LIBRARY THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SANTA BARBARA m^: •^■fc^il ^Notable Men of Chicago and Their City CHICAGO DAILY JOURNAL PUBLISHER 1910 ^f( E R El MCKE-K REICKER COMPAMV OM ICAOO ANO Barm ES-C ROSBV Compamv F>MOTOCanA F3M a HV Walipjoer Studio Matzeime Studio Ar-a MOFRETT Studio INTRODUCTION o OTABLE MEN OF CHICAGO AND THEIR CITY" is issued as a book of utility in the news- paper office. C Modern publications of every description attach great importance to illustration. Some editors, indeed, regard illustration as of equal importance with news. C Newspapers require pictures of persons and places for reproduction with current happenings, and, although they exhaust every resource to secure up-to-date photo- graphs, they often are compelled to reprint old style line cuts, wash drawings and other unsuitable illustrations. C It has seemed desirable to publish a book which shall contain portraits and brief bio- graphical sketches of the men now promi- nent in Chicago's professional, social, business and industrial life, to be used as a reference by American newspapers and periodicals. C Effort has been made to secure recent photographs, which have been reproduced in half-tone in such a manner that a second creditable reproduction may be made. Care has been exercised to assemble only important biographical data, which has been furnished in most cases by the subjects themselves. C The aim of the book is to be the ready reference of the newspaper artist and biog- rapher. \ THE HEXNUVEKn aSMMiTf SE^"^ " S — -^ »- c; c ■i: ' t. o :S » E^ n X' g 3 tfi C _ o 5 .. u £: = o i lsttC = 0= ^ --^ Si »-~ £ < c c £ 2: , & o -3 ^ d - 3 — -^ 9 = " ">" c- di;aE" «;,; c'i m c r .: f. M 5; rt « C — c -1 •c x: £ 1 3 M y^ U5 X' C a; ~ ^- i^ i % a c t^ « *j a r: > S ■■ H , — !ii S^, Ti — ft hJ ^ C ^ I, c n. ■2 e d c ^ ^^ « ^ c ^' "^ r «: u X ^ ^ ' ' [^ "S t-H a -n m CI !; " < rt 1 oc w . T U 0= - 0: § - 1 to c c 1- — s? e» CA tf •o -D -H B S £ ^ u "^ i I 5 S ^ >; 3 = - = t- » '^ - n ? ■" t . — 5 = « i = = ,V 5 z a ^ ^ "5 1 - - "^ ^ I I "* £ ' ■* ■-• S5 £ - - - c = 5 3 ■ * H (i ^ r — C M -•■* s* r= '-I = = ^ I i. J 1 Wry T — >i jj ■ ■= !! • = 2 . •■ S I S « i^ :; '^ 5 ^ X ^ - 3 ^ ^ ? "S X 5 N C r " «• s z a = 5 g ~ K 1(1 '■= riu as x" ■s: > sz -!;r-.. 2 J S" ■< s =;,; -■ ■ ^ = .5 aj J- 5 o . —< . r r, ?i ^ = >- .." 5 ¥ .,: m = -C ^■=.= <„^ ■= -=5 .."■■ 5 i.;ti . ^=»g g ..t-^'3tj E I gj -i!-* -< i:f.e -s' 5_S,xSso -"IS"!: O ' ZZ — — "-^ ^ '^ S ^"'Z z .i;'S £^-s2 £ = «s 3 fc t >■- '3 »; to C o - - K • s i ■« < _ Q. ^ 3 q: i c; < u CO X -' «) a g ^ 11 - 2 * - "^ -■ ' ^ 1,^3 Si; c — •- r. & X c S a !2 ; -— t< C — t ^ M — — J • ^ — S = "£ = "3 — • — ■' C 3 ^ ^« £" ^ . tj.-fe S^^s -S ■ hv-Si?.: = ":"-= = «£,? = 12 ^ p ■ ^^^^K ■3 d 1 ^^P^^A \, ^^ l| ^ '>*■ 'i' ^ ^t\ \ ^B 1 JH ANDERSON, WILLIAM JAMES, vice president. American Print- Ink Ink (_o. ; li. fi'unty Ixtmionderry. Ireland. March I't. 1863: s. James and Martha Jane Anderson : -Mason ; residence. Oak Park; office, 2314 W. Iviiizie St. ALLEN. HARRY KEYES. agent Union Central Life Insnrance Co.: b. Chicaiio. 111-. .Tune 12. 1868: s. William Thomas and Sarah Corj-ell Allen; ed. Univ. of Mich. Law school: mem. Wausaukee. Riverside clubs; resilience. Riverside: office. Tribune Bldg. ALLING, CHARLES, JR.. lawyer; b. Madison. Iiid.. Dec. IZ. 1865; s. Charles and Harriet Ann Scovel Ailing; A. B., 188 3. A.M., 18 88, Hanover Coll.; LI. E., Univ. of Michigan. IS 88: lleut.-coL 1st brigade. I. N. G., 1902-07: alderman, second ward. Chicago, 1897-1905; vice-pres. Legal Aid Soc. ; clubs: Union League. University; Knight Templar; office. 100 Wash- ington St. AMBERG, WILLIAM A., manufacturer, b. Albstadt. Davaria. July fi. 1S47; s. .Ttrlin A. and Margaret Hoeffler Amberg; moved with parents to Mineral Point, Wis.. 18 52: ed. Sinsinawa Mound Coll.; moved to Chi^igo. 18 65: bookkeeper. 1865-70: one of founders of fli-m of Cameron, Amberg & Co.. stationers and printers, retiring in 1890: now pres. Amberg File & Index Co and Loretto Iron Co.: m. Sarah Agnes Ward, 1S69; founded town of Amberg, Wis., 1887: later town of Athelstane. Wis.; mem. Columbus (pres). Mid-Day, Wawashkamo Golf clubs: now serving term as Jury commr. of Cook Cty. : office, 43 8 Fulton St. 16 ALLEN. LtON MENARO. Km. |>as* iiifrril. (' It I. Ac I*. It. U. . ii |idi<-m>.>rt. U . July 4. 1 SO.'I; » UlirMci- <:«rry and rhrlotlit« lliiiruh Allrri. gfA. l>ai<>n|Kirt high w^khiI. 1871). all I', ol Mich., yani rWtk and aftn'! ranhlrr r. It. I. &. P. Ity . lUtvnport. ISHI-S:*; anVt tirkcl agl.. IKK.t-SK: ticket act INSS 113; Kvii igl. Triritlp*. 1Sl»,t-1>K: aw't Bcn. r -• . rhirjigo. IKitsiiioi: ilmt asn't iivn. pa<>t. -'; grii I diit. llrif* (Mt all r It I A 1' It It lliicH rnim May J^^ mirox. I'nlufi l.4.-agur. ridfago. Skitklc. ItiH-k I4: riMldrnci'. Kridluorlli: nflVv. 1^ Hallf Illation. ABBOTT. WILLIAM TABOR, lawyer; b. Wells Ukor. Vl.. Feb. Iti. iscs; >, Orris s. itiid ElU Tiilwr Alibott; cd. St. Johns- burg (VI. I Acad.. I>artniuuili, A. B.. 1800: teacher at Man- chwtor. N. II.. liJKh whonl. isito-lCJ: nunTd in Peoria. III.: adm. to b^r. 1 S03 : fame (o I'hlcfljtci. 1 1)0-1. joined (Imi of Itll-^her. .MoiitEonicr>-, Ilarl A: AUIhiU : lllO.'i appt. gen. atty. for SouDiern Ind., 111. Soudiern. and Wis. & Mich. Ily. companies: receiver for OhlcaK^ Southcn. and Southern Indlann since Aug., 100S: vice pres. and dlr. WlscfUisIn & Michlti.m Uy.. and I«ake Mich. Car Ferry Transp. fo. ; odlce. IS I La Snlle St.. and (■rand Central station. CHARLES W.. »» . I s .'i 1 . ramr rhlcAgu rlrrk In rity oil |ri au( nmlille garage. •^^ I ; I SSR-SU chief 1 n'm; ^uiK-nflsor of li. park: 1808- ' *latr Irean, ; ■ I I'll ln*IH»rtnr, ■J rummlllee fruni .M.iMJii, nRIrr^. 20 1 li AMES. JOHN C. I. >. i.i.u-l..d :\.u]^k:u In.;, iil. . 1..,,, Twp.. LaSalle Co.. 111., July 17. 1852: s. Isaac and Aun-Ila Anie>: ed. state Normal I'niv.. Norma). 111.; since leaving schnni has made home In Strealor, 111. : connecterr Co.. of which he U still head; organized City Nat. Hank nf .mrrator. ISOl. and was Us pres. uidll appointed by I're* McKlnley. Jan.. 1 SOS. 1'. S. marshal; electeil mayor of .strealor. iNS.-i and 1SS7. reimb. ticket, declined third term: canal i-onimU-Unier for 4 years under C,ov. Flfer. onU-v. Ftnleral Itldg. 14 ALLERTON. SAMUEL WATERS. .Miai.tllst. b; Ameiii^i Union. Duchess Co.. N. Y., May L'll. 1 s L' t^ : at IS began stock rais- ing; at '21 purcliasfd stm-k liinii in Piatt Co.. Dl.. now owns 4 0.(M)0 acres of farms in lllini)is. Oliio and Iowa ; resi- dent of Chicago since 1S5G; Invested in Chicago real estate: formeriy pres. Allerton Paclting Co.: now pies. Alletton -Clarke <'o. and The Arcade File Works; vU'e-pre.u '^l* '1. "r^ ^' ^'' ■rfr*!" '-"----: a^l. THE BLACKSTONE HOTEL, uvvned and opeiatfd by the Drake Hotel Company, has iteeutly been titmi)leted. The building, designed by Marshall & Fox, architects, and erected by the George A. Fuller Co.. Is twenty-three stories in height, from sub-basement to attic, and Is one of the most beautiful models of ai-chitecture in the United States. The hotel contains 41 G guest chambers, each bedroom with outside bath. The kitchen la on tlie second floor, midway between tlie main restaurants and the banquet hall and private dining rooms. The special features are the men's club floor, a combination of buflfet and ffrtll room service, un.que in its arrangement and appointments. 21 w^ ■ VLLttBV HCNRV M.. •lM4rt ; Mobile Kl«. Co.: Arkansas & Terr. Oil & Gas Co.; ChlcaRo Secu- « Soiilh Sh'irc rlubs: Lawypm". ICallKay clubs of N. Y. : Minnesota ..,,■ . ..r ....... . .-. i:.l<. V' Hub I as BLAIR, HENRY AUGUSTUS, financier: b. Michigan City, Ind., July. 1S52: s. Chauncey Buckley and Caroline O. De Graff Blair; ed. WlUlston Sem.. East Hampton, Mass.: 1S71. entered the Men-hants' Nat. Bank, Chicago, of which hia father was founder and with which be continued. becoming vice-pres.. until 1902; the bank, on the expiration of Ita second 20-year chail^r. consolidated with the Com Exchange Nat. Bank: receirer and dir North Chicago Street Ry. Co.; dir. Calumet and Chicago Canal and Dock Co.. Elgin Nat. Watch Co., West Div. Ry. Co., Chicago Edison Co.; clubs: Chicago. Union League (dir). C. A. A.. Caxton. Chicago Golf. Midlothian. Onwentsia. Saddle and Cycle; office. The Bookerr. 2.3 = !■■:-• « I- - . " o ^1^ ©s - -= i; s s S 5 I = S ' ";; = • _■►-■= 5 1 5 S ■» 5 •« a ■5 1 = ' » = = 00 - .. .- — -. ;;j r: f ~ « c = a « ^ 2" » . -"""^ 2 r -~^_- : =x< = = o c = s-'oS = =- = ^»^ ^OD^ " — "^ i-'c^"< S . c cii >.«.2 =:S=i = 02 .>■! £:=.= = E a; - -3 s - ^ _; fi •* ^ c j^icrcrS Jag J aa-K S-5ES 24 q: -c . 5 ^. fee" r J; « E E 3 c ClO •- ^;h-|; 25 »3 rt - S 5 a > ^ s ^ M C "- = ^ S, E 3 S eS O S , - el , P ~ ir. OS .? : rt « Ui -*■ 5 Sm = I- jl 2 OJ ., ^ C^ o-V. - " ^ o ■ - M I- = • : 2 M C « J ill!!! 26 c rt « « 3 tK s a ^ t^ ^ K « „ I s o S ^ ^ 5 0=^ E ~ " g 5 5 S 1 1 « O -3 a; •- »p s S3 ^ 2 S o 5 = ? = I^ - 3 S -^ ^ JC- -^ I. o ■" 2 n - £ S 3 5 g i =■ SzE •■■- JiJS I- a> ^ 5! o CO u-s rH agoa J d>Sc-.< ^T n o ^ o ^^ « S; ^e|^ ^^ a o rt p ■ • U o o ^OS S cS ^ I si 11 o CO 27 > „ .= C ^ r/ g a =*^J= ^ x: T - t; 5-OC ■• — "=- X i- occ~c -..= « ^'"■o 5^ =A4 . o c < S ~ , d c Ci « UJ-" =" ^ CQ ^=«E 5 -S o b ^ s § ' ^ L- c o c a ?^ - ? a s ^ if. -- a o o c n II J II 3 K to "^ •- ' 1 IS. _ J w :3 -. ^ iJ « o o (=5 -"' u ^ cs , Q £ CO W ^ ri , o: — "" i o"' a» _ E .= ■=6-5 ^ o s o o .■a 3 S5 I Sfc, E = 28 (MX -S --'*'£ - ■■=■■-¥1 ^ O •-^ S o g S^-JS;.. " u I " O OJ ■^5 3 ■-co' * i IS 5" = s 29 ^ O -• J ! •« . ■ 5 "c « ; ri 5 ^ <= s -r o = >. 3 V *" =• S — ■^ o C * ^'s" iP .= s « (U o =- "■ -Si*'?: a; S*^^ .'f ^ ■ U -r X *j * . . 'i ^ — .^ i; » - 30 ^ — ^S • C 3 oi c - o ° t ■ M " ^- : : M [•do 3 ° £ • ■ — o to fflt- p. c « c 3 ^ DC— ^ < « 3-3 = Q "S 3 UJ ■3'S P £■ :jl § = I S a ^ I - ^ £-3(5 > S g O c 1 "^ » ui o -5 - ui -5 jj 5 Q O c " o" -1" .Ill -J « C W M S ^ X B ?> O i ^ <^" -■ M2 S2-S 32 "^^ — " Hi^S^ , 0,'^--..g o""*.-- » ...3SS3 -d^l" ^■S-E=«-s«S£s Office V M s -i o;!;js ::^ :"* 'o.B^'°-"<^ -n "-l^-e sG^O o_ _ d « ■SSooss " s~ ooSp-s' _5 .«.S^,..S!»S" < :: - -.■652EH tJC o ^ 3 uamugnixS *i aj «> i« i E 2 : o u ■ < c« S 2 = s . 5 ^" e ; > = = 33 u — c = (i, = ce S..».in5_„fi£ -00 ^{^ O M S :- 2 II •a "1 < s n % to __i: !; r^suf^ ^B ^ "r ■P 5-^ IP ^< "«>; < < r-C c is 5 j: » o s tc o = •=??►!: I £ 111 ?^. ■ -a n 1 ~ Ji K . ^ o P3 E . UJ c 5 ■r iA » £3 — a z 3 H §1 Q ^ Sid < M c Ps p. u o u - t. ■C *" >> _J .. c "-"o; ^' S S c a. CO « "m M ^ t- ;,; ►J 1-1 . CD^ ■ So ^ f- o o ■ -cS ° OS '^ ^?M I g ..£ .So « ci ^ 3 S . So li ■= • < . .u q ^>: = § ='3 S ■i:; OS OSS 35 >« S I K I I - C ~ C5 = E ci 1 C n Si = = ^ ^ ^ ..t- .-SrH 'I K iiS ££ g£ = W S-« aj a> 41 =3 ca: o 'j^-^ « s 3 a &< 36 ej •- a) Qj - a d 3^^ ? ^ o := ti cos go.. ■ « S 3 c S5C j SKJ ^ rt - o; M ^ K ?> , 3 ^ -e 5 5 o a 37 ■^ = >. I- a I- — 4) 5 1 SiX-Sl •* -rt «»• ciZ •^ ry: .'- •" S ; : o -7 3 ;S *^ O rt '^ *^ = =: £; oj " E £ S S S J2 = '^ r. iJ S W ^ - M - . < -S-± Se ^ ■ ^ - p O = *" TS "^ 38 J= Nt«'^ « ~u . -O"" o UJi . i 5rHO< ■3> Si a».>< "??d a-°5o IS;;- t_ a* ''In ■" > 2 »■* d-d ^ ^ '3.5 O O w. -- _ £S « 5 - O = -c ^- ^ Q " -^ i. u _1 - b- M ed ca 39 « a a 4 3 g " •S 5 = . = o C -J I K I 5 j: "^ a •r ^ o . = I i ... ^ ? 5 S ® 2 =S w c - ^ — -/" — ^ c S •- e -■-til ^« K — -'— c ~3iO K — ^^ O-- Kt, 40 6 g s _ ■ ■ " . " P o 2 ■■a (^ ■■'■■ S "^ r: = a ^ a .■a : --< ". E ° . — -r ^ == t '^ . i Si: „w <-^ p ^ o o : j_ ^. - H7 ^ ^ ^ 5-^ Q.SO.. >-| 53 ..j4> o 11 w OS its. Si'? S I ■■ ■sac S « £ ■^ -* -1. H « '^ ^= § "^ o — lU O -^ C3 o a iil 03 " Zoo ■> := ^ X -^ . ti-^ — ,jj 5 ^ <-3 ■-■ — s 4-2 ^ CO i« 5 -= £ K ^ C — M « 2 2 i* < S z £ oa « CC rt — CQ •" (d < ^- =s z ?: £ s ^ a I § s - ^ w B ^ o CO r "^ -s C ri t=' 5 W M ■ -3 — ■ C M 55H 43 B K ; £ i: = ■5 >i-^E- rt 3 o " d 3 a s-a* * c .. = , B^t~ ■ - "«- - = '"'«'., fc- oH rw^ .3:— J=c** - o O s-pS i s « s s 44 r- Ei X --^ is o ;:; ^ c M = '^ I ' <■ ^ II -3 y O p. ~ = £^ - 1 o o W vi" f^ s« ^ G-i-: « n1 i: pj o c K >!^^ m i% t. C |m ■^ .a "•3 Si ■S G o .e ■^ « « - S? a^ ?; "« j; ;: ~ 3 ^ M ci f i," fco -■ ■a* s^ f3 fe ":■: f s aj z ■to s=« S ..S JJ UJ ? >,ia a S < ^• Sp s-< a Si's =■3 = ■= CD ^^ ^ 1 °t \t%i^7^^%^ 45 =a 5;'"' °o «c • ^ P S * cP 1, (c a, — i-H •; ^^ o S g c. 5 g i a ^ 5 5 = ^2 o , 2 o o ■ 33 < ~ ''- o a a ,: a 3M ::^a)~ 0^-3 S g»c.2g« g : 0)-^ Q> - H a S«a cs go; O ® t. ij-S 5 lllls«ii ^ S «' 5 . -J ai . , E =^ - S * g " < .. K »0C ^ g 46- rtoo 5 o o < id CUi^^CO , . Sj o„ o ® OS L- .fig" '"' •■^]^ m^^ S c ^ «' <* S "rf *" 32!K . as g o .Ts ""a rt — ./ l- d « ■ - - c^;^ Ji"— ^ 2"^ H'S Ort ^ ■-^ °-g 3 (B a « . 60 =a .2 W H> c'a^c -rt o . ... ^^msi^ s^ el's" = " ~ rt ^ 5i a* J^'S.E ffl a "/i-^ Sy — -' . O S oJ < rt en ^W CjC O o ® as 2 ■H t: o o ^ >* W o S So S £ CO- c : o ■ o e* 2 O tf 5i o ' "Sp *^ '^' 3 ^ S : » g iH o o . , tK M O .^ "S ^ S =0 -- ,- "^ 2 47 S35 c U oi 2 rtSc s— ■ 4*r .ai, tfi BALLANTINE. NOTEN DrCKENSON, supt. car service. C. R. I & P. K. U, ; li, Itnnnville. Mo.. Mar. 12. 1S72: s. Davi.l J. ami Martha t'. liallantine; 1S8G-Itl with K. C. V. S. & M. R. R.: ISftl operator C. R. I. & P. R. R.. Colorad.. Springs. Col.: 1802-97 operator, stenographer, ticket agent and electrician; 1S07-8. auditor M. ami P. P. Ry.. Mnnltou. Col.: 1899 secty. to gen. ingr. K. C P. & O. It. R. ; 1899-1004 supt. telegraph K. C. P. & G. R. R. : 1904-Ofi supt. transpor- tation K. C. S. R. R. : 1900 appt. supt. car service C. R. I. & P. R. R.; office. La SalU* St. Station. BUNCH. FRANK M.. grain dealer; b. Oct. 2o. 1S71: s. .Tames Fninliiiii and Hannali McFall Bunch; in grain business in Pe- oria, ni.. 1884-94: removed to Chicago. 1894; secty. Rumsey & Co. : vlce-pres. and gen. mgr. Prairie State Grain & IHevator Co.; treas. Rumsey-Moore Co., Peoria; mem. Chicago and Peoria boards of trade; dir. Chicago board of trade, 1907-09; clubs Chicago Automobile. Ridgemoor Golf. Creve Coeur (Peoria); office. Roard nf Trade Rldg. BIRKHOFF. GEORGE. JR.. real estate, financial agent: b. Oolt gensplawr, Netlieilaiids, May 1 ."». 1802; s. George ami Agatha Van Putten Birkhoff; came to Chicago 18 69; entered real estate office W. D. Kerfoot & Co.. 1S71: became mem. of finu 1884: appt. consul of the Netherlands. 1SS6. consul gen.. 19 07; commissioner general of the Netherlands at World's Columbian Expn.. 1893: decorated by Queen of the Nether- lands. 1894. officer of order of Orange Nassau: chevalier of tiie Eihenkroon: pre^. Chicago Real Estate Board. 1896; pres. Hol- land Build. & Loan Assn.; clubs: L'nion League, Kenwood. Midlothian Country ; office. 8 3 Washington St. BORN. MOSES, wiiolesale tailor; b. WoUenberg. Germany. May 6. l.s.'d; s. Aaron and Rosa Born; dir. Michael Reese hospital; club; Standard; office. 34 2 Fifth Av. 49 BUNNELL. JOHN ALEXANDER. couiiiiLsslon nierchnnt: b. Bmnt- ford, C4in«artl of trade. 1001): residence. Illglilaml Park; oRloe, Board of Trade Bldg. BATEMAN, F. L.. secty.-treas. Trans-Continental Freight Co.. Chicago Car Loading Co.; b. Nebraska. 18 75: has reskled in Chicago fifteen years, and has engaged in railroad, warehouse and forwarding bu^^iDess: dir. Chicago Lighterage Co.; residence, rt'ilmette ; ofHce. 215 Dearborn St. BOOZ. JOHN T., Inwyur: b. SUunlon, Va.. .Vug. 21. ISflS: s. Jrrhn W,Mlpy and Fmina McOhee Boo?,; ed. Fishbnm MlllUry 9ch\ . Wnyiif^lioro. Va.; telesraph openiior; editor nnd publisher W*y(io*lM(r». Va.. Tlmefl. ISitODl: sccty. Virginia Press Assn.. 181M»-1H; artm. lo Virginia bar. iSftl; was pres, Lincoln Cycling and Llnmln I'ork cluh : mem. Southern Club of Chi.; Mason: office. Anhland Blk. BURRAS. CHARLES HAYES, l.twycr; b. North Fairfield. 0-. .Tuly I G. 1873; s, Ose.-ir and Annette Hurras; grad. Chicago-Kent Coll. of Law. 1.S96; four years atty. for public administrator of Cook County: mem. C. A. A., Chicago Yacht. Westward-Ho Golf. Oaks and Forty clubs: past chancellor North American Union; Mason; office. Majestic Bldg. 50 BLAKE. CHARLES G.. presiiUnt. CiiarJes 11. Bhikt- monuraeiits; office. 1S4 LaSalle St. BENJAMIN. LOUIS, vice pies, and secty. Bloek-Pollak Iron Co.; b. St. Louis. Mo.. Sept. 13, 1S50: s. Jacub and Jeannette Lehman Benjamin; rppresented Bl«ck & Pollaic of Cinciimati, O., at New Orleans. lSSO-3; interested in opening Clii. branch. 1SS3; secty. and director. 1891; treas.. 1S93: vice pres. and secty., 1900; mem. Standard, Hamilton, 111. Ath. clubs; office. First Nat. Bank Bide. BREGMAN. LOUIS I., pres. Standard Automobile Supply Co.; b. Wilna. Ilussia-Poland. Sept. 16. 187 0; s. Israel and Susan Bregmaa; came to America, 1SS7: started iron and steel busi- ness in Cleveland. O. ; m. Nellie Jacobs; moved to Chi.. 1906: mem. Illinois Ath.. Chicaco Automobile and Metropolitan clubs; office. First Nat. Bank Bide- BLEYER, CHARLES EDWIN, pres. Hawley Down Draft Furnace Co.; b. Davenport, la., Aug. 1, 1S54; s. Slaurlce Theodore and Antoinette Shotell Bleyer: col. in III. Nat. guard for nine years; mem. Union League, Chicago Engineers' clubs, C. A. A. ; Ma- chinery Club (New York) ; office. First Nat. Bank Bidg. 51 BARRETT. CHANNING WHITNEY. physUlun : h. BllssneUl. Mlctl., l*v*: M.;il. N. Iiiiild Kituler and Martha C. Dewey Barrett: ed. KiiyelU- Noriiuil liilv.. (I>il». Illllsdale Coll.. Mich, and De- Inilt Coll. M( Mt'tlh-liie. M. !».. IS'.iri: teacher in public schools. IKSQ-lll!; Htudeiil of iiietlli'liie In iihyslcian's otllce 2 years of tliLt lime, as well as yi-urs lS!l2-r»: Interne at St. Luke's Hosp.. lH>tniU. lSi»;i-.'i; hmise physician Harjwr Hosp.. Detroit. 1S95- ii: a-wt. siirueon .Marlon Sims IIosp., Chlcaco. since )S!»R; prof. of loiieciihitty. ChlcaKo Clinical Schl. : adjunct prof, of gynecol- ott>- and cllnlciil KynecoIoRy. I'ldv. of Illinois >Ied. Schl. ; mem. Chicago .Med. Snc. Miss. Valley .MeiiiHiil>lc Mf(« Assiir. Soo. : U Slmcoc. OiiUtilo. ran., June o. IS77: s. Charles E. and Jrwcphliip A. Rarlior: secly. and Irustet* rhli-ago Home for Boys; rocfD. National Cmincll Itroiliorhood of SI. Andrew; mem. Hamil- ton. flil(*Mi:n Atlilftlc antl Vnlon Ix^gtie clubs: Mason: olllce. Pint NaU Hank Itlilc- BEYE. WILLIAM, lawyer; b. Chk-ago, July J1. isTl : s. and .Nellie C IJeye ; giad. Vniv. of Wis.; 1.1. \i.. Chifiigit Kent Coll. »'f Law : became connected with law departments of Illi- nois Steel Co., E. J. & E. Ry., and C. L. S. & E. Ry. ; mem. law Unn of Knapp & Campbell, niinois and Lidlana legal rep- resentatives of subsidiaiT companies of V. S. Steel Corporation; mem. Chicago and Illinois Rar Assns. ; clubs: University. Wheaton flnlf. River Forest Country, Oak Park; residence. Oak Park; office. Conuneicial Nat. Rank BIdg. .56 .57 CONGRESS HOTEL AND ANNEX. PaclnB I^ko MlcliUtan, Orant Park and Michlean ln«ilovar,l. iiiUii.-.iil to Aiidltoruiiu theater, tliese l>ulldlnBS are among the largest in I m world ilevoti'd lu hotel Durposea. They Includo banquet rooms with accommoda- tions tor (rum 1 U to 000 uereons: restaurants, breakfast rooms, prlvat* dining rooms mainildcent Elizabethan mom. Japanese tea room for ladles, PompcUan room and I oniiie Ian grill. The hotel Is operated by Congress Hotel company. It. H South- aate. president. 68 ^ 11 ill I 1 jj 111 'Bl in r. ^1 Ills 1: Vii TT^' ?P? --■-' -^ CHICAGO TELEPHONE COMPANY. OFFICES AND MAIN EXCHANGE 59 CONNEHY. JOHN TOBIN, cnnl iiKT.ininl : 1). Bristol, li. I., Jan. 1(1. 1 ."i I1 1 : s. William M. iiiul .Mai-j- K. Tnliln CimieiT: eil. Chloaeo pub. and l.rUnt.' vUU- hikI ('hlniK.i .VIlR-nueum; 1S7.'*. yanl i-lcrk for E. I.. HetlHUom & Co.. coal; cashier ami luiokkeeper for Silver Creek & Morris Co.. lsl-1: ,.viv, .^»llle coroiMiiv. 1VS4.114; mer. Youehlogheny & Lehieli Coal Co.. l.Sn4-lll(l4: slme .lune 1. 1904. pres. Miami i,..i I.. „,l...i^ !.,val Aieaiiiini. i.i i-- ,,f Coluinljus. Catholic Onler of Foresters; club; C. A. A.; omce. S4 Van Buren St, 60 COLEMAN, WILLIAM A., real estate broker; b. Bucks Co.. Pa.. Mar. 11. 1850; s. P. and McB. CoIeraaD; ed. State Normal 8chl., MUleraTUl*. Pa.: has Uveii in ChlcaRo for thirty years; mem. Ann of Wlilte & Coleman, i-eal estate tirokera; at present business agent of the City of Chicago; club: Wodlawii Park: ofRce. 99 E- Randolph St. 61 COMISKEY. CHARLES ALBERT, baseball mannner: b. ChlwiKO, Aug. 15, 1859; s. John loll.. ( nlt-BKo. -'wriLT ("Iilcago Wliltc Sox leam of American League; mem. Chicago Autorr Mnrtiurltp Itlds and Mary Ami Kearns Comiskey; grad. St. Ignatius Chicago Automobile and Illinois Athletic clubs: Ellts; office. 164 8 62 COWDERY. EDWARD G.: vice-prejiideDt People's Gas Liglit & Coke Co.; office, Mlcliisan Av. and Adams St. 63 = jE => o .^ t; 3 Ji — ■3 = l|il=^ i»=iil - = CC ■r 7 - 2 "2 •§ -a e J 3 3 - I S S 3 ^ T Si-is * ^ I ^ ^' ;>3- ; » H 53 " ^ 3 t -f^ C Eg; la"*' Q-a_ .-3 - •»; o ^2g 2" = s ■< -34! S - 2 "^ ..^ too '3'5 J 3 O .,..='SS| . O ri rt C^ a o Sts c = ? sa S 3!o >i! = <-& t-K - ^iB * ^ CO o'^ p at, . '^ 0^ H o, a;— 4* O rt 66 . ° B to rt M ill o t|s°.a OQ "6a° ^ '"' m in ^ 0- *i tl o . o tx c 2|ig|i = 3 X «o C JO — E t; V 5 =■' x „_o ,- — J, t; o c g ='± '' = 12..- = '? »§>-»* = « i m =i ^-H il 5 oa 11 2=1 o 6"a go'2'- 5tt^ o « « Cj cs 5; o ff a I-i ^c> 0(5 rt OS.. a^B > = =-•= & = 68 S s = - c ■= <= S~ go-Si's !U « PC ^ « < — flj UJ I =: -3 i -a ■^ -z' w S « 2i «^ - H W t; ^SUSs^- ^M|^ o a ° o cc « P .- si! 8='^-' 2 -H X C « to £ II2S2 ssa =i«£ .= J5» 1, g = E ^3 PP- -r .,s = ga aid ''oSo^.." . = »- S = ^ = ^^oi-S .F ni.. P mem ed to Call atlo T ^ It. e. M s^^iliii g|2^:l^- l^^t^pl r; b. Pit education itll Mar. t. 1, 19 niennon. Co.. Chic lana, 1111 hloagn. I |ii='-. zS»-3S.3'S!^-S o'^ .E .=«- = ^^ = iiL." = s <--- c^ilcE. 70 o B< •= « = = I s" < t" Si ■: .. sai I'S . - E « . M ^ _ .--3 a bm l"S3 .1.. -* :-" 6— s;^ O ^S !»,''' •■''3 — = .1 = 3 O M o t"^ ^"" ?^C su ^^ ^ c'S C & .£ &... =4 S -2 £ t-' 71 E" S ?£ =*' ^ £ X - — a. « cs ; « — ^ w « O 3— 3 £^E .■ 5 -■•£<=> = ~ ■ 6 ao"^ _0 i: r- _M g j^ « ~ ^ ^ o £ -r .J " •" tn"? C m e3 <- ^ C/J- j ^ r^ 5 =s S C 3- sS<: V x2 M O — iT til SJ o rt ,r- ai u w ° 2 „ ■-< a -3 & ^ -^ c-» : c . — S >> Q) -^ tj ^ tj . « 2 6 u • " > 1 s 5 i? ^ I c-;; 5 3"'^ . a) — £ S - fi: =■ ^ 5 ^ ' ^ 5 « S c . „ CO ^ Q 5 " t: SI J 'o .2 " ta ^ S E 3 -J '^ ■- I _ -g <: <; E < K °= uj ,^ a ' II. 5 -e 72 >"5l ■ee Isss S *■ a» 00 c^ "3" C cS 3 a — is!| -■CT-g " £ ^ « * 73 5." s?''f:" ?5 5 " » s^i-'s ^« » ■"iE . c =1 i'^1 i " i »•■: . ci ^ <= >. : c S; wa-T- c^ '^ i '-' — ^ ^ =3 sr*: « fiSlls £ _. i Izc-Sk ■Sg «— rt . . C >; 2 'I^IS 5 c -- cc M F •^Tr^jt; X ^--^«? « , rr o UJ |£ "c n m O^ c R o* boa- ^H ■■ j^i^^^^^^f^^^^^H ^Bf K ^^B ^^^^^^H ■i _^^^H -^ .? t« oc K < > s = S = E «^ II bl ^ c S-- •a 5 a» tn ^ =: g K' -^ S?; .S'S " 3 ?. - o -" a'' 75 — = x^ ^-' ^ ^ ~ i;^ = !=<:.. — 2 c 00 • 1^ =■£.«- £3 '^ .^ " r ° « >,^ j- OS rt o d > i; w p _rt^ ^ o e: «S Q - Vw C " » = =3 .-o "•-53^ = t '^- o = ^ ® S =^ O C ^ 7e [i, w y >i J 1 fiK s'a 26 -. rt 5 o Cm "C -■ a , „ — -a ■ »? = !: i - a .. ^ .:. J 3 © _" : 0^ c c 5 fe § 3 ..B o. ^ c 2 » c^ .- o y S t: — X' > ip a> -3 - '^ .^^ 7 gx^ S m S ^"2 oi^ SiSo ? So .S = S ?:: .-£< = Q ii CO " 6D,f 77 CERVENKA. JOHN A., iir.^l.l.nt .ui,l >:.■.. in^;- . I'ils.ri ISn-wliu Cu. : b. Itolu-iiiiA. Feb. Ti. Ibid; s- Jfliii ami Miirk- Ct'ivfukn: p»mo lo Amerlcn with parents 1SS2: i-abinet maker. ISSG-'.H: lSI)7-0i» businesH aRont, A nin Ira mated Wrodworkers' counoU of rhlPRRo ; 1 S 1H» Htartcd rt-tull Honor business ; 19 3. bflped prrtmotf' ami (irRaiilM> Plls4-n lUcwliiR Co., co-ujierative emiioni- tloii, and madf vtv^. and gen. nigr. : mem. executive and imlitleal action roiimiltU'cs Tnlted Societies for Loral Self-r.overnnieiil : CARNAHAN. CHARLES CALVIN, lawyer: b. Cochran's MUls. Annstn.iit' Co.. Pa.. Apr. :i. ISGS; s. William H. and Maria L. McKee Camahan : ed. Hillsdale Coll., Mich., and Chicago Coll. of Law; came to Chicago, 1891: senior of firm of Carnahan. Klston & Slusser: treas. and dir. Am. Land and Live Stock Co. ; repub. candidate for Congress, ."ith Congressional Dist. III.. 1900: ifason. K. P. : National Union. Chicapo Bar Assn. and Law Institute: clubs: Illinois, Lincoln, C. A. A. ; iiffice. Unity BUlg. CRATTY. JOSIAH. lawyer: b. Drlnwnre (*<.., O.. Aug. 10. 1S46: n. WUIInni anil CnndlH Itennetl rratc> ; funned In Illinois until 18IM: ndUtcd R.S iirtvale In <'o. I,, N. Y. Cav., Custer's Corps: dUchantrd at Wimliexter. Va., July. 1S65: taught school until tiTRlnnlnK t*ludy of law with brother, Thomas Cratty, at Pwirla. in.. ISrtli; ndmlt(eii. HI.. Nov. 1. 1873; s. rreenmn S. ninl Adrlen- na T. Church; gr.i»l. MnrRftii I'ark Acad.. Univ. of Chicago, Chi- cfflKO Coll. of ioLw: niciii. I'hl AI[iha I'cUa law fraternity; sen-ed 5 terms In Illinois legUlainre. lOOl-190'.t. omce. 145 I.a Salle St. CRUICE. DANIEL L., lawyer; b. Buffalo. N. Y.. June 30. 