urniai al 7 THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES THE M O B I A D: O R, BATTLE of the VOICE, A N HEROI-COMIC POEM, SPORTIVELY SATIRICAL: Being a briefly hiftorical, natural and lively, free and humorous, DESCRIPTION OF AN EXETER ELECTION. In SIX CANTO'S. Illuftrated with fuch NOTES as for fame Readers may be fuppofed ufeful. By DEMOCRITUS JUVENAL, Moral Profeflbr of Ridicule, and plaguy-pleafant Fellow of Stingtickle College; Vulgarly ANDREW BRICE, EXON. Magno in populo cum faspe coorta eft Seditio, faevitque animis ignobile vulgus, Inftquitur clamoique virura, furor arma miniftraf, Prxfentemque viris intentant omnia mortem ; Difficile eft fatiram non fciibcre. Ridiculutn acri Fortius et melius magnas plerumque fecat res. VIRG. Juv. HOR. J C EXON: Printed and Sold by BRICE and THORN: And fold alfo by T. D A v i E s, in Great-Ruffel Street, Covent-Garden, London. MDCCLXX. The Author's Valedictory Sermon to this hopeful Spark, his Progeny. GO, thou playfome, flily-fnickering, dry-bobbing Son ft $ / of PHANTASY. That frolic Dame was honejily thy Bother ; conceiv'd, form'd, and with no hard Travail (Indignation aiding) brought thee forth. HISTORIC TRUTH, however, had a finger in the pye, and (as ano- ther trite Saying goes) blow'd to thv making. Go ; try thy Fortune, as thy Betters have done As Circumftances allow'd, I brought thee up to --- what thou art ; have now - tolerably cloath'd thee in a decent plain Suit of Print : And what is to be done next but fend thee into the World ? Good Hands receive thee, and not harfhly treat thee ! And may'ft thou beft thrive in thy proper Vocation of pleaftng and prof ting thy Entertainers ! I fhould gladly have had beftow'd upon thee a (hort Te- {timonial of fome or other Worthinefs, or good Property, in thee ; or elfe to have got fome Refpeclib e Name for thy Protection. But Patronage for Poetry, 'fhou'd leern, is now no more the Growth of every Clime than is good Poetry itfelf. And alas ! VIHGILS thrive not but in the cultivated warm Garden of a MOECENAS. Kind Fofterers, ( One Swallow making of itfelf - - - bur One ) and even a tutelary Matter, feem as difficultly to be met with. So that, at the kft refort, thou muft for a good Run truft to thy own Legs ; or, as fome Folk feem to think, to the compulfive Conduct of thy own PLANET : A Guide very precarious truly ; there being, they tell you, amongft the others, a villainous Twelve-farthing one, a cruel Envier of Merit, malicioufly more bufy with his Influence than all the reft. If fuch their Creed be orthodox, that mifchievous Meddler, perhap, too much tamper'd with my own Nativity: Forcing upon me a radical Itch of Scribbling, nay an ungain- ful poetic Turn j when SATURN himfelf might have taken me under 11. PREFACE. , Why, then, might not fuch, in a fort, behold himfelf, as it were in a Mirrour, in HOGARTH'S MIDNIGHT CONVERSATION, or fome antick Chimney-piece more vulgarly baccanalian? Why fhould the Moral of the jDencil'd Satire be over- look'd or difregarded ? One might be apt to fancy Tavern - Quarrels, painted artfully in Tipling- Rooms, might, if confiderately obferv'd, withold real Gentlemen of Breeding from plunging into fuch Depths of Liquor as might overwhelm their Humanity, and transform them for a Time to fuch worfe than Savages as in Colours reprefented. And we mould imagine, a Man, in calm good Temper, might hate, yet defpifc, his own late Appearance pourtray'd the very Madman he look'd, and behav'd, in Height of that Rage he was, ftrangely he might think^ thrown into. And wherefore mould not the Effect hold in parallel Examples? Why might not fome heed- fully perufing a boifterous ELECTION, in which they were Agents or Agitators* (cfpecially of but little if any Moment ) juftly defcrib'd in fuited Verje, be afiiam'd of the ridiculous or bafe Parts which they, as 'twere in Effigie, review they acted in the wretched Farce ? Why mould they not feel a Twinge of Thought at the Dangers which they, with others, prov'd inftrumental ( though, it may be, unwittingly ) in occafioning, as well as Remorfe at being any Way, even undefignedly, acceflary to, Mifchiefs therein committed I This PREFACE. iil This Poetic Sketch was drawn to that honeft Intent. Thugh there are very few, if any, directly and perfonally character! z'd, yet Num- bers, if they have Eyes of Underftanding, may difcern their own Images in Defcription expofing themfelves to Derifion, Contempt, perhaps and Deteflation. Alfo may be feen to what a diftracted and unhappy Plight mere Whim and Fantail have brought us. Why then mould it not conduce to the correcting our Conduct, difcountenancing Tu- mult, reftoring Civility at lead, and by Degrees recovering Trade, fo foolimly deftroy'd by hare- brain'd Faction ? Why may we not hope there- upon that Perfons of Equanimity may venture into publick and mix'd Converfation, be there us'd with Good-manners, and fee the Company fit, and in due Seafon part, obfequious and mannerly at worft, notwithftanding their having voted dif- ferently for a Forty Man ( as they ftyle him ), a Mayor, or Member of Parliament himfelf ? Though dreading a being furrounded in and by a M O B, efpecially a pent-up contending one, yet, to make proper Observations, and to collect apt Materials, I, for once, voluntarily hazarded myfelf even on the very Spot of thickeft Uproar and Confufion. At which Time, worfe than that of the Painter ( who, furpaflingly to delineate a Battle, in its various Horrors, to the Life, went joyfully to gaze at one, but therein loft both his Arms by his Curiofity ) had like to have prov'd my Hap ; not only almoft crufh'd to death in the a 2 Throng, iv. . ' PREFACE. Throng, but like to have my fmall Portion of Brains prefs'd out, or my Head itfelf wrung off, in the Gateway, endeavouring, at laft, to efcape out of the crowded Hall. However rough, unfmifhed, and incorrect, yea trifling and filly, the flight Performance be, or mall be faid to be, my Vanity flatters itfelf it is pretty natural, picturefque, and indifferently full of genuine Humour: Which are Hits and Ingredients not defpicablc in Pieces of this Na- ture. Yes, I am forward enough to fancy, that it is not quite devoid of fuch titillating as well as poignant Humour as may divert even where it nettles, pleafe the Struck in defpight of their Refentment, and force them at leaft to fmile juft upon biting their Lips or Knuckles. It being calculated principally for the Ufe and Service of this City, (though not to be fo very local as not to fit other Places ; MOBS being MOBS every- where) as well as the Subject is a Tranfaction upon the Spot, I thought fit to gather many of the collateral Incidents, Similes, Allufions, and other embellifhing Circumftances, as well as fome Words and Phrafes of Propriety, from the proper Scene of Action, and Parts ad- jacent ; fo as to adapt the Poem moft properly to the Place. The lime of the Main Action alfp confifls of about Six Hours , each diftinguilVd pro- perly by concomitant Tokens, well known to the Inhabitants. PREFACE. v . Inhabitants. In managing of which, though the more ftreighten'd thereby of Fancy, I have had this one Advantage of fervile mechanic Imitators, and Common - place Authors, viz. of writing Things certainly my own, yea alfo, fuch as they are ! probably new. But, as it's not impoflibie it may iikewife fall into the Hands of Strangers, and at a Diftance, and live too when the prefent Generation have all Jeft the Light, I have in the Bottom Margin fur- nifh'd fuch with explanatory Notes, as well as illi- terate Readers among ourfelves with a few others, which they may need, feverally, to apprehend Matters by. Now, if the neighbourly prime END of it be happily attain'd, let the Execution itfelf be iaugh'd at, defpis'd, or vilify'd, as much as thofe who kndw any or no Reafon for it pleafe. Real Errors, as well as fmaller Slips, qu And Party Heats in focial Pledgings drown'd. 3 Help me rebuke, thus, our Inteftine Fight By painting it ridiculous to Sight : Yet, though be drawn in ftrong Grotefque the Strife, Be all defign'd and colour'd from the Life. Good-natur'd the Intention, though fevere Sometimes our Verbal Picturings appear, Who, ludicrous of Indignation, prove Jocofe in Cenfure, and inveigh in Love, And, (1) VULCAN.) See HOM. lliad^ Book i. at the Co- clufion. 12 Tbe MORI AD; or, And, featuring Blame amid the blameful Throng, Drub but with Drollery and fcourge in Song. Yet firft it's fitting we in Grief rehearfe Our wretched Change in fome more ferious Verfe, Led blind from (m) Wifdom's peaceful Paths aflray, And pitch'd in Folly's deep diflurbed Way, Or headlong rufli'd from flighted Welfare's Height, To plunge and flounder in a rueful Plight. ^ In A L B i o N 's Weft erjl throve a Town ( ere more There MOBS prevail'd than ( n) MONKS fp heretofore) On which fair (o) I s c A fervile waits, whofe Site NATURE to load with Dainties own'd Delight, And (m) Alluding to Wifdom's Ways are Ways of Pleafant- nefs, and all her Paths are Peace. (n) Exeter was once fo over-run with Monafteries, ami the Vermin therein fed, that it obtain'd the Nickname Monkton. (o) ISCA, or Ifc, the River now pronounced Exe. Battle of the Voice. 13 And by her (p) Works fence'd from Annoys to Health, Whilft with Home PLENTY vy'd Imported WEALTH: For did its (q) Empory in Gain furpafs, Though now fob we the Boaft what Com- merce was! There did indulgent PEACE (as Antients tell) And gay GOOD-NEIGHBOURHOOD, fweet Couple ! dwell. NATURE to pamper yet abides ; but, ah ! Did friendly Love, off hifs'd, with Trade withdraw. In ftead, Spleen, Difcord, and Contention, have Flung murder'd Peace in an opprobrious Grave, Laid infamous Infcripttons on her Tornb, And voted Death eternal as her Doom. That (p) Her Works.) The City being naturally encompaf- fed with Hills, which help to break the Force of injurious Winds, &c. (q) Empory.) The Woollen Manufacture and Trade in former happy Days exceedingly flourifh'd here in every Branch of it. 14 < The MOBIAD; or, That GOODWILL Angels pfalm'd from Heav'n of Yore Is own'd our Duty and true Blifs no more. Sweet Moderation's deeni'd a fneaking Sin, A treach'rous Gate to let Deftrudtion in ; Whilft headftrong Paffion and a rampant Zeal For ftormy Nonfenfe aggrandize our Weal ! Hence ragged Penury hath feiz'd the Place, And Defolation much deform'd its Face. (r) Houfes, fhut up, with difmal Fronts declare, Unhop'd a Tenant cr a patch'd Repair. Yea fome, by Rats themfelves abandon'd, own, Their tott'ring Symptoms, and for Ruin groan ; Or fain, as if by the difgraceful Doom Denounc'd in Scripture, Hills of Dung become, Too like our (s) Rock-Lanes moft upbraiding Ground, Where once were Charitable Manfions found, On which lo ! Mountains of curft Rubbifh rife, To draw, like BABEL, Vengeance from the Skies. Hence (r) [Such rtally was the Cafe at the Time referred to, (In 1737 y 1738.) when the Poem was moflly wrote.} (s) [7he Complaint is now taken off.] Battle of the Voice. i $ Hence Induftry, which, by a fkilful Hand, Adorns, and fortifies with Wealth, a Land, Baulk'd and defpis'd, fcarce lives ; or feems no more Than a mad Induftry here to be poor. Hence we to Swarms of cumbrous Idlers owe Self- {naming Sighs, and Looks of guilty Woe, Who might for worthy Bread with honeft Joy Their gainful Hands in profper'd Arts imploy, But that, with epidemic Itch o'er-run For Mobbing, they the Means of thriving fhun, And vy in Labour to be moil undone. t Be yet confefs'd the Joy (nor let our Foes Couch'd here a knavifh Irony fuppofe) That with our abject Dregs of Folk alone Such begg'ring Fury holds a lawlefs Throne ! Joy that no RULER'S Bent permits to fear (t) A roaring Lion or a ranging Bear 1 B No -."> \ "' '*' ' ?' '* ; " ' ^ ' "* fi "T (t) Roaring Lion t &c. See Prov. xxviij. 15* 16 fbe MOB IAD-, or t No Turbulence of Soul can recommend One who fhould to conferve the Calm afcend ! Nor Candor's deem'd, but by the Rafcal Race, A Vice difqualifying for a Place 1 No : Men of Poft the Way of Peace purfue, Though rais'd in Uproar by a fa&ious Crefw ! But hourly we in Vulgar Converfe find A froward Jargon harrows up the Mind. One, ceafelefs, dull, coarfe Tintamar of Prates, Fatiguing Senfe, a manly Hearing grates. Thence due Complacence and humane Deport Excluded are, or but receiv'd for Sport. Contention which, when Night's illumin'd Queen Was in twelve full re-borrow'd Luflres feen, Here fought difturbing Reign by Law a Day, Now through the Year affects diforder'd Sway, More vile, more horrid, mocks with frefh ' : v < Alarms, >..- JT*^ ^ [Arms . And, reftlefs, keeps her Standing Troops to In Battle of the Voice. \j In this frail Age of Abjtinence ! when die The Great quick as the Little brujh away, And fome One of our (u) Guardians Twice a Score Mounts on the Bleffings of their feafted Poor ! That fcarce a Month the Sky's bright Burghers mifs To welcome fome juft Steward to their Blifs, And hear th' Approbat from th' Empyrean Throne, r . [done ! " Well haft thou, good and faithful Servant, And et BlefTed, come ; for Heav'n fhall reim- burfe, rr) f . [Purfe ! " With Gain, the Lendings of thy empty '4 ELECTIONS on ELECTIONS crowd fo faft, A new begins ere a preceoding's paft. B 2 Such (it) Guardians.} The Corporation of Guardians of the Poor, Forty in Number, When one of the Number dies, another is always to be elected in his Head ; which Election is +-[vjas at the Time here fatiri-z? Wheel'd fince from (z) Six to Six he made With fainter Beams in our cool'd Hemifphere:_ About that Tide when Geefe, in Panniers fquat, Turn up alluring Shows of copious Fat : That Day (a) when fir ft, enwrapp'd in flabby RagSj [Oifter- Drags, Our (b) STARCROSS Mer-Maids cafl their Whofe (x) Two Reprefentatives for this City in Parliament. (y) Moon, i. e. Monday, fo call'd from our Heathen Sax- on Anceftors on that Day worfhipping the Moon. (z) Six to Six) viz. about a Fortnight fince Sept, n, O.S. (a) That Day) viz. the Monday before Michaelmas- Day. (b) The fame Day on which we choofe our Mayor, {he Oifter- Women of Starcrofs, &c. are allowed to begin drag- ging for Oifters, Battle of the Voice. 19 Whofe fifhy Ends, hid in their modeft Boats, Need not like Trowfers form their Petticoats : That Year when Pilchards (c) to Our Betters fliew'd Too plenteous to be Jafhlonably good, With whom goes down no cheaply-vulgar Meat, But (learn'd with artful Elegance to eat) Force'd Viands praife, of recommending Coil, When out of Kind, as out of Seafon, mofl : Year fince Diftillers wail'd the mulcted Sin Which footh'd the Torture of the Guts with Gin, Save when Two Gallons, fold exempt of Awe, From crimelefs Cogues, as 'twere made drunk [Spell That Year when (d) CRUX (as by Magician's Ghofts dragg'd arife, but flip again to Hell) Slunk (c) Scarce ever within Memory were Pilchards fo plen- tiful and cheap in thefe Parts as in this Year 1737. Some of the Gentry efteem'd them a Nuifance. (d) Treville Crofs, Efq; a certain half-mad half-fool 20 The MO El AD-, or, Slunk From his Manfion-]z\\ with four Regret, And chofe for once to pay the charging Debt ; But, fick of naufeous Creditors, agen For Cure reclaim'd theTJun-defying Den. That Year when in the fair Six-Gated Clofe "} To GOD devoted, (though there (e) MAM- ! Moy goes) r [arofe, | As (/) Limes hadfail'd, young thriving Elms J Yet. ere arrives the critic Day, whereon The FIGHT DECISIVE muft be loft or won, Alehoufe 'Squire, of a very good Eftate, who never caring to pay any- body, ly'd perpetually in Jail : But'at this Jun&ure fearing the Aft for the Relief ot Infolvent Prifoners for Debt would affect his Lands and Tenements, he paid the Debt he was charg'd in Cuftody for, and came out. Though he prefently took care to return back to his faid beloved Habitation. Is not fuch an one a proper Object for Satire ? (e) The Church-yard, where our Merchants, &c. &c. affemble to talk of Trade and Bufmefs, &c. (/) Some Years after the prodigious great Storm in 1703) in room of the very large Elms which had been torn up by the Roots, were Lime-Trees orderly planted ; but not thriving, indeed gradually dying, Elms were, as at pre- fent, planted their SuccefTors, and flourilh well. Battle of tbt Voice. 