BfiH m University of California Berkeley From the Library of Charles Erskine Scott Wood and his Wife Sara Bard Field Given in Memory of JAMES R.CALDWELL '^S*^^^^ * - <- 3% 'itiulrinm ?> -. wii ri^v* **' ^^n celebrate in ijesitating lines, as Autumn leafees falter tfjrottglj ttje crisp air, a garden blossoming beneatfc t^e care O^f one toljose lobe on me unaltered seines 3s tljc s'un on tljrse tal^groton anD rnggeD pines* Wtll 31 remember Ijoui sfje luoulD not spare (Eljc smallest nursling anD noto tjoio fair 3 foilDerncss, outbursting all Design^ tEljis is tier jpoem coajreD from stubborn clan; H?er Ufkjou torouglj t in tree anD blossom stjoots . fttgi 31 must toanDer in mn soul's pursuits 31 fenoto l;cr lobe fbllotos m^ bagrant im^, ^ure t^at our memories of nesterDa^ are life^reaDS turineD like interlaced roots* ** garden is but little plot of ground: fcedge of Ijollr pricks tlje outer foe; a grabeled patj between dtoarf trees a^roto, pear, apple, eljernes rubs rounD; 3In tlje sfoutl;east corner a grofce of fim 10 founo, tEP^ere ro0e0 climb ana beitf of ir 10 bloiu ant) a* ege* of ttjtltjren peeping beloto tCear.tietoeD U05, april'0 blue biolet* abound* 6lo^ periwinkle creeps?, purple and toljite Clothing, 0ome rougt) rocl^0teps toitij tenDentes^ 3* cljaritg augbt rloah in gentleness ut eber^ t^ouglit; and birds in ebening flight Hest on great c^err^ trees in chattering delight '&ill t\)t garden sleeps in star4it quietness. (7faft* i* a sroup of oafe and brrrl) and pine*, \\\ Stjadt: in tljc dan and $PICP in tfje nigt)t ; VJ/ auu a Inalnutt t^irs t^ for t\)t ra0tcnt iigljt, C ljroix)0 it* long leafg anns? abo^r tlje Unr0 ^f trditoo fruit tree^ ^^m tl;t ftot sun climb0 Co augiiflft noon, tljis^ 0^aO^ grebe inbite* l3c and inn booiu C?rre cijilorm take Dtiigljt j3no tiere a toatc^ m^ brother ant'0 de0igntf DiDDc n in tljis Dark trmplc'0 Dcr pr0t part H) Ijcre robins build and fincijrsf groto l;aif tame a Japan maple *pread* its; bougljsf of flame, a burning altar 'till its leabeg Depart <$ne b\2 one; as? our fjopcs? leabe tljc ljcart t 15ut Spring sijall ntiucr bud* to life reclaim. n ttie ^outljern slope gome terraces grapevines run SnD tlje fir groue points ta spires up to tije shv, 3|nbiting cliilDren of tlje air anD 0un tEo perclj aljoljile ana d; trrup ntftilli\ 31 lihe to be Ijere on tl;e 0ilb^ gra0tf OTatcljtng tljese 0ujift 0hp>pas?0engers in flight: ^i 0aue^ mob luljic!) pa00 anD oUer^pass;, Stealing our eljerneg bolol^ in our sigljt, H;ere 31 breatlje 0traU)berrs Ieatie0, ll;en luarm, tl)e grounO 3(0 melloiu toitfc tlje Drying fragrant^ tgnate stoeet ^an in 0ofte0t robes? of toliite. plumfif, clierrie^ pear* beep tfce pure fire0 alight Mitljin tyt ticstal fane; gone all too soon , QPl)oug|) in tier 0tep* tome* ro^e^crotoneti laughing 3|une t 3nD toontier marb* tlje Daytime ana t^e nigljt* ola larfc* are tuning tljrir unstuoir D flutes Wfiile Eet t&e twirling rain tfpeafea Winter tlte* Brafce PUSSE urillotos bare tljrir fcelfcet ^oot0 Co mark t^eir 1) loom anD atoaMng fynlte. J^trst briDe0maiD0 of tlie g>uu ijutjo face colo 0leet Co publistj ttDing0 of tl;e coming Spring, C t)e Daring confirjence of biros te stom, 6oot> tlje unftaunteft 0ong fyt fieio^larfes 0ing dint) gooD tl)e to UlotD'0 0itoer gleaming tones, 31 lobe to dear tije lark abobe tf)e blast, Scoffing at tiding ^inter'0 gu0t^ groans anD Inxoto tl;e cola anD gloomy Davs are past, Cartij gibe^ us pleDged life sljall libe again, Cljr tDilloU3's sparUs, tlje lark's call tljrougl) tfyt rain. tuatel) olo C-artl) smile to tljc gipsv 3!.n Ct)i0 green sanctuary front tf)t streets. ilrss t (jan an acre are its bouutis anD mrtes; Pet infinite ti;e luonDr r0 toorkins |)ere 3in jf ebruar^i iibertporc appears mitl) features troubaOour0 from $)out^ retreaw, dnD in 3 ul^ Ira^Bljf itrrru from tije l;eat t ^oft fleDglingflf flutter timorously near. 6olD iinkeD laburnum , plum^ locust toljitr <0one too soon a0 beauteous iDomen go t anti Routing October toitl) (110 bugle^orn (Rearing Ijis 1 crimson tatters in Delight, December'^ Ijtislj : the tiirginal of snom anD miracles of lotoelineflfc re, born. oto beautiful tl) e pity of tlje Caret) : die grass tol)tcl) IjiDes? all barren nafceDness , Clje fleecy blossom*, noting maternal mirtlj, ^ Ij e mu^ic of glaO btrHd^ tljc tiine^ caress f buo anD blo0^om, frailest flotoer anD fruit* E>eligl)t of rain anD moonlight go00antei' Meaning a mantle, mgtttcal anD mute. Wtyat tribute bring nou from nour listening Dan? Jen t\)t cits mutters in its; troubles sleep and spornin g IjolDS communion toitt) tlje biras, tC l;e cool air tms 1) ea , so scarce a leaf to s tirrea , 31 lobe to toalfc beneatl) our trcrfi toljcrc Urcps; ier bigilt Daton^claD ^3cace ^oon sunrise preps Between tlje bougtjs, net for a time Deferred 31$ SW* turmoil; !life'0 struggle te not JearD, But J>attire ? calm in noiseless billotos stueeps; ^ijis garden spot isf islanD in a sea oM stone, a refuge fresij tott!) Detos ra l;ere Darting birD^f tlieir summer spouses choose flno sing unfearing to t^eir lobes and me, jliature gibe* ijere tl;e juice tl;at sets us free anD tranquilly life's fetters slip and loose* tie treed in meQitatiue pitg breathe HBenebolence upon ttjc Ijcait of man, Making great arms of lobe ana armd to ban (Elje approach of etoil rtjinga, tlje Inljilc tijcn toreatlje 3 nefeer4aDtng croton of glow p leabetf 2f o sljaDe tljc broia of etoer4itotng pan* 31 like to tljinb mn frail ano mortal Ijanti J^e^peD plant fyte temple toljere no 0oul can griebe* 31 lie no ton in tl)i0 ^ anctuarn grobe t ^Discoursing; toitlj tlje leatoe* anD secret botigi;s ; ^>ljut from tljt cit^'d boisterous; carouse g>ometl)ing of Jlife'd derenit^ to probe; Wityn tl;e toorlD raged in m ear 31 lobe l)e gooti tranquilit^ of jpature'd tioude* fcte little forest teacijea me tjat SDeatfc 3i$ but tije uiinter of a life grouw olo, cDirr D limbs? no longer acije anO the frosts breath 3)|0 aitigJit upon a toinft of numbing coio, 31 beetle trutige* Ijere a 0ix^foot plain, Si flicker Drum* tfometofcere 3 cannot 0ee, an ant toils toijat to me 0eem0 small ana bain* SI belliefc toao 0tare0 0olemnl^ at me: Lift's circle Ijrnr complete before me lies; 3(1 meet mn brethren, knotaing tljat toe all 2re Ijrlpless Victims of tljc great Surprise; 3nO eac^ i0 listening for SDeatfc'tf totii0peret> call, M!)iclj none brill Dteobeg* Cl)at toe are one, HBeetle anD toau ana ttje great burning Sun. n tins familiar slope for mang a pear 31 jjatoe lain soft upon tlje ripenea grass, Drinking of Rummer and tljc generous cljeer e untracteD nigl)t I;a0 come jpor tje obliterating s^aft been Imrlefc, Mljicl) soon toill stretch me passionless ana Dumb, Still busg is ti)e threat! of lining tljougjt, Mtjiclj toeaDes a fabric from tl;e empt^ air, Ctje toeb of fancn out of nothing torougjt, Wt\)it\) toorDS can neber grasp or fitl^ toear ; Something still locbeo toitl;in tljis prison, % Mi)icl; beats its toings for freedom in tjie sbn* ne tijougijt to me fe toine anD murrlj and balm: e buss &ost of fumble brethren* 3) like t&te tijougljt tfcat 31 am mergeD in one >ure brotfcerljooD of Dog, nigijfcmotl) anD flotoer, Cac^ tajper^bearer to our lorD t^e &un, CDac^ giben lite puf ?le of a fleeting liour, anD tfjen to sleep perhaps? to toafee a rose, anD be most fragrant glaD* ^erfiaps, tol;o imotos? aJgikWP^Pwg&ffKBHHI^^ fcere tl;e WneEarD slopes; totoaro tlje sun, loencati; September's apple bougljs 31 lie plucking tfce fruit in blossom^ spa^ begun 215g sun and rain, mysterious alctjem. j^oU) to t^e *mell of grapes upon tijc air ana Dreamine^ obscures tijr imlotoooa ^ills; 31 beD upon tljc grass absolbta of Care, 2Drinbing t|ie mug t Je olo eart^motljer fillf t anu 0till sljail fill; neto flagons U)itl) olo toinc Until Ijot father &\m Ijhnsrlf be DeatJ, m\)<* noto 00 binftlg tuarnis tljese limbs of mine* $&u$t ^ou too Die, olu traveler ober^ieau? But nott toill sljine a tol)ile ant) 31 abiDe stoopeu apple boughs JjDcace at mu siue* ere let me lie tfte summer afternoon, Upon ti)is ij iiisiae, re&olent toitl) tft^me 3na stratoberrE leafces; toftile in a jangleu tune SDistan t coU3btll6 tinkle faint a c^ime* a^ if }3an ft it ft i crmbais? in 0ome glaDe, tiding lafil^ a$ 31 beneatft a pine, Caugftt in tfte toeabingsf of tfte sun ana 0ftaue, aut breatfting bal&mteD otior0 ricft as uoinc. l&fto can assa^ tftis sioe tbe Dark abg** 3u ftour more goto en tftan to lie at ease Voluptuously luanton to tfte ^esfctoinD's kiss, ^Infiltrate b^ tfte feinsftip of tfte trees, lftile from tfte busts f oao tfte teamsters call, auD sftaootos creep