UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA AT LOS ANGELES GIFT OF Harriet E. Glazier ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA THE MACMILLAN COMPANY NEW YORK BOSTON CHICAGO DALLAS ATLANTA SAN FRANCISCO MACMILLAN & CO., LIMITED LONDON BOMBAY CALCUTTA MELBOURNE THE MACMILLAN CO. OF CANADA, LTD. TORONTO ISAAC NEWTON One of the greatest mathematicians of all time. As a young man he invented the Binomial Theorem which is now studied in second year courses in algebra. Newton wrote a Universal Arithmetic, which was really a book on algebra. He was the first to use fractional and negative exponents as we write them. He first used them in a letter dated June 13, 1676. gear Course BY FLORIAN CAJORI COLORADO COLLEGE AND LETITIA R. ODELL NORTH SIDE HIGH SCHOOL, DENVER Kefor ffork THE MACMILLAN COMPANY 1916 All rights reserved COPYRIGHT, 1915, BY THE MACMILLAN COMPANY. Set up and electrotyped. Published June, 1915. Reprinted June, 1916. XortoooB lircss J. 8. Cnshing Co. Berwick & Smith Co. Norwood, Mass., U.S.A. 152. C\'> V- I Mathematical Sciences Liorary PREFACE IN this book algebra is presented to beginners in a simpler, clearer, and more practical form than is usually found in school texts. The treatment is simplified by the omission of certain re- dundant terms and notations, by maintaining an intimate connection between algebra and arithmetic, and by starting with definite assumptions of the laws of signs in subtraction O and multiplication rather than with complicated and unsat- NjT"' isfactory proofs. The part of algebra that deals with the P- mechanical manipulation of algebraic expressions is reduced in amount as much as is consistent with the acquirement of accuracy. Simple fractions and easy radicals are introduced (O early ; the discussion of fractions with binomial and trinomial ~~7 denominators, and consideration of the more difficult parts of v radicals, are postponed to a time near the close of the course. N, Katio and proportion are brought into closer touch with the equation and with graphs. Clearness has been sought by careful definition, copious f illustration, and by the use of language which recalls the axiomatic processes involved. Such phrases as "clearing of fractions " are objectionable because of the danger of their . being applied by the pupil, not to the equation alone, but to ^ algebraic expressions in general. " Canceling," as now used, ^ is ambiguous, for it sometimes involves subtraction, at other ^ times division. The treatment is rendered more practical by a careful selec- tion of problems. Mechanical problems involving the theory 348554 Vi PREFACE 4 of the lever, specific mass, specific heat, the motion of falling bodies, and technical terms in electricity are omitted at first, and even near the end they are used only sparingly. Expe- rience has shown that first year pupils in the high school cannot cope successfully with the abstract concepts of me- chanics. These topics belong more properly to the course in physics usually given in the third or fourth year. In this text stress is laid on practical applications to problems arising in business. In such applications the pupil is merely continu- ing on a somewhat higher plane the subjects first approached in arithmetic. A distinguishing feature of this text is the practical application of graphs. The ordinary procedure is to use the graph merely in presenting to the eye the behavior of two variables in an equation. In this text it serves, in addition, for the determination by inspection of results de- cidedly practical in character. The authors are indebted for valuable criticisms and sug- gestions to several teachers, but more particularly to Principal E. L. Brown of the North Side High School in Denver. FLORIAN CAJORI. LETITIA R. ODELL. CONTENTS I. INTRODUCTION 1 II. POSITIVE AND NEGATIVE NUMBERS ..... 14 III. MULTIPLICATION AND DIVISION ...... 41 IV. PROPORTION, GRAPHS ........ 58 V. EQUATIONS INVOLVING FRACTIONAL COEFFICIENTS . . 77 VI. SPECIAL PRODUCTS ........ 84 VII. FACTORING 89 VIII. EQUATIONS SOLVED BY FACTORING ..... 104 IX. MULTIPLICATION AND DIVISION OF POLYNOMIALS . . Ill X. SQUARE ROOT ......... 114 XL GRAPHS OF SIMULTANEOUS EQUATIONS ..... 119 XII. SIMULTANEOUS LINEAR EQUATIONS ..... 126 XIII. QUADRATIC EQUATIONS ........ 141 XIV. FRACTIONS 162 XV. RADICALS AND GENERAL EXPONENTS 178 XVI. REVIEW OF ESSENTIALS OF ALGEBRA . . 192 vii CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1. Algebra, like arithmetic, deals largely with the solution of problems involving numbers. It is an extension of arith- metic which enables one to solve more complicated problems. It extends the field of arithmetic by means of three devices : the use of letters as well as Hindu-Arabic numerals in the study of numbers ; the introduction of new kinds of numbers to be used in conjunction with those of arithmetic ; and the development of simple methods of operation with those numbers. The signs of operation used in arithmetic are used also in algebra. Thus addition is indicated by -f-, subtraction by , multiplication by x , division by -* . The sign of multiplication ( x ) is often replaced in algebra by a dot (), which is written above the line to distinguish it from a decimal point. Thus 3 4 means 3x4. The product of two numbers, one or both of which are" represented by letters, is usually indicated by writing the numbers one after the other without any sign between them. Thus ab means a x b or a 6, 4 c means 4 x c or 4 c. When only one of two numbers is represented by a letter, it is custom- ary to write the letter last. Thus we write 4 c, but not c 4. In arithmetic, and also in algebra, division is frequently expressed in the form of a fraction. Thus - = 4 -=- 5, - = a + b. = is the sign of equality. 2. Any combination of numbers, letters, and symbols of opera- tion, which represents a number, is called an algebraic expression. Thus, a + 6, a ~ , 4 ab *- c are algebraic expressions. 2t C 2 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA 3. In arithmetic it is customary to use abbreviations, such, as ft. for "foot," in. for "inch," A. for "acres," and so on. In algebra the practice of using abbreviations is carried much further. If we write i for " interest," p for " principal," r for " rate," and t for " time," then the statement " The interest is equal to the product of the principal, the rate, and the time " can be expressed briefly by the equation i = prt. By the use of such a system of shorthand much time and labor is saved. The same letter may be used for different things in different problems. The letter m may be used for " miles " in one problem and "minutes" in another. The letter x is used extensively to designate a number which is unknown at the outset, but which is to be determined by the solution of the problem in hand. In one case x may mean the number of " dollars," in another case the number of " pounds," in a third case the number of " years." The meaning of a letter must be made plain in each problem. To avoid confusion, no letter should stand for two different things in the same problem. If i means " inches " and / means " feet," then .48 i = 4/ means "48 inches are equal to 4 feet." 15/+ 4 i means " 15 feet and 4 inches." If n stands for any number, then 2 n -f 50 means " 2 times any number, increased by 50," or " twice any number, plus 50." If n is taken equal to 3, then 2n + 50 = 2 3 + 50 = 56. If n = 25, then 2n + 50 = 2 25 + 50 = 100. ORAL EXERCISES 4. Express in algebraic symbols a number which is 1. 5 more than x. 4. 10 less than five times c. 2. 5 less than x. 5. 20 less x. 3. .8 more than three times x. 6. 1.5 less five times a. INTRODUCTION 3 7. 6 less than y. 9. .18 less than ten times z. 8. 1.2 more than y. 10. 5 more than ^ of y. 11. 1 less than twice y. Supplying for each letter a given number, express in words exercises 12-25 : 12. 16 g. 19. 13. g + l. 20. 14. 2.T+31. 21. 7-4y. 15. 2x 5. 22. 4y ly 5. 16. 7z 13. 23. 15 | y. 17. 13-5z. 24. 17x + 5x = 22x. 18. i^-3. 25. 12% -3 a; = 9; x. 26. If t = interest, p = principal, t = time, r = rate, express 2 y y in words i = jprt, p = , r = , t = . rt pt ' pr Find the values of the following expressions if a = 2, 6 = 3, c = 5, d = 19 : 27.J* a -f- 2J>. 32. a+2b + 3c-d. 28. 3zT+~c. 33. d 5 a + 7 6 c. 29. 6c-&. 34. + a. 30. 9c + 4d. 35. 59 5c + 106. 31. a + b + c + d. 36. 2d + 199c-25a-19. If m = 15, n = 12, p = 20, g = 0, what are the values of the following algebraical expressions ? 37. m + n+p + q. 39. 12 n + 2p + 5m q. 38. g + 5p 6m. 40. 6p + 12 + 2w 3m. (When g=0, then 12 g is equal to 12 times ; this gives the product 0.) 41. 2 m + ?i -(- 12 q. 43. 5 n + m 7 q. 42. 3p + 5 q + m. 44. 8 q + 5p 2 m. ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA FIG. 1 EQUATIONS 5. An equation expresses an equality. In other words, an equation is a statement that two expressions stand for the same number. Thus x + 3 = 3x 1 is an equation. Equa- tions are used in the solution of problems. Some number, which at the outset is un- known, is represented by a letter; an equation is formed, which enables one to ascertain the value of that unknown number. An equation is like a balance which is in equi- librium when the weights placed in one scale pan are together equal to the weights placed in the other scale pan. The equilibrium of a balance is not disturbed so long as like changes in the weights are made simultaneously on both sides. So in equations, we may add the same number to both sides, or subtract the same from both sides, or we may multiply or divide both sides by the same number (except division by zero) ; the equality is maintained during all these changes. On the other hand, the equality is destroyed if more is added to or subtracted from one side than the other, or if one side is multiplied or divided by a larger number than is the other side. 6. ILLUSTRATIVE PROBLEM. If 13 is added to twice a cer- tain number, the sum is 41. Find the number. Arithmetical Solution. Here we do not use equations. We subtract 13 from 41 and obtain 28. Then we divide 28 by 2 and obtain 14, which is the required number. That is, we begin with 41, and go back to the required INTRODUCTION 5 number by subtraction and division, which are respectively the inverse of the operations of addition and multiplication, named in the problem. Algebraical Solution. Here we use equations. Let some letter stand for the unknown number and then perform upon it the direct operations named in the problem and obtain an equation. This direct way is usually easier than the inverse. The solution is as follows : Let x be the unknown number. Then 2 x is twice that number, and 2 x + 13 is the sum obtained by adding 13 to twice that number. But this sum is equal to 41, as is stated in the problem. That is, 2 x + 18 = 41. We want to find x. Remembering that an equality is like a balance, that the equality is not destroyed if 13 is subtracted from both sides, we obtain 2 x + 13 - 13 = 41 - 13, or 2 x = 28. The equality remains true if both sides are divided by 2. Hence ^ = ^,or 2 2 z = 14. We have now solved the equation 2 x + 13 = 41 and have found the previously unknown number x to be equal to 14. We see that the solu- tion of the equation consists in making such changes in the equation that x finally stands alone on one side of the equation. 