, together with William Browne, author of " Britannia's Pastorals " — " Then the two Beaumonts and my Browne arose, My dear companions, whom I freely chose My bosom friends; and in their several ways Rightly born poets." And in Bancroft's Epigrammes is one addressed to — " Grace-dieu That lately brought such noble Beaumonts forth. Whose brave heroic muses might aspire To make the anthems of the heavenly quire." Dr. Kippis, in an elaborate critique upon this author's poem, says: 12 The Lefferts Collection "It is plain that there was great harmony in his versification, and that it was much above the general class of his age. He had right notions, likewise with regard to the accuracy of rhyme." For some reason the leaf containing pp. 181-182 is cut out of every known copy. The reason, so far, has never been explained. 46 Beaumont (Joseph). Psyche; or, Love's Mysterie, in XX. Cantos, displaying the intercourse betwixt Christ and the Soule. Folio, original sheep. Lond, : John Dawson, 1648 * First Edition. Choice crisp copy. 47 [Beaumont and Fletcher.] Bonduca; or, The British Heroine: a Tragedy, with a New Entertainment of Music, 4to, half morocco. Lond. : Richard Bcntley,i6g6 * Altered from Beaumont and Fletcher. Fine copy. 48 Beaumont AND Fletcher. Fifty Comedies and Tragedies. All in I volume. Portrait. Folio, calf. Lond. : J. Macoch, 1679 * Second collected edition, containing several prologues and epi- logues, besides seventeen plays not found in the first. Tall and fine copy. 49 Beaumont and Fletcher. Cupid's Revenge, as it was often Acted (with great applause) by the Children of the Revels. 4to, half red morocco, gilt tops. * The third edition. Lond. : A. M., 1635 50 Beaumont and Fletcher. The Maids Tragedie. As it hath beene divers times Acted at the Black-Friers by the Kings Maiesties Servants. Newly perused, aug- mented and inlarged. This second impression. Large woodcut on title-page of a scene in the play. 4to, half calf, red edges. Lond.: Fraticis Constable, 1622 * The first edition, of which it is almost impossible to find a copy, was issued in 1619. Title clipped, and a small piece inserted in one corner, but as fine a copy as is likely to be found. 51 Beaumont and Fletcher. The Prophetess; or, The His- tory of Dioclesian. With alterations and additions after the manner of an Opera \_by T. Betterton\ 4to, half brown morocco, gilt top. Lond. -.Jacob Tonson, 1690 13 The Lefferts Collection 52 Beaumont and Fletcher. The Scornfull Lady: a Comedy. 4to, half crimson morocco, gilt top. Lond. : Robert Wilson., 1639 * The fifth edition. Fine copy. 53 Bedloe (Capt, William). The Excommunicated Prince; or, The False Religion : a Tragedy. As it was Acted by his Holiness's Servants. Being the Popish Plot in a Play. Folio, half calf, gilt. Lond. : Tho. Farkhurst, 1679 * To this play the pubHshers, without the author's concurrence or knowledge, added in the title these words: " Being the Popish Plot in a play." This was to gull the public into believing Bedloe had written about that plot which he did so much to discover — but the play treats of an entirely different occurrence. Fine copy. 54 BeedoiME (Thomas). Poems, Divine and Humane. i2mo, vellum, red edges. Lond. : E. P. for John S7veefing.,i6^i * A ver)' rare volume of poems, of which Mr. Lefferts was never able to secure a better copy. The date is cut into, as are one or two pages on the side. The present copy belonged to Cornelius Paine, and bears his autograph. Among the poems is one on "The Heroicall Captaine Thomas James of his discovery made by the North-West Passage to the South Sea, 1631" ; another on Dr. Donne, and one "To my deare friend William Harrington." The prelimin- ary poems are by Glapthorne, Nabbes, Edward May, and others. 55 Behn (Mrs. A.) Plays. Engraved portrait. 4 vols. 8vo, full mottled calf, yellow edges, by Riviere. Lond.: Printed for Mary Poulson, 1724 * Third and best edition of Mrs. Behn's plays. Unusually choice copy. 56 [Behn (Aphra).] The Debauchee; or, The Credulous Cuckold: a Comedy. 4to, half calf. Lond. : John Amery, 1677 * First Edition. The prologue and epilogue were written by Lord Rochester. 57 Behn (Aphra). The Emperor of the Moon: a Farce. Acted at the Queen's Theatre. 4to, half calf. Lond. : P. Holt, 16S7 * First Edition. Full of whimsical and entertaining business. 58 Behn (Aphra). The City-Heiress; or. Sir Timothy Treat- All: a Comedy. 4to, half orange morocco. * First Edition. Lond.: D. Brown, 1682 14 The Lefferts Collection 59 Behn (Aphra). The Luckey Chance; or, An Alderman's Bargain: a Comedy. 4to, half calf, gilt. * First Edition. Lond. : J^. If . for IV. Canning, 1687 60 Behn (Aphra). Sir Patient Fancy: a Comedy, as it is Acted at the Duke's Theatre. 410, half crimson straight-grained levant morocco, gilt edges, by Riviere. * First Edition. Fine copy. Lond. : E. Flesher, 1678 6i Behn (Mrs. Aphra). Plays, with her Histories, Novels and Life. Plates. 6 vols. 8vo, half morocco, gilt tops, by Matthews. Lond.: Pearson, 1871 * Large Paper copy. 62 Behn (Aphra). The Rover; or. The Banish't Cavaliers. 2 vols. 4to, half brown morocco. Lond.: John Aniery and Jacob Tonson, 1677-81 * First Edition of both parts. 6^ Behn (Aphra). TheTown-Fopp; or, Sir Timothy Tawdrey: a Comedy. 4to, half maroon crushed levant morocco, gilt tops. Lond. : T. IV. for James Magnes, 1677 * Title mended. A few headlines cut into. 64 Behn (Aphra). The Widdow-Ranter; or, The History of Bacon in Virginia: a Tragi-Comedy. 4to, full crimson straight-grained levant morocco, gilt edges, by Stike- MAN. Lond. : James Knapton, 1690 * First Edition. The scene is laid in Virginia, and the prologue is by John Dryden. 65 Behn (Aphra). The Younger Brother; or, The Amorous Jilt: a Comedy. 4to, half green morocco. Lond. : J. Harris, 1696 * First Edition, and interesting as containing a life of the author. Fine copy. 66 Bellamy (D ) The Dramatic Pieces, and other Miscel- laneous Works, in Prose and Verse, in which are intro- duced several Select Essays never before published. Adorned ivith sculptures. Svo, original calf (cover loose). Lond.: Printed for the author, 1739 15 The Lefferts Collection 67 [Berkeley (Sir William).] The Lost Lady: a Tragy- Comedy. Device on and borders round title. Folio, mot- tled calf gilt, gilt edges, by Riviere. Lond. : J. Okes, 1639 * Splendid copy of this rare play. The author was governor of Vir- ginia. 6Z [Betterton (Thomas).] The Amorous Widow; or. The Wanton Wife: a Comedy. 4to, half crimson crushed levant morocco, gilt edges. Lond.: W. Turner, 1706 * First Edition, and a very fine copy. 69 Bible Plates. Bibliorum Utriusque Testamenti Icones Summo artificio expressae Historias Sacras ad Vivum Exhibientes. E?nblematic engraving on every page^ with verses. i2mo, full green crushed levant morocco, gilt edges, by Matthews. Francofurti, 157 1 BIBLIOGRAPHY, CATALOGUES, ETC. 70 Barlow Library Catalogue. With printed prices. 2 photo. portraits inserted. Large 8vo, full green levant morocco, gilt top. N. Y. 1889 71 Barlow, Rough List of the Books of. Americana, 1477- 1799. Compiled by James Osborne Wright. Folio, half red levant, gilt top. N. Y. 1885 * Privately printed. 72 Beckford Library Sale Catalogue, j portraits inserted — india proofs. 4 vols. imp. 8vo, half russia, gilt tops, uncut, by Alfred Matthews. Lond. 1882 * Large Paper copy, with printed price list. Includes the Hamil- ton Palace Books. 73 BiBLioGRAPHiCA. Papers on Books: their History and Art. Illuminated and other plates. 3 vols. 4to, half crushed olive levant morocco, gilt tops, by the Club Bindery, Lond.: Kegan Paul, 1895-97 74 Bibliographer's Manual of English Literature. By W. T. Lowndes. With Appendix. 6 vols. i2mo, half morocco, gilt tops. Lond.: Bell, 1875 75 Bibliography of Printing. By E. C. Bigmore and C. W. H. Wyman. 3 vols. 4to, half bound, roxburghe style. Lond. : Quaritch^ 1880 16 The Lefferts Collection 76 BiBLiOTHECA Anglo-Poetic A. Catalogue of Early Eng- lish Poetry. Cuts. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. Lond. : Longmans, 181 5 77 BiERSTADT Library Sale. Portrait. Prices in ink. 8vo, half levant morocco, gilt top, by Club Bindery. N. Y. 1897 78 Blades (William). The Pentateuch of Printing. Illus- trated. 4to, half leather, roxburghe style. Chicago (London) 1891 79 Book-Plates. Five Specimens of the Lefferts bookplates on vari-colored leather. Framed and glazed. 79^ Book Prices Current. Complete set from Dec, 1886, to July, 1899. 13 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1888-99 80 Book Sales OF 1895-6-7. Edited by Temple Scott. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1895-7 81 Brayton Ives Sale Catalogue. Priced in ink. 8vo, paper. N. Y. 1891 82 Brayton Ives Sale Catalogue. On Large Paper. With nmnerous illustrations only issued with this edition. 4to, folded in the sheets. N. Y. 1891 * Only 100 copies printed. Very scarce. 83 Brinley Sale Catalogue. Parts I. -IV. With printed prices. 2 vols 8vo, half morocco, gilt tops. Hartford, 1878-81 84 Catalogue of Heber's Collection of Old English Poetry, with Notes by J. P. Collier. Printed prices and pur- chasers'' flames. 8vo, half leather, roxburghe style. Lond. 1834 85 Catalogue of Mr. John A. Rice's Library, with cuttings inlaid and inserted, also printed prices. Thick 8vo, half red morocco, gilt top, by Bedford. N. Y. 1870 86 Brown (John Carter). Catalogue of Books relating to North and South America, in the library of the late John Carter Brown. By J. R. Bartlett. Facsimile plates. 4 vols, large 8vo, cloth, uncut. Providence, 1875 * One hundred copies privately printed for presents, this being No. 40. The hardest of all American catalogues to procure; nearly all the copies being in public libraries. 17 The Lefferts Collection 87 CoRSER (Rev. Thomas). Collectanea Anglo-Poetica. Biblio- graphical and Descriptive Catalogue of Early English Poetry. 5 vols. 4to, half brown morocco, gilt tops, uncut. Manchester, i860 * Very scarce. 88 Daly Library Catalogue. On Large Paper. Folded in the original sheets. N. Y. 1890 * With the Daly bookplate. 89 Daniel (George) Library Sale Catalogue. Priced and named in ink. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top. Lond. 1864 90 Deane Library Sale Catalogue. Printed prices. Portrait. 2 vols, in I. 8vo, cloth. Bost. 1898 91 Eyton (J. W. K.) Library Sale Catalogue. Illuminated arms. 4to, half leather, roxburghe style. Lond. 1848 * No. 7 of 50 copies on Large Paper. Printed for William Picker- ing. Priced and named. 92 Evan's Catalogue of Engraved Portraits. Priced. 2 vols. 8vo. Scarce, Lond., n. d. 93 Farnum (Alex., of Providence) Sale Catalogue. Priced in ink. Frontispiece. 8vo. N. Y. 1884 94 Field Catalogue. With printed prices. i2mo, half red levant, gilt top, uncut, by Pratt. N. Y. 1875 95 Foote Sales Catalogues. 3 parts in i. 8vo, half green crushed levant morocco, gilt tops, by The Club Bindery. N. Y. 1894-5 * Priced and ruled in red. 96 Frederic KSON Sale Catalogue. Printed prices. 8vo, half morocco, gilt tops. N. Y. 1897 97 GossE (Edmund). Catalogue of a Portion of the Library of. Facsimile plates. 4to, white cloth, uncut. Lond. 1893 * Few copies privately printed. Very scarce. 98 Griswold Library Sale Catalogue. (Library of a Bib- liomaniac.) Prices and buyers' names in ink. Square 8vo, half brown morocco, gilt top, uncut. N. Y. 1880 99 Harris (C. Fiske). Library Sale Catalogue. Priced in ink. 2 vols. 8vo, half brown morocco, gilt tops. Bost. 1883-84 18 The Lefferts Collection loo HuTH Library. A Catalogue of the Printed Books, MSS., Autograph Letters and Engravings collected by Henry Huth, with Collations, etc. Portrait. 5 vols. 4to, half leather, roxburghe style. Lond. 1880 * Only 130 sets printed for sale. loi Murphy Library Sale Catalogue. Priced in ink. 8vo, half brown morocco, gilt top, by Stikeman. N. Y. 1884 102 Pickering and Chatto's Bound Catalogues. 8 vols. 8vo and i2mo. Lond. v. y. 103 Rich (O.) Catalogue of Books relating Principally to America, 1506-1700. Thin 8vo, brow^n levant morocco, gilt tops, by Bedford. Lond. 1832 104 Rich (O.) Bibliotheca Americana Nova, 1702-1844. 2 vols. 8vo, brown levant morocco, gilt tops, uncut, by Bedford. Lond. 1846 105 Smith (J. Chaloner). Catalogue of Mezzotint Engrav- ings. 2 parts in i. 8vo, half red morocco, gilt tops. * Eighteen days' sale, with names and prices. Lond. 1887 106 Stevens (Henry). Bibliotheca Historica. 5,000 vol- umes of Americana, sold at auction. Unpriced. 8vo, half red morocco, gilt top, by Bradstreet. Bost. 1870 107 Stevens (Henry). Historical Nuggets. 2 vols. i2mo. Scarce. Lond.: Whittinghams, 1862 108 Stevens' Historical Collection. Ellis and Elvey's, and other catalogues. Priced. 5 vols. i2mo and 8vo. v. y. 109 Sunderland Library Sale Catalogues. 5 parts in 2 vols. 8vo, half green morocco, gilt tops. Lond. 1881-82 * Printed prices and buyers' names. no Wrangham (Francis). Catalogue of the English Por- tion of the Library. Half green morocco, gilt top, un- cut, by Hayday. Malton, 1826 * Only 70 copies printed for private use. Ill BiERSTADT (O. A.) The Library of Robert Hoe. Many illustrations. 8vo. N. Y. 1895 *One of 350 copies on Japan paper. 19 - The Lefferts Collection 112 BixDiNG, A German Book of Prayers, enclosed in a curious binding of hogskin, with clasps, and a heavy FRAMEWORK of SOLID SILVER, gilt, verv curiously chased and worked, in elegant condition. * A beautiful and unusual specimen of bookbinding. The book once belonged to a granddaughter of Peter De Witt, and bears her autograph. 113 Blades (William). The Enemies of Books. Plates. Post 8vo, vellum covers, uncut. Lond. iSSo * First Edition. 114 Blades (William). How to Tell a Caxton. Plates. i2mo, full straight-grained morocco, gilt tops, uncut, by Stikeman. Lond. 1870 115 Blades (William). Life and Topography of William Caxton. Facsimile plates. 2 vols. 4to, half leather, roxburghe style. Lond.: y. Zillj, 1861 * Very scarce. 116 Boccace's Tales; or, The Quintessence of Wit, Mirth, Eloquence, and Conversation. Framed in Ten Days, of an Hundred Curious Pieces, by seven Honorable Ladies, and Three Noble Gentlemen. Preserved to Posterity by that Renowned John Boccacio, the first Refiner of Italian Prose: And now Translated into English. Lond.: Printed by E. Cotes, 1657. With the Excessively rare Second Part containing the " last Five days," and dated 1655. Woodcuts., similar to those used in the First Folio English edition. Thick 12 mo, calf, marbled edges. * An edition of the utmost scarcity, particularly as regards the Second Part, the existence of which was long doubted. It is a much rarer book than the First English Folio, the value of the present copy being enhanced by its sound and generally satisfactor}' condi- tion, it having also the two separate titles in addition to the prelimi- nary general title. 117 BoiLEAU. The Art of Poetry, written in French by the Sieur de Boileau, made English. JVoodcut of sphere on title. 8vo, half brown morocco, gilt top, by the Club Bindery. Lond. : P. Bentley, 1683 20 The Lefferts Collection ii8 BoissARD (J, J.) Emblematum Liber. With portrait of the author and the complete series of magnificent engravings by Theodore de Bry. 4to, polished calf gilt, gilt edges, by H. Wood. Frankfurt-on-Main, 1593 * Bound up with the above is another similar book of emblems, the engravings also being by De Bry. Both books in very beautiful condition. 119 BooTHBY (Mrs. Frances). Marcelia; or, The Treacher- ous Friend: a Tragi-comedy. 4to, half crimson crushed levant morocco, gilt edges, by Riviere. Lond. : Will Cademan^ 1670 * First Edition and a very fine copy. The play was acted at the Theatre Royal with success. 120 Bourne (Reuben). The Contented Cuckold; or, The Woman's Advocate: a Comedy. 4to, half crushed brown levant morocco, gilt edges. Lond. : Randal Taylor^ 1692 * It is said this play was never acted. 121 Boyer (Abel). Achilles; or, Iphigenia in Aulis: a Tragedy. 4to, half calf, gilt. Lond. : Tho. Bennet^ 1700 * The author claimed the approbation of John Dryden for this play. Spotted copy. 122 Boyle (Roger, Earl OF Orrery). Dramatic Works, with a Comedy called "As You Find It," by Charles Boyle. Engraved portrait on copper. 2 vols. 8vo, calf. * The first collected edition. Lond. : Dodsley^ ^739 123 BoYLE (Roger, Earl of Orrery). The History of Henry the Fifth, and the Tragedy of Mustapha. Folio, mottled calf gilt, gilt edges. Lond. : H. Herringftian, 1668 * This very rare play, of which the above is the First Edition, was acted with great success. Hazlitt gives the date of the first edition as 1669. Title clipped at top, but a good copy. 124 BoYLE (Roger, Earl of Orrery). Mr. Anthony: a Comedy. 4to, half brown morocco, gilt top, uncut. Lond.: Jos. K?iapton, 1690 * Very fine copy. Not mentioned by Hazlitt or Halliwell. First Edition. 21 The Lefferts Collection 125 Boyle (Roger, Earl of Orrery). Two New Tragedies: The Black Prince, and Tryphon. Folio, mottled calf gilt, gilt edges, by Riviere. Load. : H. Hernngman, i66g * First Edition. Nell Gwyn acted the part of Alizia in the Black Prince. Tryphon has the rare leaf of errata at end Pepys gives an amusing account of his visit to see " Tryphon " played. 126 Braithwait (Richard). The Arcadian Princesse; or, The Triumph of Justice. Engraved title-page by William Marshall. 8vo, straight grained crimson levant mo- rocco, gilt over red edges. Lond. : Th. Harper^ 1635 * Very tall and fine copy. Usually turns up in poor state. A fine copy sold recently in London for ^36. 127 Braithwait (Richard). Barnabae Itinerarium ; or, Bar- nabee's Journal ; with an account of the author, now first discovered, a bibliographical history of the former editions of the work and illustrative notes. Engraved frontispiece after Marshall^ and plates. Post 8vo, half calf gilt, gilt tops, UNCUT. Lond.: J. Harding, 1818 * Contains the text of the first edition, with enlarged index, and retaining the preliminary matter from later editions. 128 Another copy on Large Paper. 8vo, full crim- son levant morocco, gilt tops, uncut. ibid. 129 Braithwait (Richard). Barnabse Itinerarium ; or, Bar- nabee's Journal, with a Life of the Author, Bibliographi- cal Introduction and a Catalogue of his Works. Edited from the first edition by Joseph Haslewood. Por- trait^ also plate after Marshall. 2 vols, stout 24mo, brown crushed levant morocco, gilt tops, uncut. Lond., \Privately printed\ 1820 * Only 125 copies printed of which ten were for public libraries. This edition is valuable for the large amount of research expended upon the bibliographical details. 130 Braithwaite (Richard). A Comment upon the Two Tales of our Ancient, Renowned and Ever-Living Poet St. Jeffrey Chaucer (The Miller's Tale and the Wife of Bath). i2mo, blue morocco, yellow edges, by WiNSTANLEY. Loud. : IV. Godbid., 1665 First Edition. Very nice copy. The volume is dedicated by the author to " Sir John Wintour. " On the verso of the dedication is the following paragraph: " This Comment was an Assay, whereto the Author was importun'd by Persons of Quality, to compleat with Brief, Pithy, and proper Illustrations, Suitable to such Subjects." 22 The Lefferts Collection 131 Braithwaite (Richard), Drunken Barnaby's Four Journeys to the North of England. Vigneties and tail- pieces. Post 8vo, half russia, yellow edges. Lond., {/. Harding) 1805 * The fifth edition, "The text," says Haslewood, is that of the 1776 edition, " with some further occasional variations." The prin- cipal merit of this edition consists in the prefixing of a long and valuable "Advertisement." 132 Another copy of an earlier issue of the Fifth Edition, dated " April, 1805," at end of Advertisement. Post 8vo, calf gilt, gilt edges, by Zaehnsdorf. Ibid. 133 Braithwaite (Richard). Drunken Barnaby's Four Journey's to the North of England, together with Bessy Bell. Plates upon copper, including frontispiece. i2mo, polished calf gilt, yellow edges, by Larkins. Lond. : S. Illidge, 1723 * In this — the third — edition the famous passage of the Puritan gibbeting his cat is first illustrated. 134 Braithwaite (Richard). Drunken Barnaby's Four Journeys to the North of England, with Bessy Bell and the Ballad of Chevy Chase. 4 curious lithographic plates. Post 8vo, half calf, gilt tops, uncut. Lond.: T. and J. All/nan, 1822 * Printed from the edition of 177S, with new illustrations. 135 Braithwaite (Richard). The English Gentleman, con- taining Sundry Excellent Rules or Exquisite Observa- tions, tending to Direction of every Gentleman of Selecter Rank and Qualitie, how to Demeane or Ac- commodate himself in the Manage of Publick or Pri- vate Affaires. With a brilliant impression of the exceed- ingly choice frontispiece by Vaughan., opposite to which is the folding '''■draught " or explanation., tvhich is of excessive rarity and rarely found in the work. 4to, half calf, neat. Lond. : John Haviland.^ 1630 * First Edition. In the chapter on Recreations is an interesting treaties on Stage Players. 136 The same. Second Edition, revised, corrected and enlarged. With the engraved title by Vaughan^ and the scarce preliminary leaf. 4to, half calf, Lond. : Felix Kyngston, 1633 * Haslewood says: "No work of that age can have been more read or higher appreciated." 23 The Lefferts Collection 137 Braithwaite (Richard). The English Gentleman and English Gentlewoman, Beautifully engraved title-page^ in compartments, by W, Marshall. Folio, tree calf, gilt. Lond. : J. Dawson., 1641 * Has the folding leaf "A Draught of the frontispiece." Fine copy of the first edition. 138 Braithwaite (Richard). Essaies upon the Five Senses, revived by a New Supplement, with a pithy one upon Detraction. The Second Edition, revised and enlarged by the Author. Very beautiful engraved frontispiece by Williayn Marshall. i2mo, original sheep. Lond. : Antie Griffin, 1635 * The beautiful frontispiece appears in this edition for the first time. The first edition contains only 76 leaves while this contains pp. 312, followed by two unnumbered leaves. 139 Braithwaite (Richard). Regicidium, Sanguinis Scru- tinium. Tragi-Comoediae. 8vo, russia, gilt edges, by Bedford. Londini: /. Grismond, 3665 * An edition of the date of the generally received " first edition," but with an entirely different title-page. The title is damaged in this copy, but NO OTHER SEEMS TO BE KNOWN. 140 Braithwaite (Richard). Tragi-Comoedia, cui in titu- lum inscribitur Regicidium. 8vo, original sheep. Lond.: J. G. et Theodori Sadleri, 1665 First Edition and a choice copy. So long ago as 1825 Thorpe catalogued a copy for five guineas. It is very scarce. 141 Braithwaite (Richard), The Scholler's Medley; or. An Intermixt Discourse upon Historical and Poetical Relations, a subject of itselfe well meriting the appro- bation of the judicious, who best know to confirme their knowledge by this brief survey, or general Table of mixed discourses, and no less profitable to such as desire to better their immaturity of knowledge by morall Readings, distinguished into several heads for the direction of the Reader, to all such Historical! Mixtures as be comprehended in this Treatise, the like whereof for variety of Discourse, mixed with profile, 24 The Lefferts Collection and modest delight, hath not heretofore been published. Small 4to (title soiled), but a large and fine copy in new sprinkled calf extra, rough gilt edges, by Riviere. Lond. : JV. G. for George Morton, 1614 * First Edition. This is the first and a very scarce edition of the book afterwards printed under the title, "A Surve)' of History." 142 Brathwait (Richard). A Survey of History; or, A Nursery for Gentry . . . for variety of discourse mixed with profit and modest delight, in the opinion of the clearest and refined'st judgments, hath not heretofore been published. Beautiful frontispiece in compartments, containing the author' s portrait engraved by William Mar- shall. 4to, panelled calf gilt, gilt edges, by F. Bed- ford. Lond.: J. Okes, 1638 * Unusually choice copy. Sound, tall and clean. The "Survey of History" is a much enlarged re-issue of the " Scholler's Medley " (for which see this catalogue). It is dedicated to the widow of his patron, the Earl of Southampton, Brathwait asking that she accept the volume " for his sake who did so highly prize it." This edition is the first with Marshall's beautiful and characteristic engraving. 143 [Brathwait (Richard).] The Two Lancashire Lovers; or, The excellent history of Philocles and Doriclea, expressing the faithfuU constancy and mutuall fidelity of two loyall Lovers. Stored with no less variety of discourse to delight the generous, then of serious ad- vice to instruct the Amorous. E?igraved title-page and frontispiece. 8vo, old calf, yellow edges. Lond. : Edward Griffin, 1640 * Very choice copy of this rare book. The scarce plate here found as a frontispiece is sometimes bound at page 246. This book is one of the earliest English works of fiction — the pre- cursor of the novel of to-day. It is thought the story was founded on facts, and the author in his preface speaks of it as a work " whose ground-colour is truth." 144 [Brady (Nicholas).] The Rape; or, The Innocent Im- postors: a Tragedy. 4to, half red morocco. Lond.: F. Saunders, i6g2 * First Edition, with epilogue by Shadwell. Title slightly clipped at top. 25 The Lefferts Collection 145 Bragadocia (The) ; or, The Bawd turn'd Puritan : a New Comedy by a Person of Quality. 4to, half green crushed levant morocco, gilt edges, by Riviere. Lond. : Richard Seldwiti^ 1691 146 [Brewer (Anthony)?] Lingua; or, The Combat of the Tongue and the Five Senses for Superiority: a pleasant Comedie. 4to, half crushed levant morocco, gilt edges, by Riviere. Lond. : N. Okes, n. d. * The second edition, published after 1607 and before 1617. When produced at Trinity College, Cambridge, Oliver Cromwell acted the part of Tactus in it. The costumes of the players are described. Of excessive rarity. 147 Brewer (Anthony). The Love-Sick King: an English Tragical History, with the Life and Death of Cartes- munda, the fair Nun of Winchester. 4to, half mo- rocco, UNCUT. Lond. : Rob. Pollard, 1655 * Title soiled, but could be cleaned and made a remarkably fine copy. First Edition. 148 Brome (Richard). The Antipodes: a Comedie, Acted in the Year 1638, at Salisbury Court, in Fleet Street. 4to, half calf, gilt. Lond. : /. Okes^ 1640 * With preliminary verses by Robert Chamberlain, and a curious note relating to the text and acting of the play, by the author, at end. 149 Brome (Richard). Dramatic Works, containing Fifteen Comedies, now first collected. Portrait. 3 vols. 8vo, half morocco, gilt tops, by Alfred Matthews. * Large Paper copy. Lond. : Pearson., 1873 150 Brome (Richard). Five New Playes, viz. : f Mad Couple Well Matcht, Novella, The \ Court Beggar, City Witt, Damoiselle. Engraved portrait by Cross. 8vo, red morocco, gilt edges, by Riviere. Lond.: Humphrey Moseley., 1653 * A few pages slightly clipped at top. The five plays are here printed for the first time. 26 The Lefferts Collection 151 Brome (Richard). Five New Plays, viz.: The English Mow, or The Mock Marriage; The Love Sick Court; Covent Garden Weeded; The New Academy; The Queen and Concubine. 8vo, red morocco, gilt edges, by Riviere, Lond. : A. Crook, 1659 * Fine copy. First Edition of each play. 152 Brome (Richard). The Joviall Crew; or, The Merry Beggars: a Comedy. 410, half calf, gilt. Lond.: /. Y. for E. Z>. , 1652 * First Edition. Dedicated to Thomas Stanley, and with prelimi- nary verses by James Shirley, Alex. Brome, Tatham, etc. Good copy. 153 Brome (Richard). The Northern Lasse: a Comedie. 4to, half calf, gilt. Lond. : Aug. Matthews (1632) * Cropped copy, but very rare. Has preliminary verses by John Ford, Thomas Dekker, and Ben JONSON. Jonson's verse commences " I had you for a servant once, Dick Brome," which but states an historic fact. 154 Brome (Richard). The Queene's Exchange: a Comedy. 4to, half calf, gilt. Lond. : Henry JSrotne, 1657 * First Edition. Some pages clipped. 155 [Brome (Richard).] The Sparagus Garden: a Comedie, acted in the yeare 1635 t>y ^^^ then Company of Revels. 4to, half calf, gilt. Lond. : /. Okes, 1640 * First Edition. 156 Broome (Wilmam), Poems on Several Occasions. En- graved portrait on copper by Vertue, 8vo, blue crushed levant morocco, gilt edges, by Ramage, Lond. : Berna rd Lintot, 1727 * Very choice copy, and in such remarkable condition very scarce. 157 [Brome (Alexander).] The Poems of Horace, consist- ing of Odes, Satyres and Epistles rendered in English Verse by Several Persons. Portrait of Brome by Loggan, and bust of Horace engraved by John Dunstall. 8vo, full crimson crushed levant morocco extra, gilt edges, by the Club Bindery. Lond. : E.Cotes for Henry Brome, 1666 * Brilliant impressions of both plates. A copy is known on the back of the title of which is written : " The gift of Mr. Alexander Brome, who collected and published all and translated some of the poems." Some copies have a leaf of imprimatur, not in the present one. 27 The Lefferts Collection 158 Brooke (Fulk Grevill, Lord). Remains, being Poems of Monarchy and Religion. 8vo, half green levant mo- rocco, gilt edges, by the Club Bindery. Lond. : {^T. N. for Henry Herringmaii), 1670 * First Edition and containing the leaf of imprimatur before title. The preface is signed with the initials of the publisher. The author, who was assassinated by one of his own servants, had inscribed on his tombstone : " Friend of Sir Philip Sidney." 159 Brown (Thomas). Physick Lies a Bleeding; or, The Apothecary Turned Doctor: a Comedy. 4to, half green morocco, by the Club Bindery, Lond. : C. Whitlock, 1697 * First Edition. 160 Browne (Irving). Iconoclasm and Whitewash, and other Papers. Large Paper. 4to, straight-grained maroon levant morocco, gilt tops, uncut, by Alfred Matthews. N. Y. : /. O. Wright, 1886 161 Brutus OF Alba; or, Augusta's Triumph: a New Opera. 4to, half red morocco. Lond. : W. 0/iley, 1697 * A sequel to Tate's tragedy " Brutus of Alba." 162 Buck (Sir George). The Great Plantaganet; or, A Con- tinued Succession of that Royall Name from Henry the Second to our Sacred Soveraigne King Charles. Woodcut of the royal arms preceding title. 4to, mottled calf gilt, gilt edges, by Riviere. Lond.: Nicholas and John Okes, 1635 * The first edition was published in 1605, but this one is very much altered and contains matter not in the earlier issue. Corser says : " This edition is more frequently met with than the former, though of some rarity." 163 Buckingham (George Villiers, Duke of). The Re- hearsal, as it was Acted at the Theatre-Royal. 4to, half green morocco. Lond. : Thomas Dring, 1672 * First Edition. Fine copy. * In this play Dryden is satirised under the character of " Bayes." 164 Brillat-Savarin. Handbook of Gastronomy. j2 etchifigs by Lalauze. Thick 8vo, cloth. N. Y. [Lond.] 1884 165 Bulwer (John). Anthropometamorphosis: Man trans- form'd: or the artificiall Changling historically pre- sented, in the mad and cruell Gallantry, foolish Brav- ery, ridiculous Beauty, filthy Finenesse, and loathsome 28 The Lefferts Collection Loveliness of most Nations, fashioning and altering their Bodies from the Mould intended by Nature, with Figures of those transfigurations. Splendid impression OF engraved portrait of the Author by William Faithorne, and the very curious frontispiece by Cross, with lettetpress description opposite, also upivards i6o woodcuts illustrati?ig the absurdities practised on the body by all the nations of the World. 4to, original sheep. A splendid copy. Lond. : William Hunt, 1653 * This is assuredly one of the most curious volumes ever compiled. The author has been at the pains to bring together everything he could meet with on the treatment of the human body by different nations, ancient and modern, and in the New World as well as the Old, according to the dictates of fashion, vice, or custom. The woodcuts with which he illustrates his examples are of the quaintest character. 166 Bulwer (John). Chirologia: or the Natural Language of the Hand. Composed of the Speaking Motions, and Discoursing Gestures thereof. Whereunto is added Chironomia: or, the Art of Manuall Rhetoricke. Con- sisting of the Naturall Expressions, digested by Art in the Hand, as the chiefest instrument of Eloquence, by Historical! Manifesto's, exemplified out of the Authen- tique Registers of Common Life, and Civill Conversa- tion. With very pretty emblematic frontispieces to each part and 6 plates of diagrams engraved by Marshall. Crimson crushed levant morocco super extra, gilt edges, by Bedford. Lond.: Thos. Harper, 1644 * This very curious volume gives an explanation of all the actions, gestures, and movements of the hand and fingers. It is a most ex- haustive little work, containing a mass of curious information. The present is a very fine copy, and it is doubtful whether a better one is known. 167 BuNYAN (John). The Holy War, made by Shaddai upon Diabolus, for the regaining of the Metropolis of the World or the Losing and Taking again of the Town of Man soul. Engraved portrait by White; also folding plate containing full-length portrait of Bunyan. 8vo, orig- inal sheep, in a levant morocco slip-case. Lond. : Dorman Newman, 1682 * First Edition, and beyond a few slight stains, a splendid 29 The Lefferts Collection copy. The book almost invariably occurs without the portrait. At the end is a leaf entitled "An Advertisement to the Reader," which is in verse and speaks of the doubts which had been expressed as to Bunyan's authorship of the "Pilgrim's Progress." He is very em- phatic in asserting the book, its matter and manner to be entirely his own : " It came from mine own heart, so to my head And thence into my fingers trickled ; Then to my pen, from whence immediately On paper I did dribble it daintily. Manner and matter too was all mine own Nor was it unto any mortal known 'Till I had done it." Next to the Pilgrim's Progress this is the most interesting work by John Bunyan. It is of excessive rarity. i68 Bunyan (John). Differences in Judgment about Water Baptism, no Bar to Communion, or to Communicate with Saints, as Saints proved lawful, an Answer to a Book written by the Baptists. 8vo, maroon crushed levant morocco, filleted sides, gilt edges, by Riviere, 'Lond.: John Wilkins^ 1673 * First Edition, and a splendid copy. 169 Bunyan (John). Seasonable Counsel or Advice to Suf- ferers. 8vo, paneled calf gilt, gilt over red edges, by F. Bedford. Lond. : Benjamin AIsop, 1684 * First and only separate edition. It was first reprinted in the collected edition of Bnnyan's Works issued in 1767. An extraordinarily fine copy. 170 [Burnaby (Charles).] The Ladies' Visiting Day: a Comedy. With the addition of a New Scene. 4to, half crimson morocco. Lond. : Feter Buck^ 1701 * First Edition. 171 [Burnaby (Charles).] The Modish Husband: a Com- edy. 4to, half brown crushed levant morocco, gilt tops, by Tout. Lond. : James Knapton^ 1702 * First Edition and a fine copy. The author — who wrote four plays — says the present one was " writ in four weeks." 172 [Burnaby (Charles).] The Reform'd Wife: a Comedy. 4to, half crimson morocco. Lond. : Thomas Sennet^ 1700 * First Edition. Title soiled, but a good copy. 30 The Lefferts Collection 173 Butler (Samuel). Genuine Remains in Verse and Prose, published from the Original Manuscripts. With Notes by R. Thyer, keeper of the Public Library at Manchester. 2 vols. 8vo, full crimson crushed levant morocco extra, gilt tops, uncut, by Riviere. Lond. : /. and R. Tonson, 1759 * Splendid copy of the best edition. 174 Butler (Samuel). Hudibras. A remarkable Collection of the First Editions, as follows: First Part. (Genuine edition.) Lond. 1663. 8vo, full levant. First Part. (Genuine ed.) Lond. 1663. i2mo, tree calf. First Part. (Genuine ed.) Lond. 1663. i2mo, old calf. First Part. (Genuine ed.) Lond. 1663. 8vo, old bind- ing) First Part. (Spurious ed.) Lond. 1663. 8vo, tree calf. First Part. (Spurious ed.) Lond. 1663. 8vo, original calf. First Part, (Spurious ed.) Lond. 1663. 8vo, tree calf. Second Part. (Genuine ed.) Lond. 1664. 8vo, full levant. Second Part. (Genuine ed.) Lond, 1664. 8vo, old binding. Second Part. (Genuine ed.) Lond. 1664. 8vo, old sheep. Bound up with Part I. Second Part. (Spurious ed.) Lond. 1663. i2mo, old binding. The First and Second Parts. (Genuine ed.) Lond. 1674. 8vo. Bound by Club Bindery, half levant. The Third and Last Part. Lond. 1678. 8vo, full levant. The Third and Last Part. Lond. 1678. 8vo, bound by Club Bindery, half levant. In all 14 vols. 8vo, various binding and sizes as described. * Tlie above is the most complete series ever offered for sale. It includes all the genuine and all the spurious editions, including varia- tions. Mr. Foote's collection, which until now has not been rivalled, contained only ten volumes. It would be the work of many years to gather such a collection as the above. 31 The Lefferts Collection 175 Butler (Samuel). Hudibras, in three parts, written in the time of the late wars. Corrected and amended, with large annotations and a preface, by Zachary Gray. Fine impressions of the engraved portrait by Vertue, and of the folding plates after Hogarth. 2 vols. 8vo, brown calf gilt, gilt tops, UNCUT, by F. Bedford. Cambridge: /. Bent ham ^ i744 * Unusually fine copy of this handsomely printed edition. 176 Butler (Samuel). Posthumous Works in Prose and Verse, with a Key to Hudibras. By Sir Roger L'Es- trange. Engraved portrait on copper by Van der Gucht. i6mo, old calf. Lond. : i?. Smith and G. Strahan^ 171S * First Edition. Title in red and black. 177 /^^AMPION (Dr. Thomas.) Works. Edited by A. H. \^^ Bullen. 8vo, boards, uncut. Lond. : Privately printed at the Chiswick Press, i2>2>() * No. 15 of 400 printed. This is the first collected edition of Cam- pion's works. 178 Camus (J. P.) Nature's Paradox; or, The Innocent Im- postor: a Pleasant History, translated from the French by J. Wright. Pine frontispiece, engraved by Vaughan, 7vith the scarce leaf preceding it, ' ' The Mifide of the Front- ispiece.'' 4to, sprinkled calf gilt, green edges, by F, Bedford. Lond. : J. G. for Fdw. Dodd, 1652 * Fine copy of this curious romance, interspersed with poetry, and containing interesting commendatory verses by R. Braithwaite, James Howell, Alex. Brome, Wharton, etc. 179 Carew (Richard). Coelum Britanicum: a Maske at Whitehall in the Banquetting-House, on Shrove Tues- day night the 18 of February, 1633 [4]- 4to> mottled calf gilt, by the Club Bindery. Lond.: ThomasWalklcy ^xd^i, * Written by command of the King, who, with his nobles, took part in the Maske. The decorations were by Inigo Jones, and the music by Henry Lawes. 