THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PRESENTED BY PROF. CHARLES A. KOFOID AND MRS. PRUDENCE W. KOFOID REVISED LIST OF THE VERTEBRATED ANIMALS NOW OR LATELY LIVING L\ THE GARDENS OF THE ZOOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON. 1872. FEINTED FOE THE SOCIETY, ' SOLD AT THEIR HOUSE IN HANOVER SQUARE. LONDON: MESSRS. LONGMANS. GREEX, READER, AND DYER PATERNOSTER ROW. [RED LION COURT, FLEET STREET [Price Two Shillings.'] List of the Society's Puhlications. PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMITTEE OF SCIENCE AND COBBE- SPONDENCE OF THE ZOOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON. To Fellows. To the Public. Part L 1830-31. 1vol. Svo Price 4s. 6d. ... 6s. TT -icon 4s. od. 11. PROCEEDINGS OF THE ZOOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON. Svo. 15 vols. and Index. (First Series.) Price to Pricetott Fellows. Public. Part IX. 1841. 1 vol. Svo. 4s. 6d. ... 6s. X. 1842. (out of print) Part I. 1833. 1 vol II. 1834. III. 1835. IV. 1836. V. 1837. VI. 1838. VII. 1839. VIII. 1840. Price to Price to the Fellows. Public. 6s. Svo. 4s. 6d. 4s. 6d. 4s. 6d. 4s. 6d. 4s. 6d. 4s. 6d. 4s. 6d. 4s. 6d. 6s. 6s. 6s. 6s. 6s. 6s. XI. 1843. 1 vol XII. 1844. XIII. 1845. XIV. 1846. XV. 1847- Index 1830-47- Svo. 4s. 6d. . . 6s. 4s. 6d. . 6s. 4s. 6d. . 6s. 4s. 6d. . 6s. 4s. 6d. . 6s. 4s. 6d. 6s, PROCEEDINGS OF THE ZOOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON. 8vo. 13 vols. and Index. (Second Series.) Without Illustrations. With Illustrations. m _ -n rr~ .>, -p,,,-,, To Fellows. To the Public. J.O .CeilUNYB. AU \im- * uk,.~. -- - - s, d. art XVI. 1848. 1vol. Svo. 4s. 6d. .. 6s. ... Price 1 1 XVII. 1849. 4s. 6d. . . 6s. ... 1 " XVIII. 1850. 4s. 6d. . XIX. 1851. 4s. 6d. . XX. 1852. 4s. 6d. . 6s. ... ,,176 6s. ... 16 6s. ... 16 XXI. 1853. 4s. 6d. . 6s. ... 18 XXII. 1854. 4s. 6d. . 6s. ... , 1 _ ft. /% XXIII. 1855. 4s. 6d. . 6s. ... , 1 / 6 t t f\ XXIV. 1856. 4s. 6d. . 6s. ... , 1 1 1 1 f\ XXV. 1857. XXVI. 1858. 4s. 6d. . 4s. 6d. . 6s. ... 6s. ... 110 , 1 12 , XXVII. 1859. 4s. 6d. . 6s. ... , 1 12 ,XXVII1. 1860. 4s. 6d. . 6s. ... , 1 12 ndex 1848-60. 4s. 6d. . 6s. ...,04 t> s. 1 7 1 7 1 18 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 6 1 18 1 7 1 7 2 2 2 2 2 2 060 ILLUSTRATIONS TO THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE ZOOLOGIC^ SOCIETY OF LONDON, 1848-60. Svo. 6 vols. To Fellows. S. d. Mammalia 1 vol., containing 83 Plates ... Price 2 8 Aves 2 vols., 173 Reptilia et Pisces ... 1 vol., 43 Mollusca.. 1 vol., 51 Annulosa et Radiata 1 vol., 90 >* 4 15 1 3 1 3 280 To the Pub! s. o 3 3 I 6 6 C 1 10 f 1 10 ( 3 3 ( REVISED LIST OF THE VERTEBRATED ANIMALS SOW OR LATELY LIVING IN THE GARDENS OF THE ZOOLOGICAL SOCIETY *" OF LONDON. 1872. FEINTED FOE THE SOCIETY. AND SOLD AT THEIR HOUSE IX HANOYER SQUARE. LOXDOX: MESSRS. LONGMANS. GREEN. READER. AND DYER. PATERXOSTER ROW. PRINTED BY TAYLOR AND FRANCIS, RED LION COURT, FLEET STREET. QL77 72 PKEFACE. THE first edition of this List was issued in 1862, and contained the names of all the animals that had been living in the So- ciety's Gardens at any time during the previous year, with their habitats, and the dates and modes of their acquisition. In the second edition, issued in 1863, the animals living in the Society's Gardens from the 1st of January to the end of May of that year were given in a similar form. In the third edition, which was completed for press on the 1st of January, 1865, the names of all specimens received by the Society during 1864 were added to the list. In the fourth edition, issued in 1867, the names of all the vertebrated animals added to the Society's collection during the years 1865 and 1866 were inserted in their proper places ; so that the list contained a complete record of all specimens of Vertebrates that had been exhibited alive in the Society's Gardens in the years 1864, 1865, and 1866. In the present revised edition of this Catalogue I have pur- sued exactly the same system, and have added the names of all the vertebrated animals that we have received during the years 1867, 1868, 1869, 1870, and 1871, with the date and mode of acquisition of each specimen. The result is a nearly complete Catalogue of all the living Vertebrates received by the Society during the past ten years. It is not, however, quite complete, as in the two first edi- tions some of the specimens which had been lost by death or departure were struck out ; but commencing from January 1st, 1864, I believe that every specimen received will be found IV to have been inserted in its proper place, although there may of course have been errors in the determination of the species. For several years it has been my practice to bring before the scientific meetings of the Society short notices of the more important accessions to the Menagerie, with the object of call- ing attention to such as are of special interest. These notices are subsequently printed and published in the ' Proceedings ' of the Scientific Meetings. Both our ' Proceedings ' and ( Transactions ' also contain frequent communications re- ferring to specimens living, or that have previously lived, in the Society's Gardens. I have thought that it would add to the value of the present Catalogue to add references to the ' Proceedings ' and ( Transactions ' in all these cases, so as to make the Catalogue a sort of index to numerous pas- sages in our scientific publications that refer to specimens in the Society's collection. When animals have been figured in our publications from specimens in the Gardens a reference to the figure is likewise added. The thirty woodcuts in the present Catalogue have mostly already appeared in the Society's ' Proceedings.' Some of them, however, have been kindly lent to me for the purpose of this Catalogue by the proprietors of ' Nature.' P. L. S. 1 1 Hanover Square, AY. June 6th, 1872. CONTENTS. MAMMALIA Quadrumana . . page 1 Lemures 28 Chiroptera 32 Insectivora 34 Carnivora 34 Rodentia 63 Proboscidea . 78 Hyraces 78 Ungulata 79 Cetacea 109 Edentata 110 Marsupialia 113 Monotremata . 123 AYES Passeres 124 Pici 166 Coccyges 167 Psittaci 176 Accipitres 204 Steganopodes .... 231 Herodiones 233 Anseres 240 ColtimbaB 257 REPTILIA Testudinata 325 Crocodilia 334 BATEACHIA PISCES 124 272 Alectorides 299 GrallaB 311 Gavia3 31o Pygopodes 318 Impenncs 319 Crypturi 320 Struthiones 321 325 Sauria 336 Ophidia 344 . 359 366 LIST OF WOODCUTS. Fig. Page 1. Cereopithecus pluto . . 7 2. Macacus leoninus, $ . . 13 3. Macacus cyclopis, $ . . 15 4. Brachyurus ouakari . . 25 5. Perodicticus potto .... 30 6. Cynonycteris collaris, $ et puU 33 7. ^Elurus fulgens 57 8. Head of Ursus piscator 59 9. Otaria jubata 61 10. Rhinoceros unicornis, rf 79 11. Rhinoceros bieornis, tf 80 12. Head of Phacochcerus aethiopicus, c? ad 82 13. Head of Phacochcerus africanus, $ jr 83 14. Cervus alfredi, . Purchased, Aug. 5, 1867. c. Purchased, May 1 7, 1868. '/. Female. Deposited, May 13, 1869. e. Purchased, April 14, 1870. Genus CERCOPITHECUS. 11. Cercopithecus talapoin (Erxl.). Talapoin Monkey. Hab. West Africa. . Presented by Lieut. W. B. Bridges, R.N., Nov. 28, 1866. From the Congo River. b. Presented by the Rev. Dan. Greatorex, March 29, 1867. c. Presented by John Gould, Esq., F.Z.S., April 13, 1869. . Purchased, May 8, 1869. See P. Z. S. 1869, p. 430. Fig. 1. Cercopithecus pluto. 8 CERCOPITHECID^l. 24. Cercopithecus pluto, Gray. Pluto Monkey. (Fig. 1, p. 7.) Hab. West Africa. a. Male. Purchased, Aug. 3, 1870. 6. Purchased, Dec. 17, 1870. See P. Z. S. 1871, p. 36. c. Purchased, June 29, 1871. d. Female. Purchased, Aug. 12, 1871. 25. Cercopithecus cephus (Linn.). Moustache Monkey. Hab. West Africa. a. Purchased, Oct. 21, 1862. b. Purchased, Aug. 30, 1865. c. d. Purchased, Aug. 11, 1866. e. Purchased, March 6, 1867. /. Purchased, Aug. 5, 1867. ( j. Presented by J. J. Monteiro, Esq., C.M.Z.S., Sept. 21, 1867. h-Jc. Received in exchange, July 3, 1868. I. Presented by Dr. Dyer, Nov. 16, 1868. m, n. Received in exchange, July 2, 1869. o. Male. Presented by Major-General Gambier, July 19, 1870. p. Male. Presented by Mr. F. Barnett, Nov. 8, 1870. q. Female. Purchased, Aug. 22, 1871. r. Received in exchange, Dec. 21, 1871. 26. Cercopithecus nictitans (Linn.). Hocheur Monkey. Hab. West Africa. a. Purchased, Jan. 17, 1865. 6. Purchased, April 8, 1871. c. Purchased, July 26, 1871. 27. Cercopithecus petaurista (Schreb.). Lesser White-nosed Monkey. Hab. West Africa. a. Deposited, Oct. 21, 1864. 6. Deposited, June 13, 1866. c. Purchased, July 18, 1866. d. Purchased, Aug. 11, 1866. e. Deposited, Dec. 16, 1867. /. Received in exchange, June 24, 1868. g. Male. Purchased, Feb. 13, 1871. 28. Cercopithecus ludio, Gray. Ludio Monkey. Hab. West Africa. a. Purchased, May 26, 1868. b. Female. Deposited, Aug. 7, 1871. CERCOPITHECIDjE. 9 Genus CERCOCEBUS. 29. Cercocebus collaris (Kuhl) . White-collared Mangabey. Hab. West Africa. , b. Received in exchange, Aug. 16, 1864. c. Presented by A. F. Ridgway, Esq., Dec, 3, 1864. d. Purchased, Dec. 13, 1866. e. Presented by Capt. James Erskine, R.N., Feb. 6, 1867. /. Purchased, Aug. 5, 1867. g. Deposited, Dec. 7, 1867. h. Purchased, Jan. 27, 1868. i. Presented by the Rev. Dan. Greatorex, Jan. 28, 1868. j, Tc. Presented by Dr. Leared, Dec. 19, 1868. I. Female. Presented by Col. Addison, April 14, 1869. ra. Male. Purchased, Feb. 3, 1871. 30. Cercocebus fuliginosus , Geoffir. Sooty Mangabey. Hab. West Africa. a. Presented by Addison, Esq., April 13, 1864. b, c. Purchased, Aug. 30, 1865. d. Deposited, Nov. 24, 1865. e. Deposited, July 23, 1866. /. Female. Purchased, Sept. 7, 1869. g. Male. Purchased, May 3, 1870. h. Male. Purchased, June 6, 1870. i. Presented by General Osborne, Sept. 30, 1870. j. Male. Presented by E. Atkinson, Esq., July 14, 1871. 31. Cercocebus athiops (Linn.). White-crowned Mangabey. Hab. West Africa. a. Purchased, July 31, 1862. b. Presented by F. van Zeller, Esq., June 15, 1870. 32. Cercocebus albigena (Gray). Grey-cheeked Monkey. Hab. West Africa. a. Purchased, Sept. 12", 1865. See notice by Dr. Murie, P. Z. S. 1865, p. 740. 6. Purchased, Aug. 22, 1866. c. Presented by Capt. James Erskine, R.JST., Feb. 16, 1867. d. Female. Purchased, May 26, 1869. e. Female. Purchased, July 30, 1869. /. Female. Purchased, Aug. 12, 1871. 10 CERCOPITHECID^l. Genus MACACUS. 33. Macacus radiatus (Shaw) . Bonnet-Monkey. Hob. Continental India. a. Purchased, 1853. 6. Purchased, Sept. 26, 1862. From Burmah. c. Presented by G. W. Robinson, Esq., Oct. 8, 1863. d. Presented by W. Freeman, Esq., April 8, 1864. e. Received, April 20, 1864. /. Presented by J. Seaton, Esq., July 18, 1864. g. Presented by Miss Hall, Oct. 5, 1864. Ji. Deposited, Oct. 17, 1864. L Deposited, Jan. 9, 1865. j. Presented by A. M. Furby, Esq., March 27, 1865. fc. Presented by W. F. Baynes, Esq., March 27, 1865. I Presented by the Masters E. & H. Harraden, June 17, 1865. ra. Presented by H. H. Horn, Esq., June 21, 1865. n. Presented by Thomas Cope, Esq., Sept. 20, 1865. o. Presented by Hawkins, Esq., Sept. 23, 1865. p. Deposited, Nov. 6, 1865. q. Presented by Mrs. A. Ansell, Nov. 22, 1865. r. Presented by H. J. de Cataret, Esq., Jan. 1, 1866. s. Presented by S. Yorke Martin, Esq., Feb. 3, 1866. t. Presented by Edward Marsden, Esq., Feb. 7, 1866. u. Presented by Miss Eosalie Harraden, March 24, 18015. v. Presented by J. L. Gray, Esq., June 1, 1866. w. Presented by J. M. Marr, Esq., Sept. 29, 1866. x. Presented by the Earl of Harlington, Nov. 1, 1866. y. Presented by Mrs. Pigot, Nov. 27, 1866. z. Presented by the Rev. W. J. Richardson, Dec. 8, 1866. aa. Presented by Col. Clinton, Feb. 21, 1867. W). Presented by Mrs. Lea, March 25, 1867. cc. Presented by Miss Lockhart, April 11, 1867. dd. Presented by J. Connolly, Esq., Sept. 3, 1867. ee. Presented by A. C. Clarke, Esq., April 3, 1868. ff. Presented by H. A. Forsby, Esq., June 6, 1868. gg,7ih. Presented by Major the Hon. R. Needham, F. Z. S., Sept. 30, 1868. ii. Presented by Dr. J. C. Hornsby Wright, Oct. 28, 1868. jj. Presented by J. May, Esq., Dec. 3, 1868. We. Female. Presented by A. M. Campbell, Esq., May 26, 1869. II. Presented by Miss Geikie, July 29, 1869 mm. Male. Presented by Mr. Lucas, Oct. 14, 1869. nn. Presented by Mr. J. Hutchinson, Oct. 19, 1869. oo. Female. Presented by J. Morris, Esq., Dec. 6, 1869. pp. Male. Presented by R. S. Kirby, Esq., Jan. 3, 1870. qq. Deposited, Feb. 4, 1870. rr. Male. Presented by B. L. Cumberland. Esq., Feb. 26. 1870. CERCOPITHECID^. 11 ss. Male. Presented by H. S. Carline, Esq. March 2, 1870. . Female. Presented by S. T. Holland, Esq., Sept. 14, 1870. uu. Presented by the Rev. W. Hutchinson, July 6, 1871. vv. Female. Presented by T. Fenn, Esq., July 18, 1871. ww. Presented by F. Turner, Esq., Sept. 1.1, 1871. xx. Female. Presented by F. AttweUs, Esq., Oct. 30, 1871. 34. Macacus pileatus (Shaw). Toque Monkey. Hab. Ceylon. a. Presented by Capt. Kelsall, R.E., July 31, 1862. b. Deposited, Aug. 24, 1863. c. Presented by Miss Maria Laura Ronald, Dec. 13, 1865. d. Presented by Mrs. John Williams, Oct. 19, 1866. e. Purchased, June 5, 1868. 35. Macacus cynomolgus (Linn.) . Macaque Monkey. Hab. India. a. Purchased, Sept. 2, 1862. From Siam. b. Presented by Capt. Wellstead, Oct. 6, 1862. From Borneo. c. Presented by Mons. Bernard, July 1, 1863. d. Presented by Mons. Moller, Sept. 16, 1863. e. Presented by Capt. Loutit, Nov. 20, 1863. /. Presented by H. J. P. Cotton, Esq., Dec. 21, 1863. g. Presented by T. J. Hutton Wood, Esq., Aug. 18, 1864. h. Presented by Mrs. R. B. Beddome, Sept, 5, 1864. i. Presented by Messrs. Ellis & Coy, Sept. 9, 1864. j. Deposited, Nov. 3, 1864. Jc. Presented by Capt. Maitland, R.N., Dec. 15, 1864. I Presented by W. Poinard, Esq., Feb. 18, 1865. m. Presented by Cecil T. King, Esq., March 30, 1865. n. Presented by T. Hayes. Esq., April 11, 1865. o. Presented by R. Acton 'Paidoe, Esq., May 10, 1865. p. Presented by Swinson, Esq., Aug. 22, 1865. q. Presented by Henry Jubber, Esq., Sept. 21, 1865. r. Presented by George Newman, Sept. 25, 1865. s. Presented by Capt. Taylor, Oct. 13, 1865. t. Presented by Charles Oferberg, Esq., Nov. 17, 1865. u. Presented by Arthur Donnithorne, Esq., Nov. 20, 1865. v. Presented by J. W. Pyne, Esq., Jan. 23, 1866. w. Presented by D. M. Smith, Esq., R.N., H.M.S. < Conqueror,' Feb. 23, 1866. .r. Presented by the Rev. F. Gerald Yesey, May 10, 1866. y. Presented by Miss E. Hand, May 30, 1866.* z. Presented by Messrs. George & White, June 7, 1866. act. Presented by Frederick Fox, Esq., July 24, 1866. bb. Presented by W. B. Tegetmeier, Esq., Aug. 3, 1866. cc. Presented by John Hoskiug, Esq., Jim., Oct. 10, 1866. 12 CERCOPITHECID.E. dd. Purchased, Oct. 19, 1866. ee. Presented by T. N. Price, Esq., Oct. 24, 1866. ff. Presented by Mrs. Smith, Jan. 30, 1867. gg. Presented by W. W. Cowslade, Esq., Feb. 11, 1867. hh. Presented by W. Burney Wood, Esq., Feb. 25, 1867. ii. Deposited, April 1, 1867. jj. Presented by C. E. Gill, Esq., May 9, 1867. Tck. Presented by Francis N. Smith, May 31, 1867. 11. Presented by Francis Lambert, Esq., Aug. 15, 1867. mm. Deposited, Dec. 10, 1867. nn. Presented by the Executors of the late Dr. Daubeny, Feb. 14, 1868. oo. Presented by Mr. Ross, March 22, 1868. pp. Presented by E. W. Smith, Esq., June 17, 1868. qq. Born in the Menagerie, July 14, 1868. rr. Presented by T. G. Palmer, Esq., Oct. 8, 1868. ss. Presented by E. Round, Esq., Oct. 20, 1868. it. Presented by A. Caines, Esq., Oct. 22, 1868. uu. Presented by Dr. J. C. Hornsby Wright, Oct. 28, 1868. w. Presented by Dr. E. Blennerhassett, Dec. 15, 1868. ww. Male. Presented by Miss Elmhirst, Jan. 2, 1869. ocx. Male. Presented by G. B. Train, Esq., Jan. 27, 1869. yy. Male. Presented by Charles James, Esq., Feb. 2, 1869. zz. Male. Presented by John Ferris, Esq., April 1.6, 1869. aaa, bbb. Males. Presented by Mrs. Stevens, April 27, 1869. ccc. Presented by the Rev. F. E. Durnford, Oct. 12, 1869. ddd. Male. Deposited, Oct. 14, 1869. eee. Presented by Mrs. Goodall, Oct. 23, 1869. fff. Male. Presented by L. T. Hyde Martin, Esq., Nov. 20, 1869. From Sumatra. ggg. Male. Presented by Mrs. W. Goslett, Dec. 17, 1869. hhh, Hi. Males. Presented by Mr. R. Low, Dec. 20, 1869. jjj. Presented by T. Douglas Murray, Esq., Feb. 4, 1870. Icicle, 111. Deposited, Feb. 4, 1870. mmm. Male. Deposited, March 8, 1870. nnn. Deposited, June 3, 1870. ooo. Female. Presented by John Reeves, Esq., F.Z.S., June 14, 1870. ppp. Male. Presented by G. E. Herring, Esq., July 27, 1870. qqq. Male. Presented by Saville Smith, Esq., Sept. 22, 1870. rrr. Male. Deposited, Oct. 17, 1870. sss. Male. Deposited, Nov. 22, 1870. ttt. Male. Presented by Capt. G. F. Parsons, Dec. 8, 1870. uuu. Female. Presented by Capt. J. G. Sherwood, Dec. 8, 1870. vvv. Male. Presented by Madame Richards, Jan. 26, 1871. www. Deposited, Jan. 28, 1871. xxx. Male. Presented by G. Cole, Esq., Feb. 21, 1871. yyy. Male. Presented by Dr. M. Holland, March 13, 1871. CERCOPITHECID.E. 13 zzz. Male. Presented by AV. Yaughan, Esq., April 17, 1871. aaaa. Male. Presented by G. Wingfield, Esq., May 2, 1871. From the Malay countries. 6666. Female. Presented by Miss Kerr, May 26, 1871. cccc. Male. Presented by J. Spanforth, Esq., Oct. 11, 1871. dddd. Female. Presented by H. G. Gibbons, Esq., Dec. 28, 1 -71. 36. Macacus nemestrinus (Linn.). Hub. Java. Pig-tailed Monkey. a. Received in exchange, Dec. 15, 1S54. 6. Purchased, July 19, 1865. Fisr, 'I. Macacus l.eoivnus, 2 14 CERCOPITIIECID^E. c. Presented by S. Youltou, Esq., March 31, 1866. d. Purchased, Dec. 17, 1866. e. Presented by Douglas Marsh, Esq., Feb. 2, 1867. /. Presented by W. D. Garside, Esq., April 15, 1867. g. Purchased, Jan. 16, 1868. h. Male. Presented by Lieut. Codrington Hall, li.N., Jan. 4, 1870. i. Presented by Y. H. Straker, Esq., April 29, 1870. j. Female. Presented by M. Olivier, Oct. 3, 1870. 37. Macacus sancti-johannis (Swirihoe). St. John's Monkey. Hob. North Lena Island, Hong-Kong, China. a. Purchased, Jan. 14, 1867. Original specimen received from Mr. Swinhoe and described by him P. Z. S. 1866, p. 556. 5. Presented by T. J. Fawcett, Esq., Oct. 29, 1867. 38. Macacus leoninus (Blyth). Leonine Monkey. (Fig. 2, p. 13.) Hab. Arracan. a. Female. Presented by Capt. R. A. Brown, 11. N., July 8, 1869. Specimen named by Mr. Bartlett M. andamanensis, Land & Water, 24 July, 1868. See P. Z. S. 1869, p. 467, and 1870, p. 663. h. Male. Purchased, June 14, 1870. Specimen figured P. Z. S. 1870, pi. xxxv. p. 664. 39. Macacus erythraus (Schreb.). Rhesus Monkey. Hab. Continental India. a. Born in the Menagerie, Sept. 29, 1860. b. Presented by Lady Sartorius, Nov. 19, 1861. c. Deposited. Oct. 12, 1863. d. Born in the Menagerie, June 3, 1864. e. Presented by H. Houlder, Esq., Aug. 29, 1864. /. Presented by Mrs. Paton, Oct. 8, 1864. g. Deposited, Oct. 23, 1864. h. Deposited, Jan. 14, 1865. /. Presented by H. Hindley, Esq., Aug. 5, 1865. /. Presented by J. D. Lees, Esq., Sept. 6, 1865. 'fc. Presented by J. S. Jarvis, Esq., Sept. 7, 1865. 1. Presented by D. White, Esq., Nov. 28, 1865. m. Presented by James E. Thompson, Esq., Aug. 1, 1867. n. Presented by Geo. Marshall, Esq., Nov. 4, 1867. o. Presented by Major Hutchinson, Nov. 14, 1867. It. Presented by the Executors of the late Dr. Daubeny, Feb. 14, 1868. f t . Presented by H. Thornton, Esq., May 22, 1868. CERCOPITHECID^:. 15 /-. Purchased, May 26, 1868. s. Presented by Dr. Turle, July 7, 1868. t. Presented by Lieut. J. D. Bulman, Aug. 27, 1868. u. Born in the Menagerie, Dec. 27, 1868. v, w. Males. Presented by F. Luck, Esq., Jan. 21, 1869. A\ Female. Presented by Mrs. M. Round, June 8, 1869. >/. Male. Presented by J. Stilwell, Esq., F.Z.S., Nov. 2, 1869. r. Male. Presented by W. Heath, Esq., Sept. 9, 1870. aa. Male. Presented by Arthur Rood, Esq., Oct. 1, 1870. Ib. Male. Deposited, April 28, 1871. cc. Female. Presented by J. Ayling, Esq., July 10, 1871. del Male. Deposited, Aug. 26, 1871. ee. Female. Presented by H. C. Dear, Esq., Sept. 30, 1871. ff. Male. Presented by J. Spawforth, Esq., Oct. 11, 1871. gg. Female. Deposited, Oct. 17, 1871. hh. Female. Presented by Miss F. M. Coth, Nov. 23, 1871. ii. Female. Presented by G. Van Hare, Esq., Dec. 14, 1871. 40. Macacus lasiotus, Gray. Chinese Rhesus. Hab. Interior of China. a. Presented by Miss C. A. Winckworth, Jan. 15, 1868. From Szechuen. Specimen with tail removed, as described and figured by Dr. Gray, P. Z. S. 1868, p. 60, pi. vi. See Sclater, P. Z. S. 1871, p. 221. Fig. 3. 16 CERCOPITHECID^S. 41. Macacus cyclopis, Swinhoe. Round-faced Monkey. (Fig. 3, p. 15.) Hab. Island of Formosa. a. Male ; b. Female. Presented by Robert Swinhoe, Esq., F.Z.S., H.B.M.'s Vice-Consul, Formosa, Sept. 4, 1862. See Swinhoe, P. Z. S. 1862, p. 350, and 1870, p. 615 ; also Sclater, P. Z. S. 1864, p. 710. 42. Macacus pelopSj Hodgs. Cashmere Monkey. Hab. Himalayas. a. Female. Presented by the Rev. T. P. Methuen, Aug. 29, 1869. Died Dec. 17, 1870. 43. Macacus assamensis, McClelland. Assamese Monkey. Hab. Bhootan. a. Deposited, Nov. 9, 1868. From Bhootan. See P. Z. S. 1868, p. 566. Died March 21, 1869. Specimen described by Dr. Gray, Cat. Monkeys, p. 128, as Macacus problematicus. See Sclater, P. Z. S. 1871, p. 222. 44. Macacus silenus (Linn.). Wanderoo Monkey. Hab. Malabar Coast of India. a. Presented by Capt. Pocklington, 18th llegt., Sept. 2, 1863. b. Presented by Hellendaal, Esq., Dec. 23, 1865. c. d. Presented by Col. Denison, May 3, 1866. e. Presented by Gen. Sir Henry G. A. Taylor, F.Z.S., March 26, 1867. /. Male. Presented by Capt. A. A. Davidson, Sept. 6, 1869. g. Presented by J. "W. Busteed, Esq., Nov. 1870. 45. Macacus speciosus, F. Cuv. Japanese Monkey. Hab. Japan. a. Purchased, June 3, 1864. 46. Macacus maurus (F. Cuv.). Moor Macaque. Hab. Borneo? a. Purchased, August, 1860. See P. Z. S. 1861, p. 420. b. Purchased, Feb. 21, 1866. Specimen described and figured by Dr. Gray as M. inornatas, P. Z. S. 1866, p. 202, pi. xix. See Sclater, P. Z. S. 1871, p. 222. <--. Purchased, Jan. 1, 1871. See P. Z. S. 1871, p. 223. CERCOPITHECIDjE. 17 47. Macacus ocreatus (Ogilby). Ashy-black Macaque. Hab. Celebes (?). a. Purchased, 1858. Specimen described and figured P. Z. S. 1860, p. 420, pi. LXXXII. b. Purchased, May 31, 1870. See P. Z. S. 1870, p. 383. c. d. Purchased, Jan. 1, 1871. 48. Macacus inuus (Linn.) . Barbary Ape. Hab. North Africa. , b. Deposited, Oct. 24, 1864. c. Purchased, March 6, 1867. d. Presented by Mrs. L. Brooke, Oct. 23, 1867. Genus CYNOPITHECUS. 49. Cynopithecus niger (Desm.). Black Ape. Hab. Philippines. a. Female. Purchased Jan. 1, 1869. by c. Males. Purchased, Jan. 1, 1871. Genus CYNOCEPHALUS. 50. Cynocephalus hamadryas (Linn.). Arabian Baboon. Hab. Arabia and Abyssinia. a. Female. Presented by Gordon Sandiman, Esq., June 30, 1860. b. Purchased, Feb. 25, 1868. c. Deposited, June 2, 1868. From Abyssinia. d. Presented by the Hon. R. Melville, July 7, 1868. e. Presented by Lieut. A. E. Puzey, Esq., Oct. 10, 1868. /. Presented by Comm. W. G. Aldrich, R.N., Jan. 22, 1869. g. Male. Presented by H. Duncan, Esq., Feb. 15, 1870. h. Presented by Ch. Booth, Esq., April 24, 1870. i. Male. Presented by the Non-commissioned Officers and Sappers of the llth Company of Royal Engineers, Sept. 13, 1870. From Abyssinia. j. Male. Presented by Capt. T. A. Hunter, Dec. 27, 1871. 51. Cynocephalus porcarius (Bodd.). Chacma Baboon. Hab. South Africa. . Male. Purchased, April 22, 1861. 6. Deposited, Dec. 1, 1864. c. Presented by A. G. Smith, Esq., May 8, 1865. d. Presented by Major Lenon, 67th Rg., Dec. 22, 1866. e. Presented by J. Gurney Hawes, Esq., Feb. 11, 1867. 18 CERCOPITHECIDvE. /. Presented by Thomas Lancaster, Esq., May 10, 1867. g. Deposited, May 26, 1867. h. Deposited, July 25, 1867. i. Presented by J. P. Spring, Esq., 5th Fusileers, Nov. 9, 1867. j. Presented by Lieut. Booth, 5th Fusileers, Nov. 9, 1867. Jc. Male. Presented by Alex. Sinclair, Esq., Nov. 17, 1869. L Presented by W. F. Harold, Esq., Nov. 29, 1870. m. Presented by Joshua Duke, Esq., July 25, 1871. 