-:■?/. ':''.\f. ■ y^■'>.\>■.'^^ As A ^^ M^^ <. A = = ^ m == ZD n ^ ZD 4 P 9 = — -^ ■ 3> ? ^ - — CD / — ■ — ~< X r- ^^ :> 9 = — o — 1 — —J A ^"^ s: -< 9 -^v^ loll THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES MEDICUS REGIUS FROM PICTURE BY JAMESONE M I-ONGS COLLEGE,ABERDEEN . 6". N. & 0. JVo\fen]ber-/3J>S W JouY * Sons THE BIBLIOGRAPHY AND EXTANT PORTRAITS OF ARTHUR JOHNSTON, M.D. Physician to James VI. and Charles I. BY WILLIAM JOHNSTON, M.A. Abd., M.D. Edin., Brigade-Surgeon-Lieut.-Colonel, Army Medical Staff. " As for literature, he [The Baron of Bradwardine] read the classic poets, to be sure, and Arthur Johnston's Psalms, of a Sunday ; and the Delicise Poetarum Scotorum." Waverley, Chap. XIII. ABERDEEN 189s Thirty-Six copies reprinted, after revision^ fro?n ^^ Scottish Notes and Queries" for private circulation, of which this is No.J.f.j.... U fci^ THE BIBLIOGRAPHY AND EXTANT PORTRAITS OF ARTHUR JOHNSTON. 1. Extant Editions of his Works. 1. Consilivm Collegii Medici Parisiensis de Mania G. Eglishemii, qvam prodidit scripto, cui titulus : Duellum poeticum pro dignitate Para- phraseos Psalnii ciiii. Decertantibus P fEglishemio Medico. ^ ^j ■ \Buchanano Paedonomo / °' ' Quod Parisiensis Academiae judicio submisit. Edinburgi. Excudebat Andreas Hart. 1619. 24mo.* Title and 13 pages, numbered (3) to (15). On the last page is Johnston's anagram, Virtus Nos Ornat. The only copy, I know of, is in the Advocates' Library, Edinburgh. See Nos. 2, 17, 21, 22, and 24. 2. Another edition, published "Parisiis. Anno. 1619." With no publisher's name. 24mo. Title and 13 pages, which in this edition are numbered from 2 to 13. Regarding the subject of this satire and of No. 3, see Irving's Lives of * The size of the books enumerated in this list is e.\pressed in terms of the Library Association scale, and not according to signatures. 8:24191 4 The Bibliography and Portraits Scotish Writers, 1839, Vol. II., pp. 28-29. The Consilium was republished in Octupla (No. 17), and also in three of the editions of the Musce SacrcB (Nos. 21, 22, and 24). When Johnston inserted it in his Parerga (No. 8) and in the DeliticE Poet. Scot. (No. 14), he substituted the name " Hypermorus Medicaster" for Eglisham, and in the Musce SacrcE the satire is entitled Hypermortis Medicaster, sive Consilium Collegii, etc. There is a copy in the Brit. Museum Library and in Aberdeen Univ. Library [o. 12.58]. The copy in the latter is bound with W. Barclay's work on the same svih]tci. Judicium de Certamine G. Eglisemii cum G. Buchanano, etc., London, 1620, and Nos. 3, 4, and 5 are inserted in the same volume. Barclay's Judicium was also reprinted in Nos. 17, 21, 22, and 24. 3. Onopordvs Fvrens. Avtoribus Philologis Parisiensibus. Parisiis. Anno M.DC.XX. 24mo. Title and 24 pages, numbered from 3 to 23. Neither Johnston's name nor anagram appears, but he has inserted this satire in his Parerga (No. 8) and in the Delitice Poet. Scot. (No. 14). The only copy, I know of, is in Aberdeen University Library, bound with Nos. 2, 4, and 5. 4. Qverelae Saravictonis &: BiomeEe. Anno. M.DC.XX. 24mo. Title and ten leaves. Printed in italics. No pagination. Neither Johnston's name nor ana- gram appears, but the poems are inserted by him in his Parerga (No. 8) and in the Delit. Poet. Scot. (No. 14). There is no place of pub- lication mentioned, but as the title bears a device identical with that in No. 5, it is evident it was printed at Heidelberg. See (No. 34) Geddes' OF Arthur Johnston. 5 Musa Latina Aherdonensis, Vol. I., p. 53. The only copy, I know of, is in the Aberdeen Univ. Library, bound with Nos. 2, 3, and 5.t 5. Nicrina ad Heroas Anglos. Heidelbergae. 24mo. Title and three leaves. No pagination. On the last page, before the word finis, are in- scribed the letters V.N.O., the initial letters of Johnston's anagram Virtus Nos Ornat, and he has inserted the poem in his Parerga (No. 8) and in the Ddit. Poet. Scot. (No. 14). As to the curious device on the tide page both of this book and No. 4, see Geddes' Musa Latina Aherdon- ensis, Vol. I, p. 76. The circumstance that this cut is identical with that in No. 4 fixes the date of publication as about 1620. The only copy, I know of, is in the Aberdeen Univ. Library, bound with Nos. 2, 3, and 4.t 6. In obitum Jacobi Pacifici, Magnas Brittaniae, Franciae, & Hybernise Regis Fideique Defen- soris Elegia. Autore Arturo Jonstono Medico Regio. Londini. Impensis Nath : Butter. 1625. A small quarto, consisting of five leaves, without pagination. There is a broad mourning border at the top and liottom of the title page, and at the beginning and end of the elegy. Two epi- grams are appended and the anagram Virtus Nos Ornat concludes the work. The only copy, I know of, is in the British Museum Library. 7. Elegiae D vse : Vna Ad Episcopvm Abredon- ensem, de Fratris obitu : Altera De pace rupta inter Scotos & Gallos. Autore Arturo lons- t Nos. 4 and 5 are not to be found either in Heidelberg University Library, or in the " Bibliotheca Palatina," which was taken from Heidelberg to the Vatican. 6 The Bibliography and Portraits tone, Medico Regio. Abredoniae, Excudebat Edvardus Rabanus. 1628. For complete description of this l^ook, see Edmond's Aberdeen Printers, 1884, page 28. The only copy I know of is in the Edin. Univ. Library, and was the gift of William Urummond of Haw- thornden. 8. Parerga Artvri lonstoni Scoti, Medici Regii. Aberdoniae, Excudebat Edwardus Ra- banus. Cum privilegio. 