UC-NRLF B H S7T ^^l UNION CLASS-LIST OF THE LIBRARIES OF THE LIBRARY AND LIBRARY ASSISTANTS' ASSOCIATIONS CvJ :0 CAXTON HALL, WESTMINSTER, S.W. THE LIBRARY ASSOCIATION 1913 Sixpence Net NOW READY. LIBRARY ASSOCIATION SERIES, No. 9. A SHORT COURSE IN PRACTICAL CLASSIFICATION WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO THE DECIMAL AND SUBJECT SCHEMES. BY W. C. BERWICK SAYERS. Price One Shilling net. LIBRARY ASSOCIATION, CAXTON HALL, WESTMINSTER, S.W. Copies may be obtained through any Bookseller, or on application to the Publications Secretary, Caxton Hall, Westminster, S.W. LIBRARY ASSOCIATION LIBRARY. Rules for the Use of the Collection. The Library of the Association is deposited at the London School of Economics, Clare Market, Kingsway, W.C. Members and Associates of the Library Association and Members of the Library- Assistants' Associa- tion are admitted under the rules of the School of which the following are a selection : — The Reading-room is open at lo a.m. daily, except as provided in Rule 3, closing at the following times : — During Term : Daily, except Saturdays, at 9 p.m. ; and on Saturdays at i p.m. During Vacation : Daily, except Saturdays, at 6 p.m. ; and on Saturdays at i p.m. (j) The Library is entirely closed on the following days : On all Sundays ; on i January ; on Good Friday and the five days next follow- ing ; on the Saturday before Whit Monday and the four days next following; on the first fourteen days of August; on 25 December and six days next following. (5) Readers may take the books they require for purposes of study from the shelves in the Reading-room. They must not replace the books when done with, but leave them on the table. {10) Persons admitted to the Reading-room shall on their first visit sign their names in a book to be kept for that purpose, as evidence that they will conform to these rules. Books in the Collection of the Library Association, except such as are marked for reference only, may be borrowed for home use by Mem- bers and Associates of the Library Association and by Members of the Library Assistants' Association either by personal application during the hours at which the Library is open or on application by post addressed to the Assistant Secretary, the Libraiy Association, Caxton Hall, Westminster, S.W. Regulations for the Loan of Books. Application in person at the School of Economics must be made on the proper form, which is to be obtained at the catalogue desk in the Reading-room, to the Superintendent of the Reading-room during the hours at which the Reading-room is open. Applications for works to be forwarded by post should be addressed to the Assistant Secretary of the Association as above. No special form is required. With the application must be enclosed six-pence in stamps or postal order for a single volume borrowed, or a shilling for more than one volume. The works required will be forwarded as soon as available to any address in the United Kingdom but not abroad. Not more than three works, or six volumes, may be borrowed at one time. Books may be retained for fifteen days, the days of issue and return each counting as one day. The loan of any work may be renewed for a further period of eight days at the discretion of the Librarian of the School of Economics if the work has not in the meantime been asked for by another person entitled to borrow it. Applications for renewal should be addressed personally to the Superintendent of the Reading-room or by letter to the Librarian at the School of Economics. Any borrower may be required to return a work after the first fifteen days if it shall have been asked for by another person entitled to borrow it. Borrowers will be held fully responsible for the safe custody and return of works borrowed by them. When a borrower is asked to return a work which he has on loan he should do so within twenty-four hours personally or by post. The Hon. Secretary of the Association may at any time suspend any- one from the use of the Library for non-observance of these Kules, but must report the suspension to the next meeting of the Council for confirma- tion or otherwise. N.B.—'Y\\G Library of the Library Assistants' Association is subject to the above rules so far as regards the loan of books. The collection is housed at the Islington Public Library, 68, Holloway Road, N. Miss Olive E. Clarke is the Hon. Librarian. UNION CLASS-LIST OF THE LIBRARIES OF THE LIBRARY AND LIBRARY ASSISTANTS' ASSOCIATIONS CAXTON HALL, WESTMINSTER, S.W. THE LIBRARY ASSOCIATION 1913 ~^ A J^^-^^.v PREFACE. The following Catalogue is a Class-list of the periodicals, books and pamphlets in the libraries of the Library and Library Assistants' Associations. It does not, however, include an extensive collection of library publications, viz.. Bulletins, Catalogues, Handbooks, Histories, Reports, etc., which are available for reference or loan at the London School of Economics. This Collection, which is the pro- perty of the Library Association, has been excluded principally on the ground of expense. Its inclusion would have more than doubled the size of the present List, without materially enhancing its value for the student. In a few instances only has this rule of exclusion been departed from, e.g. in the case of the Catalogue of the Bibliotheque Nationale and of the Catalogue of Early English books to 1640 in the Library of the British Museum. It should, however, be stated that the Collection contains the Catalogues of many libraries of note — such as the Advocates' Library, the Imperial Library in Calcutta, the National Library of Ireland, the John Rylands Library, the London Library, the Bishopsgate Institute, the Hampstead Public Library, and amongst American Libraries — the Peabody Institute and the Carnegie Library in Pittsburgh. As the London School of Economics is the fortunate possessor of a copy of the General Cata- logue of the British Museum Library it will be seen that the collections at the School offer great facilities for bibliographical research, as well as a variety of good examples for style, annotation or book selection. In the case of Subject and Personal Bibliographies the rule has been to include all lists of any bibliographical value — the shorter class-lists alone having been excluded. The classification of the Library of the London School of Economics is a special one. Group L Library administration is an adaptation of Class Z in the scheme of the Library of Congress, and this scheme has been followed — contrary to the practice of the London School of Economics — in the case of Subject and Personal Bibliographies, which are here arranged in two alphabets — the former divided under broad groups, the latter in the strict alpha- 284144 betical order of the name of the person forming the subject of the bibliography. The compilation of the present Class-list has been a labour of love on the part of its compilers — the Members of the Library Assistants' Association and the Librarian and Staff of the London School of Economics. My special thanks are due to Miss H. A. Funnell, who prepared the whole of the copy of the Library Associ- ation's Library for the press, and to Mr. B. M. Headicar for his unfailing goodwill and for his courtesy in providing the necessar)- assistance. The Class-list should be regarded as a companion handbook to Mr. H. G. T. Cannon's excellent Bibliography of Library Economy. These two works together provide the student with a comprehensive view of the professional literature of Library science and economy. There are, however, still many gaps in the text-book and periodical departments of the Library. The latter have been carefully indi- cated with a view of stimulating the generosity of future donors. Of the gifts which have been made to the Library in the past the present Class-list may be regarded as the most suitable acknowledg- ment. E. WYNDHAM HULME, Hon. Librarian. August, 1913. SYNOPSIS OF CLASSIFICATION. oooo History of Books and Book-making. 0040 Writing (general works). 0042 Calligraphy. 0053 Shorthand. 0106 Palaeography. Book Industries and Trade. 0116 Printing (generally). 0124 History (generally). 0126 Origin of Printing. Gutenberg, etc. 0140-0199 History of Countries (Dewey numbers). 