LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO THE FRENCH ALLIANCE IN THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION iRY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA DAVIS LIBRARY OF CONGRESS LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO IN THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION COMPILED BY APPLETON PRENTISS CLARK GRIFFIN CHIEF BIBLIOGRAPHER WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1907 LIBRAEY OF CONGRESS LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO THE FRENCH ALLIANCE IN THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION COMPILED BY APPLETON PRENTISS CLARK GRIFFIN CHIEF BIBLIOGRAPHER WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT FEINTING OFFICE 1907 LIBRARY L. C. card, 7-35006 PREFATORY NOTE This list was prepared for the volume entitled ' ' Rocham- beau Commemoration by the Congress of the United States of America of the services of the French auxiliary forces in the War of Independence, prepared by the authority of Congress under the direction of the Joint Committee on the Library. By De B. Randolph Keim." The publication of that work being delayed, it was decided to print this list separately. It gives first titles of works relating to the French alliance, then United States Government documents. The remaining titles are grouped under the headings, "Marquis de Lafay- ette," "The French Fleet in the American Revolution," "The Siege of Yorktown." A. P. C. GRIFFIN Chief Bibliographer HERBERT PUTNAM Librarian of Congress Washington, D. C., April 9, 1907 3 LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO THE FRENCH ALLIANCE IN THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION AFFAIRES de 1'Angleterre et de 1'Amerique. [t. 1-15.] Anvers, iJ7(>-\_79\- 15 vols. in 17. Tables. 8. BALCH, EHse Willing. Marquis de Fleury, lieutenant-colonel in the Continental army. (In Magazine of American history, vol. i, Dec., 1877, pp. 724-726.) BALCH, Thomas. Les Franais en Amerique pendant la guerre de 1'inde'- pendance des Btats-Unis, 1777-1783. Paris: A. Sauton; Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott [etc.'], 1872. viii, 237pp. Plates. Portraits. Folded map. 8. The French in America during the war of independence of the United States, 1777-1783. A translation ... of Les Frangais en Amerique pendant la guerre de 1'independance des Btats-Unis. Philadelphia: Porter & Coates, 1891-1895. 2 vols. Portrait. Folded maps. 8. Vol. i translated by Thomas Willing Balch; v. 2, by Edwin Swift Balch and IJlise willing Balch. BEAUMARCHAIS, Pierre Augustin Caron de. Me"moires. Paris: Furne, 1826. 2 vols. 8. (CEuvres completes de Beaumar- chais, vol. 4-5. ) BIRON, [Armand Louis de Gontaut] due de Lauzun, afterwards due de. Lettres sur les Etats ge'ne'raux de 1789, ou De'tail des stances de 1'assemblee de la noblesse et des trois ordres, du 4 mai au 15 novembre, par le due de Biron, due de Lauzun: pre'ce'de'es d'une notice historique sur Biron et publiees par Maistre de Roger de la Lande. Paris: Mme Bachelin-Deflorenne, 1865. xxii, (2), 68, (/) pp. Por- trait. 12. Me"moires de M. le due de Lauzun. Paris: Chez Barrois, I'aine, 1822. (2), xx, 399 pp. 12. Same. 2. e"d. Paris: Chez Barrois, Paine, 1822. 2 vols. 24. Me'moires du due de Lauzun (1747-1783). Public's entierement conformes au manuscrit, avec une 6tude sur la vie de 1'auteur. 2. ed. sans suppressions et augmented d'une preface et de notes nouvelles par Louis Lacour. Paris: Poulet-Malassis et de Broise, 1858. (4), Ixvii, 409, (2) pp. 12. 5 6 LIBKAEY OF CONGRESS BIRON, [Armand Louis de Gontaut] due de Lauzun, afterwards due de. Narrative of the Duke de Lauzun. Translated for the magazine. (In Magazine of American history, vol. 6, Jan., 1881, pp. 51-53-) BI,ANCHARD, Claude. Guerre d'Amerique, 1780-1783. Journal de cam- pagne. Paris: L. Baudoin & cie, 1881. 