GIFT OF PROFESSOR W.A.SETCHELL Our Aim To Study Preserve RecordWisconsin Antiquities. Vol. 4. APRIL to AUGUST, 1905. Nos. 3 and 4. THE WISCONSIN ARCHEOLOGIST Published by Authority of Law. By the Wisconsin Archeological Society, Milwaukee, Wis, THE ABORIGINAL PIPES OF WISCONSIN. MADISON, WIS. DEMOCRAT FEINTING Co., STATE PRINTER. 1905. Effigy Pipe, Author's Collection. THE WISCONSIN ARCHEOLOGIST Issued by the MVisconsin Arckeological Society Milwaukee, ^iV is. Volume 4, Numbers 3 and 4. April to August, 1 905. WITH TWO HUNDRED AND TWENTY-TWO ILLUSTRATIONS. Edited^ty Cnarles E. Brown, Secretary and Curator. Published by Authority of Law. MADISON, Wis. DEMOCRAT PRINTING COMPANY, STATE PRINTER IQ05. Wisconsin Archeological Society MILWAUKEE, WIS. Incorporated March 23, 1903, for the purppse of advancing the study and preservation of Wisconsin antiquities. OFFICERS PRESIDENT George A. West VICE-PRESIDENTS Rolland L. Porter W. H. Ellsworth P. V. Lawson O. L. Hollister H. A. Crosby DIRECTORS W. K. Flint J. G. Allbright TREASURER L. R. Whitney SECRETARY AND CURATOR Charles E. Brown COMMITTEES SURVEY, RESEARCH AND RECORD Dr. A. Gerend Prof A. B. Stout S. D. Mitchell Julia A. Lapham Dr. Louis Falge Dr. Geo. L. Collie G. W. Wolff Prof. A. R. Clifton MEMBERSHIP O. J. Habhegger W. H. Elkey John Gerend P. A. Seifert E. G. Kohlsaat F. M. Benedict Mrs. Waldo Sweet COLLECTIONS J. P. Schumacher H. P. Hamilton J. G. Pickett Dr. Lewis Sherman PRESS Philip Wells Belle Blend Ellis B. Usher Dr. F. A. Traver SESSIONS These are held in the Lecture Room in the Library-Museum Building, in Milwaukee, on the third Monday of each month, at 8 P. M. During the months of July to October no meetings will be held. The Executive Board meets on the second Monday in each month. MEMBERSHIP FEES Life Members, $25.00. Members, $1.00 per Annum. All communications in regard to the Archeolofirical Society or to the "Wisconsin Archeolouist" should be addressed to C. E. Brown. Secretary and Curatoi, Office, 1214 Chestnut St., Milwaukee, Wis. TABLE OF CONTENTS. Vol. 4, Nos. 3 and 4. Page Indian tribes 47 Early explorers 49 Indian wars 49 Aboriginal trade 50 Indian tobacco 52 Tomahawk pipes 53 Other metallic pipes 69 Clay and pottery trade pipes 75 Pottery pipes 78 Siouan pipes 83 Micmac pipes 92 Portrait pipes 97 Effigy and emblematic pipes 101 Bridegroom or double-stemmed pipes Ill Platform or monitor pipes 113 Handled pipes 125 Disk pipes 130 Hagh-foowled pipes , 140 Pot-shaped pipes 141 Vase-shaped pipes 142 Square ^bowled {pipes 146 Ovoid pipes 149 Lens-shaped pipes 150 Keel-shaped pipes 151 Double conodial pipes 154 Pebble pipes 156 Tube pipes . 158 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. Effigy pipe Frontispiece Pi ate Facing page I. Map of Wisconsin Indian hunting grounds 47 II. Pottery pipes , 80 III. Siouan calumet pipes 88 IV. Diminutive Siouan pipes 90 V. Unperforated micmac pipes, wedge-shaped base 94 VI. Unperforated micmac pipes, rounded base 94 VII. Terraced-base micmac pipes 95 VIII. Stemmed micmac pipes ..'. 95 IX. Stemmed micmac pipes 95 X. Perforated-base micmac pipes 96 XI. Interesting forms of micmac pipes 96 (41) 42 WISCONSIN ARCHEOLOGISTT. Vol. 4, Nos. > and 4 Plate Facing Page XII. Conodial tube pipes 162 XIII. Conodial tube pipes 162 XIV. Arrow-shaft finishers .... 168 XV. Peculiar tube pipes 168 XVI. Cliff dwellers' tube pipes , 170 XVII. California tube pipes : 170 TEXT FIGURES. Figure Page 1. Tomahawk, pre-Columbian 53 2. Tomahawk, trade axe 54 3. Tomahawk pipe, Jourdain type 59 4. Tomahawk pipe of pewter 60 5, 6. Tomahawk pipes of iron 61 7, 8. Tomahawk pipes, Minniwaukroi type 62, 63 9. Tomahawk pipe, battle-axe form 63 10. Tomahawk pipe of brass 64 11. Tomahawk pipe of iron, acorn type 65 12. Tomahawk pipe of iron 66 13. Tomahawk pipe of iron, Siouan type 66 14. Tomahawk pipe of catlinite, Siouan type 67 15. Tomahawk pipe of iron, cross type 67 16. Tomahawk pipe of brass and steel 68 17. Tomahawk pipe of catlinite 68 18. Tomahawk pipj of iron, dagger type 68 19-21. Iron pipes, brazed . . 71, 72 22, 23. Iron pipes, forged 73 24-28. Lead pipes 74, 75 29. Trade pipe of clay, English make ' 76 30. Trade pipe, English make 76 31. Trade pipe of clay 76 32. Trade pottery pipe, glazed 77 33. Trade pottery pipe 77 34. Trade form of stone pipe 77 35. Trade form of catlinite pipe 77 36. Pottery pipe, Iroquois type 78 37, 38. Pottery pipes 79 39-41. Pottery pipes, trumpet-shaped 80 42. Calumet pipe 86 43. Calumet pipe, effigy form 87 44. Calumet pipe, mended with lead 89 45, 46. Calumet pipes, prepared for leading 89 47. Calumet pipe, ornamented with lead 90 48. Lead and stone pipe 90 49. Square bowled pipe 92 50, 51. Micmac pipes, unperforated 93, 94 52. Micmac pipe, terraced base '94 53. Micmac pip?, stemmed form 95 54. Micmac bird pipe, steirmed form ] . . 95 55. Micmac pipe, perforated base 96 List of Illustrations. Figure 56. Micmac bird pipe, perforated base 9o 57. Micmac bird pipe 97 58. Portrait pipe > 59. Portrait calumet pipe j9 60-64. Portrait pipes 100, K 65. Portrait pipe, with bone stem 101 66. Effigy pipe, human form 1 67, 68. Effigy pipes, turtle form "* 69. Effigy pipe, turtle and snake 103 70. Effigy pipe, buffalo head 103 71. Effigy pipe, frog form 103 72. Effigy pipe, portrait and animal 104 73. Effigy pipe, animal form 104 74. Effigy pipe, hoof form 104 75. Effigy pipe, animal form 105 76, 77. Effigy pipes, animal head 105 78, 79. Effigy pipes, animal form 106 80, 81. Effigy pipes, moccasin lorm 106 82, 83. Effigy pipe, bird form 107 84. Effigy pipe, human form 107 85, 86. Effigy pipes, animal form 108 87. Effigy pipe, human form 108 88. Totem pipe from Alaska 109 89. Effigy pipe, bone with Aztec calendar 109 90. Effigy pipe, frog form 109 91. Totem pipe, Northwest Coast type 110 92. Double-stemmed or bridegroom pipe 112 93. Double-stemmed pipe '. 112 94. Double-stemmed pipe of bone 112 95. Double-stemmed or bridegroom pipe 113 96-98. Monitor pipes, straight base 114, 115, 116 99. Monitor pipe, rounded base 116 100, 101. Monitor pipes, straight base 117, 118 102. Mississippi mound pipe 119 103, 106. Monitor pipes, short base 119, 120 107. Monitor pipes, square bowled 120 108. Monitor pipe, short base 120 109. Monitor pipe, southern type 121 110. Monitor pipe, short base 121 111. Curved-base pipe 122 112. Curved-base pipe, effigy form 123 113. Curved-base, unfinished pipe 123 114. Curved-base, high-bowled pipe , . 124 115. Handled bird pipe 126 116, 117. Handled pipes, fish form 127 118. Handled pipe of catlinite 128 119. Handled pipe of great size 128 120, 121. Handled pipes 129 122. Handled ,pipe, unfinished 129 123. Handled pipe, portrait form 129 124. Disk pipe, great size, with handle . 133 44 WISCONSIN ARCHEOLOGI3T. Vol. 4, Nos. 3 and Figure Page 125-127. Disk pipes, with handle I 34 , 135 128. Disk, with handle, effigy form 135 129, 130. Disk pipes, with handle 1 131. Disk pipe, with handle, effigy form 136 132. Disk pipe, handleless form, etched 137 133-135. Disk pipes, handleless i38 136, 138. Disk pipes, high-bowled form i3 ^ 139. Disk pipe, rare form 1 140-143. High-bowled pipes 140, 14 144-147. Pot-shaped pipes 14I I 42 148, 149. Vase-shaped pipes 143 150, 151. Vase-shaped pipes, first of fossil coral 145 152, 153. Vase-shaped pipes, with suggestion of stem 1 154, 155. Vase-shaped pipes I 44 156, 157. Vase-shaped pipes, perforated base 1 4 5 158. Vase-shaped pipe, ornamented rim 145 159. Vase-shaped pipe, .perforated base 145 160. Vase-shaped pipe, terraced base 146 161. Square-bowled pipe with emblem of lightning 146 162. Square-bowled pipe I 4 ? 163. Square-bowled pipe of fossil coral 147 164, 165. Square-bowled pipes 147 166. Square-bowled pipe with suggestion of stem 147 167. Square-bowled pipe with stem 148 168. Square-bowled fossil coral pipe 148 169. Square-bowled pipe, ornamented 148 170". Square-bowled pipe, of slate 148 171. Square-bowled pipe, with concave top 148 172. Ovoid pipe, ornamented 149 173. Ovoid pipe 149 174. Ovoid pipe, highly ornamented 150 175. Ovoid pipe, modified 150 176. Lens-shaped pipe, ornamented 150 177, 178. Lens-shaped pipes 151 179, 180. Keel-shaped pipes, ornamented 151, 152 181. Keel-shaped pipe, ornamented with emblems 152 182. Keel-shaped pipe, of white quartz 152 183, 184. Keel-shaped pipes, ornamented 153 185, 186. Keel-shaped pipes 153 187, 188. Double-conodial pipes 155 189. Double-conodial pipe, ornamented 155 190. Double-conodial pipe 156 191-193. Rough pebble pipes 157 194, 195. Rough pebble pipes 158 196, 198. Tube pipes, conodial form 160, 161 199. Tube pipe, conodial form, ornamented 161 200. Tube pipe, conodial form, trumpet shape 161 201. Tube .pipe, conodial, ornamented 163 202. Tube pipe, conodial form 164 203. Tube pipe, hourglass form 166 204. Tube, arrow-shaft straightener . . 167 THE WISCONSIN ARCHEOLOGIST A Quarterly Bulletin Published by the Wisconsin Archeological Society. Vol.4. MILWAUKEE, WIS., APRIL to AUG., 19O5. Nos. 3 and 4. PREFACE. The following- monograph of the "Aboriginal Pipes of Wis- consin" was prepared by the author at the request of the Wis- consin Archeological Society and is now presented for publica- tion as a further contribution to the archeology of our state. Its preparation and the collection of the data and specimens upon which it is based, have occupied his leisure moments for some years back. This paper will treat of the aboriginal pipes of this State. No apology is offered, or excuse made, for errors in judgment or composition. The descriptions are abbreviated as much as practicable, no lengthy discussions entered into, and few stereotyped quotations used. The illustrations are new, which will be appreciated by those who are weary of encounter- ing the same old cuts in each new archeological publication. The drawings are the writer's own. In the descriptions of specimens, when no other state is given, the location is always Wisconsin. Pipes are among . the rarest of all aboriginal artifacts, and the number and variety of Wisconsin finds described in this paper, will be a surprise to many, and can be taken as an in- dication of the great archeological wealth of the state. To print a list of those to whom the author is under obliga- tions, for the loan of specimens, and, when this was not pos- sible, of tracings and photographs, as well as for their kindly 16 WISCONSIN ARCHEOLOGIST. Vol. 4, Nos. 3 and 4 encouragement in preparing this treatise, would require more space than can be spared. Thanks are especially due to Dr. David Boyle of the Provincial Museum, Toronto; Mr. J. D. McGuire of Ellicott City, Maryland; Prof. T. H. Lewis of St. Paul; Mr. Clarence B. Moore of Philadelphia; Mr. Harlan I. Smith of the American Museum of Natural History, New York; Mr. Warren K. Moorehead of Andover, Mass., Dr. J. F. Snyder of the Illinois State Historical Society, and to Mr. Chas. E. Brown, secretary and curator of the Wisconsin Archeologioa' Society, the Messrs. W. H. Elkcy, W. H. Ellsworth, H. A. Crosby, Charles Quarles, H. K. Denison, Arthur Wenz, 0. T. Lahiuan, A. S. Mitchell and Miss Clare Gruettner, all of Milwaukee; S. D .Mitchell of Ripon; J. P. Schumacher of Green Bay; Horace McElroy of Janesville; H. P. Hamilton of Two Rivers; Fublius V. Lawson of Menasha ; Rolland L. Porter of Mukwonago ; J. S. Pickett of Pickett; C. T. Glen of Oshkosh; F. H. Lyman of Kenosha; F. M. Caldwell of Princeton; E. C. Perkins of Prairie du Sac; Dr. Alphonse Gerend of Sheboygan, and other Wisconsin archeologists who have assisted the author in various ways. He is also indebted to the Logan Museum of Archeology at Beloit College, Beloit, Wisconsin; State Historical Society; and to Milwaukee Museum, for permission to examine and study the specimens in their collections. p. ,//V D/AN HUNTING GROUNOS PLATE I. Geo. A. West: The Aboriginal Pipes of Wisconsin. 47 THE ABORIGINAL PIPES OF WISCONSIN. GEO. A. WEST. THE WISCONSIN INDIAN TRIBES. The fact that Wisconsin is exceedingly rich in aboriginal re- mains, in the' form of mounds and artifacts, is not to be wondered at, when one considers that it is blessed with many of the con- ditions most favorable and necessary to human existence. Ths great barriers, Lake Superior on the north, Lake Michigan on the east, and the Mississippi river on the west, doubtless served, in a great measure, to protect its early inhabitants from attacks of their enemies; its numerous lakes and streams teeming with iish and fowl; its grassy prairies and luxuriant forests replete with game; its rich and productive soil, together with an abund- ance of material for the manufacture of implements in copper, clay and stone, satisfied all the necessities and desires of aborig- inal man. The "Badger State'' as now known, was, within the space of 136 years, successively ruled by two kings, one state and four territories. It was under the government of France for 89 years, Great Britain for 35 years, Virginia and Ohio for 6 years, Indiana for 9 years, Illinois for 9 years, and Michigan for 18 years, finally becoming a state in 1848. Its principal Indian tribes, at the time of the arrival of the earliest explorers and missionaries, belonged to two great lin- guistic stocks: the Algonkin (Algic) and Dakotan (Siouan). On the islands < of Green bay lived the Pottawattomies. The Menomonees occupied the west shore of Green bay, about the mouth of the river bearing that name. At the head of the bay resided the Winnebagoes. Down the Fox river but a few leagues were the homes of the Sacs, Foxes, and Mascouteus. The Ohippewas, formerly a part of the original warlike tribe, better known as the Ojibwas, claimed the territory extending 4S WISCONSIN ARCHEOLOGIST. Vol. 4, Nos. 3 and 4 along the south shore of Lake Superior. On the St. Croix river were scattering villages of the Sioux. The Kickapoos and To was lived in the southwestern part of what is now Wisconsin. The Hurons came to avoid the Iroquois. The Ottawas, al- though not natives of the soil, appear to have been more or less permanent residents at various places in Northern Wisconsin and the Lake Superior region. The Illinois and Miamis appear to have had no permanent home here, they being simply strag- gling adventurers, having a partial residence in this territory. About the year 1822, the Oneidas, Brothertons and Stock- bridges immigrated from New York State, having purchased their lands, which lie principally in Calumet county, from the Menomonees and Winnebagoes. The eastern part of what is now the state was a common bat- tleground between the Dakotas and other tribes. In 1648 the fierce Iroquois ravaged the country of the Hurons with pestilen- tial fury, leaving remnants of their stock here. Mr. Henry E. Legler says: "Wisconsin Indians moved with the seasons, following game or seeking the ground best adapted for growing corn. In the places where water and fish were accessible and where grain and root crops flourished most, they Ditched their wigwams; in these places the toiling t>riests came to them, and in these places have b?en built the principal cities of the State." "In most respects the life of the Wisconsin Indi^* HH nM; differ materially from that of other Indians of allied tribes. Game was abundant and included many animals which are now extinct, or to be found only in the far West. On the prairies in the western part of the State roamed great herds of buffalo. TCear, elk, moose, antelope and even the woodland cariboo were the prey of the hunter, and the waters fairlv teemed with fish" (Leading Events of Wisconsin History, p. 23). The Jesuits, who were the early explorers of the territory now known as Wisconsin, were either natives of France or descend- ants of the French, who originally settled Canada. In contrast to the Spanish explorers of Mexico and Peru, who left a tale of murder and plunder behind them, these Fathers came among the Indians as brothers. Geo. A. west: The Aboriginal Pipes of Wisconsin. 49 EARLY EXPLORERS. History ascribes to Jean Nicolet the honor of being the first white man who set foot on what is now Wisconsin soil. His visit is pretty well settled to have been about the year 1634, only fourteen years after the landing* of the Pilgrims at Plymouth Rock. The next similar explorer to reach this land was Father Menard, who in 1660, established a Mission at La Pointe, Apostle islands. Then followed Claude Allouez, who came to Green Bay in 1669, and was the first Jesuit Missionary to explore the west shore of Lake Michigan. In 1673 Father Marquette, a Jesuit missionary, and Joliet, a trader, a resident of Quebec, and five others coasted the shore of Lake Michigan to Green bay, then up the Fox and down the Wisconsin rivers to the Mississippi. In 1679 Robert de LaSalle and with him Louis Hennepin, a member of -the order of St. Francis, built the Griffin, of 60 tons, at Mackinac, (the first vessel that floated on the Great Lakes), to be used for the purpose of carrying goods to a trading post opened by him at Green Bay. She was caught in a storm on Green bay, the same year, and has never since been seen. INDIAN WARS. The French claimed, by reason of discovery, the country along the borders of the St. Lawrence, Great Lakes and the Missis- sippi ; while the English claimed, by virtue of charter, the same lands. This state of affairs resulted in many bloody conflicts in which the English colonists were finally victorious. This coun- try then fell to the English, and was held by them until the war of the Revolution. De Langlade influenced the Indians to join the French in harassing British settlements and posts, and to participate in the battle which resulted in Braddock's defeat. In 1687, Perrot led several hundred Wisconsin Indians against tribes of Western New York. For 30 years previous to 1746, war between the French with their allies and the Foxes, in Central Wisconsin, was fought with a determination and ani- mosity probably never equalled in this country. From 1826 to 50 WISCONSIN ARCHEOLOGIST. Vol. 4, Nos. 3 and 4 1828, war was waged against the whites by the Winnebagoes. The Sacs and Foxes, who became confederates, w r rested from the Illinois their possessions about the mouth of the Rock river, and in 1832 Black Hawk and his followers engaged the settlers of Southern Wisconsin in the last of the Indian wars fought upon the Wisconsin soil. ABORIGINAL TRADE. That channels of trade between the various Indian nations of America existed for a long time, is a well established fact. Prof. Perkins, in speaking of objects in copper, bone and shell, states : ^Of course these things might have been obtained in war, but there is good reason to believe that trading of some sort was car- ried on among many different tribes all over the country "(Pre- historic Implements, p. 93). Specimens made from Lake Su- perior copper are found far to the south and southwest. Conch shells are frequently found in the mounds of Wisconsin. Hon. Publius V. Lawson has listed here about 50 obsidian imple- ments. The material, doubtless came from the Rocky mountain region. A neatly worked piece of amazon stone, in the possession of the writer, found in this state, must have been brought from the Rocky mountains by the Indians. A few specimens in bone, plainly bearing the ear-marks of the Northwest Coast Indian, have been found in Wisconsin. Hunting and war parties traveled long distances from home. "Some of them informed me,' ? said Carver in speaking of the Winnebago Indians, of Wisconsin, ''that they made excursions to the southwest, which tool: several moons. An elderly chief, moi'e particularly acquainted with me, said that about 46 winters ago, he marched at the head of 50 warriors towards the southwest for three moons. That during the expedition, while they were cross ing a plain, they discovered a body of men on horseback, who belonged to the black people (Spaniards) whom the "Winnebagoes attacked, and killed most of them, and took from them eighty horses loaded with silver."' This is supposed to have been a caravan carrying silver from Colorado to Mexico, the silver they threw away, calling it white stones. Geo. A. West: The Aboriginal Pipes of Wisconsin. 51 It is more or less certain that not a few of the aboriginal pipes found in Wisconsin are exotics. Yet only an occasional speci- men can be safely classed as such. Of the origin of the several examples of the Iroquoian trumpet- shaped pipe, found in Wisconsin, there can be 110 doubt. The slate bird pip'e shown in Fig. 83 is a well known New England type, the only example obtained here. The frog pipe- illustrated in "Fig. 90 is a common Tennessee type, and the same can be said of the effigy pipe shown in Fig. 72. The fact that no other pipes of the same form have been found in Wisconsin, would appear to substantiate the theory that they were not made here. Barter, trade and conquest doubtless resulted in bringing to this region the models oi ; many of our most frequent types of pipes. The aborigines were not slow in duplicating desirable forms. In a short time a single exotic might be the means of establishing a common domestic type. By passing from tribe 10 tribe in this manner, many types of pipes may have received their general distribution over a wide territory. Thus to locate the place where any of the common types originated would be difficult. The finding of numerous examples of a certain type in one locality is no certain evidence that the form originated there. Some greater tribe, hundreds of miles distant from the original place of manufacture, upon securing a model of a popular form of pipe, may have made thousands of duplicates to supply the demand. The materials of which Wisconsin specimens are made do not assist, to any great extent, in determining the place of their manufacture. All varieties of stone employed by the Indians in the making of pipes, except Minnesota catlinite, are found within the borders of the state, either in ledges or in the glacial deposits. Minnesota pipestone was brought from the quarries in blocks of convenient size for carrying and afterwards manufactured into pipes and ornaments. This material may not properly be con- sidered foreign, as the quarries were located in the country of the Sioux, which Indians at different periods occupied the greater part of what is now Wisconsin, and w r ere possibly its first inhabitants and mound builders. - IT OF CALIFORNIA 52 WISCONSIN ARCHEOLOGIST. Vol. 4, Nos. 3 and 4 INDIAN TOBACCO. Although the fact has been controverted, there remains but little doubt that the knowledge of tobacco and its uses reached the rest of the world from America. Reports of Columbus' first expedition in 1492, state that the inhabitants of the island of Cuba "carried lighted firebrands to kindle fire and perfumed themselves with certain herbs which they carried along with them." The habit of snuff-taking was described by Roman Pane, who accompanied Columbus on, his second voyage. Tobacco chewing was observed by the Spanish along the coast of South America, in 1502. Explorations of the interior of the continent showed the use of tobacco, especially by smoking, as universally an old custom, and often associated with religious and ceremonial rites. The term tobacco is said to have originated from a two pronged tube, originally used by the inhabitants of San Domingo, for the purpose of inhaling smoke through the nose and called by them * ' tabaco. ' ' Benzoni, however, in his { f Travels in Amer- ica" (1542 56) says that the Mexican name of the herb was "tobacco." The tobacco plant found its way to Spain from Mexico in 1558. The services rendered by Jean Nicot, a French ambassa- dor to Portugal, in spreading a knowledge of the plant, has been commemorated in the scientific name of the genus Nicotiana. The plant at first was thought to possess wonderful medicinal qualities. Sir Francis Drake, and Ralph Lane, the first governor of Virginia, first carried tobacco to England in 1586. The habit of smoking was initiated by the English and spread with mar- velous rapidity throughout all Europe. There are about fifty species of nicotiana, all but two being of American origin, but of these the leaves of but few are used as tobacco. The aborigines of the Great Lakes region, at the time of the Discovery, although inveterate smokers, did not use the tobacco of the West Indies, but employed native products instead. The substance generally employed was the green portion of the bark of the young red osier cornel or dogwood (Cornus stolonifera Geo. A. West: The Aboriginal Pipes of Wisconsin. 