UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA AT LOS ANGELES A r^ I3 0.52CXX-/ ALBERT SCHATZ, 1839-1910. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS CATALOGUE OF OPERA LIBRETTOS PRINTED BEFORE 1800 PREPARED BY OSCAR GEORGE THEODORE SONNECK CHIEF OF THE DIVISION OF MUSIC WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE! 1014 L. C. card, 1335009 This work in two volumes is for sale by the SUPEKINTENDENT OP DOCUMENTS Government Printing Office Washington, D. C. Price, $2.00 per set PREFACE Applied fco musical dramas like Wagner's "Tristan und Isolde," the term libretto sounds absurd, but it would be difficult to substitute for the purely practical purpose of naming a catalogue an equally convenient, an equally generic, and at the same time equally specific term. By international consent libretto has come to mean a text that is intended for musical composition, whether it be a text for musical tragedy, comedy or farce, oratorio, sacred or secular cantata. Exactly therein lies the value of this somewhat artificial traditional term for purposes of modern phraseology that it circumscribes with- out necessity of further definition one distinctive field of literature, just as opera, a similarly artificial term, possesses an unmistakable significance. Certainly the combination of the two "-opera-libretto can not be surpassed in terseness of self-explanatory meaning. At any rate, the term libretto has here been used without any of the current aspersions on the esthetic value of texts for dramatic music. The term opera-libretto is usually coupled with the idea of a type of drama hardly to be dignified by the name of drama or even literature. Unfortunately this contempt is justified in very many individual cases; but a sweeping condemnation of opera-librettoa would be just as unfair as a sweeping condemnation of "legitimate" dramas, though most of these, too, suffer from artificiality, conven- tionality, and insipidity of theme and treatment. The difference is this, that the defects of the average opera-libretto are not hidden from view so easily by the clever drapery of language. A libretto is not an art work complete in itself and self-sufficient as literature. It requires to be complemented by music. To use Mr. Forsyth's witty phrase, it is but one-half of the scissors of opera. A libretto is practically useless without the music, and vice versa. Thus, while working with the tools of dramatic craft, the librettist molds some- j thing with all the attributes of a play, yet not a play self-sufficient on the stage or in the closet. He is handicapped from the beginning by imperative consideration of the technical problems of the com- poser, the limitations and possibilities of musical art. At his best he delivers into the hands of his partner the perfect half of an art work. The difficulty of his peculiar art, therefore, is to prepare and to facilitate the amalgamation of two different arts, and this is a 72251 VOL 114 1 1 2 PREFACE difficulty not always fully appreciated by those who criticize librettos from a literary standpoint and who, over the occasional absurdities of an "Alfred Bunn, Esq.," forget the accomplishments of men like Zeno, Metastasio, Goldoni, Quinault, Favart, Wagner, Boito, Gilbert, Maeterlinck, and many others. Whatever the place of librettos is in the history of literature, the libretto has its distinct place in the history of music, more especially in the history of opera. This has been recognized for centuries, and none of the fairly numerous treatises on the dramaturgies of opera omits a more or less convincing consideration of the function and art of the librettist. For this very reason it is astonishing that so far no serious attempt should have been made to give us a compre- hensive history of libretto. It would be, of course, a difficult and a very complicated task, one that could be undertaken only by a scholar equally intimate with the history and technique of dramatic music and of dramatic literature, not to forget an indispensible intimacy with "Kulturgeschichte" and the economic as well as purely commercial currents underflowing the development of both arts; but it would be a fascinating task, indeed, fascinating to both the author and the reader. There are signs I refer to the recent book on Zeno's librettos by Mr. Fehr that the interest in the history of librettos is being revived, and if this interest continues the history of opera can not but profit by it. One result would be a clearer understanding of the share progressive librettists had in the shaping of the art form of opera. One hears much of the suggestions* offered by composers to their librettists, one hears less of the outspoken or latent suggestions offered to composers by their librettists. It was Burney, I believe, who first made the observation that compo'sers and librettists like to travel in pairs; that is, one composer preferably setting librettos by one author to music. If that observation is cor- rect, it stands to reason that under the circumstances the influence of thoughtful librettists on the evolution of opera as an art form must have been very considerable. To decide, for instance, whether Verdi's "Falstaff," as a combined effort in the right direction, owes more to Verdi than to Boito, would be difficult, indeed, just as it would be to establish a perfect balance between our indebtedness to Wagner, the dramatist, and to Wagner, the composer. Earlier periods were not different in this respect. In the case of Calsabigi and Gluck, for in- stance, we have known for some time that Calsabigi had at least an equal share in certain reforms generally attributed to Gluck alone. If we turn to Metastasio, his letters to Hasse and others prove that he was by no means a willing tool in the hands of composers. He submitted to certain traditional conventionalities perhaps because it would have been useless in his time to offer stubborn resistance, but he resented the idea that the librettist had no problems of his own PREFACE 3 and should be a mere servant to the composer. "The play is the thing" was his maxim, too, and he plainly gave to the dramaturgies of opera deep and continued thought. With something like a mild monopoly on the art of writing "grand opera" librettos for eighty years in the "eroicamente erotico" manner, as one reformer put it, his influence on opera as an art form clearly must have been remark- able. It is not lessened by the fact that he excelled where most of the composers of his time failed because of fossilized conventionality, namely, in the dialogue, which stamps him, from the purely literary standpoint, too, a great playwright. What is true of Metastasio is true also mutatis mutandis of Goldoni, of Zeno, and the earlier musical playwrights that really count. Indeed, the very foundations of opera were laid, I dare say, by Rinuccini as much as by Jacopo Corsi, Peri, or Caccini. If, therefore, the importance of librettos is clear for the history of musi- cal dramaturgies and esthetics, in short of opera in general, still more so is their importance for the history of individual operas. The truth of this statement is perhaps not fully appreciated by those who use only modern librettos with the object of preparing themselves by a better acquaintance with the text for a better understanding of the opera to be heard, a function of the libretto which our libraries should begin to value more highly. Lexicographers and historians, espe- cially local historians of opera, would have been greatly handicapped in their compilations without the direct or indirect help of the libret- tos which, in innumerable cases, furnish the only available clue as to the composer and author of older operas, the casts, which means biographical data on the singers, and the year-dates of perform- ance, very often of first performance. Beyond such invaluable clues, however, librettos furnish information of a very different and equally important kind. Every student of Wagner's life, for instance, knows that his "Tannhauser" was performed in the earliest days at Dresden with several different endings, but in just what these differ- ences consisted was not accurately known before Tappert carefully compared the several editions of the "Tannhauser" librettos first used at Dresden. If we go back to the eighteenth century the im- portance of librettos for the solution of similar textual problems be- comes even greater, indeed perplexingly so if we are interested in early Italian operas. This is primarily due to the well-known fact that an opera was hardly ever performed exactly alike as to text and therewith as to music in different cities. The original version of an opera only in rare cases coincided with that of replicas . The pasticcio and rifacimento tendency of the age, fostered by the demands of the singers for ' ' thankful" num- bers and the commercial risks of the managers, undermined the respect for the mental property of author and composer. The custom to sub- 4 PREFACE stitute at will arias in the opera to be performed by arias from other operas by other composers and authors, or to replace them by such composed for the occasion, and all this very often without the slightest notice to the audience, grew into a chronic disease, into a system before which authors and composers bowed resignedly and which lasted until the latter part of the eighteenth century. There are cases on record in which out of a total of about thirty arias only about hah* a dozen had been retained from the original version of the opera by the author and composer under whose names the opera continued to sail. Supposing, therefore, that a library possesses the score of an old Italian opera and that the score bears the name of a certain com- poser. The inexperienced would look up the date of first performance of the opera in some standard reference work, would attach that date to the score, would accredit the whole score, irrespective of incongruity of style, to one author and one composer and would hold them responsible for the merits or demerits of text and music in detail without further misgivings. This conclusion would be un- sound from the first to the last, as may be inferred from the manner in which the expert would study the score. He would locate in the first place a copy of the libretto as actually used at the first perform- ance of the composer's opera. If the text in the score and the text in the opera agree, with only irrelevant differences, he would conclude- correctly that presumably this was a copy of the score as originally composed by the composer. If the name of the composer had been added by a later hand, he would also conclude that the score had been correctly attributed to him. If, however, the text of the score and of the libretto disagree, he would know immediately, first, that the score in this form was not used for the original performance; secondly, that the score contains ingredients for which the composer named is not responsible. Only by finding an edition of the libretto coinciding fully with the score under question would he be able to date it correctly, and only by a comparison of the original edition of the composer's opera with the edition of the established replica would he be able to determine what belongs to the original author and composer of the opera and what not. Other reconstructive possi- bilities any reader may find for himself by applying, as it were, the rules of permutation. Cursory as these remarks are on the different uses to which librettos may be put, they suffice to illustrate the importance of a libretto collection in any well-equipped musical library. Its importance will increase in the same ratio as the library's collection of opera scores increases, and the need of an adequate libretto collection will become imperative should a library attempt to develop its collection of opera scores organically, to build up, as it were, a museum of operatic his- PREFACE 5 tory. At any rate, this was the standpoint of the Library of Con- gress when the project of assembling a comprehensive, representa- tive collection of operas began to assume definite shape. The ideal solution of the problem would be to have every opera represented also by its libretto. Whether such an ideal solution is possible of attainment or not, it is clearly the course which every systematic effort would have to take. That it would be futile to start such a collection ab ovo by the painfully slow process of acquiring one desirable libretto after the other was realized from the beginning. Even the gradual purchase of small, though fine, collections like that of Mr. James E. Matthew could hardly accomplish the desired result. The Library of Congress, therefore, abided its tune until one of the large collections known to be in private hands would be within reach. The supreme opportunity came when in the fall of 1908 one of the most famous of all libretto collections, that of Mr. Albert Schatz, of Rostock, was offered us. The Library of Congress lost no time in acquiring this collection, the formation of which had taken Mr. Schatz not less than forty years. As Mr. Schatz was in feeble health, and as the Library of Congress quite naturally wished to possess for future use an authoritative state- ment on the origin and history of his great collection before it might be too late, he was requested to furnish such a statement himself. With characteristic promptness he complied with our request and wrote the following autobiographical sketch under date of Rostock, March 17, 1909: "Meine Sammlung von Operntexten, wie sie jetzt die Library of Congress in Washington erworben hat, ist das Ergebnis eigener Sammeltatigkeit von iiber 42 Jahren. Bereits in fruhster Jugend entwickelte sich bei mir ein besonderes Interesse fur die Oper und ihre Geschichte, das durch altere Freunde nicht bloss wach gehalten, sondern lebhaft gefordert wurde. Als der kaufmannische Beruf mich zunachst nach Hamburg und dann 7 Jahre nach San Francisco fuhrte, ruhte zwar mem Sinn fur dies Gebiet. Kaum war ich indessen im Herbst 1873 nach Rostock zuriickgekehrt und Besitzer der noch jetzt hier bestehenden Musikalienhandlung Lud- wig Trutschel Nachfolger geworden, als die alte Neigung von neuem erwachte und zu dem Plan erstarkte, sglbst eine Geschichte der Oper zu schreiben. Dieser Plan ist, trotz bis heute fortgesetz- ter Arbeit daran, noch nicht zur Vollendung gekommen ; denn der Stoff nahm bei der von mir angewandten Methode ungeahnte Dimensionen an. Es stellte sich heraus, dass die bisherigen Darstel- lungen der Operngeschichte als Quellen vollig unzureichend und unzuverlassig waren, da sie hi der Hauptsache nicht unmittelbar auf den Quellen aufgebaut, sondern ohne Kenntnis 6 PREFACE dieser, einander nachgeschrieben sind. So kam ich zu dem Schluss, dass eine korrekte Darstellung ein unmittelbares Studium der Grundquellen vernotwendige, und sah mich genotigt, da sammt- liche grossen Bibliotheken dies Quellenmaterial nur unvollstandig enthielten, selbst an das Aufspiiren und Sammeln derselben zu gehen. So 1st im Laufe der Jahre meine Textsammlung und meine Bibliothek entstanden, von denen in Sonderheit erstere von kaum einer anderen Sammlung gleicher Art iibertroffen werden diirfte und unter alien ernsten Arbeitern auf gleichem Gebiet weit und breit bekannt geworden ist. Sie fiihrte mich mit einer Reihe anderer Musikhistoriker zusammen, mit denen ich korrespond- iert habe und zum Teil noch korrespondiere. Diese Sammlung, sowie die Bestande der Bibliotheken Europas, forderten meine Geschichte der Oper so weit, dass das statistische Material in circa 80,000 Zetteln ziemlich abgeschlossen vorliegt. Diese Zettel ent- halten jeder den Titel einer Oper, Namen des Komponisten und Dichters, Ort, Theater und Zeit, nicht bloss der ersten Auffuhrung, ..sondern auch der erstmaligen Wiederholungen in andern Stadten oder Theatern. Sie sind chronologisch und alphabetisch geordnet, lassen sich ohne grosse Schwierigkeit, aber auch nach Komponis- ten, Dichtern, Stadten und Theatern zusammen stellen und ergeben den vollstandigen Stoif fur eine Bibliographic der Oper. Zu dem fertigen Material gehort insbesondere das iiber die Komponistea D. Cimarosa, B. Galuppi, C. W. von Gluck, K. H. Graun, P. Guglielmi, G. F. Handel, J. A. Hasse, N. JommeUi, J. S. Mayr, F. Paer, G. Paesiello, N. Piccini, A. M. G. Sacchini, und G. Sarti. Es liegt vor in 36 Banden und bedarf zur Veroffentlichung nur einer Schlussre vision. Das Werk im urspriinglichen Plan zur Aus- fuhrung zu bringen, ist mir, da ich in wenigen Wochen das 70. Lebensjahr erreiche, wohl nicht mehr beschieden. So weit ich selbst nicht noch zu Einzeldarstellungen gelange oder eine andere Ver- wertung sich mir anbietet, beabsichtige ich dieses Material mir bekannten Fachgenossen zur Veroffentlichung oder Benutzung bei anderen Arbeiten zu iibergeben. Das unfertige Material soil dage- gen nach meinem Tode der Vernichtung anheim fallen." [Translation.] "My collection ef opera-librettos, now in possession of the Library of Congress, is the result of more than forty-two years of collecting. Since early youth I took a particular interest in opera and the history of opera, and this interest was kept alive by older friends and encouraged. When a commercial career took me first to Ham- bourg and then for seven years to San Francisco, my mind was con- centrated on other matters, but hardly had I returned in the fall of 1873 to Rostock, to become the owner of the still existing firm PREFACE 7 'Musikalienhandlung Ludwig Trutschel Nachfolger,' when my old passion awoke and I conceived the plan of writing a history of opera. This project, though I have worked at it until now, has not been completed, inasmuch as it reached unsuspected dimen- sions, owing to the method of procedure employed by me. I found that previous histories of operas were absolutely insufficient and unreliable, since in the mam they are not based on primary sources, but were copied one from the other without the knowledge of these sources. I became convinced that a correct history would neces- sitate the study of the primary sources, and since none of the large libraries contained the material sufficiently complete, that I would have to trace and collect it myself. "In this manner my libretto collection and my library gradually came into existence, of which especially the former is hardly sur- passed by any other. At any rate, it became known everywhere to scholars interested in the same subject, and through my collec- tion I was brought into contact with quite a few other musical his- torians with whom I corresponded and still correspond. My own collection and librettos in other European collections furthered my history of opera to the point that the statistical part may be con- sidered fairly finished on about 80,000 cards. Each card contains the title of an opera, name of composer and author, place, theatre, and date of the first performance not only, but of the first repeti- tions in other cities or theatres. The cards are arranged chrono- logically, subarranged alphabetically, but without much difficulty could be rearranged by composer or author or cities and theatres. They represent the complete material for a bibliography of opera. I mention especially the material on the composers D. Cimarosa, B. Galuppi, C. W. von Gluck, K. H. Graun, P. Guglielmi, G. F. Handel, J. A. Hasse, N. Jommelli, J. S. Mayr, F. Pae'r, G. Paesiello, N. Piccini, A. M. G. Sacchini, and G. Sarti. These thirty-six vol- umes need but a final revision for the purpose of publication. (To write my history of opera, according to the original plan, is hardly allotted to me, since in a few weeks I reach my seventieth year.) If I am not able to at least write some monographs, or unless an opportunity arises for disposing of it otherwise, I intend to entrust this material to colleagues of my acquaintance to be published or to be used by them for other works. The incomplete material, on the other hand, shall be destroyed after my death." Beyond the pride in the possession of the Albert Schatz collection, *the Library of Congress takes a sentimental interest in it because, as the reader will have noticed, Mr. Schatz spent some of the best years of his life in America. After his return to Rostock he lived there until his death, October 18, 1910 (he was born there May 19, 1839), 8 PREFACE active in the musical affairs of his city in several honorary positions, quietly and with self-sacrifice and at great expense amassing his libretto collection, industriously collecting and digesting material for his colossal chronological statistics of operas, his opera-dictionary and kindred works, and ever ready to spend liberally from his won- derful store of knowledge to all and they were many who sought his advice. The total number of librettos in the Albert Schatz collection, not counting duplicates, is in round figures 12,240. Of these 12,000 are opera librettos, the remainder librettos of oratorios and cantatas. These appear to have come into his possession incidentally through the purchase of miscellaneous lots of librettos, such as are offered quite frequently by dealers, who only recently have shown a disposi- tion to give to individual librettos that attention which they deserve and for which collectors and librarians have been sighing. In the same manner he appeals to have acquired many librettos of unim- portant replicas, which he otherwise would hardly have cared to add to his collection. Not that they are valueless at least they have a decided value for local history but, as might be expected from a connoisseur like Albert Schatz, his plan seems to have been to collect first editions, i.e., librettos printed for the first performance of an opera ; in other words, librettos in their original state in preference to those used for replicas with the customary alterations, additions, interpolations, etc. This accounts for the presence of such an ex- traordinary number of first editions of seventeenth and eighteenth century librettos, and exactly herein lies the great value of the Albert Schatz collection for historical purposes. If in many cases even a patient collector like Mr. Schatz had to content himself with more or less important replica librettos, it merely serves to show how difficult, not to say impossible, a task it was and still is to form a comprehensive, representative collection of librettos by systematic and organic development. At no time, of course, can Mr. Schatz have enter- tained the notion to acquire every libretto of the more than 30,000 operas performed since 1597. Furthermore, it stands to reason that he knew intimately the weak spots in his, as every expert will agree, formidable collection. There are such weak spots the plenty, as in every collection of books, pictures, coins, or what not. If Mr. Schatz, for instance, turned to a master like Agostino Steffani, he must have felt keen disappointment at his inability to make a better showing. Presumably he consoled himself with the knowledge, born of long experience, that the find of a particularly rare libretto is practically' a matter of luck, and presumably he tendered his silent good wishes to some competitor luckier or speedier than he. Moreover, though in innumerable instances his showing may well excite the envy of some specialist, some collector especially interested in the operas of a par- PBEFACE 9 ticular master or performed in a particular city, Mr. Shatz unmis- takably was foiming a general collection. If he had concentrated his efforts on particular masters to the neglect of others, probably the result would sometimes have been more satisfactory for the purposes of specialists with a limited sphere of interest, but it certainly would have been less satisfactory for the purposes of a general library. While weak spots, as conceded above, have their explanation in peculiar obstacles over which a collector is not master, another aspect of the Schatz collection is rather puzzling. Though cosmopolitan in his tendencies, Mr. Schatz did not collect French librettos with the same planf ul zeal as he did German and Italian. For reasons unknown to us, he preferred at first German translations to the French originals, and though he evidently in later years paid more attention to the latter, he did not quite succeed in reversing the balance in then* favor. In other words, the Schatz collection, relatively speaking, was not as strong in French librettos as it might have been. A similar estimate applies to Russian, Scandinavian, Bohemian, Hungarian, Spanish, English, and American librettos in the original language. That it was not a lack of linguistic ability which prompted Mr. Schatz to leave his collection more or less underdeveloped in these fields is proven by the curious (and sometimes embarrassing) fact that he invariably entered librettos in his own catalogue in the language written, whether that be Hungarian, Norwegian, Portuguese, or any other, and in case of Russian librettos he even made his catalogue entries and notes in Russian script. After a study of Mr. Sohatz' "Hand-Katalog," which accompanied the purchase, had established the character and relative strength and weakness of his collection, the Library of Congress gradually entered on a campaign of filling in gaps. Not, of course, recklessly and with- out discrimination. The campaign was -based on the fundamental idea of deepening and facilitating the study of opera scores in our possession by putting at the student's disposal also the librettos of the operas. For administrative reasons the want lists were based on our collection of full scores, now more than 2,500, and not on the collection of about 7,000 vocal scores. And in view of the fact that the publica- tion of the catalogue of our seventeenth and eighteenth century librettos was likely to precede that of nineteenth century librettos by several years, emphasis was laid on the earlier period. This was the theory, but for actual results we were subject to the caprices of the market. Still, the Schatz collection was strengthened by many hun- dreds of librettos, including very many French. It further happened that the remarkable Longe collection of minor English dramatists, acquired by the Library of Congress, included some four hundred English librettos, mostly before 1800. As to American librettos, the Library of Congress is practically in a status quo; this means that the 10 PREFACE eighteenth and the early nineteenth centuries are not yet represented with that completeness which one would like to consider characteristic of a national library. This deficiency is due to the exasperating scarcity of early American librettos. On the other hand, by dint of the broadening stream of copyright deposits, the Library of Congress may point to a collection of later American librettos which it would be extremely difficult to duplicate by other means. That these copy- right deposits include many foreign librettos of recent date may be mentioned in passing. It is a safe estimate that the total number of librettos accrued to the Library of Congress by purchase, copyright, gift, or otherwise now reaches, if it not surpasses, 17,000. That the publication of a complete catalogue of this huge collection will stimu- late assistance to fill in disagreeable gaps is confidently expected. Perhaps in course of time even the so strangely scarce collected works of certain early librettists like Morselli, and others may come our way and we may be able to make a better showing of the Italian librettos published at London in Handel's time, as also in certain other fields now comparatively barren. 1 Immediately after purchase of the Albert Schatz collection the plan was conceived of making access to our collections easier by publication of a catalogue, thereby enhancing the practical value of the collec- tions themselves immeasurably. Quite naturally we turned to Mr. Schatz' own catalogue of his collection as a suitable basis for further operations, but the plan of publishing his catalogue as it stood, merely incorporating with it our own librettos, soon had to be abandoned. Much to our regret this idea of a memorial to Mr. Schatz' patience, energy, and enthusiasm was found to be impracticable. Some of the chief obstacles will readily appear from a perusal of the facsimile of a page or rather sheet from his catalogue. Painstaking and valuable, indeed invaluable, as his entries are for the names of composers and authors, date, and place of first perform- ance, etc., they deal with a system of abbreviations, which, simple, uniform, and understandable to a linguist though it be, would not be quite convenient in an American publication. It will also be noticed that the bibliographical description of the librettos is restricted to a minimum, sufficient undoubtecQy for Mr. Schatz' own special purposes, but not for ours. In addition, the alphabet under individual com- posers was found to overlap, i. e., to start anew two, three, and more times with annoying frequency an irregularity easily explained by the gradual growth of Mr. Schatz' collection. Finally, his catalogue is prepared throughout by entry under composers with neither author nor title index, and without the latter his catalogue soon proved of 1 Occasion is here taken to inform those interested that it is the practice of the Library of Congress to acquire librettos only, if they are not represented at all in our collections, or, if they antedate the editions in our possession, preference being given to the original libretto of an opera. PBEFACE 11 too limited usefulness, as, for obvious reasons, will be any libretto catalogue without a title index. The editorial and mere clerical labor in dissecting, realphabeting, copying, standardizing Mr. Schatz' in its way, of course, splendid catalogue for our purposes, would have been very much greater than those uninitiated in library perplexities and drudgery might expect, and too great for practical consideration. In short, as a list his catalogue is too full, as a catalogue too meager. Instead of reducing his catalogue after incorporation of our other librettos to a mere list, the preparation and publication of which would not have consumed more than one or two years, but the per- manent value of which for reference and research would have been doubtful and the cost not commensurate with its usefulness, a deci- sion was reached to prepare a new and full-entry catalogue, which would answer all purposes except perhaps those of bibliographical anatomists. That for this new catalogue Mr. Schatz' own catalogue would have to be utilized to the fullest possible extent was, of course, understood, as was also our obligation to consider him, whom no less a scholar than Friedrich Chrysander in his review of Taddeo Wiel's " Catalogo delle opere in musica rapresentate nel secolo XVIII hi Venezia" (Viertelj ahrschrif t fur Musikwissenschaft,. v. 10, 1894) had called "mein Orakel in solchen Dingen" as prime authority in all matters usually embodied in the best kind of opera dictionaries. This obligation became all the more apparent after the Library of Congress acquired, in 1911, from the heirs of Mr. Schatz all the manu- scripts alluded to hi his autobiographical sketch. Now Mr. Schatz' industry in keeping abreast of current literature is well illustrated by the fact that the date for the same opera does not always tally in his several compilations apparently made at different times. Conse- quently I felt obliged to consult them all. Not because this entailed much and tedious labor is the fact mentioned here, but because quite likely now and then I overlooked discrepancies and thereby missed the opportunity to profit by Mr. Schatz' final historical data. These data frequently do not coincide with those in the published standard reference works. In most such cases I felt methodically justified in accepting without question his data instead of those of his predeces- sors, because Mr. Schatz had worked his way through practically all the available standard dictionaries, catalogues, bibliographies, etc., of his time, such as those by Groppo, Allacci, Wotquenne, Wiel, Piovano, von Weilen, Parke, Baker, Grove, Parfaict, Cle'ment and Larousse, Fe"tis, Goedicke, Riemann, Salvioli, and possibly Eitner, besides many biographies and purely historical works. Furthermore, his own exten- sive researches and his libretto collection as primary source had en- abled him to rectify many errors which had been inherited by one lexicographer from the other, to add new and to suppress antiquated data, or, at any rate, to throw the weight of his authority in favour 12 PREFACE of one date as against the other and the catalogue itself is the best proof for this assertion. Nevertheless, my respect for Mr. Schatz* accomplishments did not render me immune against the necessity of spending off and on many hours in consultation of books that had either escaped his attention or which I interpreted differently or which have appeared during the last few years. These remarks refer, of course, mainly to purely historical data. That there is still ample room for improvement I fully realize, and I realize it all the more because my experience has taught me that the time for an absolutely comprehensive and accu- rate opera-dictionary has passed forever. The task is altogether too formidable and too complicated. Even the most conscientious effort in this direction will suffer from the breed of ingrown, inherited errors in books otherwise full of new information, but growing too numerous for critical perusal by any one man or set of men. After all, this is a catalogue, not an opera-dictionary (in concept and purpose two dis- tinctly different types of works). All purely historical data that ordinarily come within the province of lexicographers, but not of the cataloguer, are here intended and offered as an accidental, not as the essential feature, though under the circumstances their value for reasonably accurate reference can not be gainsaid. Originally the plan had been to enter our entire libretto collection alphabetically by composer in one catalogue, undivided by periods. By the time about 2,500 librettos of the Schatz collection had been catalogued on this plan, its feasibility had become question- able. Not only did the question of expense assume grave aspects, but the entry by composer of early librettos proved to have very considerable disadvantages. Almost invariably modern librettos mention both composer of the music and author of the text and therewith leave nothing to be desired for main entry under either, though main entry of opera-librettos under author is undesirable for obvious reasons. The chief reason is that in ninety-nine out of a hundred cases the inquirer neither knows nor takes interest in the author, but almost invariably he will know the composer. Library economy, therefore, would seem to suggest a compromise be- tween cataloguing maxims and actual conditions and that in libretto entries the author be subordinated to the composer. It is quite different with the earlier librettos, especially Italian. Often only the author is mentioned, often only the composer, and in many hundreds of cases neither. In these cases the composer either re- mains unknown, or the opera is attributed to a certain composer on the strength of direct or circumstantial historical evidence, in most cases simply on the strength of Allacci's authority. If it is the func- tion of a sensible catalogue to let the books (in this case, librettos) speak as much as possible for themselves and to avoid a confusion PREFACE 13 in the mind of the user of the catalogue between facts contained in the book and facts furnished by the cataloguer, then the entry of anonymous librettos under composer will inevitably lead to endless explanations, complications, contradictions, or worse. No such drawbacks attach to main entry of early librettos under title. The cataloguer occupies neutral ground, and whether anonymous or not, the librettos fall in line readily. Therefore, it was decided to continue to catalogue modern librettos under composer, but earlier librettos under title. The year 1800 was selected somewhat arbitrarily for the parting of the ways, so that the complete catalogue of our libretto collection will consist of two independent parts, the first, here pre- sented, of librettos printed before 1800, the second of librettos printed after 1800, perhaps with supplemental volumes treated in the same manner. 1 To my knowledge Alfred Wotquenne's splendidly gotten up and lavishly illustrated catalogue of seventeenth century Italian librettos (inclusive of oratorios) in the Royal Conservatory Library of Brussels has been the only libretto catalogue available in print, with exception of catalogues and lists of limited importance, such as those by Scheur- leer, Bergmans, Walter, von Weilen, Carvalhaes. Since Wotquenne's catalogue, too, is arranged by title, the question arose in how far it might otherwise be followed as a model. One feature of his book is the publication of casts. Their value, of course, lies mainly hi the direc- tion of biographical data on the lives of opera singers of the seven- teenth century. Commendable as is Mr. Wotquenne's idea, his task was not very irksome. Burney was, of course, mistaken if he dated the origin of the custom to print the cast in librettos about 1680, since a cast may be found at least as early as 1654 in the libretto (Lucca) of Cesti's and Bigongiari's "Alessandro il vincitor di se stesso," but generally speaking, casts were printed very seldom during the seventeenth century and they occur with anything like frequency only toward its very end. Consequently, it would have been easy and comparatively inexpensive to imitate Mr. Wotquenne in our catalogue so far as seventeenth century librettos are concerned. On the other hand, it would have been too expensive and too laborious to apply the same principle to the eighteenth century when casts became the rule. One need but turn to Wiel's volume on eighteenth century operas performed at Venice, in which conscientiously every cast is given with the indispensable index to the names in these casts at the end of the volume, to realize the labor, cost of printing, consumption of space that would have been involved by a similar scheme covering several thousand eighteenth century librettos with casts. Conse- The change from composer's entry to title entry obliged me to reconsider hundreds of early librettos among the 2,500 already catalogued by composer. More likely than not, this change of front has sometimes led to inconsistencies in treatment, or inconsistencies wore not detected by me, but it is hoped that they are in no case of a serious nature. 14 PREFACE quently, as there is no valid reason for discriminating against the eighteenth century in favor of the seventeenth in an otherwise uni- form catalogue, no casts have been copied from the librettos, but every entry states whether the libretto contains a cast or not. No such note has been attempted for the presence of the list of charac- ters, because there exists practically no libretto without the dramatis personae. The so-called and often ludicrous "protesta" in old Italian librettos I have disregarded as unnecessary. Maybe it was also unnecessary to note the presence of what I have called, for want of a better term, the scenario, I mean the "mutazioni, " or other such indications of the scenery, but I preferred to be on the safe side hi this respect, in order to make identification of a libretto through enumeration of contents as easy as possible. For this reason the arguments, prefatory notes, dedicatory remarks, and the absence or presence of the name of the author or composer have always been noted, just as was done by Mr. Wotquenne. His plan was also adopted to quote from the preliminary contents of the libretto what- ever threw light on the history of the libretto, resp. the opera, on the esthetic and dramaturgic creed of either author or composer, on their technique, or on special customs of the time. Sometimes such a quotation has been limited by me to a mere repetition of statement that the opera was the second of the season, but often enough the quotations consume quite a bit of printer's ink, and in some instances the user of this catalogue is practically treated to full or partial reprints of interesting essays. On the whole, I have been inclined to liberality in the space devoted to such quotations, just as now and then, particularly in the case of "La Dafne" and "II giocatore", my "notes" were allowed to grow into "articles." Of course, the catalogue would be complete in itself without them, but there can be no hard and fast rule as to what a cataogue should contain. This depends entirely on the subject matter, and the fact that early librettos are scarce and not accessible in many libraries, justified the inclusion of nonbibliographical matter in a form that would sug- gest further study of the libretto at least to the specialist. On these grounds he might expect to find an exhaustive index to the arias contained in the librettos, something that might have been called an "Aria-Repertorium." Unquestionably, whoever has done work hi early operatic history has felt handicapped by the want of such a compilation which would help to trace the migration of arias from one opera to the other, to reduce the innumerable librettos (and scores ! ! ) of the pasticcio type into their, as it were, chemical elements and to reconstruct the opera as originally written and composed. For this Bertillon method of analysis, again Mr. Wotquenne has pointed the way by the publication of his so useful "Zeno, Metastasio and Goldoni, Alphabetisches Verzeichnis, " but it would have been a rather quixotic attempt to treat five or six thousand librettos in the PREFACE 15 same manner. At the low average of twenty arias to a libretto this would have meant an ' ' appendix" to the catalogue with more than one hundred thousand first-line ("incipit"') entries. It is one thing to devote a lifetime to the compilation of such an "Aria-Repertorium," quite another to expect a public library to embark on its publication. Yet the mere rscital that the Library possesses the Rome 1740 and the Parma 1745 edition of a libretto means little and conveys no definite suggestion along lines which would interest the historian, and it is he, no less than the librarian, bibliographer, collector, to whom a catalogue of librettos of early operas should appeal. His interest centers more in the textual than in the purely bibliographical differences between two librettos of the same opera. I therefore made it a point to set forth in the briefest manner possible textual distinctions between at least the original edition, if we had it, and editions used for rep- licas. As a rule, such an attempt to call the historian's attention to telling textual differences between replica librettos only, was not made, since the relationship between replica editions without the origi- nal edition as a basis for textual comparison will not permit of sound deductions for reconstructive or analytical purposes. Furthermore, these comparative hints, as a rule, do not go beyond the year 1780, because toward the end of the eighteenth century it came to be more and more the custom to follow the original text for replicas, excepting, of course, cuts and similar unimportant alterations that are custom- ary and perhaps locally necessary even in present-day operatic life. No guarantee is offered that the plan outlined above has been carried out in every single case, as there is a limit to human endurance, and as a musical librarian in a great public library has other duties to perform besides preparing unconventional catalogues. This means that the absence of comparative comment in any given case does not imply textual identity. On the contrary, for the period of about 1700 to 1770 it should be taken for granted without special danger signals of mine that almost invariably replica editions show considerable differences from the original. (If the specialist requires further information, the Library of Congress will feel only too glad to furnish it promptly.) Careful attention was paid to ballets, pantomimes, etc., mentioned in the librettos (principally Italian of the later eighteenth century) either by characteristic title or more or less fully described in a separate synopsis of plot and often with cast, argument, scenario, etc., and even separate imprint and invariably with the name of the ballet master as author who "composed" the ballet, as the then technical term was, very much less frequently with the name of the actual composer of the music. In the case of Gaspero Angiolini and others the identity of "composer" and composer often is probable, but it is never certain, unless attested to by some such phrase as 16 PREFACE "Musics composta da." This distinction has been lost sight of occasionally by recent writers with the result that ballet-masters have sometimes but erroneously been credited with the music of ballets merely "composed" or "invented" by them. Care was taken not to add to the confusion in this catalogue and a composer of the music has not been entered unless so recorded in the libretto. But even at that, the activity of certain composers now assumes a different aspect from that in Eitner and elsewhere, and certain men like Canavasso, Le Messier, and Trento appear to have been astonishingly prolific as ballet composers, though of slight importance as opera composers. It would have been simple enough to suppress all data pertaining to ballets, pantomimes, etc., and thereby to have saved much space, but the history of this once so flourishing form of musical dramatic art is still in its infancy, and the data made accessible through this catalogue for such a history will be welcome. It is no secret that the modern dramatic ballet and pantomime, whether alle- gorical, symbolical, mythological, historical, realistic, and with desig- nations running from tragic to burlesque through the whole gamut of possible shadings, are at least contemporary in their origin with opera, and that opera from the beginning borrowed from the art of dancing for the support of interest, but of course a catalogue can not very well be expected to reflect the evolution as long as the dances be it even characteristic dances with or without relationship to the opera continued to be incidental without titles specific enough to afford a grip on them for catalogue entry. Toward the middle of the eight- eenth century, however, the ballets ceased to be incidental, or rather incidental dancing receded in favor of a juxtaposition of generally in theme not connected operas and ballets for the same evening, a kind of double-headed entertainment, often with first the act of an opera, then a ballet followed by the second act of the opera, which in turn was followed by another ballet, and so forth. In other words, the ballet was no longer considered an inferior but an equal dramatic art, since in the hands of thoughtful and imaginative ballet "com- posers," it had received a highly developed technique and offered esthetic and dramatic possibilities which soon a genius like Noverre was to gather into a dramaturgic system. Most of the ballets of this period until the end of the century, when the genre fast deteriorated, necessarily had characteristic and specific titles, and it is with these and these only that this catalogue deals. 1 1 Perhaps certain specialists will regret that no attention, as a rule, has been paid to the architect, artists, and engineers who devised the ingenious machines, designed or painted the gorgeous scenery, or acted as stage directors. I appreciate the fact that the history of stage management in all its ramifications is very interesting and instructive, and that at the end of the seventeenth and the beginning of the eighteenth century often the spectacular features of an opera interested the public more than the musical. Indeed, the art of a Balbi or Bibiena was often considered so much more important than that of the composer that the public was not even taken into the impresario's or publisher's confidence as to his name. How- ever, the line had to be drawn somewhere if the catalogue was to be kept within reasonable limits. PBEFACE 17 As to the year and place of publication of undated librettos (marked in the collation for reasons of convenience, though somewhat at variance with the regular practice of the Library of Congress, n. d. (no date), n. pi. (no place), or n. i. (no imprint) if neither place nor publisher are given, and n. publ. if the name of the publisher is absent), the date and place of performance given in the title should be assumed to coin- cide with the actual date and place of publication. Attention of the uninitiated, however, may be called to a fine point of distinction. Many undated librettos were scheduled for the beginning of the carnival sea- son, and since carnival in certain cities began at the end of December we often have the choice between two years for the year of publication. For instance, if an undated libretto was to have been performed at Turin during carnival of 1800, the libretto may have been published in December, 1799, or early in 1800. In every case the place and year given in the title or in the imprint should be assumed to be the place and year of first performance, unless otherwise stated in a note, and such notes, to repeat it, are generally based on Schatz. If a libretto contained a dated dedication, Mr. Schatz, unless previous performances in the same city or elsewhere were known to him, took the date of dedication to be the date of first performance. Mr. Piovano has questioned the absolute correctness of this procedure on the grounds that often the date of dedication must have preceded the actual date of performance, and I agree with him, but at any rate the date of dedi- cation may be considered the most approximate available in absence of further information. That certain earlier librettos lead to chrono- logical perplexities from local preference of either the Julian or the Gregorian calendar I mention here, without going into detail. The librettos have been entered, as a rule, first by the original title, and then by the title of the replicas and translations. In every case reference is made from the alternative title (abbreviated A. T.), which often became the better known title, from the later (L. T.) and the translated title (Tr. T. or Tr.) to the original title (O. T.). Librettos of the same title by unknown composers precede those by known composers and are in turn preceded by neutral librettos. By this I mean librettos entered from the collected works, for instance, of Metastasio, with or without the name of any particular composer (usually the first to set the text) as the composer of the libretto in the version of the text in that particular edition. If, for instance, the Paris, 1780-82, edition of Metastasio works mentions in the title of each libretto the name of the original composer, it by no means follows that he used the text as then published. On the contrary, it can often easily be proven that he did not. It would therefore be methodologically incorrect to assign the text as given in that particular edition exclu- sively to the composer mentioned, and still more incorrect, if no 72251 VOL 114 2 18 PREFACE composer is mentioned, to assign it to any one of several composers who are known to have set it to music. Generally speaking, therefore, the "Artaserse" text as published at Paris, 1780-82, would belong with equal right to any of the more than fifty composers who composed it, and for this reason should precede all individual "Artaserse'' librettos with or without composer's name. The text of the titles, with elision of irrelevant matter, has been copied as printed in the libretto with retention of the original orthography, but without imitation of the typographical picture. In this respect there has been a certain amount of modernization which, at times, looks odd if coupled with the original orthography. In the use of capital letters, the rules of the Library of Congress have been followed, now and then for practical reasons with slight inconsistencies and generally regard- less of my personal likes and dislikes in the matter. Furthermore, the remark appears necessary that the catalogue deals only with librettos which are either in the custody of the Music Division or are not in its custody for purely administrative reasons, such as the librettos in special collections like the Goethe, or miscellaneous collections like the Longe collection. The inclusion of librettos contained in the collected writings (published before 1800) of all authors who happened to write a few librettos has not been attempted, because this would have led entirely too far into literature in general, and because the idea itself from the very nature of things is altogether too pedantic for serious consideration. Exceptions to this rule were of course deemed desirable, but they have been restricted to authors like Goldoni, Quinault, Piron, Panard, whose importance for the history of libretto writing is so obvious as to have rendered their exclusion in the present state of our libretto collection just as pedantic as would have been the inclusion of many others. For the addition of the brief-entry lists by composers and authors and of the index to arias incidentally mentioned no lengthy explana- tion is needed, since they obviously are necessary to complete the circle of possible inquiry. That no attempt was made to furnish year of birth and death of authors may perhaps be regretted by those who wish to consult the author list for purposes of literary bibliography. My principal reason for this omission was the knowledge that with all possible diligence the result would not have been in keeping with the labor of research involved. Finally, a word of explanation as to the method of dealing with author and composer names. Somewhere in this catalogue the full names of authors and composers had to be given if repetition ad nauseam in the title catalogue was to be dispensed with. The proper places, it seemed to me, were the composer and author lists; and these lists should be consulted in case of doubt. In whatever form author and composer names appear in the titles themselves the rule PREFACE 19 has been not to repeat them in full in the editorial matter except to avoid confusion and to facilitate identification. If they appear elsewhere in the libretto, usually in some once current, condensed form (for instance, Ferdinando Bertoni instead of Ferdinando Giuseppe) , the editorial matter of the title catalogue records them, as a rule, in full, and in some more or less generally accepted form without com- ment, and with disregard of harmless differences of spelling. But no display has been made of full names in the title catalogue. A per- son with a modicum of culture need not be told every time in a title- catalogue that Goethe is Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, and even the most "punctilious adherent of uniformity and consistency will admit that Cherubini was too much of a master and still is too well known as such to be put down every time religiously as Maria Luigi Zenobio Carlo Salvatore Cherubini. O. G. SONNECK Chief of the Division of Music HERBERT PUTNAM Librarian of Congress, Washington, D. C. November 1, 1913. x 3tf9 y 3903 t s 1<1*H (T 3 a,*, .~-i* .wr '76l . ^_ t ~. .. FACSIMILE OF ENTRY SHEET IN MR. SCHATZ' CATALOGUE OF HIS COLLECTION. 21 TITLE CATALOGUE L'abate Collarone. O. T. of Trinchera's text Le chiajese cantarine. Abduramel, ballet. See Nasolini's Melinda. Der abend im walde, eine operette in zween aufzuegen. Die musik ist vom hrn. capellmeister Wolf. Weimar, Carl Ludolf Hoffmann, 1774. 124 P- 15%. Two acts. By Gottlob Ephraim Heermann, who is not mentioned. Composed by Ernst Wilhelm Wolf. First performed at Weimar, Schlosstheater, Wilhelmsburg, December 10, 1773. SCHATZ 11075 Die abenteurer. Tr. of Paisiello's Gli awenturieri. Die abgeredete zauberey. Tr. of Gre"try's La fausse magie. Das abgeschafte herkommen. Ein westphaelisches schauspiel mit gesang in drey aufzuegen dem herrn justiz-rath Moeser gewidmet. Ossnabrueck, n. publ, 1783. 92 p. 16%. Not recorded in Deutschee Anonymen Lexikon. ML 50.2.A19 Abraham, auf Moria, ein religioses drama fuer die musik, von A. H. Niemeyer. n. i., 1779. 32 p. 16. Two acts. The composer, Johann Heinrich Rolle, is not mentioned. First performed 1777. SCHATZ 11392 Abroad and at home. A comic opera in three acts. Now per- forming at the Theatre-Royal, Covent-Garden. By J. G. Holman. London, George Cawfhom, 1796. 92 p. 21%. Cast. The composer, William Shield, is not mentioned. Originally "The King 1 a bench" (Tufts.) First performed November 19, 1796. (Genest.) LONOE 237 L'academie bourgeoise, opera-comique en mi acte; repre'sente' pour la premiere fois sur le Tne'atre de la Foire, en 1735. Charles Francois Pannard, Theatre, Paris, Duchesne, 176S, v. 2, [445]-504 p. 17 cm . In prose and vaudevilles. Composer not mentioned and not recorded by Par- faict, etc. First performed as indicated, February 3, 1735. PQ 2019. P3 Acajou, opera comique, par Monsieur Favart. Repre'sente' pour la premiere fois sur le Tne'atre du Fauxbourg Saint-Germain, le 18. mars 1744. . Paris, Praultfils, 1744, 52 p. 18. Three acts. No music printed with the text. In prose and couplets. (Comp. next entry.) ML 50.2.A23 23 24 LJBRABY OF CONGRESS Acaj ou Continued . Acajou, opera comique en trois actes, en vaudevilles. Par le S r Favart. Paris, Prault fils, 1753. 72 p. 19. (Theatre de M. Favart, Paris, Duchesne, 1763-77, t. vii.) No music printed at the end or in the text. On p. [21 the following note: "Cette piece eat tir6e du conte d' Acajou, de Mr. Duclos, elle fut jpu6e d'abord en prose & couplets a Paris le 18 mars 1744 eur le Theatre de la Foire St. Germain. Apres la defense faite a 1'Opera comique de parler, on la represent* toute en vaudevilles a la Foire St. Laurent suivante, & sur le Theatre de 1' Academic royale de musique au mois d'Octobre de la m6me annee." Font does not mention Favart's musical collaborator. ML 49.A2F1 L'accademia di musica e La conversazione. Divertimento teatrali per musica da rappresentarsi nel Real Teatro di Salvaterra nel carnovale 1775. [Lisbona], Stamperia reale, n. d. 37 p. l^- One act each. The second divertimento on p. 2&-S7. Cast and name of NiccoU) Jommelli as composer of both. Authors not mentioned and unknown to Schatz, who says that the text of ' ' La conversazione " is the same as of " II giuoco di picchetto, ' ' which see for further details. SCHATZ 4887 Accampamento o sia La lotteria militare, ballet. See Anfossi's Armida. Accampamento di Micheletti, ballet. See Bosi's La figlia obbediente. Gli accident! della villa. Cantata di Saverio Zini da rappresen- tarsi nel Teatro de' Fiorentini nel carnevale di quest' anno 1797. Napoli, n. putt., 1797. 31 p. 15. Cast. Pierre Dutillieu is mentioned as the composer. First performed at Vienna, Hoftheater n. d. Burg, Sept. 19, 1794. SCHATZ 2877 The accomplished maid. Tr. of Piccinni's La buona figliuola. L'accorta cameriera. L. T. of Martin y Soler's In amor ci vuol destrezza. Achille et Deidamie, tragedie repre'sente'e par 1' Academic royale de musique 1'an 1735. Paroles de M. Danchet. Musique de M. Campra. CXXI. opera. n. i., n. d. front., J+Sl-JfiS p. Uf. (Recueil general des opera, Paris, 1739, t. xv.) Detached copy. Five acts with prologue. First performed, as indicated, February 24, 1735. SCHATZ 1539 Second copy. ML 48. R4 Achille et Deidamie, tragedie. [359]-412 p. 17 % cm . (Antoine Danchet, Theatre, Paris, 1751, t. Hi.) Prologue and five acts. The composer, Andr6 Campra, is not mentioned. PQ 1972.D2 Achille et Polixene, tragedie en musique, represented par 1'Acade- mie royale de musique. Suivant la copie imprime'e a Paris. [Amsterdam, Antoine Schelte], 1687. 57 p. ( ont.) 13\ cm . Prologue and five acts. Author and composer not mentioned. ML 49.A2L9 OPERA LIBRETTOS 25 Achille et Polixene Continued. Achille et Polixene, tragedie en musique, represented par 1'Academie royale de musique. Amsterdam, Henry Schelte, 1701. 57 p. (incl. front.) IJf. Reprint of the 1687 edition. ML 50.2.A25L9 Achille et Polixene, tragedie represented par 1'Academie royale de musique, 1'an 1688. Les paroles de M. Capistron, & la musique de M. Collasse. XXII. opera. n. i., n. d. 14 cm . front., 223-280 p. (Recueil general des opera, t. Hi, Paris, 1708.) Detached copy. Five acts and prologue. The score, Amsterdam, 1688, informs us that the first act was composed by Jean Baptiste de Lully. First performed, as indicated, November 7, 1687. SCHATZ 5781 Second copy. ML 48. R4 Achille in Aulide. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel car- nevale dell' anno 1739. Nel Teatro a Torre Argentina . . . Roma, Antonio de' Rossi, n. d. 67 p. 15 cm . Three acts. Author not mentioned and unknown to Schatz. Dedication by Gius. Polvini Faliconti, argument, cast, name of Geminiano Giacomelli as composer and scenario. The libretto mentions also the cast of intermezzi with the characters "Golpone " and "Birina." It would seem as if these intermezzi were also composed by Giacomelli. Their text does not appear in the libretto. ML 50.2.A26G3 Achille in Sciro. Commedia drammatica per musica fedelmente, ed eroicamente tradotta, e ridotta dall' antico stato allo stato pre- sente da Public Quintiliano Settimio da Sarmacanda. HispJidhan, I'anno passato. 59 p. 15. Three acts. Printer's dedication "al suo caro M. Timocrato," sonnet by "Clonico Nasposi" to the reader and "dicharamento." The character of this carnivalesque effort may be judged from the fact that Achilles figures in the list of characters as "Ermafrddito vulgo detto femminella spassatiempo di Deidamia." ML50.2.A27 Achille in Sciro. 64 p- 19 cm . (Pietro Metastasio, Opere drammatiche, Venezia, Giiir seppe BettineUi, 1733-37, v. 4.) Three acts. Argument. No composer mentioned. ML 49.A2M4 Achille in Sciro. [87}-185 p. (Metastasio, Poesie, Parigi, vedova QuiUau, 1755, t. iv) 16 cm . Three acts. Argument. ML 49.A2M42 Achille in Sciro. Dramma immaginato,e disteso dall' autorenel prescritto termine di giorni diciotto, e rappresentato con musica del Caldara in Vienna la prima volta, nell interno gran teatro della Cesarea corte, . . . il di 13 febbrajo 1736, per festeggiare le felicis- sime nozze delle AA. RR. di Maria Teresa . . . e di Stefano Fran- cesco, duca di Lorena . . . pi., [3]-110 p. 26 cm . (Metastasio, Opere, t. v, Parigi, vedova Herissant, 1780.) Three acts. Argument. ML 49.A2M44 26 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Achilla in Sciro. Dramma per musica e festa teatrale da rap- presentarsi nel Regio Teatro di Berlino per le nozze delle Altezze Loro reali il prencipe 01 Prussia, nipote di S. M. il Rd con la principessa Elisabetta Christina Ulrica di Brunswico, per commando di Sua Ma- esta il re . . . Berlino, Haude e Spener, 1765, 2 p. 1., 113, [3] p. 16 cm . Three acts. By Pietro Metastasio. Argument, scenario, and name of the composer, Johann Friedrich Agricola. German title "Achilles in Scirus" and text face Italian. First performed, as indicated, July 16, 1765. SCHATZ 66 Achille in Sciro. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel nobilissimo Teatro la Fenice 1' autunno dell' anno 1794. Venezia, Modesto Fenzo, 1794. 62 p. 18 cm . Three acts. Argument, cast, scenario, and name of (Marcello di Capua) Bernardini as composer, but not of the author Metastasio. On p. 27-33 argument, cast, and detailed description of "Andromeda e Perseo, ballo eroico pantomime d' invenzione e composizione del Signor Onorato Viganb." The composer of the music is not mentioned. SCHATZ 829 Achille in Sciro. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel nuovo Teatro Iron in S. Cassiano il carnovale dell' anno MDCCLXIV . . . Venezia, Paolo Colombani, 1764- 54 P- 16%. Three acts. Impresario's dedication, argument, cast, scenario, and name of Ferdinando Giuseppe Bertoni as composer, but not of the author Metastaeio. The "primo ballo" (p. 27) is described in form of a sonnet. At the end of the libretto the words of "Porto in sen libero" and "Vanne dal caro bene," two arias which were % to be interpolated "dopo brevi sere" for the primadonnas "che resteranno pienamente contente. ' ' SCHATZ 903 Achille in Sciro. Dramma per musica, da rappresentarsi nel Gran Teatro dell' imperial corte ... in occasione aelle felicissime nozze de' serenissimi principi Maria Teresa, arciduchessa d' Austria e Francesco III, duca di Lorena. L' anno MDCCXXXVI. La poesia e del Sig. abbate Pietro Metastasio ... La musica e del Sig. Antonio Caldara . . . Vienna d' Austria, Gio. Pietro Van Ghelen, n. d. 2 p. 1., 76 p. Three acts. Argument and scenario. The ballet music at the end of the acts was composed by Niccola Matteis. First performed at Vienna, February 12, 1736. SCHATZ 1476 - Achilles in Scyro . . . Bey gelegenheit der hoechstbegluek- ten vermaehlung der durchleuchtigsten ertz-hertzogin Mariae Theresiae mit Francisco dem dritten, nertzogen in Lothringen. In dem grossen Theatro der kaiserlichen burg in einer welschen opera vorgestellet anno 1736. Poesi des herrn abbate Pietro Metastasio . . . Von herrn Antonio Caldara ... in die music verfasset. In das teutsche versetzet von herrn Antonio Prokoff . . . Wien, Johann Peter Ghelen, 1735. 2 p. I, 75 p. 15 cm . Imprint on preliminary title-page. SCHATZ 1477 Achille in Sciro. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro di S. Angelo nel carnovale del 1739 . . . Venezia, Marino Rossetti, 1739. 4 P- 15% cm . Three acts. By Metastasio. Impresario's dedication, argument, cast, scenario, and name of the composer, Pietro Chiarini. SCHATZ 1852 OPERA LIBRETTOS 27 Achille in Sciro. Dramma per musica del celebre Sig. abate Pietro Metastasio, Poeta Cesareo. Da rappresentarsi nel Teatro Grimani in S. Gio. Grisostomo per la fiera delr Ascensione dell' anno 1766 . . . Venezia, Modesto Fenzo, 1766, 54 p. 17\ cm . Three acts. Dedication, argument, cast, scenario, and name of the composer, Florian Leopold Gassmann. SCHATZ 3607 L'Achille in Sciro. Favola dramatica da rappresentarsi in musica nel Teatro a S. Stefano in Ferrara 1' anno 1663 ... Venetia, n. pull., 1663. 104, [#] P- 14 cm - Three acts and prologue. Dedication signed by Michiel Colombo mentioning Giovanni Legrenzi as the composer, publishers' notice to the reader, argument. The author, marchese Ippolito Bentivoglio, is not mentioned. The text is followed by a fly leaf with two inside pages of errata. SCHATZ 5532 L'Achille in Sciro. Favola dramatica da rappresentarsi in musica nel Teatro a S. Salvatore per 1' anno 1664 . . . Venetia, Steffano Curti, 1664. 96 p. 14 cm . Prologue and three acts. Publisher's dedication dated Venice, January 29, 1664, argument, and notice to the reader with apologies for typographical errors as "!' autpre non ha permesso, che si legga il suo nome in questi fogli, ne meno ha voluto pigliarsi la briga di rivedere queste minutie." Neither the composer, Giovanni Legrenzi, ia mentioned nor the author, marchese Ippolito Bentivoglio. SCHATZ 11720 Achille in Sciro. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel Regio Teatro di Torino nel carnovale del 1785 . . . Torino, Onorato Derossi, n. d. viii, 54, [1], 15 p. 17\ cm . Three acts. By Metastasio, who is not mentioned. Argument, cast, scenario, and names of Gaetano Pugnani as composer of the opera, of Vittorio Amedeo Cana- vasso as composer of the music for Paolino Franchi's three ballets, a description of two of which is printed on the last 15 p. with separate imprint, argument, and cast. The titles were "La Galzeuca ossia Golconda liberata dalla tirannide di Scour-Malou, ballo eroico, tragico pantomime in quattro atti, " and "II matrimonio per concorso." SCHATZ 8505 Achille in Sciro. Drama per musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro Grimani a S. Samuele per la fiera dell' Ascens ne P anno 1747. n. i. n. d. 48 p. 15 cn . Three acts. By Metastasio, who is not mentioned. Dedication, argument, sce- nario, cast, and name of Giovanni Battista Rancher as the composer. SCHATZ 9151 Achille in Sciro. Drama per musica da rappresentarsi sul famosissimo Theatre di Braunsviga nella fiera d estate P anno MDCCXXXXVL Achilles in Sciro . . . Woljfenbuttel, C. Bartsch, wittwe, n. d. Unpaged. 18% cm . Three acts. By Metastasio, who is not mentioned. German text faces Italian. Argument, scenario, and name of Giovanni Verocai as composer. First performed in August, 1746, as indicated. SCHATZ 10717 Achille placato. Tragedia per musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro Tron di S. Cassano P anno 1707. Impressione seconda. Venezia, Marino Rossetti, 1707. 72 p. 15. Five acts with "intramezzi ridicoli." By Urbano Rizzi, who is not mentioned. Argument, cast, scenario, notice about the intermezzi, and name of Antonio Lotti as composer. SCHATZ 5713 28 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Achilla riconosciuto. Introdutione di un balletto fatto dalla Ser" 1 *- Arcid*- Marianne d'Austria: per il giorno natal - della Ser- Arcid*- Leonora d'Austria. Attione dramatica di Teofilo messa in musica dal Sig. Antonio Draghi . . . Vienna, Joan. Jacobo Kilmer, 1668. 1 p. 1., 55 p. 12 cm . One act. Dedication by the author (real name unknown to Wotquenne), notice to the reader mentioning the archduchess Marianne as "il pereonaggio principale," and on p. 52-65 cast (Marianne having the principal part) of the ballet and remark: All' armonia del canto segul il rimbombp degli Btrumenti, che diedero segno all ballo il quale fu per 1' aria composta dall Signore Smelzer FJohann Heinrich Schmelzer, 1630-1TOO], e per i passi inventati dal Sign. Santo . . . Was to be performed on May 21, 1668, but performance was canceled . (von Weilen). ML50.2.A29D7 Achilles. An opera. As it is perform'd at the Theatre-Royal in Covent-Garden . . . Written by the late Mr. Gay. With the musick prefix 'd to each song. London, J. Watts, 1733. 4 p. I, 68,[3] p. 20 cm . [Bound with his Beggar's opera. London, 1728] Three acts with prologue. Ballad opera. Cast and table of the 54 songs. The airs are given in the text with their titles. The text is followed by a [3] p. publisher's list, first page of which is dated February 28, 1733. First performed, as indicated, February 10, 1733. ML50.5.B3 ... Achilles. An opera. As written by John Gay. Dis- tinguishing also the variations of the theatre, as performed, hi two acts, at the Theatre Royal in Covent-Garden. Regulated from the prompt-book, by permission of the managers, by Mr. Wild, prompter. London, John BeU, 1777. 60 p. 17. Prologue, cast, and at end table of the 58 songs, of which only three are marked as having been introduced for these performances. The text is printed in three acts, but according to a note on p. 38 act III became act II, the two others apparently being performed in one. At head of title: "Bell's edition." SCHATZ 11469 Achilles. See Keiser's Das zerstoerte Troja. Achilles in petticoats. An opera. As it is performed at the Theatre Royal, in Coyent-Garden . . . Written by Mr. Gay, with alterations. The music entirely new by Dr. Arne. London, W. Strahan, T. Lowndes [etc.], 1774. 4 P- l>, 3$ P- cm - Two acts. Table of the 25 songs, cast, and Advertisement according to which this is Gay's "Achilles" "now revived with no very essential changes from the original piece; the chief alterations consisting of abridgement and transposition ..." They were made by George Colman. First performed at London, Covent Garden, December 16, 1773. LONGE 26 Achilles in Sciro. Tr. of Verocai's Achille in Sciro.. Achilles in Scirus. Tr. of Agricola's Achille in Sciro. Achilles in Scyro. Tr. of Caldara's Achille in Sciro. Achilles und Ulysses auf der insel Scyros, ballet. See Bach's Lucius Silla. Achills zuernender schatten, ein tragisches singspiel in fuenf aufzuegen von Traugott Benjamin Berger, alien musicalischen schauspielern gewidmet. Leipzig, Christian Gottlob Hilscher, 1777. 74, [6] p. 15\. The last [6] p. contain a sale's list of the publisher. No composer or performance recorded by Schatz. SCHATZ 11595 OPBEA LIBBETTOS 29 Achmet et Almanzine. Piece en trois actes. Par Mrs le S * * e d'Or * * Les couplets des divertissemens sont de M. F * * * Represented k la Foire Saint Laurent 1728. Le Theatre de lafoire, Paris, 1728, t. vi, pi., [873]-493 p. 17. By Le Sage, d'Orneval, and Fuzelier. Largely en vaudevilles. The airs, selected or composed and arranged by Jean Claude Gillier, the "compoeiteur " of the company, are printed at the end of the volume in the "Table des airs." First performed June 30, 1728. ML48.L2 VI Achmet und Almanzine. Ein singspiel in zwei aufzuegen. Nach dem franzoesischen der herrn le Sage und d'Ormeville [!]. Aufgefuehrt auf den K. K. Hof-Theatern in Wien. [Wien], mit von Kurtzbekischen schriften, 1795. 100 p. 15% cm . Johann Baptist Schenck is mentioned as the composer. In the preface the unknown author says of his "gaenzliche umarbeitung" of the French original: ' ' Hier musete man freylich den gang der handlung haeufig veraendern, und noch haeufiger die nicht selten, muthwillige laune der verfasser dem anstande, und der eittlichkeit aufopfern, so, dass von dem franzoesischen originale wenig mehr, als der hauptumriss uebrig geblieben ist." First performed, as indicated, July 17, 1795. SCHATZ 9591 Aci, e Galatea. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel nobilissimo Teatro Venier in San Benedetto 1'autunno dell' anno 1792. Venezia, Modesto Fenzo, 1792. 48 p. 17. Two acts. Impresario's dedication, cast, scenario, and name<3 of the composer, Francesco Bianchi, and Giuseppe Foppa, the author. First performed October 13, 1792, as indicated. SCHATZ 993 Aci e Galatea, ballet. See Cimarosa's II fanatico burlato. Aci e Galatea, ballet. See Curcio's Solimano. Aci e Galatea, ballet. See Tarchi's II matrimonio per con- trattempo. Aci e Galatea, ballet. See Traetta's Le feste d'Imeneo. Acis et Galatee, pastorale heroique en musique, represented pour la premiere fois dans le Chateau d'Anet devant Monseigneur le Dauphin. Par 1'Academie royale de musique. Suivant la copie imprime'e & Paris. [Amsterdam, Antoine Schelte], 1686. 4$ P- (incl. front.) 18$. Prologue and three acts, without name of composer or author. ML49.A2L9 Acis et Galatee, pastorale heroique represente'e par 1'Academie royale de musique Fan 1686. Les paroles de M. Capistron & la musique de M. de Lully. XXI. opera. n. i., n. d. 14 cm - front., 179-222 p. (Recueil general des opera, t. Hi, Paris, 1703.) Detached copy. Three acts and prologue. First performed, as indicated, September 17, 1686; at Anet, at the palace of the Duke of Venddme, September 6, 1686. SCHATZ 5756 Second copy. ML48.R4 30 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Acis et Galatee Continued. Tircis et Doristee, pastorale; parodie d'Acis et Galat6e; repr6- sente'e pour la premiere fois par les ComSdiens italiens ordinaires du roi, le 4 septembre 1752. Nouvelle Edition. Paris, N. B. Duchesne, 1759. 60, [4] p. 19 cm . (Theatre de M. Favart, Paris, Duchesne, 1763-77, t. ii.) One act. Cast. En vaudevilles, many of the airs being printed in the text. The [4] p. contain a catalogue of plays and a " Catalogue de musiques nouvelles relatives aux pieces de theatres de M. Favart, & autres. The arranger of the music is not mentioned by Font. ML49.A2F1 Acis und Galatee. In einem hochteutschen sing-spiel auf dem hoch-fuerstl. Wuertemb. Schauplatz aufgefuehret. Stuttgart, Paul Treuen, 1698. 48 p. 15 cm . Three acts aud prologue (located at Stuttgart!) Argument. On p. 41-43 seven additional arias. Neither the author is mentioned, nor the translator, nor Lully. First performed 1698, as indicated. SCHATZ 5757 Acis och Galatea. Heroisk-ballet i tre acter upf6rd pa den Kongl. Svenska theatren. F6rsta gangen den 10 maji 1773. Stockholm, Anders Jacoosson Nordstrdm, 1773. 6 p. 1., 30 p. 20 cm . Dedication, argument, cast, notice to the reader, and statement that the poetry is by Lars Samuel Lalin (translated from John Gay's "Acis and Galatea"?) and that the music of the ballet-opera is "dels ny, dels af Hendels opera Acis och Galatea samt andre beroemde maetares arbeten uts&kt och i ordning eatt afven" by the author. The prefatory note gives further information on the history of this curious pasticcio product, especially that the recitatives and some of the choruses were composed or adjusted by Henrick Filip Johnson, the court conductor. SCHATZ 4494 Acis und Galatea, ballet by Toeschi. See Bach's Lucius Silla. [L'Acomate] 3-38 p. 16\ cm . Two acts. Argument, cast, scenario. Title-page wanting, but impresario's dedi- cation to the nobility and "Popolo Pisano" says "Fa la sua prima comparsa su queste scene I'ACOMATE." Giuseppe Giordani is mentioned as the composer, and on p. 38 the date of first performance is given as April 21. Consequently this is an imperfect copy of the original Pisa edition by unknown author of Giordani 's opera performed at Pisa, Teatro Nuovo, 1783. ML 48.A5 v.7 L'Acomate. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi in Firenze la primavera dell' anno 1784 nel nuovo Regio Teatro degl' Intrepedi detto La Palla a Corda . . . Firenze, Stamperia Bonducciana, 1784. 34 p. 16\ cm . Two acts. Author not mentioned and unknown to Schatz. Argument, cast, scenario, and name of Giuseppe Giordani as the composer. ("La musica 6 tutta miova.") SCHATZ 3832 Elpinice. Dramma serio per musica da rappresentarsi in Bo- logna nel Teatro Zagnoni 1'autunno dell' anno 1783 . . . Bologna, Sassi, n. d. 62, [1] p. 17 cm . Though in three acts, and in part radically different, plainly based on "L'Aco- mate " Impresario's dedication, argument, cast, scenario, and name of Giuseppe Giordani as the composer. On p. 27-37 argument, cast, and description of fratelli Ricciardi's ballo eroitragico pantomimo in five acts "La morte di Arrigo Sesto, re d 'Inghilterra. " music by Mattia Stabingher. SCHATZ 3843 OPERA LIBRETTOS 31 L'acteur dans son menage, tableau anecdotique, me"le de vau- devilles, par M in . J h . Boullault. Represent^, pour la premiere fois, sur le Theatre de 1'Ambigu-comique, le 6 e jour complementaire, an 7. [Sept. 22, 1799] Paris, chez le libraire, au Theatre du VaudeviUe, an viii e [1799-1800] 55 p. 20 C )cm Cast. Prefatory note. On p. 53-54 the unaccompanied "Air nouveau du C. St.- Amans, membre du Conservatoire: Je quitte & regret." Not recorded by f!l. & L. or Schatz. ML 48.M2L L'Adalinda. A. T. of Gl' inganni innocenti. L'Adaloaldo furioso. Drama per musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro Giustiniano di S. Moise nel carnovale 1727. Venezia, Carlo Buonarrigo, n. d. J^5 p. Three acts. By Antonio Maria Lucchini, who is not mentioned. Argument, scenario, and name of Giacomo Macari as composer. First performed, as indicated, December 26, 1726. SCHATZ 5807 Adela of Ponthieu. A tragy-pantomime ballet. Noverre, Jean George, Works. Tr. from the French, London, 1783, v. S, p. [53}-91. 21% cm . Five acts. Noverre's dedication and dedicatory poem, "preliminary discourse," argument, detailed scene by scene description, and note to the effect that this ballet was first represented at the King's Theatre, London, in 1782. GV 1787.N8 Adelaide. Drama per musica da recitarsi nel Teatro delle Dame pe'l carnevale dell' anno 1743 . . . Roma, Bernabb e Luzzarini, 1743. 71 p. Three acts. By Antonio Salvi (not mentioned). Dedication, argument, scenario, cast, and name of the composer, Gioacchino Cocchi. SCHATZ 2052 Adelaide, dramma per musica. Adelheid, ein musicalisches schauspiel. Hamburg, gedruckt mit Spieringischen schrifften, n. d. 2 p. I., 75 p. 18 cm . Three acts. Cast, scenario, and argument. German text faces Italian. Neither the author, Antonio Salvi, nor the composers, Finazzi, Filippo, Scalabrini, Paolo, etc., are mentioned. First performed at Hamburg, Opernhaus b. Gansemarkt, July 23, 1744. SCHATZ 3101 Adelaide. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro Tron di S. Cassano nel carnevale 1729 . . . Venezia, Marino Rossetti, 1729. 59 p. 15\ cm . Three acts. By Antonio Salvi, who is not mentioned. Impresario's dedication dated Venice, February 6, 1729, argument, cast, scenario, and name of Giuseppe Maria Orlandini as the composer. SCHATZ 7326 Adelaide. Drama per musica, da rappresentarsi nell' Arciducale Teatro di Mantova nel carnovale dell' anno MDCCXXXI . . . Mantova, Alberto Pazzoni, n. d. 60 p. 16*. Three acts. Dedication dated Mantova, December 26, 1730, argument, castj scenario and note: "La musica e del Signor Giuseppe Orlandini . . . e d'altn autori." Salvi is not mentioned. The differences between the text of Venice, 1729, and this ed. are considerable. For instance, "Ricordati, cor mio" (I, 7) has become "Conservati fedele" and "La tua fortuna, o bella" (I, 9) has become "Se 32 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Adelaide Continued. brami mia bella." "La pieta del core augusto" has been added to I, 10, as also "Va superba, ed ostinata to I, 15, whereas "Prendi uno sposo" has been dropped from I, 14. Scene I, 16, now consists of "Ma pur da te dipende (Rec.) Ciel jnii tranquillo Palido il Sole," including the original recitative "Quanto piu sien tenaci," but excluding the original aria "Scherza in mar la navicella." It is reasonable to conjecture that the differences in the texts give a clue to the music "d'altri autori." ML 50.2.A31O7 Adelaide, ballet. See Paisiello's II Sismano nel Mogol. Adelaide. Drama per musica da recitarsi nel Teatro Alibert pe'l carnevale dell' anno 1723. Presentato alia Maesta di Clementina, regina della Gran Bretagna, etc. Roma Bernabb, 1723. 72 p. 15. Three acts. By Antonio Salvi, who is not mentioned. Dedication, argument, cast, scenario, and name of Nicola Antonio Porpora as the composer. First performed, as indicated, January 23, 1723. SCHATZ 8376 Adelaide. Dramma per musica. Roma, Pietro Ferri, 1723. 72 p. Ufi. Three acts. Neither Salvi is mentioned, nor Porpora. Argument. The arias in this edition differ noticeably from those in the Bernab6 edition. For instance, in the latter I, 1, has no aria, whereas the Ferri edition has "Contro 1'idolo adorato." In the Ferri ed. I, 5, has "Orn6 la mia diletta," in the Bernab6 ed. "Per salvarti, idolo mio," etc., etc. ML 50.2.A31P6 Adelaide, ballet. See Portugal's Fernando nel Messico. L' Adelaide. Drama per musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro Vendramino a San Salvatore. L'anno MDCLXXII . . . Venetia, Francesco Nicolini, 1672. 72 p. Three acts. By Pietro Dolfino, who is not mentioned. Publisher's dedication, with the name of Antonio Sartorio as the composer, and dated Venice, February 19, 1672. Argument and scenario. SCHATZ 9488 Adelaide di Ghesclino, ballo eroico. See V. Fabrizj's opera L'amore per interesse. Adelaide di Guesclin, ballet. See Cafaro's II natal d'Apollo. L' Adelaide, regia principessa di Susa. Dramma musicale da Gio. Batista Rodoteo, Veneto. Venetia, n. pull., 1670. 48 p. 14 cm . Three acts. Argument, and notice to the reader alluding to the first performances of the opera at Munich, Hoftheater, 1669. Giulio Biva, the composer, is not mentioned. SCHATZ 8833 Adelasia, ballet. See Zingarelli's II mercato di Monfregoso. Adelasia riconosciuta, ballet. See Cherubini's Mesenzio re" d'E- truria. Adelasia riconosciuta, ballet. See Mayr's Che originali. Adele di Ponthieu, ballet. See Borghi's Artaserse. Adelheid. Tr. of Finazzi and Scalabrini's Adelaide. OPEEA LIBRETTOS 33 Adelheid, in einem sing-spiele auf dem Hamburgischen Schau- platze vorgestellet im jahr 1727. [Hamburg], Gedruckt mit Stromerschen Schriffien, n. d. Unpaged. Three acts. Author not mentioned and unknown to Schatz. Georg Philipp Telemann is mentioned as the composer. First performed at Bayreuth, Hochfuerstl. Theater, 1724, as "Adelheid, oder Die ungezwungene liebe." SCHATZ 10254 Adelheit von Veltheim. Ein schauspiel mit gesang in vier akten. Leipzig, DyJdscTie luchhandlung , 1781. 6 p. 1., 130, [2} p. 17 cm . Dedication signed by the author Gustav Friedrich Wilhelm Grossmann and the composer Christian Gottlob Neefe. This is followed by prefatory remarks of Gross- mann's addressed "An herrn magister Dyk" and dated September 10, 1780. To the same is addressed Neefe's preface dated "Frankfurt am Mayn, den 10. Sept. 1780." In this preface we are told: "Ich hatte diese arbeit schon laengst geendiget, wenn mein lieber Grossmann nicht bisweilen einen anfall von traegheit bekommen und mich gehemmt hatte. Pfui ! was ich da fur verleumdungen geschrieben habe! Nicht traegheit, sondern veraenderung der umstaende, die viele andre geschaefte von ihm erheischten, sezten ihn ausser stand, an seiner oper fortzuarbeiten. Ich muss ihnen das sagen, um gewis- ser kritischer spione willen, die einige gesaenge darinne finden werden, die sie irgendwo schon gelesen haben, und die sich weidlich lustig machen moechten, etwas ausgespaeht zu haben, das sie berechtige, ihn eines plagiats zu beschuldigen. Aber die herren wuerden sich nur umsonst freuen: denn eben diese gesaenge hatte er vom anfange her fuer Adelheit von Veltheim gefertigt! Umstande . . . machten es unwahrscheinlich, dass diese oper je zu stande kommen wuerde. Ich nahm daher einige gesaenge in eine fremde operette auf . . . Mein freund ging aufs neue an seine oper, und die ausgelehnten gesaenge wurden wieder eingeloest. Das Vos- sische lied: Bey meinern lieben topf voll Reiss u. s. w. gefiel meinem freunde Gross- mann so sehr und passte so gut fuer einen seiner sklaven, dass er es fast unveraendert beybehielt ..." First performed at Frankfurt a. M., Theater am Junghof, September 23, 1780. SCHATZ 7068 - Adelheit von Veltheim. In vier akten. Komponirt vom herrn hoforganist Neefe zu Bonn. n. i., n. d. 1 p. 1., 136 p. 17 cm . The author, Grossmann, is not mentioned. SCHATZ 11734 Adelia e Roberto. A. T. of La selvaggia. Adelina Senese o sia L'amore secreto. Dramma giocoso per musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro in S. Samuele per la prima opera d'au- tunno 1797. Venezia, Stamperia Valvasense, n. d. 71 p. 17 cm . Two acts. Author not mentioned and unknown to Schatz. Prefatory note, cast, and name ot Gaspare Spontini as composer. ("La musica del tutto nuova"). On p. [37J-44 argument, cast and description without name of the composer of the music of Antonio Berti's "Duglas ed Ernestina, ballo di mezzo carattere. SCHATZ 9991 Arien und gesaenge zum trauerspiel Adelstan und Roeschen von Schink. Die musik von herrn Hiller. n. i., n. d. [8] p. 16\ cm . Two acts. Composed by Friedrich Adam Hiller. First performed at Gustrow, Theater im Rathhause, September-6, 1792. SCHATZ 4714 72251 VOL 114 - 3 34 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Ademira. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel Real Teatro di S. Carlo nel di 30 di maggio 1789 festeggiandosi il glorioso nome di Ferdinando IV ... Napoli, Vinzenzo Flauto, 1789. 56 p. 15\ cm . Three acts. By Ferdinando Moretti who is not mentioned. Impresario's dedica- tion, dated Naples, May 30, 1789, argument, scenario and name of Pietro Guglielmi as the composer. A footnote states that for brevity's sake the "recita" in the third act would be omitted and its music transferred to I, 7. On p. 9-20 cast and descrip- tion of Sebastiano Gallet's "Amor pu6 tutto, oesia II trionfo del valore, ballo panto- mime in tre atti," music by "diversi autori." SCHATZ 4231 Ademira. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel nobilissimo Teatro di S. Benedetto per la fiera dell' Ascensione dell' anno 1784. Venezia, Modesto Fenzo, 1784. 56 P- 17 cm - Three acte. Author not mentioned and unknown to Schatz. Argument, cast, scenario and name of Andrea Luchesi, as composer. On p. 21-34 description, argu- ment, cast, but not name of the composer of the music of Paolino Franchi's "Hurtado e Miranda, ballo tragico-pantomimo. First performed May 2, 1784, as indicated. SCHATZ 5739 Ademira. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel nobilissimo Teatro Venier in San Benedetto 1'autunno dell' anno 1787. Venezia, Modesto Fenzo, 1787. 59 p. 17$ cm . Two acts. Author not mentioned and unknown to Schatz. Argument, cast, scenario and note "La musica e del Sig. Angelo Tarchi, e d'altri rinomati autori." On p. [471-59 prefatory note, argument, cast without name of the composer of the music and description of Domenico Ballon'e "La conquista del Peru ossia Amazili e Telesco, ballo eroico tragico tratto dalP Incas del Sig. Marmontel." His second ballet is called " La. vedova ingegnosa ossiano Le bizzarie del bel sesso." First performed at Milan, Teatro alia Scala, December 27, 1783. SCHATZ 10211 Admeto. Dramma per musica di Giuseppe Palomba. Da rappre- sentarsi nel Real Teatro del Fondo di Separazione per second opera di quest' anno 1794 . . . Napoli, Vincenzo Flauto, 1794. 43 p. 15 cm . Two acts. Impresario's dedication dated Naples, October 5, 1794, cast and name of Pietro Guglielmi as the composer. On p. 6-13 argument, cast and description of Giovanni Battista Giannini's, "La fata benefica, ballo pereiano favoloso," music by Giuseppe Ercolani. SCHATZ 4286 Admeto. Three act opera by Georg Friedrich Handel. Text an altered version of Aurelio Aureli's "L'Antigona delusa da Alceste." First performed at London, Haymarket, January 31, 1727. Not in L. of C. - Admetus, koenig in Thessalien. In einer opera auf dem Hamburgischen Schau-Platze vorgestellet. Im jahr 1730. [Hamburg], Gedruckt mit Stromerschen schriften, n. d. Unpaged. 18 cm . Three acts. Argument and scenario. Neither C. G. Wendt, the translator of "Admeto," nor Georg Friedrich Handel, the composer is mentioned. First performed at Hamburg, Theater beim Gansemarkt, January 23, 1730. SCHATZ 4470 - Admetus, koenig in Thessalien, in einer opera auf dem Ham- burgischen Schau-Platze vorgestellet. Im jahr 1731. Hamburg, mit Piscators schrifften, n. d. Unpaged. 18 cm . Three acts. Scenario and " Historischer bericht" (argument) with names of Wend as translator, and Georg Friedrich Handel as composer. The Italian text of the arias is added to the German. SCHATZ 11713 OPERA LIBRETTOS 35 Admeto ed Alceste. A. T. of the ballet La maggior impresa d'Ercole. Admeto ed Alceste, ballet. See Jommelli's L'Olimpiade. Admeto re di Tessaglia. Melodrama da recitarsi nel Regio Teatro di Milano . . . Milano, Marc 1 Antonio Pandolfo Malatesta, 1702. 67 p. 15 cm . Three acts. Dedication by the author Pietro d'Averara, argument, scenario, and notice to the reader with name of Paolo Magni as the composer, compliment to the impresarios Piantanida for their generosity in staging the opera and remark: Mi son ristretto ne' recitativi, e nelle agnizioni tediose, massime nel fine ... In somma ho cercato il tuo diletto, che e la regola principale della Drammatica, e 1'oggetto della mia attezione ..." SCHATZ 5839 Admetus, koenig in Thessalien. Tr. of Handel's Admeto. Adolphe et Clara, ou Les deux prisonniers, comedie en un acte et en prose, melee d'ariettes. Paroles de B. J. Marsollier. Musique du cito} T en d'Aleyrac. Represented, pour la premiere fois, a Paris, sur le Theatre de rOpera-comique-national, rue Favart, le 22 pluvidse, an 7 [February 10, 17991. Paris, Cailleau, An septieme [1799]. 46 p. 19% cm Cast. ML 50.2.A33D2 L'Adone, tragedia musicale del clarissimo Signer Paolo Vendra- mino. Rappresentata in Venezia 1' anno 1639. All' illustrissimo Sig. Antonio Grimani fu dell' illustrissimo Signer Vettor. Venetia, Sarzina, 1640. 71 p. 13% cm . Five acts with prologue. The dedication is signed by Francesco Manelli and dated Venice, December 21, 1639. It is followed by a "Lettera del Signer Ven- dramino al Manelli," dated Bologna, December 16, 1639, in which the author says: "Intendo, che V. S. vuol porre alle stampe 1'Adone. Me ne rincresce altretanto, quanto m'ha gia doluto la sua risoluzione di farlo recitare, non ostante la mia louta- nanza, ch' e a dire, senza i lumi piu necessarii dell' apparenze, co'quali doveva illus- trarsi 1'azione . . ." The letter is followed by the argument. Monteverdi, the composer, is not mentioned. SCHATZ 6594 Adone e Venese, ballet. See Pugnani's Demofoonte. i/ Adone in Cipro. Drama per musica da rappresentarsi nel famosis- simo Teatro Vendramino di S. Salvatore. L'anno MDCLXXVI. Inventato dal dottor Giannini . . . Venetia, Francesco Nicolini, 1676. 60 p. llf m . Three acts. Publisher's dedication, dated Venice, December 18, 1675, argument, and note that all the "versi appuntati sono dell' inventore di questo drama," which implies that the others were not. According to Schatz, Tebaldo Fattorino retouched Giannini's original text. The composer, Giovanni Legrenzi, is not mentioned. SCHATZ 5540 Adone re di Cipro. Drama per musica di Filippo Vanstryp rornano, da rappresentarsi nella sala degl' illustrissimi Signori Cap- ranica nel carnevale dell' anno 1731 . . . Roma, Rossi, n. d. 64 p. 16 cm . Three acts. Impresario's dedication, argument, scenario, cast, and name of the composer, Michele Caballone. SCHATZ 1446 36 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS The adopted child, a musical drama, in two acts. As it is per- formed at the Theatre Royal, Drury-Lane. By Samuel Birch. London, C. Ditty, 1795.* 2 p. I, 4! p. 20 cm . Cast and prefatory note. The composer, Thomas Attwood, is not mentioned. In Longman & Broderip's vocal score Woman is curious" is headed as "Selected by Mrs. Bland " and added in pencil is the name of the air "Boded no good." ' First performed May 1, 1795. LONGE 230 Adrast und Isidore, oder Die nachtmusik. Eine komische oper in zween aufzuegen. Nach Moliere. Aufgefuehrt im K. K. National- Theater. Wien, beym Logenmeister, 1780. 52 p. 15 cm . By Christoph Friedrich Bretzner. Neither he nor the composer, Franz Adam, ritter vonMitscha, is mentioned. First performed at Vienna, Nationaltheater n. d. Burg, April 26, 1781. SCHATZ 6535 Arien aus Adrast und Isidore. Eine komische oper, in zween akten. Nach Moliere. n. i., 1787. 16 p. 15% cm . Neither the author, Christoph Friedrich Bretzner, is mentioned, nor the composer, von Kospoth. First performed at Berlin, Dobbelinsches Theater, October 16, 1779; at Dresden, Hoftheater, February 22, 1779. SCHATZ 5217 Adrast und Isidore, oder Die serenate. Eine komische oper in zween akten. Nach Moliere. [silhouette] Componirt vom herrn Preu in Leipzig. [198] -254 p. (C. F. Bretzner, Operetten, Id. I, Leipzig, 1 779.) 16 cm . The silhouette is a portrait of M. Bauser. In the Vorbericht Bretzner says of this play: "Das dritte stueck ist posse, und als solche betrachtet, schluepft es vielleicht mit durch. In Wien erhielt es eine premie, und wird vermutlich von dort aus, unter dem titel: die Nachtmusik, gedruckt erscheinen. Ich habe seitdem vershiedne ver- aenderungen darinn gemacht, und haette gern in den liedern noch mehrere gemacht, wenn es nicht bereits componirt gewesen waere . . ." First.performed at Dresden, Hoftheater, February 22, 1779. SCHATZ 11680 Second copy. SCHATZ 8462 Adrasto re d'Egitto. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro alia Scala il carnevale dell' anno 1792 . . . Milano, Gio. Batista Bianchi, n. d. 96 p. 16 cm . Three acts. Impresario's dedication dated Milan, February 4, 1792, author's notice to the reader, argument, cast, scenario and names of Giovanni de Gamerra as author, of Angelo Tarchi as composer. SCHATZ 10233 Second copy. ML 50. A5 v. 8 Adrasto re degli Argivi. Dramma per musica da cantarsi nella Real villa di Queluz per celebrare il relicissimo giorno natalizio di S. M. . . . D. Pietro III ... li 5. luglio, 1784. [Lisboa], Netta stamperia reale, n. d. 30 p. 15 cm . One act. By Gaetano Martinelli. Argument, cast, and names of the composer, Joao de Sousa CarvaLho, and the author. SCHATZ 1670 Adrian in Syrien. Tr. of Bernasconi's Adriano in Siria. OPERA LIBRETTOS 37 L'Adriano. Dramma per music a da rappresentarsi nel Teatro Tron di S. Cassiano il carnovale dell' anno MDCCXLVIII. n. i. 66 p. 15 cm . Three acts. By Metastasio ("Adriano in Siria"). Argument, cast, scenario and name of the composer Vincenzo Legrenzio Ciampi. First performed at Venice as indicated. SCHATZ 1875 Adriano en Syria.. Tr. of Conforto's Adriano in Siria. L'Adriano in Siria. \75\-l 47 P- 19 cm . (Pietro Metastasio, Opere drammatiche, Venezia, Giuseppe Bettinelli, 1733-37, v. 1.) Three acts and Licenza. Argument. No composer is mentioned. This belongs to those texts which exist in different versions by Metastasio him- self. Some of the telling differences are as follows: The original version (as here represented) has in I, 8, the aria "E vero che op- presso." Its scene 1, 13,.begins "E nessunosadirmi," its scene 1, 14, begins "Misera, dove fuggo? " and has the aria "Se non ti moro allato." The later versions (as below 1755, t. I and 1780, t. I) do not have the aria in I, 8. Their I, 13, begins "Se quel folle si perde" and their I, 14, begins "Senti. Come mi lascia " and has no aria. ML 49.A2M4 - Adriano in Siria. Metastasio, Poesie, Parigi, vedova Quittau, 1755, t. I, [111] -204 P- 16 cm , Three acts and licenza. Argument. "Nella forma in cui sono stati ridotti dall' autore." (See note on p. 169 of v. vi.) - Same, t. VI, [171}-280 p. 16. "Come . . . nell' altre edizioni." ML 49.A2M42 Adriano in Siria. Rappresentato con musica del Caldara la prima volta in Vienna nell' interno gran Teatro della Corte Cesarea alia presenza degli augustissimi sovrani, il di 4 novembre 1731, per festeg- giare il nome dell' imperator Carlo VI ... p. 1., [113]-212 p. 26 cm . (Pietro Metastasio, Opere, Parigi, vedova Herissant, t. I, 1780. Three acts and licenza. Argument. ML 49.A2M44 - Adrien. Metastasio, Tragedies-opera, Vienne, 1751, t. ii, 123 p. 14 cm . Three acts. Richelet's translation of Adriano in Siria. ML49.A2M47 Adriano in Siria. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel nobilis- simo Teatro di S. Benedetto il carnovale dell' anno 1780. Venezia, Modesto Fenzo, 1780. 56 p. 16% cm . Three acts. By Pietro Metastasio. Argument, cast, scenario, and name of Felice Alessandri as composer. SCHATZ 153 Adriano in Siria, ballet. See Bertoni's Eumene. Adriano in Siria. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel Nuovo Teatro di corte . . . nel carnevale dell' anno 1755. La poesia e del Sig. abbate Pietro Metastasio ... La musica e del Sig. Andrea de Bernasconi . . . Monaco, Giov. Giac. Votter, n. d. 151 p. 19 cm . Three acts. Argument, cast and scenario. German title-page "Adrian in Syrien " and text face Italian. SCHATZ 854 355972 38 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Adriano in Siria, rappresentato e recitato nel nuovo Teatro Ducale in Stuggarda, 1737. n. i., n. d. 237 p., 1 I 16 cm . . Three acts. By Metastasio, followed by the licenza, p. 190-195 and the three act intermezzo "Pollastrella & Parpagnocco" (text by Panati), p. 196-237. Argument, cast and scenario. German title-page "Der in Syrien triumpnirende Kayser Hadri- anus" and text face Italian. Riccardo Broschi's name is not mentioned but, as he was then the first conductor at the Stuttgart court, it stands to reason that he com- posed this opera. SCHATZ 1338 Adriano in Siria. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel nuovo Teatro Grimani di S. Benedetto il carnovale dell' anno MDCCLVII. Venezia, Modesto Fenzo, 1757. 58 p. Three acts. By Metastasio. Argument, cast, and scenario but without name of the composer, Francesco Brusa. SCHATZ 1376 Adriano in Siria. Drama per musica da rappresentarsi nella Cesarea corte per il nome gloriosissimo della Sac. a Ces. a e Catt. Real Maesta di Carlo VI ... L'anno MDCCXXXII. La poesia & del Sig. abbate Pietro Metastasio ... La musica e del oig. Antonio Caldara . . . Vienna d 1 Austria, Gio. Pietro Van Ghelen, n. d. 4 P- ?-, 78 p. Three acts and licenza. Argument and scenario. The ballet music at the end of the acts was composed by Niccola Matteis. First performed as indicated, November 9, 1732. SCHATZ 1478 Adriano in Siria. Opera drammatica da rappresentarsi nel Regio Teatro del Buon-Ritiro. Festeggiandosi il gloriosissimo giorno natalizio di sua Maesta Cattolica il re nostro Signore D. Ferdinando VI ... anno MDCCLVII. (At end) Madrid, Michele Scrivano. n. d. 13 p. 1., 157 p. 20% cm . Three acts. By Metastasio and somewhat reduced by him as a note informs the reader. With dedication signed by Carlo Broschi Farinelli and dated "Madrid, 20. settembre 1757," argument, cast, scenario and name of the composer Niccolb Con- forto. Spanish title "Adriano en Syria" and text face the Italian. SCHATZ 2121 Adriano in Siria. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro Vendramin di S. Salvatore nella fiera dell' Ascensione dell' anno 1760. Venezia, Modesto Fenzo, 1760. 56 p. Three acts. By Metastasio who is not mentioned. Argument, cast, scenario and name of Baldassare Galuppi as composer. "La musica tutta nuova," consequently his second setting of the text. SCHATZ 3473 Adriano in Siria. Dramma per musica di Pietro Metastasio tra gli Arcadi Artino Corasio, da rappresentarsi nel famosissimo Teatro Gri- mani di S. Gio. Grisostomo. II carnovale dell' anno 1733 . . . Venezia, Carlo Buonarrigo, 1733. 72 p. 14% cm . Three acts. By Metastasio with alterations indicated in the libretto. Impresario's dedication, argument, cast, scenario and name of Geminiano Giacomelli as the com- poser. SCHATZ 3805 Adriano in Siria. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel famo- sissimo Teatro Grimani di S. Gio. Grisostomo il carnovale dell' anno 1740 . . . Venezia, Marino Rossetti, 1740. 60 p. 15 cm . Three acts. By Metastasio who is not mentioned. Impresario's dedication, argu- ment, cast, scenario and name of Giovanni Antonio Giai as the composer. SCHATZ 38 19 OPERA LIBRETTOS 39 Adriano in Siria. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro nobile di S. Benedetto il carnovale dell' anno MDCCLXVI. Venezia, Giorgio Fossati, n. d. 55 p. 17 cm . Three acts. By Metastasio who is not mentioned. Argument, cast, scenario and name of Pietro Guglielmi as the composer. The last page contains the additional aria for II, 6 "Alia tua bella face." First performed, as indicated, December 26, 1765. SCHATZ 4232 Adriano in Siria, dramma per musica, da rappresentarsi nel Teatro della Regia elettoral corte di Dresda, nel carnevale dell' anno MDCCLIL Dresda, la vedova Stb'ssel, n. d. 4 P- ^., 89 p. 19\ cm . Three acts. Argument, scenario, cast and names of Metastasio as author, of Johann Adolph Hasse as composer. First performed, as indicated, Jan. 17, 1752. SCHATZ 4503 - Adriano in Siria, dramma per musica, da rappresentarsi nel Teatro della Regia elettoral corte di Dresda, nel carnovale dell' anno MDCCLII Dresda, la vedova Stb'ssel, n. d. 7 p. 1., 89, 89 p. 19 cm . Three acts. The same as Schatz 4503, except that German title "Adrianus in Syrien" and text face Italian. SCHATZ 4504 Adriano in Siria. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi alia corte elettorale palatina in occasione delle felicissime nozze di Sua Altezza- Serenissima Federigo Augusto elettore di Sassonia etc. etc. e di Sua Altezza Serenissima Amalia Augusta contessa palatina de' Due Ponti 1'anno MDCCLXIX. Mannheim, Stamperia elettorale, n. d. 100, [7] p. 15\ cm . Three acts. Argument, cast, scenario, and names of Metastasio as author, of Ignaz Holzbauer as the composer. The 7 additional pages contain Mattia Verazi's Licenza. Performed, as indicated, at Mannheim, Hoftheater, January 1769; first performed there November 4, 1768. SCHATZ 4778 - Hadrian in Syrien. Ein musicalisches trauerspiel, welches an dem hoechsten namensfeste Ihro Churfuerstlichen Durchlaucht zu Pfalz . . . bey Hof aufgefuehret worden. Mannheim, mit Academischen schriften, 1768. 1 p. 1., Ill, 20 p. 18 cm . German translation for the above performance. Argument, cast, scenario, and names of Metastasio and Holzbauer. The 20 additional pages contain casts and descriptions of Bouqueton's ballets "Cephal und Procris" and "Reinald und Armide," music by "Cannabich und Toeschi." SCHATZ 4779 Adriano in Siria. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro Grimani di S. Samuel nella fiera dell' Ascensione dell' anno 1760. Venezia, Modesto Fenzo, 1760. 56 p. U& cm . Three acts. By Metastasio, who is not mentioned. Argument, cast, scenario, and name of the composer Antonio Maria Mazzoni (" La musica sara nuova.") First performed May 14, 1760. SCHATZ 6225 Adriano in Siria. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel Nuovo Teatro in proprieta de' quattro cavalieri patrizi della Regio-inclita citta di Pa via nella primavera dell' anno 1777 . . . Pavia, Porro e Bianchi, n. d. 52 p. 14 m - Three acts. By Metastasio, who is not mentioned. Argument, cast, scenario, and name of Joseph Misliweczek as the composer. SCHATZ 6533 40 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS L 'Adriano in Siria. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel Ducal Teatro di corte il carnovale dell' anno 1775 . . . Modena, gli eredi di Bartolomeo Soliani, n. d. 48 p. 18 cm . Three acts. By Metastasio, who is not mentioned. Argument, scenario, cast, and name of Gaetano Monti as the composer. On p. 48 the reader is informed that after publication of the libretto scenes 8 and 10, act II were cancelled, Sabina's aria "Non ha ragione ingrato" transferred from II, 8, to I, 111, etc. First performed, as indicated, January 31, 1775. SCHATZ 6605 Adriano in Siria. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro alia Scala il carnevale 1790 . . . Milano, Gio. Batista Bianchi, n. d. 58, [10] p. 16% cm . Three acts. By Metastasio, who is not mentioned. Impressario's dedication, dated Milan, December 26, 1789, argument, cast, scenario, and name of Sebastiano Nasolini, maestro della Capella, e della Direzione Teatrale di Trieste, as the com- poser. With the opera were performed Francesco Clerico's ballets "La morte d'Ercole" and "La superba innamorata a suo dispetto" (argument on the 10 unnumbered p.). The composer of the music is not mentioned. SCHATZ 6998 Second copy. ML 48.A5 v. 9 Adriano in Siria. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel nobil Teatro di Torre Argentina il carnovale dell' anno 1758. Roma, Fausto Amidei, n. d. 72 p. Three acts. By Metastasio, who is not mentioned. Argument, cast, scenario, and name of Rinaldo di Capua as composer. First performed at Rome, Teatro Argentina, January 2, 1758. ML 50.2.A36R4 Adriano in Siria. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel Regio Teatro di Torino nel carnovale del 1782 . . . Torino, Onorato Derossi, n. d. viii, 64 p. 15\ cm . Three acts. By Metastasio, who is not mentioned. Argument, cast, scenario, and name of Giacomo Rust as the composer. With the opera were performed, music by Vittorio Amedeo Canavasso, Sebastiano Gallet's ballets "Lauso e Lidia," "II manes- calco," and "Popoli della Siria." First performed December 26, 1781. SCHATZ 9166 Adriano in Siria. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel nobilissimo Teatro di San Benedetto la fiera dell' Ascensione dell' anno 1771. Venezia, Modesto Fenio, 1771. 61 p. 17+ Three acts. By Metastasio, who is not mentioned. Argument, cast, scenario, and name of Antonio Sacchini as the composer SCHATZ 9204 Adriano in Siria. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel nobil Teatro a Torre Argentina nel carnevale dell' anno 1779 . . . Roma, LuigiBendio, 1779. 48 p. 16 cm . Three acts. By Metastasio, to whom this typical note refers: "Tuttocib, chi si e tolto, aggiunto, o sconnesso nel presente dramma, si e fatto per adattarsi alle circostanze del moderno teatro, e non mai per correggere il celeber- rimo Poeta Cesareo, alle opere di cui si protesta tutta la stima e la venerazione." Argument, cast, scenario, and name of Giuseppe Sarti as the composer. On p. 7 argument without name of the composer of the music of Paolino Franchi's ballet "Gustavo Vaza." Second ballet called "La cappricciosa." First performed, as indicated, December 28, 1778. SCHATZ 9470 L'Adriano in Siria. Drama per musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro Tron di S. Cassiano nel carnovale dell' anno MDCCLII. [Venezia], n. pull. 1 p. 1., 60 p. 15\ cm . Three acts. By Metastasio (not mentioned), with acknowledged alterations "per comodo del teatro, e per le convenienze degl' attori." Argument, cast, scenario, and name of Giuseppe Scarlatti as the composer. SCHATZ 9540 OPERA LIBRETTOS 41 Adriano in Siria. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro di S. Samuelle il carnevale dell' anno MDCCLIV. Venezia, Angiolo Geremia, n. d, 58, [1] p. 16 cm . Three acts. By Metastasio, who is not mentioned. Argument, cast, scenario, and name of Giuseppe Scolari as the composer. SCHATZ 9802 Adrianus in Syrian. Tr. of Basse's Adriano in Siria. Adrien. Tr. oOletastasio's text Adriano in Siria. Adrien, opera en trois actes, represent e pour la premiere fois, sur le Theatre de la Republique et des Arts, le 16 Prairial, an VIT. Paris, Bollard, An vii de la Republique, [1799]. 1 p. 1., 79 p. 26 cm . "Paroles du citoyen Hoffmann. Musique du citoyen Mehul." Cast. First performed June 4, 1799. SCHATZ 6276 An adventure at Margate. A. T. of Arnold's Summer amusement. Adventures of twelve hours. A. T. of Love in the East. Aeneas in Latium. Tr. of Righini's Enea nel Lazio. Der aepfeldieb. A. T. of Gaertner's Ich heisse Theiss. Der aepfeldieb. Ein originalsingspiel in einem aufzuge. Vom herrn Bretzner. Aufgefuehrt auf dem k. k. Hof-Nationaltheater von der in der schauspielkunst sich uebenden jugend. Die musik dazu ist neu, vom herrn Jast. Wien, beym logenmeister, 1781. J^5 p. 16 cm . At end imprint of Joseph, edler von Kurzbeck. Composer F. Jast, also known as Jost. SCHATZ 4979 Der aepfeldieb, oder Der schatzgraeber. Eine operette in einem akte. [silhouette] Componirt vom herrn Kaffka, Schaiispieler beym Churfuerstl. Saechs. Theater. 16 cm . [255}-298 p. (C. F. Bretzner, per etten, Id. I, Leipzig, 1779.} The silhouette is that of the composer, J. C. Kaffka. Of this piece Bretzner says, in his Vorbericht: "Der aepfeldieb war als lustspiel bereits in meinen ersten Beytraegen ['Neue theatralische beytraege,' 1771] gedruckt; hier habe ich nichts davon als den plan beybehalten; den dialog aber gaenzlich umgearbeitet." First performed at Berlin, Dobbelin'sches Theater, June 26, 1780. SCHATZ 11680 Second copy, detached. SCHATZ 4982 Der aerndtekranz. Eine komische oper, in drey aufzuegen. Leipzig, in der DycTdschen buchhandlung, 1771. 214 P- 15 cm . Neither the author, Christian Felix Weisse, nor the composer, Johann Adam Hiller, is mentioned. First performed at Leipzig, Theater am Rannstaedter Thore, 1771. SCHATZ 4718 - Der aerntekranz. Eine komische oper in drey aufzuegen. C. F. Weisse, Komische opern, Carlsruhe, 1778, th. Hi, p. [135]-264 p. 18$ cm . The composer, Johann Adam Hiller, is not mentioned. ML 49.A2W2 42 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Aesopus bey hofe, in einem singspiele auf dem Hamburgischen Schau-platze vorgestellet im jahr 1729. [Hamburg], Gedruckt Stromerischen schrifften, n. d. Unpaged. Five acts. Argument and scenario. Neither Johann Mattheson, the author, (reap, translator), nor Georg Philipp Telemann, the composer, is mentioned. First performed, as indicated, February 28, 1729. . SCHATZ 10255 Aetius. Tr. of Metastasio's text Ezio. Aetius. Tr. of Graun's Ezio. Aetius. Tr. of Jommelli's Ezio. Gli aflfetti generosi. A. T. of Metastasio's text L'Atenaide. Gli affetti piu grandi, vinti dal piu giusto. Drama per musica nel felicissimo giorno natalizio della S. R. M tt di Giuseppe I. r& de' Romani . . . 1 anno MDCCI. Posto in musica dal Sig r Giovanni Bononcini . . . con Parie per li balletti del Sig r Gio. Gioseffo Hoffer Vienna d 1 Austria, Susanna Cristina, vedova di Matteo Cosmerovio, n. d. 77 p. 14$ cm - Three acts and lictnza. Dedication, signed and dated by the author, Donato Cupeda, Vienna, July 26, 1701, argument, and scenario. SCHATZ 1 199 Aftenen. Et syngespil i een akt. Ved Frederik H0egh Guldberg. Sat i musik af hr. koncertmester Schall. Kj0benhavn, Niels CTiristensen, 1795. 78 p. 16 cm . Dedicatory poem and preface. First performed at Copenhagen, Royal Theatre, April 23, 1795. SCHATZ 9581 Agamemnon venge. Ballet tragique en cinq actes par M. Noverre. Execute" sur les theatres ae Vienne 1771. [Vienne], de Ghelen, n. d. 42 p. 17 cm . Scene by scene description preceded by Noverre's highly interesting "Reflexions justificatives, sur le choix et rordonnance du sujet" on p. 3-13, in which Noverre outlines his entire bold system of ballet of which the leading thought is: "Un balet n'est pas un drame . . . une production de ce genre ne peut se sub- ordonner aux regies etroites d'Aristote . . . c'est toujours en grand que la pantomime doit peindre ..." No composer mentioned. ML 52.2.A2 Agamemnon revenged. A tragic ballet in five acts. Noverre, Jean George, Works. Tr. from the French, London, 1783, v.S,p.[183}-262. 211. "Remarks in justification of the author's choice and management of the subject" and detailed scene by scene description. GV 1787. N8 Agaton und Psiche, ein drama mit gesang, vor. Friedrich Christian Schlenkert. Leipzig, Paul Gotthelf Kummer, 1780. 86 p. 15 cm . No composer or performance recorded by Schatz. SCHATZ 11598 L'age viril ou L'amour coquet. Entree in Campra's Les ages, ballet. OPERA LIBRETTOS 43 Les ages, ballet, represente par 1'Academie royale de musique, Tan 1718. Paroles de M. Fusilier. Musique de M. Campra. XCV. opera. n. i., n. d, pi., 317-376 p. 14 cm - (Recueil general des opera. Paris,' 1734, t. xii, no. 6.) Detached copy. Prologue and three entrees called "La jeunesse ou L'amour ingenu," "L'age viril ou L'amour coquet," "La vieillesse ou L'amour enjoueV' In his Avertissement the author says: "Je n'ai pretendu donner qu'un tissu de maximes enjouees, liees par une intrigue legere, qui put occasionner des airs gracieux & des danses variees. C'est ce me semble, ce qui doit constituer le fonds d'un ballet." First performed, as indicated, October 9, 1718. SCHATZ 1540 Second copy. ML 48. R4 Agesilao. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi Del nobilissimo Teatro Venier in San Benedetto il carnovale dell' anno 1788. Venezia, Modesto Fenzo, 1787. 64 p. 17 cm . Three acts. Cast, argument, scenario, and name of Gaetano Andreozzi as com- poser but not of librettist, who is unknown to Schatz. On p. 47-64 the argomento and detailed description of " Sardanopalo, re degli Assirj ballo eroico tragico, tratto dall' Istoria del regno assiro, d'invenzione, e composizione di Monsieur Domenico Ballon." The composer of the music is not mentioned. SCHATZ 221 - L'Agesilao. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel magni- fico Teatro dell' Accademia Filarmonica di Verona il carnevale dell' anno 1792. Verona, Dionigi Ramanzini, n. d. 37 p. 17% cm . Two acts. Author not mentioned and unknown to Schatz. Impresario's dedica- tion, argument, cast, scenario and name of Andreozzi as composer. ML 50.2.A38A5 Agesilao. O. T. of Francesco Ballani's text Lisandro. Agide re di Sparta. Dramma per musica di Luisa Bergalli da rap- presentarsi nel Teatro Giustiniano di San Moise 1'anno MDCCXXv Venezia, Marino Rossetti, n. d. front., 57 p. 15 cm . Three acts. Argument, cast, scenario, name of Giovanni Porta as the composer, and author's dedication, in which she calls this "mio debole primo componimento." SCHATZ 8387 Aglae eller St0tten. Comedie i een act af hr. de Sivry . . . oversat af det franske og for0get med arier hvortil musiquen er sat af hr. Sarti. n. i., n. d. 50 p. By Claus Fasting and A. G. Caretens, who are not mentioned. First performed at Copenhagen, Hoftheater, February 16, 1774. SCHATZ 9423 Songs, chorusses, etc., in the new musical farce called the Agreeable surprise, as it is performed at the Theatre Royal in the Hay- Market. London, T. Cadell, 1781. 24 p. 20. Two acts. By John O'Keefe, who is not mentioned. The overture and all the airs in the libretto are indicated as by Samuel Arnold, except airs IV, VI, XI, XII, XIII, for which popular tunes (mostly Irish) were used. According to Biog. Dr. the opera was originally produced at Dublin as "The secret enlarged, in 1776, but Law- rence found no trace of this." First performed at London, Haymarket, September 3, 1781. ML 50.2. A4A7 44 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Agreeable surprise Continued. - Songs, chorusses etc. in the new musical farce called the Agree- able surprise. As it is performed at the Theatre Royal in the Hay-Market. Fourth edition. London, T. Cadett, 1782. 24 p. 21 cm . Two acts. Cast. The author, John O'Keefe, is not mentioned. The overture and most of the songs are headed as composed by Arnold. LONGE 91 - The agreeable surprise. A comic opera, in two acts. By Mr. O'Keefe. The music composed by Dr. Arnold. Dublin, W. Wilson, 1786. 48 p. 17$ cm . Cast. LONGE 149 The agreeable surprise. A comic opera. [1 1 7]-l 48 p. 16 cm . (A volume of plays Dublin, Printed for the booksellers, 1791.) Without name of author or composer. PR 1269. V6 Agrippina. Drama per musica. Da rappresentarsi nel famosissimo Teatro Grimani di S. Gio. Grisostomo 1'anno MDCCIX. Venezia, Marino Rossetti, 1709. Three acts. Argument, cast, scenario. Neither the author, Vincenzo Grimani, nor Georg Friedrich Handel, the composer, is mentioned. First performed, as indicated, December 26, 1709. SCHATZ 4471 Agrippina. Drama per musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro d'Hamburgo 1'anno 1718. Agrippina in einer opera vorgestellet . . . Hamburg, Caspar Jdkhel, n. d. Unpaged. 18\ cm . Three acts. German text faces Italian. Neither Grimani nor Handel is men- tioned. The Italian text follows the original closely, though with some differences. For instance, I, 3 "A cenni tuoi sovrani" has become "Ah Pallante, Pallante," and I, 4 "Or che Pallante 6 vinto" has become "Di occulto arcano." SCHATZ 4472 L' Agrippina, moglie di Tiberio. Dramma per musica di Guido Riviera Piacentino da rappresentarsi nel Regio-Ducal Teatro di Milano nel carnovale dell' anno 1743 . Milano, Giuseppe Richino Malatesta, 1743. 6 p. 1., 70 p. 15 cm . Three acts. Dedication, argument, scenario, cast, and name of Giovanni Battista San Martino (Sammartini) as composer. It is said on 5th p. 1. that the character of Emilio was added for these performances. First performed in January, 1743, as indicated. ML 48. A5 v.18 Ahtor ed Erma, ballet. See G. Nicolini's Artaserse. Ahtor ed Erma, ballet. See Prota's I studenti. Aigle. See Lagarde's Egle. L'Ajace. Dramma per musica del Signer A. D. Averara [!]. Napoli, Dom. Ant. Parrino e Michele Luigi Mutio, 1697. 76 p. Three acts. Dedication by Nicola Serino as impresario, argument, cast, scenario, and notice to the reader: "Eccoti un drama, ch' havendo alcuni anni sono riportato nel Teatro di Milano un sommo applauso, & in quello delli Signori Capranica in Roma [1697] estremo gradi- mento, uscendo per la terza volta alia luce in questa fedelissima citta di Napoli aspira al tuo gradimento . . . Hora ti si aggiunge, che secondo la prima impressione, il OPERA LIBRETTOS 45 L' Ajace Continued. riconoscimento, che Idraspe sia figlio del re, e fratello di Ajace si faceva per mezzo di Zelta vecchia nutrice di corte, ed essendosi dovuta sostituire una damigella gioyanetta e convenuto per salvar parte dell' improprieta supporre, che questa Bia figlia della medesima nutrice informata di tutto. L'opera troverai mutata quasi in tutte 1'ariette con 1'aggiunta di alcune scene ridicole, e ci6 si e fatto per piii compiacerti ..." Schatz records as composers Carlo Ambrogio Lonati and Paolo Magni. He also records, in accordance with the title page, A. D. Averara as author, but the title page of the Rome, 1697 ed. (Brussels Conservatory) has "signer A. d'Averara," which Wotquenne reads to mean "1'abbe Pietro d'Averara," who is of some note as librettist, whereas an A. D. Averara has not otherwise come to my notice. Probably Wot- quenne's conjecture is correct. First performed at Milan, Teatro al Ducale Palazzo, 1694. SCHATZ 5682 Ajace e Cassandra, ballet. See Borghi's Ricimero. Ajax, tragedie, represented pour la premiere fois par PAcademie royale de musique, le lundi 20. avril 1716. Les paroles de M. Men- nesson & la musique de M. Bertin. LXXXIX opera. n.i.,n.d. pl.,[419]-472,[4\p. 14 cm - (Recueil general des opera, t. xi, Paris, 1720.} Detached copy. Prologue and five acts. SCHATZ 878 Second copy. ML 48.R4 Ajax, tragedie represent ee pour la premiere fois, par L' Academic royale de musique, de Lyon en 1'annee 1742. Lyon, Aime Delaroche, 1742. 67 p. 23 cm . Five acts. Cast. Neither the author, Mennesson, is mentioned, nor the com- poser, T. Bertin de la Dou6. SCHATZ 11668 Al fatto ci vuol pazienza. Intermezzi per musica a quattro voci da rappresentarsi nell' antico Teatro di Tordinona, nel carnevale dell' anno 1753 . . . Roma, Giuseppe Agazzi, 1753. 22 p. 15. Two parts. Publisher's dedication and cast. The characters are Polimante, Dorilla, Fumantino, and Scrulletta. Neither author nor composer mentioned and both unknown to me. ML 50.2.A42 Alarbas. A dramatick opera. Written by a gentleman of qual- ity . . . London, Printed by M. J.for J. MorpTiew, 1709. 3 p. 1., 51, [1] p. 21 Y m - Three acts with prologue and epilogue. In his preface the unknown author says: "... The poem being some time since drawn according to the model of our English dramatick opera's, any person that is the least acquainted with the late performances, will easily account for its appearing in this manner before it had pass'd the stage, if they will be pleas'd to observe, that the nature of the play will not admit of its representation in either house. The opera-theatre being wholly taken up with Italian airs, and the other totally excluding the musical part." LONGE 132 L'Alaiico. Drama per musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro For- magliari Testate dell' anno 1716 . . . Bologna, Giampietro Barbiroli, n. d. 59 p. 13 cm . Three acts. Dedication signed by Francesco Antonio Novi and dated Bologna, June 5, 1716, argument, scenario, cast, and notice to the reader. Neither the author, Borso Buonacossa, is mentioned, nor the composer, Giov. Battista Bassani. First performed, as indicated, June 7, 1716; at Ferrara, Teatro del conte Pinamonte Buonacossi in 1685. SCHATZ 633 46 LIBBARY OF CONGRESS Alarico il Baltha, cioe 1'Audace, re de Gothi. Drama per musica comandato dall' Altezza Serenissima di Massimiliano Emanuele duca dell' una e 1'altra Baviera . . . per celebrare il dl natal zio dell' Augustissima consorte . . . Maria Antonia . . . 1'anno 1687. Com- posto da Luigi Orlandi . . . e posto in musica dal S. Agostino Steffani . . . con 1'arie per i balletti del S. Melchior d'Ardespin maestro di concerti e ajutante di camera di S. A. E. Monaco, Giovanni Jecklino, n. d. 4 P- ^> ?4 P- 19% cm - Three acts. Author's dedication dated Munich, January 14, 1687, argument, scenario, and names of the "cavalieri " who danced Francisco Rodier's three incidental ballets on this occasion, January 18, 1687, at the Hoftheater. SCHATZ 10036 Alba Cornelia, musicalische opera, welche auf dem Teatro zu Bresslau anno 1726 in der fastnacht vorgestellet . . . wie auch . . . zu den heurigen fuersten-tag dediciret wird . . . n. i., n. d. Unpaged. 18 cm . Three acts. By Pietro Pariati. Impresario's dedication, argument, scenario, and names of the author and the composer, Francesco Bartolomeo Conti. German text faces Italian, which Schatz attributes to Silvio Stampiglia! According to Schatz the opera was first performed at Milan, Regio Ducal Teatro, carnival 1704 and at Vienna, February, 1714. SCHATZ 2203 L'Albagia in fumo, ballet. See Tarchi's La congiura Pisoniana. L'albergatrice vivace. Dramma giocoso per musica da rappre- sentarsi in Parma nel R. D. Teatro di Corte il carnevale dell' anno MDCCLXXXI . . . Parma, Filippo Carmignani, n. d. 3 p. 1., 62 p. 17% cm . Two acts. Author unknown to Schatz. Impresario's dedication, cast, and name of the composer, Luigi Caruso. First performed at Venice, Teatro di S. Samuele, carnival 1780. SCHATZ 1655 L'Albergia smascherata o sia II cittadino rinnobilito. Dramma giocoso per musica da rappresentarsi ne' Teatri privilegiati di Vienna nel carnovale dell' anno 1767. Vienna, Ghelen, n. d. 95 p. 17 cm . Three acts. Author not mentioned and unknown to Schatz. Prefatory poem by the publisher, cast, and name of Giuseppe Pasqua (Pasque) as the composer. First performed, as indicated, February 23, 1767. SCHATZ 7782 Albert der Dritte von Bayern. Im originale. Ein singspiel in fuenf aufzuegen. Mit musik von Georg Vogler . . . n. i., 1781. 88 p. 16 cm . " Vorerinnerung " signed "Th. T***r." (Karl Theodor von Traiteur). First performed at Stuttgart, National schaubuhne im kleinem theater, Decem- ber, 1781. SCHATZ 10791 Albion and Albanius : an opera. Perform'd at the Queens theatre, in Dorset Garden. Written by Mr. Dryden . . . London, J. Tonson, 1685. 6 p. 1., 30 p. 28 cm . Three acts. Prologue, Epilogue, description of "the frontispiece," and Dryden's extraordinary, esthetical, historical, polemical preface, with postscript. The opera was first performed at the Theatre Royal, in Dorset Garden, June 6, 1685 (Grove). As specimens of Dryden's opinions, may be quoted from the preface: "... An opera is a poetical tate, or fiction, represented by vocal and instrumental mus'ick, adorn d with scenes, machines, and dancing. The suppos'd persons of this musical drama, are generally supernatural, as Gods and Goddesses, and Heroes, which at least are descended from them, and are in due time, to be adopted into their number. OPEEA LIBRETTOS 47 Albion and Albanius Continued. The subject therefore being extended beyond the limits of humane nature, admits of that sort of marvellous and surprizing conduct, which is rejected in other plays. Humane impossibilities are to be receiv'd, as they are in Faith; because where Gods are introduc'd, a Supreme Power is to be understood, and second Causes are out of doors: Yet propriety is to be observ'd even here . . . "The recitative part of the Opera requires a more masculine beauty of expression and sound : the other, which (for want of a proper English word) I must call the Songish Part, must abound in the softness and variety of numbers; its principal intention, being to please the hearing, rather than to gratifie the understanding ... I have probable reasons, which induce me to believe, that some Italians having curiously observ'd the gallantries of the Spanish Moors at the Zambra's, or royal feasts, where musick, songs and dancing were in perfection; together with their machines . . . may possibly have refin'd upon those Moresque divertisements, and produc'd this delightful entertainment, by leaving out the warlike part of the carousels, and forming a poetical design for the use of the machines, the songs, and dances . . . "... The Italian . . . seems indeed to have been invented for the sake of poetry and musick . . . their very speaking has more of musick in it than Dutch poetry and song . . . the French, who now cast a longing eye to their country, are not less ambi- tious to possess their elegance in poetry and musick; in both of which they labour at impossibilities . . . The English has yet more natural disadvantages than the French; our original Teutonick consisting most in monosyllables, and those incumbred with consonants, cannot possibly be freed from those inconveniences. The rest of our words, which are deriv'd from the Latin chiefly, and the French, with some small sprinklings of Greek, Italian and Spanish, are some relief in poetry and help us to soften our uncouth numbers ;which together with our English genius, incomparably beyond the trifling of the French, in all the nobler parts of verse, will justly give us the preheminence. But, on the other hand, the effeminacy of our pronunciation, (a defect common to us, and to the Danes,) and our scarcity of female rhimes, have left the advantage of musical composition for songs, though not for recitative, to our neighbours. "Through, these difficulties, I have made a shift to struggle, in my part of the per- formance of this opera; which, as mean as it is, deserves ai least a pardon, because it has attempted a discovery beyond any former undertaker of our nation . . . Yet I have no great reason to despair; for I may with out vanity, own some advantages, which are not common to every writer; such as are the knowledge of the Italian and French language, and the being conversant with some of their best performances in this kind; which have furnish'd me with such variety of measures, as have given the composer Monsieur [Louis] Grabut what occasions he cou'd wish, to shew his extraor- dinary talent . . . And let me have the liberty to add one thing; that he has so exactly express'd my sense, in all places, where I intended to move the passions, that he seems to have enter'd into my thoughts, and to have been the poet as well as the composer. This I say, not to flatter him, but to do him right; because amongst some English musicians and their scholars, (who are sure to judge after them) the imputa- tion of being a Frenchman, is enough to make a party, .who maliciously endeavour to decry him. But the knowledge of Latin and Italian poets, both which he possesses, besides his skill in musick, and his being acquainted with all the performances of the French opera's, adding to these the good sense to which he is born, having rais'd him to a degree above any man, who shall pretend to be his rival on our stage. When any of our Country-men excell him, I shall be glad, for the sake of old England, to be shewn my errour; in the mean time, let vertue be commended, though in the person of a stranger . . . "The same reasons which depress thought in an opera, have a stronger effect upon the words; especially in our language: for there is no maintaining the purity of English in short measures, where the rnirne returns so quick, and is so often female, or double rhime, which is not natural to our tongue, because it consists too much of monosyllables, and those too, most commonly clogg'd with consonants; for which reason I am often forc'd to coin new words, revive some that are antiquated, and botch others; as if I had not serv'd out my time in poetry, but was bound 'prentice to some doggrel rhimer, who makes songs to tunes, and sings them for a livelihood. 