134 pp. 8. The journal of Claude Blanchard, commissary of the French aux- iliary army sent to the United States during the American revolu- % tion. 1780-1783. Translated from a French manuscript, by William Duane, and edited by Thomas Balch. Albany: J. Munsell, 1876. xvi, 207 pp. 8. The journal of the campaign of Claude Blanchard, commissary- general to the auxiliary troops sent to America under the com- mand of Lieutenant-General the Count de Rochambeau. 1780- 1783- (In Catholic world, vol. n, Sept., 1870, pp. 787-800.) Translated from the Revue militaire francaise. BRISSOT DE WARVIIJ,E, J[ean] P[ierre]. A critical examination of the marquis de Chatellux's [sic] Travels, in North America, in a letter addressed to the marquis ; principally intended as a refutation of his opinions concerning the Quakers, the negroes, the people, and mankind. Tr. from the French, with additions and corrections of the author. Philadelphia: J.James [printer], 1788. (2), 89 pp. 8- De la France et des Etats-Unis ; ou, De 1'importance de la rvo- lution de 1'Amerique pour le bonheur de la France ; des rapports de ce royaume et des Etats-Unis, des avantages reciproques qu'ils peuvent retirer de leurs liaisons de commerce, et enfin de la situation actuelle des Etats-Unis. Par E. Claviere, et J. P. Brissot (Warville). Nouv. d. [Paris: Buisson, 1791.] (4), 448 pp. 8. (In his Nouveau voyage dans les Etats-Unis. Paris, 1791. v. j.) Half-title. Examen critique des voyages dans 1'Ame'rique Septentrionale, de M. le marquis de Chatellux [sic] ; ou, Lettre . . . dans laquelle on refute principalement ses opinions sur les Quakers, sur les negres, sur le peuple, et sur 1'homme. A Londres, 1786. (4), 143 pp. 8. BROGUE, Victor-Claude, prince de. Journal du voyage du Prince de Broglie, Colonel en second du Regiment de Saintonge aux Etats- Unis d'Amerique et dans I'Amerique du Sud, 1782-1783. (In Societ6 des bibliophiles francois. Melanges, 2. partie, pp. 13-148, Paris, 1903. 8.) Narrative of the Prince de Broglie, 1782. Translated from the original MS., by E. W. Balch. (/re Magazine of American history, vol. i. Mar., 1877, PP- 180-186; Apr., 1877, pp. 231-235; May, 1877, pp. 306-309; June, 1877, pp. 374-380.) Translation of "Journal du voyage du Prince de Broglie," published in Melanges publics par la Societe des bibliophiles francois (deuxieme partie). 1903. FRENCH ALLIANCE IN AMERICAN REVOLUTION 7 BROGUE, Victor-Claude, prince de. A pen portait of Washington. Frag- ments from the journal of Prince de Broglie. Tr. by Horatio King. (In Magazine of American history, vol. 26, Dec., 1891, pp. 439-442.) BYRN, Edward W. The unveiling of the Rochambeau statue. (In Scientific American, n. s., vol. 86, May 31, 1902, pp. 378-379.) CAMBON, Jules Martin. France and the United States; essays and addresses. New York: D. Appleton and company, fooj. vi, go pp. 8. "France and American independence," pp. 74-79; "Unveiling of the statue of Marshal de Rochambeau," pp. 80-83. CAMPBEU,, Charles A. Rochambeau's headquarters in Westchester county, N. Y., 1781. (In Magazine of American history, vol. 4, Jan., 1880, pp. 45-48.) CELESTE, Raymond. Un petit-fils de Montesquieu en Ame'rique. Bordeaux: Impr. G. Gounoiiilhou, 1902. 30, (2) pp. Portrait. 8. "Extraitdela Revue philomathique de Bordeaux et du Sud-Ouest, 5 e anne, n 12, i er dcembre 1902." Letter of Baron Montesquieu to M. Latapie, dated from Newport, 29 January 1781, p. 18-24. CHASTEI/I/UX, [Franois Jean], marquis de. Travels in North-America, in the years 1780, 1781, and 1782, by the marquis de Chastellux . . . Tr. from the French by an English gentleman, who resided in America at that period. With notes by the translator. London: G. G. J. and J. Robinson, 1787. 