2t Alehoufe Alarms, Street Camps, and Kennel Wars, . Prelude th Heroi-Comi-Tragi-Farce. Not brooking well wifh'd Time's too tardy Flight, O'er Pipe and Quart, many a ling'ring Night, With Fronts of Council, in important State, Huge as of GERMANY th' ELECTORS mate. 3W| $|j|MJ j*" i,. ;;. " "jjiiO Scarce paramount Receivers of Excife Heap Royal Pelf in more majeftic Guife, Scarce with a Swell of more judicious Look Foremen of Juries kifs the Sacred Book. Scarce Parifh- Warden, at an Eafler Feaft, Nods Bigger, toafted by th' obliging Prieft. The Baptift Saint fcarce at Sticb-Hall may fee More grand the Chiefs of Cabbage-Company. Scarce a bluff Skipper, in his Realm of W T ood, Top'd up a petty Godhead of the Flood, With kembo'd Arm, full Paunch, and bully [ Grace. O'er Punch- bowl fmoaks with more elated ^ ; ^AaC "vnr, \\iv. t- t ysl^Q. Scarce M B I A D ; or, Scarce ftrolling Hero in Stage-Bufkins drefl, Plum'd Helmet, ermin'd Robe, and gemmy Veft, ft Setween the Acts a mightier Afpect wears, Whilft He upon the Candle-fnuffer fwears. Nay, an Ale-Draper fcarce, - (who through the Bung rrx [Dung, Once Barrels fcour'd of Dregs, fwept Stalls of But now by Sots fo (g) darnd enrich* d to deck With Golden Chain his Heirefs Daughter's Neck) [Pout At Door, in cufhion'd Chair, with Grander Extends his Cloath-Shoe Signal of the Gout. Talk in Alliance future Deeds difplays, And fcarce a Brag but which its Thoufand flays; Or (where in common Room, oppos'd in Will, Men, jumbled clofe, Mugs independent fwill) At ..; (g) Dam'd is now by many us'd as the Superlative Degree, as fignitying very much. My Meaning is, enrich'd by tlifhoneil Means j what is too common. Bdttle of the Voice. 23 At Variance to a prefent Charge invites, And bick'ring Boafts prove Overtures of Fights j Loquacious Tongues in. pellmell Clutter run, As Breathings ere the Battle Main's begun. . i* . l\ ! i::'-"i- 1- Ale-houfes diftant vent their Clam fo flrong, As if did all to one join'd Rout belong : And yet diftinguim we from whence and whom Th' emphatic Twangs of boifl'rous Babble come. So, on th' Inauguration of a King, When greater Six of our great Ten Bells ring, Beyond the reft we note, each mighty Round, The Cadence from huge (b) GRANDISON refound. PISTOL the Second flaming Bounce lets off, More furly rendered by a mingled Cough. CULTER (?) (whom Shares of liquid Bets rejoice) Sputters his dire Ferocity of Voice. C TESTY, (b) Grandifon, from the Bifliop of that Name who gave it, is the Name of the largeft of our Bells in Peal. (i) Ben. Cornijb^ the Guttler. l '" 24 The MOB IAD-, or, TESTY, whofe Clamour fnarls, with Looks afkew, Holds forth as if he hallow'd for the Blue -, Whilft (k) GLASSMAN^iatnelefs by a Thou- fand Bangs, As bold a Clangour for the Yellow twangs. THROUOHSTITCH (/) the faucy, who, each Quart, outlies All * Philomaths who ere mif-read the Skies, And irritates corre&ing Fifts and Feet, Is heard to bellow through a Mile of Street. CASTOR (in), with creaking Words, half fnuffled, bravs 4 Odious as, wrangling, he at Cribbage plays : Ne'er did a hamper'd Hog whine fo abhorr'd, Nor Gelder's Clarion naftier Shriek afford. SWIL- (k) Ingram (the firft of the Family) the Glazier. (I) Throughjlitch.) This Spark had his Character drawn long before this Time as ' A pert, noify, empty, prag- matical, prefuming, impudent, contemptible, abominable, Coxcomb, Lyar, &c. &c. * Philomaths.} Almanack-makers. (m) Bngh~-m t the Hatter. Battle of the Voice. 25- SWILGALLON (), lavifh of more Roar by half Than APEWELL mimicking Owl, Afs, and Calf, Blafts his big Organs in a deeper Key -) Than Horns, and Hounds, and Bumpkins, raife, when they With joint Cry open'd fcare the chaced Prey.. Morn, Even, Noon, and intervening Hours, Infulting Terrors now befiege our Doors. Where'er ye turn, reproachful Flings ye meet, And lubberly Affronts oppofe your Feet. A currifh Growl, and a deep maflive Bark, Bays you in Light, and follows in the Dark : (o) H-a-a-a-h ! with Barbarity of Look gnarrs one, Like Butcher's Dog o'er a defended Bone, Plain in the Mufcles of whofe ruffian Face The Wifh of bloody Maffacre ye trace : C 2 Concerters (n) Swilgalltn. John St-v-ns, . (o) H-a-a-ab !) They pronounce this ugly fpiteful Hah with a rugged, harfli, grating fort of a Quaver, much lengthen'd, like the arringor gnarring Growl of a great Dog, 26 jffe MOBIAD; or, Concerters run to back the odious Cry, And, grinning, fnarl a furly Symphony. Next flock grotefque around a faunt'ring Crew, And perfecute you \viikC~Sound for the Bdue ! Or fcarce lefs horribly your Patience wound With like Annoyance, For the Tellow found ! Confus'd you compafs, leap with dafhing Pace, And yelp foul Jeers with impudent Grimace ; With flourim'd Felts, perhaps fkin-deep, aflail Your Face, and rankling leave a ghaftly Ail. Though paffive ye mute expedite your Way, Outrage obfcene will after you inveigh. Nay, thankful be if ye fo clean evade, Nor more material Peft'rings cannonade; When no ilain Cat, Clout, Shoe, nor Filth advance, Salute yourfelves the Favorites of Chance ; Bleft if you flip their fcarifying Claws, Or fcape expectorated Shot from Jaws. Sing Laud in Rapture, if unkick'd your Shin, Though fpatter'd, linking, drips entire of Skin. View Battle of the Voice. 27 View with Delight your footed Hat compound For Coat's not fweeping, with You dragg'd, the Ground. Nav, if o'ercaft, for Miracle record r , ., [gor d : That Ye arife nor bruis'd, ftamp'd, punch'd nor And hymn Te Deum, as for Life's Return, If a fore-grip'd, not ftrangled, Throat ye mourn. f [forbear What though fome Topping Vulgar may In Perfon to affaffinate your Ear, Too often they fuborn th' Inferior Mob With vafTal Rage you of your Peace to rob : With hir'd Sedition they direct the Broil, And pay in Drink the Wages of the Toil. So thofe whom Maftives combating delight, To ftimulate them to the fangy Fight, Stroke firft their hardy Loins, then to purfue With fervile Barkings cry Alloo! Alloo! r _ [Fray, And, when they have fuftain'd the prompted Spit in their Mouths the filthy liquid Pay. End oftbefirJlXdnto. 28 tte MOB I AD-, or, CANTO II. T length that (a) Monday which the Day preceeds, A [(y When prais'd the brave (b] Arch- Angel's dough- HeavVs Captain, by whofe Loyal Army fell The Rebel Legions, now the Thralls of Hell j While poor and thoughtful Tenants fore lament The fad Defe&s of the laft Quarter's Rent, And mortgage Gown, Sheet, Rug, and Dim, to blefs Bed, Crock, and ufeful Pitcher, from Diftrefs j That joyous Monday, dawning in the Skies, Awakes pert Gladnefs in th' Electors Eyes. Whip! (a) Monday, viz. the Monday before the Feaft of St. Michael^ appointed the Day for the Choice of a new Mayor. (b) Arch-Angel. St. MICHAEL. See the Service for the Day, &c. &c Battle of the Voice. 29 Whip ! the moft forward bolt unbutton'd out, And, kenning, throw their partial Looks about ; Then, joining, to Difcourfe o'er canvafs'd owe Prognofticks how the Day's Affair will go : And where the Doors firft ope for Tipple's Sale, Time's Forelock feizing, fwig courageous Ale. Now Kitchen-Maids, knock'd up by Chu- rers (c), flretch Unready Limbs, and Sighs of Envy fetch. The Stage-Coach Porter, malapert of Tone, Swears Jehu, long-fince ready, will be gone: The up-fcar'd Paffenger brief Stay implores; And yet an Hour the drunken Jolter fnores; With owly Eyes the ftrolling Seekers fkulk, And hopeful peer at Stall, Porch, Door, and Bulk - ru 1,4 [hold The clean Difchargers, with rince'd Cools be- Stoln back as if afham'd of finding Geld. See! (c) Cburers.) So in Exeter -are called, thofe in London %1'd Qbairrwomen* 30 The MOB IAD; or, See ! chafte AURORA grows with Blumes red Efpying PHOEBUS fprung from TETHYS' Bed, Or fkitting Cats from am'rous Scratchings come, Or naughty 'Prentices flunk drowfy home. The Drummer, on high (d) RUGEMONT'S crumbling Mound, Beats ftrong the bold Revelle's routing Sound. Whittling to River waggles Groom on Steed j And Milkmaids jocund to Teat-tugging fpeed. The Scavenger drags on his rumbling Carr ; And Gentry's led to guard the Chief of War. The Sixth Kour Bell with venerable Knoll Bids Wakers mind or Body or the Soul : This World's Folk up t and wordly Work attend j And t'other's to celeftial Bus'nefs bend. Tilers . (d) The Hill on which our Caftle ftands, and in which the Regiments, at Times, quarter'd in this City keep Guard, is called RUGEMONT, from the Rednefs of the Earth, [I think, beating the Revelle, we know not why, has of latter Years been difus'd.J Battle of the Potce* 34 Tilers and Mafons by their Brifknefs (how, They idly to no whole Day's Labour go. Taylors, not franchisd, with a loit'ring Gait, Till Bell rings (e) quick, before King's - Alley wait. It rings : They fhrugging budge a lazy Pace, And o'er the Shoulder turn a grudging Face. It rings : The faintly few who feel the Mood, And Liberty, and Leifure, to be good, With Lips in Form to Duty fet, and Eye Fraught with Religion's Glance, to (f) Mattins hie. Handmaids behold, who have, in Cold of Day, The pious Orders proxywife to pray, Whofe Ladies indifpos'd, by Sloth,- a-bed, Depute 'em to act heav'nly in their ftead, D On (t) At Six o'Clock a Bill knolls, or tolls, for Prayers, at the Cathedral ; then a Bell rings quick to give Notice that Prayers are about to begin. [In King's Alley, at the Time of writing this Poem, liv'd 3 or 4 Mailer Taylors of principal Bufmefs.j (f) Mattins. Morning Prayer. 32 7k MOB IAD-, or, On Pattins trip,* with fanclimonious Charm^ Starch'd (g) clainly neat, with Pray'r-books under Arms. r . "_. " [drawn, Young (b) Choirifters^ from Neft reluctant To Wormip truant, forced Devotion yawn. But Voices voluntier make (hift to raife, By Organs though unaided, worthier Praife, JLefs artificial Praife, while in the Soul Heav'n may hear Melody (i), tho 5 Voices growl. The (k) Pile of venerable Grandeur round Emits the folemn Tune : Th' enclofed (/) Ground Anew feems hallow'd by the facred Sound. - But whence that Nolle prophane ? Whence that (brill Shout, Which impioufly quells the Din devout 1 The (g) Cleanly neat. Like HORACE *&_fimp/ex munditiis* (k) Chorl/lers. The young Singing Boys. (*') Melody.) Eph. v. 19. Making Melody in yQir Hearts to GOD. (*) Pile, -&c. St. Peters Cathedral Church. (I) Enclofed Ground. St, Peter's Clofe. Battle of the Voice. 33 (m) The JUNIOR MOB fonorous ufher in Their Claim of Pelting, and lewd Rites begin, Whofe bufy Sholes ranfack'd the Coinmon- fhore, And rummag'd Dungheaps, for a batt'ring Store, Hog might in vain feek with fagacious Snout Apples worm-eaten or corrupt to rout. D 2 (w) Junior Mob.] The Boys. Our true-born Citizens are (Numbers of 'em) train'd up to Mobbing from their Cradles. To the Praife of fuch a polifh'd People as we are, our well-bred Infantry are permitted to fling Turneps, Potatoes, Pieces of Cabbage-ftalks, &c. at the poor Coun- trymen whofe Bufmefs brings them into City this unlucky Morning : At whofe Approach the young Mifchiefs, run- ning to meet 'em, fet up a Cry of A Brother / A Brother! A Brother I and fall a battering of them immediately. If one offer to rebuke them, (as T once prefum'd to do, and had like thereby to have brought not only them, but fome Loggerheads of the Shops, upon my own Back) they daringly reply'd, 'Tis lawlefs Day ! 'Tis lawlefs D#y ! And fo in- deed might it be imagin'd, while fuch barbarous Outrages (as feveral others at different Times, fuch as tho Dafhing up the Kennel- Water on Paffengers, which they call Strat- ting, &c.) are not only tolerated in Effect, but laughM at, and thereby encourag'd. With Indignation 1 remember a poor Man had one of his Eyes thus adually on the Spot ftruck out by one Butler, who afterwards attempted with others to fire the Deanry-Koufe, &c. So they grow up to Villainy by Degrees. Nemo repente fit 34 tte MO El AD-, or, Did pregnant Sows for out-caft Onions long, The grunting Mothers, fick, might caft their Young. Each plunder'd Gutter void of Turnip rills, Nor it a Carrot, or Potatoe, fills. For thefe ere HESPERUS, with brilliant Light, J^ed (lowly on the laft impatient Night, The YOUNG INIQUITIES had fpuddling found ; Arms from aloof by miffive Force to wound. Parfnips and Cabbage-ftalks, to handy Size Cut up, glad with augmented Store their Eyes. The Ammunition fwells each Pocket flrout, And each Hand bears the Surplufage about, Till Clown, mifled by fome malicious Star, Yare by the Strippling PofTe kenn'd afar, And met beyond the mid- way Diftance, grows Th' aftonied Handfel of their volant Blows. Sharp Clamour from their Throats in Concert rings, And ev'ry Hand a Root, fcarce erring, flings. A Battle of the Voice. 35 A Brother ! Brother ! they exulting cry ; And Show'rs, full Tempeft, quick repeated, fly. Repeated ? Yea, at a contiguous Rate The Flingings whittle an incefTant Threat. Not half fo frequent noifome Ware is known On Perjur'd Heads thro' Penance Loophole thrown ; Ev'n though fuch vile detefted Heads pertain To the paid Rafcals of th' Informing Train. Lefs numerous a white long Winter fpies From glowing Hands hard-kneaded Snowballs rt> [BIRTH And Truncheons, hurl'd to folemnize the P i v i N E, maul (n) Cocks lels fwift with murd'rous Mirth. As (n} Cocks."] To the Credit of Parents, Matters, Confta- bles, and other Overfeers, ought it to be over and over mention'd, 'till the deteftable Nufance ceafes, that the very wicked Diverfion [Horrible ! that the Human Nature can ever be diverted with Inhumanity] of Throwing at Cocks, which other wheres, I think, is thus moft barbaroufly prac- tifed but on Shrove-Tuefdays, not only continues here the whole Chriftmas holy Days, but commences forne Weeks before them. It's obfervable too that fome of thofe who are the greateft Sticklers for what they call celebrating die folemn Feftival, 36 The MO B IAD; or, As he difcovers, ftagger'd and aghaft, On Him alone the frolick Mifchief caft, Bleak Horror thrills his Veins, a qualmy Damp In his chill'd Bofom quails the vital Lamp : The ruddy Brown his burnt Complexion fails, And Palenefs o'er its freckled Fluih prevails. His 'wilder'd Thought c Whence his Offence ' inquires, What Rage this Infantry of Eelldl fires ? Why is, by the Adult, the Youngfter Crowd, He ponders, thus to (o] gallow Folk allow'd ? To gallow ? Yea to gaul, perchance to lay Folk fprawling, or by worfe Mifchance to flay ? To Feftival, too much countenance this horrible Pollution of it. For Shame, ye Parents ! For Shame, ye School-matters. And why fliould I not fay, For Shame, ye Magiftrates, &c. ? It's recorded of Dicgenes, the Cynick, that feeing a Boy commit a Fault, he ran at his Matter, and ftriking him faid, Wherefore are your Scholars not better taught ? (o) Callow Folk.'] This being ftill [viz. at the Time fpoke of} a Devon/hire Word, though from SHAKES? EAR it feems to have formerly been generally Englifl^ implying to fright, fcare, or aftonifh, is, I hope with Propriety enough put into the Mouth of a Devonfhire Ploughman, &c. We feem to continue the Ufe of the Word in that of Gal" lows, or Galloiu-Trfe, fignifying the Terrifying Tree, or Tree of Terror. - Battle of the Voice. 37 Were Bacon Sows in Years too flricken found? Did Pig yield up the Ghofl without a Wound ? Or grow by Art in fopy Wrapper fair? Were Eggs fold addle, or confounded dear? Did Chanticleer, of Threefcore Broods the Sire, A cruel Length of Drop by Drop expire, Then, lopp'd of Spurs, and circumcis'd of Comb, r ,. I room r Look beauteous in young Fowl of Turkey's Had breeding Geefe, fucceffive Ten Years morn, Their Teeth-proof Hides, to pafs for youthy, torn? Was Butter ftamp'd to hide Defect of Weight? Would Doll a* flroaking, or a' churning, fniter^ Such Guilt was-Dtf/wf'jand D oil's-, and but infers They could out-wit o'erwecning (p) Citiners. To (p) Citiners.] So, alias fooietimes Zitmers t many of eur neighbouring Country People name us Citizens ; whom they are proud to out wit, that is in plain Englijb to cheat) in a Bargain. It's but little to be doubted Pigs and Poultry which died a natural or accidmtal Death have been fold to us. I've Iwen under the Rofe inform'd by a Farmer's Wife it's com- mon 38 Tfc MOBIAD> or, To Meajlers Score ought to be chalk' d the Sin Of Faggots fmall, and fappy green, led in: Him, him alone, fhou'd Malediction fmite, When, ftifling puff'd, ^hey fmoulder, loth to light, Who, teaz'd for Rent, permits their faulty Mirth Whilft, finging, they with Froath befpawl the Hearth. Dame, Dolt, and Meafter, finning, let pertain To them to expiate with fuited Pain ; But, for himfelf, he ruminates, and through Finds Confcience clear of Crime, tho* whelm'd by Woe. Then why fhou'd Innocence unholpen wail, And wicked Pranks againft the Juft prevail ? He little learns from the licentious Bray, Commixt with Brother ! Laivkfs, lawlefs Day ! Around mon to wrap up Pigs in fopy Cloths, to make their Skins caft white. Some of the other Tricks I have myfelf known pra&ifed ; particularly a very fuperannuated Cock, manag'd as in the Text, fold for a young Turkey. Battle of the Voice. 