7. SECOND ILLUSTRATIVE PROBLEM. If from ^ of a certain number 17 is subtracted, the number resulting is 35. Find the number. Let x be the required number. Then x 1 - is - of that number, and 3 3 x 1 17 is - of that number, less 17. 3 3 But this difference is equal to 35, as is stated in the problem. Hence - 17 = 35. To solve this, add 17 to both sides. We get o I = 52. Multiplying both sides by 3, we obtain o x = 156, which is the answer. This answer is correct, for | of 156 = 52, and 52 17 = 35, as stipu- lated in the problem. 6 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA PROBLEMS 8. 1. If 23 is added to three times a certain number, the sum is 74. Find the number. 2. A wagon loaded with 12 sacks of flour weighs 1876 Ib. ; the empty wagon weighs 700 Ib. Find the weight of 1 sack. 3. A train travels from Baltimore to New York, a distance of 185 mi., in 4 hr. Find the average velocity of the train. Work by arithmetic ; then by algebra. In the latter case, let v be the velocity in miles per hour ; form an equation which expresses the relation : velocity x time = distance. "4. The distance from New York to St. Louis is 1058 mi. What is the velocity of a train which travels this distance in 23 hr. ? 5. How long will it take a train to travel the distance of 960 mi. from New York to Chicago at an average speed of 48 mi. an hour? Let t = the no. of hours (" time "). 6. A lot sold for $2475. What was the frontage, if it sold at $ 75 a front foot ? 7. The sura of two numbers is 31 ; the larger exceeds the smaller by 7. Find the two numbers. Let the smaller number = x. Then the larger number = x + 1. The sum of the two numbers = x + x + 7. But the sum of the two numbers = 31. Hence x + x + 7 = 31. Since x + x = 2x, 22 + 7 = 31. Subtract 7 from both sides, 2 = 24. Divide both sides by 2, x = 12, the smaller number. Whence x + 7 = 19, the larger number. 8. The sum of two numbers is 75; the larger exceeds the smaller by 15. Find the two numbers. 9. Find two numbers whose difference is 34 and whose sum is 126. INTRODUCTION 7 10. A father earns S 24 a week more than his son. Together they earn $ 36 a week. What are the weekly wages of each ? 11. Divide $ 96 between father and son so that the son gets j- of what the father gets. 12. Divide $124 between two brothers so that one receives S 36 more than the other. 13. I propose to a boy the following puzzle: "Think of a number, multiply it by 10, add 30, subtract 20." He gives the result as 60. Find the number. ^ / 14. To find the weight of a golf ball a man puts 10 golf balls into the left scale pan of a balance and a 1-lb. weight into the right ; he finds that too much, but the balance is restored if he puts 1 oz. into the left scale pan. What was the weight of a golf ball ? 15. A path half a mile long is to have a curb on both sides. V/The curbstones used are 40 in. long, and 200 of them have already been supplied. How many more are wanted ? 16. The cost of housekeeping for a family of n persons is estimated at 7.5 + 2.5 n dollars per week. How many persons are there in a family whose weekly expenses are $ 25 ? 17. A father leaves $ 14,000 to be divided among his three children, so that the eldest child receives $ 1000 more than the second, and twice as much as the third. What is the share of each? 18. Divide $24,000 among A, B, and C, so that A's share may be three times that of B, and C may have ^ of what A and B have together. - 19. A piece of silver is found to weigh a certain number of ounces in a pair of scales ; on taking out a weight of 3 oz. from one scale and placing it in the scale containing the silver, the contents of one scale is twice as heavy as the contents of the other. Determine the weight of the silver. 8 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA 20. Find the number whose excess over 2 is three times the excess of its half over 4. 21. If the length of a circle is 3.1416 times its diameter, find the radius of a circle (correct to two decimal places), when the length of the circle is 7.56 ft. To determine the nearest figure in the second decimal place, it is necessary to compute the figure in the third decimal place. If the deci- mal figures are, for example, .546, write .55 ; if the decimal figures are .543, write .54 ; if the decimal figures are .545, write either .54 or .66. 22. If 6 be added to 7 times a certain number, the result is equal to 144. Find the number, correct to two decimal places. 23. The sum of two numbers is 11.3; 8 times the greater exceeds 11 times the smaller number by 2.5. Find the num- bers, correct to three decimal places. FACTOR, COEFFICIENT, TERM, EXPONENT 9. Each of the quantities which multiplied together form a product is called a factor of the product. Thus, each of the numbers 3, 6, x, y, is a factor of the product 15 xy. Also, since 15 x times y gives the product 15 xy, 15 x is called a factor of 15 xy. In general, the product of any two of the simple factors, 3, 5, x, y, is also called a factor of 15&?/; also, the product of any three of the factors 3, 5, x, y, is called a factor of 15 xy. 10. In 4 c, 4 is called the coefficient of c. Similarly, In 16 a, 16 is called the coefficient of a. In 16 ab, 16 is called the coefficient of ab. Here the word coefficient is applied to the factor which is expressed in the Hindu-Arabic numerals. This is the most common use of the word coefficient, but in a broader sense, either of two factors which are multiplied together to form a product is called a coefficient of the other factor. For instance, 16 ab is the product of two factors 16 a and b ; hence 16 a is the coefficient of 6, and b is the coefficient of 16 a. INTRODUCTION 9 If no numerical coefficient is expressed, 1 is understood ; x is the same as 1 x. Notice also that Ox, or x #, is equal to 0. 11. An algebraic expression may consist of parts which are separated by the -f- or -- signs; these parts with the signs immediately preceding them are called terms. Thus, the expression 3a 4ft + 5c is separated by the -f or signs into three parts ; it has the terms + 3 a, 4 6, + 5 c. / 12. An algebraic expression of one terra is called a monomial, of two terms a binomial, of three terms a trinomial, and of several terms & polynomial. 13. The product of two equal factors a a is called the square of a. a a is usually written a 2 and is read "a square" or "the second power of a." The product of three equal factors a a a is called the cube of a. a -a -a is usually written a 3 , and is read "a cube" or "the third power of a." The product of four equal factors a a a a is called "a fourth " or " the fourth power of a." In a 2 , a 3 , a 4 , a 5 , a is called the base, the 2, 3, 4, 5, are called exponents. 14. An exponent is a number or letter placed a little above and to the right of another number or letter, called the base. When the exponent is a positive integer, it indicates how many times the base is taken as a factor. Avoid saying that a 2 means a multiplied by itself 2 times. This is not true, a 2 means a a, where the base a is multiplied by itself only once. Why is it incorrect to say that a 3 means a multiplied by itself 3 times ? When no exponent is expressed, the exponent is regarded as 1. Thus, a means the same as a 1 , 7 the same as 7 1 . Later we shall extend the definition of an exponent, in order to give meaning to such expressions as x*i or c*. Care must be taken to distinguish between exponents and coefficients. Notice that e* means e x e x e x e, but 4 e means e + e + e + e. If e = 3, then e 4 = 3 3 3 3 = 81, while 4e = 3 + 3 + 3 + 3=12. 10 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA 15. If the factors of a number are all equal, any one of them is called a root of the number. Nine has two equal factors, 3 and 3. We call 3 the square root of 9. Similarly, 27 has three equal factors 3, 3, and 3 ; 3 is called the cube root of 27. Again 256 has four equal factors, each being 4; hence 4 is called the fourth root of 256. Roots are indicated as follows: 3/9 = 3, v / 27=3, ^256 = 4. The figure of the radical sign shows what root of the number is to be taken. This figure is called the index of the root. If no figure is expressed, square root is understood. EXERCISES 16. Express in words the following : 1. a 5 . 6. 41m. 11. ^1 2. 6 3 . 7. 3y\ 12. 19 3 -5 4 . 3. a 5 + 6". 8. 5tf + c. 13. a + 4. e 2 4. 9. 6 h 9 x. 14. a? + y z + z mn. 5. 8 2 -29. 10. V36-V25. 15. ft 3 - 16. Compute the value of the expression in exercises 1-15, if o = 2, 6 = 4, c = 50, e = 30, g = l, h = 5, Jfc=ll, m = 6, TO = 10, p = 1, s = 12, u = 0, x = 3, y = 9, z = 29. 17. Find the value of 4 c 4 for each of the following values if c = 1, 2, 5, 6, 4, 3, 10. 18. When s = 10, compute the values of s 2 2s, s 3 3s, s 1 4 s, s 5 5 s. 19. When t = , compute the values of P, 1?, 5 P + 6 * 3 , 3 t P, t-t*. 