53 Michx.) which when prepared they called " Kinnikinik. " The leaves of the sumach (likus glabra Wood, and U. aromatica Ait.) were sometimes smoked. A third variety of native tobacco consisted of the leaves of a low growing evergreen shrub called bearberry or leaf redwood (Arctostophylos uva-ursi Spreng) reported by Philip B. Wells, a botanist of Milwaukee, as found in Wisconsin as far south, as Fox Point, Milwaukee county, in the Lake Superior country and west to the Yellowstone. Wild tobacco (Nicotiana rustica L.) was cultivated to some slight extent by the Wisconsin Indians and still grows about the places they frequented. Tobacco as we now know it, was introduced into this part of America by the whites. The Wisconsin Indians soon became slaves to its use, but owing to the scarcity, made a practice of mixing it with their kinnikinik. When Wisconsin Indians made sacrificial offerings to their manitous, tobacco was usually an im- portant factor. Mr. Henry S. Pond of Green Bay, in an address in 1856, said: "An Indian in a pious fit, hangs on a tree a beaver or otter skin, bear or dressed deer skin, for a sacrifice to the Great Spirit, which remains there until destroyed, or until some Indian passes that way, wants and takes it, leaving a piece of tobacco in place thereof, which he may lawfully do. ' ' ABORIGINAL PIPES. TOMAHAWK PIPES. Previous to the advent of the whites in America, the tomahawk was a weapon used in Indian warfare, and was usually made with a stone head. Many of the so called discs and scrapers were doubt- less fitted to handles and Pre-Columbian Tomahawk. , ,, . served this purpose. The head was sometimes made from the horn of a deer, attached to a handle in the form of a pickax, and used in the same way. A 54 WISCONSIN ARCHEOLOGIST. Vol. 4, Nos. 3 and 4 large number of copper axes, found in Wisconsin, were doubtless used with the addition of a handle. The standard hatchet of the West Indies was made of shell, that of Alaska of nephrite, and that of the American Indian, of stone, iron, copper and bone. There are slight differences of form, some having a square top, and others being pointed, yet the general likeness in these imple- ments prevails throughout the world. The Indian for tomahawk, as given by Smith is "tomaliock,'' by Webster "tomahaac/ 'by Sir&ohQy"tomohake;" of American Indian origin, Algonkin "' lomehagen,' ' Mohegan "tumnahegan,'' Delaware "tamoihecan," explained by Luscombe from the Cree dialect "otomahuk," " knock him down," and " otomahwaw," "he is knocked down. ' ' It was the Indian custom to go through the ceremony of bury- ing the tomahawk when they made peace, and to dig it up again when they went on the warpath; hence the phrase "to bury the hatchet" 'and "to dig up the hatchet." Fig. 2 is the common form of trade axe. This is the tomahawk furnished by the whites to the Indians, and used by them with such terrible effect in their savage wars. It may not be out of place to go into the subject slightly as the tomahawk, so commonly men- tioned, is often confused with the pipe tomahawk, and because the nationality of the former has a bearing upon that of the latter. The trade axe usually has a broad cutting edge but is narrow near the socket. Some have a projecting poll; but most of them were made by bend- ing over the flat iron, the two sides be- ing brought together, welded, and drawn out into a blade, leaving a socket for receiving a handle. Dr. W. M. Beauchamp reports their having been found in great quantities throughout New York State. Squier said of these: "Thousands are found in the western counties of the State," meaning New York. Champlain saw FIG. 2. Trade Axe. Geo. A. West: The Aboriginal Pipes of Wisconsin. them there in 1609. Dr. David Boyle reports the finding of Hundreds throughout the Province of Ontario. La Salle wanted 1,000 axes for trade at Fort Frontenac in 1684, which would cost seven or eight sous a pound, and would sell for thirty sous a piece. Schuyler gave the Iroquois 300 hatchets in 1703. Dr. W. M. Beauchamp says: "When we consider the great quantities of axes that the English and Dutch both sold and gave to the Iroquois, and the universal prevalence in early years of the form known as the French Trade axe, we are led to believe that all were not French, but that there was a common European form two or three centuries ago, as it is in Germany yet. A large pro- portion, a.t least, seem to have been made at Utrecht. In any case most of the iron axes found on New York Indian sites passed through the hands of its colonists (Bulletin 55, p. 65). Hon. Publius V. Lawson writes: "The iron hatchets (not pipe tonmhawks) found by the hundreds along the Fox and Wolf rivers, marked or stamped with from one to three circles enclosing a cross, have been identified as having been made at Utrecht." The pipe being one of the Indian 's most sacred possessions, the white man was not slow to see that a combination of tomahawk and pipe, in shining metal, would make a most coveted prize, and one that offered many advantages to the simple-minded aborig- ine, and at the same time make him a useful, but more dangerous servant. These weapons were made with either a hatchet or spear blade on one side, the blunt side of the head being formed into a pipe bowl, which communicated witk a tubular hollow in the handle, thus forming a combination of tobacco pipe and tomahawk. The material of the head was usually of steel, brass or pewter. Those of brass had dovetailed or brazed in, a cutting edge of steel. Their graceful shape, together with the artistic orna- mentation of the metal part by etching and inlaid work in silver and copper, the wooden handle or stem studded with large brass headed tacks and ornamented by the burning in of fantastic de- signs, never failed to attract the Indian. Its possession made him more cruel and daring. The red-man was not slow to see the advantages of the light 56 WISCONSIN ARCHEOLOGIST. Vol. 4, Nos. 3 and 4 arid strong product of white-man's ingenuity, as compared with the heavy stone implements of his fathers. The English, French, Dutch and Spanish each lost no time in furnishing their Indian allies, throughout this broad land, with a bountiful supply of tomahawks, some of which were later buried in the brains of Jesuit Fathers, helpless women and little children. The tomahawk pipe has certainly occupied an important place, and proven itself a most terrible weapon, in the hands of the savage allies of the whites, in the long and bloody Colonial wars of America. Of the time when this important implement came into genera] use, and the history of its manufacture, unfortun- ately, but little is known. Robert Rogers, in 1765, described a tomahawk with wooden head, which might indicate that the metal tomahawk was not, at that time, in general use in America. WHO MADE THE PIPE TOMAHAWK. While most of these metal artifacts are classed as of French, English, Dutch and Spanish origin, large numbers were made by white blacksmiths in the employ of the Indians, and some by the Indians themselves, who had been schooled in the art by the whites. The giving to the Indians of guns and other metallic imple- ments necessitated the furnishing of smiths to keep them in re- pair, and that many smiths were so furnished is substantiated by history. While the principal business of these blacksmitlis was the repairing of guns, they doubtless also found the time to make many tomahawk pipes. t Records of treaties with the Indians all through the New England States show that the furnishing of a smith was of the highest importance to the savage. Dr. Beauchamp states : "Metal- lic implements made blacksmitlis necessary to the Indians, and it became a matter of political importance whether the black- smith was English or French." "As the Iroquois increased their use of guns, axes and kettles, they more and more required the aid of smiths" (B. 55, p. 62). On behalf of all in 1692, Oheda, an Oneida Chief, said. "We desire the black- smith's Anvill that is at Onondage may remain there, and that there may be a Smith permitted to goe and live Geo. A. West: The Aboriginal Pipes of Wisconsin. 57 there for tlie mending of our arms, and not to goe away againe so soon as they have Traded, as the other Smith did" (O'Cal- laghan, 3 844, quoted by Beauchamp, B. 55, p. 62). When Lieut. James Gorrell took charge of western posts, pre- viously occupied by the French, after delivering a speech solicit- ing the friendship of the Indians, he was requested, among other things, to furnish them a blacksmith (Gorrell's Journal, Oct. 11, 1761). On August 6th. the following year, three chiefs with four am- bassadors from the Avoy Nation, also demanded gunsmiths (Wis. Hist. Coll., vol. 1, p. 31). Mr. Stillwell of Dead wood, South Dakota, believes that many Minniwaukan tomahawk pipes were made by native blacksmiths. In Wisconsin its first blacksmith, Joseph Jourdain, made rare and beautiful metal pipes. Papers from the Canadian archives state that : ' * Lists of out- fits commonly given to chiefs in making a treaty, usually con- tained one tomahawk pipe, while lists given to common Indiana never contained one, which would indicate that they were given to Chiefs only" (Wis. Hist. Coll., v. 12, p. 102). Hon. J. G. Fickett, \vho came to Jefferson, Wis., in 1840, states that he remembers that: "All chiefs, who could afford them, wore tomahawk pipes in their belts, which were frequently or- namented with a row of feathers along the under side of the handle." He thinks they were carried more as an insignia of office than as a hatchet. Among hundreds of old orders for traders goods, examined by the writer, but few were found which included tomahawk pipes. MANY OF BRITISH AND DUTCH MANUFACTURE. The author is convinced that most of the metal artifacts found m Wisconsin, commonly attributed to French origin, were really made by the British and Dutch. The finding of a silver brooch at Kaukauna, Wis., which was sent to the Scottish Antiquarian Society of Edinburgh for iden- tification, as appears from a recent annual report of that society, would appear to confirm the theory that much of the flash metal 58 WISCONSIN ARCHEOLOGIST. Vol. 4, Nos. 3 and 4 jewelry found throughout Wisconsin was made in the Lacken- booth Flats, at Edinburgh, Scotland. Hon. Publius V. Lawson writes : * * By lavish gift making, the British had the strong support of all the savage tribes of the Northwest, even after the Treaty of 17S9, and up to the War of 1812. Through the wars all the Wisconsin Indians fought with them. The fur trade was also, by this means, directed through Canada to Great Britain" (Daily Northwestern, Oshkosh). Mr. Lawson further says: "AVhen the Huguenots were driven out of France under Louis XIV, but few artisans were left, but the Dutch were always artisans and mechanics. I had concluded that the Dutch made and furnished the supplies for the French to trade, especially the metal goods. ' ' "For the purposes of trade among the Indians, goods were obtained in Montreal ; the merchants of Montreal obtaining them from Great Britain. Great Britain took possession of Canada in 1760 and of Mackinac in 1763, and through the traders, offi- cers and alliance with the Indians, held virtual possession of Wisconsin up to 1816 " (Letter to the author). Old documents long preserved in the Selby family in Ken- tucky, state that: ''Edmund Moran was furnished goods by the large mercantile establishment of Capt. Eben Selby & Co. of Fredrick County, Maryland, who were largely engaged in sup- plying goods for Indian trade. '" ' " The English Government re- imbursed Selby & Co. for goods lost in the Indian outbreak of 1763." A letter from Edmund Moran to the firm of Selby & Co. states: ''You may remember you desired me to en- gage goods to sell to the French, wholesale, etc.," which would in- dicate that the 1 French dealt in British made goods (Vol. 8, p. 232, Wis. Hist. Coll.). Col. A. Lane Fox, quoted by Stevens, says that: "during the American War, the English were com- pelled to make iron tomahawks, after the native pattern, with a pipe bowl opposite the blade of the weapon, before the Indians could be efficiently armed as allies." Parkman often refers to demands of the Indians, when making treaties, for a blacksmith to serve their tribe. It is reasonable to suppose that smiths, furnished upon such requests, made many of these pipes from gun-barrels and such scrap-metal as they could obtain. This may account for many specimens of poor pattern and crude work- manship that have come under the author's observation. Geo. A. West: The Aboriginal Pipes of Wisconsin. Fig. 3 is a Jourdain pipe tomahawk, secured by Daniel Kellogg from an Indian chief at an Indian camp on the banks of the Crawfish river, near Watertown, \Vis., in. 1883. This pipe is I 1 2" long from the edge of the blade to the top of the bowl, and follows a type commonly found throughout the central section of 'Wiscon- sin and universally distributed from the Mississippi river to the Atlantic ocean and Canada. One side of its blade contains a copper inlaid crescent, the opposite side an inlaid bunch of clover leaves in brass; the crescent was the maker's mark, and was usually made of copper from an old French coin. Of the several types of pipe tomahawks found in Wisconsin, the Jon retain is the most sought after. Hon. Publius V. Law- son, in an article on this subject, says: "The first blacksmith to locate in Wiscon- sin was Joseph Jourdain, who came to Green Bay in 1798. He was an artist in the smithy art, and could fashion a razor or a sword. The pipe tomahawks which he Jourdain Pipe Tomahawk. made from old gun-barrels, are marvels of grace and beauty in design ; the handles were made from iron- wood saplings, and served as stems of the pipes." "Joseph Jourdain married a daughter of Michael Gravel, whose wife was the daughter of a Menominee Indian chief; his laughter, the beautiful Creole Matilda Jourdain, became the wife of an Episcopal devino, Eleazer Williams, since claimed to have been the lost Dauphin, Louis XVII, of France'' (Milwaukee Sentinel, May 17, 1901, condensed). Mr. Lawson recently wrote: "One of these pipes was un- earthed in a plowed fie la at Butte des Morts. One is now owned by Dr. H. B. Tanner of Kaukauna. Mr. Win. Sommerville of Menomonee, Mich., claims to own one, dug up in the garden of F. E. Teetshorn at Green Bay. Mr. Thos. R. Roddy, now chief of the Wisconsin Winnebagoes, is said to have a Jourdain hatchet FIG. WISCONSIN ARCHEOLOGIST. Vol. 4, Nos. 3 and 4 in his possession. The estate of S. S. Roby of Menasha owns one, and Thos. Jourdain told Mr. S. S. Roby, who, in his lifetime was a noted Wisconsin collector of aboriginal and historical relics, and who lived at Menasha, Wis., that the one in his pos- session was made by his father, Joseph Jourdain, who forged it by hand from a gun-barrel, and that he made many more" (con- densed). Mr. "Walter Wyman of Chicago has one of these pipe tomahawks in his collection, which he prizes very highly, as he secured it from one of Jourdain 's direct descendants, and has a clear pedigree of it. A fine example in the author's collection secured from Mr. Albert K. Stebbins of Milwaukee, contains not only the copper crescent but two narrow rings of silver inlaid around the bowl, and the outlines of a heart, in silver, each side of the eye. A. similar specimen is in the Museum of Natural History, New York City. As these pipes are identical in shape, of exquisite workmanship, each containing the characteristic in- laid crescent, it is fair to presume that Joseph Jourdain was the maker of each. Fig. 4 is a beautiful pipe tomahawk, collected among the Cherokee Indians, over 50 years ago ; its head is but 4" long, made of pewter, and each end of the handle or stem is mounted with the same material. This specimen \vas evidently intended for a pipe and not a weapon. Tn describing the Indians of New England in 1543, Roger Williams said: "They have an excellent art to cast their pewter and brass into very neat artificial pipes/' Fig 5 is a line specimen in iron found on a battle- field of the Black Hawk War, in Southwestern Wis- consin. A similar example in the same collection (Cat. No. 2101), was collected by IT. II. Hayssen. FlG 4 This type of tomahawk pipe is interesting, from the Pewter pipe fact that the pike or halberd shape, in use during Tomahawk. {} ie Seventeenth Century, has been, to quite an ex- tent, retained; and because of its wide distribution. Dr. David Boyle writes he might feel disposed to regard it as of French origin, on account of the resemblance the base of its bowl has to an inverted fleur-de-lis. Mr. J. D. McGuire, in a personal letter states that he is in- clined to feel insistent of its being French, and typical in form Geo. A. West: The Aboriginal Pipes of Wisconsin. 61 of the lilies of France, but suggests it as but an individual opinion with only hypothesis to support it. "Mr. Mooney, who passed much time among the natives of the southwestern por- tion of the United States, attributes this specimen to the Mexican or Spanish type' 1 (McGuire, p. 467). Fig 6 was once the property of "Growing Grass," medicine man of the Blaekfoot Sioux. This specimen has a heart-shaped figure cut through its blade, and is further ornamented with numerous dots. These are irregular in size and depth, and stamp it as hand made. It was possibly used exclusively for cere- monial purposes, and FIG. 6. Tomahawk Pipe. Pub. Mus. Cat. No. purposes, its appearance prob- FIG. 5. ably secured respect Iron Toma hawk Pipe, and added mvstery to Mil - p b. Museum the medicine" man's an lies. Its shape suggests the fleur-de-lis pattern, and many things about it bespeak the skill of some native smith in an en- deavor to surpass the work of others. , Two specimens were seen by the author, among the Musquito Indians, on the Sego- via river, Nicaragua; but these may have come from British Honduras not far dis- tant. Mi*. McGuire mentions a pipe of this type in the U, S. National Museum, (Cat. No. 15;>013;, and another somewhat similar, in the same collection (Cat. No. Fig. 7, known as the Minniwaukaii type, is one of the most graceful and 62 WISCONSIN ARCHEOLOGIST. Vol. 4, Nos. 3 and 4 artistic of metal tomahawk pipes. The orna- mentation of the blade, in some specimens of this type, consists of incisions in the metal, of star and crescent-like figures, with notches around the eye, reaching down the upper angles of the blade. In others, one large star accom- panying a cross or crescent, is cut through the blade ; the crescent may have been calculated to represent the new moon, which, together with the stars, might tend to awaken in the savage a spiritual superstition, connecting the weapon with one of his gods, and suggesting its use when his foes were wrapped in their robes of slumber. The spear-shaped blade is symmetrical, thin, and finely tempered. The bowl is usually about 2" in length, and has one or more rings in relief, encircling it. The handle is long and ornamented with large brass-headed tacks, and prominent notches. The head of the specimen shown above is 10%" long. All of the examples of this type are practically of the same length, with the same general style of ornamentation. Each of the stars on the blade has a small circle for the center with an equal number of pro- jecting points. The crescents are of uniform size, and indicate that they were made with a die. This specimen was collected by Mr. Brunnor, an Indian trader of Fort Totton, Devils jake, North Dakota, who presented it to Dr. M. B. Warren of Carrington, of the same state; and was by him presented to Mr. W. II. Ellsworth of Milwaukee, Wis., and by Mr. Ellsworth to the author. This weapon was carried by Chief Iron Hea,rt, through the Minnesota Massacre. Mr. Stillwell of Deadwood, South Dakota, writes that he has a Minniwaukan pipe tomahawk in his collection, made by an Assiniboine blacksmith at Pine Ridge agency and that in his opinion all examples of this type of pipe, that are well pre- served, were made by Indian blacksmiths. A specimen in the United States National Museum (Cat. No. 23728), collected by Maj. Paul Beckwith at the Devils lake, North Dakota, much resembles the one above shown. FIG. 7. Minniwaukan Type. Author's Coll. Geo. A. West: The Aboriginal Pipes of Wisconsin. 63 Mr. McGuire states that: "This type is commonly attributed to the French, but with little apparent authority, though the presumption may well be correct, for we know that pipes from their shape and ornamenta- tion were attributable to their proper tribe, and it is most natural that the English and French should have armed their allies in such a man- ner as to render them easily distinguishable from their enemies" (p. 466). An old Indian chief on the Sioux reserva- tion near Devils lake, informed the author that his father's people obtained this style of tomahawk from the French when his tribe lived in Wisconsin. It seems to be limited to the territory now or formerly occupied by the Sioux Indians. Minniwaukan, Devils lake, North Dakota, being the location which has produced nearly all the examples of this type of tomahawk pipe, probably accounts for the name by which it is designated. Fig. 9 is a tomahawk pipe of battle axe form, made of iron, and found at Mon- te] io, "Wis. This specimen is 7'/ 2 " long, its blade being perforated with 3 holes and a heart-shaped figure. The form of the mortel-de-fer, used by horse soldiers of the middle ages, has been largely retained. Feathers and other ornaments were sometimes tied to the holes in the blade. The axes of the South African natives gener- ally have semi-circular or crescent shaped blades. Barter and trade as well as emigra- tion, accounts for the finding of many of these implements far from the original places of distribution; the goods of the trader pre- ceded him into the dark and forbidding re- cesses of the wilderness. A tomahawk pipe of this type, in the collection of the United States National Museum (Cat. No. FIG. 8. Minniwaukan Type. W. H. Middleton's Coll. FIG. 9. Tomahawk Pipe. Author's Coll. WISCONSIN ARCHEOLOGIST. Vol. 4, Nos. 3 and 4 13515), is referred to by Mr. McGuire, (p. 467), as possibly being of Spanish type, the curved blade being typical of the battle-axe used by the Spaniards. The absence of proof to the contrary may substantiate this theory. Fig. 10 is a most graceful form of toma- hawk pipe, collected by Mr. "W. H. Ellsworth, at Devils lake, North Dakota. The head of this pipe was cast of brass, but contains no trade mark of its maker. Into the blade was dove- tailed, not brazed or soldered, a cutting edge of steel. The bowl is acorn-shaped, The brass portion is 594'' long, elaborately chased, and otherwise decorated by deep in- cisions in the metal. When new and pol- ished it must have been, to the savage, a much coveted prize. The Milwaukee Museum has one in its collection (Cat. No. 2108), a Wis- consin find. Mr. E. C. Perkins, of Prairie-du-Sac, Wis., reports the finding of 2 brass pipes. One was unearthed by Mr. Bradbury Robinson, while grading down two mounds on the S. E. 1/4 of the N. E. "14 of Sec. 36, within the city limits of Baraboo, Sank county, "Wis. ; the other plowed out by Mr. Oscar Van Valkenberg, on his farm but a few miles from the place where the first mentioned was discovered. Mr. Perkins has lived in that vicinity for 57 years, and knew of but one other tomahawk pipe having been found there, it being of iron. A brass pipe of similar shape, found in Cattaraugus county, N. Y., is now in the U. S. National Museum. Another, in the museum of the University of Pennsylvania, was found in California, A drawing of the Robinson pipe furnished by Mr. A. B. Stout of Baraboo, shows the specimen, exclusive of the bowl which is broken away, to be 7" long, terminating bluntly, and indicat- ing that a cutting edge was originally brazed on. The blade is 3%" wide and differs in design and ornamentation from the type under consideration. Mr. David Boyle, decribes one of these pipes, in the George E, FIG. 10. English Type of Tomahawk Pipe. Author's' Coll. (Joo. A. West: The Aboriginal Pipes of Wisconsin. 65 Laidlaw collection, on deposit in the Provincial Museum, Toronto, found near Balsam lake, Canada, and refers to it as "a piece of honest work, beautiful arid useful." He states that "toma- hawks of this kind are usually supposed to have been for presentation to chiefs and leading braves, but no doubt many of them were exchanged for peltry" (1897-98, Eept. Prov. Mus., p. 31). He writes: "I suppose the reason for the diversity of pat- terns on these objects is owing to the fact that the designs were wholly produced by hand. For trading purposes the British (not the English), French and Dutch traders were not so much concerned in producing anything of a national type, as to supply the Indian with the kind of things they thought the Indian would like, and the probability that in a matter of this kind patterns were not copyrighted, but used indiscriminately, for the purpose in question. ' ' Fig. 11, another type of tomahawk pipe in iron, probably of British make, is 9" long, and was found in Marquette county. This type has an acorn-shaped bowl, and contains less orna- mentation than does a very similar one of Dutch production. An example in the author's collection, found on the site of old Fort Winne- bago, Columbia county, is but 61/2" in length and badly rusted. Specimens of this pattern are usually badly rusted which would appear to substantiate the theory that most of them, date back to the time of the French and Indian Ava,rs. Out of 20 examples examined by the author, but one seems to have been cast. No two were of the same size, or alike in ornamen- tation, yet the same general form prevailed in all. It seems certain that while some of the tomahawk pipes made by the Dutch and Brit- ish, who sold them to French traders, reached Wisconsin, the great distance they had to be transported made them expensive and that a large percentage of the pipes of this class, now found here, were made by local blacksmiths, using the standard types for models. Four pipes of this variety, recently offered to the author by a Fte. 11. Acorn Type of Tomahawk Pipe. Author's' Coll. 6G WISCONSIN ARCHEOLOGIST. Vol. 4, Nos. 3 and 4 dealer, were found, upon careful examination, to have been lately made of cast iron. Mr. David Boyle attributed specimens with the acorn-shaped bowl to British make. Mr. McGuire in a recent letter states : "I think Dr. David Boyle has the correct view as to the acorn type, however, I think the subject well worth study." Fig 1 . 12, found near Menasha, Wis., is made of iron, S-Vsj" long, finely wrought, and graceful in form. The neck of the bowl is octagonal in shape, a peculiarity of this type. Circles on each side of the eye were probably made to represent the eyes of some animal or bird. The incised lines running back from the bowl, each side of the eye, are paralleled by a line of faint dots on each side, giving it an artistic finish. A similar specimen in the collection of the lion. J. G. Pickett, was found in an Indian grave. The tomahawk pipe is most frequently found in Wisconsin, along the shores of the Fox and "Wisconsin rivers. These rivers being the canoe route that early ex- plorers and traders made use of on their way from Green Bay to the Mississippi and beyond. Fig. 13 is a very modern type of tomahawk pipe. This specimen was obtained from a Sioux Indian. It is 9%" long; the blade, which is 4^2" broad, is perforated with two round holes and a heart-shaped figure. This example was but slightly ornamented in its original shape, the perforations of the blade having been made after it left the hands of the maker. It is said to be of British origin, and was obtained by the Sioux in trade. Another example of this type, in the author's collection, was plowed up in Northern Illinois. One in the Milwaukee Museum (Cat. No. 2102), contains the heart-shaped perforation. FIG. 12 Tomahawk Pipe. Author's Coll. FIG. 13. Sliouan Tomahawk Pipe. Author's 1 Coll. Geo. A. West: The Aboriginal Pipes of Wisconsin. (57 FIG. 14. Catlinite Tomahawk Fipe. Author's Coll. Fig. 14 is closely allied to the pipe shown in Fig. 13, and is a very clever piece of recent Indian work in stone This specimen was procured by Mr. Herman S. Wilkeuson from an Indian chief at Le Vorn, Minn., in 1880, it is made of beautiful, dark red catliiiite, ob- tained from the famous pipe-stone quarries of that state. The drilling of the bowl and stem-hole are plainly indicative of Indian make. This specimen is 5^/2 " long, and was doubtless patterned after the Siouaii metal type before noted. Owing to the fragile ma- terial of which it was made, it could not have been intended as a weapon. A similar speci men is in the collection of Gen. Gates P. Thrus- ton of Nashville, Tenn. (See Fig. 114, p. 210, Antiq. of Tenn.) ; Mr. CharJes Bodenbach, of Milwaukee has an example that exceeds Fig. 14 in interest its blade containing a heart- shaped perforation. Fig. 15 is a specimen of the cross-form of pipe tomahawk. Prof. T. H. Lewis reports one having been found near Prairie du Chieii and another at Green Bay. A third was plowed up in the town of Norway, Ilacine county. This style of pipe is usually highly ornamented, and often contains a perforation of the blade, in the form of a cross. The part containing the eye projects for some distance on each side of the bowl making the pipe suggestive of a cross. In one example this projection was sharpened to a point. The general shape of this class of pipe tomahawk would suggest British make for French traders. A large number of modifica- tions of the several foregoing types, probably made by native smiths, have been found in Wisconsin. Fig. 16, is 6' long, made of brass, with a steel lance-like point brazed to the blade, and a similar sharp point of steel set into the top of the handle, making it capable of being used to thrust or strike with. This FIG. 15 Iron Pipe Tomahawk Author's Coll. 68 WISCONSIN ARCHEOLOGIST. Vol. 4, Nos. 3 and 4 FIG. 16. Tomahawk Pipe. Mil. Pub. Mus. Cat. No. 2106. FIG. 17. Catllnite Tomahawk Pipp. Author's Coll. is a strongly made weapon, and heavy enough to be thrown with accuracy for a long distance. No other example of this type has come to the author's notice. Fig. 17 is a tomahawk pipe made of dark red catlinite, an interesting- form, retaining in stone the pike and htolb3rd style of the Spanish type. This ex- ample was plowed tip by Mr. K. K, Jones, near Bangor, La Crosse county. The point of this specimen is missing. The pres- ence of file marks indicate that it was made after the advent of the whites, but the workmanship is plainly indicative of Indian manu- facture. It is too fragile to have been intended for a weapon. 18 is of long, evi- dently hand-made. It has the acorn- shaped bowl but its blade is extended to a length beyond all proportion and strongly suggests a dagger. About the eye and base of the blade are many deep, triangular or- Tomallawk PI P. namental clepres- I)a ^ 1>T ^- Mil. Pub. Mus. sions apparently cut Cat , No . 