1632. See Edmond's Aberdeen Printers, page 41. There is a copy in the Aberdeen University Library [mn. 19- 329]- There are two copies in the British Museum Library, and a copy in the Bodleian Library, Oxford, the Advocates' Library, Signet Library, and Edin. Univ. Library, etc. 9. Epigrammata Arturi lonstoni Scoti, Medici Regit. AbredoniK, Excudebat Edvardus Ra- banus. Cum privilegio. 1632. See Edmond's Aberdeen Prititers, p. 41. There are two copies in the British Museum Library, a copy in the Bodleian Library, the Advocates' Library, and Edinburgh Univ. Library. 10. Canticum Salomonis Paraphraste Arturo Jonstono, Medico Regio. Londini. Apud Tho- mam Harperuin. Itnpensis Nathanielis Butter, 1633- A small 8vo, of 35 pages. There is a copy in the British Museum Library, and another in the Bodleian Library. 11. Musas Querulae, de regis in Scotiam Pro- fectione. The Muses' complaint of the King's OF Arthur Johnston. 7 journey to Scotland. London. Printed by Thomas Harper for Nathaniel Butter, and are to be sold at his shop at Saint Austen's Gate. 1633- i2mo. Ten pages, without pagination or signatures. On the left hand pages are the verses in Latin, after the last of which is inscribed the anagram Virtus Nos Ornat. On the right hand pages the EngHsh version is given, the translator's name being added, Fra. Kinaston. Knight. The only copy, I know of, is in the Bodleian Li'.jrary. 12. Musa; Aulicte, auctore Arturo Jonstono Medico Regio Interprete F. K. Londini. apud Thomam Harperum. Impensis Nathanielis Butter. 1635. 8vo. Fourteen leaves, without pagination. The Latin version is on the left hand pages, and the English (by Sir Francis Kinaston) is on the right hand. The only copy, I know of, is in the British Museum Library. 13. Paraphrasis Poetica Psalmorvm Davidis. Auctore Artvro lonstono, Scoto. Accesserunt ejusdem Cantica Evangelica, Symbolvm Apo- stolicviTi, Oratio Dominica, Decalogvs. Aber- doniae, Imprimebat Edwardus Rabanus, Anno 1637- See Edmond's Aberdeen Pri7iters, pp. 61 and 202. There are two copies in the Aberdeen Univ. Library. Copies also in British Museum Library, in Bodleian Library (imperfect), in Advocates' Library, Signet Library, Edin. Univ. Library, Aberdeen Public Library (imperfect), etc. 14. Delitiae Poetarvm Scotorvm hujus aevi 8 The Bibliography and Portraits Illvstrivm. Amsterdami, Apud lohannem Blaev, cl3 lo cxxxvii. This work, which was edited by Johnston, is a 32mo, in two parts. Part I. (699 pages) contains, in addition to the verses of other Scottish writers, Johnston's Parerga, Epigrammata, and Musa AuliccE ; Part II. (573 pages) contains none of his writings. This book is met with frequently ; there are several copies in Aberdeen University Library. 15. Artvri lonstoni Scoti Medici RegiiPoemata omnia Quorum Catalogum Pagina secunda Exhibet. Middelb. Zeland. Ex Officina Mou- lertiana. A° ciD iDCXLll. A narrow 32mo. Title, and pages numbered from 3 to 443. On the title-page there is an engraving of Johnston, without artist's or engraver's name. Around this portrait is inscribed, "1639. ^tat. 52." Compare these figures with those round portrait in the Mus. Sacra (Nos. 21 and 23). This book, which was edited by the Rev. William Spang, minister of the Scots Church, Campvere, at the expense of Sir John Scot of Scotstarvet, is met with frequently. Copy in the Aberdeen University Library [mn. 23.84"]. There is another copy in Aberdeen University Library [mn. 23.84], in which there is no inscrip- tion round the portrait, and the word '' Mouler- riana" takes the place of " Moulertiana" on the title. I have not seen another similar copy. 16. Paraphrasis Poetica Psalmorum Davidis, auctore Arturo Jonstono, Scoto. Accesserunt ejusdem Cantica Evangelica, Symbolum Apo- stolicum, Oratio Dominica, Decalogus. Lon- OF Arthur Johnston. 9 dini. Excudebat R. Daniel & venalis prostat apud S. Thomson sub signo Equi Candidi in Coemeterio D. Pauli. 1657. 241110, 180 passes. There is a copy in the British Museum Library, and in the Bodleian Library. 17. Octupla ; Hoc est, Octo Paraphrases Poeticae Psalmi CIV. Authoribus totidem Scotis, viz. Georgio Buchanano Paedonomo \ p . Georgio Eglisemmio Medico / ^^0'°' Thoma Rhsedo, Arturo Johnstono Medico Regio, Henrico Henrisono ab Elvingston M.D. Guli- elmo Stuarto Ochiltrio, Niniano Patersono Glascuensi, & V.D.M. . . . Gualtero Deniston Ludimagistro Mussilburg. Inseruntur G. Eglisemmii Poeticum duellum. Nee non Consilium Collegii Med : Pansien. \ Et j-de eodem. Guil. Barclay! M.D. Judicium J Hisce adjicitur Propter Subject! similitudinem, & Exemplarium inopiam, Jonas Propheta, Heroico Carmine Latino descriptus, Sebastiano Casta- lione Authore. Edinburgi, .... 1696. Et Vasnales, etc. l6mo. Forty-three leaves, without pagination, then /onus with separate title, pages i to 30. Edited by Rev. Andrew Symson. For comparison of list of authors of Octupla and those of Decupla, see No. 22. Barclay's Judicium, contained in this book, is stated to be Ad exemplar Londini impressum, 1620, and Johnston's Consiliztm, is Ad exemplar Edinburgi impressum, 16 19 (see Nos. I, 2, 21, 22, and 24). There is a copy in lo The Bibliography and Portraits the British Museum Library, Bodleian Library (see No. 38), and Aberdeen University Library [mn. 16.229]. With each of these copies is bound Cerasum et Sylvestre Priimim, Edin. 1696, a latinized version by Thomas Dempster of Alexander Montgomery's The Cherry and the Slae. 18. Arturi Jonstoni Scoti Psalmorum Davidis Paraphrasis Poetica, nunc demum castigatius edita. Amstelcedami, Typis Francisci Halmae. Typogr. cIdIdccvi. 24mo. 180 pages. It has a frontispiece "J. Goeree del.", "J. V. Viane fecit." The editor was David van Hoogstraten. There is a copy in the Aberdeen University Library [mn. 11.286], in the Advocates' Library, and in the Bodleian Library. 