2 vols. Folded plate. Folded maps. 8. Travels in North-America, in the years 1780-81-82 by the mar- quis de Chastellux . . . Tr. from the French, by an English gen- tleman, who resided in America at that period. With notes by the translator. Also a biographical sketch of the author; letters from Gen. Washington to the marquis de Chastellux, and notes and corrections by the American editor. New York, 1828. 416 pp. 8. Voyage de Newport a Philadelphie, Albany, etc. Newport, R. I.: De V imprimerie Roy ale deVEscadre, 1781. 188 pp. 8. Voyage de Mr. le chevalier de Chastellux en Ame'rique. \Cassel\, 1785. 228pp. 16. Voyages de M. le marquis de Chastellux dans 1'Ame'rique Septen- trionale dans les annes 1780, 1781 & 1782. Paris: Prault, 1786. 2 vols. Folded maps. 12. CHOTTEAU, Le"on. La guerre de I'inde'pendance (1775-1783); les Franjais en Ame'rique; avec une preface par M. Edouard Laboulaye. Paris: Charpentier et cie, 1876. 4, x, (2), 438 pp. 12. CIRCOURT, Adolphe, comte de. France and the United States. Historical review. Boston: Press of J . Wilson and son, 1877. 55pp. 12. Reprinted from the Proceedings of the Massachusetts historical society, vol. 15. The French original was published as an appendix to vol. 2 of " Histoire de 1'action commune de la France et de 1'Ame'rique pour 1'inde'pendano.e des Etats-Unis, par George Bancroft," Paris, 1876. 8 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS CI,ARK, Richard H. France's aid to America in the War of Independ- ence. (In American Catholic quarterly review, vol. 22, Apr., 1897, pp. 399-423.) CONTINENTAL, CONGRESS. Journals of Congress: containing their pro- ceedings from September 5, 1774, to [Novembers, 1788], Pub- lished by authority. From FolweWs press, Philadelphia, 1800-1801. 13 vols. 8. Journals of Congress, containing the proceedings from Sept. 5, 1774, to Nov. 3, 1788. 2d ed. f Washington: Way & Gideon, 1823. 4 vols. 8. An edition of the Journals printed from the original MSS. is in course of publication by the Library of Congress. Six volumes have been pub- lished, covering the years 1774-1776. Secret journals of the acts and proceedings of Congress, from the first meeting thereof to the dissolution of the Confederation by the adoption of the Constitution of the United States. [1775- 1788.] Boston: T. B. Wait, 1821. 4 vols. 8. CONWAY, Moncure D. French aid to America in the War of Independ- ence. (In The Athenaeum, I,ondon, Mar. 10, 1900, pp. 305-307.) CORNWAUJS, Charles [Cornwallis] ist marquis. Correspondence of Charles, first marquis Cornwallis. Ed. with notes, by Charles Ross. London: J. Murray, 1859. 3 vols. Portrait. 2 folded maps. Folded genealogical table. 8. The French alliance with America, vol. i, pp. 32, 34, 50, 87, 115, 117, 121, 122, 123, 125, 132, 133, 512. CROMOT DUBOURG, Marie-Frangois-Joseph-Maxime, baron. Diary of a French officer 1781. (Presumed to be that of Baron Cromot Du Bourg, aid to ROCHAMBEAU. ) From an unpublished manuscript. (In Magazine of American history, vol. 4, March, 1880, pp. 205-214; April 1880, pp. 293-308; May, 1880, pp. 376-385; June, 1880, pp. 441-449; vol. 7, Oct. 1881, pp. 283-295.) CUMMING, W. J. French hill and the tradition of the French in North- ern Westchester. (In Magazine of American history, vol. 5, Dec., 1880, pp. 442-445. Charts.) DEANE, Silas. An address to the United States of North-America. To which is added, a letter to the Hon. Robert Morris, esq. with notes and observations. London, printed: New-London {Conn.'} Reprinted and sold by T. Green, 1784. 38 pp. 12. A defence of the author's conduct during his mission to France. Dated, I Juty) 1888, pp. 56-60.) WHARTON, Francis. The revolutionary diplomatic correspondence of the United States. Ed. under direction of Congress by Francis Wharton, with preliminary index, and notes historical and legal. Pub. in conformity with act of Congress of August 13, 1888. Washington: Government printing office, 1889. 