180 Carew (Thomas). Poems. First Edition. 8vo, full crushed levant morocco, richly tooled to a lace pattern on sides, gilt edges, in slip case, by Stikeman. Lond. : By I. D. for Thomas Walkley, 1640 * The author was Gentleman of the Privy Chamber and Cup-bearer 32 The Lefferts Collection to Charles I. " He was," says Corser, " greatly praised and beloved by Ben Jonson, Suckling, Davenant and others." Lord Clarendon, with whom he was intimate in youth, wrote a flattering "character of him." Carew's ballad commencing: " Ask me no more where Jove bestows, When June is past the fading rose; For in your beautys' orient deepe These flowers, as in their causes, sleepe." has been specially admired, and by some critics placed on a par with Marlowe's " Come live with me and be my love." i8i Carew (Thomas). Poems. The Second Edition, revised and enlarged. Small 8vo, blue crushed levant morocco, gilt edges, by the Club Bindery. Lond. : /. D. for T/iofnas Walkley^ 1642 * This edition contains eight additional leaves of poetry, comprising several short poems not in the first. One of these poems is an " Hymeneall Song on the Nuptialls of the Lady Anne Wentworth and the Lord Lovelace." The present is a choice copy. 182 [Carlell (Lodovick).] Arviragus and Philicia, as it was Acted at the Private House in Black-Fryers, by his Majesties Servants. The first and second parts. i2mo, calf, red edges. Lond.: John Norton^ 1639 * First Edition, and a very fine copy, with the leaf of "Epilogue," often lacking. 183 Carlell (Lodovick). The Deserving Favorite, as it was lately Acted. 4to, full calf gilt, gilt edges, by Riviere. Lond.: Matthew Rhodes, 1629 * First Edition. Some pages soiled. 184 Carlell (Lodovick). The Passionate Lovers: a Tragi- comedy. The first and second parts. 8vo, original sheep. Lond. : Humphrey Moseley, 1655 * First Edition. Some pages stained, but a tall copy. 185 Carleton (George, Bishop of Chichester). A Thankfull Remembrance of God's Mercy. In an Historicall Col- lection of the great and mercifuU Deliverances of the Church and State of England since the Gospel beganne here to flourish, from the beginning of Queen Eliza- beth. Fine impressions of the beautiful engraved portrait and title-page, also fiumerous engravings on copper by Hulsius. 4to, russia gilt, gilt edges. Lond.: M. Flesher for Robert Mylbourne, 1627 * This is the First Edition, with the engravings. 33 The Lefferts Collection i86 Carlisle (James). The Fortune Hunters; or, Two Fools Well Met: a Comedy. 4to, half calf. Lond. : James Knapton^ 1689 * First Edition. The play was acted for three days only. 187 Carpenter (Richard). A New Play Call'd the Prag- matical Jesuit New-leven'd : a Comedy. 4to, brown levant morocco extra gilt, gilt edges, by Riviere. * Very fine copy of the First Edition. Lond. : N. R. n. d. 188 [Caryll (John).] Sir Saloman ; or, The Cautious Cox- comb: a Comedy. 4to, half brown morocco, gilt tops. Lond.: H. Herrifjgjiian, 1671 * Very fine copy of the First Edition. In the Epilogue the author acknowledges his indebtedness to Moliere, who is referred to as " Molliere, the famous Shakspear of this age." 189 Castle (Egerton). English Book-Plates: an Illustrated Hand-Book. i2mo. Lond.: Bell, 1892 190 Cato. Catonis Disticha Moralia ex castagatione D. Erasmi Roterodami cum annotationibus et scholiis Rechardt Taverneri, Anglico idiomata conscriptis in usum Anglicse inventis. Clack £etter. i2mo, mot- tled calf gilt, rough gilt edges, by Tout. Londini: Nicolai Monfani^ ^553 * Translated into English by Richard Taverner, with preface addressed " To the tender youth of Englande." It is followed by the Sayings of Pythagoras. " Imprynted at London by Nycholas Hyll for Robert Toye." One of the earliest English books for the use of children. 191 [Centlivre (Mrs.)] The Basset-Table: a Comedy. 4to, half calf. Lond.: William Turner^ 1706 * First Edition, and having the half-title. 192 Centlivre (Mrs.) The Beaus Duel: a Comedy. 4to, half calf. Lond.: Z>. Brown, 1702 * First Edition. Spotted. 193 Centlivre (Mrs.) Dramatic Works, with Life. Portrait. 3 vols.Svo, half morocco, gilt tops. Lond. : Pearson, 1?,'] 2 * Large Paper copy. 194 Centlivre (Mrs.) The Gamester: a Comedy. 4to, half calf. Lond.: William Turner^ 1705 * First Edition. 34 The Lefferts Collection 195 Centlivre (Mrs.) Love at a Venture: a Comedy. 4to, half red morocco. Lond. : John Chantry^ 1706 * First Edition. 196 [Centlivre (Mrs.)] Love's Contrivance: a Comedy. 4to, half calf (stained). Lond. : B. Lintotf, 1703 * First Edition. 197 [Centlivre (Mrs.)] The Perjur'd Husband; or, The Adventures of Venice: a Tragedy. Written by S. Car- roll (/. ^., Mrs. Centlivre). 4to, half calf. Lond. : B. Banbtiry, 1700 * Dedicated to the Duke of Bedford by " Susanna Carroll," who signs herself " Your graces most obedient and devoted humble ser- vant"; to which, in a contemporary hand, is added, "and whore." 198 [Centlivre (Mrs.)] The Stolen Heiress; or, The Sala- manca Doctor Outplotted, a Comedy. 4to, half calf. Lond. : Wtfi. Turner, n. d. * First Edition. Title soiled, otherwise a fine copy. 199 Centlivre (Mrs.) Works and Life. Engraved portrait. 3 vols, post 8vo, calf. Lond.: Knapton, 1861 200 Cervantes (Don M. de). Exemplarie Novells in Sixe Books, full of various accidents both delightful and profitable, turned into English by Don Diego Puede- Ser, Folio, old sheep. "Lond. : John Daivson, 1640 * Beautiful copy of this rare volume. The dedication is signed in autograph by the translator {Anglice ]&me5 Mabbe). 20 1 [Cervantes (Don M. de).] The Travels of Persiles and Sigismunda: a Northern History. 4to, full crimson crushed levant morocco, gilt edges, by Lortic. Lond. : If. L. for M. L., 1619 * First edition in English. A very fine copy. The printer, in his dedication to Lord Stanhope, says that the MS. came into his hands by accident, and that the translator's name is unknown to him. 202 Cervantes (Don M. de). The Troublesome and Hard Adventures in Love. ... A work very delightfull and acceptable to all, . . . exactly translated into English by R. C, Gent. 4to, full crimson crushed levant mo- rocco, gilt edges, by F. Bedford. Lond. : B. Alsop, 1652 * This is the earliest English version of Cervantes' Novelas Exem- plares, some of which were written before Don Quixote, and all at 35 TJu Lefferts Collection separate times. They throw considerable light on many passages in his great work. " I have called them exemplary," he explains in his preface, "because, if rightly considered, there is not one of them from which may not be drawn some helpful example ; and were it not for fear of being too wearisome, I could show what pleasant and wholesome fruit may be gathered from each separately or from all of them together." — See Mr. Duffi.eld"s Preface to his translation of Don Quixote. 203 Chalkhill (John). Thealma and Clearchus: a Pastoral History in smooth and easie verse, written long since by John Chalkhill, Esq., an acquaintant and friend of Edmund Spencer. 8vo, original sheep. Lond. : Benjamin Tooke. 1683 * Fine copy. This rare book contains a preface by Isaac Walton, to whom it is now usually entirely ascribed. An exhaustive account of it is to be found in " Waltoniana." 204 [Chamberlain (William).] Wits Led by the Nose; or, A Poet's Revenge: a Tragi-Comedy. 4to, half mo- rocco. Lond. : Wm. Crook^ 1678 * First published as " Love's Victory" in 1658. 205 Chapman (George) and James Shirley. The Bali: a Comedy, as it was presented by her Majesties Servants at the private house in Drury Lane. 4to, full crimson crushed levant morocco, gilt edges, by Riviere. * First Edition. Lond.: Tho. Cotes, 1639 206 Chapman (George). Caesar and Pompey: a Roman Tragedy, declaring their Warres, out of whose events is evicted this Proposition, "-Only a Just Man is a Free- man." 4to, half leather. 'Lond.: Thomas Harper, 1631 * Very fine copy of the first edition. 207 Chapman (George). Comedies and Tragedies. With Notes and Life. 3 vols. 8vo, half morocco, gilt tops, by Alfred Matthews. Lond.: Pearson, 1873 * Large Paper copy. 208 Chapman (George). The Conspiracie and Tragedy of Charles, Duke of Byron, Marshal of France. 4to, Spanish calf gilt, gilt edges, by the Club Bindery. Lond. : Thomas Thorp, 1625 * Title soiled and damaged. Second edition. 36 The Lefferts Collection 209 [Chapman (George).] An Epicede or Funerall Song: on the most disastrous Death of the High-borne Prince of Men, Henry Prince of Wales, etc. With the Funerall and Representation of the Herse of the same high and mighty Prince . . . which deceased at St. James the Sixt day of Nouember, 1612 ... in the Eighteenth Year of his Age. Cut of the Prince's arms^ surrounded by heavy black borders. 4to, half morocco, red edges. Lond. : T. S. for John Budge, 161 2 * A piece of excessive rarity. A faw headlines clipped, but far superior to most copies. It is a duplicate from the British Museum and Bodleian Libraries. 2 10 Chapman (George). Homer, Prince of Poets, translated according to the Greeke, in twelve Bookes of his Iliads, by Geo. Chapman. Beautifully engraved title- page by W. Hole. Folio, full straight-grained crimson levant morocco, gilt edges, by Lloyd and Wallis. Lond. : Samuel Machain [c. 16 10] * The first complete edition of Chapman's famous translation of the Iliad. In 1598 Chapman published the first seven books, the other five now appear here. Both editions are of very great rarity, McKee's copy of the 1598 issue selling for no less than $860. The present is a superlatively fine copy. 211 Chapman (George) and James Shirley. The Tragedie of Chabot, Admirall of France, 4to, sprinkled calf, gilt. * First Edition. Lond.: Tho. Cotes, 1639 212 Charles \. The Charge of High-Treason, delivered into the House of Lords against Capt. Rolph about the Designe to have poisoned or made away the Kings Majesty. 4to, half roan, "Lond.: Printed for the generall satisfaction of moderate men, 1648. * Rare. The last leaf is occupied by a large woodcut portrait of the King. 213 Charles L The Famous Tragedy of King Charles \. Basely Butchered, etc. 4to, half red morocco, gilt top, SOME LOWER EDGES UNCUT. Sine loco, Printed 1649 * A different issue, and having a long dedication in verse to Charles II. This edition contains 43 pages. No copy of this or the other issue of this play has occurred since the Daniel sale in 1S64. 37 The Lefferts Collection 214 Charles I, The Famous Tragedy of King Charles I. Basely Butchered, etc. 4to, half crimson crushed levant morocco. Sine loco, 1649 * Secretly printed and of great rarity. Ben Jonson, Shake- speare, Fletcher, Shirley and other dramatists are mentioned in the " Prologue to the Gentry." 215 Charleton (Walter). Chorea Gigantum ; or, The Most Famous Antiquity of Great Britain Stone-heng, standing on Salisbury Plain, restored to the Danes. Folding plate. 4to, calf. L,ov\6..: Henry Herringman, i66t^ * Scarce. Contains preliminary poems of John Dryden and Sir Robert Howard. 216 Chaucer (Geoffrey). The Workes of Geffray Chaucer newly printed, with dyuers workes whiche were neuer in print before: As in the table more playnly dothe appere. Woodcut border to title-page and two woodcuts in the text. tUliick letter. Folio, full blue levant morocco, rough gilt edges, by F. Bedford. [Colophon] Imprynted at London by Thomas Petit,\y\..6.J\ * The third collected edition. In the Grolier Club "Collections and Notes" it is said: " This edition appears with four different im- prints in the colophon — Toye, Kele, Bonham and Petit — and seems to have been their joint undertaking. It was formerly considered to have been printed prior to the John Reynes edition of 1 542, and in some catalogues has been confounded with that edition, though really differing very widely from it. The best recent authorities, among them the late Henry Bradshaw, of Cambridge University Library, place this edition between the editions of 1542 and 1561." The present is a very fine copy. 217 Chaucer (Geoffrey). Works, newlie printed with divers addicions whiche were never in print before, etc., etc. Folio, original embossed leather on wooden boards, red edges (rebacked). Lond. 1561 * The very rare early issue of the fourth collected edition. In the Prologue are twenty-six woodcuts of the Pilgrims, which seem to have been printed from old blocks — probably those used in Pyn- son's edition of the "Canterbury Tales." They show former use, and are rudely cut. For this reason they were probably cancelled, and very few copies containing them appear to exist, a splendid copy. 38 The Lefferts Collection 218 Chaucer (Geoffrey). The woorkes of Geffrey Chau- cer, newly printed, with diuers addicions, whiche were neuer in printe before: With the fiege and deflruccion of the worthy citee of Thebes, compiled by Jhon Lid- gate, Monke of Berie. As in the table more plainly dooeth appere. Woodcuts. Black £cttcr. Folio, old calf, red edges. [Colophon] Imprinted at London^ by Jhon Kyngfton for Jhon Wight, dweliyng in Foules Churchyarde Anno. 1561 * Fine copy. This is the fourth collected edition of Chaucer's works and was edited by John Stowe the historian. 219 Chaucer (Geoffrey). The Workes Of Ovr Ancient and learned Englifh Poet, Geffrey Chavcer, newly Printed. To that which was done in the former Impreffion, thus much is now added, i In the life of Chaucer many things inferted. 2 The whole worke by old Copies reformed, 3 Sentences and Prouerbes noted. 4 The Signification of the old and obfcure words prooued: also Caracters fhewing from what Tongue or Dialect they be deriued. 5 The Latine and French, not Eng- lifhed by Chaucer, tranflated. 6 The Treatife called lacke Vpland, agaifnt Friers: and Chancers A. B.C. called La Priere de noftre Dame, at this Imprefsion added. Engraved portrait of Chaucer, and border to title- page. Black letter. Folio, maroon crushed levant mo- rocco extra, gilt edges, by F. Bedford. Lond. : George Bishop, 1602 * Splendid copy. This is the rarer issue of this date, the usual imprint being " by Adam IsHp." It is an edition of peculiar interest as containing the first ENGRAVED PORTRAIT OF Chaucer, and a long criticism directed to the editor Thomas Speght by Francis Beaumont. 220 Chaucer (Geoffrey). Works, compar'd with the best manuscripts and several things added never before in print. With the full-length portrait on copper. Clack let- ter. Folio, crimson levant morocco extra gilt,gilt edges. Lond. 1687 * Magnificent copy from the Griswold collection, with Mr. Gris- wold's arms on side. 39 The Lefferts Collection 221 Chettle (Henry). The Tragedy of Hoffman; or, A Revenge for a Father. 4to, half calf. * Corner of tittle-page mended. Lond. : Hugh Perry ^ 1 631 222 [Churchyard (Thomas).] Churchyard's Challenge. {^De- vice.') 4to, full blue crushed levant morocco, gilt edges, by Ram age. Lond.: Printed by John Wolfe, 1593 * The late Bernard Quaritch, in describing the above, said : " Not only the largest and finest of the four or five copies that are known, but also the only one ivliich has the leaf preceding the title. Collier had a copy, which may have been identical with one of the three which are now in the Huth, Britwell and Peterborough libraries. There is one in the British Museum, that was formerly Mr. Gren- ville's; a bad and very short copy. The copy which was priced ^45 in the Bibl. Anglo-Poetica, and which then wanted the title, became afterwards Mr. Corser's, and is now in the Huth library. " The matter of the ' Challenge,' beyond a prose treatise on " The Honor of a Souldiour,' is chiefly historical poetry of the Mirror for Magistrates kind, and other miscellaneous metrical pieces. The Poem on 'Shore's Wife' had appeared in 1559 in the Mirror; and Churchyard, who was now seventy-three years of age, thought fit to issue this Challenge because it comprised that piece and several others of his, the authorship of which was likely to be disputed since they had appeared anonymously. One of the most interesting parts of the book is the list which precedes the text, of ' The bookes that I can call to memorie already Printed: are those that followes, " with its supplement list of works which he had not printed, but which were in manuscript in the hands of some of his friends." Following this is a poem of twenty lines called " A new kinde of a sonnet," in which, depreciating his own genius, he concludes: " Then gentle world I sweetly thee beseech Call Spenser now the spirit of learned speech." 223 Churchyard (Thomas). A Generall Rehearsall of Warres, called Churchyard's Choice: wherein is five hundred severall services of land and sea as Sieges, Battailes, Skirmiches and Encounters. A thousand Gentle mennes names of the beste sorte of warriors. A praise and true honour of souldiers . . . and joyned to the same some Tragedies & Epitaphes. Border to title printed in black letter. 4to, maroon levant mo- rocco, paneled sides, gilt edges, by Riviere. Imprinted at London by Edward White, 1579 * The Huth catalogue says: "This, like the ' Chippes,' purports 40 The Lefterts Collection to be a first book, but no more was printed. It is, like tliat, a collec- tion of short, detached pieces." Heber says this in fact is really the second part of Churchyard's "Chippes," which he had promised to publish, although there seems to be no authority for this statement. The present is an unusually tall and fine copy. 224 C[hurchyard] (Thomas), A True Discourse Historicall of the Succeeding Governors in the Netherlands and the Civill Warres there begun in the yeere 1565, with the Memorable Services of our Honourable English Generals, Captaines and Souldiers, especially under Sir John Norice, Kt., there performed from the yeere 1577 until 1589, and afterwards in Portugale, France, Britaine and Ireland until 1598. Translated by T. C, Esq. [/. e., Thomas Churchyard]. Blnck £cttcr. 4to, half morocco, Lond. : Matthew Louf?ies, 1602 * Very rare. This exceedingly rare volume is most interesting- for its descriptions of the Campaigns in which Barnaby Rich, George Gascoigne and Sir Philip Sydney served, all of whom are mentioned in the work, and also full description of Sydney's death at Zutphen. 225 Gibber (Colley). Apology for the Life of, by Himself, with Notes and Supplement by R. W, Lowe. 26 orig- inal mezzotint portraits^ and 18 etchings by Lalauze. 2 vols. imp. 8vo. Lond.: Ninimo, 1889 * Portraits in duplicate on Japan and India paper. Limited Edi- tion on Large Paper. 226 Gibber (Golley), Apology for the Life of, with Notes by Bellchambers. Portrait after Vatiloo. 8vo. Lond. : Simp kin ^ 1822 227 Gibber (Golley), The Gareless Husband: a Gomedy. 4to, half brown morocco, gilt tops, * First Edition. Lond.: Wm. Davis, 1705 228 [Gibber (Golley).] The Gomical Lovers: a Gomedy, Acted by Subscription at the Queen's Theatre in the Haymarket, 4to, half morocco, gilt tops, by Stikeman. * First Edition, Lond. : Bernard Lititott [1707] 229 Gibber (Golley). The Double Gallant; or, The Sick Lady's Gure. A Gomedy, 4to, half blue morocco, gilt tops, Lond,: Bernard Lintott\_i']0']'\ * First Edition. 4T The Lefferts Collection 230 CiBBER (Colley). Dramatic Works, complete, with Life of the Author. Engraved portrait after Vanloo by Miller. 5 vols. 8vo, full maroon crushed levant morocco, un- cut, by Zaehnsdorf. Lond. : J. Rivington, 1777 * Splendid copy, the only uncut one which has come under our notice. 231 CiBBER (Colley). Love in a Riddle: a Pastoral. 8vo, half brown morocco, gilt tops, uncut, by the Club Bindery. Lond.: /. Watts, 17 19 232 CiBBER (Colley). Loves Last Shift; or, The Fool in Fashion: a Comedy. 4to, half blue morocco. * First Edition. Choice copy. Lond.: H. Rhodes, 1696 233 CiBBER (Colley). Perolla and Izadora: a Tragedy. 4to, half maroon levant morocco, gilt tops. * First Edition. Lond.: Bernard Lintott, 1706 234 CiBBER (Colley). The Rival Fools; a Comedy, as it is Acted at the Theatre-Royal in Drury Lane. 4to, half calf. Lond.: Bernard Lintott, n. d. (1709) * First Edition. Borrowed from Fletcher's "Wit at Several Weapons." 235 CiBBER (Colley). She Wou'd and She Wou'd Not; or, The Kind Impostor: a Comedy. 4to, half brown levant morocco, gilt tops, by the Club Bindery. * First Edition. Lond.: Wni. Turner^ 1703 236 CiBBER (Colley). Ximena; or. The Heroick Daughter: a Tragedy, as it is Acted at the Theatre Royal. En- graved frontispiece. 8vo, half brown morocco. Lond. : B. Lintot, 17 19 237 Gibber (Colley). Venus and Adonis: a Masque, as it is Presented at the Theatre Royal. Svo, half morocco, by the Club Bindery. Lond.: Printed for Bernard Lintott, 17 15 238 [CiBBER (Theophilus).] Lives of the Poets of Great Britain and Ireland to the Time of Dean Swift. 5 vols. Svo, full maroon crushed levant morocco, UN- CUT, by Zaehnsdorf. Lond. : B. Griffiths at the Dunciad, 1753 * Splendid copy of this interesting work. Nichols, in the " Lit- erary Anecdotes," says, " The Life of Mrs. Mary Chandler, inserted in the Lives of the Poets of Great Britain by Mr. Cibber, was written 42 The Lefferts Collection by her brother, Dr. Samuel Chandler." He adds: " Without depre- ciating from the merit of these Lives it may not be improper to observe that a double literary fraud was here intended. Theophilus Gibber, who was then in the King's Bench, had ten guineas for the use of his name, which was ambiguously put Mr. Gibber, in order that it might pass for his father, Golley." 239 Cleveland (John). A magnificent collection of the First Editions of his works, as follows: The Character of a London Diurnal. Lond.1644. 4to. Poems. Lond. 1647. 4to. Poems. Lond. 1647. (Different edition.) 4to. Poems. Lond. 1647. (Different edition.) 4to. Poems. Lond. 1647. (Different edition.) 4to. Poems. Lond. 1647. (Different edition.) 4to. Poems. Lond. 1647. (Different edition.) 4to. Poems. Lond. 1651. 8vo. Poems. Lond. 1651. (Different edition.) Svo. Poems. Lond. 1653- Svo. Poems. Lond. 1654- Svo. Poems. Lond. 1654. (Different edition.) Svo. Poems. Lond. 1659. Svo, full calf. Poems. Lond. 1661. Svo. Poems. Lond. 1662. Svo. Poems. Lond. 1665. Svo. Poems. Lond. 1669. Svo. J. Cleveland Revived. Lond. 1659. 8vo J. Cleveland Revived. Lond. 1662. 8vo J. Cleveland Revived. Clievelandi Vindici^; Poems. Lond. 1677. Clievelandi Vindici/e; Poems. Lond. 1677. The Idol of the Clownes. The Idol of the Clownes. Lond. 166S. Svo. or, Cleveland's Genuine Svo. or, Cleveland's Genuine (Different imprint.) Svo. Lond. 1654. Svo. Lond. 1654. (Another edition.) Svo. The Rustick Rampant. Lond. 1658. Svo. The Works of. Lond. 16S7. Svo. The Works OF. Lond. 1699. Svo. Portrait laid in. In all 26 vols. 4to and Svo, mostly bound in full or 43 The Lefferts Collection half levant morocco, gilt edges, by the Club Bindery. Lond. 1647-99 * It would be difficult to overestimate the value or importance of this collection. Nothing like it has ever been offered, and it would be the work of the most unremitting industry, close and painful study and much expenditure of money, to duplicate it. For almost any of the 1647 issues the London dealers ask ten to twelve guineas. The fine condition of the above series is especially noteworthy. 240 Cocker (Edward). Cocker's Morals; or. The Muses' Spring-Garden, adorned with many Sententious Dis- ticks and Poems. 4to, polished calf, gilt edges. Lond. : W. D. for T. D., 1675 * Fine copy. "Fitted for the Use of all Publick and Private Grammar and Writing Schools." 241 CoKAiN (Sir Aston). The Obstinate Lady : a New Com- edy never formerly Published: the Scene London. 4to, half red morocco. Lond. : W. Godbid, 1657 * First Edition of this exceedingly rare play. Some headlines cut into. 242 Collier (Jeremy). Short View of the Profaneness and Immorality of the English Stage. 8vo, original boards, UNCUT. 'Lond.: Suniuel Birt, 1738 243 [CoLviLLE (Samuel).] Mock Poem; or, Whig's Suppli- cation. Both parts in i vol. i2mo, original sheep. Lond. : Privately printed^ 168 1 * This poem turns upon the insurrection of the Covenanters in Scotland in the reign of Charles II. " It possesses," says Lowndes, " a considerable share of originality." 244 Comedy. The Ghost ; or. The Woman Wears the Breeches: a Comedy, written in the Year 1640. 4to, half morocco. Lond. : IVilliam Bentley., 1653 * Authorship unknown. The Rev. John Mitford's copy, with MS. notes. 245 Congreve (William). The Double Dealer: a Comedy. 4to, half brown morocco. Lond. : Jacob Tonson, 1694 * First Edition. Has a long preliminary poem by John Dryden. 246 CoNGREVE (William). The Judgment of Paris: a Masque. 4to, paper. Lond.: Jacob Tonson^ 1701 * The songs were set to music by Eccles, Finger, Purcel and Mr. Weldon. 44 The Lefferts Collection 247 CoNGREVE (WiLLiAiNi). Love for Lovc : a Comedy. 4to, half brown morocco. Lond. : Jacob Tonson, 1695 * First Edition. The music was composed by Eccles. 248 CoNGREVE (William). The Mourning Bride: a Tragedy. 4to, half brown morocco. Lond. : Jacob Tonson, 1697 249 CoNGREVE (William). The Old Batchelour: a Comedy. 4to, half dark blue morocco. Lond. : Peter Buck^ 1693 * First Edition. With preliminary verses by Southerne, Bevil Higgins and J. D. Marsh. 250 CoNGREVE (William). The Way of the World: a Comedy. 4to,* half olive morocco. Lond.: Jacob Tonsoti, 1700 * First Edition. Choice copy. 251 CoNGREVE (William). The Works of, consisting of his Plays and Poems. Plates by Hayman. 3 vols, post 8vo, old calf. Lond.: Printed for J. and R. Tonson, i753 252 CoNGREVE (William), Works, with Life. Engraved por- trait. 3 vols. 8vo, calf gilt, gilt edges. Birmingham: Baskerville, 1761 * Best edition. An exceptionally tall, sound and clean copy. Scarce in this state. 253 Corbet (Richard, Bishop of Norwich). Certain Ele- gant Poems, written by Dr. Corbet, Bishop of Nor- wich. i2mo, green morocco extra, gilt edges. Lond. : R. Cotes for Andrew Crooke, 164^ * First Edition. This is a very fine copy of the earliest issue. At page 12 will be found an interesting reference to Shakespeare's Plays, and to the Actor Burbage. Mine host was full of ale and history; ****** Why, he could tell The inch where Richmond stood, where Richard fell: Besides what of his knowledge he could say, He had authenticke notice from the Play; Which I might guesse, by's mustring up the ghosts, And policyes, not incident to hosts; But chiefly by that one perspicuous thing, Where he mistooke a player for a King. For when he would have sayd, King Richard dyed, And call'd — A horse! a horse! — he, Burbidge cry'de. Gilchrist remarks that "from this passage we learn that Richard Burbage was the original representative of Shakespeare's Richard the Third." The present copy contains autograph inscription, also an inserted letter by J. O. Ilalliwell-Phillips. 45 The Lejferts Collection 254 Corbet (Richard, Bishop of Norwich). Poems, the Third Edition, corrected and enlarged. Woodcut of dragon on title. 1 2mo,half calf. Load. : J. C. for William Crook., 1672 * Contains a few poems here printed for the first time and the other poems have been altered and in some cases enlarged. Nice copy. 255 [Corbet (R., Bishop of Norwich).] Poetica Stromata; or, A Collection of Sundry Peices {sic) in Poetry: drawne by the known and approved Hand of R. C. 8vo, vel- lum. Anno 1648 * From the imperfect spelling and punctuation this edition appears to have been printed abroad. Corser says " When we consider the subjects and style of these poems, and the accounts that are given of the wit and drollery of the reverend author and the peculiar anec- dotes that are related of him we must at once come to the conclusion that they are not such as either would or ought to recommend a man, in these days, for advancement to the dignity and office of a Chris- tian Bishop." 256 [Corey (J.).] A Cure for Jealousie: a Comedy as it was acted at the New Theatre in Little Lincoln's Inn Fields. 4to, half cloth. Lond. : Richard Harrison^ 1701 * First Edition. 257 CoRYE (John). The Generous Enemies; or, The Ridicu- lous Lovers: a Comedy. 4to, half brown morocco. Lond. : H. Lloyd, 1672 * Fine copy of the First Edition. "This play is one piece of plagiarism." 258 Corey (J.) The Metamorphosis, or The Old Lover Out- witted : a Farce. 4to, half mor. Lond. : B. Lintott, 1704 * Title repaired, but otherwise a fine copy. 259 Corneille (T.) The Extravagant Sheepherd: a Pas- torall Comedie, Englished by T. R., 1654. 4to, half morocco, red edges. Lond. : Thomas Heath., 1654 260 [CoRNWALLis (Sir Charles).] A Discourse of the most Illustrious, Prince Henry, late Prince of Wales. Writ- ten Anno 1626 by Sir Charles Cornwallis, Knight, sometimes Treasurer of his Highnesse House. Full- length folding portrait of the Prince. 4to, embossed morocco, gilt edges. Lond. : John Benson., 1641 * In spite of the numerous poems on the death of Prince Henry, this is the only Memoir of him. It is of the utmost interest, and indeed our only knowledge of the Prince's manners, occupations, temper, etc. 46 The Lefferts Collection 261 CoRNWALLis (Sir Charles). The Life and Death of our Late most Incomparable and Heroique Prince, Henry, Prince of Wales. A Prince (for Valour and Vertue) fit to be imitated in succeeding times. Full- length portrait by Williaf?i Marshall. 8vo, half calf. Lond. : J'oh?i Dazvson for N. Butler., 1641 * Dedicated by the publisher to Prince Charles. Contains a long and minute account of the Prince's last sickness, also details of the post-mortem examination of his body. The only life of Prince Henry. 262 CoRNWALLYES (SiR William). Essays. With beautifully engraved title-page by T. Cecill, containing the author's por- trait. Small 8vo, sprinkled calf, yellow edges. Lond. : Thomas Harper^ 1632 * " The World is a booke: the words and actions of men, com- mentaries upon that volume. The former like manuscriptes, private: the latter common like things printed." 263 Coryat's Crudities. Hastily gobled vp in five Moneths trauells in France, Sauoy, Italy, Rhetia comonly called the Grisons country, Heluetia, alias Switzer- land, some parts of high Germany, and the Nether- lands; Newly digested in the hungry aire of Odcombe. . . . With engraved title encircled by a border containing several scenes of Coryafs adventures., plates., with the very rare leaf of Errata. 4to, original vellum gilt, in a very finely-made box covered with crushed levant mo- rocco, by David. Lond.: W. S., 1611 * The printed title begins as follows: "Three Crude Veines . . ." and is followed by 151 pages preliminary to the body of the book. These 151 pp. contain nearly all that is of value here, namely, the sportive compositions of a considerable number of dis- tinguished contemporaries (including Ben Jonson), who contributed what is called "the encomiastic and panegyrick verses of some of the worthyest spirits of this kingdom." They are chiefly in English, but comprise also some pieces in Latin, Greek, Spanish, Italian, Welsh, French, etc. The present is a most magnificent copy, having the '"pointers" on the frontispiece (which has been most artistically inlaid) untouched. The " Strasburg clock " plate, at page 452, is also untouched. One of the finest copies in existence and in such state of THE utmost RARITV. 47 The Lefferts Collection 264 CoRYAT. Thomas Coriate, Traveller for the English Wits: greeting. From the Court of the Great Mogul, resident at the town of Asmere in Easterne India. Woodcuts. Small 4to, half roan. Lond. : W. Jaggard^ 16 16 [rcpri/it) * With bookplate of Thomas Westwood and note by him "cited by Walton in his Compleat Angler." 265 CosTLiE Whore (The). A Comical Historic Acted by the Companie of the Revels. Device on title. 4to, half leather. Ii^6 * First Edition. A beautiful copy of this excessively scarce little volume which in size and printing much resembles Herbert's Temple. The friend of the author, in his warm and enthusiastic " Preface to the Reader" says : " Here's Herbert's second, but equall, who had retrived poetry of late, and returned it up to its primitive use; let it be bound back to heaven gates, whence it came." Richard Crashaw, however neglected in later days, was the companion of Selden and the idol of Cowley. Pope has borrowed not only expressions, but entire lines from this poet, which, indeed, he confesses, and highly extols his talents in Letter 26 to Mr. Cromwell. 293 The same. Second Edition, wherein are added divers pieces not before extant. Engraved frontispiece by T. Cross. Bound uniformly with preceding item. Lond.: Humphrey Moseley, 1648 * Very scarce. This edition, besides containing poems not in the first issue, is the earliest with the frontispiece. 52 The Lefferts Collection 294 Cromwell's Conspiracy: a Tragy-Comedy relating to our Latter Times .... by a Person of Quality. 4to, mottled calf gilt, gilt edges, by Riviere. Lond. : Printed for the Author^ 1660 295 Crowne (John). The Ambitious Statesman; or. The Loyal Favourite, as it was Acted in the Theatre Royal. 4to, half green crushed levant morocco, gilt edges, by Riviere. Lond.: William Abington^ 1679 * First Edition. Choice copy. 296 [Crowne (John).] Andromache: a Tragedy as it is Acted at the Dukes Theatre. 4to, half dark green morocco, gilt top. Lond. : T. Raicliffe, 1675 * First Edition. 297 Crowne (John). Caligula: a Tragedy as it is Acted at the Theatre Royal. 4to, half green levant morocco, gilt edges, by Riviere. Lond. : /. Orme^ 1698 * First Edition. 298 Crowne (John). The Country Wit: a Comedy Acted at the Dukes Theatre. 4to, brown morocco, gilt tops. Lond.: T. N. for James Magnes^ 1675 * First Edition. This play was a great favorite with Charles II. It contains a good deal of low humor. 299 Crowne (John). Darius, King of Persia: a Tragedy. 4to, half green morocco. Lond. : Jos. Kfiight^ 1688 * First Edition. 300 Crowne (John). The Destruction of Jerusalem by Titus Vespasian: a Play. 4to, half green levant morocco. Lond. : R. Bentley, 1693 * Dedicated to the Duchess of Portsmouth. 301 Crowne (John). The Destruction of Jerusalem by Titus Vespasian. In 2 parts, part the first {and second). 2 vols. 4to, sewn, unbound. Lond.: J. Magnes, 1677 302 Crowne (John). The English Frier; or. The Toun Sparks: a Comedy. 4to, half maroon morocco. Lond. : James Knapton^ 1690 * First Edition. Acted in 1689 and directed against the Roman Catholics. 53 The Lefferts Collection 303 Crowne (John). Henry the Sixth, the First Part with the Murder of Humphrey Duke of Gloucester, as it was Acted at the Dukes Tlieatre. 4to, half green levant morocco, gilt edges, by Riviere. Lond. : Ji. JBentley, 1681 * Very fine copy. Part of this play is adapted from Shakespeare. 304 Crowne (John). The History of Charles the Eighth of France; or, The Invasion of Naples by the French. 4to, half brown morocco. Lond. : Ambrose Isted^ 1672 * Dedicated to the Earl of Rochester, who, however, ridiculed the play. 305 Crowne (John). The Married Beau; or, The Curious Impertinent: a Comedy. 4to, half green levant mo- rocco, gilt edges. Lond. : Richard Bentley^ 1694 * First Edition of a frequently acted play. The story of it is taken from Don Quixote, and the scene lies in Covent Garden. 306 Crowne (John). Sir Courtly Nice; or, It Cannot Be: a Comedy. 4to, half brown morocco, lower edges UNCUT, by the Club Bindery. Lond, : R. Bentle}\i6Z^ * First Edition. Written at the command of Charles II. 307 Crowne (John). Thyestes: a Tragedy. 4to, half brown morocco. Lond. : R. Bentley^ 168 1 308 [CuTTS (John, Lord).] Poetical Exercises Written upon Several Occasions. Presented and Dedicated to her Royal Highness Mary Princess of Orange. 8vo, orig- inal calf, gilt (cracked). Lond. : R. Befitley and S. M agues ^ 1687 * First Edition, and the author's own copy, with his auto- graph SIGNATURE on fly-leaf. Lord Cutts was an English officer who died in 1707. He served in various campaigns and was much distinguished in the Wars of William III. The book is dedicated to the Princess of Orange, daughter of James II., and contains a poem addressed to the Duchess of Monmouth, also one to Edmund Waller. 309 rX ABORN (Robert). A Christian turn'd Turke, or \j the Tragicall Lives and Deaths of the two Famous Pyrates, Ward and Dansiker. As it hath beene pub- lickly Acted. Device on title. 4to, sprinkled calf, red edges. Lond.: William Bar rcuger^ 1612 * Title soiled and one side-note slightly clipped, but upon the whole a good copy of this very scarce piece. 54 The Lefferts Collection 310 Dancer (John, Translator). Aminta: the Famous Pas- torall. Written in Italian by Signer Torquato Tasso. 8vo, green crushed levant morocco, gilt edges. Lond. : Jo h?i Star key, 1660 * Includes also poems by the translator. 311 Dancer (John). Nicomede: a Tragi-Comedy, Trans- lated out of the French of Monsieur Corneille. 4to, half brown morocco, by the Club Bindery. Lond.: Francis Kirkman, 167 1 * With a long catalogue of plays at end, and an interesting note concerning them by the publisher. 312 Daniel (Samuel). Certaine Small Workes heretofore divulged by Samuel Daniell. Device on title. Original vellum gilt, gilt edges.. Lond.: /. L. for Simon Water son, 161 1 *With the rare leaf " Faults escaped " at end. This copy bears the initials " A. R." and royal arms on side, and was doubtless the IDENTICAL ONE OWNED BY QUEEN ANNE, COnSOrt of JamCS I., fof whom Daniel wrote his famous mask (in 1610). called " Tethy's Festivall." Fine and tall. 313 Daniel (Samuel). The Collection of the History of England. Fine engraved border round title ^ with the rare leaf of '■^ Royal Priviledge " opposite. Folio, original calf, with arms on sides, from the Earl of Ashburnham's Library. Lond. : S. Waterson, 1626 * This copy contains the Continuation by John Trussell. 314 [Daniel (Samuel).] The Collection of the Historic of England, by S. D. Elaborate woodcut border to title. Folio, calf. Lond.: Nicholas Okes for the Author, n. d. (16 r8) * First collected edition, with the leaf of privilege preceding title- page. Fine copy. 315 Daniel (Samuel). The Collection of the History of England. Device on title. Folio, sprinkled calf, red edges, by Riviere. Lond. : Tho. Cotes, 1634 * Bound up is John Trussell's Continuation of the History, 1636. Both are fine copies. 