20. When 6 = 0, find the values of 6 2 , 6 3 . PARENTHESES 17. When terms are to be grouped together, parentheses are used. Thus, (a; + y) 2 means that x + y, considered as a single num- ber, is to be squared. That is, (x + y) 2 = (x + y) (x + y). INTRODUCTION 11 Again, 5 a (b 2 c + d) means that the entire expression b 2 c + d is to be subtracted from 5 a. When several parentheses are used in the same expression, confusion may be avoided by using different forms. All these forms go by the general name of " parentheses," but they are designated by special names when it is desirable to distinguish between them. Thus [ ] is called a " bracket," { f is called a " brace," is called a " vinculum." But ( ) is always called a " parenthesis." That the sum of a and b is to be multiplied by c may be indicated in four different ways as follows : (a + 6)c, [a + 6]c, {a 4- 6}c, a + b c. EXERCISES 18. Read and tell the meaning of expressions 1-12 : 1. 20(5-3). 8, (2-*) + [10 -4]. 2. I0(x-2y). ?_/2_r 3. (x+y)(x-y). x \5 3, 5. 3 x(x + y). 6. 3x+( 7. (c + d) 5. 12. [a + & (c + d)] e. 13. Showthata 2 6 2 = (a 6)(a+ 6), whena = 12and6 = 10. 14. Showthat {a + 6p = a 2 + & 2 + 2a&, whena = 9and& = 5. 15. Show that (a - 6) 2 = a 2 + b 2 2 aft, when a = 12, 6 = 8. 19. Expressions like 19 +(7 + 3) may be worked out in two ways: (1) First simplify inside the parenthesis and then add. (2) Add 7 to 19 and then add 3 to the result. That is, 19 +(7 + 3)= 19 + 10 = 29, ' = 19 + 7 + 3 = 26 + 3 = 29. 12 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA In the same way there are two ways of working 19 +(7 3) or 19 - (7 + 3) or 9 x (7 + 3) or 9 X (7 3), as appears from the following : (1) 19 +(7 -3)= 19 + 4 = 23, (2) = 19 + 7 - 3 = 23. (1) 19 -(7 + 3)= 19 -10 = 9, (2) = 19 - 7 - 3 = 9. (1) 9 x (7 + 3)= 9x10 = 90, (2) =9x7 + 9x3 = 90. (1) 9 x(7-3)= 9x4=36, (2) = 9 x 7 - 9 x 3 = 36. EXERCISES 20. Perform each of the following exercises in two ways : 1. 8 +[6 + 3]. 6. 5x(5 + 5). 2. {10 + 51 + 122. + 5-3]x5. 3. 30 -[4 + 8]. 4. 16+(ll-6). 8 ' -. 5. 15 +[5 +6- 2]. 9- 30(10-4 + 3-1). 21. In expressions like 9-4 + 3 or 5-6-2- 10 + 2-3 or 3 + 3 6 H- 3 2 it is understood that the multiplications and divisions (if there are any) are performed first in their order from left to right; the additions and subtractions are carried out afterwards in their order from left to right. Notice that, in a term like 3 5 -5- 3 2, it is understood that the divisor is 3, not 3 2. If we want 3 2 to be the divisor, we must inclose it in a parenthesis and write the expression thus, 3 5 -5- (3 2). Then 3 2 will be regarded as a single number. Bearing these things in mind, we see that 5-4 + 3 = 1+3 = 4. 5-6-2- 10 + 2-3 = 30-20 + 6 = 16. 3 + 3-6-^-3-2 = 3 + 18 -=-3-2 = 3 + 6-2 = 15. INTRODUCTION 13 ORAL EXERCISES 22. Simplify the following : 1. 10-5 + 3-8. 5. 12 -4 -(2 -4)- 3. 2. 10-(5 + 3) + 8. 6. 12-4-5-2(4-3). 3. 10x2-9-3 + 5x2. 7. 10 -[12 -s- 3 -2]. 4. 12-4-2-4-3. 8. 10 12-5-3 2. Of the following results, which are wrong ? 9. 50-10 + 8 = 50-18 = 32. 10. 20 + 24 -5- 3 4- 2 = 20 + 24 -=- 12 - 2 = 20 + 2 -2 = 20. 11. 15 + 36 -5- (3 + 9) + 5 = 15 + 36 - 3 + 9 + 5 = 41. EVALUATION OF ALGEBRAIC EXPRESSIONS 23. When a = 5, 6 = 3, c = 2, d = 6, and e = 4, find the values of : 1,1 a? + b 3 3 b 1. H 6. be c + d 2 a 2 + 7 2. 3. 5a 3 -(2a6 + d). d _ 6 8. (a + 6)(cx d 5). e 9. a _l_ c _(_ e 10. Va + 6 + c + d + e 4. 11. Does a? 2 + 5 a 36 = 0, when x = 4? Whencc = 5? 12. Does x 3 - x 2 + x - 10 = 18, when a? = 5 ? When a> = 3 ? CHAPTER II POSITIVE AND NEGATIVE NUMBERS 24. The thermometer in your classroom indicates a tem- perature of, perhaps, "67 above zero." In the northern states the winter temperature out of doors sometimes drops F - to " 15 below zero " or even lower. A shorter way F. 212 212 of expressing this is as follows : For "67 above zero" write " +67." For " 15 below zero" write " - 15." A + indicates that the temperature is " above zero" ; 100- 100 a ~~ i n dicates that it is "below zero." But such plus and minus numbers are convenient in other ways. A man who takes in and pays out 70-^-70 money may, for brevity, mark the sums taken in by prefixing the + sign, and the sums paid out by pre- 32-f-32 fixing the sign. It is customary also to indicate the amount a man owns by + and the amount a man owes by . In the same way we may write 1916 A.D. as +1916 -10" -10 an( ^ ^^ B-C- as ~ ^k These illustrations make it -20- -20 plain how plus and minus numbers, or positive and A negative numbers, as they are more usually called, may be used in ordinary affairs of life. As we pro- FIG. 2 cee< ^ further we shall see that the use of such num- bers makes the solution of many problems much easier and shorter. Such numbers can always be used when there are pairs of quantities which are the exact opposites of each other, as are the quantities in the above illustrations. 14 POSITIVE AND NEGATIVE NUMBERS 15 ORAL EXERCISES 25. State the answers by prefixing + or to the numbers : 1. The temperature at noon is + 40 and falls 25 by night. State the temperature at night. Give the answer if it falls 50 (that is, if it falls 40 and then 10 more). 2. A boy purchases a book which costs $ 1.75 and pays $ .50 ; the balance he has charged. How may he indicate the amount charged ? 3. His father gives him two dollars and tells him to pay the balance on that book. How much has the boy left ? 26. One of the most common modes of representing positive and negative numbers to the eye is by distances along a straight line, as is done in the thermometer. It does not matter in what direction the line is drawn. Usually it is most conven- ient to draw the line horizontally^, Some point is taken as the starting point (corresponding to the zero in the thermometer). Distances to the right of are usually indicated by the positive numbers, and distances to the left of by the negative numbers. f-t-1 -4 | 1 i -3 -2 -1 FIG. 3 1 1 1 r + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 In the figure, the distance from to + 1 is taken as unit distance or 1 space. The point marked + 2 is 2 spaces to the right of 0; the point marked 2 is 2 spaces to the left of 0. In the same way, a number + 2^ is indicated by a point 2\ spaces to the right of ; 2^ is indicated by a point 2\ spaces to the left of 0. If to +1 we desire to add + 2, we start at the point marked + 1, and go 2 units to the right, giving + 3 as the answer. If from + 1 we desire to subtract + 2, we start at + 1 and go 2 units to the left, giving 1 as the answer. 16 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA ADDITION ORAL EXERCISES 27. 1. Locate on the line (Fig. 3) the following numbers : + 4, -3, +H, -2|,3i,i. 2. To - 1 add 3. We start at the point 1, and add 3 by going 3 units to the right, giving + 2 as the answer. 3. From + 1 subtract 4. 4. Add 4 and - 3, - 4 and - 3, + 1| and 2, + 4| and - 2. 5. Add +5^ and 2, + 4i and 1, + 6 and -5, 15 and 25. 28. The student will have noticed that each of the symbols + and is used in algebra in two senses. Thus + is used sometimes to indicate addition and at other times it is used to show that the number to which it is prefixed is positive. Similarly, sometimes signifies subtraction and at other times is used to represent a negative number. This double use of these symbols may at first seem confusing, but we soon learn how to interpret algebraic expressions in which they are used. To express in algebraic symbols the addition of + 5 and 4 we inclose the numbers in parentheses and write thus : The + between the two parentheses means addition; the + in (+5) and the in ( 4) indicate whether the number is positive or negative. 29. By the absolute value of a number is meant its value without regard to the sign before it. Thus the absolute value of both + 5 and 5 is 5. Proceeding as in the examples given in 27, verify the following: ( + 7) + (_|_5) = + i2. -5)=+2. -2. POSITIVE AND NEGATIVE NUMBERS 17 We see that these answers can be obtained by the following rules which we shall find very useful in practice : The sum of two numbers having the same sign is found by add- ing their absolute values and writing their common sign before the result. The sum of two numbers having opposite signs is found by sub- tracting the less absolute value from the greater and writing before the result the sign of the number having the greater absolute value. EXERCISES 30. Work exercises 1-9 by these rules and then verify the answers by using the straight line as in the previous exercises. 1. (+3) + (-6). 4. (_7)4-(+17). 7. 2. (-3) + (+6). 5. (_17) + (-15). 8. 3. (-3) + (-6). 6. ( + 14) + (-10). 9. (- 10. Explain each of the above answers when the positive and negative numbers represent assets and debts; also when they represent temperatures above and below zero. 11. (+6) + (+10) + (+6) + (-9)=? 12. (+50) + (-30)-K+40) + (-10)=? 13. (_9) + (+20) + (-3) + (+20)= s ? 14. (+100) +(+900) + (-500)=? SUBTRACTION 31. If the temperature is +10 in the morning and +40 at noon, we can find the rise in temperature by subtracting + 10 from + 40. The rise is (+ 40) - ( + 10) or + 30. If the temperature in the morning is 0, the rise is (+40) (0) or + 40. If the morning temperature is 5, then the rise must be still greater ; namely, + 45. We have then (+40) - (-5) = + 45. An easy way .to carry out this subtraction is to change the sign of 5 to + 5 and then to add + 5 to 40. c 18 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA We assume the following general rule : To subtract a number, change its sign and add. This rule carries the operation of subtraction back to that of addition. Notice that we have made no pretense of actually proving this rule to be true in all cases. We take for granted that it is. In fact, assuming this rule amounts to a definition of subtraction in algebra. To the question, what is meant by "subtracting a number," the rule gives the answer : " To subtract a number is to change its sign and add." In subtracting a positive number from a larger positive number, as 7 from 12, it is easier to follow at once the familiar process used in arith- metic. But the algebraic rule just given can be applied to this case also. For we have ( + 12) - ( + 7) = ( + 12) + (- 7) = + 5. ORAL EXERCISES 32. 