39 Around the fportive fierce Tormentors crowd, Each to excel in Pranks mifchievous proud. He wiftly turns for Help imploring View, Cits rural born, made Denizens, on You ! But, fleering pitilefs, ye rather chear The Onfet, and the cruel Paftime fhare. Ungracious , evil-minded Town ! Had THRACE Forfucb a (q) PONEROPOLIS a Place? Might he revolve in anguifh'd Heart, had he Been ichooi'd in Letters and Greek Hiftory. With wretched Baulk he'd trciv, Attacks fohot Might foon expend the Vegetable-Shot : For ah ! as they difcharge, the fcrambling Bands Quick recoiled the Shot with greedy Hands, E Wtiich Poneropolh,~\ That is to fay an Evil City, or rather City of Wicked Ones. Scats > and WbifterpoopSy Reap Satisfaction on the truant Troops, When, (t) Michers, they for Neft, hedge- breaking go, ^ Or (#) Oackcub, Haw, Blackberry, Hep, or Wou'd venting Bitches Wlxlps ! revenge his Smart, Or belching Whorefon Brats ! afifert his Part ? Correction, by fome plaguy Left-Hand flung, The Scandal ftrikes abortive off his Tongue. O Wou'd Geflure threat ? Vindictive Hurls more thick Will fcarce afford him Space to brandiOi Stick. And (hou'd it drive, he'd turn'd the Slingers fee Offend, like PARTHIANS, in a Feint to flee. So (s) WherretS) Scats, &c.] Country Words for Blows, &e. (t) Alichers] or Truants. Shakefpear ufes the Word in his HEN, 4. (u) Oakcub.l So the People in Exeter call the Chaffer, jVobably from that Infe&'s pitching on Oah, and feeding on the Leaves* Battle of the Voice. 43 So rife the Balls pufli on their airy Run, They nearly cloud like rifing Mifts the Sun. Nor guiltlefs of at leaft a bloodlefs Wound The fleet Offences from the Mark rebound. Gall bids him bann : To bann affays he vain ; A Dam on Mouth dings back the Curfe again. Confound! and direr Words, were his ; but, footh, Gore damms the Sound gufh'd from up-rooted Tooth. Back on himfelf the execrable Vote Recoils, and wreaks harfh Rigour on his Throat, But had he vex'd ELISHA'S dooming Breath, Which drove on Pefts lefs nocent mangling Death, r ,, , [wou d draw,, His feller Mood whole GREENLAND'S Bears Nor one devoted Caitiff 'fcape a rending Paw. i He weeps, morofeiy weeps j and fee ! o'top His heaving Breaft big Tears of Anger drop. But Tears the Rocky melt not, rather Tears Work their triumphant more offending Jeers. As 44 The MO El AD-, or, As o'er bis blubber'd Cheeks Eyes bootlefs gleet, His Whine for Mercy duns the giggling Street. But oh ! th' Inexorable ! were as well To (x) Adders, as relenting, urg'd the Yell : For as, when Military Felons jaunt With Backs flead raw, the long long (y) Lope of GAUNT, Drums ruff big Rumble, in exerted Rowls, To over-roar their Pity-craving Howls, So Shouts, predominant of Noife, unite To drown the Yawling of the pefter'd Wight. Since, then, in Flight alone Afyle he hopes, Through the flagitious Rout he hobbling lopes, Before (x) Addend The Word, fay Criticks, ought (with the Sfptuagint and the Vulgate) to have been render'd Afp^ which in Pfalm Iviii. is called tdder. and faid to be deaf, and to flop his Ears, fo as not to hearken to the Voice of the Charmer ; it being confidently affured that this Species of Serpents actually fo flop their Ears. (y) Gaunt.] Meaning that Martial Punifhment call'd Running the Gaunt lope, as invented or ufed firft at Gaunt, or Ghent, in Flanders. Battle of the Voice. 45 Before him tofs his focial Tits in Fright, Nor need commanding (z) Rbee ! T^errup ! or Struck Flints cut Sparkles from the clinking That hobnails o'er or clouts his ample Heel. The loadfome Clog attempted Hafte impedes, And, fliding, baulks th' induftrious clumfy Treads. [icour ; Yet could high Trot the fcamp'ring Bumpkin Hard after would purfuing Mifchief pour ; Nor, till he gain'd the Gate, Relief he'd gain, If, by ill Fate induc'd, no recent Swain Should intercept the Brunt of mafly Rain. Beware, raw (a) Pagans ! who, in Morning's Prime, Bring Grain or Wood, or fetch manuring Lime, , Beware, (z) Rhee ! &c.] Thefe are Terms or Sounds us'd by our Country Wood-carriers, &c, to command their Hor- fes by, to go forward, to turn or incline to the Right-hand or Left. Terup, I imagine is as much as if to fay, Troop along ! (o) Pagan] This Word in its genuine and original Im- 46 The MOBIAD;or, Beware, nor enter, though by lawfull Calls, On lawlefs Days, th' inhofpitable Walls, Left Ihould demolilh'd Nofe, loft Tooth or Eye, Your PafTage through oar Civic Highway buy. port, means no more than Villager^ or Countryman. But taking it even in its preient common Ufe and fecondary Senfe, might it not have been fomewhat incongruous to have reprefented him as apt to call on the fictitious Rural Gods without making him poetically a Sort of Mifcreant or Hea- then ? Neither is it uncommon to fay of our Country Pa- rimes that they are but a Parcel of Heathens^ though many of them behave more chriftianly than many, or indeed the major Part, of our Citizens. End of the Second Canto. xtx x*x*x CANTO III. Battle of the Voice. 47 . CANTO III. C E N E s fb perplex'd in juft Aray to bring, And regularly of Confufion fing, Proceed, O MUSE ! in Order, to defcribe The various Actings of th' Eleding Tribe; From thofe who marr to thofe who mufter Votes, Aid by (a) well-ivifoing, or well wafhing Throats 5 Club Voice gratuitous, or, wifer, fell, Aflift by drinking or by drubbing well ; Thofe who, to regulate the Stir, (as far As Law direfts) with Staves of Peace make war; Or only bribe, or only bet, or bawl, Debate in Houfe, or domineer in Hall. F At (a) Wcll-toljhlng.l Such as are not Freemen, but as being Wtll-wijhers ( as they call it ) to the Caufe are allow'd of each Side intitled to the S$uill 9 provided they bawl well, $ The MOB IAD-, or, At hand's the Hour when Nymphs in Screams acute Deep Entries for the Vent of Milk falute ; And PETROCK'S TOW'E^ .with added (b) Head fuhlime, _ t . [Chime, Since Day-fpring firft ftrikes up (c) religious Pfalmy the Notes ; though, haply, in a Pet Did STERN HOLD them to fnip-fnap Mufick fet. Shrill (d) Hautboys and the fhriller Trumpet greet, i Attentive Ears, by Turn, in ev'ry Street j \Vhofe (b) Added Head.] A fmall Dome, or Turret, being lately built o'top of it for the Reception of another (I think a fixth) little Bell. (c) Religious Chime.] At 8, 12, and 4 o'Clock, St- Petrock's Chimes play STERNHOLD'S queer old "Tune of the Fourth Pfalm. (d) Hautboys, &c. ] The City Waits and Trumpet, about this Hour of Eight, begin to traverfe the Town, and, after a Flourifh or Tune, their Spokefman, one of them, fummons the Free-men, to the Purport of the Speech here fet forth in Verfe, in thefe following very Words : '* The Right Worfhipful - [Here a little PaufeJ " the Mayor of this City, [Here another fliort Paufe is made, and off they almoft pull their Hats] " The King's Maje- fty's Lieutenant, &c. &c. &c. . Battle of the Voice. 49 Whofe Warble ceas'd, the Prolocutor hems, Hauks, fpits, and annual Edict thus proclaims : The Worfhipful this City's May'r, " [A Paufe Moft gracefully here interrupts the Claufe.] " Lieutenant of His Majefty the King," [Here Hands to Hats full mannerly they bring.'] Hereby commands all Free-Men to prepare *' To choofe a new one for th' enfuing Year. " God fave the King ! " Thus toot th' har- monious Band, And mouth the Mandate, at each ufual Stand. Glad Routs of Little Ones their Hafte- purfue, As if (e) pide Pipers flrange Inchantment blew. F 9. But ^ (e] Pide Pipers.'] If any are ignorant of the fo fam'd Story of the Rat-charming pied Piper , who drew 131 Children after him out of the Town of HAM EL, in Germany , and with them enter'd a Mountain that open'ci to receive them, they may read it aflerted for real Fadl in VERSTE CAN'S Antiq. chap. 3. [7 now in 1770 add y it may be fern in my Tppogr. Did. Art. HAMEL,] 50 Tbc MOBIAD-, or, Yet why that manifold, that mingled (f) Who P ? ftttt^&i [Troop? Why jump in Confluence yon' ftruggling With prying Eyes, MUSE ! haften to explore Whence the wild Hurry, why fuch early Roar 2 In Street intitled Higb> by the fam'd (g) Lane To VENUS facred, {lands a f acred Fane, i Though (f) Yet why, &c.] Betimes this Morning fome generous Zealots of the Parifh of St. Laurence caus'd a Hoglhead of Cyder, for the Ufe (if it ought not rather to be calj'd Abufe] of the Populace, to be brought, and its Head placed, near the Centre, clofe home to the Church- Wail ; over which, On a Pole fix'd to one of the Buttrices, was difpl?.y'd a blue dtyron far a Flag j whilft on the Tower hung another Aprcn of the fame Colour, adjoining the wither'd Limb of an Oak Tree, ftuck up, according to their Jwgular Cuftom, the Twenty Ninth of May. While the Mob were filthily draining the VefTel happen'd the Rev Mr. W (Whatchecum) to ride by ; on whom fome of them fell with affronting Language, Hollowings, indecent Gefture, &c &c. (g) Lane.] Caftle-Lane in the Highftreft, as infamous "-[formerly] for Drabbing, &c. a.s was ever the SUEURRA of antient ROME, or are Drury-Lane of LONDON, or Dam* nation- Alley (as *tisnieknam'd) of PLYMOUTH. ["Tisfar- from fuch now in 1770, Injlead^ a very fpacious^ commodious * tafy Road ts now made or making jr em the High/I reet up k&me ta th( Battle of the Voice. 51 Though graven Images and Shields, ere ivbile Forming a (h) Conduit-houfe, its Porch com- f mocks Its Window, beautious, (Thanks to Lime, that With Freeftone Afpet red and rugged Rocks) To fanciful Obfervers feem to fmile That Nature's Works its pafllve Side defile. Smile they? But hift! Ought we but tell, that (void of (i) guardful Pale > [Stale, To fend againft lewd Dog's or Drunkard's And (h) Conduit.] Before this Church heretofore flood a Con- duit, which being pull'd down, of the Stones thereof (carv s d with the Image of CX Elizabeth, as I think it is defign'd to to be underftood, Coats Armoury, &c.) was built the pre- fent Church-Porch. But whether they have been addition- ally confecrated or not I find not in Izacke's Memorials of Exeter. (/') Guardful Pale.] It's a /linking Shame that, for Want of proper Palifades or Rails, this Church's Side is made a perfect Jakes of. If this facetioufly fatircal but true De- fcription, &c. fhall provoke proper Perfons to amend the Fault, my End and Drift will be in great meafure anfwer'd, who have not Patience to fee the Houfe of God thus irreve- rently pifs'd upon, and worfe. Procul, o procul e/le tiff' The MO El AD-, or, And poftern Sinks, by Night, their Stain more Here ftands (ah ! why prophan'd ?) a rev'rend Infcrib'd to Saint who dyM, the Legend faith, A (k) grilliaded Martyr of the Faith. The Dons who in this confecrated Dome, When in the Mood, to folemn Duty come, Vow'd, in a gen'rous Ardour of the Heart, Unparallel'd to top Election's Part ; Yet cheaply noble, in Profufion wife, Save Charge of Malt, Hops, Brewage, and Excife, So, at the thrifty Coft of (/) Twelvers Nine, Is Hogfhead bought replete with Apple- Wine. Ere Bakers, to appeafe the maund'ring Maw, Their foremoft Batch of reeking Manchets draw, The (k) A grilliaded Martyr.'] St. LAURENCE, as The Gulden Legend tells us, being martyr'd on a Sort of Gridiron, or Iron Hurdle, when half broiled, call'd to the Officer who preiided at the Execution, telling him one Side was dreft enough, therefore he might turn him up, and begin to fall to. (I) Twelvers .Nint ) The Price of a Hogfhead of Cyder was Nine Shillings or thereabout, at the Time of this Tranf" action. Battle of tie Voice. 53 The Orchard's Juice arrives, with fluid Song, And dances as it flafliing jolts along. The liquid Hurliburly in the Butt Portends its troublous Rumble in the Gut, Whofe Lee's foul Pother intimates as plain The deftin'd Perturbation of the Brain. The Bells (whofe Match no Carrier's Fore- Horfe e'er Could, for capacious Size, prefume to wear) Their tinging Clappers, tripple Clink, imploy, And ding-dong wrangle forth .parochial Joy : The trebble Diicord peals exact the fame To 'wail in doleful Clam a Houfe in Flame; Nor more prepofterous they'd wayward ring, If did they quarrel to builefque the Thing. From (m) Bells.'] The Tower, built of red roughifh Stone, being much larger than, though fcarce fo high as, many Chimnies,' it's eafy to fuppofe its Three Bells (for there are full fo many) cla(hing make moft excellent Mufick. A Country Boy pafling with his Mother a while fince by, and obferving the Tower, innocently cry'd out, " Look, hok 9 Mother , what a gurt [great] Cbimley that little Houfe hath ot ! " 54 *H>e MOBIAD-, or, From the rough Tow'r (which late a Ruftic (m) Youth Suppos'd a Chimney of enormous Growth) An azure Enfign on a Mopftick waves Its hoftile Flutter, and to Battle braves : It lately had with faften'd Strings embrac'd A (n) purfie Ale-mans' Bulkinefs of Waift. Behold ! an Oak's Branch near, whofe wither'd Spray With Verdure fhone laft Twenty-Ninth of May. Might not the Change the Patron's Gall provoke, His fprightly (o) Laurel for the faded Oak ? No ', Him delights fuch Badge of fturdy Love, That to (p) APOLLO'S adds the Tree of JOVE. This Pennant fcouls Defiance. But below Its brother Pennant flaps inviting Show, The (m) See the Note juft preceding. (n) 1 think the dropfical dleman TOM JoiCl.] (o) Laurei.] The Etymology of LAURENTIUS is Lau- rwn tenent, i. e. Holding tbr Laurel j as the prefatory In- trodu&ion of his Story in the Legenda Aurea gives it. ($) Apollo'tTree) &c.j The La urel is facred to APOLLO, as is the O*k to JUPITER. Battle of the Voice. 55 -The hemm'd blue Linen, fix'd toButtrice, flys, And looks a-drying hung to Strangers Eyes : But errs the Guefs ; for lo ! its Signal's plain, To fwill and leak, and fwill and leak again. Beneath this Poll, which, ftay'd, the Banner flays, The Cafk an Angle of the Prop inlays : Snug at the Centre of the Temple's Wall The Veffel's Head is help'd, or helps, from Fall. Oh ! that we could the knotty Symbol cleave, And obvious to the Light the Meaning leave, If it implies That Toping, in a fort, Should prop the Church, or from Her have Support ! But we, dilemma'd, and in Search too flow, Permit to thofe fage Emblemifts to know, Who thus ordain'd the Manage, what in Mind By fucli odd Difpofition they defign'd. The Mob of clear Pretenfion rife draw near, And fpring to feize Intoxication's Share. G Th f 56 Tbe MOB 1AD-, or, Th* increafing Many burn with rival Thirft, And new Intruders elbow back the firft. The Faucet's (q) Regent (for, as in the Eaft, Of Old were chofen Rulers of the Feaft, One governs here the Tap) rifks now the Fate Of the (r) fquafh'd Steward at SAMARIA'S Gate. Matrons (s) of TRULLA'S Kin, in Rags, among The bowfing Tumult, For Blue! fquealing, throng. Girls, with Boy Tyroes for the Caufe, wedge in The medley Quaffers, and unlearn to fpin, Who, early thus taught Modefty to lofe, Scarce in their Teens feek Bufinefs in the Stews. Imagine (q) Faucet's Regent.] One Lewis, a Journeyman of Mr Wills i Chair-maker, was appointed to draw the Liquor, or at leaft to fee that no Wafte was made thereof, that is to fay that none but the right-colour' d Mob devilify'd them-* felves therewith. (r) Squajh'd Steward. 1 See II. Kings, vii, 19, 20. (s) Trulla."] The Virago, or mafculine filthy Jade, brought in by the Poet among the Mob at Bear-baiting in Hudibras. There have been feveral of them too much en- courag'd here. Battle of the Voice. 