2m ron Fig. 12 n<;. Geo. A. West: The Aboriginal Pipes of Wisconsin. with a chisel. This specimen was doubtlessly fashioned by some pioneer smith to please the fancy of some cunning medi- cine man. Being too awkward and unhandy for general use, it was possibly used Tor ceremonial purposes only, as might be said of most exaggerated examples. OTHER, METALLIC PIPES. Other forms of metal pipes, although not so frequently found as are those of the tomahawk type, seem to be as widely dis- tributed. Mr. J. D. McGuire. (p. 459) illustrates one of iron from Cherokee county, North Carolina, and mentions one of cop- per from Stark county, Ohio. Dr. W. M. Beauchamp (B. 55, p. 56) describes half a dozen from New York state, and the writer has located at least a dozen found in Wisconsin. These pipes usually resemble the English, French or Dutch forms of clay trade pipes, and are made either of iron, brass, copper or silver. None of the Wisconsin finds exhibit a distinctive maker's mark. Most metal pipes were doubtless made by white men, yet Roger Williams referred to the quickness with which the New England Indians learned to cast metals, even in the form of pipes. Mr. Beauchamp (B. 55, p. 56) doubts their ability to cast brass. Dr. J. F. Snyder writes that lead pipes were cast in Illinois by the Canadian French. One of his childhood toys was a fac- simile of the lead pipe shown in Fig. 24, made by an old Canad- ian voyager, who occasionally wintered at Cahokia, St. Clair county, I1J., near which place Dr. Snyder was born and raised. Among the thousands of native copper implements and orna- ments found in Wisconsin, the author has failed to find a single pipe made from this metal. A few copper tubes have been found, but not one that could be classed as a pipe. Bullet molds of stone, formerly in the Hoy collection at Racine, were found with a gravel pit burial ; a similar pair of molds were recently unearthed on a village site on the shore OL Lake Michigan,' while stripping at the quarries of the Lake Shore Stone Company, Stone Haven, Wis. These would -indicate that the Wisconsin Indians had learned the art of casting in lead. Mr. Beauchamp states that bullet molds occur on Iroquois sites 250 years old. Bars of lead were often given to the New Eng- 70 WISCONSIN ARCHEOLOGIST. Vol. 4, Nos. 3 and 4 Jand Indians in trade. The Wisconsin tribes mined it in quan- tities in Southwestern Wisconsin. Henry Hudson reports having seen copper pipes in use by the savages in New York in 1609. Mr. Beauchamp (B. 55, p. 56; states that none of these are known, and that those found on Indian sites were probably made by white men. Mr. Beauchamp (B. 55, p. 57) describes an interesting silver pipe, owned by Mr. Walter C. Wyman of Chicago, which bears on its bowl the simple inscription : ' ' Presented by Gov. Tomp- kins to Skenandoah. " DeWitt Clinton visited the old chief of Oneida in ISlOj and said: "He is entirely blind but his hair is not gray. He smokes and can converse a little in English. He was highly delighted with a siJver pipe that was given him by Gov. Tompkins." The latter held his office from 1807 to 1817, and the pipe is now nearly a century old. Mr. Wyman says: "The lettering is very much rubbed, but is legible." The pipe was obtained with the wampum belt of the Oneida treaties, directly from old Skenandoah, the chief of the Oneidas in Wisconsin, who died three years ago. He was the grandson of the owner of the pipe, and was about 90 when he died. ? ' In the same article is a quotation from Sims (p. 43), describing another silver pipe carried in 1867 by an Indian chief named "On-wan- on-shy-son," of the Province of Ontario, Canada. This pipe is said to have descended through several generations of sachems, and had become among them an evidence of the bearer ? s dignified position. On the plate beneath its stem was engraved a history of its origin-, and the inscription : ' ' As a testimony of their sin- cere esteem, ' ' and on its reverse : ' ' To the Mohawk Indians, from the Nine Partners of the tract near Schoharie, granted in 1769." Mr. Beauchamp states that "when the trade with the Dutch and French opened more fully in the early part of the 17th. century, metallic implements and ornaments were in great re- quest. One had only to look over old bills of supplies and pur- chases to see how great was their quantity and variety. For ornamental purposes, bronze, brass, and nearly pure copper long had sway. About the beginning of the 18th. century, silver be- gan to take its place, and for 150 years held its own as a fash- ionable metal" (B. 55, p. 15).' Through barter and trade and the pushing into the wilder- ness of the fearless Jesuits, and roving fur-traders, these allur- Geo. A. West: The Aboriginal Pipes of Wisconsin. 71 ing products of white man's ingenuity reached the aborigines of Wisconsin, far ahead of the settler 's cabin ; and they doubtless frequently preceeded the explorers of history. In refering to the payment by the Government, of $90,000 to the Chippewas a,t La Pointe, Wis., in 1855, Mr. Richard F. Morse states that they possessed: ' : thousands of pipes of varied kinds and sizes, pipes of clay, pewter, wood, iron, pipes in hatchet-heads attached to canes, long and short ones, elegantly embelished with feathers, embroidery, and Indian art, etc." (Vol. 3, Col. Wis. Hist. Soc., p. 358). Most of the pipes referred to by Mr. Morse, were doubtless of white man's make for Indian trade, as at that date pipe- making by the Indians hadjbecome practically a lost art. Tomahawk pipes, most metal pipes, and several types of stone pipes which are not pre-Columbian, were in use among the sav- ages for nearly two centuries. Mr. Beauchamp says, "They were features of Indian life," "and in order to understand that life, we must know something of what was in daily use." They are now records of the past which will be valued the more as time goes on. Their preservation should be encouraged and the data respecting them recorded. Fig. 19 is a badly rust-eaten, primitive metal pipe made of sheet iron, with edges brought together and brazed. The bowl is 1%" high, cone-shaped with a flat base; the stem 1^4" long, and set into the bowl at right angles. This interesting specimen was plowed up in the town of Deloma, Sauk county. An iron pipe of the same form, except Brazed Iron Pipe. that the bottom of the bowi is extended Author's coil, to a point, is reported by Prof. T. H. Lewis, as having been found near Portage, Wis. A very similar one (Cat. No. 12260, U. S. Nat. Mus.) was col- lected in Cherokee county, North Carolina, by Gen. Thomas A. Duncan. It is said to have been found in an old shaft supposed to have been one of the workings of De Soto in that state, but more likely is of English origin. "The tobacco pipe of the famous Miles Standish, who came over in the Mayflower, and which was smoked by him on the day 72 WISCONSIN ARCHEOLOGIST. Vol. 4, Nos. 3 and 4 of his death, is referred to as a little iron affair, about the si/e and shape of a common clay pipe, and probably just, such an iron pipe as is often found in European countries, and com- monly, but erroneously, the writer thinks, attributed to the Roman period'' (Quoted by McGuire, p. 459, from Antiquity of the Tobacco Pipe in Europe). Mr. McGuire states that he would suspect a much more recent period than that of De Soto as the date of this pipe, and either the French or English as its origin, probably the latter. This view is strengthened,, he writes, by the finding of a steatite pipe from Westerly, Rhode Lsland, the bowls of the two pipes, except in material, being- identical (p. 460). The writer fails to see why the steatite pipe could not have been copied after .a pipe of De Soto's time as well as after one of later date. Fig. 20 is a graceful form of metal pipe found at Brown Deer, township of Granville, Milwaukee coun- ty, and is doubt- less of British make. This specimen, now FIG. 20. Brnzetl Iron Pipe. Author's Coll. much rust- eaten, is 5" long, with a cone - shaped bowl attached to a slightly curved tubu- lar stem. It is made of two pieces of sheet wrought iron; the edges O f the bow] over-lap and are neatly brazed. The edges of the stem come squarely together, and are also brazed. Fig. 21 was found by a farmer while grubbing out a stump on a farm in the township of Freedom, Sank county, in 1888. Flo. 21. Iron Pipe. Author's Coll. Geo. A. West: The Aboriginal Pipes of Wisconsin. FIG. 22. Iron Pipe. Author's Coll. This pipe is 6" long and made of wrought iron, bowl and stem of one piece, the edges brought squarely together under the stem, while at the upper part of the bowl they over-lap and are slightly welded. Its long stem and graceful shape remind one of the clay trade pipe. It is probably the work of a native smith. Fig. 22, taken from a mound located between -Be loit and Janesville, Wis., is 4" long, made of malleable iron, apparently from the barrel of a musket. The bowl and stem are of one piece, with edges welded. In shape it resembles the English trade pipes of clay. The bowl is exceptionally large, the stem hole very small. It is probably the work of a native smith. Prof. T. II. Lewis reports the finding of a similarly shaped iron pipe near Prairie du Chien, Wis., the only difference being in the absence of the heel. Fig. 23, a pecu- liar metal pipe found in the town of Norway, Ka- cine county, is 5'Vv/' long, made of a wrought iron tube, and show- ing no signs of welding or braz- ing. The bowl is quite thick, the stem is worked down thin and now rusted through, (especially on the sides and top) where the metal was filed away to give the stem a square form. Three rings extend around three sides of the end of the stem, and a small triangular projection, ornaments its top near the rings. The point where the metal was cut away to allow the bowl to be brought at 'right angles to the stem, is close fitting, but can be sprung away, show- ing no evidence of brazing or welding. One peculiarity of the stem-hole is that it is nearly as large throughout as the bowl FIG. 23. Iron Pipe. Author's Coll. 74 WISCONSIN ARCHEOLOGIST. Vol. 4, Nos. 3 and 4 cavity, which would indicate that the pipe was made from a piece of iron tube, probably a gun-barrel, and intended to be used with the addition of a detachable mouthpiece. There is little doubt but that this pipe is the work of a native smith. Pig. 24, a fine specimen of cast lead, found 10 feet below the surface at Little Traverse, Wis., is IB" long, an inch high, and in the form of the British trade pipe. Unfortunately there is no information as to the condition of the ground where this speci- men was unearthed. Pig. 25, from Marquette FIG. 24. Lead Pipe. Mil. Pub. Mus. Cat. No. 133. FIG. 25. Lead Pipe. A. D. Mitchell's Coll. county, is of cast lead, with a cone-shaped bowl, an inch high, set at right angles to a stem 2" long. Prof. T. II. Lewis reports a lead pipe of this type with a square top gradually tapering to a rounded bottom, as found near Prairie du Chien, AVis. Pig. 26, from Waupaca county, is of cast lead, with cone-shaped bowl, an inch high, at right angles to the stem. This is a very small pipe, yet shows considerable use. Fig. 27, from Yernon county, col- lected by Tv T . H. Elkey, is of cast lead, and in shape and size much resembles the bowl of the ordinary clay pipe. This example is nearly 2" high and was cast in a rough, irregularly shaped mold. Fig. 28, plowed up on the farm of Mr. K. Reynolds, Sec. 4, Mt. Pleasant, Racine county, in 1850, is interesting because of its having been found near the location of the first trading post established in that county. This specimen is '&/*>" long, of Siouan type, and shows evidence of having been cast. A similar example in the FIG. 26. Lead Pipe. F. M. B. Call's Coll. Geo. A. West: The Aboriginal Pipes of Wisconsin. 75 same collection from Fond du Lac county, was found by William Bush in 1875, arid is ornamented on the bottom of the base by nine notches crossing at right angles, resembling when viewed from the side, the teeth of a rip-saw. An encircling end of the of dots ba.nd at the several pairs holes. or stem contains shallow drill FIG. 27. Lead Pipe. Author's Coll. FIG. 28. Dead Pipe. Logan Coll., Beloit College. The Logan collection also con- tains a lead pipe 6" long, of pre- cisely the same shape as the iron one shown in figure 20, but with the addition of the characteristic lieel plate of the English trade pipe, its bowl cavity is small, has a perforation through one side of its base, probably the result of over heating while in. use, and was evidently cast in a well prepared mold. All of these lead pipes were doubtless cast within the present limits of Wisconsin, during early historic times. In the Wisconsin Historical Society's collection at Madison, is a cast lead pipe of the Sioua,n form, unfortunately without data. An urn-shaped lead pipe with merely the suggestion of a stem, calculated for the receiving of a mouth piece of wood or bone, was found near Prairie du Chien, and another of lead, with stem at right angles to the bowl, the front of the bowl being carried down straight, was found near Portage, Wis. ; both reported by Prof. T. H. Lewis. Pipes of lead were at one time quite common among the Indians about the lead regions of Southwestern Wis- consin but, because of their easy destruction, few are to be found in the cabinets of collectors. CLAY AND POTTERY TRADE PIPES. \ The weight of authority seems to favor the belief that' pipes were not known to the Europeans previous to the Discovery. As to the date of the first manufacture of clay pipes in England, Llewllynn Jewitt wrote: "In the neighborhood of Bath (Eng- 76 WISCONSIN ARCHEOLOGIST. Vol. 4, Nos. 3 and 1 land) pipes were apparently made in the beginning of the Seven- teenth century, and some of the examples bear a shield with a branch of the tobacco plant (Ceramic Art in G. B., I, p. 296, New York 1878, quoted by McGuire, p. 453). During the seventeenth century the P]nglish, Dutch and French made large quantities of clay pipes which the whites used in trade with the Indians, a few of which have been found in Wisconsin. These pipes differ in size and ornamentation. Pipes during the time of iames I, were made with a small bowl, probably due to the restrictive laws, and the then popular beliei' in the great medicinal virtues of tobacco, causing it to com- mand a fabulous price. Styles of trade marks, symbols and or- namentation on trade pipes, are too numerous to mention, and these with small variations, constitute the main differences be- tween the English, French and Dutch makes. Fig. 29, from the Wind Lake village site, Racine county, is a common form of moulded Eng- lish trade pipe, made of white clay, with small bowl and long stem (now broken). A similar pipe from London, collected bv E. Lovett, (Cat. No. 129692; shown by McGuire, p. 453), is in the U. S. Nat. Museum. Fig. 30, from a mound on the east bank of Rock river, near Hustisford, Wis., is a form of English trade pipe of white clay, with bowl but half an inch in diameter, ornamented on the front by a row of diminutive tobacco leaves, in relief. FIG. 29. English Trade Pipe. Author's Coll. FIG. 30. English Trade Pipe. Author's Coll. FTC. 31. Clay Trade Pipe. S. D. Mitchell's Coll. Fig. 31, from Marquette county, is of pottery, about 4" long, sections of which are ornamented in red, brown and black fired Geo. A. West: The Aboriginal Pipes of Wisconsin. 77 FIG. 32. Glazed Trade Pipe. Mil. Pub. Mus. Coll. in. Scallops around the top of the bowl, make it a most attrac- tive form of trade pipe. Fig. 32, plowed up in Waukesha county, collected by the late F. S. Perkins, the well-known collector, is of finely glazed brown pottery, 2" high and 1%" in diameter. Mr. Perkins contended with the writer that this pipe was of Indian make, but although its shape is not that of any of the well-known trade pipes, its perfect glaze would seem to stamp it as of white man's production. Fig. 33 is a trumpet-shaped pot- tery pipe, about 2" high, collected by 0. Vierter in Southern Wisconsin, which, from the style of ornamentation and quality of material, can probably be classed as of white man's make. Fig. 34 is of fine grained sandstone, has the characteristic heel and appears at a glance to have been copied after the English clay trade pipe. A similar Wis-. cousin specimen, made of green varigated steatite, having the pointed heel of the Dutch make of the seventeenth century, is shown in Lapham's Antiq. of "Wis., p. Trade Pottery Pipe. ~ Mil. Pub. Mus. Coll. 3J< Fig. 35, found at Kaukauna, Outagamie county, in 1901, is of Wisconsin catlinite. It is an inch long, bowl half an inch FIG. 34. Trade Form Stone Pipe. FIG. Catlinite Pipe. Author's Coll. wide, and was doubtless copied after the earliest English trade pipe form. The work on this specimen is purely Indian, but shows white man's influence. 78 WISCONSIN ARCHEOLOGIST. Vol. 4, Nos. 3 and 4 POTTEHY PIPES. Comparatively few pipes of pottery or clay have been found in Wisconsin, and the ceramic art of its aborigines appears to have reached a higher degree of development in pot-making than in that of pipes. Specimens found in this geographical location are usually either rectangular or trumpet-shaped. The latter form is thought by some to have been adopted after the advent of the whites, as its shape is supposed to indicate Europ- ean influence, yet this type may be the older of the two, and an Fio. 36. Iroquois Pipe. Author's Coll. evolution of the tube. The style of decoration is varied, and incised lines, scallops or dots seemed to have satisfied the sav- age maker's fancies. A few examples contain a slight glaze, but none are of effigy form. The tempering material of crushed shell or sand was usually used to prevent cracking in firing. Pottery vessels and pipes found in certain localities in this state, are tempered exclusively with broken shell, while in other parts not far distant, and where shells are plentiful, the tempering of these artifacts is of crushed quartz or sand. This rule, however, Geo. A. West: The Aboriginal Pipes of Wisconsin. 79 does not apply to the country bordering the canoe route from Green Bay to the Mississippi river. An examination of most of the pottery pipes known to have been found in Wisconsin, convinces the writer that many of them are exotics, and but few pre-Columbian. Fig. 36, a fine, trumpet-shaped pottery pipe, from Racine county, is 5" long, 3" high, of brown pottery and nicely tempered with sand. This well-known type is common to the Iroquois sites of the state of New York, but rare in Wisconsin, this being the fourth example, so far as the writer can learn, ever found in the state. There is reason to assume that both specimens were lost by the warlike Iroquois of the St. Lawrence valley, when they invaded this country, on one of their forays against the Algonkin tribes. This ~ type of pipe is usually broken when found, as it was a custom of the Iroquois to break the pipe of the deceased before placing it in his grave. Fig. 37, a very interesting pipe from Win- nebago county, is trumpet-shaped, of brown pottery, shell-tempered, 3 1 /4" high, with scal- loped flange around the top of the bowl, and a peculiar handle for a base, formed to fit the finger. No other example of this type of pipe is known to have been found in Wis- FlG - 37 - K . Pottery Pipe. II. P. Hamilton's Coll. Fig. 38 is a type of Southern mound pipe taken from a mound in Pepin county. It is well tempered with shell, contains eight knobs or coffee-bean protuberances about the bowl, and the stem is ornamented on one side by a zig-zag line, probably intended to rep- resent the emblem of light- ning. This pipe is long, and the only one of its kind so far found in this state. 3 FIG. 38. Black Pottery Pipe. Author's Coll. 8? WISCONSIN ARCHEOLOGIST. Vol. 4, Nos. 3 and 4 Fig 39, from Winnebago county, is 2i/ 2 " high, of black pottery, tempered with very coarse shell, sections of which show plainly '.n the cut. This specimen inclines to the trumpet shape, and was moulded into form with the fingers. PIG. 39. 1 Trumpet-shaped Pipe. II. P. Hamilton's Coll. FIG. 40. Trumpet-shaped Pipe. Author's Coll. Fig. 40, from Manitowoc county, is of dark pottery, 3" high, tempered with sand, moulded with the fingers, and is highly ornamented with dots and figures. Its stem, which is broken away, was doubtless much extended. Fig. 41 was found by I\Ir. Bezar Heed of Milford, Oswego county, New York, in 1835, in whose family it had been until acquired for the author, by Mr. W. H. Elkey. It is of black pot- tery, 4" long, with an a] ate stem having a pronounced ridge along the edge on each side. FlCv. 41. Trumpet-shaped Pipe. Author's Coll. u PLATE II. Pottery Pipes. G-eo. A. West: The Aboriginal Pipes of Wisconsin. 81 DESCRIPTION OF PLATE II. In author ; s collection : A. Jefferson county, a trumpet- shaped Iroquois pipe 4" long, of black pottery, tempered with sand, restored. B. Jefferson county, of red pottery tempered with sand, and bowl ornamented with two encircling zig-zag lines. C. Marquette county, of red pottery, tempered with shell, bowl ornamented with lines representing lightning, and circles for the sun. D. Waupaca county, of red pottery, tempered with sand, very thick- walled bowl with ornamented edge and encircling zig-zag lines, E. Marquette county, of brown pot- tery tempered with broken quartz, thick-walled bowl orna- mented with figures representing the sun and moon. F. Mar- quette county, of brown glazed pottery, sand-tempered, bowl ornamented around the top with a line of dots and three double perpendicular lines of dots on its sides. G. Dane county, mound find, dark pottery, tempered with quartz, or- namented with scolloped rim and incised figures. H. Jeffer- son county, yellow pottery, shell- tempered. I. Calumet county, of black pottery, shell tempered and rudely moulded. J. Dane county, mound find, black pottery, and probably no temper- ing material used. "K. Marquette county, mound find, of black pottery, shell tempered, bowl ornamented to represent a section of an ear of corn, each kernel being well defined. L. Marquette county, of black, glazed pottery with square stem, intended for the addition of a mouthpiece, and decidedly showing white man's influence. M. Ozaukee county, of red pottery, unornamented, tempered with shell, contains a large quantity of pyrites of iron and is peculiar in having a basal projection in front of the bowl. N. Crawford county, mound find, is of brown pottery, 4" long, and sand tempered. 0, Marquette county, brown pottery, sand-tempered, ordinary type. P. Marquette county, red pottery, shell-tempered, very short stem. Q. Marquette county, brown pottery, sand-tempered, ornamented with dots around top of bowl. Mr. C. T. Olen's collection: R. Pottery from Winnebago county, peculiar in having a keel. S. Kewaunee county, gravel- pit find, dark pottery, ornamented bowl, much like the Iroquois 82 WISCONSIN ARCHEOLOGIST. Vol. 4, Nos. 3 and 4 pattern. A similar pottery pipe found in the same gravel -pit, with Mexican opals, is in the same collection. Milwaukee Museum collection: T. From Marquette county, is a fragment showing a peculiar style of ornamentation. Mr. S. D. Mitchell's collection: U. Marquette county, double conodial, red pottery, stem arid bowl each 2" long. Stem and bowl cavities each the same size. Mr. Chas. Wheffen's collection: V. Calumet county, red pottery, ornamented with incised curved lines crossing each other. Mr. F. M. CaJdwell's collection: W. Marquette county, yel- low pottery, with scalloped flange around the top of bowl, base ornamented with the emblem of lightning. Mr. F. H. Lynmn's collection: X. Kenosha county, trumpet- shaped 3" long (now in author's collection). An example of the same type from Sheboygan county, but poorly fired, is in the A. and J. Gerend collection. STONE PIPES. Early explorers reported the general use of stone pipes in America, by all Indians, both savage and semi-civilized. As to variety, Dodge states: "For different occasions they have dif- ferent pipes; thus they have a Peace-pipe, a Council-pipe, a Medicine-pipe, and a pipe for common use. Each is sacred to its own purpose" (Indians, 130). While Wisconsin is not as rich in tube pipes as is the south- western portion of America, or in fine effigy pipes as is Tennessee and its neighboring states, yet interesting examples of nearly .all of the aboriginal forms in stone are found here in sufficient num- bers to indicate that the pre-historic inhabitants were inveterate smokers. The tube pipe, believed to be the oldest type, is often found here under similar conditions and in the same mound with the effigy, micmac, disk, urn-shaped and other types; the first named, as a rule, showing no greater evidence of age than the others. Many of the tube pipes of this State are doubtless old, while a number of them seem to be of quite recent make. All considered, it would seem that while there are indications of the evolution of tjie tube form in this locality, at no time was an exclusive type G-eo. A. West: The Aboriginal Pipes of Wisconsin. used; and that the manufacture and use of the older types as they come in one after the other, was continued for ages. There seems to have been a period of decadence in stone pipe making in Wisconsin, before the Discovery, clay, bone and horn taking the place of stone to a, great extent. The revival of stone pipe-mak- ing came through the whites, steel tools making the shaping and drilling an easy matter, as compared with their tedious produc- tion with stone implements. SIOUAM PIPES. CALUMETS. No pipe was ever regarded by the American aborigine with greater reverence and respect than the calumet. It was used in the ratification of treaties and alliances; in the friendly recep- tion of strangers; as a symbol in declaring war or peace, and afforded its bearer safe transport among savage tribes. Its ac- ceptance sacredly sealed the terms of peace, and its refusal was regarded as a rejection of them. Calumets made of steatite, limestone, sandstone, and granite, are often found, but a large majority of them are made of catlin- ite, a compact clay slate, named after Mr. Geo. Catlin, who lived for many years among the Indians, and to whom great credit is due for his many portraits and other paintings true to aboriginal life. The color of catlinite is usually cherry red, often mottled and shading into ash, grey or black. This material was quarried by the Indians in several places in Minnesota, Iowa, South Da- kota, Missouri and in Barren county, Wisconsin. Specimens of ''pipe stone 1 ' are sometimes secured from the glacial drift. Pipes of catlinite are not necessarily of modern make. Exam- ples have been found, over a wide area, in Indian mounds and graves. In 1880 a broken pipe of this material was found by Ole Rasmussen, in the town of Farmington, Waupaca county, while digging a well, J8 or 20 feet below the surface. The ma- terial has been known, under different names, ever since the Discovery. Catlin, who in 1835 visited the pipe-stone quarries of Minne- sota, had previously found catlinite "in the hands of the savages 84 WISCONSIN ARCHEOLOGIST. Vol. 4, Nos. 3 and 4 of every tribe, and nearly every individual in the tribe lias his pipe made of it" (North American Indians, p. 36). After a visit to the famous quarries, Catlin concludes as follows : ' ' From the very numerous marks of ancient and modern digging's or ex- cavations, it would appear that this place has been for many cen- turies resorted to for the red stone ; and from the great number of graves arid remains of ancient fortifications in its vicinity, it would seem, as well as from their actual traditions, that the In- dians have long held this place in high superstitious estimation ; also it has been the resort of different tribes who have made their regular pilgrimages here to renew their pipes'' (North American Indians, p. 229;. The highest attainment of the aboriginal carver ? s art found ex- pression on the bowls of the calumet pipes made in the valley of the Ohio and St. Lawrence rivers. Throughout Wisconsin and the Mississippi valley the stem only appears to have been re- garded with veneration, whilst the bowl, as a rule, was a matter of indifference, which seems remarkable, as most ancient Amer- ican pipes had no detachable mouth piece. At the advent of the whites the stems of the calumets were often found to be a yard long, two or three inches wide, worked down to a quarter of an inch in thickness, and profusely orna- mented with bands of finely braided colored grasses, porcupine quills and dyed hair. To them were tied feathers and even the heads of ducks and other birds. These materials for decoration were gradually supplanted by glass beads and brass headed tacks. Doubtless the calumet, rectangular in form, was in use by the Indians at the time of the Discovery. As to the use of this type of pipe within historic times, Roger Williams, in his description of the Indians of New England in 1643, reported their making ' ' great pipes of stone and wood. ' ' The Jesuit Re- lations, in an account of a conference between the New England Nations and the French, refers to two pipes "made of green stone, beautiful and highly polished, a cubit long." La Thoutan, in his account of a conference between De La Bavre and the Onandagas, 1684, mentions a ''pipe of peace." Father Henne- pin said: i; I had certainly perished in my voyage, had it not been for the Calumet or pipe" (A New Discovery, etc., chap. XXIV, p. 93, London, 1698). Capt. John Smith mentioned a Geo. A. West: The Aboriginal Pipes of Wisconsin. stone pipe of heavy effigy form, three-quarters of a yard long, in 1756 Sir William Johnson presented a calumet to the Six Nations. In early French records there is an abundance of evi- dence that the calumet was of great service to the early mission- aries, and offered protection under all circumstances. Later the pipe and wampum belt were conferred together, especially by the English, who, to gain additional favors, also presented large silver medals. In describing pipes used by the Omahas in the calumet dance, Mr. J. Owen Dorsey says that they have elabor- ately decorated stems, with a duck's head substituted for a bowl (3 Eth. Rpt, p. 277). In describing the pipe of Mah-to-toh-pa, second chief of the Mandans, Catlin says : ' " His pipe which was ingeniously carved out of red steatite (pipe stone) the stem of which was three feet long and two inches wide, from the stalk of the young ash ; about half its length was wound with delicate braids of porcupine quills, so ingeniously wrought as to represent figures of men and animals upon it. It was also ornamented with the>skins and beaks of woodpeckers' heads, and the hair of the white buffalo's tail. The lower half of the stem was painted red and on its edge it bore the notches he had recorded for the snows (or years) of his life" (North Amer. Indians, p. 165). The Indian did not use his calumet as an ordinary pipe. The report of the capture of the warlike Winnebago Chief Red Bird states: "Across the breast, in a diagonal position, and bound tight to it, was his war pipe, at least three feet long, brightly ornamented with dyed horse-hair and the feathers and bills of birds. In one of his ha.nds he held the white flag, and in the other the Calumet Pipe of Peace" (Wis. Hist. Coll. 8, p. 263). The few calumets, in effigy form, found in Wisconsin, contrary to the style of those found in the East, do not have the carving confined to the bowl, the whole top of the base being often util- ized for ornamentation. Most of our Northwestern calumets have tall bowls at right angles to the stem. The pipe usually has on the top of its stem and extending along it, an alate projec- tion ornamented with perforations, dots or tally marks. The manner in which the tally marks are sometimes crowded in would indicate that they were added to from time to time, doubtless as a record of events in which the pipe played an important part. 88 WISCONSIN ARCHEOLOGIST. Vol. 4, Nos. 3 and 4 It Geo. A. West: The Aboriginal Pipes of Wisconsin. 