55 The Lefferts Collection 316 Daniel (Samuel). The First Fowre Bookes of the ciuile wars between the two houfes of Lancafter and Yorke. 4to, calf gilt, paneled sides, gilt edges. At London : Printed by F. Short for Simo7i Water/on, 1595 * Second issue of this first edition and differing from the earlier in having an ornamental title-page and corrections of certain errors. In this copy is the fifth book, which is not always found. 317 Daniel (Samuel), The First Part of the Historie of England. Device and border to title. 4to, original calf. Lond. : For the Company of Stationers, 16 13 * Very tall and fine copy ON LARGE PAPER, with crest in gold on sides of Ferdinand Hastings, Earl of Huntington; also his auto- graph on fly-leaf. The above is the first of the two editions issued in 1613. 318 Daniel (Samuel). The First Part of the Historie of England. Woodcut border to title. 4to, old boards. Lond. : Nicholas Okes, 161 2 * With note by Mr. Lefferts: " This is the only copy of the book dated 1612 that I can find any record of. Lowndes, Hazlitt and others give 1613 as the first edition. The sheets of this and the 1613 edition are identical, only the title differing. Like several of Daniel's Works it may have been privately issued in its first shape for presentation to a few patrons and friends, and later for the general public." 319 Daniel (Samuel), History of England. Woodcut border to title. Folio, old calf. Frinted at London, 1621 320 Daniel (Samuel). History of England, with Continua- tion by John Trussell. Folio^ old calf. Lond. : John Williams, 1650 321 Daniel (Samuel). A Letter from Octavia to Marcus Antonius. Woodcut border to title. 4to, half brown morocco. At London : Frinted by F. Short for Simon Water son^i^gg * First Edition of this beautiful poem in choice condition. 322 Daniel (Samuel). Mvsophilvs : Containing a generall defence of learning. Woodcut border to title. 4to, cloth. At "London: Frinted by F. S. for Simon Waterfon, 1599 * "This poem was undoubtedly published separately, as above de- scribed, but it seems generally to be included (as Part II.) in ' The Poeticall Essayes of Sam. Danyel,' published in 1599." Grolier Club's " Collations and Notes." 56 The Lefferts Collection 323 [Daniel (Samuel).] The Order and Solemnitie of the Cre- ation of the High and mightie Prince Henrie, Eldest Sonne to our Sacred Soveraigne. . . . Whereunto is annexed the Royall Maske presented by the Queene and her Ladies on Wednesday at night following. 4to, crimson morocco, gilt edges, by Clarke and Bedford. [ Lon d . ] Frinied at Britaines Burse for John Budge ^ 1610 * The "Royal Maske" has a separate title-page and is entitled " Tethys Festivall." In this copy there is a preliminary leaf marked " A " before the first title-page. This book is of the MOST EXTREME RARITY. A note in the volume says: " This is the most rare of all Daniel's productions, from which circumstance it is wanting in all the collected editions of his works; nor was Anthony a Wood aware of its existence. Another copy is in the Garrick Collection, and a third in another very rich collection, but a fourth it is believed is not known." 324 Daniel (Samuel). A Panegyrike congratvlatorie deliv- ered to the Kings Most Excellent Maiestie at Bvrleigh Harrington in Rvtlandshire. By Samvel Daniel. Also Certaine Epistles, with a Defence of Ryme heretofore written, and now pvblished by the Avthor. 8vo, brown morocco, gilt edges by, C. Lewis. Lond. : Edward Blount, 1603 * The second edition. The " Collations and Notes " of the Grolier Club says: " The first edition of this work was issued in folio, with- out date, but probably in 1603, as the ' Defence of Ryme ' was written in answer to Campion's 'Observations in the Art of English Poesie,' published in 1602. In the present edition there are some variations and omissions from the folio issue." Of the folio but few copies were privately printed for presents, so that this is really the first pub- lished edition. 325 Daniel (Samuel). Poetical Works, to which is prefix'd Memoirs of his Life and Writings. 2 vols. 8vo, half blue levant morocco, gilt tops, by Stikeman. Lond.: R. Gosling, 17 18 * Fine copy of the best collected edition. 326 Daniel (Samuel). The Whole Workes in Poetrie. Beauti- fully-engraved title-page containing the author's portrait (re-margined) inserted from the edition of i6op. Thick 4to, full crimson morocco, gilt edges. Lond. : Nicholas Okes for Simon Water son, 1623 * Top margins of some leaves supplied, but, on the whole, a good 57 The Lefferts Collection copy. The " Collations and Notes " of the Grolier Club says: " This is the most complete edition of Daniel's works, and it was published after his death by his brother. John Daniel. The portion of this vol- ume comprising the ' Civil Wars ' is that part of the identical edition of 1609 remaining unsold. Copies frequently occur with the engraved title and dedication to the Countess of Pembroke, added from the edition of 1609." The above copy has the engraving, but the dedication is to Prince Charles. 327 Daniel (Samuel). Works, newly augmented. Folio, half green levant morocco, gilt edges, by the Club Bindery. Lond. : Simon Waterson, 1602 * The second collected edition of Samuel Daniel's works. This copy contains the cancel slip of two lines in Musophilus. Some pages stained and margins mended. 328 Daniel (Samuel). The Worthy tract of Paulus louius, contayning a Difcourfe of rare inuentions, both Mili- tairie and Amorous called Imprefe. Whereunto is added a Preface contayning the Arte of compofing them, with many other notable deuifes. In Oxenforde. 8vo, old vellum. Lond. : Simon Waterson^ 1585 * Fine copy of the earliest published work of Samuel Daniel. It is mainly in prose, with but a few quotations in verse. 329 Davenant (Charles). Circe: a Tragedy. 4to, half calf, gilt. 'L.ond. : Ric/iard Tonson, 1677 * First Edition. The prologue is by Dryden, the epilogue by Lord Rochester. 330 [Davenant (Sir William).] The Cruell Brother: a Trag- edy. 4to, half green morocco, by Blackwell. Lond. : John Waterson, 1630 * First Edition. Written in prose. 331 [Davenant (Sir William).] The First Days Entertain- ment at Rutland-House, by Declamations and Musick: After the Manner of the Ancients. Svo, green levant morocco extra, gilt edges, by Riviere. Lond. : H. Herringman^ 1657 * A play of extreme rarity, which is to be accounted for by the fact that it was one of the performances which took place in private houses 58 The Lefferts Collection during the prohibition of theatrical entertainments, and only few copies were printed for presents. It is unknown to Lowndes. Hazlitt says: " The vocal and instru- mental music was composed by Dr. Charles Coleman, Capt. Henry Cook, Mr. Henry Lawes and Mr. George Hudson. This piece con- tains curious notices of London localities. Rutland House was in Aldersgate Street." A few margins mended. 332 Davenant (Sir William). Gondibert: an Heroick Poem. Device on title. 4to, polished calf gilt, gilt edges, by F. Bedford. Lond. : Tho. Newcomb for John Holden, i6e^i * Beautiful copy of the First Edition. Mr. Foote's sold for $37. Prefixed are commendatory verses by Cowley and Waller. ^^2> Davenant (Sir William), and Inigo Jones. The Temple of Love: a Masque, presented by the Queenes Majesty and her Ladies at White-hall on Shrove Tues- day, 1634. 4to, half crimson levant morocco, gilt top. Lond. : Thomas Walkley, 1634 334 [Davenant (Sir William).] The Just Italian. Lately presented in the private-house at Blacke-Friers. 4to, half roan. Lond. : Thomas Harper^ 1630 * First Edition. 335 Davenant (Sir William), Love and Honour, presented by His Majesties Servants at the Black-Fryers. 4to, mottled calf, gilt, uncut, by Riviere. Lond. : Hum. Robinson^ 1649 * First Edition, and a choice copy. 336 Davenant (Sir William). Madagascar, with other Poems. Device on title. i2mo, original sheep. Lond. : John Haviland for Thomas Walkley^ 1638 * Choice copy (with Imprimatur preceding title} of the First Edi- tion. Among the contents of this interesting volume is an ode " In re- membrance of Master William Shakespeare"; also a " Prologue to a reviv'd play of Mr. Fletcher's call'd The Woman Hater," etc. 337 Davenant (Sir William). The Man's the Master: a Comedy. 4to, half calf. 'Lond. : Henry Herringman, i66g * First Edition of Davenant's last play, finished but a little while before his death. 338 Davenant (Sir William). The Platonick Lovers: a Tragae-Comedy. 4to,calf. Loniso?i, 1691-90 447 Dryden (John). Annus Mirabilis. The Year of Won- ders, 1666; also, a Poem on the Happy Restoration of Charles H. 4to, old calf. Lond.: Henry Herringman^ 1688 * Contains several changes in the text from the earlier editions. 448 Dryden (John). Annus Mirabilis: an historicall Poem. With a Poem on the Restoration of Charles II., Elegy on his Death, etc. 4to, unbound. (2) Lond. : H. Herringman^ 1688 449 Dryden (John, Translator). The Art of Painting,by C. A. Du Fresnoy. With Remarks. Translated into English, with an original Preface. Engraved frontispiece by Gribelin; title in red and black. 4to, original calf. Lond. : J. Heptinstall for IV. J^ogers, 1695 * With note by Mr. Lefferts : " Large and fine paper copy." Small hole in title. 450 Dryden (John). Aureng-Zebe: a Tragedy. 4to, half green levant morocco, gilt edges, by Riviere. Lond.: H. Herring/nan, 1676 * First Edition. Very fine copy. 451 Dryden (John). Britannia Rediviva: a Poem on the Birth of the Prince. 4to, half calf, gilt tops. Lond, : /. Tonson, 1688 * First edition with imprimatur on back of title. 452 Dryden (John). Britannia Rediviva: a Poem on the Birth of the Prince. 4to, calf. Holy-Rood-House: Reprinted by Mr. P. B. Enginier, printer to the Kings Most Excellent Majesty, for his Household, Chappel and Coll edge, 1688. * Same date as first edition, and interesting as having been printed for the King's own use. 453 Dryden (John). Britannia Rediviva: a Poem on the Birth of the Prince. Folio, half maroon levant mo- rocco, gilt tops, UNCUT, by the Club Bindery. * First Edition. Fine copy. Lond.: /. To?ison, 16S8 Col. Grant's copy — not so good as this one — sold for £6. 78 The Lefferts Collection 454 Dryden (John). The Assignation; or, Love in a Nun- nery. 4to, half green morocco. Lond. : H. Herring man, 1673 * First Edition. Fine copy. 455 Dryden (John). Cleomenes, the Spartan Heroe : a Tragedy, to which is prefixt the Life of Cleomenes. 4to, half green levant morocco, gilt tops, by the Club Bindery. Lond. : Jacob Tonson, 1692 * First Edition. Choice copy. 456 Dryden (John). The Conquest of Granada by the Spaniards. 4to, sewn. Lond. : If. Herringman., 1672 * First Edition. Lacks one leaf. 457 Dryden (John). Dramatic Works. Engraved portrait by Vertue. 6 vols, post 8vo, calf. Lond.: Tonson, i-ji'j * First collected edition. 458 Dryden (John). Don Sebastian, King of Portugal: a Tragedy. 4to, half brown morocco. Lond.: Jo. Hindmarsh, 1690 * First Edition, Title soiled. 459 Dryden (John). An Elegy on the Usurper O. C, by the Author of Absalom and Achitophel. 4to, half calf. [Lond.] Reprinted in the year 1682 * An unauthorized and unfriendly reprint. 460 Dryden (John). Eleonora: a Panegyrical Poem. 4to, mottled calf gilt, gilt edges. Lond. : Jacob Tonson, 1692 * First Edition. 461 Dryden (John). An Evening's Love; or, The Mock- Astrologer. 4to, half calf, by Larkins. Lond.: H. Herringman^ 1671 * First Edition. Founded on various works by Moliere, Corneille, etc., with some hints from Shakespeare. 462 Dryden (John). Fables, Ancient and Modern. Translated into verse from Homer, Ovid, Boccase and Chaucer, with Original Poems. Folio, original calf. Lond.: Jacob Tonson^ 1700 * First Edition, and a very fine copy. " Dryden's tales from Chaucer and Boccaccio have been, perhaps, the most popular of his writings His power of versification is seen in perfection in these compositions of his latest years." — Christie. 79 The Lefferts Collection 463 Dryden (John). A Funeral Pindarique Poem. Sacred to the Happy Memory of King Charles II. 4to, sewn. * Second Edition. Lond. : y. To/ison, 1685 464 Dryden (John). The Hind and the Panther: a Poem in Three Parts. 4to, full brown morocco extra, gilt edges, by Riviere. Lond. : Jacob Tonson, 1687 * First Edition and first issue, the last leaf having no " errata." This copy has the leaf of " License" preceding title-page. 465 Dryden (John). The Hind and the Panther. In Three Parts. 4to, morocco, by Stikeman. Lond. : Printed for Jacob Tonson^ 1687 * First Edition (second issue), and containing the rare leaf of " License " preceding title. This is the issue having last leaf reprinted with two lines errata. A very fine copy of one of the most important of Dryden's poems. It was not in the Adee collection. The present copy was Mr. Foote's. 466 Dryden (John). To His Sacred Majesty: a Panegyrick on His Coronation. Folio, half blue crushed levant morocco, gilt tops, uncut, by the Club Bindery. Lond. : Printed for Henry Herringman^ 1661 * First Edition, and a superb copy of this very scarce piece. It was not in the Adee collection. 467 Dryden (John). The History of the League, written in French by Monsieur Maimbourg, translated into Eng- lish according to His Majesty's Command. Engraved frontispiece containing the King's portrait by Burghers. 8vo, original calf. Lond. : M. Flesher^ 1684 * First Edition. Not in the Adee collection. 468 Dryden (John, Jun.) The Husband his Own Cuckold: a Comedy. 4to, half morocco, gilt tops, by Stikeman. Lond. : J. Tonson^ 1696 * By the son of Dryden. The Prologue is by Congreve, and the Preface and Epilogue by Dryden himself. 469 Dryden (John). The Kind Keeper; or, Mr, Limberham, a Comedy. 4to, half green levant morocco, gilt edges, by Riviere. Lond. : R. Bentley, 1680 * First Edition, and a very fine copy. Some lower edges uncut. 80 The Lefferts Collection 470 Dryden (John). King Arthur; or, The British Worthy, a Dramatick Opera. 4to, half brown morocco. Lond. : J. Tonson, 1691 * With the leaf of "Advertisement" preceding title containing a list of Dryden's works, compiled by himself. 471 [Dryden (John).] Lachrymse Musarum : The Tears of the Muses, exprest in Elegies. Written by divers Per- sons of Nobility and Worth, upon the death of the most hopefull Henry Lord Hastings. . . . Collected and set forth by R. B. Engraved frontispiece and folding leaf precedifig the title. 8vo, calf. Lond. : Printed by T. N. and are to be sold by John Holden., 1650. * Second issue of the first edition, containing 36 contributions as against 27 in the earlier. Edited by Richard Brome, and contains the FIRST PUBLISHED WRITING OF JOHN DrYDEN. Foote's COpy, $60.00; Adee's copy, |8o.oo. 472 Dryden (John). Life of St. Francis Xavier of the Soci- ety of Jesus, translated from the French. Beautifully- engraved frontispiece by M. Burghers., and folding map. 8vo, mottled calf, gilt edges. Lond. : Jacob Tojison,i6^^ * Fine copy. 473 Dryden (John). Love Triumphant; or, Nature will Pre- vail, a Tragi-Comedy. 4to, half calf. Lond. : Jacob Tonsofi, 1694 * First Edition. Dryden's last dramatic work. 474 Dryden (John). Marriage-a-la-Mode: a Comedy. 4to, half leather. Lond. : H. Herringman., 1673 * First Edition. Dedicated to the Earl of Rochester. 475 [Dryden (John).] The Medall. A Satyre against Sedition by the Authour of Absalom and Achitophel. 4to, half green morocco, uncut, by the Club Bindery. Lond. : Jacob Tonson., 1682 *The rejection by the London grand jury, on November 24, 16S1, of the bill of high treason presented against Lord Shaftesbury was celebrated by a medal having on one side a portrait of Shaftesbury, and on the other a sketch of London. Dryden's satire on it was pub- lished in the beginning of March, 1682, within four months after the first publication of "Absalom and Achitophel." 81 The Lefferts Collection 476 [Dryden (John).] Miscellany Poems, containing Variety of New Translations of the Ancient Poets, together with Several Original Poems. Engraved frontispiece to the fifth part. Vols, i to 5. 5 vols. 8vo, original calf. Lond. : Tonson, 1702-1704 476^ Another. Vols. 1-4. 4 vols. 8vo, old calf. Lond. 1684-93 * First Editions. In this edition the engraved plate of St. Cecilia appears in Part IV. 477 [Dryden (John),] The Mistaken Husband: a Comedie. 4to, half calf, gilt. Lond.: /. Magnes, 1675 * Adapted for the stage by Dryden, and with one scene from his pen. The author is unknown. 478 [Dryden (John).] Of Dramatick Poesie: an Essay. 4to, half blue levant morocco, gilt tops. Lond.: Henry Herringman^ 1668 * First Edition. This is the Adee copy, which sold for $16.00 in 1895. 479 [Dryden (John).] Ovid's Epistles. Translated by Several Hands. Engraved frontispiece. 8vo, original calf. Lond. : Jacob Tonson, 1680 * First Edition. The preface is signed by Dryden, among the other contributors being Tate, Flatman, Mrs. Behn, Settle, Lord Mulgrave, Rhymer and Otway. 480 Dryden (John, Translator). Plutarch's Lives, from the Greek. Portrait. 5 vols. 8vo, original calf. * Large Paper copy. Scarce. l.ond. : Tonson, i6?>^ 481 Dryden (John). A Poem upon the Death of his late Highness Oliver, Lord Protector of England, Scotland and Ireland. 4to, mottled calf gilt, gilt edges. Lond. : William Wilson, 1659 * Dryden's first publication in book form. It is of extreme rarity, Col. Grant's copy selling for twenty pounds. The present copy is tall and sound, but has a stain on upper inside corners. 482 Dryden (John). A Poem upon the Death of the late Usurper Oliver Cromwell, by the Author of The H d and the P r. 4to, unbound. Lond. : S. ZT., 1687 * One of the unauthorized re-issues of Drj'den's poem, sent forth at the instance of his enemies. 82 The Lefferts Collection 483 Dryden (John). Religio Laici; or, A Layman's Faith: a Poem. 4to, cloth, uncut. Lond. : Jacob Tonson, 16Z2 * First Edition, and very rare in uncut state. 484 Dryden (John, and others). The Satires of Decimus Junius Juvenalis . . . with the Satires of Aulus Persius Flaccus, etc. Folio, calf. Lond. : Jacob Tonson, 1693 * First Edition. Each of the satires, twenty-two in all, is pre- ceded by a half-title and argument, following which are explanatory notes by Dryden. From the half-titles to Juvenal we learn that five of the satires were translated by Dryden, one each by Charles Dryden and John Dryden, Jr., two by Tate, one each by Bowles, Stepney, Harris, Congreve, Power, and Creech, and one by an anonymous translator. All the satires of Persius were translated by Dryden. 485 [Dryden (John).] Sir Martin Mar-All; or, The Feign'd Innocence; a Comedy. 4to, half green morocco Lond.: H. Herri ngtuan, 1668 * First Edition. Fine copy. It is supposed the Duke of New- castle was the real author of the play and that Dryden only corrected it. Was acted with great success. See Pepys' Diar}', Aug. 16, 1667. 486 Dryden (John). The Spanish Fryar; or. The Double Discovery. 4to, half brown morocco. * First Edition. Lond. : ^. Tonson, 16Z1 487 Dryden (John). The Works of. With Notes, Historical, Critical and Explanatory, and a Life of the Author. By Sir Walter Scott. Portrait engraved by IV. If. Lizars. 18 vols. 8vo, half morocco, gilt tops, uncut. * Second and best edition. Edinburgh, 182 I 488 Dryden (John). Threnodia Augustalis: a Funeral- Pindarique Ode Sacred to the Happy Memory of King Charles H. 4to, half green straight-grained morocco. Lond. : Jacob Tofison, 1685 * First Edition. Charles II. died on February 6th, 16S5, and this poem was published about a month later. 489 Dryden (John). Troilus and Cressida: a Tragedy. With a Preface containing the Grounds of Criticism in Tragedy. 4to, half green levant morocco, gilt edges, by Riviere. Lond. : Jacob Tonson, 1679 * First Edition. Altered from Shakspeare, whose ghost, repre- sented by Mr. Betterton, spoke the Prologue. 83 The Lefferts Collection 490 Dryden (John). The Vindication; or, The Parallel of the French Holy League, and the English League and Covenant, turn'd into a Seditious Libel against the King and His Royal Highness, etc.' 4to, half cloth. Lond. : Jacob Tonson, 1683 * First Edition. In explanation and defence of his play (written in conjunction with Nat Lee), " The Duke of Guise." 491 Dryden (John). The Wild Gallant: a Comedy. 4to, half calf. Lond.: H. Herringman, 1669 * First Edition. Tall copy, but title and last leaf soiled. Dryden's first attempt at dramatic writing. 492 Drydeniana. The Address of John Dryden, Laureat to his Highness the Prince of Orange. Folio, half mo- rocco. Lond. : Randal Taylor, 1689 493 Drydeniana. A Collection of Poems ... by Roscom- mon, Rochester, Dryden, Waller, etc. 8vo, original calf. Lond.: Daniel Brown^ 1701 * Fine clean copy of this interesting collection. 494 Drydeniana. A Dialogue Concerning Women, being a Defence of the Sex, written to Eugenia. Svo, original calf. Lond. : H. Bentley, 1691 * Contains preface signed by John Dryden. 495 Drydeniana. The Hind and the Panther. Transversed to the Story of the Country Mouse and the City Mouse, much Malice Mingled with a little Wit. 4to, cloth, Lond. : W. Davis, 1687 * The best of the many replies to Dryden's brilliant poem — Bayes', Smith's and Johnson's — of Buckingham's "Rehearsal," reappeared in this truly witty performance, by Matthew Prior and Charles Mon- tague, the future Earl of Halifax, two young men destined to become distinguished in literature and politics. Montague was Prior's osten- sible collaborator in this satire, but Prior was probably the more active partner. It was his first literary essay, 496 Drydeniana. The Mall; or, The Modish Lovers: a Comedy. 4to, half brown morocco. Lond,: William Cademan, 1674 * The dedication is signed " J. D.," which has caused some people to ascribe the piece to Dryden, but it is generally thought not his. 84 The Lejferts Collection 497 Drydeniana. The Medal of John Bayes: a Satyr against Folly and Knavery. 4to, half calf. Lond. : Richard Janeway, 1682 *A virulently personal answer by Thomas Shadwell to "The Medal." It so enraged Dryden that he devoted a new satire to Shad- well, viz., " Mac Flecknoe." Small corner of title repaired. 498 Drydeniana. The Medal Revers'd: a Satyre against Persecution, by the Author of Azaria and Hushai. Device on title. 4to, half morocco. Lond.: Charles Lee., 1682 499 Drydeniana. The New Atlantis: a Poem in three book. 4to, half morocco. Lond.: For the Author^ 16%"] * With some reflections on The Hind and the Panther. 500 Drydeniana. A New Miscellany of Original Poems, on Several Occasions, written by the E. of R., Sir Charles Sidley {sic), . . . Mr. Dryden, etc. Title in red and black. 8vo, original calf. Lond.: Peter Burk, 1701 * Very fine, crisp copy. 501 Drydeniana. Clifford (M.) Notes upon Mr. Dryden's Poems, in Four Letters. 4to, unbound. Lond. : Printed in the Year 1687 * A fierce attack on Dryden. 502 Drydeniana. A Panegyrick on the Author of Absalom and Achitophel, occasioned by his former writing of an Elegy in Praise of Oliver Cromwell. Folio (i page), half morocco, gilt tops. Reprinted in the Year 1682 503 Drydeniana, A Poem in Defence of the Church of England, in opposition to The Hind and the Panther. Folio, half levant morocco, gilt tops, uncut, by the Club Bindery. Lond. 1688 504 Drydeniana. The Reasons of Mr. Bayes changing his Religion, considered in a Dialogue between Crites, Eugenius and Mr. Bayes. 4to, half calf. * Two parts in one volume. Lond.: For S. T., 1688-90 505 Drydeniana. The Revolter: a Trage-Comedy Acted between The Hind and the Panther, 4to, half mo- rocco. Lond. 1687 85 The Lejjerts Collection 506 Drydeniana. Satyr to his Muse, by the Author of Absalom and Achitophel. 4to, half morocco. * Some old writing on title-page. Lond. : D. Green^ 1682 507 Do. Another issue. Full green crushed levant morocco, gilt edges, by Zaehnsdorf. Lond.: Printed by T. IV., 1682 * One of the most noted of the numerous contributions to the con- troversy between Dryden and Shadwell. As it principally consists of abuse of Dryden, it could not, of course, have been written by him. It has been generally ascribed to John Somers, later the celebrated Lord Chancellor, then a young man beginning his profession ; but Christie says there is neither internal probability nor evidence to support the story. Pope has said that Somers told him he had noth- ing to do with the poem. 508 Drydeniana. The Wits Paraphras'd ; or, A Burlesque on the Several late Translations of Ovid's Epistles. 8vo, original sheep. Lond. 1680 * A burlesque especially aimed at Dryden's translation of Ovid. 509 Du Bois (H. p.. Editor). The Book-Lover's Almanac, 1894. Ethings by Robida, and illustrations by Henriot. i2mo, original covers, uncut. N.Y. : Duprat, 1894 * No. 13 of 150 printed on Japan paper. 510 [DuFFET (Thomas).] The Empress of Morocco: a Farce. 4to, half morocco. Lond.: Simon Neale, 1674 * A burlesque of Settle's play. Bound up with it is also a travesty of the Witch Scene in Macbeth. Fine copy of a very rare and interesting piece. 511 DuFFETT (Thomas). The Spanish Rogue, as it was Acted by his Majesties Servants. 4to, half green morocco, gilt tops, by Stikeman. Lond. : William Cadcman, 1674 * Dedicated to Nell Gwyn. See Cunningham's Life of her. 512 DuNLAP Society Publications. The Second Series, complete. Portraits., etc. 15 vols. 8vo, as issued. N. Y. 1896-1901 513 D'Urfey (Thomas). The Banditti; or, A Ladle's Dis- tress: a Play. 4to, half red calf. * First Edition. Lond.: P. Bentley, 1686 514 D'Urfey (Thomas). Bussy D'Ambois; or. The Hus- band's Revenge: a Tragedy. 4to, half calf. Lond.: P. Bentley, 1691 *A revival of Chapman's famous play, with " improvements"! 86 The Lefferts Collection 515 [D'Urfey (Thomas).] Butler's Ghost; or, Hudibras. The fourth part, with Reflections upon these Times. First Edition. 8vo, original sheep. Lond. : Joseph Hindmarsh^ 1682 * Beautifully clean and crisp copy. 516 D'Urfey (Thomas). Comical History of Don Quixote. Both parts. 2 vols. 4to, half blue and half brown levant morocco. Lond.: 6". Briscoe^ 1694 * First Edition. Rare. 517 D'Urfey (Thomas). The Comical History of Don Quixote; with the Marriage of Mary the Buxome. 3 parts in i volume. 8vo, full crimson crushed levant morocco, gilt edges, by Stikeman. Lond.: John Darby ^ 1729 * First complete edition. Inner margin of first title slightly re- paired. Fine copy. 518 D'Urfey (Thomas). A Commonwealth of Women: a Play. 4to, calf gilt, gilt edges. * First Edition. Lond.: R. Bcntley, 1686 519 D'Urfey (Thomas). A Fool's Preferment; or, The Three Dukes of Dunstable: a Comedy, as it was Acted at the Queen's Theatre in Dorset-Garden by their Majesties Servants, together with all the Songs and Music to 'em, excellently Composed by Henry Purcell. 4to, half calf. Lond. : Jas. Knight, 1688 * First Edition. Very difficult to find in perfect state as above with the music, which was issued with a distinct title-page. 520 D'Urfey (Thomas). Love for Money; or. The Boarding School: a Comedy. 4to, half brown morocco. * First Edition. Lond.: Abel Roper, 1691 521 D'Urfey (Thomas). Madam Fickle; or. The Witty False One: a Comedy. 4to, boards. Lond. : R. Bentley, 1682 * Fine copy. 522 D'Urfey (Thomas). The Marriage-Hater Match'd : a Comedy. 4to, half morocco, gilt tops. Lond.: Richard Parker, 1692 * First Edition. Last leaf mended. 523 D'Urfey (Thomas). New Operas, with Comical Stories and Poems on Several Occasions. 8vo, calf (rebacked). * First Edition. Lond.: Wm. Chetwood, 1721 87 The Lefferts Collection 524 D'Urfey (Thomas). A Poem Congratulatory on the Birth of the Young Prince. 4to, half brown morocco, by the Club Bindery. Lond. : Joseph Kriight and Francis Saunders, 1688 * First Edition, with leaf of License preceding title. 525 D'Urfey (Thomas). The Royalist: a Comedy. 4to, half maroon morocco. Lond.: Jos. Hindmarsh, 1682 * First Edition. 526 D'Urfey (Thomas). The Siege of Memphis; or, The Ambitious Queen: a Tragedy. 4to, half calf. Lond. : W. Cademan, 1676 * First Edition, with date incorrectly printed — 1670. This has been altered in pen and ink to 1676, which is the proper date. 527 D'Urfey (Thomas), Squire Oldsapp; or, The Night Adventurers : a Comedy. 4to, half blue levant morocco, gilt edges, by Riviere. Lond.: Jas. Magnes, 1679 * First Edition. 528 D'Urfey (Thomas). Trick for Trick; or, The Debauched Hypocrite: a Comedy. 4to, calf, gilt edges. * First Edition. Lond.: L. Curtiss, 1678 529 D'Urfey (Thomas). The Virtuous Wife; or, Good Luck at Last: a Comedy. 4to, half morocco. Lond.: R. Bentley, 1680 * First Edition. Fine copy. A duplicate from the famous Bridgewater Library. 530 D'Urfey (Thomas). Wit and Mirth; or. Pills to Purge Melancholy: a Collection of the Best Merry Ballads and Songs, Old and New, fitted to all Humours, having each their Proper Tune for either Voice or Instrument. Portrait. 6 vols. i2mo, old red morocco, gilt leaves. Lond.: J. Tonson, 1719-20 * Nice copy of this famous collection of Protestant songs. Rare in such choice state. 531 Another copy, the Portrait inlaid. 6 vols, post 8vo, old calf, gilt. Ibid. 532 D'Urfey (Thomas). Wonders in the Sun; or. The King- dom of the Birds: a Comick Opera. 4to, contemporary red morocco, gilt edges. Lond.: Jacob Tonson, 1706 * Apparently the copy submitted before publication to the Censor, and with the original manuscript " Imprimatur." Dedicated to the Kit Kat Club. Stained. 88 The Lefferts Collection 533 [D'OuviLLY (G. G. )] The False Favourit Disgrac'd and the Reward of Loyalty: a Tragi-Comedy, never acted. 8vo, calf, red edges. Lond. : IVil. Wilson, 1657 * Mitford's copy, with autograph and MS. notes. 534 D. (J.) The Knave in Graine, New Vampt. A witty Comedy acted at the Fortune many dayes together with great Applause. Device on title. 410, full green levant morocco, gill edges, by Zaehnsdorf. Lond. : John Nicholson, 1640 * An extremely rare play from the N. Q. Pope collection. Head, in his " English Rogue," has adapted incidents from this play. 535 pCCLESTONE (Edward). Noah's Flood, or the I \, Destruction of the World : an Opera. 4to, half brown morocco, by the Club Bindery. * First Edition. Lond.: M. Clark^ 1679 536 [EcHARD (Laurence, translator).] Plautus's Comedies, made English with Critical Remarks upon each play. 8vo, calf. Lond. : Abel Swalle, 1694 537 Eliot (Sir Thomas). The Boke named the Governour devised by Syr Thomas Elyot, Knyght. Woodcut bor- der to title-page. Black Cetter. 8vo, full green crushed levant morocco, gilt edges, with the ancient binding, which is ornately tooled to a Venetian pattern inlaid inside covers, by the Club Bindery. Lond. : Thomas Berthelet, 1544 * The fourth edition of this famous book, and a splendid copy. The ancient binding is probably an example of Berthelet's own work. 538 Elizabeth's Prayer Book, A Booke Of Chriflian Pray- ers, collected out of the aunciet writers, and beft learned in our tyme, worthy to be read with an earneft mynde of all Chriflians, in thefe daungerous and trouble- fome dayes, that God for Chrifles fake will yet flill be mercy full vnto vs. Ornate woodcut title-page portrait of Queen Elizabeth on the verso and borders to each page. Black £cttcr. 4to, in a magnificent contemporary 89 The Lefferts Collection Lyonaise binding covered with delicate gold tooling and painted panel, the initials " E. T." in centre of sides, gilt edges. Lond. : John Day e, 157S * The second edition. Of the first printed in 1569, but one copy — that in the Lambeth Palace Library — is known. The second edition is also of SURPASSING RARITY, and the present is believed to be the only perfect copy in America. It is the only early attempt of the English to follow the example of the French printers in their beautiful Books of Hours. Particular attention is directed to the superb old binding of this copy and generally its exquisite condition. We doubt if a finer copy is in existence. A note in the book by Mr. Lefferts says: " The HuTH and Hoe copies call for only six leaves (including title before signature ' B '). This has two leaves more." 539 Elizabeth's Prayer Book. Booke (A) Of Chriflian Praiers collected out of the Ancient Writers, and befl. learned in our time; worthy to be read with an earnefl minde of all Chriflians in thefe daungerous and troublefom dales, that God for Chrifls fake will yet flil be merciful vnto vs. 4to, old calf. At Lond. : Printed for the Company of Stationers, 1608 * I^lncf^ XCttCr, This handsome volume is commonly known as Queen Elizabeth's Prayer-Book, in consequence of the large woodcut portrait of the Queen, on the reverse of the title, in the attitude of prayer. The work is elegantly printed within ornamental woodcut borders, in imitation of the French '^ Books of Hours ," and is remarkable as being the only English book of the kind. The borders contain scenes from the Old and New Testaments, the Apo- calypse, illustrations of the Cardinal Virtues, and the Dance of Death, which last contains specimens of the costumes of all ranks in the time of Elizabeth and James I. The authorship of the work is by some attributed to John Foxe, and by others to Richard Day. An unusually tall, fine and clean copy. 540 Elizabeth. The Secret History of the most Renowned O. Elizabeth and the E. of Essex. Rude woodcut front- ispiece. 1 2mo, original sheep. Cologne.: Printed for the Man in the Moon, and Will a?n Jones., 1571 * Piinted in JSlacFl XcttCt. The First Edition, and of exces- sive rarity, even the Huth collection having only the second edition. The present copy is very fine, having large margins and being sound and clean throughout. It is one of the most interesting of the books of the Shakesperian period and contains many curious histories. Among them is the story of Tamburlane, dramatized by Marlowe. 603 Fraunce (Abraham). The Lawier's Logike. Slack £etter. 4to, calf, by Pratt. Lond. : William How, 1588 * First Edition, with the bookplates of Cornelius Paine and E. B. Foote. It is believed by Shakesperian critics that it was from this book that Shakespeare acquired much of his legal knowledge. Fine copy, with the rare folding table at page 118. 604 Frossard (E.) Monograph of United States Cents and Half-Cents, 1 793-1857. With p heliotype plates. 4to, cloth, gilt edges. Irvington, N. Y. : For the Author, 1879 605 [FuLLARTON (JoHN, of Carcltown). ] The Turtle-Dove, under the Absence and Presence of her only Choise. By a Lover of the Celestiall Muses. 8vo, green mo- rocco, gilt edges, by Grieve of Edinburgh. Edinburgh: Andrew Anderson, 1664 * An extremely rare poetical volume, of which there is no sale recorded for many years. Inserted is some correspondence relating to the book between Alexander Gardyn and the Librarian of the Advocate's Library, Edinburgh, relating to the book. As long ago as the Corser sale a copy sold for ten guineas. 100 The Lefferts Collection 606 Fuller (Thomas). Abel Redevivus; or, The Dead Yet Speaking. The Lives and Deaths of the Moderne Divines. Fine impressions of the beautifully- engraved title- page, and portrait of Fuller; also of the portraits in the text, including Bp. Andrews, John Fox, Melancthon, Lati- mer, Peter Martyr, Wickliffe, etc. 4to, brown crushed levant morocco extra, gilt edges, by Riviere. Lond. : John Stafford, 1651 * First Edition, and a very fine copy. 607 /^>ARRICK (David). Dramatic Works, with Life. If 3 vols, post 8vo, old calf. Lond. : A. Millar, 1798 608 [Garth (Sir Samuel).] The Dispensary: a Poem, 4to, half morocco, gilt tops, by Stikeman. Lond. : John Nutt, 1699 * First Edition. Garth's proposal to found an institution for supplying medicines to the poor at cost meeting the opposition of the faculty, he wrote the above satire replying to their strictures. 609 Gascoigne (George). The Droomme of Doomesday. Wherin the frailties and miferies of mans lyfe, are lyuely portrayed, and learnedly fet forth. Deuided, as appeareth in the Page next following. Tranflated and collected by George Gafcoigne Efquyer. Slack Cotter. 4to, half calf. Imprinted at Londofi, for Gabriell Cawood : dwelling in P aides Churchyard, at the Signe of the holy Ghoft, 1576. * On D 8 is a curious woodcut representing several devils replen- ishing the fires of hell with the bodies of the damned, described by the author as " the vnfpeakable perplexitie of the damned." This work, Gascoigne tells us, was translated from an old volume, "fkarce comely couered and wel worse handled ... so that I cannot certaynly say who shuld be the Author of the fame." The work he translated was " De miseria humanse conditionis," by Lothario Conti, Pope Innocent III. Wormhole through several blank margins and stained. 610 Gay (John). Fables. Numerous engravings a7id vignettes upon copper by Gravelot, Wooton, IV. Kent, and others. 2 vols, in I. 4to, original calf, gilt. Lond. 1727-38 * First Editions of both parts and excessively rare. Upon a fly-leaf in a contemporary hand is written : "The first edition of Gay's Fables in 4to, 1727, is one of the lOI The Lefferts Collection scarcest books in the English language ; there having been no more than 25 copies printed, a dozen of which were for ye Royal Library. There were but 50 copies in 4to of the second volume. The cuts for the 4to size were all of ye very best impressions." Very fine copy. 611 Gay (John). Plays, with Life of the Author. Fine por- trait on copper. 1 2 mo, calf. Lond. : Tonson, 1760 612 Gell (Sir Wm.) and John P. Gandy. Pompeiana: Topography, Edifices and Ornaments. Fine plates on copper and steel, many proof s on India paper. Both series complete. 3 vols, in 2. 4to, half leather, roxburghe style. Lond. 1817-32 * Large Paper, and a very beautiful copy. Rare in this state. 613 GiLDAS. The Epistle of Gildas, the Most Ancient British Author, who f]ourished in the Yeere of our Lord 546. Faithfully translated out of the Originall Latine. En- graved portrait by Williatn Marshall. i2mo, calf, gilt. * Fine copy of the First Edition. Lond. : T. Cotes, 1638 614 [GiLDON (Charles).] The Patriot; or, The Italian Con- spiracy: a Tragedy. 4to, half red morocco, gilt tops. Lond.: Wtn. Davis, 1703 * Altered from Nat. Lee's Lucius Junius Brutus. 615 [GiLDON (Charles).] The Roman Bride's Revenge: a Tragedy. 4to, half green morocco. Lond. : John Sturton, 1697 616 Glapthorne (Hy.) Plays and Poems, with Notes and Memoir. 2 vols. 8vo, half morocco, gilt tops, by Matthews. Lond. : J. Pearson^ 1874 * Large Paper. The first collected edition. 