57 Imagine now that Point of Day when (t) JAMES f ' - -'/ *>>>i *> f I 1 -* - * >, >. -^ By Bell's Ring warns devout-and-dainty Dames, There fcarce are Sixty Minutes more allow'd For humble Worfhip to be trick'd up proud : The Point when, licking Butter from their Bread, In clean Frocks neat to School are Children led j Whilft fav'ry Steams Nofe to folicite rife / From the fupp'd Liquor of cry'd Mutton-Pies, And lufcious Clamours oft* regale the Ears With Hot bak'd Apples ! or Hot-fmoaking Pears ! When (u] LORD SINPIOUS, wrung with penal Gout, r , , , , [rubb d out, Since Houfhold Pray'r, which had Old Score G 2 Had (t) James.] JAMES MORTJMORE, the honeft old Bell- toller and Chime-ringer. The Time here by Circumftances defcribed fignifies it's being now Nine o'Clock. (u) Lord Sinpious.] The nicknam'd Lord at South with- out. Father W, I remember, has among his printed Say- ings " Either Prayer will make a Man give overjinning, or Sin will make him give over praying." But this praying and fwearing, godly and wicked, heavenly and wordly minded Inftance helps to confirm that there's fcarce a gene- ral Rule without an Exception* 58 The MOB I AD-, or y Had let a Thoufand Execrations fly, And ran anew in deep Debt to the Sky. Now fcatter'd Parties j Drove confronting Drove, With thwartive Eyes adverfe in Mixture move. Here Helliers ftraggle in a lazy Shape, As, flouching, they with Hands in Pockets trape, Or thruft below their Aprons, fplam'd with White, Patch'd, furl'd, or dangling clouterly to Sight. Crifpinians, flippant, though of fturdy Air, More blithe, and with a galliard Pace, go there. There hie who drew from (x) TUBAL-CAIN their Race, [Face, With Copper Brightnefs glows each well-ale'd There limp grim MULCIBER'S befmutted Kind, Their forgy Throats with quenchlefs Sparkles 1* M v..v<>:!cf gsoccs : .- <' ^.-j'.lww&t t .^ ; Here ' r or, Whofe Hearts feel fcarce more aggrandizing Swells I, - [Bells, When their hir'd (a) Text conforts the hireling Or while 6n fJ Bridge at IRON-DISH they (land In Vifit to their own wall'd Gallows-Land. Scarce could they wear Looks more fupcrbly fierce, Was each a BOWHAY or a Bully ARSE. Gad Bakers there, whofe yfweaty Caps, beneath Hats meal'd and dough' d, their fcorch'd brown Temples wreath. Here Flocks of Weavers, who this Morn difdain Their Beechen Bowls of Broath new vamp'd to drain, Keen- (a) Text.] On Mtdfumnvr-Day^ when the Exonian Tay- hrs chufe a Mafter of their Company, they fignalize them- fclves, beyond other ordinary Corporations, by hiring a Ser- mon to be preached before them, [of which one heretofore had the Text Let him that bath Jhlen flea! no more y and another Yet a Remnant Jball be fav'd]-- and the Cathe- dral Bells to ring all Day. (b) Bridge.] The Burial-Yard of Heavitree -Gallows be- longs to our Company of Taylors to take care of, for which a Bit of Land was bequeath'd to 'em. Once a Year they walk out in a Body to vifit it, when on the Bridge, at a Place call'd Ircn-DiJh they tarry Come Time, treating each PafTer- by with a Mug of Ale. Battle of the Voice. 61 Keen-ey'd, alert, clank (as they huddled walk, All Tongue, no Ear) harfh Vehemence of Talk: LikeMafh of Jabber flooded (c) EXE beftows, When ruffled me o'er rugged HEAD-WERE flows. Grum Catchpoles, arm'd with Oak- Plants, huge of Knob, & ; cl "(fiw 3t'a Indulging Vacance from a Harpy Jobb, Among the reft with itching Claws refort, And with a mingled Terror dam the Sport. Thofe too who drive th' o'erloaden Sledge ad. vance With hagard and outragious Countenance, Whofe Lam Lam Lam incarnate Fiends difplay On the hard, cruel, killing (d) Steep of Kay. -Slaves (c) Exe.] The River on which Exettr is fituate, and from which that City derives its Name. Htad-Were is the Name given to the uppermoft of the Two above the Water- Engine. (d) Steep of Kay.} Kay- Hill. England is faid to be a Hell for Horfes. Jf fo, this Hill may be call'd Kay-Hell. Hereon a Perfon of tender Humanity, and a fympathifing Goodnature, 62 *ttx MOBIAD, or, {e) Slaves of the Shambles, with more ugly Low Than ere they learn'd of madded Ox or Cow, Loud, fwift, and foul, as Torrents roaring down O'er (f) Stfpcote-bill, that rage Exc-Bridgt to drown ; Where-ere the fanguinary Rufiains roam, The Jaws of licens'd Slaughter feems to foam. But why is thus Detail in Special made ? In Sum, we fee large Draughts from evYy Trade, As they in feparate Brigades go by, Or jumbled mifcellaneous in Allie. Street, Lane, and Alley their Contingents fend, And ev'ry Tap-Houfe yawns for Dividend. Deft Goodiutore, may too often be {buck with Horror. Surely it were not very difficult to evince, by. Rcafon and Scrip- ture, dut the harden'd Wretches who ufe God's Creatures with Cracky, or bfh them on to Performances beyond their Strength, fhould expect to anfwer for it hereafter, as for Sins unnatural. [Tbis Hill bath teem mole a little merefrmc- (*) Slaves, &c. Journeymen Butchers, fuch as JJbfy, &c. (f) Sttp&te-bilL] To the Weft of this City is a Defcent cafi'd Step-aU-KUy to which as die Butcherow leads, the Guts, Blood, Litter, Ordure, and a Variety of Naftinefs from die ShafnMc^ are, in hard Showers of Rain, rapidly carried over it into die River, Battle of the Voice. 63 Deft Managers, betimes, with fearchful Care, Stnoak Who are Who, as fundry Signs declare, As cunning Spies to reconnoitre fcout, And fteal Advice what lurks the Foe about. Now Chiefs of haughty Bofom fupple ftoop Ev'n to the Jakes to angle for a Dupe, Who for a Wheadle will invert his Coat, Or for a Promife proflitute his Throat. The Mafter-Tradefmen courtly condefcend To call a fimple Working-Man my Friend, Familiar fit, and pledge, by touching Pots, Whom they have fkunn'd for Scoundrels, Scrubs, and Sots. A tatter'd Gaffer is accofted, Sur ! And Shabs are Neighbours own'd without De- mur. Druggift to Pounder tips obliging Wink, And Mercer afks his Errand-Man to drink. Grocer on Porter's Arm lays fweet'ning Pat, And Draper to a Taylor touches Hat. H Ao 64 ?& MOB IAD; or, A Small - Ware - Man extends his plumper Hand To make a Pedlar's ; And, upwheadled grand, A Tinker to a Goldfmith cover'd goes ; And Merchant -greets Japanner of his Shoes. Nay, Parifti Clarks, who rev'rend Surplice wear, And whofe Ajent authentic renders Pray'r, Whom (box'd in hallowM Defk, full Jole by Cheek With Parfon) Learn'd in Look, demurely ileek, Reading a clear Half-Title to the Gown, We muft (g) Inferior Clergy ! duely own j Ev'n Clarks lay by their State, and Sextons join, As they co-equal tope, co-equal Chat and Coin. STARTUP, magnificent of Thought, though He Adorns in Pew Chief -Warden's big Degree, His wonted Infolence forgoes a while, And nods a Congee with a lureing Smile. CELSUS (g) Inferior Clergy.} So a certain Clark in this City ftyl'd himfelf and his brother Clarks. We (fays he) of the inferior Clergy can, forne of us, read better than our Mafters. Battle of the Voice. 6 c ^5 V CELSUS the folemn, whofe Plutonian Frown Looks fupercilious on mere Mortals down, AfTumes a Spice of almoft civil Guife, And bears a Dam of Sweetnefs in his Eyes. (b) PUMILIO, whofe all-penetrating Sight Through the proverbial Millftone meets the Light, Great on the Bench as HUDIBRAS is fung, (Where, formidable for a doubty Tongue, With Him not (i) ABEL on the Stage com- pares In bearing up th' Importance of Affairs) Not wanted yet at Council-board to fpeech, Sits clofe Companion with fome vulgar Breech. Ev'n bulky (k) TUBER, whofe vafl Stomach fwells Much as the Fable of the Paddock tells, H 2 And (h) PUMILIO, alias Dandiprat. (/') ABEL in the Play call'd The Committee, &c. (k) TUBER. [/ knew this Perfon doubtlefs in 1737, but forget him now in 1770.3 66 We MOBIAD-, or, And more the Cloak, fo late put on, dilates Than an High-Mighty of the Belgic States, Abate an Inch of bloted Grandeur can, Nor look immenfer than an Alderman. Though thefe Patricians fcatter Vows to fight Like Roman Tribunes for Plebeian Right, And promifTory Patriots become As popular Love-winning ABSALOM, Yet MOBS true-fleel'd and ftomachful reject The ftale Cajole, nor will defert their Seel. Defert their Se& ? As foon a Jilt mall rap A flufh'd new Cully for a fleec'd old Chap. As foon the Spark mail keep Connubial Vows Who makes, for Pelf, a Icathfome Crone his Spoufe : Curmudgeons hate of free Regales to tafle, And Girls in pamper'd Idlenefs be chaite : They Horns efcape who Youth at Sev'nty wife; And Vintners Riches with their Grandfons thrievc : Upftarts Battle of the Voice. 67 Upftarts in Office more obliging grow, And on the Outed Proofs of Love beftow. CLODIUS leave Wenching, to oblige his Wife, And TABID Toping to preferve his Life : As foon fhall (I) PHILL the pridelefs ceafe to tell ri c .. [befell, What Things when he Head- Steward was Or what Events took place in fome great Hour, Whilft dignify'd He Chair of Governour. Defert their Sec"l ? What ! turn a Recreant ? No 3 fooner be incurr'd of Bread the Want. No; they, tenacious of their proper Dyes, Propos'd Cockades of alien Hue defpife, And, firm as Rocks, by Tides ne'er overborn, In Love of Privilege, known Welfare fcorn. Nay, fome, more moody, their own Matters beard, And pirn at being from Imploy cafhier'd ; 111 (/) PHILL. PHILL BASTARD, who in all Companies lugg'd in fomething to fpeak of his having been one of the annual Stewards, or Bailiffs ; and the fame with regard of having had his Turn of being Governor among the incorpo- rated Guardians of the Poor. 68 the MOB IAD-, or, 111 Names retort, and dam Upbraidings by, And Serjeants menac'd to the Back defy. Thus flout ST. PETES .elevates his Tow'rs, Expos'dtoThunder, Stormy Blafts and Show'rs ; But flands them all unmov'd, and braves the Sky To fpend its Rage in conftant Battery 5 Seems but to whittle at the Wind j the Rain" Precipitates with Scorn j and with Difdain Hears the wroth Temped: beat his founding j Plain. Ale-foakers now exert their leachy Skill Quick to induce the (m) Running of the Quill. Shall (m) Running of the Quill] When the Rabble have Liquor given 'em before, at, or after Elections, they fay the >uill runs at fuch or fuch a Houfe ; and they getting themfelves drunk by it they call Quilling, or drinking upon the )uill, I conjecture it had is Origin from a Quill's being us'd for the Liquor's running through from the Mefhing- Vat in Brew- ing. Nor is it indeed impoffible but a <>uill was heretofore us'd here inftead of a modern Brafs Cock, or Wooden Fau- cet ; we frill faying Put the Jug, &c. to Pen, when we'd fignify the having it run from the Hogfhead immediately into the Jug. Battle of the Voice. 69 Shall to be freely drunk the Right be loft, That beft of annual Rights Shab-Freemenboaft ? Rather come on no free Election more, Nor ev'n the prided Privilege to roar ! For Parties both, amidft their Jarrs, unite In Claim to mare the Bacchanalian Right. No Quill run ? Rather Flood-fwoln EXE away Run with the I/land Malt-houfe to the Sea ! Let (n) Bangs on Stalls, and jollierWickednefs,*! Hoots, Drabbing, Fiddling, Swearing, Cavils, I ceafe, r [Prince of Peace. | And Brabbles, on the Morn when born the/, Yea rather let each new-chofe May'r detain The City's Buckets ; let the Butchers chain Their (n) Bangs, &c.] The Chriftmas-Day Morning is moft fcandaloufly abufed here by the Particulars above-mentioned, and a hellim Variety of other Wiekednefs and Outrage. Mean while, (ome accompanied with Fiddles, others with- out them, rove about the City, and under Windows fing Carols ef Chrift, God, and the Holy-Ghoft, and fo make them in Deed the Song of the Drunkard. And for fuch impudent Prophanenefs they are rewarded, having not only Cbriftmas Drink, but Money to be more drunk with, given 'em. [But fuch fcandalous Night-Mowings, &c. &c. have of later Years been much fupprefs'd and nearly quajh'd.] 70 The MOBIAD-, or, Their Maftives up, in Spite, to difannul That glorious Law of worry mg a Bull ; And fo preventing mortal Colds by Sweat, Or Colds as killing by (o) Aflaults of Wet) Reduce the wonted Flufli of Deadly Trade Of thofe who wield the Peftle or the Spade. But oh ! in vain they fkilful Mumpings ply ; For yet the Chiefs their Running ^uill deny j And Tetters, here and there, flruck up, fuffice But juft a heart'ning Quart or fo to raife. Yet Patience, Soakers ! and forbear to dun : Quills mall as freely as the Conduit run. As ponded Mill-Brooks, free'd of Bar, redeem Loft Time by gufhing in a rapid Stream, Anon, in Seafon, though Stagnation now Witholds the Current, mall Ale-Rivers flow. What (o ) WetJ\ The Butchers, &c. who are annually permit- ted to beat a Bull (a Diverfion which too many of our tender- hearted fine Dames feem to delight in ) before the Mayor's Door, throw Buckets or Hats-full of Water on all they can reach, &c. See another Note on the Occafion in Canto iv. Battle of the Void. 71 What though ALPHEUS (/>) hides awhile from View, And feems to bid his upper Banks Adieu, Frefh, frefh, in Vigour, he breaks forth again, And vifibly flows jocund to the Main. (p) Alpheus."] This River doth run quite through Arcd- dia, Elis, and along the City of Pifa ; foon after which it is fwallowed up in the Earth. From thence it is fuppos'd to run, by a fubterraneous Channel, under the Sea, without mixing with the Salt Water, and fo to pafs quite into Sici\y y where it mixes itfelf with the Fountain Aretbufa^ near the City of Syracufe ; infomuch that any Thing that is thrown into it on the Elis Side is faid to come out of the Fountain above-named. Vid. Diod. Paufan. et al. Hence the poetic Fiction of Alpkeus's Love to Arethufa. Univ. Hift. Vol. ii. pa. (fol. Edit.) 406. Note (b). End of the Third Canto. CANTO IV. 7 2 Ik MO El AD-, or, T 5 " * ' ' -L. * * i i30M>^-OOOI*4^00W-^000ifwOQOff..*000-t0^ (.. Id CANTO IV. y . ; >Y this, where Houfes, whelving, Houfes meet, And vault with Beetle-brows a Shelving Street, Where flout (a) St. PETER, on the Corner Stall, Props the impending Edifice from Fall, The lufcious Smoke of Furmity an Hour Had tempted errant Younglings to devour. By this had Rural Blowzes made their Rounds, OnSteeds-and-Panniers, in the licensed Bounds, Whom grudg'd Half-penny's Fee admits to fcream r ^ [Cream, Milk, Cabbage, Apples, Butter, Eggs, and And (b) OTHO made their Malediction's I Theme. (a) St. Peter 9 &c-] Meaning Northgate-flreet. (b) Otbo.} Mr. OTHO CHANNON, the Market-Mart, and my honeft Kinfman. Battle of the Voice* 73 By this had funky (c] JENKIN, Friends prefume, Of Pipe the tenth whiff 'd the white curling Fume. ri [harangued By this had///,) SKINDLY through ten Streets With lewd loud Scandal, and been voted hang'd. By this hiftoric SNARL thrice tenthly fpake His Faculty of Pronenefs to miftake. By this did SORDID, Lip-bewraying, fluff His Noftrils with his fiftieth Gripe of Snuff. I 2 By (c) Jenkin.] JENKIN WILLIAMS, the honeft Welch Landlord of our Eaftern White Hart Inn, fo tight a Friend to the Revenue, that is, fuch a perpetual Smoaker, that he feems, in fome Meafure, as if he fubfifted partly by it : For which Reafon Wags have afiign'd to fuch his Smoke the Epithet of vital. He is an early Stirrer, and flicks the Tube in his Jaws, as foon as (if not before) he fteps out of Bed ; from whence he fcarce ever plucks it but to fill. Suppofing him to have gat up, this Morning of extraordinary Bufmefs, between Five or Six, we can't in Confcience al- low him lefs than his tenth Pipe by Ten o' Clock. An hy- perbolical Fellow once effer'd to maintain, by a moderate Computation, he had Fire enough in his Pipe during the common Six Days, if collected into a Body, to boil his Pot o' Sunday. (d) Stinky.] The moft noify and moft fcandalous of R-fc-s, whofe chief or only Delight was induftrioufly to fpread Defamation, falfe or true, through the Town. 74 fbe M B 1A D j or, By this hail (e) CHAMPION, like TITHONUS* bleft In early making off unhealthy Reft, Had on ten Benches try^l whofe Ale was beft- By this had the Ecclefiaflic Chime Proclaim'd of Forenoon -Pray'r the inftant Time; Whilft Nymphs not prink'd-up with Ball Airs to pray Sat tipping Slander with their Pagan Tea. By this> another Morn, had (f) Drum been heard [Guard, With martial Beat to chear the marching Nor were the Warriour Wags array'd to play, In Garrifon kept fafe from Warfare's Way, And mock theTown-Imployment of the Day. But (e) Champion,"} Mr. CHAMPION, of the Swan Inn. He is truly defcribed in the Vcrfe. (/) Drum.] Precifely at Ten was wont a Party of the Regiment quarter'd here to march to the Caftle, to mount and relieve the Guard. But, of late, fmce Mobbing run fo high, the Commanding Officers, to prevent the Soldiery's interfering with, or being drawn into, the Squabbles of the Town, have us'd to order 'em betimes into the faid Cattle ; where -~- Bdttle of the Voice. 