1. Verify the following subtractions : + 7 +22 -7 -7 -20 -10 + 8 -10 + 8 -_5 + 17 +14 + 3 ^15 ^15 2- Check each answer in Ex. 1, by adding the remainder to the subtrahend. What should the sum be equal to in each case ? 3. Explain by the thermometer (or by assets and debts, or by a straight line with a starting point ,0) how it is possible to subtract 5 from a smaller number 3. Does the introduction of negative numbers make subtraction always possible in algebra ? Perform the following subtractions : 4. +20 5. +15 6. -25 7. -60 8. +30 + 30 -30 -40 +10 -50 9. 8 -(+12). 13. 0-(+10). 10. 5 -(-40). 14. O-(-lO). 11. 15- (+60). 15. (-20) -(+20). 12. (-30) -(-10). 16. 50 -(-30). POSITIVE AND NEGATIVE NUMBERS 19 17. 100 -[+30 + 10]. 19. 0-(+55 + 15). 18. (-5)- f20 + 40|. 20. (+20+30)-(+4o+25). 'Simplify the following: 21. 5 + (+ 10) - (+ 60). 24. (-30) -(+10) -(+40). 22. 6-[ + 9]-[-8]-[+7]. 25. 85 + {-90}-{ + 90|. 23. (-30)-(-10)-(-40). 26. 85- { + 90} + {-90}. MULTIPLICATION INVOLVING NEGATIVE NUMBERS 33. In arithmetic we define 3 X 4 as meaning 4 + 4 + 4 ; that is, 4 is to be taken as many times as there are units in 3. In the multiplication of fractions, say, ^ X f , the above defini- tion becomes inapplicable, for the reason that we cannot take f a fractional number of times. We are therefore driven to a different definition of multiplication ; we define the product as the result obtained by multiplying the numerators together for a new numerator and multiplying the denominators to- 1 2 1x2 gether for a new denominator. Thus, Q*^ = S ?' 2i O A X O In algebra we are now studying a new type of numbers ; namely, negative numbers. When we multiply one number by another, and one or both numbers are negative, the question arises : is the product a positive number or a negative number ? We give the answer to the question in the following definition : The product of two numbers having like signs is a positive number and the product of two numbers having unlike signs is a negative number. In multiplying together two numbers, first find the product of their absolute values and then write before it the proper sign. Thus we have, according to this definition, ( + 3) x (+ 4) = + 12. (+ 3) x (- 4) = - 12. (-3) x(+4) = -12. (-3)x(-4)=+12. 20 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA ILLUSTRATION. If a man owes $ 10 to each of two persons, he owes them $ 20 all together. Denote the $ 10 owed by - $ 10. Then evidently, (+ 2)(- $10) = - $20. SECOND ILLUSTRATION. Denote a profit of $ 10 by + $ 10. Denote a loss of $ 10 by - $ 10. Denote receive (add) by +. Denote cancel (subtract) by . Then a. To receive 5 profits of $ 10 each is to be worth $60 more. That is, (+5)(+$10) = +$50. b. To receive 5 losses of $ 10 each is to be worth $ 50 less. That is, (+5)(-$10)=-$50. c. To cancel 5 profits of $ 10 each is to be worth $ 50 less. That is, d. To cancel 5 losses of $ 10 each is to be worth $ 50 more. That is, (_6)(_$10) = +$50. ORAL EXERCISES 34. State the following products : 1. + 5 2. -12 3. -70 4. +33 -11 -12 + 5 -11 5. (+ 5) x (- 5). 8. | x f 11. [+2*] X [-21]. 6. (_5)x(+5). 9. (_|) X (+*). 12. {-1.2} {-1.2}. 7. Ox (-5). 10. (-.5)x( + .61). 13. (+5)(-1.6). PROBLEMS 35. 1. A man saved $175 a month for 4 months; then, during a sickness of 3 months, he lost $200 each month. How much did he have at the end of the 7 months ? 2. During 12 months a merchant expended $200 each month, and took in $215 monthly. What was his profit during the year? 3. A boy received from his father on July 4, $1.25; he earned one dime, spent 85 $ for firecrackers, 25^ for a lunch, and paid four 5^ car fares. How much did he have at the end of the day ? POSITIVE AND NEGATIVE NUMBERS 21 4. A road from town A to town B leads over rolling country ; 5 times the road passes over hillocks rising each 37 ft. and 6 times it descends from the hillocks 34 ft. How much higher or lower is town B than town A ? 5. The water in a reservoir rises 3 in., then falls 6 in., rises again 7 in., falls 9 in., and finally rises 13 in. How much higher or lower is it than at first ? 6. An explorer 200 mi. south of the north pole travels north 47 mi., then 31 mi. south, and again 10 mi. farther south, then 86 mi. north. How far north from the starting point is he finally ? 7. The boiling point of water is + 212. How much above or below the boiling point are the following tempera- tures : + 250, + 200, + 100, + 50, - 10 ? 8. Colorado Springs is 6000 ft. above sea level. How much higher or lower are the following elevations above sea level : 14,000 ft., 5000 ft., 400 ft., 100 ft., - 100 ft. ? How do you interpret 100 ft. ? 9. The midday temperatures for one week were + 39, -|- 48, + 60, + 57, + 39, + 55, + 60. Find the average of these temperatures. The average of a series of numbers is found by dividing their sum by the number of them. In this case there are 7 numbers. Hence you find their average by dividing their sum by 7. 10. The midnight temperatures for that same week were as follows : + 10, - 3, - 12, + 8, + 12, - 20, - 5. Find the average of these temperatures. 11. A merchant's monthly profits for five consecutive months were +$400, +$200, -$100, -$300, + $ 500. Find the average monthly profits. 12. The latitude of Key West, Fla., is 24 33' and of Chicago is 41 50'. What is the latitude of a place halfway between the two ? 22 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA 13. The latitude of the Cape of Good Hope is - 34 21' (the indicating here south latitude) ; the latitude of Athens in Greece is 37 58'! Find the latitude of a place halfway between them. 14. At the seashore the rise and fall of the tides are measured from a certain arbitrarily chosen level. A tide which falls below that level is called a " minus " tide. If one day the tide rises to 6' 3" and then falls to 1' 2", what is the average water level for that day ? 15. The Greek philosopher, Plato, died 347. How many years ago was that ? 16. The elevation above sea level of the top of Mont Blanc is 16,050', and of the lowest part of the Atlantic Ocean is 27,800'. What is the difference in elevation between the two? 17. A man is rowing upstream. In still water his rate of rowing is 6 mi. an hour. The rate of the stream is 2 mi. an hour. How long will it take him to reach a place 12 mi. up- stream ? 18. If a boat is steaming southward on a river at the rate of 13 mi. an hour, while a man on the deck is walking toward the stern at the rate of 3 mi. an hour, what is the man's actual motion with respect to the shore ? 19. A balloon capable of exerting an upward pull of 395 Ib. is attached to a car weighing 146 Ib. What is the net upward or downward pull ? DIVISION 36. From the rule of signs for multiplication we can ascer- tain what the rule of signs should be for division. In arithmetic, we test the correctness of a division by mul- tiplying the quotient by the divisor ; their product should be the dividend. That is, Divisor x Quotient = Dividend. We see that 15 -5- 3 = 5, because 3 x 5 = 15. POSITIVE AND NEGATIVE NUMBERS 23 Similarly with negative numbers : (+ 15) -=- (- 3) = - 5, because (- 3) x (- 5) = + 15. (- 15) - (+ 3) = - 5, because (+ 3) x (- 5) = - 15. (- 15) -=- ( ; -3) = + 5, because (- 3) x (+ 5) = - 15. From these examples we see that the rule of signs for divi- sion is the same as for multiplication ; namely, The quotient of two numbers having like signs is a positive number. The quotient of two numbers having unlike signs is a negative number. From the above it appears that division is the reverse of multiplication. In multiplication, we are given two factors, to find the product ; in division, we are given the product and one of the factors, to find the other factor. ORAL EXERCISES 37. Carry out the indicated divisions and check the answers : 1. (+36)-K + 12). 4. (-42) -(-7). 7. (-51) -(+17). 2 . (_64)-(+16). 5. (7.5) -s- (1.5). 8. (+5.1)-!- (-1.7). 3- (-f)-K-f). 6. (-1.44)-K+1.2).9. (+#-!-(+ .5). Perform the indicated operations : 10. (+45) -K-9) -(-6). 11. (+10) -(-7)- (+ 3). 12. (-4) -(-2) -(+5) +(+3). 13. (+9)-(-3)x(+12)x(-l). 14. (-18)- (+3) -(-6) -(-4). 15. 16. (_ 17. (-8). (-5) -(-10). 18. (_l 6 )-(+2)x(-9)-(-8). 19. (_24)-(-24) x (- 24) - (+ 24). 24 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA PROBLEMS . 38. Use positive and negative numbers in the solutions of the following problems : 1. A man has a contract to dig a well 56 ft. deep. If he digs on an average 4 ft. a day, how many days will it take him to dig the well ? 2. If the foundations of a wall are 5 ft. below the surface and the wall is 41 ft. high above the surface, how many feet are there from the foundations to the top of the wall ? How many cubic feet of brick in it if it is 20 ft. long and 2 ft. thick ? A SIMPLIFIED NOTATION 39. We have seen that the expression (+ 8) + (- 5) means "to positive 8 add negative 5." The + between the two parentheses means addition; the -f and in (+8) and (5) serve the purpose of showing the quality of the num- bers; namely, that the 8 is positive and the 5 is negative. We know by our rules for addition and subtraction that (+8)+(-5) = 8-5 = 3 and (+8) -(+5) = 8 -5 = 3. This shows that we can simplify the above notation by writing, 8 _ 5 and that 8 5 may have two interpretations. It may signify either (+8) _ (+5) or ( + 8 ) + (-5). In the first interpretation the sign means an operation ; in the second interpretation the sign means a quality. The same argument shows that = 7 and POSITIVE AND NEGATIVE NUMBERS 25 We can therefore simplify expressions as in the following examples : ( + 9) - ( - 2) + (+ 6) - ( + 7) = 9 + 2 + 6 - 7. (-6) + (+9)- (-8) -(+3) =-6 + 9 + 8- 3. The sign -f may be omitted in expressions involving multi- plications and divisions like the following : For (+ 27) ( + 9) we may write 27 9. For ( 27) -=- (+9) we may write (- 27) -5-9. For (-1- 15) -T- (-f 5) we may write 15 -=- 5. EXERCISES 40. Simplify the following expressions : 1. (-5) + (+9) -(-12) -(5). 