^H! NHH ' REESE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. Deceived Jfoa^zh- > **9 / 9OO No. J 8 (o % *7 . Clots No. MODERN PRACTICE ELECTRIC TELEGRAPH MODERN PRACTICE OF THE ELECTRIC TELEGRAPH A TECHNICAL HANDBOOK FOR ELECTRICIANS, MANAGERS, AND OPERATORS WITH 185 ILLUSTRATIONS BY FRANKLIN LEONARD POPE PAST PRESIDENT OF THB AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS; MEMBER OF THE INSTITUTION OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS (LONDON) FIFTEENTH EDITION .REWRITTEN AND ENLARGED OF THE UNIVERSITY NEW YORK D. VAN NOSTRAND COMPANY LONDON SAMPSON, LOW, MARSTON & CO. (LIMITED-) 1899 COPYRIGHT, 1891 O. VAN NOSTRAND COMPANY Braunworth, Munn & Barber, Printers and Binders, Brooklyn, N. Y. IN AFFECTIONATE REMEMBRANCI OF MY FORMER CHIEF ENGINEER OF THE AMERICAN TELEGRAPH COMPANY, 1861-1864 UNDER WHOSE ENLIGHTENED, PROGRESSIVE, AND LIBERAL ADMINISTRATION THE METHODS OF MODERN SCIENCE WERE FIRST APPLIED TO AMERICAN TELEGRAPHY MORSE (SAMUEL FINLEY BREESE), Inventor of the recording electro-magnetic telegraph, born in Charlestown, Mass., April 27, 1791; graduated at Yale, 1810; studied art in the Royal Academy of London, 1811-15, under Benjamin West. In 1829 he again visited Europe for further study of his profession, and while returning home in 1832, on board the ship Sully, conceived and made drawings of his recording telegraph (see J. D. REID : The Telegraph in America^ chapters vi., vii.). From this time until his death he was unremittingly employed with his invention, passing meantime through many vicissitudes of fortune, and some most painful experiences. He was first professor of fine arts in the University of the City of New York, in one of the rooms of which institution he set up in 1835 his first crude recording telegraphic ap- paratus, now preserved in the cabinet of the Western Union Company in New York. In 1837, Alfred Vail, a skillful mechanic and inventor, became his partner in the enter- prise. Vail entirely reconstructed the apparatus, and embodied it in the practical form in which it was first introduced to the commercial world. After a series of dis- couragements that would have utterly disheartened most men, Morse, assisted by Vail, established in 1844, under an appropriation from Congress, the first line between Washington and Baltimore. On May 24 of that year, Morse put to the test the great experiment on which his mind had been laboring for many anxious and weary years. His triumph was complete. Honors and riches were showered upon him at home and abroad. Professor Morse was a man of great simplicity of character, firm in his friendships, and most persistent and exhaustive in all his undertakings. He wielded the pen of a ready writer, and his genius, learning, and taste were illustrated by numerous contributions to the press, evincing not only graceful rhetoric but elaborate and well-sustained argument. On June 10, 1871, a bronze statue of Morse, erected by the contributions of the thousands of telegraphic employees in America, was unveiled with imposing ceremonies in Central Park, New York. He died in New York, April 2, 1872. PREFACE. A, MOST a quarter of a century has passed since the publication of the first edition of this work. During that period, and more especially during the past ten years, the progress which has been made in the application of electricity to the industrial arts has been literally unprecedented, while the extraordinary practical results which have been attained have exerted a reflex action in stimulating in an equal degree the advancement of electrical science ; an ad- vancement which has not been without its influence upon the theory and practice of the electric telegraph. This circumstance has at length rendered necessary, not a mere revision of the original treatise, but the preparation, in fact, of an entirely new work throughout. To the intelligent and observant mind of youth, the art of teleg- raphy possesses a singular fascination, and in many instances its pursuit tends to excite a spirit of scientific inquiry, not only com- mendable in itself, but valuable as establishing a sure foundation for future success in broader fields of labor. It has been the aim of the author to supply a knowledge, not only of the principles and practice of telegraphy, but of the theory of electricity and the methods of electrical measurement, which should be of the highest possible value to every person entrusted with the care and manage- ment of telegraphic apparatus. It has, however, been deemed advis- able to somewhat restrict the scope of the work, and hence the auto- matic, type-printing, synchronous, submarine, and other methods, requiring on the part of the practitioners a special training apart from a knowledge of the ordinary system, have been excluded. The construction and maintenance of aerial, subterranean, and submarine lines has also, by a natural process of evolution in the progress of viii . Preface. the art, become a separate profession, and the subject can therefore receive but brief notice in a work primarily designed for the guidance and instruction of the practical operator. In the treatment of the subject, the use of mathematics has been rendered unnecessary by the free introduction of concrete examples, illustrative of methods and processes of arithmetical computation available in electrical investigations. From the many methods of electrical measurement, as applied to the solution of practical prob- lems, a selection has been made, embracing only those which have proved to be most directly applicable to every-day work. The numerous authorities which have been consulted in the prepa- ration of the present treatise have been carefully indicated in the foot-notes ; in many instances with the addition of the titles of pub- lications which may profitably be consulted by the student desiring to investigate more minutely some particular branch of the subject. These references are intended to constitute, in some sense, a key to the standard literature of electricity, although from the nature of the case, by no means an exhaustive one. It is hoped that the brief biographical notices of men who have distinguished themselves in connection with electrical science will be found to add something to the value of the work, especially as the facts given are sometimes difficult of access to the ordinary reader. The author acknowledges with pleasure his indebtedness to many friends for courtesies extended, especially to Professor Moses G. Farmer of Eliot, Me., and Messrs. E. M. Barton, of the Western Electric Company of Chicago, E. S. Greeley of New York, and Edward Weston, of Newark, N. J. EDGEWOOD FARM, ELIZABETH, N. J., September z, 1891. CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTORY. FAD* Fundamental Principles, i, 2, 3. Nature of Electricity, 4. Ele- ments of Electric Telegraph, 5 I CHAPTER II. SOURCES OF ELECTRICITY. Origin of Electricity, 6, 7. Voltaic Element, 8. Description of the Typical Cell, 9, 10. Phenomena of Cell, n, 12, 13. Chemistry of the Voltaic Effect, 14, 15. Gravity Cell, 16. Specific Gravity, 17. Hydrometer, 18. Charging the Cell, 19, 20, 21. Copper and Zinc Solutions, 22. Specific Gravities of Battery Solutions, 23. Instal- lation of Gravity Cell, 24, 25. Modified Form of Copper Plate, 26, 27. Formation of Electric Circuit, 28, 29, 30. Nomenclature of Electric Circuit, 31. Chemical Reactions arising in Closed Cir- cuit, 32. Effect of Continued Action, 33, 34, 35. Rate of Con- sumption of Material, 36. Maintenance of Cell, 37. Prevention of Evaporation, 38, 39. Dismantling Cell, 40. Diffusion of Solu- tion within Cell, 41, 42. Neutralizing Zinc Solution, 43. Waste Products of Cell, 44, 45. Other Forms of Cell, 46, 47. Lockwood Cell, 48. Daniell Cell, 49, 50. Maintenance of Daniell Cell, 51. Renewal of Daniell Cell, 52. Intermingling of Solutions, 53, 54. Choice of Battery Materials, 55, 56. General Directions for Care of Cells, 57. Oxide of Copper Cell, 58. Setting Up and Maintain- ing Oxide of Copper Cell, 59. Chemical Reactions of Oxide of Copper Cell, 60. Grove and Bunsen Cells, 61. Wasteless Battery Zinc, 6ia 3 CHAPTER III. SOURCES OF ELECTRICITY. (Continued.} Magneto-Electricity, 62. Magnetism, 63. Magnetic Needle, 64. Phenomena of Magnetic Induction, 65. Polarity of Magnet, 66. Horseshoe Magnet and Armature, 67. Magnetic Spectrum, 68. Magnetic Field, 69. Lines of Magnetic Force, 70, 71. Attraction and Repulsion, 72. Electric Current Produced by Magnetic Field, 73. 74- Transformation of Mechanical Power into Electricity and x Contents. PAGE Heat, 75. Direction of Induced Current, 76. Mutual Reactions of Current and Magnet, 77. Summary of Magneto-Electric Phe- nomena, 78. Dynamo-Electric Machine, 79. Theoretical Dynamo, 80, 81. Frictional Electricity, 82. Thermo-Electricity, 83 24 CHAPTER IV. THEORY OF QUANTITATIVE ELECTRICAL MEASUREMENT. Electric Current, 85. Manifestations of Current, 86. Importance of Quantitative Measurement, 87. Fundamental Units of Mass, Space, and Time, 88. Illustration of Absolute System of Measure- ment, 89. Derivation of Electrical and Magnetic Units, 90. C. G. S. Units of Force and Work, 91. Conservation of Force, 92. Electric Field of Force, 93. Relation of Current Force to Mechan- ical Force, 94. Galvanoscope and Galvanometer, 95. Tangent Galvanometer, 96. Character of Electrical Measurements, 97. Characteristics Capable of Measurement, 98. Apparatus for Meas- urement, 99. Ammeter, Voltmeter, and Calorimeter, 100 35 CHAPTER V. THE LAWS AND CONDITIONS OF ELECTRICAL ACTION. Apparatus Required by Student, 101. Construction of Tangent Gal- vanometer, 102, 103, 104, 105. Construction of Rheostat, 106. Preparation for Experiments, 107. Effect of Varying Number of Cells in Series, 108. Cells in Parallel Series, 109. Cells in Paral- lel, no. Increasing Length of Conducting Circuit, in, 112, 113. Conditions which Determine Quantity of Current, 114. Resist- ance, 115. Conductors and Insulators, 116, 117. Specific Resist- ance of Different Metals, 1170. Conditions Affecting Resistance, 118. Provisional Theory of Electricity, 119. Mechanical Ana- logue of Electrical Action, 120. Conception of Potential and Electromotive Force, 121. Practical Electric Units, 122. Ampere, 123. Coulomb, 123^. Volt, 124. Ohm, 125. Resistance of Liquids, 126. Ohm's Law, 127. Joule's Law, 128, 129. Experi- mental Proof of Ohm's Law, 130. Internal Resistance of Cell, 131. First Case, 132. Second Case, 133. Law of Joint Resist- ances, 134, 135. Third Case, 136, 137, 138, 139. Branch or De- rived Circuits, 140. Electric Potential, 141, 142. Illustration of Fall of Potential, 143. Fall of Potential Proportionate to Resist- ance, 144. Graphic Illustration of Electric Circuit, 145. Fall of Potential in Non-homogeneous Circuit, 146. Electrostatic Capacity, 147. Farad, 148. Power, or Rate of Work, 149. Watt, 150. Current Induction, 151. Electrical Dimensions of Voltaic Cell, 152. E. M. F. and Resistance of Cell, 153. Quantity and Cost of Materials Consumed in Battery, 154, 155, 156. Production of Electricity in Proportion to Material Consumed, 157. Con- Contents. xi FACE sumption of Material in Series of Cells, 158. Electrical Dimen- sions of Edison-Lalande Cell, 159. Effect of Temperature upon Resistance of Metallic Conductors, 160, 161. Effect of Tempera- ture upon Resistance of Liquids, 162. Effect of Temperature upon Resistance of Daniell Cell, 163, 164 45 CHAPTER VI. THE LAWS OF ELECTRO-MAGNETISM. Elements of Electro-Magnet, 166, 167. Polarity of Electro-Magnet Determined by Direction of Current, 168. Lines of Force as a Measure of Magnetic Field, 169, 170. Unit of Magnetism, 171. Magneto-motive Force, 172. Effect of Iron in Helix, 173. Effect of Magnetization upon Soft Iron, 174, 175. Magnetic Saturation, 176. Magnetization Proportional to Ampere-turns, 177. The Magnetic Circuit, 178. Magnetic Permeability, 179. Law of Mag- netic Circuit, 180. Determination of Magnetic Reluctance, 181. Ratio of Attractive Force to Distance, 182. Construction of Tele- graph Magnet, 183. Theoretical Proportions of Telegraph Mag- net, 184. Effect of Position of Windings, 185. Helix of Coil, 186. Relation of Thickness and Length of Wire to Number of Turns, 187. Dimensions and Resistances of Magnet Wires, 188. Thickness of Spaces between Turns of Wire, 189. American Standard Wire Gauge, 190. British Standard Wire Gauge, 191. Instruments for Gauging Wire, 192. Adaptation of Magnets to Working Currents, 193, 194. Spectrum of Electro-Magnet, 194. Magnetic Hysteresis, 195. Induction of a Current upon Itself, 196. Magnet Cores must not be Hardened, 197. Effect of Self-induc- tion and Hysteresis in Telegraph Magnets, 198. Other Indirect Causes of Retardation in Electro-Magnets, 199. Electro-Magnet with Polarized Armature, 200, 201. Combinations of Permanent and Electro-Magnets, 202 80 CHAPTER VII. TELEGRAPHIC CIRCUITS. Telegraphic Circuits, 203, 204, 205. Open and Closed Circuits, 206. Drawings of Electric Apparatus, 207. Conventional Representa- tions of Circuits and Apparatus, 208. The Earth as an Electrical Conductor, 209. Ground Connection, 210. Advantages of the Earth Circuit, 211. Open Circuit, 212. Closed Circuit, 213. American Modification of Closed Circuit, 214. Comparative Ad- vantages of Different Plans, 215. Position of Battery in Closed Circuit, 216. General Considerations respecting Telegraphic Cir- cuits, 217. Relation of Conductivity to Insulation Resistance, 218. Effect of Imperfect Insulation, 219. Working Efficiency of Tele- graphic Circuit, 220. Telegraphic Conductors, 221, Iron Wires, xii Contents. PAGE 222. Office Wires, 223. Copper Line Wires, 224. Telegraphic Line Insulators, 225. Defects of Glass Insulator, 226. Resistance Influenced by Form of Insulator, 227. Hard Rubber Insulator, 228. Paraffin Insulator, 229. Porcelain Insulator, 230. Defective Insulation of American Lines, 231, 232, 233. Distribution of Po- tentials in Telegraphic Circuits, 234. Potential in Perfectly Insu- lated Circuit, 235. Determination of Potential by Calculation, 236. Potentials within the Battery, 237, 238, 239, 240. Potentials in Imperfectly Insulated Circuit, 241. Effect of Imperfect Insula- tion upon Flow of Current, 242. Resistance and Current in Leaky Lines, 243. Computation of Working Efficiency of Line, 244, 245. Effect of Position of Fault, 246. Best Position of Batteries in Circuit, 247. Intermingling of Currents on Different Lines, 248. Remedy for Cross-Current, 249, 250. Value of Poles and Cross- Arms as Insulators, 251. Tests of Resistance of Cross-Arms, 252. Tests of Glass Insulators, 253. Importance of High Working Efficiency, 254. Best Method of Improving Efficiency, 255, 256... 102 CHAPTER VIII. EQUIPMENT OF AMERICAN TELEGRAPH LINES. Apparatus Essential in Telegraphy, 257. Construction of Key, 258. Modifications of Key, 259. Adjustment of Key, 260. Sounder, 261. Short Line Instrument, 262. Adjustment of Sounder, 263. Pocket Apparatus, 264. Box Sounder, 265. Working by Relay and Local Circuit, 266. Construction of Relay, 267. Adjustments of Relay, 268. Register, 269, 270. Adjustments of Register, 271. Causes of Defective Marking, 272. Ink-Writing Register, 273. Circuits of American System, 274. Arrangements of Apparatus at Way-Station, 275. Connections of Apparatus of Way-Station, 276. Manipulation of Switchboard, 277. Testing for Disconnec- tion, 278. Reporting Result of Test, 279. Wedge Cut-Out, 280. Multiple Wire Switchboard, 281. Multiple Spring-Jack, 282. Uni- versal Switchboard, 283. Manipulation of Universal Switchboard, 284. Arrangement of Apparatus of Terminal Station, 285. Ter- minal Switchboard, 286. Instrument Tables, 287. Lightning Ar- rester, 288. Plate Arrester, 289. Safety Fuse, 290. Inspection and Care of Arresters, 291. Repeater, 292. Manual and Automatic Repeaters, 293. Button Repeater, 294. Wood's Repeater, 295. Management of Button Repeater, 296. Milliken Automatic Re- peater, 297. Management of Automatic Repeaters, 298. Dynamo- Electric Generator, 299. Characteristics of Dynamo-Current, 300. Electro-Magnetic Field, 301. Commutator, 302. Characteristics of Dynamo, 303. Dynamo in Potential Series, 304. Positive and Negative Dynamo Series, 305. Arrangement of Shunt Coils, 306. Capacity of Dynamo Generator, 306^. Multiple Telegraphy, 307. Differential Electro-Magnet, 308. Construction of Differen- tial Magnet, 309. Single-Current Duplex, 310. Circuits of Single- Contents. xiii PACK Current Duplex, 311. Artificial Line, 312. Balancing Resistance, 313. Electrostatic Capacity of Line, 314. Electrostatic Accumu- lation upon Insulated Conductor, 315. Effect of Currents of Charge and Discharge, 316. Condenser, 317. Ground and Spark Coils, 318. Double-Current Duplex, 319. Quadruplex, 320. Principle of Diplex, 321, 322. Operation of Diplex, 323. Diplex and Contraplex Combined, 324. Quadruplex worked by Dynamo- Currents, 325. Distribution of Currents in Quadruplex Apparatus, 326, 327. Practical Management of Quadruplex, 328. Adjustment of Apparatus, 329. Repeaters for Multiple Telegraph Systems, 329* 138 CHAPTER IX. TESTING TELEGRAPH LINES. Object of Tests, 330. Faults and Interruptions, 331. Testing for Disconnection, 332, 333. Testing for Partial Disconnection, 334. Testing for Escape, 335. Testing for Cross, 336. Principle of Cross Test, 337, 338, 339. Testing by Quantitative Measurement, 340. Wheatstone Bridge, 341. Best Ratio of Electromotive Forces and Resistances, 342. Principle of Wheatstone Bridge, 343. Act- ual Construction of Bridge, 344. Galvanometer for Wheatstone Bridge, 345. To Measure the Conductivity Resistance of a Tele- graph Line, 346. Conductivity Resistance by Loop Method, 3463. Earth Currents, 347. Measurement of Resistance of Ground Plate at Distant Station, 348. Measurement of Insulation Resist- ance of Line, 349. Location of Position of a Ground, 350. Loca- tion of Position of an Escape, 351. Method of Double Measure- ment, 352. Loop Test, 353. Varley's Loop Test. 354. To Locate a Cross, 355, 356, 357. To Locate a Bad Joint or Abnormal Resist- ance, 358. Measurement of very High Resistances, 359. Shunts of Galvanometers, 360. Measurement by Deflections, 361. Meas- urement of Resistance of Insulators, 362. Measurement of In- ternal Resistance of Battery, 363, 364. Measurement of Resistance of Galvanometer, 365. Differential Galvanometer, 366. Testing for Insulation by Received Currents, 367. Use of Voltmeter and Ammeter in Telegraphic Testing, 368. The Weston Ammeter and Voltmeter, 369. Recording Tests of Conductivity and Insula- tion, 370 190 CHAPTER X. HINTS TO LEARNERS. Formation of the Telegraphic Code, 371. The American Morse Code, 372. Learning the Code, 373. Handling the Key, 374. Element- ary Principles of Code, 375. Preliminary Practice with the Key, 376. Exercises upon Code Characters, 377. Reading by Sound, 378, 379. A Parting Word, 380 216 LIST OF TABLES. PAGE I. CHEMICAL ATOMIC WEIGHTS OF ELEMENTARY SUBSTANCES OP BATTERIES 8 II. SPECIFIC GRAVITIES OF BATTERY SOLUTIONS 9 III. NATURAL TANGENTS FOR EVERY HALF DEGREE 55 CONDUCTORS AND INSULATORS IN RELATIVE ORDER 57 IV. SPECIFIC RESISTANCES OF VOLTAIC SOLUTIONS 63 V. RECIPROCALS OF NUMBERS FROM i TO 100 67 VI. SYNOPSIS OF PRACTICAL UNITS 73 VII. CHEMICAL EQUIVALENTS OF BATTERY MATERIALS. 75 VIII. DIMENSIONS AND PROPERTIES OF COPPER MAGNET WIRES 94 IX. SIZE, WEIGHT, AND RESISTANCE OF TELEGRAPH WIRES 112 X. RESISTANCES AND ESCAPE UPON LEAKY LINES OF VARIOUS LENGTHS 129 XL FARMER'S TABLE FOR COMPUTING FLOW OF CURRENT IN LEAKY LINES 137 THE MORSE TELEGRAPHIC CODE . 218 MODERN PRACTICE OF THE ELECTRIC TELEGRAPH. CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTORY. 1. Fundamental Principles. The electric telegraph is an apparatus by means of which physical effects may be instantaneously produced in distant places. Such effects are technically termed signals. 2. The art of electric telegraphy consists in the production, control, and organization of electric signals. The signals employed in teleg- raphy may be either visible or audible. Visible signals may be either evanescent, as in the needle telegraph used in Great Britain, and in some forms of apparatus employed in working long submarine cables, or permanent ', as in the case of the Morse register, and in the instruments used on submarine cables of comparatively moderate length. Audible signals are produced by the sounder, and some other less common forms of apparatus. 3. The signals which are utilized in electric telegraphy are produced at a distant point as required by the agency of elec- tricity. 4. Nature of Electricity. We do not as yet know ; perhaps we never shall know with certainty, what the agent we call electricity really is. Formerly it was assumed to be an imponderable fluid. This hypothesis was suggested by Franklin. In later years it gradually came to be regarded as one of the many different forms of energy, or, in other words, as a peculiar affection of the particles of ordinary matter. Recent scientific opinion shows a marked tendency 2 Introductory. toward the acceptance of the old hypothesis of a fluid, in a modi- fied form. 1 This conception of the essential nature of electricity appears to be the logical outgrowth of the opinions held, more or less definitely, by such phi- losophers as Franklin, Cavendish, Faraday, Henry, Thomson, and, more especially, Clerk-Maxwell. The theoretical side of the question is discussed with great ability by Oliver J. Lodge, in his Modern Views of Electricity, while its latest aspects are summarized in a valuable paper by Professor William A. Anthony: "A Review of Modern Electrical Theories," Electrical Engineer, ix. 43 ; Trans. Am. Inst. Elec. Eng., vii. 33. For practical purposes, however, it is fortunately not in the least necessary that we should know what electricity is, nor that we should commit ourselves to any particular assumption as to its essential nature. A thorough knowledge of the physical effects which it is capable of producing under different conditions, and of the laws which govern its action, are all that the practical electrician needs to acquire. 5. Elements of the Electric Telegraph. An electric tele- graph comprises four essential elements. These are as follows : (i) Means for setting in action, or, as it is commonly termed, producing, electricity, termed the generator. (ii) Means for conducting the electricity from place to place, termed the conductor or conducting circtiit. (iii) Means for controlling the flow of electricity for the purpose of pro- ducing signals, termed the transmitter. (iv) Means for indicating or recording signals, termed the receiver. 1 Electricity and magnetism are not forms of energy ; neither are they forms of matter. They may, perhaps, be provisionally defined as properties or conditions of matter ; but whether this matter be the ordinary matter, or whether it be, on the other hand, that all-pervading ether by which ordinary matter is everywhere surrounded, is a question which has been under discussion, and which may now be fairly held to be settled in favor of the latter view. DANIELL : Principles of Physics [zd ed.], 532. CHAPTER II. SOURCES OF ELECTRICITY. 6. Origin of Electricity. Electricity, or, more properly, elec- trical action, may be produced in several known ways. Although electricity, whatever may be its origin, is demonstrably one and the same thing, 1 it has nevertheless become customary to speak of it conventionally, under different names, indicative of its origin. Thus, we have, principally : (a) CHEMICAL ELECTRICITY. (b) MAGNETO-ELECTRICITY. (c) FRICTIONAL ELECTRICITY. (d) THERMO-ELECTRICITY. There are other means of producing electrical manifestations, which have as yet no practical utility for the purpose under consid- eration, and need not be further considered here. Of those which have been specifically mentioned, chemical and magneto-electricity only, have proved by experience to be adapted to the requirements of the art of telegraphy. 7. Chemical Electricity. The effects of electricity are most conveniently studied in connection with that form which has its origin in chemical decomposition, especially as it is by the agency of chemical electricity that nearly all the telegraphic apparatus of the world is operated, 8. The Voltaic Element. The electricity which is employed in telegraphy is usually derived from one or more batteries, each of which is composed of a greater or less number of cells connected Together in a series. A single cell is termed a voltaic or galvanic element. 9. Description of the Typical Cell. The active or actu- ating parts of each element consist in practice of two dissimilar metals, each of which is immersed in a different chemical solution. 1 This fact was first experimentally established by Faraday in 1832. His account of this investigation is very instructive, and is given at length in his Experimental Researches (third series), vol. i. pp. 76-109. 3 Sources of Electricity. The following will serve to explain the construction most usually employed in telegraphy : In Fig. i is represented a cylindrical glass jar, 7 in. in height, 6 in. in diameter, and weighing about 2.5 Ibs. FIG. i. Separate parts of Gravity Cell. At the right of this is a mass of zinc weighing about 3 Ibs., which has been cast in an iron mould in the form represented. It is pro- Tided with a hanger by means of which it may be suspended from the upper edge of the jar, and also with a damp-screw by means of which a metallic wire may be securely, but removably, attached to it. At the left of the jar is seen a triple plate of thin rolled copper, spread out laterally into the form shown, which is designed to be placed in the bottom of the glass cell. Each separate plate may be cut in the form shown in Fig. 2, the three being then united by a single copper rivet at the middle, and the free ends separated radi- ally, as in Fig. i, before placing in the jar. A vertical copper wire is permanently riveted to the copper plate. It must not be soldered. The wire is made long enough to extend some 6 in. or 7 in. above the top of the jar. It passes loosely through the bore of a small glass tube, the reason for which is here- FIG. a. Section of Copper Plate. Phenomena of the Cell. after explained (27). It is provided at its upper end with a brass clamp termed the copper-connector. Instead of using a glass tube, it is quite usual to substitute a piece of wire covered with a coating of gutta-percha, india-rubber, or other flexible material impervious to the solution. The particular form of copper-connector shown in the figure con- sists of a short cylindrical piece of brass, perforated with a longi- tudinal hole for receiving the ends of the wires, into which enter transverse . thumb - screws for FIG. 3. Copper-connector. clamping the wire. A longitudi- nal cross-section of this device 1= is shown in Fig. 3. 10. Each element, when com- plete, consists of the several parts described, assembled together in the relation shown in Fig. 4, which also shows the jar filled with water to within i in. of the top. Care must be observed, in hang- ing the zinc, not to fracture the glass jar. It is very essential that the water for charging a voltaic element should be both pure and soft. Impure or hard water obstructs, and sometimes altogether prevents, the proper action of the chemicals. Clean rain-water, if it can be procured, is best for the purpose. n. Phenomena of the Cell. If a cell, hav- ing been thus filled with water, in which zinc and copper plates are im- mersed, as shown in Fig. 4, be permitted to stand undisturbed for a consid- erable time, a collection of minute bubbles will be observed clinging to the surface of the zinc plate, but no such effect will be observed upon the copper. These bubbles contain hydrogen gas, and are the result of a chemical reaction which takes place between the water and the zinc. 12. Water is made up of two parts of hydrogen and one part of oxygen, held together by chemical affinity. In the present case, a FIG. 4. Gravity-cell ready for Service. 6 Sources of Electricity. certain portion of the oxygen of the water enters into chemical com- bination with the metal, forming the compound termed oxide of zinc. A thin coating of this oxide ultimately covers the surface of the zinc plate, giving it a dull bluish gray color, and preventing further oxidi- zation. At the same time the hydrogen which was associated with the oxygen in the decomposed water, is set free, and collects in bubbles which adhere to the surface of the zinc plate. When these bubbles are detached they rise to the surface of the water and the contained hydrogen escapes into the air. 2 13. This process of oxidization will be recognized as identical with that which takes place in the rusting of iron when exposed to the action of moisture. It is also the same, from a chemical point of view, as the process of combustion or burning. No perceptible effect is produced upon the copper, because the oxygen has less affin- ity for this metal than it has for hydrogen, and hence has no tend- ency to separate from the water. 14. Chemistry of the Voltaic Effect. If now a small quan- tity of sulphuric acid were to be added to the water contained in the jar, and at the same time the zinc and copper be joined together by a metallic wire in the air outside the jar, a much more vigorous chemical action will immediately set in. The dissolution of the zinc in the liquid will go on with increased rapidity, attended with the evolution of hydrogen in bubbles, not as before upon the surface of the zinc, but upon the copper. 3 15. Although the chemical action in the case just supposed is attended by the development of electricity, yet such an organization, as a generator of electricity for telegraphic purposes, -would be of little practical utility. The chemical action, though vigorous at first, quickly falls off, and in a short time nearly or quite ceases. This effect arises from the adherence of the liberated hydrogen to the sur- 3 In a chemical compound the qualities of the constituents are wholly merged in those of the product, and this circumstance distinguishes a true compound from a mechanical mixture in which the qualities of each ingredient are to a greater or less extent preserved. . . . Chemical combinations always take place in certain definite proportions, either by weight or measure. . . . The atomic theory sup- poses that two atoms of hydrogen combine with one atom of oxygen to form a mole- cule of water, and since each atom of oxygen weighs 16 times as much as an atom of hydrogen, the two substances must combine in the proportion of 2 : 16, or i : 8. This principle is known in chemistry as the law of definite proportion. COOKE : New Chem- istry^ 104-8. 3 The chemical reaction is as follows : Sulphuric acid is composed of hydrogen 2 parts, sulphur i part, oxygen 4 parts ; in chemical notation (H SO). The sulphur and oxygen unite with the zinc, forming sulphate of zinc, composed of zinc i part, sulphur i part, and oxygen 4 parts (Zn SO 4 ), which remains in solution in the water, while the hydrogen is set free at the copper plate. The Hydrometer. face of the copper, preventing contact of the solution therewith. This gas also reacts upon the sulphate of zinc (s. z.) which permeates the solution, and causes its zinc constituent to be deposited upon the copper. For these reasons it is necessary to dispose of the hydrogen in such a way that interfering actions may be avoided. This is effected in practice by immersing the copper and zinc in different solutions. 16. The Gravity Cell. In the voltaic element which has been described and shown in Fig. 4, the two solutions are of un equal densities, so that one can be made to float, as it were, upon the other, in the same manner that oil floats upon water. Hence it has received the name of the gravity cell. 17. Specific Gravity. The density or weight of a given bulk of any liquid com- pared with that of pure water is termed its specific gravity (s. g. ) The s. g. of a liquid is numerically expressed in decimals or mixed numbers, pure water being taken as the standard or unity. For example, the s. g. of water being i.oo, that of linseed oil is 0.93, while that of commercial sulphuric acid is 1.84, and of mercury 13.58. 18. The Hydrometer. The s. g. of any liquid may be determined with sufficient accuracy for ordinary purposes by means of the hydrometer, shown in Fig. 5, which con- sists of a hollow glass float, weighted below with shot, and carrying a stem at the top provided with a graduated scale. When the hydrometer is made to float in any liquid, the division of the scale at the surface de- notes its s. . 4 FIG. 5. Baume's Hydrometer. 19- Charging the Cell. The glass jar shown in Fig. 4, which * The arbitrary scale of the hydrometer commonly known as Baume's, is deter- mined as follows : The point to which the instrument sinks in pure water is assumed as o (zero), while 15 is at the point to which it sinks in a solution containing 15 parts by weight of common salt in 85 parts of water. This space is divided into 15 equal parts, and equivalent graduations are continued to any desired extent. The most useful scale for testing the s. g. of battery solutions is one having a stem about 2 inches long, graduated in degrees from 15 to 40. These degrees denote the percentage of common salt in a solution ; but do not correspond exactly with the percentages in battery solutions, as will appear from an examination of the tables in (23). 8 Sources of Electricity. is 7 in. high and 6 in. in diameter, is intended to contain 7 Ibs., or 0.84 U. S. gallons of liquid ; and this quantity, when the copper and zinc plates are in place, will fill it to within about one-half inch of the top. A smaller size of cell (6 in. x 5 in.), is also kept in stock by dealers. 20. To charge the cell, prepare separately a sufficient quantity of the zinc and of the copper solutions. For the zinc solution, which may be mixed in the jar, take for each cell : Pure soft water, by weight, 91 oz. (i pints). Crystallized sulphate of zinc (white vitriol), 10 oz. Dissolve, and let the solution stand for some hours. The s. g. of the solution should be i.io. 21. It is not absolutely necessary to make use of s. z. in setting up the cell. If pure water be substituted for the solution directed to be used in the last paragraph, and the circuit be closed between its poles, which is technically termed short-circuiting the cell (14), sufficient s. z. will be formed within a day or two to bring it into full action. Many electricians are of the opinion that a cell started in this way will remain in good condition for a longer time than if charged with a mechanically-mixed zinc solution. 22. Copper and Zinc Solutions. For the copper solution, take in another glass vessel, for each cell : Pure soft water, by weight, 42 oz. (2^ pints). Crystallized sulphate of zinc, 4 oz. Crystallized sulphate of copper, 8 oz. The following table will be found convenient for reference : TABLE I. CHEMICAL ATOMIC WEIGHTS OF ELEMENTARY SUBSTANCES OF BATTERIES. SUBSTANCE. SYMBOL. ATOMIC WEIGHT. Copper Cu 5"! A Zinc Zn 6^.2 Sulphur s 32. Oxvsren o 16 o Hydrogen H i .0 The chemical notation for crystallized sulphate of copper is (Cu. It is composed of Metallic Copper 25.4 per cent. Sulphur 12.8 " Oxygen 57.7 Hydrogen 4.0 " Specific Gravities of Battery Solutions. The chemical notation of crystallized sulphate of zinc is (Zn SO* 7H 8 O). It is composed of Metallic Zinc 22.7 per cent. Sulphur ii. i " Oxygen 61.3 " Hydrogen 4.9 ' ' When dissolved, the s. c. solution will be of a beautiful dark blue tint, and its s. g. will be 1.21. 23. Specific Gravities of Battery Solutions. The follow- ing tables will aid in maintaining cells is good condition : TABLE II. SPECIFIC GRAVITIES OF BATTERY SOLUTIONS. ZINC. S. g. of solution at 77 Fab. Reading by Baume hydrometer. Per cent of crystal- lized s. z. in solution. REMARKS. .11 15 IS-? Minimum density. .12 16 16.8 13 17 17.9 135 18 18.9 .14 19 20.0 15 20 21. 1 Maximum density. .16 21 22.3 17 22 23-4 .18 23 24.6 .19 24 2 5 .8 .20 25 26.9 .46 4 8 62.1 Saturation. COPPER. S. g. of solution at 72 Fah. Reading by Baume hydrometer. Per cent, of crystal- lized s. c. in solution. REMARKS. 1.03 5 5-0 1.07 10 IO.O I. II 15 15.4 Half saturation. I-I5 20 21.2 1.20 25 27-5 1. 21 27 3O.O Saturation. 24. Installation of the Gravity Cell. The copper and zinc plates being put in their respective places in the jar (which will then 4>e about three-fourths full of s. z. solution), the heavier s. c. solution io Sources of Electricity. may be introduced into the bottom by means of a f in. tube of glass or rubber, having a small glass or rubber funnel inserted in its upper end. The lower end of the tube must be central and very near the bottom, and the s. c. must be poured in quite slowly, so as not to agitate the mass and cause the two solutions to mingle. If this operation is carefully performed, the lower part of the jar will now be filled with s. c. solution, of a uniform deep blue color, to a point a little above the top of the copper plate, being separated from the transparent s. z. solution above by a sharply defined line of demarka- tion. Care must now be taken that the cell is not moved about,, shaken, or stirred by the careless removal of the zinc or copper plates, as this would cause the two solutions to intermingle, a con- dition which it is very necessary to avoid. For the same reason, it is advisable to place each cell in the position which it is to perma- nently occupy, before introducing the s. c. solution. The most convenient place will be found to be a shelf about 48 in. from the floor. An enclosed box affixed to a wall or frame, and having a glass front hinged to open upward, is an excellent arrangement, as the cells are then in sight, so that their condition may be observed at all times, while at the same time they are protected from dirt,, and in a great measure from evaporation and from extremes of temperature. 