0232 Biography and Production of Printers. 0240 Incunabula. Block-books. 0244 Practical Printing (general). 0247 Materials. 0254 Proof-reading. 0257 Illustration. Engraving. 0266 Bookbinding. 0269 History and Art of Bookbinding. Lives, etc., of binders. 0272 Machinery, Materials, Tools. 0274 Specimens. 0276 Book Decoration in general. 0278 Bookselling and Publishing. 0282 Dictionaries, Directories. 0283 Manuals. 0340-99 Local history (Dewey numbers). N.B. — Local Bibliography is classed at 1240-99. 0551 Copyright. Intellectual Property. 0554-0559 By Countries (Dewey numbers). 0665 Library Science. 0666 Bibliography. 0669 Library Schools. 0670 Manuals. Handbooks. 0671 Periodicals. 0673 Library Associations. Conferences, etc. 0675 Particular classes of Libraries (College, Historical, Mercantile, etc.). 0677 Library Legislation (Dewey number for countries). 0678 Constitution. Administration. 0678.5 Rating. 0679 Architecture. Building. 0682 Staff. 0684 Appliances. Supplies, etc. 0685 Shelving. 0687 Newsrooms, 0690 Acquisition of Books (selection, purchase, gifts, accessioning). 0695 Cataloguing. 0696 Classification and Notation. 0697 Classification of Special Subjects. 0700 Preservation of Books. Hygiene. 0704 Rules and Regulations. 8 0665 Library Science {cont.) 0710 Use of Books and Libraries. 0714 Charging Systems. (Indicators, open access, etc.) 0715 Forms, BKinks, etc. 0716 Extension work. Travelling Libraries. Lectures. 0717 Museums. Art Galleries. Exhibitions. 0718 Juvenile Department. Libraries and schools. 0720 Lives of Librarians. 0721 History and Statistics generally. 0722 Ancient Libraries. 0723 Libraries in Middle .^ges. (To 1600.) 0725 Particular Libraries. 0730 Modern Libraries (generally). 0733 Particular Libraries (other than state or municipal). 0740-99 By Countries (Dewey numbers). 0810 Library Publications. 0987 Book-collecting (generally). Private Libraries. 0992 Bibliophily and Bibliomania. 0993 Book-plates. Ex libris. 0997 Catalogues of Private Libraries. 0999 Book Prices. Second-hand booksellers' catalogues, etc. 1000 Sale Records. (" Book prices current," etc.) 1 00 1 General Bibliography. 1002 Bibliography of Bibliography. 1003 Choice of Books. 1007 Periodicals. 1008 Conferences. Societies. '42 Bibliographical Society of London. •73 Bibliographical Society of America, loii Universal Bibliographies, Dictionaries. 1019 Condemned, Prohibited, Expurgated Books. 1023 Illustrated. Extra Illustrated. 1030 Vellum Printed. 1033 Other Special Classes. 1035 Best Books. 1037 Books for the Young. 1038 Books for Girls and Women. 1 04 1 Anonyms and Pseudonyms. 1240-99 National [and Local] Bibliography. (Dewey numbers for countries.) Books printed and published in that country, books by natives or resident authors, books written in the language of that country by foreigners, and that country as subject. Appendix. Special Bibliographies (a) of Subjects ; (b) of Persons. UNION CLASS LIST OF THE LIBRARIES OF THE Cibrarp ana Clbrarp assistants' Jlssociattons. EXPLANATION OF ASTERISKS. Works common to both collections one asterisk * Library Assistants' Association only two asterisks ** Library Association only no asterisk oo HISTORY OF BOOKS 0116 PRINTING. AND BOOKMAKINQ. 1888. Encyclopaedia Britannica. See also General Bibliography tArticle on] typography.- lOOI. „. . 0124 History. 1814. Horne.T. H. Introduction to tu d • » j the study of bibliography. 2 vols. '^^7- Bouchot. H. The Printed 1837. Hannett,J.,i/."JohnAn- Book: its history, illustration, etc. drews Arnett ". Inquiry into the 3i2 pp. rw , , , ,, , nature and form of books of the iSSy-po- Dziatzko, K., ed. ancients. 212 pp. ,^^™'^l"'?g. bibliothekswissenschaft- 1908. Guppy, H. The Books of hcher Arbe.ten. 4 vols, the Middle Ages and their makers. Vol. i. Psalterium ; von W. Brambach. ^c „„ *» Vol.2. Beitrage zur Gutenbergfrage; 3° PP- von K. D. Vol. 3. Die Abgabe der Pflichtexemplare 0040 WRITING. von^Druckerzeugnissen; von J. 1893. Madan, F. Books in manu- ^ol. 4. G^tenWs^ ^fruheste Drucker- script. 1S8 pp. -, r.1 J '«.r ^1 T^ 1910. Osborn, A. S. Questioned 1891. .Blades, W. The Pentateuch documents. 501pp. ^P^^^li 'J^ ^ t. , -.a 1893. Duff, E. G. Early printed 00^2 CALLIGRAPHY books. 219 pp.* 0042 CAUUiUKAfny. ^^^^ Proctor, R. The Printing n.d. Library handwriting. 278-289 of Greek in the fifteenth century, pp. Ex : " Library Notes," etc. 217 pp. 1904. Haupt, R. Katalog 2, Das 0053 SHORTHAND. Zeitalter der Reformation. 96 pp. „,_. 1. 1 n 1 ^ (Introd. — Buchdruck und Buch- 1902. O'Donnell, J. Prel. cata- Landel und die Lutherische Refor- logue of a collection of works on ^^^j^^ ^^^ ^ Clemen.) shorthand, etc. 16 pp. ^^^^ Davenport, C. The Book: ninrt PAI /iFOOPAPHY its history and development. 258 pp. 0106 HAL-4:UGKAPnY. ^^^^ jq,^„ Rylands Library, 1903. John Rylands Library, Manchester. Catalogue of the Manchester. Works upon the selection of books and broadsides study of Greek and Latin palaeog- illustrating the early history of raphy and diplomatic. 15 pp.* printing. 34 pp.* OI24 History {cont.) 1911. Peddle, R. A. Catalogue of works on practical printing, processes of illustration and bookbinding pub- lished since igoo and now in St. Bride Foundation Technical Lib- rary. 32 pp. 1912. Internal. Association of Antiquarian Booksellers. Cata- logue of an exhibition of books . . . illustrative of the history ... of printing and book-selling in England, 1477-1800, held at Stationers' Hall. 216+ I pp-** 0126 Origin of Printing. 1776. [Bowyer, W., and Nichols, J.] The Origin of Printing : (i) the substance of Dr. Middleton's "Dis- sertation on the origin of printing in England," (2) Mr. Meerman's ac- count of the invention of the art at Haarlem and its progress to Mentz. . . . 2nd ed. 176 pp. 1871. Llnde, A. van der. The Haarlem legend of the invention of printing by L. J. Coster, critically examined. 170 pp. 1887. Hessels, J. H. Haarlem the birth-place of printing, not Mentz. 85 PP- 0140-99 Hi. story by Countries. (In Dewey local order.) .1895. Duff, E. Q. Hand-lists of English printers, 1501-1556. Pt. i.** Pt. 3, 1905. 1899. Ames, J. Typographical antiquities. Index to Dibdin's edi- tion . . . with some references to the . . . edition by W. Herbert. 77 PP- 1900. Plomer, H. R. Short his- tory of English printing, 1476-1898. 330 pp. 1905. White, N.J. D. Short Cata- logue of English books in Abp, Marsh's Library, Dublin, printed be- fore 1 64 1. 90 pp. 1903. Voullidme, E. Der Buch- druck Kolns bis zum Ende des fiinf- zehnten Jahrhunderts. 543 pp. 1880. Cercle de la Librairie. Catalogue de la partie rtjtrospec- tive : histoire de la typographic fran^aise par les livres depuis 1' origine jusqu'^ la fin du XVII le sidcle. 112 pp. 0232 Biography and Production of Printers. See also Book Trade (Local) 0340-99. 1844. Knight, C. Wm. Caxton, the first English printer. 245 pp. 1869. Rae,J.,ed. The Statutes of Henry VII. in exact facsimile from the . . . original printed by Caxton in 14S9. With notes and introd. 1909. John Rylands Library, Manchester. Propositio Johannis Russell. Printed by \V. Laxton, c. A.D. 1496. Facsimile, etc. Introd. by H. Guppy. 1909. Ricci, S. de. A Census of Caxtons. 196 pp. 1900. Macfarlane, J. A. Verard. 143 PP- 0240 incunabula. Block-Books. Early Printed Books. 1870-75. Bruun, C. Aarsberetnin- ger og Meddelelser fra det store kong. Bibliothek. 2 vols. 1875. Palermo, Bib. Naz. Cata- logo ragionato dei libri di prima stampa e delle edizioni Aldine e rare esistenti nella . . . ; da A. Pennino. Preced. da una relazione storica sulla medesima del Dr. Cav. F. Evola. V. I. 1904. St. Bride Foundation In- stitute. List of early printed books. 1905. Trau, F. Katalog der Biicher- Sammlung Franz Trau; Handschriften mit Miniaturcn, Mini- aturen mit Einzelblattern, Holzta- feldrucke, Inkunablen. 151 pp. 1906. Edinburgh, Signet Lib- rary. Catalogue of early printed books. 40 pp. [1907.] Brighton Public Library. Catalogue of a loan collection of early printed books, the property of C. Thomas-Stanford ... 46 pp. 1907. John Crerar Library. List of books exhibited . . . includ- ing incunabula and other early printed books in the Senn Collection. 