75 But whence that Hurricane of Voice we hear ? r [appear ! See ! Crowds in Deluge through EASTGATE The Yellow (g) GREEKS with vafl Huzza rufli in ; And Blues look bluer at the dauntful Din. For lefs intrepid and fecure of Fame The gen'rous ROMANS of the () FABIAN Name, March'd where being confined all Day they have us'd to divert them- felves and Officers with a Mock-Eletfion of their own, which they have fometimes done very comically, one Party being for the Time reputed Blue, the other Yellow^ &c. (s) Greeks.'] So we Surname, I know not why, the rug- ged Inhabitants of St. Sidwelh. The Title feems to have arifen from their contending with the City at Foot-ball, &c. they being call'd Greeks as making the Invafion, and the Townfmen perhaps Trojans in defending their Ground, fcff. (b) Fabian.] Near about the Year of Rome 280. Cafo Fab'tus and T. Virginlus being Confuls, the Plebeians refufing to inlift to ferve againft the Hetrurians^ who invaded their Country, the Fabii, to the Number ot 306, with about 4000 Vaffals and Clients, generoufly engag'd to fecure the Frontiers againft the Enemy. They march'd gallantly through the Gate Carmentalh ; which became famous there- by ; but which, on their being to a Man cut off, was after- wards nam'd Porta fcelerata, or the accurfed Gate. Sec Qvid Faft. 1. ii. Carmenth portx dettira^ &c. 76 f fbe MOB IAD; or, March'd through their fam'd CARMENTAL GATE, to go And quell the Infults of th f HETRURIAN Foe. *=- As under (i) SHALLDOWN'S cliffy Coaft, where TEING rn .. [Spring, With Brine confounds, at Ebb, her fweeter When NEPTUNE drives the mobbing Flood along, The liquid Ridges turbulently throng, Waves hilling on the Backs of Waves fwell high, And on the craggy Upland throw the Spry, Then in her Bay ufurp the lefTning Strands, And roll an Ocean o'er the fhelly Sands, So the rough Populace, in-gufh'd, amain Extends on each Side of the paved Plain. Three (i) Shalldown] A little Fifhing-Town, between which and Telgnmoutb runs the River Ting, or 'feing ; or rather where that River difembogues. The Defcription of the Place and of the Tide's flowing there is exa&ly natural, Whether or no it be artfully enough poetical. Nor, we hum- bly prefume, is the Simile or Comparifon quite unapt. Battle of the Voice. 77 Three ftanch Chief-Mafters of the Woolly Woof, Unfliock'd by Bankruptcies, and Fortune-proof, Chearily gruff, whofe Looks of Bus'nefs charm, Grace in the Front the rugged rapid Swarm. The Stretch of Rabble, Twelve a-breaft, draws nigh j And (k) HADDY ! HADDY ! rattles to the Sky. The honeft Vogue afcends Heav'n's fmiling Frame, Which in approving Ecchoes bids the Name; And ever, as the duteous Clamours foar, Methinks fome Angel crys, Encore ! Encore ! On t' other hand, from divers Quarters led, See, growing Squadrons wide FORESTREET o'erfpread. Envy (k) Noddy.] Mr. Haddy, who had difcharg'd the Office of High-Sheriff, and all the inferiour, with Reputation, and was one of the Candidates at a former Ele&ion to the May- oralty, was expe&ed, and extremely wifh'd, to have been again fet up. 78 tte MO El AD-, or, Envy and Emulation {harp incite By ang'ring Poflures to denounce the Fight, The Mouthy Fight and more. With mutual Grin They, intricate, to fkirmifh ftrait begin. Alternate Vollies of adverfe Acclaim To pierce with miflive Daunt, bombarding, aim. A Hundred Throats club Energy of Bawl For Blue ! j a Hundred for the Tellow ! fquawl. O'er the pounch'd Lip Boars foaming Dudgeon fumes, And Dragons Malice hifTes through the Gums. Hands clapp'd on Buttocks Fifts lift braving dare, And mettled Skips againft bold Leaps declare. Brow-beatings glum terrific Frowns oppofe. To cope flam'd Cheeks the fparkling Eye-ball glows. At pointing Fingers levell'd Fingers rage, And Mouths awry with fnarling Jaws engage. High-waving Hats with Hats high-flourim'd vie, Shouts anfwer Shouts, and Hobs! to Habs! reply. Vile Bdtth of the Voice. jg Vile Names, like Stinkpots, though to Truth unknown, Are, interchang'd, upon each other thrown : So is by Wolves afperfive Urine flung, And the Bonafus battles with his Dung. In Parts remote the Riffraff", Men and Boys, With leaning Ears drink the infectious Noife ; And, vainly wim'd the Field's Remove, to mare The hideous Pleafures of the Strife more near, At once Commotion from each Outfkirt rolls, And dark Defiles pour out new-mufter'd Sholes. With trudging Speed their Feet Impatience wings, And, fpringing, to the Camp of Difcord brings^ So, oft', in Bodies, when difpos'd to jar The Blood impure, and peccant Humours war, They from th* extremer Parts in Conflux join Beneath the Arm, or centre in the Groin 5 K Where 8o lie MOB IAD-, or, .- Where, bubbling fierce within a Bily Urn, Appeafelefs they a new Corruption churn, And, wrathful, in vulcanian Tumours burn. Bick'ring in Difarray the Pow'rs they find, Arm'd as with Stings of Hornets in the Mind. ENTHUSIASM, the hotteft Fiend on Earth, Hell-born, though it pretends a heav'nly Birth, Wayward impels the Shock j lewd DISCORD leads, And mad SEDITION bellows at their Heads. As Dog (I've feen) on Travel, flung by Want, Arriv'd at Inn, with gnawing Hunger gaunt, (And by Experience taught a juft Defpair Of his lefs faithful Matter's duteous Care) In Kitchen, cat'ring, fnatch an Offal Feaft, Or ravin on a Bone, his hard Repafl ! And, bold by Famine, diligent beftir, Spight of th' inhofpitable menial Cur, Shews Battle of the Voice. 81 Shews Teeth prepar'd for Teeth, and Yells for Howls, So^vehement, fo greedy of the Fray, Rufh the new Comers to th* imbattled Way: Hahs! quick engage with Hahs I a fkrew'd Grimace Outdares the GORGON of a wrefted Face ; The rival Buftlers maze a Change of Ground, And each Side, foaming, thunder Sound ! for Sound ! As, when atDiftance flashing Sulphurs growl, And to the Down their grumbled Terrors rowl, The confcious Shepherd, of experienc'd Ear x Quakes left the growing Menace burft too near, The Suburbs round, drain'd of their variousDin, Hear, making, the collected Roar within. But, fudden Awe ! the trembling Streets refound, As though infernal Temped fliock'd the Ground ! K 2 And 82 The MO Bl AD ; or, And fee the Caufe : Six fmoaking Steeds approach, With lafh'd-up Fury whifking on a Coach : How hurricanian fwift K-No fleeter Kind Are father* d, in the ILIAD, on the WIND. So glow their working Noflrils, as they run, As if the fiery Courfers of the SUN Wedded terreflrial Mares, with proud Defign To raife a Stud, half mortal, half divine. Back ! back ! unfwift of Foot ! His Life's at flake Who dares acrofs the Canal Refuge take : No more the JEHU would his Gallop flay Than (/) TULLIA, limp'd his Father in the Way. Lefs (I) TULLIA, &c.] Learned and Well-read Perfons need no Mote here ; yet for the fake of lefs informed others, 'tis hoped they'll not abhor one, tho' not of the fhorteft Size. TARQUIN furnam'd the proud, Son-in-law to SERVIUS TULLIUS, King of Rome y indicated thereto by his execra- ble Wife, the above TULLIA, confpired againft his faid Father-in-law, and by Aflaflination murther'd him in the Street. Battle of the Voice. 83 Lefs rapid rattling are Stage-Drivers known, Of Cattle oftentatious, through a Town. Upward he threatful Courfe to Hotel takes, And all along each lofty Manfion fhakes. \ Now 'ftablim'd Churches fancy Perils more Than (harp (m) SACHEVERAI. defcry'd of Yore. The fundry Gates, Eaft, Weft, North, South, and Kay, Feel joint Concuffion and a joint Difmay : And fear might Gates which the Chief Temple guard, Left, tumbling, they expofe again the Tard y The Street. And this impious Wretch riding triumphantly in her Chariot through the fame Street, her Driver, ftruck with Horrour at the Sight of the bleeding Corpfe, ftopp'd his Horfes. She call'd to him to go on. He told her, he could not without driving over her own Father's Body. She flung a Stool that was in the Chariot at his Head, com- manding him to drive on. He obeying, fome of her own Father's Blood ftuck to her Chariot Wheels, &c. (m) SACHEVERAL.] Dr. HEN SACHEVERAL, fa- mous at the latter End of Q. ANNE'S Reign, for a Sermon, twice preach'd, on the Danger of the Church, from the Text In Perils among falfe Brethren. 84 to Gangs who cou'd Shed a new worthier (n) JOHN THE CHAUN- TER'S Blood, tj*^- Did Chaunters ftill, 'like fuperftitious, creep To warble Pray'r fo early, half afleep. Around, the Walls a panic Horror fpreads, And the torn Caftle quick Deftruction dreads : For fcarce more thund'ring in EGYPTIAN Wars To Battle rufh'd Scyth-arm'd their Iron Carrs, As now this defperate (0) deck'd Carr of Hides, Twice twofold Murder rolling on its Sides. Tremendous ^TNA in his Bull- Face glows, From vvhofe flrong Hold the Rein full length- en'd flows, Chin, Cheeks, Nofe, Forehead, all of Ruby feem, And like Carbuncle his flam'd Eyeballs gleam, PYROIS, (n) JOHN THE CHAUNTER.] A Chaunter of St. Pe- ter's of that Name was heretofore murder'd in the Cioifters, as he was ady in the Morning going to celebrate Mattins. (e) So I venture poetically to ftyle a Coach. Battle of the Voice. 85 (p) PYROIS, fell Planet ! in his Orbit ne'er So fir'd of Afpect roll'd his bloody Sphere. Nor the Poftillion, in Tann'd Coat of Mail, And Ox-hide Helmet, fails with Look t' afTail : So valiant, keen, and eager to fubdue, Each darts his Glance to run a Thoufand through. Horfemen, their Petronels in Holfters plac'd, With Crefls embofs'd, and gorgeous Cyphers grac'd, A cramm'd flick Troop, in Livery a-Jbrf, Politely ruftic, the gay Wheels efcort. October brifkly mantles in the Eye, And Roaft-Beef Gravy feems the Lips to dye. Though bulky Beef-Men of the Moon-fac'd Guard r . [ny hai'd, Shew Cheeks lefs broad, and Backs lefs braw- Yet whilker'd Huflars, fierce in Caps of Fur, Lefs brifkly bold to fudden Skirmifh fpur. Such, (p) PYRCIS.] A Name of the Planet Mar/. 86 the MO El AD-, or, Such, lo ! the Equipage. Shall CLIO tell What (g) Hero loads the vaunting Vehicle ? No j fmiling gravely, {he refers the Strain To her fweet Sifter of facetious Vein, Who thus, perfifting in the comic Pin, Sings What> not Who, the mighty MARS within. A {hot-free Warrior, who, in Home Cam- paigns, rc . [Swains ; Commands Dog -Armies, and Dog -kindred And, train'd a modern NIMROD of the Field, Makes modern Wild-Beafts of the Paddock yield, That not HIRCANIA'S Foreft-Records tell There Tygers by fo vaft a Havock fell As fall the dreadful'ft Harts, whilft boldeft Hares Are vanquifh'd eafily as RUSSIA'S Bears. Brave (q) Heroe.] This Pi&ure of a Coach and Six, &c. was drawn from the Life, allowing for poetic Embellishment.- [Tbit Gentleman wasfomt Honour ary- freeman ; though indeed, and In ferious and folemn Truth, I have forgot particularly Battle of the Voice. 87 Bravely as fharp-fet TROJANS, for their Food, Fought Harpies, he affaults Cocks o' the Wood ; Undaunted as an Afric Hunter tracks The Oftrich, he fell Patridges attacks ; . And fats a more irihofpitable Way With Blood of Snipes, and fuch dire Fowls of Prey ! Ev'n HE, for Country's Good, leaves Country Chace, To head fome City Dregs of Populace j Leaves the fymphonious Howlings of the-| Hound, That Packs of Human Barkers may furround, And with more favage Harmony cry Sound! J f But hufh ! For lo ! a more than tuneful Strain Enchants the Ear : A long and noble Train, Approaching, captivates my dazzled Eye, So bright, fcarce MORN fo brightly gilds the Sky, . J L Say, 88 The MO El AD; or, Say, whofe the Tweadle-tweadle fweet, who thofe That the long bright Proceffion thus compofe, In Order, as, with too -impeded Speed, They their fuperior Chiefs-of-Rule precede. In prime ; a fpruce yet formidable Clan Come marching, as the Civil Army's Van, 77/gv6/Conftables, well knowing of their Weight, And Title, once (r) imperial of Conceit. His Step each fortifies with Staff, full quaint With Decorations of refulgent Paint: o As TROJANS trufty, (s) with a righteous View Cull'd all to act impartial Jor the Blue. How (r) Conftable being deriv'd from J5fw-ftable, and from Koning comes the abbreviated Title King . (s} With a righteous View."} All the Conftables are of the Blue Party, as the Party affe&s to be intitled. Their being thus cull'd is a notable Inftance of Juftice and Impartiality \ And who can fufpedl: an ill Caufe to be under-hand ferv'd thereby, fince Magiftrates of any Honour and Confcience would deteft and fcorn any vile Management ? To be fure their candid and neighbourly Defign is only to take the Trouble of keeping Peace, bV. &c. off the Hands of others. HM: Battle of the Voice* 89 How wife, how juft, the Project thus to bar Againft the Perils of unnatural War ! For when the wicked God of Faction finds An equal Pow'r plac'd with repugnant Minds, In Colleague Breads he kindles hoftiie Spite, And goads the very Guards of Peace to fight : Whilft here's the fole Contention and the Pride, Who beft can buttle on the rightful Side. But foftly, MUSE : That Leader ONE difplay, Who ftruts fuch an important (t) A PER SE. Of bonny Port, a-head the gallant reft, His tipp'd Battoon now flay'd an-end on Breaft, Now in his Grip (too dignify'd to wield A Peftle more !) by the pois'd Middle held, L 2 With (/) A PER SE.] That is to fay an A by bimfe/f; the Van- leader of the Alphabet, the heading Letter, the very Alpha* the Prime of all the fubfequent ones. CHAUCER ufes the Phrafe, and it is a very fignificant one. I abhor no expref* five Words for their being antique* 9 o The fd B I A D ; or, With moft puiflant Sail their (u) chofen Chief Steers his rigg'd Pageantry of Manly Beef. What happy Union in his Eye we fee ! Where Sweetnefs has etpbus'd Ferocity ! Parts in his Frame PARIS and HECTOR crave ; Strong, elegant, brifk, beautiful, and brave. With lefs Decorum Chriflmas Mummer ftruts Than on He bears his goodly Grace of Guts, Though that fame Mummer (x) ENGLAND'S HE ROE plays, And Dragon with his Whineard's Flourifh flays. No (u} CYAN us, al. GEORGE E, the Druggift, who gat to be the Captain Con/table by bidding higheft for the Short Staff, and procured it to be tipp'd at each End with Silver, his Name engrav* Judg- ment, Hell. Minftrels, in Cloaks, for Age how reverend ! From whofe grac'd Necks priz'd Silver Chains depend, . [blow Come, whofe Balloon, Trump, and Recorders Exftatic Glee before the Grandee Show j Whilft on each Side a Vocal Thunder peals, And far and wide the walking Pomp reveals ; Crowds upon Crowds, as in capricious Trance, As if to ramm the ftarting Pavement dance. The t (c) Death) &c.] This refpe&s thefe their Verfes (which indeed may be efteeni'd their heft) viz. " There is Four Things confider well, *' Death, Judgment, Heaven, and Hell; " Which if in Caufe you do negleft, *' Unquiet Reft you may expeft ; '* Good-morrow Mr. Such an one (Thump!) &c. &c. &c. Though I am apt to fear that if in Caufe many among us did not neglect to confider of thefe Four Things, they would take lefs quiet Reft than ufually they take. 94 *tt* MO El AD-, or, The trampled Stones refound, and ev'ry Door And Cafement rattle at the glad Uproar. % So when fweet ORPHEUS ftruck the artful **^ Chords, That eloquently warbled magic Words, A frifky Joy Bulls, Boars, and Bears poflefs'd, And Apes and Afles vy'd to caper beft j Dales, Hills, and Woods, and Rocks, and Dens around, Kept Time in Rapture at the quick'ning Sound. In gorgeous Robes, and Hats fuperb of Lace, Four Serjeants follow, each with mighty Mace ; Not thofe dull (d] piteousToys which heretofore HAIN, OXENBERE, EVANS, and STAPLEHILL bore, Whofe (d) Toys,} They have now very handfome Maces. But their former ones were fuch pitiful Things as might deferve Ridicule almoft as well as the Mace of Lydford^ defcrib'd by the old Poet Mr. Brown thus, * A Piece of Coral to the Mace, * Which there I faw to ferve in Place, ' ' Might make a good Child's Whittle.' But ours, I confefs, might have been converted into toler- able Punch-Ladles, Battle of the Voice. 