upon tfte garoen toall? lue^starret) ttje grass uoitlj (jone^ed, bloomy prunes Cast prodigal bg obcrtjanging botigljs; #nd Beep in tljcse tlje toasps anD br r5 tarotisr , SDrunh in tlje fcintage of tljt afternoon* 15ltit jai:^ pluntirr tlje ripe grape fr0toon0 f 3nD lured from tl;e l;illf a pair of toarp grouse 13eck at tlje bune^esf ; for tl;e batoiing roles Complain; sloU) sail tlje tl)istle;Dotun balloons* Crabapples pabe tlje greeny eartl) toitl) golD t j9 scent of ripeness tjangs upon tlje air 3^ if some n^mp^i outsljook Ijer ruDD^ l)air. 21 neto>oroppeu peaclj close to m^ JanD is rolled 3f| toonDer is it tier lotocljallenge bold? 31 look and listen but stye is not tljere. o me tfce coming of eael) Dag is stoeet, Mtyettyer it be, as noto* in golucn Da^s >f brigijt September, toljm tlje tuooDlano loa^s arc stirrcD toitl; sounU of flying brings anD fret, anu Deer flic tljrougl) tlje pinc0, a bteion fleet; t tobcn toe gatljcr 7 rounu tlje banning blaje 0nD tell our talcs ttjat fjolft tlje Doting ama^cD, r atl) are fair* ** j&t* ^ijomasi' g>rf)ool for llBo^sf" toasf tyere* ail to tl)e 0ame from tins olD clnirdivarD Ijill 3tf totien 31 ^ucfeeD from life m^ bo^i0J fill j^or eber guesseD tye coming clouD of tare* ' ^t. ^fjotnn^' C^urrf) vnrb, ^arplanb, 3ulj 5, 1902. I can't brliefcc tbnn tolirn tljet sag you're Drad, |*ou of tljc lilting laugtj and boinslj talfe, o r 0cor u t nor 0lanOer nor ingratituoe* ^e Disappointing toorlD upon tlje DeaD 3|t's cruel mockeries can not tntruDe* fttyii sleep, mg brother, toljiie toe bear tlje ac^e t lining; all aclje for ^ou is past* j$o more toiil nou to bitter mornings toafee, H3ut sleep upon a tranquil sea at last. tUpon tiie Dag totjiel) memorgs gour birt^ f We lag gou Doton anD fetes gou back to eartlj* Co mp brotljer 2?rpgon, ^tbruarp 22, 1904. rue lobe sljoulD neither asfc nor gibe excuse, 3i5ut t a* t\)t toest urina, loan toarfc, toils ant) free, Quotas; fcoum ttje blossoms; front tl)t apple tree, g>o ilobe f toitij raoiant ijair anD girulc Ioo0r t ^ijotorrs; l;rr entires self anD toljtspr r0 ** Choose, 3?ere l;at)t ^ou all fyt gooft anD bao of me; tZTiic goon 10 fyoneg'tftoeet, net toere 3) c^ee t^e ban 3 toouln not utterly refuse*" Dear ilofce* 31 toiil not; toftat to me mar M 3l'll glean ana garner, toer^ tenDerl^, 0nD in tlje ^torr l;ousc of mn memory mify perfumed of tlje Ijrart toill it enthrall &o tljat tlje bitterest leaf 0l)all precious be, Jfor itoDe, if it be ILoDe, toill treasure all. 3 c% t mag toll be, a* toell 31 toislj it mas, tiat S>eat!j s&all claim me first, 3 coulD not bear jrrom gour to Ijite face to smootl) gour glosst l;air 3 nD hnoto gou Dumb to all tljat 31 miglj 1 0au* 31f to our I)ou0e gou must return some Dag nD finD mg books , mg pen, mu emptg cljair, But fragments from an ocean of Despair, tEJjen tafee tfcis terse anD reaD it o'er, 31 prag, (3>l)i0 is m boice still murmuring in gour ear: afee comfort, pott Ijabe l)au tfje best of me, Cljf 0e are ttjt lines toljic^ 31 caressingly Write noto to soothe atoag gour lonelg tear, , Lobe, toljen tfiese last tljougljts ^abe brought me near, tyere is a biss to^icti 3 Ijatoe saDeD for t^ee*" . ^-. 3anuarp 1 2, 1 889. toe me one gear of lobe toitti gou, 3|'U asfc jjio more of dine; content, like bee, to Hie 3|n t\)t supreme of lobe, bliss killcD, Co bash eligl)t, 3]n tl;e goDg' temple, Defiant unto Deatfc. 'Ctuasf 00 31 pra^etj on our goung marriagemig Jt Mtjen newborn lobe toas craoleo on gour bread) - feo noto 3f| prag, ttjere id no boon 00 true 3|n Cime or 0toeet a0 one more gear toitl) gou. m g son, l;oto close tije tniDrils of mn tjrart toabe ttoinea about, ana bouna rott to me fast, a* some olD fallen oafe, prci? of t!je blast, >iip0 to it0 0iDe Ujljcre to oton sccolmg^ start 3 sapling, fcigoroutf, 31 fcope gour jpart Will rr act; begonD m e, 00 in gou at last tyv baa 0l;all lessmea be, mg gooa 0urpa0tf ea* ana gou groto greater to Jen toe fall apart. (Cljiflf is mg resurrection ana mg bliss o libe in gou to Jen 3) Jabe ceasea to libe, tEPo sljoto t Je toorla 3] aia a better gibe Jan 31 mgself, pg mortal Jope is tjis, 3|f sucj be aone, let gou nor ang griebe Jen gou Jabe sealea it toit J a final kiss, 4Eo mp 0on (Crtf bine. ome mm beliefce tljat, like tl;e btttico srcD, tET^ ^Ijall to nrtu and greater glorg ri0e; 31 tl;ink not 00; mg plain auD Ijomelv creeD paints me no enotos; life in l^araowfe. 