19. Cantici Solomonis Paraphrasis Poetica. Arthuro Jonstono Scoto, Medico Regio, Auctore. Editio nova, summo studio recognita, ac Notis Illustrata. Edinburgi, apud Robertum Free- bairn Anno Domini mdccix. 8vo. Title, four pages unnumbered + pp. (5) to (37). This is the quarto edition edited by Rud- diman, referred to at page 31 of Lauder's Calumny Displayed, 1740 (No. 40). Copy in the Aberdeen University Library [mn. 19.330], in the Advocates' Librarj', and in the Edinburgh University Library. 20. Cantici Solomonis Paraphrasis Poetica. Arthuro Jonstono Scoto, Medico Regio, Auctore. Summo studio recognita, ac Notis Philologicis illustrata. Editio altera. Edinburgi, In .(^dibus Tho. Ruddimanni, Anno Domini MDCCXVII. OF Arthur Johnston. ii i6mo. Title, four pages not numbered + pp. 33. There is a printer's error at page 4, the numl)er 45 being placed before the forty-sixth instead of the forty-fifth line. This is the " Duodecimo for the use of Schools " mentioned at p. 30 of Lauder's Calumny Display' d, 1740 (No. 40), as "published by Mr. Ruddiman at the importunity of some schoolmasters." There is a copy in the Aberdeen Univ. Library [mn. 22.263], ^"'^ '" the Signet Library. According to the Catalogue there is a copy in the Advocates' Library, but it could not be found in 1890 or in 1895. 21. Poetariim Scotorum Musae Sacrte : sive QuatLior Sacri Codicis Scriptorum, Davidis & Solomonis, Jobi & Jeremia;, Poetici Libri, Per totidem Scotos, Arct. Jonstonum & Jo. Kerrum, P. Adamsonum & G. Hogjeum, Latino Carmine redditi : etc. Edinburgi : Apud Tho. & Wal. Ruddimannos. M. DCC. xxxix. 8vo. In two parts. Part L pp. xiij. + Ixxviij. -t- 208. There is between pages Ixx. and Ixxiij. (which is misprinted Ixiij.) a second title enumer- ating the contents of Pars Prior. Part IL pp. iij. to xxviij. -f 209 to 520. There is between pp. 440 and 443 a separate title to Eglisham's and Buchanan's Poeiiciim Duelluin, to which is added 'S>2LXz\-Ay\ Judicium (see Nos. 2, 17, 22, and 24) and Johnston's Consilium, which is here entitled Hypermoriis Medicaster, sive Consilium Collegii, etc. (see Nos. i, 2, 17, 22, and 24). Each part has a frontispiece engraved by R. Coopei after Jamesone, differing somewhat in execution, but both represent King David playing the hari) with Johnston seated beside him writing, while aliove this device is a likeness of Johnston "Anno 1629, 12 The Bibliography and Portraits aetat. 52 " (see No. 15). This hook, which was edited by the somewhat notorious William Lauder, is to be met with frequently ; there are three copies in Aberdeen University Library. 22. Poetarum Scotorum Musse Sacrae : sive Arcturi Jonstoni, Medici Regii, Psalmorum Davidicorum, Cantici Solomonis, & Canti- corum Evangelicorum Paraphrasis Poetica. Joannis Kerri Cantici Solomonis Paraphrasis geniina. Robert! Bodii a Trochoregia ad Christum Servatorem Hecatombe. Inseruntur Geo. Eglisemmii Poeticum Duellum, Consilium Collegii Medicorum Paris- ^ iensium Ide eodem Gul. Barclaii M.D. Judicium j Summo qusque studio . . . Gulielmus Lau- derus Edinburgenus, Philologus. Edinburgi : Apud Tho. & Wal. Ruddimannos. M.DCC. XXXIX. I2mo. Pp. Ix. + 208 + xxiv. + 80. The preface (pp. i. to viij.) differs from that in No. 21, but pp. ix. to Ix. correspond to pp. xxvij. to Ixxviij., with the exception that the words "pars prior" are omitted from the second title, which in this one volume edition is inserted between pp. lij. and Iv. Pages i to 108 cor- respond with those having the same numbers in No. 21. Following page 208 is inserted, with a separate title, Bccupla : sive Psahni civ. Decern Paraphrases Poetica, Auctoribus totidetn Scotis : etc., pp. xxjv. Then follows, also with a fresh title, Poeticjim Duellum : etc. pp. 80, which correspond to pp. 443-520 in No. 21. The Poeticum Duellum, having separate title, pagin- OF Arthur Johnston. 13 ation, and signatures, might be treated as a distinct hook, did not the first title shew it to be part of the contents of the volume. So also the Decupla might be held as separate did not the catch word " Poeti- " at the end, shew it was printed for insertion before the Poeticum Duel- lum. The authors of the Decupla include all those of the Odupla (No. 17) except Walter Deniston, whose paraphrase is omitted, and there are added David Hume, Thomas Hope, and Archibald Pitcairn. This is a book met with frequently. There are three copies in Aberdeen University Library, one of which is the copy presented by Lauder to Cruden, the author of the Concordance. (See Dictionary of National Biography, Vol. xxxii. p. 200 ; Notes and Queries, 4th series vi., 296, and 8th series vii., 473). I have never seen a copy of this edition with a frontispiece. 23. Poetarum Scotorum Musee Sacrie : . . . . Hecatombe. Summo qua^que studio Gulielmus Lauderus, Philologus. Edinburgi : Apud Tho. &WaI. Ruddimannos. M.DCC.xxxix. I2mo. This book contains pp. j. to Ix. + i to 208, of No. 2 1 ; the Decupla and Poeticum Duellum being omitted. It has the same frontispiece as Vol. L of No. 21. This book is met with frequently. Two copies in Aberdeen Univ. Library, only one of which however (mn. 19.328) is complete with frontispiece. Copy in Aberdeen Public Library. 24. Poetarum Scotorum Musa^ Sacrse : . . . . Hecatombe. Inseruntur, etc. Edinburgi ; Apud T. & \V. Ruddimannos . Venales Prostant 14 The Bibliography and Portraits Apud W. Monro & W. Drummond : Et Londini, apud G. Innys, G. Strahan, F. Gyles, J. & P. Knapton, T. Longman, R. Manby, J. Hodges, & J. Davidson, Bibliopolas. mdccxl. l2mo. Another edition of No. 22, the only alteration lieing the additional list of booksellers, and the change of date of publication on the title. Copy in Aberdeen University Library [mn. 19.327]. 