617 Glapthorne (Henry). Wit in a Constable: a Comedy, written 1639. 4to, half vellum. Lond.: Jo. Okes, 1640 * First Edition. One line of preliminary leaf cut off at foot. Rare. 618 Godwin (Parke). Biography of William Cullen Bryant. Portrait. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut. N. Y. : Appleton, 1883 * First Edition. Includes extracts from his correspondence. 619 GoFFE (Thomas). The Careless Shepherdess: a Tragi- comedy, acted before the King and Queen, with an Alphabeticall Catalogue of all such Plays that ever were presented. 4to, half morocco. Interleaved. * First Edition. Lond.: Richard Rogers, 1656 102 The Lefferts Collection 620 GoFFE (Thomas). Three Excellent Tragedies. The Sec- ond Edition, carefully corrected by a Friend of the Author. 8vo, green levant morocco, gilt edges. * Fine copy. Bound for James Toovey. Lond. : G. Bedell, 16^6 621 GoFFE (Thomas). The Tragedy of Orestes. Device on title. 4to, calf gilt, gilt edges, by Riviere. Lond.: Richard Meighen, 1633 * Fine copy of the First Edition. 622 GoLDiNG (Arthur). The Fyrst Power Bookes of P. Ovidius Naso's Worke, intitled Metamorphosis, trans- lated oute of Latin into Englishe Meter. A Woorke very pleasaunt and delectable. Pictorial border to title. 4to, mottled calf gilt, gilt edges, by Riviere. Lond. : Willy afu Seres, 1565 * First Edition. Title and a few corners mended, but a tall and fine copy of an exceedingly rare book. 623 GoLDiNG (Arthur). The XV. Bookes of P. Ouidius Nafo, Entituled, Metamorphofis. A worke very pleaf- ant and delectable. Tranflated out of Latin into Englifh meeter, by Arthur Golding gentleman. With skill, heed, and iudgement this worke mufl be read, For elfe to the reader it flandsin fmall flead. 4to, calf, gilt, red edges. At Lond. : Imprinted by Robert Walde- graue. Anno Domini 1587. * A rare edition and a fine copy of a book usually found in poor state. 624 Goldsmith (Francis). Hugo Grotius, his Sophom- paneas; or Joseph, a Tragedy, with Annotations. En- graved portraits of the author and translator by Cross. Svo, crimson crushed levant morocco, gilt edges, by Riviere. Lond. : John Hardesty, n. d. * Published in 1652. First Edition, and a very fine copy. 625 Goldsmith (Oliver). Poetical and Dramatic Works, with Life. Beautifully engraved portrait by Cook. 2 vols. Svo, original calf. Lond.: H. Goldney, 1780 * Fine copy of the first collected edition. 626 Gomersall (Robert). Poems. Device on title. Svo, brown levant morocco extra, paneled sides, gilt edges, by Riviere. Lond. : M. F. for John Harriot, 1633 * First collected edition. Contains the beautifully engraved front- ispieces by Vaughan and Cecill. 103 The Lefferts Collection 627 GoMERSALL (Robert). The Levite's Revenge. Engraved frontispiece by Thomas Cecil, depicting in compartments events of the play. 8vo, half calf. "Lond..: John Marriott^ 16 22> * With the preliminary page of verse before the frontispiece. First Edition, and having bound up the first edition of the same authors: " Tragedie of Lodovick Sforza Duke of Millan," with frontispiece by Cecil!, 1628. Both fine copies from the Bierstadt collection. 628 GooGE (Barnaby.) The Firste Syxe Bokes of theMooste Christian Poet, Marcellus Palingenius, called the Zodiak of Life. Newly translated out of Latin into English by Barnabe Googe. Uiock Cctter. Engraved border round title, full-page tiwodcut of arms and another engraving. Small 8vo, orange morocco extra, gilt edges. Lond. : \^John Tisdale\ 1501 * First Edition. " This is an edition of extreme rarity, and was alike unknown to Warton and Tanner. Mr. Herbert, the editor of Ames, told Mr. Astle, who possessed a copy, that he had never seen another." — Bibliotheca Anglo-Poetica, luhere an imperfect copy ivas priced £j, js. 629 GoosECAPPE (Sir Gyles). A Comedie presented by the Children of the Chappell. Device on title. 4to, half morocco. Lond. : John Windet, 1606 * First Edition. Some headlines clipped, but a good sound copy of this rare and early play. 630 Gorges (Sir Arthur). Lucan's Pharsalia, translated into English verse, whereunto is annexed the Life of the Authour, collected out of divers authors. Folio, mottled calf gilt, gilt edges, by Riviere. Lond. : Edward Blount, 16 14 * The second English translation, the first being Marlowe's. The translator is the " Alcyon " of Spenser's " Daphnaida," and is also noticed in " Colin Clout's Come Home Again." Very fine copy. 631 GossE (Edmund). The Jacobean Poets. i2mo, cloth. N. Y. 1894 632 [GouGH (John).] The Strange Discovery : a Tragi-Com- edy. Device 07i title. 4to, calf. Lond.: Williafn Leake ^ 1640 104 The Lefferts Collection 633 [Gould (Robert).] The Laurel: a Poem on the Poet- Laureat. 4to, half straight-grained green morocco, by the Club Bindery. Lond. : BenJ. Tooke, 1685 * An attack on John Dryden. 634 Gould (Robert). Poems. Chiefly consisting of Satyrs and Satyrical Epistles. Title in red and black. 8vo, full crimson crushed levant morocco, gilt edges, by Riviere. Lond.: For the Booksellers, 1689 * First Edition. Containing the three unsigned leaves between Ft and F2. The volume is very rare, and contains a long and inter- esting summary of Shakspeare's works. " When these and other such like scenes I scan, 'Tis then, great Soul, I think thee more than man." 635 GowER (John). Jo. Gower de confeffione Amantis. iSlnck Ccttcr. Folio, calf. Imprinted at London in Flete- ftrete by Thomas Berthelette Printer to the kingis grace AN. M.D.XXXII. (Collation) : aa, eight leaves ; A — Z and a — i 5, in sixes, * The first edition was printed by Caxton in 1483, and this, the second edition, is also of great rarity. Some old writing on the title. The present copy is unusually tall, indeed measures a half inch each way more than the Purdy copy, which is looked upon as a fine one. 636 GowER (John), de Confessione Amantis. Folio. i31ack Cctter. Very beautiful copy, most handsomely bound in morocco super extra, gilt back and sides, gilt edges, by Bedford. Imprinted at London in Flete Street by Thomas Berthelette the xii. dale of March, An. 1554. * Warton says: " Gower's Confessio Amantis is no unpleasing mis- cellany of the shorter tales which delighted the readers of the Middle Ages." Another critic says: " It is quite evident that Shakspeare founded his play of Pericles upon the story of Appolinus Prince of Tyre, contained in this book. Most of the incidents are found in the poem; besides, Gower himself is introduced as the Chorus by Shakspeare." 637 GowER (John). Ovids Festivalls; or, Romane Calendar translated into English verse equinumerally. Border round title, which is in red and black. Svo, crimson lev- ant morocco, gilt edges, by the Club Bindery. Cambridge: Printed by Roger Daniel, 1640 105 The Lefferts Collection 638 Granville (George, Lord Lansdowne). The British Enchanters; or, No Magic Like Love: a Tragedy. 4to, half calf. Lond. : Jacob Tonson^ 1706 639 Granville (George, Lord Lansdowne). Genuine Works in Verse and Prose. Portraits by Vatidergucht. 2 vols. i2mo, calf. Lond.: Tonson, 1736 640 Granville (George, Lord Lansdowne). Heroick Love: a Tragedy. 4to, half brown morocco. Lond. : F. Saunders^ 1698 641 [Granville (George, Lord Lansdowne).] Poems upon Several Occasions. 8vo, original calf. Lond. : y. Tofison, 171 2 * Clean and crisp copy of the First Edition. 642 Granville (George, Lord Lansdowne). The She Gal- lants: a Comedy. 4to, half brown crushed levant morocco. Lond.: Hy. Playford, 1696 643 Granville (George, Lord Lansdowne). Three Plays, viz., The She Gallants, Heroick Love, and the Jew of Venice. 8vo, calf, red edges. 'Lond.: BenJ.Tooke^i'ji^ * Fine copy. The Jew of Venice is altered from Shalcespeare's Merchant of Venice. 644 [Greene (J.)] Refutation of the Apology for Actors, divided into three briefe treatises. 4to, full green crushed levant morocco, gilt edges. Lond.: IV. White, 16 15 * A reply to Haywood's Apology for Actors. It is as rare or rarer than that work, and seldom found in such fine condition as the present. 645 Greene (John R.) History of the English People. 8 maps. 4 vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut. * First Edition. Lond.: Macmillan., 1877-80 645A Greene (John R.) The Making of England. Maps. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Lond. : Macmillan, 1881 * First Edition. 645B Greene (John R.) The Conquest of England. Por- trait and maps. 8vo, cloth, uncut. * First Edition. Lond.: Macmillan, 1883 106 The Lefferts Collection 646 Greene (Robert). Dramatic Works, to which are added his Poems, with some account of the Author, and notes by the Rev. Alex. Dyce. 2 vols, post 8vo, full green crushed levant morocco, gilt tops, by Alfred Mat- thews. Lond. : W»i. Pickering, 1831 * Only 250 copies printed. In choice condition. 647 Greville (Charles C. F.) The Greville Memoirs: I. A Journal of the Reigns of King George IV. and King William IV., 3 vols., Lond. 1874; II. A Journal of the Reign of Queen Victoria from 1837 to 1852, 3 vols., Lond. 1885 ; III. A Journal of the Reign of Queen Vic- toria from 1852 to i860, 2 vols., Lond. 1887. Together 8 vols. 8vo, original cloth. Lond., v. y. * All First Editions. These brilliantly written "Journals" caused a regular furore on publication and the demand for them was unprecedented. They are delightful reading and will ever be favor- ites among those who like a peep behind the scenes and who love sparkling stories of the doings of great statesmen, monarchs, wits and beaux. GROLIER CLUB PUBLICATIONS. 648 A Decree of Star Chamber Concerning Printing, made July II, 1 637. Reprinted for the Grolier Club from the first edition, 1637. 8vo, original wrapper. N.Y. 1884 * The first book printed by the Grolier Club. 150 copies printed. 649 Transactions of the Grolier Club from January, 1884, to July, 1885. Part I. Royal 8vo, paper, uncut. N. Y. 1885 650 Rubaivat of Omar Khayyam, the Astronomer Poet of Persia. Rendered into English verse by Edward Fitz- gerald. 8vo, illuminated wrapper. N. Y. 1885 * Japan paper copy. Only 150 copies printed. 651 De Vinne, Theo. L. Historic Printing Types. A lecture read before the Club, January 25, 1885. With addi- tions and illustrations. Small 4to, boards, uncut. N. Y. 1886 * Only 200 copies of this special edition printed on Holland paper. 107 The Lefferts Collection GROLIER CLUB VXS'Bl.lCATlO'ii's— Continued. 652 Hoe, Robert. A Lecture on Bookbinding as a Fine Art, delivered before the Grolier Club, February 26, 18S5. With 63 illustrations. Small 4to, half cloth, uncut. N. Y. 1SS6 * 200 copies printed. 653 De Vinne, Theo. L. Christopher Plantin and the Plantin-Moretus Museum at Antwerp. With illustra- tions by Joseph and others. Royal 8vo, boards, uncut. *Only 300 copies printed. N. Y. 1888 655 Matthews, William. Modern Bookbinding Practically Considered. Plates. Small 4to, cloth, uncut. N.Y.1889 * Only 300 copies of this special edition printed on Holland paper. 656 Bury. Ricardi de Bury. Philobiblon, ex optimis codi- cibus recensuit, Versione Anglica . . . Andreas Fleming West. Frontispieces. 3 vols, small 4to, vel- lum, uncut. N. Y. 1889 *Only 297 copies printed. 657 Milton, John. Areopagitica. A Speech for the Lib- erty of Unlicensed Printing to the Parliament of Eng- land. With an Introduction by James Russell Lowell. Etched portraits. i2mo, boards, uncut. N. Y. 1890 * Only 325 copies printed on Holland paper. 658 Curtis, George William. Washington Irving: a Sketch. 8vo, in the Club binding, by Stikeman, full crimson morocco, uncut, gilt top. N. Y. 1891 *Only 344 copies printed. 659 Catalogue of an Exhibition of Engraved Portraits, be- ing the Effigies of the most Famous English Writers, from Chaucer to Johnson. Portraits. 8vo, original paper wrappers, uncut. N. Y. 1891 * Large paper. Only 200 copies printed. 660 Catalogue of an Exhibition of Selected Works of the Poets Laureate of England. Portrait. 8vo, cloth, uncut. N. Y. 1891 * 300 copies printed. loS The Lefferts Collection GROLIER CLUB VVBlACATlOn'a-Coniinued. 66i Conway, Moncure D. Barons of the Potomac and the Rappahannock. Portraits, facsimiles and illustrations. 8vo, boards, uncut. N. Y. 1892 * Only 360 copies printed on Italian hand-made paper. 662 Catalogue of an Exhibition of Illuminated and Painted Manuscripts, together with a few Early Printed Books, with illuminations, also some examples of Persian manuscripts, with plates in facsimile and an intro- ductory essay. Illustrations. Square Svo, cloth, uncut. * Only 200 copies printed on Holland paper. N. Y. 1892 663 Catalogue of Original and Early Editions of some of the Poetical and Prose Works of English Writers, from Langland to Wither, with Collations and Notes, and 87 Facsimiles of Title-pages and Frontispieces: being a contribution to the Bibliography of English Liter- ature. Royal Svo, half straight-grained russet mo- rocco, as issued. N. Y. 1893 * Only 400 copies printed on Holland paper. 664 Facsimile of the Laws and Acts of the General Assembly for their Majesties Province of New York, New York, 1694. Edited by R. L. Fowler. Small folio, vellum, uncut. N. Y. 1894 * 312 copies printed. 665 Allen, C. D. A Classified List of Early American Bookplates. Illustrations. 8vo, original paper wrap- pers, uncut. N. Y. 1894 * Large Paper, 350 copies printed. 666 Transactions of the Grolier Club of the City of New York, from July, 1885, to February, 1894. Part 2. Illustrations. Small 4to, boards, uncut. N. Y. 1894 * 750 copies printed. 667 Description of the Early Printed Books owned by the Grolier Club, with a brief account of their printers and a history of typography in the fifteenth century. Illus- trations. Small folio, half calf, uncut. N. Y. 1895 * Only 400 copies printed. 109 The Lefferts Collection GROLIER CLUB PUBLICATIONS— C««//«?^?rf. 668 The Poems of John Donne. From the text of the edition of 1633, revised by James Russell Lowell, with the various readings of the other editions of the seventeenth century, and with a Preface, an Introduction and Notes by Charles Eliot Norton. Portrait etched by S.J. Ferj-is. 2 vols. i2mo, cloth, uncut. N. Y. 1895 * Only 3S0 copies printed. 669 Catalogue of Books from the Libraries or Collections of Celebrated Bibliophiles and Illustrious Persons of the Past, with arms or devices upon the bindings. Plates. Small 4to, cloth, uncut. N. Y. 1895 * Only 350 copies printed. 670 Catalogue of the Engraved Work of Asher B. Durand. Exhibited at the Grolier Club, April, 1S95. 8vo, original paper covers, uncut. N. Y. 1895 * Large Paper. Only 350 copies printed. 671 Catalogue of an Exhibition Illustrative of a Centenary of Artistic Lithography, 1 796-1 896. With 244 ex- amples by 160 different artists. Illustrated with 20 photo-e?igravings from the originals. 8vo, original paper covers, uncut. N, Y.. 1896 * Large Paper. Only 400 copies printed. 672 Warren, Arthur. The Charles Whittinghams, Printers. Portraits and illustrations. Royal 8vo, half morocco, uncut. N. Y. 1896 * Only 38 5 copies printed. 673 A Chronological Catalogue of the Engravings, Dry- Points and Etchings of Albert Diirer, as Exhibited at the Grolier Club. Compiled by S. R. Koehler. Small folio, cloth, uncut. N. Y. 1897 * 100 copies on Holland paper. 674 Donne, John. The Text of Donne's Poems. By C. E. Norton. From Harvard Studies and Notes in Philol- ogy and Literature, Vol. V. Child Memorial Volume. i2mo, original paper covers. N. Y. 1897 675 Two NoTE-BooKS of Thomas Carlyle, from 23d March, 1822, to i6th May, 1832. Edited by Charles Eliot Norton. Portrait. Small 8vo, half morocco, uncut. * Only 37S copies printed. N. Y. 1898 no The Lefferts Collection GROLIER CLUB W'QlACATlO'iiiS— Continued. 676 The Life of Charles Henry, Count Hoym, Eminent French Bibliophile, 1684-1736, written by Baron Jerome Pichon. Translated into English for the Gro- lier Club, with a Sketch of the Life of the late Baron Pichon. Illustrations. Royal 8vo, half morocco, bro- caded-silk sides, uncut. N. Y. 1899 * Only 303 copies printed. 677 Transactions of the Grolier Club of the City of New York, from February, 1894, to July, 1899. Part 3. Vie7v of the Club House. Small 4to, boards, uncut. * 470 copies printed. N. Y. 1899 678 A Translation of Giovanni Boccaccio's Life of Dante, with an Introduction and a Note on the Portraits of Dante. By G. R. Carpenter. Portrait. Small 4to, illustrated board cover, in slip case. N. Y. 1900 * Only 300 copies printed on Italian hand-made paper. 679 Catalogue of Etchings and Dry Points, by Rembrandt. Selected for Exhibition at the Grolier Club of the City of New York, April-May, 1900. Etched portrait. Small 4to, cloth, uncut. N. Y. 1900 * 310 copies printed. 680 Catalogue of an Exhibition of First and Other Edi- tions of the Works of John Dryden (1631-1700). To- gether with a few engraved portraits and two oil paintings. Commemorative of the 200th Anniversary of his Death. Etched portrait. Small 4to, boards, un- cut. N. Y. 1900 * 200 copies printed. 681 De Vinne (Theodore Low). Title-pages as Seen by a Printer. With numerous illustrations in facsimile. And some observations on the early and recent printing of books. 8vo, half morocco, uncut, in slip case. * 325 copies printed. N. Y. 1 90 1 682 Catalogue of a Collection of Engravings, Etchings and Lithographs by Women. i6mo, paper, uncut. N. Y. 1901 683 Mosaic Bookbindings. A Catalogue of an Exhibition. i6mo, paper, uncut. N. Y. 1902 m The Lefferts Collection GROLIER CLUB PUBLICATIONS— C<7«//«za«/(?/, 1641 * The Sixth Edition. Bound up is a fine copy of a scarce volume, " The Synagogue; or, The Shadow of the Temple," London, 1647, by Christopher Harvey. It is the Second Edition, corrected and en- larged. 725 Herbert (George). The Temple: Sacred Poems and Private Ejaculations. Border to title-page. i2mo, crim- son crushed levant morocco, rough gilt edges (some margins mended), by F. Bedford. Cambridge: T. Buck., 1633 * The Second published edition, issued the same year as the First. 726 Herbert (George). The Temple: Sacred Poems and Private Ejaculations. Border to title-page. i2mo, sprinkled calf, gilt edges, by Pratt. Cambridge: T. Buck., 1635 * The Fourth Edition. Fine copy. 119 The Lefferts Collection 727 Herrick (Robert). Hesperides; or, The Works both Humane and Divine. Device of crown on title, also the finely engraved portrait by Marshall. Thick 8vo, original SHEEP, in morocco slip case. Lond. : John Williams, 1648 * First Edition. A truly magnificent copy of this rare book, perhaps the finest COPY KNOWN. 728 Hervey (Lord). Memoirs of the Reign of George II. Portrait. 2 vols. 8vo, half crimson levant morocco, gilt tops, uncut, by Alfred Matthews Lond. : John Murray, 1848 * Fine copy of these scarce and readable memoirs. 729 Heyrick (Thomas). Miscellany Poems. Device on title. 4to, old calf. Cambridge: Printed by John Hayes for the Author, i6qi. * Fine tall copy in the original binding. 730 Heywood (John). Woorkes. A dialogue conteynying the number of the effectuall prouerbes in the Engliihe tounge, compact in a matter concernynge two maner of maryages. With one hundred of Epigrammes: and three hundred of Epigrammes vpon three hundred prouerbes: and a fifth hundred of Epigrams. Wher- vnto are now newly added a fyxt hundred of Epigrams by the fayde John Heywood. Full-length portrait of the author. 4to, full crimson crushed levant morocco, gilt edges, in slip case, by Stikeman. Londini: Anno chrifti, 1562. {Co\oY)h.on'?) Imprinted At London in Fleete- ftrete by Thomas Powell. Cum priuilegio. * First Edition. Some leaves are mended, but a good copy of an exceedingly rare book. It was apparently never seen by Herbert, as he merely gives the title and refers to a later edition for a full de- scription. The author had previously printed an extremely curious book called " The Spider and the Flie" but that is not so rare as this First Edition of the Epigrams. " In the Censuria Literaria Mr. Haslewood mentions that he was unable to get a sight of this edition." — Ellis. Adee's copy sold for $225.00. X20 The Lefferts Collection 731 Heywood (Thomas). An Apology for Actors: their An- tiquity, Ancient Dignity, and True Use of their Qual- ity. 4to, olive morocco extra, paneled sides, gilt edges, by Riviere. Lond. : Nicholas Okes^ 16 12 * Very fine copy of an excessively rare work. 732 Heywood (Thomas). A Challenge for Beautie. 4to, half blue levant morocco, gilt top. Lond. -.R. Raworth, 1636 * First Edition. 733 Heywood (Thomas). Dramatic Works. With Notes and Memoir. 6 vols. 8vo, half morocco, gilt tops, by Alfred Matthews. Lond. : Pearson, 1873 * Large Paper. The first collected edition. 734 Heywood (Thomas). England's Elizabeth: her Life and Troubles during her Minoritie, from the Cradle to the Crowne. Historically laid open and interwoven with such eminent passages of State as happened under the Reigne of Henry the Eight, Edward the Sixt, Queen Mary; all of them aptly introducing to the Present Relation. Engraved title-page containing a portrait of the Queen, engraved by Martin Droeshout. i2mo, full blue levant morocco. Lond. : John Beale, 1631 735 Heywood (Thomas). The Exemplary Lives and Memor- able Acts of Nine the Most Worthy Women of the World: three Jewes, three Gentiles, three Christians. With the rare folding engraved portrait of Henrietta Maria, and choice itnpressions of the other engravings^ including Queen Elizabeth. 4to, brown morocco. Lond.: Thomas Cotes, 1640 * The Griswold copy, with arms on side. Corner of one prelimi- nary leaf torn off, but a better copy than is usually found of this scarce book. 736 Heywood (Thomas). A Funerall Elegie upon the death of the late most hopefull and illustrious Prince, Henry, Prince of Wales. Several pages printed in solid black. 4to, morocco, gilt edges. Lond. : William Welbie, 16 13 * Small piece torn from title, but fine copy. For another form of this poem see under Henry (Prince) in this catalogue. 121 The Lejferts Collection 737 Heywood (Thomas). The Golden Age; or, The Lives of Jupiter and Saturne. Device on title. 4to, half mo- rocco. Lond. : William Barrenger^ 1611 * Mitford's copy, with autograph. First Edition, and of extreme rarity. 738 Heywood (Thomas). The Hierarchic of the Blessed Angels, their names, orders and offices. The Fall of Lucifer with his angels. Beautifully-engraved title-page by Cecill, and full-page engravings by Payne. Folio, half crimson levant morocco, gilt edges, by the Club Bind- ery. Lond. : Ada?n Islip^ 1635 *rine copy. Contains the famous allusion to the Elizabethan poets: Mellifluous Shake-fpeare, whofe inchanting Quill Commanded Mirth or Paffion, was but Will. And is^moMS fohn/on, though his learned Pen Be dipt in Caftaly, is flill but Ben. Fletcher and Webster, of that learned packe None of the mean'fl, yet neither was but lacke. Deckers but To>n, nor May, nor MiJdletoti. And hee 's now but lacke Foord, that once were lohn, 739 Heywood (Thomas) and Brome (Richard). The Late Lancashire Witches: a well received Comedy. 4to, green levant morocco, gilt edges, by Riviere. * First Edition. Fine copy. Lond. : T. Harper, 1634 740 [Heywood (Thomas).] The Life of Merlin, sirnamed Ambrosius, his Prophesies and Predictions Interpreted and their Truth made good. Engraved frontispiece on copper by Hollar. 4to, old calf. Lond. : J. Okes, 1641 * First Edition of this scarce and curious work. 741 Heywood (Thomas), Love's Mistresse; or, the Queenes Masque. 4to, half maroon morocco. * Second edition. Lond. : John Raivorth, 1640 742 Heywood (Thomas). Pleasant Dialogues and Drammas, selected out of Lucian Erasmus Textor, Ovid, etc. . . . also Certaine Elegies, Epitaphs, or Epithalamions, or Nuptiall Songs. 8vo, russia, red edges. Lond.: R. O. for R. H., 1637 * First Edition. One leaf torn, but, on the whole, a good copy. Has autograph of the Rev. John Mitford. 122 The Lefferts Collection 743 Heywood (Thomas). Philocothonista; or, The Drunkard, Opened, Dissected, and Anatomized. Fine woodcut of anitnals in various stages of drunkenness. 4to, full red morocco, by Murton. Lond. : Printed by Fobert Ro- worth, and are to be sold at his house neere the White-Hart Taverne in Smithfield, 1635. * Choice copy of a curious and entertaining book. Some of the stories of foolish things done by various drunkards are highly amusing. Rare in such fine shape. 744 Heywood (Thomas). Troia Britanica; or, Great Britaines Troy: a Poem Deuided into XVII. feuerall Cantons, intermixed with many pleafant Poeticall Tales. Con- cluding with an Vniuerfall Chronicle from the Creation, vntill thefe prefent Times. Large device on title. Folio, maroon levant morocco, gilt over red edges, by C. Murton. Lond.: Printed by W.J aggard^ 1609 * Tall, fine and sound copy. This is the only edition. In his ad- dress to Okes, the printer of the "Apology for Actors," 1612, Heywood complains of the many errors in the printing of this volume, and that Jaggard refused to publish a list of errata. He also complained that Jaggard inserted the epistles of Helen to Paris and Paris to Helen, which appear in this volume for the first time, in his third edition of the " Passionate Pilgrim " of 1612, and thus conveyed the impres- sion that he had " borrowed " from Shakespeare. 745 [Heywood (Thomas).] The Two most worthy and nota- ble Histories which remaine unmained to Posterity, viz. : The Conspiracie of Cateline and the Warre which Jugurth maintained against the same state, both by C. C. Salustius. Device on title-page. Folio, orig. vellum. *An extraordinarily fine copy. Lond. : John Jaggard, 1608 746 Heywood (Thomas). The Wise Woman of Hogsdon: a Comedie. Device on title. 2to, sprinkled calf gilt, gilt edges. Lond. : Henry Shephard, 1638 * Very rare. Title and few corners mended, but a good copy. Autograph note on fly-leaf: " Only edition. Br. Nicholson, M.D." 747 Heywood (Thomas). A Woman Kilde with Kindness, as it hath beene oftentimes Acted by the Queenes Maiest. Servants. Device on title-page. 4to, crimson morocco, gilt edges, by Murton. Lond. : Isaac Jaggard., 161 7 * A play of exceeding scarcity. No copy of the second edition is known, and the first is of the utmost rarity. Good copy. 123 The Lefferts Collection 748 HiGGONs (Bevill). The Generous Conqueror; or, The Timely Discovery: a Tragedy. 4to, half olive morocco. Lond. : S. Briscoe, 1702 749 HiLDEBURN (Charles R.) Sketches of Printers and Printing in Colonial New York. Portrait of fames Rivington on Japan paper, and facsimiles of title-pages. i2mo, boards, uncut. N. Y, {Dodd, Mead dr Co.), 1895 * No. II of 375 copies printed from type on Holland hand-made paper at the De Vinne Press. 750 Hogarth (William). Anecdotes of, written by himself. With Essays on his Life and Genius, etc., selected from Walpole, Lamb, J. Ireland, and others. Numerous en- gravings. Crown 8vo, half purple morocco, gilt tops, UNCUT. Lond.: /. B. Nichols, 1833 751 Hogarth Moralized, A Complete Edition of all the most capital and admired Works of William Hogarth, with Explanations by Dr, Trusler. Numerous plates en- graved on India paper especially for this edition. Crown 8vo, half dark-green morocco, gilt top, uncut. Lond. : John Major, 1831 * Major's beautiful edition; now very scarce. 752 HoLYDAY (Barten). Texnoramia; or. The Marriages of the Arts: a Comedie. 4to, original vellum. Lond. : Willam Stansby for John Parker, 1618 * This curious play contains, among many quaint references, an interesting notice of tobacco. " Phlegmatico " (one of the principal characters) " enters habited in a plain russet suit, on the back whereof was expressed one filling a pipe of tobacco; his hat beset round with tobacco pipes, with a can of drink hanging at his girdle," exclaiming, " 'Fore love, most meteorological tobacco ! pure Indian ! not a jot sophisticated; a tobacco pipe is the chimney of perpetual hospitality. 'Fore love, most metropolitan tobacco ! " And then breaks out very unphlegmatically into a jovial song in praise of the plant. 753 Holiday (Barten). Texnoramia; or, The Marriages of the Arts: a Comedy. 4to, half brown morocco, by the Club Bindery. Lond. : John Haviland, 1630 * Large Paper copy, and of exceeding rarity in such state. 754 Hollar (Wenceslaus). Danse des Morts. A series of Thirty Engravings, after Holbein, within borders. Most brilliant impressions. Extra calf, gilt edges. Paris, 165 1 * The excessively rare original edition of Hollar's Dance of Death. 124 The Lefferts Collection 755 Hollar (Wenceslaus). The Severall Habits of English Women from the Nobilite to the Contry Woman as they are in these times. Portrait engraved by himself ^ second state^ but before any letters^ and 27 most exquisite etchings on copper^ mounted on thick paper. 410, citron levant morccco, gilt edges. Lond. 1640 * Beautiful original impressions of the famous " Ornatus Muliebris yVnglicanus." 756 Homer. Speculum Heroicum. Principis omnium tem- porum Poetarum Homeri (Iliados) chacque livre redige en argument Poetique par le Sieur I. Hillaire de la Riviere. Portrait of the translator and beautiful engrav- ings by Crispin de Passe. Small 4to, calf, gilt edges. Trajecti-Bat. 1612 757 Homer. The Hymns — The Batrachomyomachia and two original Poetical Hymns by George Chapman, with Introductory Preface by S. W. Singer. Portrait of Chapman engraved by Swaine. i2mo, boards, uncut. * Only 250 copies printed. Chiswick : C. Whittingham, 1818 758 Hopkins (Charles). Boadicea, Queen of Britain : a Tra- gedy. 4to, half green morocco. Lond. : Jacob Tonson^iSc)-] 759 Hopkins (Charles). Friendship Improv'd; or, The Female Warriour: a Tragedy. 4to, half morocco. Lond.: Jacob Tonson, 1700 760 [Hopkins (Charles).] Neglected Virtue; or, The Un- happy Conquerour: a Play. 410, half red morocco. (2) Lond. : H. Rhodes, 1696 761 Hopkins, Charles. Pyrrhus, King of Epirus: a Tra- gedy. 4to, half calf. Lond. : S. Briscoe, 1695 762 Horace. The Lyrick Poet: Odes and Satyres translated out of Horace into English Verse. By J. S. Engraved frontispiece, 8vo, mottled calf extra, bottom edges UNCUT. Lond. : Printed by Henry Hills, being over-against St. Thomas Hospital, in Southivark, 1649. * First Edition. This is a very rare volume by John Smith. The British Museum copy does not contain the engraved title, and there was not one in the Bibliotheca Anglo-Poetica. Lowndes only mentions Mr. Bindley's, and Mr. Hazlitt says: " This work has one singularity about it, that the most part of the Odes, etc., translated, have each a separate inscription before them to some person of dis- tinction." 125 The Lefferts Collection 763 Horace. Quinti Horatii Flacci Opera. Pine's Beauti- ful Edition. Finely engraved throughout^ and illustrated ■with many very beautiful vignettes, brilliant impressions. 2 vols. 8vo, full crimson crushed levant morocco, den- telle borders, gilt tops, uncut, by Stikeman, in slip case. Londini: Johannes Fine, 1733-37 * First Edition, with the rare " Post Est" cancelled leaf. An uncut copy of this work is of great scarcity. In this copy the orig- inal ornamented paper covers are bound in. The whole of the text is engraved upon plates and accompanied by numerous beautiful vig- nettes. The superiority of the impressions of this first issue over those in the later edition is very marked. On page 108 of Vol. II. the engraver has inscribed upon the medal of Caesar the words Post, est, which in the second and later impressions of the first editions are altered to Potest. 764 Horace. The Works of Quintus Horatius Flaccus, with Life by the Rev. H. H. Milman. Illustrated chiefly from the remaitis of ancient art, colored borders to each page. Thick 8vo, full crushed levant morocco, gilt tops, blind and gold tooled, by Alfred Matthews, in chamois- lined slip case. Lond. : John Murray, 1849 * Very fine copy, having the original ornamental covers bound in. 765 HoRE diue virginis Marie fcd'm verum vfum Romanum cum aliis multis folio fequenti notatis : characteribus fuis diligentius impreffe per Thielmfinu Keruer. In Fine [verso (ol. 104]: Finit officiu beate marie vginis fcd'm vfuqz Romanu cu miffa eiufde: & fepte pfalmis penite- tialibq: cu ofificio mortuoru, fete crucis & fcti fpus: vna cu horis conceptionis beate marie virgis: atqz fete bar- bare: necno oratioibus fcti Gregorii, & alioru fctoru fuffragiis. Impffu Parifiis Anno dfli Millefimo quin- getefimoquinto. xi. kalendas Mali. Opera Thielmani Keruer. Venaleqz efl fupra ponte fcti Michaelis in interfignio. Vnicornis. (Sotl)ic bliuk letter. Elegantly printed in red and black within ornamental woodcut borders, on 103 leaves of pure vellum, with ig full-page wood- cuts, and J 4 of miniature size, all the capitals rubricated and gilt. 8vo, original vellum, in brown morocco case. * This is an unusually beautiful and interesting specimen of the Parisian Horse, being in contemporaneous binding and with all the 126 The Lefferts Collection engravings free from color. To find a copy in such perfect condi- tion is a great rarity, inasmucli as tlie majority of tlie books of tliis class were colored by hand so as to make them resemble, as closely as possible, the manuscript missals of the time. Where this work was performed by skillful artists it added to the brilliant appearance of the volume. But as a rule the colorists were inferior, at this period, to the engravers, and the strong, spirited woodcuts, in their original state, will always present superior attractions to book-lovers. 766 Hours. Les Presentes Heures a I'usaige de Rome . , . Nouuellemet imprimees a Paris, avec plusieurs belles hystoires, tant au Kalendier aux Heures Nostre Dame, aux Heures de la Croix, aux Heures du Sainct Esperit, aux Sept pseaulmes, qui aux Vigiles. Beautiful engrav- ings on wood, printed in a very large (Sotl)ic black letter, rubricated throughout. 8vo, embroidered silk binding. Paris: T/iielman Kerver, 1546 * Kerver's device on title and repeated twice in the book. The col- ophon is dated 1543. Very fine specimen, the woodcuts uncolored. 767 Hours. Horse intemerate Virginis Marie Secundum usum Romanum, cum pluribus orationibus tam in Gallico et in Latino. Printed upon vellum in a (Sotl)ic blnrk kttcr, with Kerver's device on title, woodcut borders to every page and very beautiful large wood engravings. 8vo, black crushed levant morocco, blind-tooled, vellum end leaves, gilt edges, by Lortic, in slip case. Paris: Thielman Kerver, 1502 * A TRULY MAGNIFICENT SPECIMEN of a printed Hours. The large and small initials have been illuminated in gold and colors, but the beautiful wood engravings and borders are in their pristine state UNTOUCHED BY THE ILLUMINATOR. It is very rare to find a Book of Hours in this condition, most having been illuminated in imitation of manuscripts. 768 Howard (Edward). The British Princess: an Heroick Poem. 8vo, original sheep. Lond. : T. N. for H. Herringnian, 1669 * First Edition. 769 [Howard (Edward).] The Six Days Adventure; or, The New Utopia: a Comedy. 4to, half green mo- rocco. Lond.: Tho. Dring, 167 1 * First Edition. Commendatory verses by Mrs. Behn, Ravens- croft and others. 127 The Lejferts Collection 770 Howard (Edward). The Usurper: a Tragedy. 4to, half morocco, by the Club Bindery. Lond. : H. Herringman, t668 * Aimed, it is supposed, against the memory of Oliver Cromwell. 771 Howard (Edward). The Women's Conquest: a Tragi- comedy. 4to, half red morocco. Lond. : If. Herrifigtfian, 167 1 * This play was acted six times at the Duke's Theatre. The pro- logue was supposed to be spoken by Ben Jonson's ghost. 772 Howard (Henry, Earl of Surrey). Songes And Sonnettes written by the right honorable Lord Henry Haward late Earle of Surrey, and others. Apud Richardum Tot- tell, 1567. Cum priuilegio. Blcick £cttcr. 8vo, brown morocco gilt, gilt edges, by Bedford. [Colophon] Ifnprinted at London in Fletestrete within Temple bar re at the figne of the hand and J tare ^ by Richard Tottell. Anno I ^6"]. Cum priuilegio. * Title and some leaves mended and restored, also some corners mended, but beyond this in magnificent condition. A WORK OF EXCESSIVE RARITY, INDEED ONE OF THE VERY RAREST VOLUMES IN THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE. No edition so early as the above has ever been sold in this country, the nearest approach to it being Adee's copy of the 1585 edition, which, at his sale in 1895, sold for $1,680.00. The present is the fifth edition, and as pointed out by Mr. Lefferts: "This is probably the earliest edition of the book that is procurable at any price." Of THE WHOLE FOUR PREVIOUS EDITIONS BUT FOUR PERFECT COPIES AND A FRAGMENT ARE KNOWN. Of this edition the Only other copy seems to be that in the Spencer-Rylands collection. The Grolier Club "Collations and Notes," describing this copy, says: " The present is the fifth edition. It agrees in its contents with the second edition of 1557, and is said to be the most correct of the early editions. Of the two hundred and eighty poems included in the collection, forty were contributed by Lord Henry Howard, who was not actually Earl of Surrey, but only so called by courtesy. The largest and most important contribution was that of Sir Thomas Wyatt (i 503-1 542), from whose works ninety-six poems were selected. Nicholas Grimald (1519-1562), as already stated, originally contributed forty poems, thirty of which were subsequently dropped. Of the one hundred and 128 The Lefferts Collection thirty-four poems by 'Vncertaiae Auctours,' two have been identi- fied as by Thomas, Lord Vaux, one by John Heywood, and one by Edward Somerset. The rest still remain unidentified, although it is reasonably certain that Thomas Churchyard and Sir Thomas Bryan were among the authors. Lord Henry Howard was the author of the first written blank verse in the English language, the translation of the second and fourth books of Virgil's ^Elneid. He was preceded in print, however, by Grimald,who contributed some blank verse to the present miscellany, published a few weeks earlier." 773 Howard (James). All Mistaken ; or, The Mad Couple: a Comedy. 4to, half red morocco. Lond. H. Brtigis^i6']2 * First Edition. Nell Gwyn acted in this play. 774 Howard (James). The English Monsieur: a Comedy. 4to, half calf. Lond.: JI. Bruges, 1674 * Pepys was delighted with the performance of Nell Gwyn, " Little Nelly," in this play. 775 Howard (J. J., Translator). The Metamorphoses of Ovid in English Blank Verse. Frontispieces and vignettes en- graved by Scriven (spotted). 