1908. Bristol Public Library. Some rare books and MSS. in the [Central] Reference Library, Bristol ; by E. R. N. Matthews. 11 pp. 1909. John Crerar Library. Incunabula in the Senn Collection at the . . . ; by A. G. S. Josephson. 6 pp. 1909. Sheffield, Unlversitv of. Early printed books in the Library. English to 1640, foreign to 1600, 32 pp. II 0240 Incunabula. Block-Books. Early Printed Books (cont.) 1910. Herzogl. Parma'scher Bibliothek. Katalog der litur- gischen Drucke des XV und XVI Jahrhunderts in Herzogl. Parma'- schen Bibliothek in Schwarzau am Steinfeld, N.6 ; von H. Bohatta. Pt. 2. pp. 1910. Peddle, R. A. Conspectus incunabulorum. Pt. i. A-B. 149 pp. {In progress.) Baer, J. and Co. Handschriften und Drucke des Mittelalters und der Renaissance. Pt. 2. Drucke des XVI Jahrhunderts. 378 pp. (Cat. 500). Incunabula xylographica et typo- graphica 1450-1500. (Cat. 585, supp. 2)- Marinis, T. de and Co. [Catalogues of autographs, manuscripts, etc. Contain also bibliographical articles.] Olschki, L. S. [Catalogues of in- cunabula and rare and curious books.] Voynich, W. M. [Catalogues of rare and special books, etc.] 1891. Pollard, A. W. Last words on the history of the title page, with notes on some colophons and . . . facsimiles of title pages. 39 pp. 0244 Practical Printing. 1892. Southward, J. Practical printing. 4th ed. 782 pp.** 1897. Progress in printing and the graphic arts during the Victorian era.** 0247 Materials. J 900. Paris: Exposition univ. in- ternat. Mus^e retrospectif de la classe 88. Fabrication du papier. 51 pp. 1909. Chivers, C. The paper of lending library books, with some remarks on their bindings. 34 pp.* 0254 Proof=reading. 1905. Collins, F. H. Author and printer. 408 pp. [Dicty. of standard spellings and forms for the use of proof-readers, etc.] 1905. Wheatley, H. B. Literary blunders. 226 pp. 0257 Illustration. Engraving. {Sec also 1023 Illustrated Books.) 1848. Chatto. W. A. Historyand art of wood engraving. 28-1- pp. 1885. Jackson, M. The Pictorial press. 363 pp. 1896. Pennell, J. The Illustra- tion of books. 166 pp. 1898. Modern illustration. 146 pp. 0266 BOOKBINDING. 1901. Cockerell, D. Bookbinding and the care of books. 342 pp.** 1906. Dana, J. C. Notes on book- binding for libraries. 114 pp.* 1908. U.S.A. Congress. Me- moranda relative to binding of publications for distribution to state and territorial libraries and desig- nated depositories. 46 pp. 1910. Stephen, Q. A. Commercial bookbinding. 59 pp.* 1910. Die Moderne Gross- buchbinderei. Hrsg. H. Scheibe. 195 pp.* 19". Coutts, H. T., and Stephen, Q. A. A manual of library bookbinding. 251 pp.* n.d. [Collection of pamphlets on bindings and bookbinding.] (a) Ellis and Elvey. Summer catalogue. 1896. {b) Zaehnsdorf. Catalogue of valuable books in handsome bindings. {c) The Binding of a book. 1890. {d) Short history of book- binding. 1895. 0269 History and Art of Binding. 1890. Zaehnsdorf, J. W. The Art of bookbinding. igo pp.** 1893. Prideaux, 5. T. Historical sketch of bookbinding. 303 pp. 1894. Home, H. P. The Bmding of books. 224 pp. 1894. Rogers, F. The Art of bookbinding. 32 pp.** 1896. Matthews, B. Bookbind- ings, old and new. 342 pp. 1906. Prideaux, S. T. Modern bookbindings, their design and de- coration. 131 pp. 1909. Westendorp, K. Die Kunst der alten Buchbinder. (Auf der Ausstellung von Buchein- baenden . . ., Strassburg, 1907.) 02J2 Machinery. Materials. 1899. Procter, H. R. Cantor Lec- tures on leather manufacture. 37 pp. !9oi. Society of Arts. Report of the Committee on leather for book- binding. 20 pp.* 1905. Library Association : Sound Leather Committee. Leather for libraries. 57 pp.* 1903. Lamb, M. C. The determin- ation of sulphuric acid in leather. 7 PP-** 1906. Stephen, Q. A. Notes on materials for library bookbinding. [11] pp. 1908. Machine booksewmg, with remarks on publishers' binding. 26 pp. 1911. Chlvers, C. The relative value of leathers and other binding materials. 32 pp.** Bevington and Sons. [Specimens of leather.] British Leather Cloth Manufac- turing Co., Ltd. [Specimens of] " Rexine" leathers and price-list. Jones, M., and Sons, Ltd. [Speci- mens of leather.] Richardson, E. and J. Leathers for bookbinding and upholstery. 13 pp. [Specimens of leather.] 0274 Specimens. 1898. South Kensington MU' seum. Bookbindings and rubbings of bindings in the National Art Lib- rary, South Kensington Museum ; by W. H. J. Weale. Pt. i. Intro- duction, cl. pp. 0276 Book Decoration in General. 1906. Adam, P. Das Marmorieren des Buchbinders, etc. (Lehrbucher der Buchbinderei. Bd. 2.) 1911. Stephen, U. A. Decorative book covers. T3 pp. [Two vols, of miscellaneous pamphlets illustrating book decoration and type.] 0378-83 BOOKSELLING AND PUBLISHING. 1911. Institut Internet, de Blb- llographle. La Statistique inter- nationale des imprim(:s. 139 pp. 1906. Junk, W. Internal, .\dress- buch der .\ntiquar - Buchhandler. "3 PP- Ciegg, J., ed. Internat. directory of booksellers and bibliophile's manual, etc. 1906. 1893. Growoll, A. The profes- sion of bookselling. Pt. I. 65 pp. 0340-99 Local History. 1865. Knight, C. Shadows of the old booksellers. 320 pp. 1905. Duff, E. G. A Century of the English book trade . . . 1457- 1557. 200 pp. 1906. Worman, E. J. Alien members of the book trade during the Tudor period. 73 pp. 1907. Gibson, S. Abstracts from the wills and testamentary docu- ments of binders, printers and sta- tioners of Oxford from 1493 to 1638. 61 pp. 1907. Plomer, H. R. Dictionary of the booksellers and printers who were at work in England, Scotland and Ireland from 164 1 to 1667. 199 pp. 1910. McKerrow, R. B., ed. Dictionary of printers and booksellers in England, Scotland and Ireland, and of foreign printers of English books, 1557-1640. [1906.] Cholmeley, R. F.^ ed. Canned literature. 32 pp. 1906. Publishers and the public. 72 pp. ([Correspondence] Reprinted from the " Times," 1852.) 1906. The "Times" and the pub- lishers. 32 pp. n.d. Powell, W. Publishers and publishing. 12 pp. The Literary Year-book, 1907, 1908, 1909. 1881. Cercle de la Librarie, etc. Notice historique et descriptive. 93 PP- 0344. 0551 COPYRIGHT. 1891. K^ratry, E. de. Manuel pratique pour I'cnregistrement ct le dotcs [from 1826]. 82 pp. 0810 LIBRARY PUBLICATIONS. (Reports, Catalogues, Bulletins, etc.) Not entered in this List. See Preface. 1912. Illinois (Univ.) Library School. List of library reports and bulletins in the collection of. 22 pp. 0987 BOOK COLLECTING. PRIVATE LIBRARIES. 1893. Elton, C. I., and Mary Au- gusta. The Great book-collectors. ■..28 pp. 1897. Humphreys, A. L. The Private library. 162 pp.** 1905. Birrell, A. In the name of the Bodleian, etc. 214 pp. 1910. Anderton, B. Fragrance among old volumes. no pp. 0992 BIBLIOPHILY AND BIBLIOMANIA. [1345.] Aungerville, R., i.e. Rich- ard de Bury. The Philobiblon. 1888. 259 pp.** 1867. [Brown, J.] Bibliomania. 39 PP- 1886. Rees, J. R. The pleasures of a bookworm. 201 pp. 1891. Slater, J. H. Round and about the bookstalls. 119 pp. 1909. Oxford, A. W. Notes from a collector's catalogue, with a biblio- graphy of English cookery books. 116 pp. 1910. Cuthbertson, D. Thirty- three years' adventures in bookland. 208 pp.* 0993 BOOK PLATES. 1897. Fincham, H. W. Artists and engravers of British and Ameri- can book plates. 135 pp. 1905-6. Ellis. Catalogue of Brit- ish and .American bookplates col- lected by Sir A. W. Franks. 3 vols. 1909. Catalogue of bookplates. 40 pp. 0997 CATALOGUES OF PRIVATE LIBRARIES. 1888. Ty.ssen Library, Hackney. Catalogue of , . . by J. T. White- head. 92 pp. 191 1. Huth Collection. [Sate] catalogue. Pt. i. 340 pp. 0999 BOOK PRICES. BOOK- SELLERS' CATALOGUES, etc. 1877. Quaritch, B. General cata- logue of books. Supplement. 1875- 77. 1672 pp. 1885. Sotheran, H., and Co. Catalogue. [1906.] Sutton, A. Reprints: a calalofjne of reprints ol rare and valuable books, 32 pp. Well illust. 25 0999 BOOK PRICES. BOOK- SELLERS' CATALOGUES, etc. (colli.) n.d. Rosenthal, J. Katalog 36. [Illustrated.] Auswahl seltener und werthvoUer Biicher : Bilderhand- schriften, Inkunabein und Auto- graphen. 153 pp. 1000 SALE RECORDS. 1898. Wheatley, H. B. Prices of books. 275 pp.* 1906. Lawler, J. Book auctions in England in the 17th century. 