25. Psalmorum Davidis Paraphrasis Poetica. Auctore Arturo Jonstono Scoto. Cum Indice Vocabulorum. The Psalms of David Accord- ing to the Translation in the English Bible. With An Index of the Words. London : Printed in the Year MDCCXL. 4to. A Life of Johnston, in English, and Testimonies of Learned Persons, pp. 1-14, follow the title and a page containing an extract from Duport's Pre- face to his Greek Translation of the Psalms. The rest of the book is without pagination, A - Z in fours + Aa - Yy 3 in fours + Aaa - Ddd in twos. Then follow Index Vocahulof-itin A - Y in twos + Index (of English words) B- N in twos. The Latin version is on the left and the F^nglish on the right hand pages. There is a frontispiece, "G. Scotin, Sculpt^.," representing David seated at a taljle composing his Psalms, with a child at his feet who is fingering a harp. This finely executed book was the first of the editions pub- lished by Mr. Auditor Benson, but his name does not appear. (See Nichol's Literary Anecdotes of the Eighteenth Century. 1812. Vol. II., pp. 135 — 139; and foot note, page 177, Chalmers' Life of Ruddiviaii. Edin. , 1 794. ) There is a copy in the British Museum Library. There oi'- Arthur Johnston. 15 are three copies in the Aberdeen University Library, none of which, however, contain the Life, etc., pp, i — 14, and only one (mn. 23.15) has the frontispiece. 26. Arturi Jonstoni Psalmi Davidici interpreta- tione, argumentis, notisque illustrati : in usum Serenissimi Principis. Londini, Apud Gulielmum Innys, Danielem Browne, et Paulum Vaillant, Bibliopol. Typis Gulielmi Bowyer. MDCCXLI, 4to, pp. xvj. + 392, followed by Index Vocabiilortan, pages unnumbered, A to Y^ in twos, on which last page are Corrigenda. . The index is sub- stantially the same as that in 25. This edition, published by Benson on the plan of the Delphin classics, is dedicated by him to Prince George (afterwards George III.), son of Frederic, Prince of Wales, and grandson of George II. It con- tains a translation into Latin, by Dr. John Ward, Professor of Rhetoric in Gresham College, of Ben- son's Life of Johnston published in Nos. 25 and 32. (See p. 20 Dr. Birch's Account of the Life of John Ward. Lond. 1766.) A letter to Mr. Benson by Ward on the subject is pre- served in the MS. Room of the British Museum in English Letters ivriten to his F7-iends by I. W. Vol. I., p. 35. There is a frontispiece repre- senting David playing on the harp, " Gravelot, delin." " G. Scotin, sculp." There is also a por- trait of Johnston "il/. Ryshrcukius tnai-m. Sculp. &' G, Vertue ceri incidit 1740.'' Granger, in his Biographical History of England (third edition, 1779) Vol. II., p. 313, says the bust, from which the head was done, belonged to Benson. In front of the Index is inserted a plan of the environs of Jerusalem. This book is met with frequently: i6 The Bibliography and Portraits there are two copies in the British Museum Library, and five in the Aberdeen University Library, only three of which, however, are com- plete with all the engravings. 27. Arturi Jonstoni Psalmi Davidici interpre- tatione, argumentis, notisque illustrati : in usum Serenissimi Principis. Londini, Apud Guliel- mum Innys, Danielem Browne, et Paullum Vaillant, Bibliopol. Typis Gulielmi Strahan. MDCCXLI. 8vo, pp. xvi. + 336, followed by Index Vocabulorum (pages unnumbered) A — L in fours. The con- tents of this edition are the same as No. 26. The frontispiece and the portrait of Johnston in this edition bear to have been engraved by G. Vander Gucht, instead of by Scotin and Vertue res[)ec- tively, while the plan of Jerusalem is the «ame in both editions. Granger says the head of John- ston, taken from the same bust, is better executed than the engraving in No. 26. Copy in the British Museum Library, and five copies in Aber- deen University Library, three of which only are complete with engravings. 28. Arturi Jonstoni Psalmi Davidici cum argu- mentis et notis, Juxta editionem in usum Serenis- simi Principis. Londini : Apud W. Innys, D. Browne, et Paul. Vaillant Bibliop. Typis Gul. Bowyer, M.DCC.XLI. l6mo, pp. 312. Contents the same as No. 27, with r ^ 77^ V ' J7 ry-i the exception that the plates,ythe Life of Johnston, ' ■^ the Interpretatio, and the Index are omitted. On the first page there is a headpiece, " H. Holbein^ In." representing Henry VIIL reclining under a tree. This is described as *' indeed a neat edi- OF Arthur Johnston. 17 tion " in Nichol's Literary Anecdotes, 181 5. Vol. IX., p. 492. There are three copies in the Aberdeen University Library. 29. Arturi Jonstoni Psalmi Davidici,Juxtaedi- tionem in usum Serenissimi Principis. Londini: Apud W. Innys, U. Browne, ^t Paul. Vaillant Bibliop. Typis Gul. Bowyer. MDCCXLI. l6mo, pp. 157. Of this edition, which is without notes, there were two issues in 1 741. They differ from one another in the following particu- lars : (i) The printing, page for page, does not exactly correspond, although in both, finis is on page 157. (2) The headpieces at the beginning of the text, and at the beginning of the Cantica Evangelica, etc., which follow the Psalms, are different in the two issues. (3) In the first issue Corrigenda are printed at the end of the book, but are omitted in the second, the corrections having been made in the text. There is a copy of the first issue in Aberdeen Univer- sity Library [mn. it. 261]. In the British Museum Library there is a copy of the second issue [3090. a. a.] with an incorrect title, which describes it as "cum argumentis et notis, . . . editio altera." This mistake is not exceptional, as the copy of the second issue in the Aberdeen University Library [mn. 11.262] has a similar title. 