6 vols. 8. (soth Congress, ist session. House miscellaneous document 603.) WOODBURN, James Albert. France in the American revolution. (In Chautauquan, vol. 25, June, 1897, pp. 247-252.) UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT DOCUMENTS [The numerals at the end of the titles are the serial numbers used in the check list of documents, published by the Superintendent of Documents.] 1818. Message from the President, transmitting sundry documents in relation to the claim of representatives of Caron de Beaumar- chais. January 16, 1818. 14 pp. 8. isth Congress, ist session. State papers, no. 53. 7 1818. Petition and documents in the case of Mons. Poirey. Referred to the Committee on pensions and revolutionary claims. January 14, 1818. Bill reported making provision for the claim of M. Poirey. March 28, 1818. 6pp. 8. i 5th Congress, ist session. State papers, no. 178. Secretary and aid-de-camp to General I^afayette. 1835. Resolution of the general assembly of the State of Indiana in refer- ence to Major-General Lafayette. February 15, 1825. 5 pp. 8. 1 8th Congress, zd session. State papers, no. 84. 117 1834. Message from the President, announcing the death of Lafayette. June 21, 1834. 2 pp. 8. 2$d Congress, ist session. Senate document no. 466. 1834. Count de Rochambeau granddaughters of. Message from the President, transmitting a memorial from the granddaughters of the Count de Rochambeau. June 21, 1834. 7 pp. 8. 2id Congress, ist session. House executive document no. 494. 359 1834. Death of Lafayette. Message from the President, transmitting in- formation of the death of General Lafayette, &c. June 21, 1834. 2 pp. 8. 2^d Congress, ist session. House executive document no. 495. 259 1834. Oration on the life and character of Gilbert Motier de La Fayette: Delivered at the request of both Houses of the Congress of the United States, before them, in the House of Representatives at 20 LIBEARY OF CONGRESS Washington, on the 3ist of December, 1834. By John Quincy Adams. 23d Congress, 2d sew'w. Journal of the House, 1834-1835, pp. 657- 689. 270 1834. Bequest of Lafayette. Message from the President, transmitting an engraved copy of the Declaration of Independence, bequeathed by the late General Lafayette to the Congress of the United States. December 4, 1834. 2 pp. 8. 23d Congress, 2d session. House executive document no. 7. 271 1834. Lafayette. Message from the President, transmitting the reply of George W. Lafayette on the subject of the resolution of Congress in relation to the decease of his father, General Lafayette. De- cember 15, 1834. 2 pp. 8. 23d Congress, 2d session. House executive document no. 26. 272 1835. Rochambeau grand-daughters of Marshal de. Message from the President, transmitting documents in relation to the claim of the grand-daughters of the Marshal de Rochambeau. January 31, 1835. 7 pp. 8. 2jd Congress, 2d session. House executive document no. 114. 73 1836. Marshal Rochambeau Heirs of. Report from the Committee on revolutionary claims. February 10, 1836. 2 pp. 8. z^th Congress, ist session. House report no. 307. 293 1837. Report from the Committee of claims, to whom was referred the petition of Francis Allyn. January 13, 1837. 3 pp. 8. 24th Congress, 2d session. Senate document no. 64. 398 " Recommends partial allowance of claim for payment for use of his vessel in the transportation to this country of General Lafayette." 1837. Francis Allyn. Report from the Committee of claims, to which was referred the bill from the Senate for the relief of Francis Allyn. March 3, 1837. 2 pp. 8. 24th Congress, 2d session. House report no. 326. 