52. Cynocephalus anubis, F. Cuv. Anubis Baboon. Hab. West Africa. a. Male. Purchased, Nov. 16, 1860. See P. Z. S. 1860, p. 421. b. Presented by the Crystal Palace Co., July 6, 1865. c. Female. Presented by F. Vanzeller, Esq., May 5, 1868. d. Male. Presented by M. Olivier, Oct. 3, 1870. 53. Cynocephalus babouinj Desm. Yellow Baboon. Hab. West Africa. a. Purchased, April 18, 1864. b. Received, March 8, 1865. c. Male; d. Female. Purchased, Aug. 23, 1869. e. Deposited, Oct. 25, 1869. 54. Cynocephalus sphinx (Linn.) . Guinea Baboon. Hab. West Africa. a. Deposited, Sept. 30, 1862. b. Purchased, Jan. 17, 1865. c. Deposited, Oct. 31, 1865. d. Presented by Mrs. Wilson, Nov. 25, 1867. e. Presented by Dr. Hessel, July 30, 1868. /. Presented by W. H. Roberts, Esq., Oct. 19, 1868. g. Male. Presented by Mr. Hart, Jan. 4, 1870. h. Female. Presented by P. D. Hadow, Esq., June 29, 1870. i. Presented by Mrs. Smethurst, Aug. 3, 1870. ./, k. Males. Presented by W. Burrows, Esq., May 13, 1871. 55. Cynocephalus leucoph&us, Desm. Drill. Hab. West Africa. a, 6. Purchased, Jan. 17, 1865. c. Purchased, Feb. 25, 1868. 56. Cynocephalus mormon (Linn.). Mandrill. Hab. West Africa. a. Purchased, Feb. 25, 1868. CEBID^E. 19 Family CEBID^E. Genus ATELES. 57. Ateles paniscus (Linn.). Red-faced Spider Monkey. Hob. Guiana. a. Purchased, May 20, 1865. b. Received, July 13, 1866. r. Male. Presented by D. M c Gibbon, Esq., Sept. 20, 1871. From Demerara. 58. Ateles rufiventris, Sclater. Red-bellied Spider Monkey. Hob. Atrato River. a. Female. Purchased, April 11, 1871. See P. Z. S. 1872. 59. Ateles ater, F. Cuv. Black-faced Spider Monkey. Hab. Eastern Peru. a. Purchased, Dec. 2, 1863. b. Purchased, March 31, 1866. c. Purchased, June 11, 1866. d. Purchased, Aug. 13, 1866. e. f. Purchased, Oct. 15, 1866. (j. Purchased, March 4, 1867. h. Purchased, April 18, 1868. ?. Presented by J. Templeton, Esq., May 19, 1870. From Panama. j. Purchased, June 26, 1871. From Cartagena. X Female. Purchased, Aug. 28, 1^71. 7. Female. Purchased, Oct. 28, 1871. m. Female. Purchased, Nov. 11, 1871. From Panama. See P. Z. S. 1872, p. 5. 60. Ateles grisescens, Gray. Grizzled Spider Monkey. Hab. South America. . Purchased, Oct. 29, 1864. Specimen described by Dr. Gray, P. Z. S. 1865, p. 732. Mus. Brit. 5. Male. Purchased, Oct. 12, 1869. See P. Z. S. 1871, p. 223. r. Purchased. June 26. 1871. From Cartagena. c 2 20 CEBID.E. 61. Aides cucullatus, Gray. Hooded Spider Monkey. Hob. South America. a. Purchased, June 30, 1865. Specimen described by Dr. Gray, P. Z. S. 1865, p. 733, and figured by Sclater, P. Z. S. 1871, p. 223, pi. xiv. Mus. Brit. See also notes by Dr. Murie, P. Z. S. 1865, p. 739. 62. Ateles marginatus, Geoffr. Chuva Spider Monkey. Hob. Lower Amazon. a. Purchased, Oct. 24, 1864. b. Purchased, May 20, 1865. c. Purchased, May 5, 1868. d. Purchased, April 6, 1871. 63. Ateles hybridus, Geoffr. Brown Spider Monkey. Hab. Columbia. a. Purchased, Feb. 25, 1868. 6. Purchased, May 21, 1869. 64. Ateles melanochir, Desm. Black-handed Spider Monkey. Hab. Central America. a. Purchased, Sept. 30, 1864. b. Purchased, Oct. 29, 1864. c. Purchased, Dec. 9, 1864. d. Purchased, June 17, 1867. e. Presented by Capt. Acklom, 6th Kegt., Oct. 21, 1867. /. Purchased, July 29, 1870. g, h. Males. Purchased, Oct. 14, 1870. See P. Z. S. 1870, p. 797, and 1871, p. 226, pi. xv. 7",^. Females. Purchased, Sept. 12, 1871. Nicaragua. 65. Ateles belzebuth (Geoffr.). Marimonda Spider Monkey. Hab. Guiana. a. Purchased, Sept. 27, 1864. b. Purchased, Jan. 3, 1866. c. Received in exchange, April 15, 1867. d. Purchased, Aug. 27, 1867. e. Purchased, Jan. 30, 1868. /. Purchased, March 10, 1868. g, h. Purchased, May 23, 1868. ". Purchased, March 5, 1870. CEBID.E. 21 66. Ateles variegatus, Wagner. Variegated Spider Monkey. Hab. Upper Amazonia and Rio Negro. a. Female. Presented by the Hon. A. H. Gordon, C.M.Z.S., July 14, 1870. From the Upper Caura River, Venezuela. Died Aug. 18, 1870. Specimen described as A. bariletti, $ , by Dr. Gray, Ann. N. H. ser. 4. vol. vi. p. 428. See also P. Z. S. 1870, p. 668, and 1871, p. 225. Genus LAGOTHRIX. 67. Lagothrix humboldti (Geoffr.). Humboldt's Lagothrix. Hdb. Upper Amazon. , 6. Purchased, Oct. 2, 1863. Specimens figured, P. Z. S. 1863, p. 374, pi. xxxi. c. Purchased, Sept. 19, 1867. Genus MYCETES. 68. Mycetes seniculus (Linn.). Brown Howler. Hab. New Granada. a, b. Purchased, Aug. 28, 1863. From the Dekke River, near Cartagena. See P. Z. S. 1863, p. 374 ; and description of the brain by Prof. Flower, P. Z. S. 1864, p. 335. c, d. Purchased, June 12, 1864. From Dekke River, near Car- tagena, Columbia. See notice in ' Illustr. London News,' Sept. 19, 1863. e. Purchased, June 27, 1866. /. Purchased, May 27, 1867. Genus CEBUS. 69. Cebus fatuellus (Linn.). Brown Capuchin. Hab. Guiana. a. Presented by William Lloyd, Esq., Aug. 26, 1864. 6, c. Purchased, Jan. 17, 1865. d. Presented by the Rev. Dan. Greatorex, April 3, 1865. e,f. Purchased, May 3, 1865. g, h. Purchased, May 18, 1866. i. Presented by Mr. Bonne, Nov. 25, 1867. j. Presented by Lieut. D. Macneill, H.M.I.A., Jan. 24, 1868. fc, I. Purchased, Jan. 30, 1868. m, n. Purchased, March 5, 1868. o,p. Deposited, June 9, 1868. q. Presented by J. Clarke, Esq., October 30, 1868. )-. Male. Presented by G. Peacock, Esq., Aug. 3, 1869, s. Purchased, May 13, 1870. 22 t. Female. Presented by J. D. Gibb, Esq., Aug. 3, 1870. u. Male. Purchased, March 31, 1871. v. Male. Presented by Percy Frere Luck, Esq., April 16, 1871. w. Deposited, May 9, 1871. x, y. Males. Deposited, July 20, 1871. z. Purchased, July 26, 1871. 70. Cebus lunatus (F. Cuv.). White-cheeked Capuchin. Hab. Brazil. a. Purchased, 1861. Specimen described and figured by Dr. Gray as Cebus leucoqenys, P. Z. S. 1865, p. 824, pi. XLV. See Sclater, P. Z. S. 1871, p. 227. 71. Cebus capucinuSy Geoffr. Weeper Capuchin. Hab. Brazil. a, b. Purchased, Jan. 17, 1865. c. Purchased, July 14, 1865. d. Presented by Miss Jones, Sept. 27, 1865. e. Purchased, June 11, 1866. /. Purchased June 22, 1866. g, h. Purchased, July 18, 1866. t,j. Purchased, Aug. 28, 1866. k. Deposited, Oct. 17, 1866. 1. Received in exchange, June 3, 1867. m. Purchased, May 5, 1868. n, o. Received in exchange, July 31, 1868. p. Presented by J. Ramsbotham, Esq., Sept. 2, 1868. q. Presented by Mr. Sandland, Sept. 16, 1868. r. Female. Presented by Mrs. Walker, Feb. 25, 1871. s. Male. Purchased, March 31, 1871. t. Male. Purchased, April 1, 1871. w, v. Males, Purchased, April 5, 1871. w. Deposited, May 17, 1871. x. Purchased, Sept. 16, 1871. y. Male. Presented by W. Parfitt, Esq., Nov. 15, 1871. 72. Cebus albifrons, Geoffr. White-fronted Capuchin Monkey. Hab. South America. a. Purchased, Jan. 17, 1865. b. Purchased, Sept. 13, 1865. c. Deposited, Feb. 26, 1866. d. Purchased, July 20, 1867. e. Deposited, July 25, 1867. /, (/. Purchased, Jan. 30, 1868. h. Female. Deposited, Dec. 4, 1869. i. Male. Purchased, Dec. 13, 1869. CEBIDJS. 23 73. Cebus hypoleucus (Humb.). White-throated Capuchin. Hab. Central America. a. Presented by A. Yates, Esq., Aug. 2, 1864. 6. Purchased, Oct. 17, 1864. c. Purchased, March 7, 1865. d. Purchased, June 22, 1866. e. Presented by Dr. Edward B. Bigg, K.N., H.M.S. * Devasta- tion,' C.M.Z.S., Aug. 8, 1866. /. Purchased, May 8, 1868. g. Presented by Mrs. Fletcher, Oct. 6, 1868. h. Deposited, Jan. 24, 1870. ?'. Purchased, June 26, 1871. From Cartagena. j. Purchased, July 26, 1871. 74. Cebus monachus, F. Cuv. Smooth-headed Capuchin. Hab. S.E. Brazil. a. Deposited, Feb. 26, 1868. See notice, P. Z. S. 1868, p. 261. Genus NYCTIPITHECUS. 75. Nyctipithecus trivirgatus. Three-banded Douroucouli. Hab. Guiana. a. Purchased, Nov. 30, 1867. 6. Deposited, Dec. 21, 1867. c. Purchased, July 28, 1870. From Cartagena. 76. Nyctipithecus felinuSj Spix. Feline Douroucouli. Hab. Southern Brazil. . Purchased, May 29, 1857. 6. Presented by F. Le Breton, Esq., May 12, 1864. c. Purchased, June 19, 1865. d. Purchased, Feb. 22, 1868. e. Purchased, Aug. 4, 1869. /. Female. Purchased, March 1, 1870. 77. Nyctipithecus rufipes, Sclater. Red-footed Douroucouli. Hab. Nicaragua. a. Female. Purchased, June 12, 1871. See P. Z. S. 1872, p. 3, pi. i. Genus SAIMARIS. 78. Saimaris sciurea (Linn.). Squirrel Monkey. Hab. Guiana. a. Purchased, March 15, 1604. 24 CEBID^E. 6, Presented by Lieut. C. S. Candall, K.N., Nov. 30, 1864. c. Purchased, Aug. 27, 1864. d. Purchased, June 3, 1865. e. f. Presented by the Prince de Joinville, June 5, 1865. g, h. Purchased, July 15, 1865. i. Purchased, Sept. 1, 1866. j. Deposited, Nov. 7, 1866. Te. Presented by F. Foorome, Esq., Nov. 26, 1867. I. Purchased, April 27, 1868. m. Male. Purchased, April 16, 1869. n. Female. Presented by F. G. H. Price, Esq., Oct. 13, 1869. o. Presented by C. W. Newall, Esq., June 16, 1870. p. Female. Purchased, April 4, 1871. 5. Male. Deposited, Aug. 25, 1871. 79. Saimaris usta, Is. Geoffr. Naked-eared Squirrel Monkey. Hab. Brazil. a. Male. Deposited, July 4, 1871. See P. Z. S. 1872. Genus PITHECIA. 80. Pithecia leucocephala (Audeb.). White-headed Saki. Hab. Guiana. . Male. Presented by W. H. Barton, Esq., R.M.S. ' Wye,' May 15, 1866. From the interior of Demerara. See P. Z. S. 1866, p. 305, and Sclater, P. Z. S. 1871, p. 227. Died June 26, 1866. Mus. Brit. 81. Pithecia monachus (Humb.). Humboldfs Saki. Hab. Amazons. a. Female. Purchased, Oct. 14, 1862. Died, Oct. 24, 1862. Specimen figured and described by Prof. Flower, P. Z. S. 1862, pi. xxxvn. p. 326. 82. Pithecia chiropotes (Humb ) Red-backed Saki. Hab. Guiana. a. Purchased, Nov. 18, 1865. b. Purchased, Oct. 15, 1866. See P. Z. S. 1866, p. 418, and Sclater, P. Z. S. 1871, p. 228. 83. Pithecia satanas (Hoffm.). Black Saki. Hab. Lower Amazons. a. Purchased, March 8, 1864^ Specimen figured, P. Z. S. 1864, pi. XLI. as P. ,vrt tanas (?). Mus. Brit. CEBIDJE. HAPALID.E. 25 6. Purchased, April 30, 1868. See P. Z.S. 1871, p. 228. Mus. Brit, tlpon these specimens CJiiropotes ater, Gray (Cat. Monkeys, p. 61), is founded. <*. Female. Purchased, Feb. 3, 1871. Bracliyut^us ouaTcari. Genus BRACHYURUS. 84. Brachyurus ouakari (Spix) . Ouakari Monkey. Hob. Rio Negro. a. Female. Deposited by Lewis Joel, Esq., C.M.Z.S., Dec. 16, 1869. See notes, P. Z. S. 1870, p. 1. Family HAPALID^E. Genus HAP ALE. 85. Hapale jacchus (Linn.). Common Marmoset. Hab. S.E. Brazil. a-d. Purchased, June 5, 1865. e. Deposited, Oct. 29, 1865. /. Presented by Miss Warren, March 28, 1866. . 54 MUSTELIDjK. 214. Meles ankuma, Temm. Sand Badger. Hob. Japan, a, 6. Purchased, June 1, 1865. SeeT. Z. S, 1865, p. 466. Genus ARCTONYX. 215. Arctonyx collaris, Hodgs. Indian Badger. Hob. Assam. a. Presented by Dr. J. Anderson, C.M.Z.S., Aug. 6, 1867. See P. Z. S. 1867, p. 821. From Tavoy. Genus MEPHITIS. 216. Mephitis chilensis, Geoflr. Chilian Skunk. Hab. Chili. a. Presented by Mr. Edmonds, April 7, 1864. 5. Male ; c. Female. Purchased, July 6, 1870. See P. Z. S. 1870, p. 664. 217. Mephitis mephitica (Shaw). Canadian Skunk. Hab. North America. a. Presented by Capt. D. Herd, H.B.C.S., C.M.Z.S., Nov. 20, 1865. From Hudson's Bay. 6, c. Presented by the Hudson's Bay Co., Oct. 29, 1867 d. Purchased, Nov. 23, 1869. Genus LUTRA. 218. a vulgaris (ErxL). Common Otter. Hab. British Islands. a. Male; b. Female. Presented by the Marquis of Bath, F.Z.S., June 15, 1861. c. Presented by John Henry Gurney, Esq., F.Z.S., March 28, 1864. d. Presented by Lord Huntingfield, F.Z.S., May 17, 1865. e. Presented by William Burnley Hume, Esq., Nov. 9, 1865. /. Presented by the Hon. Rowland Hill, M.P., April 17, 1866. y. Presented by F. Ware, Esq., May 12, 1866. PROCYONIDvE. 55 h. Presented by the Hon. Rowland Hill, July 19, 1867. i. Presented by H. J. Pope, Esq., May 20, 1869. j. Presented by A. Fairgrieve, Esq., Sept. 13, 1869. k. Male. Presented by Capt. De Winton, F.Z.S., May 30, 1870. ?. Presented by Viscount Hill, F.Z.S., July 11, 1870. Family PROCYONID^E. Genus PROCYON. 219. Procyon lotor (Linn.). Raccoon. Hab. North America. . Male. Purchased, July 11, 1861. 6. Presented by W. H. Adams, Esq., May 6, 1863. c, d. Presented by Egbert W. Cooper, Esq., 2nd W. I. Regt., Nov. 10, 1863. e,f. Presented by H. 0. Harris, Esq., Sept. 26, 1864. g,h. Presented by Henry Jubber, Esq., F.Z.S., March 20, 1867. i,j. Born in the Menagerie, June 3, 1868. fc, I. Presented by C. Messiter, Esq., July 29, 1869. 220. Procyon cancrivorus (Cuv.). Crab-eating Raccoon. Hab. South America. a. Purchased, March 16, 1864. 6. Purchased, May 13, 1870. Genus NASUA. 221. Nama nasica (Linn.). Coati. Hab. Central and Southern America. a. Female. Presented by Mr. Spencer, Aug. 9, 1862. Red variety. 6. Female. Purchased, Jan. 10, 1863. c. Male. Purchased, June 29, 1863. d. Purchased, Jan. 1, 1864. e. Presented by Capt. Pike, Jan. 17, 1865. /. Presented by Capt. Henry W. Xotley, June 16, 1865. From Para. g. Presented by John Da Costa, Esq., Sept. 8, 1865. Red variety. Ji. Deposited, Sept. 16, 1865. \. Presented by Sir W. C. Trevelyan, Bart., F.Z.S., Sept. 20, 1865. 50 P ROC YON I D^. j. Deposited, Sept. 20, 1865. Black variety. Ic, I. Presented by J. Baron, Esq., March 22, 1866. m. Presented by Capt. F. H. Johnson, R.N., June 7, ]^. From Para. n. Deposited, Aug. 31, 1866. From Surinam, o. Presented by the Earl of Dundonald, April 3, 1867. lied variety. p.* Deposited, July 25, 1867. q. Presented by W. Archibald, Esq., jun., Aug. 7, 1867. r. Presented by A. G. Walker, Esq., Aug. 12, 1867. s. Presented by K. G. Tootal, Esq., Sept. 17, 1867. From Rio Janeiro. t. Presented by J. A. Marshall, Esq., May 28, 1868. u. Presented by G. S. Symon, Esq., July 8, 1868. v. Presented by J. S. Moore, Esq., Sept 10, 1868. w. Female. Purchased, March 11, 1869. x. Male. Purchased, March 27, 1869. y. Female. Presented by Chas. Denneley, Esq., April 17, 1869. z. Female. Presented by W. M. Rose, Esq., July 13, 1869. aa. Male. Presented by Peter Campbell, Esq., July 22, 1869. Red variety. bb. Female. Presented by Capt. J. Thwaites, Nov. 4, 1869. Brown variety. cc. Female. Presented by Mr. J. Taylor, July 7, 1870. dd. Presented by Stanley Lucas, Esq., Oct. 26, 1870. ee. Presented by Lieut. Jas. LI. Hearne, R.N., Nov. 3, 1870. Brown variety. From Acapulco, W. coast of Mexico. ff. Female. Purchased, March 31, 1871. Black variety. gg. Female. Presented by Mrs. Buckland, Aug. 1, 1871. hh, ii. Born in the Menagerie, Aug. 26, 1871. Brown variety. jj. Presented by the Lady Lovelace, Oct. 6, 1871. Tck. Presented by Capt. Hairby, Nov. 1, 1871. Brown variety. From Paraguay. Genus CERCOLEPTES. 222. Cercoleptes caudivolvulus (Pall.). Kinkajou. Hab. Demerara. a. Presented by J. S. Smith, Esq., F.Z.S., July 8, 1862. 6. Female. Purchased, June 29, 1863. c. Presented by Dr. Wucherer, C.M.Z.S., Jan. 4, 1864. From Bahia. d. Purchased, June 27, 1866. e. Presented by J. Lucie Smith, Esq., July 5, 1866. /. Presented by Major Thompson, Dec. 1, 1866. PROCYONID.E. .ELUKID.E. 57 y. Presented by Capt. A. liuck Keeiie, Juue 4, 1867. h. Deposited, July 25, 1867. /. Presented by Lewis Joel, Esq., H.M.B. Yice-Cousul, Ciudad Bolivar, Sept. 13, 1867. j. Presented by the Hon. A. Gordon, Governor of Trinidad, C.M.Z.S., Sept. 13, 1867. Tc. Deposited, June 26, 1868. L Presented by the Hon. A. Gordon, C.M.Z.S., July 23, 1868. From Trinidad. m. Male. Presented by Dr. John A. Palin, C.M.Z.S., Feb. 2, 1869. From Buenos Ayres. n. Male. Presented by D. M. Eder, Esq., April 19, 1869. o. Deposited, April 9, 1870. p. Female. Purchased, April 11, 1871. i. Ovis arits, Linn. Domestic Sheep. a, b. Presented by John Henry Gurney, Esq., F.Z.S., Oct. 24, 1865. From Lagos. c, d. Presented by Her Majesty the Queen, April 17, 1866. From Africa. , /. Presented by Capt, Glover, R.N., June 18, 1866. From Africa. y. Born in the Menagerie, March 8, 1867. A. Male ; i. Female. Presented by Capt. Parker, March 16, 1870. Fat-tailed variety. j. Male. Deposited, May 5, 1870. From the East Indies, i. Male ; I. Female. A variety. Presented by J. J. Mon- teiro, Esq., C.M.Z.S., Aug. 2, 1871. 353. Ovis musimon, Schreb. Mouflon. Hab. Sardinia and Corsica. a. Male, Born in the Menagerie, May 1859. 6, c. Deposited, Aug. 13, 1866. d, e. Presented by Lord Lilford, F.Z.S., March 16, 1868. /. Presented by Earl Dudley, April 13, 1868. g. Born in the Menagerie, May 13, 1868. 7i. Male ; i. Female. Born in the Menagerie, May 3, 1869. j. Born in the Menagerie, April 15, 1870. k. Born in the Menagerie, April 17, 1870. I Female. Born in the Menagerie, April, 23, 1870. m. Male. Presented by Her Majesty the Queen, March 21, 1871. n. Hybrid between this species and Ovis cycloceros, c? Born in the Menagerie, May 18, 1871. o. Hybrid between this species and Ovis cycloceros, 3 . Born Vi the Menagerie, May 29, 1871. BOVID.t. 89 p. Hybrid between this species and 0. (tries. Born in the Menagerie, Oct. 3, 1871. 354. Ovis cycloceros, Hutton. Punjab Wild Sheep. Hob. North-west India. a. Male. Presented by Brigadier-General Hearsey, F.Z.S., Aug. 19, 1854. See P. Z. S. 1860, p. 126. 6. Female. Presented by Major Bartlett, July 25, 1857. See P. Z. S. 1860, p. 126. c, d. Females. Born in the Menagerie, May 27, 1858. ,/. Females. Born in the Menagerie, May 25, 1859. g, h. Males. Born in the Menagerie, June 6, 1861. z, j. Males. Born in the Menagerie, July 14, 1862. Jc. Female. Purchased. June 3, 1863. 355. Ovis tragelaphus, Desm. Aoudad. Hob. North Africa. a. Male. Presented by H.E. Sir John Gaspard Le Marchaut, G.C.M.G., March 2, 1861. b. Female. Received in exchange, July 10, 1861. c. d. Born in the Menagerie, March 16, 1864. e, f. Born in the Menagerie, April 19, 1865. -d. Purchased, April 2, 1864. MACROPODID,E. e.f. Born in the Menagerie, April 4, 1865. g, h. Born in the Menagerie, Feb. 3, 1867. i. Born in the Menagerie, Oct. 30, 1867. j. Born in the Menagerie, Dec. 19, 1867. Ic. Born in the Menagerie, May 13, 1868. I. Born in the Menagerie, Sept. 9, 1868. m, n. Females. Presented by Capt. Bolton, Feb. 24, 1869. 0. Female. Born in the Menagerie, May 10, 1869. p. Female. Born in the Menagerie, May 6, 1870. q. Born in the Menagerie, June 21, 1870. r. Female. Born in the Menagerie, Oct. 26, 1870. s. Male. Born in the Menagerie, Aug. 10, 1871. t. Born in the Menagerie, Nov. 28, 1871. 481. Petrogale penicillata, Gray. Brush-tailed Kangaroo. Hab. New South Wales. a. Purchased, May 25, 1866. b. Presented by H. Chandler, Esq., Oct. 24, 1866. Genus HALMATURUS. 482. Halmaturus bennettii, Waterh. Bennett's Wallaby. Hab. Tasmania. ar-d. Deposited, May 16, 1863. e. Male. Received in exchange. /, g. Born in the Menagerie, May 26, 1865. h. Deposited, July 1, 1865. 1. Purchased, June 21, 1866. j. Born in the Menagerie, June 25, 1866. Tc. Born in the Menagerie, April 24, 1867. I. Born in the Menagerie, May 7, 1867. m, n. Presented by W. Enderby, Esq., June 14, 1867. o. Born in the Menagerie, May 13, 1868. p. Presented by C. E. Fenwick, Esq., Sept. 17, 1868. g. Female. Deposited, Aug. 11, 1869. r. Female. Presented by E. C. Eoss, Esq., Nov. 30, 1869. s. Born in the Menagerie, May 2, 1870. f, u. Presented by J. Campbell, Esq., Nov. 18, 1870. v. Born in the Menagerie, March 27, 1871. w. Female. Presented by C. J. Brownrigg, Esq., May 3, 1871. oc. Female. Born in the Menagerie, May 12, 1871. 483. Halmaturus ruficollis (Desm.). Rufous-necked Wallaby. Hab. New South Wales. a, b. Females. Presented by Thomas Maynard, Esq., June 8, 1856. c. Female. Presented by James Selfe, Esq., Dec. 14, 1861. MACROPODlDjE. 121 cL Male. Hybrid between this species and Halmaturus ben- nettii, Waterh. Born in the Menagerie, 1861. ,/. Hybrids as above. Born in the Menagerie, 1863. g. Hybrid as above. Born in the Menagerie, April 8, 1869. 484. Halmaturus ualabatus (Less.) . Black Wallaby. Hab. New South Wales. a. Purchased, May 25, 1866. 6, e, d. Presented by the Acclimatization Society of Melbourne, July 20, 1868. e. Female. Born in the Menagerie, April 20, 1871. 485. Halmaturus dorsalis } Gray. Black-striped Wallaby. Hab. New South Wales. a. Presented by G. M. Roberts, Esq., May 28, 1870. 486. Halmaturus derbianus, Gray. Derbian Wallaby. Hab. Australia. a. Male ; b. Female. Purchased, March 10, 1862. c. Born in the Menagerie, 1863. d. Purchased, Aug. 24, 1864. e. Born in the Menagerie, May 26, 1865. /. Presented by Dr. Mueller, C.M.Z.S., July 26, 1866. g. Presented by the South- Australian Commissioners to the French Exhibition, May 11, 1867. h. Male ; i. Female. Presented by H. W. Peek, Esq., M.P., F.Z.S., April 11, 1870. j. Male ; fc. Female. Presented by the Rev. J. Climenson, F.Z.S., April 25, 1870. Z. Female. Deposited, Nov. 28, 1870. m,n. Males. Born in the Menagerie, May 1, 1871. 487. Halmaturus thetidis, F. Cuv. et Geoffr. Stripe-thighed WaUaby. Hab. New South Wales. a. Male. Purchased, May 6, 1870. 488. Halmaturus billardieri (Desm.). Red-bellied Wallaby. Hab. Tasmania. a. Received in exchange, May 25, 1868. b. Male; c. Female. Received in exchange, May 31, 1871. 122 MACROPODID^E. Genus ONYCHOGALEA. 489. Onychogalea lunata, Gould. Lunulated Kangaroo. Hob. Australia. a. Purchased, March 9, 1865. Genus HYPSIPRYMNUS. 490. Hypsiprymnus rufescens (Gray). Rufous Rat-Kangaroo. Hob. New South Wales. a. Purchased, March 9, 1865. b. Presented by C. J. Foljambe, Esq., Feb. 13, 1867. 491. Hypsiprymnus cuniculus, Ogilby. Tasmanian Rat- Kan- garoo. Hab. Tasmania. a. Presented by Miss J. B. Thompson, Nov. 18, 1871. 492. Hypsiprymnus gaimardi (Desm.). Gaimard's Rat-Kan- garoo. Hab. Australia. , b. Purchased, Jan. 27, 1863. c. d. Purchased, April 6, 1864. e. Born in the Menagerie, July 29, 1864. /. Born in the Menagerie, May 3, 1866. g. Presented by Robert Daubeney, Esq., July 16, 1866. h. Born in the Menagerie, July 17, 1866. i. Purchased, July 21, 1866. j. Born in the Menagerie, May 23, 1867. k. Presented by the family of the Rev. E. Selwyn, deceased, Oct. 16, 1867. I. Born in the Menagerie, Oct. 25, 1867. m. Born in the Menagerie, Dec. 19, 1867. n. Born in the Menagerie, April 30, 1868. o. Born in the Menagerie, May 13, 1868. p. Born in the Menagerie, Aug. 15, 1868. q. Born in the Menagerie, Nov. 26, 1868. r, s. Presented by G. E. Thompson, Esq., Jan. 10, 1871. t. Born in the Menagerie, Feb. 22, 1871. u. Male. Presented by C. Moore, C.M.Z.S., May 30, 1871. "White variety. 493. Hypsiprymnus ogilbyi, Gould. Ogilby's Rat-Kangaroo. Hab. Australia. . Male. Presented by J. F. Newton, Esq., Dec. 11, 1871. MACROPODID.E. ECHIDNID2E. 123 494. Hypsiprymnus apicalis, Gould. White-tipped Rat-Kan- garoo. Hab. Australia, a, b. Purchased, May 27, 1867. Family PHASCOLOMYID.E. Genus PHASCOLOMYS*". 495. Phascolomys wombat, Per. et Les. Common Wombat. Hab. Tasmania. a. Presented by the Acclimatization Society of Victoria, March 18, 1863. b. Deposited, April 19, 1866. c, d. Purchased, Jan. 27, 1868. e. Male. Purchased, May 23, 1870. 1D(>. Phascolomys platyi^hinus , Owen. Platyrhine Wombat. Hab. Victoria, Australia. a. Presented by the Acclimatization Society of Victoria, March 18, 1863. Black variety, described by Mr. Gould as P. niger. b. 7. Phascolomys latifrons, Owen. Hairy-nosed Wombat. Hab. South Australia. a. Purchased, July 24, 1862. Specimen figured by Mr. Gould (Mamm. Austr. pi. 60) as P. lasiorhinus. 1>, Male; c. Female. Presented by the Commissioners of South Australia to the French Exhibition, May 11, 1867. d, e. Presented by the Governor of the Botanic Gardens, Ade- laide, South Australia, Dec. 24, 1867. f. Female. Purchased, Feb. 25, 1870. ', c. Purchased, June 3, 1868. Genus PTILOSTOMUS. 210. Ptilostomus senegalensis (Linn.) . Piapec. Hab. West Africa. a. Purchased, Aug. 19, 1865. Subfamily FREGILINTE. Genus FREGILUS. 241 . Fregilus graculus, Cuv. Cornish Chough. Hab. British Islands. a, b. Purchased, Juno 9, 1857. c. Presented by J. Ashmoad, Esq., July 19, 1869. CORVIDfc. Genus PYRRHOCORAX. .242. Pyrrhocorax alpinus, Vieill. Alpine Chough. Hal). Mountains of Europe and Asia. ft, ft. Purchased, May 14, 1869. r. <1. Purchased. Aug. 2, 1869. Genus CORCORAX. 