95 Whofe hollow Knobs, and Stems minute and mort, Shew'd as for Rattles made and Childrens Sport, But crown'd, and fo magnificent in Mode, They'd worthily Four Heralds Shoulders load. Be-crown'd with Cap of an Umbrella's Size, Rich Velvet, richer in Embroideries, Cornes burley He, who, as of Spades the King, Bears Sword erect j a fine and fearful Thing. Cou'd Duke inrob'd at Coronation e'er r , . [bear r With Gait more courtly the (e) CURT AN A Or cou'd a (f) Lifter's Ax and Fafces fpread, If drawn from its fair Scabbard, keener Dread ? Behind this Guardian Armour-bearer pace The PRAETOR and his PEERS, Brace after Brace ; Ah 1 too opprefs'd to ambling fweep along Through the Ten-deep, clofe-thrufting, noify Throng, M Though (e) Curtana ] The unpointed Sword borne at Coronations. (f) Littor's Ax and Fafces. ] Such were borne before the Confuls and Emperors of antient Rome* 96 7& MQEIADi or, Though is with Buttle a {freight Alley made, And pious Bowings own the dread Parade. Who, and how dignify'd, grave Goodefs, fay The Sages of the Worfhipful Array : Say, has LYCURGUS here aflum'd the Gown, And SOLON, Side by Side, took Rule in Town ? Say MUSE. No : Cautious of Conftrudtion wrong, A trembling Veneration checks the Song, Nor She thofe Graces hopes to deck her Lays Which join'd whilom in SIR JOHN ADEE'S Praife, Whence Bays fo vaft forestalling (g) BARRET won, He hardly left a Leaf to browfe upon ; Who PHOEBUS* Son tbrice told ! his own Work [rung ; Whilft, hackling fawn, his Grumbler - Viol That (g) "Barret, ] A Fellow who went about with a Bafe- Viol (though he never could play one Tune in his Life) on which he, as we may fay, hack'd and faw'd a grumbling gruft Noife, calling it flaying Bafe. He was the Author of the Ballad on Mr, Adee, who aflum'd, in Joke, the Title of Sir John Adet* Se more in a fucj:eeding Note. Battle of the Voice. -97 That ne'er fo gruff a Melody cou'd fpring From a Morifc&i Bladder-and-a-String. Time-nicking Bard ! who with fuch cogent Eafe Could'ft the refined Tafte of CHAMBER pleafe ! Thus the like ruftic lucky Lays could bring On PAN the laudful Judgment of a (h) King. That chofen Band whom we the Vaward faw, The executive Potence of our Law, Ent'ring the Roof of Juftice, Strife, and Storm, With order'd Staffs a Lane, detruding, form ; Which ere CHIEF-RULERS through can pene- trate, rr [oate j Th' impatient Million jaumbing choak the And there might flick, but that th' effe&ive Sway Of backing Shovers clears th' obftructed Way. Rough Anarchy floods blund'ring in amain, And furly Riot chafes perverfe to reign. M 2 Routs, (h) King.'] Viz. MIDAS, who decree'd the Prize to PAN, even againft the God gf Mufick and Poetry himfelf, APOLLO, or PHOEBUS. 98 Ibe MO El AD-, or, Routs, after Routs, 'fore-ftumbling Routs difplace, Then to new Forcers yield the feized Space. The vaunting He6tors pf athletic Frame, Whom does Exonian Speech (i) RUMBULLIANS name, r , [icorn Cleave with ternpeft'ous Drift the Prefs, and To find a PafTage, fince to make it born. Like that bold (k) Keel which broke flrong VIGO'S Boom, rri [Room : The headlong Ruffians burft themfelves a The (i) Rumhullians.] We Exonians, who have fonie Words peculiar, I believe, to ourfelves, call furious, headftrong, headlong, boifterous Men, Rumbullian Fellows. (k) Kee/.] Keel, as poetically does Carina in Latin, heretofore fignify'd a whole Ship. But without having Recourfe to fuch its old Meaning, or to a Figure in Rhetorick, it 'is properly enough us'd in its prefent Accep- tation of only Part of a Ship The Exploit here referred to is in the Expedition at Vigo, in 1702, when Admiral Hop- fin, in the Tor6ay, cutting his Cables, and clapping on all his Sails, bore up upon the Boom laid acrofs the Streight, and broke through it at once ; though it was made up of Marts, Yards, Cables, Top- Chains, and Ca&s, faften'd together with Ropes, feveral Yards in Circumference, under-run with Hauzers and Cables, and kept fteady by Anchors caft on both Sides of rt. Battle of the Voice. 99 The Numbers, fwagging, on each Flank give way -, For Force muft over-bearing Force obey. . Thus, mid - way the Canal (I}, where Drudges flow r [tow, To (m) ISCA'S Port Ship, Barque, and Lighter With maily Bars Wights of herculean Brood Sluice-Fenders lift, to equalize the Flood ; O'er violent the eager Waters gum Through the fmall Opes, and onward roaring pufh, Dam rapid on the flaky Banks, the Soil 1 And Pebbles thence expel, high-froathing boil, I And the whirl'd Pond with mad Conteft im- I broil. j But (I) CanalC\ There is a Paflage cut for Ships to and from Topfham, vulgarly call'd the Ha'tn, corruptly, or con- tradledly, for Haven. The particular Place here meant is what we properly enough call the Double Lock. The De- fcription of the Water's violently gufliing thro' the Sluice, &c. is precifely natural and juft. (m] Ifca's Port.} The Kay of Exeter. TOO ?he MOBIAD-, or, But heark ! That Bell which yells a fwift Alarm F [too warm, When (n) guilty Hearths inflame the Town- Now, Dn the Guildhall's lofty Forehead fwings, And, quick, around its warnful Tinkle flings. Its Jingles to more clofe Attendance call Attending Freemen in th' interiour Hall. Up Stairs dired fair Ceremony leads Sedate to Confult the determin'd HEADS : For wifts Sufpicion, hank'ring near the Door, The Confult's but of Things refolv'd before. But not behoves it our mean MUSE to learn State Myfteries of fuch a high Concern. Let her, content, a furer Track purfue, And (ing but Matters level with her View. And what though Tongues of Virulence may flirt Their low Afperfions of malignant Dirt, Short () When Chimneys are on fire, this Alarm Bell is rung ; and the Inhabitant of that Houfe whofe Chimney was in a Blaze, is to fuffer a Fine. Battle of the Voice. joi Short of the Reach are the foul Slanders (hot, Scorn'd and derided, nor at all befpot. So the firm Guildhall high ere&s its Head, And, while Straw-Bonfires choaking Darknefs fpread, Its brifk Serene's fcarce fully'd by the Cloud, Nor dreads the Rage of widen'd Gutter's Flood, Heedlefs fees wizzing Squibs and Crackers fly, And bids the Rocket's direr Bounce Defie. But worihipful laft Year's Triumvirate, The Leafh who aid the PR^TOR'S Chair of State, Share his Fatigues of Law, nor let, 'tis faid, His Wormip ev'n at Dinner want their Aid, But help at taking Bowl as well as Bail, At fluffing Jerkins as at fluffing Jail, CalFd STEWARDS now, but erft were BAILIFFS nam'd, Ere Catchpoks had the honeft Style defam'd) In 102 7& MO El AD-, or, In fable Robes, which on the Shoulders rik In folemn fort, and fhape the Afpect wife, Prefide at Board below, or haply treat, **= Their apt Ambition with the Judgment Seat. With Warrants ftamp'd on each officious Face Staff-Officers, too, feize th* internal Place : Thick as the Darts which mounts the Porcu- pine Thtir Arms erect with gilded Glory mine. Now Walnuts crackle 'tween the Grinder Jaws, And bufily engage the peeling Claws j While brifk the Glafs, with whittling Sherris crown'd, r [goes round j Quips, Bams, and Bobs, and waggifh Fraud, Jokes which did ISCA pride in, when 'twas Wit To twirl the Hat, twitch Wig, or Knuckles hit j To tickle with a Straw, or fplafh your Shin, Diftort the Face, twick Ear, or thruft a Pin. A Battle of the Voice. 103 A Monkey fo by Mows and Friiks attefts Himfelf the Wit mofl parlous of the Beafts. But moft of Wit claims he who greater! Share Of Nuts can fcrabble, or of Bottle clear. The chewing Bibbers ftrike with envious Pain The Routs behind, who fuck their Lips in vain, Unlefs fome noting Friend-in-Court beftow A Bumper,*- or for Kindnefs, or for Show. Mean while thofe Courtiers, thus at Banquet, loud, Keep Time fymphonious with the outer Crowd, Who, burning to the Strife, in Toil rejoice, Profufe of Sweat, and prodigal of Voice -, And as they more imbibe the hoftile Jar, They thirft the more infatiate of the War. Lefs, and lefs furious, fwells the mingled Roar, When Winds and Billows ftorm at once the Shore. N For 104 fk MO BIAD-, or, For Colour chiefly the Difputes abound, And Rants for the momentous Beft of Sound. Some for the Tellow hoarfly yell, and fome Belch grofly Blue! unknowing both for whom, f A Moment now again to rooflefs Air, For more diftinct Infpection, MUSE ! repair -, The baleful Fruits of rougher Strife explore, Or young in Bud, or rotting-ripe at Core. -?^yi> v ;y . Around pay'd Eyes fee fervent Rifings glow, Of Caft more various than the Show'ry-Bow -, And Teints of Or and Azure on the Cheeks, The Blue and Telkw, ftriving Hues, commix A fady Green, which Vert learn'd Heralds call, And Gules and Sables, Red and Black, withal. See halting Legs fore to the Senfe proclaim Their Wrench by Wreftlipgs, or by Spurns their Maim. See, fqualid Patches on die bunch*d Brows tell What Knuckles have bang'd up a motly Swell. See Battle of the Voice* 105 See, clotty Stains, red, dribbled on the Clothes, Mark Civil Blood fhed by uncivil Foes, Whofe unbroke Buffet, or ill-warded Poach, The Temples fcarr'd, or fet the Nofe abroach. Survey that Tow'r of Flefh with fawcy Pride Grieving yond* Pillar with his leaning Side, As if an Ape of SAMPSON bent to move The Frontier Columns from their Charge above. What Name foe' r might his firfl Sponfors chufe, The licensed Verfe fhall that of CARNAGE ufe. Referv'd of Voice, compact of Force, he flands, Morofe & glum, with crofs'd imbofom'd Hands. His gloomy Looks affect a fterner Air Than HOGARTH'S (9) hack'd grim Swordfman in the Fair, And, glouting fcornful, with Defiance watch For fome Mob-AjAx, fole a worthy Match ; Nor own him yet j but with difdainful Toes He mean-time fpurns approaching meaner Foes. N 2 So, (o) See Southwajk Fair by Hoc ART::. io6 Sfo MOBIAD-, or, So, as the Bull at Stake like grimly ftands," And lours a Challenge to the Shamble-Bands, Stout duels all their brindled Maftives round, And cafts them, falling, to imprefs the Ground ; Though Three ally'd fhot on he'd work to fling, Beyond the Safeguard of the partial Ring ; Yet fanghlefs Whelps play'd yelping on he'd fcorn Should feel the Credit of his chaft'ning Horn ; But, while aloft adult Dogs whirling fly, He'd foot their defpicable Puppies by. Oh blind to Fate ! thou too pr-efuming 'ftrong ! The deftin'd Match, amid the inner Throng, kike arrogant, will foon the Lifts demand, And meet thy Vaunting with Correction's Hand; With wringing Gripe Left-hand on Throav fhall r 1 [maul. And th' heavier Right thy quacking Bofom Hence, hauking ropy Blood, lame, blind, and fore, , [deplore, Thy Morrow's Groans fhall vapour'd Strength And Battle of the Voice, 107 And in thy wallow'd Bed be Solace vain That thy Foe, welt'ring, moans an equal Pain, Or that Time fitter may clear Stage allow, And HERCULES lefs neufer to thy Vow : For anxious Dread {hall rather plague thy Soul, JLeft Bindings-over more thy Fifts controul. End of the Fourth Cantol CANTO V. loS the MOB IAD; or, WTOtWI"M fe^vJCANT-O V. ^ - WHether the haughty Defpot of the (a) Air In flormy Clouds ftill holds imperial Chair, Or in infernal Den awaits his Doom, Referv'd in (b) Everlafting Chains of Gloom, Above our Soaring mounts, or too profound Lies for the Plummet of our Guefs to found. To Clerks more vers'd in Lore abftrufe we leave Full Proofs on either Side or both to weave. Too (a) The Air.'} According to EPHES. ii. 2. The Prince of the Power of the Air^ the Spirit that new worketh in the Children of Difobedience. See alfo Hiftory of the Devil. (b) Everlajling Chains , &c.] According to JUDE, ver. 6. The Angels which kept not their firji EJiate^ but left their own Habitation^ he hath referved in Everlafting Chains under Darknefs^ unto the 'Judgment of the great Day.* II. PETER ii. 4. Caji them down to Hell, and delivered into Chains of Darknefs, to be referved unto Judgment. Battle of the Voice. 109 Too well we know, though we too rarely mind, His (c) Angeh here too frank Reception find, When whifp'ring fly Temptation to the Thought, And twitching by the Paflions to be naught. (d) Not that, as in Old-time, now Midnight hears Fiends roaring wake Folk to neglected Pray'rs. No longer are their Feet fpy'd cloven now, Nor lampy Eyes more broad than Saucers glow. No maudlin Bibbers, tho' they doubly view, In (e) MARY-ARCHES-LANE, by Glance alkew, See Coffins op'ning, or White Shrouds to ftalk, Or Palls and Cloaks in black Proceffion walk. No flafhing Coaches over BELHILL rove, As if SALMONEUS mimic Thunder drove; Though (c) Angels*} Read MAT. xxv. 41. REV. 3ii. 7, 9. THIS. iii. 5, &c. '(d) Note, The feveral terrible Things in this Part of the Poem detailed were really reported, nay and believed, to have been feen, felt, heard, and underftood, in E*eter. (e) This Lane is one of the moft common Avenues to the common Burial- Yard, viz. ST. BARTHOLOMEW'S. no The MOB IAD-, or, Though empty (f) Cafks, by Rakes from Grocer's Door, Down tumbled tumbling, haply ftartle more. No Headlefs-Horfe neigKs {trolling Wench to Bed, r , \read. Nor drives Boys, late out-flaying, home to No Goblins fluggifh Sabbath-breaker roufe To hurry to the Church, fure Safety's Houfe. A Burglar, loaden with new-plunder'd Pelf, Efpies no mortal Thing (g) worfe than himfelf. The Waits may now, in (-6) blackejl Month, go through Ev'n thefujpicious Clofe of BARTHO'MEW, Nor (f) At the Head of Bellhill lately lived a Grocer, who too often left empty Hogftieads all Night at his Door, at but a narrow Paflage. (g) Worfe, &c. ] Thofe who, on hearing Tales of Walking Devils, &c. in Exeter, wou'd {jgnify that they for their Parts never beheld any fuch, ufe to exprefs them- felves thus : / thank God, I've gone all Hours of the Wght, in many fufpicipiis Places, and yet never faw any Thing worfe than myfelf. (h) Blackeft Month.) They have or had a Notion that in the black Month (as they call it when the Days are at the fliorteft) the Devils are the moil privileged to roam about, and Battle of the Voice. in N6r by that Calvary hear difmal Groan But difmal that from fnufHing Courtal blown, Nor (/) Southgates Porter now lets in a Mifs At Night's dark Noon whom wou'd he fear to kifs. Ev'n in Church-Porches (Antient Gran- dams told) - In Winter Nights lewd Mormo's, horrid bold ! By us Bullbeggars bight > were yelling heard, And dev'lifh Rackets in the faered Yard. Then (k) Jack-in-Lantern fooling would miflead Through ^og and Brake the Sot's benighted Tread O Sprights and play theif devilifh Tricks j whereby the ferenading Waits, in their nightly Walks, us'd very particularly to be frighten'd, and to fcamper off. Thofa are calPd fujpicisus Places where People had hang'd themfelves, died fuddenly, &c. Churches, and Church-yards, and empty Houfes, ufe here to be call'd fufpicious Places. (i) I remember it was reported, and believed, that, during the Porterfhip of Old Mr. NICHOLS at S. Gate^ the Devil in Shape of a fine Gentlewoman us'd to give a {ingle Knock, juft after Twelve o' Clock at Night, and Was let in conftantly by him. (k) Jack-in- Lantern^ the fame as Will-witb-a-Wifp j the ignis fatuut. 112 'The MOB I AD-, or, Sprights were as frequent in void Houfes then As were in lonely Lanes grim (/} Gagger-men, Then frighted Candles gave, by flaming blue, The fure Oflent fome Ghofl's Approach to rue j Down went the Cards, though Trumps, for Satan* s Books, And each beheld a Ghoft in t'other's Looks. Then in the Streets dead Scavengers wou'd drive . .*'". t>'/^ " "' As nat'ral Wheelbarrows as when alive. In Meadows then, by Moonfhine, frifky Elves In Circlets, handing, tripp'd to breathe them- felves ; And- where their petty Toes went featly round, More fljrid Failure dignify 'd the Ground : To Nurfe a-dream then wou'd they ftealing And foftly draw her Bantlin from her Side, J And (I) Gag%ermen.} So we ufed to call Plagiaries, Kidnap- pers, or Bov-ftealers, from the Gags they are reported to clap in the ChUdiens Mouths whom they have fpirited away. Battle of the Voice. 113 And in its flead flip a young Fairy Brat, ^ "\ Thrice taller than themfelves, more grofs, I and pat As like as if Twin -Brother born to that. j Then PUCK (or GOODFELLOW ) from Room to Room Hurl'dComb, Cowl, Shoe, Trowfers, 5eads, Ladle, Broom ; And when wou'd fumbling Beldams Pitcher fill, Joggling their wither'd Arms the Ale he'd fpill j Nay, oft* o'erturn the Chamber's needful Vafe, And with foul Deluge ill-perfume the Place ; Sometimes long Grafs o'er Paths in Knots he'd [fly. And upwards make DOLL Milkmaid's Trotters But now they're banim'd quite, nor big as Eft One to be lafh'd by (m) DEMOGORGON left. Not OBERON returns ; nor MAB his Queen By CYNTHIA'S and by COLLIN'S Eyesisfeen. O2 We (m) Demogorgtn.) See DRYB EN'S Fable of The and the Leaf. MOBIAD-, or, We not their Footfteps fearch : But when we view The GrafTy Ringlets fhine of greener Hue, Conclude we Compoft, Tor Manuring brought, With richer Juice the bord ? ring Verdure wrought. [keep The Fiends which once did frightful Routings In Porches, now turn out-fhut Dogs afleep. Hence the old flaming Sprights prove Glow- worms now, And Guttur GlympfesWhitens Heads we know. Hence Death-watches, which often flew the Sick, Are now found Infects of a harmlefs Click. Hence fkitt'ring Rats are Rats, whofe Squeaks not fcare With Fairy Talk the fuckling Nurfe's Ear. To Manhood hence EXONIAN Mothers bring Ten Politicans ere one (n) Chan-ge-ling. " ; '.''