'Tis true, I have not been often put to this drudgery; but where I have, the words will sufficiently shew, that I was then a slave to the composition, which I will never be again: 'Tis my part to invent, and the musician's to humour that invention. I may be counsell'd, and will always follow my friend's advice, where I find it reasonable; but will never part with the power of the militia . . . "It [this opera] was originally intended only for a prologue to a play, of the nature of the Tempest; which is a tragedy mix'd with opera; or a drama written in blank 48 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Albion and Albanius Continued. verse adorn'd with scenes, machines, songs and dances: so that the fable of it is all spoken and acted by the best of the comedians; the other part of the entertainment to be penorm'd by the same singers and dancers who are introduc'd in this present opera . . . But some intervening accidents having hitherto deferr'd the performance or the main design, I propos'd to the actors, to turn the intended prologue into an entertainment by itself, as you now see it, by adding two acts more to what I had already written. The subject of it is wholly allegorical . . . The descriptions of the scenes and other decorations of the stage, I had from Mr. Betterton, who has spar'd neither for industry, nor cost, to make this entertainment perfect, nor for invention of the ornaments to beautifie it . . ." In the "Post-Script" Dryden says that though the whole preface was written before the death of Charles II., he found himself so satisfied with it even after the King's death, that he saw no reason for alterations except "for the addition of twenty or thirty lines in the Apotheosis of Albion" to "save" the piece "from a botch'd ending. He also says that by the late King's command the opera, especially the first and third acte of it, had been "practis'd before him" to his entire satisfaction with opera. He died just before the first performance. ML 50.2.A43 Albion and Albanius : an opera. Perform'd at the Queens Theatre in Dorset-Garden. Written by Mr. Dryden . . . London, Jacob Tonson, 1691. .7 p. I, 84 p. 21 c Three acts. Merely a later version of "L'Alciade overo La violenza d'amore." The dialogue not so different in the two versions as the arias. For instance, the opening aria of third act "Sento che a poco a poco" has been dropped, "Qui la vipera sog- giorna" (III, 5) has become "Sul mio crin di sdegno armato," "Come sento in un momento" (III, 7) has become "T' intendo si mio cor," etc. Neither author nor the composers are mentioned. Dedication, notice to the reader, and scenario. SCHATZ 3598 L'Alciade. Drama decimo quarto di Giovanni Faustini. Da rap- presentarsi in musica nel famoso Theatre Grimano di SS. Gio. e Paolo 1'anno MDCLXVII . . . Venetia, Francesco Nicolini e Steffano Curti, 1667. 83 p. 15 cm . Prologue and three acts. Nicolini's dedication, argument, scenario, and this notice to the reader: "II Signer Giouanni Faustini nelF eta sua piu giouenile per diletto proprio applied 1'ingegno alle compositioni Dramatiche Musical!, nelle quali riuscl ammirabile nell' invetione in particolare; Onde nel corso di soli anni nove (essendo state troppo pre- maturemente rapito dalla morte 1'anno 1651., nel trigesimo secondo dell' eta sua) si viddero rappresentare nei Theatri di questa Citta con gli applausi maggiori la Virtu de Strali d'Amore, L'Egisto, L'Ormindo, il Titone, La Doriclea, L'Ersilda, L'Euripo, L'Oristeo, La Rosinda, La Calisto, L'Eritrea, & doppo la di lui morte ancora 1'Eupa- tra, poi L Elena rapita da Teseo, vestita col man to di Poesia da sublime virtuoso, tutte poste in Musica, 6 dalla virtu singolare del Signer Francesco Cavalli dignissimo Organista della Serenisslma Republica, 6 dal Signer Don Pietro Andrea Zianni hora Maestro di Capella della Maesta dell' Imperatrice, incontrarono non solo nel genio, & nella sodisfattione di questa Citta tanto delicata nell' vdire simili rappresentationi, ma di molte altre principal! dell' Italia, nelle quali, piu, e piu volte sono state rap- preeentate con ogni pienezza d'applauso; anzi che con PInuentioni multiplici, & 52 LIBRARY OF CONQRESS L'Alciade Continued. varie d' ease quasi come di cose obliate si sono addobbate, & arrichite altre com- position!. Restano ancora tre fatiche di questo virtuoso: La Medea placata, L'Al- ciade, & il Meraspe, overo il Tiranno humiliato d'Amore: L'anno presente com- parianno nel Nobilissimo Theatro Grimano prima 1'Alciade, & poi il Meraspe, pro- messi dall' Auttore nolle sue stampe 1'anno 1651., che passb ad altra vita; L'inyen- tioni saranno nuove, curiose, & dilettevoli, havendo procurato d'allontanarsi da introdurvi in esse femine in habito virile datesi & credere per huomeni, & altre cose ancora, piu, & piu volte vedute, rappresentate; Onde si puo credere, che anco queste eiano per incontrare nella sodisfattione della Citta. Nell' Alciade si sono aggionte alcune cose, composte da virtuoso soggetto per favorire, & a richiesta di chi fa rap- eresentare il DRAMA. La compositione della Musica d'Esso 6 del Signer Zianni Pietro Andrea Ziani], che conforme al suo solito ha fatto cose mirabi'li; Viui in tantolieto, & tatendi alia fa vela." SCHATZ 11211 Alcibiade. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro Tron di S. Cassano 1'autunuo dell' anno MDCCXLVI. < in n. i., n. d, 72 p. 15 Three acts. By Gaetano Roccaforte. With argument, cast, scenario, and name of the composer, Giuseppe Carcano, but not of librettist. First performed at Venice, as indicated. SCHATZ 1621 ,' L'Alcibiade. Drama per musica nel famosissimo Teatro Grimano a SS. Gio. e Paolo. Di Aurelio Aurelii. Opera XX. . . . Venetia, Francesco Nicolini, 1680. 72 p. (incl. front.) 14 cm - Three acts. Author's dedication, argument, scenario, and notice to the reader, with name of Marc' Antonio Ziani as the composer. First performed, as indicated, carnival 1680. SCHATZ 11177 Second copy. ML 48. M2 Alcide, tragedie represented par 1'Academie royale de musique Fan 1693. Les paroles de M. Capistron, & la musique de M r Louis de Lully, & de M r Marais. XXIX. opera. n. i., n. d. 14 cm - front., 229-280 p. (Recueil general des opera, t. iv, Paris, 1703.} Detached copy. Five acts and prologue. First performed, as indicated, February 3, 1693. SCHATZ 5785 Second copy. ML 48. R4 La mort d'Hercule, tragedie, represented pour la premiere fois par 1'Academie royale de musique, sous le titre d'Alcide, le [blank] d'avril 1693. Remise au theatre le 23 juin 1705. Paris, CfiristopTie Bollard, 1705. 6 p. 1., 48, [1] p. 23 p. Prologue and five acts. Cast. Neither Campistron nor the composers, Louis de Lully and Marin Marais, are mentioned. ML 50.2.A51L9 Alcide al Bivio. Questa festa teatrale, tutta allusiva ai sicuri segni d'indole generosa dati fin dalla prima sua adolescenza dal gran prin- cipe per cui 5 scritta, fu d'ordine sovrano composta in Vienna, e rap- presentata con musica dell' Hasse nella Cesarea corte . . . per le nozze delle AA. RR. di Giuseppe II ... e della principessa Isabella di Borbone, 1'anno 1760. pi., [207}-248 p. 26 cm . (Metastasio,0pere, t. viii, Parigi, vedova Herissant. 1781.} One act. Argument. ML 49.A2M44 OPERA LIBRETTOS 53 Alcide al bivio. Festa teatrale da rappresentarsi in musica per le felicissime nozze delle LL. AA. RR. 1'arciduca Giuseppe d'Austria e la principessa Isabella di Borbone ... In Vienna 1'anno MDCCLX. n.i.,n.d. Unpaged. 21\ cm . The ornamental engraved title page is preceded by a frontispiece engraved by Ant. Tischler and followed by exquisite head and tail pieces by the same artist. One act. Argument, cast, and name of Johann Adolph Hasse as the composer. The author, Metastasio, is not mentioned. First performed at Vienna, Grosser Redontensaal, October 8, 1760. SCHATZ 4505 - Alcides an der doppel-strasse. Ein schauspiel, so bey dem glorreich begangenen vermaehlungs-feste Ihrer Koenigl. Hoheiten des Durchleuchtigsten erz-herzogens Joseph von Oesterreich, und der Durchleuchtigsten prinzessin Isabella von Bourbon ... in Wien aufgefuehret worden, im jahr 1760. Ver- fasset von herrn abbate Metastasio . . . und in das teutsche ueber- setzt von J. A. E. v. G. [TFien], Gedruckt mil von Ghelischen schriften, n. d. Unpaged* One act. Translated by Johann Anton, edler van Ghelen. Argument, cast, and name of Johann Adolph Hasse as composer. SCHATZ 4506 Alcide al bivio. Dramma per musica, da rappresentarsi nel Regio Teatro. Alcides ved te to veie . . . Ktiberikavn, H. J. Graae, 1774. 79, [3] p. 17 cm . One act and licenza. Argument, cast, and name of Johann Adolph Hasse as the composer. Danish text faces Italian. First performed, as indicated, February 2, 1774. SCHATZ 4507 Alcide negli orti Esperidi, ballet. See P. Guglielrni's TomirL Alcides an der doppel-strasse. Tr. of Hasse's Alcide al bivio. Alcides ved te to veie. Tr. of Hasse's Alcide al bivio. Alcimena principessa dell' Isole Fortunate o sia L'amore fortu- nato ne' suoi disprezzi. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro Tron di San Cassiano il carnovale dell' anno 1750. Venezia, Modesto Fenzo, 1750. 39 p. 16% cm - Modern transcript. By Pietro Chiari, who is not mentioned. Argument, cast, and name of Galuppi as composer. First performed, as indicated, December 26, 1749 (Pavan). SCHATZ 3479 Alcina. An opera: as it is performed at the Theatre Royal in Covent-Garden. The third edition. London, T. Wood, 1736. 48 p. 17 cm . Three acts. Argument and cast. Neither the author, Antonio Marchi, nor the composer, Georg Friedrich Handel, is mentioned. An English translation faces Italian, which is an altered version of Marchi's "Alcina delusa da Ruggiero." First performed, as indicated, April 16, 1735. SCHATZ 4496 Alcina delusa da Rugero. Drama per musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro Tron di S. Cassan 1'autunno dell' anno MDCCXXV. Di Antonio Marchi. Venezia, Marino Rosetti, 1726. 58 p. 14\ cm . Three acts. Notice to the reader, cast, scenario, and name of Tommaso Albinoni as composer. SCHATZ 113 54 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Alcina delusa da Rugero Continued. - Gl' evenimenti di Rugero. Drama per musica da rappresen- tarsi nel Teatro Giustiniano di S. Mois6 il carnevale dell anno MDCCXXXIL Di Antonio Marchi . . . Venezia, Stefano Valvasense, 1732. 46 p. 13$ cm . Three acts. Cast, scenario, and notice to the reader. Merely a somewhat altered version of Albinoni's "Alcina delusa da Rugero." For instance, the opening four lines of the first scene "Care spiaggie, amato hdo," were dropped. SCHATZ 93 Alcina e Leone, ballet. See Rust's Alessandro nell' Indie. Alcina e Ruggero. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel Regio Teatro di Torino nel carnovale del 1775 alia presenza delle Maesta Loro. Torino, Onorato Derossi, n. d. viii, 68 p. 15\ cm - Three acts. Notice to the reader, scenario, cast, and names of Vittorio Amedeo Cigna-Santi as author, Felice Alessandri as composer. The ballet music was com- posed by "Paolo Ghebart," of Vienna. SCHATZ 141 Alcina ed Astolfo, ballet. See Zingarelli's Annibale in Torino. Alcine, tragedie. Representee par 1'Academie royale de musique Tan 1705. Les paroles de M. Danchet & la musique de M. Campra. LXIII. Opera. n. i., n. d. front., 333-392 p. 14 cm . (Recueil general des opera, Paris, 1706, t. viii, no. 7.) Detached copy. Five acts, with prologue. SCHATZ 154 Second copy. ML 48. R4 - Alcine, tragedie, representee par 1'Academie royale de musique le quinzieme jour de Janvier 1705. Amsterdam, Henri Schelte, 1707. 69 (incl. front.), [3] p. llf. Five acts with prologue. Cast. Neither Campra nor Danchet mentioned. On the [3] p. a "Catalogue de tous les opera" published by Schelte. ML 50.2.A512C2 - Alcine, tragedie. Representee parl'Acade'mie royale de musique, 1'an 1705. [335]-398 p. 17$ cm . (Antoine Danchet, Theatre, t. ii, Paris, 1751) Prologue and five acts. The composer, Andr< Campra, is not mentioned. PQ 1972.D2 Alcines oe. Tr. of Gazzaniga's L'isola d' Alcina. Alcione. Dramma per musica per celebrare il felicissimo giorno natalizio della serenissima Signora Donna Maria Francesca Benedetta principessa del Brasile li 25 luglio 1787. [Lisbona], Nella stamperia reale, n. d. 98 p. 15 cm . One act. By Gaetano Martinelli. Argument, cast and names of the author and the composer, Joao de Sousa Carvalho. SCHATZ 1674 Alcione, tragedie, representee par 1'Academie royale de musique le jeudy dix-huitieme revrier 1706. Amsterdam, Henri Schelte, 1707. 57 (incl. front f ), [3] p. 14 cm . Five acts with prologue. Cast. Neither the author, La Motte, nor the composer, Marais, mentioned. On the [3] p. "Catalogue de tous les opera" published by Schelte. ML 50.2.A513M2 OPERA LIBEETTOS 55 Alcione Continu ed . Alcione, tragedie represent ee par 1' Academic rpyale de musique Tan 1706. Les paroles de M. de la Mothe & la musique de M. Marais. LXVI. Opera, n. i., n. d. pi., p. 65-114 (Recueil general des opera, Paris, 1710, t. ix) 14 cm . Detached copy. Five acts and prologue. SCHATZ 5919 Second copy. ML 48. R4 A Aldeana em corte. Tr. of Rust's La contadina in corte. Aldiso. Drama per musica da rappresentarsi nel famosissimo Teatro Grimani a S. Gio. Grisostomo. Nel carnovale dell' anno 1726. Venezia, Marino Rossetti, 1726. 59 p. 14% cm . Three acts. By conte Claudio Nicola Stampa, who is not mentioned. Argument, cast, scenario and name of Giovanni Porta as the composer. SCHATZ 8383 Alessandro. Metastasio, Poesie, Parigi, vedova Quillau, 1755, t. iv, 85 p. 16 cm . Three acts. Argument. Same as his "Alessandro nell' Indie." "Nella forma in cui sono stati ridotti dall' autore." (See note on p. 169 of v. VI.) This revised version is easily identified from the first scene, which has no aria and has the lines in Poro's monologue "Delia spoglia piu grande / II trionfo a costui . . . Ma la mia sposa." Also its III, 1 begins " Ma lasciami, Erissena" and has the aria "Se troppo crede al ciglio." - Same, t. vii, 117 p. 16 cm . ["Come . . ,. nelP altre edizioni." (Note, VI, 169.) This original version has in I, 1 the aria " E prezzo leggierp " and the lines in Pore's monologue " Delia spoglia piu grande / II trionfo a costui. Gia visse assai; " also its III, 1 begins " Erissena / Che miro " and has the aria " Risveglia lo sdegno." ML 49.A2M42 Alessandro. [221\-258 p. 17 cm . (Rotti, Componimenti poetici, Nuova edizione, Verona, G. Tumermani, 1744-} Three acts. Argument. The composer, Handel, is not mentioned. First performed at London, Haymarket, May 5, 1726. ML 49.A2R7 - Der hpchmuethige Alexander, in einem sing-spiele auf dem Hamburgischen schau-Platze vorgestellet im jahr 1726. Hamburg, Gedruckt mit Stromerschen schrijften, n. d. Unpaged. 18 cm . Three acts. German version by C. G. Wendt of "Alessandro" by Rolli, neither of whom mentioned. Argument, scenario and name of Hendel (Georg Friedrich Handel) as the composer. Italian text of the arias added to the German. SCHATZ 4473 Alessandro. Dramma per musica in due atti, con balli analoghi. Da rappresentarsi nei Teatri di S. M. I. nel 1799. S. Pietroburgo, Stamperia imperiale, 1799. 35 p. 19 cm . Author not mentioned and unknown to Schatz. Argument (in Italian and French), cast and name of Friedrich Heinrich Himmel as the composer. SCHATZ 4741 / L' Alessandro amante. Drama per musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro di San Moise 1'anno MDCLXVII . . . Venetia, Francesco Nicolini & Steffano Curti, 1667. 5 p. 1., 69 p. 14 cm > Three acts with prologue. Impresario's dedication, dated January 28, 1667, notice to the reader, and scenario. According to the preface, in which Giovanni Antonio Boretti is mentioned as composer, the libretto was finished after the death of the author, Giacinto Andrea 56 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS L/ Alessandro amante Continued. Cicognini, "da altro virtuoso soggetto." For these performances at Venice in 1667 the libretto was considerably altered by an (anonymous) "virtuoso ingegno" to con- form to the tastes of the time. Cicognini's libretto was originally called "Gli amori di Alessandro e di Rossane" and as such was performed at Venice in 1651 with Fr. Luzzo's music. With music by Benedetto Ferrari the libretto was performed at Bologna in 1656 and in 1663 Lupardi published a new edition at Rome under the title "La Rosane, con gli Amori di Alessandro Magno." Both of these editions are preserved at Brussels and described by Wotquenne. SCHATZ 1215 Alessandro e Campaspe, ballet. See Mayr's Un pazzo ne fa cento. Alessandro e Poro. Dramma per rnusica da rappresentarsi nel Regio Teatro di Berlino per ordine di Sua Maesta. Berlino, A. Hande, 1744. 187, [3] Three acts. Metastasio (original title: "Alessandro nell' Indie") is mentioned as author and Carl Heinrich Graun as the composer. Argument and scenario. Ger- man title page "Alexander und Porus" and text face Italian. First performed as indicated, December 21, 1744. SCHATZ 4087 Alessandro e Timoteo. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel R. D. Teatro di corte nella primavera dell' anno MDCCLXXXII. cm Parma, Stamperia reale, n. d. 8 p. 1., 37 p. 28 One act. Dedicatory poem signed by the author, cpnte Gastone della Torre di Rezzonico. Argument, cast, scenario and name of Giuseppe Sarti as the com- poser. ("La musica sara.") First performed as indicated, April 6, 1782. SCHATZ 9424 Alessandro fra' le Amazon!. Drama per musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro di S. Angelo Panno 1715 . . . Venezia, Marino Rossetti, 1715. 60 p. 15 cm . Three acts. By Grazio Braccioli. Author's dedication, notice to the reader, cast, scenario and name of the composer, Fortunato Chelleri. SCHATZ 1812 Alessandro il vincitor di se stesso. Tragicomedia musicale. Di Francesco Sbarra in questa terza impressione ridotta all' intera sua forma . . . Lucca,, Francesco Marescandoli, 1654. 177, [1] p. 13$ cm . Three acts, with two prologues, author's dedication dated Lucca, Feb. 1, 1654, notice to the reader, argument, and at end (p. 170-177) source of plot, allegoria, cast, and names of the two composers. ("La musica f u per la maggior parte del Sig. Antonio Cesti . . . et il resto del Sig. Marco Bigongiari . . .") The one additional page contains a sonnet by Dalli to Sbarra. The one prologue is that "recitato in Venetia," 1651, with Cavalli's music, the other that "rappresentato in Lucca." The author's notice to the reader is in substance similar to that in the Venice, 1651, ed. of the text (see infra), but special emphasis is laid on the fact that the original version "precipitato dalla mia penna, si port6 a Venetia per le poste, ove per accomodarsi alia brevita, che in simili funtioni si desidera, fu ridotto in forma molto minore di quella, che port6 dalla sua nascita, ricoperto in gran parte questo defetto dalla magnificenza delle scene, e machine, dalla vaghezza, e bizzarria delle comparse, e de balli, e sopra tutto dall' eccellenza della musica, e dall' esquisitezza de gl' attori; hoggi per6 che s'espuone sopra il nostro teatro non potendo farsi vedere con quegl' addobbi, de i quali fu arricchito in Venetia, comparisce se non vagho, almeno intero, e con tutte le sue parti . . ." The differences between the two editions are quite noticeable. For instance, I, 9 of the Venice ed., "Piii celar non si pu6," is I, 11 in the Lucca ed.; I, 9 of the Lucca ed., "Alessandrp, che pensi," is I, 10 in the Venice ed.; I, 14 in the Lucca ed., "Ohime, dov'e,"us I, 12 m the Venice ed. SCHATZ 1786 OPERA LIBRETTOS 57 Alessandro in Armenia. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel nobilissimo Teatro di S. Benedetto rautunno dell' anno 1768. Venezia, Modesto Fenzo, 1768. 48 p. 17 cm . Three acts. Dedicatory sonnet addressed by "Dolenio, P. A." to the author, argu- ment, cast, and names of the composer Giovanni Battista Borghi, and the librettist, "Cleofonto Doriano P. A. Accademico Quirino, Infecondo ec. ec. ec." Wotquenne does not mention this Arcadian name in his "Essai d'un dictionnaire des noms academiques . . ." (Brussels Catalogue, Annexe I.), but Schatz identifies him with conte Antonio Papi. First performed, as indicated, November 26, 1768. SCHATZ 1226 Alessandro in Sidone. Apostolo Zeno, Poesie drammatiche, Venezia, 1744, t- i%> P- \29S\- 416 p. 19 cm . Five acts. Argument. Written in collaboration with Pietro Pariati. No com- poser is mentioned. In the "Catalogo" at end of t. x, date and place of first ed. are given as Vienna, 1721. ML 49.A2Z3 - Alessandro in Sidone. Pubblicato per la prima volta in Vienna 1721. Apostolo Zeno, Poesie drammatiche, Orleans, 1785-86, t. xi, p. 223- 347. 21 cm . Five acts. Argument. No composer is mentioned. Written in collaboration with Pietro Pariati. ML 49.A2Z4 Alessandro in Sidone. Tragicommedia per musica, da rappre- sentarsi nella Cesarea corte . . . nel carnevale dell' anno MDCCXXI. La musica e del Sig. Francesco Conti . . . Vienna d' 'Austria, Gio. Van Ghelen, n. d. 4 P- ^., ## P- 14% cm - Five acts. By Apostolo Zeno and Pietro Pariati, who are not mentioned. Argu- ment and scenario. Niccola Matteis is mentioned as the composer of the ballet music. First performed at Vienna, Hoftheater, February, 1721. SCHATZ 2192 Alessandro in Sidone. Tragicomedia per musica da rappre- sentarsi sul famosissimo Teatro di Braunsviga nella fier? d'estate 1'anno 1726. Alexander in Sidon . . . Wolffenouttel, Christian Bartsch, n. d. Unpaged. 18 cm . Three acts. Scenario and name of Francesco Conti as composer. The argument is in German. Text in Italian and German. The first act exactly like the first act in the Vienna, 1721, five-act ed. The first nine scenes of the second also identical, but then the differences begin, owing to the contraction of the text into three acts. For instance, the scene "Tu, Addolonimo, sei " (II, 11) has been dropped, also "Come pensi schernirle" (III, 1) and "Due soli di nostr' alma" (III, 2) has become II, 12. SCHATZ 219^ Alessandro in Susa. Tragicomedia da rappresentarsi in musica nel famosissimo Teatro Gnmano di S. Gio. Grisostomo 1'anno 1708 . . . Venezia, Marino Rosetti, 1708. 60 p. 14% cm - Five acts. By conte Girolamo Frigimelica Roberti, who is not mentioned. Print- er's notice to the reader, dedication in form of argument, "fondamento istorico, e poetico," cast, scenario. Luigi Manza, the composer, is not mentioned. (Schatz records a Carlo Manza as composer, Eitner, perhaps more correctly, the above.) SCHATZ 5916 58 LIBRAE Y OF CONGRESS ' Alessandro Magno in Sidone. Drama per musica. Da rappre- sentarsi nel famoso Teatro Grimano a SS. Gio. Paolo di Aurelio Aureli. Opera XIX . . . Venetia, Francesco Nicolini, 1679. 70, [1] p. 14 cm . Three acts. Dedication, argument, scenario, and author's notice to the reader, in which he mentions the "giovinetto Signer Marc' Antonio Ziani," and says: "Amico, sbche ti sembrera stravagante successo il veder la mia Musa, che dopo haver nel corso di due lustri esule pellegrina dal famoso Teatro Grimano, ora conosciuta, ora mascherata, ed occulta passeggiato sovra altri teatri, ritorni in quest' anno a calcar quella scena dove tra pomposi e dorati coturni campeggi6 fortunata ne la rappresertatione di undici continuati miei drami ..." First performed, as indicated, carnival, 1679. SCHATZ 11178 - Alessandro Magno in Sidone. Drama in musica, rappresen- tato in Venetia nel famosissimo Teatro Grimano di S. S. Giovanni e Paolo. Hora da rappresentarsi con alcune aggionte in Vicenza . . . Vicenza, gl'H. di Gia-como Amadio, 1681. 68 p. lJf m . Three acts. Dedication, argument, scenario. Neither Aureli, nor Ziani men- tioned. ML 50.2.A515Z3 La virtu sublimata dal grande, owero II Macedone conti- nente. Drama per musica. Da rappresentarsi nel Teatro di Canal regio 1'anno MDCLXXXIII. Venetia, Francesco Nicolini, 1683. 60 p. IJfif. Three acts. Argument, scenario, and prefatory notice to the reader with apolo- gies for this replica of "Alessandro Magno in Sidone" in a small theatre with an inferior cast. Neither the author, Aurelio Aureli, nor the composer, Marc' Antonio Ziani, is mentioned. First performed under the new title, as indicated, carnival 1683. SCHATZ 11209 L' Alessandro nelT Indie. [243}-322 p. 19 cm . (Pietro Metastasio, Opere drammatiche, Vene- zia, Giuseppe BettineUi, 1733-37, v. 2.} Three acts. Argument. No composer mentioned. (Camp, next entry.) ML49.A2M40 Alessandro nelT Indie. Rappresentato con musica del Vinci la prima volta in Roma nel Teatro detto delle Dame, il 26 decembre dell' anno 1729. pi., [263}-356 p. 26 cm . (Pietro Metastasio, Opere, t. 4, Parigi, vedova Herissant, 1780.) Three acts. Argument. The revised version of his "Alessandro," which see for telling differences between the versions. ML 49.A2M44 Alessandro nelT Indie. Drama per musica da rappresentarsi nel teatro di Torre Argentina nel carnevale dell' anno 1772 . . . Roma, Archangelo Casaletti, n. d. 71 p. 15 cm . Three acts. Impresario's dedication with indication of Metastasio as author, argument, cast, scenario,' and name of Pasquale Anfossi as composer. First performed January 7, 1772, as indicated. SCHATZ 282 Alessandro nell' Indie. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi in Oranienbaum ... La poesia & del celebre Signer abbate Pietro Metastasio ... La musica e del Signor Francesco Araja . . . St. Pietroburgo, nella Stamperia dell' Accademia imperiale delle scienze, 1759. 125 p. 18 cm . Three acts. Cast and scenario. French text faces Italian. First performed at St. Petersburg, Court opera, Dec. 8 (19), 1743. SCHATZ 304 OPERA LIBRETTOS 59 nell' Indie. Dramma serio per musica da rappresen- tarsi in Bologna nel Teatro Zagnoni 1'autunno dell' anno 1787 . . . Bologna, Sassi, n. d. 51, [2] p. 17% cm . Imprimatur dated October 8, 1787. Impresario's dedication, argument, cast, scenario and name of Francesco Bianchi as composer. Metastasio is not mentioned. ML 50.2.A517B25 Alessandro nell' Indie. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel miovo e nobilissimo Teatro detto La Fenice 1'autunno dell' anno 1792. Venezia, Modesto Fenzo, 1792. 64 p. 16\ cm . Three acts. Argument, cast, scenario, and name of Francesco Bianchi as com- poser, but not of the librettist, Pietro Metastasio. On p. 29-32 argument and cast of the "Ballo primo. Giulio Sabino . . . composto e diretto dal Signor Onorato Vi- gan6." Neither of this nor of his second ballet "Lafolliaelasaggiezza" is the com- poser of the music mentioned. First performed at Venice, Teatro di S. Benedetto, January 28, 1785 SCHATZ 974 Alessandro nell' Indie, ballet. See Cimarosa's Circe. [Alessandro nell' Indie] Alexander in Indien, ein musicalisches schauspiel aufzufuehren auf dem grossen hochfuerstl. Braunschw. Theatre im Opern-hause in der Winter-Messe 1752. Braunschweig, Keitel, n. d. Unpaged. 18 cm . Three acts. By Metastasio. German text faces Italian. Argument, scenario, cast, and name of the composer "Ignazio Fiorillo, maestro di capella di corte." ("di nuova compqsizione") Accordingly "E prezzo leggero " was added to 1, 1, and "Se vuol mirarti esangue" to II, 8." The latter is not by Metastasio. Second setting, first performed at Stuttgart, Hochfiirstl. Theatre, in February, 1752. The first setting was first performed at Mantova, Nuovo Arciducale Teatro, carnival 1738 (Piovano). SCHATZ 3198 Alessandro nell' Indie. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro di San Samuelle per la fiera dell' Ascensione dell' anno MDCCLV. Venezia, Angiolo Geremia, n. d. 60 p. 15\ cm . Three acts. By Metastasio. Argument, scenario, cast, and name of Baldassare Galuppi as composer. Between p. 6-7 one page of "Arie aggiunte e mutate." SCHATZ 3430 - Alessandro nell' Indie. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel nuovo Teatro di corte per comando di S. A. S. E. Massimiliano Gioseppe . . . nel giorno glorioso di suo nome li 12. ottobre 1755. La poesia e del Sig. abbate Pietro Metastasio ... La musica e del Signor Baldassare Galuppi . . . Monaco, Gio. Giac. Votter, n. d. 131, [1] p. 19 cm . Three acts. Argument, scenario, and cast. German title "Alexander in Indien" and text face Italian. At end, one page of Errata. SCHATZ 3431 Alessandro nell' Indie. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel Real Teatro di S. Carlo nel di 4 di novembre 1789 per festeggiarsi il glorioso nome di Sua Maesta la regina . . . Napoli, Vincenzo Flauto, 178.9. 70 p. 14\ cm . Two acts. By Metastasio, who is not mentioned. Impresario's dedication dated, Naples, November 4, 1789, cast, argument, scenario, and name of Pietro Guglielrui as the composer. On p. 9-28 cast and description of Sebastiano Gallet'e "Telemaco nell' isola cii Calipso, ballo eroico pantomimo in cinque atti," music by Pietro Dutil- lieu. On p. 29-31 synopsis of the ballet " Di rado I'uom sa giudicar se stesso," also by Gallet. SCHATZ 4234 60 LIBRAEY OF CONGRESS Alessandro nell' Indie, ballet. See P. Guglielmi's Enea e Lavinia. L' Alessandro nell' Indie. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel famosissimo Teatro Grimani di S. Gio. Grisostomo nel carnovale dell' anno 1736 ... Venezia, Marino Rossctti, 1736. 72 p. 15\ cm . Three acts. By Metastasio. Dedication by Domcnico Lalli, argument, cast, scenario, and name of Johann Adolph Hasse as the composer. Mennicke lists this as a second version, numbering the "Cleofide" of 1731, whose text was based on "Alessandro nelle Indie" as the first version. SCHATZ 4508 Alessandro nell' Indie. Dramma per musica, da rappre- sentarsi nel Nuovo Teatro di Prespurgo nell' estate del' anno 1741 . . . Presburgo, Eredi Royeriani, n. d. 103 p. 18% cm . Three acts. Dedication by Pietro Mingotti, argument, cast, scenario, and name of Franz Joseph Pirker as the translator of the German text, which faces the Italian. Neither the author, Metastasio, nor the composer, Johann Adolph Hasse, is men- tioned. The text is somewhat different from that in the original Venice edition of 1736. For instance, I, 5 has now the aria "Scherza il nocchier tal' ora" instead of "O su gli estivi ardori," and the scene, I, 12, "Non condannarmi, amico," has be- come I, 9. SCHATZ 4509 - Alessandro nell' Indie. Dramma per musica da rappresen- tarsi nel famosissimo Teatro Grimani di S n . Gio. Grisostomo net carne- vale 1743 ... n.i.,n.d. 1 p. I, 67 p. 15 cm . Three acts. Argument, cast, scenario, and name of Joh. Ad. Hasse as the com- poser. The text is somewhat different from the Dresden ed of 1741 and the Venice ed. of 1736. For instance, their aria at end of I, 2, "Vedrai con tuo periglio," has been dropped, and their aria, " Vil trofeo d'un' almaimbelle," in 1, 3, has become " Vadan li rei felloni." In this Venice, 1743 ed., the original aria, "O su gli estivi ardori," for 1, 5, has been restituted, as also the scene "Non condannarmi, amico," as I, 12. Indeed, the Venice, 1743, ed., as might be expected, is more like the Venice, 1736, ed. than like the Dresden, 1741, ed. SCHATZ 4593 L'Alessandro nell' Indie. Dramma per musica da rappresen- tarsi nel Teatro ducale di Stutgart festeggiandosi il felicissimo giorno natalizio di Sua Altezza Serenissima Carlo, Duca regnante di Wirtemberg e Teck, etc., etc. La poesia e del Signer abbate Pietro Metastasio ... La musica nuovamente composta dal Signer Nicolo Jommelli . . . Stutgart, Cristqfero Frederico Cotta, 1760. 201 p. 19 cm . Three acts. Argument, scenario, cast. German title page "Alexander in Indien" and text face Italian. The ballets have no specific titles. First performed at Stuttgart, as indicated, February 11, 1760. SCHATZ 4841 - Prologo da recitarsi avanti 1'opera Alessandro nell' Indie nel Teatro ducale di Stutgart nel solenne giorno natalizio di Sua Altezza Serenissima Carlo, duca regnante di Wirtemberg e Teck, etc etc. Stutgart, Cristofero Frederico Cotta, 1760. 15 p. 18^ cm . Cast. German title, "Prologus," and text face Italian. SCHATZ 11754 Alessandro nell' Indie. Dramma per musica da rappresen- tarsi nel Real Teatro dell' Ajuda nel felicissimo giorno natalizio del fedelissimo monarca D. Giuseppe I ... nel di 6 giugno 1776. [Lisbona], Stamperia reale, n. d. 79 p. 15 cm . Three acts. Argument, cast, scenario, and names of Metastasio as author, of Niccol6 Jommelli as composer. The text is somewhat different from that of 1760, as it, for instance, jumps from the aria "Se mai turbo il tuo riposo" (I, 7) to the former I, 10 "Principessa adorata" as I, 9, interpolating as I, 8 the scene "Dei, che tormento equesto." SCHATZ 4899 OPERA LIBRETTOS 61 Alessandro nell' Indie. Dramjna per musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro Tron di San Cassiano. II carnovale dell' anno 1753 . . . Venezia, Modesto Fenzo, 1753. 60 p. 15 cm . Three acts. By Metastasio, who is not mentioned. Dedication by "Li virtuosi," who had assumed the management of the theatre, argument, cast, scenario, and note that the music was "in gran parte" by Gaetano Latilla, the rest by "altri bravi autori." . SCHATZ 5455 L' Alessandro nell' Indie. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel nobilissimo Teatro di S. Benedetto la fiera dell' Ascensione dell' anno 1778. Venezia, Modesto Fenzo, 1778. 64 p. 17\ cm . Three acts. By Metastasio, who is not mentioned. Argument, cast, scenario, and name of Luigi Marescalchi as the composer ("La musica e tutta nuova"). On p. 27-40 cast, argument, and description of Onorato Viganb's "II Rinaldo, ballo tragico eroico pantomimo di lieto fine. " in six parts. The composer of the music is not mentioned. First performed as indicated, May 27, 1788. SCHATZ 5946 Alessandro nell' Indie. Dramma per musica del Signore abate Pietro Metastasio, Poeta Cesareo da rappresentarsi nel pubblico Teatro di Lucca nell' autunno dell' anno MDCCLXXXIII. Lucca, Francesco Bonsignore, n. d. 68 p. 14% cm - Three acts. Argument, cast, scenario, and name of Michele Mortellari as the composer. First performed at Siena, Teatro degl' Intronati, July 22, 1778; at Lucca, August 9, 1783. SCHATZ 6683 Alessandro nell' Indie, dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel gran teatro nuovamente eretto alia real corte di Lisbona, nella primavera dell' anno MDCCLY. Per festeggiare il felicissimo giorno natalizio di Sua Maesta fedelissima D. Maria Anna Vit- toria . . . La poesia del dramma e del . . . Pietro Metastasio . . . La licenza e del Sig r Giuseppe Bonechy ... La musica e del Sig r David Perez .' . . Lisbona, Regia stamperia Sylviana, 1755. front., 4 P- 1-, 53, [2] p., 9 folded pi. 19 cm . Three acts. Argument, cast, and scenario. The plates are by I. Berardi, Le Bouteux, J. B. Dourneau. The front, by S. Manelli. First performed, as indicated, March 31, 1755; at Geneva, Teatro di Sant' Agostino, December 26, 1745. SCHATZ 7882 Alessandro nell' Indie. Dramma per musica di Pietro Metastasio fra gli Arcadi Artino Corasio. Da rappresentarsi nel Teatro di S. Angelo nel carnovale dell' anno 1732. Venetia., Carlo Buonarrigo, n. d. 70 p. 14\ cm - Three acts. Argument, cast, scenario, and name of Giovanni Battista Pescetti as the composer. SCHATZ 7960 Alessandro nell' Indie. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro di via della Pergola nel carnevale del MDCCLXXVII . cm Firenze, Gio. Risaliti, n. d. 39 p. 15\ Three acts. By Metastasio, who is not mentioned. Argument, scenario, cast, and name of Niccolb Piccinni as the composer. Schatz calls this his second setting of the text. First performed at Naples, Teatro di S. Carlo, January 12, 1774. SCHATZ 8137 62 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Alessandro nelT Indie. Dramma per musica del Sig. abate Pietro Metastasio . . . Da rappresentarsi nel nobil Teatro di S. Samuel la fiera dell' Ascensione 1'anno 1775 . . . Venezia, Gio. Battista Casaii, 1775. 36 p. 17 cm . Three acts. Dedication by Giacomo Bust, who is mentioned as the composer, cast, and scenario. With the opera was performed Antonio Pi trot's ballet "Alcina e Leone," music by Piombanti, a description of which is said to have been published separately. SCHATZ 9175 Alessandro nelT Indie. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro Vendramino di San Salvatore nella fiera dell Ascensione dell' anno 1763. Venezia, Francesco Valvasense, 1763. Jfi p. 15 cm . Three acts. By Metastasio, who is not mentoined. Cast, scenario, and name of Antonio Sacchini as the composer. ("La musica sara tutta nuova.") SCHATZ 9243 Alessandro nelT Indie. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel Regio Teatro di Torino nel carnovale del 1766 . . . Torino, Stamperia reale, n. d. viii, 62 p., [2] I. Three acts. By Metastasio, who is not mentioned. Argument, cast, scenario, and name of Antonio Sacchini as composer. Giuseppe Antonio Le Messier com- posed the ballet music. The [2] 1. contain the aria "Se vedi il caro bene" substi- tuted for "Tu, che il tenor gia sai" (II, 8), and the imprimatur. SCHATZ 11746 Alessandro nell' Indie. Dramma per musica del celebre Sig. abate Pietro Metastasio . . . Da rappresentarsi nel Nuovo Pubblico Teatro di Bologna la primavera dell' anno 1764 . . . Bologna, Lassi, n. d. 68, [2] p. 16 cm . Three acts. By Metastasio, who is not mentioned. On the last page the addi- tional aria "Se possono tanto" (I, 9). Impresario's dedication, argument, cast, scenario, and name of Gregorio Sciroli as the composer. ( " La musica e tutta nuova. ' ' ) First performed May 31, 1764, as indicated. SCHATZ 9781 Alessandro nell' Indie. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel famoso Teatro Vendramin di S. Salvatore per la solita fiera dell' Ascensione dell' anno 1759 . Venezia, Modesto Fenzo, 1759. 56 p. 15\ cm Three acts. By Metastasio, who is not mentioned. Impresario's dedication, scenario, cast, and name of Giuseppe Scolari as composer. SCHATZ 9786 Alessandro nell' Indie. Dramma serio per musica da rappresen- tarsi nel Regio Teatro dell' Accademia degli Awalorati in Livorno 1'autunno dell' anno 1791 . . . [Livorno], Tommaso Masi e comp., n. d. Ifi p. 18 cm . Two acts. By Metastasio, who is not mentioned. Impresario's dedication, cast, scenario, and name of Angelo Tarchi as the composer. On p. [26J-34 argument and description without name of the composer of the music of Francesco Clerico's "Am- leto, ballo tragico pantomime, in quattro atti." His second, a "ballo comico," was called "I due vedovi." Schatz distinguishes this opera, first performed at London, Haymarket, spring of 1789, as first setting of the text, from the opera of the same title, first performed at Torino, Regio Teatro, carnival 1798, which he, without giving his reasons, calls the second setting. SCHATZ 10228 63 Alessandro nell' Indie. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel rinovato Teatro di Piazza di Vicenza il carnevale dell' anno MDCCL . . . Vicenza, Pierantonio Berno, 1750. 52 p. 15 cm . Three acts. By Metastasio, who is not mentioned. Impresario's dedication, argument, cast. Note: "La musica sara diretta dal Sig. Antonio Tiraboschi, maestro di cappella," whom Schatz calls the composer of this opera. SCHATZ 10355 Alessandro nell' Indie. Drama per musica di Pietro Metastasio fra gli Arcadi Artino Corasio. Da rappresentarsi nel Teatro detto delle Dame nel carnevale dell' anno 1730 . . . Roma, Zempel e il de Mey, n. d. 83 p. 15 cm . Three acts. Impresario's dedication, argument, scenario, cast, and name of Leonardo Vinci as composer. First performed, as indicated, December 26, 1729. SCHATZ 10742 Alessandro nell' Indie. Drama per musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro di S. A. S. E. di Baviera net carnevale dell' anno 1735. Monaco, Giovanni Giacomo Vdtter, n. d. 82, [1] p. 15 cm . Three acts. Argument and cast. By Metastasio, who is not mentioned. The composer unknown to Schatz, but the name of [Leonardo] Vinci is written in pencil on the title page. SCHATZ 11297 Alessandro Severe. Apostolo Zeno, Poesie drammatiche, Venezia, 1744, I- vi, P- [271]- 355. 19 cm . Three acts. Argument. No composer is mentioned. In the "Catalogo" at end of t. x, date and place of first ed. are given as Venice, 1717. (See below.) ML 49.AZ3 Alessandro Severo. Pubblicato per la prima volta in Venezia 1717. Apostolo Zeno, Poesie drammatiche, Orleans, 1785-86, t. iv, p. 353- 430. 21 cm . Three acts. Argument. No composer is mentioned. ML 49.A2Z4 Alessandro Severo. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel famoso Teatro Grimani di S. Gio. Grisostomo nel carnovale del 1739 . . . Venezia, Marino Rossetti, 1738. 58 p. 15 c - m . Three acts. By Apostplo Zeno. Dedication by Dom. Lalli. Argument, scenario, cast, and name of librettist, but not of composer, Andrea Bernasconi. First performed at Venice, as indicated, December 27, 1738. SCHATZ 867 - Salustla. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro Vendramin di San Salvatore per 1'occasione della fiera dell' Ascen- sione dell' anno MDCCLIII . . . Venezia, Modesto Fenzo, n. d. 58 p. Iffi. Three acts. Impresario's dedication, cast, scenario, and name of Andrea Bernas- coni as composer, but not of author of libretto, which is a condensation and otherwise altered version of Zeno's "Alessandro Severo." In this the three acts have 15, 15, 11 scenes, in "Salustia" 12, 12, 11. SCHATZ 866 Alessandro Severo. Drama per musica, da rappresentarsi nel famosissimo Teatro Grimani di S. Giovanni Grisostomo . . . Venezia,, Marino Rossetti, 1717. 60 p. 15 cm . Three acts. Dedication signed by the author, Apostolo Zeno, with his initials, argument, cast, scenario, and name of Antonio Lotti as composer. First performed, as indicated, December 26, 1716. SCHATZ 5714 64 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Alessandro Severe. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro Grimani di S. Benedetto il carnovale dell' anno 1763. Venezia, Paolo Colombani, 1763. 48 p. Three acts. Argument, cast, scenario, and name of Antonio Sacchini as the com- poser. Text by Apostolo Zeno, who is not mentioned. First performed, as indicated, December 26, 1762. SCHATZ 9241 Alessandro Severo. Drama per musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro di S. Bartolomeo nel maggio del 1719 . . . Napoli, MicheleLuigi Muzio, 1719. 60 p. 16 cm . Three acts. By Apostolo Zeno, who is not mentioned. Dedication dated Naples, May 14, 1719, argument, scenario, cast, and name of Domenico Sarro as composer. SCHATZ 9412 Alessandro trionfante nelT Indie, ballet. See Salieri's La scuola de' gelosi. Alessandro vincitor di se stesso. Dramma musicale del Signor Francesco Sbarra, gentilhuomo Lucchese. Dedicate all' Altezza Sereniss. di Leopoldo Guglielmo da Gio. Battista Balbi, inventore degli apparati di scena, machine, e balli. Rappresentato in Venezia nel Theatre di S. Gio. e Paolo. Venetia, Giacomo Batti, 1651. 11 p. 1., 72 p. 15 cm . Three acts, with prologue. Dedication dated Venice, January 20, 1651, a "Lettera dell' autore al Signor Michel' Angelo Torcigliani " dated Lucca, December 29, 1650, and argument. In his "Lettera" Sbarra says: "II Padre Cesti, miracolo della musica, con altri virtuosi rappresentb nel passato autunno un gentilissimo dramma nella cittk nostra; io se bene all' hora relegato in letto da una lunga, e pericolosa indispositione, a dispetto del male, che voleva tr 1'altre miserie, che seco adduce, privarmi ancora della vista dr questa virtuosa attione, mi portai a vederla: il gusto, ch'io ne retrassi, fii riconosciuto da me per 1'unico mio rimedio . . . Per sodisfare all' istanze di questi virtuosi, da' quali riconosceva la ricuperata salute, intrapresi, e ultimai un dramma, in quei pochi giorni, che d'otio mi concesse la mia convalescenza, tempo maggiore, e piu opportune non venendomi perrnesso dalla necessita, che tenevano di rappresentarlo prontamente in Venetia. I parti, che sono concepiti in stato simile di non intera sanita, sono sepre imperfetti: ma questi e piu d'ogni altro, non havendo havuto ben minimo tempo di rivederlo, necessitate dall' angustia del tempo a lasciarlo metter sotto le note nella stessa forma, che alia giornata 1'andava abbozzado. S'aggiunge, che per esser riuscito troppo lungo per la musica, e convenuto a i medesimi d'accorciarlo, si che e impossibile, che qualche storpiatura non apparisca, & in questa maniera mi avvisano, che sono neces- sitati a stamparlo ..." He further calls this "quest'opera, prima che si stampi, che in questa conformity scrivo." In his notice to the "spettatori del dramma" Sbarra remarks: "S6 che 1'ariette cantate da Alessandro, & Aristotile, si stimerano cotro il decoro di personaggi si gradi; ma s6 ancora, ch'e improprio il recitarsi in musica, non imitan- dosi in questa maniera il discorso naturale, e togliendosi 1'anima al coponimeto dra- matico, che no deve esser altro, che un' imitatione dell' attioni humane, e pur questo difetto non solo e tolerato dal secolo corrente; ma ricevuto con applause; questa specie di ppesia hoggi non h& altro fine che il dilettare, onde conviene accpmmodarsi all' uso de i tempi; se lo stile recitative non venisse intermezzato con simili scherzi, porterebbe piu fastidio, che diletto . . . se in questo spettacolo ritroyerai con che appagare il tuo gusto, il tutto riconosci dall' esquisitissime inventioni del mirabile Sig. Gio. Battista Balbi, autore non meno de' balli, e delle machine, che d'ogni altro scenico apparato." It will be noticed that the composer, in this case no less a master than Francesco Cavalli, is mentioned nowhere. First performed carnival 1651, as indicated. (For further data, see Cesti's Alessandro il vincitor di se stesso, Lucca, 1654.) SCHATZ 1715 OPERA LIBRETTOS ' 65 Alessandro vincitor di se stesso Continued. Alessandro vincitor di se stesso. Dramma musicale del signer Francesco Sbarra, gentiluomo lucchese . . . Bologna, Giacomo Monti, 1655. front., 92 p. 13 cm . Prologue and three acts. Dedication by Pietro Antonio Cerva, notice to the reader, argument. The composer, Francesco Cavalli, is not mentioned. First performed at Bologna, Teatro Guastavillani, 1655. SCHATZ 11681 Alessio ed Eloisa o sia II disertore, ballet. See Astaritta's Iper- mestra. Alexander in Indien. Tr. of Fiorillo's Alessandro nell' Indie. Alexander in Indien. Tr. of Galuppi's Alessandro nell' Indie. Alexander in Indien. Tr. of Jommelli's Alessandro nell' Indie. Alexander in Sidon. Tr. of Fr. Conti's Alessandro in Sidone. Alexander und Porus. Tr. of Graun's Alessandro e Poro. Alexandre aux Indes, opera en trois actes, represent e", pour la premiere fois, sur le Theatre de I'Academie-royale de musique, le mardi 26 aout 1783. Paris, P. de Lormel, 1783. vi, 43 p. 24 cm . By Etienne Morel de Chefdeville, who is not mentioned. On p. ii Jean Nicolas Le Froid de Mereaux is mentioned as the composer. Cast. SCHATZ 6310 Alexandre et Thalestris, ballet-heroique en trois actes. Venard de La Jonchere, Theatre lyrique, Paris, 1772, t. i, p. [289]- 343. "Avant-propos" (p. 291-302). No composer mentioned, and none recorded by Cl. & L. ML 49.A2L2 Alexis, on L'erreur d'un bon pere. Comedie,. en un acte, et en prose, melee d'ariettes. Paroles du citoyen Marsollier, musique du citoyen Daleyrac. Represente sur le theatre Feydeau, le 5 pluviose, an 6 de la Republique [January 24, 1798]. Paris, Barba, (1798). An vi. 40 p. 19\ cm . Cast. ML 50.2.A52D2 Alexis et Justine, comedie-lyrique, en deux actes et en prose, mele'e d'ariettes; representee pour la premiere fois, a Versailles, devant Leurs Majestes, le vendredi 14 Janvier 1785; & a Paris, sur le Theatre de la Comedie italienne, le lundi 17. Paroles de M. de Monvel, musique de M. De Zede. Toulouse, Broulhiet, 1785. 40 p. 22 cm . Cast. ML 50.2.A53D3 Alfonso di Castiglia, ballet. See Paer's Tegene e Laodicea. 72251 VOL 114 - 5 66 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Alfea reverente. Rappresentata nella seconda venuta della Serenis- sima Vittoria della Rovere gran duchessa di Toscana in essa citta 1'anno 1639. [Atend] In Pisa, appresso Francesco deUe Dote, 1639. 20 p. 20 cm . Historical-allegorical "funzipne," "sovra pomposo carro, tirato da sei bianchi e generoei dsstien" fully described on p. 3-12 preceding the text. On p. 20: "Li none gentiV huomini a cauallo furono . . . [follow the names, as ninth that of] II Sig. cav. Pietro Cascina. Del quale sono 1'inventioni, e le compositioni. II carro fti disegno del Sig. Alfiere Giovanni Navarretti, la direzione del quale opero molto in questa funzione. Le musiche furono del Sig. Antonio Pisani organista della Chiesa de Ca\alieridi S. Stefano di Pisa. II musico che rappresento Alfea fu il Sig. Luca Angeletti, musico di S. A. S. Quello che fece la prima ninfa del coro, e doppo rappresent6 la Fama, fu il Sig. Chrietofano Bastini, musico dell' eccell. Repub. di Lucca, condotto per questa fun- zionze dalli suddetti nove gentil' huomini, li quali fecero anche it rimanente di tutta la spesa. Le ninfe dell' Arno erano musici delle due Cappelle della Chiesa Primatiale, e di S. Stefano, con I'assistenza del Sig. Lorenzo Brunelli maestro di capella della mede- eima Chiesa di S. Stefano, in assenza del medeeimo Sig. Pisani." SCHATZ 8191 Alfonso, dramma per musica rappresentato per regio comandq in Dresda in occasione delle auguste nozze di Carlo re delle Due Sicilie, e Amalia, principessa reale di Polonia, duchessa di Sassonia, MDCCXXXVIII. n. i., n. d. 4 p. I, 68, 22 p. 18\ cm . At end of opera the imprint of "la vedova Stossel." Five acts. Dedication by the author Stefano Benedetto Pallavicini, argument, cast, and name of Johann Adolph Hasse aa the composer. The 22 additional pages contain text (by unknown author) and cast of Hasse's "II tutore. Intermezzi ... In Dresda, 1'anno 1738," first performed at Naples, Teatro di S. Bartolomeo, 1730. "Alfonso" was first performed as indicated, May 11, 1738. SCHATZ 4510 Alfonso, dramma per musica rappresentato per regio comando in Dresda . . . MDCCXXXVIII. Dresden, verwittibte Hof-buchdr. Stoessel, n. d. 185 p. 16% cm . Five acts. Argument, cast, scenario, names of Pallavicini as author, of Hasse as the composer. The same as Schatz 4510, except that German title "Alfonso" and text face Italian and that the intermezzi do not appear in this edition, issued in honor of the same nuptial festivities. SCHATZ 4511 Alfonso Primo. Drama per musica. Da recitarsi nel Teatro Ven- dramino di S. Salvatore. L'anno 1694. Di Matteo Noris . . . Venetia, Nicolini, 1694. 84 p. 14 cm . Three acts. Author's dedication, brief argument, and scenario. The composer, Carlo Francesco Pollaroli, is not mentioned. SCHATZ 8268 Alfred: a masque. Represented before Their Royal Highnesses the prince and princess of Wales, at Cliffden, on the first of August, 1740. London, Printed for A. Millar, 1740. 44 p. 19\ cm . Two acts. Cast. Neither authors nor composer mentioned. (See next entry.) On p. 42-43 "An ode. When Britain, first, at heaven's command." AC 901.M5v.506 - Alfred, a masque. As it is now revived at the Theatre-Royal, in Drury Lane, by His Majesty's servants. London, T. CadeU and T. Becket [etc.], 1 773. 4 p. 1., 72, [2] p. 19\ cm . Three acts and "Prologue, by a friend. Spoken by Mr. Gamck, when it was first acted." Cast, argument, and this prefatory note: "Alfred, a masque, was written by Mr. [James] Thompson, in conjunction with Mr. [David] Mallet, at the request of his Royal Highness Frederick Prince of Wales, OPERA LIBRETTOS 67 Alfred Continued. before their Royal Highnesses, on the first of August, 1740. Ten years after it was adapted for the stage by Mr. Mallet and was received with great applause. Mr. Mallet, in his advertisement (after giving an account of his joining with Mr. Thompson in the performance) goes on " 'But to fit it for the stage, I found it would be necessary to new plan the whole, as well as write the particular scenes over again; to enlarge the design, and make Alfred what he should have been at first, the principal figure in his own masque. This I have done; but, according to the present arrangement of the fable, I was obliged to reject a great deal of what I had written in the other, neither could I retain of my friend's part, more than three or four single speeches, and a part of one song, I mention this expressly, that whatever faults are found in the present performance, they may be charged, as they ought to be, entirely to my account. " e jardinier suppose, comedie en un acte, melee d'ariettes; representee pour la premiere fois par les Comediens italiens ordinaires du roi, le samedi 2 septembre 1769. La musique est de M. Philidor. Paris, la veuve Duchesne, 1769. iv, 1$ p. 19 cm . (Theatre de M. Favart, Paris, Duchesne, 1768-77, t. x.) Cast. On p. 46-47 the air of the final vaudeville "Pour les amans & les belles." The authors, Favart and Voisenon, are not mentioned. Text preceded by this A vertissement : "Cette bagatelle fut represented au Theatre italien au mois de Juin 1756, sous le titre de la Ptaisanterie de campagne: elle fut recue avec plaisir; son succes fut inter- rompu par la maladie & la mort de Mademoiselle Silvia. On a cru pouvoir remettre cette piece au theatre, en y ajoutant des ariettes pour se conformer au gout dominant. M. Philidor a bien voulu se preter & cette tentative, & nous esperons que le public aura assez de bont6 pour nous savoir gr6 des efforts que nous avous faits pour con- tribuer & son amusement." ML 49.A2F1 - L'amant deguise, ou Le jardinier suppose, comedie en un acte, me'le'e d'ariettes, representee pour la premiere fois par les Comediens italiens ordinaires au roi, le 2 septembre 1769. La musique est de M. Philidore.[1] Paris, La veuve Duchesne, 1772. 35 p. 18 cm . By Charles Simon Favart and Claude Henri Fusee de Voisinon, who are not men- tioned. Cast and air (on p. 34-35) of the vaudeville "Pour les amants & les belles." SCHATZ 8005 Second copy. Yudin PQ - L'amant deguise, ou Le jardinier suppose", comedie en un acte, me'lee d'ariettes. Representee pour la premiere fois par les Come- diens italiens ordinaires du roi, le 2 septembre 1769. La musique est de M. Philidor. Paris, la veuve Duchesne, 1785. 36 p. 19 cm . Cast. On p. 11-14 the ariette "Que la campagne est un sejour" and on p. 36-37 the vaudeville "Pour les amans & les belles." The authors, Favart and Voisenon, are not mentioned. SCHATZ 11735 74 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS - Dei verkleidete liebhaber oder Der verstellte gaertner, ein sing- spiel in einem aufzuge aus dem franzoesischen uebersetzt mit musik. Frankfurt am Mayn, mit Andreaeischen schriften, 1774' 55 p., 16 p. (folded music) 17 cm . Translated by Johann Heinrich Faber. Neither he nor the composer, Philidor, is mentioned. The music (voice and bass) consists of: "Ein gartner ist" (I, 2) ["Un jardinier est un grand homme"J, "Nurinderstadt" (I, 3) ["J'aimela ville ], "Lustig eeyn die Schwobemaidle " (I, 5) ["Toute fille en Provence"]. Cast of Theob. Mar- chand's company. SCHATZ 8006 L'amant jalouz. A. T. Gr6try's Les fausses apparences. L'arnant statue, com6die en un acte et en prose, melee d'ariettes. Represented, pour la premiere fois, par les Come'diens italiens ordi- naires du roi, le jeudi 4 aout 1785. Paris, Brunei, 1786. 52 p. 19\. Neither the author, Desfontaines, nor the composer, Dalayrac, is mentioned. ML 50.2.A64 D2 De minnaer standbeeld : zangspel. Gevolgd naar het fransch, door W. van Ollefen [vignette]. Amsterdam, J. Helders en A. Mars, 1794- 40 p- 19% cm . Vignettes. Translator's "Opdragt aan den heere B. Ruloffs," dated Amsterdam, March 15, 1794, and privilege notice, dated Amsterdam, March 20, 1794. SCHATZ 2388 L'amante cabala. Intermezzo. (Carlo Goldoni, Opere drammatiche giocose, t. iv, Torino, 1757.) [110]-152 p. 16\. Three parts. Original composer unknown to Schatz, who dates first performance Venice, Teatro di S. Samuele, fall 1736. ML 49.A2G6 - L'amante cabala. Intermezzo di tre parti per musica. Carlo Goldoni, Opere teatrali, Venezia, Zatta e figli, 1788-95, t. 85, [95}-140p. 18$ cm . PQ L'amante che spende. O. T. of Tassi's libretto II cavalier mag- nifico. L'amante che spende. Dramma giocoso per musica da rappre- sentarsi nel Teatro Giustiniani di S. Moise 1'autunno dell' anno 1770. Venezia, Antonio Graziosi, 1770. 54 p. 18$ cm . Three acts. Dedication, cast, scenario, and names of Niccold Tassi as author, of Pietro Guglielmi as composer. SCHATZ 4309 L'amante combattuto dalle donne di punto. Commedia per musica di Giuseppe Palomba da rappresentarsi nel Nuovo Teatro de' Fiorentini per prima opera di quest' anno 1781. Napoli, n. publ, 1781. 71 p. 15 cm . Three acts. Cast and name of the composer, Domenico Nicola Cimarosa. SCHATZ 1994 L'amante confuso. Commedia per musica di Saverio Zini. Da rappresentarsi nel Teatro de' Fiorentini nell' autunno de corrente anno 1772. Napoli, Raffaele Lanciano, 1772. 3 p. I, 68 p. 15 cm . Three acts. Argument, scenario, cast, and name of Pasquale Anfossi as com- poser. SCHATZ 258 OPERA LIBRETTOS 75 L'amante contrastata. Dramma giocoso del Signer D. Giacomo Lendenesi da rappresentarsi nel Teatro Giustiniani di S. Moise 1'au- tunno dell' anno 1768. Venezia, Modesto Fenzo, 1768. 60 p. 15%. Three acts. Cast, scenario, and name of the composer, Alessandro Felici. SCHATZ 3053 L'amante del cielo. Dramma sacro per musica da rappresentarsi nel Collegio Nazzareno per le vacanze dell' anno 1699 . . . Roma, Gioseppe Vannacd, 1699. 71 p. 13 cm . Three acts. Author not mentioned and unknown to Schatz. Dedication signed by Erasino de Silvestris and dated Rome, February 13, 1699, argument, and scenario. The composer, Francesco Minissari, is not mentioned. On p. 68-69 ''Drammi stampati da Carlo Giannini," on p. 70 "Drammi che si vendono dall' istesso," and on p. 71 "Opere in prose, che si vendono dal medesimo." SCHATZ 6520 L'amante del studio, ballet. See Bianchi's L'orfano cinese. L'amante democratico. Dramma giocoso da rappresentarsi nel Teatro Carignano nella primavera dell' anno 7? Rep? [17991. Torino, Giacomo Fea, n. d. 4 P- l-> $4 P- 15% cm . Two acts. By Gian. Domenico Boggio. Cast. Names of the author and the composer, Stefano Cristiani. With the opera were performed two ballets, one of which was called "L'ltalia rigenerata, " by Luigi Dupen. The composer of the music is not mentioned. SCHATZ 2293 L'amante di tutte. Drama giocoso per musica di Ageo Liteo Da rappresentarsi nel Teatro delta Fama de' nobili Signori di Gubbio ne' mesi di maggio, e giugno 1761 . . . Urbino, Netta stamperia camerale, 1761. 61 p. 15 cm . Three acts. By Antonio Galuppi . Impresario's dedication, cast, and name of Baldassare Galuppi as composer. First performed at Venice, Teatro di S. Moise, fall of 1760. SCHATZ 3432 - L'amante di tutte. Dramma giocoso per musica da rappre- sentarsi in Firenze nel Teatro di via del Cocomero, nella primavera dell' anno 1764 ... Firenze, Anton Giuseppe Pagani, 1764- 58 p. 15 cm . Three acts. By Antonio Galuppi, who is not mentioned. Cast and name of Bal- dassare Galuppi as composer. With the opera were performed (composers of the music not mentioned) Vincenzio Monari's ballets "II giardiniere convinto da Amore" and "II quadro movibile." ML 48. A5 v. 20 - L'amante di tutte. Dramma giocoso per musica. Di Ageo Liteo. Da rappresentarsi nel Piccolo Teatro di S. A. E. di Sassonia. Dresda, 1'anno 1770. n. i., n. d. 139 p. 15% cm . Three acts. Scenario and name of the composer, Galuppi. German title: "Der liebhaber von alien," and text face Italian. SCHATZ 3433 - La moglie bizzarra. Operetta comica, da rappresentarsi sul Regio Teatro Danese, nelT autunno dell' anno 1763. Den flanevurne kone. . . . Oversadt paa dansk, af R, Soelberg . . . Ki^benhavn, Lars Nielsen Svare, n. d. 71 p. Two acts. Cast and names of Galuppi, as composer, and of Pietro Chiari, as author, but comparison proves that this is only a very much altered version in two acts of "L'amante di tutte," leaving most of the arias intact. SCHATZ 3434 76 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS L'amante di tutte Continued. II vecchip geloso, dramma giocoso per musica da rappresentarsi ne' Teatri privilegiati di Vienna Tanno 1767. [Vienna], GTielen, n. d. 66 p. 16 cm . Three acts. By Antonio Galuppi, who is not mentioned. Cast, scenario and name of Galuppi as composer. Slightly altered version of his "L'amante di tutte." For instance, the latter does not contain the aria (I, 2) "Quando vedi il Damerino," but "Qualora un galantuomo." SCHATZ 3510 Der liebhaber von alien, ein singspiel aus dem italiaenischen welches an dem churpfaelzischen hof in dem carneval des jahres 1770 aufgefuehret worden. Mannheim, AkademiscJie buchdruckerei, n. d. 58 p. 15% cm . Three acts. Scenario and cast. Galuppi is not mentioned. SCHATZ 3435 L'amante eroe. Drama per musica di Domenico David, da rappre- sentarsi nel Teatro Vendramino di San Salvatore 1'anno 1691 . . . Venetia, Nicolini, 1691. front., 71 p. Three acts. Author's dedication, argument, scenario, and notice to the reUder, with the name of Marc' Antonio Ziani ("che nel giorno d'oggi & la delizia dei teatri di Venezia") and remark: "II poco tempo, che nell' uso d'oggidi si permette alle scene di Venezia, ed il Boverchio numero delle canzoni, desiderate anche fuori dalle loro nicchie non ini ha lasciato in liberta 1'ingegno di amplificar nei recitativi, e di fedelmente eseguire i buoni precetti della Poetica." First performed, as indicated, carnival 1691. SCHATZ 11198 L'amante fortunate per forza. Dramma per musica; da recitarsi nel Teatro di Sant' Angiolo, 1'anno MDCLXXXIV . . . Venetia, Francesco Nicolini, 1684- 60 p. 14 cm - Three acts. By Pietro d'Averara, who is not mentioned. Dedication dated Venice, November 30, 1684, argument, scenario, and notice to the reader: "... per addattarmi all' uso di questo paese [the text was based on 'un' his- torietta, scritta in francese 'J, (nel quale li signori musici vogliono havere piii canzoni, che parole, e dove a chi scnve viene prescritta, non solo la quantity m& anco la qualit de' personaggi), h6 convenuto alterare 1'inventione, 1'intreccio, e quasi tutti gl' epis- vodii; e percio, se vi trovi qualche cosa d' aggrade vole, (che pur sar^, puoco) e d'altri: tutto rimperfetto 6 mio. E questo basti, perche tu sappia, ch'io non yado a caccia di lode. Se per6 sar6 compatito, I'havr6 & caro. Quanto al verso havrei forse potuto tenerlo piu sollevato, m^ anche in questo mi son accommodato al genio universale, & al soggetto, ch'6 piu tosto comico. Viyi felice. "La musica e compositione del Signor Giovanni Varischini, le di cui note ti riuscirono tanto gradite nel famoso Odoacre." SCHATZ 10594 L'amante generosa, ballet. See Bertoni's Telemaco ed Eurice. L'amante impazzito. L. T. of Gasparini, Polaroli, and Ballarotti's L'Alciade overo La violenza d'amore. L'amante imprudente. A. T. of Caruso's La sposa volubile. L'amante in cimento, ballet. See Fioravanti's L'amor per interesse. L'amante in cimento, ballet. See Portugal's Non irritare le donne. L'amante in statua. A. T. of La scuola olandese, ballet. OPEKA LIBRETTOS 77 L'amante per bisogno. Dramma giocoso per musica accomodato e riscritto da Egisippo Argolide P. A. della Colonia Arfea da rappre- sentarsi nel nobile Teatro di San Samuele nel carnovale dell' anno 1781. La musica e d'un nobile Accademico filarmonico Veronese. Venezia, Modesto Fenzo, 1781. Two acts. By Carlo Giuseppe Lanfranchi Rossi, music by Giuseppe Gazzaniga. Cast and scenario. SCHATZ 3689 L'amante ridicolo deluso. Farsetta per musica a quattro yoci dell' abate Alessandro Pioli da rappresentarsi nella real villa di Queluz del serenissimo Signore infante Don Pietro. L'anno MDCCLXIII. Lislona, Stamperia Ameniana, n. d. 2 p. I., 4% P- 17 cm . Two acts. Niccolo Piccirmi is mentioned as the composer. First performed at Rome, Capranica, January, 1762, according to Schatz; at Naples, 1757, under the title of "L'amante ridicolo" according to Cametti, who refers to Florimo II, 260, but Florimo enters this there on mere second-hand information and has no such entry in his fourth volume. SCHATZ 8063 L'amante seryitore. Commedia per musica del Signer S^grafi, poeta del nobilissimo Teatro La Fenice e del Teatro Comico Sant' Angelo. Composta per il nobilissimo Teatro Giustiniani in San Moise il carnovale dell' anno 1797. Venezia, Modesto Fenzo, 1796. 64 p. 18\ cm . Two acts. Argument, cast, scenario, and name of Ferdinando Per (Ferdinando Francesco Paer) as the composer. First performed December 26, 1796, as indicated. SCHATZ 7478 L'amante statua. Farsa da rappresentarsi nel nobile Teatro Vero- nese in San Cassano il carnovale dell' anno 1794. Poesia del tenente Antonio Valli, posto in musica dal. celebre Signer maestro Luigi Piccini. Venezia, Casali, 1794. ^8 p. 18 cm . One act. With the opera were performed the ballets "I Veneziani a Costantino- poli " and "II Chinese." SCHATZ 8062 L'amante travestita, ballet. See G. M. Rutini's Sicotencal. Gli amanti alia prova. O. T. of Caruso's Gli amanti dispettosi. Gli amanti alia prova. Dramma giocoso per musica da rappresen- tarsi nel Teatro di S. A. E. di Sassonia. Dresda, 1784, n. pull. 103 p. Two acts. By Giovanni Bertati, who is not mentioned. Francesco Piticchio is mentioned as the composer. German title "Die liebhaber auf der probe" and text face Italian. First performed January 4, 1785, as indicated. SCHATZ 8201 Gli amanti canuti. Dramma giocoso per musica del nobile Signore Carlo Lanfranchi Rossi gentiluomo tpscano fra gli Arcadi Egisippo Argolide. Da rappresentarsi nel nobile Teatro di San Samuele 1 au- tunno dell' anno 1781. Venezia, Modesto Fenzo, 1781. 68 p. 17 cm . Two acts. Cast, scenario, and name of Pasquale Anfossi as composer. After the first act, on p. 38-43, argomento, cast, and description of Onorato Viganb's new "Ni- nias tranno di Babilonia punito da Zoroastro o sia Piramo e Tisbe. Ballo eroico tragico pantqmimo." The composer of this is not mentioned, but of the "secondo ballo Li sposi ridicoli burlati " it was Luigi Marescalchi. SCHATZ 223 78 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Gli amanti canuti Continued. Gli amanti canuti. Dramma giocoso per musica da rappresen- tarsi nel Piccolo Teatro Elettorale. Dresda, n. publ. 1783. 131 p. 16 cm . Two acte. Anfossi is mentioned as composer. German title-page " Die liebenden preise" and text face Italian. The text differs only slightly from that of the original libretto. For instance, I, 9 has now the aria "Dice benissimo " instead of "State zitte, non parlate." The second act appears also in the libretto of Anfossi's "II disprezzo." SCHATZ 22 I Li amanti comici o sia La famiglia in scompiglio. Dramma giocoso per musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro di S. A. S. il Signer principe di Carignano nella primavera dell' anno 1797. Torino, Onorato Derossi, n. d. 59 p. 14b cm > Two acts. By Giuseppe Petrosellini (not mentioned), with cast, scenario, and name of the composer, Domenico Nicola Cimarosa. On p. 57-69 [recte 59] sub- stitute scene with aria "No, figlia, con piii forza cio va dettx> Orso, bifolco, ingrato" for II, 5. The ballets were entitled "II marito umiliato ossia La moglie di spirito" and "Carlo e Carolina." They were by Urbano Garzia. The composer of the music is not mentioned. First performed at Naples, Teatro de' Fiorentini, 1778. SCHATZ 2003 Gli amanti comici o sia D. Anchise Campanone. Commedia per musica di G. B. L. P. A. Da rappresentarsi nel Teatro Nuovo sopra Toledo per quarta commedia del corrente anno 1794. ~ t cm Napoli, n. publ., 1794. 60 p. Id 1 Three acts in Napolitan dialect. By Giambattista Lorenzi, whose title originally was "Fra i due litiganti il terzo gode.". Cast and name of Giovanni Paisiello as the composer. First performed at Naples, Teatro Nuovo, fall of 1772. SCHATZ 7588 - Don Anchise Campanone. Dramma giocoso per musica da rappresentarsi ne' Teatri privilegiati di Vienna nell' anno 1775. [Fie/ma], Giuseppe Kurzbock, n. d. 89, [1] p. 16$ cm . Three acts. Name of Giovanni Paisiello as the composer. The text is in Italian, but so little of it can be traced in the text by Lorenzi that we have practically two operas, so far as the text is concerned, and it stands to reason that the music can not have been the same. First performed at Vienna, December 12, 1775, as indicated, and with the same title at Venice, Teatro di S. Samuele, fall 1774. SCHATZ 75S<) Gli 'amanti della dote: See Bernardini's L'ultima che si perde e la speranza. Gli amanti della dote : Farsa seconda per musica da rappresentarsi nel Reggio Teatro di S. Carlo della Principessa nel carnovale dell' anno 1794 . . . Lisbon, Simone Taddeo Ferreira, 1794- 87 p. 14\ cm - One act. Author not mentioned and unknown to Schatz. Impresario's dedica- tion, cast, and name of Pietro Guglielmi as the composer. Portugxiese text faces Italian. With the opera were performed, composers of the music not mentioned, Pietro Angiolini's balleta "Giro in Timbraja" and "Gli find filosofi." The original title of Zini's text was "L'ultima che si perde e la speranza." SCHATZ 4293 OPERA LIBRETTOS 79 Gli amanti della dote. Dramma giocoso per musica da rappre- sentarsi per la second' opera in Cremona nel Teatro della Nob. Asso- ciazione il carnovale delr anno 1794. Cremona, Giuseppe Feraboli, n. d. 4? P- 15 m > Two acts. By Saverio Zini, who is not mentioned. Impresario's dedication, cast, scenario, and name of Silvestro di Palma as the composer. ("La musica e tutta nuova.") With the opera was performed Antonio Maraffi's ballet, "II principe di Lago Nero ossia La contadina in corte." The composer of the music is not mentioned. First performed at Florence, Teatro dei Risoluti, summer, 1791. SCHATZ 7747 Gl'amanti delusi, ballet. See Sarti's Cleomene. Gli amanti dispettosi. Commedia per musica da rappresentarsi nel Real Teatro del Fondo di Separazione per terz' opera di quest' anno 1787 . . . Napoli, n. publ, 1787. 52 p. 1J&. Two acts. By Bertati, who is not mentioned. Impresario's dedication, cast, and name of the composer, Luigi Caruso. The two ballets by Giambattista Giannini, "Le reclute villane" and "II quacquero burlato," were performed with the opera. The composer of the ballet music is not mentioned. First performed as "Gli amanti alia prova" at Venice, S. Moise, December 26, 1783. SCHATZ 1653 Gli amanti folletti. Dramma giocoso per musica, da rappresen- tarsi nel Teatro Elettorale. Dresda, n. publ, 1794. 14$ P- 15\ cm - Two acts. German title page, "Die verliebten poltergeister," and text face Italian. Mozart is mentioned as the composer, but it is not mentioned who selected the music from his operas, "II dissoluto punito," "Le nozze di Figaro," and "La clemenza di Tito," nor who wrote the libretto. The pasticcio was first performed, as indicated, 1794. SCHATZ 6748 Gli amanti generosi. Drama per musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro di Sant' Angelo Tanno 1703 . . . Venetia, Marino Rossetti, n. d. 69 p. 14\ cm > Three acts. Scenario, argument, dedication by the author, Giovanni Pietro Caudi, and his notice to the reader, in which he says: "Comparisce novello quest' anno il mio nome sii i Veneti teatri. Queeto drama, gia diversi anno, a solo motivo di divertimento da me composto, e etato lavorato sul serio, & sopra il gusto della tragedia. Ora non s6 come habbia havuto la sorte di doversi esser rappresentato in questo teatro; nel quale non ricercandosi tanta gravita, e richiedendo piu tosto lusinga d'orecchio col gaio di qualche scena comica, & col brio delle ariete, che solletico al cuore con la mozione degli affetti; sono stato costretto ad accomodarmi a questa necessita, & a togliergli molto di quel grave, e patetico, che il tragico accompagna, levando, aggiungendo molte cose, & situando delle ariete in loco non totalmente prpprio, & fuori del loro nicchio . . . Restano pure levate molte apparenze all quali non puo accomodarsi la ristrezza della scena . . . Rimane solo, che la tua bell' anima . . . tolleri con generosita anco le mieimperfezioni; 1' avvan- taggio delle quali sari il non comparire cosi difformi, perche mascherate, & a"bbellite dalle virtuose, e spiritose note del Sig. maestro il Sig. cavalier Vinacese, come pure dalla eingolare ability de virtuosi soggeti, che lo rappresantano. "Protestando il sig. maestro medesimo haver mtrapresa la composizione musicale di questo drama a solo mottivo d'obbedire ad' un commando de cavalieri a quali non ha potuto negarlo, mentre era fuori d'ogni sua intenzione il far piu musiche per dra mi; esprimendosi in oltre d' aver in molte arie secondato piu il gusto commune, che il proprio genio." SCHATZ 10739 80 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Gli amanti in puntiglio. Commedia per musica di G. M. D. da rappresentarsi nel Teatro Nuovo sopra Toledo per terza commedia del corrente anno 1794. Napoli, n. publ, 1794. 40 p. 15 cm . Two acts. By Giuseppe Maria Diodati. Cast and name of Giacomo Tritto as the composer. SCHATZ 10465 Gli amanti in Tempe. Azione pastorale con cori e balli analoghi da rappresentarsi in Firenze nel Regio Teatro degli Intrepidi detto della Palla a Corda . . . Firenze, Ant. Gius. Pagani e comp., 1792. 23 p. 17$ cm . Two acts. By Giovanni de Gamerra. Cast and names of composer, Gaetano Andreozzi, and librettist. First performed at Florence, as indicated, summer. 1792. SCHATZ 216 Gli amanti protetti da Amore, ballet. See Traetta's Cavaliere errante. Gli amanti protetti dalF Amore, ballet. See Borghi's Siroe. Gli amanti ridicoli. Commedia per musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro de' Fiorentini per terz' opera del corrente anno 1797. Napoli, n. pull, 1797. 67 p. 15 cm . Two acts. By Ginmbattista Lorenzi, who is not mentioned. Cast and name of Silvestro di Palma as the composer. SCHATZ 7746 Gli amanti ridicoli ossia- La capricciosa umiliata, ballet. See Tritto 's Le av venture galanti. Gli amanti riuniti. A. T. of Tritto 's La donna sensibile. I /amanti schiavi, ballet. See Piccinni's Ercole al Termedonte. Les amants inquiets. Parody of Colasse's Thetis et Pelee. Les amants trompes. See Les amans trompe"s. Amar per vendetta. L. T. of Ruggeri's La Clotilde. L'amar per virtu. Drama per musica da rappresentarsi, nel Teatro Vendramino di S. Salvatore. L' autunno dell' anno MDCIC . . . Venezia, Nicolini, 1699. jront., 60 p. 14$ cm - Three acts. By Donato Cupeda, but retouched. Neither he nor Antonio Draghi, the principal composer of this pasticcio, is mentioned. Dedication, argument, notice to the "Saggio lettore," cast and scenario. First performed, in its original form, Vienna, June 9, 1697. SCHATZ 2806 L'amar per virtu. A. T. of Graupner's Berenice e Lucilla. Amarillis. See Campra's ballet Les Muses. L'ama^eur de musique, comedie en prose et en un acte, me'lee d'ariettes. Paroles & musique de M. B. L. Raymond. Represented pour la premiere fois sur le Theatre des Petits Comediens de Monseig- neur le comte de Beaujolois, au Palais-Royal, le 3 juillet 1785. Paris, Cailleau, 1785. 40 p. 19 cm . Dedicatory poem, cast and long preface (p. 3-7) which begins: "Cette petite piece fut primitivement faite pour tre iouee par lea Bamborhes. Le caractere de Monsieur Piano etait beaucoup plus deVeioppe\ Certaines scenes OPERA LIBRETTOS 81 L'amateur de musique Continued. plus filers. J'y avals place" des vaudevilles, ou plutot dee Pont-Neufs, comme je f'avais vu pratiquer par les autres auteurs. MM. les entrepreneurs de ce spectacle, ayant substitue des petite enfans plein d'intelligence & des figures de bois inanim^es, j'elaguai le dialogxie autant qu'il me fut possible, parce qu'en prose surtout, il est trds difficile a rendre par le pantomime. J'6tai tons mes vaudevilles, & 1'exception d'un seul, qui finit en trio, & qui a produit de 1'effet. Je regrette de ce que j'ai coup, les phrases qui caracterisaient mes premiers personnages, & motivaient leur conduite." He then, with quotations from the original version, defends himself against criti- cism leveled at his character of Monsieur Piano and makes this confession : "C'est moi qui me suis peint dans Monsieur Piano & Monsieur Crescendo. C'eat moi qui brulais du desir de me produire au grand jour dans la Capitale." SCHATZ 8617 Amazili e Telesco. A. T. of the ballet La conquista del Peril. L'Amazone corsara, overo L'Alvilda regina de Goti, drama da rap- presentarsi in musica nel famoso Teatro Grimano di SS. Gio. e Paolo, 1'anno 1686. Di Giulio Cesare Corradi . . . Venetia, Francesco Nicolini, 1686. 72 p. 14 cm - Three acts. Author's dedication, notice to the reader with Carlo Pallavicini's name as the composer, argument and scenario. The imprimatur is dated February 1, 1686. SCHATZ 7716 Le Amazon! nelT Isole Fortunate. Drama per musica del dottor Piccioli da rappresentarsi in Piazzola, nel nobilissimo Teatro dell' ill. et eccell. Sig. Marco Contarini . . . Panno MDCLXXIX. Padova, Pietro Mar. Frambotto, n. d. 14- Incomplete, ending with p. 48. Prologue and three acts. Dedication by Fran- cesco Maria Picciolij dated Piazzola, November 11, 1679, argument, notice to the reader and scenario. The composer, Carlo Pallavicino, is not mentioned. SCHATZ 7717 Le Amazzoni, ballet. See Zingarelli's II conte di Saldagna. L'ambigu de la folie ou Le ballet des dindons. O. T. of Favart's Les Indes dansantes. L'ambizione castigata. Comi-drama da rappresentarsi in musica nel Teatro di San Fantino. II carnovale 1717. Venezia, Antonio Bortoli, 1717. 43 p. 14%?. Pages 3-6 wanting, containing presumably argument, cast, and perhaps name of the composer, though he is unknown to Wiel. Schatz considers this a pasticcio which was known also as "Umor di principessa, o sia L'ambizione castigata, text by Fran- cesco Mazzari. SCHATZ 11299 L'ambizione delusa. See La commedia in commedia. L'ambizione delusa. O. T. of Barlocci's text II vecchio amante, not to be confused with the L. T. of his Madama Ciana. L'ambizione delusa. L. T. of Latilla's Madama Ciana. L'ambizione delusa. Dramma giocoso per musica da rappresen- tarsi nel Teatro di S. A. Serenissima il Signer principe di Carignano nella primavera dell' anno 1780. Torino, Onorato Derossi, n. d. 4 P- 15 cm . Two acts. Author unknown to Schatz. Cast, scenario, and name of Giuseppe Sarti as the composer. First performed at Rome, Teatro Capranica, February, 1779. SCHATZ 9471 72251 VOL 114 6 82 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS L'ambizione depressa. Dramrna per musica da rappresen tarsi nel Teatro di Sant Angelo nella fiera dell' Ascensione 1' anno 1733 . . . Venezia, Marino Rossetti, n. d. 60 p. 15 cm . Three acts. Dedication, signed by Giuseppe Grandini, probably as impresario, argument, scenario, cast, and name of Baldassare Galuppi as composer. The text ia attributed by Schatz and others to Grandini, but according to Piovano it is by Giuseppe Papis, and was originally composed by A. Scarlatti for Naples, 1714, under the title of "L'amor generoso." For the Venice version the character of Dtspinn was suppressed. SCHATZ 3477 Amble to. Apostolo Zeno, Poesie drammatiche, Venezia, 1744r * i x > P- 100- 19 cm . Three acts. Argument. Written in collaboration with Pietro Pariati. No com- poser is mentioned. In the "Catalogo" at end of t. x, date and place of first ed. are given as Venezia, 1706. ML 49.A2Z3 - Ambleto. Pubblicato per la prima volta in Venezia 1706. Apostolo Zeno, Poesie drammatiche, Orleans, 1785-86, t. ix, p. 185- 278. 21 cm . Three acts. Argument. No composer is mentioned. Written in collaboration with Pietro Pariati. ML 49.A2Z4 Ambleto. Drama per musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro di Sant' Angelo il carnovale dell' anno MDCCXLII . . . Venezia, Gasparo Girardi, 174^. 55 p. 15\ cm . Three acts. By Zeno and Pariati (not mentioned), with alterations. Impresario's dedication, argument, scenario, cast, and name of the composer, Giuseppe Carcano. SCHATZ 1620 Ambleto. Drama per musica da raporesentarsi nel Teatro Tron di S. Cassano il carnovale dell' anno MDCCV . . . Venezia, Marino Rossetti, 1705. 72 p. lJ+\ cm . Three acts. By Apostolo Zeno and Pariati. Neither they nor Carlo Francesco Gasparini, the composer, are mentioned. Impresario's dedication, argument, cast, and scenario. SCHATZ 3556 Ambroise, ou Voila ma journee, comedie en un acte et en prose, melee d'ariettes. Par le citoyen Monvel. Paris, Barba, An septieme [1798-99]. 36 p. 19 cm . Cast. The composer, Nicolas Dalayrac, is not mentioned. First performed at Paris, Ope"ra-comique, January 12, 1793. SCHATZ 2328 Amelia. A musical entertainment of two acts . . . London, T. BecJcet, 1771. 2 p. 1., 32 p. 20\ cm . Cast and note that "the songs composed by Mr. [Charles] Dibdin, are new." The other composers figuring in the headings of the songs of this pasticcio are Piccinni, Potenza, Cocchi, [Jon. Chr.] Bach, Stanley, Arnold, Richter. Comparison proved clearly that "Amelia"- is taken from Richard Cumberland's three-act "The summer's tale," some scenes having been lifted verbatim (dialogue and songs) into "Amelia," which was first performed under this title at London, Drury Lane, Decem- ber 14, 1771. Not to be confused, it appears, with another alteration called Amelia and first performed at Covent Garden April 12, 1768. LONGE 105 OPERA LIBRETTOS 83 Amelia. A new English opera, as it is perform 'd at the New Theatre in the Hay-Market, after the Italian manner. Set to musick by Mr. John Frederick Lampe. London, J. Watts, 1732. 4 p. I, 29, [3] p. 19\. The [3] p. contain a book-list by the publisher. Three acts. Cast and argument. By Henry Carey, who is not mentioned. First performed March 13, 1732, as indicated. LONGE 105 - Amelia: an opera. Set to musick by Mr. John Frederick Lampe. 2 p. 1., 46 p. 22 cm . (Henry Carey, Dramatick works, London, 1743. Three acts. Argument. ML 49.A2C2 Amelia ed Ottiero. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel Ces. Reg. Teatro di Trieste nelP autunno 1797. [Trieste], Cesarea regia privilegiata stamperia governale n. d. 40 p> 18 cm . Two acts by Carlo Sernicola, who is not mentioned. Impresario's dedication dated Trieste, November 7, 1797, argument, scenario, cast, and name of Gaetano Andreozzi as composer. With the opera was performed (composer of the music not mentioned) Nccol6 Ferlotti's ballet "Nina pazza per amore." SCHATZ 201 The American adventurers. A. T. of The coup de main. The American Indian; or, Virtues of nature. A play. In three acts. With notes. Founded on an Indian tale. By James Bacon . . . London, Printed for the author, 1795. xvi, [8], 44 P- 21% cm - List of subscribers, dedication, dated Lincoln's Inn, October 12, 1795, preface stating that this play (which was rejected by Drury-Lane) is based on Mrs. Morton's "Ouabi, or, the virtues of nature," and note that "The Death Song" ("Rear'd midst the war-empurpled plain ") was literally copied from her poem. LONGE 270 L' Americana in Europa, ballet. See Gazzaniga's La disfatta de' Mori. L' Americana in Olanda. Dramma giocoso per musica in due atti di Nunzio Porta da rappresentarsi nel nobil Teatro di San Samuele Tautunno dell' anno 1778. Venezia, Modesto Fenzo, 1778. 17 cm . Cast and name of Pasquale Anfossi as composer. SCHATZ 264 L' Americana in Scozia, ballet. See jSTasolini's Eugenia. L' Americano. Intermezzo per musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro di S. Gio. Grisostomo dell' eccellentissima casa Grimani F autunno dell' anno 1779. Venezia, Pietro Sola, 1779. 48 p. 17$. Two acts. The author not mentioned and unknown to Schatz. Cast, scenario, and name of Niccolo Piccinni as the composer. First performed at Rome, Teatro Capranica, February 22, 1772. SCHATZ 8064 - Der Amerikaner, ein yierstimmiges singspiel. In musik gesetzt von herrn Nikolaus Piccini . . . Bamberg, n. pull., 1791. 80 p. 15 cm . Two acte. The translator is not mentioned and is unknown to Schatz. SCHATZ 8065 84 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS [/ami de la maison. coraedie en trois actes et en vers, mSles d'ari- ettes; represented devant Sa Majeste a Fontainebleau le 26 octobre 1771, & sur le Theatre de la Come'die italienne, le 2 decembre suivant. Par Mr. Marmontel ... La musique de M. Gretry. Paris, Vente, 1772. 52 p. 18% cm . Cast. On p. 46-52 the music of the "Airs" "Je suie de yous tres m^contente" and "Ah! dans ces fetes." The full score gives the first Parisian performance cor- rectly as on May 14, 1772. So does evidently a libretto printed by Vente, 1772, as reprinted by Wotquenne in Grtry'a Oeuvres. The odd feature is that our libretto, too, was printed by Vente in 1772. SCHATZ 4132 Second copy. Yudin PQ. L ami de la maison, comedie en trois actes et en vers, me'le'e d'ariettes; representee devant Sa Majeste*, h, Fontainebleau, le 26 Octobre 1771. Les oaroles sont de M. Marmontel . ... & la musique est de M. Gretry. Paris, Ruault, 1776. 36 p. 19\ cm . ML48M2M - Der hausfreund, ein singspiel in drey aufzuegen aus dem fran- zoesischen uebersetzt, mit musiK. Frankfurt am Mayn, mit Andreaeischen scJiriften, 1774- 88 p., 11 p. (folded music, dated 1775). Translation by Johann Heinrich Faber, who is not mentioned. The music (voice and bass) consists of "Mit Ihnen bin ich unzufrieden" ("Je suis de vous tres m^con- tente" and "Neigt sich ein hitziger Tag" ("Dans la brdlante saison"). SCHATZ 4133 Gli amici. Pastorale per musica nel Teatro Malvezzi Testate dell' anno MDCIC. (At end) Bologna, per Verede del Benacci, n. d. front., 70, [1] p. Three acts. By Pietro Jacopo Martelli, who is not mentioned. Cast, argument, and name of conte Pirro Albergati as composer. First performed, as indicated, August 16. 1699. SCHATZ 77 Gl' amici rivali. L. T. of C. F. Pollaroli's L' enigma disciolto. Aminta. Apostolo Zeno, Poesie drammatiche, Venezia, 1744} I- w<, p. [357]-44? p. 19 cm . Three acts. Argument. No composer is mentioned. First composed by Tommaso Albinoni, according to Schatz. In the "Catalogo" at end of t. x, date and place of first ed. are given as Florence, 1703. ML 49.A2Z3 - Aminta. Pubblicato per la prima volta in Firenze 1703. Apostolo Zeno, Poesie drammatiche, Orleans, 1785-86, t. ii, p. 305- 384. 21 cm . Three acts. Argument. No composer is mentioned. ML 49.A2Z4 Amintas. L. T. of Rush's The royal shepherd. OPERA LIBRETTOS 85 L'amitie a 1'epreuve, comedie en deux actes et en vers, meslee d'ariettes; representee, devant Sa Majesty, a Fontainebleau, le 13 novembre 1770. Les paroles sort de MM. ***, & Favart ... La musique est de M. Gretry. Paris, la veuve Simon & fils, 1771. 46, [1] p. 18 cm . Cast. Favart's collaborator is not known. The additional page contains a descrip- tion of the "Divertissement" and p. 45-46 the air of the "Romance, A quels maux il me livre." First performed at Paris, Comedie italienne, January 24, 1771 (Schatz); January 17, 1771 (Wotquenne, also the date given in the score). In 1786 revised, with an additional third act. SCHATZ 4134 - L'amitie a 1'epreuve, comedie en un acte et en vers, me'lie d'ariettes; tiree des Contes moraux de M. de Marmontel . . . Les paroles sout de MM * * *, & Favart. La musique est de M. Gretry. Paris, la veuve Duchesne, 1776. 2 p. I, 45 p. 19 cm . (Theatre de M. Favart, Paris, Duchesne, 1763-77, t. x.} Font claims that this one-act reduction was by "Favart eeul," i. e., did not contain matter by Vpisenon. It should be noted that a three-act version "par Favart seul" was printed in 1786. Cast. No music printed in the text. Dedication to "Madame la Dauphine," and the prefatory note: "Cette piece fut represented en deux actes [by Voisenon and Favart] sur le Theatre de la cour & Fontainebleau, le 13 novembre 1770, & a Paris, le 24 Janvier 1771. "M. Favart 1'ayant reduite en un acte, elle fut jouee devant Leurs Majeste's, a Versailles, le 29 de'cembre 1775 ; & a Paris, le premier Janvier 1776." ML 49.A2F1 - L'amitie a 1'epreuve, comedie en deux actes et en vers. Melee d'ariettes. Representee, devant Sa Majeste, a Fontainebleau le 13 Novembre 1770. Les paroles sont de MM. *** & Favart ... La musique est de M. Gretry. Paris, Didot, 1777. 35 p. 19% cm . ML48M2M - Die freundschaft auf der probe, ein singspiel in zween aufzuegen aus dem franzoesischen ueb'ersetzt, mit musik. Frankfurt am Mayn, mit Andreaeischen schriften, 1772. 84 p., 8 p. (folded music.) 16\ cm . Translation by Joh. Heiur. Faber, who is not mentioned. Cast. The music (voice and bass) consists of "Denken hast Du mich gelehret" (I, 4, "Si je pense, c'est votre ouvrage"), "Nelson flieht, mich zu verlaesen" ("Nelson part, Nelson me laisse," II, 1), and "Siehst Du, wie ich mich quale" (II, 3, "A quels maux il me livre"). SCHATZ 4135 - Die freundschaft auf der probe. Eine operette in zween auf- zuegen. Aufgefuehrt in k. k. Nationaltheater. Wien, zujinden beym Logenmeister, 1780. 64 p- 16\ cm . The translator is not mentioned and unknown to Schatz. First performed, as indicated, January 22, 1781. SCHATZ 4136 Amleto. Drarnma per musica da rappresentarsi nel nobilissimo Nuovo Teatro di Padova nella fiera del Santo 1'anno 1792 . . . Padova, Conzatti A. S. Lorenzo n. d. 51 p. 17\ cm - Two acte. By Giuseppe Foppa. Dedication, prefatory note, cast, scenario, and name of Gaetano Andreozzi as composer but not of librettist. The libretto was baeed on the tragedy Amleto by Ducis. With the opera these ballets were per- 86 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Amleto Continued . formed: "La distruzione di Cartagine, ballo eroico-tragico-pantomimo " by Domenico Ballou, music composed for the occasion by Vittorio Trento and II eonambolo. Argomento, cast, and detailed description of the former on p. 26-36. SCHATZ 212 Amleto, ballet. See Tarchi's Alessandro nell' Indie. Amleto, ballet. See Zingarelli's Apelle e Campaspe. . L am mala to immaginario. Intermezzi musicali da rappresen- tarsi in Perugia nel Teatro de' Nobili nel carnevale dell' anno 1727. Perugia, Costantini, n. d. 16 p. 14% cm ' Three intermezzi. The composer, Francesco Bartolomeo Conti, is not mentioned. The author is unknown to Schatz. First performed at Vienna, Teatro di Corte, February, 1713. SCHATZ 2204 L'amor artigianp. Dramma giocoso per musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro Giustiniani di San Mois& 1' autunno dell' anno 1776. n. i., n. d. 68, xiv p. 18 cm . Three acts. By Carlo Goldoni, who is not mentioned. Cast, scenario, and name of Joseph Schuster as the composer. ("La musica e nuovamente composta.") The xiv p. (after p. 32) contain prefatory note, argument, cast, and description, but not name of the composer of the music of Antonio Terrades' "Apelle e Campaspe, ballo eroico-pantomimo." SCHATZ 9759 L'amor bizzaro o sia La gelosa di se stessa. Dramma giocoso per musica di Giovanni Bertati * da rappresentarsi nel Teatro Gius- tiniani di San Moise nel carnovale dell anno 1775. Venezia, Antonio Graziosi, 1775. 54 p. 17 cm . Three acts. Cast, scenario, and name of Giacomo Rust as the composer. ("La musica sara.") SCHATZ 9167 O amor conjugal. Dramma para ser representado no Theatro do Salitre, no felicissimo dia no nascimento da Senhora D. Maria Fran- cisca Benedicta . . . Lisboa, Jose de Aquino Bulhoens, 1789. 27 p. 15$ cm . Oast and names of Jose Procopio Monteiro as author, of Marcos Portugal as composer. First performed July 25, 1789, as indicated (Schatz), July 27, 1784 (Carvalhaes). SCHATZ 8434 Amor contadino. Dramma giocoso per musica di Polisseno Fegejo P. A. Da rappresentarsi nel Teatro di Sant' Angelo 1' autunno dell' anno 1760. Venezia, Modesto Fenzo, 1760. 69 p. 15 cm . Three acts. By Goldoni. Cast, scenario, and name of Giovanni Battista Lam- pugnani as the composer. First performed, as indicated, November 12, 1760. SGHATZ 5386 L'amor contadino. Operetta comica, da rappresentarsi sul Teatro Reale danese, nell' autunno dell' anno 1763. B(/>nderfolks elskov . . . Oversadt paa dansk, af R. Soelberg. Ki(f)benhavn, Lars Nielsen Svare, n. d. 71 p, 15 cm . Three acts. Cast and names of Goldoni as author, of Lampugnani as composer. SCHATZ 5387 OPERA LIBRETTOS 87 L'amor contrastato. Cpmmedia per musica di Giuseppe Palomba da rappresentarsi nel nobile Teatro Giustiniani in San Moise il car- no vale dell' anno 1789. Venezia, Modesto Fenzo, 1788. 72 p. 17 cm . Three acts. Cast, scenario, and name of Giovanni Paisiello as the composer. The third act of this version consists of three scenes not to be found in our other librettos. First performed at Naples, Teatro dei Fiorentini, summer, 1788. SCHATZ 7590a L'amor contrastato. Dramma giocoso per musica, da rappre- sentarsi nel Teatro di S. A. E. di Sassonia. Dresda, n. pull., 1790. 143 p. 15\ cm . Two acts. Paisiello is mentioned as the composer. German title page " Die etreitig gemachte liebschaft" and text face Italian. SCHATZ 7591 La molinara o sia L'amor contrastato. Drama giocoso . . . Berlino, Haude e Spener, n. d. 125 p. lo\ cm . Two acts. Paisiello is mentioned as the composer. German title page " Die mullerin oder Die streitig gemachte liebe'' and text face Italian. SCHATZ 7593 Arien und gesaenge aus dem komischen singspiel : Die schoene muellerim. In zwey aufzuegen. Mit musik von Paesiello. Berlin, n. publ., n. d. Jfi p. 16 cm . Cast. Published before 1800? German version by Christoph Friedrich Bretzner. First performed at Berlin, Kgl. Nationaltheater, Oct. 16, 1793. SCHATZ 7594 Gesaenge aus dem singspiele : Die muellerin, nach dem italie- nischen, in zwey akten. Die musik ist von Paisiello. Hamburg, Friedrich Hermann Nestler, n. d. 89 p. 15\ cm . Two acts. Published before 1800? First performed at Hamburg, Theater C. Gansemarkt, April 26, 1793. SCHATZ 7595 Amor corsaro, ballet. See Monza's Oreste. L'amor costante. Dramma giocoso per musica da rappresentarsi nel Real Teatro di Salvaterra nel carnovale dell' anno 1785. [Lisboa] Stamperia reale, n. d. 67 p. 15 cm . Two acts. Scenario, cast, and name of composer, Domenico Nicola Cimaroaa. Author unknown to Schatz. First performed at Rome, Teatro Valle, carnival, 1782.. SCHATZ 1927 Giulietta ed Armidoro. Dramma giocoso in due atti da rap- presentarsi nel Teatro di S. A. E. di Sassonia. Dresda, n. publ., 1790. 99 p. 15%. Two acts, with name of the composer, Cimarosa. German title, "Julie und Armidor," and text face Italian. The same as "L'amor costante," but with modifi- cations, for instance, "Laura" has become "Giulia," and the second act begins with what was the second scene, "Si, Giulia saril mia." First performed at Dresden March 13, 1790. SCHATZ 1928 Amor d'un ombra, e gelosia d'un aura. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel nuovo teatro eretto di sotto Monte Calvario, in questa primavera del corrente anno 1725 . . . Napoli, Angela Vocola, 1725. 56 p. 14l cm . Three acts by Carlo Sigismondo Capeci, with alterations by Carlo de Palma. Dedicatory preface by the impresario Angelo Carasale, notice to the reader, names of the authors and the composer, Giuseppe Sellitti, argument, cast, scenario. The new arias are marked by an asterisk, for instance: "Ne bell' occhi le Grazie ed Ainore" (I, 14). From the dedication it appears that the libretto was originally given at Rome "nel Teatro dpmestico della Maest& di Maria Casimira, regina di Polonia," but it is not stated with whose music. SCHATZ 9829 88 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Pequeno dramma intitulado o Amor da patria, para se representar no Theatro do Salitre, em aplauso das felicissimas melhorias do serenissimo Senhor D. Joa6 princepe do Brazil. Lisboa, Jose de Aquino Bulhoens, 1789. 15 p. 15% cm . One prose scene with two choruses, an aria and a duet. Neither author nor com- poser mentioned. Not recorded by Schatz. ML 50.2.A65 ./ L'amor della patria, superiore ad ogn'altro. Dramma musicale del Signer Francesco Sbarra. Venetia, Nicolo Pezzana, 1668. 104 P- 1 4 cm - Three acts. Printer's dedication, argument, and scenario. Composer not men- tioned and unknown to Schatz. First performed, according to Schatz, at Munich, Hoftheater, April, 1665. SCHATZ 11301 L'amor di Curzio per la patria. Drama da rappresentarsi in musica nel famosissimo Teatro Grimano di SS. Gio. e Paolo 1' anno 1690 di Giulio Cesare Corradi . . . Venetia, Nicolini, 1690. 68 p. 15\ cm . Three acts. Argomento, author's dedication, scenario, and notice to the reader with name of [Francesco] Paris Algisi as composer. SCHATZ 160 L'amor di figlia. Drama per musica da recitarsi nel Teatro di S. Angelo nelF autimno dell' anno 1718 . . . Venezia, Marino Rossetti, 1718. 60 p. 15% cm - Three acte. Argument, cast, scenario, name of Giovanni Pprta as the composer, dedication signed by Domenico Lalli, who says in a prefatory notice to the reader: "Questo presente drama fu composto dal Signer Gio. Andrea Moniglia . . . (come appare in stampa. nelle sue dramatiche poesie Parte seconda) con il titolo della Piet& di Sabina. To 1 ho ridotto nella miglior forma che h6 potuto all' uso odierno de Teatri Dramatici, avendovi lasciato buona parte de' versi dell' autore, a' quali h6 procurato di far consimili i miei, per quanto mi e stato possibile." SCHATZ 8395 L'amor di figlio non conosciuto. Dramma per musica da rap- presentarsi nel Teatro di Sant' Angelo nel carnovale dell' anno 1715. Di Domenico Lalli . . , Venezia, Carlo Buonarigo, 1715. 5 p. 1., [1S]-70 p. 15 cm . The supplementary leaf contains the aria "Dirai per me" in full with four stanzas, instead of only two stanzas as on p. 38. Two of the unnumbered pages preceding p. 13 lacking. They contained probably cast, scenario, and name of Tommaso Albinoni as composer. Three acts. Argument and dedication. SCHATZ 102 > Amor, e dover. Drama per musica di Domenico David. Da reci- tarsi nel Teatro Grimani di S. Gio. Grisostomo ... Venezia, Nicolini, 1697. 72 p. Three acts. Author's dedication, argument, notice to the reader, and scenario. Carlo Francesco Pollaroli, the composer, is not mentioned. First performed carnival 1697, as indicated. SCHAT/ 8271 Amor fa Fuomo cieco. Intermezzo di due parti per musica. Carlo Goldoni, Opere teatrali, Venezia, Zatta e figli, 1788-95, v. 35, [141]-157 p. 18\ cm . PQ In his " Verzeichnis " Wotquenne dates this 1731. As a matter of fact, intermezzi of this title were performed at Naples, Teatro di S. Bartolomeo, winter 1731 with Pergolesi's "La Salustia." According to Radiciotti there is in the libretto at end of the first intermezzo the remark "Tutto il recitativo di quest' intermezzo 6 di Domenico Carcajus." Goldoni does not seem to be mentioned; at least Radiciotti is silent on his authorship. The music is attributed by him and Schatz to Per- OPERA LIBRETTOS 89 Amor fa I'uomo cieco Continued. golesi, whose score has not been located. Radiciotti gives in the second part of hie book an outline of the plot mentioning as characters Nerina and Nibbio. Neither plot nor characters are those of the intermezzi in Goldpni's Opere teatrali, which fact complicates matters! Goldoni's characters are "Livietta," "Cardone euo amante" and "Mingone servo che non parla." One is instantly reminded, upon reading the text, of Mariani's "Livietta e Tracollo," composed by Pergolesi and first performed at the same theatre on October 25, 1734. Indeed, "both librettos contain the arias "Vi sto ben? Vi comparisco" and "Non si move, non rifiata." Here, then, is a puzzle, which does not as yet seem to have aroused the attention of biographers and opera-historians. If the text published in Goldoni's works really dates from 1731, the natural explanation would be that Mariani in 1734 incorporated Pergolesi's two arias of 1731 in "Livietta e Traaollo." And yet how is it possible that Pergolesi composed in 1731 this "Amor fa 1'uomo cieco text, if it does not agree with the text which, according to Radiciotti, is that of the libretto printed in 1731? Yet these two texts appear to have at least one aria in common: "La carozza ci sara," and this aria was listed in Breitkopf's catalogue of 1770. It will simplify further research, if the anas in Goldoni's text follow here: (Int. I)- Vi std ben? Vi compariscof Per pieta, chi mai m'insegna. La carozza ci sara. Gioja mia, devo partire. Porto dunque, o mia diletta (duet). (Int. II) Quanta mi vien da ridere. Non si move, non rifiata. Oh come sei bello. Oh che sorte, oh che piacere (duet). L'amor fra gl' impossibili. Dramma per musica da recitarsi nel Teatro della Fenice d'Ancona nell' anno 1727. Ancona, Belelli, 1727. 62 p. 14 cm . Three acts. Girolamo Gigli is mentioned as author, Giovanni Battista Mastini as the composer. Argument and scenario. SCHATZ 6095 L'amor geloso. Azione teatrale comica per musica da rappresen- tarsi nel Real Teatro del Fondo di Separazione per seconda opera di questo corrente anno 1782. Napoli, n. publ, 1782. 43 p. lo% cm . Two acts . The author is not mentioned and is unknown to Schatz. Cast and name of "Vincentio Martinez" (Martin y Soler) as the composer. SCHATZ 6026 L'amor geloso. Azione teatrale comica per musica in due parti. Vienna, di Ghelen, 1770. Unpaged. 19 cm . Two acts. Author not mentioned and unknown to Schatz. Giuseppe Scarlatti is mentioned as the composer. First performed at Vienna, Burgtheater, 1770. SCHATZ 9560 L'amor generoso. Apostolo Zeno, Poesie drammatiche, Venezia, 1744, t- vi> P- [105]-182. 19 cm . Three acts. Argument. No composer is mentioned . In the "Catalogo" at end of t. x, date and place of first ed. are given as Venice, 1707. (See below). ML 49.A2Z3 - L'amor generoso. Pubblicato per la prima volta in Venezia 1707. Apostolo Zeno, Poesie drammatiche, Orleans, 1785-86, t. Hi, p. 277- 348. 21 cn . Three acts. Argument. No composer is mentioned. ML 49.A2Z4 90 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS I /amor generoso. Drama per musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro degl' illustrissimi signori Capranica Fanno 1727 . . . Roma, Rossi, n. d. 62 p. 15 cm . Three acts. By Apoetolo Zeno, who is not mentioned. Argument, cast, scenario, and name of the composer, Giovanni Costanzi. SCHATZ 2276 L'amor generoso. Drama da rappresentarsi per musica nel Teatro Tron di S. Cassano, 1'autunno deir anno MDCCVII . . . Venezia,' Marino Rossetti, n. d. 59, [1] p. 15 cm . Three acts. By Apostolo Zeno, who signs the dedication with his initials. Argu- ment, cast, scenario, and name of (Carlo) Francesco asparini as the composer. On the additional page a list of Antonio Bortoli's musical publications. SCHATZ 3557 - La fede in cimento. Drama per musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro Tron di S. Cassiano. II carnovale dell' anno 1730 . . . Venezia, Carlo Buonarrigo, 1730. 48 p. 15 cm . Three acts. By Apostolo Zeno, who is not mentioned. Impresario's dedication, argument, cast, scenario. The composers Carlo Francesco Gasparini and Santo Lapis are not mentioned. In reality this is a later version of Gasparini's "L'amor generoso," Venice, 1707. The dialogue follows fairly closely that of the original, but many arias are different, and it was for these that Lapis wrote the music. For instance, "Anche da te lontano" (I, 2) has supplanted "II mio cor non si spaventa," "Son amante, e non son figlia" (I, 3) the aria Sparger non vo piu lagrime, etc. etc. SCHATZ 3596 L'amor guerriero. Drama per musica, rappresentato nel famosis- simo Teatro Grimano. L'anno 1663 . . . Venetia, Francesco Nicolini, 1663. 92 p. (incl. front.) 15 cm . Pages 1-24, 73-92 not numbered. Prologue and three acts. Argument, scenario, dedication by the author, Cristoforo Ivanovich, and his notice to the reader, in which he says: "Ecco il mio primo drama . . . Troverai inserita qualche machina, non attaccata dal capriccio, ma introdotta dall' arte. Queste sono le primitie del mio ingegno, che nato di diverse* linguaggip, a pena si e innestato & piu bassi rami della Tosana Facondia ... La musica e del Signor Don Pietro Ziani ... Le voci saranno de i cigni piu famose, che volano per 1' italico cielo ..." First performed, as indicated, carnival, 1663. SCHATZ 11220 Amor indoyino, favola pastorale in musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro Giustinian a S. Moise. Nel mese di ottobre, 1' anno 1726 . . . Venezia, Marin Rossetti, 1726. 36 p. 14$ cm . Three acts. By Giov. Battista Neri. Impresario's dedication dated October 26, 1726, argument, and cast. Neither the composer, Antonio Cortona, is mentioned, nor the author. SCHATZ 2263 Amor 1'astuzia insegna. Dramma giocoso per musica di Gio- vanni Bertati, poeta al servizio di S. M. I. R. A. etc., da rappre- sentarsi nel nobilissimo Teatro Giustiniani in San Moise" il carnovale dell' anno 1797. Venezia, Modesto Fenzo, 1797. Jfi p. 17 cm . Two acts. Cast, scenario, and name of Francesco Gardi as composer. First performed, as indicated, February 18, 1797. SCHATZ 3536 Amor lunatico. Dramma giocoso per musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro Giustiniani di San Moise il carnovale dell' anno 1770. Dell' abbate Pietro Chiari . . . Venezia, Modesto Fenzo, 1770. 54 p. 16\ cm . Three acts. Dedicatory poem by the impresario, cast, scenario, and name of Bal- dassare Galuppi as the composer. SCHATZ 3436 OPERA LIBRETTOS 91 L'amor marinaro. Dramma giocoso per music a in due atti da rappresentarsi nel Teatro elettorale dKSassonia. Dresda, n. pull., 1798. 183 p. 15\ cm . Three acts. By Giovanni di Gamerra, who is not mentioned. German title-page "Die liebe im matrosenkleide," and text face Italian. Joseph Weigl is mentioned as the composer. First performed at Vienna, Hoftheater, October 15, 1797; at Dresden, July 18, 1798, as indicated. SCHATZ 10926 L'amor nelT inganno. Intermezzi per musica tra Merlina e Fal- chetto. Da rappresentarsi per la prima volta nel Teatro de' Con- vittori del Seminario di Mantova nel carnovale dell' anno 1745. n. i., n. d. 22 p. Four intermezzi. Both author and composer unknown to Schatz. SCHATZ 11300 Amor non ha riguardi e Le convulsioni. Farse in musica di Giuseppe Palomba da rappresentarsi nel Teatro de' Fiorentini per quart opera dell' anno 1787. Napoli, n. publ., 1787. 48 p. One act. (The second farce, music by Gius. Curcio, on p. 26-48.) Cast and name of Luigi Platone as the composer. SCHATZ 8218 L'amor per interesse. Commedia per musica di Gaetano Gas- barri, P. A. da rappresentarsi nel Real Teatro del Fondo di Separa- zione per second' opera del corrente anno 1797 . . . Napoli, n. publ., 1797. 52 p. 15\ cm . Two acts. Impresario's dedication dated Nov. 15, 1797, cast, and name of Valen- tino Fioravanti as composer. On p. [46]y-52 cast, argument, and description of "Berilowitz in Tartaria, ballo eroico pantomime, diviso in cinque atti d'invenzione, ed esecuzione di Giuseppe Cajani," who also is mentioned aa the composer of the music. The second ballet, also by Cajani, was called "L'amante in cimento." The composer of the music is not mentioned. SCHATZ 3112 Amor per oro. Dramma giocoso per musica di Cerilo Orcomeno P. A. da rappresentarsi nel nobile Teatro in San Samuele 1'autunno dell' anno 1782 ... Venezia, Modesto Fenzo, 1782. 72 p. 17 cm . Two acts. Impresario's dedication, cast, scenario, and name of Giuseppe Gaz- zaniga as the composer. With the opera were performed Onorato Vigan6 s ballets, "Diana al bagno" and "La capanna incantata." The composers of the music are not mentioned. SCHATZ 3690 Amor per oro. Dramma giocoso, da rappresentarsi nel Teatro di S. A. E. di Sassonia. Dresda, n. pull, 1790. 143 p. 15 cm . Two acts. By Cerilo Orcomeno, P. A., who is not mentioned. Franz Seydel- mann is mentioned as the composer. German title-page "Liebe aus haabsucht," and text face Italian. First performed April 7, 1790. as indicated. SCHATZ 9840 L'amor per rigiro. Intermezzo in musica a cinque voci da rap- presentarsi nel nobil Teatro Tron di San Cassiano nel carnevale dell' anno MDCCLXXXI. Venezia, Pietro Sola, n. d. 44 P- 17% cm . Two acts. Nicol6 Tassi is mentioned as author, Angiolo Gagni as the composer. Cast, scenario, and titles of Alberto Cavos's ballets, "II matrimonio per gratitudine," and "II eargente burlato. ' ' The composers of the music are not mentioned . SCHATZ 341 1 92 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS L'amor perfetto. A. T. of Piccinni's II servo padrone. L'amor perfetto. A. T. of Schuster's II servo padrone. Amor piaga ogni core. Comedia per musica d'Agostino Donati da rappresentarsi nella Sala dell' illustrissimo, & eccellentissimo Sig. marchese Bentivoglio*. Ferrara, Bernardino Pomatelli, 1691. 64 p. 15%. Three acts. Argument and notice to the reader with name of " Sabaatiano Chierici, Maetro di cappella dell' illustriss. Accademia dello Spirito Santo " as composer. Not recorded by Allacci or Schatz. ML 50.2.A66C3 L'Amor prigioniero. Metostasio, Poesie, Perigi, vedova Quillau, 1755, t. vii, [S77]-S89 p. 16 cm . One act. ML 49.A2M42 - L'amor prigioniero. Questo componimento drammatico fu scritto d'ordine sovrano dall' autore in Vienna, e cantato con musica del Reiitter in corte privatamente 1'anno 1741. [417}-428 p. 26 cm . (Pietro Metastasio, Opere, t. ii, Parigi, vedova Herissant, 1780.} One act. ML 49.A2M44 L'amor puo tutto. Da cantarsi nel Teatro privilegiato da S. M. C. e Cat. in Vienna. Nell' anno MDCCXXXVI. nel mese di febbraio. Die lieb kan alles . . . Wien, Johann Peter v. Ghelen, n. d. 64 p- 16 cm . Three acts. Argument. Author and composer not mentioned and unknown to Schat/. Not recorded by von Weilen. SCHATZ 11302 Amor puo tutto, ossia II trionfo del valore, ballet. See P. Gugli- elmi's Ademira. L'amor sincere. A. T. of Alcesti. L'amor tirannico. Drama per musica di Domenico Lalli da rap- presentarsi nel Teatro Grimani di S. SamueLe nel maggio dell' anno 1722. E per la prima volta rappresentato nel Teatro Tron di S. Cassano I'autunno dell' anno 1710 . . . Venezia, Marino Rossetti, 1722. 48 p. 16 cm . Three acts. Author's dedication, argument, cast, scenario, and names of the composers, Fortunate Chelleri and Giovanni Porta (for the third act). SCHATZ 1819 L'amor tirannico. Drama per musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro Tron di S. Cassano I'autunno dell' anno 1710. Di Domenico Lalli . . . Venezia, Marino Rossetti, 1710. 71 p. 14\ cm . Five acts. Author's dedication, argument, and scenario. Carlo Francesco Gas- parini, the composer, is not mentioned. SCHATZ 3558 Amor tiranno. Accademia fatta in casa dell' illustrissimo Sig. Senator Fantuzzi. Composta in musica da Domenico Pellegrini Accad. Filomuso all' illustrissima Signora Sulpizia Orsi Grimaldi. Bologna, Per gli Eh. del Dozza, 1649. 36 p. 19 cm . By Domenico Gisberti, who is not mentioned. Dedication signed by the com- poser and dated "Bologna li 6. febraro 1649." On p. 25-33: "II Sig. Pietro Mengoli col eeguente discorso provo, che 1'armonia della musica, non e dissimile dell' armonia che unite formano le parfi, che constituiscono un bel sem- biante." SCHATZ 7859 OPERA LIBRETTOS 93 Amor tra le vendemmie. Commedia per musica di Giuseppe Palomba da rappresentarsi nel Teatro Nuovo sopra Toledo per terz' opera di questo corrente anno 1792. Napoli, Vincenzo Flauto, 1792. 52 p. 15 cm . Two acts. Cast and name of Pietro Guglielmi as the composer. SCHATZ 4287 Amor und Psyche. Tr. of the ballet Amore e Psiche. L'amor vendicativo. Intermezzo per musiea a quattro voci da rappresentarsi nel Teatro Nuovo nel carnevale del corrente anno 1783 . . . Napoli, n. publ., n. d. 32 p. Two acts. Dedication by "La Comica Societa napolitana," dated February 14, 1783, cast, and name of the composer, Giuseppe Coppola. The author is unknown to Schatz. First performed at Rome, Teatro di Tor di Nona, carnival, 1780. SCHATZ 2212 L'Amor vince Fortuna. Dramma per musica dedicate all' Altezza Serenissima Elettorale Massimiliano Emanuele duca di Baviera, etc. ... in occasione delle di lui augustissime nozze con la Serenissima Maria Antonia arciduchessa d'Austria. Composto da Carlo Sigis- mondo Capece, e rappresentato in casa del medesimo. Roma, Gio. Battista Bussotti, 1686. 62 p. 16 cm . Prologue and three acts. Dedication by the author, name spelled Capeci. The composer is not mentioned and is unknown to Schatz. ML 50.2. A67 Amor vince tutto, ballet. See P. Guglielmi's La Morte di Cleopatra. L'amor vincitor ossia Dianna ed Endimione, ballet. See P. Gug- lielmi's L'impostore punito. L'amor vincitore ossia Diana ed Endimione, ballet. See Bianchi's La villa nella rapita. L'amor vincitore, ballet. See Salieri and Kust's II talismano. L'amor volubile e tiranno. A. T. of A. Scarlatti's La Dorisbe. Amor vuol sofferenza. O. T. Federico's libretto Li matti per amore. Amore aguzza Fingegno. Commedia per musica da rappresen- tarsi nel Real Teatro del Fondo di Separazione nel carnevale di questo corrente anno 1792. Napoli , n. publ, 1792. 48 p. 15\. Two acts. Author not mentioned and unknown to Schatz. Cast and name of Gaetano Marinelli as the composer. With the opera were performed Giov. Battista Giannini's ballet "II moro di corpp bianco o sia Lo schiavo ael proprio onore." The composer of the music is not mentioned. SCHATZ 5958 L'amore ammalato. Die kranckende liebe. Oder: Antiochus und Stratonica. Musicalisches schau-spiel, auf dem grossen Hamburgi- schen theatre vorgestellet. Im jahr 1708. n. i., n. d. Unpaged. 18% cm . Three-acts. Neither the author, Barthold Feinci, nor the composer, Christopb Graupner, is mentioned in the " Vorbericht. " Some arias have Italian text in addi- tion to the German. SCHATZ 4120 94 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS L'amore ammalato Continued. - L'amore ammalato. Die kranckende Hebe. Oder: Antiochus und Stratonica. Musicalisches schau-spiel. Barfh. Feind's Deutsche gedichte, Stade, 1 708, p. [393]~454. 1 7 cm . Three acts, with "Vorbericht." The composer, Christoph Graupner, is not mentioned. ML49.A2F2 Ainore artigiano. Dramma di tre atti per musica. Rappresen- tato per la prima volta in Venezia il carnovale dell' anno MDCCLXI con musica del Lattilo [!]. Carlo Goldoni, Opere teatrali, Zatta e figli, 1788-95, v. 37, [137]- 204 p. 18\ cm . PQ L'amore artigiano. Intermezzo per musica a quattro voci da rap- presentarsi nel Teatro di Tordinona nel carnevale dell' anno 1778. Roma, Ottavio Puccinelli, 1788. 28 p. 15\ cm . Two acts. By Goldoni, who is not mentioned. Cast, scenario, and name of Agostino Accorimboni as composer. SCHATZ 16 L'amore artigiano. Dramma giocoso per musica da rappresentarsi in Firenze nel Teatro di via del Coromero, nell' autunno dell anno 1770 . . . [Firenze}, Si vende da Ant. Giuseppe Pagani, n. d. 80 p. By Goldoni, who is not mentioned. Scenario and name of Florian Leopold Gass- mann as the composer. First performed at Vienna, Burgtheater, April 26, 1767. SCHATZ 3608* L'amore artigiano. Dramma giocoso per musica da rappresen- tarsi nel Teatro grande alia Scala di Milano, la primavera dell' anno 1782 . . . Milano, Gio. Batista Bianchi, n. d. 82 p. 16 cm . Three acts. By Goldoni, who is not mentioned. Dedication and name of the composer, Florian Leopold Gassmann. With the opera were performed Gaspero Angiolini's (also the music by him) ballets, "I geni riuniti," "II Solimano secondo," "II diavolo a quattro, ossia La doppia metamorfosi," and "La Lauretta." SCHATZ 3608 - L'amore artigiano. Drama giocoso da rappresentarsi nel Teatro di Ratisbona . . . Die liebe bey den handwerkern . . . Regensburg, gedruckt mit Zunkelischen scJiuften, n. d. 199 p. 15\ cm . Three acts. By Goldoni, who is not mentioned. Cast, scenario, and name of Florian Leopold Gassmann as the composer. Date of performance unknown to Schatz. SCHATZ 3610 Die liebe unter den handwerksleuten. Ein lustiges singe- spiel, von dem herrn advocat, Carl Goldoni, aufgefuehret, auf dem kleinen Churfl. Saechs. Schauplatze, Dresden, im ]ahre 1770. n. i., n. d. 182 p. 16 cm . Three acts. Slightly altered German version, with Italian text facing the German, of "L'amore artigiano," by Gassmann, whose name as composer is given. SCHATZ 3609 - Die liebe unter den handwerksleuten. Ein singspiel, aus dem italienischen des hrn. Goldoni, in drey aufzuegen. Aurgefuehrt auf dem K. K. Nationaltheater. Wien, beym Logenmeister, 1779. 116 p. 16\ cm . Three acts. German translation totally different from the above. Gassmann is mentioned as the composer. First performed as indicated, September 29, 1779. SCHATZ 3611 OPERA LIBRETTOS 95 L'amore artigiano Continued. Arien und gesaenge aus der oper: Die liebe unter den hand- werksleuten. In drey aufzuegen. Die musik ist von Florian Gassmann. Hamburg, J. M. Michaelsen, 1782. 36 p. 17 cm . Three acts. German version by Christian Gottlob Neefe, and totally different from the other translations. First performed at Hamburg, Theater C. Gansemarkt, August 28, 1782. SCHATZ 3612 - Die liebe unter den handwerksleuten, eine operette, aus dem italiaenischen des herrn Goldoni, aufgefuehret am Churpfaelzischen hof in jahr 1772. Mannheim, Hof- und Akademie-Buchdruckerei, n. d. 96 p. 15% cm . Three acts. This German version again different from the others. Cast and name of Gassmann as the composer. First performed, as indicated, at Schwetzingen, Augiist, 1772. SCHATZ 3620 L'amore artigiano. Dramma giocoso per musica di Polisseno Fegejo Pastor Arcade, da rappresentarsi nel Teatro di S. Angelo il came vale dell' anno 1761. Venezia, Modesto Fenzo, 1761. 70 p. 15 cm . Three acts. By Goldoni . Cast, scenario, and name of Gaeteno Latilla as composer. SCHATZ 5442 L'amore artigiano. Operetta comica, da rappresentarsi sul Regio Teatro Danese, il carnovale dell' anno 1762. De forelskte haandverksfolk . . . Kifibenhavn, Lars Nielsen Svare, n. d. 115 p. lJ t \ cm . Three acts. Cast and names of Goldoni and Latilla. Danish text faces Italian. SCHATZ 5443 Amore contadino. Dramma di tre atti per musica. Rappresen- tato per la prima volta in Venezia Fautunno dell' anno MDCCLX con musica del Lampugnani. Carlo Goldoni, Opere teatrali. Venezia, Zatta efigli, 1788-95, v. 37, [205\-267 p. 18\ cm . PQ L'amore costante. Commedia per musica in quattro atti di Gio- vanni Bertati da rappresentarsi nel nobilissimo Teatro Giustiniani di San Moise per la prima opera il carnovale dell' anno 1787. Venezia, Antonio Casali, n. d. 64 p. 18\ cm - Four acts. Cast and name of Giuseppe Gazzaniga as the composer. First performed as indicated, December 26, 1786. SCHATZ 3683 - La costanza in amor, rende felice. Commedia per musica in quattro atti da rappresentarsi nel Ces. Reg. Teatro della citta e porto-franco di Trieste il carnovale 1787. ' Trieste, Stamperia dell' eccelso governo, n. d. 56 p. 17\ cm . Four acts. Cast and name of Giuseppe Gazzaniga as the composer. Slightly dif- ferent text from the original of Bertati, who is not mentioned. For instance, I, 5' now begins "Pandolfino mio ben!" with the aria "La donna che e amante," instead of "Con questo maledetto can da guardia," with the aria "Oh quanto e mai felice." SCHATZ 3686 Amore custode del giardino di Armida, ballet. See Anfossi's Armida. 96 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS L'amore della patria. See M. Curzio. Amore di sangue. L. T. of Porta's Amore e fortuna. Amore dottorato, con le Conclusion! difese da lui nel Tempio della Virtu . . . Invenzione drammatica intrecciata alia commedia dell' Amor virtuoso nel nobil collegio Tolomei per il came vale di quest' anno 1691. Siena, Stamperia del Pulblico, n. d. 3 p. I., 22 p. 13\ cm . Prologue and two intermezzi. Dedication signed by "L' Economico Intronato," Arcadian name of Girolamo Gigli, as author. Argument and note: "Cose, non per aggiungnere ornamento all' opera, che n' ha sortito a bastanza dalla penna ingegnosa dell' autore, ma per empire tutto quel tempo, che 6 destinato al trattenime'to dell' otio d'una sera virtuosa, si sono fraposte quest' invgzioni musicali; dove per alludere all' Amor virtuoso dell' azione, si mostra 1'Amore in cattedra, che difende i suoi principij. Le Conclusion! sono de' piu accreditati autori inpoesia italiana e premettedosene una avati ciascheduno atto della commedia, si mostrano nelle difese di quelle 1'azioni virtuose de i primi personaggi dell' opera." Not listed by Schatz. Composer unknown to me. ML, 48. A5 v. 46 Amore e fortuna. Drama da rappresentarsi in musica nel Teatro Giustinian di San Moise il carnovale dell' anno 1727. Venezia, Steffano Valvasense, 1727. 45 p. 15 cm . Three acts. By Francesco Passarini, who is not mentioned. Argument, scenario, and reader's notice with name of Giovanni Porta as the composer and the remark that this is a replica. First performed at Rovigo, Teatro Campagnella, fall of 1712. SCHATZ 8385 - Amore di sangue. Drama per musica da rappresentarsi in Bergamo il carnevale dell' anno 1729 . . . Venezia, Andrea Pippari, n. d. J+8 p. 15 cm . Three acts. Dedication, notice to the reader with Giovanni Porta's name as the composer, argument, cast, and scenario. This is Francesco Paesarini's "Amore e fortuna " text with the customary modifications-. SCHATZ 8386 L' amore e 1' azzardo, ballet. See Rust's Gli antiquari in Palmira. Amore e maesta o sia L'Arsace. O. T. of Salvi's Arsace. Amore e maesta. Drama per musica da rappresentarsi in Bologna nel Teatro Marsiglj Rossi il carnovale dell' anno MDCCXXII. Bologna, Costantino Pisarri, 1721. 59 p. 12. Three acts. By Antonio Salvi. Notice to the reader, scenario, and cast, but without the names of the librettist and the composer. First performed, as indicated, December 26, 1721. SCHATZ 3384 Amore e magia, ballet. See Portugal's Fernando nel Messico. Amore e musica. Intermezzi da rappresentarsi nel Teatro alia Valle degl' illustrissimi Sig. Capranica nel carnevale dell' anno 1773. Roma, Lorenzo Corradi, n. d. 60 p. 16 cm . Two parts. Author not mentioned and unknown to Schatz. Dedication by Ang. Lungi, cast and name of Marcello di Capua (Bernardino) as composer. ML 50.2.A68B3 Amore e Psiche, ballet by Le Messier. See Bertoni's Tancredi. Amore e Psiche, ballet. See Bianchi's Nitteti. OPERA LIBRETTOS 97 Amore e Psiche, ballo eroico. See Fischietti's La molinara. Amore e Psiche. Opera rappresentata nell' Imperial Regio Teatro festeggiandosi i felicissimi sponsali di Ferdinando IIII di Borbone . . . e di Maria Giuseppa d'Austria 1' anno MDCCLXVII. Vienna, Ghelen, 1767. Unpaged. 23 cm . Three acts. Argument, cast, and name of Marco Coltellini as author, of Florian Leopold Gassmann as the composer. First performed, as indicated, October 5, 1767. SCHATZ 3626 Amore e Psiche Amor und Psyche, ballet. See Jommelli's Semi- ramide. Amore e Psiche, ballet. See Robuschi's Briseide. Amore e sdegno. Drama per musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro Tron di S. Cassano nel carnevale dell' anno MDCCXXVI . . . Venezia, Marino Rossetti, 1726. 4 8 P- 14% cm - Three acts. Argument, cast, notice to the reader, and dedication signed by cav. Michiel Angelo Boccardi di Mazzera, who altered Francesco Silvani's (not men- tioned) "La moglie nemica" under the above title. The composer, Luigi Tavelli, is not mentione'd. SCHATZ 10253 Amore ed innocenza. A. T. of the ballet La fata Alcione. L' amore eroico. Drama per musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro' Grimani di S. Samuele per la fiera delF Ascensione 1' anno 1725 . . . Venezia, Marino Rossetti, 1725. Jtf p. 14 cm * Three acts. According to Schatz a later version of "Zenobia in Palmira" by Apostolo Zeno and Pietro Pariati, but I find no such text in their works. Publish- er e dedication, who speaks repeatedly of "il mio drama," argument, scenario, cast, and name of Giovanni Francesco Brusa as composer. SCHATZ 1373 L'amore figlio del merito. Drama per musica da recitarsi nel Teatro di Sant' Angelo 1'anno 1694. Di Matteo Noris . . . Venetia, Nicolini, 1694. 69 p. 14 cm . Three acts. Publishers dedication, argument, scenario. Marc' Antonio Ziani, the composer, is not mentioned. First performed, as indicated, carnival 1694. SCHATZ 11179 Amore figlio della gratitudine. A. T. of Badia's La Rosaura. L'amore fprtunato ne' suoi disprezzi. A. T. of Galuppi's Alcimena principessa dell' Isole Fortunate. Amore fra gP Impossibili. Dramma per musica, di Amaranto Sciaditico, pastore Arcade. Roma & Siena, Bonetti, 1693. 82 p. 13%. Three acts. By Girolamo Gigli. Argument and scenario. The composer, Carlo Campelli, is not mentioned. This ed. differs distinctly from the one at the Brussels Conservatoire, which has on the t.-p. "dedicato all' illustriss. Signora duchessa di Zagarolo e da lei fatto rappre- eentare nel euo teatro," has 4 p. L, with a dedication dated Rome. January 2, 1693, and signed by the poet Girolamo Gigli, and the text on only 76 p. SCHATZ 1532 Amore gastigato. Dramma musicale. Girolamo Bartolommei Smeducci, Drammi musicali morali, Firenze, 1656, v. I, p. [183}-231. 23 cm . Prologue and three acts. Argument and allegoria. No composer recorded by Schatz. ML 49.A2B3 72251 VOL 114 7 98 LIBRAEY OF CONGRESS Amore giustificato. Festa teatrale in occasions delle felicissime nozze di S. A* S. il principe Massimiliano, duca di Sassonia etc. e di S. A. R. La principessa Carolina di Parma etc. Dresda, Stamperia elettorale, 1792. 53 p. 21 cm . One act. Caterino Mazzol is mentioned as the author, Johann Gottlieb Naumann as the composer. German title page, ''Die gerechtfertigte liebe," and text face Italian. First performed, as indicated, May 12, 1792. SCHATZ 7037 Amore guerriero per la Rocca incantata. See Trattenimento musicale d'Apollo con il Reno. L'amore immaginario. Commedia per musica da rappresen- tarsi nel Teatro Nuovo sopra Toledo per seconda commedia del corrente anno 1794. Napoli, n. publ., 1794. 48 p. 15 cm . Two acts. Author not mentioned and unknown to Schatz. Cast, and name of the composer, Valentino Fioravanti. SCHATZ 3114 L'amore in ballo. Dramma giocoso per musica da rappresen- tarsi nel Teatro Giustiniani di San Mois& il carnovale dell' anno 1765. Venezia, Modesto Fenzo, 1765. 60, [1] p. The additional p. contains the substitute aria I, 10, "Infelice meschinella." Three acts. Antonio Bianchi, the author, is not mentioned. Cast, scenario, and name of Giovanni Paisiello as the composer. SCHATZ 7587 L'amore in campagne. O. T. of Borghi's Le villanelle innamorate. Amore in caricatura. Dramma di tre atti per musica. Rappre- sentato per la prima volta in Venezia il carnovale dell' anno MDCCLXI con musica del Ciampi. Carlo Goldoni, Opere teatrali, Venezia, Zatta efigli, 1788-95, v. 37, [268}-313 p. 18\ cm . PQ Amore in caricatura. Dramma per musica di Polisseno Fegejo Pastor Arcade, da rappresentarsi nel Teatro di S. Angelo il carnovale dell' anno 1761 . . . Venezia, Modesto Fenzo, 1761. 48 p. Ufa. Three acts. By Goldoni. Impresario's dedication, cast, scenario, and name of the composer, Vincenzo Legrenzio Ciampi. SCHATZ 1888 L'amore in contrasto, ballet. See Anfossi's Zemira. L'amore in maschera. Commedia per musica di Antonio Palomba da rappresentarsi nel Teatro de' Fiorentini nel carnevale di quest' anno 1748 . . . Napoli, Domenico Langiano, 1748. 4 P- Z-, 70 P- 14\ cm - Three acts. Impresario's dedication, cast, and name of Niccolo Jominelli as composer. SCHATZ 4875 L'amore in musica. Dramma giocoso da rappresentarsi nel Teatro Giustiniani di S. Mois& il presente autunno MDCCLXIII. Veneziaj Francesco Valvasense, n. d. 71 p. 15 cm . Three acts. By Carlo Goldoni, according to Schatz, but not to be found in his works. Cast, scenario, and name of composer, Antonio Boroni. SCHATZ 1244 OPERA LIBRETTOS 99 L'amore in musica Continued. L' amore in musica, opera comica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro della Solitudine per ordine di Sua Altezza Serenissima il regnante duca di TV irtemberg et Teck etc. La musica e del Signer Antonio Boroni . . . [Stuttgart], Netta stamperia di Cotta, 1770. 207 p. 16 cm . Cast. French title, "L'amour en musique," and text face Italian. First performed, as indicated, at Ludwigsburg in 1770. SCHATZ 1245 L'amore in musica. 89 p. 15 cm . Title page wanting; has half-title only. Three acts. Cast, scenario, and name of Antonio Boroni as composer. Goldoni is not mentioned. ML 50.2.A69B6 Amore in puntiglio. Farsa per musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro di S. Cassiano 1'anno 1773. Venezia, n. publ, 1773. 52 p. 15. Three acts. Author not mentioned and unknown to Schatz. Michiel Pfeiffer di Franconia (Jean Michel Pfeiffer) is mentioned as the composer. SCHATZ 8001 Amore in tarantola. Dramma giocoso per musica da rappresen- tarsi nel Teatro Giustiniani di S. Moise nelT autunno del? anno MDCCL. Venezia, Modesto Fenzo, 1750. 60 p. 14 cm . ' Three acts. By Vaccina who is not mentioned. Argument, cast, scenario, ar.d name of Gaetano Latilla as composer. SCHATZ 5444 Amore in trappola. Dramma giocoso per musica del Sig. ab. Pietro Chiari da rappresentarsi nel Teatro Giustiniani di S. Moise il carnovale dell' anno 1768. Venezia, Modesto Fenzo, 1768. 72 p. 15% cm . Three acts. Cast, scenario, and name of composer, Tommaso Traetta. SCHATZ 10405 L'amore in villa. Componimento per musica a cinque voci da rappresentarsi nel Teatro domestico del cittadino Sforza Cesarini dagli Accademici Intrepidi. Roma, Salomoni, anno VI. dett' era repubbticana, [1797}. J+7 p. 17 cm . Two acts. Cast and names of Giuseppe Petrosellini as author, and of Pietro Gug- lielmi as composer. SCHATZ 4308 v Amore inamorato. Drama per musica nel famoso Teatro Grimani di S. Gio. Grisostomo. L'anno MDCLXXXVI. Di MatteoNoris . . . Venetia, Francesco Nicolini, 1686. 70, [1] p. Three acts. Publisher's dedication, argument, scenario, and list of machines. The composer, Carlo Pallavicino, is not mentioned. The imprimatur is dated January 10, 1686. SCHATZ 7718 L'amore industrioso. Dramma giocoso per musica del celebre Signore Casori. Da rappresentarsi nel Piccolo Teatro di S. A. E. di Sassonia. Dresda, n. publ, 1769. 