1S68; s. Martin and Maria Cannon Cruice; Ll.B., Lake Forest Univ., 1S94; entered postofBce at Buftalo, N. Y.. 18 88: transferred to ry. mail service and remained with thut service until 1900; adm. to bar 1894; in practice of law in Chicago since 1900; 1903 candidate for niavor of Chicago on labor ticket; office. Unity Bldg. ,^^ ,^_^ y 1 H^f^ m diPl / CORNEAU, BARTON, scnernl atlorney C. & N. W R R ■ b,ln. ().. :!l). ],S78; s. William B. and Susan A.' imi.-au; onleitd sorvlco C. & N. W. K. R. law department. iHvame eoncral allomcy. 1000: aoDt. special assistant „«t,'P'ncyncNrral. Apr. 10. lOOi): mom. C. A. A., 215 Jackson Blvd. I8!I7; to U. S. Kvanstoii Golf club; uflln COX, ARTHUR MALCOM. lawyer; b. Chicago. June 16. 1873: s. .lesse and .\nnle Malcom Cox; grad. West. Dlv. high schl. ; appointed master-ln-chancery superior court, Dec. 1907; clubs: Union League. Hamilton, Chicago Yacht, C. A. A.; mem. Sons ot Am. Rev.; office. Com Exchange Bldg. CLARK. JOHN MARSHALL. nieichant. cai>lt»list: b. White Pigeon. Mich.. Aug. I. 1836: s. Robert ami Mary E. Kftch riark: C. E.. Itfiissalacr Polytechnic Inst.. Tmy. N. Y-. ISuG; with I. C. It. R.. Isrifi-VC pracllceti as C. E. at Denver. 1859- 62: seneii in Union army. Civil war; returned to Chicago and engaged In Iwitlur business: secty. fJrey. Clark and Engle: dir. end ex-pre;. Chifago Telephone Co.; mem. city council. 1869- 71: repub. candidate for mayor. 18S1; later mem. board of education; collector, imrt of Chicago. lSDO-4; pre.s. civil service commission, 1 8!>n-7 : clubs: Chicago (pre^i. 1 I»ft4). Union League. T'nlvereity. Calumet ; ofllce, 20 1 Lake St. CARMACK, EDGAR H.. general agent State Mutual Assurance Co. of Wurcester, Mass.; b. Monongahela. Pa., July 10. 1852; s. Josiah \V. and Margaret Carmack: grad. Western Univ.. Pitts- burg. Pa.; pres. and dir. Abstract Safety Vault Co.; dir. Con- gress Hotel Co.; mem. C. A. A., Illinois Athletic, Press. South Shore. Exmoor, Evanston ■Oolf, Geraiania Maennerchor clubs. Chi. Assn. of Commerce: office, So Dearborn St. CANTY. FRANCIS JAMES, general counsel London Guarantee & Accident Co.. Ltd.: b. Erie. Pa., July 3. 1S62: s. Jeremiah Henry and Mary Hendricks Canly; ed. Stratford. Ont.. high school. Milwaukee high school, Lawrence Univ., Appleton. Wis.; entered engineering service W. C. K. It., and later took up legal profession: mem. Chic.igo Yacht, Itidge Country clubs: office, 206 La Salle St. COEY, CHARLES A., automobile livery owner; b. Kedlield. N. Y.. July 10, 1S73: s. Andrew S. and Hamia J. Coey; located in Itockford. Wash.. 1890: invented attachment to run bicycle on railroad track; opened automobile livery in Chicago, 1900; en- gaged in automobile business and organized C. A. Coey Auto Service Co.; club^ : South Shore, Chicago Automobile. Illinois Atliletic. Chicago Yacht; office. 1710-18 Indiana Av. 81 ^"^H Ifl**^ ^ i / 1 ..#y;4«ii CABLE. BENIAMIN STICKNEY. scncial counsel C. It. I. & 1' H H.: h. ICcii-k Ishiiiil. 111.. Snjl. LM. 1872: s. Ransom Head iind Jnsfiihliie .Sllckncy Cable: grail. Plilllips Kxeter Acad.: A. IS. Y«li! Unit.. 1S!)5: I.l. L. B. Columbia Univ.. 1898; practiced law In onicc of Lowdon, Kstabrook and IJavls; orfice. La Salle .SI. .sutlon. CAMPBELL. EDWARD T.. gen. tralllc mgr. Erie R, R. ; offlce. Kiiihviiy Kxchaiiiie IJIdg. i CLAUSSENIUS. GEORGE W.. hanlter and steamship agent: b. N. Y. rity. Nov. III. lS(JO:a. lU-no' Cljiussonlus (Cleiniaii con- sul until 1877 ami cnnsiil of Austro-llungai-lan Einijlro from 1882 until lSf>4 tn f'hlrngn) ami Johimna von Tilly Claus- ffenlUH; i-nuBBerl In llu- husliip.'is nf H. i'lausscnlus & Co. in l)ankliiit. fnrrlKii exchunKp and agents Tar the North Gorman Lloyd Stcnnnhlp <'<>.. In wlili-li business has ever since continued: fonner mi-tii. rhlciiK** H«tard nf t^Jucatlori : mem. Germanla. Maniierchor; udlce. UTi UearlMini St. CASSELS. EDWIN H.. lawyer; h. Tomah. Wis.: A. R.. Univ. Wis.; A.M.; Harvard: adm. to bar. Wis.. 1900: 111.. 1904; asst cin-poratlon counsel. 19 07-9: clubs: Harvard. University, City. Hamiltnn. Maiquette. Skokie country: offlce. The Rookery. 82 CALLAHAN, JOHN W.. general manager. Tllinois Tiinnel Co.: Tj. Salem, O.. Nov. 1 1. 1862: s. John and Catherine Callahan; began railmatl service In track department of Pennsylvania It. R. when 16 years old: came to Chicago In 1SS2 while in service of X. Y. C. & SI. L. R. Tl. construction dept. : in ISSX entered service of C. \V. I. & Belolt Ky.. train ilept. ; supt. Illinois Tunnel Co.. 1907: promoted to gen. manager. Aug. 1. 190fl: mem. Traffic and Chicago Railway cluhs: office. IT 7 Monroe St. COONEY. RICHARD J., attorney; b. Pt-kin. 111.. Xuv. 2.S. 1S61; s. William ami Alice Cooney; grad. Univ. of Valparaiso: adm. Indiana har, 1SS5; city attorney. Havana, 111.. 18S7-8: state's attorney. Peoria. 111.. 1 81)2-1 S06 : now engaged in general law practice in Chicago with John Verhoeven: mem. Hamilton club: Mason; pres. Lawyers' Association of Illinois; omce. ."iO Clark St. CUMMINGS. DAVID MARK, capitalist: h. Pekin. HI.. Feb. IS. 1 s (', : s. Columbus R. and Sarah M. Cummings ; grad. Yale, 1 S S 7 ; banker and broker with Watriss. Breese & Cummings. 1887; on death of fatlier. 189 7. succeeded to management of financial enterprises; dir. First Nat. bank; pres. and dir. New Pittsburg Coal & Coke Co.; clubs: Chicago. University. Calumet. C. A. A. : office. First Nat. Bank Eldg. COOLE Y. EDWIN GILBERT, supt. schools. Chicago. 1909; b. StrawberiT Point. la.. Mar. 12, 1857; s. Gilbert and Martha Cooley; ed. Strawberry Point public school. State Univ. of Iowa, Chicago Univ., Ph. E., 1895; life diploma as teacher in Iowa. 1889; began teaching in Iowa in 1879; supt. schls., Cresco, la., 1885-91: principal high schl. Aurora. HI.. 1891-3: prin- cipal high schl. LaGrange. HI., 1893-1900; elected principal Chicago Normal schl. 18 99. but before taking position was elected city supt.; resigned 19 09. now pres. D. C. Heath & Co., Boston; clubs: Union League, C. .\. A., University. Chicago Lit- erary. Quadrangle. Iroquois. 83 CONOVER. ABRAM B.. treasurer and gen. nigr. John A. Roeb- ll.ii:.T Sons c. : ».. Ilarllneen. N. J.. April 20. ISGl: s. Mirani It, and Ui'lH'ert ami Snphia Chureii: grad. Univ. School. Chi- cago; A. K., Urluit Coll.; Chicago-Kent Coll. of Law; attorney for LiiK'oln Park cimimissloneis: mem. Sigma Chi fraternity. Marnuette clnh. Royal Aicaiium. National Union and Ceska Bese- da: offlce. 71> Dearborn St. CONDON. JAMES G.. hnvyor: h. IUuiilngton. III.. Nov. 28. ls71; s. nml Hrlghl .McN'auura Condon; grad. St. N'l.iU'Ut'u Coll.. Ilonrhonnals, 111., and Ohio Wesleynn Univ. : trial nttorncy. prasecutlnK nttorney and asst. city attorney: mem. C. A. A.. PZdxenatcr Oolf. Charlevoix and Iroquois clubs. K. of C: pre*. Chnrlcvolx club: for mniiy years secty. Iroquois club: otllre. 1st Nnt. Bank Hide CHILDS. FRANK HALL, lawyer; b. Findlay. O.. Feb. 16. 1859: 1 St) 7 nidVf.i 1.1 Kfpiihlic. O., where he received Nomnil school education; Miiitli 1 1S7S. began work in government printing officf. WarihinytAin. Lt. C. ; .Tan., 1 -SSO. entered pension office; Dec. tHSO. omploye*i ■-I oj — o i^m ^w CLANCY. WILLIAM P.. inspector of Dulice; b. Gahvay. Iielaiul, Feb. 2 4. 1 S 4 9 ; ed. Galway Model School. Queen's Coll. . Queen's Univ., Galway; came to America in 1S69; worked as bookkeeper, carpenter, pedlar, butcher, book-agent, mason, brick- layer, newspaper reporter in Cleveland. O., and Chicago; worked in stockyards ; joined police force, town of Lake ; promoted to captaincy, resigned, returned to force and has risen to inspector- ship, passing at head of list in civil service test; office, 7th Division, Department of Police. DORMAN, CHARLES C. inspector of police; b. Blue Island. III.. Feb. 11. 1862; s. Christian and Carolina Dorman ; worked on fami; worked at Pullman. 111., then came to Chicago aa iron- molder; appointed driver on patrol wagon; elected Cook county constable; resigned to join police department in 1889: patrol sergeant, lieutenant, captain (19 061. inspector (190 8) ; mem. Masonic order. Knights of Pythias. Royal Arcanum; office. M»x- uell St. police station. 85 CHICAGO RAILWAY EQUIPMENT COMPANY. -IncnrporateRlx>ng. second vice-president: E. T. Walker, secivtarj- and trwiflurrr: P. It. Harrison. genenU supcrln ten dent. 86 Mi^^ii>^^ ikJ^yjii ]^i,^^l^ ADMINISTRATIVE HEADQUARTERS OF THE ELECTRIC SERVICE INDUSTRY— The Edisou Building, located at 139 Adams street althoucli ^,™i° ."''''?""'?"*• ^'' n.itable as the financial. enEineering, and opeiatiiig lieidduarters and general public offices of the greatest 'electricilv Vi^IL "■"•fP""' F tl"? "f^<- llw C.mnnonivealtli Edison Company, of (.'liicag.i. This cumpany's great power houses at Flsk and Quarry streeij. ana the Chjcago riyer are the source of some oUO.OilO.OOO Kilovyatt-honrs of enercy per year, equal to eHO 2-3 millions of horsepower hours inis vast amount of electricity is used for operating local surface and elevated railroads, and for industrial power, electric light and electric heating and electro-chemical applications of a thousand varieUes. The service extends through the systems of wholesale custoinera to MU- wAuhee on the north. Elmhurst and Kankakee on the west and south, and into Indiana on the southeast. Through a private telephone system centering in the load despatcher's office in the Edison building, that olBeial dliects every switelung operaUon of the entire system or generator and battery connections, sub-stations, feeders, transmission lines, and public mains. 87 88 89 CENTRAL TRUST CO. OF ILLI NOIS— When the new home of the Centrjil Tmst Cnmpany of Illinois was projected it was aimed to produce 4 ftlnicture vvhI'U vnmld liiiiiu-dlntvly siiKKcst to the observer that It w;ui a bank. Of the Corinthian order of architecture, with ninety feet fmiitjiRt' on Miinruo stiiin, and four columns fifty feet in height ornamenting It^ facade, the building Is a symbol of solidity and strength. Thp entrance imviUoti. Hanked i)y tlie Cm-Inthlan columns. Is brought into greator prominence by being constructed to the building line, while Uiy onnt and west hiiys. on either side of It. recede six feet to the line on which tJie front wall of the building is constmcted. To a di'plh of fifty fwt the Imnk hulldlng Is four stories in height. The remainder of the let is covered by the banking- room, one story in hcltcht and roofed entirely with glass. 90 COLONIAL THEATER TI.. ..... ... opened Oct. 1 . 1905. A J-jS' Sroc^S^pfafe TZ'^LnT^nt^ K?sT„?S ^/;[X„!?fTSa"f,^ ?o.!"'w?mfni S";is,^esia^n.°'u ?as"l^stlbfehed it. place amon. playhouses under the management of Geor.e ^^. 91 92 93 so C-^ s § £ "si I - _ ■- — « o c K = S X - c! O p o " .£^ < -= r T Si o E " - ■- Tn-i.2--- o- 'i~z 1 5 =■ -s S. 94 95 ■'^:!!:^;„:j'-'i*fU-,S;'ia^,^r'{'^i,?'iiuiilai). Uussel & Co.. Jacksonville, of which he is now pres. ; dcm nat cnm i(inn nj- t^^^7 •h^ yj. "r-"""- ■"-"■■ "•*"">"te inui ;-3E-'_i:3 '"SO « S E o «■ K i: tf ^ .3 O & ^ . _^ :„..H _■ C U in , ii <_CT""i-( K c ■ ft®5 l*- .:s --occi 5 ^ 2 c - 0(, § 5 "^ S ° h*~ SQ S S 3 »" g, £ a o " a B «^ SS o ~ & « £ U J= ^ ■^ ti cc g 3 ^ > 5 J,5 T ES? -< r- O C — - 2 " D u _■ t- t; i; g c c JD 3 <-. G t, c S o -r" £ S E c ^•^•^ ■'•■ -5 c « E »^s W - BC^'-' \^ ^ E " 5 a- o « „'^^ a E's ■• 111 i1^ "^ S 3 ^. I — r- i- 3 "^ ' - S = l; 2'< L' — -^ - aj >• ~ 5^ =.2(2 S I 9° S " 5 "•s'issll-s ^^113 °2 =« - " " CO - t*. ;2 ^ _ £b ~ 2 » D r: - — j= o SI" 5 5 X - 3 B _o ^ § — °^' o n "^ < 5 , wi -2 — W ' ■ S'aj ffl '*- . H 3 — slif'sal 0(J M 6 - a 3 c ■•3 S3 IMogo . A is o 2° -5?; " c o ^ i; _ « d 5 rt . . .* — ^-^ M'-* ,.^-3 i'5-S S m H _, i J-a OU a-s 3j^ .pa CD ;:■ ^ — CO o a 2 - — ° i-i c -a _.a s 3 = 1^1 ^ . 3 -c S '^ 2 1 -c "S rt : O S s 2 E <■ S " = E — 1;; ** r .-Cm" _j .. : CD -I a- i: l- * ^^^ S .■ "^ w -12 ^ t-i > ^ ■ C rt o S ^ « X 100 '^^ 0D3 SB a cs o p c »«* & (* -i a* 2 ■d cS O O C' ^ fcO ^ Ti >. r^ i^ M ^ • as o 3 S sis'" sis OS .«^ diS E fl [2 - o d a o ^ e S Md« "'I •3t S'^apf" 60 o-doSS^ 101 C s— i ^ r "" ^ c ir — c _^ .^ - E cfl .y _ ^ " UJ -3 1- -- "" .X 3 "c 5 = , . 03 . o n *- « u t- c c ^ 4- UJ '^. ^ £ H S -u ^ o ho u *; ^ -^ * H- a ft o S . 2 .1 102 * U.VJ 5* = aB 'i _ C « C S r- 1 1; la o t - O X * a> a/ 3 rr o 5: ,= g r. s r. i-HS Kc > o cM "= O „ = L- TT — O O - : ■- = ^ -e - - — Si S^ c - 22££KEa 103 "g;;. S'^^So >. £<• 2 ^ oj =!£;„ . S nOi ca5 0-. r- £: ;^ (8 n: S ^C-* ^ 1> c "^ r-l tfl Wt3^ til to*'; — -n*© ; ^..05 = .Sow (2 "^ £?a ■ - r S 00 .°- o « = <: 104 00 CO H t^ H m c r « « a --eo -* .t:'3oD o " *■ c o -d a -^ £ ^ - c is o £ : uj a ' n •- ^ -S -3 ■* ""C ^ c: S . to _ --^ ZaS -J c'J*=2m ^o < rt £ • m ^ *^ tc'-' '^■^h^'^iS, ~ a; . Beiuatiilii iiml KHziilieth l>uii Dn.islnM: vi\. ColiiniblA Toll. (}r»nimur schl. Nfw Y^rk. IiIkIi srhl.. EaMon. I'rt.. nnd Lafayette Coll.. IS«H 72. K- A., M. A.; iitt. rnlon Theological Scin.. New York, lS7;i-:i; pomnilsslon dry ijooils huslnes*. N. Y*. Cltj-. IHT.'t-lSTO: 187C entered em- ploy nf II. G. Dun & Co. (the Merctintlle agency) In Clilcago: a!»-*l. nigr. Chicago onicc. 1S80-H: nigr. Chicago oftlce. ISSft- tlH):i; 1003 w«H niiido mgr. of the Clilcago dist. : one of orig- inal memo, and still weiring on hoanl of mgis.. Presbyterian h'^n ■ rltiM- T'nion I-cnuiif. Weslwurd Ho,: re-'ldi-nce. Oak Park: DEEVES. GRIFFEN H.. vOmU-^ih- liimln-i uiiui ; li. i;iiil..ln, N V.. Sept. 10. l^GG; s. Thi'iiuis Stephen and Kebecca Grace Deeves; camo to Chicago 1 S69 : ed. public schls. and business col. : ISS.I-lflOl with Perley Lowe & Co.; 1901 organized Griffen TI. Deeves Lumber Co.. of which he Is pres. ; pres. Campeehi Lumber and Development Co.. Campeehi. Mes. ; pres. States Ac- cident Insurance Co.; one of ortjanizeri and first dlr. 111. Com- mercial Men'.*; Assn.: clubs: C. A. A.. South Sliore. Beverly Coiintr>-: Mason: ( ftice. Ttallway Exchange BIdg. OUNLAP. ROBERT, general attorney, A. T. & S. F. R. K. ; b. I bi< hiiiiitl. o. iKt. 4. 1853: 0. Joseph and Sarah Dunlap; adm. to bar In Cincinnati: practiced law In Colorado; afterwards went to Topcka as asat. attorney for A. T. & S. F. U. U.; came lo Chicago In IHOTi an aast. to the general solicitor of the same road: In 1807 appointed general attorney of system; mom. C. A. A. Press and South Shore clubs; oftlce. Hallway Kxchaiige Blili. DEWEY, CHAUNCEV. real estate and live stock dealer: b. Austin. Tex.. May 1 *.», 1 .s 7 7 ; s. Charles Paulsen and Kmma Scott Ifewi-y ; ed. T'lilv. of South. Sewanee. Tex. ; secty. Xat. League of Repulil. clubs, 1 lt07-S. treas. 1909: mem. republ. state central crtmmUtee, 1st cong. dlst.. Cook Co. exec, committee. 2nd ward. Cook Co. bd. of dlr. So. town; enlisted 1st Infty., 1. N. G., 1904: 2nd lieut.. 1905; 1st Ueut.. 1906: re- signed Aug. 1 9 S : appointed cid. . inspt. gen. III. Nat. Guanl and Naval Reserve. Nov. . 19 08; Mason : clubs : Unioti League. Calumet, Sonth Shore, Hamilton. Press. C. A. A. : office. Chamber of Commerce. 106 DONOVAN, HENRY F., editor and proprietor of the Clilca^n Kagle: b. Whitby. Out., Aug. S. 1S5S; s. Christopher I-', ami Mary L. Donovan: reporter, Cliicago Journal. 1873-188 3; deputy county clerk. 1 8,s3-l SS5 : supt. Chicago postoffice. ISSri-lSS.S: political editor. Chicago Times. 1SS8-1S90: established Chicago Eagle, 18 89: colonel and inspector-gen.. I. N. G.. 1893-1897: delegate Democratic Nat. Convention, 1896: pres. Cook county board of education. 1SS2-1SS3. 18S7. 1S93. 1S94; mem. Chicago Press club; office. Teu- tonic Bldg. DAMSEL. WILLIAM HUDSON, vice-pici. Adams Express Co.; b. West Chester, Chester Co.. Pa., Feb. 7. 1844: s. Uriah and Catherine Pliipps Damsel ; enlisted private. 3 rd Ohio A'olunteer Infantry. 1 S61 : dir. Adams Express Co. ; mem. Chicago Mid- Day, Glen view and Eviiiiston country clubs: office, 8 4 Van Buren St. OEERING. THOMAS G.. lawyer; b. Chicago. Aug. 24. 1S77: s. Thnmas W and Louise E. Deering; LI. B. Northwestern t'niv. law scld. 1903: mem. firm of West. Eckhart & Taylor; club: Hamilton: mem. Chicago and HI. State Bar Assn.; ofBce, First Nat. Bank Bldg. >ANNER. MAX. L.. captain of police; b. St. Louis. Mo.. May 6, 1 sr, 7 ; ^ Libert and Elizabeth Danner; joined police depart- ment, CIncaso. 1890; promcted to post of patrol sergeant. 1 S9S ; promoted to lieutenant. 1901: made captain. 1908: mem. Royal Arcanum; ofnce, Chicago Ave. police station. 107 DAVIES. EDGAR THOMAS, chlff nf III. di-pt <'f factory in* specUon: b. N. Y. City, Sept. 12, 187,1; s. Kev. Phillip L. ami Sarah Thomas Davles; 1893-1901 with Marshall Field & Co.; 1901 asst. 111. state faelory Inspt. ; chief factory iiispt. since 1902: former pres. Inteniat. Assn. of P'actory In.spts. ; chairman committee factory lesrlslaUon HI. State Conference of Charities, etc. ; hon. vicc-prcs. 111. State Assn. for prevention of tubeicu- IosIb; dlr. Juvenile Protwtlve Assn.; mem. Children's Committee, Nat. Conference Charities and Corrections, etc.; clubs: Hamilton, Colonial; office. 188 Madison St. DOW. FRANCIS MELVEN. superintendent hotel and dining-car seiTice, I. C. R. It.; b. Tompkins. Jackson county, Mich.. May 11, 1871; s. Jesse B. and Laura E. Dow; in 18 85 went to South Dakota, where he worked on a farm till 18 89; came to Chicago in 189 2 with C. 51. & St. P. It. R. service, in which he rose to rank of inspector of dining car seiTice; left in 1903 to take present position; men. Illinois Athletic club; office. Park Row. DVRENFORTH HAROLD, life pre;. C mmerclal Life Insurance I."' ;JV'"'"'^'""-.^' • -l"'^* '-• 3««5: s. Julius and Caroline Iiyrenfortii; entered life Insurance fleld May. 1897 with Mar- • *'>'»*•««" Advertising Assn.; tr^ist^e nS B?nk Bid i-c^idence. Kvanston; office, 1st DOLPH. FRED A., lawyer; office. Tribune Bldg. 108 entered raUwaj semce 1866 with P. Ry^. lias Men consecui^^ 1890-99. sen. mgr. : Dec. 26. 1895. to Sept. 23. fl%r:eLL''JelLfle;r2s'rstt^oTeseT^^^^^ P- «^- Central Trust Co. of lU. Continental Nat. Ban.: club: Commercial: office. Railway Exchange Bldg. 109 ^'•vnI,"^;."-,'^",!'^!,^' ".'■"• ""l»"' p. aiul Antoinette Mavie Elliott- : olllt-e. 1 (IS I,» Snlle St. 110 (liscoveier of copper mines ou EWEN. JOHN MEIGGS, engineer and builder; h. Xenton. N. Y,. Sept. 3- 1850; s. Warren aii-d Sarali Faulkner Ewen; ed. Russell's Mllitar> Acad.. New Haven. Conn., Stevens Inst, of Tech., Hoboken. X. J., and Ei-ole de Beaux Arts, Paris. France: first occupation, asst. engr. and draftsman. N. Y. City; has been chief engr., W. L. B. Jenney : archt. : chief engr. and gen. mgr.. Bumham & Root, archts. ; vice-pres. and gen. ragr., George A. Fuller Const, Co.; vice-pres.. Thompson-Starrett Co.; is now pres. ohn M. Ewen Co.. engineers and builders; consulting engr. new Clilcago city haU, new Cook Co. bldg.. Cook Co. infirmary, and connected with construction of various large buildings in Chicago and other cjties; chairman Chicago Harbor Commission; spec. engr. council committee on harbors and wha-ves; appraiser board of local improvements and (■ri'poratioii counserc nfflce: <^lub-;: T'nion League. University. Press, Ha-niltnn. Pa'lelte and Chisel. Mid-r>;'v. Fxninor rnuntir. Onwentsia. Tnglneers', Architectural; governing mem. Art Inst.; mem. A. S. C. E., A. S. M. K., W. S. E. ; office. The Rookery. Ill !»i a c: 4, -a — >. - X « X 't S O ■ ■ ^ a- ' " S3 n oil "V. ..-3 "'CW^ . » c !?; 2 ■ ■ — ■ OJ ^ J? o 3 . — — *— *''3— -■£ O S n « ^ u ■- qOU> O B 09 d & 2 ■a 3 . s" " a eI^ S- « II ° " z ■■" t " ■■ - W •- . .. : m °£oo I ce- ss ~ "5 ^ O J; z" 3 . 5 a 2 > S -• " S ri -■ u. ~ . q S ^ < SB -US'" Q — e ""^ -3 ro O 112 ■^'« '-=U=^» , ^tn^ CO =- 52 _ S. So .Ti^ ;:o- : S3 113 - 5 t-r ?.-;7 .i " i «'" ='" sgSSE g.. cc 114 G0J3 -.3 uj a > as X 2j sl o^ I 115 - o 5 '•• z S ■- S «2 2 ■ o ^• — &h2 > .«?! = o^ ..56, 116 5 Sf w ^L 1^ « m - = « E - ^4 .i"l » c -K5 ■r, « c ■- S n «f « 3 c H A-* - - " 2 ° ■^ o o *; s5l|l3 O 5 p! a = 2" ? '^ eS - S C ^ M tB lis 53 O « n z ? 117 I -I J c EATON. MARQUIS, lawyer: b. Mattewan. Mich. April Ti. 1876: s, CJen. Cbarlir* L, and Nellte Joiner Eaton: cd. University of MIchlKnn: deputy-rirportcr. Supreme court of Mlclilgaii ; passed Allclituun bar exnmlnatlon before Ills removal to Chicago; member flnu of Cody & I-'-Uun; tnisiie rhlcaK'i Kaw Inst: dlr. Chicago Congrogallunnl cluh: pres. HamlUnn club. 1007-8: mem. Illi- nois State Bar Asan.. Chicago Bar Assn., Chicago Law club; onice. 135 Adams St. ELLICOTT. EDWARD BEACH, electrical engineer; b. Lockpoct. P^- Y,. Mar. 2S. ISOO; s. George N. and Maria Ellicott: clt? electrician. Chicago. 1S97-11»05; chief raechaalcal and elec- trical engineer. St. Loul3 E.xpn. ; constructloti engineer. West- em Electric Co.. 18&2-1895; electrical engineer, sanitary dis- trict of Chicago; mem. C. A. A,, and Union League, and Ex- moor Clubs; A. S. M. E. : office 125 Monroe St. 118 ERICSON. JOHN ERNST, city eiigiueer; Ij. Upland. Sweden. Oct. '2o ISfi.S; s .\ndrew and Sophia Llnd Ericson: ed. Royal Polytechtilo Inst, and Coll., Stockholm. C. E.. ISSO: came to .America In 1S81; became engr. of con.structlon T.. C. & St. T,. R. R. ; entered U. S. service Hennepin canal suney; entered Chi- cago service, 1S84: In 1893, first asst. city engineer: In 1S97 promoted to post of city engr.: mem. C. .\. A.: Swedish Glee club: A. S. C. E.. W. S. E.. American Waterworks assn: ^lason: oBtce. City Hall. ECKHARDT. WILLIAM NICHOLAS, commission merchant: b. Chi- cago. July 2 0. IS, "(It; s, Louis and Katharina Eckhardt; pres. Pope & Eckhardt Co.; dir. board of trade 1896-98; vice-pres. 190n-nl: clubs: Illinois. Plstakee Yacht; Mason: office. 138 Jackson Blvd. EIDMANN, HENRY F., real estate dealer, sanitary dist trustee, b. St. Louis. Mo.. Dec. 11. 1862; grad. Elmhurst Coll.: 1885 supervised founding of Hebron. Morton Co.. N. D. : 1S86 elected commissioner of Morton Co.. N. D. ; resigned 188 8 ,^nj .re'"™^ to Chicago to enter real estate and loan business: ISO'J-lJUb alderman 31st, now 3 2nd, ward: 1906 elected sanitary dlst. trustee on repub. ticket; dir. Bnglewood hosp. ; clubs: Hammon, Englewood: office. 138 Washington St. EVERETT, EDWARD WARREN, lawyer; b. St. J.iaeph. Mo.. Oct. 3 l.S7"^; s. William S. and Charlotte S. Everett; LI. B. Lake Forest I'niv. 1 S ; 1809 associated with law Arm of Winston & Meagher- Oct. 1, 1908, became partner In ftrm of Winston, Payne. Strawn & Shaw: clubs: South Shore. Illinois Athletic. Columbia Yacht. Macatawa Bay yacht: office. First Nat. Bank Bldg. 119 EBERHART, NOBLE MURRAY. i>h>^i.'tai> .tn.l autl.i.i . I.. Ben- ton HarlKir. Mli-li.. Apr. L' 1 . 1 H7U ; s. Isa A. and Melissa Jar(il»s KlM'rhurl; etl. I'nlv. nf III., Lombard I'lilv., Jiaclne r..ll. (H. S.). Heddlng Coll. ^^r. S.). Univ. of Chicago. Ben- iielt M«I. Coll. (M. D.). Coll. of P. & S. (M. D.); honorary A. M. Valparaiso Univ. ; head of dept. of electrotherapy and j.ecly. of family. Chicaco Coll. of Medicine and Surgery: electrotheraplst. Wlllard Hosp. club; I'rfss; mem. Chicago Med. Soc, 111. and Am. Med. Assiis.. Victoria Inst, of llreat Britain; fellow. Am. Acad. i>f Medicine, Am. Blectro-Therapeutic Assn.. etc.; Mason: office; Cliicaso Savings Kank Bldg. ECKHART. JOHN W.. nieichant and mUlei ; Ij. West, Bend. Wis.. Xov. 20. 1856; s. Jacob and Eva Echhart; cd. Viroqua. Wis., high schl. : pres. John W. Eekhart Co. : clubs: Iroquois, HI. Athletic, r. A. A.; office, 311 to :i2it Cariwnter St. ENRIGHT. JOHN B.. lieutenant of jwllce; b. Chicago, Apr. 15. 1872; s. John V. and Delia Healy Bnrlght ; entered Chicago IKtllec dcpt. AS operator. 1 S It 2 ; patrolman, .\pr. 2 5. 1803; detective bureau. 1807: sergeant. March 21. 18»8: Ueut.. March 10, 1 ttOS : mem. Itoyal Arcanum, Policemen's Benev. Assn.; office. 210 W. Twenty-second St. EVANS, iOHN THOMAS, liiwver; b. Macon Co.. Mo.. Aug. S. 1878; s. Griffith E. and Jane Evans; LI. B., Lalie Forest Univ.. 1902: in partnership with Herbert S. Duncorabe since 1904: clubs: C. A. A.. Hamilton, Exmoor Country: mem. Phi Delta Phi and Phi Lambda Epsilon fraternities. Hi. Bar Assn.; Mason; office. Chamber of Commerce Bidg. 120 EWELL, MARSHALL DAVIS, liaiulwriting aud mkroseoplcal ex- pert; b. Oxfnr.l. Mlrh.. Aug. 18, 18 4 4: s. Edmund C. and Frances E. Ewell ; srad. MUh. Normal schl.. 1864; 1868 LI. B., 1879 LI. 1».. Vnlv. Mich.; 1S79 A. M.. Northwestern Univ.; judge (if probate ct.. Mason. Co.. Mich., 1874-75; resigned and came tn Chicago; grad. Chicago Med. Coll.. 1884: 1877-1903 prof, of law. Union Coli. of Law and pres. and dean. Kent Coll. of Law. Chicago, and lecturer med. jurisprudence Cornell Univ. and Univ. Mich. ; author: "Law of Fixtures." "Leading Cases on DisabUitles," "Manual of Med. Jurisprudence." "Essentials (if the Law;" for 2 5 years devoted attention to metrology and microscopy; 1 OOC. made mlcroscoplst N. Y. Medico-Legal Soc. ; fellow. Royal Mlcroscnpicfil Soc. London. Eng.. mem. and twice pres. Am. Mi-Tu'^'diilciil Sue, ; residence. Evanston; office. Ashland Blk. EYMAN, FRANK P.. flrst-asst. general freight agent. C. & N. W, R. R. ; b. Lancaster, O. : s. Henry B. and Mary Baker Eyman; ed. Fairfield Union Acad.; telegraph operator and agent, B. & O. R. R. ; later employed with Denver & Rio Grande R. R. ; in service with C. & N. W. R. R. as telegraph operator in general office. 