/;,!.,?.'', Hence () Changeling,} Many vulgar People here in the Pro- nunciation of the Word make it confift of Three Syllables, thus : Chan-ge'ling. Kath fav'd his own, with Senatorial! Air, To (r)fecond each great Motion of the May Battle of the Voice. 115 Hence (o) MAURUS native Wit retains ; and hence Shrewd (/>) MANLIUS preferves his Infant Senfe. Hence qualify 'd is Boy-Trick B GHAM found To mate (q) His Honour, and difcourfe his Hound. Hence H-CK-R, manly wife, though maidlyy fair, ,1 If then, ev'n Fairies have refign'd their Balls, AfTemblies, Ring?, Mafks, Wakes, and Feftivals, Old ACHERON'S mere Dotards, furely, wou'd Bo-peeping* terrify us to be good. What Tempers worthy of the Style wou'd gin Our Hearts by Methods that deter from Sin ! No ; the oft* bilk'd Enticers, grown more wife, Now drefs up lovely in chous'd Mortals Eyes, And , (0} WILL, (p] JOHN, (q) Honour.} Sir H. Nkc-u. (r) Second.] This finical and auguft Chamber-man, on the Mayor's propofing a Matter in Council, is prompt to be the firft to back him, with his Mr. Mayor! Ijecwfl that Motion. n6 %? MOBIAD-, or, And lure with Calls inchanting as the Air Of FARINELLI in a Theatre. Hence, (though with Witch and Sorcerer by Adi: Of Senate be cut off eachjfomV Compact) They with unwitting Souls gain fnug Abode! And, to mifguide us from the (s) Gofpel Road, > Attempt to perfonate Envoys of G O D. j Some they in Punk's, or Punch-bowl's, Shape engage, In Palf's Form fome, and fome of Equipage. Some with High Poft and Title in they draw, Some to make Equity unjuft by Law. No few they urge in Aid of 'Truth to lie y Some to take Peevifrnejs for Piety. They others tempt to make Election fure By formal Mein, ftirF Neck, and Cheeks demure. r , [take, Thkk - crjwding Shoals into their Nets they By Acts immoral for Religions fake, Who (s) Gofpel.] The Etymon is God's Sptll, or God's Woid. Battle of the Voice. Who Charity's Defect o'er-pay with Creeds, While ivarpkfs Faith attones for crooked Deeds. Whole Caravans of wou'd-look Saints they win, r , , c . [hour s Sin ; Who fpare their own, and lafh their Neigh- Or flrive with Pray'r an evil Caufe to prop, And thank in Pew for fraudful Gain in Shop. Some Profligates they trick by tingle Hofte To keep from going down, when yielding up the Ghoft : Some to ken Heav'n for Reprobates fly ope, Stow'd fafe in hallow'd Soil with certain Hope. Some they infnare Mif duty to purfue By chrift'ning one, and choufmg t'other (f) JEW. Some they teach fpiteful Kindnefs, who abate To lefs than T.wop^nce on the Ptf#/w-Rate, For Amputation of the Votes of fuch As poll'd for FORTY-MEN amifs too much. In (t) Jnu.] OTTOLENCHE and GABRIEL TREVES. u8 The MOBIAD-, or, In PORTUGAL, the Choler of the Prieft They to imprifon, rack, and burn, affift, And play the Devil in the Name of Chrift. But they invifible bear thus the Prize, Or mafquerading in a fpecious Guife -, Who would be munn d, were their Complexi- ons foot, rr , [Poof, Nor hid their Tails, Claws, Horns, and Cloven Or from their Throats blue-flaming Belches broke, And Noftrils fnorted a fulphureous Smoke. Yet, would we imp with pilfer'd Plumes our Wings, Like fome, to foar fublime at flighty things, We, by Imagination, might repair r . I Air, Old (u) PANDEMONIUM, or build new in th* And, fummon'd, there, in hellim Pomp convene Wrath's fiery Demons, and thofe Fiends of Spleen, Which (u) Pandemonium. See MILTON. Like as PANT HE OM means a full Aflembly of the Gods, fo Pandemonium figm- fies that of all the Devils. Battle of the Voice. 119 Which factious SOLYMA in Siege fo rued, Self-ruin'd, by inteftine Strife fubdued : Where (while in State fit Demons of Com- mand, And thick around the Goblin Commons ftand) Might His grim Majefty of Sin harangue 5 , As in MMtonian Mode, his VafTal Gang. Then might a Pofle of Hell's Rabble ply Their fmutty Wings, and to EXONIA fly; And in the Blood of her ferocious Hofts, The Stygian Legions take their deftin'd Ports. But as the MUSE in beaten Traces to mine"! Difdains, fhe wou'd Machinery decline, > Proud to have fprung of no afpiring Line. j (Nor needs he an exotic Rage afcribe o To goad a born-and bred-to Fury Tribe, Whom if to line fuch bellijh Mobbers ftrove, They might themf elves in Belial Atts, improve. Suffice it, then, to fay, their Earthly Kin Chafe as if did a Legion fume within : P Their tte MOBIAD-, or, Their own ERYNNIS, to the MUSE confeft, More fires the Brain, more ftimulates the Breaft. For we already have digrefs*d too long, And ought refume the interrupted Song. MUSE ! teach me Notes adapted to rehearfe Strife rais'd to Tempeft in congruent Verfe ! And fafely fuch bold Hurricane to form, Curb THOU its Fury, and control the Storm j Yet whatfoever Pitch the Numbers fly, Let fmiling HUMOUR flill accompany. Count it the Inftant when NED'S Face o'Fire To five Hours Cooling leaves the heated Quire, And, with a Back -Lane Cogue 'new-fuel'd, Through EASTGATE, redder then an Auflr'an Then, turn'd from LONDON-!NN tow'ds LI- VERY-DOLE, Makes PARIS-STREET to dread a flaming Coal, That Flvt Hours, &c.] That is between Prayer and Prayer Time, from Eleven till Four. Battle of the Voice. \ 2 1 That each poor Dweller, anxious, eyes his Thatch, r , [hatch. Left reaching Sparks (z) new Conflagrations Mean- while Throat-Battle rages; Party Cant Mingles its foul Antiphone of Rant : The Babel Clamours, varying, around; Thus plainly, with confus'd Diftin&ion, found : ' Blue /Yellow ! Sound for HADDY! Sound for HEATH ! r _. . , [to Death! c H-a-h! Sbfack! Sound for Yellow Blue f The Church Jor ever ! Down with PERKIN'S Crew! r , D7 . [for Blue! No Courtiers! No Mock Patr'ots ! Sound And not a Mouth but what, expanded large, Does thrice a Threefcore Times its Load dif- charge ; And Rogue ! and Dog ! and Rafcal! and Tou lie! At ev'ry Turn afiift the driving Cry. P 2 Dreadful (z) New Conflagrations'] Great Part of Paris-ftret ha~ ving fome Years lince been on fire on both Sides the Way, and the Houfes being, nearly all, Thatched* 122 7& MOB I AD; or, Dreadful Ado ! Ere clafli'd encounter'd Swords To match fuch combating Hodgepodge of Words ? Were in Old Chaos the like Garboils found, Or Jargon Brunts of fo embattled Sound ? Scarce more fonorous in their turbid Cave Heard MARO'S MUSE contending Tempefts rave. Like waving Reeds, when Gufts in Auguft vex, Near lowmoft Sluice, the oozy Fens of EXE, The brabbling Multitude, amid their Cry, Flag where o'erwhelm'd, and with the Tide comply. If were an antick World of Franttcks pent, To dance the hay, in wild Vagary, bent, Scarce could the reftlefs Bedlams, winding, pace Such tangled odd Viciflitude of Place : Nor were they chang'd in Brain to Wolves, they'd grin To bark fo harm, fo horrible, a Din. 'Tis Battle of the Voice. 123 J Tis Blifs, they deem, diffracting tofs'd, to rowl ; And fouleft Pudder recreates their Soul. So when rough BOLUS'S bluft'ring Train To foamy Mountains blow the Fluid Plain, Tumult'ous (a) Fifh-Hogs tumbling Tricks perform, Aid the Waves Uproar, and enjoy the Storm. Scarce ever Sheriff's Subftitute cou'd fee Such rampant Bick'rings {hake our Heavy-Free, Where, with authoritative Pikes of Am, Bailiffs the Head-defending Cudgels thrafh. Ne'er did fuch petulant Confufion rage, In Weftgate-Quarter on (b) Whit-Monday's Stage ; Where bumping Thwacks and the Wail-rai- fmg Drub With vaunted Glory Blockhead-Heroes dub, Till (a] The Porpoifes, or Porcu-pifces. (b) Every Whit-Monday tnere is in this Place erefted a Stage for Cudgel playing, &c. round about which, as well as on it, are ufually molt terrible Doings. 124 ?& MOBIAD-, or, Till Pates, fad Turn of War ! in dripping Flood, Afham'd, give forth the honourable Blood. Scarce feels our Clime more of Perdition full tor At a (c) Prcetorian Beating of the Bull, When Their fage Worihips the Town-Pails allow [throw. Colds, Fevers, Deaths, in chilling Streams, to Elbows on Chefls repay from Elbows Grief, And ftamp'd-on Feet by trampling feek Relief. Eyes, by flapp'd Hat, with briny Rheum {truck blind, By like Inflidion try a Cure to find. Bums butting ftickle; Hips, and darning Knees, And rubbing Ankles, fore delighted, teaze. Perukes, (e) Pr&torian Bull-baiting.] About Three Weeks after the Election of a new Mayor, a Bull ufes to be brought and baited before his Door : At which Time the moft fcandalous Abufcs are pra&ifed with Impunity, yea Applaufe, by ruffi- an Butchers, &c. throwing Water, dipt up from the very Kennel, &c. on all Perfons they can meet with, even in their own Houfes. The Leathern City-Buckets, prepared for ex- tinguishing Fires, are lent to them from the very Guild- hall for the vile Purpofe. Rare Doings at Bath ! [The tbr swing of Water has beenjorfoipe Years difus'd, 1770.] Battle of the Voice. 125 Perukes, now timely made the Pocket's Care, Leave, apter to throw Knock, fhav'd Sconces bare. Nor flays expos'd (what Place of Wig fuppl/s) The worfted Cap, diftind: with curious Dyes, Though (c) IRIS dipp'd the Woof not, clam- my wet, And mining with the Pate's hot Spring of Sweat. From off the Neck's hawl'd Handkerchief, or Stock, To fave from Throttle by a coll'ring Shock. The Shirt difbutton'd fpreads its Bofom wide, Or Sham,-^ worn clean no cleaneft Shirt to hide ; rj r j [defend, Yet Gripes, ev'n where broad Shoulder-flays Shall hideous Chafms in floutefl Dowlafs rend. Nor Vefl of Drugget moft robuft fhall fcape,' Nor Coat of Iron Kerfey, though with Cape Enormous fortify'd, a ghaflly Width to gape.. Woe (0 Iris.) Alluding to MILTON'* M Iris dipp'd the Woof," 126 The MOB IAD*, cr, Woe were the Spot, where, chewing Ciids of Spite, rr . [Smite. Fell Champions, met, renew'd the Knuckle- * /.,. There GIBBONS, bulky BOLT, tough TAN- NER, FRY, FOOT, HOOPER, ASHLEY, TWIGGS, might boxing die, And cryftal ISCA reek,- a ruby Flood I And more than the (d) ADONIS run with Blood, If fworn Authority, alert at hand, Staff in terpofe not, and the Peace command I Yet, maugre all piqued Braves in fiuiler'd State, Prick'd jealous on by Luft of Fame, or Hate, And, prompted each by his fomenting Clan, Strain brutal Force to prove the Better Man, For (J) Adonis.] A remarkable River, near Byllos in Pbceni- cia, at certain Seafons, and on fome Occafions, appears as if bloody, fuppos'd (fays MILTON) with the Blood of THAMMUZ, yearly wounded. But the faid Phoenomenon was long ago declared to be occafion'd by a kind of Minium cr Red Earthy which the River brought away, when fwell'd to unufual Heights. Battle of th* Voice. 125 For DAREMAN (of more overweening Pride Than (e) GATH'S Huge Knight, who ISRA'L'S Hoftdefy'd; Than whofe none of the pictur'd CAESARS e'er Such Jolt-Head did, or Eyes more flaring, bear ; Firm-fet, and not of Stature high ; full grim. His rough-hewn Afpect ; of flupendous Limb, And Flem all callous) DAREMAN thus aloud Provokes to Single-Loggerhead the Crowd : c Produce a Man, ye Scolders of the Blue, s If Men wou'd harbour with your beflial Crew, e With Me in Manhood Skill and Force to try, 1 While ftand both Armies join'd Spectators by ! ' And learn ye all from the Event how far ' Ye may hereafter venture folid War : rr _ [Boys, e Bold though ye dare, by Females help'd and c To form Attack with Blufterings and Noife : ' His Groans repentant mall foon caufe to know, ' Tis ours to vanquifh with effective Blow/ Q_ He (t) Gath's Knight.} GOLIAH of Gatb, a Giant. 126 fbe. MOB I AD-, or, He faid, clench 'd hard his maffy Fift, and ftruck Ten mighty Wherrets with one fighting Look. Promifc'ous Clamours .differently rife, Some to explode, fome to carefs and praife : But " Sound for HADDV !" and fcarce check'd HuEzahs ! ,'-'*' ., a "T r So loud prevail from the proud Tellows Jaws, That louring Blues, abafh'd, a while keep in Their (J) Stink- Word, and fcarce dare a Hah! to grin. But fo not long : For murmur'd Talk around The irritating Challenger refound : Cc Thus has the braving Bully done, thus fpoke :< " What ! no Man dare rebuke him with a Stroke? " No Match within ? Fly, fly, and bruit afar " Th' Affront among the doughtier Chiefs of War." l 4ir-Ar*A^*t ?V,jh '"--via: -r TO t\ * But FAME, induftr'ous with her Trump, before More fleetly the diffufive Tidings bore, And (f) Viz. Sh-tfack Battle of the Voice. 127 And (g) ATE, in LONG- PHI LL'S diffembled Form, In CARNAGE blew of burning Ire a Storm : " Hafte, Thou Dependance of our grateful Hoft, " And teach the faucy Tellows how to boaft : And partial Sidings to moleft or aid, Which multiply the Combat, are afTay'd. Soon fpurting Noftrils wou'd dye red the Floor With Inundations, mixt, of factious Gore, If ftill remifs of fwagg'ring Duty lay The Sons of (in) THEMIS of fubaltern Sway 5 Or niggard prov'd of Breath and fwelter'd Greafe, In troublous Domineering for the Peace. But foon their Highnefles, whofe huffie Lift Can, arbitrary, bid the World affift, I ' M < ' > "I All > J AHarm d (m) THEMIS]. The Goddefs of Juftice. Thefc her Underling Sons mean the ConftabJes. 132 ?he MORI AD; or y AlarnVd at fuch bold Neighbourhood of War, With ftretching Necks up ftart within the Bar ; When thus (n) CYANUS, by officious Words To fire his Troop to Adion, Speech affords : x te Compeers in Port ! Do thus our Palms " retain ee Thefe dread Infignia of our high Domain, " Staffs of Controul, which legally fetch down " All who not own in Proxy US the Crown ? " And in the Prefence, in Our very Court, te Shall Shfacks of Infurgency make fport ? I fay,*. Before Us, US, whofe awful Word " MARS ought obey, and drop his lifted Sword, tc (MARS, in the Garb of ftoncing Grenadier ', " Whod (0} Tall rdnk'd with Tall PRUSSIA Guards appear) "His (n) GEORGE COMINGS. See before, page . The Cyanus properly is the Flower call'd the blue Corn bottle^ and which our Country People name Pretty- Johns. (o) 1 he King of Pruffia's Delight in very tall Men for his Body Guard is not unknown. '[7be late King, Father of the prefenty is meant. 1770.] Eattk of the Voice. 133 #-;V*^'V,WtM^v.^ into Malt) as well as for brewing afterwards. So Ptmona is put for Cyder, and Bacchus for Wine. (*) Ceres] The Goddefs of Corn and Tillage She is by a Metonymy us'd frequently in Poetry for Wheat, Barley, Bread, &c . Battle of the Voice. 139 Seiz'd with Vertigo may the fuddled Dace Be feen to ramble on the River's Face ; Not with intoxicating Berries dos'd, But ftronger Fumes fwift from the P fing-Poft. Libation made to DISCORD, and renew'd T Spent Vigour, -.they again, at Hall, intrude > With rallied Hubbub, and reftore the Feud.j As fiery Bulldogs, when their Shamble-Lords Slip from their urgent Necks retraining Cords, Whofe well-prov'd Holders drip a foamy Gore, Spring furious at the Bull, tho' tam'd before, So fiercely eager the chear'd Party bound, Ope-mouth'd, more inftant for the Conq'ring Sound. [moifltnd Foe : Juft Dread ftrikes Silence through th' !/- The roaring Hdlf-drunk with new Valour glow. Diftiearted thofe fhrink to the Left and Right; Thefe, glory'ng, in the Centre brave the Fight. Yet Courage foon reanimates the Fray, For timely Aid huzzahs not far away, Then 140 Jbe MOBIAD-, or, Then breaks all-hideous on the vauntful Crew, And for theConqueft warms the vanquifh'dfew. Lefs Rage the MYRMIDONS, on ILION'S Plain, +-- To fave the Navy, and avenge the Slain, Urg'd than impels the Succours to the Brawl: Nor flinch the Hardy of the adverfe Squawl. Not with fuperior Fury is purfued A Dog in PafTage near a feather'd Brood, When with up-briftled Plumes, and Quills a- fpread, The fcolding Hen, ope-bill'd, aflerts the Shed, Than what tranfports th' Affailants to the Charge : Nor, grinning furly, with Jaws open large, The Growler on the plumed Heroin turns Like Ire as which each grim Defendant burns. Dire the reviv'd Conteft : The equal Routs Pelmell aim Havock with contending Shouts. ',.'''- i Shoves repel Shoves, Breaft - Bulkings meet Rebuff; But woe the Shins not tann'd to Kicking-proof ! Yet Battle of the Voice. 