30. Arturi Jonstoni Psalmi Davidici,cum argu- mentis et notis, Juxta editionem in usum Serenis- simi Principis. Editio altera. Londini : Apud W. Innys, D. Browne, et Paul. Vaillant Bibliop. Typis Gul. Bowyer. M.DCC.XLll. l6mo, pp. 312. This is a reprint of No. 28. A less i8 The Bibliography and Portraits elegant design is substituted for the headpiece by Holbein on the first page, and the design of another headpiece at the top of page 299 differs from that on the same page in the earlier edition. Corj-igenda, which are printed at page 298 of No. 28 are omitted, the corrections having been made in the text. Copy in Aberdeen University Library [mn. 7.281]. 31. ArturiJonstoniPsalmi Davidici,cummeta- phrasi Grsca Jacobi Uuporti, Graecae Linguae apud Cantabrigienses Exprofessoris Regii. Lon- dini : ApudW. Innys, D. Browne, et Paul. Vail- lant, Bibliop. Typis Qui. Bowyer. MDCCXLll. 8vo, pp. 224. At the end of the book are Enienda- tiones comparing the 1657 with the 1742 edition, and Errata. This edition was published by Benson. (See Lives of Scotish Writers, by David Irving, LL.D., Edin., 1839. Vol. IL p. 37). There is a copy in the Advocates' Library, Edin- burgh, and in Glasgow University Library. 32. The Psalms of David, According to the Translation in the English Bible. With Dr. Arthur Johnston's Paraphrastic Translation On the opposite Page. To which is prefix'd The Life of the Translator, and at the End two In- dexes, one of the Latin, the other of the English words. London : Printed for R. Manby on the Ludgate-Hill over against the Old Bailey. MDCCXLIII. 4to. Frontispiece same as in No. 25. Following the title is a page of Eniendationcs, comparing the 1657 and 1743 editions. After this leaf follow the Life of Johnston, in English, and Testimonies of Learned Persons, pp. 1-14, which, as well as the OF Arthur Johnston. 19 remainder of the book correspond to No. 25, with the trifling alteration that the ps.ge described as containing an extract from Duport, which follows the title page in that edition, is here inserted between the text and the indices. The only copy I know of is in the Euing Collection in Glasgow University Library. In it, on the back of the page of Enundationes^ is pasted the portrait of Johnston which was published with the octavo edition of 1741 (No. 27.) 33. Davidis Selecti Psalmi, juxta Arturi Jon- stoni versionem. Cum annotatiunculis in gratiam rudiorum, quas adjecit H. B. Wilson, A.M. Scholse Mercatoiiim-scissorum Hypodidascalus. Londini. Ex officina Harding et Wright, St. John's-Square ; et prostant venales apud F. C. et J. Rivington ; et Lackington, Allen et Soc. 1809. i6mo, pp. 32. Explanatory no:es, as well as the scansion of many of the lines of the selected psalms are given. The only copy I know of is in the British Museum Library. 34. Musa Latina Aberdonensis Arthur John- ston. Vol. L The Parerga of 1637 Edited by Sir William Duguid Geddes, LL.D. Principal of the University of Aberdeen Aberdeen Printed for the New Spalding Club MDCCCXCII 4to, pp. 318. With illustrative portraits by Jamesone and others, reproduced by photogravure (see No. 54). A retranslation into English is given of the Life of Johnston, contained in Nos. 26 and 27, the original English version of which is to be found in Nos. 25 and 32. This is the latest edition of any of Arthur Johnston's works, but Sir Willia.n 20 The Bibliography and Portraits Geddes has almost completed the preparation of a second volume of the Musa Latina Aberdonensis, which will embrace the Epif^rammata and the Encomia Urhiutn which Johnston wrote in praise of the different Scottish towns. II. Doubtful Editions. 35. Mr. Auditor Benson at page xvj. of two of his editions of Johnston's Psalms (Nos. 26 and 27) gives a " Catalogus variarum Editionum Psalmorutn Davidicorum Arturi Jonstoni," in which he mentions one published " Londini, Anno 1637, 8vo." In his Life of Johnston, pre- fixed to Nos. 25, 26, 27 and 32, Mr. Benson gives his reason for believing there was such an edition, but Dr. Irving (page 31 of his Lii/es of Scotish Writers^ Edin. 1839), thinks it never existed. 36. The Catalogus, in the 4to edition (No. 26), referred to in 35, contains an undoubted mis- print. An edition is there mentioned as pub- lished " Z(?«^/«/ Anno 1652, i2mo," but this is corrected in the 8vo edition (No. 27), where the book is described as printed ''■ Londini Anno 1657, 8vo," which is No. 16. 2,7. In the Catalogus variarum Editionum, at page xvj. of Nos. 26 and 27, an edition of the Psalms is mentioned by Benson as published " Cantabrigise, i2mo." Neither Mr. Robert Bowes, the compiler of the Catalogue of Books pxi?ited at, or relating to Cambridge, 1894, nor Mr. Jenkinson, the Cambridge Univer- sity Librarian, knows anything of it. OF Arthur Johnston. 