241 pp. Book Auction Records. Vols. I-V. (1902-8). Book Prices Current. Vol. XIII. (1899); Vol. XVII. (1903) to date. Index. 1897-1906. By W. Jaggard. looi GENERAL BIBLIOG = RAPHY. 1 886. Encyclopaedia Britannica. [Article on] bibliography.** 1889. Bradshaw, H. Collected papers. 500 pp. 1891. Campbell, F. B. F. Introd. to the theory of a state-paper cata- logue. 23 pp. 1892. A Plea for annual lists of state-papers and annual reviews of state-papers, as being essential pre- liminaries to state-paper catalogues. II pp. 1893. The Battle of bibliog- raphy. II pp. 1896. Theory of national and international bibliography. 500 pp.* 1898. Junker, C. Ueber den Druck von Bibliographien. 4 pp. 1900. Ferguson, J. Some aspects of bibliograph}'. 102 pp. 1903. Otlet, P. Les Sciences bib- liographiques et la documentation. 27 pp. 1906. Brown, J. D. Manual of practical bibliography. 175 pp.* 191 1. Otlet, P. L'Avenir du livre et de la bibliographie. 275-296 pp. I002 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BIB= LIOG RAPHY. J 898. New York State Library, Index to subject bibliographies in library bulletins to December 31, 1897 ; by Alice Newman.** 1899. Selected subject biblio- graphies. 221-265 pp. 1901. Josephson, A. G. S. Bibli- ographies of bibliographies chrono- logically arranged, with occasional notes and an index. 45 pp. 1902. John Crerar Library, Chi- cago. List of bibliographies of special subjects. 504 pp. 1909. Stewart, J. D., and Clarke, O. E. Book selection. 16 pp.* Bibliographia bibliographica : repertoire annuel des travaux de bibliographie ; par H. La Fontaine. (I.I.B.) 1898; 1899; 1900; 1901. 1003 CHOICE OF BOOKS. 1883. Foster, W. E. What to read on the subject of reading. 117- 136 pp. 1885. Birmingham Public Lib= raries. Books for a reference lib- rary : lectures on books in the Reference Department. (ist ser.) 192 pp. 1891. Acland, A. H. D. Guide to the choice of books. 128 pp.* 1893. Blackburn, C. F. Rambles in books. 144 pp. • 903- Phillimore, J. S. Possible dangers of indiscriminate reading. {In Stirling's and Glasgow Public Lib. Report.) 1904. Lee, Sir S. Books in rela- tion to national efficiency. 13 pp.** 1905. Jones, H. The Library as maker of character. {Iti Stirling's and Glasgow Public Lib. Report.) 1906. Brandes, G. On reading: an essay. 64 pp. 1906. Swan, A. The Influence of books upon life. 15 pp. 1907. Lee, Q. S. Lost art of read- ing. 2S1 pp. 1907. Super, C. W. A Liberal education. With an appendix con- taining a list of five hundred best books. 105 pp. 1909. Belfast Public Libraries. A Course of reading : or, five avenues of knowledge : a lecture by G. H. Elliott. 16 pp. Hand-list of best books [to above]. 19 pp. 1909. Birmingham Public Lib= raries. What shall I read ? by A. C. Shaw. 1907. Grierson, F. J. De Libris: six chapters on books. 144 pp. 1912. Bishop, VV. W. Training in the use of books. 19 pp. 26 I003 CHOICE OF BOOKS {cout.) n.d. Warden, R. J. Highways in bookland. 125 pp. N.H.R.U. General course magazine. Vol. XX. (1908) to date. Reader's review. Vol. I. (iyo8) -III. Special course magazine. Vol. XX. (1908) to date. Young people's magazine. Vol. XX. (1908) to date. 1007 BIBLIOGRAPHY: Periodicals. La Bibliofiiia. {Florence.) Vol. IV. (1902) to date. The Bibliographer. (London.) 1884 (wanting Mar., Apr., Jun., Jul., Dec). {New York.) Vol. I. (1902, Feb., Apr., Oct., Nov.). Vol. II. (Jan.). The Booklover. {New York.) Vol. III. (1903, Jan., Feb.). Vol. IV. (Mar.-Dec). Book lover's magazine. Vol. VI. (1905-7). Book monthly. 1903 (Oct. -Dec.). 1904 (Jan. -Jul.). Books and bookplates. Vol. IV. (1903, no. I). Bulletin du bibliophile, etc. IQ03 to date. 1906-10 {incomplete). Courrier des biblioth^ques. {Paris.) (New Series.) 1910 (April- Sept.). The Literary collector. {New York.) Vols. VI. -X. (1903-5 incom- plete). 1008 Conferences. Societies. 1908. Internat. Conference of Bibliography and Documenta- tion, Brussels. Analytical account. (2 copies, French and English.) Rapport sur I'lnstitut Internat. de Bibliographie et I'organisation systfematique de la documentation. 36 PP- 1908. Otiet, P. Conference In- ternal, de Bibliographie et de Docu- mentation. 34 pp. (Ex. " Mouve- ment Sociologic|ue International".) 1895. Campbell, F. B. F. L'ln- stitut International de Bibliographie. 5 pp. I909- Institut Internat. de Bibliographie. Notice sommaire. '2 pp. Institut internat. de Biblio- graphie. Bulletin. 1899 (46 an.), i. 3-4; 1900, f. 1-2; 1902; 1903; 1904, f. 1-3; 1905; 1908, f. 6; 1909; 1910 ; 1911. i. 1-3. Bibliographical Society. News sheet 1894 to date. {Irregular and incotnplete.) Transactions. 1893-95.** Vols. V.-X. (1898- ). General index. Vols. I.-X. Bibliographical Society of America. Bulletin. Vol. I., no. 5. (Oct.. igog.) Proceedings and papers. 1906- 7, Vol. I., Pt. 2; igii. Vol. VI. lOM UNIVERSAL BIBLIO- GRAPHIES. DICTION- ARIES. 1842-44. Brunet, J. C. Manuel du libraire et de I'amateur de livres. 5 vols, in 10.** 1901. Fletcher, W. J. Index to general literature. 2nd ed. 679 pp. (A.L.A. Index.) 1908. Patent Office Library. Subject list of works of reference, biography, bibliography, the auxil- iary historical sciences, etc. 336 pp. 1909. Library of Congress. Want list miscellaneous publica- tions. 30 pp. Roma : Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale Vittorio Emanuele. Bollettino delle opere moderne straniere. 1886-1910. Indexes, to Serials, Periodi- cals, etc. {For lists of serials, periodicals, etc., see Appendix, 6941.) Annual literary index. Ed., W. J. Fletcher and R. R. Bowker. 1895. Annual magazine subject index; by F. W. Faxon. 1908. Cumulative index to . . . periodi- cals. Vol. VIII. (1903 imompltt,). Reader's guide to periodical literature. 1904. 1905 ((";u(>wi- plcte ; and odd numbers). 1019 CONDEMNED. PRO- HIBITED, EXPURGATED BOOKS. 1903. Ditchfield, P. H. Books fatal to their authors. 244 pp. 1904. Farrer, J. A. Books con- demned to be burnt. 206 pp. 27 1023 ILLUSTRATED AND EXTRA ILLUSTRATED BOOKS. (See also 0257 Illustration.) 1882. Lamprecht, K. Initial-Or- namentik des VIII bis XIII Jahr- hunderts. 32+ pp. 1893. Pollard, A. W. Early illus- trated books. 256 pp. 1901. Victoria and Albert Mu- seum, South Kensington. Histori- cal introd. to the . . . illuminated letters and borders in the National Art Library, Victoria and Albert Museum; by John W. Bradley. 182 pp. 1902. Pollard, A. W. Old picture books, etc. 282 pp. 1903. Delisle, L. Fac-simile de livres copies et enluinines pour le roi Charles V. [Facsimiles and text.] n.d. Rosenthal, J. Book illustra- tion in the Middle Ages and in modern time until the i6th century. [Illustrated] catalogue 27. 192 pp. 1030-33 VELLUM PRINTED BOOKS AND OTHER SPE- CIAL CLASSES. 1902. Duff, E. Q. English print- ing on vellum to the end of the year 1600. 20 pp. 1903. Faxon, F. Ephemeral bibe- lots: a bibliography of the modern chap - books and their imitators. 26 pp. 1906. Dobell, B. Catalogue of books printed for private circulation. [1891-1906.] 238 pp. 191 1. Berghman, G. Catalogue raisonne des impressions elzevirien- nes de la Bibliotheque Royale de Stockholm. 389 pp. 1035 BEST BOOKS. 1870. Power, J. Handy book about books. 217 pp. 1891. Sargent, E. B., and Whi- shaw, B. Guide book to books. 344 PP- 1893. American Library Associ- ation. Catalogue of the " A.L.A." Library ; 5000 volumes for a popu- lar library. (U.S. Bureau of Educa- tion report.)* 1899. New York State Library. Selected reference books. 151-251 pp. (Bulletin.) 1901. New Jersey Public Li- brary Commission. First one thousand books for a public library. (In Second report of . . .) 42 pp. 1902. Wisconsin Free Library Commission, cd. Suggestive list of books for a small library recom- mended by the state library com- missioners of Iowa, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Nebraska, Idaho, and Delaware. 43 pp. 1903. Kroeger, A. B. Guide to the study and use of reference books. 104 pp. (A.L.A.) 2nd ed. 1908. 147 pp. 1903. New York State Library. Cataloguers' reference books. 235- 416 pp. (Bulletin). '903. Material for course in reference study. 297-408 pp. (Bul- letin.) 1904. American Library Associ- ation. Catalog. : 8000 volumes for a popular library, with notes. 485 pp.* Library Association. Class list of best books and annual of biblio- graphy. 