31 am content, like lilies cut at etoe* o ^ielD foreber all of perfume 0toeet t jpor toant 31 an^ one too muc^ to grietoe Because no more l>e tiearsf mg coming feet* (Eo eacl; corner Deatlj asf turli a0 throbbing life, 31, too, mag libe again, t^oug^ 31 be tiean; bearing a gallant IK ait tljrouglj t l;e tporlo'0 strife Hiding ti)c simple trtiti) unaltered* l)i0 i^ m^ liope for an eternity, (Eo lite again, mv cljllo, in tljtnc ant) t!jre Co mp eon abiO moaneD for b*alom, i;is curlro ana 0moott)4hnbrD Darlmg f net Cime C;a0 stoallotocD all: all tcar^, all laugijs, all mm j^or left a mark* ^o toe from Eoutlj to prime t jfrom Htm olD age to calm obllDion tena, C^ougl; Deatl) 0l)ail l;aitrst all tty tocaltt) of lot)e ^at noto bettoeen us? uaarm anD pulsing lifce*, get noto a jo v all o tljer jo^0 abobe, tC o me ^our ^ oun g anD true affection gibe^* Vtiat, tljouglj tfje rose mu0t Die toitt) Winter snoios; if0 it less s toeet tlje Rummer Dai: it blotos ? Co mp fion Qfrfibmt, on receipt of sfomt berfe* from fjtm on mp fortp*ebentf) fairtfj&ap. Ijo'ii guess tlje motljf r^rart, <$ (9oD, totio imotos, <$r teljo sljail measure, fathomless anD true, GTljat lobe iJDljir 1;, like Cljrisrs pitu t bounDle^ floius 3 n pain ant) agon^ anu blooD^ fteto* ^uess r ID are tier }on0, i)er glaDness measured quite* But IB bo sfyall guage tl;c infinite Ijeart^aclje ^f tier to ijo0e lobe 10 altered not in spite our hopelessness, & sonnet Sequence of ttoo gonnete on babv, fim born one. J?our lip is? fringes, ^our ^oultier0 t Ijofcu staltoart, fpou totjom 31 nurdeD, must toe be torn apart? foto mang geard in dilence of tbe nigbt 33E kiss bad bleddeD gou* ano ^our sleeping breatb 31 babe o'er bung, more lot) ing tijan in Ugb t , Jf or dleep do fearfully His mimic Deatb* ^os of tbe spotber, toljo bad toonftroud mase QTtje dbagg^ dbe^bear ujillingl^ to Die, m& maDe tbe dparrotD bolD anD not afraiD OTben from tbe nest ber belpledd r oung oned erg* 3|n Due time dtoelld tbe breadtd Initb milfeg flotod, gou fenoto tbe motl;er^eart; gea t ^oD, gou fenotu , tie fruit of parting is a toaitt) of toounD; frearfcacfte* Dumb pain anD unreleaseD cries, 3s EDatoiD loept for Absalom, l)is egetf dropping tfce salt, Ijot tears upon tljc grounD, ^o 31 notD mount, ^l;e Carttj is torapprD arounD Witt) sau grig forings toijicl) U)l)ispcr onig siglis, ^g Ijc art to tieabg toiti) its sacrifice, j9lnD notDl;ere is tljere ang gladness founD, as tlje sl;e^robiu pushes from tlje nest i>er fleDgling brooD, to trv tljeir timiu icings, re launching on tl)e toiue ethereal, g)o eberg parting tastes of bitterness, W$t tear^blinti egetf anu Deep tieart4wngering0t ^aUe our rehearsal for tlje last farewell eatb, PS strong arms fblD Ijim safe, as once ije la^ 31 little babe* tEPljat 3) migljt gibe m^ breatti #nD go, as soon 31 must, tfce silent toa^; @>o migljt be sabeD 1)1$ life but fust begun* OTtoula 3| migt) t Die for dim* ^ son, mg son* H sonnet Sequence of ttoo ionnctsf. 2?lit?en Ifttber, Oregon, xCugusft, 1901 . am oppressed bg Cartes bast loneliness, & solitude totned toails me deipless in; C^e frotoning rocfes are deaf to mg distress, tEde skg recks not in all its glittering spin, 31 am alone* D eattfs breatl; upon mg ctjeek, H;is cdillg totjisper in mg frightened ear* aitijo* 3| tmo to tljere 10 no 6od to dear* 31 cannot bear it, ilet me be tlje first* Wakeful 31 moan t^roug^ toatetjes of tlje niglit, jfor >eatfc toalks toitlj me, Deatd, tlje great accursed, flnd melts mg berg marroto toitt) affriglj t. C;ere, in tljis lone and solemn desert land, ^g first born dies* SDeatd ^olds dim bg tlje dand* '& fate ECU toell rnnmtbrr me, ms son t OTijen 31 am gone, ana trarfeeneo are m^ eges* tEafee ou ijoljat Ijartr s^t in tij is menage lies jfrom one totjo loucu ^ou till ^is Dag* toere Done* J?ou tiabe afrcstj tljc strange, toioe srarclj begun tleD b^ ^lotje'0 $mile$ anD lureD bg tii* replies, 31 totel) gou ilife'S unmortal stuff, toell toon* Jlobe'0 toing* are fragile as tlje gitoea sails {jall lofcers mate a contract at tlje start tE^at eaelj otons eacitf mntil Jlobe bur0t5i t^e bondage ano control. &>fcall ^ature, fiftDinging to an entiles goal tirougl) change perpetual in