87 As to the manner of passing the Calumet by the Sioux : "You never see a Sioux Indian, if he is in company, smoke alone. The pipe is lighted and he takes a whiff or two himself, and passes it to his neighbor, always passing it around with the sun. "When several are assembled together, you will see a number of pipes going the rounds in the same manner" (Wis. Hist. Coll., Vol. 2, p. 88). Fig. 42 was found on the farm of Mr. R. Reynolds, Sect. 4, Mt. Pleasant, .Racine county, in 1849, and was in the collection of the late Dr. P. R. Hoy until his death. This fine specimen is 7" long, made of drab sandstone, and with an alate projection con- taining several tally marks, on the top of its base. Its base was at one time broken and later repaired by cutting deep retaining grooves, filling them with melted lead, and smoothing it down oven with the surface of the stone. This specimen is of special interest because of it's unusual size, and particularly for the rea- son that it was found in the vicinity of the first trading post in Racine county, established about the year 1832, by Jaques Jambeau. FIG. 43. Calumet Pipe, Logan Coll., Beloit College. Fig. 43, from Racine county, is of dark steatite, and was also collected by Dr. Hoy. The fore end of this pipe is carved to represent the head of a duck or snake. It was doubtless used as a ceremonial calumet. 8S WISCONSIN ARCHEOLOGIST. Vol. 4, Nos. 3 and 4 DESCRIPTION OF PLATE III. In author's collection: A. From Waushara county, of blue limestone, 3 3 /2" long, bowl broken away, has the appearance of great age, its wing projection extends the whole length of the stem, and is ornamented with 30 tally marks on one side and 27 on the other. B. From Chippewa county, of drab steatite, -i" long and 2-34" high, unpolished, with unornamented wing, stem octagonal in shape, with projection in front of bowl. 0. From Door county, of oatlinite, 4" long by 1%", octagonal bowl, rounded stem, with flattened base, and projection in front of bowl. The alate projection has 7 perforations. The stem and bowl holes are each half- an-inch in diameter. This pipe was found in a mound at lied Banks in 1875, was traced by the author to Quebec, Canada, and purchased of Dr. W. H. Mc- Gowan. D. From Winnebago county, of catlinite, 6" by 2%," beautifully polished. Top and bottom of stem are flattened sides rounded, bowl round, end of stem and top of bowl orna- mented with several ring's in relief. E. From Adams county, of catlinite, 5" by 294," bowl and stem round with flattened base, top of bowl and end of stem ornamented with several rings in relief, and line of dots around bowl. F. From Adams county, of catlinite, ty'z by 2%," bowl carved to represent the head of some animal. A comb-shaped projection extends from the outside of the bowl beneath the stem for the greater part of its length. What is almost a duplicate of this specimen is in the collection of Mr. S. D. Mitchell, Ripon, Wis. ; and a similar one is in the Logan collection at Beloit College. G. From Crawford county, of catlinite, 6" by 2 1 / 2 ," being an interesting modifi- cation of the characteristic Siouan type. This specimen shows no indications of mode 111 manufacture. Milwaukee Museum collection: H. Of catlinite, 4%" by 31/2," marked ''Wisconsin." This pipe has a scalloped keel reaching from the top of the bowl to within half an inch of the end of the stem. Each scallop is perforated. Many fine examples of the calumet, some of which were ob- tained by early settlers from noted chiefs, are in the cabinets of Wisconsin collectors. Each of these belong to some one of the types shown in Plate III. PLATE III. Siouan Calumet Pipes. Geo. A. West: The Aboriginal Pipes of Wisconsin. LEADED SIOUAN PIPES. Lead was frequently ingeniously used by the Sioux as well as other Wisconsin Indians, in mending broken calumets, orna- menting new pipes, and in binding together two sections of a pipe made from several pieces of stone. Fig. 44 is 51/2" long, of jet black chlorite, showing much use, and is interesting ias -illus- trating the artistic manner in which its broken stem was re-. paired. This pipe was purchased by Mr. J. C. Barton, Chief Engi- neer of the Midland Pacific Railway, from Chief Talking-Crow, who carried it through the Minnesota Massacre, and whose band robbed the first printing orfice in South Dakota, at Sioux Falls, using some of the stolen type to repair this specimen. Fig. 45, found by Mr. T. W. Hamil- ton, near Berlin, Green Lake county, is of catiinite, and shows a section of a broken calumet, ready to receive the molten lead, in process of its repair- ing. After cooling, it was a simple matter to smooth off the lead flush with the surface of the pipe, and the splice would be complete. Fig. 46, from Sheboygan county, found by Joseph Kraemer, on his FIG. 44. Mended Calumet, Author's Coll. FIG. 45. Author's Coll. farm near Elkhart Lake, is of catiin- ite,. and shows a section of a pipe with a joint ground perfectly smooth, and evidently intended to be joined to a bowl, made of a separate piece of stone. FIG. 46. Author's Coll. &o WISCONSIN ARCHEOLOGIST. Vol. 4, Nos. 3 and 4 FIG. 47. Lead & Stone Calumet, Author's Coll. Fig. 47, a fine piece of Siouan work in lead and stone, is of dark red catlinite, 6" long, with round bowl and stem. Near the top of the bowl are three rings, in re- lief. The stem is highly ornamented with inlaid lead, neatly smoothed down and filling the grooves so completely that the joints are absolutely tight. The lead was used purely for ornamentation, there being no crack or break in the stone requiring repair. Fig. 48, collected by the late F. S. Perkins, is of steatite, the top of the bowl has been cut away and lead supplied. This is a common manner of ornamenting stone pipes with lead. It, is not unusual to find Siouan pipes inlaid with the figures of animals or birds in lead, the variety of ornamentation being very great. When shallow drill holes were filled with lead it was sometimes done by the pounding process, but as a rule the metal was melted and poured into the prepared grooves. Lead was either obtained from the mines in South-western Wisconsin, or in bars from the whites. Orders for goods for the early-day Indian trade usually con- tained a request for bars of lead. FIG. 48. Lead & Stone Pipe. Mil. Pub. Mus. Coll. DIMINUTIVE SIOUAN PIPES. Pipes of this type are smaller in size, but resemble the Siouan calumet in shape, ornamentation, and in being made for the re- ception of a stem. Regardless of their size, a large number of these pipes may have been used as calumets. PLATE IV. Diminutive Siouan Pipes. Geo. A. West: The Aboriginal Pipes of Wisconsin. The Siouan form of pipe may well be regarded as an old type. A large number of Wisconsin finds are plain, unornamented, and show no evidence of the use of modern tools in their manufacture. More recent examples are often most elaborately carved, or have their surfaces inlaid with neat figures cut into the stone and tilled with lead. DESCRIPTION OF PLATE IV. In the author's collection: A. From Jefferson county, of catlinite, 3-^" long, highly ornamented with emblems of the moon, and lightning deeply etched into the surface, and nearly obliterated by use. B. From Portage county, of catlinite, sur- face find, l^o" long by 2" high. C. t From Marquette county, from a grave, of catlinite 2%" long ornamented by comb on top of stem. D. From Green Lake county, of catlinite, and in- teresting in having a perpendicular slot at outside of end of base, for the reception of an ornament of bone or other material. E. From Grant county, from a mound, of catlinite, 2" long. F. From Marquette county, of catlinite, surface find. The front of the bowl is peculiar in being sharp, almost a cutting edge. II. From Iowa county, of catlinite, surface find, 2" long and equally as high. I. From Iowa county, of catlinite 2 1 /o" long, ornamented with a number of rings; surface find. J. From Crawford county, of catlinite, 2y 2 " long, surface find, ornamented with perforated comb on the top of the stem. K. From Marquette county, of cat-Unite, 2^" long, surface find, ornamented with perforated wing on the top of stem. L. From Marquette county, from a mound, of catlinite, l 1 /^" high. This pipe is simply roughed out by chipping and scraping, the drilling being but partly finished. It exhibits no marks of metal tools. 0. From Washington county, from a mound, of steatite. 2%" long, probably of great antiquity. The wall of its bowl is worn down to about 1/16 of an inch in thickness. P. From Waukesha county, from a mound, of catlinite. It is an unfin- ished specimen, simply roughed out, partly drilled and inter- esting in showing the process of its manufacture. Q. From Green Lake county, of steatite, 3%" long, rounded base, monitor type, very old in appearance and showing much use. Mr. C. T. Olen's collection: G. From Winnebago county, of steatite, 41/3" long and ornamented with perforated comb on 92 WISCONSIN ARCHEOLOGIST. Vol. 4, Nos. '6 and 4 the top of the stem. Figured in Laphanrs Antiquities of Wis- consin, p. 83: M. Marked "Wisconsin/' is of fine grained sandstone. Mr. E. E. Bailey's collection: N. Of catlinite, from Brown county, surface find, and finely ornamented. Mr. August Bartle's collection (now in the author's cabinet) : R. From Sheboygan county, of steatite, surface find. Mr. F. J. B. Duchateau's collection: Unlettered specimen, from Brown county, is of drab steatite, surface find. Fig. 49, found near Beaver Dam, Dodge county, of drab steatite, is 2-V>" long, and finely polished. The striations, quite prominent in the bowl cavity, indicate the use of stone drills in its excavation. The stem hole is less than an eighth of an inch in diameter. d ^ litate f Fi g- 49 > Pipe. A. J. Holmes Coil. Jeir'erson county, is in the cab- inet of Mr. Louis Tester, and a third example from Marquette county, of light grey chlorite, is in the authors 's collection. The last described shows no evi- dence of the use of metal tools in its manufacture, yet its shape and finish suggest European influence. MICMAC PIPES. This type of pipe usually has an inverted acorn-shaped bowl attached to a base by a narrow neck or separated from it by a deep encircling groove. The base is either cylindrical, round, square or keel-shaped in form, often terraced and subject to many modifications. It frequently contains one or more perfor- ations to which were probably attached ornaments, or strings to prevent its loss in the snow, leaves or grass. In some specimens there is no suggestion of a stem while in others one end of the base is extended to a considerable length, allowing for the firm attachment of a mouthpiece. Authorities seem to agree that the micmac type of pipe is of no great age, but several specimens found in Wisconsin, especially Geo. A. West: The Aboriginal Pipes of Wisconsin. those with the unperforated base, have the appearance of be- ing very old, and certainly exhibit no evidence of metal tools having been used in their manufacture. There is little doubt but that this type was in use for some time previous to the Dis- covery and until a recent date. The variety with the perforated keel is still smoked in Labrador and the Hudson Bay country. Specimens of the micmac type of pipe are found as far south as Georgia and from the ^Atlantic Ocean to the Rocky Mountains. The Micmac tribe of Indians, during historic times at least, have occupied Nova Scotia, Cape Breton, Prince Edward Island, the north of New Brunswick and adjacent parts of Quebec, also ranging over Newfoundland, This interesting type of pipe is said to have been named after these Indians, with whom it was in general use at the time of the advent of the whites. Sixty- six micmac pipes, known to have been found in Wisconsin, have been sketched by the author. The Micmacs are not known to have occupied any Wisconsin territory but they belonged to the erreat Alg'onkin family, many tribes of which made their home here. The general distribution of the micmac pipe can be ac- counted for by barter and trade and from the fact that any convenient pipe form, \vhen once seen, would be copied after. The oldest form of micmac pipe has an unperforated rounded base, narrowest at the bottom and extending but a short dis- tance on each side of the bowl. The encircling groove at the lower part of the bowl was probably used for the attachment of a cord leading to a detachable stem, thus holding it in place and preventing the loss of the bowl. Fig. 50, from Brown county, is of com- pact blue lime-stone, 21/2" high, with a rounded, unperforated base, cone-shaped bowl and stem-hole, and, as is the case in most of the older types, the point of con- tact of the holes is exactly at the apex of the cone or conical hollow of each opening. This pipe is much weathered, shows no metal tool marks, and has every indication of great age. An exact duplicate of this specimen (A) in the author's cabinet, is FlG - 5 * (> ,-* -, -, . T, i r> Unperforated Micmac from Columbia county. Two examples of p{pe this form in the same collection, (B and C) Author's coil. 94 WISCONSIN ARCHEOLOGIST. Vol. 4, Nos. 3 and 4 PIG. 51. Unperforated Micmac Pipe. with cylindrical bases, are from Sheboygan and Green Lake counties, respectively. A pipe of the same variety in the Wis. Historical Society's collection (D; and a duplicate of B, in Mr. J. P. Slight's cabinet, from Dodge county, have cylindrical bases. Fig. 51 was taken from a mound on an island in Kest Lake, Vilas county, by Mr. .1. G. Albright, Mr. H. F. Jahn and Dr. H. E. Fox, in 1902. This specimen, which is on deposit with the author, is of limestone, 2%" high, badly weathered, and stained with iron rust; its bowl is ornamented with six perpendicular raws of deep depressions and is remarkable in having a perpendicular hole extending from the bottom of its base to the stem- hole, and probably intended to receive a plug or handle. This theory is substan- tiated by the fact that this hole was drilled from the outside, and that on the sides of the base are notches to allow the passing of a cord from the neck of the bowl around the wedge-shaped base, for the pur- pose of holding the plug or handle in place. An example (E) in Mr. F. M. B, Coil's collection, from Wau- paca county, is similar in shape to the one shown at Fig. 51, but with a more pronounced wedge-shaped base, ornamented by a number of depressions made with a stone drill. A specimen (F) in Mr. IT. G. Sehuette's collection, from Mauitowoe county; one (G) in author's cabinet, from same county, and a third (H) in the same collection from Waupaca county, have wedge- shaped bases. Fig. 52, from Jefferson Bounty, is of yellow limestone, 3" high, having a terraced base ornamented by incised lines and scalloped keel. This specimen is probably of no great age, but illustrates a stage of development in the unperforated base type. Author's coil. tZJ PLATE V. Unperforated Micmac Pipes, Rounded Base. PLATE VI. Unperforated Micmac Pipes, Wedge-Shaped Base. PLATE VII. Terraced-base Miemac Pipes. PLATE VIII. Stemmed Micmac Pipes. PLATE IX. Stemmed Micmac Pipes. Geo. A. West: The Aboriginal Pipes of Wisconsin. 9,1 In Mr. II. P. Hamilton's collection: (I) from Marquette county, is of black chlorite, otherwise almost a duplicate of the Jast described. A very similar specimen ( J) in the Wis. Histori- cal Society's collection labeled "Wisconsin/' is of drab lime- stone. In the same collection is a fine specimen (K) of pink sandstone. One in the author's cabinet (L) of red catlinite, irom Iowa county, has a similar form of terraced base. Fig. 53, from Dodge county, is of com- pact limestone, 2%" high, with plain base extended about an inch on one side, form- ing a stem to be used with the addition of a mouthpiece. This appears to be a modification of the unperfora.ted base form, and an example of what might properly be called the stemmed micmac pipe. A similar specimen (M) in the author's collection, from Outagamie county, is of limestone with the base ornamented with incised lines. A nmch weathered and interesting pipe of this type (Nj in Mr. H. P. Hamilton's cabinet, from the same county as Figure M., has a stem 3%" long, shows considerable age. A fine example (0). a trill e smaller, in the same collection, from Brown county, is of Wisconsin catlinite. One of these pipes (P) from Jefferson county, of sandstone, is illustrated in Lapham's "Antiquities of "Wisconsin" (Fig. 83). All of the stemmed micmac pipes above described, Jiave bases that are square in section, but narrowest at the bot- tom. Each of the two examples in the author's cabinet have cylindrical bases. Fig. 54, from Brown county, is of black chlorite, 2yV' high, and illustrates the devel- opment of the stemmed micmac pipe. It is carved to represent the head of a raven or crow, facing the smoker. The keel is un- perf orated, and close examination reveals marks possibly made by metal tools. This. PIG. 53. Stemmed Micmac Pipe. Author's Coll. This specimen FIG. 54. Stemmed Micmac Pipe. Author's Coll. 96 WISCONSIN ARCHEOIX)GIST. Vol. 4, Nos. 3 and 4 rare pipe was owned for many years by Mr. Augustin Grignon an early settler of Green Bay, and prominent in early Wisconsin history, was later in the cabinet of Dr. II. B. Tanner of Kau- kauna for 20 years or more, and was finally secured for the au- thor by the well-known collector, Mr. W. H. Elkey of Milwaukee. The micmac pipe in its highest development is frequently em- bellished by finely carved figures representing bird or beast, its distinguishing characteristic being the perforated base or keel. Metal tool marks are usually in evidence, which tend to substan- tiate the theory that it is, as a class, of no great age. Mr. Lucian M. Turner states that the Hudson Bay Esquimo still use these pipes (llth. Eth. Kept, p. 330). As to the ob- ject of the keel perforation: ''A hole is drilled through its base or keel that a cord may be inserted and tied to the stern that the pipe may not be lost in the snow. ' ' Fig. 55, taken from a mound in Buffalo county, is of dark compact sandstone, 2 1 /2" high, with a cone-shaped bowl and stem-holes; the former having been enlarged by the use of a gouge. The surface of this pipe shows it to have been pecked or hammered into shape. In the same collection as the last described, is one from Jefferson county, (Q) of limestone, of the same height but more graceful in shape. This form is quite common in Wisconsin. One in the same cabinet (It) also from Jefferson county, is of sandstone, with cylindrical base and perforated keel. A similar pipe (S) with a square base and perforated keel is in the Milwaukee Museum. A beautiful specimen in the author's collection (T) of black chlorite, from Minnesota, is 5"high with 4 perforations in its base. Fig. 56, from Door county, is of limestone, 2" high, carved to represent the head of a bird, and is a fine example of the developed perforated keel micmac pipe. Fig. 57, found by Mr. Frank Lee at Lee's Point, on bank of Lake Koshkonong, Jefferson Author's coii. PIG. 55. Perforated Base Micmac Pipe. Author's Coll. oooo PLATE X. Perforated-base Micmac Pipes. PLATE XL Interesting Forms of Micmac Pipes. Goo. A. West: The Aboriginal Pipes of Wisconsin. 97 county, is l L /2" high? of green steatite finely polished. A deep groove encircles the bowl just above its stem- hole. The ornamentation consists of lines and dots. The base is carved to represent the head of some animal, probably that of a turtle. The following are a few interesting 1 "Wisconsin specimens : (1) In author's collection, from Milwaukee county, is of limestone, 2" high, finely polished. (2) In same cabinet, from Door county, is of com- pact limestone and interesting because of its hav- Micmac Bird ing been made from the base or a broken micmac pi pe . pipe. It plainly shows evidences of having been Author's coil, sawed from the original bowl, thus illustrating In- dian economy. (3) In Mr. H. G. Schuette's collection, from Manitowoc county, ornamented with lead inlaid about the stem- hole. Several depressions in the base are filled with this metal. (4) In Mr. Horace McElroy's cabinet, from Monroe county. (5) In the Wis. Historical Society's collection, marked "Wis- consin," made of black slaty rock, inlaid with lead, very mod- ern. (6) In Mr. H. P. Hamilton's cabinet, from Manitowoc county, of brownish diabase. (1) In the author's cabinet, from Green Lake county, of grey sandstone, 21/2" high. (8) In the same collection, from Racine county, is of catlinite, and shows much use. This pipe can hardly be classed as a micmac. It is peculiar in having a deep groove encircling the stem instead of the bowl, and by means of which a detachable mouthpiece could be made fast' to the bowl, by the use of a cord of sinew, rawhide or other suitable material. PORTRAIT PIPES. The mounds, graves, and village sites of Wisconsin have yielded more examples of stone pipes with carved human heads than of any other form of effigy pipe. Some writers brand all portrait pipes as modern, which is doubtless true of a large num- ber, but several Wisconsin finds have all the characteristics of the old forms, and were apparently made with primitive tools. 98 WISCONSIN ARCHEOLOGIST. Vol. 4, Nos. 3 and 4 Fig. 58 was dug from a grave at East Jacksonport. Dour county, over which was an old pine stump 30" in diameter, by Mr. L. K. Erskine, from whom it was secured by Mr. W. II. Elkey, for the author. This pipe is of compact flinty limestone, FIG. 58. Portrait Pipe, Author's Coll. and most skillfully carved into a resemblance of the head and face of a frowning Indian. Both bowl and stem excavations are conical in shape, and were evidently made with stone drills. Fig. 59 is of dark sandstone, 10" long, with a portion of its bowl broken away. This remarkable pipe was found many years ago near Fort Atkinson, Jefferson county, and is now in a private collection in the State of New Hampshire. It is a cal- umet but not of the Siouan type. The writer is informed that this specimen is unpolished, has the appearance of great age, contains no metal tool marks, and shows much use. FIG. 59. Portrait Pipe. 100 WISCONSIN ARCHEOLOGIST, Vol. 4, Nos. 3 and 4 PIG. 60. Portrait Pipe. Author's Coll. Fig. 60, found by Mr. John Davis, on an old Chi.ppe.wa Indian village site, sect. 25, bank of Tank lake, Iron county, is 2'' long, equally as high, and shows the marks of metal tools used in its manufacture. Fig. 61, from Juneau county was found on section 1, by Mr. A. G. Goffko, and is of compact sandstone, roughly made, 2" long by 1%" high, with irregularly shaped bowl and stem-holes showing evidence of FIG. 61. Portrait Pipe. Author's Coll. having been enlarged by the goug- ing process. This specimen is of ex- tremely rude workmanship, but of ^ no great age. Fig. 62, from Kenosha county, was found by Mr. A. B. Jackson, 5 feet below the surface, while dig- ging a cellar in 1853, on section 12, town of Salem. It is a fine specimen of aboriginal art, and is of steatite, 21/2" long, by 2" high. Fig. 63, from Sheboygan county, is of flinty, limestone, 2 : )4" high* with face rudely carved, facing the smoker. The writer has had no opportunity of examining this specimen. Fig. 64, from the south shore of Lake Superior, is of black slate 21/2" long, with a rude face carved on the end facing away from the smoker. The sketch of this pipe is after one furnished by Ghas. E. Brown, Secretary and Curator of the Wisconsin Archeological Soci- ety. Fig. 65, from Winnebago county, is of compact grey limestone, bowl 2y 2 " high, fitted with an old bone stem 3%" long, and so made that a half turn is necessary before it can be withdrawn from the Coil. PIG. 62. Portrait Pipe. Mil. Pub. Mus. Coll. Coll. by P. S. Perkins. Geo. A. West: The Aboriginal Pipes of Wisconsin. 