5 25. Instead of mixing the s. c. solution in a separate vessel, it is a common practice to fill the jar to within i inch of the top with the s. z. solution, prepared as above directed, and then slowly drop in 8 oz. of s. c. crystals about the size of a hazel-nut, which will fall to- the bottom and slowly dissolve. The only objection to this pro- cedure is its liability to form a s. c. solution of unequal density in dif- ferent parts, which is undesirable (26). When this plan is adopted, care must be taken not to put in more than the prescribed quantity of s. c., and particularly to see that no particle of it gets upon the zinc plate. 26. Modified Form of the Copper Plate. A more advan- tageous form for the copper plate than that which has been described, 6 Wooden, tin, or porcelain covers are sometimes fitted to the cells for excluding dust and preventing evaporation, and serve a good purpose. Wooden covers should not fit too closely ; there is danger that they may swell from moisture and fracture the jars. Great annoyance is sometimes caused by the apparently unaccountable breakage of glass jars. The primary cause of this is poor material or imperfect annealing during the process of manufacture ; the immediate cause is usually a sudden change of tem- perature. A jar on a high shelf in a warm room in winter is sometimes cracked by the current of cold air caused by opening an outer door. A little care will avoid such accidents. Formation of the Electric Circuit. 1 1 particularly in case it is desired to maintain a current of moderate quantity for a long time, is a ribbon of very thin rolled copper, 48 in. long and J in. wide, coiled spirally like a clock-spring, and laid flat in the bottom of the cell, the con- ducting wire being riveted to the outer end as seen in Fig. 6. An objection to the form of plate shown in Fig. 4, when used under the conditions here mentioned, is that unless carefully looked after, the s. c. solution will become weaker at the top than at the bot- tom of the copper, whereupon a closed cir- cuit (30) is established, consisting of one FIG. 6. Modification of Copper metal (the copper), and two dissimilar liquids (the strong and the weak solu- tion), setting up an action which is liable to attack and destroy the upper portion of the plate, uselessly consuming material for which no equivalent external current is rendered. 27. This action explains the necessity of enclosing the connecting wire from the copper electrode of the gravity battery in a glass tube, or covering it with gutta-percha or india-rubber, where it is exposed to the action of the solution. If it were not protected it would soon be destroyed by chemical action, and the circuit consequently inter- rupted. 28. Formation of the Electric Circuit. The parts of the cell being properly assembled together, and the solutions in their respective places as directed in (24), the element is ready for service. If now the zinc and copper plates be joined together in the air by a metallic wire as before explained (14), a current of electricity, as it is technically termed, will traverse the wire. It wilt traverse, moreover, not only the wire, but also the metallic plates and solutions within the voltaic element, the whole path forming what is termed a circuit of electrical conductors, or briefly, an electric circuit. 29. The presence of an electric current in such a circuit may be demonstrated in several different ways, as will be shown further on (86). For the present we are only concerned to observe its immediate effects upon the constituent parts of the voltaic element which sets it in action. 30. The circuit of a voltaic element maybe diagrammatically rep- resented by a closed ring as shown in Fig 7. It is composed of the following parts : (i.) The zinc plate. (2.) The zinc solution. (3.) The copper solution. (4.) The copper plate. (5.) The metallic connecting wire. 12 Sources of Electricity. POSITIVE The four first named constitute the internal circuit, and the last the external circuit. Before the zinc and copper plates are united by the connecting wire, the circuit is said to be open or broken, and the cell is said to be on open circuit. When the connection is established by the wire, the circuit is said to be made, completed, or L POLE closed, the last mentioned phrase being most usual. In this case the cell is spoken of as being on closed circuit, which is another way of saying that chemical ac- tion is going on within it. 31. Nomenclature of the Electric Circuit In a voltaic cell, the zinc FIG. 7. Diagram of Closed Voltaic Circuit plate is termed the positive plate or element, and the copper the negative plate or element. These terms are purely conventional and arbitrary, and properly signify nothing beyond the antagonis- tic or opposite electrical condition which exists. The general term for these plates is electrodes, a term introduced by Faraday. The air terminals of the electrodes, to which the conducting wires are attached, are called the poles. It should be noted that the copper plate of the element, although the negative electrode, is con- nected with the positive pole, and in like manner the zinc or posi- tive electrode is connected with the negative pole, because the current is conventionally assumed to flow from the positive plate, through the solution and out by the copper plate. The positive and negative poles of every generator of electricity are respectively designated by the conventional signs -f- and (plus and minus). The direction of the electric current, for convenience of description, is conventionally assumed, as above stated, to be through the solutions from the zinc to the copper electrode, and thence through the connecting wire from the copper to the zinc electrode. The assumed direction in any wire is denoted by the conventional sign of an arrow pointing in the direction of the negative pole. 32. Chemical Reactions Arising in the Closed Circuit. The chemical reactions within the cell, when its external circuit is closed, and its several constituent parts traversed by an electric cur- rent, are as follows : Effect of Continued Action. 13 (i.) The oxygen of the s. z. solution (12) combines particle by particle with the metal of the zinc plate, forming oxide of zinc. (2.) The oxide of zinc, formed as above, combines with the sul- phuric acid of the s. z. solution (14), and forms s. z., which is added to the s. z. already present in the solution surrounding the zinc. (3.) Oxygen combines with the s. c. and forms oxide of copper. (4.) The copper in this oxide separates from the oxygen and is deposited in a pure metallic form upon the copper plate. At the surface of the zinc plate, the oxygen of the water contained in the s. z. solution is separated from the hydrogen, while at the surface of the copper plate this hydrogen combines with the oxygen which is separated from the oxide of copper. 33. Effect of Continued Action. This action goes on with- out cessation, provided the circuit remains closed, until some one of the materials contained in the cell becomes exhausted. It will be observed that as the action continues, the zinc plate is gradually dis- solved, being oxidized, or in fact burned ; that the proportion of sulphate in the s. z. solution constantly increases, rendering it more dense and its s. g. greater ; that, on the contrary, the s. c. solution grows less dense, and its s.g. diminishes ; and finally, that the copper plate continually increases in weight, by the deposition upon its surface of metallic copper abstracted from the copper solution in which it is immersed. 34. As the weight of the s. z. solution, as indicated by its s.g., gradually .increases, while on the contrary that of the s. c. solution continually becomes less, it necessarily happens after the lapse of a greater or less time, the former becomes heaviest, and consequently descends to the bottom of the cell, forcing the s. c. solution to the top, where it is brought into direct contact with the zinc plate, depositing metallic copper thereon. This deposit interrupts the normal chemical action of the cell to such an extent that the electric current greatly diminishes, and ultimately ceases altogether. 35. By intelligent management this injurious action may be pre- vented, or at least postponed for a long time. The frequent use of the hydrometer .(18) is almost indispensable for this work, and a knowledge of the condition of the cell is also greatly facilitated by placing it in front of a window, so that its interior may be clearly viewed by transmitted light ; or at all events, it should be provided, if possible, with a white background. 36. Rate of Consumption of Material. The rapidity with which the materials of the cell are consumed, and its active life short- ened, depends almost entirely upon the amount of work done by it, 14 Sources of Electricity. or in other words, the quantity of electricity per unit of time which it is required to furnish. This question, which is an exceedingly important one, will be fully considered further on (154). 37. Maintenance of the Cell. The first sign of the exhaustion of a cell generally appears in the s. c. solution. It is not practicable to examine the condition of this solution by means of the hydrometer, but fortunately the degree of intensity of its blue color furnishes an infallible indication of its density. The strong blue tint of the original solution will after a time begin to fade in the vicinity of the upper edge of the copper plate, and the line of demarkation between it and the zinc solution will become less and less distinct. When this is seen to occur, additional s. c. must be supplied, either through the tube in the form of a solution as directed heretofore (24), or by dropping i oz. of crystals into the jar, being careful to observe the precautions heretofore noted (25). It is much better not to make use of finely powdered s. c. for this purpose, as this is liable to cement itself into a hard insoluble mass at the bottom of the cell, which defies all efforts to remove it without breaking the jar. The s. z. solution should be tested by means of the hydrometer (18) at least once a week while the cell is in constant action. The s. g. of the solution, which at the outset was about i.io, will gradually in- crease. When it reaches 1.15, as shown by the scale,, the solution should be diluted with water. If the s. z. solution be permitted to approach closely to its saturation point, 1.45, see table (23), not only is the chemical action of the cell diminished, but a saline deposit of white powder (crystallized sulphate of zinc) begins to form upon the zinc, and upon the edge of the jar above the solution, and by capillary attraction ultimately conveys the liquid over the edge to the outside of the cell and creates a disagreeable nuisance. This may be avoided by keeping the s. g. of the zinc solution below 1.20 and by occasionally wiping the inner edges of the jar with a cloth or sponge saturated with cotton-seed or heavy paraffin oil. 38. Prevention of Evaporation. Sometimes a thin stratum of one of the oils above mentioned is gently poured upon the top of the zinc solution, after the cell has been set up as directed in (24), a procedure which effectually prevents evaporation and the formation of saline salts. Inasmuch, however, as the presence of the oil renders the cleaning of the zinc plate, when necessary, a disagree- able and inconvenient task, it is perhaps an open question whether the practice is to be recommended. If it is at all possible to give the cell proper attention from time to time as required, it is probably better to dispense with all such expedients, but when such is not Prevention of Evaporation. the case, it may be advisable and even necessary to make use of them. 6 39. The best way to dilute the zinc solution is to use a tube of rubber, glass, or lead, about 24 in. long, and -J- in. diameter, bent into a siphon, or an inverted ||, one leg of which is considerably longer than the other. Fill the siphon with water, stopping both ends with the ringers, and after placing a wooden bucket or other convenient receptacle in front of the cell, but at a considerable lower level, dexterously insert the tube into the cell (at the same time re- moving one finger), so that the inserted end will be near the center of the jar and about |- in. above the copper plate, while the longer end is directed toward the bucket. Now withdraw the other finsrer O from the lower end of the tube, and the solution will flow in a steady stream into the bucket so long as the short end of the tube remains immersed (See Fig. 8). Some prefer, instead of a siphon, to use a large syringe, sold by dealers, with a nozzle at right angles to the barrel, having a capacity of about 3 gills. This should be rinsed out in warm -water each time after it has been used. After withdrawing about I quart of the solution in this way, which with the cell under consideration will be about 2 in. of vertical depth, refill the cell to its original depth, \ in. from the top, with pure soft water. In order not to stir up the liquids, this may with advantage be done with a small sprinkling pot having a fine rose at the end of its spout, or with due care, may be equally well effected by holding a spoon or some such implement just at the surface, so as to break and scatter the vertical force of the stream as it is poured. 6 Another device which is sometimes resorted to for the purpose of preventing the formation of salts upon the edge of the jar, is to invert the latter before using, and dip it in a bath of melted paraffin contained in a shallow dish, to the depth of half an inch or less, which forms, when cold, an adherent and repellent coating. FIG. 8. Drawing off Zinc Solution. 1 6 Sources of Electricity. 40. Dismantling the Cell. The above described operation, if properly carried out, will practically restore the cell to its original work- ing condition. The increasing deposit upon the copper plate will not interfere with the proper action of the cell, and need not be dis- turbed. The zinc plate, however, will gradually become covered with a thick coating of dark brown oxide, which will adhere to it with considerable tenacity. This must be removed from time to time, especially when, by becoming of a reddish color, it shows traces of deposited copper. Lift the zinc plate carefully from the solution, and remove the crust which has formed upon the metal, by means of a scraper of hard wood, or a stiff brush sold by dealers in supplies for that purpose (a wire brush answers the purpose admira- bly). Remove all the oxide clown to the surface of the metal, wash the latter in clean water, and return to its place in the cell. If any undissolved crystals of s. c. are found in the bottom of the jar, these should be washed and used again. The zinc should be cleaned 'at once after removal from the cell, while still wet. If the cleaning has to be deferred, the zinc must be placed in water for some time before commencing operations. Great care must be taken to see that no water gets between the arm of the zinc and the brass binding-screw, as this will cause a deposit of sul- phate of zinc, which may entirely prevent the passage of the current when the zinc is again put to use. 41. Diffusion of Solution within the Cell. An absolute separation of the copper and zinc solutions in the voltaic cell cannot be attained. Liquids of unlike density separated from each other by gravity always tend to intermingle by a slow process of diffusion, and thus ultimately to form one homogeneous solution. This ten- dency may be reduced to a minimum by intelligent management and proper attention to the requirements of the cell while in action, so as to cause but little practical inconvenience. 42. The solutions manifest a much stronger tendency to mix when the cell is on open than when on closed circuit. Hence, cells in which the solutions are separated by gravity, and in fact all sulphate of copper cells, give the most satisfactory results when used, as in telegraphy, upon circuits which are closed the greater portion of the time. 43- Neutralizing the Zinc Solution. When the cell is dis- mounted and renewed, the s. z. should be drawn off with the siphon and thrown into a wooden vessel, together with a few pieces of metallic zinc, which will purify the liquid by reducing any metallic copper which may be present in it. It should then be filtered or Waste Products of the Cell. 1 7 strained through cloth or sand, and afterward diluted with water until its specific gravity is reduced to i.io. It is then in suitable condition to be used in the renewed cell, instead of making a new solution as directed in (20). 44. Waste Products of the Cell. Where a large number of cells are in constant use, it is generally worth while to dry and pre- serve the material thus removed from the zincs, commonly called "battery mud," as it is rich in metallic zinc and copper, and will usually be willingly purchased at a fair price by brass-founders. When the copper plates have become heavily encrusted with metallic deposits, they may with advantage be disposed of in the same way. Electrotype or deposited copper, as this is termed, is much valued in many of the industrial arts. 45. Copper plates which have been used in the battery, and which are intended to be used again, should be kept in water; taking care that the connecting wire, with its coating of gutta-percha or india- rubber, is completely immersed. Zinc plates, on the contrary, must be kept in a dry place, never in water. 46. Other Forms of the Cell. Much unprofitable ingenuity has been displayed by inventors in varying the form, proportions and relations of the elements of the sulphate-of-copper cell, in pursuit of imaginary advantages. As a matter of fact, it has been found to be almost wholly immaterial what the form and arrangement of the parts may be, so long as the necessary general principles of action are kept in view. The consumption of a given amount of zinc and sul- phate of copper can never in any chemical combination, or under any circumstances, evolve more than a definite and perfectly well ascertained quantity of electricity, in a form available for use, although if the cell be unskillfully proportioned or arranged, the quantity of electricity evolved may be less than it should be (154). The principal differ- ence between different forms is that some require less frequent atten- tion than others ; but this advantage is sometimes gained at the expense of other more valuable qualities. 47. Among the different practical voltaic cells which have been employed in America to a greater or less extent, commonly known by the names of their originators and designers, but involving essentially the same principles as the one which has been de- scribed, may be mentioned the Hill, 7 Callaud, 8 Minotto, 9 Thom- 7 L. BRADLEY in The Telegrapher, iii. 153 ; E. A. HILL in the same, iii. 201. 8 BLAVIER : Telegraphie Electrtque, i. 271 ; POPE : Modern Practice of the Electric Telegraph (4th ed.), 106. F. JENKIN : Electricity and Magnetism, 225. 1 8 Sources of Electricity. son, 10 etc., etc., for a particular description of which recourse may be had to the publications indicated in the references. 48. The Lockwood Cell. This form of cell has been found to give excellent results in cases in which a moderate but perfectly uniform current is required without attention for a great length of time. The jar is of extra depth (9 in.) and the copper plate consists of two flat spirals of wire coiled like a clock-bell and laid in reverse directions to each other, one beneath and the other at the top of a mass of 5 Ibs. of s. c. in crystals, placed in the bottom of the jar. The connecting wire is continuous with the lower spiral, while the two spirals are united by a vertical rod or stout wire which is con- nected to their inner ends. The action of the current traversing the coils appears to act, in some manner not well ascertained, to oppose the tendency of the s. c. solution to ascend in the jar and reach the zinc plate. A series of these cells will maintain a current for a year under favorable conditions. 49- The Daniell Cell. This is the original form of the sul- phate of copper element. It was formerly much used in the tele- graphic service, but has now been practically superseded by the equally efficient and more economical gravity cell. As usually con- structed, the Daniell cell consists of a jar of glass or earthenware F (Fig. 9) 6 in. in diameter and 8 in. high. A thin sheet of copper G is bent into a cylindrical form so as to fit loosely within the jar, and to this is affixed a chamber provided with a perforated bottom, designed to receive a supply of s. c. in crystals. A copper strip is riveted to the plate G and provided with a clamp at its extremity, adapted either to receive a conducting wire, or to connect to the zinc plate of the next adjacent element, as the case may be. Within the copper cylinder is a porous-cup (as it is technically termed), H, of unglazed porcelain ware, 7 in. high and 2 in. diameter, within which is placed a bar of cast zinc of the cross-section shown at X, or as sometimes preferred, a hollow cylinder with a vertical slit in one side, the latter form yielding a somewhat greater quantity of elec- tricity, but being less convenient to clean. 50. The porous-cup H is filled with s. z. solution prepared as directed in (20) and the jar outside the porous-cup with s. c. solution of s. g. 1. 10. A quantity of the crystals may be placed in the per- forated chamber attached to the copper plate, which gradually dis- solve and thus maintain the solution at its proper density. Pure water may be used in the porous cell as directed in (21) if pre- ferred. 10 F. JENKIN : Electricity and Magnetism, 223. Maintenance of the Daniell Cell. 51. Maintenance of the Daniell Cell. This cell is main- tained in substantially the same manner as the gravity. Unless a very large volume of current is required, it will be found much more FIG. 9. The Daniell Cell. economical to feed the s. c. solution with small quantities of crystals, placed in the chamber once in every two or three days, and keeping the solution but half saturated (s. g. i.io) and uniform in color throughout, by stirring it with a wooden or glass rod. The s. z. solution should be maintained as nearly as possible at the same s. g. as the copper solution. 52. Renewal of the Daniell Cell. When taken apart for cleaning, more or less copper will usually be found deposited in patches on the porous-cup. This deposit cannot be prevented, but may be greatly diminished by suspending the zinc free from the bot- tom or sides of the porous-cup, or even by placing a piece of glass in the bottom of the cup for the zinc to stand on. It is also a good plan, for the same reason, to saturate the bottom of the porous-cup to the height of half an inch with melted paraffin or tallow before putting it to use. The porous-cup ought to be replaced by a new 2O Sources of Electricity. one whenever as much as half of its surface has become encrusted with metallic copper by continued use. If it becomes cracked it should be replaced at once, or a great waste of material will ensue. The porous-cup of an element intended only for occasional use, may with advantage be made thicker and less porous in texture than if intended to be kept continuously in action. 53. Intermingling of the Solutions. It should be observed that at the best, a porous cell merely obstructs and does not prevent the ultimate intermingling of the copper and zinc solutions. The liquids will pass through the porous wall of the cup by virtue of a singular property, common to all dissimilar liquids when separated by a porous partition, 11 and will be found to exhibit a constant tendency to rise in the outer cell and to disappear from the porous- cup. This tendency is obviously assisted by the passage of the current. 54. Porous-cups which have been used in a cell, must not be allowed to become dry after being taken out, but should be kept in water, otherwise the crystallization of the s. z. contained in the pores will almost certainly break them. 55. Choice of Battery Materials. The s. c. and the metallic zinc used for electrical purposes should be of good quality and free from adulterations. Adulterated s. c. is very seldom met with in the United States ; that sold by dealers in electrical supplies is almost uniformly of good quality. The best commercial zinc usually con- tains a small proportion of iron and lead. An analysis of spelter of good quality for electrical purposes, gave : Zinc 98.76 per cent. Lead 1.18 Iron 0.06 56. The question of the effects of temperature upon the efficiency of the voltaic cell is a very important one, and merits much more consideration than it has hitherto received. The sulphate of copper cell is especially sensitive in this particular, and should be carefully guarded against cold. This subject is further considered in a subse- quent chapter (162). 57- General Directions for the Care of Cells. The direc- tions for the management of the sulphate of copper element may be summarized as follows : (i.) Place the cells in a clean, dry, and well lighted situation, not exposed to dust nor to extremes of temperature. "JOHNSON'S Univ. Cyclopedia, Art. Endosmose. The Oxide of Copper Cell. 21 (2.) Do not move, shake, or stir the cells after the s. c. solution has been introduced into them. (3.) Start each cell with s. z. solution at s.g. i.io (or 15 Baume), and s. c. solution not below s.g. 1.20 (or 25 Baume). (4.) Keep the s. c, solution of a strong blue color up to a point just above the copper plate, by adding s. c. as fast as it is consumed by the action of the current, but be careful never to put in too much s. c. at one time. (5.) Test the s.z. solution frequently with the hydrometer, and when its s.g. reaches 1.15 (or 20 Baume), dilute with water to re- duce it to i.io (15 Baume). (6.) Wipe off with a greasy cloth any crystallized s. z. which forms upon the edges of the jars. (7.) Do not let the zinc become too heavily coated with brown oxides. If the oxides tend to form into pendants, hanging below the zinc, detach these at once with a bent wire ; they cause a great waste of material. (8.) It is an excellent plan to wrap the zinc neatly in linen paper (the kind called parchment paper is best), securing the folded flaps at the top with sealing-wax, and tying strongly with twine passed several times around the whole. This expedient prevents particles of zinc from falling on the copper, and also aids the action of gravity in pre- venting the too rapid upward diffusion of the s. c. solution. 58. The Oxide of Copper Cell. A voltaic combination in which the metallic elements are amalgamated zinc 12 and protoxide of copper (Cu O), 13 and the exciting agent a solution of caustic potash ( K O ), has of late found much favor in the telegraphic service, under the name of the Edi- son-Lalande cell. In the size designed for this use, the glass contain ing-jar is 8 in. high, 6 in. in diameter, and FIG. 10. Oxide Plate of Edison- Lalande Cell. 12 Zinc which has been immersed in dilute sulphuric acid, and then coated with mercury, is said to be amalgamated. This process renders the chemical action upon the zinc more uniform and less wasteful in certain forms of voltaic elements. It is of no advantage in the sulphate of copper element. 13 Protoxide of copper is obtained by roasting copper turnings. The product is then ground to powder and compressed into solid masses, from which are cut plates of suitable size for the cell. 22 Sources of Electricity. weighs 5.75 Ibs. It is provided with a porcelain cover, from which are suspended two rectangular plates of rolled zinc, fitted with a double clamp-screw for attaching the wire. A skeleton frame of copper (Fig. 10) is fitted to clasp two rectangular slabs containing i Ib. of copper oxide, and is suspend- ed from the porcelain cover be- tween and facing the zinc plates. To prevent possible contact, a fen- der of hard rubber is inserted be- tween the oxide plates, projecting on each side. A transverse cop- per bolt and nut clamps the whole firmly together. Fig. n shows the appearance of the cell when mounted. 59. Setting Up and Main- taining the Oxide of Copper Cell. The solution for this cell consists of i part by weight of caus- tic potash dissolved in 3 parts pure soft water (s. g. 1.33 ; 38 Baume), with which the jar is to be filled to within i in. of the top. Caustic potash, in sticks of a size just sufficient to make the proper solution, are usually supplied by dealers. The solution should be stirred with a wooden or glass rod while the potash is dissolving, otherwise the evolution of heat may fracture the jar. Finally, a stratum of heavy paraffin oil (s. g. 1.46 ; 48 Baume), about J in. deep, is poured upon the solution to prevent evaporation. The cell will ordinarily require no further attention until its mate- rials are entirely consumed, when both the zinc and oxide plates, as well as the solution, must be renewed. 60. Chemical Reactions of the Oxide of Copper Cell. When the external circuit is closed, the oxygen of the water in the solution, uniting with the zinc, forms oxide of zinc as in other cells. This, combining with the potash in the solution, forms a soluble double salt of zincate of potash, which is decomposed as rapidly as it is formed. The hydrogen which is set free unites with the oxygen of the protoxide of copper of the negative plate, and deposits metallic copper. The reaction takes up i equivalent of zinc, i of potash, i of protoxide of copper, and deposits i equivalent of metallic copper. The wasteful local action in this cell is so small as to be practically FIG. ii. Edison-Lalande Cell. The Grove and Bunsen Cells. FIG. \\a. d'Infreville's Wasteless Zinc negligible, which is an important advantage. 14 The copper is de- posited in a, pure form, suitable for industrial uses. 61. The Grove and Bunsen Cells. Other voltaic combina- tions, formerly largely used in telegraphy but now obsolete, consist of amalgamated zinc in dilute sulphuric acid, and platinum in nitric acid known as the Grove, and carbon in bichromate of potash solu- tion known as the Bunsen. 15 6ia. The Wasteless Battery Zinc. The unavoidable waste of metal in the gravity cell (10) from the unconsumed part of each zinc electrode which has to be thrown aside, sometimes amounts to 45 per cent, of the original weight. This loss is avoided by the " wasteless " electrode invented by G. dTnfreville, which is made up of two or more similar sections^ each formed of a hub with inclined radial arms (see Fig. n#.) The hubs of the several sec- tions are slightly coned, and fit snugly into one another. Fig. \\b. shows an electrode of three sections after having been some time in use. When the lowermost section has been nearly consumed, a new one is added at the top, and in this way each is oxidized in turn without waste. The coned form of the hubs enables the sections to be put to- gether in a perfectly secure manner by a light blow. With this electrode, the resist- ance (153) per Cell is reduced tO One-third Sectional view of Wasteless Zinc. its former value, while much is gained in constancy. A brass hanger or support accompanies the zinc, which grasps it securely by an ingenious elastic friction. A plan view of this hanger is shown in Fig. nc. A con- necting wire of any thickness may also be firmly clamped, as FIG. 1I ,.-d'infreviiie- 5 Hanger. shown, between the branches of the Y-shaped extremity of the hanger, the arms of which interlock by their own elasticity so as to hold it securely. 14 F. DELALANDE and G. CHAPERON in L Electricien, vi. 98, 103 ; Electrical Review ^London), xiii. 59, 102; xiv. 485; N. Y. Electrical Engineer, ix. 153. 1 * For description and directions for management of the Grove cell see Modem Practice vfthe Electric Telegraph, 4th ed , 15 ; and for Bunsen bichromate cell, the same, p 17. FIG. \\b. OF THK UNIVERSITY CHAPTER III THE SOURCES OF ELECTRICITY. (Continued.) 62. Magneto-Electricity. Electricity which is evolved from a magnet, by moving coils of wire within the sphere of its influence by mechanical power, is called magneto or dynamo-electricity. The distinction between the two is purely arbitrary and nominal, and has reference only to the particular structure and organization of the machines from which they are respectively derived. 63. Magnetism. It has been known from time immemorial that certain natural ores of iron possessed the property of attracting iron and steel, and that these metals were themselves capable, under proper conditions, of being endowed with a like property. This property, which is called magnetism, is also capable of being mani- fested, though in a less marked degree, by certain other metals, especially cobalt and nickel. Such a mass of magnetic ore is called a natural magnet or lodestone. A mass of iron or steel to which magnetic properties have been imparted by any known means, is called an artificial magnet. Soft iron is capable of retaining magnetic properties only during such time as it remains under the direct influence of the magnetizing force, and under such conditions is said to be a temporary magnet. Hardened iron or steel continues to retain magnetic properties after the withdrawal of the magnetizing force ; and hence a mass of hardened steel, when magnetized, is called a permanent magnet. 1 64. The Magnetic Needle. A piece of hardened steel, which has been permanently magnetized, possesses marked peculiarities. When a straight bar of this kind, which is termed a bar-magnet, is suspended freely by its center of gravity, it always tends to place itself approximately north and south, usually in the direction of its greatest length. The imaginary line in which it thus places itself is termed the magnetic meridian. A small magnetic steel bar, when 1 For an exposition of the modern theories of magnetism, the student is referred to the papers of D. E. Hughes, Proc. Royal Soc., 1879, p. 56; J. A. Ewing, Royal Soc., 1890; Elec. World, xvi. 241. A summary will be found in Kapp, Electric Trans- mission of Energy, 16. The celebrated lecture of Prof. A. M. Mayer, The Earth a Great Magnet, New Haven, 1872, presents the whole subject of magnetism in a most admirable, popular way. 2 4 Phenomena of Magnetic Induction. suspended by a filament, as shown in Fig. 12, or upon a pivot, as shown in Fig. 13, is called a magnetic needle. Such a needle, in con- junction with a graduated dial, consti- tutes the well-known magnetic compass. 65. Phenomena of Magnetic Induction. When an artificial mag- net is placed in the immediate neigh- borhood of one or more pieces of iron, or of a quantity of iron chips or filings, these are instantly at- tracted. They attach themselves to the magnet, and will be found to adhere with considerable force to its surface. At the same time, a magnetic influence is exerted upon these bod- ies by virtue of which they themselves become mag- nets. The magnetism thus appearing in such bodies is said to be induced \\\ them, and this process of im- parting or developing magnetism is called magnetic induction. Thus, in Fig. 14, NS is a bar-magnet, k is an iron key which is attracted and held suspended by it, and ;/ is an iron nail, in turn held in the same way by the key, which has itself become a magnet. The original magnetizing body suffers no loss of magnetism by this process. 66. Polarity of the Magnet. If a bar-magnet be rolled in a mass of filings or other small fragments of iron, these will be found to assemble in much irreater FIG. 13, Magnetic Needle on Pivot. Fm. Suspended Magnetic Needle. FIG. 14. Attraction of Magnet. quantity near each of the ends than toward the middle of the bar, as shown in Fig. 15. This shows that the attractive force of a magnet is at its maximum at two points situated near the respective ends of the bar, and gradually diminishes toward the center, where it disappears altogether. These two points of maximum attraction are termed the poles of the magnet. The one 26 Sources of Electricity. ' ' ' ' ! ': ' ''!'., ''.. i: ;-;"'' ! i " : FIG. 15, Attraction of Iron Filings by Bar- Magnet. which points toward the north pole of the earth when the magnet is suspended, is conventionally termed the boreal or north pole (71), and the opposite one the austral or south pole* The intermediate point, where no at- traction is manifest- ed,, is called the neu- tral line or equator of the magnet. Some magnets, termed multi- polar magnets, have more than one set of poles. The distance between the poles of a magnet is called its magnetic length. In most bar-magnets it is about 0.83 of the total length. In a horseshoe magnet (67) it is the shortest distance between the poles. A magnet need not necessarily be magnetized in the direction of its greatest length ; a bar may be magnetized transversely, or in fact in any direction. When a magnet is broken into detached parts, each fragment instantly becomes an independent magnet, having a north and south pole. 67. Horseshoe Magnet and Arma- ture 1 . Instead of being straight, as in Fig. 14, it is more usual, as well as more convenient, for the magnetic bar to be given a form re- sembling the letter U as m Fig. 16. This form is known as the horseshoe magnet. A soft iron armature is usually fitted to the poles of a horseshoe magnet. This is sometimes called the keeper, because it aids in retaining or keeping the magnetic qualities of the bar. In general terms, any mass of iron or steel subjected to the attraction of a magnet is considered to be an armature. A magnetic attraction has been experimentally produced between a magnet and its armature as high as i. ooo Ibs. per sq. in. of surface in con- tact. 3 68. The Magnetic Spectrum. If a sheet of thin glass or 2 The north pole of a magnetic bar or needle, by convention, is usually painted blue> and the south pole red. Sometimes they are respectively stamped with the letters N and S, and sometimes a straight line or mark serves to designate the north pole. 3 EWING and Low : Phil. Trans. Royal Soc., 1889, A. 221 ; see also H. E. J. G- Du Bois : Phil. Mag., April, 1890. FIG. 16. Horseshoe Magnet and Arma- ture. The Magnetic Field. 