151 p. 15\ cm . Three acts. Bernardino (Bernardo) Ottani is mentioned as the composer. Ger- man title page "Die scharfsinnige liebe" and text face Italian. First performed Nov. 21, 1769, as indicated. SCHATZ 7357 100 LIBRAE Y OF CONGBESS L'amore industrioso. Dramma giocoso per musica da rappresen- tarsi nel Teatro Tron di S. Cassano nell' autunno dell' anno 1765. Del Signer abbate Casori. Venezia, Modesto Fenzo, 1765. 62 p. 17$. Three acts. Cast, scenario, and name of Gio. Marco Butini as the composer. SCHATZ 9186 Aniore ingegnoso, o sia La giovane scaltra. Dramma giocoso per musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro Obbizzi il carnovale dell' anno 1775 . . . Padova, Stamperia Penada n. d.. 32 p. 19 cm . Two acts. Author not mentioned and unknown to Schatz. Music by Paisiello, who is not mentioned. Impresario's dedication and cast. Originally known as "La cantata e disfida di Don Trastullo " and as such composed by Jommelh for Rome, 1746. SCHATZ 7694 * L'amore ingegnoso. Intermezzo in musica a cinque voci da rappresentarsi nel Teatro Valle degl' illustriss. Sigg. Capranica nel carnevale dell' anno 1785 ... Roma, Agostino Palombini, n. d. 50 p. 15 cm . Two acts. Author not mentioned and unknown to Schatz. Cast and name of Paisiello as composer. ML 50.2.A693P2 - L'amore ingegnoso. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel Real Teatro di Salvaterra nel carnovale dell' anno 1790. [Lisbona], Stamperia reale, n. d. 74 P- 15 cm . Two acts. Author not mentioned and unknown to Schatz. Cast, scenario, and name of Giovanni Paisiello as the composer. SCHATZ 7596 - L'amore ingegnoso. Intermezzo in musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro di S. A. E. di Sassonia. Dresda, n. publ., 1786. 14! p. 15\. Two acts. Paisiello is mentioned as the composer. German title page "Die erfinderische liebe" and text face Italian. First performed, as indicated, November 18, 1786. SCHATZ 7597 Amore innamorato. Favola da rappresentarsi in musica nel Teatro di S. Moise 1'anno 1642 . . . Venetia, Battista Surian, 1642. SI p. 13\ cm . Five acts with prologue. Dedication signed by the author Giovanni Battista Fusconi and dated January 1, 1642* argument, scenario, and name of "Francesco Cavalli . . . creduto I'Anfione de' nostri giorni " as composer in the notice to the reader. SCHATZ 1734 Amore innamorato. A. T. of Scarlatti's La Psiche. L'amore maestro di scuola, ballet. See Rispoli's Ipermestra. Amore per amore. L. T. of M. A. Bononcini's II trionfo di Camilla. L'amore per forza. Drama per musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro Giustiniano di S. Moise Pautunno dell' anno 1721. .cm Venezia, Marino Rossetti, 1721. 4$ P- 1W Three acts. By Bartolomeo Pavieri, who is not mentioned. Notice to the reader with argument, cast, scenario, and names of Girolamo Bassani as composer of the first act, of Matteo Lucchini of second and third. SCHATZ 636 OPEBA LIBRETTOS 101 Amore per incanto. Commedia per musica da rappresentarsi nel Real Teatro del Fondo di Separazione per quart' opera di questo corrente anno 1791. Napoli, Vincenzo Flauto, n. d. 52 p. 15\ cm . Two acts. Cast and name of Marcello di Capua as composer. Librettist not mentioned and unknown to Schatz. On p. 5-^9 cast and description of "II trionfo de' Spagnoli, o sia La disfatta de' Marrocchini. Ballo composto, e diretto dal Sig. Gio. Battista Giannini." Pietro Dutilieu is mentioned as composer of the music. SCHATZ 838 L'amore per interesse. Drama giocoso per musica da rappre- sentarsi in Parma nel R. D. Teatro di corte il carnevale dell' anno MDCCLXXXVIII . . . Parma, Carmignani, n. d. viii, 68, [1] p. 17 cm . Two acts. A later version of ' ' Mirandolina " by Bertati, who is not mentioned. Imprimatur dated Dec. 19, 1786. Dedication by the impresario, Angelo Ben- tivogho, cast, scenario, and name of the composer, Vincenzo Fabrizj. ("La musica & tutta nuova espressamente composta.") In two acts by Giovanni Bertati. On p. 51-63 pref., cast, and description of the five-act "Adelaide di Ghesclino. Ballo eroico, composto e diretto dal Signer Giuseppe Banti . . . La musica . . . edel Signpr Domenico Rava, Napoletano. ' ' The second ballet was called ' ' La Ghinghetta. ' ' First performed December 26, 1786, as indicated. SCHATZ 2971 L'amore politico. A. T. of the ballet La donna bizzarra. Amore premiato, ballet. See Paisiello's II tamburo notturno. L'amore rammingo. Dramma giocoso per musica in due atti d' Antonio Piazza Veneziano da rappresentarsi nel nobilissimo Teatro di S. Samuele nel carnovale dell' anno 1777. Venezia, Gio. Battista Casali, 1777. 78 p. 17 cm . Two acts. Cast, scenario, and name of Francesco Salari as the composer. On p. [33]-44 dedication, scenario, cast, description, and name of Baldassare Filippo Mattei as the composer of the music of Innocenzo Gambuzzi's "Medonte, ballo eroico;" on p. [69J-78 the same without name of the composer of his ballet, "II seguito tra 1'armi o sia La donna militare." SCHATZ 9266 L'amore secreto. A. T. of Spontini's Adelina Senese. L'amore senza malizia. Dramma giocoso per musica del Sig. ab. Pietro Chiari da rappresentarsi nel Teatpo Giustiniani di S. Moise il carnovale dell' anno 1768. Venezia, Modesto Fenzo, 1768. 72 p. 16 cm . Three acts. Cast, scenario, and name of Bernardo Ottani as the composer. SCHATZ 7358 - L'amore senza malizia. Dramma giocoso per musica del Signore abb. Pietro Chiari da rappresentarsi nel Piccolo Teatro di S. A. E. di Sassonia. Dresda, n. publ, 1768. 157 p. 15\ cm . Three acts. Cast, scenario, and name of Bernard(in)o Ottani as the composer. German title page, "Die liebe ohne bossheit," and text face Italian, which seems to follow the original closely. SCHATZ 7359 102 LIBRAEY OF CONGRESS L'amore senza malizia Continued. - L'amore senza malizia. Dramma giocoso per musica da rap- presentarsi in Lisbona nel Teatro della Rua dos Condes nell' estate delP anno 1774. [Lisbona], Stamperia reale, n. d. 87 p. 15 cm , Three acts. Cast, scenario, and name of Bernardino Ottani as composer. Chiari is not mentioned. ML 48. CGI L'Amore soldato. Dramma giocoso per musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro Giustiniani di S. MoisS I'autunno dell' anno 1769. Venezia, Modesto Fenzo, 1769. 48 p. 17 cm . Three acts. Cast, scenario, names of the author, Niccol6 Tassi, and of the composer, Alessandro Felici. SCHATZ 3054 L'amore soldato ou L'amour soldat. Opera-comique italien. En trois actes; musique, del Signor Sacchim. Represent^ par 1'Aca- d^mie-royale de musique, le jeudi 8 juillet 1779. Paris, P. de Lormel, 1779. 85 p. 21. Cast. Italian text (by Nicola Tassi, not mentioned) and French text on opposite First performed at London, Haymarket, 1777. ML 50.2.A697S2 Amore spesso inganna. A. T. of Sartorio's (?) Orfeo a torto geloso. Amore trionfator della magia, ballet. See Marescalchi's II tutore ingannato. L'amore trionfante della vendetta. A. T. of Francesco Rossi's La Corilda. Amore vendicato, ballet. See Caruso's Antigono. i L'amore verso la patria. Die liebe gegen das vaterland oder Der sterbende Cato. [vignette.] Musicaliscnes schau-spiel, auf dem grossen Hamburgischen Schau-platz aufgefuehret im jahr 1715. Hamburg, Friedrich Conrad Grejlinger, n. d. Unpaged. 19 cm . Three acts. In the " Vor-bericht " with argument it is stated that this is a transla- tion from Matteo Noris [his "Catone Uticense"]. Neither Barthold Feind, the trans- lator, nor Reinhard Keiser, the composer, is mentioned. Some arias have the Italian text added to the German. SCHATZ 5075 L'amore vince 1'inganno, drama pastorale d'ordine disua Altezza Ser 11 ^ il SigFduca regnante di Sassonia-Gotha ed Altenburgo, etc., rappresentato nel Theatro di Friedenstein. Ai [blank] d'Aprile 1736. n. i., n. d. 34 p. 18 cm . Three acts. Author not mentioned and unknown to Schatz. Gottfried Heinrich Stoelzel is mentioned as the composer. SCHATZ 10076 Amore vincitore dell' indifferenza, ballet. See Jommelli's L'isola disabitata. L'amore vinto dalT amicizia, ballet. See G. F. de Majo's Catone in Utica. OPERA LIBRETTOS 103 L'amore volubile. Dramma giocoso per musica. Opera nuova del Signer abbate Serafino Bellini, poeta romano da rappresentarsi nel Teatro Zagnoni il carnevale dell' anno 1779 . . . Bologna, Sassi, n. d. 70, [1] p. 15 cm . Two acts. Imprimatur dated December 22, 1778. On p. 70 a list of errata, on the additional page a substitute aria for act II, sc. 10. With impresario's dedication, cast, scenario, and name of the composer, Luigi Caruso ("musica tutta nuova"). SCHATZ 1666 Os amores de Sisbe e Selene. A. T. of Calimedonte, rei do Epiro. Gli amori d'Apollo e di Dafne di Gio. Francesco Busenello. Rap- presentati in musica nel Teatro di S. Casciano, in Venetia nell' anno 1640. Venetia, Andrea Giuliani, MDCLVI [I]. 4 P- ^ (incl. front.), 64 p. 15 cm . ("Delle hore ociose di Gio. Francesco Busenello. Parte prima," Venetia, Andrea Giuliani, 1656.) Three acts with prologue. Author's dedication dated Venice, September 10, 1656, argument. The composer, Francesco Cavalli, is not mentioned. SCHATZ 1716 Gl' amori d'Apollo e di Leucotoe. Drama per musica di Aurelio Aureli, favola undecima. Rappresentato in Venetia nel famoso Teatro Grimano 1'anno 1663 . . . Venetia, Francesco Nicolini, 1663. 6 p. I. (incl. front.), 57 p. 13\ cm . Three acts. Author's dedication dated Venice, January 8, 1663, argument and notice to the reader with the name of Bovettino as composer. SCHATZ 9107 Gli amori d'lgor primo Czar di Moscovia, ballet: See Cimarosa's L'impresario in angustie, (Milano, 1789). Gli amori d'lgor, primo Zar di Moscovia, ballet. See Tarchi's Ifigenia in Tauride. GF amori di Alessandro Magno e di Rossane. Dramma musi- cale posthumo del dottor Hiacint' Andrea Cicognini Academico Instancabile . . . Venetia, Gio. Pietro Pinelli, 1651. 108 p. Three acts and prologue. Dedication by Giovanni Burnacini, dated Venice, January 24, 1651, and notice to the reader stating: "La famosa penna del dottor Hiacint' Andrea Cicognini, ordl quasi come qu\ vedi 1'argomento, e tessutone il prologo; il primo atto, & due scene del secondo, cede alia vita, & alia opera" and that the wort was finished by an author who forbade to mention his name. Burnacini continues by saying that to him "che per i diletti dell' architettura, e di macchine posso con verita dirmi il primo, quanto al tempo, c'habbia ornate scene 6 fatte mac- chine in questa citta . . . e toccato di porre sul mio, benche picciolo theatre, un Alessandro grande; sproportione la conosco; e per il sito, e per P opera, e per le mie forze ..." Composed by Francesco Luccio according to Schatz. It should be noted that S:omp. Wotquenne Catalogue) the same text in the Bologna 1656 ed. mentions Bene- etto Ferrari as composer. SCHATZ 5745 Gli amori di Alessandro e di Rossane. O. T. of Cicognini's text L' Alessandro amante. Gli .amori di Angelica e Medoro, ballet. See Paer's La Rossana. 104 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Gli amori di Circe con Ulisse. Opera italiana rappresentata sopra il Teatro di Dresda . . . composta m Italiano per il Sig. Gio. Batta. Ancioni & tradotta in francese . . . per il Sig. Angelo de Constantini Veron . . . Dresda gli 22 maggio 1709. [Dresden], Stampata per Giacomo Harpeter, n. d. 6 p. Z., 87, [1] p. 19 cm . In twenty-two scenes. Cast, translator's dedication, and name of Carlo Agostino Badia as composer. Entirely different from "La costanza d'Ulisse," attributed by Schatz to Ancioni (1700). The French title "Les amours d'Ulisse & de Circe" and text face Italian. The argument at the end of the libretto. SCHATZ 543 Gli amori di Clodio e Pompea, ballet. See Bianchi's Alonso e Cora. Gli amori di Clodio e Pompea. A. T. of Draghi's Chi pid sa manco. Gli amori di Giasone, e d' Isifile. Festa teat/rale di Oratio Per- siani posta in musica dal Sign. Marco Marazzoli . . . Venetia, Antonio Bariletti, 1642. 80 p. 13% cm . Three acts and prologue. Author's dedication dated Venice, February 22, 1642, and argument. First performed at Venice, Teatro Grimani a S. S. Gio. e Paolo, February 22, 1642. SCHATZ 5923 Gli amori di Mirtillo con Silvanzia, ballet. See Antonelli's Catone in Utica. Gli amori di Mirtillo e con Silvanzia, ballet. See Giordani's Osmane. Gli amori di Rinaldo con Armida. Three acts. Text by Girolamo Colatelli, music by Teofilo Orgiani. First performed at Brescia, Teatro dell' Accademia degl' Erranti, 1697. Not in L. of C. - L'honor al cimento. Opera musicale. Da rappresentarsi nel Teatro di S. Faiutino 1'anno 1703 ... Venezia, Gio. Francesco Valvasense, 1703. 4$ P- 14 m - Three acts. Dedication signed by the author Girolamo Colatelli, scenario, and notice to the reader with Teofilo Organi's (Orgiani) name as the composer, and remark: "Si avvertisce, che si sono accorciate alcune scene, & aggionti alcuni versi, onde non & il drama in quel primo essere, in cui fit posto dall' autore." In fact, it was a retouched version of "Gli amori di Rinaldo con Armida" as was also: SCHATZ 7295 - Armida regina di Damasco. Drama per musica da rappre- sentarsi nel Teatro di Verona in questo autimnale 1711 . . . Verona, n. publ., 1711. 4$ P- 14 cm - Three acts. Impresario's dedication, practically the same notice to the reader as in Schatz 7295, but referring to Orgiani as "maestro della catedrale di Udine" and alluding to the addition of some verses "a causa della staggione autunale." SCHATZ 7296 Li amori di Tirsi ed Eurilla interrotti dalla maga Falsirena, ballet. See Galuppi's Cajo Mario. OPERA LIBRETTOS 195 Gl' amori fa tali. L. T. of PistocchFs II Leandro. GF amori infruttosi di Pirro. Drama per musica di Aurelio Aureli, favola ottava. Nel Teatro Ass. Gio. e Paulo. Per Fanno 1661 . . . Venetia, Francesco Nicolini, 1661. 72 p. 14 cm . Three acts. Ajithor's dedication dated Venice, January 4, 1661, argument, and notice to the reader: "Averti, che la Bcena nona v& doppo la ecena quinta nel terzo atto . . . Sappi di piu, che per essere il Signor Clemente arrivato in tempo, ch'eranogia dispensate le parti del drama, m' e convenuto inserirlo nell' uno, e nell' altro al meglio, che ha potuto permettere la brevita del tempo; havendo havuto un solo riguardo, di non privarti del godimento della voce di un virtuoso si insigne nel rimanente compatisci, e sta sano." Antonio Sartorio, the composer, is not mentioned. SCHATZ 9480 Gl' amori ministri della fortuna. Drama per musica da rappre- sentarsi nel Regio Teatro di Milano F anno MDLXCIV. Del Signor abbate Francesco Silvani . . . Milano, Marc' Antonio Pandolfo Malatesta, n. d. 6 p. 1., 88 p. Three acts. Impresario's dedication dated Milan, January 9, 1694, argument, cast, scenario, and notice to the reader with name of Marc' Antonio Ziani as composer. A contemporary ms. note on 2d p. 1. saye: "Mai fatta a Venezia sotto alcun altro titolo." SCHATZ 11208 GFamori politici della liberta raminga. See ^ Curzio. GF amori tra' gl' odii, o sia II Ramiro in Norvegia. Drama per musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro Tron di S. Cassiano Fanno 1699. Venetia, Nicolini, 1699. 68 p. 15 cm . Three acts. Argument, "supposti," scenario, and notice to the reader with the name of Marc' Antonio Remena as author, and of Marc' Antonio Ziani as the com- poser. First performed, as indicated, carnival 1699. SCHATZ 11199 L'amorosa liberta. Dramma musicale del Signor Carlo Barbetta . . . e recitata nella citta di Senegaglia F anno 1647. Macerata, Filippo Camacci, 1647. 12 p. 1., 137 p. 13 cm . Five acts with prologue. Author's dedication dated "Senegaglia, 10. Febraro 1647," notice to the reader, Imprimatur, poem, sonett by "L'autore dell' opera al Signor Francesco Ferrari, maestro di cappella, & musico di camera dell' eminentis- eimo Fachinetti. Per la compositione musicale dell' Amorosa liberta," argument, and characters without cast. SCHATZ 3076 Amors gukkasten. Eine operette in einem aufzuge, von J. B. Michaelis. Leipzig, Dyckische buchhandlung, 1772. 54 p. 17 cm . Christian Gottlob Neefe, the composer, is not mentioned. First performed at Konigsberg, Ackermann'sches Schauspielhaus, August 1772. SCHATZ 7069 L'amour au village, opera-comique en un acte, et en vaudevilles, represent e pour la premiere fois sur le Theatre du Fauxbourg S. Germain, le 3 fevrier 1745. Nouvelle edition. Paris, Duchesne, 1762. 48 p. 19 cm . (Theatre de M. Favart, Paris, Duchesne, 1763-77, t. vii.) Many of the airs printed in the text. Favart's musical collaborator not mentioned by Font. ML 49.A2F1 106 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS L'amour clairvoyant Der sehende Cupido, ballet. See Bernas- coni's La Clemenza di Tito. L'amour conjugal. A. T. of Gaveaux's LSonore. L'amour conjugal. A. T. of Gre"try's Ce"phale et Procris. L'amour coquet. A. T. of Campra's L'age viril. L'amour desoeuvre, ou Les vacances de Cyth&re. Pie"ce en un acte. Compos 6e pour e"tre represented a la Foire S. Laurent 1734 sur le Theatre de l'Op6ra conuque. Le Theatre de lafoire, Paris, 1737, t. ix, 2, [489}-534 p. 17 cm . By Carolet. Largely en Vaudevilles. The airs are printed at the end of the vol- ume in the "Table des airs." A prefatory note on p. [90] informs the reader that this piece which was commenced in August, 1734, and was scheduled for performance in the same month, was not performed at the Ope>a-comique. ML 48L2X L'amour en musique. Tr. of Boroni's L'amore in musica. L'amour enjoue. A. T. of Campra's La vieillesse. L'amour enjoue. See Fragments, composes . . . de 1'acte de . . . L' Amour et Psyche. See Mondonville's Les festes de Paphps. L'amour filial, o^ra en un acte. Par C. A. Demoustier. Paris, Huet [etc.], L'an second [1793-94]. port., 48 p. 20. The colored port, is that of Juliet who played Germon in the opera, according to the cast. The composer, Pierre Gayeaux, is not mentioned. An Avertissement with compliments to the actors reads in part: "Au moment ou Ton imprime cet ouvrage, il est a sa cent-quatrieme repr&enta- tion ..." The title had been originally "Les deux Suisses," but the political events neces- sitated a change. First performed at Paris, Theatre Feydeau, March 7, 1792. ML 50.2.A7G2 Arien und gesaenge aus dem singspiel: Kindliche liebe, in einem akt, aus dem rranzoesischen. Die musick ist von Gavaux. Frankfurt am Main, n. publ., 1798. 19 p. 16 cm . German version by Carl Alexander Herklots. First performed at Frankfurt a. M., National theater, 1798; at Berlin, Kgl. National- theater, October 16, 1796. SCHATZ 3637 L'amour impromptu. Parody of an entree in Rameau's Les fe"tes d'Hebe\ L'amour ingenu. A. T. of Campra's La jeunesse. [L 'Amour malade]. Vers du Ballet du roy. n.i.,n.d. 15 p. 2l\ cm . Half title, title page evidently wanting. Ten entries, with names of the dancers. This is clearly the same as the entry by De La Valliere: "AMOUR MALADE, ballet du loi a dix entries, dans6 par Sa Majest6 le 17 Janvier 1675 [! instead of 1657]. Lea paroles sont de Benserade. Paris, Robert Ballard, 1657." From the words in the fifth entree, "Baptiste, compositeur de la musique du ballet, reprsentant Scaramouche," it follows that the music was composed by Jean Baptiste de Lully. ML 52.2.B15 OPERA LIBRETTOS 107 L'amour marin. See L'indifference. L'amour maternel. A. T. of Gre"try's Elisca. L'amour peintre, ou Le jaloux dupe". Ope"ra comique en deux actes, tire de Moliere. Cassel, Griesbach, 1794. 52 p. 20 cm . Two acts. Text and music by David Philipp von Apell, according to Schatz, who does not record a performance. SCHATZ 292 Intermedes d'Amour pour amour, comedie en trois actes et en vers, represent ee devant Leurs Majestes a Versailles le 23 Janvier 1765. [Paris], Cliristophe Bollard, 1765. 15 p. 20\ cm . (Journal des spectacles, t. i, 1766.) Three intermedes. Cast and name of Francois Rebel as responsible for "1'arrange- ment de la musique," but on p. 7 of the Journal he is also said to have selected the words. ML 48 J7 L'amour queteur, comedie en deux actes et en vers, melee d'ariettes et de vaudevilles. Par Mr. Maille de Merencour. Represent^ pour la premiere fois par la troupe des Petits comeMiens de Sa Majeste", le 14 octobre 1777. Nouvelle edition. Paris, Delalain, 1782. 32 p. 20% cm . Cast. Arranger of the music not mentioned. Not recorded by Schatz. ML 50.2.A702 L'amour saltinbanque. Entre"e in Campra's Les festes ve"ni- tiennes. L'amour soldat. Tr. of Sacchini's L'amore soldatp. L'amoureux de quinze ans, ou La double f6te, comedie en trois actes et en prose, melee d'ariettes. Les paroles sont de M. Laujon; la musique de M. Martiny. Represented pour la premiere fois par les Comediens italiens ordinaires du roi, le 18 avril 1771. Paris, la veuve Duchesne, 1771. 68 p. 21 cm . Cast. On p. 65-68 the "Ariettes" "Que j'avions d'impatience" (II, 7), "Ah! Ah! Ah! v'la tous nos bouquets" (II, 8), and the " Vaudeville. Note d'moiselle a dit. (Divertissement.) " SCHATZ 6034 - L'amoureux de quinze aus, ou La double fte, comedie en trois actes et en. prose, mesle'e d'ariettes . . . Represented pour la premiere fois par les Comediens italiens ordinaires du roi, le jeudi 18 avril 1771. Les paroles sont de M. Laujon. La musique de M. Martiny. Paris, la veuve Duchesne, 1771. 64 p. 17\ cm . Cast. On p. 63-61 the airs of "Que j'avions d'impatience" and "Ah! ah! v'la ous nos bouquets." YUDLN PQ t - Der liebhaber von funfzehn jahren, ein singspiel in drey auf- zuegen nach dem franzoesischen. Die musik ist vom herrn Martiny. Au^gefuehrt auf dem k. k. "Nationaltheater. Wien, beym logenmeister, 1778. 77 p. 17 cm . By Gottlieb Stephanie d. j First performed, as indicated, December 29, 1778. SCHATZ 6035 108 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Les amours champetres, pastorale, par Monsieur F . . . Repre"- sente'e pour la premiere fois par les Come'diens italiens ordinaires du roi, le jeudi 2 septembre 1751. Troisieme Edition. Paris, N. B. DucJiesne, 1759. 47 [/] p. 19 cm . (Theatre de Favart, Paris, Duchesne, 1768-77, t. i.) One act. Cast. Several airs are printed in the text. The arranger of the music is not mentioned. The unnumb. p. contains a "Catalogue de parodies & opera comiques." ML 49.A2F1 Les amours d'Arion & de Leucosie Die lieb des Arion gegen die Leucosie, ballet. See Beraasconi's Demofoonte. Les amours d'ete, divertissement en un acte & en vaudevilles, par MM. de Piis & Barre; reprejsente pour la premiere fois, a la Muette, devant Leurs Majestes, le jeudi 20 septembre 1781; & a Paiis, le mardi 25 du m^me mois, par les Come'diens italiens ordinaires du roi. Paris, Vente, 1784. 32 p. 19 cm . Printed in the text is the air "Avec les yeux, dans le village," scene 1. The arranger of the vaudevilles not recorded by Schatz. SCHATZ 11480 Les amours d'Ulisse. & de Circe. Tr. of Badia's Gli amori di Circe con Ulisse. Les amours de Bastien et Bastienne. Parody of Rousseau's Le devin du village. Les amours de Gonesse. A. T. of de La Borde's Le Mitron et la Mitronne. Les amours de Mars et de Venus, ballet represents par FAcademie royale de musique Fan 1712. Les paroles de M. Danchet & La musique de M. Campra. LXXIX. opera. n. i., n. d. pi., 447-480 P- 14 cm - (Recueil general des opera, Paris, 1714, t. x, 7.) Detached copy. Three entrees with prologue. First performed, as indicated, Sept. 6, 1712. SCHATZ 1543 Second copy. ML 48. R4 Les amours de Venus, ballet. [183}-216 p. 17\ cm . (Antoine Danchet, Theatre, Paris, 1751 , t. Hi.) Prologue and three entrees. Campra, the composer, is not mentioned. PQ 1972.D2 Ballet des Amours de Momus, en musique, danse par FAcademie royale de musique. Suivant la copie imprimee a Paris. Amsterdam, Antoine Schelte, 1696. 4 P- (incl. front.) 14 cm - Prologue and three acts. Neither the author, Joseph Francois Duche", nor Henri Desmarets is mentioned. First performed, as indicated, May 25, 1695. ML 52.2. A4D2 Les amours de Momus, ballet represente par 1'Academie royale de musique Fan 1695. Les paroles sont de M. Duche, & la musique de M. Desmarets. XXXV. opera. n. i., n. d. front., p. 135-184. (Recueil general des opera, t. v, Paris, 1703. 14 cm . Detached copy. Prologue and three acts. First performed, as indicated, May 25, 1695. SCHATZ 2529 Second copy. ML 48. R4 OPERA LIBRETTOS 109 Les amours de Nanterre. Piece d'un acte. Par Mrs. le S**. & D'Or**. Represente a la Foire de Saint Laurent 1718. Et pendant le cours de la m6me foire, sur le Theatre de 1'Opera, par ordre de S. A. Royale Ma'dame. Le Theatre de la foire, Paris, 1737, t. Hi, pi., [269}-329 p. 17 cm . By Le Sage and d'Orneval. Largely en vaudevilles. The airs, selected or com- posed and arranged by Jean Claude GUlier, the "compositeur" of the theatre, are printed at the end of the volume in the "Table des airs." Parfaict's Dictionnaire gives as authors "Autreau en socie'te avec messieurs Le Sage & d'Orneval." ML48.L2 III Les amours de Pro tee, ballet, represent e par 1' Academic royale de musique, Fan 1720. Paroles de M. Lafonds. Musique de M. Ger- vais. XCIX. opera. n. i., n. d. pi., p. 65-116. (Recueil general des opera, t. xiii, Paris, 1734.) 14 cm . Detached copy. Three acts and prologue. Avertissement. First performed, as indicated, May 16, 1720. SCHATZ 3790a Second copy. ML 48. R4 - Les amours de Protee, ballet. En trois actes. Represente par 1'Academie royale de musique, de Lyon. En TannSe 1742. Lyon, Aime Delaroche, 1742. 58 p. 23% cm . Three acts and prologue. By Joseph de Lafont, who is not mentioned. Aver- tissement and cast. Composed by Charles Hubert Gervais, who is not mentioned. SCHATZ 3790b - Les amours de Protee. Parodie de 1'opera. Par M re - le S** & d'Or** Represent ee a la Foire Saint Laurent 1728. Le Theatre de la foire, Paris, 1731, t. vii, pi., [85}-120 p. 17 cm . By Le Sage and d'Orneval. Largely en vaudevilles. The airs, selected or com- posed and arranged by Jean Claude Gillier, the "compositeur" of the company, are printed at the end of the volume in the "Table des airs." First performed, as indicated, September 24, 1728. ML 48. L2 v. 11 Les amours de Ragonde, comedie en musique, en trois actes. n. i., n. d. 1 p.l., 30 p. 23 cm . Neither the author, Philippe Nricault Destouches, nor the composer, Jean Joseph Mouret, is mentioned. Cast and at end the "Permission," dated Lyon, March 15, 1739, as given to the Acade'mie Royale de musique de Lyon. First performed there 1742; previously at Sceaux, at the palace of the duke du Maine under the title "Le manage de Ragonde" as also at Paris, Acade'mie royale de musique, January 30, 1742. The score was published as "Ragonde ou La soiree de village." SCHATZ 6738 Les amours de Venus. L. T. of Campra's Les amours .de Mars et Venus. Les amours deguisez. See Les comediens corsaires. Les amours deguisez, ballet represent^ par l'Acade*mie royale de musique 1'an 1713. Les paroles de M. Fuselier et la musique de M. Bourgeois. LXXXII. opera. n. i., n. d. Jfi p., pi. (Recueil general des opera, Paris, 1720, t. xi) 14 cm . Detached copy. Three acts with prologue. Avertissement. First performed, as indicated, August 22, 1713. SCHATZ 1272 Second copy. ML 48.R4 110 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Les amours des deesses, ballet heroique, represent^ par 1'Acade- mie royale de musique, Fan 1729. Paroles de M. Fuselier. Musique de M. Quinault. CXII. opera. n. i., n. d. pi., p. [345}-396. 14 cm . (Recueil general des opera. Paris, 1734, t. XIV.) Detached copy. Prologue and three acts, to which was added as quatrieme entree, text also by Louis Fuzelier (p. 387-396), "L'Aurore et CSphale," on August 25, 1729. The other entries have titles "Venus et Adonis," "Diane et Endimion" and "Mel- pomene et Linus." The introduction of the latter subject the author defends in the avertissement (p. 347-348). First performed^ as indicated, August 9, 1729. SCHATZ 8530 Second copy. ML 48. R4 Les amours des dieux, ballet heroique, represent^ par 1'Academie royale de musique, 1'an 1727. Paroles de M. Fuselier. Musique de M. Mouret. C VIII. opera. n. i., n. d. p. 123-188, pi. (Recueil general des opera, t. xiv, Paris, 1734.} 14 cm . Detached copy. Prologue and four entries, called "Neptune et Amymone," "Jupiter et Niobe," "Apollon et Coronis," and "Bacchus et Anane." SCHATZ 6739 Second copy. ML 48. R4 Les amours des dieux, ballet-heroique, represent^ par 1'Acade- mie-royale de musique, pour la premiere fois, le dimancne quatorze septembre 1727. Remis au Theatre le mardi 18 juin 1737, le jeudi 12 may 1746, et le mardi 16 aout 1757. Paris, Aux depens de VAcademie, chez la v. Delormel <& fils, 1757. 51 p. 22% cm . Prologue and three entries, with titles "Neptune et Amymone," "Apollon et Coronis, "Ariane et Bacchus." Casts, avertissement and names of Fuzelier as author and of Mouret as composer. ML 52.2.A5 Amours des dieux. See also Fragments, composes du prologue des . . . Les amours grivois, opera comique-ballet. Divertissement flamand, en un acte. Par M. Favart. Derniere edition, augmentee des couplets nouveaux. n.i.,1751. 56 p. 19 cm . (Theatre de M. Favart, Paris, Duchesne, 1763-77, t. vii.) En vaudevilles. On p. 41-56 seventeen airs headed "L'ecole des amours grivois," which title appears to have been the original title. Font mentions Lagarde and Lesueur as Favart's collaborators, and says that he composed one of the airs. He does not mention Favart's musical collaborator. First performed at Paris, Foire St. Laurent, July 16, 1744. ML 9.A2F1 The amours of the great. A. T. of Vanelia. The amours of Venus ; or Vulcan's revenge. An episodical ballet. Noverre, Jean George, Works. Tr. from the French, London, 1783, v. 3, p. [285}-299. 21\ cm . Argument and detailed description of the four scenes. GV 787. N8 Amphion. Entree in Grenet's Le triomphe de 1'harmonie. OPERA LIBRETTOS 111 Amphion. Eine oper, in musik gesetzt vom herrn oberkapellmeister fraumann. Leipzig, Breikopf, n. d. 24 p. 18 cm . Three acts. The author, Johann Leopold Neumann, is not mentioned. Not the original German edition as used for the first performance at Schwedt (Brunswick) Hoftheater, 1788. Previously performed with Swedish text in one act by Gudmund Goran Adlerbeth at Stockholm, January 26, 1778 (Schatz), January 1, 1778 (Norlind). SCHATZ 7038 Amphitryon: or, the two Sosia's. A comedy. As it is acted at the Theatre Royal. Written by Mr. Dryden. To which is added, the musick of the songs. Compos'd by Mr. Henry Purcell. London, J. Tonson and M. Tonson, 1691. 4 p. 1., 57, [3] p. 21\ cm . - The songs in Amphitryon. The musick. Composed by Mr. Henry Purcell. London, Jacob Tonson, 1690. 1 p. 1., 13 p. 2l\. The comedy was advertised early in November 1690 as published. The first edition had in the title the misprint "Socia's" instead of "Sosia's." Our copy of the text belongs to the corrected, second edition, in which the misprint has disap- peared from the title page, but was retained in the caption title on p. 1. This second edition, as follows from Dryden's "epistle dedicatory" to Sir William Levison Gower, Bar, of date October 24, 1690, must liave been printed after the "third day," which fixes the date of performance approximately. First edition of the music (voice and partly figured bass) including "Celia, that I once was blest," "For Iris I sigh," "Fair Iris and her swain" (dialogue) and chorus "Thus at the height we love." Five acts, prologue and epilogue, followed by a catalogue of John Dryden's works. Cast and Dryden's dedication dated October 24, 1690, in which he acknowledges his indebtedness to Plautus and Moliere and says: "But what has been wanting on my part, has been abundantly supplyed by the excellent composition of Mr. Purcell, in whose person we have at length found an English-man, equal with the best abroad. At least my opinion of him has been such, since his happy and judicious performances in the late opera; and the experi- ence I have had of him, in the setting my three songs for this Amphitryon: To all which, and particularly to the composition of the Pastoral dialogue, the numerous quire of fair ladies gave so just an applause on the third day ..." ML 50.2.A705P9 Amphitryon: or, The two Sosias. A comedy, alter'd from Dryden. As it is performed at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane. With a new interlude of music, an occasional prologue, and some account of the alterations. London, Printed and sold by J. Payne, 1756. 4 P- 1-, 5 P- 29 m > Five acts. Cast. In his preface, John Hawkesworth (not mentioned) gives as his main reason for the alterations "the profaneness and immodesty" of the original which would have made its revival impossible. He has dropped all the songs which gave Purcell his inning. Consequently Purcell's music can not have been used in this revival. All the music has been relegated to the end of the fourth act and con- sists of Mercury's song "Away with the fables philosophers hold," a song by a nymph "in the character of wit" and a duet by the two. The composer of this is not men- tioned. PR 3415.A5 1756 Amphitryon, ballet heioi-comique, en trois actes. Venard de La Jonchere, Theatre lyrique, Paris, Barbou, 1772, t. I, p. [1 79}-228 p. 18$ cm . In the interesting "Avant-propos" (p. 181-190) the author calls this his "coup d'essai." No composer mentioned and none recorded by Cl. & L. ML 49.A2L2 Amphytrion. Tr. with additions of Gasparini's Anfitrione. 112 . LIBRARY OF CONGRESS f Amulio e Numitore. Drama per musica da recitarsi nel famoso Teatro Grimano di S. Gio. Grisostomo 1'anno 1689 . . . Venetia, Nicolini, 1689. front., 72 p. 15 cm . Three acts. Dedication signed with the initials of the author Adriano Morselli, brief notice to the reader with name of [Giuseppe Felice] Tosi as the composer, argument and scenario. SCHATZ 10375 Anacreon. Entree in Les fe~tes liriques. Anacreon chez Polycrate, ope"ra en trois actes, represents pour la premiere fois, a Paris, sur le Tneatre des arts, le 28 nivose, an cinqui- eme. Seconde edition. Paroles de J. H. Guy. Musique de Gretry. Paris, Tiger, an vii de la Republique [1798-99] 74, [1] p. 19$ cm . Cast. First performed, as indicated, January 17, 1797. SCHATZ 4137 Anacreonte tiranno. Drama per musica nel famoso Teatro Ven- dramino di San Salvatore. L'anno MDCLXXVIII. Del Bus- sani . . . Venetia, Francesco Nicolini, 1678. 72 p. Iffi. Three acts. Author's dedication, argument, scenario and notice to the reader: "Eccoti 1'Anacreonte. In questo drama tu godrai il diletto de recitanti animato dalla musica sempre piu maravigliosa e singolare del Signor Antonio Sartorio . . . SCHATZ 9490 Anagilda. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro Giustinian di S. Moise\ Nel carnovale dell' anno 1749. Venezia, Modesto Fenzo, 1749. 15 cm . 36 cm . Three acts. Argument, cast, scenario. Author (Girolamo Gigli) and composer not mentioned, and the latter unknown to Schatz. SCHATZ 11302 L'Anagilda. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro domestico dell' illustrissimo ed eccellentissimo Signor principe di Cerveteri pel carnovale del 1711. Roma, Antonio de' Rossi, n. d. 86 p. 15 cm . Three acts. By Girolamo Gigli, who is not mentioned. Cast, scenario, name of Antonio Caldara as composer, and argument, which reads, in part: "Quest" opera, che tante volte e comparsa in diversi teatn d'ltalia, si fa vedere adesso in Roma con qualche piccola mutazione, e giunta di ariette colle quali ha etimato di ravvivarla, e meglio addattarla all' uso d'oggidl il suo medesimo primp autore. Egli, per commandamento del generoso personaggio che la fa rappresentare, ed a cui si fa pregio di servire attualmente, ci ha tramezzate due parti ridicole affatto sciolte dal nodo del dramma (siccome oggi si pratica nelle scene di Venezia, ed altrove) colle quali s'intrecciano gli stessi intermedj, di piacevoli invenzioni di danze, e corn- parse, al maggior divertimento composti." The two intermezzi are called "Dc )orina e Grullo," but were also known as "Grullo e Dorina." SCHATZ 1491 L'Anagilda. Drama per musica da rappresentarsi nel famoso Teatro Tron di San Cassiano nel carnovale dell' anno 1735 . . . Venezia, Marino Rossetti, 1735. 44 P- 15$ cm - Three acts. By conte Antonio Zaniboni, who figures only as "un pastore d' Ar- cadia." Impresario's dedication, cast, argument, and name of [Gaetano] Antonio Pampino [Pampani?] as the composer. SCHATZ 7756 Anagilda, azione drammatica, da rappresentarsi nel Regio Teatro Danese. Anagilda, et synge-spil . . . Ki0berihavn, E. J. Graae, 1772. 63 p. 17 cm . One act. Author not mentioned and unknown to Schatz. Cast and name of Paolo Scalabrini as the composer. ("La musica e tutta nuova.") Italian and Danish texts. First performed December 18, 1772, as indicated. SCHATZ 9514 OPERA LIBRETTOS 113 L'anarchia dell' imperio. Drama per musica da rappresentarsi nel famosissimo Teatro Vendramino a San Salvatore. Jj'anno MDCLXXXIV. Di Tomaso Stanzani. Seconda impressione con nove aggiunte . . . Venetia, Francesco Nicolini, 1684- 60 p. 14% cm - Three acts. Stanzani's dedication, dated Venice, January 1, 1684, argument, and scenario. Giovanni Legrenzi, the composer, is not mentioned. First performed, according to Schatz, fall of 1683. SCHATZ 5541 L' Andromaca. Drama per musica da rappresentarsi in Firenze nel Teatro di via della Pergola nel prossimo carnevale dell' anno 1728 . . . Firenze, Domenico Ambrogio Verdi, n. d. 70 p. 15 cm . Three acts. Argument, cast, scenario. Author and composer not mentioned and unknown to Schatz. Text based on Racine's "Andromaque." SCHATZ 11305 Audromaca. Drama* per musica da rappresentarsi nel Regio Teatro di Milano . . . Milano, Marc' Antonio Pandolfo Malatesta, 1701. 6 p. 1., 60 p. 15 cm . Three acts and prologue. Dedication signed by the author Pietro d'Averara, ar- gument and scenario. Composer not mentioned and unknown to Schatz. First performed 1701 as indicated. SCHATZ 11304 Andromaca. Apostolo Zeno, Poesie drammatiche, Venezia, 1744> ? H, 85 P- 19 cm . Five acts and licenza. Argument. No composer is mentioned. In the "Cata- logo" at end of t. x., date and place of first ed. are given as Vienna, 1724 (first performed August 28 with music by Caldara). ML 49.A2Z3 - Andromaca. Pubblicata per la prima volta in Vienna, 1724. Apostolo Zeno, Poesie drammatiche, Orleans, 1785-86, t. vi, p. 78. 2l cm . Five acts and licenza. Argument. No composer is mentioned. ML 49.A2Z4 Andromaca. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel nobilis- simo Teatro di S. Benedetto nelT carnovale dell' anno MDCCLXXII. Venezia, Modesto Fenzo, n. d. 54 p. 17% cm . Three acts. Argument, cast, scenario, and name of Ferd. Gius. Bertoni as com- er, but not of librettist, Antonio Salvi. On p. 24-26, cast and description of the ballet, "Inca il tiranno," by Giovanni Antonio Sacco (composer not mentioned), and, by the same ballet master, on p. 42^13, description of the ballet, "La pieta inas- pettata." First performed at Venice, as indicated, December 26, 1771. SCHATZ 904 Andromaca, drama per musica da rappresentarsi nel Nuovo Teatro del Signer Domenico Valle nel carnevale dell' anno 1730 . . . Roma, Zempel e de Mey, n. d. 59 p. Three acts. By Apostolo Zeno, who is not mentioned, but "Ridotta oggi all' uso delle Romane scene" (p. 4). Impresario's dedication, argument, cast, scenario, and name of Francesco Feo as the composer. First performed as indicated, February 5, 1730. SCHATZ 3062 72251 VOL 114 - 8 114 LIBRAKY OF CONGRESS L'Andromaca. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel Real Teatro di S. Carlo nel dl 4. novembre di quest' anno 1742. Per festeggiare il glorioso nome di Sua Maesta. Napoli, Francesco e Cristoforo Ricciardo, n. d. 2 p. 1., 60 p. llf m . Three acts. By Antonio Salvi, who is not mentioned. Dedication, argument, cast, scenario, and name of Leonardo Leo as composer. According to the dedication by barone di Liveri, "L'Andromaca, . . . altra volta col titolo di Astianatte videsi in questa citta ..." which leaves it open whether this applies to the text only or also to Leo's music. SCHATZ 5556 Andromaca. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel Regio Teatro di Torino nel carnovale del 1781. Alia presenza delle Maesta Loro. Torino, Onorato Derossi, n. d. viii, 63 p. 16 cm . Three acts. By Antonio Salvi, who is not mentioned. Argument, cast, scenario, and names of Vincenzo Martin (Martin y Soler) as the composer of the opera, of Vittorio Amedeo Canavasso as composer of Filippo Beretti s ballets, "La bella Arsene," "II teatro italiano alia China," and "Marinari di nazioni diverse." First performed, as indicated, December 26, 1780. SCHATZ 6027 Andromaca. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel nobilissineo Teatro di San Samuele il carnovale dell' anno 1790. Venezia, Modesto Fenzo, 1790. 46 p. 17 cm . Three acts. Antonio Salvi, the author, not mentioned. Argument, cast, and name of Sebastiano Nasolini as the composer. SCHATZ 6999 L'Andromaca. Drarnma per musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro La Fenice per il solito tempo dell' Ascensione dell' anno 1798. Venezia, Stamperia Valvasense, n. d. 55 p. 17 cm . Two acts. Author not mentioned and unknown to Schatz. Argument, cast, scenario, and -name of the composer, Giovanni Paisiello. First performed at Naples, Teatro S. Carlo, fall 1797. SCHATZ 7598 L'Andromaca. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro dell' illustrissima citta di Lodi nel carnovale dell' anno 1757 . . . Milano, Carlo GTiiolandi, n. d. 6 p. I., Jfi p. 15 cm . Three acts. Dedication signed by the author Giuseppe Maria Viganb and dated Lodi, January 20, 1757. Argument, scenario, cast, and name of Giuseppe Scolari as the composer. SCHATZ 9803 Andromaca in Epiro, ballet. See Gazzaniga's Tullo Ostilio. Andromaca in Epiro, ballet. See Sarti's Farnace. Andromaque, trage"die-lyrique, en trois actes, representee pour la premiere fois, par FAcademie-royale de musique le mardi 6 juin 1780. Paris, P. de Lormel, 1780. 66 p. 22\ cm . Based by Louis Guillaume Pitra (who is not mentioned) on Racine's tragedy. As the "Avertissement" says on p. 7: "On a cpnserv^ les vers de ce grand homme, autant que la coupe des scenes, la forme des airs & du re"citatif, 1'ont permis. II a fallu malheureusement meler souvent d'autres vers avec les siens pour former la contexture de 1'action." Cast and name of GrStry as the composer. SCHATZ 4138 Andromeda. Poemetto drammatico nel giprno del gloriosissimo nome della Sac. Ces. R. Maesta dell' imperadrice Amalia Willelmina. Bernardoni, Pietro Antonio, Poemi drammatici, parte terza, Vienna, van Ghelen, 1707, p. 137-147. 16$ cm . The composer is not mentioned by von Weilen. First performed at Vienna, as indicated, July 10, 1702. ML 49.A2B4 OPERA LIBEETTOS 115 Andromeda. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel Regio Teatro di Torino nel carnevale del 1755 . . . Torino, Zappata ed Avondo, n. d. xi, [1], 55 p. 15\ cm . Three acts. By Vittorio Amadeo Cigna-Santi (not mentioned). Argument, cast, scenario, and name of the composer, Gioacchino Cocchi. Rocco Gioannetti is men- tioned as the composer of the ballet music. SCHATZ 2051 Andromeda. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel Regio Teatro di Torino nel carnovale del 1772 alia presenza di S. S. R. M. Torino, Onorato Derossi, n. d. viii, 54, [1] p- 16\ cm . Three acts. By Vittorio Amadeo Cigna-Santi, who is not mentioned. Argument, cast, scenario, and name of the composer, Giuseppe Colla. On p. 52-54 description of the allegorical ballets "II ritorno della primavera," "Le nozze americane and "Feste in onore di Bacco." The ballets were by Giacomo Favier, their music by Giuseppe Antonio Le Messier. First performed as indicated, December 26, 1771. SCHATZ 2106 L'Andromeda del Signor Benedetto Ferrari. Rappresentata in musica in Venetia 1'anno 1637 . . . Venetia, Antonio Bariletti, 1637. 70, [2] p. 13\ cm . Three acts. Publisher's dedication dated Venice, May 6, 1637, sonnet by Alfonso Pucinelli "all' autore, poeta, musico, e senator di tiorbaeccellentissimo," sonnets by Bartolameo Angarani and Gio. Francesco Busenello to the author, on p. 5-12 a very interesting preface by the publisher with name of Francesco Manelli as composer and describing in detail the scenes, costumes, machines, etc., giving the names of the singers. Following the text of the opera on p. 61-68 "Sonetti del Signor Bene- detto Ferrari in lode de signori musici piu celebri, ch' intervennero nelF Andromeda," a sonnet by Carlo Federici to Ferrari, one by Donato Milcetti, "per 1'Andromeda," latin ode by Bartolameo Angarani to Ferrari, and on last page the errata. From the publisher's preface and from the sonnets it appears that Annibale Graselli da Citta di Castello represented Mercuric, Perseo and Ascala, Francesco Angeletti da Assisi represented Giunone, Giovanni Battista Bisucci Bolognese represented Protheo and Giove, Anselmo Marconi Romano represented Venere, Madelena Manelli Romana represented Andromeda and Francesco Manelli da Tivoli, the composer, Nettuno and Astarco Mago and Girolamo Medici Romano represented Astrea. Enthusiastic praise is also bestowed on Gio. Battista Balbi Venetiano, ballarino celebre, and on Ferrari's several tiorba accompaniments. From the dedication the date of per- formance may be fixed since Bariletti says: "Andromeda che su le scene rinacque gia son due mesi; su le glorie de' suoi natali, eece ad acrescersi negl' applausi dell' uni verso." SCHATZ 5887 Andromeda. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel Regio Teatro di Berlino il carnovale dell' anno 1788. Composto con li balli analoghi da Antonio Filistri de' Caramondani . . . e messo in musica dal Sigr. Giov. Feder. Reichardt . . . Berlino, Haude e Spener, n. d. 167, [1] p. 15% cm . One act. Argument and cast. German title and text face Italian, and it is stated on p. 19 that the translation is not by the translator "der mehresten vorhergehenden opern." On p. 160-167 "die umstaendliche anzeige von dem urspruenglichen ent- wurf dea Schlussballets bey dessen ausfuehrung jedoch ein theil der details vielleicht wegbleiben duerfte." First performed January 11, 1788, as indicated. SCHATZ 8634 L'Andromeda. Dramma del cavalier Carlo Bassi posto in musica dal Sig. Isidore Tortona, e rappresentato nel Teatro Ducale di Pia- cenza 1'anno 1662 . . . Piacenza, Giovanni Bazachi, n. d. 8 p. 1., 72 p. 14 cm - Prologue and three acts. Author's dedication dated May 17, 1662. Argument, cast and somewhat stilted notice to the reader in which Bassi says: "a simil genere di componimgto, questa & la prima volta, ch'io ci h6 lasciata incorrere la penna." SCHATZ 10374 116 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Andromeda. Melodramma in due atti a tre personaggi. Rappre- sentato nell' anno 1796 nel Teatro di S. E. il Signer conte Carlo di Breunner ambasciatore Cesareo regio presso la serenissima repubblica di Venezia, ec. ec. ec. n. i., n. d. 18 p. 20 cm . Argument, cast (aristocratic amateurs), names of Giovanni Bertati as author, of Nicola Antonio Zingarelli as composer. SCHATZ 11265 Andromeda e Perseo, ballet. See Bernardini's Achille in Sciro. Andromeda e Perseo, ballet. See Mortellari's Le astuzie amorose. Andromeda und Perseus. Ein schauspiel mit musik. Aufge- fuehrt im Kais. Koenigl. National theater. Wien, beym Logenmeister, 1780. 32 p. I7 cm . One act. Neither the author, Kempel, nor the composer, Anton Zimmermann, is mentioned. First performed, as indicated, April 23, 1781. SCHATZ 11234 Andronico e Ramira, ballet. See Borghi's Egilina. Andronico e Ramira, ballet. See Nasolini and Trento's Gli innamorati. Andronico e Ramira, ballet. See Sarti's I pretendenti delusi. Andronico e Ramira, ballet. See Winter's I fratelli rivali. L'ane d'or d'Apulee, opera-comique en deux actes, m&le de prose & de vaudevilles. Joue sur le Theatre du Fauxbourg Saint-Laurent en 1725. Alexis Piron, Oeuvres complettes, Liege, 1776, v. 3, [285]-346 p. 2 TO . In a foot-note on p. 287 the editor says: "Cette piece eut 40 representations con- e^cutives pendant 40 jours." Composer not recorded. PQ 2019.P6 L'anello incantato. Dramma giocoso per musica da rappresen- tarsi nel Teatro della rua dos Condes in Lisbona nell' estate dell' anno 1772. [Lisbona], nella Stamperia reale, n. d. S3 p. 17 cm . Three acts. Cast, scenario, and names of Ferdinando Giuseppe Bertoni as com- poser and of the author, Giovanni Bertati. The first ballet, "Diana e Endimione," was by Vinceslao de Rossi. The composer is not mentioned. First performed at Venice, Teatro di S. Moise, fall of 1771. SCHATZ 929 Anfitrione. Tragicommedia per musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro Tron di S. Cassano, 1'autunno dell' anno MDCCVII . . . Venezia, Marino Rossetti, 1707. 70 p. 14% cm - Five acts with prologue. Dedication, signed by Pietro Pariati, the author, argument, cast, scenario and name of Carlo Francesco Gasparini as the composer. Fehr attributes the text jointly to Zeno and Pariati, but the text does not appear so in Zeno's works. SCHATZ 3559 OPERA LIBRETTOS 117 Anfitrione Continued . - Amphytrion, in einem sing-spiele, auf dem Hamburgischen Schauplatze im jahr 1725 vorgestellet. [Hamburg], Gedruckt mit Stromerischen schrifften, n. d. Unpaged. Three acte and prologue. The "Vorbericht an den leser" informs us wherein the condensation of Pariati's original text consists. The end of this curious preface reads: "An der musique hat der beruehmte Francesco Gasparini keinen geringen antheil, doch sind die meisten arien wohlgerathene kinder einer illustren persohn [Johann von Wich, according to Schatz], welche die von ihren hohen vemchtungen abge- muessigte stunden emem so edlen zeit-vertreibe zu widmen kein bedencken traeget. Da nun das Recitativ auch von einem beruehmten manne verfertiget word en, so mag die echqenheit der musique, der unvollkommenen uebersetsung zu statten kommen. Es ist dieselbe ein poetisches kinder-werck von J. P. Praetorius." Scenario and cast. German text faces Italian, but not throughout. Some scenes and arias have German text only. SCHATZ 3560 L'Angelica, serenata. [379}-424 P- 19 cm . (Pietro Metastasio, Opere drammatiche, Vene- zia, Giuseppe BettineUi, 1733-37, v. 3.) Two parts. No composer mentioned. ML 49.A2M4 First performed with' music by Porpora at Vienna, November 19, 1720. L' Angelica. Serenata. Metastasio, Poesie, Parigi, vedova Quillau, 1755, t. ix, [181]-238 p- 16 cm . Two parte with licenza. ML 49.A2M42 L'Angelica. Serenata. pi., [199]-250 p. 26 cm . (Metastasio, Opere, t. x, Parigi, vedova Herissant, 1182.} Two parts with licenza. ML 49.A2M44 La Angelica. Serenata da rappresentarsi sopra il Teatrino della ducal corte in Wolfenbuttell, per festeggiare il giorno natalizio della Altezza Serenissima di Antonetta Amalia, duchessa di Bronsevigo et Luneburgo etc li 22. aprile MDCCLI. n. i., n. d. Unpaged. 19 cm . Two parts. Author (Metastasio) and composer (unknown to Schatz) not mentioned. SCHATZ 11306 L'Angelica. Serenata per musica da cantarsi nella Real villa di Queluz . . . per celebrare il felicissimo giorno natalizio della Serenis- sima Signora D. Maria Francesca Benedetta, principessa del Brasile, li 25. lug. 1778. [Lisbona], Stamperia reale, n. d. 28 p. 16 cm . Two parts. Cast and names of Metastasio as author, of Giovanni de Sousa Cara- valho (Carvallio) as composer. ML 50.2.A71C2 Angelica. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro Gri- mani di S. Samuele nella fiera dell' Ascensione dell' anno 1738 . . . Venezia, Marino Rossetti, 1738. 47 p. 14\ cm . Three acts. Dedication signed by Domenico Lalli, cast, scenario, argument, name of Giovanni Battista Lampugnani as the composer and statement, that this is the first drama of the author (Carlo Vedoa, not mentioned by name) and that it was written in eight days. First performed May 11, 1738, as indicated. SCHATZ 5391 118 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Angelica e Medoro. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi in Firenze nel Regio Teatro degli Intrepid! detto della Palla a Corda nella primavera dell anno 1792 . . . Firenze, Ant. Gius. Pagani e comp., 1792. 36 p. 18 cm . Two acts. By Gaetano Sertor, based on Metastasio's "Serenata 1' Angelica e Medoro." Cast, argomento, and name of Gaetano Andreozzi, as composer, but not of librettist. At Florence the opera was followed by "La turca in cimento. Ballo- eroi-comico pantomimo diviso in due atti composto dal Sig. Luigi Dupen" and the libretto contains on p. 7-10 the plot of this ballet. Composer of the music not men- tioned. First performed at Venice, Teatro di S. Benedetto, carnival 1791. SCHATZ 194 [Angelica e Medoro] Angelica und Medorus, ein singspiel welches auf Sr. Koenigl. Maiestaet in Preussen allergnaedigsten befehl an dem hoechsterfreulicnen geburts-feste Ihro Majestaet der koenigl. frau mutter frauen Sophien Dorotheen koeniginn in Preussen etc etc etc auf dem Berlinischen schauplatze soil aufgefuehret werden. Berlin, Haude und Spener, 1749. 128 p. 15% cm . Three acts. Leopoldo de Villati is mentioned as author and Carl Heinrich Gratin aa the composer. Argument and scenario. German text faces Italian. First performed at Berlin, Kgl. Operntheater, March 27, 1749. SCHATZ 4088 Angelica e Wilton, ballet. See Isola's La conquista del vello d'oro. Angelica in India. Istoria favoleggiata con drama musicale dal co. Pietro Paolo Bissari. K. . Vicenza, gli Jieredi Amadii, 1656. 82 p. 14 cm > Three acts and prologue. Author's dedication, argument. On p. 79-82 "Registro delle istorie figurate nel drama" and "Auttorita della lingua in Antello." Com- poser not mentioned and unknown to Schatz. SCHATZ 11307 Angelica und Medorus. Tr. of Graun's Angelica e Medoro. Die Angelsachsen. A. T. of Schulz's Minona. Der angenehme betrug, oder Der carneval von Venedig, in einem sing-spiele auf den grossen Hamburgischen schau-platze vorgestellet im jahr 1707. n. i., n. d. Unpaged. 18% cm . The last leaf contains "Was im druck ausgelassen worden." Three acts. The "Vorbericht" by the author, resp. translator, Barthold Feind (not mentioned) says in part: "Unterschiedliches ist aus den frantzosischen und anderen authoren genommen und vor hiesigen zustand accommodiret . . . Was die music betrifft, moegen die- jenigen kenner rahten, welche von dem herrn capell-meister Keiser sey, die in die 12. jahr dessen arbeit bereits gehoeret." To some arias the Italian text has been added. First performed, as indicated, February, 1707. SCHATZ 5076 - Der angenehme betrug oder Der carneval von Venedig. In einem sing-spiele auf dem Grossen Hamburgischen Schau-platze vor- gestellet. Hamburg, FridericJi Conrad Grejlinger, 1716. Unpaged. 19 cm . Three acts. Scenario and " vpr-bericht " with name of Reinhard Keiser as the composer and statement that this is a " veraenderung " of the opera as performed there years ago. The author, Barthold Feind, is not mentioned. Some of the arias have the Italian text added to the German. The text is practically the same as in the version of 1707, except that the burlesque scene III, 10, has been doubled in length, everything after trie words "So kann ich bym olden een jungen erwarven" being added. First performed, as indicated, 1716. SCHATZ 5118 OPERA LIBRETTOS 119 Der angenehme betrug Continued. Der angenehme betrug, oder Der carneval von Venedig. Auf dem Hamburgischen Schau-platze in einer opera vorgestellet, im jahr 1723. Hamburg, Caspar Jakhel, n. d. Unpaged. 18 cm . Three acts. Third version of this opera. Neither Feind is mentioned nor Keiser. The Italian text is added to many of the arias. The text is somewhat different from the 1716 version. For instance, I, 1, now begins "Lungi da me vagha belta Schoen- heit entferne dich von mir" instead of "Liebste freyheit, du allein," I, 1-1, 5 are .the same, also dialogue of I, 6, but the aria " Unsre Hebe bleibt bestaendig " has become "Mio tesoro. Mio diletto Mein Schatz! Mein ergoetzen," the seventh scene now begins "Quanto e dolce, quanto piace Wie angenehm und vergnuegt ist es" instead of Amor, te'l giorno a fe O Liebe! ich schwoere dir," etc., etc. SCHATZ 5119 Les animaux raisonnables. Piece d'un acte. Par messieurs F** & Le G**. Represented a la Foire de S. Germain 1718. Le theatre de lafoire, Paris, 1737, t. HI, pi, 35 p. 17 cm . By Louis Fuzelier and Alexandre Le Grand. The airs, selected or composed and arranged by Jean Claude Gillier, are printed at the end of the volume in the "Table des airs." First performed, according to Parfaict, end of February, 1720. ML48.L2in L'anneau perdu et retrouve, opera comique en deux actes, melee de morceaux de musique. Par M. Sedame. La musique de M. B. * * * Represent e pour la premiere fois par les Comediens italiens ordinaires du roi, le lundi 20 aout 1764. Paris, Claude Herissant, 1764. [vi], [2}, 56 p. 20 cm . Page 1 is preceded by two pages (numbered 75, 58) with list of Sedaine's works, the contents of the "Theatre de la Foire & des Boulevards," etc. Cast and "avertisse- ment," in which Sedame says: * "Le 5 mars 1761 on a donne a 1'Opera Comique de la Foire S. Germain, une piece intitulee: les Bons comperes, ou Les bons amis, qui, comme dit le Dictionnaire des Theatres, n'eut pas de succes. L'auteur de la musique qui m'honore de son amitie [Jean Benjamin de La Borde], me pria de vouloir y faire des changemens, je les fis du jour au lendemain. Je retranchai les scenes, & j'en fis des neuves pour joindre les scenes divis^es, mais tous mes efforts ne purent retarder la chute de la piece: la musique cependent avoit fait plaisir, & sur-tout une des ariettes. Seduit par elle, je me mis en tete de mettre cette piece en etat d'etre rejoue . . . il s'est trouve a la fin que j'avois fait une maison neuve: cela a oblige le musicien de faire toute musique nouvelle, a 1'exception d'un morceau qui, par le plus grand hazard, s'est rencontre" ajust6 sur mes paroles, & de cette ariette en question que j'a vois parodiee. Mais le musicien a exig6 de moi que je laissasse les anciennes paroles; & de fait elles sont plus conformes a la musique qui avoit e"t6 faite pour elles. Je les ai done conserves, du consentement du propri^taire de 1'ancienne piece "... He then points out some differences between the new and the old piece, and saya that he used two verses by La Fontaine. SCHATZ 5350 Annetta e Fierillo, ballet. See Millico's La Zelinda. Annette and Lubin, pantomime. See The fable of the pantomime dances. Annette and Lubin: A comic opera in one act. As it is performed at the Theatre-Royal in Covent-Garden. Lvndon, G. Kearsley, 1778. 24 p. 21 cm . Cast and the author-composer, Charles Dibdin's, "Advertisement," which he pub- lished with all of his imitations of one act French comic operae. First performed October 2, 1778, as indicated. LONQE 102 120 LIBRARY OP CONGRESS Annette et Lubin, com&lie en un acte en vers; m&le'e d'ariettes & de vaudevilles. Par Madame Favart & Mr. * * *. Represent ee pour la premiere fois par les Come'diens italiens ordinaires du roi, le 15 fe"vrier 1762. Paris, Duchesne, 1763. 78, [2] p. 19 cm . (Theatre de M. Favart, Paris, Duchesne, 1763-77, t. v.) One act. Cast. At the time of its appearance the play was attributed to Voisenon, but Font argues that he had nothing to do with it, and that the text was written by Mad. Favart in collaboration with her husband and Lourdet de Santerre for the wedding festivities of M. de Mailly and M 1 ! 8 de Peiigord. It was first privately performed in January, 1762, according to Favart's Corresp. Font incorrectly attrib- utes the music to Martini, but the music was arranged and partly composed by Blaise. Many of his ariettes appear printed in the text (the duo "Lorsqu' Annette est avec Lubin" expressly bears his name), whereas no vaudeville air is so printed. "Mes trois femmes 6toient veuves" was to be sung to "Air: de M. Sodi." ML 49.A2F1 Annette et Lubin. Comedie en un acte en vers ; m16e d'ariettes & de vaudevilles. Par Madame Favart, & Mr. * * * Represented pour la premiere fois par les Come'diens italiens ordinaires du roi, le 15 feVrier 1762. Paris, Duchesne, 1763. 78 p. 18$ cm . The composer, Adolphe Blaise, is not mentioned. Most of the airs are printed in the text. SCHATZ 1063 Annette et Lubin, comedie en un acte, en vers, mdlee d'ariettes & de vaudevilles; par madame Favart, & Mr. * * *. Represented pour la premiere fois par les Come'diens italiens ordinaires du roi, le 15 fevrier 1762. Paris, la veuve Duchesne, 1770. 48 p. 19 cm . On p. 15 the air of "II toit une fille, une fille d'honneur," on p. 45-46 the vaude- ville "Que tout le hameau s'apprete," and on p. 47 the ronde "Lubin aime sa bergere." Blaise, the composer, is not mentioned. SCHATZ 11675 - Annette et Lubin, comedie en un acte et en vers libres, m61ee d'ariettes & de vaudevilles par Madame Favart, & M * * * Repre- sentee pour la premiere fois par le Come'diens italiens ordinaires du roi, le 15 Fevrier 1762. Avignon, Louis Chambeau, 1774- 4 P- 19% cm . Blaise, the composer, is not mentioned. ML 48.M2M Annette et Lubin, Come'die. p. 5-55. 16 cm . Title page, etc., missing. SCHATZ 11676 Annibale. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro di S. Angelo nell' autunno. Venezia, Carlo Buonarrigo, 1731. 1 p. 1., 60 p. 15 cm . Three acts. By Filippo Vanstryp, who is not mentioned. Argument, cast, scenario, and name of Nicola Antonio Porpora as the composer. SCHATZ 8368 L'Annibale in Capua. Melodrama rappresentato in Venetia nel famoso Teatro Grimano 1'anno MDCLXI . . . Venetia, Giacomo Batti, 1661. 2 p. 1. (incl. front.} , 94 p. 15 cm . Prologue and three acts. By conte Nicolo Beregani, who is not mentioned by name. Publisher's dedication, argument, scenario, and notice to the reader, inform- ing him that this drama was prepared for performance in twenty days, and that the music was composed by Pietro [Andrea] Ziani. First performed, as indicated, carnival, 1661. SCHATZ 11225 OPEKA LIBRETTOS 121 Annibale in Torino. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel Regio Teatro di Torino nel carnovale del 1771 . . . Torino, Onorato Derossi, n. d. xi, 52 p. 16 cm . Three acts. By Jacopo Durandi, who is not mentioned. Argument, cast, scenario, and names of Paisiello as the composer of the opera, of Giuseppe Antonio Le Messier of the ballet music. SCHATZ 7692 Annibale in Torino, ballet. See Tarchi's Bacco ed Arianna. Annibale in Torino. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel Regio Teatro di Torino nel carnovale del 1792 . . . D Torino, Onorato Derossi, n. d. viii, 55, [1] p. 15 cm . Three acts. By Jacopo Durandi, who is not mentioned. Argument, cast, scenario, and name of Nicola Antonio Zingarelli as the composer. With the opera were per- formed Domenico Le Fevre's ballets "II finto giardiniere," "Alcina ed Astolfo," and "La cuccagna," the music selected by Le Fevre from "diversi celebri autori." SCHATZ 11239 The anniversary of St. Patrick. A. T. of The shamrock. L'annore resarciuto. Commedeja napoletana de lo dottore Nicola Gianni da rappresentarese a lo Tiatro de li Shiorentine nchist' anno 1727 . . . Napole, Pe lo soleto [mutilated], 1727. 48 p. lltf m . Three acts. Dedication, cast and name of Antonio Arefice (Oreflce) as composer. ML 50.2.A715O7 Antigona. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel nobilissimo Teatro La Fenice per seconda dell' autunno 1799. Venezia, Valvasense, 1799. 39 p. 17\ cm . Two acts, based on an English drama with additions by Gaetano Rossi. Cast and names of librettist and Francesco Basil! as composer. SCHATZ 630 Antigona. Tragedia per musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro grande alia Scala il carnevale dell' anno 1789 . . . Milano, Gio. Batista Bianchi, n. d. 6 p. 1., 13-56 p. 16% cm . Three acts, based on a libretto by Marco Coltellini written for St. Petersburg in 1772, as is stated in the argomento. This is preceded by a dedication and followed by cast, scenario, and name of Vincenzo Campobasso d'Alessandro as composer. With the opera were performed Gaspero Angiolini's ballets (also the music) "Fedra" and "Lorezzo." First performed, as indicated, December 26, 1788. SCHATZ 1538 Antigona. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel Regio Teatro di Torino nel carnovale del 1752 . . . Torino, Pietro Giuseppe Zappata efigliuolo, 1752. 69 p. 15% cm . Three acts. By Gaetano Roccaforte (not mentioned). Argument, scenario, cast, and name of the composer, Giovanni Battista Casali. With the opera were per- formed Pietro Alovar's ballets, composer of the music not mentioned, Armida" and "Le nozze di Perseo e d'Andromada." SCHATZ 1678 Antigona. Drama per musica da rappresentarsi in Roma nel Teatro delle Dame nel carnevale dell' anno MDCCLI . . . Roma, Fausto Amidei, n. d. 66 p. 14\ cm > Three acts. Dedication, argument, scenario, cast and names of Gaetano Rocca- forte as author, of Baldassare Galuppi as composer. First performed as indicated, January 9, 1751 (Piovano). ML 50.2.A718G3 122 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Antigona Continued . - Antigona. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro Gius- tinian di S. Moise 1'autunno dell' anno 1754. Venezia, Modesto Fenzo, 1754- 58 p. 15\ cm . Three acts. By Gaetano Roccaforte, who is not mentioned. Argument, scenario, cast, and name of Baldassare Galuppi as composer. First performed at Rome, Teatro delle Dame, Jan. 9, 1751 (Piovano). SCHATZ 3437 Antigona. Ein musicalisches schauspiel so an dem churfuerstl pfaeltzischen hof auf den erfreulichen noechsten geburts-tag der durchlaeuchtigssten frauen churfuerstin den 17 Januarii 1752 . . . aufgefuehret worden. Mannheim, Nicolaus Pierron, n. d. 86 p. Three acte. Argument, scenario, cast, and names of the author, Gaetano Rocca- forte, and the composer, Bald. Galuppi. Text in German only. SCHATZ 3438 Antigona. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel nobilissimo Teatro delle Dame il carnevale dell' anno 1768. Dedicate a Sua Eccellenza la Signora D. Matilde Bentivoglio Erizzo, ambasciatore di Venezia. Roma, Ottavio Puccinelli, n. d. 58 p. 15\ cm . Three acts. Dedication, argument, scenario, cast, and names of Gaetano Rocca- forte as author, of Giovanni Francesco de Ma jo as composer. SCHATZ 5862 Antigona. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel nobilissimo Teatro di San Benedetto per la fiera dell Ascensione dell' anno 1776. Venezia, Modesto Fenzo, 1776. 70 p. 11 \. Three acts. Gaetano Roccaforte is mentioned as the author, Michele Mortellari as the composer. Argument, cast, and scenario. On p. [25]-39 argument and descrip- tion of Giuseppe Canziani's "Linceo, ballo tragico in cinque atti. The composer of the music is not mentioned. First performed as indicated, May 11, 1776. SCHATZ 6679 Antigona. Tragedia da cantarsi nel Teatro Tron nel carnovale dell' anno MDCCXVIII offerita a G. A. G. da Merindo Fesanio Past. Arc. Venezia, Marino Rossetti, 1718. front., 1 p. 1., 71 p. 16 cm . Five acts. Author's real name, Benedetto Pasqualigo. Dedicatory poems, argu- ment, cast, scenario, and name of Giuseppe Maria Orlandini as the composer. SCHATZ 7327 La fedelta coronata. Drama per musica da rappresentarsi in Bologna nel Teatro Malvezzi la state dell' anno MDCCXXVII. (At end) Bologna, Clemente Maria Sassi, 1727. 59 p. 16\ cm . Three acts. Imprimatur dated May 19, 1727, scenario, cast, name of Giuseppe Maria Orlandini as composer and notice to the reader with argument and apologies for the alterations in the "presente Libretto" by Benedetto Pasqualigo, who is not mentioned. It is remarked: "Questa e la sorte, che incontrano i drami fatti per musica, primieramente di doversi agli altrui vari, e discordi giudicj, piu che a quello del poeta accomodare; e poi di essere in nuove maniere riordinati, e rivestiti." In this rifacimento, for instance, the aria "Se vaporetto in nuvoletto" has been dropped from I, 1, and moved to I, 3; "Fu di re comando allora" in I, 2, has been replaced by "II padre amante contro un' ingrato"; scene V, 6, "Ti vendichi, e ti salvi," has become III, 11, and indeed this three act version is so different from the original five act version as to be almost a different opera. "La fedeltk coronata" was first performed as indicated, June 14, 1727. ML 50.2.A71807 OPERA LIBRETTOS 123 L'Antigona delusa da Alceste. Drama per musica di Aurelio Aureli. Favola settima . . . Milano, Stampa archiepiscopale, 1662. 84 p. 13 cm . Three acts. Dedication dated Milan, April 15, 1662, argument, scenario, and notice to the reader with name of Pietro Andrea Ziani as the composer: ". . . La mia debolezza costretta a obedire a i commandi di quella autorita, che non e awezza a ricever negative da chi conosce di poter restare servita, quando '1 desidera, ei e veduta questa volta necessitata a produrti nel corso d'un mese non diro un parto, ma un' abhorto d'ingegno, ed ad amareggierti la soavita di quel gusto, che haveresti provato fino al fine del carnevale corrente dalle contuate recite del virtuosissimo drama dell' illustrissimp Signer Pietro Angelo Zaguri, mio riverito eignore e padrone . . . Avverti di piu, che per la strettezza del tempo mi e con- venuto aggiustare il drama sopra le scene (trattane sol una) sopra i medesimi balli, e su parte delle machina inventate dall' illustrissimo Signore Zaguri, onde se tu credi, che da questa mia fatica io sia per acquistare alcuna portione di gloria, io tutta volun- tariamente la cedo all' illustrissimo Signer Zaguri, eudetto, come a quello, che mi ha prestato la base per fondamentare la machina di questo mio drama. First performed at Milan, Teatro del Palazzo Ducale, April 15, 1662; at Venice, Teatro di S. Gio. e Paolo, carnival 1660. SCHATZ 11212 Antigono. Metastasio, Poesie, Parigi, vedova Quillau, 1755, t. v, [173]-263 p. 16 cm . Three acts and licenza. Argument. ML 49.A2M42 Antigono. Dramma scritto dall' autore in Vienna 1'anno 1744 per la reale, ed elettoral corte di Dresda: dove nel carnevale fu rappre- sentato la prima volta con musica dell' Hasse. pi., [181]-274 p. 26 cm . (Metastasio, Opere, t. vi, Parigi, vedova Eerissant, 1780.) Three acts, with licenza. Argument. ML49.A2M44 Antigono. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel nobilissimo Teatro di S. Benedetto nella fiera dell' Ascenzione dell' anno MDCCLXXIIL Venezia, Modesto Fenzo, 1773. 48 p. 17 cm . Three acts. By Pietro Metastasio. Cast, scenario, argomento, and name of Pas- quale Anfossi as composer, but not of librettist. The libretto of the opera is followed by the "Programma delli due balli" (on 30 p.). The first is called " Semiramide, ballo tragico pantomimo . . . inventato e composto dal Signor Gasparo Angiolini," who is also mentioned in the cast as the composer of the music. He was also the inventor, author, and composer of the other ballo pantomimo "II disertore francese." SCHATZ 225 Antigono. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro grande alia Scala di Milano nel carnevale dell anno 1781. Milano, Gio. Batista Bianchi, n. d. 62, [1] p. 16 cm . Three acts. The added page contains the additional aria for II, 7, "Scherno degli astri, e gioco." By Metastasio, who is not mentioned. Argument, scenario, cast, and note, "musica nuova in parte del Sig. maestro Pasquale Anfossi, e nella maggior parte del Sig. maestro abate Luigi Gatti. ' With the opera were performed Gasparo Angio- lini's ballets (also the music), "Attila," "II castigo de' bonzi," and a Divertimento. First performed, as indicated, February 3, 1781. SCHATZ 283 Antigono. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel nobilissimo Teatro La Fenice la fiera dell' Ascensione dell' anno 1794. ?cm Venezia, Modesto Fenzo, 1794. 6 P- 18c Three acts. By Metastasio. Argument, cast, scenario, and name of the composer, Luigi Caruso. On p. 21-33, argument, cast, and detailed description of the first 124 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Antigono Continued. ballet, music by Luigi Marescalchi, "La morte d'Egisto ossia Le furie d'Oreste, ballo tragico pantomimo d invenzione e direzione del Sig. Onorato Vigano." The second ballet was called "Amore vendicato." First performed at Rome, Teatro Alibert, carnival, 1788. SCHATZ 1659 Antigono. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro Gri- mani di S. Benedetto il carnovale dell' anno 1762. Venezia, Paulo Colombani, 1762. 58 p. 14 cm . Three acts. By Metastasio. Argument, cast, scenario, and name of Baldassare Galuppi as composer. First performed at London, Haymarket, 13/24 May, 1746. SCHATZ 3439 Antigono. Drama per musica da rappresentarsi in Roma nel Teatro di Torre Argentina nel carnevale dell anno 1756 . . . Roma, Fausto Amidei, n. d. 59 p. 14% cm - Three acts. Dedication ("la prima volta sil questo teatro"), argument, scenario, cast and names of Metastasio as author, of Gluck as composer. First performed as indicated, February 9, 1756. ML 50.2.A72G5 Antigono, dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel Regio elettoral Teatro alia corte di Dresda nel carnovale dell' anno MDCCXLIV. n. i., n. d. 70, [1] p. 15\ cm . Three acts and licenza. Argument, cast, scenario, and names of Metastasio as author, of Johann Adolph Hasse as composer. First performed at Hubertusburg, October 10, 1743; at Dresden, January 20, 1744. ML50.2.A72H2 Antigono. Dramma per musica rapjpresentata nel Regio elettoral Teatro alia corte di Desdra [ ! ] Fanno JVflDCCXLI V del Signer abbate Pietro Metastasio. Lucca, Domenico Ciuffetti, e Filippo Maria Benedini, 1744- 60 p. Three acts. Composed by Hasse, who is not mentioned. Argument and scenario. The text is the same as in the Dresden edition, except that the licenza has not been reprinted. ML 48.M2M7 Antigono. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel nobilissimo Teatro di S. Benedetto il carnovale dell' anno 1768 . . . Venezia, Modesto Fenzo, 1768. 62 p. 16\. Three acts. By Metastasio, who is not mentioned. Prefatory poem by Michele dall' Agata, argument, cast, scenario, and name of Francesco de Majo as composer First performed as indicated, December 26, 1767. SCHATZ 5854 Antigono. Drama per musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro di Torre Argentina nel carnevale delP anno 1772 . . . Roma, Arcangelo Casaletti, n. d. 60 p. 15 cm . Three acts. By Metastasio. Argument, scenario, cast, name of Carlo Monza ag the composer, and impresario's dedication, in which he says: "Si rappresenta per la terza volta su le scene romane L'Antigono, opera dell' insigne poeta Cesareo." On p. 10 the note: "Tuttocio, che si trova cangiato nel dramma si e dovuto fare per adattarsi alle circostanze presenti del Teatro; si e procurato per altro di servirsi dei sentimenti medesimi del primo autore sparsi nell' altre opere da lui composte." Consequently, this version was a pasticcio from Metastasio s works. SCHATZ 6620 OPERA LIBRETTOS 125 Antigono. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel Nuovo Teatro di corte . . . nel carnevale dell' anno MDCCLXIX. La poesia dell' abbate Pietro Metastasio ... La musica e del Sig. Pietro Pompeo Sales . . . [Monaco, Maria Maddalena Mayrin], n. d. 205, [3] p. 14% cm - Three acts. Argument, cast, and scenario. German title, "Antigonus," and text face Italian. The 3 unnumb. p. contain the argument of the ballet, "Antoine & Cleopatre." SCHATZ 9269 Antigono. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel Nuovo Teatro in Padova per la solita fiera di giugno 1764 . . . Padova, n. pull., 1764. 56 p. 17 cm . Three acts. Impresario's dedication, argument, cast, scenario, and name of com- poser, Tomaso Traetta, but not of librettist, Pietro Metastasio. The music is called ' ' tutta nuova. ' ' SCHATZ 10406 L' Antigono. Dramma per musica dell' incomparabile Signer abate Pietro Metastasio Poeta Cesareo da rappresentarsi in questo Regio- Ducal Teatro Nuovo la primavera dell' anno 1786 . . . Mantova, I'erede di Alberto Pazzoni, n. d. Jfi, 20 p. 17%. Two acts! Dedication dated April 13, 1786 (when the stagione began), argument, cast, scenario and name of Niccola Zingarelli as composer. On the 20 additional p., argument, cast, scenario and detailed description without name of composer of music of Antonio Muzzarelli's five-act "Ines de Castro, ballo tragico pantomimo." ML 50.2.A72Z4 Antigono tutore di Pilippo re della Macedonia. Tragedia da cantarsi nel Teatro Giustiniano in S. Moise". II carnovale dell' anno 1724. Venezia, Carlo Buonarrigo, 1724- 48 p. 14% cm - Five acts. Argument, scenario, cast. Neither the author, Giovanni Piazzon, ia mentioned, nor the composers Tommaso Albinoni and Giovanni Porta. SCHATZ 133 Antigonus. Tr. of Sales' Antigono. Antiochus und Stratonica. A. T. of Graupner's Die kr^nckende liebe. Antioco. O. T. of Zeno and Pariati's Seleuco. Antioco. Apostolo Zeno, Poesie drammatiche, Venezia, 1744, t- x > P- [289]-382. 19 cm . Three acts. Argument. Written in collaboration with Pietro Pariati. No com- poser is mentioned. In the "Catalogo" at end of vol. x date and place of first edition are given as Venice, 1705. ML 49.A2Z3 - Antioco. Pubblicato per la prima volta in Venezia 1705. Apostolo Zeno, Poesie drammatiche, Orleans, 1785-86, t. ix, p. 95- 184. 21 cm . Three acts. Argument. No composer is mentioned. Written in collaboration with Pietro Pariati. ML 49.A2Z4 Antioco. Drama per musica nel Teatro a San Cassano per 1'anno 1658 . . . Venetia, Andrea Giuliani, 1658. 5 p. 1., 72 p. 13% cm . Three acts with prologue. By conte Niccolo Minato. Author's dedication dated Venice, January 21, 1658, notice to the reader, and argument, but without name of the composer, Pietro Francesco Cavalli. SCHATZ 1717 126 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Antioco. Drama per musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro Tron di S. Cassano 1'autunno dell' anno MDCCV . . . Venezda, Marino Rossetti, 1705. 72 p. 16 cm . Three acta. By Apostolo Zeno and Pietro Pariati, who are not mentioned. Im- presario's dedication, dated Venice, October 30, 1705, argument, cast, and scenario. Carlo Francesco Gasparini, the composer, is not mentioned. SCHATZ 3561 Antioco. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro alia Scala il carnevale dell anno 1788 . . . Milano, Gio. Batista Bianchi, n. d. 64 p. 17 cm . Three acts. By Ferdinando Moretti, who is not mentioned. Dedication, argu- ment, cast, scenario, and name of Angelo Tarchi as the composer. With the opera were performed, composers of the music not mentioned, Filippo Beretti's "ballo pantomimo eroico-tragico Giulietta e Romeo," "ballo eroico-comico.Lilla e Lubino, ossia Una cosa rara." Of these, a note informs us, special librettos were published. First performed December 26, 1787, as indicated. SCHATZ 10234 v' Antioco il Grande. Drama per musica da rappresentarsi 1'anno MDCLXXXI nel famoso Teatro Grimano di S. Gio. Grisostomo . . . Venetia, Francesco Nicolini, 1681 . 72 p. 14 cm - Three acts. Dedication dated Venice, December 17, 1681, and signed by the author, Girolamo Frisari, argument, scenario, and name of the composer, Giovanni Legrenzi, "che a nostri tempi e la vera norma della musica; & il vivo oracolo dell' armonia." The libretto contains a list of errata, due to the sickness of the author while it waa being printed, and for which he apologizes in the dedication. SCHATZ 5533 Antioco principe della Siria, dramma per musica da recitarsi nel Teatro del Falcone 1'anno 1690 . . . Genova, Gio. Battista & Antonio Sdonici, n. d. 79 p. 13 cm . Three acts. Dedication by the scenery painter, Tomaso Aldrovandini, argument, cast. The composer, Carlo Ambrogio Lonati, who also wrote the text, is not men- tioned. SCHATZ 5681 Antiope. Ballet heroique en trois actes, avec un prologue. Venard de La Jonchere, Theatre lyrique, Paris, 1772, t. I, p. [229]- 288. 18% cm . "Avant-propos" (p. 231-244). No composer mentioned, and none recorded by Cl. & L. ML 49.A2L2 Gli antiquari in Palmira. Commedia per musica da rappresen- tarsi nel Teatro grande alia Scala 1'autunno dell' anno 1780 . . . Milano, Gio. Batista Bianchi, n. d. 86 p. 16 cm . Three acts. By Giuseppe Carpani, who is not mentioned. Dedication, cast, scenario, and name of Giacomo Rust as the composer ("musica nuova"). With the. opera were performed Gaspero Angiolini's ballets, "La morte di Cleopatra" and 'L'amore e 1 azzardo," for which he also composed the music. SCHATZ 9176 L'Antiquario fanatico. A. T. of Bernardini's La finta Galatea, the O. T. of his Le donne bisbetiche o sia L'antiquario fanatico. Antoine e Cleopatre, ballet. See Sales' Antigono. Antoine Masson. O. T. of Philidor's Le bon fils. Anton der dumme gartner oder Der name thut nichts sur sache. O. T. of Schack's Die beiden Antone and Der dumme gartner. OPERA LIBRETTOS 127 Anton und Antonette. Tr. of Gossec's Toinon et Toinette. Antonino e Pompeiano. Drama per musica nel famosissimo Teatro Vendramino di S. Salvatore. L'anno MDCLXXVII. Del Bussani . . . Venetia, Francesco Nicolini, 1677. 68, [1] p. (ind. front.) 16. Three acts. Author's dedication, argument, scenario, and notice to the reader, with the name of Antonio Sartorio as the composer. SCHATZ 9491 Second copy. ML 48.M2O Antonino e Pompejano. O. T. of Bussani's text La tirannide punita. Antonius und Cleopatra. Ein duodrama mit gesang, in zwey aufzuegen, von d'Arien. In musik gesetzt von J. C. Kanka. (Zum erstenmal vorgestellt auf der hiesigen schaubiihne den 15. dieses monats.) p. 753-761, 769-773. (LiUeratur und Theater Zeitung, Berlin, 1779, & er jahrg., 4*** t.) 18% cm . SCHATZ 4772 L'antre de Trophonius, opera-comique en un acte. 1722. Alexis Piron, Oeuvres complettes, Liege, 1776, v. 3, [47]-97 p. 17\ cm . In his Ayertissement Piron says: "Cette piece fut represented la derniere eemaine de Careme, sur le Theatre du Sieur Francieque, apres Deucalion. Alors, tous les theatres e"tant fermes, & le privilege des Com&liens n'ayant plus lieu, tous les acteurs parloient. Apres mon premier eesai the"atral, dans un monologue, je voulus voir ce que je saurois faire en dialogue, dans une piece d'intrigue telle quelle ..." Composer not recorded by Parfaict, etc. PQ 2019. P6 L'ape. Componimento drammatico, scritto dalP autore in Vienna, 1'anno 1760, per uso della Real corte cattolica. [149]-162 p. 26 cm . (Metastasio, Opere, t. xi, Parigi, vedova Herissant, 1782.) One act. ML 49.A2M44 L'ape musicale rinnuovata. Comedia per musica in tre atti. Da rappresentarsi la quadragesima dell' anno MD(X)LXXXIXI. [Q Lei [ !] Teatro di corte a benefizio di alcuni virtuosi. Vienna, Giuseppe nob. de Kurzbek, n. d. 61 p. 16 cm . Three acts. By Lorenzo da Ponte, who is not mentioned. Cast and notice to the reader: "Questo & una spezie di comediola, dove ora parodiandp, ora cangiando, ed ora conservando le originarie parole, ei sono introdptti i migliori pezzi di musica, che si sentiron fin' ora nelle nostre opere, e quelli particolarmente che piu sono stati amati e favoriti dal pubblico questi due ultimi anni ..." First performed, as indicated, Vienna, Burgtheater, March 23, 1791. SCHATZ 11308 Apelle. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel nobilissimo Teatro della Fenice del Signer Antonio Simon Sografi ... in Venezia 1'autunno 1793. n. i., n. d. 64 p. 19% cm . Three acts. Cast, scenario, name of Nicola Antonio Zingarelli aa composer, and dedication, dated Venezia, November 18, 1793, in which Sografi says: "Ho sempre creduto, che bello sia quello spettacolo in questo genere, dove le belle arti per modo vi figurano, che non laeciano molto a desiderare. Nel caao mio la poesia 128 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Apelle Continued . si e adoperata per questo, invitando a concorrere nel lavoro la musica, 1'architettura, la pittura, la declamazione, la danza, somminietrando ad ease i mezzi onde poteseero efoggiare la loro piacevole attivit ..." On p. [53J-64, cast and description, without name of the composer of the music of Giacomo Onorati's "L'eroe castigliano o sia Rodrigo Ecimene, gran ballo eroico panto- mimo," in five acts. SCHATZ 11266 - Apelle e Campaspe. Dramma serio per musica da rappresen- tarsi in Bologna nel Nuovo Publico Teatro la primavera dell' anno 1795 . . . Bologna, Sassi, n. d. 64 p. 17% cm . Three acts. Impresario's dedication and prefatory note, cast, scenario, argument, and name of Nicola Antonio Zingarelli as the composer. This is Sografi'a "Apelle" text, but with numerous alterations. For instance, the third act now begins, Dove, ahi dove mi trovo," instead of "Ministri, il sacrifizio," which now opens the second scene in the act. On p. [55]-64, argument, cast, and description, without name of the composer of the music of Francesco Clerico's "Amleto, ballo tragico pantomime." First performed, as indicated, May 24, 1795. SCHATZ 11267 Apelle e Campaspe. A. T. of the ballet La generositk d'Alessandro. Apelle e Campaspe, ballet. See Schuster's L'amor artigiano. Apelle e Campaspe. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro alia Scala il carnevale dell' anno 1796 . . . Milano, Gio. Batista Bianchi, n. d. 50, [6] p. 16 cm . Three acts. By Simone Sografi, who is not mentioned. Impresario's dedication, dated December 26, 1795, argument, cast, scenario, and name of Giacomo Tritto as the composer. On the six unnumb. pages, casts and brief descriptions, without names of the composers of the music of Gaspare Ronzi's "ballo eroico tragico panto- mimo La Didone and "ballo comico pantomimo Le reclute d'amore." SCHATZ 10452 Apelle e Campaspe. L. T. of Zingarelli 's Apelle. Apelle et Campaspe, ope"ra en un acte, par le citoyen Demoustier, musique du citoyen Eler; repre^ente pour la premiere fois sur le Theatre de la Republique et des Arts, le 24 messidor, an 6. Paris, Huet, an VI [1797-98]. 54 p. 20. With cast. Correct date of first performance is 26 messidor, or July 14, 1798, according to Schatz. Clement and Larousse give July 12. SCHATZ 2912 Apelles and Campaspe, or, The self -conquest of Alexander. An heroic pantomimical ballet. Noverre, Jean George, Works. Tr.from the French, London, 1783, v. 3, p. 263-283. 21% cm . Argument and detailed description of the five scenes. GV 1787. N8 Le api riverite. Azzione dramatica all' illustriss. e reverendiss. Sig. Card. Francesco Barberini di Bernardino Mariscotti nell' Aca- demia de' Gelati il Notturno. Bologna, Clemente Ferroni, 1628. 51 p. 19 cm . Five acts, preceded by a dedicatory "Canzone" by the author and his dedication, dated Bologna, June 2, 1628. Mariscotti says that the Academia de' Gelati wished to honor the cardinal after his return to Rome from a successful diplomatic mission in France and Spain and decided for the purpose on 'qualche azzione academica, appropriata, quanto per noi si potesse il meglio, all 1 occorrenza, con machinare invenzione vistosa per vaneta confacevole per argomento, OPERA LIBEETTOS 129 Le api riverite Continued. e significante per allegoria. Fu layorato di scrittura, e di pittura, e gia erano imparate le musiche, e dato 1'intiero compimento alia scena, e afl' apparenze. Ma dipoi al mancar della cagione, venae a mancar 1'effetto; non ci fu la persona, svanl 1'azzione, rimase 1'invenzione . . ." Placed in this embarrassing situation the Academy finally decided not to perform the work in the cardinal's absence, but to have at least the text printed. The com- poser of the music is not mentioned. The work is not recorded by Ricci. ML 48.M2 1 " Apio Claudio. Drama per musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro di Sant' Angelo. L'anno MDCLXXXIII . . . Venetia, Francesco Nicolini, 1683. front., 56 p. 14 cm . Three acts. By Adriano Morselli, who is not mentioned. Impresario's dedica- tion, argument, scenario, and notice to the reader, in which he complains: "Hanno alcuni havuto la bonta di levar certe arie dell' auttore per mettervi le proprie senza sua notitia." These have been printed in quotation marks. The notice begins: "L'auttore del Temistocle in bando ti preseta questo nuovo drama." The composer, Giovanni Marco Martini, is not mentioned. SCHATZ 6033 Apollo delusp, drama per musica rappresentato nel giorno natale dell' augustissimo e sempre invitto Leopoldo . . . Musica di Gio. Felice Sances . . . Poesia di Antonio Draghi . . . Vienna, Matteo Cosmerovio, 1669. Unpaged. 19% cm . Three acts and licenza. Author's dedication of date Vienna, July 9, 1669, argu- ment, and notice to the reader informing him that this drama "nel suo nascimento egli non hebbe piu d'una settimana per comparire alia luce . . . Sono concorsi a coprire la sua nudita con adobbi preziosi, il Signor Felice Sances, maestro di capella di S. Maesta Ces: quale con la soavita della sua armonia ha reso con mirabile artificio dolce 1'amarezza del verso." Not a single hint will be found in the libretto that Leopold I composed part or all of the score. This is the more noteworthy, because, according to Adler, the title page of the second act of the score at the Hofbibliothek, Vienna, reads: "Atto 2* Apollo deluso. Musica di Sua M ta Ces a Anno 1669 " and the binding of the first act says "Di S. M. C." (this, however, probably meaning "property of" not "by"). In view of this libretto, however, it would be unsafe to agree with Adler that "probably the music of all three acts with exception of the licenza" is by Leopold I. Presum- ably the libretto was published with Sances' name as composer, though Leopold I, as he often did, had contributed more or less music to the score of his court con- ductor. Adler published in his " Musikalische Werke der Kaiser" as by Leopold I the arias "Aurimena, la tua pena" (II, 10), Recitativ "In oscura prigion" and aria "Pensieri non v'atterrite" (II, 11), "Se non basta" (II, 11), and "Su, che fate" (II, 11). ML 48.M2 D Apollo e Dafne. A. T. of the ballet Cupido trionfatore. Apollo e Dafne, ballet. See G. Giordani's Atalanta. Apollo geloso. Pastorale per musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro di Lugo in occasione della Fiera d' Agosto dell anno 1720 . . . Bologna, Costantino Pisarri, n. d. 4? P- lo\ cm . Three acts. Argument and dedication dated Lugo, August 17, 1720, and signed by Giuseppe Maria Buini, "compositore della musica," who says "PApollo geloso, che sotto la mia debole direzzione dee rappresentarsi su queste scene." Not recorded by Allacci, Schatz or Dent. Author unknown to me. ML 50.2.B727A9 Apollo in Tessaglia. Cantata a tre voci per festeggiar la solenne apertura dell' Accademia degl' Ingegnosi nel Teatro del Corso de' Tintori la sera de' 12 marzo 1769. Firenze, Giuseppe AUegrini, e comp., 1769. 15 p. 19% cm . Two parts. By Luigi Semplici. With argument, "Attori," and names of author and composer, Alessandro Fefici ("musica nuova"). SCHATZ 3052 72251 VOL 114 9 130 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Apollo in Tessaglia. Drama per musica da rappresentarsi nel nuovo famoso Teatro Formagliari Fanno 1679 . . . Bologna, per I'erede d\ Vittorio Benacd, n. d. 5 p. 1., 92, [1] p. I4 cm . Three acts and prologue. By Tommaso Stanzani, who dates his dedication Bologna, May 27, 1679. Printer's notice to the reader with the name of Petronio Franceschini as composer, and argument. SCHATZ 3316 Apollo placato, ballet. See Salieri's Europa riconosciuta. Apollo turn'd stroller; or, Thereby hangs a tale. A musical pas- ticcio. In two parts. As performed, with the most unbounded applause, at the Royalty-Theatre. London, S. Bladon, 1787. 2 p. I, 28 p. 21 cm . Cast. Neither the author, Sir John Oldmixon, nor the composers, G. F. Handel and others, are mentioned. First performed December 3, 1787, as indicated. LONGE 102 Apollo unter den hirten. Ein yorspiel mit arien. An dem geburtsfeste Ihro Majestaet des koenigs aufgefuehrt von der Han- noeverischen Gesellschaft koeniglicher schauspieler den 4ten Juni 1770. n. i., n. d. 31 p. 17 cm . Neither Johann Georg Jacoby, the author, nor Anton Schweitzer, the composer, is mentioned. SCHATZ 9769 Apollon et Coronis. See Mouret's Les amours des dieux. Apollon et Daphne, divertissement mis en musique par Monsieur de Lully . . . Chant e devant Sa Majeste, a Fontainebleau le [blank] octobre 1698. Amsterdam, les heritiers d'Antoine Schelte, 1699. 22 p. (incl. front.}. 14 cm . Prologue and one act. By Danchet. Composed, probably, by Louis de Lully in his capacity as "compositeur de la chambre du roi." Not recorded by Schatz or Cl. & L. ML 50.2.A73L9 Apollon et Daphne, divertissement mis en musique par M. de Lully, . . . chante devant Sa Majeste a Fontainebleau, le [blank] octobre 1698. [13]~26 p. 17\ cm . (Antoine Danchet, Theatre, t. ii, Paris, 1751.) One act. PQ 1972.D2 Apollo's mask. See Stapylton's text Diana's mask. L'apoteosi d'Ercole. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel nobilissimo Teatro Venier in San Benedetto il carnovale dell' anno 1791. Venezia, Modesto Fenzo, 1790. 54 p. 17\ cm . Three acts. By Mattia Butturini, who is not mentioned. Cast, scenario, and name of Angelo Tarchi as the composer. On p. 49-54, scenario and prefatory note to Gaspero Angiolini'e (who composed also the music) "Tito o La partenza di Berenice, ballo eroico pantomimo in cinque atti." SCHATZ 10212 De Apothecar en de doctor. Tr. of Dittersdorf s Der apotheker und der doktor. OPERA LIBRETTOS 131 Die apotheke, eine komisclie oper in zwey aufzuegen. [vignette] Leipzig, Dyckische luchliandlung, 1772. xv, [1], 96 p. 17. Preface addressed to J. F. Bause by the author [Jqhann Jakob Engel] and dated Leipzig, November 10, 1771. The preface is interesting as containing Engel's views of the esthetics of the "Possenspiel." On p. vii, this shrewd remark: "Ich denke uebrigens, man wuerde gutthun, wenn man aus alien possenspielen operetten machte. Unser publikum sieht diese possen gerne, und moechte doch gerne das ansehen haben, als wenn es sie verachtete; es lacht von herzen ueber die Goldoni- echen stuecke, und zuckt die achseln darueber, wenn sie aus sind." On p. vi, this remark on the origin of this libretto: "Ein tonkuenstler [Hiller] . . . bat mich um eine oper, worinn nicht der naive ton, sondern zur abwechslung der eigentlich komische herrschte . . . Mein freund wurde krank, und konnte lange zeit an keine komposition denken. Er hatte aber die ersten arien, so wie eie fertig geworden waren, einem jungen tonkuenstler, von yiel versprechendem genie [Neefe], uebergeben, der sie sogleich in musik setzte; und ich schneb hernach weiter, damit dieser nicht moechte umsonst gearbeitet haben." First performed at Berlin, Koch'sches Theater in der Behrenstrasse, December 13, 1771. SCHATZ 7070 Die apotheke. Ein originalsingsspiel in zween aufzuegen. Die musik ist vom herrn Umlauf . Aufgefuehrt auf der K. K. National- schaubuehne. Wien, bey dem logenmeister, 1778. 35 p. 15\ cm . By Johann Jakob Engel, who is not mentioned. First performed, as indicated, June 20, 1778. SCHATZ 10523 Der apotheker. Tr. of Pallavicini's and Fischietti's Lo speziale. Der apotheker und der doktor. Ein komisches singspiel in zwey aufzuegen. Xach dem fra*nzoesischen des grafen von N . . . 1'Apoticaire de Murcie von Stephani dem juengern. Die musik ist neu vom herrn Ditters v. Dittersdorf. n. i., 1788. 128 p. 16. First performed at Vienna, Nationaltheater n. d. Burg, July 11, 1786, as " Doctor und apotheker. ' ' SCHATZ 2585 The doctor and the apothecary. A musical entertainment in two acts. As performed at the Theatre-Royal, Drury-Lane. London, C. DiUy, 1788. 1 p. L, 44 p. 20 cm . Cast. The preliminary half-title is missing. By James Cobb, adapted to Ditters- dorf's music with additions by Stephen Storace. In Longman & Broderip's vocal score " This marriage article " is headed as composed by Paisiello. First performed as indicated, October 25, 1788. (Genest). SCHATZ 2586 Second copy (2 pi., 44 p. 21 cm .) LONGE 164 - De apothecar en de doctor, zangspel. Gevolgd naar het hoog- duitsch van Stephani door I. J. A. Gogel. Amsteldam, J. Heiders, 1796. 108 p. 16\ cm . First performed at Amsterdam, Stads Schouwburg, 1796. SCHATZ 2611 The apotheosis of Punch ; a satirical masque : With a monody on the death of the late Master Punch. As now performing at the Patagonian Theatre, Exeter-'Change, with universal applause . . . London, J. Wenman, F. Newberg and W. Thompson, 1779. A2. [2] p. 21. Dedication by "Plunder" to Richard Brinsley Sheridan. The first unnumb. p. contains advertisement of the opera "Retaliation. By the same author," therefore, Leonard Mac Nally, whose idea was to ridicule Sheridan's monody on the death of Garrick. The composer, if any, is not recorded by Clarence or Schatz. LONGE 102 132 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS L'apparenza inganna o sia La villeggiatura. Commedia in due atti per musica di Giambattista Lorenzi P. A. da rappresentarsi nel Teatro de' Fiorentini nella primavera del corrente anno 1784. Napoli, n. publ, 1784. 58 p. 15 cm . Two acts. Cast and name of the composer, Domenico Nicola Cimarosa. SCHATZ 1980 The apparition! A musical dramatic romance, in two acts, as per- formed with universal applause at the Theatre-Royal, Hay-Market. By J. C. Cross . . . [vignette] London, J. Barker, 1794. 35, [1] p. 21^ cm . Cast, dedication dated Theatre-Royal, Hay-Market, Sept. 9, 1794, and prefatory note. The composer, William Reeve, is not mentioned. First performed Sept. 3, 1794. LONGE 239 The apparition of the cliffs. A. T. of Reeve's The Sicilian romance. L'apprensivo raggirato. Commedia per musica di G. M. D. da rappresentarsi nel Teatro de' Fiorentini per terz' opera del corrente anno 1798. Napoli, n. publ., 1798. 64 p. 15 cm . Two acts. By Giuseppe Maria Diodati. Cast and name of the composer, Domenico Nicola Cimarosa. On p. 58-59 cast, argument, and detailed description of Gioy. Battista Giannini's ballet "La Ginevra degli Almieri." The composer of the music is not mentioned. SCHATZ 1904 April-Day, a burletta, in three acts. Written by the author of Midas. As it is performed at the Theatre Royal in the Hay-Market. The music composed by Dr. Arnold. London, G. Kearsly, 1777. mi, [1], 44 p. 20\. Cast. In his prefatory "Extract of a letter ... to his friend in London "the author, Kane O'Hara, says: "The interlude of the Magic girdle which Mr. Barthelemon left in my hands for correction, furnished me with the first hint of this drama. I send you the original, that you may see my great reserve in borrowing from it; at the same time, humbly begging pardon of the gentleman, unknown, with whose hasty sketch I have taken so many liberties. This plot is here totally changed, and his personages thrown into a different cast of character: I have availed myself but very sparingly of his words; scarce at all of his poetry ... I adopt the laconic dialogue of Italian burletta, in order to comprise my fable within the narrow limits of late prescribed by the taste of your audiences . . . " This letter is dated Dublin, January 12, 1775. First performed at London, Hay-market, August 22, 1777. LONGE 126 L'Arabo cortese. Commedia per musica di Pasquale Mililotti da rappresentarsi nel Teatro Nuovo sopra Toledo neh" autunno del cor- rente anno 1776. Napoli, n. publ., 1776. 59 p. 15% cm . Three acts. Scenario, cast, and name of Paisiello as the composer, with excep- tion of the following starred arias by Domenico Cimarosa: "Dint'a st'uocchie appassionate " (I, 6), "Qual colomba innamorata," (III, 3). First performed at Naples, Teatro Nuovo, winter 1769. SCHATZ 7665 Arato in Sparta. Drama per musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro di Sant' Angelo il carnovale dell' anno 1709 . . . Venezia, Gio. Battista Zuccato, 1709. 72 p. 15 cm . Three acts. Argument, cast, scenario, and dedication in which this is called "questa picciola operetta, parto di miei primi genii" over the signature of N. M., which stands for Benedetto Marcello (Schatz). The composer, Giovanni Maria Ruggeri, is not mentioned. SCHATZ 9130 OPERA LIBRETTOS 133 L'Arbace. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi in Firenze nel nuovo Regio Teatro degF Intrepid! detto La Palla a Corda nella primaver del 1785 . . . Firenze, Stamperia Bonducciana, 1785. 32 p. 16\ cm . Two acts. By Gaetano Sertor (not mentioned). Cast, argomento, scenario, and name of Gaetano Andreozzi as composer. The music for the "ballo serio pantomime Giasone e Medea " by Domenico Ricciardi was by Giuseppe Horban. First performed at Livorno, Teatro di S. Sebastiano, 1781. SCHATZ 214 Arbace. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel nobilissimo Teatro di S. Benedetto il carnovale dell' anno 1782. Venezia, Modesto Fenzo, 1782. 61 p. 17 cm . Three acts. By Gaetano Sertor. Argument, cast, scenario, and names of the librettist and the composer, Giovanni Battista Borghi. On p. 27-34 cast, argument, and detailed description of Paolinp Franchi's "Tito e Berenice, ballo eroico panto- mimo." The composer of the music is not mentioned. SCHATZ 1239 L'arbore di Diana. Dramma giocoso per musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro grande alia Scala Pautunno dell' anno 1788 . . . Milano, Gio. Batista Bianchi, n. d. 72 p. 16 cm . Two acts. Lorenzo da Ppnte is mentioned as author, Vincenzp Martini (Martin y Soler) as composer. Dedication, argument, cast, and scenario. With the opera were performed Domenico Le Fevre's ballets, "Giasone e Medea" and "Le feste florali." The composers of the music are not mentioned. First performed, as indicated, October 1, 1788; at Vienna, Nationaltheater nachst der Burg, October 1, 1782. SCHATZ 5999 Der baum der Diana. Ein singspiel in zwey aufzuegen. Auf- zufuehren bei der ankunft I. K. Hoheit Maria Theresia, erzherzoginn von Oesterreich, braut des prinzen Anton von Sachsen. Wien, n. publ, 1787. 67 p. 15 cm . With names of Lorenzo da Ponte as author and Vincenz Martini (Martin y Soler) as the composer. SCHATZ 6000 - Text der beliebtesten arien, einiger duetten, terzetten und quar- tetten aus dem Baum der Diana samt den plan dieses singspiels, nach der uebersetzung des herrn Eberls wie er auf dem Leopold- staedtertheater aufgefuehrt worden. Den schoenen stimmen artiger maedchen gewidmet vom berausgeber. Wien, Hochldter, 1788. 37 p. 15$ cm . Cast, "Vorrede," and "Nachrede." SCHATZ 6001 - Gesaenge aus dem singspiele : Der baum der Diana, in zwey aufzuegen, nach dem italienischen des abbt da Ponte, von d'Arien. In musik gesezt vom kapellmeister Vincenz Martin. Hamburg, Joh. Matthias Michaelsen, 1792. Jfi p. 16 cm . First performed at Hamburg, Opernhaus am Gansemarkt, November 10, 1788. SCHATZ 6002 - Der baum der Diana. Eine komische pper in zwey aufzuegen. Nach der musik des kapellmeisters Martini aus dem italieniscnen ins deutsche ubersetzt von C. H. Necse [ ! Neefel. Oels, Samuel Gottlieb Ludwig, n. d. 72 p. 17% cm . First performed at Oels, Hoftheater, May 2, 1795. SCHATZ 6003 134 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Arcadia; or, The shepherd's wedding. A dramatic pastoral. As it is performed at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane. The music composed by Mr. Stanley . . . London, J. and R. Tonson, 1761. 20 p. 19 >cm . One act. By Robert Lloyd, who is not mentioned. First performed October 26, 1761, as indicated (Genest). LONGE 52 Arcadia; or, The shepherd's wedding. A dramatic pastoral, as it is performed at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane. By Mr. Lloyd. The music composed by Mr. Stanley . . . London, Printed for J. and R. Tonson; Dublin, Re-printed for R. Watts [etc.] 1761. 1 p. I, [5}-21 p. 17 cm . Bound with: Thompson, James. Edward and Eleonora. [n. p., 17 ] L'Arcadia in Brenta. [117]-172 p. (Carlo Goldoni, Opere drammatiche giocose, t. ii, Torino, 1757.) 16\. . Three acts. Argument. ML 49.A2G6 First performed, with music by Vincenzo Legrenzio Ciampi at Bassano, fall 1747. L'Arcadia in Brenta. Dramma di tre atti per musica. Rappre- sentato per la prima volta in Bassano 1'anno MDCCLVIL Carlo Goldoni, Opere teatrali, Venezia, Zatta e figli, 1788-95, v. 4$, [5}-61 p. 18$ cm . PQ L'Arcadia in Brenta. Dramma comico per musica da rappresen- tarsi nel Regio-ducal Teatro di Milano neila primaviera dell' anno 1750 . . . Milano, Giuseppe Richino Malatesta, 1750. 4 P- Z-, 52, [1] p. 14% cm - Three acts. By Goldoni, who is not mentioned. Dedication, argument, cast. Bald. Galuppi, the composer, is not mentioned. Following the argument is this note: "Siccome quest' operetta fu tagliata la prima volta sul dosso degl' attori, che 1'hanno rappresentata a Venezia, cosi dovendosi ora rappresentare in cjuesto teatro da personaggi diversi, e stata, dall' autore medesimo in qualche parte vanata per uni- formarsi al preciso carattere de' nuovi attori." The additional page contains the substitute aria (I, 9), "Fabrizio amabile, lo parto, addip." First performed at Venice, Teatro di S. Angelo, May 14, 1749. SCHATZ 3440 - L'Arcadia in Brenta. Dramma giocoso per musica da rappre- sentarsi in Monaco di Baviera. 1'anno 1759. [ Monaco], Gio. Giac. Votter, n. d. 51 p. 16%. Condensation of Goldoni's libretto to two acts. Neither he nor the composer, Galuppi, is mentioned. SCHATZ 3518 L'Arcadia in Brenta. Dramma giocoso per musica di Pplisseno Fegejo Pastor Arcade. Da rappreseutarsi nel Real Teatro di Salva- terra nel carnovale dell' anno 1764. Lisbona, Stamperia Ameniana, n. d. 4 P- !"> 77 p. 16 cm . Three acts. By Goldoni, who i not mentioned. Cast, scenario, and name of "Giovanni Cordeiro " (Joao Cordeiro da Silva) as composer. SCHATZ 9885 OPERA LIBRETTOS 135 Archelao. Dramma per musica da cantarsi nella Real Villa di Queluz per celebrare il felicissimo giorno natalizio del serenissimo Signore Don Giuseppe, principe del Brasile li 21 agosto 1785. [Lisloa] Stamperia Reale, n. d. 32 p. 16% cm . One act and licenza. Argument, cast, and names of Gaetano Martinelli as author, Joao Cordeiro da Silva as composer. SCHATZ 9887 The Archers, or Mountaineers of Switzerland; an opera, in three acts, as performed by the Old American Company, in New York; to which is subjoined a brief historical account of Switzerland . . . New York, T. & J. Swords, 1796. viii, [9]-94 p. 22%. Prologue, cast, and preface by the author, William Dunlap, dated New York, April 10, 1796, which reads, in part: "In the summer of the year 1794, a dramatic performance, published in London, was left with me, called Helvetic Liberty. I was requested to adapt it to our stage. After several attempts, I gave it up, as incorrigible, but-, pleased with the subject, I recurred to the history of Switzerland, and composed the piece now presented to the public ..." The composer, Benjamin Carr, is not mentioned. First performed at New York, April 18, 1796. ML 50.6.A72 Second copy. PR 1241. D7 v. 14 L'Archetiello, commedia per musica da rappresentarsi nel carnovale di quest' anno 1778 nel Real Conservatorio della Pieta de' Turchini. Napoli, Vincenzo Mazzola-Vocola, 1778. 72 p. 15. Three acts. Author not mentioned and unknown to Schatz. Cast and name of Angelo Tarchi as the composer. SCHATZ 10223 Archidamia. A. T. of Hasse's La Spartana generosa. Archidamia. Festa teatrale per musica, da rappresentarsi nel- T Imperial corte festeggiandosi il glorioso e felicissimo nome della Sac. Ces. Catt. e Real Maesta di Ehsabetta Cristina . . . 1'anno MDCCXXVII. La poesia e del Sig. abate Giovan Claudio Pas- quini ... La musica del Sig. Giorgio Renter il giovine. Vienna d' Austria, Gio. Pietro Van Ghelen, n. d. Unpaged. 18% cm - One act. Argument. First performed, as indicated, November 22, 1727. SCHATZ 8695 L' Arcifanfano. Dramma giocoso per musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro di rua Dos Condes . . . Lisbona, Pietro Ferreira, n. d. 3 p. 1., 106, [1] p. lJ^.\ cm . Three acts. By Goldoni, who is not mentioned. Dedication to David Perez signed by the composer, Giuseppe Scolari. ~ First performed 1768, as indicated. SCHATZ 9801 Arcifanfano, re de' matti. [215]-260 p. 16% cm . (Carlo Goldoni, Opere drammatiche giocose, t. i, Torino, 1757.) Three acts. ML 49.A2G6 - Arcifanfano re dei matti. Dramma di tre atti per musica. Rappresentato per la prima volta ha Roma 1'anno MDCCLVIII. [!] Carlo Goldoni, Opere teatrali, Venezia, Zatta <&figli, 1788-95, t. 40, [171]-217 p. 18. PQ 136 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Arcifanfano, re del matti. Dramma comico per musica di Polis- seno Fegejo Pastor Arcade. Da rappresentarsi nel Teatro Giusti- niani di S. Mois& nell' autunno dell' anno 1750. Venezia, Modesto Fenzo, 1750. 46 p. 14$ cm - Three acts. By Goldoni. The composer, Baldassare Galuppi, is not mentioned. Scenario and cast. First performed at Venice, same theatre, carnival 1750. SCHATZ 3442 - Arcifanfano, re del matti. Dramma giocoso per musica di Polisseno Fegejo, Pastor Arcade da rappresentarsi nel Teatro di S. A. serenissima il Signer Principe di Cangnano nell' autunno dell' anno MDCCLIX. In quest' ultima impressione dalT autore ricorretta e migliorata. Torino, Giacomo Giuseppe Avondo, n. d. Ifo p. 14 cm - Three acts. Cast, scenario, and remark: "La musica e la maggipr parte del celebre maestro Sign. Baldassare Galuppi detto Buranello, ed altri celebri autori." The text of this version is conspicuously different from that of Venice, 1750. Not even the first scene of the first act has been left untouched. Venice has "Con un colpo di terza. e di quarta," Torino has "Non teme la spada"; Venice has "II mio core poverino," Torino has "Sordidon, che cosa hai fatto, etc. SCEATZ 3497 L'Ardelinda. Drama da rappresentarsi nel Teatro di S. Angelo I'autunno dell' anno 1732. Del Signer Bortolamio [!] Vitturi citta- dino Veneto. Venezia, Stamparia Nova a S. Moise, n. d. 57, [1] p. 12. Three acts. Argument, notice to the reader, cast, scenario, and name of Tom- maso Albinoni as composer. The supplementary page contains the aria "Da piu affetti combattuta " as sub- stitute for "V6 che cada trafitto" on p. 25. Pages 3-4 lacking in our copy. Pages 5-6 contain several substituted arias. SCHATZ 106 Arethuse, ballet represent^ par 1'Academie royale de musique Fan 1701. Les paroles de M. Danchet & la musique de M. Campra. LIT. Opera. n. i., n. d. front., 167-214 p- 14 cm - (Recueil general des opera, Paris, 1703, t. vii.) Detached copy. Three acts with prologue. First performed, as indicated, July 14, 1701. SCHATZ 1544 Second copy. ML 48.R4 Arethuse, ballet. Represent^ par 1'Acade'mie royale de musique, le 14 juillet 1701. [8S]-124 p. 17$ cm . (Antoine Danchet, Theatre, t. ii, Paris, 1751.) Prologue and three acte. The composer, Campra, is not mentioned. PQ 1972. D2 L'Aretusa. Melo-drama da' recitarsi nel Teatro di S. Fantino Tanno 1709 ... Venezia, Gio. Battista Zuccato, 1709. Jfi p. 14% cm - Three acts. By Pietro d'Averara, who is not mentioned. Publisher's dedication, argument, scenario, and notice to the reader that this drama had been performed on the famous stages of Italy, but that "I'angustie del teatro non pennettono, che ti venga rappresentato con quel gran- dioso apparato, con cui, & altre volte egli comparve." Clemen te Monari, the composer, is not mentioned. First performed at Milan, Eegio Ducal Teatro, 1703. SCHATZ 6549 OPERA LIBRETTOS 137 Argea. Dramina per musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro nazionale di Torino nel carnovale del 1799 anno settimo della Repubblica francese, primo della liberta piemontese. Torino, Onorato Derossi, n. d. 64 P- 15% cm . Three acts. Giandomenico Boggio is mentioned as author, Gaetano Andreozzi as composer. Argument, cast, scenario. The ballets by Gaetano Gioja, composer of music not mentioned, were entitled: "La disfatta di Abdurahamel, tiranno di Trabacca, ballo eroico pantomimo," "Nina pazza per amore," and "La volubile." The detailed description of the first ballet on p. 65 et seq. missing in this copy. SCHATZ 215 ^L'Argene. Trattenimento per musica. Da rappresentarsi nell' Academia a il Saloni 1' anno 1689. dell' abbate Paolo Emilio Badi . . . Venetia, Gio. Maria Rossi, 1689. 40 p. 16 cm . Three acts. Argument, scenario, Badi's dedication and prefatory note, in which he says: "Questa non 6 opera, non e drama, non e di quei parti, che richiede rAlcmene per madri, 6 che s'impregnino i monti per concepirlo: & un trattenimento di delitia, un passatempo disinteressato di gentilezza, una ricreatione ideata, per assicurare nell' nore calde le matrone dell' Adria da gl' insulti di quel Sole, che sdegnoso di vederei diviso ne' loro volti, imprime in quelle faccie serene, ma con rossore, i segni chiaris- simi della sua fervida gelosia . . . Bene non s6, per che in tre mamattine, che eono state assegnate a questo componimento, non puo il mio debole ingegno ritrovar di perfetto altro, che il numero . . . Tutto 1'affanno, che possano ricevere gli occhi nel leggere, sara contrapesato dall' udito, che ascoltera armoniose le meraviglie nella musica del Sig. Antonio Caldara il quale dalle viscere piu amorose delle sua viola loquace ha filate le dolcezze per allacciare gli applausi ..." SCHATZ 1492 Argenide. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro di S. Angelo nell' autunno dell' anno 1738 . . . Venezia, Marino Rossetti, 1738. 60 p. 15. Three acts. By Alvise Giusti (not mentioned). Argument, scenario, and cast. The composer, Pietro Chiarini, is not mentioned. SCHATZ 1853 Argenide. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro S. Angelo nel carnovale dell' anno 1733 . . . Venezia, Marino Rossetti, 1733. 60 p. 14\ cm . Three acts. By Alvise Giusti, who is not mentioned. Dedication, argument (p. 6. "S'aggiungono gl'infrascritti verissimili "), cast, scenario, and name of Galuppi as composer. First performed, as indicated, January 15, 1733 (Piovano). SCHATZ 3481 Argeno. Dramma per musica di Domenico Lalli tra gli Arcadi Ortanio: Da rappresentarsi nel famosissimo Teatro Grimani di S. Gio. Grisostomo il carnovale dell' anno 1728 . . . Venezia, Marino Rossetti, 1728. 70 p. 15$. Three acts. Lalli's dedication, dated Venice, January 17, 1728, argument, scenario, cast, and name of Leonardo Leo as composer. SCHATZ 5552 L'Argia, dramma musicale, rappresentato a Insprugg alia Maesta della serenissima Cristina, regina di Suezia, etc. Insprugg, per Hieronymo Agricola, anno 1655. 6 p. I., 94 p* 19% cm . Three acts, with prologue. , Argument, scenario, and list of machines, but neither the composer, presumably Marc' Antonio Cesti, is mentioned, nor the author Apol- lonio Apolloni. (For further data see Wotquenne's libretto catalogue.) First performed at Innsbruck, at the Ducal Palace, November 4, 1655. SCHATZ 1777 138 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS L'Argia Continued. - L'Argia. Drama per musica da rappresentarsi eel Teatro a San Salvatore Fanno 1669 . . . Venetia, Francesco Nicolini, 1669. front., 81 p. 14 cm - Three acts, without prologue. By Apollonio Apolloni, with considerable altera- tions of the original libretto, as acknowledged in the notice to the reader: "Quest' opera ha fatto stupire di ee stessa le scene piii famose, & hora si conduce a farsi freggio del tuo eroico compiacimento. Vi dovrai ammirare la virtu di due penne famose; una nella parte poetica, 1'altra nell' armonica. Basta che io ti dinoti esser ella figlia di quei genitori de' quali applaudesti alia Dori [text by Aj>olloni, music by Cesti]. Vi sentirai alcune anette udite in altra occasione: ma perche sia noto, che furon prese da questo drama yi si hanno lasciate si per essere di poehissimo numero, come anco di singolare esquisitezza. E stato ancora abbreviate, e fattavi qualche alteratione, a solo ogetto d'accomodarsi alia brevita, & alle congionture delle parti ..." Accordingly, for instance, the aria, "Vendetta, vendetta" (I, 15), was replaced by "Amori fuggite" (I, 16, of the Venice ed.), the aria, "Ecco Alceo guerrier novello" (II, 5), by "Io pensavo innamorarmi " (II, 5); and the original final scene (III, 18), the quartet, "Alle gioie, a i diletti," was dropped. On the whole, the alterations, were numerous, but not radical. The notice to the reader is followed by the argument and the scenario. It is preceded by the publisher's dedication, dated Venice, January 13, 1669. SCHATZ 1777a Argiope. Favola musicale di N. e di Gio. Battista Fusconi. Con- sacrata al chiaro merito della Signora Anna Renzi. Venetia, Gio. Pietro Pinelli, 1649. 96 p. 14 cm . Three acts and prologue. G. B. Fusconi's dedication is dated Venice, December, 1645 [!]. Argument, cast, and important notice to the reader giving the odd history of the libretto, which according to Schatz was written by Pietro Michieli and Giov. Battista Fusconi. The notice reads: "L'orditura di questa favola venne a preghiere d'amici piu tosto precipitata, che tessuta in quatordici sere dalla penna di quel famosissimo Cigno dell' Adria, che mantiene al nostro secolo in vita la poesia italiana: poiche essendo egli allhora di partenza, e in aspettatione della discretione de' venti, che gli aprissero la strada per un lungo viaggio maritimo non pot applicarvisi, che a momenti rubati al sonno. Partitosi adunque nell sconciatura di quest' opera, me la Iasci6 con amplissima licenza . . . Operai per tanto quello che seppi, e che potei rimettendola insieme nella fretta, .che mi facevano gl'Interessati, che volevano recitarlo. Ma delusi da van accidenti di fortuna che ne impedl la recita i loro desideri, si compiacque 1'in- ventore dell' opera di rivederla, e di rimutarla; perche a me ancora tocasse questo secondo fastidio, e mi reuscl la facenda in guisa, che non yi resto quasi piu yestigio alcuno dell' effigie datale dal primo schizzo. Con qual mio rammarico 1 altri 1'ima- gini mentre mi con venne ritoccar con rozzo pennello le linee eccellentissime d'un Apelle . . . Spero nondimeno che la diversita pur troppo apparente dello stile verra resa uniforme dalla musica impareggiabile (ancorche diversa) delli Signori Gio. Rovetta, & Alessandro Leardini, prencipi de musici moderni, e che 1'eccellenza delle piu famose yoci del secolo coprir^, i mancamenti della mia penna ..." Accordingly this ia merely G. B. Fusconi's advance notice, and though Schatz, etc., actually enter "Arjnope" under the two composers mentioned, the libretto itself would seem to furnish evidence that their setting, if at all composed, was not per- formed, and that an explanation of the remarkable discrepancy between the date of performance (1649) on the title page and the date of the dedication (1645) may be found in this notice, which follows the end of the text on p. 96: "A chi haverb letto. Gli errori, che avvengono nella stampa, sono figli d'una madre, che pur troppo ne sa esser feconda. Perci6 nel medesimo tempo, che quegli doveano venire da te emendati saranno stati ancora compatiti. Gli accidenti, che mutano Peesere alle cose in un istante, havendo private della seconda gloria il nostro dramrna, la quale sarebbe stata la musica del Sig. Rovetta, unita a quella del Sig. Leardini, ti lasceranno godere dell' armonia d'un solo_Orfeo, mentre 10 te ne havea apparecchiata quella di due." SCHATZ 9106 OPEKA LIBRETTOS 139 L'Argippo. Drama per musica da rappresentarsi nel Regip ducal Teatro di Milano in occasione di^elebrarsi il giorno natalizio della Cesarea Cattolica Maesta di Elisabetta Cristina imperatrice, regina delle Spagne etc etc. Milano, Giuseppe Richino Malatesta, 1722. 6 p. 1., 44 P- 14' Three acts. Domenico Lalli's "II Gran Mogol," retouched by Claudio Nicola Stampa, who signs the preface. Impresario's dedication, dated August 27, 1722, cast, scenario, and name of the composer, Stefano Andrea Fiord. SCHATZ 3191 L'Argippo. Drama per musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro di San Cassiano 1'autunna dell' anno MDCCXMI. Di Domenico Lalli . . . Venezia, Marino Rossetti, 1717. 60 p. 14\ cm . Three acts. Dedication by Lalli, a later title of whose "II Gran Mogol " this is, argument, cast, scenario, and name of Giovanni Porta as the composer. SCHATZ 8388 Gli argonaut! in Colco o sia La conquista del vello d'oro. Dramma per musica del Signer A. S. Sografi da rappresentarsi nel nobilissimo Teatro di San Samuele il carnovale dell' anno 1790. Venezia, Modesto Fenzo, 1789. 62 p. 22 cm . Three acts. Author's dedication, cast and name of the composer, Giuseppe Gazzaniga. First performed at Venice, December 26, 1789. SCHATZ 3657 Ariadne. See Reiser's Die betrogene und nachmals vergoetterte . . . Ariadne auf Naxos. Ein duodrama mit musick. Goiha, n. puU., 1775. 4 p. I, 12 p. 18$ cm . One act. The "Vorbericht" by the author, Joseph Jacob Christian Brandes (not mentioned) of date Gotha, January 3, 1775, contains the argument and the following remarks, with name of Georg Benda as composer in a foot-note: "Die bekannte cantate des herrn von Gerstenberg, Ariadne auf Naxos, ist zur grundlage dieses duodrama genommen und vieles daraus woertlich beybehalten word en. Der ausdruck so mannigfaltiger leidenschaften, die vortref lichen gemaehlde dieses dichters sind ursache, dass der verfasser es gewagt hat, jene so wohl klingende poesie in prosa aufzuloesen, sie mittelst einiger veraenderungen auch fuer die buehne brauchbar zu machen und zugleich durch diesen weg einem unsrer besten meister in der musik gelegenheit zu geben, an einem so reichhaltigen stoffe sein grosses talent zu zeigen. Der umstand, dass dies duodrama zur musikbegleitung geschrieben ist, wird dem leser leicht die ursache der oeftern absaetze im text erklaeren." First performed at Gotha, Schlosstheater, January 27, 1775. SCHATZ 768 Ariadne auf Naxos. Ein duodrama von Joh. Christian Brandes. Leipzig, DyHsche luchhandlung, 1790. 1 p. 1., 21 p. 18% cm . One act. On p. [1] the note "Verfertigt in jahr 1774." The Vorbericht the same as in the 1775 ed. ML 50.2.A737 Ariadne et Bachus. See Marais' Ariane et Bachus. Ariadne und Theseus, ballet. See Piccinni's Cato in Utica. Ariane, tragedie represented pour la premiere fois par 1'Acade'niie royale de musique, le mardy 6. avril 1717. Paris, Pierre Ribou, 1717. xiv, [50] p. %5\ cm . Last 2 p. incorrectly numbered 7 and 5. Prologue and five acts. Cast. Neither authors nor composer mentioned. (See next entry.) ML 50.2.A739M6 140 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Ariane Continued. - Ariane, tragedie represented par PAcademie royale de musique, 1'an 1717. Paroles de Messieurs Hoy & de Lagrange. Musique de M. Mouret. XCII. opera. 7i. i., n. d. p. 132-186, 1 pi. (Recueil general des opera, t. xii, Paris, 1734.) 14 cm . Detached copy. Five acts and prologue. SCHATZ 6694 Second copy. ML 48. R4 Ariane dans 1'isle de Naxos,drame lyrique, represente pour la pre- mere fois, par 1'Academie royale de musique, le mardi 24 septembre 1782. Paris, P. de Lormel, 1792. 12 p. 22 cm . One act. Argument, cast, and names of [Pierre Louis] Moline as author, of [Johann Friedrich] Edelmann as composer. ML 50.2.A74E3 Ariane et Bachus, tragedie. Represent ee par I 7 Academic royale de musique. Amsterdam, les heritiers d'Antoine Schelte, 1699. front., 52 p. 14 cm . Prologue and five acts. Neither the author, Saint-Jean, nor the composer, Marin Marais, is mentioned. First performed, as indicated, March 8, 1696. ML 50.2.A742M2 Ariadne et Bachus, tragedie represented par 1' Academic royale de musique Fan 1696. Les paroles sont de M. S. Jean. & La musique de M. Marais. XXXVIII. opera. n. i., n. d. front., p. 291-352 (Recueil general des opera, t. v, Paris, 1703}. 14 cm . Detached copy. Five acte and prologue. SCHATZ 5920 Second copy. ML 48. R4 Ariane et Bacchus. See Mouret's Les amours des dieux. Arianna, ballet. See Colla's Sicotencal. Arianna. Drama per musica, da rappresentarsi nel Regio Teatro di Torino, Tanno 1728. alia presenza delle Loro Sacre Reah Maesta, e delle Loro Altezze Reali. Torino, Gio. Battista Valetta, n. d. 50 p. 15\ cm . Three acts. By Pietro Pariati, who is not mentioned. Argument, scenario, cast, and name of the composer, "Leonardo Feo, mastro di cappella di Napoli." SCHATZ 3061 L' Arianna. Tragedia del Sig. Ottavio Rinuccini, gentilomo della camera del Re Cristianissimo. Rappresentata in musica nelle reali npzze del sereniss. principe di Mantova, e della serenissima infanta di Savoia. Mantova, presso gli Jieredi di Francesco Osanna, 1608. 2 p. 1., 46 p. 16 cm . Monteverdi, the composer, is not mentioned. Wotquenne claims that the original edition was published at Florence in 1606. This is evidently a misprint for 1608, when Giunti, of Florence, published Rinuc- cini's text. The Brussels catalogue lists neither this edition nor ours, but one pub- lished at Venice in the same year. Schatz claims our edition to be the original. This opera (of which the music is lost, except the famous Lamen to) was first performed, as indicated, on May 28, 1608. Neither this edition is divided into acte, nor the following. SCHATZ 6595 OPERA LIBRETTOS 141 L' Arianna Continued. - L'Arianna del Sig. Ottavio Rinuccini. Posta in musica dal Sig. Claudio Monteverdi. [!] Rappresentata in Venetia Fanno 1640. Al molto illustre Signore il Sig. Bortolo Stacio. Venetia, Bariletti, 1640. 64 p. 13$ cm . This is apparently the text as used in the winter of 1639 at Venice for the opening of the Teatro di San Moise. On p. 5 Antonio Bariletti says in his dedication: "... Hora dunque che 1' Arianna, componimento, che fra' Drammatici ha riportati i primi vanti da' theatri italiani, ritorna a veder le scene in Venetia, per opra del Signor Claudio Monte Verdi [!] celeb ratissimo Apollo del secolo, e prima intelligenza del cielo armonico, prendo occasione di non tenerle i miei piu lungamente celati; ma con offerirla al nome di V. S. di manifestargli al mondo per mezzo della sua nuova ristampa ..." This dedication is followed, on p. 8-9, by the " Sonetto del Signor Benedetto Ferrari dalla Tiorba: al Sig. Claudio Monteverdi oracolo della musica." Since the dedication begins on p. 5, since the verso of the title-page is blank and unnumbered, and since the signatures A3-A6 are in twos, it is clear that either p. 3-4 are missing or that the title-page was intended as p. 3, and was preceded, perhaps, by a frontispiece. A line-by-line comparison of the Venice (1640) and the Mantova (1608) edition reveals exceedingly few differences. The verbal differences are indeed entirely neg- ligible, except, perhaps, in Apollo's opening address, where, in the third stanza Di strali armato, e non di face, o d'arco Gran Re, c'hai sovra 1'alpi e scettro, e regno" has become " Di pace armato, e non di strali, o d'arco A te, c'hai sovra 1'acque scettro, e regno." Also, the "Odi Carlo immortal " has now become "Odi Duce immortal." It is further noticeable that in the 1640 version "Uno del C." [oro] was often employed instead of the chorus, so that, for instance, the last three lines of the chorus, "Miseri peregrin quietar no ponno," were now sung only by "uno del c." The Venetian version, finally, is, toward the end, slightly condensed, as on p. 42 the chorus lines, "Bell'e il tacer," etc. and on p. 62 (Amore) the lines "Spaveeaolce mime," etc., before Arianna's "Gioite al gioir mio," and her lines, "Felice il martir mio," before the chorus, have been dropped. The repeated spelling of the name as Monteverdi, not Monteverde, is interesting, since it strengthens Emil Vogel's conten- tion, based on the composer's manuscripts, that his name was Monteverdi, and not Monteverde, as many Italian and other writers still insist on spelling it. SCHATZ 6592 Arianna. Aziorie scenica per musica, rappresentata nella Regia elettoral villa di Sant' Uberto per solennizzare il giorno natalizio della Maesta di Augusto III ... Tanno MDCCXXXVL Dresda, la vedova Stossel, n. d. Unpaged. 18\ cm . One act. Argument. Neither the author, Stefano Benedetto Pallavicini, nor the composer, Giovanni Alberto Ristori, is mentioned. First performed, as indicated, October 7, 1736. SCHATZ 8816 Arianna abbandonata. Drama per musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro Giustiniano di San Mois6 Fautunno dell' anno MDCCXIX. Venezia, Marino Rossetti, 1719. 48 p. 14 cm - Three acts. Argument and scenario, but without names of the composer, Giuseppe Boniventi, and the librettist, conte Angelo Schietti. SCHATZ 1189 Arianna abbandonata da Teseo, e soccorsa da Bacco. A. T. of the ballet II triQnto d'Arianna. Arianna abbandonata da Teseo e soccorsa da Bacco, ballet. See Rust's L'idolo cinese. 142 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Arianna e Teseo. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel famo- sissimo Teatro Grimani di S. Gio. Grisostomo nel carnovale dell' anno MDCCLI [vignette] Venezia, In merceria all' insegna deUa scienza, n. d. 52 p. 15l cm . Three acts. Cast, scenario, name of Girolamo Ab(b)os as composer. Librettist unknown to Schatz. First performed at Rome, Teatro delle Dame, December 26, 1748. SCHATZ 9 Arianna e Teseo. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel nobi- lissimo Teatro di S. Benedetto il carnovale dell anno 1769. Venezia, Modesto Fenzo, 1769. 54, [7] p. 17 cm . Three acts. By Pietro Pariati, who is not mentioned. Argument, cast, scenario, and name of Baldassare Galuppi as composer. The additional seven pages contain a "Descrizione dei balli." First performed at Padua, Teatro Nuovo, June 12, 1763. SCHATZ 3441 Arianna e Teseo. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel Regio Teatro di Torino nel carnovale del 1764 . . . Torino, Gaspare Bayno, n. d. viii, 4$ P- 16 cm . Three acts. By Pietro Pariati, who is not mentioned. Argument, cast, and name of Giuseppe Pasque as the composer. On p. 45-48 description of Augusto HUBS' ballets, "II giuoco dell' arco," "Le fontane incantate," and "Le donne Ateniesi, e i loro compagni," music by Giuseppe Antonio Le Messier. First performed, as indicated, December 26, 1763. SCHATZ 7781 Arianna e Teseo. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro Grimani di San Gio. Grisostomo nell' autunno MDCCXXVII. Venezia, Marino Rossetti, 1727. 60 p. 15 cm . Three acts. By Pietro Pariati, who is not mentioned. Argument, cast, scenario, and name of Nicoli Antonio Porpora as the composer. First performed at Vienna, Hoftheater, October 1, 1714. SCHATZ 8369 Arianna e Teseo. A. T. of P. v. Winter's I sacrifizi di Greta. Arianna in Naxo. [259}-293 p. 17 cm . (RoTli, Componimenti poetici, Nuova edizione, Verona, G. Tumermani, 17 44-) Three acts. Argument. The composer, Nicolo Porpora, is not mentioned. First performed at London, Lincoln's Inn Fields, December 29, 1733. ML 49.A2R7 Arianna neli' isola di Nasso, ballet. See Naumann's Armida. Ariarate. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel Regio Teatro di Torino nel carnovale del 1789 . . . Torino, Onorato Derossi, n. d. viii, 67 p. 16 cm . Three acts. By Ferdinando Moretti, who is not mentioned. Argument, scenario, cast, and name of Giuseppe Giordan! as the composer. On p. 59-67 description of Giuseppe Band's ballets, "II riconoscimento di Teseo ossia Teseo e Medea (4 acts) and "II disertore francese," music for both by Vittorio Amedeo Canavasso. First performed, as indicated, December 26, 1788. SCHATZ 3842 Ariarate. Dramma per musica in due atti da rappresentarsi nel R. Teatro di S. Cecilia per la primavera dell' anno 1787 . . . Palermo, SoUi, n. d. 48 p. 15l cm . Three acts. By Ferdinando Moretti, who is not mentioned. Dedication, argu- ment, cast, and name of Angelo Tarchi as the composer. First performed at Milan, Teatro alia Scala, January, 1786. SCHATZ 10213 OPERA LIBRETTOS 143 Ariberto e Flavio, regi de Longobardi. Drama per musica da rappresentarsi nel ristaurato famoso Teatro Vendrammo di San Sal- vatore 1'anno MDCLXXXV. Di D. Rinaldo Cialli . . . Venetia, Francesco Nicolini, 1684 [/]. 69 (incl. front), [1] p. 14 cm . Three acts.. Cialli's dedication, dated Venice, December 9, 1685, argument, scenario, and notice to the reader, with name of Carlo Ambrogio Lonati as the com- poser. SCHATZ 5680 Aricie, ballet represent^ par F Academic royale de musique Tan 1697. Les paroles sont de M. Pic & la musique de M. la Coste. ALII, opera. n. i., n. d. 14 cm - pi-, 63-120 p. (Recueil general des opera, L vi, Paris, 1703.) Detached copy. Five entries and prologue. First performed at Paris, Academic royale de musique, June 9, 1697. SCHATZ 5351 Second copy. ML 48. R4 Ariodante. Drama per musica. Del dottore Antonio Salvi, Fio- rentino, da rappresentarsi nel famosissimo Teatro Grimani di San Giovanni Grisostomo . . . Venezia, Marino Rossetti, 1716. 58 p. 14% cm . Three acts. Dedication by the impresario, argument, cast, scenario, name of Carlo Francesco Pollaroli as the composer, and this notice to the reader: "Nella ristampa, che io ho dovuto fare di questo drama, in occasione che egli si dee rappresentare in questa citta di Venezia, mi corre 1'obbligo di avvertirti, che in esso tu non ricerchi tutto quell' ordine, e tutti que' versi con cui 1'insigne autore 1'ha composto e pubblicato. Si e dovuto troncarlo, e accrescerlo, e alterarlo in molte parti. Diverso e'l numero degli attori, delle scene, delle mutazioni, e cosl dell' altre parti coetitutive del drama. Ci6 tuttavolta non e stato fatto con animo di migliorarlo, ma solo ad oggetto di adattarlo al bisogno. L'autore e pregato* a prendere questo cangia- mento in buona parte, e ci6 con 1'esempio, o sia piu tosto con 1'abuso, che in oggi corre per tutti i teatri d'ltalia in simili cpmponimenti, dove ognuno ha 1'autprita e'l privi- legio di porci mano, e di cangiarne infino i titoli, come pure in questo si e fatto." First performed fall of 1716, as indicated. SCHATZ 8272 Ariodante. Drama per musica da rappresentarsi nel famosissimo Teatro Grimani a S. Gio. Grisostomo 1'autunno 1745 . . . [Venezia]. n. i., n. d. 1 p. 1., 4$ P- 15 cm . Three acts. Dedication, scenario, cast, name of Georg Christoph Wag-enseil as the composer, and notice to the reader, who is informed that in this version of Antonio Salvi's text (who is not mentioned): "Si e dovuto troncarlo, accrescerlo, e alterarlo in molte parte, e particolarmente in buona parte dell' arie introdotevi a maggior comodo della nuova musica. Diverso e il numero delle scene, delle mutazioni, e cosi dell' altre parti costitutive del drama. Ci6 tutta yolta non 6 stato fatto con animo di migliorarlo, ma solo ad' oggetto di adat- tarlo al bisogno, e cip con 1'esempio, p sia piu tosto con 1'abuso, che in oggi corre per tutti teatri d'ltalia in simili componimenti, dove ogn' uno a 1'autorita e'l privileggio di porci mano e di cangiarne infino i titoli." (Comp. preceding entry.) SCHATZ 10816 Arion. Tragedie represented pour la premiere fois par rAcademie royale de musique, le mardy 10. avril 1714. Les paroles de M. Fuzelier & la musique de M. Mattau. LXXXIII. opera. n. i., n. d. pi., p. [50]-109. (Recueil general des opera, t. xi, Paris, 1720.) 14. Detached copy. Five acts and prologue. Composed by Jean Baptiste Matho. SCHATZ 6097 Second copy. ML 48.R4 Aristeo. Second act of Gluck's Le feste d' Apollo. 144 ' LIBRARY OF CONGRESS L'Aristeo. Drama per musica. Da rappresentarsi nel Teatro Tnui di S. Cassiano 1'anno 1700 . . . Venezia, Nicolini, 1700. 69 p. 14 cm . Three acts. By Giulio Ceeare Corradi, who is not mentioned. Impresario's dedi- cation, argument, cast, >, cnario, and notice to the reader, with the name of Antonio Polaroli (Pollaroli) a* the composer. SCHATZ 8260 Aristide. [285}-300 p. I6\ cm . (Carlo Goldoni, Opere drammatiche giocose, t. in, Torino, 1757.) Two parts. (See below.) ML 49.A2G6 - Aristide. Intermezzo di due parti per musica. Carlo Goldoni, Opere teatrali, Venezia, Zatta e figli, 1788-95, v. 35, [271}-287 p. 18 cm . PQ Aristide. Drama eroi-comico per musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro Grimani di S. Samuel dafia Compagnia de Comici I'autunno dell' anno 1735. Di Calindo Grolo . . . Venezia, Alvise Valvasense, 1735. 30 p. 14%- One act. By Carlo Goldoni. Dedicatory sonnet, argument, cast, scenario, and name of Lotavio Vandini as composer. The latter would seem to be a fictitious name for Giacomo Macari, since Schatz claims that all the names in the libretto are fictitious. Wiel does not mention the opera at all. SCHATZ 5808 Aris to, e Temira e Orfeo, ed Euridice. Drammi per musica da rappresentarsi nel nobilissimo Teatro di S. Benedetto il carnovale deF anno MDCCLXXVI . . . Venezia, Modesto Fenzo, 1776. 48 p. 17% cm . Both in one act, with argument, cast, and name of Ferdinando Giuseppe Bertoni as composer, but not of the librettists. "Aristo e Temira" was by conte de Salvioli, "Orfeo ed Euridice" (p. 23-48) by Ranieri de' Calsabigi. Bertoni's "Orfeo ed Euridice" was revived at the same theatre. (See libretto.) The impresario says in his dedication that "Orfeo " had been first performed at Vienna, but this remark refers to Calsabigi's text, as composed by Gluck, Vienna, 1762. SCHATZ 934-935 Aristo e Temira, text by 'conte De Salvioli, music by Carlo Monza. See Gluck's Orfeo ed Euridice (Schatz 3934). Aristomene Messenio. Drama per musica nel giorno natalitio della Sac. R. M. 14 Mariana d'Austria . . . Fanno MDCLXX. Posto in musica dal Sf Felice Sances . . . Vienna d' Austria, Matteo Cosmerovio, n. d. 78 p. 15\ cm . Three acts and licenza. Dedication by the author, conte Nicol6 Minato, dated Vienna, December 20, 1670, notice to the reader, argument, and scenario. First performed, not as indicated in the dedication, but December 22, 1670 (Schatz). SCHATZ 9367 Aristote amoureux; ou Le philosophe bride", ope'ra-comique, en un acte & en vaudevilles: Repre'sente' pour la premiere fois par les Comediens italiens ordinaires du roi, le vendredi 11 aout 1780. Paris, Vente, 1780. 33, [1] p. 20. Cast. The authors, de Piis and Barre 1 , are not mentioned. Arranger of the music- unknown to Schatz. ML 50.2.A746 Arkadien. L. T. of Schmittbauer's Lindor und Ismene. OPERA LIBRETTOS 145 Arlequin Atys, parody. See Lully's Atys. Arlequin Bellerophon, parody. See Lully's Bellerophon. Arlequin Colombine. A. T. of Colombine Arlequin. Arlequin defenseur d'Homere. Pidce d'un acte. Par Monsieur F***. Represent ee a la Foire de ^. Laurent 1715 . . . Le Theatre de lafoire, Paris, 1737, t. ii, pi, 48 p. 17 cm . By Fuzelier. En vaudevilles, selected or composed by Jean Claude Gillier, the "compositeur" of the theatre and printed in the "Table des airs" at the end of the volume. A note on the title page reads: "Cette piece a et6 composee & 1'occasion de la fameuee querelle qu'il y avoit dans ce terns la entre les auteurs au sujet d'Homere." First performed, as indicated, July 25, 1715. ML 48.L2 I Arlequin -Deucalion, monologue en trois actej. Donne a 1'Opera- comique en 1722. Alexis Piron, Oeuvres complettes, Liege, 1776, v. 8, J+5 p. 17 ^ cm . Composer not recorded by Parfaict, etc. First performed, as indicated, February 25, 1723. PQ 2019.P6 Arlequin Endymion. See Prologue des deux pieces . . . Arlequin Hulla, ou La femme repudiee. Piece d'un acte. Par Messieurs le S***. & D'Or**. Represent ee a la Foire de S. Laurent 1716. Le Theatre de lafoire, Paris, 1737, t. ii, pi, [353]-397 p. 17 cm . By Le Sage & d'Orneval. Music comoosed b" Aubert. according to Parfaict. ML 48.L2 II Arlequin invisible. Pice en un acte. Par Monsieur le S**. Represent ee a la Foire de S. Laurent 1713. Le Theatre de lafoire, Paris, 1737, t. i, pi, [85]-104 p. 17 cm . By Alain Ren6 Le Sage. A pilce, par ecriteaux, en vaudevilles. The melodies are printed in the "Table des airs at the end of the volume. They were selected or composed and arranged by the "compositeur" of the theatre, Jean Claude Gillier. Parfaict gives as title "Arlequin invisible chez le roi de la Chine." ML 48. L2 I Arlequin Mahomet, et Le tombeau de Nostradamus. Pieces chantees par les acteurs, d'une acte chacune, liees par un prologue intitule" : La foire de Guibray. Par M. le S**. Represent 6es a la Foire de S. Laurent 1714. Le Theatre de lafoire, Paris, 1737, t. i, 3 pi, [105]-199 p. 17 cm . By Alain Ren 6 Le Sage. En vaudevilles. The melodies are printed in the "Table des airs " at the end of the volume. They were selected or composed and arranged by the "compositeur" of the theatre, Jean Claude Gillier. First performed, as indicated, July 25, 1714. ML 48.L2 I Arlequin Persee. Parody of Lully's Persee. Arlequin Phaeton, parody. See Lully's Phaeton. Arlequin, roi des Ogres, ou Les bottes de sept lieues. See Le diable d'argent. Arlequin Roland. Parody of Lully's Roland. 72251 VOL 114 10 146 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Arlequin, roy de Serendib. Pifcce en trois actes. Par M. le S*** represent^ & la Foire de Saint Germain 1713. Le Thedtre de lafoire, Paris, 1737, t. i, pi, p. 17-68. 17 cm . By Alain Ren Le Sage. A piece par ecriteaux, en vaudevilles. The melodies are printed in the "Table des airs" at the end of the volume. They were selected or composed and arranged by the "compoeiteur" of the theatre, Jean Claude Gillier. ML 48.L2 I Arlequin, sultane favorite. Piece en trois actes. Par Monsieur le T**. Represent^ a la Foire de S. Germain 1715. Le Theatre de lafoire, Paris, 1737, t. i, pi, [202}-285 p. 17 cm . By Le Tellier. En vaudevilles. The melodies are printed in the "Table des airs" at the end of the volume. They were selected or composed and arranged by the "compoeiteur" of the theatre, Jean Claude Gillier. First performed, as indicated, February 3, 1719 (Parfaict). ML 48. L2 I Arlequin Thetis. Pierce en un acte. Par Monsieur le S**. Repre- sents a la Foire de S. Laurent 1713. Le Theatre de lafoire, Paris, 1737, t. i, pi, [65\-8S p. 17 cm . By Alain Ren Le Sage. A piece par ecriteaux, en vaudevilles. The melodies are printed in the "Table des airs at the end of the volume. They were selected or composed and arranged by the "compositeur" of the theatre, Jean Claude Gillier. ML 48.L2 I Arlequin traitant. Pice en trois actes. Par M. D'or **. Rep- resentee a la Foire de Saint Germain 1716 . . . Le Theatre de lafoire, Paris, 1737, t. ii, pi, [133}-225 p. 17 cm . By d'Oraeval. The airs, selected or composed and arranged by Jean Claude Gillier, are printed at the end of the volume in the "Table des airs." A note on the t.-p. reads: "Cette piece fut faite a 1'occasion de la d4route des Traitans, causee par la Chambre de justice qui fut 4tablie dans ce tems-la." First performed, as indicated, March, 1716. ML 48. L2 II L'Armida. Dramma per musica del tenente de Gamerra . . . Aprile N. 4. 1771. Milano, Giuseppe Galeazzi, n. d. J+8 p. 15 cm . Three acte. Author's dedication, prefatory poem, argument. Composer not men- tioned and unknown to Schatz. On p. 44-48, " Oseervazioni sull' opera in musica," which are noteworthy, and which culminate in Gamerra's contention that, contrary to current notions, "dovrebbe essere al poeta di precisa necessita la total nozion della musica ..." SCHATZ 11309 Armida. Cantata a quattro voci per il benefizio di Gaetano Neri, da rappresentarsi nel Regio Teatro di S. Carlo della Principessa, la sera dei 16 novembre 1798. Lisboa, Simone Taddeo Ferreira, 1798. 3d p. 14 cm - One act. Portuguese text faces Italian. Cast and name of Angelo Talassi as author. The composer is not mentioned. Under date of November 16, 1798, Schatz records a performance of Talasei's text at Lissabon, with music by Sacchini, but Sacchini's "Armida" (1772) had three acte. The text was by Giovanni de Gamerra, and Sacchini died 1786. ML 50.2.A75 Second copy. SCHATZ 9247 Armida. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel Regio Teatro di Torino nel carnovale del 1770 . . . Torino, Onorato Derossi, n. d. viii, 72 p. 16\ cm . Three acte. By Jacopo Durandi. Argument, cast, scenario, and name of Pasquale Anfossi as composer, but not of librettist. The ballete, invented by Augusto Huss, the music by Giuseppe Antonio Le Messier, were entitled, "Amore custode del- Giardino di Armida," "Accampamento, o sia la Lotteria militare," and "Di Furie." SCHATZ 226 OPERA LIBEETTOS 147 Armida. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro Gius- tiniani di San Moise nella fiera dell' Ascensione delP anno 1777. [Venezia], n. publ., n. d. 39 p. 17 cm . Two acts. By Giannambrogio Migliavacca. Impresario's dedication, with name of author, argument, scenario, cast, and name of Gennaro Astaritta as composer. SCHATZ 3G7 Armida. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro di S. Angelo il carnovale dell' anno 1747. Venezia, Modesto Fenzo, 1747. 48 p. 16 cm . Three acts. Scenario, cast, and name of Ferdinando Giuseppe Bertoni as com- poser, but not of librettist, Bartolomeo Vitturi. SCHATZ 925 Armida, ballet. See Casali's Antigona.* L'Armida del Ferrari. n. i., n. d. 75 p. 15 cm . According to Schatz, lacks a front. Dedication signed by the author-composer, Benedetto Ferrari, argument, "Prologo. La fortuna. Poesia d'Incerto.," charac- ters, and three sonnets addressed to the author. First performed at Venice, Teatro de' S. S. Gio. e Paolo, carnival, 1639. SCHATZ 3065 L'Armida di Benedetto Ferrari dalla tiorba. Rappresentata in musica in Venetia. Posta in musica dall' istesso autore. n. i., n. d. 13 cm . [109]-163 p. (B. Ferrari, Poesie drammatiche, Milano, 1644.} Detached copy. Three acts and prologue. Three sonnets by conte Giuseppe Theodoli, Michel Angelo Botti, Giuliano Bezzi to the author, argument. SCHATZ 11699 Armida. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel nobil Teatro a Torre Argentina nel carnevale dell' anno 1773 . . . Roma, Lorenzo Capponi e Gio. Bartolomicchi, n. d. 61, [1} p. 16 cm . Three acts. Impresario's dedication, argument, scenario, cast, and name of Giuseppe Gazzaniga as composer. The author (unknown to Schatz) is not mentioned. ML 50.2.A75G2 Armida. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel Regio Teatro di Berlino per il felicissimo giorno natalizio della Sacra Real Maesta di Sofia Dorotea Regina maore . . . Berlino, Haude e Spener, 1751. 89, [5] p. I6 cm . Three acts. Leopoldo de Villati is mentioned as author, Carl Heinrich Graun as the composer. Argument and scenario. German title page and text face Italian. First performed, as indicated, March 27, 1751. SCHATZ 4089 Armida. Dramma per musica del Signor awocato Giacomo Duranti Torinese da rappresentarsi in Verona nel Teatro dell' illustrissima Accademia Filarmonica nel carnovale 1771. Verona, Dionisio Ramanzini, n. d. 52, [5] p. 17^ cm . Three acts. Dedication, argument, cast, scenario, and name of Vincenzo Man- frediiii as composer. With the opera was performed, composer of the music not mentioned, Jean Favier's ballet "Zefiro e Flora." First performed at Bologna, Teatro Comunale, May 1770. SCHATZ 5893 148 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Armida. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro grande alia Scala il carnovale dell' anno 1780 . . . MUano, Gio. Batista Bianchi, n. d. 61 p. 16 cm . Three acts. Dedication, cast, scenario, and name of Giuseppe Misliweczek as composer ("La miuuca nuova"). A note on p. [11] says of the text by Giannambrogio Mighavacca, who is not mentioned: "La poesia e una versione dell' Armida di Qumault, di cui si sono esattamente eeguite le tracce a differenza della semplice libera imitazione, che, per 1'angustia del tempo, in Vienna, anni sono, ne fu gia prodotta dal traduttore. Per maggipr brevity per6 sono stati ommessi alcuni versi del dramma francese, e sostituiti o aggiunti altri colla scena, prima e terza dell' atto secondo, nell' italiano, per accomodarsi all' uso nostro." The ballet music was composed by Gaspero Angiolini. First performed, as indicated, December 26, 1779. ML 48.A5 v. 9 Armida. Dramma per mftsica da rappresentarsi nel nobilissimo Nuovo Teatro di Padova nella fiera delr anno MDCCLXXIIL Venezia, Modesto Fenzo, 1773. 48 p. 17 cm . Three acts. By Giovanni Bertati, who is not mentioned. Impresario's dedica- tion, argument, cast, scenario, and note: " La musica tutta nuova del . . . Giovanni Amadeo Neumann Sassone" (Johann Gottlieb Naumann). With the opera was performed Gaspero Angiolini's ballet "Arianna nell' isola di Nasso," the composer of the music not being mentioned. First performed in June, 1773, as indicated. SCHATZ 7039 Armide. Ein singspiel in drey aufzuegen. Nach einem italie- nischen Texte, aus Tasso's Goffredo entlehnt, von Bock. Die kom- position ist von herrn kapellmeister Naumann. n. i., n. d. p. [79]-146 (Komische opem der Italiener, th. ii, no. 2, Leipzig, 1782}. 16$ cm . Detached copy. First performed at Leipzig, Theater b. Rannstadter Thore, July 6, 1780. SCHATZ 7040 Armida. Dramma del Signer Coltellini da rappresentarsi nel Gran Teatro Reale di Berlino nel febbraio 1797. Con musica del Signor Vicenzo Righini . . . Berlino, Haude e Spener, n. d. 71, [1] p. 16% cm . Two acts. Argument and cast. German title "Armide" and text face Italian. On last unnumb. p. title of "La figlia dell' aria o sia L'innalzamento di Semiramide, ballo tragico-pantomimo in cinque atti composto dal Sign. Onprato Vigan6 e rimesso sulle scene dal Sign. Salvatore Vigano. La musica & delli Sign. Giulio e Salvatore Vigan6." First performed at Berlin, Kgl. Opern-Theater, February 21, 1797; at Vienna, private theatre of prince A. Auersperg, July 23, 1782, and at Aschaffenburg, Sep- tember 1788. SCHATZ 8778 Armida. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel Regio-ducal Teatro di Milano nel carnovale dell' anno 1772 . . . Milano, Gio. Battista Bianchi, n. d. 70 p. 15 cm . Three acts. Dedication, argument, cast, name of Antonio Sacchini as the com- poser, and this "Protesta": "Nell" atto I. alia scena 3. 1'aria Rinaldo col recitative, che la precede, e tutta la scena 12. col duetto, npn menp che nell' atto II. alia scena 4. il recitative avanti 1'aria cantabile, e 1'ultimo recitative della scena 9. quando Armida 6 svenuta con tutta la scena 10. che segue col rondeau, come pure nell' atto III. alia scena 9. il minuetto col suo recitative spno que' pochi, e soli cambiamenti, che in tutta 1'opera il rispettoso ppeta ha fatti, cosi richiedendo le convenienze degli attori, e le circostanze della scena, dichiarandosi per6 di professare la piu perfetta stima in riguardo al valente autore di questo drammo. The author was Giovanni de Gamerra, who is not mentioned. SCHATZ 9205 OPERA LIBRETTOS 149 Armida Continued. Armida. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel R. Due. Teatro nella citta dena Piacenza nellk primavera dell' anno MDCCLXXXVL Piacenza, Salvoni, n. d. 4? P- 17 cm . Three acts. Argument, cast, and name of Antonio Sacchini as composer. The author, Giovanni de Gamerra, is not mentioned. With the opera were performed, composers of the music not mentioned, Domenico Rossi's ballets "La vittoria di Tamerlano contro Bajazette ossia La Rossana" and "La contadina in corte." First performed May 27, 1786, as indicated. SCHATZ 11745 Renaud . . Tragedie-lyrique en trois actes, representee, pour la premiere fois, par I'Academie-royale de musique, le mardi 25 fe"vrier 1783. Paris, P. de Lormel, 1783. 55 p. 22% cm . Three acts. Cast, names of Jean Joseph Leboeuf as author and of Sacchini as the composer and "avertissement," in which the author says that he based the text on Pellegrin, but " je n'ai ni pu, ni du suivre le plan trace par Pellegrin; mais j'avoue que je m'en suis rapproche avec plaisir, autant qu'il m a ete possible. Je ne dissimulerai pas me'me, que trouvant qu'il avoit heureusement traduit plusieurs morceaux du Tasse, & d&esperant de les traduire mieux, je ne me suis point fait scrupule de me les appro- prier, & de me servir quelquefois des vers de 1'auteur francais." The published score has the same date as this libretto, but according to Cl. & L. and Scnatz the first performance was on February 28. As the L. of C. does not possess the score of Sacchini's "Armida," I do not know to what extent the score of " Renaud " is based on that of "Armida." Leboeuf is said by Lajarte to have had Framery's assistance in adapting the French version to the Italian score. SCHATZ 9206 Renaud. Tragedie-lyrique, en trois actes: repre'sente'e pour la premiere fois sur le Theatre de I'Op^ra, le 25 reVrier 1783. Le poe'me est de M. Le Boeuf. La musique est de M. Sacchini. Bruxelles, n. publ, 1783. 21 p. 21 cm . ML 50.2.R38 S2 Renaud, tragedie lyrique en trois actes, representee, pour la premiere fois, par F Academic royale de musique, le vendredi 28 revrier 1783. Le poeme est de M. Le Boeuf. La musique est de M. Sacchini. Paris, P. de Lormel, 1786. 34 p. 21 cm . Text is the same as in the 1783 ed. ML 50.2. R38 S3 Armida. Eine oper, von Salieri. n. i., n. d. [1]~40 p. 15\ cm . Three acts. By Marco Coltellini, who is not mentioned. In this libretto the German translation does not face the Italian, but follows it in segments, which must have been very confusing for the reader. Comp. Cramer's Tr. in his ' ' Magazin der Musik,"1783. (ML4.M2) First performed at Vienna, Burgtheater, June 2, 1771. SCHATZ 9274 Armida. Eine tragische oper von Carlo [ !] Cotellini [ !] und Antonio Salieri. Herausgegeben von C. S. Cramer. Lueneburg, Joh. Fried. With. Lemke, 1786. 62 p. 16$ cm . Three acts. " Vorrede " with the argument. SCHATZ 9275 150 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Armicla. Azione teatrale per musica. [vignette.] Vienna, Gltelen, 1760. Unpaged. Vignettes. 22\ cm . One act. Awertimento that this is a modified Italian version of Quinault's "Armide," and the author reap, translator's Giannambrogip Migliavacca's dedication to conte Giacomo Durazzo, "supremo direttore della musica delle Maesta Loro I. I. R. R.," in which he says: "A Parigi vi nacque la voglia d'imitare in yersi toscani, e di far eseguire con musica italiana 1'Armida ai Quinault. Ritornato in senp dell' inclita vostra patria, ne cominciaste, fra le delizie di Pegli, voi medesimo il layoro, in compagnia d'illustre amico . . . Portatovi in appresso a questa Augustissima Corte, vi degnaste ecci- tarmi a proseguire, ed a condurre 1'opera al suo termine, e se nel restarmene il desi- derio, non mi fosse allora il tempo mancato di secpndare i vostri impulsi, avrei, mercfe voetra, io foree avuto il vantaggio, di essere il primo a produrre fra noi codesta nuova specie di spettacolo, come a voi la gloria non pu6 negarsi, d'essere stato il primo a proccurarlo. Finalmente, dopo tanti anni, yoi avete costantemente voluto, che la sorte di mettere al giorno la da voi ideata imitazione, fosse a me riservata . . . acci6 lo stile riuscisse tutto uniforme, voi, con generositk senza pari, non vi siete primiera- mente curato, di sacrificare la stessa egregia fatica, gia da voi fatta, e di permettermi, che ad ordir la mia io incpminciassi da capo . . . essendo destinata quest' opera a festeggiare il giorno natalizio di S. A. R. la serenissima arciduchessa sppsa, principessa di Parma, sole poche settimane appena avanti tal giorno, per 1'angustia del tempo, e convenuto, di mano in mano, che andavo scrivendo la poesia, passarla al compositore della musica, il che fu ppi causa, che della gill seguita edizione di questo libro io non rimanessi soddisfatto intieramente. Colla presente piu corretta ristampa," etc., etc. This seems to be the libretto for Tommaso Traetta's "Armida," first performed at Vienna, Saturday, January 3, 1761. SCHATZ 11382 Armida. Azione teatrale da rappresentarsi nel Teatro Vendramin di S. Salvatore nell' occasione della fiera dell' Ascensione dell' anno 1767 . . . Venezia, Modesto Fenzo, 1767. xlviii p. One act. Unsigned dedicatory poem by the author, Giannambrogio Migliavacca, argument, cast, and name of Tommaso Traetta as composer, but not of librettist, who professes to have based his "Armida" on Quinault's Armide, though in the Italian taste. Of the music it is said "sara tutta nuova;" consequently the identity with Traetta's "Armida," first performed at Vienna, Jan. 3, 1761, becomes doubtful. First performed at Venice May 27, 1767. SCHATZ 10407 Armida abbandonata. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro da S. Agostino il carnovale dell' anno 1786 . . . Genova, Stamperia Gesiniana, n. d. 44 P- Three acts. Impresario's dedication, argument, cast, scenario, and name of Ferdi- nando Giuseppe Bertoni as composer. The librettist is unknown to Schatz. First performed at Venice, Teatro di S. Benedetto, December 26, 1780. SCHATZ 931 Armida abbandonata. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi per seconda nell' autunno MDCCXXIII nel Teatro Giustiniano di San Moise. Venezia, Carlo Buonarrigo, n. d. Jfl p. 14% cm . Three acts. By Francesco Silvani. Notice to the reader, cast, scenario, and name of the composer, Giuseppe Maria Buini, but not of the librettist. First performed at Bologna, Teatro Formagliari, Aug. 16, 1716. SCHATZ 1388 Armida abbandonata. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel Real Teatro dell' Ajuda in occasione di festeggiarsi il felicissimo giorno natalizio di Sua Reale Maesta ... D. Marianna Vittoria . . . nella primavera dell' anno 1773. [Lislona], Stamperia reale, n. d. 78 p. 16 cm . Three acts. By Francesco Saverio di Rogatis, who is not mentioned. Argument, scenario, cast, and name of Niccol5 Jommelli as the composer. The text seems to be practically the same as in the Naples ed. of 1780. First performed , as indicated, March 31, 1773; at Naples, same theatre, May 30, 1770. SCHATZ 4901 OPERA LIBRETTOS 151 Arinida abbandonata Continued. Armida abbandonata. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel Real Teatro di S. Carlo nel di 13. agosto 1780 per festeggiarsi la nascita di S. M. la regina . . . Napoli, Vincenzo Flauto, 1780. 71 p. 18. Three acts. By Francesco Saverio de Rogatis, who is not mentioned. Dedication, argument, cast, scenario, and name of Nicola Jommelli as the composer, and of Giuseppe Gazzaniga as conductor, who was probably responsible for alterations, if any, in the score, as first performed there May 30, 1770. On p. 9-17, description of Carlo Lepicq's ballet, "La Semiramide." The second ballet was Domenico Rossi's "II disertore francese." The composers of the ballet music are not mentioned. SCHATZ 4842 Armida abbandonata. Opera seria da rappresentarsi nel Teatro Nuovo di corte . . . nel carnavale. n. i., 1785. 95 p. 16. Two acts. Argument, cast, scenario, and names of Gaetano Sertor as author, of sig. Hey as translator, and of Alessio Prati as the composer. German title-page, "Die ver- lassene Armide," and text face Italian. First performed 1785, at Munich, as indicated. SCHATZ 8450 Armida abbandonata. Drama per musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro di Sant' Angelo I'autunno dell' anno 1707 . . . Venezia, Zuccato, 1707. 60 p. 14% cm . Three acts. Dedication dated Venice, November 8, 1707, cast, scenario, and notice to the reader by the author, Francesco Silvani (not mentioned), who names Giovanni Maria Ruggeri as the composer, and defends himself for having used Tasso for "un drama intieramente amoroso." SCHATZ 9133 Armida abbandonata. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro di Mantova il carnevale del MDCCXI . . . Mantova, Alberto Pazzoni, n. d. 51 p. 15% cm . Three acts. Impresario's dedication dated Mantova, January 3, 1711, and notice to the reader, in which this is called a slightly altered version of Silvani's text, accom- modated "alia contingenza del luogo, ed al genio de virtuosi cantanti." Ruggeri, the composer, perhaps mentioned on p. 7-8, which are missing. ML 48.A5 v. 3 Armida al campo. Drama per musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro di Sant' Angelo il carnovale dell' anno 1707. M. V. . . . Venezia, Zuccato, 1707. 70 [2} p. 14$ cm . Three acts. Impresario's dedication, dated Venice, January 19, 1707, argument, cast, and name of the composer, Giuseppe Boniventi, but not of the librettist, Fran- cesco Silvani. At the end a list of the "opere musicali sin' ora stampate in Venezia da Antonio Bortoli a S. Maria Formosa in Calle longa." SCHATZ 1184 Armida al campo. Drama per musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro di S. Bartolomeo nel carnevale dell' anno 1718 . . . Napoli, MicheleLuigi Muzio, 1718. 67 p. 13% cm . Three acts. By Francesco Silvani, who is not mentioned. Impresario's dedica- tion, dated Naples, February 13, 1718, notice to the reader, scenario, cast, and name of Domenico Sarro as the composer. SCHATZ 9413 Armida al campo d'Egitto. Drama per musica da rappresen- tarsi nel Teatro Giustiniano di San Moise il carnovale dell' anno MDCCXVIII . . . Venetia, Marino Rossetti, 1718. 60 p. 15\ cm . Three acts. By Giovanni Palazzi, who is not mentioned. Publisher's dedication, argument, cast, scenario, and name of Antonio Vivaldi as the composer. , SCHATZ 10759 152 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Armida delusa. Drama per musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro di S. Angelo. H carnovale dell' anno 1720. Venezia, Marino Rossetti, 1720. 58 p. 16 cm . Three acts. Argument, notice to the reader, cast, scenario, and name of the composer, Giuseppe Maria Buini, who also wrote the text (Schatz). SCHATZ 1389 Armida e Rinaldo, ballet. See Cimarosa's Giunio Bruto. Armida e Rinaldo, ballet. See Cimarosa's II pittor parigiuo. Armida in Damasco. Drama per musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro di S. Angelo I'autunno dell' anno 1711. Del dottor Grazio Braccioli . . . Venezia, Marino Rossetti, 1711. 64 p. 14 cm . Three acts. Author's dedication dated Venice, October 17, 1711, cast, scenario, name of Giacomo Rampini as the composer, and notice to the reader, in which Brac- cioli as much as begs pardon for having had the temerity to select the same subject as Francesco Silvani, "gentile poeta dramatico de nostri tempi" of "Armida abban- donata" and "Armida al fampo." SCHATZ 8595 Armida regina di Damasco. L. T. of Orgiani's Gli amori di Rinaldo con Armida. Armida und Rinaldo. Ein nach Tasso frey bearbeitetes melo- drama in vier aufzuegen, mit choeren und taenzen vermischt. Fuer das K. K. Nationalhortheater. Wien, Johann Baptist WaUisJiausser, 1793. 4 P- 16 cm . . Neither Franz Joseph Marius von Babo, the author, is mentioned, nor Peter von Winter, the composer. First performed September 7, 1793, under this title, but as "Reinold und Armida," at Munich, Altes Opernhaus, March 30, 1780. SCHATZ 11050 Armide, trage"die en cinq actes donne"e pour la premiere fois par FAcade'mie royale de musique, en 1686, 1746, 1761, 1764; et remise au Theatre, le mardi 23 septembre 1777. Paris, Aux depens de I'Academie, ches P. de Lormel, 1777. 66 p. \ cm . Cast. Quinault is mentioned as the author, and Gluck as the composer. SCHATZ 3893 - Armide. Ein heldengedicht, und singspiel in fiinf aufzuegen. In musik gesetzt vom ritter Gluck. Aufgeniehrt unter der direktion des herrn JBoehm. Koeln am RJiein, Johan Godschalk Langen, 1786 39 p. 17 cm . SCHATZ 3894 - L'opera de province, nouvelle parodie d'Armide, en deux actes et en vers. Mel 6s de vaudeville; Represented pour la premiere fois, a Paris, le mercredi 17 d^cembre 1777; & a Versailles, devant Leurs Majest6s, le vendredi suivant, par les Comediens italiens ordinaires du roi. Paris, Didot Vaine, 1778. 34 p. 19\ cm . Cast. The authors, Piis and Barre, are not mentioned. ML 50.2.A76G5 OPERA LIBRETTOS 153 Armide, tragedie en musique. Represented par 1'Academie royale de musique. Suivant la copie imprimee a Pans. [Amsterdam, Antoine Schelte], 1686. 57 p. (incl. front.) 14 cm - Prologue and five acts. Neither Quinault nor Lully mentioned. ML 50.2.A76 L9 Armide, tragedie represent ee par 1' Academic royale de musique Fan 1686. Les paroles sont de M. Quinault, & la musique de M. de Lully, XX. opera. n. i., n. d. 14 cm - front., 121-178 p. (Recueil general des opera, t. Hi, Paris, 1703.} . Detached copy. Five acts and prologue. First performed, as indicated, February 15, 1686. SCHATZ 5760 Second copy. ML 48.R4 Armide, tragedie en musique. Represented par 1'Academie royale de musique, le 15 fevrier 1686. Quinault, Theatre, Paris, 1739, t. v. pi, p. [409]- 459. 17 cm . Prologue and five acts. Lully is not mentioned. PQ 1881.A1 1739 Armide, tragedie. Mise au Theatre de 1'Academie royale de musique de Lyon, en I'anne'e 1742. Lyon, At/me Del/troche, 1742. 55 p. 23 cm . Five acts. Cast. Neither Philippe Quinault, the author, is mentioned nor Jean Baptiste de Lully, the composer. The text is the same as in the 1703 ed., except that the fourth act has two scenes only, scenes third and fourth and half of the second having been dropped. SCHATZ 5760a Armida. Opera musicale tradotta dal francese, senza mutar le note del famoso Gio. Battista Lulli. Roma, Angelo Bernabb, 1690. 4 p. 1., 87 p. 16 cm . Five acts and prologue. In a prefatory note the unknown translator first apologizes for having, as a Frenchman, made this translation into Italian: "Cantar in questa lingua alcune arie dell' opere francesi, & stato caso fortuito, e bizarria d'un amatore della musica e della lingua italiana. La vaghezza del com- ponimento musicale gli ha fatto poi tentare di tradurre opere intiere : ed ora il fame cantare, e stampare una in Roma, & etato atto di compiacenza per queeti eignori Francesi. La musica e parto d'un gran soggetto, nato in Italia, ma allevato da gio- vanne in Parigi, ed e il famoso Giovanni Battista Lulli, ornamento di Toscana, e ristauratore dell' armonia in Francia ..." He then interestingly dwells on the great difficulties of making exact metric trans- lations from French into Italian and concludes by saying: "dalP opera di Fetonte [Phaeton] in qua, egli ha di man in mano tradutto per diporto, e nell' ore di divertimento dagh studij piu serij, sei altre opere compoete succesfivamente dal medesimo Lulli, sin alia sua morte." In the libretto the original French text faces the Italian. First performed at Rome, Teatro di Tor di Nona, 1690. SCHATZ 4779 Armide, parodie, par M. B*** Represented pour la premiere fois par les Come'diens italiens ordinaires du roi, le 21 mars 1725. Les parodies du Nouveau theatre italien, Nouv. ed., Paris, Briasson, 1738, t. Ill, 51 p. 16% cm . One act. By Jacques Bailly (Parfaict). The airs and vaudeville used are printed at the end of the volume in the "Table des airs" (84 p.) ML 48. P3 Armide. Tr. of Naumann's Armida. Armide. Tr. of Righini's Armida. 154 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Armide. Ein sin^spiel in drey aufzuegen. Nach einem italienischen texte, [by Bertatij, aus Tasso's Gofl'redo entlehnt, von Bock. Die composition ist von herrn Rudolph Zumsteeg. Stuttgart, Druckerei der Jierzogl. Hohen Carlsschule, n. d. 62 p. 16 cn . First performed at Stuttgart, Kleines Schauspielhaus auf der Planie, August 30, 1786. SCHATZ 11292 Arminio. Drama per musica da rappresentarsi in Firenze nel Teatro di via della Pergola nel estate dell' anno MDCCXXV . . . [vignette] Firenze, Fabio Benedetto Maria Verdi, 1725. 62 p. 14 cm . Three acts. Notice to the reader, cast and scenario. Neither the author, Antonio Salvi, is mentioned, nor the composer. According to Schatz this was a pasticcio by unknown composers. ML 48.A5 v. 16 L'Arminio. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro Tron di S. Cassiano 1'autunno dell' anno MDCCXLVIL n. i., n. d. 67 p. 15 cm . Three acts. By Antonio Salvi, who is not mentioned. Argument, cast, scenario, and name of Q-aluppi as composer. First performed at Venice, as indicated, November 26, 1747 (fa van) . SCHATZ 3482 Arminio. Drama da rappresentarsi nel Regio ducal Teatro di Milano in occasione di celebrarsi il giorno natalizio . . . di Elisabetta Cristina, imperadrice, regina delle Spagne etc. Milano, Giuseppe Richino Malatesta, 1730. 5 p. 1., 52 p. 14 cm - Three acts. By Antonio Salvi, who is not mentioned. Impresario's dedication, argument, cast, scenario, and name of Johann Adolph Hasse as the composer. First performed, as indicated, August 28, 1730. SCHATZ 4575 Arminio. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi in Dresda festig- giandosi il felicissimo giorno natalizio di S. R. M. Augusto III . . . La poesia e del Big 1 ? abf Gio. Claudio Pasquini, la musica d del Sig 1 ? Gio Adolfo Hasse . . . n. i., n. d. 8 p. I, 99, 99, [2] p. 17 cm . Three acts and licenza. Argument and scenario. German title page "Arminio . . . Dresden, gedruckt . . . bey der verw. . . . Stoesselin, 1745" and text face Italian. Mennicke calls this Hasse's second version of "Arminio," though he cor- rectly gives Salvi as the author of the one "text and Pasquini of the other. As a matter of fact the two texts have nothing in common except the subject, and conse- quently the two operas "Arminio" are two different operas, not the one an altered version of the other. First performed, as indicated, October 7, 1745. SCHATZ 4512 Arminio. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel Regio Teatro di Torino nel carnovale del 1781 . . . Torino, Onorato Derossi, n. d. viii, Jfi p. 16\ cm . Three acts. A later version of "Germanico in Germania " by Niccol6 Coluzzi, who is not mentioned. Argument, cast, scenario, and name of Bernard(in)o Ottani as the composer. With the opera were performed three ballets by Filippo Beretti, music by Vittorio Amedeo Canavasso, the first of which was called "II volubile assodato." SCHATZ 7363 OPEKA LIBRETTOS 155 Arminio. Dramma per musica, da rappresentarsi sopra il Teatro di S. M. B. London, G. WoodfaU, 1760. 57, [1] p. 19 cm '. ' Three acts. Argument, cast, and note, "La musica & di varj autori." English translation faces Italian. The last (unnumb.) p. contains the aria, "Care luci, che regnate," substituted for "Se al labbro mio" (II, 3). Burney (IV, 472) says: "All the airs in Arminio that Mattei sung, were composed by Perez." This would apply to "II fuggir, cara mia vita" (I, 1), "Ah, padre adorato" (I, 2), "Fuggi dagli occhj miei" (I, 5), "Nel pensar al gran cimento (I, 6), "Padre, tiranno, barbaro" (II, 2), "Caro sposo, amata speme" (II, 5), "Ah non piu gelar mi sento" (III, 4). In Walsh's "Favourite songs," however, 1, 1, and II, 5, are printed without Perez' names, whereas "Se 1'amor tuo" (III, 4), not sung by Mattei, but by Cornacchini, is there attributed to Perez. The text is by Antonio Salvi, with interpolations from Metastasio. First performed at London, Hay-Market, March, 1760. ML 50.2. A77 L'Arminio. Drama per musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro di Sant' Angelo nelP autunno 1722 . . . Venezia, Marino Rossetti, 1722. 60 p. Three acts. Impresario's dedication dated Venice, November 10, 1722, cast, scenario, name of Carlo Francesco Pollaroli as the composer, and notice to the reader, informing him that this is a somewhat altered version of the drama as originally per- formed at Pratolino. The performances took place 1703 there in the Teatro di Villa Medici. The author of the text, Antonio Salvi, is not mentioned. SCHATZ 8273 Arminio. Drama per musica da recitarsi nella Sala dell' illmo Sign. Federico Capranica nel carnevale dell' anno 1722 . . . Roma, Bernabb, 1722. 72 p. 15 cm . Three acts. By Antonio Salvi, who is not mentioned. Dedication, cast, scenario, name of Alessandro Scarlatti as composer, and notice to the reader, in which the alterations in Salyi's text are acknowledged in this manner: "Se poi colla licenza, che dal moderno uso si permette a chi di nuovo fa comparire in teatro opere altre volte recitate, ei e mutato, o scemato in qualche parte per comodo della musica, o per la brevita tanto in oggi desiderata, cio si e procurato di fare in guisa tale, che non resta alterata parte alcuna essenziale del drama; onde sicome non potra alcuno dolersi di non ritrovarvi tutta 1'antica sua bellezza, cosi si spera, che ristesso riverito autore sia per condonare le piccole accidentali variazioni, cne per la detta necessita vi si sono indotte." First performed at Naples, Teatro San Bartolomeo, November 15, 1714. ML 50.2.A77S2 L'Arminio. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi in questo Regio-ducal Teatro Nuovo la primavera dell' anno MDCCLXXXV . . . Mantova, per I'erede di Alberto Pazzoni, n. d. 51 p. 17 cm . Two acts. By Ferdinando Moretti, who is not mentioned. Dedication dated Mantova, May 8, 1785, argument, cast, scenario, and name of Angelo Tarchi as the composer. On p. 10, schedule of the season's performances. With the opera were performed, the composers of the music not mentioned, Filippo Beretti a ballets, "Giulietta e Romeo, fatto patrio Veronese" and "Una festa villereccia." SCHATZ 10230 L'Arminio. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel nobil Teatro di Torre Argentina il carnevale dell' anno 1786. Roma, Arcangelo Casaletti, 1786. 4@ P- 15 cm . Three acts. Author not mentioned and unknown to Schatz. Argument, cast, scenario, and name of Giacomo Tritto as the composer. With the opera were per- formed Onorato Vigan&'s ballets, "Cefalo e Procri, music by Salvatore Vigan6, and "La donna di spirito," composer not mentioned. SCHATZ 10454 156 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS L'Armoire ou La piece a deux acteurs. See the A. T. Arneris ou Les Isies. Entree in Rameau's Les ftes de 1'Himen et de 1' Amour. Arrenione. Drama per musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro di Sant' Angelo . . . Venezia, Gio. Battista Zuccato, 1708. 58 p. 15 cm . Three acts. Dedication dated Venice, November 8, 1708, and signed with the initials of the author, Francesco Silvani, argument, cast, and scenario. The com- poser, Giovanni Maria Ruggeri, is not mentioned. SCHATZ 9131 Arrenione. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nell' Imperial Teatro di Mantova la primavera del MDCCXI . . . Mantova, Alberto Pazzoni, n. d. 55 p. 15\ cm . Three acts. By Silvani, who is not mentioned. Dedication by Christoforo Fri- geri, dated Mantova, April 10, 1711, argument, cast, scenario. Ruggeri is not men- tioned as the composer. The text is slightly different from that of the above ed. For instance, the aria "Se par ch'io serbi in petto" (I, 12) replaced "Merope bella." ML 50.2.A775R9 Der arrestant. Tr. of Delia Maria's Le prisonnier. Les arrests de Famour. Piece d'un acte. Par. M. D'Or**. Rep- resent 6e a la Foire de Saint Germain 1716. Le Theatre de lafoire, Paris, 1737, t. ii, pi, [227}-258 p. 17 cm . By d'Orneval. En vaudevilles, selected or composed and arranged by Jean Claude Gillier, the "compositeur " of the theatre, and printed at the end of the volume in the "Table des airs." According to Parfaict, composed by Aubert. First performed February 3, 1716, as third act of "Arlequin gentilhomme malgre' lui;" under its own title, in a revised form, July 17, 1726. ML 48. L2 I Arrived at Portsmouth. An operatic drama, in two acts, per- formed at the Theatre-Royal, Covent-Garden. Written by the author of Hartford-Bridge . . London, T. N. Longman, 1794. 2 p. 1., 43, [1] p. 20 cm . Cast and dedication, dated November 22,* 1794, to Sir Alan Gardner, vice-admiral of the Blue for his conduct in the naval engagement of June 1, 1794, to which victory this "temporary drama . . . slightly relates." By William Pearce. William Shield, the composer, is not mentioned. First performed October 30, 1794. LONGE 228 L'arrivo d'Enea nel Lazio. Componimento drammatico in decora- zione di una mostra di esercizi cavallereschi dall' Instuto de' Nobili presentata alle Loro Altezze Reali . . . Pietro Leopoldo d' Austria ... e ... Maria Louisa di Borbone ... nella faustissima occa- sione della Loro venuta in Firenze ed eseguita nel Teatro dell' Acca- demia degl' Immobili la sera de' 25 novembre MDCCLXV giorno del gloriosissimo nome di S. A. R. il serenissimo Gran Duca. Firenze, Moiicke, 1765. lix, [ii] p. 26 cm . One act. By marchese Vincenzio Alamanni. Argument, lists of founders, mem- bers, etc., of the Institute de' Nobili, note on the pictures exhibited, half-title with author's name, list of characters without cast, text of the libretto with names of the participants in the dances, the giuochi and abbattimenti, name of Baldassare Galuppi as composer, colophon, list of errata, cast, and note that the terzetto was composed by Pietro Bizzarri of Florence. SCHATZ 3443 L'arrivo d'Europa nell' isola di Greta, ballet. See Bertoni's Ifigenia in Aulide. OPERA LIBRETTOS 157 L'arrivo del Burchello da Padova in Venezia. Farsa per musica in due atti, a cinque voci di Gaetano Fiorio Comico da rappresen- tarsi nel nobil Teatro Grimani di S. Gio. Grisostomo il carnovaie dell, anno 1780 ... Venezia, Pietro Sola, 1779. 40 p. 18 cm . Two acts. Author's dedication, cast, scenario, and name of the composer, Luigi Caruso ("musica nuova"). SCHATZ 1660 L'arrivo di Venere nelT isola di Cipro, ballet. See Radicchi's Medonte re di Epiro. L'arrivo opportune, ballet. See Zingarelli's II mercato di Mon- fregoso. Arsace. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel nobilissimo Teatro di S. Benedetto il carnovaie dell anno 1768. Venezia, Modesto Fenzo, 1768. 54 p- 17\ cm . Three acts. A later version of " Amore e maesta osia L' Arsace " by Antonio Salvi, who is not mentioned. Notice to the reader, cast, scenario, and name of Carlo Franchi as composer. SCHATZ 3326 Arsace. Drama per musica da rappresentarsi nel famosissimo Teatro Grimani di San Gio. Grisostomo il carnovaie dell' anno MDCCXVIII. Del dottore Antonio Salvi, Fiorentino . . . Venezia, Marino Rossetti, 1718. 71 p. 15 cm . Three acts. A later version of ' ' Amore e maesta o sia L' Arsace ' ' by Antonio Salvi, who is not mentioned. Publisher's dedication, notice to the reader informing him that this is a retouched version of the text for local purposes, cast, scenario, and name of Michel Angelo Gasparini as the composer. SCHATZ 3599 L' Arsace. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel nobile Teatro Tron di S. Cassiano nel carnovaie dell' anno 1737. Venezia, Giuseppe Betinelli, n. d. 7 p. 1., 4.8 p. lo cm . Three acts. By Antonio Salvi with alterations of his original text "Amore e maesta osia L' Arsace," possibly by Domenico Lalli, who signs the dedication. Then the notice to the reader, cast, scenario, and name of Geminiano Giacomelli as the composer. First performed at Prato, Teatro pubblico, 1736. SCHATZ 3810 Arsace. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel nobilissimo Teatro Venier in San Benedetto il carnovaie dell' anno 1789. Venezia, Modesto Fenzo, 1788. 48 p. 16$ cm . Three acts: By Giovanni de Gamerra, who is not mentioned. Argument, cast, scenario, and name of Pietro Ouglielroi as the composer. On p. [22J-29 argument, cast, and description of Francesco Clerico's "II ritorno d'Agamenone, ballo tragico in cinque atti," composer of the music not mentioned. Gamerra's text was originally called "Medonte r& di Epiro." First performed, as indicated, December 26, 1788. SCHATZ 4297 Arsace. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel nobilissimo Nuovo Teatro di Padova la fiera dell' anno 1775. Venezia, Modesto Fenzo, 1775. 61 p. 17\ cm . Three acte. By Giovanni de Gamerra, who is not mentioned. The original title of his text was "Medonte, r6 d'Epiro." Impresario's dedication, argument, cast, scenario, and name of Michele Mortellari as the composer. ("La musica tutta nuova.") On p. [27]-35 cast, argument, and description of Giuseppe Canziani's "Pigmalione, ballo eroico pantomime. " The composer of the music ia not mentioned. SCHATZ 6685 158 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Arsace. Drama per musica da rappresentarsi in Firenze nel Teatro di Via della Pergola nel carnevale dell' anno 1732 . . . Firenze, Domenico Ambrogio Verdi, n. d. 56 p. lJ+\ cm . Three acts. A later version of ' ' Amore e maesta o sia L' Arsace ' ' by Antonio Salvi, who is not mentioned. Impresario's dedication, argument, cast, scenario, and name of Giuseppe Maria Orlandini as composer. First performed at Turin, Teatro delle Feste, carnival 1726 (Schatz) but on Feb- ruary 1, 1721, there was performed at the Haymarket, London, an "Arsace" by Or- landini with added arias by Filippo Amadei. ML 48. A5. v 18 Arsace. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel Real Teatro di S. Carlo il di 30. maggio 1754. In cui ricorre il nome del gran monarca delle Spagne, e del nostro real terzogenito . . . Napoli, Domenico Landano, 1754- iv, 1ft p. 19\ cm . Three acts. A later version of " Amore e maesta o sia L' Arsace by Antonio Salvi, who is not mentioned. Impresario's dedication, argument, cast, scenario, and name of Nicol6 Sabatini as the composer. SCHATZ 9201 Arsace. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro di S. Bartolomeo Finverno dell' anno 1718. Del dott. Antonio Salvi . . . Napoli, MicJiele Luigi Muzio, 1718. 64 p. 16 cm . Three acts. A later version of Salvi 's "Amore e maest& o sia L' Arsace." Impre- sario's dedication, dated Naples, December 10, 1718, scenario, cast, name of Domenico Sarro as the composer and notice to the reader which reads in part: "Questo soggetto & lo stesso, che gia espose su le scene di Francia il famoso Tomaso Cornelio, sotto il nome del Conte di Essex; ma dovendo questo servire alia musica, ed al Teatro italiano, si e cambiata la scena in Persia . . . conservando per6 i caratteri de' personaggi principal! . . . "Il fine dell autore fu di formare una tragedia in musica col fine veramente tragico (npvita non piu yeduta, almeno su le scene d'ltalia) e di avere il preggio d'essere il primo a farti sortir dal teatro con le lagrime, fra le dolci armonie della mupica, lo che 6 facile, che ottenga se attendi alia forza del soggetto, e se riguardi alia periezione de' rappresentanti . " Vi e stato in altro teatro in qualche parte variato il fine, per non renderlo totalmente funesto; come ancora in questo con non poca pena di ch6 1 ha diretto vi si sono variate alcune arie, & accresciuti, 6 diminuiti alcuni recitativi, come altresl vi si sono dovute ponere le parti buffe, ma in modo, che no interrompino il dramma, ma solo minorino la mestizia con un poco di allegria." SCHATZ 9414 L'Arsacide. Drama per musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro Gius- tiniano di S. Moise il carnovale dell' anno 1721. Poesia d'Antonio conte Zaniboni . . . Venezia, Marin Rossetti, 1721. 48 p. 15 cm . Three acts. Author's dedication dated Venice, December 28, 1720, argument, cast and scenario. The composer Fortunate Chelleri is not mentioned. SCHATZ 1810 Arsene. Nach Favart. Singspiel von A. G. Meissner [vignette]. Leipzig, Dykische luchhandlung, 1778. 3 p. 1., 73 p. 16\. Four acts. In his " Vorbericht" Meissner says: "Die schauspieldirektion der stadt, wo ich fuer jetzt lebe, ersuchte mich, die gesaenge dieser operette zu verfertegen, da man die, so in der bereits 1778 erschienenen uebersetzung der franzoesischen musik unterliegen, nicht nuetzen koenne. Diese bitte . . . und der zusatz, dass ein wuerdiger tonkuenstler [Franz Seydelmann] meine neuen gesaenge su setzen bereit sey, machten, dass ich versprach, alles zu thun, was ich thun Koenne." Instead of utilizing the dialogue in the "ueber alle maasen steife Frankfurter ueber- eetzung" ["Die schoene Arsene," by J. H. Faber], he preferred to translate Favart's "La belle Arsene" anew. He ends his remarks with this: "Uebrigens ist diess das letzte singspiel, das ich nach dem franzoesischen bearbeite; darauf geb' ich mein wort." The Ms. score at Dresden has the title "Die schone Arsene " (Cahn-Speyer). First performed at Dresden, Churfuerstl. Kleines Theater, March 3, 1779 (Schatz); Leipzig, April 15, 1779, and Dresden, 1781 (Cahn-Speyer). SCHATZ 9841 OPEKA LIBRETTOS 159 Arsene Continued. - Arsene. In vier akten. Komponirt vom herrn Kapellmeister Seydelmann zu Dresden. n. i., n.d. 3 p. I, 73 p.. 17 cm . The same as above. Schatz' entry "Txtb. m. Recitativen, anstatt des dialoges fiir concert auffuhrungen" is incorrect, as the dialogue is the eame as in the Leipzig 1778 ed. SCHATZ 9842 Arsene. Ein singspiel in drey akten nach Favart, von A. G. Meissner. In musik gesetzt von Franz Seydelmann . . . n. i., n. d. 23 p. 16 cm . The t.-p. contains also the list of characters. SCHATZ 11748 Arsene. In vier akten. Nach Favart. A. G. Meissner, Operetten, Leipzig, 1778. 3 p. I, 73 p. 17 cm . Forms the third libretto in the collection, and is the same as the other ed. of 1778. ML49.A2M3 L'Arsiade. Drama per musica da rappresentarsi in Mantova 1'anno 1700 . . . [Mantova], Gio. Edit. Grand, n. d. 84 p. 15% cm . Three acts. By Pietro d'Averara, who is not mentioned. Dedication, argument, cast, scenario. The composer, Antonio Francesco Martin engo, is not mentioned. I, 2, has the aria "Fra tue ritorte" (duet); II, 2, has no aria. ML 50.2.A778M2 - Arsiade, drama per musica da rapresentarsi nel Regio Teatro di Torino . cm Torino, Gio. Battista Zappata, 1703. 88 p. Three acts. By Pietro d'Averara who is not mentioned. Impresario's dedication, argument, scenario, and cast. Composed by Antonio Francesco Martinengo, who is not mentioned. I, 2 has the aria "La luce del mio foco"; II, 2 has the aria "Tacicrudel." First performed at Milan, Regio ducal Teatro, carnival 1700. SCHATZ 6032 Arsilda, regina di Ponto. Drama per musica. Da rappresen- tarsi nel Teatro di S. Angelo nell' autunno dell' anno 1716 . . . Venezia, Marino Rossetti, 1716. 60 p. 14 cm - Three acts. By Domenico Lalli who is not mentioned. Argument, cast, scenario, name of the "celebre virtuoso di violino il signor D. Antonio Vivaldi" as composer, and dedication in which the author says that just as a man who has built himself a house, ia not satisfied with the marble exterior but seeks to adorn it with beautiful tapestries, statuettes, etc., he, the author, needs the adornment of D. Giacomo Brivio, conte di Brochles for his drama (to whom it is dedicated) "cosi per I'insumenza del suo maestro che la compose, come per il gusto di coloro, li quali han voluto in essa, non gia quello che ragionevole appariva, ma tutto ci6 che apertamente non si doveva, . a tale che per mia non la riconosco, per che rossore n'averia in veggendola cosi affatto cangiata dal mio primo disegno, e per 1'arie, e per la sua giusta sceneggiatura." SCHATZ 10760 L'Arsinoe, drama da rappresentarsi nel Teatro del Seren. elettore di Sassonia 1'anno MDCXCIlI Arsinoe ... Dresden, Hoff-Buchdruckerey durch Immanuel Bergen, n. d. Un- paged. 28\ cm . Three acts. Argument. German text faces Italian, which is not that by Stan- zani. Neither author nor composer mentioned and both unknown to Furstenau. ML 50.2.A779 160 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Arsinoe. Drama per musica di M. R. da rappresentarsi nel Real Teatro di S. Carlo nel di 13. di Agosto 1795 festeggiandosi la nascita di S. M. la Regina . . . Napoli, Vincenzo Flauto, 1795. 47 p. 15$ cm . Two acts. Author unknown to Schatz. Dedication signed by Andrea di Bene- detto, and dated Naples, August 13, 1795, cast, scenario, notice to the reader and name of Gaetano Andreozzi as composer. With the opera were performed the ballets, "La costanza premiata o sia II genio tutelare, ballo eroicopantomimo composto, e diretto dal Signer Gaetano Gioja' 7 (detailed description on p. 9-16) and "La semplice burlata." The composers of the music are not mentioned. SCHATZ 20G L' Arsinoe. Drama per musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro For- magliari 1'anno MDCLXXVII . . . Bologna, per Verede del Benacci, n. d. 6 p. I., 69, [1] p. 13\ cm . Three acts. By Tommaso Stanzani, who dates his dedication Bologna, December 26, 1676. Printer's notice to the reader naming Petronio Franceschini as com- poser, argument and scenario. SCHATZ 3317 Arsinoe. Drama in musica recitata nel Theatre Grande d'ln- sprugg, avanti la Maesta della regina di Polonia . . . li 12. gennaro, Fanno MDCLXXXVI. [Insprugg], Giacomo Christoforo Wagner, n. d. 59 p. 13\ cm . Three acts. Argument and scenario. Neither author nor composer mentioned, but the text is clearly an altered version of Tommaso Stanzani's "Arsinoe" as com- posed for Bologna by Franceschini. For instance, Stanzani's first scene "0 regina ael ombre" is now second and is preceded by the scene "Or che mi chiama al trono" with the arias "Bella dea, che al sol nascente" and "Aurette cortesi." Whether these and the other alterations were by Francesco Santurini, who modified Stanzani's text for Venice, 1677, is unknown to me. ML 50.2.A779F7 Arsinoe. A. T. of Reiser's La grandezza d'animo. Arsinoe e Breno. Altered version of Pietro Guglielmi's Debora e Sisara. Arsinoe, queen of Cyprus. An opera, after the Italian manner: All sung. As it is perform'd at the Theatre Royal in Drury-Lane, by Her Majesty's servants. London, Jacob Tonson, 1705. 2 p. 1., 48 p. 22 cm . Three acts. Cast and preface, signed by Thomas Clayton, who says: "The design of this entertainment being to introduce the Italian manner of musick on the English stage, which has not been before attempted; I was oblig'd to have an Italian opera translated: In which the words, however mean in several places, suited much better with that manner of musick, than others more poetical would do. "The stile of this musick is to express the passions, which is the soul of musick: And though the voices are not equal to the Italian, yet I have engag'd the best that were to be found in England, and I have not been wanting, to the utmost of my diligence, in the instructing of them. "The musick being recitative, may not, at first, meet with that general accepta- tion, as is to be hop'd for from the audience's being better acquainted with it: But if this attempt shall, by pleasing the nobility and gentry, be a means of bringing this manner of musick to be us'd in my native country, I shall think all my study and pains very well employ 'd." According to Hawkins (IV, 136) "Clayton had brought with him a collection of Italian airs . . . these he mangled and sophisticated, and adapting them to the words of an English drama, entitled Arsinoe Queen of Cyprus, called it an opera, composed by himself." Burney, on the other hand (IV, 199), quotes Clayton's words from the preface of the printed book that he "was obliged to have an Italian opera translated" and Burney names that written by Tomaso Stanzani in 1676 and OPERA LIBRETTOS 161 Arsinoe, queen of Cyprus Continued. first performed at Bologna with Petronio Franceschini'a music. Mr. Husk in Grove's Dictionary sides with Hawkins and claims that Clayton used "an English piece, written by Peter Motteux, called "Arsinoe, Queen of Cyprus." The Diet, of National Biography goes still further and attributes to Motteux an opera libretto of the same title, printed in 1707 [!] As a matter of fact, a comparison between the English libretto, printed in 1705 anonymously, the preface signed by Clayton, and Stanzani's libretto (both in L. C.) proves that the English libretto is a free translation of the latter. Motteux' name is not mentioned. Consequently, if he was connected at all with "Arsinoe," it can have been only as translator, not as author. The title page of the score published by Walsh reads: "Songs in the new opera, call'd Arsinoe, Queen of Cyprus, compos'dby Mr. Tho. Clayton." Until Hawkins' supposition (shared by Buraey) is proved that Clayton simply utilized a collection of Italian airs which he brought with him from Italy, it will be fairer to consider Clayton the actual composer. First performed at London, Drury-Lane, Jan. 16, 1705. ML 50.2. A78 Arsinoe, queen of Cyprus. An opera, after the Italian manner. As it is perform'd at the Theatre Royal in Drury-Lane, by Her Majesty's servants. London, Jacob Tonson, 1707. 2 p. I, 40 p. 21% cm . Same cast, preface and text as in the 1705 edition. LONGK 106 Second copy. LONGB 177 Arsinoe vendicata. Drama per musica. Da rappresentarsi nel Teatro di S. Angelo il carnevale del 1712. Del dottor Grazio Brac- cioli . . . Venezia, Marino Rossetti, 1712. 56 p. 13$ cm . Three acts. Author's dedication dated Venice, February 1, 1712, argument, caat, scenario and name of Gio. Maria Rugieri (Bugger!) as the composer. SCHATZ 9134 Artabene re di Persia. L. T. of Vivaldi's La costanza trionfante degl' amori e degl' odii. Artamene. Dramma per musica di Bartolomeo Vitturi da rappre- sentarsi nel Teatro di S. Angelo il carnovale dell' anno 1740 . . . Venezia, Marino Rossetti, n. d. 60 p. Iffi* Three acts. Dedication, argument, scenario, cast and notice to the reader in which the author calls this "uno de miei drammi intieramente nuovo." The com- poser, Tommaso Albinoni, is not mentioned. First performed as indicated December 26, 1740. SCHATZ 87 Artanaga name none. Tragichissimissimo dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro Giustininan a San Moise. In occasione deila fiera delF Ascensione. L'anno MDCCXXXI. Venezia, Carlo Buonamgo n. d. 48 p. 14 cm - Three acts. Attributed by Schatz and Wiel to the composer, Giuseppe Maria Buini, who is not mentioned. Argument, scenario and notice to the reader. First performed at Bologna, Teatro Marsigli Rossi, carnival 1728, as "Malmosor." SCHATZ 1397 L'Artaserse. Tragedia drammatica j>er musica fedelmente, ed eroicamente tradotta e ridotta dall' antico stato allo stato presente da P. Quintiliano Settimio da Sarmacanda, dottore a due doppj. Pekin, I'anno che corre. 4$ P- 16 cm . Three acts. Argument and dedication, from which it appears that the initials of the author's real name are G. B. G. The piece is a carnevalesque parody. ML 50.2.A8 72251 VOL 114 11 162 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS L 1 Artaserse. 74 p. 19 cm . (Pietro Metastasio, Opere drammatiche, Venezia, Giu- seppe BettineUi, 1733-37, v. 1.) Three act*. Argument. No composer mentioned. ML 49.A2M4 Artaserse. Metastasio, Poesie, Parigi, vedova QuiUau, 1755, v. I, 110 p. 16 cm . Three acte. Argument. ML 49.A2M42 - Artaserse. Rappresentato con musica del Vinci la prima volta in Roma, il carnevale dell' anno 1730, nel Teatro detto delle Dame. pi., 112 p. 26 cm . (Pietro Metastasio, Opere, Parigi, vedova Heris- sant, 1780, t. 7.) Three acts. Argument. ML 49.A2M44 Artaserse. Apostolo Zeno, Poesie drammatiche, Venezia, 1744, ' x > P- [107]- 204 p. 19 cm . Three acte. Argument. Written in collaboration with Pietro Pariati. No com- poser is mentioned. At the end of vol. X in the "Catalogo" date and place of first ed. are given as Venice, 1705. ML 49.A2Z3 Artaserse. Publicato per la prima volta in Vienna 1705. Apostolo Zeno, Poesie drammatiche, Orleans, 178-5-86, t. ix, p. 94- 21. Three acts. Argument. No composer is mentioned. Written in collaboration with Pietro Pariati. ML 49.A2Z4 Artaserse. Drama per musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro di Livorno Fanno 1706 . . . Livorno, Jacopo Valfisi, 1706. 4 P- 1-, @4 P- 14\ cm - Three acts. Dedication, argument, scenario. Authors (Zeno and Pariati) and composer not mentioned, and latter unknown to Schatz. SCHATZ 11383 Artaserse. Dramma per musica dell' abate Pietro Metastasio da rappresentarsi nel Teatro di Cagliari festeggiandosi le reali nozze di Vittorio Amadeo duca di Savoia, e di Maria Antonia, infante di Spagna . . . Cagliari, Bonaria, 1750. 59 p. 15 cm . Three acts. Impresario's dedication, argument, scenario, cast. Composer not mentioned and unknown to Schatz. SCHATZ 11310 Artaserse. Dramma per musica del sig. ab. Pietro Metastasio . . . Da rappresentarsi in Pisa nel Teatro delPubblico la primavera dell' anno 1770 . . . Pisa, Pompeo Pollonj e comp., 1770. 56 p. 15 cm . Three acte. Impresario's dedication, argument, cast, scenario, and note, "La musica ^ di diversi eccellenti autori." ML 48. A5 v. 30 Artaserse. Drama per musica da rappresentarsi nel Regio Teatro di Torino nel carnovale del 1741 . . . Torino, Pietro Giuseppe Zappata efigliuolo, n. d. 74, [1] P- 14 cm - Three acts. By Metastasio, who is not mentioned. Argument, scenario, cast, and name of Giuseppe Arena as composer. Contemporary ms. note on t.-p.: "Opera eeconda dopo 1 appertura del nuovo teatro." SCHATZ 308 OPERA LIBRETTOS 163 Artaserse. Dramnia per musica da rappresentarsi nel Regio Teatro di Torino nel carnevale del MDCCLXI . . . Torino, Giacomo Giuseppe Avondo, n. d. viii, 72 p. 16 cm . Three acts. By Metastasio. Argument, cast, scenario, and name of Johann Chris- tian Bach as composer. The music of the ballets was composed by Giuseppe Antonio Le Messier. The ballets were invented by Vincenzo Saunier, and the first was called "La morte, ed il rinascimento del pastore Adone." First performed, as indicated, December 26, 1760. SCHATZ 532 Artaserse. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro Interinale di Milano il carnovale dell' anno 1777 . . . Milano, Gio. Batista BiancJii, n. d. 60 p. 14Y m ~ Three acts. Impresario's dedication, argument, cast, scenario, and name of Ferd. Gius. Bertoni as composer, but not of librettist, Metastasio. On a fly-leaf Megabise's added aria (I, 6), "Sogna'l guerrier le schiere." This is Bertoni's first setting of the text. First performed at Forli, Teatro della Citta, spring of 1775. SCHATZ 905 Artaserse ; a new serious opera ; as performed at the King's Theatre in the Hay-Market. The music entirely new, by Signer Ferdinando Bertoni. The translation by Mistress Rigaud. London, G. Bigg, 1779. 63 p. 19 cm . Three acts. Argument, cast, Italian and English text. Schatz lists this with Ber- toni's first setting of Metastasio's "Artaserse," but the librettos are so different from each other in the third act, where Metastasio has been tampered with very consider- ably, that the same music can hardly have been used throughout for both. Therefore, at least part of the opera must have been newly composed, or it was "entirely new," as the t.-p. states. In that case this would be the second setting of the text by Bertoni. First performed at London, as indicated, in 1779. SCHATZ 906 Artaserse. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi hi Geneva nel Teatro da S. Agostino il carnovale del 1788 . . . Genova, Stamperia Gesiniana, n. d. 55 p. 13\ cm . Three acts. Argument, cast, scenario, and name of composer, B ertoni. Practically the same text as that of the Milan 1777 ed., therefore, especially in the third act, very unlike the London 1779 ed. Schatz lists this 1788 Genoa ed. as Bertoni's second set- ting of the text. This can be correct only if it was not a revival of the setting of 1775 and if the music for London, 1779 was not "entirely new." Unless Schatz had evidence to the contrary, just as likely as not Bertoni composed the text only once, but made additions and changes to suit the circumstances. SCHATZ 907 Artaserse. Drama per musica da rappresentarsi nel nobilissimo Teatro di S. Benedetto il carnovale dell' anno MDCCLXXVI. Venezia, Modesto Fenzo, 1776. Ip.l, 80 p. 17% cm - Three acts. By Metastasio. Argument, cast, scenario, and name of the composer, Giovanni Battista Borghi, but not of the librettist. On p. 25-38, cast, argument, and detailed description of "Adele di Ponthieu, ballo tragico in cinque atti di Mons. Noverre dato in Venezia dal signer Franchi," p. 55-68 of "La prima eta dell' inno- cenza o sia La Rosaja di Salency, ballo pantomime." The composers of these ballets are not mentioned . First performed December 26, 1775, as indicated. SCHATZ 1227 Artaserse. Dramma per musica del Sig. abate Pietro Metastasio d-a rappresentarsi in Verona nel Teatro dell' illustrissima Accademia Filarmonica nel carnovale dell' anno 1770. Verona, Dionisio Ramanzini, n. d. 58 p. 17 cm . Three acts. Impresario's dedication, argument, cast, scenario, and name of the composer, Antonio Boroni. "II Ratto della sposa," by Giuseppe Anelli, was one of the ballets performed with the opera. The composer of the ballet is not men- tioned. First performed at Prague, Kgl. Theater i. d. Kotzen, 1767. SCHATZ 1250 164 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Artaserse. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro Obizzi in Padova nella primavera dell' anno 1738 ... Padova, Giovambatista Conzatti, 1738. 4 p. I, 64 p. 17 cm . Three acts. By Metastasio. Dedication dated Padova, May 20, 1738, argument, scenario, and name of the composer, Giuseppe Ferdinando Brivio. SCHATZ 1325 L'Artaserse. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi in Firenze nella primavera del 1780 nel nuovo Regio Teatro degl' Intrepidi detto della Palla a corda . n. pi., Ant. Giuseppe Pagani, n. d. 44 P- Three acts. By Metastasio. Argument, cast, and name of the composer, Luigi Caruso ("la musica e tutta nuova ). On p. 6-10 cast and detailed description of Antonio Pitrot's four-act "Enea e Lavinia, ballo eroico-pantomimo," music by Francesco Piombanti. SCHATZ 1656 Artaserse. Dramma per musica da cantarsi in Verona nel Teatro dell' Accademia Filarmonica nel carnovale 1741 . . . Verona, Dionigi Ramanzini, n. d. 54 p- Three acts. By Metastasio. Dedication, argument, scenario, cast, and name of the composer, Pietro Chiarini. SCHATZ 1854 Artaserse. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel Regio Teatro di Torino nel carnovale del 1785 . . . Torino, Onorato Derossi, n. d. 64 p. 18% cm . Three acts. By Metastasio. Argument, cast, scenario, and name of the com- poser, Domenico Nicola Cimarosa. On p. 56-64 argument, cast, and description of raolino Franchi's "La Tusnelda o sia La disfatta di Vario, ballo eroico in cinque atti." His other two ballets were called "Gli Sposi delusi dalle astuzie di Crespino" and "Gioconda." The music was composed by Vittorio Amedeo Canavasso. First performed at Turin, as indicated, December 26, 1784. SCHATZ 1905 tserse. Dramma per musica, da rappresentarsi nel Nuovo pri- to Imperial Teatro in Vienna nel carnevale 1'anno MDCCXLIX. L'Artaserse. vilegiat( [ Vienna], Giov. Pietro v. Ghelen, n. d. 60 p. 16 cm . Three acts. By Metastasio, who is not mentioned. Argument, cast, scenario, and name of Baldassare Galuppi as composer. SCHATZ 3444 Artaserse. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro Ducale di Stutgart nel carnovale dell' anno 1751 ... La poesia e del Sig- nore aobate Pietro Metastasio ... La musica e del Signore Graun Stutgart, Giovanne Georgio Cotta, n. d. 83 p. 19. Three acts. Argument and scenario. German title-page "Artaxerxes" and text face Italian. First performed, as indicated, in January, 1751, previously at Stuttgart, Lust- haussaal, August 30, 1750; at Berlin, Kgl. Operntheater, December 2, 1743. SCHATZ 4090 Artaserse. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi in Bologna nel Teatro Zagnoni il carnevale dell' anno 1789 . . . Bologna, Sassi, n. d. 56 p. 17 cm . Two acts! By Metastasio, who is not mentioned. Impresario's dedication, argu- ment, cast, scenario, and name of Pietro Guglielmi as the composer. First performed at Rome, Teatro di Torre Argentina, January 29, 1777. SCHATZ 4298 OPERA LIBRETTOS 165 Artaserse. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel famosissimo Teatro Grimani di S. Gio. Grisostomo nell' carnevale dell' anno MDCCXXX . . . Venezia, Carlo Buonarigo, n. d, 1 p.l., 69, [1] p, 15 cm . Three acts. Dedication in which this is called the "ultimo carnesalescho diver- timento" of the season, argument, scenario, cast, names of Metastasio as the author and of Job. Adolph Hasse as the composer, and note: "Si awerte, che siccome per accpmmodarsi alle circostanze del teatro fii di bisogno, abbreviare tu.tto quello, che con virgole segnato si vede cosi d'aliena penna & tutto cio ch'e con stellette contrasegnato." To the omitted parts "con virgole" belong about one-half of the first scene begin- ning with "Cresceste insieme di fama e di virtu," "Tutto si versi," etc. (I, 3), "Inu- tile accortezza," etc. (I, 9), "Mio ben, mia vita," etc. (I, 14), "Le tue richieste. Ah voglia," etc. (II, 1). "Basta mostrarti," etc. (II, 2), "Perche tarda e mai la morte," (opening of III, 1), and other parts of scenes to the end. To the starred parts, as of "d'aliena penna" belong the arias "Lascia cadermi in volto" (II, 2), "Per questo dolce amplesso (II, 11), the entire scene II, 15, "Eccomi al fine in liberta," and the whole scene III, 2 "Ch'io parta? E in faccia al mondo, " also the aria "Pensa, che 1'amor mio" (III, 1). SCHATZ 4576 Artaserse, dramma per musica rappresentato alia Regia elettorale corte di Dresda, nell' anno MDCCXL. n. i., n. d. (double) 95 p. 15\ cm . Three acts. Argument, scenario, caet, and names of Metastasio as author, of Johann Adolph Hasse as the composer. German title page "Artaxerxes . . . Dres- den . . . bey der verwitt. . . . Stoesselin" and text face Italian, which follows the Venetian ed. of 1730 closely, including the there starred parts, but excluding all those con virgole, dropping the aria "Non conosco in tal momento" (II, 14) and adding "Deh respirar lasciatemi" (I, 11 at end) which is by Metastasio and in fact forms part of Artaserse" as published in the 1733 edition of his works. Schatz and Mennicke call the 1740 Dresden "Artaserse" Basse's second version. First performed, as indicated, Dresden, September 9, 1740. SCHATZ 4513 Artaserse. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi in Ferrara nel Teatro Bonacossi da S. Stefano il carnovale dell' anno 1765 . . . Ferrara, Bernardino Pomatelli, n. d. 63 p. 15 cm . Three acts. Dedication, argument, cast, scenario, and name of Johann Adolph Hasse as the composer. The text differs both from Dresden, 1740, and from Venice, 1730. For instance, these two editions do not have at end of I, 3, the aria "Su le sponde del torbido Lete" and their scene I, 7, "Voi della Persia, voi" with the aria Bramar di perdere" has been dropped. However, since this "Artarserse" (Basse's third version, according to Schatz, in which view Mennicke concurs with a reser- vation) was first performed at Naples, Teatro di San Carlo, January 20, 1760 (accord- ing to Schatz. At Warsaw, August 3, 1760, according to Mennicke), it is impossible to tell from the Ferrara, 1765 ed. just what the Naples 1760 ed. contained. SCHATZ 4590 .Artaserse. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro Ducale di Stugart festeggiandosi il felicissimo giorno natalizio di Sua Altezza Serenissima Elisabetta Sofia Federica duchessa regnante di Wirtem- berg e Tech ... La poesia e del Signore abbate Pietro Metastasio ... La musica d del celebre Signore Nicolo Jommelli . . . Stutgart, Cotta, 1756. 143 p. 18. Three acts. Argument, cast, and scenario. German title page "Artaxerxes" and text face Italian. First performed, as indicated, August 30, 1756; at Rome, Teatro di Torre Argen- tina, February 4, 1749. SCHATZ 4843 166 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Artaserse. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro Gri- mani cli San Benedetto il carnovale dell' anno 1762. Venezia, Paolo Colombani, 17.62. 59 p. 15 cm . Three acts. By Metastasio. who is not mentioned. Argument, cast, scenario, and name of Giovanni Francesco de Majo as composer. First performed, as indicated, January 30, 1762. SCHATZ 5861 Artaserse. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel nobilissimo Teatro di S. Benedetto nel carnovale dell anno MDCCLXXII. Venezia, Modesto Fenzo, n. d. J$ p. 17 cm . Three acts. By Metasatsio, who is not mentioned. Argument, cast, scenario, and name of Vincenzo Manfredini as composer. First performed in January, 1772, as indicated. SCHATZ 589^ Artaserse. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel nobilissimo Teatro della Fenice 1'autunno 'dell' anno 1795. Venezia, Stamperia Valvasense, n. d. 72 p. 18 cm . Three acts. By Metastasio, who is not mentioned. Cast and name of Giuseppe Nicolini as the composer. On p. [23]-36 preface, cast, argument, and description of Lauchlin Duquesny s "Ah tor ed Erma, ballo eroico in cinque atti," music ("tutta nuova ed espressamente scritta") by Vittorio Trento. First performed, as indicated, November 17, 1795. SCHATZ 7140 Artaserse. Drama per musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro di S. Bartolomeo nell' esta dell' anno 1708 . . . Napoli, MicheleLuigi Mutio, 1708. 5 p. I., 50 p. 14 cm . Three acts. Impresario's dedication dated Naples, June 7, 1708, notice to the reader, argument, cast, scenario, and note: "La musica e del Sig. Gioseppe Maria Orlandini. Le scene buffe, e tuttle le arie con il presente signo * sono del Sig. Francesco Mancini . . . come anche molte altre accomodazioni. The starred arias or parts of arias are: "Yinse Marte pugnando col brando" (I, 2), "Basti a lei, che per suo vanto" (I, 6), "Grida vendetta Amor" (I, 17), "Un'alma fedele ti chiama al rigore" (II, 4), "Scherza 1'ape su del fiore" (II, 10), "La smarrita Tortorella" (II, 11), "II Dio d'amore" (II, 12), "Sento nel petto mio" (II, 15), "Combattono a vicenda" (II, 20), "Spesso in un core" (III, 9), "La signorina mia" (III, 16), "S6 che non h6 fortuna" (III, 18). Schatz attributes the text to Zeno and Pariati, with alterations and additions by Andrea del P6, but the notice to the reader says: "L'Artaserse di Giulio Agosti Reggiano, dopo esser comparso sopra molt 3 scene d'ltalia, viene avanti i lumi dell' erudita Partenope in qualche parte diverso dalla sua prima impressione, essendo stato di bisogno toglierne il meno necessario per adattarsi alia stagione, nella quale si rappresenta, ed aggiungervi il ridicolo per conformarsi all' uso della citta, nella quale & recitato . . . " Le scene buffe, e alcune arie col segno sono dell' A. P. . . ." The arias or parte of arias with the sign are: "Che del cor. son dolce amore" (II, 5), "Fugge, e vola ad altro fior" (II, 10), "Sarai contento" (II, 13), "Tutta rigore" (II, 15), "Un avanzo di pieta" (II. 19), "Sdegno, pietade, e amor" (II, 20). Comparison with Wotquenne's "Zeno, Metas- tasio and Goldoni" list proves that many of the arias actually belong to Zeno and Pariati's "Artaserse," but just as many do not, not to mention those with the sign . It would seem, therefore, that this opera was a pasticcio both in text and music. SCHATZ 7328 Artaserse. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel famoso Teatro di S. Salvatore la fiera dell' Ascensione dell' anno 1742 . . . Venezia, Marino Rossetti, n. d. J+6 p. 14% cm - Three acts. Metastasio is mentioned as the author and (by a contemporary hand) Giuseppe Antonio Paganelli as the composer. Impresario's dedication, dated Venice, May 1, 1742, argument, cast, and scenario. First performed, as indicated, May 2, 1742; at Brunswick, in February, 1737. SCHATZ 7572 OPERA LIBRETTOS 167 Artaserse. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi (nel famosissimo Teatro Grimani di S. Gio. Grisostomo) nel carnevale dell' anno 1750. Venezia, In Merceria, n. d. 60 p. 15 cm . The words in parenthesis are printed on a mounted slip. Originally the title page contained the name of the same theater. This was then crossed out and substituted in ms. by Teatro di S. Benedetto before Teatro Grimani was printed again as above. Three acts. By Metastasio, who is not mentioned. Argument, cast, scenario, and name of Antonio Gaetano Pampani as the composer. SCHATZ 7754 Artaserse. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro Nobile di S. Benedeto il carnovale dell' anno MDCCLXVI. Venezia, Giorgio Fossati, n. d. 63 p. 17% cm . Three acts. By Metastasio, who is not mentioned. Argument, cast, scenario, and name of Giuseppe Ponzo as the composer. SCHATZ 8355 Artaserse. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi in Perugia nel Nuovo Teatro Civico del Verzaro 1'autunno dell' anno MDCCLXXXI Perugia, Mario Riginaldi, n. d. 64 p. 18 cm . Three acts. By Metastasio, who is not mentioned. Argument, cast and name of Giacomo Rust as composer. ("La musica e nuova.") ML 50.2.A8R8 Artaserse. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel.Regio Teatro di via della Pergola nel carnevale del MDCCLXXXIII . . . Firenze, Giovanni Risaliti, 1783. 48 p. 17 cm . Three acts. By Metastasio, who is not mentioned. Argument, cast, and name of Giacomo Rust as the composer. On p. 19-23 description of Antonio Muzzarelli's ballet "La guerra del MDCLXXXIII fra i Turchi e gli Austriaci," on p. 39^1 of his ballet "Assedio e liberazione di Vienna," the composers of the music not being mentioned. SCHATZ 9165 Artaserse. Drama per musica da rappresentarsi nel nobil Teatro a Torre Argentina il carnevale dell' anno 1768 . . . Roma, Ottavio Puccinelli, n. d. 60 p. 15 cm . Three acts. Impresario's dedication ("comparisce di nuovo su le nostre scene 1' Artaserse"), argument, scenario, cast and names of Metastasio as author, of Sacchini as composer. In a note, Metastasio's text is called "in qualche parte . . . alterata" because of the "dura necessita di averlo dovuto accomodare al teatro presente." But it is not clear why it was necessary, for instance, to contract Metastasio's scenes I, 5, and I, 6, into one dropping both arias "Per pieta, bell' idol mio" and "Sogna il guerrier." First performed in January, 1768, as indicated. ML 50.2.A8S2 Artaserse, drama da rappresentarsi in musica. Copenhagen, Ernesto Enrico Berling, n. d. 95 p. 19% cm . Three acts. By Metastasio, who is not mentioned. Cast, scenario, argument, and name of Paolo Scalabrini as the composer "a risserva di alcune arie, di diversi aut- tori." Italian and German texts. First performed at Copenhagen, Theater paa Kongens Nytorv, November 28, 1752; at Hamburg, Theater beim Gansemarkt, November 13, 1743. SCHATZ 9515 Artaserse. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro di Ratisbona . . . [Ratisbona], Nella Stamperia Breitfeldiana, n. d. 2 p. 1., 143 p. 16 cm . Three acts. By Metaatasio, with acknowledged alterations. Argument, names of the author and of the composer, Theodor, freiherr von Schacht, and his dedication (preceding the title page), in which he says: "Encourag6 par I'acceuil gracieux qu'elle [Altesse Serenissime, the prince of Thurn und Taxis] a daign6 faire aux dinerentes pieces de musique que j ai ajoute 168 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Artaserse Continued . aux operettas qu'on a represent^ ici pendant quatre annees et persuad^ du grand effet que font eur Votre Altesse Serenissime les comedies et tragedies allemandes qu'on represente ici avec toutes les regies du costume, ainsi qu'avec toute 1'exacti- tude, j'ai os6 faire cet essai par cette magnifique tragedie du celebre Metastase." German title "Artaxerxes" and text face Italian. First performed at Ratisbon, carnival, 1785. SCHATZ 9562 Artaserse. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro Ven- dramin di S. Salvatore nella fiera dell' Ascensione dell' anno 1758. Venezia, Modesto Fenzo, 1758. 87 p. 15 cm . Three acts. By Metastasio, who is not mentioned. Argument, scenario, cast, and name of Giuseppe Scolari as the composer. SCHATZ 9787 Artaserse. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel famosissimo Teatro Grimani di S Gio. Grisostomo nel carnevale 1744 . . . [Venezia], n. pull., n. d. 1 p. 1., 59 p. 15 cm . Three acts. By Metastasio, who is not mentioned. Argu:: ;, cast, scenario, and name of Domingo Terradellas as the composer. SCHATZ 10283 Artaserse. Drama per musica di Pietro Metastasio Romano fra gli Arcadi Artino Corasio. Da rappresentarsi nel Teatro detto delle Dame nel Carnevale dell' anno 1730 . . . Roma, Zempel e de Mey, n. d. 79 p. 15 cm . Three acts. Impresario's dedication, scenario, argument, cast, and name of Leonardo Vinci as composer. This fact obviously was unknown to Mr. Edward J. Dent when he wrote his "Notes on Leonardo Vinci (Musical Antiquary, July 1913, p. 199). Otherwise this dis- tinguished English scholar hardly would have written: "From the Diario ordinario di Roma quoted by F. Piovano [Sammelbande d. I. M. G. 1906/7, v. 8, p. 76] it would seem that Artaserse was not produced with Vinci's music until after the composer's death. An Artaserse was produced at the Teatro delle Dame (Teatro d'Alibert) in February, 1730, but it was possibly by another composer. Vinci died suddenly on Sunday, May 28, 1730. His Artaserse was de- scribed as new in June, 1731, when produced at the same theatre." As a matter of fact, the Diario, as quoted by Piovano, says under date of June 16, 1731: "1'altro dramma che deve andare in scena nel medesimo teatro [delle Dame] intitolato Artaserse, composto dal Signer abbate Pietro Metastasio, e posto in musica dal fu [!] Signer Maestro di Cappella Leonardo Vinci." and under June 23, 1731, the Diario says, referring to this revival on June 19, 1731: "gia recitato nel medesimo teatro Vanno 1730." These words make it absolutely clear that the Diario referred to Vinci's "Artaserse" as second opera of the season, when on February 11, 1730, it wrote, without mentioning the composer: "Sabbato sera [=February 4, 1730], nel Teatro detto delle Dame, ando in scena il secondo dramma intitolato Artaserse." These quotations, together with the fact that Vinci's name appears in the 1730 libretto, leave no doubt, I think, that Vinci's "Artaserse" was actually performed for the first time at Rome, Teatro delle Dame, February 4, 1730. SCHATZ 10743 - Artaserse, dramma per musica, rappresentato nel Nuovo Real Teatro privilegiato. L'anno MDCCXL VI. In Dresda. n. i., n. d. 95, 95 p. 16 cn . Three acts. Argument, scenario, cast, and names of Metastasio as author, of Leonardo Vinci as composer. German title "Artaxerxes" and text face Italian, which is practically the same as in the Rome, 1730 ed., though, for instance, "Per pieta, bell' idol mio" has been dropped from I, 5. SCHATZ 10744 OPERA LIBRETTOS 169 Artaserse. Drama per musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro di Sant' Angelo 1'anno MDCCV . . . Venezia, Marino Rossetti, 1705. 72 p. 15% cm - Three acts. By Apostolo Zeno and Pietro Pariati, who are not mentioned. Dedi- cation dated Venice, January 8, 1705, argument, cast, scenario, name of Antonio Giannettini (Zannettini) as composer, and notice to the reader informing him that this is an operatic version of Giulio Agosti's L' Artaserse, 1700, which accounts for the liberties taken with his drama. SCHATZ 11141 Artaserse. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro alia Scala il carnevale dell' anno 1794 . . . Milano, Gio. Batista Bianchi, n. d. 68 p. 16 cm . Three acts. By Metastasio, who is not mentioned. Impresario's dedication dated Milan, December 26, 1793, argument, cast, scenario, and name of Nicola Antonio Zingarelli as composer. The descriptions of the ballets "Elfrida, ballo eroico pan- tomimo" and "II feudatorio pentito, ballo comico pantomimo" announced to be "in fine" are not there. The ballets were by Gaetano Gioja, the composers of the music not being mentioned. First performed at Trieste, Teatro di S. Pietro, March 19, 1789. SCHATZ 11240 Artaserse Longimano. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro di S. Angelo. Nel carnovale dell' anno 1737 . . . Venezia, Marino Rossetti, 1737. 68 p. 15 cm . Three acts. Impresario's dedication, notice to the reader with apologies to Metas- tasio for the liberties taken with his "Temistocle." Argument, scenario, cast, and name of Antonio Gaetano Pampino (Pampani?) as the composer. SCHATZ 7753 Artaserse re di Persia. L. T. of Lotti's II tradimento traditore di se stesso. L'Artaxerse ovvero L'Ormonda costante. Drama per musica nel famoso Teatro Grimano 1'anno MDCLXIX. Di Aurelio Aureli. Opera decirnaquinta . . . Venetia, Francesco Nicolini, 1669. front., 65, [1] p. llf. Three acts. Author's dedication dated Venice, December 28, 1668, argument, scenario. The composer, Carlo Grossi, is not mentioned. On the additional page is a list of "Drammi per musica composti da Aurelio Aureli," and opposite, on a blank page, Schatz has written the years of first performance and composers, as follows: L'Erginda. 1652. Gaspare Sartorio. L'Erismena. 1655. Francesco Cavalli. La Rodope e Damira. 1657. P. A. Ziani. II Medoro. 1658. Francesco Luzzo. La costanza di Rosmonda. 1659. G. B. Rovettini. La virtu guerriera rappresentata in Vienna. 1659. Without music. L'Antigona delusa da Alceste. 1660. P. A. Ziani. II Pirro. 1661. Antonio Sartorio. Gli scherzi di Fortuna. 1662. P. A. Ziani. Le fatiche d'Ercole per Deianira. 1662. P. A. Ziani. Gl'amori d'Apollo e Leucotoe. 1663. G. B. Rovettini. La Rosilena, 1664. G. B. Rovettini. II Perseo. 1665. A. Mattioli. L'Eliogabalo. 1668. T. Orgiani. L'Artaeerse. 1668. Carlo Grossi. In the dedication to the brothers Grimani, Aureli, referring to his "Eliogabalo," performed during the previous carnival at their theatre, says it was his intention to rest this year, but at the instance of the Grimani brothers he changed his mind, and wrote "L'Artaxerse," "anco tra la perdita funesta del padre, e d un unico figlio." He then continues: "So, che questa inusitata stravaganza di due titoli, destera stupore non meno, che curiosita ne' lettori di saperne la causa: Ma basta a me che VV. SS. Illustrissime la sappino. Spero, che non si sdegneranno di recevere quello, ch'Elle medesime si sono contentate di scegliere." SCHATZ 4216 170 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Artaxerxes. An English opera. As it is performed at the Theatre- Royal in Co vent-Garden. The music k composed by Tho. Aug. Arne, Mus. Doc. London, J. and R. Tonson, 1763. 47, [1] p. 20. Three acts. Cast, argument, and same preface as in next entry. First performed at Covent Garden, February 2, 1762. ML 50.2.A81A7 - Artaxerxes. An English opera. As it is performed at the Theatres Royal in Drury Lane, and Covent Garden. The musick composed by Tho. Aug. Arne, Mus. Doc. A new edition. London, T. Lowndes and J. Condell, n. d. tf p. 20\ cm . Three acts. Casts, argument, and preface, in which Arne (not mentioned) submits his translation of Metastasio's "Artaserse " as "this first attempt of the kind." "As the narrative part of this drama may seem too barren of forcible epithets, which in reading or speaking dignify the style, he quotes Dryden's and Lord Lansdown's sentiments on tne subject of opera librettos. He further quotes Metaatasio's own recipe for the poetry of an opera, and finally comments on the necessity of sometimes departing from the author, on account of the different idioms of our language; and of leaving out many beauties in the narrative part of the drama, for the sake of brevity." LONGE 308 Artaxerxes, an English opera. As it is performed at the Theatre Royal, Covent-Garden. Corrected from the prompt-book, by James Wild, prompter. London, Scatcherd and WUtaker, 1792. 31, [1] p. 18 cm . Last (unnumb.) page contains announcement of "The Miser." Three acts. Cast. Arne is not mentioned. LONGE 218 Artaxerxes. Ein musicalisches schau-spiel, welches aus hoechstem befehl . . . auf den churfuerstlichen neuen Theater in der carne- valszeit anno 1763 ist aufgefuehret worden. Die poesie ist von . . . Peter Metastasio . . . Die music ist von . . . Andreas von Bernasconi . . . Muenchen, Frantz Joseph Thuille, n. d. 15 p. p. (double), 70 p., [8] p. 15 cm . German translation faces Italian of Metastasio's "Artaserse." Cast, argument, and scenario. SCHATZ 863 Artaxerxes. Tr. of Grann's Artaserse. Artaxerxes. Tr. of Hasse's Artaserse (second setting). Artaxerxes. Tr. of Jommelli's Artaserse. Artaxerxes. Ein musicalisches schau-spiel, aufgefuehret auf der hiesigen Hof-Schaubuehne naechst der Kaiserl. Burg, zur f assnachts- zeit, im jahr 1763. In das teutsche gebracht von J. A. E. v. G. Wien, mit von Ghelischen schriften, n. d. Unpaged. 16 cm . Three acts. Joh. Anton edler van Ghelen's transl. of Metastasio's "Artaserse." Argument, cast, and name of Giuseppe Scarlatti as the composer. On the last 2 p.: " Beschreibung der taenze," by Gaspero Angiolini; music by Joseph Starzer. First performed at Lucca September, 1747. SCHATZ 9541 Artaxerxes. Tr. of Vinci's Artaserse. L'arte in garra con 1'arte. Drama per musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro Tron di S. Cassiano. L'anno 1702. Poesia di Francesco Silvani, servitore di S. A. Sereniss. di Mantoua. Venezia, Marino Rossetti, n. d. 81 p. 14b cm > Three acts. Argument, scenario, notice to the reader. The composer, Tommaso Albinoni, is not mentioned. SCHATZ 88 OPERA LIBRETTOS 171 Artemisia. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel nobilissimo Teatro di S. Benedetto PAscensione dell' anno 1782. Venezia, Modesto Fenzo, 1782. 50 p. 17 cm . Three acts. By "Sig. conte N. N." Argument, cast, scenario, and name of the composer, Giuseppe Calegari. On p. 23-27 the argument of the ballets "II Suffi e lo scniavo" and II diavolo a quatro, ossia La doppia metamorfosi " byGaspero Angio- lini, who also composed the music. SCHATZ 1510 Artemisia. Drama per musica nel Teatro a SS. Gio. e Paolo per Fanno MDCLVI . . . Venetia, Andrea Giuliani, 1656. 6 p. L (incl. front.), 72 p. 14% cm . Three acts, with prologue. Dedication, signed with Niccol6 Minato's initials as author and dated January 10, 1656, argument, and scenario. The composer, Pietro Francesco Cavalli, is not mentioned. The "Ariette aggionte" (8 p.) of the Brussels copy not in ours. SCHATZ 1730 Artemisia. Dramma per musica, da rappresentarsi nel Teatro della Regia elettoral corte di Dresda, nel carnevale dell' anno MDCCLV. La poesia e del Sigr Giannambrogio Migliavacca ... La musica del Sigr Gio. Adolf o Hasse . . . Dresda, la vedova Stossel, e . . . Giov. Carlo Krame, n. d. 7 p. L, (double} 80 p. 20 cm . Three acts. Argument, cast, scenario. German title page "Artemisia" and text face Italian. First performed, as indicated, February 6, 1754. SCHATZ 4514 Artemisia, [vignette] In einem musicalischen schau-spiele auf dem grossen Hamburgischen Theatre vorgestellet im jahr 1715. Hamburg, Friderich Conrad Grejlinger, n. d. Unpaged. 19 cm . Three acts. Scenario and Vorbericht (argument) at end of which this is called the sixty-fourth opera by Reinhard Keiser. Author unknown to Schatz. SCHATZ 5077 Artemisia regina di Caria. Dramma serio per musica dell' aw. D. Marcello Marchesini da rappresentarsi nel. Real Teatro di S. Carlo in occasione delle faustissime nozze . . . di Francesco Borbone . . . e di Maria Clementina . . . Napoli, Stamperia Flautina, 1797. 64 p. 15\ cm . Two acts. Dedication dated June, 1797, argument, scenario, cast, and name of the composer, Domenico Nicola Ciniarosa. On p. 56-64 argument, description, and cast of Gaspare Ronzi's "Le nozze di Peleo e Teti, ballo pantomimo" in five acts. As second ballet was performed his "Giannina, e Bernadone ossia II geloso sincerato, ballo buffo in tre atti. The composers of the music are not mentioned. This first setting of the text by Cimarosa, as Schatz calls it, was first performed on June 25, 1797, as indicated. SCHATZ 1990 Artemisia regina di Caria. Dramma per musica da cahtarsi nel Real Palazzo dell' Ajuda per celebrare il felicissimo giorno natalizio di Sua Maesta fedelissima 1'augusta Donna Maria I. regina di Porto- gallo . . . li 17. dec. 1787. n. pi., n. d., Nella stamperia reale. 31 p. 15 cm . One act. Gaetano Martinelli is mentioned as author, Antonio Leal Moreira, "maestro del Real Seminario di Lisbona," as the composer. Argument and cast. First performed at Lisbon, as indicated. SCHATZ 6629 172 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS L'Artenice. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel Real Teatro di S. Carlo nel di 13 agosto 1784 per festeggiarsi la nascita di S. M. la regina . . . Napoli, Vincenzo Flauto, 1784. 55 p. 15 cm . Three acte. Author not mentioned and unknown to Schatz. Dedication, argu- ment, cast, scenario, and name of Giacomo Tritto as the composer. On p. 9-18 cast and description of Domenico Lefevre's "Colombo nell' Indie, ballo tragico pantomime in cinque atti," music ("tutta nuova") by Antonio Rossetti, on p. 19-25 description of Gasparo Angiolini's ballet "Lauretta," composer of the music not mentioned. SCHATZ 10455 The artifice : a comic opera. In two acts. As it is performed at the Theatre Royal Drury Lane. Written by William Augustus Miles. London, T. CadeU, 1780. 4 p. I, 54 p. 21\. Cast, dedication to Sheridan, dated London, April 14, 1780, and prefatory adver- tisement in which Miles reproaches the dramatic writers for "having exhibited sea officers on the stage in caricature." He says that the theatres "are not in possession of one natural marine character" and trusts that his own sea characters "will be found similar to those that are met with in real life." The composer Michael Arne is not mentioned. First performed April 14, 1780. LONGE 239 Die artige schaefer. Ballet. See Piccinni's Das gute maedgchen. Die artigen zufaelle zwischen liebe und eifersucht. Tr. of Galuppi's Li vaghi accidenti fra amore e gelosia. Gli artigiani. Dramma giocoso per musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro alia Scala Fautunno dell' anno 1795 . . . Milano, Gio. Batista Bianchi, n. d. 72 p. 17 cm . Two acts. Attributed by Schatz to Carlo Goldoni, who is not mentioned. Dedi- cation by the impresario, dated Milan, August 12, 1795 ("il primo spettacolo del corrente autunno ), scenario, cast, and name of Pasquale Anfossi as composer. With the opera were performed the ballets, invented by Gaspare Ronzi, (composer of music not mentioned), entitled "II re pastore" and "La fanciulla mal custodita" and described with cast on p. 69-72. First performed at Venice, Teatro di S. Moise, carnival 1794. SCHATZ 227 L'artigiano gentiluomo. See also II bottegaro gentiluomo : Orlan- dini (?) L'artigiano gentiluomo. L. T. of Basse's Larinda e Vanesio. Arvire et Evelina, trage'die-lyrique en trois actes; repre"sent4e, pour la premiere fpis, sur le Theatre de 1'Academie-royale de musique, le mardi 29 avril 1788. Paris, P. de Lormel, 1788. viii, 62 p. 22 cm . Cast, names of Nicolas Francois GuiUard as author, of Sacchini as the composer, and " avertissement " which reads in part: "M. William Mason a traite' a Londres ce sujet. II a e"te" jou<5 en 1776, sur le Theatre de Covent Garden, sous le titre de Cai-actacus. [with music by Th. Aug. Arne]. Ceux qui liront I'ouvrage anglais, seront peut 6tre surpris des changements considerables que je me suis permis. La conduite de la pi6ce, le denouement, jusqu'aux noms sont ici diffe'rents . . . "Le poe'me ne faisant gueres que moitie" de la tache que nous avons a remplir, le prix que celui ci a obtenu au concours me rassure moins que les talens du celebre compositeur qui a cousacre" a cet ouvrage les derniers elans d'un g4nie fecond qui e"toit encore dans toute sa force, lorsq'une mort aussi funeste qu'impreVue 1'a enleve" aux plaisirs du public, & a porte le dsespoir dans 1'ame de ses amis." Sacchini did not live to finish the score. The last act was completed by J. B. Bey, who successfully selected pieces from Sacchini's works for the purpose. The score was published with the title "Evelina." SCHATZ 9207 OPERA LIBRETTOS 173 Arvire et Evelina Continued. Arvire og Evelina. Oper i tre akter. Oversat af fransk og underlagt Sacchinis musik, af Dr. Frankenau. Ki0lenhavn, J. F. Morihorstes enke, n. d. 56 p. 17 cm . First performed at Copenhagen, Kongl. Theater, January 30, 1799. SCHATZ 9208 Arvire og Evelina. Tr. of Sacchini's Arvire et Avelina. L'Ascanio, drama per musica da rappresentarsi nel carnovale del 1686 . . . Posto in musica dal S. D. Giuseppe Antonio Bernabei . . . con Farie per i balletti del S. Melchior Dardespin . . . Monaco, Giovanni Jecklino, n. d. 5 p. ?., 118 p. Three acts and three ballets. Argument, scenario, and dedication signed by Ventura Terzago. For this reason evidently Schatz attributes the libretto to him, but Terzago says "toccando a me la sorte di presentare alle S. S. A. A. V. V. E. E. 1'Ascanio del S r . Barone Filippo Renato Sbarra gran maestro di cucina di sua M' l'Imp ce Ved a . abbraccio quest 'onore con tanto maggior sodisfazione, quato considero quella che sono per ricavare le S. S. E. E. A. A. V. V. dalla lettura di questo bel poema, che valera a ristorar la noja reccata dal mio Servio Tullio, che a giorni a dietro paeseggio queste scene ..." SCHATZ 824 Ascanio. Drama per musica da recitarsi nel Regio Teatro di Milano . . . Milano, Marc' Antonio Pandolfo Malatesta, 1702. 71, [1] p. Three acts. Dedication by the author Pietro d'Averara, his preface to the reader with the names of [Carlo Francesco] Pollaroli as composer of the opera, and of Monte- clair as composer of the balli, argument, and scenario. First performed 1702, as indicated. SCHATZ 8274 Ascanio in Alba. Dramma per musica da cantarsi nella Real Villa di Queluz per celebrare il felicissimo giorno natalizio di S. M. Fedelissima 1'augusto D. Pietro III. Rd di Portogallo . . . li 5 luglio 1785. n. pi., n. d., Nella stamperia reale. 28 p. 14\ cm . Two acts. Argument and cast. Claudio Niccolo Stampa is mentioned as author of the text, altered by Gins. Parini. Antonio Leal Moreira as the composer. SCHATZ 6633 L' Asiatic generoso, ballet. See Galuppi's L/Ipermestra L'asilio d'amore. [449]-4$0 P' 19 cm > (Pietro Metastasio, Opere drammatiche, Vene- zia, Giuseppe Bettinelli, 1733-37, v. 2.) One act. No composer mentioned. On p. 451 note: "La seguente festa teatrale fu rappresentata in Lmtz il di 28. agosto dell' anno 1732 festeggiandosi il giorno nata- lizio dell' augustissima imperadrice, alia presenza della medema." Performed 1765 in a revised version as " II trionfo d'amore." ML 49.A2M40 L'asilio d'amore. Metastasio, Poesie, Parigi, vedova QuiUau, 1755, t. v, \27]-463 p. 16 cm . One act. ML 49.A2M42 174 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS L'asilio d'amore Continued. L'asilio d'amore. Festa teatrale scritta dall' autore in Vienna 1'anno 1732, ed eseguita alia presenza de' regnanti, con sontuosa magnificenza, la prima volta con musica del Caldara nella gran Piazza di Lintz, capitale dell' Austria Superiore; dove trovandosi allora con tutta la Cesarea Corte 1'imperator Carlo VI per ricever 1'omaggio di quella provincia, si festeggi6 il 28 d'agosto, giorno di nascita dell' imperatrice Elisabetta . . . [336]-368 p. 26 cm . (Pietro Metastasio, Opere, t. Hi, Parigi, vedova Herissant, 1780.) One act. ML 49.A2M44 L'Asmiro re di Corinto. Dramma musicale da rappresentarsi nel famosissimo Teatro di S. S. Gio. e Paolo 1'anno MDCXCVI . . . Composto in musica dal Sig. D. Pietro Romolo abbate Pignatta. Venetia, Nicolini, 1696. 4, 8-59 p. 14 cm . . Three acts. Composer's dedication signed, Venice, February 15, 1696, his notice to the reader, in which he appears as the author of the text, too, and scenario. SCHATZ 81G8 Asmodeus der krumme teufel. Ein opera comique von zwey aufzuegen. Wien, Johann Thomas edl. von Trattnern, 1770. 44 P- 16\ cm . Two acts. Neither the author, Johann Joseph Felix von Kurz (calhd Bernardon), nor the composer, Franz Joseph Haydn, is mentioned. First performed at Vienna, Theater naechst dem Karnthnerthore, November 24, 1770; previously there, ae "Der neue Krumme teufel," in 1752. SCHATZ 4609 Aspard. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel nobilissimo Teatro delle Dame il carnevale dell' anno 1784 . . . Roma, Gioacchirio Puccinelli, n. d. J+5 p. Three acts. Publisher's dedication dated "Dalla stamperia 31. [!] del 1784", argument, scenario, names of Gaetano Sertor as author, of Francesco Bianchi as composer. With the opera were performed two ballets, "Alonzo e Cora," musica tutta nuova," by Antonio Capuzzi and "L'assedio di Belgrade. Fatto da Mao- metto II, soccorso e liberate da Giovanni Unniade governatore dell' TJngheria," music by Antonio Bisoni, "detto il Rossetto." ML 50.2.A82B3 Aspasia. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel nobilissimo Teatro Venier in San Benedetto il carnovale dell' anno 1790. Venezia, Modesto Fenzo, 1790. 59 p. 17 cm . Three acts. Gaetano Sertor, the author not mentioned. Argument, cast, scenario, and name of Giuseppe Giordan! as the composer. On p. 47-59, cast and description of "Giulio Villenvelt, osia L'aeeassino di Scozia, ballo pantomimo d'invenzione . . . del signer Giuseppe Trafieri." The composer of the music is not mentioned. SCHATZ 3833 L'assedio di Belgrade, ballet. See Bianchi's Aspard. L'assassino di Scozia, ballet. See Giulio Villenvelt. Assedio e liberazione di Vienna, ballet. See Rust's Artaserse. L'assemblee. Entree in Bourgeois' Les plaisirs de la paix. L'assemblee des dieux pour le mariage d'Alcide & d'Hebe, ballet. See Bernasconi's Demofoonte. OPEEA LIBRETTOS 175 Astarbea, ballet. See Zingarelli's Giulietta e Romeo. Astarbea ossia Pimmalione vendicato, ballet. See Anfossi's I matri- moni per fanatisimo. Astarto. Apostolo Zeno, Poesie drammatiche, Venezia, 1744, t> x, p. 106. 19 cm . Three acts. Argument. Written in collaboration with Pietro Pariati. No com- poser is mentioned. In the "Catalogo" at end of vol. x, date and place of first ed. are given as Venice, 1708. ML 49.A2Z3 Astarto. Pubblicato per la prima volt a in Venezia, 1708. Apostolo Zeno, Poesie drammatiche, Orleans, 1785-86, t. x, p. 97-198. 21 cm Three acts. Argument. No composer is mentioned. Written in collaboration with Pietro Pariati. ML 49.A2Z4 Astarto. Drama per music a da rappresentarsi nel Teatro Tron di S. Cassano 1'autunno dell' anno MDCCVIII . . . Venezia, Marino Rossetti, 1708. 6 p. L, 60 p. 15 cm . Three acts. By Zeno and Pariati, who are not mentioned. Dedication, argument, cast, scenario, and name of Tommaso Albinoni as composer. Bound with this is the libretto of his intermezzi, "Pimpinone" (see under title), performed with the opera. SCHATZ 110 L' Astarto. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro arciducale di Mantova nel carnovale dell' anno 1714 . . . Mantova, Alberto Pazzoni, n. d. 58 p. 16 cm . Three acts. By Zeno and Pariati, who are not mentioned. Dedication dated Mantova, February 8, 1714, argument, cast, scenario, name of Tommaso Albinoni as composer. ML 50.2.A83A4. L' Astarto. Drama per musica, da rappresentarsi nel Teatro d'Ham- burgo, I'anno MDCCXXL Astartus in einer opera, vorgestellet auf dem hamburgischen Theatre im jahr 1721. [Hamburg], Caspar Jdkhel, n. d. Unpaged. 18\ cm . Three acts. Originally by Apostolo Zeno and Pietro Pariati, rewritten by Paolo Antonio Rolli. German text faces Italian. Imperfect copy, lacking all preliminary matter. The composer, Giovanni Battista Bononcini, is not mentioned. SCHATZ 120 Astartus. Tr. of G. B. Bononcini's L' Astarto. Asteria, favola pastorale per musica, rappresentata alia Real corte di Dresda I'anno MDCCXXXVII nel giorno del nome della Maesta del re ... n. i., n. d. Unpaged. 18 cm . Pagination possibly cut off by binder. At end: "Dresda . . . la vedova Stossel." Three acts. Johann Adolph'Hasse is mentioned as the composer on an additional leaf, with the chorus, "Rive d'Elba oggi piu liete." The author, Stefano Benedetto Pallavicini, is not mentioned. First performed, as indicated, August 3, 1737. SCHATZ 4516 ""Astiage. Drama per musica nel famoso Teatro Grimani di SS. Gio. e Paolo I'anno MDCLXXVII . . . Venetia, Frencesco Nicolini, 1677. 71 p. 14 m - Three acts. Dedication by Matteo Noris, who informs the reader in a prefatory note that he was engaged to modernize and partly rewrite Appllonip Apolloni's original text; that the opera was composed by "Gio. Bonaventura Viviani, maestro di capella di S. M. C. in Ispruch, and sung "da i primi e piu celebri canori cigni d'Europa," which was the customary formula in absence of the cast. Argument and scenario. SCHATZ 10783 176 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Astianatte. Drama per musica da rappresentarsi in Monaco nel Teatro della corte, nel verno dell' anno MDCCXVII . . . [ Monaco], apud Mariam Susannam Jaecklinin, n. d. 67 p. 14$ cm - Three acts. Argument (both in Italian and German) and scenario. Neither the composer, Marc 'Antonio Bononcini, nor the librettist, Antonio Salvi, is mentioned. First performed at Pratolino, Teatro della Villa Medici, 1701. SCHATZ 1204 Astianatte. (X T. of Leo's Andromaca. Astianatte. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro Giustiniani di S. Moise. il carnovale dell' anno 1755. Venezia, Modesto Fenzo, 1755. 48 p. 14$ cm . Three acts. By Antonio Salvi, who is not mentioned. Argument, cast, scenario, and name of Antonio Gaetano Pampani as the composer SCHATZ 7755 L'astratto pvvero II giocator fortunato. Dramma giocoso per musica del Sig. abbate Giuseppe Petrosellini P. A. da rappresentarsi nel Teatro di San Samuel il carnovale dell' anno 1772. Venezia, Modesto Fenzo, 1772. 64 p. 18\ cm . Three acts. Cast, scenario, and name of Nicolo Piccinni as the composer. SCHATZ 8066 L'astratto ovvero II giuocatore fortunato. Dramma giocoso per musica da rappresentarsi nel Nuovo Teatro della citta di Pisa il car- nevale dell' anno 1773 . . . Pisa, Francesco Picracdni, 1773. 78 p. 17 cm . Three acts. Impresario's dedication, cast, and name of Piccinni as the composer. Petrosellini is not mentioned. This Pisa version deviates noticeably from the Vene- tian original. For instance, the latter has the arias, "Con Gemma ip ve lo dico " (1, 1), "lo mi sento in mezzo al core" (I, 4), whereas Pisa has "Voglio un marito" and "Nocchier che al porto in seno," resp. the substitute aria on p. 78, "Fra dubbiosi affetti miei . " SCHATZ 8066a Astrea placata. Metastasio, Poesie, Parigi, vedova Quillau, 1755, t. vii, [307]-335 p. 16 cm . One act. ML 49.A2M42 Astrea placata. C :>mponimento drammatico, scritto dall' autore Panno 1739 . . . ed eseguito con musica del Predieri la prima volta nella Galleria dell' Imperial Favorita . . . per festeggiare il di 28 d'Agosto, giorno di nascita dell' augustissima imperatrice Elisabetta. [381]~404 p. 26 cm . (Metastasio, Opere, t. v., Parigi, vedova Heris- sant, 1780.) ML49.A2M44 Astrea placata ; ovyero La felicita della terra. Festa teatrale . . . all' occasione del guibileo in .cui compisce il secolo, che i fortunati popoli di Danimarc felicemente deferirono la sovranita alia loro augustissima casa regnante da rappresentarsi sul Regio Teatro Danese. Copenhagen, L. N. Svare, 1760. Unpaged. 16% cm . One act. Impresario's dedication, cast, and name of Giuseppe Sarti as the com- poser ("La musica e tutta nuova"), and of Erasmo Soelberg as the translator of (not mentioned) Metastasio's text. Danish title, "Astrea tilfredsstillet; eller Jordens lyksalighed," and text face the Italian. First performed, as indicated, October 17, 1760. SCHATZ 9426 OPERA LIBRETTOS 177 Astrea placata owerp La felicita della terra. Componimento drammatico da cantarsi il di V. settembre MDCCLIII per festeggiare il giorno natalizio di S. A. R. Federico Cristiano elettoral principe di Sassonia. Dresda, vedova Stossel, n. d. 1 p. L, 23 p. 23 cm . One act. Neither Metastasio, the author, nor Johann Georg Schiirer, the composer, is mentioned. First performed at Dresden, Churfiirstl. Kleines Theater, October 7, 1746. SCHATZ 9730 Astrea tilfredsstillet eller Jordens lyksalighed. Tr. of Sarti's Astrea placata. Astree. Tragedie par Monsieur de La Fontaine, represented par 1'Academie royale de musique. Suivant la copie imprimee a Pans. [Amsterdam, Antoine Schelte], 1692. J+6 p. (incl. front.} 13% cm . Prologue and three acts. The composer, Colasse, is not mentioned. ML 50.2.A86 C6 Astree, tragedie represent ee par 1'Academie royale de musique 1'an 1691. Les paroles de M. de la Fontaine & la musique de M. Collasse. XXVIII. opera. n. i., n. d. front., p. 155-206. 14 cm - (Recueil general des opera, Paris, 1703, t. 4.) Detached copy. Three acts with prologue. First performed, as indicated, Nov. 28, 1691. SCHATZ 2097 Second copy. ML 48. R4 L'astrologa. Commedia per musica da rappresentarsi nel Real Teatro del Fondo di Separazione per terza opera del corrento anno 1782. Napoli, n. publ, 1782. 66 p. 15 cm . Three acts. Argument, cast, scenario, and name of the composer, Francesco Bianchi. The author is not mentioned and is unknown to Schatz. SCHATZ 988 L'astrologa. Dramma giocoso per musica dell' abate Pietro Chiari da rappresentarsi nel Teatro di S. A. Serenissima il Signer principe di Carignano nell' autunno dell' anno MDCCLXII. Torino, Gaspare Bayno, n. d. 56 p. 15 cm . Three acts. Cast, scenario, and name of Niccolo Piccinni as the composer. First performed at Venice, Teatro di S. Moise, carnival 1762. SCHATZ 8147 Gli astrologi imaginari. O. T. of Paisiello's I filosofi imaginari. L'astrologo. L. T. of Gasparini's Parpagnacco. L'astuta in amore. Dramma giocoso per musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro grande alia Scala 1'autunno 1796 . . . Milano, Gio. Batista Bianchi, n. d. 63, [1] p. 17 cm . Three acts. Censor's date "Le I r fructidor an 4. mc " (Aug. 18, 1796). Cast, scenario, and name of Valentino Fioravanti as composer. The author, Giuseppe Palomba, is not mentioned. On p. 61-63 argument and dedication and on the unnumb. p. cast of Filippo Beretti's ballet "Lucrezia ossia L'espulsione dei re da Roma." His second ballet was called "La calzolaja." The composers of the music are not mentioned. First performed at Naples, Teatro Nuovo eopra Toledo, 1795. ML 48.A5 v. 2 72251 VOL 114 12 178 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS L'astuta in arnore Continued. - II furbo malaccorto : Dramma per musiea in due atti da rappre- sentarsinel Regio Teatro di S. Carlo della Principessa 1'autunno dell' anno 1797. Lisbona, Simone Taddeo Ferreira, 1797. 163 p. 1J&. Cast and name of the composer. Portuguese text faces Italian. SCHATZ 3161 L'astuzia felice. Dramma di tre atti per musica. Carlo Goldoni, Opere teatrali, Venezia, Zatta ejigli, 1788 '95, t. 41, [181}-237 p. 18 cm . First performed, according to Schatz, with music by Gaetano Latilla and others at Turin, Teatro Carignano, spring of 1750. PQ L'astuzia felice. Dramma giocoso per .nusica del Signer dottore Carlo Goldoni ridotta in sei personaggi, e addattata all'uso del Teatro Giustiniani di S. MoisS 1'autunno del? anno 1767. Venezia, Modesto Fenzo, 1767. 60 p. 14\ cm . Three acts. Cast, scenario, and name of Filippo Gherardesca as the composer. SCHATZ 3800 Le astuzie amorose. Drama giocoso per musica da rappresentarsi nel nobile Teatro di San Samuele nelP autunno dell' anno 1775. Venezia, Stamperia Carcani, n. d. 63 p. 18 cm . Three acts. By Francesco Cerlone, who is not mentioned. Cast and name of Michele Mortellari as the composer. On p. 30-35 argument and description of Onorato Vigan6's "Andromeda e Perseo, ballo eroico pantomime." The composer of the music is not mentioned nor of Vigan6's second ballet "II giocatore." SCHATZ 6688 Le astuzie amorpse. Dramma giocoso per musica da rappresen- tarsi nel Teatro di via della Pergola nella primavera del MDCCL- XXVII . . . Firenze, Gio. Risaliti, 1777. 55 p. 16\ cm . Three acts. By Francesco Cerlone, who is not mentioned. Cast and name of Paisiello as the composer. First performed at Naples, Teatro Nuovo, spring, 1775. SCHATZ 7675 L'astuzie di Bettina. Dramma giocoso per musica da rappresen- tarsi nel Teatro Giustiniani in San Moise per la seconda opera del carnovale 1784. Venezia, Modesto Fenzo, 1784. 63, [1] p. ll\ cm . Two acts. Author not mentioned and unknown to Schatz. Dedication signed by the impresario, Antonio Dian, cast, scenario, and name of Mattia Stabingher as the composer. With the opera were performed Federico Terrades' ballets, com- posers of the music not mentioned, "La forza delle donne" and "II vcglione." First performed at Genoa, Teatro di S. Agostino, spring of 1780. SCHATZ 10019 Le astuzie in amore. Commedia per musica di G. M. D. Da rappresentarsi nel Teatro Nuovo sopra Toledo per terz' opera di quest' anno 1790. Napoli, Vincenzo Flauto, 1790. 46 p. 15 cm . Two acts. By Giuseppe Maria Diodati. Cast and name of Giacomo Tritto aa the composer. SCHATZ 10460 OPERA LIBRETTOS 179 L'astuzie villane. Commedia per musica di Giuseppe Palomba da rappresentarsi nel Teatro de' Fiorentini per second' opera in quest' anno 1786. Napoli, n. publ., 1786. 60 p. 15 cm . Three acts. Argument, cast, and name of Pietro Guglielmi as the composer. SCHATZ 4235 Atalanta. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel Regio Teatro di Torino nel carnovale del 1792 . . . Torino, Onorato Derossi, n. d. viii, 52 p. 15% cm . Three acts. By Cesare Olivieri. Argument, cast, scenario, and name of Giuseppe Giordan! as the composer. On p. 47-52 cast and description of Domenico Le Fevre'a ballets "II Pigmalione," "Le sultane," (4 acts) and "Apollo e Dafne." The com- posers of the music are not mentioned. First performed, as indicated, December 26, 1791. SCHATZ 3834 Atalanta e Meleagro. Festa teatrale che introduce ad un ballo allegorico scritta da Antonio de' Filistri ... da rappresentarsi con musica del Sign. Vicenzo Righini . . . nel Gran Teatro Reale di Berlino il giorno 15 febbraio 1797 in occasione delle felicissime nozze dell' Altezza Reale di Federica Cristina Augusta principessa di Prussia con 1'Altezza Serenissima di Guglielmo principe ereditario di Assia- Cassel. Berlino, Haude e Spener, n. d. 68 p. 16 cm . One act, with ballets. Argument and cast. German title-page, "Athalante und Meleager," and text face Italian. SCHATZ 8779 Atalanta e Meleagro. Festa teatrale scritta con balli analoghi da Antonio de' Filistri ... da rappresentarsi con musica del Sign. Vicenzo Righini . . . nel gran Teatro Reale di Berlino il carnevale dell' anno 1799. Berlino, Haude e Spener, n. d. 71 p. 16 cm . One act. Argument and cast. German title-page, "Athalante und Meleager," and text face Italian. First performed, as indicated, January 14, 1799. SCHATZ 8780 Atalanta ed Ippomene Atalante et Hippomene, ballet. See Jommelli's Demofoonte. Atalo. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel famoso Teatro Tron a S. Cassiano il carnovale dell' anno 1742. Venezia, Bonifacio Viezzeri, 1742. 4$ P- 14 m - Three acts. By Francesco Silvani, altered from the first edition, published in 1713 under the title of "La verita nell' inganno," to which fact the argument alludes. Scenario, cast, and name of the composer, Chinzer, "Giovanni Chintzer di Firenze." SCHATZ 1866 A tamo huomo vecchio e Palandra giovine, intermezzo. See Cal- dara's L'inganno tradito dall' amore. L'Atanagilda, regina di Gottia. A. T. of M. A. Ziani's L'inganno regnante. Ataulfo re de' Goti, ovvero La forza della virtu. Dramma da recitarsi nella Sala de' Sig? Capranica nel carnevale dell' anno 1712 ,. . . Roma, Bernabb, 1712. 71 p. 15%. Three acts. Author not mentioned and unknown to Schatz. Impresario's dedi- cation, argument, cast, scenario, and name of Giuseppe Maria Orlandini as the composer. SCHATZ 7349 180 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Atenaide. Apostolo Zeno, Poesie drammatiche, Venezia, 1744, t. i, P- [357]- 448 19. Three acts and licenza. Argument. No composer is mentioned. In the "Cata- logo" at the end of t. x, date and place of first ed. are given as Vienna, 1714, but, according to Schatz, first performed at the court, Vienna, 1709, music of the first act by Andrea Fiorfc, of the second by Ant. Caldara, and of the third by C. F. Gasparini. According to Fehr first performed in 1709 at Barcelona. Both agree that in 1714 the first act was composed by M. A. Ziani, the second by Ant. Negri, and the third by Caldara. ML 49.A2Z3 Atenaide. Pubblicata per la prima volta in Vienna 1714. Apostolo Zeno, Poesie drammatiche, Orleans, 1785-86, t. iv, p. 267- S52. 21. Three acts and licenza. Argument. No composer is mentioned. ML 49.A2Z4 L'Atenaide o vero Gli affetti generosi. Azione teatrale, scritta dall' autore in Vienna Tanno 1762 . . . e posta in musica dal Bonno, per doversi rappresentare privatamente negl' interni appartamenti del palazzo cesarea dalle Altezze Reali di cinque arciducnesse d'Austria . . . Ma non ne permise la gia disposta esecuzione Finaspettata ultima infermita della soprannominata arciduchessa Isabella di Borbone. pi., [5] -56 p. 26 cm . (Metastasio, Opere, t. xi, Parigi, vedova Heris- sant, 1782.) Two parts. . ML 49.A2M44 Athalanta und Meleager. Tr. of Righini's Atalanta e Meleagro. Athalia. Bin trauerspiel mit choren. Nach Racine von Carl Friedrich Cramer. Die musik vom herrn capellmeister Schulz. Kiel, bey dem verfasser, n. d. [xxviii], 179, [1] p. 15 cm . On p. 141-179, Cramer's "Anmerkungen," some of which are equally interesting, as his Vorrede," in which he first (and charmingly) gives the history of Racine s "Athalie" in France; then the history of Schulz' setting and this translation; then his reasons for taking some liberties with Racine his ambition was "mem original nicht allein zu erreichen, sondern auch, wo moglich zu iibertreffen," and with this in view, he busied himself with the " Flecken im originale, die abgewischt werden konnten und-mussten" and, finally, Racine's preface. As to Schulz' setting, Cramer says: ' "Se. Konigliche Hoheit, der Prinz Heinrich, der seinem grossen b ruder wie an heldeneigenscnaften, so auch an Hebe zu den dichtern Frankreichs gleicht, true seit verschiedenen jahren dem componisten, seinem capellmeister [1780-17871, aur, fur eein Privat-Theater, das wahrend seines sommeraufenthalts in Reinsberg seine liebste erholung ausmacht, die chore dieser tragodie in musik zu setzen. Schulz erfiillte diesen befehl, und Athalia (ein vorzug, dessen sich die glanzende hauptstadt Frankreichs selber nicht ruhmen kann), ward in Deutschland, auf dieser zwar kleinen, aber ihres geschmacks wegen merkwiirdigen buhne, zum erstenmal vollstan- dig, wie es ihre wiirde erforderte, aufgefuhrt. Die beschaffeuheit der composition, ihr genauer musicalischer vortrag durch eine zureichende und gewahlte capelle, so wie ihr dramatischer, in der die hauptrollen von einem manne, welcher, ob's sein bemf gleich nicht ist, dennoch desto ruhmlicher die dreyfachen talente eines ein- eichtsvollen componisten, sangers und schauspiilers in sich vereinigt, und von einer braven actrize, Madame d'Orceville, gemacht wurden, erwarben sich bey mehrmaligen vorstellungen den beyfall des prinzen und aller kenner, die es auffuhren sahen. Durch das geriicht davon gereizt, suchte ich, da ich die Athalie immer sehr geliebt, und schon fruher mit Madame Seyler von ihrer verpflanzung auf die deutsche buhne geredet hatte, die schulzische composition naher kenner su lernen ..." Cramer's German translation, first performed at Berlin, Concertsaal des Corsi- caischen llausea, 1786, and at Hamburg, Theater beim Gansemarkt, March 30, 1789. SCHATZ 9719 OPERA LIBRETTOS 181 Athalia Continued. Athalia. Tragedie af Racine i fern akter, med mellemsange com- ponerede af hr. capelmester Schultz. Ki0benhavn, Johan Frederik Schultz, 1790. 100 p. 17$ cm . First performed at Copenhagen, Royal Theatre, March 24, 1790. SCHATZ 9720 Athaliah. Tr. of Racine's Athalie. Athaliah. A tragedy. Translated from the French of Monsieur Racine. By Mr. Duncombe. The third edition, revised and cor- rected. London, J. Watts, 1746. 8 p. I (ind. front.}, 64 p. 16% cm . Five acts. William Buncombe's dedication dated November, 1722, his prefatory note, and Racine's preface. This transl. was first published in 1724. LONGE 70 Athalie. O. T. of Schulz' Athalia. Ati e Sangaride. Serenata per musica da cantafsi nella Real Villa di Queluz . . . per celebrare il felicissimo giorno natalizio della serenissima Signora D. Maria Francesca Benedetta, principessa del Brasile li 25 luglio 1779. [Lisboa], Stamperia Reale, n. d. 30 p. 16 cm . One act. Gaetano Martinelli is mentioned as author, Luciano Xavier dos Santos, as composer. Argument and cast. SCHATZ 9398 Atide. Drama per musica da rappresentarsi nel nuovo famoso Teatro Formagliari 1'anno 1679 Di Tomaso Stanzani . . . Bologna, per I'herede di Vittorio Benacci, n. d. 6 p. 1., 71, [1] p. 14 cm . Three acts. Author's dedication dated, Bologna, June 23, 1679, cast, scenario, and argument with the names of the composers, Giuseppe Felice Tosi (act I), Pietro degli Antoni (act II), and Giacomo Antonio Perti (act III) in this "garra virtuosa." SCHATZ 10381 Atis. Parody of Lully's Atys. Attalo re di Bitinia. Dramrna per musica da rappresentarsi nel nobil Teatro di Torre Argentina il carnovale dell' anno 1790. Roma, Gioacchino Puccinelli, n. d. 4$ P- 15 m - Two acts. By Antonio Salvi (not mentioned). Publisher's dedication, argu- ment, scenario, cast, and name of the composer, Luigi Caruso. Vittorio Trento is mentioned as the composer of the second ballet, which is not named by title. SCHATZ 1661 Attalo re di Bitinia. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel Regal Teatro di S. Carlo a dl 20. gennajo 1752 . . . Napoli, Domdnico Lanciano, 1 752. 4$ P> 14 cm - Three acts. By Francesco Silvani (not mentioned), originally with the title "La verita nell' inganno." Impresario's dedication dated Naples, January 20, 1751 (=1752), argument, cast, and name of Giuseppe Conti as composer. SCHATZ 2206 Attalo re di Bitinia. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi in Ferrara nel Teatro Bonacossi da S. Stefano il carnevale dell' anno 1739 . . . Ferrara, Giuseppe Barbieri, n. d. 52 p. 15*. Three acts. Impresario's dedicatory sonnet, argument, cast and name of Johann Adolph Hasse as the composer. The text is Francesco Silvani's "La verita nell' inganno." First performed at Naples, Teatro di San Bartolomeo, spring of 1728. SCHATZ 4517 182 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Attalo re di Bitinia. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel Real Teatro dell' Ajuda nel felicissimo giorno natalizio di Sua Maesta Fedelissima I'angusta Donna Maria I regina di Portogallo . . . li 17 decembre 1791. [Lisboa], Stamperia redle, n. d. 60 p. 16\ cm . Two acts. By Antonio Salvi, who ia not mentioned. Argument, cast, scenario, and name of Ferdinando Robuschi as the composer. First performed at Padua, Teatro Nuovo, June, 1788. SCHATZ 8842 Attalo re di Bitinia. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel nobilissimo Teatro in S. Benedetto il carnovale dell' anno 1783. Venezia, Modesto Fenzo, 1788. 56 p. 17 cm . Three acts. By Antonio Salvi, who is not mentioned. Argument, cast, scenario, and name of Giuseppe Sarti as composer. ("La musica e nuovamente composta") On p. [23]-31 argument, cast, name of Vincenzo Martini as composer of the music ("tutta nuova") and description of Domenico Ricciardi's "Cristiano II., re di Dani- marca, ballo eroico in quattr' atti." First performed, as indicated, December 26, 1782. SCHATZ 9472 Attila, ballet. See Anfossi's Antigono, 1781. Attila. Drama per musica, da rappresentarsi nel Teatro Grimano a SS. Gio. e Paolo. L'anno MDCLXXII. Di Matteo Noris . . . Venetia, Francesco Nicolini, 1672. 6 p. I. (incl. front.), 67, [1] p. Three acts. Author's dedication, dated Venice, February 12, 1672, argument, scenario, and notice to the reader in which Noris says: "Spero, che eia per dilettarti, comparendoti nel Grimano Teatro, Reggia, della Bcenica maesta; ed' io non ribellandomi al genio, h6 praticato nel comporlo gli soliti sforzi d'equivoco & forze di scena, usate da pochi. H6 scritto per obligo, Tu vieni, e compatisci per gentilezza." The composer, Pietro Andrea Ziani, is not mentioned. SCHATZ 11213 Attilio Regolo. Metastasio, Poesie, Parigi, vedova Quillau, 1755, t. vi, [77]~168 p. 16 cm . 'Three acts. Argument. ML 49.A2M42 - Attilio Regolo. Dramma scritto dalF autore in Vienna . . . per doversi produrre in occasione di festeggiare il prossimo giorno di nome dell' augustissimo . . . Carlo VI, il di 4 novembre 1740. Ma, avendo egli cessato di vivere prima della preparata splennita, rimase occulto il dramma per lo spazio di anni dieci: dopo i quali mandate dall' autore a richiesta di Augusto III re di Poloma, fu nella corte di Dresda ... la prima volta rappresentato con musica dell' Hasse . . . nel carnevale dell' anno 1750. pi., [3]~1 04 p. 26 cm . (Metastasio, Opere, t. viii, Parigi, vedova Eerissant, 1781.) Three acts. Argument. ML 49.A2M44 Regulus . . . Metastasio, Tragedies-opera, Vienne, 1751, t. v, p. [105}-213. 14 cm . Three acts. Richelet's translation. Below the title the note: "Get ope'ra est le dernier qu'a compose" 1'abbe Metastasio. II a e"te represent^ cette annee (1750) a la Cour de Naples, & a celle de Dresde." ML 49.A2M47 OPERA LIBRETTOS 183 Attilio Regolo. Dramma per musica rappresentato nel Teatro della Regia elettoral corte di Dresda nel carnovale dell' anno MDCCL. La poesia e del Sig. abbate Pietro Metastasio ... la musica e del Sig. Gio. Adolfo Hasse . . . Friedrichstadt, la vedova Harpeter, n. d. 4 P- l-> 8% P- 19 cm . Three acts. Argument, cast, scenario. First performed, as indicated, January 12, 1750. SCHATZ 4518 Attilio Regolo. Dramma per musica rappresentato nel Teatro della Regia elettoral corte di Dresda, nel carnovale dell' anno MDCCL . . . Friedrichstadt, la vedova Harpeter, n. d. 5 p. 1., (double) 82 p. Same as Schatz 4518, except that German title page "Attilius Regulus" and text have been added. SCHATZ 4519 Attilio Regolo. Drama per musica da rappresentarsi in Roma nel Teatro delle Dame nel corrente carnevale defl' anno MDCCLIII . . . Roma, Marcello Silvestri, n. d. 69 p. 14% cm > Three acts. Impresario's dedication, argument, cast, scenario, and names of Metastasio as author ("in qualche piccola parte diversa dalla prima impressione") and of Niccol6 Jommelli as the composer. First performed, as indicated, January 8, 1753. Abert says, on p. 3 of his Jom- melli biograghy, 1751, but on p. 54 he says 1752, both dates apparently incorrect. SCHATZ 4844 Attilius Regulus. Tr. of Hasse's Attilio Regolo. Atys, tragedie en musique. Ornee d'entrees de ballet, de machines, & de changements de theatre. Representee devant Sa Majeste" a Saint Germain en Laye, le dixieme jour de Janvier 1676. Paris, CJiristophe Bollard, 1676. 