306 The bill provides "that there be paid, ... to Francis Allyn, of the ship Cadmus, in full compensation for bringing General Lafayette and his family from France to the United States, in the year 1824, the suni of one thousand dollars, in full for his time, services, and expenses, as master of the same ship." 1838. Memorial of the granddaughters of Marshal Rochambeau, in rela- tion to their claim for remuneration for his services during the war of the revolution. July 7, 1838. 4 pp. 8. 2$th Congress, 2d session. Senate document no. 505. 319 1838. Marshal Rochambeau. Report from the Committee on revolution- ary claims. January n, 1838. 6 pp. 8. 2$th Congress, 2d session. House report no. 363. 334 " Memorial of the granddaughters of the Marshal Rochambeau." FRENCH ALLIANCE IN AMERICAN REVOLUTION 21 1843. Capt. Francis Allyn. Report from the Committee of claims, to whom was referred the petition of Captain Francis Allyn, in be- half of himself and the owners of the ship Cadmus. February 9, 1842. 3 pp. 8, z^th Congress, zd session. House report no. 56. 407 1842. Marquis de la Gorce and the Countess d'Ambrugeac, grand-daugh- ters of Count Rochambeau. Report from the Committee on rev- olutionary claims. August 20, 1842. 10 pp. 8. 2?th Congress, zd session. House report no. 1071. 4" 1846. Heirs of Marshal Rochambeau. Report from the Committee on revolutionary claims. February 10, 1846. 7 pp. 8. zgth Congress, ist session. House report no. 201. 488 1849. Francis Allyn Lafayette's passage to America. Report from the Committee on claims. January 3, 1849. Io PP- 8. 3oth Congress, 2d session. House report no. 12. 545 1858. Report from the Committee on private land claims, to whom was referred the "memorial of Joseph Menard, praying to be allowed to relocate certain warrants for land granted to the late Marquis de Lafayette, of which he is the assignee." January 20, 1858. 2 pp. 8. 35th Congress, ist session. Senate report no. 14. 938 1858. Relocation of land warrants granted to General Lafayette. Report from the Committee on public lands. May 29, 1858. 2 pp. 8. 35th Congress, ist session. House report no. 436. 967 Report referring to " memorial of Joseph M6nard, praying to be allowed to relocate certain warrants for land granted to the late Marquis de La- fayette, of which he is the assignee." 1860. Report from the Committee on private land claims, to whom was referred the petition of Joseph Menard, praying to be allowed to relocate certain land warrants. April 5, 1860. 2 pp. 8. 36th Congress, ist session. Senate report no. 174. 1039 1883. Report from the Joint committee on the library. February 20, 1882. 3 pp. 8. 4jth Congress, ist session. Senate report no. 187. 2004 Report on the Senate resolution of Oct. 25, 1881, relative to the purchase of the Rochambeau papers. 1890. Report from the Committee on the library. June 5, 1890. 3 pp. 8. $ist Congress, ist session. Senate report no. 1301. 2709 Report on the Senate resolution "to ascertain and report to the Senate by what authority the public square north of the Executive Mansion has been selected for .the site of the proposed monument to General Lafayette." 22 LIBEAKY OF CONGRESS 1890. La Fayette monument. A communication from the Secretary of war and Chairman of the commission on the erection of a monu- ment to General La Fayette, requesting that an appropriation be made to enable the commission to carry into effect the provisions of the concurrent resolution of Congress, passed August 28, 1890, changing the site of said monument. September 10, 1890. i page. 8. 5 ist Congress, ist session. House executive document no. 465. 75 1892. Dedication of Lafayette statue. Report from the Committee on the library. June 15, 1892. i page. 8. 52d Congress, ist session. House report no. 1644. 3048 1900. Woman commissioner at the Exposition in Paris, France, in 1900. Report from the Committee on foreign affairs. February 21, 1900. i page. 8. 