27 card-board be laid upon a bar-magnet, and its surface sprinkled with iron filings from a pepper-box, as in Fig. 17, upon tapping the sheet with a pencil or simi- lar object, a remarkable phenomenon will occur. The particles of iron will arrange themselves sym- metrically in curiously FIG. 17 curved lines as shown in Fig. 1 8, which is taken from a FIG. 18. Spectrum of Bar-Magnet. . Method of producing Magnetic Spectrum. photograph. This is called the magnetic spectrum. 69. The Mag- netic Field. The sphere of attraction which surrounds a magnet is termed the magnetic field, and is filled with what were happily termed b\ Faraday, lines of mag- netic force. These exist unseen in every magnetic field, but their presence and direction may be made evident by the expedient which has just been described. Magnetic force in it- self is absolutely in- We only know of its existence appreciable by any of our senses by its effects upon matter. Since the peculiarities of the magnetic field are due to the presence of a force, the properties of such a field may be made known by determining the strength and the direction of this force, or, as it is usually expressed, the intensity of the field, and the direction of the lines of force* Force is any action which can be expressed simply by weight, and is distinguished by a great variety of terms, such as attraction, repulsion, gravity, pressure, tension, 28 Sources of Electricity. FIG. 19. Lines of Force of liar- Magnet. 70. Lines of Magnetic Force. The invisible lines of mag netic force radiate in every direction from each pole of the magnet. They may be regarded as an inseparable part of it, which accompany it wherever it goes. Perhaps their true nature may be more clearly conceived by assuming them to set out from one pole, say the north pole, and after curving for a greater or less distance through space, to return again to the south pole, as indicated by the arrows in Fig. 19. A view of the spec- trum of the magnetic field at one pole of a bar-magnet, as seen end-on, exhibits merely radial lines, as in Fig. 20. 71. If a small bar- magnet or magnetic needle be suspended at any point within the field of a larger magnet, it will invari- ably tend to place it- self parallel to the line of force which passes through both its poles, as shown in Fig. 21. This exT plains why the needle of the magnetic com- pass always points to the north. The earth itself is a great mag- net, and is surrounded by a field filled with invisible lines of force which we term magnetic meridians. These lines determine the position of the suspended magnetic needle. Thus by exploring with such a needle, the direction of the lines of force in any magnetic field may be discovered (94). 72. Attraction and Repulsion. The respective north poles compression, cohesion, adhesion, resistance, inertia, strain, stress, strength, thrust, load, squeeze, pull, push, etc., all of which can be measured or expressed by weight, without regard to motion, time, power or work. J. W. NYSTROM : Elements of Mechanics, p. 59. FIG. 20. Spectrum of Magnet Pole End-on. Current Produced by a Magnetic Field. 29 of any two magnets repel each other, and so do the south poles ; but, on the contrary, the north and the south pole of the same or differ- FIG. 21. Position of Magnetic Needle in Field. J. A. ent magnets mutually attract each other. Hence it follows that the north pole of any magnet must have the same polarity as the south pole of the earth, and in strictness ought to be termed the south pole rather than the north (66). It is more properly termed the north-seeking pole. 73. Electric Current Produced by a Mag- netic Field. If a con- ducting wire in the form of a closed loop or end- less ring be moved within a magnetic field, in any di- rection whatsoever which alters the number of lines of force passing through it, a current of electricity will appear in the wire. The same thing will occur if the wire be stationary and the field be moved ; or if the wire be stationary and the intensity or strength of the field be increased or diminished, either between zero and maximum, or to a lesser extent ; or if the wire be moved from one part of the field to another part of different intensity. 5 FARADAY'S own account of this capital discovery of magneto-electricity the results of which are likely to ultimately become of greater importance than any other ever , >. , v (/~\\ / I \ \1 _J \\ 1 ' 1 / / T v / / \ // \^ ^^/ ^- FIG, 22. Lines of Force not cut by Movement of Ring. Sources of Electricity. 74- Thus in Fig. 22, 6 let the parallel arrows be assumed to repre- sent lines of 'force in a uniform magnetic field. If the closed ring of wire be moved parallel to those lines, as indicated by the dotted arrow, no electric current will appear in the ring. Or if the ring and the lines of force, either or both, be moved in a trans- verse direction with ref- erence to each other, with- out altering the total num- ber of lines enclosed, as shown in Fig. 23, no cur- rent will be generated in FIG. 33. Movement of Translation in Uniform Field. \V7 the ring. Fig. 24, on the other hand, represents a field which is not uniform, being stronger or more intense, or in other words, having a greater number of lines of force, in some parts than in others. Moreover, as shown by the arrow-heads, these lines run in opposite directions in ^ different parts of the field. If, now, the ring be moved from a place where the lines of force are more numerous to a place where they are less numerous, as from position i to position 2 in Fig. 24, a current will be generated - } and if this motion be continued, as in position 3, to a place where the lines run in an opposite direction, the effect will be similar in kind, but will be even greater in amount. So, also, if the ring be moved in a uniform field in such a manner that either the number or the direction, or both, of the lines of force cut by it are varied, a current will be pro- duced. This happens if the ring be turned round an axis at right angles to the direction of the lines of force, as shown in Fig. 25. achieved by man, with the possible exception of the discovery of the expansive power of steam is given in his Experimental Researches, i. 7. See N. Y. Elect. Eng. , xiii. 27. SILVANUS P. THOMPSON : Dynamo-Electric Machinery (2nd edition;, 12. FIG. 24. Movement of Ring in Field of Varying Intensit}*. Transformation of Mechanical Power. 3 r This last described organization is very common in machines for producing electricity from magnetism. 7 75. Transformation of Mechanical Power into Electricity and Heat. In thus moving a closed circuit or loop of wire through a magnetic field so as to cut across the lines of force, a cer- tain physical resistance is encountered, and a corre- ^ spending mechanical force must be applied to over- come it and effect the FlG ' 25 ' Circular Mov ^ e d nt f Ring in Uniorm motion. The equivalent of mechanical energy thus consumed reappears as electricity in the closed ring, except that a certain portion, which is transformed into heat, as will be hereafter more fully explained (87). 76. Direction of the Induced Current. It has been stated (31), that what we call the direction of a voltaic current is con- ventionally assumed to be from the positive pole of the cell through the conducting wire to the negative pole ; and it will be obvious that if the respective poles were interchanged, the current would traverse the wire in the opposite direction. The direction of the current pro- duced in a conductor by moving it with reference to the lines in a field of force, called the magneto-electric current, depends upon the direction in which the relative motion takes place. The law may be stated as follows : A decrease in the number of lines of force which pass through or are cut by a closed circuit, produces a current round that circuit in the positive direction ; while an increase in the number of lines of force which pass through or are cut by such circuit, produces a cur- rent around such circuit in the negative direction. 8 The positive direction of the lines of magnetic force which pass through the loop of the circuit, is invariably associated with a posi- tive direction of the current flowing round the conducting circuit, 7 This and the four following paragraphs explanatory of the mutual reactions of the magnet, the magnetic field and the conductor, are abridged from a portion of chapters ii. and iii. of SILVANUS P. THOMPSON'S admirable work on Dynamo- Electric Machinery. * SILVANUS P. THOMPSON : Elementary Lessons in Electricity aud Magnetism, 360- 32 Sources of Electricity. just as the forward thrust is with the right-handed rotation in the operation of driving an ordinary right-handed screw. This will ap- pear from an examination of the direction of the current in the 'ring as shown by the arrows in Fig. 25. 77. Mutual Reactions of a Current and a Magnet. The phenomena which have been described, like most physical phe- nomena, are reversible; that is to say, a magnetic field may also be created by the passage of an electric current through a wire con- ductor, and, moreover, a mass of iron or steel situated in such a field will become magnetic. This effect, which is called electro-magnetism (86, It is a unit which is of little or no practical utility in ordinary telegraph work, or in fact for any other purpose, and is referred to here only because it has been given a place in the accepted system of electric units. 124. The Volt. The unit of electromotive force is called the volt. 6 It closely approximates that of a single sulphate of copper or gravity cell in good condition (24), so that in telegraphic work it is usually accurate enough for practical purposes to estimate i cell equals i volt. Accurately, i gravity cell has an e. m.f. of 1.07 volts. This value is subject to slight variation from various causes. It is not much influenced by temperature (153, note). 125. The Ohm. The unit of electrical resistance is called the ohm. 7 It is equal to the resistance to a column of pure mercury, i sq. millimetre in cross-section and 106 centimetres (more or less), in length, 8 at a temperature of o Centigrade or 32 Fahrenheit. 5 COULOMB (CHARLES AUGUSTIN DE), a distinguished mathematician, born at Angouleme, France, 1736. He is regarded as the founder of experimental physics in France. The theory of electricity is largely indebted to the investigations of this phi- losopher. Died, 1806. 6 VOLTA (ALESSANDRO), born at Como, Italy, 1745 ; was first professor of physics at Como, and afterward in the University of Pavia, where he taught and studied for 30 years. In 1782, he invented the electrical condenser (317), and finally arrived at the invention of the famous cell which bears his name (8), which he described in a let- ter to Sir Joseph Banks in 1800. Summoned to Paris by Napoleon, he received the gold medal of the Institute, of which he became a member in 1802. His works were published in 9 volumes, in Florence, in 1816. Died, 1827. 7 OHM (GEORG SIMON), born at Erlangen, Bavaria, 1787 ; studied in his native city ; was appointed (1817) professor of physics at the Jesuit college of Cologne, di- rector of Polytechnic School at Nuremburg (1883), and professor (1849) at Munich, where he died in 1874. He discovered the so-called Ohm's law (124), which he pub- lished in 1827, and for which was awarded the Copley medal by the Royal Society of London. In 1861, the British Association for the Advancement of Science, at the suggestion 62 Laws and Conditions of Electrical Action. The resistances of various wires used as telegraphic conductors is given in the tables, pp. 94, 112. 126. Resistance of Liquids. The resistance of liquids is enormously greater than that of metallic substances. The relative specific resistances of some of the voltaic solutions used in telegraphy are as follows : 9 Pure copper (standard of comparison) i. Pure rain water 40,653,723. Water 12 parts, sulphuric acid i part 1,305,467. Sulphate of copper i Ib. , water i gallon 18,450,000. Saturated solution sulphate of zinc 17,330,000. Table iv, on the next page, contains the results of more recent determinations of the specific resistance of copper and zinc solutions at various temperatures, computed from the experiments of Becker. 10 As the temperature rises, the resistance falls off. This effect is fur- ther referred to in (164). of Sir William Thomson, appointed a committee on electrical standards, which, after a long series of experiments by eminent physicists, determined the value of the ohm to be nearly that of a column of pure mercury 105 centimetres long and i square millim- etre in cross-section, at temp. o centigrade, and officially caused resistance coils made of wire of an alloy of platinum and silver to be issued as standards. Resistance coils copied from these standards are known as B. A. units or ohms. More recent careful determinations of Lord Rayleigh and many others have proved beyond doubt that the B. A. unit or ohm is more than i per cent, too small. An attempt has accordingly been made to substitute for the old standards new ones of the corrected value. In ac- cordance with the recommendation of the International Congress of Electricians, held in Paris in 1884, a legal ohm is denned to be a mercury column of the above section, and 106 cm. in length. The exact ratio is : i Legal ohm = 1.0112 B. A. ohm. i B. A. ohm = 0.9889 legal ohm. At the meeting of the British Association in September, 1890, it was recommended that the value for the mercury column of 106.3 cm - be substituted for the 106 cm. of the International Congress, and it is not unlikely that this value may ultimately be adopted. In Germany, the Siemens unit (known as the S. U.) is largely used, and many of the older instruments now in use in the United States are adjusted to this standard. It is designed to be equal to a column of mercury i metre long and i sq. mm. cross- section at temp. o C. i Siemens unit = 0.9540 B. A. ohm. i B. A. ohm. = 1.0486 S. U. MOSES G. FARMER : Shaffner's Telegraph Manual, 514. 10 F. JENKIN : Electricity and Magnetism, 259. The maximum conductivity of s. z. solution is 23.5 per cent (s. g. 1.286) according to KOHLRAUSCH : Physical Measure- ment, p. 326. For other tables of resistances of liquids, see SPRAGUE : Electricity, etc. (2d ed.), 298; STEWART and GEE: Elementary Practical Physics, 219; NIAUDET : Electric Batteries (Fishback's Translation), 255 ; PRESCOTT : Electricity and Elec. Tel., 182. For method of measurement see F. KOHLRAUSCH : Jour. Soc. Tel. Eng. xiii, 290. Ohms Law. TABLE IV. SPECIFIC RESISTANCES OF VOLTAIC SOLUTIONS. SULPHATE OF COPPER. Percentage of salt in Solution. 14 16 18 20 24 28 30 Centigrade. 8 12 16 45-7 36.3 31.2 43-7 34-9 30.0 41.9 33-5 28.9 40.2 32.2 27.9 37-1 29.9 26.1 34-2 27.9 24.6 32.9 27.0 24.0 Resistance of i cubic centi- 20 24 28 28.5 26.9 24-7 27.5 25-9 23-4 26.5 24.8 22.1 25.6 23-9 21.0 24.1 22.2 18.8 22.7 20.7 16.9 22.2 2O. O 16.0 metre ex- pressed in ohms. SULPHATE OF ZINC. 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 Centigrade. 96 grams in 100 \ c. c. of solution. ) 22.7 21.4 20.2 19.2 18.1 I7.I I6. 3 ! Resistance of i cubic centi- Same solution \ metre expressed with an equal > 21. 1 20.3 19.5 18.8 18.1 r 7-3. i n ohms. volume of water. ) i 127. Ohm's Law. The fundamental relation which exists in every electric circuit between electromotive force, resistance and current, is expressed by Ohm's law, which may be formulated in the following propositions : (i) In any electric circuit, the current is the quotient of the electromotive force divided by the resistance ; hence the current in amperes maybe found by dividing the e. m. f. in volts by the resistance in ohms. (ii) In any electric circuit, the electromotive force is the product of the current and the resistance ; hence the total e. m. f. in volts may be found by multiplying together the current in amperes and the resistance in ohms. (iii) In any electric circuit, the resistance is the quotient of the electro- motive force divided by the current ; hence the resistance in ohms may be found by dividing the e. m. f. in volts by the current in amperes. 128. Joule's Law. 11 The relation which exists between cur- rent and mechanical work is expressed by Joule's law, which may be formulated in the following propositions : 11 JOULE (JAMES PRESCOTT), born in Salford, England, 1818. A self-taught philos- opher, distinguished for the extent, originality, and accuracy of his physical researches. He ascertained in 1841, the law of the evolution of heat by the electric current (128), and determined in 1850, the numerical ratio of equivalency between heat and mechan- ical force (92). His discoveries, which are too numerous to permit more than general 64 Laws and Conditions oj Electrical Action. (iv) In any electric circuit, the rate of doing worK is the product of the e. m. f. and the current ; hence the rate in which work is being done in watts (150) may be found by multiplying together the e. m.f. in volts and the current in amperes. (v) In any electric circuit, the rate of doing work is the product of the current multiplied into itself and into the resistance ; hence rate of working in watts may also be found by multiplying together the resistance and the square of the current in amperes. 129. The term work, as herein used, includes the work which appears in the form of heat, as well as that which produces physical motion. 130. Experimental Proof of Ohm's Law. The student is now prepared to understand an explanation of the results which have been referred to in the preceding paragraphs (108 113). Referring to the dia- gram, Fig. 49, we may trace the circuit as follows : Begin- ning at the copper or the posi- tive pole of the battery, thence through the 62 feet of copper wire which forms the coil of the galvanometer ; thence to the zinc Z or negative pole of the battery ; thence in succes- sion through the s. z. solution and the s. c. solution S to the copper plate C of the first cell ; thence to the zinc plate Z of the next cell, and through the solution to the copper, and so on through the series until the starting point, the copper plate of the terminal cell, is reached. 131. Internal Resistance of the Cell. The solution in each cell may be regarded as a liquid conductor of cylindrical form, having a length of about 3 in. (the average distance between the copper and zinc plates) and a cross-section of about 28 sq. in. When a cell is in good working condition, the resistance of the contained liquids, at ordinary temperatures, is about 4 ohms, and may be regarded as mention here, have been intimately related to the remarkable theory of the correlation of the physical forces (p. 38, note 8) which was developed by Mayer, Helmholtz, Seguin, Faraday, and Grove. His researches in electro-magnetism, particularly in respect to its application as a motive power, were extensive and important. Honors were con- ferred on him by almost every learned society in the world. His scientific papers were collected and published by the Physical Society of London in 1884. Died 1889. FIG. 49, Diagram of Galvanometer and Battery Circuit. Kic. 50. Cells in Series with Galvanometer. Internal Resistance of t/ic Cell. First Case. 65 approximately equivalent to that of 250 feet of copper wire of the thickness of that in the coil of our galvanometer (103). The actual resistance of the zinc and copper plates of each cell, being at most but an insignificant fraction of i ohm, may in the present instance be disregarded in our computations. 132. First Case. In the first ex- ample, we begin with 4 cells in circuit in a single series, as shown in Fig. 50. This figure is a diagrammatical or con- ventional illustration of precisely the same i thing which is shown in Fig. 46. The I zinc plate of each cell is represented by a thick black line, and the copper by a thin line. The symbol for the galvanometer explains itself. In like manner, Fig. 51 corresponds to Fig. 47, and Fig. 52 to Fig. 48. In Figs. 51 and 52, a black dot at the intersection of two wires indicates that they are electrically united at the junction. This conventional representation of batteries, galvanometers, circuits, and other appliances will be employed here- after in this work (208). In this case, each cell has an approximate e. m.f. of i volt (124), this value depending not at all upon the size of the element, but solely upon its chemical constitution. The aggregate .;#*./] of the 4 cells of the series is therefore 4 volts. The aggregate resistance of the 4 cells is 16 ohms, and that of the galvanometer r ohm. We may neglect also the inappreciable resistance of the short connecting wires between the battery and the galvanometer, and call the sum of the resistances in the circuit (battery and galvanometer) 17 ohms. By Ohm's law (127, i), we divide the e. m.f. 4 (volts) by the resist- ance 17 (ohms), and our quotient is 0.235 (amperes). With 3 cells in -like manner, we have an e. m.f. of 3 volts, an aggregate resistance of 13 ohms, and by Ohm's law a current of 0.230 amperes; and so in the remaining cases. Continuing this method of procedure, we get results which may be tabulated as follows : Cells in Series. Deflections. Tangents. E. M. F. Resistance. Current. 4 58 1. 60 4 17 0-235 3 57i l. 5 6 3 13 0.230 2 5<* 1-50 2 9 0.222 I 53T i-35 I 5 O.2OO 66 Laws and Conditions of Electrical Action. We find, therefore, that the tangents of the angles of deflection are in proportion to the strength of the current in amperes, as computed by Ohm's law from known electromotive forces and known resistances. 133. Second Case. Take the next arrangement (109), in which we have 2 series of cells and 2 cells in each series, Fig. 51. The question now arises: If the resistance of each cell is 4 ohms, what will be the resist- ance of the group? It is less than in the preceding case, as Fig. 51. Cells in Parallel Series with Gal- the increased deflection of the vanometer. ji i i i needle shows, and as might have been inferred from the fact that the current from each series of cells does not now pass through the other series, nor encounter its resistance. Neither is the e. m.f. of one series superimposed upon that of the other series as before. A little reflection will make it clear that the present arrangement is precisely equivalent to 2 cells in series, each having copper and zinc plates of double the original area. Hence we may consider the cross-section of the liquid con- ductor to be doubled, while its length remains unaltered, from which it follows that its resistance is but half what it was originally (118). 134. Law of Joint Resistances. The law determining the resistance of any circuit which divides into two or more branches which reunite at another point, is a general one, and applicable in all such cases, whether of batteries or of conductors. The resist- ance offered by two or more such branches is termed their joint resistance, and is computed by the following rules : RULE i. Add together the reciprocals of the individual resistances of all the branches, and the reciprocal of the result will be the joint resistance of tJie group. The reciprocal of any number is the fraction obtained by dividing unity (or i) by that number; and the reciprocal of any common fraction, is that fraction itself inverted. Thus the reciprocal of 2 is \ or 0.5 ; and conversely, the reciprocal of 0.5 or \ is 2. The recip- rocal of J is f . A table of reciprocals is given on page 67. In case there are only two branches, a simpler method of compu- tation may be used : RULE 2. Multiply together the individual resistances of the two branches, and divide the product by their sum ; the quotient will be the joint resistance. Table of Reciprocals. TABLE V. RECIPROCALS OF NUMBERS FROM 1 TO 100. No. Rec. No. Rec. No. Rec. No. Rec. No. Rec. I 1. 000 21 .0467 41 .0244 61 .0164 81 .0123 2 .5000 22 .0454 42 .0238 62 .0161 82 .0122 3 3333 23 0434 43 .0232 63 .0159 83 .0120 *! .2500 24 .0416 44 .0227 64 .0156 84 .0119 5 .2000 25 .0400 .45 .0222 65 .0154 85 .0118 6 .1667 26 .0385 46 .0217 66 .0151 86 .0116 7 .1428 27 .0370 47 .0213 67 .0149 87 .0115 8 .1250 28 0357 48 .0208 68 .0147 88 .0114 9 .mi 2 9 0344 49 .O2O4 69 .1045 89 .OII2 10 .1000 30 0333 50 .0200 70 .0143 9 .OIII n .0909 31 .0323 5i .0196 7i .0141 9 1 .OIIO 12 .0833 32 .0312 52 .0192 72 .0139 92 .0108 13 .0769 33 .0303 53 .0188 73 .0137 93 .0107 14 .0714 34 .0294 54 .0185 74 0135 94 .0106 15 .0667 35 .0286 55 .0182 75 0133 95 .0105 16 .0625 36 .0277 56 .0178 76 .0131 96 .0104 17 .0588 37 .0270 57 0175 77 .0130 97 .0103 18 0555 33 .0263 53 .OI72 78 .0128 98 .0102 19 .0526 39 .0256 59 .0169 79 .0126 99 .0101 20 .0500 40 .0250 60 .0166 80 .0125 100 .0100 Any sum multiplied by the reciprocal of a number is equal to the same sum divided by the number corresponding to the reciprocal. In the table, the reciprocals are those of whole numbers, but it is easy to extend their use to decimals, or to mixed numbers, by shifting the decimal point ; thus, the Reciprocal of 390 = .00256 " 39 = -0256 3-9 = -256 39 2.56 " " .039 25.6 68 Lazi's and Conditions of Electrical Action. 135. In the present case we have 2 branches, with' a resistance of 8 ohms in each branch. Hence we have 8x8 = 64; 8 + 8= 16; 64 -^- 1 6 = 4 ; add galvanometer i, and we have as total resistance 5. Dividing the e. m.f., 2, by this amount gives a current of 0.4 amperes. We have therefore : Cells in parallel series. Deflection. Tangent. E. M. F. 2 Resistance. Current. 4 6gf 2.70 5 0.4 136. Third Case. Next we have (no) the 4 copper terminals connected to one terminal of the galvanometer and the 4 zincs to the other terminal, as in Fig. 52. In this case, by the rule (134), the reciprocal of 4 is 0.25 ; the sum of the four reciprocals is therefore i, the reciprocal of which is i, and this added to the galvanometer resistance i, makes a total of 2, while the e. m. f. is now reduced to i. Hence, we have in this case: Cells in . j) enec tion. Tangent. E. M. F. Resistance.! Current. 73i 3-38 i 2 | 0.5 ohms. ' 137. Passing next to the experiment in (108), in which we found that having 3 cells in circuit with the galvanometer, and 300 feet of a certain gauge copper wire, the deflection apparently in- dicated that we produced exactly the same current in the circuit that we did with i cell when the cop- per wire was not included. Let us see whether Ohm's law accounts for the result. We find from the copper wire table (p. 94) that the resistance of the length of wire included is approximately 2 We have, therefore : Fig. 52. Cells in Par- allel with Galva- nometer. Resistance of 3 cells battery ; 12 ohms. " " galvanometer i " " " 300 feet copper wire 2 Total 15 ohms. 3 (volts) -T- 15 (ohms) = 0.2 (amperes). Branch or Derived Circuits, 69 In the other case we had : Resistance of i cell 4 ohms. " galvanometer i " Total 5 ohms. i (volt) -5- 5 (ohms) 0.2 (amperes). 138. Ohm's law is therefore confirmed in every particular by the results of experiment, and observation, and we learn, moreover, the important fact that the quantity of current traversing any given circuit may be varied either by varying the electromotive force or by varying the resistance. 139. We also learn from Ohm's law, as interpreted by the ex- periments which have been made, that every portion of an undivided or non-branching circuit is traversed by the same quantity, or number of amperes^ of current at the same time, without reference to its relative resistance. 140. Currents in Branch Circuits. When any circuit divides into two or more branches a current traversing that circuit dis- tributes itself between these branches inversely in proportion to their respective resistances, or, what is the same thing, directly in proportion to their several conductivities. The branches are also termed shunts or derived circuits. Each such branch may be re- garded as a shunt to all the other branches in parallel with it. The word shunt is of English origin, and is derived from the analogy of a railroad siding where trains pass each other, which in that country is known as a shunt. 141. Electric Potential. Having thus gained some experi- mental as well as theoretical knowledge of electromotive force (121), resistance (115), and current (91), the student should next endeavor to acquire a definite understanding of the meaning of the term potential. The resemblance between the behavior of electricity and that of a material fluid like water has already been pointed out (120). Recurring to this analogy, if we assume a stream of water to be flowing through a closed pipe, we know that as soon as the flow has become steady, exactly the same number of gallons per minute will pass through every cross-section of the pipe, whatever may be the difference in its diameter at different points. This is exactly analogous to that which occurs in the case of an electric current (139)- 142. Although the quantity of water which passes must neces- sarily be the same in every cross-section of the pipe, the pressure place in the electric conductor. FIG. 53. Hydraulic Illustration of Electric Potential. 70 Laws and Conditions of Electrical Action. per square inch is by no means equal throughout, and this is true whether the pipe is level and whether it is of uniform diameter or otherwise. As we proceed along a horizontal pipe in the direction of the flow, we observe the pressure becomes less and less as we go farther away from the supplying reservoir. 143. Illustration of Fall of Potential. A like effect takes A fall, technically termed a drop in potential, occurs as we recede from the source of electricity, just as there is a fall of pressure in the water-pipe. For example, let Fig. 53 represent a vessel ~ filled with water. 12 The tap at C is closed, and the water stands at the same level in all the verti- cal tubes, showing that no differ- ence of pressure exists, and consequently there can be no current of flow in the liquid. But when the tap at C is opened, as in Fig. 54, it will be observed that the level in the several vertical tubes stands lower and lower as we pass from A toward C. The height of water in each tube in- dicates the pressure which exists at the point of its junction with the tube B. This difference in hydrostatic pressure between dif- ferent points in the pipe produces the flow of water which we call a current. The original cause of the flow is manifestly the force which lifted the water in the first place to a point above the level of the pipe B, and thus conferred upon it the pressure or potential which it now has (121). Therefore we may say without error, that electromotive force causes potential to exist. When resistance is re- moved, a fall of potential occurs at some point, and this fall of poten- tial gives rise to an electric current. Therefore the fact of the exist- ence of an electric current is conclusive evidence of the existence of a difference of potential between two different points in the circuit through which the current flows. 1S This excellent illustration is from Professor ELROY M. AVERY'S Elements of Natu- ral Philosophy, of which the chapter on electricity and magnetism has been separately published by Sheldon & Co., New York. FIG. Hydraulic Illustration of Uniform Fall of Potential. Graphic Illustration of the Electric Circuit. 71 FIG. 55. Hydraulic Illustration of Varying Fall of Potential. 144. Fall of Potential Proportionate to Resistance. The fall of potential between any two points in a circuit bears the same ratio to the fall of potential in the whole circuit that the resistance between those points does to the total resistance of the circuit. In other words, in the whole or any portion of a circuit, the fall of potential is always in proportion to the resistance. In Fig. 55, the horizontal pipe is in two portions of different diame- ters, and in this case it will be observed that the fall of the pressure is more rapid along the smaller than along the larger section. 145. Graphic Illustration of the Electric Circuit. We may represent by a diagram all the essential characteristics of the electric circuit in a manner first pointed out by Ohm in 1828. For example. let the ring in Fig. 56 represent a conductor of uniform resistance having a source of electricity at the point A. The electricity from this point will be diffused over both halves of the ring; the posi- tive going toward a and the negative toward b, both uniting at c. As the conductor is assumed to be homogeneous, it follows that equal quantities of electricity traverse all sections of the ring at the Fig. 5 6. Geometrical same time (139). If we assume that the flow of illustration of Ohm's the current from one crO ss-section of the ring to another is due to the difference of potential which exists between the two points (143), and that the quantity which passes is proportional to this difference of potential (144), it follows that the positive and negative currents, proceeding in opposite direc- tions from A, must exhibit a decrease in potential the farther they recede from the starting point. This decrease in potential may be graphically represented in a diagram, the analogy of which to the hydraulic ap- paratus of Fig. 54 will be apparent upon inspection and comparison. Suppose the ring of Fig. 56 to be stretched out in a straight line A A', Fig. 57. Let the vertical line A B (technically termed an ordinate) represent the positive potential at A, and A' B' in like manner the nega- B B Fig. 57. Illustration of Uniform Fall of Potential. / 2 Laws and Conditions of Electrical Action. tive potential at A'; then the line B B' will denote the value of the potential in all parts of the circuit by the correspondingly varying lengths of the vertical ordinates at any point between Kc or c A'. The quantity of the current is proportional to the steepness of the fall. This may be considered also as a graphic representation of Ohm's law (127). 146. Fall of Potential in a Non-homogeneous Circuit. In practice, in the circuits employed in telegraphy, the conductor is never homogeneous, but, like the water-pipe referred to in (144), is made up of several conductors of varying conductivity. To illustrate this condition of things in a diagrammatic form, let the conductor A A', Fig. 58, consist of two portions having respectively different cross-sections. If we assume the cross- . section of A //, for example, to be greater than that of //A' in the proportion of * to Fig. 58. Illustration of Variable .*. ,. Fall of Potential. 2; then if equal quantities of electricity pass through all sections in equal times, as stated in (139) and (141), the difference of potential between the extremities of the thicker wire will be only two thirds what it would be in the case of the thinner wire of equal length. Hence, the fall or drop in potential will be less in the thick than in the thin wire, as shown by the line Br, in Fig. 58. The greater therefore the resistance of the conductor, the greater the fall of potential. This result is expressed in the following law : In any electric circuit, the fall of potential is directly as the specific resistances (117) of the sei'eral conductors composing it, and inversely as the area of their cross-sections. The simplest circuit, therefore, when laid out in diagrammatic form, exhibits a series of gradients expressing the potential of its various parts. 147. Electrostatic Capacity. A body charged with elec- tricity in a static condition, as, for example, a long submarine cable, a condenser (317) or the well-known apparatus called the Leyden jar, is said to be in a state of electrification. This effect is also ob- servable upon well-insulated land lines of considerable length, and is one which in certain special methods of telegraphy needs to be taken into consideration, as will hereafter appear. The quantity of static electricity (82) thus held by any conductor, or that which any body is capable of containing, is termed its capacity. This is often called also electrostatic capacity and inductive capacity. The Watt. 73 148. The Farad. The unit of capacity is called \hzfarad, but the capacities required to be measured in telegraphy being usually very small, they are more conveniently expressed in micro-farads (p. 60, note 4). Further explanation of this subject is reserved until the effects of static electricity upon telegraph lines require consideration. 149. Power, or Rate of Work. It has been stated elsewhere (92) that every electric current is capable of doing a certain amount of work. This definite amount of work may, however, obviously be done in a greater or less length of time, that is to say, at a different rate, and this rate of work is called power. 150. The Watt. The electric unit of power, or rate of working, is called the watt.^ It equals i volt multiplied by i ampere, or 7 J^ of a mechanical horse-power. In any circuit the power equals the square of the current in amperes multiplied into the resistance in ohms. TABLE VI. SYNOPSIS OF PRACTICAL UNITS. 15 1 Value. Unit. B Name. Derivation. >, c/2 C.G.S Equivalent. E. M. F E Volt Ampere x Ohm I0 8 .926 standard Daniell cell. Resistance. . R Ohm Volt-:- Ampere I0 9 1.01367 B. A. Units (?). Current Quantity. . . . Capacity. . . . C Q K Ampere ! Volt -4- Ohm Coulomb Ampere per sec. Farad. Coulomb-*- Volt TO-' io- ' io-9 ( .0000105 gram of hydro- ( gen liberated per second. Power. . P Watt Volt x Ampere 1C 7 .0013405 or - |?r h. -power. Work I \V \ Volt x Coulomb I0 7 7373 foot-pounds. Heat j Joule "i . o ,^1 J ( Ampere* x Ohm I0 7 .238 calorie. 