efcerE part, 515e totee and gooD, anD net tljr Ijtunan Ijeart, 3)f it 0^oulo change, be brantieD mean antj foul? Welcome ^oung ilol)e aObancing tfmUing^ea, fyte fragrant 0elf serene as( morning star and ciotljcD in drapery of Dreams; nor mar a tiolg t>a\j b v cat 1)0 false in tljr it priOe, ^t Ijappn routl) anD ijappr . tjappv brine, dfttcljain not ilobe to tljr unimoum afar. f change steals on, 0eeh not tljt goo to fright 3i5E rattling of bolts and threats of pains 3ntJ ghosts of iron fcoto0 toitfc toljiclj gou 0taineD troije but) anD blossoming of I)i0 OcUgljt, Remember tljat tljt invisible ungnrsscD miglj t et3tr 0ince aoam garftening began or Dcbil packet) in 0uc() entail 0i>c f rain^torm^, laugljter anD totlo cries; , exl)austle00 plan. <^ur little Dynamo of jjappine**, t?oijD, as? tljc ebening foil*, gou quiet come t^o gour Dear mottjrr J hnee t struck gleepj^Dumb* 3nD lag gour curls^ do ton tor ttje toi0ljeD care 0sf , flnD tl)tn tlje pilloto's tangleD tenDerne*** ;3nD 0ucl) a comfort in one small fat tfcumb. oung mother, nursing life aneto begun, 310B of first mot&erijooD toitljin gour eges, 31 toatel) anD toeigfc toljen life toa0 first begun, ^rotoing Dl?^ toit^ tlje bactoarD long 0unniflfe, tie untfourceD titier, Dim unbroken stream ^From life'0 first 0tir to tfcis; from tljis toliat strife tretdjeD in t^e Du0t, anD clinging, pale, to top0 crtcbr w c&errB 0insing* 315e more totee 3|n life, tElje toisrs t mm ti;e mo0t r rplatn* ilobe t unt>er0tanDin g, asfe0 tor clean replies ^ere 10 no spirit 00 flaming toljite a0 tETrut^ W(|00e 0toorD gibe0 0acreO toounw* tCije offerings <$f lie* are H>eaD &ea Jfruit, ttjougl) maDe in rut J CEmptB t|ieg are anD at ttje la*t bear 0ting* ^o fortlj ft itd tCrutlj to meet t^e ftorlo* PS lobe until tlje enD aftait* nour neeo. g earliest recollection of gou, 31$ as a Di0itor UJDO minuter olD 3{n an olo rocking^cljair, ttoisting gour back, peering about upon a fcoorlo too roiD; Jpour JntJian, sluartijH IjeaD rearrD^ terrapin^be; SI gtrange* uncanny eerie nirious ncefi Blinking toitl;in Hour black anD beaD^ eves ; C'Ucn nottr Dear motl)er pale in Ijcr uif afenrss, {Eljougbt tiou a black and elDritc^ little tijing t &o strong to lift gour Ijrau to look about {[Upon tye neto a&benture, Well t nt^ ^on, l^eep on still looking ; tr^ t^e blames tljing out (ESlitlj eager 0earc^ as; toad nour life begun* 31 like to tl)ink of gour backbone t!)at Dag; >till keep it up. ^o steaaf astlg vour toag. Co ^Jaxtocll, on ty3 ttutntp-f trst fairtfjba?, 3.inuarr 23, 190 5. oto peacefully adrift on Bleep's broad tide $PE daughter floats?, tottl) limp unconscious Ijands ; J^er bright enes Veiled bg tolftte and fringed bands, s folded no to ers until tljt morning bide tytt tiead adroop like one pale rose beside silent grade of Hofce in alien lands; #nd eber 'ttoixt ^er lips fair coral strands, fyti soft breat^ ebbs and notos in gentle tide* ^toeet miniature of one more fondlg dear 3I toould not tyfot isiou sleep fbrefcer so; 3nd ^et tonigliit, if ^our ctiild^soul should go, ijat acting load of bitterness and fear, OTtyicti sullen fate is Reaping ^ear b^ ^ear, , unblossomed life toould neber bnoto, Co mp Ijaugljtcr , SflgiiTOBIM rom 3|talg'* blue 0kic0 anD Capri'* isle E>ear iU0a *enfc* lobe*me**age* to me* Calgp*o of tljc aiUcompe Uing toiic, Mt;o lureD btrtfjbap, Jrefaruarp 20, 1906. It ft jcaloufii tare in Ijope of coming fruit ti;e gardener t)is ^oung tree toateretfc, 15 tt t ilotoe tmsdfisl) nursed our babg breatfc <3nd tlot^e unbouglj t rl;r risljrD tl;c tender sljoot HUD noto rour losing t^ougt)t^ our libe* recruit* tlobe asfes no coin for to bat it renDcretb* 6ibf all and nothing a0iig rben to deat^ Stripe; bare tljr soul anD nabeu sranDrtlj mute. ^0 more t^e lobing ana returning Spring au gbter , bring 3frea0ure0 past an^ count or reckoning ano mate all glad tlje siolu descending Ijottrs. ^o Utoa, on dtr birtfjliap, i&ecember 15, 1005. j^siap^'rolHliMgg^^ Hi t JL Utlje^earteD 0on, tijere are tfija&ototf on tlje toat> <$f one ma&e up of sunsljine an]) of all nrijat gentleljooa on to&icl) leec^Ufe Uriil prev, 31 Ijope on rou from Beaten ci)ere to ill fall tEtie lobe totjict) Iobe0 to srt tljc lobeft one free jfrom cobtDebb^cranD0 stronger tfjan iron cljain ; Clje 0ilene tucking of ^our ^mpat^ t gour purpose toeak because ^ou DreaD to pain, &* (5ere 31 toatcfc ^our merr^i, |Ducfelibe pranks, fining tl;e Ugljt of laughter tljrotiglj tlje I;our0 t 31 taoulD tljat altoa^0 b^ s uc^ murmurous baufes , |ou migl)t leap faun^lite cfjrougl) tljr primrose floijorr^ 3|t toring^ ing Ijcart to tljinfe of ^ou anD age t unDoing* Dear little 0on 3 beg of ^ou be bote* Ilibe tiour free 0rif , no matter tol)o0r tljt rueing, SDon't tr^ to carr^ toater in a 0iebe, 3nu fenoto tlje failure of a Ilife tialfdifeeD* ^o mp Son, 2?trtDicb, on fns going to Cornell, 1906. 