139 Yet what terrene fhall firm exifl for ay ? Lungs tho' of Brafs were fubject to Decay: Snorts of gigantic Noflrils muft, at length, Own, in fhort Pantings, a Decline of Strength. Too long, too high, the human Organs fprain'd Crack, as in th* Adage Bow too much con- ftrain'd. But though, at length, maim'd Voices barely croak > [provoke, And ev'n craz'd Murmurs ftrangling Coughs Vet fault'ring Grumbles mutter harfh the Cry, And widen'd Mouths mutely a Roar imply : Refolv'd, in loft Refort, to win Regard, Like Cocks, and Villains hang'd, by dying bard. So, at old CHEVY, (an oldBardling tells , 'Though fmil'd at by our modern Infidels) - When lopping Sword, by nether Chop, has won The Pedeftals of flrenuous WITHRINGTON, Though Lofs of Blood his lower Stroke im-1 [rears, On Stumps, the beft he may, he Faulchion > And, to laft Gafp, defcending Backfword I dares. J End of the Fifth Canto. S CANTO VI. 140 The MOB1AD-, or, r> # S Sr> # f8j &. CANTO VI. ^ / ^ H E Vocal Ammunition fpent, within, A A while, furbated, flinch'd the Rage of Din; And but thin Parties, mazy, here and there, Without, light ikirmiming with Hahs I pickeer : Tho' %uiir$ deny'd, yet bought Refedion drains Parch'd Legions, panting, from the hot Cam- paigns; And though mixt Numbers ftand oppos'd their Ground, , , [wound -, Battle, ftruck hoarfe, ftrives but with Lours to Or, folitary, a rare random Cry, Feebly aflay'd, pops difregarded by. But renovated Coil not long allows A mute Engagement of but hoftilc Brows ; For Hoftels divers, near adjacent, yield Late Invalids, recover'd, to the Field ; With Battle of the Voice* 141 With EfTence arm'd of quick-reftoring Mault, More ftimulated to re-join AfTault, And, like fell Hounds from 'Fault reclaim'd,-*- more ftrong To open) as they rudely pufh along. Now, rallying the fcatter'd Routs of Blue, Full by the Sconfe fuperior to the View, Ample his hairy Cheft, VENTOSO ftandsi A ftern Colofs, and waves his horny Hands, Demanding momentary Paufe ; and, large Expanding Jaws, refufcitates the Charge : Ardor full-fcarlet kindles in his Face, Which, like a Comet, fhoots athreat'ningBlaze; And thus, with well - ale'd Voice, prepar'd to twang Rafh Defamation, belches hoarfe Harangue : " How ! Yield the Day ? Oh Shame ! oh new Difgrace ! [- Race ? " WE, WE the Day, - and to the Canter " Who aim fchifmatically to trapan " Our Catechife with their Chief-End-o-Man : 3 2 A 142 Me MOB I AD-, or, ? A fqueamifh Crew, who'll tremble if We , fwear; " But in Damtfd-Lying take a tenfold Share : " The Calf 's-Head-feafted Villains, who deride * e Our Curfe as caufelefs on the Martyr's Tide : cc Who wou'd again our Church to Stable turn, " And juft-made Surplices to Tinder burn, " As but old Smocks of BABYLON'S old Whore 5 rr> , [Pow r ; >* * ' J ' '"'-' ' much, r [touch ! " Scarce naft'eft JEW (ti) the filthy Herd would " Shall Mifcr'ants, bred in Greafe, Blood, Draff, and Dung, J Tongue r ) CAMILLUS, for Triumphal Grace, Like the Gods Statues with vermilionM Face, Did fcarce in Cheeks fuch bloody Luftre mow, As that wherewith his fiery Features glow. He ends. The hardy Bands of (q) J9^atteft Their Potence with prevailing Voice the beft, Whofe ev'ry Throat with (r) JUNO'S feems to vie In STENTOR'S Form, as pum'd her ARGIVES fly; Or (p) Camillas.'] CAMILLUS, the Roman Di&ator, in his Triumph for taking the VEII, enter'd ROME in a Chariot drawn by Four milk-white Horfes, with his Face colour'd with Vermilion. But fuch Horfes fince the Expulfion of the TAkqyiNs had not been allow'd but to JUPITER and APOLLO : And the Statues of the Gods were wonted to be painted with Vermilion. (q) Buff.] That formerly was the Term of Diftin&ion aflumed by the then low Party, Sound and Buff" being the different Shiboletbs then, as Blue and Yellow now are, (r) Juno, &c.) Vid. HOM. II. lib, 5. Battle cf the Voice. 151 Or (s) THUNDERSON'S, reviv'd TERTULLUS, when His Rattle feeks to lead our Leading Men. More eager than the Sting of burning Thirft, And rapid as ere July Thunders burft. Right gallant as lift BRITAIN'S nettled Sons To fvyinge th' infulting, proud, predacious DONS, They penetrate th' inimic Prefs, and ply Leaps, Reels, Stamps, Pufhes, to fupport the Day. The Hall again takes through rubb'd Gate- way in Stir, Freak, Rant, Hurlyburly, ftunning Din, That, as with colic Throes convuls'd, the Hall Groans hideous, twing'd with the inteftine Bawl. Scarce rack'd VESUVIUS quakes endanger* d fo, When heard internal Storms of Fire to blow. In (s} Thunderfon."] If there be no noify, mobbifli, hot Son of Thunder, &c who thus by the Nofe feeks to lead our Lea- ders, let him be fuppos'd only a Son of mere Poetic Fancy* 152 ?be MOB-IAD; or, In gen'ral Tumult fumes the Conflict : Wide, Yet firmly denfe, the Swarms of either Side With fierce Variety of Combat ftrive Through either Hoft Difcomfiture to drive. A Thoufand Feats, well worth an EX'TER'S Praife, rr [Lays : And thrice three Thoufand Clamours claim our But each Exploit would, but half told, prolong Jn Folio Tomes, defective yet, -the Song, Wrath thro' the Whole in Conflagration fpreads, And agonifing Spite Infection fheds ; As mortal Bites of Dogs infane inftil Like Fury, and a catching Luft to kill. Each Individual chafes in Look to grow A Phalanx fit to ftem th* unnumber'd Foe j As in each Arm, or Mouth, Decifion lay Of Struggle fole to terminate the Fray ; Or each impuls'd with more than Roman Zeal Durft die (t) devoted fa his Party's Weal, (t) Dovoted.] The old ROMANS entertain'd an enthufi- aftic Battle of the Voice. 153 And, bold as CURTIUS in his brave Career, Leap'd in the Gulph, could plunge in Seas of Beer. But doubtful ftill to which the Day will fall : No (u) Ballance JOVE fufpends to weigh the Bawl. Nor Thee, ASTR^EA ! with thy Scales of Gold, Eyes, dim orjaundic'd, in the Hall behold* Thy Bench in Heav'n by Faith they view, and deem [Beam. The Scale of HADDY'S Foes fhall (x) kick the But aflic Notion that in Cafes of extreme Danger from their Enemies in Battle, &c. &c. if a worthy Perfon among them folemnly devoted himfelf to Perdition, and rufh'd on certain Death amid the Enemy, he thereby wrought Salvati- on for his Countrymen, &c. Many madly thus deftroyM themfelves. The Earth opening once in the Forum, the Augurs declar'd it could never be fill'd up till the Thing in which confifted the Strength of the State was caft into it, whereupon M. CURTIUS, afking whether it confifted in any Thing more than Arms and Courage, arm'd himfelf Cap-a-pee, and mounting a ftately Horfe, devoted himfelf accordingly, ahd rode direftly into the Gulph. (a) Ballance.^ Vid. HOM. II. lib. xxii. & VIRG. JEn. lib. xii, (#) Kick the Beam.] See MILT. Par. loft, Book iv. ver. 100. 154 ^ MOB IAD; or, fiut what of that ? Too oft' we fighing know; Thy Scales Above affedt not Scales Below. ^[ HOMER and MARo,~with tjieir Gods of Old, To ferve the Purpofes of Verfe, were bold j And THEM brought down, in Vehicles of Air* With Mortals in ungodly Strife to mare. Good MILTON, haply, made a fpice too free Both with the DEVIL and . THE DEITY. Monaftic Bards th' old Painim Gods forfake ; But (y) GODS as 'twere of fainted Deadmen make. Thefe Volunteers ere beats a Drum engage 1 'Gairift Infidels a Crufade War to wage, And fight Heav'n's Battle with infernal Rage.j_ To Purpofe more approv d might haply We (If bent to tamper with Machinery) Convene (y) Gods as 'twere.] To afcribe the Attributes of GOD to a Creature feems really to deify that Creature. Such as in any Place, and perhaps in a great many Places, pray to a Man, though call'd a Saint 9 muft imagine him differently prefentf and to bear Jnvokers in many 9 perhaps all, Places. Battle of the Voice. 155 Convene a Chapter of thofe Saints who bear O'er Trades and Traders tutelary Care, Who, kenning thus our Garboils rage fo large, Such Havock faft'ning on their divers Charge, Might in the Clouds afiemble, and their Heads (Surrounding which a Blaze of Glory fpreads) In Council join how War awhile might ceafe, And made be Ten Months Interval of Peace. (z) St BLAISE, who (if Monks neither fib nor doat) Invok'd, whip ! prefto ! heals a (z)fquinzyd Throat, Though with his Flefh in bleeding Tatters rent, Might come th' endanger'd Combers Prefident. V To (z) St. Bla'tfe, &c.] The Legend aflurcs, that Perfons, having a fore Throat, who pray to St BLAISE for Help, are ftrangely cur'd. Wool-combers look upon him as the Au- thor and Inventor of their Art and Trade, and reprefent and pi&urehim as their Patron, with a Wool-comb in his Hand, The Suppgfal might pofiibly be founded on his havmg (as 'tis pretended) his Flefh torn by fuch-like Inftrument as a Comb. 156 The MOB IAD-, or, To fave her Coopers from a mortal Quarrel Might interpofe St. MARY of the (b) BARREL. To juft St. JOSEPH ought our MUSE refer The tugging Joiner and the Carpenter. Bricklayers mould St. GREGORY obtain ; The Grace of St. ELOI fhou'd Goldfmitbs gain. St. ANN mould Grooms amft, though none in- voke j Ev'n Butchers claim St. MARY OF THE OAK ; St. JAMES to Hatters might his Goodnefs grant. Upbolfters, fav'd from Fall, might praifeVENANT. St. LE'NARD fhou'd no Stone-cutter forfake, Nor MARY OF LORETTO thofe who Bake. For 'Taylors the beheaded Saint had flood Who duck'd Repentants in Old JORDAN'S Flood. St. CRISPIN might his Gentlecraft relieve : St. EUSTACE Aid to Innholders fhou'd give : The Flea'd Apoftle with his Knife might fide! The broil'd St. LAURENCE Safety to provide > For Curriers and tough Tanners of the Hide j j The " ?.v -'T'-'>fjinfi;j*i (a) Barrel.] Sta. Maria de Copella : Copella fignifying in EngKJb A Barrel. Battle of the Voice. 157 The laft-nam'd Saint might in like Wardfhip hug Thofe who apply or vend th* aperient Drug : Nor leave of Aid the Woollen drapers bare, Nor who at Wholefale deal in Staple Ware. The fwarthy Artifls fweating at the Forge Should draw, unafking, to their Help St. GEORGE; Carmen St. VINCENT have a Guardian Saint ; SAVIOR keep Sadler s fafej LUKE thofe who paint. Nay (b) JOB perhap for fome had prefent been Who've done lewd Worfhip to the (c) Cyprean Queen -, Since divers might, on Scrutiny, be found With aking Bones who hoarfly fnuffle Sound ! Thefe, and the reft, whom canonizing ROME Appoints o'er Craft/men might in Vifion come V 2 To (b) Job.] JOB has the Honour of being efteem'd the Patron of fuch as have the Venereal Malady. (c) Cyprean Queen.} VENUS, lewdly worfhipp'd, in Old Time, in the Ifland of CYPRUS. 158 7&? MO BIA D-, or, To Synod in the Sky 3 and (fince fo jar joiners with Joiners, Smiths on Smiths fo war, Bakers at Bakers drive 5, Wool-Combers fpight Their Fellows ; Coopers one another fight ; That equal Perils from the mingled Rage Abide the Objects of their Patronage V . .. Refolve with one Accord to interpofe, And by an honefl Wilt difhonefl Difcord clofe : That falutary Wile then in the Brain Of fome fage FATHER, ftudious of the Main, Suggefted might, through Vehicle of White ^ (Invention's Whet!) 01 Coffee Steam alight. Hence INDIGO, to counfel quick, nor flow Of Refolution, nor in Action low, Stout as TYDIDES, yet as NESTOR wife, Might, thus infpir'd, in clofe Cabal arife, And, confident of Trick-availing Skill, His Fluency of Tongue thus fweetly trill : " Copartners in the Caufe, whofe Blazonry e< With Clubs in Ambum, would redeem the " Law, hamp'ring Law, which oft' to (d) SOUTHGATE leads, [Heads. " Provok'd fell vengeful on our Champions [Curtain drawn " Which we defign'd . ^But be a " On that Affair, a Night unknowing Dawn !) " But (d) Soutbgate.'] The Prifon, or Goal, in its inferiour Den, for Felons of all Degrees, and in its upper Rooms for Debtors. 160 < fbe MOB I AD; or, " But did, opprobr'ous to our thwarted Aim, e MOBIAD-, or, Thus might the venerable Daniel end, And none reply, but, backing, to commend : With Glee the Junto might adopt the Scheme, And voted Thanks refound his Sehfe fupreme : Reduc'd to Practice the Defign take place, And fit in Chamber with demure Grimace. Such, fay we, might, if not aware that Skill And Strength would fail a too advent'rous Will, Nor (g) Audience ft unhop'd, we here afTay. 1 But left we blunder in wild Paths aftray, We'll frill purfue the beft-known fafer Way. j ^f The Sun now, fhaping duly South hisTour, Marks on true Dials Low Life's (/6)Dining-Hour. The (g) Audience fit .~\ According to MILTON'S very necefla- ry Petition to URANIA, 1 Nor doubt e'er long a Feaft of Ven'fon Cheer, j Augmented Outcries Strength of Whirlwinds blow, r . [throw. Threat'ning the heaving Roofs' puff d Over- Net when, on Birth-days, loyal Powder roars In joyous Union through train'd Mufket-Bores Of full Battalion, e'er a Burft fo loud Was heard to fhatter an impending Cloud. Y 2 The (h) Tabby Tygrefs^ &c.] Meaning a Houlhold Cat, 174 7& MOBIAD; or, The Welkin fkrinks, and ftarting Air around Fears aVulcanian Rupture of the Ground. Command for Silence bids the Tempeft fwell ; The Word repeated does the Thing repel ; For Silence ! Silence ! with extended Pow'r, From ev'ry Mouth refounding drive their Hour. But Marshals, who (I) Stentorian Clamour flrain To quafli the Storm, at lail, a Paufe obtain : Then " O o-o- Y-e-s ! longly drawl'd, as Ufe decrees, c - That Free Men (of high, low, or, no Degrees) " To choofc a new Prime Magiftrate draw nigh'r, ** And Aliens, to avoid the Jail, retire." The fage (k) PROPR^TOR, tho* exerted ftrong, Yet fmooth his Accent, to the buzzing Throng, On (/') Stentorian Clamour."] STENTOR, in the Grecian Army before Troy, is (at leaft poetically) recorded to have equali'd Fifty ordinary-Men in Loudnefs of Voice. Vid. HOM. II. lib. v. ver. 784. Or the mere Englijh Reader fcnay fee POPE'S Tranfl. ver. 976, &c. or fee^Juv. Sat. xiii. (k) Proprietor.] The Recorder, Mr. Serj. JJ-lf d. Battle of the Voice. 175 On Tiptoes of Expectance, All attent Their Ears as THEBES e'er to (/) AMPHION lent/y To fuck the Charms of dulcet Eloquence, Back'd with deep Knowledge and illumin'd Senfe, * Yields thus his Oral Mufick : ^ ce Gen-de-men, (Their Style To-day .To-morrow Scrubs agcri)-- " Since has the MA^'R his Confulate gone through; r , ,. [due !) " (For which, moil worthily, our Thanks are " I muft inform you, (though already known)-* " It's the fix'd Conftitution of our Town, *< When (/) drnphton."] The Fable of his miraculous Lyre, at his playing on which the Stones which built the Walls of THEBES, danced to the Places where they fhould be lay'd, is reafonably fuppos'd to have had no other Bottom than that when he invaded that Country, and carried Mufick, which he had learn'd in LYDIA, then firft into GREECE witk him, the Melody was fo admired for its Excellence and Novelty, that he eafily engaged the People to carry on the Building whilft he diverted them with his Harp. Pr it as probably means, that whereas they were before naturally rude and uncivilized, they were by his Eloquence induced to inhabit within the fame, and live under Laws in Community together. 176 The MOB IAD-, or, " When call'd on to fupply the Chair Supreme, A**' Your GOVERNOURS have Right repos'd in Them, " To fix, as proper CANDIDATES, on Two-, " Of whom the propereft remains to You :" So, with a graceful Emphafis of Tone, TWO nominates, for their Suffrages ONE. * But fcarce the Cadence from his Lip can fly, Ere Quarrel joins in one harmonious Cry, Or but contends which Lungs furpaffing Might Could have attefted in a lengthen'd Fight. Difcord aton'd now in ftrange Union ftrives, And Peace in unaccuftom'd Concord thrives. With CULME ! CULME ! CULME ! the alter'd Hall abounds ; rr [tounds. CULME ! unoppos'd from valid Throats re- Windows and Walls feem CULME to fhout : On high r , [reply. Accordant Echoes CULME ! CULME ! CULME ! No Battle of the Voice. 177 No Deed, no Word, no Look, betrays a Fear j f No Foot recedes ; all Hands Refiftance dare : l ^x All to the Palm difputelefs Title bring, ] And, without Conqueft, all Ovation ring. Now lovely founds the confentaneousjar; Now beautifully fmiles, appeas'd, the War ; Now Party Battle proves a focial Play ; Now Wraths turn Friendfhip, bent the felf-fame Way. So Winds whofe Force, by Winds oppos'd, might wage A Storm, and lafh the Main to furly Rage j But one Point blowing, though with ftronger Gales, Delight the belly'd and more fpeeded Sails. Amazing Turn ! ~ Bells wak'd in Tranfport feel Strange early Pulls exhort each flinging Wheel, Whofe 178 The MOB IAD, Whofe jocund Rounds the baffled Variance \). r j> ( As thus the jokeful Confort feems to run : Vi&orious All ! yet none a Foe fubdues ! The Yellows loft not, though have won the Blues ! End of Canto FL and of the Poem. 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