21 38. There is an inaccuracy in the printed catalogue of the Bodleian Library, 1843 (3 vols, folio), which might lead one to suppose that Johnston's Paraphrase of Psalm civ. had been printed in 1620. An entry under his name in this Catalogue is " Paraphrasis Poetica, Psalmi civ., 8vo, Lond. 1620." On the margin of the copy of this catalogue, in use in the Library it- self, is a reference to the press number of each book, and this shows that the book referred to is Octupla^ 1696 (No. 17), the compiler of the catalogue having apparently copied " London, 1620," from a part-title in that volume. in. Publications bearing on Lauder's Editions of Johnston's Psalms, &c. 39. When Lauder published his Poetaruin Scotorum Mustx Sacrce (Nos. 21, 22, 23, and 24) the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, on his petition, recommended that Johnston's Paraphrase of the Psalms should be taught in the lower classes of all Grammar Schools. (Scots Magazine, Vol. IL, p. 534, 1740.) In consequence of this, Mr. John Love published an anonymous pamphlet of 22 pages, 4to, en- titled "A Letter to a Gentleman in Edinburgh, wherein the proposal made to the late General Assembly for having Dr. Johnston's Paraphrase of the Psalms taught in the Schools as a proper Sacred Lesson betwixt Castalio's Dialogues and Buchanan is considered : Buchanan is vindi- cated and critical remarks upon the Doctor's Paraphrase are offered. Edinburgh . . . 1740." 22 The Bibliography and Portraits The pamphlet is signed " PhilO-Buch." The only copy I know of is in the Library of the Royal College of Physicians, Edinburgh, bound in a volume of Pamphlets [m. 10.34] and cata- logued under the word " Letter." 40. Lauder, under the signature of Phila- LETHES, replied in a pamphlet of 36 pp., 4to, en- titled, "Calumny Displayed: or, Pseiido-Philo- Buchananiis couch'd of a Cataract. Being A modest and impartial Reply to An impudent and malicious Libel, intituled, A Lette7- to a Ge?itleman in Edinburgh, &c. Wherein Doctor Johns/on is vindicated, and critical Remarks upon Buchamiiis Paraphrase of the Psalms are of- fered. . . . Edinburgh. Printed in the Year M.DCC.XL." In the appendix a copy of Lauder's petition to the General Assembly, &c., is given. There is a copy of this pamphlet in the British Museum, and in the Aberdeen University Li- brary [mn. S.166]. 41. Love retorted in "A Second Letter to a Gentleman, etc." a copy of which I have not seen. Refer to Dictionary of National Bio- graphy. Vol. xxxii. p. 200. 42. Lauder returned to the attack in "Calumny Display'd, etc.'' Pt. 2 (pp. 44) and Pt. 3 (pp. 82). Edin., 1 74 1. 8vo. Copy in British Museum Library. This scholastic contest between Lauder and Love was called, in Edinburgh, Belliini Grammaiicaie. See Chalmers' Life of Riiddi- man, 1794, page 149, footnote (e). OK Arthur Johnston. 23 IV. Publications bearing on Benson's Editions of Johnston's Psalms, &c. 43. Mr. Benson, Auditor in Exchequer, pub- lished a dissertation on Johnston's version of the Psalms, in which he gives it the preference to Buchanan's. This work is entitled " A Prefa- tory Discourse to a new edition of the Psalms of David. Translated into Latin verse. By Dr. Arthur Johnston, Physician to King Charles the First. To which is added, a Supplement, Containing a Comparison betwixt Johnston and Buchanan. London : Sold by W. Innys and D. Brown. MDCCXLI." 8vo. The Prefatory Discourse consists of 66 pages and the Supple- ment, which is separately paged, of 53 pages. To this Mr. Benson added " The Conclusion of the Prefatory Discourse to Dr. Johnston's Psalms, &c., in which Johnston's and Buchanan's Translations of the ist and 104th Psalms, and their Dedicatory Epigrams to Mary Queen of Scots and the Countess of Marshall, are compar'd. London : Sold by W. Innys and D. Brown, mdccxll" 8vo. pp. 51. Copies in the British Museum Library and Bodleian Library. In Aberdeen University Library, MN. 2.398 is a complete copy : mn. 4.313 wants title page of The Conclusion, and mn, 2.399 does not contain The Conclusion. At pages 568-571 and 607-609, Vol. L. of the Gentleman's Magazine for 1780, may be found remarks which were written by the Rev. Samuel Say on the margin of a copy of Benson's Prefa- tory Discourse and Conclusion. 24 The Bibliography and Portraits 44. A reply to Benson came in the form of "A Vindication of Mr. Georg^e Buchanan's Paraphrase of the Book of Psalms, from The Objections rais'd against it by William Benson, Esq. ; Auditor in Exchequer, in the Siipple)nent and Conclusion he has annex'd to his Prefatory Discourse to his new Edition of Dr. Arthur Johnston's Version of that sacred Book. In which also, upon a Comparison of the Perform- ances of those two Poets, the Superiority is demonstrated to belong to Buchanan. Where- in likewise several Passages of the Original are occasionally illustrated : Together with some useful Observations concerning the Latin Poetry and Arts of Versification. In a Letter to that learned Gentleman. By Thomas Ruddiman, A. M Edinburgh : Printed by W. and T. Ruddimans. m.dcc.xlv." 8vo., pp. 390. Copy in British Museum Library, and four copies in Aberdeen University Library. V. Translations of Johnston's Epigrams. 45. Translations of some of Arthur Johnston's Epigrams are to be found in " Memorialls For the Government of the Royall-Burghs in Scot- land. With some Overtures laid before the Nobility and Gentry of the several Shyres in this Kingdom. As also, A Survey of the City of Aberdeen, with the Epigrams of Arthur lohn- stoun Doctor of Medicin, upon some of our chief Burghs, translated into English by I. B. By IAOnOAITEIOTS (Or,) A lover of the Publick well-fare. Aberdeen, Printed by John OK Arthur Johnston. 2$ Forbes, Printer to the City and University, 1685." A full description of this work, which was written by Alexander Skene, is given at p. 136 of Edmond's Aberdeen Printers^ 1884. The translator of the Epigrams was John Barclay, parson of Cruden. There are three copies in Aberdeen University Library. 46. In 1867 a reprint of the Memorialls was issued to the extent of 50 copies, by William Blackwood & Sons, Edinburgh, at the expense of John InglisChalmers of Aldbar, and presented by him to the Members of Council of the Spalding Club. There is a copy in Aberdeen University Library [B. 4. loi.]