13 FARADAY (MICHAEL), a distinguished chemist and natural philosopher ; born in Newing'On, England, 1791. He received but little education, and while young was apprenticed to a bookbinder. While working at this trade, a scientific book fell into his hands, which he read with avidity, and was thus led to devote himself to the study of electricity. In 1813 he obtained the appointment of chemical assistant under Sir Humphry Davy at the Royal Institution. In 1821 he discovered magnetic rotation. In 1831 he began the publication of his Experimental Researches in Electricity, beginning with the induction of electric currents (151) and the evolution of electricity from mag- netism (73). Three years later he discivered the principle of definite electrolytic action (154). His original papers, including a wide range of contributions to modern science, are too numerous to mention in detail. In 1833 he was appointed professor of chemistry in the Royal Institution, which chair he continued to hold until his death. He was a member of many learned societies of Europe and America. Died 1867. 14 WATT (JAMES), an eminent mechanical engineer, born at Greenock, Scotland, 1736. Under his father he acquired a knowledge of mathematical instrument-making. When nineteen years of age he went to London, but soon returned and settled at Glasgow, where, under the patronage of the university, he subsequently immortalized himself by the invention of the steam-engine. Died 1819. 14 MUNROE and JAMIESON'S Pocket-Book of Electrical Rules and Tables, p. 13*. 74 Laws and Conditions of Electrical Action. 151. Current Induction. An electric current traversing a conductor has a capacity of setting up or giving rise to a temporary current in a neighboring conductor. This effect is called volta induction, or, more commonly, current induction; and the temporary current thus produced is called the induced or secondary current. The originating current in such a case is termed the primary or inducing current. This effect is sometimes observed to take place between two long and well-insulated telegraph lines which are situ- ated parallel and near together for a great distance. The flow of the secondary or induced current is in a direction contrary to that of the primary or inducing current. 152. Electrical Dimensions of the Voltaic Cell. The practical value of any type of cell for a given purpose depends upon what is known as its electrical dimensions, and upon its constancy. The first property determines the quantity of electricity which it is capa- ble of producing in a given time; the second property the length of time it is capable of maintaining such action. 153. E. M. F. and Resistance of the Cell. The elec- trical dimensions of a cell are stated in terms of its e. m. f. and its internal resistance. The first depends upon its chemical reaction, without reference to size, and the second is practically uninfluenced by any considerations other than the conducting power of the solu- tions (126), the area of their cross-section (131) and the tempera- ture. 16 The duration of the cell depends upon the quantity of material it contains and upon the energy of the chemical action within it. The gravity cell, described in Chapter II., has an e. m. f. of 1.07 to 1.08 volts, and when in good condition an average resistance of 3 to 4 ohms. 154. Quantity and Cost of Materials Consumed in the Battery. The subjoined table shows the theoretical consumption and deposition of material in each gravity cell per ampere per hour, in fractions of an avoirdupois pound, by the aid of which the cost of producing any given current may be ascertained when the price of materials is known. 17 " Heat increases the e. m.f. of a sulphate of copper cell ; it does so by affecting the solubilities of the two salts and supplying externally the energy absorbed in solution. Between 32 and 52 Fahr. there is a difference of .01 volt ; between 50 and 60 also .01, and between 50 and 100 about .025. J. T. SPRAGUE : Electricity, etc. (2d Ed.), p. 141. 17 The electro-chemical equivalent of zinc is here taken as 0.00033696 grams per am- pere per second, according to the determinations of Rayleigh and Kohlrausch. A table of electro-chemical equivalents, calculated from Rayleigh's results, is given by GEORGE B. PRESCOTT, Jr., Electrical Engineer, iv. 7. Quantity and Cost of Materials Consumed. 75 TABLE VII. CHEMICAL EQUIVALENTS. Material. Atomic weight. Lbs. per ampere hour. Zinc consumed 64.0 .0026749 Sulphate of copper consumed. Copper deposited . . . 249-5 6^.0 .O1O28IO .OO25Q4Q Experience shows that, owing in part to local action (57: 7), the actual consumption of zinc is greater than the theoretical, while the consumption of s. c. and the deposit of copper are found to approxi- mate quite closely to theoretical requirements. The greater part of the actual zinc-waste in practice is due to the unconsumed residue of each zinc, which finally has to be thrown out. (6ia.) 155. The following examples show how this computation is made. Suppose i gravity cell is employed to operate a certain telegraphic instrument, whose magnetizing coil has a resistance of 3.7 ohms, and is connected with the cell by 30 feet of No. 18 copper wire. Required the theoretical cost per month of maintaining the cell, when used from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. every day. Average resistance of cell (assumed or measured) 3 ohms. Resistance of 30 ft. No. 18 copper wire (table, p. 94) 0.2 Resistance of coil of instrument 3.7 Total resistance of circuit 6.9 ohms. Hence 1.07 volts (i53)-s-6.9 ohms=o.i55 amperes. From the table (154) we have : Sulph. cop. consumed.. .01028") Zinc consumed 00267 ^ x . I55 ( amp . ) f X 360 (hrs.) Cop. deposited (deduct) . 00260 J .5736 Ibs. at 10 cts. $0.057 .1490 Ibs. at 16 cts. .024 $0.081 .1451 Ibs. at 16 cts. ~ .023 $0.058 156. Again, suppose two telegraph lines supplied from one battery of 100 cells, each line carrying a current of 25 milliamperes (123); required the theoretical consumption per month of material, working 24 hours per day. I 37.00 Ib. at 10 cts. rr $3.70 X .05 (amp.) j Q fa \^ at ,5 cts _. T> ^ X 720 (hours) <( X ioo cells. $5 ' 24 I 9.36 Ib. at 16 cts. 1.50 Sulph. cop. consumed. . .01028"^ Zinc consumed 00267 Cop. deposited (deduct) .00260. 76 Laws and Conditions of Electrical Action. We find, therefore, that the theoretical net cost of materials con- sumed in a battery under the conditions given, is less than 4 cts. per cell per month. In practice, it is usually from 4 to 5 cts. 18 157. Production of Electricity in Proportion to Material Consumed. An idea very common among amateur electricians is that it may be possible to make some change in the proportions or arrangement of the gravity battery by which its power may be in- creased without a corresponding expenditure of material. This is a fallacy. Electricity may in one sense be regarded as a constituent of zinc, which is set free when that metal combines with oxygen, 19 and hence the quantity of electricity evolved in a voltaic cell can never exceed a certain ratio to the weight of zinc consumed. The invaria- ble laws of chemical combination teach us, moreover, that the con- sumption of s. c. and the deposition of copper must in all cases maintain a fixed ratio to the consumption of zinc.* 158. Consumption of Material in a Series of Cells. Admitting the consumption of material in each cell, when two or more cells are in series, to be in proportion to the quantity of current by which the series is traversed, it follows that the cost of material (the external resistance remaining constant) must be as the square of the number of cells in series, and not in the simple ratio of the num- ber of cells. Thus if we increase the number of cells threefold, we have three times as many cells and three times the quantity of cur- rent traversing each cell, so that the consumption of material will necessarily be ninefold. 159. Electrical Dimensions of the Edison-Lalande Cell. This element has a comparatively low e. m. ". (0.70 to 0.75 volts), "but on the other hand its internal resistance is very small, and its local action almost inappreciable. Such a cell is well suited for tel- egraphic work. The diagram Fig. 59, exhibits the results 01 a test of 4 large cells, maintained in action in series with an external resist- ance of 0.8 ohms continuously for 108 hours. Such a current would suffice to supply 10 or 12 telegraph lines at the same time. 1 60. Effect of Temperature upon the Resistance of Metallic Conductors. It has been stated (118) that the resist- ance of all conductors is affected by temperature. Unless otherwise specified, the resistance of electrical conductors is customarily as- sumed to be taken at 60 Fahr. 18 L. BRADLEY in The Telegrapher, iii, 53 ; F. L. POPE, in the same, vii, 345 ; Scientific American (n. s.) ix, 184. 19 This suggest-on is due to Latimer Clark. See his Electrical Measurement, p. 168. 30 See note 2, p. 12 ; also (154). 7 8 Laws and Conditions of Electrical Action. 161. According to Miiller, the percentage of increase in re- sistance of some of the metals most employed in telegraphy between o and 70 Fahr. is as follows : Iron 8 per cent. Copper 6.1 per cent. Platinum 6 per cent. The difference in the measured resistance of a telegraph line of iron wire may therefore vary as much as 13 per cent, between the extremes of summer and winter temperature in the northern portions of the United States. The resistance of German-silver and plati- num-silver alloys vary but little with temperature, and hence stand- ard resistances are made from wires of these artificial metals. 162. Effect of Temperature upon Resistance of Liquids. The liquid mass which acts as a conductor in a voltaic cell under- goes considerable variation in resistance with changes of tempera- ture. Of the different voltaic combinations in general use, the sulphate of copper cell is most affected in this way. Hence in experi- ments with this cell, it is important that the temperature be kept constant, or that frequent measurements should be made of the in- ternal resistance and allowance made therefor. 163. Effect of Temperature upon Resistance of Daniell Cell. Three series of tests of the Daniell sulphate of copper cell were made by Preece ; in the two first cases, the s. c. solution was saturated at all temperatures, while the s. z. solution had the same density throughout the period of observation, being saturated at about 57 Fahr. In the third case both solutions remained satu- rated at about 50 Fahr. The results are given in the diagram, Fig. 590. The curve ABCDE corresponds to the case in which the s. c. solution was saturated at all temperatures, while the s. z. solution was of constant density. The curve abed corresponds to the case in which both solutions remained unaltered in density. The direction of the arrows indicates the order of the experiments. In the curve ABCDE, the portion AB represents the result obtained by heating the cell from about 52 to 211 Fahr. (near the boiling point of water), and the portion BC that obtained while the same cell -,vas being cooled from 211 to 35 Fahr., nearly the freezing point of water. A similar explanation applies to the curve abcde. 164. These curves clearly show : (a) That when the temperature of a Daniell cell is raised from the freezing to the boiling point of water, the internal resistance of the cell decreases, abruptly at first, but more gradually afterward, falling from 2.12 to .66 ohms, or more than one-third. Effect of Temperature upon Battery Resistance. 79 (If) That when a cell which has been thus heated is cooled, the resistance increases at a more rapid rate than it fell off while being heated; in other words, the resistance of a Daniell cell, within the range of temperature experimented upon, is smaller before it has been heated to a high temperature than afterward, provided the heating and cooling be not done too slowly. X 60 TEMP. FAHRENHEIT 104 122 140 158 176 194 212 *l c! Vi \ \ 10 r.'O 80 90" 30 40 60 60 70 TEMP. CENTIGRADE FIG. 59 a. Effect of Temperature upon Resistance of Voltaic Cell. PREECE. 100' (c) That if the cell thus cooled down be left undisturbed at a given temperature, the resistance of the cell slowly diminishes until at last, at the end of a certain period (40 to 50 hours), it returns to the value which it had before having been heated. (//) That the resistance of a Daniell cell is considerably less when the s. c. solution is more dense than when it is less dense, at any temperature. 21 21 W. H. PREECE : Effect of Temperature on the e. m.f. and Resistance of Bait* ries. Proc. Royal Soc. 1883 ; Lond. Electrician, x. 367. CHAPTER VI. THE LAWS OF ELECTRO-MAGNETISM. 165. The Electro-Magnet, as improved by Henry, 1 forms the most essential part of every telegraphic receiving instrument, and is the instrumentality by means of which the energy of the electric current is transformed into mechanical power, and is made to produce phys- ical effects appreciable by the senses. Nearly every fact of importance in connection with the phenomena of electro-magnetism has been known to experimenters and observ- ers for half a century, but the apparently anomalous and contradic- i HENRY (JOSEPH), LL.D., born Albany, N. Y., 1799; educated in the common schools of that city and in the Albany Academy, in which he became professor of mathematics (1826), and almost immediately entered upon a course of experimental investigation, during which he made numerous and important discoveries in elec- tricity and magnetism. Although at this date the electro-magnet had become in a certain sense known, from the researches of Sturgeon ( Transactions Soc. Arts, xliii. ; Nov. 1825), it was but a philosophic toy, in which a feeble magnetic excitation was produced by currents of small e. m. f. in a short circuit. Henry's first success was the invention of the electro-magnet as we now know it, a horse-shoe of soft iron sur- rounded by many turns of insulated copper wire arranged in concentric layers (186), a construction which no subsequent invention has essentially modified. He next demonstrated that the difficulty of exciting magnetic energy at a distance by an electric current, which had led Barlow in 1824 to pronounce the idea of an electric telegraph " chimerical," may be completely overcome by the use of a battery of a sufficient number of cells, arranged in series (107), provided the electro-magnet be pro- vided with a helix having a sufficient number of turns. It was the invention of Henry's electro-magnet which first made the electric telegraph a commercial possi- bility, and it is worthy of note that in an article published in 1831 (Amer. your. Science, xix. 400), he pointed out the applicability of the long-coil magnet to this purpose. During 1 the same year he constructed an apparatus for giving signals at a distance, which was operated through more than a mile of wire carried around the walls of a room in the Albany Academy. This apparatus embodied all the essential principles of the practical telegraph of to-day. The signals were produced by the polarized armature of an electro-magnet which was made to vibrate by reversal of the current (201) and to strike a bell. In 1832 he discovered the induction of a current in a coiled conductor upon itself (196). In 1832 he was elected professor of natural philosophy in the College of New Jersey, at Princeton, and in 1846 first secretary of the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, which honorable position he continued to hotd until his death in 1878. His collected scientific papers have been published in 2 vols., Washington (1886). For many particulars of interest respecting the contribu- tions of Henry to the invention of the electric telegraph, see Life and Work of Jo- seph Henry^ by F. L. POPE, and "The American Inventors of the Telegraph," by the same, in the Century Magazine, xxxv. 924 (April, 1888). It has recently become known that he was the first to discover the phenomenon of magneto electricity (62). See papers by MARY A. HKMKY, N. Y. Elect. Engineer, xiii. 27 etseq. 80 Elements of the Electro-Magnet. 81 tory character of mrmy of the results obtained has been very puzzling to the student. It was not until after the conception of the exist- ence of a magnetic circuit (178), analogous in many of its proper- ties to that of the electric circuit, originally due to Joule, 2 had been definitely formulated in 1873 by Rowland, 3 and its truth confirmed by the subsequent researches of Bonsanquet 4 and others, that it became possible to suggest an adequate explanation for many of the singular and apparently unaccountable facts which had been noticed by investigators. 166. Elements of the Electro-Magnet. The electro-mag- net may conveniently be regarded as comprising three distinct ele- ments, the laws of each of which must be separately studied, although they all enter into the general result. These elements are (i) the wire, (2) the iron, and (3) the current. 167. It has been stated (85, d} that when a piece of soft iron is spirally encircled by a conductor, it is rendered magnetic by the passage of a current through this conductor. Such an organization constitutes an electro -magnet in its elementary form. 168. Polarity of Electro-Magnet Determined by Direc- tion of Current. The position of the respective poles of an electro-magnet is in all cases determined by the direction of the magnetizing current. It is usual to coil the conducting wire, coated or insulated , with nonconducting material, into what is termed a right-handed helix, shown diagrammatically in Fig. 60, in which the conventional direction of the current (31) is indicated bv the arrows, while the respective north and south poles induced thereby are designated by the letters N and S Thus, if the current flows around the iron in the direction of the hands of a watch, the north pole will be at the distant end of the FIG. 61. Electro-Magnet with Left-handed Helix. iron. If the current be made to flow in the opposite direction, as in Fig. 61, the polarity 2 Sturgeon's Annals, iv. 58. a H. A. ROWLAND : On the Magnetic Permeability of Iron, Phil. Mag. (4th series), xlvi. 140 ; also in the same, i, 257, 348. 4 R. H. M. BONSANQUET : On Magneto- Motive Force, Phil. Mag. (sth series), xv. 205 ; the same, On Electro-Magnets, Electrician ( ond.), xiv. 291, 351. FIG. 60. Electro-Magnet with Right-handed Helix. 82 The Laws of Electro- Magnetism. of the iron is reversed, the north pole now being at the end where the south pole was before, and vice versa. 169. Lines of Force as a Measure of the Magnetic Field. It has been explained (93) that a conductor conveying an electric current is surrounded by a field of magnetic force, and that in such a field, the lines of force are concentric with the conductor. These lines of force may be regarded as units, in terms of which magnetism may be expressed and measured. The direction and polarity of the magnetic force is indicated by the direction and polarity of the lines, the total number of its lines is a measure of the total quantity of magnetism, while the number of them contained in a given unit of area, measured in a direction perpendicular to their direction, is a measure of the intensity of magnetism at that point. This conception of magnetic force may, perhaps, be better understood if compared to the force of gravity similarly represented. Imagine a heavy body suspended in the air, and suppose every cubic inch of the material of which the body is composed to weigh one pound. If an imaginary line be drawn to the earth from the center of gravity of each cubic inch of the sus- pended body, the direction of these lines would represent the direction of the force of gravity ; their total number would represent the total force in pounds ; while their density, or the number of lines per square inch area (measured perpendicularly to their direction), would represent the intensity of the force at that point. In precisely the same way as these lines repre- sent the direction, amount, and intensity of the force of gravity in that body, so do the lines of magnetic force represent the direction, amount, and inten- sity of magnetism, except that in the latter there is no constant direction of action such as the downward force of gravity, the lines of force acting in both directions, as if trying to shorten their circuit, like a stretched rubber ring. The lines do not exist as such, any more than they do in the analogy of the force of gravity ; it is merely a convenient way of representing mag- netism in order to facilitate the conception and computation of problems. CARL HERING : Principles of Dynamo-Electric Machines, 18. 170. An accurate knowledge of the characteristics of magnetism is of great importance in the designing and construction of dynamo- electric machinery, and it fortunately happens that recent researches in connection with this class of work have greatly enlarged our practical knowledge of the laws and conditions of magnetic and electro-magnetic action as applied to telegraphic and other apparatus of like character. Provided we are able to calculate the intensity of the magnetic field which is produced by the influence of a known current, we have the means of calculating also the intensity of magnetism in an iron core placed within that field. When, however, the magnetiza- Unit of Magnetism. 83 tion approaches the limit of intensity which the soft iron is capable of receiving, the actual magnetization always falls short of the theo- retical magnetization as calculated by this rule. 171. Unit of Magnetism. It is customary to express intensity of magnetism, or magnetic density, as it is sometimes termed, by the number of lines of force per unit of cross sectional area, measured per- pendicularly to their direction. The unit of magnetism is the equiv- alent of a single one of these lines of force, and is that quantity of magnetism which passes through one square centimetre of the cross- section of a magnetic field whose intensity is unity. It has been proposed to call the magnetic unit the gauss:' To illustrate, suppose a circular loop of wire like that shown in Fig. 33, p. 41, having a -diameter of 10 centimetres (3.9 in.), to be traversed by a current of 7.958 amperes. The quantity of magnetism passing through an area of i sq. cm. at the center of the loop will be i unit. 6 A magnetic field in which the number of parallel lines of force per unit area is the same in every part is termed a field of uniform intensity, or briefly, a uniform field, A good illustration of such a field is that of the earth referred to in (94). The field inclosed within a circular loop of wire like Fig. 33 is not uniform, but varies in different parts, being most intense near the circumference and least in the center. 172. Magneto-Motive Force. Recurring again to the electric conductor surrounded by concentric lines of force, as shown in Fig. 32, p. 39, it is n6t difficult to understand that if we coil such aconduc- 5 GAUSS (KARL FRIEDRICH), born in Brunswick, Germany, April 30, 1777. When very young was distinguished for his mathematical attainments ; became Professor of Astronomy and Director of the Observatory in Gottingen, 1807 ; was made, in 1816, Court Councilor and in 1845 a Privy Councilor of Hanover; after 1821 made impor- tant improvements in geodetic methods and instruments ; and after 1831 devoted much attention to the study of terrestrial magnetism. In 1833, with the assistance of his coadjutor, WILHELM EDUARD WEBER, Professor of Physics in the University of Got- tingen, he constructed an electric telegraph more than a mile in length, extending from the Physical Cabinet to the Observatory in that city. This telegraph was re- markable as being the first in which magneto-electricity (73) was used ; for the inge- nious but simple method employed of using a ray of light as an index of the movement of the galvanometer needle (a plan long afterward adopted by Sir William Thomson in his well-known mirror galvanometer) ; and last, though not least, as having had an actual existence for several years ; for although at first intended for scientific purposes only, it soon came to be employed as a means of ordinary correspondence as well. (SABINE : The Electric Telegraph, p. 27.) Gauss died at Gottingen, 1855. What is known among manufacturers of electrical machinery as the English unit of magnetic induction was proposed by GISBERT KAPP (Jour. Tel. Eng., xv. 518). The unit line of force adopted is equal to 6,000 c. g. s. lines, the sectional area of the iron being taken in square inches. The English unit, therefore, is one of these as- sumed lines per square inch, and is commonly termed a Kapp line. i Kapp line per sq. in. 930 c. g. s. lines per sq. cm. i English unit = 930 c. g. s. units of magnetic induction. 84 The Laws of Electro-Magnetism. tor into an elongated helix or spiral, technically termed a solenoid^ Fig. 62, and cause the current to traverse it in the direction indicated by the arrows, the lines offeree inclosed within the helix, being the resultant of those of the separate turns, assume the form represented FIG. 62. Direction of Lines of Force within a Solenoid. in the figure. In the drawing, for convenience of illustration, only a part of each line of force is shown, but it must be borne in mind that every line is in fact endless, forming a complete magnetic closed cir- cuit returning into itself, so that different lines can never under any circumstances intersect each other. The value of the current in am- peres being known, a corresponding field of definite intensity is set up within the helix. The intensity, or, as Bonsanquet calls it, the magneto-motive force of the field, may be readily calculated by the fol- lowing : RULE. Multiply the number of turns in the helix by the current in am- peres and divide this product (ampere-turns) by the length of the helix in centimetres ; multiply the quotient by 1.2566, and the product will be the intensity expressed in lines of force per square centimetre, or if the length be taken in inches, the multiplier 0.3132 will give the quotient in lines per square inch. FIG. 63. Lines of Force traversing Iron Bar within the Solenoid. 173. Effect of Iron in the Helix. If now a soft iron core be placed within the same helix, as shown in Fig. 63, the intensity of the field is materially increased, or in other words the number of lines- Effect of Magnetization upon Soft Iron. 85 of force per unit of cross-sectional area is greatly augmented. The strength of field due to the presence of the coil and its contained iron is termed magnetic induction. The difference between the num- ber of lines per unit of area, with and without the iron, evidently gives the value of the magneto-motive force due to the iron alone. This difference may be stated roughly as about 100 to i for soft iron of average good quality. 174. Effect of Magnetization upon Soft Iron. The graphic diagram, Fig. 64, was plotted from a series of observations made with a magnetometer - 7 upon a rod of unannealed iron 10 cm (3.9 in.) long and 4.3 mm. (o. 169 in.) in diameter, placed within a helix of 135 turns. 8 The values of the cur- rent in ampere turns are plotted out upon the hori- zontal, and those g of the magnetic forces upon the vertical scale. The resulting curve takes the form shown in the figure by the line o B. It will be seen to consist of two parts; one part which rises at a more or less steep angle, and which for some -dis- tance from its origin at o continues nearly straight to the point i, and another part B 2, also nearly straight, but which is inclined at a much less angle to the horizontal, these two parts being joined by 7 The magnetometer is an instrument for the measurement and comparison of magnetic forces. It consists essentially of a magnet or needle delicately suspended in the magnetic meridian, and provided with a pointer or index, usually in the form of a ray of light reflected by a small mirror. By placing the stationary magnet whose force is to be determined at a measured distance east or west of the suspended needle, with one of its poles pointing directly toward it, it is easy, by observing the angle of deflection of the needle, to measure the attractive force of the magnet pole. For a simple apparatus and method of performing this operation see J. TROWBRIDGE : New Physics, 131. s KENNELLY and WILKINSON : Practical Notes for Electric Students, aao. FIG. 64. Relation of Current to Magnetic Force. 86 The Laws of Electro-Magnetism. a curved portion i, 2. The first-mentioned part of the curve corre- sponds to the state of things when the iron core is unsaturated ; the latter part to the state when the core is more than half saturated ; while the curved intermediate portion corresponds to the intermedi- ate state during which the core is approaching saturation (177). In the curve of results of an electro-magnet two effects are in reality combined ; that of the magnetism of the iron core, and that of the magnetic action of the coils through which the current is flowing ; this joint effect is shown in the dotted line. It is easy to separate these two values, for if the iron core be removed, and the magnetic effect of the coils alone be observed, a new set of data are obtained which, when plotted out, will yield the more gently sloping line o C. From this line two conclusions may be drawn : it slopes at a small angle, because (i) the magnetic effect of the coils is small compared with that of the iron core. It is quite straight, because (2) the magnetic effect of a coil (which of course is not capable of saturation) is exactly proportional to the strength of the current by which it is traversed, throughout the entire range of the experi- ment. 175. The following series of determinations, made with a coil of 500 turns surrounding an iron core 10 cm. (4 in.) long and i cm. (13-32 in.) in diameter, further illustrate this matter. The figures in the last column are the values of the magnetic moment** as calcu- lated from the deflections produced in a magnetometer. 10 Amperes. Ampere-turns. Magnetic Moment. O.OO 128 O.22 no 1224 0-39 195 1920 0.98 49 4608 1-33 665 5924 3-65 1825 17472 4.6 2300 21088 9.2 4600 27875 9.4 4700 28750 The above values, when plotted out, will give curves similar in form to those shown in Fig. 64. The values of magnetic moment 9 The magnetic moment of a magnet in c. g. s. measure is the product of the strength of its magnetic pole in dynes (191) multiplied by the distance between its poles in centimetres. The intensity of magnetization of a magnet is the ratio of its magnetic moment to its volume. 10 SILVANUS P. THOMPSON : Dynamo- Electric Machinery, (2nd edition), 355. The Magnetic Circuit. 87 for telegraphic magnets, when plotted out in the same way. will fall upon the lower half of the steep, straight portion of such a curve." 176. Magnetic Saturation. It will be seen, therefore, that the proportion of ampere-turns to magnetic intensity, referred to in (174), holds good only through a certain range of magnetic increase. When the intensity has reached a certain point, the iron becomes, from that point onward, less and less susceptible to further magneti- zation, and though, strictly speaking, the point of absolute satura- tion can never be reached, there is a practical limit which cannot be exceeded. 1 - The approach of saturation is well exhibited in the core curve in Fig. 64, which begins to deflect when the magnetizing force reaches the vicinity of 500 ampere-turns. The cores of the electro-magnets of modern telegraphic apparatus seldom exceed 0.5 in. in diameter. It has been experimentally proved that the approach of saturation in a core of this dimension is not reached with less tuan about 500 ampere-turns, which is some 3 times the degree of magneti- zation ordinarily employed in telegraph magnets used in local circuits, while that employed in magnets used in main circuits is still less. 177. Magnetization Proportional to Ampere -turns. An important principle in electro-magnetism is, that precisely the same magnetic effect may be obtained from a few turns of wire and a large volume of current as from a great number of turns and a small current, provided only that the number of ampere-turns remains the same. This necessarily follows from the fact that the same amount of work is done in the wire by the circuit in each case (92). -L/* 178. The Magnetic Circuit. In the practical application of the electro-magnet for telegraphic and other like uses, it is not usual to make it in the form of a straight bar. Much better results are at- tained by bending the bar into the form of a |J> or "horseshoe," as shown in Fig. 65, which enables an armature to be applied to it in such rr . . Fro, 65. Principle of Horseshoe Electro- a manner as to form a complete Magnet. 11 For an experimental investigation of the relation between the diameter of the core, the total magnetizing force of the coil, and the force of attraction, see paper by E. L. FRENCH : Electrician and Elect. Eng., v. 445. 12 The limit of magnetization in good wrought-iron is about 125,000 (c. g. s.) magnetic lines per sq. in., or 20,000 per sq. cm. S. P. THOMPSON : The Electromagnet, 32, 83; ibid., Dynamo-Electric Machinery (4th Ed.), 148, 149. 88 The Laws of Electro-Magnetism* magnetic circuit. Inasmuch as magnetism is now known to be a phe- nomenon pertaining to the internal molecular structure of iron, the preferable method of treating the subject is to look upon that metal as a substance which is a good conductor of the magnetic lines of force, or, as it is expressed in madern scientific language, possessing a high degree of magnetic permeability.^ 179. Magnetic Permeability. This characteristic may be best defined as a numerical co-efficient which expresses the ratio be- tween the number of magnetic lines formed in a space containing nothing but air, as in Fig. 62, and as denoted by the value of the line o B in Fig. 64, and the number formed in a space filled with a given quality of iron, as in Fig. 63, and as denoted by the value of the dotted line in Fig. 64- 14 This ratio differs for different qualities of iron, and hence we say that the permeability of the iron differs accordingly. The higher the co-efficient of permeability, the less, so to speak, is the magnetic resistance, and the more suitable is the iron for the purposes of an electro-magnet. On the other hand, the permeability of air and of most substances other than iron is comparatively very small. 180. Law of the Magnetic Circuit. In (172) the method of calculating the magneto-motive force of a magnetic circuit has been given. We have next to find the resistance which the magnetic circuit offers to the passage of the lines of force, a property which has appropriately been termed by Dr. O. J. Lodge magnetic reluc- tance. The total magnetism of the circuit, called the magnetic flux, will be the quotient of the magneto-motive force divided by the reluc- tance. The similarity of the law of the magnetic circuit to the law of the electric circuit, heretofore referred to as Ohm's law (127), will be apparent upon inspection. 181. Determination of Magnetic Reluctance. If the magnetic circuit is a simple closed ring of iron, the magnetic reluctance may be calculated precisely in the same manner that we calculate the re- sistance of an electric circuit. The value of the reluctance is directly in proportion to FIG. 66. Lines of Force in End- . . J , less iron Ring. the length of the iron, inversely as the area " FARADAY : Exper. Res., iii. 426 ; Sir W. THOMSON : Papers on Electricity and Magnetism, 484. 14 ROWLAND : Phil. Mag. (5th series), xlvi. 140. Ratio, of Attractive Force to Distance. 89 of its cross-section, and is also inversely proportional to its perme- ability. But if, instead of a homogeneous ring of iron, the circuit be made up of different parts, differing in their magnetic reluc- tance, it becomes necessary to determine the reluctance of each part separately, and then add them together, as in the case of an electric circuit of like character (118). For example, Fig. 66 shows the lines of force in an endless iron ring. Fig. 67 is a similar ring cut in two, leaving an air-gap between the severed ends. It has been stated that the permeability of air is far less than that of iron (179). The reluc- tance of the air-gaps to the magnetic lines may be taken roughly at i oo times that of a mass of soft iron of good quality of the same form and dimensions. The case of the divided ring of Fig. 67 is equivalent to that of the horseshoe magnet and its arma- -~ - , FIG. 67. Lines of Force Cross- ture shown in Fig. 65, when the armature inK A ir-ga P in Magnetized Ring, is a little way removed from the poles, and is the condition which is constantly met within the operation of ordinary telegraphic apparatus. The lines of force traverse the armature in passing from one pole to the other. 182. Ratio of Attractive Force to Distance. It is stated in many text-books that the attractive force exerted by an electro- magnet upon its armature varies inversely as the square of the dis- tance between them. This proposition, known as Coulomb's law, would be true, if it were true that the magnetic forces are concen- trated at a focal point in each pole, and that this disposition of it remains unchanged by the movement of the parts in response to the magnetic attraction. But in fact there is not, and from the nature of the case cannot be, any one law which correctly expresses this relation under all conditions. It necessarily differs with every alteration in the form of magnet and armature, and with every change in their positions with reference to each other. This is well shown in experiments 1 "' made with an electro-magnet having a core formed from a round bar 19 in. long and i in. thick, bent into a horseshoe, with its poles 1.25 in. apart. The distance of the arma- ture from the poles was determined by the interposition of sheets of rolled brass .00416 in. thick, the required number of these sheets for each experiment being strongly pressed together and soldered at the edges. The following table gives the results in weights lifted, 15 DANIEL DAVIS, Jr.: Manual of Magnetism (i2th Ed., 1857), 152. 