2. (+4)(+8) + (-6)-(+12). 3. (- 24) - (+ 30) + (+ 36) +- (+ 7). 4. (-35). (10) -(+8) -(-7). 5. (+18) - (+6) -(+5) + (+5). 6. (24 + 12) -(-42) + ( + 30)-*- (-28). 7. (4 + 3- 2) -(1 + 6) + (-1 + 8) -[-8-2 + 3]. 8. 3(3+l)-4(5+8) + (2-7)-(5 + 6-7) +9(8-5). 9. 10 {10 -6 + 1} + [7 + 3-12] .4 + 5-15+(3 + 4)5. SIMILAR TERMS 41. Terms which have the same literal factors are called similar. Thus, 12 a and - 6 a are similar; so are 13 xy 2 and 25cey 2 . On the other hand, terms which do not contain the same literal factors are called dissimilar. 12 a and 15 b are dissimilar terms ; so are I3x 2 y and 23 xy*. If /signifies "feet," we know from arithmetic that 10/+5/=15/. 26 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA We find the sum by adding the numerical coefficients. This mode of procedure is general. If /means "forks" or if / stands for any abstract number, as 12, the same process of addition holds. On the other hand, if the terms are dissimilar, as 5f and 10 i, then their sum is not 15/ nor is it 15 i ; all we can do in such a case is to indicate the addition by writing If one boy has 5 ducks + 6 hens + 3 rabbits, and another boy has 3 ducks + 7 hens + 8 rabbits, then the two together have 8 ducks + 13 hens + 11 rabbits. Abbreviating, we write (5 d + 6 h + 3 r) + (3 d + 7 h + 8 r) = 8 d + 13 h + 11 r. This result is true, no matter what d, h, r may mean. Similar remarks apply to the subtraction of similar and dis- similar terms. EXERCISES 42. Find the sums in exercises 1-11 : 1. 3a + 4a + 7a oa + 6a. 2. (+5c) (+3c) 5c. 3. 3aj + 3y + 4z + 9y + z + 2. 4. 3x + 6x + 8x 6x. 5. (+7) + (3aj + 4y) + 6y + 4as. 6. (20c-10d + 30e)+(4d-5c + 9e). 7. (3a + 5&-6c) + (10b + 4e-2a) + 6c-9a+20&. 8. 5 (a + 6) + 3 (a + 6) + 7 (a + 6) - (a + 6). 9. - 5 a 2 & 2 + 4 ab 2 - 2 a 2 6 2 - 6 a& 2 + 7 a& 2 c + a&c. 10. + 3fg, + 4 gh, - 5 gh, - 7 gh, + Qfg. 11. 2(a + &) + c, 3 a, 76, 9 c. 12. From 8 ax take 5 ax, then add to the result 6 ax. POSITIVE AND NEGATIVE NUMBERS 27 13. Add 9 mn to + 4?n?i ; from the result take 10 mn. 14. Subtract + 6 Jcl from - 24 kl, then add + 12 kl. 15. Subtract 3 be from 5 etc, then add 9 cd. 16. Simplify : 40 st - 5 st + 20 st + ty 10 ty. 17. From 6 (a + a) take 7 #, then again 4 a. ADDITION AND SUBTRACTION OF POLYNOMIALS 43. When polynomials are to be added together, or when one polynomial is to be subtracted from another, it is conven- ient to write similar terms in the same column and to add or subtract the terms in each column, proceeding from left to right. Add 2o + 46-5 c, -2a + 46 + 7c, 8a-56 + 9c. Solution. 2 a + 4 6 5 e -2a-M& + 7c -8a-55 + 8c 8a + 36 + 10c, the required sum. From Q x + 8y 5z take Qx 1 y + z. Solution. 9x+ 8y5z 3 x + 15 y 9 z, the required difference. EXERCISES 44. Add the following polynomials : 1. 2 ac 2 + 3 b 2 c - c 3 , Gac - 6 2 c + 9 ac 2 , ac + 6 2 c - 5 c 3 . 2. a 2 + 8 52 + 4 c . 2j 2 a 2 - 5 6 2 - 8 c 2 , 66 2 -f 7C 2 . 3. 6 .>; 7 ?/ + 4 xy, 4 a + 5 y + 10 xy, 20 x 9 xy + y. 4. 3 a + y 8z + 3w, 9a; 8 y 6z + 4w 3v. 5. a + 6, a + c, 6 + c, 2a 36 + 4~cT 6. a + 6+c d, 26 + 3c + 7d, 4a + 56-6d. 7. la + 66 + 3c-10d+/, a-5 6+8 c+2/, 26+3 c+4d 8. a 3 6 + 2 a& 3 - 6a6, 3 a 3 6 - 5 ab + 9 a& 3 . 28 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA In exercises 9-11, subtract the second polynomial from the first and check your answer by adding the remainder to the subtrahend : 9. a + b + c + ci + e, 2a+3b 4 c 3e. 10. 10 x + 10 y 10 z + 10 w, 5 w + 3 x 8 y + 3 z v. 11. a + b x + y + 3z, a+b+x y 3z + 5x. 12. To a + c d add 4a + 5c + 6c and from the sum take 13. From 2m+4n-f9/) take 9 ra 8 n + 1 p and to the re- sult add 4 m + 4 n 4- 4 p. 14. From 27/+ 240 + 23 ft take 19/ 15 h + 15 g and from the result take 20 /+ 3 g 9 h. 15. Subtract 26 + 4c+7d + 6e from 56 4d + 6c + 9e and check. 16. From 3 a + r + s take the sum of 10 r + 30 s and 5 r 7 s + 20 a. 17. From the sum of a + 3 6 and 2 a 6 6 take the sum of - 3 a + 24 6 and a + b + c. 18. From x + y + z + w take a b c d, then add to the result 3z + 4w-7c+3c?. 19. From 4 (a + ft) take 6 (a + b + 5 c). 20. Add 2 (a + 4 6 + 3 c), 3 (- 2 a + 3 b + 7 c), 4 (6 + c). 21. Add 4 a 4 + 4 a + a 4 &, a 4 - 3 a + 5 a 4 6, - 6 a 4 6, - 9 a. Evaluate the following monomials and polynomials, when a = - 2, b = - 3, c = - 1, d = 10 : 22. ab, abc, be, 2 aft, 2 ab, 3 be, 3 be, cd. 23. a + b + c + d, a b + c + 2d, 5a 3b + ac. 24. a 2 , 6 2 , c 2 , cP, a 2 6 2 . 25. a&cd, a?bcd, ab z cd, abc?d, abed?. 26. a 3 , 6 3 , c 3 , d 3 , a?b 3 , etc 3 , 2>g " = 2' or 2-. . ., . a 5 a-a-a a a M Similarly, = = a 2 or a^ 3 - a 3 a- a- a 50 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA This gives the following very important rule : The exponent of any letter in the quotient is equal to its ex- ponent in the dividend minus its exponent in the divisor. It is thus seen that in division we subtract the exponents of any letter, while in multiplication ( 56) we add its exponents. In general, in multiplication, a m a" = a m+ " ; ,. . . a m in division, = a m ~ B - a" ORAL EXERCISES 66. Perform the indicated divisions : l 12abc 24afy 36 aby 3 Scdx* 4 ab 6 xy 12 aby' 12 dx a 2 c 3 +Z 4 3m 3 + 5 x* ' ' 9 ' I O ' 1 a c z 2 + 3m or a 5 b ab*c 4 x*y* + 9 m 2 n 5 ~ab' -2a& 3 ' + 4 afy 2 ' - SraV* 67. EXERCISES 1. - 124 aW -f- 12 aW. 2. - 25 rffz 9 ^- 15 ajyz 5 . 3. 236 m 6 nV ^- 24 m^o 8 . 4. + 50 ftc 4 ^ 6 -*- ( - 60 6 3 c 5 dV) . Reduce the following fractions to the lowest terms : -28/> 5 gV + 72 aW 2 + 56 pY^s 2 ' - 44 a Wef ' Let A be the area of a rectangle, L its length, W its width. Find the second dimension in the following rectangles : 8. A = 56 a 2 sq. ft., L = 8 a f t. 9. A = 136 ofy 2 sq. in., L = 12xy in. 10. ^l = 11. ^ = 12. .4 = 1. MULTIPLICATION AND DIVISION 51 MULTIPLICATION OF FRACTIONS 68. Figure 9 shows that | of f of an inch is f of an inch ; this recalls to mind the arithmetical rule for the multiplication of fractions : Multiply the numerators to- gether for a new numerator, and the denomi- nators together for a new denominator. The process is the same in algebra. It is easiest, as a rule, at first merely to indicate the multiplication, then to divide both numerator and denominator by every factor common to them. I a 2 6' 2 Thus, -Mutinies 3c EXERCISES 69. Eind the product of the following fractions : Sab 12 ed ^ -2ab - 3 a 4cd' 15 a' 6xy ' 8 a*V 16 zw* 85 a 2 * 5 , + 8 * 5 15 at ' 64 zw -24 1 64 ttyV 6 - 24 ' -36mV 14 aV Since in division "unlike signs give minus," it is evident that the following equalities hold : That is, the sign may be in front of the fraction, or before a factor of the numerator, or before a factor of the denominator, and there is no change in the value of the fraction. 7 ~ 25 q, 2 c 4 - ' 5a 4 c 2 ' - aW - 27 kWm 3 r*s 2 t 6 8/y/i 4 5 t " . _ r~: X - _ _ __ . ~. 10. 52 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA If a fraction - is to be multiplied by an integer c, it is easiest to write b for c its equal -, and then to multiply - by -, by the rule for the 1 61 multiplication of fractions. 11. 24 aW times - ab \ i [ f ^ < > 1 K i i i i P M H mi TS \ 'v X FIG. 11 of the lines thus drawn, we obtain a broken line which shows to the eye the changes in temperature. This broken line is the graphic representation of temperature. It is called a graph or a diagram. Drawing such a graph or diagram is called plotting it ; locating a point is called plotting the point. How can you tell from the graph the time when the tempera- ture was highest ? The time when it was lowest ? The time when the temperature changed least? The time when the temperature changed most rapidly ? What was the drop in temperature between 2 P.M. and 9 P.M. ? Between 7 P.M. and 10 P.M. ? Between 8 P.M. and 12 P.M. ? Between 1 P.M. and 11 P.M.? PROPORTION 65 Care should be taken, in plotting, to use a scale not too small and yet small enough so that all the statistics can be used. EXERCISES 85. 1. Plot the curve of temperatures for the next 12 hours the observed temperatures being as follows : 12 P.M., - 3. 7 A.M., - 4. 1 A.M., - 4. 8 A.M., 0. 2 A.M., - 4. 9 A.M., + 3. 3 A.M., - 5. 10 A.M. + 7. 4 A.M., - 5. 11 A.M. + 10. 5 A.M., - 6. 12 Noon, + 15. 6 A.M., - 6. 2. Find the rise in temperature between 5 A.M. and 11 A'M. 3. At what time was the rise in temperature most rapid? 4. What was the difference in temperature between 12 P.M. and 12 noon ? 5. Plot the curve of mean temperatures for 1913, Denver, Col. Jan. 30. July 72. Feb. 22. Aug. 73. Mch. 38. Sept. 59. Apr. 49. Oct. 46. May 58. Nov. 44. June 67 Dec. 23. 6. Plot the rise and fall of the tide on the coast of Southern California, Aug. 2, 1913. At 3 : 20 A.M., - 1.2 ft. 9 : 50 A.M., - 4.2 ft. 2 : 50 P.M., 1.7 ft. 9: 00 P.M., 7 ft. 66 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA FLUCTUATIONS IN THE PRICE OF COAL ORAL EXERCISES 86. Figure 12 shows the changes in the price of anthracite coal in the United States from 1860 to 1914. The years are shown on a horizontal line, the cost on a ver- c $7.00 $6.00 > 15.00 $4.00 $3.00 Year FIG. 12 PROPORTION 67 tical line. For instance, in 1890 the price per ton is seen to be $ 3.90 ; in 1910, $ 4.80. 1. What effect had the Civil War upon the price of coal ? 2. In what year was the price $4.50? 3. !STame the highest price shown. 4. Xame the lowest price shown. 5. How many tons of coal could be bought in 1893 for $57.20? 6. What was the difference in the price per ton in 1874 and 1861? 7. What was the difference in the price of 100 tons in 1866 and 1899 ? DRAWING EXERCISE 87. 1. Draw a diagram showing the fluctuations in the price of iron per ton during the years 1870 to 1910, the data being as follows : 1870, $33. 1885, $18. 1900, $20. 1872, $44. 1887, $21. 1902, $16. 1874, $30. 1889, $18.' 1903, $21. 1877; $19. 1890, $18.50 1904, $19. 1878, $18. 1894, $13. 1905, $13. 1880, $28. 1895, $13. 1906, $20. 1881, $25. 1898, $12. 1907, $23. 1882, $26. 1899, $19. 1910, $17. 