1880: continuously in service as travelling freight agent, contracting agent (Mllwaukeee), general agent (Chicago), and asst. general freight agent; mem. C. A. A.. Union League. Glenvlew. Evanston Golf, Evanstoii, A. , Hamilton, Traflic Clubs, Milwaukee Athletic Club; Mason. Kniglit Templar; offlce. 215 Jackson Blvd. EBERHARDT. MAX. judge "f Muni.ipal court; b. Bavaria. 1843; came to U. S. ]Sr»:i; law degrees from Lake Forest Univ., Chicago Law Schl.. 111. Coll. of Law; justice of the peace in Chicago for thirty years; elected to Municipal court on repub. ticket, 190C: re-elected ] 908; mem. Am. Bar Assn.. Chicago Bar Assn., III. Bar Assn.. Chicago and 111. State Historical Societies; former prea. German Am. Historical Soc. of 111.; office. 148 Michigan Av, 121 e = ^> Sal-"' 5 -<2 5 o — 20 =^ ; 3 ° « ^ u ij - -d i, -^ rt " f^ S-3-a Sri — Ph ■" « HOC^3< UJ — S " ifl 5; < g S S R = 122 *3 as c II FERGUSON. ALEXANDER HUGH. M. D. ; h. Oiitnrlo Co.. Can.. Feb. Acad. 1111(1 Mniillubft ('oil.: UuKht school; rend mciiidiK' under Dr. Joh Trinity Univ.. Toronto; M. H.. ISHl; M. D.. C. M.. Trinity Univ.. 1 nlpeg. Can.. 1881-04: took active part founding Manitoba Med. Col nunicry from 1880-04: mem. (wn. stati Winnipeg Gen. Hi«p.. surge As^n. and mem. Provincial Board of Health; now prof. cUnlcnl .surRorv PnHl-Graduat« Med. School and Hosp., 18ft3; Is surgeon to Ptist-C.rad Ho?p. for the In.sane; mem. llrltlsh Med. Assn., Intemat. Burglcal Ass caBd Mt«.l. Soo.. Chicago Oynecoloslcnl Sor.. Clilcago Surgical Soc. : fel coloBlftts; ex-prtw, Clilcftso Mod. Soc.; TrlMnto Mivi. Assn.: and of We flynpcologlral A-vin. ; nicm. tho Miss. Valley Med. Assn. ; hon. mem. Ml Amp ; Ma«nn: »>01r,. i (to stntn .St. 27. 1853; s. Alexander and Annie McFadyen Ferguson: eti. Ilockwood ri H. O'Donnell. at Winnipeg. Man.. 1 S7 7 ; studied In med. Coll. of 881; course at Kuch's labonatory. Berlin; practice BufTalo. 1881; Wln- 1., in which «as three years prof, of physiology and histology: prof, of Mi-ln-chU'f St. Boniface Hosp. ; 1st pres. Manitoba branch. British Med. In the Coll. of Physicians and Surgeons: elected prof, of surgery in Chicago uate Hosp.. surgeon-in-chlrf to the Chicago Hoep., surgeon to Cook Co. n.. Am. Surgical Assn.. Am. Med. Assn.. Illinois State M6d. Assn., Chl- low Chicago Acad, of Medicine, Am. Assn. of Obstetricians and Gyne- ;tem Surgical and Gynecnloglcal As; Cfl '. "^ < .- fa « S i fc. 2 M,,J^^ .^■"^ct^l^- f^-.-- -i .=0 _£^ Sz^l^i' •* "S-c vl^^ll = > " & -* 5-: S jj" -— r-™ — — j_ i- c — X a^^-H* -^-"S^t^c- -|«^!£ ■^S .3 •" ^, rf a; - ■"-- -•«."?! 0-- -StBS ri- y'S .< SSSS'-jc S-cl^r'^l 126 r S » ■- J= £ X « - = 3 3 "^ M - ■«i 5 . I £ ■= "-^ a s £ .. ^ -2 *^ "S ? - fc (5 I o = o fci .5 < ^ r a s U It. ; s « £ y a ■- Ofa o ^ " o -; _ S S cj,! .. lis ^&< X g S G ® -r ^- -3 3 5 '^ K - = 2 .~* aj ui^ git ^ S Q-3 0Z-SS5 luz^^^ Mem 127 "-5 s = = •c.-S-i-W ■ ■g -S =3 « 5 5 = ^.2 O^ py; £ ,^- C^- GOy UJ^ a^-Sf -^ > 9^ -=5 .,. -^ «• OCXs'""";.-! ? S ^ 3T3 . ^ firs 3 ^ S --o S£ '" is "ESS C-l =) si c f§5i (u 2 M a* as II ; 39 ^ 128 fi"^ 1- £3b ?^ •s^l ^^ •a c ..-a c . jfi aw S -^ . *- « m bl o^ - OC^ •• < ui « t« Sill 129 - 4)Q a t"^— ^ w — cSgi c^ 5 c 0^ I- c rt . a; -I ■ c t: 1- c .1-1 KC < trt i c 5 =" -a i i lili ^ o o) c o ^ '.' "^ ^ K. rf ■- & s = ^ ** o iJ w .. ' ^ s; £ '[""<■ -, ^, CO c c 130 5«-i c c ^ > - ~ v^ S t* ■* « O C rt >^ o: tec o g gt. i a; 3, o) O Hi— „ S aj a!^ s = ' . ^ "? ^ V ;gg -J tJ J -^ he aJ a* s .U5 O .— S S = = '"-x g S'^ 131 : ti i S -2 H ; E ■= co o _ ■• i-oi o 3 ■• ■- 3 >aiS«; -^ . = §■>= .*■ c o^ » e -U* ; = t: « Si! = a 6 2c_-i 3 w c c ca 2 ^ S a = oD ^i S = - m ® - S r o s E ■ H a S •■ . „■ g -2 _ li, " S "S > t) 53 i S - I 2 ■" J! - t^ „ si . •5 £ S 3 t- - - J =- o 'I |£ ^1 r ■_- S, i: " ; S -5 "^ ° ^ " h ii £ 2 I S r 2 u E S o I & :; s - 3 " 1 5 '3? i: o _ ■ S ^ u. = ' " ^ ^ - £ ! g i . : " iiilll 132 ■ i: ri S 3 E ^ « cj « C- O ^ a :S "S v^j: ^'^ ■r ^ ? » ■-,:^ :: '"a ' c; , ~i- t, o Ci c 2 ^ 5 '-''/: <-• OS. -2 a* a^ o -I o^^ " « « ^ = - ,. S C c --■ h! -m lij -1" ^ E z — I- « -I S d. C 133 ^H| 1! IL '^''"^^^1 ^^^^^Br» 4 t;. ^^^■9^ ^^^^^^^mC^^ i ^^^^1 y|^v|^^_| FOX. EUGENE. k'"-ii- aycnt. Kl I'aso \- Smitliwestetn System ami Mort'iR-l Soiilhern Ky. ; fiityrt-il service <.'. It. I. & 1*. Uy.. Hiitvli- iiison. Kiis.. Iti freight dept. ; lS»tl-]lH»3 traveling rep. of C. It. I. & P. K. It.. Salt Lake City aiul St. Louis; travelluB freight and puss, ngt., KI Paso. Tex.; iipiit. gen. agt. consiUdated El Paso Northeastern iind Kl Paso & Simtlivvesteni. Lus Angeles. Cal.: clulw: C. A. A., Jonatliaii (Los .\ngeles|. Toltec (El Paso). Maricopa (Phoenix. Ariz.); mem. B. P. O. E.. Hoc Hoos; offlce. 1 1 J Adams St. FOWLER, FRANK T.. supt. of streets; b. Beverly. O.. Fell. 7. lS(i7: torraerly bleycle manufacturer: elected repub. alderman from old 13Ih ward. 1899: re-elected from 14th ward (after redLstricting). 1!)01; mem. Park board. 1900-1; moved to Waukegan and engaged in laundiy business and published Waukegau Sun. 1904-6; returned to Chicago 1907: app. member board of local impiovements by Mayor Basse, Sept.. 1909; appt. supt, of streets. 1910; offlce. City Hall. FOELL. CHARLES M.. K.wmi ; 1.. luili-y. 1.... N..v. li 1 . 1 N .; 9 ; s. CeorRp M. and Caroline Foell ; Ph. 11.. Cornel! Coll.. Mt. Vernon. la., 1804. LI. IJ. Northwestern Univ.. 189(1: sened two lenns pres., two terms as secty. and one term as chairman political action com. Marquette club; elected alderman 21st ward. repub. tickel: now serving ihlnl term: chalnnan city council com. on hartKirs. whar\*es and bildges; mem. Chicago harbor com- mission; cIuIm: Mntriuelte. 9: dir. and secty. North Central Improvement Assn. ; dlr. Chicago Home for Boys, Calumet Fire Ins. Co.; mem. Chicago, Mid-Day Banker's. Onwentsla. Glenvlew and Sauganois Shooting clubs, Chicago Assn. of Commerce; Union League Club (New York). Chamber of Commerce (New York), and Minneapolis Club (New York); office. 20 5 LaSalle St. FERGUS. ROBERT C. lawyer; b. Chiciin", \..v. 18. 1S«S; s. <;n.rt:i- II. ;uid .Maiy K. Stocking Fergus; grad. Northwestern rnlv. law .s.-iil,: M. L.. ISJir,. P. C. I... IHItT. Yale Univ.; in printing hUHiness with father and . grandfather. Kobert Fergus. 1883-91; hanking houne, IVabody. Houghtellng & Co.. 181)1- ;»3; In (iractUe of law since 189.1; writer on legal subjects; edl- lor: "Intematlniial Kxchange." Chicago, Nov.. 19 03: once rhalnnan ('hlcago luteal Asseni.. Brotherhood of St. Andrew, secty. IKOfidH; «lubs: Yale; mem. Chicago Bar Assn.; office. Nal. Life Bldg. FENTON. WILLIAM TAYLOR, banker; b. near Madison. Ind.. June 2. ls4S; s. William Lrgan and Cynthia Fenton; as a boy entered banking business of Fletcher & Sharpe, Indianapoli^. serving 1 ye.ii-s ; discount clerk. Merciiants" Nat. Bank. Chi- cago ; cashier First Nat. Bank. Ottumwa. la.. r> years; returned to CUlcago 18 91 and assisted In organization of Nat. Bank of the llepubllc. of which he became cashier; vlce-pres. and cashier since 1897: ser\ed as pres. 111. Bankers' Assn.. Chicago Clearing House Assn.. Bankers' club; mem. executive council Am. Bank- ers' Assn.: clubs: Chicago. I'nluii League. Kenwood. Mhllotliian. etc. ; office. 17 1 La Salle St. 136 137 r: *^ V tx ^ c ra 5- c 3 rt E :z ? ;i .. = SCi- - n *■■ -^ ^ X O ti S K las ■3 5 = 5 6 . a» — ^ I "' *^ o ■3 - £ o ./ ^ s 2 •si -; i ^ I S * s 'S ■s i' ^ -^ t '^ ^ ° i ■S £ •- z - S s 2 < _ ^ ^ . f. B V >. < ^ "a 11 139 - - V a C t^ <= ii : '/. i. X _ o - , tZ - = ^ » j; t- S ^ ■' S _ - c ~ K ^ ! = c I z _■ « S - < ~-r - s S Qj « S "^ 5 £ _i ■" = 5 '•''- 5 <::;^^-^| OV rx I ^ g (C i^ — S i o -:■ -' t- n t ; O >.t- — " i 5 " £ !■: ; ^ =: :p « - i= ' <|g..s, ' 5 ^^ -^ i; = t = ^^ a = ?^ 140 ■ G a C w . :■ _ 5 £ t- ' 5 * «e ?* z ® : .3 si O £ ;:, v: = rt c 3 a — -^ S (S "S ** ■ " ."t ■=-;"•- 5"' = S 141 c . <* — C6 *- eg; * cs ce _- *; 3 r ■a"!- ^tT C « a; - 3-^ _ C Sf-i M|2 . ^ -S'^ = ^ I .j = |||P = if '-is Eli cSf-KO' ■C - o « e o " £ fe o o s 111! 2^ !•§ « ^ -^ '=' § C •- t> o 3 ^ "3 i; ^ £ I ? ^ 3 .^ 5 • So c a* ^ ^ "S » b « u S a> " .. II « I X = ' " ^ I 6 -f - g ^ -ICO UJ o *^ S - ■= " " o £ ?; „ o Q rt O C ^ o fc C rt E Z „ M ;■ o 3 = " . a: o — ?z 142 — — Si''"" - i .■ S mS EC — i; '^ " uj c == - c - S c* ■C •c c O ^ •-■ X o c w n a e: tr; t — ■c =: p tfc. ^, s C ■t; SE- - — 3 _ 4, t. — c £ rt Pi OS g -g z - < ■■ EC Z eSr^fg ■t: =; rt rt 0= ?: «! ►J J <^ t; « m c 143 iJ:;.3- = -5°' SOWER HARRY, trflBhl IralBc manaser. C. R I ft P R n • h«th MDdsell (.o».r; came tn United States In 187 2 and to il.i^H i^r'*",^- •""», '^l"*. ««B« Bros.; bookkeeoer. A T Slemrl & Co. : from clerk with C. R. I. 4 p R r .diancM .'l„KI""m t"""°"-„'°™- "nl"" Leaei" and Home,"„-d Cou„"r? < Iut*B: office. LaSalle St. station. GREENEBAUM. JAMES EUGENE, banker: b. eiilcaKO. April .1. 18ttrt; 9. Ella.s and Roslne Greenebaum; ed. Sbeffield Scientific Schl.. Yale I'niv. : Ph. It. Yale. 1S86: eng^ed in banklnc business with CJn-enebaum Sons. beln« admitted to firm In 188U: treas. Chlcaso Home for Jewish OrDhans: mem. Stand- ard. Bankers'. .South Shore and Tale Cluba; offlce. Ashland Elk. 144 GINDELE. CHARLES WILLIAM. Onntniclor and builder; 1>. Schwt-ir'fiirt. Bavaria, Germany. 1 S56 : 9. John George and I.ouLse Cliulele; entered Arm trf J. O. Oindele & Sons. 1868; organized Charles W. Olndele Co., 1894: dlr. Central Printing & Engraving Co.. National Asan. of Buildeis: pres. Charles W. Gindele Co. ; mem. Builders', Hamliton. Press and South Shore clubs. Carpenters' and Builders' A*sn.. Boval Arcanum; cor- poral. Sth 111. Volunteer Cavalry. Civil War; nfflce. 333.^ La- Salle St. GUNTHER. CHARLES FREDERICK, candy mti. ; b. Wil.lbeig. Wur teuiheiy. Ger., Mar. (!, 1 S 3 7 ; s. John M. and Marie V. Gunther; came to U. S. lS4i;: resided. Columbia, Pa.. 1 84 2- 50 ; Peru, III,. 1850-60: I860, engaged in busiuais in Memphis. Tenn. ; sen-eil in Confederate nuvs in civil war; mfg. confectioner since 1S6S in Chicago; elected alderman on dem. ticket from Second ward twn terms; city treas. of Chicago. lOO 1-5: candidate for dem. nom- ination for govenior. J, DOS; former pres. Iroquois cluh; otflce, 212 Stt\te St. GREENACRE. ISAIAH THOMAS, lawyer; b. Will township. WiU County. 111. . Jan. 4 . 18 6 3; s. Isaiah and Lucinda Young Greenacre ; JA. B.. Northwestern Univ.. attorney for teacher?' case which in 19 02 added $238,000,000 in values to th* tax lists of Cook county for public utility concerns theretofore unscheduled; town clerk, alderman, attorney for various subur- ban villages, towns and school districts: mem. Masonic organiza- tions; offlce. 8 4 Washington St. GOODNOW. CHARLES NEWELL, judge of Municipal court; b. Salem. 111,. Aug. 24. 1864; s. Henry Clinton and Margaret F. Newell Goodnow; ed. Christian Brothers' CoU.. St. Louis; adm. to bar 1SS7: moved to Chicago 1SS9; 1899-1901 mem. 111. legislature; 19 06 elected on repub. ticket judge of Municipal court; re-elected for 6-year term 1908; Mason; mem. Knights of the Maccabees; offlce. 14S Michigan Ave. 145 GILLETTE. HOWARD FRANK, l.roker In cummercial paper; b. Chicago. Apr. i). \H7'2: s. Jiirnes K. anil Jennie Parker Gil- lette: eil. Har\*ar(l Schl. nf riilcaB". i'O-^e Finest Acad.. Berlin L'nlv.. (iermany; Har^anl Coll. and Nnrthwcstern I'nlv. Law Schl. and Hoslne Greenebaum ; pres. Chicago Sinai Cong., vice-pies. Ueal p:state Title & Trust Co.; mem. executive committee Citizens* Assn.; trustee Michael Reese hosp. ; clubfi: Standard, Uavisloe; office, Oreenebaum Sens. Ashland Blk. GREENEBAUM. HENRY EVERETT, bankrr. f.>uii(h-r of Greene ti»um Sons; b. Chicago. Sciit. 1. 1 H Tt 4 ; s. KIliis and Unsine Cr'-fiitbiium: ed ( viilnii Illgb Schl. (lilcago; engaged with First National Bank ut Chicago, later with domestic and foreign bank- ing houses In New York; in 1H77 estat)llshed banking house of which he la the senior member; director, Home titr Aged and InOrm; mem. Standard, South Shore and Precis clubs: Ashland Blk. GIBBONS, HARRY R.. president, H. U. Gibbons Box Mfg. Co.: pres. ittigers I'ark Baseball Co.; office, 600 S. Canal St. 146 GOEHST. JOHN HENRY, constructing electrical engineer; b. Chi- cago. Jiiii. lit. iseri: s. John Henr>' and Madelenn .lulllch Goehst; ed. West Division Iiigh scld. and Bn^iiiess Coll.; fixture hanger's apprentice with Western txUsi-n l.lsht Co. as electric wireman. May. iss;i. and worked as a nieclianlc 4 years; con- struction supt. for the Chicago Edison Co.. May 1. 1887. In which position has since continued; has secured from U. S. {}ov- ernment patents on Impiovenienls of electric light devices; pres. of the Federal Electric Co., antl of the New York Feilerai Electric Co.; mem. Am. Instltnie of Electrical Engtneei-s; t-luhs; C A. A.. Colonial; nfflce, i:{!) Adauis St. GRESHAM, OTTO, lawyer; b. Corydon. Ind.. Jan. 30. 1860: s. Walter Quint in and Matilda McGrain Gresham; ed, Santa Clara Coll., -Santa Clara, Cal.. Wabash Coll.. Crawfurdsville. Ind. : mem. Southern, University. Chicago. Calumet. Chicago Literary and Law cluhs; mem. board of trustees Wabash Cell.; offlce. 100 Washington St. GOODRICH, ADAMS AUGUSTUS, lawyer; h. .?eisfy*ille. 111. Jan. 8. IS 40; s. Heiirj- l), and Jane A. Knapp Goodrich; ed. pub. schls. . Jersey ville, and 'i Vo years at the U. S. Militaiy Acad., from wliich ill-health compelled him to resign before grad- uation; studied law in offices of uncle, lioberl M. Knapp. ami la- t^-r at Springfield. 111., in ottice of A. L. Knapp. another uncle; admitted to bar. 18 7 3; practiced in JerseyvUle ; elected state's atty. Jersey Co.. 1878. 1880 and 18 84: resigned Oct., 1887: elected county judge of Jersey Co.; removed to Cliicago. Aug., 1889. and has since practiced here; now senior mem. of firm of Goodrich. Vincent & Bradley; 1 year atty. for Chicago sanitary dist. ; later inspector of House of Correction; appointed. 1895. by (;ov. Altgeld, one of ', trustees to select location, es- tablish and build the Northern Illinois Normal schl, ; elected pres. of the first board of trustees of that school when located at De- Kalb. 1895; re-elected mem. of that board 5-year t«rm. 1900; Mason. Knight Templar; Odd Fellow; K. P.; clubs: C. A. A.. Iroquois; office, Tlie Itookery. GOULD. CHARLES J., lawyer; b. Marsha Itown. Li.. Nov. ^-. 187r. ; s. Charles and Margaret De Burgh C.ould: LI. »■ l;^,*^^ Forest Univ.; a' Tlyun Hupkins: ed. ^t. Joseph's Coll.. Buffalu. N, Y., unlU 1871: senod apprciiUcyshlp of 2 ^i years leiirnlng rnachlnisl trade: 2 yoa-ra wttithinasLer: came to Chicago, Dec., ] 8 ^ fi ; Xfar. , 1 S S 1 . enteral i-mph>y «>f PiiUinan PaJnffl Car Ci.. 1 itpr beUig promoted to paymaster; 1 S 8 S resigned for business of the An-iidi* Tnuiliig <'i».. wliir-h hi' had established In I'ullman in 188.".. business reorsardzed as the Secord & Hopkins Co.. conducting S Btore.^; nrRnnizcd movetnent which lenulted In annexation of Hyde Park, LaJte. Cicero. Jefferson and Lake View; dein. mayor of Chicago. 1894-5. elected to All out tho U.>rm made vacant by death of senior Carter H. Harrison; chairman of dem. campaign committee. 1890- 1-2 ; vice-chairman of the Nat (flnld Dem. committee. 1896: chairman dem. state committee, 1001-4 : delegate to nat. dem. con- ventions of 1802. 1900 and 1904: one of organizers, and 4 years pres.. Cook Co. Democratic Club; pres. Wisconsin & Mlchigaji Ry. ; pren. Aurora vVutrmiatic .\Iadilm»r>- Co. : dlr. Chloago & Great I*akes Dredge & Dock Co.. Independent Pneumatic T' railroad service; in 1865 commenced work: with Nashville & Decatur Ry.. and in tS79 became roadmaster of the N. & D. division of the L. & N. R. R.. later supt. and gen. mgr. of the L. & N. : aftervvavd with B. & O., L. S. & M. S.. Chesapeake & Ohio, and Louisville. New Orleans & Texas Railroads as asst. genl. mfjr. and genl. mgr.. Xov. 1. 189 0. to 1906, second vice-pres. of 111. Cen. : pres. of same company since 1906: mem. Pickwiek club. New Orleans; Noon-Pay Club. St. Louis: Chicago. Hnmewood Country and Sfuth Shore clubs. Chicago; dir. Bank of Commerce and Trust Co.. Memphis. Tenn. ; Harris Trust & Savings Bank. Illinois Central R. R. and subsidiary companica: offioe. 1 155 HARRIS. JOSEPH, one or ,.,s«nl/ers oHll '^'Snh,',n/'&' ''m.£°J, '';. '''''?S^"V^"'"=, J,^' '«•'"»■ '■ Solomon and Haniu,!, SuminertleM Hanis: f.l^ pub. schls, ; (..siinl/ers of 111. T.09; residence and office. Aurora. Ill, 157 f HUBBARD, CHARLES G., mine deieloper; with Hubbard-Elliott Copper Mines Development Co. of Alaska; office. 108 laSalle St. 158 •6 '^ "'3 : ^ '^ ^ — 3 *s ° eS O ^ 5 a ^- ■ii o rt s j: , — a; « O ^ "^^ ° I § ° 1 •=Z.-.. """5 ■ - 1 -^ c S, il^^^l CI •« .3oc 3 ^ ,i X ^ K - -— !^ Q *- -3 "^ cc 5 o ■« -1 « — r *J ^ ««rtl sis !fi" « ' 5 sl = -s3 ■ » =1=1. Q. - ^' - »: - = < "^ ■- — 3 ^ ■- 1^ _, ij aj g aj 4, X 159 "BBS £5=^ j;' ^ m § r" ^ 3 u « n'T •■2 = 01 >ic — — 3m — •- qcf; •>? ~ " 5 S £ S S "" .« . y "^ o a, 2 u5^ _ X ^ © E 5 . ■ » t„ S "^ . ■ p = .a f" ^^^^^^^^__j_. ■ E a cj E ' ■ ^ S r. aj ^ j: ^- - '1°. £ t' ,J -1 w :i Ui "H ? r-r " E -J < CO ~ Q> £ ~ r/) w ^ H C9 i2 — z « fl < fe3 ca O <] 160 ,■ cgS^s? ■= -5° , jO o2 M BJOC^ C ., S" to . 3 161 Q 5 : lfi2 — 5'5 111 .— o - 163 i "7 o |3| * « s 2 a a O O ■ rt O • a C 5 » silts 3 '"-ft.-i a ■J ^ « S «S|p n S2-P v. ;^ c *-S o t: o = 3 SFsa c «E^ < s :;»■■= ?i * •t^o- h o 3 ^XM X z 1 *. *'^ bJ z -Z^Si 3 164 S — tt H - I— ■J - X s — """ lis ■ - — ; ^ ei « . OSS 2 ..5 ill « g-6 S" .. ►H c £ ■^ 2 ^ ^ « c — « « o c S S, sS-"5 = = = 5 •O » rt ^ ti-^f^ . S g ^" s = = ^:3 &® . "D c ■3 o kOO- ^x ^s < 'J -^..^ £0" Sc' .•=r=-. Sji£ -'" = .Z i- K r- ^ r. Z Sec = c 165 •-1 ^ M -. ffi ^' « t. o: c = o . . ^ a ^ ^' t; =* . — a- a. "" 1^ s: s z :< ^ .. * - 2 I Q " ec = a ^ n w i. S!" k"-| a 4, » 166 «1 '-" ^ < _ •*• >- K {£ '** s -° _; Tl .^ X O U) K-, t O ^ ? ■ - « ■ • O ' = . _ _Q ° c = I? .■KgSf_ Hm6 5 o " c .■" 3 ^ < 5^0 z: a •Up n-.i '"' M c^;^ rr J <>' — H "S S^£ 167 r C - — =: >EC i-6 ^ « " r^^ I "si 3 =J m s= os r^ i 29^ V • ".ssi!:ii ^ ^ -. ^ " — ■ - -g-6^--S g.. ■^ ..= ■'■2^ [J oo ^3*^^ cj j' t. c £ ^ — i! o 5 3 a! ...-.Pis ''S • ■ -Z. Olj.^ - = SaacSs ■ JiSsS^SsS X Cd >.■ if g-ags; ^ ..-Si:.. <«..§" 3 (B O.^*^ "^ rt O ■- - ■- o -■ o M &] * = (ios j| < *^ U O V 173 ■;:5r;l >v-5 ® f^^ CD - " - a- ^ H="^-3< rt O M . '* "i a. W "S ^ ■d c ^ i: 5 I Z S 05 •- ~ -— I— — * t: ^ "S - ^ " H d M '^ ''■'=:•==- t; 5i -- 174 cSS^^^ ■ c "^ ^ 0. ■ ^^ c i- — — o c ^ .^v^& 11. ^ B— .. f. 175 *;5- = =s*i: = 5^ Ere tf _ - ? s c i- =*■? c^ ?-* Q . c^ — ■" z " °- -,? .22 X c ® tf o aj o 8 2 J hi So S 3 h^ JTI T - J " * fc- < ^ t •S 2S !■< 2 Is" qj aj jr I.I '^ ^ ■■ 3 £ S 3 S ■x^-£2^ra .-= - a. a 0~ M— r- ■8 ■a-£|='E < -a fc- ? ., >-- ^» ■?'*' 177 ■^ .■■r-xj <" — 3 '" HART. JOHN MALCOLM, nivicliaiii; pros, Jnliu M. Hart Co.; b. Spotttylvaiila County. V;i.. Jan. Ti. ] 8 7 li : s. WiUIam Henry and Martha P. Hart; cnI. inih. sclils. ; mem. Mld-Oay club. C. A. A. : office. Conunerclal National Bank Bldg. H E B E L, OSC A R, lawyer : mem. Cook Co. bnavd of assessors : b. St. Louis, Mr... Jan. 6. 1S6S: resident of Cliicago since 1875: U.R.. Lake Forest Univ. iSVUi: adm. to bar 1.S92; asst. city prosecuting atty., 1895-7: nominated for city atty. on repub. ticket. 1901 ; election commissioner. 1901-4; mem. board of asseisnrs sii>ce Nov.. 1904: oflflce, County Bldg. 178 HIMES. ISIDORE H.. ju.Ue ..i Muiil,-i|>.il vmul: i>, 4 im-.i^n. June 21, 18*J1; s. Henry and Y»?tta Hiines; att. high schl. and busi- ness college and worked as iKiokkeeper and correspundent fnr O. R. Keith, millinery, for several years; in 1SS5 went to Washing- ton. D. C. as clerk in war department and studied law at Columbian college: admitted to bar of district of Columbia 1887; was assistant to probate judge of Cook county for nine years, assistant city attorney and m.ister-in-chancerj' of the Su- perior court: elected judge of Municipal couit on republican ticket Nov.. 1906: mem. Illinois Athletic club; office, 148 Michigan Av. HIGBIE, FRED K.. i»res. Americiin Meat Packers' Supply; b. Fair- poit. X. Y.. 1S66: s. David W. Higbie ; purchasing agent for Nelson Morris & Co. until 18 93; he entered the packing house supply business: incorporated company into tlie Fred K. Higbie Co.. and remained as pres. and gen. mgr. until Nov.. 1908. when disposed of interests and organized Meat Packers' Supply Co.; also pres. Higbie Lester Co.; clubs: C. A. A.. Midlothian. Contry, Kenwood; office. The Rookevy. HOPKINS. JAMES STOLP. lawyer; h. Aumra. III.. .Tuns 20, 1879: s. Albert J. and Emma .Sl'-lp Hopkms; ed. L'niv. ot Pennsylvania; grad. Illinois Coll. of Law; master- In -chancery. tJ. S. circuit court.; pres. Gaiy. Hobart & Valparaiso Traction Co.; clubs: Exmoor Counlrj*. Highland Park. 1'. A. A.; mem. Phi Kappa Psi f rateniity ; Mason ; residence. Highland Park ; office, 2 06 LaSalle St. HAIGHT, GEORGE I., lawyer; b. on Koshkonong Prairie. Mich , Mar. 2 6. 187 8: s. Stephen and Ettie Ives Haight ; B. L. Univ. Wis. 1899; 1 year Chicago Law School; LL B. North- western Univ. 1902; professor of damages in Chicago Law schl.; club: 20th Century; office. The Rookery. 179 HANSON ALBERT HOIT. pa-.^enger tramc maniigfr. I. C. It. R. , h Salfin. Ma- . (i.t *J 4 . 1 S Hi ; fnrty years with 1. C. K. U- : olarterj In kpmI frplRlK im sliitMlcal work, advanced tn chief cltrk. tti griil. sur^t., then ayst. Kcnl. passenger agent: 2 o years geiil. passt-iiger agciii: lias heeii passenger traitic manager four yenrs: mem. C. A. A.- office. Park Row. HOWLAND. THOMAS S.. vice pres. SI. P. Ily. ; (illlce. 2i)!l Adam; M secly. and trea: HAUGAN. HAUMAN C. comptroller and lan' : promoted to a noii- commissioned of- ficer and honorably discharged 1 .S S t> : joined Chicago police dept. 1SS4; sergeant. lS!t((; lieut-. 1S!I.~. : won revolver cham- pionship police dept. IsiMi: M.x ti ; K. P.; odlce, Addison and Halsted Sts. 180 HOWE. HERBERT D.. lawyer; b. Morris. III., Nov. 24. IS7«: s. Homer IJ. and Kiwoia J. Howe: mem. Mld-Day club. Thlcago Bar Asf II. : residence. I.Ji Grange. 111. ; r.ftlrr. LaSalle St. Station. HITTELL. JOHN B., civil ensliieer; b. Louisa Co.. la.. Jan. 6. IstJC; P. Tlinniiis and Lydla Steltler Hittell : C. E. Lehigh Univ.. S, Bethlehem. Pa.: over 'JO years' continuous service with the city (if *'hicaK-i ns engineer in charge of street construction; chief en- gineer I ',10(1-0 : cUih: Illinois Athletic: mem. Soc. of Civil Engrs.. Adi. Soc. of Municipal Iinyrovenient-;, pres. of 111. Soc. of Engrs. and Sur^'eyors; office. City Hall. HUNT. NICHOLAS. of i.^ilice. HALPIN. JOHN J., capt;iln nf police; b. Chicago. Jan. 2'.». 1862: s wmiani and Mary Halpln; ed. parochial schls.. St. Patrick's acadenn: patrolman. 1892. sergeant. 1005; lieutenant. 1906: captain. 190S; mem. K. of C. Cath. Order of Foresters; office, MOth St. and 'Exchange are. 181 HERREN. SAMUEL C. I.i HOYNE. FRANK G., reni estate dealer; b. Chicago, July 17. J 854: s. Thomas and Leonora Temple Hoyne: ed. ohi Chicago University ; U. S. appraiser 1 S S G - 1> and 18 9 4-98; joined 1st Regt. I. N. G., 1875: captain and brigade quartermaster, 188 0-84: mem. Veteran Corps 1 st Regt. Infantry, Chicago Real Estate board. C. A. A., Iroquois, Press, Midlothian and Waukegan cnuntr>' clubs; mem. charter convention; otfice. 88 I^- Salle St. HANSON. BURTON, lawyer, general solicitor. C. M. & St. P. Ity. C.) : b. Rushford. Winnebago Co.. Wis.. Aug. 27. 18.53; s. ('oniellvis iiiui Catherine Hanson; ed. Whitewater Normal schl. ; adnilltcd to bar 1877: in general practice of law In MliwauKee until Sept. 1. ISS.'!, when received appointment as asst, general solicitor C. M. & St. P. Ry ; made gen. sollcltJ>r. Sept. 15. 1S95; mem. Kenwood club; ofTRce, Railway Exchange Hide- HOLLAND, JOHN F.. lawyer: b. Worcester County. Mass.. 1S58: «d. Phillips Eieter Acad.: A.B. Han-ard Coll., 1885; att. Harvard law schl.; A.M. .Harvard ITniv,. ISSS; adm. to IH. bar 1S88; appt. master-ln-chancery of superior court 1906; mem. Hamilton. Union League, University, Law. City, Midlothian and Chicago Literary clulxs. Chicago Bar Assn., Men's Club of Hyde Park: offlce. Borland BIh. 182 HURLEY. TIMOTHY DAVID. l.iu>t-r. i- >U>-->aiU-. Kj , Aug, 31. 1863: s. Timothy Hurley; ed. local parish school; entered printing office and learned trade; came to Chicago In 18 82; worked in joh printing officea; LI. B. Northwestern Univ. 18 87; has devoted special attention to children's legislation: first pro- bation officer in U. S.; pres. VisltaLli>n and Aid Society; ex-prea. III. State Conference of Charities, and St. Charles Schl. for Boys; dir. Chicago Industrial Schl. for Girls: \ice-pres. Charity Direct- ory ; secty. Cook Co. Child Saving League ; office. 7 9 Dear- bom St HANREOOY. JOSEPH E.. general contractnr ; b. Chlciigo. 1864; 3. Patrick ami Margaret Hanreddy ; ed. pub, schls. ; mem. Iro- quois club. Knights of Columbus. B. P. 0. E. ; office. Unity Bldg. HOLLAND, WILLIAM ERNEST, physican and surgeon: b. Not- tingham. Eiig.. Feb. 3. 