9 o The Laws of Electro-Magnetism. with various thicknesses of brass sheets, numbered from i to 10, interposed between the magnet and the armature : Distance. Weight Lifted, Grains. Product o 82,000 I 35,000 35,000 2 25,000 50,000 3 20,000 60,000 4 15.500 62,000 5 12,100 60,500 6 11,300 67,800 7 9,300 65,100 8 7,400 59,200 9 6,500 58,500 10 5,500 55,000 The corresponding curve is plotted in Fig. 68. The rapid increase in the attractive force as the armature approaches the poles of the magnet is shown in a striking manner. DISTANCES. *f345678910 80,000 70,000 40,000 30,000 FIG. 68. Ratio of Decrease of Magnetic Attraction to Distance. Construction of Telegraph Magnets. 91 183. Construction of Telegraph Magnets. Fig. 69 is a representation of an electro-magnet, such as is usually employed in telegraphy. The drawing is the actual size and proportions of a type of magnet largely used by some of the most successful Ameri- can instrument-makers. The iron portion of the magnet, of the best FIG. 69. Telegraphic Electro-MagnetFull Size. Swedish, Norwegian, or Lowmoor soft iron, consists of the following parts: (i) the core proper, which is cylindrical in form, and is the part around which the wire is coiled : it is made in two parts, A A, usually termed the legs or branches of the magnet; (2) a rectangu- lar bar, B, which serves to unite the two parts of the core (which are secured to it by screws), and is termed the yoke ; and (3) the arma- ture C, which, as has been shown, is really part of the magnet, being the movable portion by means of which the magnetic force is exerted. 184. Theoretical Proportions of Telegraph Magnet The best theoretical proportions to secure the maximum magnetic effect from a given quantity of current, has been found to be to make the four parts of equal length, the yoke being of somewhat greater cross-section than the cores, and the armature of equal cross-section, but broader and thinner than the yoke. But inasmuch as quickness of movement is one of the most important considerations in tele- graphic apparatus, experience has demonstrated that these theoret- ical proportions may be modified with practical advantage. The dimensions and proportions of the iron cores of electro- magnets have been the subject of numerous experiments in order to determine the most favorable conditions in respect to the two quali- ties essential in telegraphic instruments: (T) maximum attractive 9- Tke Laws of Electro-Magnetism. force with a given current, and (2) quickness of action. These properties are in their nature antagonistic, and hence it is necessary in practice to sacrifice to a certain extent the first-named desidera- tum in order to more completely secure the second. The results of the investigations referred to have shown that the outer diameter of the coils or helices ought to be three times that of the cylindrical cores, and that the length of each coil or helix should be equal to its diameter. These proportions are exemplified in Fig. 69, and approximate closely to those most commonly used at the present day in the United States. The magnetic intensity developed in the iron, within certain limits elsewhere set forth (174), being propor- tional to the quantity of current traversing the wire (measured in amperes), and also to the number of convolutions or turns of the wire, we may express the magnetism developed in the iron as a cer- tain number of ampere-turns. 185. Effect of Position of Windings. It makes no appre- ciable difference upon what portion of the core any particular turn is wound, nor does the fact that some of the turns may be close to the iron and others at a greater distance from it, appreciably modify the result, within the limits of the dimensions of the magnets used in telegraphy. 186. The Helix or Coil. Upon the cylindrical cores of the magnet are fixed flanges or collars D D (Fig. 69), of hard rubber or other like material, which, in connection with the cores, form spools or bobbins upon which- the magnetizing coil is wound in superposed concentric layers. The space E E, which is designed to contain the wire, has its boundary indicated by a dotted line. 187. Relation of Thickness and Length of Wire to Number of Turns. The length of any given wire which can be FIG. 70 Illustration of the Law of Diametrical Squares. wound within a space of given dimensions, such as the space E E, Fig. 69, is inversely in proportion to the square of the diameter of the wire. This will appear from the diagram Fig. 70, in which are shown within a space i in. square, the outlines of i wire i in. diame- Relation of Thickness and Length of Wire. 93 ter, 4 wires \ in. diameter, and 16 wires J in. diameter, all of which occupy precisely the same area of cross-section in the spool. The number of turns which can be put within a given space is also in- versely as the square of the diameter of the wire, measured to include its insulating covering. 16 As the electrical resistance of a wire is directly as its length and inversely as its sectional area or the square of its diameter (118), it will be obvious that the number of turns in the coil of any electro-magnet must have a direct and invariable relation to its resistance, and hence the resistance of a coil may be taken as a measure of the number of turns of wire it contains. This is convenient in practice, inasmuch as the resistance is easily deter- mined by proper apparatus, while it is not so easy to find the number of turns in a coil after it has been wound. It is for this reason, and not because the resistance in itself has anything to do with the mat- ter, that it has become customary among telegraphists to classify electro-magnets by reference to their measured resistances. It is difficult to wind a mag- net coil neatly and accurately without the aid of machinery. It may be done in a common .lathe, but amateurs generally will find it more convenient to use one of the little machines now made for the purpose, such as that shown in Fig. 71. The hub, which is seen lying on the table, is screwed into the end of the cylindrical core upon which the coil is to be wound, and its other end screws on the spindle at the top of the machine. The oper- ation of winding is sufficiently explained by the illustration." 188. Dimensions and Resistances of Magnet Wires. The following table gives the properties of the different sizes of cop- 18 A very convenient rule for calculating the windings of the coils of two different electro-magnets of the same type, but of different dimensions, is given by Sir William Thomson, and is as follows: Similar iron cores similarly wound with lengths of wire proportional to the squares of their linear dimensions will, when excited by equal cur- rents, produce equal intensities of magnetic field at points similarly situated in with respect to them. Professor Silvanus Thompson has also pointed out as a corollary that similar electro-magnets of different dimensions must have ampere-turns proportional to their linear dimensions, if they are to be magnetized up to an equal degree of ;saturation. " These machines are made by H. Anderson, Peekskill, N. Y. FIG. 71. Machine for Winding Magnet-Helices, 94 The Laws of Electro-Magnetism. per wire most used for the helices of galvanometers and telegraphic magnets. It is taken from one calculated by George B. Prescott, Jr., on the basis of Dr. Matthiessen's standard, viz. : i mile of pure copper wire of n. ohms at 59.9 Fahr. 18 TABLE VIII. DIMENSIONS AND PROPERTIES OF COPPER MAGNET WIRES. DIAMETER MILS. AREA. WEIGHT AND LENGTH. RESISTANCE AT 75 FAHR. 5 o AMERIO GAUGE > Bare Wire. Silk- covered Wire. Circular MilsM iMiU .001 in. Square in. rf 2 x. 7 8 S 4 Lbs. per 1000 Feet. Feet per Lb. Ohms per looo Feet. Feet per Ohm. Ohms per Lb. 18 40.3 42.6 1624.3 1275.7 4.91 203.8 6.39 156.47 1.30 20 32.0 34-o I02I.5 802.3 3.09 324.0 10.16 98.401 3.29 22 25-3 27-3 642.7 504.8 1.94 5I5.I 16.15 61.911 8.32 24 20.1 22.2 404.0 317.3 1.22 819.2 25.69 38.918 2I.O5 26 15-9 17.9 254-0 199-5 .77 1302.6 40.87 24.469 35.23 28 12.6 14.2 159-8 125.5 .48 2071.2 64.97 15-393 I34.56 30 10.0 II.6 100.5 78.9 30 3294.0 103.30 9.681 340.25 32 8.0 9.0 6 3 .2 49.6 .19 5236.6 164.26 6.088 860.33 34 6-3 7-3 39-7 31-2 .12 8328.3 261.23 3.828 2175.50 36 5-0 6.0 25.0 19.6 .08 13238.8 415.24 . 2.408 5497-40 The thickness of silk-covered wire is approximate only ; it varies somewhat with different makers. The figures in the table refer to a single covering of silk. For a double-covered wire, add the difference between the figures in the second and third columns to the figures in the third column. 189. Thickness of Spaces between Turns of Wire. The thickness of a covered wire or of its covering cannot be cor- rectly determined by the process of direct measurement by a gauge (192), though it may be approximated by the careful use of such a micrometer caliper as that shown in Fig. 73. The most accurate method is to measure the longitudinal space occupied by a number of turns when closely wound upon a mandril or small cylinder ; divide this length by the number of turns, and from the quotient subtract the diameter of the copper wire measured by the microm- eter caliper, and divide the result by 2, which will give the thickness of the covering. 19 18 Electrician and Elec. Eng., iv. 217. 19 Helices made of bare copper wire, accurately wound by machinery in such a manner as to leave an air-space of i mil. (.001 in.) between each two adjacent turns, and having the successive layers separated by thin paper, have been much used in the United Slates with very satisfactory results. Instruments for Gauging Wire. 95 190. American Standard Wire Gauge. Great confusion formerly existed, both in this and other countries, in respect to wire gauges, designated as the custom is by progressive numbers, there having been almost as many so-called standards as there were differ- ent manufacturers. The Brown & Sharpe Manufacturing Co., of Providence, R. I., some years since established a gauge in which the actual thickness of wires designated by successive numbers is made to diminish in a true geometrical progression. Under the name of the American gauge^ this has now become the generally accepted standard in this country among manufacturers of copper, brass, and german-silver wires, and it is this gauge that has been used in this work, unless otherwise specified. This standard has not as yet been generally accepted by manufacturers of iron wires, such as are used for telegraph lines. 191. British Standard Wire Gauge. In Great Britain a uniform wire gauge has been adopted by law, and is now the only authorized standard in that country for all kinds of wire. The table on p. 112 covers the range of sizes ordinarily employed in teleg- graphy. 192. Instruments for Gauging Wire. For quickly determining the gauge number of a wire, the ring-gauge, Fig. 72, is very convenient. It consists of a circular steel plate, hav- ing slots accurately cut in its edge, these being num- bered successively from 5 to 33, covering the range of sizes of wire used in telegraph work. The smallest slot which any given wire can be made to enter shows its gauge number. Fig. 720 shows another form of gauge conven- ient for the pocket, in which the point at which the wire lies in FIG. 72,,. Pocket v-Gauge. the an le formed by the sides of the slot shows the correspond- ing number on the graduated scale by inspection. The little in- FIG. 72. Wire Gauge Ring Pattern. g NEW STANDARD WIRC a*U8C 9 6 The Laws of Electro-Magnetism. FIG. 73. Micrometer Caliper. strument known as the micrometer caliper, shown of full size in Fig- 73, is extremely accurate and convenient. It will readily determine the thickness not only of wire, but of sheet-metal, paper, or the like, from the fraction of a mil up to 0.3 in. 193. Adaptation of Mag- nets to Working Currents. If we assume three electro- magnets like that in Fig. 68, having spools or bobbins of equal capacity, and wind them with three different gauges of wire (for the sake of illustration, say the three sizes shown in Fig. 69) ; for each turn of a wire i in. in diameter we should have 4 turns of the \ in. and 16 turns of the \ in. wire. Now, if we send a current of i ampere through the thinner wire, one of 4 amperes through the medium-sized wire, and one of 16 amperes through the thick wire, we should find, in accordance with the principle stated in (176), that the magnetic force would be precisely equal in each of the three magnets. This would be true, notwithstanding the difference in strength of current, and of thickness, length, and resistance in the wire of the helix, because the number of ampere-turns is the same in each case. We have : Diameter of Wire. No. of Turns. Current. Ampere-turns. 1. 00 I 16 16 50 25 4 16 4 I 16 16 A thorough understanding of this principle enables the elec- trician to determine the winding of his electro-magnet so as to corre- spond with the characteristics of the current by which it is intended to be worked ; for it will be readily seen that to produce a given intensity of the magnetic field, upon which all magnetic effects de- pend, the number of turns in the coil must be in inverse proportion to the number of amperes of current traversing the magnetizing coil. 194. Spectrum of the Electro-Magnet. The action of the magnetic forces in such an electro-magnet as that delineated in Fig. 68 can best be studied by means of magnetic spectra, produced in the manner described in (68). Fig. 74 shows the spectrum of such a magnet, when the current through the coils is barelv sufficient to Magnetic Hysteresis. 97 support the weight of the armature. The manner in which the magnetic circuit (177) is forced to complete itself through the air, in passing from one pole of the magnet to the other, is beautifully shown by the curv- ing of the lines of force. When a soft-iron armature is placed in the field parallel to the polar surfaces, as shown in Fig. 75, the greater number of the lines of force are deflected so as to pass through the ar- . mature ; and such FIG. 74. Spectrum of Telegraph Magnet. Kennely and Wilkinson. being the case, the armature itself nec- essarily becomes a magnet of opposite polarity, whereupon mutual attraction takes place between the magnet and its armature in the direction of the lines of force which pass between them, just as if the lines were so many stretched India-rubber bands, and the force was due to their contraction. When the armature is brought into actual contact with the magnet so as to magnetically connect its poles, it becomes virtually a closed or endless core like Fig. '66, and the external lines of force in the jj" - air disappear. 195. Magnetic Hysteresis. When a mass of soft iron, such as the core of an electro-magnet, becomes enveloped in a magnetic field (169), an appreciable time elapses before it acquires the maximum intensity of magnetization which the field is capable of producing. On the other hand, when the iron is withdrawn from the field, or, what is the same thing, the field is withdrawn from the iron, the latter does not lose its magnetism in- stantaneously ; the magnetism falls off progressively in the same way in which it increased, and in almost every case some small FIG. 75. Spectrum of Telegraph Magnet and Armature. 98 The Laws of Electro-Magnetism. quantity of magnetism will remain for some time, and possibly for- ever, after the separation of the iron from the field. This is termed remanent, or more commonly residual magnetism^ In some brands of cold-blast charcoal iron, when carefully annealed, such as Norwe- gian, Swedish, and Lowmoor iron, scarcely a trace of residual mag- netism remains, and these irons are therefore preferred in the manufacture of magnet cores. Experiment has also shown that the shape of the core is no less important than its quality, and that quickness of action and freedom from residual magnetism may be best secured by making the cores as short as possible. These con- ditions are sufficiently fulfilled for ordinary purposes in the propor- tions of the magnet shown in Fig. 68, p. 91. 196. Induction of a Current upon Itself. It has been stated (151) that an electric current traversing a conductor has the capacity of inducing a temporary current in a neighboring con- ductor. This phenomenon manifests itself in the coils of an electro-magnet in such a way that its effects are added to those of hysteresis (with which, however, they must not be confounded), so as to still further delay the magnetization and demagnetization of the iron core. These inductive effects make their appearance when the inducing current is either increased or diminished, but not while it remains steady. Fur- ther, an increasing or diminish- ing current not only induces a current in neighboring conduct- ors, as indicated in Fig. 76 (in FIG. 76. Illustration of Current Induction be- ' v . tween Parallel Wires. which the arrow shows the di- rection of the inducing current in the wire A, and of the induced current in the wire B), but it may also exercise an in- ductive action upon the conductor in which it flows. In a wire coiled back upon itself, as in Fig. 77, an increasing current, flowing in the direction of the arrow between A and B, tends to induce a current in the opposite di- rection between C and D, which opposes the original current and delays its increase. If. ^ 77 ^^oi Seif-m- on the other hand, the current between A duction m Coiled Conductor. 20 This effect was carefully studied some years since by Professor J. A. Ewing, who gave it the name of hysteresis, from a Greek word signifying " to lag behind," denning it as the lagging behind of changes in magnetic intensity to changes in magnetizing force. EWING : Researches in Magnetism, Philosophical Trans. Royal Soc., 1885. Causes of Retardation in Electro-Magnets. 99 and B is diminishing, it tends to induce a current between C and D in the same direction as itself, and this prolongs the duration of the original current by delaying its decrease. As the wire in the coil of an electro-magnet is placed under the same conditions as the wire in Fig. 77, it is clear that both the magnetization and the demag- netization of its core will be retarded, first, by the self-induction of the coil, and second, by the effects of hysteresis in the iron. Besides this, the presence of the iron enormously increases the normal self- induction, because the rising magnetization induces an opposing e. m.f. in the wire, upon the principle explained in (78), for it will obviously make no difference whether the field be created about the wire, or whether it be moved thither from some other point in space. The sum total of these effects is termed magnetic inertia. 197. Magnet Cores must not be Hardened. After the core of a magnet has been annealed, it is very important that it should be left black, and no attempt be made to brighten it up. If it be filed, or touched ever so little with a cutting tool, it will be slightly hardened, and will be certain to show traces of residual magnetism (195) when put to service. For the same reason the armature of an electro-magnet should never be permitted to hammer upon its poles. 198. Effect of Self-induction and Hysteresis in Tele- graph Magnets. A series of experiments conducted by an officer of the U. S. Coast Survey has shown that the average period of time required for a well-proportioned telegraph magnet to release its armature, varies from 0.003 second, with maximum tension of retracting spring, to 0.033 w i tn minimum tension. 21 The best work- ing adjustment would be midway between these values, that is to say, 0.015 second. 199. Other Indirect Causes of Retardation in Electro- Magnets. It has been stated that the magnetism developed in a given mass of iron depends solely upon two factors, the quantity of current, and the number of turns of the conducting circuit around the iron (176). It has furthermore been stated that the quantity oi current traversing a circuit in turn depends solely upon the e. m.j of the generator and the resistance of the conductor (127). But ex periment shows that in respect to quickness of magnetization and demagnetization, irrespective of absolute intensity of magnetism, il makes a very great difference whether an exciting current of equal quantity has been produced by a low e. m.f, acting through a small resistance, or by a high e. m.f. acting through a proportionately G. W. DEAN : Coast Survey Report, 1864, p. 211. 100 The Laivs of Electro-Magnetism. great resistance ; the magnetic actions in the latter case being far more rapid than in the former. This effect is due to the greater re- sistance, which in the latter case has to be overcome by the currents of self-induction set up in the coils of the magnet, which, as we have seen (196), tend, in proportion to their strength, to give rise to mag* netic inertia, by delaying both the magnetization and demagnetiza- tion of the iron core. The e. m. f. which tends to set up these opposing currents is necessarily of equal value in either case, as it is determined by the quantity of current in the coil and the intensity of magnetism in the core : but the resistance the currents are obliged to overcome is much greater in the second case than in the first, and therefore the currents themselves are in fact very much weaker, and their retarding effect is diminished in the same proportion. This fact has an important bearing upon the working of fast-speed instruments. 200. Electro-Magnet with Polarized Armature. If the armature, like the core of the magnet, is of soft iron, and placed parallel to the polar surfaces, as in Figs. 69 and 75, the action is simply one of attraction, irrespective of the polarity of the magnet, and independent of the direction of the exciting current. Jf, how- ever, the armature itself be a permanent magnet (63), the direction in which it tends to move will depend upon the polarity of the elec- tro-magnet, which in turn is determined by the direction of the ex- citing current. 201. In illustration of this, let the electro-magnet of Fig. 78 be provided with a polarized armature, consisting of a small permanent magnet n s, which is pivoted at one end to the yoke of the electro- magnet, while its opposite end is free to play back and forth between Electro-Magnet with Polarized Armature. the poles of the N S of the electro-magnet. When the current passes in one direction, as, for example, in Fig. 78, the n pole of the polarized armature is attracted by the unlike pole S of the electro- magnet, and at the same time repelled by its similar pole ; but upon Permanent and Electro-Magnets. 101 the reversal of the direction of the exciting current, the polarity of the electro-magnet is likewise reversed, and the polarized armature is now attracted to the opposite side, as shown in Fig. 79. It is ob- vious, therefore, that the direction of the movement of the polarized armature depends solely upon the direction of the current, and not upon its strength. There is, therefore, an important difference be- tween the operation of a permanently magnetic or polarized arma- ture and a non-polarized or neutral armature. 202. Combinations of Permanent and Electro-Magnets. Various mechanical combinations of electro and permanent mag- nets have been made, all of which involve essentially the same prin- ciples as the simple apparatus figured above, and by which a like effect is produced. The polarization is not necessarily confined to the armature, as similar results may be obtained by constructing the apparatus in various ways, provided that some one portion of it is polarized and another portion non-polarized. This principle is of special value in multiple telegraphy (321). CHAPTER VII. TELEGRAPHIC CIRCUITS. 203. It has heretofore been explained (30) that an electric circuit consists of an endless series or chain of conductors. That portion of the circuit which is situated between the terminals or poles, and within the generator, is called the internal circuit, and its resistance is the internal resistance of the generator ; the chain of conductors which joins the poles outside of the generator is called the external circuit, and its resistance is the external resistance of the circuit. 204. The essential characteristics of every electric circuit are the same, although such a circuit may vary in length from a few inches to thousands of miles. It may be supplied with electricity from a single source, or from two or more sources situated at different points, and it may include a single receiving and transmitting instru- ment, or a large number of such instruments situated at different points along its course. But in every case, without regard to the length of the circuit, the time actually occupied in the transmission of the electric impulses, although not inappreciable, may be re- garded, for all practical purposes of ordinary telegraphy, as instan- taneous. 205. Telegraphic Circuits. A telegraphic circuit is made up of the following parts : (i) the generators, either batteries or dynamo- electric machines; (2) the line conductors; (3) the earth, which is usually employed as a substitute for the return line wire from the distant station ; and (4) the instruments for transmitting and receiv- ing signals. 206. Open and Closed Circuits. There are two ways in which a telegraphic circuit may be arranged for the transmission of signals, (i) The generator may be kept normally in connection with the line, thereby causing a constant current to traverse the circuit, and signals may be transmitted by alternately breaking and closing the circuit ; or (2) the generator may be normally disconnected from the line, and signals may be transmitted by alternately inserting the generator into and withdrawing it from the circuit, so as to cause a current to flow for the desired period of time to form the signals. 102 Drawings of Electric Apparatus. 103 The first is called, in a general way, the closed-circuit and the second the open-circuit system. In other countries than North America one or the other of the above-mentioned systems is almost invariably employed, but the system in universal use in our own country, although usually spoken of as a closed-circuit system, may more properly be regarded as a compromise between the two, possessing some of the characteristics of each. As in the true closed-circuit system, the current constantly traverses the line when no work is be- ing done, but signals are transmitted, not by interruptions of this current, but by first interrupting it at the sending point, and then transmitting the signals by closing the circuit at properly timed intervals, thus permitting the current from the generator to trav- erse the line and the receiving instrument, as in the open-circuit system. 207. Drawings of Electric Apparatus. There are three principal methods of representing organizations of electrical appa- ratus : (i) by perspective drawings, (2) by geometrical drawings, and (3) by diagrams. Perspective drawings are ordinary pictorial illustrations. They show the appearance of the apparatus, but, as a rule, are not well adapted to convey to the mind a clear idea of its principle and mode of operation. Geometrical or working drawings consist of plans, elevations, or sections, drawn to a scale, which may represent the whole or some part of the apparatus. They usually exhibit all the constructional details, whether essential to the operation of the apparatus or not, and while indispensable to the workshop, are ordinarily of little use for purposes of explanation. Figs. 35 and 36 (pp. 46, 47) are exam- ples of-geometrical drawings. Diagrams exhibit the apparatus, circuits, and connections, not in their actual form and proportions, but in such a conventional manner as will most clearly illustrate the principle of the apparatus and its mode of operation. Diagrams ought not to be encumbered with details which are merely constructional, and therefore unessential. The advantages of a uniform and well-understood system for the conventional representation of electrical apparatus and circuits will be apparent. 208. Conventional Representations of Circuits and Ap- paratus. In the following paragraphs are briefly described various component parts of telegraphic circuits, with the symbolical repre- sentations which, by general consent, have been adopted to represent them, and the apparatus employed in connection with them. IO4 Telegraphic Circuits. (1) A wire, either straight or curved, connecting two points in a circuit. Main circuits may be in full, and local circuits in dotted lines, where such distinction is desirable. (2) An overhead or pole line. (3) A submarine or subterranean line or cable. (4) The point at which any branch circuit connection is made is indicated by a round dot at the intersection. If two lines cross without being con- nected, the dot is omitted. (5) In order to more readily distinguish wires which cross each other with- out electrical connection, it is usual to represent a loop in one of them at ihe crossing point. (6) The direction of the current, from positive to negative, is shown by arrows. (7) A waved line denotes an artificial resistance or rheostat in the circuit. (8) An adjustable rheostat. (9) A voltaic cell is indicated by two parallel lines, the thick line repre- senting the zinc and the thin line the copper. (10) The same figure arranged in the reverse way, as shown, denotes a storage battery or accumulator. (n) A dynamo-electric machine. (12) A ground or earth plate. (13) A common or non-polarized relay. (14) A polarized relay. (15) A sounder. (16) A recording instrument or register. (17) A galvanoscope or galvanometer. If a tangent galvanometer, it may be represented as in Fig. 50, p. 65. (18) A coil or loose bundle of wire, its use being indicated by a reference letter. (19) A common Morse key. (20) A single-current or three-point key. (21) A single-current transmitter. (22) A double-current transmitter. (23) A condenser. (24) A lightning arrester. (25) A pole-changing switch, in which the crosses indicate the insertion of plugs. (26) A universal switch, in which the crosses indicate points where con- nections are formed by inserting plugs. (27) A three-point switch. 209. The Earth as an Electrical Conductor. The earth, being composed of a vast mass of inorganic material, mostly of a porous character, and permeated throughout by water, forms an ex- cellent conductor of electricity, and it is almost invariably employed in this capacity as a part of every telegraphic circuit. While its specific conductivity, as will appear from the table (p. 57), is much lower than that of metallic substances, yet this is abundantly compensated for by the enormous area of its cross-section. Representations of Circuits and Apparatus. 105 4, 5- K 13- 1A/IM/V. 7- i5- 16. 17- _2j2j^- 18. 23- A T A yA^ 24. #^ 25- , ^ ' ^ , x ' 4 > I 26. 27. io6 Telegraphic Circuits. Fig. 80 illustrates the principle of the earth circuit. The current of the battery is assumed to pass through the earth from one end of the line to the other, as indi- cated by the arrow. 210. Ground Connec- tion. The connection with the earth is made by means of ground-plates, which may be of sheet copper -f$ in. thick, and having an area of FIG. 80. Diagram of Earth Circuit. 36 by 48 in. Plates of gal- vanized iron are cheaper r and are often used instead of copper ; they appear to answer the purpose perfectly well. The ground-plates should be buried in moist earth in a vertical position. In many cases an available substitute may be found by attaching the terminal of the line, by soldering or otherwise, to a pipe which forms a part of an exten- sive network of gas or water conductors buried in the earth, the large surface of which insures a most excellent conducting connec- tion. It is advisable, wherever possible, to attach the wire to both gas and water pipes. When the wires are thus connected to a pipe, certain precautions are necessary to be observed, especially that of soldering the wire to the pipe outside the meter. The connecting wire which is soldered to the ground-plate should be coated with insulating material, to prevent corrosion of the wire by the electrolytic action which might otherwise take place (27). If circumstances render it necessary to bury a ground-plate in badly-conducting soil, as, for instance, where it is rocky, sandy, or gravelly, without sufficient moisture, a pit should be dug, and filled with scrap tin or other waste metals laid in contact with the plate, and the surface drainage and discharge from water pipes should be led into it. 211. Advantages of the Earth Circuit. Several important advantages arise from the use of the earth in telegraphy as a part of the circuit. The entire cost of the return wire and its insulation is saved, while at the same time the resistance of the circuit is reduced nearly one-half. On the other hand, the inclusion of the earth mate- rially increases the difficulty of maintaining an efficient condition of insulation throughout the circuit (219). The specific electrical resistance of the soil and of the strata of the earth, due to the geological character of some regions, are some- The Open Circuit. 107 times such as to render it a matter of great difficulty to secure a sufficiently good ground connection. An instance was observed some years since by the author in which it was impossible to secure a ground connection which would not offer an abnor- mally great resistance to the flow of the current. This was in the anthracite coal regions of Pennsylvania. Professor Moses G. Farmer informs him that he has met with the same difficulty in some places in the mountainous districts of New Hampshire and Vermont, on the lines between Boston and Montreal. 212. The Open Circuit. A telegraph line arranged upon the open-circuit plan is illustrated in Fig. 81. Two terminal stations are shown, each having a battery, a transmitting key, and a receiving instrument. The circuit of the line divides at each key into two _t T- FIG. 81. Diagram of Open-Circuit System. branches, of which only one can be closed at the same time. One branch includes the battery only, and the other the receiving instru- ment only. The latter branch is normally in connection with the circuit of the line. If a signal is to be sent, the key is depressed by the operator, so as to establish the connection of the line with the battery, having first broken it with the instrument. A current from the battery will now flow through the key and over the line in the direction indicated by the arrows to the other station, where it passes through the instrument contact of the key and through the receiving instrument, avoiding the battery, and thence back through the ground- plate and the intervening mass of earth to the opposite pole of the battery at the sending station, thus completing the circuit. In this arrangement, therefore, each station transmits signals by inserting its own battery at timed intervals into a circuit of conductors which is already complete. io8 Telegraphic Circuits. 213. The Closed Circuit. Fig. 82 illustrates the closed-cir- cuit plan, properly so called. In this the cells of the battery or bat- teries are always in the line, and the circuit passes normally through FIG. 82. Diagram of Closed-Circuit System. the rear or breaking contact of the keys, and through the receiving instruments at both stations. By depressing the key at either station (as shown at the right hand in Fig. 82), the current of the entire line is interrupted, and a signal is simultaneously given upon both receiv- ing instruments by the falling off of the armatures of the electro- magnets of the receiving instruments. 214. American Modification of the Closed Circuit Fig. 83 represents the American modification of the closed circuit, FIG. 83. Diagram of American Modification of Closed-Circuit System. which is the standard arrangement employed in the United States, Canada, and Mexico. It differs from the last described in that the circuit does not normally pass through the key at all, but through a Position of Battery in Closed Circuit. 109 switch or special circuit-closer beside it, which, as a matter of con- venience, is in practice usually mounted upon the key, though shown separately in the diagram, as it is sometimes arranged in fact. To transmit a signal according to this plan, the circuit of the line is first broken by opening the switch, and the signals are then made by de- pressing the key so as to close the circuit at timed intervals upon its front contact-point. As in the last case, the alternate opening and closing of the circuit at one station affects alike the receiving instru- ments at all stations. 215. Comparative Advantages of the Different Plans. Each of the foregoing plans of organization of a telegraphic circuit has certain peculiar advantages and disadvantages, which will be further considered hereafter. It may, however, be stated here, that one principal advantage of the closed-circuit systems is that a great number of stations may be placed upon a single line without materially interfering with each other, and may be equipped with the simplest of apparatus, all the batteries being placed at the terminal stations, where they can more conveniently receive skilled and sufficient attention. 