2 vols. 8vo, half calf, gilt. Lond.: Printed for the Author, 1807 776 Howard (Sir Robert). Dramatic Works. Portrait. i2mo, calf. Lond.: Tonson^ 1722 777 Howard (Sir Robert). Five New Plays. Fine engraved portrait by White. Folio, half crimson levant morocco, gilt edges, by the Club Bindery. * Rare with the portrait. Lond. : Henry Herringman, 1692 778 Howard (Sir Robert). Four New Plays. Folio, half morocco, gilt tops, by the Club Bindery. Lond. : Henry Herringman, 1665 * Fine copy, First Edition. 779 Howard (Sir Robert). The Great Favourite; or. The Duke of Lerma. 4to, half crushed levant morocco, gilt edges, by Riviere, Lond. : H. Herringman., 1668 * First Edition. See Pepys' Diary, Feb. 20, 1667-8. 780 Howard (Sir Robert). Poems, viz., A Panegyrick to the King, Songs and Sonnets, The Blind Lady a Comedy, etc., etc. 8vo, original sheep. Lond. : Henry Herringman, 1660 * Choice copy of the First Edition. Prefixed is a commendatory Poem of five pages by John Dryden. 129 The Lefferts Collection 7 Si Home (John). Dramatic Works. i2mo, full green mo- rocco, gilt edges. Lond. : A. Millar, 1760 782 [Howell (James).] The Nuptialls of Peleus and Thetis, consisting of a Mask and a Comedy, or the Great Royall Ball, acted lately in Paris six times by the King in Person, and other noblemen. 4to, half brown mo- rocco. Lond. : Henry Herringman, 1654 * The second title is cut into. 783 [Hoy (Thos.).] Two Essays. The former Ovid, The Art of Love, the first book, the later Hero and Lean- der of Musaeus from the Greek, by a well wisher to the Mathematicks. 4to, calf, gilt. Lond.: T. James, for Richard Northcott^ 1682 * Fine copy. Some old writing on title-page. 784 Huntington. Divertisement; or, An Enterlude for the Generall Entertainment at the County-Feast, held at Merchant Taylors' Hall, June 20, 1678. 4to, half morocco. Lond. : J. Bennet, 1678 * Title-page soiled. 785 [NGOLDSBY LEGENDS; or, Mirth and Marvels, £ by Thomas Ingoldsby, Esq. (Rev. F. H. Barham). Engraved plates by Leech and Cruikshank, 3 vols. 8vo, full polished calf gilt, gilt tops, uncut, by Tout. Lond. : Bentley, 1848-47 * Fine set. Early edition of this famous work, with fine original impressions of the engravings. 786 Ireland (Alexander). The Book-Lover's Enchiridion. Three illustrations. Thick post 8vo, half leather, gilt tops. Bost. : Houghton, Mifflin d;' Co., 1883 * Third and enlarged edition. 787 Irving (Washington). Copies of his Official Corre- spondence while at the Court of St. James. The original manuscript. 84 pp., 4to, unbound. * Dated from June 22d to September ist, 1831. The MSS. occupy 84 pages. 130 The Lefferts Collection 788 lACKSON AND CHATTO. Treatise on Wood En- ^J graving, Historical and Practical. With joo illus- trations on wood. Thick imp, 8vo, half morocco, gilt top. Lond. : Charles Knight, 1839 * First Edition. Inserted is the " Third Preface " a pamphlet written by Chatto after his quarrel with Jackson. This is very scarce, and is a presentation copy from the author. 789 Jacobean Drama. The Weakest Goeth to the Wall. As it hath been sundray times plaid by the right hon- ourable Earle of Oxenford, Lord Great Chamberlaine of England, his Servants. 4to, half calf. Lond.: Richard Hawkins^ 1618 *An early and curious play of extreme rarity. It is included in Hazlitt's edition of Webster's works, and has been attributed to Dekker and Fletcher, but the authorship, it is almost certain, rests with none of these. 790 James L Counterblast to Tobacco, with a Learned Dis- course by Dr. Everard Maynwaringe, proving that To- bacco is a procuring cause of Scurvy. Also Dr. Thomp- son's Treatise . . . with Witty Poems against Tobacco by Josh. Sylvester. Engraved portrait and curiotis zvood- cut. 4to,^russia extra gilt and blind-tooled gilt edges, by Hering, with ticket. Lond.: John Hancock, 1672 * Choice copy. There is a Shakesperian reference on page 59. Bound up is a MS. transcript of Prynne's " Health's Sickness." 791 James L Daemonologie, in forme of a Dialogue. Divided into three bookes. Woodcut of arms of Scot- land. 4to, half calf. Edinburgh: Printed by Robert Walde-grave, Printer to the Kings Majestic, 1597. * The rare First Edition. Has numerous MS. notes, but a tall, sound copy. 792 James L A Declaration of the Just Causes of his Majes- ties Proceedings against those Ministers who are now lying in prison attainted of High Treason. Woodcut of royal arms on verso of title. 4to, half morocco. Lond. : Thomas Barker., 1606 131 The Lefferts Collection 793 James I. Deus et Rex. Sive Dialogus quo demonstra- tur Serenissimum D. nostrum Jacobum Regem imme- diate sub Deo constitutum in Regnis suis. Curious portrait of the King. Small 8vo, half brown morocco. Lo n d i n i : Regies Majestatis privilegio, 1 6 1 6 * Title mended, many MS. notes, and stained throughout, but a very rare volume. 794 James I. God and the King; or, A Dialogue Shewing that our Soveraigne Lord King James, being immedi- ate under God within his Dominions, doth rightfully claim whatsoever is required by the Oath of Alle- geance. Full-length portraits at beginning and end. 1 2 mo, half calf. Lond. : By command., 1615 * First Edition in English of " Deus et Rex." 795 James I. His Majesties Instructions to his Dearest Sonne, Henry the Prince. Device on title. 8vo, sheep. Lond. : Felix Kyngston, according to the copie printed at Ede?iburgh, 1603. 796 James L His Majesties Poeticall Exercises at Vacant Hours. Pictorial borders to titles. 4to, full brown crushed levant morocco extra, gilt edges, by Riviere. At Edinburgh: Printed by Robert IValde-grave, 159 1 * First Edition and of excessive rarity. The same author's " Essayes of a Prentise in the Divine Art of Poesy," sold recently for §510. This is equally rare. A few headlines cut into, but a sound and clean copy, with all the title-pages. 797 James I. The Kings Majesties Speach to the Lords and Commons of this Present Parliament at Whitehall on Wednesday the xxi. of March, 1609. Cut 0/ arms on verso of titkpage. 4to, half roan. Imprinted at London. Robert Barker [1609] * First Edition, Stained. 798 James L The Narrative History of King James for the First Fourteen Years, in four parts. Beautifully-engraved title-page by J. Droeshout, portrait of Sir Thomas Over- bury, also the Earl of Somerset and his wife. 4to, orig- inal sheep. Lond. : Richard Cotes, 1651 * Splendid copy, having the "poetical explanation" of the title- page. 132 The Lefferts Collection 799 James I. A Publication of his Ma'''=®- Edict and Severe Censure against Private Combats and Combatants. 4to, half yellow morocco. Lond. : Robert Barker, 1613 * First Edition of this famous piece. 800 James I. The Works of the Most High and Mightie Prince James, published by the Bishop of Winton. Engraved portrait on copper by Pass and title-page by Elstracke. Small piece of margin of portrait restored. Folio, original calf, rebacked. Lond.: Barker and Bill ^ 16 16 * First Edition and a fine tail copy. 801 James II. The Abdicated Prince; or, The Adventures of Four Years: a Tragi-Comedy. 4to, half morocco. Lond. : John Carter son, 1690 802 James II. The Royal Flight; or, The Conquest of Ire- land: a New Farce. 4to, half morocco. * In ridicule of James II. Lond. : Richard Baldwifi, 1690 803 Johnson (Richard). The Crown Garland of Golden Roses, gathered out of England's Royal Garden, set forth in many Pleasant New Songs and Sonnets. With new additions never before imprinted. Cut of crown and garland on title-page. i2mo, full crimson crushed levant morocco, uncut, by Zaehnsdorf. Lond. : /. M. for W. and T. Thackeray, 1692 * The only uncut copy known of this rare collection of JSlaCft- Xetter ballads. 804 Johnson (Samuel). Life, including Journal of a Tour to the Hebrides by James Boswell. Edited, with nu- merous additions and Notes, by John Wilson Croker. Fine portrait, engraved on steel. 5 vols. 8vo, cloth, un- cut. Lond.: Murray, 1831 805 Jones (Inigo). Luminalia; or. The Festivall of Light. Personated in a Masque at Court, by the Queenes Majestie and her Ladies, on Shrove Tuesday Night, 1637. 4to, polished calf, gilt edges. Lond.: John Haviland, 1637 * Splendid copy of this rare piece. 133 The Lefferts Collection 806 JoNSON (Ben). Ben: lonfon's Execration againfl Vvlcan. With divers Epigrams by the fame Author to feverall Noble Perfonages in this Kingdome. Never Publiflaed before. 4to, crimson crushed levant morocco, gilt top, by R. W. Smith. Lond. : Printed by J. O. for John Ben/on, and are to be fold at his fhop at St. Dunftans Church-yard in Fleet-ftreete^ 1640. * Copies occur with a portrait, but it is generally believed not to belong to the work, but to be inserted. First Edition. 807 JONSON (Ben). Jonsonus Virbius, or the Memorieof Ben Jonson, revised by the Friends of the Muses. 4to, calf extra, gilt tops, many uncut leaves. Lond. : Printed by E. P. for Henry Seile, 1638 * First Edition and a fine copy of a very rare volume. It con- tains interesting references to Shakespeare, among the laudatory poems by Jasper Mayne, Richard West, H. Ramsay, and others. 808 Jonson (Ben). Volpone, or the Foxe, 4to, full maroon crushed levant morocco, gilt edges, by Riviere. Lond. : Printed for Thomas Thorpe, 1607 * Remarkably tall and fine copy of this very rare work. The title has been beautifully restored, and on the fly-leaf is written: " The title is guaranteed by Riviere to be perfectly genuine, although mended. Bernard Quaritch." April 27, 1895. First Edition. 809 Jonson (Ben). Works, with Notes, Critical and Ex- planatory, and a Biographical Memoir by W. Gifford. Portrait on india paper., proof before letters, inserted. 9 vols, royal 8vo, half olive morocco, gilt tops, uncut, roxburghe style, by Lewis. Lond. : G. 6^ W. Nicol., i8i6 * Magnificent set on Large Paper, from the Hamilton Palace collection. A matchless copy. 8x0 Jordan (Thomas). Money is an Asse: a Comedy. 4to, half green levant morocco. Lond. : Peter Lillicrap, 1668 * The author himself played the leading part in this play. 134 The Lefferts Collection 8ii Jordan (Thomas). Poeticall Varieties; or, Varietie of Fancies. Device on title. 4to, mottled calf gilt, gilt edges, by Riviere. Lond. : T. C. for Humphrey Blunden, 1637 * With preliminary verses by Thomas Heywood, Brome, Nabbes and Edward May. The poems, while not without merit, are dis- figured by a freedom greater even than the manners of the time should allow. The Gaisford copy, lacking title, sold for ;^5, los. Beautiful copy, and in this condition rare. 8x2 Jordan (Thomas). The Walks of Islington and Hogs- don, with the Humours of Woodstreet-Compter: a Comedy. Vignette on title. 4to, mottled calf gilt, gilt edges, by Riviere. Lond. : Tho. JVilson, 1657 * First Edition. Title soiled. 813 JoYNER (William). The Roman Empress: a Tragedy. 4to, half brown morocco. Lond. : H. Herringman, 167 1 * First Edition. 814 JussERAND (J. J.) The English Novel in the Time of Shakespeare. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, gilt top. Lond.: Fisher Unwin, 1890 815 lyEIGHTLEY (Thomas). The Mythology of Ancient £^ Greece and Italy. Enlarged edition. With plates. Svo, half morocco, gilt tops. Lond.: Whitaker^ 1838 816 KiLLiGREW (Henry). The Conspiracy: a Tragedy, as it was intended for the Nuptialls of the Lord Charles Herbert and the Lady Villiers. 4to, half calf. Lond. : John Norton^ 1638 * First Edition. Highly commended by Ben Jonson. 817 KiLLiGREW (Thomas). Comedies and Tragedies. With the engraved frontispiece by Faithorne, a very brilliant impression. Folio, full crimson crushed levant mo- rocco extra, gilt edges, by F. Bedford, Lond. : Henry Herringman, 1664 * The portrait is one of the finest examples of Faithorne's genius as an engraver. The book is a splendid copy, but its chief attraction will ever be the beautiful portrait, which in the present impression is of unusual brilliancy. Twenty pounds have been paid for the portrait alone. 135 The Lefferts Collection 8i8 KiLLiGREW (Sir William). Four New Playes. Device on title. Folio, half brown morocco, cloth sides, by the Club Bindery. Oxford: Hen. Hall, 1666 819 KiLLiGREW (Sir William). Midnight and Daily Thoughts. In Prose and Verse. 8vo, half roan, red edges. Lond. : Randal Taylor.^ 1694 * First Edition. The Bierstadt copy, with bookplate. 820 KiLLiGREW (Sir William). Pandora: a Comedy. 8vo, half calf. Lond.: T. Mabb, xdb^ * First Edition. 821 KiLLiGREW (Thomas). The Prisoners, and Claracilla. Two Tragae-Comedies. i2mo, half calf. * First Edition. Nice copy. Lond.: T. Cotes., 1641 822 KiLLiGREW (Sir William). Three Plays, viz. : Selindra, Pandora, Ormasdes. 8vo, original calf. Lond.: T. Mabb, 1665 * With preliminary verses by Waller, Carlile, R. Stapylton, etc. Fine copy. 823 King (The) and Queenes Entertainment at Richmond after their Departure from Oxford: In a Masque pre- sented by the Most Illustrious Prince Charles, Sept. 12, 1636. 4to, full crimson crushed levant morocco, gilt top, uncut, by F. Bedford. Oxford: Leonard Lichfield., 1636 * Splendid copy — unique as to condition — from the Grisvvold col- lection, with arms on side. The occasion of the Mask was the Queen's desire to see Prince Charles dance. 824 Kinnaston (Sir Francis). Leoline and Sydanis: a Romance of the Amorous Adventures of Princes, to- gether with sundry Affectionate Addresses under the name of Cynthia. Etched title-page by Granges, contain- ing 2 portraits, lower tnargin supplied and pin pricks through portion of the engraving. 4to, old straight-grained mo- rocco, gilt edges. Lond. : Ric. Hearne, 1642 * " This romance contains much of the fabulous history of Mona, Wales and Ireland, and (bating that it is now and then a little obscene), is poetical enough." — Peck. 136 The Lefferts Collection 825 KiRKE (John), The Seven Champions of Christendome, Acted at the Cockpit and at the Red Bull in St. John's Streete with a generall liking, and never printed till the yeare 1638, Written by J. K. 4to, sprinkled calf, rough gilt edges. Lond. : /. Okes^ 1638 * A very rare piece. 826 KiRKMAN (Franxis). The Presbyterian Lash; or, Noc- troff's Maid Whipt: a Tragy-Comedy as it was lately Acted in the Great Roome at the Pye Tavern, at Algate, by Noctroffe the Priest, and severall of his Parishioners at the Eating of a Chine of Beef. 4to, half morocco, by Zaehnsdorf. Lond. : Printed for the use of Mr. Noctroff ' s friends, and are to be sold at the Pye at Algate^ 1661. * " The Play is dedicated to Mr. Zach. Noctroffs, by F. K., which I take to be Francis Kirkman." — See Langbaine's Account of English Dramatick Poets, 1601. 827 V ACY (John). A volume containing Four Plays by I ^ him, as follows: Sir Hercules Buffoon, 1684. Old Troop, 1672. Dumb Lady, 1672. Sawney the Scot, 1698. 4to, half green morocco, red edges. Lond. 1672-98 * All First Editions. " Sawney the Scot " is an adaptation of Shakespeare's " Taming of the Shrew." 828 Lang (Andrew), Books and Bookmen. Illustrated. 8vo, boards, uncut. N. Y. 1886 * First Edition. No. 83 of 100 copies printed on Large Paper. 829 Lang (Andrew). The Library, with a Chapter on Modern English Illustrated Books by Austin Dobson. Illustrated. i2mo, cloth. Lond.: Macmillan, 1881 * First Edition. 830 Laing (Samuel). The Heimskringla; or. Chronicle of the Kings of Norway. Translated from the Icelandic of Snorro Sturleson. 3 vols. 8vo, calf, gilt tops, un- cut. Lond. : Longman, 1844 137 The Lefferts Collection 831 Langbaine (Gerard). An Account of the English Dramatick Poets. 8vo, calf. Oxford: George lVes^,i6gi * The foundation of our knowledge of the bibliography of the Early English drama. 832 Lawes (Henry and William). Choice Psalmes put into Musick for Three Voices. . . with Divers Elegies set in Musick by sev'rall Friends upon the Death of William Lawes. 4 parts, 4to, old marbled boards. Lond.: Humphrey Moseley^ 1648 * With engraved portrait of Charles I. on the verso of three title-pages. Two title-pages defective. The four parts are " Cantus Primus," "Secundus," " Bassus " and " Thorough Base." A complete set is very rare. 833 Lansdowne (George, Lord). Poems upon Several Oc- casions. Engraved portrait by Van der Gucht. 8vo, three-quarter olive morocco gilt, gilt edges, by Ruban. Lond.: [y. Tonson'\ 17 12 834 [Lawrence (Leonard).] A Small Treatise betwixt Arnalte and Lucenda, entituled The Evill-Entreated Lover; or. The Melancholy Knight, turned into Eng- lish Verse by L. L. 4to, sprinkled calf, red edges. Lond. : J. Okes for Humphrey Moseley, 1639 * First Edition. Fine, tall and sound copy of this curious metri- cal romance. 835 [Leanerd (J.)] The Counterfeits: a Comedy. 4to, half morocco. Lond. : Jacob Tonson, 1679 836 Lee (Nat.) Caesar Borgia, Son of Pope Alexander the Sixth: a Tragedy. 4to, half crimson levant morocco, gilt edges, by Riviere. Lond. : R. Bentley^ 1680 * Fine copy. Has prologue by John Dryden. 837 Lee (Nat.) Constantine the Great: a Tragedy. 4to, half morocco. Lond.: R. JBentley, 1684 * With epilogue by John Dryden. 838 Lee (Nat.) Dramatick Works. 3 vols. i2mo, full green morocco, gilt edges. Lond.: W. Feales, 1734 * Fine copy. 839 Lee (Nat.) Gloriana; or. The Court of Augustus Ccesar. 4to, half blue morocco, by the Club Bindery. Lond.: /. Magnes, 1676 * Dedicated to the Duchess of Portsmouth. 13S The Lefferts Collection 840 Lee (Nat.) Lucius Junius Brutus, Father of his Coun- try: a Tragedy. 4to, half crimson levant morocco, gilt edges. Lond. : E. 7'onson^ 1681 * With dated armorial bookplate of Viscount Bruce, 1712. 841 Lee (Nat.) The Massacre of Paris: a Tragedy. 4to, polished calf, gilt edges, by Lloyd and Wallis. Lond. : R. Bentley^ 1690 842 Lee (Nat.) Mithridates, King of Pontus. 4to, half brown morocco, by the Club Bindery, Lond. : James Magnes, 1678 * With epilogue by John Dryden. A very fine copy. 843 [Lee (Nat.)] Piso's Conspiracy : a Tragedy. 4to, half morocco. Lond. : IV. Cademan^ 1676 * Second edition. 844 Lee (Nat.) The Rival Queens; or, The Death of Alex- ander the Great. 4to, half crimson levant morocco, gilt edges, by Riviere. Lond. : Jas. Magnes^ 1677 * Has long preliminary poem by John Dryden. 845 Lee (Nat.) Sophonisba; or, Hannibal's Overthrow: a Tragedy. 4to, old half calf. Lond. : J. Magnes, 1676 * First Edition. Fine copy, with autograph of the famous John Genest, historian of the stage, and a list of the actors in his hand- writing. The prologue is by Dryden. 846 Lee (Nat.) Sophonisba: a Tragedy. 4to, unbound. Lond. : Sa?n. Brisco, 1691 847 Lee (Nat.) Theodosius; or, The Force of Love: a Tra- gedy. 4to, unbound. Lond.: Tho. Chapman, 1692 848 Lee (Nat.) The Tragedy of Nero, the Emperour of Rome. 4to, half green morocco. Lond. : /. Magnus, 1675 * Dedicated to the Earl of Rochester. 849 Leland. The laboryouse Journey & serche of Johan Leylande, for Englandes Antiquitees, geuen of hym as a newe yeares gyfte to Kynge Henry the viii. in the .xxxvii. yeare of his Reygne . . . enlarged: by lohan Bale. i2mo, bliuli letter, russia gilt, gilt edges, by Pratt. Emprented at London by lohan Bale, Anno M.D.XLIX. (1549). * First Edition of the famous and invaluable Itinerary of Leland. It is rare in any condition ; in the choice state of this copy particu- larly so. 139 The Lefferts Collection 850 LiLLO (Mr. George). Works, with some Account of his Life. 2 vols. i2mo, full green morocco, gilt edges. Lond. : T. Davies, i775 851 Lilly (John, the Euphuist). Dramatic Works. With Notes and Life by F. W. Fairholt. 2 vols, post 8vo, cloth, uncut. Lond. : /. R. Smith, 1858 * Large Paper copy. 852 Lilly (John). Sixe Court Comedies. Often presented and Acted before Queene Elizabeth by the Children of her Maiesties Chappell. i2mo, green straight-grained levant morocco, gilt edges, by Stikeman. Lond.: William Stansby^ 1632 853 L'isle (William). Babilon, A Part Of The Seconde Weeke Of Gvillavme De Salvste Seignevr Dv Bartas. With the Commentarie, and marginall Notes of S. G. S. Engliflied b}'' William L'isle. 4to, calf. Imprinted at London by Ed. Bolifant^ for Richard Watkins. 1596. * First Edition. Title soiled, but a tall and sound copy. 854 Llewellyn (Martin). Men Miracles. With other Poems. By M. LI. St. of Ch. Ch. in Oxon. i2mo, red morocco extra, gilt edges, by Riviere. Lond. 1646 * A scarce little volume ; a copy sold by auction in 1885 at Sotheby's for ^Z, los. Among the commendatory poems prefixed is one signed " W. C," which is believed to be by William Cartwright. 855 [Lloyd (Rev., Dean of St. Asaph).] The Legend of Captain Jones. Both Parts, 1671-70. With the very rare folding frontispiece by W. Marshall., representing Captain Jones, in full armour on horseback, encountering an elephant 7vith a giafit on its back. i2mo, calf. Lond. : E. Okes., 167 1 * The poem, which is a curious burlesque in imitation of a Welsh poem, entitled Owdl Rich, Grenlon, was made on a Captain Jones, who lived in the Elizabethan era, when "Sir John Norris and his noble brethren, with Sir Walter Raleigh, were endeavouring for the honour of their nation to eternize their names by martial exploits." The leaf of verses, " Fames windy trump," is almost as rare to find in the volume as the plate itself. Owing to an erroneous collation in Lowndes of Allot's England's /'arnasszts, 1600, it is included with that volume ; to supply this, no doubt many a copy has been denuded of it, to agree with the collation. 140 The Lefferts Collection 856 Locker-Lampson (Frederick). My Confidences: an Autobiographical Sketch. Portrait. 8vo, cloth, uncut. * First Edition. Lond. : Smith, Elder c^ Co., 1896 857 Lodge (Edmund). Portraits of Illustrious Personages of Great Britain, with Biographical and Historical Memoirs, Large Paper copy. With proof s on india VA'P'EK of the numerous finely-engraved portraits. 12 vols. large 4to, half morocco, uncut, by Alfred Matthews. Lond. : Harding., 1823-33 * Splendid set, free from spots or stains, and bound from the orig- inal numbers, with the covers bound in. In this exceptional state, of great rarity. 858 Lodge (Thomas). Glaucus and Silla, with other Lyrical and Pastoral Poems. Preface by S. W. Singer. i2mo, original boards, uncut. Chiswick: C. Whittingham,i2>ig 859 L'Office de la Vierge Marie pour tous les temps de I'annee, avec plusieurs Sainctes prierres et Oraisons non encores imprimees, dedie a la Roeyne. A Paris, chez Gabriel Clopeiau., 1 6 2 1 . Finely-engraved title-page and a series of equally beautiful plates. Text rubricated. 8vo, in a contemporary binding of citron morocco, the sides and back entirely covered with a series of tooled dia- monds, with floriated ornaments and tooled borders. * A magnificent specimen. With the bookplate of " The Right Hon- orable Robert James Lord Petre, Thornton, in Essex." 860 Love. The Art of Making Love; or, Rules for the Con- duct of Ladies and Gallants in their Amours. Very beautiful engravedfrontispiece. i2mo, green crushed levant morocco, gilt edges, by the Club Bindery. Lond. : J. Cotter el, 1676 861 Lower (Sir William). Horatius: a Roman Tragedie. 4to, half brown morocco. Lond.: G. Bedell, 1656 * First Edition. A translation from Corneille. 862 Lower (Sir William). The Phaenix in her Flames: a Tragedy. 4to, half calf, gilt edges, by Riviere. * First Edition. Lond.: Thomas Harper., 1639 141 The Lefferts Collection Z6t, Lower (Sir William). Polyeuctes: or, The Martyr: Tragedy. 4to, half brown morocco. Lond. : Tho. Roy croft, 1655 * Fine copy. A translation from Corneille. 864 Lydgate (John). The tragedies, gathered by Ihon Bochas, of all fuch Princes as fell from theyr eflates throughe the mutability of Fortune fince the creacion of Adam, vntil his time: wherin may be feen what vices bring menne to deflruccion, wyth notable warn- inges howe the like may be auoyded. Tranflated into Englyfh by John Lidgate, Monke of Burye. Woodcut border to title. ^Inck £cttcr. Folio, brown morocco extra, gilt edges, by F. Bedford. Imprinted at London, by John Wayland, at the fig fie of the Sunne ouer againft the Conduite in Flete ftreete. Cum priuilegio per Septennium \circa 1555]. * A SUPERB COPY, with the Grisvvold arms on side. At the end is an extra leaf, a title-page, being " A memorial of such Princes as since the tyme of King Richard the Seconde, have been unfortunate in the realme of England." This is supposed to have been prepared for a folio edition of what was afterwards published (i55g) as the " Mirror for Magistrates." The proposed folio was presumably suppressed by the authorities. Very few copies have this extra title-page. 865 Lyly (John). Evphves. The Anatomic of Wit. Verie pleasant for all Gentlemen to reade, and most neces- sary to remember. . . . By lohn Lylie. Corrected and augmented. Lond. : Gabriell Cawood, n. d. EuPHUES AND His England. Containing his Voiage and Adventvres, mixed with sundrie prettie discourses of honest Loue, the Description of the Countrie, the Court, and the Manners of the Isle. By lohn Lyly. Lond. : Gabriel Cawood, 1592 In I vol. 4to, calf, gilt edges, by C. Smith. Signatures on titles. Fine copies. * Cawood printed a great number of editions of Lyly's " Euphues," the earliest-bearing date being that of 1581. The above edition is not described by Arber in his list of editions, but was probably pub- lished about 1 590; Arber also does not describe the edition of " Euphues and his England " above. 142 The Lefferts Collection 866 |V/| ABBE (James, Translator). The Spanish Bawd; ^\ or, The Tragi-Comedy of Calisto and Melibea, etc. Folio, half green calf gilt, gilt edges. Lond. : Robert Allot^ 1631 * Written originally in Spanish by Fernando de Montalvan. To this play belongs the doubtful honor of being the longest ever pub- lished. It has twenty-one acts. Fine copy. 867 Macaulay (Lord). Lays of Ancient Rome. With illus- trations on wood by G. Scharf^ Jr. Small 4to, full crim- son crushed levant morocco, gilt tops, by Alfred Mat- thews. Y^ond..'. Longmans, 1847 * Fine uncut copy of the First Issue, with the original pictorial covers bound in. 868 Machin (C.) The Dumbe Knight: an Historicall Com- edy. 4to, half crimson morocco. Lond. : William Sheares, 1633 869 Another copy. Last leaf inlaid. Ibid. 870 Macaulay (Lord). Works of, Original Library Editions, as follows : The History of England from the Accession of James II., 5 vols., 1849; Critical and Historical Essays, contributed to the Edinburgh Review, 3 vols., Lond. 1849; The Miscellaneous Writings, 2 vols., Lond. i860; Speeches of Lord Macaulay, corrected by Himself, Lond. 1854; Life and Letters, by his Nephew, George Otto Trevelyan, M.P. , 2 vols., Lond. 1876. In all 13 vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut. 871 Malory (Sir Thomas). The History of King Arthur and of the Knights of the Round Table. Reprinted from the Edition of 1634, by Thomas Wright. 3 vols. i2mo, half blue calf, gilt tops. Lond. : /. J?. Smit/i, 1866 872 Manley (Mrs.) Almyna; or. The Arabian Vow. 4to, half calf. Lond. : William Turner, 1707 * First Edition. 873 [Manley (Mrs.)] Secret Memoirs and Manners of Per- sons of Quality of Both Sexes. Engraved frontispiece. 4 vols, small 8vo, old calf. Lond.: A. Watson, 1736 143 The Lefferts Collection MANUSCRIPTS. 874 i^orct Bcatcc illarice llirginis. MANUSCRIPT ON VELLUM, of the Fifteenth Century, of French execu- tion. Written in (5otl)ic letter© on 106 leaves. With illuminated initials, illuminated borders at side of every page (those pages which contain mi?iiatures being surrounded by a full border), ij large and 22 sjnall miniatures. The borders to the Calendar embody small miniatures of the occupation of each month and its zodiacal sign. 8vo, bound in oak boards covered with red velvet, gilt edges. * With the bookplate of Da Maridort. Manuscript writing in an old hand on two fly-leaves and inside cover at end of volume. A charmingly executed MS. in choice condition. 875 Persian Illuminated Manuscript. Laila and Majnoon, and Shireen and Khosrow, two Poems by Nijami. A finely-executed Manuscript. With 8 beautifully-executed miniature paintings illuminated in gold and colors., illustrat- ing scenes in the poems. 8vo, native stamped binding. * An interesting Persian manuscript in sound condition. Circa 1 700 876 Caligraphy. Specimens of Chrysography and Orna- mental Handwriting, by Husain Muhammad Sadik of Tabriz. Beautifully-written MS. containing examples of caligraphy in Arabic and Persian written in various styles on grounds of gold and color, ivith a large quantity of illu- minated ornaments. Imp. 8vo, in the original smooth morocco gilt binding of the Seventeenth Century. A. H. 1081 * This is a splendidly-decorated book. The writing is all of Nashki character. 877 Indians, Penitents, Fakirs, Priests, Soldiers and Dancers. MS. of the XVII. Century (East Indian) on bark. 20 folios, 8vo, old red morocco. * A highly-curious MS. from the Didot collection, in which cata- logue it says : " Recueil de vingt peintures indiennes du XVIIe siecle, sur fonds de differents couleurs ornes de fleurs. Elles sont tres curieuses pour les singulieres pratiques des fanatiques religieux dans I'lnde et pour les costumes des basses classes de ce pays. Une main du XVIle siecle a indique en fran^ais, au dos de chaque peinture, le sujet respectif." 144 The Lefferts Collection 878 The Garden of Roses. In Persian. MS. written in an ex- quisitely fine Talik hand. With three splendidly illuminated pages and a couple of illuminated head-ornaments. 8vo, all the headings in letters of gold, and every page enclosed within gilt rulings, in the original gilt binding, appar- ently Turkish. Written by Hafiz 'Abdur-rahim b. 'Abdi-1-Karim, in Samarkand, a.h. 945. * This MS. was bought by Henry Galley Knight in Constantinople. 879 The Koran. In Arabic. Illuminated MS. in the most beautiful Naskhi handwriting. With splendidly decorated ^Anwan. Small folio, in the original gilt binding, Arkat: Written at the command of the Nawab Muham- mad *Ali Khan, for his son Ja'far 'AH Khan, by Muhammad Ja'far bin Muhammad Sadik, a.h. T151. * This magnificent manuscript is a triumph of caligraphy and orna- mentation. It is as fresh and brilliant as on the day when it was written for Muhammad 'Ali, who became afterwards, in Clive's time, the reigning Nawab of Arcote (Arkat). From the collection of the Duke of Sussex, with bookplate. 880 Persian MS., illustrating the Twelve Months. Painted in gold and colors, surrounded by broad red borders inlaid in tinted paper. 410. Bound by Stikeman in Japanese gold brocade. * These twelve paintings are of the utmost brilliancy, and are in choice condition. 881 Koran. In Arabic. An exquisite little MS. written in characters of extreme fineness and delicacy within col- ored rulings. With two illuminated opening-pages. 48VO, in a splendid gilt binding, painted inside the covers as well as outside, wrapped in velvet and enclosed in a steel case, with green velvet bag. Written at Tabriz by Muhammad b. Muh. Shafi' al Kh'ansari, a.h. 1170. * A gem of modern Persian art, of fine quality and fashion. 882 MosisPentateuchus. Hebraice. Synagogue Roll. Beau- tifully written in minute characters on thin skins of vellum (33 feet by 4 inches), on ivory rollers, with gilt silver crown and bells and with silver pointer, having embroidered satin appointments, in red morocco case. * A most superb specimen of Hebrew caligraphy. One of the finest in existence. From the collection of a French nobleman, whose arms are on the case. 145 The Lefferts Collection 883 Hebrew. A large Synagogue Roll, on wooden rollers, with richly embroidered silk covers. Fine specimen. 884 Marlowe and Chapman's Hero and Leander, with a Critical Preface. i2mo, boards, uncut. Chiswick : C. Whitfingham, 1821 885 Marlowe (Christopher). Works. With Notes and Some Account of his Life and Writings by the Rev. Alex. Dyce. 3 vols, post 8vo, full crimson crushed levant morocco, gilt tops, by Alfred Matthews. Lond. : Wtn. Pickering, 1850 * Best edition, and a very fine copy. Only 250 were printed. 886 Marmion (Shakerley). Cupid and Psyche. Vignette after T. Stothard. i2mo, original boards, uncut. Chiswick: C. Wh ittingham ,1820 887 Marmion (Shakerley). The Antiquary: a Comedy. 4to, half green morocco, by Blackwell. Lond. : F. -AT., 1641 * First Edition, and a very pleasing play. 888 Marmyon (Shakerley). A Fine Companion. Acted before the King and Queene at Whitehall. 4to, brown calf, gilt edges. Lond. : Aug. Mathewes., 1633 * First Edition. 889 Marmion (Shakerley). Holland's Leaguer: an Excel- lent Comedy. 4to, full crimson crushed levant mo- rocco, gilt edges, by Riviere, Lond.: John Grow, 1632 * First Edition of Marmion's first play. " Holland's Leaguer" was the name by which a celebrated brothel in Blackfriars was gener- ally known. The house is used as the scene of Act IV. 890 Marston (John). Works. Edited by A. H. Bullen. 3 vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Lond. : Ni/nmo^ 1887 * No. 56 of 200 copies printed on Large Paper. 891 Marston (John). Antonio's Revenge. The second part. As it hath been sundry times acted by the Chil- dren of Paules. Device on title-page. 4to, calf. Lond. : Thomas Fisher, 1602 * First Edition. Title mounted and repaired. Some headlines clipped. 146 The Lefferts Collection 892 Mason (John). The Turke: a Worthie Tragedie. De- vice on title. 4to, brown calf gilt, gilt edges. Lend. : John Busbie^ 1610 * First Edition and splendid copy of this very rare play. It was not reprinted until 1632. 893 Marvell (Andrew), Miscellaneous Poems, by Andrew Marvell, Esq. With fine impression of the beautiful and exceedingly rare octagon portrait of Marvell. Small folio, calf gilt, gilt edges. Lond. : Printed for Robert Boulter, at the Turk's Head, in Cornhill^ 1681. * This, the First Edition of Marvell's Poems, was edited by his wife, and is an excessively scarce volume, particularly difficult to pro- cure with the fine portrait. "All his poems contain more or less of poetic beauty; some great tenderness of feeling and expression; and others successful descrip- tions of nature and pastoral scenes." — Retrospective Review. 894 Massinger (Philip). The City-Madam : a Comedie. 4to, half red morocco. Lond. : Printed for Andrew Pennycuicke, one of the actors, 1659. 885 Another copy. 4to, calf. Lond. : Andrew Pennycuicke, 1659 * The rare First Edition. 896 Massinger (Philip). The Emperour of the East: a Tragse-Comoedie. 4to, sprinkled calf. Lond. : Thomas Harper ^ 1632 * First Edition. Title and last leaf soiled. 897 Massinger (Philip) and Nath. Field. The Fatall Dowry: a Tragedy. 4to, half brown morocco. Lond. : John Norton., 1632 * First Edition. Splendid copy. 898 Massinger (Philip). The Great Duke of Florence: a Comicall Historic. 4to, calf, gilt edges. Lond. : John Harriot, 1636 * First Edition. Has preliminary verses by George Donne and John Ford. 899 Massinger (Philip). The Maid of Honour, as it hath beene often presented with good allowance at the Phoenix in Drurie Lane. 4to, half brown morocco, gilt edges, by Riviere. Lond. : Robert Allot, 1632 * With preliminary verse by Sir Aston Cokain. First Edition, and a fine copy of a meritorious play. 147 The Lefferts Collection 900 Massinger (Philip). Plays, with Notes, Critical and Explanatory, by W. Gifford. Etigraved portrait after Cross. 4 vols, royal 8vo, half olive morocco, gilt tops, roxburghe style, by Lewis. Lond. 18x3 * Very fine copy on Large Paper. Second and best edition, from the Hamilton Palace collection. 901 Massinger (Philip). A Volume containing: 1. The Roman Actor, a Tragedie, 1629. 2. The Renegado, a Tragi-Comedie, 1630. 3. The Picture, a Trage-Comedie, 1630. 4to, green levant morocco, gilt edges. Lond., v. y. * Good copies of the First Editions. In 1865 copies of " The Picture" and "The Renegado" sold in London for nine and eight pounds each. Three of the rarest of Massinger's plays. 902 [Massinger (Philip).] The Tragedy of Nero. Newly written. 4to, half morocco. Lond. : Aug. Mathewes., 1624 * First Edition. Ascribed to Massinger and often found bound up with other plays by him. 903 May (Thomas). The Heire : a Comedie, as it was Acted by the Company of the Revels. 4to, half red morocco. Lond.: Augustine Mathnves., 1633 * First Edition. Portions of the play seem to have been bor- rowed from Measure for Measure, Much Ado about Nothing, and Romeo and Juliet. 904 May (Thomas). Lucan's Pharsalia, or the Civil Warres of Rome, betweene Pompey the Great and Julius Csesar. The Second Edition, corrected, and the Anno- tations inlarged by the Author. Engraved title-page by Hulsius, with the verse preceding it. Small 8vo, green crushed levant morocco, gilt edges, by Club Bindery. Lond. 1635 * Choice copy. Has preliminary verses by Ben Jonson and J. Vaughan. With note by M. C. Lefferts: " No perfect copy of the first edition known to exist." 905 May (Thomas). The Old Couple: a Comedy. 4to, half calf. Lond. : J. Cottrell, 1658 * First Edition. A play abounding with pleasantry and humor. 148 The Lefferts Collection 906 [May (Thomas).] The Reigne of King Henry the Second. Written in Seaven Bookes. Engraved portrait of the King by R. Vaughan. 8vo, original wrapping vellum, with silk ties, arms of original owner on side. Lond. : A. Af., for Bettjamin Fisher^ 1633 * First Edition. Very fine copy. It is written in verse, with continuation in prose. 907 May (Thomas). The Tragedie of Cleopatra, Queen of ^gypt. i2mo, mottled calf gilt, gilt edges, by Riviere. Lond. : Thomas Walkley, 1639 908 May (Thomas). Two Tragedies, viz., Cleopatra, Queene of -^gypt, and Agrippina, Empress of Rome. i2mo, half green levant morocco, gilt tops, by Blackwell. * Beautiful copy, Lond. : Humphrey Moseiey, 1654 909 May (Thomas). Tragedy of Julia Agrippina, Empress of Rome. i2mo, mottled calf gilt, gilt edges, by Riviere. Lond. : T. Walkley^ 1639 * First Edition. With the two rare cancelled leaves, An and A 12. 910 [May (Thomas).] The Victorious Reigne of King Ed- ward the Third. Written in Seven Bookes. Engraved portrait. Svo, calf. Lond. : T. Walkley, 1635 * Very tall copy, some pages stained. Written in verse by com- mand of^Charles I. and dedicated to him. Adee's copy sold for$2i.oo. 911 Mayne (Jasper). The Amorous Warre: a Tragi-Comedy. 4to, half morocco. Sine loco, printed in the year 1648 * First Edition. Some old writing on title-page, but fine copy. 912 [Mayne (Jasper).] The City Match: a Comoedy. Folio, half green levant morocco, by Blackwell. O X f o rd : Leonard Lichfield^ 1639 * First Edition. Pepys thought it " a silly play." 913 Mead (Robert). The Combat of Love and Friendship: a Comedy, as it hath formerly been presented by the Gentlemen of Christ Church in Oxford. 