2. Make a table of varying quantities in your own experience and draw the graph. Select the number of pupils in your school, the amount of money you have spent in successive weeks or months, the amount of rainfall in successive months, the number of immigrants coming to A_merica in different years, or some similar data which you are able to obtain. 88. From these graphs we can see, at a glance, the variation in one thing as another changes. For instance in Fig. 12 there is a change in the price of coal per ton as the time increases. 68 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA These quantities are called variables ; the value of one variable depends upon the value of the other. 89. This idea can be carried over to the relation between two unknown quantities expressed by an equation. For instance, in x + y = 1 : if x = 3, if x = 2, if x = 1, if x = 0, then then then then 3 + y = 7, y = 4 ; hence 2 + y = 7, hence y = 5 ; 1 -f- y = 7, hence y = 6 ; + y = 7, hence y = 7 ; ifa; = 1, then l + */=7, hence y = 8; if a; = 4, then 4 + y = 7, hence y = 9. As a; increases, ?/ decreases ; and as x decreases, y increases. Thus x and y are two variables, the value of y depending upon what the value of x may be, and the value of x depending upon the value of y; thus x is a, function of y and y is & function of x. 90. Let us make a table, assuming ten values of x and com- puting the corresponding values for y in the equatiqn x y = 5. The result is the following table : x y = 5 X 2/ Point 6 1 ^ 6 B 4 - 1 c. 3 -2 D 2 -3 E 1| -sj F 1 -4 G -5 H _ i -6 I -2 -7 J We count off values of x on the horizontal line OX (called the x-oxis) and the corresponding FIG. 13 PROPORTION 69 values of y on the vertical line OY (called the y-axis), counting to the right of the origin for + values of x and to the left for values of x ; up for -f values of y, and down for values of y. This becomes plainer, if we plot each of the points in Fig. 13. The first point, x = 6 and y = 1, is the point A, 6 spaces to the right and 1 space up. The second point, x = 5, y = 0, is the point B, 5 spaces to the right, on the x-axis. The third point, z = 4, y = 1, is the point C, 4 spaces to the right and 1 space down, and so on. Points represented by fractional values of x and y are located in the same way. Thus x = 1, y = 3|, locate the point F. The values of x and y which satisfy the equation x y = 5 are represented by points which form a straight line. Further- more, every point in the line corresponds to values of x and of y which satisfy the equation. Thus the graph of a linear equation in two unknowns is a straight line. EXERCISES 91. Tabulate five pairs of values of x and y which satisfy each of the following equations. Draw a separate pair of axes for each equation and plot the points. 1. 2z + 3y = 6. 3. x y = 2. 5. x = 2y. 2. 3z-4?/ = 12. 4. x + y = Q. 6. y = 2x. 92. In the preceding exercises the student has observed that a linear equation in two unknowns produces a graph which is a straight line. As two points determine the position of any straight line, it is necessary and sufficient to find only two points on the graph of a linear equation in order to fix the position of the line. The two points most easily found are x = 0, y = ? and x = ?, y = 0. If x = and y = satisfy the equation, it will be necessary to let x have some value other than and to find the cor- responding value of y. 70 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA For instance, in2x 5y = 0, ifaj = 0, y = 0, and if y = 0, x = 0. But if x = 5, y = 2. Plot (0, 0), and (5, 2), and draw the line, as in Fig. 14. FIG. 14 EXERCISES 93. Kepresent the fol- lowing equations graph- ically : 1. x + y = 3. 2. x y = 5. 3. 2x + y = 4. 4. x 2y = 6. 5. 2x-y = 10. 6. x + 2y = Q. 7. x 3y = 0. 8. 3 a- y = Q. 9. 5 a; = 4 y. PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS OF GRAPHS 1 94. One of the simplest applications of graphs is in the re- duction of denominate numbers from one unit to another with- out the labor of numerical computation. Thus, Fig. 15 enables us by inspection to reduce miles to Kilometers, or Kilometers to miles. The following example shows how the graph may be drawn. 95. If 10 miles are equal to 16.1 Kilometers, how many Kilo- meters are equal to x miles ? Let y be the required number of Kilometers. Then by proportion, Omitting the names of units, Multiply both sides by 16.1, Or x mi. y Km. 10 mi." 16.1 Km.' a? _ y 10 16.1 ' 1.61 x = y. y = 1.61 a. 1 May be postponed for the present. PROPORTION 71 y f m ^10 B ( ' t / / / s t S S ** s / / 4 s . / 1 y * s / (j ^ ,' f Y/ / S / / / / ^ ' ) 10 D 20 30 x Kilometers FIG. 15 The graph of this equation is a straight line. To draw this graph, carefully locate two points on it and then draw a straight Hue through the two points. We obtain X y Point 10 16.1 A In the graph, Fig. 15, Kilometers are measured along the x-axis, miles are measured along the y-axis. To determine how many Kilometers are equal to 8 miles, we find the point B on the ?/-axis which indicates 8 miles, then proceed to the right (in a direction parallel to the x-axis) to the point C on the graph, then proceed downward to the point D on the x-axis. The number of Kilo- meters equivalent to 8 miles is seen to be approximately 13. Results that are absolutely accurate cannot be obtained for three reasons : .Fi'rsZ, the relation " 10 miles = 16.1 Kilometers " is correct only 72 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA to tenths of Kilometers ; secondly, even if this relation were accurate, the graph could not be drawn with absolute accuracy ; third, to estimate the fraction of a Kilometer at the point (7, without some slight error, is hardly possible. Of necessity all measurements are only approximate. ORAL EXERCISES 96. Estimate, to the first decimal, the number of Kilometers in 1. 7 mi. 4. 13 mi. 7. 17 mi. 2. 9 mi. 5. 14 mi. 8. 18 mi. 3. 11 mi. 6. 16 mi. 9. 20 mi. Estimate, to the first decimal, the number of miles in 10. 8 Km. 13. 17 Km. 16. 23 Km. 11. 12 Kin. 14. 19 Km. 17. 27 Km. 12. 13 Km. 15. 21 Km. 18. 32 Km. CONSTRUCTION AND USE OF GRAPHS 97. 1. 10 Kilograms are approximately equal to 22 pounds. Draw a graph for reducing at sight, Kilograms to pounds, and pounds to Kilograms. Change at sight, 6 lb., 7 lb., 9 Ib. to Kilograms ; change also 21 Kg., 17 Kg., 13 Kg. to pounds. 2. 5|- yards = 1 rod. Construct a graph for converting yards to rods and rods to yards. At sight change to yards, 2.2 rd., 1.7 rd., 1.3 rd., .8 rd. Let 1 in. along the x-axis stand for 1 rd., and ^ in. along the /-axis stand for 1 yd. This gives a graph which is convenient for reducing a small number of rods to yards. 3. Draw a graph for finding the lengths of circles when the diameters are given, and vice versa. Take the length of a circle equal to ty times its diameter. 4. Draw a graph for converting temperatures on the Fahrenheit scale to temperatures on the Centigrade scale, and vice versa. We know that a temperature of 0C. is the same as one of 32 F. ; also that a temperature of 20 C. is the same as one of 68 F. From these PROPORTION 73 data we locate the points A and jB, in Fig. 16, which determine the line. This graph is applicable to temperatures below zero, or negative tem- peratures. 30 -21 53 ilO eit FIG. 16 5. In Fig. 16 change the following to temperatures on the Fahrenheit scale : 30 C., 25 C., 17 C., C., - 10 C., - 20 C. 6. In Fig. 16 change the following to temperatures on the Centigrade scale: 80 F., 65 F., 52 F., 32 F., 15 F., 8F., 0F., -3F. 7. A wholesale dealer's profit when he sells to a retail merchant is 20%. Draw a graph for ascertaining the cost price when the selling price is known, and vice versa. When there is a profit of 20%, the selling price is to the cost, as 120 is to 100. Let x be the selling price and y the corresponding cost. Then, by proportion , 120 = 100 ' Multiply both sides by 100, x = y. Or y = x- The graph of this equation is a straight line. 74 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA From this equation the following data are obtained : X y Point 30 25 A $20 no Through the points O and A, in Fig. 17, draw a straight line, which is the graph required. It shows the relation between the cost and the sell- ing price. To determine the cost of an article that sells for $ 36, take the point B 36 divisions from O on the sc-axis, then OB represents the selling price. From B pass verti- cally to C on the " wholesale to retail " graph, thence horizontally to D. Then OD, or 30, is the cost to the wholesale dealer. O $10 B$40 $20 $30 Selling Price Fzo.17 8 - In Fi S' 17 find the cost of articles sold to the retail dealer for $10, $14, $17, $24, $28, $32. 9. In Fig. 17, find the selling price to the retail dealer of articles which cost $ 5, $ 15, $ 20, $ 23, $ 25. 10. A wholesale dealer makes a profit of 15 % when he sells to a retail dealer. The retail dealer makes a profit of 65 % when he sells to a consumer. Draw a graph for finding at sight the cost to the wholesale dealer of articles whose selling price to the consumer is known. When there is a profit of 15%, the selling price is to the cost as 115 is to 100. Let x be the selling price to the retail dealer and y the cost to the wholesale dealer. Then, by proportion, -2- = -^-. 115 100 PROPORTION 75 x = y. Multiply both sides of the equation by 100, Or y = ftx. When x 0, y = 0, hence the graph passes through 0. When x = 46, y = 40, hence the graph passes through A. Draw the line OA. The retail dealer sells at a profit of 65 %. That is, his selling price to the consumer is to his buying price as 165 is to 100. Let x be the selling price to the consumer and y the cost to the retail dealer. Then, Or 165 100 y = fjx. When x = 0, y = 0, hence the graph passes through O in Fig. 18. When x = 66, y = 40, hence the graph passes through B. Draw the line OB. O $10 $20 $30 $40 $50 $60 $70 Selling Price FIG. 18 To determine the cost to the wholesale dealer of an article for which the consumer pays $60, two steps are necessary. The first step is to find its cost to the retail dealer. Take the point C 60 divisions on the z-axis, then OC represents the price paid by the con- sumer. From C pass vertically to D on the "retail to consumers" graph, 76 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA thence horizontally to E. Then OE, or about $52.20, is the cost to the retail dealer. The second step is to find the cost to the wholesale dealer. Take the distance OF equal to OE ; from .Fpass vertically to G on the "wholesale to retail " graph, thence horizontally to H. Clearly OH is the cost to the wholesale dealer, about $31 . This is approximately the required answer. 