216. Position of Battery in Closed Circuit. While it is usual in a closed-circuit system to place a battery at each end of the line, as shown in Figs. 82 and 83, it is by no means an essential requirement. Comparatively short lines of say 25 or even 50 miles in length are often supplied with a battery only at one end, while very long lines are occasionally provided with an intermediate bat- tery midway between the terminal batteries. In rare instances a battery is placed in the middle of the line only. The arrangement shown in Figs. 82 and 83 is considered preferable to any other ? unless for exceptional reasons which may apply to some particular case. 217. General Considerations respecting Telegraphic Circuits. In all telegraphic circuits (with the exception of those of direct working electro-chemical systems, which do not come within the scope of this work), the object sought to be obtained is to pro- duce signals at a distant station by alternately closing and breaking the circuit at the home station, so as to alternately magnetize and demagnetize the electro-magnet of the receiving instrument at the distant station. It is therefore primarily essential that the current traversing the coils of the distant electro-magnet should be of suf- ficient quantity to cause the latter to attract its armature with cer- tainty when the circuit is closed, while, on the other hand, it should be insufficient to maintain the armature in proximity to the magnet against the force of the antagonistic spring, or other retracting device, no Telegraph ic Circu its. when the circuit is broken. This result is most perfectly attained when the maximum current going through the helix of the receiving magnet is sufficient to cause the armature to be promptly attracted^ and the minimum current is zero, or no current. But upon lines of ordinary length, exposed to unavoidable atmospheric influences,, these conditions are usually impossible of fulfillment. The more nearly this ideal condition can be approximated to, the better are the results. It can only be fully realized upon a line of which the insulation is absolutely perfect. 218. Relation of Conductivity to Insulation Resistance^ Practically the end aimed at in all telegraphic circuits should be to make the resistance of the conductor as small as possible, and the resistance of the insulation as great as possible. Therefore, in con- structing a telegraph line, it is important to employ the best possi- ble conductor which the necessary limitations of cost will permit, and to prevent the escape of the current in undesired directions by the use of the most efficient insulators. 219. Effect of Imperfect Insulation. The deleterious ef- fects of imperfect insulation upon the operation of a telegraphic cir- cuit will be understood by reference to Fig. 84, which represents * r 4 4 n u i I 1 i I i A t + 1 1 1 i mm ~H ! FIG. 84. Effects of Imperfect Insulation. two stations, A and B, connected by a telegraph line, the earth being used as a return conductor. If we suppose the line to be provided with a battery at station A only, the current from its posi- tive pole flows along the line toward B, as indicated by the arrows, but a small portion of this current escapes from the line through or across the defective insulators at every successive support. These currents of leakage find their way directly into the earth in the direc- tion indicated by the arrows, returning to the negative pole of the battery, at A, without going through the instrument at B at all. Every imperfectly insulated point of support therefore constitutes Telegraphic Conductors. 1 1 1 a branch circuit (140), and causes the current to divide in pro- portion to the total resistance of the support and its insulator as compared with the joint resistance of that portion of the line and the branch circuits beyond the point of division. It is evident that the greater the resistance, jointly and severally, of the insula- tors, and the less the resistance of the line conductor, the greater will be the percentage of the total quantity of current entering the line at A which will reach the instrument at B. But as some por- tion of the total current must escape from the line at every point of support, it will come to pass, unless the line be perfectly insulated, that at some distance from the initial point, depending both upon the conductivity and the insulation of the line, so large a proportion of the current will have escaped from the line through the supports to the earth, that the remainder will be insufficient to produce any appreciable effect upon the receiving instrument. 220. Working Efficiency of Telegraphic Circuit. The working efficiency of a telegraphic circuit is therefore determined by the ratio between the resistance of the conductor and the resistance of the insulator. If the total resistance of the conductor be divided by the total resistance of the whole number of insulators that is to say, by their joint resistance the quotient will represent fas. efficiency of the circuit. The smaller this quotient, the higher the efficiency (243). 221. Telegraphic Conductors.- The wires used for tele- graphic conductors are almost invariably either of iron or of copper. Iron wires were formerly exclusively used for outside or aerial lines. Since 1885 these have largely been superseded, in all new work, by wires of hard copper. Copper wires are invariably employed for in- terior work, which term comprises the wires within buildings and about the apparatus. They are also employed for all subterranean and submarine conductors. The table on page 112 gives the di- mensions, weight, conductivity, resistance, etc., of the sizes of iron and copper wires most generally employed as telegraphic con- ductors. 222. Iron AAfires. Until within a few years the size of iron wire most commonly employed in the United States has been that known as No. 9, which probably still constitutes something like one- half of the total mileage of the country. Nos. 8, 6, and 4 are larger sizes which have come into use, especially since 1875. No. 4 is the largest iron wire used in this country, and No. 10 is the smallest used in the public telegraph service. These numbers refer to the so-called Birmingham gauge, and not to the American (190). See Fig- 85- 112 Telegraphic Circuits. TABLE IX. SIZE, WEIGHT, AND RESISTANCE OF TELEGRAPH WIRES. EXTRA BEST BEST GALVANIZED IRON. (Washburn & Moen Manufacturing Company.) GAUGE No. W.&M. Diameter. Mils. Weight. Lbs. per Mile. Resistance. Ohms per Mile Feet per Ib. Tensile Strength. Lbs. 4 229 730 7. 7.23 1900 6 196 540 9-5 9-59 1500 8 165 380 13- 13.89 1 100 9 I5 1 320 15- 16.50 900 10 138 268 18. 19.70 700 ii 123 215 23- 24.65 550 12 108 164 32. 32.19 450 14 83 96 55- 55- 150 GALVANIZED IRON. (British Post Office Specifications.) GAUGE No. Diameter. Mils. Weight. Lbs. per Mile. Resistance. Ohms per Mile. Feet per Ib. Tensile Strength. Lbs. .... 242 800 6.75 6.6 2620 .... 209 600 9- 8.8 1960 .... 181 450 12. 11.7 1460 171 400 13-5 13-2 1300 121 200 27. 26.4 655 HARD DRAWN COPPER. (John A. Roebling's Sons Company.) GAUGE No. Diameter. Mils. Weight. Lbs. per Mile. Resistance. Ohms per Mile. Feet per Ib. Tensile Strength. Lbs. 9 114-43 209 4-3 25.2 625 10 101.89 166 5-4 31-2 525 SOFT COPPER. (Geo. B. Prescott, Jr.) o ^ 3* 2 AREA. WEIGHT AND- RESISTANCE AT FAHR . LENGTH. 5 W %~ I WO C ^ Circular Mils. Square Inches. Lbs. per looo Feet. Feet hms Per Ib. P p^ Feet Ohms Ohm perlb ' 10 101.9 10381 8153 3L37 31.38 I. looo .0313 12 80.8 6260 5128 19-73 50.69 1.59 629 .0805 14 64.1 4107 3147 12.41 80.59 2.59 386 .208 16 50.8 2583 2029 7 .8l 128.14 4-02 249 -515 18 40.3 1624 1276 4.91 203.76 6.39 156 1.302 20 31.9 102 1 802 3-09 324.15 10.16 98 3.292 Line and Office Wires. 1*3 12 In the construction of a telegraph line, the longer each bundle or piece of wire is the better, so long as it does not exceed a weight which is convenient for the workmen to handle. Great care should be taken in making each joint, and in any case, the fewer joints the better. A loose and poorly made joint sometimes causes as much resistance as 50 miles of line. Fig. 86 shows the com- mon twist-joint most used in the United States. The ends of the wires are wrapped tightly around each other with the aid of a hand-vise and pliers, and are then soldered, to insure good metallic connection and to exclude moisture. The usual number of posts or supports in the United States is from 30 to 40 per mile. The smaller the number of posts the less the leakage from imperfect insulation and the less the cost. FIG. 85. Iron Wires for Telegraph Lines Actual Size. FIG. 86. Twist-Joint for Iron Wire. 223. Office \Vires. The copper wires used for interior wiring should generally be of No. 16 American gauge or thicker, and well covered with insulating material. If the location is perfectly dry and the number of wires is not very great, a coating of cotton braid, double, and saturated with paraffin or wax, answers very well. If there is any danger of exposure to dampness, some of the higher grades of insulated wire, most of which aie known by special trade names, such as Kerite, Okonite, etc., are to be preferred. Specimens of some of the most useful varieties of these office wires^ as they are called, are illustrated in Fig. 87. The great number of varieties of insulation now in the market offers a wide scope for selection, both in quality and cost. Telegraphic Circuits. BCD E F Fig. 87. Insulated Conductors for Interior Construction. Reference Letter. Birmingham Gauge No. Diameter of Conductor. Mils. Material of Insulation. Outside Diameter of Outer Insulation. Covering. Mils. : A 16 65 Okonite 148 Braided B 18 49 Kerite 120 None C 18 49 " 165 Braided D 18 49 " 1 20 Lead E 20 35 Okonite 109 None F 20 35 Kerite 95 None G 20 35 ' ' 95 Lead 224. Copper Line W^ires. About the year 1880 it was dis- covered that copper wire, drawn by a process which gave it greatly increased tensile strength without materially impairing its conduct- ing qualities, could be had in the market, and as a result many lines have since been built with this wire, with the most satisfactory results. At the prevailing prices of copper and iron, the cost of the copper line is little if any more, all things considered, than that of an iron line of equivalent conducting capacity ; while, if very great conduc- tivity is desired, it is absolutely necessary to resort to copper, as an Telegraphic Line Insulators. iron wire thicker than No. 4 is so heavy as to be almost unmanage- able. 225. Telegraphic Line Insulators. Telegraphic lines are carried through the country supported usually upon wooden posts, but occasionally upon other structures, such as buildings, bridges, etc. These supports are separated at intervals, varying on different lines from 150 to 300 feet, or from 20 to 40 per statute mile. At each point of support each wire is affixed to an insulator, the office of which is to prevent, so far as possible, the escape of the current from the line through the support to the earth, in its endeavor to re- turn to the battery by the shortest route (219). Much ingenuity has been expended, and, it must be confessed, with very unsatisfac- tory results, to devise an insulator which shall be capable of per manently maintaining its non-conduct- ing properties during continued wet weather. The insulator which is in most general use in North America is an inverted cup of pressed glass, mount- ed upon an oak pin which forms its sup- port, as in Fig. 87, the line being se- cured to its side by a tie wire which lies in a circumferential groove surrounding the insulator. The ordinary glass in- sulator is a device which has little to recommend it except its cheapness. Nevertheless, there is much to choose between the different forms in which the glass insulator is to be had. Two models in common use are shown in diametrical cross-section in Figs. 88 and 89. The figures are one-half the actual size, and the measurements are given in the drawings. 226. Defects of the Glass In- sulator. The glass of which these insulators are composed is a substance which, as regards its body, is a suffi- ciently good non-conductor under most circumstances ; but unfortunately, in rainy and damp weather, especially when the temperature of the atmosphere is rising, its entire surface becomes coated with a con- tinuous film of moisture. This watery film forms a conductor at FIG. 87. Glass Insulator on Oak Bracket. Model of 1865. n6 Telegraph ic Circu its. FIG. 88. Western Union Old Insulator. every support, which conveys a portion of the current from the con- ductor to the supporting pin upon which the insulator is mounted, from whence it finds its way into the ground, or, still worse, into some other parallel and neighboring wire. Although water is a comparatively poor conductor (116), so that the quantity of current which es- capes at any one point is in- considerable, yet, when we con- sider that on a line 500 miles long, there may be more than 20,000 such points of escape, the aggregate loss becomes in practice a most serious matter. 227. Resistance Influ- enced by Form of Insu- lator. Each insulator, there- fore, must be regarded in wet weather as a conductor, and, as such, is subject to the same law as every other conductor ; that is, the resistance which it will oppose to the escaping current is directly in proportion to the length of the conducting film upon its surface, and inversely as its cross-section (118). Hence the length of the insulating surface, measured from the point of contact of the wire to the point of contact of the supporting pin, must be as great as possible. On the other hand, it is obvious that the smaller the diameter of the insulator, both external and internal, the narrower will be the conducting film, and the greater its resistance. Tested by this rule, it will FIG. 89. Western Union Standard Insulator. be seen that the pattern illus- trated in Fig. 89 must be better than that shown in Fig. 88, as in the first the actual linear distance from the conducting wire to the sup- Hard Rubber and Paraffin Insulators. i i 7 FIG. 90. Hard Rubber Insu- lator. (Batchelder.) porting pin (as shown by the heavy outline) measures 5.5 in., while in the second it is only 4.3 in. It is true that the insulator, Fig. 88, is somewhat smaller in diameter than the other, which is so far an advan- tage ; but, on the other hand, a comparatively great part of the insu- lating length of the latter is underneath, where it is well protected from the direct action of the falling rain. 228. The Hard-Rubber Insulator. Another variety of line insulator more or less in use is the hard-rubber, which con- sists of a malleable iron hook for clamping and holding the wire, covered with a mass of vulcanized rubber, in cylindrical form, with a thread cut upon its exterior, which is screwed into a block, wooden arm, or other convenient support, as shown in Fig. 90. The non-conducting properties of vulcanized rubber have been found to deteriorate very rapidly on the surface by exposure to the weather, and hence this form of insulator is now but little used except for short lines in cities, for which it possesses some advan- tages by reason of its small size, light weight, and general con- venience. 229. The Paraffin Insu- lator. Fig. 91 is a sectional view of the paraffin insulator, which has been much used on the railway telegraph lines of the United States. An outer cylindrical shell of cast-iron, open at its lower end, has ce- mented into it a narrow-necked inverted bottle of blown glass, within which again is cemented an iron stem, carrying at its lower end a hook for support- ing and clamping the wire. The surface of the cement, both within and without the glass bottle, is coated with paraffin having a melting-point of about 145 Fahr. The iron shell is inserted into a hole bored in the under side of a cross-arm, which last is bolted transversely to the upright post. FIG. 91. Paraffin Insulator. (Brooks.) i8 Telegraphic Circuits. 230. The Porcelain Insulator. The insulator shown in Fig. 92 is made in great perfection in Germany, and is extensively used in Europe, Asia, and South America, but not in the United States. All things considered, it is perhaps the most efficient insulator now known. The figure is a sectional view of the best form, known as the double bell. The material is a fine and dense porcelain, per- fectly non-porous, and white in color. The glaze covers the whole internal and external surface, and is of a pure white color. The thread is smoothly formed and well-de- fined. The supporting bracket is of malleable iron, having an upright cylindrical stem, and the socket is packed with hemp and linseed oil when the insulator is put on. A straight iron bolt with a shoulder is used with a cross-arm, secured by a nut screwed on the under side of the arm. 231. Defective Insulation of American Lines. The most serious defect in the construction of the telegraphs of the United States is unquestionably the character of the insulation. Very few of the lines exhibit any material improvement in this particular over those constructed forty years ago. It is true that the working efficiency of the more important lines has been greatly increased during the period which has since elapsed, but the improvement is due almost wholly to the use of conductors of lower resistance, and to the substitution of powerful dynamo-electric machines in the large terminal stations for the voltaic batteries formerly used. The effi- ciency of the less important lines is no greater, and, in many instances, not as great, as it was twenty years since. The insulators almost universally employed, as pointed out in (227), are deficient both in material and in design. In addition to their inherent defects, there are usually a considerable proportion of cracked or broken ones, which the most vigilant inspection cannot wholly prevent. The FIG. 92. German Porcelain Insulator. Effects of Climate upon Insulation. 119 records of the Western Union Company show that about 6 per cent, of the glass insulators on its lines require renewal yearly. 1 232. Effects of Climate' upon Insulation. The combined effect of dirt and moisture upon the surface of insulators is very deleterious. Ordinary insulators in this country are affected proportionally as the air becomes charged with moisture. In the winter months this often occurs, and is notably the case when the ground is covered with melting snow, and the rain is from the south. Northeast storms begin with the wind from the northeast. Usually the wind changes to the east and south, and finally it clears up with the wind from the west and northwest. During the portion of the storm when the wind is from the southeast and south, the air is charged with moisture to its full capacity, or total saturation. It is during this time that the ordinary glass insulator is most affected. When the storm is accom- panied by the wind changing in the other direction, that is, from northeast to north, and finally to northwest, the insulation is much less affected, because the atmosphere is seldom charged to over 80 per cent, of full saturation. DAVID BROOKS : The Telegrapher, xi. 73. Mr. Brooks, who has devoted much attention to the investigation of questions relating to the insulation of telegraph lines, has remarked that in cities in which the fuel principally used is anthracite coal, the gas which is formed and escapes into the atmosphere produces a very deleterious effect upon the surface of glass insulators. He found while during rain, insulators in the country, in regions free from smoke, give a resistance of 60 to 100 megohms per insulator, in the city under the same conditions of weather, the resistance falls as low as 4 to 6 megohms per insulator. He instances a line in the city of Pittsburgh, a locality formerly famous for the quantity of bituminous coal-smoke which pervaded its atmosphere, where glass insulators which had been exposed on the line less than two years were so coated with soot that they gave a measured resistance of less than i megohm per insulator. Moses G. Farmer, who is also excellent authority in such matters, says : " I presume from long experience and many careful tests, made in the worst weather, that 9 megohms will be above the average value of three-quarters of the insulators used in this country, in the Middle and Northern States, in long-continued heavy storms." 2 A very fair idea of the comparative efficiency of some of the different insulators referred to in this chapter may be gathered from the report of a test of five years duration, extending from March I, 1868, to March i, 1873. The different varieties^of insulators were exposed in sets of 10, the mean resistance of this number being taken in each test. The total number of 1 PRESCOTT : Electricity and the Electric Telegraph, 302. 3 The Telegrapher, \. 34. I2O Telegraphic Circuits. measurements, in rain, during this period was 93. The results were as follows : DESCRIPTION OF INSULATOR. Resistance Resistance per Mile per Insulator. of 40 Insulators. Megohms. Ohms. Mean. Minimum.i Mean. Minimum. I. Western Union glass, 1865 tvDe (like Fitr 87) . 8-3 8.6 28.3 10,000. 14.6 24. 2.6 3- 19. 2,300. 6.4 3-5 207,500 215,000 707,500 2,500,000,000 365,000 600,000 65,000 75,000 475,000 57,777,777 160,000 87,500 2. Large Varley, brown stone- ware with ebonite covered pin (Knglish standard) 3. Berlin porcelain, double bell (like Fig. 92) 4. Brooks' Paraffin (like Fig. 91). 5. Boston screw-glass (nearly like Fig. 87, but with internal screw-thread), exposed I year 6. Western Union glass, 1871 type (nearly like Fig. 88), ex- posed i year The tests were made by D. Brooks of Philadelphia. The Telegrapher : ix. 90. 234. Distribution of Potentials in Telegraphic Circuits. The manner in which the varying potentials at points in an electric circuit may be graphically delineated in accordance with Ohm's law, has been explained in (145). The application of this method of illustration to the specific conditions of a telegraphic circuit is instructive, as it enables the student to form, as it were, a mental picture of the electrical condition of every portion of the line when in normal condition, or when affected by leakage arising from faults and defective insulation. In pointing out the application of this graphic method of repre- sentation, to a telegraphic circuit, it will be convenient in the first instance to assume the circuit to be perfectly insulated. 235. Potentials in Perfectly Insulated Circuit. If a bat- tery of 100 gravity cells in series be connected to a perfectly insu- lated line of say 100 miles in length, open at the distant end, as shown in Fig. 93, the line will acquire a potential throughout its entire length, of 100 volts, which is equal to the e. m. /. of the battery. This will be the case, however great may be the length of the line. 236. If now the distant end of the line be connected to the earth, as in Fig. 94, a positive current will traverse the line. This will not affect the e. m. f. of the battery, which remains 100 volts as Potentials in Perfectly Insulated Circuit. 121 before, but the distribution of potentials will be changed in every part of the circuit. The distant end of the line becomes o or zero, being the same as the assumed potential of the earth with which it is 100 Cells 100 75 50 35 Miles EARTH F"ic. 93. Insulated Open Circuit. directly connected, and from this point it rises gradually and uni- formly along the line to the terminal or pole of the battery; at which point, as we shall hereafter see, it will be something less than 100 volts. Having ascertained the actual potential at this or any other HI EARTH cioo D 75 FIG. 94. Circuit Grounded at Distant End. EARTH point on the line, it may readily be calculated for any other point, for in a circuit of uniform resistance, the potential varies directly as the distance from the zero end of the line (145). Thus if it is known to be 80 volts at 100 miles, it must be 40 volts at 50 miles, Positive and Negative Potentials in same Circuit. 20 volts at 25 miles, and so on, the different poten- tials at different points being represented by the sloping dotted line in Fig. 94. The potential which has been referred to is positive, but the law is of course the same with a negative potential, which is a potential less than that of the l6o> hand, will instantly re- spond to each reversal, whether of the smaller or the larger current. 323. Operation of the Diplex. Suppose a signal is being sent by the depression of key K 2 ; both sections of the battery are in circuit on the line, causing the armature of the neutral relay R 2 to be attracted. If now another signal be sent by the depression L/N Receiving Sounder of Diplex. 184 Equipment of American Telegraph Lines. of the key K 1 , the full strength of the current traversing the neutral relay R 2 will be rmersed. It is obvious that during this operation, no matter how instantaneously the reversal may be effected, there must be an interval during which no magnetism is manifested. The actual result of this is found to be that the neutral relay lets go its armature for an instant, and the spring begins to pull it away, but it scarcely has time to move before the opposite magnetism seizes upon it and restores it to its original position. This, if not guarded against, causes a slight break in the signal, known as the dip, which may nevertheless be eliminated by the aid of special devices. One of the most efficient of these devices is that of an interme- diate local relay interposed between the neutral main-line relay and its associated sounder in the manner indicated in Fig. 160. When the armature of the neutral relay R falls off, the sounder S is not affected until it reaches its rear contact-point, when it closes the cir- cuit of the local relay L, and the latter, also by its rear contact, breaks the second local circuit. When the main-line is closed the reverse action takes place. Thus the sounder can only be affected by a full opening of the main circuit, which shall continue long enough to permit the relay armature to reach in rear contact. A FIG. 161. Short-core Neutral Relay for Quadruple*- neutral relay having very short cores, as in Fig. 161, is for this reason advantageous (195). 324. The Diplex and Contraplex Combined. Having an apparatus of this kind, capable of transmitting two sets of signals in the same direction at the same time without interference with each Quadruple* worked by Dynamo-Currents. 185 other, it is not difficult to understand that by applying a differential winding to both relays, polar and neutral, and by including both in the circuit of the main and artificial lines, precisely as in the case of the single-current and polar duplexes (310, 319), it becomes per- fectly practicable to transmit two sets of signals upon a line in each direction at the same time,, and this is in fact precisely what is done in the case of the quadruplex. 6 325. Quadruplex worked by Dynamo-Currents. The quadruplex apparatus at the larger stations in the United States is now frequently operated by dynamo-currents, and it is probable that this method will in time become practically universal. 7 The organi- zation of the apparatus has been slightly modified from that illus- trated in Fig. 159, to better adapt it to the conditions under which it is required to work. The principle will be understood by refer- ence to Fig. 162. D 1 and D 2 represent two independent series of dynamos, such as hereinbefore described (304), one having its posi- tive and the other its negative pole to the line. K 1 is the pole- changing transmitter and K 2 the single-current transmitter, which, for simplicity, are shown in the diagram as keys, but which are in practice operated by electro-magnets, local batteries, and independent keys, as indicated in Fig. 149. When the apparatus is at rest, the current from the negative dynamo D 3 traverses a resistance coil of say 600 ohms (which is inserted to avoid danger of injury to the in- struments in case of an accidental short circuit) to the rear contact of the pole-changing key K 1 ; thence through wire i (in which is in- cluded a rheostat of say 1200 ohms) to the point 2, where it divides into three portions ; the first portion going to the line and distant station, the second through the artificial line, including rheostat X, to the earth, and the third through the wire 3, the normally closed rear contact of the single-current key K 2 , and a rheostat of say 900 8 The method of diplex transmission here described, which forms the basis of the commercial quadruplex system, was invented in 1873 by Thomas A. Edison (see U. S. patent No. 162,633, A P r - 2 7 ^75)- He also devised the apparatus described in (323), to overcome the principal obstacle in applying the method in quadruplex transmission. 7 The first successful application of the dynamo machine as a substitute for the voltaic battery in commercial telegraphy was made in 1879 by Stephen D. Field of San Francisco. (See his U. S. patents, Nos. 223,845, Jan. 27, 1880, and 243,698, July 5, 1881.) Detailefl descriptions of some of the more important dynamo plants have been published as follows : Western Union, New York, Operator and Electrical World, xiv. 225 ; same plant improved, W. MAVER, Jr., in Electrical World, xi. 67, 79 ; W. U. plant, Pittsburgh, W. MAVER, Jr., ibid, xii. 195 ; W. U. plant, Chicago, ibid^ xv. 173; Postal Tel. Cable Co., N. Y., ibid, xii. 65 ; Postal T. C. Co., Boston, ibid, xvi. 313. The plant of fifteen dynamos in the Western Union N. Y. central station does the work of more than 30,000 cells of gravity battery. 1 86 Equipment of American Telegraph Lines. ohms, to the earth. If for example, therefore, we assume the resist- ance of the main and artificial line to be 3600 ohms each, it follows from the law of distribution of currents in branch circuits (140), that FIG. 162. Quadruple! Operated by Dynamo Currents. two-thirds the current will return to earth through wires 3 and 4, one- sixth will go to the main line, and one-sixth to the artificial line. 326. Distribution of Currents in Quadruplex Apparatus. If now the key K 2 be depressed in order to send a signal, a direct connection will be formed between key K 1 and the point 2 through Practical Management of the Quadruple*. 187 wires 5 and 3, shunting the i2oo-ohm coil in wire i. At the same time the wire 4 will be opened, and the whole current will divide at the point 2, half going to the main line and half to the artificial line. It follows, therefore, that with the several resistances in the ratios shown, the current sent to line by the key K 1 when key K 2 is de- pressed will be three times as strong as when the latter is raised, and this will be equally true whether the current sent by key K 1 be positive or negative. 327. A computation of the effects of the several resistances will also show that when an arriving current reaches the point 2, the resistance which it has to encounter in passing thence to the ground is the same, whether the key K 2 be depressed or raised. When the key is depressed, the resistance is only that of one or the other of the 6oo-ohm coils between the key K 1 and the dynamos ; when raised, it is the joint resistance of one coil of 600, plus the coil of 1200 (a total of 1800), in one branch, and the coil of 900 in the other branch, the joint resistance of the two being 600, the same as in the first instance. The relays R 1 and R 2 at each station, being both differential, are not affected by outgoing currents, whatever may be the strength or the polarity of such currents. 328. Practical Management of the Quadruplex. Skill in the management of an apparatus of so much complexity as the quadruplex can only be acquired by experience and careful study. Only a few hints can be given here. 8 As a preliminary to these sug- gestions, an. explanation of certain technical terms which have come into use with the apparatus is necessary. The " No. i side " of the apparatus comprises the pole-changing transmitter, the polar relay, and their attachments. The " No. 2 side " of the apparatus comprises the single-current key, the neutral relay, and their attachments. The tap-wire is the intermediate wire which divides the battery into two unequal portions, usually termed respectively the long end and the short end. (See Fig. 159.) The resistance which is inserted to compensate for the internal resistance of the battery is called the ground-coil. A resistance x, Fig. 162, is also placed between the condenser and the differential s A great amount of information of value respecting the history, theory, and prac- tice of quadruplex telegraphy may be found in a series of articles by WILLIAM MAVER, Jr., in Electrical World, xi. 254, 266, 280 ; and in a subsequent discussion by FRANCIS W. JONES, ibid, xi. 290, 330, xii. 276; W. MAVER, Jr., ibid, xi. 305, xii. 231 ; CLAR- ENCE L. HEALY, ibid, xi. 292 ; THOMAS HENNING, ibid^ xi. 330 ; H. W. PLUM, ibid, xi. 316. See also F. W. JONES : The Quadruplex, Journal Am. Electrical Soc., i. 16 ; F. L. POPE: Quadruplex Telegraphy, The Telegrapher, xi. 271. 1 88 Equipment of American Telegraph Lines. relays on long circuits, to retard the time occupied in the charge and discharge of the condenser, in correspondence with that of the line. The proportion between the long and the short end of the battery varies in practice with the length of the line. On lines of 100 miles or less the division is usually equal, or, as it is termed, 2 to i ; on a line 350 or 400 miles, it may be with advantage as much as 4 to i. 329. Adjustment of the Apparatus. The following method of procedure has been recommended by experienced operators, though it is proper to say that some difference of opinion exists in reference to the minor details of adjustment. First. Instruct distant station to "ground." He will then put the line to ground through his battery-compensation resistance or ground-coil. Both stations should assure themselves that the resist- ance of the ground-coil is equal to that of the battery. Second. The line being to ground at both ends, proceed to centre the armature of the polar relay. When centred, it should remain indifferently in either an open or closed position of the local circuit as placed by the finger. Third. Switch in the home battery, and vary the rheostat resistance in the artificial line until the polar relay can be again centred. If disturbing effects from foreign currents are felt, it may not be pos- sible to do this accurately. In such case, approximate it as nearly as possible. Fourth. Instruct the distant station to switch in his battery. This may assist in adjusting the polar armature. Fifth. Instruct distant station to close both keys, thus sending full current to you. Close your No. 2 key ; send dots on your No. i pole-changer, and alter the capacity of your condenser until its effects on the home polar relay are eliminated. This condition is termed the electrostatic balance. Sixth. After both stations have thus balanced, test the correct- ness of the adjustments as follows : Instruct distant station to send dots on No. i and words on No. 2. While this is being done, alternately open and close both keys at the home station. If both sets of signals from distant station come distinctly under all circumstances, the balance is obviously cor- rect. The same test should be repeated by the distant station, in order to ensure an accurate working adjustment. In the above test, if the sending on No. 2 side should fail to come well, instruct distant station to hold No. i key open for a few seconds, and then closed the same length of time. If the signals come imperfectly in both cases, it indicates that the contact-points Repeaters for Multiple Telegraphy. 189 of the distant pole-changer require cleaning. A very fine flat file is the proper tool to use for this purpose. If the dots on No. i fail to come well at the same time with the writing on No. 2, instruct distant station to alternately open and close No. 2 key at intervals of a few seconds ; the trouble may usually be traced to defective contacts upon the single-current transmitter, pro- vided the balance has been properly attended to. It should not be forgotten that a change of weather which is suffi- cient to affect the insulation of the line, may necessitate a readjust- ment, to a greater or less extent, of both the rheostat and condenser balance of the quadruplex. Both the line resistance and the elec- trostatic capacity are diminished by a defective state of insulation. The difficulties which may arise in the operation of a quadruplex apparatus are of such various character that it would be quite impos- sible to enumerate them in detail. Those which have been referred to are among those most liable to occur under ordinary circum- stances. 3290. Repeaters for Multiple Telegraph Systems. Not- withstanding the apparent complexity of the duplex and quadruplex apparatus, the arrangement of repeaters in connection with them is a very simple matter. It is only necessary to include the electro-mag- net which works the transmitter of one line of communication in the same local circuit with the receiving apparatus of another line of communication. This facility of adaptation of repeating devices gives great flexibility to the system, and enables it to be employed for special service in a great variety of ways. Thus, for example, a single wire might be used as a duplex between New York and Boston, New York and Hartford, and Hartford and Boston. The local cir- cuits of the transmitter and of the receiver in a main office may be extended through several branch offices in the same city, and thus all these branch offices may exchange messages directly, either with a distant main station, or with any one of a similar group of branch offices in the distant city. The limits of the present work will not permit a detailed description of these various applications of the system, with their numerous modifications, but the general principle will be readily comprehended by those who have made themselves familiar with the apparatus on which they are based. CHAPTER IX. TESTING TELEGRAPHIC LINES. 330. Object of the Tests. Telegraphic lines, from their ex- posed situation, are peculiarly subject to interferences and interrup- tions from various causes, and hence one of the most important duties of an operator is to familiarize himself with .the nature of these disturbances, so that their locatibn may be quickly determined and the proper measures taken for their removal. This is effected by an experimental investigation, technically termed testing. Another object in testing is to examine the electrical condition of the wires at stated intervals, and thus detect incipient faults before they be- come serious enough to cause interruption of the service. 