2 43. Corcorax leucopterus (Temm.) . White-winged Chough Hub. Australia. c. Purchased, May 9, 1866. Genus HETERALOCHA. Fig. 1'J. M 2 164 CORVID.E. 244. Heteralocha gouldi, Gray. Huia Bird. (Fig. 19, p. 163.) Hob. New Zealand. a. Purchased, May 18, 1870. See P. Z. S. 1870, p. 383. Subfamily STRE FERINE. Genus STREPERA. 245. Strepera graculina (White). Pied Crow-Shrike. Hab. Australia. a. Purchased, March 2, 1868. b. Purchased, July 13, 1869. 246. Strepera fuliginosa, Gould. Sooty Crow-Shrike. Hab. Australia. a. Purchased, April 13, 1870. See P. Z. S. 1870, p. 280. 247. Strepera aryuta, Gould. Hill Crow-Shrike. Hab. Tasmania. a. Presented by Miss Mary J. Mayo, May 5, 1865. 248. Strepera anaphonensis (Temm.) . Grey Crow-Shrike. Hab. Australia. a. Purchased, Aug. 16, 1864. b, c. Presented by Miss Mary J. Mayo, May 5, 1865. d. Received, April 4, 1866. e. Purchased, March 11, 1867. /. Presented by John Flaxman, Esq., Sept. 16, 1869. Genus GYMNORHINA. , 249. Gymnorhina leuconota, Gould. White-backed Piping Crow. Hab. South Australia. a, b. Presented by Dr. Mueller, C.M.Z.S., Aug. 19, 1862. Prom Melbourne. c-l. Deposited, 1863. m. Deposited, July 20, 1866. n. Presented by C. C. Fuller, Esq., Dec. 21, 1866. o. Deposited, Oct. 19, 1867. p. Presented by Mrs. C. England, March 21, 1868. CORVID^. COTINGID^!. 165 q. Presented by Higford Burr, Esq., Sept. 9, 1869. r. Presented by J. F. Blackmore, Esq., May 23, 1870. 250. Gymnorhina organica, Gould. Tasmanian Piping Crow. Hob. Tasmania. , b. Presented by Dr. Mueller, C.M.Z.S., Oct. 26, 1863. c. Deposited, April 10, 1869. Genus BARITA. 251. Barita destmctor, Temm. Long-billed Butcher Crow. Hab. New Holland. a. Presented by Charles Clifton, Esq., F.Z.S., May 4, 1863. b. Deposited, July 21, 1866. c. Purchased, June 14, 1867. Family TYRANNIES. Genus MEGARHYNCHUS. 252. Megarhynchus pitangua (Linn.). Pitangua Tyrant. Hab. Brazil. a. Purchased, June 19, 1867. b-d. Purchased, Oct. 11, 1867. Genus PITANGUS. 253. Pitangus sulphuratus (Linn.) . Sulphury Tyrant. Hab. South America. a. Purchased, Dec. 19, 1871. Family COTINGLDJS. Genus CHASMORHYNCHUS. 254. Chasmorhynchus nudicollis (Vieill.). Naked-throated Bell-bird. Hab. Brazil. a. Male. Purchased, May 22, 1866. 6. Male. Purchased, Sept, 6, 1866. c. Presented by John A. Palm, Esq., C.M.Z.S., Feb. 5, 1867. 166 COTINGlDjE. PICID/li. d. Purchased, May 23, 1870. e. Received in exchange, July 7, 1870. Genus RUPICOLA. 255. Rupicola crocea, Vieill. Demeraran Cock of the Rock. Hab. Demerara. , b. Presented by J. Lucie Smith, Esq., July 4, 1866. See P.Z.S. 1866, p. 418. c. Presented by Capt. Coventry, Oct. 15, 1868. Family Genus MENURA. 256. Menura superba, Dav. Lyre-bird. Hab. South-east Australia. a. Purchased, April 9, 1867. Sec P. Z. S. 1867, p. 391. b. Female. Purchased, March 21, 1868. <-. Male. Deposited, April 21, 1868. See P.Z.S. 1868. p. 262. Order PICI. Family PICID^E. Genus Pieus. 257. Picus major, Linn. Greater Spotted Woodpecker. Hab. British Islands. a. Purchased, June 12, 1863. 6, c. Presented by S. C. Hincks, Esq., June 23, 1865. d. Presented by H.S.H. Prince Edward of Saxe-\Vein;ar. Aug. 3, 1865. e. Purchased, Aug. 2, 1870. /. Presented by F. Bond, Esq., F.Z.S., June 26, 1871. Genus CEN^UKUS. 258. Centurus tricolor (Wagl.). Banded Woodpecker. Hab. South America. a. Purchased, June 10, 1870. PICIDJE. PODARGID.E. 167 Genus LEUCONERFES. 259. Leuco/ie rpts candidus (Otto). White-headed Wood- pecker. Hab. Brazil. a. Received in exchange, Oct. 31, 1871. Genus GECIMTS. 260. Gecinus viridis (Linn.). Green Woodpecker. Hab. British Islands. a-y. Purchased, June 18, 1867. Genus COLAPTES. 2(51. Colaptes auratus (Linn.). Golden- winged Woodpecker. Hab. North America. a. Purchased, March 3, 1804. b. Purchased, Aug. 3, i860. Order COCCYGES. Family PODARGID.E. Genus POD A KG us. 262. Podargus cuuivri, Vig. & Horsf. Cuvier's Podargus-, Hab. Australia. a. Purchased, Jan. 14, 1802. b. Presented by the Acclimatization Society of Victoria, Jan. 4, 1865. t-. Presented by Dr. Mueller, C.M.Z.S., March 10. 1866. From South Australia. L Purchased, March 7. l*i7. e,f. Purchased, March 10, 1809. y. Purchased. June 23, 1871. From Tasmania. 168 STEATORNITHIDJS. ALCEDINID^E. Family STEATORNITHID^. Genus STEATORNIS. 263. Steatornis caripensis, Humb. Oil-bird. Hab. Trinidad. a. Presented by the Hon. A. Gordon, C.M.Z.S., June 29, 1869. See P. Z. S. 1869, p. 467. Family COEACIID^E. Genus CORACIAS. 264. Coracias garrula, Linn. European Roller. Hab. Europe. , 6. Purchased, Aug. 1, 1871. Family MOMOTID^E. Genus MOMOTUS. 265. Momotus subrufescens , Sclater. Cartagenian Motmot, Hab. U.S. of Columbia. a. Purchased, July 17, 1860. Family ALCEDINID^K Genus ALCEDO. 266. Alcedo ispida, Linn. Kingfisher. Hab. British Islands. a. Presented by J. C. Cuming, Esq., May 22, 1861. 1. Presented by P. Symonds, Esq., June 11, 1863. c. Presented by A. Yates, Esq., July 12, 1864. d. Purchased, June 24, 1865. e. Purchased, July 16, 1865. /. Presented by "William Thompson, Esq., Sept. 20, 1865. . Presented by the Acclimatization Society of Queensland. Xov. 12, 1869. a. Presented by Dr. Mueller, C.M.Z.S., Dec, 21, 1869. t-v. Purchased, May 6, 1870. w, x. Deposited, March 21, 1871. ll. Presented by E. E. M. Royds, Esq., July 28, 1871. 268. Dacelo cervina, Gould. Buff Laughing Kingfisher. Hab. North Australia. a-c. Purchased, May 25, 1870. See P. Z. S. 1870, p. 383. Genus TODIRAMPHUS. 269. Todiramphus sawctus (Vig. & Horsf.). Sacred King- fisher. Hab. Australia. a. Received in exchangp. May 25. 1868. 170 BUCEROTID/E. Family BUCEROTIDJE. Genus BUCEROS. a. Species Asiatics. 270. Buceros bicornis, Linn. Concave-casqued Hornbill. Hob. India. a. Male. Presented by the Babu Rajendra Mullick, C.M.Z.S.. July 25, 18(34. See P. Z. & 1864, p. 373. />. Female. Presented by William Dunn, Esq., C.M.Z.S.. July 25, 1864. Sec P. Z. S. 1864, p. 373. r. Female. Deposited, July 23, 1 865, and afterwards purchased. d. Purchased, March 11, 1867. e. Purchased, March 18, 1870. See P. Z. S. 1870, p. 220. Fig. 20. Bueeros plica tus. BUCEKOTIlLi:. 171 271. Buceros rhinoceros, Liim. Rhinoceros Hornbill. Hal. Malay peninsula. a. Presented by the Balm liajendra Mullick, C.M.Z.S., July 25, 1864. See P. Z. S. 1864, p. 373. 272. Buceros corrugatus, Temm. Wrinkled- bill Hornbill. Hab. Sumatra and Borneo. a. Male. Purchased, April 27, 1868. See P. Z. S. 1868, p. 261. 6. Female. Purchased, March 18, 1870. See Buceros gracilis, P. Z. S. 1870, p. 220, and 1871, p. 489. 273. Buceros plicatuSj Shaw. Plicated Hornbill. (Fig. 20.) Hab. Sumatra and Malacca. a. Male. Purchased, March 18, 1870. From Sumatra. See P. Z. S. 1870, p. 220. b. Female. Purchased, March lb. 1870. From Malacca. See P. Z. S. LS70, p. 220. 271. Buceros corona t us, Bodd. Crowned Hornbill. Hab. Malabar. a, b. Purchased, June 3, !>('. Fig. 21. Head of fiv.C' i'i_>* subculindricus 172 BUCEKOTID.E. 275. Buceros albirostris, Shaw. White-billed Hornbill. Hab. Bengal. a. Presented by the Babu Kajendra Mullick, C.M.Z.S., March 31, 1863. 276. Buceros convexus, Temm. Malayan Pied Hornbill. Hab. Malacca. a. Purchased, Jan. 1, 1866. b. Species Africans. 277. Buceros subcylindricus , Sclater. Subcylindrical Horn- bill. (Fig. 21, p. 171.) Hab. West Africa. . Purchased, July 18, 1870. Specimen described and figured. P. Z. S. 1870, p. 668, pi. xxxix. Seye also P. Z. S. 1871, p. 489. 278. Buceros elatus, Temm. Elate Hornbill. Hab. West Africa. a. Purchased, Aug. 19, 1867. See P. Z. S. 1867, p. 817. 279. Buceros atratus (Temm.). Black Hornbill. Hab. West Africa. a. Purchased, Aug. 22, 1867. b. Purchased, May 5, 1868. See P. Z. S. 1868, p. 622. c. Purchased, June 2, 1868. Genus Toccus. 280. Toccus erythrorhynchus, Temm. Red-billed Hornbill. Hab. Africa. a. Purchased, May 19, 1865. b, c. Purchased, Oct. 30, 1867. d. Purchased, April 10, 1868. 281. Toccus melanoleucus (Licht.). Black-and-white Horn- bill. Hab. South Africa. a, b. Purchased, Nov. 27, 1868. See P. Z. S. 1868, p. <>22. BUCEROTID^E. MUSOPHAGID^. 173 Genus BUCORVUS. 282. Bucorvus abyssini cus (Gm.). Ground- Hornbill. Hab. West Africa. a. Female. Purchased, Sept. 9, 1865. From Eastern Africa. See P. Z. S. 1865, p. 676. 6, c. Females. Purchased, Aug. 30, 1866. d. Male. Presented by Charles B. Mosse, Esq., Staff Surgeon, May 6, 1867. See P. Z. S. 1867, p. 473. e. Male. Received in exchange, Sept. 30, 1870. Family UPUPID^E. Genus UPUPA. 283. Upupa epops, Linn. Hoopoe. Hab. Europe. a. Presented by F. Campbell, Esq., July 2, 1865. 6, c. Purchased, Aug. 13, 1866. d-g. Purchased, June 22, 1868. Family MUSOPHAGID.E. Genus MUSOPHAGA. 284. Musophaga violacea, Isert. Violaceous Plantain-cutter. Hab. West Africa. a. Deposited, April 24, 1863. b. Purchased, Dec. 13, 1866. c. Young. Purchased, Dec. 13, 1866. d. Purchased, De. 14, 1871. Genus SCHIZORHIS. 285. Schizorhis africana (Lath.). Variegated Touracou. Hab. West Africa. a. Purchased, Dec. 3, 1863. b. Purchased, March 16, 1866. Genus CORYTHAIX. 286. Corythaix buffonii (Vieill.). Buffon's Touracou. Hab. West Africa. a. Presented by Russell M. Gordon, Esq., F.Z.S., Oct. 10, 1862. 174 MUSOPHAGID7E. CUCULID^E. 287. Corythaix albocristata, Strickl. White-crested Tou- racou. Hab. South Africa. a. Purchased, May 23, 1870. 288. Corythaix persa (Linn.). Senegal Tour acou. Hab. West Africa. a. Presented by Lieut. A. H. Webb, R.N., July 28, 1858. b. Presented by Admiral Sir H. Keppel, K.C.B., Aug. 14, 1 80 1 . c. d. Purchased, March 5, 1868. e. Purchased, Aug. 17, 1868. f. Purchased, March 5, 1869. r/. Male; h. Female. Purchased, March 4, 1S7<>. i. Purchased, June 1, 1870. j. Purchased, Feb. 13, 1871. Ic-m. Purchased, March 4, 1871. 289. Corythaix macrorhyncha, Fraser. Great -billed Tou- racou. Hab. West Africa. a. Purchased, Dec. 28, 1865. b. Purchased, Dec. 13, 1866. Family CUCULID^E. Genus CUCULUS. 290. Cuculus catiorus, Linn. Common Cuckoo. Hab. British Islands. a. Presented by R. F. Lascellcs, Esq., jun., Sept. 11, 1863. b. Presented by J. Currie, Esq., Nov. 15, 1863. c. Presented by W. Barrington d' Almeida, Esq., Sept. 1 9, 1 865. d. Presented by E. C. Hampton, Esq., Oct. 22, 1866. e. Presented by ft. L. Bristow, Esq., July 20, 1867. /. Presented by the llcv. J. B. Sweet, July 26, 1867. f j. Presented by H. Clark, Esq., May 31, 1869. A. Presented by Dr. Salter, F.Z.S., Aug. 29, 1870. ?. Presented by H. J. B. Hancock, Esq., F.Z.S., July 15, 1871 . Genus EUDYNAMYS. 291. Eudynamys orientalis (Linn.). Black Cuckoo. Hab. India. a. Male ; b. Female. Presented by the Babu llajendra Mul- lick, C.M.Z.S., July 25, 1 864. c. Purchased, Oct. 7, 1868. CTJCULID.E. - RAMPHASTID/E. 1 75 Genus CENTROPUS. 292. Centropus rufipennis, 111. Indian Coucal. Hab. India. a,b. Purchased, July 11, 1867. c. Purchased, Oct. 7, 1868. 293. Centropus senegalensis, Linn. Senegal Coucal. Hab. West Africa. a. Purchased, March 8, 1869. Genus GUIKA. 294. Guira piririgua (Vieill.). Guir a Cuckoo. Hab. Para. a-rl. Purchased, March 8, 1864. Family RAMPHASTID.E. Genus RAMPHASTOS. 295. Ramphastos toco, Gra. Toco Toucan. Hab. Guiana. a. Presented by F. Anderson, Esq., Nov. 18, 1 >''>:>. 296. Ramphastos erythrorhynchus (Gm.) . Red-billed Toucan. Hab. Cayenne. a. Purchased, July 20, 1859. 297. Ramphastos cuvieri, Gould. Cuvier's Toucan. Hab. Upper Amazons. a. Purchased, Dec. 14, 1871. See P. Z. S. 1*72, p. 23. 298. Ramphastos arid, Vig. Ariel Toucan. Hab. Brazil. a. Purchased, July 4, b. Purchased., July 27. 1>>7. 299. Ramphastos carinatus, Sw. Sulphur-breasted Toucan. Hab. Mexico. a. Purchased, March 22, 1860. b. Purchased, Oct. 15, 1866. c,d. Purchased. May 26, 176 RAMPHASTID^E. STRINGOPID^E. e. Presented by J. C. Shircore, Esq., May 29, 1869. /, g. Purchased, Sept. 6, 1871. Genus PTEROGLOSSUS. 300. Pteroglossus torquatus (Gm.). Banded Toucan. Hab. Central America. a, b. Purchased, July 28, 1870. From Panama, Family CAPITONID^E. Genus MEGAL^MA. 301. Megalcema asiatica (Lath.). Blue-checked Barbet. Hab. India. a. Purchased, Sept. 4, 1866. 5, e. Purchased, May 4, 1871. Order PSITTACI. Family STRINGOPID.E. Fig. 22. Htr ingnji >.i. Bred in the Gardens, Dec. 12, 1864. ?. Deposited, July 7, 1865. j. Bred in the Gardens, Feb. 1, 1866. \'-m. Bred in the Gardens, Sept. 8, 1867. n. Presented by H. E. Sharp, Esq., Feb. 6, 1868. o. Presented by A. M. Speer, Esq., Jan. 25, 1869. p. Male; q, r. Females. Presented bj* John Lacey, Esq., March 25, 1869. s. Presented by Miss C* Boyle, July 22, 1869. t-v. Presented by Dr. J. S. TuUoch, F.Z.S., Oct. 14, 1869. w. Bred in the Gardens, Nov. 18, 1869. x, y. Males ; z, aa. Females. Presented by A. Grote, Esq., F.Z.S., March 15, 1871. bb, cc. Hatched in the Gardens, June 20, 1871. dd-ff. Hatched in the Gardens, Dec. 12, 1871. (/(j. Male; 7ih. Female. Deposited, Dec. 24, 1871. Genus CACATUA. 304. Cacatua moluccensis (Gm.) . Rose-crested Cockatoo. Hab. Moluccas. a. Deposited, Aug. 30, 1855. b. Presented by Mostyn, Esq., Oct. 23, 1862. c. Presented by Robert Drummond, Esq., F.Z.S., March 19, 1863. N 178 PSITTACID^E. d. Deposited, July 23, 1863. e. Received in exchange, April 9, 1863. /. Presented by Mrs. Moss King, Nov. 13, 1863. g. Deposited, Feb. 25, 1865. h. Deposited, May 20, 1867. i. Presented by Miss Ann E. Wimbolt, Sept. 27, 1867. /. Presented by Mrs. Dix, April 31, 1868. *k. Male. Presented by Mrs. Hutton, Jan. 20, 1869. I. Presented by Arthur Lewis, Esq., March 5, 1870. m. Presented by Dr. R. S. Peart, April 20, 1870. 305. Cacatua ophthalmica, Sclater. Blue-eyed Cockatoo. Hob. Solomon Islands. a, b. Purchased, April 25, 1862. Specimens described and figured, P.Z.S. 1862, pi. xiv. p. 141, as Cacatua ducorpsii. See Sclater, P. Z. S. 1864, p. 187, where the name is changed to C. ophthalmica. c, d. Purchased, May 11, 1865. 306. Cacatua cristata,W&gler. Greater White-crested Cock- atoo. Hab. Moluccas. a. Purchased, July 19, 1861. b. Received in exchange, May 8, 1868. c. Presented by Major-General Sir B. T. Phillips, F.Z.S., April 10, 1871. 307. Cacatua galerita (Lath.). Greater Sulphur - crested Cockatoo. Hab. Australia. a. Presented by Richard Tress, Esq., F.Z.S., July 8, 1860. b. Deposited, Dec. 15, 1860. c. Presented by Thompson, Esq., Aug. 9, 1865. d. Deposited, March 9, 1867. e. Presented by Mrs. Tanqueray, June 25, 1867. /. Presented by J. R. Cameron, Esq., July 2, 1867. g. Presented by G. R. Green, Esq., March 15, 1868. h. Deposited, March 16, 1869. i. Received in exchange, June 21, 1869. j. Presented by Mrs. Blatchley, April 26, 1870. k. Presented by Joshua Duke, Esq., Feb. 17, 1871. I. Deposited, March 21, 1871. m. Deposited, Sept. 25, 1871. PSITTACIlXE. 179 308. Cacatua triton, Temm. Triton Cockatoo. Hob. New Guinea. a. Purchased, 1860. 309. Cacatua sulphurea (Gm.). Lesser Sulphur-crested Cock- atoo. Hob. Moluccas. a. Presented by H. Wickens, Esq., April 15, 1850. 1. Presented by Sutton, Esq., Oct. 23, 1855. c. Deposited, 1860. d. Deposited, March 17, 1865. e. Deposited, April 13, 1866. /. Presented by Miss Atkinson, March 30, 1867. g. Deposited, Aug. 2, 1869. h. Presented by G. Thornton, Esq., Sept. 26, 1871. 310. Cacatua citrino-cristata, Fraser. Citron-crested Cock- atoo. Hab. Timor Laut. a. Presented by Miss Julia Fox, Dec, 22, 1855. b. Deposited, July 17, 1866. 311. Cacatua leadbeateri (Vig.). Leadbeater's Cockatoo. Hab. Australia. Fig. 23. Head of Cacatua satis/uinea. N 2 180 a. Presented by Lady Eleanor Cathcart, Nov. 21, 1854. I. Deposited, Nov. 9, 1863. c-e. Deposited, April 8, 1863. /, g. Presented by Dr. Mueller, C.M.Z.S., May 5, 1865. h. Deposited, Oct. 31, 1865. i. Presented by Mrs. James M. Napier, Nov. 23, 1865. j. Eeceived, April 15, 1867. &. Presented by G. M'Leay, Esq., E.Z.S., Sept. 16, 1869. I. Deposited, Nov. 9, 1870. m. Presented by the Rev. H. Fyffe, May 31, 1871. 312. Cacatua sanguined, Gould. Blood-stained Cockatoo. (Fig. 23, p. 179.) Hub. North Australia. a. Purchased, Nov. 23, 1865. See P. Z. S. 1871, p. 492. Fig. 24. Head of Cacatua yymnopis. 313. Cacatua gymnopis, Sclater. Bare-eyed Cockatoo. Hab. South Australia. a. Purchased, June 2, 1868. See P. Z. S. 1871, p. 493. 314. Cacatua philippinarum (Gm.). Red-vented Cockatoo. Hab. Philippine Islands. a-c. Purchased, June 8, 1865. d. Purchased. Nov. 23, 1805. PSITTACIDjE. 181 315. Cacatua ducorpsi, Hombr. et Jacq. Ducorps's Cockatoo. Hab. Solomon Islands. Fig. 25. Head of Cacatua ducorpsi. , 6. Purchased, April 11, 1864. Specimens described and figured, P. Z. S. 1864, p. 187. From Guadalcanal See also P. Z. S. 1871, p. 491. c. Presented by C. Turner, Esq., June 28, 1871. 316. Cacatua roseicapilla, Vieill. Roseate Cockatoo. Hab. Australia. a. Presented by Lady Kolle, F.Z.S., May 2, 1843. b. Deposited, Aug. 19, 1859. r. Deposited, July 12, 1861. d. Deposited, June 7, 1865. e. Deposited, March 10, 1866. f. Presented by G. M'Leay. Esq., F.Z.S., Sept. 16, 1869. >/. Presented by W. Stuttle, Esq., Sept. 8, 1870. Genus LICMETIS. 317. Licmetis tenuirostris (Wagl.). Slender-billed Cockatoo. Hab. South Australia. a. Received in exchange, May 17, 1847. 182 PSITTACID^E. b. Received in exchange, April 11, 1866. c. Presented by Mrs. Taplin, June 1, 1870. d. Presented by H. R. Abadie,Esq., Aug. 10, 1871. 318. Licmetis pastinator, Gould. Western Slender-billed Cockatoo. Hab. Western Australia. a. Presented by Edgar Ray, Esq., Sept. 22, 1858. b. Presented by Mrs. Lesser, May 16, 1871. c. Presented by Madame R. A. Caplin, Dec. 4, 1871. Genus CALLOCEPHALON. 319. Callocephalon galeatum (Lath.) . Ganga Cockatoo. Hab. New South Wales. a. Male. Purchased, Aug. 5, 1859. 6. Female. Purchased, May 14, 1864. c. Purchased, March 21, 1866. d. Male. Purchased, June 19, 1867. e. Male. Purchased, Aug. 25, 1870. Genus CALYPTORHYNCHUS. 320. Calyptorhynchus banksii (Lath.). Banksian Cockatoo. Hab. New South Wales. a. Purchased, April 25, 1862. See P. Z. S. 1862, p. 141. b. Female. Deposited, May 11, 1867. e. Female. Purchased, Feb. 24, 1870. Genus MICBOGLOSSA. 321. Microglossa alecto (Temm.) . Alecto Cockatoo. a. Presented by Capt. Denham, R.N., June 20, 1861. Subfamily AEIN^E. Genus ABA. 322. Ara hyacinthina (Lath.). Hyacinthine Maccaw. Hab. Northern Brazil. a. Purchased, Aug. 20, 1867. 6. Purchased, May 18, 1870. 323. Ara glauca, Vieill. Glaucous Maccaw. Hab. Paraguay. a. Purchased, June 1860. PSITTACID.E. 183 324. Ara militaris (Linn.) . Military Maccaw. Hob. South America. a. Purchased, Jan. 24, 1864. 6. Purchased, July 5, 1866. c. Purchased, Aug. 23, 1866. Specimen referred to, P. Z. S. 1867, p. 183, as Ara ambigua (Bechst.). 325. Ara macao (Linn.). Red-and- Blue Maccaw. Hob. Central America. a. Deposited, Nov. 7, 1859. b. Deposited, July 12, 1866. c. d. Deposited, June 8, 1868. e. Presented by J. P. Wilson, Esq., F.Z.S., Nov. 11, 1869. /. Presented by Mrs. Coffin, April 14, 1870. g. Presented by J. Wright, Esq., Sept 29, 1870. From Northern Venezuela. 326. Ara chloroptera, Gray. Red-and- Yellow Maccaw. Hob. South America. a. Deposited, May 24, 1861. 6, c. Presented by the Prince de Joinville, Oct. 13, 1863. d. Presented by J. Aird, Esq., Jan. 14, 1865. e. Presented by Charles Butler, Esq., Jan. 18, 1865. /. Deposited, Jan. 18, 1865. g, h. Deposited, July 25, 1867. i,j. Presented by J. Morris, Esq., Nov. 18, 1868. fc. Deposited, March 9, 1869. I. Presented by the Earl Nelson, April 8, 1869. m. Presented by Mrs. Bancroft, April 28, 1869. n. Deposited, May 13, 1869. 0. Deposited, July 25, 1870. 327. Ara ararauna (Linn.). Blue- and- Yellow Maccaw. Hob. South America. a. Purchased, Aug. 24, 1859. b. Presented by E. W. Keate, Esq., F.Z.S., Aug. 9, 1862. c. Presented by Mrs. Heathcote, July 14, 1862. d. Deposited, Sept. 4, 1866. ,/. Deposited, July 25, 1867. g. Presented by Samuel Linder, Esq., Aug. 27, 1869. h. Presented by C. Butler, Esq., F.Z.S., July 26, 1871. 1. Deposited, July 26, 1871. /. Purchased, Aug. 28, 1871. From Central America. Tc. Presented by J. Wright, Esq., Oct. 27, 1871. From Vene- zuela. 184 PSITTACIDJE. 328. Ara maracana (Vieill.). Illiger's Maccaw. Hab. Brazil. a. Purchased, June 7, 1861. b, c. Purchased, Dec. 13, 1871. Genus HENICOGNATHUS. 329. Henicognathus leptorhynchus (King) . Slight-billed Par- rakeet. Hab. Chili. <*. Purchased, July 6, 1870. See P. Z. S. 1870, p. 665. Genus CONURUS. 330. Conurus patagonus (Vieill.). Patagonian Conure. Hab. La Plata and Chili. a. Purchased, Oct. 19, 1868. b-d. Purchased, July 6, 1870. See P. Z. S. 1870, p. 665. 531. Conurus pavua (Bodd.). Green Conure. Hab. Trinidad, a, 6. Presented by A. Warrington, Esq., Nov. 4, 1871. 332. Conurus acuticaudatus (VieilL). Sharp-tailed Conure. Hab. Paraguay. <*. Purchased, July 13, 1868. 333. Conwrus h&morrhous, Spix. Blue-crowned Conure. Hab. Brazil. a. Purchased, April 12, 1864. b. Deposited, May 31, 1867. ,c. Presented by Mrs. Wright, April 9, 1869. 334. Conurus erythrogenys (Less.). Red-masked Conure. Hab. Ecuador. a. Purchased, 1854. 335. Conurus holochlorus, Sclater. Mexican Conure. Hab. Mexico. a, b. Purchased, Nov. 11, 1862. PSITTACIDJE. 185 336. Conurus carolinensis (Linn.). Carolina Conure. Hab. North America. a. Purchased, Aug. 23, 1860. 6, c. Purchased, June 24, 1867. d. Presented by F. G. Streatfield, Esq., Feb. 3, 1869. 337. Conurus nanday (Desm.). Black-headed Conure. Hab. Paraguay. a. Purchased, May 7, 1870. See P. Z. S. 1870, p. 383. 338. Conurus solstitialis (Linn.) . Yellow Conure. Hab. Guiana. a. Purchased, April 25, 1862. 339. Conurus jenday a (Gm.). Yellow-headed Conure. Hab. South-east Brazil. a-d. Purchased, Jan. 19, 1869. e. Purchased, April 30, 1870. 340. Conurus luteus (Spix). Golden Conure. Hab. Guiana. a. Purchased, April 26, 1871. 341. Conurus aureus (Gm.) . Golden-crowned Conure. Hab. South-east Brazil. a, b. Presented by Miss Langford, Dec. 22, 1862. c, d. Presented by Carl A. Schroder, Esq., July 29, 1865. From Para. e, f. Presented by Miss Vawser, ]S T ov. 9, 1865. 342. Conurus petzii (Wagl.). Petz's Conure. Hab. Mexico. a, b. Purchased, June 15, 1869. c, d. Received in exchange, Feb. 15, 1870. 343. Conurus aruginosus (Linn.) . Brown-throated Conure. Hab. South America. a, b. Presented by Mrs. C. Vinall, Sept. 21, 1866. 186 PSITTACID^E. 344. Conurus scant holcemus, Sclater. St. Thomas's Conure. Hab. St. Thomas, West Indies. , b. Purchased, Sept. 12, 1865. c, d. Purchased, Dec. 13, 1871. 345. Conurus chrysogenys, Mass. & Souance. Yellow-cheeked Conure. Hab. Venezuela. a. Purchased, 1853. 346. Conurus cactorum (Max.) . Cactus Conure. Hab. Bahia. a. Purchased, Aug. 29, 1862. 347. Conurus aztec, Souance. Aztec Conure. Hab. Mexico. a. Purchased, May 8, 1868. b. Purchased, May 28, 1868. 348. Conurus smaragdinus (Gmel.) . Chilian Conure. Hab. Chili. a. Presented by T. 0. Simpson, Esq., E.N., Aug. 10, 1866. 6. Purchased, May 8, 1868. 349. Conurus vittatus (Shaw) . Red-bellied Conure. Hab. Brazil. a, 6. Purchased, May 29, 1869. 350. Conurus cyanopterus (Bodd.) . Blue-winged Conure. Hab. Guiana. a. Purchased, May 7, 1870. 351. Conurus leucotis (Licht.). White-eared Conure. Hab. Brazil. a, b. Purchased, July 14, 1871 . PSITTACID^E. 187 Genus BROTOGERYS. 352. Brotogerys tiriacula (Bodd.). All-green Parrakeet. Hob. South America. a, b. Presented by Lady Gilbert, June 17, 1862. c. Presented by Mrs. M'Mullen, Sept. 22, 1869. d. Purchased, March 14, 1871. 353. Brotogerys xanthopterus (Spix). Orange-winged Par- rakeet. Hob. Brazil. a. Purchased, May 28, 1868. 354. Brotog&~ys virescens (Gm.) . Yellow-winged Parrakeet. Hab. Brazil. a. Purchased, Oct. 20, 1862. b. Presented by Mrs. Grant Duff, Dec. 5, 1870. c. Purchased, March 14, 1871. 355. Brotogerys pyrrhopterus (Lath.). Orange-winged Par- rakeet. Hab. Western Ecuador. a, b. Purchased, Aug. 29, 1862. c, d. Purchased, May 14, 1869. 356. Brotogerys tui (Gm.). Golden-headed Parrakeet. Hab. Brazil. a. Purchased, Oct. 20, 1862. b. Purchased, May 8, 1868. Genus BOLBORHYNCHUS. 357. Bolborhynchus monachus (Bodd.) . Grey-breasted Par- rakeet. Hab. Monte Video. a. Presented by Mrs. Malcolm, Aug. 5, 1859. 6, c. Purchased, May 26, 1869. d. Presented by M. A. Carr, Esq., June 16, 1871. 188 PSITTACID^E. Subfamily PLATYCERIN^E. Genus PALJSORNIS. 358. PalcBornis alexandri (Scop.). Alexandrine Parr akeet. Hob. India. a. Female. Presented by Richard Tress, Esq., F.Z.S., Oct. 22, 1855. 