11. What is the cost to the wholesale dealer of articles which are sold to the consumer for $ 20 ? $ 30 ? $ 50 ? $ 75 ? 12. What does the consumer pay for articles which cost to the wholesale dealer $ 50 ? $ 40 ? $ 15 ? ^'- ^ V / rro ? L -r V 3- $^ CHAPTER V EQUATIONS INVOLVING FRACTIONAL COEFFICIENTS 98. Solve x + \x = 15. ^- * / Solution. . i + i = t- Hence we have fa: = 15. -ir o Divide both sides by f , x = -- = 18. Ans. o Second Solution. $x + x = 15. . Multiply both sides by 6, 2x + 3 x - 90. 5* = 90. x = 18. Ans. Check: | (18) + (18) = 15. 6 + 9 = 15. 15 = 15. In the second solution we multiply both sides of the equation by some number which will remove the denominators. It is usually easiest to select the least number into which each denominator will go without a remainder. In the example above, that number is 6. EXERCISES 99. Solve and check : 2. fy + |y = l. 8 363' y-1 y-2 = 2 y-3 n 5n 3n 2 334 O O 4: C ^~" O , t ~f" <^ v H~ ^ j 10. - + - - = 4. 5. 11. f(6 -a?) = 5. 77 78 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA 13. $(* + !) =2. 16. .2z = 48-.04z. 14. i (s + 4) - i s - 8 = 0. 17. .2 w + 3 = 3.8 + .04 o. 15. .5x = 3. 18. 7(z + 2) + f(z-12) = (z+9). 19. -l--2 = -n-3. 20. PROBLEMS 100. 1. One half a certain number plus one fourth that number increased by one third the number equals 26. Find the number. 2. The sum of two numbers is 29. One half the first plus one third the second is 12. What are the numbers ? 3. The difference between two numbers is 6. One ninth of the first plus one third of the second is 6. Find the numbers. 4. Separate 48 into two parts so that ^ the larger minus ^ the smaller equals ^ the number itself. 5. One fourth of a certain number increased by 1^, and the result diminished by the quotient obtained by dividing the sum of twice the number and 4 by 9, equals 1. Find the number. 6. The width of a rectangle is f of its length and its pe- rimeter is 54 in. Find its dimensions. 7. The length of a rectangle is 12 in. more than the width. The sum of the length and width is twice their difference. Find the area. 8. The width of a rectangle is 5 ft. less than the length. If the length be decreased 2 ft. and the width increased 3 ft., the area will be increased 11 sq. ft. Find the area. 9. A certain square has the same area as a rectangle whose dimensions are 3 ft. longer and 2 ft. shorter than those of the square. What is the area of each ? FRACTIONAL COEFFICIENTS 79 10. Find two consecutive integers such that ^ the first plus | the second equals 7 less than the first. 11. Find three consecutive even integers such that ^ of the first and | of the second, plus ^ of the third, equals the third. 12. What three consecutive integers have their sum equal to 48 ? How does the sum compare with the second integer ? Is this true of any three consecutive integers ? 13. The sum of 1 of a certain even integer, ^ of the next odd one, and -| of the next even one equals the even integer just before the one first mentioned. Find the series of in- tegers. 14. A is 15 years old ; B is 25 years old. In how many years will A be f as old as B ? 15. A is twice as old as B ; five years ago he was 2\ times as old. How old is each now ? 16. A man's age 6 years ago was ^ of what his age will be 30 years hence. Find his age now. 17. A father is 3 times as old as his son ; in 5 years the father will be 21 times as old as the son. What is the age of each? 18. A man who is 35 years old has a son 10 years old. In how many years will the boy be | as old as his father ? 19. A man gave to one son ^ of his money, to a second ^ of his money. He had left $10 less than the number of dollars he gave to both. How much had he at first ? 20. I spent $1.75 for 1^ and 2^ stamps, buying 25 more of the former than of the latter. How many of each kind did I buy? 21. I took a trip of 105 miles, partly by trolley, p*artly by train. If I went \ as far again by train as by trolley, how far did I go by each ? 80 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA 22. A collection of 5^ pieces and quarters amounts to $ 1.60. There are 2 more 5^ pieces than quarters. How many are there of each ? 23. I have three more half dollars than quarters. The value of the half dollars exceeds the value of the quarters by $ 4.50. How much money have I ? 24. Thirty coins dimes, nickels, and quarters amount to $5.30. There are ^ as many nickels as quarters. How many are there of each ? 25. Three boys have 150 marbles. If the third has f as many as the second, and the second f as many as the first, how many marbles has each boy ? 26. The same number is subtracted from 60 and from 45. One third of the first remainder equals ^ of the second. What is the number ? 27. In going a certain distance, a train traveling at the rate of 40 miles an hour takes 21 hours longer than one traveling 50 miles an hour. What is the distance ? Use d = rt. 28. I have 13 hours at my disposal. How far may I go at the rate of 3 miles an hour, so as to return home in time, corn- ing back at the rate of 3^ miles an hour ? 29. A man sold a home for $4944, gaining 3% of the cost. How much did the home cost ? Hint, x + .03 x = 4944. 30. An agent deducted 5 J commission for the sale of property, remitting $ 6222.50. Find the selling price. 31. At 6 /o interest for a certain time, $ 350 amounted to $ 444.50. What was the length of time ? Use i = prt. 32. The interest of $365 for 2 years 3 months at a certain rate was $32.85. What was the rate ? FRACTIONAL COEFFICIENTS 81 33. The amount of a certain principal at 6 f in 5^- years is $ 7714. What is the principal ? 34. A man invests a part of $ 1500 at 5 % and the re- mainder at 4 %. The 5 % investment yields $39 more a year than the 4 f - How much has he invested at 4 % ? 35. A part of $ 3680 is invested at 5| % and the remainder at 6%. The total interest in 2 years amounted to $411.60. How many dollars are there in each investment ? 36. If the valuation of a certain property is $17,000, and the annual tax thereon is $ 161.50, find the tax rate in mills on a dollar. Let x mills = the tax on a dollar. Then 17000x = 161.50. 1000 Find the tax rate in mills on a dollar : VALUATION TAX VALUATION TAX 37. $6,560 $55.76 40. $125,500 $909.875 38. $29,800 $186.25 41. $375,400 $2909.35 39. $90,700 $589.55 42. $875,500 $6566.25 43. I wish to get $ 7280 from a bank. For what sum must I make out a 60-day note, to obtain this sum, bank discount being at the rate of 6 % per annum ? Bank discount is computed on the face of the note. Let x = the required sum. The bank discount for 60 da. is 1 % of $ x, or $ .01 x. Subtracting $ .01 x from $ x, leaves $ .99 x, the proceeds. Hence, .99 x = 7280. 44. A man needs $ 2975. For what sum must he make out a 60-day note to obtain the $ 2975 as proceeds, if the bank dis- counts the note at 6 % per annum ? 45. Mr. Murray makes out a 90-day note, which is dis- counted by the bank at 2 J for the 90 days. What must be the face of the note, to yield $ 9700 as proceeds ? 46. John Allen issued a note to a bank which secured for him, after it was discounted at 3 f for the term of 4 months, the sum of $ 29,750. Find the face of the note. 82 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA The federal income tax in the United States requires that every unmar- ried person shall pay an annual tax of 1 % on his net income in excess of $ 3000, and that married persons living together shall pay an annual tax of 1% on their joint income in excess of $4000. When the net income ex- ceeds $ 20,000, an additional tax thereon is levied as follows : 1 % on part of income over $ 20,000 and not above $ 50,000. 2% on part of income over $ 50,000 and not above $ 75,000, etc. Thus, an unmarried man pays on an income of $ 70,000 the following tax : 1 % on $ 67,000 + 1 % on $ 30,000 + 2 % on $ 20,000. 47. An unmarried person whose net annual income is be- low $20,000 pays an income tax of $145.70. Find his in- come. 48. A man and wife have a joint income that is below $ 20,000 ; their income tax is $ 135.45. Find their income. 49. A man and wife pay an income tax of $200. Does their annual income exceed $ 20,000 ? Find their income. Let $ x = income. Then .01 (x - 4000) + .01(x - 20,000) = 200. 50. The annual income tax of an unmarried man is $450. Is his income above $20,000? Above $50,000? Find it. 51. The joint income tax of a man and his wife is $1360. Is the annual income above $50,000? Above $75,000? Com- pute their income. 52. What is the annual net income of an unmarried man whose income tax is $ 850 ? 53. A boy on a farm receives 2% ft a dozen for delivering 98 dozen eggs and agrees to have 27^ deducted from his pay for every dozen eggs that he breaks and does not deliver. He is paid $ 1.55. How many dozen eggs did he break ? 54. Two persons traveling toward each other set out at the same time from towns 198 miles apart. One person walks 10 miles a day, the other 12 miles. In what time will they meet, and how many miles will each have walked ? 55. At an election of a constituency abstained from voting, and | of the constituency voted for the successful candidate. FRACTIONAL COEFFICIENTS 83 At a subsequent election f abstained from voting, and \ voted for the successful candidate. The minority in the latter elec- tion was 120 less than in the former. Find the number of voters in the constituency. 