'm fiftg'f our ; tougtyencD, DusfcsmearcD anD scarrea 3|n tl;e stueats combat of tlje conquering rears; Wt)icl) Ijabe relentlessly toitlj IrfcclcD spears flssaileD mn soul, battereo its sljirlo anD marreO 15s blotos on bloujs, ttie conflict long anD ijarft, Ct mil tt)t smiling Wsage Disappears *Df joyous soutl) , anD comes a mask of fears, ^Defeats anD bnoioleDge toon toljere passions toarreD* jl^one can resist Jlife's cruel, mirthless mig^it: OT Ijo figlj ts tjas stains to cleanse anD toounDs to bino . 31 iDill not boisl) tl)at lobing tljou gl) t0 be WnD, 3is teas ms strength, so strode 31 iuitl; mg migftt, anD tetiere 31 fell, in all tlje toears figlj t, 31 ask no meres* nor tl;at eses be blinD. Jfebruarp 20,1006. * nee more olD t&ime H>asf cast upon mn back a tyrant rear: 45oD fenoto* 31 tjafce enough must 31 ttjen r &ome jollv> canticle because more near Wt^t inevitable enD I;a0 come? W\^ not? tlife, Life 10 gooD: 3'll Drain it bolu anD fast, 31Brafcelg anD roug^ anD fina it 0toeet Jrorget 3I c{)eat0 anD 0orroto0 ^a^ it foreber lasft, Iba* &top* Jf life sijotilD neber enD t tofjat tijen? OT^ tobat a 0ootjen pack the toorlD tooulD anciente of soul, Droning, brahvcrippleD men tETelling tlje toi^Dom of the Davg of olD, Ji5o JDeatl; is groiritlj; a harmony not strife, Life ttje crotoneD gate for SDeat^ as Death for Life. aitljful in ljunger, eolb anb bitter rain, Witb a sure trust toljiclj shames tlje lobe of man, j?aitljful unto tlje Ijand tolnelj gabe gou pain; Were't blotos, or breab, gour lobe unfeltering ran* iFaitiiful, #ge, that's tlje toorD, 3] toouto to as s^oton tl;c lobe of gour bog lirart t Deep bebotion tol/icl; gour eges coulo sijoto? alas?, alas, mg Dog, tljat toe sljotilo part. Pour ^eaD tyre in mg lap till gour last bread;, and gour mute eges, faithful unto Deat^ Co ^tar, erskinc'S 3n'sfj Better, feillrb J^obr mber 2, 1904. n olD, Decrepit, time^joorn IjounD am 31, 9&V tnu^le gre^t ano Dim ana birarto tfce e^e OTtyicfc sato so bent ano iro m^ fl ving feet, PI! jato0 toitt) broken tcrtlj noto Ijanntcs0, quite; 3f|, toljo toa0 once ttie leader of tljc pack; tCi)o0c poii0l)cti fang0 terrific in tl)e figljt, bearing tlje greg toolf throat, ^e on ^10 back, $)E springing Iunb0 tolj icl) storpt me on before, ilihe a 0toift toinD, acro00 tl)e bounDir00 plain, )nta0ljing tlje quarry, 0l;all Do 00 no more, 315ut noto ail 0l)runfef n are anD rent toitlj pain* 3l'li ta*te no more t\)t tjot anD furiou* frai:* C-^f Dim, leg* stiff, teetj gone, J^t IjaD inn Dan. Co 2?rabo, on olb toolf -fjounb of tfjc P ftanc fj. t)f rc rest tljt Draft upon tljis tointekisseD slopc^ Bcttoccn tljc blue of rifcer anD of skis OTtyere birn0 tune silence into m^ster^ l) 00 long, after toe all are DeaD* 31 marfc t^e courage of tlje toina^fcoept pine^, tEljnr Ijair bloton back from off t!jcir ttoisteD broils 115u man^ a bout toljrn tDiln t!?r toinDs; carouse, ^Illimitable ttie toioe Immortal styines; o great an effort anD so little gain* djluartrD anD ijopeless, too souUtireD to toeep, ceUjr not upon tljt motljer-breast to sleep? s( 31 lie l;rrc, a prisoner to mrj beti f a robin tiropsf upon tlje bircl^stcm bate f Clo0e to m^ toinDotDt cocks i)i0 eager Ijcaa, Retelling tiiflf luingtf toljicl) conqu^t mafee of air, bree^ traveler to tlje bitter Boutin 4M), Darling of olD Cart!) t ti;e tuisr anD feinu, (Eo uou unfcnoUm to ail tljat toasting tirott tl; t 3nD gloomy Desert of tlje questioning ininD, ilenD me uour toingg, let me assault tljt eiouDs, ^tooop from tlje blue into a tree anO sing, &ing reckless of tl;e lotoer^mobing crotoDs, <$lafc of tlje 0un t tl;e triumph of mv toing ilet ntr, too, roam at toill, tljrottglj upper skies, \)t sunset glorious^ glorious tlje sunrise* $. 