101 FIG. 64. Portrait Pipe. W. W. Radley's Coll. stem-hole. This specimen was found with a gravel-pit burial, together with 25 Mexican, opals ; and several other artifacts. Fig. 66 is of cat- linite, 4" long, 2V 2 " PIG. 65. Portrait Pipe. C. T. Olen's Coll. high, was obtained from an Ojibwa In- dian, in Chippewa county, in the year 1872, by a French trap- per, \vho presented it to Mr. T. D. Brown. It has been in the Brown family ever since. It is a characteristic Chip- pewa pipe, and was doubtless carved with pieces of hoop iron or other metal tools. The noted collector, the late F. S. Perkins, pronounced this specimen the best example of F1G QQ historic Indian carving he Effigy Pipe, Author's Coll. had 6V6r 86611. EFFIGY AND EMBLEMATIC PIPES. Comparatively few effigy pipes have been found within the geographical limits of Wisconsin, and none of the great heavy examples so frequently collected in the Ohio Valley and further south, have been discovered here. It is very doubtful whether future researches will reveal them. Fig. 67 is of greyish, brown steatite, 3*4" long, 2^4" in its greatest width, and with a finely carved upper surface repre- senting a turtle. The bowl is in the center of the turtle's back, the stem-hole is small and was doubtless used without the addi- tion of a detachable mouth-piece. The lower part of the body is flat with no attempt to form either legs or tail. This speci- 102 WISCONSIN ARCHEOLOGIST. Vol. 4 ? Nos. 3 and 4 men was discovered within the southern limits of the city of Milwaukee, and is believed to be the only ceremonial pipe of turtle form, so far found in Wisconsin. The turtle was an FIG. 67. Turtle Pipe, Mil. Museum Coll. emblem of the Sioux, and from the frequent occurrence of its shell in graves, must have been held in high esteem by the In- dians, yet representations of it in stone are exceedingly rare. Fig. 68, from Allegau county, Michigan, is of granite, 2%" long, 2" high, with flat base, straight sides, with a turtle carved on the end opposite the stem-hole. This pipe has all the in- dications of having been made with primitive tools. Fig. 69, taken from a stone grave in Hancock county, Tennes- see, in 1899, is of fine grained dark slate, 4" long, and carved to. represent a rattle-snake coiled about the bowl and stem of the pipe, which rest upon a turtle, its head showing from beneath the bowl. A fine turtle pipe, 2'" long, of granite, in the author's col- lection, was found in Onondaga county, New York. The head FIG. 68. Turtle Pipe, Author's Coll. Geo. A. West: The Aboriginal Pipes of Wisconsin. 103 FIG. 69. Turtle and Snake Pipe. Author's Coll. is well executed, the bowl-hole in the center of the back, and the base curved. It has the appearance of great age. One belonging to Mr. E. C. Mit- chell, of St. Paul, Minnesota, found by Mr. George W. Hicks near Stockbridge, Calumet county, Wis., is of catlinite and in the shape -of a tube, about 3" long, with the bowl-cavity in the center of the turtle's back. A lop view suggests the body of an owl. An example of a turtle pipe is in the New York State Museum. Dr. David Boyle reports three in the collection of the Provincial Museum of Toronto (Kept, 189G-97, p. 51). Fig. 70, found by Peter Wilkin- son in the township of Granville, Sauk county, in the year 1886, is of red catlinite, 3" high, nearly as long, and about half as thick. It has horns curved like those of the buf- falo, inlaid eyes of lead, a lizard on its either side and a serpent down its front. It was doubtless a ceremonial pipe and the only one of its form known to the writer. It is regarded as hardly pre-Columbian. FIG. 70. Buffalo Pipe, Author's Coll. Fig. 71, a frog pipe, found by Mr. John Tanner in 1871, in Marquette county, is made of compact brown limestone, is 3y 2 " high, and 41/2" long. The stem and bowl-cavities are con- ical in shape, both pecked out, and each li/4" in diameter at the surface, the stem- FlG. 71. Frog Pipe, Author's Coll. 104 WISCONSIN ARCHEOLOGIST. Vol. 4, Nos. 3 and 4 hole having been somewhat smoothed in order that the stem might fit tightly. The legs, mouth and eyes are in bold relief, the surface evidently having been worked into shape by the use of a stone hammer, but subsequently smoothed, the hammer marks, in places, remaining quite distinct. The object faces from, instead of towards the smoker, as is common with mound pipes and the older types of rectangular specimens. Animal forms are rare in Wisconsin, especially those representing the frog, while south of the Ohio River none are more common than those of this creature. Fig. 72, a most remark- able specimen, found near Berlin, Green Lake county, is of yellow sand- stone, considerably weath- ered, 2i/ 2 " high, 4" long, 3" wide, and has a flat base an inch high upon which the bowl is mounted. The bowl-cav- ity is iy 2 " in diameter at the top, the stem-hole nearly as large, and each is gouged out and irregu- lar in shape. The stem-hole represents the open mouth of some animal, eyes and lips being in bold relief. A similar face, with the mouth closed, orna- ments the opposite end of the bowl, and on each of its sides is a finely carved face with features in bold relief, having in- cised lines extending from the corners of the mouth and across the forehead. This specimen is some- what cracked, probably from the heat of smoking, and contains no marks that indicate the use of FIG. 72. Effigy Pipe, Author's Coll. FIG. 73. Effigy Pipe. Author's Coll. metal tools in its manu- facture. FIG. 74. Effigy Pipe. H. P. Hamilton's Coll. Geo. A. West: The Aboriginal Pipes of Wisconsin. 105 Fig. 73, from Marquette county, is of catlinite, 2" high, with a cone-shaped stem and bowl-holes, each half-an-inch in diameter at the outside, but tapering to a very small opening where they meet. This specimen is carved to represent the head of a mouse. Fig. 74, from Winnebago county, of brown sandstone, carved in the shape of a deer's hoof, and is 2" long and 1^" wide at the base. This pipe has a cone-shaped stem and bowl-cavities each about % of an inch in diameter at the surface. Fig. 75, marked ' ' Wis- consin" is of catlinite, 2i/" long, with a cone-shaped stem and bowl-holes, each slightly broken away. This pipe was evidently intended to represent some animal. FIG 75- Fig. 76, from ManitOWOC Effigy Pipe, Wyman Coll., Field M,us. county, is of dark sandstone, 4" high, and carved to represent the head of some animal. Its sides and front have engraved figures, deep holes being drilled to represent the eyes and nostrils, pos- sibly for the reception of pearl or bone settings. Fig. 77, from Crawford county, is of grey steatite, 3%" high, and carved to represent the head of some animal. This pipe appears to have been pecked into shape, and after- wards smoothed by grinding. Its bowl- cavity is conical in form, %" in diame- ter, and irregularly Animal pipes of this type are widely distributed. FIG. 76. Animal Pipe. Author's Coll. rouged out. FIG. 77. Animal Pipe. Author's Coll. 106 WISCONSIN ARCHEOLOGIST. Vol. 4, Nos. 3 and 4 Fig. 78, from Waupaca county, of catlin- ite, 2 L /2 long and nearly as high, is carved to represent the head of a panther, and is doubtless the work of historic Indians. Fig. 79 was found by William Buitlift, Esq., while digging a ditch on the shore of Lake Waubesa, Dane county, and was col- lected by W. H. Ellsworth. It is of grey limestone 3" long, with a fiat base and is carved to represent the head of some animal, the eyes being most prominent. This pipe has indica- tions of great age. Fig. 80, from Sheboygan county, is of steatite, highly polished, shaped like a high moccasin and is 2" high, the top of the bowl being- ornamented by four -groups of 3 FIG. 78. Animal Pipe. S. D. Mitchell's Coll. FIG. 79. Animal Pipe, Author's Coll, cross lines each. Fig. 81, a much weathered example from Marquette county, was found by Mr. Louis Dart, near Packwaukee, and secured for the author by the well known collector, F. M. Caldwell, of Princeton. It is of dark sandstone, 2" long and IV 2 " high, with an oblong bowl excavation made by the goug- iing process and is shaped like an Indian moccasin. Fig. 82, marked "Wisconsin" is of cat- Unite, 2" high, carved to represent the head and neck of a bird, and is doubtless historic Indian work. Fig. 83, claimed to have been found by Mrs. Wilhelmine Hafemeister, in Dodge county, in 1854, doubtless an exotic, is of black slate 4'' high, with perforated pro- jection, carved to represent the bird's feet Moccasin Pipe and to which ornaments may have been Author's coil. FIG. 80. Moccasin Pipe. R. Kuehne's Coll. Geo. A. WPst: The Aboriginal Pipes of Wisconsin. 107 attached. The form and work are mod- ern. Two similar examples, in the New York State Museum, were found in that state. The Canadian collection at Toronto T7T/1 OO iigj * Bird Pipe wis. Hist, contains a pipe . of Society's- Coll. this design. Fig. 84, from Cum- berland county, Tennessee, is of com- pact yellow sandstone, 6" long, 4" high, with large conical stem" and bowl-holes, flat base, and carved head 011 the top of the stem. Fig. 85, from Muskingum county, Ohio, is of black granite, carved to rep- resent a bear facing the smoker. This rare specimen was pecked into shape, having a rough finish, FIG. 83. Bird Pipe. O. T. Lehman's Coll. Fia. 84. Effigy Pipe. Author's Coll. conical stem and bowl excavations, and shows no evidence of the use of metal tools in its manufacture. 108 WISCONSIN ARCHEOLOGIST. Vol. 4, Nos. 3 and 4 PIG. Animal Pipe, Author's Coll Fig. 87, from the bank of Chinch river, Claiborne county, Tennessee, near Hodges Ford, ic of a fine grained sandstone, 6'' long, carved to represent an Indian in a sit- ting posture, fac- ing the smoker a.nd holding a large urn-shaped bowl. Fig. 86, from Kyles Ford, Ten- nessee, is of yellow sandstone 5" J /" long, carved to represent the head of a moun- tain goat, facing away from the smoker. This speci- men is badly weath- ered and was doubt- less made with primitive tools. FIG. 86. Animal Pipe, Author's Coll. FIG. 87. Effigy Pipe, Author's Coll. The pipe shown in the frontispiece was plowed up in Calhoun county, Michigan, in 1885, and is 7" high, 4" wide and carved to represent a seated figure holding a large urn-shaped bowl. Geo. A. West: The Abpriginal Pipes of Wisconsin. 109 The figure faces the smoker. Just below the stem-hole is the head of some animal, possibly of the fox. This pipe was made by the pecking process, as its very rough surface indi- cates. It is of hard compact sandstone, black with age, and badly pitted from the action FIG. 88. Totem Pipe, Author's Coll. FIG. 89. Aztec Bone Pipe, Author's Coll. of the elements. Good judges pronounce this one of the oldest and finest examples of effigy or image pipes in existence. A finely carved idol pipe 41/2" high, of polished serpentine, TT7T Fio. 90. Frog Pipe, Author's Coll. 110 WISCONSIN ARCHEOLOGIST. Vol. 4, Nos. 3 and 4 in the J. P. Schumacher collection, was recently found near Sturgeon Bay, Door county. Fig. 38, a fine example of Northwest Coast historic Indian work, collected by the author at Killisnoo, Alaska, is 10" long, 6" high, made of wood, having a bowl of iron known to have been a portion of a musket used by the unfortunate garrison of Russian soldiers, massacred at Sitka, during the latter part of the 17th century. This specimen was originally the property of Chief li Great Bear," who had eight wives, and the four faces carved on each side of the pipe are sup- posed to represent some of them. Fig. 89, from Southern Arizona, secured by Mr. Charles Quarles, of Milwaukee, is of bone, beautifully carved. The bowl has upon it two human faces, one facing the smoker, and the other on the opposite side. The thirteen characters of the Azetec calendar are deeply engraved into the stem, which is cemented to the bowl by a substance as hard as flint. This specimen is discolored by age. A similar ex- ample in the author's collection having but one face on its bowl, came from the same local- ity. These pipes may have been used for ceremonial purposes. Fig. 90, found by A. L. Gruhake, in Lan- caster county, Pennsylvania, in 1892, is of limestone, 7" long, 41/2" high, carved in the form of a frog holding a large bowl. This pipe has the appearance of great age. It was made by the pecking process, has a conical stem and bowl-holes, and weighs 4% pounds. The pipes found along the northwest coast of America are' most interesting in style, and made of a great variety of material such as Pipe, Author's Coll. stone, ivory, bone, antler, and of these ma,- Geo. A. West: The Aboriginal Pipes of Wisconsin 111 terials in combination with metal. Among the most remark- able carvers are the Haida Indians, who have been known for their artistic productions for centuries. Fig. 91, from Victoria, B. C., is of black slate 11" long, 2" high, 11/2" wide, and appears to have seen long service. The bowl opening is %, and that of the stem about % of an inch in diameter. This specimen is a curious combination of heads and arms, and represents the totem of some Indian family. The carving of totem poles was already an old custom with the natives of Southeastern Alaska when the whites first visited that country. At what elate the art was applied to their pipes is uncertain. The Japanese are known to have had intercourse with these people, and may have influenced their carving. Although the author's cabinet contains many unique and in- teresting pipes collected in northern Alaska and other parts of America outside of Wisconsin, they will not be treated in this paper, an occasional specimen only being illustrated for the sake of comparison, and for the information of the student. BRIDEGROOM OR- DOUBLE-STEMMED PIPES. In the South and Ea,st bridegroom pipes usually have two bowls, while Wisconsin examples have but one bowl with two stem-holes. To smoke a double-stemmed pipe on one's wedding day was an ancient Dutch custom. Such pipes being employed afterwards only at wedding anniversaries. Mr. McGuire mentions two examples in the celebrated Bragge collection, now in the British Museum, which are referred to as "still decorated with the ribbons placed upon them upon a certain festal day that faded into nothingness two centuries ago. Smoked in augury of a happy future upon the wedding day, it was too sacred to be touched again save on the recurrence of the anniversary of the momentous event" (p. 546). The double- stemmed pipe of the primitive Indians doubtless figured in some other ceremony than that of matrimony. It takes its name from its resemblance to these pipes. Fig. 92 was found by Mr. Chas. Stevens, in 1880, in the town of Wyocena, Columbia county, 4 ft. under ground, while digging a cellar. This rare and interesting specimen is of steatite, about 5 112 WISCONSIN ARCHEOLOGIST. Vol. 4, Nos. 3 and 4 FIG. 92. Double-stemmed Pipe, Author's Coll. 2" square, and with half inch projections reinforc- ing each stem -hole. The bawl excavation, is square in form, and fitted for a slide cover. There are two stem- holes, one at the bottom of the bowl and the other on the opposite side near the top. This pipe ap- pears to be of aboriginal manufacture. FIG. Double-stemmed Pipe, Author's Coll. Fig. 93, from Sauk coun- ty, is of sandstone, 2y 2 " high, with an egg-shaped bowl, ornamented with a spiral groove. Its two stem- holes are conical in shape, and were made with stone drills. Fig. 94, an interesting ex- ample from Dane county, is of bone poorly preserved, an inch square, 3" long, and highly ornamented deep carving, and having two stem-holes. Fig. 95, from near Petway, Cheatham county, Tennessee, weighs 5!/2 pounds, and is one of the finest examples of double- stemmed pipes in existence. It is of limestone, black with age, much weathered, evidently made by the pecking process, 7" long, 6" high, with two conical-shaped stem-holes, one at each end of the pipe, above each of which projects a rudely carved human head. This specimen, like all great pipes, has a flat base, and was not intended to be held in the hand when in use. FIG. 94. Double-stemmed with Pipe, Author's Coll. The Aboriginal Pipes of Wisconsin. IK! FIG. 95. Double-stemmed or Bridegroom Pipe, Author's Coll. PLATFORM OR MONITOR PIPES. This tj T pe of pipe is -distributed throughout the Eastern United States and is often found in the mounds and other ab- original burial places of the Ohio valley. Nearly all the pipes of this class secured in Wisconsin, are surface finds. Their distinguishing- characteristic is the platform-shaped base. The monitor pipe derives its name from its resemblance to the well known war vessel of that type. Because of its frequent occur- rence in mounds, the curved base form is often called the mound pipe, but contrary to many writers, it is not the oldest type taken from these tumuli. Its beauty of design and proportions make it one of the most interesting of primitive pipes. The author has grouped the large number of forms, found in this state, under three sub-classes. The material from which they are usually made is stone that 114 WISCONSIN ARCHEOLOGIST. Vol. 4, Nos. 3 and 4 is tough, but soft in texture and easily worked, such as steatite, chlorite and catlinite. Until within the last decade the Mound Builders were regarded as a race distinct from that of the American Indian, but patient research has brought the weight of authority to support the op- posite theory. Many of the oldest groups of mounds in this geo- graphical location contain no pipes. None were found in the Racine groups, which the late Dr. P. R. Hoy claimed were of the oldest in the state, although over 100 mounds were care- fully explored. The custom, among the American aborigines, of burying the pipe with its owner possibly became established after the older groups of these tumuli were erected. STRAIGHT-BASE MONITOR PIPES. Fig. 96, plowed up in an early day by Mr. L. Craigs, on sec- tion 30, Eagle township, Richland county, is of drab steatite and finely polished. It is 9'' long, 2%" wide at the base, o" across the flange of the bowJ, with the bowl cavity %" in its greatest diameter, and made with a tubular drill. This is certainly one of the finest examples of the straight base monitor pipe as yet found in Wisconsin. One in the author's collection, from a mound in Vernon county, is of the same length and form, as the last described but 4^4" wide. Fig. 97, from Marinette county, of steatite, is SW long, the base 11/2" wide and perfectly flat. The bowl cavity has a finely FIG 97. rounded bottom, nicely Straight-base Monitor, Author's Coll. polished. An example 4" long, in Hon. J. G. Pickett's collection, is from Winnebago county. A broken specimen, in the Milwaukee Museum, from Calumet county, is of steatite, and was originally about 5" long. A second ex- ample from Milwaukee county, is on deposit in the same place. Fig. 98, said to be from the northern part of the state, is of a soft mica slate, 5yV' long. 2" wide with a low bowl and pronounced keel. The stern-hole is %" in its greatest diameter and tapers to 1/16". Phis pipe was evidently used with the addition of a stem. 116 WISCONSIN ARCHEOLOGIST. Vol. 4, Nos. 3 and 4 Some pipes have a slight ly rounded base with a ridge along their tops, necessarily so, as the stem- hole is usually large. A study of this type will convince the most skeptical that they are the oldest forms of platform pipes. FIG. 98. Straight-base Monitor Pipe, Author's Coll. FIG. 99. Rounded-base Monitor Pipe, Author's Coll. Fig. 99, a surface find from Jefferson county, is of mottled steatite, 5" long, base an inch wide, bowl cavity made with solid pointed drill, stem-hole half an inch in its greatest diameter, and showing the striations distinctly. There is no evidence of metal tools having been used in its manufacture. Almost a duplicate of the last described, in the author's collection, is a surface find, from Crawford county. An example in the Logan collection, Beloit College, taken from a mound near Packwaukee, is of steatite, 2%" long, and peculiar in having an elliptical bowl-cavity. Fig. 100, a surface find from the town of Wauwatosa, Mil- waukee county, is of greenish steatite with straight rounded base 118 WISCONSIN ARCHEOLOGIST. Vol. 4, Nos. 3 and 5%" long, and 2" broad. The long or handle end tapers to its extremity upon which stands a spool-shaped bowl -2%" high, with a pronounced projecting flange. The bowl cavity, an inch in width, is made with a sand drill. The stem-hole is about 3/16" in diameter. This is doubtless the finest example of its class as yet obtained in the state. It is peculiar in having the bowl nearest the stem end. A fine specimen in the Logan collection, with the bowl very near the stem end, is 5" long, of greenish steatite, and is pecul- iar in having the flange of the bowl squared oft' where it would come in contact with the smoker's face. This pipe was plowed up on the farm of Mr. Oeo. W. Ogden, at the foot of Lake Kosh- konong, in 1860. An example 4" long, in the author's collection, from Man- it owoc county, is of Barren county catlinite, and of precisely the same shape as the above described. A very similar* pipe from Winnebago county, is in Hon. J. G. Pickett's collection. A fine example in Mr. H. P. Hamilton ? s collection, from. Wau- paca county, of Barron county catlinite, is 3" long, with a spool-shaped bowl placed on the middle of its rounded base. Its bottom is ornamented by numerous equi-distant lines which cross each other diagonally. A similar specimen, without any basal ornamentation, is in the Milwaukee Museum. Three examples, of steatite, in the author's collection, were taken from a mound in Marquette county. The writer's sketch-book shows several other specimens of this form, all being Wisconsin finds. Fig. 101, from near New Castle, Indiana, is of com- pact drab slate 4" long, having a stem peculiar to this type, and a bowl of the monitor shape. It has a flat base, triangular in section. Although this pipe is finely finished, traces of the marks made by the use of metal tools are discernible. PIG. 101. Straight-base Monitor Pipe, Author's Coll. Geo. A. West: The Aborigiinal Pipes of Wisconsin. 119 Fig. 102, from a mound in De Soto county, Mississippi, is of calcareous limestone 4" high, with a wide, ir- regular flange around the bowl cavity and a partly broken base 2" wide. The stem- hole is drilled through on the side of the base instead of following its center. PIG. 102. Mississippi Mound Pipe, Author's' Coll. SHORT-BASE MONITOR PIPES. The monitor pipes here described are characterized by a very short base. A sufficient number of those have been found in Wisconsin to warrant their being included in a sub-class. Fig. 103 from Crawford county, is of steatite with a flat base 1%" long, the bowl 1^4" high, and is finely finished. A similar example from Sauk county, is in the American Museum of Natural History, New York City. FIG. 108. Short-base Monitor. Author's Coll. FIG. 104. Short-base Monitor. Author's Coll. Fig. 104, from Marquette county, of steatite, 1%" long with a very small bowl, is ornamented at its top by notches or inden- tations. The base is rounded and with numerous notches on each edge. A similar example in the author's collection, from Adams county, has a small bowl and notched base. 126 ARCHteOLOGlST Vol. 4, Nos. 3 and 4 FIG. 105. Short-lsase Monitor. Author's Coll. Fig. 105, from Washington county, is of steatite, %" long, and has a Hat, notched, base. The bowl, which leans away from the smoker, is orna- mented with incised lines. An iin ornamented example in the author's collection, of gray slate, and of like size, with the last described, is from \Vinnebago county. A third, in Mr. W. W. Radley's collection, is from Portage county. Fig. 106, a perfect example, in the au- thor's collection, from a mound in Mar- quette county, is of steatite, and less than an inch in length. Fig. 107, from Columbia county, a mound find, 2%" long, is of steatite, with a short rounded base and square bowl set near its end. A duplicate of the last described, FIG. 106. Short-base Monitor. Authors Coll. FIG. 107. Square-bowled Monitor, Author's Coll. in the author's collection, is from Fond du Lac county. A fine example with a short rounded base and square bowl, in the Wisconsin Historical Society ; s collection, marked "Wisconsin," is of red catlin- ite. Fig. 108, from Sheboygan county, found by Mr. Chas. Meyer, three miles south of the village of Adell, in 1898, is of rich purple Barron county catlinite, 2" long and equally as high, with a square bowl and short rounded base. Its bowl cavity is cone-shaped, evidently enlarged with wooden drill and sand. The stem-hole is but an eighth of an inch in diameter. This specimen shows much FlG 108 use, the incised ornamentation on the front Short-base Monitor pipe. of the bowl having been almost- worn away. Author's con. If metal tool marks existed they have long since disappeared. Geo. A. West: The Aboriginal Pipes of Wisconsin. 121 FIG. 109. Type of Monitor Pipe, Author's Coll. Fig. 109, found near Buffalo creek, Nelson county, Virginia, of dark schist, is 5" long. It has an aiate stem running the length of the center of which is a pronounced ridge. ' : The largest specimen of this type so far encountered is probably a "Great Pipe," having a bowl 8" long, being upward of 17 inches in total length, which was found in a mound in Marion county, Kentucky, col- lected by Mr. William T. Knott" (McGuire, p. 470). Fig. 110, found in the town of Aurora, Marquette county, is of drab slate, 2 1 /2" long, the end broken away, base rounded, and is ornamented near the stem end on each side by three deep grooves. A second ex- ample of the same shape in the author 's collection, found by Mr. August Bar- tie, in the town of Scott, Sheboygan county, in 1901, is of drab steatite. The top of its bowl is ornamented by four sets of cross lines, of three lines each. The bowl cavities in each pipe are irregularly conical in shape. FIG. 110. S. D. Mitchell's Coll. Short-base Monitor Pipe, CURVED-BASH PIPES. These pipes have an arched base usually 2 to 4 inches long, with a bowl, often finely carved in effigy form, located equi- distant from the ends. No product of aboriginal handicraft shows greater skill in the carving of stone than may be found in the curved-base pipe. The bowl cavity was usually made with a tubular drill ; and the stem- hole rarely exceeds an eighth of an inch in diameter. The Ohio Valley was probably one of the man- ufacturing centers of the mound pipe. Squier and Davis found nearly 200 in one mound near Chillicothe, Ohio, and in their 122 WISCONSIN ARCHEOLOGtST. Vol. 4, Nos. 3 and 4 ' ' Ancient Monuments of the Mississippi Valley, ' ' described them as follows : * ' The bowls of most of the pipes are carved in min- iature figures of animals, birds, reptiles, etc. All of them are executed with strict fidelity to nature, and with exquisite skill. The otter is shown in characteristic attitude, holding a fish in Jiis mouth; the heron also holds a fish, the hawk grasps a small bird in its talons, which it tears with its beak, the panther, the bear, the wolf, the beaver, the otter, the squirrel, the raccoon, the hawk, the heron, crow, swallow, buzzard, paroquet, toucan, and other indigenous and southern birds, the turtle, the frog, toad, rattlesnake, etc., are recognized at first glance. But the most interesting and valuable in the list are a number of sculp- tured heads, no doubt faithfully representing the predominant physical features of the ancient people by whom they were made" (p. 152). A very fine series of such pipes is in the Davenport Academy of Sciences collection, at Davenport, la. Fig. Ill is of black slatey rock, 5" long, base 2" wide, with a spool shaped bowl of about the same height, and is of the typical Ohio valley mound pipe form. This speci- men was taken from the same mound as the handle pipe shown in Fig. 115. It is doubtless one of the finest examples as yet obtained in Wis- consin. Its base has the form of a low arch rounded towards its top and is ornamented at one extremity by a four-pointed star- shaped figure. The bowl has a pronounced flange ornamented on its top by a four-sided pattern. Its stem-hole is less than an eighth of an inch in diameter, that being about the usual size for mound pipes. Fig. 112, from Winnebago county, is of dark steatite, 3" long, with the bowl carved to represent the head of some animal. This interesting specimen was found a few miles from Pickett FIG. UL Curved-base Pipe, Author's Coll. Geo. A. West: The Aboriginal Pipes of Wisconsin. 