18 66: s. John and Sarah A. Holland; surgeon to Mary Thompson hospital, professor of gynecology and abdominal surgery Illinois Medical Coll.: ed. Downer's GroT« high BChl.. Illinois State U.. Illinois Medical Coll.; office. 103 Stat« St. HAIR. BENJAMIN MORTON, pres. Northwestern Yeast Co.; b. Covington. Ky,. Jan. 14. 1848: s. Rev. Gilbert M. and Jane Morton Semple Hair; entered U. S. army. 1862. with Morgan raiders : asst. state treas. of Illinois. 18 7 5-77; mem. Press club. K. of P, Ancient Order United Workmen; established in Chicago 1877 "with firm of Hair & Kldgway. lumber, mill and boi factory business; retired 1901 to devote time to present business; residence. Evanston. 111.; office. 8 89 N. Ashland ave. 183 HONORE. LOCK WOOD. jti.|«i" "I Co.: h. VMcixRo. Sept. 7. ISC'.: Carr Hnni.rv; e0:i; clubs: Chlcafio. University. Union. Saddle and Cycle. Iroquois. ChlcaKo tiolf: office. County Bldg. HANCHETT. FRANCIS GILBERT. lawyer: b. KanevUle. Kane Co.. 111., Ori li. 1 s ."i); ; s. iMivid and Fayetta Churchill Hanchett; A. B. 1SSL>. old Unir. Cliicago ; att. law depart. State Univ. of Iowa: adni. to the 111. bar 18.S4; engaged in practice Aurora. 111., until l!)0:i: state's atty. Kane Co.. 111.. lS.SS-!»2: since Oct. 17. 1003, asst. U. S. atty. at Chicago; chairman vepub. ceu. com. of Kane Co- 8 years; residence. Aurora. III.; offlce. Federal Bldg. HELDMAN. JULIUS N.. lawyer; b. Schwelnfnrt. riermany. Oct. 22. 18 6fi; s. -Nathan and Keglna Heldman; ed. I'nlv. of Ba- varia. L). B.. Lake Kore.n I'nlv.; came to America. 1881. set- tling in Cincinnati. O. : after Ilvhig In New York for two years, came to Chicago in 18Jt*2: commercial law, specialty: dir. Cos- mopolitan Schl. of Mtistc and Dramatic ,-\rt; nfflce. The Temple. HAYES. HOWARD W.. lawyer; b. Steubenville. O.. Oct. 30. 1877: s. William P. and Mary Elliot Hayes: U. B.. Untv. of Michigan. 10 1: one year with firm of Follansbee & Fol- lansbee. 6 years with firm of Dunn & Hayes; appt, asst, cor- poration counsel; meoi. University. Hamilton. I>egal. South Shore clubs. Beta Theta PI fraternity: Royal Arcanum; Chicago and Illi- nois Bar Assns. ; Mason; 2 years secty. Univ. of Mich, .^himni Aspn. : 1 year secty. Hamilton club; office, city hall. 184 HOY, LUMAN T.. I"nile7; s. Aiiani and Anna Iteese Happel ; 18 mfr. ; in ahstrai-t dejjt.. recorder's office ■Hint. 1S92-4; with county agent I. (.'Iiicagii. . _ 90 ; cigar 1890-2; hi county IS 'J 4 -5; a.sst. supt. water main extension. 1 S9G : supt. Douglas park. 1 S9 7-X ; county romniissioner of Cook Co.. 189!)-! 900; asst .warden Cook Co llosp.. I!t01-L»: warden since Dec. 1902: Mason: otflce <'ianity Hosp. HAYNIE, WILLIAM DUFF, lawyer; h. Salem. 111., Aug. 16. 18 50; s- Abner F. and Martha DuflT Lee Haynle; grad. Har- T.ird Coll.. A.B.. 1S74: law dept. HI. Wesleyan U.. 1876: practiced law, Bloomingtnn. HI.. 1876-85; chief clerk In ofllce 1st asst. postmaster gen. 1885-9; practiced law In South Dakota 18 8 0-94: entered law dept. III. Steel Co. . June. 1894: now mem. firm Knapp. Haynle & Cainpbell: dir. HI. Steel Co.. 111. Manufacturers" Assn.; mem. University. Iroquois. South Shore. Colonial clubs ; nfUce. Merchants Loan & Trust Bldg. HEINTZ. EDWARD LOUIS, physician; b. Rulla. Mo.. Apr. 27. 1 S 7 4 : s .Tiilin Louis and Fannie Heintz : ed. Univ. S. D. : Ph.C. St, Louis Coll. of Phamiacy. 1898; grad. Univ. 111., medical dept.. 1901; secty. and one of founders Universitv Hosp. : adjunct prof, materia niedica. coll. of metUcine. Univ. 111. ; attending physician University Husp. ; former pres. Chicago Assn. of T'niv. S. D. : former pres. Alumni Assn. Univ. of HI. ; grand secty. Alpha Kappa Kappa fraternity: author "Alpha Kappa Karipa Catalogue and History-;" pies. Eta chapter house assn. ; 1st lleut. and bat, adj. cadets Univ. of S. D., 1S91-2: mem. Chicago and m. State Med. Societies, Am, Med. Assn ; offlce, 18 5 6 W^ Chicago Av. 185 HARRIS. ABRAM J.. Criminal Ct. Bldg. clerli of CuuU (_\t. Ciimiiial Court; office. HOYNE. MACLAY, lawyer; h. thkasu. Oct. 12. 1872; s. Thomas M. and Jeannie T. Maclay Hoyne; A. B. WUliam'a Coll.. Mass., 1895; I.l. B.. Northwestern Univ.. 1897; adm. to 111. bar, 18 97; asst. corporation counsel city of Chicago. 19 03-7; appt. special counsel for city council gas. oil and electric light committee, 19 7; nominee dem. party for county judge, Nov. 1906; mem. Chi. Bar Assn. Chi. Law Init., Phi Delta Phi and Delta Upsllon fraternities; clubs; Chicago Legal, Chicago Law. University ; office. 108 LaSalle St. ■ BOLD, LEANDER J., ragr. Standard PrlnUng Ink Co.; b. Cln ?'""»"• 0.. .lune 1. 1878: 8. Prank and Katherlne Ibold: ed. High sch.. Cincinnati, and Kenyon Military .\cad. ; came to Chi- cago 1896. In employ of Standard Printing Ink Co.. ai man- ager; clubs: Chicago Yacht. C. A. A.; office. 09-71 Plymouth JONES, WALTER CLYDE, law.ver; b. Pilot Grove. la.. Dec, 2 7. 1870; s. Jonathan and Sarah Bufflngton Jones; ed. pub. and high schls.. Keokuk. la.: grad. engrtng. course. la. State CoU.. M. E.. 1881: Ll.B. Lake Forest Univ.. 1895: adm. to m. bar, 1895: mem. law flnn of Jones. ,\ddington & Ames. Chicago and New York; dlr. and trea.i. Benjamta Electric Mfg. Co. ; dlr. Stromberg Electric .Mfg. Co. ; repub. member State Senate of Illinois; mem. Franklin Institute (Phlla. ). Am. Soc. Mech. Engrs. ; es-prei. Chicago Electri<^al Assn.; clubs; Union League. Hamilton, Uuadrangle, Midlothian. City. Press. Chicago, Country, Kenwood. Calumet, Cosmos (Washington), Lawyers (New York) : joint author and ed. Jones and Addlngton's Annotated SUtutes of Illinois, and Appellate Court Reports of IlUnoU: omces, 1,3 4 Monroe St., Chicago; 2 Rector St., New York. 186 HARVESTER BUILDING — Southwest comer Michigan Avenue and Harrison Street. 187 ri'^Lu^r,.'"^,?l^^^^7,■lwp1^^'n^''.|",'''^" ,*''T*\.°""'''''„^^^ ^8"". '■■"'•'In-" 1.04S '■0"nis f"r Buest,, and U thp largest and most eial«'iuli- liultl iner fierted undct .idglniil (■niitiaot. <;eur8e H. Gazley. managing director. H8 HEYWORTH BUILDING 189 190 SggS ^ til ^ Si g=gu = c = = o - s « ao « £ ^ £ 5i ? 2 rt-S ■52115 c ^ - ^ = 3=8 5.2 i^ =5 MC =^ w 0^ a. a n: SS o 191 192 Is as = 6-5 •33s 193 '-'3 ^ £ S •5Q J; O = c: ■5 s oc - = < =- LU = - X_ - o ^ ^ 194 o ^ OB £ S « . «5 £ "" S = g — 4) t- y 2 S = V 5% 3 ffiS ^4 St"* to — — C o COH o tf o-<-> •-"Soi: 195 gggffiBSMKSS^ag: JOHNSON. ALBERT grod. Cornell Univ.. pres. Jan.. 1000: .••oPL ' '•""onal Lltu Insurance Company ot the UniUd States; b. Oberlin. O.. May 31 1S72; ed. Obarlin Coll.: 1895; was ylce-prea. Arkansas Midland R. R. ; became Identlfled with The National Life Insurance Co.. 1902; elected dlr. Broadway Savings & Trust Co.. North .vraerlca Cold Storage Co.. Columbus Sate Deposit Co. : offlce. 159LaSaUeSt. 196 JACKSON. GEORGE WASHINGTON, civil engineer; b. Chicago. July 2 1, ISCl: eel. pub. schls. of Chicago and at Oxford, Eng. ; in engineering and contracting since 1 8 }S 3 : contractor for the Strickler Tunnel through Pike's Peak; for 14-foot, subway at Reading. Pa.; pneumatic tube system for the Associated Press; W'entworth At. drainage system. Chicago, and about 90 per cent of the entire underground system for the Chicago Telephone Co,. Postal-Telegraph-Cable Co. and Western Union Telegraph Co.; also systems at Cnlumbus. O.. Indianapolis. Ind., Muscatine. la.. Philadelphia, etc.; engineer and contractor for system of tunnels in Chicago for the Illinois Telephone Construction Co.; consulting engineer local transportation committee of Chicago in study of the traction problem: hydraulic engineer for the high pressure water commission of the City of Chicago: clubs: Illinois Athletic, Chicago Riding and Driving. Chicago Technical; mem. Western Sue. Engrs.. K. T., Blk, Mason; office, 7. J 6 W. Jackson Blvd. 197 i " o" S = en ." r - " ~ ^ 1 ■- = f" r :^ to ^. P. 9. ~ - "■ ^ '. HI: " ■ ■ o ■ ^ i - "■ S !^ 198 o 3 i ° ■= r: 2 o w c , :_ K > = ■5 . ' S S I s ' g 2 i ^' o S &" = ^il — S I' _^ -* ■ a a •.* w © c '- ^* = 5 -S . « „ J^ O «) a 4) O « C-Ti 3S5..I "^' c S o * 9^ ^ = sSi O be a hi ' o aj > c S-2 > ^ o ^ C rt rff-^ - 199 t: i - ?=« l-> ft) a « «; «..=■ « ?' - 00 rt 2 . c-S© . n o OS x5"8 =5=^ ^^5 "^..-0, ¥k b. Chle dlr. Corn o-S^g ng C alrie n, Te : offl r.i^i a :a . '^tK o-a — -o ?:55-; c -^pq ci:..£S I 5-. w 5£ s=«= 200 f c 9 tJ « C0 = 3^E -o^a- .-Sol's" IS 201 3 =:h = o > &?s 5 «*- -; - ziS = S 3 V ■■«ei S :j = e'^- ;i a» ■-K i' ; 5 i:;^- ^ s ^■8 ■3 ■^ ^ -.-=- s (f> •:' X - O (A 3 QC - z. . K BC u" tx ^ 3 X ::: X ^ a E o < (- d?-| . " .« '^ in So to V, C J . en '^ ■KB t; So •207 ■ 00 » ■* = l; . 3 = a -"2=;, 2 ® rt -a— -2-3 '^fi«^'S-< — <3 5 * •'S'^'s S — :J . . p 5 ? .^ 3 '1^ O WS"?^ ? 5l . <" ~ 3 — — — ■ - «— X i;"* * K a - rft- * rt^ S c ^ — >;^i.^.isss- = = — == t, Oj< 3 c . -J » . gi: Bf e !• ^1 ■ o < o C rt £J- SO : «j Ci *" ! ^ j= -i ji: bs ©ad c^ 10 = s ' si?s = "ill -""^^5 " „• £ B O W d In D o ii r: "J e 208 ||s=- O O O ^ ^"Z a; jj 3 fc- rt o - ^" "O c: ■ igB 9=5 Hi jt- c b S > II s'^ 1 •« S I ■a cj c3 _o t- ■< ^ 3 to ^ ?5 ^ ^ H c . c s a » « <^ ^ = =j g ^ » -^ " o ? «■ §" ^1 •=■ -2 g i ■— ^ ~ V 14 -^ ■■ ll^l ■° 5 >^ ■■ ^ CO "s t- = 5 g a 3 a go ". g -S i a n: c S i> m !3 " ^ s .■ ut o a ^ o 209 I- o E = ^1 ■^ 1 ^ >• ti ^ Z 00 ^ ■ ^£3*3 = &; ^ ^ « iS -* : CD « : S — *"* -o > to £ . o > 3 ^ c o - -^ " I < ' e 0= •« fe ■? S" 1 3 I g < S *: ■£ ^2 tc ^^ S S o O ^ 0^ -• o E- ^ ::; « tfl ea ^ m ti -_ ^ CO J oj ^2^ I -a £ . o I- C— a^ G d O - ° ~ i ^ a ■- « ^" « ;c — o'~'"ra'- ~' ^ "^^ -li a: 2^ „-O^C O c- r:=« C2 si-'""! •210 •• >: ^ S Q • S *" 00 tiiJJ fe Or-s rH .ii*-.'3)rt« rt ■ - . o jam" ^^ -» c cr •- & --^-^ *^ " t- t> - a^-.5 S bo ^ .1-1 ti >.r "^ ^ = S .2 ? .-3; I- 2 S i c ^ M tU u ; g o 2 1 ■= S " f fi p . ■211 « OC C g S - _ - ' iSi'^ ° = § *« sis ^ C = rt w ts. — '" - _ o i =^ g o^E^_■ . ■ S ^ M ^ rt m r-" •* c « - o *J w i = aj — — S 2:1 ^ C>H> sill ' r a)"H c ¥ ri o" 3 n >i'q" ? 2 a t *^ .5 . .<=.."2 3 212 CO I- 01 o g o Oi ^ o s °1 15 e iM a g ago o -^ I a z a a ui § & i »} • ■5 3 lo S a " rt S a " s 2 § -So S £ s - '^ S i ° © 1" o t* il " sj s i n (T o> o i " £ « a W £ o o ° = S-sS-"" ;S ' =iS ■SK- «£■,;» c-o £23 •m'^ a! 1-1 ^ M p g O ^. ,iri sM = " M =J MOO f^ "O tS • o . M ,-5 ^ =S°| "S ^ "O S *J • "DO j|'S EScsi-o ,■ » fS-KI'^'^-i- CC P 3 --^ to'-' Jll"' ^gi ■ ° ■= "i >-"■■■=§ aS^i 213 = Ti s a •= = = s Z n -y- ec ^ M r ^ .O f ^,. S a ■? . « - , £?% STi^- 2 JSSo >> 5^ Boo ^^^i 3 c « ? .a rt o c c IS! 1 > ^1 ii .-J t SW'S i CL'tl c>10 ^■^ = c o<-< lo ''s^ CI *:!: S'aT Is 2'" 2 si P £ > Jicc ■s^t^it P o o = ^i Vw y.' ■■■' -■ ZS E ii^^S ij- l^r ■sb = ii _] o""" 5"s u .. o o ■3 Is < 1 i •?-n- = ;isS 2£ ?^^ i« -*"v; S 1- ajr- r- a^s K-3 214 e^ M oj 2 i' a.- _ a-c £ OS o a dSSiS "do b C rt g, C yi O -, dOgO^ d cs .- Z6&iimi KOHN. ALFRED D.. pliysician; b. Chicago, Mar. 24. 1S69; s. David A. and Theresa Levi Kohn; B. A.. Harvard Univ.. 1891: studied in Munich, 1894-5; grad. Rush Med. Coll., 1898; 2 years house physician Presbyterian Hosp. ; contijiued studies in Vienna, Berlin and Frajikfort; started general practice in Chicago 190 4; appt. mem. board of education 1906; re- appointed twice; deceased Dec. 2. 1909- KIRCHNER. JULIUS C, printer; <_'i). ; omce, s,-, Fifth Ave. manager, Kirchner, Meckel & 215 KJELLANDER. JOHN, city sealer; b. Kristianstad, Sweden. 1863: grad. KristiansUd Coll.. 1881: studied pharmacy 4 years; im- mlcratfil to Paxton. HI.; licensed as pliarmacist in Dl. 1888: moved to Chicago same year; conducted dnig store 5 years; 1893 appointed druggist Dunning In-^ane Asylum; later chief clerk in office of state grain inspector; republican; appointed city sealer May. 1907: office. 117 Market St. KRETZINGER. GEORGE W., lawyer; office. 98 Jackson Blvd. KENT, EDWIN R.. president, Edwin B. Kent & Co., tool steel; offlce, 115 .\tl;ira5 St. KARCHER. GEORGE HANCOCK, lawyer: b. Rochester. Pa.. April 23. 1868; s. John Keble and Josephine Hancock Karcher; ed. Univ. of North Dakota : LI. B., Chicago Law school; mem. Chicago Illinois and American Bar Assns., Chicago Law Inst.. Art Inst., Press. University and Highland Park clubs; Mason; offlce. 181 La Salle St. '216 KEIM, ISAAC, vice-pres. Siegel. Cooper & Co.; b. Chicago. Nov. 2S. ISGO; s, Zachariah and Eva Kelm: atl. pub. schls. and bus. coll.; 1875 began bu-^. career with Charles (luthmann & Bro,. dry goods:1876 entered employ of The Fair; 1887 be- came buyer and gen. mgr. : May 1SS7 one of organizers and partners in Siegel, Cooper & Co. ; on Incorporation became secy, and gen. nigr. ; lat«r became vlce-pres. and dlr. ; dir. 111. Manufacturer^' Assn. ; clubs: Illinois Athletic, Standard. Ravls- lee; office. 299 State St. KIMBALL. CHARLES P.. pres. C. P. Kimball & Co.. carriage makers; b. Oct. 30. 1885; s. Charles P. and Helen A. Kim- ball; A.B.. Yale; entered business career in Chicago, July. 1907. with C. P. Kimball & Co.; became president of com- pany Jan., 1909: mem. University. Onwentsia Golf clubs. C. A. A.: office 315 Wabash Av. KOHLSAAT. EDWARD CHRISTIAN, lawyer: b. Chicago. 111.. Dec. 26. 1878: s. Christian C. ami Frances S. Kohlsaat; A. B. Univer. Chicago; LI. B. Noithwestem Univ.; mem. law firm Cal- houn, Lyford & Sheean ; club: University; office. The Roohery. KANE. THOMAS C. capt. of police; b. Geneva. N. Y.. May 19, 1S61: s. John and Ellen Kane; ed. pub. and parochial schls.. Geneva: came to Chicago 1879; engaged in the grocery busi- ness; later as paymaster and time-keeper Tully Brick Yards; joined the police force in Hyde Park 18 82; sergeant 1885; lieut. 18S7; capt.. 1802: separated from the force. 1895; reinstated. 1897; since that time has risen to the rank of capt. through civil service; office, Sheffield Av. Police Station. •217 LEIGH, EDWARD BAKER, president and general manager. Chicago Railway Rment Co.: b. Totvnsend. Mass., April 13, 1853: s. Edwin and Susan Seiillay l-elgh: nu.ved to St. Louis. Mo.. 188S: attended City Unlverelty, St. Louis. 1862-67: Washington UnWer- slty. 1867-3: clerk In renn.sylvanla railroad office 1869-74: asst. secty. St. Louis Grain Eletator Co.. and secty. East St. Louis Grain Elevator Co.. 1875-82: manager. American Brake Co., St. Louis, 1882-7: organized National HoUow Brake Beam Co., Chicago. 1888. holding office of vlco-pres. and gen. mgr. until 1903. when he organized Chicago Railway Equipment Co.; vlce-pres.. gen. mgr. and treas. until .Tan.. 190G: pre.^. and gen. mgr. since Jan.. 1906: also pres. Franklin Steel Co.. and Holland Veneer Works: mem. C. A. A., and I'nlon League. Hamilton. Press, and Illinois Athletic clubs: B. P. O. E. : office. Forty-sixth St. and Winchester Ay. 218 LORIMER. WILLIAM. U. S. Senator eontrac..r; b^ Ma^chesU| Eng ; Apr 27 18;^^^^^^^^^^ ^^„f ,1 by parents when 5 years old : resident of Chicago sin(« ISrO .»lsnpamters^pprenii^^^^ and brick mfg. : pres. Lorimer & Gallagher, con- street railroad company: entered real estata bus.. 1886. pres^ 3 rhSJS- detated for clerk of Superior court repub. ticket. 1S92: mem. t^act^rs: supt wa^r-main exU,nslo,>. <^^^'^^' ^^''^^,^'^{g^%f,S^SriJ- S l^^lV y^^^^ l"o09; resigned seat In house of repre- S^3:^'5i,l^f'•^i*.^"'^t'm u'l'SnafriJ/ll. 1909: offlce. The Rookety. 219 €JS *: C3 .. C - = a; * J" - S . .-' ''" -. '^' - _ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^H|^^^^^^^^^^^| ■JSg = ■5-4 •>)i ^u— oaf K-jSu" ®— '^ S .. ^-^ .. £^ . S Sn^ ■ '^ ^ «'^i- ^* « ." ^ rH V H == .. .S..E-3%Sc t^^lci JS L.S2 . ^ ^ j: fJ ti "^ ^05 O MeO'-'SO O o •5S „ s a _ > ■a 3 ■« 3 - == M S I- ■- ^ - ►- I' ^ « o Ij =» a E S =" S 5 S -^ B 223 .2 = ■& =; O "" O 5 o - w s s ■«; S E = ^ £ 2 £ - §•3 I i X^ M .= ^ I ! if- . = * « ea z = ;_ .. •- ~ '^ iS ffl CO q s ■? n e' S-aoo_: -: ■^ OtlJ= " C t d, c--^- ■3»; C.S Sr^O 2-24 2 B -33 3 " 'S ."3 9 U :'"t: t- -a S! 0. . o o ;^ i ' 1 $ a T3 n D -OS ^ I'll*" ■C M « o 5i- » L. o a •^ S .■:3 "*" " i; t^ 2 3 5g .» = &, -•I 2 = 5 ® 5 seg! - o o Q-a o o . s " t oiS -o £ '' O 4( ^ ^ * Q mt^ * C 1- « o3 a p a tazo-^s "II I, -a 225 C •O -^ 8 S = g « 2 - I -- I =■ lilis l. a r: « c < 00 -- w ,. Z 00 IT) U> c o ' ' ^ s f- ut n 5 S s :S UJ o, u 50 ^ Ik ja E S r- Z 5 c rt 1^ - 7 s <« » 5^ D C ■■ o o rt ■S«c, £ C t . E o tc ^ tfl KS^";^fes"S _ c ® CD aj £ >.^ ^ c = c ' S z - E = c £ aJOOCrH*^ ,-;X] lie-" 226 LEDBETTER. ELMER E., lawyer, b. Muulliie Co.. 111.. Apr, Kl . 1S81: p William Harrison and Ada I". Ledbetter; LI. B.. Lake >'oresl I'niv. ; admitted lo bar. 1!>()4; instrumental in securing legislation against "loan siiarks;" secty. -treas. WllHs Shaw Ma- chinery Co., treas. McLend-Ledbetter- Abbott Co.; residence. Oak Park; office. Fort Dearborn Bldg. LUST. H. C. lawyer; b, New York City; s. Phillip G. an(S Adellna C. Lust, ed. Northwesteni Academy, University of Chi- cago. IJb. Yale law achl. ; co-author and editor. "Annotations to Illinois Cases," incorporated In "C I. L. & N. I. R. :" editor- in-chief, "American and English Mining Irrigation. Oil and Gas Cases, Annotated;" office, Merchants Loan & Trust Bldg. LOEWENTHAL, JULIUS WILLIAM, investments; b. Chicago. Apr. 27. 18T(t: s BertlKild and Nannie Loewenthal ; LI. B. Cornell Univ.; Ireas. Home for Aged Jews; office. Chamber of Commerce Bldg. LEWIS, GEORGE FREDERICK, president. American Printing Ink Co. ; b, Siirnia, Onlitriit: s. Richard and Margaret Craw- ford Hart Lewis; trustee, village board, Hinsdale, 111 ; Mason; mem. Hinsdale and Hindale Golf clubs; otlice, 23 14 West Klnizle St. 227 LAV IN. PATRICK J., voMce Inspector; b. Roscommon County. Ireland, Jan. 7. 1856: s. Michael and Mary Lavln; joined Chi- cago police department April S . 1 S 8 2 . as patrolman ; patrol sergeant. Aug. 30. 1S89: Ueutenmt. July 12. 1893: captain. Feb. 16. 189S: Inspector. April 8. 1902; March 10. 1903. was placed In command of the traffic squad, or central division, mem. Illlnola Athletic club. Royal Arcanum; otBce, Central DU, Police Headquarters. LOEB, LEO A., Insurance underwriter; b. Memphis, Tenn., June 20. 1S67; 3- Adolph and Lucille Hart Loeb; entered Insurance agency A. Loeb & Son, 1887; now a partner same firm; Tlce- prm. N. German Fire Insurance Co., and asst. U. S, mgr. Transatlantic Fire Insuranee Co.; dlr. United Hebrew Charltlea, mem. executive com. NaL Hosp. for Consumptives, Denver; vice pre3. Home for Jewish PrtenOless; clubs: Standard, Hamilton office, 159 LaSalle St. LOBELL. JOSEPH H.. lawyer; b. Kngland. Jan. 14. 1858: s. Henry and Anna LotJell; ed. In Eng. and U. S. ; pres, and dlr many Wyoming oil companies; clui«: Press. HUnols Athletic; office, 7 3 Clark St. McWeeny. CAPT. JOHN. captain of police; b. Manistee. Mich., 18 66; resident of Chicago since 1882: appointed to police force Aug. 15, 18 85: appt. sergeant. 1889; passed highest In examination for lieutenant. 1900. 228 MILLS, HERBERT S.. prcBldcnt. Mills Novelty Co.; office, 221 S. Green St.. 229 MaoARTHUR. ARTHUR F.. pres, MacArMiur B:t>3. Co,; b. (tnimel. N. \ to C»ilfa«o. 1874; att. Chicago Acad.. A. B. Harvard I'lilv.. 18 8 2 Co.: 1884-90. In charge of street crntracta of MacArthur Bro3. Cj Oct. 24. I80l>; s. Archibald and Keturah Pratt MacArthur; came 1882-4. eomieoted with Chicago yard W. and A, MacArthur Lumber In St. Paul. Minn.; 1890, in charge of work preparing Jackaon Park for World's Fair; Bhig.. N. Y. City. clubj; Union League. University, chlcagi) Chi -ago Engineers', Western Society of Kngtneers; office. Hanover Bank 230 MITTEN. THOMAS EUGENE. >liwl unway offli'lal; b. Sussex. Eng., l,S(ir. : rune m i, s issu; telegrduh operator. C & E. I. Ry.. 1883; later agent, train dbpatoher, train master and adjuster of claims; 1892 appt gen. supt. E'enver. Lakewood & Golden R, R. ; 1995-1901. gen. mgr. Milwaukee street rallroa.d company; 1901 became gen, supt. Inteniarional Ry. Co.. Buffalo. N. Y. ; Dec. 1901 to 1904. sen. mgr. same: pres. Chicago Cjty Railway C'. since 1904; office. 164 Dearborn St 231 MORRIS, EDWARD, packer; b. Chlca«o. Oct. 1, 1866; enfia*red la business bIdc* 1882; prei. and treas.. Morris &. Co. Filrbink Can- ning Co.: dlr. ]8t Nat. Bank. Live Stock Exchange Nat. Bank, Chicago City Railway Co.. Chicago City & Connecting Railways Co.. and officer or director in numerous other banks and corporatlonB; mem. Chicago Board of Trade; clubs- South Shore. Mld-Dar SUndard- office. Union Stock Tarda. 232 McGOVERN. MICHAEL H.. contractor; pros. M. H. McGovem Co.: office: 138 Washington St. 233 "5 3 s m :^ i TJ M ^ 'J; a ■ u -- = ?- >-= a — . t- JH = S o ?i|ii vj " i i g s » » 2^ a,= «--r.' «- O ~ -: O ;,=-/. < *A rH E - ^ lis -Si: 7 = ?! = S IP a a ^ 234 *; 3 o « OS a 3 ," n a - U « ^ C .-Sot* ■ o«^ ■ '" >.** li"ti = 1^-2 1 ■s ^ •/. — 4- — •= ? ^ ■ - ^ — - - U ^ " ta. o - ■- > r C T - _■ ■5 ■^ c c ^^ >- < a. c 5 5 1 C ■a s ^ - •^J u : C K - * 9j ■5^ = IJ ^ C t^ ^ * K..£ j— j: *. = c ii ffl r--^ > 4, Sr fe 238 y (3 a; ; :-J5 « i cij - =- a =^- _; ;S - o — L. •"• __j — '"' — "^ c ij a = i c - *^ ;i ils » -3 i-£S ,5.5'! m — ^ - :■ ? 1 1 = ; E = K ■- :- 2 = g " « ^ r° « S ■g ^-■a a_ gl * a; m"S t O — -^ *- r^ — =^m ,- I;; O ^ a O O '^- ~ ^ ~ -f. a- ,^ . w ^ o O _^ O o~ «= 5 = SB Z*^ » = — 1:3 J 239 - .SVi O ^ « 2^ a! a ££ 3 0:5 C 01^ 5 -^ = -a - ;- tt g— or; — « a -^ m 2 E "^ » 3 -d 3 -Isi^ O — £ ®i3 ^ O — ^ z ^1 ..;C 240 vSi "^"Eil Pi". Ma, — 00 2 =^ ..— !■« = .. in .- O — O m = 5 "-a -i"5 m^ t b32' — e! . 4 aM o -2 e d ai a; 3 TO ^■M « ©M -^ r« l-H -J^ - O SJ 3 >> x„-f . a • .-"aiSM" E 241 ^ .- ~ M 2 t ■= » c — S « ttf 5 s t- o c -r < ci * c •= = i -r "^-T ¥■? « - . J= C - - a- < = =?'«■' =,-S "■ = ^' ^ Oi *- . 2 00— r c-C - * ^^^ = — 5 t* ; X = ., - ■ i = S ; > ^ - -. I ' - - - c 0.-= - -c,^^ ■ " - c _ X rtx: _J z -^ < - x^ bl m SC2 242 so- !^ — - S^ E . = if s T" £ S3-. ^ = — - n ■ — - i:- a' ^ » > « r.<;=: ::— '' = c ej .^^ = =111 = a i: * «i- -T - aj cs S ; CM ' C w '"00 ••g . ^ t— " o nr ^ ^ f- ^ 03 = - « ■C5o 243 o — c-a ca 3 - n «J :i c a, £ ^ .* £ S fe * T3 x-O c -o .=■ J= O s 3 ^ op 5 o- F^ « - 3. £ a 1°^ = o a> c n ^ 41 "7 ^ ^ •- *- •^ d. >• 0; 4J 3 " ~ d i fe S T3 I c s u ^ 3 '^ ^ 1 5 ^ = j= » c < 3 < t: 1 s M ^ H 1 9 > rt ^ a ■■' -1 r ^ ■3 t- ; n c o Oi 244 q M — z e o = £ < q: D^U I •■ «r loo O too •c o is gft 245 V ^N^^ ' ^"^^^^^^^^^Bl*"^' »5 i¥;; ^ X i -- i 5 =5 •S3? 1^^ 5 M"" " ^ 3- ..t a_2 = -J jc c -a± O UI -n M a> -J a> £ I I I I O) IT = 3 9 = = 5. I ^ (1. S E . E S ■ "I si-" « ■• ^ Jo LU j: I- o' ,^ S t- - ^ < ** *? = ?; 246 = = 02 _,a 1 G S « a ao a a o s ^ ~^ a ^ ^ z s3i.e t; Oi 3r 1 ■■ a_ 4, M^ cd 1/ p -5 ^ 0» a s c IK "3 II •0 :^ a -1^ OS S S 5 ii V fl J3 •n fi d ft > ffl z « < en ^ ff .o * ■0 u at a X3 z 3 < 247 1 " 5 »■ o -■•■S is 3-?; ■d ^ a 5 K » v; ho.'' *5. - a o c c stf^ <» o E £ js a , . • a ^ o ill < i S 3 i" 248 '"2 " 01 c " '^ o ^ 3 O -' C. C « ..C "C OW ^ V a 6 ^ '^ t'^ u'S ^"^ 1^ = s . a« Cflr;^ rK „ c o 3i-*r- m t, rt = c * i ° « S < CO 7. o: -c Ed M ■2 » "■ a >•■ fl a) ;.' 3 I- a -a c S w £ -O J= «« 3 « *= " " ^- £ Ji S ^- • '^ ^ '^ 1 CI"" •■" a o , o c E H 5J =0 -O _- - SS Q -r ^ V K a- S M < .. Q<= J a» 5 0> a 2 S s S 5 ; 3 o cn ^ ^ E a '''.■'5W t — '■ 3e CO om o 5 C E "■ ■S "CM •0 " a » §583 s ..• o53|| 251 MORRIS. JOSEPH 0.. lawyer; rfflce. 164 Dearborn St. MAYER, SIMON, sccreUry of Chicago police department; b. CIiI- cago. July 14. 1871; s. Salomon and Helena Mayer; ed, pub- lie schls. , and business coll.; cash boy In 1885 for Marshall Field & Co.; bookkeeper for Charles Gossage & Co,; millinery salesman for Edson Keith & Co. : city buyer for D. B. Fisk & Co ; real estate and banking with his father: served as seoretary of police department since July 6. 1899: dlr. Jewish Aid So- city and Young Men's Associated Jewish Charities; mem. Rarls- loe Golf Club ; Mason : office, city hall. M DRR ISON, C H AR LES B., lawyer ; b. llarpursville. New York. 18r»:^; grad. Union Coll. of Law. now Northwestern Univ.. 1877; commenced practice of law Dixon, 111., 1878 elected Btate's attorney of Leo Co., IRSO; held office three successive terms: 1877 formed a partnership with S. H. liethea for gen- eral practice at Dbton and Chicago : 1898-10 5 made asst. U. S. attorney for Northern DIst. of 111. ; 1905. appointed U. S. dlst. attorney; 1907, resigned and became special counsel for U S. In the Government vs. Standard Oil Co, case; now 6 member of the firm of Morrison. Brown & Gould: mem. Union Ixiague and Dijcon clubs; residence. Dixon. HI,; office. First Nat. Bank Bldg. McAULIFFE. EUGENE, general fuel agent Rock Island-Frisco Unea; B. London. England, Oct. 3, 18C6: s. John and Mary Williams McAullfTe; moved to Toronto, Canada. 1869, thence to Dakota territory; entered employ of the Northern Pacific R. R. when 18 years of age as apprentice, later as locomotive en- gineer; resigned this position to enter service of Utah Central Ry. ; served on various railroads In United States In mechanical and transportation departments; appointed fuel agent Frisco sys- tem, March 1, 1903, and general fuel agent Rock Island- FrLico, Chicago and Eastern Illinois and Evansrllle and Terre Haute roads, Jan. 1. 1908: offlce LaSalle Station. 