6. Presented by Mrs. Eoper, Nov. 3, 1862. c. Deposited, Aug. 18, 1863. d. Presented by Mrs. Synd, Aug. 4, 1864. e. Deposited, May 9, 1869. 359. Palaornis torquata (Bodd.) . Ring-necked Parrakeet. Hob. India. a. Deposited, 1862. b. Female. Presented by Mrs. James Part, Jan. 31, 1863. c. Deposited, Oct. 29, 1863. d. Presented by Miss Bushby, June 8, 1865. e. Presented by Toplis, Esq., Aug. 30, 1865. /. Deposited, Jan. 29, 1866. g. Presented by Verzey, Esq., Dec. 11, 1866. h, i. Deposited, June 6, 1867. j. Presented by the Rev. T. K. Gaskell, Nov. 30, 1867. k. Presented by Mrs. Bruce, Feb. 13, 1868. I Presented by Mrs. Hodgkinson, Oct. 21, 1868. m. Male. Presented by Yero K. Shaw, Esq., Jan. 14, 1869. n. Yellow variety. Presented by Lieut. C. H. T. Marshall, April 21, 1869. o, p. Presented by J. Keene, Esq., Oct. 25, 1869. q. Deposited, March 9, 1870. r. Presented by Mr. Eldred, March 16, 1870. s. Presented by Major Sharpies, Feb. 6, 1871. t. Presented by Miss Ouchtulony, July 27, 1871. u. Presented by Mrs. Hall, Dec. 11, 1871. 360. Palaornis melanorhyncha, Sykes. Black-billed Parra- keet. Hob. Cashmere. a. Female. Presented by Edmund Warre, Esq., April 12, 1871. 361. Palaornis docilis, Gray. Rose-ringed Parrakeet. Hab. West Africa. a. Presented by George Dann, Esq., Sept. 13, 1861. PSITTACID^E. 189 b. Purchased, April 19, 1868. c-f. Presented by Col. Ivy, June 11, 1868. 362. Palaornis cyanocephalus (Linn.) . Blossom-headed Par- rakeet. Hob. Hindostan. a. Deposited, April 4, 1862. b. Purchased, April 15, 1862. c. d. Received, Jan. 14, 1865. e. Deposited, March 9, 1870. 363. Pakeornis luciani, Verr. Red-cheeked Parrakeet. Hab. East Indies. a. Purchased, March 11, 1857. 364. Palceornis javanica (Osb.). Ja van Parrakeet. Hab. Java. a. Purchased, Oct. 20, 1859. b. Purchased, March 20, 1862. c. Deposited, Feb. 27, 1865. d. e. Purchased, March 31, 1871. 365. Palaeornis columboides, Vig. Malabar Parrakeet. Hab. South India. a. Purchased, June 2, 1852. 366. Palceornis malaccensis, Vig. Malaccan Parrakeet. Hab. Malacca. . 249 Genus TADORNA*. 687. Tadorna vulpanser, Flem. Common Sheldrake. Hob. Europe. a. Male ; b. Female. Hybrids between this species and Casarca cana (Gm.). Bred in the Gardens, June 26, 1859. c. Male ; d. Female. Purchased, June 24, 1860. e. Male ; /. Female. Purchased, May 13, 1867. g-i. Presented by Lord Francis Conyngham, F.Z.S., Sept. 28, 1867. j-l Purchased, April 27, 1868. m. Male ; n. Female. Received in exchange, April 14, 1869. 688. Tadorna rutila (Pall.). Ruddy Sheldrake. Hab. Europe. a. Male ; b. Female. Bred in the Gardens, May 13, 1859. See P. Z. S. 1864, p. 190. c. Male; d. Female. Bred in the Gardens, June 2, 1861. See P. Z. S. 1864, p. 190. e. Male. Received in exchange, Nov. 13, 1862. /. Bred in the Gardens, 1863. See P. Z. S. 1864, p. 190. g-m. Bred in the Gardens, May 18, 1867. n-x. Bred in the Gardens, May 20, 1868. y-ff. Bred in the Gardens, May 19, 1869. gg-mm. Bred in the Gardens, May 19, 1870. nn, oo. Bred in the Gardens, May 17, 1871. 689. Tadorna cana (Gm.) . White-fronted Sheldrake. Hab. South Africa. a. Female. Purchased at the Knowsley sale, 1851. See, for notice of various hybrids bred between this bird and other species, P. Z. S. 1859, p. 442, Aves, pi. CLvm. ; also P. Z. S. 1864, p. 190. 690. Tadorna tadorndides, Jard. & Selb. Australian Shel- drake. Hab. South Australia. a-c. Females. Presented by the Hon. J. C. Hawker, Speaker of the House of Assembly, Adelaide, April 3, 1862. See P. Z. S. 1864, p. 191, pi. xvm. d, e. Males. Presented by the Acclimatization Society of Vic- toria, Sept. 22, 1863. * On the Tadornce in the Society's Gardens, see P. Z. S. 1864, p. 189, and 1866, p. 148. 250 ANATID^E. f-h. Presented by the Acclimatization Society of Yictoria, Jan. 4, 1865. i. Purchased, April 29, 1871. 691. Tadorna variegata (Gm.). Variegated Sheldrake. Hab. New Zealand. a. Male ; b. Female. Presented by J. D. Tetley, Esq., Aug. 3, 1863. Specimens figured, P. Z. S. 1864, p. 191, pi. xix. c-g. Bred in the Gardens, May 17, 1865. See P. Z. S. 1866, p. 149. h-j. Bred in the Gardens, May 8, 1866. Jc-m. Bred in the Gardens, May 5, 1867. n. Presented by Mrs. Pricket, July 7, 1868. o-t. Bred in the Gardens, May 12, 1869. u-aa. Bred in the Gardens, July 12, 1870. bb. Bred in the Gardens, July 30, 1870. Genus Aix. 692. Aix sponsa (Linn.) . Summer Duck. Hab. North America. a. Male ; b. Female. Bred in the Gardens, May 24, 1859. c. Male. Hybrid between this species and Fuligula ferina. Received in exchange, Nov. 11, 1860. d. e. Males. Hybrids between this species and Nyroca leucopli- thalma. Received in exchange, Nov. 11, 1860. f-m. Bred in the Gardens, 1863. n-s. Deposited, 1863. t. Bred in the Gardens, May 23, 1865. u. Bred in the Gardens, June 9, 1865. v. Bred in the Gardens, June 18, 1866. w-bb. Bred in the Gardens, June 8, 1867. cc-ff. Received in exchange, Dec. 10, 1868. gg, Tih. Received in exchange, Dec. 28, 1868. ii-TcTc. Bred in the Gardens, June 18, 1869. U, mm. Purchased, Feb. 1, 1870. nn-ww. Bred in the Gardens, May 26, 1870. xx. Female. Purchased, Feb. 2, 1871. yy-ddd. Bred in the Gardens, June 1, L871. 693. Aix galericulata (Linn.). Mandarin Duck. Hab. China. a. Female. Bred in the Gardens, June 2, 1859. b. Male. Deposited, April 15, 1862. c. Male ; d. Female. Bred in the Gardens, 1862. e. Male. Bred in the Gardens, June 1, 1863. /. Male. Received in exchange, March 23, 1865. g-i. Bred in the Gardens, June 14, 1865. ANATIDJB. 251 j-n. Bred in the Gardens, July 7, 1866. o. Purchased, March 15, 1868. p-r. Bred in the Gardens, June 18, 1868. s. Male. Purchased, Jan. 22, 1869. t-bl. Bred in the Gardens, July 9, 1869. cc, del Males ; ee,ff. Females. Purchased, Feb. 3, 1870. gg, hh. Purchased, Feb. 3, 1870. ii,jj. Males. Purchased, Feb. 10, 1870. Tck, II. Bred in the Gardens, June 29, 1870. mm-rr. Received in exchange, Nov. 10, 1870. ss-xx. Bred in the Gardens, June 27, 1871. Genus MARECA. 694. Mareca penelope (Linn.). Wigeon. Hab. Europe. a. Male ; b. Female. Purchased, 1861. c. Male ; d. Female. Supposed hybrids between this species and Querquedula crecca (Linn.), known as the Bimaculated Duck. Purchased, Feb. 18, 1861. e, f. Supposed hybrids between this species and Querquedula crecca (Linn.), known as the Bimaculated Duck. Pre- sented by J. A. Heaton, Esq., Oct. 18, 1864. g. Male ; h. Female. Deposited, May 20, 1867. i,j. Purchased, Dec. 10, 1869. Jc-m. Males ; n-p. Females. Purchased, Jan. 12, 1870. q-x. Bred in the Gardens, June 24, 1870. y. Male; z. Female. Presented by W. Lawson, Esq., June 29, 1870. 695. Mareca chiloensis (King). Chiloe Wigeon. Hab. Chili. a-c. Males ; d-f. Females. Purchased, July 6, 1870. See P. Z. S. 1870, p. 667. g-m. Bred in the Gardens, June 7, 1871. n. Purchased, Oct. 4, 1871. Genus DAFILA. 696. Dafila acuta (Linn.). Pintail. Hab. Europe. a-c. Females. Bred in the Gardens, May 16, 1860. d, e. Males ; f. Female. Bred in the Gardens, May 15, 1861. g-i. Males. 'Purchased, May 22, 1865. j. Male ; k. Female. Deposited, May 20, 1867. I, in. Males. Purchased, April 2, 1870. 252 ANATID^E. 697. Dafila spinicauda (Vieill.) . Chilian Pintail. Hob. Antarctic America. a-h. Purchased, July 6, 1870. See P. Z. S. 1870, p. 666, pi. xxxvni. Genus P(ECILONETTA. 698. PcBcilonetta bahamensis (Linn.). Bahama Duck. Hab. South America. a-c. Bred in the Gardens, July 31, 1860. d. Received in exchange, Dec. 3, 1860. e. Deposited, Aug. 16, 1862. /. Male. Deposited, 1863. g-i. Bred in the Gardens, June 1, 1863. j-m. Bred in the Gardens, June 14, 1865. n. Bred in the Gardens, July 7, 1865. o-u. Bred in the Gardens, July 6, 1866. v. Deposited, June 7, 1867. w-aa. Bred in the Gardens, June 22, 1867. bb, cc. Bred in the Gardens, July 19, 1867. dd-ff. Bred in the Gardens, June 25, 1868. gg, hh. Bred in the Gardens, June 30, 1868. ii-ss. Purchased, Dec. 3, 1868. tt-ww. Bred in the Gardens, June 26, 1869. xx. Bred in the Gardens, July 6, 1870. 699. Pcecilonetta erythrorhyncha (Gm.). Red-billed Duck. Hab. South Africa. a. Male ; b. Female. Bred in the Gardens, July 9, 1860. Genus ANAS. 700. Anas boschas, Linn. Common Wild Duck. Hab. Europe. a, b. Males ; c, d. Females. Presented by D. B. Bullen, Esq., June 17, 1869. e-g. Presented by D. B. Bullen, Esq., July 31, 1869. 7i. Male ; i. Female. Deposited, Dec. 14, 1870. 701. Anas obscura, Gm. Dusky Duck. Hab. North America. a. Bred in the Gardens. 1860. b. Male ; c. Female. Bred in the Gardens, May 21, 1861. ANATIDvE. 253 d, e. Presented by A. Downs, Esq., C.M.Z.S., Oct. 4, 1863. From Halifax. /. Bred in the Gardens, May 23, 1865. g-j. Bred in the Gardens, May 8, 1866. Tc, I Presented by A. Downs, Esq., C.M.Z.S., Oct. 7, 1866. From Halifax, Xova Scotia. m. Presented by A. Downs, Esq., C.M.Z.S., Feb. 28, 1867. n-r. Bred in the Gardens, May 10, 1867. 702. Anas superciliosa, Gm. Australian Wild Duck. Hob. Australia. a. Female. Presented by Edward Wilson, Esq., May 31, 1860. From Melbourne. 6, c. Presented by Dr. Mueller, C.M.Z.S., March 18, 1863. From Melbourne. d-i. Presented by Dr. Mueller, C.M.Z.S., Sept. 5, 1865. j-t. Deposited, July 20, 1866. u-z. Presented by the Acclimatization Society of Melbourne, July 21, 1866. aa-ee. Bred in the Gardens, June 10, 1867. ff. Presented by the Acclimatization Society, Christchurch, Js r ew Zealand, March 30, 1868. gg-ii. Presented by W. R. Barwood, Esq., July 18, 1868. j/, Ick. Presented by Capt. S. Babot, May 11, 1869. ll-oo. Bred in the Gardens, June 29, 1869. 703. Anas pcecilorhyncha, Penn. Spotted-billed Duck. Hab. India. a-c. Presented by the Babu Rajendra Mullick, C.M.Z.S., Aug. 14, 1868. 704. Anas xanthorhyncha, Forst. Yellow-billed Duck. Hab. South Africa. a. Male ; 6. Female. Bred in the Gardens, May 20, 1859. c. Male ; d. Female. Bred in the Gardens, May 30, 1860. e, f. Bred in the Gardens, June 1, 1863. g. Bred in the Gardens, June 17, 1868. h. Bred in the Gardens, June 18, 1870. i-o. Hybrids. Bred in the Gardens, June 11, 1871. 705. Anas castanea, Eyton. Chestnut-breasted Duck. Hab. Australia. a. Female. Purchased, May 11, 1865. 254 ANATID.E. 6, c. Deposited, July 20, 1866. d. Purchased, June 15, 1870. See Prof. Newton's notice, P. Z. S. 1871, p. 649. 706. Anas strepera, Linn. Common G-adwall. Hab. Europe. a, b. Males ; c, d. Females. Bred in the Gardens, June 20, 1861. Genus QTJERQUEDULA. 707. Querquedula crecca (Linn.). Common Teal. Hab. Europe. a. Male ; b. Female. Bred in the Gardens, June 24, 1860. c. Male ; d. Female. Bred in the Gardens, June 1861. e, /. Females. Purchased, May 22, 1865. g-i. Bred in the Gardens, July 6, 1865. j. Presented by T. M. Hayward, Esq., June 28, 1866. Tc-v. Purchased, April 29, 1867. w. Purchased, May 10, 1870. 708. Querquedula brasiliensis (Gm.) . Brazilian Teal. Hab. South America. a. Purchased, March 8, 1864. Prom Para. 709. Querquedula formosa (Gm.). Japanese Teal. Hab. North-eastern Asia. a,. b. Males; c, d. Females. Purchased, Sept. 24, 1867. 710. Querquedula circia (Linn.). Garganey Teal. Hab. Europe. . Male. Presented by Earl Fitzwilliam, F.Z.S., Feb. 11, 1858. 6, c. Males ; d, e. Females. Purchased, May 22, 1865. /. Purchased, April 29, 1867. g, h. Males. Purchased, May 10, 1870. 711. Querquedula creccoides (King). Chilian Teal. Hab. Antarctic America. a, b. Purchased, Oct. 4, 1871. See P. Z. S. 1871, p. 700. ANATIDIE. 255 Genus SPATULA. 712. Spatula clypeata (Linn.). Shoveller. Hab. Europe. a-c. Males. Bred in the Gardens, July 4, 1859. d, e. Males ; /, g. Females. Purchased, May 22, 1865. 7i-L Bred in the Gardens, July 9, 1870. Genus METOPIANA. 713. M etopiana peposaca (Vieill.). Rosy-billed Duck. Hab. South America. a. Purchased, June 6, 1867. b-d. Males; e-g. Females. Purchased, July 6, 1870. See notice and figures, P. Z. S. 1870, p. 666, pi. xxxvn. Subfamily FULIGULINJE. Genus FULIGULA. 714. Fuligula cristata (Ray). Tufted Duck. Hab. Europe. a, b. Females. Purchased, Nov. 22, 1860. c, d. Males. Purchased, Jan. 16, 1862. e-g. Hybrids between this species and Nyroca leucophihalma (Bechst.) for three or four generations. Bred in the Gardens, June 12, 1861. h, i. Males ; j, Tc. Females. Purchased, May 22, 1865. 1. Purchased, Jan. 20, 1870. m. Male. Purchased, March 24, 1870. 715. Fuligula marila (Linn.). Scaup Duck. Hab. Europe. a. Hybrid, supposed to be between this species and Nyroca leucopWialma (Bechst.). Purchased, March 26, 1861. b. Male ; c. Female. Purchased, April 24, 1861. d-i. Males ; j-o. Females. Received in exchange, March 10, 1865. 716. Fuligula ferina (Linn.). Red-headed Pochard. Hab. Europe. a. Male ; 6. Female. Purchased, Nov. 29, 1860. 256 Genus NYROCA. 717. Nyroca leucophthalma (Bechst.). White- eyed Duck. Hab. Europe. a. Male. Purchased, 1857. 6, c. Males ; cl-g. Females. Purchased, May 22, 1865. h. Deposited, May 20, 1867. 718. Nyroca brunnea, Eyt. Brown Duck. Hab. South Africa. a. Purchased, Nov. 8, 1851. Genus CLANGULA. 719. Clangula glaucion (Linn.) . Golden-eye. Hab. Europe. a-i. Purchased, Jan. 16, 1862. j. Female. Purchased, March 3, 1862. k s. Received in exchange, April 6, 1866. t, u. Male ; v. Female. Purchased, March 24, 1870. Genus CEDE MIA. 720. (Edemia nigra, Flem. Common or Black Scoter. Hab. British Islands. a. Purchased, May 11, 1864. b-e. Purchased, May 10, 1866. Genus SOMATERIA. 721. Somateria mollissima (Linn.) . Eider Duck. Hab. Europe. a, b. Purchased, Nov. 2, 1866. c, d. Purchased, Nov. 10, 1868. e. Male ; /. Female. Purchased, Aug. 2, 1869. Genus MICROPTERUS. 722. Micropterus cinereus (Gm.). Loggerhead Duck. Hab. Falkland Islands. a. Presented by Capt. Moore, B.N., Sept. 5, 1861. . - CARPOPHAGIDjE. 25? Subfamily MERGING. Genus MERGUS. 723. Mei*gus merganser, Linn. Goosander. Ha b. British Islands. a, b. Females. Presented by Anthony Sanaze, Esq., March 5, 1864. c. Male. Purchased, Nov. 28, 1865. d. Male ; e. Female. Purchased, March 30, 1867. 724. Mergus senator, Linn. Red-breasted Merganser. Hab. British Islands. a, b. Purchased, Aug. 13, 1866. 725. Mergus albellus, Linn. Smew. Hab. British Islands. a. Female. Purchased, April 15, 1869. 6. Male. Purchased, April 2, 1870. Order COLTJMR2E. Family CARPOPHAGID^l. Genus CARPOPHAGA. 726. Carpophaga globicera (TVagler) . Wattled Fruit-Pigeon. Hab. Samoan Islands. a. Purchased, Oct. 20, 1862. b, c. Purchased, April 19, 1866. 727. Carpophaga aenea (Linn.) . Bronze Fruit- Pigeon. Hab. India. a. Purchased, Jan. 1, 1866. 6. Presented by the Babu Rajendra Mullick, C.M.Z.S., Aug. 6, 1867. c-e. Received in exchange, Nov. 1,1871. s 258 CARPOPHAGID^. 728. Carpophaga latrans, Peale. Brown-tailed Fruit-Pigeon. Hob. Society Islands. a, b. Purchased, April 19, 1866. 729. Carpophaga bicolor (Scop.) . Nutmeg Fruit-Pigeon. Hab. Moluccas. a. Presented by the Babu Eajendra Mullick, C.M.Z.S., Aug. 6, 1867. 730. Carpophaga luctuosa (Temm.). White Fruit-Pigeon. Hab. Northern Australia. a-d. Purchased, Aug. 29, 1870. Genus LOPHOL^EMUS. 731. Lopholamus antarcticus (Shaw) . Double-crested Pigeon. Hab. North Australia. a. Presented by the Acclimatization Society of Sydney, April 10, 1864. See P. Z. S. 1864, p. 158. 6. Presented by the Acclimatization Society of New South Wales, May 5, 1865. Genus PTILONOPUS. 732. Ptilonopus superbus, Temm. Superb Fruit-Pigeon. Hab. North Australia. a, I. Purchased, July .6, 1865. 733. Ptilonopus jambu (Gm.). Jambu Fruit-Pigeon. Hab. Indian archipelago. a. Deposited, Aug. 29, 1870. 734. Ptilonopus melanocephalus, Gm. Black-headed Fruit- Pigeon. Hab. Java. a, b. Females. Purchased, Oct. 20, 1865. c. Male. Purchased, July 5, 1866. CARPOPHAGID.E. 259 735. Ptilonopus fasciatus, Peale. Banded Fruit-Pigeon. Hab. Samoan Islands. a. Purchased, Oct. 20, 1862. Genus ERYTHIUEXAS. 736. Erythrcenas pulcherrima (Scop.). Red-croAvned Pigeon. Hab. Seychelles. a, 6. Presented by Lady Barkly, March 17, 1865. See P. Z. S. 1865, p. 318. c. Purchased, Oct. 3, 1868. Genus TRERON. 737. Treron bicincta (Jerd.). Double-banded Pigeon. Hab. Madras. a. Female. Deposited, July 7, 1864. I. Presented by the Babu Rajendra Mullick, C.M.Z.S., Dec. 22, 1864. 738. Treron phcenicoptera (Lath.) . Purple-shouldered Pigeon. Hab. Nepal. a. Deposited, July 7, 1864. 6. Presented by the Babu Eajendra Mullick, C.M.Z.S., Dec. 22, 1864. 739. Treron calva (Temm.). Bare-faced Fruit-Pigeon. Hab. West Africa. a. Received in exchange, March 24, 1870. 6. Purchased, July 30, 1870. c. Presented by Gen. Sir B. T. Phillips, K.C.B., F.Z.S., Sept. 22, 1870. d-g. Purchased, Aug. 7, 1871. 740. Treron sphenura (Vig.) . Wedge-tailed Pigeon. Hab. Himalaya. a. Presented by the Babu Rajendra Mullick, C.M.Z.S., Aug. 6, 1867. 741. Treron macrorhyncha, Fraser. Thick-billed Pigeon. Hab. West Africa. a. Purchased, Nov. 27, 1865. 260 COLUMBIDjE. Family COLUMBID^E. Genus COLUMBA. a. Species Palcearctica. 742. Colwnba cenas, Linn. Stock-Dove. Hob. British Islands. a, I. Presented by Mr. E. Bartlett, Nov. 11, 1862. c. Presented by John Fletcher, Esq., Nov. 9, 1863. d. Presented by H. B. Bellamy, Esq., Jan. 9, 1865. e,f. Bred in the Gardens, July 16, 1867. g. Presented by John Attlee, Esq., Dec. 7, 1869. h, i. Presented by C. L. Sutherland, Esq., Jan. 24, 1870. j, k. Purchased, July 4, 1870. X m. Presented by W. Bankes, Esq., April 21, 1871. 743. Columba livia, Linn. Rock-Pigeon. Hab. British Islands. a, b. Presented by W. B. Tegetmeier, Esq., Aug. 3, 1866. c. Presented by John Gould, Esq., F.Z.S., Dec. 7, 1869. 744. Columba palumbus, Linn. Ring-Dove. Hab. British Islands. a-c. Presented by Robert H. Mitford, Esq., March 22, 1867. d, e. Presented by Thomas Worthington, Esq., April 2, 1867. /, g. Presented by John Gould, Esq., V.P.Z.S., Oct. 4, 1867. h. ' Presented by W. B. Tegetmeier, Esq., F.Z.S., Dec. 12, 1867. i. Presented by H. P. Hensman, Esq., Sept. 8, 1869. j. Presented by C. L. Sutherland, Esq., Jan. 24, 1870. b. Species ^Ethiopicae. 745. Columba guinea, Linn. Triangnlar-spotted Pigeon. Hab. West Africa. a, 6. Purchased, May 19, 1865. c. Male ; d. Female. Purchased, Nov. 10, 1866. e-h. Purchased, March 5, 1870. 746. Columba arquatrix, Temm. Spotted Pigeon. Hab. South Africa. a. Purchased, May 7, 1864. COLUMBID.E. 261 c. Species Americana. 747. Columba leucocephala, Linn. White-crowned Pigeon. Hab. West Indies. a. Purchased, May 10, 1865. 6, c. Males ; d, e. Females. Presented by John A. Palm, Esq., K.M.S. 'Tasmania,' March 31, 1866. /. Bred in the Gardens, Aug. 1, 1866. g, h. Presented by Dr. Huggins, C.M.Z.S., Oct. 15, 1866. i. Bred in the Gardens, July 18, 1867. j-m. Purchased, Aug. 5, 1867. n, o. Bred in the Gardens, Aug. 22, 1867. p. Bred in the Gardens, Dec. 24, 1867. q. Deposited, April 27, 1869. 748. Columba corensis, Gm. Porto-Rico Pigeon. Hab. West Indies. a, b. Purchased, May 8, 1868. c-f. Deposited, Aug. 4, 1870. 749. Columba speciosa, Gm. Specious Pigeon. Hab. South America. a. Purchased, July 8, 1868. b. Purchased, June 9, 1871. 750. Columba picazuro, Temm. Picazuro Pigeon. Hab. South America. a, b. Purchased, May 8, 1868. + 751. Columba gymnophthalma, Temm. Naked-eyed Pigeon. Hab. South America. a. Presented by W. D. Christie, Esq., F.Z.S., Oct. 4, 1858. b. Bred in the Gardens, 1858. c. Hybrid between this species and C. maculosa, Temm. Bred in the Gardens, Aug. 11, 1859. d. Bred in the Gardens, 1862. e. Bred in the Gardens, 1863. 752. Columba maculosa, Temm. Spotted Dove. Hab. South America. a-/. Purchased, July 6, 1870. From Chili. See P, Z. S. 1870, p. 665. 262 COLUMBINE. 753. Columba albilineata (Bp.) . W hit e-naped Pigeon. Hob. South America. a. Purchased, Oct. 19, 1851. 754. Columba rufina (Temm.) . Rufous Pigeon. Hob. Brazil. a, b. Purchased, June 19, 1867. 755. Columba inornata, Vigors. Cuban Pigeon. Hab. West Indies. a, b. Purchased, May 8, 1868. 756. Columba vinacea, Temm. Vinaceous Pigeon. Hab. South America. a, b. Purchased, May 7, 1870. Genus ECTOPISTES. 757. Ectopistes migratorius (Linn.). Passenger Pigeon. Hab. North America. a. Femalec Received in exchange, March 8, 1852. b. Male. Received in exchange, July 8, 1857. c. Female. Purchased, Aug. 3, 1860. Genus ZENAIDURA. 758. Zenfidura carolinensis (Linn.). Carolina Dove. * Hab. North America. a. Purchased, 1861. Genus (ENA. 759. (Ena capensis (Linn.) . Cape Dove. Hab. Africa. a, b. Purchased, May 19, 1865. c-h. Presented by Henry C. Calvert, Esq., Sept. 5, 1865. From Djeddah, Arabia. i-m. Presented by Mrs.. Ross, June 24, 1867. n, o. Presented by Miss L. Saunders, Dec. 31, 1868. COLTJMBIIhE. 263 Genus GEOPELIA. 760. Geopelia striata (Linn.). Barred Dove. Hab. India. a, b. Purchased, Oct. 2, 1863. c-e. Presented by Arthur Dixon, Esq., Feb. 23, 1864. From Japan. f-j. Presented by the Babu Rajendra Mullick, C.M.Z.S., March 17, 1864. Jc. Bred in the Gardens, Aug. 29, 1865. I. Presented by Mr. G. Pettier, Sept. 6, 1871. m, n. Presented by W. S. Britton, Esq., Oct. 16, 1871. 761. Geopelia tranquilla, Gould. Peaceful Dove. Hab. Australia. a, b. Presented by Mrs. Jacobson, May 29, 1868. 762. Geopelia placida, Gould. Placid Ground-Dove. Hab. Australia. a. Presented by Mrs. Sparkes, Xov. 15, 1864. b. Presented by G. Waugh, Esq., Dec. 8, 1868. 763. Geopelia cuneata (Lath.). Graceful Ground-Dove. Hab. Australia. a. Purchased, May 21, 1868. b-e. Presented by Mrs. Jacobson, May 29, 1868. f, g. Purchased, May 12, 1870. 'h. Bred in the Gardens, Aug. 23, 1870. i. Bred in the Gardens, July 7, 1871. 764. Geopelia humeralis (Temm.). Bar red- shouldered Dove. Hab. Australia. a, b. Purchased. May 23, 1868. c. d. Bred in the Gardens, July 17, 1868. e, f. Bred in the Gardens, Sept. 7, 1868. r/7 Bred in the Gardens, Dec. 30, 1868. h-l\ Received in exchange, Feb. 4, 1869. I, m. Bred in the Gardens, July 19, 1869. n. Presented by the Directors of the Botanic Gardens, Adelaide, Australia, March 6, 1871. From Port Darwin. 264 COLUMBID^E. 765. Geopelia maugai (Temm.). Mange's Dove. Hab. Timor. a-c. Purchased, June 4, 1867. d. Bred in the Gardens, Sept. 7, 1868. e-i. Purchased, April 13, 1870. Genus MACROPYGIA. 766. Macropygia emiliana, Bp. Emilian Pigeon. Hab. Java. a. Purchased, May 22, 1866. Genus TURTUR. 767. Turtur auritus, Gray. Common Turtledove. Hab. British Islands. a, b. Deposited, 1863. c, d. Hybrids between this species and Turtur risorius (Linn.). Purchased, Dec. 15, 1863. e-g. Presented by Mrs. Sidney, May 19, 1865. h, i. Presented by Robert H. Milford, Esq., March 22, 1867. j, k. Hybrids between this species and Turtur risorius (Linn.). Presented by Robert H. Milford, Esq., March 22, 1867. I. Presented by Thomas Worthington, Esq., April 2, 1867. m. Presented by Dr. Page, May 10, 1867. 768. Turtur meena, Sykes. Eastern Turtledove. Hab. India. a. Presented by the Babu Rajendra Mullick, C.M.Z.S., March 17, 1864. 769. Turtur picturatus (Temm.) . Painted Dove. Hab. Mauritius. a, o. Presented by Mrs. Moon, May 11, 1866. c. Presented by Edward Newton, Esq., C.M.Z.S., April 8, 1867. 770. Turtle chinensis (Scop.). Chinese Dove. Hub. India. a. Received, Nov. 25, 1869. 265 771. Turtur senegalensis (Linn.) . Cambayan Turtledove. Hab. Egypt. a. Bred in the Gardens, 1861. , c. Bred in the Gardens, Aug. 10, 1862. d, e. Bred in the Gardens, Sept. 1, 1862. /. Bred in the Gardens, 1863. g. Bred in the Gardens, May 22, 1865. 772. Turtur vinaceus (Gm.). Vinaceous Turtledove. Hab. West Africa. a. Bred in the Gardens, Oct. 18, 1858. b. Bred in the Gardens, July 15, 1860. c. Bred in the Gardens, Sept. 26, 1860. d. Bred in the Gardens, June 27, 1861. e-l Bred in the Gardens, 1863. m, n. Bred in the Gardens, June 27, 1865. o,p. Bred in the Gardens, Sept. 4, 1865. q, r. Bred in the Gardens, Nov. 17, 1865. s, t. Bred in Gardens, June 20, 1866. u. Bred in the Gardens, Aug. 1, 1866. v. Bred in the Gardens, Sept. 29, 1866. w, x. Bred in the Gardens, Oct. 15, 1866. y. Bred in the Gardens, July 18, 1867. z. Bred in the Gardens, Aug. 22, 1867. aa, bb. Presented by J. W. Wooler, Esq., Dec. 21, 1871. 773. Turtur semitorquatus, Sw. Half-collared Dove. Hab. Africa. a-c. Presented by Dr. John Kirk, C.M.Z.S., May 7, 1870. From Zanzibar. 