1#oulD 31 Ijati tlje Ijopefui brings of bitW tEljat in tlje frottg Daton gather for fligljt Co 0oiitl;crn 0hie0* WoulD tljat like ttjem 31 migli t &oar ana sail abobe tl; e fceD ing Ijero mijicli 0tartie0 in ignorance* ODlj, not an Ijour Dcfcrrco ^ travel uptoara tljrougtj tlje enormous? nigtyt, ^no toill ti;rre come tljat 0unrfee of Deligljt, W^en ege ate luminous and song & fyearft? CEulje bi0ion 0enn0 so clear ^ tlje tia^ so far* ail masters tramples anD tl;e stagnant pen O^f ^ignorance DraineD to a fielo of flotoer0* ilotje unit)er0al t Ranging like a ^tar abobe a songful eartf) of neto^born nten f Ml)ere |Deace anD ipientt! guide tl;e l;app^ ijours. OTtetcl) tt)e green S>nafee, toljicl) toitlj mang a coil ana curbr, toit migti CE ^toirl anD boil, SDoton to tljt 0r a; a 0^cet of blue tlje 0k^ t ant) on t^e ritjer'0 eoge tje lieronflf toil: Along t\)t \)illat$t far abobe t\)i$ moll a tin^ Ijorsrntan gpecto tljc brilliant 6^* &traigl)t rise tljr frotoning battlementeO rochs?; 3|n tljem tlje ratien^ builD, tljc gentle rocfcftobe* coo; abobe t\)t benD tje 1)1110 are filmco tuitlj blue ant) DotteD toi$ tljc rancljcr J gracing nocfe^ Cljr Cart^ to Barret) front ancient ficru 0l)ocfe0 t But fair t^e ficlti0 toljrre men tljeir Ijopcs reneto* an'* battle toitlj tljc {Titans is; begun, nD on tl)r narroto strip beneatfc tije Ijeigtjts , Until tlje peak abotoe id tippr o fcu ttlj ligljt, 3nO goltJtn morning putsf to l)app^ nigij t ^Ije antic bats of nigljt's; black fanta^* C)oto stoift tlje rears? fasten from me antJ n^, C;oii 0oon mutt come tl;e cl3rr^nDlc00 nigl; t . Can angone, of me, in fwnusljip tell nn^at 31 0coreD toljite ana Ijigl) 0ome little mark; jj> o t for fear of t fje eternal Dark, jl^or for tljc treaD of ^upcrscltion'si ijrll, But not to toa0te tlje ne'er returning spark. 31 tooulo t^at 31 l)a& brabelg libeu, anu toell* |)te l;anfc toljiclj noto upon tlje page Dotij lie S>^aii one Dag turn to &u#t; minD, ijanfc anD totll pelt bacfe to eartl; anD be fbrefcer still : a curious? gpark tljat ban^eD utterly* liDiit ere it goes fjere 01;all m^ spirit ttn ^o read; begonD tlje grabe 00 0ilent, ct)ill, QTo Ubesf toljicl) after me sljall Hue ana thrill, ana beg t&em for a sfyreD of memory* 31 tu ggeu mg an fctotee i;our ttiat men miglj t groin tEo justice nearer^ larger in tlj eir feen t ana in tlje 0eat of (SoD at Ia0t to 0it, jf eeltng tljiBf trutl) , toljic^ it is; gooo to fenoto : Oe 0eitcs: Ijimself fca^o Berber Ijisf felloto men* 31 jprag gou tljtnfe of Ijim tot)o Ijere I;a0 torit. , buff etto ana torn, 31 am 3 bit of Drift cast on a restless sfjore ; Ije citg omtnoua toit& sullen roar, H Ijeartless ljungcr anD a fetieri^ 0tjam; 31t0 0treet^ accur0eD Dugs; of a cur*t Dam f ^Hljere ci)iU>i)ooi)'0 0im 10 blotceo out before 31t I;a0 gilt one of ILife'0 De0pairing0 o'er: f polocl) 7 s ruthless inljumanit^* aia 3| iDotilo aaarestf mi? nafeea soul, >oul* EOU are ail t&at 10 or e'er can be; ail ijctglj ts, all arptljs are gourd, tljc majesty ^f Ijeafcen, ^ate of ^ell; to EOU unrolte *Dut of tlje infinite tlje secret scroll, n toljitty jlife letters tljt long mn0tcr^* gou question Dcatlj fearle0( anD Jaug&tilts a0 one to fjo 10 tlje ^a0ter of tlje toijolr* j|^o bard can jail noti ano no mandate binD ^ou bur0t all bonD* anD like a Jjeatjen4)orn biro &oar tl)e emp^rean^ toljere nour song id tjraro among tlje stars;, leading ti)e eart^ brljinD* gou are tlje ligljt toitl)in tl;e doming mintj; ana u ct, oln to t^e little bead; ano ripplco pool ^f our frtenftlg riber; strokes our axes left Wfyere toe chopped out a botoer in toillotos cool; j^oto silent, of t^eir restless gout^ bereft Wyt sun stiU seines as bright; tl;e riber dotos as murmurous as to^en it soothed our sleep; i&ere toas ttieir beD, toftere tfte rose^brier grotos, jjiot an^tljing for long our impress beeps* Wqvi all l;abe gone tftrir toags, anD, close to tears, 3 muse upon fyt beilen ano tiurrging gears* 2?Iit?tn Stibcr, September 9, 1912. e gnasfy and c^afe, as; in an angrg 0ea 31 atornfctoorn tfpar is: frettro on tije rocks;; 31&iot Custom selfcexprestfion ntochtf #n& biigljttf t^e perfect fruitage of our tree; <$eniu0 t a martgr to stupiDitr ; Cl;e rarest flotoer trampeD bn tljr baaing flocks, tlife s?ijoulD be cupprtJ in ilofce* a0 Ijollnljocfes? C'nfolo anD feeD tl;e