252 MOORE, LEWIS THEODORE, chairman board of pensions. I. C. R. R. . b. Feb. 20. 1843: s. Samuel and Sophronla Ston* Moore- ed. public and high schools, Massachusetts technical school. Providence. R. I.; by profession a civil engineer; began engineering on street railroads. Providence. R. I-. I'i64: since July. 1867. continuously in the service of I. C. R. R. aa asst, division engi- neer, division engineer, roadmaster at Amboy. engineer at Chi- cago, chief engineer at Chicago, consulting engineer at Chicago; chairman of board of penaions from Not. 1. 19 06; served In Rlst Massachusetts \M. militia. 1862-1863: office. 111. Central Station. MUNGER, EDWIN A., lawyer; office, 107 Dearborn St. MoELLlGOTT, THOMAS G., lawyer; b. Chicago, Sept. 2G. ISGl: s. John and Sarah Jane Cusack McElllgott; att. pub. schls. and business colleges; learned cooper's trade and engaged in tea and coflfee business; elected to 111. legislature on dem. ticket. ISSG: re-elected. 1888 and 1800; adm. to 111. bar. 1800: 1890-6. clerk of Appellata court, 1st III. dlst; office. 7 9 Dea.rbom St. MAGERSTADT. ERNEST J., city collector; b. Germany. Dec. 26. 1864; 3. Frederick and Lena Magerstadt; ed. pub. schls., Chi- cago ; 1878-99 in the wholesale and retail coal busineas ; 189 2-4 has been supt. of streets. So. div.. 1894-8: clerk of Criminal ct. ; 1898-1902 sheriff of Cook Co.; 15 years mem- ber repub. county central committee; delegate to repub. nat. con- ventli ns 1892. 1890; 1907 appointed city collector: clubs; III. Athletic. Hamilton. South Shore; mem. National Union; Ma- son; K. T. : office. City Hall. 253 McGOORTY, JOHN P.. lawyer: b. Conneaut. O.. August 2 5. 1866; 5. Peter and Mary Gaffney McGoorty; LI. B.. Lake For- est Univ., elerted to the Illinnis legislature on democratic ticket 18 06. re-elected ISftS. 10 04. and 1 ft 06 ; 1 06 was appointed by Gov. Deneen one of the three Illinois commissioners to the na- tional divorce laws convention. Washlnjiton. D. C- : mem. Chi- cago charter convention, American. Illinois and Chicago Bar Assns. ; mem. Iroquois. South End Center. Charlevoix, Wood- lawn and City Clubs, C. A. A., Knights of Columbus, Elks. Boyal Arcanum. Royal League, C. O. F. and A. O. H. : office. Reai>er Blk. MAC CHESNEY, NATHAN W.. l;u\vtr: 1., (.hliM^M. .)unr 2. 1S78; s. Lt. Col. Alfred Brunsnn and Henrietta Milsom Mac Chesney : ed. Univ. of the Pacific. Univ. of Arizona. A.B-, 1 890 ; att. Leland Stanford. Jr.. Univ. and law department Northwestern Univ. ; Ll.B. L^niv. of Michigan. 1002; post- grad, work Northwestern Univ. law schl. 190 2-03; adm. to Illinois bar. I',t0 2; mem. Nat. Guard of Arizona; I,t. Col. and judge advocate, I. N. G. . past commander. Sons rf Veterans. U. S. A. ; mem. Soc. War of 1812: author Abraham Lincoln. The Tribute of a Century (McClurg— 1 000 1 ; mem. Chi. Assn. of Com., 111. State Bar Assn.. Am. Bar Assn.. Am. Soc. of Internat. Law. Phi Helta Phi fraternity. Royal Arcanum: Mason: clubs: University. T^nlon League. Hamilton. City. S nth Shore. Ohicapo IJterary, Twentieth Centurj'. Kenwood. Men's Club of Hyde Park (pres. 1008-10). Engine«i-s". Michigan Union (Ann Arbor); office. 108 La SaUe St. McKENNA. PHILIP J., lawyer; b. Limerick. Ireland. Uec. 10. 1862; s. James and Margaret Sheahan MiKenna: M.A. Queen's Coll., Cork: removed to E^canalia, Mich,, 1 SS'A : publisher and ed. Escanaba Dally Mirror 1886-0 7; removed to Chicago. 1897: grad- Chicago Law schl., and Northwestern Univ.; 4 years grand knight. 111. Council. K. C, ; elected pres. Irish Fel- lowship club of Chicago, 1010; clubri : Chicago Automobile, Chicago Gun. Iroquois; mem Chicago Bar Assn.; office. Stock Esrhange BIdg. MrCOY, WILLIAM, Van Buren Sts. president McCoy Hotel Co.: office. Clark & 254 MARKMAN. SAMUEL K., lawyer; h rhi(.i^;o, i »,[ ll. IST'.k S- Charles and Julia Markiiian : Ll. B, Luke Forest Univ.: adra. to bar 190(1; alty for villagf'; "f West Hammond. Burnham and Dal- ton; clubs: Hamilton. Hinsdale, Hinsdale Golf; mem. K. P.; resi- dtnce. HlnEdale; offioe. 185 Dearborn St. MAGUIRE, PHILIP J., lawyer; office. 1 u(J WjshlnBtoii St. MASTERS. EDGAR LEE, lawyer; b. Carnelt. Kan,. Aug. 23. 18 6C; s. Hardin \V. and Emma J. Dexter Masters; ed. public schools and Knox Coll.. Galesburg. III.: adm, to ba;, ISOl: lo- cated in Chicago, July. 1892: given attention to rases involv- ing constitutional and industrial questions: contributer to maga- zines; author; "A Book of Verses." "Maximilian." "The New Star Chamber and Other Essays," "The Blood of the Prophets" (verse) and "Althea," "The Trlfler" and "The leaves of the Tree," prose dramas: mem. Press and Illinois Athletic clubs; office. Ashland Blk. ^ MARSHALL, BENJAMIN HOWARD, architect; b. Chicago. May 5. 18 74: s. Caleb H. and Cella F. LeBaUIie Marshill: ed. Harvard scL, Chicago; employed with Cement, Bane & Co., whole- sale Clothing; at 10 became office U'y for H. R. Wilson, architect; worked way up and at age of 2 1 was given half Interest In the business, the firm becoming Wilson & Marshall, until April . 19 2: practiced alone from 1 2 ■ fi . designing following Chicago theaters ; HUnols. Powers, Cilonlal; 19 5 In partnership with Charles F. Foi as Marshall & Fox. designing the new BIackst/*ne hot*l, Blackstone theater, St«ge- hu tiding, Chicago, and Maxlne EUlott's theater, New York City; clubs: Union League. Chicago Automobile, Exmoor Country. South Shore; office, Natl. Bank Bldg. 255 MACE. ALFRED CLARENCE, general contractor and engineer: b. Kent. England. 1 8ri4 : s. George and Eliaa Mace; is vice- president and director Coats Sc Burchard Co. ; mem. Builders' Assn.. Hamilton club, British Empire Assn.. Ilinoia St. An- drew's Society. Sons of St. George and Masonic order; office, 159 La Salle St. MoKINNEY. ROBERT M.. cashier. National Banfc of the Repub- lic; b. NauToo. III.. Feb.. 1864; 3. Robert W. and Mary 3. McKlnney; mem. Bankers' and Illinois Athletic clubs; office. Na- tional Bank of tlie Republic. MANSS. WILLIAM HENRY, representative of National Wool Ware- house and Storage Co.; b. Cincinnati. O., Sept. 2. 1SG6: 3. Louis and Phoebe Manss: arrad. Wittenberg Coll. 1887, Yale 180 2, Univ. of Berlin. Chicago .A.ASf»clation of Commerce: mem. University, Union League and Traffic clubs; office. First Nat. Banl( Bldg. MELCHER. FRANK OTIS, general manager R^x-k Island Lines; b. Daniariscatta. Me.. June 14. 18(»4; s. Frank B. anil Har- riet Harrington Melcher; ed. TufU CoU . Mass., A. M. B.. 1887, C. E., 1895; mem. Exmoor. Onwentsia. University and Union League clubs; residence. Winnetka, III.: office. LaSalle Station. 256 MILLER. GEORGE W.. Kivwer: b. near (;ilman. III., Jan. 12. 1S69; s. Rufus H. and Ellen Hale Miller; gr^U. Oilman high schl.. Union Col. of Law, and Columbian Unif. Law Depart- ment; 1891 entered law office of James R. Mann; 1S94. be- came junior member of law firm Mann. Hayes & MUler; firm dissolved In 1 S 8 by death of Mr. Hayes, and continued stnoe then as Mann & Miller; elected to house of representatives. Illi- nois legislature, two terms, 1894-95, lS0«-97; master In chanoery. Superior court, eight years: asst. state's attorney. Coolt Co.. for short term and asst. corporation counsel of Chicago about a year: mem Press and (ex-presldent) Hamilton clubs; nffl^-e. FitNt N.-it. r.ank BIdg. MEiER. GEORGE J., lawyer; h. Muscatine, la.. Mar. 30, 1S76;3. Jacob and Margaret Hoefflin Meier: ed. Morgan Park Acad., Univ. Chicago: clubs: Hamilton. Noith-West; mem. Chicago Bar Assn.; office. Corn Exchange BIdg. 1^-^^ .^^^^^^^Er^^^^Hll^^^^v.^fl9l^^^^^^^lKi. METZGER, GEORGE, restaurant man; b. Stratsburg. Germany, Jan. 21. 1S57; ed. Lyce schl., Stratsburg; moved to New York city, 1872; caterer. Brunswick and Gllsey hotels and Hoffman house: caterer, Delmonico's. 187 6-90; caterer. Auditorium and Annex. Chicago. 1890-94; started George Metzger's club res- taurant 1894 and has managed it since: club: Hlinols Athletic; office. 180 Monroe St. MORRISON, CLYDE A., lawyer; b. Peotone. lU.. Mar. 12. 1876: s. John W. and Pearl Palmer Morrison; moved to Chicago 18 82; ed. Univ. Virginia; in legal depts. C. & E. I. R. R. and L. S. & M. S. Ry., mem. firm Pam. Calhoun & Glennon, later mem. firm Wetten & Morrison, and Eddy, Haley & Wetten, and associated with Calhoun, Lyford & Sheean; now In practice alone and asst. city atty. ; former master-ln-chancery, superior ct. ; editor The Hamiilonlan; one of owners and editors of National Irriga- tion Journal ; vice-pres. Hi. League of Repub. clubs ; associated with nat. repub. com. 1904 and 1908; secty. Busse campaign com.; clubs: Hamilton. Colonial; office. First Nat. Bank Bldg. 257 McKENNA. DR. C. HUGH, suryii-ii : b. Mo^cw. Wis.. Mai. i:;. 1S75: s. M. .1. aiKl .Mrtiy I- MfKeima: ]J. S. Univ. Wis.; en- tered Rush Med. Cull. I'MXI; ivs.ociated with late Dr. Fernand Henrotin : maj. surgeon in oumnmnd tield hospital, I. N. G. : asst. chief ot staff. St. Joseph's hosp, ; consvilt. surgeon Xoithern Insane hosp.. Elgin, and surgical dept. Northwestern Univ. Med. Coll.- mem. advisory board Chicago health egan pracUce in Chicago. 1893- attorney for Illinois Coal Operators Mutual Casualty Insur- ance Co.; senior member of law firm of Mastin and SherlocJ?: di- rector In several coal compaides; mem. D. K. K. fraternity, Illinois Athletic and Westward Ho cluli^^. Patriotic Sons of America. Mason; residence. Oak Park, 111; office. Fisher Bldg. rtORRON. JOHN R., pres. Diamond Glue Co., Diamond Casetn <■('.; dir. Bank of the republic; Schwartzchlld & Siilz- heiger Ghie Co.. .\udebert Wall Paper Mill; clubs: Chicago. C. A. A.. Merchants. Mid-Day. Forty-Midlothian; mem. Chicago board of education; office. 218 LaSalle St, 258 MADDEN. CAPT. JAMES B.. MINZESHEIMER, LAZARUS F.. lawyer: Ik New York City. July y. ISlil; s. Ferdinand and Sophia Minzfsheimer; 1874-S7 in offlce of Julius S. Grinnell; grad. Union Coll. of Law; 1887- It 2 with Lazarus SUve^niaii in banking business: associated himself with Chicago City Ha'lway Co.. becoming general attor- ney: deceased Mar. 2, 10 10. MORTON, JOY, salt merchant: b. Detroit. Sept 27. 1S55; s. J. Sterling and Camline Joy Morton: ed. Talbot Hall, Ne- braska City. Neb.; senior mem. flmi nf Joy Slorton & Co. since 18 85: pres. and dir. Great Western Cereal Co.: dir. Am. Trust & Sariiipi Bank; Morlnn-Gregson Co.; Western Cold Storage Co.; C. & A. R. R.. Equitable Life Insurance Society; Cont. Natl. Bank ; pres. International Bait Co. of Illinois, and Hutchiuson- Kansas Salt Co. ; the Am, Hominy Co. ; mem. Chicago Historical Soc. : clubs: Commercial. Chicago. Caxton; also Lawyers, Trans- Dortatlon, (New Torki : office, Railway Exchange Bldg. MAHONEY, JOHN J,, captain of police: b. Buffalo, N. Y.. Oct. 1 C, 1 S59 : s. Timothy and Anna Shannon Mahoney; ed. pa- rochial schls. ; worked for a time as check clerk for the Penn- sylvania road, then as printer, and later employed in the county building; June, 1887, became member of Chicago po- lice department; has done duty In various branches of that de- partment, and since 18 9? has held rank of captain : mem. Arapahoe club. County Democracy. Royal Arcanum and North American T'nlon; office. Maxwell St. Police Station. 259 260 201 MAJESTJC BUILDING— 7.-. .Mi 262 NOEL, EDGAR MARION, president Noel t'onstructk,,, Co^; b f^^J^J'^^.j^'^^""'^^;,-, J,?:' jSuu.U' Clut^ ■Rnitim^TVlS'Sl Sodeu"ot New 263 i 1= c" ■* = 3 g = 5 = 00 1 g £ a. a S " >5 — o = 11 ■3 S hJ g S " « o 3 x: "- " ? P o '4. f « " •£ § f ~ E o •- * s fl a i- '^ " CO c s ^ e X -^ £ 'A c r-' ^ t-l oc $ V r°> ^•5 5 o S t. o ^ £ Z o o 13 ^"0 2 c •r i^^s OS c « ■■ S S s t = i i -e ■a rt 3 3 c u a £ iF E O "S = £ e T X y. : — i: c: < , o ■c "^ ei O (L = > ji. ,c Oti IS i s = 1 00 £ ^ t s r- B b a gigs .^<.c^Po- rt *5 o o ex" c oj E '- ^ C ^ CJ *J cs T. Z^i^-il- — — C aK CTO 264 265 NOONAN, FRANCIS J., lawyer; h. Creston. la.. Mar. 17. 1883; 9. William and Ellen Noonan; A.B., St. Ambrose Coll., Daven- port, la., Ll.B. Catholic Univ. of Am.; came to Chicago 19 03 and entered law offices Moses. Rosenthal & Kennedy; later started practice ah ne ; office. First Nat. Bank BUlg. NATHAN. ADOLPH, mercliant; b. .^t. Coar, Coniiany. .M;)y S. 1844; 3. Jacob and Helen Shelr Nathan: settled with parents on farm near Lancaster. Wis., 1849; ed. high schl. dnd commercial coll.; enlisted private 4l3t Wis. Volunteers. 1864: started In business at a^e of 19 as keeper of country store: 18 76-7 financed Chicago & Tomah R. R.. SO miles, sold later to C. & N. W. Ry. : moved to Chicago 18 80: or- ganized firm of Kuh, Nathan & Fisher, clothing manftrs. ; vice pres. and financial manager for 20 years; 1885 elected pres- ident Street's Western Stable Car Line, resigned 1 88 S : dlr. World's Columbian Ejcp'n. on committees of ways and means, and manufacturers, and chairman of committee of adjustment: pres. Civic Fede^tlon of Chi. 18fl7-8: one of organizers of Nat.. Assn. of Merchants and Travelers: many years nres. Chl- rago Clnthle'-s Assn.: dir. Mercantile Credit Co.. We^trumite Co. : mem. T'nion Lencue. Standard and Tdlewlld golf clubs: office. 2 76 Franklin St. NELSON. NICHOLAS J,, iiresideiit N. V. Nelson Co., Ciikv.go and New \>Kk. dfciratirs: b. Chicapn. July 1 ", 1 .S(;7. NELSON, WILLIAM office. 51 I-ake St. president Amerii-an Wall Paper Co. ; 266 NOONAN. THOMAS J.. Ilu-.ilti NAY. FRANK. ;;frifr;il ;iii.lLti.r. l.\ K. I. A: V. i:. li- . b. near CiTluiubus. (>.. April I !». 1 S tJ 1 ; s. (Justavus 9. and Margaret J. Nay; grad. Greenville. 111. . high school, 187S; taught school. 1K7H to 1883; statbtical clerk Missouri Pacific Ry.. l88.'I-4; statistical and freight clerk. Texas & St. Louis Ry., 1884-87: traveling auditor, 1887-89: chief clerk in general auditor's office, 1889-99: auditor, Minneapolis & St. Loula Ry-. 1899- 19 03; in 1902 also made auditor Iowa Central Ry. : second as9t. conmtrolier. C. R. I. & P. R. R.. April 1. 19 03. to April 3 0, 1904; aast. comptroller. May 1 . 1 '.»u4. ti» Nov. 13. 1904: appointed general auditor. Nov._ 14, 19if4: mem. TTnlrn 1-eague clvib: residence Morgan Park; office. La Salle St. Station. O'OONNELL. JERE J., general supl. Printers Srln.nJ ISimU iiud Kdilion Wahash'Av. The Henneheirj- Company. Hinders, 5 5 4 and 5(1 267 NATIONAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY BUILDING. 1 ."!» LA SALLE STREET •268 269 OSTERMANN. HENRY C, air l.uildei. 270 O'CONNELL. WILLIAM L.. nifgr. aiul jobber ..f ciyius; b. ChicagM. May lo. 1S71; s. Miclmel .1. ami Anna Bennett O'Connell; atl. 8t. John's schl. and Chicago Coll. of Law ; chairman clem, county coiiinilttee: 1904-5 deputy connnissioner of public works; IIHH; c'oinnilssluiier of public works: mem. Loyal Order of Mo.>se. K. Testers, K. C. : otlice. 044 Wal^;l^Il Av. O'KEEFFE. PATRICK JAMES. Liv\ycr; b. fliatitullt-. Inland. .March 2!». 1861; s. Pjitrick and Margaret Fox Sullivan O'Keeffe; graduate of Limerick (Ireland) Diocesan sendnary. Queen's Univer. (Ireland) and Lake Forest TTniver. : engaged in newspaper work in New York and Chicago. 1SS0-S6; em- ployed by the late Phillip T>. Armour 1 S.S7-n(» : engaged in legal field shice ISO 6; dir. Augustinian Society of Illinois. Chi- cago schl.: mem. T'nion league club. Art Inst., Cathol'c Club of New York. Knight?* of CnUmibus. North Amer- ican Union. National TTidou and Royal League; office Ashland RIk. O'BRIEN. QUIN. lawyer; b. Atlantic, Mich.. March 27. 1871; s. Quinlan and Margaret Greene O'Brien; ed. Panora Coll., Panora, la.: B.S. and M.A.. Highland Park Coll., Pes Moines, la.: Ll.E.. Chicago Coll. of Law: trial lawyer for city of Chi- cago. 1S97-99 mem. press club. Knights of Columbus. Catholic Order of Foresters; has lectured at Chicago Law School since 1901; office. Unity Bldg. O'BRIEN, PATRICK D., inspector of police; b. Peterboro, Canada. Aug. 2 7. 1 S."»7 : s. Patrick and Margaret O'Brien; came to Chicago with parents Oct. 9. 1S64; attended public schls. ; learned butcher trade and engaged in coal business with father and brother : joined police department July .31. 1 S 8 2 . being assigned to Harrison St. station; promoted to desk sergeant July S. 1886: lieutenant. July l. 1S93; captain. June 26, 1901; Aug. 11, 190(i, assigned to command detective bureau: appoint- ed inspector, 1909; mem. Knights of Columbus. Irish HLstorical Society. Chicago Assn. of Commerce; office. Chicago Avenue Station. 271 rj" K = -■ -5 ^ ** o ••SI .s j; = = s? 2 s s g ^ a £■ ■^ -2 M ^ . ffl X ^ O to E "3 ^ == aa "3 •' ■ o ^ ^ i M ^ S ? " i ;5 ~ ■? X c = - 272 5 uTJ w. 'Mi IS-:. .5 ■■ = "■■(» = ^ 5 S-o 2 a, fc B -Is. "05 ^^§|| r ■ - •' - s; ' i i ^ - ~ ' x_2 M E 5= ■s-" 273 CD ^ 3K ^ rt ej e S.-..6« rt T-. SCO s£§ - " ^ e . « B " S 3 a 3 s ills L" 3 f^ £ I £ = •: & '^ s Si... " £ = L- E I O S W _3 S fc a ■? 5 »" ■= 274 • ffl -^ 2 OT F tri^ bIsS„- •„■■■«■= a -"S (n 2 c * X^ Eg, Co """S-^iJ - - t: ft ^ t 275 276 •277 PUGH, JAMES ANDREW, prL>si(.k*iit 'A tlie fi-llowins: Pugh Terminal W arehuuse Co. (treas). Chicaso Li^litera^e Co.. The Furniture ExUiijiUati Co., Chicago Car Loading Co.. Winnetka Club Building Co.. Railway Terminal Warehouse Co.; b. Columbus. 0-, Dec. 27. 18G4; 3. Judie John M. and Martha F. Pugh: established Furniture market in Chicago; establislied lighterage business on Chicago river; clubs: Illinois Athletic, Press, Chicago Automobile. Rotary. Plstakee Yacht. C. A. A.; office. 4 62 E. Illinois St. office, 100 State St. 278 onuicDC inuu .Id.i-m^in- h Trpland 1 S t1 • came to Chicago l 872 : worked in grocery store, and later established business for himself : elected 1904: has 1 279 3 2 - > i! o 3 ..::; _l G • Q = S z ^ oS££§ = ..|S-s O 5 = = ^■ cc-T =r y. 00 u = i I' _ s ;: = ,-= 5 <~ s He UJ « ^, s = kfSE * jaoo a* . 280 = 53 sit •5 a -So Mo '3 O I- — )■ 1.3 sa 2 .■ 281 a - UJ 3 O D ^' «i o o . — sic 3«0^ - 3 ^ -t: £■; ■^ rt -r rt O ; "o ..^ *" ° £: =>J c c sa^ lUClCO al s5S 282 II x ^ 2 "a m S w r-t-^ "- £ rt wE ■^ =»2Sv;| •SSS-°>3°.. iiss^p ^°^c..=ra" c3 o ©CO m S mercl ed, B ; cam a. 18 ackers and 0. ; M o^'^S-£5-3 2 = »sl3=;S 283 o O ■SCI u c - o o "I" >o ^^^srpigl rt .■2S,"p.i5S>.- ''" "S C<& OK' — ^S-^OS !>" 6 3c.-£o .s -■s s ■= o = 'S2oog S'' . . ?^ K :.^-?-%'!.l'- ^.-^ig &. t_- ;«"•' Sci-j-ES ■"£^"m-c5''-< =y -SSSs -^ : . ^ ,:&" -'^-S- 00 "? p:c^i^iils = 5 K UJ o UJ -Sb4— £S63'-B 284 a r^ - »- = — '2 >— ^ eJ a) CO C °"l^iisi rt ^ = M 5 : ts UJ i aj j: o = 5 00 m Of< "3" Sir; O t: ■^ o 5 -1 ^ c M '^ n a ? o m ; 3 o r ^ :;; :=l ^ •*■ - ?1 s 3 L. >i '- (J o n ^ -1 CI A cS Ch „ C4 CJ ■j; K o ^ &0^ ^ i -a Z, < 285 •o=t3 COSS -J a-c t^ 286 "" C O J3 o ^ 5; 5 tn « OJ . *i fc- r^ . X OS M Br 5 S U iri 1- = - g < =5 t; UJ ^ 3 "^ „ 287 " ^ S § S a ■■ '^ oT > r5 = l! •^ 'J! « a> ^ = -- -- : - i_ ~ a -- -■ « S p ic. - -*.-■' u e in - S I- tt = Uf_g ■■■::: L" o X ■ ■ J= '^ O O , =! - C 2«S S-^-^CS-Z ago i, - " : O 3 : t. 5 £91 S5gs- -c i: L ^ — a ojt; g t-x: -^ ^ a E ^ 3rH iJ CO. 30^ a J-30"C -" J = „ -s & . rf . « o o « ds meahaut; b. Buffalo. N. Y.. 1S71; s. Charles W. Partridge: grad. Oberiin Coll.; manager. Hiliman's store; clulis: South Shore. C. A. A.; n^.ce. 112 Slate St. PETERS, EDWARD HARVEY, real esUte ; b. New York. Aug. 11, 1 8fiO ; '^. William Atwuter and Lena Peters; ed. pub- srhU. : entered real estate and InvoAtment buslnes-s In Chicago, 1891; 9 years the firm wa-i Edward 11, Peters & Co.; on Apr. 1 . 10 4. changed to Fetzer, Peters & Co. ; former W, Parlt Board Commis.-iioner; Clutw: C. A. A., Illlnola. Hamilton. Chicago Yacht, South Shore. 20th Century; office, 215 Dear- born St. PRINGLE, WILLIAM J., lawyer; b. Madrid. St. Lawrence Co., N Y. June 1 o. 1S«2; 3, William and Mary B, Goldie Pringle: Ph It.. Iowa Coll.. C.rinnell. la., 1SS5. A. M. 1888; supt. of schools, Elniwood. HI., and Northfleld. Minn.; 5 years principal of high schl.. Aurora, III,; adm. to bar 1S96 and began prac- tice of law in Chicago 1898; 1902 formed law Ann Pringle. Northup & Terwilllger. to which stUI belongs: repub. alderman since 1904; since 1907 chairman council com. gas, oil and electric light ; Mas n ; clubs : Union League, Hamilton, City. Homewood country; office, 184 La Salle St. 294 PARKIN. HARRY ALVIN. lawyer; b. Klgin. 111.. Mar. 2. 1877: -;, Klchanl H. and Sybil Smith Parkin: B. A.. Knox Coll.. 1!M)0; Li. B.. Lake Forest I'nlv. ; taught school two years in Philippine Islands: returned to ClUcago li>03 and became con- nected with law firm of Tenney. Coffeeii & Harding; IDOG ap- pointed spec. asst. U. S. atty. at Chicago; club: Hamilton: mem. Chicago and HI. State Bar Assn.. Foresters. Modem Woodmen of Am. : office. Federal Bldg. PRINGLE, FREDERICK WILMOT. lawyer. Ontario. Canada: 3. Ira and Kliza Jane Lapum Pringle; ed. Canadian pub. schls. : came to V. S. 18 84: completed legal studies Columbia Law schL. 1880: adm. to bar in Missouri. 18 89. In Kansas and Illinois. 1891: began practice In Chicago 1892; 18!>6-99 attorney for town of Cicero: 1902-Ofi attorney for Village of Oak Park: organized and was first pres. Municipal Attorneys Assn. of Cook. Lake and Du Page counties; clubs: Colonial. OaS Park. (pres. 1903-0.'>) Hamilton; Mason: residence. Oak Park; office. 135 Adams St. PENNINGTON. JOHN RAWSON. physician and surgeon; b. Cory- den. Ind. ; s. Charles P. and Rebecca Pennington: M. D. Univ. Maryland. 1887; 18 93 special course St. Mark's hosp.. Lon- don. Eng.. 1893: located in Chicago Oct.. 19 03: held chair medical diseases Chicago Clinical schl. ; resigned 19 to accept chair of rectal surgery. Chicago Polyclinic, which he still holds; fellow (pres. 1905) Am. Proctologic Soc. ; mem. Am. Med. Assn.. Miss. Valley Med. Soc. 111. State, and Med. Soc. Chi- cago Pathologic Soc; club: Physicians'; contributor to med. lit- erature; office. Columbus Memorial Bldg. PUTNEY, ALBERT H.. lawj-er, dean Illinois College of Law; b, Boston. Mass.. Sept. 28, 1872; s. Albert B. and Sarah B. Abbott Putney; B. A.. Yale. 1893; LI. B.. Boston Univ. 1895; practiced law in Boston 1895-98: in Chicago since 1898: author: "Government in U. S.." "United States Constitutional History and Law." "Law Library." "Principles of Political Economy." "Currency. Banking and Exchange." "Corporations." "Commercial Law." "Mining"; mem. flrm Prentiss. Putney. Meek & Solberg; clubs: Press. South Shore; mem. Odd Fellows, K. P.; office. 160 Adams St. 295 PEAKS. GEORGE HENRY, lawyer; b. Muskegon, Mich., Oct. 11. 18 72; 8. George Franklin and Mary Sherburne Peaks; ed Gates Coll.; came to Chicago In 1S90; studied law while employed in Uw department C. & E. I. R. R, and was admitted to bar In 1894: iUrted practice of law and In 189 8 former partnership with David B. Gann; mem. Union League. Chicago Law, Evan- fitoD and Eranston Golf Clubs. University Club of Evanston. Clii- cago. lUinois State and American Bar Assns . C. A. A. ; rasi- dence, Eyanston. 111.; office. 181 La Salle St. POPHAM. GEORGE MOON. lawyer; b. Warsaw. Ind.. Nov. 23. 18G6; s. Joseph and Frances Mary Byron Popham ; LI. B., Univ. Wis., 1888: adm. to Wis. bar. 1888; prosecuting atty., Jackson Co. , Wis. . 189 3-9: city atty. . Black River Falls, Wis.. 1S93-4: came to Chicago, Feb. 1, 1900: asst, state's atty. Cook Co., Apr.. 1907. to Oct.. 1909; resigned to organize firm Morrow & Popham; cfflce. Rector Bldg. QUAYLE. ROBERT, supt. motive power and machinery- b Doug- las, Isle of Man; s. Thomas and Elizabeth Quayle; ed. Chicago pub. schls. : came to Chicago when 13 years of age; entered serrlce of C. & N. W. Ry., 1871; flUed various positions In the mechanical dept. until he reached the head of dept. of motive power and machinery, which he has held for the past fifteen years; mem. Am. Ry. Master Mechanics' Assn. and Master Car Builders' Assn.; 1899-1900. pres. Master Mechanics' Assn.; mem. of the board of directors, Chicago Y. M. C. A. : office, N. W. Ry., Station "E." 296 297 298 299 THE ROOKERY — This buUdlng is situated at the southeast eomer of LaSalle and Adams streets and is one of the best known office buddings in America. It Is the business home of many eminent professional men and strong Industrial and financial eatabllshmenta. Built during the years 18 86 and 1887 from plans by Bumham & Root, it is considered one of the best examples of arehltecture in Chicago. The Rookery Is owned and operated by the Central Safety Deposit Company of which Owen F. Aldls Is president and Edward C. Waller, »ecretary. 300 ROACH. JOHN M.. pres. .^ .en. m,r.. CWc«o B.Uw«. Oj , .nd Consollda>*d T^^^^^^^^ '^ou^^Zf,' ^'-J^^ASr L^.'^i^iclJT f/ S^!'. Sarah Mackey Boach: academic educatioa Beverly and Athen^^^^^^^ ^„^ ^^„ „,„, jggj. ^13, rfee-pres and gen. promoted to castiier: 1887. asst. supt.; 1889, P'"^'^''='f,°f ^''"l,' r f n on Traction Co.. 1S99; after became pres. of that company, as well mgr. West Chicago Street R. E. C°- v^.S 9 7 . nce^pres and gen. mg^^^^^^ ^ ^^^^ ^^^ Interurban RaUways •A_S°.-?il'i!!!** JS?.'™J°.;„S,"t,,rii',rof''D""s"\t''p.S Spn.f=lub," union teaU. Union; oBce. Borland BU. •9 Consolidated Traction Co.. pres. tnicago »au-»,= v.^ --- .