774. Turtur risorius (Linn.) . Barbary Turtledove. Hab. Africa and India. a. Presented by Mrs. Bruce, April 14, 1862. b. Hybrid. Presented by the Rev. Delmar, May 31, 1862. c-f. Deposited, Nov. 16, 1865. g. Var. alba. Presented by Thomas "Worthington, Esq., April 2, 1867. h, i. Presented by Capt. James Tough, July 2, 1869. 775. Turtur bitorquatus (Temm.). Double-ringed Turtle- dove. Hab. Java. a. Received in exchange, Jan. 27, 1863. 266 COLUMBIDvE. 776. Turtur humilis (Temm.). Dwarf Turtledove. Hab. India. a, b. Presented by M. Jules Verreaux, C.M.Z.S., July 6, 1862. c-h. Presented by the Babu llajendra Mullick, C.M.Z.S., March 17, 1864. i, j. Bred in the Gardens, June 3, 1864. 777. Turtur aldabranus, Scl. Aldabran Dove. Hab. Aldabra Islands. a, b. Presented by E. Newton, Esq., C.M.Z.S., June 10, 1871. See P. Z. S. 1871, p. 623, et p. 692, pi. LXXTII. c. Hatched in the Gardens, August 18, 1871. Genus ZEN AID A. 778. Zenaida amabilis, Bp. Zenaida Dove. Hab. West Indies. a, Purchased, 1861. b, c. Presented by Capt. Sawyer, R.M.S. < Tasmania/ March 31 . 1866. d. Male ; e. Female. Presented by John A Palm, Esq., E.M.S. < Tasmania,' March 31, 1866. f-i. Deposited, April 27, 1869. j, lc. Purchased, April 27, 1869. I. Deposited, Aug. 4, 1870. 779. Zenaida auriculata, Bp. Auriculated Dove. Hab. Chili. a-e. Purchased, July 6, 1870. See P. Z. S. 1870, p. 665. Genus METRIOPELIA. 780. Metriopelia melanoptera. Black- winged Dove. Hab. Chili. a-h. Purchased, July 6, 1870. See P. Z. S. 1870, p. 665. Genus SCARDAFELLA. 781. Scardafella squamosa (Temm.) . Scaly Ground-Dove. Hab. South America. a, b. Purchased, Aug. 5, 1867. c, d. Purchased, May 8, 1868. COLUMBIA. 267 Genus CHAM^PELIA. 782. Cham&pelia passerina (Linn.). Passerine Ground-Dove. Hab. America. a. Presented by Sir Charles P. Smith, Sept. 29, 1860. b. Presented by T. Goin,Esq., Jan 1, 1864. c-f. Purchased, May 8, 1868. 783. Chamapelia tdlpacoti (Temm.). Talpacoti Ground-Dove. Hab. South America. a-d. Purchased, May 8, 1868. e, /. Bred in the Gardens, Aug. 6, 1868. Genus LEPTOPTILA. 784. Leptoptila jamaicensis (Linn.). White-fronted Dove. Hab. Jamaica. a. Male ; 6. Female. Purchased, June 24, 1867. c-f. Deposited, April 27, 1869. Genus GEOTRYGON. 785. Geotrygon mystacea (Temm.) . Moustache Ground-Dove. Hab. Martinique. a-d. Purchased, July 20, 1864. e. Purchased, April 27, 1869. 786. Geotrygon montana (Linn.) . Red Ground-Dove. Hab. South America. a, b. Purchased, Aug. 23, 1860. c. Bred in the Gardens, June 13, 1863. d. Bred in the Gardens, July 18, 1864. e. Bred in the Gardens, June 2, 1865. /, g. Purchased, May 8, 1868. h, i. Deposited, April 27, 1869. j, Tc. Bred in the Gardens, July 28, 1869. I, m. Bred in the Gardens, Sept. 6, 1869. n. Bred in the Gardens, June 22, 1870. o. Bred in the Gardens, Aug. 24, 1870. 268 COLUMBIDJS. 787. Geotrygon sylvatica, Gosse. Mountain-Witch Ground- Dove. Hab. Jamaica. a. Purchased, Aug. 23, 1860. b-d. Purchased, July 30, 1861. e-h. Deposited, April 27, 1869. Genus CHALCOPELIA. 788. Chalcopelia chalcospilos (Wagl.) . Bronze-spotted Dove. Hab. West Africa. a, b. Males ; c, d. Females. Presented by the Hon. Lady Gust, Nov. 28, 1866. e. Male ; /. Female. Deposited, Nov. 28, 1866. g. Purchased, March 31, 1871. 789. Chalcopelia afra (Linn.) . Emerald Dove. Hab. Africa. a, b. Presented by Dr. John Kirk, C.M.Z.S., May 7, 1870. From Zanzibar. 790. Chalcopelia puella (Schlegel). Schlegel's Dove. Hab. West Africa. a. Presented by Capt. Butler, July 5, 1870. Genus TYMPANISTRIA. 791. Tympanistria bicolor, Bp. Tambourine Pigeon. Hab. South Africa. a. Male ; b. Female. Purchased, March 31, 1871. c, d. Males. Presented by J. W. Wadlee, Esq., Aug. 18, 1871. Genus OCYPHAPS. 792. Ocyphaps lophotes (Temm.). Crested Pigeon. Hab. Australia. a. Bred in the Gardens, Aug. 21, 1859. b. Purchased, March 14, 1863. c. Purchased, Jan. 19, 1865. d. e. Purchased, Feb. 7, 1865. /. Purchased, March 7, 1865. g, h. Bred in the Gardens, July 4, 1865. i. Purchased, May 17, 1866. COLUMBID^E. 269 j. Bred in the Gardens, Aug. 1, 1866. k, I. Bred in the Gardens, Sept. 29, 1866. m. Bred in the Gardens, July 18, 1867. n. Bred in the Gardens, Dec. 24, 1867. o,p. Presented by 0. W. Brierly, Esq., Xov. 14, 1868. q-s. Received in exchange, Feb. 4, 1869. t, u. Bred in the Gardens, June 15, 1869. v. Bred in the Gardens, Sept. 22, 3869. w. Bred in the Gardens, Sept. 21, 1870. x. Bred in the Gardens, June 29, 1871. y. Bred in the Gardens, Aug. 20, 1871. z, era. Bred in the Gardens, Oct. 6, 1871. Genus CHALCOPHAPS. 793. Chalcophaps indica (Linn.). Green-winged Dove. Hub. India. a. Received in exchange, 1856. From China. b, c. Presented by the Babu Rajendra Mullick, C.M.Z.S., March 17, 1864. d-f. Received, Dec. 31, 1866. g-i. Presented by W. D. Glarside, Esq., April 15, 1867. j, Tc. Presented by Col. G. W. Walker, May 20, 1870. 794. Chalcophaps chrysochlora (Wagl.). Little Green-winged Dove. Hob. Australia. a. Purchased, Feb. 18, 1861. b-f. Received in exchange, April 23, 1863. g. Purchased, Dec. 11, 1863. h-k. Received in exchange, Feb. 4, 1869. Genus PHAPS. 795. Phaps chalcoptera (Lath.) . Bronze- winged Pigeon. Hab. Australia. a. Presented by George Macleay, Esq., F.Z.S., June 22, 1859. b. Bred in the Gardens, July 19, 1861. r. Bred in the Gardens, June 20, 1862. d, e. Deposited, Feb. 14, 1863. /. Deposited, Xov. 14, 1863. g. Male. Presented by Miss Ada Angus, April 9, 1865. h, i. Bred in the Gardens, May 26, 1865. 270 COLUMBIDJS. j, Tc. Bred in the Gardens, June 2, 1865. Z, m. Bred in the Gardens, July 4, 1865. n, o. Bred in the Gardens, Sept. 26, 1865. p. Bred in the Gardens, May 29, 1866. q. Bred in the Gardens, July 10, 1866. r-t. Deposited July 20, 1866. u, v. Bred in the Gardens, Oct. 6, 1866. w, x. Presented by Commander Sir William S. Wiseman, R.N., Feb. 11. 1867. y. Received in exchange, March 27, 1868. z, aa. Bred in the Gardens, June 11, 1868. U. Bred in the Gardens, July 15, 1868. cc. Bred in the Gardens, Aug. 6, 1868. del, ee. Bred in the Gardens, Sept. 17, 1868. ff. Bred in the Gardens, May 10, 1869. gg, hh. Purchased, April 13, 1870. ii. Deposited, May 8, 1871. 796. Phaps histrionica, Gould. Harlequin Bronze-winged Pigeon. Hab. South Australia. a-c. Presented by the Acclimatization Society of Victoria, Jan. 4, 1865. d. Bred in the Gardens. June 16, 1866. Genus LEUCOSARCIA. 797. Leucosarcia picata (Lath.). Wonga-Wonga Pigeon. Hab. New South Wales. a, b. Presented by George Macleay, Esq., F.Z.S., June 2, 1859. c. Bred in the Gardens, Aug. 11, 1859. d. Bred in the Gardens, July 23, 1863. e-g. Deposited, July 20, 1866. Ti-l. Presented by the Acclimatization Society of Victoria, Aug. 12, 1869. m. Presented by C. H. Wigram, Esq., Nov. 2, 1869. n-cc. Presented by Commodore Lambert, R.N., March 3, 1871. Genus PHLOGCENAS. 798. Phlogcenas cruentata (Lath.) . Blood-breasted Pigeon. Hab. Philippine Islands. a. Received in exchange, July 10, 1861. COLUMBID.-E. 271 b. Purchased, Sept. 10, 1863. c, d. Purchased, Dec. 11, 1863. ,/. Purchased, March 9, 1869. g, h. Presented by Harry J. Teitch, Esq., Kov. 2, 1871. 799. Phlogcenas crinigera, Puch. Bartlett's Pigeon. Hab. Sooloo Islands. a-d. Purchased, Aug. 17, 1863. Types of P. bartletti, Sclater, P. Z. S. 1863, p. 377, pi. xxxiv. See also P. Z. S. 1865, p. 239. e. Bred in the Gardens, July 18, 1864. /. Bred in the Gardens, Sept. 22, 1864. g. Bred in the Gardens, May 22, 1865. h. Bred in the Gardens, June 27, 1865. i-k. Bred in the Gardens, Aug. 29, 1865. I. Bred in the Gardens, July 26, 1867. Genus CALCEXAS. 800. Calcenas nicobarica (Linn.)*. Nicobar Pigeon. Hab. Indian archipelago. a-/. Presented by the Babu Eajendra Mullick, C.M.Z.S., March 17, 1864. g. Bred in the Gardens, July 6, 1865. h. Bred in the Gardens, May 25, 1866. i. Bred in the Gardens, July 31, 1866. j. Purchased, May 14, 1868. jfc. Bred in the Gardens, July 2, 1868. 7. Bred in the Gardens, Aug. 13, 1868. ?w. Bred in the Gardens, Sept. 22, 1869. n. Bred in the Gardens, June 14, 1870. o. Deposited, Jan. 10, 1871. Genus STARXCEXAS. 801. Starncenas cyanocephala (Linn.). Blue-headed Pigeon. Hab. Cuba. a, b. Purchased, July 20, 1864. G, d. Purchased, June 19, 1867. e, f. Purchased; May 8, 1868. g. Bred in the Gardens, Julj 23, 1870. * See description of the gizzard of this bird bv Flower, P. Z. S. 1860, p. 330. 272 COLUMBID.E. PTEROCLIDJ5. Genus GOURA. 802. Goura coronata (Linn.) *. Common Crowned Pigeon. Hab. New Guinea. a, 6. Presented by the Babu Rajendra Mullick, C.M.Z.S., March 17, 1864. See P. Z. S. 1864, p. 139. c, d. Presented by Mrs. Bacon, May 13, 1867. e. Male ; /. Female. Purchased, May 23, 1870. g. Deposited, Oct. 17, 1871. 803. Goura victoria, Fraser. Victoria Crowned Pigeon. Hab. Island of Jobie. a. Male. Purchased, Sept. 1, 1856. b, c. Purchased, Sept. 25, 1861. Genus DIDUNCULUS. 804. Didunculus strigtrostris, Jard. Tooth-billed Pigeon. Hab. Samoan Islands. a. Female. Presented by Dr. G. Bennett, F.Z.S., April 10, 1864. See Bennett, P. Z. S. 1864, p. 139, and Sclater, P. Z. S. 1864, p. 158. Order GALLINJE. Family PTEROCLID^E. Genus PTEROCLES. 805. Pterodes alchata (Linn.) . Pin-tailed Sand-Grouse. Hab. South Europe. a. Male. Purchased, Oct. 7, 1861. b. Female. Deposited, 1861. c-e. Received in exchange, Jan. 12, 1863. /. Bred in the Gardens, Aug. 29, 1865. g, h. Males ; i-m. Females. Purchased, May 7, 1870. 806. Pterodes exustus, Temm. Lesser Pin-tailed Sand-Grouse. Hab. North Africa. a, b. Males ; c, d. Females. Purchased, Aug. 19, 1865. * On the nesting of Goura, see Mitchell, P. Z. S. 1849, p. 170. PTEROCLIDJE. TETRAOXID.E. 273 807. Pterocles arenarius (Pall.). Black-bellied Sand-Grouse. Hab. Asia. a. Female. Purchased, June 27, 1864. 6, c. Males ; d, e. Females. Presented by Capt. R. C. Beavan, H.M.I.A.,C.M.Z.S., April 30, 1867. f-t. Deposited, May 20, 1867. 808. Pterocles bicincttts^emm. Double-banded Sand-Grouse. Hab. Senegal. a-d. Purchased, Dec. 21, 1864. 809. Pterocles lichtensteini, Temm. Liechtenstein's Sand- Grouse. Hab. Africa and Arabia. a-f. Presented by Henry C. Calvert, Esq., Sept. 5, 1865. From Djeddah, Arabia. See P. Z. S. 1865, p. 675. Genus SYRRHAPTES. 810. Syrrhaptes paradoxus (Pall.). Pallas' s Sand-Grouse. Hab. Northern Asia. a-o. Presented by the Hon. J. F. Stuart Wortley. April 15, 1861. From China. See P. Z. S. 1861, p. 196. p, q. Presented by Capt. Hand, R.N., April 29, 1861. See P. Z. S. 1861, p. 197. From China. r. Presented by Capt, CommereU, R.N., V.-C., May 9, 1861. s-u. Presented by A O'Brien, Esq., Feb. 27, 1862. v. Presented by ^Alfred Newton, Esq., F.Z.S., June 9, 1863. From Elveden, Suffolk, England. w. Presented by Lord Francis Conyngham, Dec. 11, 1863. From Donegal, Ireland. x. Presented by Harrington Russell, Esq., M.P., Feb. 25, 1865. y-hh. Presented by Lieut.-Col. Napier Sturt, M.P., F.Z.S., Aug. 13, 1870. Family TETRAONID^E. Subfamily TETRAONIN^. Genus TETRAO. 811. Tetrao cupido, Linn. Prairie-Grouse. Hab. North America. a-l. Purchased, Dec. 15, 1864. 274 TETRAONIDvE. PHASIANID^. 812. Tetrao tetrix, Linn. Black Grouse. Hab. Europe. a, 6. Males. Presented by John Wingfield Malcolm, Esq., March 13, 1865. c. Male ; d. Female. Purchased, Oct. 19, 1865. 813. Tetrao urogallus, Linn. Capercailzie. Hab. Europe. a. Purchased, Aug. 29, 1865. Genus LAGOPUS. 814. Lagopus scoticus (Lath.) . Red Grouse. Hab. British Islands. a-e. Presented by W. Hamilton, Esq., July 18, 1868. Family PHASIANID.E*. Subfamily PERDICIN^E. Genus GALLOPERDIX. 815. Galloperdix lunulata (Valenc.) . Hardwicke's Spur- fowl. Hab. India. a, 5. Males ; c-e. Females. Presented by the Babu llajendra Mullick, C.M.Z.S., March 31, 1863. 816. Galloper dix spadicea (Gm.) . Rufous Spur-fowl. Hab. India. a. Male. Presented by Col. Charles Denison, F.Z.S., Dec. 3, 1863. b. Female. Purchased, May 7, 1864. 817. Galloper dix zeylonensis (Gm.). Ceylonese Spur-fowl. Hab. Ceylon. a. Male ; 1. Female. Presented by E. "W. H. Holds worth, Esq., F.Z.S., July 18, 1871. See P. Z. S. 1871, p. 625. * On the introduction and breeding of the Indian Phasianidae, consult Mitchell, P. Z. S. 1858, p. 544, and Sclater, P. Z. S. 1860, p. 444. PHASIAXID^E. 275 Genus PTILOPACHYS. 818. Ptilopachys ventralis (Val.). Buff-breasted Partridge. Hab. West Africa. a, b. Purchased, Jan. 14, 1862. Genus FRANCOLINUS. 819. Francolinus vulgaris, Steph. Black Francolin. Hab. India. a-e. Presented by the Babu Eajendra Mullick, C.M.Z.S., March 17, 1864. f,g. Deposited, March 23, 1865. h. Female. Purchased, May 10, 1866. i-l. Deposited, May 20, 1867. m. Received in exchange, June 5, 1867. n-p. Deposited, April 31, 1868. 820. Francolinus madagascariensis (Scop.). Madagascar Francolin. Hab. Madagascar. a~c. Deposited, July 25, 1864. d-f. Presented by Edward Newton, Esq., C.M.Z.S., March 17, 1865. 8.21. Francolinus pictus, Jard. et Selb. Painted Francolin. Hab. Central India. . Presented by Lieut.-Col. Radcliffe, Jan. 5, 1871. 822. Francolinus rubricollis, Riipp. Red-throated Francolin. Hab. Eastern Africa. a. Presented by Dr. J. Kirk, C.M.Z.S., May 7, 1870. From Zanzibar. 823. Francolinus bicalcaratus, Linn. Double-spurred Fran- colin. Hab. West Africa. , b. Purchased, May 8, 1868. 824. Francolinus afer (Lath.). South-African Francolin. Hab. South Africa. : Purchased, Aug. 2, 1870. T2 276 PHASIANIDyE. 825. Francolinus clappertonii (Childr.). Clapperton's Fran- colin. Hab. West Africa. a-c. Purchased, Nov. 17, 1862. d, e. Purchased, Aug. 4, 1868. /. Purchased, Nov. 1, 1869. g, h. Presented by Capt. W. H. Strachan, Dec. 8, 1869. 826. Francolinus capensis, Gm. Cape Francolin. Hab. South Africa. a. Presented by H.E. Sir George Grey, K.C.B., F.Z.S., Governor of New Zealand, Oct. 3, 1859. b. Purchased, May 8, 1868. 827. Francolinus ponticerianus (Gm.). Grey Francolin. Hab. India. a. Purchased, April 5, 1862. b. (White var.) Presented by Capt. M. Fitzgerald, Nov. 3, 1870. From Bangalore. 828. Francolinus gularis (Shaw) . Wood -Francolin. Hab. East Bengal. a-e. Presented by the Babu Eajendra Mullick, C.M.Z.S., March 17, 1864. /. Purchased, May 7, 1864. g. Presented by the Babu Rajendra Mullick, C.M.Z.S., Dec. 22. 1864. h. Male ; i. Female. Purchased, May 4, 1871. Genus ARBORICOLA. 829. Arboricola torqueola (Val.). Hill- Francolin. Hab. North India. a-c. Deposited, April 4, 1864. d, e. Deposited, Feb. 1, 1865. /. Deposited, Sept. 22, 1865. g, Ti. Males ; , j. Females. Purchased, May 4, 1871. Genus RHIZOTHERA. 830. Rhizothera longirostris (Temm.). Long-billed Fran- colin. Hab. Malacca. a. Purchased, May 4, 1871. See P. Z. S. 1871, p. 544. PHASIANID.E. 277 Genus BAMBUSICOLA. 831. Bambusicola thoracica (Temm.). Bamboo Partridge. Hab. North China. a, 6. Purchased, April 25, 1868. c-o. Bred in the Gardens, June 18, 1869. Genus PERDIX. 832. Perdix tinerea (Linn.) . Common Partridge. Hab. British Islands. a, 6. Presented hy Riley, Esq., Aug. 19, 1864. c.. Presented by Miss Puddick, May 26, 1870. Genus COTUK.NIX. 833. Coturnix communis (Bonn.) . Common Quail. Hab. British Islands. a, b. Purchased, July 20, 1862. c. Presented by Lady Cust, July 20, 1862. d. Presented by Mrs. Frank T. Buckland, Feb. 9, 1865. e,f. Males ; t. Presented by Capt. Miles, April 26, 1869. i. Presented by Mr. T. J. Quelch, July 27, 1870. j. Presented by R. Bellamy, Esq., Sept. 28, 1870. k, I. Purchased, July 27, 1871. From Honduras. 54. Chelone viridis (Schneid.). Green Turtle. Hab. West Indies. a. Presented by C. Butler, Esq., Sept. 2, 1864. 334 CHELONIDJE. CROCODILID^. l-g. Presented by H. Jones, Esq., July 13, 1867. h-Jc. Presented by Lieut. C. B. Clark, R.N., Aug. 11, 1869. l-n. Presented by J. Duke, Esq., July 24, 1871. o,p. Presented by Lieut. H. W. Clarke, R.E., Sept. 16, 1871. Erom Ascension Island. q-y. Presented by W. Johnson, Esq., Sept. 26, 1871. Erom Ascension Island. Genus THALASSOCHELYS. 55. Thalassochelys caouana (Schweigg.). Loggerhead Turtle. Hab. Atlantic Ocean. a-c. Presented by W. K. Taunton, Esq., July 20, 1868. d. Presented by Mrs. Villebois, Aug. 1, 1871. Order CROCODILIA. Family CROCODILID^E. Genus ALLIGATOR. 56. Alligator mississippiensis (Daud.). Alligator. Hab. Mississippi. a, b. Purchased, 1863. c-e. Purchased, Oct. 9, 1864. /. Presented by J. Oppenheim, Esq., May 9, 1865. g-j. Purchased, Oct. 20, 1868. Tc. Presented by H.R.H. the Prince of Wales, E.Z.S., Jan. 9, 1871. 1. Presented by Capt. J. Rose, June 13, 1871. Erom New Orleans. m. Presented by Miss Peters, June 26, 1871. From Florida. Genus JACARE. 57. Jacare longiscutata, Gray. Long- shielded Cayman. Hab. Paraguay. a. Presented by G. Wilks, Esq., C.M.Z.S., Feb. 4, 1868. See P.Z.S. 1868, p. 261. CROCODILID.E. 335 58. Jacare punctulata (Spix). Dotted-jawed Cayman. Hab. South America. a, b. Presented by Capt. Spicer, Sept 17, 1868. From Tobago. SeeP.Z.S. 1868, p. 529. Genus CROCODILUS. 59. Crocodilus vulgar'is, Cuv. Nilotic Crocodile. Hab. Africa. a. Purchased, Feb. 13, 1869. 60. Crocodilus palustris, Less. Indian Crocodile. Hab. Southern Asia. a. Presented by Edmund Penning, Esq., July 22^1867. 6-7*. Presented by Capt. Efford, Sept. 8, 1868. From Cochin. i,j. Presented by Capt. Banks, Sept. 17, 1868. 61. Crocodilus americanus, Schneid. Sharp-nosed Crocodile. Hab. Central America. a. Purchased, April 17, 1862. b, c. Presented by Capt. Eivett, R.M.S.S. ' Seine/ May 20, 1862. 62. Crocodilus rhombifer, Cuv. Mexican Crocodile. Hab. Central America. a. Presented by J. Oppenheim, Esq., May 9, 1865. 63. Crocodilus cataphractus, Cuv. Long-nosed Crocodile. Hab. AYest Africa. a. Purchased, July 19, 1871. See P. Z. S. 1871, p. 625. 336 SPHENODONTID.E. CHAM^ELEONID^. Order SAURIA. Family SPHENODONTED.E. Genus SPHENODON. 64. Sphenodon punctatus, Gray. Tuatera Lizard. Hab. New Zealand. a. Deposited by Sir G. Grey, K.C.B., Oct. 28, 1868. See P.Z. S. 1868, p. 530. b. Purchased, May 20, 1870. See P. Z. S. 1870, p. 383. Family CHAM^LEONID^E. Genus CHAMELEON. 65. Chamaleon vulgaris, Daud. Common Chameleon. Hab. North Africa. a. Deposited, Dec. 10, 1863. b. Presented by W. Gass, Esq., Aug. 26, 1863. c. Presented by B. E. Spraull, Esq., Dec. 28, 1863. From China. d. Presented by T. Stillwell, Esq., Jan. 5, 1865. e. Presented by J. Bramley, Esq., July 30, 1865. f-h. Presented by E. W. Underwood, Esq., June 11, 1867. i-lc. Presented by Miss Gautrey, Aug. 9, 1867. 1. Presented by J. W. Howard, Esq., Aug. 10, 1867. m. Presented by Miss Stedolph, Oct. 16, 1867. n, o. Presented by J. K. Lord, Esq., Nov. 8, 1867. jp, q. Presented by R. McAlpine, Esq., Feb. 6, 1868. r, s. Presented by W. Kirkness, Esq., Oct. 14, 1868. t. Presented by T. C. Eead, Esq., Oct. 24, 1868. u. Presented by Wyatt, Esq., Oct. 24, 1868. v-y. Purchased, Feb. 25, 1869. z-ee. Purchased, May 26, 1869. ff-nn. Presented by Capt. Thomas Waite, June 16, 1869. oo, pp. Presented by G. Bashford, Esq., Oct. 7, 1869. qq, rr. Purchased, June 16, 1870. ss-ggg. Deposited, Aug. 5, 1870. hhh-mmm. Purchased, Aug. 10, 1870. nnn, ooo. Presented by F. M. Hayward, Esq., Oct. 11, 1870. PPP~yyy- Purchased, Aug. 1, 1871. zzz. Presented by W. G. Raymond, Esq., Sept. 3, 1871. aaaa, bbbb. Purchased, Oct. 6, 1871. From Bengal.] CHAM^ELEONID^E. AGAMID.E. 337 66. Chameleon pumilus, Latr. Dwarf Chameleon. Hab. South Africa. a-h. Deposited, May 9, 1870. i-lc. Presented by F. H. Smith, Esq., June 5, 1871. 67. Chamaleon dilepis, Leach. Flap-necked Chameleon. Hab. South Africa. a. Presented by Sir G. Grey, K.C.B., May 25, 1861. See P. Z. S. 1861, p. 209. Family GECCOTID^E. Genus GECCO. 68. Gecco verus, Merr. Indian Gecko. Hab. India. a-e. Presented by Capt. Frain, July 24, 1866. f-h. Presented by A. Grote, Esq., C.M.Z.S., June 2, 1868. Genus PTYODACTYLUS. 69. Ptyodactylus hasselquisti (Schneid.). Fan-footed Gecko. Hab. North-west Africa. a. Purchased, June 15, 1870. Family AGAMID^E. Genus AGAMA. 70. Agama ruder ata, Oliv. Variable Lizard. Hab. Egypt. a, b. Presented by E. C. Taylor, Esq., F.Z.S., May 2, 1870. Genus UROMASTIX. 71. Uromastix spinipes (Daud.). Egyptian Mastigure. Hab. North Africa. a. Presented by John D. Carmichael, Esq., May 29, 1867. b-e. Keceived in exchange, Aug. 28, 1869. 338 AGAMIDJE. IGTJANIDjE. /. Presented by F. Bond, Esq., F.Z.S., April 11, 1870. From Laghouat, Algeria. g, h. Received in exchange, Sept. 6, 1870. Germs AMPHIBOLURUS. 72. Amphibolurus barbatus (Cuv.) . Bearded Lizard. Hab. Australia. a. Purchased, March 14, 1864. b. Purchased, June 15, 1866. c. Purchased, March 2, 1870. Genus MOLOCH. 73. Moloch horridus, Gray. Moloch Lizard. Hab. Australia. a. Presented by S. S. Travers, Esq., June 11, 1866. 6. Purchased, Aug. 20, 1866. Family IGUANID^E. Genus IGUANA. 74. Iguana tuberculata, Laur. Tuberculated Lizard. Hab. West Indies. a. Purchased, Oct. .29, 1864. b. Presented by Capt. Sawyer, Nov. 15, 1864. c. Purchased, June 30, 1865. d. Presented by Edward Greey, Esq., F.Z.S., Oct. 29, 1866. ,/. Presented by F. Graham Briggs, Esq., May 12, 1870. From Nevis. g. Purchased, June 7, 1870. h. Presented by F. Graham Briggs, Esq., Aug. 18, 1870. From Nevis, West Indies. i. Purchased, Sept. 15, 1870. 75. Iguana delicatissima, Laur. Naked-necked Iguana. Hab. Tropical America. .?, b. Presented by T. Boss, Esq., July 3, 1868. c. Purchased, March 15, 1871. From Nicaragua. IGT7ANID.E. MONITORIDJZ. 339 Genus METOPOCEROS. 76. Metopoceros cornutus, Wagl. Black Iguana. Hab. San Domingo. a. Presented by J. B. Rowe, Esq., Sept. 19, 1871. Genus ANOLIS. 77. Anolis cristatellus, Dum. & Bibr. Crested Anolis. Hab. West Indies. a-j. Presented by Capt. Sawyer, Sept. 14, 1864. Ic, I Deposited, Sept. 30, 1864. Genus POLYCHRUS. 78. Polychrus anomalus, Wiegm. Anomalous Polychrus. Hab. Brazil. a. Presented by Dr. Wucherer, C.M.Z.S., April 6, 1863. Genus TROPIDOLEPIS. 79. Tropidolepis microlepidotis (Wiegm.). Small-scaled Lizard. Hab. South America. a. Presented by Mr. Jamrach, May 14, 1860. Genus PHRYNOSOMA. 80. Phrynosoma cornutum (Harlan). Horned Lizard. Hab. Texas. a-c. Presented by the Rev. L. Glynn, June 15, 1870. From Indianola, Texas. d-g. Presented by A. Sachtleben, Esq., July 11, 1871, From Galveston, Texas. Family MONITORID^. Genus MONITOR. 81. Monitor niloticus (Hasselq.) . Egyptian Monitor. Hab. North Africa. a. Purchased, Sept. 28, 1863. 6. Purchased, Aug. 4, 1868. c. Purchased, March 25, 1869. z2 340 MONITORID^:. d. Purchased, June 7, 1869. e. Purchased, Aug. 17, 1871. 82. Monitor bivittatus, Wagl. Two-banded Lizard. Hab. India. a. Presented by P. F. Debary, Esq., F.Z.S., Oct. 25, 1866. 83. Monitor gouldi, Schleg. Australian Monitor. Hab. Australia. a. Purchased, March 9, 1865. b, c. Purchased, May 11, 1865. d. Presented by Dr. Mueller, C.M.Z.S., May 26, 1865. e. Presented by the Acclimatization Society of Melbourne, July 21, 1866. /, g. Presented by the Directors of the Botanic Gardens, Ade- laide, Feb. 16, 1869. 84. Monitor ocellatus f Riipp. Ocellated Monitor. Hab. Eastern Africa. a. Purchased, June 30, 1860. See Dr. Giinther on the anatomy of this specimen, P. Z. S. 1861, p. 60. 85. Monitor albogularis (Daud.) . White-throated Monitor. Hab. Africa. a. Purchased, March 1861. b. Purchased, Feb. 23, 1865. 86. Monitor gt^eus (Daud.). Grey Sand-Lizard. Hab. North Africa. a-d. Received in exchange, Aug. 28, 1869. : e-g. Received in exchange, Aug. 14, 1870. Family TEIID^E. Genus TEIUS. 87. Teius tegutvin (Linn.) . Common Teguexin. Hab. South America. a. Purchased, June 5, 1865. b. Purchased, Feb. 26, 1869. c. Presented by G. Wilks, Esq., C.M.Z.S., March 19, 1870. TEIID^E. - LACERTID^:. 341 d. Purchased, June 21, 1870. e. Purchased, Sept. 15, 1870. /. Presented by Dr. J. A. Palin, C.M.Z.S., Dec. 23, 1871. 88. Teius rufescens, Giinther. Red Teguexin. Hab. Mendoza. a-e. Purchased, May 16, 1871. Typical specimens described by Giinther, P.Z. S. 1871, p. 541. Genus AMEIVA. 89. Ameiva dorsalis, Gray. Dorsal Lizard. Hab. St. Thomas. a. Presented by Capt. Abbott, April 28, 1864. Family LACERTID^E. Genus LACERTA. 90. Lacerta viridis, Linn. Green Lizard. Hab. Island of Jersey. a. Purchased, April 13, 1864. b. Presented by Baker, Esq., Sept. 5, 1864. c-h. Purchased, May 19, 1865. i-t. Presented by Tollemache, Esq., May 23, 1867. u. Presented by G. Gowan, Esq., March 20, 1868. v-gg. Purchased, April 4, 1868. 