6 p. I., 70 p. 22 cm . Prologue and five acts. Cast. Neither Quinault nor Lully mentioned. First performed at Saint-Germain en Laye before the king, as indicated, at Paris August, 1676 (Schatz), April, 1677 (Prunieres). ML 50.2.A9L8 Atys. Tragedie en musique ornee d'entrees de ballet, de machines, & de changemens de theatre. Suivant la copie imprimee a Paris. [Amsterdam, Antoine Schelte], 1687. 79 p. (incl. front.} 13\ cm . Prologue and five acts. Cast. Neither Quinault nor Lully mentioned. ML 50.2.A9L9 Atys, tragedie representee par 1'Academie royale de musique 1'an 1676. Les paroles de M. Quinault, & la musique de M. de Lully, VIII. opera. n. i., n. d. 14 cm - front., 871-444 P- (Recueil general ties opera, t. i, Paris, 1708.) Detached copy. Five acts and prologue. SCHATZ 5761 Second copy. ML 48.R4 Atys, tragedie representee devant Sa Majeste, a Saint-Germain- en Laye, es annees 1676 & 1682 et depuis par L'Academie royale de musique, en 1679, en 1690, en 1699, en 1709, en 1725. Remise au theatre le mardy 7. Janvier 1738. [Paris], Jean Baptiste CJiristophe Bollard, 1738. xii, 67, [1] p. %4 cm . Prologue and five acts. Cast. Neither Quinault nor Lully mentioned. ML 50.2.A9L93 184 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Atys Continued. Atys, tragedie en musique. Orn6e d'entrees de ballet, de ma- chines & de cnangemens de theatre. Repre"sent6 devant Sa Majeste" a Saint Germain en Laye, le 10 fe'vrier 1676. Quinault, Theatre, Paris, 1789, t. iv, pi, p. [267}-335. 17 cm . Prologue and five acts. Lully is not mentioned. PQ 1881. Al 1739 Atys, tragedie represented devant Sa Majeste, a Saint-Germain- en-Laye, es anne"es 1676 & 1682. Et depuis par FAcademie royale de musique de Paris, en 1679, en 1690, en 1699, en 1709, en 1725, & en 1738. Et par 1'Academie royale de musique de Lyon en decembre 1742. Lyon, Aime DelarocJie, 1743. 79 p. 23. Five acts. Cast. Neither the author, Quinault, is mentioned nor the composer, Lully. The text is practically the same as that of 1703, except that the last scene has been cut down to consist only of "Que cet arbre sacre"," etc. SCHATZ 5761a - Arlequin Atys, representee pour la premiere fois, par les Come"- diens italiens ordinaires du roi, le 22. Janvier, 1726. Les parodies du Nouveau theatre italien, Nouv. ed., Paris, 1738, t. Hi, [163}-218 p. 16%. One act. Parody of "Atys" by Pontau (see t. I). The airs and vaudeville used are printed at the end of the volume in the "Table des airs" (84 p.). ML 48. P3 Atis, parodie en un acte; pre'ce'de'e d'un prologue; represented sur le Theatre de POpe'ra-comique, en fevrier 1726. Alexis Piron, Oeuvres complettes, Liege, 1776, v. 5, [257]-319 p. Prose and vaudevilles. Composer not recorded. Parody of Lully 's opera, attrib- uted by Parfaict to Fuzelier. First performed, as indicated, Feb. 19, 1720. PQ 2019. P6 La grand -mere amoureuse. Parodie d'Atys. En trois actes. Par M re F***. & D'Or***. Represented a la Foire de S. Germain 1726. Le Theatre de lafoire, Paris, 1731, t. viii, pi., 1 p. I, 65 p. 17 cm . By Fuzelier and d'Orneval. Largely en vaudevilles. The airs, selected or com- posed and arranged by Jean Claude Gillier, the "compositeur" of the company, are printed at the end of the volume in the "Table des airs." First performed, as indicated, March 18, 1726. ML 48. L2 VIII Atys, tragedie-lyrique, en trois actes, represented, pour la premiere fois, par 1'Academie-royale de musique, le mardi 22 fevrier 1780. [Paris], Aux depens de I' Academic de I'imprimerie de P. de Lormel, 1780. 60 p. 23. Cast. Quinault is mentioned as the author, Niccold Piccinni as the composer, but the text is really more or less by Marmontel. SCHATZ 8067 Atys, tragedie-lyrique en trois actes, repre"sentee, pour la pre- miere fois, par PAcad&nie royale de musique, le mardi 22 fe'vrier 1780. Et remise au Theatre, le mardi 14 Janvier 1783. Paris, P. de Lormel, 1783. 60 p. 23 cm . Cast and name of Quinault as author, of Piccinni as composer. SCHATZ 11743 OPERA LIBRETTOS 185 Aucassin et Nicolette, ou Les moeurs du bon vieux terns, comedie remise en trois actes et en vers, dont une partie est en musique; represented, pour la premiere fois, devant Leurs Majestes a Ver- sailles, le 30 decembre 1779, par les Comediens italiens ordinaires du roi, & a Paris, le 3 janv. 1780, & reprise le 7 janv. 1782. Le drame est de M. Sedaine. La musique de M. Gretry. Paris, Brunei, 1782. 63, [1] p. 19. Cast. ML 50.2.A92G7 Aucassin et Nicolette, ou Les moeurs du bon vieux temps, comedie en trois actes, en vers, dont une partie est en musique: Representee pour la premiere fois par les Comediens italiens ordinaires du roi, le 7 Janvier 1782. Le drame est de M. Sedaine. La musique de M. Gretry. Paris, Brunei, 1784. 48 p. 18% cm . Cast. On p. 39-42, the air of the "Ariette. Que de pieces d'or." The date of performance on the title page refers only to the three-act version. The original four-act version was first performed at Versailles December 30, 1779, and at Paris, Comedie italienne, January 3, 1780. SCHATZ 4139 Gesaenge aus dem singspiele: Ferdinand und Nicolette, oder Liebe erhaelt den sieg, in drey aufzuegen. Aus dem franzoesischen uebersetzt von Andre. In musik gesetzt von Gretry. Hamburg, J. M. Michaelsen, 1787. 24 p. 16\ cm . First performed at Hamburg, Theater am Gaensemarkt, April 17, 1787. SCHATZ 4140 L'audacia fortunata. Commedia per musica da rappresentarsi nel Real Teatro del Fondo di Separazione per terza commedia del cor- rente anno 1793. Napoli, n. publ, 1793. 48 p. 15. Two acts. Author not mentioned and unknown to Schatz. Cast and name of the composer, Valentino Fioravanti. SCHATZ 3117 L'audacia fortunata : Dramma giocoso per musica per celebrare Faugusto nome di Sua Altezza Reale la serenissima Signora D. Carlotta Gioacchina . . . per eseguirsi nel Regio Teatro di S. Carlo, I'autunno delFanno 1796. Lisbona, Simone Taddeo Ferreira, 1796. 173 p. 14% cm - Two acts. Cast and name of the composer Fioravanti, but not of the author. Portuguese text faces Italian. SCHATZ 3173 Les audiences de Thalie. Piece en un acte. Representee sur le Theatre de I'Op^ra comique a la Foire S. Germain, le 7 avril 1734. Le Theatre de lafoire, Paris, 1737, t. ix, 2 pi., [88ff]-427 p. 17 cm . By Carlolet, who has this to say in a prefatory note: "Ce petit acte est moins une piece qu une description fidelle de 1'etat ou se trouvoit alors le Theatre de 1'Opera comique. L'entrepreneur conseil!6 par des associes, ausquels la tete ne tournoit pas moins qu' a lui, se livroit, comme eux, a 1'ignorance & a la prevention. Les bons acteurs murmuroient hautement de se voir forces de repre- eenter sans cesse de mauvaises pieces, & de contribuer ayec des acteurs aussi pitoyables aue neufs, a ecarter le public d un spectacle qui 8ut toujoure sous d'autres chefs & soue a'autres auteurs, charmer eon attente & ses plus chers loisirs." Largely en vaudevilles. The airs, a few of which with name of Corrette as com- poser, are printed at the end of the volume in the "Table des airs." ML 48. L2X Auf dem land kennt man die rache nicht. A. T. of Kauer's Der unschuldige betrug. 186 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Das aufgeboth. A. T. of Wenzcl Miiller's Die getreuen Oester- reicher. Augusta's triumph. A. T. of Daniel Pur-cell's Brutus of Alba. Les Augustales, divertissement, represented par 1' Academic royale de musique le \blarik} novembre 1744. Paris, Jean Baptiste Christophe Bollard, 1744. 15 P- 4 cm > One act. Cast and name of Pierre Charles Roy as author, of Francois Rebel and Francois Francoeur as the composers. First performed on November 15, 1744, as indicated. .SCHATZ 8621 Auguste et Theodore, ou Les deux pages. Comedie en deux actes, en prose et m^lSe de chant. Par MM. Dezede & B. D. M. Repre- sented, pour la premiere fois, a Paris par les Comediens francais ordinaires du roi, le 6 mars 1789, & k Versailles, devant Leurs MajestSs, le 12 du mme mois. Paris, Brunei, 1790. vi, 7-48 p. 19 cm . Incomplete copy. Dezede's collaborator was Ernest, baron de Mantauffeld. With cast and "Cos- tumes" (p. iii-vi). SCHATZ 2525 Auld Robin Gray: a pastoral entertainment, in two acts. As per- formed at the Theatre-Koyal, Hay-Market. Written by S. Arnold, jun. The music by Dr. Arnold. London, Geo. Goulding,'l794. 55 p. 21\ cm . Cast and prefatory note. The vocal score published by Preston & Son says: "The music (with a Scotish overture) selected & composed."" The ballad airs utilized by Arnold are indicated in the vocal score. " The shipwreck " is there headed as by "Dr. Haydn." First performed July 29, 1794. LONGB 239 L'Aureliano. Drama per musica di Giacomo dalP Angelo da rap- presentarsi nel Teatro di S. Moise Fanno 1666 . . . - Venetia, Francesco Nicolini, 1666. 7 p. 1. (incl. front.) , 72 p. 14 m - Prologue and three acts. Author's dedication dated Venice, February 25, 1666, argument, "fintioni," and scenario. The composer, Carlo Pallavicino, is not mentioned. SCHATZ 7719 Aurelio and Miranda: a drama. In five acts. With music. First acted at the Theatre Royal, Drury-Lane, on Saturday, Decem- ber 29, 1798. Written by James Boaclen. Third edition I . . London, J. Bell, 1799. 2 p. 1., 67 p. 21% cm . Cast. The composer is not mentioned. LONGE 266 Auretta e Masullo ossia II contratempo. Dramma giocoso per musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro da S. Agostino la pnmayera del 1792 . . . Genova, Stamperia Gesiniana, n. d. 60 p. 14 cm . Two acts. Impresario's dedication speaking of the composer as "un talente nascente," cast, scenario, and name of Francesco Gnecco ("La musica sara tutta nuova "). Schatz also attributes the text to him. SCHATZ 3958 Aurora. A. T. of Reiser's Der morgen des europaeischen glueckes. OPERA LIBRETTOS 187 L'Aurora in Atene. Drama per musica nel Teatro Grimani di . S. Gio. e Paolo. L'anno 1678. Del dottor Frisari . . . Venetia, Francesco Nicolini, 1678. 56 p. 14 cm . Three acts. Author's dedication, dated Venice, February 10, 1678, argument, scenario, and notice to the reader who is informed th^it Antonio Zannettini com- posed the music and that the text is based on conte Berni's "II ratio di Cefalo." This copy does not contain the frontispiece and woodcut in the Brussels copy. (See Wotquenne.) SCHATZ 11146 L'Aurora ingannata. Prologue and four intermedii. Forms part (p. 6-10, 38-41, 77-79, 97-99, 147-150) of "FiLAKMiNDO. Favola pastoraledel Sig. Co. Ridolfo Campeggi. In questa quinta impressione arricchita con L'Aurora ingannata. Favoletta per gl'intennedij in musica ... In Venetia, MDCXXVIII. Apresso Gio. Battista Cioti." (178 p. I3 cm .) Date slightly mutilated. Allacci, without mentioning a composer, says: "In alcune delle suddette edizioni si vede I' Aurora ingannata dello stesso autore . . . udita in musica la prima volta nell' anno 1615." Schatz says under "Filarmindo" (not under "Aurora ingannata," which he does not seem to know): "Musik von Girolamo Giacobbi. Bologna, Sala Zoppia, 1605," but "Filarmondo" was merely &favola pastorale with no music, except perhaps by the choro. Corradi says that the intermezzi of "L'Aurora ingannata" were added in 1615. PQ L'Aurora vendicata, ballet. See P. Guglielmi's La pastorella nobile. L'Aurore et Cephale, fourth entree in Quinault's Les amours des Deesses. Einem hoch-edlen und hochweisen Rath der Stadt Hamburg, wurde mit gehorsamsten respect und schuldigster danckbarkeit wegen erzeigter gnade in einer action Der eiserne Koenig, nebst vorher- gehender musicalischen serenata. Betitult: Die aus Bellonens reich vertriebene und an dem Elbe-strande frohlockende ver- gnuegung. Dedicirt und unterthaenig vorgestellet von denen anwesenden Koenigl. pohlnischen und cnurfuerstl. saechsischen pri- vilegierten hof-comoedianten. Hamburg, Philip Ludwig Stromer, 1719. Unpaged. l$ cm . One act. Dedication, avertissement, and at end "Summarischer iunhalt der action an sich selbst," note that this "haupt-action" would be followed by "eine lustige nachcomoedie " and note: "Der schau-platz ist in der Neustadt in der Fuhlen Twiet ueber dem Bremer-Schluessel." Author and composer not mentioned and unknown to Schatz. SCHATZ 11448 Die aus der einsamkeit in die welt zurueckgekehrte opera, ward bey neuer eroeffnung des Hamburgischen Schau-Platzes hi einem vor-spiele aufgefuehret im monath octobris, anno 1729. [Hamburg], Gedruckt mit Stromerschen schrijften, n. d. Unpaged. 18 cm . Cast. Neither the author, Christ. Gottl. Wendt, is mentioned, nor the composer, Georg Philipp Telemann. First performed as indicated, October 10, 1729. SCHATZ 10269 Die aus-schweifenden. Tr. of Piccinni's La schiava riconosciuta- L'auteur dans son menage, comedie en un acte, en prose; m&e'e d'ariettes. Paroles du C. Gosse; musique du C. Bruni: ^epr6sent6e pour la premiere fois sur le theatre Feydeau, le 8 germinal an sept [March 28, 17991 de la Re*publique: Paris, Huet [etc.], an mi. 44 P- 21 cm . ML 50.2.A93B8 188 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Arien und gesange der operette : Der authomat . In einem auf zuge. Nach dem franzosischen des Cuinet Dorbeil. Die musik 1st vom herrn Job. Andre". Hamburg, J. M. Michaelsen, 1788. 16 p. 16. Text by the composer. First performed at Hamburg, Theater beim Gansemarkt, 1783. SCHATZ 180 Arien und gesange der operette: Das automat. In einem auf- zuge. Nach dem franzoesischen des Cuinet Dorbeil. Die musik ist vom herrn Joh. Andre. Liibeck, Gedruckt mil Greenischen schriften, 1784. 16 p. 16 cm . First performed at Liibeck, Theater in der Backergrube, 1784. SCHATZ 181 The author's farce; and the pleasures of the town. As acted at the Theatre in the Hay-Market. Written by Scriblerus Secundus. The second edition. London, J. Watts, 1730. 4 p. I, 59, [4] p. 19 cm . Prologue, three acts, and epilogue. * Cast. The first and second acts contain only one song each, but the third act, a puppet-show in form of a ballad opera, contains twenty -five, the airs of which are indicated. The text is by Henry Fielding. First performed at the "little" Haymarket Theatre, March 1730. ML 50.5.A82 Das automat. L. T. of Andrews Der authomat. Gli avantaggi della concordia. See M. Curzio. Gli avari in trappola. Dramma giocoso per musica da rappresen- tarsi nel Teatro di S. A. E. di Sassonia, composto da Caterino Maz-' zola . . . Dresda, n. pull., 1787. 135 p. 15%. Two acts. Joseph Schuster is mentioned as the composer. German title "Die geizigen in der falle" and text face Italian. First performed, as indicated, January, 1787. SCHATZ 9743 L'ayaro. Dramma giocoso per musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro di via S. Maria nel carnevale dell' anno 1777 . . . Firenze, nella Stamperia in borgo de' Greti, n. d. 56 p. 16% cm . Three acts. By Giovanni Bertati. Cast and name of Pagquale Anfossi as com- poser, but not of librettist. First performed at Venice, Teatro di S. Moise, fall of 1775. SCHATZ 228 L'avaro, dramma giocoso per musica; da rappresentarsi nel Regio Teatro. Den Giaerrige, et lystigt -synge-spil ; til at opfores paa den kongelige skueplads. Oversadt paa dansk af R. Soelberg. Kiobenhavn, E. J. Graae, 1776. 109 p. 16\ cm . Three acts. Bertati is not mentioned. Cast and name of Anfossi as composer. Italian and Danish text on opposite pages. First performed at Copenhagen, as indicated, January 31, 1777. SCHATZ 229 L'avaro. Dramma giocoso per musica da rappresentarsi nel piccolo Teatro elettorale in Dresaa, 1780. Der Geizige. Ein scherz- haftes singspiel . . . n. i., n. d. 147 p. 16 cm . Three acts. Italian and German text on opposite pages. Anfossi mentioned as composer. SCHATZ 230 OPERA LIBRETTOS 189 L'avaro. Dramma giocoso per musica da rappresentarsi in Ferrara nel Teatro Bonacossi il carnovale dell' anno 1776 . . . Ferrara, Bernadino Pomatelli, n. d, 60 p. 14\ cm - Three acts. By Giovanni Bertati . Oast, scenario, and name of Gennaro Astaritta ("musica tutta nuova ") as composer, but not of librettist. SCHATZ 381 L'avaro, ballet. See Curcio's Emira e Zopiro. L'avaro. Intermezzi per musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro di S. Angelo Fautunno dell' anno 1720. Venezia, Marin Rossetti, 1720. 20 p. 14%. Three intermezzi. Neither the author, Antonio Salvi, nor the composer, Carlo Francesco Gasparini, is mentioned. First performed at Florence in the same year; at Venice, between the acts of Vivaldi's "La verita in cimento." SCHATZ 3594 L'avaro burlato. Operetta comica, da rappresentarsi sul Regio Teatro Danese, 1'autunno dell' anno 1762 Den beskaemmede guier . . . Ki0benhavn, Lars Nielsen Svare, n. d. 103 p. 16 cm . Three acts. Schatz enters the text under Bartolomeo Vitturi's ' ' Chi tutta abbraccia nulla etringe, " music by Scolari, but, as a matter of fact, from the third scene of the first act on the texts become so different as to have very little in common. Cast and note: "La musica e la piu parte del signor Scolari." SCHATZ 9792 L'avaro burlato, ballet. See Zingarelli's Carolina e Mexicow. L'avaro deluso. L. T. of Paisiello's La discordia fortunata. L'avaro deluso, a new comic opera; as performed at the King's Theatre in the Haymarket. The poetry by Signor Bertati, with alterations and additions by Signor Antonio Andrei; the music entirely new by Signor Antonio Sacchini; the translation by Mrs. Rigaud. London, G. Bigg, 1778. 87 p. 19 cm . Thifee acts. Cast. Bertati's text originally had the title, "Calandrano." First performed 1778, as indicated. SCHATZ 9209 II Don Calandrano. Dramma giocoso per musica da rappre- sentarsi in Firenze nelP autunno dell' anno 1781. Nel Regio Teatro degl' Intrepidi detto della Palla a Corda . . . Firenze, Anton Giuseppe Pagani e comp., 1781. 44 P- 16 cm . Two acts. By Giovanni Bertati, with alterations by Antonio Andrei, neither of whom is mentioned. Antonio Sacchini's name is given as that of the composer. SCHATZ 9245 L'aveugle de Palmyre, comedie-pastorale, en deux actes, en vers, me"lee d'ariettes. Representee pour la premiere fois par les Com^- diens italiens ordinaires du roi, le jeudi 5 mars 1767. Par M. Desfon- taines. La musique de M. Rodolphe . . . Paris, la veuve Duchesne, 1767. Ip.l., 54 p- 21. Cast. On p. 50-51, the air of the vaudeville, "La lumiere la plus pure." On p. 53-54, the air of "L'espoir qui t'enflamme" (I, 3). The text is the same as in the other 1767 edition. SCHATZ 11752 190 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS L'aveugle dc Palmyre Continued. - L'aveugle de Palmyre, comedie-pastorale, en deiix actes, en vers, m16e d'ariettes. Re"pr6sentee pour la premiere fois par les Comediens italiens ordinaires du roi, le jeudi 5 mars 1767. Par M. Desfontaines. La musique de M. Rodolphe . . . Paris, la veuve Duchesne, 1767. 39 p. 19 cm . Cast. SCHATZ 8851 L'aveugle de Palmyre, come'die pastorale en deux actes et en vers; me'le'e d'ariettes. Par Monsieur Desfontaines. Nouvelle Edition. Paris, N. B. Duchesne, 1776. 32 p. 19\. Rodolphe is not mentioned. ML 48M2M Les aveux indiscrets, opera comique m^le" d'arietes; par M. de la Ribardiere; represents pour la premiere fois a la Foire Saint-Germain, le mercredi 7 fevrier 1759. Paris, Michel Lambert, 1759. 36, 4 p. 19 cm . The 4 p. at end contain six "Airs des Aveux indiecrets," unaccompanied. An Avertissement on p. [3] reads: "Get ouvrage a 6t6 fait en vers, & mis en musique il y a quatre ans; on a e"t6 oblig6, pour le dormer au public, de substituer de la prose a la place du rcitatif. L'auteur de la musique a cru devoir le faire graver en grande partition, & laisser sub- sister les recitatifs tels qu'ils ayoient 616 faite. II paroitra vers le 25 de ce moia ..." The composer, Monsigny, is not mentioned. ML 50.2.A95M7 Aviso aos casados. Tr. of Isouard's L'awiso ai maritati. Gl'awanzi fortunati del mondo naufragente. See M. Curzio. Gli awenimenti d'Erminia e di Clorinda sopra il Tasso. Drama per musica da rappresentarsi nel famosissimo Teatro Grimano di Sr. Giovanni e Paulo I' anno MDCXCIII. Di Giulio Cesare Corradi . . . Venetia, Nicolini, 1693. 67 p. ll& cm . Three acts. Author's dedication, scenario, and notice to the reader which reads in part: T'invito solo ad udire la musica del Sig. Carlo Francesco Polarolo [Pollarpli], che per essere 1' ultima faticha delle cinque opere, vestite quest' anno, nel giro di tre mesi, delle sue spiritosissime, & impareggiabili note, ti far& certamente stupire ..." SCHATZ 8275 Gl' awenimenti d'Orinda. Drama per musica per il Teatro Gri- mani a SS. Gio. e Paolo, rappresentato 1'anno 1659 di Pietr' Angelo Zaguri . . . Venetia, Giacomo Batti, 1659. front., 6 p. 1., 64 p. 14\ cm - Three acts. Impresario's dedication, dated Jan. 3, 1659, notice to the reader, argu- ment, but without name of the composer, Daniele Castrovillari. SCHATZ 1690 Le awenture d'Ircana, ballet. See Salieri's La fiera di Venezia. Le awenture del carnovale, ballet. See Rispoli's Idalide. Le awenture di Cleomede. Dramma serio-comico per musica da rappresentarsi nel Real Teatro dell'Ajuda nel felicissimo giorno natalizio del fedelissimo monarca D. Giuseppe I ... nel di 6. giugno 1772. Lisbona, Stamperia reale, n. d. 100 p. 15 cm . Three acts. Argument, cast, scenario, and names of Gaetano Martinelli as author, of Niccol6 Jommelli as composer ("nuova composizione"). This work seems to have escaped Abert. SCHATZ 4889 OPERA LIBRETTOS 191 Le avventure di Milord Wilver e di Miledi sua sposa, ballet. See Giordani's Ines de Castro. Le avventure galanti. L. T. of Tritto's Le vicende amorose. Gli awenturieri. Dramma giocoso per musica, da rappresentarsi nel Teatro elettorale, di Caterino Mazzola, poeta dell' elettore di Sassonia. Dresda, n. publ, 1791. 14! p. 15\ cm . Two acts. German title page "Die abenteurer" and text face Italian. Paisiello is mentioned as the composer. Schatz enters this opera as a replica of Paisiello's "II re Teodoro" with a new text by Mazzola. It is a fact that both operas have a few arias in common, as for instance, "Figlia, il cielo ti destina" (I, 7 resp. I, 11); "Dov' e Dorina" (I, 19) resp. "Ov' e Lisetta" (I, 14), and "Voi semplici amanti" (II, 5), but most of the arias are not identical and the characters and the dialogue are absolutely different. SCHATZ 7654 L'avviso ai maritati. Dramma giocoso per musica, da rappresen- tarsi nel Teatro elettorale. Dresda, n. publ., 1795. 119 p. 15% cm . Three acts. Niccol6 Isouard is mentioned as composer. German title page "Die schule der ehemaenner" and text face Italian, which is by Francesco Gonella, who is not mentioned. First performed at Florence, Teatro di via della Pergola, spring of 1794. SCHATZ 4908 Aviso aos casados. Drama jocoso em musica em hum s6 acto para se representar no Real Theatre de S. Carlos, offerecido ao respec- tavel publico de Lisboa por Domingos Caporalmi no dia do seu beneficio. Lisboa, Simao Thaddeo Ferreira, 1796. 93 p. 16\ cm . Notice to the reader and name of Niccolo Isouard as composer. Italian text faces Portuguese. SCHATZ 4944 Second copy. ML 48. C6 II Awiso ai maritati. Dramma giocoso per musica da rappresen- tarsi nel Teatro in S. Samuele il carnavale 1798. Venezia, Stamperia Valvasense, n. d. 70 p. 18 cm . Two acts. Francesco Gonella, the author, is not mentioned. Cast and name of Joh. Simon Mayr as the composer. On p. [35]-44 argument, cast, and description of Antonio Berti's five act "La fata Alcinoe ossia Amore ed innocenza." The com- poser of the music is not mentioned. SCHATZ 6188 Axur, koenig von Ormus. Tr. of Salieri's Axur, re d'Ormus. Axur, re d'Ormus. Italian version of Salieri's Tarare. Azakia. Ein singspiel in drei aufzuegen von C. F. Schwan. Die musik ist von hrn. direktor Cannabich. Mannheim, C. F. Schwan, 1778. 56 p. 17 cm . First performed at Mannheim, Churfurstl. deutsche Schaubuhne, 1778. SCHATZ 1573 Azemia, ou Les sauvages, come'die, en trois actes, en prose, d'ariettes. Represented a Fontainebleau, devant Leurs Majesty's, le 17 octobre 1786, & a Paris, le 3 mai 1787. Paris, Brunei, 1787. 1 p.l., viii, 72 p. 20. 192 LIBRARY' OF CONGRESS Azemia Continued. Cast. The viii p. contain an "Epitre dedicatoire a Monsieur Dalayrac" as com- poser, by the author, de la Chabeaussi^re (not mentioned by name), and his Avertisse- ment, which is directed against the criticism of his work in the Mercure by le Vacher de Chamois. He says: "C'&oit apr&e de mures & profondes reflexions sur 1'art dramatique, & ses differentes branches, que je regardois comme permis & peut-dtre ne^easaire, d'^tendre les res- sources du genre born de 1'op^ra-comique, en admettant, de preference, les situa- tions romanesques, lors-qu'elles pouvoient ee concilier avec la vraisemblance . . ." ML 50.2.A98D2 Azemia, ou Les sauvages, come'die en trois actes, en prose, m&e'e d'ariettes; represented a T^ontainebleau, devant Leurs Majeste"s, le 17 octobre 1786, & a Paris, le 3 mai 1787. Les paroles sont de M. de la Chabeaussi&re, la musique de M. le chevalier d'Alayrac. Toulouse, J. B. Broulhiet, 1787. 43 p. 22. Cast. Without the dedication and Avertissement. ML 50.2.A98D22 Azemia, ou Les sauvages, come'die en trois actes, en prose, me'le'e d'ariettes; representee a Fontainebleau . . . le 17 octobre 1786, & a Paris, le 3 mai 1787. Les paroles sont de M. de la Chabeaussiere, la musique de M. le chevalier d'Alayrac. Paris, Brunei, 1788. 48 p. 20 cm . ML48.M2L Die Wilden. Singspiel in drei akten, nach dem franzosischen von Dr. Schmieder. Die musik ist von d'Alayrac. Zuerst aufgefuehrt auf dem Mainzer Nationaltheater. Frankfurt am Main, bei Johann Gottlob Pech, 1 791 . 96, [1] p. 14\ cm - Dedication, cast, and prefatory note: "Schon durch die oefteren vorstellungen im manuscript, ist dies eingspiel in Deutschland bekannt. Fuer den druck hab'ich noch bei einigen stellen naiver unschuldiger liebe im dialog Shakespeare Sturm benutzt, bei den gesaengen ist die fessel der musik zu beschraenkend . . ." First performed, as indicated, May 26, 1789. SCHATZ 2371 Azor, re di Kibinga. Dramma giocoso per musica di Giovanni Bertati da rappresentarsi nel Teatro Giustiniani in S. Moise Fautunno dell' anno 1779. Venezia, n. publ., n. d. 62, [2] p. 18% cm . Two acts. Cast and name of Pasquale Anfossi as composer. On p. 31-34 "pro- gramma del ballo primo," without title of the ballet, invented by Antonio Marliani. The second ballet was entitled, "II tutore in gannato." SCHATZ 265 L'Azzardo. Commedia per musica da rappresentarsi nel Real Teatro del Fondo di Separazione per terz' opera di questo corrente anno 1790. Napoli, Vincenzo Flauto, n. d. 54 p. 15 cm . Three acts. Argument, cast, and name of Pietro Guglielmi as the composer. Author not mentioned and unknown to Schatz. On p. 7-9, cast and synopsis of Giovanni Battista Giannini's "Magia contro magia, ballo eroico favoloso," music ("tutta nuova") by Pietro Dutillieu. First performed, as indicated, October 9, 1790. SCHATZ 4236 I baccanali, ballet. See Bianchi's II disertore. Les bacchanales. Entree in Colin de Blamont's Les festes grecques et romaines. OPERA LIBRETTOS 193 I bacchanal!, ballet. See Farinelli's Seldano. Bacchus. Intermede in Bourgeois' Les plaisirs de la paix. Bacchus et Ariane. See Les amours des dieux. Bacchus et Ariane, ballet heroique par M. Gallet; musique de M. Rochefort, second maitre de musique de FOrchestre, represent e pour la premiere fois sur le Theatre de FAcademie royale de musique, le dimanche 11 de'cemhre 1791. Paris, L'imprimerie civique, n. d. 24 p. 19\ cm . One act. Detailed argument, cast, and prefatory note, in which Gallet says: "L'administration de 1' Opera, jalouse sans doute de menager la sant6 d'un sujet qui lui est aussi recpmmandable a titre de premier danseur, que comme compositeur, etoit occupee du soin de se procurer une personne pour partager la fatigue des ballets avec celles qui en sont chargees. Ramene a cette epoque dans le sein de ma patrie, je me suis offert. " Charge, depuis que j'ai quitte 1'Opera, de cet emploi dans les premiers theatres de 1'Europe, je n'ai cess6 de m'occuper d'un art qui s'est ouvert la plus vaste carriere, en remontant a son origine, et joignant la pantomime a la danse ..." He continues by saying that he was obliged to select a simple subject, like ' ' Bacchus & Ariane," because the repertoire of new works did not permit the selection of one of his "grands ballets." ML 52.2.B1R6 Second copy. ML 48.B2 Bacchus et firigone. See Mondonville's Les festes de Paphos. Bacco ed Arianna, ballet. See Insanguine's Motezuma. Bacco ed Arianna. Festa teatrale per musica da rappresentarsi nel Regio teatro di Torino nella primavera del 1784 . . . Torino, Onorato Derossi, n. d. viii, Jfi p. 20 cm . Two acts. Argument, cast, scenario, and names of Cesare Oliveri as the author and Angelo Tarchi as the composer. On p. [41]-47 argument, cast, and description of Sebastiano Gallet's ballet, music by Vittorio Amedeo Canavasso, "Annibale in Torino, ballo eroico pantomimo." SCHATZ 10226 Bacco e Arianna, ballet. See Sard's I due litiganti. Die baeurinn bey hofe. Tr. of Sacchini's La contadina in corte. I bagni d'Abano. [161]-216 p. 16^. (Carlo Goldoni, Opere drammatiche giocose, t. Hi, Torino, 1757.) Three acts. ML 49.A2G6 I bagni d'Abano. Dramma di tre atti per musica. Carlo Goldoni, Opere teatrali, Venezia, Zatta efigli, 1788-95, v. 44) [339}-394 p. 18$ cm . PQ I bagni d'Abano. Dramma giocoso per musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro Nuovo di S. Samuele il carnovale dell' anno 1753 . . . Venezia, Modesto Fenzo, 1753. 56 p. 17 cm . Three acts. By Goldoni. Neither he nor the composers, Baldassare Galuppi and Ferdinando Giuseppe Bertoni, are mentioned. Impresario's dedication, dated Venice, February 10, 1753, cast, and scenario. Schatz, Wotquenne, and Piovano attribute the music to the above, whereas Wiel merely says under no. 556: "Musica: Baldassare Galuppi? " SCHATZ 3519 72251 VOL 114 13 194 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS I bagni d'Abano o sia La forza delle prime impression!. Commedia del Sig. Antonio S. Sografi . . . posta in musica dal Signer maestro Antonio Capuzzi per il nobilissimo Teatro Venier in San Benedetto il carnovale dell' anno 1794. Venezia, Casali, 1793. 87 p. 18 cm . Two acts. Author's dedication, dated December 26, 1793, and scenario. SCHATZ 1597 Baiazet. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel famosissimo Teatro Grimani di S? Gi6. Grisostomo 1 autuno 1742 . . . n. i., n. d. 1 p. 1., 54 p. 15% cm . Three acts. Argument, cast, scenario, and name of Andrea Bernasconi as com- poser but not of author of libretto, conte Agostino Piovene. Originally it was called f ' Tamerlano." First performed as Baiazet at Venice, as indicated. SCHATZ 868 Baiocco et Serpilla. L. T. and parody of II marito giogatore. Le baiser donne et rendu, come'die en un acte et en prose, melee d'ariettes. Representee a Paris, sur le Theatre des Amis de la patrie, le 27 pluvidse. Tan 4! [Feb. 16, 1796]. Par J. H. Guy. Musique du citoyen Gresnich. Paris, Barba, 1796, Van IV. ix, 2-31, [1] p. 21. The ix p. contain list of errata, preface, in which Guy takes issue with his critics, and a "Programme du role de Nicolas." ML 50.2. B2G7 II Bajazet. L. T. of Gasparini's Tamerlano. Bajazet. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel Regio Teatro di Torino nel carnovale del 1754 . . . Torino, Zappata ed Avondo, n. d. 4 P- 1-, 51 P-> Ul 1 16% cm . Three acts. The same as "Tamerlano" by conte Agostino Piovene, who is not mentioned. Argument, cast, scenario, and names of Niccol6 Jommelli as the com- poser of the opera, of Rocco Gioanetti of the three ballets "Le feste di Flora," etc. On the additional leaf the aria "Va dal crudel tiranna, " which replaced "Digli, che peni, e frema" in I, 6. First performed, as indicated, December 26, 1753. SCHATZ 4878 Bajazet. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi in Verona nel Nuovo Teatro dell' Accademia Filarmonica il carnovale dell' anno 1765 . . . Verona, Dionisio Ramanzini, n. d. 1+5 p. 17 cm . Three acts. Text is the "Tamerlano," by conte Agostino Piovene, who is not mentioned. Impresario's dedicatory poem, argument, cast, scenario, and name of Giuseppe Scarlatti as the composer. ("La musica sara.") SCHATZ 9558 II Bajazette. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel Regio- ducal Teatro di Parma la primavera del MDCCLXV. Parma, Monti, n. d. 56 p. 20 cm . Three acts. Dedicatory poem by the author conte Jacopo Antonio San-Vitale, argument, scenario, cast, and name of the composer, Ferdinandp Giuseppe Bertoni. With the opera were performed the ballets "Telemaco nell' isola di Calipso" and "I Tartari generosi," described on p. 26-27, 44 without name of the composer of the music. SCHATZ 936 Le Bal. Entree in Campra's Les festes venitiennes. OPERA LIBEETTOS 195 Le bal bourgeois, opera-comique, en un acte, mesle d'ariettes, par M. Favart: represente pour la premiere fois sur le Theatre de 1'Opera- comique de la Foire St. Laurent, le 13 mars 1738. Imprime en 1762. Paris, Duchesne, 1762. 76, [4] p. 19 cm . (Theatre de M. Favart, Paris, Duchesne, 1763-77, t. viii.) One act. Cast. Prose, vaudevilles and ariettes. Some of the airs printed in the text. According to Favart's Correspondence, he composed several of them. His musical collaborator is not mentioned by Font. First performed as indicated, end of August, 1761, for the opening of the Foire St. Laurent. ML 49.A2F1 Le bal champetre. Entree in Duplessis' Les festes nouvelles. Le bal de Strasbourg, divertissement allemand, au sujet de la con- valescence du roy. Opera comique ballet. Par Mrs. F . . . D. L. G . . . & L. S . . . Paris, Praultjils, 1744- 32, 4, 4, 4 p. 18 cm . The one-act opera is toute en vaudevilles, i. e., the dialogue is sung to popular airs. The 12 p. following the text contain the "Airs du Bal de Strasbourg : "Reviens amour," "Je vous aimois," "Je me mets It peine," "Notre bonheur nous fait," and separately the " P? vaudeville ": "Tout ici partage" and "II? vaudeville": "Notre bonheur nous fait." The authors of this piece were, as indicated, Charles Simon Favart, de La Garde, and Lesueur. Their musical collaborator is not mentioned by Font. First performed at Paris, Foire Saint-Laurent, September 13, 1744. ML 48. P2 Le bal de Strasbourg, divertissement allemand, au sujet de la convalescence du roi, opera comique ballet. Par Mrs. F . . . D. L. G . . . & L. S . . . Paris, Praultjils, 1744. S2, 4 p. 19 cm . (Theatre de M. Favart, Paris, Duchesne, 1763-77, t. vii.) Exactly like the original edition, except that the two vaudevilles are not at end. ML 49.A2F1 Le bal interrompu. See Campra's Trois nouvelles entrees. Le bal interrompu. Entree in Fragments de Monsieur Lully. Le bal masque, ope'ra-comique en un acte et en prose. Me"le d'ari- ettes; mises en musique par M. d'Arcis, ag6 de 12. ans, eleve de M. Gretry. Nouvelle Edition. Paris, Didot I'aine, 1773. 24 p. 19 cm . Author unknown to me. First performed at Paris, Com^die italienne, April 1, 1772. ML 50.2.B21G7 Baldassarre punito. Dramma sacro per musica da rappresentarsi nel Regio Teatro di via della Pergola la quadragesima del 1796 . . . Firenze, Stamperia Albizziniana, 1796. 39 p. 16% cm . Two parts. Cast and name of Gaetano Marinelli as composer. Author unknown to Schatz. First performed at Naples, Teatro del Fondo di Separazione, quadrageeima 1792. ML 48.A5 v. 14 Balders d0d. Et heroisk syngespil i tre handlinger af Johan Evald. n. i., n. d. 104 P- 15Y m - On p. 100-104 "Forklaring" of the mythological names in the piece. The com- poser, Johann Ernst Hartmann, is not mentioned. First performed at Copenhagen, Royal Theater, February 7, 1778. SCHATZ 4463 196 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Balders d0d Continued. - Balders tod. Ein trauerspiel mit gesang von J. Ewald. Aus dem daenischen. Nach der musik des herrn concertmeister Hart- mann. Zweyte aufl. mit 3 kupf. v. Chodowieki. Kopenhagen, Christ. Gottlol Proft, 1785, 112 p. Ifa. The plates are missing. SCHATZ 4464 La ballerina amante. Dramma giocoso per musica da rappresen- tarsi nel Teatro di S. A. E. di Sassonia. Dresda, n. publ, 1786. 14! p. 15%. Two acts. By Giuseppe Palomba (not mentioned.) Cast and name of the composer Domenico Nicola Cimarosa. German title "Die verliebte taenzerin" and text face Italian. First performed at Dresden in 1786; at Naples, Teatro de' Fiorentini in 1782. SCHATZ 1912 Ballet auf das erfreulichste vermaehlungs-fest in des Durchlauchtigen fuersten imd herrn Friedrich Ferdinands hertzogen zu Wuertemberg undTeck . . . und . . . princessin Elisabeth . . . welches . . . den 19. monats-tag septembr. des 1689tzigsten jahres celebriret wurde. Oelss, Heinrich BocksJiammer, n. d. Unpaged. 32 cm . Twenty-one entrees with arias. Cast. On last page a ' ' Beschluss-Sonnet. ' ' Neither author nor composer mentioned in the libretto. Not recorded by Sittard. ML 52.2.B107 Ballet danse a Ville-Neuve-Saint-George devant Monseigneur le premier septembre 1692. Par PAcademie royale de musique et remjs au Theatre de ladite Academie avec le Carnaval, mascarade. Les paroles sont de M. Banzy, & la musique de M. Colasse. n. i., n. d. 206-228 p. 13\ cm . (Recueil general des opera, Paris, 1703, t. iv.) Detached copy. A note on p. 208 reads: "Ce ballet n'est pas compte au nombre des opera, parce qu'il ne peut former une representation complete & ordinaire. On 1'a neanmoins place" dans ce volume ainsi qu'il est annonce" au Prologue du Carnaval, mascarade [by Lully], afin de ne rien omettre de tout ce qui s'est represent^ sur le Theatre de 1'Academie royalle de musique." SCHATZ 2104 Second copy. ML 48. R4 Le ballet de Flore. See Campra's Les festes venitiennes. Ballet de la jeunesse, divertissement mesle" de comedie & de musique. Represent 6 devant La Majeste a Versailles le [blank] Janvier 1686 . . . Suivant la copie imprime'e a Paris. [Amsterdam Antoine Schelte], 1686. 24 p. (incl. front.) 13% cm . Prologue and the three intermedes for the comedy. The names of the performers in the text. Neither the author, Dancourt, nor the composer, Michel Richard de La Lande, is mentioned. First performed January 28, 1686, as indicated. ML 49.A2L9 Ballet des ages. See Campra's Les ages. Ballet des Parnasses. See Bontempi's II Paride. Ballet des saisons. Represente par 1'Academie royale de musique. Suivant la copie imprimee a Paris. Amsterdam, Antoine Schelte, 1696. 40 p. 14% cm . Four entrees and prologue. Neither author nor composer mentioned. Comp. next entry. ML 52.2. B115 OPERA LIBRETTOS 197 Ballet des saisons Continued. - Ballet des saisons, represent^ par 1'Academie royale de musique Fan 1695. Les paroles sont de M. Picque, & la musique de M. Col- lasse. XXXVI. opera. n. i., n. d. 14 cm . front., 185-232 p. (Recueil general des opera, t. v, Paris, 1703.} Detached copy. Four entries and prologue. Text by the abbe" Pic. The second edition (1700} of Colasse's score bears this statement on the title page: "augmentee de toute la musique de feu Monsieur de Lully qui manquoit dans la premiere." Which Lully did he mean? Louis de Lully and Jean Baptiste de Lully, the younger, cer- tainly not, because they were both still alive. To be considered, therefore, is oniy Jean Louis de Lully, who died 1688, about one year after his great father Jean Baptists. Now, the son is not known to have collaborated with Colasse, whereas it is known that Colasse, as amanuensis of the elder Lully, saved and utilized in his own scores airs that had been discarded by Lully, who, moreover, on July 23, 1661, performed his own "Ballet des Saisons." SCHATZ 5782 Second copy. ML 48. R4 Le ballet des sens, represents par FAcademie royale de musique, Fan 1732. Paroles de M. Roy. Musique de M. Mouret. CXVI. opera. Tom. xv. n. i., n. d. front., p. 121-204- (Recueil general des opera, Paris, 1739.} 14 cm . Detached copy. Prologue and five entrees entitled: "L'odorat," "Le toucher," "La vue," "L'ouie," and "Le gout." At the first performance, May 29, 1732 (so the score. Schatz gives June 5, 1732), the ballet consisted only of the prologue and the first three entrees. On July 8, 1732, "L'ouie" replaced "Le toucher," and August 14, 1732, "Le gout" replaced "La vue" before the ballet assumed its final form. As "Le trioinphe des sens " the score was published by Mouret's widow. SCHATZ 6744-6746 Second copy. ML 48. R4 Le ballet des XXIV heures, ambigu comique represent^ devant Sa Majest6 a Chantilly, le 5 nov. 1722. Par FAcademie royale de musique, les comediens francois & italiens. Paris, Jean Pepingue & la veuve Guillaume, 1723. 2 p. I., 123, [3] p. 16\. Prologue and four parts, called "La nuit," "La matinee," "L'apresdinee" and "La eoire." On p. 6 "Monsieur D. L. F *" [de la Font?] is mentioned as author of the prologue, "Le Grand, Comedien du roy " as author of "1'idee du ballet, les paroles qui se chantent, & les diverses petites comedies & scenes detachees " and [Jacques] Aubert as composer of the music, which was practically restricted to the ballet entries. Casts and preface: "Ce ballet a t6 ordonne', invente, compose, apris & repre'sente' en moins de trois semaines, & quoique 1'execution d^pendit de plus de deux cens personnes de differens talens, ella 6t6 des plus regulieres. Cette espece d'ambigu-comique a fort rejoui le roy & toute la cour: & c'est sur-tout ce qu'avoit recommand a 1'auteur le prince magnifique qui a donn6 ce divertissement a Sa Majeste." The [3] p. at end contain the imprimatur, dated November 22, 1722, and Le Grand's privilege. ML 52.2.B11 Ballet du Dereiglement des passions. De FInterest, de FAmour, & de la Gloire. n. i., n. d. 19 p. 22\ cm . Title page missing? Three parts, with 10, 9, and 10 entries, each briefly described, with names of the dancers. Each part opens with a "recit," and the whole is preceded by "Le ballet au epectateur. Sonnet, and argument. Text by Berthaud, who is not mentioned. According to de La Valliere, the ballet was danced before the King and Queen of France on January 23, 1648, and the text was printed in the same year. Music by Michel Lambert? ML 52.2.B17 198 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Ballet du Temps. Danse par le roy le dernier jour de novembre 1654. [printer's mark]. Paris, Robert Bollard, 1654. 1 P- 1-, 1, 4~U I 1 } P- W" 1 . Perfect copy. Error in pagination. Two parts of 12, reap. 11 entries. The names of the dancers are given. Neither the author of the text, Isaac de Benserade, is mentioned, nor Jean Baptiste de Lully, who composed some of the music. The air " Bien que nous courrions " was composed by Jean de Cambefort. ML 52.2.B17 Componimento drammatico che introduce ad un Ballo cinese rap- presentato in musica nelP imperial corte nel carnevale del 1735. [25}-36 p. 19 cn . (Pietro Metastasio, Opere drammatiche, Venezia, Giuseppe Bettinetti, 1733-37, v. 4.) One act. No composer mentioned for whom see better known L. T. "Le Cinesi." ML 49.A2M4 II ballo de' segni celesti. p. 317-326. 15% cm . (Ottavio TronsareUi, Drammi musicali, Roma, Francesco Corbelletti, 1632.} One act. Argument. No composer mentioned. ML 49.A2T7 Songs, duetts, trios, chorusses, etc etc in the comic opera of the Banditti; or, Love's labyrinth. As it is performed at the Theatre Royal in Covent 7 Garden. The music by Dr. Arnold. London, T. Cadell, 1781. 27 p. 20. Two acts. Cast. John O'Keefe, the author, is not mentioned. First performed November 28, 1781. Better known in the altered version as: ML 50.2.B23A7 Songs, duets, trios, etc. in the comic opera of the Castle of Andalusia. As performed at the Theatre-Royal, in Co vent-Garden. The ninth edition. London, T. Cadell, 1783. 27 p. 21 cm . Three acts. Neither the author, John O'Keefe, is mentioned, nor the composer and compiler of the music, Samuel Arnold. Bland's vocal score says: " The selected airs by Handel, Vento, Giordani, Bertoni, Giardini, Dr. Arne, and Carolan, the Insh bard. The overture, choruses, new airs, etc., composed by Doctor Arnold." First performed under the above title November 2, 1782. LONGE 91 - The castle of Andalusia, a comic opera. In three acts. As it is performed at the theatres in London and Dublin. By John O'Keefe, Esq. With additional songs by Sig. Tenducci. Dublin, Sold by the booksellers, 1783. 72 p. 16\ cm . Cast. LONGE 148 Banniaii day, a musical entertainment, in two acts, performed at the Theatre Royal, Hay-market. Written by George Brewer. London, T. N. Longman, 1796. 4 p. I, 35 p. 21 cm . Cast, preface, and note that "The words (with a very few alterations) and the music of the duet at the end of the first act were borrowed from the musical piece, called The apparition; written by Mr. Cross." The composer, Samuel Arnold, is not mentioned. First performed June 11, 1796. LONGE 234 The banquet. Tr. of Bertoni's II convito. The banquet-gallery. A. T. of Kelly's Feudal times. OPERA LIBRETTOS 199 I barbari sacrifizi distrutti, ballet. See Rispoli's Idalide. La barbarie del caso. Tragedia di Domenico Gisberti . . . dall' Academia delli Sigg. Angustiati rappresentata in Murano nel MDCLXIV. [At end] Venetia, Francesco Valvasense, 1664- 166, [1] p. 13\ cm . Three acts and prologue. Dedication and argument in verse. Pietro Molinari is mentioned as the composer. SCHATZ 6548 The barber duellist. A. T. of Modern honour. The barber of Seville, or The useless precaution; a comedy in four acts. With songs, etc. By the author of Eugenie, or the School for rakes. Addressed to R. B. Sheridan, Esq. London, Printed for the author, 1776. 1 p. I, iv, [2], 70 p. 21 cm . In his dedication the publisher calls this a translation of Beaumarchais' "Le barbier de Seville," and he mentions his reasons for publishing, "contrary to usual custom, a piece before it has been acted in London." Necessary corrections he leaves to be made by the author of the Duenna, "as being most fit to correct its faults." Clarence records Mrs. Griffiths as the translator. Not performed. LONGE 318 Le barbier de Seville. Parody of Paisiello's II barbiere di Seviglia. II barbier di Siviglia, ballet. See II Demetrio, Livorno, 1785. Der barbier von Sevilla oder Die unnutze vorsicht. TV. of Paisiello's II barbiere di Seviglia. Der barbier von Seville, oder Die vergebliche vorsicht. Ein lust- spiel des herrn von Beaumarchais, in vier akten: mit untennischten gesaengen. Aus dem franzoesischen. Leipzig, Dykische Buchhandlung , 1784- 8 p. 1., [81}-216 p. 15% The "Vorberiqht" reads in part: " Urspriinglich kommen in diesem stiicke wohl einige gesaenge vor; aber der plan desselben ist gar nicht zu einer komischen operette angelegt. Warum es auf den meisten deutschen theatern aber als operette aufgefuehrt wird, ruehrt daher, weil Herr Seller, fuer dessen theater herr [Gustav Friedrich Wilhelm] Grossmann das etueck zuerst uebersetzte, gern eine operette daraus wollte gemacht haben . . . Die von herrn Grossmann eingeschobenen gesaenge, welche herr [Friedrich Ludwig] Benda in musik gesezt hat, moegen hier ihren platz einnehmen; desto bequemer kann man sie bey der vorstellung uebersehen." They are printed on the 8 p. 1. First performed at Dresden, Neues Theater vor dem Schwarzen Thore, August, 1776; at Leipzig, September, 1776; at Gotha, Hoftheater, October 18, 1776. SCHATZ 764 II barbiere di Siviglia, ballet. See Bianchi's La villanella rapita. II barbiere di Siviglia, oyvero La precauzione inutile, dramma gio- coso per musica tradotto liberamente dal francese, da rappresentarsi nel Teatro Imperiale di corte, 1'anno 1782. La musica e del Signer Giovanni Paisiello . . . Pietroburgo, Breitkopf, n. d. 5 p. 1., 75 p. 20 cm . Four acts. Cast, scenario, "protesta del traduttore" [Giuseppe Petrosellini, not mentioned] and Paisiello's dedication to Catherine II in which he says: "Le barbier de Seville [by Beaumarchais] ayant t6 gout6 par Votre Majest6 Imperiale, j'ai pens6 que cette mdme piece en opera italien pourroit ne pas Lui de"plaire; en consequence j'en ai fait faire un extrait, que je me suis applique" a rendre aussi court que possible, en conservant (autant que le g6nie de la poesie italienne peut le permettre) les expressions de la piece originale sans y rien ajouter . . ." M 50.2.B25P2 200 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS II barbiere di Siviglia Continued. - Le barbier de Seville, opera comique, en quatre actes; mis en musique sur la traduction italienne par le celebre Seigneur Paisiello. Et remis en francais, d'apres la piece de Mr. de Beaumarchais, et parodie" sur la musicjue, par Mr. Framery . . . Represente" devant Leurs Majeste"s a Trianon, sur le Theatre de la reine, le 14 septembre, et a Versailles le 28 octobre, 1784 . . . Amsterdam, Cesar Noel Guerin, 1786. front, (a portrait of Beaumar- chais), 111 p. 16 Y m - Dedication to the queen and "Avis: Sans avoir 6gard a la verification, on a copie" les paroles, comme elies sont placets sous la musique, pour la commodite des per- eonnes qui aiment a suivre le cnanteur." SCHATZ 7600 - Der barbier von Sevilla oder Die unniitze vorsicht. Ein sing- spiel in vier akten nach dem franzoesischen des herrn von Beaumar- cnais von G. F. W. Grossmann. Die komposition der musik ist von herrn Paisiello. Koeln am Rhein, JoJi. Godschalk Langen, 1786. 104 P' 15% cm . First performed at Mannheim, Nationaltheater, Nov. 20, 1785. SCHATZ 7601 L'inutile preeauzione. Dramma giocoso per musica da rap- presentarsi nel nobile Teatro di San Samuele il carnovale dell' anno MDCCLXXXVIL Venezia, Modesto Fenzo, 1787. 56 p. 18 cm . Cast, name of Paisiello as the composer, scenario, and notice to the effect that, though printed in four acts, the opera was really performed in two parts, first and second, resp. third and fourth acts together. The author, Giuseppe retrosellini, is not mentioned. SCHATZ 7602 - Figaro als barbier zu Sevilla, ein lustspiel mit gesang in 4 akten. Text nach Beaumarchais, musik von Johann Paisiello. Passau, Ambrosi, 1796. 108 p. 16 cm . At end [32] p. "Buecher Anzeiger." SCHATZ 7603 Der barbier von Sevilien, oder Die unniitze vorsicht; ein lustspiel in vier akten. Aus dem franzosischen des herrn von Beaumarchais, und mit neuer musik von Johann Andre. Offenbach am Mayn, Ulrich Weiss, 1776. 136 p. 17 cm . First performed at Berlin, Dobbelinsches Theater, October 2, 1776. SCHATZ 182 Barillotto. Intermezzi da rappresentarsi nel Teatro di Sant' Angelo Pautunno dell' anno 1712. Poesia del Sig. dott. Francesco Salvi di Firenze. Musica del Sig. Domenico Saro [ !] . . . Venezia, Marino Rossetti, 1712. 12 p. 15 cm . Three parts. Cast. SCHATZ 942 Barilotto e Slapina, intermezzi. L. T. of Salvi's text Barillotto. Le Barnevelt franois. A. T. of Duni's L'e"cole de la jeunesse. II baron di Lago Nero. Dramma giocoso per musica da rappresen- tarsi nel nobile Teatro Tron di San Cassiano nell' autunno delr anno 1776. Venezia, Gio. Battista Casali, 1776. 54 p. 17\ cm . Three acts. The author is not mentioned and is unknown to Schatz. Cast, scenario, and names of Michele Morteliari as the composer of the opera and of "Santo Trento" of the ballet music ("tutta nuova ") SCHATZ 6689 OPERA LIBEETTOS 201 II baron di Terra Asciuta. Dramma giocoso per musica da rap- presentarsi nel Nobile Teatro di San Samuele il carnovale dell' anno 1776. Venezia, Gio. Battista Casali, 1776. 40 p. 17 cm . One act. Author not mentioned and unknown to Schatz. Cast, name of Giacomo Bust as the composer, and this avviso: "... s'6 pensato in luogod'un' opera buffa di far rappresentare due operette, come costumano i Francesi. Una delle quali, per la ristrettezza del tempo, npn ha potuto esser pronta, ma lo sara dopo i tre primi dl dell' anno. Intanto si supplira col primo atto dell' opera passata." On p. [29]-40, argument and description of Onorato Vigano's "Oreste o sia La morte di Clitennestra, ballo tragico pantomimo," without name of the composer of the music. First performed at Venice, December 26, 1775, as indicated. SCHATZ 9168 The baron Kinkvervankotsdorsprakingatchdern. A new musi- cal comedy. As performed at the Theatre Royal in the Hay-market. By Miles Peter Andrews, Esq. London, T. Cadell, 1781. xi, [5], 71, [1] p. 20. Three acts, prologue, and epilogue. Cast and preface, in which the author protests against the charges of "many low and gross indecencies" resulting in the removal of his successful play from the stage after three performances. The composer of the music is not mentioned. The music, perhaps partly compiled, has been ascribed to Dr. Arnold. LONGE 196 First performed as indicated, July 9, 1781. Der baron vom Vesten thurme. Ein singspiel in zween aufzuegen. Ein freye uebersetzung aus dem italienischen von C.[arl] J. F.[6rg] Aufgefiiehrt auf dem Cnurfuerstl. deutschen Theater in Muenchen. [Muenchen], Gedruckt ley Franz Joseph TTiuiUe, 1777. Unpaged. Joseph Michl is mentioned as the composer. The original Italian title was, "II barone di Torre Forte." First performed at Munich, Opernhaus b. St. Salvator, March 23, 1772. SCHATZ 6488 Der baron von Alten Felss. Tr. of Franchi and Anfossi's II barone di Rocca Antica. Der baron von Starckenthurm. Tr. of Piccinni's II barone di Torreforte. II barone a forza, o sia II trionfo di Bacco. Farsetta per musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro Pallacorda [ !] di Firenze nel carnevale dell' anno 1786. Roma, Michele Puccinelli, n. d. 68 p. 15\ cm . Two acts. Author not mentioned and unknown to Schatz. Cast and name of Marcello di Capua as composer. ML 50.2.B29B2 - II barone a forza o sia II trionfo di Bacco. Dramma giocoso per musica da rappresentarsi in Bologna nel Nuovo publico teatro il carnevale dell' anno 1788 . . . Bologna, Sassi, n. d. 79 p. 17 cm . Two acts. Dedication, cast, scenario, and name of Marcello di Capua as com- poser. Librettist not mentioned and unknown to Schatz. The imprimatur dated December 16, 1787. First performed at Bologna, December 26, 1787. SCHATZ 845 II barone burlato. L. T. of Cimarosa's II pittor parigino. 202 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS II barone di Moscabianca. A. T. of Caruso's Oro non compra amore. II barone di Rocca Antica. Intermezzo per musica a quattro voci da rappresentarsi in Lisbona nel Teatro della rua dos Condes nell' estate dell' anno 1773. [Lisbona], Nella Stamperia reale, n. d. 71 p. 16\ cm . Two parts. By Giuseppe Petrosellini, who is not mentioned. Cast, scenario, and name of the composer, Carlo Franchi. First performed at Rome, Teatro delle Dame, February 4, 1771. SCHATZ 3327 - II barone di Rocca Antica. Azzione comica per musica da rappresentarsi nel Piccolo Teatro di S. A. E. di Sassoma. Dresda., 1772, n. jmbl. 143 p. 16$ cm . Two acts. German title-page, "Der baron von Alten Felss. Eine lustige musical- ische handlung," and text face Italian. Carlo Franchi is named as the composer of the first and rasquale Anfossi of the second act in this version. SCHATZ 3330 II barone di Torre Forte. O. T. of Michl's Der baron vom Vesten thurme. II barone di Torreforte. Azzione comica in musica, da rappresen- tarsi nel Piccolo Theatre di S. A. E. di Sassonia. Dresda, n. pull, V estate del 1766. 93 p. 16 cm . Two acts. The author is not mentioned and unknown to Schatz. Cast and name of Niccol6 Piccinni as the composer. German title-page, "Der baron von Starcken- thurm," and text face Italian. First performed at Rome, Teatro Capranica, January 10, 1765. SCHATZ 8068 II barone di Torreforte. Dramma giocoso per musica da rap- presentarsi nel Teatro di via S. Maria nell' estate aell' anno 1768 . . . Firenze, Stamperia in Borgo de' Greci, n. d. Unpaged. 17 cm . Two acts. Dedicatory poem by the impresario, Antonio Fabbrini, cast, and name of Niccol6 Piccinni as composer. Previously performed at Florence, Teatro via del Cocomero, spring of 1766. ML 48.A5 v. 24 II barone in angustie. Commedia per musica di Giuseppe Palomba da rappresentarsi nel Real Teatro del Fondo di Separazione per quart' opera del corrente anno 1797 . . . Napoli, n. publ., 1797. 43 p. 15 cm . Two acts. Impresario's dedication dated Naples, February 1, 1797, cast, and name of Giacomo Tritto as the composer. With the opera was performed (composer of the music not mentioned) Lauchlin Dusquesney's ballet, "L'inutile precauzione." SCHATZ 10459 II barone Spazzacamino. L. T. of Portugal's Spazzacamino principe. La baronessa Stramba. See Cimarosa's II credulo. Barsina. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel famoso Teatro Tron a S. Cassiano. L'autunno dell' anno MDCCXLII. Venezia, Milosco, 1742. 48 p. 15\ cm . Three acts. By Francesco Silvani, who is not mentioned. Argument, scenario, cast, and name of Giuseppe Antonio Paganelli as the composer. SCHATZ 7573 Le baruffe chiozzote, ballet. See Robuschi's Castrini, padre e figlio. OPERA LIBRETTOS 203 Basilio re Doriente [ !]. Dramma per musica da recitarsi nel Teatro a S. Cassano, novamente riaperto a uso d'opere 1'anno 1696 . . . Venetia, Nicolini, 1696. 66 p. lo cm . Three acts. Dedication signed by the author, Giovanni Battista Neri, and dated Venice, December 31, 1695, argument and "A chi legge discretamente " with name of Francesco Navara as the composer, source of the story, the usual complaint about brevity of time, and the remark: "Sarebbeben stato di bisogno il poter da dovero con arte magica ingrandir la capacita del Teatro, che non sarei io stato costretto a restringere, e quasi annichilare le operazioni della mia scena: oltre il comando inviolabile della brevita, che con piu tirannia di quella ho sofferto dall' angustia del sito, mi ha violentato a levar molte scene di quelle che sono chiamate di forza, e cangiar la piu parte de frutti in pochi fiori di nulla fragranza . . ." SCHATZ 7065 Basilio und Quiteria, ein singgedicht. n. i., n. d. p. [365}-386. 18 cm . Detached copy. One act. Neither Daniel Schiebeler, the author, is mentioned nor Georg Philipp Telemann, the composer. First performed at Hamburg, 1735. SCHATZ 10256 II bassa generoso. Intermezzo per musica a cinque voci da rap- presentarsi nel Piccolo Teatro di S. A. E. di Sassonia. Dresda, n. publ, 1782. 19 p. 15% cm . Two acts, with name of composer, Marcello di Capua, but not of librettist, who is unknown to Schatz. German title-page "Der grossmuethige bassa" and text face Italian. First performed, as indicated, February 9, 1782; at Rome, Teatro Capranica, carnival 1780. SCHATZ 830 Der bassa von Tunis, eine komische operette in einem aufzuge, von K. F. H. Die musik ist von herrn Holly in Prag. Berlin und Leipzig, n. publ., 1774- 56 p. 15 cm . By Carl Franz Henisch. First performed at Berlin, Koch'sches Theater in ,der Behrenstrasse, January 6, 1774. SCHATZ 4768 ' Bassiano, overo II maggior impossibile. Drama per musica da rap- presentarsi nel famoso Teatro Grimano in SS. Giovanni e Paolo. L'anno MDCLXXXIL Di Matteo Noris . . . Venetia, Francesco Nicolini, 1682. 62 p. 13% cm . Three acts. Author's dedication, argument, and scenario. The composer, Carlo Pallavicino, is not mentioned. SCHATZ 7720 Bassiano overo II maggior impossibile. Melodrama da rappresen- tarsi nel Teatro di S. Bartolomeo di Matteo Noris . . . Napoli, Perrino e Mutii, 1694. 6 P- ]> 6 P- Three acts. Impresario's dedication, argument, scenario, and notice to the reader which begins: "Viddero altrove i teatri rappresentar questo drama [with music by Carlo Palla- vicino] da qualche tempo con applausi; hora viene eu questo di Partenope. II tempo breve, la etaggione, e 1'uso Than fatto variare in qualche parte non essentiale, ti BI dice accio, se a caso vedessi impresso quello, che prima rappresentossi, non giudichi, che si e fatto il correttore all' autore, che tanto celebre e nel mondo. E etato poi posto in musica dal . . . Sig. Alessandro Scarlatti in cosi breve tempo che e parso un miracolo . . ." This notice followed by the restituted arias, etc., "Voi che tanto ne vedete" (II, 10), "El io piu no appare" (III, 6), and "Questo di logore" (III, 11). Mentioned by Dent? First performed, as indicated, in the spring of 1694. SCHATZ 9533 204 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS The Bastille: a musical entertainment of one act: As performed at the Royal Circus, in Saint George's Fields. Written by John Dent . . . The second edition. London, W. Lowndes, 1790. 8 p. 1. (incl. pi.}, viii, 24 p. 21 cm . The plate (a scene from the opera) is dated December 15, 1789. Author's dedica- tion dated November 31, 1789, and Address narrating the difficulties in the way of the production of this piece which ran for seventy-nine nights consecutively after having been "actually got up and represented within seven days after it had been first conceived, and determined on." Composer not recorded by Clarence or Schatz. LONGE 318 Les bateliers de Saint Cloud, opera comique de m. F * * *. BruxeUes, n. publ., 1744- 44 P- 19 cm - (Theatre de M. Favart, Paris, Duchesne, 1763-77, t. vi.) One act. Prose and vaudevilles. No music printed in text or added. First performed as "La fete de Saint Cloud" at Paris, Ope>a comique, Foire Saint Laurent, August, 1741, revived under the above title and with alterations, August, 1744. ML 49.A2F1 - Les bateliers de Saint Cloud, opera-comique en un acte. Paris, la veuve Duchesne, 1766. 72 p. 19 cm . On p. 43-74 twenty-three "Airs des Basteliers de S. Cloud," unaccompanied. Neither the author, Favart, is mentioned, nor the arranger of the popular airs. SCHATZ 11483 Bathile. See Floquet's L'union de 1'amour et des arts. The battle of Hexham. A comedy. In three acts, as performed at the Theatre-Royal, Crow-street. Dublin, P. Byrne, 1790. 58 p. 17\ cm . London and Dublin casts. Considerably interspersed with songs, etc. Neither the author, George Colman, the younger, is mentioned, nor Samuel Arnold, the composer. In Longman and Broderip's vocal score the glee ".When Arthur first" is headed as composed by Calcott and the catch "Lurk, lurk, o'er the greeh sword " as by Dr. Arne. First performed August 11, 1789. LONGE 233 The battle of the poets ; or, The contention of the laurel. As it is now acting at the New Theatre in the Hay-market ; introduced as an entire new act to the comical tragedy of Tom Thumb. Written by Scriblerus Tertius . . . London, W. Trott and T. Astley, 1731. 24 p. 17 \. Cast and prologue. Interspersed with songs, the airs of which are indicated by title. By some attributed to Thomas Cooke. LONGE 321 First performed, as indicated, January 1, 1731 (Genest) Bauce e Palemone. Dramma per musica per celebrare il felicis- simo giorno natalizio della serenissima Signora Donna Carlotta Gioaccnina . . . li 25 aprile 1789. [Lisboa], Stamperia reale, n. d. 23 p. 15 cm . One act. Argument, cast, and names of Joao Cordeiro da Silva as composer, of Gaetano Martinelli as author. SCHATZ 9883 Bauci e Filemone. First act of Gluck's Le feste d' Apollo. Das bauern-maegdchen am hofe. A. T. of Killer's Lottchen. Der baum der Diana. Tr. of Martin y Soler's L'arbore di Diana. OPERA LIBRETTOS 205 Das bauren-maedgen. Tr. of Sacchini's La contadina in corte. II Bayram de' Turchi, ballet. See Salieri and Rust's II talismano. Bayes no poetaster. A. T. of The two queens of Brentford. Bays in petticoats. A. T. of The rehearsal. Bays's opera. As it is acted at the Theatre-Royal, by His Majesty's servants. Written by Mr. Odingsells . . . London, printed: and sold by J. Roberts, 1730. 4 P> 1-, ?0 P- 20 cm . Lacks the "Epilogue," [2] p. after p. 70. Three acts. Ballad opera. The tunes (49) not printed merely indicated. Cast and preface, which reads, in part: ''When the town thought fit to pass sentence on this trifling piece, corrected by their judgment, I determm'd to finish the execution, and bury it in oblivion; lest by setting it in open light, I shou'd be thought presumptuous enough to think of con- fronting and expostulating with their resentment. But my too partial friends, who first seduc'd me by their approbation to exhibit it to the publick, over-rul'd my resolution; and thought it incumbent on me to publish it, in order to clear up some disadvantages it labour'd under in the representations, which made it obscure, and perhaps unintelligible, and to confute some insinuations scatter'd about, injurious to my private character . . . ' ' The only view of this performance was to expose the folly and absurdities of a prevailing (and, as I thought, vitiated) taste; which seem'd to prefer farce and buffoonery, as well as the unprofitable, immoral and unnatural representations of poetical fiction, to the more polite and instructive entertainments of dramatick poetry and musick. "As the design is carried on in one continu'd allegory, all persons of taste (and to such only I make my humble appeal,) well know that an allegory, to be rightly understood in all its parts, requires an exact attention from the beginning to the end . . . "For the judicious this piece was, tho' unhappily, calculated; and therefore not intended to entertain by ballad-singing; which was only accidental to the design; or rather a means to enliven the burlesque scheme. It was my view to alarm men of sense to a care of the liberal arts, which seem to languish, and, at their last gasp, invoke their assistance to raise them . . . "I cou'd take notice of some invidious reflections industriously spread by a certain author, who has claim'd to himself the invention of this scheme; (tho' I doubt neither of us have any great reason to boast of it;) but as it is not the turn of my ambi- tion to aspire at, much less to rival any man in the character of author, I shall readily give him up any thing but truth, I shall therefore only observe, that it was impossible for me to steal any hints from him, because this was wrote, and known to many gentle- men above a year before he dates the theft . . . "It has been urg'd, in a place where I cou'd wish scandal and defamation might never enter, that this performance was aim'd to expose the celebrated author of the Beggar's Opera and his works; but to clear me from this abhorr'd aspersion, I shall want no other vindication than what I am sure to find from the candid judgment of that ingenious gentleman ..." First performed at Drury Lane, March 30, 1730. ML 50.5.B19 Second copy, complete with the "Epilogue," [2] p. after p. 70. LONGE 78 Beau in the sudds. A. T. of The female parson. The beau metamorphos'd. A. T. of The happy lovers. Den bedragne formynder eller De under masken sluttede gifter- maale. Tr. of G. M. Rutini's I matrimoni in maschera. Die befreyte sklavinn. Tr. of Schuster's La schiava liberata. 206 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS The beggar's opera. As it is acted at the Theatre-Royal in Lin- colns-Inn-Fields. Written by Mr. Gay ... To which is added, the musick engrav'd on copper-plates. London, J. Watts, 1728. 58, [2] p., 16 p. (music). 20 cm . Three acts with introduction. Cast. At end of text [2] p. of a list of "Books lately publish'd," the heading of the second page reading "Books printed for J. Tonson and J. Watts. Feb. 10, 1727." In third act there are by error two "Scene X," one on p. 50, the other on p. 51. The airs are numbered consecutively for each act: 18, 22, 28, total 68 not 69. The airs, by no means only ballad-airs, are printed separately following the text, but without titles, merely with number corresponding to that in the text, where the tunes are indicated by title. John Christopher Pepusch, who composed the overture and arranged the music, is not mentioned. First edition. First performed, as indicated, January 29, 1728. ML 50.5. B3 The beggar's opera. As it is acted at the Theatre-Royal in Lincolns-Inn Fields. Written by Mr. Gay ... 3d ed.: with the ouverture in score, the songs, and the basses, (the ouverture and basses compos'd by Dr. Pepusch) Curiously engrav'd on copper plates. London, J. Watts, 1729. 4 p. I, 60 p., 46 p. (music). 23 cm . Three acts and introduction. Ballad opera. Cast and table of the sixty-nine [!] songs numbered consecutively. The corresponding airs are printed in the text with their titles. ML 50.5.B33 - The beggar's opera. Written by Mr. Gay. The fifth edition: to which is prefix'd the ouverture in score and the musick to each song. London, John Watts, 1742. 4 p. 1., 8, 76 p. 20\ cm . Three acts. The 4 p. 1. contain a table of the 69 songs, advertisements, cast and first page of the "Introduction" followed on the 8 p. by the "Ouverture in score. Composed by Dr. Pepusch." AC 901.M5v.519 The beggar's opera. Written by Mr. Gay. To which is pre- fixed the overture in score : and the musick to each song. London, J. and R. Tonson, 1765. 94 p. (incl. front.) 21% cm . Title vignette: port. Three acts and introduction. Cast and table of the songs. On p. 11-18 the "Over- ture in score. Composed by Dr. Pepusch." The airs (69) are printed in the text, numbered consecutively. ML 50.5. B35 Second copy. LONGE 46 The beggar's opera. As written by John Gay. Distinguishing also the variations of the theatre, as performed at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane. Regulated from the prompt-book, by permission of the managers, by Mr. Hopkins, prompter. London, John Bell, 1777. 65 p. 17 '\. At head of title: "Bell's edition." On p. 63-65: "A Table of the songs." Pepusch is not mentioned. Following the text 2 unnumb. p. of "Books published by J. Bell." On p. 3 the Drury-Lane and Coyent-Garden casts. The Drury Lane cast in this libretto is not the same as given by Genest for November 8, 1777. SCHATZ 7864 The beggar's opera. A comic opera. By John Gay. Adapted for theatrical representation, as performed at the Theatre-Royal, Drury-Lane. Regulated from the prompt-book, by permission of the managers. London, John Bell, 1791. 2 pi., ix, [4], 14-99, [3] p. 15. (J.BeU, British theatre, London, 1791-1797, t. 2.) OPEEA LIBEETTOS 207 The beggar's opera Continued. The first pi. represents Mrs. Crouch as Polly and is dated February 2, 1791. The second pi. is an added pictorial title page and is dated January 20, 1791. Biographical sketch of John Gay, editorial note on the "Beggar's Opera." A table of the songs on the [3] p. at end". PR 1241.B4 - The beggar's opera. A comic opera. By John Gay. Adapted for theatrical representation, as performed at the Theatres-Royal, Drury-Lane & Covent-Garden. Regulated from the prompt-book, by permission of the managers . . . Cooke's edition. Embellished with superb engravings. London, C. Cooke, n. d. 2 pi. x, [11-13], 14-72 p. 14% cm . Plates and contents the same as in preceding entry, except that there is no table of the songs. Published before 1800? PR 3473.B4C6 The beggar's wedding. A new ballad opera. As it is acted at the theatre in Dublin, with great applause; and at the theatre in the Haymarket. To which are added the new prologue and epilogue. By Mr. Char. Coffey ... 5th ed. London, Printed ~by J. D., 1733. 58 p. 16 cm . Three acts. The airs are not printed, merely indicated. They are numbered consecutively in each act: 20, 15, 19, total 54. Under the above title (prose and songs, in three acts) "The beggar's wedding" was first published with music at London in 1729. This and the second edition, 1729 (without music) and a third edition, 1729 (with music) are at the British Museum, as well as the fourth edition, 1731. Genest says under Haymarket 1729 of the "Beggar's wedding": "it seems to have come out at Dublin and then to have been acted at this theatre." Under Drury Lane, July 4, 1729 he then enters the first performance of the reduced version as "Phebe or Beggar's wedding." ML 50.5.B4 First performed at Dublin, Smock Alley, March 24, 1729. (Lawrence). - The beggar's wedding. An opera. As it is acting with great applause at the Theatre-Royal, in Drury-Lane. With the prologue and epilogue. By Mr. Char. Coffey . . . London, R. Horsjield and T. Lownds, 1763. 64 p. 21 cm . Cast. The 56 (20, 15, 21) airs are indicated in the text by title. LONGE 102 Phebe ; or, The beggar's wedding. An opera. 47 p. 19 cm . . Title page wanting. The British Museum lists an edition of London, 1729. One act. By Charles Coney who is not mentioned. Cast. Ballad opera, the 32 airs of the songs being indicated by title. LONGE 151 II Begliar-Bey di Caramania. Dramma in musica da rappresen- tarsi nel Piccolo Teatro Elettorale 1'anno 1780. Dresden, Stamperia elettorale, n. d. 119 p. 15\ cm . German title ("Der Begjlerbey in Caramanien") and text face Italian. Two acts. With name of Giuseppe Amendola as composer, but not that of the librettist, Girolamo Tonioli. First performed at Dresden, Churf. sachs. Kleines Theater, November 22, 1780. SCHATZ 173 Der Begjlerbey in Caramanien. Tr. of Amendola's II Begliar- Bey di Caramania. 208 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Der beglueckte Florindo. In einem singe-spiel auf dem Ham- burgischen Theatre vorgestellet. [Hamburg], n. publ., 1708. Unpaged. 18% cm . Three acts. German version by Hinsch of unknown Italian work. Neither he nor the composer, Georg Friedrich Handel, are mentioned. The "Vorrede" con- tains the argument and statement that because "die vortrefliche music, womit diese opera gezieret, etwas gar zu lang ausgefallen," the work would be divided in two parts, the first as above, the second as "Die verwandelte Daphne." Italian text of the arias added to the Italian. First performed, as indicated, January, 1708. SCHATZ 4476 Die verwandelte Daphne. In einem singe-spiel auff dem Ham- burgischen Theatre vorgestellet. Im jahr 1708. n. i., n. d. Unpaged. 18\ cm . Three acts. Some arias have Italian, others German, text only. To some the Italian text has been added. First performed in January, 1708, as indicated. SCHATZ 4493 Die beiden angefuehrten thoren. A. T. of Portugal's Die schlaue wittwe. Die beiden Antone oder Der name thut nichts zur sache. Eine komische oper in zwei akten. Nach dem ungedruckten Schikaneder- schen originate, mit beibehaltung der musik von Schack, neu bearbeitet. Leipzig, Friedrich August Leo, 1797. 88 p. 15 cm . The prefatory note, signed, "Geschrieben in der Leipziger Michaelmesse, 1796, Z.," reads, in part: ' ' Gegenwaertiges singspiel gefiel seit zehn jahren auf den oesterreichischen buehnen und in der dortigen nachbarschaft so sehr, dass es noch immer mit neuem beifall wie- derholt wird ... In dessen war sein provinzieller anstrich wohl auch immer ein hinderniss, dass man es ausser seinem vaterlande nicht auch auffuehrte . . . Hier ist ein versuch, worinn die originalitat dieses stuecks, so weit es nur thunlich war, beibehalten wurde, und der schon in Sachsen, bei der J. Secondaschen Gesellschaft, schmeichelhaften beifall erhielt ..." First performed at Leipzig, Theater am Rannstadter Thore, 1797; at Vienna, Theater a. d. Wieden, 1789, as "Anton der dumme gartner oder Der name thut nichts sur sache." SCHATZ 9566 Arien aus den [!] Dummen gaertner. Ein komisches singspiel in zwey aufzuegen, von Emanuel Schickaneder. Aufgefuehrt von der Mihuleschen Gesellschaft. Augsburg, n. publ, 1793. 23 p. 16 cm . The same as "Die beiden Antone." First performed at Augsburg, National Theater, 1793. SCHATZ 9567 Die beiden geizigen. Tr. of Gretry's Les deux avares. Die beiden militzen. Tr. of Fridzeri's Les deux miliciens. II Beiram o sia II carnovale turco, ballet. See Curcio's Solimano, Belisa ossia La fedelta riconosciuta. Dramma in due atti da rappre- sentarsi nel Teatro di Monza 1'autunno 1795 . . . Milano, Gaetano Motta, n. d. 4.P- Z-, 56 } [1] p. 16\ cm . Two acts. By conte Alessandro Pepoli, who is not mentioned. Impresario's dedi- cation, cast, scenario, and name of reter von Winter as the composer. With the opera were performed Paolino Franchi's ballet, "Raol de Crequi" (music by Winter and Wenzeslaus Pichl), and Carlo Biancardi's ballet, "Le preziose umiliate"; com- poser not mentioned. First performed at Venice, Teatro di S. Benedetto, carnival, 1794. SCHATZ 11020 OPERA LIBRETTOS 209 La bella Arsena. Tr. of Monsigny's La belle Arsene. La bella Arsene, ballet. See Martin v Soler's Andromaca. La bella Girometta. Dramma giocoso per nmsica da rappresen- tarsi nel Teatro Giustiniani di S. Moisd Fautunno dell' anno MDCCLXI dell' abate Pietro Chiari . . . Venezia, Modesto Fenzo, 1761. 58 p. 15. Three acts. Cast, scenario, and name of composer, Ferdinando Giuseppe Bertoni. SCHATZ 937 La bella. incognita e La maga Circe. Farsette per musica di una sola parte a 5. voci da rappresentarsi nel Teatro Valle degl' illustris- gimi Signori Capranica il carnevale dell' anno 1788. Roma, Gioacchino Puccinelli, n. d. 55, [1] p: 15 cm . Casts and names of Francesco Basil! as composer of the first farce, of Pasquale Anfossi of the second. Authors unknown to Schatz. The second farce stands on p. 28-55. ML 50.2.B28B2 La bella Lauretta. Dramma giocoso per musica di Giovanni Ber- tati, poeta pensionato di S. M. I. R. A. etc. etc. da rappresentarsi nel nobihssimo Teatro Giustiniani in S. Moise per la seconda opera del carnovale 1795. Venezia, Valvaseuse, 1795. 62 p. 18% cm . With name of Francesco Gardi as the composer. SCHATZ 3537 La bella pescatrice. Commedia per musica di Saverio Zini. Da rappresentarsi nel Teatro Nuovo sopra Toledo per second' opera di quest' anno 1789. Napoli, n. publ, 1789. 48 p. 15% cm . Two acts. Cast and name of Pietro Guglielmi as the composer. SCHATZ 4237 La bella pescatrice. Dramma giocoso per musica, da rappre- sentarsi nel Teatro di S. A. E. di Sassonia. Dresda, n. publ., 1791. 127 p. 16 cm . Two acts. Zini's text, with alterations. For instance, the aria, "Sposina pifc vezzosa," has been dropped from I, 3. Pietro Guglielmi is mentioned as the com- poser. German title-page, "Das schoene fischermaedchen," and text face Italian. First performed, as indicated, November 5, 1791. SCHATZ 4238 La pescatrice. Commedia per musica di Saverio Zini da rappre- sentarsi nel Real Teatro del Fondo di Separazione per prim' opera di questo corrente anno 1790. Napoli, n. publ., 1790. 46 p. 15. Two acts. Pages 3-6, 19-22 missing, containing, probably, also Pietro Guglielmi's name as composer. Cast. The text seems to follow that of 1789. SCHATZ 4281 Arien und gesaenge aus Dem fischermaedchen. Eine operette in zwey aufzuegen. Die musick ist von Guglielmi . . . Frankfurt am Main, n. publ., 1794- 24 p. 16 cm . The translator is not mentioned. First performed at Frankfurt a/M, Nationaltheater, 1794. SCHATZ 4239 72251 VOL 114 14 210 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Bella und Fernando, oder Die satire, in einem aufzuge. In musik gesezt von herrn Preu. n. i., n. d. p. [111]-176. Itf. (C. A. Vulpius,0peretten. Id. I. Baireuth, 1790.) Detached copy. First performed at Bayreuth, Privattheater Gesellschaft, May 20, 1789. SCHATZ 8463 La bella verita. Dramma di tre atti per musica. Rappresentato per la prima volta in Bologna Testate dell' anno MDCCLXII con musica del Piccini. Carlo Goldoni, Opere teatrali, Venezia, Zatta e figli, 1788-95, t. 39., [67]- 126 p. 18. PQ First performed as indicated, at the Teatro Marsigli Rossi, June 12, 1762. Second, detached copy. SCHATZ 8069 La belle Arsene, come'die-feerie, en quatre actes, melee d'ariettes. Les paroles de M. Favart; la musique de M. de Monsigny. Repre- sentee devant Sa Majeste 1 , a Fontamebleau, le 6 novembre 1773, & a Paris, le 14 aout 1775. Paris, la veuve Duchesne, 1775. ix, 10-61 p. 18 cm . Cast. On p. [iii]-ix Voltaire's poem "La b^gueule" and prefatory note saying that this poem had furnished the sujet for the opera, that the verses in guillemots (quotation marks) have been borrowed more or less literally from the poem and that the opera as performed originally at Fontainebleau had only three acts. SCHATZ 6562 - La belle Arsene, comexiie-feerie, en quatre actes. M616e d'ariettes. n. i., n. d. xv, [1], 77, [1] p. 19 cm . (Theatre de M. Favart, Paris, Duchesne, 1763-77, tx.). At end: "De 1'imprimerie de C. Simon . . . 1775." Cast, Favart's dedication to the due de Richelieu and Voltaire's poem "La be"gueule" on which the opera is founded, precede the text. No music printed in the text. The composer, Monsigny, is not mentioned. ML 49.A2F1 Die schoene Arsene, ein singspiel in vier aufzuegen aus dem franzoesischen uebersetzt mit musik. Frankfurt am Mayn, mit Andredischen schriften, 1776. 100 p. 17. No music. Neither Johann Heinrich Faber, the translator, nor Monsigny is men- tioned. This version, according to Schatz, was used by Th. Marchand's Churpfalz. deuteche Hofschauspielgesellschaft. SCHATZ 6563 - Gesaenge aus der romantischen oper: Die schoene Arsene. In vier aufzuegen. Die musick ist von Monsigny. Hamburg, J. M. Michaelsen, 1780. 16 p. 17 cm . Johann Andre's version, who is not mentioned. First performed at Hamburg, Theater b. Gansemarkt, Oct. 27, 1780. SCHATZ 6564 - La bella Arsena. Ein singspiel in vier aufzuegen. [At end] Augsburg, mit Brinhausserischen schriften, 1781. 84 p. 16 cm . Version of Johann Heinrich Faber. SCHATZ 6565 OPERA LIBRETTOS 211 La belle Arsene Continued. Den ski0nne Arsene ; et syngestykke i fire handlinger af Favart, med musik af M * * *, til samme musik oversat af Adam Gottlob Thoroup. n. i., n. d. 76 p. 16\ cm . First performed at Copenhagen, Kongel. Theater paa Kongens Nytorv, Decem- ber 10, 1781. SCHATZ 6566 De schoone Arsene, zangspel met balletten. Naar het fransch gevolgd van Favart, door Bartholomeus Ruloffs. Amsteldam, J. Eelders en A. Mars, 1789. 4 P- ]> 71 > [1] P- Dedicatory poem by the translator dated 1789. First performed at Amsterdam, Stads Schouwburg, October, 1788. SCHATZ 6586 La belle esclave, ou Valcour et Zeila, comedie en un acte et en prose, me'le'e d'ariettes. Par M. Dumaniant. Musique de M. Phili- dor. Joue"e a Paris, sur le Theatre des Petits comediens de Mgr. le comte de Beaujolais, le 18 septembre 1787, & publie"e au profit du Sieur Morel. Paris, Prault, 1787. 2 p. I, 38, [3] p. 21. On first p. 1. the note: "Le Sieur Morel est le jeune acteur qui a eu la main blessee par 1'explosion d'un pistolet qui devpit lui servir dans un de ses roles, & au profit duquel on a deja donn6 .une representation." The [3] p. contain: "Couplets de la scene iv, mis en musique." ("Riches de la terre.") ML 50.2. B3P3 Belle et Bonne, on Les deux soeurs, comedie en un acte, en prose et vaudevilles. Reprfeentee, pour la premidre fois, a Paris, sur le Theatre du Vaudeville, le 5 rrimaire, an 6, samedi 25 novembre 1797 (v. st.) par F. P. A. Leger. Paris, Au Theatre du Vaudeville, an VI s . 1798 (v. st.) 54 p. 20 cm . Cast. Many of the airs are printed in the text and some of them are marked as new by Leger. A new air was also contributed bv Bruni. Not recorded by Cl. & L. or Schatz. ML 48.M2L La belle fermiere. A. T. of Candeille's Catherine. La belle-mere. A. T. of Fay's Clementine. Bellerofon, ein ernsthaftes singspiel in drei aufzuegen, aufgefuehrt bei der ankunft Sr. Durchlaucht des herrn kurfuersten zu Pfalz- baiern auf der Kurfuerstl. Nationalschaubuehne. Verfasst von Johann Friedrich, des H. R. R. frei und pannerherrn Binder von Krieglstein. In musik gesezt von herrn Peter Winter . . . Muenchen, n. publ., 1785. 64 p. 16 cm . Cast, argument. First performed at Munich, July 29, 1785. SCHATZ 11022 II Bellerofonte. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro dell' Accademia degl' Intronati nella primavera dell' anno 1767 in occasione del felice arrive in Siena delle Altezze Loro reali Pietro Leopoldo, arciduca d'Austria . . . e Maria Luisa, infanta di Spagna . . . n. i., n. d. 8 p. I., 48 p. 20 cm . i Three acts. The author is not mentioned and is unknown to Schatz. Impresa- rio's dedication, dated Siena, May 6, 1767, argument, scenario, cast, poem of welcome, name of Giuseppe Misliweczek as the composer and "avvertimento": 212 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS II Bellerofonte Continued. "Tronco, ed alteratp in gran parte troverassi 1'originale, ch'e parto di non ignota penna; ma tal'e, quasi sempre,, if destine de i drammi musical!, qualora nuova rappre- eentazione se ne intraprende." The first ballet, by Francesco Turchi, was called "Orfeo ed Euridice." The com- plbser of the music is not mentioned. First performed at Naples, Teatro di San Carlo, January 20, 1767. SCHATZ 6532 II Bellerofonte. Drama musicale del Signer Vincenzo Nolfi da rap- presentarsi nel Teatro Novissimo di Venetia Fanno 1642 . . . Venetia, Gio. Battista Surian, 161)2. Three acts with prologue. Author's notice to the reader, with Francesco Sacrati's name as the composer, argument. "Ode" to Nolfi on his "Bellerofonte," sonnet by him, "Per le due sublimi cantatraci del Teatro Novissimo nel Bellerofonte " (not men- tioned by name) and "Sonetto in lode del Signer Francesco Sacrati, compositore della musica," by conte Paolo Feretti d'Ancona. SCHATZ 9252 Bellerophon. Theatralisches singspiel, so zu Oranienbaum auf bef ehl Sr. Kayserl. Hoheit des gross-fuersten etc aufgefuehret worden. Die poesie is vom hrn. doctor J. Bonechi . . . die musick vom hrn. Fr. Araya . . . St. Petersburg, Kayserl. Academic der wissenschaften, 1757. 11 p. 26 cm . Two parts. Argument, cast and synopsis of the plot without the text. "Bellero- fonte" was first performed at St. Petersburg, Court Theater, April 10/21, 1741. ML50.2.B35A7 Bellerophon. Tragedie reresente"e [!] par FAcademie royale de musique. Paris, Christophe Bollard, 1679. front:, 54, [4] p. 23 cm ^ The [4] p. contain Lully's "Permission pour tenir Academie royale de musique." Prologue and five acts. The prefatory note contains argument and same note as below. Corneille, the author, is not mentioned. First performed, as indicated, January 31, 1679. ML 50.2.B35L7 Bellerophon. Tragedie, represented par FAcademie royale de musique. Suivant la copie imprimee, a Paris. [Amsterdam, Antoine Schelte], 1679. 56 (incl. front.}, 4 P- 13 cm . Contents as in next entry. ML 50.2.B35L8 Bellerophon. Tragedie, representee par FAcademie royale de musique. Suivant la copie imprimee. a Paris. [Amsterdam, Antoine Schelte}, 1682. 56 (incl. front.) , [4] p. lS\ cm . The [4] p. contain Lully's "Permission pour tenir Academie royale de musique." Prologue and five acts. The prefatory note contains argument and remark: "Le roy ayant donne" la paix a PEurppe, I'Academie royale de musique a creu devoir marquer la part qu'elle prend a la joye publique par un spectacle, ou elle pust faire entrer les te'moignages de son zele pour la gloire de cet auguste monarque." Without name of Corneille or Lully. ML 49.A2L9 - Bellerophon, tragedie represented par I'Academie royale de musique Fan 1679. Les paroles sont de M. Corneille & la musique de M. de Lully, XI. opera. n. i., n. d. 14 cm - pi-, 135-196 p. (Recueil general des opera, t. II, Paris, 1703). Detached copy. Five acts and prologue. The text is said to have been a col- laboration of Thomas Corneille, Fontenelle (and Boileau?) (For a digest of the con- trversy see Clement and Larousse.) The prologue is preceded by the same note as above. SCHATZ 5762 Second copy. ML48.R4 OPERA LIBRETTOS 213 Bellerophon Continued . - Arlequin Bellerophon. Parodie. Par Messieurs Dominique & Romagnesi . . . Represent ee pour la premiere fois par les Come- diens italiens ordinaires du roi, le 7. May 1728. Les parodies du Nouveau theatre italien, Nouv. ed., Paris, Briasson y 1738, t. iv, 36 p. 16\ cm . One act. The airs and vaudeville printed at end in the "Table des airs" (92 p.). ML 48.P3 Bellerophon, oder : Das in die preussische krone verwandelte \vagen- gestirn, an dem frohen vermaehlungsfeste Sr. Koeniglichen Majestaet von Preussen Friderici I . . . zu unterthaenigster freuden-bezeugung in einer operetta, auf dem Grossen Hamburgischen Schau-platz aufge- fuehret. Im jahr 1708. den 28. Novembr. n. i., n. d. Unpaged. 18% cm . Three acts with prologue and epilogue. Neither Barthold Feind, the author who based his text on Corneille, nor Christoph Graupner, the composer, is mentioned in the "Vorbericht." Some of the arias and the choruses have both Italian and German text. SCHATZ 4118 Bellezza ed onesta. A. T. of Martin y Soler's Una cosa rara. La bellezza sopra d'un carro. See Scipione Affricano. La Bellinda. Commedia per musica di Francesco Cerlone da rap- presentarsi nel Teatro Nuovo sopra Toledo nel carnevale di quest' anno 1781. Napoli, n. publ, 1781. 68 p. 15 cm . . Three acts. Cast and name of Giacomo Tritto as the composer. SCHATZ 10461 Belmira in Creta. Drama per musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro Giustiniano di S. Mose 1'autuno corrente MDCCXXIX . . . Venezia, Alvise Valvaseuse, 1729. J+l p. 15 cm . Three acts. By Girolamo Giusti, who is not mentioned. Dedication, notice to the reader, argument, scenario, cast, and name of the composer, Antonio Galeazzi. SCHATZ 3419 Belmont und Constanze, oder: Die entfuehrung aus dem serail. Eine operette in drey akten von C. F. Bretzner. Componirt vom herrn kapellmeister Andre in Berlin. Leipzig, Carl Friedrich Schneider, 1781. 72 p. 15% cm . First performed at Berlin, Dobbelinssches Theater, May 25, 1781. SCHATZ 183 Belmont und Constanze oder Die entfuehrung aus dem serail. Eine operette in drey akten von C. F. Bretzner. Componirt vom herrn. hofmusikus Dieter in Stuttgart. Stuttgart, Druckerey der Jierzoglichen Hohen Karls-Schule, 1784. 72 p. 16 cn . First performed at Stuttgart, herzogl. Kl. Theater, 1784. SCHATZ 2574 Belmonte und Konstanze. L. T. of Mozart's Die entfiihrung aus dem serail. 214 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS . . . Die belohnte rechtschaffenheit, ein schauspiel mit gesang in einem akt. Verfasst und in musik gesezt von herrn Wagenseil. n. i., n. d. [6] p. 16 cm . At head of title: "Von der Kleinen Liebhaber gesellschaft wird den 23 und 26 maymonats 1785 aufgefuehrt," at Kaufbeuren. It was followed by the two act "Das wunsch huetchen. Ein luatspiel." SCHATZ 10814 Belphegor; or, The wishes. A comic opera: as it was acted at the Theatre Royal, Smoke-Alley. [Dublin], Printed for the booksellers, 1788. 29 p. 15\ cm - Neither the author, Miles Peter Andrews, is mentioned nor the composer Francois Hippolyte Barth616mon. First performed at London, Drury Lane, March 17, 1778. LONOE 223 Belsazer. A. T. of Telemann's Das ende der Babylonischen mo- narchie. The benevolent planters. A dramatic piece, as performed at the Theatre Royal, Haymarket. Written by Thomas Bellamy, [vig- nette] London, J. Debrett, 1789. 3 p. I, 14, [2] p. 20 cm . One act and prologue. Cast. A slavery abolition play in which there are a few songs, one to the tune of "Rule Britannia." The [2] p. contain publisher's book- lists. First performed August, 1789, as "The friends, or, the benevolent planters." LONGE 195 Benevolent tar. A. T. of Reeve's The purse. Berengario re d'ltalia. Drama per musica. Da rappresentarsi nel Teatro di Sant' Angelo il carnovale dell' anno 1709. Di Matteo Noris . . . Venezia, Marino Rossetti, 1709. 69, [1] p. 15 cm . The additional p. contains a list of "Opere musicali" publ. by Antonio Bortoli. Three acts. Dedication, argument, author's prefatory remarks, and scenario. Girolamo Polani, the composer, is not mentioned. SCHATZ 8248 Berenice. O. T. of Antonio Salvi's text "Le gare di politica e d'amore." Berenice. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel famosissimo Teatro Grimani di S. Gio. Grisostomo. Nel carnovale dell' anno MDCCXXXIV . . . Venezia, Marino Rossetti, 1734- Three acts. By Antonio Salvi who is not mentioned. Dedication by Domenico Lalli, cast, argument, scenario, and name of Francesco Araya as composer. First performed at Pratolino Teatro della Villa Medici, 1730. SCHATZ 305 Berenice, in einem singenden schau-spiele auff dem Hamburgischen Schau-platze vorgestellet. [Hamburg}, Conrad Neumann, 1702. Unpaged. 18\ cm - Three acts. Neither Hinsch, the author, is mentioned nor Georg Bronner, the composer. Text based on Zeno's "Lucio Vero." SCHATZ 1332 Berenice. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro di S. Angelo il carnovale dell' anno 1741 . . . Venezia, Marino Rossetti, n. d. 58 p. 15% om . Three acts. Author not mentioned and unknown to Schatz. Impresario's dedi- cation, argument, scenario, cast, and name of Galuppi as composer. On a fly leaf preceding the title page the substitute aria (I, 12) "II fiero mi tormenta." First performed, as indicated, January 27, 1741 (Piovano). SCHATZ 3483 OPERA LIBRETTOS 215 Berenice. Dramma da cantarsi nel Teatro celebre Grimani in S. Gio. Grisostomo il carnovale MDCCXXV. Venezia, Marino Rossetti, n. d. 66 p. I5\ cm . Three acts. By Benedetto Pasqualigo, who is not mentioned. Argument, cast, scenario, and name of Giuseppe Maria Orlandini as the composer. SCHATZ 7329 La Berenice. Drama per musica da rappresentarsi in Verona nel Nuovo Teatro dell' Accademia Filarmonica nel carnovale dell' anno 1762 . . . Verona, Dionisio Ramanzini, 1762. Ifi p. 17 cm . Three acts. Dedication with name of Apostolo Zeno as the author (an alteration of whose "Lucio Vero" this is), argument, cast, scenario, and name of David Perez as the composer. SCHATZ 7879 Berenice. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro d. S. Angelo per la solita fiera dell' Ascensione dell' anno 1759 . . . Venezia, Modesto Fenzo, 1759. 48 p. 15 cm . Three acts. By Bartolomeo Vitturi, who is not mentioned. Impresario's dedi- cation, argument, cast, scenario, and name of Salvatore Perillo as the composer. ("La musica tutta nuova.") First performed, as indicated, May 23, 1759. SCHATZ 7925 Berenice. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel Regio Teatro di Torino nel carnovale del 1771 . . . Torino, Mairesse, n. d. viii, 60 p. 17 cm . Three acts. By Jacopo Durandi, who is not mentioned. Argument, cast, scenario, and names of Ignazio Platania as the composer of the opera, of Giuseppe Antonio Le Messier of the ballet music. First performed, as indicated, December 26, 1770. SCHATZ 8214 Berenice e Lucilla overo L'amar per virtu. Berenice und Lucilla, oder Das tugendhaffte lieben, meistens aus dem italianischen genom- men, und zu Darmstadt in einem sing-spiel vorgestellet den [blank] Februarii im jahr 1710. Darmstadt, Hoff-Buch-druckerey , n. d. 83 p. 18% cm . Three acts. Argument. Neither Osiander, the author, nor Christoph Graupner, the composer, is mentioned. SCHATZ 4119 Berenice und Lucilla oder Das tugendhaffte lieben. See Graup- ner's Berenice e Lucilla. La bergere des Alpes. Pastorale en trois actes, et en vers, me!4e de chants. Par M. Marmontel, de 1'Academie francoise. Avignon, Louis Chambeau, 1766. 82 p. 19 cm . The composer, Joseph Kohault, is not mentioned. First performed at Paris, Com^die italienne, February 19, 1766. ML 48.M2 I - La bergere des Alpes, pastorale en trois actes, et en vers, me'le'e de chant. Par M. Marmontel . . . Bruxelles, J. J. Boucherie & compagnie, 1770. 44 P- 18 cm . The composer, Joseph Kohault, is not mentioned. On p. 39-44: "Airs de la Bergere des Alpes;" "C'est dans le bois" (I, 1); "Oui, la nature est la mere" (I, 9); "Si les talents & les grades" (?); "Sous ces gazons depuis deux ans" (III, 4). SCHATZ 5204 La bergerie. Entree in Niel's Les romans. 216 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Die bergknappen, ein originalsingspiel in einem aufzug. Aufge- fuehrt auf der hochfuerstl. ThurnundTaxischen Schaubuehne. Die musik ist vom hrn. Paul Kuerzinger. Regensburg, mit Breitfeldischen schriften, 1773. 24 p. 15 cm . Text by Paul Weidmann, who is not mentioned. First performed 1773, as indicated. SCHATZ 5337 Die bergknappen, ein qriginalsingspiel von einem aufzuge. Aufge- ftihrt auf der K. K. Nationalschaubiihne. Die musik ist vom herrn Umlauf. Wien, bey dem Logenmeister, 1778. 26 p. 16 cm . By Paul Weidmann, who is not mentioned. First performed, as indicated: privately, for Joseph II, on January 16, 1778; pub- licly, on February 17, 1778. (Haas has this date on p. xii of his ed. of the opera, 1911; on p. x he has February 18) SCHATZ 10524 Berilowitz in Tartaria, ballo eroico pantomime. See Fioravanti's L'amor per interesse. II Bertarido, re de Longobardi. Drama per music a da rappresen- tarsi in Venezia nel Teatro Tron di S. Cassiano 1'autuno dell' anno MDCCXXVII. Venezia, Marino Rossetti, 1727. 59 p. 14 cm . Three acts. Argument, preface, cast, and names of the composer of the opera, Giuseppe Boniventi, and of the ballet airs, Giacomo Mioto Antonio Salvi. The unmentioned author is Antonio Salvi, whose altered "Rodelinda, regina de' Longo- bardi " this is. SCHATZ 1185 Bertholde a la ville. Parody of Ciampi's Bertoldo, Bertoldino e Cacasenno. Bertoldo. Drama tragicomic da rappresentarsi nel Teatro di San Fantino il carnovale dell' anno 1717. Venezia, CJiristoforo Bortoli, 1717. 48 p. Three acts. Prefatory note and scenario. Neither the librettist, Francesco Pas- sarini, is mentioned, nor the composer, Girolamo Bassani. SCHATZ 635 II Bertoldo. Dramma giocoso per musica da rappresen- tarsi nel Regio Teatro di via delta Pergola nel carnevale del MDCCLXXXVIII . . . Firenze, Stamperia gia Albizziniana, n. d. 64 p- I6\ cm . Two acts. By Lorenzo da Ponte, with his name and that of the composer, Antonio Brunetti. ("La musica e tutta nuova.") With the opera were performed Le Feyre's ballets, "II Cristoforo Colombo nell' Indie, ballo eroico tragico" and "Le figlie astute." The composers of the music are not mentioned. SCHATZ 1363 - Bertoldo e Bertoldino. Dramma giocoso per musica da rappre- sentarsi in Geneva nel Teatro da S. Agostino Testate del 1791 . . . Genova, Stamperia Gesiniana, n. d. 68 p. 13% cm . Two acts. A much-condensed version of " II Bertoldo. ' ' The first act, for instance, has only 25 scenes, instead of 28, the opening chorus, "Di re si possente," the fifth scene, "Ah me la pagnerai," the tenth, "Quanti diversi affetti," etc., being sup- pressed. Impresario's dedication, cast, scenario, and name -of Antonio Brunetti as composer. SCHATZ 1364 Bertoldo. See Ciampi's Bertoldo, Bertoldino e Cacasseno. OPERA LIBRETTOS 217 Bertoldo, ein lustiges singspiel in zwey aufzuegen. Aufgefuehrt im K. K. Hoftheater. Wien, n. pull, 1787. 79 p. 16 cm . Two acts. German text only. Lorenzo da Ponte is mentioned as the author, Francesco Piticchio as the composer. The translator is not mentioned. First performed, as indicated, June 22, 1787. SCHATZ 8202 Bertoldo, Bertoldino e Cacasenno. [155}-214 p- 16$ cm . (Carlo Goldoni, Opere drammatiche giocose, t. i, Torino, 1757.) Three acts. In his humorous prefatory note on the text Goldoni says: "A proposito del poeta, fa egli la sua protesta . . . e che, se ha fatto un cattivo libro in dieci giorni, non 1'ha saputo far meglio. Circa le arie, alcune sono figlie legittime, e naturali del libro, alcune adattate, altre spurie, ed altre adulterine per comodo, e compiacimento de' virtuosi, onde ec." ML 49.A2G6 Bertoldo, Bertoldino e Cacasenno. Dramma di tre atti per musica. Carlo Goldoni, Opere teatrali, Venezia, Zatta e figli, 1788-95, t. 39, [189}-248 p. 18 cm . PQ Bertoldo, Bertoldino, e Cacasenno, dramma comico per musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro Giusttniano di S. Moise il carnovale dell' anno 1749. Venezia, Modesto Fenzo, 1749. 60 p. 14\ cm . Three acts. Neither the author, Carlo Goldoni, is mentioned, nor Vincenzo Legren- zio Ciampi, the composer. Goldoni's witty notice to the reader ends: "Circa le arie, alcune sono figlie legitime, e naturali del libro, alcune addotate, altre spurie, ed altre adulterine per commodo, e compiacimento de virtuosi, onde, ec." This is the real and original title of Goldoni's famous libretto. All statements that Ciampi composed another opera called "Bertoldo in (or alia) corte," first performed at Parma are incorrect, because a comparison of the librettos (all in three acts) in the L. C. proves that "Bertoldo in corte is practically identical with "Bertoldo, Ber- toldino e Cacasseno." The opera became known also simply as "Bertoldo," but "Bertoldo in (or alia) corte" appears to have become the most popular title, and as such Ciampi's opera was first performed at Paris on November 22, or November 9, 1753, as a pasticcio. For instance (compare De La Laurencie's essay mentioned below) " Grandi, e ver son " was from Leo's " Olimpiade " and " Quando sento spirarmi " was parodied from his "Semaisenti spirarti " in his " Clemenza di Tito. " "La donna onorata" does not appear in the original Venice, 1749 libretto of Ciampi's opera, though in the Brunswick and Strassburg librettos analized by me. "Cosi fugge e spaventosa" is not in Goldoni's text. For a detailed comparison of these different editions see the author's study on Ciampi's opera and Favart'a " Ninette a la cour" in the Sammelbande d. I. M. G. 1910/11, p. 525-564. To this essay I wish to add here that there exist two collections of "Favourite Songs . . . Bertoldo," not only one, as I presumed. The Royal College of Music in London possess both, with this ms. note on the title page, as Mr. Squire informed me: "Published originally in 1749 and republished with no. 1 in 1762." The L. of C. copy is identical with No. 2. The contents of No. 1 are: 1. Sive Bertoldo mio garbato. Ciampi (Text not by Goldoni.) 2. Sono allegra[, son contenta]. Ciampi (Text from Goldoni's La buona figliuola maritata.) 3. Ciascun mi dice. Ciampi (Text not in the original Venice, 1749, libretto, but in the Brunswick and Ferrara eds.) 4. Se nessuno ora non c'e. anonymous (Text from Goldoni's II mercato di Malmantile.) 5. Ah poi che pietb. Galuppi (Text not by Goldoni.) SCHATZ 1882 218 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Bertoldo, Bertoldino, e Cacasenno Continued. - Bertoldo, Bertoldino e Cacasenno. Dramma giocosa [!] per musica da rappresentarsi nel Nuovo Teatro dell' Opera-pantomima di Bronsevico. n. i., [1750?] 147 p. 18\. Three acts. Scenario and name of the composer, Vincenzo Ciampi, German title page "Bertoldus, Bertoldinus und Cacasennus and text face the Italian. SCHATZ 1879 - Bertoldo. Dramma comico per musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro Nuovo di Argentina. Argentina, Giovanni Henrico Heitz, 1751. 4@ P- 15 cm . Three acts. Notice to the reader, cast, and name of the composer, Vincenzo Ciampi. First performed at Strassburg (Argentina) in 1751, as indicated. SCHATZ 1876 Bertoldo in corte. Dramma giocoso per musica da rappresen- tarsi nel Teatro Bonacossi da S. Stefano il carnevale delP anno 1755 . . . Ferrara, Giuseppe Rinaldi, n. d. 4 8 P- lW m - Three acts. Impresario's dedication, Goldoni's original "Bertoldo, Bertoldino e Cacasenno" preface (with exception of the last paragraph), cast, and name of the, composer, Vincenzo Ciampi. The parts of "Aurelia, sorella del re" and "Lisaura, figlia del re, e della regina," have oeen dropped and the whole libretto has been considerably condensed and modified. For purposes of identification may be men- tioned that the opening chorus "Amor discenda" has been dropped and that the opera now begins with the words "Amico, in questa alpestre," that its third act has only eight scenes instead of eleven, the second fifteen instead of eighteen, etc. SCHATZ 1887 Bertholde a la ville, opera-comique, en un acte. Represent^ pour la premiere fois sur le Theatre [!] de la Foire S. Germain le 9 mars 1754. Paris, Duchesne, 1754. 55, [1] p. 19\ cm . Cast. On p. 31-55 the same airs as in the 1766 ed., which compare for authors and composer. On last p. is a list of "Opera-comiques nouveaux." ML 50.2.B37C31 - Bertholde a la ville, opera-comique en un acte. Represent e pour la premiere fois sur le Theatre de la Foire S. Germain, le 9 mars 1754. La Haye, Jean Neaulme, 1755. 28 p. 19 cm . Neither authors nor composer mentioned. (See next entry.) ML 48. A4 Bertholde a la ville. Opera-comique, en un acte. Represente pour la premiere fois sur le Theatre de la Foire S. Germain le 9 mars 1754. Paris, la veuve Duchesne, 1766. 55 p. 18% cm . Cast. On p. 31-55 the "Airs de Bertholde," "Quand le hasard ensemble," "Tel qu'un petit oiseau," "Votre coeur en vain," "A tant de charmes," "Dieu! quel paix," "Le Ciel va rendre." As authors of this parody en vaudevilles of Ciampi's opera are mentioned by different authorities Anseaume alone, or de Lattaignan and Anseaume, or Vad6, Anseaume and Hautemer. All mention Lasalle d'Offemont as composer, resp. arranger of the music, which was selected from French vaudevilles and the six ariettes from Ciampi's opera and Cocchi'a "La mascherata." SCHATZ 1883 - Le caprice amoureux, ou Ninette a la cour. Come'die en trois actes, melSe d'ariettes, parodies de Bertolde a la court. Par OPERA LIBRETTOS 219 Bertoldo, Bertoldino, e Cacasenno Continued. Favart. Repre"sent<3 pour la premiere fois par les Comediens fran- cois ordinaires du roi le 12 fevrier 1757 [!] Paris, N. B. Duchesne, 1758. 48 p. 19% cm . The date of performance should be 1755. (See next entry.) ML 50.2.B37C33 Le caprice amoureux ou Ninette a la cour, comedie en deux actes, melee d'ariettes, parodiees de Bertolde a la cour par Monsieur Favart. Represented pour la premiere fois par les Comediens ita- liens ordinaires du Roi, le mercredi 12 mars 1756 et ci-devant en trois actes le 12 f evrier 1755. Nouvelle Edition corrige'e & conforme a la representation. Paris, N. B. Duchesne, 1759. 86 p. 18 cm . Cast. On p. 81-82 "Table dea ariettes de Ninette a la cour, gravees en quatre parties" with the foot-note "Les ariettes marquees dans la table par une S, ne se chantent point a la Representation; mais se trouvent gravees dans la musique." These are in partie I, no. 9, "En tourbillon, un papillon," in partie II, no. 18, "Au sein des alarmes," and no. 21, "Qu'il a de gentillesse," in partie III, no. 23, "Je veux tirer vengeance," no. 24, "Assise sur le bord d'une onde," no. 25 "Non, non, je n'ai peur," and no. 27 "Quatuor." On p. 83-86 "Catalogue des pieces des come- dies francoise & italienne, & opera comiques qui se vendent detaches." The text is a close parody of Goldoni's "Bertoldo," but the music is a pasticcio from Ciampi'a opera, and operas by Latilla, Cocchi, Selitti, Jommelli, Vinci, etc. Duni is said by some authorities to have arranged the score for Favart, but this is not certain. The whole complicated matter of text and music has been investigated by the author in the study mentioned above. Compare also De La Laurencie's article on "Les bouffons," S. I. M., 1912, nos. 6-8. The music of the " O dell' Egitto," final chorus in Rinaldo di Capua's La Zingara " and his " Toute mon ame " is, as I since learned, borrowed from Basse's " Leucippo." SCHATZ 1877 Le caprice amoureux, ou Ninette a la cour, come'die en deux actes, meslee d'ariettes, parodiees de Bertolde a la cour; par M. Favart: Representee pour la premiere fois par les Come'diens italiens ordinaires du roi, le mercredi 12 mars 1756. n. i., n. d. 120 p. 19 cm . (Theatre de M. Favart, Paris, Duchesne, 1763-77, t. Hi.) No cast. No composer mentioned. No music printed in the text, but the text is followed on p. [81J-98 by twenty-seven "Ariettes de Ninette a la cour, parodie . . . Nouvelle Edition corrige, et conforme aux representations" and on p. [97J-120 by six "Ariettes, pour servir de supplement ... with foot-note: "Ces anettes ne se chantent point a la representation; mais elles ont toujours 6t6 gravies dans la musique. They are "En tourbillon, un papillon," "Au sein des alarmes," "Qu'il a de zentillesse, "Je veux tirer vengeance, "Assise sur les bords," "Non, non, je n'ai point peur." Of these only the words of "Qu'il a de zentillesse" appear in the present text (II, 10) and the same air is printed as no. 21 of the "Ariettes." The others are remnants of the three-act version. ML 49.A2F1 Der verliebte eigensinn, oder Nannerl bei hofe, eine komische oper in zween aufzuegen. Aus dem franzoesischen des herrn Favart tiebersetzt [vignettel. Pressburg, Anton Loewe, 1778. 1 p. 1., 70 p. 16% cm . German version by Carl Ludwig Reuling, with cast. First performed at Pressburg, Neues Theater, in 1778. SCHATZ 1878 Bondepigen ved hoffet. En lyrisck comedie i to handlinger, af Favart. Musiken af Duny; til samme musik oversat af Niels Krog Bredal. n.i.,n.d. 112 p. 16 cm . Duni did not compose the music, but possibly arranged the score for Favart. First performed at Copenhagen, Hoftheater i Christiansborg Slot, March 12, 1776. SCHATZ 2852 220 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Bertoldo in corte. See Ciampi's Bertoldo, Bertoldino e Cacasseno. Die besaenftigte mitbuhlerinnen. Tr. of Le rival! placate. Gesaenge in clem nachspiel Der beschaemte geizhals. Verfertigt und in musik gesezt von herrn Wagenseil. Kaufbeuren, Dorn, 1787. [12] p. 16 cm . One act. A contemporary hand has written on the title page: "Aufgefuert d. 30 oct. l ten und 6 ten nov. 1787 ; on p. [2] the cast and the receipts. The performances were given at the Theater der burgerlichen Agenten Gesellschaft AC. SCHATZ 10815 Der beschluss des carnevals. Opera comiaue auf dem Ham- burgischen Schau-platze vorgestellet im monat feoruarii anno 1724. [Hamburg], Caspar Jalchel, n. d. Unpaged. 18 cm . A pasticcio in three acts, of which the first two have French text, and the last German. In the anonymous German avertissement we are informed that the first act is based on "L'Europe galante," composed by Campra. "Weil darinnen ein turckischer aufzug vorkommt, der bey einer ansehnlichen menge von personen so viel fremdes als laecherliches in sich haelt." The third act consists "aus einer neu-verfertigten operette comiaue," which Schatz attributes to Telemann (text by Schwemschu), under the title "II capitano." The second act is Montfleury's comedy "La fille capitaine," and is spoken (in French!) throughout. Surely, one of the oddest mixtures imaginable! SCHATZ 1564 Der besiegte zauber. Tr. of Siissmayer's L'incanto superato. Den beskaemmede gnier. Tr. of Scolari's L'avaro burlato. Den besnaerede Cadi. Tr. of Monsigny's Le cadi dupe". Die bestaendigkeit besieget den betrug. German title of Graupner's La costanza vince Finganno. Die bestandigkeit in der liebe. A. T. of Anfossi's Isabella und Rodrigo. Das beste komt zulezt. A. T. of Kaffka's Der guckkasten. Die bestrafte eifersucht. Tr. of Cimarosa's II marito disperato. Gesaenge aus dem singspiele: Der bestrafte hochmuth, oder: Liebe macht alle staende gleich, in drey aufzuegen. Die musik ist von Gerl. Hamburg, Robe und Freystatzky wittwe, 1798. Ifi p. 16% cm . Text by Franz Joseph Fransky after Coltellini's "La contessina." First performed at Hamburg, Theater beim Gansemarkt, September 10, 1798; pre- viously as " Graf Balbarone oder Die maskerade " at Briinn, National-theater, May, 28, 1796. SCHATZ 3785 Der bestuerzte und wieder erhoehte Nebucadnezar, koenig zu Babylon, unter dem grossen propheten Daniel, in einem singespiel auf dem grossen Hamburgiscnen Schau-platze vorgestellet im jahr 1704. [Hamburg], mit Greftingischen schrijften, n. d. Unpaged. Three acts. Neither the author, Christian Friedrich Hunold (Menantes) is men- tioned, nor the composer, Reinhard Keiser. Scenario and " Vorrede " with argument. SCHATZ 5092 OPERA LIBRETTOS 221 Die betrogene arglist. See WeigPs Das unniitze bestreben. Der betrogene geizhals. Tr. of Paisiello's L'avaro deluso. Der betrogene geizige, oder Wer das glueck hat. Tr. of Paisiello's La discordia fortunata. Die betrogene staats-liebe, oder Die unglueckselige Cleopatra, koenigin von Egypten, in einem singespiel auf dem Hamburgischen Schau-PJatz vorgestellet. Hamburg, Nicolaus Spieringks wittwe, 1704- Unpaged. 19 cm . Three acts. The "Historische einleitung" is not signed by the author, Friedrich Christian Feustking, nor is the composer, Johann Mattheson, mentioned. First performed, as indicated, October 20, 1704. SCHATZ 6101 Die betrogene und nachmals vergoetterte Ariadne, in einem singe-spiele auff dem Hamburgischen Schau-platze im jahr 1722 vor- gestellet. [Hamburg], Casper Jakhel, n. d. Unpaged. 18$ cm . Three acts and prologue. Cast, scenario, and name of Reinhard Keiser as the composer. The last page contains two substitute arias. Many arias have Italian text added to the German. The author, resp. translator, Christian Heinrich Postel, is not mentioned. According to Schatz the title of the text originally was "Die echone und getreue Ariadne." SCHATZ 5079 Der betrogene vormund oder Das einfaeltige maedgen. Tr. of von Schacht's II tutore deluso o La semplice. Die betrogenen kastellane. Tr. of Fabrizj's Li castellani burlati. Der betrug aus liebe, oder Der schuss von Gaensewiz. Ein ko- misches singspiel in drey aufzuegen. Durch den eleve Rudolph Zumsteeg im musik gesezt. Stuttgart, Christoph Gottfried Maentler, 1780. 63 p. 14\ cm . Author not mentioned and unknown to Schatz. First performed at Stuttgart, Hoftheater, 1780. SCHATZ 11293 Betrug durch aberglauben. Ein komisches singspiel in zwey aufzuegen vom F. Eberl. Die musik dazu ist ganz neu von herrn Karl Ditters, edlen von Dittersdorf. Aufgefuhrt im K. K. National- Hoftheater. [Vienna}, Zufinden beym logenmeister, n. d. 93 p. 15 cm . Bound in with this "Arien aus . . . Una cosa rara . . . von Vinzenz Martini, Wien, 1787." First performed, as indicated, October 3, 1786. SCHATZ 2587 Der bettelstudent, oder Das donnerwetter. Ein originallustspiel in zwey aufzuegen mit gesaengen. Die musik ist von herrn Peter Whiter . . . n. i., 1789. [405]-4-58 p. 17 cm . Detached copy. By Paul Weidmann, who is not mentioned. First performed at Munich, National Schaubuehne, February 2, 1785. SCHATZ 11023 II Beverlei o sia II giouocatore inglese, ballet. See Gardi's II nuovo convitato di pietra. 222 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS II bevitore, intermezzi per musica, da rappresentarsi nel Regio Teatro alia corte di Dresda. L'anno 1747. n. i., n. d. 79 p. 16 cm . Three parts. Cast. Neither the author (unknown to Schatz) nor the composer, Joh. Ad. Hasse, is mentioned. German title page, "Der saeuffer," and text face Italian. First performed, as indicated, January, 1747. SCHATZ 4520 Der bey dem allgemeinen welt-friede von dem grossen Augus- tus geschlossene tempel des Janus auf dem lang-gewuenschten fnedenfeste welches im jahr 1698 in Hamburg gefeiret ward in einem singespiel vorgestellet. [vignette.] Hamburg, Nicolaus Spieringk, n. d. Unpaged. 1S% C . Three acts. Lengthy historical preface, delving even into numismatics, by the author Christian Heinrich Postel. Neither he is mentioned, nor the composer, Beinhard Keiser. The text of the opera is followed by 4 p. of text with title: "Nach geendigter opera faehret Fama in einer wolcke herab und singet dem grossen kayser Leopold zu ehren nachfolgendes. Auff dessen beschluss folget das feuer-werck. Hamburg, Gedrucktbey Nicolaus Spieringk, 1698." First performed at Hamburg Opernhaus beim Gansemarkt, June 9, 1698. SCHATZ 5120 - Der bey dem. allgemeinen welt-frieden von dem grossen Augustus geschlossene tempel des Janus, in einer opera auf dem Hamburgischen Schau-platze aufs neue aufgefuehret im monath octobris anno 1729. [Hamburg], mit Stromerschen schrifften, n. d. Unpaged. 18\ cm . Three acts. Neither the author, Christian Heinrich Postel, nor the composer, Reinhard Keiser, is mentioned. The text is the same as in the edition of 1698 except that the dialogue of the scene III, 13, was suppressed, the final aria "Edler friede sey willkommen " now forming part of III, 12. SCHATZ 5078 Die beyden barons von Rocca Azura. Tr. of Cimarosa's I due baroni di Rocca Azurra. Die beyden eifersuechtigen. Tr. of Martin y Soler's Li sposi in contrasto. Die beyden fluechtlinge. Tr. of Paisiello's Le gare generose. Die beyden kleinen Savoyarden. Tr. of Dalayrac's Les deux petits Savoyards. Die bezauberte insel. A. T. of P. Ritter's Der sturm. Der bezauberte kranz, ballet. See Piccinni's Das gute maegdchen. Die bezauberten. Eine komische oper in einem aufzuge. Nach dem franzosischen der Madame Favart. Verfertigt und in musik gesetzt von Johann Andre". Berlin, Christian Friedrich Himburg, 1777. 70 p. 15 cm . Based on "Les ensorceles ou Jeannot et Jeannette," parody of "Les surprises de 1'ampur" by de Marivaux. First performed at Berlin, Dobbelinssches Theater, October 18, 1777. SCHATZ 184 Bezestan o Mercato di schavi, ballet. See M. A. Valentini's Solimano. OPERA LIBRETTOS 223 Bianca de' Rossi, ballet. See P. Guglielmi's La pupilla scaltra. Bianca de' Rossi, ballet. See Tarchi's Dorval e Virginia. Bianca de' Rossi. Dramma nuovo per musica da rappresentarsi nel nobilissimo Teatro Venier in San Benedetto il carnovale dell' anno 1797. Venezia, Modesto Fenzo, 1797. 43 p. 'IS. Three acts. By Mattia Botturini, who is not mentioned. He makes this curious remark in a prefatory note : " L'unico avvisp, ch' egli [1'autpre] avanza al pubblico, e ch' esiste su questo soggetto una tragedia del Signor abbate Pier Antonio Meneghelli, intitolata anch' essal?wmca de' Rossi, uscita in Padova dalla etamperia di Gio. Antonio Gonzati, e rappresentata in questa Dpminante e in altre citta d' Italia, nonche un ballo pantomimo composto dal Signor Giuseppe Trafieri ed eseguito nel nobilissimo Teatro di San Benedetto il car- novale dell' anno 1793." Cast, scenario and name of Vittorio Trento as the composer. Whether or not he used the music of the 1793 ballet which he composed is not mentioned. On p. 21-25 cast and description of Maria de' Carp's "Oscar e Malvina, ballo eroico pantomimo," "musica tutta nuova . . . del Sig. Giuseppe Nucci;" and on p. 39^0, brief descrip- tion, without name of the composer, of the music of Giuseppe Domenico de Rossy's ballet, "Mysis ed Eufrasia ossia I due gemelli." First performed, as indicated, January 14, 1797. SCHATZ 10418 Biblis, tragedie, representee par 1'Acade'mie royale de musique, Fan 1732. Paroles de M. Fleury. Musique de M. La Coste. CXVII. opera. n. i., n. d. 14 cm - pi-, 205-264 P- (Recueil general des opera, t. xv, Paris, 1739.) Detached copy. Five acts and prologue. First performed, as indicated, November 6, 1732. SCHATZ 5352 Second copy. ML 48. R4 Bickerstaff's TJnburied dead. A moral drama. As acted at the Theatre-Royal in Lincoln 's-Inn-Fields . . . London, J. Watts, 1748. 4 p. I, 80, [2} p. 21 m . Two acts and epilogue. Cast and preface. Interspersed with songs', the composer of which is not mentioned. Author unknown to Clarence. LONQE 271 First performed as indicated, January 14, 1743 (Genest). Gesaenge aus dem schauspiele: Biondetta. n. i., n. d. [8] p. W\. Four acts. Neither the author, Karl Christian Engel, nor the composer, Friedrich Adam Hiller, is mentioned. First performed at Schwerin, Theater im Ballhause, July 14, 1790. SCHATZ 4715 La birba. Intermezzo. [210\-230 p. 16\ cm . (Carlo Goldoni, Opere drammatiche giocose, t. iv, Torino, 1757.) Two parts. Original composer unknown to Schatz. ML 49.A2G6 - La birba. Intermezzo di due parti per musica. Rappresentato per la prima volta in Venezia il carnovale dell' anno MDOCKXXIV. Carlo Goldoni, Opere teatrali, Venezia, Zatta e figli, 1788-95, t. 35, [71}-93 p. 18% cm . PQ Li birbi. Intermezzi da rappresentarsi in musica nel Teatro di S. Angelo nel carnevale 1732. Venezia, Carlo Buonarrigo, 1732. 12 p. 15 cm . Two intermezzi . By Antonio Zanetti, who is not mentioned. Michele Fini is men- tioned aa the composer. Cast. SCHATZ 3105 224 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Li birbi. Intermezzo da rappresentarsi in musica nel Theatre nuovo delF Opera pantomima, de piccoli Hollandesi di Nicolini. Die schel- men, em musicalisches zwischenspiel. Vorgestellet auf deni neuen Theater in der Opera pantomima von denen hollaendischen kindern des herrn Nicolini. Braunschweig, Keitel, n. d. Unpaged. 19\ cm . Two parts. By Antonio Zanetti, who is not mentioned. German text facea Italian. Cast and name of the composer, "Ignatio Fiorillo Napoletano." First performed as indicated, 1749; at Hamburg. Neumarkt by the same company, December 2, 1748; at Prague, by the same company in the same year. SCHATZ 3199 The birth-day, or, The prince of Arragon. A dramatick piece, with songs. In two acts. As performed at the Theatre-Royal, Hay- Market. Written by J. O'Keefe. London, T. Cadell, 1783. 2 p. I, iv, [4], 38 p. 21 p. Prologue, cast, and O'Keefe's dedication to the Prince of Wales, dated London, August 26, 1783. Of the nine songs, etc., the music of six is indicated as being by Samuel Arnold, of two as by Piccinni. The finale-chorus of the second act is with- out composer's name. First performed August 12, 1783,as indicated. LONGE 164 The birth of the Prince of Wales. A. T. of Attwood's Caernarvon Castle. Die biss in und nach dem todt unerhoerte treue des Orpheus. L. T. of Reiser's Orpheus. Bitten und erhoerung. Ein singspiel womit das geburtstagsfest des koenigs am 24sten januar dieses jahres von der Waeserschen gesellschaft zu Breslau gefeiert worden. p. 273-281. 18\ cm . (LiUeratur und Theater Zeitung, Berlin, 1783}. Footnote by the editor: "Hat den herrn kammer-referendarius Berger in Breslau zum verfasser, und die musik ist vom herrn [Johann Christian] Kaffka dazu ver- fertigt worden . ' ' SCHATZ 4772 La bizarra contadina. Commedia per musica di Giuseppe Palomba da rappresentarsi nel Teatro Nuovo sopra Toledo per second' opera di quest' anno 1790. Napoli, n. putt., 1790. 47 p. 15\ cm . Two acts. Cast and name of Gaetano Marinelli as the composer. SCHATZ 5959 La bizzarria degli umori. Farsetta per musica a cinque voci da rappresentarsi nel Teatro Capranica nel carnevale dell' anno 1777 . . . Roma, Ottavio PuccineUi, 1777. 47 p. 15 cm . Two acts. Author is not mentioned and is unknown to Schatz. Impresario's dedi- cation, cast, and name of Giuseppe Gazzaniga as the composer. SCHATZ 3684 Le bizzarie del bel sesso. A. T. of the ballet La vedova ingegnosa. Blaise et Babet pu La suite des Trois fermiers. Comedie en deux actes, mSlee d'ariettes, par M. Monvel; repre"sentee pour la pre- miere fois par les Comediens italiens ordinaires du roi, devant Leurs Majeste"s, a Versailles, le 4 avril, & a Paris le 30 juin 1783. Paris, Brunei, 1784. 56 p. 18% cm . Cast. Dezdde, the composer, is not mentioned. The melodies of the "Chanson. Lise chantoit dans la prairie" (I, 5) and of the "Romance. Entends ma voix" (II, 5) are printed in the text SCHATZ 2514 OPERA LIBRETTOS 225 Blaise et Babet Continued. Gesaenge aus dem singspiele : Toeffel nnd Dortchen, in zwey aufzuegen, nach Monvell. In musik gesetzt von Desaides. Hamburg, J. M. Michaelsen, 1788. 20 p. 16% cm . The translator is not mentioned. First performed at Hamburg, Theater b. Gansemarkt, Oct. 13, 1788; at Mannheim, Nationaltheater, Aug. 10, 1788. SCHATZ 2515 Blaise le savetier, opera comique, suivi de La n6ce de Nicaise, intermede m61e de chants & de danses; par Monsieur S. . . . La musique de M. Phillidor. Repre'sente' pour la premiere fois sur le Theatre de 1'Opera comique de la Foire Saint Germain, le 9 mars 1759. Paris, N. B. Duchesne, 1759. 31 p. 19\. Imprimatur of date, June 27, 1759, cast and Avertissement by Sedaine, the author. (See next entry.) ML 50.2.B39P4 Blaise le savetier, ope"ra comique, suivi de La noce de Nicaise; intermede mele de chants & de danses: par M. S. . . . La musique de M. Philidor. Represente pour la premiere fois sur le Theatre de 1'Opera-comique de la Foire Saint-Germain, le neuf mars mil sept cent cinquante-neuf. Paris, la veuve Duchesne, 1769. 38 p. 19*. By Michel Jean Sedaine (not mentioned), who says in his avertissement: "Si quelqu' un me reproche 1'attention avec la quelle j'ai 6crit la pantomime de cette farce, qu'il fasse reflexion que le grand defaut de la plupart des ariettes au theatre, est de se voir denuees d'action: soit que ce defaut vienne des paroles & de la situation theatrale; soit que 1'acteur, seulement musicien, ne scacne point lea revetir des geetes & du sentiment vrais." SCHATZ 8007 Blaise le savetier, opera comique, m61e d'ariettes, par Monsieur S. . . . La musique de M. Philidor. Paris, Duchesne, 1771. 29 p. 19 cm . Sedaine's Avertissement not in this ed. SCHATZ 11736 Hanns der schuhflicker, ein shigspiel in einem aufzuge aus dem franzoesischen uebersetzt mit musik. Frankfurt am Mayn, mit Andrealischen schriften, 1772. 61 p, 9 p. (music) 16 cm . Cast. Neither Joh. Heinr. Faber, the translator, nor Philidor, the composer, is mentioned. Version used by Theob. Marchand's company. The music (voice and bass) consists of: "Um vergniigt zu leben" (I, 4. "Tiens, tu me faia pitie"), "Nur das geld kann" (I, 5. "L'argent seul fixe le caprice"). SCHATZ 8008 Blanche et vermeille, come'die pastorale, en deux actes et en prose, melee de musique. Represented pour la premiere fois par les Come- diens italiens ordinaires du roi, le mndi 5 mars 1781. Paris, Thomas Brunei, 1781. 28 p. 21 cm . Neither Jean Pierre Claris de Florian, the author, ia mentioned, nor Henri Joseph Bigel, the composer. ML 50.2.B4R3 Der blaue schmetterling, oder Der sieg der natur ueber die schwaermerey. Ein komisches singspiel in drey aufzuegen. Nach Wieland. Sowohl die worte, als die musik, sind vom hrn. Maximihan Ulbrich. Aufgefuehrt im K. K. Nationalhoftheater. Wien, beym Logenmeister, 1782. 70 p. 15% cm . First performed, as indicated, April 2, 1782. SCHATZ 10522 72251 VOL 114 15 226 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Das'blendwerk. Tr. of Gre"try's La fausse magie. The blind beggar of Bethnal Green. By R. Dodsley [vignette]. )cm London, Printed for /?. Dodsley, 1741. 44 p. 20' On p. [5], advertisement of Dodsley 's "Publick register." One act. Cast. The composer, Thomas Augustine Arne, is not mentioned. First performed at London, Drury-Lane, April 3, 1741 (Genest). LONOE 124 Second copy. AC901 M5 v. 596 Blue-beard; or, Female curiosity! A dramatick romance; first represented at the Theatre Royal Drury-Lane, on Tuesday, January 16, 1798. Written by George Colman, the younger . . . London, Cadett and Davies, 1798. vi, [1], 54, [1] p. 21 cm . Two acts. Cast and preface, with name of Michael Kelly as composer and com- piler of the music, and statement that the piece is not a translation from the French or any other language. In Corri, Dussek & co's vocal score "And silence reigns within the walls " is headed as by Paesiello. LONGE 246 The airs, glees, choruses, etc. in the new pantomime of Blue Beard; or, The flight of Harlequin. As performed at the Theatre-Royal, Covent-Garden. Third edition. London, T. Cadell, 1791. 20 p. 18 cm . Two acts. Cast. The airs, "That all ride their hobbies" and "My name's Tippy Bob," are headed as composed by William Reeve. LONGE 218 Blunders at Brighton. A. T. of Shield's The Irish mimic. Die blut-durstige rache, oder Heliates und Olympia, in einem singspiel auf den Hamburgischen Schau-platze vorzustellen. [Hamburg], Spiering, 1709. Unpaged. 18\ cm . Three acts . Text and music by Reinhard Keiser, who is not mentioned . Scenario and argument. A few arias have Italian text added to the German. SCHATZ 5080 The boarding-school: or, The sham captain. An opera. As it is perform'd at the Theatre Royal" in Drury-Lane, by His Majesty's servants. Written by the author of the Beggar's wedding and The Devil to pay. With the musick prefix'd to each song. London, J. Watts, 1733. 44 p. 19. One-act ballad opera. Cast, dedication signed by the author, Charles Coffey, and table of the 23 songs, the airs of which are printed in the text with their titles, except airs 1, 2, 12, which are headed, "set by Mr. Seedo." First performed January 29, 1733, as indicated. LONGE 50 The boarding school: or, The sham captain. An opera. By C. Coffey, Esq. [185]-215 p. 19 cm . (Collection of the most esteemed farces and en- tertainments, t. v., Edinburgh, 1792.} Drury-Lane cast. Ballad opera, with the airs "set by Mr. Seedo." SCHATZ 11753E Die boese frau. Komisches original-singspiel in zwey aufzuegen. 1791. n. i., n. d. [297}-392 p. 16 cm . (Herklots' Operetten, iv, Berlin, 1792.} Detached copy. The composer, Ignatz Walter, is not mentioned. First performed at Bremen, Theater an der Bastion beim Osterthore, November 3, 1794. SCHATZ 10858 OPERA LIBRETTOS 227 La Bohemienne. See La Zingara, by Rinaldo cli Capua. La boite de Pandore. See La faussefoire. Le bon fils, opera en un acte. Paroles de Louis Hennequin, mu- sique de L. S. Lebrun . . . Represent e, pour la premiere fois, sur le Theatre de la rue Feydeau, le premier jour compl&nentaire de la troisieme annee republicaine (17 septembre 1795, vieux style). Paris, Huet, an guatrieme de la Republique, [1795-96}. 23 p. 20 cm . Cast. Between p. 22-23 in contemporary ms. the added couplet for Lise's "Vous jugerez de mon ivreese." ML 50.2. B7L3 Le bon fils, com6die, en un acte et en prose, melee d'ariettes; par M. de Vaux. La musique, de M. Philidor. Represented, pour la premiere fois, par les Comediens italiens ordinaires du roi, le lundi, 11 Janvier 1773. Paris, la veuve Duchesne, 1773. iv, [6]-80, p. 4 p. (music) 17 cm . The music consists of the vaudeville: ' ' Enfans voila votre. ' ' In his avertissement the author repudiates the charge of plagiarism because of the great similarity of a scene with one in Gr&ry's "Silvain." His own piece, he says, "faite dans son origine pour un theatre desociete, avoit ete lue a ceux qui devoient la jouer & a quelques gens de lettres plus d'un an avant la representation de Silvain. C'est done le hasard qui a fait naltre la meme idee a deux poetes qui ne se connois- soient pas." Nevertheless, he says, he has done all in his power to weaken the resemblance. Further on he states, that the piece was at first called "Antoine Masson," but "le public, apres la seconde representation, pr^vint 1'acteur qui 1'annoncoit & prononca le bon fils." SCHATZ 8009 II bon ton. Dramma giocoso per musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro Giustiniani in S. Moise il carnovale dell' anno 1780. Venezia, n. publ., n. d. 78 p. 18 cm . Two acte. Author not mentioned and unknown to Schatz. Cast and name of Joseph Schuster as the composer. ("La musica sara.") SCHATZ 9761 Le bon vivant, oder Die Leipziger messe, in einem singe- und lust- spiel auff dem Hamburgischen Schau-Platz vorgestellet. Im jahr 1710. Hamburg, Johan Niclas Gennagel, n. d. Unpaged. 