Du^trtJ, bagrant bee* Boti) Jon anD grief mu0t fasten to t^e grate, But ti>ere' a jo^ can take a finer mould and past tije grabe to thrill of rapture #eni>: tlo be j^ne'0 self, not ^upemition'tf 0labe, tE^o |oin t l)e brat)e rebelliou0 t noble^ottleD , W^o lift ilife uplnarD to an en&le** eno Ml? fitxtp-f ourtlj lurtJjbap, JFeferuarp 20, 1916. Ijabe l;ao frimDs, a berg multitude, Mi)o loaned me moneg, gatie me mud; afcbice, apace, ano tl;ink t)oto pitiful tlje narroto span IBrioging on to Dcati) tlje life of man, 31 groto Despairful fumble of tty race, OT We ft t^ime Detiottrsi; anD cues; of tlje Ijeabcnl^ place Watc^i sfo indifferent* 31$ tfcere a plan? nd 0l;all toe eber gue00 tjoto all began? 3) toatcli tl)e stars? toitlj all man's? priDe abaseD . 31 am a brother to a flickering flg* ^et in eternity but for an Ijour f tEijen gone as; tlje Deserts momentary flotuer, W^at matters? toljat 31 Do? ^E 1; 10 t^ing called 31 31$ but t^e plag of fatesf* 31 libe, 31 Die, 3Pt)e helpless? bictim of an unknoUm potoer, M? sixtp-Seconb birtijiap, ^efaruarp 20, 1914. OUw ^ r^ ntong tty elemental scar* 31 sit, Clje Cartfj's? i;ttge bones; not ang life astir; tEije toarrea anD ttui^tcD pines anD lumD^i^ijebeleD firs poan an mrnal requiem* Hfy&tstfVtt ^ell^molten rocks, to^ere once Dreao Cl;ao0 torit, j^ofco fixeo in ruggetj, bleak, relentless 0pur t ilong after Cbening'g purple 0!;aDotu blurs; W$t lotoer incrlD, are b^ tije sl)aft0 lit* ^e Cart!) lies? at m^ feet, bast roll on roll iDf Citan ijoabesf, tiissorueD in billoto^ blue, Sinti ^ere fe Silence anD eternity* 3 am abofce t^ie tliingsf tolik^ bex tlje ^ouU But in m^ loneliness 31 fenoto it true: H>oton in tlje litjesf of men, tliere tooulo 3] be itt is 00 s&ortt it sljoulD, it seems, be splen&tD, t^lje evening 0kg repeats tijt morning glouo lpon tlje Ijtlitops/till tlje Dag be enDeO; Slntj from tl;e peaUs a larger 0cene beloto* So fenoto, HC01 hiss tl)e tfyteeleD face of sorrota, Watching tl;e IjooDeD figure'0 footsteps pass ; tEo Dream for some a perfeeter tomorroto* ^applet feet abobe tlje cohering grass, j]^or lose tl)e echoes from ilife'0 ceaseless laughter, Wil)itt) brooks repeat anD noting flotoers Declare; JBttt beating back grim sable IwngeD Despair, j*or toearg groto tlje restless feet of gout& fin passioneD searcij for tlje tobite throne of Crutlj, 'Co mp cttilbren. afee not suet) bitter tjeea of coming Deatlj. ' tEis but to sleep Urittjin ttje bosom old, tZTiirotiglj tl)e toljole battle Drain a rebel's breattj, ana Dare to Drink tl)e beauty manifold* ii>oU3 gat! tlje lark lilts on tlje Deto^ plain; W$t soung bear^cubfif roug^tumble in tljei SDeep Rummer groDes stir to a nvmpli's refrain jSnO tljrusl) anD blackbird pipe tljeir rounDelan jSflf 0toeetl^^clear *& eber t^e^ Did call (Eo lotelost Oeleiit or to a^erlin, toise. '^Tis jov t not tooe Ijolus ebern man in t^ralL tEljere is no Da^ but IjoltJS some glaD surprise, &till beauty unto netoer beauty grcius, 3nD niglit, as toell as Dnvs a glonj sliouis. R* Sfflgro^^ of the past salute gou tofio sljall libe* 31* toljo a moment bold the secret flame OTtyict) tiou sliall take toitij all it Ijas to gibe f happiness and misery and sbamc, Qto ebergone tlje certain ripened fruit, &o dattlg seeded bg tbe buried dead, 31 of tljte present* ere 31 too be mute, Salute nou lobinglg as mg kindred, Wtio J*w gou be, nor ang blame 31 erg 31f gou be bile* but gibe gou pitging tears Cljat jFate (las cursed gou from a bopeless sfeg Witb toorser lot and sorroto^smitten gears. Cl) c greater billain brother more to me, tEl^at l)t is deeper cursed bg dark eternitg. ^ebruarp 20.1917. 3 fang tooulo for me buito a true birr, Bring mg Dumb asl;cs to a pleasant 0pot ana scatter tljem toitliout Despairing tear about a goung oak, &o bg time forgot 3(| sijall be logout in tijc strong oaU's be in0 3nD laug^ from out $te Icaurs to tlje blue 0kn, Kejoice in stunnt tr sun anD tointer raintf 3no knoll) prri)aps a gentler ecstasy is; life gibe^ 31BirD0 frolic in tije bougtjs; tlotier^ 31 knoto toill tome to kiss tl)dr touo0 anu lie alDljilc upon tljt toljisfprring grass;, antj some inl)o kncto me mag come Ijrre to gibe 3 petal of ttjr ^eart tD^ile get tljeg libe bts is not a publication but for private tjtstvtfautton onlp to numbers of tf)e family S G