. 47. Between pages 197 and 201 in the Memorialls, 1685, (^^o- 45) is a Part-Title to the remainder of the book "A Succinct Survey of the famous City of Aberdeen, with its Situation, Description, Antiquity, Fidelity and Loyalty to their Soveraignes. As also, the gracious Rewards conferred thereon, and the signall Evidences of Honour put upon many chief Magistrats there- of. With a Catalogue of Them since the City was bum'd for Loyalty, about the year 1330. Together with the Epigrams of Arthur John- stoun, Doctor of Medicin, upon the said City, and several! other of the Principal! Royall- Burghs in this Ancient Kingdom of Scotland : Translated into English by L B. By a Zealous Lover of Bon-Accord IAOnOAITEIOTZ. Aber- deen, Printed by John Forbes, 1685." This part of the book was reprinted, for Peter Buchan in 1833, as a 24°, of 92 pages. A copy is in the 26 The Bibliography and Portraits Aberdeen University Library, [mn. 13. 244]. 48. In the British Museum Library [1078. K. 10] there is an octavo pamphlet of 50 pages, believed to have been published in Edinburgh, "A Dentifrice for Bucaulo-Cephalo-Dogmatijo- Pragmatico-Despotico-Moro-Vulturno - Gram- mateus ; or Scriblerus exposed, stripped, lashed, blasted, plagued, starved, racked, e(c. . . 1741." The anonymous author has appended to the above, " Dr. Johnston's Latin Epigram against two Pettifoggers of the Law, an Advocate and an Agent, paraphrased or imitated in English Verse," pp. 2, followed by "Lamentation for E — -NA in Thraldom or Scriblerus, canvassed, ar- raigned and cast." pp. 6. Sir William Geddes has a note as to this, at page 124 of vol. i. of his Musa Latina Aberdonensis^ where the original epigrams are to be found. (No. 34). VL Works containing Fugitive Pieces AND Selections from Johnston's Secular Verses. 49. In the following works are to be found Latin verses by Arthur Johnston. (a) Baron, Robt. Ad Georgii Turnebulli Tetragonismvm Psevdographvvi Apodixis Catholica^ etc. Aberd. Raban, 1631. See Edmond's Aberdeen Printers^ p. 36. (b) Michel, William. Epitaphs zpon the vnty- melie death of that hopefully learned., and religious youth., Mr. William Michel., etc. Aberd., Raban, 1634. As to this very rare OK Arthur Johnston. 27 book, see Edmond's Aberdeen Printers, p. 50. (c) Wedderburne, Uavid. Institvtiones Gram- maiicae, etc. Aberd., Raban, 1634. See Edmond's Aberdeen Printers^ p. 52. (d) Forbes, Patrick. Funerals of a Right Reverend PatJier iji God Patj'ick P'oj-bcs of Corse, etc. Aberd., Raban, 1635. A re- print of this book, edited by Sir Charles Farquhar Shand, was issued by the Spottis- vvoode Society in 1845. ^^e Edmond's Aberdeen Printers, pp. 53-55. (e) Guild, William. A Short Treatise Agaynst the prophanation of the Lords Day, Especi- allie by Saltnond- Fishing thereon, I?i Tyme ofDivi7ie Service, etc. Aberd., Raban, 1637. See Edmond's Aberdeen Printers, p. 61. (f) Broad, William. Bonvni Factvvi. De Hydrope Theses, Quas D.T.O.M.F. Sub Rectoratu Magnifici ^ Clarissimi Viri, D. Artvri lonstoni, Medici Regii Ex decreto 6^ authoritate facultatis MediccE, in celeberrima Academia Aberdonensi Regia Pro con- sequendis in sacra Medicina doctoralibus Privilegiis Praeside Patticio DvncEo M.D. &^ Facultatis MediccE Decano, etc. Aberd. Raban, 1637, See Edmond's Aberdeen Printers, pp. 201-2. (g) Person, David (of Lochlands). Varieties, or A Surveigh of rare and excellent matters . . Wherein the principall Heads of diverse Sciences are illustrated .... Digested into five \ bookes, etc. London, 28 The Bibliography and Portraits 1635, 4to. Two copies in British Museum Library ; copy in Aberdeen University Library [IL 10.100]. (h) Admiranda rerum adtnirabiliuvi encofnia. Sive diserta .... Pallas .... dissereiis seria sub liidicra specie. Hoc est, Dissertatioynwi Ludicrariim. . . . Scrip- tores varii, etc. Lugd. Bat., 1623, 1638, 1644, and Noviomagi Batavorum. [Nimeguen] l666 & 1676. Copies in British Museum Library, and Bodleian Library, (i) Slezer, John. Johnston's verses in praise of several of the towns of Scotland are con- tained in Slezer's Theatrii7n Scoti(E, Lond. 1693, as well as in a very handsome edition of this book, entitled Theatrum Scoti(F, by Captain John Slezer, with life of the Author, and large additional Illustrations by the late Johfi Jamieson D.D. Edinburgh, 1874. folio. A copy of the original work is in the British Museum Library, and one of the 1874 edition in Aberdeen University Library. Another edition, by the same editor, printed in Edinburgh 1 8 14, does not contain Johnston's verses. (j) In the Scots Magazine \o\ VI [, page 8, (Jan.) 1745, were printed for the first time Johnston's De foedere nupero ad Scotos parcenesis. Tliese verses had been sup- pressed by Spang in his edition of Johnston No. 15). They are reprinted at pp. 32-33 o the Editor's Preface to Vol. I of Gordon's History of Scots Affairs, 1 637- 1 64 1 . Printed for the Spalding Club, Aberdeen, 1841. OK Arthur Johnston. 29 VII. Two Theses, at the delivery of WHICH, IN THE UNIVERSITIES OF HEI- DELBERG AND Sedan, respectively, the Titles shew Johnston had Presided. 