1907-8. New York State Library. A Selection from the best books of . . . with notes. 1900, 1904-09 incl. (Bulletin.) Ontario, Dept. of Education. A [quarterly] selected list of books re- commended by the Ontario L.A. for purchase. 1910-1912 (incomplete). 1037 BOOKS FOR THE YOUNG, etc. (See also 0718 Juvenile Depts.) 1890. Sargent, J. F. Catalogue of historical fiction for young read- ers. 36 pp. 1890. Reading for the young: a classified and annotated catalogue. 225 pp.** 1897. Hewins, C. M. Books for boys and girls. 'A.L.A. list.) 31pp.* 1907. Field, W. T. Fingerposts to children's reading. 276 pp. 1912. Olcott, F. J. Childrens reading, 1912 pp. 1912. Herbert, C. W. Children's books for Sunday School libraries. 48 pp.** 1895. Leypoldt, A. H., and lies, G. List of books for girls and women, and their clubs. 161 pp.** N.B.—Tlte L.A. library contains also the Pittsburgh and Finsbtiry juvenile catalogues, and those of many other li- braries. A II are classified at this heading, and may be had on application. 28 1041 ANONYMS AND PSEU- DONYMS. 1891. Cotgreave, A. A Selection of pseudonyms . . .; also a number of anonymous works with the authors given. 24 pp.** 1896. Marchmont, F. Concise handbook of ancient and modern literature issued anonymously, under pseudonyms, or initials. 164 pp. 1240-99 NATIONAL [AND LOCAL] BIBLIOGRAPHY. (In Dewey local order, with alphabeti- cal subarrangement of counties and towns.) 1900. New York State Library. (Bulletin.) Select national bibliog- raphies. Pp. 301-330.* 1906. Otiet, P., and Vandeveld, E. La Reforme des bibliographies nationales et leur utilisation pour la bibliographic universelle. 8 pp. 1908. New York State Library. Selected national bibliographies. 40 pp. 1912. Peddie, R. A. National bibliographies: a descriptive cata- logue. 34 pp.* The Torch and Colonial Book Circular. Ed., E. A. Petherick. Vol. I. (i887)-Vol. V. (1892). Bound in I vol. 1903. King, J. Irish bibliography: subject guide to Irish books, 1903. 16 pp. 1912. Brown, S.J. Guide to books on Ireland. Pt. i. 371 pp. 1884. British Museum. Cata- logue of books in the library . . . printed in Enn;land, Scotland, and Ireland, and of books in English printed abroad, to 1640. 3 vols. 1903-6. Arber, E.,frf. The Term catalogues, 1668-1709, with a num- ber for Easter Term, 1711 : a con- temporary bibliography of English literature ... 3 vols. 1864. Lowndes, W. T. The Bib- liographer's manual of English litera- ture. 6 vols.** 1875. Reference catalogue of cur- rent literature. (Whitaker.) 1910. John Ry lands Library, Manchester. Catalogue of an exhibition of original editions of the principal F.nglish classics. 85 pp.* English catalogue of books, igio. 1908 /() ilatf.** 1912. King, P. S., and Son. Catalogue of [U.K.] parliamentary papers, 1901-1910. 81 pp. 1898. Manchester Public Libra- ries. Catalogue of the .\lexandcr Ireland collection. 25 pp.* 1900. Qreg, W. W. List of Eng lish plays written before 1643 and printed before 1700. 158 pp. 1902. List of masques, pageants, etc. (Supplementary to " List of English plays '".) 131 pp. English Counties and Towns. (Alphabetically.) 1896. Hyett, F. A. County biblio- graphies. 24 pp.* 1907. Hill, J. The bookmakers of old Birmingham. Authors, printers, and booksellers. 126 pp. 1894. Painswick House Collec- tion. Gloucester tracts. 1902. Green, J. A. Bibliography of the town of Hewood. 113 pp. 1907. Liverpool. Historical Ex- hibition Committee Catalogue of the Historical Exhibition held at the Walker Art Gallery, . . . 1907 in connection with the . . . 700th an- niversary of the foundation of Liver- pool. 244 pp. 1877. Manchester Literary Club. Bibliography of Lancashire and Cheshire. 38 pp. 1884. Sutton, C. W. Manchester bibliography for 1883. 361-386 pp. 1893. Sutton, A. Bibliotheca Lancastriensis. 39 pp. 1903. Hollins, N. Bibliography of Lancashire and Cheshire anti- quities and biography, 1902. 12 pp. 1904. Lincoln Public Library. Bibliotheca Lincolniensis; by A. R. Corns. 274 pp. 1903. West Ham Public Lib- rary. Hooks on London and suburbs. 36 pp. 1892. Ward, J. Descriptive cata- logue of books relating to Notting- hamshire, in the library of . . . 40 pp. Supplementary catalogue. 1898. 41 pp. 1910. Wales, National Library of. Bibliotheca Celtica : publica- tions relating to Wales . . . for the year 1909. 123 pp. 29 Germany. 1907. Goodnight, S. H. German literature in American magazines prior to 1846. 264 pp. (Univ. Wisconsin Bui.) 1908. Haertel, M. H. German literature in American magazines, 1846 to 1880. 188 pp. (Univ. Wisconsin Bui.) France. 1908. Le Soudier, H. Bibli- ographic franfaise. 2e ser. Vol. I. (1900-04). 771 pp. Bulletin des bibliothdques popu- laires. (Paris.) Vol. I. (1906)- IV. Revue critique des livres nou= veaux. {Paris.) Vol. V. (1910) ; Vol. VI. Revue g^n^rale de bibliographie francaise. (Paris.) Vol. I. (1903)- III. 1900. Guppy, H. French fiction and French juvenile literature for the public library. 15 pp.** Italy. 190 1. Biagi, G., ed. Nuova an- tologia. Rivista di lettere, scienze ed arti. Indici trentennali (1866-1895) ag. i sommari per gli anni 1896-1900. 334 PP- Firenze (Florence). Biblioteca Na- zionale Centrale. Bollettino delle publicazione italiane ricevuto per Diritto di Stampa. 1902 to date. Sweden. 1900. Lundstedt, B. Aper^u de la principale litterature. Bibliog- raphie de la Suede. 34 pp. The East. 1904. Library of Congress. Se- lect list of books . . . relating to the Far East. 82 pp. 1877. Strassburg; Kais. Universi- tats- und Landesbibliothek. Kata- log : Arabische literatur. no pp. 1893. Campbell, F. B. F. Cata logue of official reports relating to India issued . . . during 1892. 19 pp. 1900. Index catalogue of Indian official publications in the Library, British Museum. 314 pp.* Africa. 1910. Mendelssohn, S. South African bibliography. 2 vols. America. 1902. Burpee, L. J. Canadian bibliography for the year 1901. 233- 344 pp. (Roy. Sy. Canada.) 1878=1881. American catalogue of books in print . . . July, 1876. Vol. I. Authors and titles. Pt. i. A— Edwards. 1878. [Vol.11.] Sub- ject entries. 1881. 492 pp. Cumulative Book Index. 190305 (incomplete) and odd numbers. Polynesia. 1901. Library of Congress. List of books ... on Samoa and Guam. 54 PP- Philippine Islands. 1903. Library of Congress. List of books ... on the Philippine Islands, with chronological list of maps. 398 pp. '905- List of works relating to the American occupation of the Philippine Islands. 100 pp. APPENDIX. CLASS LIST OF BIBLIOGRAPHIES. 1. SUBJECT (arranged Alphabetically in Group divisions). 2. PERSONAL. ACADEMIES, SOCIETIES, etc. 5001. 1892. Year=book of the scientific and learned societies of Great Britain and Ireland. 1 90S. Washington, Carnegie In- stitution. Handbook of learned societies and institutions : America. 592 pp. 1909. Library of Congress. Want list of publications of societies. 228 pp. AERONAUTICS 5063. 1905. Patent Office Library. Subject list of works on aerial navi- gation and meteorology. 63 pp. 1890. /ESTHETICS 5066. Qayley, C. M., and Scott, F. N. A Guide to the literature of aesthetics. 116 pp. AGRICULTURE 5071- 1905. Patent Office Library. Subject list of works on agiiculture, rural economy, etc. 424 pp. ALMANACS 5095. 1907. Library of Congress. Prel. check list of American almanacs, 1639-1800. 160 pp. ARCH/EOLOQY 5131. Oomme, L. Index of archaeological papers published in .. . 1906. 1909. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Sec 1001-38. COLLECTIVE BIOGRAPHY, GENEALOGY, etc. 5301. 1906. American Library Asso- ciation. Portrait index. Ed.,\V.C. Lane and N. E. Browne. 1601 pp. 1910. Library of Congress. American and English genealogies. 805 pp. CATALOGUING. Sr. 0695. CHEMISTRY 5521. 1885. Bolton, H. C. Index to the literature of uranium, 1789-1885. 36 pp. Catalogue of chemical periodical^,. 159-216 pp. 1 90 1. Patent Office Library. Subject list of works on chemistry and chemical technology. 105 pp. Same. 191 1. 214 pp. 1906. Ferguson, J. Bibliotheca chemica : catalogue of the collection of James Young. 2 vols. A bio-bibliographical work of the highest value. ■ 911. Patent Office Library. Subject list of works on peat, de- structive distillation, artificial light- ing, mineral oils and waxes, gas- lighting and acetylene. 