56th Congress, ist session. House report no. 384. 4022 1900. Compensation of woman commissioner to Paris Exposition, 1900. Letter from the Secretary of the treasury, transmitting an esti- mate of appropriation for compensation of woman commissioner to unveiling of statue of Lafayette at Paris Exposition. April 17, 1900. i page. 8. $6th Congress, ist session. House document no. 614. 3997 1900. Statue of Lafayette at Paris, France. Report from the Committee on foreign affairs. May 28, 1900. i p. 8. 56th Congress, ist session. House report no. 1809. 40*7 1900. Statue of Lafayette at Paris. Message from the President, trans- mitting a report respecting the unveiling, at Paris, France, on July 4, 1900, of the statue of Lafayette, provided by the contribu- tions of school children of the United States. December 12, 1900. 6 pp. 8. 56th Congress, zd session. House document no. z8j. 4148 1901. Bronze replica of a statue to General Rochambeau. Report from the Committee on the library. February 20, 1901. 3 pp. 8. ^6th Congress, 2d session. House -report no. 2028. 4214 Favorable report that $7,500 be appropriated for the purchase of a statue of Rochambeau. 1902. Statue of Rochambeau. Letter from the Secretary of the treasury, transmitting a copy of a communication from the Secretary of war, submitting an estimate of appropriation for the preparation of a site, etc., for a statue of Rochambeau. January 9, 1902. Congress, ist session. House document no. 213. 4337 23 1902. Unveiling of the Rochambeau monument in Washington. Report from the Committee on appropriations. March 13, 1902. i page. 8. 57th Congress, ist session. House report no. 050. 4402 Favorable report on the resolution authorizing and requesting the Presi- dent to extend to the Government and people of France and the family of General de Rochambeau an invitation to join in the dedication of the monument of General de Rochambeau. 1902. Statue of Rochambeau. Report from the Committee on ways and means. April 21, 1902. 2 pp. 8. 57th Congress, ist session. House report no. 1708. 4404 "This resolution proposes to admit free of duty the replica of the bronze statue of Rochambeau." 1902. Dedication of the statue of Rochambeau. Letter from the Secre- tary of the treasury, transmitting a copy of a communication from the Secretary of state submitting an additional estimate of appropriation for dedication of statue of Rochambeau. April 29, 1902. 2 pp. 8. 57th Congress, ist session. House document no. 583. 4377 1902. Selection of a site and erection of a statue of Marshal de Rocham- beau. Letter transmitting the report of the Committee to whom was committed . . . the selection of a site and the supervision of the erection thereon of a statue of Marshal de Rochambeau, and of the unveiling of said statue. May 21, 1902. 2 pp. 8. 57th Congress, ist session. Senate document no. 362. 4*45 1903. Marble bust of General Lafayette. Report from the Committee on the library. January 20, 1903. 5 pp. 8. 57th Congress, zd session. Senate report no. 2544. 4410 1903. Proceedings upon the unveiling of statue of Count de Rochambeau. Report from the Committee on printing. February 26, 1903. i page. 8. 57th Congress, zd session. House report no. 3805. 4415 1904. Report of proceedings on the unveiling of statue of Count de Rochambeau. Report from the Committee on printing. January 26, 1904. i page. 8. 58th Congress, 2d session. House report no. 553. 4578 1904. Translation of " Les combattants frangais de la guerre americaine, 1778-1783." Report from the Committee on printing. April 26, 1904. i page. 8. 58th Congress, 2d session. House report no. 2940. 4584 24 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1905. Les combattants franjais de la guerre arnericaine, 1778-1783. Listes dtablies d'apres les documents authentiques deposes aux Archives nationales et aux Archives du Ministere des affaires e"trange:res. Washington: Imprimerie nationale, 1905. (2}, 453 pp. Plates. 