123 FIG. 112. Curved-base Pipe, J. G. Pickett Coll. station, and is one of the few curved-base mound pipes in effigy torm as yet found in in Wisconsin. An unornamented example, 2-1/2 '' l n '> i n the author's collection, from Marquette county, is of red catlinite. A A similar specimen, from Washington county, is of steatite. A broken pipe from Sheboygan county is interesting because, 'after the stem end had been broken away, a new stem hole was drilled from the opposite end. This, apparently, resulted in breaking the base. A fine unornamented example owned by Mr. E. A. Hersch, from Milwaukee county, 3" long, is of drab steatite. In the Logan collection is an example of grey steatite 2 : >4 Icng, from Washington county; a second, of the same size and form from Fond du Lac county ; a third 4" long, of green steat- ite, from Salem, Kenosha county, and a fourth, originally 5" in length, from Washington county. All are surface finds, and are without ornamentation. The last mentioned is interesting because after the stem end was broken away a new stem hole was drilled through the base from the opposite end. In so doing the base, although exceptionally thick, became fractured. A line example, of catlinite, from a mound at Prairie du Chien is in the collection of the Davenport Academy of Sciences. Fig. 113. an unfinished pipe from Jefferson county, is of dior- ite, 4" long. It is interesting as demonstrating that a specimen was at first rudely blocked out, then drilled, after which it was ground down and polishel. This would indicate that the wonder- ful skill accredited to the ab- origines in drilling through a very thin plate of stone was not always due them, nor. as is often asserted, was a metal drill a necessity in the successful performance of the work, FIG. 113. Unfinished Curved-base Pipe. Horace McElroy's Coll 124 WISCONSIN ARCHEOLOGIST. Vol. 4, Ncs. 3 and 4 FIG. 114. Curved-base Pipe. John Gerend's Coll. Fig. 114, a, surface tind, from She- boy gan county, is 2" long, 2Vo" high, of drab steatite, and polished from use. This style of pipe is interesting in having a very short, wide base and tall bowl. A similar example in the author's collection, from Marquette county, is of da.rk steatite. A very fine curved-base pipe, in the author's collection, 2y 2 " long and equally as tall is of yellow porphyry. It was found by Geo. H. Baker, at Brothertown, Calumet county, in June. 1905. A similar example from Rock county is in the collection of W. P. Clarke of Milton. Of forty-five curved-base pipes, found in Wisconsin, shown in the author's sketch book, all were found in the southern half, and thirty -nine of the number in the southeastern part of the state. Many were secured adjacent to streams used by the Indians as canoe-routes to the Mississippi; or near the shore of Lake Michigan. This fact seems to be but coincident, and no evidence that the origin of this pipe is in any way due td French influence, as is suggested by some writers on the subject. This form of pipe is found most abundantly along the streams that Father Marquette and the early French traders did not traverse. Green Bay was, for half a century, the headquarters of the French traders, yet not a single specimen of this type so far as the author has been able to learn has been encountered in that vicinity. While the lands occupied in early historic times, by the Chippewas a,nd Sioux, do not produce it, the country of the Sacs, Foxes, Winnebagoes and roaming tribes, has furnished nearly all the examples known to the author. Some few pipes of this form may indicate European influence, yet the weight of procurable evidence marks the type as of pre- Columbian origin. Mr. McGuire suggests Lakes Michigan or Erie as the point of origin of the mound pipe rather than the region about Chillicothe, Ohio, or Davenport, Iowa (p. 527). Southeastern Wisconsin may have been one of the centres of manufacture. Examples from this region have a tendency to (reo. A. West: The Aboriginal Pipes of Wisconsin. 125 flattened bases, and are seldom elaborated by carvings. But few exhibit evidence of the use of metal tools in their manufacture and all are probably of greater age than those of animal and bird forms, predominating in other districts. HANDLED PIPES. In this class the auth-jr has placed a small number of very in- teresting pipes which are provided with an elongated base or handle, by which they were held or supported ; and in most ex- amples with a short mouthpiece also. Some are without the lat- ter feature, and were probably furnished with a short stem of wood or bone. They differ considerably as to general shape and manner of ornamentation. A few have the bowls artistically carved to represent the head of a human being, a fish or an ani- mal. A small number of similar pipes have been described from other sections of the United States. Twenty-two 'examples have been found in Wisconsin, no two of which are of exactly the same pattern. No theory of their authorship among the Wis- consin or other Indians has as yet been advanced. Even though originally limited to any one tribe, so convenient a form of pipe is sure to have been copied by individuals belonging to others. Authorities who have written on the subject, seem to regard this type of pipe as modern. Some of the Wisconsin finds contain no marks of metal tools, are unpolished, and have all indications of being prehistoric, while others are new in appear- ance, finely polished, and show evidence of the use of metal, tools in their manufacture. As to the probable age of this type of pipe, Mr. Beauchamp. in describing an example from Pompey, New York State, says: "Like all with this platform and basal projection, it is a recent form" (Vol. 4, No. 18. p. 49). Mr. McGuire shows a cut of one from a mound in London county, Tennessee: ''On the surface of which file marks are quite distinct." "The specimen is 2U 2 " high and 2" long" C condensed). "Another pipe of this character was found in Newark, Ohio, on the bowl of which there is an animal head." "A specimen of the same type in the collection of the Daven- port Academy of Sciences was found in Jo Daviess county, IJij- 126 WISCONSIN ARCHEOLOGIST. Vol. 4, Nos. 3 and 4 nois, and is made of pipe-stone of slightly greenish tinge" (p. 486). Mr. Boyle illustrates an example in the Provincial Museum Report for 180495, (p. 60), of soapstone 33/4" long with a fattened handle, found in Lanark county, Ontario. FIG. 116. Handled Pipe, Author's Coll. Fig. 115 represents one of the oldest handled pipes that has come under the writer's observation. This interesting specimen was taken from a burial mound, on the Nicholai farm, Big Bend. Waukesha county, in July, 1902, by Mr. La Fayette Ellerson. With it was found a curved-base mound pipe, shown in Fig. 111. Geo. A. West: The Aboriginal Pipes of Wisconsin. 127 The skeleton with which these interesting specimens were .found, was so badly decomposed that only a few fragments of bone remained. This burial was without doubt an original interment. Each pipe was inc rusted with a black substance. This specimen is of a fine grained yellow sand-stone, unpolished now black on its surface from use and age, and exhibits numerous small checks or cracks. When first taken from the mound the greatest of care had to be exercised to prevent its falling to pieces. This pipe is 4" high, 3y 2 " wide, an inch thick, and contains a perforation through which the forefinger of the smoker could be slipped. Its bowl is finely carved to represent a bird, probably a fish-hawk or crow. The bowl cavity is conical in shape and was drilled with a stone and sand drill. The stem- hole is %" in diameter, and the specimen shows no marks of metal tools. Fig. 116, found by Mr. 0. 3. Ludington, near Prairie du Chien, of red sandstone, formed mainly by the pecking process, into the shape of a fish, and is f) 1 /^ ' long, 2y 2 " wide and 1" thick. Its bowl -cavity is % of an inch across, the stem-hole nearly as large, and both are cone-shaped, having been made with a stone drill. This specimen is not worked down smooth, nor does it exhibit file marks. Fig. 117 is also sugges- tive of a fish. It was found in the township of Somers, Kenosha county, is made of pink steatite, and has striations on it's stem that are possibly file marks. A third example of al- lied form, of catlinite, now in the author 's collec- tion, was found near Horicon. This specimen is very rude, shows no file marks, but its bowl- hole appears to have been enlarged and deep- ened by use of a brace and bit. FIG. 116. Handled Pipe. Author's Coll. FIG. 117. Handled Pipe. Author's Coll. 6 128 WISCONSIN ARCHEOLOGIST. Vol. 4, Nos. 3 and 4 FIG. IIS Handled Pipe. Author's Coll, Fig. 118 was found by Mr. E. A. Thomas in Craw- ford county, in the year 1892. This specimen, of cat- linite,. is 21/2" long? with a conical stem-hole larger than the bowl-cavity. It exhibits no marks of metal tools, is not polished, and from all appearances, is very old. A very similar example in the author's cabinet, found in Washington county, has a fine polish, small stern-hole and shows slight marks, possibly made by metal tools. Fig. 119, collected by Mr. W. H. Elkey of Mil- waukee, was found on the surface, in Vernon coun- ty. This very fine specimen is of steatite 8" long, the bowl I'Vi" square at the top, is provided with a flat projectin g mouth-piece, has a fine polish, and ex- hibits no marks but what could have been made by the use of sand-stone. Its fine finish leads one to believe that it may have been made within the last two or three centuries. The draw- ing of a pipe, in the National Museum collection, from Sun Prairie, Wis., with a broken bowl, but having a similarly shaped handle, was sent to the writer by Mr. J. D. McGuire. Fig. 120, found in Dane county, made of brownish stea- tite, finely polished, is 6" long, the bowl 1%" across. The short mouthpiece is partly broken away. This specimen has all the earmarks of Indian make, yet it exhibits a fair polish and striations that suggest the use of metal tools in its manufac- ture. It may be considered as ojf no great age, FlG . n 9 . JIandled Pipe, Author's Coll. (-loo. A. West: The Aboriginal Pipes cf Wisconsin. 128 An example of similar shape, 3 J /i" long, Tciinc! in Jefferson county, is now in the Milwaukee Museum, and another, of the same shape in the Wisconsin Historical Society's collection at Madison. A fine specimen, with- out the modified base, from Marathon county, is in Mr. H. P. Hamil- ton : s collection. This pipe has a cone-shaped bowl -hole, is of dark grey steatite, exhibits a good polish, but no metal tool marks. A portion of its handle is broken away. Fig. 121, from La Oosse county, now in the Wyman collection on deposit at the Field Col- umbian Museum, is of banded serpentine 7%" long, with rounded bowl, terminating in a flat end, and with a short mouth-piece. Fig. 122, an unfinished specimen, of catlinite, found on the surface, by Mr. August Barsack, in Marquette county, in the year 1901, is 4" long, with bowl and stem-holes showing evidence of hav- ing been made with a stone drill. The entire exterior of this specimen shows marks of rude sawing with flint chips, FIG 122 and finely illustrat ' es the Handed Pipe. Handled Pipe. primitive working of Cat- W. W. Radley's Coll. Author's Coll. linite. Fig. 123, said to have been found in Ashland county, on the FIG. 120. Handled Pipe. Author's Coll. FIG. 121. Handled Pipe. Wyman Coll. 130 WISCONSIN ARCHEOLOGIST. Vol. 4, Nos. 3 and 4 shore of Lake Superior, is made of black slate and intended to be used with the addition of a short stem. Its bowl is 4" long. and contains a remarkable representation of a human face. Near the end of the handle is a perforation by which ornaments were probably attached. DISK PIPES. This is a most interesting class of pipes, the typical examples having a circular face, widened out, in some cases, to extrava- gant proportions. When in use the disk faced the smoker, which probably accounts for its often having a finer finish than does the remainder of the pipe, and for its being often ornamented with engraved figures. In Wisconsin are found three well- established varieties of this type. Mr. McGuire states: "The larger cavity being in a line par- allel to the face of the disk would suggest that the stetn was intended to be inserted through the disk, around which a thong would be tied to hold it more firmly in position, the depth of the disk being insufficient to hold a stem unless it were bound in some way" (p. 487). In a large number of Wisconsin examples of disk pipes the stem-cavity, which is usually of about the same diameter as that of the bowl, extends from the disk to the bowl in an upward curve, and is funnel-shaped, smoothly finished and usually pol- ished for a considerable distance. The angle of the stem-hole, together with the fact o'f its being polished and seldom cir- cular in form, would seem to indicate that it was not made for the reception of a detachable stem or mouthpiece, and that when in use the pipe was held to the lips, the tongue of the smoker coming in contact with the disk or interior of the stem-hole. With but two exceptions pipes of this class found in Wisconsin, coming under the author's observation, have remarkably thin disks. But a few of those, having a polished but circular stem-hole, would r'eceive and firmly hold a mouth-piece. The disk pipe, in the writer's opinion, is an old type and was in use by the aborigines, of this country, long before the coming of the whites. Authorities, however, differ as to this conclusion. Gen. Gates P. Thruston suggests that the stem-holes of the disk Geo. A. West: The Aboriginal Pipes of Wisconsin. 131 pipe, being- funnel-shaped, it may safely be regarded as an old type (A. of T., p. 20L). Mr. J. D. MeGuire writes: "The shape is so suggestive of the jew's-harp, an instrument used extensively in trade with the Indians, as to indicate that the pipe itself is modeled after the form of this primitive musical instrument, even though the file marks, so common on many of the pipes, are absent from those coming under the writer's observation" (p. 488). A careful study of the several forms of this type convinces the author that it was not modeled after the jew's-harp. Of the twenty-eight examples in the author's collection, when ex- amined with a powerful glass, all exhibited innumerable marks and scratches, that could have been made by the use of a piece of sandstone or flake of flint. In no case were file marks found. Mr. MeGuire states: "Finding them of catlinite so far from the quarries would indicate that they are of no great age" (p. 488). If Mr. MeGuire 's conclusion is correct, aboriginal barter and trade could not have been carried on between distant tribes until within a comparatively recent date, an abundance of evi- dence to the contrary notwithstanding. A number of catlinite pipes in the author's collection, among 1hem examples of the disk and tube types, were found in mounds in which there was no evidence of intrusive burials. Exotics, such as sea-shells, obsidian, Mexican opals, and ainazon stone, are frequently found with the original interments of Wis- consin burial mounds. These objects were obtained, by the aborigines, from the sea and mountains through the channels of aboriginal trade, and before these mounds were, built. While it is not contended that all Wisconsin mounds are old, there is little evidence that many of them were erected within historic times. The accounts of early explorers make no men- tion, so far as the writer has been able to learn, of seeing the disk pipe in use. Proof, if obtainable, of when catlinite was first quarried, or picked up from the glacial drift, would assist in determining the possible age of many pipe forms. The vast amount of work done at the Minnesota pipe stone quarries, and the fact that an Indian would not excavate more material than he could con- veniently carry away, has convinced the author that they were worked long before white man's coming. That the sculptures 132 WISCONSIN ARCHEOLOGIST. Vol. 4, Nos. 3 and 4 covering the quartzite boulders, at these quarries, are in a good state' of preservation, is an argument sometimes advanced to pro've that they were first worked within a comparatively recent date. But faint and fine glacial scratches, covering the same rocks con- taining the pictures are equally well preserved. Prof. W. II. Winchell, in writing of these etchings, states that : l They per- tain, at least, to the dynasty of the present Indian tribes. These figures probably represent the totems or work of" some one tribe. This being neutral ground, other tribes may have worked the quarries without leaving these totems, and pipestone may have been mined there long before the picture writing was commenced. It is probable that these pipes, or at least some of them, were intended for ceremonial purposes and not for common use, as their disks would not stand rough handling, and their shape would make smoking anything but a pleasure. Gen. Thrust on says: "This was probably the fashionable smoking pipe of its day in certain sections. The disk was doubtless a mere con- ceit, used as an orn amenta] handle by the Indian dandier of the time 1 ' (A. of T., p. 200). At the time of the Dis- covery, the pipe-stem was held in great veneration by the Indians, it usually receiving a large amount of ornamentation regardless of what the pipe itself might be. Why pipes requir- ing the expenditure of so much labor in their manufacture should have been made, designed, as the disk type was, to bo used without the addition of a mouthpiece, is certainly puzzling, and might indicate that they belonged to an age antedating the venerated stem period. While the disk pipe is widely distributed, it is comparatively rare. Gen. Thruston mentions two from Tennessee and one from Kentucky. Mr. McGuire refers to half a dozen found in the counties of Boone, Saline, and Chariton, State of Missouri, now in the Douglas collection at the Museum of Natural History, New York City. Dr. David Boyle of Toronto describes two of these pipes found in the Province of Ontario, one of which was made of eatlinite. Several are reported from Illinois, Iowa, Minnesota, and the author has drawings of forty-six found in twenty-seven different counties of the state of Wisconsin. Fin. 124. Handled Disk Pipe, H. P. Hamilton's Collection. 134 WISCONSIN ARCHEOLOGIST. Vol. 4, Nos. 3 and 4 HANDLED DISK PIPES. One form the writer has seen fit to designate as the handled disk, from the fact that the elongation of the bowl, beyond the disk, produces a handle by which the pipe was probably held when in use. Fig. 124, found at Baldwin's Mills, Waupaca county, the largest handled disk pipe so far found in Wisconsin, is ci' beau- tiful dark red catlinite with pink flecks. Its bowl is 5" lung. terminating in a handle shaped like the blade of a hatchet, wilb what would be the cutting edge ornamented with three notches. The disk is 3 J /" wide and so thin that the distance through from the face of the disk to the outer side of the bowl is but 3 4 of an inch. The stem-hole has the characteristic curve and its interior is nicely polished. Both stem and bowl-holes ap- pear to have been started with a stone drill and enlarged witii a wooden drill used in conjunction with sand. Under a glass this specimen shows innumerable scratches, but none of these appear to have been made by the use of metal tools. The same can be said of eleven handled disk pipes in the author's collec- tion. Fig. 125, found by Justin Carpenter, town of Franklin, Sauk county, in 1860, 6" below the surface, in clay, on newly broken ground, is of red catlinite, 4Vi" long, the disk nearly 3" wide and ex- tended to form a handle. The stem- hole is very small and shallow, and there are two perforations of the handle about half an inch above the lower end. The Logan collection also contains a fine example of handled disk pipe 3-V>" long, of catlimte, with disk 2 1 /-" wide, across the face of which is .etched the FIG. 125. figure of a headless man. Handled Disk pipe. Fig. 126, found in a mound on the Logan coll., Beioit College. bank of Buffalo lake> Marquette coun- ty, is of catlinite, its bowl 4%" wide, base ornamented Geo. A. West: The Aboriginal Pipes of Wisconsin. 125 with six notches, and disk 1^/j/' wide. The dis- tance from the face of the disk to the outer side of the bowl is one inch. The bowl cavity is %" wide at its mouth, and the stem-hole is half an inch across. A similar specimen from Waushara county, with the emblem of lightning on the face of the handle, is in the collection of iv. H. Stone, Spring Water, Wis. Fig. 127, found in a mound near Delavan, Walworth county, is of greenish colored limestone, the color probably due to copper stains. Its bowl is 3" high, terminating in a point, disk one inch wide, stem-hole %" across, and the bowl -cavity y%" wide at its mouth. This specimen is ir- Handled Disk Pipe. i T i i .M Author's coii. regular in shape and has the appearance of great age. Mr. McGuire (Fig. 109, K, of N. M., 1897) shows a similar specimen from Union county, Kentucky, and another (Fig. UO, same Vol.), from W abash county, 111. Fig. 128 is in the Wisconsin Historical Soci- ety's collection at Madison, of catlinite, with handle carved to represent the beak of a bird, disk semi-heart shaped. It is almost a dupli- cate of one in the author's collection, obtained by Mr. W. II. Elkey of Milwaukee, from Mr. Fred Grewe, who found it in the township of Brothertown, Calumet county, in 1898. The last mentioned example is of dark red catlinite. Fig. 129 was found by Mr. A. J. Miller, six feet below the surface, while digging a cellar at Barren, Barron county. This remarkable pipe pipe is of red catlinite, 4%" long, the disk an inch FIG. 126. FIG. 127. Handled Disk Pipe. Authors Coll. 136 WISCONSIN ARCHEOLOGIST. Vol. 4, Nos. 3 and 4 shorter, extending to the point of the bowl, and combining with it in forming a handle, u^ lower part of which has a perforation for the at- taching of ornaments. Its stem and bowl-cav- laes tuc each nearly an inch in diameter. This interesting specimen shows no evidence of metal tools having been used in its manufacture. Fig. 130, from Wash- ington county, is of stea- tite, 3" long, with a con- FIG. 130. Handled Disk Pipe. Logan Coll., Beloit College. FIG. 129. Handled Disk Pipe. Author'* Coll. vex disk 1 ; ) 4 " across and extended down the handle in the form of a curtain. Its stem- hole is unusually large and no marks of metal tools are visible. Fig. 131, from Jefferson county, found by Mr. C. J. Lee, is of catlinite, 3y 2 " long, with disk. 11/4" wide, orna- mented on three sides of its face by four parallel lines, but the interesting feature of this pipe is the form of its handle, which is carved to 1 represent the head and neck of some animal. On one side of the handle is engraved the figure of a deer and on the opposite that of some other animal. This pipe is worn smooth through use. FIG. 131. Handled Disk Pipe. Logan Coll., Beloit College. HANDLELESS DISK PIPES. In this form of disk pipe, the bowl is so short as to be con- cealed from the smoker, by the disk, when in use. A deep groove extending part way around between the top and bottom of the disk arid the bowl, suggests that a loop of rawhide or Geo. A. West: The Aboriginal Pipes of Wisconsin. 13t other suitable material was attached through which the fore- finger of the smoker could be slipped. Frequently the lower part of the bowl has a hole drilled through it, by means of which feathers and other ornaments were probably attached. FIG. 132. Handleless Disk Pipe, Author's Coll. Fig. 132 was plowed up by Hon. H. N. R. Stark, at Stark, Vernon county, in 1873, and obtained by Mr. W. IT. Elkey oi 1 Milwaukee, is the largest handleless disk pipe as yet found in Wisconsin. This specimen is of red catlinite with a disk 3 ' wide, across the face of which is etched the figure of a man and woman in Indian costume. Its bowl is 1%" long, with a hole drilled through its lower part, and between each end of the bowl and disk are to be found the characteristic grooves:. The stem and. bowl-cavities are each %" in diameter. Fig. 133, found on the surface near West Bend, Washington county, by Mr. J. W. Peters, is of red catlinite, with disk 2^/2' {.cross, having an extension on its lower side % an inch in length, and ornamented with six indentations. The stem-cav- 138 WISCONSIN ARCHEOLOGIST. Vol. 4, Nos. 3 and 4 (G. 133. Handleless Disk Pipe, Author's Coll. ity is %." across, that of the bowl 1/2 an inch in diameter at its mouth, and its low r er end is perforated. Gen. Gates P. Thruston (Fig-. 100, A. of T.) illustrates a handle pipe from Kentucky with a similarly shaped disk. Fig. 134, plowed up by Mr. .Richard M. Flora, in the township of Polaska, Iowa county, in 1887, is of a beau- tiful, rich red catlinite, with disk 2 1 / " in width, of the same shape as the last mentioned specimen, and ornamented at the bottom and on each side with lour indentations. The stem and bowl -cavities are each % of an inch in diameter. Fig. 135, from Dodge county, is of red catliu- ite, disk '2y 2 " wide, on the face of which is etched the figure of an Indian. One peculiarity of the specimen is a deep groove V/ 2 '' lone 1 on the front of the bowl, which was probably inlaid with bone, lead or shell. A very similar specimen in the author's collection, was found in La Crosse county. An ex- ample in the Logan collection, Beloit College, has a rounded bowl with marks near its lower end, representing the eyes of some animal. A third variety of disk pipe, hav'ng an elongated bowl extending consider- ably above the disk, but which is merely FIG. 135. a modification of the handleless form, Handleless Disk Pipe. ,, .,, . . H. P. Hamilton's coil. the writer will designate as the high- FIG. 134. Handleless Disk Pipe,, Author's Coll. Geo. A. West: The Aboriginal Pipes of Wisconsin. 139 bowled disk. From the unusual length of the bowl in this style of pipe, one might, at first glance, mistake it for the stem. Fig. 136, found at Onalaska, La Crosse county, collected by Frof. A. S. Mitchell of Milwaukee, is made of catliriite, with a round bowl 3" in length, disk 114" wide, and stem and bowl-cav- ities each % of an inch in di- ameter. Near the top of the bowl, and facing the smoker, is a small hole by means of which ornaments were probably at- tached. Fig. 137, found in a mound on the east bank of Lake Win- nebago, Winiiebago county, by the late S. S. Itoby, is of catlin- ite, bowl square in form, 2" high, disk an inch Avide, and stem and bowl -holes each 1/2 an inch in diameter. A similar specimen, having a perforation near the top of its bowl, was found in Crawford county, one on Dotys island, Winnebago county; another, badly broken, in Sauk county; and a fine large unpolished example from Manitowoc county, collected by Mr. N. H. Terens; are all in the author's collection. Hon. G. E. Metile, Green Bay, owned a small pipe of the high-bowl variety, from Brown coun- ty, recently secured by the author. A fine example in the Logan collection, Beloit College, plowed up by Mr. James R. Boord, at Farmington, "Washington county, in 1873, is of catlinite. It is 3" long, disk 2%" in width, slightly concave, with eleven deep incisions ir- regularly distributed over its face, and a very small perforation at the top of the bowl. High-bowled Disk. Fig'- ^38, in the possession of Mr. J. P. Schu- macher, of Green Bay, was found with a gravel- pit burial at Red Banks, Brown county, 40 years ago, by Thomas Scott, and is probably the only flat top, thick disk pipe so far FIG. 136. High-bowled Disk Pipe. Authors Coll. FIG. 137. High-bowled Disk Pipe. Author's Coll. 140 WISCONSIN AKCHEOLOGIST. Vol. 4, No.