331. Faults and Interruptions. The principal sources of interruption may be classified as follows : (0) Disconnection or Break. The continuity of the circuit is in- terrupted. A break may give rise to three different conditions : (i) When neither of the broken ends is in electrical connection with the earth; in this case the circuit is wholly interrupted so that no current can pass ; (2) when one end is in connection with the earth ; in this case there is no current on the portion of the line which is disconnected from the earth, but more or less on the other portion and (3) when both ends are in connection with the earth, in which case there will be more or less current on both sections of the line. (b) Partial Disconnection, or Resistance. This fault may arise from unsoldered and rusty joints in the line-wire ; from loose connec- tions in the offices, or about the instruments, switches, and batteries ; or from a defective or insufficient contact between the earth-plate and the earth. (c) Escape. Leakage from the line to the ground arising from defective insulation generally, or specifically from the line getting into contact with trees, wet buildings, etc. When an escape is so serious that it is impossible to work past it, it is called a dead ground. (d) Cross. This term is used to denote a leakage or escape of current from one wire into another. An absolute contact between Testing for Disconnection. 191 two or more wires, so tli.it current passes freely from one to the other, is termed a metallic cross. Sometimes parallel wires on the same supports swing to and fro in the wind, occasionally touching each other, and causing an intermittent disturbance termed a swinging- cross. When only a portion of the current passes from one wire to the other, through defective insulation, wet cross-arms or the like, the effect is termed cross-fire, or sometimes weather-cross (248). A defect in a ground wire or plate which serves as a common ter- minal for two or more lines, produces an effect similar to that of a metallic cross. This difficulty not infrequently arises from the re- moval of a meter in the line of a gas-pipe which is used as a ground connection for the wires (210). 332. Testing for Disconnection. When the circuit of a line operated on the American or closed-circuit system (214) is totally OOt , < rOO = OO-x i \ 1+ FIG. 163. Test for Disconnection. interrupted, the armature of every relay in the circuit will fall off. In such case, the operator at each way-station should immediately proceed to test the line by connecting his ground to the line, first on one side, and then, if necessary, on the other, as has been explained in a previous chapter (278). If either connection closes the line, the interruption is on that side, for the circuit of the opposite terminal battery is completed through the ground in place of the interrupted wire. If the ground-wire gives no current on either side, it is most probable that the trouble is in the testing-station, though it may be that the ground connection is defective. Each operator should first assure himself by a careful examination that the fault is not in or about his own apparatus. 1 Having ascertained the direction in which the difficulty lies, he should at once report the facts to the terminal station at the opposite end of the line. 1 An easy and expeditious way of doing this is to open the key, and then slightly moisten one finger of each hand and touch lightly the binding-screws by which the line-wires enter the switch. If the break is within the office a current will be perceived by the touch. 192 Testing Telegraphic Lines. Fig. 163 represents a line with four stations, A, B, C, and D. If, for example, the line be interrupted by a break at JF t two operative circuits may be formed by putting on the ground-wires at B and C, as shown in the figure. A can work with B, and C with Z>, notwith- standing the break between B and C. 333. Disconnection is usually caused either by the breaking of the line-wire or else by the careless leaving open of the switch of a key. Other less frequent causes are wires loose in their binding-screws (a defect peculiarly liable to occur in railway-station offices, on account of the continual vibration caused by the passage of trains), defective switches, and breakage of the fine copper wire in and about the re- lay. Sometimes the latter is burned in two just where it enters the helix, by the action of lightning. 334. Testing for Partial Disconnection. It is somewhat difficult to locate this fault by testing merely with a key and relay. It is liable to be of an intermittent character, which by no means tends to lessen the difficulty. In case of this or any intermittent fault, the best plan is to cross-connect, where it can be done, by in- terchanging the defective line with a good one at the terminal and x r^x FIG. 164. Test for Intermittent Fault also at some other station, as in Fig. 164. If, for example, the fault is at F on No. 2 wire ; by cross-connecting at A and also at B, as shown, the fault will shift to No. i, showing it to be between the two points where the wires were to have been interchanged. If it were beyond B it would have remained on No. 2 circuit. In the latter case, put the wires straight again at B, and cross-connect at C and so on, station by station, until the fault shifts to No. i, which proves it to be between the two last stations. 335. Testing for Escape. Call the stations up in rotation, beginning with the most distant one, and instruct each one to open his key for say ten seconds. When any station beyond the point of escape is open, a weak current will nevertheless pass to line through the home relay, the circuit being partially completed through the ground by the fault. For example, in Fig. 165, assume that terminal station A is testing. When the key is open at C or D a current will Testing for a Cross. \ 93 pass to ground through the point ot escape, which will disappear when JB opens his key, showing the fault is between B and C. If the escape is so serious as to be in- effect a ground, the operator at a way-station can often ascertain in which direction from him the r-00 B C -oo * oo f- J. 1^^ FIG. 165. Test for Escape. fault is located, from the fact that it cuts off or perceptibly weakens the current from the terminal battery in that direction, when tested with the ground-wire by the aid of the sense of feeling in the finger or tongue. 336. Testing for a Cross. In case a cross is suspected to exist between two wires, as for example No. i and No. 2, instruct the most distant station to open No. i, and send dots on No. 2 wire. Then open No. 2 at your own station, and if the dots sent on No. 2 at the distant station are received on No. i, the wires obviously must be crossed. Some care is necessary not to be deceived by cross-fire, due merely to imperfect insulation, and not to actual contact between the wires. If the wires are in actual contact, the dots or signals will come nearly as strong on one wire as on the other. Next, instruct the distant station to leave No. i open. Open it at the home station also. No. 2 will now be free from interference, and station^ maybe communicated with upon it without difficulty. Com- mencing at the most distant station, call them in succession, and in- struct each one in turn to send dots on No. 2. If the dots come on both wires, the cross is between the home station and the sending station, but if upon No. 2 only it is beyond the station sending. Each operator along the line should be instructed, while sending dots on one wire, to open the other wire, if practicable. 337- Principle of the Cross Test. Figures 166 and 167 will explain the principle of this test. A two- wire line is represented having four stations, A, B, C, and D. Assume the operator at A to be testing for a cross which is located between B and C. In Fig. 1 66, No. i is open at station C and No. 2 is open at station A. If C sends dots on No. 2 the current will pass over to No. i at the i 9 4 Testing Telegraphic Lines. cross, as indicated by the arrows, and the dots will come on the No. i instrument at A, showing that the cross is between A and C. In case C is not able to open No. i, the result will evidently be the same, provided it remains open at D. FIG. 166. Test for Cross. Now, if C closes both wires and B opens No. i, and writes dots on No. 2, as in Fig. 167, B cannot work when No. 2 is open at A, as both wires are open, one at A and the other at B. With both wires closed at A, the dots which B sends on No. i will reach A on No. 2, the current from F going over both the wires to the cross, and from thence to A on No. 2 alone. Thus the cross is definitely located between B and C. FIG. 167. Test for Cross. 338. A convenient and expeditious method of testing for crosses, in offices where there are a considerable number of wires, is for the operator to station himself at the switch with a test instrument, as shown in Fig. 139. When any station has been instructed to send dots on some particular wire, the testing operator can detect them by placing one finger upon the ground-wire and the other upon the line-wire to be tested, or its corresponding bar upon the switch. In wet weather, however, this method of testing is sometimes attended with much uncertainty, as it is extremely difficult to distinguish by this means between the effect of a metallic cross and those due to the leakage from wire to wire through imperfect insulation. The Wheatstone Bridge. 195 339. When a cross is found to exist between two lines, the one having the largest number of offices, or for other reasons the most available for business, should be cleared. The remaining wire can then be utilized for a considerable portion of its length, by instruct- ing the stations nearest the cross in each direction to open the main- line wire at the switch, on the side towards the cross ; ground the other side, and ground the line in the other direction. This will enable the second line to be utilized in two sections. 340. Testing by Quantitative Measurement. The tests which have been thus far described are such as may be made by the ordinary apparatus employed for the transmission of messages. They serve merely to roughly indicate the nature of the difficulty when it is serious enough to appreciably interfere with correspond- ence, and to determine between which two neighboring stations it is situated, but for accurate work more refined methods are necessary. Galvanometers and rheostats are the most essential instruments em- ployed for this purpose, and the results are deduced by computation from actual measurements, made upon the principles which have been explained in Chapter IV. The measurements required are principally of two kinds : measure- ments of resistance and measurements of quantity, or, as it is usually termed, current. 341. The Wheatstone Bridge. This apparatus consists of three sets of resistance coils, a galvanometer, a battery, one or more keys, and the necessary connections.- Its principal use is to measure resistances, which may be done by its means with great convenience and accuracy, usually from o.oi ohm up to 1,000,000 ohms. The theoretical arrangement of the bridge is shown in Fig. 1 68. It consists of four resistances, a, b, d, and x, arranged in a parallelogram, the galvanometer being connected across one trans- verse diameter, and the battery across the other. When the values of the four resistances are so adjusted in relation to each other that the current from the battery produces no deflection upon the gal- vanometer, it is certain that these several values must then bear a 1 This ingenious and useful system of electrical measurement was first described by SAMUEL HUNTER CHRISTIE, in Phil. Trans. R. S., 1833, 95-142. Its importance re- mained unappreciated until attention was directed to it by Professor CHARLES WHEAT- STONE, in a lecture before the Royal Society in 1843, entitled " An account of several new Instruments and Processes for determining the Constants of a Voltaic Circuit." Phil. Trans. R. S., cxxxiii. 303-327. Although full credit was accorded to Christie by Wheatstone for his admirable device, electricians have ever since persisted in calling it the Wheatstone Bridge, and it seems probable that it will always continue to be known by that name. Testing Telegraphic Lines. determinate ratio to one another. This ratio may be expressed as follows : As a is to l>, so is d to x. This ratio holds good, entirely irrespective of the magnitude of any of the resist- ances. In the actual apparatus, therefore, as used in practice, two of the resistances (a and b) are fixed, and the third (d) ad- justable, the fourth (x) being that which is to be determined. 342. Best Ratio of Electromotive FIG. 168. Principle of Wheatstone Bridge. Forces and Resistances. In performing the operation of test- ing, with equal resistances in the branches a and b of the bridge, the most trustworthy determinations are reached by preserving a due re- lation between the value of the e. m.f. employed, the branch resist- ances a and b, and the unknown resistance x, which is to be meas- ured. Hence when the unknown resistance is Between I and 100 units, a and b should be 10 ohms each ; e. /./., i volt. Between 100 and 1000, a and b should be 100 ohms each ; e. m. f., 10 volts Between 1000 and 10,000, a and b should be 1000 ohms each ; c. ///. /., 100 volts. 343. Principle of the Wheatstone Bridge. This may be most readily comprehended by considering that at every point where 100 75 50 25 120 FIG. 169. Fall of Potential in Arms of Bridge. a circuit divides into two or more branches, the potential of each branch must necessarily be the same. If, at any other point, any two or more of these branches are again joined, the potentials must again be the same. In the bridge, therefore, if we assume the po- tential at the point where the current first divides to be say 100 volts, Principle of the IVheatstone Bridge. 197 and at the point where they meet again or are connected to the earth to be o, let each circuit be assumed to be divided into 100 equal spaces, as indicated in Fig. 169. If now a wire be connected across from one of the branch circuits to the other, connecting the point 50 FIG. 170. Wheatstone Bridge Apparatus. to 50 or 75 to 75, or, as shown in the figure, 25 to 25, or between any other two points whatever having the same potential, no current can flow from one point to the other through the wire, because there exists no difference of potential between its ends ; but if, on the other hand, the wire is connected between any two points of different 198 Testing Telegraphic Lines. potential, as, for example, from 50 to 25, a current will necessarily flow through it (143), and a galvanometer placed in the wire will be deflected. When, therefore, the needle is not deflected, the propor- tionality referred to in (341) must always exist between the resist- ances of the four sides of the bridge. 3 344. Actual Construction of the Bridge. One of the most useful sets of coils for general purposes is that shown in Fig. 170, and in outline, with diagram of bridge connections, in Fig. 171. The various resistances are arranged in the manner hereinbefore described (341) ; and in the diagram, Fig. 171, as well as on the actual box. the respective values of the resistances are denoted by numbers representing ohms. The points marked INF.. or " infinite," indicate a total disconnection when the plug is withdrawn. In some of the more mod- ern sets of apparatus, such as that shown in Fig. 172, the galvanometer, rheostat, branch-coils, contact-keys, and five cells of battery, with the necessary connections, are all put up in a portable mahogany box, with lock and handle. A lifter is provided for raising the needle from its pivot when the appa- ratus is not in use. 345- Galvanometer for the Wheatstone Bridge. In se- lecting a galvanometer for any particular purpose, one having a few turns of thick wire, and small resistance, is most suitable for measuring small resistances, while for long circuit or a great resist- ance of any kind, a galvanometer of many turns of thin wire should be selected. Fig. 173 shows an excellent type of galvanometer for use in the bridge as well as for general purposes. It has an astatic system of needles, 4 suspended by a delicate silk fibre, and is fitted 3 The above explanation has been adapted from LATIMER CLARK : Electrical Measurement, p. 85. The student desiring to acquaint himself thoroughly with the theory of the bridge may, with advantage, consult also F. JENKIN : Electricity and Magnetism, p. 241 ; H. R. KEMPE : Handbook of Electrical Testing, p. 166 ; SILVANUS THOMPSON : Elementary lessons on Electricity and Magnetism, p. 318. 4 An astatic system of needles consists of two needles suspended parallel to each Other and near together, with their poles placed in contrary directions. One is a little FIG. 171. Diagram of Bridge Connections. Galvanometer for the Wheats tone Bridge. 199 with a permanent magnet, called a directing magnet, by which the needle can be brought to zero in any desired angular position of the apparatus. FIG. 172. Wheatstone Bridge Apparatus, with Galvanometer and Battery. 346. To Measure the Conductivity Resistance of a Telegraph Line. Have the remote end of the line put to ground, taking care that no relays are left in circuit. Connect the home end stronger than the other, so that the pair has a very feeble tendency to place itself in the magnetic meridian (86 6). Such a system is capable of being deflected by a very weak current, and hence is used in th2 construction of the more delicate types of galvanometers. 2OO Testing Telegraphic Lines. FIG. 173. Astatic Galvanometer with Directing Magnet. of the line to the terminal C, and the terminal E to the ground, as in Fig. 174. Unplug from A B (b) and B C (a) each, a resistance most nearly approx- imating in value that of the line to be measured (342). Usually this will be 1000 in each. Press the right-hand or battery-key B' and remove plugs from E A (d) until the resistance un- p lugged equals roughly that which is to be measured. Then depress the left-hand or galva- nometer-key A', and rearrange and adjust the plugs in E A () must be made greater than that in B C (a). For example, it may be 10 in B C and 100 or TOGO in A B. In this case, when the balance has been obtained, the amount unplugged in E A (d) must be multiplied by 10 or by 100, as the case may be, in order to obtain the correct resistance. It will be observed that under these conditions, the ratio of the resistances in the different parts of the bridge remains unchanged. 350. Location of the Position of a Ground. When the fault is a dead ground, which is not often the case, it is a very simple matter to locate it. For example, if the line were 250 miles long, and from previously recorded measurements its conductivity was known to be 3250 ohms, or 13 ohms per mile, and the resistance measured through the fault was 1287 ohms, then the distance from the testing station would be 1287 -5- 13 = 99 miles. 351. Location of the Position of an Escape. This is one of the most common cases which arise in practice. If no other than the defective line is available for the measurement, the process presents some difficulties, for the reason that the resistance of the fault is usually variable. If we have, for example : (1) Resistance of line in good order (from previous tests). . 4500 ohms. (2) " with distant end open (measured) 35OO " (3) " with distant end to ground (measured) 2700 Subtract (3) from (2) and also (3) from (i) ; multiply the two re- mainders together and extract the square root of the product, and Varleys Loop Test. 203 finally subtract this result from (3). In the above case, this would give the resistance of the conductor to the fault as 1500 ohms. While this method is theoretically accurate, it will not do to depend too much upon it in practice, for the reasons given. 352. Method of Double Measurement. Let two measure- ments be made, one from each end, the opposite end of the line being open. Suppose the fault the same as in the last case. By records and measurements we have, (1) Conductivity resistance of wire when good. . . . 4500 ohms. (2) Resistance measured from A with B open 35oo " (3) " B with A open 5000 To find the resistance from A to the fault. Subtract (3) from the sum of (i) and (2), and divide the remainder by 2. To find the resistance from B to the fault. Subtract (2) from the sum of (i) and (3), and divide the remainder by 2. The fault is 1500 ohms from A and 3000 ohms from B, which may be reduced to miles as in (350). 353. The Loop Test. When a good wire is available between the same points as the defective wire, this method may be made to give extremely accurate results in the hands of a careful operator. The arrangement of the connections, the method of making the measurements, and the computation of the result are precisely the same as in the method described for measuring a distant ground in (346). If the resistance of the fault is considerable, care should be taken to employ sufficient battery-power to get decided deflec- tions on the galvanometer. The loop should be made at the nearest station available beyond the fault. 354. Varley's Loop Test. The arrangement of connections for this modification of the loop test is shown in Fig. 175. The defective wire is looped with a good wire, and terminal B is connected to a grounded ] ^^Xftn^ -^ EARTH battery. B C and A B are the fixed resistances ; E A is adjusted until equilib- rium is reached. The FlG> , 7S . Principle of Varley's Loop Test. actual connections are shown in Fig. 176. The calculation is made as follows : Suppose a line having a total conductivity resistance of 4500 204 Testing Telegraphic Lines. A B j D g=> A' i ^ ^ [ ~ T B^ I E EARTH ohms looped with another line of the same resistance, we should then have : (1) Total resistance of loop 9000 ohms. (2) Resistance in E A to balance, 6000 Subtract (2) from (i) and divide remainder by 2, gives number of ohms between terminal E and the fault (in this case 1500), which is reduced to miles in the usual way (350). The defective wire must always be at- tached to terminal E, or the needle cannot be made to balance. Therefore, in case a balance cannot be ob- tained, the obvious remedy is to reverse or interchange the loop connections with the rheostat. 355. To Locate a Cross. In case a third good wire is not available, connect one of the crossed wires to C and the other to E of the bridge. Make one measurement of the loop through the cross with both lines open at nearest available sta- tion beyond, and another with the same wires looped at that station. If the two measurements are approximately the same, the number of ohms in the loop divided by 2 and converted into miles will give the distance of the cross from the testing station. If the lines are of different length, owing to the routes being different, allowance must be made for the fact ; also, if the wires are of different conductivities per mile. 356. When the two measurements differ considerably, showing that the cross offers more or less resistance, the above test would give a result in excess of the real distance. In such case the follow- ing procedure maybe adopted. In Fig. 177, suppose wires No. i and No. 2 to be crossed at X. By measurement from A B we get the following results, for ex- ample : (1) No. i from A to C (with No. 2 open at B and D) 3000 ohms. (2) No. 2 and No. i from A to B through the cross at X. . . 4650 " (3) No. 2 and No. i from B to C through the cross at X. . . 2650 " IW*- Varley's Loop Test. Shunts of Galvanometers. 205 Deducting (3) from the sum of (i) and (2) gives 5000, which divided by 2 gives 2500 ohms, as resistance of No. i wire from A to X. The distance on No. 2 wire may be found, if desired, in the same way. FIG. 177. Distance Test for Cross. 357. When a third wire in good order is available, the most con- venient as well as the most accurate method of locating a cross, is to ground either one or both ends of one of the crossed wires and make the other crossed wire into a loop with the good wire. The cross can then be treated as a ground, and located by one of the loop tests heretofore given in (353) and (354). 358. To Locate a Bad Joint or Abnormal Resistance. It sometimes happens that a line gives a much higher resistance than it should do, according to computation or by previous measure- ment. In such cases a bad joint may be suspected. To locate it, instruct a station midway of the line to put on ground. Take a measurement through first half of the line and this ground, the dis- tant end being open. This will show whether the fault is in the sec- tion measured or beyond. Repeat the test to another station in the middle of the defective section, and so on until it has been fixed between two sections. 359. Measurement of very High Resistances. The highest resistance which can be measured by the Wheatstone Bridge apparatus, described in (344), is i megohm, or 1,000,000 ohms. This is a sufficient range to cover most of the requirements ordi- narily met with in practical telegraphy, but in testing insulators, or the insulation resistance of very short sections of out-of-door line, it is often desirable to be able to determine much higher resistances. The method of proportional deflections is usually resorted to in such cases. A galvanometer having a coil of a large number of turns of very thin wire and a delicately suspended needle (345) is most suit- able for the purpose. 360. Shunts of Galvanometers. The galvanometers for this work must be provided with shunts ; these are short coils of .wire, arranged to be connected or bridged across the terminals of the galvanometer, and are usually marked (to indicate their multi- plying power) i- 10, i-ioo, and in very delicate instruments usually i-iooo also. 2O6 Testing Telegraphic Lines. FIG. 178. Shunt Box for Galvanometer, The first shunt coil has 1-9, the second 1-99, and the third 1-999 of the resistance of the galvanometer coil. They are made of cop- per wire, that they may be affected by temperature in the same ratio as the galvanometer coils. Fig. 178 shows an arrangement much used, in which either of three shunts may be thrown into use at will by changing the peg. 361. Measurement by Deflections. This meth- od is useful in making com- parative tests of insulators. In this case the internal re- sistance of the testing bat- tery is inappreciable in com- parison with the resistance to be measured, and hence the force of the current acting upon the needle may, without sensible error, be regarded as proportionate to the e. m.f. of the battery. First, connect the galvanometer G in circuit with a large known resistance R (say 10,000 ohms) and a single cell E, whose e. m.f. is known, as, for instance, a gravity cell (9). If the deflection exceeds 12, reduce it to a point below that figure by the ^ use of the proper shunts. 6 The arrangement of the connections for performing this operation, which is termed taking the constant of the galva- nometer, is illustrated in Fig. 179. Second, remove the shunt and the resistance R, and having re- placed the latter by the unknown resistance to be measured, add a sufficient number of cells of the same kind (in series) to produce a convenient deflection, not exceeding 12, as before. The result is found by simple rule of three, as in the example given in the next paragraph. 362. Measurement of Resistance of In- sulators. Mount a set of say 10 insulators, I, Fig. 1 80, upon a suitable frame out of doors, exposed to rain under the same conditions as if in actual service. Bind a line-wire to the whole series, and connect this with one terminal of the galvanometer G, the other terminal of The reason for this procedure is, that above this point the angles of the deflec- tions cease to be proportional to the strength of the currents producing them. (Com- pare table of tangents, p. 55.) FIG. 179. Taking Constant. Measurement of Internal Resistance of Battery. 207 galvanometer to zinc pole of battery E, and the copper pole of bat- tery to ground. Suppose that with the particular galvanometer msed, the following results are obtained, the weather being very wet : i cell through 10,000 ohms 41 J i " " 10,000 " (with 10 shunt) 5 Constant of galvanometer (i cell through 10,000 ohms). . 50 10 cells through 10 insulators in parallel 10 Therefore, if i cell will give 50 through 10,000 ohms, as per constant, 10 cells will give 50 through 100,000 ohms : and will therefore give 10 through 500,000 ohms. Hence the joint resistance of the 10 insulators is 500,000 ohms, and their mean individual resistance 5,000,000 ohms, ' or 5 megohms, per insu- Q Q Q Q Q Q Q lator. 363. Measurement of EG the Internal Resist- - I 1 | l | i | i ! + /"T\ ance of a Battery.-(i) ( 1 II I l|l|l|l|l lp\fj ^ It follows from Ohm's law (124) that when the total \^><^\ resistance of any circuit, FlG . l8o . Test O f insulators, embracing that of an in- cluded battery and galvanometer, is doubled, the quantity of the cur- rent flowing through it is halved ' ; and hence if the indications of the galvanometer be proportional to the strength of current, its deflection will also be halved. If a tangent galvanometer (96) of known re- sistance is at hand, connect it with a plugged rheostat in the circuit of the battery to be measured. Reduce the sensitiveness of the in- strument by a shunt (360), if necessary, to bring the deflection as near 60 as possible, and note the corresponding tangent of the deflection as given in the table, p. 55. Unplug resistance until the tangent of the deflection is halved, showing that the total resistance has been doubled. Deduct the resistance of galvanometer and con- nections from the added resistance ; the remainder is the resistance of the battery. Do not forget that the shunt, when used, diminishes the resistance of the galvanometer as a part of the measured circuit. 364. (2) If the resistance of the galvanometer is unknown, a modification of the Wheatstone bridge may be used. Make the connections as in Fig. 181. Connect the terminals B' and E by a short, thick wire. The left (galvanometer) key is permanently de- pressed. Touch the right-hand key and adjust resistance A E (d) until the needle remains at rest (it will not be at zero). It is neces- 208 Testing Telegraphic Lines. N B 1 \ *4 1 j j 13 sary to shunt the galvanometer in this test. If the resistance in A B (a) is equal to that in A B (), the amount unplugged in A E is equal to the resistance of the battery. In any case, by proportion, A B is to A C as A E is to the resistance of the battery. The most accurate results will be reached when A B is as high and A C is as low as pos- ., r i sible, but not so high as to l\ carry A E beyond the range of the rheostat. 365. Measurement of Resistance of Galvanom- eter. If, in the diagram, Fig. 1 8 1, the battery and gal- vanometer are made to change FIG. 181. Resistance of Battery. places, the resistance of the galvanometer may be deter- mined in the same way. Make B C (a) not more than one-tenth of the probable resistance of galvanometer, and make A B (b) not less than ten times the same, but not so high as to carry A E beyond the range of the rheostat The least possible value of B C with an ordinary bridge set would be 10 ohms. A smaller resistance might be extem- porized from a piece of wire, if necessary. 366. The Differential Galvanometer. This instrument is primarily designed to show the difference in strength between two cur- rents. The coil is wound throughout with two wires, equal in length, resistance, and number of convolutions, so that the same current in each will have a like effect upon the needle. The two wires are sometimes formed into a tape by plaiting together the silk with which they are covered. If, therefore, two equal currents traverse the respective wires in opposite directions, the needle will not move. If one current be stronger than the other, the needle will be moved by the stronger current with a force due to the difference in the strength of the two currents. This instrument was formerly much used to measure resistances by comparing them with standard resistance coils, but has now been practically superseded by the Wheatstone bridge (341). 367. Testing for Insulation by Received Currents. This system of testing offers many advantages over that hereinbefore referred to (340) for the daily examination of telegraph lines. The current from a testing battery, of a definite and approximately uni- Testing for Insulation by Received Currents. 209 form e. #/./., is sent at a stated time through the different lines, or sections of lines, and the volume of current, as indicated by a tan- gent galvanometer such as that shown in Fig. 182, or by an ammeter (369) at the receiving end, is registered. It is evident that the strength of the received current will be greater or less as the insula- tion is better or worse, and hence if the e. m.f. of the battery be constant, the volume of the received currents as observed from day FIG. 182. Western Union Tangent Galvanometer. to day will give an accurate knowledge of the condition of the lines. The normal resistance of each line is known from the stated con- ductivity tests, and so if the currents be sent from a battery of known e. m. f. it is only necessary to divide the latter amount by the former to know at once the maximum current which can possibly be received through any wire. For example, if a battery of 50 cells be used on a circuit of 2500 ohms, then 50 volts -f- 2500 ohms 0.02 ampere. This may be regarded as the standard current of that circuit, and the greater the leakage the greater will be the diminution of the cur- rent below that standard. Tables may be made for convenient refer- ence showing the normal current of each line. Special faults are of 2io Testing Telegraphic Lines. course investigated by the bridge apparatus (341) when their presence has been revealed by the procedure above described. 368. Use of the Voltmeter and Ammeter in Tele- graphic Testing. Since the general introduction of electricity in lighting and power service, a new class of instruments for the measurement respectively of potential and current, known as volt- meters and ammeters, have been brought to great perfection, and are now frequently employed with advantage in telegraphic work. Much time is saved in making readings and computations, as a simple in- spection of the indication of the pointer on the scale at once gives the result in volts or amperes. The pointer comes to rest promptly, so that a reading dan be made almost instantaneously. 369. The Weston Ammeter and Voltmeter. Fig. 183 shows Weston's portable type of direct-reading mil-ammeter, about one-fourth its actual size. It comprises a permanent magnet, having a hollow rectangular coil of alumin- ium wire suspended within its field upon jeweled piv- ots, to which coil the pointer is attached. Fig. 184 is a full-sized view of the work- ing parts of the instrument. One of the most useful types for telegraphic work has a FIG. ,8 3 . Weston's Mil-ammeter. scale reading to i ampere, with subdivisions of 10 mil- amperes, which may be read by inspection to a single mil-ampere. 7 Another type, which is adapted to perform all the measurements ordinarily required in a large telegraph station, is provided with several scales ; one of a single volt, which may be read to .001 volt, for determining the potential of a single cell ; another of o to 500 volts (which can be read to single volts or half volts), for taking the potential of a large number of cells when connected in series in a single battery ; another of i ampere (which can be read to mil- amperes) for determining the strength of currents. Some are made 7 The construction of the voltmeter and ammeter are simLar, the difference being in the length and thickness of the wire in the deflecting coil, which is made long, thin, and of great resistance in the voltmeter, and comparatively short and thick and of small resistance in the ammeter. Two or more coils of different lengths may be fitted to the same instrument, as in a galvanometer, giving different grades of sensibility. The Weston Ammeter and Voltmeter. 211 with a coil of precisely 100 ohms resistance, giving a full scale deflection with i volt. Such an instrument is very convenient for measuring line resistances. For example, with 100 volts the resist- ance in circuit required to bring the pointer to the upper division of the scale would be 10,000 ohms, and hence by pointing off two decimal places any resistance in ohms in the circuit may be deter- mined by direct reading from the scale, in the same manner as volts. FIG. 184. Mechanism of Weston's Direct-Reading Instrument The Weston instruments are particularly well adapted for all cur- rent measurements usually performed with a tangent galvanometer (102). They are not only, for most purposes, more accurate, but are far more convenient, as they may be placed in any position, and are in no wise affected by the neighborhood of masses of iron or of foreign electric currents. No time need be lost in leveling, adjust- ing, or waiting for the needle to settle, while the convenience of being able to read off the results directly without calculation is very great. Another and a very important advantage is, that the tests may be made with the same current which is employed in the ordinary operation of the circuit Tests for resistance, especially, not unfre- quently give very fallacious results, when made, as is often the case, 212 Testing Telegraphic Lines. JS i , 1 & A ri ! a * II i a Ii t ; 15 O O is i * 3 oi 1 as | S5 P< a I I a t 4J '> A O U | i *J o D 13 S i U U ~ < p E 3g SI ?BS ? BT O 1-4 i 1 1 | 3" o '* i s 1 S" 214 Testing Telegraphic Lines. with a current of much lower potential than the actual working current. 