7ih-ss. Presented by G. E. Maude, Esq., March 27, 1871. tt, uu. Received in exchange, May 17, 1871. Prom Dalmatia. vv-zz. Received in exchange, Sept. 11, 1871. From Calabria. 91. Lacerta ocellata, Daud. Eyed Lizard. Hab. South Europe. a-j. Presented by J. Braxton Hicks, M.D., Oct. 22, 1866. l\ Presented by W. Tait, Esq., May 30, 1870. 92. Lacerta agilis, Linn. Sand-Lizard. Hab. Europe. a. Presented by F. Coleman, Esq., April 30, 1865. b-k. Presented by the Eev. C. Wolley, April 9, 1866. l-q. Presented by F. Coleman, Esq., Oct. 2, 1870. 342 LACERTID.E. SCINCID^E. 93. Lacerta vivipara, Jacq. Common Lizard. Hob. England. a-d. Purchased, 1866. 94. Lacerta nigro-punctata, Dum. & Bibr. Black-spotted Lizard. Hab. Calabria. a. Received in exchange, Sept. 11, 1871. Family ZONURIDA Genus PSEUDOPUS. 95. Pseudopus pallasi (Oppel). Glass Snake. Hab. Dalmatia. a-d. Purchased, 1854. e-g. Purchased, July 26, 1869. Ti-l. Received in exchange, May 11, 1871. Family SCINCID^E. Genus TRACHYDOSAURUS. 96. Trachydosaurus rugosus, Gray. Stump-tailed Lizard. Hab. New Holland. a. Purchased, 1858. b. Presented by the Rev. W. H. Hawker, F.Z.S., April 4, 1862. c. d. Purchased, April 21, 1867. 6-h. Presented by the Directors of the Botanic Gardens, Ade- laide, Feb. 16, 1869. i. Presented by Capt. Clarke, March 6, 1869. j. Presented by Dr. E. L. Mosse, R.N., Jan. 5, 1870. Jc t L Deposited, July 11, 1871. Genus TROPIDOLEPISMA. 97. Tropidolepisma majus, Gray. Large Tropidolepisma. Hab. New South Wales. , 6. Presented by George Macleay, Esq., F.Z.S., May 19, 1862. SCINCID,E. 343 Genus CYCLODUS. 98. Cyclodus gig as (Bodd.) . Great Cyclodus. Hab. Australia. a. Purchased, 1856. b. Presented by the Acclimatization Society of Victoria, March 31, 1864. c. Purchased, April 19, 1866. d-m. Bred in the Gardens, July 10, 1866. n-s. Bred in the Gardens, June 12, 1867. t-z. Bred in the Gardens, April 30, 1871. 99. Cyclodus nigro-luteus (Quoy & Gaim.) . Black-and- Yellow Cyclodus. Hab. Tasmania. a. Presented by W. S. Crowther, Esq., C.M.Z.S., July 15, 1870, 6. Presented by Mrs. Bills, Aug. 29, 1871. 100. Cyclodus occipitalis, Peters. Occipital Lizard. Hab. Australia. a. Presented by Dr. R. Schomburgk, June 13, 1870. Genus EGERXIA. 101. Egernia cunninghamii, Gray. Cunningham's Skink. Hab. Australia. a. Presented by the Acclimatization Society of Victoria, March 31, 1864. Genus HINULIA. 102. Hinulia australis, Gray. Australian Skink. Hab. Australia. a-o. Eeceived, July 19, 1866. Genus PLESTIODON. 103. Plestiodon auratus, Schneid. Aldrovandi's Lizard Hab. North-west Africa. OT-C. Purchased, June 15, 1870. 344 SCINCID^E. BOID^E. Genus ANGUIS. 104. Anguis fragilis , Linn. Slow Worm. Hab. British Isles. a-c. Presented by Dr. Bowerbank, F.Z.S., May 8, 1871 Family Genus SEPS. 105. Sep80ceHatur(J?OT&.). Ocellated Sand-Skink. Hab. South Europe. a. Purchased, Aug. 8, 1863. b-h. Purchased, May 16, 1868. i. Presented by Henry Denny, Esq., June 16, 1869. j, k. Purchased, June 15, 1870. 106. Seps viridanus (Gravenh.) . Greenish Sand-Skink. Hab. Teneriffe. a-c. Purchased, June 15, 1870. See Giinther, P. Z. S. 1871, p. 243. Order OPHIDIA. Family BOIDJE. Genus PYTHON. 107. Python sebce (Gm.) . West-African Python. Hab. West Africa. a. Female. Purchased, 1849. See notice of the incubation of this individual, P. Z. S. 1862, p. 365. b. Male. Purchased, April 18, 1859. c. Presented by Dr. Marchisio, Dec. 18, 1863. d. Purchased, July 21, 1864. e. Purchased, Jan. 17, 1865. /, g. Purchased, July 4, 1865. h. Presented by Dr. W. A. Gardiner, Aug. 18, 1865. . i. Presented by Charles H. Cox, Esq., F.Z.S., June 21, 1869. /. Presented by C. Czarnikow, Esq., F.Z.S., Oct. 4, 1869. Ic. Presented by W. C. Small, Esq., Feb. 9, 1870. I. Deposited, July 19, 1870. BOID^E. 345 108. Python regius (Shaw). Royal Python. Hab. West Africa. a. Purchased, April 8, 1859. b. Received in exchange, Feb. 6, 1868. c. Purchased, May 5, 1868. d. e. Presented by Mrs. T. Brassey, F.Z.S., Sept. 22, 1869. 109. Python molurus (Linn.) . Indian Python. Hab. India. . Purchased, Sept. 24, 1863. b. Presented by Capt. A. Henley, 52nd Regt., Aug. 17, 1866. c. Received, Aug. 17, 1866. d. Deposited, April 4, 1870. e. Presented by Mr. E. Climpson, April 20, 1870. /. Received in exchange, April 26, 1870. Genus MORELIA. 110. Morelia spilotes (Lacep.). Diamond Snake. Hab. New South Wales. a, b. Presented by Gerard Krefft, Esq., C.M.Z.S., Sept. 29, 1863. c. Presented by the Acclimatization Society of Victoria, March 31, 1864. d. Presented by Gerard Krefft, Esq., C.M.Z.S., July 21, 1866. e. Purchased, May 2, 1870. /. Presented by T. H. Yasey, Esq., Oct. 18, 1870. 111. Morelia variegata, Gray. Carpet-Snake. Hab. Queensland. a. Purchased, March 11, 1867. See P. Z. S. 1867, p. 315. Genus BOA. 112. Boa cotistrictor , Linn. Common Boa. Hab. South America. a. Presented by Hippesley Justins, Esq., July 5, 1861. b. Presented by J. R. Perry, Esq., H.M.S.'s" Consul at Para, June 9, 1863. From the Lower Amazon. c. Presented by Dr. Leard, April 30, 1864. d. Presented by R. H. Soulter, Esq., June 15, 1865. e. Presented by S. Lambert, Esq., Oct. 30, 1865. 346 BOID^E. /. Presented by Comm. R. M. Blomfield, R.N., H.M.S. 'Tamar,' July 3, 1866. flf, A. Purchased, Oct. 15, 1866. From Mexico. i. Presented by Lieut. C. Balfour, R.N., H.M.S. * Buzzard/ Nov. 17, 1866. j-l. Presented by Robert Goodwin, Esq., of Pernambuco, March 3, 1867. m, n. Presented by J. L. Hunt, Esq., H.B.M. Consul at Rio de Janeiro, Dec. 6, 1867. . Presented by E. B. Webb, Esq., F.Z.S., March 15, 1868. p. Purchased, May 8, 1868. q, r. Deposited, Aug. 19, 1868. s, t. Presented by Capt. Perry, April 23, 1869. u. Purchased, May 8, 1869. v. Purchased, Dec. 13, 1869. w. Purchased, July 28, 1870. a?, y. Purchased, Sept. 20, 1871. z. Purchased, Oct. 28, 1871. aa, bb. Presented by His Excellency G. W. Des Voeux, Oct. 28, 1871. Prom St. Lucia. cc. Pre*nted by Dr. J. A. Palin, C.M.Z.S., Dec. 23, 1871. dd. Presented by John Beaton, Esq., Dec. 23, 1871. 113. Boa eques, Eyd. & Soul. Peruvian Boa. Hob. Ecuador. a. Presented by Prof. William Nation, of Lima, C.M.Z.S., March 18, 1867. See P. Z. S. 1867, p. 315. Genus CORALLUS. 114. Corallus hortulanus (Linn.). Tree-Boa. Hob. South America. a. Purchased, May 5, 1869. 6. Purchased, Aug. 28, 1869. c. Purchased, Dec. 6, 1870. From Mexico. d. Received in exchange, Oct. 18, 1871. From the West Indies. Genus EUNECTES. 115. Eunectes murinus (Linn.). Anaconda. Hob. South America. a. Purchased, Feb. 8, 1864. BOID.E. ERYCID.E. 347 b, c. Purchased, Oct. 4, 1865. d. Purchased, July 25, 1867. e. Purchased, June 7, 1869. Genus EPICRATES. J16. Epicrates angulifer, Dum. & Bibr. Pale-headed Tree- Boa. Hab. Cuba. a-d. Purchased, Jan. 25, 1865. 117. Epicrates cenchris (Linn.) . Thick-necked Tree-Boa. Hab. West Indies. a. Purchased, May 13, 1870. Genus CHILOBOTHRUS. 118. Chilobothrus inornatus (Reinh.). Yellow Snake. Hab. Jamaica. a, b. Presented by Dr. Bowerbank, Oct. 17, 1855. c-e. Presented by Capt. Abbott, June 14, 1864. /. Presented by Capt. Hammack, April 13, 1865. g. Presented by Joseph Smith, Esq., June 2, 1870. Family ERYCIDJB. Genus ERYX. 119. Ei~yx jaculus, Baud. Eryx Snake. Hab. Egypt. a. Purchased, Aug. 8, 1863. 120. Eryx thebaicus, Reuss. Shielded Eryx. Hab. North Africa. a, b. Purchased, Aug. 16, 1870. From Mogador 121. Eryxjohnii (Russell). Indian Eryx. Hab. India. a. Purchased, Jan. 10, 1865. 348 TYPHLOPID.E. - COLUBRID.E. Family TYPHLOPIM1. Genus TYPHLOPS. . Typhlops nigro-albus, Dum. & Bibr. Black- and- White Blind Snake. Hab. Malacca. a. Purchased, July 19, 1870. See P. Z. S. 1870, p. 668. From Singapore. Family COLUBBJD.E. Genus CORONELLA. 123. Coronella Icevis, Lacep. Smooth Snake. Hab. Europe. a. Presented by Gent. Cadet Fenton, Aug. 1862. b. Purchased, July 2, 1863. c. Presented by John Pares, Esq., Sept. 13, 1864. d. Purchased, Sept. 7, 1865. From Germany. e. Presented by the Rev. C. Wolley, April 9, 1866. /. Presented by W. Penny, Esq., June 26, 1867. g. Presented by W. Penny, Esq., Aug. 25, 1868. Ti-m. Eeceived in exchange, Sept. 21, 1868. 124. Coronella cucullata (Dum. & Bibr.). Hooded Snake. Hab. North-west Africa. a. Purchased, June 15, 1870. 125. Coronella cana (Linn.). Hoary Snake. Hab. South Africa. a. Presented by Sir G. Grey, K.C.B., May 25, 1861. 126. Coronella sayi, Dekay. Say's Snake. Hab. North America. a. Purchased, Oct. 15, 1869. b. Purchased, Dec. 6, 1870. From Mexico. COLUBRIIhE. 349 Genus ABLABES. 127. Ablabes punctatus (Linn.). Punctured Snake. Hob. North America. a-c. Presented by A. Downs, Esq., C.M.Z.S., Oct. 3, 1871. Genus ERYTHROLAMPRUS. 128. Erythrolamprus venustissimus (Max.). Red-and-Black Snake. Hob. South America. a. Presented by Dr. Chyne, May 2, 1871. From Mexico. Genus XENODON. 129. Xenodon rhabdocephalus (Max.). Long-headed Snake. Hob. Brazil. a. Presented by Dr. Wucherer, C.M.Z.S., Nov. 1868. Genus PTYAS. 130. Ptyas mucosa (Linn.). Rat-Snake. Hab. India. a. Presented by the Babu Rajendra Mullick, C.M.Z.S., July 14, 1857. 6. Presented by Dr. Shortt, F.Z.S., Oct. 23, 1863. c. Purchased, July 11, 1867. Genus ZAMENIS. 131. Zamenis atrovirens (Shaw). Dark-green Snake. Hab. Dalmatia. a. Purchased, Dec. 29, 1862. 6. Purchased, Aug. 8, 1863. c. Purchased, Aug. 16, 1870. From Mogadore. d. Presented by C. A. Wright, Esq., May 27, 1871. From Malta. e-h. Purchased, June 6, 1871. i-k. Received in exchange, Sept. 11, 1871. From Calabria. 132. Zamenis hippocrepis (Linn.) . Horseshoe- Snake. Hab. Germany. . Purchased, Sept. 7, 1865. 350 COLUBRID^E. b, c. Purchased, June 15, 1870. d. Purchased, Aug. 16, 1870. Prom Mogadore. 133. Zamenis cliffordii (Schleg.) . Clifford's Snake. Hab. North Africa. a. Purchased, Aug. 8, 1863. b, c. Purchased, Aug. 16, 1870. From Mogadore. Genus TROPIDONOTUS. 134. Tropidonotus natrix (Linn.) . Common Snake. Hab. British Islands. a-d. Presented by Dr. Bowerhank, F.Z.S., May 8, 1871. e, /. Variety. Purchased, June 6, 1871. g, h. Yar. siculus, Eeceived in exchange, Sept. 11, 1871. From Calabria. 135. Tropidonotus viperinus (Merr.) . Viperine Snake. Hab. North Africa. a. Purchased, June 15, 1870. 136. Tropidonotus quincunciatus (Schleg.). Indian River- Snake. Hab. India. a. Purchased, July 4, 1861. 137. Tropidonotus ordinatus, Linn. Garter-Snake. Hab. North America. a-d. Presented by A. Downs, Esq., C.M.Z.S., Oct. 2, 1863. e, f. Purchased, July 22, 1868. g-m. Presented by A. Downs, Esq., C.M.Z.S., Aug. 26, 1869. n. Presented by A. Downs, Esq., C.M.Z.S., Oct. 3, 1871. 138. Tropidonotus fasciatus (Linn.). Mocassin Snake. Hab. North America. a, b. Purchased, Oct. 15, 1869. COLUBRID^E. 351 Genus ISCHNOGNATHUS. 139. Ischnognathus occipitomaculatus (Storer). Spotted- headed Snake. Hab. Nova Scotia. a-f. Presented by A. Downs, Esq., C.M.Z.S., Oct. 3, 1871. Genus TRETANORHINUS. 140. Tretanorhinus nigroluteus, Cope. Black-and-Yellow Snake. Hab. Central America. a. Purchased, Sept. 12, 1871. From Monkey Hill, near Colon. See Gunther, Ann. & Mag. N. H. ser. 4, vol. ix. p. 27. Genus HETERODON. 141. Heterodon madagascariemis, Dum. & Bibr. Sharp- snouted Snake. Hab. Madagascar. a. Presented by E. Newton, Esq., C.M.Z.S., Nov. 27, 1863. Genus COLUBER. 142. Coluber guadrilineatus, Pall. Four-lined Snake. Hab. Egypt. a, b. Purchased, Aug. 8, 1863. 143. Coluber asculapii, Sturm. ^Esculapian Snake. Hab. Central Europe. a-d. Keceived in exchange, Sept. 21, 1868. e,f. Purchased, June 6, 1871. From Dalmatia. 144. Coluber guttatus, Linn. American Black Snake. Hab. North America. a, b. Purchased, June 28, 1867. Genus SPILOTES. 145. Spilotes variabilis (Max.) . South- American Rat- Snake. Hab. South America. a. Presented by Dr. Wucherer, C.M.Z.S., Sept. 1860. b. Presented by Mr. Hounslow, Nov. 5, 1869. c. Purchased, June 28, 1870. 352 COLUBRIDvE. PSAMMOPHIID^E. Genus DROMICUS. 146. Dromicus antillensis, Schleg. Antillean Snake. Hab. St. Thomas's, West Indies. a, b. Presented by Capt. Abbott, April 28, 1864. c. Presented by Edward Greey, Esq., F.Z.S., March 17, 1865. Genus CYCLOPHIS. 147. Cyclophis vernalis (DeKay) . Grass-Snake. Hab. North America. a. Presented by A. Downs, Esq., C.M.Z.S., Oct. 2, 1863. b-g. Presented by A. Downs, Esq., C.M.Z.S., Oct. 3, 1871. Genus PHILODRYAS. 148. Philodryas viridissimus (Linn.) . All-green Tree-Snake. Hab. South America. a, b. Purchased, June 1859. 149. Philodryas reinhardti, Giinther. Reinhardf s Tree- Snake. Hab. Bahia, Brazil. a. Deposited by Dr. Wucherer, C.M.Z.S., 1861. Family PSAMMOPHIID^E. Genus PSAMMOPHIS. 150. Psammophis sibilans (Linn.) . Hissing Sand-Snake. Hab. South Africa. a. Presented by H.E. Sir G. Grey, K.C.B., May 25, 1861. See P. Z. S. 1861, p. 209. Genus CCELOPELTIS. 151. Ccelopeltis lacertina (Geoffr.). Lacertine Snake. Hab. Africa. a. Purchased, Feb. 8, 1870. b. Purchased, June 15, 1870. DENDROPHIID^E. DIPSADID^!. 353 c-e. Purchased, June 6, 1871. From Dalmatia. /, g. Deposited, Sept. 1, 1871. From Southern Europe. Family DENDROPHIID^. Genus BUCEPHALUS. 152. Bucephalus capensis (Thunb.) . Cape Bucephalus. Hob. South Africa. a. Presented by Sir G. Grey, K.C.B., May 25, 1861. See P. Z. S. 1861, p. 209. Genus CHRYSOPELEA. 153. Chrysopelea ornata (Shaw) . Ornamented Tree-Snake. Hab. India. a. Presented by A. W. W. Baudernaike, Esq., July 1, 1861. Family DRYOPHIID^. Genus PASSE RITA. 154. Passerita mycterizans (Linn.). Long-snouted Snake. Hab. Southern India. a. Presented by 0. Howell, Esq., Aug. 6, 1868. Family DIPSADID.E. Genus LEPTODERA. 155. Leptodira rufescens (Gm.). Rufescent Snake. Hab. South Africa. a. Presented by Sir G. Grey, K.C.B., May 28, 1861. See P. Z. S. 1861, p. 209. 156. Leptodira annulata (Linn.). Annulated Snake. Hab. Panama. a. Purchased, Jan. 29, 1871. See P. Z. S. 1871, p. 102. 354< LYCODONTID^:. ELAPID^E. Family LYCODONTID^E. Germs LAMPROPHIS. 157. Lamprophis aurora (Linn.). Aurora Snake. Hab. South Africa. a. Presented by Sir G. Grey, K.C.B., May 25, 1861. See P. Z. S. 1861, p. 209. Genus BOODON. 158. Boodon lineatus (Bum. & Bibr.). Lineated Boodon. Hab. South Africa. a. Presented by Sir G. Grey, K.C.B., May 28, 1861. See P. Z. S. 1861, p. 209. Family SCYTALID^. Genus OXYRRHOPUS. 159. Oxyrrhopusfitzingeri (Tsch.). Fitzinger's Snake. Hab. Western Peru. . Presented by Prof. Nation, of Lima, C.M.Z.S., June 15, 1867. Family ELAPIDJE. Genus HOPLOCEPHALUS. 160. Hoplocephalus superbus, Giinther. Superb Death- Adder. Hab. Australia. a-c. Presented by Edward Wilson, Esq., May 1860. Genus PSEUDECHIS. 161. Pseudechis porphyriaca (Shaw). Purplish Death- Adder. Hab. Australia. , a-c. Presented by Edward Wilson, Esq., May 1860. VIPERID.E. 355 Genus BUNGARUS. 162. Bungarus c&nileus (Schn.) . Blue Adder. Hob. India. a. Purchased, June 3, 1868. Genus NAIA. 163. Naia tripudians (Merr.). Indian Cobra. Hab. India. a. Purchased, May 24, 1862. I. Purchased, July 11, 1870. 164. Naia kaje (Merr.). Egyptian Cobra. Hab. Africa. a. Presented hy Sir G. Grey, May 25, 1861. See P. Z. S. 1861, p. 209. b. Purchased, Sept, 13, 1869. c. Purchased, April 14, 1871. d. e. Purchased, Sept. 19, 1871. Genus ELAPS. 165. Elaps lemniscatus (Linn.). Chequered Elaps. Hab. South America. a. Purchased, April 28, 1869. Genus CAUSUS. 166. Causus rhombeatus (Licht.) . Cape Viper. Hab. South Africa. a. Purchased, July 1860. From Natal. Family V Genus VIPERA. 167. Vipera berw, Linn. Common Adder. Hab. British Islands. a. Presented hy F. T. Buckland, Esq., F.Z.S., May 11, 1864. 2 A2 356 VIPERID^l. b. Presented by E. J. Lowe, Esq., June 28, 1864. c, d. Presented by Thomas Barling, Esq., April 29, 1865. e-h. Presented by Dr. Brushfield, April 4, 1867. i. Presented by Edgar E. Larking, Esq., May 6, 1867. j, Tc. Presented by Dr. Brushfield, May 8, 1867. 1. Presented by W. R. Tate, Esq'., Sept. 5, 1867. ra. Presented by Dr. Brushfield, April 26, 1868. n. Presented by W. R. Tate, Esq., April 10, 1869. o. Presented by P. D. Drewitt, Esq., April 17, 1869. p-s. Presented by W. B. Hume, Esq., April 29, 1869. t-v. Presented by Mr. Davy, June 28, 1869. w. Presented by*E. P. R. Curzon, Esq., July 28, 1869. x. Presented by Capt. Bryan Cooke, July 20, 1870. y. Presented by A. H. Mathews, Esq., Aug. 21, 1870. z. Presented by E. Aldis, Esq., Sept. 11, 1870. aa. Received in exchange, May 17, 1871. From Styria. 168. Viper a aspis (Linn.) . Black Viper. Hab. Europe. 169. Vipera ammodytes, Klein. Long-nosed Viper. Hab. Egypt. a, 6. Purchased, Aug. 8, 1863. c. Purchased, Sept. 7, 1865. From Germany. d-g. Received in exchange, Oct. 12, 1869. h, i. Purchased, June 6, 1871. From Dalmatia. 170. Vipera russellii, Shaw. Russell's Viper. Hab. Ceylon. a. Presented by E. H. Holdsworth, Esq., F.Z.S., July 18, 1871. 171. Vipera nasicornis, Shaw. Nose-horned Viper. Hab. West Africa. a. Purchased, Jan. 1862. See Zool. Sk. ii. pi. 50. b-e. Presented by W. Cleaver, Esq., April 13, 1871. From Cape Coast. See P. Z. S. 1871, p. 479. /. Presented by H.E, Governor Ussher, May 11, 1871. From Cape Coast. g-i. Presented by H.E. Governor Ussher and Dr. Mosse, Staff- Surgeon, Aug. 14, 1871. 172. Viper rhinoceros, Schl. River- Jack Viper. Hab. West Africa. a. Presented by George Atkins, Esq., Oct. 23, 1865. VIPEBIDJE. CROTALIDJE. 357* b. Purchased, Aug. 14, 1867. c. Presented by C. B. Mosse, Esq., May 11, 1871. Prom Cape Coast. d y e. Presented by H.E. Governor Ussher and Dr. Mosse, Staff- Surgeon, Aug. 14, 1871. 173. Viper a arietans, Merrem. Puff- Adder. Hab. Cape of Good Hope. a. Purchased, Aug. 14, 1862. b-g. Presented by F. G. Clarke, Esq., Oct. 10, 1867. h-p. Purchased, Sept. 13, 1869. q, r. Presented by Capt. T. Waite, Jan. 11, 1870. 174. Viper a cornuta (Daud.) . Homed Viper. Hab. South Africa. a-d. Purchased, July 20, 1865. 175. Viper a cerastes (Linn.) . Cerastes Viper. Hab. Egypt. a, 6. Received in exchange, Oct. 11, 1869. c-e. Received in exchange, May 17, 1871. Family CROTALIDJE. Genus CENCHRIS. 176. Cenchris piscivorus, Gray. Water- Viper. Hab. North America. a-e. Received in exchange, 1858. /. Bred in the Gardens, Jan. 1865. Genus CROTALTJS. 177. Crotalus durissus (Daud.). Common Rattlesnake. Hab. North America. a. Male ; b. Female. Purchased, July 3, 1862. c-e. Purchased, June 28, 1867. /. Born in the Menagerie, Nov. 9, 1867. g. Presented by J. S. Townsend, Esq., July 22, 1870. 358 CROTALID.E. 178. Crotalus lecontii. Leconte's Rattlesnake. Hob. Western States of North America. a. Received in exchange, Oct. 25, 1870. 179. Crotalus horridus, Linn. Horrid Rattlesnake. Hob. Nicaragua. a. Presented by Capt. J. M. Dow, F.Z.S., Nov. 11, 1871. Genus CRASPEDOCEPHALUS. 180. Craspedocephalus bilineatus, Max. Two-lined Palm- Viper. Hab. Brazil. a. Presented by Dr. Wucherer, C.M.Z.S., Oct. 1, 1864. From Bahia. Genus TRIGONOCEPHALUS. 181. Trigonocephaluslanceolatw,Opipe[. Rat- tailed Serpent. Hab. St. Lucia, West Indies. a. Presented by His Excellency G.W. Des Voeux,Esq., C.M.Z.S., April 13, 1871. See P. Z. S. 1871, pp. 2, 479. BUFONIB^E. 359 Class BATRACHIA. Order ANURA. Family BUFONID^E. Genus BUFO. 1. Bufo pantherinus. Geoff. St.-Hill. Pantherine Toad. Hab. Tunis. a. Presented by P. L. Sclater, Esq., F.Z.S., Secretary of the Society, March, 24, 1859. b-k. Deposited, Aug. 5, 1870. 7-o. Purchased, Aug. 10, 1870. p-s. Purchased, Aug. 2, 1871. 2. Bufo calamita, Laur. Natterjack Toad. Hab. Cornwall. a. Presented by Dr. Lankester, Aug. 1861. b, c. Presented by Tait, Esq., April 19, 1865. d. Presented by F. Coleman, Esq., April 30, 1867. 3. Bufo vulgaris, Laur. Common Toad. Hab. England. a-e. Presented, 1860. /, g. Presented by F. Coleman, Esq., Sept. 3, 1871. From Ger- many. 4. Bufo viridis, Laur. Green Toad. Hab. Germany. a-c. Eeceived in exchange, Sept. 11, 1871. 5. Bufo lentiginosus, Shaw. Dusky Toad. Hab. Nova Scotia. a. Presented by A. Downs, Esq., C.M.Z.S., Oct. 3, 1871. 360 KANIDJ3. Family EANID^E. Genus RANA. 6. Rana esculenta, Linn. Edible Frog. Hob. Europe. , 6. Purchased, 1862. c-f. Presented by T. Coleman, Esq., Oct. 2, 1870. 7. Rana halecina, Catesby. American Green Frog. Hob. Nova Scotia. a,b. Presented by A. Downs, Esq., C.M.Z.S., July 9, 1861. From Halifax. 8. Rana clamata, Baud. Noisy Frog. Hab. Nova Scotia. a. Presented by A. Downs, Esq., C.M.Z.S., July 9, 1861. From Halifax, U.S.A. b-h. Presented by A. Downs, Esq., C.M.Z.S., July 19, 1867. 9. Rana mugiens, Merr. Bull Frog. Hab. Nova Scotia. a. Presented by A. Downs, Esq., C.M.Z.S., July 9, 1861. From Halifax. b-i. Presented by J. H. Thompson, Esq., C.M.Z.S., June 26, 1871. j. Presented by A. Downs, Esq., C.M.Z.S., Oct. 3, 1871. Genus CERATOPHEYS. 10. Ceratophrys cornuta (Linn.) . Horned Ceratophrys. Hab. South America. a, b. Presented by Capt. Abbott, Aug. 13, 1859. Genus CYSTIGNATHUS. 11. Cystignathus ocellatus (Linn.) . West-Indian Frog. Hab. West Indies. a-h. Purchased, Aug. 20, 1866. BOMBINATORID^;.' HYLID.S. 361 Family BQMBINATORID^E. Genus BOMBINATOR. 12. Bombinator igneus (Laur.) . Fire-bellied Toad. Hob. Europe. a-j. Purchased, Aug. 24, 1865. Tc-p. Purchased, Sept. 24, 1866. Genus PELOBATES. 13. Pelobatesfuscw(Lau.T.). Brown Mud-Frog. Hab. Europe. Or-mm. Received in exchange, April 27, 1 8 67. nn-uuu. Received in exchange, Sept. 11, 1871. From Germany. Family PHRYNISCID.E. Genus PSEUDOPHRYNE. 14. Pseudop hryne australis (Gray) . Australian Frog. Hab. New South Wales. a. Presented by Gerard Krefft, Esq., C.M.Z.S., Sept. 29, 1863. Family HYLID^. Genus HYLA. 15. Hyla arborea (Linn.). European Tree-Frog. Hab. Europe. a, I. Purchased, May 12, 1862. c. Presented by F. Coleman, Esq., April 30, 1867. 16. Hyla ewingii, Dum. & Bibr. Ewing's Tree-Frog. Hab. New South Wales. a. Purchased, April 23, 1863. 17. Hyla citropus, Dum. & Bibr. Yellow-footed Tree- Frog. Hab. New South Wales. a. Purchased, April 23, 1863. 362 HYLID.E. SALAMANDRIDyE. 18. Hyla peronii, Dum. & Bibr. Peron's Tree-Frog. Hab. New South Wales. a, b. Purchased, April 23, 1863. See P. Z. S. 1863, p. 250, pi. 19. Hyla kreffti, Giinth. KrefiVs Tree-Frog. Hab. New South Wales. a, 6. Purchased, April 23, 1863. See P. Z. S. 1863, p. 250, pi. xxx. 20. Hyla phyllochroa, Giinth. Leaf- green Tree-Frog. Hab. New South Wales. a. Purchased, April 23, 1863. Type of the species, as described and figured by Giinther, P. Z. S. 1863, p. 251, pi. xxx. b-d. Purchased, May 14, 1867. Genus PELODRYAS. 21. Pelodryas carulea (White). White's Tree-Frog. Hab. New South Wales. a. Presented by George Macleay, F.Z.S., May 19, 1862. See Giinther, P. Z. S. 1863, p. 249. b, c. Purchased, June 1, 1870. Order URODELA. Family SALAMANDEIDJE. Genus SALAMANDRA. 22. Salamandra maculosa (Laur.) . Spotted Salamander. Hab. Europe. a. Presented by Mrs. Hopper, June 27, 1861. b-f. Purchased, June 2, 1863. g, h. Purchased, Aug. 24, 1865. i-n. Purchased, Sept. 24, 1866. o-t. Presented by F. Coleman, Esq., April 30, 1867. u-nn. Purchased, July 2, 1870. oo. Presented by T. Coleman, Esq., Oct. 2, 1870. SALAMANDRID.E. AMBLYSTOMID^E. Genus PLEURODELES. 23. Pleurodeles waltii, Michah. Pleurodele Newt. Hob. Southern Europe. a. Presented by Lord Lilford, F.Z.S., Aug. 13, 1869. Prom Spain. Genus TRITON. 24. Triton cristatus, Laur. Crested Newt. Hab. British Islands. a-c. Presented by T. C. Eyton, Esq., P.Z.S., April 14, 1862. 25. Triton marmoratus (Latr.) . Marbled Newt. Hab. Southern Europe. a-y. Purchased, June 10, 1870. Prom Prance. 26. Triton alpestris, Laur. Alpine Newt. Hab. Central Europe. a-o. Purchased, June 10, 1870. Prom Prance. 27. Triton taniatus (Sclmei&.), Smooth Newt. Hab. British Islands. a-c. Presented by T. C. Eyton, Esq., P.Z.S., April 14, 1862. d-o. Purchased, Jan. 22, 1870. 28. Triton palmipes (Latr.) . Palmated Newt. Hab. British Islands. a-c, &c. Presented by E. W. H. Holdsworth, Esq., P.Z.S., 1863. Family AMBLYSTOMID^E. Genus AMBLYSTOMA. 29. Amblystoma luridum, Baird. Illinois Salamander. Hab. Illinois, U.S.A. a, 6. Presented by the Smithsonian Institution, Dec. 1857. 364 AMBLYSTOMID^E. AMPH1UMID.E. Genus Si RE DON. 30. Siredon mexicanus (Shaw). Axolotl*. Hob. Mexico. a, b. Larvae. Purchased, Aug. 30, 1864. c-n. Larvae. Purchased, May 8, 1866. o-t. Larvae. Received in exchange, Oct. 28, 1867. Genus GEOTBJTON. 