- ... Assn.: chosen U> represent street riUways of U. S. at Psrts eipn. , 301 RICHTER,, EDWARD L., lawyer: b. Odessa. Russia; s. LouLs and Dora Richtei-; LI. B.. Northwestfrn Univ. Assn. of Chicago. Hotel and Restaurant Assn., and Barbers' Protective Assn.; office, Hartford BIdg. 302 attorney for Ma.ster Bakers' T> , . u />^ ■ V. etirintrfi^lH Til Aud 12 1 8 6 2 1 s. Samucl and Augusta Rosenwald: came to Chicago. ROSENWALD, JULIUS, pres. Sears. Roebuck ^..^O; ■ b; SPnnBaeW- '";■ f s^q g^ ^niected with SeaB. Roehuck & Co. since 1895: prcs. Associated 1885: established bus,nes:s of Rosenwa. & "^-J ;^ ';' hd^e« from 11™ 1 8 »8 connee ea^.^^ ^^^^^ Congregation. Jewish Home Finding 8oc.. Coll.. Bureau ot '-''^™J»;i^°"J^„,t,e clubs: Triangle. lUlnois Athletic. Standard, Ravlsloe. South Shore. Jewish Charities: trustee Rush Med. League for Protection of Immigrants, Civic Federation City Press. Idelwlld Country: office. Hanard St. and Homan Av. 303 5 < - ~ S i- si ^ = , © "S i! a ' ui > ;«' . (3 > ^ » . = S .Wort z _■ ■•*" 5 = 'S ■S a '-' < aj "-^ o ' a o c .. . 2p 0_j50c_al^Scrt a 5 c E^^ == 4i 1 = =*^ «,B.o ,, ^^ ....^^->§ i<=!s o. -•22 = ; ..'-5 s^o?** Zi." rt c»°"'^^^S s- -•-5°ciC =P Cm z„>"50oo2'-g .-oa 5^ S c CO c t. 2*^ ^ 304 1 S 1 ■c R 2 u ?{ xi 8 & ,. •ji t a & oj c- -o z: =; r. ^ K i CJ p. si ^ d JS a i e » a is $ 2 5 O ■D •3 7 m n < d s -J o ■SI * ft t- •a c a a X -> " n 6 M °22»a ■■ ;f-s « E •S--2oo'Si 2 « rtOD •a 6CM o = £ :& 2 oil ^■■51 S I f; O C ■- C M qP52 J.. IJ 33 fa Jil-t-^ 305 '." p ::■ ^ — o m Ni^ J -3 J= rf o = - ?;H fc « o j< ' t- f « V Q Q rt O c ..XX! ^101^^1 W . - i 4> c S * C ^ 306 ^ a ^ -S oH] CO Ci = cc '"'' !■" •- > a: ---^ d» < =■" - S -2 c jj -^ a g V 3 - . c ^ O^ ■^i-i - a— o";/: c * *" " Sid =; r, « -Li ^£E 307 ^ ei a e s. o Jfpl >i o z5 -a s ■x p c =s "^ ^ = 1-5: g«° g, 2 o «^ "~^ « "^ n 5 ;: ■ -^ 5 — -^ "^ J= •- i:^ s 4 "a: '^ ■>"- ^ c G^ ^ 2 ■? .. '■' 5 "I- = • SO £ *J ^ ^ "S » "^ 2 S _ ■n" 3 g £ c 5 «j |^-^« c » > M — ■ ^ -■ J= rl C ^"^ J O be o -a ^ H > • u S . _ i £ S « 5 - I 5 S " -J c 2 *- c ~ ? ^ t: ■" ~ '-^ . g £ t« ^ •<: S E c " < W O d s 5 i ;, " » 2 ^ 3 . UJ O UJ U ^ 308 tf, l: M ■ « tj V d lij — *^a ^ ^ ji 2 ^ ■£ cr i; M<=^- £ X ^: , *-« .. S — Hj-iT^? oeo O 00 ," g " 2 e s •:^2 c p 1 3 I o = b Q 2 < ^ X 5 bj ^ -J c 15 S " t ■a S 6 « « E3 S, w x: M o "=3 S oj S ® * 5 309 3 ■= " 2 '"^ ^ ^ ■■=- 3 5- S = S ■ -'- :2 S g; * "S ^ ■/! O ,-1 CO 310 ; " O fe 5 o J w-a 2 t o 'i; c c o S = ^^.:-.= S:3^ w ..d ■ Q r a* — 3 1^, ?- '^ r; w ja '^' > ^ c « - ca •tl o M o |C50« HZ ■OS S»"S ■3o°,3oo3 = a .Cm (» « ^a> ^ i£„-s"i SiSs t- .x o S o /^O-S - — ■• ■^l-S ■:> o = 2k • £ g 2cr :■ — 5— 00 5; .->* o ^ -?, ^'^ — .^ _ Irs i_3 < =g^ ; ^^ K -' i_' « c 311 ■ K Ak ''I i L '^i .^1 £ .3 ^X . S2 ■- c m E REEDY, WILLIAM HENRY, elevators; b. Rock Island. HI,. Sept. 10. 1861; 3. John and Mary Graham Keedy; ed. Chicago pub. schls. and cummercial coll,; resident of Chicago since 1872; started with Keedy merator Mfg. Co., 1879: now J, W. Boedy Elevator Mfg. Co. and Reedy Foundry Co.; former lleut.- col. I. N. G. ; mem. Knights of Columbus; residence. River Forest; office, 4 600 Iowa SI. RICHARDSON, GEORGE PARKER, silk mfgr. ; b. HlUsboro Bridge. N, H.. Kec, 14. ISOO: s. Alliert ami Lucy O. Richardson; nn father's farm until 187 1 when he came to Chicago; em- ployed silk firm T. H, Phillips as stock boy. 1872-78 traveling salesman Belding Bros. & Co.: 1S7S-87 mgr. Cincinnati branch same company; 1887 organized Richardson Silli Co., of which he is the head; clubs: Union League. Chicago, Glenvlew golf. Merchants' Central (N. Y. City), Transportation (N. Y. City); office, 220 Adams St. 312 ROSSITER. EDGAR A.. Cook counlir surveyor; otllce. Countr Hldg nniruiTT T R 1 N K L trA vice-prcs.. Am. Hide & Leather Co.; "l^^'llLJ^l-it f^L'lsle-.- s a T R°enlU^,-ra' ?.'"?" R-e;!,?' Sh?r ^Co" Imi t«oame pres. and «-g-«,- since consolidation with Am "'' ^^/^^^'^'^'S'u, Jn"' rep\e«ntktWe : rovT"o"ch,°cr: nZ-'^s^t ^r A-.-S^th^lhore. metn. Art. Inst.: offlce. 22 5 I-ake St. ROSE, DONALD. to pre.. L C. B. R. ; !=• Sco.Und^ -ov^ ,0 Canada when a .x,y: spent 2 years In '"™-^f ^^^„, °;';"^* Trunk Ry.; later sened In traffic depart^ °7«J™pe raU- later served In traffic depart, ot Rock Island and ^^-^J^^^' roads: entered the service of the Illinois Central 1 8 9. 19 09 made commercial agent at Salt Lake City: ^^°- '^1^^^%^^ 2nd vlce-pres.: Feb. 1904, app. gen. European agent with head Quarters I London. England, where remained untU appolBt^l asst. to pres. Feb. 1, 19 09: offlce, 1 Park Row. ROSS, WALTER LINT. vlce-pr», T, -j', ^^ .', \ ^^"'and Marfafet Bys.: b. Bloomlngton. "l- J""- !• \vabash R B ■ has been op- Lme''°road: Dec. 1. 1907 '^\''„"^'^^,,SI'^\il'Jel \n 'aJ^e 313 RICHARDSON. WILLIAM HERBERT, general a-eiit. C & K. I. R. R-; b, Bloomlnglon. 111.. Jan. 25. 1802; s. Lunsford P. and Bllzat>eth Wallace Richardson: stenographer, C. B. & Q R. R. , 1 8 S <> : stenographer passenger dept. C. & K. I- R. R . 1862-00; rate olerK, 1800-96: chief clerk. 1S96-1900: appointed gen. pass. agt. Nor. 1000: Mason; C. A. A.; office. LaSalle Station. RAINER. PAUL P.. Rookery. pres. Central Freight Assn. ; i.irtice. The ROE, CLIFFORD G., lawyer: b. Rolling Prairie. Ind.. June 26. 18 7 5: s. tieorge W. and Ma,rietta Dnimmond Roe : lived In Chicago since 1878; A. B. and I>1. B.. Univ. Mich.; asst. state's atty. Cook Co.. Dec. 1. 1906 to Sept. 1. 19 09; prosecuted "white slave" cases, and Is now engaged in movement to check "white slave" iraftice in U. S. ; clubs: Quadrangle. City; mem. Delta Upsilon Fraternity: Mason; office. 135 Adams St. ROBERTS. JESSE ELMER, lawyer: b. Rensselaer, Ind.. Nov. 3. 1 S tj '. ; s. Preston Floyd and Louisa Ransell Roberts; begaa teaching schnol a,t 19; served as mem. board of education, San Bernardino, Cal. : LI. B. Univ. Mich. ; in practice in Chicago since Oct., 1892; atty. for villages of La Grange and Summit, and several townships; mem. Indiana Soc. ; Mason; office. First Nat. Bank Bldg. 314 315 ¥3l S .£-' Cj:: >^ 1- Q C M ' O a f i ! ■^' •s^S-'S «a|^s M O O'C E^&i'^ 5 s . ^•eS.-s s « S « ^ c 3 = sr« =^ il^-sg ^•e « a to th vas s uiire sp com og "— O S% ".S k5=" *^o •_ •a^c j° c 2 LC g » £•=■5°=° .".&S Mr aj- " p oi Jose rovvt floor ma tlm ^ til 04, °§|l§ ?.§:- 0^ 0^^ Ejsl-^S 'xi: c ■ G ri be 3 «3 k c o^-^-g seigf l?ll! c si: S Z 9- b: to CC *- ^ C ^ QJ > ° S sS " O OJ ^ o ^ 316 317 318 w T , J- r—™,„» Tan " I 1 V ^. 1 • s Phlllo and Sarah Shaffncr: iires. Manhattan Brewing Co.; ofBce. CHAFFNER. CHARLES, merchant: b. LanBenilorf. Germany. Jan. J4. l^.-^l. s i^iujiu a..u ...... 3 9th St. and Emerald Av. 319 SMULSKI, JOHN FRANKLIN, banker; b. Pa;en. Poland. Feb, 4. 1S67: s. WUliam and Euphemla Balcer Smulskl; ed. Chicago pub. schls.. St. Jerome's Coll.. Berlin; engaged In newspaper work with father, who establiihed first Polish newspaper in U. S.. 1 8 8 6-9 ; taught St. Stanislaus 3 ■hi. 1 year; LI. Tt. Northwestern Univ. ; adin. to bar 1 S90 ; practiced law until 1906. when he organized Northwestern Trust & Savings, of which he has been pres. since; 1808 organized Pulaski Lumber Co.. and has been pres. since; repub. alderman 16th ward 1 term and 17th ward 2 terms. 1888-98; city atty, of Chicago 1903-6: state treas. of 111. 1907-9; pres. West Chicago Park Commissioners. 1908-9: clubs: Ham- ilton. Lincoln, rre.93. North-West; office, 1154 Milwaukee Av. 320 SPINNEY, EDMUND C. pres. Union Life Insurance Co.; b. Wilmot, Annapolis Co.. Nova Scotia: att Horton Acad.: Acadia Coll.; mem. Har- vard UnlT. class. 1S78: erad. Newton Theological Seminary; degrees A.B. and D.D. ; engaeed in insurance business for 20 years; for 6 years was Iowa and Nebraska manager for U. S. Life Insurance Co. of N. Y. : clubs: Hawkeye, Fellowship, Press. Harvard; mem. Chicago Assn. of Com.; Canadian Soc. of New York City; office. Chicago Savings Bank Bids- S21 SHELDON. A T. P'K Meldon sdion and of the Shcldrai Univer. Pi-ws, ejucatur .i.ul l«tu,„- ui, bu»iii«» lupios; Ij. near Vernon, Mich. 186S- exiid, normal schl. : taught district school 2 years: several yeare a salesman: I.l.B.. Univ. Mkh.. 1S!I2: giving ud Dractice ot law bK-ime In few year, gen^ sales mgr Wenier Co : founded the Home University League; later became pres. the Sheldon Co ;foSnKai8^en« of sa^SLaSshto jPOlylng to this problem the methods of Blackstone in organizing the English common law; progress led to the organSat^n of SheldS^i sSSS' Urn?.: mem. Kappa Sigma fraternity; clubs: Rotary. C. A. A.. Business Sdenoe; Sheldon University Pr«ss and nucleus of Sheldon Commercial Mason. Modern Woodmen of Am.: office. 2 09 State St. 322 ^ . u AliTin Dm 7 1863; ed. common schls. : oreanlzed present Eesre. Bortjuck * 323 SPOOR. JOHN ALOEN, pres. Union Stock Yard and Transit Co. and Clilcago Junction Ry. Co.; b. Freehold. Dutcliess Co.. N. Y.. Sept. 30. 1851' s John and Amanda Alden Spoor: prepared for coll. at Hudson River In5t.. Claverack. N. Y.: resided for a time in Japan, wiiere hfl enfagcd in ^ilk and steamship business: later sunt. Wagner Palace Car Co.. .St. Loub: gen. mgr. same company. Chicago: ISBD. elected pres. Chi Junct By. and pres. Union Stock Yards and Transit Co.; chairman board of directors Chicago City Ry. Co. and dir. of various raUroads. banks, etc.: clubs: Chicago. Mid-Day. Saddle and Cycle, Saddle and Sirloin. Chicago Golf, C. A. A.; New York clubs: Mid-Day. Metropolitan. N. Y. Yacht: office. First Nat. Bank Bldg. 324 SCHWAB sijirf 1], ^v,- 1'i is-li- >; Mol-^e and Charlotte Beck Schwab: came to CHARLES H.. relied u,.,.h..„t: b. Mulhome. Alsace Gema'W^m■ 13 JS^.? o.^^-™ ^^^.„^^^ „f jj g„ & Co wWrfl when 1?! years old; engaged mllQUor business 1876-8 m 18,^^ ^^^ ^^^.^^ (,_^^^„^. ,„„„t„iier of Chicago. ?.r ^'■'Ss^'cSblfn'''a%*:^?uis^V,;fon^LV^ residence. 3.301 Michigan Av. 325 STARRING. MASON BRAYMAN. pies Noi-tliwesteni Elevated__R. May S. lSr.9; sfad, (.'entral High schl,. Chicago, 1S77 l,i..L-,L.,. ,lei)t r B^i (!, R, RVantrPenn. Co. lines. 1 87 S-9 :' 'treiglu dejt. C.. B. & Q. R i:'"li .,n,l other lines. ISSil o; grain and merehandlse. I.™ same i.S!ll-4: asst. gen. counsel same. 1 8 9 4 -S ; acting ee'- ---„«.• iq04-e' Juir 1904. mem. board of dlr. C. C. Ry. Co.: Fel... 1900. R K Co.; clubs: Industrial (pres.l. Chicago. South Shore. Lake Geneva Mem. hosp. : olflce. 13 5 Adams St. R ■ b. Chicago. .May ^. i.5;»y: yiau, ».ciiLiai »aiB" -,.-..... -^*—- t?-- _- „■ x relaht dent C B & Q. R. R.. 1 87 9- 80 ; gen. baggage agent C. B. & U. ISSo's: SsSperrntendenfs offlce. Chicago City Ry Co 188S-91^Uw d«pt^ counsel same 1898-1903: gen. solicitor same. 1903-4: gen. ragr same, counsel same laai i»u^^ B^_^ ^^_, ^ ^^^^ ^^^^ Northvvestern Elevated Country: mem. Sons or Am. Key.; mem. bd. of councilors Henrotin 32fi SPOOR. GEORGE K.. manufacturer of motion picture film; b. Highiand Parl<. lug picture business 1896; Is president of the Essanay Film Mfg. Co. : clubs 327 III , Dec. 18. 1S71: s. Marvin and Catherine Spoor; entered mov- C. A. A., llepubfican (New York); office, 435 N. Clark St. Hg.. ,fei,^ C' H *i o ft = "5=1 . r S is " s'?5 St; S^Z ■ 2 3 cSSgH 2 ;-■ '^^ *^ -,• < - - a E CD ^ ^ :S Ci'-. fc .. c a J o "< ;ac-Pi2 w ..X C ^■i^ . .a pj C >. O) C - £ P c S £ S " ■- 5b*i C ra o (B '- r7 = -; -J "c •< < 0. «s g w R^ F 3 C © t/1 b 1 328 -a Mrt . 2 cK *s^ 329 3 ay ? x|£| < J ^' - E- = V M .OS 5 co..<»-- - ® rf,5 3— «« 3 g I- ^ " ^ Ji 5 tfi .D s: Q# 330 - 3s a "^ = £ = «= = = -^ --5 3 5"'§^,i o „ L* ti >i p. i »%» ^ n "CO-Sm . u ^^^ » a5 z ^o ^2l ^-t: X r^oia CI ^a m ^5 SfU^S o g ^ r 71 « ur. =£^2 -2 --P g - -l^fr. S « 5? 8ol = ■^1-1 . "Sa""' - ; s 3 o - S ^ " £ :?. S |Ma I- Ok: " " - o 5 •- Cm o 3 a ■a ? ■ « •3 <=■" .^03 < C^ C M ? H ~ ^" *- - £ w — c,~ > « I g Q ^ o M a m aj 2 J3 p S^ -■ ..oS . -3 - o Ci^r" c ,-« 5a«. • ^ « 5 S S =3;-"si| a^rs. S|--„| §"""'^1? '--•SCI .H .>&:£■£ i gn-3a -«1="g ■^3|^5'g &«Ss.,-s S»=|iog « 2 3 ^ ^-J ^.S S c ^ •giS-Si" H^.ll^' j=^ ,^ »■• s =" «> = § ^jii^is 5-r;i-:rS« •2c^== .-a Q2c;-3c-a&, E rnO^U-J.o 332 2C3a COCA'S 11115 -15 3 ?§§«?§ "S owta ie s coo — . ■ - CJ oj I-" o t; o 5 £ . . Q .= J CCS ^ - oo-j grHO Oi-< £ (A 333 . V j: < . — 3 o ■ o o ^ 03 , 5 >-. ^ : EC. " " J. c - i: : X ■ m 5 = : X o "S — L £ 3 >i C of C C 5> o J = *~ rt oi o E J= 334 rt w 3 — "£25 . S S ^ ^ « O — ^"1 -a^^ ■ "-J"* ■- o ira = " g OID „ tc o "lis 335 e rj^,, - to •3 » ■^ 5 - ■- C U ^ ■- o -a c S >- S 2 ^ ■3 "^ - o -S s % => " ~. -t I I - ■■ -i* c i o "I* CO ■" CJ 01 LI CO ., iH CI a " ^ = CO a g §1 §|o T .^ -5 SSK© . . . -iM -■ ■t; _ 2 e'en ^^L* ' S 5 :-^ ; 3 ^ 336 a- i; -d 00 » g = Hcoo -00 -o a ° ^3 2 g S g2 S(N ^ .?o=2i- »^ =!■:;? = ^ -^ »» c :: S •'^ -J m o P 337 L. C n O* "rt «: rt — c c ^TJ u5ooCJOC.= 3 a ■ T, ^— ..rj"^ c c JS < " rt <; o ea - g b en "" S « ° 5-r i S-. S'c ?- » c go ^ I a I as = = S E c s * s = ^« . sis 3 is J= -O 3^ •rt "^ m n c -. ■« E . O •3 ii 2 5 O M ^ — o « S s g ' ■: & (; rt g rt o ; S « J S 338 ^^ t/: ^ ■;= CI OS E-* rSE-a a- ^H m ">rt u O' & ^ £i c s o o ti ^ t^ _- i2 d 0) « ■=■352: uj ^ ii = rt -^ c 5°S = "..SW '" 5 i;j ^ © ^ .2 5 i_ o^ =i: a 3 aj ^ -J - CI a. -g i a Jli||l| *' ■" a In . 4> tc uj ■3 ._ -3 o x: ■;3 = W ■g c a rt «■ "= -5 ^ T^ ^ C. O c3 W tt... = = S o=oc = Si >i^ .= =" .s £-=. . n .w rt ^ ^ 839 ■ o E-s -a a,— a SPS as ^M- OH ^ rt e J3 •-> o- " ol ■ - S ^ ° « " £ ^ £ &^ • r ® "" 2 'i^ "^ « '-' E 3=^. S§iSSF-2< sEo^ •as* = ■= ,. g'-e^ tr! ^ ^ i- — © Of — c -n '■" ® - - = -^ a, a - *s .Z""js" Z -C §§ = C = CO 340 5 —t: >ia *» Si3 ■S-5£ S--0<'} 5! - ,L" 05 H CO -n aD oc ^ U fe CJ ■^ o ^ o ^ 1 s 1 1 = s B ■a m « a J IS s> >: c ■- n E ■•^ r 3 1 1 ^ 3 s § = # i L. ir. r ;5 r; > S £ s £ a w c — t- « r: J^ rri -c 1-, u ni -< X .- n w •a i: •a fl o ri >^" s at ; .-c ■ II £ .. be -I- = •a o " ia g c= o 3 ' a t- 2 S J pa 2 ' < 5 341 ^ 11 s ;: E H S S _* _B "S E „■ V . £ !« w E I 5 ^ I J - ~ . 2 K ; .. 00 a 5 riii:^ . I— ^ 5 O C L 342 " B~ stUm 5" ' . - .f. to t- — = > " c o a -s^ '■g ■■ " ^6 = .3 ^ 2 = .. -5 w — ■ ^ ® 5 a B s 3 6 ° -< " a r. J = 1 ■ CQ -3" -^ . -^ S ^Hs^ H5 H I i':^^'^^'' K^ a = ^ g 343 .- s -< 3 w - £ & 60 I •= i E "" « •- = ^ a g c. d - X ^ £ 13 a •3 » a . " ^ — 3 o: S t. Kg" UJ = ^ > 5 5 > - ^ z" '^ ^ S '" ■= I'" = ^ •- S3 J o g I* o ^ - s« § a ^ C5-S >. ^ U O CS O 5, t;*-"* ,00 3 b.. ;5 •- — ci rt p ■=3 Ed S 5 ^ ►- . Ci^ O O o O 03 ^ ^ £j3 S £ S « OS KB « s • a. S « o 1^ W O M '-— c . <5n ;345 O C. 3 . * 3 '^ I ■°ss 346 s = Oi f: x-j; H . = BO c. ^? r « 1325 to cc ^ ^- ,2: S. a* o ^ CI tn a -^.i::; C c V [>, CD t. M D o— Q ^ 3 cS t»! "3 a ^4 i"" ^-o '-•S ?c ^ >• C a/z: '^ "^ IE a- "S 5 i __ ^- a o o S c: "O o ° 502-52 a = £ E . ^5 «; 847 KM STUCK ART, HENRY, hardware and furniture merchant; b. N. Y. City, Niiv. 6. 18 53: s. Conrad and Margaret Stuckart; electer alderman from 4th ward Dem. ticket 1892; elected 18 it 5; south town assessor. 1898; alderman 1903-5; can- didate for member board of review, 1908. and received 2,200 more votes in Conk Co. than Br>an; Mason; Odd Fellow; office, 2511-2519 Archer Av. REGAN, JAMES L., pres. Regan Printing House; b. London, Eng., Auk. 10. 1849; s. James L. and Frances Robinson Regan; ed. London and New York City pub. schls. ; learned printing trade; resident of Chicago since 1S70: established printing busi- ness .T. L. Regan & Co. . 1879; incorporated as Regan Print- ing House 1888; mem. Chicago Typothetae; Mason. Elk; club: C. A. A.; office. S3 Plymouth Court. 348 SHANAHAN. DAVID EDWARD, il-.i1 t.^t.ue, b. Lee Co.. III.. Sept 7. ISll-; s- tJeorge and Katherlne Vale Poweis Shanahaii; re- moved i Pearbom St. SCHUETTLER. HERMAN F.. ;is^I j:en. supt. of poike; b. Chicago, .luly 14. 1861; s. Frank ;i[id .Minna Schuettiei ; left schl. at 13; sftved several years machinist's ai>pientice ; 3 years conduct'tr. No. Chi. City R. R. : joined police dept. June 13, 1S83: Mar. 1, ISSS. patrol sergt. ; Apr. IS. 1888. lieut. ; Jan. 1. 1890. capt. : made capt. under civil ndes Feb. 1 . 189 8: Nov. 1 1 , 1903. to Nov. 11. 19 04. served temporary asst. supt. of police; appointed peimanently to office after civil service examination, Nov. 21. 19 04; mem. Police Benevolent Assn.. K. P.; Mascn; office. City Hall. SABATH, JOSEPH came to Chicago, lawyer; b. Zabori. Bohemia. Mar. '2. 1870; __ ^., 1 8S5 : worked as errand boy and salesman; 1893 entered" real estate business and studied law: adm. to bar 1897; mem. B. P. O. E,. Royal Arcanum. Royal League. Bohemian Turners. Chicago and HI. State Bar Assns. ; office. Unity Bldg. SAMPSON. WILLIAM HUBBARD. . . Cinticelli Silk Co, ; gen western mgr.. Monotuck Silk Co.; b. Hatfield. Mass.; s. Elijah N. and Agnes Hubbard Sampson: LI. B. Columbia: mem. New York and -Mis'^nuri bars; club*: Union League, C. A. A.; mem. Chicago Aa^n, of Commerce; office. 27 Adams St. 349 SCHOLZ, CARL, mining miinager engineer; b. Slawentzilz. Gennany. July 2. 1S72; s. Paul and Nannette St-holz; ed. H( henlolie pri. schl., and Imperial OymnaRium. Beutlien. Ger. : came to U. S. and entered service Mt. Carbon Co.. \V. Va.. as min. engr.. May. 1891; ISO 5 developed mines own account. Kelley's Creek. VV. Va., and acquired interest in various coal, lumber and ry. proper- ties, until tliey were sold to Kanawha Coal & Cohe Co., 1901; July. 1902. connected with Choctaw, Oklahoma & Gulf Co.. as mgr. coal mines Ind. Terr.; 1903 pres. Rock Island Coal Co.. and Coal Valley Mining Co.: 1904 duties extended to cover en- tire mining interests Ruck Island-Kri^co system; office. Old Colony Bide. SCHREIDER. WILLIAM, lawyer; b. *-hicag.., Dec. 14. 1974, s. Joseph and Emily .Schreider; att. Valparaiso Univ., LI. B< North western Univ. 18 94: repub. candidate for state sen. i 17th dist. 189G: 1909 appointed asst. alty. West Chicago park board ; office. Ashland Blk. ago I STRAUS. SIMEON, lawyer; b, Milwaukee. Wis.. Nov. 21. 185.j: s. Samuel and Rosiue Straus; has lived in Chicago continuously since 18 56; grad. Chicago high schl. . 1872: LL.B. Yale. 1S74; admitted to bar of Connecticut June 1S74: same year established in practice of law In Chicago; clubs: Hamilton, Yale. Waupanseh; ofBce. Ashland Elk. SCULLY. DANIEL B., vice-pres. American Maize Products Co.; b. Kings C-o., Ireland. May 23, 1850: s. Maurice and Itose Scully ; 18 6 2-07 employed in old Tremont house ; entered insurance field, 18 7 2 organized D. B. Scully Syrup Co. ; or- ganized Western Glucose Co.. which has been changed to present concern; clubs: C. A. A., South Shore. Illinois Athletic; office. 206 La Sallo St. 350 SHAW. RALPH M.. lav\yer; b. Paris. Ky.. Feb. IS. K^O'J; s. Hiram and Harriet Martin Shaw; A. B. Yale Univ. 1890; Ll.D. t'niv. Mich.. 1SJI2; cauie to Chicago July. 1892: partner firm Winston & Meagher. 1897: now partner firm of Winston. Payne. Strawn & Shaw; clubs: Chicago. University, Mid-Day, Saddle and Cycle. Yale. Onwent;ia; office. First Nat. Bank Bldg. SMITH. WILLIS, lawyer; b. near Deciitur. 111.; s. William C. and Leacy J. Smith; taught school until 2 years old; att. Decatur high schl. and Lincoln. 111.. Univ.; removed to Chicago 1878; engaged in law office of Knickerbrcker & Holdom; 1890. on dis- solution of above firm, became partner of John J. Knickerbocker; practiced alone 18 9 8 to 1907. wlien fomied partnership with Henry L. Wallace, which continues; attorney for Lehmann estate; rlub: Illinois Athletic; offlce, 7 ."» >[on:oe St. SLOAN, ROBERT K., pres. Joint Livery Assns. of Cliicago; b. Kingston, Ont. . Canada; s. James and Eliza Sloan; located In Chicago 18 8 1; employed by Chicago City Ry. Co. as conductor, clerk and div. supt. to Apr. 1. 1896: engaged in undertaking and livery business: past-pres. Chi. Undertakers' Assn., past-pres. DI. State Undertakers' Assn.; dem. alderman 5th ward 1902-4: dem. candidate for coroner. 1908; Mason; office. 2821-23 Archer Av. STEPINA, JAMES F.. est;ile: h. Kullfni.erg. Bohemia. Sept. 2 1. 1 802 : s. August and Anna Dilina Stepina ; came to U. S. wiDi parents 1803: ed. Chicago jmh. schls.. Chicago Atlie- naeum. Union Cnll. of Law; LL. B. Dl. Coll. of Law. 11)00; adm. to bar 1901: county commissioner, 1891-2: west town collector. 1897; West Chicago Park commissioner. 1904-5; dir. Real Estate Title & Trust Co.; Mason; clubs: Bohemia. City. Presi. Gemiania Maennerchor ; Odd Fellow ; offl<.*e. 13 3 4 W. ISfh St 351 SCHNEIDER, OTTO C. iftiitil merchant: Ij. Kusel Ithenlsh. Bavaria, Dec. .'5. 1856: s. Chilstian Lutlwig and Dorothea Emrich Schneider: att. Latin sciil. of native town lSGG-7 0: came to Chicago 1870; att. Dyrenfurth's Coll. 1870-1; drug- gist's apprentice in St. Louis and grad. St. Louis Coll. of Phar- macy: returned to Chicago 1877: entered tobacco business August Beck & Co. 1 S 8 3 : bought entire business 189 2 and sold out to Am. Tobacco Co. 1899; pres. Germania Maennerchor 189 7-9: commissioner Lincoln Park 18 99-1904; 1904 pres. Am. Insl. of Germanics of Northwestern TTniv. ; pres. German-Am. Historical Soc of Chi. 1907: mem. Chi. Historical Snc. ; mem. bnard of education 189 5-8: pres. b: ard of education 1907-0: clubs: Union League, Germania. STELK, JOHN, lawyer: b. Cliiriigo. Sept. 10. 1875; s. William and Mary Stelk; mem. Chicago and III. State Bar Assns. Law- yers' Assn.. and Chicago Law ; office, 99 Washington St. SAMPSELL, MARSHALL E.. lawyer; b. Marshall, Tex.. Feb. *^8 1S74- s. Joseph Benjamin and Fannie Allnut Sampseu, ed. schls, Asliland, O. : grad. Univ. of Chicago, 1896: Ll.B. Chicago Coll. of Law. 1902; 1902-7 clerk of United Stata Circuit Court; AprU, 1903, appointed receiver for Chicago Union Traction Co.; mem. Royal Arcanum; clubs: Chicago, Mid-Day, Exmoor, Chicago Golf; residence. Highland park: otHce, 181 LaSalla St. 352 STRAUS. BENJAMIN F.. dealer In commercial paper; b. Chicago. Apr. :;4. IS62: 3. Samuel L. and Sara Straus: LI. B. Lake Forest L'nlr. : with Bank of Commerce and predecessors in com- mercial paper depl. 20 years; club: Illinois Athletic: mem. Chi- cago Assn. of Commerce; B. P. O. R; office. First Nat. Bank Bldg. SCOTT. FRANK E.. union ticket agent: b. Rocfeford, III., July 12. 1964; 3, James A. and Jennie LoomU Scott; dir. Frank E, Scolt Transfer Co.; chairman, membership committee Chicago Assn. of Commerce: clubs: Union League. Traffic. Railway Men's; mem. North Shore Citizens' As^n. : residence. Glencoe; office. 13 Congress St. STRASSHEIM. CHRISTOPHER, sherlfT of Cook Co.; b. Hesse- Darmstadt, Germany. Mar. 22. 13 50; a. Christopher and Anna M. Strassheim; brought to Chicago by parents. 18 54; 5 years at tinners' trade; 187 1 established commission business of Strassheim & Bro. ; sold interest to brother, 1S77. and organized house of Jacobs & Strassheim, dealers in wooden and willow ware, and. 1887. grocery business; firm later became Strassheim & Jaeger; 1897. sold interest to new firm. Jaeger & Son; 1899. wholesale flour and bakery supply; 19 06. became connected with Sheppard- Strassheim Co., wholesale grocers; 1891. mem. Lincoln Park bd. ; 1905. elected Cook Co. commissioner, repub. ticket ; 1905. elected sheriff; re-elected 19 03; office. County Bldg. SABATH. ADOLPH J., lawyer; b. Bohemia. Apr. 4. 18S6; i. Joachim and Barbara Sabath; came to U. S. 18 31; worked in various capacities and studied law adm. to bar 1891; Jus- tice of peace 1895-1907: police magistrate 1897-1907; elected 6 th congress Dem. ticket. 18 9 7; re-elected 6 1 St congress; author of compensation bill for injured and killed interstate commerce employes; delegate to dem. nat. convention. 1904; clubs: Press, Iroquois; mem. Royal League. K. P., Mod- em Woodmen of Am.. Bohemian Turners; Mason: office. Reaper Bik. 353 STUMER. LOUIS M.. merchant: 1). Baltimore. Md. : Apr. 24, ISti'J; 5. Mitliael and Jennie Kellner Stumer; ed. Xotie Dame Univer. : pres. The Emporium Co.. The World Co.. Metropolitan Bldg. Co.. World Appeal Co.: Strauss & Stumer Jlercantile Co. (St. Louis), vlce-pres. Red Book Corporation. Storj' Press Cor- poration. Importers' and Manufactiirers' Co. ; dir. Home for Jew- ish Orphans. Home for Jewish Friendless. Home Finding So- ciety. Citizens' Street Cleaning Bureau. State St. Improvement Assn.; office. 49 Jarkson Blvd. STRAUSS, JOSEPH BAERMAN, pres. Strauss Bascule and Concrete Bridge Co.; b. Cincinnati, O.. Jan. 9, 1S70; educated as civil engineer, Univ. Cincinnati; practiced profession of bridge engi- neering since 1892; came to Chicago 1904: originated several bridge designs, the Strauss bascule in particular; mem. West. Soc. Engre.. Chicago Assn. of Commerce; ofBce. Fort Dearborn Bldg. STAFFORD, LESLIE REED. gen. stationer C. R. I. P Ry. ; b. Lyons. la.. Apr. 22, 1S73: s. i)e Witt C. and Caroline A. Stafford; started work 1SS7 in slatioiieiT dept. C. & X. W. Ry. and worked to «.'hief clerk of same dept.; lSOS-1003 statinn- ery and printing buyer, same road; chief clerk to purchasing agent Rock Island lines Oct. 15, 19 03. and promoted to stationer. Jan.. 1904: Nov., 1907. gen. stationer Rock Island- Frisco lines; Jan. 1. 1910, gen. stationer Rock Island lines; club; C. A. A., Mason; offlee. La Salle Station. SILSBEE. FRED B., lawyer: b. Montrose, Pa.. Jan. 15. 