- 3 and 4 FIG. 139. Rare Form, Disk Pipe. Author's Coll. found in Wisconsin. This remarkable specimen is made from a flinty limestone nodule. The bowl is 3*4" hig' n ? disk 2- 1 /i/' wide, bowl-cavity made with rotary stone drill ; and no metal tool marks appear on its surface. The softer parts of the stone are considerably disintegrated, and it has the appearance of great age. Fig. 139 illustrates an interest- ing specimen which, in the year 1886 was brought to the surface by being caught between the hoofs of a cow while crossing some marshy ground near Cottage Grove, Dane county, and was secured by a boy who sold it to Dr. C. B. Hall of Madison. It is of blue limestone, much weathered, with disk-shaped bowl 2" in diameter, very thick, rounded to an edge and highly ornamented with lines and fig- ures; bowl-cavity cone-shaped and made with a stone drill point. The stem is octagonal in shape, Zy?' long, with hole 1/2 an inch across. HIGH-BOWLED PIPES. This class includes pipes having very tall, slim bowls with no stem projection, intended to be used with the addition of a mouth-piece. Fig. 140, collected by Mr. Louis Jones, near Packwau- kee, Marquette county, is 2" high, of red catlinite, and ornamented with incised lines and dots encircling the bowl. The part of the bowl facing away from the smoker is flattened and shows the engraved repre- sentation of a fish. Fig. 141, found near Spring lake, Green Lake county, is 3" high, of red FIG. 140. High-bowled Pipe. Author's Qoll. FIG. 141. High-bowled Pipe. T. W. Hamilton's Coll, (.-co. A. AVost: The- Aborigiinal Pipes of Wisconsin. 141 FIG 142. High-bowled Pipe. Author's Coll. catlinite, square in form, and has walls but % of an inch in thickness. Engraved on .one side is the emblem of lightning. 'An alate projection near the top of the bowl is perfor- ated to permit of the attachment of ornaments. Almost a dupli- cate of the last described, of the same material, 2i/ 2 " high, and with the alate projection also perforated, is in the Logan collec- tion at Beloit College. Fig. 142, found on Lee's point, township of Sumner, Jefferson county, by Mr. Geo. M. IIous/ in 1897, is of cal- careous limestone, nearly 3" high, and smoothly finished. It shows no metal tool marks. Its bowl -cavity which is ex- tended through the base, is % of an inch in its greatest diameter, and that of the stem but } /4 of an inch. Fig. 143. found on the shore of Lake Buttes cles FIG 143 - -.orn i * High-bowled Pipe. Morts 111 Jbyl, IS Ot White Author's Coll. limestone, nearly 3" high and with a bowl -cavity half an inch in diameter. This specimen is much weathered, and has the appearance of great age. POT-SHAPED PIPES. The name of this type of pipe is suggested by its shape, which in a general way resembles some of the clay pots of Indian make. A few examples have been found in Wiscon- sin, and one from Illinois is illustrated by Dr. W. K. Moorehead (P. I, 333). Fig. 144, from the township of Oshkosh, Winriebago county, is of yellowish steatite, 2 ' high. IVi"' in diameter, has a polished sur- face, with bowl cavity extended through its base. The perpendicular basal perforation FIG. 144. may have been accidental, but in two speci- H. p^HS^ton'T COIL mens examined by the author it was drilled 142 WISCONSIN ARCHEOLOGIST. Vol. 4, Nos 3 and 4 FIG. 145. Pot-shaped Pipe. Milw. Museum. PIG. 146. Pot-shaped Pipe. from the outside, as if intended for the reception of a light, strong handle. A similar example, from Marquette county, but an inch high, is in Mr. S. D. Mitchell's collection at'Bipon. Fig. 145 is from Chil- ton, Calumet county, of cat! mite, with a llat base without the perpendicular basal perforation, and with no projecting lip at the top of the bowl. It 1ms an encircling flange just above the stem-cav- ity, giving the bowl an acorn-shaped appearance. Fig. 146, of fine-grained sandstone, with three projecting legs, is illustrated in Lapham's Antiquities of Wisconsin, and marked "Wisconsin.'' All pot-shaped pipes are intended to be used with the addition of a detachable stem. In many examples the mouth-piece could not have been held firmly in place, owing to the shal- lowness of the stem-hole and the shape of the cavity, without the lashing on of the same. Fig. 147, from Barron county, is of catlin- FIG. 147. ite, I 1 //' high with a flat base, grooved at its Pot-shaped Pipe. . . T , , .,, ,,. . ' f. v - H. P. Hamilton's Coil. middle and with a thin, projecting lip orna- mented with cross-incisions. The pot-shaped pipe is considered as of no great age, and usually shows evidence of metal tools having been used in its manufacture. VASE-SHAPED PIPES. These are a finely finished stemless type, much varied as to general shape and ornamentation, some forms having the grace- ful outlines of the Greek vase, others that of the Roman, and many the stiff, straight sides of the common flower pot. The vase-pipe form, which name can be applied to several modifica- tions of the true vase shape, is common throughout the New Eng- iand States, St. Lawrence valley and the Great Lakes region, Geo. A. West: The Aboriginal Pipes of Wisconsin. 143 FIG. 148. Vase-shaped Pipe. F. M. Coil's Coll. Fig. 148, from Waupaca, is of a dark brown sandstone, 2 ! /2" high, with stem-hole half an inch in diameter at the surface, and decreas- ing to a quarter of an inch, where it intersects that of the bowl. The shape and upward angle of the stein-hole precludes the possibil- ity of a mouth-piece having been attached, un- less bound to the bowl by a lashing of hide or other suitable material. This pipe shows no metal tool marks and appears to be old, A similar specimen of chlorite, from Green Lake county, is in the author's collection. Fig. 149, from Rock county, is of dark, mottled steatite, 2" high, bowl-cavity an inch across at the mouth, and a cone-shaped stem-hole half as Avide at the outside, but less than a quarter of an inch in diameter where it intersects the bowl-cavity. Both boAvl and stem-holes Avere made or enlarged by means of rough stone tools. Fig. 150, ploAved up in Manitowoc county, is made of fossil coral, 2" high, with a, stem-hole an inch wide, at the outside, and a quarter of an inch across .where it intersects the bowl-cavity, ^ thus making the using of a stern impossible with- out lashing. The drilling was doubtless done by means of stone drills. The beautiful coral markings of the out- side of the boAvl, and its nat- ural shape, made the grind- ing of its surface undesirable and unnecessary. Fig. 151, found by Mr. John Weber, in Killare, Juneau county, in 1895, is of a pinkish colored stone, and exhibits on its two opposite faces etched figures of some animal, possibly a lizard. The figure is after a sketch FIG - 15L FIG. 150. Fossil Coral Vas'e Pipe. Author's Coll. 4 ' -I -11 i TTT TT T-m Vase-shaped Pipe furnishedbyMr. ^ . IT. Elkey. John Weber , s ColK 144 WISCONSIN ARCHEOLOGIST. Vol. 4, Nos. 3 and 4 FIG. 152. Krause, at Bi; FIG. 153. Vase-shaped Pipe. Fig. 152, found at Indian Ford, at the foot of Lake Koshkonong, Jefferson county, in 1887, is 1%" high, with a mer suggestion of a shank or stem, and exhibits no metal tool marks. It is of dark steatite, with cone-shaped bowl-cavity an. inch across at its top, made with a rotary drill. A similar specimen, of limestone, from Portage county, is in the author's collection, and one of limestone, from Green Lake county, is in Mr. S. D. Mitchell's collection. These pipes are vase-shaped pipe, closel}" allied to the vase-shaped type, and have Author's Coil probably been evolved from it. Fig. lf>3, found by Mr. Grant Suamico, Brown county, is of dark red catlinite, and very small, the cut being the exact size of the pipe. It bears a high polish due to use and age. Fig. 154, from Crawford county, is of dark, mottled steatite, 2 l /2" high, with cone-shaped bowl cavity. Its stem-hole is cup-shaped, and like the first three vase-shaped pipes described, reaches the bowl-cavity at an upward angle of about 45 degrees. Fig. 155. from Rock county, is of banded slate, a material but little employed by the aboriginal pipe- makers of what is now Wisconsin. It is 21/2" hiyh, finely polished and possibly of 'mite recent make. Fig. 156, from Dane county, is o>f red sandstone, 2 j /If' high, with the bowl cavity extended through its base, and ornamented with two inci- sions which cross each other in pass- ing around the bowl. Two similar specimens, one marked "Calumet County" and the other ""Wiscon- sin," but without ornamentation, and minus the basal perforation, are in the Milwaukee Museum. An example found on the bank of Pewaukee lake, Waukesha county, now in the Logan collection at Beloit College, is of cat- linite,' 1V 2 " high, with a basal perforation drilled from the FIG 154. Vase-shaped Pipe. Author's Coll. FIG 155. Vase-shaped Pipe Author's Coll. Geo. A. : The Aboriginal Pipes of Wisconsin. 145 FIG. 156. outside, of lesser diameter than that of the bot- tom of the bowl-cavity, and plainly intentional. Fig. 157, from Green Lake county, is of catlinite, 1V 2 " high, with the bowl-cavity extended through the base. The bowl is ornamented with three encircling equidistant bands or ridges. Near the base is a deep groove, from Author's cou. e which there extend downward FIG. 157. Vase-shaped Pipe. '* Author's Coll. notches, by means of which a handle might be securely lashed to the bowl, or a stone plug held in place. The portions of the bowl between the ridges or rings, still show some dark artificial coloring. Almost a duplicate of the last described, with base broken away, of compact grey lime- stone, is in the Logan collection, Beloit College. Fig. 158, from Waushara county, is of purplish, catlinite, rough and unfinished, 2'' high, with fine ornamentation around the top of the bowl, and extending over its sides. An interesting pipe of this type, I l /2 high, of soft argillite, of purplish color, found in the right hand of a skeleton in a mound in Waukesha county, has a wide band extending diagonally around its mid- dle ^See Lapham's Antiq. of Wis., p. 83). Fig. 15P, from Wirinebago county, is an inch high, of steatite, with an ornamented band around its top, and extended through its base. ihe bowl-cavity An example similar in shape, with a basal per- foration, is in the Logan collection, Beloit College. It is of catlinite, an inch high, a trifle wider at the top of the bowl, arid orna- mented by 29 dots which encircle the center of the bowl in a spiral fashion. The frequent occurrence of this perpendic- ular basal perforation in vase-shaped pipes, would almost preclude the likelihood of FIG. 158. Vase-shaped Pipe. F. M. B. Coll Coll. FIG. 159. Vase-shaped Pipe S. D. Mitchell's Coll. 146 WISCONSIN ARCHEOLOGIST. Vol. 4, Nos. 3 and 4 its being accidental. One specimen examined seems to have been used as a tube pipe, by having a stem inserted into the ex- tended bowl cavity a sufficient distance to pass the regular stem-hole. A small pipe from Jefferson county, in the collec- tion of Horace McElroy, of Janesville, has a short stem at right angles to the bowl, and a perforated base, into which is neatly fitted a pebble ground to the desired size. In this specimen the basal perforation was evidently accidental. A simi- lar pipe in the author's collection has the basal perforation filled with lead. Fig. 160, found by P. E. Brady, Esq., in 1855, on the shore of Eagle lake, Racine county, is of yellowish sandstone 3" high, 2" in its greatest diameter, ornamented by two grooves and a band crossed by zigzag lines encircling the bowl near its top. Its base consists of eight ter- races reaching to the bottom of the stem-hole. The bowl -cavity was enlarged by means of the gouging process, and the specimen is consider- ably weathered. FIG 160. Vase-shaped Pipe. Logian Coll., Beloit College. SQUARE-BOWLED PIPES. Examples of this type are found in Wisconsin which may be graded from mere roughly shaped, unfinished cubes, to well- finished and finely ornamented pipes. All were intended to be used with the addition of a detachable stem. Fig. 161, from Green Lake county, is of catLinite, 2" high, l-Vs" wide, and an inch thick, with ornamental lines, and the Indian symbol of lightning etched on two sides of the bowl -cavity, and down each side of the stem-hole. The pipe is nicely finished and may well be considered a rare specimen. Fig. 162, from Rock county, of granite, in the form of a perfect cube, 2" square, is un- finished. The cone-shaped stem and bowl- holes are not drilled quite deep enough to Square-bowled Pipe. T, W, Hamilton's Coll. intersect each other, Geo. A. W!est: The Aboriginal Pipes of Wisconsin. 147 FIG. 162. Square-bowled Pipe. McElroy Coll. FIG. 163. Fig. 163, from Green Lake county, of fossil coral, ground into shape, is 2" high, well propor- tioned, with cone-shaped bowl and stem-holes, and shows no indication of metal tool marks. Fig. 164, from Winne- bago county, is of catlin- ite, 1%" high, an inch , . , , Square-bowled Pipe. square, and is ornamented Author's coil. with many parallel lines and triangular fig- ures, evidently made with metal tools. A plain, unornamented example of this type, of cat- linite, in the author's collec- tion, appears to be of greater age than the last described. Fig. 165, an unornamented, dark-colored sandstone pipe, worn smooth by use, found near McFarland, Dane coun- ty, is 2" high, with a conical bowl and stem-holes. It shows no file marks and has the appearance of great age. Fig. 166, from Marquette Fia. 165. Square-bowled Pipe. Author's Coll. FIG. 164. Square-bowled Pipe. S. D. Mitdhell's Coll. county, apparently very old, is of dark sandstone, 2y 2 " high, and has a small extension of the stem or shank, possibly for ornamentation, but more likely to make a substantial socket for the reception of a mouth-piece. A plain, square-bowled pipe, with a slightly extended shank and flat base, is in the Milwaukee Museum. Two of catlinite, in the author's collection, have more extended shanks, but are of no great age, as they exhibit marks of metal tools. Fig. 167, from Waupaca county is of steatite, 1%" high by 2" long, both bowl and stem-holes bein g conical, and % and half an inch in their squarbowied 148 WISCONSIN ARCHEOLOGIST. Vol. 4, Nos 3 and 4 FIG. 167. Square-bowled Pipe. H. P. Hamilton's Coll. FIG. 168. Square-bowled Pipe. Author's Coll. greatest di- ameter re- spectively. They am gouged out, and no metal tool marks are visible. Fig. 168, from Wauke- sha county, of fossil-bark, is 2y 2 " high by 1%" broad, and has a square, gouged-out bowl-hole, which has been enlarged since leaving the hands of its original maker. On each side the beauti- ful markings of the coral are not disturbed, but the ends have been sawed or ground to a fiat sur- face. Fig. 169, from Juneau county, is of compact limestone, octagonal in shape, 2" high, rounded towards the top, with the bowl-cavity 1*4" in diameter at its mouth, and evidently enlarged by the gouging process. This example is ornamented by dots, and deeply cut geometrical lines, shows much use and exhibits no metal tool marks. Fig. 1 TO, from Jefferson county, is of banded slate, 2" high and l 1 /^" wide, with slightly rounded edges. The bowl and stem-holes seem to have been made by means of a stone drill. A similar one of the same material from Fond du Lac coun- FIG. 171. ty. in the author's collection, is 1%" high, square-bowled Pipe. an i nc h w ij e? 3^ O f an inch thick, and or- FiekT'Suseum. namented by 3 incised lines around its top. FIG. 169. Square-bowled Pipe. Author's Coll. FIG. 170. Square-bowled Pipe. Author's Coll. Geo. A. Wst' The Aboriginal Pipes of Wisconsin. 149 Fig. 171, a peculiar pipe of red catlinite, in the Wyman collec- tion, Field Columbian Museum, labeled "Wisconsin,'' is about half-an-inch square, with a rounded base and concave top. OVOID PIPES. The ovoid pipes, so called from their egg-shaped bowls, are of quite common occurrence in Wisconsin. The bowl is usually ground into shape, and has large conical stem and bowl-holes, ap- parently made by means of stone drills. One from Ohio, illus- trated by Mr. ,T. D. McGuire (p. 485) has a flattened base, while in those found in Wisconsin, it is rounded. Rev. W. M. Beauchamp illustrates one of grey limestone from Onondaga, N. Y., and states that "The form is rather rare in New York, and may be called a southern form." K'ig. 172, from Manitowoc county, of white limestone, is of almost perfect ovoid .form, one side being now much weath- ered. It is 3 VI." high, 234" in its greatest diameter, ornamented by two encircling lines of dots, and has a conical bowl-hole halt* an inch in its greatest diameter. This is the largest example of this type of pipe known to the writer. A fine speci- men from Oconto county is in the collec- tion of F. J. B. Duchateau, at Green Bay. Fig. 173 is of white limestone, 2" high, somewhat weath- ered, and was found in Southwestern Wisconsin. What is almost a duplicate of this pipe, from Dane county, is in the author's collection. One from Adams and an- other from Sank county are in the F. M. B. Coll collection. An example from Marquette county is in Mr. S. D. Mitchell's collection at Jiipon a fine specimen from Manitowoc county, and another from Outagamie county, are in Mr. H. P. Hamilton's collection at Two Wis> Hist S oc. Coil. FIG 172. Ovoid Pipe. Author's Coll. 150 WISCONSIN ARCHEOLOGIST. Vol. 4, Nos. 3 and 4 Rivers. In the author's collection are examples from Jefferson, Shawano and Brown counties, respectively. Fig. 174, found on the shore of Beaver Dam lake, Dodge county, is of riinty limestone, much, weathered, orna- mented by four deeply cut lines extend- ing around the upper half of the bowl, the lower one met by grooves radiating from the bottom of the pipe; has a con- ical bowl and stem-holes and shows no metal tool marks. A specimen in Mr. H. P. Hamilton's collection has a groove around its bowl, op- posite the middle of the stem-hole. Fig. 175 was taken from a mound in Neenah Park, Winnebago county, in 1888, by Mr. E. M. Neff, and is of dark, slaty rock, 1%" high, oval in form, and with a flat surface facing the smoker. Its bowl and stem-hoi es are each lialf-an-inch in diameter, cone-shaped, and FlG 175 - T T .., T T . , T T .,, Modified Ovoid Pipe. worked out with a broad -pointed drill. Author's con. FIG. 174. Ovoid. Pipe. Author's Coll. LENS-SHAPED PIPES. This type is rare in Wisconsin, not to exceed a dozen examples having been found. Its leading characteristic is the double con- vex lens-shape. At first glance it would seem to have been a water-washed peb- ble, converted into a pipe by the simple addition of bowl and stem-holes, but such is not the case. Of eight specimens examined, each has been worked into shape by the process of pecking and .grinding, and none showed file marks. Fig. 17(3, from Waukesha county, of dark basaltic rock, ornamented by a line of dots around each side, is nearly 3" high by l L /" thick at the middle, and with a cone-shaped bowl-hole one inch in diameter. PIG. 176. Lens-shaped Pipe. Author's Coll. Geo. A. West: The Aboriginal Pipes of Wisconsin. 151 FIG. 177. Lens-shaped Pipe. Author's Coll. Fig. 177, from the township of Muskego, Waukesha county, is of limestone, finely pol- ished, 3" high, lyo" thick, with a cone-shaped bowl-hole %" across, and an unusual notch opposite the stem-hole. This pipe was collected by Dr. Byron 0. Nobles of Milwaukee, who presented it to the writer. Fig. 178, found by Mr. Thomas McLean, in Ju- neau county, is of llinty limestone, 2 1 /1>" high, 1%" thick, and with a cone- shaped bowl-hole 1/2 an inch across. A perfect example, of limestone, is in the collection of the Wisconsin Historical Society. One of sandstone, owned by Mr. J. P. Schumacher was found in Brown county FIQ 17g and another in Mr. II. P. Hamilton's collec- Lens-shaped Pipe. tion, is from Outagamie county. Author's coil. KEEL-SHAPED PIPES. This type of pipe derives its name from the presence of a thin keel or wing-shaped projection, extending from the top to the bottom of that part of the bowl furthest from the smoker. This is a rare form, not to exceed two dozen examples having been found in Wisconsin, and bub few, if any, are mentioned by au- thorities, from other states. A study of this and the succeeding type have convinced the writer that they do not exhibit the marks of metal tools, and are not of recent make. Fig. 179 was taken from a mound in Brown county, (upon which was growing a pine tree 3 feet in diameter) by Dr. J. A. Rice, in 1870, together with several skeletons and a few rudely chipped arrow points. This pipe is very old, much weathered, and of blue limestone. Part of its surface is scaled off, but some ornamentation with dots and lines remains near the lower part FIG 179. of the bowl. It is 2y 2 " high, 1%" across, K Aut S ho?s d co ? ii Pe ' and an inc h thick. The bowl and stem- 152 WISCONSIN ARCHEOLOGIST. Vol. 4, Nos. 3 and 4 holes are %" and !/2 " across, respectively, each cone-shaped, and made with stone drills. Fig. 180, found by Mr. Richard Rawson, in the township of Evansville, Rock county, in 1867, is of compact limestone, orna- mented by lines of dots, and the edge of the bowl by numerous notches, which have nearly disappeared through long hand- ling. The pipe is 3" high, 2" wide and IVi" thick, with a. cone-shaped bowl-hole % of an inch in diameter, at its top. It has the appearance of great age. Fig 181. found near Star lake, Vilas county, secured by Mr. W. II. Ellsworth of Mil- waukee from a lady residing in Cali- fornia, who obtained it from the finder, is of Lake Superior brown- stone. It is much weathered, but still shows symbols of lightning cut into one side, and several parallel horizon- tal lines, emblems of rain, on the other. It is 2VL>" high, an inch thick, with bowl and stem- hole gouged out, and each about i/2 an ii PIG. 180. Keel-shaped Pipe. Author's Coll. FIG. 181. Keel-shaped Pipe. Author's Coll. diameter. This rare specimen has every indication of grea,t age, and exhibits no evidence of metal tools having been used in its manufac- ture. In the author's collection is an ex- ample made of limestone, found near Berlin, Wis., which contains slight evi- dences of similar etchings. Fig. 182, found on the Halter village site, Racine county, is of white quartz, 2%" high, with the bowl-cavity half an inch in diameter, and evidently made with a tubular drill point. A very similar example in the au- FIG. 182. Keel-shaped Pipe. Author's Coll. Geo. A. West: The Aboriginal Pipes of Wisconsin. 153 thor's collection, found near Berlin, Green Lake county, is of compact white limestone. An interesting specimen, from Jeii'erson county, in Mr. D. E. Robert's collection is of drab limestone, and has a groove en- circling the bowl opposite the center of the stem-hole. A fine example, from Waupaca county, in the Logan collection, Beioit College, is of compact limestone, 2*" high, unornamented and apparently of great age. Fig. 183 taken from a mound near New London, by Mr. James Hutchinson in 1889, is a remarkable pipe of white limestone, much weathered, 21/2" high, 1$4" across, and with a cone-shaped bowl- hole half-ari-inch in diam- eter, with stem-hole a tritie smaller, and a pronounced perpendicular keel in front of the bowl, ornamented with scallops and dots. FIG. Keel-shaped Pipe. Author's Coll. FIG. 184. Keel-shaped Pipe. Author's Coll. Fig. 184, plowed up in Green Lake county, in the year 1866, is of dark compact sandstone, 2(/o" high, with a conical bowl- cavity % of an inch in diameter, and stem-hole nearly as large, each evidently made by the use of the stone drill. Its bowl is orna- mented with a deep encircling groove near its top, and an artistically scalloped keel on its front. The wing-shaped projection ap- pears to be but an improvement on the older examples of this type. Fig. 185, plowed up by Mr. John Peters, near Oshkosh, "Winnebago coun- ty in 1875, is of bluish limestone, with an unor- namented keel running clear around under the bowl, and a perforation through its base, from which ornaments were probably suspended. It is 2^" high, 1%" FIG. 185. Keel-shaped Pipe. Author's Coll. FIG. 186. Keel-shaped Pipe. Author's Coll. 154 WISCONSIN ARCHEOLOGIST. Vol. 4, Nos. 3 and 4 wide, % of an inch thick, with a cone-shaped bowl and stem- holes, and was doubtless drilled with stone implements. Fig. 186, found by Mr. Joe Thompson in Pepin county, in the year 1875, is of compact drab sandstone, with a plain keel 2" high, 174'' wide and an inch thick, having an irregular cone-shaped bowl-hole % i an i nc h across, and evidently gouged out with a stone tool. DOUBLE CONOIDAL PIPES. In this remarkable type the bowl and stem-holes are cone- shaped, at right angles to each other, and meeting at their apices where the two cavities intersect, it being often difficult to de- termine which was intended for the stem-hole and which the bowl-cavity. This form of pipe is found from Arkansas. on the west to the Atlantic ocean on the east, and from the Gulf States on the south to the Canadian border on the north and reaching into lower Canada. It is made of clay, limestone, pottery, and sandstone, the material being as varied as that of any other known type. Those of pottery are often tempered with shell or other suitable material, to prevent cracking in fir- ing. As to the age of double conoidal pipes, Mr. McGuire states that: "It must further be admitted that in the whole number of pipes of this type in the collection of the U. S. National Museum, there is not a single specimen which has upon it, so far as the writer could observe, a mark indicative of the use of other than the stone tool of the primitive Indian, though many of this type are of quite elaborate design" (p. 528). In the same paper Mr. McGuire illustrates a double conoidal pipe of pottery, from Southern Missouri, containing six crosses of Greek type, surrounding the bowl. Although as a rule ar- cheologists agree as to the pre-Columbian occurrence of the cross, "several crosses together raise a strong suspicion of white man's influence." This pipe may have been made after the early advent of the Spanish, and yet be very old. Of the examples of this type found in Wisconsin, none contain the least evidence of European influence, either in shape, ornamentation or workmanship, and it is fair to assume that this is one of the oldest pipe forms. Geo. A. West: The Aboriginal Pipes of Wisconsin. 155 FIG. 187. Double Conoidal Pipe. Mil. Pub. Museum Coll. Fig'. 187, from Dodge county, is of grey sandstone, about 2%" in exterior diameter, stem and bowl- cavities each being cone-shaped, 1V2 in diameter at the surface, and at right angles to each other, intersect- ing at the apices of the inverted cones, where the opening between the bowl and stem is less than Vi of an inch wide. This specimen shows no evidence of any tool, but a peck- ing instrument, having been used in its manufacture, and it was evidently either pecked or hammered into shape, no effort being made to smooth the surface. A similar specimen from McNairy county, Tennessee, and an- other from Ohio are illustrated by Mr. McGuire (p. 528-529). Fig. 188, from Manitowoc county, is of reddish sandstone, 274" high, nearly 3" wide, and 2' v thick, bowl- hole I 1 /*/' across at its mouth, stem- hole an inch in diameter at its out- side. Both are cone-shaped, gouged out, and exhibit no evidence of metal tools having been used in their manu- facture. Fig. 189, a very attractive example, from Brown county, is of dark sandstone, nearly 4 long, 2Vi>" high, 3" wide and oval in shape with a flat base. Its stem and bowl-cavities are each fully an inch in diameter at the surface, and are placed at right angles to each other. This pipe was evidently pecked into shape, both bowl and stem- FIG. 189. , , , . -i i ,1 Double conoidai Pipe. holes "Sing ade by the same J. P. Schumacher's Coll, FIG. 188. Double Conoidal Pipe. II. P. Hamilton's Coll. 156 WISCONSIN ARCHEOLOGIST. Vol. 4, Nos. 3 and 4 process. Three equi-distant, parallel, incised lines, the signifi- cance of which is difficult to ascertain, pass around the center of the bowl, dropping down at a graceful angle to pass the stein- cavity. Fig. 190, from a mound in Outagamie county, is of hard, flinty limestone, %" high, an inch long, stem and bowl-cav- ities each being cone-shaped, exceeding- half an inch in diameter at the surface, with a like depth, and at nearly right angles to each other, and intersecting at the apices of the inverted cones, where the opening between the bowl and stem is less than an eighth of an inch in di- ameter. 