50. The Rev. J. B. Craven, Episcopal Clergy- man at Kirkwall, has in his possession a thesis, entitled "Theoremata Physica De Motu, Quae D.O.M.A. in antiquissima et celeberrima Academia Heidelbergensi, spectabili Dn. DecanoTheophilo Madero Philolos. et Medicin. D. et Physic. Professore ordinario, sub praesidio M. Arturi Jonstoni Abredonensis Scoti CoUegii Casmirani Regentis. Abrahamus Eccius Clogo- viensis Silesius Ad diem Augusti Public^ in auditorio Philosophorum defendet Horis, locoque solitis. Heidelbergte. Typis Voege- linianis, Anno cIO lo Cl." This pamphlet which consists of two sheets, square i2mo, has on the title page the inscription "Dno Blackburno." Peter Blackburn, who was Moderator of the General Assembly which met at Dundee 1597-98, and afterwards Bishop of Aberdeen, was Arthur Johnston's brother-in-law. 51. In the British Museum Library is another thesis, on the title page of which Johnston's name appears. It is thus entered in the printed catalogue. " Bogusz (Joannes) Baron de Ziemlic. ALaa-Ke^pis Metaphysica de unitate, Fraes. A. Jonstono. Scdani, [1605] fol. c. 29. k. 16. Without paginatio7t. Prhited on satin. A presentation copy to James J. bound in velvet, with his arms on the covers, and the 30 The Bibliography and Portraits autograph of Henry, Prince of Wales, on the inside of the cover P VIII. Manuscript. 52. The catalogue of the Chetham Library, Manchester, contains the following entry. " Gulielmo Alexander, Comiti de Sterlin de sua Nova Scotia. (Signed) Arturus Jonstonus." IX. Distribution of the Editions of Johnston's Works in several Libraries. 53. The Library of the British Museum contains Nos. 2, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 21, 25, 26, 27, 29, 33 and 34. The Bodleian Library, Nos. 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 26 and 34. Cambridge University Library, Nos. 13, 26 and 34. St. Andrews University Library, Nos. 13, 14, 15, 18, 21, 26 and 34. Glasgow University Library, Nos. 8, 9, 13, 14, 15, 18, 21, 23, 26,:X2'¥rid''34:~~',_oA^; Aberdeen University Library, Nos. 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 13, 14, 15 (two varieties), 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29 (both issues), 30, and 34. Edinburgh University Library, Nos, 7, 8, 9, 13, 15, 19, 21, 26 and 34. Advocates' Library, Edinburgh, Nos. i, 8, 9, 13, 15. 18, 19, 31 and 34. Signet Library, Nos. 8, 13, 14, 20, 26 and 34. OF Arthur Johnston. 31 X. The Extant Portraits of Arthur Johnston. 54. There are two paintings of Johnston by Jamesone, both of which belong to the University of Aberdeen. One is in the Senatus Room at King's College, and the other in the Picture Gallery of Marischal College. The King's College picture, a photogravure of which is in Vol. I. of Sir W. D. Geddes' Musa Latina Aberdotiensis, 1892 (No. 34), is described at page 119 of Bulloch's George Ja??ieso7te, 1885. The inscription on it appears however to be "Anno 1629. Nosce te ipsum," and not as there stated. A lithograph, taken from this photogravure, was issued with Scottish iVotes and Queries, November, 1895, and is inserted as a frontispiece to this monograph. An engraving from the King's College picture, published i. Jan. 1798, by Robert Wilkinson, No. 58, Cornhill, faces the biographical sketch of Arthur Johnston in the Iconographia Scotica, by John Smith of the Inner Temple. London [1798] ; but by what appears to have been a careless mistake, the name inscribed beneath the picture is " John Johnstone, M.D." Another engraving from the same picture, published I Dec. 1798, by Edward Harding, 98 Pall Mall, is in Pinkerton's Scotish Gallery, London : 1799. A copy of this engraving is in the portrait scrap book belonging to the Royal College of Physi- cians of Edinburgh. The Marischal College painting, a photo- gravure of which will appear in Vol. H. of the 32 The Bibliography and Portraits Musa Latina Aberdojiensis^ is mentioned at page 123 of Bulloch's Geo?-ge Jaincsone. It is inscribed "1621, Aetat 42." A copy of this painting (not the King's College one, as erroneously stated by Mr. Bulloch) done in oil, by Wales, for the Earl of Buchan, is in the Scottish National Portrait Gallery, Edinburgh. Another copy, painted in 1837 for the late Mr. Alexander Johnston, W.S., by John Henry of Edinburgh, is in the possession of the writer. 55. The engraved portraits of Johnston, con- tained in his Poemata Omnia and in two editions of the Poetaruni Scotorum Miisce SacrcB, are mentioned under Nos. 15, 21 and 23. These cannot be said to bear much resemblance to either of the paintings now extant. The front- ispiece of the Poemata Ofunia is shewn in one of the glass cases in the Scottish National Portrait Gallery. 56. There are two engravings of Johnston taken by John Michel Rysbrack, from a bust which belonged to Mr. Auditor Benson. One, engraved by G. Vertue in 1740, which is in the quarto edition of Johnston's Psalms^ published in 1 74 1, is mentioned at No. 26, and the other, by VanderGucht, 1740, which is in the octavo edition of 1741, is referred to at No. 27. A copy of the former is in the Scottish National Portrait Gallery, and another is in the portrait scrap book of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh. There is a woodcut taken from it in Anderson's Scottish Nation^ 1868, Vol. II. P- 577- OF Arthur Johnston. 33 57. One of the lights of the window, known as the Melvin Window, at the east end of the Library of the University of Aberdeen represents Arthur Johnston, the likeness having been taken from the King's College portrait. An illustration and description of this window is given m James Melvin, a sketch by David Masson. Aberdeen 1895. See also p. 528, Fasti AcadejnicB Mariscallan ce Aberdonensis. New Spalding Club. Aberdeen 1889. The first named book was edited, and the latter written by Mr. P. J. Anderson, Librarian of the University of Aberdeen. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. Form L9-100m-9,'52(A3105)444 LOS a:,^gsles Z Jo hnston - 15CF'6 The bibl i ographT" j6Ub and ext ant por- or Artnur traits Johnston 5h56 J6ub AA 000 492 729 9 y-v