4to, half calf. Lond. : M. M. G. Bedell, 1654 914 Menzies (William). Catalogue of Books, MSS., and Engravings. By Jos. Sabin. Priced in ink. Svo, half morocco, gilt top, by Alfred Matthews. N. Y. 1875 149 The Lefferts Collection 915 Meriton (Thomas). Love and War: a Tragedy. Device on title. 4to, mottled calf, gilt top, by the Club Bind- ery. Lond. : Charles Webb, 1658 * Lower margin of title repaired, but a fine, sound and tall copy, having many uncut leaves. 916 Meriton (Thomas). The Wandering Lover: a Tragy- Comedie. 4to, polished calf gilt, gilt edges. Lond. : IV. Burden, 1658 * This drama was acted privately, as the title-page informs us, by the author and his friends. 917 MiDDLETON. The Counterfeit Bridegroom; or, The De- feated Widow: a Comedy. 4to, half roan. Lond. : Langley Curtiss, 1677 * Altered from Middleton's " No Wit, No Help Like a Woman's." 918 [MiDDLETON (Thomas).] A Game of Chesse, as it was Acted nine Dayes together at the Globe on the Bank Side. A Game of Chess is here displayde, Between the Blacke and White-House made. (Etc.) 4to, full brown crushed levant morocco extra, gilt edges, by Riviere. [^Sine loco] printed 1625 * Corner of title and one or two leaves mended, but AN extra- ordinarily FINE COPY of Middleton's rarest play. A note by Mr. Lefferts calls attention to its great scarcity as follows: " Alexander Dyce, in his edition of Middleton, published in 1840, states in his Notes to the "Game of Chess," that he has seen three editions, all in quarto, and no date, with engraved title-pages. He further states that J. P. Collier possessed a letterpress title- page belonging to some edition of which he believes no copies exist. This statement has been copied by all authorities I have been able to consult, and it would seem that this copy was therefore prac- tically unknown, and possibly unique." Beneath this another collector has written: " This is not unique. There is a copy in the University Library — Cambridge." Granting this, it will pe seen that the above is one of two copies known, and the only one ever likely to come upon the market. 919 MiDDLETON (Thomas). No Wit, No Help like a Woman's: a Comedy. With the very rare engraved portrait of the author. 8vo, half calf (broken). Lond. : Htunphrey Moseley, 1657 * A few pages cut close at top, but a very fine copy of this very rare piece. It almost invariably lacks the portrait. 150 The Lefferts Collection 920 MiDDLETON (Thomas). Works, now first collected, with some Account of the Author and Notes by the Rev. Alex. Dyce. Ettgraved portrait. 5 vols. 8vo, half mo- rocco, gilt tops, UNCUT, by Riviere. Lond. : Edward Lumley, 1840 * With note by Mr. Lefferts. " Large Paper, uncut. Excessively rare. Lumley states only a few copies privately printed, probably not more than twenty-five in all." 921 Milton (John). An Apology Against a Pamphlet Call'd a Modest Confutation of the Animadversions upon the Remonstrant Smectymmus. 4to, unbound. Lond. : John Rothwell, 1642 * First Edition. Extremely rare. 922 Milton (John). Areopagitica: a Speech of Mr. John Milton for the Liberty of Unlicenc'd Printing to the Parliament of England. 4to, full levant morocco extra, gilt edges, by the Club Bindery. Lond. : Printed iii the yeare 1644 * First Edition. "The most close, conclusive, comprehensive and decisive vindication of the liberty of the press that has yet ap- peared." A fine copy. 923 Milton (John). Joannis Miltoni Angli pro Populo Angli- cano Defensio contra Claudii Anonymi, alias Salmasii, Defensionem Regiam. Folio, half calf. Londini: Typis Du Gardianis, 1651 924 Milton (John). Joannis Miltonii Angli pro Populo Angli- cano Defensio contra Claudii Anonymi, alias Salmasii, Defensionem Regiam. i2mo, blue levant morocco extra, gilt edges, by the Club Bindery. * 330 pages. Londini: Typis Du Gardianis, 1651 925 Milton (John). Joannis Miltoni Angli pro Populo Angli- cano Defensio, contra Claudii Anonimi, alias Salmasii, defensionem Regiam. 4to, blue levant morocco extra, gilt edges, by the Club Bindery. Londini: Typis Du Gardianis, 1 6 5 1 * Issued the same year as the first quarto edition. Contains 104 pages and 6 pages of index. 151 The Lefferts Collection 926 Milton (John). Joannis Miltoni Angli pro Populo Angli- cano Defensio, contra Claudii Anonymi, alias Salmasii, defensionem Regiam. Cum Indici. i2mo, blue levant morocco extra, by the Club Bindery. Londini: Typis Du Gardianis, 165 1 *26o pages, and 12 pages of index. 927 Milton (John). Joannis Miltoni Angli pro Populo Angli- cano Defensio contra Claudii Anonymi, alias Salmasii, Defensionem Regiam. lamo, blue levant morocco extra, gilt edges, by the Club Bindery. * 244 pages. Londini: Typis Dii Gardianis, 1651 928 Milton (John). Joannis Miltoni Angli pro Populo Angli- cano Defensio contra Claudii Anonymi, alias Salmasii, Defensionem Regiam. 4to, blue levant morocco extra, gilt edges, by the Club Bindery. Londini: Typis Du Gardianis, 1651 * First quarto edition, with table of errata. 205 pages. 929 Milton (John). Joannis Miltoni Angli pro Populo Anglo- cano, Defensio contra Claudii Anonymi, alias Salmasii, Defensionem Regiam. i2mo, blue levant morocco, extra, by the Club Bindery. Londini: Typis Du Gardianis^ 1652 * The first edition issued in this year. 930 Milton (John). Joannis Miltoni Angli pro Populo Angli- cano Defensio, contra Claudii Anonymi, alias Salmasii, Defensionem Regiam. Cum indici. i2mo, blue levant morocco extra, gilt edges, by the Club Bindery. Londini: Typis Du Gardianis, 1652 931 Milton (John). Joannis Miltoni Angli pro Populo Angli- cano Defensio Secunda, contra infamem libellum anony- mum cuitilus, Regii sanguinis clamor ad coelum adver- sus parricidas Anglicanas. i2mo, blue levant morocco extra, gilt edges, by the Club Bindery. Londini: Typis Neucomianis, 1654 * First Edition. 173 pages. 932 Milton (John). Artis Logicae plenion Institutio ad Petri Rami Methodum Concinnata. Fine impression of the por- trait by W. Dolle. i2mo, full blue crushed levant mo- rocco, gilt edges, by the Club Bindery. Londini: S. Hickman, 1672 152 The Lefferts Collection 933 Milton (John). Colasterion: a Reply to a Nameless Answer against the Doctrine and Discipline of Divorce, wherein the trivial Author of that Answer is discov- er'd, the Licencer conferr'd with, and the Opinion which they traduce defended. 4to, unbound. * First Edition. Printed in the year 1645 934 Milton (John). The Doctrine & Discipline of Divorce: Restor'd to the good of both Sexes, from the bondage of Canon Law, and other mistakes, to the true mean- ing of Scripture in the Law and Gospel compar'd. Wherein also are set down the bad consequences of abolishing or condemning of Sin, that which the Law of God allows, and Christ abolisht not. Now the sec- ond time revis'd and much augmented, in Two Books: To the Parliament of England with the Assembly. 4to, unbound. Lond. : Imprinted in the yeare 1645 * Third edition ? There were two editions printed in this year, but there is nothing to indicate which is the earher. This copy has 82 pages. In the present copy, after the words " the end," are three lines of corrections which do not appear in the other issue of the same year. 935 Milton (John). The Doctrine and Discipline of Divorce. The same as preceding title, but containing 78 pages, although the text is apparently precisely the same. 4to, paneled calf extra. Lond: Imprinted in the year 1645 * Third edition. Large and fine copy, with some rough leaves. There is a typographical error in the word " in" after the word im- printed, which reads " In " instead of " in." 936 Milton (John). The Doctrine and Discipline of Divorce. The same as the preceding. Bound in blue crushed levant morocco by the Club Bindery. Ibid. 937 Milton (John). The Doctrine and Discipline of Divorce. The same as the preceding. Bound in blue crushed levant morocco, gilt edges, by the Club Bindery. 938 Milton (John). Defence of the People of England in Answer to Salmasius's Defence of the King. 8vo, calf gilt, gilt edges, by Riviere. Sini loco, Printed in the year 1692 * First Edition in English. Lowndes says: " Translated by Mr. Washington of the Temple." 153 The Lefferts Collection 939 Milton (John). Eikonoclastes. In Answer to a Book intitl'd Eikon Basilike, the Portraiture of his Sacred Majesty in his Solitudes and Sufferings. 4to, unbound. Lond. : Matthew Sinvnons^ 1649 * First Edition. This book which, as the title indicates, was written in answer to Eikon Basilike said to have been written by Charles I., was ordered by the House of Commons on June 16, 1660, to be burned by the common hangman, together with the Defensio Pro Populo Anglicano by the same author. 940 Milton (John). Eikonoclastes. In Answer to a Book intitul'd Eikon Basilike. 8vo, full blue crushed levant morocco, gilt edges, by the Club Bindery. * Choice copy. Amsterdam: Printed in the year 1690 941 Milton (John). Epistolarum Familiarum, etc. 8vo, full blue crushed levant morocco, gilt edges, by the Club Bindery. Londini: Brabazoni Aylmeri^ 1674 * First Edition. Choice copy. 942 Milton (John). History of Britain. Engraved portrait by Faithortie {margin trimmed). 4to, half calf. Lond.: /as. Allertry, 1670 * First Edition. Not a first-class copy. 943 Another. Portrait inlaid. 410, full crimson crushed levant morocco, gilt edges, by Riviere. Ibid. 944 Another. Second Edition. Fine impression of the portrait. 4to, full blue crushed levant morocco, gilt edges, by the Club Bindery. Lond. : Spencer Hickman, 167 1 945 Another. Third Edition. 8vo, full blue crushed levant morocco, gilt edges, by the Club Bindery. Lond. : John Marty n, 1677 946 Another. Fourth Edition (called second edition on the title-page). Svo, full blue crushed levant mo- rocco, gilt edges, by the Club Bindery. Lond. : Mark Par doe ^ 1678 947 Another. Fifth (?) Edition. 8vo, full crushed levant morocco, gilt edges, by the Club Bindery. Lond. : P. Scot., 1695 948 Milton (John). Literae Pseudo-Senatus Anglicana Cromwellii, etc. i2mo, original sheep. Sine toco [London] Impresscz 1696 * First Edition, and a fine copy. 154 The Lefferts Collection 949 Milton (John). Literse Pseudo-Senatus Anglicani Cromvvellii, etc. i2mo, full blue crushed levant mo- rocco, gilt edges, by the Club Bindery. Sine loco, Impresses Anno 1676 950 Milton (John). Original Letters and Papers of State addressed to Oliver Cromwell, now first published from the Originals. Folio, calf, l^ond. : William Bowyer,i'] 42, 951 Milton (John). Paradise Lost: a Poem in Ten Books, the Author John Milton. 4to, levant morocco extra, by the Club Bindery. Lond. : S. Simmons, 1669 * First Edition. Seventh title-page. Fine copy. 952 Milton (John). Paradise Lost: a Poem in Twelve Books. The Second Edition, revised and augmented by the same Author. \^P or trait by Dolle.'\ 8vo, levant morocco extra, by Bedford. Lond. : S. Simmons, 1674 * Fine copy of the second edition, and much rarer than some of the first editions. 953 Milton (John). Paradise Lost: a Poem in Twelve Books. The Third Edition, revised and augmented by the same Author. Portrait by Dolle. 8vo, morocco extra. * Fine copy of the third edition. Lond. : S. Simmons, 1678 954 Milton (John). Paradise Lost: a Poem in twelve books. Beautiful portrait after Faithorne, and engravings on copper by Richter. 4to, calf, gilt edges. * A very beautiful edition. Lond. : /. and H. Richter, 1794 955 Milton (John). Paradise Regained, to which is added Samson Agonistes. 8vo, brown calf gilt, gilt edges. Lond. : John Starkey, 1671 * First Edition, of both pieces. A choice copy, with the rare leaves of "License" and "Errata." 956 The same. Second Edition. 8vo, full blue crushed levant morocco, gilt edges, by F. Bedford. Lond. : John Starkey, 1680 957 Milton (John). Poems upon Several Occasions, both English and Latin, etc., composed at Several Times, with a small Tractate of Education to Mr. Hartlib. 8vo, in a fine old English binding of crimson morocco, richly tooled on back and sides, gilt edges. Lond.: Tho. Bring, 1673 * Beautiful copy of the second edition of Milton's poems. Contains poems not previously published. 155 The Lefferts Collection 958 [Milton (John).] Of Reformation Touching Church- Discipline in England: and the Causes that hitherto have hindered it. Two Books, written to Freind. 4to, morocco extra, gilt edges. Lond. : Thomas Underhill^ 1641 * First Edition. The title-page is stained, but otherwise the book is in good condition. Milton's first prose production. 959 Milton (John), The Reason of Church-government urg'd against Prelaty. In two Books. 4to, unbound. * First Edition. Lond.: John Rothwell, 1641 960 Milton (John). The Tenure of Kings and Magistrates: Proving that it is Lawfull, and hath been held so through all Ages, for any, who have the Power, to call to Account a Tyrant, or wicked King, and after due conviction, to depose, and put him to death, if the Ordinar Magistrate have neglected, or deny'd to doe it. And that they, who of late so much blame deposing, are the Men that did it themselves. 4to, unbound. * Second edition. Lond. : Matthew Simmons^ 1650 961 Milton (John). Tetrachordon : Expositions upon the foure chief places in Scripture, which treat of Mariage, or Nullities in Mariage . . . wherein the Doctrine and Discipline of Divorce, as was lately publish'd, is con- firm'd by Explanation of Scripture, by testimony of ancient Fathers, of civill lawes in the Primitive Church, of Famousest Reformed Divines, and lastly, by an in- tended Act of Parlament and Church of England in the last yeare of Edward the sixth. 4to, unbound. * First Edition. Lond. : Printed in the yeare 1645 962 Milton (John). Treatise on Christian Doctrine. Trans- lated by the Rev. Chas, R. Sumner. Facsimile of Mil- ton s writing. 4to, boards, uncut. Cambridge University Press, 1825 963 Milton (John). A Treatise of Civil Power in Ecclesi- astical Causes: Shewing that it is not lawful for any power on Earth to compell in matters of Religion. The author J. M. i2mo, levant morocco extra, gilt edges, by the Club Bindery. * P'iRST Edition. Lond. : Tho. Newcomb, 1659 156 The Lefferts Collection 964 Milton and More. Joannis Miltoni Defensio Secunda pro Populo Anglicano: Contra infamem Libellum anoymum, cujus Titelus, Regii sanguinis clamor ad- versus parricidas Anglicanos. Accessit Alexandri mori Ecclesiastse Sacrarumque litteram Professoris Fides Publica, Contra calumnias Joannis Miltoni scurra. i2mo, original vellum. Hagge-Comitum : Ex Typographia Adriani Vlacq. 1654 965 Milton and Salmasius. Claudii Salmasii defensio Regia pro Carolo I. Rege Angliae, &c., et Joannis Miltoni Defensio, pro Populo Anglicano, Contra Claudii Anonymi, alias Salmasii Defensionem Regiam. Acces- serunt huic editions indices locupletissimi. 4to, vellum. Lond. 1651 * This general title-page is prefixed to the two volumes bound iu one, each of which, however, has a separate title-page, and each volume has a separate pagination. 966 Mill (Humphrey). A Night's Search, Discovering the Nature and Condition of all sorts of Night Walkers, with their Associates, as also the Life and Death of Many of them, together with divers fearfull and strange Accidents occasioned by such ill livers. Digested into A Poeme by Humphry Mill. With the rare engraved title by Droeshout (margined), and the Poetical Explanation opposite. i2mo, red morocco extra, paneled sides, gilt edges, by Lortic. Lond.: R. Bishop^ 1640 * Prefixed are a great many commendatory poems addressed to the author, including some by Thomas Heywood, Thomas Nabbes, Robert Chamberlain, Richard Brome, etc., etc. They cover sixteen leaves. " This very singular poem is divided into fifty-eight sections, and abounds in stories, the incidents of which are drawn from the occur- rences of brothels, and the adventures of prostitutes and panders." — Bibliotheca Anglo-Poctica. It is a remarkably rare volume to find perfect as the above copy is. 967 MiRABiLis Annus; or. The Year of Prodigies and Won- ders: a faithful! account of Signs in the Heavens, in the Earth, and in the Waters. With many remarkable accidents and wonders. 4to, original blue paper covers, uncut. Printed in the year 1661 * Splendid copy. 157 The Lefferts Collection 968 MiRROUR OF PoLiciE. A worke no less profitable than necessary for all Magestrates and Governors of Estates and Commonweals. With the rare folding and other tables. 4to, old red morocco, super extra, Harleian tooled sides and back, gilt leaves. Lond. : Adam /slip, 1598 * An excessively rare edition. The earliest known to Lowndes was that of 1599, but he remarks, " Herbert notices an edition of the date of 1598." It is a curious and amusing book, full of entertaining observations on the customs of different nations, and on social duties, interspersed with poetry and quotations. This copy has the two very rare folding leaves of "The Tree of Sacrifice " and " The Tree of Justice." 969 Another copy. 4to, original vellum. Very fine. Ibid. 970 Mistaken Beauty (The); or. The Lyar: a Comedy. 4to, half morocco. Lond. : Simon ]Veale, 1685 * Little more than a translation of Corneille's " Menteur." 972 [Monsey (R.)] Scarronides; or, Virgile Travestie: a Mock Poem, being the Second [and Seventh] Book of Virgil's -^neis translated into English Burlesq. Small 8vo, crimson levant morocco extra, gilt edges, by Riviere. Lond. : Thomas Mabb, 1665 * Very handsome copy. 973 Montagu (Lady Mary Wortley). Letters and Works. Edited by her Great-Grandson, Lord Wharncliffe. 3 vols. 8vo, calf, gilt tops, uncut, by Hammond. Lond.: Bentley^ 1837 974 Montaigne (Michael de). The Essayes; or, Morall, Politike and Millitarie Discourses of Lo: Michaell de Montaigne . . . first written by him in French and now done into English by * * * * * JOHN FLORIO. Folio, old calf. Lond.: Val. Sims for Edward Blount, Ydo^^ * The well-known and beautiful copy, formerly in the possession of C. W. Frederickson. It contains the two exceeding rare leaves of ' ' Errors and Omissions" at the end, entirely different from the one leaf of "Errors and Omissions " at the beginning. This is the First, and is known as the " Shakespeare Edition," from the fact that in the British Museum is preserved a copy bearing the autograph of Shakespeare. It is, as 15S The Lefferts Collection often pointed out, the only book of which we can certainly say that it formed part of Shakespeare's library. The present copy also contains the long preliminary poem by Samuel Daniel. In such superb state as the above this edition is of very great scarcity, and an apparently poorer copy, described as " wormed," sold at Sotheby's in igoi for £,lb. 975 MoNTEMAYOR (George of). Diana. Translated out of Spanish into English by Bartholomew Yong of the Middle Temple, Gentleman. Title within a woodcut border. Folio, calf. 'Lond.: Printed by E. Bollifaftt, i^()Z * Very scarce. " Montemayor's pastoral of Diana is beautiful; it is in prose, but mingled with a considerable quantity of poetry, by Yong, the merits of which are not sufficiently known." — Bibliotheca Anglo- Poetica. It was from this romance that Shakespeare probably derived the story of the "The Two Gentlemen of Verona." McKee's copy {poor) sold for $21. 976 MoNTPENSiER (MADEMOISELLE DE, Grand-daughter of Henri Quatre and Niece of Queen Henrietta-Maria). Memoirs of, written by Herself. Edited from the French. Portraits. 3 vols. 8vo, half citron levant morocco, gilt top, uncut. Lond. : Henry Colburn, 1848 * Interesting account of the times and manners of the Court of Louis XV. 977 Moore (Thomas). The Epicurean: a Tale. 8vo, full crimson straight-grained morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Alfred Matthews. Lond. : Longman, Pees, Or me, Brown &> Green, 1827 * First Edition, Extra-illustrated with a set of India paper proofs of the illustrations by J. M. W. Turner from the 1839 editon. 978 More (Sir Thomas). A Frutefull, pleasaunt and wittie worke of the beste state of a publique weale and of the new yle called Utopia, written in Latine by the right worthie and famous Syr Thomas More, knyght, and translated into Englishe by Raphe Robynson. i3lack Ccttcr. Small 8vo, brown crushed levant mo- rocco, gilt edges, by De Coverly. Lond. : Abraham Vele, 1556 * Second edition of this famous work which, as the title informs us, was ' ' newlie perused and corrected, with divers notes in the margent augmented." The title has been backed and last leaf neatly repaired. 159 The Lefferts Collection 979 MoTTEUX (P.) The Amorous Miser; or, The Younger the Wiser: a Comedy. 4to, half red morocco. Lond. : Ben Bragg, 1705 980 MoTTEUx (P.) Arsinoe, Queen of Cyprus: an Opera, after the Italian Manner, all sung. 4to, half blue crushed levant morocco, gilt top, uncut. Lond. : Jacob Tonson, 1705 * The first introduction of Italian Opera into England. Very fine copy and in uncut state very rare. 981 Motteux (P.) Beauty in Distress: a Tragedy, with a Discourse of the Lawfulness and Unlawfulness of Plays. 4to, half blue morocco, gilt edges. 'L.ond.'. Daniel Broivn^ 1698 982 [Motteux (P).] The Island Princess; or, The Gen- erous Portugal: a Comedy. 4to, half brown morocco. * First Edition. Choice copy. Lond. : ZT. y?., 1669 983 Motteux (P.) Love's a Jest: a Comedy. 4to, half calf, uncut, by Larkins. Lond. : Peter Buck^ 1696 * First Edition. Very fine copy. 984 Motteux (P.) Loves of Mars and Venus: a Play set to Music. 4to, half red morocco. Lond. 1697 985 Motteux (P.) Love's Triumph: an Opera. 4to, half morocco. Lond.:/. Tonson, 1708 * First Edition. 986 Motteux (P.) The Novelty: every Act a Play. 4to, half blue crushed levant morocco, gilt edges. Lond. : R. Parker, i^g'j * Splendid copy. Consists of five distinct dramatic pieces. 987 MouNTAGNE (W.) The Shepherd's Paradise : a Comedy, privately acted before the late King Charles by the Queens Majesty and Ladies of Honour. 8vo, half crim- son levant morocco, gilt tops. L,oi\6..: John Starkey, 1659 * First Edition. The author is ridiculed by Suckling in his " Session of the Poets." 988 MouNTFORT (Will.) The Injured Lovers; or. The Am- bitious Father: a Tragedy. 410, half calf. Lond.: ■5'. Manship, 1688 * In the prologue spoken by the author he says: " Jo. Haynes's fate is now become my share For I'm a poet, married and a player." 160 The Lefferts Collection 989 MouNTFORT (Will). Six Plays, with Memoirs. 2 vols. i2mo, full green morocco, gilt edges. Lond. : J. Tonson, 1720 990 MoxoN (Joseph). Mechanick Exercises; or, tiie Doctrine of Handy Works applied to the Art of Printing. Many curious illustrations. 2 vols. 4to, half leather, roxburghe style. N.Y. : The Typothetce of the City of New Vorh,iS^6 * No. 131 of 450 copies printed. 991 [MuNDAV (Anthony).] The Ancient, Famovs, And Honourable History of Amadis de Gaule. Written in French by the Lord of Essars, Nicholas de Herberay. 4 vols, in I. Folio, blue morocco, gilt edges over red. Lond. : Nicholas Okes, 1619-18 * Very rare. The translation comprises four books — that is, the complete Amadis only. Munday meant to have gone on with the con- tinuations, but he proceeded no further. The titles of Books 2, 3, 4 bear the words " Translated out of French, by A. M." and those initials at foot of the dedications are sufficient indication of the name of Anthony Munday. The first two titles bear the date of 1619; the other two, 161 8. 992 [Munday (Anthony).] Palmerin of England. The Famous History of the Noble and Valiant Prince Pal- merin of England, declaring his Birth, and Prince Florian du Desart his Brother, in the Forrest of Great Britaine, the course of their lives afterward in pursuing Knightly Adventures and performing Incomparable Deeds of Chivalry, wherein Gentlemen may find choise of sweet inventions, and Gentlewomen be satisfied in courtly expectations. Black Ccttcr. 4to, elegantly bound in maroon levant morocco, super-extra paneled sides, gilt leaves, by Bedford. Lond. : B.Alsop, 1639 * Choice copy of a very early and extremely rare edition. 993 MuSARUM Delici^; or. The Muses' Recreation. Con- taining several pieces of Poetique Wit,by S"" J. M[ennes] and Ja°. S[mith]. i2mo, green crushed levant morocco extra, gilt edges, by the Club Bindery. Lond. : Henry Herringman, 1655 * The First Edition, and extremely rare— so rare, indeed, that 161 The Lefferts Collection the Bibliotheca Anglo-Poetica and the Daniel and Huth Libraries had only the Second Edition. " Sir John Mennes and Dr. James Smith were the authors of this miscellany, in which are also contained some pieces by Bishop Corbet and Sir John Suckling. Several of the poems partake of the wit, the raillery, and the playful versification of Butler, though it should be remembered (for the fact itself is fame to those concerned) that this collection made its appearance eight years before the publication of Hudibras. It is also worthy of a particular remark that Pope (in his classification of the English Poets for his projected discourse on the rise and progress of English Poetry) considered Sir John Mennes as one of the originals of Hudibras." — Bibl. Ang.-Poetica, p. 225, 994 I^T ABBES (Thomas). Covent Garden: a Pleasant I ^ Corned ie. Device on title. 410, half maroon levant morocco, gilt edges. Lond. : Richard Oiilton., 1638 * First Edition. Dedicated to John Suckling. One figure clipped in the date. 995 N ABBES (Thomas). Microcosmus: a Morall Maske. De- vice on title. 4to, half morocco. Lond.: Ric/iard Oulton, 1637 * First Edition. Preliminary verses by Richard Brome and W. Cufaude. 996 Nabbes (Thomas). A volume containing Seven Plays by Nabbes, as follows: 1. Microcosmus, 1637. 2. Hannibal and Scipio, 1637. 3. The Spring's Glory, 1639. 4. Totenham Court, 1638. 5. Covent Garden, 1639. 6. The Unfortunate Mother, 1640. 7. The Bride, 1640. All First Editions except the "Spring's Glory" and "Covent Garden," which are both second. Title- page to the Microcosmus inlaid. Thick 4to, red mo- rocco, gauffred gilt" edges. Lond., v. y. * From the Roxburghe Library. 997 Nabbes (Thomas). The Unfortunate Mother: a Tragedie. 4to, half calf. Lond.: Daniel Frere. 1640 * First Edition. Dedicated to Richard Braithwaite. Some margins mended, but a tall copy, with uncut leaves. 162 The Lefferts Collection 998 Napoleon. Bourrienne (M. de). Memoirs of Napoleon Bonaparte, 4 vols. 8vo, half russia, gilt tops, uncut, by Stikeman. Lond. : Colburn, 1830 999 Nash (Thomas). Nashes Lenten Stuffe, Containing, The Defcription and firft Procreation and Increafe of the towneof Great Yarmouth inNorffolke: With a new Play neuer played before, of the praife of the Red Herring. Fitte of all Clearkes of Noblemens Kitchins to be read: and not vnneceffary by all Seruing men that haue fhort boord-wages, to be remembered. 4to, maroon morocco, gilt edges. Lond. : Printed for N. L. and C. B. and are to be fold at the lueft end of Faules, 1599. * First Edition and fine copy. 1000 Nash (Thomas). Pierce Pennilefe his Supplication to the Diuell. Black £etter. 4to, russia, gilt edges, by Roger Payne. Lond. : Printed for Nicholas Ling, and are to be fold at his f hop, at the Northweft doore of S. Paules, 1595. * This is the fifth edition. The first edition was issued in 1592, in which year there were two editions, one of which was surreptitious. The work is a powerful satire on the follies of the time. The author mentions a great many of his contemporaries, and gave great offense by his severe allusions to them. looi Natalis (HiERONYMUs). Evangelicae Historiae Imagines ex ordine Evangeliorum, quae toto anno in Missae sac- rificio recitantur. Engraved title and 1^3 plates ex- quisitely engraved on copper by Hier., Ant., and loan. Wierx, Adr. Collaert, and C. de Mallery. Folio, bound by Matthews in blue crushed levant morocco extra, gilt edges. Antuerpiae, 1593 * Original and very fine impressions of this beautiful series of engravings illustrating the Gospel narratives. One plate neatly col- ored; 14 plates neatly inlaid. Corner of some margins somewhat finger-soiled. 1002 Newcastle (The Duke of). The Humorous Lovers: a Comedy. 4to, half brown levant morocco, gilt edges, by Riviere. Lond.: H. Herringfnan, iS']'] * Fine copy of the First Edition. 163 The Lefferts Collection 1003 Newcastle (The Duke of). The Triumphant Widow ; or, The Medley of Humours: a Comedy. 410, half brown levant morocco, gilt edges, by Riviere. Lond. : M. Herringman, iS'j'j * Fine copy of the First Edition. 1004 Newcastle (Margaret, Duchess of). Philosophical and Physical Opinions. Device on title. Folio, half crimson crushed levant morocco, gilt edges, by the Club Bindery. Lond. : J. Martin.^ 1655 * First Edition, and a choice copy. 1005 Newcastle (Margaret, Duchess of). Poems and Fancies. Device on title and fine impression ^/the extremely rare portrait by Peter van Schiippen. Folio, half crimson crushed levant morocco, gilt edges, by the Club Bindery. Lond. : J. Martin, 1653 * Fine copy. In the McKee catalogue (Part IV.) it is said Lowndes is in error in describing this book as having a portrait! The print is a very beautiful one. 1006 Newcastle (Margaret, Duchess of). The World's Olio. Device on title. Folio, half crimson crushed levant morocco, gilt edges, by the Club Bindery. Lond.: J. Martin, 1655 * A pleasant collection of the Duchess's "obiter dicta." In some verses at the end she says it is " Of all my works, this work which I have writ, My best beloved and greatest favorite." 1007 New York. Journal of a Voyage to New York and a Tour in Several of the American Colonies in 1679-80, by Dankers and Sluyter, translated by Hy. C. Mur- phy. 4to, half brown morocco, gilt tops, uncut. Brooklyn: Z. /. H. S., 1867 * Presentation copy to S. L. M. Barlow from J. Carson Brevoort. 1008 NoDiER (Charles). The Bibliomaniac. Translated by Mabel O. Wright. Illustrated from designs by Maurice Leloir, engraved on wood by F. Noel, duplicate impres- sions on China and Japan paper. 8vo, full crushed levant morocco, gilt tops, uncut, by the Club Bindery. * Few copies printed in the above state. N. Y. 1894 164 The Lefferts Collection 1009 North (Francis Dudley, Lord). A Forest of Varie- ties. Device on title. Folio, old calf, gilt. Lond. : Richard Cotes ^ 1645 * First Edition. Upon the verso of the title-page is the large and fine armorial bookplate of Sir Thomas Hanmer, 1707. Auto- graph of Charles Crompton on title. He was a friend of the author's, and we gather from a note at page 232 that the book was presented to him, doubtless by the author himself. This copy has a leaf of Poems between pp. 76 and 77, which is unnoticed by Hazlitt. loio [Norton ( ).] Pausanius, the Betrayer of his Coun- try: a Tragedy. 4to, half levant morocco, gilt edges, by Riviere. Lond. : Abel Roper ^ 1696 * The author's life — even his Christian name — is unknown. This tragedy was brought on the stage by Southern. ion Northcote (James). Fables, Original and Selected. Portrait and j6o most beautiful engravings upon wood by Harvey^ etc. Both Series. 2 vols, royal 8vo, full green morocco, gilt top, uncut. Lond. 1828-33 * Largest Paper. The finest state of this beautiful work. The Griswold copy with arms on side. 1012 ^^LDHAM (Mr, John). Remains, in Verse and ■ \M Prose. Device on title. Svo, unbound. Lond. : Jo. Hindrnarsh, 1684 * First Edition. Contains poem by Dryden. 1013 Oldham (Mr. John). Works, together with his Re- mains, Thick Svo, full crimson crushed levant mo- rocco, gilt edges, by the Club Bindery. Lond.: A. Hindmarsh, 1698 1034 Oldham (John). The Works of Mr. John Oldham, together with his Remains. Portrait inlaid and inserted. Svo, crimson crushed levant morocco, gilt edges, by the Club Bindery. Lond.: Jo. Hindmarsh, 16S6 * This is a general collected edition. 1015 Oldmixon (John). Amintas: a Pastoral, translated from Tasso. 4to, boards. Lond.: Rich. Parker, 1698 * First Edition. The prologue was written by Dennis. 1016 Oldmixon (John). The Governour of Cyprus: a Tra- gedy. 4to, half green calf. Lond. : i?. 7V^/^'^/, 1703 * First Edition. 165 The Lefferts Collection 1017 Ottley (Wm, Young). Collection of Facsimiles of Scarce and Curious Prints by the Early Masters of the Italian, German and Flemish Schools. 118 beautiful engravings, including facsimiles of Niellos in silver. Folio, half morocco, gilt top. Lond. : Layman, 1826 1018 Ottley (Wm. Young). Collection of Facsimiles of Scarce and Curious Prints by the Early Masters of the Italian, German and Flemish Schools, illustrative of the History of Engraving, etc. With ^^ additional plates. Folio, half vellum. Lond. 1828 1019 Otway (Thomas). Alcibiades: a Tragedy. 4to, half brown morocco. Lond. : Wm. Cademan., 1675 * Otway's first play. Very fine copy. 1020 Otway (Thomas). The Atheist; or. The Second Part of the Souldier's Fortune. 4to, half green morocco. Lond. : R. Bentley., 1684 * Otway's last work. He died in 16S5 in great poverty. 1021 Otway (Thomas). Caius Marius: a Tragedy. 4to, half brown morocco, by the Club Bindery. Lond. : Thomas Flesher, 1680 *A portion of this play is taken verbatim from "Romeo and Juliet." 1022 Otway (Thomas). Don Carlos, Prince of Spain: a Tragedy. Third Edition, corrected. 4to, unbound. Lond.: 7?. Tonson, 1686 1023 Otway (Thomas). Friendship in Fashion: a Comed3^ 4to, half olive morocco. Lond. : R. Tonson, 1678 1024 Otway (Thomas). Heroick Friendship: a Tragedy. 4to, half blue levant morocco. Lond. : W. Mears, 17 19 * Published after the author's death. 1025 Otway (Thomas). The Orphan; or, The Unhappy- Marriage, a Tragedy. 4to, half straight-grained ma- roon levant morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Riviere. * Beautiful copy. Lond. : R. Bentley, 1680 1026 Otway (Thomas). Titus and Berenice: a Tragedy, with a Farce called The Cheats of Scapin. 4to, half green morocco. Lond.: R. Tonson, 1677 * Translated, with few alterations, from Racine. 166 The Lefferts Collection 1027 Otway (Thomas). Venice Preserved; or, A Plot Dis- covered. 4to, half calf. Lond. : Jos. Hindmarsh, 1682 * Dedicated to the Duchess of Monmouth. 1028 Otway (Thomas). Works. With Notes, Critical and Explanatory, and a Life of the Author, by Thomas Thornton. Portrait and plates. 3 vols, large 8vo, straight-grained levant morocco, gilt tops, uncut, by Stikeman. Lond. : T. Turner., 1813 * Splendid copy, on Largest Paper. Very rare in this state. 1029 Ovid. De Arte Amandi and the Remedy of Love, Eng- lished ; as also the Loves of Hero and Leander, a Mock- Poem. Together with Choice Poems and Rare Pieces of Drollery. Engraved frontispiece. i2mo, crimson crushed levant morocco, gilt edges, by the Club Bind- ery. Lond.: Printed in the year xddz * Fine copy. 1030 Another edition. i2mo, crimson crushed levant morocco, gilt edges, by the Club Bindery. Lond. 1672 1031 Ovid. De Arte Amandi, and the Remedy of Love, Englished; as also the Loves of Hero and Leander, a Mock Poem. Together with Choice Poems and Rare Pieces of Drollery. E?2graved portrait. 8vo, calf gilt, gilt edges. Lond. 1684 1032 Ovid. De Geedant-Wisselingen van P. Ovidius Naso in het Latyn en Nederdeutsch nieulyx vertaald, en te zamen in het licht gegeven door Isaak Verburg. With a large nmnber of beautiful engravings by Picart and others. Large folio, half calf gilt, yellow edges. Amsterdam:/. Wetstein, 1732 * Large and thick paper copy, with brilliant original impressions of the magnificent plates. 1033 Ovide. Les Metamorphoses d'Ovide. Traduction Nou- velle avec le Texte Latin suivie d'un Analyse de I'Ex- plication des Tables de Notes Geographique, Histo- rique, Mythologique, et Critiques, par M. C. L Vil- lenare. Ornce de gravures d'apres les dessins de MM. Le Parbier, Moucian et Moreau. 4 vols, royal 4to, half red calf, marbled edges. Paris, 1806-22 * First edition (of this edition). Proofs before all letters of these beautiful engravings. 167 The Lefferts Collection 1034 Ovid. Love's Schoole. Publii Ovidii Nasonis De Arte Amandi; or, The Art of Love. Engraved title-page by Visscher. 8vo, old green morocco gilt, gilt edges. n. p., n. d. * With autograph on fly-leaf, "Ralph Hawtrey his booke 1647." A few corners mended. 1035 Ovid's Metamorphoses in Fifteen Books, translated by the most esteemed hands. Nunierous large and fine en- gravings on copper^ including the rare and beautiful ENGRAVING by M. Pool, at page 500, Large folio, orig- inal calf. Lond. : /. Tonson, 1717 * First Edition. The translations are by Dryden, Addison, Pope and others. The engravings are by Vander Gucht, Vertue and others, 1036 Ovid. Ovidius Exulans; or, Ovid Travestie: a Mock Poem, on Five Epistles of Ovid, in English Burlesque, by Naso Scarronnomimus. Engravedfrontispiece^ roughly colored and corner nmided. Small 8vo, old straight- grained morocco, gilt edges, by C. Smith. Lond. : Peter Lillicrap^ 1673 1037 rrjALTOCK (R. S.)] Peter Wilkins. The Life and ^^ Adventures of Peter Wilkins, a Cornish Man, taken from his own Mouth in his Passage to England from off Cape Horn, in America, in the Ship Hector, by R. S., a Passenger in the Hector. Plates. 2 vols. i2mo, calf gilt, yellow edges. Lond. : J. Robinson^ 1751 * Fine copy of the First Edition. Very scarce. 1038 Pathomachia; or, The Battell of Affections Shadowed by a Faigned Siedge of the Citie Pathopolis. 4to, half crimson morocco, Lond.: T. and R. Coats, 1630 * Dedicated by the publishers to the Earl of Dover. 1040 [Payne (Nevil).] The Fatal Jealousie: a Tragedy, Acted at the Dukes Theatre. 4to, half calf. (2) Lond. : Thomas Dring, 1673 * Fine copy. The character of Jasper in this play is copied from that of lago. Rare. 1041 [Payne (Nevil).] The Morning Ramble; or, The Town Humours: a Comedy. 4to, half green morocco. Lond. : Thomas Dring, 1673 168 The Lefferts Collection 1042 Peacham (Henry). Minerva Brittana; or, a Garden of Heroical Devises Furnished and Adorned with Em- blemes and Impressa's of Sundry Natures. Newly- devised, moralized and published. Many emblematic plates. 4to, old straight-grained maroon levant morocco, tooled on sides, gilt edges, by Lewis, Lond. : Wa. Dight^ n. d. [161 2] * An extraordinarily tall, fine and sound copy, in a choice old bind- ing. Dedicated to Prince Henry and contains large cut of his arms on back of title. One of the preliminary verses is by Thomas Hey wood. 1043 Pepys (Samuel). Diary and Correspondence, with Life and Notes by Richard Lord Braybrooke. Deciphered, with additional Notes, by the Rev. Mynors Bright. Portrait on india paper inserted. 