'This specimen shows no work on either the interior or exterior, except such as was obtained by the pecking process, and with no attempt at smoothing the exterior by grinding. An example in E. C. Perkins' collection, a duplicate of the last described, is of catlinite. One of the same shape and size from White Cloud, Mich., is in Mr. II. F. Hamilton's collection. A large pot-shaped double conoidal pipe, Taken from a mound in Jr Daviess county, Illinois, is in the au- thor's cabinet. Double conoidal pipes rectangular in shape, from Louisiana, Missouri, Georgia, Virginia, Tennessee and Arkansas, respec- tively, are illustrated and described by McGuire (p. 530-533). FIG. 190. Double Conoidal Pipe. Author's Coll. PEBBLE PIPES. A large number of the rudest pipe forms imaginable have been found in Wisconsin, some of which show no work by human hands, save the punching or drilling of a stem-hole through the wall of an eroded stone. They are most primitive in form, the drill holes were made with solid-pointed drills, and in no case has anything been associated with them to indicate recent use. This however, is not conclusive, as Mr. J. D. McGuire 'p. 27) refers to a specimen which was found in Haldeman's shell-heap, near Bainbridge, Lancaster county, Pennsylvania, associated with two trat\e pipes of English make, as indicating that this type of pipe was in use until quite recently. Geo. A. West: The Aboriginal Pipes of Wisconsin. 157 FIG. 191. Rough Pebble Pipe. Author's Coll. Fig. 191, from Holy Hill, Washing-ton county, is made of a limestone concretion, l 1 /^" high, and shows no work ex- cept that the stem-hole had ' been punched out from the in- side of the bowl, and slightly rounded. A similar example in the author's collection, was found in the same locality. Fig. 192, from township' of Polaski, Iron county, is made of a limestone concretion, or more properly a badly weath- ered geode, \\/ high, and shows no work except of a drilled stem-hole slightly conical in shape. Fig. 193, from the bank of Lake Koshkonong, Jefferson county, of a rough, flinty rock, 2%" high, shows no work except that the stem-hole was made with a stone drill, and a few projecting corners chipped off. An example of about the same size and fully as rude, made of a jasper concretion, (now in the author's collection,) was found in Hock county. Similar pipes from the states of Maryland, Flor- ida and Michigan are in the author's cabinet. The speci- men from Maryland has a nat- ural cavity, serving the pur- pose of a bowl, and extending clear through the stone, the lower part of which, when found, was filled with burnt clay, which crumbled when Rougifpebbie Pipe, disturbed. Author's Coii: PIG. 192. Rough Pebble Pipe. Author's Coll. 158 WISCONSIN ARCHEOLOGIST. Vol. 4, Nos. 3 and 4 FIG. 194. Rough Pebble Pipe. Author's Coll. FIG. 195. Pebble Pipe. Milwaukee Pub. Museum Coll. A number of Wisconsin specimens have finely finished bowl and stem-holes, with a rough, natural, unworked exterior. These are not unfinished pipes, but are made from pebbles the shape of which happened to suit the fancy of the savage smoker. Fig. 194, from the bank of the Milwau- kee river, Silver Springs, Milwaukee county, is a smooth water- washed sand- stone pebble, 3" long, with a gouged-out bowl and stem-hole. Fig. 195, of a white, chalky rock, 2" high with conical bowl and stem- hole, shows no work on its exterior except the grinding down of the top of the bowl. This pipe belonged to the Perkins collection, and is marked '''Wisconsin." Illus- trations in the author ? s sketch book show pipes of this type from the counties of Outagamie, Rock, Green Lake, Dane, Door, Sha- wano, Marquette, Menomonee, Jefferson, Calumet, Sauk and Winnebago. TUBE PIPES. The straight stone tube is considered by our best authorities to be the most primitive form of pipe. It is the only type of aboriginal pipe that is distributed over our entire continent. The skill of the savage in drilling these objects, without the use of metal tools, excites wonder and admiration. They vary in length from 1' to 13'', and are either circular, elliptical, or square in section. Some have a straight hole of uniform diam- eter. In the greater number it is enlarged at one or both ends, by a process of scraping or gouging. Dr. Wilson, in referring to the drilling of tubes, considers it : i A fine art, because of the dexterity required to drill accurately and continuously a large hole through so small a cylinder for such a distance with- out break or change of direction" (Smithsonian Rep. 1896, p. 446). Much has been written as to the probable use of these tubes by the aborigines, and the weight of evidence seems to warrant Geo. A. West: The Aboriginal Pipes of Wisconsin. the conclusion that most of them were used as pipes, and others as medicine tubes. Very short, elliptical tubes were probably worn as beads, and another form, with a bore of uniform diam- eter may have been used in sizing and finishing arrow-shafts. Many tubes were doubtless used with the addition of a mouth- piece. "The California Indians drilled their tubes from both ends and enlarged the hole from one end by scraping, the mouth- piece being made of a bird bone stuck on with asphaltum (Schumacher, p. 268). Mr. Gerhard Fowke in reviewing the history of the tube, wrote: "Sehoolcraft observed that the Dakota Indians used a horn tube in bleeding, one end was set over the cut, and the other vigorously sucked." Powers says the Klamath Indians used tubes for smoking, while Mr. II. II. Bancroft reported that the Acaxees of Mexico employ * ' blowing through a hollow tube ' ' for the cure of disease, and also that the Indians of Southern California inhale the smoke of certain herbs through a tube to produce intoxication. According to C. C. Jones, the Florida and Virginia Indians used reeds in treating diseases by suck- ing or blowing through them, and also in cauterizing. He observes that the Indians of Lower California employed sim- ilar processes, using stone tubes instead of reeds. Hoffman illustrates the removal of disease through the agency of a tube of bone by a JES'SAKID, or Ojibwa medicine man. Reed calls attention to the fact that the old Spanish writers described "a, forked wooden tube, the prongs being inserted in the nos- trils, while the other end was held over smoldering herbs/' and suggests that the Indians may have used stone tubes in the same way (13th Eth. R., p. 127). CONOID AT; TUBE PIPES. The form of tube pipe herein first submitted for the student's consideration is one complete within itself, conoidal in its long- est diameter, having usually a large bowl gradually decreasing in size towards the stem-hole, a.nd making the addition of a mouth-piece unnecessary. Fig. 196. This fine specimen was found bv Mr. William Jay Howard, near Stiles, Oconto county, in 1862, and has been in 8 160 WISCONSIN ARCHAEOLOGIST Vol. 4, Nos 3 and 4 the collection of Mrs. E. House for 40 years. It is 5 1 /o" long, of drab steatite, polished by use and ornamented by sev- FiG. 196. Conoidal Tube Pipe, Mrs'. E. House's Coll. eral deep cut lines passing over the bowl and crossing each other at right angles. The bowl cavity is cone-shaped and en- larged by the gouging process. FIG. 197. Conoidal Tube Pipe, Author's Coll. Fig. 197, found in Mr. Harry Campbell's garden, Omro, Winnebago county, is of dark, slaty rock, elliptical in section, 4 1 /2 / ' long, 2" wide at one end and tapering to an inch at the other. This pipe seems to have been shaped with the use of a stone hammer. Its surface shows much wear. The cone-shaped cavity is an inch in diameter at one end, and less than half an inch at the other. The bore shows no rotary drill marks, but is very irregular in shape, having been gouged out with a nar- row tool, apparently of stone, working from each end and re- sulting in the cavity being the largest at about the middle of the tube, Geo. A. West: The Aboriginal Pipes of Wisconsin. 161 FIG. 198. Conoidal Tube Pipe. Authors Coll. Fig. 198, f ram Buffalo county, is of fine grained sandstone, circular in section, about 1%" l n g> ail inch in diameter at the large end, and tapering to almost a point. Here the cavity or stem-hole is but an eighth of an inch across. The ex- terior is rough, having been pecked into shape. The bowi cavity was probably drilled its entire length by means of a solid .drill point, the larger end being subsequently enlarged by means of scraping or gouging with a narrow tool, apparently of stone. Fig. J99, from Brown county, is of drab steatite, 2 J /->" long, square in form, and ornamented on all edges by slight indentations, after the style of treatment of the Pueblo tube. Its sides are in- cised with parallel lines crossing each other. Its appearance indicates long use, and great age. Marquette Mr. Ben PIG. 199. Conoidal Tube Pipe. J. P. Schumacher's Coll. Fig. 200, from county, found b> Chapman of Moundviiie, on the Royce Farm village site, near Packwaukee, in 1890, is of drab steatite, 2" long and trumpet- shaped. Tubes of thin type are of extremely rare occurrence, and appear to be a step, hi the evolution of the tube, in the direction of the rectangular pipe. FIG. 200. Conoidal Tube Pipe, Author's Coll. DESCRIPTION OF PLATE XII. A., in the author's collection, is almost on exact duplicate of Fig. 197, with which it was found. These can well be re- garded as two of the most rare and interesting tubes, both as to shape and age, as yet found in Wisconsin. A duplicate of this specimen is in the Logan collection, Bemit college., col- lected by the late F. S. Perkins, in Wisconsin. B., in the author's collection, from Washington county, is of steatite, 2%" long, pecked out, worn by use almost to a 162 WISCONSIN ARCHEOLOGIST. Vol. 4, Nos. 3 and 4 polish, one end tapering to a point and having a cone-shaped bowl cavity, with a very small opening at the stem. C., in the author's collection, was taken from a mound in Brown county, upon which was growing a pine tree three feet in diameter, the pipe being found directly under the base of the tree. This unusual form of tube, which much resembles the modern cigar-holder, is of red catlinite, with a rough, un- polished surface, square in shape, tapering to a mouthpiece, with a rid^e or keel-shaped projection extending from the large end part way down the tube. This specimen is 2%" long, with a cone-shaped cavity half-an-inch in its largest diameter, and tapering to a minute opening at the smaller end. This example is one of many, indicating the early use of catlinite lor pipe-making. D., from Waukesha county, collected by Dr. I. A. Lapham, was destroyed in the Science Hall fire at Madison, Wis. This specimen, of which the material is not given, was cigar-shaped, with a flange a,bout the bowl, and a keel-shaped projection on its side with six perforations. E., from Rock county, in Mr. Horace McElroy's collection, is of granite, 4%" long, unfinished, the tube being simply pecked out in the rough, and the cavity, started from the larger end, and reaching but part way through the pipe. This is an interesting specimen as it illustrates the fact that many stone pipes were at first merely roughed out, then drilled, and lastly, the outside worked down to the desired degree, thus lessening the danger of breaking the specimen in drilling. F., from Outagamie county, in Mr. F. M. Benedict's collec- tion, is 4%" long, of brown sandstone, and has a cone-shaped cavity. It exhibits indications of great age. Another interesting form of conoidal tube pipe has a bowl- cavity of such size at the smaller end as to require the addition of a stem of wood, bone, or possibly of stone. These mouth-pieces served the purpose of preventing the tobacco, or other material from entering into the smoker's mouth. It is claimed that this type of tube pipe was sometimes used without the addition of a mouth-piece, and with the insertion, into the stem end, of a ball of clay or stone, perforated to permit escape of the smoke, but this manner of using the tube must have been out of the ordinary. PLATE XII. Conodial Tube Pipes. PLATE XIII. Conodial Tube Pipes. FIG. 201. Conoidnl Tube Pipe, Author's Coll. 164 WISCONSIN ARCHEOLOGIST. Vol. 4. Nos. 3 and 4 Fig. 201, found by A. Hudson, at Gibson, in Manitowoc county, is of dark red catlinite, 5" long, iy 2 " in its greatest diameter, the sides somewhat flattened, and tapering to half an inch in thickness at the stem end. The interior cavity is cone-shaped, but very irregular, having been enlarged by the gouging process. The bowl end is ornamented by deep notches, while upon each of the flattened sides of the tube has been cut the image of a bird. This specimen shows much wear, but no evidence of the use of metal tools in its manufacture. FIG .202. Conoidal Tube Pipe, Author's Coll. Fig. 202, from Sheboygari county, found by Herman Kruske, at Adell, collected by Mr. W. II. Elkey, is of red catlinite, ; '>V2" long, I'/i" a ^ i^ s greatest diameter, the exterior cir- cular, with somewhat flattened sides about the middle. The cavity of this pipe is about an inch in diameter at the mouth of the bowl, half an inch at the stem opening, and was drilled its entire length by means of a solid drill; the bowl and stem end being subsequently enlarged by scraping and gouging. This specimen shows no marks of metal tools. The Logan collection, contains a tube found at Wayne, Washington county, 3 1 /-" long, of unpolished catlinite, ornamented around the bowl end by deeply cut cross lines.' DESCRIPTION OF PLATE XIII. A., a fine example in the author's collection from Sheboy- gan county, is of catlinite, 5" long, \\" i n i ts greatest diam- eter, the bowl-cavity made with a rotary drill, the ends en- larged, the mouth of the cavity % of an inch across, and the stem-hole about half as wide at the surface. This tube is well Geo. A. West: The Aboriginal Pipes of Wisconsin. rounded, unpolished, shows hammer marks in profusion, but none made by metal tools. B., in the author's collection, from Washington county, is of Huronian slate, circular in section, 6" long, IVi" in its largest diameter and tapering to % of an inch at the smaller end. The interior cavity made with tubular drill, started from each end, (as is the case with most tubes), the marks of the drill being quite apparent. Its bowl-cavity is an inch in diameter at the large end, and %" at the smaller one, the walls of the pipe hardly exceeding an eighth of an inch in thickness. This latter would appear to show wonderful skill in the drilling, but the tube was probably of greater diameter when drilled, and was afterwards worked down to the present thinness. This pipe contains no perceptible metal tool marks, find was doubtless used with the addition of a mouth-piece. In Mr. H. P. Hamilton's collection is a broken example, of black slate, from Wimiebago county, much resembling the last described. C., in the author's collection, from Washington county, is of banded Huronian slate, 5" long, 1*4" in its greatest diam- eter, tapering to % of an inch at its smaller end; interior cav- ity, %" at the stem end, and made with rotary drill. D., in Mr. R. Hamel's collection, from Green Lake county, is circular in section, 5y 4 " long, 1%" in diameter at the middle tapering slightly towards each end. This specimen is made of granite, with the stem-hole about half-an-inch in diameter throughout its entire length. E., in the author's collection, from Waukesha county, is of hematite, rudely pecked into shape. This pipe is circular in form, 3" long, li/," in diameter at the bowl end, and an inch across at the stem end. The bowl-cavity averages about half an inch in diameter, one end having been enlarged by the goug- ing process. F., in the author's collection, from Jefferson county, is of grey steatite, 5" long, an inch in diameter at the larger end, and gradually tapering to % of an inch at the opposite end. The bowl-cavity is % of an inch across at the surface, 1/2 f an inch at the stein-hole, and drilled from each end. Where the cone-shaped drill-holes intersect, the cavity is about an eighth of an inch in diameter. 166 WISCONSIN ARCHEOLOGIST. Vol. 4, Nos. 3 and 4 HOUR-GLASS TUBES. This form is rare in Wisconsin, but quite frequently found south of the Ohio river, where specimens sometimes attain the length of 18". While this form resembles the hour-glass in shape, it does not follow that it was copied after that well-known old "time-marker," or that it in any way shows the influence ol the whites. As to their use, Mr. J. I). McGuire remarks: ''These tubes have been supposed to have served, among other purposes, as astronomical instruments, a suggestion hardly deserving serious consideration. This type, the writer thinks, were employed as pipes, a belief in which many now concur" (p. 398). FIG. 203. Hour-glass Tube, Author's Coll. Fig. 203, in the author's collection, from Columbia county, is of steatite, 4^/2," long, with a greatest diameter of l 1 /^', and a plain band encircling its middle. The interior cavity of this tube is in form of a double cone, an inch in diameter at its openings, and tapering to less than ] /4 of an inch where the two cones intersect. The bore was made with a solid rotary drill point. This tube is not well rounded or finely finished. ARROW-SHAFT FINISHERS. This interesting form of tube will be considered here as it may have served the double purpose of pipe and mechanical tool. Its interior cavity, which was invariably drilled from one end, is the same size throughout. The hole is of the usual diam- eter of an arrow-shaft and generally very smooth. Some ex- amples have a well worn surface groove. These characteristics Geo. A. West: The Aboriginal Pipes of Wisconsin. 167 seem to suggest that it might have been intended for the pur- pose of straightening, rounding and polishing of arrow-shafts. That they were sometimes used as pipes is indicated by evi- dences of the walls of the cavity having been subjected to heat. The insertion of a perforated plug of wood into one end of the tube would readily convert it into a pipe. FIG. 204. Arrow-shaft Finisher, Author's Coll. Fig. 204, collected by Mr. W. II. Ellsworth of Milwaukee, from Eacine county, is of banded slate 31/2" long, l^" wide, elliptical in section, and with a 1 groove running lengthwise of its surface. The bore is half-aii-inch in diameter through- out its entire length. The exterior of this tube is rounded down toward its ends, thus enabling the hand to grasp and firmly hold it at the middle. Its interior cavity is worn smooth. DESCRIPTION OF PLATE XJV. A., in the author ? s collection, from Cedarburg, Ozaukee county, is practically of the same dimensions as the last de- scribed, being minus the surface groove, but instead, having one flat side, much worn. Its interior cavity is half-an-iiich in diameter, and very smooth from use. B., in the author's collection, from Green county, is of slate, 4" long, the cavity half-an-inch in diameter, and drilled from one end, as all this type of tubes appear to have been. This specimen is interesting in being unfinished, its exterior simply roughed out, and the cavity drilled just far enough to break out at the end opposite the starting point. C., in Mr. Horace McElroy's collection, from Southern Wis- consin, is of banded slate, 31/4" long, 2y 2 " wide at the middle, elliptical in section, tapering toward the ends, and with all the 168 WISCONSIN ARCHEOLOGIST. Vol. 4, Nos. 3 and 4 usual characteristics of this type of tube. A fine example is in C. T. Olen's collection at Oshkosh. D., is in the Wisconsin Historical Society's collection. PECULIAR TUBES. In the author's collection of tubes, found outside the borders of the state of Wisconsin, are a few deserving of special mention. DESOKiPTlON OF PLATE XV. A., from Va-n Buren count} 7 . Michigan, is of talcose slate, 6" long, 1%" in its greatest diameter, the bowl square in form with rounded corners for 2y 2 inches, then suddenly becoming cylin- drical and tapering to almost a point. Its bore is cone-shaped l 1 /^" across at the large end and ] /s ^ an inch at the stem-hole. The interior cavity was made with a rotary drill, the bowl open- ing enlarged by gouging and scraping. B., from Rainy Lake country, Minnesota, is of red sandstone, with a rough exterior, 4" long, and 1 1/3" in its greatest diameter. This specimen is peculiar in having a deep groove encircling it near the large end, with a short, horizontal notch on each side extending from the circular groove to the large end of the tube. Its cavity is half-an-inch in diameter at one end, and slightly tapering towards the other. The exterior shows hammer marks, and has an appearance of great age. C., a very interesting specimen from Scott county, Iowa, is of compact sandstone SV-T long, I 1 /-/' in its greatest diameter, with a cone-shaped interior cavities made with a stone drill. Its peculiar shape might indicate a step in the evolution of the straight tube toward the rectangular pipe. D., from North Carolina, is of steatite, 3%" long, 2 l / 2 " square, at the large end, with a cone-shaped bowl cavity, 1%" in its greatest diameter, and capable of holding a handful of tobacco. E., from South Dakota, is of a water-washed granite pebble, '}" long, with well worn interior cavity half-an-inch in diam- eter, and straight through its center. This specimen shows great skill in drilling, as the walls in places are scarcely % of an inch in thickness, the exterior not having been worked in the least. D PLATE XIV. Arrow-shaft Finishers. 6 PLATE XV. Peculiar Tube Pipes. Geo. A. West: The Aboriginal Pipes cf Wisconsin. , 169 F., snuffing tubes from ruins at head of the Segovia River, Nicaragua, 3' long, composed of two hollow bones, probably from the wings of a bird, bound together, when found, by a black gum and wound with some sort of a fibre. These forked tubes were probably used for snuffing the fumes of some nar- cotic. One, in a solid piece with two branches, found at Tia- huanaco, Bolivia, now in the University of Philadelphia, is il- lustrated by Mr. J. D. MeGuire (p. 365). In the use of this instrument, Oviedo (Historia de las Indias Occidentals, Salamanca 1535) says: "These forked sticks are inserted into the nostrils and the other end applied to the burn- ing leaves of the herb. ' ' Mr. Jos. Fume, in his paper "A Paper of Tobacco," printed in London in 1839, describes the use of these instruments. G., is of bamboo, collected in New Caledonia, South Seas. This tube is 28'' long, 2" in diameter, and highly ornamented with marks and figures burned in. The bowl-hole is at one end and the stem-hole on the side near the opposite end. In smoking this pipe, a wad of green grass is placed in the tube to prevent the escape of the tobacco into the smoker's mouth; the tobacco is next worked in through the small bowl opening, fire applied, and the tube drawn full of smoke. A finger is placed over the stem -hole as it is passed from one to the other of the natives, each filling his lungs with one long inhalation from the tube. A second bamboo specimen in the author's col- lection from New Guinea is 24 ! /l/' long and much more highly ornamented. The Cliff Dwellers made and used pipes long before the Dis- covery. As to their present use, James Stevenson writes: "The hollow tube pipes are not in use at the present time, (in the Pueblos) but are frequently found around the ruins in the pos- session of the Indians" (2nd. Kept. Bu. of Ethno., p. 378). DESCRIPTION v)P PLATE A VI. This plate represents pipes of different shapes, found in the ruins of the Pueblo Taos, near St. Johns, Arizona, destroyed by the Spaniards about 2M) years ago. A. Steatite, 2y 2 " long, to be used with a mouth-piece. B. Dark pottery, finely etched, 3" long. C. Yellow pottery, 2'' 170 WISCONSIN ARCHEOLOGIST. Vol. 4, Nos. 3 and 4 long. D. Black pottery, 9" long, highly ornamented, having received an enameling which seems to have been polished, after firing, by rubbing. The bowl opening is % of an inch in diam- eter. The stem is one-third as large. E. Dark lava rock, 2" iong, with the bowl-cavity half-an-iiich in diameter throughout its length. F. Black glazed pottery, 8^/2" long, ornamented by numerous indentations, G. Yellow sandstone, 4" long and 2 V in its greatest diameter. Bowl-cavity cone-shaped, IVsj" wide at mouth, and half-an-inch at stem end. H. Yellow pottery, conical in shape, 2" long. I. Black pottery, glazed, 3" long, same shape and ornamentation as Fig. E. CALIFORNIA TUBE PIPES. Much like the Pueblo pipes are the well-known tubes of Cali- fornia. Mr. Otis Mason states that: "The stone stem pipes (of California tube form) are taken from the old graves and this kind are no longer in use r? v Smithsonian Rep., 1885, pt. 1, p. 219). Mr. Paul Schumacher writes that the Klamath Indians of California still use a tube pipe of steatite, and that it has amused him 'to see them bending back their heads to bring the pipe in a vertical position, so as not to lose any tobacco" (Wheeler's Survey, vol. VII, p. 133, quoted by Thruston, p. 194). The oldest California tube pipes were doubtless made of steatite, talcose slate, limestone or serpentine, used with the addition of a mouthpiece fastened to the bowl by means of asphaltum. Later forms have a short stone bowl with an at- tached wooden stem of considerable length. Some very old ap- pearing pipes of wood have been found, which are not usually credited with great age. DESCRIPTION OF PLATE XVII. 1st. Of serpentine, 1" long. 2nd. Of limestone, with mouth-piece of bone cemented to the bowl with asphaltum. 3rd. Of steatite, pipe bowl with a shallow cavity attached to a stem of wood, making a total length of 6." 4th. Of steatite, tube PLATE XVI. Cliff Dwellers Tube Pipes. PLATE XVII. California Tube Pipes. Geo. A. Wt: The Aboriginal Pipes of Wisconsin. 171 5" long, with conical bow] cavity. 5th. An example with a stone bowl and wooden stern, and with old leather case for carry- ing. NOTE: Since the writing of this paper the collection of Mr. J. G. Pickett has, through the munificence of Mrs. Leander Choate, passed into the possession of the Oshkosh Public Library. Thus another fine cabinet has been saved to Wisconsin students. Idol Pipe. (Full size.) J. P. Schumacher's Coll. Recently found near Sturgeon Bay, Door county. It Is of dark serpentine, finely polished and is a rare specimen. Reported to the author after this paper was in print. isconsin Arcneological Society. Organized June 12, 1899. Incorporated March 23, 19O3. WHAT IT IS DOING FOR THE PUBLIC Awakening an interest in the historical and educational importance of Wisconsin antiquities. Securing the preservation of Wisconsin mounds. Protecting others from vandalism. Conducting surveys and researches in all parts of the state. Establishing a bureau of record where manuscripts, notes, photographs, sketches, diagrams, maps and other matter relating to the early aboriginal occupation of the state is preserved. Encouraging the establishment of collections of local aboriginal arti- facts in the educational institutions of the state. Providing for the free distribution of its publications to these institu- tions. Establishing a travelling library of archaeological and historical liter- ature. Holding public meetings and lectures. Discouraging the manufacture and sale of fraudulent antiquities. Advocating the establishment of a chair of American .archeology at Wisconsin University, and courses in archeology at other state colleges. WHAT IT IS DOING FOR ITS MEMBERS Gives admission to its sessions, lectures and exhibitions. Permits participation in its field meetings. Gives instructions in field work. Issues the Wisconsin Archeologist. Circulates other literature among those actively interested. Encourages intelligent collecting. WHAT IT NEEDS Additional members in all parts of the state. Funds and increased subscriptions to carry on its work. Active and intelligent workers everywhere. PUBLICATIONS Four volumes of the Wisconsin Archeologist have been issued. Vol- ume 1 is out of print. The others may be purchased of the Secre- tary, CHARLES E. BROWN. Price $1.00 per volume. Sample or single numbers 25 cents each.