1873: s. George M. and Sara E. Hamlin Silsbee; att. Northwestern- Univ. law schl. ; pres. Yeoman of America ; former alderman and' city atty.. Oregon, HI.; club. Press; mem. Modem Woodmen of Am.; Mason; Odd Fellow; residence. La Grange: office. Tribune Bldg. 354 STRAUS. SIMON W., pies. .S. W. Straus Co.. baiAeis; b Lie- i.iiifi Itiil I»ec •>;i. IStifi: s. Fredei-lck William and MatUon sli'Liis leVl.lnil iif Chloae" slni'C 1SS2: assoriaterl with father in hanking l.usiness: 1SS8-04 with B. It. Cahn In firm of Ciihn & .Straus; 1 .s !) 4 style of Umi cliiinseil t.i Straus Brothers I.S'IT to (late S. W. Straus & Co.: pres. Realization Mil ■ ill". Insurnlioe Co. if the State of 111.: mem. .\it liulis Stanilard. Itavlsloe: ottli-e. 114 I.a Salle St. & SHAW .Taco Y.. IS with 1 & Tie 1)7. P ntfice. GILBERT B., lumberman: b. Ontario, N. Y.. lS.>i; s. nnd Miiii'ia I'.rowll Shaw; grad. Genessee Coll.. Lima. .N (ill- moved with parents to Moline. III.. lS.'i2; connected aiious extensive lumber enterprises: now viee-pies. Pole Co ■ 1S.S3-.S. vlce-pres. Metropolitan Nat. Hank; IS.St)- ■cs. American Trust & Savings Bank: club: Union League; 226 La Salle St. SANDEGREN. ANDREW, aichitect: office. 104 Dearborn St. SIGNER, FREDERICK EDMUND, gen. freight agt.. Chicago Dlv. M s" P & S. S. M. Ey.: b. May 2(5. ISO!); s. Charles I-ouis Signer and Lena Margaret Signe.;: »"%. ™"'l'lf "i« ,;'"'^i'°-n- -n'rl DUlj schl c urse clerk with Buffalo. N. \. & Pbila. R. R.. and So Pac office. Los .ii.geles; with Waba»h Ry. in Chicago; mem. Chicago board of trade l.S9S-l:i02. representing Wabash Ry.. and Wabash & Lackawanna Despatch: gen. trt. and pass. agt. Cmeinnati Richmond & Muncie R. R.. 1902; lUOS-.-, mgr. lebigh & Wabash Despatch; asst. gen. frt. agt Wabash Ry^ St Louis. 19 06: 1906 made gen. frt. agt. Wis. Cen novy Cli dlv M St. P. & S. S. M. Ry. ; clubs: Union League, Traffic Birch'wood count -y: mem. Royal League; office. Mer- chants' Lran & Trust Hide. 355 I STEVENS, JAMES WILLIAM, prea. III. Mfe Iiisuriuue Co. ; b Col- chester. HI.. May 2 5, 18 53; s. Socrates and Amanda Jane Slovens; ed. public schools of McDonough Co.. 111. Began busi- ness career in General Merchandise trade at Colchester. Mc- Donough Co.. Ill- ; left there ISSS; came to Chicago and continued In Alerchandlse business with Charles A. Stevens & Bros. ; In 1 81)5 retired from mercantile business and t" ok active part in organization of the Illinois Life Insurance Co., of which has since lieen pres. : l!)08-9 built Hotel LaLSalle of which he is chief owner; dlr. Western Trust & Savings Bank. Commercial Nat. Bank. Hotel LaSalle Company; clubs: Union League, South Shore. C. A. A,, Hamilton. Chicago Automobile; offlce, 134 Monroe St. SCOVEL. JOHN C, judge of Municipal Court; b. near Hudson City. Columbia Co., N. Y.. Mar. S. 1845; s. Alden and Eliza- beth Scovel; grad. Bloomlngton. HI., Inst. 3 864; adm. to bar 1S71; connected with McLean Co.. HI.. Bank 10 years, 7 years as vlce-pres.. and 1871-75 its atty. ; treas. Bloimington Gas Co., came to Chicago 1875; mem. Hyde Park board of Education ; elected to Municipal court bench 19 8 on Repub. ticket ; club : Hamilton ; office, 14 8 Michigan Av. STREET. RICHARD HAMILTON, physician; b. Chicago. Feb. 8. 1874: 3. Richard Jueon and Eniraeline Caroline Street; ed. Bish- op Ridley Coll.. St, Catherine's. Ont. ; M.D. Hahnemann Med. Coll. . Chicago : appt. resident phys. Hahnemann Hosp. ; 19 0. lecturer dept. anatomy Hahnemann Med. Coll.; since 19 01 med. dlr. l3t Nat. Bank pension dept.; 2 years lecturer dept. otology. Post-Graduate Med. sehl. ; 19 06 adjunct prof. dept. nose and throat diseases Hahnemann Med. Coll.; 19 09 elected bU5. mgr. III. Homeopathic Med. Assn. ; mem. Phi Alpha Gamma frat. ; Chicago. HI. and Am. homeopathic med, societies; club: Chicago Yacht; office. 100 State St. SEARS. NATHANIEL CLINTON. lawyer; b. GalUopoIls. O.. Aug. 2 3. 1854' 3 Amos Gould and Susan Davis Sears ; attended Elgin. HI.. Acad.; grad. Amherst coll.. 1875. A.M.. 1878; law student Univ. of Berlin. Ger., 1ST5-6 (LL.D.. Northwestern Univ.. 1898): adm. to HI. bar. Jan. 1. 1878; elected Judge superior court. Cook Co.. III.. 1893: appointed associate Justice Appellate court of HI.. 1S97; reappointed. 1900. chief Justice Appellate court, 1902; resigned Apr. 1. 1903. to enter law Arm of Sears. Meagher & Whitney; repub candidate for mayor of Chicago. 18 9 7; clubs : Union League ; offlce. First Nat Bank Bldg. 356 SEITER. HENRY J., broker of packing house products; b. N. Y. City. Mar. 3 0. 1 SOS; in stork yards since 1S77: office. Union Stock Yards. SEEGERS. CHARLES, jiit^. Am. Varnish On.; b. Hanover. Ger- many. Feb. 12. l.s:i-l; s. Henry anil Augusta Gebers Seegera; came to Chicago Aug.. 1850; has engaged in the cigar and to- bacco trade, and in the manufacture of liiiieed oil and varnish; treas. Wicker Park Safe Deposit & Trust Co. ; mem. Chi. Assn. of Commerce; oftice. 1140 N. Branch St. STAPLES. FRANK MANNING, railroad supplies and contractors' materials; b. Natchez. Miss.. Feb. 15. 1S47: s. John N. and Marie Colvor Staples; came to Chicago 18 53: started in business July 1. IS 66. as office boy with Crerar. Adams & Co.; now dir. and treas. same company; private, 134tb 111. volunteers. 1SC4: 1st Infty.. I. N. G.. ISSO; dir. HI. Humane Soc. ; mem. Chi. Assn. of Commerce; residence. Evanston ; otfice. 11-13 Fifth Av. SEBASTIAN, JOHN, vice pres. C. IC. I. & P. Uv ; b. New- port. Ky, Jan. 28. 18 4!); clerk A. T. & S. K. Ry. 1869; with the company as chief clerk and traveling pass. agt. to 1879: 1870-S7 gen. S. W. pass. agt. C. R. I. & P. Ry. at Kansas City; gen. pass, and ticket agt. of Chi., Kansas City & Neb. Ry. until 1883. at which time that line was made a part of the Chicago. Rock Island & Pacific: gen. pass, agt. of entire line 1889-1902; appointed pass. traf. mgr. C.. R. I. & P. Ry. and Jan. 2 0. 1903. made pass. traf. mgr. of entire system, including C. R. I. & P. Ry.. Choctaw, Oklahoma & Gulf R. R.. St. Louis. Kansas City & Col. R. R. ; Feb. 20. 1906. pass. traf. mgr. St. Louis & San Francisco R. R-. C. &. E. I. R. R. : Mar. 11, 19 09. similar position on the Colorado Southern. New Orleans & Pacific R. R. : residence, Evanston ; clubs: Union League, Glenview golf. Midlothan golf: ofBce. La Salle Station. 357 !2 u"^ = =:" c ^ c o ^■£. San I P ■/; o3- — 0-3 d°3 O a. Ao to = So 358 859 360 361 362 ft ^ C a; _ « = I "; = ~ C ^ ai — z. og .= «« Q. p, ~ c 3; », = 03 " £ s ^ « = .^ -. = in 3 5 363 364 THEURER. JOSEPH, president. Peter Schoenhofen Brewing Co.; 365 office. Canalport At. and ISlh St TURNER, CHARLES, serty. and gen. mgr.. Chicago Reduction Co.; b. Chicago. .Tune 22. 1S57; s. James and Mary A. Ganz Turner; ed. Chi- cago grammar and high schls. ; followed packing business until 1890: engaged in rendering of greases and tallow, and manufacture of fertilizers: 1906 secured contract for garbage disposal from city of Chicago and oganized Chicago Itediiction Co.; inventor of apparatus used in reduction plants: clubs: Illinois Athletic. Chicago Automobile: office. 39th and I on Sts. 366 , „, ,o,7- q Tames Bvron and Sarah A. Aslibs Tiirrk: eariv education, gaK^and Fiance; offlee. 3 7 Cedar St. 367 TILDEN, EDWARD, packer; pres. National Packing Co. and Llbby, McNeill & Libby Packing Co.; b. Utica. N. Y.. June 17. 1858: s. I. D. and Margaret Averlll Tilden; ed. public school, Delavan. Wis.; life in general store at Delavan, Wis.: bookkeeper Brlntnall, Lamb & Co., wholesale hardware, Chicago: became asst. cashier. Drovers Nat. Bank. Union Stock Yards, Chicago, and from that to treaa. Libby, McNeil & Libby. packers; since May, 1897. pres., treas. and dir. Libby. McNeill & Libby; also vice-pres. and dir. Drovers' Deposit Nat. Bank; pres. Nat. Packing Co. ; treas. and dir. Sioux City Stock Yards; dir. St. Louis Stock Yards; dir. Drovers Trust and Savings Bank, and many other corDorations; dem. school treasurer Hjde Park and Lake for some years previous to anneratioa; mem. Chicago board of education, 1900-5-6; clubs; Bankers' KeawocKl; office, Ths Rookery. 368 THORNTON. CHARLES SOLON, lawyer; b. B^tf;: ""[^J' tr,„-^o„i^ oVi.ake Sad'^fm, '^offM^^s'^'^^^s p?erto"Vcl VeducatKn' Aubun; 1872; adm. to lU^ bar 1 » J 3 ; has been con>oraton 5,™n^">J,To™ ^f ^'Yofflce. Hesvvo:th Bias. Pa:-k; former mem. board of education; Mason, K. T,. OUd ieuuw. r>.. 369 i «. m/^^^^^^^^^ J^f^v J iV ^ ^ ' 1 %. E r = S o -g •; ^ , a rt g on -•2 £ = S O C U 3 — «: -c V -; '■• 00 S = ° -■ -^ S 2 -i S .-? . ? jj ■- S S e S c " & S '^ • - s •= .o>§- ■ £ « S - S^ tJ or S'= _ < UJ c; ,5 6 — c 5 b a: e £ Sic '^S" _" ^ o rt K 370 ill' 5i ir?t|o Sra ^00 371 '''■-■ ~, .1- 5 MX o Et'.S •5 §;;" iir • . fc. .- ■'° = I- S 2 ^ gooz ,"'% ■i, - 3"a £ & = ■310 O u «•-' ' SI =« ''=^ -_ E-" •= tk. = c c c ? ^ «a J^ = al r c -Ji-«a 372 2 o Q5 0*0 -cC-T55;i-o c- o ''^& = = s ci2-< -"""■■ I ii^^tcC 05 fc ©CO CO 373 ,]i:igi c « a, *- rt — 5' "" a* ,2 « . „ -a: i " -£ I . •as " ^ - - OQ o g S S B IS g ^1 = « -3 M -H 2il :-S6 2 : < i, o : 3 " o i ^1 " ° - * i: £ M ^- a w S 374 m-5 asn- Ft ban] Nat lear N *5 ji "rS s|35as uo . -t nii >, 2|=iSg 2? O =J !iti1 rH__ L".S ^t= -Si n H r ^E3 S - h- aj S.'*- sSao 3 5 Si^SQga CC^ I - 0.0 UlO S2 as -Ss?. s^r"'?-- 1-'* = » . S ;- o ►. CD ^ ;i^ Sais»2 « -■ ■ : £ ^ e 2 I" £ .. ~s^-ss- S s 5 « S S ■«« ^^ "s^ir^ £5w = "-3 ^^^^1 -^BgcJ^ ^^H 0= S,_j'^^" ■ il-l.s H ^s=^ill .^-w ^r oa a- P=J ^^1 $--^*o£W ^^^1 1- 375 UPHAM, FREDERIC WILLIAM, lumber and coal merchant; b. Racine, Wis., Jan. 29, 1861: s. Calvin H. and Amanda E. Glbbs Upham; ed. primary and se<.'ondary schools, Racine, Wis.. Ripon Coll.. Ripon, Wis. ; 1880-94 with Uphajn Mfg. Co.. of which uncle. WlUlajn H. Upham c: o -S " g «' o 2 o £■ 2: « " 5 £ .. H " » aj (a ■° a o S i J- S -4, go is Js - £ •= S M tsx: x: — ■to to o S== .- 1 «; ' &:=o SS -~ 00 o = -''8 = Will K K ■£ S 6 u 377 = 5..-„j.iea> = S»«S53i ■z yi- ii.-r.- :-5 j:;ffl o ^ -^t! -5'-. SO s . - "" 'H^ - < = ? =1= i — C 2 071; = 7— w ii Q — "!6 r 1 ' jfi — ^ UJ - ^ : - ■ - >-» -'^ a w s a^ S ® - " Is.-" . ■ ■ © : (» t- gl^cox c S «' ^ SEiiCtas = 5; ^ ? c c R :; s s . c a < -, - SB 'Hi 2 c: 5-^ 378 379 I VAN HOOK, DR. WELLER, surgeon; b. Greenville. Ind., May 14. 1SG2; s. William R. and TUlie Weller Van Hook; A. B.. 1S84. Univ. Mich.; studied medicine in Chicago and after serv- ing as iiiteme in Cook Co. hosp., bt-gan practice. 1 SS7 : for number of years has confined practice to surgery; successively sur- geon Cook Co.. Post Graduate. Polytechnic, and Wesley Hosps. ; ninv consulting surgeon. Michael Reese Hosp. ; has served prof. surgery. Chi. Polytechnic. Chi. Post-Grad.. and Northwestern T^niv. medical schls. ; gen. secty. Am, Theosophical Soc. ; office, 103 State St. VROMAN, CHARLES EDWARD, lawyer: b. near Madison. Wis., Oct- 5. 1 S4 : s, William and Harriet Field Vroman: grad. Univ. Wis.. 1S6S: Ph.B.. Ll.B. Albany I,aw In'^t.. 1869: in office of Wm. F. Vilas 18 69-7 0; in practice Green Bay. Wis.. 1871-190 0. being state's atty. number of years ; came to Chicago 19O0 in partnership Flower. Vroman & Musgrave. sub- sequently Musgrave, Vroman & Lee; 1905 became asst. gen. solicitor. C. M. vS: St. P. Ry. : clubs: Union League. University. City; mem. Chicago. HI. State and Am. Bar Assns. ; office. Rail- way Exchange Bldg. WHEELER. JOHN, inspector of police; b. WTieaton. lU.. Feb. 0. I8r»l; 3. Luke and Bridget Wheeler; joined Chicago poUco force Oct. 2 3. 1878: now in charge of Harrison St. sutlon: clubs: Illinois Athletic. Illinois; Mason. K. T. ; office. HarrUon St Police SUtlun. WOOD. STEPHEN B.. chief of detectives; b. Binghampton. N. Y , Apr. 12, 1 S T) : s. George N. and Kate Rodgers Wood ; taken to Milwaukee. Wis., by parents; newsboy C. M. & St. P. Ry.. 186G: brakeman. conductor and chief of secret service same company to Aug. 1. 1887; detective sergt. Chicago police force Aug. 4. 1887: promoted to lieutenant, captain and chief of detectives; office. City Hall, 380 WINCHELL. BENJAMIN LA FON pr«^ C R^ I & P. /j,'', ■. !"■ JJ^JS"'' Wlnchell ed ward and lilgh si-liL. Haniilbal. Mo., 1S67-74. omplojM asst. gan. passenger agent. Atchiso- '- ^•-'"■- Scott & Memphis R. R. : pres. C, & Cycle Exm. or, Midlothian. South Shore. Caitcm St. Louis Country of St, Louis: also I>enrer of Denver Mo,. JtJy .S. Burling on l,s,5 By Ja^eph C Rice shops. HaJinlbai. Ma, t?sU.^Ca5on-a!S=;^^"t.^J.y^;an^d ^^,<^%,£y^',^ ^i^<--^ ^ -' ^^ u.i IvaLe Aniid, La Ft>ri July. 1S74; 1879. Kansaa City. Fori 8addlt Loiila, and 331 WHEELER, ALBERT GALLATIN, fauitalist ; b. New Yoik City. Apr. 2 7. ] -S ."i -t : s. Eathuel Climcli and .Tulia Catlieilne Lawi-ence Wheeler; e<]. X. y. pub. sih!s. : fnui. X. Y. Coll.; at 1 S became interested in shipping between Hudson liver ports and N. Y. City: active in tightertige transpuitatioii in X. Y. liarbor; interested in construction ff telegraph lines, railroads, and undeiground electiic street car systems (New York and Washington t. automatic switchboards for telephone service, er*-.; organized 111. Telephone and Telegraph Co. and built tunnel-t under downtown Cliicago streets; organized III. Tunnel Co.. following coun ^il grant of July. 19 03. to take over interests of HI. Telephone and Telegraph Co. ; tunnel system put in operation. Sept. , 1 !( (1 8 ; organi ;ed Automatic Klectric Co. . 1 i) 4 : office. The Kookeiy- 382 WACKER. CHARLES HENRY. leal estate: b. Chicago. Aug. 2 9. ISoO. Lake Forest Acad.: 1ST3-0. ofllre bos -intl clerk with board of trarte 11 father ISSO. establishing malting fiim F. Wacker & Son. wliieh lat«r 1 .S S 4 tiU 19 01: also pres. McAvoy Brewing Co. tor a number ot yea Chicago Title and Trust Co.. Western Stone Co.. Repulilic Iron and Ste means. World's Columbian E.-cpn. ; is chairman commission on city beau pres. Athenaeum: governing mem. Art Inst : cI""!!: Chicago. Comniercial Day Chicago Tunigenieinde. Schwaljen Verern: office. 1.3S .lackson BI Frederick and CaUiarine Hummel Wacker: ed. Chicago pub. schls. and nn- traveled through I'. S. and Europe and into Africa. 1876-9: joined became Wacker & Birk Brewing and Malting Oo.. of which was pres. from i-s- pres Chicago Heights Land Assn.: dir. Corn Exchange N'at. Bank, el Co S Side Elevated Rv. : was dir. and mem. committee on ways and liful" plans: chairman executive committee Chicago Relief nad .\iaSoo.. X'nion League. Fellowship. Bankers* Iroquois. Gennania. C. A. A.. Mid- vd. 383 1S5-1 «1. Chicago pub. schls. . Dyrenfurtll s 'Lou. i j. ^^ Vincennes K. ^■■^'^°Xv „ i.,vib> t* , • t» [2 ^ ta 386 ^ u mU « g g S "Si ^ •=■ c c ;: ^ ■• M as J C ■ > i_ o a o ^ -9cg-i gO ? .s, <'S>-=u3|- ■2°-, -H s;0 u it- 3"^ a"H^ §- C:3 g § o a^^ iSKziwaaSoiS 3^7 •Si'"£-oo'5:| S ■B'S " S sS:S|"i|| ?-t3 af .'S ilv - t^ K £ ~~ a*-* = ' o i: o J^m r „wj|c..|" 01 5 J. £ d |s£< °=£:-"j.; so "" S^'-S ^- »■§£ ill a j= ^ "= * £ ■* T) — ^ a, -O CD o '^ S =" . 8 K 'lis ® e i: 2 5 = " U J3 *• -c . i ^ i ■<= fc a ■ ■ V s 5 o ti I " •=£ ■^ ? s ° ■ •^ I i; = s ? g 1 c ■= j -I -a T-i ^ r • 00 „■ " ■£ -S - «:" JS S -< UJ " » a £ 3 ■ < S i o 388 3 a M • « A O 3 - e S3 a J - ■■•II s||>,o_. .« - - ^ r ti S « - C t-, ?^ ■S ?^ as J 0*5 t P Vi f — ■* 00 •■%£ o c y ? m O •* ■9V. -- 03 ^ .. c i-£a "iue 2^:^^ ■-"■■* 5 - s a o |2 Is ii t: j: £ Sm fi 1- S GO '1 T » ° g '." ■-^ a-< 3 'S f-: ^ ;= 3 a e _ ■- ^ s s < i: S z £l s^i i^ S. r . B 2 — "A ei .. O QO « < : o o "* J 3 o i s =' * s % ■ ■? ■ss 1^1 9) O « 389 in O^O G ■SO ^ P = 2S > ^ ti- c O Ul LC X - - o c CD X' X 00 3 ^ W — 1- C o ^ a, rj ^4 ■-if 5 t- * EC ir o rt ■■11^ -— c c t; ® sPsgo .|tj . 3 ^ :a «=K s 2 ^"C^*' - ,;,<» ■ D^ii-^ D, P. o ■-■ CO a i S "I ■g ^ CO o J H :; V. B s c 2 <^ J :£ c ? r^ o ;h " H c f^ a* t. E SI k s >. = ^ C 5 ^ c E t- c c o (/} •^ T ■" o c cc « o iS < 7^ ai f. o H ■S S z X c *f •a s o -c c C o c (/) ■-I n ? t: X ta n < f J S s 00 £? a * _ t-^- c <-' "S «§ ■ ■a- & B S: ^^ 2" ^"S ^ ^ '^ ' = a ■- M-il5 ^5|ge 394 6 " i; u." &-2 -I 2 « ■t t« i: iJ ■■ r a rt O ..Si^SSo - « c -c ^ ■■ ® d « ■■ ,iOM « ^ c Sw «7:oaa £"JSEn ,o © o cO" ■i°iJ = 2 I"" ^E a^ic-3 - = = 5 ?- >^ = .r o3 £ ffl do O 2 ^ 3 E: -J -o ^05 396 c d a o a s .. -^ . S > CO M Z ^ i jj (A c. J 1 OO o « < i - O ? i^4)0— '©So" ° a r "o £ s E is P t- riOS m C s- o< '-:! c s . r. o £ . . o -d G ^ J -in 3 -g 397 Id 2* s o tj =" C3 ^clSSl :,sgs-i= =o-eS |5 - ^K E R U — C ? c H'? Ill fc i 1° ■d <« c « c . I. £ — -J o a, -= -^> . "2 ^=3 ~ C M a _ O ■jK ;:£..€? fl: '' ■- ci^ ** 398 - J." • •So ■a c SI 01 ^ S & 41 qj a -c2x V a — . 01 o ;i 399 WARMAN, WILLARD, auditor, Chicago Daily Journal: b. Rock Island Co.. III. July 6. 1877; s. Enoch and Almlra War- man; ed. Muscatine. la., high schl. ; residence. Melrose Park; office, 117 Market St. WOLF. JOSEPH, distiller; b. Germany. 1,S59: came M America 3 5 years ago; became connected with the James E. Pepper Dis- tilling Co., 1S9!); elected pres.. 1907; re-elected pres., 1909; dubs; Illnnls Athletic; mem. B. P. O. E. : office. Rector BIdg. H >^^H ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^r ' ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^B WELCH, NINIAN H.. lawyer; b. Rosecrans. HI.. Jan. 1, 18T3: s. J. T. and Emma J. Welch; grad. Beloil Coll.. M. A.. Lake For- est Univ.. 1899; LI. B.. Lake Forest. 1902; asst. judge ot pro- bate court. Cook Co.. since Dee. 3. 1906; club; Hamilton; office. County Blde- WALKER, EDWIN K.. judge of Municipal court; b. Forrest City, Mason Co.. 111.. 1866; s. Henry C. and Harriet A. Walker; moved to Lincoln. 111.. ISSl; grad. Lincoln Coll.. came to Chicago 18 91; studied at Northwestern Univ. law schl. ; adm. to bar 1 S 9 2 ; 190 elected on Repub. ticket county com- missioner; took part in reorganl/atlon of county charitable In- stitutions: elected to Jfunlcipal ct. bench 1906; clubs: Wood- lawn Park. Hamilton. City; Mason; mem. Royal League. Na. Am. Union ; office. 14 8 Michigan Av. 400 WOODMAN. ANDREW WHfTNEY, cinl eiigiiieer; b. Nuv. 10. 1 S t> 6 ; s. Gtvrge K. and Catherine D. Whitney WtKKinian ; S. B.. Mass. Inst. Technology; bridge and structural steel busi- ness. Boston; 10 years engineer and branch mgr. Roeliling Con- struction Co.. witli Boston and Chicago as headquarters: tooK up residence In Chicago, 19 5: retired to private practice of profession Oct.. 190D: clubs: C. C. A.. Engineers'. Chicago Architwtural. Evanston Country. University club of Evanston. Builders'. Technology; mem. Am. Soc. Civ. Engrs.. Boston Sic of Engrs.. West. Soc. of Engrs.; residence. Evanston; ottice. 1 OS La Salle St. WIEHE. C. F.. lumbennan; b. Cliicago. Sept. G. 1SG2; s. Charles and Sophia Hanmoth Wiehe; secty. and dlr. Edward Hlnes Lum- ber Co.; pies. Builders' and Traders' Exchange; dir. and chair- man trade committee. Lumbermen's Exchange; dir. 1st National Bank. Hayward, Wis.. Illinois Mfrs. Assn.; clubs: Union League, Illinois Athletic. South Shore. Illinois. Builders.' C. A. A.. Bos- ton and Y- .\I. t;. A. (New Orleans); office, 243 Lincoln St. WEINGARDEN, I. M., theater manager; b. Detroit. Mich., Oct. 19. ISO": s. J. M. and Esther W^eingarden; started in theatrical business as asst, property boy at Grand Opera house. Detroit. 18S2; came to Chicago. 1SS7: connected with vaiious theaters; 1897 became stage manager Trocadero theater; 19 06 manager. same theater: Mason; K. P.; office, 292 State St. WENDELL. JULIUS A., pres. Wendell State Bank; b. Nicolet Co.. Minn.. July 18. 1869: s. Julius H. and Johanna Wendell; came to Chicago, 18 87; bookkeeper and collector. Real Estate and Building jLiumal; 1890. founded real estate business of J. A. Wendell & Co.; 1906, added banking dept.. which was succeeded by WendeU State Bank. 1909: club: C. A. A.; mem. Y. M. C. A.. Chicago Real Estate Bd.. Chicago Assn. of Commerce; office, Mad- ison St. and Ashland Blvd. 401 WOLLENBERGER. HERMAN, banker; b. Germany, 1S7G; s. I. L. Wollenberger; started banking career in Gei-many; foreign exchange and bond clerk, III. Trust & Savings Bank; cashier and mgr. bond dept. Otis, Wilson & Co.; vice-pres. Western Trust & Savings Bank; now head of Wollenberger & Co.. bankers: clubs; City. Hampden. Germania; office. 206 La Salle St. WILDER. JOHN EMERY, tanner and leather merchant; b. L^- Ciister, Mass., Apr. 16. 1S61; s. Charles Lewis and Harriet Ellen Harris Wlider ; ed. Lancaster, Mass. , public schools and Mass. Agricultural Coll. . graduating B. S. . 18 8 2: commenced as clerk for Wilder & Hale. Chicago, Nov. 1. 1882; salesman, 18 83. and partner. 1886, the firm changing 1887 to Wilder & Co., tanners and leather merchants: now vice-president Wilder & Co.. pres. and treas. Wilder-Manning Tanning Co,: dir. Nat. City Bank.; chairman state executive committee HI. Y. M. C. A.; dir. Evanston Y. M. C. A.: dir. III. Manufac- turers' Assn.; trustee, Beloit Coll.; clubs; Union League. Glen- view, Skokle Golf ; residence. Evanston ; office. 212-14 Lake Street. WILLIAMS, ORVA G.. manufacturer: b. SallneviUe. O.. Apr. 25. 1865; s. Richard Gllson and Elmira Frost Williams: grad. Mount Union Coll., Alliance. O. : studied at Cincinnati I^aw schL ; pres. O. G. Williams Co. ; pres. National Assn. of Leather and Celluloid Novelty Goods Mfrs., 1908. re-elected 1909; office. 223-5 Washington St. WINNE. WILLIAM NORTH DUANE, gen. auditor C M. & St P. K. R. ; b. Schenectady, N. Y., Oct, 11, 1850; s, Garrett Wemple and Maiy Elizabeth Swart Winne; ed. pub. and private schls: entered business life with C. M, & St. P. system, aast. gen. auditor. Sept. 1882. to Dec. 1890; gen. auditor since Dec. 1890: clubs: Marquette: mem. Sons of Am. Revolution. Holland Society; office. Railway Kxchange Bldg. 402 WHITAKER, WILLIAM BATCHELOR. physician and surgeon; b. Brantford, Ont.. Canada. Feb. 6. 1875; s. John and Sarah Jane Whltaker; gra^. Brantford Collegiate Inst.. 1893; grad. Rush Medical CoU.. Chicago. M. D.. 1897; mem. HI. State and Chi- cago Med. Societies. Am. Med. Assn. : clubs: Physicians', Sur- geons' (Rochester, Minn.): mem. K. of C. ; office, 100 State St. WILKERSON. JAMES H., lawyer; spec. asst. U. S. dist atty. ; b. Savannah. Mo.. Dec. 11. 1869; s. John and Lydia Austin WUlterson; ed. De Pauw Univ., A.B., A.M.. Ll.B. ; came to Chicago. 1894; adm. to bar same year: entered office Llnney. McConnell & Coffeen; mem. firm of Llnney. Coffeen. Harding & Wilkerson; since 1908 mem. firm WUkerson & Cassels; mem. 111. legislature. 19 0.t; county atty.. Cook Co., 1003-4; 1906. special asst. to atty. -general In interstate cnmmerce cases: clubs: Union League. Law, Hamilton. Woodlawn Park ; mem. Am. Bar Assn.; offices. The Rookery and Federal Uldg. WHYTE, GEORGE STUART, pres. Maconiber & Wliyte Rope Co.: b. Crossgates. Scotland. Mar. 20. 1867: s. George and Isabella Primrose Wliyte; ed. Scotland, and evening high schi,, Chicago; removed to Chicago, 18 83; entered employ of Washburn & Neven, 188 7. in wire rope dept, ; in 189 6. in the wire rope business with F. B. Macomber; 1901, established wire rope factory at Coal City, HI.; invented non- rotating wire rope, 1905; clubs: C. A. A., Chicago Automobile; Mason; mem. Royal League, Royal Arcanum; office, 2 66 Clinton St. YOUNG, HOBART P., lawyer; b. Cliicago, Mar, 31. 1875; a. George and Mary A. McDonough Young; A. B., LI. B,. North- western Univer.; asst. state's atty. Cook Co. 1906 to 1908; clubs: C. A. A., Glenview, Law, Legal; mem. Chicago Bar Assn.; office. Com Exchange Bldg. 403 WARNER HOTEL— Tliiny-third St. and Cottage Grove Av. 404 WOMAN'S TEMPLE, LA SALLE AND MONROE STS. 405 406 ABREVIATIONS A.A.A.S. — American Asscn-iation for the Advancement of Science;. A.B. (also B.A-)— Bachelor of Arts. acad. — academy. a^t — agent. Ala. — AlJibajna. Am. (also Amer.) — American. A.M. (also M. A.}— Master of Arts. appt. — appointed. Ariz. — Arizona. Ark. — Arkansas. Assn. — Association. as so. — associate. asst. — assistant. att. — attended. atty.— attorney. A., T. & S. F. R. R.— Atchison. Topeka & SanU Fe Railroad. Aug. — August. Av.— Avenue. A. & P. Ry.— AUanta & Pacific Railway. b. — bom. B.A. (also A.B.) — Bachelor of Arts. B., A. &. P. Ry.— Butte. Anaconda & Pacific Railway. B apt.— Baptist. bd. — board. BIdQ.— Building. BIk.— Block. Blvd. — Boulevard. B.P.O.E. — Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks. B.S. (also S.B)— Bachelor of Science. B. & M. R. R. R.— Burlington & Missouri River Railroad. B.&O.R.R.— Baltimore & Ohio Railroad. Calif.— California. Can. — Canada. capt. — captain. ca». — cavalry. C..B.&Q.R.R. — Chicago. Burlington & Quincy Railroad. C.,C-.C.&I.Ry.— Cleveland, Columbus. Clncinjiati & Indianap- olis Railway. C.,C.,C-&StL. Ry.— Cleveland. Cincinnati, CWcago & St. Louis Railway. C.AE.I.R.R.— Chicago & Eastern Dllnois Railroad C.G.W.R.R.— Chicago Great Western Railroad. C.A.A. — Chicago Athletic Association. Chi.— Chicago. chm. — chairman. C.H.&D.Ry. — Cincinnati. Hamilton & Dayton Railway. C..I.&.L.Ry.— Cliioago. Indianapolis & Louisville Railway. C.J.R.R. — Chicago Junction Railroad. C.L.S.&E.R.R. — Chicago. Lake Shore & Eastern Railroad. C..M.