19 cm . Three acts. Preface in form of a commentary on his own piece by Weidemann, the author. Neither he nor the composer, Reinhard Reiser, is mentioned . SCHATZ 5121 Bondehovmod eller Ki0bmanden som adelsmand, og bondepigen som fr0ken. Tr. of Picinni's II fumo villano. Bondepigen ved hoffet. Tr. of Ciampi's Le caprice amoureux, ou Ninette a la cour. B0nderfolks elskov. Tr. of Lampugnani's L'amor contadino. Bonduca: or. The British heroine. A tragedy. Acted at the Theatre Royal. By His Majesty's servants. With a new enter- tainment or musick, vocal and instrumental. Never printed or acted before. London, Printed for Richard BenOey, 1696. 4 p. L, 53, [3] p. Three acte, prologue, and epilogue. Last (unnumb.) page contains Bentley's book list. Cast, dedication by Geo. Powell, and his notice to the reader. Powell 228 LIBRAE Y OF CONGRESS Bonduca Continued . says that a friend of his, name not given, is responsible for this revision and moderni- zation of (Beaumont ? and) Fletcher's "Bonduca," that "the whole play was revised quite through, and likewise studied up in one fort- night." In the dedication he says: "'Tis a fabrickof antiquity; a foundation of that celebrated poetical architect, the famous Fletcher; but with several alterations, besides the two first acts new writ. . . . it has this further advantage, as being an English story; that the glory of worthies and heroes sounds sweetest, where the musick is tuned at home ..." This last is, of course, an allusion to Henry Purcell. First performed 1695 (Squire). LONGE 208 Le bonheur de 1'illussion. A. T. of Piron's text Ijes chimeres. La bonne aniie. A. T. of Desbrosses' Les deux cousines. La bonne femme. Parody of Gervais' Hipermnestre. La bonne femme ou Le Phe"nix. Parody of Gluck's Alceste. Le bonne homme misere. A. T. of Gaveaux Le diable couleur de rose. Les bons et les medians, ou Philemon et Baucis, pantomime, en deux actes; par M. Audinot. Represented, pour la premiere fois, sur le Theatre de rAmbigu-comique, le premier Janvier 1783. Paris, Cailleau, 1783. 18 p. 18% cm . Two acts. Scene by scene description of the action. The composer of the music is not mentioned. In an Avertissement the publisher says: "... Grand peintre & grand machiniste, le chevalier Servandoni porta a sa perfection la Pantomime a Machines. Personne ne poussa plus loin que ce fameux artiste, 1'art de faire jouer les decorations, d'en multiplier les effets, de les varier, de les opposer avec autant de rapidite". "Ne pouvant employer aucun de ces grands moyens, le directeur de PAmbigu- Comique puisa dans la nature meme un nouveau genre de pantomime. Une action simple & suivi, des situations inte'ressaiates, agreables, des tableaux pittoresques, vanes & multiplies, qui tiennent toujours au sujet, voila la tache que cet entre- preneur s'est impos6e. "La Belle au bois dormant, fut le premier & 1'un des plus agreables ouvrages qu'il ait offert au public, & le succet a chaque effort nouveau que Ton fait pour lui plaire. . . . "L'effet de ces sortes d 'ouvrages, est de parler d'abord aux yeux, & de n'arriver au coeur ou a 1'esprit, que par le secours de cet organe, & d'une musique destinee a remplacer le dialogue. On pense que leurs programmes n'en doivent e~tre que la description ..." ML48.B2 Both sides of the water. A. T. of Reeve's The raft. II bottanico novellista. Dramma giocoso per musica da rappre- sentarsi la primavera dell' anno 1770 nel Teatro Dolfino in Treviso . . . Venezia, Giambattista Casali, 1770. Ifi p. 15$ cm . Three acts. By Goldoni, originally called "Lo speziale." Impresario's dedica- tion, cast, and name of the composer, Domenico Fischietti. SCHATZ 3241 II bottaro, ballet. See P. Guglielmi's Arsinoe e Breno. OPEEA LIBEETTOS 229 II bottaro di Svezia, ballet. See Paisiello's Le gare generose. La bottega da caffe, commedia. [5]~44 P- 16% cm . (Carlo Goldoni, Opere drammatiche giocose, t. iv, Torino, 1757.} Three parts. Original composer unknown to me. MJL 49.A2G6 - La bottega del caffe. Intermezzo di tre parti per musica. Rappresentato per la prima volta in Venezia 1'anno MDCCXXXV. Carlo Goldoni, Opere teatrali, Venezia, Zatta efigli, 1788-95, v. 35, [289]-331 p. 18$ cm . PQ II bottegaro gen.tilu.omo. Intermezzo a' due voci. Venezia, Domenico Lovisa, 1739. 12 p. IJfy. Two parts. By Antonio Salvi, who is not mentioned. In the brief entry catalogue of his libretto collection Schatz attributed the music to Giuseppe Maria Oilandini, but in the manuscript of his Opera-dictionary he attributes it to Joh. Adolf Hasse, remarking that the intermezzo is also known as "Larinda e Vanesio," and originally, for the first performances at Naples, Teatro di San Bartolomeo, December, 1726, was called "L'artigiano gentiluomo." Florimo makes no mention of such a performance. Mennicke (p. 511) says that the Royal Library at Dresden possesses Basse's "Cajo Fabricio," Dresden, 1734, with his intermezzi, "L'artigiano gentiluomo (=Larinda e Vanesio), and that a German edition of the text of these is in the Schatz collection. On p. 495 of his book he enters under ' ' Intermezzi " : "1726. L'artigiano gentiluomo, Neapel, Datum der Auffuhrung: ?, Exemplar: Dresden, Librettist: ?" It is quite clear that this information was partly derived from Schatz himself, whose libretto collection, indeed, contains "Der handwerksmann als edelmann," Dresden, 1734. To add to the confusion, Schatz, in his ms. work (in L. of C.), " Chronologische folge der von Johann Adolph Hasse in musik gesetzten dramatischen werke," enters as no. 6: "Larinda. e Vanesio. Intermezzi per musica in 2 parti. Text urspriingl. m. d. titel "L'artigiano gentiluomo," von Antonio Salvi, verandert von [blank], Neapel, Teatro di S. Bartolomeo. xii, 1726." "Besetzung "Larinda Sig a Celeste Reste "Vanesio Sig. Gioacchino Corrado "NB. Dieses werk wurde als zwischenspiel z. d. dramma per musica "L'As- tarto" aufgefuhrt." He then quotes from the libretto (which is not in his collection) : "Se 1 'intermezzi li vedrai tutti diversi dal loro primp essere, e da quella forma, che si sono rappresentati in Torino, Fiorenza, ed altn capitoli, sappi, che si e fatto per adattarli al costume di questa citta." As 6a. Schatz enters " L'artigiano gentiluomo (Larinda e Vanesio) . . . Dresden, 8/vii, 1734 . . . Textbuch in deutscher prosa, am textbuch der oper ' ' Cajus Fabritius " angeheftet . . . "NB. Dieses werk wurde als zwischenspiel z. d. dramma per musica "Cajo Fabrizio" aufgefuhrt." Schatz means, of course, that both the opera and the intermezzi were performed in Italian. As 6 b he enters: "II bottegaro gentiluomo (Larinda e Vanesio) . . . Venedig, Teatro di S. Angelo, carnevale 1739 . . . Aufgefuhrt als zwischenspiel zu dem Dr. p. m. "Achille in Sciro" v. P. Chiarini." "II bottegaro gentiluomo" was indeed performed at Venice, 1739, with Chiarini 's opera, "Achille in Sciro," and Wiel adds this note: "Con questa opera furono rappresentati gli intermezzi: Un bottegaro gentiluomo, in due parti; e: Pandolfo (musica di G. A. Hasse)." It will be noticed that Wiel attributes only the music of "Pandolfo" to Hasse, not of "Un bottegaro gentiluomo," whose composer he did not know. This point Schatz overlooked, and he {incorrectly), on Wiel s authority, attributed "II bottegaro gen- tiluomo," Venice, 1739, to Hasse, after first having attributed it to Orlandini. To sum up, while Hasse apparently composed Salvi's altered text under the title of "L'artigiano gentiluomo" or "Larinda e Vaneeio," for Naples, 1726, used also later 230 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS II bottegaro gentiluomo Continued. on in 1734, at Dresden, there is nothing to show that his music was also used at Venice, 1739, for another version of Salvi's text under the title of "II bottegaro gentiluomo." I therefore prefer Orlandini as composer, though his connection with the work is made doubtful by the following entry: SCHATZ 7350 - Le bourgeois gentilhomme ; or, Vanesio and Larinda. An interlude. Performed by Sig. Anna Maria Faini, and Signer Antonio Lottini, at the King's Theatre in the Haymarket. The music is composed by Signor Orlandini. London, J. Chrichley, 1737. 15 p. 17 cm . Two parts. This is not Salvi's text, as Schatz would have found on comparison. First performed, as indicated, 1737. SCHATZ 7353 Les bottes de sept lieues. A. T. of Arlequin, roi des Ogres. Le bouquet du roi, opera comique, en un acte, represent ee sur le Theatre de 1'Opera comique, le 24 aout 1752 [!] La Haye, Pierre Gosse, 1760. 32 p. 16 cm . (Vade, Oeuvres, La Haye, 1760, t. i.) One act, en vaudevilles. Cast. From footnotes it would appear that only scenes 4 and 6 were by Vad. The musical arranger of the vaudevilles, etc., is not men- tioned. ML 49.A2V2 - Le bouquet du roi, opera-comique, en un acte, represents sur le Theatre de 1'Opera-comique, le 24 aout 1753. Paris, la veuve Duchesne, 1766. 32 p. 18% cm . Cast. On p. 30-32 the "Airs": "De tes pleurs, tendre Aurore," "Les jolis, les petits marquis." Neither Vad6 nor the arranger of the music is mentioned. 1753 appears to be the correct date. (Camp. Parfaict.) SCHATZ 11485 Le bourgeois gentil-homme. Tr. of Orlandini 's II bottegaro gen- tiluomo. The Bow- street opera, in three acts. Written on the plan of the Beggar's opera ; all the most celebrated songs of which are parodied ; and the whole piece adapted to modern times, manners and charac- ters . . . The fourth edition. London, Printed for the author, 1776. iv, 44 P- 21 cm . An everything-but-complimentary dedication to David Garrick, whose refusal "to suppress the exhibition of the Beggar's opera, at the requisition of the Bowstreet magistrates " gave rise to this anonymous "whim," which is in three acts and utilizes 32 ballad airs, indicated by title. First edition published in 1773. LONGE 251 La Bradamante del Co. Pietro Paolo Bissari. Drama per musica nel Teatro Grimano. Venetia, Valvasense, 1650. 84 p. 13% cm . Last page incorrectly paged 82. Our copy lacks the front, which should form p. [1-2]. Three acts, with prologue. Author's dedication, argument, and scenario. The composer, Pietro Francesco Cavalli, is not mentioned. First performed, as indicated, carnival 1650. SCHATZ 1731 OPEEA LIBRETTOS 231 Bradamante, tragedie representee par TAcademie royale de musique Fan 1707. Les paroles de M. Roy, & la musique de M. La Coste. LXIX. opera. n. i., n. d. 14 cm . pi., 227-278 p. (Eecueil general des opera, t. ix, Paris, 1710.) Detached copy. Five acts with prologue. "Avertissement." First performed, as indicated, May 2, 1707. SCHATZ 5353 Second copy. ML 48. R4 Bradamante e Ruggero, ballet. See Monza's Oreste. Bradamante nell' isola d'Alcina. Drama da rappresentarsi in Parma nel novo Teatro di S. A. S. il carnovale dell' anno 1729 . . . Panna, Eredi di Paolo Monti, 1729. xii, 46, [1] p. 15 cm . Three acts. By Antonio Fanzaglia (Schatz). Author's dedication, argument, cast, scenario, and name of the composer, Riccardo Broschi. It appears from the dedication that the opera had previously been performed at Rome in 1728. The title originally was "L isola d'Alcina." SCHATZ 1342 Der braeutigam ohne braut. A. T. of Cimarosa's Die vorgebliehen grafen. II bravo burlato. Intermezzo per musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro de' Nobili di Gubbio il carnevale del MDCCL VII. Gubbio, gli eredi del Mattioli, n. d. [16] p. Two acts. By Antonio Pavoni. Neither he nor the composer, Rinaldo di Capua, is mentioned. First performed at Rome, Teatro di Palla a Corda, carnival 1746. SCHATZ 8801 Brenno. O. T. of Reichardt's Brennus. Brenno, dramma per musica composto con cori, e balli analoghi da Ant. Filistri de 'Caramondani . . . e messo in musica da Giov. Federico Reichardt ... da rappresentarsi nel Regio Teatro di Ber- lino . . . Berlino, Haude e Spener, 1789. 155 p. 16 cm . Three acts. Cast. Argument. German t.-p. "Brennus" and text face Italian. Comp. below. ML 50.2.B8R3 - Brennus. Ein musikalisches drama, nach der italiaenischen poesie des herrn Filistri de' Caraniondani fuer das Koenigl. Opern theater zu Berlin zum carneval des jahres 1789 in musik gesetzt von Johann Friederich Reichardt. Am 24 Januar 1798 im Konigl. Opernhause von den Koenigl. saengern und saengerinnen und dem Koenigl. orchester mit deutscher poesie concertmaessig aufgefuehrt. Den beschluss macht eine neue composition nach Ramlers poesie, zur gedaechtnissfeier des grossen koenigs Friedrichs des Zweiten. Berlin, Johann Friedrich Unger, 1798. 3 p. 1., 84 p. 15 cm . Three acts. Cast and prefatory note according to which only so much of the opera (as first performed on October 16, 1789) was retained "als zum verstaendniss der haupthandlung und fuer den effekt der arien und mehrstimmigen singesatze nothwendig war." SCHATZ 8637 Brenno in Efeso. Drama per musica da rappresentarsi nel famoso Teatro Vendramino di S. Salvatore 1'anno 1690 ... Venetia, Nicolini, 1690. 60 p. 14 cm . Three acts. Dedication signed by the author, Antonio Arcoleo, notice to the reader with name of Giacomo Antonio Perti as the composer, argument, and scenario. SCHATZ 7947 232 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Bretislaus oder Die siegende bestaendigkeit auf die hoechst-glueck- liche verbindung Seiner Koenigl. Hpheit . . . Carl Friedrich, erben zu Norwegen, hertzogen zu Schlesswig-Holstein etc etc. mit der . . . prinzessin Anna Petrowna an deroselben hohen gebuhrts-feste den 7 febr:/27 Jan. anno 1725 in einem sing-spiele, nebst einer illumina- tion und emem feuer-wercke auf dem Hamburgischen Schauplatze vorgestellet. Hamburg, Caspar Jdkhel, n. d. Unpaged. 20 cm . Three acts and prologue. Cast, scenario, and statement that the music "ausser einigen eingerueckten italiaenischen arien is by Reinhard Keiser. The author, Johann Philipp Praetorius, is not mentioned. SCHATZ 5133 Briseide. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel Regio Teatro di Torino nel carnovale del 1784 alia presenza delle Maesta Loro. Torino, Onorato Derossi, n. d. viii, 62 p. 8. Three acts. Argument, cast, scenario, and names of the composer, Francesco Bianchi, and the librettist, Francesco Sebastiano Gambino. The three ballets by Sebastiano Gallet, music by Vittorio Amedeo Canayasso, were called ' ' Enea e Turno, "La yiaggiatrice osia Le circostanze imbarazzanti," and "Di Greci festeggianti la riconciliazione d'Achille e d'Agamennone," and separate librettos are said to have been printed. First performed, as indicated, December 26, 1783. SCHATZ 1002 Briseide. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel Real Teatro di S. Carlo nel di 13. di agosto 1791. Festeggiandosi la nascita di S. M. la regina . . . Napoli, Vincenzo Flauto, 1791. 44 p. 16 cm . Two acts. Impresario's dedication, with same date as in the title, argument, cast, scenario, and names of Angelo Pocobelli as the author, of Ferdinando B-obuschi as composer of the opera, of Giuseppe Maria Curcio aa composer ("musica tutta nuova") of Michele Fabiani's "Amore e Psiche, ballo eroico pantomimo in cinque atti," described on p. 10-14. SCHATZ 8839 Britain's glory; or, A trip to Portsmouth. A musical entertain- ment, in one act, as performed at the Theatre Royal, in the Hay- Market, with universal applause. By the late Mr. Benson . . . London, J. Wallis, n. d. 1 p.l., 32 p. 21 cm . Cast and dedication. The composer, Samuel Arnold, is not mentioned. First performed, August 20, 1794. LONGE 246 Britannia and Batavia: a masque. Written on the marriage of the princess royal with His Highness the prince of Orange. By the late Mr. Lillo. London, J. Gray, 1740. 1 p. 1., 5-15 p. 20 cm . One act. Of the 12 "airs" (songs), two were to be sung to popular airs, indicated by title. The composer (and author?) of these songs, Henry Carey, is not mentioned. Perhaps identical with " Britannia or the royal lovers," Covent Garden, February 11, 1734. ML 52.2. B86 Britannico. Tragedia per musica da rappresentarsi nel Regio Teatro di Berlino . . . Fanno 1751. Berlino, Eaude e Spener, n. d. 91, [4] p. 16 cm . Three acts. Cad Heinrich Graun is mentioned as the composer, and Leopoldo de Villati as the author. ("La presente tragedia e stata tirata dal francese [Racine's ' Britannicus '] e composta ad uso di musica.") Argument and scenario. German title-page, "Britannicus," and text face Italian. First performed, as indicated, February 17, 1751. SCHATZ 4091 OPEEA LIBRETTOS 233 Britannicus. Tr. of Graun's Britannico. The British enchanters; or, No magick like love. A dramatick poem. [port, vignette.] London, J. Tonson, 1732. 71 p. 16 cm . Five acts and prologue. Cast and notice to the reader: "Upon the separation of the houses, when musical performances were confin'd to one theatre, and dramatick to the other [this regulation went in force about January, 1708!], it became necessary to lengthen the representation of the ensuing poem with several alterations and additions, and some entire new scenes, to fill up the spaces occasion'd by the necessity of leaving out the mixture of musical entertainment. Which additions are herewith printed, having never been publish'd before." The text is by George Granville (Lord Lansdowne), and was written as an attempt to improve on opera librettos. It was first performed, evidently with "musical entertainments," at the Haymarket Theatre, February 21, 1706, and again with alterations on March 22, 1707 (Genest). The composer not recorded by Schatz or Clarence. LONGE 75 British fortitude, and Hibernian friendship; or, An escape from France. A musical drama in one act by J. C. Cross. As per- formed with universal applause at the Theatre Royal Covent Garden. [vignette] London, Printed by & for J. Roach, Sept. 3, 1794. 1 P- 1, 31, [1] Cast, dedication, and author's prefatory note, according to which the piece was originally written for Mr. Johnstone's benefit (as Capt. O'Leary), who introduced "songs . . . the production of gentleman well known in the literary world, and . . . sung by him . . . previous to their introduction in British fortitude . . ." The composer, William Reeve, is not mentioned. First performed, March 29, 1794. LONGE 308 The British heroine. A. T. of PurcelFs Bonduca. British heroism. A. T. of The death of captain Faulknor. The British recruit. A. T. of To arms! The British stage; or, The exploits of Harlequin: a farce. As it is performed by a company of wonderful comedians at both theatres, with wonderful applause; with all its original songs, scenes, and machines. Design' d as an after-entertainment for the audiences of Harlequin Doctor Faustus, and The Necromancer . . . London, T. Warner, 1724. 1 p. I, v-vii, [1], 24 p. 19 cm . One act. Preface. Obviously a satire by unknown author. LONGE 152 The British worthy. A. T. of H. Purcell's King Arthur. Britons, strike home: or, The sailor's rehearsal. A farce. As it is acted at the Theatre-Royal, by His Majesty's servants. Written by Mr. Edward Phillips. With the musick prefix'd to each song. London, J. Watts, 1739. 3 p. I, 30, [2} p. 17 m . Cast. One act, prologue, epilogue. Though the fact that the eight airs are printed in the text without titles would permit the inference that they were composed for the occasion, the piece* is nevertheless a ballad-opera, as Mr. Squire has proven. First performed at Drury Lane, December 31, 1739. LONGE 321 - Britons strike home : or, The sailors rehearsal. A farce. As it is acted at the Theatre-Royal by his Majesty's servants. B} r Mr. Edward Phillips. Glasgow, n. pull., 1761. 25, [3] p. 17 cm . One act, prologue and epilogue. Cast and on last (unnumb.) page table of the eight songs, the airs of which are not indicated. LONGE 118 234 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Die brueder als nebenbuhler. Tr. of P. v. Winter's I fratelli rivali. Bruto. See M. Curzio. Bruto costante. See M. Curzio. II Bruto milanese ossia La congiura contro Galeazzo Maria Sforza Visconti, ballet. See Nasolini's II trionfo di Clelia. A new opera; called, Brutus of Alba: or, Augusta's triumph. As it is acted at the Theatre, in Dorset-Garden, by His Majesty's servants. London, Printed by W. Olney,for S. Briscoe, 1697. 2 p. I., 63, [1] p. 21% cm . No. 6 and 7 repeated in paging, making an actual total of 61 p. Imperfect, wanting p. 3^-48. Five acts. The "epistle dedicatory" of date "Monday, Octob. 16, 1699" [!] is signed by the authors George Powell and John Verbruggen. Daniel Purcell, the composer, is not mentioned. ML 50.2. B85 Le bucheron, ou Les trois souhaits, comedie en un acte, melee d'a- riettes. Represented pour la premiere fois par les Come'diens italiens ordinaires au roi, le lundi 28 fevrier 1763. La musique par M. Philidor. Paris, Claude Herissant, 1763. 56 p. 19. By Jean Francois Guichard and Castet, who are not mentioned. Perrault's "Conte " on which the play is based, precedes the text. SCHATZ 8010 Le bucheron, ou Les trois souhaits. Comedie en un acte, melee d'ariettes; par Mr. Guichard. La musique de Mr. Philidor. Repre- sentee sur le Theatre de la cour par les Comediens francois ordinaires du roi, le [Uank] 1767. Copenhague, Cl. Philibert, 1767: 64 p. 19 cm . Cast. YUDIN PQ Le bucheron, ou Les trois souhaits comedie en un acte, meslee d'ariettes. Represented pour la premiere fois par les Comediens italiens ordinaires du roi, lo lundi 28 fevrier 1763. La musique par M. Philidor. Paris, la veuve Duchesne, 1771. 50 [3] p. 19 cm . Cast. The [3] p. contains "Conte de feu Mr. Perrault, qui a donne" lieua la piece." The authors, Jean Francois Guichard and Castet, are not mentioned. SCHATZ 11736 - Le bucheron, ou Les trois souhaits comedie en un acte, melee d'ariettes; represented pour la premiere fois par les Come'diens italiens ordinaires du roi, le lundi 28 fevrier 1763. La musique par M. Philidor. Paris, la veuve Duchesne, 1782. 55 p. 19 cm . , Cast. In this ed. Perrault's "Conte" on p. 3-6. Authors not mentioned. SCHATZ 11737A - Der holzhauer oder Die drey wuen=che, ein singspiel in einem aufzuge aus dem franzoesischen uebersetzt mit musik. Frankfurt am Mayn, mit Andreaeischen schriften, 1773. 88 p., 8 p. (folded music] OPERA LIBRETTOS 235 Le bucheron Continued. Cast. Version for Theob. Marchand's company by Johann Heinrich Faber. Neither he is mentioned nor Philidor, the composer. The music (voice and bass) incorrectly bound in with this copy belongs to Fridzeri's "Die beiden militzen," whereas the 8 p. of music belonging to the " Holzhauer " are incorrectly bound in with ' ' Die beiden mili tzen . " It consists of ' ' Sieh doch den schmerz "(1,1" Annette au bois") "Colins augen sind sehr echon (1, 10 "Colin a des yeux charmants"), "Ihr manner, die ihr immer schmalet" (last scene. "Maris, qui querrellez sans cesse.") SCHATZ 8011 - Skovhuggeren eller De tre 0nsker. Et syngespil i een act af Guichard hvortil musiken er componeret af Philidor. Oversat af Lars Knudsen. n. i., n. d. 78 p. 15% cm . First performed at Copenhagen, December 3, 1782. SCHATZ 8013 Die buckeligen. A. T. of Portugal's Die taeuschende aehnlichkeit. Buergerfreuden ! Ein oesterreichisches buergergemaehlde mit choe- ren in einem aufzug. Von Karl Friedrich Hensler. Aufgefuehrt by der gluecklichen zurueckkunft unsers tapfern erzherzogs Karl. Am 2. maerz 1797. Die musik ist von Wenzel Miiller . . . Wien, gedruckt mit Schmidtischen schriften, n. d. 56 p. 17 cm . First performed as indicated on the Marinelli'sche Schaubuehne. SCHATZ 6914 Le bugie hanno le gambe corte. A. T. of Moneta's II conte Policronio. Bund ueber eck. A. T. of Ruprecht's Die dorfhaendel. La buona figliuola. Dramma di.tre atti per musica. Rappresen- tato per la prim a volta in Parma il carnovale dell' anno MDCCLVL Carlo Goldoni, Opere teatrali, Venezia, Zatta ejigli, 1788-95, v. 38, [165}-217 p. 18$. PQ La buona figliuola. Dramma giocoso per musica di Polisseno Fegejo, Pastor Arcade. Da rappresentarsi nel Teatro di S. A. Serenissima il Signor principe di Carignano nell' autunno dell' anno MDCCLVIII. Torino, Gaspare Bayno e Giuseppe Avondo, n. d. 52, [1] p. 14 cm - Three acts. By Goldoni. The unnumbered page contains "Arie cangiate . . ." Se del fiume altera 1'onda [1, 14] "Alia selva, al prato, al rio " [II, 9] "Miserarondinella " [III, 4]. Cast and name of the composer, "Egidio Duni Napolit. Maestro di capella di S. A. R. di Parma." First performed at Parma, Teatro Ducale, carnival, 1757 not 1756. SCHATZ 2834 La buona figliuola. Dramma giocoso per musica di Polisseno Fegejo Pastor Arcade recitato nel Teatro Giustinian di S. Moise il carnovale dell' anno 1760. Seconda edizione. Venezia, n. publ., 1760. 48 p. 15 cm . Three acts, p. 45-48, incorrectly headed "atto quarto." By Goldoni. Salvatore Perillo is mentioned as the composer. SCHATZ 7921 236 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS La buona figliuola. Dramma giocoso per musica di Polisseno Fegejo, Pastore Arcade. Roma, n. publ, 1760. 52 p. 16 cm . Three acts. By Carlo Goldoni. Niccol6 Piccinni is mentioned as the composer. First performed at Rome, Teatro delle Dame, February 6, 1760, and again sum- mer, 1768 (Schatz). ML 50.2. B9P4 - La buona figliuola. Dramma giocoso f>er musica del ... Carlo Goldoni ... da rappresentarsi ne' Teatri privilegiati di Vienna 1'estate dell' anno 1768. Vienna, Ghelen, n. d. 63, [1] p. 17 cm . Three acts. Niccol6 Piccinni is mentioned as the composer. On the last p. the substitute aria for "Son tradita" (II, 9), "In tanti affanni miei," which does not appear to have been written by Goldoni. First performed at Vienna, 1764. SCHATZ 8070 - La buona figliuola, dramma giocoso per musica del celebre Sign. Carlo Goldoni, da rappresentarsi nel Regio Teatro Danese Den fromme pige . . . Ki&benhavn, L. N. Svare, 1770. 115 p. 17 cm . Three acts. Italian and Danish texts. Cast and name of Piccinni as the composer. First performed 1769, as indicated. SCHATZ 8071 La buona figliuola. Commedia per musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro Nuovo per second' opera del corrente anno 1778. Napoli, n. publ., 1778. 64 p. 15 cn . Three acts. By Goldoni. Cast and name of Niccol6 Piccinni as the composer. SCHATZ 8131 La buona figliuola. Dramma giocoso per musica, di Polisseno Fegejo, P. A. da rappresentarsi nel Piccolo Teatro di S. A. E. di Sassonia. Dresda, n. publ., 1781. 127 p. 15% cm . Three acts. German title, "Das gute maedel," and text face Italian. Piccinni is mentioned as the composer. SCHATZ 8074 First performed at Dresden, November 16, 1765. - The accomplish' d maid: A comic opera. As it is performed at the Theatre-Royal in Co vent-Garden. The music by oig n . r Niccolo Piccini . . . London, W. Griffin [etc.], 1767. 1 p. 1., ii, 59, [1] p. 19\. Three acts. Cast and preface by the translator, Edward Toms (not mentioned), who says, in part: "... This translation is attempted, so as to be sung to the original music, as per- formed in Italy ... As the music of this opera, has always been esteemed the most capital work of that great composer Piccini, the translator thought it more just, to give up the claim to poetical harmony, rather than make the least infringement on the musical accent. He likewise flatters himself, that it will not be less acceptable to an English audience, by the dialogue's being without the incumbrance or recitative. All other alterations, are made only to adapt it to the English stage . . . Should this first attempt of bringing an entire Italian musical composition on the English stage, by applying our language to the harmony of their most eminent composer, prove acceptable to the public, the translator's intention is fully answered, as it may be the means of exciting some abler genius to tread the same path." The last (unnumb.) p. contains the "Table of the songs," with note that "Bring, ye tedious hours," "Some men with artful praise," and "Thus the sun at morn" "were not originally" in La Buona figliuola, "but are the composition of the same master." In Randall & Abel's, vocal score the air " Oh! (Off), my lord, pray forbear " is headed as by "Sig' Pirillo, Napolitano." (Salvatore Perillo.) OPERA LIBRET10S 237 La buona figliuola Continued. First performed, as indicated, December 3, 1766; in Italian at the Haymarket, December 9, 1766 (Burney). LONGE 32 The accomplish'd maid. A new comic opera. As it is per- formed at the Theatre-Royal in Covent-Garden. The music by Signior Niccolo Piccini . . . Philadelphia, Printed and sold by Robert Bell, 1 777. 61, [1] p. 20% cm . Three acts. London cast. Not performed in America. ML 50.6.A2 -La buona figliuola, ope"ra comique, en trois actes; parodiee en francais sur la musique du celebre Piccini. Representee pour la premiere fois par les Comediens italiens ordinaires du roi, le 17 juin 1771. Paris, Didot I'aine, 1771. 48 p. 19 cm . Cast and anonymous preface, with Goldoni's name, and that of Domenico Baccelli as the musician either responsible for the musical side of the parody or indeed partly for the parody itself, since the author says: "Baccelli . . . me proposa de la faire connoltre en France, en parodiant les paroles italiennes sur la quelle elle 6toit com- posee." The preface contains also some observations on the difficulty of making parodies. The text is attributed to Jean Francois Cailhava d'Estandoux. On p. 46, a note to the effect that the piece was already half printed when the Come'diens italiens substituted the following ariettes, "Dans ces floeurs je vois 1'image " (1, 1) and "La tendresse et la sagesse" (III, 5), for "Quel plaisir, quelle volupte" and "Dans mon coeur." Both substituted airs were by Piccinni, but not from "La buona figliuola. On p. 47-48, the air of the ariette, "Pauvre Annette, quelle pitie" (I, 4). SCHATZ 8073 La buona figliuola, opera comique, en trois actes; parodiee en Francois sur la musique du celebre Piccini. Representee pour la premiere fois par les Come'diens italiens du roi le 17 juin 1771. Paris, Didot Mne, 1771. 48 p. Cast. Cailhava d'Estandoux is not mentioned. On p. 47-48 the text of the sub- stituted arias. This ed. of 1771 contains no music. ML 48.M2M La buona figliuola, opera comique en trois actes, parodiee en francois sur la musique du celebre Piccini, represent^ pour la pre- miere fois par les Comediens italiens ordinaires du roi le 17 juin 1771. Paris, la veuve Duchesne, 1772. 56 p. 17\ cm . Cast. On p. 47-56 the two "Airs de la Buona Figliuola" "Par le trou de la serrure " and "Je suis d'une bonne pate." YUDIN PQ Das gute maegdchen, ein scherzhaftes musicalisches schauspiel aus dem italiaenischen, welches an dem Churpfaelzischen Hof bei gelegenheit des hoechst beglueckten namensfestes Sr. Chtirfuerstl. Durchlaucht . . . aufgefuehret worden. Im jahr 1769. Mannheim, Akademische buchdruckerei, n. d. 55 p. 16\ cm . Cast, scenario, and name of Piccinni as the composer. On p. 51-53 the titles of Legrand's ballets "Die artige schaefer" and "Die eifersuechtige Faunen" and a description of Fabiani's ballet "Der bezauberte kranz." The composers of the music are not mentioned. First performed November 4, 1769, as indicated. SCHATZ 8072 Das gute maedchen. Eine operette in drey akten. Nach der musik der Buona figliuola von Nic. Piccini. Leipzig, Carl Friedrich Schneider, 1783. 56 p. 16 cm . Transl. by Johann Joachim Eschenburg, who is not mentioned. First performed at Berlin, Dobbelinsches Theater, Sept. 8, 1777. SCHATZ 8075 238 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS La buona figliuola Continued. Gesaenge aus dem singspiele : Das gute maedchen, in zwey auf- zuegen, nach der Buona ngliuola von Piccini. Hamburg, J oh. Matthias Michaelsen, 1791. 24 p. 17 cm . Eschenburg's translation. First performed at Hamburg, Theater b. Gansemarkt, January 14, 1779. SCHATZ 8076 La buona figliuola maritata. Dramma di tre atti per musica. Rappresentato per la prima volta in Venezia Fautunno dell' anno MDOCLXII. Carlo Goldoni, Opere teatrali, Venezia, Zatta ejigli, 1788-95, v. 38, [219]-269 p. 18%- First performed at Bologna, 1761. (See below.) PQ La buona figliuola maritata. Dramma giocoso per musica da rappresentarsi 1'anno. 1764. Vienna, Ghelen, n. d. 56 p. 16 cm . Three acts. By Goldoni (who is not mentioned) as sequal to his "La buona ngli- uola." Cast, scenario, and name of Niccolb Piccinni as the composer. First performed at Bologna, Teatro Formagliari, May, 1761. SCHATZ 8135 La buona figliola maritata. Farzetta a sei voci, ridotta dalla burletta in musica di Polisseno Fegejo, P. A. da rappresentarsi nel Teatro degli Accerbi de' nobili d'Urbania nel carnevale dell' anno 1769 . . . Roma ed in Fano, Andrea Donati, n. d. 39 p. 39 cm . Two acts. Dedication and name of Niccol6 Piccinni as the composer. SCHATZ 8136 Buovo d'Antona. Dramma di tre atti per musica. Rappresen- tato per la prima volta in Firenze 1'anno MDCCL. Carlo Goldoni, Opere teatrali, Venezia, Zatta ejigli, 1788-95, v. 41, [5]-59 p. 18 cm . See next entry. PQ Buovo d'Antona. Dramma giocoso per musica di Polisseno Fegejo, Pastor Arcade, da rappresentarsi nel Teatro Giustinian di S. Mois& il carnovale dell' anno 1759. Venezia, Modesto Fenzo, 1759. 58 p. 14\ cm . Three acts. By Carlo Goldoni. Cast, scenario, and name of Tommaso Traetta as composer. First performed, as indicated, December 27, 1758, unless previously at Florence, 1750. SCHATZ 10388 II burbero di buon cuore. Dramma giocoso per musica da rappre- sentarsi nel nobile Teatro Giustiniani in San Moise nelP autunno dell' anno 1789. Venezia, Modesto Fenzo, 1789. 68 p. 16 cm . Two acts. By Lorenzo da Ponte, who is not mentioned. Cast and name of Vin- cenzo Martini (Martin y Soler) as the composer. First performed at Vienna, Burptheater, Jan. 4, 1786. SCHATZ 6005 OPERA LIBRETTOS 239 II burbero di buon cuore Continued. II burberp di buon cuore. Dramma giocoso per musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro di S. A. E. di Sassonia. Dresda, n. putt., 1789. 157 p. 15\ cm . Two acts. By Lorenzo da Ponte with few if any changes. German title page "Der gutherzige polterer" and text face Italian. Vincenz Martini (Martin y Soler) is mentioned as composer. First performed at Dresden, Churf. Theater, October 3, 1789. SCHATZ 6006 Die burg Hymens. Tr. of Naumann's La reggia d'Imeneo. La burla di D. Pacconio a Parigi, ballet. See Anfossi's La maga Circe. Le burle per amore. Dramma giocoso per musica da rappresen- tarsi nel nobile Teatro di San Samuele il carnovale dell' anno 1784. Venezia, Giov. Battista Casali, n. d. 62 p. 17% cm . Two acts. Bv Marcello Bernardini, who is not mentioned. Cast and name of Vincenzo Martini (Martin y Soler) as the composer. With the opera was performed Francisco Clerico's "II convalescente innamorato, ballo comico pantomimo." The composer of the music is not mentioned. SCHATZ 6007 II cabalista ne sa' men del caso. A. T. of Auletta's II marchese di Spartivento. La caccia d'Enrico Quarto, ballet. See Anfossi's Demofoonte. La caccia d'Enrico IV, ballet. See P. Guglielmi's Le due gemelle. La caccia d'Enrico IV. Dramma giocoso per musica da rappresen- tarsi nel Teatro Giustiniani in San Moisel'autunnodell'anno 1783 . . . Venezia, Modesto Fenzo, 1783. 76 p. 17 cm . Three acts. Cast, scenario, name of Giacomo Rust as the composer, and dedication by Antonio Dian, which reads, in part: "A prima vista potrebbe forse sembrar quello [drama] stesso, che a tempi addietro venne in altre scene di questa Dominante rappresentato; ma, toltone un aria sola della prima buffa nell' atto secondo, che sie desiderato di conservare, egli e tutto nuoyo. La dotta pena, che quello scrisse, yalendosi d'arbitrio non conteso ai poeti, immaginb cpmbinazioni di personaggi, di nazione, di caratteri, e di episode diverse da quelle che ci somministra il Teatro comico francese, e ci6 forse per addattarsi allo stile delle drammatiche rappresentazioni musicali di quei di, assai diverse dall' odierno. lo ho bramato che si concilino possibilmente uniformita colla commedia francese e condotta di dramma musicale, il che si e fatto, per quanto disparita di circostanze fra questo, e quella, e massime per la distribuzion delle arie, e per la combinazion de' finali, non 1'abbia impedito." With the opera were performed Antonio Mauro's ballets "Dove entr6 cervo, esce donna, o eia II curioso accidente della caccia" #nd "La serieta in conflitto," the com- posers of the music not being mentioned. SCHATZ 9177 La caccia d'Isabella, regina di Spagna, ballet. ISee Tarchi's Ezio^ Caccia di Diana, ballet. See Gius. Scarlatti's Partenope. La caccia in Etolia. O. T. of Valeriani's libretto Gl'inganni fortunati. La caccia in Etolia, pastorale per musica da recitarsi nel Teatro Bonacossi a S. Stefano ranno 1715 . . . Ferrara, Eredi di Bernardino PomateUi, 1715. 62 p. 16% cm . Three acts. By Belisaro Valeriani. Author's dedication, notice to the reader, argument, cast, name of Fortunate Chelleri as composer, and imprimatur dated May 28, 1715. SCHATZ 1817 240 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS II cacciatore deluso. Dramma serio-comico per musica da rappre- sentarsi nel Real Teatro di Salvaterra nel carnovale dell' anno 1771. Lisbona, Stamperia reale, n. d. 86 p. 16 cm . Three acts. Argument, cast, scenario, and name of Gaetano Martinelli as author, of Niccol6 Jommelli as composer. Known also as ' ' Semiramide in bernesco." First performed at Tubingen, Neues theater, November 11, 1767. SCHATZ 4897 I cacciatori burlati, ballet. See Hasse's L'Olimpiade. Le cadi dupe, opera-comique en un acte, m^le" d'ariettes, de la com- position de M. le chevalier Gluck. Vienne, GJielen, 1768. 32 p. 16 cm . By Pierre R4n6 Lemonnier, who is not mentioned. First performed at Vienna, Burg theater, 1761, and again at Laxenburg, Favorita, May 28, 1764. SCHATZ 3924 Le cadi dupe, opera-comique en un acte; par 1'auteur du Maitre en droit: represente pour la premiere fois sur le Theatre de 1'Opera- comique de la Foire S. Germain, le 4 feVrier 1761. Paris, Duchesne, 1761. 50, [6] p. 19 cm . Cast. By Pierre Ren Lemonnier. Monsigny, the composer, is not mentioned. On the [6] p. catalogues of plays, operas, etc. On 43-50 the same ariettes as in the 1782 ed., with exception of the sixth, which is not in this ed. ML 50.2.C2M7 Le cadi dupe, opera-comique, en un acte, par 1'auteur du Maitre en droit. Represente, pour la premiere fois, sur le Theatre de 1'Opera- comique de la Foire Saint Germain. Paris, la veuve Duchesne, 1766. 32 p. 19 cm . Neither the author, Pierre Rn6 Lemonnier, is mentioned, nor the composer Pierre Alexandre Monsigny. SCHATZ 11725 Le cadi dupe, opera comique en un acte, par 1'auteur du Maitre en droit; represente pour la premiere fois sur le Theatre de 1'Opera comique de la Foire Saint-Germain, le 4 fevrier 1761. Paris, la veuve Duchesne, 1782. 40 P- 19 m . Cast. On p. 33-40, "Ariettes du Cadi dupe. No. 1. Vous, qu'amour brule. 2. S* votre flamme est trahie. 3. Amant fidelle & sensible. 4. Toi, que mon coeur adore. 5. Non, ma reine, sois certaine. 6. Ah! que le sort d'une femnie." Monsigny is not mentioned. SCHATZ 6567 Den besnaerede Cadi. Et syngespil i en act af Monnier. Hvortil musikken er componeret af Monsigny. Oversat af Lars Knudsen. n. i., n. d. 4@ P- 16 cm . SCHATZ 6568 Cadmo. Dramma per musica da cantarsi nella Real villa di Queluz per celebrare il felicissimo giorno natalizio del serenissimo Signore Don Giuseppe principe del Brasile li 21 agosto 1784. [Lisboa], Stamperia reale, n. d. 31 p. 15 cm . One act and licenza. Cast and names of Gaetano Martinelli as author, of Antonio da Silva as composer. SCHATZ 9881 Cadmo ed Ino, ballet. See Piccinni's Tigrane. OPERA LIBRETTOS 241 Cadmus, in einem musicalischen schaii-spiele, auf dem Hamburg- ischen Sch&u-platze vorgestellet im jahr MDCCXXV. Hamburg, Caspar Jakhel, n. d. Unpaged. 19 cm . Three acts. Cast, scenario, and " vorbericht " with names of Johann Ulrich Koenig as author, of Johann Paul Kunz (Kuntze) as composer, and remark that the aria "Kan dem mein hertze widerstehen " and "zwo andere, welche bey den originalien in italiaenisch gedruckt worden, gewisser ursachen willen in selbiger sprache gesun- gen werden." First performed at Brunswick, Fuerstl. Opernhaus, February, 1720. SCHATZ 5314 Cadmvs et Hermione. Tragedie. Represented par 1'Academie royale de musique. Paris, Imprimee aux depens de ladite Academie, par R. Baudry, 1674- front., 4p.t, 68 p. 23 cm . Prologue ("Le serpent Python") and five acts. Neither the author, Philippe Quinault, nor the composer, Jean Baptiste Lully, is mentioned, but the latter's "Permission pour tenir Academie royale de musique" and "Privilege" follows the text. ML 50.2.C22L9 Cadmus et Hermione, tragedie. En musique. Suivant la copie imprimee a Paris. [Amsterdam, Antoine Schelte], 1687. 64 p. (ind. front.} 13% cm . Prologue and five acts. Cast. Neither Quinault is mentioned, nor Lully. ML 50.2.C22L92 Cadmus et Hermione, tragedie represented par 1'Academie royale de musique 1'an 1674. Les paroles sont de M. Quinault & la musique de M. de Lully. IV. opera. n. i., n. d. front., 143-204 p. 14 cm - (Recueil general des opera, t. i, Paris, 1703.} Detached copy. Laudatory poem, prologue, and five acts. First performed, as indicated, April 27, 1673 (Schatz), February, 1673 (Pranieres). SCHATZ 5763 Second copy. ML 48. R4 Cadmus et Hermione, tragedie represented par 1'Academie royale de musique, pour la premiere fois sur le Theatre de Bel- Air, & ensuite sur celui du Palais Royal, au mois d'Avril 1672. Quinault, Theatre, Paris, 1739, t. iv, pi., p. [53}-118. 17 cm . Prologue and five acts. Lully is not mentioned. PQ 1881. Al 1739 La caduta d'Amulio. Dramma per musica del dr. Carlo Gandini da rappresentarsi nel Teatro di S. Angelo il carnovale dell' anno 1747. Venezia, Modesto Fenzo, 1747. 59 p. 15 cm . Three acte. Cast, argument, scenario, and name of Antonio Gaetano Pampani as the composer. SCHATZ 7757 La caduta de decemviri. Drama per musica da rappresentarsi nel Regio Ducal Teatro di Milano Panno 1723 . . . Milano, Giuseppe Richino Malatesta, 1723. 5 p. I., 58 p. 14 cm - Three acts. By Silvio Stampiglia, who is not mentioned. Impressario's dedica- tion dated Milan, December 26, 1723, argument, cast, scenario, and name of Giovanni Porta as the composer. SCHATZ 8389 72251 VOL 114 16 242 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS La caduta de' decemviri. Drama per musica di Silvio Stampiglia tra gl'Arcadi Palemone Licurio . . . Napoli, Dom. Ant. Parrino e Michele Luigi Mwtio, 1697. 5 p. I., 72 p. 14 cm . Three acts. Dedications by the author and the impressario, argument, cast, and scenario. The composer, Alessandro Scarlatti, is not mentioned. First performed at Naples, Teatrodi S. Bartolomeo, November, 1697. ScHATz9523 La caduta de' decemviri. Drama per musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro di S. Bartolomeo il di primo ottobre di questo corrente anno 1727. Festeggiandpsi il felicissimo giorno natalizio della Sac. Ces. Catt. Real Maestk di Carlo Sesto imperador regnante . . . Napoli, Francesco Ricdardi, 1727. 60 p. 14\ cm . Three acts. By Silvio Stampiglia, who is not mentioned. Impresario's dedica- tion, argument, scenario, cast and name of Leonardi Vinci as composer. First performed as indicated, October 1, 1727. ML 50.2.C23V4 La caduta di Elio Seiano. Drama per musica nel Teatro a S. Salva- tore 1'anno MDCLXVII . . . Venetia, per gli eredi Leni, 1667. front., 70 p. 14 cm - Three acts. Dedication by the author, conte Niccol6 Minato, and dated, Venice, February 3, 1667, argument, scenario, and notice to the reader, with name of Antonio Sartorio as the composer. The opera was a sequel to his "La prosperita di Elio Seiano." SCHATZ 9492 La caduta di Gelone. Drama per musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro di S. Angelo l'autunno dell' anno 1719. Venezia, Marino Rossetti, 1719. 57 p. 15 cm . Three acts. By Francesco Rossi. Notice to the reader signed by the author, cast, scenario, and name of the composer, Giuseppe Maria Buini. SCHATZ 1390 La caduta di Leone, imperator d'Oriente. Drama per musica da recitarsi nel Teatro di Sant' Angelo l'autunno MDCCXKXII . . . Venezia, Alvise Valvasense, n. d. Ifl p. 14 cm - Three acts. By Carlo Paganicesa, who is not mentioned. Impresario's dedication, dated Venice, December 3, 1732, argument, cast, and name of Giuseppe Antonio Paganelli as the composer. SCHATZ 7571 La caduta di Troia, ballet. See Monza's Erifile. La caduta di Troja, ballet. See Pio's Medonte. Caernarvon castle; or, The birth of the Prince of Wales: an opera in two acts. First performed at the Theatre-Royal, Hay-Market, August 12th, 1793 . . . London, William Lane, 1793. 3 p. 1., 39 p. 21\ cm . Cast and dedication. Neither the author, John Rose, is mentioned, nor the com- poset, Thomas Attwood. LONGE 239 II caffe di campagna. Dramma gipcoso per musica da rappresen- tarsi nel Teatro di S. A. serenissima il Signer principe di Carignano nell' autunno dell' anno MDCCLXII. Torino, Gaspare Boyno, n. d. 52 p. 15\ cm . Three acts. By Pietro Chiari (not mentioned). Cast, scenario, and name of the composer, Ignazio Celoniat. SCHATZ 1772 OPERA LIBRETTOS 243 II caffe di campagna. Dramma giocoso da rappresentarsi in musica nel Teatro Giustiniani di San Moise 1'autunno dell' anno MDGX3LXI. Dell' abate Pietro Chiari . . . Venezia, n. pull, 1761, 57 p. 15% cm . Three acts. Cast, scenario, and name of Galuppi as composer. First performed, as indicated, Nov. 18, 1761. SCHATZ 3501 La caffettiera bizzarra. Dramma giocoso in tre atti. Da rappre- sentarsi nel Teatro Elettorale. Dresda, n. putt., 1796. 21 p. 1. 65 p. 16 cm . Two acts. By Lorenzo da Ponte who is not mentioned. German title "Die launige kaffeeschenkinn" faces Italian. A scene by scene synopsis in German pre- cedes the Italian text. Joseph Weigl is mentioned as the composer. First performed 1796 as indicated, at Vienna, Burgtheater, September 15, 1790. SCHATZ 10930 Le cahos. See Destouches and Lalande's ballet Les elemens. Caio Gracco. Dramma per musica rappresentato alle Sac. Ces. Reali Maesta nel carnevale dell' anno MDCCX. Poesia del Sig. Silvio Stampiglia, tra gli Arcadi Palemone Licurio . . . musica del Sig. Gio. Bononcini . . . Vienna d' Austria, gli lieredi Cosmeroviani, n. d. 88 p. 14\ cm - Three acts. Argument and scenario. First performed as indicated, in February, 1710. SCHATZ 1203 Caio Marzio Coriolano. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro Tron di San Cassiano il carnovale dell' anno MDCCXLVII. Venezia, n. publ., n. d. 5 p. I. (incl. port.}, 78 p. The port., by Raf. Bachi, represents Maria Teresa Cibo d'Este. Three acts. By Zaccaria Seriman, who is not mentioned. Argument, cast, scenario, and name of Pietro Pulli as the composer. First performed at Reggio, Teatro del Pubblico, 1741. SCHATZ 8513 Caio Ostilio. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel Regio Teatro di via della Pergola il carnevale del MDCCXCV . . . Firenze, Pietro Fantosini, 1794- 35 p. 17 cm . Two acts. By Eustacchio Manfredi. Neither he nor the composer Giuseppe Giordan! is mentioned. Cast. On p. 5-9 the description of Giacomo Ricciardi'e four-act "Dorcis e Cleobisa, ballo eroico pantomime," whose ballet "Gli sposi per inganno" was also performed. The composers of the music are not mentioned. First performed as indicated, December 27; 1794; at Faenza, Nuovo Teatro Com- unale, for its opening May 12, 1788. SCHATZ 3850 II Cajetto. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel nuovo famosissimo Teatro di S. Girolamo nel carnovale dell' anno 1746. Dedicata a Madama Gpamatica. Venezia, Luigi Pavini, 1746. 80 p. 11 cm . Three acts. With whimsical dedication, argument, cast, scenario and name of composer, Ferdinando Bertoni, but not of author, Antonio Rigo (calkdGori). SCHATZ 908 C. Fabbrizio. Apostolo Zeno, Poesie drammatiche, Venezia, 1744, t. i, p. [173}-270. 19 cm . Three acts with licenza. Argument. No composer is mentioned. In the "Cata- logo" at end of t. x, date and place of first ed. are given as "in Vienna. 1729 [No- vember 4, music by Caldara] 1730." ML 49.A223 244 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS C. Fabbrizio Continued. - C. Fabbrizio. Pubblicato per la prima volta in Vienna 1729. Apostolo Zeno, Poesie drammatiche, Orleans, 1785-86, t. mi, p. 249- 842. 21 cm . Three acts and licenza. Argument. No composer is mentioned. ML 49.A2Z4 Cajo Fabricio. Dramma per musica di Apostolo Zeno da rappre- sentarsi nel Teatro di corte . . . Musica del Sig. Giovanni Adolfo Hasse ... Salisburgo, Giovanni Gioseppe Mayr, 1787. 71, [1] p. lo cm . Three acts. Argument. First performed at Salzburg, Hoftheater, 1737; at Rome, Teatro Capranica, Jan- uary 12, 1732. SCHATZ 4522 Cajo Fabricio. Drama per musica da- rappresentarsi nel Teatro di S. Angelo il carnovale dell anno 1735 . . . Venezia, Marino Rossetti, 1735. 60 p. 14 cm . Three acts. Impreesario's dedication, argument, cast, scenario, and name of 'Adolfo Asse detto il Sassone" (Joh. Ad. Hasse) as composer. On p. 8 the sub- stitute aria "No, n6 non ti lagnar" (III, 2) instead of "Misera tortorela." In the Salzburg 1737 ed. the corresponding aria is " Volgi a me gli affetti tuoi " and numerous other differences are noticeable, as for instance III, 1 having the aria "Sara vezzosa, e bella" instead of as Venice "Richezza non chiede," which ia not by Zeno at all. SCHATZ 4522a - Cajus Fabritius, ein sing und trauer spiel, vorgestellt aufn Koenigl. pohln. und churfuerstl. saechss. Schauplatz zu Dresden. Ins deutsche aus dem italienischen uebersetzt. Dresden, bey Gotilob Christian Hilschern, 1734- 88 p. 16^ cm . Three acts in prose. In his dedication addressed to the "Annehmliches frauen- zimmer " the translator gives as raison d'etre of his translation : "Das sinnliche vergnuegen, so Sie bei vorstellung dieses stueckes durch die ohren, und augen geniessen, suche ich vollkommener zu machen, wenn ich auch Ihrem verstande was dabei zu thun gebe." and in his " Vorbericht" he expresses the same idea: ' ' Der uebersetzer hat auf ni exits dabei geseben , als dieses trauerspiel in rein deutsch zu bringen, um es einigen zuschauern verstaendlich zu machen." He does not mention Hasse, the composer, whose "Cajo Fabricio" was first per- formed at Dresden, July 8, 1734, Mennicke adding "2 Faasg.?" (2d version?). Two intermezzi have been added on p. 81-88 under the title " Der handwercks-mann ein edelmann." This is a translation of "L'artigiano gentiluomp," under which title the intermezzi were performed at Dresden simultaneously with "Cajo Fabricio." It is the title of Antonio Salvi's original text, but when it was first performed in an altered version with Basse's music, at Naples, Teatro di S. Bartolomeo, December 1726, it was called "Larinda e Vanesio." SCHATZ 4523 - Cajo Fabricio. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel Regio Teatro di Berlino per ordine di Sua Maesta . . . Berlino, Haude et Spener, 1766. Ill, [3] p. 16 cm . Three acts. Argument, scenario, and names of Joh. Ad. Hasse as the composer and Apostolo Zeno as the original author, which note refers to the numerous altera- tions of his text. German title page "Cajus Fabricius" and text face Italian. First performed, as indicated, September 1766. SCHATZ 4524 Cajo Fabricio. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nell Sala degl' illmi Signori Capranica nel carnevale dell' anno MDCCLV . . . Roma, Fausto Amidei, n. d. 66 p. 15 cm . Three acts with intermezzi. By Apostolo Zeno, who is not mentioned. Impresa- rio's dedication, argument, cast, scenario, and name of Giuseppe Scolari as the composer. SCHATZ 9804 OPEEA LIBRETTOS 245 II Cajo Mario. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel Nuovo Teatro de nobili Sig. fratelli Prini della citta di Pisa la primavera dell' anno 1779. Pisa, Francesco Pieraccini, 1779. 48 p. 17 cm . Three acts. Author not mentioned and unknown to Schatz. Cast, scenario, argument, and note: "La musica e di van celebri autori." SCHATZ 11311 Cajo Mario. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro di S. Benedetto nell' autuno dell' anno MDCCLXX. Venezia, Modesto Fenzo, n. d, 54 p- 18 cm . Three acts. By Gaetano Roccaforte. Argument, cast, name of composer, Pasquale Anfossi, but not of librettist. SCHATZ 231 II Cajo Mario. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel nobilis- simo Teatro di S. Benedetto nella fiera delr Ascensione dell' anno 1781. Venezia, Modesto Fenzo, 1781. 55 p. 16\ cm . Three acts. Argument, cast, scenario, and name of composer, Ferdinando Bertoni, but not of librettist, Gaetano Roccaforte. On p. 21-30, 43-49, cast and ristretto (synopsis) of "L'orfano della China, ballo tragico in cinque atti," and "Lauretia, ballo eroicomico in tre atti, inventati e composti dal Signer Gaspero Angiolini." The composers are not mentioned. SCHATZ 909 Cajo Mario. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel real Teatro di S. Carlo nel di 30 maggio 1784, festeggiandosi il glorioso nome di Ferdinando IV ... Napoli, Vincenzo Flauto, 1784. 24, 35 p. 15 cm . Three acts. Dedication, dated May, 30, 1784, argument, scenario, cast, and name of the composer, Francesco Bianchi, but not of the librettist, Gaetano Roccaforte. On p. 12-22, argument, cast, and full description of " II ritorno di Rinaldo presso Armida, o sia, La vendetta di Armida vinta dall' amore, ballo eroico in tre atti, by Domenico Le Fevre, music ("tutta nuova") by Antonio Rossetti. SCHATZ 995 Cajo Mario. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro da S. Agostino il carnovale ctell' anno 1782 . . . Genova, Stamperia Gesiniana, n. d. 59 p. [1 1.] 13$ cm . Three acts. By Gaetano Roccaforte (not mentioned). Dedicatory poem, argu- ment, cast, and name of the composer, Cimarosa. First performed at Rome, Teatro delle Dame, carnival, 1780. SCHATZ 1991 Cajo Mario. Dramma per musica del Signor abate Gaetano Rocca- forte Romano. Da rappresentarsi nel Teatro Grimani in S. Gio. Grisostomo la fiera dell Ascensione dell' anno 1764. Venezia, Modesto Fenzo, 1764. $4 P- 17% cm . Three acts. Argument, cast, and name of Galuppi as composer. ("La musica tutta nuova. "} With the opera were performed the ballets, "II giudizio di Paride" and "Li amori di Tirsi ed Eurilla interrotti dalla maga Falsirena," both by Gaetano Cesari, the composers of the music not being mentioned. First performed, as indicated, May 31, 1764. (Piovano) SCHATZ 3502 Cajo Mario. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro alia Canobiana Testate dell' anno 1791 . . . Milano, Gio. Batista Bianchi, n. d. J$ p. Two acts. By Gaetano Roccaforte, who is not mentioned. Impresario's dedica- tion, argument, cast, scenario, and name of Giuseppe Giordan! as the composer. With the opera was performed Urbano Garzia's ballet, "La villeggiatura in scompiglio oseis, II falso amico." The composer of the music is not mentioned. First performed at Lodi, Nuovo Teatro, August, 1789. SCHATZ 3835 246 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Cajo Mario. Drama per musica da rappresentarsi in Verona nel Nuovo Teatro dell' Accademia Filarmonica nel carnovale dell' anno 1762 . . . Verona, Dionisio Ramanzini, 1761. 54 p. 16% cm . Three acts. Argument, cast, scenario, name of Niccolo Jomnielli as composer, and dedication, with remark that this is the first performance of Gaetano Roccaforte's drama at Verona. First performed at Rome, Teatro di Torre Argentina, February 6, 1746. SCHATZ 4896 Cajo Mario. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel nobilissimo Teatro di S. Benedetto nella fiera dell' Ascensione dell' anno MDCCLXXVII. Venezia, Modesto Fenzo, 1777. 62 p. 17 cm . Three acts. By Gaetano Roccaforte. Argument, cast, scenario, and name of Carlo Monza. as the composer. ("La musica tutta nuova.") On p. [23J-32, cast and description of Paolo Pranchi's ballet, "Lauso e Lidia, ballo eroico pantomime in cinque atti." The composer of the music is not mentioned. SCHATZ 6617 Cajo Mario. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel Regio-Ducal Teatro di Milano nel carnovale dell' anno 1765 . . . Milano, Giuseppe Richino Malatesta, 1765. 6 p. 1., 48 p. 14 cm > Three acts. Dedication, argument, scenario, cast, and names of Gaetano Rocca- forte as the author, of Giuseppe Scolari as the composer. SCHATZ 9788 Cajus Fabricius. Tr. of Hasse's Cajo Fabricio. Cajus Fabricius. Ein musicalisches schau-spiel welches an dem glorreichen hoechsten nahmens-tag Ihro Churfuerstl. Durchleucht zu rfaltz . . . aufgefuehret worden im jahr 1760. Die poesie ist yon dem herrn Mathias Verazj . . . Die music ist eine neue composition von dem beruehmten herrn Nicolaus Jommelli . . . ausser denen mit einem sternlein, in dem italiaenischen buechlein bezeich T ieten arien, so von dem herrn Joseph Colla Parmesanischen capell-meister neu componiret worden. Mannheim, Hof-buchdruckerey , n. d. 7 p. 1., 117 p. 15 cm . The translator is not mentioned. Argument, cast, scenario. "Cajo Fabricio" was first performed at Mannheim, Hoftheater, November 4, 1760. SCHATZ 4846 Cajus Fabritius. Tr. of Hasse's Cajo Fabricio. La calamita de' cuori. [103}-153 p. 16% cm . (Carlo Goldoni, Opere drammatiche giocose, t. i, Torino, 1757}. Three acts . ML 49 . A2G6 - La calamita de' cuori. Dramma di tre atti per musica. Carlo Goldoni, Opere teatrali, Venezia, Zatta ejigli, 1788-95, v. 43, [241}-293 p. 18. PQ See next entry. La calamita de' cuori. Dramma giocoso per musica da rappre- sentarsi nel Teatro Nuovo di S. Samuele il carnovale dell' anno 1753 . . . Venezia, Modesto Fenzo, 1758. 56 p. 16%. Three acte. By Goldoni, who is not mentioned. Impresario's dedication dated Venice, December 26, 1752, cast, but without the name of the composer, Baldassare Galuppi. (Read: calamita, not calamita.) SCHATZ 3476 OPERA LIBRETTOS 247 La calamita de cuori. Dramma giocoso. Da rappresentarsi ne' Teatri privilegiati di Vienna nelF anno 1774. [Vienna], Giuseppe Kurzbok, n. d. 70 p. 15% cm . Three acts. By Giovanni de Gamerra, who is not mentioned. Scenario, name of Antonio Salieri as the composer and cast added in red pencil to the list of characters. First performed, as indicated, January 1, 1774. SCHATZ 9276 La calamita de cuori. Dramma giocoso per musica da rappre- sentarsi nel Piccolo Teatro di S. A. E. di Sassonia. Dresda, n. publ., 1776. 135 p. 16% cm . Three acts. Giov. de Gamerra, the author, is not mentioned. Scenario and name of Antonio Salieri as the composer. German title page ' ' Der magnetstein der herzen' ' and text face the Italian, which is with very few differences the same as that in the Vienna, 1774, edition. For instance, "Questa del sesso nostro" (I, 2) has become "Contro di quell' audace." SCHATZ 9277 Calandrano. Dramma giocoso per musica di Giovanni Bertati da rappresentarsi nel Teatro di San Samuel 1'autunno delF anno 1771. Venezia, Modesto Fenzo, n. d. 61 p. 18 cm . Three acts. Cast, scenario, and name of Giuseppe Gazzaniga as the composer. SCHATZ 3658 La Calciope. Drama per la musica di me Ercole Bonacossi. Author's autograph, 16 . [53] 1. 19 cm . Prologue and three acts. Argument. Not recorded by Schatz or Allacci. ML 95.B6 Caleb Quotem and his wife. See Throw physick to the dogs! Calfurnia. Drama per musica. Da rappresentarsi nel Teatro di Sant' Angelo il carnovale dell' anno 1713 . . . Venezia, Marino Rossetti, 1713. 59 p. IJfy. Three acts. Dedication by the author, Grazio Braccioli, dated Venice, January 26, 1713, argument, cast, scenario, and name of "Giovanni Heyninghen di Sassonia (Johann David Heinichen) as composer. SCHATZ 4701 Die roemische grossmuht, oder Calpurnia. In einem musica- lischen schau-spiele im monath februar. 1716 auf dem Hamburgischen Theatro aufgefuehret. Hamburg, Friedrich Conrad Greiflinger, n. d. Unpaged. 16\ cm . Scenario and "Vorbericht" by the translator, Johann Ulrich Konig, in which he mentions Heinichen as the composer, and remarks that the translation was made from the score, because he does not know the name of the Italian author and never saw a printed copy of the Venetian libretto of 1713. He also states that he has done nothing "als nebst der uebersetzung hin und wieder einige stellen den hiesigen liebhabern zu gefallen, geaendert und hin und wieder etliche taentze, arien, decorationen oder auftritte eingerueckt ..." Such arias appear with German text only, and their composer is not mentioned. The other arias have the Italian text added to the German. SCHATZ 4702 II Caligola. L. T. of Pagliardi's Caligula delirante. Caligula delirante. Melodrama da rappresentarsi in musica, nel Teatro famoso Grimano di SS. Giovanni e Paolo, 1'anno MDCLXXII Venetia, Francesco Nicolini, 1672. front., 84, [1] p> 14% cm > Three acts. By Domenico Gisberti, who is not mentioned, and whose title origi- nally was "La pazzia in trono ovvero Caligola delirante." Publisher's dedication, 248 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Caligula delirante Continued. dated Venice, December 18, 1672, argument, notice to the reader, scenario, and name of "Giovanni Maria Pagliardi, maetro di capella del sereniss. Gran Duca di Toscana," as the composer. SCHATZ 7582 - II Caligola. Dramma per musica, rappresentato in Roma nel nuovo Teatro di Tor di Nona nel presente anno 1674 . . . Roma, Stamparia della Rev. C. A., 167 '4. 63 p. 13\ cm . Three acts. Gisberti's text, with noticeable differences from the version of Venice, 1672. For instance, I, 2 now begins, "O Di quanto il Sol vede," instead of "Su ! mia figlia corraggio;" I, 6, "Nesbo di regal ceppo," has been dropped and I, 7, "De la vaga Teosena," has become I, 6, etc., etc. SCHATZ 7586 Calimedonte, rei do Epiro, ou Os amores de Sisbe e Selene: baile heroico-pantomimo em quatro actos para se executar no Real Theatro de S. Carlos em beneficio de Theresa Mellazzi em 9 de Janeiro de 1796. Lisboa, Simao Thaddeo Ferreira, 1796. 21 p. 15 cm . Argument and detailed description of the single acts. Neither the composer of the music is mentioned nor the "composer" of the oallet. Not recorded by Schatz. ML 52.2.C2 Calipso. Dramma per musica. Da rappresentarsi nel Real Teatro di S. Carlo nel di 30 maggio 1782 festeggiandosi il glorioso nome di Ferdinando IV ... Napoli, Vicenzo Flauto, 1782. 56 p. 16 cm . Three acts. Author not mentioned, and unknown to Schatz. According to a foot- note on p. 20, the text had been greatly changed to adapt it to this theatre. Dedi- cation dated May 30, 1782, argument, scenario, and name of Giacomo Insanguine, called Monopoli, as composer. On p. 10-18, argument, cast, and description of Paolo Franchi's "La principessa di Tingi, ballo eroico pantomimo in cinque atti." The second ballet was Giuseppe Trafieri's comic ballet, "La vendemia ossia La conta- dina impertinente." Giuseppe Giordani is mentioned as composer of both ballets. SCHATZ 4839 Calipso. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel Regio Teatro di Torino nel carnovale del 1777 . . . Torino, Onorato Derossi, n. d. viii, 58 p. 16\ cm . Three acts. By Donzel (who is not mentioned), with a few alterations. Argument, cast, scenario, and name of Bernard(in)o Ottani as the composer. Vittorio Amedeo Canavasso is mentioned as the composer of the music for the ballets, a description of which was to follow on p. 59. First performed December 26, 1776, as indicated. SCHATZ 7360 Calipso abbandonata, ballet. See Mortellari's Troja distrutta. Calista. An opera. As it was designed to have been perform'd at one of the theatres . . . London, C. Dames, 1731. 6 p. 1., 60 p. 18\ cm . Three acts and introduction. Anonymous dedication and table of the 39 tunes used in this ballad-opera. Author not recorded. LONGE 322 La Calisto. Drama per musica di Giovanni Faustini. Favola decima. Venetia, Giuliani, 1651. 82 p. Three acts with prologue. Author's preface and argument. The composer, Pietro Francesco Cavalli, is not mentioned. First performed at Venice, Teatro di S. Apollinare, fall of 1651. SCHATZ 1744 OPERA LIBRETTOS 249 La Calisto. Intermezzi printed with Sarro's Candaule re di Lidia. Calisto : or, The chaste nimph. The late masque at court, as it was frequently presented there, by several persons of great quality. With the prologue, and the songs betwixt the acts. All written by J. Crowne. London, Printed by TJio. Newcomb, for James Magnes and Richard Bentley, 1675. 12 p. I., 81, [1] p. 21%. Five acts, prologue and epilogue (last, unnumb. p.). Cast of "The persons of the play," not of the singers. John Crowne 's dedication and his preface in which he states that he was "invaded, on the sudden, by a Powerful Command, to prepare an entertainment for the court, which was to be written, learnt, practised, and performed, in less time than was necessary for the writing alone. True, it was not performed, till some months after the time first decreed, but that hapned from the discretion of those on whom the dancing and musical parts depended, who found it required time to do any thing in perfection; but I not knowing it would be so deferred, finished my part within time first alotted me, which was scarce a month; not only for the play, but the prologue, and songs, the nature of which I was wholly a stranger to, having never seen any thing of the kind; and by these means, I was forced upon a brisk dullness, writing quick, but flat. I was also confined in the number 6f the persons; I had but seven allow'd me, neither more nor less: those seven to be all ladies, and of those ladies, two pnely were to appear in men's habits. Next, for my subject, it was not, I confess, imposed upon me by command, but it was for want of time to find a better: For I had but some few hours allow'd me to choose one . . . "Having made this little vidication of my self, I were now bound in gratitude, (before I conclude) to record the due praises of those whose admirable performances in their several kinds, lent this entertainment much of the praise it had; namely, the singers, and the composer of all the musick both vocal and instrumental Mr. [Nicholas] Staggins ... if the judgments of others, and those the most skilful too, be not mistaken, Mr. Staggins has not only delighted us with his excellent com- position, but with the hopes of seeing in a very short time a master of musick in England, equal to any France or Italy have produced ..." The singers evidently were professionals in the king's service; their names are not mentioned. Performed 1675, as indicated. LONGE 106 Callias, ou Nature et patrie, drame heroique en un acte et en vers, mle de musique. Represente, pour la premiere fois, sur le Theatre de FOpera comique national, le deuxieme jour complementaire, Fan second de la Republique [September 18, 1794]. Paroles du citoyen Hoffman, musique du cit. Gretry. Paris, Maradan, Troisieme annee de la Republique, 1794-95. 2 p. I., 31 p. 21\ cm . SCHATZ4202 Callirhoe, tragedie represented par FAcademie royale de musique Tan 1712. Les paroles sont de M. Roy. & La musique de M. Destouches. LXXX. opera. Tome x. n. i., n. d. pi., p. 481-544 (Recueil general des opera, Paris, 1714)- 14 cm . Detached copy. With argument. Five acts with prologue. First performed, as indicated, December 27, 1712. ScHATz'2544 Second copy. ML 48. R4 Calliroe. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel nuovo Regio Ducal Teatro di Milano il carnovale dell anno 1779 . . . Milano, Gio. Batista Bianchi, n. d. 62 p. (incl. Ji.-t.}, [1] p. (errata'). Three acts. Dedication, scenario, cast, names of Mattia Verazi as author (on h.-t.), of Felice Alessandri as composer, and argument, at end of which this is called a com- 250 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Calliroe Continued. pletely remodeled and adapted version of "quest' opera steesa . . . gia . . . la prima yolta esposta eul Ducal Teatro di Wirtemberg." This evidently refers to Sacchini's setting of Verazi 's "Calliroe," first performed at Stuttgart January 10, 1779. With Alessandri s opera was performed the ballet, "Porzia," by either Giuseppe Canziani or Sebastiano Gallet. First performed, as indicated, December 26, 1778. SCHATZ 142 La Calliroe. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel Regio Teatro di via della Pergola il carnevale del MDCCXCII . . . Firenze, Stamperia Albizziniana, 1792. 44 P- 16% cm . Two acts. Argument, cast, and name of Sebastiano Nasolini as composer. The author, Mattia Verazi, is not mentioned. On p. 5-12, argument, cast, and description, without name of the composer of the music of Domenico Ballon's "Ino e Temisto, ballo eroico tragico pantomimo." The second ballet was by Carlo Taglioni, and was called "La pazza per amore." ML 48.A5 v. 22 La Calliroe. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel nobile Teatro di Padova la fiera di giugno dell' anno 1776 . . . Venezia, n. publ., n. d. 56p. 17. Three acts. By Mattia Verazi, who is not mentioned. Onorato Vigano's dedica- tion as impresario, argument, cast, scenario, and name of Giacomo Rust as the com- poser. ("La musica sara tutta nuova.") SCHATZ 9173 Calliroe. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel Gran Teatro Ducale di Louisbourg festeggiandosi il felicissimo giorno natalizio di Sua Altezza Serenissima Carlo duca regnante di Wirtemberg et Teck etc etc. La musica e nuovamente composta dal Signer Antonio Sacchini . . . [Stuttgart], Cotta, 1770. 167 p. 18 cm . On half-title Mattia Verazi is mentioned as the author. Argument, scenario, cast. French t.-p. "Calliroe," and text face Italian. On p. 162-167. cast and description of a "ballo allegorico " for this February 11, 1770, the duke's birthday. SCHATZ 9210 Calpurnia. A. T. of Heinichen's Die roemische grossmuht. Calto. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel nobilissimo Teatro Venier in San Benedetto il carnovale dell' anno 1788. Venezia, Modesto Fenzo, 1788. 40 p. 17% cm . Two acts. Preface by the author, Giuseppe Foppa, who calls this his second drama written for this theatre, argument, cast, scenario, and name of the composer, Francesco Biajnchi. The first ballet was called "Le ninfe di Diana, ballo anacre- pntico." It was by Domenico Ballon. The composer is not mentioned. The music is called "tutta nuova." SCHATZ 996 Calypso; a masque: In three acts. As it is performed at the Theatre-Royal in Covent-Garden. Written by Richard Cumber- land, Esq. The music composed by T. Butler . . . London, T. Evans, 1779. v, [1], 48, [2] p. 21 cm . The [2] p. contain publisher's book-list. Cast and dedication. First performed March 20, 1779. LONGE 102 OPERA LIBRETTOS 251 Calypso oder Sieg der weissheit ueber die liebe. In einem sing- spiele auf dem Hamburgischen Schau-Platze im jahr 1727 vorgestellet. [Hamburg], Gedruckt mit Stromerschen schrifften, n. d. Unpaged. 19 cm . Cast, names of Johann Philipp Praetorius as author, of Georg Philipp Telemann as composer, and noteworthy "Vorbericht" (incl. argument), which reads, in part: " Nachfolgendes sing-spiel ist einigermassen ein versuch zur verbesserung der theatralischen musick in teutscher sprache, nach dem model der Italiaener . . . Unser schau-platz hat von einigen jahren her einen grossen theil der musick von ihnen entlehnet; verschiedene Threr beruehmtest'en opern sind bey uns nicht allein aufgefuehret worden, sondern es haben auch "bestaendig einige ihrer geschickten landes-leute in selbigen gesungen . . . "Nimmermehr ist der yorsatz derjenigen, welche die italiaenische opern erstlich bey uns eingefuehrt, dahin gerichtet gewesen, dass selbige den gaentzlichen besitz unsers theatri, mit ausschliessung aller ahrten, so wir eelbst hervorbringen moechten, einnehmen eolten. Ich weiss auch nicht wie einige unter uns neulicher zeit zu den gedancken gekommen, dass die teutschen worte zur musick untauglich seyn: Dass die teutsche sprache nicht so weibisch, und mit vocalen angefuellet sey, als die italiaen- ische, solches gestehe ich gern; aber damit ist es noch lange nicht ausgemacht, dass sie zur harmonic untuechtig sey . . . "Es est gewiss von viel groesserer folge bey schau-spielen, dass sie in einer dem auditorio verstaendlichen sprache aufgefuehret werden. Dieser satz, deucht mich, braucht eben nicht viel beweises. Das groesste vergnuegen, so man bey der vocal- music hat, entstehet aus der vereinigung der ideen, welche zu gleicher zeit von den worten und dem klange herruehren ..." SCHATZ 10257 II calzettaro ossia Tanto va la gatta al lardo chi si lascia lo zampino, ballet. See Paisiello's Gli schiavi per amore. La calzolaja tedesca, ballet. See Fioravanti's Le cantatrici villane. II calzolajo, ballet. See Cristiani's La citta nuova. Camaide, imperatore della China o vero Li figliuoli rivali del padre. Dramma per musica, da rappresentarsi nel Teatro di corte . . . Poesia del Sig. Domenico Lalli. Musica del Sig. Antonio Caldara . . . Salisburgo, Giovanni Gioseppe Mayr, n. d. 4p-l>-> 100, \\ P- 16 cm . Three acts and licenza. Argument and scenario. On pages 23-29, 59-65 Domen- ico Lalli's intermezzo in two parts, "LA MARCHESINA DI NANCHIN ED IL CONTE DI PELUSIO," which were performed together with "Camaide" at Salzburg, Hoftheater, May 9, 1722. SCHATZ 1479 II cambio felice o sia Pulcinella sposo deluso, ballet. See Curcio's La Nitteti. Cambise. Dramma per musica di Domenico Lalli. Da rappresen- tarsi nel Teatro di S. Bartolomeo nel carnevale dell' anno 1719 . . . Napoli, MicheleLuigi Muzio, 1719. 72 p. 13% cm . Three acts. Impresario's dedication dated Naples, February 4, 1719, argument, cast, scenario, and name of Alessandro Scarlatti as the composer. SCHATZ 9526 Cambro-Britons, an historical play, in three acts. First performed at the Theatre Royal, Haymarket, on Saturday, July 21, 1798. With a preface. Written by James Boaden . . . London, G. G. and J. Robinson, 1798. vi, [2], 88 p. 21. Cast. The preface, inter alia, repudiates the charge of plagiarism of Lewis' "Castle Spectre" and says that of the songs two are by George Colman, the younger. The composer, Samuel Arnold, is not mentioned. LONOE 248 Second copy. LONGE 266 252 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS La cameriera astuta. A new comic opera in two acts. As per- formed at the King's Theatre in the Hay-Market. The music en- tirely new by Mr. Storace. London, D. Stuart, 1788. 1 p.L, 91 p. 18 cm . Cast. English prose translation faces Italian by author, who is not mentioned. First performed March 4, 1788, as indicated. SCHATZ 10078 La cameriera per amore. Dramma giocoso per musica da rap- presentarsi nel Real Teatro di Salvaterra nel carnovale dell' anno 1776. [Lisbona], netta, Stamperia reale, n. d. 88 .p. incl. Ti.-t. 14h cm - Three acts. By Filippo Livigni, who is not mentioned. Cast, scenario, and name of Felice Alessandri as composer. First performed at Turin, Teatro Carignano, fall of 1774. SCHATZ 152 Camilla. Tr. of M. A. Bononcini's II trionfo di Camilla. Camilla ossia La sepolta viva. Tr. of Dalayrac's Camille ou Le souterrain. Camilla, regina de' Volsci. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro Tron di Cassiano. II carnovale dell' anno 1749. Venezia, Modesto Fenzo, 1749. 36 p. 15 cm . Three acts. By Silvio Stampiglia, who is not mentioned. Argument, cast, scenario. Composers not mentioned and unknown to Schatz, who records this as a pasticcio. SCHATZ 11312 Camilla, regina de' Volsci. L. T. of M. A. Bononcini's II trionfo di Camilla, regina de' Volsci. Camille, reine des Volsques, tragedie represent e*e pour la pre- miere fois par P Academic royale de musique le mardi neuf novembre 1717. Paris, Pierre Ribou, 1717. xviii, 60 p. 25 cm . Five acts with prologue and author's Avertissement. Neither Danchet nor Campra mentioned. Cast. ML 50.2.C253C2 Camille, reine des Volsques, tragedie, repre"sentee par 1'Academie royalede musique, 1'an 1717. Paroles de Monsieur Danchet. Musique de M. Campra. XCIII. Opera. n. i., n. d. 187-258p. 14 cm . (Recueil general des opera, Paris, 1734, t. xii.} Detached copy. Five acts with prologue and author's Avertissement. First performed as indicated, November 9, 1717. SCHATZ 1546 Second copy. ML 48. R4 Camille, reine des Volsques, tragedie. [281 }-350 p. 1 7\ cm . (Antoine Danchet, Theatre, Paris, 1751,t. Hi. ) Prologue and five acts. Preface. The composer, Andre Campra, is not men- tioned. PQ 1972.D2 Camille ou Le souterrain, comedie en trois actes, en prose, me'lee de musique, par M. Marsollier, represented par les Comediens italiens, le 19 mars 1791. Paris, Brunei, 1791. 60 p. 19 cm . Label of Vente pasted over imprint. Cast. The composer, Dalayrac, is not mentioned. ML 50.2.C25D2 OPERA LIBRETTOS 253 Camille Continued. - Camille, ou Le souterrain, comedie en trois actes et en prose, melee de musique. Par M. Marsollier. Represented par les Come- diens italiens, le 19 mars 1791. Paris, Delalain, 1793. 37 p. 22 cm . Cast. Dalayrac is not mentioned. ML 50.2.C25D22 - Camille, of Het onderaardsch gewelf. Zangspel. Geyolgd naar het fransch. Door N. C. Brinkman, wed C. Van Streek [vignette] Ajnsterdam^J. Helders en A. Mars, 1796. 87 p. 17 cm . Two acts. Neither Marsollier nor Dalayrac mentioned. First performed at Amsterdam, Stads Schouwburg, 1796. SCHATZ 2392 Camilla ossia La sepolta viva. Commedia tradotta dal francese con musica da rappresentarsi nel Regio Teatro di S. Carlo . . . nel giorno 29 novembre dell' anno 1799. Lisbona, Simone Taddeo Ferreira, 1799. 151 p. 15 cm . Translated from Marsollier by Giuseppe Carpani. Three acts. Cast, names of the author, and the composer, Dalayrac. Portuguese and Italian text. SCHATZ 2332 Camillo generoso, drama per il Teatro del Serenissimo elettore di Sassonia Fanno MDCXCIII Camillus der Gross-nmethige . . . Dresden, Hoff-buchdruckerey, gedruckt durch Immanuel Bergen, n. d. Unpaged. 29 cm . Three acts. Argument, scenario. German text faces Italian. Neither author nor composer mentioned and both unknown to Fiirstenau. The " Dekorationsbilder " mentioned by him are not in this copy, which does not appear to lack any. ML 50.2.C256 The camp, a musical entertainment, as performed at the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane. By R. B. Sheridan, Esq. London, n. publ, 1795. 28 p. 17% cm . Two acts. Cast. The composer, Thomas Linley, is not mentioned. In S. and A. Thompson's vocal score of the opera Linley printed a note to the effect that many of the airs, trios, etc., in the The Camp were taken from his comic opera of "The Royal merchant," "some of the musick of which was found particu- larly applicable to the subject of this piece." Also we know from the vocal score that the "March spiritoso" in the opera was not by Linley but by Parke. First performed October 15, 1778. LONGE 233 I campi Elisi ossia Le spose ricuperate. Dramma giocoso per musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro alia Scala la primavera dell' anno 1788 . . . Milano, Gio. Batista Bianchi, n. d. 72 p. 16 cm . Two acts. By Giovanni Bertati. Impresario's dedication, cast, scenario, and name of the composer, Luigi Caruso, but not of the author. First performed at Venice, Teatro di San Samuele, fall of 1785. SCHATZ 1662 Candace. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel famosissimo Teatro Grimani di S. Gio. Grisostomo 1'autunno dell' anno 1740 . . . Venezia, Marino Rossetti, n. d. 59 p. ll t \ cm . Three acts. Dedication signed by Domenico Lalli, who, according to Schatz, altered "I veri amici," by Francesco Silvani (not mentioned), argument, cast, scenario, and name of Giovanni Battista Lanipugnani as composer. SCHATZ 5392 254 . LIBRARY OF CONGRESS La Candace o'siano Li veri amici. Drama per musica da rappre- sentarsi nel Teatro Arciducale di Mantova nel carnovale dell' anno MDCCXX . . . Mantova, Alberto Pazzoni, n. d. 60 p. 16 cm . Three acts. Lalli's version of Francesco Silvani's "I veri amici" (neither of whom mentioned). Argument, cast, scenario and name of Antonio Vivaldi as com- poser. ML 50.2.C26V3 Caiidalide. Dramma per musica di Bartolomeo Vitturi da rappre- sentarsi nel Teatro di Sant' Angelo. Nel carnovale dell' anno MDCCXXXIV. Venezia, Marino Rossetti, 1734- 59 p. 15. cm . Three acts. Argomento, cast, and name of Tommaso Albinoni as composer, whose eightieth opera this is called. SCHATZ 174 Candaspe, regina de Sciti. Dramma per musica da rappresen- tarsi nel Teatro di San Angelo il carnovale dell' anno 1740. Venezia, Marino Rossetti, 1740. 4$ P- 14 cm - Three acts. By Bartolomeo Vitturi (not mentioned). Argument, scenario, cast, and name of the composer, Giovanni Battista Casali. SCHATZ 1677 v/ Candaule. Drama per musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro di S. Casciano 1'anno 1680 . . . Venetia, Francesco Nicolini, 1680. 64 p. 14\ cm - Three acts. Dedication, argument, and scenario. Neither the author, Adriano Morselli, nor the composer, Pietro Andrea Ziani, is mentioned. First performed, as indicated, fall of 1679. SCHATZ 11219 Candaule re di Lidia. Drama per musica da rappresentarsi nel Nuovo Teatro di S. Giovanni de' Fiorentini . . . Napoli, MicheleLuigi Mutio, 1706. 5 p. I., 50 p. 13% cm . Three acts. By Adriano Morselli, who is not mentioned. At end of second act, on p. 28-35, apparently as intermezzo, is printed the text of the one act "La CALISTO Scherzo dramatico." Impresario's dedication, argument of "Candaule" and of "La Calisto," cast, scenario, and name of Domenico Sarro as composer of "Candaule," list of characters, without cast and without name of composer of "La Calisto," and after the dedication a notice to the reader, which says, in part: "L'autore del presente drama e incerto, fii per6 rappresentato in questa medesima citta nell' anno 1679, mi, con qualche diyersita da quel ch'oggi si rappresenta solamente intorno alia locuzione, essendo rimasto in tutto 1'intrico deli' antica favola. "Lo scherzo dramatico e nuova poesia, ma se conoscerai, che il personaggio del Pastor Napoletano sia fuor di costume, compatisci con la tua bonta il mio desiderio di rendere il drama piu allegro." Neither the author nor the composer of this is mentioned; but Schatz attributes the music to Sarro. The point is not of much consequence, in view of this note, printed at end of the third act : "Lo scherzo dramatico intitolato La Calisto, che dovea rappresentarsi nella fine dell' atto secondo non si rappresenta per render piu breve il drama, ed invece di detto echerzo si vedra altro trattenimento curioso." SCHATZ 9417 Canente, tragedie representee par 1'Academie royale de musique 1'an 1700. Les paroles de M. de la Mothe, & la musique de M. Col- lasse. L. opera. n. i., n. d. p. Jfi-lOS. 14 cm . (Recueil general des opera, Paris, 1703, t. 7.) Detached copy. Five acts, with prologue. First performed, as indicated, Nov. 4, 1700. SCHATZ 2098 Second copy. ML 48. R4 OPERA LIBRETTOS 255 Canope. Entree in Rameau's Les ftes de 1'Himen et de 1'Amour. La cantarina. Commeddea pe mmuseca da rappresentarese a lo Tiatro de li Sciorentine nchisto carnevale de lo 1728. Napole, n. pull., 1728. 59 p. 14% cm . Three acts. Author not mentioned and unknown to Schatz. Notice to the reader, cast and names of Mechele Caballone as composer of act I, of Costantino Ruberto (Roberto) of acts II-III. ML 50.2.C265C2 La cantata e disfida di D. Trastullo. Intermezzi per musica a tre voci da rappresentarsi nel Teatro di Tordinona nel carnevale dell' anno 1756 . . . Roma, Ottavio Puccinelli, 1756. 24 p. 15 cm . Two parts. Author not mentioned and unknown to Schatz. Dedication by Angelo Lungi, cast and name of Niccolo Jommelli as composer. Performed with same title in the same year at Bologna, Teatro Marsigli Rossi; first performed, perhaps with same title, at Rome, Teatro della Pace, carnival 1746. ML 50.2.C266J6 II Don Trastullo. Intermezzi per musica a tre voci da rappresen- tarsi nel Pubblico Teatro di Lucca nel carnevale dell' anno 1762. In occasione delle recite in prosa da farsi dall' Accademia de' dilettanti della Comica . . . Lucca, Filippo Maria Benedini, 1762. 24 p. 14% cm - Two parts. Cast and name of Niccol6 Jommelli as composer. Author not men- tioned, and unknown to Schatz. Text the same as in the Rome, 1756 ed. SCHATZ 4882 Le cantatrici vtllane. Commedia per musica di Giuseppe Palomba da rappresentarsi nel Teatro de' Fiorentini per quart' opera del cor- rente anno 1798. Napoli, n. pull., 1798. 47 p. 15 cm . Two acts. Cast and name of the composer Valentino Fioravanti. With the opera was performed "La calzolaja tedesca, ballo comico, compoeto . . . dal Sig. Gio. Battista Giannini." The composer of the music is not mentioned. SCHATZ 3122 La capanna incantata, ballet. See Gazzaniga's Amor per oro. II capitan Galoppo. Intermezzi comici musicali da rappresentarsi nel Teatro di Sant' Angelo Fautunno dell' anno MDCCXLI. Venezia, Marino RosseUi, 1741. 21 p. 16 cm . Two parts. Cast. Neither the author, Bernardo Saddumene, is mentioned, nor the composer, Johann Adolph Hasse. Originally performed as "La Fantesca" at Naples, Teatro di S. Bartolomeo, January 29, 1729. SCHATZ 4588 II capitan Tenaglia, o sia La muta per amore. Dramma giocoso per musica da rappresentarsi in Firenze 1'autunno dell' anno 1784 nel nuovo Regio Teatro degl' Intrepidi detto La Palla a Corda . . . Firenze, Stamperia Bonducciana, 1784- 68 p. 16% cm . Two acts. By Cerilo Orcomeno, P. A., who is not mentioned and whose real name is unknown to Schatz. (Wotquenne does not mention this P. A. at all.) Cast and name of Giuseppe Moneta as the composer. According to Schatz the O. T. of the libretto was"the present A. T. SCHATZ 6556 II capitano. Operette comique aus dem beschluss des carnevals auf dem Hamburgischen Schau-rlatze abermahl vorgestellet. ,Im mo- naht Mertz, anno 1726. [Hamburg],Gedruckt mit Stromerschen schrifften, n. d. Unpaged. 18 cm . Cast. Neither the author, Schwemschu, nor the composer, Georg Philipp Tele- mann, is mentioned. First performed, as indicated, February, 1724. SCHATZ 10270 256 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS II capitano Cook all' isola Ottaiti, ballet. See Cimarosa's L'im- presario in angustio, (Milano, 1789). Capocchio and Dorina. See The happy captive and The temple of dullness. II cappellaro, ballet. See Tarchi's La Virginia. La cappricciosa, ballet. See Sarti's Adriano in Siria. La cappricciosa raweduta. Dramma giocoso per musica da rap- presentarsi nel nobilissimo Teatro Giustiniani in San Moise" 1'autunno dell' anno 1794. Venezia, Modesto Fenzo, 1794. 59 p. 17\ cm . Two acts. Scenario and name of composer, Francesco Bianchi. Schatz eays that the text is a later version of Caterino Mazzola's "II Turco in Italia." On p. 31-34 description of the three act ballet "I riti della Baja Duchy, composta dal Sig. Lorenzo Panzieri." The composer of the music is not mentioned. SCHATZ 976 La cappricciosa umiliata. A. T. of the ballet Gli amanti ridicoli. La cappriciosa umiliata, ballet. See Anfossi's Le gelosie fortunate. I capricci. Farsa per musica di Giuseppe Foppa da rappresentarsi nel nobilissimo Teatro Venier in San Benedetto il carnovale dell' anno 1795. [Venezia}, n. publ., n. d. 30 p. 18 cm . One act. Prefatory note by the author, cast, and name of Vittorip Trento as the composer. Schatz says that this libretto was published together with the farce "I raggiri fortunati," Venice, 1795. SCHATZ 10442 I capricci di Galatea, ballet. See Jommelli's L'Olimpiade. I capricci in amore. Dramma giocoso per musica da rappresen- tarsi nel nobilissimo Teatro della nobil Donna Tron Veronese in San Cassiano 1'autunno dell' anno 1791. Venezia, Modesto Fenzo, 1791. 55 p. 17 cm . Two acts. Cast, scenario, and name of Gennaro Astaritta as composer. Libret- tist unknown to Schatz, who says that the title of the libretto originally was "La contadina semplice." SCHATZ 384 II capriccio corretto. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel Piccolo Teatro Elettorale, composto da Caterino Mazzola . . . Dresda, n. publ, 1783. 125 p. 15% cm . Two acts. Franz Seydelmann is mentioned as the composer. German title page "Der eigensinn der liebe" and text face Italian. First performed 1783, as indicated. SCHATZ 9843 II capriccio drammatico. Rappresentazione per musica di Giovanni Bertati per la seconda opera da rappresentarsi nel Teatro Giustiniani di S. Moise il carnovale dell' anno 1787. Venezia, Antonio Casali, n. d. 71 p. 17\ cm . Two plays in one of one act each. The second is (on p. 31-71) Bertati's "Don Giovanni o sia II convitato di pietra." No cast is given of this, nor is Giuseppe G-az- zaniga, the composer of the music, mentioned, whereas of the first act the cast is given, and a note reads: "La mueica e tutta nuova di yarj signori maestri." Schatz, follow- ing Wiel, attributes, nevertheless, the "Capriccio dramatico" to Giovanni Valentin!. SCHATZ 10580 OPERA LIBRETTOS 257 La capricciosa. Drama giocoso per musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro delle Dame nel carnevale dell' anno 1776 . . . Roma, Giovanni Bartolomicchi, 1776. 67 p. 15\ cm . Three acts. Author not mentioned and unknown to Schatz. Cast, scenario and name of Nicola Piccimri as composer. First performed as indicated, February 8, 1776. ML 50.2.C267P4 - La capricciosa. Dramma giocoso per musica da rappresentarsi nel Piccolo Teatro di S. A. S. E. di Sassonia 1'anno 1777. Dresda, Stamperia elettorale, n. d. 133 p. 16 cm . Three acts. German title page ' ' Die eigensinnige, ' ' and text face Italian . N . Pic- cinni is mentioned as the composer. The author is not mentioned, and is unknown to Schatz. SCHATZ 8077 La capricciosa corretta. Dramma giocoso per musica da rappre- sentarsi nel Teatro di S. A. E. di Sassonia. Dresda, n. publ, 1796. 20 p. I, 64 p. 16 cm . Two acts. By Lorenzo da Ponte, who is not mentioned. German title-page, "So bessert eie sich," faces Italian. The p. 1. contain also a detailed description of the "Inhalt," which precedes the Italian text. Vincenz Martini (Martin y Soler) is mentioned as the composer. First performed at London, Haymarket, May 17, 1794. SCHATZ 6008 La capricciosa e il credulo, intermezzi. Die geliebte eigensinnige und der leicht-glaeubige liebhaber, in einem zwischen-spiele, auf dem Hamburgischen-Platze fuergestellet anno 1725. [Hamburg], Gedruckt mit Stromerschen schrifften, n. d. Unpaged. 18 cm . Three parts. Cast, names of the author, resp. translator, Johann Philip Praetorius, and of the composer, Georg Philipp Telemann, and notice to the reader, in which Praetorius protests that his frequent use of "auslaendische woerter " ("gegen meine bis herige gewohnheit") is not to be construed as an admission of the German language's poverty for operatic purposes. On the contrary: "Ich bin der unvorgrein lichen meinung, die sprach-vermengung sey unserer mund-arth eben so anstaendig, als ein buntes pickel-haerings-kleid einem ehrbaren und ansehnlichen manne," but the use of foreign technical terms, as in this libretto, he considers quite proper. The author of the Italian original is not mentioned, and is unknown to Schatz. The Italian words of the arias are added to the German. SCHATZ 10271 Le caprice. L. T. of Piron's text Le mariage du caprice. Le caprice amoureux ou Ninette & la cour. Parody of Ciampi's Bertoldo, Bertoldino e Cacasenno. The capricious lovers. O. T. of Phillis at court. The capricious lovers: A musical entertainment: Taken from the opera of that name. Written by the late Mr. R. Lloyd. The music composed by Mr. Rush. London, R. Withy, W. Griffin [etc.], 1765. 2 p. I., 27 p. 20 cm . Two acts. Cast. After Favart's " Le caprice amoureux ou Ninette a la cour." First performed at London, Drury Lane, November 28, 1764. LONOE 26 The captive, a comic opera; as it is perform'd at the Theatre-Royal in the Hay-Market. London, W. Griffin, 1769. vi, [2}, 23 p. 19\ cm . Two acts. Cast and prefatory note, with remark: "The dialogue of this trifle is taken [by Isaac Bickerstaffe?], with some alterations, from a play of Dryden's [Don Sebastian] . . . The songs . . . have been selected with great care ..." 72251 VOL 114 17 258 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS The captive Continued. This is followed by a "Table of the songs, with the composers' names:" Ciampi, Cocchi, Duni, Galuppi, Perez, Vento, Vinci, and Charles Dibdin, who composed for the piece the songs, "Ah, how sweet the rural scene," "Poor panting heart, "In emblem I am like a cat," "But pr'ythee spare me," and "Now, now, my fairest, let us go." First performed 1769, as indicated. LONOE 37 The captive of Spilburg. In two acts, as performed at the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane, altered from the favourite French drama called Le Souterram. with a preface by the translator. The music by Tk 1 J Dussek . . . London, MacheTl Stace and J. HatcJiard, 1799. x, 46 p. 21 cm . Last page numbered 47 by mistake. Cast, dedication, and preface, with sensible remarks on the difficulties of a librettist, as, for instance: "The principal alteration consists in the airs, which, when new music is to be com- posed, it is seldom of any advantage to translate." This translation of Marsollier's Camille, ou, Le souterrain " is generally attributed to Prince Hoare. First performed November 14, 1798. LONGE 249 Caractacus, a dramatic poem: written on the model of the ancient Greek tragedy. By the author of Elfrida . . . The scond edition. London, J. Knapton and R. and J. Dodsley, 1759. vii, [1], 96 p. 19 cm . Dedication by the author, William Mason, dated March 20, 1759. Not this, but the following dramatized version was composed by Thomas Augustine Arne and first performed at Covent Garden, December 6 (not December 1) 1776. (The anony- mous "Caractacus" music generally attributed to Arne, is certainly not his work.) LONGE 42 - Caractacus. A dramatic poem. Written on the model of the ancient Greek tragedy. First published in the year 1759, and now altered for theatrical representation. By W. Mason . . . York, Printed by A. Ward, and sold by R. Horsfidd and J. Dodsley, in London, 1777. 4 p. I, 76 p. 19$ cm . Five acts. Cast, author's dedicatory poem dated Aston, Nov. 12, 1776, and "Let- ter to Thomas Harris, Esq.," the manager, dated September 10, 1776, in which Mason appreciates Harris' "very fair and candid behaviour towards me, in not only asking my permission to bring Caractacus upon the stage, but in thinking me capable of making the alterations in it." (This is a rebuke between the lines directed at George Colman for his unauthor- ized dramatization of Mason's " Elfrida.") Mason continues: "As I have endeavoured, in fitting it for the stage, not to leave it totally unfit for the closet, I suspect it may still be too long for representation. If, therefore, upon rehearsal with the music, you should find this to be the case, I will send you a second copy, in which several other lines and passages shall be mark'd with inverted com- mas, which you may either omit, or retain, as shall then seem expedient. But, if I print the tragedy, these passages will not be so marked, for the above reason . . ." It should be noted, that this York edition of the text appeared later than the libretto printed for the performances. Arne is not mentioned by Mason. PR 3548.M2A65 - Caractacus. A dramatic poem. By W. Mason . . . Adapted for theatrical representation, as performed at the Theatre-Royal, Covent-Garden. Written on the model of the ancient Greek trag- edy ... London, George Cawikom, 1796. front., 1 p. 1., 9, [2], 12-106 p. 15 cm . (J. Bell, British Theatre, London, 1791-1797, v. 84.) OPEKA LIBRETTOS 259 C arac tacu s Continued . The front, represents Mr. Caulfield as Arviragus and is dated October 29, 1796. The p. 1. (with same date) is an added engraved title page with a ecene from the play. Five acts. "Life of William Mason" with editorial comments on hia works. Hie elegy to Rev. Hurd, March 20, 1759, and cast. PR 1241.B4 La caravana del Cairo. Tr. of Gre"try's La caravane du Caire. La caravane du Caire, opera en trois actes, repre"sentee devant Leurs Majestes a Fontainebleau. [Paris], P. R. C. Ballard, 1783. 5 p. I, 46 p. 19 cm . Cast and "Avertissement." Gretry is mentioned as the composer. Schatz attributes the text to the comte de Provence (Louis XVIII) and Etienne Morel de Chefdeville. First performed, as indicated, Oct. 30, 1783; at Paris, January, 1784. SCHATZ 4141 - La caravana del Cairo. Grand' opera in tre atti e per musica, tolta dal francese. Da rappresentarsi nel Teatro di Monza Fautunno 1795 . . . Milano, Gaetano Motta, n. d. 4 P- l-> 4 P- 16$ cm ' Three acts. Italian version by Giuseppe Carpani, who is not mentioned. Dedi- cation, short notice to the public, cast, scenario, and names of Gretry as composer and of Wenceslao Pichel as composer of the added numbers. SCHATZ 4200 Cariselli. See Lully's Fragments. Carlo e Carolina, ballet. See Cimarosa's Li amanti comici. Carlo il Grande. Drama per musica da rappresentarsi nel famo- sissimo Teatro Grimano di S. Gio. Grisostomo Tanno 1688 . . . Venetia, Francesco Nicolini, 1688. 72 p. 14 cm - Three acte. By Adriano Moreelli, who is not mentioned. Publisher's dedication, author's notice to the reader with Domenico Gabrieli's name as composer, argument, and scenario. SCHATZ 3397 Carlo Magno, festa teatrale in occasione della nascita del Delfino offerta alle Sacre Reali Maesta Cristianissiine del Re, e Regina di Francia dal cardinale Ottoboni, Protettore degF affari della corona. Roma, Antonio de' Rossi, 1729. front., 11 p. 1., 64 p., Ixii pi. Three acts. By cardinal Pietro Ottoboni himself, with "notizia istorica," reep. "avertissement historique," scenario, and name of the composer, Giovanni Costanzi. The sixty-two plates were designed by cav. Nicol6 Michetti and engraved by different artists. They represent the scenes of the opera as arranged by Michetti. The engr. front., not numb, as a pi., also by Michetti, is interesting as it contains a picture of the opera orchestra of the time with two cembalists and ten other players. On p. 61-64 the text of the "Machina che termina il dramma," a kind of licenza. First performed at Rome, Palazzo Ottoboni, October, 1729. SCHATZ 2277 ' Carlo re d'ltalia. Drama per musica da rappresentarsi nel famosis- simo Teatro Grimano in S. Gio. Grisostomo. L'anno MDCLXXXIL Di Matteo Noris . . . Venetia, Francesco Nicolini, 1682. 82 p. 14 cm . Three acte. Author's dedication and preface, argument, and scenario. The com- poser, Carlo Pallavicino, is not mentioned. SCHATZ 7733 260 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Le carnaval, mascarade represent ee par 1'Academie royale de musique Tan 1675. Les paroles de differents auteurs, & la musique de M. de Lully. VII. opera. n. i., n. d. 14 cm > pi-, 347-370 p. (Recueil general de# opera, t. I, 1703.) Detached copy. Nine entries. On p. 348 the note: " Loreque cette maecarade a t repre'sente'e sur le Theatre de 1'Opera, elle a toujours et6 precede de quelque autre divertissement; le plus souvent de Veglogue de Ver- sailles, & une fois eeulement du ballet de Ville-Neuve Saint-Georges. Ce dernier divertissement occupera ea place dans le iv. tome de ce recueil, eous 1'annee 1692. Pour I'eglogue de Versailles, elle euivra immediatement V Ydille de la Paix, dans le iii. volume: Car c'est dans cet ordre qu'en 1685 Monsieur de Lully 1'a fait imprimer en musique." As authors are mentioned by Schatz: Moliere, Quinault, and Lully. First performed at Saint-Germain en Laye, before the King, 1675, and at Paris, as indicated, October 17, 1675. SCHATZ 5765 Second copy. ML 48. R4 Le carnaval de Venise, ballet represente par 1' Academic royale de musique. Amsterdam, chez les Jieritiers d'Antoine Schelte, 1699. 72 p. 15 cm . Contents same as below. Neither Renard nor Campra mentioned. First performed, as indicated, February 28, 1699. ML 52.2.C23C3 Le carnaval de Venise, ballet. Represent e par 1'Academie royale de musique Fan 1699. Les paroles sont de M. Renard & la musique de M. Campra. XL VI. opera. n. i., n. d. 291-354 P- 14 cm - (Recueil general des opera, Paris, 1703, t. vi.) Detached copy. Three acts, with prologue and an interpolated miniature opera in one act of eight scenes, called "Orfeo ne'll inferi," aril. "Orphee aux enfers," French title and text facing Italian. SCHATZ 1547 Second copy. ML 48. R4 Le carnaval et la folie, comedie-ballet, representee par 1'Academie royale de musique 1'an 1704. Les paroles de M. de la Mothe & La musique de M. Destouches. LX. opera. n. i., n. d. front., p. 181-232. (Recueil general des opera, t. viii, Paris, 1706.) 14 cm . Detached copy. Prologue and four acts. The "Avertissement " ends: "La premiere impression de cette piece est dattee du 27. decembre 1703, neanmoins elle n'a te represented que le 3. Janvier 1704." This date refers to the first performance at Paris; at Fontainebleau, in the King's private theatre, it was performed October 14, 1703. SCHATZ 2545 Second copy. ML 48.R4 La rupture du carnaval et de la folie. Parodie du ballet des Amours du carnaval, & de la folie. Repr&entee pour la premiere fois par les Comediens italiens ordinaires du roi, le 6. juillet 1719. Les Parodies du Nouveau theatre italien, Now. ed., Paris, Briasson, 1738, t. ii, 40 p. 16$ cm . One act. The airs used are printed at the end of the volume in the "Table des airs" (melodies only. 60 p.). By Fuzelier, who is not mentioned. - L'enfant gate, ou Folette et Roger-Bontems, parodie du Car- naval et de la folie. M61ee d'ariettes, represented sur le Theatre de 1'Opera-comique, le 6. septembre 1755. Nouvelle edition. Paris, Aux depens de la Communanie des imprimeurs-libraires, 1758. 38, [1] p. 19< icm OPERA LIBRETTOS 261 Le Carnaval et la folie Continued. On the [1] p. the approbation of 1755. On cover of our copy the music is attributed to "F. Krafft" (Francois Krafft, b. 1733?). The note is probably based on Fetis, whose data are corroborated by this libretto of an opera, which was unknown to Fetis. (See next entry.) ML 50.2.E45 Folette ou L'enfant gate, parodie du Carnaval & la folie. Par M. Vade. Represente pour la premiere fois, sur le Theatre de FOpe'ra-comique de la Foire S. Laurent, le 6 septembre 1755. La Hay e, Pierre Gosse junior, 1759. 62 p. 16 cm . (Vade, Oeuvres, La Haye, 1759, t. Hi.) One act, en vaudevilles. Cast. On p. 58-62 the ariette notee, "Une jeune dan- eeuse." ML 49.A2V2 Der carneval von Venedig. A. T. of Reiser's Der angenehme betrug. Carolina e Mexicow, ballet. See Sard's Giulio Sabino. Carolina e Mexicow. Tragedia per musica di Gaetano Rossi da rappresentarsi nel Teatro La Fenice il carnovale dell' anno 1798. Venezia, Stamperia Valvaseuse, n. d. 94 P- 18 cm . Three acts. Cast and name of Nicola Antonio Zingarelli as the composer. On S. [33^46, argument, cast, and description of Lauchlin Duqueeney's "Orlina ossia La imiglia riumta, ballo pantomimo in cinque atti," music (''tutta nuova") by Erco- lani. On p. 79-88 cast and description, without name of the composer of the music of the comic ballet "L'avaro burlato." SCHATZ 11268 Carolus V. A. T. of Reiser's Die oesterreichische grossmuht. Carrousel des quatre elemens. Tr. of Li quattro elementi, with music by Lotti. II Cartesiano fantastico. Commedia per niusica di G. M. D. Da rappresentarsi nel Teatro Nuovo sopra Toledo per prima opera di quest' anno 1790. Napoli, n. publ, 1790. 48 p. 15 cm . Two acts. By Giuseppe Maria Diodati. Cast and name of Giacomo Tritto as the composer. SCHATZ 10467 O casamento inesperado. A. T. of Paisiello's O marquez de Tulipano. La Cascina. Dramma di tre atti per musica. Rappresentato per la prima volta hi Venezia il carnovale dell' anno MDCCLVI con musica dello Scolari. Carlo GoMoni, Opere teatrali, Venezia, Zatta ejlgli, 1788-95, t. 4^1 [299}-358 p. 18 cm . La cascina. Drarnma giocoso per musica di Polisseno Fegeio P. A. Da rappresentarsi nel 'ftatro di S. Samuele il carnevale dell' anno MDCCL7VI. Venezia, Angiolo Geremia, n. d. 52 p. 15 cm . Three acts. By Goldoni. Cast, scenario and name of Giuseppe Scolari as the composer. SCHATZ 9789 262 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS La cascina Continued. - La cascina. Dramma giocoso per musica da rappresentarsi nel Regie Teatro di Berlino . . . Berlino, Haude e Spener, 1763. 85, [3] p. 18 cm . Three acts. Scenario and name of Giuseppe Scolari as the composer. German title-page " Der meyerhof " and text face Italian, which is strikingly different from the Venetian original, in which the first act has eleven scenes and the third nine whereas the Berlin ed. has only five in either act. SCHATZ 9790* First performed 1763 as indicated. La cascina. Dramma giocoso per musica di Polisseno Fegejo, Pastore Arcade. Da rappresentarsi nel Real Teatro di Salvaterra nel carnovale dell' anno 1766. Lisbona, Michele Manescal da Costa, n. d. 78 p. 16 cm . Three acts. By Goldoni. Cast, scenario and name of Giuseppe Scolari as the composer. ML 50.2.C27S2 Cassandra : or, The virgin prophetess. An opera, as it is now per- form'd at the Theatre Royal by His Majesty's servants. The musical entertainments being inserted in their proper places. London, A. Roper and R.[1] 2 p. 1., J$ p. 2l\ cm . Imprint mutilated in binding. Five acte. Cast. A play interspersed with some songs, etc., the composers not being mentioned. Clarence dates the work 1692 and mentions Lagrange as author of the text. Is this an English version of Lagrange- Chancel's "Cassandre"? LONOE 180 La Cassandra indovina. Drama per musica da rappresentarsi nel nuovo Teatro de Fiorentini . . . Poesia di Nicola Gmvo fra Pastori di Arcadia detto Eupidio. Napoli, Michele Luigi Muzio, 1713. 5 p. 1., 68 p. 13% cm . Three acts. Author's dedication, argument, cast, scenario, and name of com- poser "Nicolb Fago detto il Tarantino." SCHATZ 2980 Cassandre, tragedie. Represent ee pour la premiere fois par 1'Aca- demie royale de musique le vingtdeuxieme juin 1706. Amsterdam, Henri Schelte, 1707. 60 p. (incl. front.) 14 cm * Five acts and prologue. Cast. Neither author, La Grange nor composers, Bou- vard and Bertin de la Doue, mentioned. ML 50.2.C28B6 Cassandre, tragedie representee par 1'Academie royale de musi- que Tan 1706. Les paroles de M. de la Grange, la musique de Mrs. Bouvard Bertin. LXVII. opera. n. i., n. d. p. 115-168. Iff. (Recueil general des opera, Paris, 1710, t. ix.) Detached copy. Prologue and five acts. SCHATZ 1275 Second copy. ML 48. R4 Li castellani burlati. Dramma giocoso per musica da rappresen- tarsi nel Teatro di S. A. E. di Sassonia. Dresda, n. pull., 1788. 141 p. 16 cm . Two acts. By Filippo Livigni, who is not mentioned. Vincenzo Fabrizj is men- tioned as the composer. German text and title-page: "Die betrogenen kastellane" face Italian. First performed at Bologna, Teatro Marsigli, Rossi, fall of 1785 under the following title: SCHATZ 2967 OPEKA LIBRETTOS 263 Li castellan! burlati Continued. Li due castellan! burlati. Dramma giocoso per musica in u.n solo atto da rappresentarsi nel Regio Teatro di S. Carlo della Princi- pessa Testate dell' anno 1797. Lisbona, Simone Taddeo Ferreira, 1797. 95 p. 15 cm . Cabt, scenario, and name of Vincenzo FabrizL as composer. The author, Filippo Livigni, is not mentioned. Portuguese text faces Italian. ML 50.2.D7F2 I castellan! burlati. Dramma giocoso per musica di Filippo Livigni da rappresentarsi nel nobile Teatro Giustiniani in S. MoisS il carnevale dell' anno 1785 . . . Venezia, Antonio Casali, n. d. 71 p. 17% cm . Two acts. Dedication, cast, scenario, and name of Giovanni Valentin! as the composer. SCHATZ 10581 II castello d'Atlante. Dramma giocoso per musica da rappresen- tarsi da' signori dilettanti di Desenzano per il secondo nel carnovale 1791. Brescia, Pasini, n. d. 59 p. 16% cm . Two acts. By Angelo Anelli, who is not mentioned. Dedication, notice to the spectators, cast, and remark on p. 5: "La musica e novissima del celebre Sig. Martini d'Asturies autor della Cosa ram, [Martin y Soler] eccetto alcuni pezzi aggiunti, che sono del Sig. Paisiello, ed altn piii celebri maestri." SCHATZ 6029 II castigo de' bonzi, ballet. See Anfossi's Antigono, 1781. The castle of Andalusia. L. T. of Arnold's The banditti. The castle of Sorrento. A comick opera in two acts. First rep- resented at the Theatre Royal Haymarket, on Saturday July 13tn, 1799. Altered from the French, and adapted to the English stage, by Henry Heartwell, Esq. London, Cadett and Davies, 1799. iv, [2], 66 p. 21 cm . Cast, dedication, and prefatory note, stating that the piece is based on the one-act French opera "Le prisonnier, ou La resemblance" (text by Duval, music by Delia Maria, Paris, 1798). He alludes to his own translation, which was published in one act as "The prisoner, or, The resemblance," 1799, by the same publishers (see title), if he says : "The translation was too simple for an English stage, and to produce effect, numer- ous changes appeared indispensable." He mentions George Colman as responsible "for many happy alterations," but not Thomas Attwood, who composed (and adapted) the music. LoNGi?256 Castor et Pollux, tragedie represented pour la premiere fois, par I'Academie royale de musique; le vingt-quatrime jour d'octobre 1737. [Paris], Jean Baptiste CJiristopne Bollard, 1737. xii, 4$> Ul P- Prologue and five acts. Cast. Neither the author, Pierre Joseph Justin Bernard (called Gentil-Bernard) is mentioned, nor the composer, Jean Philippe Rameau. ML 50.2.C29R2 - Castor et Pollux, tragedie, represented par rAcademie royale de musique 1'an 1737. Paroles de M r Bernard. Musique de M r Rameau. CXXIX. opera. n.i.,n.d. 479-538 p. 14% cm . (Recueil generaldes opera, Paris, 1745, t. xvi.) Detached copy. Five acts and prologue. Cast. ML 48. R4 264 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Castor et Pollux Continued. - Castor et Pollux, trage"die represent 6e sur le The'atre de la Cour a Parme le six decembre MDCCL VTII. [Parma], Borsi, n. d. 103 p. 24 cm . Five acts. Bernard is not mentioned. Argument, cast, and name of Rameau as the composer. Italian title-page, "Caetoree Polluce," and text face French. The translation is said to be literal : "Le traducteur . . . s'est attach^ a rendre, presque vers pour vere le sens de 1 'original. On sent ce qu'il y a d'pineux dans cet engagement. On voudra bien paeeer eur quelques legeres changemens, que Ton a tach6 de ne point rendre Strangers au eujet: On scait que chacque langue a un tour, ou un caractere, qui lui est propre." SCHATZ 8589 Castor et Pollux, tragedie representee, pour la premiere fois, par 1' Academic royale de musique le 24 octobre 1737. Reprise le 8 janvier 1754 et remise au Theatre le mardi 24 Janvier 1764. Paris, De Lormel, 1764. 48 p. %4 cm . Five acts. Cast and names of Bernard as author, of Rameau as the composer. The approbation at end is dated Dec. 19, 1763. SCHATZ 8590 - Castor et Pollux, tragedie. Nouvelle edition. Bordeaux, Pierre PMllippot, 1782. Sip. 20 cm . Five acts. Neither Gentil-Bernard is mentioned, nor Rameau. ML 48.M2L - Castor et Pollux, tragedie-lyrique, en cinq actes, representee sur le Theatre de la Re"publique et des Arts. Le poe'me est de Bernard. La musique est de Rameau. Paris, Roullet, An V de la Republique francoise, [1796-97.] 31 p. 18\ cm . Cast. SCHATZ 8586 - Castor et Pollux, trag&lie-lyrique, en cinq actes, representee sur le Theatre de la Republique et des Arts. Le poe'me est de Bernard. La musique est de Rameau. Paris, RouUet, An V de la Republique franf. [!] [1796-97]. 29 p. 19 cm . Cast. The text ie the same as in the edition with "Republique francoise" in the imprint. SCHATZ 11751 - Castor et Pollux, parodie nouvelle, representee sur le The'atre de * * *, le lundi 14 Janvier 1754. rremiere et derniere edition. BruxeUes, n. publ., 1754. 47, 4 p. 18\ cm . Three acts, en vaudevilles. The 4 p. contain seven airs notes. The author and musical arranger are not mentioned, and are unknown to Wotquenne. ML 48. P2 Castore e Polluce. Tragedia lirica in tre atti da rappresentarsi in Monaco nel Nuovo Teatro di Corte . . . nel carnovaie dell' anno MDCCLXXXVIII. n. i., 1788. 85 p. 15 cm . Argument, cast, scenario, and name of Georg Joseph Vogler as the composer. A note on p. [8] says: "Questa tragedia lirica per comodo del Teatro, e servizio della mueica da cinque, che era prima a Parigi e stata ridotta in tre atti." The explanation of this somewhat misleading note is that Carlo Innocente Frugoni translated Pierre Joseph Justin Bernard's five-act" Castor et Pollux/' as composed, for instance, by Rameau, into Italian. Georg Joseph Vogler, who is mentioned as the composer, then reduced Frugoni's five-act Italian version to three acts, in which form the opera was first performed at Munich on January 12, 1787. SCHATZ 10800 OPERA LIBRETTOS 265 Castrini padre e figlio. Dramma giocoso per musica di Florimondo Ermioneo P. A. da rappresentarsi nel nobile Teatro di San Samuele il carnevale dell' anno MDCCLXXXVII. Venezia, Modesto Fenzo, 1787. 83 p. 17 cm . Two acts. By Giovanni Greppi. Cast, scenario, and name of Ferdinando Robuschi as the composer. On p. 47-49, argument and name of Antonio Capuzzi as composer of the music of Antonio Muzzarelli's "L'impoetore punito, ballo tragico pantomimo." The other ballet, music by Santi, was called "Le baruffe chiozzote, ballo comico." First performed December 26, 1786, as indicated. SCHATZ 8840 Li raggiri fortunati. Dramma giocoso per musica da rappre- sentarsi in Bologna nel nobile Teatro Marsigli Kossi la primavera dell' anno 1792 ... Bologna, Sassi, n. d. 4 P- l-> 6 P- 17 cm . The imprimatur is dated April 18, 1792. Two acts. Impresario's dedication, cast, scenario and name of Ferdinando Rpbuschi as the composer. Giovanni Greppi whose "Castrini padre e figlio" this is, is not mentioned. With the opera were per- formed Carlo Fiorillo's ballets "L'equivoco ricompensato " and "Gl'uccellatori." The composers of the music are not mentioned. SCHATZ 8846 II Castruccio. See M. Curzio. Les catastrophes liri-tragi-comiques. Paris, Louis Denis Delatour, 1732. ' 12 p. 22\ cm . One act. It is really the third act of Biccoboni fils and Romagnesi's comedy "Le, amusemens a la mode," first performed at the Theatre italien, Paris, April 21, 1732 and is said to be a kind of parody of "Jephte" and "Eriphile." ML 52.2.C25 La catena d'Adone. Favola boschereccia d'Ottavio Tronsarelli. [Roma], Francesco CorbeUeUi, 1626. 81 p. 14 cm . The curious ornamental t.-p. showing the title of the opera on a chain across the chest of Adonia is defective, but only in this that the place of publication has been torn off. On p. 3^-4 the author's dedication, dated Rome, March 30, 1626, to Gio. Giorgio Aldobrandino, prince of Rossano, on p. 7 an awertimento and the imprimatur, on p. 8 the characters, on p. 9-10 the argument, on p. 11-78 the prologue and five acts, on p. 79-81 the "Allegoria della favola," and on p. 5-6 this publisher's notice to the readers: "Questa favola descritta nel poema del cavalier Marino a voi s'appresenta sparsa di pensieri, e ripiena d'affetti; alterato pero con invention! dal Signer Ottavio Tron- sarelli e ristretta nel termine d'un giro di Sole; tra lo spatio di brevissimi giorni com- posta, e con non minore velocita di tempo d'alcune machine abbellita, e mirabil- mente rappresentata nel palazzo dell' Illustriesimo Sig. Marchese Euandro Cootij non riempita da importuna lunghezza di vani intermedii, che, alienando le menti de gli uditori, non adornano, ma adombrano le attioni, ordinata con singolare accor- tezza dal Sig. Francesco de Cuppis, dalle note esquisite del Signer Domenico Maz- zochi raddolcita, e da rare vpci di famoeissimi canton eommamente honorata. Testi- monio d'ogni pio detto sono i principi, e le principesee di Roma, che con lo splendore della loro presenza illustrarono il theatro di quella nobil favola, ove comparve 1'In- vidia & al favorevol suono dell' amico Plauso [?] se cadde, e tacque." SCHATZ 6222 Caterina e Blech, ballet. See Bernardini's Furberia e puntiglio. Catherine, ou La belle fermiere, com^die en trois actes et en prose, melee de chant. Paroles et musique de Julie Candeille. Represent e"e sur le Theatre de la R6publique, le 27 novembre 1792, sous le titre de la Belle fermiere. Paris, Maraden, 1793. 92 p. 19$ cm . Caet. According to a prefatory note the original title was ' ' La fermiere de qualiteV' ML 50.2.C31C2 266 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Cato in Utica. Tr. of Graun's Catone in Utica. Der Cato in Utica. Tr. of Jommelli's Catone in Utica. Cato in Utica. Tr. of Piccinni's Catone in Utica. Cato in Utika. Tr. of Bach's II Catone in Utica. II Catone. See M. Curzio. II Catone in Utica. [149]-241 p. 19 cm . (Pietro Metastasio, Opere drammatiche, Vene- zia, Giuseppe Bettinelli, 1733-37, v. 2.} Three acts. Argument. No composer mentioned. On p. 229-241 "Mutazione delP atto terzo" with Awiso: "Conoscendo I'autore molto pericoloso 1'awenturare in iscena il personaggio di Catone ferito: Cosi a riguardo del genio delicato del moderno teatro-poco tollerante di quell' orrore, che facea 1'ornamento dell' antico: come per la dimcolta d'incon- trarsi in attore, che degnamente lo rappresenti: cambi6 in gran parte 1'atto terzo di questa tragedia ..." The two versions may be identified from the lines preceding the three last lines which are the same in both versions. In the original tragic version these lines are preceded by the dying Cato's words: "Spirar . . . con me ... la liberta . . . latina": in the later version by Fulvio's words: "Quando trionfi / Ogni perdita e lieve." ML 49.A2M4 - Catone in Utica. Metastasio, Poesie, Parigi, vedova Quittau, 1755, t. Hi, [217]-356 p. 16 cm . Three acts. Argument. On p. [3371-356 the later version of the third act. ML 49.A2M42 Catone in Utica. Rappresentato, con musica del Vinci, la prima volta in Roma nel Teatro detto delle Dame, il carnevale dell' anno 1727. pi., [3]-150 p. 26 cm . (Pietro Metastasio, Opere, t. 4, Parigi, vedova Herissant, 1780} Three acts. On p. 129-150 the later version of the third act added. Argument. ML 49.A2M44 Catone in Utica. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro di Livorno detto degli Armeni F autunno dell anno 1789 . . . Livorno, Antonio Land e comp., n. d. 56 p. 14\ cm - Two acts. By Metastasio. Argomento, cast, scenario, and name of composer, Gaetano Andreozzi ("musica tutta nuova"), but not of librettist. First performed at Cremona, Teatro della Societa, 1786. SCHATZ 195 Catone in Utica. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel Real Teatro di S. Carlo nel di 4 novembre 1784 per festeggiarsi i gloriosi nomi di Sua Maesta Cattolica . . . Napoli, Vincenzo Flauto, 1784. 4$ P- 15 cm . Three acts. By Metastasio. Dedication dated Naples, November 4, 1784, argu- ment, cast, scenario, name of Francesco Antonelli Torre as composer, and note: "I cambiamenti, che si veggono in questo dramma, sono gli stessi, che vi furono fatti nell' anno 1777 per uso di questo Regal Teatro." With the opera were performed Domenico Lefevre'a ballets, "La discesa d'Ercole all' inferno o sia Alceste ed Admetp. Ballo eroico in cinque atti " and "Gli amori di Mirtillo con Silvanzia." The music of the first was by Carlo Canobio. SCHATZ 289 OPERA LIBRETTOS 267 II Catone in Utica. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro Omodeo in Pa via nel carnovale dell' anno 1763 . . . Pavia, Eredi Ghidini, n. d. 56 p. 15 cm . Three acts. By Pietro Metastasio. Impresario's dedication, cast, scenario, and name of composer, Johann Christian Bach. First performed at Milan, Regio Ducal Teatro, summer, 1762; at Naples, San Carlo, November 4, 1761. SCHATZ 526 II Catone in Utica. Drama per musica da rappresentarsi nel Gran ducal Teatro di Bronsevigo per festeggiare il glorioso giorno natalizio dell' Altezza Serenissima di Carlo, duca regnante di Bronsevigo-Luneburgo etc etc. il primo d' agosto MDCCLXVIII. n. i., n. d. 130 p. Scenario, argument, cast, and name of Johann Christian Bach as composer. Ger- man title-page, "Cato in Utika," and text face Italian. SCHATZ 527 Catone in Utica. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel nuovo Teatro Grimani di S. Benedetto il carnovale dell anno MDCCL VII. Venezia, Modesto Fenzo, 1757. 60 p. Three acts. By Metastasio. Argument, cast, scenario, and name of the composer, Vincenzo Ciampi. First performed, as indicated, December 26, 1756. SCHATZ 1884 II Catone in Utica del Signer abate Pietro Metastasio. Dramma per musica ra rappresentarsi nel Teatro di Lucca nell' autunno dell' anno MDCCXLIX. Lucca, Filippo Maria Benedini, 1749. 88 p. 16\ cm . Three acts. Argument, cast, scenario, and name of the composer, "Sig. Egidio Duni." First performed at Florence, Teatro via della Pergola, carnival, 1740. SCHATZ 2835 Catone in Utica. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro Grimani di S. Samuele per la solita fiera dell' Ascensione dell' anno MDCCLXI . . . Venezia, Modesto Fenzo, 1761. 58 p. 15 cm . Three acts. By Metastasio, who is not mentioned. Impresario's dedication, dated Venice, April 29, 1761, argument, cast, scenarid, and name of Florian Leopold Gassmann as the composer. . SCHATZ 3625 Catone in Utica. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel Regio Teatro di Berlino . . . Berlino,'Ambrogio Haude, 1743. 159, [4] p. 16 cm . Three acts. Metastasio is mentioned as the author, Carl Heinrich Graun as the composer. Argument and scenario. German title-page, "Cato in Utica," and text face Italian. First performed, as indicated, January 24, 1744. SCHATZ 4092 Catone in Utica. Drama per musica, da rappresentarsi nel Regio Teatro di Torino nel carnovale del 1732 . Torino, Gio. Battista Valetta, 1731. 4 p. 1., 72 p. Three acts. By Metastasio, who is not mentioned. Argument, cast, scenario, and name of Johann Adolph Hasse as composer. First performed, as indicated, December 26, 1731. SCHATZ 4586 II Catone in Utica. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro Ducale di Stutgart festeggiandosi il felicissimo giorno natalizio di Sua Altezza Serenissima Eusabetta Sofia Federica duchessa di 268 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS II Catone in Utica Continued. Wirtemberg e Tech . . . La poesia e del . . . Pietro Metastasio, ... la musica e del celebre Sig. Nicold Jommelli . . . Stutgart, Giovanne Georgia Cotta, 1754- 99 p. 19 cm . Three acts. Argument, cast, scenario. German title-page, "Der Cato in Utica," and text face Italian. Whether or not Jommelli used for his "Catone in Utica" of 1749 any of the music which he contributed to Leonardo Vinci's "II Catone in Utica," Venice, 1747 (see Schatz 10754), I am unable to tell. Abert is siler\t on this Venice, 1747, opera by Vinci, Jommelli, and others. First performed, as indicated, August 30, 1754; at Vienna, Burgtheater, 1749. SCHATZ 4847 Catone in Utica. Drainma per musica da rappresentarsi nel carno- vale dell' anno 1747 nel Teatro Capranica . . . Roma, Genoroso Salomone, 1747. 72 p. 15\ cm . Three acts. Dedication with Metastasio's name as author, argument, scenario, cast, name of Gaetano Latilla as composer, and apologies "A'critici discreti " for the liberties taken with the text of the "di^nissimo autore": "Duo eono state le necessarie ragiom, che 1'anno portato a ci6 fare, la prima & la brevita, premendo a chi la fa rappresentare, che sia osservata; la seconda e la musica, la quale credendo non trovare il suo conto in alcune arie, benche bellissime, ne & richiesta la mutazione. E cosa chiara, che e stata fatta in peggio; ma non v'era modo di evitarlo. "II terzetto aggiunto e forzato, e puo dirsi, come di colui, che dipinse il Cipresso nel Mare, che non era quello il luogo, ma anche di ci6 e cagione la musica, e la volontsi altrui, come altresi d ogn' altra cosa, che si trovera aggiunta ... Si aggiunge a tuttocio il consentimento di persona a cui per lo stretto vincolo del sangue appartiene piu che ad ogn' altro, in assenza dell' autore, aver cura de 'riguardi che si devono al medesimo." SCHATZ 5456 Catone in Utica. Tragedia per musica di Artinp Corasio Past. Arcade da rappresentarsi nel famosissimo Teatro Grimani di S. Gio. Grisostomo nel' carnevale del 1729. Seconda editione. fin Venezia, Carlo Buonarigo, n. d. front., 60 p. 15 Three acts. By Metastasio, but with many alterations marked in (4\ P- I 4 cm - Three acts and Prologue. Scenario and dedication by the bookseller, Bartolomeo Lupardi, according to whom this is a new edition of " II Celio." He does not mention the composers, nor does Schatz know them, though he records performances of Cico- gnini's text at Florence, 1646, and at Rome, Teatro di Tordinona. The [4] p. of the libretto contain the Protesta and a list of the "Comedie del Cicognini che ri ritrova nella sua botega Bartolomeo Lupardi . . ." ML 50.2.C34 Cendrillon, opera comique de Mr. Anseaume; represente pour la premiere fois sur le Theatre de la foire S. Germain, le 20 fe"vrier 1759. Paris, N. B. Duchesne, 1759. 63, [1] p. 20. One act. Cast. Composed, resp. arranged by Jean Louis LaRuette who is not mentioned. On p. 54 the air " Des rigueurs d'un cruel destin " and r^citatif by "de la Ruette," "J'ai joui cette nuit" (I, 1), on p. 55-58 "Ah! dans quel tat je vous voi" (I, 2), on p. 5&-59 "Je le scais bien" "air de M. La Ruette" (I, 2), on p. 59-61 "Lea yeux vers moi tourneV (I, 2) by the same, as also on p. 61-63 "Amour, dont je ressens la flamme" (I, 7). SCHATZ 5436 Cephal und Procris, ballet. See Holzbauer's Hadrian in Syrien. Cephale, et Procris, ou L'amour conjugal, tragedie-lyrique, en trois actes, represented, devant Sa MajestS, It Versailles, le 30 de"cembre 1773. Paris, Pierre Robert CJiristophe Bollard, 1773. 1 p. I., 4, [6\ 76 p. Argument, cast, and names of Marmontel aa the author, of Gretry as the com- poser. First performed at Paris, May 2, 1775. SCHATZ 4198 Cephale et Procris, tragedie represented par I'Academie royale de musique Fan 1694. Les paroles sont de M. Duche, & la musique de M Ile de la Guerre. XXXJI. Opera. n. i., n. d. front., Ifll-JfiS p. (Recueil general des opera, t. iv, Paris, 1703.) 14. Detached copy. Five acts and prologue. First performed, as indicated, March 15, 1694. SCHATZ 5376 Second copy. ML 48. R4 Cephalus und Prokris. Ein melodrama von herrn professor Rammler. Die musik vom koenigl. preussischen kapellmeister herrn Reichardt. p. 16-27. 18. (Theater- Journal fuer Deutschland, fuenftes stueck Goiha, 1778.) First performed at Hamburg, Theater b. Gansemarkt, July 7, 1777. SCHATZ 11754 Procris et Cephale. Melodrame pour e"tre represente deyant S. A. R. Monsieur le prince Henri de Prusse frere du roi. La musique du prologue e du melo-drame est compos ee par Mr. Reichard . . . Berlin, G. J. Decker, 1777. 26 p. 19$ cm . One act. A french translation of -Carl Wilhelm Ramler's text for Reichardt 'a "Cephalus und Prokris." The French version was first performed at Rheinsberg in 1777, as indicated. SCHATZ 8639 Ce qui plait aux dames. A. T. of Duni's La fe"e Urg&le. OPERA LIBRETTOS 273 Le cercle ou La soiree a la mode, comedie lyrique en un acte & en prose. Par M. Poinsinet de F Academic des Arcades de Rome. Representee pour la premiere fois par les Comediens francais ordi- naires du roi le 7 septembre 1764. Paris, Duchesne, 1764. 71 p. 19 cm . Dedication and cast. The title "comedie lyrique" is misleading, since the play contains but one piece of music, the vaudeville "Serait-il vrai, jeune berg&re," the air of which ie printed on p. 70. Not recorded by Cl. & L. or Schatz. ML 48.M2 La Cerere. Componimento per musica da cantarsi nel giorno nata- lizio della Sagra Real Maesta di Carlo Borbone re delle due Sicilie & ... Musica del Signor Domenico Terradellas detto lo Spagnolo [vignette] Roma, Komarek, 1740. 16 p. 25 cm . Two parts. Author not mentioned and unknown to me. Work not recorded by Schatz or Carreras i Bulbena. ML 50.2.C36T2 Cerere e Trittolemo, ballet. See Calderara's Ricimero. Cerere placata. Festa teatrale data in occasione di celebrarsi la solenne funzione, in cui in nome di S. M. C. Carlo Terzo si tiene al sagro fonte la real principessa Maria Teresa Carolina . . . da S. E. il Signor duca d'Arcos . . . e rappresentata in Napoli il giorno 14 settembre 1772 in casa di detto eccmo Sig. duca. n. i., n. d. 5 p. L, 54 p. 25 cm . On vereo of second p. 1.: "Edizione fatta in Napoli nella Stamperia Simoniana." Two acts with ballets. Cast, argument, and names of Michele Sarcone as author, of Niccola Jommelli as composer. SCHATZ 4876 Cerere racconsolata. Dramma musicale. Girolamo Bartolommei Smeducci, Drammi musicali morali, Firenze, 1656, v. i, p. [l}-58. 2S cm . Prologue and five acts. Dedication, argument, allegoria. ML 49.A2B3 Ceres. Ein musikalisches vorspiel. Aufgefuehrt in Hannover, am geburtsfeste des koenigs, den 4 junius, 1773. n. L, n. d. 31 p. 18 cm . Prologue and one act. Neither the author, Friedrich Hildebrand von Eineiedel, nor the composer, Ernst Wilhelm Wolf, is mentioned. SCHATZ 11076 Cesare al Rubicone. Melodramma per musica . . . cantato in Cesena in casa Loccatelli in occasione di aver Sua Eminenza levato al sacro fonte il Sig. conte Giuseppe. Li 20 agosto 1725. Operetta del Sig. Co. Vincenzio Masini. Faenza, Gioseffantonio Archi, 1725. 82 p. 18 cm . Dedication, dated Cesena, August, 1725, and signed Fabio Loccatelli, to whom Schatz attributes the libretto, argument and author's notice to the reader. SCHATZ 6063 II Cesare amante. Drama per musica di Ardio Rivarota [ana- gram] Accademico fra' Delfici II Volonteroso. Da rappresentarsi nel Theatre Grimano. Venetia, Giuliani, 1651. 99 p. 13\ cm . Three acts with prologue. By Dario Varotari. Dedicatory ode, notice to the reader (p. 9-10 missing but supplied in ms.) with name of Marc' Antonio Ceati as 72251 VOL 114 18 274 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS II Cesare amante Continued. composer. The reader is informed that the "soggettp" and "il modo di sceneggiare" of this "operetta" are by the conte Maiolino Bisaccioni with convenient alterations. First performed, as indicated, fall of 1651. SCHATZ 1783 Cesare in Egitto. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro Grimani a S. Samuelle per la fiera dell' Ascensione 1'anno 1744 . . . n. i., n. d. 1 p.l., 48 p. 15 cm . Three acts. By Giacomo Francesco Bussani (not mentioned). Dedicatory sonnet, argument, scenario, cast, and name of the composer, Antonio Colombo. First performed, as indicated, May 13, 1744. SCHATZ 2115 Cesare in Egitto. Drama da rappresentarsi nel Regio-Ducal Teatro di Milano . . . nel carnevale dell anno 1735. Milano, Giuseppe RichinoMalatesta, n. d. 52, [1] p. Three acts. By Giacomo Francesco Bussani, who is not mentioned. Cast, argu- ment, scenario, and name of Geminiano Giacomelli as the composer. On the addi- tional page, the substitute aria (II, 9) "Barbaro non pensar." SCHATZ 3806 Cesare in Egitto. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi in Argen- tina Fanno 1751 . . . Argentina, Giovanni Henrico Heitz, 1751. 55 p. 15 cm . Three acts. By Giacomo Francesco Bussani, who is not mentioned. Argument, cast, and name of Niccolo Jommelli as composer. (This opera mentioned by Abert?) First performed .at Strassburg, as indicated. SCHATZ 4848 - Cesar en Egipte. Opera- tragique italien represent 6 a Stras- bourg Fan 1751. Sous les auspices de Son Excellence Monsieur le preteur roial. Traduit, par Mr. Adam, ancien senateur de la ville de Strasbourg. Strasbourg, Jean Henri Heitz, 1751. 48, [2] p. 16 cm . Three acts. Argument, cast, scenario, name of Niccol6 Jommelli as composer, and "avis" that contrary to "la politesse de la langue francoise" the "Tu, Toi" has been retained partly to make the translation more literal, partly "parceque c'e'toit assez le stile de s'enoncer des anciens." SCHATZ 4902 Cesare in Egitto, dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel Regio Ducal Teatro di Milano nel carnovale dell' anno 1770 . . . Milano, Giovanni Montani, 1770. 5 p. 1., 43 p. 14 cm - Three acts. Dedication, argument, scenario, cast, and name of Niccolo Piccinni as the composer. The text is by Giacomo Francesco Bussani, retouched by Carlo Goldoni, neither of whom is mentioned. SCHATZ 8083 Cesare in Egitto. Dramma per musica, da rappresentarsi sul Regio Teatro Danese, 1'autunno dell anno 1763. Julius Caesar i Aegypten . . . oversadt paa dansk af R. Soelberg . . . Kifibenhavn, Lars Nielsen Svare, n. d. 93 p. 16 cm . Three acts. By Giacomo Francesco Bussani, who is not mentioned. Argument, cast, and name of Giuseppe Sarti as the composer. ("La musica e tutta nuova.") SCHATZ 9427 Cesare nella Brettagna. See M. Curzio. Cesare trionfante. See Freschi's Giulio Cesare trionfante. Cha-Gian in Dely, ballet. See Cimarosa's Gli Orazi e i Curiazi. OPEEA LIBEETTOS 275 The chamber- maid. A ballad opera of one act. As it is per- form'd at the Theatre-Royal, by His Majesty's servants . . . London, J. Watts, 1730. 2 p. 1., 84 p. 21 cm . By Edward Phillips, who is not mentioned. Cast and table of the 28 songs. The corresponding airs are printed in the text, with their titles. First performed at Drury Lane February 10, 1730. ML 50.5.C3 The changelings. A. T. of Court and country. The chaplet. A musical entertainment. As it is perform' d by His Majesty's company of comedians at the Theatre-Royal in Drury- Lane. The music compos'd by Dr. Boyce. London, M. Cowper, 1750. 22 p. 20% cm . Two acts. By Moees Mendez, who is not mentioned. Cast. First performed December 2, 1749, as indicated (Genest). AC 901.M5 v. 519 - The chaplet. A musical entertainment. As it is perform'd by His Majesty's company of comedians, at the Theatre-Royal in Covent-Garden. The music compos'd by Dr. Boyce. London, T. Lowndes, T. Caslon [etc], 1767. front., 35, [1] p. 16 cm . Two acts. By Moses Mendez, who is not mentioned. Covent-Garden cast of 1767. LONGE 73 - The chaplet. A musical entertainment. In two parts. By Moses Mendez, Esq. Edinburgh, Silvester Doig and William Anderson, 1792. (A collec- tion of the most esteemed farces and entertainments, v. i, p. [329]-339.} 19 cm . Boyce is not mentioned. SCHATZ 11753 La chasse du cerf , divertissement. Jean Baptiete Morin's score, Paris, Christophe Ballard, 1709", contains also the libretto (on p. 3-7), the author of which I have not found. M 1520. M8C4 The chaste nimph. A. T. of Butler's Calisto. Le chateau de Montenero. A. T. of Dalayrac's Leon. Che fingendo si prova un vero affetto. A. T. of Moratelli's I giochi olimpici. The Chelsea pensioner: A comic opera. In two acts. As it is performed at the Theatre-Royal, Covent-Garden. London, G. Kearsley, 1779. 2 p. 1., 40 p. 21 cm . Cast. The author-composer, Charles Dibdin, is not mentioned. Tufts, quoting E. R. Dibdin, eays: "Overture and six other items appeared in the Monthly Lyrist, etc., 1781." First performed May 6, 1779, as indicated. LONGE 164 La chercheuse d'esprit, opera comique de Monsieur Favart. Sui- vant la copie imprimSe a Paris, MDCCXLIV. n. i., n. d. 48 p. 16 cm . One act. Text is in prose and vaudevilles. No mueic printed with the text. Comp. next entry. ML 50.2. ('4 276 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS La chercheuse d'esprit Continued. - La chercheuse d'esprit, opera comique. De Monsieur Favart. Paris, PrauUfils, 1756. 1 p. I., 59, 4 p. 19 cm . (Theatre de M. Favart, Paris, Duchesne, 1763-77, t. vi.) One act. Text is in prose and vaudevilles. The 4 p. contain 13 engraved aire only (with "Fin"), whereas Font says "suivi de tous les airs grave's (70 num6ros)." This can apply only to a reissue of Veuve Allouel's ed. of 1741, not to the ed. of Prault fils. Font does not mention Favart's musical collaborator. F6tis attributes the music to Duni (before his arrival at Paris in 1757), but Duni can only have arranged the music anew. Eitner lists a ms. score by Duni of this title as in the Brussels Conserva- tory library, but Wotquenne's catalogue shows no such score. First performed at Paris, Foire St. Germain, February 20, 1741. ML 49.A2F1 La chercheuse d'esprit, ope"ra-comique, en un acte, de Monsieur Favart. Paris, Prault, 1772. 47, [1] p. 19. ML48.M2N La chercheuse d'esprit, ballet-pantomime, par M. Gardel Taine". Represent^ a Choisy pour la premiere fois et a Fontainebleau, en 1777. Paris, les Marchands de pieces de Theatre, 1777. 1 p.l.,8 p. 19 cm . One act. Cast and detailed synopsis of plot, which is clearly based on Favart. Composer not mentioned in libretto or by Lajarte who dates the first performance at Paris, Academic royale de musique as March 1, 1778. ML 52.2. C28 The Cherokee, an opera, as performed at the Theatre-Royal, Drury- Lane. By the author of the Haunted tower. London, n. pull, 1795. 47, [1] p. 17% cm . Three acts. Cast. Neither the author, James Cobb, is mentioned, nor the com- poser, Stephen Storace. Revived in 1802 with alterations and new music by Michael Kelly as "Algonah." First performed December 20, 1794, as indicated. LONGE 233 La chevalerie. Entree in Michel's Les romans. Chi dell' altrui si veste, presto si sppglia. Commedia per musica di Giuseppe Palomba da rappresentarsi nel Teatro de' Fiorentini per terza opera di quest' anno 1783. Napoli, n. publ., 1783. 55 p. 15 cm . Three acts. Argument, cast, and name of Domenico Cimarosa as composer. ML 50.2.C42C3 Chi dell' altrui si veste, presto si spoglia. Commedia per musica di Giuseppe Palomba da rappresentarsi nel Teatro de' Fioren- tini per seconda opera del corrente anno 1787. Napoli, n. pull, 1787. 52 p. 15. Three acts. Argument, cast, name of the composer, Cimarosa, and this note by the author: "Ritorna sulle scene questa mia commedia non di versa da quella rappresentata nel 1783 [at Naples, same theatre], se non se nelle sole parti di Martuffo, e Gabba- mondo, con traeportale dal dialetto Toscano in Napolitano. Se si fe fatta mutazione in qualche aria, e finale e stata per maggionnente adattarla all' abilitk di alcuni novelli attori, ma non si e uscito da musica, e parole tanto mie, quanto del rinomato maestro di capella, da cui fu scritta ..." SCHATZ 1913 OPEBA LIBRETTOS 277 Chi e cagion del suo xnal, pianga se stesso. Dramma giocoso Eer musica da rappresentarsi nel Regio Teatro di via della Pergola i primavera del MDCCLXXXV . . . Firenze, Giovanni Risaliti, 1785. 48 p. 16%. Two acts. Author not mentioned and unknown to Schatz. Cast and note: "La mueica e di Dalindo Stinfalido Accademico Filarmonico." Real name unknown to Schatz and this academic name not recorded by Wotquenne. With the opera, was performed, composer of the music not mentioned, Federigo Terradee' ballet "Gli eposi riuniti da Bacco." SCHATZ 11313 Chi e cagion del suo mal pianga se stesso. Dramma burlesco, poesia d'Ovidio, e musica d'Orfeo, rappresentato in Roma 1'anno 1682. Roma, (Francesco Tizzoni), 1682. 64, [1] p. 15. Three acts. Text and music, according to Schatz, by Filippo Acciajoli. First performed at the Palazzo Colonna, as indicated. ML 50.2.C43A2 Chi la dura la vince ossia La finta cantatrice. L. T. of P. Gug- lielmi's La virtuosa in Mergellina. Chi la dura, la yince. Commedia per musica di Domenico Piccinni da rappresentarsi nel Teatro Nuovo sopra Toledo per second' opera di quest' anno 1798. Napoli, n. publ., 1798. 48 p. 15 cm . Two acts. Cast and name of Pietro Carlo Guglielmi as the composer. SCHATZ 4337 Chi la fa 1'aspetta, ballet. See Astaritta's II curioso accidente. Chi la fa, 1'aspetta. Dramma giocoso per musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro alia Scala la primavera dell' anno 1788 ... Milano, Gio. Batista BiancTii, n. d. 60 p. 16% cm . Two acts. By Filippo Livigni, who is not mentioned. Impresario's dedication, cast, scenario, and name of the composer, Vincenzo Fabrizj. The first ballet was called "II convitato di pietra," the second "II finto giardiniere Chinese." Both were by Luigi Dupen. The composer of the music is not mentioned. First performed at Bologna, Teatro Zagnoni, fall of 1786. SCHATZ 2968 Chi la fa, 1'aspetta. Drama-comico da rappresentarsi in musica nel Teatro di San Fantino. II carnovale dell' anno 1717. Venezia, Antonio Bortoli, 1717. 36 p. 15 cm . Three acts. Neither the author, Francesco Passarini, nor the composer, Girolamo Polani, is mentioned. SCHATZ 8249 Chi la fa 1'aspetta, ballet. See Tarchi's Ifigenia in Aulide. Chi la fa 1'aspetta, ballet. See Zingarelli's La morte di Mitridate. Chi la fa 1'aspetti. A. T. of G. Giordani's L'impegno. Chi la fa se 1'aspetti, favola pastorale, per musica. Viterbo, Girolamo Diotattevi, n. d. 1 p. 1., 60 p. 14 cm - Three acts. Publisher's dedication dated Viterbo, November 26, 1659. Neither author nor composer mentioned and both unknown to Allacci. Not recorded by Schatz, Wotquenne. ML 50.2.C44 278 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Chi mal fa mal aspetti owero Lo scroccatore smascherato. Dramma tragicomico in musica da rappresentarsi nel nobilissimo Teatro Giustiniani in San Moisfc 1'autunno dell' anno 1792. Venezia, Modesto Fenzo, 1792. 62 p. 17 m . Two acts. Author not mentioned, and unknown to Schatz. Cast and name of Silveetro di Palma as the composer. SCHATZ 7748 Chi ne fa ne aspetta, ballet. See Cimarosa's Volodomiro. Chi non fa, non falla. Divertimento comico, per musica. Da rappresentarsi nel Teatro di Sant' Angelo per 1'Assensa dell' anno 1732. Venezia, Carlo Buonarrigo, n. d. Jfi p. 15% cm . Three acts. By the composer, Giuseppe Maria Buini (Schatz). Notice to the reader, without names of the librettist and the composer. First performed at Bologna, Teatro Marsigli Rossi, carnival, 1729. SCHATZ 1391 Chi piu sa manco 1'intende, overo Gli amori di Clodio e Pompea. Dramma messo in musica da Antonio Draghi, vice maestro di cap- pella della Sac. Ces. Real Maest.k dell' imperatrice Eleonora. Vienna d' Austria, Matteo Cosmerovio, 1669. 8 p. 1., 72 p. 15 cm . Three acts. By Cav. Ximenez, who does not sign the lengthy preface, "Ser. m * Muse," a notice to the ''Amico lettore," argument, and scenario. ' The author men- tions Lodovico Brunacina [recte Burnacini] as the designer of the scenery, etc., and says that most of the ballet airs were composed by Santo Ventura, but some by Giov. Enrico Schmelzer. First performed at Vienna, Theater der Kaiserl. Burg, 1669, with arias by emperor Leopold I. SCHATZ 2805 Argomento et allegoria della comedia musicale intitolata Chi soffre speri. Roma, Stamperia della Rev. Camera Apostolica, 1639. 16 p. 20 cm . Three acts, with prologue. Neither the author, cardinal Giulio Rospigliosi, nor the composers, Virgilio Mazzocchi and Marco Marazzoli, are mentioned, nor the date of performance, Rome, Palazzo Barberini, February 27, 1639. SCHATZ 6223 Chi sta ben non si muova. Dramma giocoso per musica da rap- presentarsi nel Regio Teatro di via della Pergola la primavera del MDCCLXXXVII . . . Fienze, Stamperia gia Albizziniana, 1787. 36 p. 16% cm . Two acts. By Giovanni Bertati, who is not mentioned. Cast and name of Ferdi- nando Robuschj. as the composer. SCHATZ 8843 Chi tutto abbraccia nulla stringe. Dramma giocoso per musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro Giustiniani di San Moise 1'autunno dell' anno 1573 [!]. Venezia, Modesto Fenzo, 1753. 47 p. 15 cm . Three acts. By Bartolomeo Vitturi, who is not mentioned. Argument, scenario, cast, and name of Giuseppe Scolari as the composer. SCHATZ 9791 Chi vuol non puole. Dramma giocoso per musica da rappresen- tarsi nel nuovo Teatro di Vicenza restate dell' anno 1795 . . . Vicenza, Vendramini Mosca, n. d. 54 p. 17% cm . Two acts. Impresario's dedication, cast, scenario, and name of Domenico Delia Maria as composer. Author unknown to Schatz, who claims that the libretto origi- nally was called "II vecchio burlato." With the opera were performed the ballets, "La presa de Marochini " and "Le reclute per inganno," both by Innocenzo Parrodi, and a third ballet, the title of which is not given. The composers of the music are not mentioned. SCHATZ 2493 OPERA LIBRETTOS 279 Le chiajese cantarine. Pazzia pe mmuseca de nota Pietro Trin- chiera. Da rappresentarese a lo Teatro Nuovo a Monte Cravario nchisto carnevale venture de chisto corrente anno 1754. Nnapole, Se venneno a la porta de lo teatro, n. d. 2 p. 1., 72 p. Three acts. Cast and note that the arias "Doje note solamente" (I, 2), "Mo e no tiempo de campare" (I, 10), "lo vorria, bellezza cara" (II, 4), etc., (the majority) were composed by Nicola Logroscino, "Bene mio, ca gia mme pare" (I, 1), "Si la tempesta vide scetata" (I, 4), "Oh che gusto, che sente sto core" (I, 9), etc., by Domenico Fischietti, "Su le piume de' soapiri" (I, 5), "lo tradirti! e con qual cuore?" (II, 2), etc., by Giacomo Maraucci. According to Schatz the title of the text originally was "L'abate Collarone." ML 50.2.C45 II chiamantesi filosofo. A. T. of Portugal's Non irritare le donne. La Chiarina. Intermezzi in musica a tre voci da rappresentarsi nel Teatro della Pace il carnevale dell' anno 1754 . . . Roma, nella libraria di 8. Michele a Ripa Grande, 1754- 23 p. 15% cm . Two parts. Author not mentioned and unknown to Schatz. Impresarios' dedi- cation, cast and name of Binaldo di Capua as composer. ML 50.2.C46R3 The children in the wood, an opera, in two acts, as performed at the Royal Theatres of Drury-Lane and the Hay-market. London, Printed for the curious and not sold by the booksellers in general, 1794. $6 P- 18 cm . Cast. Neither the author, Thomas Morton, is mentioned, nor the composer, Samuel Arnold. First performed at the Haymarket, October 1, 1793. LONGE 233 The children in the wood. A musical piece, in two acts. With the additions and alterations, as performed by the Old American Company. New York, Printed at the Columbian Press for Benjamin Gomez, 1795. front., 57 p. 17 cm . The front, represents Mr. Hodgkinson as Walter, and Mr. Lee as Oliver. Two acts. Cast. Neither the author is mentioned, nor the composer. First performed at New York December 26, 1794; at Philadelphia, South wark Theatre, November 24, 1794, with the additional music by Benjamin Carr. PR 1241.D7 v. 4 Chilonida. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi il carnevale dell' anno MDCCX. Posto in musica dal Sig. Marc' Antonio Ziani . . . Vienna d' Austria, gli Heredi Cosmeroviani, n. d. 88 p. Three acts. Argument, scenario, and notice to the reader: ' ' Per un sovrano comando e stata forza il mutare diverse ariete nel presente dramma, che fu composto molti anni sono dal conte Nicolo Minato. Volendo percio chi h^ avuto la commissione di cambiarle, far conoscere di non aver posto mano nelle ppere degli altri, che per motive d'ubbidienza, ha segnato con due virgolette al capo di ogni verso le composte da lui, perche non siano attribuiti all' autore del drama gli altrui difetti. Sappi dunque, che toltene le ariette sopraccennate, e qualche piccola muta- zione, fattasi necessariamente nella scena X dell' atto eecpndo, tutto il restante ei e ristampato fedelmente secondo la prima Impressione, e vivi felice." First performed at Vienna, Burgtheater, April 21, 1709. SCHATZ 11204 Chimene ou Le Cid. French version of Sacchini's II Cidde. 280 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Les chimeres, ope'ra-comique, en deux actes. Pre'ce'de' d'un pro- logue, & suivi d'un divertissement. Joue" a la Foire Saint-Germain en 1726. Alexis Piron, Oeuvres complettes, Liege, 1776, v. 4, [115}-253 p. En vaudevilles. Parfaict, without mentioning the composer, enters this as "Les chimeres ou Le bonheur de 1'illusion . . . represented le Samedi, 3 fevrier 1725. non imp." PQ 2019. P6 II chimico. Commedia in musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro Grimani di S. Samuele nel carnovale 1757. Venezia, Modesto Fenzo, 1757. 59 p. 14$ cm . Three acts. Cast, scenario, and name of the composer, Legrenzio Vincenzo Ciampi. The author is unknown to Schatz. The text is not that by Antonio Palomba. SCHATZ 1885 II chimico. Commedia per musica di Antonio Palomba Napolitano da rappresentarsi nel Teatro Nuovo sopra Toledo nell' inverno di quest anno 1742 . . . Napoli, Nicolo de Biaso, 1742. 66 p. 15 cm . Three acts. Impresario's dedication, argument, cast, and name of Antonio Palella as the composer. SCHATZ 7711 Chinafarerne. Syngestykke i to acter, med en mellem-act. n. I, n. d. p. 287-374. 17\ cm . Detached copy. Neither the author, Peter Andreas Heiberg, nor the composer, Claus Schall, is mentioned. First performed at Copenhagen, Royal Theater, March 2, 1792. SCHATZ 9583 II Chinese, ballet. See Luigi Piccinni's L'amante statua. II Chinese, ballet. See Trento's La finta amalata. II Chinese in Italia. Dramma giocoso per musica di Alessandro Pepoli da rappresentarsi nel nobile Teatro Giustiniani di San Moisd 1'autunno dell anno 1793. Venezia, Modesto Fenzo, 1793. 60 p. 8. Two acts. Cast, scenario, and name of Francesco Bianchl as composer. The two ballets, by Urbano Garzia, composer not mentioned, were called "Giulia e Blinval " and "II matrimonio per astuzia." SCHATZ 977 The Chinese orphan : An historical tragedy. Alter'd from a speci- men of the Chinese tragedy in Du Halde s History of China. Inter- sper'd with songs, after the Chinese manner . . . London, Charles Corbett, 1741. mi, [1], 75, [1] p. 20 cm . Five acts. Dedication signed by the author, William Hatchett. Performance not recorded. LONGE 125 Die Chineser. Ein musicalisches sing-gedicht. so auf dem Chur- fuerstl. Theatre aufgefuehret in Mannheim an 1756. [Mannheim}, Churfuersfl. buchdruckerey, n. d. 1 p. 1., 53 p. 16 cm . One act. Dedicatory sonnet, cast, and name of Ignaz Holtzbauer as the com- poser ("eine neue composition"). Apparently the translation of Metastasio's "Le Cinesi." SCHATZ 4780 OPERA LIBRETTOS 281 Der chinesische held, ein musicalisches schauspiel des herrn abt Peter Metastasio . . . welches an dem kaiserlichen hof von damen und cavaliers im jahre 1752. Waelsch gesungener vorgestellt, anjetzo aber in das teutsche uebersetzt worden von L. L. von C. Wienn, zufinden in Krausens buchladen, 1755. 64 p. 17 cm . Three acts. Argument. A translation of Metastasio's "L'Eroe cinese," which was first performed with music by Giuseppe Baptista (Joeephus Johannes Bonno), who is not mentioned in the translation, at Schonbrunn, May 13, 1752. SCHATZ 1197 Der chinesische held. Tr. of Hasse's L'eroe cinese. Der chinesische held. Tr. of Sacchini's L'eroe cinese. Den chinesiske helt. Tr. of Sacchini's L'eroe cinese. Les Chinois. See II Cinese rimpatriato. Le Chinois poli en France. See II Cinese rimpatriato. The choice of Harlequin ; or, The Indian chief. A pantomimical entertainment; in two parts; as it is acted with the highest applause, at the Theatre Royal, Covent Garden. London, Sold at No. 88, Clerkenwell Close, and by Mr. G. Riley, 1782. 82 p. 21 cm . Cast, "Order of the procession," and editor's dedication to Thomas Harris, in which he claims: "That the Choice of Harlequin has succeeded beyond any modern pantomime is not to be wondered at, when we consider the pomp of the scenes, and the marked originality with which they are displayed." The composer, Michael Arne, is not mentioned. Biog. Dram, attributes the text to Messink. First performed, as indicated, December 26, 1781. LONGE 102 - Songs, etc in the new pantomime called The choice of Harlequin. n. i., n. d. 16 p. 20 cm . Two parts. ML 52.2.C3 The choleric fathers. A comic opera. Performed at the Theatre- Royal in Covent-Garden. By Thomas Holcroft. London, G. G. J. and J. Robinson, 1785. 2 p. 1., 70, [1] p. 21 cm . Three acts. Cast, and on the last (unnumb.) p. the note that "the third song in the third act ('Cupid, sure, of cunning knaves') is written by a friend of the author's, and two others have before appeared in print." The composer, William Shield, is not mentioned. First performed November 10, 1785, as indicated. LONGE 96 Les chouans de vitre, fait historique, en un acte, en prose, par F. G. Desfontaines. Represente pour la premiere fois sur le Theatre du Vaudeville, le 24 rrairial de 1'an second de la Republique une et indivisible. [June 12, 1794] Paris, Au Theatredu Vaudeville, an deuxieme [1793-94]. 47 P- 20 cm . Cast. Interspersed with vaudevilles and airs, some of which are printed in the text. Not recorded by Cl. & L. or Schatz. ML 48.M2L Gesaenge aus der christlichen Judenbraut. Eine komische oper in zwey aufzuegen. Die musik dazu ist von herrn Panek. Aufge- fuehrt von der Mihuleschen gesellschaft. Augsburg, n. pull, 1793. 48 p. 16 cm . By Franz Xavier Girzik, who is not mentioned. First performed at Augsburg, Stadtschauspielhaus; at Pressburg, Private theater of Count Erdody, 1788. SCHATZ 7762 282 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS A new dramatic entertainment, called A Christmas tale. In five parts. As it is performed at the Theatre Royal in Drury-Lane. Embellished with an etching, by Mr. Loutherbourg. London, T. Becket, 1774. 5 p. 1., (incl front.) , 76 p. 20 cm . Cast, prologue, prefatory note, and name of Charles Dibdin as composer. The text was imitated from "La f6e Urgele," by David Garrick, who is not mentioned. First performed at London, Drury Lane, October 27, 1773. LONQE 16 Chrononhotonthologos. See The tragedy of ... Ciana. L. T. of Latilla's Madama Cianu. II ciarlatanp. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro Giustiniani di S. Moisfc nell autunno dell' anno MDCCLIX. Venezia, Modesto Fenzo, 1759. 70 p. I5\ cm . Three acts. By Carlo Goldoni, who is not mentioned. Cast, scenario, and name of Giuseppe Scolari as composer. SCHATZ 9793 II ciarlone. L. T. of d'Avossa's La pupilla ed il ciarlone. II Ciclope. Metastasio, Poesie, Parigi, vedova Quittau, 1755. t. vii, [391]- 898 p. 16 cm . One act. ML 49C.A2M42 H Ciclope. Breve cantata a due, scritta dall' autore in Vienna, ed eseguita privatamente in corte 1'anno 1754, d'ordine dell' imperator Francesco I, desiderosp di far prova della distinta voce di basso d'un suo confidente domestico. [4%9]-434 P- 26 cm . (Pietro Metastasio, Opere, t. ii, Parigi, vedova Herissant, 1780.) HL 49.82M44 II Cid. L. T. of Sacchini's II Cidde. Le Cid. A. T. of Sacchini's Chimene. II Cidde. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi in Lisbona nel Teatro della rua dos Condes nell' inverno dell' anno 1773. [Lisbona], Stamperia redle, n. d. 76 p. 15\ cm . Three acts. Argument, cast and names of Giovacchini Pizzi as the author, of Antonio Sacchini as the composer. First performed at Rome, Teatro di Torre Argentina, carnival 1769. Wotquenne (Brussels catalogue) speaks of a "Chimena," first performed at Rome in 1762 but such a work is not recorded by Schatz. SCHATZ 9223 II Cid, an opera; as performed at the King's Theatre in the Hay- market. The music by Signor Antonio Sacchini, a Neapolitan com- poser. The poetry by Giovan Gualberto Bottarelli. The translation by Botarelli, jun. . . . Lond(m, W. Griffin, 1773. VIII, 47, [1] p. 19. Three acts. The VIII p. contain a dedication by the author, to the count de Lauraguais, dated London, January 14, 1773, just as nattering to the recipient as to Sacchini and the danseuse Heinel. This is followed by a rather self-adulatory letter sent by the count de Lauraguais to Bottarelli in response to one from this gentleman. It is dated Brompton, January 15, 1773, and in it the count says: "car lorsque Shakespear etoit barbare et sublime, tout le reste 1'^toit barbare et ridicule. J'ai bati le theatre que les gens de gout desiroient depuis long-terns. Si c'est le motif du tribut que voua me rendez, il est raisonnable." OPERA LIBRETTOS 283 II Cidde Continued. In his notice to the reader Bottarelli says "that no longer than five weeks were employed in the composing of this piece," meaning of course, his "composing" not the composition of Sacchini in which part of the original 1769 score was used. Not the same as Pizzi's text. First performed as indicated in January 1773. SCHATZ 9246 - Chimene, ou Le Cid, trage"die en trois actes, represented devant Leurs Majestes a Fontaine bleau. Paris, P. E. C. Bollard, 1788. 3 p. I, 47 p. 18. Cast and names of Guillard as the author, of Sacchini as the composer. Several numbers of Sacchini 's Italian version are known to have been retained. First performed as indicated November 18, 1783, at the Academic royale de musique, February 9, 1784. SCHATZ 9224 ^Cidippe. Drama per musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro di Cana- reggio. L'anno MDCLXXXIII. Venetia, Francesco Nicolini, 1683. 57 p. 14 cm . Three acts. By conte Niccolb Minato, but with the addition of "alcune canzonette " printed with quotation marks, as for instance the very first "Giri pure la Fortuna." Argument, notice to the reader and scenario. Neither the author, nor the com- poser Antonio Draghi is mentioned. In its original form first performed at Vienna, Hoftheater, November 18, 1671 with one aria by the emperor Leopold I. SCHATZ 2807 II cieco d'acuta vista. A. T. of C. F. Pollaroli's II Licurgo. La Cifra. Dramma giocoso per musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro Grande alia Scala 1'autunno dell' anno 1790 . . . Milano, Gio. Batista Bianchi, n. d. 76 p. 15\ cm . Two acts. Impresario's dedication dated Milan, October 16, 1790, cast, scenario and name of Antonio Salieri as the composer. The text was by Giuseppe Petrosellini, with alterations by Lorenzo da Ponte, neither of whom is mentioned. With the opera was performed Pietro Angiolini's ballo eroico "Rinaldo e Armida," the com- poser of the music not being mentioned. First performed at Vienna, Hoftheater, December 11, 1789, as "La dama pasto- rella", at Rome, Teatro Valle, carnival 1780. SCHATZ 9281 La cifra. Dramma giocoso per musica da rappresentarsi nel Reg- gio Teatro di S. Carlo, della Principessa la primavera dell' anno 1796. Lisbona, Simone Taddeo Ferreira, 1796. 183 p. 15 cm . Two acts. Lorenzo Da Ponte is mentioned as author, Antonio Salieri as com- poser. Portuguese translation faces Italian. With the opera was performed, com- poser of the music not mentioned, Pietro Angiolini's ballet "Gli studi interotti." ML 48.C6II Arien und gesaenge aus der komischen oper in zwey aufzuegen Das kaestchen mit der duffer. Die composition ist von herrn capellmeister Salieri. Berlin, n. putt., 1793. 55 p. 15 cm . Cast. The translator, Christian August Vulpius, is not mentioned. First performed at Berlin, kgl. Nationaltheater, February 25, 1793. SCHATZ 9282 Die entzifferung, eine komische oper in zwey aufzuegen. Die musik ist vom kapellmeister Salieri. n. i., 1795. 55 p. 15\. The translator, Heinrich Gottlieb Schmieder, is not mentioned. First performed at Hannover, Schlosstheater, June 5, 1792. SCHATZ 9283 284 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Cimene. Tragedia da cantarsi nel Teatro in S. Angelo nelle notte autunnali 1'anno MDCCXXI. Venezia, Marino Rossetti, 1721. 4 8 P- 15 cm - Five acts. By Benedetto Paequaligo. Argument, cast, scenario, but without names of composers Girolamo Bassani, and Marco Zucchini, or librettist. SCHATZ 637 II Cinese rimpatriato. Intermezzo by Giuseppe Sellitti, first performed at Paris, June 19, 1753. Libretto not in L. of C. According to de La Laurencie in S. I. M. 1912, nos. 7/8, p. 14 "II Cinese rimpa- triato " was given with an overture by Jommelli and contained among others the arias "Mi sta d'incanto," "Gia colmo di piacere," "lo sono una donzelLa" and "Zerbi- notti d'oggidi." -r- Le chinois poll en France, parodie du Chinois de retour, inter- mede italien. En un acte. Represented pour la premiere fois sur le Theatre de la Foire S. Laurent, le samedi 20 juillet 1754. Par M. Anseaume. Paris, Duchesne, 1754. 48 p. 21. Parodied from Sellitti 's "II Cinese rimpatriato." On p. 33^18, the melodies of the three "Ariettes" and the Duo, "L'amour d'un trait vainqueur." Of these " Petits maitres saiis cervelle" was the same as Sellitti's "Zerbinetti d'oggidi." The "Airs" are indicated by title or first words. SCHATZ 9828 Les Chinois, comedie en un act, en vers, meslee d'ariettes ; parodie del Cinese: represented pour la premiere fois par les Come- diens italiens ordinaires du roi, le 18 marc 1756. Nouvelle edition. Paris, N. B. Duchesne, 1759. 80 p. 19 cm . (Theatre de M. Favart, Paris, Duchesne, 1763-77, t. Hi.) Cast. On p. [40], a "Catalogue de musiques nouvelles relatives aux pieces de theatres, & autres." On p. 41-80, eleven "Ariettes du Chinois, intermede. The text was not wholly by Favart. He wrote it "ayec M. Naigeon, 1756," as appears from p. xix of the preface of the first volume of his "Theatre." As the text gives the source of most of the ariettes, we know that the music of " Je vais, g^race a ma fille" was the same as of "Gia colmo di piacer," in Sellitti's "Cinese," likewise of "Que je baise cette main" (="Zerbinetti d'oggidi"), and of "Avec adresse, a ta maitresse" (="Mi sta d'accanto") and that "Qu'une fete pour ce soir" (="Questo foglio"), and "Qu'il tombe qu'il meure" (="Lo voglio scannare") are from Pergo- lesi's Tracollo. "Ma fille, ma chere fille" has been identified by Wotquenne as "Ricerca il caro bene" in Cocchi's "La scaltra governatrice," and "Sous votre empire" as "Non son piccina" in the same opera. "II m'a d^mis 1'alouette" is a vaudeville. The final chorus "Epouse aimante" and the air " Son coeur d'abord palpite" (=Mh'a detto la mia mama) have not been identified by Wotquenne. ML 49.A2F1 Les Chinois, comedie en un acte, en vers, mele'e d'ariettes, parodie del Cinese, par Mr. Naigeon. Amsterdam, la veuve de J. F. Jolly, 1760. 45, [3] p. 16 cm . Cast, which is the same as in the preceding entry. The three additional pages con- tain "Divers pieces de theatre separeV' On p. [33H15, the melodies of three "Airs choisis des Chinois." First performed at Amsterdam, 1760. SCHATZ 9825 Le Cinesi. Componimento drammatico che introduce ad un ballo. Metastasio, Poesie, Parigi, vedova Quillau. 1755, t. iv, [441}~4^ P- 18**. One act. See also Un ballo cinese. ML 49.A2M42 OPERA LIBRETTOS 285 Le Cinesi Continued. - Le Cinesi. Questa azione teatrale fu scritta in Vienna dall' autore per tre soli personaggi, 1'anno 1735 . . . per servir d'introduzione ad un ballo cinese: e venue rappresentato con musica del Reiitter, fra i trattenimenti del carneyale negF interni appartamenti imperiali, dalle AA. RR. delle arciduchesse Maria Teresa (poi Imperatrice regina) e Marianna di lei sorella, e da una dama della corte Cesarea. Fu poi replicata da musici, e cantatrici, Fanno 1753, col quarto per- sonaggio aggiuntovi dall' autore ad altrui istanza, in una signorile abitazione di campagna di S. A. S. il principe Giuseppe di Saxen- Hildburghausen, fra gli altri magnifici divertimenti dati dal mede- simo alle Maesta imperiali di Francesco I e Maria Teresa, ne' giorni in cui piacque loro di far ivi dimora. [379]~404 p- 26 cm . (Pietro Metastasio, Opere, t. ii, Parigi, vedova Herissant, 1780.} One act. I have seen it stated that Caldara was the composer. ML 49.A2M44 Cinna. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro alia Scaia il carnevale dell' anno 1793 . . . Milano Gio. Batista Bianchi, n. d. 54 p. 8. Three acts. By Angelo Anelli, who is not mentioned. Impresario's dedication, dated Milan, December 26, 1792, argument, cast, scenario, and name of Bonifazio Asioli as composer. The libretto of the opera is followed (1 p. 1., 8 unnumb. p.) by argument, cast, and detailed description of "Gli Sciti, ballo tragico pantomimo in cinque atti inventato, e diretto dal Sig. Filippo Beretti da eseguirsi nel Teatro alia Scala di Milano il carnevale dell' anno 1793." Composer of the music not mentioned SCHATZ 348 II Cinna. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel nobilissimo Nuovo Teatro di Padova la fiera di Giugno an. 1795 . . . Padova, li Fratelli Conzatti, n. d. 4^, 15 p. 8 Two acts. By Angelo Anelli, who is not mentioned. Dedication, argument, scenario, cast, and name of Ferdinando Per (Paer) ae the composer. With the opera were performed Gaspare Ronzi's ballets, "La morte di Calisto and "L'equivoco," of which the 15 additional p. contain argument, cast, description of the five acts, name of Vittorio Trento as composer of the music ("tutta nuova"), and Ronzi's dedication, dated Padova, June 13, 1795. SCHATZ 7560 Li cinque pretendenti. L. T. of Bernardini's La donna di spirito. A new opera, calFd Cinthia and Endimion: or, The loves of the deities. As it was designed to be acted at court, before the late queen; and now acted at the Theatre Royal, by His Majesty's ser- vants. Written by Mr. D'Urfey. London, Sam. Briscoe and R. Wellington, 1697. 4 P- Z-> 4$ P> 21^ cm . Errors in paging between p. 10 and 17. Five acts. Prologue, epilogue, dedication. The composer, Daniel Purcell, ia not mentioned. LONGE 224 Circe. A tragedy. As it is acted at His Royal Highness the duke of York's Theatre. By Charles D'Avenant . . . The third edition. London, Jacob Touson, 1703. 2 p. I, 55, [1] p. 22 cm . Five acts. Entered because of the more than customary space given to songs and incidental music. The composer, John Banister, is not mentioned. First performed 1677, as indicated. LONGE 128 286 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS La Circe. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro Grande alia Scala di Milano il carnevale dell' anno 1783 . . . Milano, Gio. Batista Bianchi, n. d. 64 p. 16 cm . Three acts. By Domenico Perelli, duca di Moneetarace (not mentioned). Dedica- tion, argument, cast, scenario, and name of the composer, Cimarosa. With the opera were performed Domenico Rossi's ballets: "Alessandro nelP Indie," "II giardino delle Tuillerie in Parigi," and "Ciacona." The composer of the music is not mentioned. First performed, as indicated, December 26, 1782. SCHATZ 2005 Second copy. ML 48. A5 v. 8 Circe. Tragedie en musique. Represented p>ar F Academic ro} r alle de musique. Suivant la copie imprime'e a Paris. Amsterdam, Antoine Schelte, 1695. 59 p. (incl. front.). 14 cm ' Prologue and five acts. Neither the author, M me de Saintonge, nor the composer, Desmarets, is mentioned. First performed, as indicated, October 1, 1694. ML 50.2.C5D2 - Circe, tragedie representee par FAcademie royale de musique Fan 1694. Les paroles de Mad. Aaintonge, & la musique de M. Des- marets. XXXIII. opera. Tome V. n. i., n. d. v. front., p. 1-66 (Recueil general des opera, Paris, 1703). 14 cm . Detached copy. Prologue and five acts. SCHATZ 2530 ML 48. R4 Second copy. La Circe. Drama per musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro di Sant' Angelo Fanno MDCLXXIX . . . Venetia, Francesco Nicolini, 1679. 6 p. I., 46, [1] P- 14- Three acts. By Cristoforo Ivanovich, who dates his dedication, Venice, January 23, 1679. Argument, scenario, and printer's notice to the reader, in which he says: "... per farti piu delitioso il periodo carnovalesco, & Sant' Angelo, fk rappre- sentar questo scherzo di penna il Signer Francesco Santurini. La riforma datali dal euo autore per conformarlo all' uso corrente, e stata causa di vestirlo di nuova musica, fatta dal Signer Freschi . . ." SCHATZ 3347 Circe. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel nobilissimo Teatro di S. Benedetto la fiera dell' Ascensione delF anno 1786. Venezia, Modesto Fenzo, 1786. 52 p. 17 cm . Two acts. By Domenico Perelli, duca di Monestarace, who is not mentioned. Cast, argument, scenario, and name of the composer, Giuseppe Gazzaniga. On p. 23-40 cast, preface, and minute description of Sebastiano Gallet's "II vologeso, ballo eroico pantomime in cinque atti." The composer of the music is not mentioned. First performed, as indicated, May 20, 1786. SCHATZ 3659 Circe oder des Ulisses erster theil, in einem singe-spiel vorgestellet, auf dem Hamburgischen Schau-platz. Hamburg, Nicolaus Spieringk, 1702. Unpaged. 18% cm . Three acts. Neither the author, Friedrich Christian Bressand, is mentioned, nor the composer, Reinhard Keiser. First performed at Brunswick, February, 1696. SCHATZ 5082 Circe, in einem sing-spiele auf dem Hamburgischen Schau-platze fuergestellet. [Hamburg], mit Spieringischen schrifften, 1734- Unpaged. 19 cm . Five acte. The "Vorbericht" reads in part: "Man hat in gegenwaertiger neuen opera Circe . . . welche mit der vor yielen jahren allhier ebenmaessig aufgefuehrten, keine verwandtschafft hat, sich gewisslich recht beflissen, den en zuschauern eine lust und vergnuegung zu verschaffen. Eine OPERA LIBRETTOS 287 Circe Continued. auslaendische Btandes-pereon, (mehr von Ihm zu ruehmen verbeut uns seine beschei- denheit) [the Dutch minister Johann Mauricius] hat eich die muehe genommen, das gantze stueck von anfang biss zum ende, halb in frantzosischer, halb in einer andern frembden sprache, zu heffern, und verschiedene echoene stellen aus den besten spanischen, frantzoesischen und hollaendischen schau-spielen, wetehe allesammt in ihrem lande beyfall gefunden, auszusuchen. Die uebersetzung ist yon einem der besten dichter hiesiger gegenden [Johann Philipp Praetorius] . . . Die italiaenische arien eind auf unsrer echaubuehne noch alle neu, und von den besten meistern in Europa . . . Die anderen arien, choere und recitative eind die arbeit des ruhm- bekannten herrn capellmeistere Keisers . . . Uebrigena hat man sein bestee gethan, dutch und durch dasjenige, was dem zuschauer lange weile machen duerffte, eorgfaeltig zu venneyden, und zu dem ende alle lange recitative eingezogen ..." First performed, as indicated, March 1, 1734. SCHATZ 5081 Circe. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel nobilissimo Teatro di San Samuele il carnovale dell' anno 1792. Venezia, Modesto Fenzo, 1792. 45 p. 17\ cm . Three acts. By Domenico Perelli, duca di Monestarace, who is not mentioned. Argument, cast, scenario, and name of Ferdinando Per (Paer) as the composer. ("La musica tutta nuova.") SCHATZ 7487 . Circe abbandonata da Ulisse. Drama per musica di Aurelio Aureli da rappresentarsi nel famoso Teatro Grimano a SS. Gio. Paolo. Posto in musica dal Signer Carlo Francesco Polarolo . . . Venetia, Nicolini, 1697. 48 p. 14\ cm . Three acts. Author's dedication dated Venice, November 12, 1697, argument, and scenario. First performed at Piacenza, Nuovo Teatro Ducale della Cittadella, 1692. SCHATZ 8324 Circe delusa. Drama per musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro di Sant' Angelo nel carnovale dell' anno 1711 . . . Venetia, Gio. Battista Tuccato, 1711. 48 p. 14 cm . Three acts. Dedication, "notizie, che si hanno in proposito di Circe," and scenario. Neither the composer, Giuseppe Boniventi, nor the librettist, Giorgio Antonio Falier, is mentioned. SCHATZ 1186 Cirene. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro di S. Angelo il carnovale 1742 . . . Venezia, Marino Rossetti, n. d. 4$ P- 15 cm . Three acts. By Silvio Stampiglia, who is not mentioned. Impresario's dedica- tion dated Venice, January 30, 1742, argument, cast, scenario, and name of Pietro Pellegrini as the composer. SCHATZ 7860 Giro. Drama per musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro Tron di San Cassano nel carnovale dell' anno 1709 . . . Venezia, Marino Rossetti, n. d. 62 p. 15 cm . Three acts. Dedication signed by the author, P[ietro] P[ariati], argument, scena- rio, cast, and name of Tommaso Albinoni as composer. SCHATZ 115 II Ciro. Drama per musica del Signor Giulio Cesare Sorentino napoletano. Con prologo, aggiunte, mutationi & aggiustamenti all' uso di questa citta fatte da altro soggetto con permissione dell' autore. Arrichite poi dalla sempre ammirabile musica del Sig. Fran- cesco Cavalli. Dedicata ... da Gio. Battista Balbi, direttore delle scene, machine, e balli. Venetia, Gio. Pietro Pinelli, 1654. 96 p. 15 cm . Three acts, with prologue. Balbi's dedication, dated January 30, 1653 (i. (. 1654), argument, preface, and scenario. 288 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS II Giro Continued. The reader is told : "Questo drama ha eortito i supi natal i in Napoli, sotto felice influsso di eervire alle scene di Venetia: ma quando egli s'e ritrovato di qul s'avvide, che non haveva adobbi all' nso di questa citta. La differenza del costume 1'haveva, si nelle parole, come nel soggetto, allevato. con maniere different! dal genio Veneto delicatissimo in ogni senti- mento: 1'ha preveduto la virtu, e la prudenza dell' auttore, che gli fu padre, onde ha concessa facolta di regolarlo, accrescerlo, e eminuirlo ... Le mutationi, che egli ha fatte nel soggetto poco rileva, che ei sappiano; basta che sono etate approvate, e conos- ciute necessarie per seguire lo stile delle nostre scene. Molti eono h versi mutati, ma ritenuto il concetto, che vi era prima, e questi non importa il conoscerli. Li altri, che vedrai segnati nel margine con questo segno ,, sono quelli che intieramente sono stati ajjgionti, si come anco il prologo 6 d'inventione di questo eogetto gia qualche tempo discorsa anco da lui a qualche suo confidente: e hora gli ha fatta la poesia . . . Per ispiegarti la fretta, con che egli ha composio, basta che 10 ti giuri, che in due soli giorni ha aggiiustato il terzo atto, e fattivi li versi, che in quello vedi segnati ,, come ti h6 gia detto; havendo variato anco 1'ordine del sogetto, ch'fe molto differente da quello cne era prima. Egli per6 protesta, e si dichiara, che queste mutazioni, si come le ha fatte con permissione dell' auttore del drama, cpsi ha mutato non per migliorare, m& per accommodarsi al costume. A tutti li versi aggiunti, 6 mutati ha fatta la musica il Signor Francesco Cavalli Apollo dell' armoma: ti direi i luochi particolari dove la sentirai, m^ baeta, che 1'ascolti, che senza altra notitia la riconoscerai, per 1'esperienza della sua isquisitezza . . ." This would imply that only the new text was composed by Cavalli. The original composer is not mentioned, and is unknown to Schatz. First performed at Venice, Teatro Grimani a SS. Gio. e Paolo, carnival, 1654. SCHATZ 1736 - Giro. Drama per musica nel Teatro a SS. Gio. e Paolo 1'anno 1665 . . . Venetia, Giuliani, 1665. 84 p. 14 cm . Three acts, with prologue. Scenario, argument, publisher's note to the reader, and his dedication, dated Venice, February 4, 1665. The reader is informed : "Torna di nuovo questo drama a ricalcar le scene del famosissimo Theatro Grimani, dove prima fece pompa de suoi splendor! . . . lo troverai fecondatp di nuove ariette, per meglio compiacerti. A queete ha fatta la musica il virtuosissimo Signor Andrea Mattioli maetro di capella dell' A. Sereniss. di Mantoa, che gia famoso per molte cpm- positioni arrichite in altre citta col freggio delle sue note, doppo 1'haverti fatta ammirar nel Perseo la eua virtu, e etato anco pregato ad illustrar con queste gioie il presente drama per fartelo con nuove gemme comparir piii pomposo ..." As the text is practically the same as in the 1654 ed., this can mean only that music by Mattioli was substituted for some of Cavalli's arias. SCHATZ 1753 Giro, musicalisches schau-spiel umb wegen der hohen gegenwarth S? churfuerstl. Durchl. Clemens Augusts, hertzog in Bayern . . . im jahr 1733 vorgestellet zu werden. Aus dem welschen uebersetzet. Muenchen, gedruckt bey Maria Magdalena Riedlin, wittib. 4 P- 1"> 95 p. 16 cm . Three acts. Italian original by Leppoldo de Villati. Neither he nor the com- poser, Giovanni Ferrandini, is mentioned. With "Innhalt" and cast. The dia- logue is in German. The arias are in Italian with added German prose translation. First performed at Munich, as indicated. SCHATZ 3064 Giro in Armenia, dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel Regio- Ducal Teatro di Milano, nell carnovale delP anno 1754 . . . Milano, Giuseppe Richino Malatesta, 1753. 5 p. I., 59 p. 14% cm . Three acts. Dedication, argument, scenario, and cast. The composer, Maria Teresia Agnesi, is not mentioned, and the author is unknown to Schatz. First performed, as indicated, Dec. 26, 1753. SCHATZ 61 Giro in Timbraja, ballet. See Guglielmi's Gli amanti della dote. OPERA LIBRETTOS 289 Giro in Timbraja, ballet. See Guglielmi's Lo sciocco 4 poeta di campagna. II Giro riconosciuto. 72 p. 19 cm . (Pietro Metastasio, Opere drammatiche , Venezia, Giu- seppe Bettinelli, 1733-37, v. 4.) Three acts and licenza. Argument. No composer mentioned . ML 49.A2M4 - Giro riconosciuto. Metastasio, Poesie, Parigi, vedova Quittau, 1755, t. iv, [187]-300 p. 16 cm . Three acts and licenza. Argument. ML 49.A2M42 - Giro riconoscinto. Rappresentato con musica del Caldara la prima volta nel giardinp dell' Imperial Favorita . . . il di 28 agosto 1736, per festeggiare il giorno dinascita dell' imperatrice Elisabetta . . . pi, [lll}-234 p. 26 cm . (Pietro Metastasio, Opere, t. v, Parigi, vedova Herissant, 1780.} Three acte, with licenza. Argument. ML 49.A2M44 - Cyrus. Metastasio, Tragedies-opera, Vienne, 1751, v. I, 185 p. 14 cm . Three acts. Richelet's translation of "II Giro riconoeciuto." ML 49.A2M47 Giro riconosciuto. Del Signer Pietro Metastasio. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro di S. Angelo il carnovale dell' anno 1737 . . . Seconda impressione. Venezia, Marino Rossetti, 1737. 72 p. 16 cm . Three acts. Impresario's dedication, cast, scenario, and notice to the reader in which is said : ' ' Come e indispensabile la brevita per il buon ordine di cotesto Teatro, cosi con- venne, anche doppo che fu composto in musica cotesto dramma, per fatale necessita abbreviarlo di moltp. Vero e, che restano stampati tutti li recitativi, e postilati quelli, che non si dicono ... Si sono pur mutate le parole di molte arie, ma nell' incontro presente non si e potuto far a meno . . ." The composer is not mentioned. Wiel and Schatz attribute the music to Galuppi, Allacci and Groppo have "Musica da diversi." Therefore Wotquenne and with him Piovano believes that at least part of the music was interpolated from Caldara's opera of the same title, Vienna, August 28, 1736. First performed at Venice, January 5, 1737. SCHATZ 3517 - Giro riconosciuto. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel Regio-Ducal Teatro di Milano nel carnovale dell' anno 1746 ... in occasione del compimento degli anni di Sua Maesta Cattolica che Dio guardi. Milano, Giuseppe Richino Malatesta, n. d. 4 P-l-> 6 P- 14' Three acts. Argument, scenario, cast, and name of Galuppi as composer. First performed, as indicated, December 26, 1745. ML 50.2.C53G3 - Giro riconosciuto. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel carnovale dell' anno 1759. Nel nobil Teatro di Torre Argentina . . . Roma, Gio. Zempel, n. d. 69 p. 15 cm . Three acts. By Metastasio with alterations "per accomodarsi al genio presente." Dedication, argument, proteste, scenario, cast, name of the author and the composer, Baldassare Galuppi. SCHATZ 3445 72251 VOL 114 19 290 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS . II Giro riconosciuto. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro Ducale di Stutgart nel carnovale dell' anno 1752 ... La poesia & del Signer abbate Pietro Metastasio ... la musica & del Signer Gio. Adolf o Hasse . . . Stutgart, Giovanne Georgia Cotta, n. d. 185 p. 18\ cm . Three acte. Argument, cast, scenario, German title page "Der erkennte Cyruo" and text face Italian. First performed at Stuttgart, February 11, 1752; at Dresden, Hoftheater, January 20, 1751. SCHATZ 4525 Giro riconosciuto. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro Formagliari la primavera dell' anno MDCCXLIV. (At end} Bologna, Maria Sassi, 1744. 1 P- l>, 70, [2\ p. 15 cm . Three acte. Impresario's dedication, dated Bologna, May 4, 1744, argument, cast, scenario, and names of Metastasio as author (with apologies for the cute in his text) and of Nicol6 Jommelli as composer. SCHATZ 4879 Giro riconosciuto. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nell' antico Teatro di Tordinona nel carnevale dell' anno 1737 . . . Roma, Giovanni Zempel, 1737. 88 p. 15 cm . Three acts, with licenza. Dedicatory preface by the impresario Giuseppe Polvino Falliconti, argument, cast, scenario, names of Metastasio, the author, and of the com- poser, Rinaldo di Capua. First performed at Rome, Teatro Tordinona, January 19, 1737. SCHATZ 8795 II Giro riconosciuto. Drama per musica da rappresentarsi sul famosissimo Teatro di Brunsviga nella fiera d' inverno I' anno 1746. Der wiedererkannte Cyrus . . . Braunschweig, Friedrich Wilhelm Meyer, n. d. Unpaged. 18 cm . Three acte. By Metastasio, who is not mentioned. German text faces Italian. Note: "Die sinfonie und arien dieser opera sind componirt von Sign. Giovanni Verocai, hochfuerstl. Braunschweig.-Lueneburgischen Concert-meister zu Wolff enbiittel." The composer of the recitatives not known to Schatz. First performed February, 1746, as indicated. SCHATZ 10718 La citta felice. See M. Curzio. La citta nuova. Commedia per musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro alia Scala 1' autunno dell' anno 1798, v. s. entrando 1' anno VII. repubblicano. Milano, Gio. Batista Bianchi, n. d. 1ft p. 16% cm . Two acts. Cast and name of the composer, Stefano Cristiani ("musica tutta nuova"). The author is unknown to Schatz. "Dopo alcune recite" were to be performed with the opera Filippo Beretti's ballets "La moglie virtuosa" and "II calzolajo." The composer of the music is not mentioned. First performed, as indicated, September, 1798. SCHATZ 2292 Cittadini di Sinope festeggianti le nozze di Mitridate, ballet. See Piccinni's Tigrane. II cittadino rinnobilito. A. T. of Pasque's L' albergia smascherata. Der civilisirte bauer. Tr. of Anfossi's II zotico incivilito. Le Claperman, opera-comique, en deux actes, en prose & en vaude- villes, precede d'un prologue, & suivi d'un divertissement. Alexis Piron, Oeuvres complettes, Liege, 1776, v. 3, [149}-222 p. First performed, according to Parfaict, who does not record the composer, February 3, 1724. PQ 2019.P6 OPEBA LIBRETTOS 291 Clarisse, oder Das unbekannte dienstmaedgen. Eine komische operette in drey aufzuegen. Leipzig, Christian Gotilvb Hilschern, 1772. 136 p. 16 cm . Neither the author, Johann Chrietoph Bock, nor the composer, Carl Leopold Roellig, is mentioned. Firet performed at Hamburg, Theater beim Gaensemarkt, October 10, 1771. SCHATZ 8856 Claudine on Le petit commissionnaire, comedie en un acte, et en prose melee d'ariettes, par le C. Jacques Marie Deschamps. Musique du C. Bruni. Paris, Huet, an deuxieme, [1793-94]. 36 p. 21. Cast. Firet performed at Paris, Theatre Feydeau, March 6, 1794. ML 50.2.C57B7 Claudine von Villa Bella. Ein singspiel. Von Goethe. Achte ausgabe. Leipzig, Georg Joachim Goschen, 1788. 1 p. 1., 126 p. 17% cm . Three acte. Edition without "Goechen's Schriften," and with "Pedro von Rovero" in the list of characters instead of "Sebastian von Rovero." PT 1915.C2 1788 Claudine von Villa Bella. Ein schauspiel mit gesang von J. W. Goethe. Aufgefuehrt im K. K. Nationaltneater. Wien, zufinden beym Logenmeister, 1780. 71 p. ld% cm . The composer, Ignaz von Be(e)cke, is not mentioned. First performed, as indicated, on June 13, 1780. SCHATZ 677 Claudine af Villa Bella, et syngestykke i tre handlinger, af J. W. Goethe. Til brug for den Kongl. danske Skueplads, oversat af N. H. Weinwich. Musikkeu er af hr. C. Schall . . . Opf0rt f0rste gang paa Hs. Majestaet Kongens f0dselsdag, d. 29 Jan. 1787. Ki0berihavn, Trykt paa S. S0nnichsens bekostning, n. d. 1 p. I., 125 p. 16 cm . SCHATZ 9584 Arien und gesaenge aus dem singspiel Claudine von Villa Bella. Berlin, n. pull., 1789. 40 p. 15 cm . Three acts. Neither the author, Goethe, nor the composer, Johann Friedrich Reichardt, is mentioned. First performed at Charlottenburg, Schlosstheater, July 29, 1789; at Berlin, Kgl. Nationaltheater, August 3, 1789. SCHATZ 8640 Claudio Cesare. Dramma per musica. Nel Teatro Vendramino a San Salvatore. L'anno MDCLXXII di Aurelio Aureli, opera decima sesta ristampata . . . Venezia, Francesco Nicolini, 1672. front., 69, [1] p. 13 cm . Three acts. Author's dedication, dated Venice, December 27, 1672, and notice to the reader, mentioning Claudio Cesare Boretti as composer of this text, and also of Aureli's "Eliogabalo" and "Ercole in Tebe." Argument and scenario. SCHATZ 1216 Claudius. See Reiser's Die verdamrnte staat-sucht. Claudius, roemiscber Kaeyser. L. T. of Reiser's Die verdammte staat-sucht. 292 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Cleante. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi in Roma nel nobil Teatro di Torre Argentina nel corrente carnevale dell' anno MDCCLII . . . Roma, Fausto Amidei, n. d. 64 p- 15^ cm . Three acts. Author not mentioned, and unknown to Schatz. Dedication, argu- ment, cast, scenario, and name of Niccolo Sabatini as the composer. SCHATZ 9200 i/Clearco in Negroponte. Drama per musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro Zane a San Moise\ L'anno 1685 . . . Venetia, Francesco Nicolini, 1685. 69 p. 13% cm . Three acts. By Antonio Arcoleo, who signs the dedication with his initials. Argu- ment, scenario, and notice to the reader, with name of Domenico Gabriel! as composer. SCHATZ 3402 The clemency of Titus. An opera as perform'd at the Theatre Royal in the Hay-Market. Composed by Frances Veracini . . . London, J. CJirichley, 1737. 63 p. 17 cm . Three acts. Metastasio's "La clemenza di Tito," with an English translation, per- haps by Angelo t'ori, who signs the dedication. Argument and cast. First performed 1737, as indicated. SCHATZ 10618 Clementine, ou La belle-mere, com&lie en un acte et en prose, m&lee d'ariettes: paroles de J. B. C. Vial; musique de Fay. Kepr6- sentee, pour la premiere fois, au Theatre Feydeau, le 2 e jour comple"- mentaire, an Vll de la Republique francaise. Paris, Huet, Charon, an VIII [1799-1800]. 56 p. 18. Cast. First performed, aa indicated, September 18, 1799. SCHATZ 3037 La clemenza di Scipione; a new serious opera: as performed at the King's Theatre, in the Haymarket. The music composed by Mr. Bach. The translation by F. Bottarelli, A. M. London, T. Cadell, 1778. 53, [1] p. 18$ cm . Three acte. Argument and cast. Librettist unknown to Schatz. English text faces Italian. First performed, as indicated, in 1778; but previously in 1775 (Pohl). SCHATZ 528 La clemenza di Tito. 72 p. 19 cm . (Pietro Metastasio, Opere drammatiche , Venezia, Giu- seppe BettineUi, 1733-37, v. 4.) Three acts and licenza. Argument. No composer mentioned . ML 49.A2M4 - La clemenza di Tito. Metastasio, Poesie, Parigi, vedova Quillau, 1755, t. Hi, 109 p. 16 cm . Three acts and licenza. Argument. ML 49.A2M42 - La clemenza di Tito. Dramma rappresentato con musica del Caldara la prima volta in Vienna nell' interno gran Teatro della Corte Cesarea, alia presenza degli augustissimi sovrani, il dl 4 novembre 1734, per festeggiare il nome dell' imperator Carlo VI ... pi., [109]-222 p. 26 cm . (Pietro Metastasio, Opere, t. Hi, Parigi, vedova Herissant, 1780.) Three acts and licenza. Argument. ML 49.A2M44 OPERA LIBRETTOS 293 La clemenza di Tito Continued. - Titus. Metasiasio, Tragedies opera, Vienne, 1751, v. ii, p. [125]-237. I4 cm . Three acts. Richelet's translation of "La clemenza di Tito." ML 49.A2M47 La clemenza di Tito. Dramma per musica, da rappresentarsi nel Real Teatro di S. Carlo, nel di 30. di maggio 1772 ... Napoli, Francesco Morelli, 17^.- 51 p. 16 cm . Three aote. By Metastasio. Impresario's dedication, with same date, argument, scenario, cast, and name of composer, Pasquale Anfossi, but not of librettist. SCHATZ 273 La clemenza di Tito. Drama per musica da rappresentarsi nel Regio Teatro di Torino nel carnovale del 1739 . . . Torino, Pietro Giuseppe Zappata e figliuolo, n. d. 4 P- !>> 71 > U] P- Three acts. By Metastasio. Argument, scenario, cast, and name of the composen Giuseppe Arena, but not of librettist. Aleesio Rasetti is mentioned as composer of the ballet music. First performed, as indicated, December 26, 1738. SCHATZ 309 La clemenza di Tito. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel Nuovo Teatro di Corte . . . nel carnevale dell' anno MDCCLXVIII. La poesia 6 dell' Sig. abbate Pietro Metastasio ... La musica e del sig. Andrea de Bernasconi . . . Monaco, Mar. Magdal. Mayrin, n. d. 231, [21] p. 15% cm . Three acte. Argument, cast, scenario. German title-page "Die guetigkeit des Titus " and text face Italian. The unnumb. p. contain scenario, cast, and description in French and German of the two ballets "L'amour clairvoyant" ("Der sehende Cupido") and "La reconciliation geneieuse." Neither authors nor composers are mentioned. First performed at Munich, January, 1768. SCHATZ 856 La clemenza di Tito. Dramma per musica, da rappresentarsi nella cesarea corte per il nome gloriosissimo della Sac. Ces. e Catt. Real Maesta di Carlo VI ... L'anno MDCCXXXIIII. La poesia e del Sig. abbate Pietro Metastasio ... La musica e del Sig. Antonio Caldara . . . Vienna d' Austria, Gio. Pietro Van Ghelen, n. d. 4 P- Z-, 72, [1] p. 16 cm . Three acte and licenza. Argument and scenario. Niccola Matteis is mentioned as composer of the ballet music. First performed, as indicated, November 4, 1734. SCHATZ 1498 La clemenza di Tito. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi per le felice nozze dell' Altezza Serenissima Elettorale di Massimiliano Giu- seppe . . . con P Altezza Serenissima Elettorale Maria Anna ... La poesia e del Sig. abbate Pietro Metastasio ... La musica e del Sig. Giuseppe Camerlocher . . . [ Monaco}, Giov. Giac. Votter, n. d. 6 p. 1., 132 p. 20. Three acts. Argument, cast, and scenario. German title page "Die guetigkeit des Titue" and text face Italian. The anonymous German translator has added an "Unumgaengliche vorrede " about the difficulties of translation of Italian librettos into German and he says: " Entschuldige, dass ich mich wenig oder garnicht an die worte der welschen feder gebunden, allein weil es fast eine unmoeglichkeit scheinen, solcher satzung mit aller 294 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS La clemenza di Tito Continued. eckaerffe nachzukommen, indem einem jeden sprach-kuendigen nicht unbewust, wie class mancher unzuverbesseren seyender gedancken dutch die ubersetzung (wenn seiche von wort zu worte zueammen gekuenstlet) eeinen gantzen worth verliehre: Jedoch suchte ich (wo es ohne zergliederung der wohlredenheit seyn koennen) meinen woerter-echatz der welschen schreib-arth knapp an die eeithe zu setzen ..." First performed at Munich, Hoftheater, July, 1747. SCHATZ 1523 La clemenza di Tito. Dramrna per musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro dell' illustrissimo pubblico di Reggio per la nera dell' anno 1759 . . . Reggio, Giuseppe Davolio, n. d. 4 P-l", 70, [2] p. 17\ cm . Three acts. By Metaetaeio. Impresario's dedication dated Reggio, April 28, 1759, argument, cast, scenario, and name of the composer, Legrenzio Vincenzo Ciampi. The first additional p. contains the substitute arias (1,5) "Si spande al Sole in fact'ia " and (I, 7) "Di queeto core amante." The words of the first are from Metastasio's "II re paetoro," whereas those of the second are not listed by Wotquenne as from Metaetaeio. First performed at Venice, Teatro di S. Moise, carnival 1757. SCHATZ 1880 La clemenza di Tito. Drama per musica del Sig. abbate Pietro Metastasio da recitarsi nel Teatro del Falcone in Genova . . . Genova, FrancheUi, 1736. 4 p. I, 72 p. 14$ cm . Three acts. By Metastasio. Impresario's dedication, argument, cast, scenario, and name of the composer, Pietro Vincenzo Ciochetti. The imprimatur is dated January 14, 1736. SCHATZ 2011 La clemenza di Tito. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro di Camerino pel carnovale del 1757 . . . Camerino, Gabrielli, n. d. 71 p. 16\ cm . Three acts. By Metastasio. Impresario's dedication, argument, caet, and name of the composer, Carlo Antonio Cristiani. SCHATZ 2291 La clemenza di Tito. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel Regio Teatro di Torino nel carnevale del 1760 alia presenza di S. S. R.M. Torino, Giacomo Giuseppe Avondo, n. d. 79, [1] p. 16 cm . Three acts. By Metastasio, who is not mentioned. Argument, cast, scenario, and name of Galuppi as composer. With the opera wero performed three ballets, the first of which called "Orfeo e Euridice." The plot was by Giuseppe Salomoni, detto di Portugallo," the music by Giuseppe Antonio Le Messier. First performed as indicated, as second opera of the season. SCHATZ 3498 La clemenza di Tito. Drama per musica da cantarsi in Verona nel Teatro dell' Accademia Filarmonica nella fiera d'Aprile dell' anno 1738 . . . Verona, Dionigi Ramanzini, n. d. front., 59, [1] p. 18 cm . Three acte. By Metastasio, who is not mentioned. Dedication, argument, cast, scenario, and name of Johann Adolph Hasse as composer. On the additional page the aria "Da quelle luci amate" substituted for "lo sen to, ch'in petto" for I, 3. First performed at Dresden, Hoftheater, January 17, 1738, but previously at Pesaro, Teatro Pubblico, September 24, 1735, as "Tito Vespasiano owero La clemenza di Tito." SCHATZ 452K - Die guetigkeit des Titus Vespasianus in einer opera yorgestellet auf dem grossen Braunschweigischen Theatre in der Winter-messe 1744. Wolfenbuettel, Christian Bartsch, n. d. Unpaged. 18% cm . OPERA LIBRETTOS 295 La clemenza di Tito Continued. Three acts. Argument, scenario, and name of Hasse as the composer. Italian text of the arias added to the German translation. First performed February 3, 1744, as indicated, but previously August, 1743. SCHATZ 4527 - La clemenza di Tito, dramma da rappresentarsi in musica. Die gnade des Titus . . . Hamburg, Spiering, 1748. 87 p. 18 cm . Three acts. Argument, scenario, cast, and names of Metastasio as author, of Johann Adolph Hasse as composer. German text faces Italian. Performed at Hamburg, Theater beim Gansemarkt, October, 1748; previously there December 8, 1745. SCHATZ 4528 La clemenza di Tito. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro Ducale di Stutgart, festeggiandosi il felicissimo giorno nata- lizio di Sua Altezza Serenissima Ehsabetta Sofia Federica duchessa di Wirtemberg e Teck ... La poesia e del . . . Metastasio ... La musica e del . . . Nicolo Jommelli . . . Stutgart, Giovanne Georgia Cotta, 1753. 117 p. 19 cm . Three acts. Argument, cast, scenario. German title page, "Die mildigkeit dea Titues," and text face Italian. First performed, as indicated, August 30, 1753. SCHATZ 4849 La clemenza di Tito. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel Real Teatro dell' Ajuda nel felicissimo giorno natalizio del fedelissimo monarca D. Giuseppe T . . . nel di 6 giugno 1771. Lisbona , Stamperia reale, n. d. 75 p. 15 cm . Three acts. Argument, cast, scenario, and names of Metastasio as author, of Niccolo Jommelli as composer. Text seems to follow that of 1753 closely. SCHATZ 4884 La clemenza di Tito. Dramma per music di Artimio Corasio, Pastore Arcade, da rappresentarsi nel famosissimo Teatro Grimani di S. Gio. Grisostomo il carnovale dell' anno 1735 ... Venezia, Marino, Rossetti, 1735. 72 p. lffi m . Three acts. Dedication by Domenico Lalli, argument, scenario, cast, name of Leo- nardo Leo as composer, and note that part of the text is not by Metaetasio (by Lalli?),. It applies to such arias as "Tremola qual la fronda" (I, 3), "Quando amore a servo un core" (I, 8), "Perfido amico ingrato" (II, 11). First performed as above (Schatz); at Naples, 1735, Teatro S. Bartolomeo (Leo). Piovano fixed the date as Venice, January 29, 1735. SCHATZ 5553 La clemenza di Tito. Drama per musica da rappresentarsi nel Regio-Ducal Teatro di Milano nel carnovale dell' anno 1738 . . . Milano, Giuseppe Richino Halatesta, 1738. 4 P- ^ 60 P- 15% cm > Three acts. By Metastasio, who is not mentioned. Dedication signed by the impresario, Gaetano Marizoli, argument, cast, scenario. Even the tailor is mentioned, but not the composer, Giovanni Maria Marchi. First performed, as indicated, December 26, 1737. SCHATZ S5937 La clemenza di Tito, dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nell' estate dell' anno MDCCLV. Sul gran Teatro nuovamente eretto alia Real Corte di Lisbona, per festeggiare il felicissimo giorno natalizio di Sua Maestk Fedelissima D. Giuseppe Primo ... La poesia del dramma del celebre Sigr. ab e Pietro Metastasio ... La licenza d 296 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS La clemenza di Tito Continued. del Sigr. Giuseppe Bonechy, Florentine, poeta di Sua Maesta Fedelis- simn ... La musica & del Sigr. Antonio Mazzoni, Bolognese. Lisbona, Stamperia Sylviana, 1755. front., 4 P- Z., 52, [2] p. 21 cm . Argument, cast, and scenario. First performed, as indicated, June 6, 1755. SCHATZ <>22!) La clemenza di Tito. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi m-l Teatro Tron di S. Cassiano il carnovale dell' anno MJDCCXLY III. n. i., n. d. 69 p. 17 cm . Three acts. By Metaatasio, who is not mentioned. Argument, cast, scenario, and name of Antonio Gaetano Pampani as the composer. SCHATZ 7758 La clemenza di Tito. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel famoso Teatro Grimani di S. Benedetto, il carnovale dell' anno MDCCLX. Venezia, Antonio Comin, 1760. Ifi p. 15 cm . Three acts. By Metastasio, who is not mentioned. Cast, scenario, and name of Giuseppe Scarlatti as the composer. SCHATZ 9542 La clemenza di Tito. Four acte. Metastasio's text, altered by Caterino Mazzola, music by Mozart. First performed at Prague, Nationaltheater, September 6, 1791. No 18th cent. ed. in L. of C. Titus. Eine ernsthaftc oper in zwey aufzuegen; nach dem ita- lienischen der Clemenza di Tito des Metastasio frey bearbeitet, und in musik gesetzt von W. A. Mozart. Zum erstenmal aufgefuehrt auf dem fuerstl. Operntheater zu Cassel im Maerz 1797. Cosset, Hampesche Buchdruckerey , n. d. 71 p. 16 cm . Cast. ML 50.2.C58M77 La clemenza di Tito. See Veracini's The clemency of Titus. Cleoflda, koenigin von Indien. A. T. of Handel's Triumph der grossmuth und treue. Cleofide. Drama per musica da rappresentarsi nel Regio Teatro di Berlino per ordine ai Sua Maesta nel carnovale dell' anno 1754. Berlino, Haude e Spener, n. d. 115, [3] p. 17 cm . Three acts. Same as Metastasio's "Alessandro nell' Indie." Argument, scenario, and name of the composer, Johann Friedrich Agricola. German title-page and text face Italian. Notes (in French) on the ballets follow the text- First performed, as indicated, Berlin, January, 1754. SCHATZ 67 Cleofide, dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel Regio Teatro di Berlino per ordine di Sua Maesta nelcarnevale dell' anno 1777. Berlino, Haude e Spener, n. d. 125, [3] p. 15\ cm . Three acts. Argument, cast, scenario, name of Johann Adolph Hasse as composer, and note to the effect that this is Metastasio's "L* Alessandro nell' Indie," but with "grandi cangiamenti gia fatti da lungo tempo si nello sceneggiamento che nella poesia in un teatro forestiero, ' by Michel Angelo Boccardi, according to Schatz and Mennicke. German title page, "Cleofide," and text face Italian. First performed, as indicated, January, 1777; at Dresden, Hoftheater, September 13, 1731. SCHATZ 4573 OPERA LIBRETTOS 297 Cleofile. Drama per musics d'Aiitonio Conte Zaniboni da rappre- sentarsi nel Teatro Giustiniano di S. Moise il carnovale dell' anno 1721. Venezia, Marino Rosetti, 1721. 44 P- 15 cm . Three acts. Argument, cast, scenario, and name of the composer, Giuseppe Maria Buini. SCHATZ 1381 Cleomene. Drama per musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro di Sant' Angelo il carnovale dell' anno MDCCXVIII . . . Venezia, Marino Rossetti, 1718. 58 p. I4% cm . Three acts. Dedication signed by the author, Vincenzo Cassani , argument, notice to the reader, cast, scenario. The composer, Tommaso Albinoni, is not mentioned. SCHATZ 128 II Cleomene. Drama per musica da recitarsi nel Teatro delle Dame nella primavera dell' anno MDCCXXXI . . . Roma, Pasquino, n. d. 65 p. 16" m . Three acts. Dedication by the impresario Francesco Cavanna, argument, scenario, cast, and name of Francesco Ayara as the composer. Not recorded by Schatz. ML 50.2C59 A7 Cleomene. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi in Bologna nel Teatro Zagnoni il came vale dell' anno 1789 . . . Bologna, Sassi, n. d. Jfi p. 17 cm . Imprimatur dated December 9, 1788. Three acts. By Giovanni de Gamerra, who is not mentioned. Impresario's dedi- cation, argument, cast, and name of Giuseppe "Sarti as the composer. With the opera were performed Urbano Garzia's ballets "Le Amazoni moderne, o sia II ribello per amore" and "II tuttor medico deluso," the composers of the music not being mentioned. First performed, as indicated, December 27, 1788. SCHATZ 9428 - Cleomene. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi in Perugia nel Teatro de' Signori nobili Accademici del Casino nel carnevale del anno 1791 . . . Perugia, Oonstantini, "1191. Jfi p. 16\ cm . Three acts. Impresario's dedication dated Perugia, January, 1791, argument, scenario, and name of Giuseppe Sarti as composer. Giovanni de Gamerra is not mentioned. With the opera were performed, composers of the music not mentioned, Giacomo Gentili's ballets "Esione liberata" and "Gl'amanti delusi." ML 48.A5 v.7 Cleonice. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro di Sant' Angelo il carnovale dell' anno 1740 ... Venezia, Marino Rossetti, 1740. 4$ P- 25 cm . A neat 19th cent, page for page transcript. Three acts. Dedication signed by Bartolomeo Vitturi, argument, cast, scenario, name of Hasse aa the composer, and notice to the reader: "La presente dramaticha composizione e del celebre Sig. abate Pietro Metastasio . . . ma poi ridotta all' uso de nostri teatri. Ora nuovamente ei riproduce sovra le pubbliche scene, ma abbreviata di molto per adattarla, quanto fosse possibile, a chi la deve rappresentare; o se qualch' una delle arie non corrisponde totalmente alle scene, ci6 nasce per esser stato in arbitrio dei musici di [?1 a piacere, a cagione della ristrettezza del tempo ..." The alterations presumably were made by the librettist Vitturi. According to Schatz "Cleonice" is but a replica of Basse's "Demetrio" of 1732 and was first per- formed at Vienna, Hoftheater, February, 1734. Mennicke says (p. 510): "Diese erste fassung [of "Demetrio"] wurde auch unter dem titel "Cleonice" 1733 in Wien gegeben; dagegen wurde 1739 in Wien Hasses komposition mit eingelegten arien anderer komponisten wieder als II Demetrio gegeben ; auch Metastasios Text- buch dieeer neuen gestalt des musikalischen teils hat "varianti." Diese neuere fassung gab man auch 1739 in Neapel." 298 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Cleonice -Continued. I prefer to let this Cleonice of Venice, 1740, stand under its own title, because the connection of the "Cleonice" text with that of "Demetrio" is so very slight. True, scenes 1, 10, 1, 11, 1, 12, start out like 1, 13, 1, 14, and 1 15, in Metastasio's "Demetrio," but they remain alike only for a few lines, and this is also true of a few other such scenes. Furthermore, the arias in such scenes have become different, " Amo te sola" (I, 11) having taken the place, for instance, of "Dal suo gentil sembiante" (I, 14). And this aria, "Amo te sola," ig from Metastasio's "Clemenza di Tito," just as "E vero che oppresso" (III, 2) is not from his "Demetrio" but from his "Adriano in Siria." The fact is, that very little of the dialogue and very few more arias except " Ogni procella infida," will be found in "Demetrio." Most of the arias, indeed, are not by Metastasio at all, and the very few, that are, have been selected from his different works. Since it is known that Hasse was in Venice during the carnival of 1740, it stands to reason that he superintended the performance of the opera and composed anew whatever had to be composed for this decimated version of "Demetrio." SCHATZ 4578 Cleonice regina di Siria. Drama. Da rappresentarsi sopra il Teatro di S. M. B. -Cleonice, queen of Syria. An opera. As it is represented at the King's Theatre in the Hay-Market. London, G. Woodfall, 1763. 81 p. 20 cm . Three acts. Text a pasticcio by author-compiler unknown to Schatz. English translation faces Italian. Argument, cast and note "The music by several cele- brated masters." From Bremner's "Favourite songs" we know tha't the aria "Se piii il mio core" (I, 10) was composed by Felice Giardini as also "Non so dir se pena sia" (II 9 words from Metastasio's "Isola disabitata") and "Quel labbro adorato" (III, 9, words from Metastasio's "Demetrio") was composed by Galuppi. "lo so aual peua" (words from Metastasio's "Demetrio") composed by Giardini and the uet "Tu parti mio," composed by Bertoni, do not figure in the libretto! First performed as indicated, November 26, 1763. ML 50.2.C6 Cleopatra. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel nuovo Regio Ducal Teatro di Milano il carnovale delr anno 1779 . . . Milano, Gio. Batista BiancJii, n. d. 56 p. 16\ cm . Three acts. By Mattia Verazj. Dedication, preface, argument, scenario, cast, and names of composer, Pasquale Anfossi, and librettist. In the pref. Verazj speaks of his theories of libretto writing ("mi proposi pel mio gimo drama un sistema") and criticizes prevailing methods at considerable length, e begins by stating that to have written in this one year [17781 four librettos for the same theatre and for the same actors was an unprecedented task. First performed in January, 1779, as indicated. SCHATZ 278 Second copy. ML 48.A5 v.7 Cleopatra, ballet. See Borghi's Eumene. La Cleopatra. Drama per musica di Giacomo dall' Angelo da rap- presentarsi nel noviss. Theatre di S. Salvatore . . . Venetia, Giacomo Batti, 1662. 77 p. 14 cm . Three acts with prologue. Author's dedication and argument. The composer, Daniele Castrovillari, is not mentioned. First performed, as indicated, carnival, 1662. SCHATZ 1691 Cleopatra. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel Regio Teatro di Torino nel carnovale del 1776 . . . Torino, Onorato Derossi, n. d. 64 p. 16% cm . Three acts. Cesare Oliveri is mentioned as the author, Carlo Monza as the com- poser of the opera, and Giuseppe Antonio Le Messier as the composer of the music for Giuseppe Canziani's ballets, "La disgrazia opportuna," "Alceste & Admeto" (de- scribed on p. 62-64), and "II trionto di Cesare in Egitto." Argument, cast, scenario. On p. viii the note: "Si sono variate alcune arie dall' originale." First performed, as indicated, December 26, 1775. SCHATZ 6613 OPERA LIBRETTOS 299 Cleopatra, regina d'Egitto. Dramma per musica da rappresen- tarsi nel Teatro da S. Agostino il carnovale del 1795 . . . Genova, Stamperia Gesiniana, n. d. 4 P* 14 cm > Two acts. By Antonio Simone Sografi, who is not mentioned. Cast, scenario, and name of Sebaetiano Nasolini as the composer. First performed under the original title "La morte di Cleopatra," at Verona, Teatro Nuovo, summer, 1791. SCHATZ 7023 La clochette, cornedie en un acte et en vers, melee d'ariettes; repre- sente"e j>our la premiere fois, par les Comediens italiens ordinaires du roi, le jeudi 24 juiilet 17%. Par M. Anseaume. La musique de M. Duny. Paris, la veuve Duchesne, 1766. 38 p. 19 cm . Schatz and some opera dictionaries give the incorrect date of July 14. SCHATZ 2836 - La clochette, comedie en un acte et en yers. Melee d'ariettes, par M. Anseaume. Represented pour la premiere fois par les Comediens italiens ordinaires du roi, le 24 juiilet 1766. La musique de M. Duny. Paris, Duchesne, 1771. 40 p. 19 cm . Cast. On p. 11-14, the ariette "Du printemps qui vient de renaitre;" 15-16, "Vous n'me connoissez pas." SCHATZ 11692 - La clochette, comedie en un acte et en vers, melee d'ariettes, par M. Anseaume. Represented pour la premiere fois par les Comediens italiens ordinaires du roi, le 24 juiilet 1766. La musique de M. Dunv. Paris, la veuve Duchesne, 1782. Jfi p. 19 cm . Cast. Text the same as in the 1771 ed. SCHATZ 11693 Cloris und Tirsis in einem sing- und schaeffer-spiel fuergestellet aus dem Hamburgischen Schau-Platz im jahr 1719. [Hamburg], Gedruckt ~bey Caspar Jakhel, n. d. Unpaged. 19 cm . German version, by D. Gazalof "Clori e Tirsi." The composer, Francesco Bartolo- meo Conti, is not mentioned in the libretto, which contains German text throughout , the -arias also being printed with Italian text. Argument. First performed as "I satiri in Arcadia" (text by Pariati) at Vienna, Hoftheater, August 28, 1714. SCHATZ 2196 Clo tilde. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro Tron di San Cassiano 1'autunno dell' anno 1748. Venezia, Modesto Fenzo, 1748. 36 p. 14\ cm . Three acts. Argument, cast, and scenario. Neither the author, Francesco Pasesa- rini, nor the composer, Baldassare Galuppi, is mentioned. Possibly not all of the music was by him. First performed, aa indicated, November, 1748 (Pa van). SCHATZ 351(5 vLa Clo tilde. Drama per musica da recitarsi nel Teatro Tron a San Cassano. Nouamente riaperto a uso d'opere 1'anno 1696 . . . Venetia, Nicolini, 1696. 67 p. 15 cm . Three acts. Dedication by the author, Giovanni Battista Neri, notice to the reader, calling this "un parto di tre settimane," and giving the argument, scenario, and name of Giovanni Mana Ruggeri as the composer. SCHATZ 9135 300 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS La Clotilde Continued. Amar per vendetta. Drama per musica da recitarsi nel Teatro di S. Moise. Nuouamente riaperto a uso d'opere 1'autunno dell' anno 1702. Venezia, Marino Rossetti, 1702. 59 p. 15\ cm . Three acts. Argument, scenario, and notice to the reader, informing him that for want of time it was necessary to fall back on a work previously performed. This is. in fact, Neri's La Clotilde text (music by Ruggeri, neither of whom is mentioned), but with innumerable alterations, especially in the arias. SCHATZ 9136 Le club des bons-gens, ou, La reconciliation, comedie en vers et en deux actes, melee de vaudevilles et d'airs nouveaux; repre"sentee pour la premiere fois a Paris, au Theatre de Monsieur, aujourd' hui de la rue Feydeau, les 24, 25 et 26 septembre 1791, interrompue en mars 1792- apres 46 representations; reprise au meTne theatre le quintidi 25 messidor, 1'an troisieme de la republique (lundi, 13 juillet 1795) avec les corrections et additions ; pour la huitieme fois le 1 7 thermidor, an 4. Paroles et airs du Cousin-Jacques. Marseille , Mossy, cinquieme annee de la republique, [1796-97}. 56 p. 21% cm - SCHATZ 704 The coach drivers, a political comic-opera. Adapted to the music of several eminent composers . . . London, W. Flexney, 1766. 2 p. 1., 26 p. 2 fold. pi. 20\ cm . Two acts. Ballad opera, the airs used in which are indicated by title. Author not recorded. LONGE 298 The cobler: or, A wife of ten thousand. A ballad opera. In two acts. As it is performed at the Theatre-Royal, Drury Lane. London, T. Becket, 1774. % P- 1-, 36 p. 19\ cm . Two acts. Cast and prefatory note by the author and composer, Charles Dibdin who says: "The hint of the subsequent trifle is taken from the Blaise le savetier of Sedan [Sedaine], as is the hint of the club-scene from an essay of Dr. Goldsmith . . . The pictures of low life I have in a manner considered myself obliged to draw as the proper subjects for ballads, which, unless they are familiar, and have something like char- acter and contrast, 'tis next to impossibility but they muet be dull and insipid." The airs used by Dibdin are not indicated in the text. First performed, as indicated, December 9, 1774. LONGE 32 The cobler of Castlebury. A musical entertainment, in two acts. As it is performed at the Theatre Royal, Co vent-Garden. London, G. Kearsley, n. d. 4 p. I., 35 p. 20 cm . Cast and dedication in which the author, Charles Stuart (not mentioned) calls this "my first dramatic essay." From the headings of the songs it appears that William Shield contributed the overture and all of the music except "Air I. There's nought can surpass," "Air VIII. A soldier is free from every care," both marked as by [Jean] Gehot, and "Air XIII. Tune, I'll never leave thee. My Nancy, I love you dear." "Air II. The blush of Aurora," words by Hartley, is marked as taken from Shield's collection of songs, and "Air IV. Duet. Farewell, my Lapstone" as by Shield and introduced at Dublin in "Love in a village." First performed April 27, 1779, as indicated. LONGE 125 Le cocq de village, opera comique, par Monsieur Favart, represente pour la premiere fois sur le Theatre du Fauxbourg Saint Germain, le 31. Mars 1743. Nouvelle edition. Paris, Praultjils, 1752. 44 p. 19\ cm . One act. No airs printed in the text, but all indicated by timbres. The text is the same as of the nouv. 6d. below. ML 50.2.C605 OPEKA LIBRETTOS 301 Le cocq de village Continued. Le cocq de village, opera-comique, en un acte; par M. Favart: represent e pour la premiere fois sur le Theatre du fauxbourg S. Ger- main, le 31 mars 1743. Nouvelle edition, augment 6e de la musique. n. i., n. d. 80 p. 19 cm . (Theatre de M. Favart, Paris, Duchesne, 1763-77, t. vi.) One act. Prose, vaudevilles, and airs, many of the latter printed in the text. Font does not mention the composer. ML 49.A2F1 The coffee-house. A dramatick piece. As it is perform'd at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane. By His Majesty's servants . . . London, J. Watts, 1737. 6 p. 1. (incl. front.) , 38, [2] p. 19 cm . One act. By James Miller, who is not mentioned. The [2] p. contain publisher's book-list, the p. 1. contain prologue, cast, book list and preface, in which the author says that he has "printed the whole which was spoke in the representation," and that a comparison with Rousseau's "Le caffe" would prove that this was his source and would disprove the correctness of the general impression "that he hath repre- sented the characters of a particular family who keep a considerable coffee-house in this town, and of several persons who frequent it." In the text are printed the airs of the "Song. Set by Mr. Henry Burgess, jun " : "What dire misfortune hath befel," "Song" [without name of composer]: "Love and drink, merry mortal," "Song. Set by Mr. Carey": "Yes, marriage sure must be divine," "Song. Set by Mr. Carey"; "How brimful of nothing," "Song. Set by Mr. Henry Burgess, Esq.: "Learn all from me," "Song. Set by Mr. Carey": "What pleasures a coffee- house." According to Genest, the piece was first performed January 26, 1738, which is obviously too late. LONGE 59 Second copy, but lacking the [2] p. at end. LONGE 190 Le cognate in contesa. Dramma giocoso per musica di Egesippo Argolide P. A. della Colonia Alfea. Da rappresentarsi nel Teatro Gmstiniani in S. Moise 1 Pautunno dell' anno 1780. Venezia, n. publ., n. d. 56 p. 17 cm . Two acts. By Carlo Lanfranchi-Rossi. Cast, name of Francesco Zanetti as the composer. With tho opera were performed Vincenzo Monari's ballets "II Tartaro generoso" and "II Svizzero ingannato," the composers of the music not being men- tioned. SCHATZ 11137 Colinette a la cour. A. T. of Gr6try's La double e"preuve. Colombine Arlequin, ou Arlequin Colombine. Piece d'un acte. Par M. le S * * *. Represented k la Foire de Saint Laurent 1715. Le Theatre de lafoire, Paris, 1737, t. ii, pi, U5\-79 p. 17. By Alain Rene" Le Sage. En vaudevilles, selected or composed and arranged by Jean Claude Gillier, the "compositeur" of the theatre and printed at the end of the volume in the "Table des airs. ML 48.L2 II Colombine courtezan. A. T. of Cupid and Psyche. Colombine-Nitetis. Parodie en un acte; melee de prose & de vaudevilles. Repre'sente'e par les marionnettes de la troupe de Fran- cisque, a la Foire Saint-Laurant en 1722. Alexis Piron, Oeuvres complettes, Liege, 1776, v. 5, [51]-98 p. 17$ cm . A parody of Danchet's tragedy of this title, according to Parfaict, who does not record the composer and dates the parody March 7, 1723. PQ 2019. P6 302 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS II Colombo, overo L'India scoperta. Dramma per musica . . . Da rappresentarsi nel Teatro di Tor di Nona 1'anno MDCXCL Roma, Gio: Francesco Buagni, 1690. 97 (incl. 8 pi.}, [3] p. 13 cm . Three acts. Text and music by Cardinal Pietro Ottoboni, who signs the dedica- tion to the princess Maria Otthoboni [! on t.-p.] with the Arcadian name "Crateo Pradelini." Argument and scenario, but not the cast. For further details see Wot- quenne's catalogue or his source Ademollo. The three additional, unnumbered pages contain aggiunta. Accordingly in I, 12, was added the aria "Quel povero core," in II, 3, dialogue and the aria Madre non piu languir," in II, 6, dialogue and the arias "Se t'invioli 6 mia tiranna," "Quei lumi, quel labro," in II, 16, the duet "Se voi ch'io t'ami," and II, 12, was to be sung after II, 13. SCHATZ 7371 Colombo nell' Indie, ballet. See Tritto's L'Artenice. La colonia. Dramma giocoso per musica . . . Parma, Stamperia reale, 1775. 56 p. 21 cm . Three acts. Dedication by the author, Gian-Antonio Riva, dated Colorno, October 9, 1775, where and when this "operetta." was first performed. Composer not men- tioned and unknown to Schatz. SCHATZ 11314 La colonie. French version of Sacchini's L'isola d'amore. Die colonie. Tr. of Sacchini's La colonie. II colonnello. Drama giocoso per musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro delle Dame nel carnevale dell' anno MDCCLXAVII . . . Roma, Giovanni Bartolomicchi, n. d. 56 p. 15$ cm . Three acts. Author not mentioned and unknown to Schatz. Argument, scena- rio, cast and name of Giuseppe Heiberger as composer. ML 50.2.C61H3 II colore fa la regina. Drama per musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro Grimani di San Gio. Grisostomo Fanno MDCC. Di Matteo Noris . . . Venetia, Nicolini, 1700. folded front., 72 p. 14^ cm . The title not on the t.-p., but on the frontispiece. Three acts. Author's dedication, notice to the reader, and scenario. Carlo Fran- cesco Pollaroli, the composer, is not mentioned. SCHATZ 8277 Columbus: or, A world discovered. An historical play. As it is performed at the Theatre Royal, Covent-Garden. By Thomas Mor- ton . . . The second edition. London, W. Miller, 1792. 4 p. I, 66, [3] p. 21 cm . Five acts, prologue, and epilogue. Prefatory note and cast. E 120. M88 Columbus : or The discovery of America. An historical play as performed at the Theatre-Royal, Covent-Garden, London. By Thomas Morton . . . Boston, William Spotswood, 1794. 2 p. 1., 52, [3] p. 16\ cm . Five acts, prologue, and epilogue. London cast. Last page contains Spotswood's sales-list of "Plays, American editions." First performed at London, as indicated, December 1, 1792. Entered here because performed with incidental music by Alexander Beinagle, Philadelphia, New Thea- tre, January 21. 1797. E 120.M885 OPERA LIBRETTOS 303 II comando non inteso, et ubbidito. Drama per musica da rap- presentarsi nel famosissimo Teatro Grimani di S. Gio. Grisostomo di Francesco Silvani . . . Venezia, Marino Rossetti, 1709. 72 p. 14% cm . Three acts. Author's dedication dated Venice, February 6, 1709, argument, notice to the reader, cast, scenario, and name of Antonio Lotti as composer. SCHATZ 5716 Le combat nocturne, ou Les morts vivans. Opera bouffon en un acte. Les paroles de M. Dancourt & la musique de M. Le Petit. La Haye, Frederic Staatman, 1770. 40 p. 18 cm . Cast. SCHATZ 5489 La comedie. Entree in Campra's Les Muses. Les comediens ambulans, ope"ra comique en deux actes et en prose; paroles de L. B. Picard; musique de F. Devienne; represente pour la premiere fois sur le Theatre de la rue Feydeau, le 8 nivose an 7. Paris, Huet, an VII [1798-99]. 40 p. 20 cm . First performed December 28, 1798. ML 50.2.C62D2 Les comediens corsaires. Prologue des deux pieces suivantes. Represente a la Foire S. Laurent 1726. & ensuite sur le Theatre du Palais royal. Below the title this Advertissement: ' ' Ce prologue fut fait peu de temps apres lee Comediens esclaves, come'die du theatre italien, & a 1'occasion du gout qui regne depuis quelques annees dans les pieces tant francoises qu'italiennes, dans la plupart desquelles on voit le fond & la forme des divertissements forains." - L' obstacle favorable. Piece d'un acte. Represent ee a la Foire S. Laurent 1726. & ensuite sur le Theatre du Palais royal. Les amours deguisez. Piece d'un acte represent ee a la Foire S. Laurent 1726 & ensuite sur le Theatre du Palais royal. Le Theatre de lafoire, Paris, 1728, t. vi, 3 pi., [231}-372 p. 17 cm . By Le Sage, Fuzelier and d'Orneval. Largely en vaudevilles, a few of which indi- cated as composed by "M. 1'AbbeV' The airs, selected or composed and arranged by Jean Claude Gillier, the " compositeur " of the company, are printed at the end of the volume in the "Table des airs." First performed September 20, 1726, as indicated. ML 48.L2V1 The comical history of Don Quixote. As it was acted at the Queen's Theatre in Dorset Garden, bv Their Majesties servants. Part I. Written by Mr. D'Urfey. London, Printed for J. Darby. A. Betteswortk [etc}, 1729. iv, 5-91 p. 17 cm . - The comical history of Don Quixote. As it is acted at both theatres, bv Their Majesties servants. Part II. Written by Mr. D'Urfey. London, Printed for Jacob Tonson and for John Darby [etc.], 1729. 93}-194 p. 17 cm . 304 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS The comical history of Don Quixote Continued. - The comical history of Don Quixote. With the Marriage of Mary the Buxome. Part III . . . Written by Mr. D'Urfey. London, Printed for John Darby, Arthur Bettesworth [etc], 1729. [195}-295, [5] p. 17 cm . The [5] p. contain booklists by J. Tonson and J. Darby. The three parts are paged consecutively. First part: Five acts. Dedication, prologue, epilogue, cast. Second part: Five acts. Dedication, preface, prologue, epilogue, and cast. In his preface Thomas Durfey takes issue with his critics, praises certain performers, and "The rest of the characters in both the parts were likewise extremely well per- formed, in which I had as much justice done me as I could expect; nor was the musical part less commendable, the words everywhere being the best of mine in that kind: and if in the whole, they could draw such audiences for so long time, in such violent hot weather, I shall not despair, that when the season is more- temperate, to see at their next representation, a great deal of good company. I have printed some scenes both in the first and second parts, which were left out in the acting the play and the musick being too long; and I doubt not but they will divert in the reading, because very proper for the connexion . . ." Third part: Dedication, prologue, epilogue, cast, and preface, in which Durfey defends himself against the critics of some little distant obscenities and double entendres" in his piece, etc., tries to explain its "miscarriage" by the "accidents happening in the presentment," and says: The songish part which I used to succeed eo well in, by the indifferent performance the first day, and the hurrying it on BO soon, being straitned in time thro ill manage- ment (tho extremely well set to musick, and I'm sure the just critick will not say ill writ) yet being imperfectly performed, was consequently not pleasing, and the dances too, for want of some good performers, also disliked: all which, tho impossible for me to avoid, and not unreasonably to be attributed any way to a fault in me, yet the noisy party endeavoured to use me as ill as if it were, till the generous opposition of my friends gave me as much reason to thank them for their justice, as to despise the others malice ..." Whereas the score printed simultaneously with the performances in 1694 and 1696 (third part) says, "sett by the most eminent masters of the age" (parts I-II), and (part III) "being the last piece set to musick by the late famous Mr. Henry Purcell: and by Mr. Courtiville [Raphael Courteville], Mr. [Samuel] Akeroyd, and other eminent masters of the age [John Eccles, colonel Pack, Morgan]," the libretto does not even mention Purcell. LONGE 68 I comici Italian! alia China, ballet. See Cimarosa's I due supposti conti. La commedia in commedia. O. T. of Barlocci's libretto II vecchio amante. La commedia in commedia. Dramma giocoso per musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro Bonacossi da S. Stefano in Ferrara nell' anno MDCCXLVII . . . Ferrara, Bernardino Pomatelli, n. d. 72 p. 16 cm . Three acts. Dedication by Eustacchio Bambini, who calls this his "secondo dramma musicale giocoso," cast, and name of Gaetano Latilla as composer. The text was really by Giovanni Barlocci. SCHATZ 5457 La commedia in commedia. Dramma giocoso per musica da rap- presentarsi nel Teatro Tron di S. Cassiano. Nel carnovale dell' anno 1749. Venezia, Modesto Fenzo, 1749. 48 p. 14$ cm . Three acts. By Giovanni Barlocci. With cast and name of Rinaldo di Capua as composer. First performed at Rome, Teatro Valle, January 8, 1738. SCHATZ 8803 OPERA LIBRETTOS 305 La commedia in commedia Continued. - L'ambizione delusa. Drama giocoso per musica da rappresen- tarsi nel Teatro Tron di S. Cassano il carnoyale dell' anno 1744. Venezia, n. publ., n. d. 82 p. 17 cm . A. much altered version of Giovanni Barlocci's "La commedia in commedia" aa composed by Rinaldo di Capua, who is mentioned as composer in the 1744 version. This plays in Livorno, the original in Florence, and in the cast of the 1744 version appears "Fiorlindo, Parigino affettato amante di Lucinda," who is not in the original. SCHATZ 8802 Conimedianti fortunati. Commedia per musica di Pasquale Mililotti da rappresentarsi nel Teatro nuovo sopra Toledo per terza opera di quest anno 1779. Napoli, n. putt., 1779. 64 p. 15%. Three acfs. Cast and name of Antonio Amicone as composer. SCHATZ 174 Comment faire?, ou, Les epreuves de misanthropic <*t repentir, comedie en un acte, m61ee de vaudevilles, represented pour la premiere fpis sur le Theatre du Vaudeville le 26 vent6se, an 7. par les CC. Dejouy et Longchamps. Paris, Le Libraire au Theatre du Vaudeville, an VII [1798-99], 48 p. 20 cm . Cast. A few airs printed in the text, for instance, "No. 14. Air nouveau du C. Jadin: Dans nos bals" and "No. 38. Air nouveau du C. Longchamps: A tout le monde." Not recorded by either Cl. & L. or Schatz. First performed, as indicated, March 16, 1799. ML 48.M2L The "commodity excis'd: or, The women in an uproar. A new ballad opera. As it will be privately acted, in the secret apartments of vintners and tobacconists . . . By Timothy Smoke. London, Printed for the author, and sold by T. Bancks, 1733. 1 p.L, 32 p. 19 cm . Three acts and introduction. The airs are not even indicated by title. LONOE 191 La compagnia d' opera a Nanchino. Drama giocoso da rappre- sentarsi nell' interne Piccolo Teatro dsl Palazzo reale di S. M. u rd di Prussia, il giorno 16. ottobre 1790. Composto da Antonio Filistri de' Caramondani poeta della Real corte, e messo in musica dal Sign. Felice Alessandri . . . Berlino, Haude e Spener, 1790. 145 p. 15%. German title-page "Die operisten in Nanking" and text face Italian. Two acte. Cast. SCHATZ 143 II compimento di quattro desideri, ballet. See Anfossi's Ezio. Compliment de la cloture de la Foire S. Laurent. See Jerosme et Fanchonette. Le comte d'Albert, drame en deux actes, en prose et en vers. Repre- sent6 a Fontainebleau, le 13 novembre 1786, & a Paris, le 8 fevrier 1787, par les Comediens italiens ordinaires du roi. Les paroles, par Mr. Sedaine ; la musique, par Mr. Gre'try. Paris, et se trouve a Bruxelles, cliez Emmanuel Flon, 1787. 63 p. 22 cm . Cast and Avertissement, in which Sedaine narrates how he came to dramatize de la Fontaine's fable of the lion and the rat under the above title, and that he added 72251 VOL 114 20 306 LIBRARY OP CONGRESS Le comte d' Albert Continued. a third act to the original two under the title of "suite" and, in fact, on p. 35-63 this third act is printed as: "Suite du Comte d' Albert, ope"ra-comique en un acte, en prose et en vere, mis en musique. Compose" par les mdmes auteurs, & repr&ente" sur les memes theatres en me"me-tems que le Comte d'Albert." ML 50.2.C64G7 - Le comte d'Albert, drame en deux actes, et en prose m61e" d'ariettes. Repre'sente' a Fontainebleau, le 13 novembre 1786, & a Paris, le 8 feVrier 1787, par les Come'diens italiens ordinaires du roi. Les paroles par Mr. Sedaine, la musique, par Mr. Gretry. Amsterdam, Cesar Noel Guerin, 1788. iv, [5]-52 p. 20\. No cast, otherwise the same contents as above. ML 50.2.C64G8 - Arien und gesaenge aus dem singspiele Graf Albert, in drey akten. Musik von Gretry. Berlin, n. putt., 1798. 37 p. 15\ cm . Cast. Tr. by Heinrich Gottlieb Schmieder, who is not mentioned. First performed at Berlin, Kgl. Xationaltheater, January 2, 1799; at Mayence, Nationaltheater, June 20, 1789. SCHATZ 4142 Comus, a mask: (Now adapted to the stage) as alter'd from Milton's mask at Ludlow-Castle, wliich was never represented but on Michael- mas-Day, 1634; before the Right Hon b ' e - the earl of Bridgewater, Lord President of Wales. The principal performers were the Lord Brackly, Mr. Tho. Egerton, the lady Alice Egerton. The musick was composed by Mr. Henry Lawes, who also represented the Attendant spirit . . . The second edition. London, K. Dodsleij, 1738. 61, [2] p. 21 cm . Three acta, prologue, and epilogue. Cast. The alterations of the text were by John Dalton. The composer of this version, Thomas Augustine Arne, is not mentioned. First performed at London, Drury Lane, March 4, 1738. ML 48.M2E - Comus, a mask: . . . [same as in 2d ed.] The third edition. London, R. Dodsleij, 1738. 61, [2} p. 19. Contents same as of the 2d ed. LCNOE 40 - Comus. A mask. By John Milton. Adapted for theatrical representation, as performed first at the Theatre-Royal, Covent- Garden, in the year 1744. Regulated from the prompt-book . . . London, John Bell, 1791. front., 1 p.l., xii, [3], 16-66, [2] p. 15 cm . (J. Bell, British Theatre, London, 1791-97, v. 2.} The front, represents Miss Storace as Euphrosine in the opera, and is dated January 31, 1791. The 1 p. 1. is an added engraved title page, with a scene from the opera, and is dated September 20, 1790. Three acts, prologue, and epilogue. Biographical sketch of Milton, preface, edi- torial comment, reading, in part: "Comus, as it is here given, is an adaptation to the modern stage by the retrench- ment of much dialogue, and the addition of many airs. That the poetry of this beau- tiful piece suffers by a modern hand can be little doubted. Veneration for the author might wish it in the original state; but a dramatic exhibition must please to be repeated the aim should be to venture as little innovation as possible. The music of Arne, in the modern Comus, is well known; it is as intelligent as modern music can be . . ." In the preface we read : "In the year 1774 [? 1772] it was abridged, and has ever since been performed as an afterpiece at the Theater-Royal in Covent-Garden ..." Though in parts a trifle shorter than in the 1738 ed., the text is not George Colman's abridged two-act version, but that of Dalton. PR 1241. B4 OPERA LIBRETTOS 307 C omus Continu ed . - Comus : a masque. Altered from Milton. In two acts. [216]-230 p. 19 cm . (Collection of the most esteemed farces and entertainments, t. iv, Edinburgh, 1792.} Covent-Garden and Edinburgh (1782) casts. George Oolman's abridged version. SCHATZ 11753 D II conclave del MDCCLXXIV. Dramma per musica. Da reci- tarsi nel Teatro delle Dame nel carnevale del MDCCLXXV . . . Roma, Per il Cracas. AW insegna del silenzio. Con licenza ed approvazione, n. d. 155 p. 18 cm , Three acts. This satirical drama is attributed by Schatz to abbate Sertori, though on p. 6 we read: "La poesia e in gran parte del celebre Sig. abate Pietro Metastasio." Below this: "La musica del Sig. Niccolo Piccini," though, of course, the satire was never composed or performed. Sertori simply used the two names then most in vogue. German title-page "Das conclave von MDCCLXXIV," argument and text face Italian. SCHATZ 8084 - Das conclave von MDCCLXXIV. Ein drama fuer die inusik. Welches im carneval des 1775 sten jahres auf dem Theater delle Dame aufgefuehret werden soil . . . Rom. Bey Cracas. Im zeichen der verschwiegenheit, n. d. 78 p. 18 cm . Merely a separate issue of the German translation in Schatz 8084. SCHATZ 8085 - II conclave del 1774. Dramma giocoso per musica. 1797. Venezia, Anno primo della Liberia italiana, n. publ. 72 p. 16\ cm . Three acts. A later issue of the above, again with Metastasio's and Piccinni's names. SCHATZ 8132 La concordia della virtu, e della fortuna, poemetto drammatico nel felicissimo giorno natalizio della Sac. Real Maesta di Amalia Willehnina regina de' Romani. Pietro Antonio Bernardoni, Poemi drammatici, parte terza, Vienna, van Ghelen, 1707, p. 35~44. 16\. Argument. The composer, Carlo Agostino Badia, is not mentioned. First performed, as indicated, April 21, 1702. ML 49.A2B4 La concordia fra il tempo e la gloria. Componimento dramma- tico da cantarsi in occasione che Sua Altezza Reale 1'arciduca Massi- miliano di Austria onora della sua reale presenza la villa del cardi- nale Alessandro Albani. Roma, Salomoni, 1775. xix p. 27 cm . Two parts. Neither author nor composer mentioned and both unknown to me. ML50.2.C645 O conde de bello humor. Tr. of Bernardini's 11 conte di l^ell' umore. La confederazione de i Sabini con Roma. $ da rappre- sentarsi in inusica nel Teatro di Monza 1'autunno dell' anno 1792 . Milano, Gaetano Motta, n. d. 4 P- 1-i ?1> [#1 P- The two add. p. contain the substitute duettino "Se piu il matto non farete" (II, 1) and errata. Two acts, by Francesco Marconi, with impresario'sde dedication dated November 7, 1792, scenario, cast, names of the composer, Luigi Crippa ("musica tutta nuova ") and of the author and author's preface. In this Marconi states that he has used with "pochissime variazioni" "una comedia in prosa di un ridicolo singo- lare, che ha per titolo I due gobbi, parto felice del Sig. Luigi Del-Buono Fiorentino." With the opera were performed Gherardo Cavazza'a ballets "La scoperta d'un isola nell' America del capitano Durson Inglese" and "L'uomo effeminato." The composer of the music is not mentioned. SCHATZ 2290 La congiura contro Galeazzo Maria Sforza Visconti. A. T. of the ballet II Bruto milanese. La congiura Pisoniana. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro Grande alia Scala il carnevale 1797 . . . Milano, Gio. Batista Bianchi, n. d. 44 P- Three acts. Dedication by the author Francesco Salfi, cast, scenario, and name of Angelo Tarchi as the composer. With the opera were performed, the composers of the music not mentioned, Paolino Franchi's ballets "Lucio Giunio Bruto and " L'Albagia in fumo." SCHATZ 10215 Le congiure del duca di Guisa, ballet. See Bianchi's Demetrio. The conquest of Mexico. Tr. of Vento's La conquista del Messico. La conquista del Messico. A. T. of the ballet Guatimozin. La conquista del Messico, drama per musica. Da rappresentarsi sopra il Teatro di S. M. B. Travagliato sopra un nuovo piano da Giovan Gualberto Bottarelli. La musica e' mtieramente nuova del Signer Mattia Vento, maestro Napoletano . . .. The conquest of Mexico . . . London, W. Griffin, 1767. 39, [1] p. 19 cm . Three acts. Argument, cast. Italian and English text. First performed at London, Haymarket, 1767. ML 50.2.C65V2 La conquista del Peru. A. T. of the ballet II Pizarro nell' America. La conquista del Peru ossia Amazile e Telesco, ballet. See Tarchi's Aldemira. OPEKA LIBEETTOS 309 La conquista del vello d'oro. Drama per musica da rappresen- tarsi nel Teatro dell' illustrissimo pubblico di Reggio in occasione della fiera 1'anno MDCCXVII. Reggio, Ippolito Vedrotti, 1717. 74 p., [1] p. 16 cm . Three acts. Dedication dated Reggio, April 29, 1717, argument, cast, scenario, and name of the composer, Marc Antonio Bononcini, but not of the librettist, conte Niccol6 Minato. SCHATZ 1207 La conquista del vello d'oro. A. T. of Gazzaniga's Gli Argonauti in Colco. La conquista del vello d'oro. Dramma per musica da rappresen- tarsi nel Regio Teatro di Torino nel carnovale del 1791 . . . Torino, Onorato Derossi, n. d. mil, 60 p. 15\ cm . Three acts. Argument, cast, scenario, and names of Giandomenico Boggio as author, of Gaetano Isola as composer. On p. 54-60 description of Dpmenico Ballon's ballets "L'incoronazione di Uladislao re di Polonia in re d'Ungheria," "Angelica e Wilton," and "I due cacciatori e la venditrice di latte," music of all three by Giu- eeppe Nucci. First performed as indicated, December 26, 1790. SCHATZ 4905 La conquista del vello d'oro, ballet. See Nasolini's Tito e Berenice. La conquista del vello d'oro. Drama per musica da rappresen- tarsi nel Regio Teatro di Torino nel carnovale del 1745 . . . Torino, Pietro Giuseppe Zappata ejiglio, n. d. 4 P- 1"> 56 P- 15 cm > Three acts. Author not mentioned and unknown to Schatz. Perhaps Angelo Can's text, as previously (1738) composed by Pescetti? Argument, scenario, cast and names of Giuseppe Sordella as composer of the opera, of Alessio Rasetti as composer of the three incidental ballets. SCHATZ 9961 La conquista di Granata. L. T. Curcio's La presa di Granata. II consiglio fedele. See M. Curzio. II consiglio di Giove, ballet. See Cimarosa's Le donne rivali. Un consiglio per li vecchj, ballet. See Marinelli's Issipile. The conspirators. A tragi-comic opera. As it was acted in Eng- land and Ireland, without applause . . . Carrickfergus, n. puU., 1749. 59 p. 19\ cm . Neither author, composer, nor performance recorded by Clarence. LONGE 216 The constant lady. A. T. of The generous free-mason. The constant maid; or, Poll of Plympton. A musical entertain- ment in two parts. As performed at the Royalty Theatre, Well- Close-Square. By the author of The Birth-day. London, J. Jarvis, 1787. 2 p. 1., 36 p. 21 cm . Cast. By O'Keeffe. The composer, Thomas Carter, is not mentioned. Schatz, though incorrectly, it would seem, dates first performance Jan. 16, 1788. LONGE 102 La contadina. O. T. of Hasse's Don Tabarrano. La contadina astuta, ballet. See Paer's L'oro fa tutto. 310 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS La contadina astuta. A. T. and L. T. of Pergolesi's Livietta e TracoUo. La contadina filosofa, ballet. See, Alessandri's II vecchio geloso. La contadina impertinente. A. T. of the ballet La vindemmia. La contadina in corte. A. T. of the ballet II principe di Lago Nero. La contadina in corte. Drama giocoso per musica da rappresen- tarsi nel Teatro chiamato da rua dos Condes 1'anno 1765 . . . Lislona, Pietro Ferreira, n. d. 7 p. 1., 133 p., [2] I. 16 cm . Three acts. Author not mentioned and unknown to Schatz. Dedication, argu- ment, and scenario. Portuguese title, "A Aldeana em corte," and text face Italian. On recto, of first P- 1- and on first additional leaf, the aria, "Con la mia villanella," resp. "Com a minha Aldeana," transferred from II, 4 to II, 5. The composer, Gia- como Rust, is not mentioned. First performed at Venice, Teatro di San Mois<\ carnival, 1763. SCHATZ 9180 La contadina in corte. Operetta giocosa per musica da rappresen- tarsi nei Teatri privilegiati di Vienna Fanno 1770. Vienna, Giovanni Tomaso di Trattnem, n. d. Ifi P> 16% cm . Two acts. Author not mentioned and unknown to Schatz. Sacchini is men- tioned as the composer. First performed at Rome, Teatro Yalle, carnival, 1765; and at Vienna for the first time in 1767. SCHATZ 9211 - La contadina in corte. Dramma giocoso per musica da rappre- sentarsi nel Ducal Teatro di Louisbourg . . . Stuttgard, Erhard, 1771. 159 p. 16% cm . Three acts. Cast, scenario, and name of Sacchini aa the composer. ("La musica sara tutta nupva" [sic!]) German title-page, "Das bauren-maedgen am hofe," and text face Italian. Neither the translator nor the person who expanded the text from two to three acts is mentioned. First performed, as indicated, in 1771. SCHATZ 9213 - Die baeurinn bey hofe, em kleines lustiges singspiel, aufge- fuehret auf den privilegierten schaubuehnen in Wienn im Jahre 1767 und in das deutsche uebersetzet von J. A. E. v. G. Wienn, gedruckt mit von Ghelischen schriften, n. d. Unpaged. Two acts. Translated by J. A. edler v. Ghelen. Scenario, cast, and name of Sacchini as the composer. Schatz calls this a "Separat-abdruck" of the German translation in the 1767 Italian libretto. SCHATZ 9214 - Die geadelte baeuerinn. Ein komisches singspiel. Aufge- fuehrt auf der Koenigl. Schaubuehne zu Prag in der fassnachtszeit 1774 unter der aufsicht des hr. Joseph Bustelli. Prag, Johann Ferdinand Edl. v. Schoenfeld, n. d. 91 p. 15 cm . Two acts. Scenario and name of Sacchini as the composer. Italian text faces German. First performed at Prague in 1767. SCHATZ 9212 La contadina in corte, ballet. See Sacchini's Armida. OPERA LIBRETTOS 311 La contadina incivilita. Dramma giocoso per musica da rappre- sentarsi nel Teatro di San Samuele nel carnovale dell' anno 1775. Venezia, Antonio Graziosi, 1775. 63 p. 17 cm . Three acts. Cast, scenario, and name of composer, Pasquale Anfossi, but not of librettist, who is unknown to Schatz. The first ballet, "Venere e Adone," was by Giacomo Romoli. The composer of the music is not mentioned. A synopsis on p. 5-6. SCHATZ 266 La contadina nel palazzo signorile. A. T. of the ballet Ninetta. La contadina semplice. O. T. of I capricci in amore. La contadina semplice. Commedia per musica da rappresentarsi nel Real Teatro del Fondo di Separazione nel carnovale dell' anno 1790. Napoli, n. publ., 1790. 4$ p. Two acts. Author not mentioned and unknown to Schatz. Cast and name of Gaetano Marinelli as the composer. SCHATZ 5954 La contadina spiritosa, ballet. See Zingarelli's Quinto Fabio. La contadina superba owero II giocatore burlato. Farsa per musica da rappresentarsi nel Real Teatro di Salvaterra nel carnovale dell' anno 1776. [Lisbona}, Stamperia reale, n. d. 75'p. lJ+\ cm . Two acts. Author not mentioned and unknown to Schatz. Scenario, cast, and name of Pietro Guglielmi as the composer. First performed at Rome, Teatro Valle, carnival 1774. SCHATZ 4295 Le contadine bizzarre. Dramma giocoso per musica da rappre- sentarsi ne' Teatri privilegiati di Vienna il carnovale dell' anno 1767. Vienna, Ghelen, n. d. 80 p. 16 cm . Three acts. By Guiseppe Petrosellini, who is not mentioned. Cast, scenario, and name of Niccold Piccinni as the composer. First performed at Venice, Teatro di S. Samuele, fall 1763. SCHATZ 8086 - La sciocchezza in amore. Dramma giocoso per musica di Ensildo Prosindio P. A. da rappresentarsi nel Teatro dell' Accademia vecchia [Verona] nell' autunno dell' anno MDCCLXIV ... Venezia, Modesto Fenzo, 1764. 70 p. 14$ cm . Three acts. Dedication, cast, and name of Niccol6 Piccinni as the composer. This is Petrosellini 's "Le contadine bizarre" with many differences at least from the Vienna, 1767, edition. For instance, though the dialogue of the first four scenes is largely the same, the arias are different and Venezia, 1764, has in the first scene "Ah d'ascoltar gi& parmi " instead of "Destrier, che all' armi usato," etc. On p. 5-8 are enumerated seven "mutazioni di arie." SCHATZ 8087 Le contadine furlane. Dramma giocoso per musica da rappresen- tarsi nel Teatro Giustiniani di S. Moisd il carnovale dell' anno 1771 dell' abbate Pietro Chiari. Venezia, Antonio Grazioli, 1771. 64 p. 18. Three acts. Cast, scenario, and name of the composer, Antonio Boroni. Pages 3-4, presumably containing dedication and argument, wanting. SCHATZ 1252 II conte Baccelone. Dramma giocoso per musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro Giustiniani di San MOIS& nell autunno dell' anno 1774. Venezia, Antonio Graziosi, 1774- @4 P- 17 cm . 312 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS II conte Baccellone Continued. Three acts. "La Contessina," by Marco Coltellini (not mentioned) with altera- tions. Cast, scenario, and name of Giacomo Bust as the composer. On p. 31-32 description without name of the composer of the music of Francesco Caselli s "Ver- tunno e Pomona." The other ballet, by Francesco Martini, was called "Diogene tentato, ma non vinto dall' amore." SCHATZ 918 II conte Caramella. [52}-106 p. 16% cm . (Carlo Goldoni, Opere drammatiche giocose, t. Hi, Torino, 1757.) Three acts. ML 49.H2G6 - II conte Caramella. Dramma di tre attiper musica. Rappre- sentato per la prima volta in Verona 1'anno MDCCXLLX. Carlo Goldoni, Opere-teatrali, Venezia, Zatta e figli, 1788-95, t. 4, [219}-274 p. 18 cm . PQ II conte Caramella. Opera. Dramma giocosa [!] in musica di Pplesenno Tecio, Pastor Arcade. Da rapp resent arsi nel Teatro di Piazza nella nobbile citta di Vicenza nella nera presente 1759 . . . Vicenza, n. pub., 1759. 50 p. lJ& cm . Three acts. By Goldoni. Dedication, cast, scenario, and name of Baldassare Galuppi as composer. First performed at Verona, Dec. 18j 1749. SCHATZ 3446 - II conte Caramella, dramma giocoso per musica, da rappresen- tarsi nel Nuovo Teatro in Dresda T'anno MDCCLV. Der graf Cara- mella . . . [Dresden], Gedruckt ~bei der . . . Stoesselin und . . . Johann Carl Krausen, n. d. 143 p. 17 cm . Three acts. Cast, scenario, and name of Galuppi as composer. German text faces Italian. The differences between this Dresden, 1755, and the Vicenza, 1759, libretti are few. For instance, in the latter the aria of I, 5, reads "Speranza e il piu bel dono," at Dresden it was "Scherza il nocchier tallora." This was taken from Metastasio's Demetrio." SCHATZ 3447 Lo co. de Scrignano. Commeddeja redicola pe mmuseca, de Tom- maso Mariani, Romano. Da rappresentarese a lo Triato nuovo ncoppa Toleto nchisto carnevale de st'anno 1729 . . . Napoli, Agnolo Vocola, n. d. 76 p. 14% cm > Three acts. Impresario's dedication, argument, cast, and name of Costantino Roberto as composer of the second act only. The composers of the two other acts are not mentioned. SCHATZ 8837 II conte di Belfiore. Intermezzo per musica a tre voci da rappre- sentarsi nel Teatro Tron di S. Cassiano. Nel carnovale dell' anno 1749. Venezia, Modesto Fenzo, 1749. 17 p. 14% cm . Two parts. Cast. Author and composer not mentioned, and unknown to Schatz. SCHATZ 11315 II conte di bell' umore. Intermezzi per musica a cinque voci da rappresentarsi nel Teatro della Palla Corda di Firenze [ !] nel carne- vale dell' anno 1783. Roma, Puccinelli, n. d. 56 p. 15\ cm . Two acts. Cast and name of Bernardini (Marcello di Capua) as composer, who also wrote the libretto (Schatz). SCHATZ 844 OPERA LIBRETTOS 313 II conte di bell' umore Continued. - II conte di bell' umore. Azione comica per musica da rappre- sentarsi nel Teatro in parte piccola della Reggia citta di Praga nella casa del conte Thun. Nell' autunno dell' anno 1783. n. i., n. d. 167 p. W\. German title-page "Der graf bey guter Laune," and text face Italian. Marcello di Capua (Bernardini) is mentioned as composer. SCHATZ 831 - II conte di bell' umore : Dramma giocoso per musica, da rappre- sentarsi nel Teatro della rua Dos Condes, nella primavera dell' anno 1791. Lisbona, Antonio Rodrigo GaThardo, 1791. 161 p. 14% cm - Two acts. Cast. Portuguese title, "O conde de bello humor," and text face Italian. Bernardini (Marcello di Capua) is mentioned as composer. SCHATZ 843 II conte di Cutro. Drama civile fatto rappresentare da' Signori Accademici del Casino sotto la protezione del sereniss. principe Francesco Maria di Toscana. n. i., n. d. p. [509}-616. 15\. - Three acts. By Giovanni Andrea Moniglia, and evidently detached from his " Poesie drammatiche," third part (1690) which is not in our set. Author's unsigned preface, argument, name of the composer; Lorenzo Cattani, and on p. 606-616 a " Dichiarazione de i proverbi e vocaboli propri degli abitatori del contado, e quella plebe Fiorentina adoprati nel presente drama. First performed, as indicated, November 12, 1683, the birthday of Francesco Maria di Toscana, which the opera was to celebrate. SCHATZ 1712 II conte di Saldagna. Tragedia per musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro Grande alia Scala la primavera dell' anno 1787 . . . Milano, Gio. Batista Bianchi, n. d. 68 p. 16\ cm . Three acts. By Ferdinando Moretti, who is not mentioned. Dedication, argu- ment, cast, scenario, and name of Angelo Tarchi as the composer. First performed, as indicated, June 10, 1787. SCHATZ 10216 Second copy. ML 48.A5 v. 7 II cpnte di Saldagna. Tragedia per musica da rappresentarsi nel nobilissimo Teatro La Fenice il carnovale dell' anno 1795. Venezia, Modesto Fenzo, 1795. 62 p. 18 cm . Three acts. By Ferdinando Moretti, who is not mentioned. Argument, cast, scenario, and name of Nicola Antonio Zingarelli as the composer. On p. [49]-62, argument, cast, and description of Onorato Vigan6's "Le Amazzoni, ballo eroico panto- mimo favoloso," music ("tutta nuova") by Antonio Holler. SCHATZ 11242 II conte immaginario. Intermezzo per musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro Tron di S. Cassiano, nelT autunno dell' anno 1748. Venezia, Modesto Fenzo, 1748. 21 p. 14\ cm . Two acts. Cast and name of composer, Pietro Auletta, but not of librettist, who is unknown to Schatz. SCHATZ 501 II conte Nespola, intermezzo. See Galuppi's Scipione nelle Spagne. II conte Policronio ovvero Le bugie hanno le gambe corte. Farsa in prosa con musica che si rappresenta per la prima volta nel Teatro della Real villa del Poggio a Cajano . . . dalla comica compagnia di Pietro Andolfati nell' autunno del 1791. Firenze, Ant'Gius. Pagani e comp., 1791. 4 8 P- 16 cm - Two acts. "II libretto e del sig. G. S. [Gaetano Sertor?] -La musica e tutta nuova del Sig. Giuseppe Moneta." Impresario's dedication and cast. SCHATZ 6551 314 LIBRARY OP CONGRESS The contention of the laurel. A. T. of The battle of the poets. La contesa de' Numi. [429}-44& P- 19 cm . (Pietro Metastasio, Opere drammatiche, Vene- zia, Giuseppe Bettinetti, 1733-37, v. 2.) One act. No composer mentioned. Note on p. 431: "La seguente feata teatrale fu rappresentata in Roma in occasione della nascita del Real Delfino." ML 49.A2M4 - La contesa de' Numi. Metastasio, Poesie, Parigi, vedova QuiUau, 1755, t. vi, [433]~459 p. 16 cm . One act. ML 49.A2M42 - La contesa de' Numi. Festa teatrale scritta dell' autore in Roma 1'anno 1729, ad istanza del cardinale di Polignac . . . e sontuosa- mente rappresentata la prima volta con musica del Vinci nelF orna- tissimo cortile del palazzo di Sua Eminenza, per festeggiare la nascita del Real Delfino di Francia. [395}-416 p. 26 cm . (Pietro Metastasio, Opere, t. 4, Parigi, vedow Herissant, 1780.) Two parts. ML 49.A2M44 Le contese di Pallade e Venere sopra il bando d'Amore. In- trodutione accademica rappresentata sti la sala dell' Ercole nel Palazzo publico. Poesia del Sig. aottor Bianchini. Bologna, per gl'HH. d' Evangelista Dozza, n. d. [23 p.} 19\ cm . In a prefatory note we are told that certain noblemen wished to honor ""Cardinal Caraffa, dignissimo Legato di questa citta " with an "Accademia di belle lettere, accompagnandola con 1'armonia della musica. E perche fu mai sempre opinione, che non possa darsiim vero seguace della virtu, che non habbia prima dal petto essigliato Amore, venne giudicato proporre ci6 per pro- blemma. Cosi BU la sera delli 29 del corrente doppo essersi radunati nella eala dell' Ercole del Palazzo publico li SS. Accademici Gelati, ed altri virtuosi, come ancora quantita di cavaglieri, e di dame, comparve I'Eminentissimo e Reverendissimo Sig. Cardinal Legato . . . ciascuno de quali dopo essersi posti ne proprii luoghi a sedere, al suorto d'una bellissima sinfonia di varij stromenti musicali, si diede pnncipio . . ." This is followed by another note in which "Gio. Paolo Colonna organista in S. Petronio " is mentioned as the composer. As Colonna was appointed to this position in 1659 and became the choirmaster on Nov. 1, 1674, the date of this scenic "pro- blemma " is at least approximately fixed. The imprimatur at end is not dated. ML 50.2.C66C6 Le contese domestiche. Farza per musica a tre voci da cantarsi in Asinahmga nell' autunno dell' anno 1769 in occasione, che gli Accade- mici Smantellati recitano nel loro teatro la tragedia intitolata II Temistocle . . . Siena, Francesco Rossi, n. d. 24 p- 16$ cm . Two parts. Author unknown to Schatz. Dedication dated Asinalunga, October 10, 1769, cast, and name of "Baldassare Galuppi, Napolitano," as composer. SCHATZ 3448 Le contese per amore. O. T. of Deller's Eigensinn und launen der liebe. La contessa di Amalfi. Dramma giocoso per musica, da rappre- sentarsi nel Teatro Elettorale. Dresda, n. pull., 1794. 141 p. 15\ cm . OPERA LIBRETTOS 315 La contessa di Amalfi Continued. Two acts. By Giovanni Bertati, who is not mentioned. German title-page "Die graefinn von Amain" and text face Italien. Joseph Weigl is mentioned as the composer. First performed at Dresden, December 13, 1794; at Vienna as "La principessa di Amalfi " at the Burgtheater, January 10, 1794. SCHATZ 10945 La principessa di Amalfi. Drainma giocoso in due atti. Berlino, Haude e Spener, n. d. 127 p. 15 cm . Oast and names of Giovanni Bertati as author, of Joseph Weigl as the composer. First performed at Charlottenburg, Schlosstheater, June 19, 1796. SCHATZ 10946 La contessa di Bimbinpoli. Dramma giocoso per musica da rap- presentarsi nel Teatro della rua dos Condes in Lisbona nell' carnevale dell' anno 1773. [Lisbona}, nella stamperia reale, n. d. 83 p. 17 cm . Three acts. By Giovanni Bertati. Cast, scenario, and names of composer, Gen- naro Astaritta, and librettist. First performed at Venice, carnival 1772. SCHATZ 368 - II divertimento in campagna. Dramma giocoso per musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro di S. A. E. di Sassoma. Dresda, n. pull, 1783. 109 p. 15% cm . Two acts. Name of Astaritta as composer. German t. p. "Der zeitvertreib auf dem lande, ein scherzhaffes singspiel " and text face Italian, which is that of Bertati's "La contessa di Bimbinpoli." SCHATZ 369 La contessa di Novaluna. Dramma giocoso per musica di Gio- vanni Bertati da rappresentarsi nel nobilissimo Teatro Giustiniani di S. Moise per la seconda opera dell' autunno 1786. Venezia, Gio. Battista Casali, n. d. 68 p. 17 cm . Two acts. Composed by Vincenzo Fabrizj who is not mentioned. Impresario's dedication, cast and scenario. SCHATZ 2975 La contessina. [4$]-78 p. 16\ cm . (Carlo Goldini, Opere drammaticJie giocose, t. iv, Torino, 1757.) Three acts. It is sometimes stated that Coltellini's "La contessina" is based on Goldoni's text. True, the characters are practically the same and so is the dialogue of II, 2 "La voglio far" (at least in Schatz 3613) but otherwise most, if not all, the recitatives and arias seem to be different. ML 49.A2G6 - La contessina. Dramma di tre atti per musica. Rappresentato per la prima volta in Venezia nell' anno MDCCXXXVI. Carlo Goldoni, Opere teatrali, Venezia, Zatta ejigli, 1788-95, v. 38, [127}-163 p. 18\. The earliest performance I find recorded is that in 1743 with Macari's music. PQ La contessina. Dramma giocoso per musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro delle Dame il carnevale dell' anno 1773 . . . Roma, Lorenzo Corradi, n. d. 76 p. 15^ cm . Three acts. By Marco Coltellini, who is not mentioned. Impresario's dedica- tion, scenario, cast and name of Marcello di Capua (Bernardini) as composer. First performed as indicated, February 1773. ML 50.2.C665B3 316 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS La contessina. Dramma giocoso per musica da rappresentarsi nel magnifico Teatro della Nobile Accademia degli Erranti in Brescia per la nera d'Agosto 1774 . . . Brescia, Fratelli Pasini, n. d. 75 p. 15\ cm . Three acts. By Marco Coltellini. Impresario's dedication and remark: "La musica parte e del Sig. Floriano Gusman [Gassmann], parte d'altri celebri maestri." Consequently a pasticcio. First performed with Gassmann 's music at Vienna, 1771. SCHATZ 3613 La contessina. Drama giocoso per musica da rappresentarsi nel Regio Teatro. Den unge grevinde. Et lystigt synge-spil . . . Kiobenhavn, H. J. Grane, 1778. 133 p. 16\ cm . Three acts. By Marco Coltellini, who is not mentioned. Cast and name of Gass- xnann as the composer. Danish text faces Italian. First performed, as indicated, March 26, 1778. SCHATZ 3614 II superbo deluso. Dramma giocoso per musica da rappresen- tarsi nel Real Teatro di Salvaterra nel carno vale dell' anno 1774. [Lisboa], Nella stamperia reale, n. d. 75 p. 14 cm - Three acts. A somewhat condensed and altered version of Coltellini's "La con- tessina." Scenario, cast, and name of Florian Leopold Gassmann as the composer. First performed under this later title at Turin, Teatro Carignano, fall, 1772. SCHATZ 3621 La contessina. Comedia per musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro Grimani di S. Samuele dalla Compagnia de' Comici il carnovale dell' anno 1743. Venezia, Modesto Fenzo, n. d. 36 p. 15\ cm . Three acts. Neither the author, Carlo Goldini, is mentioned nor the composer Giacomo Macari, to whom a contemporary hand contributes the music. SCHATZ 5809 La contessina. Dramma giocoso per musica da rappresentarsi nel magnif. Teatro Filarmonico di Verona 1'autunno dell' anno 1775 . . . Verona, Dionisio Ramanzani, 1775. 64 p- 16% cm . Three acts. Impresario's dedication, cast, scenario and names of Marco Coltel- lini as the author, of Niccol6 Piccinni as the composer. SCHATZ 8149 Les contrastes. A. T. of Beffroy de Reigny's Les deux charbon- niers. II contrasto de fiumi Serchio di Lucca; Tebro di Roma; Ronco di Ravenna. Dramma musicale decantata alle glorie dell' illustriss. e Reyerendiss. Monsig. Fabio Guinigi arcivescovo di Ravenna, in occasione delle Theologiche conclusioni dedicateli dal P. lettore Lorenzo Mario Bonatti Florentine Carmelitano, sotto 1'assistenza del Rev. P. maestro Gio. Antonio Fioriti Lucchese . . . Bologna, Giosefo Longhi, 1674. *% P- % cm - Four parts. Hardly a "dramma musicale." ML 48.A5 v.5 II contra tempo. A. T. of Gnecco's Auretta e Masulto. I contrattempi. Commedia per musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro di Monza 1'autunno dell' anno 1781 . . . Milano, Gio. Batista Bianchi, n. d. 72 p. 15 cm . Three acts. By Nunziato Porta, who is not mentioned. Dedication, cast, scenario, and name of Giuseppe Sarti as the composer. On p. 8, the note: OPERA LIBRETTOS 317 I contratempo Continued. "A compimento dell' azione, e del libro si e stampato il terzo atto, benche per brevita non si reciti." First performed at Venice, Teatro di S. Samuele, November, 1778. SCHATZ 9429 - I contratempi. Dramnia giocoso per musica da rappresentarsi nel Piccolo Teatro di S. A. E. di Sassoma. Dresda, n. publ, 1781. 131 p. 16 cm . Two acts, Porta's third act having been dropped. Other differences between the Milano ed. and this are noticeable. For instance, I, 4 opens with the aria, "Non 6 sempre la femmina un male," instead of, as at Dresden, with "La mia Bella m'ha detto di n6. " German title-page, ' ' Die zwischenfaelle, ' ' and text face Italian . Sarti is mentioned as the composer. First performed, as indicated, January 10, 1782. SCHATZ 9430 - Gli equivoci svelati. Dramnia giocoso per musica da rappresan- tarsi nel Nuovo Teatro in Vicenza . . . Padova, Gio. Antonio Conzatti, 1786. 47 p. 17 cm . Two acts. This is Porta's "I contratempi" text, with the usual alterations. For instance, Padova ed. has I, 6 "Cerco invano in questoistante"; Milano has "Tortorelia abbandonata," like Dresden. Impresario's dedication, cast, and name of Giuseppe Sarti as the composer. First performed, as indicated, December 26, 1786. SCHATZ 9431 II contra weleno. A. T. of Andreozzi's La principessa filosofa. II contra weleno. Farsa giocosa per musica. Poesia di Giuseppe Foppa da rappresentarsi nel nobilissimo Teatro Venier in San Bene- detto Pautunno dell' anno 1799. Venezia, Fenzo, 1799. 40 p. 18 cm . One act. Cast, scenario, and name of Francesco Gardi as the composer. After the farce, Giovanni Monticini's ballet, "La pescatrice in Jassa," music by Vittorio Trento, was performed. First performed November 7, 1799, as indicated. SCHATZ 3547 La contribuzione sforzata, ballet. See Galuppi's Sofonisba. The contrivances: a ballad opera. [183}-212 p. 22 cn . (Henry Carey,. Dramatick works, London, 1743.} One act. The words of the air "Without affectation, gay, youthful and pretty" were "by another hand." On p. 212 the statement: "All the songs in this opera were set to music by the author." Consequently this is not a ballad opera in the usual sense. ML 49.A2C2 First performed at London, Drury Lane, August 9, 1715. - The contrivances : a ballad opera ; full of curious songs, by the facetious and witty Harry Carey. As it is now acting at the Theatre- Royal in Covent-Garden, and at Dublin, with great applause . . . The seventh edition. London, T. Lownds, 1 765. 35 p. (incl. front.) 