104 pp. DOMESTIC ECONOMY 5775. 1893. Hazlitt, W. C. Old cookery books and ancient cuisine. 271 pp. 190a. Patent Office Library. Subject list of works on domestic economy. 136 pp. 31 DRAMA 5781. {See also 1240 National Bibliography.) 1895. Matthews, B. Books and play-books. 250 pp. EDUCATION 58M. 1909. Library of Congress. Want list of publications of educa- tional institutions. 14 pp. ELECTRICITY 5831. 1880. Ronalds, Sir F. Catalogue of books and papers relating to electricity, magnetism, the electric telegraph, etc. 564 pp. 1 88 1. Clark, L. List of a selection of works relating to electricity and magnetism [1473-1863] exhibited by ... 10 pp. 1904. Patent Office Library. Subject list of works on electricity, magnetism and electro - technics. 2S6 pp. FICTION 5916. 1903. Baker, E. A. Descriptive guide to the best fiction. 610 pp.* 1904. Newark Public Library. A Thousand of the best novels. 48 pp. 1908. Wilson, H.W. Co. Fiction catalogue : a selected list . . . with annotations. 147 pp.* 1909. Jeffers, Le Roy. Reference list of titles suggested for a special library binding. 125 pp. 1912. Esdaile, A. List of English tales and prose romances printed before 1740. 329 pp. 1904. NIeld, J. Guide to the best historical novels and tales. 252 pp. 2nd ed. 1911. 518 pp.* 1912. Buckley, J. A., and Williams, W. T. Guide to British historical fiction. 182 pp. FINE ARTS 5931. 1897. Batsford, H. Some sug- gestions on the formation of a small reference library of books on orna- ment and the decorative arts. 19 pp. 1897. Sturgis, R., and Krehbiel, H. E. Annotated bibliography of fine art. 89 pp.* 1903. Jellinek, A. Intemat. Bib- liographic der KunstwJssenschaft. Pt. 2. 1904- Patent Office Library. Subject list of works on the line and graphic arts (including photography) and art industries. 374 pp. 1904. Newcastle = upon - Tyne Public Libraries. Catalogue of the Bewick collection, no pp. Architecture 5941. 1903. Patent Office Library. Subject list of works on architecture and building construction. 164 pp. 1907. Adams, M. B. Architectural journalism. 313-326 pp. FISHING. ANGLING 5971. 1893. Sutton, A. A Catalogue of angling and fishing literature. (Walton tercentenary, 1593-1893.) 25 PP- FREEMASONRY 5993. 1892. Wigan Public Library. Works relating to freemasonry. [Crawford donation.] 64 pp. GARDENING 5996. 1904. Hazlitt, W. C. Gleanings in old garden literature. 263 pp. GEODESY 6000. 1889. U.S.A. Coast and Geodetic Survey. Bibliography of geodesy ; by J. H. Gore. 512 pp. GEOGRAPHY 6001. 1895- Internat. Geographical Congress (Sixth). Catalogue of the exhibition. 190 pp. 1896. War Office. Geographical index (extra-European) to books, periodicals, etc. 98 pp. [Collection of miscellaneous biblio- graphical pamphlets on geography. Bound.] 1909. J^athorst, A. Q., and others. Swedish explorations in Spitz bergen, 1758-1908. 89 pp. Historical sketch ; by A. G. N. Bibliography ; by J. M. Hulth. List of maps; by G. De Geer. 1903. Roma: Biblioteca Nazionale Vittorio Emanuele. Mostra di topo- grafia romana. 22 + pp. 32 Maps and Cartography 6021. (In Dewey local order.) 1829. British Museum. Cata- logue of maps, prints, and drawings . . . the geographical and topo- graphical collection [of the king's library]. 1904. Library of Congress. Check list of large scale maps published by foreign governments (Great Britain excepted). 58 pp. 1909. List of geographical at- lases, with bibliographical notes. 2 vols. 1891. Ordnance Survey. Cata- logue of the maps and plans and other publications of. 646 pp. 1900. Fordham, H. Q. Hertford- shire maps: a descriptive catalogue of the maps of the country, 1579- 1900. Pts. 2 and 3. 1904. Annotated list of the pre-survey maps of the county of Cambridge. 101-172 pp. 1901. Library ot Congress. List of maps of America . . . [with] a list of works relating to cartography. 1138 PP- 1904. The Kohl collection of maps relating to America; by Justin Winsor. (Repr. Library of Harvard Univ. bibliog. contrib. no. 19, 1886). ipi2, The Lowery collection : a descriptive list of maps of the Spanish possessions within the pre- sent limits of the United States, 1502-1820. 1910. Figarola=Caneda, D. Carto- grafia Cubana del British Museum: catalogo cronologico . . . de los siglos XVI al XIX. 21 pp. HISTORY 6201. (In Dewey local order.) 1901. Langlois, C. V. Manuel de bibliographic historique. 239 pp. 1908. Historical Association. Leaflets 1-12. 1909. Hayes, C. H. Introd. to the sources relating to the Germanic invasions. 229 pp. 1903-4. LIndsey, J. S. Problems and exercises in British history. Vol. III. Pts. r-3. 1911. Wales, National Library of. Catalogue of tracts of the Civil War and Commonwealth period re- lating to Wales and the Borders. 85 pp. Johnston, W. D. .\nnotated titles of books on English history. (A.L..\. List.) 1897; 1S98; 1899; 1900; 1901. 1904. Library of Congress. List of the Vernon-Wager manu- scripts. 148 pp. 1905. List of cartularies, prin- cipally French. 30 pp. 1894. Cornell University Li- brary. Catalogue of the historical library of Andrew Dickson White. 2. The French Revolution. 318 pp. 1902. Larned, J. N., ed. The Literature of American historj'. (A.L.A. List. 588 pp. 1903. Library of Congress. Cal- endar of the John Paul Jones manu- scripts. 316 pp. 1906. Library of Congress. Calendar of the correspondence of George Washington . . . with the Continental Congress. 741 pp. 1906. Naval records of the American Revolution, 1775-1788. 549 PP- 1907. List of works relating to the French alliance in the American Revolution. 40 pp. 1909. Want list of American historical serials. 2nd ed. 37 pp. 1910. New York State Library. The Translation and publication of the manuscript Dutch records of New Netherland, with an account of previous attempts at translation. 28 pp. IRON AND STEEL 6335- 1907. Library of Congress. Se- lect list of books . . . relating to iron and steel in commerce. 25 pp. LAW 6451-66. 1909. Patent Office Library. Subject list of works on the laws of industrial property (patents, designs and trade marks) and copyright. 84 pp. 1912. Library of Congress. Guide to the law and legal literature of Germany. 226 pp. 1909. List of works relating to the supreme court of the United States. 124 pp. 1904. List of references on re- cognition in international law and practice. 18 pp. • 905- Select list of references on impeachment. 16 pp. 33 LAW 6451-66 {cont.) 1912. Library of Congress. 2nd ed. 38 pp. '903' "• — Select list of books on the constitution of the United States. 14 pp. 1908. List of references on in- ternational arbitration. 151 pp. 1912. Select list of references on capital punishment. 45 pp. LIBRARY SCIENCE. See o665<=ioOO. LITERATURE 651 1. (See also Drama 5781 ; Poetry 7155.) 1909. Harris, W. J. The First printed translations into English of the great foreign classics. 209 pp.* n.d. Pearson, J., and Co. First editions of one hundred famous books from Homer to Tennyson. [Illus. catalogue with facsimiles.] 1906. Bourdillon, F. W. The Early editions of The Roman de la rose. 212+ pp. MANUSCRIPTS 6601=25. 1901. Palaeographical Society. Indices to facsimiles of manuscripts and inscriptions. Series i and 2, 1874-1894. 63 pp. 191 1. Hunt, A. S., cd. Catalogue of the Greek papyri in the John Rylands Library. Vol. I. Literary texts. 202 pp. 1881. Strassburg, Kaiserl. Uni- versitats- und Landesbibliothek. Katalog der Hebraischen, Arabi- schen, Persischen und Turkischen Handschriften. 75 pp. 1901. Delisle, L. Le Livre royal de Jean de Chavenges. 317-348 pp. Strassburg, Kaiserl. Universitats- und Landesbibliothek. Katalog der . . . Elsass-Lothringischen Hand- schriften und Handzeichnungen. 227 pp. 1869. Gray's Inn. Catalogue of the ancient manuscripts belonging to. 22 pp. 1883. British Museum. Cata- logue of a selection from the Stowe manuscripts. 83 pp. 1888. Biblioth^que Nationale. Catalogue des manuscrits des Fonds Libri et Barrois. 329 pp. 1908. John Rylands Library. Catalogue of an exhibition of illum- inated manuscripts, principally bibli- cal and liturgical. 62 pp.* 1912. Catalogue of an exhibi- tion of mediaeval manuscripts and jewelled book covers. 134 pp.* 1842-3. Cowie, M. Descriptive catalogue of the manuscripts and scarce books in the library of St. John's College, Cambridge. 