31. Geotritonfuscus, Bp. Brown Triton. Hab. South Europe. a-l. Purchased, Jan. 22, 1870. From near Spezzia, Italy. Family MENOPOMID^E. Genus SIEBOLDIA. 32. Sieboldia maxima (Schleg.) . Gigantic Salamander. Hab. Japan. a. Purchased, March 12, 1860. See P. Z. S. 1860, p. 184. b. Deposited by Capt. Taylor, July 2, 1861. c. d. Purchased, June 19, 1862. e. Deposited, Feb. 27, 1865. /. Presented by A. A. J. Gower, Esq., Aug. 14, 1868. Genus MENOPOMA. 33. Menopoma alleghaniense, Harl. Menopoma. Hab. River Alleghany, North America. a-c. Presented by the Smithsonian Institution, March 9, 1869. Family AMPHIUMID^E. Genus AMPHIUMA. 34. Amphiuma means, Cuv. Amphiuma. Hab. North America. a, b. Purchased, Sept. 3, 1858. c. Purchased, Dec. 6, 1870. See P. Z. S. 1871, p. 36. * See remarks, P. Z. S. 1871, p. 41. PROTEIDwE. 365 Family PROTEID^. Genus PROTEUS. 35. Proteus anguinus (Shaw). Proteus. Hob. Europe. a. Presented by Dr. Perceval Wright. b, c. Presented by T. H. Chambers, Esq., July 17, 1863. d. Presented by F. M. Burton, Esq., Nov. 17, 1863. e,f. Presented by Major R. H. H. Jary, F.Z.S., April 17, 1867. g. Presented by Francis Halsey, Esq., April 9, 1869. h. Presented by T. Threlfall, Esq., Nov. 17, 1870. 366 LEP1DOSIRENID.E. ACIPENSERID^E. Class PISCES*. Family LEPIDOSIRENID.E. Genus PROTOPTERUS. 1. Protopterus annectens (Owen). African Lepidosiren. Hab. Rivers of Africa. a, I. Purchased, May 24, 1865. c. Purchased, May 27, 1865. d. Purchased, Oct. 4, 1865. Family SQUALID^]. Genus SCYLLIUM. 2. Scyllium canicula (Linn.) . Small-spotted Dogfish. Hab. British Seas. a. Purchased, Sept. 25, 1863. Family ACIPENSERID^E. Genus ACIPENSER. 3. Acipenser sturio. Linn. Common Sturgeon. Hab. European rivers. a. Purchased, July 26, 1863. b. Small example from the Elbe. Purchased, 1864. c. Presented by T. Grove, Esq., May 15, 1867. d-f. Purchased, Dec. 10, 1867. g. Presented by Messrs. C. Grove, March 7, 1868. h. Presented by Messrs. Grove & Co., May 7, 1869. i. Presented by Mr. T. Charles, July 15, 1871. * In this class it is not generally possible to keep a record of in- dividual specimens ; but the names of all the determinable species exhibited in the Gardens since Jan. 1st, 1862, are given in their natural order. P. L. S. GASTEROSTEID.E. - TRIGLID^E. 36? Family GASTEROSTEID^E. Genus GASTEROSTEUS. 4. Gasterosteus aculeatus, Linn. Scaly-sided Stickleback. Hab. British Seas. 5. Gasterosteus pungiteus , Linn. Ten-spined Stickleback. Hab. British Seas. 6. Gasterosteus spinadiia. Linn. Fifteen-spined Stickleback. Hab. British Seas. Family PERCID.E. Genus PERCA. 7. Perca fluviatiliSj Linn. Common Perch. Hab. British fresh waters. Genus LABRAX. 8. Labrax lupus (Lacep.). Bass. Hab. British Seas. Genus ACERINA. 9. Acerina cernua (Linn.) . Ruffe, or Pope. Hab. British waters. Family TRIGLID^E. Genus COTTUS. 10. Coitus bubalis, Euphr. Long-spined Cottus. Hab. British Seas. 11. Cottus quadricornis, Linn. Four-horned Cottus. Hab. British Seas. Genus AGONUS. 12. Agonus cataphractus (Linn.) . Armed Bullhead. Hab. British Seas. 368 TRACHINID.E. PEDICULATI. Family TRACHINID^E. Geuus TRACHINUS. 13. Trachinus draco. Linn. Weaver fish. Hob. British Seas. Family GOBIIDJE. Genus GOBI us. 14. Gobius niger, Linn. Black Goby. Hob. British Seas. 15. Gobius minutus, Gm. Freckled Goby. Hab. British Seas. 16. Gobius ruthensparri, Euphras. Two-spotted Goby. Hab. British Seas. Genus CALLIONYMUS. 17. Callionymus lyra (Linn.). Sordid Dragon et. Hab. British Seas. Family DISCOBOLI. Genus CYCLOPTERUS. 18. Cyclopterus lumpus, Linn. Lump Fish. Hab. British Seas. Genus LIPARIS. 19. Liparis vulgaris, Flem. Unctuous Sucker. Hab. British Seas. Family PEDICULATI. Genus LOPHIUS. 20. Lophius piscatorius, Linn. Angler. Hab. British Seas. BLENNIID.E. OPHIOCEPHALID^E. Family BLENNIID.E. Genus BLENNIUS. 21. Bleanius pholis, Linn. Smooth Shanny. Hab. British Seas. Genus CENTBONOTUS. 22. Centronotus gunellus (Linn.) . Spotted Gunnel. Hab. British Seas. Genus ZOAECES. 23. Zoarces viviparus, Cuv. Viviparous Blenny. Hab. British Seas. Family LABYRINTHIA. Genus OSPHRONEMUS. 24. Osphronemus trichopterus (Pall.) . Spined Osphronemus, Hab. Ceylon. a-d. Presented by Capt. Gideon, July 1862. e-h. Presented by Capt. Gideon, May 4, 1867. Family MUGILID^E. Genus MUGIL. 25. Mugil capita, Cuv. Grey Mullet. Hab. British Seas. Family OPHIOCEPHALIDJE. Genus OPHIOCEPHALUS. 26. Ophiocephalus gachua, Ham. Indian Walking Fish. Hab. India. 2 B 370 GOBIESOCID^:. GAVIVM. Family GOBIESOCID^E. Genus LEPADOGASTER. 27. Lepadogaster bimaculatus (Penn.). Bimaculated Sucker. Hob. European Seas. Family LABRID^J. Genus LABRUS. 2&. Labrus maculatus, Bloch. Green-streaked Wrasse. Hob. British Seas. Genus CRENILABRUS. 29. Crenilabrus melops (Linn.) . Goldfinny. Hab. British Seas. Genus CTENOLABRUS. 30. Ctenolabrus rupestris (Linn.) . Jago's Goldfinny. Hab. British Seas. Family GADID.E. Genus GADUS. 31. Gadus morrhua, Linn. Common Cod. Hab. British Seas. 32. Gadus luscus, Linn. Whiting Pout. Hab. British waters. Genus LOTA. 33. Lota vulgaris, Jenyns. Burbot. Hab. British fresh waters. Genus MOTELLA. 34. Motella mustela (Linn.). Five-bearded Rockling. Hab. British Seas. PLEURONECTID/E. SALMONID^E. 371 Family PLEURONECTIDA Genus RHOMBUS. 35. Rhombus maximus, Linn. Common Turbot. Hab. British Seas. Genus PLEURONECTUS. 36. Pleuronectes platessa. Linn. Plaice. Hab. British Seas. 37. Pleuronectes flesus, Linn. Flounder. Hab. British Seas. Genus SOLE A. 38. Solea vulgaris, Cuv. Common Sole. Hab. European Seas. Family SILUR1DJE. Genus SILURUS. 39. Silurus glanis, Linn. Sly Silurus. Hab. Europe. Genus AMIURUS. 40. Amiurtts catus, Linn. Catfish. Hab. North America. Family SALMONIDJS. Genus SALMO. 41. Salmo salar, Linn. Salmon. Hab. British waters. 872 SALMONID.E. CYPRINID^. 42. Salmo trutta, Linn. Salmon-Trout. Hab. British waters. 43. Salmo fario, Linn. Common Trout. Hab. British fresh waters. , 44. Salmo lacustris, Linn. Lake-Trout. Hab. Lake of Constance. 45. Salmo umbla, Linn. Swiss Charr. Hab. Lakes of Switzerland. 46. Salmo fontinalis, Mitch. American Charr. Hab. Fresh waters of North America. Family GALAXIID^E. Genus GAL AX i AS. 47. Galaxias scriba, Cuv. & Val. Australian Galaxias. Hab. Australia. a. Presented by Mr. W. A. Lloyd, Feb. 28, 1861. Family ESOCID^E. Genus Esox. 48. Esox Indus, Linn. Pike. Hab. British fresh waters. Family CYPRINIDJE. Genus CYPRINUS. 49. Cyprinus carpio, Linn. Common Carp. Hab. British fresh waters. Genus CARASSIUS. 50. Carassius vulgaris, Miss. Prussian Carp. Hab. British fresh waters. CYPRINIDA. GYMNOTIDvE. 373 51. Carassius auratus y Linn. Golden Carp. Hab. British waters (introduced) . Genus GOBIO. 52. Gobio fluviatilis, Cuv. & Val. Common Gudgeon. Hab. British fresh waters. Genus LEUCISCUS. 53. Leuciscus rutilus (Linn.). Roach. Hab. British fresh waters. 54. Leuciscus vulgaris, Flem. Common Dace. Hab. British fresh waters. 55. Leuciscus phoxinus (Linn.). Minnow. Hab. British fresh waters. Genus TINCA. 56. Tinea vulgaris, Cuv. Common Tench. Hab. British fresh waters. Genus NEMACHILTJS. 57. Nemachilus barbatulus (Linn.). Common Loach. Hab. British fresh waters. Genus MISGTJRNUS. 58. Misgwrnus fossilis (Linn.). Thunder-fish. Hab. Baltic Sea. a. Purchased, Nov. 1860. Family GYMNOTID^E, Genus GYMNOTUS. 59. Gymnotus electricus, Linn. Electric Eel. Hab. British Guiana, 374 MUILENIDjE. - SYNGNATHID^E. Family MUR^NIDJE. Genus ANGUILLA. 60. Anguilla vulgaris, Flem. Common Eel Hab. British fresh waters. Genus CONGER. 61. Conger vulgaris, Cuv. Conger Eel. Hab. British fresh waters. Family SYNGNATHID.E. Genus SIPHONOSTOMA. 62. Siphonostoma typhle, Linn. Deep-nosed Pipefish. Hab. British waters. Genus NEROPHTS. 63. Nerophis aquoreus (Linn.). ^Equoreal Pipefish. Hab. British Seas. 64. Nerophis ophidian (Linn.). Straight-nosed Pipefish. Hab. British Seas. 65. Nerophis lumbriciformis (Yarr.). Worm Pipefish. Hab. British Seas. Genus HIPPOCAMPUS. 66. Hippocampus antiquorum, Leach. Short -nosed Sea- horse. Hab. European coasts. a-d. Presented by P. P. Pinto, Esq., May 1859. e-z. Purchased, June 11, 1868. aa-ll. Purchased, April 28, 1870. mm-rr. lleceived in exchange, June 10, 1870. SYNGXATHID.E. PETROMYZONTID^. 375 67. Hippocampus ramulosus, Leach. Branched Sea-horse. Hob. Coast of France. Family PETROMYZONTID^E. Genus PETROMYZON. 68. Petromyzon fluviatilis, Linn. River Lamprey. Hob. British rivers. INDEX. Page Aard Wolf 41 Abdimia sphenorhyn- cha 236 Ablabes punctatus . . .349 Accipiter nistts 222 Acerina oern ua 367 Acipenser sturio 366 Acouchy 76 Acridotkeres cristat-el- lus 157 fuscus 157 gvnginianus 157 tristis 157 Addax 98 Addax naso-nmculatus 98 Adder, Blue 355 , Common 355 , Puff 357 , Purplish Death.354 , Superb Death . .354 JElurus fulfills 58 Agama ruder aba 337 Agapornis cana 201 roseicoltis 201 pullaria 201 AgelfBus pkoenicens ...154 Agonus cataphractus .367 Agouti, Azara's 76 , Crested 75 .Golden 75 Aix gal-ericulata 250 sponsa ...250 Alauda arborea 153 arvensis 153 brachydactyla ... 153 crassirostris 1 53 Alcatorda 319 Alcedo ispida 168 Alcelaphus bubalis ... 96 caama 97 Alcesmachlis 102 Alligator 334 Page Alligator mississippi- Angler 368 ensis ...334 Anguilla vuJgaris . 374 Alpaca 87 Anguis fragilis . ...344 Amadina coLstwiotis . .137 Anoa 100 fasciata . 137 Anoa depressicomis 100 lathami 137 Anolis, Crested 339 modesto 137 Amazon Blue-fronted 200 Anolis cristatettus . . . 339 Anous stolidus 318 , Diademed 199 Anser albifrons ... 243 , Dufresne's 200 , Festive 199 brachyrhynchus .243 cygnoides 243 Golden-naped 200 erythropus 243 , Green-cheeked .200 ferus 242 Guatemalan 200 indicus .... 243 Imperial f) QQ sfostutn 243 , Levaillant's ...201 Mealy 00 Anseranas melano- levca 241 , Ked-fronted ...199 Red-throated 199 Ant-Bear, Ethiopian 1 13 Cape . 113 , Suite's 199 Ant-eater, Great Ill , White-fronted .199 , Yellow-cheeked,200 , Tamandua 112 Antelope, Bay 94 , Yellow-faced... 201 , Yellow-fronted.201 , Yellow - shoul- dered .. 201 , Bless-bok 97 , Bubaline 96 , Coquetoon 94 Dama 92 Amblystoma luridum .363 Atn&iva d-orsalis 341 , Four-horned .. 95 , Gibari 93 Atniurus catus 371 . Harnessed 96 Ampclis qamdiis 129 , Indian 93 Isabelline 95 tus 338 , Lechee 95 , Philantomba ... 93 AmpJiiuma means ...364 Anaconda . 346 . Pronghorn 88 , Sable 98 Anas boschas ... . . 252 , Saiga 91 castanea 253 obscura 252 i . pacilorhyncha . . .253 strepera 254 superciliosa 253 xanthorJn/ncha. .253 , Sing-sing 95 , Soemmerring's . 92 , Stein-bok 93 , Wood-loving... 94 Anthornis melanura ..132 Anfhropoides virgo ...304 2 c 378 INDEX. Page Anthus arborcus 1 28 Page Armadillo Peba ...110 Page Bear, Sloth 61 richardii 128 Antilocapra ameri- cana ... 88 Six-banded 110 , Spectacled 60 , Syrian 59 , Three-banded . .111 Aromochelys odorata. .330 Artamus super ciliosus.\3\ Arvicola amphibius ... 70 Astur approximans . . . 222 novce-hollandia .222 palumbarius ...222 Ateles ater 19 Beaver, Canadian ... 68 Beaver-Eat, Golden- bellied 70 Antilope cervicapra ... 93 Aoudad 89 Ape Barbary 17 Belideus ariel 117 breviceps 117 Black 17 Aprosmictus coccino- pterus 194 flaviventer 117 Bell - bird, Naked- throated 165 erytkropterus ...194 scapulcitus 194 belzebuth 20 cucullatus 20 Bernicla brenta 244 Apterodytespennantii3\ 9 Apteryx, O wen' s 324 Apteryx australis 323 - owcni 324 grisescens 19 hybridus 20 canadensis 244 hutchinsii 244 marginatus 20 melanochir 20 ., jubata ... 244 leucopsis 243 Aquila audcix 216 paniscus 19 melanoptera ...244 ruficottis 244 bonellii . 216 rufiventris 19 chrysactos 215 variegatus 21 Athene boobooJc 228 brama 228 Binturong . 44 . imperialis . 215 Bird of Paradise, Lesser 159 . f\t f' ntnvia Silo ncevio'ides 215 - - pcnnata 216 , noctua .. 228 Bison, American . . 100 novce-seelandice. .228 Atherura africana ... 72 fasciculata 72 - - European 99 vulturina 216 Bison americanus ...100 bonasus 99 grunniens ... 100 chloroptera .. 183 Aulacodus swinderni- anus 73 Bittern, Common ...235 Green 234 i hyacinthina.... 182 Australian Sheldrake .249 Axolotl 364 - macao 183 Little 234 maracana 1 84 militaris 183 Aye -aye 32 , Tiger . . . 235 Azara's Fox 50 , White - crested Tiger . 236 Aramides cayennen- sis 306 Babbler, Golden- eyed ... 130 Blackbird 125 Arboricola torqueola.,.2'76 Archibuteo lagopus ...212 sancti-johannis .212 Arctictis binturong ... 44 Arctomys bobac . 67 ludovicianus ... 67 . marmotta 67 , Grey -winged ... 125 Blau-bok 94 Babirussa 85 Babirussa alfurus ... 85 Baboon, Anubis 18 Blennius pholis 369 Blenny, Viviparous... 369 Bluebird, Common... 126 Boa, Common 345 ,Pale-headedTree347 Peruvian 346 ? Arabian . 17 , Chacma 17 } Guinea ... 18 Yellow 18 Arctonyx collaris 54 Ardeaalba 233 Badger, American ... 53 , Common 53 , Indian . 54 , Thick - necked 347 Tree 346 candidissima ...234 cinerea 233 Boa constrictor 345 , Sand 54 eques 346 cocoi 233 Bal(sniceps rex 237 Boar W r ild 83 comata 234 Balearica pawnina . . . 303 Boatbill 235 .. egretta 234 Bolborhynchus mona- chus 187 garzetta 234 Bambusicola thora- cica . ... 277 goliath 233 Bombinator igneus . . .361 Bonte-bok 97 Boodon, Lineated ...354 Boodon lineatus 354 Bos frontalis . , . 99 gularis 234 purpurea 233 sumatrana 232 Ardetta minuta 234 Barbet, Blue-cheeked. 176 Barita destructor . . . 165 Bass 367 Bear, Black 60 Argus giganteus . 291 , Brown 58 indicus 99 sondaicus 99 Armadillo, Hairy ...111 , Kappler's 110 , Little Ill , Himalayan 59 , Japanese 59 , Malayan 60 , Polar 58 . taurus ... 98 Bosch-bok 96 , Long-haired ...141 , Mulita 110 Boselaphus pictus 98 Botaurus stellaris ...235 INDEX. 379 Page Bower-bird, Silky ...158 Brachyurus ouakari . . 25 Bradypus tridactyhis 110 Page Bustard, Australian... 300 , Burchell's 300 , Great 299 Brotogerys pyrrho-pte- Houbara . . 300 rus 187 Little .. 301 tiriacula 187 , Macqueen's . 300 tui 187 , Red-necked ...300 I'irescens 187 , Senegal 300 t __ xanthoptcfnis 187 Buteo auguralis 21 1 Brush-Turkey ^98 jacal 211 Bubalus caffer 100 lineatus 212 Bubo ascalaphus 226 ^ bengalensis ' > "'(j pennsylvanicus 212 tachardus 211 capcnsis 2 9 7 vulgar-is 211 cinereus . 227 Butorides virescens ...234 fasciolatus 227 lacteus ... 227 Buzzard, African 211 , Augural 211 maculosus 227 yna&i'/nus . 226 , Common 211 , Crested Honey 212 virginianus 226 , Honey 212 Bucephalus, Cape . 353 , Jackal 211 Bucephalus capensis 353 Lineated 212 Buceros albirosMs ... 1 72 atratus 172 , Pennsylvanian 212 , Rouh-legged 212 - bicornis 170 St John's .212 convexus . 172 coronatus ... 171 Cacatua- citrino-cris- corrugatus .... 171 tata 179 clatus 172 cristata 178 plicatus .. 171 ducorpsi .. . 181 rhinoceros 171 galerita 178 subcylindricus 172 gymnopis .. 180 Bucorvus abyssinicus 173 leadbeateri 179 Buffalo, Cape 100 moluccensis ... 177 Bufo calatnita 359 ophthalmica ... 1 78 len tiginos us 359 pan therinus . . . 359 viridis 359 philippinarum 180 roseicapilla 181 sanguinea 180 . vulgaris . . 359 sulphurea 179 Bulbul Black 130 triton .. 179 , Red-eared 130 White cared 131 Caccabis bonhami 280 chukar 280 , Yellow-vented .130 heyi 280 Bullfinch, Black 145 , Common .. . 150 melanocephala...28Q rufa 280 Bullhead Armed 367 saxatilis 279 Bungarm cceruleus . . .355 Bunting, Black- headed 151 Caica melanocephala 197 Calamodytes streperus\.2& Calamophilus biarmi- Cape 152 cus . 152 , Common 151 Callionymus lyra 368 , Dved 151 Callipepla californica 279 Cirl ... 151 pic fa 9 79 , Lapland 151 Calliste fastuosa ...133 , Ortolan 151 , Rd-headed ...152 Reed . ... 151 tricolor 133 Callocephalon galea- tum 182 , Snow 150 Caloenas nicobarica ...271 Burbot 370 Calopsitta novcs - hol- Bustard, Arabian 300 kindice .. ...177 Page Calyptorhynchus bank- Ai. ......... 182 Camel, Bactrian 87 , Common 87 CamelopardalisgirajfalOQ Camelus bactrianus ... 87 dromedarius ... 87 Cancroma cochlearia, 235 Canis antarcticus ... 50 anthus 48 aureus 48 azarce 50 bengalensis 48 cerdo 49 dingo 50 famelicus 49 fulvus 49 , var. argen- tata 49 , lagopus 47 laniger 47 lateralis 48 lupus 46 magellanicus ... 50 mesomelas 48 niloticus 48 occidentalis 49 pallipes 47 primeevus 47 velox 49 vulpes 47 Capercailzie 274 Capra hircus 89 hispanica 90 ibex 90 megaceros 91 picta 90 Cap reolus caprea 1 09 Capromys, Fournier's 73 , Prehensile 73 , Short-tailed ... 73 Capromys brachyura . 73 pilorides 73 prehensilis 73 Capuchin, Brown ... 21 , Smooth-headed 23 , Weeper 22 .White-cheeked 22 , White-fronted 22 , White-throated 23 Capybara 76 Caracal 39 Caracara, Brazilian... 209 Carassius auratus . . .373 vulgaris 372 Cardinal, Black-cres- ted 144 , Eed-crested ...144 , Eed-headed ...143 Cardinalisvirginianus\.d 380 INDEX. Page Carduelis fleoans 147 Page Cebus fatuellus 21 Cariama 301 hypoleucus .... 23 Burmeister's . 302 lunatus 22 Cariama cristata 301 monachus 23 Carp, Common 372 , Golden 373 Cenchris piscivorus ...357 Centronotus gunellus 369 , Prussian .. 372 Centrophanes lappo- Carpodacus erythrinus 1 50 nica 151 Carpophaga eenea 257 bicolor 258 Centropus rufipennis 175 senegalensis 1 75 . olobicera . 257 Centurus tricolor 166 latrans 258 Cephalophus dorsalis 94 n luctuosa .. 258 - maxwellii ...... 93 Cassicus melanicterus 155 mergens 94 Cassowary, Bennett's 322 rufilatus ......... 94 , Common .. . 322 sylvicultrix . . 94 , Kaup's 322 Ceratophrys, Horned 360 , Two-wattled ...322 Castor canadensis ... 68 Casuarius bennetti .. 322 Ceratophrys cornuta 360 Cercocebus icotyles labiatus 86 Dttsi/proctci acoucJiy 76 taja^u 85 DidelpTiys azarce 114 . ctzcircs , 76 cancrivora 113 cristata 75 crassicaudata ...114 Dasypusmimitus Ill sexcinctus 110 ^ vcHcrostts 111 opossum 114 virginlana 114 Diduncwlus strigiros- villosits Ill tris 272 Dasyure Mange's 114 Dingo 50 , Spotted-tailed 115 , Ursine 115 Dasyurus maculatits. ..115 maiig&i 114 ur sinus 115 Dipus agyptius 71 Diucopis fatciata ... 1 34 Diver, Great Northern318 Dog, Cape Hunting. . . 51 Indian Wild 47 Dctulias luscinid 126 Dogfish, Small-spot- 'philomclci 1^6 ted 366 Deer, Axis 106 Dolichotis patachonica 76 , Barasingha 104 Barbary 103 Donacola, castaneo- thorax 139 , Cashmirian ...102 Chinese-tailed 104 Dormouse, Common . 68 Fat 67 Equine . 105 , Garden 68 , Fallow 102 , South-African . 68 Douroucouli Feline '^3 Hog 106 Ecd -footed 23 i } Japanese 103 , Three-banded . 23 Kuhl's 106 Dove Aldabran . 266 , Mantchurian . . . 103 Mexican 108 , Auriculated ...266 Barbary Turtle 265 , Molucca 105 \ Barred 263 1 Pnnnlin 104 , Persian 103 ered 263 PVnlmm'np 106 "Rlflplr winfrpH 266 , Prince Alfred's.107 Pudu 108 , Bronze-spotted. 268 Ecd 10 tie 265 Eusa 105 .. . Cape 262 Sainbur 104 Carolina 262 Savannah . . 107 Chinese 264 , Swinhoe's 105 , Common Turtle264 , Timor 106 , Double-ringed Wapiti 102 Turtle 265 Dendrocitta vaga- bundtz 162 , Dwarf Turtle... 266 Eastern Turtle 264 Dendrocygna arborea.24& , Emerald 268 " CLTCUdtd ^48 Graceful Ground 63 autumnalis 248 .. __ eytoni 248 , Green- winged. . .269 Half-collared... 265 fulva . 248 Little Green- major 248 dinged 269 vidudtd ^47 Mauge's 264 Dendrolagus inustus .117 Dendrortvx leuc&Dhmft , Mountain-Witch Ground 268 Page Dove, Moustache Ground 267 , Painted 264 , Passerine Ground 267 , Peaceful 263 , Placid Ground 263 , Eed Ground ...267 , Scaly Ground .266 .SchlegeTs 268 , Spotted 261 , Talpacoti Ground 267 , Vinaceous Turtle265 , White-fronted .267 , Zenaida 266 Dragonet, Sordid ...368 Drill 18 Dromceus novce-hollan- dicB 323 Dromicus antillensis .352 Drongo, Indian 131 Duck, Australian Wild253 , Bahama 252 , Black-billed Tree 248 , Brown 256 , Chestnut- breasted 253 , Common Wild.252 , Dusky 252 , Eider 256 , Eyton's Tree... 248 , Fulvous Tree... 248 , Indian Tree ...248 , Larger Tree ...248 , Loggerhead ...256 , Mandarin 250 , Eed-billed 252 , Eed-biUed Tree248 , Eosy-billed ...255 , Scaup 255 , Spotted-billed .253 , Summer 250 , Tufted 255 , White-eyed ...256 , White-faced Tree 247 , Yellow-billed... 253 Dunlin- 315 Duyker-bok 94 Eagle, Bacha 217 , Bateleur 213 , Black-crested... 216 , Bonelli's 216 , Booted 216 , Cheela 217 , Crowned 217 . Golden 215 384 INDEX. Page Eagle, Harpy 217 Page Erythrolamprus ve- Page Falco barbarus 219 Imperial. . 215 nustissitnus 349 candicans 218 Ornamented 217 Erythropus vesperti- eleonorcB 220 Spotted 215 nus 221 islandus . . 218 Tawny 215 juggcr 219 Vulturine . 216 Eryx Indian 347 lanarius 219 Wprlffp tailprl 91 fi Echidna . . 123 Eryx Jaculus . . . 347 peregrinus 218 iohnii 347 saccr 19 Echinowiys spinosus... 73 thebaicus 347 Falcon, Barbary 219 Eclectus Grand 196 Esox lucius 372 Black-cheeked 219 Estrelda amadava 135 Duck . . 219 Rod sided 196 bclla 135 Eleonora 220 , Westermann's .196 bichenovii . ... 1 34 Greenland 218 Iceland 218 linvuei . . . 196 cinerea 135 Jugger 219 _ polychlorus 196 dufresnii 135 Lanner 219 melpoda 135 Peregrine 218 Ectopistes migratoriuslQQ Eel Common . .. 374 phaeton 134 phcenicotis 136 Red-footed ...221 , Rufous- Conger 374 rubriventris 135 throated 220 , Electric 373 ruficauda 1 34 , Saker 219 vubflava 136 Felis bengalensis 38 Egret Great American234 _ temporalis 1 35 canadensis . . 39 Great White 233 Eudynamysorientalis 174 caracal 39 Little 34 Eunectes murinus 346 catus . . 39 Slaty 234 Euphema bourkii 191 chaus 39 , Snowy 234 elegans 191 concolor 35 Egyptian Mastigure . 337 pulchella 190 eyra ... .40 Eland 96 splcndida 191 geoffroii . 37 Elanus scriptus 211 Euphonia niqricollis .132 javanensis 38 Elaps Chequered 355 violacea 132 jubata 38 Elaps lemniscatus 355 Euplectes afer 140 leo 34 Elephant African 78 capcnsis 140 lynx 39 Indian 78 macrocclis 37 Elephas africanus ... 78 oryx 140 macrura 37 indica . 78 Euplocamus albo-cris- maniculata ... 40 Emberiza cirlus 151 tatus 287 mitis 37 fucata 151 cuvieri 287 moormensis 39 melanocephala 151 mus 286 pardalis ... . 37 miliaria 151 horsjieldii 287 pardus 36 schcBniclus 151 lineatus 286 passerum 40 Emu 323 mclanotus 287 rufa 39 Eos indica 203 nobilis 286 serval 38 reticulata 203 tiqris 35 Epicrates angulifer 347 pr(elatus 285 viverrina 38 cenchris 347 swinhoii 285 yaguarondi 40 Eguus burchellii 81 meilloti 286 Fennec, Syrian 49 hemionus 82 Eupodotis arabs . ...300 Ferret, Common 52 __ hemippus 81 australis 300 Fiber zibethicus 70 onager 81 Icon 300 Fieldfare 124 auaqqa 81 ruficollis 300 Finch Amaduvade ... 135 tccniopus 81 Banded Grass 138 -zebra 81 Euprepes australis ...343 Bicheno's 134 Erinaceus europ&us... 34 Eurypyqa helias 304 Bluish 145 Erithacus rubecula ...126 Erythroena* pulcher- rima ... ,...259 Euspiza luteola 1 52 Falco (cnatum .. ..219 Canary 149 Chestnut- breasted . ...130 INDEX. 385 Page Finch, Chestnut- eared 137 , Crimson 134 , Cut-throat 137 , Dusky 143 , Fire-tailed, 135, 139 , Hooded 136 , Jacarini 144 , Javan Maja ...138 , Maja ' 138 , Melodious 143 , Modest Grass .137 , Mountain 147 , Nonpareil 143 , Olive 143 , Pied Grass ...136 , Plumbeous ...145 .Red-tailed 134 , Buddy 150 , Saffron 148 , Serin 149 , Sharp-tailed ...138 , Spectacled 145 , Spotted-sided 137 , Striated 138 , Tropical Seed .145 , White-eye- browed ! 152 , White-throatedl45 Fireback, Bornean ...286 , Vieillot's 286 Flamingo, European.240 , Buddy 240 , South-Ameri- can 240 Floriken, Bengal 300 Flounder 371 Flower-bird, Black- tailed 132 Flycatcher, Pied 129 Flying Squirrel, Ame- rican 66 Foudia eryfhr&ps 141 madagascarien- sls 141 Fox, Arctic 47 , Bengal 48 , Common 47 , Egyptian 48 , Fennec 49 , Kit 49 ' , Long-eared ... 51 ,Red 49 , Silver 49 Francolin, Black 275 , Cape 276 , Clapperton's...276 , Double-9purred275 , Grev 276 .Hill 276 Francolin, Long- billed 276 , Madagascar ...275 , Painted 275 , Red-throated... 275 , South- African .275 , Wood 276 Francolinv.s afer 275 bicakaratus ...275 capensis 276 dappertonii ...276 gularis 276 madagascarien- sis 275 pictus 275 ponticerianus ...276 rubricollis 275 vulgaris 275 Fratercula arctica ...319 Fregata aquila 232 Fregilus graculus ... 1 62 Frigate Bird, Great .232 FringiUa ccehbs 147 montlfringilla . .147 spodiogenia 147 FringUlaria capensis.lo'2 Frog, American Green360 .Australian ...361 , Brown Mud ...361 , Bull 360 , Edible 360 , European Tree.361 , Ewing's Tree... 361 , Krefft's Tree... 362 , Leaf -green Tree362 , Noisy 360 , Peron's Tree... 362 , West-Indian... 