4. 58th Congress, zd session. Senate document no. 77. 4595 1905. Proceedings in connection with the formal presentation of a repro- duction of a bust of Washington by certain citizens of the Republic of France. Washington: Government printing office, 1905. 45pp. 2 plates. 8. 58th Congress, jd session. Senate report no. 4397. MARQUIS DE LAFAYETTE WRITINGS LAFAYETTE, Marie Joseph Paul Roch Yves Gilbert de Metier, Marquis de. Correspondance ine"dite de La Fayette. Lettres e"crites au Comte D'Estaing pendant la campagne du vice-amiral de la Delaware a Boston du 14 juillet au 20 octobre 1778. [Re'dige' par Henri Doniol.] (In Soci6t d'histoire diplomatique. Revue d'histoire diplomatique, 6. annee, pp. 395-448. Paris, 1892. 8.) General Lafayette's correspondence. (In Sparks, Jared. Diplomatic correspondence of the American Revolu- tion, vol. 10, pp. 1-71. Boston, 1830. 8.) Lafayette in the American Revolution from [his] memoirs. Boston: Old South meeting house, 1898. 24 pp. 8. (Old South leaflets, vol. 4, no. 97. ) Letters of George Washington and Lafayette. Boston: Old South meeting house, 1898. 24 pp. 8. (Old South leaflets, vol. 4, no, 98.) Me"moires, correspondance, et manuscrits du Ge"neYal Lafayette. Publics par sa famille. Paris, 1837. 6 vols. in 4. 8. Memoirs, correspondence, and manuscripts of General Lafayette. Published by his family. London, 1837. 3 vols. 8. Same. Vol. i. New York: Saunders & Otley, 1837. xiv, 552 pp. Plate. 8. Memoirs of the military career of the Marquis de La Fayette, . . . including his reception in New York, Boston, and the principal towns in New England. Boston: Published by Allen and Watts, 1824. 56 pp. S. Bound in Miscellaneous pamphlet, vol. 22. Translation. Lafayette's letters from prison. Magdeburg, 1793. From the originals in the possession of Jeremiah Colburn. (In Magazine of American history vol. 6, May, 1881, pp. 360-376. Fac- simile. ) MARQUIS DE LAFAYETTE WRITINGS RELATING TO An ACCOUNT of the reception of General Lafayette in Savannah, on Sat- urday, March igth, 1825, of the entertainments given him [etc.]. Savannah: W. T. Williams, 1825. 80 pp. 8. ADAMS, John Quincy. Oration on the life and character of Gilbert Mottier de Lafayette, delivered at the request of both houses of 25 26 LIBRAEY OF CONGEESS the Congress of the United States, before them, in the House of representatives at Washington, on the thirty-first of December, 1834. New York: D. K. Minor, 1835. 35 pp. Portrait. 8. Same. Washington: Printed by Gales and Seaton, 1835. 94 pp. 8. AMERICAN military biography; containing the lives and characters of the officers of the revolution, who were most distinguished in achiev- ing our national independence. Also, the life of Gilbert Motier La Fayette. Pub. for E. S. Johnson. Cincinnati: Printed at the Chronicle office, 1834. 615, (/) pp. Plates. 8. ALLEN, E. M. La Fayette's second expedition to Virginia in 1781. A paper read before the Maryland historical society, June I4th, 1886. Baltimore: [/. Murphy & Co.}, 1891. 50 pp. 8. (Maryland his- torical society. Fund-publication, no. 32.} ALLEN, Z. Lafayette's account of affairs in Rhode Island, in 1778. (In Historical magazine, vol. 5, Aug., 1861, pp. 247-248.) [BARBAROUX, Charles Oge, and J. A. LARDIER.] Voyage du ge"ne"ral Lafayette aux Etats-Unis d'Ame"rique en 1824 [anon.] Bruxelles: P. J. De Mat, 1825. 3 vols. 24 . Voyage du ge'ne'ral Lafayette.^ux Etats-Unis d'AmeYique, en 1824 et 1825 . . . [anon.] Paris: L'Huillier, 1826. (2), 364, (2) pp. Portrait. 