162 pp. MATHEMATICS 6651. 1906. Muir, T. Library aids to mathematical research. 64 pp. MEDICINE 6658. 1907. Schwarz, I. Die medizin- ischen Handschriften der kgl. Uni- versitats-bibliothek in Wurzburg. Nebst zwei Anhangen — Anatomia Cophonis. — Anatomnia Rich. Saler- nitani. 96 pp. 1909. John Crerar Library. List of current medical periodicals and allied serials. 25 pp. 1895. Richet, C, and others. Bib- liographia physiologica. 109 pp. 191 1. Aberdeen, Univ. of. Sub- ject catalogue of the Philips Library of Pharmacology and Therapeutics. 240 pp. 1913. Barlow, H. M. Old English herbals, 1525-1640. 42 pp. METEOROLOGY 6681. International catalogue of scien- tific literature. F. — Meteor- ology including terrestrial magnet- ism. May, 1902 ; Nov., 1903. 2 vols. MINES AND MINING 6736. 1903. Patent Office Library. Subject list of works on mineral industries. 302 pp. Same. 1912. 3 parts. MUSIC 681 1. 1893. Brown, J. D. Guide to the formation of a music library. 22 pp. (L.A. Ser.)* 1906. Ellis. Catalogue of old and rare books relating to music. Pt. 2. 81-151 pp. 1908. Olschki, L. S. Catalogue LXVI, Musique. 136 pp. [From 1500.] 34 MUSIC68II (cont.) 1908. Library of Cong:ress. Dramatic music : catalogue of full scores. 170 pp. 1912. Orchestral music cata- logue: scores. 663 pp. NAVAL AND MILITARY SCIENCES 6831. 1907. Patent Office Library. Subject list of works on military and naval arts, including marine engineer- ing. 304 pp. PERIODICALS AND NEWS- PAPERS 6941. 1904. Brown, J. D. Classified list of current periodicals. 21 pp. (L.A. Ser.) 1904. Makower, S. V. Some notes upon the history of " The Times," 1785-1904. 36 pp. 1912. Hulme, E. W., and Kinz- brunner, C. Class catalogue of current serial digests and indexes of the literature of pure and applied science. 39 pp.* 1901. John Crerar Library. List of serials in public libraries of Chicago and Evanston. 185 pp. Supplement, with bibliog. of union lists of serials, and ed. 220 + 28 pp. 1901. Library of Congress. Union list of periodicals, transactions, and allied publications . . . received in the libraries of the District of Columbia. 315 pp. 1902. Patent Office Library. Class list and index of the periodical publications, rgi pp. 1903. International catalogue of scientific literature: list of Journals. 312 pp. 1904. Library of Congress. Check list of foreign newspapers. 71 pp. 1905. Victoria, Australia. Pub lie Library, Museums, and National Gallery, Melbourne. Catalogue of current periodicals received. 340 pp. 1909- Library of Congress. Want list of perioriicals. 241 pp. 1910. Duplicate periodicals and serials available for exchange. 69 pp. 1912. University College (Lon- don). Catalogue of the periodical publications including the serial publications of societies and govern- ments; by L. Newcombe. 1901. Library of Congress. Check list of .\mcrican newspapers. 292 pp. 1909. Want list of American eighteenth century newspapers. 43 PP- 1912. Check list of .\merican eighteenth century newspapers. 186 pp. 1887. Bourne, H. R. F. English newspapers : the history of jour- nalism. 2 vols. 1892 (?). Schuiz, A. Catalogue methodique des revues et Journaux parus a Paris jusqu'i fin i8gi. 83 pp. 1902. New York State Library. Partial list of French Government serials in .American libraries. 97-164 pp. n.d. Hughon, M. A., and Co. Journals and periodicals published in France and other countries during the Revolution and Napoleonic Period, 1789-1815. 58 pp. Nijhoff. Index op de Nederlandsche Periodiken van algemeenen Inhoud. July, 1910. 1908. Couper, W. J. The Edin- burgh periodical press : bibliographi- cal account to iSoo. 2 vols. PHILOLOGY AND LINGUIS- TICS 7001. 19:0. Bay, J. C. Survey of peri- odical bibliograph)'. 13 pp. (In Northup, " Present bibliographical status of modern philolog>' ".) 1910. Northup, C. S. Present bibliographical status of modern philology. 42 pp. 1894. Cornell University Lib- rary. Catalogue of the [Fiske] Khaeto-Romanic Collection. 32 pp. PHYSICS: Heat 7144 H4. 1905. Patent Office Library. Subject list of works on heat and heat engines. 199 pp. POETRY 7155. 1877. Ouvry, F. Catalogue of old ballads in the possession of; by T. W. Newton. 57 pp. 35 POLITICAL AND SOCIAL SCIENCES 7161 1896. Fabian Society. What to read : a list of books for social re- formers. 44 pp. 1900. Toynbee Hall. Somebooks on economic and social subjects. 52 pp. 1907. Library of Congress. List of works relating to political parties in the United States. 29 pp. — Children's Welfare 7'64 C5. 1906. Library of Congress. List of books . . . relatingito child labor. 66 pp. — Consular Service 7164 C9. 1905. Library of Congress. List of references on the U.S. consular service, with appendix on consular systems of foreign countries. 27 pp. — Cabinet System 7164 Cii. 1903. Library of Congress. Select list of books on the cabinets of England and America. 8 pp. — Business 7164 C81. 1912. What to read on business. 169 pp.* — Economics 7164 E2. 1 9 10. Library of Congress. Select list of references on the cost of living and prices. 107 pp. — Finance. Banking 7164 F5. 1904. Library of Congress. Select list of references on the budgets of foreign countries. 19 pp. List of the more import- ant books ... on banks and bank- ing- 55 PP- 1908. List of books ... re- lating to postal savings banks. 23 pp. List of works relating to the first and second banks of the United States, with chronological list of reports ... in American State Papers. 47 pp. — Immigration 7164 I3. 1904. Library of Congress. List of books on immigration. 76 pp. 1907. List of books ... on immigration. 157 pp. — Initiative and Referendum 7164 Is. 1 912. Library of Congress. Select list of references on the initi- ative, referendum and recall. 102 pp. — Insurance 7164 I7. 1908. Library of Congress. List of works relating to government regulation of insurance : United States and foreign countries. 67 pp. 1906. Select list of references on employers' liability and work- men's compensation. Another ed. 1911. 1908. Select list of references on working men's insurance. 28 pp. — Labour 7164 Li. 1903. Library of Congress. Se- lect list of books on labor, particu- lary relating to strikes. 65 pp. 191 1. Select list of references on boycotts and injunctions in labor disputes. 69 pp. '903' Select list of references on industrial arbitration. 15 pp. — Local Government 7164 L8. 1906. Library of Congress. Select list of books on municipal affairs, with special reference to municipal ownership. 34 pp. — Pensions 7164 P4. 1903. Library of Congress. Se- lect list of references on old age and civil service pensions. 18 pp. — Representation 7164 R4. 1908. Library of Congress. Select list of references on corrupt practices in elections. Pp. 12. 1904. List of books ... re- lating to proportional representation. 30 pp. •905. List of references on primary elections, particularly direct primaries. 25 pp. 1904. List of references on the popular election of senators. 39 pp. 36 POLITICAL AND SOCIAL SCIENCES 7161. — Representation 7164 R4 (co>ii.) 1904. Additional references. 191 1. 54 PP- 1906. List of discussions of the 14th and 15th amendments, with special reference to negro sutfrage. 18 pp. — Shipping 7164 Ss5. 1903. Library of Congress. List of references relating to mercantile marine subsidies. 100 pp. Additional references. 1911. 164 pp. — Tariff 7164 T2. 1904. Library of Congress. Se- lect list of references on the British tariff movement (Chamberlain's plan), 37 pp. 1907. Select list of books . . . on reciprocity with Canada. 14 pp. 191 1. Additional refer- ences. 44 pp. 1910. List of references on reciprocitj'. 2nd ed. 137 pp. 1906. List of works on the tariffs of foreign countries. 42 pp. — Taxation 7164 T23. 1907. Library of Congress. Se- lect list of works relating to taxation of inheritances and of incomes. 86 pp. 191 1. 2nd ed. — Transportation and Com- munication 7164 T8. 1908. Library of Congress. List of works relating to deep waterways from the Great Lakes to the Atlantic Ocean, etc. 1903. Select list of works on the government ownership of rail- roads. 14 pp. 1904. List of books ... re- lating to railroads in their relation to the government and the public. 