360 , White's Tree... 362 , Yellow-footed Tree 361 Fruit-Bat, Australian 32 , Blackish 32 , Collared 33 .Indian 32 , White-eared ... 34 Fulica atra 310 cntstralis 310 cristeta 310 Fuligula cristafa 255 ferina 255 mania 255 Gadus luscus 370 morrhua 370 Gadwall, Common . . .254 Galago, Allen's 31 , Pemidoffs 32 , Garnett's 31 , Grand . ,. 31 Page Galago, Maholi 31 , Monteiro's 31 Galago alleni 31 crassicaudata ... 31 demidoffi 32 garnetti 31 maholi 31 monteiri 31 Galaxias, Australian .372 Galaxias scriba 372 Galeoscoptes caroli- nensis 127 Galictis bar bar a 52 vittata 52 Galidia, Elegant 44 Galidia elegans 44 GalUnula chl&ropus. . .309 nesiotis 310 p keen ic lira 310 tenebrosa 310 Gallinule,Island-Hen310 , Sombre 310 , White-breasted310 Gallaperdix Iunulata21 spadicea 274 zeylonensis 274 Gallusbankiva 288 sonnerati 288 varius 288 Gannet 232 Garrulax chinensis ...130 Garrulus glandarius .161 Gasterosteus aeuleatus367 ptingifeus 367 spinachia 367 Gayal 99 Gazette, benmttii 92 cuvieri 92 datna 92 dorcas 91 euchore 92 rufifrons 92 soemmerringi ... 92 subgutturosa ... 92 Gazelle 91 , Cuvier's 92 , Indian 92 , Persian 92 Gecco veri'S ' .' 57 Gecin us viridis 167 Gecko, Fan-footed ...337 , Indian 337 Genet, Blotched 42 , Common 42 , Pale 42 Genetta senegalensis . 42 tigrina 42 vulgaris 42 Geopdia cuneafa 263 h V. me rails 263 386 INDEX. Page Geop elia ma ugm ... 264 placida 263 Page Goose, Maned 244 , Orinoca 242 , Pink-footed ...243 , Bed-breasted... 244 "RuHrlv TiPaHpfl 245 Page Guan, Piping 297 Red-breasted... 297 Red-tailed 207 tranquilla 263 Rufous-vented .296 \VVufp r>rpctpri 9Q7 Geopsittacus occiden- talis 190 , Eiippell's Spur- winged 241 White-eye- browed 297 Geotriton fuscus 364 Geotrygon montana. . .267 ., mystacea 267 , Sandwich Is- land 246 , White-fronted .297 Gubernatrix crista- tella 144 sylvatica 268 , Spur-winged... 241 , Upland 245 mitp frnntprl 243 Geranoaetus aguia ...214 Geronticus 9ft Page Parrakeet, Blue- crowned Hanging 202 , Blne-rumped...201 , Bourke's 191 , Crested Ground 177 , Crimson- wingedl 94 , Elegant Grass. .191 Onager 81 , Savigny's ... 09 G (Jnychogalca !unata...l22 Ophwcephaliis gachua 369 Opossum, Azara's 114 , Crab-eating ...113 , Four-spotted ...114 Think tailed 114 , Senegal Scops ..228 , Short-eared ...224 , Snowy 230 , Spotted Eagle ..227 , Virginian Eagle226 , White-eared Scops 228 Virginian 114 headed 187 195 Oran^-outang ... 2 , Wood 225 , Great-billed ...197 , Greater Vasa . . .195 , Green Ground .190 , Grey-breasted. .187 , Grey-headed ...201 , Javan . . 189 Orecis canna 96 ' Owlet, Spotted 228 Ox, Domestic 98 , Sondaic 99 Ox-bird 142 Ortalida motmot . .. 2 ( .!7 ruficauda 297 Ortyx inrginianus ...279 Orycteropus cethiopi- cus 113 Oxyrrhopus fitzingeri 354 Oyster-catcher 313 , King 194 Black 313 Lesser Vasa 195 Oryx leucoryx 98 Oryzoborus torridus .145 Osphronemus. Spined369 Osphronemus tricho- ptcrus 369 Pad da oryzivora 139 PalcBornis alexandri. .188 columboides 189 , Love-bird 201 , Malabar 189 , Malaccan 189 , Many-coloured 193 , Masked 193 cyanocephalus...l8 ( i) docilis 188 Osprey 218 , Mueller's 197 , New-Zealand ...195 , Orange-winged 187 , Pale-headed ...192 Passerine 02 Ostrich 321 javanica . ... 189 Of aria jubata 61 _ . piisillo. 62 Ivciani 189 malaccensis 1 89 Otis tar da 99 mclcLnorhynchct, 188 Otocyon lalandii 51 forquata . . . 188 , Pennant's 191 Panda 58 , Philippine Hanging ''O^ Otus brachuotiis '^24 Pandion haliaetus ...218 Pangshura tectum ...329 tentoria . ... 329 Pileatcd 192 - vidoctris oo_^ Praslin 195 Ovis ciries 88 Paradisea papuana ... 1 59 Paradoxure, Common 43 Golden 43 , Eed-cheeked ...189 , Eed- winged ...194 , Eing-necked ...188 ,Eose-Hill 192 , Eose-ringed ...188 , Eosy-faced 201 - cycloccros 89 tragelaphus 89 Owl, Australian Barn224 Barred ... 225 Masked 43 , Musanga 43 , Two-spotted ... 43 Tytler's 43 "Rpncral V ip-le *^6 Boobook 28 Paradoxun's larva- tvs 43 , Sclater's Hang- inff ^02 ' Cape Eagfe 227 Cape Eared 225 mii-sang a 43 , Shining 193 , Slight-billed ...184 , Splendid Grass 191 , Stanley 191 , Turquoisine . . . 190 , Undulated Grass 189 - typus 43 ,' supcrbv* 258 2 1 394 INDEX. Page Ptilonorhynchus viola- ecus . 1 58 Page Rail, Water 305 Page Ehynchotus rufescens .320 Ring-Dove 260 Weka 306 Ptilopachy* ventralis.SIb Ptilostomus senega- lensis 162 , West-Indian ...306 Woodhen 307 Ring-Ouzel 125 Eissa tridactyla 317 Eallus aquaticus 305 pcctoralis . . . 305 River-Hog, Red 85 Southern 85 Pti/as mucosa 349 Ptyodactylus hassel- quisti 337 Eamphastos arid 175 carinatus 175 cuvicri 175 Roach ... 373 Robin .. .126 Pucras Chinese 285 , American 124 Rock-Pigeon 260 Rock-Thrush . 125 , Indian 285 erythrorhynchusYlb toco 175 Pucrasia macrolopha .285 xanthospila 285 Puffin 319 Eamphocwlus brasiliusI33 Eana clamata 360 Rockling, Five- bearded 370 Pulsatrix torquata ...230 Puma 35 esculenta 360 Roe, Common 109 halecina ... 360 Roller, European ... 1 68 Eollulus cristatus 278 Pycnonotus crocor- rhous 130 Eangifer tarandus ...101 Rat Black 68 Rook 160 Ruff 315 -- - Icucotis 131 , Gambian Pouched 70 Ruffe 367 inicHKus ... 1 30 Eupicapratragus 91 Eupicola crocea 1 66 Saiga tatarica 91 Saimaris sciurea 23 Pyrenestes albifrons...l4:l Pyrrhocorax alpinus..lQ3 Pyrrhula rubicilla ...150 Pyrrhulopsis per- sonata .. 193 Hanover ^9 , Spiny 73 Ratel, Cape 53 , Indian 53 , West- African... 53 Rat-Kangaroo, Gai- uiard's ... 122 usta 24 splendens 193 Pytelia melba 136 Saki, Black .... 24 Humboldt's 21 Python Indian 345 , Ogilby's 123 .Red-backed ... 24 , White-headed .. 24 Salamander, Gigantic 364 , Illinois 363 , Royal 345 , West African... 344 Python molurus 345 , Rufous 123 , Tasmanian.... 122 , White-tipped... 123 Rattlesnake, Common357 , Horrid 358 Leconte's 358 rcoius 345 , Spotted . 362 ._ seba 344 Salamandra maculosa3Q2 Salmo fario 372 Raven 159 fontinalis 372 Quail Asiatic 278 Razorbill ... 319 lacustris . ... 372 , Australian 278 Redpole, Common ...149 Mealy 149 salar 371 , Californian 279 , Cambaian 278 trutta , 372 Redshank, Common. . .314 Redwing ... 124 umbla 372 - Common 277 Salmon. . . 371 Harlequin 277 Reed Warbler 126 Saltator aurantiiros- tris . 134 Pectoral ...277 Reedling, Bearded ...152 Regent Bird 131 , Rain 277 Sand-Grouse, Black- bellied . 273 , Tasmanian 278 Quelea sanguinirostrisl4:l Querquedula brasilien- sis 254 Reh-bok 95 Reindeer 101 Double-banded 273 , Lesser Pin-tailed272 Lichtonstcin's 273 Rhea, Common 321 Darwin's 32 circia ... . 254 , Great-billed ...321 Rhea american a 32 1 darwinii 322 , Pallas's 273 crecca 254 , Pin-tailed 272 creccoides 254 .,_ -formosa . 254 Sandpiper, Common .315 Sarcidiornis melanota 241 Sarciophorus bilobus .312 pectoralis 312 macrorhyncha . . .321 Rhesus Chinese 15 Quiscalus lugubris ... 1 55 Rabbit, Common 77 Rhinoceros, Indian... 79 , Two-horned ... 80 Ehinoceros bicornis ... 80 unicornis 79 Ehinochetusjubatus . .305 Ehizothera longiros- tris 276 Sarcorhamphus gry- phus . .. 206 Raccoon 55 , Crab-eating ... 55 Rail, Australian 305 .Earle's Weka,.. 306 Land 306 Saxicola cenanthe 1 27 Scardafella squamosa .266 Scelostrix capensis ...224 Schizorhis africana ... 173 Sciuropterus volucella 66 , New Caledoniau307 Ehombus maximus ... 37 1 395 Page Sciurus aestuans 65 tricolor 64 Page Shoebill 237 Page Snake, Mocassin 350 , Ornamented Tree 353 Shoveller 255 castandventris . 63 Shrike, Great Grey ...129 , Eed-backed ... 1 30 Sialia wilsonii 1 26 Sieboldia maxima 364 Silurus Sly 371 , Punctured 349 - Rat 349 cinereus 64 , Red-and-Black 349 , Reinhardt's Tree 352 hypopyrrhus ... 65 ludovicianus ... 65 SiluTUs glanis 371 Silver-bill, African ...138 , Indian 138 nigro-vittatus ... 64 . palTnarum 64 , Sav's . 348 Simia sa^yrus ... 2 , Sharp-snouted 351 , Smooth 348 plantani 64 Siphonostoma typhle ..374 Siredon mexicanus ...364 Siskin, American 147 Common .... 147 vulociTis . ... 63 , South-American Rat 351 vulpinus 65 Scops leucotis . . 228 , Spotted-headed 351 Vinrrinp ^^O , India 148 Sitta ccEsia 129 Skink, Australian ... 343 , Cunningham's .343 , Greenish Sand .344 , Ocellated Sand 344 Skua, Antarctic 316 Scoter, Common or Black 256 .Yellow 347 Snapper, Temminck's 330 Sole, Common 371 Scotopelia peli 228 Screamer, Derbian ...240 Scylliii m can icu la ... 366 Sea-Eagle, Chilian ...214 , Cinereous 213 Mace's 214 Solea vulgaris ... 371 Svinateria mollissima 256 Song-Thrush 124 . Arctic 315 Souslik, European ... 66 Sparrow, Chipping ...152 , Grey-headed ...146 .Java 139 , Tree ... . 146 Skunk Canadian 54 , Vociferous 214 , White-bellied.. .214 , White-headed .214 Sea-horse, Branched .375 , Short-nosed ...374 Sea-lion, Little 62 Southern 61 Chilian 54 Skv-Lark 153 Sloth, Hoffmann's ...110 , Three-toed 110 , Two-toed 110 Slow Worm 344 , Yellow ... 146 Spatula clypeata 255 Spermestes cucullafa. .136 fringilloides ...136 Spermophila albogu- laris 145 Smew 257 Seal, Bladder-nosed ... 63 , Common 62 , Greenland 62 Grey . . 63 Snake, ^Esculapian 351 , All-green Tree 352 , American Black351 , Annulated 353 Antillean 352 carulescens 145 ophthalmica ...145 plicnibea 145 Seed-eater, St. Helena 148 , White-throated 148 , Yellow-rumped 148 S&mnopithecus entellus 2 leucoprymnus ... 3 . maUTUS 3 Aurora 354 SpermophUv.s citillvs . 66 Spermospiza hce-ma- tina 141 , Black-and- White Blind 348 I , Black-and- Yel- low 351 Sphcniws demersus. .319 hwmboldti 319 Sphenodon pt(nctatus.33Q Spider Monkey.Black- faced 19 S&ps occllcitus 344 Carpet 345 viridanus 344 Sericulus melinus 131 Serinus canarius 149 .Clifford's 350 Common 350 Dark-green 349 Black-handed... 20 Brown 20 Chuva 20 Diamond 345 Serpent, Rat-tailed ...358 Serpentarius reptili- Eryx 347 ', Fitzinger's 354 , Four-lined 351 .Garter 350 , Glass 342 Grass 352 Grizzled... 19 Hooded 20 Serval 38 Marimonda ... 20 Red-bellied ... 19 Red-faced 19 Variegated 21 Spilorn is bacha 217 cfaela 217 Shannv Smooth 369 Sheathbill, Black- billed 313 , Hissing Sand . . .352 Hoary 348 , Yellow- billed... 313 , Hooded 348 , Horseshoe 349 , Indian River ...350 , Lacertine 352 , Long-headed ...349 , Long-snouted . .353 Sheldrake. Australian 249 , Common 249 , Ruddy 249 Spilotes varifibilis ...351 Spizaetus coronatus. . .217 occipitalis 216 oTnatus 217 , White-fronted .249 Spizella sociatis 1 52 396 INDKK. Page Spoonbill, Common. .238 Roseate 38 Page Stork, White-bellied .236 White necked 236 Page Syrrhaptes para- doxus 273 Spring-bok 92 StTepeva anaphonen- Spur-fowl, Cey- sis 164 Tachyphonus mela- leucus 133 fulwinosci 164 Tadorna ccinci 249 Rufou" 71 rutila 249 Squatarola helvetica. .312 Strepsiccros kudu ... 95 tadorno'ides 249 backed . . 65 Stnnqops habropti- vulpanser 249 Chestnut-bel- Takgalla lathami ...298 lied ... ... 63 Strix delicatu la ... 224 Talpa europ&ci 34 _ Common 63 flammed 223 Tamandua tetradac- Dorsal 65 tyla .. 112 Grey 61 Struthio canielus 321 Tamarin Neoro .... 27 Jeleran 01 64 Sturgeon Common.. 366 , Red-handed ... 26 , Malabar 64 Sturnclla defilippi ...154 Tanager , Archbi shop . 1 33 Malayan 64 ludoviciana ...154 -. . , Black 133 , Palm . ..64 Sturnia tnalabarica.. 157 , Black-backed . . .132 Plantain 61 Black-necked 132 Kcd bellied 65 Blue ... 133 , Tropical 65 Sucker, Bimaculated.,370 , Blue - shoul- Vulpine ..... 65 Unctuous . ...368 dered 133 Vpllnw -frvnf-prl fi^ ^no-ir Viivrl "RliiP 1^9 T?rfl7ilian 1 ^^ Starling Chilian 156 .. Yellow-winged 131 , Fasciated ... 134 Common 156 Sula bassana 232 Green headed 133 De Filippi's Sun-bittern 304 Magpie . 134 Meadow 154 Suricata zenik 46 , Orange-billed. .134 Green Glossy 156 Superb 133 SuTnia funerecc 230 Violet 132 Glossy . ...156 Sus andatnancnsis 84 TunctGFtt ccina 133 cristatus . 84 cycinopteTa 133 .. .... .. oTnata 133 Glossy 156 scTofo, . 83 Tantalus African 237 Red-shoulder- _ taivanus 84 Indian 38 ed 154 t'iDioTensis 84 Tantalus ibis .. . 237 , Rufous-vented vittatus 84 leucocephalus .. 238 Glossy 156 Swan Black 9 47 Tanyc/nathus albi- Starnoenas cyanoce- , Black -necked 247 TOStTlS . . 197 phala 271 Chilian 217 luconcnsis 197 Steatornis caripensi$..I6& Sterna hirundo 317 , Common 246 , Hooper 246 megalorhynchus 197 muell-eri 197 macroura 318 Polish ... 246 Tapir Baird's ... 80 Sternothcerus derbia- , Trumpeter 246 , Brazilian . 80 nus 332 Swine Andaman... 84 Tapirus bairdi 80 subniger 331 Formosan . 84 terrestris .... 80 Sternothere, Derbian 332 , Indian 84 Tatvsia hybrida 110 , Seychellean .. 331 Javan 84 JcappleTi 110 Stickleback, Fifteen- , Timorese 84 peba 110 spined 367 , White-whisker- Taxidea aniCTicana 53 , Scaly-sided 367 ed ... 84 Tayra 52 , Ten-spined 367 Wild ... 83 Teal Brazilian 254 Stoat, Common 51 Sy calls flaveola .. .. 148 , Chilian 54 Stock-Dove 260 SunoBcits austTcilis 278 Stork, Black 236 diemenensi-s 278 , Black-necked... 237 , Maguari 236 Sypheotides bengalen- sis 300 -, Japan ese 254 Tegucxin Common 340 Marabou . ...237 Red 311 , Saddle-billed... 237 nebulosuni .... 225 Teius rufescens 341 , White 236 seloputo 225 tcqucxin . . ... 340 INDEX. 397 Page Tench, Common 373 Tern, Arctic S18 , Black 318 , Common 317 , Noddy 318 Terrapene carinata ...327 Terrapin, Abnor- mal 330 | , Adorned 328 ! , Alligator 330 | , Annulated 328 i , Bennett's 329 ! , Broad-headed. .329 , Caspian 328 , Dura 329 , Fuliginous 329 , Geoffroy's 332 .Gordon's 332 , Hamilton's ... 329 , Maw's 330 , Maximilian's ...332 .Painted 327 , Pennsylvanian Mud 330 , Eed-bellied ...328 , Roofed 329 , Salt-water 328 , Spanish' 329 .Speckled 327 , Spix's Mud ...331 , Stink-pot 330 , Thurgi 329 , White-mouthed Mud 331 .Wrinkled 328 Testudo argentina ...326 carbon aria 326 elephantopus ...326 grceca 325 indica 325 pardalis 325 polypher/nis 326 radiata 325 snlcata 325 tabulata 326 Tetraceros quadricor- nis 95 Tefrao cvpido 273 tefruc 274 urogattus 274 Tctraoqdttus himalay- ensis 280 Tetrapteryx, para- d'mus 303 Tetrajc campestris ...301 Tcxtor alecto 142 Thalassochelys caou- (c/;a 334 Thuv.Hiaka am- hii-stice 284 Page Thaumaka picta 284 Thicknee 311 , Australian 311 , Double-striped 311 , Peruvian 311 Thrasaetus harpy ia...2\l Thrush, Chinese Jay 130 , Solitary 125 Thunder-fish 373 Thyfacinus cynoce- phalus 115 Tiarisjacarina 144 Tiger 35 , Clouded 37 Tigrisoma brasiliense 235 leucoloph um . . . 236 Tinaniou, Little 320 , Rufous 320 , Variegated 320 Tinamus pileatus 320 variegatu-s 320 Tinea vulgaris 373 Tinnunculus alauda- rius 221 cenchroides 221 Toad, Common 359 , Dusky 359 , Fire-bellied ...361 , Green 359 , Natterjack 359 , Pantherine 359 Toccus erythrorhyn- chus 172 mdanoleucus ...172 Todirhamphus sanctusl 69 Tolypeutes conurns ...111 Tortoise, American Bos 327 , Angulated 326 , Argentine 326 .Black 326 , Brazilian 326 , Durneril's Grieved 331 , Florida 326 , Galapagan 326 , Greek Land ...325 , Grooved 325 , Indian 325 , Large Grieved 331 , Leopard 325 , One-bearded Grieved 331 , Eadiated 325 Tot an us calidris . . . . , .314 Toucan, Ariel 175 , Banded 176 , Cuvier's 175 , Red-billed 175 Page Toucan, Sulphur- breasted 175 , Toco 175 Touracou, Buffon's ...173 , Great-billed . . . 174 .Senegal 174 , Variegated 173 -, White-crested 174 Trachin us draco ...... 368 Trachydosaurus ru- gosus .................. 342 Tragelaphus scriptus 96 - sylva ticus ...... 96 Tragopan, Blyth's ...289 - , Horned ......... 288 - , Temminck's ...289 Tragulus ja van icus.. . 86 - mem in na ......... 86 - Stanley anus ...... 86 Tree-Porcupine, Bra- zilian ............... 72 - , Guiana ......... 73 - , Mexican ......... 73 Treron bicincta ...... 259 - calva ............ 259 _- - ph&nicoptera ...259 - spJienura ......... 259 Tretanorhinus nigro- luteus ............... 351 Tribonyx mortieri ...308 - venfralis ......... 308 Trichechus rosma- rus .................. 62 Trichoglossus chloro- lepidotut ............ 204 - concinnus ...... 203 - hamatodes ...... 203 - mitchelli ......... 204 - novce-hollandice 203 - sica inson i ...... 203 Trigonocephalus Ian- ceolatus ............... 358 Tringa canutu-s ...... 315 - cinclus ............ 315 Tringoides hypoleu- cos ..................... 315 Trionyx, Egyptian ...333 Trionyx (?gyptiacus...o33 Triton, Brown ......... 364 Triton alpestris ...... 363 - cristatits ......... 363 - marmoratus ...363 - palm ipes ......... 363 - teniatus ......... 363 Troglodytes n iger ...... 1 'Tropidohpis microle- pidotis ............... 339 Tropidolepisuia, Large ............... 342 398 INDEX. Page Tropidolepisma majus32 Tropidonotus fas- ciatus 350 Page Ursus arctos 58 Page Vulture, Turkey 205 Wagtail, Grey 128 , Pied 128 iHttlctycinus 60 natrix 350 maritimus 58 ornatus . 60 ordinatus 350 , White 128 quincunciatus . . .350 - viperinus 350 piscdtor 59 Yellow 128 syriacus 59 tibetanus 59 Walking fish, Indian 369 Wallaby, Bennett's... 120 , Black . 121 Troupial, Black 155 Trout, Common 372 Lake 372 Vanellus cayennensis 312 cristatus 311 Vicuna 87 Black-striped 121 Salmon ... 372 , Derbian 121 , Red-bellied ...122 , Rufous-necked 120 Stripe-thighed 121 Trumpeter, Common 301 , Green-winged 301 Turbot, Common 371 Turdus iliacus 124 Vidua paradiseci . . 139 Viper Black .. .. 356 Wallaroo Great 119 Capo 355 Walrus 62 migratorius 1 24 Cerastes 357 Horned 357 Warbler, Willow 127 Wart-Hog 83 pilaris 124 Long-nosed ...356 Nose-horned ...356 Eiver-Jack 356 Eussell's 356 , Elian's 83 pcecilopterus ... 1 25 toTouatus 125 Water-Ouzel 127 Waterhen, Black- tailed 308 viscivorus .... 124 Turkey, North-Ame- rican 292 Two-lined Palm358 Water 357 Martinique ...308 Mortier's .... 308 , Ocellated 291 Viper a ammodytes ...356 arietans 357 Waxbill, Australian. . . 135 Cinereous . .136 Turnix pyrrhothorax 299 si/lvtttica ^99 aspis 356 Common 135 Crimson-eared 136 Crimson -faced 136 tdioooT 299 berus 355 vctrio, 299 cerastes 357 Turnstone 313 cornuta 357 Dufresne's . 135 Turtle Green 333 ncisicornis 356 Orange-cheeked 135 , Hawk's-billed 333 , Loggerhead ...334 , Senegal River... 333 Turtur aldabranus ...266 auritus 264 rhinoceros 356 Red-bellied ...135 Zebra 136 russettii 356 Waxwing . 129 Viverra civettct 41 Weaver-bird, Black- bellied 140 tangalunga . 42 bitorquatus 265 Tiverricula indica ... 42 Vole, Water 70 , Blue-beaked ...141 , Chestnut- backed 142 chinensis 264 Vultur anricularis ...206 calvus 207 . , jnccno, 264 , Crimson- crowned 140 picturatus 264 risorius 265 cinereus 206 occipitalis 207 , Grenadier 140 , Long-tailed ...139 Manyar 142 semitorquatus ...265 scncctttlensis 265 Vulture, Angolan 208 Black 204 , Californian ...205 , Cinereous 206 , Condor 206 Masked 112 Tympanistra bicolor 268 Typhlops nigro-albus 348 Tyrant, Pitangua 165 Olive 11 , Orange-shoul- dered 140 , Red-beaked ...141 Red faced 111 , Egyptian 207 , European Bearded 208 Sulphury 165 Upupa epops 173 Urobrachya albo- notata, 140 , Griffon 207 King 06 , Red-headed ...141 Rufous necked 112 , Occipital 207 , Pileated 208 , Pondicherry ...207 , Kuppell's 207 , Secretary 208 , Sociable 206 Southern , White-fronted 141 Yellow shoul -" - bocaoii 140 Urocissamagnirostris 162 occipitalis 1 62 sinensis 161 Uromastix spinipes . . .337 Urrua coromanda ...227 Ursus americanus ... 60 dered .... 141 Weaver-fish 368 Wheat-ear 127 Whimbrel 314 Little 311 Bearded 208 Whinchat... ...127 INDEX. 399 Whydah Bird, Para- dise 139 .Pin-tailed 139 , White-winged 140 , Yellow-backed 140 Wigeon 251 . , Chiloe 251 Wild Ass, African ... 81 , Asiatic 81 .Tibetan 82 Wild Sheep, Punjab 89 Wolf, Antarctic 50 .Arctic 49 , Common 46 .Indian 47 , Tasmanian 115 .Tibetan 47 Wombat, Common ...123 , Hairy-nosed ...123 , Platyrhine 123 Wood Brocket 108 Wood-Lark 153 Woodpecker, Banded 166 , Golden- winged 167 , Great Spotted ..166 .Green 167 , White-headed 167 Wood-Swallow, White-eyebrowed 131 Wood-Wren 126 Wrasse, Green- streaked 370 Xenodon rhabdoce- phalus 349 Xenorhynchus aus- tralis 237 senegalensis 237 Xerus erythropus 66 getulus 66 Page Xerus setosus 66 66 Yak .100 Zamenis atrovirens ...349 cliffordii 350 hippocrepis 349 Zebra, BurchelTs 81 , Common 81 Zebu 99 Zenaida amabilis 266 auriculata 266 Zenaidura caroli- nensis 262 Zoarces viviparus 369 Zonotrickia leuco- phrys 152 Zorilla, Cape 52 THE END. Printed by TAYLOR and FRANCIS, Red Lion Court, Fleet Street. PROCEEDINGS OF THE SCIENTIFIC MEETINGS OF THE ZOOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON. 8vo. Complete. Letterpress only. Illustrations only. To the To To the To To the Public. Fellows. Public. Fellows. Public. 47s 4s. Gd 6s 27s. Gd 4 Is. 47s 4s. Gd 6s 27s. Gd 41s. 47s 4s. Gd 6s 27s. Gd 41s. 47s 4s. Gd 6s 27s. Gd 41s. 47s 4s. Gd 6s 27s. Gd 41s. To Fellows. 1861, cloth 32s.. 1862, 32s.. 1863, 1864, 1865, 1866, 32s, 32s.. 32s.. 32s. ...47s 4s.Gd With Illustrations Uncoloured. .6s, .27s. Gd 4ls. With Illustrations Coloured. 1867,cloth 1868, 1869, 1870, 1871, 1872, Part 1 v> u\,\sj>uu.i. v/u.. \^U1UUICU. To Fellows. To the Public. To Fellows. To the Public. 11s. 6d. ... 14s. 6d. ... 32s. 6d. ... 47s. (yd. 11s. 6rf. ... 14s. 6d. ... 32s. Gd. ... 47s. Gd. 11s. 6d. ... 14s. 6d. ... 32s. 6d. ... 47s. Gd. lls. Gd. ... 14s. 6d. ... 32s. 6d. ... 47s. (yd. lls. 6d. ... 14s. Gd. ... 32s. 6d. ... 47s. Gd. 3s. Od. ... 4s. Od. ... 10s. Od. ... 15s. Od. 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This List contains the scientific and vernacular names of all the species of Vertebrates in the Society's collection, arranged in systematic order, and forms a complete record of all the specimens that have been exhibited alive in the Society's Gardens during the past ten years. The number of the species is as follows : Mammals 498. Birds 1044, Reptiles 181, Batrachians 35, Fishes 68; total 1826. "These publications may be obtained at the Society's Office (11 Hanover Square, W.), at Messrs. Longmans', the Society's publishers (Paternoster Row, E.G.), or through any bookseller. Fellows, Honorary, Foreign, and Corresponding Members of the Society, who pay a Subscription of \ Is. before the day of the Anniversary Meet- ing (April 29th) in each year, are entitled to receive all the Society's Pub- lications for the year. They are likewise entitled to purchase the Publi- cations of the Society at 25 per cent, less than the price charged for them to the Public. A further reduction of 25 per cent, is made upon purchases of Publications issued prior to 1861, if they exceed the value of five pounds. Now ready, price 25, in two volumes, bound in half-morocco, containing 100 coloured plates, ZOOLOGICAL SKETCHES BY JOSEPH WOLF. MADE FOR THE ZOOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON, FROM ANIMALS IN THEIR VIVARIUM. EDITED, WITH NOTES, BY PHILIP LUTLEY SCLATER, M.A., Ph.D., F.R.S., SECRETARY TO THE SOCIETY. THIS series of Drawings was undertaken with the object of preserving a faithful record of the living characters of the most .rare and interesting Animals in the Vivarium of the Zoological Society of London. In selecting the subjects, particular regard has been paid to those species which exhibit aptitude for acclimatization, either as objects of economic value, or simply as additions to the Exotic Animals which are now so frequently seen in the parks and on the ornamental waters of Europe. The Drawings have been executed in Water Colours, after most careful study, by Mr. WOLF, who may be fairly said to stand alone in minute knowledge of the habits and forms of Mammalia as well as of Birds ; and the Lithographic copies, partly printed in colour and then finished by hand, are in such exact fac-simile as to be scarcely distinguishable from the ori- ginals. The Letterpress, prepared by the Editor, embraces all particulars of in- terest relating to the general history, habits, distribution, and use of the Animals illustrated in the Plates. London : GBAVES AND Co., Pall Mali. Price 6d., Sewed, A GUIDE TO THE GARDENS OF THE ZOOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON. Twenty-fifth Edition, corrected according to the present Arrange- ment of the Gardens, BY PHILIP LUTLEY SCLATER, M.A, Ph.D., F.R.S., SECRETARY TO THE SOCIETY. jdcm: BRADBURY AND EVANS, 11 Bouverie Street; and at the Society's Gardens in the Kegent's Park. NOV10199Q i :> CIRCULATION