10 vols. 8vo, boards, uncut. N. Y. : Dodd, 1884 * Large Japan Paper copy, of which but 15 were printed. 1044 Pepys (Samuel). Diary and Correspondence, with Life and Notes by Richard Lord Braybrooke. Portrait. 4 vols. 8vo, half citron levant morocco, gilt tops, un- cut, by Alfred Matthews. Lond.: Colburn, 1854 1045 [Pepys (Samuel).] Memoires relating to the State of the Royal Navy of England, for ten years, determin'd December, 1688. Beautifully engraved portrait by White, after Kneller. 8vo, green morocco, gilt edges. Lond. : Benj. Griffin, 1690 * Inserted is a MS. list of ships in the English navy in the hand- writing of Samuel Pepys. With note by Mr. Lefferts, " There are a few MS. corrections of errors which, I judge, to be in the author's handwriting, which, if so, would imply that this was his own copy. The imprint varies from my other copy." 1046 Another copy. LARGE PAPER. 8vo, orig- inal calf. Ibid. * Extremely rare in this state. The portrait is a particularly brill- iant impression. 1047 Percy (Bishop). Reliques of Ancient English Poetry, with some few of late date. Engraved frontispiece and vignettes on titles. 3 vols, post 8vo, calf. Lond.: Dodsley, 1765 * First Edition, with the suppressed passages. Name on titles, and binding rubbed. 169 The Lefferts Collection 1048 Petitot. Les Emaux de Petitot du Musee Imperial du Louvre. Portraits de Personnages Historiques et des Femmes Celebres du Siecle de Louis XIV. Graves au Burieiipar M. L. Ceroni. 2 vols, folio, boards, uncut. Blaisot. Libraire-Editeur Md. d'Estampes, 178 Rue de Rivoli. Paris, 1862 * Proofs on india paper "before the letters." 1049 Philips (Katherine). Poems, to which is added Cor- neille's Pompey and Horace, with several other transla- tions out of French. Brilliant impression of the portrait by Faithorne. Folio, mottled calf gilt, gilt edges. Lond. : H. Herringman, 1667 * The preliminary verses include two long poems by Abraham Cowley. * First Edition, and an unusually fine copy. 1050 Philips (William). The Revengeful Queen : a Tragedy. 4to, half brown morocco, by the Club Bindery. Lond. : P. Buck, 1698 * Dedicated to the Duke of Ormonde. 1051 Phillips (Ambrose). Three Tragedies. i2mo, old calf. Lond.: /. Tonson, 1725 1052 [Phillips (Edward).] Cyder: a Poem. Engraved frontis- piece by Van der Gucht. 8vo, original calf, * First Edition. Lond.: Jacob Tonson, 1708 1053 Phillips (John). Maronides; or, Virgil Travesty, in Burlesque Verse. 8vo, three-quarter crimson crushed levant morocco, gilt edges, by the Club Bindery. *Fine tall copy. Lond. : Nathaniel Brooks, 1673 1054 Phillips (L. B.) Dictionary of Biographical Reference. Thick royal 8vo, half leather. Lond. 1871 1055 Physiognomical Portraits. One Hundred Distin- guished Characters from undoubted originals, engraved in the line manner by the most eminent British Artists. 2 vols. 4to, half morocco, gilt tops, uncut. Lond. : /. Afajor, 1824 * Large Paper copy, with brilliant proofs of the portraits on India Paper. Original subscriber's copy No. loS. Scarce in this state. 1056 Pix (Mrs. Mary). Queen Catharine; or, The Ruines of Love: a Tragedy. 4to, half red morocco. Lond.: IV/n. Turner, 1698 * The epilogue was written by Mrs. Trotter, 170 The Lefferts Collection 1057 [Pix (Mrs. Mary).] The Conquest of Spain: a Tragedy. 4to, half calf. Lond. : Richard Wellington^ 1705 1058 Pix (Mrs. Mary). The Deceiver Deceived: a Comedy. 4to, half brovi^n morocco. Lond. : R. Basset^ 1698 1059 [Pix (Mrs. Mary).] The Spanish Wives: a Farce. 4to, half blue calf. Lond. : R. Wellington^ 1696 1060 Plays. A Collection of Old English Plays. Edited by A. H. Bullen. 4 vols, small 4to, boards, uncut. Lond. : Privately printed, 1882-85 * "Most of the plays in the present collection have not been re- printed, and some have not been printed at all. In the second volume there will be published for the first time a fine tragedy (hitherto quite unknown) by Massinger and Fletcher, and a lively comedy, also quite unknown, by James Shirley." — Preface. Only 150 copies printed. 1061 Plays. Old English Plays. Edited by A. H. Bullen. New Series. 3 vols. 410, boards, uncut. Lond. : Privately printed^ 1887-90 * Contains the works of Thomas Nabbes and Robert Davenport. Only 150 copies printed. 1062 [PoRDAGE (Samuel).] Azaria and Hushai: a Poem. 4to, half crimson crushed levant morocco, gilt edges, by Riviere. Lond. : Charles Lee, 1682 * First Edition, and a nice copy. Sometimes attributed to Elkanah Settle. 1063 [Pordage (Samuel).] Herod and Mariamne: a Tragedy. 4to, half morocco. Lond. : Wm. Cademan, 1673 * First Edition. 1064 [Pordage (Samuel).] Poems Upon Several Occasions. Device on title-page. 8vo, green levant morocco extra, gilt edges, by the Club Bindery. Lond. : W. G. for Henry Marsh, 1660 * Nice copy of the First Edition. 1065 [Pordage (Samuel).] Troades: a Tragedie written in Latin by Seneca. Translated into English by S. P. Etched titkpage. 8vo, green levant mor., gilt edges, by the Club Bindery. Lond.: W.G. for He?iry Marsh, 1660 * A few headlines touched and one corner mended. 1066 Porter (Thomas). The Carnival : a Comedy, as it was Acted at the Theatre Royal. 4to, mottled calf gilt, gilt tops. Lond.: II. Herringman, 1664 * First Edition. 171 The Lefferts Collection 1067 Porter (Thomas). The Carnival: a Comedy. 410, half brown morocco, gilt tops, by the Club Bindery. * First Edition. Lond. : Henry Herringman^ 1664 1068 [Powell George, ^f//V^;-).] The Cornish Comedy. 4to, half maroon levant morocco. Lond. : D. Brown, 1696 * First Edition. 1069 Powell (George). The Treacherous Brothers: a Tragedy. 4to, half green levant morocco, gilt tops, by the Club Bindery. Lond. : James Blackwell^ 1690 * Beautiful copy. McKee's, in poor condition, sold for $13. 1070 Prestwich (Edmund). Hippolitus. Translated out of Seneca, together with divers other Poems of the same Author's. Preliminary leaf containing verse before the title-page, 8vo, original vellum, with strings. Lond.: G. D.^for George Boddington, 1651 * James Shirley wrote one of the preliminary verses, Charles Cotton another. The present is a matchless copy of a scarce little volume. 1071 Prynne (William). Mount Orgueil; or. Divine and Profitable Meditations, ... to which is prefixed a Poeticall Description of Mount Orgueil Castle in the Isle of Jersy. Engraved portrait. 4to, mottled calf gilt, gilt edges. Lond. : Tho. Cotes^ 1641 * \Yith note by M. C. Lefferts: " The portrait and leaf preceding, as also last leaf (C3) of Errata, seem to be very seldom in book — not in Huth or McKee copies." 1072 P. (T,) French Conjurer: a Comedy as it is Acted at the Dukes Theatre. 4to, half red morocco. Lond. : L. Curtis., 1678 1073 [Puttenham (George).] The Arteof Englishe Poesie. Contrived into three Bookes: The first of Poets and Poesie, the second of Proportion, the third of Orna- ment. Large device on title and woodcut portrait of Queen Elizabeth. 4to, old green straight-grained levant mo- rocco gilt, gilt edges. Lond.: Richard Field., 1589 * Tall, sound and fine copy. It is on many accounts one of the most curious and entertaining, and intrinsically one of the most valu- able books of the age of Elizabeth. The copious intermixture of con- temporary anecdote, tradition, manners, opinions, and THE numerous SPECIMENS of coeval I'OETRY, NOWHERE ELSE PRESERVED, contribute to form a volume of infinite amusement, curiosity, and value. 172 The Lefferts Collection Q 1074 ^^^UARITCH (Bernard). Dictionary of English Book Collectors, also of some Foreign Collectors, whose Libraries are incorporated in English Col- lections, or whose Books are chiefly met with in Eng- land. With plates, some of them colored^ and facsi7nile letters^ sd. 13 parts, 8vo. Lond. 1892-98 * Enclosed in a morocco slip case, marked " Auction Catalogues, M. C. Lefferts." Sold as one volume. 1075 QuARLES (Francis). Argalus and Parthenia. Engraved title-page with leaf preceding ' ' The minde of the Frontis- piece.'" 4to, tree calf, gilt edges (cracked). Lond. : John Marriott [1632] * The date has been erased, but apparently is as above. 1076 Quarles (Francis). Divine Poems, containing the His- ( Jo"ah, , Sonets tory of Esther, Sions ^^^ ^^^_ ( Job, ^ ° An Elegie on Dr. Ailmer, not formerly printed. Written by Fra. Quarles. Beautiful engraved title by T. Cecil., with poeti- cal explanation opposite. 8vo, brown crushed levant morocco, gilt edges, by the Club Bindery. Lond. : John Marriott, 1630 * First collected edition, and exceedingly rare. To each poem is prefixed separate title-pages, that of the "Pentalogia" having a woodcut on it. The above is a particularly choice copy. There was no copy in Major Gaisford's fine collection of early poetry, and Mr. Locker- Lampson's assemblage is also without it. 1077 [Quarles (Francis) ] Hadassa; or. The History of Queen Ester, with Meditations thereupon, Divine and Mo rail. Large cut of the royal arms on back of title-page. 4to, old calf, blind tooled. Lond. : Richard Moore, 1621 * The only separate edition of this paraphrase of the Book of Esther. 1078 Quarles (Francis). Hieroglyphikes of the Life of Man. Engraved tithpage and numerous engravings in the text by William Marshall. 8vo, blue levant morocco, gilt edges. Lond.: John Marriott, 1638 * Very rare. Last two leaves repaired. 173 The Lefferts Collection 1079 OuARLES (Francis). The History of Samson [in Verse]. 4to, morocco extra, gilt leaves, by Riviere. Lond. : M. F., for JoJm Marriott^ 1631 * First Edition. "One of the least common of this author's works." — Hazlitt. " In this elaborate work among several extravagancies of imagery and expression are some spirited passages." — Lowndes. There was no copy in the Bibliotheca Anglo-Poetica, nor does it appear in Mr. Locker's catalogue. 1080 QuARLES (Francis). Job Militant; with Meditations Divine and Morall. Device on title. 410, full blue crushed levant morocco, gilt edges, by Riviere. Lond.: Felix Kytigston, 1624 * Fine copy of the first and only separate edition. 1081 Quarles (Francis). Judgment and Mercy. New edi- tion, with Introduction by Reginald Wolfe. Crown Bvo, boards, uncut. Lond. : Longman^ 1807 1082 Quarles (Francis). The New Distemper, written by the author of the Loyal Convert. 4to, half morocco. Oxford: Leonard Lichfield., 1645 * Fine copy of a rare tract by Quarles. 1083 Quarles (Francis). The Shepheard's Oracle: deliv- ered in an Eglogue. 4to, calf gilt, gilt edges, by Riviere. [Lond.]: Printed in the yeare i6^i\ * First Edition. " This forms the nth Eclogue of the edition published in 1646 and is excessively rare." — Note by M. C. Lef- ferts. 1084 Quarles (Francis). Sion's Sonets. Sung by Solomon the King and Periphrased. Elaborate woodcut border to title. 4to, full dark brown crushed levant morocco, gilt edges, by Riviere. Lond. : W. Stansby, 1625 * First and only separate edition of this work. The Dedication and marginal notes were omitted in later editions. 1085 Quarles (Francis). The Virgin Widow: a Comedie. 4to, calf gilt, gilt edges. Lond. : R. Royston., 1649 * First Edition. The only dramatic attempt of Quarles. It is rather an interlude than a regular play, and was never staged. 1086 QvARLES (Fra.) (i.) a Feast for Wormes. Set Forth in a Poeme of the History of lonah. By Fra. Qvarles. Curious woodcut in the title. (2.) The Generall Vse of 174 The Lefferts Collection this Hiflory. (3.) Eleuen Pious Meditations, Printed within woodcut borders. (4.) Pentelogia; or, The Qvint- essence of Meditations. 4to, dark blue morocco extra, gilt back and edges, broad gilt borders on the sides, by J. Mackenzie. At Lond. : Imprinted by Felix Kyngfton for Richard Moore ^ and are to be fold at his fhop in Saint jDu?iftafis Church-yard, in Fleetftreet, 1620. * Fine clean copies of the first editions. The " Feast of Worms" is Quarles' first work. 1087 [Quarles (John, Translator).] Self-Conflict; or, The Powerful Motions between the Flesh and the Spirit, represented in the Person and upon the occasion of Joseph, when by Potiphar's Wife he was enticed by Adultery; a divine poem, written originally in Low Dutch by Jacob Cats. Etched title-page and etchings in the text. 8vo, mottled calf gilt, gilt edges. Lond.: Robert Sollers, 1680 * Some red spots sprinkled on title-page; otherwise a very fine copy. R 1088 PJABELAIS. The First [and Second] Book ot the Works of Mr. Francis Rabelais, Doctor in Physick: the Lives, Heroick Doings and Sayings of Gargantua and his Sonne Pantagruel . . . now faith- fully translated into English. Both parts in one vol. 8vo, original vellum. Lond.: Richard Baddeley, 1653 * Translated by Sir Thomas Urquhart, and the first edition of Rabelais in English. Fine copy and very rare. 1089 Raleigh (Sir Walter). The Prince, or Maxims of State. Fine impression of the rare engraved portrait. 4to, half morocco. Lond.: Printed id /\2 * First Edition. Some pages stained, but a tall copy. 1090 Rampant Alderman (The); or. News from the Ex- change: a Farce. 4to, calf gilt, gilt edges. Lond. : Randal Taylor, 1685 * Splendid copy. Hazlitt says: "This play is one piece of plagiar- ism, being stolen from Marmion's ' Fine Companion ' and several other plays." 175 The Lefferts Collection 1091 [Randolph (Thomas).] Aristippus; or, The Jovial Phil- osopher, prooving that Quartes, Pintes and Pottles are sometimes necessary Authours in a Schollars Library, Presented in a Private Shew, to which is added The Conceited Pedlar. 4to, mottled calf gilt, gilt edges by Riviere. Lond. : Thomas Harper, 1630 * First Edition. Contains a ridicule of the Prologue to Shake- speare's Troilus and Cressida. Fine copy of a very rare piece. 1092 Randolph (Thomas). The Jealous Lovers: a Comedie presented to their Gracious Majesties at Cambridge by the Students of Trinity College. 4to, mottled calf gilt, gilt edges, by Riviere. Cambridge: Rich. Ireland^ 1632 * Beautiful copy. Has numerous commendatory and dedicatory verses prefixed. 1093 Randolph (Thomas). Poems, with the Muses Look- ing-Glasse; and Amyntas, by Thomas Randolph, Mas- ter of Arts and Late Fellow of Trinity College in Cam- bridge. 4to, full blue crushed levant morocco, gilt edges, by F. Bedford. Oxford : Printed by Leonard Lichfield.^ Printer to the University, for Francis Borvman, 1638. * A very rare book to find in fine state like the present copy. Of the "Muses Looking Glass" Baker, in his Biog. Dram, says: "This is perhaps one of the most meritorious of all the old pieces extant. It contains an assemblage of characters whose height of painting would do honour to the pen of Shakespeare or Jonson ; the language is at once natural and poetical ; the sentiments are strong, the satire is poignant, and the moral both absolutely chaste and clearly con- spicuous." 1094 Randolph (Thomas). Poems, with the Muses Looking- Glasse and Amyntas. The Second Edition, enlarged. Engraved title-page containi?ig the author's portrait. 8vo, full blue crushed levant morocco, gilt edges, by F. Bed- ford. Oxford : Francis Pojcnian, 1 640 * First Edition, with portrait. It contains considerable addi- tional matter, twelve poems, and the play of " The Jealous Lovers." 1095 Randolph (Thomas). Poems, with the Muses Looking Glass, Amyntas, Jealous Lovers, Arystippus. Svo, calf. Lond. : Printed in the yeare 1652 * " The fourth edition enlarged." 176 The Lefferts Collection 1096 Randolph (Thomas). Poems, with the Muses Looking- Glass, and Amyntas: whereunto is added The Jealous Lovers. Engraved portrait. 8vo,calf,red edges (cracked), Lond. : F. Bozuman, 1664 * " The fifth edition, with several additions, corrected and amended." 1097 Ravenscroft (Edward). The Anatomist; or, The Sham Doctor, with the Loves of Mars and Venus: a Play set to Music. 4to, half morocco. Lond.: R. Baldwin, 1697 * With prologue and epilogue by P. Motteux. 1098 Ravenscroft (Edward). The Canterbury Guests; or, A Bargain Broken : a Comedy. 4to, half green mo- rocco. 'L.ondi.: Daniel Br oiun, 1695 1099 Ravenscroft (Edward). The Citizen Turned Gentle- man: a Comedy. 4to, half brown morocco, by the Club Bindery. Lond.: Thomas Dring, 1672 * First Edition. Fine copy. HOC Ravenscroft (Edward). The English Lawyer: a Comedy. 4to, half brown morocco, by the Club Bindery. Lond : James Vade, 1678 iioi Ravenscroft (Edward). The Italian Husband: a Tragedy. 4to, half green morocco. Lond.: Isaac Cleare, 1698 1 102 Ravenscroft (Edward). King Edgar and Alfreda: a Tragi-Comedy. 4to, half morocco. Lond. : M. Turner, iStj * First Edition. Prefixed is a Life of King Edgar. 1 103 Ravenscroft (Edward). The London Cuckolds: a Comedy. 4to, half green morocco, gilt edges. Lond. : /os. Hindmarsh, 1682 1104 Ravenscroft (Edward). Mamamouchi ; or. The Citi- zen Turned Gentleman: a Comedy. 4to, half green morocco. Lond.: Thomas Bring, 1675 * First Edition. Dedicated to Prince Rupert. 1 1 05 Ravenscroft (Edward). Scaramouch: a Comedy. 4to, half morocco. Lond.: Robert Sollers, \()ii * First Edition. 177 The Lefferts Collection 1106 [Ravenscroft (Edward).] Tom Essence; or, The Modish Wife: a Comedy. 410, half morocco. Lond. : W. Cademan, 1677 * First Edition. Ascribed to Ravenscroft by Hazlitt. 1107 Ravenscroft (Edward). The Wrangling Lovers; or, The Invisible Mistress. 4to, half morocco. * First Edition. Lond.: Wm. Crook, 1677 1 108 Rawlins (Thomas), The Rebellion: a Tragedy. As it was acted nine days together. 4to, half red morocco. Lond. : /. Okes^ 1640 * First Edition, and with commendatory verses by W. Richards, J. Tatham, Robert Chamberlain, etc., etc. These were not reprinted in later editions. 1 109 Revet (Edward). The Town Shifts; or The Suburb Justice: a Comedy. 4to, half green morocco. Lond.: Thomas D ring, 167 1 mo Reynard the Fox (The most Delectable History of), newly corrected and purged from all grossness in phrase and matter . . , To which may now be added a Second Part of the said History, as also The Shifts OF Reynardine, the Son of Reynard the Fox. The three parts complete. Numerous quaint rough tvood- cuts, bearitig the initials E. B. {those of the publisher Edward Brewster'). 4to, full crimson levant morocco, gilt tops, UNCUT. Lond.: Edward Brewster, 1701-1681-1684 * First Editions of the second and third parts, which are original productions and purely English. Caxton's edition of the first part was from the Reynike de Vos, published by Leeuw at Gouda, 1479. The second and third books were probably by Brewster, the publisher, who, in writing them, treated the original work as a first part only. The work is now very rare, and copies nearly always occur in a very dirty and unsatisfactory condition. It is doubtful if there is another uncut copy in existence. I III [Rhodes (Richard).] Flora's Vagaries: a Comedy. 4to, half morocco. Lond. : William Cademan, 1670 * First Edition. An amusing play, much praised by Pepys. 1 112 Richards (Nathaniel). Poems, Sacred and Satyricall. Engraved portrait [momited), also engraved title-page. 8vo, full green levant morocco, gilt edges, by the Club Bindery. Lond. : T. Paine, 1641 * Nice copy of a very scarce book. A particular account of it will be found in Fry's Bibliographical Memoranda, pages 82-94. 173 The Lefferts Collection 1 113 Richards (Nathaniel), The Tragedy of Messallina, the Roman Emperesse. Engraved portrait {inlaid) and title-page. 8vo, maroon levant morocco, gilt edges, by the Club Bindery. Lond. : Thomas Cotes, 1640 * Fine copy of the First Edition. One of the few early plays, containing list of the actors and the parts they took. 1114 Rider (W.) TheTwins: a Tragi-Comedy, Acted at the Private House at Salisbury-Court, v^ith general Ap- plause. 4to, half morocco, uncut. Lond.: Printed for Robert Pollard, 1655 1115 Riley (Thomas). Cornelianum Dolium. Comoedia lepi- dissima. i2mo, full red crushed levant morocco, gilt edges, by Riviere and Son. Londini: Apud Tho. Harperum, 1638 * Fine engraved title-page, 1638. W. M. sculpsit [William Marshall]. 1 116 Rivers. The Tray tor: a Tragedy, v^rith Alterations, Amendments and Additions, as it is now Acted at the Theatre Royal by their Majesties Servants. 4to, half morocco. Lond.: Printed for Richard Parker, 1692 1117 Roberts (W.) Printers' Marks: a Chapter in the His- tory of Typography. Many facsimile illustrations. Bvo, paper covers, uncut. Lond.: Bell, 1893 * No. 69 of 75 copies printed on Japanese vellum, 1118 [Rochester (Lord).] Britannia Rediviva. Large device on tithpage. 4to, original black morocco gilt, gilt edges. Oxonise: A. et L. Lichfield, 1660 * A collection of English and Latin poems on the Restoration. It contains the first printed Poem of the Earl of Roch- ester, then but twelve years of age. This poem is in English, 1 1 19 Rochester (Lord). The Miscellaneous Works of the Earls of Rochester and Roscommon. With Memoirs of the Life and Character of Rochester by St. Evre- mont, and a Curious Collection of Original Poems by various authors. Engraved portrait (stained). 8vo, calf, Lond. : £. Bragge, 1707 1 1 20 Another. Third Edition. 8vo, original calf. Lond. : E. Curll, 1709 179 The Lefferts Collection 1 121 Rochester (Lord). Poems on Several Occasions, with Valentinian, a Tragedy. 8vo, half green morocco. Lond. : Jacob To?ison, 1705 1 1 22 Another. 8vo, half calf, citron edges. Lond.: Jacob Tonsofi, 1696 1 123 Another. Calf (broken). Lond, : Jacob Tonson, 169 1 1 124 Rochester. Poems on Several Occasions, by the Right Honourable, the E[arl] of R[ochester]. Emerald green morocco extra. Antwerp, 1680 * First Edition. Excessively rare. Lowndes does not men- tion the sale of a copy. This copy sold some years ago for £10, los. at auction in London. 1 1 25 [Rochester (John, Earl of).] A Satyr against Man- kind, written by A Person of Honour. Folio, half brown levant morocco, gilt top. [Lond.] Sine loco et anno * First Edition of one of Rochester's most famous pieces, con- taining the oft-quoted line : " One of those strange, prodigious creatures, man." 1126 Rochester (Earl of). Valentinian : a Tragedy. With a Preface concerning the Author and his Writings by one of his Friends. 4to, half brown morocco. Lond. : Timothy Goodwin^ 1685 1127 Rochester (Lord). The Works of the Earls of Roch- ester, Roscommon and Dorset, the Dukes of Devon- shire, Buckinghamshire, etc. Portraits and plates, in- cluding the scarce one to the " Cabinet of Love." 2 vols, in I. 8vo, full crimson crushed levant morocco, gilt edges, by F. Bedford, in Roger Payne style. * Choice copy. Lond. : Printed in the year 1752 1127^ Another edition. Portraits and folding plate to the ''^ Cabinet of Love ." 2 vols. 8vo, original sheep. * Choice copy. Lond. 1 7 39 11 28 Rochester (Lord). Works. Fourth Edition. Engraved portrait. Post 8vo, old calf. Lond, : J. Tonson, 1732 11 29 Rochester (Lord). Works, containing Poems on Sev- eral Occasions, Letters, and Valentinian, a Tragedy. Never before published together. Portrait. Thick i6mo, old calf. Lond.: Jacob Tonson, 1814 180 The Lefferts Collection 1 130 Rochester (Lord). The Works of the Earls of Roch- ester, Roscommon and Dorset, the Dukes of Devon- shire, Buckinghamshire, etc., with Memoirs of their Lives. Engraved portraits, and the extremely rare plate illustrating the " Tree of Life" poem in its first state, and other plates. 2 vols, in i. 8vo, green levant morocco, gilt edges, by Riviere. Lond. : Printed in the year 1777 * Fine copy of an unusually rare edition. 1 131 Rogers (Samuel). Italy: a Poem. With very beautiful vignette engravings on steel, after Turner, Prout, and others, 8vo, full straight-grained brown morocco, gilt tops. UNCUT, by Stikeman. Lond. : Cadell, 1830 * First Edition, and an exceptionally fine and clean copy. 1 132 Romance. The Honour of Chivalry ; or. The Renowned and Famous History of Don Bellianis of Greece, giving an account of all his valiant and wonderful exploits and adventures, etc. Rough woodcuts. 4to, old half russia (stained). Lond. : By W. O., and soldbythe Book- sellers of Pye Corner and London Bridge, n. d. [circa 1690] * On the back of the title is a curious advertisement of an " odor- iferous and natural balsam " brought from Chili in Peru. 1 1 33 Romance. Vienna, Wherein is Storied ye Valorous Atchievements, famous triumphs, constant love, greate miseries and finall happiness of the well-deserving truly-noble and most valiant Knight Sir Paris of Vienna and ye most admired amiable Princess the faire Vienna. Engraved title-page by G. Gifford, with the preliminary leaf "^." 4to, brown morocco, gilt edges, by Clarke and Bedford. Lond.: Richard Hawkins,, n. d. * Engraved title, neatly re-margined, but a fine copy of an exceed- ingly rare book. The only edition known to Lowndes was the later one of 1650, and there seems some doubt as to the author's name. In one of the preliminary verses by " Richard Mynshull " he calls him- self "Your Kinsman, Brother in Law, and Friend." A pencil note on the fly-leaf says " Translated or edited by M. Mainwaring." 1 134 Romance. A Tragi-Comicall History of our Times under the borrowed names of Lisander and Calista. Woodcut border to title-page. Folio, calf. * Fine copy. Lond. : G. Lathum, 1635 181 The Lefferts Collection 1 135 Rome's Follies; or, The Amorous Fryers: a Comedy, as it was lately acted at a Person of Qualities' House. 4to. Lond. : N. Now ell ^ 1681 * Dedicated to the Earl of Shaftesbury by the publisher. 1 136 Roscommon (Earl of). Essay on Translated Verse [in verse]. 4to, full crimson crushed levant morocco, gilt edges. Lond. : Jacob To/ison, 1684 * First Edition, Contains long preliminary poem by John Dryden; also has the blank leaf " a 4." 1137 Roscommon (Lord). Poems, to which is added An Essay on Poetry by the Duke of Buckingham, together with Poems by Mr. Richard Duke Royal 8vo, origi- nal calf. Lond. : J. Tonson^ 17 17 * Fine copy on large and thick paper. 1 138 Ross (Alexander). Mel Heliconium; or, Poetical Honey gathered out of the Weeds of Parnassus. En- graved portrait (mounted). 8vo, calf. * Some leaves stained. Lond.: William Leak, 1642 1 139 [RowE (Mrs. Elizabeth).] Poems on Several Occa- sions, written by Philomela. Fi?te impression of the engraved portrait. 8vo, original sheep. * First Edition. Choice copy. Lond. : John Dunton, 1696 1 140 Rowe (Nicholas). The Ambitious Step-Mother: a Tragedy as it was Acted at the New Theatre in Little Lincoln's-Inn-Fields. By His Majesty's Servants. 4to, unbound. Lond. : Printed for Peter Buck., 1701 1 141 Rowe (Nicholas). The Fair Penitent: a Tragedy. As it is Acted at the New Theatre in Little Lincoln's- Inn-Fields. By Her Majesty's Servants. 4to, half morocco. Lond.: Printed for Jacob Tonson, 1703 1142 Rowe (Nicholas). The Tragedy of Jane Shore. Writ- ten in Imitation of Shakespeare's Style. 4to, half mo- rocco. Lond. : Printed for Bernard Lintott, n. d. [1714] 1 143 Rowe (Nicholas). The Tragedy of the Lady Jane Gray. As it is Acted at the Theatre-Royal in Drury- Lane. 4to, half morocco. Lond.: Printed for Bernard Lintott., 1715 182 The Lefferts Collection 1 144 RowE (Nicholas). Tamerlane: a Tragedy. As it is Acted at the New Theatre in Little Lincoln's-Inn- Fields. By His Majesty's Servants. 4to, half morocco. Lond. : Printed for Jacob Tomon, 1702 1 145 RowE (Nicholas). Ulysses: a Tragedy. As it is Acted at the Queen's Theatre in the Haymarket. By Her Majesty's Sworn Servants. 4to, half morocco. Lond. : Fruited for Jacob Tonson, 1706 1 146 RowE (Nicholas). The Works of. Containing: The Ambitious Step-Mother, Tamerlane, The Fair Penitent, and The Biter. A new edition, to which is prefixed a Life of the Author. Ornatnented with copper-plates. 2 vols. i2mo, old calf. Lond. : Printed for W. Lowndes, 1792 1 147 Rowlands (Samuel). Greenes Ghost Havnting Conie- Catchers. Wherein is fet downe, The Arte of Humour- ing, The Arte of carrying Stones, Will. St. Lift, la. Fofl. Law, Ned. Bro. Catch, and Blacke Robins Kind- neffe. With the conceits of Doctor Pinch-backe, a notable Makefhift. Ten times more pleasant then [sic] any thing yet publifhed of this matter. Black £etter. 4to, olive morocco, paneled sides with corner ornaments, gilt edges, by W. Pratt. Lond.: Printed for R. lackfon and I. North., 1602 * "A most curious and rare tract, illustrating the manners and ways of low life in the time of Shakespeare." Corners of last two leaves mended, but unusually good copy of this book. From the Brayton Ives collection. 1 148 Rowley (Samuel). The Noble Souldier; or, A Contract Broken, Justly Reveng'd: a Tragedy. 4to, old half roan. Lond.: Printed for Nicholas Vavasour., 1634 * First Edition. 1 149 Rowley (William). A Match at Midnight: a Pleasant Comedie. 4to, sprinkled calf, gilt edges. * First Edition. Lond.: Aug. Mathetues, 1633 1 150 Rowley (William). A New Wonder, A Woman Never Vext: a Pleasant Conceited Comedy. 4to, calf. * First Edition. Lond.: Francis Constable, 1632 183 The Lefferts Collection 1 15 1 Rowley (William). A Tragedy Called All's Lost by- Lust. 4to, polished calf, gilt, by Lloyd and Wallis. Lond. : Thomas Harper, "^(^ZZ * First Edition. Title soiled. 1 152 RuGGLES (George). Ignoramus. Comoedia coram Regia Maiestate lacobi Regis Anglice, etc. Engraved frontis- piece. i2mo, full mottled calf, red edges, by Riviere. Londini: Impenfis I. G., 1630 1 153 RuGGLES (R.) Ignoramus: a Comedy. As it was several times Acted with extraordinary Applause, before the Majesty of King James. With a Supplement which was hitherto lacking. 4to, old half roan, uncut. Lond.: Printed by W. Gilbertson, 1662 1 154 RuTTER (Joseph). The Shepheards Holy-Day: a Pas- torall Tragi-Comoedie. Acted Before Both Their Maiesties at White-Hall by the Queenes Servants. With an Elegie on the Death of the most noble Lady, the Lady Venetia Digby. 8vo, full morocco, tooled sides. Lond. : Printed by N. and I. Okes, 1635 * Fine copy of an extremely scarce piece. 1 155 Rymer (Thomas). Edgar; or. The English Monarch: an Heroick Tragedy. 4to, half morocco, uncut. Lond.: Printed for Richard Tonson, 1678 1^56 O^ ACK. A Preparative to Study; or. The Vertue of vj Sack. Device on title. 4to, crimson crushed levant morocco, gilt edges, by Riviere. Lond.: Anno Dom., 1641 * As the ingredients of "Sack" have become a mystery, so the authorship of this poem. It has variously been attributed to Edwards and Heywood. It commences: Fetch me Ben Jonson's scull, and fill 't with sack, Rich as the same he drank. 1157 Sadler (J.) Masquarade du Ciel. Presented to the Great Oueene of the Little World. A Celestial Map representing the True Site and Motions of the Heavenly Bodies, through the yeeres 1639, 1640, etc. 4to, old half morocco. Lond.: Printed by P. B., 1640 184 The Lejjerts Collection 1 158 Sadler (Ioan). Passio Verbigenae qvae Nostra Re- deptio Christi, nos dvcit ad svmmi tecta paterna poli. 14 large oval plates, representing the ' ' Passion of our Lord,'" by John Sadler, neatly mounted on thick paper. 4to, bound in gros-grained brown levant morocco extra, paneled sides, corner ornaments, gilt edges, by Riviere. * Splendid impressions of the plates. \s, I. et a. l 1 159 Saint Serfe (Sir Thomas). Tarugo's Wiles; or. The Coffee-House. A Comedy, as it was Acted at his Highness's the Duke of York's Theatre. 4to, half morocco, uncut. Lond. : Printed for Henry Herringman, 1668 1 160 Saint Simon (Duke of). Memoirs on the Reign of Louis XIV. and the Regency. Abridged from the French by Bayle St. John. First and Second Series. 4 vols. 8vo, full polished calf, gilt top, uncut. Lond.: Chapman and Hall, 1857 1 161 [Saltonstall (W.)] Ovid's Heroicall Epistles Eng- lished. Engraved title-page and numerous curious engrav- ings in the text. 8vo, original sheep. Lond. : W. Gilbert son, 1663 1 162 Sandford (Francis). Genealogical History of the Kings of England and Monarchs of Great Britain, 1066-1677. Numerous fine plates oti copper., some by Hollar. Large folio, calf. Lond. : Tho. Netvcomb^ 1677 * First impressions of the plates. 1 163 Sandys (George). Christ's Passion: a Tragedy. With annotations. 8vo, full mottled calf, by Riviere. Lond.: Printed by I. L., 1640 * First Edition, and a choice copy. 1164 Sandys (George). Christ's Passion: a Tragedy. With annotations. The Second Edition. Illustrated with sculptures. 8vo, full levant morocco, gilt edges, by the Club Bindery. Lond.: Printed by /. R., 1687 *The first illustrated edition. 1 165 Sandys (George). Ovid's Metamorphosis, Englished, Mythologized and Represented in Figures. Engraved title-page {margin mended) and numerous plates on copper. Folio, original calf, rebacked. Lond. 1632 * Lacks the printed title. 185 The Lefferts Collection 1166 [Sandys (George).] A Paraphrase upon the Psalms of David, and upon the Hymns dispersed throughout The Old and New Testaments, by G. S. Svo, black levant morocco, gilt edges, by the Club Bindery, Lond. : At The Bell in St. Pauls Churchyard, 1636 * With the blank leaf preceding the title necessary to complete. Signature A. First Edition. Sandys was pronoudced by Dryden to be the best versifier of his age. 1 167 [Sandys (George).] A Paraphase upon the Song of Solomon, by G. S. 4to, boards. Lond. : John Legatt, 1641 * Dedicated to the King. First Edition. 1 168 Savage (Richard). The Works of. With an Account of the Life and Writings of the Author, by Samuel Johnson. A new edition. 2 vols, small Svo, old calf. * Best edition. Lond.: T. Evans, i^yj 11 69 Scot (Reginald). The Difcouerie of Witchcraft, Wherein the lewde dealing of witches and witchmon- gers is notablie detected, the knauerie of coniurors, the impietie of inchantors, the follie of foothfaiers, the impudent falfhood of coufenors, the infidelitie of atheifls, the peflilent practifes of Pythonists, the curi- ofitie of figurecaflers, the vanitie of dreamers, the beggerlie art of Alcumyllrie. The abhomination of idolatrie, the horrible art of poifoning, the vertue and power of naturall magike, and all the conueiances of Legierdemaine and iuggling are deciphered : and many other things opened, which haue long lien hidden, howbeit very neceffarie to be known. Heerevnto is added a treatife vpon the nature and fubflance of fpirits and diuels, &c. : all latelie written by Reginald Scot, Efquire. 4to, crimson crushed levant morocco, gilt edges, by Riviere. 1584 [Colophon] : Imprinted at London by William Brome. * The rare First Edition. Printed in JSlacIl TLzXXZX and illus- trated with woodcuts. Each book commences with a large orna- mental woodcut initial letter and each chapter with a smaller one, 186 The Lefferts Collection Mr. Lefferts has written on the fly-leaf, " Has the two unnumbered leaves said to be often missing. Many copies said to have been destroyed by order of James I., who wrote on the other side of the question." The title and last leaf have been repaired, but the present copy is large and fine. The book almost invariably occurs in poor condition. 1 1 70 Scott (Thomas). The Mock-Marriage: a Comedy. Acted at the Theatre in Dorset-Garden, by His Maj- esty's Servants. 4to, half morocco. Lond. : Printed for H, Rhodes^ 1696 1 17 1 Scott (Thomas). The Unhappy Kindness; or, A Fruit- less Revenge: a Tragedy. As it is Acted at the Thea- tre Royal. 4to, half morocco, by Riviere. Lond. : Printed for H. Rhodes^ 1697 1 172 [ScuDAMORE (James, Lord).] Homer a la Mode: a Mock Poem upon the first and second books of Homer's Iliads. 8vo, full green crushed levant morocco, dull gold edges, by the Club Bindery. Oxford : H. H. for Ric. Davis, 1664 *With the half-title. First Edition, and very scarce. The Bibliotheca Anglo-Poetica has only the second edition. 11 73 Sedley (Sir Charles). Anthony and Cleopatra: a Tragedy. As it is Acted at the Duke's Theatre. 4to, half morocco. Lond. : Printed for Richard Tonson, 1677 1174 Sedley (Sir Charles). Bellamira; or. The Mistress: a Comedy. As it is Acted by Their Majestie's Servants. 4to, half morocco. Lond. : Printed by D. Mallet, 1687 1 1 75 Sedley (Sir Charles). The Mulberry-Garden: a Com- edy. As it is Acted by His Majestie's Servants at the Theatre-Royal. 4to, half morocco. Lond. : Printed for H. Herringman, 1668 1176 Sedley (Sir Charles). Poetical Works and Speeches in Parliament, with Poems by other Lords and Com- moners. 8vo, calf antique, red edges. Lond. : Sam. Briscoe, 1707 * Contains poems by Addison and Brady, also speeches by Waller, Pym, Richard Cromwell, and others. 1 177 Sedley (Sir Charles). Speeches, Political Pieces, Poems, Songs and Plays, with Life. 2 vols, post 8vo, calf. Lond. : /. Ireland, 1778 187 The Lefferts Collection 1 1 78 Selden (John). Memoirs, with Notices of the Political Contest during his Time. Portrait and vignette. 8vo, full polished calf gilt, gilt tops, uncut, by Tout. Lond. : Orr &> Smith., 1835 * Extra-illustrated by the insertion of twelve engraved por- traits and plates. Fine copy. 1 179 [Selden (John).] Table-Talk: being Discourses, or his Sence of Various Matters of Weight and High Consequence relating especially to Religion and State. 4to, red leather. Lond. : E. Smith, 1689 * First Edition. Modern editors have made numerous changes in the text of this famous work. 1180 Seneca. The Seuenth Tragedie, Entituled Medea. Translated out of Latin into English by John Studley. 8vo, full calf, gilt edges. Lond. : Imprinted by Thomas Col^vell, 1566 * Of excessive rarity, only 3 copies known. ii8r Settle (Elkanah). The Conquest of China by the Tartars: a Tragedy, acted at the Duke's Theatre. 4to, half morocco, by the Club Bindery. * First Edition, Lond. : Printed by T. M., 1676 1 182 Settle (Elkanah). Eusebia Triumphans. The Hann- over Succession to the Imperial Crown of England: an Heroick Poem. Folio, original black morocco, tooled on sides, gilt edges. Lond. : John Nutt, 1703 * First Edition. 1183 Settle (Elkanah). Fatal Love; or. The Forc'd Incon- stancy: a Tragedy, acted at the Theatre Royal. 4to, half calf. Lond. : Printed for William Cademan, 1680 * First Edition. 1 184 Settle (Elkanah). The Female Prelate, being the History of the Life and Death of Pope Joan : a Tragedy, as it is acted at the Theatre Royal. 4to, half morocco, by the Club Bindery. * First Edition. Lond. : Printed for W. Cadetnan,i6So 1185 Settle (Elkanah). Ibrahim, the Illustrious Bassa: a Tragedy, acted at the Duke's Theatre. 4to, half mo- rocco, by the Club Bindery. * First Edition. Lond.: Printed by T. M., 1677 188 The Lefferts Collection 1 1 86 Settle (Elkanah). Love and Revenge: a Tragedy, acted at the Duke's Theatre. 