72 pp. •905' Select list of books on railroads in foreign countries: govern- ment regulation. 72 pp. 1909. Select list of references on the valuation and capitalization of railroads. 26 pp. — Trusts 7164 T87. 1902. Library of Congress. List of books . . . relating to trusts. 42 pp. 1911. 2nd ed. 1903. List of works on federal control of commerce and corpora- tions. 16 pp. 1907. Another edition, — Miscellaneous. 1904. Library of Congress. List of works relating to the Germans in the United States. 32 pp. 1903. Select list of references on the negro question. 28 pp. 1903. Select list of references on Anglo-Saxon interests. 22 pp. PRINTING: History. See 0116-0257. SCIENCE 7401. For lists of scientific periodicals see 6941. I903' Patent Office. Subject list of works on general science, physics, sound, music, light, etc. 183 pp. SHORTHAND. See 0053. SUGAR 7609. 1910. Library of Congress. Se- lect list of references on sugar, chiefly in its economic aspects. 238 pp. THEOLOGY AND RELIGION 775"- 1905. John Ry lands Library. Catalogue of the manuscripts and printed books exhibited on the . . . visit of the National Council of Evangelical Free Churches. 38 pp. 1904. Catalogue of an exhibi- tion of bibles illustrating the history of the English versions from Wiclif ... 32 pp. 2nd ed. 1907.* 1906. Ballinger, J. The Bible in Wales. 104 pp. 1911. Cardiff Public Libraries. Bible exhibition. Catalogue. With a sketch of the history of the Eng- lish bible; by W, E. Winks. 62 pp. 37 THEOLOGY AND RELIGION 7751 icont.) 191 1. John Rylands Library. Catalogue of an exhibition of manu- script and printed copies of the scrip- tures, illustrating the history of the transmission of the Bible ... 128 pp.* 1909. Olschki, L. S. Catalogue LXXIII. Liturgie. 889-976 pp. [Facsimiles from 1500.] 1904. Bishop, W. W. German reformation pamphlets in Princeton University Library. 183-200 pp. n.d. Cornell Univ. Library. Catalogue of the President White Library. i. The Protestant Re- formation and its forerunners. 95- 106 pp. 1907. Robinson, P. Short introd. to Franciscan literature. 55 pp. TIME AND TIMEKEEPERS 7876. 1830. Clockmakers' Company, London. Catalogue of books in the library of. 1 912. Patent Office Library. Subject list of works on horology. 56 pp. USEFUL ARTS, etc. 7911- 1904. Greenwood, E. Classified guide to technical and commercial books. 216 pp. 1907. Gar^on,J. La Bibliographie industrielle. 92 pp. 2e ed. 1 91 3. Patent Office Library. Guide to the Search Department. 4th ed. 153 pp. PERSONAL BIBLIOGRAPHY 8000=9000. (Arranged alphabetically.) 1908. Bartholemew, A. T. Richard Bentley, D.D. ; a biblio- graphy of his works and of all literature called forth by his acts or his writings. 115 pp. 1913. Columbia University Library. Contribution to a biblio- graphy of Henri Bergson. 56 pp. 1907. Manchester Public Lib- raries. Catalogue of the Gleave Bronte collection at the Moss Side Free Library. 32 pp.* 1912. Brooklyn Public Library. Robert Browning, 1812-1889 : list of books and references to periodicals. 43 pp. 1912. Lutonsky, P. Arthur Hugh Clough. 58 pp. 1884. Deuxieme centenaire de Pierre Corneille celebr^ a Rouen le 12 Octobre. [Discours et stances.] 1898=1900. Cornell University Library. Catalogue of the Dante collection presented by Willard Fiske ; by T. W. Koch. 2 vols, in 3. 1900. Hand-list of framed re- productions of pictures and portraits belonging to the Dante collection ; by T. W. Koch. 20 pp. 1909. John Rylands Library. Catalogue of an exhibition of the works oi Dante Alighieri. 55 pp.* 1900. Koch, T. W. Growth and importance of the Cornell Dante collection. 10 pp. 1910. London, University Col- lege. Catalogue of the Dante col- lection in the library ; with a note on the correspondence of Henry Clark Barlow. 152 pp. 1902. Lacombe, P. Bibliographic des travaux de M. Leopold Delisle. 510 pp. 1908. Manchester Public Lib- raries. Thomas De Qiiincey .- a bibliography based upon the De Quincey collection in the Moss Side Library ; by J. A. Green, no pp.* 1912. Brooklyn Public Library. Charles Dickens, 18x2-1870 ; list of books and references to periodicals. 51 pp. 1905. Library of Congress. List of the Benjamin Franklin papers. 322 pp. 191 1. Manchester Public Lib- raries. Bibliographical guide to the Gaskell collection in the Moss Side Library ; by John A. Green. 68 pp.** 1908. Goss, C. W. F. Descriptive bibliography of the writings of George Jacob Holyoake, etc. 118 pp. 1885. Morin, G. Biographie de Victor Hugo, 1802-1885. 33 PP- 1909. Grolier Club, New York- Catalogue of an exhibition com- memorative of the bicentenary of the birth of Samuel Johnson. 106 pp. 191 1. Hampstead Public Lib- raries. Illustrated handbook to the Dilke collection of Keats' relics. 13 PP- 38 pop. - — El Doctor Ramon y Suarez Inclt'nt : noticia bio-biblio- grifica. 21 pp. 2a ed. PERSONAL BIBLIOGRAPHY 8000-9000 (iont.) 1903. U.S.A. Library of Con- gress. List ot Lincolniana. 75 pp. 1905. Figarola-Caneda, D. Bib- liografia de Rafael M. Mcrchan. 2a ed. 4S pp. El Incliih 21 PI ipo8. John Rylands Library. Catalogue of an exhibition of origi- nal editions of the principal works of John Milton. 24 pp. ipoS. Stoke Newington Public Library. Milton Tercentenary: catalogue of exhibits, etc. 55 pp. IP04. Library of Congress. Papers of James MoHrof. 114 pp. 1907. Gray, Q. J. Bibliography of the works of Sir Isaac Newton. 2nd ed. 80 pp. IP05. Wigan Public Library. Gabriel Peignot : a list of his works in . . . with introd. by H. T. Folkard. Ipl2. Janku, F. Adelaide Anne Proctor : ihr Leben und ihre Werke. tii pp. 1896. Shakespeare Memorial As- sociation. Illustrated catalogue of the pictures, etc., in the Shakespeare Memorial at Stratford-upon-Avon, with historical and descriptive notes. 93 pp. 1903. Birmingham Public Lib- raries. Index to the Shakespeare Memorial Library. 265 pp.* 1904. Bailey, Sir W. H. The " Bradshaw " of Shakespeare : in praise of the new catalogue of the Birmingham Shakespeare Memorial Library. 14 pp. 1893. London, Guildhall Lib- rary. Hand-list of manuscripts, letters, printed books, and personal relics of Percy Bysshe Shelley and his circle. 27 pp. 191 1. Brooklyn Public Library. William Makepeace Thackeray, 1811-1863: list of books and refer- ences to periodicals. 51 pp. 1910. Library of Congress. Calendar of the papers of Martin Van Buren. 757 pp. 1 90 1. A Calendar of Washing- ton manuscripts in the Library. 315 pp. 1896. Green, R. The Works of John and Charles Wesley : a biblio- graphy. 291 pp. 1910. Ernest James Worman, 1871 1909. 25 pp. 19:1. Welsh Bibliographical Society. Bibliography of the pub- lished works of the late Dr. Heinrich Zimmer. 8 pp. ABERDEEN : THE UNIVERSITY PRESS BOOKS SECOND- HAND r jLrr HAr^F NEW BOOKS at 25 I BOOKS for ALL EXAMINATIONS per cent Discount. | and on EVERY SUBJECT supplied. Sent on Approval. Lists Free. State Wants. Over 1,000,000 volumes in stock in strictly classified ortier. BOOKS BOUGHT. BEST PRICES GIVEN. 121 -123 Charing: Cross Road, LONDON. W.C. Telephone: Gerrard 8180. Telegrams: '• Foylibra, London". W. & G. FOYLE, BINDERS TO ■ ■ OVER 60 PUBLIC LIBRARIES IN . LONDON , . . . PROVINCES, ■ . UNITED STATES, AND CANADA. . MAY WE BIND FOR YOU? 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OUR SPECIALITY. " Out-of-Prints" at Reasonable Prices. 10,000 vols, of FICTION and JUVENILES always in .stock. J. PRESTON & CO., Public Library Booksellers, 77 Ciapham Park Road, London, S.W. •Phone: Brixton 1542. Why purchase new books for replacements when you can obtain good second-hand copies cheap. Librarians should send their Lists of Wants of Fiction and Juvenile to — JHAIMCC ^ CrnVC Clbrary Bookbinders and . n/\ll>CO Ot oWi^lO, $ccond-I>and Booksellers, 137 ISLINGTON, LIVERPOOL. imported to Order. Shortest time — Lowest rates. Sole Agents for "U.S. Catalogue," 3rd Edn., "Cumulative Book Index," "Readers' Guide to Periodical Literature," "Book Review Digest," etc. SubBorlptlons rooalved for any Amerloan Pwiodloal. Telephone : No. 9525 City. THE AMERICAN BOOK SUPPLY CO., LTD., DAVID J. BRYCE, Man. DIr. (for many years in American Dept. of Messrs. Ke^an Paul, Trench. Trubner & Co., Ltd.), 149 STRAND, LONDON, W.C. 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