16%. One act. According to Tufts, the play was called a farce in the 1715 ed., in that of 1731. a comifarcical opera, and in that of 1743 ballad opera. LONGE 69 - The contrivances. By Mr. Henry Carey. [282]-300 p. 19 cm . (Collection of the most esteemed farces and ( ntertainments , t. ir, Edinburgh, 1792.) Covent-Garden cat. SCHATZ 11753 318 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS II convalescents innamorato, ballet. See Martin y Soler's Le burle per amore. II convalescente innamorato, ballet. See Pio's Medonte. La conversazione. Dramma di tre atti per musica. Carlo Goldoni, Opere teatrali, Venezia, Zatta e figli, 1788-95, v. 4, [5}-46 p. 18 cm . PQ For first performance see entry below under Scolari. La conversazione. By Jommelli. See his L'accademia. La conversazione. Drama giocoso per musica di Polisseno Fegejo, Pastor Arcade. Da rappresentarsi nel Teatro Grimani di S. Samuele il carnovale dell' anno 1758. Venezia, Modesto Fenzo, 1758. J$ p. 15 cm . Three acts. By Goldoni. Cast, scenario, and name of Giuseppe Scolari as the composer. SCHATZ 9794 O convidado de pedra. A. T. of Gazzaniga's Dom Joao. II convitato, ballet: Gluck. See Calvi's Ezio. II convitato di pietra. See also Bernardini's L'ultima che si perde la speranza. II convitato di pietra, ballet. See Bertoni's Tancredi. II convitato di pietra. Dramma giocoso per musica da rappresen- tarsi nel nobile Teatro Tron di San Cassiano nel carnovale dell' anno 1777. Venezia, Gio. Battista Casali, 1777. 62 p. 18^ cm . Two acts. Author unknown to Schatz. Cast, scenario, and name of Giuseppe Callegari as composer. SCHATZ 1511 II convitato di pietra. A. T. of Fabrizj's opera "Don Giovanni Tenorio." II convitato di pietra. A. T. of Gazzaniga's II Don Giovanni. II convitato di pietra, ballet. See Gazzaniga's Tullo Ostilio. II convitato di pietra, o sia II dissolute. Dramma tragicomico. Da rappresentarsi ne' Teatri privilegiati di Vienna 1'anno 1777. Vienna, Giuseppe nobile de Kurzbeck, n. d. 52 p. 1 7 cm . Three acts. Author not mentioned and unknown to Schatz. Scenario and name of Vincenzo Bighini as the composer. First performed at the Kaernthnerthor Theatre, as indicated, August 21, 1777. SCHATZ 8789 - II convitato di pietra, o sia II dissoluto. Dramma tragicomico. Praga, n. pull, 1777. Ill p. 15% cm . Three acts. Without names of the author and the composer, Vincenzo Bighini. German t.-p. "Das eteinerne gastmahl, oder Der ruchlose" and text face Italian, which is not exactly the same as in the Vienna, 1777, version. For instance, the latter does not have before the final scene with the "coro di lurie" the farcical scene between "Coralline ed Arlechino." The text is. of course, neither that by Da Ponte nor that by Bertati. SCHATZ 8781 First performed at Prague, Kgl. Theater i. d. Kotzen, 177-7-;"- OPERA LIBRETTOS 319 II cpnvitato di pietra, ballet. See Ferd. Rutini's II matrimonio per industria. II convito; or, The banquet: a new comic opera. As performed at the King's Theatre in the Hay Market with alterations and additions, by Signer A. Andrei, the music entirely new, by Signer Bertoni. London, H. Reynell, 1782. 77 p. 20 cm . Two acts. Cast. English translation faces Italian text, which is an altered ver- sion of Filippo Li vigni's libretto. SCHATZ 910 II convito. Dramma giocoso per musica da rapprespentarsi nel Piccolo Teatro di S. A. E. di Sassonia. Dresda, n. putt., 1783. 131 p. 15\ cm . Two acts. By Filippo Livigne (not mentioned). Cimarosa is mentioned as the composer. German title-page "Das gastmahl " and text face Italian. First performed at Dresden, as indicated, in 1783; at Venice, Teatro di S. Samuele, carnival, 1782. SCHATZ 1915 II convito. Dramma giocoso per musica da rappresentarsi nel Regio Teatro di S. Carlo della Principessa Pautunno dell' anno 1796. Lisbona, Sim. Taddeo Ferreira, 1796. 151 p. 15 cm . Two acts. By Filippo Livigni (not mentioned). Cast and name of the composer, Cimarosa. T.-p. and p. 149-151 supplied in ms. Portuguese text faces Italian. With the opera was performed Pietro Angiolini'g "II Bohtario reso sociabile per amore, ballo d'invenzione." The composer of the music is not mentioned. SCHATZ 1914 II convito di Cesare, ballet. See Bianchi's Morte di Cesare. Le convulsion!. Seconda farsa. 26-48 p. 15 cm . See ' ' Amor* non ha riguardi e Le convulsion! Farse in musica di Giuseppe Palomba da rappresentarsi nel Teatro de' Fiorentini per quart' opera dell' anno 1787," Napoli, n. publ., 1787. One act. Cast and name of Giuseppe Curcio as composer. SCHATZ 2299 Cook, ossia Gl' Inglesi in Othaiti, ballet. See Mayr's Lodoiska. The cooper. A musical entertainment. In two acts. By Dr. Arne. [217}-237 p. 19 cm . (Collection of the most esteemed farces and entertainments, t. vi, Edinburgh, 1792.} Hay-market cast, where the opera was first performed, June 12, 1772. Arne is also the reputed author of the text. SCHATZ 11753F La coquette de village, ballet. See Bernasconi's Didone abbando- nata. La coquette sans le scjavoir, opera comique en un acte. Paris, Prault fils, 1750. 44 p. 19 cm . (Theatre de M. Favart, Paris, Duchesne, 1763-77, t. vii.) Cast. "M. Rousseau de Toulouse" is mentioned in the pref. of the first volume as Favart'e collaborator. The piece is en vaudevilles. First performed at Paris, Foire St. Germain, February 23, 1744. ML 49.A2F1 - La coquette sans le savoir, opera-comique, en un acte, de MM. Favart & Rousseau. Nouvelle Edition. Paris et se vend a Toulon, chez J. L. R. Mallard, 1772. J^O p. \ cm . One act. En vaudevilles. ML 48.M2M 320 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS La coquette trompee, come'die lyrique; pur M. Favart; representee pour la premiere fois a Fontainebfeau, sur le Theatre de la cour, par ordre de Sa Majeste, le 13 nov. 1753. Et & Paris, par 1'Acade'mie royale de musique, le mardi 8 aout 1758. ?.. i., n. d. 40 P- 19 cm . (Theatre de M. Favart, Paris, Duchesne, 1763-77, t. i.) Cast. The composer, Dauvergne. is not mentioned. Many of his airs are printed in the text. "La coquette trompee was the third act in a ballet called "Lea fetes d'Euterpe," the first of which, "La sibylle" (see "La sibille"), was written by Mon- crif, the second, "Alphee et Areihuse, by Danchet, music of both by Dauvergne. ML 49.A2F1 Cora. Ein singspiel [vignette]. Leipzig, Dykische bucTihandlung, 1781. 5 p. 1., 75 p. [1] p. errata. 19 cm . On last p. 1.: "Nach schwedischem text: Der musik, welche herr Naumann, churfurstl. sach- sischer wirklischer kapellmeister zu Dresden, in Schweden fur das konigliche Theater komppnirt hat, untergelegt." This note refers to Gudmund Goran Adlerbeth'stext, "Coraoch Alonzo" (based on Marmontel's "Les Incas ou La destruction de 1'empire du Perou"), and its setting by Naumann for the inauguration of the Royal Operahouse, Stockholm, September 30, 1782. The p. 1. contain a preface signed by the author of the German text [Johann Leopold] N[eu]m[an]n and dated "Bl -[aselwitz, den 26 sten august 1780." It is addressed to the composer, and is about as adulatory as possible. Neumann says, for instance: "Ueberall, wo sanfte herzen schlagen, segne man Ihren namen: wo die tonkunst tempel hat, stehe Ihr denkmal bey Handel und Marcello!" The only remark historically important is this: "Sie wissen, mein theurester freund, wie fest ich's beschlossen hatte, meinen deutschen text au Ihrer Cora schlechterdings nie von Ihren noten su trenneu, und offenlich einzeln abdrucken zu lassen, weil ich vollkommen uberzuegt bin, dass dieser text alles, was er seyn kann, lediglich durch Ihre komposition, ohne Ihre musik aber, als ein auch zum lesen bestimmtes poetieches produkt, dem publikum nie interes- sant seyn konnte. Die vorstellungen einiger freunde Ihrer Cora, dass der einzeln gedruckte text das singen aus dem klavierausuge, wenn zumal bey den choren mehrere pereonen aus einem exemplare singen sollten, nicht nur erleichtem, sondern auch sogar dabey unentbehrlicn seyn wurde, haben mich endlich iiberredet, meinen vorsatz su andern ..." The German version was first performed at Schwedt (Brunswick), Hoftheater, Sept. 20, 1786; previously at a concert, Dresden, Hotel de Pologne, March 15, 1780. SCHATZ 7042 - Cora. Ein singspiel in drey akten. Abdruck fur die subscriben- ten zur auffuhrung dieser oper, im jahr 1781 zu Dresden, im Hessi- schen saal. tern n.i.,n.d. 6 p. I. ,72 p. 16 C The preface is identical with that in Schatz 7042, except that it is now signed "Neumann." On the last p. 1. an "Anmerkune:" "Das im dritten akt aur der 65 seite befindliche Chor der priester und des volks ["Wie? heilig ^raues recht"], und die letzte arie der Cora, in eben diesem akte, "Trube tage stiller klage,"] stehen im schwedischen originate nicht. Beyde stucke hat der verfasser des deutschen textes neu geschrieben, und herr Naumann com- ponirt." SCHATZ 7042a - Cora. Eine grosse herolsche oper von Naumann. Danzig, gedruckt in der MueUerschen officin, n. d. 32 p. 15 cm . SCHATZ 7042b Cora o La vergine del sole, ballet. See Tarchi's Le Danaidi. OPERA LIBRETTOS 321 La cordonniere allemande. A. T. of Fridzeri's Les souliers morsdore's. - La Corilda overo L'amore trionfante della vendetta. Drama per musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro Zane di S. Moise 1'anno MDCLXXXVIII . . . Venetia, Francesco Nicolini, 1688. 52 p. 14\ cm . Three acts. Dedication, argument, scenario, and printer's notice to the reader, referring to the unknown author as follows: "Questo drama e parto d'un ingegno peregrine, che gode di essere conoeciuto piu dai versi, che dal nome." For this reason alone Alacci's "Poesia di di versi" is incorrect, apart from the fact pointed out by Wotquenne that the anonymous dedication is signed "Humiliss . . . servo." Wotquenne remarks that in the Brussels copy a contemporary hand has added, as author's name, that of Paolo Emilio Badi. SCHATZ 8887 II Corindo. Favola boschereccia rappresentata in musica, nella villa di Pratolino. Frenze, Vincenzio Vangelisti, 1680. 4$ [1] p. 15- Three acts. Neither the author, Giuseppe Giacomini, is mentioned, nor the com- poser, who is unknown to Schatz. First performed, as indicated, September, 1680. SCHATZ 11316 II Coriolano. Dramma musicale fatto cantare da' signori convittori delle camere maggiori del nobil collegio Tolomei di Siena nel carnevale dell' anno MDCCVI. Siena, Bonetti, 1706. 40 p. 14 cm . Three acts. Argument. Not recorded by Allacci or Schatz. Perhaps composed by Giuseppe Fabbrini, if still music-master at the college in 1706. ML 48. A5 v. 46 Coriolano. Tragedia per musica da rappresentarsi nel Regio Teatro di Berlino . . . Berlino, Haude e Spener, 1782. 75, [3] p. 17 cm . Three acts. Based on a prose sketch of Frederick the Great, by Leopoldo de Villati. He is mentioned as the author, and Carl Heinrich Graun aa the composer. Cast, argument, and scenario. German title-page, "Coriolanus," and text face Italian. Performed, as indicated, in January, 1782; first performed there December 3, 1749 (Schatz), December 19, 1749 (Mennicke). SCHATZ 4093 Coriolanus. Tr. of Graun's Coriolano. Corisca e Satire, intermezzi. See Spand's Elisa. La corona. Azione teatrale, scritta dall' autore in Vienna Fanno 1765 . . . e posta in musica dal Gluck; da rappreseutarsi nell' interne dell' Imperial corte dalle Altezze Reali di quattro arciduchesse d'Austria . . . per festeggiare il giorno di nome dell' augustissimo loro genitore, del quale Fimprovvisa perdita non permise la rappre- sentazione. [119}-148 p. 26 cm . ( Metastasio, Opere, t. xi, Parigi, vedova Heris- sant, 1782.} One act. ML 49.A2M44 72251 VOL 114 21 322 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS La corona d'lmeneo. Serenada cantata per le felicissime nozze di Sua Eccellenza Maxim. Clemente Giuseppe Maria Francesco de' conti del S. R. I. de Seinsheim . . . colF illustrissima Signora Maria Anna, baronessa di Franckenstein etc. La musica & del Signer Guglielmo Kiiffner . . . Wirzburgo, vedova di Gioseppo Antonio Nitribitt, 1772. 21 p. %. The author is not mentioned, and is unknown to Schatz. SCHATZ 5283 La cpronatipne d'Apollo per Dafne conversa in Lauro, inter- mezzi in musica del Sig. Silvestro Branchi, Academico Ravvivato, detto il Costante, per la sua opera intitolata, FAmorosa innocenza, recitata nel Salone. A' gFillustriss. Signori li Signori Fabio Gozadini confaloniero [etc, etc] dignissimi Antiani per il primo bimestre dell' anno 1623. II compositore della musica e il Signor Ottavio Vernizzi. Bologna, per gli eredi di Gio. Paolo Moscatelli, 1623. Unpaged. Four intermezzi, preceded by the author's dedication to the gentlemen mentioned in the title, evidently his patrons. It is dated February 1, 1623. In it Branchi calls his pastoral comedy "L'amorosa innocenza" and the present intermezzi: "opere d'un vostro sudditto, e divoto servidore, le quali per la stanchezza de' miei pensieri sepolte nell' oblio, non potevano piu risorgere, se non col vostro benigno e potete favore, comparendo, come fanno, con tanta splendidezza sopra il Teatro soHto del Salone ... This somewhat mysterious statement is easily explained, since comparison proved the present text to be practically identical with that of his "Coronatione d'Apollo. Per Dafne convertita in Lauro. Balletto in musica," which formed part of his " Tral- tenimento rmisicale d'Apollo con il Reno," Bologna. Moscatelli, 1621 (ML 52.2.T7), performed "nelle nozze sonttuose" of count Federico Rossi di S. Secondo and Donna Orsina Pepoli. The text was then simply in six scenes ("Uscita" 1-6) and in the sixth Apollo addressed about two pages to the bride and groom beginning with the line "Da te mi parto, o generoso heroe." In the 1623 edition the text is divided into four "intermizzi" with nine scenes, the first "uscita" of each intermezzo being preceded by a "sinfonia" as also the second "uscita" of the third and the third "uscita" of the fourth intermezzo. The text calls this last "Settima sinfonia. In cielo," but actually allusion is made only to six sinfonies. Apollo's compliments to the count and countess Rossi have been dropped (the line "Ogni parte miglior de la mia vita" being followed immediately by "Belle Naiadivezzose") but the 1623 version did not end with the line "E del bel lauro il preg^io ogn'hor s'awiva." In- stead, "La fama. Volando per aria in diversa maniera" sings after that "Felsina, tu vedesti," etc. SCHATZ 10715 Coronazione d'Apollo e Dafne, ballet. See Bertoni's Sesostri. Coronis, pastorale heroique. Representee par F Academic royale de musique. Suivant la copie imprim^e a Paris. [Amsterdam, Antoine Schelte], 1692. 36 p. (incl. front.) 13%.^ Prologue and three acts. Neither the author, Chappuzeau de Beauge", nor the composer, Teobaldo di Gatti (called Theobald) is mentioned. First performed, as indicated, March 23, 1691. ML 50.2.C 67 G2 - Coronis, pastorale heroique representee par FAcademie royale de musique Fan 1691. Les paroles sont de M. Bauge & la musique de M. Theobal. XXVII. opera. n. i., n. d. front., p. 113-154- (Recueil general des opera, v. iv, Paris, 1703.) 14% cm . Detached copy. Three acts with prologue. SCHATZ 3632. Second copy. ML 48. R4 OPERA LIBRETTOS 323 II Corrivo. Commedia per musica di G. M. D.[iodati] da rappresen- tarsi nel Teatro Nuovo sopra Toledo per prim' opera nella primavera di quest' anno 1787. Napoli, n. publ., 1787. 52 p. 15 cm . Two acts. Cast and name of Giuseppe Giordan! as the composer. SCHATZ 3839 Le corsaire de Sale. Piece d'un acte. Par M re . le S * * & j>Or * *. Represent e a la Foire Saint Laurent 1729. Le Theatre de lafoire, Paris, 1731, t. vii, pi, [241}-294 p. 17 cm . By Le Sage and d'Orneval. Largely en vaudevilles. The airs, selected or com- posed and arranged by Jean Claude Gillier, the "compositeur" of the company, are printed at the end of the volume in the "Table des airs." First performed August 20, 1729, as indicated. ML 48.L2VII La Corsala. Commedia per musica di Giambatista Lorenzi, P. A. da rappresentarsi nel Teatro de' Fiorentini nell' autunno del corrente anno 1771. Napoli, Vincenzo Flauto, 1771. 84 p. 15 cm . Three acts. Argument, scenario, cast and name of Niccolo Piccinni as composer. SCHATZ 8121 II corsaro algerino. Comedia per musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro de' Fiorentini nell' autunno di quest' anno 1765. Napoli, Bernardo Lanciano, 1765. 4 P- ^., 60 p. 14? cm - Three acts. Argument, cast, name of Gennaro Astaritta as composer, and notice by the printer: 'La presente comedia, si rappresento nel Teatro Nuovo nell' anno 1726, ora corn- parisce per seconda volta su questo de' Fiorentini. ... La troverai per altro vario dalla prima edizione ma ci6 & addivenuto per moderarlo al buon gusto moderno; che per ci6 si e dovuto cambiare 1'idioma napoletano in toscano ... 11 tutto si e fatto accomodare dal Signer D. Giuseppe Palomba . . . Florimo does not mention the 1726 performance, nor the original author, who is also unknown to Schatz. SCHATZ 377 La corte. Dramma morale di Francesco Sbarra, rappresentato in musica per intermezzi in Lucca nel Teatro de Borghi 1 anno 1657. n.i.,n.d. [162]-192 p. Detached copy. Four intermezzi, with argument, but without name of the com- poser, Marco Bigongiari. SCHATZ 1036 Una cosa rara. A. T. of the ballet Lilla e Lubino. Una cosa rara o sia: Bellezza ed onesta. Dramma giocoso in due atti. Da rappresentarsi nei Teatri di Praga 1'autunno dell' anno 1787. Vienna, n. publ., n. d. 86 p. 15\ cm . Two acts. Lorenzo da Ponte is mentioned as the author, Vincenzio Martin (Mar- tin y Soler) as the composer. First performed at Vienna, November 17, 1786. SCHATZ 6015 - Una cosa rara o sia Bellezza ed onesta. Dramma giocoso per musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro di S. A. E. di Sassoma. Dresda, n. publ, 1787. 163 p. 16 cm . Two acts. Martin y Soler is mentioned, Da Ponte not. German title page "Die seltenheit, oder Schoenheit und tugend" and text face Italian. First performed at Dresden, Churf. theater, April 12, 1788. SCHATZ 6017 324 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Una cosa rara Continued. Bellezza ed onesta. Dramma gipcoso per musica da rappresen- tarsi nel nobilissimo Teatro Giustiniani in S. Mois6 per la prima opera del carnovale dell' anno 1788. Venezia, Gio. Battista Casali, n. d. 64 p. 18 cm . Two acts. Martin y Soler is mentioned, but Da Ponte not. Cast added in pencil. SCHATZ 6030 - La cosa rara ; a new comic opera, in two acts, as performed at the King's Theatre, in the Hay-Market, the music entirely new by Signor Martini; under the direction of Mr. Mazzinghi. London, C. Eiherington, 1789. 2 p. I, 106 p. 19\ cm . Cast. English translation faces Italian text. Added to the libretto, a [4] p. "List of the subscribers to the boxes at the King's Theatre, 1789." ML 48.M2M - Una cosa rara o sia Bellezza ed onesta. Dramma giocoso per musica da rappresentarsi nel Regio Teatro di via della Pergola la prima vera del MDCCXCI . . . Firenze, Stamperia Albizzinina, 1791. 67 p. 16% cm . Two acts. Cast and names of " Vincenzo Martin " (Martin y Soler) and Da Ponte. With the opera was performed (composer of the music not mentioned) the ballet, "II trionfo d'Ercole in Troia o sia Esione liberata." ML 48. A5 v. 16 Gesaenge aus dem singspiele: Cosa rara, oder Der seltne fall, in zwey aufzuegen. Aus dem italienischen. In musik getzt von herrn Martini. n i., 1797. 40 p. 15\ cm . German version by Ferdinand Eberl, who is not mentioned. SCHATZ 6019 Etwas seltsames oder Schoenheit und ehrbarkeit. Ein lustiges singspiel in zwey aufzuegen fuer das Kais. Koen. Hoftheater. Wien, Joseph Edler von Kurzek, 1787. 86 p. 16 cm . Translator not mentioned, and unknown to Schatz. Da Ponte and Martin y Soler are mentioned. SCHATZ 6016 - Arien aus der so grossen und beruehmten opera Una cosa rara osia Bellezza ed onesta. Die seltne sac he oder bchoenheit und tugend aus dem italiaenischen in zwey aufzuegen von abbate da Ponte. Die musik ist von hr. Vinzenz Martini . . . Zum erstenmale in deutscher sprache von der Wilhelmischen gesellschaft in Baaden aufgefuehret. Wien, mit Hraschanzkyschen schriften, 1787. 35 p. 15 cm . Cast. (Bound with Dittersdorf's "Betr\ig durch aberglauben," Schatz 2587.) The siege of Belgrade. See Title. La cosa rara, ballet. See Tarchi's Lo spazzacamino principe. Cosi fan tutte o sia La scuola degli amanti. Dramma giocoso in due atti da rappresentarsi nel Teatro di corte 1'anno 1790. Vienna, La societa tipografica, n. d. 84 p- 16 cm . Two acts. Lorenzo da Ponte is mentioned as the author, "Wolfgango Mozzart" (Mozart) as the composer. First performed, as indicated, January 26, 1790. SCHATZ 6762 OPERA LIBRETTOS 325 Cosi fan tutte o Continued. . Cosi fan tutte o sia La scuola degli amanti. Dramma giocoso per musica, da rappresentarsi nel Teatro di S. A. E. di Sassoma. Dresda, n. puU., 1791. 147 p. 15% cm . Two acts. Da Ponte is not mentioned; Mozart is. German title page, "Eine wie die andere oder Die echule der liebhaber," and text face Italian. First performed, as indicated, October 5, 1791. SCHATZ 6763 - Cosi fan tutte. Eine machts wie die andere oder Die schule der liebhaber. Ein komisches singspiel in zwey aufzuegen. Aus dem italienischen des abbate de la Ponte. Die music ist von Mozart. Breslau, Grassische stadt-buchdruckerey , n. d. 4? P- I4\ cm - Two acts. German text only. First performed at Breslau, Waser'sches Theater, January 16, 1795; at Berlin, National-theater, August 3, 1792. SCHATZ 6764 - Gesaenge aus der Schule der liebhaber oder Eine ist "wie die andere. Eine komische oper aus dem italienischen von abate da Ponte, ins deutsche frei uebersetzt. Die musik dazu ist von Mozart. Aufgefuehrt von der Mihuleschen Gesellschaft. Augsburg, n. publ., 1794- Unpaged. 15\ cm . SCHATZ 6765 - Weibertreue, oder Die maedchen sind von Flandern. Ein komisches singspiel in zwey akten, mit musik von Mozart. Nach Cosi fan tutte frey bearbeitet, von C. F. Bretzner. Leipsig, FriedricJi GottJiold Jacobaer, 1794. 4 p. 1., 88 p. 15 cm . In his "Vorbericht," Bretzner says: "Bey der bearbeitung habe ich mir einige abweichungen und abkuerzungen erlaubt, die ich im deutschen gewande fiir nothwendig hielt and, "Zwar erinnre ich mich gelesen su haben, dass sie [die oper] bereits an einigen orten deutsch, ohne grossen effekt gegeben worden: allein entweder war die ueber- setzung gar zu elend, oder es lag die schuld an der ausfuehrung. Man lasse sich nicht abschrecken, wenn der effekt bey der ersten auffuehrung nicht ganz der erwartung entspraeche, die man sich da von gemacht hatte; man hoere sie nur mehreremal, und ich bin gewiss, man wird . . . sich nicht satt daran hoeren koennen." First performed at Leipzig, Theater am Rannstadter Thore, 1794. SCHATZ 6766 Gesaenge aus der oper: Die wette, oder Maedchenlist und lie be, in vier acten. Nach Cosi fan tutte, von C. F. Brezner. Die musik ist von Mozart. Hamburg, Friedrich Hermann Nestler, n. d. 55 p. 16 cm . First performed at Hamburg, Theater beim Gansemarkt, July 6, 1796. SCHATZ 6767 - Veddemaalet eller Elskernes skole. Et syngestykke af abbe" da Ponte. Efter befaling forandret og oversat til Wolfgang Mozarts musik af Adam Gottloo Thoroup. Kifibenhavn, J. F. Morihorstes Enke, 1798. 96 p. 15 cm . First performed at Copenhagen, October 19, 1798. SCHATZ 6768 Cosroe. Drama per musica da recitarsi nel Teatro Alibert pe'l car- nevale dell' anno 1723. Presentato alia Maesta di Giacomo III. Re della Gran Brettagna. [!!] Roma, Bernabb, 1723. 72 p. 16 cm . Three acts. Dedication, argument, scenario, cast, name of Antonio Pollaroli'ae the composer, and notice to the reader, which reads, in part: 326 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Cosroe Continued. "Codesto componimento drammatico; uscito dalla famosa penna d'uno de' piu eruditi poeti de nostri tempi. E ben per6 giusto, che a tua cognizione pervenga non esserei in conto arcuno mutato il presente libro, ma essere tale, quale 6 stato recitato altre voltre, a riserva di pochi verei, e di alcune ariette, cssendo convenuto il farlo per accomodarsi alia presente occasione." This notice refers to Apostolo Zeno's "Ormisda." "Cosroe" was first performed at Rome, as indicated, December 28, 1722. SCHATZ 8267 Costantino. Apostolo Zeno,Poesiedrammatiche, Venezia, 1744, t- i x , P- [101]-199. 19 cm . Five acts. Argument. Written in collaboration with Pietro Pariati. No com- poser is mentioned. In the "Catalogo " at end of t. x, date and place of first ed. are given as Venice, 1711. ML 49.A2Z3 - Costantino. Pubblicato per la prima volta in Venezia 1711. Apostolo Zeno, Poesie drammatiche, Orleans, 1785-86, t. xi, p. 100. 21 cm . Five acts. Argument. No composer is mentioned. Written in collaboration with Pietro Pariati. ML 49.A2Z4 Costantino. Drama da rappresentarsi per musica nel Teatro Tron di S. Cassano Fautunno dell' anno 1711 . . . Venezia, Marino Rossetti, 1711. 72 p. 15 cm . Five acts. By Apostolo Zeno and Pietro Pariati, who are not mentioned as authors, but Pariati signed the dedication. Argument, cast, scenario, and name of Carlo Francesco Gasparini as the composer. SCHATZ 3589 II Costantino Pio. Dramma posto in musica dal Signer Carlo Francesco Pollaroli, e rappresentato in Roma 1'anno MDCCX. Roma, Antonio de' Rossi, 1710. 90 p. 14 cm . Three acts. Argument and scenario. The author not mentioned, and unknown to Schatz. First performed, as indicated, at the Sala de' Signori Capranica. SCHATZ 8278 La costanza affricana soccorsa dalT arte magica, ballet. See Galuppi's Sofonisba. La costanza combattuta in amore. Drama per musica da rap- presentarsi nel Teatro Giustiniano a S. Moise Fautunno delF anno 1716 . . . Venezia, Giacomo Valvasense, 1716. 60 p. 15$ cm . Three acts. By Francesco Silvani, who is not mentioned. Dedication dated Venice, October 17, 1716, notice to the reader, with the name of Giovanni Porta as the composer, argument, scenario, and cast. SCHATZ 8390 La costanza coniugale, ballet. See Andreozzi's Teodelinda. La costanza d'Ulisse. Drama per musica nel felicissimo dl nata- lizio della S. C. R. M^ delF imperatore Leopoldo I ... Fanno MDCC. posto in musica dal Sig- Carlo Agostmo Badia . . . con Farie per li balletti del Sig? Gio. Gioseffo Honer, violinista di S. M. C. Vienna d' Austria, appresso Susanna Christina, vedova di Matteo Cosmerovio, n. d. [64] p. 17\ cm . One act. The author, Giovanni Battista Ancioni, is not mentioned. Argument and description of Lodovico Burnacini's "Apparato nella peschiera del Cesareo giar- Three acts. By Giovanni Antonio Bonis. Author's dedication dated Venice, January 6, 1675, notice to the reader, argument, scenario. Composers not mentioned, and unknown to Schatz, who records this as a pasticcio. SCHATZ 11318 Darius. Tr. of Alessandri's Dario. Das ist er ja selbst. Tr. of Paisiello's Dal finto il vero. Dasius ein junger blutzeug Jesu Christi. Ein singspiel in zween choeren [!] Die musikalischen toene zum singspiele hat verfertigt herr Michael Demler, componist und claviermeister in Augsburg. On p. [3-12] of " Trebelliua koenig der Bulgarer . . . ein trauerspiel . . . aufgefuehrt von der studirenden jugend des katholischen schulhauses zu Augsburg bei St. Salvatorden 2. 3. und 6 ten herbstmondes [Sept.] 1774. Gedruckt . . . bey Joseph Simon Hueber . . . " With cast. On p. [5] "in zween aufzuegen." The author is not mentioned and is unknown to Schatz. SCHATZ 2504 352 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS The daughters of Danaus. A. T. of Noverre's ballet The Danaides. A day at Rome: a musical entertainment, in two acts. As it was damned at the Theatre Royal, Covent-Garden, on Thursday, October 11, 1798. London, H. D. Symonds and G. Cawihorne, 1798. mi, [1], 82 p. 21. Cast and preface by the author, Charles Smith, of date James Street, Adelphi, Octo- ber 20, 1798, in which he denies that Caleb Whitefoord wrote any of the text, and asserts that the text is correctly printed from the prompter's book, except the first song in the second act, "Where the original is restored, in lieu of a substitute written at the request of one of the performers, on such short notice, that she had not sufficient time to commit it to her memory." He continues by saying: "It was not till towards the middle of the piece that the aukward dress, and a deficiency in the recitation of one of the actors, occasioned marks of disapprobation; which increased so as to preclude the possibility of hearing even the elegant and scientific music of [Thomas] Attwood." LONGE 254 De gustibus non est disputandum. Dramma di tre atti per musica. Rappresentato in Venezia il carnovale dell' anno MDCCLIV. Carlo Goldoni, Opere teatrali, Venezia, Zatta efigli, 1788-95, v. 88, [67}-125 p. 18%. PQ De gustibus non est disputandum. Dramma giocoso per musiea. Da rappresentarsi nel Teatro Tron di S. Cassiano il carnovale dell' anno 1754. Venezia, -Modesto Fenzo, 1754. 59 p. 15% cm . Three acts. Cast, scenario, and one of Carlo Goldoni's (not mentioned) charming prefaces, which reads in part: "Letter carissimo, se uno tu sei di quegli, a' quali abbia io protestatp di non volere quest' anno, e fprse mai piu comporre de' simili drammi buffi, yoglio anche com- municarti la ragione, che ad astenermene mi obbligava, ed i motivi, che mi hanno fatto dal mio proponimento discendere. II dramma serio per musica, come tu saprai, e un genere di teatrale componimento di sua natura imperfetto, non potendosi osser- vare in essp veruna di quelle regole, che sono alia tragedia prescritte. Molto piu imperfetto il dramma buffo esser dee perche cercandosi dagli scrittori di tai barzellette servire piu alia musica, che a se medesimi e fondando, o nel ridicolo o nello spettacolo la eperanza della riuscita, non badano seriamente alia condotta, ai caratteri, all' intreccio, alia verita, come in una commedia buona dovrebbe farsi. Questa e poi la ragione per cui cotai libretti, che si dicono buffi, rarissime volte incontrano. Io ne ho fatti parecchi, che il Tevernini librajo in Merceria alia Providenza ha potuto stamparne quattro tometti in 12. Di questi alcuni hanno ayuto fortuna grande, altri mediocre, ed alcuni altri 1' hanno sofferta pessima, e questi forse saranno i men cattivi, e piii regolati de' primi. L' esito dipende tal' ora dalla musica, per Io piu dagli attori, e eovente ancora dalle decorazioni. II popolo decide a seconda dell' esito, se 1' opera e a terra, il libro e pessimo. Se e un poco serio, e cattivo perche non fa ridere; se e troppo ridicolo e cattivo perche non vi e nobilta ..." Goldoni does not mention Giuseppe Scarlatti as the composer of this "operetta" as he calls it. SCHATZ 9543 The dead alive: A comic opera. In two acts. As it is performed at the theatres in London and Dublin. By John O'Keefe, Esq. Dublin, Sold ly the looksellers, 1783. 45 p. 16\ cm . Cast. The composer, Samuel Arnold, is not mentioned. First performed June 16, 1781, as indicated. LONGE 148 The dead alive : or, The double funeral. A comic opera. In two acts. With additions and alterations. As performed by the OPERA LIBRETTOS 353 The dead alive Continued. Old American company in New- York: with universal applause. By John O'Keefe . . . with an account of the author. New-York, Printed by Hodge, Allen, and Campbell, 1789. 1 p. L, iv,[7]-46p. 18% cm . Cast. Composed by Samuel Arnold, who is not mentioned. First performed June 16, 1781, at the Haymarket, London; in America, as indi- cated, September 24, 1789. ML 50.6.D3 The death of captain Faulknor; or, British heroism. An opera' (in one act.) As performed at the theatre Royal, Co vent-Garden. London, Glindon and co., 1795. 19 p. 20\ cm . Cast. According to the prefatory note of date London, May 6, 1795: "The dialogue of this little production, first brought forward at Mrs. Martyr'a benefit, was purposely written to introduce songs, for the most part selected on the occasion. And as the words of such selected sorigs have not long been published in the operas to which they immediately belong, the writer of the present trifle does not think himself at liberty here to insert them. The words of the new songs, there- fore, are only introduced." Author not known to Biog. Dram., which says "not printed "! Composer unknown to me. First performed May 6, 1795 (Genest). ML 50'.2.D31 Debora e Sisara. Azione sacra per musica di Carlo Sernicola, P. A. Da rappresentarsi nel Real Teatro di S. Carlo nella quaresima dell' anno 1788 . . . Napoli, Vincenzo Flauto, 1788. 48 p. 19 cm . Two acts. Impresario's dedication dated Naples, February 10, 1788, argument, scenario, cast, and name of Pietro Guglielmi as the composer." SCHATZ 5241 Arsinoe e Breno. Dramma serio per musica da rappresentarsi nel Nuovo Teatro della nobiliss. Accademia Intronata di Siena 1' estate dell' anno 1790. Siena, Pazzini Carli, n. d. 4 P- . 17% cm . Two acts. Argument and cast. Comparison proves that Sernicola's text of "Debora e Sisara, azione sacra" was simply, more or less, secularized into a "dramma eerio " by an unknown author. For instance, whereas the words of the finale quartett of the first act "Rabbia, furor, dispetto" were retained, the original finale tutti of the second act "Tolse il ciel le nostre pene" has become "Con noi cantino le sfere." Both operas begin "Ah! qual viltade e questa," but after that their texts disagree very much oftener than not. The composer, Pietro Guglielmi, is not mentioned. A footnote on p. 6 says that the title of the first ballet by Giacomo Gentili would be "La felicita nata dalle eventure" and of the second "II bottaro." The com- posers of the music are not mentioned. SCHATZ 4315 Decio sacrificato alia patria. See M. Curzio. Decius and Paulina, masque. See The lady's triumph. La Deidamia. Poema drammatico di Scipione Herrico. Da rap- presentarsi nel Teatro Novissimo nell' anno 1644 . . . Venetia, Matteo Leni e Giovanni Vecellio, 1644- 106 p. 14 cm ' Three acts with prologue. The author's dedication is dated January 5, 1644. The composer, Pietro Francesco Cavalli, is not mentioned. SCHATZ 1745 La Delia o sia La sera sposa del sole. Poema dramatico di Giulio Strozzi. Venetia, Gio. Pietro Pinelli, 1639. 80 p. 13 cm . Three acts. Author's dedication dated Venice, January 20, 1639, argument, allegoria, and notice to the reader which reads in part : 722.T1 vor. 114 23 354 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS La Delia Continued. "La musica e sorella di quella poeeia, che vuole assorellarsi seco, ma, quando non s' intendono bene tra di loro, non sono ne attenenti, ne amiche. "II canto, che raddolcisce gli animi, riesce in due maniere un' abborita cantilena, 6 quado s' ha da gir dietro alle chimere del poeta, 6 quando dileguandosi la parola, 6 la finale d' al cuna voce nelP ampiezza de' teatri, emarriscono gli uditori il filo de gli ammaeeati concetti. . . . Per questo io son ricorso alia etampa, acci6 ch' ella sia la contracifra di que' musici, che cantano talhora piu volontieri a loro medeeimi, ch' agli ascoltanti ... At the end of the libretto a note informs us that more than three hundred verses were dropped in the performances of the opera. The composer, Francesco Paolo Sacrati, is not mentioned. SCHATZ 9256 Le delire pu Les suites d'une erreur, comedie en un acte, en prose mdl^e d'ariettes, representSe pour la premiere fois le 16 frimaire, sur le Theatre de FOp&ra comique national, an 8. Paroles du citoyen R. St.-Cir, musique du citoyeji Berton. Paris, Du Pont, an VII. [1 798-99} 1 p.l, 45 p. (incl front.) 20. Text followed by 4 unnumb. pages of a book-list by Martinet, which originally can not have been issued in this form with the libretto, since one of the books is dated 1806. First performed December 6, 1799, as indicated. ML 50.2.D35B2 II delirio comune, per la incostanza de' genii. Drama per musica da recitarsi nel Teatro Grimani in S. Gio. Grisostomo, di Matteo Noris Fanno MDCCI . . . Venezia, Xiccolini, 1701. 70, [1] p. (incl. front.) 14 cm . The additional p. contains lines omitted by the printer in II, 10. Three acts. Notice to the reader and scenario. Carlo Francesco Pollaroli, the composer, is not mentioned. First performed fall of 1700, at the theatre mentioned, according to Schatz. SCHATZ 8280 Delmita e Daliso. O. T. of Salieri's Daliso e Delmita. II Demetrio. [149}-225 p. 19 cm . (Pietro Metastasio, Opere drammaticTie, Ven&- zia, Giuseppe Bettinelli, 1783-37, t. i.) Three acts and licenza. Argument. No composer is mentioned. ML 49.A2M4 - Demetrio. Metastasio, Poesie, Parigi, vedova QuiMau, 1755, t. T, [205]-319 p. 16 cm . Three acts and licenza. Argument. ML 49.A2M42 - Demetrio. Rappresentato con musica del Caldara la prima volta in Vienna, nelF interno gran teatro della Cesarea corte alia presenza de' sovrani, il dl 4 novembre 1731, per festeggiare il nome delF imperator Carlo VI ... pi, [213}-334. 26. (Pietro Metastasio, Opere, t. 1, Parigi vedova Herissant, 1780.) Three acts and licenza. Argument. ML 49.A2M44 II Demetrio. Dramma per musica del Sig. Pietro Metastasio da rappresentarsi in Livorno nel Nuovo Teatro dagli Armeni. L'au- tunno dell' anno 1785 . . . Livorno, Antonio Lami e cornp., n. d. 62 p. lJ+\ cm . OPERA LIBRETTOS 355 II Demetrio Continued. Two acts. Argument, cast, scenario, and impresario's prefatory note, in which he says: "si e dovuto mutilare forse troppo quest' opera, e defraudarla di gran parte delle eue bellezze. II togliere tutti a un tratto gl'inconvenienti, e gli abusi introdotti nelli spettacoli teatrali sarebbe cosa troppo pericolosa ad un impresario. Dal canto mio vorrei veder tornare quei tempi in cm il buon senso, il buon gusto, e la proprieta preva- levano al gran spettacolo: vorrei che un drama di celebre autore facesse gustare tutt' i meriti suoi, e che una rappresentazione non ei riducesse ad una Accademia di canto, come pare che ammano ammano vada a ridursi: vorrei che la dansa si limitasse nella dansa medesima. Ma spetta ad un pubblico, non a me, a correggere gli abusi, col dar moto ad una riforma degna d'un secolo illuminato." Composer not mentioned, and unknown to Schatz. As third ballet was given, composer of the music not mentioned, Domenico Ricciardi's "II barbier di Siviglia." SCHATZ 11319 Demetrio. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel Nuovo Teatro di Corte . . . nel carnevale dell' anno MDCCLXXII. La Eoesia e dell' Sig. abbate Pietro Metastasio ... La musica e dell' ig. Andrea de Bernasconi . . . Monaco, Francesco Gioseppe ThuiUe, n. d. 147, [39] p. 15' Three acts. Argument, cast, and scenario. German title-page "Demetrio," and text face Italian. The unnumb. p. contain cast and description of the ballets, "Medee et Jason, ballet tragique . . . par le Sieur Trancart " ("Medea und Jason ") and "Les fetes ou Jalousies du serial, ballet tragi-comique . . . par le Sieur. Trancart ..." ("Daa Feetin, oder Die eifersucht der frauenzimmer des tuerkischen kaisers "). The composer of the music is not mentioned. First performed at Munich in January, 1772. SCHATZ 857 II Demetrio, dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel nobilissimo Teatro di S. Benedetto fl carnovale dell' anno 1780. Venezia, Modesto Fenzo, 1780. 45 p. 17 cm . Two acts. By Metastasio. Argument, cast, scenario, and name of the composer, Francesco Bianchi. On p. [21J-30, cast and full description of "Le congiure del duca di Guisa, ballo eroi-tragico in quattro atti," by Domenico Ricciardi, the composer of the music not being mentioned. First performed in January, 1780, as indicated. SCHATZ 1008 Demetrio. Drama per musica di Pietro Metastasio . . . Da rappresentarsi neL Teatro delle Dame nel carnevale dell' anno MDCCXXXII . . . [Roma], Pasquino, n-. a. 81 p. 15. Three acts. Impresario's dedication, argument, scenario, cast, and name of Gio- vanni Antonio Giai as the composer. SCHATZ 3816 Demetrio. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro Gri- mani di San Samuele per la fiera dell' Ascensione dell' anno 1742 . . . Venezia, Marino Rossetti, n. d. 1+8 p. 14% cm ' Three acts. By Metastasio, who is not mentioned. Dedication dated May 1, 1742, argument, cast, scenario, and name of Gluck as the composer. First performed, as indicated, May, 1742. SCHATZ 3929 II Demetrio. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel nobilissimo Teatro di S. Benedetto nella fiera dell' Ascensione dell' anno MDCCLXXV. Venezia, Modesto Fenzo, n. d. 66 p. J7 cm . Three acte. By Metastasio, who is not mentioned. Argument, cast, scenario and name of Pietro Guglielmi as the composer. On p. F25J-42 cast, argument and description of Giuseppe Canziani's "Ines di Castro, ballo tragico in cinque atti." The composer of the music is not mentioned. First performed, as indicated, May 24, 1775. SCHATZ 4310 356 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS II De me trio. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel famosis- simo Teatro Grimani di S. Gio. Grisostomo nel carnevale dell' anno MDCCXXXII . . . Venezia, Marino Rossetti, 1732. 72 p. 14 cm - Attached to this copy are 5 p. of arias in ms. which possibly were intended as substitutes. Three acts. By Metastasio. Dedication, argument, cast, scenario, and name of Johann Adolph Hasse as the composer. SCHATZ 4532 - 11 Demetrio, dramma per musica rappresentato alia regia elet- toral corte di Dresda il carnovale dell' anno MDCCXL. n. i., n. d. (double) 111 p. 16 cm . Three acts. Argument, cast and names of Metastasio as author, of Joh. Ad. Hasse as composer. German title page, "Demetrius . . . Dresden, gedruckt . . . bey der verw. . . . Stoesselin " and text face the Italian, which is not quite the same as in the Venice, 1732, edition. For instance, in I, 7, the chorus, "Ogni Nume, ed ogni Diva" precedes the dialogue, "Dal tuo labbro o Regina," with which the 1732 ed. begins, and the aria in I, 8, is now "Se libera non sono" instead of "Se non posao su quel trono." Schatz and Mennicke call this Basse's second version. First performed, as indicated, February 8, 1740. SCHATZ 4533 Demetrio. Drama per musica da rappresentarsi nel Regio Teatro di Torino nel carnovale del 1748 . . . Torino, Pietro Giuseppe Zappata e figliuolo, n. d. 4 P- l-> 66 P- 16 cm . Three acts. Argument, scenario, cast and names of Jon. Ad. Hasse as composer of the opera, of Alessio Rasetti as composer of the ballets. The text is not quite the same as in the original Dresden, 1740, edition for Basse's second "Demetrio" ver- sion. For instance, the aria, "Fra tanti pensieri Di regno, e d'amore" (I, 3) has become "Fra il tumulto de' pensieri Dell' impero e del mio affetto;" "Ogm procella infida" (I, 5) has been replaced by "Chi non sa, che gran conforto," and the aria, "Pensa, che sei crudele" has been dropped from III, 2, and "Quel labbro adorato" from III, 4. SCHATZ 4585 II Demetrio. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi alia Corte elettorale Palatina il giorno del nome del Serenissimo elettore . . . Tanno MDCCLIII. Mannheim, Niccolo Pierron, n. d. 8 p. L, 103 p. 15% cm . Three acts. Argument, cast and names of Metastasio as author, of Niccol6 Joxn- melli as composer. First performed, as indicated, November 4, 1753; at Parma, Teatro Ducale, car- nival, 1750, as "Demetrio, re di Siria." SCHATZ 4850 - Demetrius. Ein musicalisches schau-spiel welches an dem glor- reichen nahmens-tag Ilirp Churfuerstl. Durclileucht zu Pfaltz . . . aufgefuehret worden, im jahr 1753. Mannheim, Nicolaus Pierron, n. d. 3 p. 1., Ill p. 16 cm . Three acts. Argument, cast, and names of Metastasio and Jommelli. German translation for the above performances. SCHATZ 4851 II Demetrio. Drama per musica. Di Giacomo dall' Angelo. Da rappresentarsi nel Teatro di S. Moise 1'anno 1666 . . . Venetia, Francesco Nicolini, 1666. 7 p. 1. (incl. front.) , 94 p. 14 m - Three acts. Author's dedication dated. Venice, January 1, 1666, notice to the reader with name of Carlo Pallavicino as the composer, argument and scenario. SCHATZ 7735 OPERA LIBRETTOS 357 II Demetrio. Dramma per musiea da rappresentarsi nel nobilissimo Teatro di S. Benedetto nella Fiera dell' Aseensione dell' anno 1768. Venezia, Modesto Fenzo, 1768. 46 p. 17 cm . Three acts. By Metastasio, who ia not mentioned. Argument, caet, scenario and name of Antonio Gaetano Pampani as the composer. SCHATZ 7761 Demetrio. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro di S. Samuelle per la fiera dell' Ascensione dell' anno MDCCLL Venezia, In Merceria, 1751. 48, [1] p. 15 cm . Three acts. By Metastasio, who is not mentioned. Argument, cast, scenario and name of David Perez as the composer. On the additional p. the additional arias: "Gia della morte il gelo" and "Crude stelle piu serene." SCHATZ 7876 Demetrio. See Pescetti's Demetrius. Demetrio. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel Regio Teatro di Torino nel carnevale del 1762 . . . Torino, Gaspare Bayno, n. d. viii, 67 p. Three acts. By Metastasio, who is not mentioned. Argument, cast, scenario and names of Giuseppe Ponzo (on a printed slip) as composer of the opera, of Giuseppe Antonio Le-Meesier of the three ballets which have only general titles like "Di pastori, giardinieri e pastorelle." First performed December 26, 1761, as indicated. SCHATZ 8354 Demetrio. Drama per musica. Demetrius . . . Hamburg, Spiering, 1744. Ill p. 19 cm . Three acts. By Metastasio, who is not mentioned. Scenario, cast, argument, and name of Paolo Scalabrini as composer "a risserva di alcune arie di diversi autori." German text faces Italian. First performed at Hamburg, Theater b. Gansemarkt, November 4. 1744. SCHATZ 9516 Demetrio. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel Nuovo Teatro in Padova per la solita fiera di giugno 1752 . . . Padova, Stamperia Conzatti, 1752. 69 p. 17% cm . Three acts. By Metastasio, who is not mentioned. Dedication, argument, cast, scenario, and name of Giuseppe Scarlatti as the composer. SCHATZ 9544 Demetrio. Drama per musica, del Signer abb. Pietro Metastasio ... da rappresentarsi in Lisbona nel Teatro Novo alia rua dos Condes 1'anno 1739 ... Bologna, Giuseppe le Longi, 1789. 4 P- !> 151 P- 16% cm . Three acts. Portuguese t.-p. and text face Italian. Argument, cast, scenario. Gaetano Maria Schiassi, the composer is not mentioned . First performed at Milan, Regio Ducal Teatro, August 28, 1732. ML 50.2.D37S3 II Demetrio. Dramma per musica del Sig? abbate Metastasio. Da rappresentarsi nel Teatro dell' illustrissima citta di Lodi il carnevale delF anno 1764 ... Lodi, Gli eredi di Nicola Trdbatti, n. d. 6 p. 1., 48 p. 15 cm . Three acts. Dedication, cast, scenario, and name of "maestro Vagenzail, " Georg Christoph Wagenseil, as composer. First performed, according to Schat/, at Florence, Teatro via della Pergola, Decem- ber 26, 1746. ML 48.A5 v. 10 358 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Demetrio a Rodi. Festa per musica da rappresentarsi nel Regio Teatro di Torino per le nozze delle LL. AA. RR. Vittorio Emanuele . . . e Maria Teresa . . . I'anno MDCCLXXXIX. Torino, Onorato Derossi, n. d. viii, 48 p. 16 cm . Two acts. Argument, cast, and names of Giandomenico Boggio as the author, of Gaetano Pugnani as the composer of the opera, and of Vittorio Amedeo Cauavasso as the composer of the music of Giuseppe Banti's four act <: I1 trionfo improvviso, ballo pantomimo," which is described, with cast, on p. 44-48. SCHATZ 8503 Demetrio e Tolomeo. Drama per musica. Da rappresentarsi nel Teatro di S. Angelo 1'autunno dell' anno 1702 . . . Venezia, Marino Rossetti, 1 702. 60 p. 15 cm . Three acts. Dedication dated Venice, November 16, 1702, and signed by the author, Antonio Marchi, argument, scenario, and notice to the reader, with name of Antonio Polaroli (Pollaroli) as the composer. SCHATZ 8258 Demetrio in Athene. A. T. of Wilderer's II giorno di salute. II Demetrio re della Siria. Drama per musica . . . Demetrius, Koenig in Syrien in einer opera vorgestellet auf dem grossen Braun- schweigigen Theatro in der winter-messe anno 1734. Wolfenbuettel C. Bartsch, n. d. Unpaged. 18. By Metastasio (not mentioned). Three acts. Argument, scenario, and name of the composer, Antonio Caldara. German text faces Italian. First performed at Vienna, Hoftheater, November 4, 1731. SCHATZ 1480 Demetrio, re di Siria. O. T. of Jommelli's Demetrio. Demetrio tiranno. Drama rappresentato nel nuovo Teatro di Piacenza . . . Poesia d'Aurelio Aureli . . . e musica di D. Ber- nardo Sabadini . . . Parma, Stampa di corte, 1694. 71 p. 15% cm . Three acts. Dedication, argument, cast, scenario. SCHATZ 9193 Demetrius. Tr. of Bernasconi's Demetrio. Demetrius. Tr. of Hasse's Demetrio. Demetrius. An opera. As perform'd at the Theatre Royal in the Hay-Market. Composed by John Baptist Pescetti. London, J. CTirichley^ST. 61 p. 17 cm . Three acts. English text faces Italian. By Metastasio, who is not mentioned. Dedication signed by Angelo Cori, argument, and cast. First performed, as indicated, February 12/23, 1737. SCHATZ 7964 Demetrius. Tr. of Scalabrini's Demetrio. Demetrius in Athen. A. T. of Wilderer's Der tag des heyls. Democrit der zweyte. Tr. of Dittersdorf's Democrito corretto. Democrito. Drama per musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro di S. A. S. di Carignano. Torino, Francesco Antonio Gattinara, 1718. 2 p. 1., 75 p. 14% CT *> Three acts. Author not mentioned, and unknown to Schatz. Argument, scenario, and name of Carlo Francesco Gasparini as the composer. SCHATZ 3563 OPERA LIBRETTOS 359 Democrito corretto. Opera giocosa in due atti. Composed by Dittersdorf, and first performed at Vienna Jan. 27, 1787. Not in L. of C. - Gesaenge aus dem singspiele: Democrit der zweyte, in zwey aufzuegen, nach dem italienischen. Die musik ist von Ditters von Dittersdorf. Hamburg, Johann Matthias Michaelsen, 1791. Ifi p. 17 cm . Translator unknown to Schatz; not identical with Schmieder's version. First performed at Hamburg, Theater beim Gaensemarkt, July 27, 1791. SCHATZ 2588 II Demofonte. Drama per musica di Francesco Beverini Luc- chese . . . Roma, Moneta, 1669. 5 p. I, 96 p. 13 cm . Three acts. Author's dedication, dated Rome, June 23. 1669, and Antefatto. Com- poser not mentioned. ML 50.2.D38 Demofonte. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro Vendramin di San Salvatore la prossima fiera dell' Ascensione dell' anno 1754. Venezia, Modesto Fenzo, 17 5 4. 47 p. 15 cm . Three acts. By Metastasio. Cast, scenario, and name of the composer, Giovachino Cocchi. SCHATZ 2042 II Demofoonte. [323}-392 p. 19 cm . (Pietro Metastasio, Opere drammatiche, Vene- zia, Giuseppe BettineUi, 1733-37, v. 2.} Three acts and licenza. Argument. No composer mentioned. ML 49.A2M4 Demofoonte. Metastasio, Poesie, Parigi, vedova Quittau, 1755, t. in, [857}-468 p. 16 cm . Tnree acts and licenza. Argument. ML 49.A2M42 Demofoonte. Rappresentato con musica del Caldara la prima yolta in Vienna nell' interno gran Teatro della Cesarea Corte, . . . il di 4 novembre 1733, per festeggiare il Home delF imperator Carlo pi., [151]-262 p. 26 cm . (Pietro Metastasio, Opere, t. 4, Parigi, vedova Herissant, 1780.) Three acts and licenza. Argument. ML 49.A2M44 - Demophon. Metastasio, Tragedies-opera, Vienne, 1751, t. iv, p. [21]-144> 14- Three acts. Richelet's translation of "Demofoonte." ML 49.A2M47 Demofoonte. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro da S. Agostino la prima vera dell' anno 1774 . . . Genova, Stamperia Gesiniana, n. d. 6 p. 1., 56 p. 14% cm ' Three acts. By Metastasio. Impresario's dedication, argument, cast, and sce- nario. "La musica e in parte del celebre maestro Sig. Pasquale Anfossi, e parte di varj. altri celebri autori. The ballets, by Vincenzo Galleotti, composer of the music not mentioned, were entitled: "La dolce vendetta" and "La caccia d'Enrico Quarto." SCHATZ 274 360 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Demofoonte. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel Nuovo teatro di corte . . . nel carnevale dell' anno MDCCLXVI. La poesia d dell' Sig. abbate Pietro Metastasio ... La musica & del Sig. Andrea de Bernasconi . . . Monaco, Francesco Gioseppe Thuitte, n. d. 12 p. Z., 167, [19] p. 14 cm . Three acts. Argument, cast, and scenario. German title-page ' ' Demophoon, " and text face Italian. The unnumb. p. contain cast and description of the anonymous ballets "Les amours d'Arion & de Le"ucosie" ("Die lieb dee Arion gegen die Leu- cosie") and "l/assemblee" des dieux pour le mariage d'Alcide & d'Hebe." SCHATZ 864 Demofoonte, a serious opera; as performed at the King's Theatre, in the Hay-Market. The poetry by Metastasio, the most part of the music by Signor Ferdinando Bertoni. London, G. Bigg, 1778. 51 p. 20\ cm . Three acts. Argument, cast, Italian and English text. SCHATZ 911 Demofoonte. See Duni's Demophontes, king of Thrace. Demofoonte, dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel Regio Ducal Teatro di Milano, nel carnovale dell' anno 1759 . . . Milano, Giuseppe Richino Malatesto, n. d. 1+5 p. 14^ cm > Three acts. By Metastasio. Dedication, argument, scenario, cast, and name of the composer, Antonio Ferradini. First performed, as indicated, December 26, 1758. SCHATZ 3063 II Demofoonte. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel Nuovo Teatro in Padova per la solita fiera di giugno 1758 . . . Padova, Conzatti, 1758. 62 p. 18 cm . Three acts. By Metastasio, who is not mentioned. Impresario's dedication, argument, cast, scenario, and name of Galuppi as composer. First performed at Madrid, R. Colisco del Buen Retiro, December 18, 1749. SCHATZ 3484 Demofoonte. See Graun's Demofoonte, re di Tracia. Demofoonte. Dramma per musica, da rappresentarsi nel Regio Teatro alia corte di Dresda nel carnevale dell' anno MDCCXLVIII. La poesia & del celebre Sigr. abbate Pietro Metastasio . . . Fu posto in musica dal Sigr. Gio. Adolf o Hasse . . . n. i., n. d. 7 p. I., 203 p. 16\. Three acts. Argument, scenario, cast. German title page, "Demophoon," and text face Italian. First performed, as indicated, February 9, 1748. SCHATZ 4534 Demofoonte. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel famo- sissimo Teatro di Grimani di S. Gio. Grisostomo, il carnovale dell' anno 1749 . . . Venezia, AW insegna delta scienza, 1749. 60 p. 16 cm . Three acts. By Metastasio, who is not mentioned. Argument, cast, scenario, and name of Johann Adolph Hasse as the composer. A leaf inserted between p. 8-9 contains the aria (I, 12) "Padre perdona, oh pene, " changed from "Deh perdona, o padre amatp." The text is not quite the same as in the original Dresden, 1748, edi- tion. For instance, the aria "Del cielo sdegnato" (I, 4) has replaced "Sperai vicino il lido" and "Ah che ne mal verace" (III, 3) has been replaced by "Non si d& fra 1'umane vicende." "T'intendo ingrata" (I, 5) has been retained. SCHATZ 4582 OPERA LIBRETTOS 361 Demofoonte Continued. II Demofoonte. Dramrna per musica del Signer abbate Pietro Metastasio ... da rappresentarsi nel Teatro della citta Valletta in Malta nelT autunno di quest' anno MDCCLXV. Malta, Capaci, n. d. 48 p. 14% cm - Three acts. Impresario's dedication dated Malta, July 15, 1765, and name of Johann Adolph Hasse as the composer. The text is somewhat different from the Dresda, 1748, edition. For instance, the aria "T'intendo, ingrata " has been dropped from I, 5, and "Ah che nel mal verace" from III, 3. This second version 01 the opera (Schatz and Mennicke) was first performed at Naples, Teatro di San Carlo, November 4, 1758. SCHATZ 4574 Demofoonte. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro Obizzi in Padova in occasione della Fiera [Junel dell' anno MDCCXLIII. Padova, Giovambatista Conzatti, n. d. 72 p. 17$ cm . Three acts. Argument, scenario, cast, name of Niccolo Jommelli as composer ("La musica sara") and notice to the reader which begins: "Questo e il quinto anno che s'apre di primavera, con qualche grido, questo teatro, ed altretanti sono i drammi in musica che vi si sono fatti rappresentare del celebre Sig. abate Metastasio con solo dispiacere di doverli per comodo della stagione abbre- viare, che per6 in questo, come negl' altri, nel dichiararsi chi vi ha mesto mano che 10 ha fatto senza pregiudizio alia somma stima che nutre per un tan to virtuoso, rimette 11 lettore a leggerne, e ammirarne il vero originale nelle opere stampate del mede- simo . . ." This was done, and it was found that indeed Metastasio's text was slightly short- ened. For instance, in the dialogue of I, 5 (with aria "T'intendo ingrata") in Creusa's monologue the lines "Dove and6 quel sereno," etc., were dropped, as were the arias "Tu sai chi son" (II, 1), "E'soccorso d'incognita mano" (II, 4), "Ah che ne mal verace" (III, 3) and the entire scene III, 9 "Dove, crudel, dove mi guidi." Otherwise Metastasio was not tampered with, since only the aria in I, 13 "Se ardire, e speranza" was replaced by Temo in un punto." ML 50.2.D39J5 - Demofoonte, dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel Regio- Ducal Teatro di Milano, nel carnovale dell' anno 1753 . . . Milano, Giuseppe Richino Malatesta, n. d. 6 p. I., 51, [1] p. 14 m - Three acts. By Metastasio, who is not mentioned. Dedication ("il secondo dramma") dated Milan, January 27, 1753, argument, cast, scenario and name of Niccol6 Jommelli as composer. The unnumb. p. contains the aria "Solo effetto era d'amore" substituted for "II suo leggiadro viso in I, 8. The text in this libretto does not coincide fully with that in the Padova, 1743, edition. For instance, I, 5 of the Milan ed. has become much different in the dialogue and has no aria. Scene I, 13 has now the aria "Di pena si forte" (from Metastasio's "Ipermestra)" instead of "Temo in un punto" and II, 3 has now the aria "Benche innocente sia" instead of " Se tronca in ramo." ML 50.2.D39J6 Demofoonte. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro Ducale di Stutgart festeggiandosi il felicissimo giorno natalizio di Sua Altezza Serenissima Carlo, duca regnante di mrtemberg e Teck . . . La poesia e del . . . Pietro Metastasio ... La musica e nuova- mente composta dal Signer Nicolo Jommelli ... I balli sono inven- tati dal Signer Giovanni Giorgio Noverre . . . Stutgart, Cotta, 1764. 231, [2} p. 21$ cm . Three acts. Argument, cast, scenario. German title page, "Demophon," and text, by Caj. Neusinger (Abert), face Italian. Schatz and Abert call this Jommelli's second version. The text of the Stuttgart version differs somewhat from that of the Padova version. For instance, Stuttgart starts out with an added scene "Adrasto! Ah dunque" with aria "Per lei fra 1'armi" which originally belonged to I, 4. The original I, 1 scene "Credimi, o padre" has now become I, 2. In I, 5 the dialogue is again different (also from Milan, 1753) and there is no aria. The scene I, 13, "Consigliatemi, o Dei" 362 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Demofoonte Continued. has been dropped entirely. Instead, the former I, 12 "O la ministri" in a much longer form is used as last scene of the first act and now with a duet instead of with a solo aria. On p. 82-109 cast and description of the ballet "La morte di Licomede La mort de Licomede ... La musica di nuova composizione del Signor Teller" [Florian Deller], on p. 160-187 cast and description of the ballet "Ipermestra-Hipermenestre," "musica . . . " no vamente composta dal Signor Rodolfo." [Rudolph. This settles Abert's query on p. 80 of his Jommelli biography]. The third ballet, without name of the composer, was called "Atalanta ed Ippomene Atalante et Hippomene." First performed, as indicated, February 11, 1764. SCHATZ 4852 - Demofoonte. Dramrna per musica da rappresentarsi nel Real Teatro dell' Ajuda nel felicissimo giorno natalizio del fedelissimo monarca D. Giuseppe I ... nel di 6. giugno 1775. Lisbona, Stamperia reale, n. d. 88 p. 15 cm . Three acts. Argument, cast, scenario and names of Metastasio as author, of Niccol6 Jommelli as composer. Text only very slightly different from the Stuttgart ed. For instance, the whole first act is the same, also the third, except that III, 7 (which is in the other librettos) with aria "Che mai risponderti " has been dropped. SCHATZ 4853 Demofoonte. Dramrna per musica da rappresentarsi nel famosis- simo Teatri Grimani di S. Gio. Grisostomo nel carnevale dell' anno 1738. Venezia, Marino Rossetti, n. d. 72 p. 15 cm . Three acts. By Metastasio who is not mentioned. Argument, cast, scenario and name of Gaetano Latilla as composer. SCHATZ 5458 Demofoonte. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel Regio Teatro di Torino nel carnovale del 1754 . . . Torino, Zappata ed Avondo, n. d. 5 p. 1., 63 p. 15\ cm . Three acts. By Metastasio who is not mentioned. Argument, scenario, cast and names of Gennaro Manna as composer of the opera, of Rocco Gioanetti as composer of the dances. SCHATZ 5903 II Demofoonte. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel nobilis- simo Teatro di S. Benedetto il carnovale dell anno 1769 . . . Venezia, Modesto Fenzo, 1769. 56 p. 17 cm . Three acts. By Metastasio who is not mentioned. Impresario's dedicatory sonnet, argument, cast, scenario and name of the composer, Joseph Misliweczek. First performed in January, 1769, as indicated. SCHATZ 6529 II Demofoonte. Drama per musica da rappresentarsi nel nobilis- simo Teatro di S. Benedetto il carnovale dell anno MDCCLXXV. Venezia, Modesto Fenzo, 1775. 1 p.l, 56 p. 17 cm . Three acts. By Metastasio who is not mentioned. Argument, cast, scenario and name of Paisiello as the composer. On p. 23-32 cast and description of Jean Favier's "Iffigenia in Tauride, ballo eroico pantomimo." The composer of the music is not mentioned. SCHATZ 7698 Demofoonte. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel nuovo Teatro Tron in S. Cassano il carnovale dell' anno 1764. Venezia, Paolo Colomlani, 1764. 62 p. 17 cm . Three acts. By Metastasio who is not mentioned. Argument, cast, scenario an name of Gaetano Pampani as the composer. With the opera were performed Giuseppe Salamoni's ballets, "La isola incantata di Circe la maga and "II matematico." The composers of the music are not mentioned. First performed at Rome, Teatro Alibert, 1757. SCHATZ 7752 OPERA LIBRETTOS 363 Demofoonte. Drainma per musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro Rangone il carnevale dell' anno 1783 . . . Modena, Eredi di Bartolomeo Solani, n. d. Jfi p. 18 cm . Three acts. By Metastasio who is not mentioned. Impresario's dedication, argu- ment, cast and name of Antonio Pio as composer ("La musica e tutta nuova"). First performed as indicated, Dec. 26, 1782. ML 48.A5 v. 30 Demofoonte. Drainma per musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro alia Scala il carnevale dell' anno 1794 . . . Milano, Gio. Batista Bianchi, n. d. 58, [6] p. 16. Three acts. By Metastasio who is not mentioned. Impresario's dedication dated Milan, February 8, 1794, argument, cast, scenario and name of "Marco Portogalli di Portogallo" as the composer. The unnumb. p. contain argument and description of a four-act ballet by Gaetano Gioja, the composer of the music not being mentioned. SCHATZ 8403 Demofoonte. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel nobilis- simo Teatro di S. Benedetto il carnovale dell anno MDCCLXXXVII. Venezia, Modesto Fenzo, 1787. 56 p. 17 cm . Three acts. By Metastasio who is not mentioned. Argument, cast, scenario and name of Alessio Prati as the composer. On p. 53-56, argument, cast, scenario, but not the name of the composer of the music of Filippo Beretti's "Li due sposi sfortu- nati, tallo tragico pantomimo." First performed December 26, 1786, as indicated. SCHATZ 8454 Demofoonte. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel Regio Teatro di Torino nel carnovale del 1788 ... Torino, Onorato Derossi, n. d. viii, 72 p. 15\ cm . Three acts. By Metastasio who is not mentioned. Argument, cast, scenario and names of Gaetano Pugnani as composer of the opera, and of Vittorio Amedeo Cana- vasso as composer of Giuseppe Trafieri's ballets "Adone e Venere," "I viaggiatori areostatici" and "Di popoh di Frigia," of which the first is described with cast on p. 65-71. First performed as indicated, December 26, 1787. SCHATZ 8504 Demofoonte. Drama per musica di Artimio Corasio Pastore Arcade. Da representarsi nel famosissimo Teatro Grimani di S. Gio Grisostomo il carnovale dell' anno 1735 . . . Venezia, Marine [!] Rossetti, n. d. 72 p. 15\ cm . Three acts. By Metastasio. Dedication by Domenico Lalli, argument, scenario, cast, and name of Gaetano Maria Schiassi as the composer. SCHATZ i>600 Demofoonte. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel Nuoyo Teatro delli quattro Signon associati cavalieri, e patrizj de la Regio- inclita cittk di Pa via il carnevale dell' anno 1777 . . . Pavia, Giuseppe Bolzani, n. d. 65 p., 1 1. 15 cm . Three acts. By Metastasio who is not mentioned. Impresario's dedication, argu- ment, cast, scenario and name of Joseph Schuster as the composer. First performed at Forli, Nuovo Teatro della Citta, spring of 1776. SCHATZ 9760 Demofoonte. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel Nuovo Teatro dell' ill ma citt& di Crema in occasione del solenne suo primo aprimento il giorno 24 settembre dell' anno 1786 . . . Milano, Gio. Batista Bianchi, n. d. 68 p. 16\ cm . Three acts. By Metastasio, who is not mentioned. Impresario's dedication, argument, cast, scenario, and name of Angelo Tarchi as the composer. With the opera was performed, composer of the music not mentioned, Sebastiano Gallet's "ballo serio II Pizarro nell' America, ossia La conquista del Peril." SCHATZ 10218 364 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Demofoonte. Dramma per musica del Signer abate Pietro Metasta- sio, Poeta Cesareo. Da rappresentarsi nel Regio Ducal Teatro Vecchio di Mantova il carnovale dell' anno 1770 . . . Mantova, L'erede di Alberto Pazzoni, n. d. 61 p. 17 cm . Three acts. Dedication, dated Feb. 3, 1770, argument, cast, scenario, and name of Tommaso Trajetta as composer. SCHATZ 10408 Demofoonte. Drama per musica da rappresentarsi sul famosissimo Teatro di Brunsviga nella fiera d' inverno 1'anno 1742. Demo- phoon . . . Woljfenbuttel, Christian Bartsck, n. d. Unpaged. ll\ cm . Three acts. By Metastasio, who is not mentioned. German text faces Italian. Argument, scenario, and name of Giovanni Verocai as the composer. First performed, as indicated, February, 1742. SCHATZ 10719 Demofoonte, dramma per musica del Signore abatt. Pietro Metasta- sio da rappresentarsi nel Teatro di Lucca nel carnovale dell' anno MDCCXLI. Lucca, Francesco Marescandoli, n. d. 80 p. 14 cm - Three acts. Argument, cast, scenario and name of Leonardo Vinci as the com- poser. SCHATZ 10745 Demofoonte e Fillide. Cantata a due voci da rappresentarsi in beneficio di Irene Tomeoni e di Vicenzo Maffoli nel Teatro presso la Corte. Vienna, Antonio Patzowsky, 1794. 24 p. 17 Y m - Two parts. Argument and ' ' protests, " : "Con idea ben di versa da quella di rappresentarla in teatro fu composta, eenza apparato d'intreccio, e di epettacolo, la seguente cantata, che dipinge semplicemente il contrasto di due amanti nell' atto di una violenta separazione . . . L'introdu- zione di alcuni pezzi di musica, e il cambiamento di qualche verso debbonsi attri- buire alia necessita." Author and composer unknown to Schatz. First performed 1794, as indicated. SCHATZ 11320 Demofoonte, re di Tracia. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel Regio Teatro di Berlino . . . Berlino, A. Haude, 1745. 141, [3] p. 16 cm . Three acts. By Metastasio, who is not mentioned. Argument, scenario, and name of Carl Heinrich Graun as the composer. German title-page "Demophontes, koenig in Thracien," and text face Italian. Frederick the Great composed two or three arias for the opera. First performed at Berlin, Kgl. Operntheater, January 17, 1746. SCHATZ 4113 Demofoonte, opera per musica da rappresentarsi nel Regio Teatro di Berlino . . . nel carnovale del MDCCLXXIV. Berlino, Haude e Spener, 177 4. 97, [3] p. 18 cm . Three acts. Argument, cast, scenario, and names of Metastasio as author of the text ("Si 6 dovuto abbreviarla e faryi qualche cangiamento") and of Carl Heinrich Graun as composer of the music (" Vi sono molti cangiamenti "). German title page, "Demophontes," and text face Italian. SCHATZ 4094 Demokrit. Eine komische oper in drei akten vom verfasser der Grossen toilette. In musik gesetzt von C. Kalkbrenner, kapellmeister Sr. K. H. des prinzen Heinrich von Preussen . . . Berlin, Friedrich Maurer, 1791. 72 p. 17 cm . Author unknown to Schatz. First performed at Rheinsberg, Theatre of Prince Henry of Prussia. SCHATZ 4997 OPEEA LIBRETTOS 365 11 demone amante, oyero Giugurta. Drama per musica da rap- presentarsi nel Teatro di Sant' Angelo, Fanno 1686 . . . Venetia, Francesco Nicolini, 1686. 84 p. 14 cm - Three acts. Publisher's dedication, notice to the reader (calling this "un' allegro capriccio della dramatica fantasia "), and scenario. Neither the author, Matteo Noris, nor the composer, Carlo Francesco Pollaroli, is mentioned. SCHATZ 8281 Demophon. Tr. of Metastasio's text Demofoonte. Demophon. Tr. of Jommelli's Demofoonte. Demophon, opera lyrique en trois actes, represent e pour la premiere fois, par PAcademie royale de musique le mardi 15 septembre 1789. Paris, P. de Lormel, 1789. vi, 7-54 p. 23 cm . Cast and names of Desriaux as author, of [Johann Christoph] Vogel as composer. Cl. & L. and Schatz give Sept. 22 as the date, the printed score as above. ML 50.2.D4V6 Demophon, opera lyriciue en trois actes. Represent^ pour la premiere fois, par Vacade'mie[!]-royale de musique, le mardy 15 sep- tembre 1789. Les paroles sont de M. Deriaux. Musique de Vogel. Paris, Ruault, 1 789. 26 p. 22 cm . ML 50.2.D4V62 Demophontes. Tr. of Graun's Demofoonte. Demophontes, king of Thrace. An opera. As perform'd at the Theatre Royal in the Hay-Market. Composed by Egidio Duni Napo- lilano. London, J. ChricMey, 1737. 68, [/] p. 17 cm . Three acts. Metastasio's "Demofoonte" with English translation facing the Italian. Dedication by Angelo Con, argument, cast. On the add. p. the aria, "Mi fai gioire" (II, 1), substituted for "Nel tuo dono." First performed, as indicated, May 24, 1737. * SCHA.TZ 2837 Demophontes, koenig in Thracien. Tr. of Graun's Demofoonte, re di Tracia. Demophoon. Tr. of Bernasconi's Demofoonte. Demophoon. Tr. of Hasse's Demofoonte. Demophoon. Tr. of Verocai's Demofoonte. Le depart de F opera -comique; compliment, en un acte. Repre- sente a la c!6ture de la Foire S. Laurent 1759. Paris, Duchesne, 1759. 22, [2] p. 19 cm . (Theatre de M. Favart, Paris, Duchesne, 1763-77, t. viii.) Cast. Prose and vaudevilles. No airs printed in the text, nor following the text. The [2] p. contain catalogues of plays. Font does not mention Favart's musical collaborator. First performed on October 9, 1759. ML 49.A2F1 - Le depart de T Opera comique, compliment en un acte. Repre"- sente 1 a la cldture de la Foire St. Laurent 1759. C'.'l Paris, la veuve Duchesne, 1766. 28 p. 19 On p. 22-28, "Airs:" "Aux epectateurs indulgens," "J'avois un petit oiseau," " Viens calmer ma douleur." Favart is not mentioned. SCHATZ 11489 366 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Le dereiglement des passions, etc. See Ballet du dereiglement. Descrizione dell' apparato della comedia et intermedii d'essa reci- tata in Firenze il giorno di S. Stefano 1'anno 1565. nella gran Sala del palazzo di sua Ecc. illust. nelle reali nozze. Dell illustriss. & eccell. S. il S. Don Francesco Medici principe di Fiorenza. & di Siena, & della regina Giouanna d'Austria sua consorte. Ristam- pata, con nuoua aggiunta. Fiorenza, i Giunti, 1566. 26, [2} p. 16\ cm . The last [2] p. contain colophon and printer's mark. On p. [3}-10 a most minute and fascinating description of the apparatus (i. e. audi- torium, seating arrangements, etc.) with name of Giovanni Battista Cini as author of the intermedii "Peiche ed Amore" performed with Francesco d'Ambra's comedy "La Cofanaria." From II Lasca's edition of the "Descrizione" (see below) we know that it was originally written by Cini. On p. 10-23 description and text of the six intermedia. The text of these is exactly the same as in the edition below, but the description is shorter. Also this difference appears that the musical data (substantially the same as in the edition below) follow each intermedio, instead of being grouped together at the end. Alessandro Striggio is mentioned as the composer o? the first, second, fifth intermedio, Francesco Cor- teccia of the third, fourth and sixth. On p. 24-26 description of the banquet, etc., following the performance. ML 52.2.D3 Descrizione de gl'intermedii rappresentati con la cpmmedia nelle nozze dell' illustrissimo, ed eccellentissimo Signor principe di Firenze e di Siena. Jem Firenze, Filippo Giunti, 1593. 22 p. 15 C Forms part of "La COFANARIA. Cpmmedia di Francesco d'Ambra. Con gl'inter- medii di Giovambattista Cini. Recitata nelle nozze del . . . Don Francesco de Medici, & della Sereniss. regina Giovanna d'Austria. Di nuovo ristampata," same publisher, same date. The description of the six "intermedii . . . tratti dal la novella di Pstcta, ed' Amore descritta molto piacevolmente da Apuleio nel suo Asin d'oro " is preceded by a dedica- tion signed "II Lasca ".(psewrf. of the poet, Antonio Francesco Grazzini). It is un- dated, but is obviously of about the same date as the dedication of the comedy by the editor, Alessandro Ceccherelli, "Firenze il di 15. di gennaio 1565." II Lasca says: "Essendo da altri con fretta & per ci6 con ppca cura stati mandati in luce gl'inter- medij che con la commedia si fecero nelle Lor Realissime Nozzecavatidaunasemplice descrittione fatta dall' autor loro innanzi a la loro rappresentatione ad instanzia di Sua Altezza accioche ella potesse piii agevolmente intenderli, mosso di lui, & di loro a compassione che pareva che poca cura se ne prendesse mi son messo ad allargargli alquanto, e ridurh nella forma che le vedranno ..." With these remarks, II Lasca refers to the publication of the "Descrizione dell' apparato della commedia ed intermedia d'essa, fatta in Firenze il giorno di S. Stefano 1'anno 1565." The description of the intermedii proper II Lasca follows up, "a soddisfazione de' curiosi musici," with a description of the orchestra employed and other musical features, and then says: "L'invenzione, & le parole de gl'intermedij furonodi M. Gio. Battista Cini, & sotto la sua cura furno condotti si come la commedia, e tutto il restante ad essa apparte- mente . . . "Messer Alessandro Strigfgjio fece le musiche del primo del secondo, & del quinto, intermedio. Quelle del terzo, del quarto, & dell' ultimo furno fatte dal Maestro della cappella di Lor Eccellenze illustrissime: Messer Francesco Corteccia." The music is generally considered lost, but a remark on p. 18 of II Lasca's descrip- tion makes it clear that it was in the press in 1565 ( ' ' stampandosi la musica ") . II Lasca issued an edition of his "Descrizione de gl'intermedii " in 1566, with a "rather better" text and a different dedication, as Mr. G. E. P. Arkwright, the editor of the Musical Antiquary, added to a footnote of mine in my reprint (with introductory remarks) of the 1593 "Descrizione " in his journal, October, 1911. The "Descrizione had previously been reprinted in the fifth volume of the "Teatro Comico Florentine," Firenze, 1750 (copy in L. of C.). OPERA LIBBETTOS 367 The deserter. Tr. of Pietro Guglielmi's II disertore. The deserter. Tr. of Monsigny's Le deserteur. Songs, etc in the Deserter of Naples; or, Royal clemency: To which is added, An ode to friendship . . . and other favorite pieces per- formed at the Royalty Theatre. [London], Printed for A. Cleugh, C. Stalker, [etc.], n. d. 16 p. 21 cm . The text of "The Deserter of Naples," on p. [l]-8. Of the last song, "Anacreon" ("To banish life's troubles") [Richard John Samuel] Stevens is mentioned as the composer. A note on p, [3] says: "This beautiful and by far most interesting piece ever performed on the boards of the Royalty Theatre, is the production of Mr. Delphim, and executed under hie direction." He undoubtedly utilized Dibdin's "The deserter," but does not seem to have used any of the songs in Dibdin's version of Monsigny's "Le deserteur." Performed 1788, as indicated. LONGE 102 4 Le deserteur, drame en trois actes, en prose, melee de musique; par M. Sedaine. La musique par M. * * Represented pour la premiere fois per les Comediens italiens ordinaires du Roi, le lundi 6 mars 1769. Paris, Claude Herissant, 1769. 68 p. 19 cm . Composed by Monsigny, who is not mentioned. SCHATZ 6569 Le deserteur. Drame en trois actes, en prose, m61e de musique. Par M. Sedaine. La musique par M. * * * Repre"sent6 a Paris, pour la premiere fois, par les Com^diens italiens ordinaires du roi, le lundi 6 mars 1769. Et a Fontainebleau, le 8 octobre 1769, en pre- sence* de Sa Majest6. Seconde edition, revue par 1'auteur. Paris, Claude Herissant, 1770. viii, 84, [4] p. 18% cm . Cast and preface, in which Sedaine comments on the troubles of a librettist in general and on his in particular. He says in part : "Dans ce genre d'ouvrage, 1'interet doit eoutenir la musique pendant les pre- mieres representations, dut-elle y nuire; mais lorsqu'en suite la piece est scue, lorsqu'on peut 1'entendre sans 1'inquietude de ce qui doit arriver, la musique fait ecouter le poeme sans degout, cinquante representations dans la meme ann^e, avan- tage qlie n'ont pas des ouvrages de litterature beaucoup plus estimables ..." The text is the same as in the 1769 edition. ML 50.2.D45 - The deserter; a new musical drama, 'as it is performed at the Theatre-Royal in Drury Lane. London, T. Becket, 1773. vi, [2], 36 p. 20. Two acts. Cast and preface signed by Charles Dibdin, who says: ' 'Le Deserteur [text by Sedaine, music by Monsigny], is well known to have been these five years the most favourite musical piece on the French stage : . . . "It was thought, therefore, that if the unnecessary incidents were expunged, and those retained were rendered more probable; if, by making an uniform partition, between the dialogue and the songs, it could be brought more to wear the complexion of an Opera, The Deserter might be entitled to a favourable reception on the English stage: how far these suggestions were reasonable, the public (who are the best judges, and by whose arbitration I shall always be proud to abide) will determine. "With regard to the music, as I found it a work of great invention, I should have kept it in its original state, had it been possible; but, besides the excessive length of the songs, the continual breaks into recitative, the frequent suddep alterations of the stile, and above all, that sameness which so particularly characterizes the French music, I found it much too grave to stand the lea^t chance of success in an after- piece: I, therefore, selected what I thought the beauties, and what I could not effect by having recourse to the original, I have endeavoured to supply myself. "In justice to the French composer, I think it absolutely necessary to declare, that the songs, beginning 'One conduct's for both love and war,' 'The nymph who in 368 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Le deserteur Continued. my bosom reigns,' and 'The whims of folks in love'; are wholly my own; and that the first air in the piece [" I can't for my life "], and that beginning, 'My life's three parts diminish'd ' are by Philidor, a name of no inconsiderable note in the musical world." In Broderip & Wilkinson's vocal score also "I'd have you to know" and "I'll fly these groves " are headed as composed by Dibdin. First performed, as indicated, November 2, 1773. LONGE 13 - The deserter, in two acts. By C. Dibdin. [22}~48 p. 19 cm . (Collection of the most esteemed farces and enter- tainments, t. iv, Edinburgh, 1792.) Drury-Lane and Edinburgh (1782) casts. SCHATZ 11753D - The deserter, a comic-opera ; in two acts, as performed at the theatre, New- York, with universal applause. By Mr. C. Dibdin. New-York, Samuel Campbell, 1787. 81,[1] pi 17 cm . New York cast. First performed in America, as indicated, June 8, 1787. ML 50.6. D36 Der deserteur, ein singspiel in drey aufzuegen aus dem franzoe- sischen uebersetzt mit musik. Frankfurt am Mayn, mit Andredischen schriften, n. d. 103 p., 11 p. (folded music, dated 1773) Cast. Johann Joachim Eschenburg's version, who is not mentioned. The music contains (voice and bass) "Ein eolches herz zu kranken," "Mein schiiferstab war fort, ' ' ' ' Aller Welt blut, " " Ach! vergesset alle schmerzen . ' ' Sen ATZ 6570 t Les desesperes, prologue des deux pieces suivantes. Par M re . Le 5 * *, & d'Or * * *. Represented a la Foire S. Laurent. 1732. - Sophie et Sigismond. Piece d'un acte. Par M rs . Le S * *. 6 d'Or * * *. Representee a la Foire S. Laurent. 1732. - La sauvagesse. Piece d'un acte. Par M. Le S * *. & d'Or * * * Representee k la Foire S. Laurent. 1732. Le Theatre de lafoire, Paris, 1737, t. ix, [117]-274 P- 17 cm > By Le Sage and d'Orneval. Largely en vaudevilles. The airs, selected or com- posed and arranged by Jean Claude Gillier, are printed at the end of the volume in the "Table des airs." First performed July 7, 1732. ML 48.L2IX Desiderius, koenig der Longobarden, musicalisches schaiispiel, an dem frohen gebuhrts-tage des Allerdurchlauchtigsten . . . Joseph I, erwehlten roemischen kaeysers . . . zu allerunterthaenigster freu- denbezeugung auf dem Hamburgischen Schau-platz vorgestellet, im Jahr 1709, den 26 Julii. n. i., n. d. Unpaged. 19 cm . Five acts. Towards the end of his astrological, historical, and what not "Vor- bericht" the author, Barthold Feind (not mentioned), says that the part of Flori- ana is: " einigermassen eine imitation des Silvani, in seinem Duello d'amore e di vendetta, die ich bloss darum erwehlt, weil sie gelegenheit zu allerhand actiones auf dem theatro giebt, und ich nicht gerne schauspiele verfertige, worinnen die acteurs viel zeit zu traeumen haben . . .' The composer, Reinhard Keiser, is not mentioned. To some arias the Italian text has been added. Sen ATZ 5085 OPERA LIBKETTOS 369 Despina e Niso. Intermezzi da rappresentarsi nel Teatro Tron di San Cassano 1'anno 1724. Venezia, Marino Rossetti, n. d. 10 p. 15 cm . Two parts. Neither the author (unknown to Schatz) nor the composer, Alessandro Scarlatti, is mentioned. Mentioned by Dent? According to Schatz, the intermezzi were performed 1724, with Orlandini's "L'Antigona," but originally with Scarlatti's own " L'amor generoso " at Naples, Teatro del R. Palazzo, October 1, 1714. SCHATZ 9534 The destruction of the world. A. T. of Noah's flood. Les dettes, comedie en deux actes et en prose, melee d'ariettes, paroles de M. Forgeot, musique de M. Champein. Represente, pour la premiere fois, a Paris, par les Come'diens Italiens ordinaires du Roi, le 8 Janvier 1787; & a Versailles, devant Leurs Majestes, le 23 fevrier suivant. Paris, Prault, 1787. 46 p. 21%. Cast. SCHATZ 1794 - De schulden, zangspel gevolgd naar het fransche. Door Hen- drik Ogelwight, junior. Amsterdam, J. Helders en A. Mars, 1791. 53 p. 16\ cm . First performed at Amsterdam, Stads Schouwburg, July, 1791. SCHATZ 1795 Deukalion und Pyrrha. Ein musikalisches drama mit gesaengen. Breslauund Leipzig, Christian FriedrichGutscJi, 1779. 4 P- 15 cm . Neither the author, Karl Emil Schubert, nor the composer, Franz Andreas Holly, is mentioned. First performed at Breslau, Schuch'sches Theater, December 18, 1780. SCHATZ 4769 Les deux avares, comedie en deux actes en prose, melee d'ariettes; repre"sentee pour la premiere fois & Fontainebleau, devant Sa Majeste", le samedi 27 octobre 1770. Les paroles sont de M. Fenouillot de Falbaire. La musique est de M. Gretry. [Paris], Pierre Robert CTiristophe Bollard, 1770. 2 p. 1., 58 p. 19% cm . Cast and "Description du lieu de la sce^ie." ML 50.2.D48G7 First performed, as indicated, at Paris, Come'die italienne, December 6, 1770. Les deux avares, comedie en deux actes en prose, melee d'ariettes; represented pour la premiere fois a Fontainebleau, devant Sa Majeste, le samedi 27 octobre 1770. Les paroles sont de M. Fenouillot de Falbaire. La musique est de M. Gretry. Paris, Pierre Robert CJiristophe Bollard, 1771. 64 p. 18 cm . Cast, "Description du lieu de la scene" and on p. 31-34 (1, 15), the air of the "Duo. La garde passe, il est minuit." SCHATZ 4143 - Les deux avares, Come'die en deux actes en prose, meslee d'ariettes; repre"sentee pour la premiere & la secojide fois a Fontainebleau, devant Sa Majeste", le 27 octobre & le 7 novembre 1770. Et pour la premiere fois, a la Comedie italienne, le 6 dicembre de la mme anne"e. Par Monsieur de Falbaire. La musique est de M. Gr6tri. Paris, Delalain, 1771. 47, [4] p. 18 cm . Cast, prefatory note, and description of the place of action. The last 4 p. contain the air of the vaudeville, "De tous noa projets " (II, 6). SCHATZ 11704 72251 VOL 114 24 370 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Les deux avares Continued. - Das grab des Mufti oder Die zwey geitzigen. eine komische oper in zwey akten nach dem franzoesischen des nerrn Feuvillet de Fel- baire und Gretris composition, (zum erstenmal aufgefuehrt auf des Markgrafen Heinrichs Koenigl. Hoheit Hoftheater zu Schwedt. Stettin, Johann Franz Struck, 1778. 103 p. 15\. SCHATZ 4144 Die beiden geizigen, ein singspiel in zween aufzuegen aus dem franzoesischen uebersetzt, mit musiK. Frankfurt am Mayn, mit Andreaeischen schrifften, 1772. 80 p., 12 p. (folded music) 17 cm . German version, by Johann Heinrich Faber. The music (voice and bass) consists of "Nur meinem schatze bin ich hold" ("Sans cesee aupres de mon tre"sor"), I, 4; "Lass Dich nicht mehr vom kummer plagen" ("Plus de de"pit, plus de trietesse"), 1,7; and " Die Wache ziehet schon vorbey " ("La garde passe, il estminuit"), I, XV. SCHATZ 4146 Les deux baillis. A. T. of Les vendangeurs. Les deux charbonniers, ou, Les contrastes, come'die en prose et en deux actes. M16e d'ariettes. Represented, pour les premieres fois, les 7, 9, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 27 et 30 fructidor an VII, par les Come'diens du Theatre du palais Egalite", dit Montansier. Paroles et musique du Cousin-Jacques. Paris, Moutardier, an VIII [1799-1800] 74 p. 21\ cm - Cast and Avant-propos according to which Cousin Jacques (Beffroy de Reigny) first offered his piece to the Theatre Faydeau, Nov. 16, 1798. He then practically rewrote it in accordance with suggestions of the actor Juliet. Then the Theatre Faydeau was closed for five months, and the author decided to transfer his work to the Theatre Mon- tansier. He concludes his remarks with observations on the cast. First performed, as indicated, August 24, 1799. SCHATZ 705 Les deux chasseurs, et la laitiere, comedie en un acte, mesle'e d'ariettes; represent6e pour la premiere fois sur le Theatre des Comediens italiens ordinaires du Roi, le 21 juillet 1763. Paris, la veuve Duchesne, 1771. 82 p. 18 cm . By Anseaume. Neither he nor the composer, Duni mentioned. With the melo- dies of the ariettes, " Je suis perce jusq'aux os," "Le briquet frape la pierre," " Voila la petite laitiere," "Helas, j'ai re"pandu mon lait," and the vaudeville "J'e"tois gissant a cette place." Schatz, Clement & Larousse, and others give, incorrectly, July 23 as the date. SCHATZ 2838 Les deux chasseurs et la laitiere, come'die en un acte, melee d'ariettes, representee pour la premiere fois sur le Theatre des Com6- diens italiens ordinaires du roi, le 21 juillet 1763. Paris, la veuve Duchesne, 1780. 32 p. 19 cm . On p. 3-5 the air of "Je suis perce" jusqu'aux os," 12-13 "Le briquet frappe la pierre," 25-27 "Helas! h^las! j'ai r^pandu mon lait," and on p. 30-31 the vaudeville J'e'tois gissant a cette place." Neither Anseaume is mentioned, nor Duni. SCHATZ 11694 Das milch maedchen und die beiden jaeger, ein singspiel in einem aufzuge aus dem franzoesischen uebersetzt. Mit musik. Frankfurt am Mayn, mit Andreaeischen schriften, 1772. Ifi p., 11 p. (folded dated music}. 17 C 'cm OPERA LIBRETTOS 371 Les deux chasseurs, et la laitiere Continued. German version by Christian Friedrich Schwan. With cast. The musical sup- plement (voice and bass) contains: "Wenn der stein den stahl beruhrt" ["Le briquet frappe la pierre]", p. 1-4; "Hier ist das kleine milchmadchen " ["Voila la petite laitiere"], p. 4-5; "Sag, wie dir das gefallt " ["Voici tout monprojet"], p. 6-10; "Ich lag in lauter anget und beben" ["J'etois gissant a cette place"], p. 10-11. First performed at Mannheim, Theater a. d. Fruchtmarkt, 1771. SCHATZ 2839 Das milchmaedgen und die zween jaeger. Eine operette, aus dem franzoesischen des herrn Anseaume. 1773. n.i.,n.d. 15 p. 17 cm . Lyrics only. The composer is not mentioned. Not Schwan's version. First performed at Berlin, Theater i. d. Behrenstrasse, August 5, 1772. SCHATZ 2840 Leg deux coffrets. A. T. of the pasticcio Le genie Asouf. Les deux cousines, ou La bonne amie ; comedie en un acte, mesle"e d'ariettes; par M. Delaribadiere ; la musique, de M. Desbrosses: Represented pour la premiere fois far les Come'diens italiens ordi- naires du roi, le 21 may 1763. Bruxelles, Jean Joseph Boucherie, 1764. 38, [2} p. 16 cm . With author's dedication and cast. The two additional pages contain the "Appro- bation " of Mai 1, 1763, and the "Extrait du privilege." SCHATZ 2528 Les deux miliciens, ou L'Orpheline villageoise, come'die en un acte et en prose, meslee d'ariettes; par M. d'Azemar ... La musique est de M. Fridzeri. Repr6sentee pour la premiere fois par les Com6- diens italiens ordinaires du roi, le 24 aout 1771 . . . Paris, la veuve DucJiesne, 1772. 40 p. 18 cm . Cast. On p. 36-40 the melody of the ''Pastorale. Colin un jour sur la fougere." SCHATZ 3370 Second copy. YUIN PQ Die beiden militzen, ein singspiel in einem aufzuge aus dem franzoesischen uebersetzt, mit musik. Frankfurt am Mayn, mit Andreaeischen schriften, 1778. 67 p., 16 p. (obi. folded music). 16% cm . Cast. By Johann Heinrich Faber. The 8 p. of music incorrectly bound in with this copy belong to "Der Holzhauer," by Philidor, whereas the 16 p. that belong with ' ' Die beiden militzen " are incorrectly bound in with Philidor 's "Der holzhauer . They consist of "O! wie qualet doch die liebe" (I, 1), "Sobald es tagt" (I, 5), "Letzthin erzahlte auf den wiesen" (I, 6). SCHATZ 3371 Les deux morts, ou La ruse de carnaval, ope'ra-comique. Par J. Patrat. Represent^ sur le Theatre des Comeaiens italiens ordinaires du roi, le mardi 27 fe"vrier 1781. Paris, Vente, 1781. 43 p. 20 cm . One act. En vaudevilles. Cast. Arranger of the music not mentioned and unknown to me. ML 50.2. D487 Les deux pages. See Dezede's Auguste et Theodore. Les deux petits Savoyards, comedie en un acte, m16e d'ariettes par M. Mars. . . . des V ... Musique de M. Dal . . . Repre"- sente"e, pour la premiere fois, par les Come'diens italiens ordinaires du 372 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Les deux petits Savoyards - Continued. roi, le mercredi, 14 Janvier 1789 et a Versailles, devant Ijeurs Majest&3 ; le vendredi suivant. Paris, Brunei, 1789. 70 p. 18 cm . Cast. By Marsollier. Music by Dalayrac. SCHATZ 2336 Second copy. ML 48.061 Les deux petits Savoyards, opera en un acte. Musique de Mr. d'Alayrac. Hambourg, P. F. Fauche, 1795. 15 p. 14$ cm . The author, Marsollier, is not mentioned. ML 50.2.D49D2 Les deux petits Savoyards, opera en un acte, musique de Mr. d'Alayrac. Hamburg, Mees pere et comp., n. d. The author, Marsollier, is not mentioned. First performed at Hamburg, Theatre de la Societ6 francaise dramatique et lyrique, March 4, 1795. SCHATZ 11688 Die beyden kleinen Savoyarden, ein singspiel in einem aufzuge. Nach dem franzosischen. Leipzig, C. G. Martini, 1795. 4! p. 16 cm . Translation revised by Heinrich Gottlieb Schmieder according to Schatz. Dalayrac is not mentioned as composer. SCHATZ 2338 Die zween Savoyarden, ein singspiel in einem aufzuge. Aus dem franzoesischen auf die musik des herrn Dallayrac uebersetzt. Von J. Perinet. Aufgefuehrt auf dem k. k. privilegierten Marinellischen theater in der Leopoldstadt. Wien, Matthias Andreas Schmidt, 1792. 47 p. 16\ cm . SCHATZ 2340 Os dois rapazes Saboyanos: Comedia com musica em hum so' acto, para se representar no Real Theatro de S. Carlos, no dia 1 1 de Janeiro de 1796 em beneficio de Miguel Cavana. Lisboa, Simao Thaddeo Ferreira, 1796. 142 p. 14 cm . Dalayrac is mentioned as composer. Portuguese text faces Italian, by Giuseppe Carpani (Schatz), first used at Monza, Teatro Arciducale, fall of 1791. SCHATZ 2339 Les deux prisonniers. A. T. of Dalayrac's Adolphe et Clara. Les deux soeurs. A. T. of Belle et bonne. Les deux soeurs rivales, comedie en un acte; mesl^e d'ariettes. Represented pour la premiere fois par les Comediens italiens ordi- naires du roi le jeudj 22 juillet 1762. Les paroles sont de M. de Laribadiere. La musique de M. Desbrosses. Paris, Bollard, 1762. 48 p. 19 cm . Author's dedication and cast. The text interspersed throughout with the airs of the ariettea. ML 50.2.D495D2 Les deux Suisses. O. T. of Gaveaux' L'amour filial. OPERA LIBRETTOS 373 Les deux suivantes, opera-comique en trois actes; represents pour la premiere fois sur le Theatre de la Foire S. Laurent en 1730. Charles Francois Pannard, Theatre. Paris, Duchesne, 1763, v. 2, 128 p. 17 cm . Prose and vaudevilles. According to Parfaict, the text was written jointly by Pannard and Pontau, composed by Gilliers, and first performed July 20, 1730. PQ 2019.P3 Les deux sylphes, comedie en un acte et en vers, m61ee d'ariettes, par M. Imbert. Repre"sentee pour la premiere fois par les Comediens italiens ordinaires du roi le 18 octobre 1781. Paris, Jean Francois Bastien, 1781. 46, [1] p. 22 cm . Cast. The composer, Desaugiers, is not mentioned. ML 50.2.D5D2 Les deux tuteurs, come"die en deux actes, en prose, melee d'ariettes. Representee, pour la premiere fois, a Fontainebleau, devant Leurs Majeste"s, le 11 octobre 1783, & a Paris, au Theatre italien, le 8 mai 1784. Paris, Brunei, 1784. 2 p. 1., 56 p. 20 cm . Cast. ML 50.2.D51D2 Les deux tuteurs, comedie en deux actes, en prose, mglee d'ariettes. Represented pour la premiere fois k Fontainebleau devant Leurs Majestes le 11 octobre 1783 & a Paris, au Theatre italien, le 8 mai 1784. Par M. de la Chabeaussiere. Musique de M. le chevalier d'Aleyrac. Toulouse, J. B. Broulhiet, 1785. 39 p. 19 cm . Cast. ML 50.2.D51D22 Gesaenge aus dem singspiele : Die zwey yormuender, in zwey aufzuegen, nach dem franzoesischen von d'Arien. In Musik gesetzt von Dalayrac. Hamburg, J. M. Michaelsen, 1788. 24 p. 16% cm . First performed at Hamburg, Theater beim Gansemarkt, August 4, 1788. SCHATZ 2341 The devil of a duke : or, Trapolin's vagaries. A (farcical ballad) opera, as it is acted at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane. To which is prefix'd the musick to each song, set for the spinnet, harpsichord, German flute, violin, and hautboy, with the thorough base to each tune. The second edition. London, Charles Corbett and John Torbuck, 1732. Ip.l., 43, [1] p. 19 cm . One act. Cast, and on last (unnumb. page) the table of the 21 songs, the airs of which are indicated in the text by title. The musick is not prefixed to any of the eongs in this edition of Rpbert Drury'e text, nor is Mr. Seedo mentioned as the com- poser of any of them, his airs in the first ed. (1732) having been engraved separately. (Squire). In this second ed.: " the first ["Seguacci Do not ask me if I love you "] and eighteenth ["Fly, Cupid, fly, and give. " Title of air not mentioned] were wrote by another hand and inserted at the desire of the performers." First performed Sept. 23, 1732, as indicated. LONOE 120 374 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS The devil to pay; or, The wives metamorphos'd. An opera. As it is performed at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane, by His Majesty's servants. Written by the author of The beggars wedding. With the musick prefix'd to each song. London, J. Watts, 1732. 4 p. I, 31 p. 19 cm . One act. Cast, table of the 16 songs, prologue, and dedication, signed by the author, Cha. Coffey, though John Mottley is said by some to have collaborated and Theophilus Gibber to have been responsible for this reduction of the original three acta to one. Ballad opera, in which air IV, "Ye Gods! you gave to me a wife," is marked as "set by Mr. Seedo." The airs are printed in the text with their titles. First performed August 6, 1731, (in three acts according to Squire, reduced to one act in 1732). ML 50.5.D37 The devil to pay : or, The wives metamorphos'd. An opera. As it is perform'd at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane, by His Majesty's servants . . . With the musick prefix'd to each song. London, J. Watts, 1748. front., 4 p. I, 30 p. 21tf m . One act. Same dedication, prologue, table of songs, but a different cast. ML 50.5. D39 The devil to pay : or The wives metamorphos'd. An opera. As it is performed at the Theatres-Royal, by His Majesty's servants . . . London, T. Lowndes, 1771. 37 p. (incl front.) , 10 p. The 10 p. contain catalogue of "Books printed for T. Lowndes." One act. Dedication, prologue, cast, table of the 16 songs, their airs being indi- cated in the text by title. LONGE 69 The devil to pay : or, The wives metamorphos'd. By Charles Coffey, Esq. [64\-88 p. 19 cm . (Collection of the most esteemed farces and enter- tainments, t. 11, Edinburgh, 1792.) Drury-Lane and Edinburgh (1782) casts. Ballad opera. The air IV, "Ye Gods! you gave to me a wife," was "set by Mr. Seedo." SCHATZ 11753B Le devin du village, intermede; par J. J. Rousseau; represent e pour la premiere fois a Fontainebleau, sur le Theatre de la Cour, devant Leurs Majestes, les 18 & 24 oct. 1752. Et a Paris, par 1' Academic royale de musique le 1 mars, 1753. Geneve, Pierre Gosse, 1760. 59 p. One act. Text by Rousseau, with exception of that of the ariette "Avec 1'objet de mes amours," which was by Cahusac. Cast, Rousseau's "premiere & unique d&licace" to Duclos, his "Avertissement" and (printed in the text) the airs as in the score published by M de Boivin, Le Clerc, etc. The Avertissement reads: "Quoique j'aie approuve" les changemens que mes amis jugerent a propos-de faire u cet intermede, quand il fut joue" a la cour et que son succes leur soit du en grande partie, ie n'ai pas juge a propos de les adopter aujourd'hui, & cela par plusieurs rai- sons. La premiere est, que puisque cet ouvrage porte mon nom if faut que ce soit le mien, dut-il en etre plus mauvais. La seconde, que ces changemens pouvoient etre fort bien en eux memes, & 6ter pourtant a la piece cette unit6 si peu connue, qui seroit le chef-d'oeuvre de 1'art, si Ton pouvoit laconserver sans r6 petitions & sans monotonie. Ma troisieme raison est, que n ayant fait cet ouvrage que pour mon amuse- ment, son vrai succes est de me plaire; or personne ne sait mieux que moi comment il doit etre pour me plaire le plus." First performed at Fontainebleau October 18, 1752, with recitatives by Yeliotte and Francoeur instead of those by Rousseau and with an overture and a final Diver- tissement made up from music by Rameau, Dauvergne and others. First performed at Paris, Acade'mie royale de musique together with Michel Blavet's one act opera- bouffon "Le jaloux corrig6" on March 1, 1753, with an overture and a final Diver- OPERA LIBRETTOS 375 Le devin du village Continued. tisaement-Pantomime composed by Rousseau in the meantime. Either at this or the second Paris performance Rousseau's own recitatives were restored. ML 50.2.D515R6 Le devin du village, intermede; represent e, a Fontainebleau, le mercredi 14 novembre 1770. Les paroles et la musique sont de J. J. Rousseau. Les ballets sont de la composition de Laval. Geneve, n. publ., 1796. 13 p. 21 cm . Cast. One act. Of the first seven scenes the text in this edition is practically the same as in the score published by M me - Boivin (175-) and Le Clerc (176-) but that of the eighth (last) scene differs considerably. Nor I do not find it in the Le Due (178-) or Dufant et Dubois scores (181-). The most striking difference is this that the Choeuravec le Devin "Colin revient a sa bergere" does not appear in this Geneva edition of the text and that Colin's Romance "Dans ma cabane obscure" is preceded by the chorus "Chan tons, chantons le dieu qui regne en nos hameaux." ML 50.2.D5515R7 - The cunning-man, a musical entertainment, in two acts. As it is performed at the Theatre Royal in Drury-Lane. Originally writ- ten and composed by M. J. J. Rousseau. Imitated, and adapted to his original music, by Charles Burney . . . London, T. Becket and P. A. de Eondt, 1 766. 4'p. 1., 30, [1] p. 20 cm . Two acts. Cast and preface, in which Burney apologizes for defects in his trans- lation: "The native simplicity and beauty of the original poetry, he could not flatter him- self with the hopes of preserving in the translation . . . However, the airs have been scrupulously preserved from change or mutilation ..." In a foot-note he adds: "Upon rehearsing the music, it has been thought necessary to retrench the second act, for fear of satiety." These cuts are printed in the text with inverted commas. First performed, as indicated, November 21, 1766. LONGE 257 The cunning-man . . . The second edition. Same title, imprint, date, text, cast, and preface. LONGE 26 The cunning man. A musical entertainment. In two acts. From the Devin du village of Rousseau. By Dr. Charles Burney. p. [196]-207. 19 cm . (Collection of the, most esteemed farces, per- formed on the British stage, Edinburgh, 1792, vol. ii.) Cast. SCHATZ 11753B Les amours de Bastien et Bastienne, parodie du Devin de village. Par Madame Favart, & Monsieur Harny. Representee pour la premiere fois, par les Come'diens italiens ordmaires du roi, le samedi 4 aout 1753. La Haye, Jean Neaulme, 1755. 32 p. 19 cm . ML48.A4 Les amours de Bastien et Bastienne, parodie du Devin de village, par Madame Favart, & Monsieur Harny; represented pour la premiere fois par les Come'diens italiens ordinaires du roi, le mer- credi 26 septembre 1753. Nouvelle Edition. Paris, N. B. Duchesne, 1759. 47, [1] p. 19. (Theatre de M. Favart, Paris, Duchesne, 1763-77, t. v.) One act. En vaudevilles. Cast. Written in collaboration with Favart, who is not mentioned. The arranger of the music not known to Font. ML 49.A2F1 376 LIBBARY OF CONGBESS Le devin du village Continued. - Les amours de Bastien et Bastiene parodie 1 du Devin du Vil- lage par Madame Favart et Mr. Harny. Represent ee pour la pre- mi&re fois par les Come'diens ordinaires du roi le mercredi 26 Sep- tembre 1753 & augmented depuis d'une Ronde qui se trouve apres la Parodie. A vignon, Jacques Garrigan, J 768. 24 p. 19\ cm . ML48.M2M Les amours de Bastien et Bastienne, parodie du Devin de village, par Madame Favart & monsieur Harny; represent6e pour la premiere fois par les Comediens italiens ordinaires du roi, le mer- credi 26 septembre 1753. Nouvelle Edition. Paris, la veuve Duchesne, 1770. 48 p. 18\ cm . One act. Printed in the text are the airs of "J'ons pardumonami," "Hulas'! Tu t'en vas!" "Plus matin que 1'aurore," "Quand un tendron viant," "Autrefois a sa maltreese," "De ce volage Colas r6pond," "La voici . . . t6t d^campons," "On n'a dans I'mariage," "Ma peine vous rend fiere," "Non, infidele, cours a ta Belle," "Va, je te rena la pareille," "Mes enfants, apres la pluie," "A present J'nons pus rian," "Autrefois la jeune The'rese." SCHATZ 11481 Les devins de la Place Saint-Marc. Entree in Campra's Les festes venitiennes. Di rado 1'uom sa giudicar se stesso, ballet. See P. Guglielmi'a Alessandro nell' Indie. Le diable a quatre, ou La double metamorphose, opera-comique en trois actes. Par M. S. . . . Repr6sente pour la premiere fois sur le Theatre de la Foire S. Laurent, le 19 aout 1756. Et repris le 12 feVrier 1757, a fa Foire S. Germain. La Haye, Jean Neaulme, 1757. 56 p. 19\ cm . See next entry. ML 50.2.D52P4 Le diable a quatre, on La double metamorphose, opera-comique en trois actes, par M. S Paris, Duchesne, 1762. ol p. 19 cm . By Sedaine. The music consisted of popular airs. It is therefore a mistake if sometimes Philidor is recorded as the composer instead of as the arranger of the score. SCHATZ 11490 Le diable a quatre, ou La double metamorphose, opera comique, en trois actes, represent^ pour la premiere fois sur le Theatre de la Foire Saint Laurent, le 19 aout 1756; & repris le 12 feVrier 1757 a la Foire Saint Germain. Par M. S . . . . Pans, Duchesne, 1770. 60 p. 19 cm . Cast. On p. 4-6 the ariette "Oui, oui, je veux en sortir" (I, 3), 22-24 "En grand silence, avec prudence" (II, 1), 37-40 "An! quel plaisir hors de moi" (III, 1). SCHATZ 11691 Le diable d'argent. Prologue. Represente par la Troupe du Sieur Francisque a la Foire S. Germain 1720. Pendant laquelle le chant ayant 6t6 d^fendu, ou. joiia par tolerance ce prologue & les deux pieces suivantes en prose. Arlequin, roi des Ogres, ou Les bottes de sept lieues. Piece d'un acte. Representee par la troupe du Sieur Francisque a la Foire de S. Germain 1720. OPERA LIBRETTOS 377 Le diable d' argent Continued. La queue de verite. Piece d'un acte. Represented par la troupe du Sieur Francisque a la Foire de Saint Germain. 1720. Le Theatre de lafoire, Paris, 1724, t. iv, 3 pi, [95\-211 p. 17 cm . According to a note on 2d p. 1. the plays in t. iv were by Le Sage, Fuzelier, and D'Orneval. The title-page of "Le diable d'argent" explains the absence of operatic features in these three plays. ML 48.L2IV Diana. See Reiser's Die entdeckte verstellung. Diana al bagno, ballet. See Gazzaniga's Amor per oro. Diana e Endimione, ballet. See Bertoni's L'anello incantato. Diana ed Endimione. A. T. of the ballet L'amor vincitore. Diana ed Endimione, ballet. See P. Guglielmi's II disertore. Diana sorpresa, ballet. See Marescalchi's II tutore ingannato. Diana su 1'Elba, introduzione musicale alia gran caccia fatta "sull' acqua nelle vicinanze di Dresda per ordine di S. M. in occasione delle nozze di L.L. A.A. R.R. Diane sur 1'Elbe . . . Dresde, J. C. Stossel, n. d. Upaged. 18$ em . Author not mentioned, and unknown to Schatz. Italian and French (prose) text. Johann David Heinichen is mentioned as composer. First performed, as indicated, September 18, 1719. SCHATZ 4704 Diana und Endymion. Ein singspiel von Friedrich Karl von Strombeck. Nach Metastasio. Braunschweig, Joh. Christoph Meyer, 1795. Jfl p. 18 cm . Two acts. No composer or performance recorded by Schatz. SCHATZ 11604 Diana's mask. See p. 59-62 (4th act) of Sir Robert Stapylton's tragi-comedy, "The stepmother . . . acted with great applause at the Theatre in Little Lincolns-Inn -fields," Lon- don, J. Straeter, 1664. - Apollo's mask. Ibidem, p. 42-44 (3d act). LONGE 122 Diane, divertissement pour le roi. [361]-358 p. ll\ cm . (Antoine Danchet, Theatre, Paris, 1761, t. Hi.) One act. Apparently identical with the entree, "Diane & Endimion," in the con- densed version of Quinault-Lully's ballet, "Le triomphe de 1'amour," which Danchet and Campra edited for its revival on Sept. 11, 1705. PQ 1972.D2 Diane et Endimion. Entree in Quinault's Les amours des Deesses. Diane et Endimion. A. T. of de Bury's La vengeance de Famour. Diane sur 1'Elbe. Tr. of Heinichen's Diana su PElba. La diavolessa. Dramma di tre atti per musiea. Rappresentato per la prima volta in Venezia 1'autunno dell' anno MDCCLV con musiea del Buranello. Carlo Goldoni, Opere Teatrali, Venezia, Zatta ejigli, 1788-95, v. 4$, [179]-239 p. 18 cm . PQ 378 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS La diavolessa. Dramma giocoso per musica di Polisseno Fegejo, P. A. Da rappresentarsi nel Teatro di S. Samuele Tautunno dell' anno MDCCL V. Venezia, Angiolo Geremia, n. d. 52 p. 16 cm . Three acts. By Goldoni. Cast and name of Baldassare Galuppi as composer. SCHATZ 3449 Li vaghi accident! fra atnore, e gelosia. Dramma giocoso per musica, da rappresentarsi nel Nuovo Teatro alia Cavallerizza nella fiera di Giubilate dell' anno MDCCL VI. In Lipsia. - Die artigen zufaelle zwischen liebe und eifersucht . . . Auf dem neuerrichteten Theater im allhiesigen Reuthause ... in Leipzig aufgefuehret . . . n. i., n. d. 159 p. 16% cm . Three acts. By Goldoni. Scenario and name of Galuppi as composer. German text faces Italian text, which is practically identical with that of "La Diavolessa." SCHATZ 3450 II diavolo a quattro, ballet. See Calvi's Ezio. II diavolo a quattro ossia La doppia metamorfosi, ballet. See Calegari's Artemisia. II diavolo a quattro ossia La doppia metamorfosi, ballet. See Caruso's II matrimonio in commedia. II diavolo a quattro ossia La doppia metamorfosi, ballet. Gassmann's L'amore artigiano. See Didio Giuliano. Drama rappresentato nel nuovo Teatro Ducale in Piacenza . . . Poesia del dottor Lotto Lotti, e musica di Don Ber- nardo Sabadini . . . Parma, Stamparia Ducale, 1687. 20 p. 14 cm - Three acts. Impresario's dedication, argument, scenario, and curioua not : ce to the reader which reads in part : "ci6 che si rende oscuro nel verso, non riesce poi chiaro a gl'idioti, massime fra le consonanze della musica; essendo hoggidl un gran precetto il sodisfare 1'udito commune; abbenche per6 se ne servissero anche i primi maestri; di questa verity te ne f& fede Tacito parlando di Seneca a cui bisognava esse auribus saeculi accomo- datus. Legilo dunque solo in teatro, contemplando, chi lo rappresenta unito all' ingegnosa armonia del Sig. D. Bernardo Sabadini eroico cpmpositore de nostri tempi; mS non applicare a trascorrerlo con occhio curiosq fuori di teatro, perche non ne caverai alcuna allettazione, cosa che pure da sudetti antichi era considerata . . ." SCHATZ 9199 Dido ; a comic opera. As it is performed at the Theatre Royal in the Hay-Market. London, T. Davies, 1771. 2 p. I., 34 p. 19\ cm . Two acts with prologue. Neither Thomas Bridges, the author, nor the composer is mentioned. Towers is presumably mistaken, if he attributes the music to Dr. Arne. He probably confused this with Arne's masque with harlequinade "Dido and Aeneas, composed 1733. (See Cummings.) First performed, as indicated, July 24, 1771. LONGE 32 Dido. Tr. of Albinoni's Didone abbandonata. Dido. Tr. of Piccinni's Didon. OPEKA LIBKETTOS 379 Dido, koenigin von Carthago in einem singe-spiel auf dem Ham- burgischen Theatre vorgestellet. [Hamburg], Gedruckt im jahr 1707. Unpaged, Three acts. Neither the author, Hinsch, nor the composer, Christoph Graupner, is mentioned in the " Vorrede." SCHATZ 4122 Didon, tragedie represented par 1'Academie royale de musique 1'an 1693. Les paroles de Mad. Xaintonge, & La musique de M. Des- marets. XXX opera. n. i., n. d. front , p. 281-344 (Recueil general des opera, t. iv, Paris, 1703}.' 14 cm . Detached copy. Prologue and five acts. First performed, as indicated, September 11, 1693. SCHATZ 2531 Second copy. ML 48. R4 Didon, tragedie lyrique en trois actes; repre'sentee a Fontainebleau devant Leurs Majestes, le 16 octobre 1783 et pour la premiere fois sur le Theatre de I'Academie-royale de musique le lundi l er decembre 1783. Paris, P. de Lormel, 1783. viii, 51,[1] p. 23 cm . Three acts. Cast and names of Marmontel as author, of Niccol6 Piccinni as com- poser. SCHATZ 8088 - Dido, heroische oper in drey akten; zur.musik von Piccini, nach dem franzoesischen von C. Herklots. Berlin, n. publ., 1799. 48 p. 15 cm . Three acts. Cast. First performed at Berlin, Kgl. Nationaltheater, March 18." 1799. SCHATZ 8089 Didon abandonnee. Tr. of Jommelli's Didone abbandonata. La Didone di Gio. Francesco Busenello. Opera rappresentata in musica nel Teatro di San Casciano nelP anno 1641. Venetia, Andrea Giuliani, 1656. 80 p. 15 cm . Three acts with prologue. Argument. Without name of the composer, Pietro Francesco Cavalli. SCHATZ 1718 Didone. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel Regio Teatro di Torino nel carnovale del 1773 alia presenza di S. S. R. M. Torino, Onorato Derossi, n. d. viii, 64 p. 15% cm . Three acts. By Metastasio. Argument, cast, scenario, and name of the com- poser, Giuseppe Colla. One of Bartolommeo Lany's ballets performed with the opera was called "Piramo e Tisbe" and is described on p. vii-viii; the music was by Paolo Ghebard. SCHATZ 2107 Didone. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel Regio Teatro di S. Carlo. In benefizio di Marianna Albani la sera dei 16 ottobre 1799. Lisbona, Simone Taddeo Ferreira, 1799. 99 p. 15 cm . Incorrectly dated: MDCCLXXXXVIX. Three acts. By Metastasio (who is not mentioned) with alterations by the theatre poet Giuseppe Caravita. Argument, cast, scenario and name of Settiminio Marino as the composer. Portuguese text faces Italian. SCHATZ 5968 380 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS La Didone. Dramma di Paolo Moscardini colla musiea del Sig. D. Andrea Mattioli mastro di capella del' Altezza Sereniss. di Mantoua. Bologna, Giacomo Monti, 1656. 119 p. 13% cm . Three acts with prologue. Author's dedication dated Bologna, April 25, 1656, brief scenario, and notice to the reader in which the author pays his compliments to Mattioli, to the "nuoua, e bizzarra inuentione delle machine del Sig. Gio. Battista Barbieri Ferrarese" and the "nobilissima maestria e magnificenza delle scene de' Sig. Angelo Michele Colonna, Agostino Metelli, e Domenico Santi." SCHATZ 6102 La Didone. Dramma in musiea da rappresentarsi nel pubblico Teatro di Forli nella primavera dell' anno 1779 . . . Fork, AchiUe Marozzi, n. d. 66 p. 17$ cm . Three acts. By Metastasio, who is not mentioned. Impresario's dedication, dated Forli, May 8, 1779, cast, scenario, and name of Bernard(in)o Ottani as the composer. SCHATZ 7364 La Didone. Dramma serio in musiea. Da rappresentarsi in Firenze nel R. Teatro dei Risoluti posto in via S. Maria nell' estate dell' anno 1795 ... Firenze, Anton Giuseppe Pagani e comp., 1795. 39 p. 16$ cm . Three acts. Cast and names of Metastasio as the author, of Paisiello as the com- poser. Firet performed as indicated, August 1, 1795; as "Didone abbandonata," at Naples, Teatro di S. Carlo, November 4, 1794. SCHATZ 7699 Didone. Drama per musiea da rappresentarsi nel Regio Teatro di Torino nel carnovale del 1750 . . . Torino, Pietro Giuseppe Zappata ejigliuolo, n. d. 4p-l-> 6 P- 16 cm . Three acts. By Metastasio, who is not mentioned. Argument, cast, scenario, and name of Domingo Terradellas as composer. SCHATZ 10285 Second copy. ML 48. A5 v. 4 La Didone, ballet. See Tritto's Apelle e Campaspe. La Didone abbandonata. [435]-506 p. 19 cm . (Pietro Metastasio, Opere drammatiche, Vene- zia, Giuseppe Betinelli, 1733-37, t. i.) Three acts. Argument. No composer is mentioned. This is one of his texts which Metastasio later on revised. Here are a few telling differences between the original and the later version: The original version has in I, 11 the aria "Ogni ama- tor suppone; the later version has no aria. In the original version I, 14 begins "Lo so, quel cor feroce" and has the aria "Infelice e sventurato." This scene was sup- pressed in the later version, so that the later I, 14 is the same as the original I, 15 "Come! Da' labbri tuoi." In the original version II, 1 begins "Signer ove te'n vai," in the later version "Chi fu che all inumano." ML 49.A2M4 - Didone abbandonata. Metastasio, Poesie, Parigi, vedova Quillau, 1755, t. ii, [S07]~40S p. 16 cm . Three acts and licenza. Argument. "Nella forma in cui sono stati ridotti dall' autore." (See note on p. 169 oft. vi.) Same, t. m, [281}-390 p. 16. "Come . . . nell' altre edizioni." ML 49.A2M42 - Didone abbandonata. Primo drama dell' autore, rappresentato la prima volta con musiea del Sarro in Napoli, nel carnevale dell' anno 1724. pi., [3]-108 p. 26 cm . (Pietro Metastasio, Opere, t. Hi, Parigi, vedova Herissant, 1780.} Three acts and licenza. Argument. ML 49.A2M44 OPERA LIBRETTOS 381 Didone abbandonata. Tragedia di Pietro Metastasio ... Da rappresentarsi in musica nel Teatro delle Dame nel carnevale dell' anno MDCCXXXII ... [Roma], Pasquino, n. d. 83, [1] p. 15 cm . Three acts. Last unnumb. p. contains the aria, "M'offendi; epur conviene," aa substitute for "Tacero se tu lo brami" (II, 12). Impresario's dedication, argument, scenario, cast. Composer not mentioned, and unknown to Schatz. SCHATZ 11380 Didone abbandonata. Tragedia per musica ridotta ad uso del nuovo famosissimo Teatro di S. Girolamo. Da rappresentarsi nel carnovale dell' anno 1747. f cm Venezia, Luigi Pavini, 1747. 69 p. 11' Three acts. Cast, scenario, and name of composer, Andrea Adolf ati. Based on Metastasio's libretto of the eame title. SCHATZ 57 Didone abbandonata. Tragedia di Artino Corasio, pastpre Arcade, da rappresentarsi in musica nel Teatro Tron di S. Cassano il carnevale dell' anno MDCCXXV . . . Venezia, Marino Rossetti, n. d. 67 p. 15\ cm . Three acts. By Metastasio. Dedicatory sonnet, argument, scenario, east, and name of Tommaso Albinoni as composer. SCHATZ 89 - Dido, musiclische [!] opera, welche auff dem Theatro zu Bresslau in Novembr. anno 1726 vorgestellet . . . n, i. } n. d. -Unpaged. 8 cm . Three acts, with Italian and German text, name of Albinoni as composer, and argu- ment. Closely-trimmed copy. Pagination possibly cut off in trimming. SCHATZ 90 Didone abbandonata. Dramma per musica del Signore abate Pietro Metastasio Poeta Cesareo da rappresentarsi nel Teatro di Lucca nelP autunno dell' anno 1775. Lucca, Filippo Maria Benedini, 1775. 60 p. lJf m . Three acts. Argument, cast, scenario, and name of Pasquale Anfossi as composer. First performed at Venice, Teatro di S. Moise, in May, 1775; at Lucca on August 23, 1775. SCHATZ 233 La Didone abbandonata. Da rappresentarsi in musica nel Teatro nuovo di corte . . . nel carnovale 1760. La poesia del Signor abbate Pietro Metastasio ... La musica del Sig. Andrea di Bernasconi . . . Monaco, Giov. Giac. Votter, n. d. 89, [8] p. 15 cm . Three acts. Argument, cast, and scenario. The unnumb. p. contain description in French, of the ballets, "Le prie del' oiseau ou du Papegai, ballet pantomime de demi-caractere " and "La coquette de village, pantomime comique. The ballets were invented by Du Buisson de Chalandray. The composer of the music ia not mentioned. Previously performed at Munich, carnival of 1756, and at Venice, Teatro di S. Giov. Grisostomo, carnival, 1741. SCHATZ 858 Didone abbandonata, ballet. See Cherubini's Ifigenia in Aulide. La Didone abbandonata. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi sopra il famoso Ducal Teatro di Bronsevigo nella fiera d'lnverno dell anno 1751. Bronsevigo, gli Jieredi Keitel, n. d. 181 p. 18% cm . Three acts. By Metastasio. German text and title-page, "Die verlassene Didone," face Italian. Argument, scenario, and names of the author and the com- poser, "Ignatio Fiorillo, maestro di cupel la di corte." First performed, as indicated, February, 1751. SCHATZ 3200 382 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS La Didone abbandonata, dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel Regio-ducal Teatro di Milano, nel carnovale dell' anno 1755 . . . Milano, Giuseppe Richino Malatesta, 1755, 5 p. 1., 60 p. lJ! t \ cm . Three acts. By Metastasio. Dedication, argument, scenario, cast, and name of the composer, Giovanni Andrea Fioroni. SCHATZ 3206 Didone abbandonata. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro di S. Benedetto il carnevale dell' anno MDCCLXIV. Venezia, Giorgio Fossati, n. d. 71 p. 17 cm . Three acts. By Metastasio. Reprint of the author's sennet from the first edition of his drama, now used as a dedication to the most excellent ladies of Venice, argu- ment, scenario, cast, and name of Galuppi as composer. First performed at Modena, Teatro Molzo, carnival, 1741 (Piovano). SCHATZ 3503 [La Didone abbandonata]. Die verlassene Dido, ein musicalisches drama, welches auf dem koeniglichen schlosse zu Hubertusburg an dem hoechstbeglueckten geburthstage Ihro Majestaet Augusti III . . . aufgefuehret worden. Dresden, ley der verw. Stoesselin, 1742. (double) 102, [2] p. 16 cm . The Italian title-page apparently missing. Three acts and licenza. By Metastasio, who is not mentioned. Argument and name of Johann Adolph Hasse as composer. First performed, as indicated, October 7, 1742. SCHATZ 4535 Didone abbandonata. Tragedia da rappresentarsi nel Regio Teatro di Berlino per ordine di Sua Maesta. Berlino, Haude e Spenez, 1769. 131, [8] p. 15\ cm . Three acts. Argument, scenario, and names of Metastasio as author, of Johann Adolph Hasse as the composer. German title-page, "Die verlassene Dido," and text face Italian, which is not quite the same as in the Dresden version. For instance, the eleventh scene, "Non partir6 se pria," has been dropped and "Non e piu tempo, Araspe," originally the twelfth, has become the eleventh scene. Performed December, 1769, as indicated; previously, December 29, 1752. SCHATZ 4536 La Didone abbandonata. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro Ducale di Stutgart festeggiandosi il felicissimo giorno natalizio di Sua Altezza Serenissima Elisabetta Sofia Federica duchessa di Wurtemberg et Teck ... La poesia e del . . . Pietro Metastasio ... La musica & del Sig. Nicolo Jommelli . . . Stutgart, Giovanne Georgia Cotta, 1751. 117 p. 18 cm . Three acts. Argument, cast, scenario. German title page, "Die verlassene Dido," and text face Italian. Schatz calls this Jommelli's second version. First performed, as indicated, August 30, 1751. At Vienna this "Neuschopfung" (Abert) was first performed on December 8, 1749. According to Abert, the first version of the opera was first performed at Rome, Teatro di Torre Argentina in 1746, according to Schatz on Saturday, January 28, 1747. SCHATZ 4854 La Didone abbandonata. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro Ducale di Stuttgart festeggiandosi il felicissimo giorno natalizio di Sua Altezza Serenissima Carlo, duca regnante di Wirtem- berg e Teck etc. La poesia e del Signer abbate Pietro Metastasio . . . La musica & nuovamente composta dal Signer Nicolo Jommelli . . . I balli sono inventati dal Signor Giovanni Giorgio Noverre . . . Stuttgart, Cotta, 1763. 207 p. 21. Three acts. Argument, scenario, cast. French title-page, "Didon abandonne'e," and text face Italian. On p. [74J-89 cast and description of the ballet "Medea e Giasone-Medee et Jason," music by Rudolph (Abert); on p. [138J-157 of "Orfeo ed OPERA LIBRETTOS 383 La Didone abbandonata Continued. Euridice, ballo eroico-Orphee & Euridice," music by Deller (Abert). Schatz and Abert call this Jommelli's third setting. The text is strikingly different from that of the 1751 edition. For instance, Adrasto has been dropped from the list of charac- ters, the opera begins ' ' No principessa, amico " instead of ' ' Non piu. Fedel Adrasto. ' ' The aria "D'aversa sorte" has been dropped from the first scene, in fact the text of the three first scenes has been condensed into one, so that the aria "Dir6 che fida eei" in I, 5, now comes in I, 3, the aria "Fra lo splendor nel trono" has been dropped from I, 9 (resp. I, 7), the scene (I, 10) "De gli nomini ornamento" with the aria "Vorrei pria esanime" has been replaced by (I, 8) "Empio! L'orror, che porta" with the aria "Se dalle stelle tu noil sei guida," etc., etc. First performed, as indicated, February 11, 1763. SCHATZ 4855 Didone abbandonata. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel nobilissimo Teatro di S. Benedetto il carnovale dell' anno 1770. Venezia, Modesto Fenzo, 1770. 61 p. 17 cm . Three acts. By Metastasip, who is not mentioned. "Sonetto dell' autore, pre- messo alia prima edizione di questo suo dramma," argument, cast, scenario, and name of Francesco de Ma jo as composer. First performed December 26, 1769, as indicated. SCHATZ 5855 Didone abbandonata, drainma per musica da rappresentarsi nel famosissimo Teatro Grimani di S. Gio. Grisostomo nel carnovale dell' anno MDCCLL Venezia, In merceria all' insegna della scienza, n. d. 68 p. 15 cm . Three acts. By Metastasio, who is not mentioned. Argument, scenario, cast, and name of Gennaro Manna as composer. SCHATZ 5901 Didone abbandonata. A serious opera. Written by Metastasip. As performed at the King's Theatre m the Hay-Market. The music by the most celebrated composers under the direction of Signer Sacchini. London, T. CadeU, n. d. 55, [1] p. 18 cm . Three acts. Cast. English translation faces Metastasio's much altered text- The unnumb. page contains a list of R. Bremner's "New music." Probably a libretto for the performances at London, 1775-76, of which Burney (IV, 504) saya "chiefly by Sacchini." SCHATZ 11321 Didone abandonata. Drama per musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro di S. Bartolomeo nel carnevale dell' anno 1724 . . . Napoli, Francesco Ricciard, 1724- 72 p. 15 cm . Three acts. By Metastasio who is not mentioned. Impresario's dedication, argu- ment, scenario, cast and name of Domenico Sarro as the composer. ML 50.2.D55S2 - Didone abbandonata. Tragedia di Artino Corasio, pastore Arcade da rappresentarsi nel famosissimo Teatro di S. Gio. Grisostomo nell' autunno dell' anno 1730 . . . Venetia, Carlo Buonarigo, n. d. 1 p. 1., 72 p. 15 cm . Three acts. By Metastasio. Domenico Lalli's dedication, argument, cast, scenario, and name of Domenico Sarro as the composer. SCHATZ 9422 Didone abbandonata. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi sul Regio Teatro Danese, 1'inverno dell' anno 1762. Den forladte Dido . . . Ki0benhavn, Lars Nielsen Svare, n. d. 127 p. 15% cm . Three acts. Argument, cast, and names of Metastasio as author, of Giuseppe Sarti as composer. ("La musica e tutta nuova.") SCHATZ 9432 384 LJBBABY OF CONGBESS La Didone abbandonata. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi in Ferrara nel Teatro Bonacossa da San StefFano il carnevale dell' anno 1763 ... Ferrara, Fornari, n. d. 59 p. 15 cm . Three acts. By Metastasio. Impresario's dedication, argument, cast, scenario, and name of Giuseppe Scolari as composer. ( " La mueica tutta nova sara composta . " ) SCHATZ 9806 Didone abbandonata, dramma per musica del Sig. abate Pietro Metastasio da rappresentarsi nel Teatro Giustiniani di S. Moise\ L'autunno dell' anno 1757. Venezia, Modesto Fenzo, 1757. 58 p. 15 cm . Three acts. Cast, argument, scenario, and name of Tommaso Trajetta as composer. SCHATZ 10402 Didone abbandonata. Drama di Artino Corasio Pastore Arcade. Da rappresentarsi in musica nel Teatro delle Dame nel carnevale dell' anno 1726 ... Roma, Berndbb, n. d. 78 p. 14 m - Three acts. By Metastasio. Dedication, argument, scenario, cast and name of Leonardo Vinci as composer. ML 50.2.D55V4 La Didone abbandonata. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi in Perugia nell' apertura del Nuovo Teatro Civico del Verzaro 1'au- tunno dell' anno MDCCLXXXI . . . Perugia, Mario Riginaldi, n. d. xii, 68 p. 18$ cm . Three acts. By Metastasio. Cast, argument, scenario, name of Francesco Zajietti as composer, and (on xii p.) description and historical sketch of the new theatre, the erection of which was begun on June 12, 1778, and which was to be opened in Septem- ber, 1781. On p. [25J-31, argument and description of "II trionfo di Aleesandro o sia La prigipma di Dario, ballo eroico in quattro atti, composto e diretto dal signor Domenico Kicciardi." Music ("tutta nuova ") by Mattia Stabingher. First performed at Livorno, Teatro di San Sebastiano, carnival, 1766. ML 48.A5 v. 5. Didone delirante. Drama da rappresentarsi in musica nel famoso Teatro Grimano di SS. Gio. e Paolo Tanno MDCLXXXVI. Di Antonio Franceschi . . . Venetia, Francesco Nicolini, 1686. 72 p. 14% cm . Three acts. Author's dedication, notice to the reader, in which the author calls this "primo parto del mio debole ingegno," and names Carlo Pallavicino as the com- poser, argument, and scenario. SCHATZ 7736 Diesmal hat der mann den willen! Ein originalsingspiel in einem aufzuge. Aufgefiihrt auf der K. K. Nationalschaubuhne. Die musik ist vom herrn Ordonez. Wien, bey dem logen meister, 1778. 28 p. 16\ cm . By Johann Friedrich Schmidt, who is not mentioned. First performed, as indicated, April 22, 1778. SCHATZ 7291 Les Dieux acteurs. Entre"e in Brassac's L'empire de 1'amour. Les dieux d'flgipte. A. T. of the ballet Les f^tes de 1'Himen. II difficile per inganno facile, ballet. See Andreozzi's II dis- prezzo vinto. OPEKA LIBEETTOS 385 II dilettante. A petit burletta, in two parts. As performed at Marybone-Gardens. The music composed by Mr. Hook. London, W. Woodfall, 1772. 19 p. 23 cm . Author not recorded. Cast and author's dedication, dated August 1772: "This piece being merely thrown together for the purpose of giving excellent talents an opportunity of exertion, is inscribed to that delicate composer, Mr. Hook; and those able, very approved performers . . ." ML 50.2.D56H6 Dioclesian. See H. Purcell's The prophetess or The history of Dioclesian. v II Diode te. Drama per musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro di S. Angelo 1'anno MDCLXXXVII . . . Venetia, Francesco Nicolini, 1687. 70, [1] p. lift. Three acts. By Andrea Rossini, who is not mentioned. Impresario's dedication, argument, scenario, and notice to the reader, in which the author calls this "la mia terza fatica," and Teofilo Orgiani the composer of the opera. The imprimatur at the end is dated January 15, 1687. First performed, as indicated, January 18, 1687. SCHATZ 7297 Diocletiano. Drama per musica da rappresentarsi nel sempre famoso Teatro Grimano a SS. Gio. e Paoio. L'anno MDCLXXV. Di Matteo Noris . . . Venetia, Francesco Nicolini, 1685. front., 72 p. 13% cm . Three acts. Author's dedication, dated Venice, December 10, 1674, argument, and scenario. The composer, Carlo Pallavicino, is not mentioned. SCHATZ 7721 Diogene tentato ma non vinto dalT amore, ballet. See Rust's U conte Baccelone. Diomede, tragedie representee par 1' Academic royale de musique Tan 1710. Les paroles de M. de la Serre. La musique de M. Bertin. LXXIV. opera. n. i., n. d. pi., 63-128 p. llf m . (Recueil general des opera, Paris, 1714, *. x.) Detached copy. Prologue and five acts. First perlormed, as indicated, April 28, 1710. SCHATZ 879 Second copy. ML 48. R4 Diomede punito da Alcide. Drama di Aurelio Aureli posto in musica dal Signor Tomaso Albinoni da rappresentarsi nel Teatro a Sant' Angelo . . . Venezia, Nicolini, 1701. 48 p. 14 cm . Three acts. Author's dedication, argument, scenario, and cast. SCHATZ 107 Diomede punito da Alcide. Drama rappresentato nel nuovo Teatro Ducale di Piacenza . . . Poesia