&St.P.Ry.— Chicago. MilwauJiee & St. Paul Railway. C.O.&G.R.R.— Choctaw. Oklahoma & Gulf Railroad. Co. — Company ; county. C.E. — Civil Engineer. col. — colonel. Coll.— College. Colo. — Colorado. Cong. — Congress: also congregation. Conn. — Connecticut. C, R. I. &E.P.Ry.— Chicago. Rock Island & El Paso RaUway. C. R. I. &P.R.R.— Chicago. Rock Island & Pacific Railroad. C.S-A. (or C.S.Army) — Confederate States Army. C..St.P..M.&.O.Ry.— Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha Railway. est. P.&K.C.R.R.— Chicago. St. Paul & Kansas City RaUroad. ct. — court. C.T.T.R.R. — Chicago Terminal Transfer Railroad. C.&A.Ry.— Chicago & Alton Railway. C.&G.E.Ry.— Chicago & Great Eastern Railway. C.&G.T.Ry.— Chicago & Grand Trunk Railway. com. — committee. comm. — commission. commr. — commissioner. cty. — county. C.&N.W.Ry.— Chicago & Northwestern Railway. C.&N. P. R.R.— Chicago & Northern Pacific Railroad. C.&O.Ry.^Chesapeake & Ohio Railway. C.&.W.I.R.R. — Chicago & Westem Indiana Railroad. D.C. — District of Columbia. D.C.L.— I>octor of Civil Law. D.D.— Doctor of Divinity. D.D.S. — Ditrtor of Dental Surgery. Dec. — December. Del. — Delaware. D ep t, — De pa rtment. dir. — director. disl.— district. D..L.&W.R.R.— Delaware, Lackawanna & Westem Railroad. D.,G.H.&M.R.R.— Detroit. Grand Haven & Milwaukeo Railroad. D.,L.&N.R.R.— Detroit. Lansing & Northern Railroad. D.Lltt. — (also L.H.D.)— Doctor of Literature. D.V.S. — Doctor of Veterinary Surge o'- E.— East od. — educated: also editor. ed ' n . — education. edn'l. — educational. E.E. — Electrical Engineer. E.J.&E.R.R.— Elgin. Joliet & Eastern Railroad. Eng. — England. engr. — engineer. , Exmoor — Exmoor Country (Hub. Expn. — Exposition. E.&T.H.Ry.— Evansville & Terre Haute Railway. F eb . — Februa ry . Fla.— Florida. Ft.— Fort. Ga.— (Jeorgla. G.A.R,— Grand Army of the Republic. gen. (also genl.) — general. Ger. — Germany. G.N.Ry. — Great Northern RaUway. grad. — graduated. H.I. — Hawaiian Islands. Homeo. — Homeopathic. Hosp. — Hospital. I.C.R.R.— Illinois Central Railroad. l.&St.L.R.R.— Indianapolis & St Louis Railroad. la. — Iowa. Ida. — Idaho. III.— Illinois. Illinois Athletic (also III.Ath.)— New Dlinols Athletic Club. Ind. — Indiana. Ind.Ty. — Indian Territory. infly. — Infantry. I.N.G. — Illinois National Guard. insp. — Inspector. I ntern'l. — International. Jan. — January. Kan. — Kansas. K.C.FtS.&G.R.R.— Kansas City. Fort Scott & Gulf Railroad. K.C.FtS.&M.R.R.— Kansas City. Fort Scott & Memphis Railroad- K.C.S.R.R. — Kansas City Southern Railroad. K.C. — Knights of Columbus. K. P.— Knights of Pythias. K.T. — Knights Templar. Ky. — Kentucky. La. — Louis i ana. L.I. — Long Island. LI. B.— Bachelor of Laws. L.S.&M.S.Ry. — Lake Shore & Michigan Southern Railway. lieut. — lieutenant. lieut.-gov. — lieutenant-governor. Luth. — Lutheran. L.&N.R.R.— Louisville & NashviUe Railroad. L.&P.R.R.— Lackawanna & Pittsburg Railroad- m. — married. maj. — major. M ass. — Massachusetts. M.D.— Doctor of Medicine. Md.— Maryland. Me.— Maine. M.E. — Master of Engineering; mechanical engineer. med. — medical. mem. — member. mfg. — manufacturing. mfr. — manufacturer. mgr. — manager. Mich. — Michigan. Midlothian — Midlothian Country Club. mil. — military. Minn. — Minnesota. Miss. — Mississippi. M.L.— Master of Laws. 407 ABREVIATIONS— Continued Mo.— Missouri. Mont. — Montana. M.S.— Master of Science. Mt.— MuunL MaP.Ry.— Mlssourt Paclflc Railway. Mu8.B.— Kachelor of Music. M.&St.L.R.R.— MinneaMl^ & St. LouLs lUUroad. N. ( No.)— North. nat. — national. N.D.— North DakoU. Neb. — Nebraska. Nov. — Nevada. N.H. — Ni5W Hampshire. N.J. — New Jorsey. N.Mex. — New Mexico. No. (also N.)— North. Nov. — November. N.P.Ry.— Northern Paclflo Railway. N.S. — Nova Scotia- N.W.— Northwestern. N.Y.— New York. N.Y.C.&H.R.R.R.— New York Central & Hudson River Railroad. N.Y.,C.&St.L.R.R.— New York. Chioa«o & St. Louis RaUroad. N.Y..P.&O.R.R.— New York, Pennsylvania & Ohio Railroad. 0.— Ohio. Oct.^0ctober. Okla. — Oklahoma. Ont. — Ontario. , Op8. — Oregon. Pa.— i*enn syl vanla. Pd.B.— Bachelor of Pedagogy- P.,C.&St.L.R.R.— Pittslmrg. Cincinnati & St. Loula Railroad. Ph.D.— Doctor of Philosophy. Ph.M. — Master of Pharmacy. P.&S.~Physlclans and Surgeons. P.I. — Philippine Islands. PI.— Place. pass. — paasenger. pres. — president. prin. — principal . prof.- — p rof eas or. pub. — public. Ravisloe — Ra\"islo6 Country Club. rep. — representative. repub. — republican. Rev. — Reverend. R.I. — Rhode Island. R.R. Uallroad. Ry. — Railway. 8. — .son. 8. (also So.)— Soulh. S.A. — South America. S. A. R .—Sons of American Revolution. S.B. (also B.S.) — Bachelor of Scleoco. S.C. — South Carolina, achl. — school. Sc.D. — Doctor of Science. S.D.— .South Dakota. secty . — se c ret a ry . Sen. — Senator. Sept. — September. sergt. — sergeant. So. (abo S.)— South. South Shor« — South Shore Country. Sq. — Square. St. — Saint: street. S. P. Ry.— Southern Pacific Railway. S.P. R.R. — Southern Pacific Railroad. aupt. — superintendent. T..St.L.&W.Ry.— Toledo, St. lyouia & Western Railway. treas.— treasurer. Ter. — Territory. Twp. — Township. Univ. (also U niver.) — University. U.P.R.R.— Undon Padflo RaUroad. U.S.— United StateB. U.S.A.— United States Acmy. U.S.N.— United SUtea Navy. U.S.V.— United States Volunteers. Va.— Virginia. Vol. — Volunteer; volume. Vice- pros. — Vice-president. Vt.— Vermont. W.— West. Wash. — Washington. Westward H o— Westward Ho Golf dub. W.C.Ry.— Wisconsin Central Railway. W. . I . & N . Ry.— Wisconsin, Iowa & Nebraska Railway. Wis. — Wisconsin. W.Va.— West Virginia. Wyo. — Wyoming. W.&M.Ry.— Wisconsin & Michigan Railway. Y.M.C.A. — Young Men's Christian Association. % 40$ INDEX PAGE A lI_Abbey. Charles Peters 14_Abbott. William Tabor 10— Ackerl. Cl.;iiU-s 11- 9 — Adams, Mllward 15— Adcock. Edmund D. 9— Alshlon. Richard H. 15_AIden, William Tracy 13_AlIen. Harry Keyes 14 — Allen. Leon Menard 15 — Allerton. Samuel Waters 13— Ailing. Charles. Jr. 13— Amberg. William A. U— Ames, John C. 13— Anderson. William Jimes 14 — Andrews, Charles W. 15— Angell. William Robert in— Ap Madoc. William Tudor 12— Armstrong. Robert B. 11— Arnold, Blon J. 12— Arnold, Oswald J. B 34— Baacbes. Frank 26— Babcock. Frederick R. 54— Backus. Clyde I 35— Bailey. Kdward W. 45_Baker, Alfred I-andon 30— Baldwin. IIenr>- U. 31— Baldwin. .Tcsse A. 47— Baldwin. L. Blake 54— Ball. Tlinmns MuUer 40— Ballantlne. Noten Dickenson ^C — Banks. Alexander F. 56- Barber. Cnurtenay 4.5— Banies. Carl L. 53 — Barnett. Otto Raymond 52— Barrett. Channlng Whitney 28— Bartletl, Frederick HenrT 50— Bati'iiiiin. F. I- 32 — Bates, Onward 31— Batten. John H. n3— Baitm, Wllltam Louis r>."i — Baumann. Frederick 27 — Behan, I>ouls J. 37 — Belfeld. Joseph 47— Beitler. Henry Clay 52 — Belasco. Daniel .^1 — Benjamin. Loiii? 52— Bennett. Willis Henry 33— Bensinger. Bentamln E. 41— Bentley. Frank Taggart 41)— Berniinghani. T. C. 28— Best, William 56— Beye. William 30- Riddle. William Baxter 38- BUlingS. Charles I.. 5." — Binswanger, Augustus 54— Bird. Harry Lewis 48— r.lrk. Edward J. 4S— Birk. Jacob 48— Birk. William A- 49— Blrkhoff, George, Jr. 23 — Blair. Henry AuETUStua 51— Blake. Charles G. 51 — Bleyer. Charles E-lwin 21— Block!, Frederick W. "2— Bode, Frederick 26— Boirot, Eir,lle Kellogg 27 — Bolger, Thomas J. 50— Booz. John T. PAOB 3U — Borders. M. W. 49 — Bom. Moses 36— Boutell. Henry Sherman 40— Bowers. Lloyd Whealon 56— Bowman. Johnston U. 44— Boynton. Charles T. 53— Eracey. Smith Herbert 29 — Brannuro. William S. 25 — Brand, Rudolph 53—Bredlng. Ben Nobia 43 — Breen. Mart hi J. 51 — Bregnian. Ix»uls I. 43 — Brennan, Bernard G. 39— Brennan. Patrick 52— Brennan. William F. 53— Brown. Charles I.eRoy 55 — Brown. John A. 37 — Brown. Paul 42 — Bnigpemeyer. Claudia 31— Brundage. Edward 3 40 — Bryson. William John 55 — Buck. Niels 46— Buckingham. George T. 25 — Budd. Brittan J. 42— Buell. Charles Clinton 35 — Bulkley. Almon W. 49— Bunch, Frank M. 44— Bunch. Thaddeus Osca' 50— Bunnell. .I'>hn Alexander 41— Bums. p. C. 54— Burn«. William H. 50— Burras. Charii-s Haye^. 29 — Burres. Joseph Reuben 24 — Burry. William 38— Busse. William 22 — Byllesby. Henry M. C 82— Cable. Benjamin Stlcknej 70— Calh-iun. William James 83— Callahan. John W. fig — Cameron. Daniel Ross 82— Campbell. Edward T. 76 — Cameron. Osslan 81— Canty. Francis James 71_r;,rO'. K.lwiini Francis 81— Carmack. Edgar H. 78— Camahan. Charles Calvin 72 — Carpenter, Hubbard *66— Carr, Clyde Mitchell 71 — Carrj-. Edward Francis 74 — Carter. John Buren 73— Case. Miinson Timothy 82— Cassels. Edwin H. G6 — Caverly. John R- 78— Cervenka. John A- 78 — Cigrand. Dr. Bernard J. 7j)_Chamberlaln. Walter Howard 84— Chllds, Frank Hall 80— Church. Chester W. 84 — Churen. Charles Adelbert 85— Clancy. William P. 75— Clark. A. Sheldon 79_Clark. Charles D. 81 — Clark, John Marshall 69— Clarke. John Vaughan 82 — Claussenius. George W. 77_CUfford, Edwin 69 — Cobe, Ira Maurice 65 — Cochran. J- Lewis 67 — Cochrane, William Henry 409 INDEX— Continued PAGE 81— Cocy. Charles A. 64 — Colburn. Warren E. 61— Coleman, Wllllara A. 72— Collins, Richard J. G2 — Comlskey. Chas. A. 84 — Condon, James G, 71 — Connery. Francis Daniel 60 — Connery. John Tobin 67 — Connors, Thomas J. 84 — Conover. Abram B. 83— Cooley, Edwin Gilbert S.'i— Cooney, Richard J. 80 — Comeau, Barton 73— Cottrell, William N. 64 — Countiss. Frederick Downer 83 — Cowan, Kennett 03— Cowdcry. Edward G. 77 — Cowles, Alfred 80 — Cos, Arthur Malcom 75 — Crandall, Noble 79- Crane, William Bantin 78— Cratty. Josiah 79— Crlbben. William H. 76— Critchfleld, H. D. 74 — Crosby, George Ileman 80— Cruice. Daniel I.. 68— Cudahy, John 05— Cudahy, Michael 70 — Culver, Morton Taylor 83 — Cummings, David Mark D 104— Dagg, Thomas L. 107— Damsel, William Hudson 107 — Danner. Max L. 99— David, Joseph B. 108— Davles. Edgar Thomas 97 — Dawes. Rufus Cutler 101 — Dean, JIaurice S. 107 — Deering. Thomas G. 106— Deeves. GrilTen H. 102— Defebaueh. James Elliott 105 — Defrees. Joseph Holfon 98— Delano. Frederic A. 98— Devltt. Jlartln Allen IOC — Dewey, Chauncey 105— Dick, Albert Blake 103— Dickinson, Edward 103 — Dickinson, Jacob McGavock 108— Dolph, Fred A. 107 — Donovan, Henry F. 85 — Dorman, Charles C. 100 — Douglass. William Angus 108 — Dow. Francis Melven 101 — Downey. Joseph 100— Doyle. WUiiam A. 102— Drlscoll. John T. 104 — Drum. A. L. 90— Dunlap. MUlard F. IOC — Dunlap. Robert 100— Duntley. John Wheeler 99- Duntley. William Obid lOS— Dyrenforth. Harold E 109— Earling. Albert J. 114— Eastman. Albert N. 116— Eastman. Robert M. 118 — Eaton. Marquis 115 — Ebeling. George 121— Eberhardt. 3Iax 120— Eberhart. Noble Murray 1 19— Eckhardt. WlUiam Nicholas 113— Eckhart. Bernard A. 120— Eckhart, John W. 112— Eddy. Alfred Deiavan 112— Edwards. Arthur llobin 11!) — Eidmann. Heniy P. 117 — Eisendratli. Joseph N. lis— Ellicott. Edward lleach 110— EUIott. H. Curtis 110- Eltlng. Howard PAGE 118 — Emerson. Harry Lewis 115 — Emerson, Jay H. 120— Enright. John B. 119 — Ericson. John Ernst 113 — Ericsson. Henry 114— Ettelson. Samuel A. 120 — Evans. John Thomas 119— Everett. Edward Warren 121— Eweil. Marshall Davis 111 — Ewen, John Melggs 117 — Ewen. Malcolm Faullmer 121 — Eyman. Frank P. F 127— Fahmey. Ezra 0. 125 — Faithorn. John Nicholson 135— Farreil. John David 131— Favill. Henry Baird 136- Fenlon. William Taylor 136— Fergus. Robert C. 121— Ferguson. AIe.\ander Hugh 125— Fetzer. John C. 129— Fishback. Charles F. 128 — Fisher. Lucius George 132 — Fiynn. Simon Richardson 128— Flynn. Thomas P. 135 — Flynn. Thomas W. 131— Pocil. Charles M. 13C— Folds. Charles W. 129 — Folsom. Richard Sweet 130— Foreman. Milton J. 127— Forrest. Alfred Edgar 134 — Foster. Stephen Austin 134— Fowler. Frank T. 134 — Fo,i£, Eugene 135— Fox, Richard T. 126— Frank. Abraham 136 — French. George B. 133— Fritch. Louis Cliarlton 132— Frost. Charles Sumner 126— Fry. Sheridan E. 130— Fuller. Alfred Tracy 131 — Fidtnn. Samuel Theodore 133— Funk. Clarence Sidney 135— Fyffe. Colin Campbell G 143 — Gallagher. Jlichaei Francis 140 — Gallagher. Thomas 141 — Gansbergen, Frederick H. 139 — Gardner, J.imes T. 142 — Garrard. Lucien McDowell 146 — Gibbons, Hariy R. 138— Gibbons, John 146— Gillette, Howard Frank 145— Gindele. Charles William 147 — Goehst. John Henry 145 — Goodnow. Charles Newell 147 — Goodrich. Adams Augustus 141 — Gorham. Sidney Smith 147— Gould. Charles J. 144 — Gower. Harry 139 — Graham. Andrew J. 142 — Granger. Alfred Hoyt 115 — Greenacre. Isaiah Thomas 14G — Greenebaum, Henry Everett 114 — Greenebaum. James Eugene 146 — Greenebaum. Jloses E. 140 — Greig. Alexander S. 147 — Gresham. Otto 138— Gross. Alfred H. 143 — Gunther. Burneil 145 — Gunther. Charles Frederick 144— Gurley, WUlLim W. H 173 — Haas. Joseph Frederick 179- Haight. George I. 183— Hair. Ecnjaloin Morton 181— Haipln. Jnhn J. 174— Hamill. Ernest Alfred 161- Hamilton. Isaac Miller 173 — Hanberg. John J. 410 INDEX— Continued PAGE IS I— Hanchett. Francis Gilbert 175 — Hanford, Hopkins J. 183— Hanreddy. Joseph E. 180— Hanson. Albert Hoit 182 — Hanson. Burton 185 — Happel. Charles Julius 155 — Harahan, Jame- n. 216— Kent. Edwin R. 215 — Kenyon. Wini;mi Jolm Cliarles 209 — Kessler. Julius 217— Kimball. Charles P. 20(3— Kingsbury. Edwin Campbell 215— Kirchner. Julius C. 212— Kirk. MUton W. 214— Klrkman. Marshall Monroe 216— Kjellander, John 206 — Kleine. George 20S— Knight. Clarence A. 217 — Knhlsaat. Edward Christian 215— Kohn, Alfred D. 209— Kola eek. William 210— Koraleski. Frank W- 21C— Kretzinger. George W. 207— Kuppenheimer, Louis B. L 920— Labuy. Joseph S. 225 — Lampert, Nelson Norman 223— Lamont. Robert Patterson 222 — Landsberg. Edward 228— Lavin. Patrick J. 227— Tvedbetter. Elmer E. 218— Leigh. Edward Baker 221— Leszynsky. Edward G. 225 — Letts. Prank Crawford 227 — Lewis. George Frederick 22G — Lewis. James Hamilton 220— Litt. Sol 22S— Lobell. Joseph H. 222 — Loeb, Jacob W. 228 — Loeb, Leo A. 227— Loewenthal. .Tnliiis WUll;im 224 — Lord, John Brnckett 219— Lorimer. William 224 — Lund. Sten 226 — Lundin. Frederick 227— Lust. H. C. 223 — Lyford, Will Hartwell 221 — Lynch. John A. M 230— MacArthur. Arthur F. 254 — MacChesney. Nathan W. 256— Mace. Alfred Clarence 251 — MacLeish, John E. 239 — Madden, James B. 253— Magerstadt, Ernest J. 255 — Maguire, Philip J. 243 — Maher. George W. 259 — Mahon^, John J. 244 — Mandel, I*on 256 — Manss, William Henry 249 — Marcuse. Ben 255 — Markman, Samuel K. 241 — Marriott. Abraham Robert 255 — Marshall, Benjamin Howard 239 — Jlartyn, Chauncey W. 247 — Marrin. Charles B. 411 INDEX— Continued PAGE 235 — Masters, Edgar Lee 2r.8— Mastln, Georeo Ciawford 230 — Mather. Alonzo C. 240— Maswell. WUllnm W. 252 — Mayer. Simon 252 — McAulllTe, Eugene 241— McCormlok. Rnhert nail 230 — McCormlck. Itobert Killlierford 254 — McCf>y. William 245 — McCullough. Hiram nu.Inlph 253— McEUieott. Thomas G. 243 — McElwee. Robert Harvey 245— McGarry. John A. 254— McGoorty. John P. 233 — McGovern. Michael H. 239— McKeever. Buell 250 — McKenna. Edward W. 258— McKenna. Dr. C. Hugh 254— Melveima. Philip J. 250— McKiniiey. Roliert M. 248— McKinnon. Ji lin Wallace 234 — McLaughlin. Andrew H. 228 — McWeeny. John 242 — Meachani. Florus D. 257 — Meier. George J. 250— Melclier. Frank Otis 240— Merle. William F. 267— Metzger. George 258— Michels. Nicliolas 237— SllUer. August W. 257— Miller. George W. 238— Miller. Heniy I. 240— Miller. John Stocker 235— MlUer, Sidney WalUer 229— Mills. Herbeit S. 259— Mlnzeslieimer, Lazarus F. 237— MItcheU. John J. 231— Mitten, Thomas Eugene 210— Monaghan, James L. 240 — Moody, Charles Henry 251 — Moore, Edward Small 253— Moore, Lewis Theodore 235— Jloore. Nathan G. 250— Moorliouse. William Hussell 232 — Morris. Edward 252 — Morris. Joseph O. 234— Morris. Seymour 248— Morris. William 252 — Morrison. Charles B. 257— Morrison, Clyde A. 258- Morron. John It. 259 — Morton. Joy 238— Moss. William Hay 244— Mudge. IleniT U. 247 — Mundie. William IJiTce 253— Monger. Edwin A. 242 — Munli.v. John IJenjamln N 200- Nathan, .\dolph 2G6^Nelson. Nicholas J. 200- Nelson, William P. 204 — Newman, Jacob 207- Ney, Frank 204 — Nightingale, Augustus F. 203- Noel, Edsar Jlarion 206 — Noonan. l''rancls J. 207 — Noonan. Thomas J. o 271— O'Brien. Patilck D. 271— O'Brien. (Juln 271— O'Couneil. William L. 272— O'Connor. Charles J. 207— O'llonncli, Jere J. 275 — O'Gara. Thomas J. 271— O'Keefte. Patrick James 272— Oliver, John MUton 273— Olson. Harry 273— Orr, Louis Thomas PAGE 271 — Ostenrleder. Richard 270— Oslerman, Henry C. 275— Otis, Joseph Edward 274— Otis, Phllo Adams P 291 — Paeiwke, Hermann 287 — Page, Samuel Shope 281 — Palmer, Honore 284 — Palmer, Percival B. 289— Palmer, Potter, Jr. 290— Pam. Mai 293— Park. William Lee 295— Parkin. Harry Alvln 294 — Partridge, Edward Wellington 285- Patterson, I^muel E. 286— Paul, John C. 291 — Payne, John Barton 296 — Peaks, George Henry 292— Pearce, WUliain Greene 285 — Pearson, Walter Beverly 288- Pease, Warren 290 — Peck. Clarence Ives 284— Peck. George R. 283— Peirce. Edward B. 295 — Pennington. John Rawson 294 — Peters. Edward Harvey 280— Peterson. William Adolph 280— Phelps. Ersklne M. 292— Piazza. Julius Vincent 281 — Pierce. Charles Ingals 282- Pierce. Edwin Franklin 293— Pittman. Matthias Bovee 280 — Plamondon. Charles Ambrose 282— Pollock. Edward L. 290 — Popham, George Moon 294— Potts, Joshua R. H. 287 — Powell, Isaac Newton 279— Powers, John 293— Pratt, Edwin Hartley 283— Pratt, William H. 283— Price, F^iward Carlton 295 — Pringle, Frederick Wilmot 294— Pringle, William J. 289— Prost, Jacob H. 278 — Pugh. James Andrew 295 — Putney, Albert H. Q 296— Quayle. Robert R 314— Rainer. Paul P. 300 — Rawn. Ira O. 310— RedieskI, Paul 312— Reedy, William Henry 348 — Regan. James L. 309 — Reichniann. Frank Joseph 308— Rend. William Patrick 305 — Renwick. Edward Anderson 311 — Reynolds. George McClelland 312 — Richardson. George Paiker 311— Richardson. William Herbert 302— Richter, Edward 1.. 307 — Riley. Harrison Earnett 301— Roach. John M. 304— Robbins. George B. 303— Roberts. George Evan 314 — Roberts. Jesse Elmer 310— Roberts. John 312— Roche. William 314— Roe. ClIITord G. 313- Roenltz. Frank L. 307— Rogers. Luther Calvin 305— Rohrer. WUIIam L. 313— Rose. Donald 309 — Rose. John Alexander 303— Rosenwald. Julius 313— Ross. Walter Lint 313— Rosslter. Edgar A. 311 — Rubens. Harry 304 — Runnells. John Sumner 306— Russell, Edward Perry 412 INDEX— Continued PAGE S 3ri3— Sabath. Adolph J. 349 — Sabath. Joseph 352— Sampsell. Marshall E. 349 — Sampson, William Hubbard 355 — Sandegren. Andrew 342— Sargent. Frederick 337 — Scanlan, KIckham 333— Schmidt, George K. 319-^Schafrner, Charles 346— Schlake. William 345 — Schmidt, Walter E. 335 — Schmltt. Frank P. 352— Schneider. Otto C. 350— Seholz. Carl 343 — Sehott, William Henry 350— Schrelder. William 341— Schrojda. W. 349— SchuetUer, Herman F. 348— Schultz. Henry 328— Schulze, Paul 342 — Schumacher, Tliomas M. 335 — Schuyler, Daniel Jay 325— Schwab. Charles H. 353— Scott. Frank E. 343 — Scott. Frank Hamllne 356 — Scovel. John C. 331— Scully. Alexander B. 350— Scully. Banlel B. 337— Scully. Thomas F. 356 — Sears, Natlianiel Clinton 323— Sears, Richard W. 330 — Seaman. H. W. 357 — Sebastian. John 357 — Seeeers, Charles 357— Belter. Henry J. 331— Sexton. William H. 349— Shanahan. Darid Edward 338— Shankland, Edward Clapp 353— Shaw. Gilbert B, 351— Shaw. Ralph M. 334 — Sheean. James Matthew 322— Sheldon. A. F. 328— Sheridan. Thomas Francis 336 — Shippy. George M. 355 — Signer. Frederick Edmund 354— SUsbee, Fred B. 344 — Simon, Sylvester J. 332— Sims, Edwin W. 340 — Singer, Mortimer HentT 329— Sinla. B. J. 351— Sloan. Robert K. 341 — Smletanha. Julius F. 330 — Smiley. Michael John 333— Smith. Frederick A. 351— Smith, Willis 320 — SmulskI, John Franklin 345— Spalding, Charles F. 321 — Spinney. Edmund C. 327 — Spoor. George K. 324 — Spoor. John Alden 351— Stafford, Leslie Reed 357 — Staples, Frank Manning 326 — Starring. Mason Erayman 352— Steik. John 352 — Stephens. Redmond Dayls 351 — Steplna. James F. 347 — Stevens, Charles Anthony 356 — Stevens, James William 346— Stevenson. William H.. Jr. 347— Steward. LeRoy T. 334— SUwart. Robert Wrlglit 353 — Strassheim. Christopher 353 — Straus. Benjamin F. 350 — Straus. Simeon 355 — Straus. Simon W. 354 — Strauss, Joseph Baerman 338 — Strawn. Silas Hardy 356 — Street, Richard Hamilton 336 — Stuart, James E. 348— Stuckart, Henry 354 — .Stumer, Louis M. 339 — Sturges. William Newton 339 — Sturm. Meyer Joseph 344 — Sunny, Bernard Edward PAGE 332— Sutherland. William J. 340 — Swanson. William Henry 329— Swenson. Ch.irles W.. Jr. T 375 — Talbert. Joseph Truitt 372 — Taylor. George Hooper 375 — Taylor. Thomas. Jr. 372— Terbell. Joseph B, 365 — Theurer, Joseph 373 — Thompson, Slason 374 — Thompson, William Hale 369 — Thornton, Charles Solon 368— Tllden, Edward 373— TUden, William A. 370 — TInsman, Homer E. 370— Tlvnen. Richard J. 371 — Torbet. Lewis Kirtley 374 — Torrlson. Oscar M. 371 — Tralnor. John C. 367 — Turck. Fenton Benedict 366 — Turner. Charles u 377— Uhllr, Joseph Z. 37C— Upham. Frederic William 377— Urlon. Alfred R. V 378 — VonFrantzius. Frederick William 380— VanHook, Weller 378 — Voplcha, Charles J. 380 — Vroman, Charles Edward w 383 — Wacker. Charles Henry 399 — Wagner. Edwin L. 388— Wagner, Emll W. 397 — Wales, Henry Wiiltweil 400— Walker. Edwin K. 399 — Walker. Emery Stanlela 386 — Walker. Henry Harrison 400 — Warman. W'lUard 391 — Wayman. John E, W. 388— Weber. Bernard F, 390— Weber. William H. 398— Webster, Ralph Waldo 401 — Weingarden. I. M. 398 — Weissenbach, Joseph 390 — Welbasky. William J- 400— Welch. Nlnlan H. 392— Wells. Addison E. 389 — Wells. Hosea Williams 401 — Wendell. Julius A. 385 — West. Roy Owen 389 — Weston, George 386— WetUn, Emll C. 380 — Wheeler, John 382— Wheeler, Albert Gallatin 403— Whltacker, William Balilieior 393 — Whitman, John L. 391— Whitman. John Munro 387— White. William S, 403— Whyte, George Stuart 396— WIckett, Frederick H. 401— Wlehe, C. F. 396 — Wllcos, Henry Seward 387- Wilcox, George G. 402— Wilder, John JSmery 403— Wllkerson. Jamea H. 394— Williams. John Charles 402 — Williams, Orva G. 392 — Wilson, John P. 393 — Wilson, Thomas Edward 394— WUson. Walter H. 381 — Wlnchell. Benjamin I. a Fon 402— WInne, William N. U. 395— Wolf. Fred W. 400 — Wolf. Joseph 402 — Wollenberger. Herman 380— Wood, Stephen B. 384— Wood. Guilford S. 401 — Woodman, Andrew Whitney 395 — Woodruff, Thomas Adams 307— Woolfolk, Clinton S, Y 403— Young, Hobart P. 413 INDEX— Cantinued lU'II.DINGS AND MISCELLANEOUS PAGE 16 — American Radiator Co. 19 — Annour & Co.. Plant 18 — Armour & Co., General OffiMS 8 — Amiour. J. Ogden, Residence 7— Art Institute 17 — Atlas Brewing Co. 20 — Automatic Electric Company 21— Blackstone Hotel 58— Borden Block 57 — Brand Brewing Co. no — Central Trust Co. of Illinois 89— Chicago Crayon Co. 27?— Chicago Public Llbraiy SG — Chicago Railway Equipment Co. 88— Chicago Reduction Co. 94 — Chicago & Northwestern Ry. Passenger Terminal 59 — Chicago Telephone Co. 151 — Christopher Columbus Steamer 92— Coliseum 91— Colonial Theater 58 — Congress Hotel and Annex 93 — Cort Theater 205— Dearborn Street Bridge 95 — Drexel State Banlt 122— Bdihart, B. A. Milling Co. 87— Edison Building 123— Federal Building 149— Gage Brothers & Co. 151 — Goodrich Transit Co. 148— Goss Printing Press Co. 137 — Grand Boulevard 150 — Graham & Morton Transportation Co. 190 — Hammond. G. H.. Packing Co. 187 — Harvester Building 192 — Haymarket Square 189 — Heyworth Building 152 — Higinbotham. H. N.. Residence 191— nines, Edward, Lumber Co. PACE 194— Illinois Theater 195 — Illinois Trust and Savings Bank 193— Independent Packing Co. 204 — .Tackson. George W.. Inc.. Plant 188— LaSalle. Hotel 262— Majestic Building 260 — Monarch Refrigerating Co. 261 — Morris & Co., Packing Plant 268— National Life Insurance Co., Building 269 — National Malleable Castings Co. 265 — Newbeny Library 290 — Palmer House 297— Peoples Gas Building 298— Pugh Terminal Warehome 276 — Pullman. Mrs. George M., Residence 315 — Rlttenhouse & Embree Co., Lumber Plant 300— Rookery. The 316— 317— Ryerson. Joseph T. & Son, Plant 361 — Schoenhofen. Peter. Brewing Co. 363— Schwartzschlld & Sultzberger Co.. Plant 362— Scully Steel & Iron Co.. Plant 358 — Sears. Roebuck & Co., Plant 318 — Seipp, Mrs. Catherine, Residence 406 — South Water Street 364— State Street 359 — Street's Western Stable-Car Line Bldg. .•!G0—36.'!— Stock Yards. Union 360— Swift & Co., Office Building 18— Union Stock Yards 19— Union Stock Yards 190 — Union Stock Yards 261— Union Stock Y'ards 360— Union Stock Yards 363 — Union Stock Y'ards 379 — Vendome Hotel 404 — Warner Hotel 405 — Woman's Temple 414 THE LIBRAF UNIVERSITY OF CAl Santa Barbara THE LIBRARY ISITY OF CALIFORNIA Santa Barbara THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW. DEC 1 NOVlsH 6 ^^x^*^ .t^^ 'M »i •» d 41 3 1205 00587 9034 UCSlJUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY fACIL ■>^ ^^ilPs^"^** ZfU