370. Recording Tests of Conductivity and Insulation. The forms of returns for line tests adopted by the Western Union Telegraph Company are given on pp. 212, 213. When the tangent in- strument is used, the constant (361) is written in the upper right-hand corner of the sheet. One horizontal line is appropriated to each separate wire tested. The headings sufficiently explain entries to be made in the several columns. When the tests are made by the bridge apparatus, the results are entered directly in the resistance columns, but if with the tangent instrument, these are computed and filled up at the electrician's office in New York. The same observations ap- ply to the insulation form. The record of the wet and dry bulb thermometer is important, as it enables the percentage of moisture in the air to be determined and its effect upon the different kinds of insulation to be compared and studied. By inspecting and comparing these sheets, as returned from the various testing offices, the electrician's department is kept fully informed of the electrical condition of the lines in all parts of the country. The system of stated reports was instituted by Lefferts, of the American Telegraph Company, in i863, 8 and has resulted in a vast improvement in the efficiency of the service. 8 LEFFERTS (MARSHALL), born January 15, 1821, in Bedford, now part of Brook- lyn, N. Y. In early life he was a civil engineer and was employed in laying out the city of Brooklyn. Subsequently he became a successful merchant in New York City, and a prominent militia officer. In 1849 his marked scientific tastes led him to be- come interested in telegraphy. Entering into the new enterprise with the energy and zeal which were among his most notable characteristics, he organized and became the president and manager of a range of lines operating the Bain electro-chemical sys- tem, extending from New York to Boston and Buffalo. Legal complications in con- nection with patents eventually led to a consolidation of these lines with those con- trolled by the Morse patentees, in consequence of which he resumed for a time his manufacturing and mercantile business. In 1860 he was appointed engineer and exec- utive manager of the American Telegraph Company, which under his administra- tion became one of the most popular and successful telegraph organizations that ever existed on this continent. He retained this position until the consolidation of the American with the Western Union Telegraph Company in 1866, and subsequently occupied a responsible post in the united service until 1871. At this date he was elected president of the Gold and Stock Telegraph Company of New York, which po- sition he held until his death. He possessed a most unusual organizing and executive ability, and while a strict disciplinarian, it afforded him genuine pleasure to discover and to reward meritorious service, even in the humblest capacity. His uniformly just and considerate treatment of his employees, no less than his genial and kindly spirit, insured the most loyal, enthusiastic, and diligent service from all. By a liberal system of advancement to the intelligent, the skillful, and the deserving, the standard of character and acquirements among the employees of the American Company was elevated to an extent to which later times have afforded few parallels. As engineer of Recording 7 ^esis of Conductivity and Insula tiou. 215 this extensive organization, he labored unceasingly to place its service upon a perma- nent foundation befitting its importance and its high mission. He was the first to appreciate the importance of testing lines and apparatus, and it is to the standard ot excellence which he established that the commencement of the era of scientific teleg- raphy in America may be traced. Assuming in 1861 the administrative management of a heterogeneous assemblage of poorly built and ill-arranged telegraphs, equipped with a miscellaneous collection of apparatus of antiquated and unserviceable types, he five years later turned over to the Western Union Company 30,000 miles of wire, constituting perhaps the most complete, thoroughly organized, and efficient tele- graphic system in the world. The influence of the reforms and improvements which were instituted during his administration will continue to be felt in the American telegraph service for all future time. He died suddenly, July 3, 1876, while on his way, as commander of a military organization, to participate in the celebration of the centennial anniversary of the Declaration of American Independence, in Philadelphia. CHAPTER X. HINTS TO LEARNERS. 371. Formation of the Telegraphic Code. The code of alphabetical and numerical signals employed in telegraphy, as devised by Vail in 1837,! is made up of various combinations of a small number of elements. In the so-called " Morse " code, as used in America, there are seven of these elements, viz. : (i) The dot; (2) theitasA; (3) \hzlongdash; (4) the ordinary space; (5) the letter-space; (6) the word-space; and (7) the sentence- space. It is important to remember that the value of the spaces in the code is as great as that of the dots and dashes. A common misconception exists in the minds of students that the telegraphic code consists exclusively of dots and dashes. The foundation of perfect telegraphic manipulation lies in the ability, which can only be acquired by careful observation and training, to accurately divide and subdivide time into intervals which are multiples of an arbitrary unit. 1 VAIL (ALFRED), born at Speedwell, near Morristown, N. J., September 25, 1807. In early life he became an apprentice in his father's Speedwell iron- works. After attain- ing his majority, he pursued a course of study and graduated at the University of the City of New York with the intention of entering the ministry, but in September, 1837, chancing to witness one of the early experiments of Morse with his crude telegraphic apparatus, his mind, naturally of a strongly scientific cast, was instantly fired with enthusiasm at the future possibilities of this marvelous invention. He became wholly absorbed in the enterprise, and persuaded his father, Stephen Vail, to furnish the means required to perfect, develop, and introduce the electric telegraph. Among the improvements in the apparatus and methods originated by himself, of the utmost prac- tical value, were the register (269), which is to-day but little changed from the form he gave it in 1844, and the "Morse" alphabetical code (372), now in universal use in America. (See American Inventors of the Telegraph, Century Magazine, xxxv. 924, April, 1888.) The efforts of Vail in overcoming the numerous practical difficulties that beset the work of installing the pioneer telegraph line between Washington and Baltimore in 1844, were indefatigable, and it is to his genius, patience, and untiring diligence that the ultimate success of the enterprise was in no small measure due. The last ten years of his life were passed by him in comparative retirement, engaged in his favorite pursuits of science and literature. He died at Morristown, January 18, 1859- The American Morse Code. 217 372. The American Morse Code. The complete code as now used in the United States and Canada, comprising letters, numerals, punctuation, and other signs more or less used, is given below : I. ALPHABET AND NUMERALS. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V w X Y Z & nrm The arbitrary unit of time in this code, which, when written down, becomes a unit of length, is technically termed the dot ; an unfortu- nate name for this element, inasmuch as it conveys the idea of an inappreciable lapse of time, or of the transmission of a current of infinitely short duration. On the contrary, an appreciable time is required for the production of signals by electricity (315); in the magnetization of electro-magnets (195), and in the movement of clock-work. The formation of a dot, therefore, necessarily involves time. Assuming, therefore, that (1) The dot is the unit of time, (2) The dash is equal to 2 dots ; 218 Hints to Learners. II. PUNCTUATION, ETC. Comma, , Semicolon, ; Colon, ; Colon Dash, : i Period,' Interrogation, ? Exclamation, J Dash, Hyphen, . - i Pounds, 2 l I Shillings, 2 / Dollars, 2 $ 1 Capitalized Letter, 3 Colon-Quotation, : " . 1 Decimal Point, Paragraph, If Parenthesis 3 ( } M J. ell C 1 J LllCoiOy 1 i Underline, 8 1 Quotation, 3 ** Quotation within Quotation, 8 u * " (3) The long dash is equal to 4 dots ; (4) The ordinary space between the elements of a letter is equal to I dot ; (5) The letter-space is equal to 2 dots ; (6) The word-space is equal to 3 dots ; (7) The sentence-space is equal to 6 dots. 3 To be used before the characters to which it refers. 3 To be used before and after the words to which it refers. Handling the Key, 219 The old rule in transmission was to make the dash equal to 3, and the long dash to 6, dots. When the receiving was largely done by recording instruments this was a most necessary requirement, for a dot, and a dash equal to only 2 dots, might easily be mistaken for each other in reading by sight, but now that receiving by sound has become practically universal, this objection has lost its force, and by shortening the dashes a material gain in rapidity of transmission is effected without any corresponding disadvantage. 373. Learning the Code. The student should first thoroughly commit to memory the groups of signs representing the letters of the alphabet, the numerals, and the principal punctuation points, viz., the/mW, the comma, and the point of interrogation. The remaining characters can be learned afterwards, as they will be little needed by the beginner. 374. Handling the Key. The most approved manner of grasping the key, and one which has been employed by some of the most successful, experienced and rapid American operators, is shown FIG. 185. in Fig. 185. Curve the fore-finger, but do not hold it rigid. Let the thumb press slightly in an upward direction against the knob. Keep the wrist well above the table. No better general 1 direction can be given than that the key should be grasped, held, and controlled with the same flexible but perfectly controlled muscular action of the fin- gers, wrist, and fore-arm with which the skilled penman holds his pen. Carefully avoid tapping upon the knob of the key ; the raising spring should assist the upward motion of the key, but should never be permitted to control it. By constant drill, as hereinafter directed, the habit of making dots with regularity, uniformity, and precision must first be acquired ; then dashes, and lastly in order, group of clots and dashes, letters and words. If possible for the student to obtain a register (269), he should by all means employ it in his practice, for he will then be more easily enabled to observe and correct the faults in his own 22O Hints to Learners. manipulation. In commencing, the habit should at once be acquired of making the dots like short, firm dashes. The student should learn to form the conventional characters accurately and perfectly ; speed will come in good time, but only as the result of constant and persistent practice, accompanied by a determination to excel. 375. Elementary Principles of the Code. As a basis for practice, the code may be regarded as comprising six elementary principles, viz. : First principle. Associated dots. I S H P 6 Second principle. Associated dashes. Third principle. Isolated dots. E Fourth principle. Isolated dashes. L or cipher. Fifth principle. Dot followed by dash. A Sixth principle. Dash followed by dot. N 376. Preliminary Practice with the Key. The student should first practice upon the above elementary principles. (1) Make dots with the key at uniform and regular intervals, until they can be produced with the precision of a machine, and of definite and uniform dimensions. The student will find this more easy, if at first he times himself by the beats of a watch or a small clock. (2) Next, make dashes, first at the rate of about one per second, which speed may be increased by degrees, as skill is acquired by practice, to three per second. Make the space interval between suc- cessive dashes as short as possible. If the upward movement which forms the space be made full, it cannot be made too quickly. (3) The third principle occurs but once, and needs no specific directions. (4) This principle will be found somewhat more difficult to exe- cute. The usual tendency is to make T too long, and L too short. Theoretically, the cipher is one-half longer than L, but in fact it is always made the same, as the practice has been found to occasion Preliminary Practice with the Key. 221 no inconvenience. Occurring alone, or among other letters, it is translated as L, but when found among figures is read as o. (5) The fifth principle forms the letter A. The usual tendency is to separate the two elements too much. (6) The dash followed by a dot (N) is usually found to be some- what difficult. Time the movement by pronouncing the word ninety, sounding the first syllable fully. Guard especially against the usual tendency to separate the elements by too great a space. 377. Exercises upon Code Characters. Having become thoroughly familiar with the principles, the following exercises may with advantage be taken up in order : (1) E I S H P 6 These should be practiced repeatedly until the correct number of dots in each character can be certainly made at every trial. A habit once formed of making the wrong number, usually one or two too many in the case of H, P, and 6, is almost impossible to eradicate. Guard especially against the objectionable habit of shortening or dipping the final dot, a vice which leads to innumerable and vexa- tious errors and misreading of signals. (2) T M 5 1[ The faults to be particularly guarded against in this exercise are shortening or elongating the terminal dash, and separating the suc- cessive dashes by too great a space interval. (3) _A_ _U_ _V_ _4_ The usual tendency to allow too much space between the dot and dash in the above letters may be overcome by forming them as by an elongation of the final dot in I, S, H, and P. (4) I A S U H V Practice these characters in pairs, that the distinction between them may be more firmly impressed upon the mind. (5) N D B 8 The student who has mastered the sixth principle will find no difficulty with the above characters. (6) A F X , W i 222 Hints to Learners. (7) U Q 2 Period 3 These are similar to preceding exercises and present no new difficulties. (8) K J 9 ? G 7 Exc. J and K are usually considered the most difficult letters in the code. Avoid the tendency to separate J by a space into double N, and be careful that the dashes are of equal length. The numerals 7 and 9 require some care to ensure correct spacing. (9) O R & C Z Y These are termed the spaced letters, and the utmost care and dili- gent practice are necessary in order to form them accurately. The ability to transmit the spaced letters with absolute correctness is the test of a strictly first-class sender. The space should be just enough in excess of that ordinarily used between the elements of a letter to enable the letters intended to be made to be distinguished with cer- tainty from I, S, and H. The most usual tendency is to make the space too great, even in some cases as great as the space between letters. This is a most fruitful source of misapprehension and error, and too much pains cannot be taken to acquire and maintain cor- rect habits in this particular. In transmitting words containing groups of two or more spaced letters, careful operators are accustomed to slightly increase the spacing between the successive letters of the group. Practice in transmission from miscellaneous manuscript is strongly recommended. The ability to read all kinds of copy ; good, bad, and indifferent, correctly at sight, is a most valuable one, and is not difficult to acquire by attention and experience. If the principles here laid down be firmly adhered to, the learner will find much reason for encouragement, not only at the rapidity with which he will master what at first sight appears to be a very difficult undertaking, but at the extreme accuracy with which he will be able to manipulate his instrument after a fair amount of practice. He must also carefully bear in mind that one of the most universal faults among those attempting to learn the telegraphic art, is that of going over a great deal of ground and learning nothing thoroughly. Reading by Sound. 223 378. Reading by Sound. This art can only be acquired by constant and persevering practice, keeping in mind the principles above given. The lever of the telegraphic sounder makes a sound at each movement, the downward motion producing the heavier one. The down-stroke indicates the commencement of a dot or a dash and the up-stroke its termination. A dot makes as much sound as a dash ; the only difference is in the length of time or interval which elapses between the two successive sounds. Thus, if the recoil or up-stroke were absent, it would be impossible to distinguish E, T, and L from each other. 379. In learning to read by sound it is advisable for two persons to practice together, taking turns at reading and writing, and each correcting the faults of the other. The sounds of the code charac- ters must first be learned separately, and then short words chosen, which must be written very slowly and distinctly and well spaced, the speed of manipulation being gradually increased as the student becomes more proficient in reading. After becoming sufficiently well versed in the art to read at the rate of twenty-five or thirty words per minute, further practice may best be had in copying with a. pen and ink (not with a pencil) from a sounder connected with a line employed in transmitting ordinary commercial and railway messages, in order that the student may familiarize himself with the technical usages of the lines, and the minute details of actual telegraphic business. 4 380. A Parting "Word. In conclusion, the student is warned against falling into the common error, which is not confined to teleg- raphy, of expecting great results from little labor. To become an expert sending and receiving operator requires a vast amount of time and patience, and the most unwearied application. Remember that whatever is worth doing at all, is worth doing well. It is seldom that a thoroughly competent operator cannot obtain immediate and remunerative employment, and it is probable that such will continue to be the case, however crowded the lower walks of the avocation may hereafter become. 4 Full explanations respecting the methods, regulations, and forms usually employed in the commercial, railway, and express service, in the forwarding and reception of messages, train orders, reports, etc., and much other miscellaneous information of like character useful to the student of telegraphy, may be found in the later editions of Abernethy's Modern Service of Commercial and Railway Telegraphy. A little work by T. J. Smith, on The Philosophy and Practice of Morse Telegraphy^ may also be consulted with advantage. INDEX ABERNETHY'S Commercial and Railway Te- \ legraphy referred to, 223. Absolute system of measurement, 37; con- crete example of, 37. Accumulator or storage battery, how shown in diagram, 104. Accumulation, electrostatic, upon insulated conductor, 177. Adjustment of key, 140 ; of quadruplex ap- paratus, 188 ; of register, 148 ; of sounder, 142. Air, non-conducting properties of, 57. Alloys of metals, inferior conducting power of, 57. Alternating current, 167 ; rectification of, 167. Amalgamation of zinc, 21. American modification of closed-circuit sys- tem, 108. American lines, defective insulation of, 118. American electrical society, journal of, refer- ence to, 187. American institute of electrical engineers, extract from transactions of, 2. American standard wire-gauge, 95. Ammeter or amperemeter, the, 44, 61 ; use of in telegraphic testing, 210 ; Weston's port- able, 211 ; advantages of for testing, 211. Ammeter, Weston's combined voltmeter and, for telegraphic testing, 210. Ampere, Andre Marie, biographical notice of, 60. Ampere, the unit of current, definition of, 60 ; value of, 60 ; determination of, 60. Ampere-turns, 85 ; magnetization propor- tional to, 87. Amperemeter or ammeter, the, 61. Anderson's machine for winding helices of electro-magnets, 93. Anthony, Wm. A., Review of Modern Elec- trical Theories,, reference to, 2. Apparatus, electric, drawings of, 103 ; tele- graphic, conventional representations of, 103, 104. Apparent resistance of line, 128 ; table of, 129. Armature of magnet, 26 ; of electro-magnet, 91 ; polarized, 100. Armature time of telegraph magnet deter- mined, 99. Artificial line of multiple telegraph, the, 174. Artificial magnet defined, 24. Astatic system of needles, 198 ; gal manom- eter. 200. Attraction and repulsion, magnetic, 28 ; mu- tual, between electric conductors, 35. Attraction, magnetic, ratio of to distance, 89. Authors referred to : Abernethy, J. P., 223. Anthony, William A., 2. Avery, Elroy M., 70. Becker, C., 62. Benoit, Rene, 57. Bidwell, Shelford, 26. Blavier, E. E., 17, 128. Bonsanquet, R. H. M., 81. Bottone, Selino R., 46. Bradley, Leverett, 17, 76. Brooks, David, 119, 120. Cavendish, Henry, a. Chaperon, G., 23. Christie, Samuel Hunter, 195. Clark, Latimer, 58, 76, 125, 198. Clerk-Maxwell, James, 2. Cooke, Josiah P., 6. Daniell, Alfred. 2, 38. Davis, Daniel, jr., 89. Dean, G. W , 99. Everett, J. D., 38. Swing", J. A., 98. Faraday, Michael, 2, 3, 29, 38, 73, M. Farmer, Moses G., 62, 119, 128, 136. Franklin, Benjamin, 2. French, E. L., 87. Gavarret, J., 128. Gee, W. W. Haldane, 62. Gray, Andrew, 40. Grove, Sir William, 38. Healy, Clarence L., 187. Helmholtz, Herman L. F., 38. Henning, Thomas, 187. Henry, Joseph, 2, 80. Hering, Carl, 82. Hill, Edward A., 17. Hughes, David .,24. Jamieson, Andrew, 73. Jenkin, Fleeming, 17, 18, 62, 19!. Johnson, A. J., 20. Jones, Francis W., 187. Kapp, Gisbert, 24, 83. Kempe, A. B M 128. Kempe. H. R., 128, 198. Kennelly. A. E., 85. Kohlrausch, F., 62. Lalande, de, F., 23. Lockwood, Thomas D., 23, 34. Lodge, Oliver J., 2, 88. Maver, William, Jr., 185, 187. Mayer, Alfred M., 24. Mayer, Julius R., 38. Morse, Samuel F. B., 128. Munroe, John, 73. Niaudet, Alfred, 62. Nipher, Francis E., 40. Nystrom, John W., 28. Plum, H. W.. 187. Pope, Franklin L , 17, 76, 80, 187. Preece, William ll, 79. Prescott, George B., 62. Prescott, George B., Jr., 74, 94, ua. Rowland, H. A., 81, 88. Sabine, Robert, 83. Schott, C. A., 40. 225 226 Index. Shaffuer, Tal P., 62. Smith, T. Jarrard, 223. Sprague, John T., 38, 57, 62, 74. Stewart, Balfour, 38, 62. Sturgeon, William, 80. Thompson, Silvanus P., 31, 86, 87, 93, 198. Thomson, Sir William, 2, 73, 88, 93. Trowbridge, John, 40, 85. Tyndall, John, 38. Varley, Cromwell F., 131, 135. Webb, F. C., 175. Wheatstone, Sir Charles, 195. Wilkinson, H. D., 85. Youmans, Edward L., 38. Automatic repeaters, management of, 166 ; Milliken's, 165. BAD JOINT ON LINE, m^hod of locating, 205. Balancing of resistance in multiple telegraph, 174. Bar magnet, 24. Batteries, composed of number of cells, 3. Battery, method of determining cost of main- tenance of, 75 ; position of in closed-cir- cuit system of telegraphy, 109 ; potentials within, 123 ; best position for on leaky line, 131, 132 ; internal resistance of, methods of measuring, 207. Battery materials, choice of, 20. Battery solutions, table of specific gravities of, 9. Baume's hydrometer scale, 7. Becker's experiments on resistances of liquids, 62, 63. Benoit on specific resistance of metals, refer- ence to, 57. Bichromate of potash cell, 23. Bidwell, Shelford, on maximum magnetic at- traction, 26. Binding screws, different patterns of, 50. Biographical notices : Ampere, Andre Marie, 60. Coulomb, Charles Augustin de, 61. Faraday, Michael, 73. Gauss, Karl Friednch, 83, Henry, Joseph, 80. Joule, James Prescott, 63. Lefferts, Marshall, 214. Morse, Samuel Finley Breese, vi. Ohm, Georg Simon, 62. Vail, Alfred, 216. Volta, Alessandro, 61. Watt, James, 73. Blavier's Telegraphic Electrique, reference to, 17, 128. Bonsanquet, R. H. M., on magneto-motive force, reference to, 81. Boston screw-glass insulator, tests of effi- ciency of, 120. Bottone s Electrical I nstrument-making for Amateurs, extracts from, 46. Box sounder, 144 ; use of in railway service, 144. Bradley, L., on Hill's gravity cell, 17. Branch circuit connection, diagram of, 104. Branch or derived circuits, 69 ; rule for joint resistance of, 66. Brass, specific resistance of, 57. Break or disconnection, conditions arising from, 190. Breakage of battery jars, causes of, 10. Bridge, Wheatstone's, 195 ; theoretical ar- rangement of, 195 ; invented by Christie, 195; principle of illustrated, 196; best ra- tio of electromotive forces and resistances in, 196 ; actual construction of, 198 ; gal- vanometer for. 198 ; methods of making various tests with, 199-208. British association ohm, determination of, 62, 63 ; value of, 62. British standard wire-gauge, 95. Brooks, David, on effects 01 climate upon telegraphic insulation, 119; on effects ol smoke in cities on insulation, 119 ; tests ot various kinds of insulators by, 120. Brooks's paraffin insulator, tests of efficiency of, 120. Brown & Sharpe M'f'g Co.'s American standard wire-gauge, 95. Brushes of dynamo-electric machine, 168. Bunsen's nitric-acid cell, 23, Button repeater, the, 162 ; management of, 165. CABLE, submarine, diagram of, 104. Caliper, micrometer, tor gauging wires, 96. Callaud's cell, 17. Calorimeter, the, 44. Canada, closed circuit used in, 108. Capacity, inductive or electrostatic, 72 ; defi- nition of, 72 ; unit of, 73. Cavendish's theory of electricity, 2. Cell, gravity, maintenance of, 14 ; disman- tling of, 16 ; best adapted to closed cir- cuits, 16 ; waste products of, 17 ; electro- motive force of, 74 ; resistance of, 74. Cell, usual internal resistance of, 64 ; elec- trical dimensions of, 74. Cell, oxide of copper, 21. Cell, sulphate of copper, effect of tempera- ture upon resistance of, 78. Cell, voltaic, Hill's, Callaud's, Minotto's, Thomson's, 17 ; Lockwood's. 18 ; Dan- iell's, 19 ; Edison-Lalande, 21 ; Grove's, 23 ; Bunsen's, 23 : rate of consumption of material in, 13 ; effect of continued action in, 13; various forms of, 17 ; general direc- tions for care of, 20 ; how shown in dia- gram, 104. Centimetre, the unit of space, 37. Centimetre-gram-second system of units, 37 ; units of force and work, 37. Chaperon, G., and F. de Lalande, on voltaic batteries, 23. Characters, code, exercises with, 220. Charge, electrostatic, 177 ; current of, 177. Chemical atomic weights of battery materials, table of, 8. Chemical electricity, 3. Chemical equivalents, table of, 75. Chemical law of definite proportion, 6. Chemical reaction of voltaic cell, 6 ; in closed circuit, 12. Chemistry of voltaic effect, 6. Circuit, conducting, effect of increasing the length of, 54. Circuit, closed, the, 12 ; chemical reactions in, 12 ; theoretical diagram of, 12. Circuit, distribution of potentials in when in- sulated, 120. Circuit, electric, constituent parts of, n; formation of, n; nomenclature of, 12; graphic illustration of. 71. Circuit, external, the, 12 ; internal, the, 12. Circuit, imperfectly insulated, distribution of potem.als in, 125. Circuit, magnetic, 80 ; conception of due to Joule, 80. Circuit, open or broken, the, 12. Circuits, telegraphic, 102 ; open and closed, 102; diagram of, 104; essential character- istics of, 102; general considerations re- specting, 109; working efficiency of, in ; distribution of potentials in, 120. Circuits of American telegraphic system, ar- rangement of, 151. Index. 227 Clamp-screw of gravity cell, 4. Clark, Latimer, on Wheatstone's bridge, 196 ; provisional theory of electricity, 58. Clark's Electrical Measurement, references to, 125, 198 ; extract from, 58. Clerk-Maxwell, theory pt electricity, 2. Climate, effect of upon insulation, 118. Clip, the, in diplex and quadruplex telegraph, how obviated, 184. Closed and open circuit systems of teleg- raphy, comparative advantages of, 109. Closed-circuit system of telegraphy, 102 ; description of, 108 ; American modification of, 108 ; position of battery in, 109. Coast survey report, reference to, 99. Cobalt, magnetic properties of, 24. Code, telegraphic, formation of, 216 ; ele- mentary principles of, 219. Code, American Morse, 217, 218 ; alphabet and numerals of, 218 ; punctuation, etc., of, 218 ; best method of learning, 219 ; exercises with, 220. Coil or loose bundle of wire, how shown in diagram, 104. Combinations of permanent and electro-mag- nets, 100. Commutator of dynamo-electric machine, function of, 167 ; construction of, 168. Compass, magnetic, 25. Condenser, construction of, 178 ; application of to duplex telegraph, 178 ; first applied by Stearns, 178 ; how shown in diagram, 104. Conducting circuit, an element of the electric telegraph, 2. Conductivity resistance, relation of insula- tion to, no ; of line, measurement of with bridge, 199. Conductors, insulated, for interior construc- tion, 114; telegraphic, m. Conductors and insulators, characteristics of, 56 ; tible of, 57. Connecting wire in gravity battery, protec- tion of, ii. Conservation of force, principle of ex- plained, 38. Constancy, value of in voltaic cell, 74. Constant of galvanometer, method of deter- mining, 206. Consumption of material in cell in relation to electricity evolved, 17. Contraplex and diplex methods, combination of, 184. Conventional representation of circuits and apparatus, 103, 104, 105. Cooke's New Chemistry, extract from, 6. Copper, chemical equivalent of, 75. Copper connector, of gravity cell, 5. Copper plate, of gravity cell, 4 ; modifi- cations of, 10 ; the negative element of, 12. Copper line wires, 114 ; table of dimensions and qualities of, 112. Copper sulphate, chemical analysis of, 8. Copper wire, bare, for magnet helices, 94 ; hard drawn, table of sizes, weights, resist- ances, etc., 112. Core of electro-magnet, 91. Core, diameter of in electro-magnet, force of attraction affected by, 87 ; best proportions for, 91. Cost of materials consumed in battery, 74 ; of battery maintenance, method of deter- mining, 75. Coulomb, Charles Augustin de, biographical notice of, 61. Coulomb, the unit of electrical quantity, defi- nition of, 61. Cross, definition of, 190 ; metallic, 191 ; swing, ,191 ; weather, 191 ; method of test- ing tor, 193 ; principle ot test for, 193. Cross, on line, locating position of, 204. Cross-arms, tests of insulating value of, 133, 134. Cross-current, remedy for, 132. Cross-tire, 191 ; explanation of cause ot, 132 j remedy tor, 132. Crossing of two wires, representation of in diagram, 104. Cross-section of body, effect of upon resist- ance, 58. Current, alternating, of dynamo-machine, 167. Current, electric, formation of, n ; produced by magnetic held, 29 ; manifestations of in conductor, 35 ; effect of imperfect insula- tion upon now of, 127 ; direction of, how shown in diagram, $04. Current lorce, relation of to mechanical force, 'to- Current induction, 74. Current, inducing or primary, 74 ; direction of, 31. Current, induced or secondary, 31, 74. Current in leaky lines, 128; taDle tor com- puting, 129. Current of charge on insulated line, 177. Current of dynamo-electric machine, charac- teristics of, 167. Current, relation of to magnetic force, 85 ; self-induction of, 98 ; in coiled conductor, 98. Currents, adaptation of electro-magnets to, 96 ; method of determining, 96 ; distribu- tion of in quadruplex telegraph, 186. Currents, earth, disturbing influence of on conductivity tests, 201. Currents of charge and discharge, effects of on line, 177. Currents, received, test of insulation by means of, 208. Curve, of ratio between magnetic attraction and distance, 90 ; of electrical dimensions in oxide of copper cell, 77 ; of resistance as affected by temperature in Daniell's cell, 79 ; of magnetization of soft iron, 85 ; of magnetic saturation, 85 ; of poten- tials in electric circuits, 121, 123, 124; of potential within battery, 125 ; of potential on leaky line, 125, 126, 130. Cut-out wedge, the, 155. DANIELL'S Principles of Physics, extract from, 2 ; reference to, 38. Daniell's sulphate of copper cell, 18 ; main- tenance of, 19 ; renewal of, 19. Davis, Daniel, Jr., experiments on magnetic attraction. 89, 90. Davis's Manual of Magnetism, reference to, 89. Dead ground, definition of, 190. Dean, G. W., experiments of on self-induc- tion and hysteresis in telegraph magnets, QQ. Deflections, proportional, measuring high re- sistances by method of, 205. De Lalande, F., and G. Chaperon, on voltaic batteries, 23. Density, magnetic, 83. Derived and fundamental units, 37. Derived or branch circuits, 69. Detector or galvanpscope, 41. Diagrams of electric apparatus, 103. Differential, electro magnet, principle of, 171 ; galvanometer, construction and use of, 208. Diffusion of solution in gravity cell, 16. 228 Index. Dimensions, electrical, of voltaic cell, 74. Diplex telegraphy, 171. Diplex, principle of, 182 ; receiving appara- tus of, 183 ; clip in, 184 ; short core relay for, 184. Diplex and contraplex, combination of, to form quadruple*, 184. Direction of electric current, purely a con- ventional assumption, 12. Disconnection or break, conditions arising from, 190 ; testing for, 191 ; testing for at way station, 154 ; causes of, 192. Disconnection, partial, 190 ; testing for, 192. Distance between magnet and armature, ef- fect of upon attractive force, 89 ; experi- mental determination of, and tabulated results, 89, 90. Dot, an element of telegraphic code, 216 ; the unit of time and space in ditto, 217. Double current duplex, apparatus of, 180. Double current or reversing key, 180; how shown in diagram, 104. Double measurement, process of in line test- ing, 203. Drawings, of electric apparatus, 103 ; per- spective, 103 ; geometrical, 103. Duplex telegraphy, 171. Duplex, single current, 172 ; apparatus of, 172 ; circuits of, 173 ; artificial line of, 173; balancing of, 173 ; effect of currents of charge and discharge in, 177 ; ground and spark coils of, 179 ; double current, de- scription of, 180. Duration of cell, considerations affecting, 74. Dynamo current, characteristics of, 167 ; ap- plication of to quadruples telegraphy, 185, 186. Dynamo-electricity defined, 24. Dynamo-electric generator, employment of in telegraphy, 167. Dynamo-electric machine, the, 32 ; theory of explained, 32 ; diagram of, 104 ; field of, 168 ; commutator of, 168 ; brushes of, 168 ; characteristics of, 169 ; Edison's, 168 ; ar- rangement of in potential series, 169; posi- tive and negative series of, 170 ; capacity of, 171 ; shunt coils of, arrangement of in telegraphy, 171. Dynamos, arrangement of in series in New York station, 170. Dyne, unit of force, definition of, 38. EARTH, the, an electrical cpnductor, 104; magnetism of, 40 ; field offeree due to, 40. Earth circuit, principle of, 106 ; advantages of, 106. Earth or ground plate, how shown in dia- gram, 104 ; precautions in fixing, 106. Earth currents, disturbing influence of on conductivity tests, 201 ; how eliminated, 201. Edison, T. A., inventor of method of diplex - transmission, 185. Edison's dynamo-electric machine, 168, 169. Edison-Lalande oxide of copper cell, 21 ; electromotive force and resistance of, 76 ; duration of, 76 ; chart of electrical dimen- sions of, 77. Effect of continued action on voltaic cell, 13. Efficiency, working, of lines, importance of high, 135 ; best method of improving, 135 ; examples of advantageous results of, 135, 136; of telegraphic circuit, in ; computa- tion of, 128. Electric circuit, formation of, n ; graphic il- lustration of, 71. Electric current, manifestations of in con- ductor, 35 ; produced by magnetic field, 29. Electric field of force, 39. Electrical action, laws and conditions of, 45 ; mechanical analogue of, 58. Electrical and magnetic units, derivation of, Electrical and mechanical force, statement of law connecting, 59. Electrical Engineer (N . Y.), references to, 23, 74 ; extract from, 2. Electrical measurement, quantitative, theory of, 35 ; importance of, 36. Electrical Re-view (London), reference to, 23. Electrical II orld, relerence to, 185. Electrician (London), reference to, 81. Electrician and Electrical Engineer ^ refer- ences to, 87, 94. Electricity, chemical, 3 ; magneto, 24 ; dyn- amo, 24 j t rictional, 33 ; static, 33 ; ther- ruo, 34. Electricity, theories of nature of, 2 ; origin of, 3 ; sources of, 3 ; characteristics of capa- ble of measurement, 43; apparatus re- quired for measurement of, 43 ; provisional theory of, 58 ; production ot in battery in proportion to material consumed, 76. Electricity and magnetism, essential nature of, 2. Electrification, 72. Electro and permanent magnets, combina- tions Of, 101. Electro-chemical equivalent, of zinc, 74, 75 ; of copper, 75 ; ot copper sulphate, 75. Electrodes of cell defined, 12. Electrolysis of liquids by electric current, 36. Electro-magnet, the, 80 ; its modern form in- vented by Henry, 80 ; polarity of deter- mined by direction of current, 81 ; ele- ments of, 81 ; adaptation of to working currents, 96 ; spectrum of, 96, 97 ; indirect causes of retardation in, 99 ; with polar- ized armature, xop ; differential, principle of, 171 ; construction of, 172. Electro-magnetism, 32 ; laws of, 80. Electromotive force, conception of, 59 ; of ordinary gravity cell ? 74. Electrostatic or inductive capacity, 72 ; of line, 175. Electrostatic accumulation upon insulated conductor, 177. Electrostatic balance of duplex telegraph, 178. Elements of electric telegraph, 2 ; of electro- magnet, 81. Endcvmose, action of in voltaic cells, 20. English unit of magnetic induction, 83. Equator of magnet, 26. Equipment of American telegraph lines, 138. Equivalent, of mechanical energy, 31 ; elec- trical and mechanical, definition of, 38. Erg, unit of work, definition of, 38. Escape or leakage on line, 190 ; testing for, 192;