12. BARDOTJX, A[ge"nor], /. e. Joseph Age"nor. Etudes sociales et politiques. La jeunesse de La Fayette, 1757-1792. Paris: C. Levy, 1802. (4), xii, 409 pp. 8. Etudes sociales et politiques. Les dernieres anne"es de La Fayette, 1792-1834. Parts: C. Levy, 1893. (4), Hi, 431, (2) pp. 8. BiGELOW, John. La Fayette. Boston: Little, Brown & co., 1882. u pp. 12. BROOKS, Elbridge S[treeter]. The true story of Lafayette, called the friend of America; illustrated by V. A. Searles. Boston: Lothrop pub. co., [/pp]. 260 pp. Illustrations. 8. (Chil- dren 1 s lives of great men.) BROWNING, Charles H. Lafayette's visit to the United States in 1824-25. (In American historical register, vol. 2, July, 1895, pp. 1151-1162; Aug., !895, PP- !363-i384; vol. 3, Sept., 1895, pp. 1-27; Oct., 1895, pp. 151-194; Nov., 1895, PP- 287-307; Dec., 1895, pp. 441-453; Jan., 1896, pp. 521-544; Feb., 1896, pp. 621-643; vol. 4, Mar., 1896, pp. 1-15; Apr., 1896, pp. 133-146; May, 1896, pp. 239-246; June, 1896, pp. 341-351. Philadelphia, 1895-96. 8.) "An illustrated account of the entire tour of General Lafayette in the United States in 1824-25, compiled from contemporaneous accounts and reminiscences sent to us by members of the patriotic hereditary societies all along the routes traveled by ' the Nation's Guest.' " BUDINGER, Max. Lafayette. Ein Lebensbild. Leipzig: B. G. Teubner, 1870. 7/5, (i) pp. 8. FRENCH ALLIANCE IN AMERICAN REVOLUTION 27 BURTON, Alma Holman. Lafayette, the friend of American liberty; with an introduction by J. Baldwin. (France and the American revo- lution.) New York, Chicago \_etc.~\: Werner school book co., [/<%>. ~\ 1782. 1 26 pp. Portrait. 12. A declaration addressed in the name of the King of France to all the ancient French in North America. (In Documents relative to the colonial history of the State of New York, vol. 10, pp. 1165-1167. Albany, 1858. 4.) A declaration addressed in the name of the King of France to all the ancient French in North America. (In Magazine of American history, vol. 22, Nov., 1889, pp. 427-429.) A translation of a document which was printed in French on board the Lanquedoc for the Count d'Estaing, October 28, 1778. Siege of Savannah, 1779. General orders of the Count d'Estaing for the attack by the allied forces, 8th and gth October. Tr. from the original MS. in the possession of Frank Moore. (In Magazine of American history, vol. 2, Sept., 1878, pp. 548-551.) EVERETT, Sidney. The Chevalier de Ternay. (In New England historical and genealogical register, vol. 27. Oct., 1873, pp. 404-418.) FRANCE. Ministere des affaires etrangeres. Les combattants francais de la guerre americaine 1778-1873. Listes e"tablies d'apres les documents authentiques de"poss aux Archives nationales et aux Archives du Ministere de la guerre. Publides par les soins du Ministere des affaires etrangeres. Paris: Ancienne maison Quantin, Librairies-imprimeries reunies, Motteroz, Martinet, 1903. (4), xii, (4), 327 pp. Plates. Por- traits. F. Listes. Marine: Escadre du comte d'Estaing. Escadre du comte de Grasse. Escadre des comtes de Guichen et de Grasse. Escadre du comte de Ternay (arine de Rochambeau). Same. Washington: Imprimerie nationale, 1905. ii, 453 pp. Plates. Por- traits. f 3 . ([/. S.] $8th Congress, 2d session. Senate docu- ment 77.) Paris edition pub. 1903. GOUSSENCOURT, Chevalier de. A journal of the cruise of the fleet of His Most Christian Majesty, under the command of the Count de Grasse-Tilly, in 1781 and 1782. (In The operations of the French fleet under the Count de Grasse, in 1781-2, pp. 25-133. New York, 1864. 8. ) The name "Chevalier de Goussencourt " appears to be a pseudonym. FRENCH ALLIANCE IN AMERICAN REVOLUTION 37 JOURNAI, of an officer in the naval army in America, in 1781 and 1782. Amstersdam, 1783. (In The operations of the French fleet under the Count de Grasse in 1781-2, pp. 136-185. New York, 1864. 8.) This journal was written " by a friendly hand, if not his [De Grasse's] KERGUEI