4to, half morocco, by the Club Bindery. Load. : Printed forWilliam Cademan^idi^ * First Edition, 1187 Settle (Elkanah). Philaster; or, Love Lies a Bleed- ing: a Tragi-Comedy, as it is now acted at His Ma- jesty's Theatre Royal. 8vo, half morocco, by Stike- MAN. Lond. : Printed for R. Bentley^ 1695 * First Edition. 1 188 Settle (Elkanah). Sacellum Honoris: a Congratula- tory Poem to the Marquis of Tavistock. Folio, con- temporary binding of dark blue morocco, entirely covered with gold tooling. Lond. : A. Baldwifi, 1700 * A handsome specimen of contemporary English bookbinding. 1189 Shadwell (Thomas). The Amorous Bigotte, with the Second Part of Tegue O'Divelly: a Comedy. 4to, half crimson crushed levant morocco, gilt tops, uncut. * First Edition. Lond. : James Knapton, 1690 1190 Shadwell (Thomas), Bury-Fair: a Comedy. 4to, half calf. Lond. : James Knaptoti^ 1689 * First Edition. 1191 Shadwell (Thomas), Dramatick Works, with Life. Portrait by Gribelin. 4 vols. i2mo, full green morocco, gilt edges. Lond. : /. Knapton^ 1720 * Fine copy. 1 192 Shadwell (Thomas). Epsom-Wells: a Comedy, acted at the Duke's Theatre. 4to, old calf. * First Edition. Lond. : Printed by J. M., 1673 1 193 Shadwell (Thomas). The History of Timon of Athens, the Man-Hater. Made into a Play, as it is acted at the Duke's Theatre. 4to, old half calf. Lond. : Printed for Henry Herringman, 1678 * First Edition. 1 194 Shadwell (Thomas). The Humorists: a Comedy, acted by His Royal Highnesses' Servants. 4to, half mo- rocco, by the Club Bindery. Lond. : Printed for Henry Herringtnan, 167 1 * First Edition. 189 The Lefferts Collection 1 1 95 Shadwell (Thomas). The Lancashire Witches and Tegue O'Divelly, the Irish Priest: a Comedy, acted at the Duke's Theatre. 4to, half morocco. Lond. : Printed for John Sharkey^ 1682 * First Edition. X196 Shadwell (Thomas). The Libertine: a Tragedy. Acted by His Royal Highness's Servants. 4to, half mottled calf. Lond. : Printed for Henry Herringman, 1676 * First Edition. 1 197 Shadwell (Thomas). Psyche: a Tragedy. Acted at the Duke's Theatre. 4to, half calf. Lond. : Printed by T. N.^for Henry B'erring!nan,i6']^ * First Edition. 1198 Shadwell (Thomas). The Royal Shepherdess: a Tragi- comedy. Acted by his Highness the Duke of York's Servants. 4to, half calf. Lond.: Printed for Hetiry Herringman^ 1669 * First Edition. Name on title-page, " Thomas Dyke, 1669." 1199 Shadwell (Thomas). The Scourers: a Comedy. 4to, half red crimson levant morocco, gilt tops, uncut, by Riviere. Lond.: James Knapton^ 1691 * First Edition. " This play contains a great deal of low humor." 1200 Shadwell (Thomas). The Sullen Lovers; or, The Im- pertinents: a Comedy. Acted by his Highness the Duke of Yorkes Servants. 4to, half morocco, by Riviere. Lond., In the Savoy, Printed for He?iry Her- ringman, 1668. * First Edition. 1 20 1 Shadwell (Thomas). A True Widow : a Comedy. Acted by the Duke's Servants. 4to, half calf. Lond. : Printed for Benjamin Tooke, 1679 * First Edition. 1202 Shadwell (Thomas). The Virtuoso: a Comedy. Acted at the Duke's Theatre. 4to, half morocco, by the Club Bindery. Lond. : Printed for Henry Herringman, 1676 * First Edition. 190 The Lefferts Collection 1203 Shadwell (Thomas). The Woman-Captain: a Comedy. Acted by His Royal Highnesses Servants. 4to, half mo- rocco, by Riviere. Lond. : Printed for Samuel Carr, 1680 * First Edition. 1204 Shakespeare (William). Comedies, Histories and Tragedies, published according to the two original copies, unto w^hich is added Seven Plays never before printed in folio. Engraved portrait by Droeshout^ with Ben Jonson's verses beneath. Folio, original (or very old) calf, gilt. Lond. : H. Herringman, 1685 * A magnificent, sound, unwashed copy, measuring 13^^ by 9^^. Upon the fly-leaf is a list of the plays in a contemporary hand. 1205 Shakespeare (William). The Fairy Queen: an Opera, represented at the Queen's Theatre. 4to, half green crushed levant morocco, gilt tops. Lond. : Jacob Tonson, 1692 * Based upon the " Midsummer Night's Dream." The music was by Purcell. 1206 Shakespeare (William). The First Part of the True and Honourable History of the Life of Sir John Old- Castle, the Good Lord Cobham, as it hath bene lately acted by the Right Honorable the Earle of Notting- ham, Lord High Admiral of England, his Servants, Written by William Shakespeare. 4to, red morocco extra, gilt edges, by Francis Bedford. Lond. : Printed for T. P., 1600 * Fine and tall copy, with wide margins throughout. Unwashed. Autograph of J. O. Halliwell[-Phillips], Jan., 1869, on fly-leaf. 1207 Shakespeare (William). Julius Caesar: a Tragedy, as it is now acted at the Theatre Royal. 4to, mottled calf, gilt. Lond.: Henry Herringman^ 1684 * Very fine copy. Has list of the actors. 1208 Shakespeare (William). The Two Noble Kinsmen. Presented at the Blackfriers by the Kings Maiesties Servants with great applause. Written by the Memor- able Worthies of their time, Mr. John Fletcher and Mr. William Shakspeare, Gents. Device on title-page. 4to, sprinkled calf, gilt, gilt edges. Lond. : Tho. Cotes, 1634 * Splendid copy of this extremely rare play. 191 The Lefferts Collection 1209 Shakespeare (William). Works, Edited by W. G. Clark and John Glover, 9 vols. ; also, Shakspeareana Genealogica, by Geo. Russell French. Together 10 vols. 8vo, original cloth, uncut. Lond. : Macmillan, 1863-69 * The celebrated " Cambridge " Shakespeare. Considered the best modern text of Shakespeare's works. Original edition. 1210 Shakespeare's Jests; or, The Jubilee Jester. Witty Sayings, Toasts, etc. Engraved frontispiece containing portrait of Falstaffe; title in red and black. 8vo, full crimson crushed levant morocco, gilt edges, by F. Bed- ford. Lond. : J. Roson., n. d. * Evidently published at the time of the Shakespeare Jubilee at Stratford-upon-Avon. Rare. 121 1 Shakesperiana. The Historic of Aurelio and of Isabel!, daughter of the Kinge of Schotlande, nyeuley trans- latede In foure langagies, Frenche, Italien, Spanishe and Inglishe. Small 8vo, in a choice old binding of red straight-grained morocco, blind and gold-tooled, gilt edges, inside borders, by Roger Payne. Antwerp: Juan Steelsio, 1556 * This interesting romance was written by Jean de Flores. On the reverse of the title-page is the portrait of Margaret Volschaten, to whom the book is dedicated. It has been stated that Shakespeare's Tempest was founded upon this history. It is of extreme rarity. 121 2 Shaksperiana. The Tempest; or, The Enchanted Island: a Comedy as it is now Acted at his Highness the Duke of Yorks Theatre. 4to, half brown levant morocco. Lond. : Henry Herringnian., 1670 * Very fine copy. Adapted by Dryden and Sir William Davenant, with long and interesting preface by the former. 1213 [Sharpe (Lewis).] The Noble Stranger. As it was Acted at the Private House in Salisbury Court. Device on title. 4to, half roan. Lond. : James Becket, 1640 1214 Shaw (Henry). Alphabets, Numerals and Devices of the Middle Ages. Large folio, half leather, gilt top, roxburghe style. Lond. : Bernard Quaritch, 1845 * Many of the plates handsomely illuminated. Large Paper copy. 192 The Lefferts Collection 1 2 15 Shaw (Henry). Decorative Arts, Ecclesiastical and Civil, of the Middle Ages. Many plates, handsomely ILLUMINATED in gold and colors. Large folio, cloth. Lond. : W7n. Pickering, 1851 * Large Paper copy, with the plates fully illuminated. 1216 Shaw (Henry). Illuminated Ornaments, selected from the MSS. and Early Printed Books, from the Sixth to to the Seventeenth Centuries, with descriptions by Sir Frederic Madden. Large folio, half leather, gilt top, roxburghe style. Lond.: Wm. Pickering, iZ^^ * Large Paper copy, with the plates richly illuminated in gold and colors. 1217 [Shaw (Samuel).] Words Made Visible; or. Grammar and Rhetorick Accomodated to the Lives and Manners of Men. Represented in a Country School for the Entertainment and Edification of the Spectators. 8vo, half brown morocco. Y^onA.'. Daniel Major, 1679 * A very curious dramatic piece by the schoolmaster of the Free School of Ashby de-la-Zouch. 1218 She Ventures and He Wins: a Comedy. 4to, half morocco. Lond. : He7i. Rhodes, 1696 * Written by a young lady, who signs herself "Ariadne." The Epilogue was written by Motteux. 1219 [Sherburne (E.)] Senecas Answer to Lucilius, his Quaere: Why Good Men suffer misfortune, seeing there is a Divine Providence? Written Originally in Latine Prose, and Now Translated into English Verse. Svo, crimson crushed levant morocco, gilt edges, by the Club Bindery. Lond. : Humphrey Moseley, 1648 * Long and interesting dedication to the King, ''His most Sacred Majesty." First Edition and a choice copy. 1220 Sheridan (Richard Brinsley). Dramatic Works, with Introduction by Richard Grant White. Portrait. 3 vols, post Svo, boards, uncut. N. Y. : Dodd, 1883 * Japan paper copy, with duplicate impression of the portrait. Only 30 copies so printed. 1 22 1 Sheridan (Richard Brinsley). Works. 2 vols. 8vo, original boards, uncut. Lond.: John Murray., 1821 * The first collected edition. 193 The Lefferts Collection 1222 Shipman (Thomas). Henry the Third of France Stabb'd by a Fryer, with the Fall of the Guise: a Tragedy. 4to, half brown morocco, by the Club Bindery. Lond. : Sam Hey rick, 1678 * First Edition. Very choice copy. 1223 Shirley (Henry). The Martyr'd Soldier. 4to, calf. Lond. : J. Okes, 1638 * The Perkins copy, with arms on side. Title and last leaf mended, but a tall copy. The only play of this author's that was printed. 1224 Shirley (James). The Brothers: a Comedie. 8vo, half leather. Lond.: If. Robinson, 1652 * First Edition. 1225 Shirley (James). The Cardinal: a Tragedie. 8vo, half roan. Lond.: H. Robinson, 1652 * First Edition. 1226 Shirley (James). Changes ; or. Love in a Maze, a Com- edie. Device on title. 4to, morocco, gilt edges. Lond. : William Cooke., 1632 * The Gaisford copy, with bookplate. First Edition, with dedi- cation in verse to " The Right Honourable, the Lady Dorothie Shir- ley." Fine copy. 1227 Shirley (James). The Constant Maid: a Comedy. 4to, half green morocco. Lond. : J. Raworth., 1640 * First Edition. Ives's sold for $55. 1228 Shirley (James). The Court Secret: a Tragi-Comedy. 8vo, half roan. Lond. : Humphrey Robinson, 1653 * First Edition. Mrs. Pepys said this was the worst play she ever saw acted in her life! 1229 Shirley (James). The Doubtful Heir: a Tragi-Comedie. 8vo, half leather, Lond. : Humphrey Robinson, 1652 * First Edition. 1230 Shirley (James). The Duke's Mistris. 4to, polished calf, gilt edges, by Zaehnsdorf. Lond. : John Norton, 1638 *• First Edition. 1 231 Shirley (James). Hide Parke: a Comedie. 4to, half calf, red edges. Lond. : Tho. Cotes, 1637 * First Edition. Small piece torn from inner margin of title. 194 The Lefferts Collection 1232 Shirley (James). Honoria and Mammon, etc., as it was Presented by Young Gentlemen of Quality at a private entertainment of Some Persons of Honor. 8vo, half roan (interleaved). Lond. : Johti Crook, 1659 1233 Shirley (James). The Humorous Courtier: a Comedy. 4to, half calf. Lond. : William Cooke, 1640 * First Edition. Autograph on title of J. Payne Collier. 1234 Shirley (James). The Imposture: aTragi-Comedie, as it was Acted at the private house in Black-Fryers. 8vo, half roan. Lond. : H. Robinson, 1652 * First Edition. 1235 Shirley (James). Love's Crueltie: a Tragedy. 4to, sprinkled calf, gilt edges, by Worsfold. * First Edition. Title stained. Lond.: Tho. Cotes^ 1640 1236 Shirley (James). The Maides Revenge: a Tragedy. 4to, half blue morocco. Lond. : William Cooke, 1639 * First Edition. Some pages stained. The Ives copy sold for $55. 1237 Shirley (James). Poems. Brilliant impression of Mar- shalVs beautiful portrait of Shirley {mounted); also a fine impression of Gaywood's portrait added. 8vo, red crushed levant morocco extra, gilt edges, by Bedford. Lond. : Humphrey Moseley, 1646 * Shirley's poems are less known than they deserve to be, as com- pared with some others of the same period which are much more renowned. In one of his songs we find an early and probably the first mention of a named race-horse : " Bay Tarrall that won the cup at Newmarket." The present is an unusually choice copy of this very rare volume. First Edition. 1238 Shirley (James). The Polititian: a Tragedy, Presented at Salisbury Court. 4to, half roan. * First Edition. Title soiled. Lond.: H. Moseley, 1655 1239 Shirley (James). The Sisters: a Comedie. 8vo, half roan. Lond. : H. Robinson, 1652 * First Edition. "This play was licensed in 1642 and was probably," says Hazlitt, " the last drama so authorized before the Civil War." 195 The^ The Lefferts Collection 1240 Shirley (James), Six New Playes, viz.: Brothers, Sisters, Doubtfull Heir, ■^ Imposture, I Cardinall, l^ Court Secret. The five first were Acted at the Private House in Black- Fryers with Great Applause. The last was never Acted. Never printed before. Engraved portrait by William Marshall. 8vo, green crushed levant morocco, gilt edges, by Riviere. Lond. : Humphrey Robinsoti., 1653 * Splendid copy of this rare volume, very seldom found in good state. 1241 Shirley (James). The Triumph of Beautie. 8vo, half roan. Lond. ; H. Moseley, 1646 * First Edition. It was also issued bound up with the " Poems " of same date. JoUey's copy with bookplate, also autograph of Cor- nelius Paine. 1242 Shirley (James). The Wittie Faire One: a Comedie. 4to, half olive morocco. Lond.: IVil. Cooke, 1633 * First Edition and very scarce. Good copy. 1243 Shirley (James). The Young Admirall. Device on title. 4to, half green morocco. Lond. : Tho. Cotes, 1637 * First Edition. 1244 Shirley (James). Dramatic Works and Poems, now first collected, with Notes by William Gifford ; additional Notes and Life by the Rev. Alexander Dyce. Engraved portrait, on copper, by Liipton. 6 vols, royal 8vo, half calf gilt, gilt tops, UNCUT. Lond.: Murray, 1833 * Large Paper copy. With presentation letter from the publishers to the Rev. Dr. Bliss; also autograph of letter of the Rev. Alex. Dyce, relating to the work, inserted. 1245 Sidney (Sir Philip). The Psalmes of David. Translated into Divers and Sundry Kindes of Verse. Finished by the Countess of Pembroke, his Sister. Beautifully en- graved portraits of Sidney and the Countess. i2mo, original boards, uncut. Chiswick Press., C. Wkittitigham^ 1823 * First Edition. Printed from a transcript of the original MS. made by John Davies of Hereford, in the reign of James I. Scarce. Only 250 having been printed. 196 The Lefferts Collection 1246 [Simpson (S.)?] The Honest Lawyer, Acted by the Oueenes Majesties Servants. Written by S. S. 4to, blue morocco extra, gilt edges. Lo n d , : George Purslowe, 1 6 1 6 * In Mr. Mitford's copy the initials S.S. are explained S. Simpson. 1247 Slater (J. H.) Engravings and their Value: a Guide for the Print Collector. Thick i2mo. Lond. : G^///, 1891 1248 [Slatyer (William).] The Psalmesof David in 4 lan- guages and in 4 parts set to ye Tunes of our Church by W. S. The whole work beautifully engraved through- out. i2mo, full blue crushed levant morocco, gilt edges. Lond. : Tho. Harper^ 1643 * An exquisite specimen of an engraved book and of exceeding RARITY. The volume is of particular interest as containing a rendering of the nth Psalm in English Metre, by John Milton, father of the Poet. 1249 Smith (H.) The Princess of Parma: a Tragedy. 4to, half green morocco, Lond. : Joseph Wilde^ 1699 * First Edition, The Epilogue spoken by Mrs. Bracegirdle was written by Motteux. 1250 Smith (Wentworth). The Hector of Germany; or, The Palsgrave, Prime Elector. A New Play, an Hon- ourable History. 4to, half roan. Lond. : Thomas Creede, 16 15 * First Edition of an extremely rare and interesting piece, the LAST PLAY ACTED AT THE FAMOUS ReD BuLL ThEATRE. The above copy has a variation of the title-page inserted shewing there were two editions in 161 5. 125 1 Smollett (Tobias). Plays and Poems, with Memoir. Vignette portrait on title-page. Bvo, brown polished calf gilt, yellow edges, by Riviere. Lond.:/". Evans., i^n * Best edition. 1252 Smyth (William). Lectures on the French Revolution. 3 vols. Bvo, half green morocco, gilt tops, uncut, by Alfred Matthews. Lond.: William Pickering, i2,j\o 1253 Smyth (Prof. Wm.) Lectures on Modern History, to the Close of the American Revolution. 2 vols. 8vo, half morocco, gilt tops, by Alfred Matthews. Cambridge: Deighton, 1841 197 The Lefferts Collection 1254 SouTHERNE (Thomas). The Fatal Marriage; or, The Innocent Adultery: a Play. 4to, half straight-grained crimson morocco, gilt edges, by Riviere. * First Edition. Lond. : Jacob Tonson, 1694 1255 SoUTHERNE (Thomas). The Fate of Capua: a Tragedy. 4to, half green morocco. Lond.: Benjamin Tooke^ 1700 * First Edition. 1256 SouTHERNE (Thomas). The Loyal Brother; or, The Persian Prince, 4to, half brown morocco. * First Edition. Lond. : W. Cademan, 1682 1257 SouTHERNE (Thomas). The Maids Last Prayer; or. Any, rather than Fail. 4to, half calf, gilt edges. * First Edition. Lond.: R. Bentley, 1693 1258 SouTHERNE (Thomas). Oroonoko : a Tragedy as it is Acted at the Theatre Royal. 4to, half crimson straight- grained morocco, gilt edges, by Riviere. Lond. : H. Playford^ 1696 * First Edition. The Epilogue was written by Congreve. 1259 SouTHERNE (Thomas). Sir Anthony Love; or. The Rambling Lady: a Comedy. 4to, half green morocco. * First Edition. Lond. : Joseph Fox^ 1691 1260 SouTHERNE (Thomas). Plays, now first collected, with Life. Portrait on copper. 3 vols, post 8vo, calf. Lond.: T. Evans, ^774 1261 SouTHEY (Robert). Poems. i2mo, full blue crushed levant morocco, gilt tops, uncut, by the Club Bind- ery. Bristol: Joseph Cottle^ i797 * First Edition. Choice copy. 1262 [Southland (T.)] Love-a-la-Mode: a Comedy. Writ- ten by a Person of Honour. 4to, half green morocco. Lond. : John Daniel, 1663 * Acted with great applause at Middlesex House. The authorship of the play is by no means certain. 1263 Southwell (Robert). Saint Peter's Complaint, with other Poems. 4to, purple morocco, gilt edges. Edin- burgh: Printed by Robert Walde-graue, Printer to the Kings Majeftie, n. d. * Fine copy of an exceedingly rare book. Small hole in one page not affecting the text. This identical copy is priced £11, los. in the 19S The Lefferts Collection Bibliotheca Anglo-Poetica, and bears upon the title-page the auto- graph of Thos. Hill, who formed that famous collection. This edi- tion is supposed by Corser to have been printed about 1600. It follows the edition of 1595 closely, with the exception of the prose epistle from " The Author to his Loving Cousin." " Robert Southwell, whose vivid and emotional canzonets and hymns had introduced a new element into English literature." — Edmund Gosse. 1264 Spenser (Edmund), Meredith Hanmer and Edmond Campion. Historic of Ireland. Folio, original sheep. Dublin: Societie of Stationers^ 1633 * First Edition, and a very fine copy. 1265 Another issue of the same date. Woodcut title- page. Folio, calf (broken and tear in title-page). Ibid. 1266 Sprat (Thomas). The Plague of Athens, which hapned in the Second Year of the Peloponnesian Warr, first described in Greek by Thucydides, then in Latin by Lucretius. Now attempted in English [verse]. 4to, half morocco. Lond. : Henry Bro??ie, 1667 * Dedicated to Dr. Walter Pope, author of " The Wish." Has the leaf of imprimatur. 1267 Stanley (Thomas, Translator). Aurora, Ismenia and the Prince; also, Oronta the Cyprian Virgin. 8vo, calf, gilt edges. Lond.: Humphrey Moseley., 1650 * The second edition, "with additions." Bookplate of Francis Freeling. 1268 Stanley (Thomas). Poems. Device on title. 8vo, full orange levant morocco, the sides and back richly inlaid with vari-colored leathers, also inlaid inside covers, with watered-silk end eaves, etc., gilt top, by Riviere. \sine loco] Printed ift the year 1651 * An excessively rare volume in verse. This is the privately printed issue, and must not be confounded with the re-issue of 1652. It contains the eighty-six pages of "Poems," and the Aurora, which are also found in the re-issue of 1652. The Bibliotheca Anglo-Poetica only contained the re-issue of 1652 (priced ;i^io, los.), but the editor remarked :— " There are a few copies of Stanley's poems, the general title of which bear the date of 1651, without any bookseller's name in the title, whence it is evident that they were not intended for publica- tion, a circumstance sufficiently apparent when it is observed that the separate portions still remain without a publisher's name." 199 The Lefferts Collection 1269 Stapylton (Robert). Juvenal's Sixteen Satyrs; or, A. Survey of the Manners and Actions of Mankind, with Arguments, Marginall Notes and Annotations clearing the obscure places out of the History, Lawes and Cere- monies of the Romans. Engraved portrait by William Marshall, also a duplicate impression inserted ^vith VARIATION IN THE INSCRIPTION. 8vO, Calf, gilt edges. * Title backed, but very fine copy, rendered additionally interesting by insertion of the variation of the scarce portrait. This copy also contains the engraved title-page by Rawlins. 1270 [Stapvlton (Sir Robert).] The Slighted Maid: a Comedy. 4to, boards. Lond. : Thomas Dring, 1663 * Shakespeare is referred to in the prologue. First Edition, dedicated to the Duke of Monmouth. 1271 [Stapylton (Sir Robert).] The Step-Mother: a Tragi- comedy, acted with great applause. 4to, half roan. Lond.: J. St renter, 1664 1272 Steele (Sir Richard). Dramatic Works, to which is prefixed an account of his Life and Writings. Engraved portrait by Vertue, and plates. i2mo, calf. * Best edition. J, and R. Tonson, 1761 1273 [Sterne (Laurence).] A Sentimental Journey through France and Italy. 2 vols. i2mo, boards, uncut. Lond. : T. Becket, 1768; [rep. N. Y.], 1885 * A facsimile reprint by De Vinne of the First Edition. Only 104 copies were printed, each numbered and signed by the printer. This is No. 12. 1274 Stevens (H.) Recollections of Mr. James Lenox. Por- trait. 8vo, half cloth. Lond. 1886 * Large Paper. 1275 [Stubbe (Henry).] A Justification of the Present War against the United Netherlands. With two curious fold- ing plates by Sherwin. 4to, half roan (loose). Lond. : Henry Hills, 1672 1276 Suckling (Sir John). The Discontented Colonell. Device on title. 4to, mottled calf, gilt top, uncut. Lond. : Erancis Eagles-field, n. d. * First Edition, afterwards reprinted in the " Fragmenta Aurea," 1646. Some pages wormed and small tear in title, but probably the ONLY uncut copy KNOWN." 200 The Lefferts Collection 1277 Suckling (Sir John). A Letter sent from France De- ploring his Sad Estate and Flight, with a Discourse of the Plot and Conspiracie intended by him and his ad- herents against England. 4to, full brown crushed levant morocco, gilt edges, by the Club Bindery. Imprinted at London^ 1641 * Splendid copy of this very rare poem. 1278 Sue (Eugene). Mysteries of Paris. Many illustrations. 3 vols, imp. 8vo, half green morocco, gilt tops, uncut, by Alfred Matthews. Lond. : Chapman e^ Hall^ 1845 * Best edition and a choice copy. 1279 SWETNAM, THE WOMAN-H ATER, ARRAIGNED BY WOMEN : a new Comedie. Acted at the Red Bull, by the late Queenes Servants. \Cut.'\ 4to, full mottled calf, gilt edges, by Riviere. Lond. : Printed for Richard Meighen^ 1620 * Written in reply to a scandalous pamphlet against the female sex written and published by J. Swetnam in 161 7. 1280 [Swift (Dean).] A Tale of a Tub. Written for the Universal Improvement of Mankind. To which is added An Account of a Battel between the Ancient and Mod- ern Books in St. James's Library. 8vo, full crimson crushed levant morocco, gilt edges, by F. Bedford. Lond.: John Nutt, 1704 * Fine tall copy of the First Edition. 1281 [Swift (Dean).] Travels into Several Remote Nations of the World by Captain Lemuel Gulliver. Engraved portrait and maps. 2 vols. 8vo, original calf. Lond. : Benj. Motte^ 1726 * First Edition, with the separate pagination of each part. 1282 Swinhoe (Gilbert). The Tragedy of the Unhappy Fair Irene. 4to, half red roan. Lond. : /. Streater, 1658 * Very rare. Dr. Johnson wrote a play upon the same groundwork. The present copy belonged to the Rev. John Mitford, and has his autograph and interesting MS. notes. The play concludes with the lines " This is a spectacle of like woe To that of Juliet and Romeo." 201 The Lefferts Collection 1283 Sylvester (Joshua). Bartas His Deuine Weekes and VVorkes Translated and Dedicated to the Kings most excellent Maiestie. Engraved title-page and cuts. 4to, full crimson crushed levant morocco, gilt edges, by Pratt. Lond. : Humfrey Lownes, 1605 * First collected edition, and an unusually fine copy. The Grolier Club " Collation and Notes" says: "Although this is the first collected edition of these translations, many of the separate parts had been translated by different hands." The engraved title contains a map of the world, shewing North and South America. 1284 Sylvester (Joshua). Du Bartas, his Devine Weekes and Workes, Translated and Dedicated to the King's Most Excellent Majestic. Engraved title-page, etc. 4to, sprinkled calf gilt, gilt edges, by F. Bedford. Lond. : Humfrey Lownes [161 1] * " This edition contains a number of the works printed in the edi- tion of 1605 which were omitted from that of 160S. With the excep- tion of a few alterations and changes, it includes virtually all that had appeared in the earlier editions, and is therefore entitled to be called the most complete edition which has been published down to this date. The engraved title, though evidently printed from the same plate used in the earlier editions, has been retouched and the wording altered, and has added at the foot, ' Printed at London by Humphrey Lownes, H. Hole Sculp.'" — Grolier Club's ''Collations and Notes." 1285 Sylvester (Joshua). Bartas, his Devine Weekes and Workes. Translated and Dedicated to the King's Most Excellent Majesty. Engraved title-page. 4to, old calf (rebacked). Lond. : Humfrey Loivnes, 1608 * Some leaves mended ; moderate copy only. The above is the second collected edition, and has added to it,"TheHistory of Judith," translated by Thomas Hudson, not in the First Edition. Sylvester, says Edmund Gosse, "was an active producer of suc- cessful verse in his own age, and he wielded, moreover, by means of his famous translation a prodigious influence." 1286 Sylvester (Joshua). The Parliament of Vertues Royal (Summoned in France, but assembled in England for Nomination, Creation and Confirmation of the Most Excellent Prince Panaretus, A Praefage of Pr. Dolphin : A Pourtrait of Pr. Henry, A Promise of Pr. Charles. 202 The Lefferts Collection Translated and Dedicated To His Highness by Joshua Sylvester. 8vo, brown morocco, gilt edges. [No place or date.] * A distinguishing peculiarity of this curious book is Ihe absence of any imprint showing name of printer or stationer, place or year of publication. The dates 1611, 1614, and 1615, which appear on some of the sub-titles, would seem to indicate that the work was issued about that period, shortly before the death of the author. The quaint wording of the numerous sub-titles and dedications gives to the work an interest beyond what would otherwise be attached to it as poetical literature of the time. 1287 'T^ACITUS (Cornelius). C. Taciti Annalium et His- I toriarum Libri Superstites; Libellus Aureus de Situ, Moribus et Populis Germanise; etc. Folio, bound in red morocco extra, gilt edges, by Lortic. [Vindeliti de Spira.'\ [Venice, 1469] * The First Edition. Although the date and place of printing are not stated, it is generally believed that this is the first work of Vindelin de Spira, and that it must therefore have been issued in 1469. It is interesting, among other things, as being the first book PRINTED WITH CATCHWORDS. There are numerous marginal notes. The book is perfect, including the blank leaves, and is in brilliant con- dition. All of the initial letters are illuminated by hand. It has the ex libris of Ambrose Firmin-Didot. 1288 [Talbot (J.)] L. Annsus Seneca's Troas: a Tragedy. Translated from the Latine. 4to, half calf. Lond, : Jacob Tonson, 1686 1289 Tasso. Godfrey of Bulloigne; or. The Recoverie of Hierusalem: an Heroicall Poeme, written in Italian by Seig. Torquato Tasso, and translated into English by R. C. Esquire, and now the First Part, containing Five Cantos, imprinted in both Languages. Border to title. 4to, red morocco, gilt edges, by F. Bedford. Lond. : John Windet for Christopher Hunt, of Exceter, 1594. * Margin of L4 mended. No text touched. This is the First Edi- TION of a translation by Richard Carew, and is very scarce. 1290 Tate (Nahum). Brutus of Alba; or, The Enchanted Lovers: a Tragedy. 4to, half calf. * First Edition. 'Lond..: Jacob Tonson, 1678 203 The Lefferts Collection 1291 Tate (Nahum). Cuckolds-Haven; or, An Alderman no Conjurer: a Farce. 4to, half crimson straight- grained levant morocco, gilt edges, by Riviere. Lond. : /. H., 1685 * First Edition, and having the leaf of "Licence" before the title. 1292 Tate (Nahum). A Duke and No Duke: a Farce, v^ith the Several Songs set to Music. 4to, half crimson straight-grained levant morocco, gilt edges. Lond. : Henry Bonwicke^ 1685 * First Edition. One of the songs is by Sir George Etherege. 1293 Tate (Nahum). History of King Richard the Sec- ond, . . . with a Prefatory Epistle in Vindication of the Author, occasion'd by the Prohibition of this Play on the Stage. 4to, half blue levant morocco, gilt edges. Lond.: Richard Tonson, 1681 * Altered from Shakespeare's play. 1294 Tate (Nahum). Injured Love; or. The Cruel Hus- band: a Tragedy. 4to, half green calf. Lond. : Richard Wellington^ 1707 * A revival of Webster's "White Devil." 1295 Tate (Nahum). The Island-Princess: as it is Acted at the Theatre Royal. Reviv'd with alterations. 4to, half brown morocco. Lond. : W. Canning, 1687 * Altered from Beaumont and Fletcher. 1296 Tatham (John). The Distracted State: a Tragedy. 4to, sewn. Lond.: W. H., 1651 *With several commendatory verses prefixed. Fix.sT Edition. The author's hatred to the Scots is given free vent in this play. 1297 [Tatham (John).] The Scots Figgaries; or, A Knot of Knaves. 4to, half leather. Lond. : W. ZT., 1652 * First Edition. A great part of the play, which is an attack on the Scottish Army and the Covenant, is written in the Scottish dialect. 1298 Taverner (Richard, Translator). The Floweres of Sencies, gathered out of sundry wryters by Erasmus in Latine and Englished by Rychard Taverner. De- vice on title. Clack £ettcr. i2mo, mottled calf gilt, gilt edges, by Tout. Lond.: William Copland, 1550 * Beautiful copy of a rare and interesting volume. 204 The Lefferts Collection 1299 [Taylor (John).] Grand Plutoes Remonstrance; or, The Devil Horn Mad at Roundheads and Brownists. Wherein his Hellish Maiestie ... is pleased to de- clare how far he differs from Round-head, Rattle- head or Prick-eare, etc., etc. Curious cut of the Devil on title-page. 4to, green morocco, gilt edges, by Mac- kenzie. Printed for the Catticuchlania, 1648 * First Edition. 1300 Taylor (John). Heads of All Fashions. Large cut of various heads on title-page., one much resembling Shake- speare. 4to, crimson crushed levant morocco, gilt edges. Lond. : Joh7i Morgan., 1642 1301 Taylor (John). To . . . The House of Commons in Parliament, the Humble Petition of the Company of Watermen, wherein is shewed how intoUerably they have been abused and slandered, etc. 4to, vellum. Lond. : John Hammond., 1642 * First Edition, and a fine copy, lower edges uncut. 1302 Taylor (John). Mad Fashions, Od Fashions, All out of Fashions, or the Emblems of these Distracted times. Curious woodcut frontispiece. 4to, old russia. Lond. : Johji Hanwiond for Thomas Banks., 1642 * First Edition. From the Gaisford collection, with bookplate. 1303 Taylor (John). A Memorial of All the English Mon- archs from Brute to King Charles, in Heroicall Verse. 14 portraits of Kings in border to title. 8vo, red straight- grained levant morocco extra, gilt edges, by C. Lewis, with his ticket. Lond. : John Beale, 1630 * Second Edition. The first edition was issued in 1622 and con- tained one less " Life." From the Gaisford collection, with bookplate. 1304 Taylor (John). The Number and Names of all the Kings of England and Scotland. 8vo, red morocco, gilt edges. Lond. 1649 *Some pages re-margined, but First Edition of one of the scarcest of the productions of the " Water- Poet. " 1305 Tayloe (John). Religions Enemies. With a Brief and Ingenious Relation, as by Anabaptists, Brownists, Papists, Familists, Atheists and Foolists, sawcily pre- suming to toss religion in a blanket. Curious woodcut on title. 4to, maroon morocco, gilt. * First Edition. Lond. : Thomas Bates, 1642 205 The Lefferts Collection 1306 [Taylor (John).] A Shilling, or The Trauiles of Twelve-pence. Large cut on title-page containing portrait of Edward VI. 8vo, brown morocco, gilt edges (some side notes clipped). [Lond. 1622] * First Edition. 1307 Taylor (John). A Swarme of Sectaries, and Schis- matiques: Wherein is discovered the strange preaching (or prating) of such as are by their trades Coblers, Tinkers, Pedlers, Weavers, Sowgelders and Chymney- Sweepers. Cut on title. 4to, brown calf, gilt edges, by F. Bedford, [London] 1641 1308 Taylor (John). Taylor's Motto. Et habeo, Et Careo, Et Curo. Engraved title-page containing the Author s por- trait. 8vo, crimson morocco, broad borders of gold on sides, gilt edges. Lond. : Printed for J. T. dr' JI.G.^1621 * First Edition. The frontispiece showing the author with his royal badge is frequently wanting. The book is a metrical reply upon Withers' " Motto." It is lacking in the Huth collection. 1309 Taylor (John, the Water-Poet). Travels: From the Citty of London to the Citty of Prague in Bohemia, the Manner of his Abode there three weekes, his Ob- servations there, and his Returne: How he past 600 miles downe the river Elne, through Bohemia, Saxony, Anholt, the Bishoprick of Madeberge, Brandenberge, Hamburgh, and so to England. With many relations worthy of note, 1620. 4to, in polished calf extra, top edges gilt, UNCUT, by Riviere. Lond. -.Nicholas Okes, 1620 *0f extreme rarity in any state, and especially so uncut. It is not even mentioned by Lowndes in his very extensive list of Taylor's works. 1310 Taylor (John). Workes, being 6;^ in number, collected into one volume by the Author. Eine impression of the very rare engraved title-page.^ containing the author s por- trait by CoCKSON, also portrait inserted. Folio, russia gilt (rebacked), gilt edges. Lond. : James Boler, 1630 * With MS. note by Mr. Lefferts. "An exceptionally large and wide copy. See cut of Henry VIII., which almost always has part of sword cut away." This copy also has the letterpress title-page. 206 The Lefferts Collection 131 1 Taylor (Thomas). The Metamorphosis; or, Golden Ass and Philosophical Works of Apuleius. Translated from the Latin. Thick 8vo, full straight-grained olive levant morocco, tooled to a Roger Payne style, gilt top. Lond.: Triphook, 1^,22 * Fine and thick paper copy, with the suppressed passages bound at the end. 131 2 Tennyson (Alfred Lord). Works. Portrait. 10 vols. 8vo, original decorated cloth covers, uncut. Lond. : Macmillan c^' Co., 1884-93 * 250 copies printed on hand-made paper. 1313 Tiffin (Walter F.) Gossip about Portraits, principally Engraved Portraits. i2mo, boards, uncut. Lond. : Bohn^ 1866 1 314 Thomson (James). Works. Engraved portrait and plates. 4 vols, post 8vo, calf. Lond, : A. Miller, 1750 * First complete edition. 1315 Timoleon; or. The Revolution : a Tragi-Comedy. 410, half green crushed levant morocco. Lond. : W. Onley, 1697 * First Edition. The scene is laid at Syracuse. 1316 [ToFTE (Robert).] Honours Academic. Or the Famous Pastorall of the faire Sheapherdesse Julietta. Device on title. Folio, green morocco, gilt edges. Lond. : Thomas Crede, 16 10 * Very fine copy, from the Crawford collection at Lakelands. A large portion of the work is in verse. 1317 Tourneur (Cyril). Plays and Poems. Edited, vj'ixh. Critical Introduction and Notes, by John Churton Collins. 2 vols. i2mo, boards, uncut. Lond. : Chatto, 1878 1318 [Toy (John).] Worcester's Elegie and Eulogie, by J. T., Mr. of Arts. Device on title and border. 4to, mottled calf gilt, gilt edges, by Riviere. Lond.: Tho. Cotes for Hu7nphrey Blunden.^ 1638 * The work is in two parts, with separate title-pages. It is rare, and the only copy known to Lowndes was the Bodleian. It is not in the Huth or Corser collections, and there is no record of the sale of a copy. Three leaves, F2, F3 and F4, seem to have been cancelled, and a Latin Poem (4 pp.) by Wm. Rowlands substituted for them. The present copy is a very fine one. 207 The Lefferts Collection 1319 Triumphs of Virtue; a Tragi-Comedy. 410, half calf. Lond. : Abel Roper ^ 1697 * Partly borrowed from Fletcher's " Wit Without Money." 1320 Trotter (Catherine). Fatal Friendship: a Tragedy. 4to, half green morocco, gilt edges. Lond. : Francis Saunders, 1698 132 1 TuKE (Sir Samuel). The Adventures of Five Hours: a Tragi-Comedy. Thin folio, half morocco, gilt tops. Lond. : Henry Herringman^ 1663 * Fine copy of the First Edition. Pepys said this play (a paraphrase from Calderon) was superior to Othello! 1322 TuKE (Sir Samuel). The Adventures of Five Hours: a Tragi-Comedy. 4to, half morocco, by the Club Bindery. Lond. : H. IIerring?nan^ 1664 * Second edition. With preliminary verses by John Evelyn, Cowley, Wase and others. 1323 Tyndale (William). The whole works of W. Tyndale, John Frith and Doct. Barnes, these worthy martyrs and principall teachers of this Churche of England, collected and compiled in one Tome together, being before scattered ; now in Print here exhibited to the Church, to the prayse of God and profite of all good Christian Readers. Folio, old calf. Lond. : John Daye^ ^573 * Fine copy. Priced by Quaritch at ;^io, los. 1324 I TNFORTUNATE USURPER (The): a Tragedy. ^^ Vignette on title. 4to, half morocco. Lond. 1663 1325 Urquhart (Sir Thomas). Epigrams, Divine and Morall. By Sir Thomas Vrchard, Knight. With an excessively rare frontispiece by G. Glover. 410, green morocco extra, borders of gold, gilt edges, by Riviere. Lond. : William Leake, 1646 * The frontispiece is a picture of Urquhart seated above the Cas- talian fountain and crowned by the Muses, who, with Apollo, surround him. 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