56. A rectangular tank is 10 ft. 6 in. long and 7 ft. 3 in. wide, and contains 400 gallons of water. Find the depth of the water, correct to one tenth of an inch, having given that a gallon contains 231 cu. in. 57. A train is 5 minutes late when it performs its journey at the rate of 29^- miles an hour, and is 2 minutes late when it travels at 30 miles an hour. What is the number of miles in the journey ? 58. There are two lawns in one garden. One is square ; the second is 3 yd. narrower and 4 yd. longer than the first, but of equal area. Find the area of each. CHAPTER VI SPECIAL PRODUCTS 101. I. (a +- 6) 2 . a + b a + b a? + 2 ab + b* II. (a-&) 2 . a 6 . a b ab a?-2ab + b z .-. (a -H 6) 2 = a 2 + 2 ab + W. (a - b) 2 = a 2 - 2 ab + ft 2 . RULE. T7ie square of the \ sum \ of two numbers is equal ( difference J to the square of the first, I [ twice the product of the first ( minus j and the second, plus the square of the second. ORAL EXERCISES 102. Find, by inspection, the values of : 1. (m + w) 2 . 5. (4 + ) 2 . 2. (c-d) 2 . 6. (6-7) 2 . 3. (a-26) 2 . 7. (a 2 -!) 2 . 4. (3z + y) 2 . 8. (2a 2 -36) 2 . 84 SPECIAL PRODUCTS 85 10. (7a&-2) 2 . 11. (9 x 2 - 2 ?/ 2 ) 2 . 12. (5 a 3 -f- 4 a 2 ) 2 . 13. (1 + z) 2 . 14. (ia-3) 2 . 15. c 9. (4 c + 3 d 3 ) 2 . 16. (o + 2/*) 2 . 17. (3cr-2&") 2 . 18. (7 a 6) 2 . 19. (5 d 3 e) 2 . 20. (m + 12) 2 . 21. (9 a; 3y) z . 22. (2a-76) 2 . 23. What must be added to a 2 + 10 a to make it the square of a + 5 ? 24. What must be added to x 2 xy + y 1 to make it the square of x y ? 25. What must be added to 36 12 a 2 to make it a perfect square ? In the following, supply terms necessary to form perfect squares : 34. 64z/ 2 + 32y +( ). 35. 121m 6 -22m 3 +( ). 37. ( )-66 2 + 9. 38. ( 39. ( r 40. ( )-24s 5 + 144. 41. ( )- 182?n 2 +169. Find the binomials whose squares are : 42. x 2 + 6 a + 9. 43. 4 a 2 4 c 44. x 2 + 22 xy + 121 y 2 . 46. m 2 + 40 m + 400. 47. w 2 4n + 4. 26. c 2 +( 27. ra 2 +( 28. z 2 +( 29. 2 -( )+16. 30. 4a 2 -( )+l. 31. 9z 2 -f( ) + 36. 32. 166 2 -( )+49. 33. 48. 49. 25 c 4 + 16003 + 256 c 2 . 50. 9 a 2 - 30 axy* + 25 ofy 4 . 51. 36 6 2 + 60 a 2 6c 3 + 25 aV. 52. 64 c 8 - 16 c 4 d 5 + d 10 . 53. 4 x 2 y 2 + 28 xy + 49. 86 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA 103. III. (a + 6) (a -6). a + b a-b -ab-b* RULE. 7%e product of the sum of two numbers and their differ- ence is equal to the square of the first number minus the square of the second. ORAL EXERCISES 104. Find, by inspection, the values of : 1. (k + y)(Tc-y). 11. (a 2 - 9 6 2 ) (a 2 + 9 ft 2 ). 2. (l-3a)(l+3a). 12. (13 x 5 + y)(13 x 5 - y). 3. (2h + 7)(2h-7). 13. (4 ab - c)(4 ab + c). 4. (5 -&)(& + 5). 14. [( ft + 6)+c][(a+6)-c]. 5. (10 -3 a) (3 a + 10). 15. (x + b + 2)(x + b -2). 6. (3rc + 7)(3w-7). 16. [(m-w)-3][(m-7t)+3]. 7. (3a-a)(3a; + a). 17. [+(> + w)p-(> + u)]. ' 8. (5a6 + 3)(5a6-3). 18. 9. (2n + 7)(7-2n). 19. 10. (66-l)(66 + l). 20. (2 + c-d)(2-c + Find two binomials whose product is : 21. a^ - 4 f. 28. 121 c 2 cP - 144 x 4 . 22. 16 -a 4 . 29. 2256-l. 23. 4 a; 2 - 16. 30. 1 - 81 a 10 . 24. 9a 2 -646 4 . 31. 100 6 2 - 36. 25. 25m 4 -49n 6 . 32. ^-225. 26. a 4 -9. 33. ff -a 6 27. 9a 2 -25. 34. 16m 2 -25w 2 . SPECIAL PRODUCTS 87 36. (x ?/) 2 z 2 . 38. a 2 (b + c) 2 . 36. (c + d) 2 - e 2 . 39. t* - (s - w) 2 . 37. (ra-?i) 2 -64. 40. 81-(a-6) 2 . In each of these exercises (21-40), the two binomials found are called factors of the given expression. Thus, in Ex. 21, x 3 + 2 y 3 and a; 3 2 y 3 are said to be factors of x 6 4 j/ 6 . 105. IV. (a? + a )(* + &). x + a x + b x 2 + ax ab .: (x + a) (or + ft) = jr* + (a + '&)* + a&. RULE. The product of ttvo binomials having a common term is equal to the square of the common term, and the sum of the tm-> like terms times the common term, plus the product of the unlike terms. ORAL EXERCISES 106. Find, by inspection, the values of : 1. (z + 3)(a + 4). 11. (a + 4c)(a c). 2. (a; - 3)( - 4). 12. (2 1 + 3)(2 1 - 5). 3. (* + 3)(* 4). 13. (a? - 16) (a; + 20). 4. (aj-3)(a; + 4). 14. (3fc- l)(3fc- 19). 5. ( y Slto 2 . 16. 225 g 2 - 144 z 2 . 5. ^-25. 11. 36x 10 -49y 12 . 17. 100 w 2 - 256V 4 . 6. 64c 2 -z 2 . 12. 144 1^ 25 x 4 . 18. 9zV 121. 19. 49c 6 -64 8 . 29. 6 2 - 18 6 + 81 -49s 2 . 20. 289 a 2 6 2 c 2 25 d 2 . 30. d 2 12d + 36 25 J 2 . 21. (x+y) 2 1. 31. 1 (a + 6)". 22. (a-j-36) 2 -c 2 . 32. 16 -(x-y}\ 23. (x-2yy z 2 . 33. 9 (m 3w) 2 . 24. (m + 6n) 2 -4r 2 . 34. k z -(h + 10) 2 . 25. (7 d - r) 2 - 25 s 2 . 35. a 2 -6 2 -26c-c 2 26. a 2 + 2 06 + b 2 4c 2 . =a 2 (6 2 + 26c + c 2 ) 27. z 2 2xy + y z z 2 . =a 2 -(6 + c) 2 . 28. c 2 - 6 cd + 9 d 2 e 2 . 36. < 2 - m 2 + 2 mra n 2 . 98 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA 37. 49-c 2 -6cd-9d 2 . 38. 39. 40. = (a -|- 6 + c -f d)(a + 6 - c - d). 41. (a? + 2y) (TO n). 44. 144(m -) 2 121 (w + t/) 2 . 42. 9(c - d) 2 - 4( - y) 2 . 45. 36(# - z) 2 - 196(u> + z) 2 . 43. 64(fc 4- Z) 2 - 49(r - t) 2 . 46. c*+2cd+d 2 -m 2 +2mr-r 2 . 122. V. Type form : j? + gx + h. x 2 + gx + h=(x + a)(x + 6), wherein g = a + b aiid h =ab. 1. Factor a 2 5 cc + 6. Here g = 5, A = 6. .-. a + 6 = 5, aft =6. By trial, find two numbers whose sum is 5, and whose product is 6. These numbers are 3 and 2. Hence x 2 - 5 x + 6 = (x 2)(x 3). 2. Factor x t -2x-35. Here = 2, A = - 35. That is, a + 6 = 2, aft = 35. By trial, find two numbers whose sum is + 2 and whose product is -35. These numbers are + 7 and 5. Hence x 2 + 2z 35 =( + 7)( 5). 3. Factor a? + 5 x 7. Here = 5, h = 7. a + 6 = 5, ab = 7. We cannot find two integers whose sum is 5 and whose product is 7. Hence this trinomial cannot be factored by this type form. ORAL EXERCISES 123. Factor : 1. 3*4- 5* + 6. 3. x 2 + x -6. 2. x 2 - x 6. 4. ic 2 + 9 x + 20. FACTORING 99 5. af-x-20. 21. d 2 + 7d+10. 6. or* -9 a +20. 22. d 2 -14d-15. 7. or + a; -20. 23. /*- 15/+ 26. 8. a; 2 _ a _ 12. 24. # 2 + 9 + 8. 9. a^ + 9a; + 14. 25. tf + Wh-39. 10. x 2 -3o:-18. 26. ft 2 -11 ft -60. 11. z? + Ux + 33. 27. fc 2 - 12 Jc + 32. 12. x 2 - 16 a; - 36. 28. fc 2 - 3 k - 54. 13. 0^ + 140;+ 45. 29. fc 8 + 27 A; - 90. 14. 2^ + 14 a + 24. 30. Z 2 - 25 Z + 100. 15. or z 72. 31. m 2 + 9m 112. 16. y? - 16 x + 28. 32. r*s* + 12 rs -|- 20. 17. a 2 -3a-10. 33. a 2 6 2 + 16 ab + 55. 18. m 2 + 7 ?7i + 12. 34. y?y*-xy- 380. 19. a 3 +3a + 2. 35. c 2 ^ 2 - 12 cd - 13. 20. a 2 -a- 2. 36. (x+y)* l(x + y)-18. 124. VI. Type form : />^ 2 + qx + r. px 2 + qx + r=(ax + b)(cx -\- d), wherein p = ac, q = be -f ad, r = bd. 1. Factor 6 tf - x - 12. Here p = 6, q = - 1, r = 12. If possible, we must find numbers a, 6, c, and d, such that ac = 6, 6d=-12, 6c + ad=- 1. Here, ac = 6 suggests the values a = 3, c = 2, or a = 1, c = 6, etc., and 6d = 12 suggests the values 6=4, d 3, or 6 = 6, d = 2, etc. Try the various sets of values of a and c, whose product is 6, with each pair of values of b and d, whose product is 12, until a combination is found which satisfies be + ad = 1 ; that is, a combination which gives x as the middle term of the product. Try the sets of values, a = 3, c = 2, b = 4, d - - 3. 100 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA +8x Examine (3 x + 4) (2 x - 3) . We see that the sum of the two cross products + 8 x and 9 x is x, which is the middle term of 6 x 2 x 12. Hence 6 x' 2 - x - 12 = (3z + 4)(2 x - 3). 2. Factor 8 x 2 - 34 x + 35. Try a = 8, c = 1, 6 = 7, d =-5. -7* Examine (8 x 7 ) (x 5) . i i -40 x The sum of the cross products 40 x and 7 x is 47 x. But the middle term in 8 x 2 34 x + 35 is not 47 x. Hence (8 x 7)(x 5) are not factors of 8 x* 34 x + 35. Try a = 4, c = 2, b = - 7, d = - 5. -14x Examine (4x - 7)(2x 5). -20 x The sum of the cross products 20 x and 14 x is 34 x. 34 x is the middle term of 8 x 2 34 x -f 36. Hence 8x 2 - 34 x + 35 =(4x- 7)(2x- 5). EXERCISES 125. Factor: 1. 6 x 2 + 7 x + 2. 9. 10 6 2 - 37 6 + 30. 2. 6 x 2 + 13 x + 5. 10. 6 y 2 - 31 y + 35. 3. 12z 2 + 7z-5. 11. 6 2 -19J + 10. 4. 7 x 2 + 11 x + 4. 12. 3 s 2 + 13 s - 10. 5. 3 a; 2 + 7 a + 2. 13. 24 s 2 + s - 3. 6. 20 x z + 33 aj + 7. 14. 30 ?/ 2 + 19 y - 5. 7. 2 a 2 - 27 a + 13. 15. 8 m 2 - 22 m - 21. 8. 8 m 2 - 31 m + 30. 16. 3 m* - m - 2. FACTORING 101 17. 15m 2 + 14m-8. 21. 11 g* - 21 g - 2. 18. 18a 2 + 9a-2. 22. 2g 2 + gh-15W. 19. 6c 2 + 35c-6. 23. 3a 2 -f-lla6-4& 2 . 20. 6 d 2 - 13d -5. 24. 3a 2 -7a6-66 2 . 126. VII. Type forms : a 3 ft 3 . (a 3 + 6 3 ) = (a + 6) (a 2 - ab + 6 2 ). (a 3 - 6 3 ) = (a - 6) (a 2 + ab + 6 2 ). Factor ar 5 + 27. a 3 = x 3 , 6 3 = 27 ; a = x, 6 = 3. .-. 3 + 27 = (z + S)(z*-3 Again, factor 125 m s 8. Here a 3 = 125 m 3 , 6 3 = 8 ; a = 5 m, 6=2. .-. 125 m 3 - 8 = (5 m - 2) (25m 2 + 10 m + 4). Factor : 1. tf + y 3 . 11. y? + f. 2. x 3 - y 3 . 12. 8 a 6 - & 6 . 3. m 8 + l. 13. 1 - 27 a 9 . 4. m 3 1. 14. m l2 + n n . 5. o 3 6 3 + 8. 15. 27 c 15 + 1. 6. c 3 ^ 3 - 27. 16. 8 a 3 " - 1. 7. 64 a 3 -!. 17. 6 9 " + c 6n . 8. 1255 3 + 216. 18. x 9 + y 9 . 9. 8^ 3 -27/i 3 . 19. 64 a 3 - 125 b 3 . 10. zy + 343. 20. 216-27ic 18 . The foregoing are the simpler type forms of factoring in algebra; more complicated ones are given in more advanced texts on algebra. 127. Skill in factoring depends upon an easy recognition of the type forms and a facility in applying correctly the method of each one. 102 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA Some suggestions will be helpful. I. See if the terms contain a common monomial factor. If so, divide the expression by it, and keep it as one factor; the quotient will be the other factor. II. Determine to which type form the quotient thus obtained belongs and factor accordingly. III. Inspect each factor and, if possible, resolve it into new factors. TYPE FORMS AND FACTORS 128. I. ay+by-cy = y(a + b-c). II. III. a 2 2fl&+6 2 =(a6) 2 . a 2 - ft 2 = (a + ft)(a - ft). i a 2 + 2aft + & 2 -c 2 =(a+&) 2 -c 2 =(a+6+c)(a+&-c). a 2 + 2a& + ft 2 -c 2 -2a?-d 2 = (a+ft) 2 -(c+ 25 g2 ci 2 + 2 d& 6 2 39 3 x 2 3 CLX 26. 1 + x u . 40. 7 c 2 + 20 c - 27. r 2 + 3r-154. 41. e 3 + 512/ 3 . 28. x 2 + 11 x - 210. 42. 6y 29. a 12 - 6 12 - 43. a 2 30. 2s 2 -5s + 2. 44. 1- 31. 7 a 2 + 175 -70 a. 45. 9 c 4 16 c 2 ^ 2 + 7 d 4 . 32. 18-6x-12a; 2 . 46. 9 m 4 - 13 m 2 w 2 + 4 n*. 33. 17 w* + 25 10 - 18. 47. a 2 - b 2 - a - b. 34. 9x 2a -25. 48. a 3 + 6 3 + a 2 -6 2 . 35. a 2 ac + 2 ab 2 be. 49. 4 a 2 - 4 a& + 6 2 - 9 c 2 24 cd 16 d?. 50. (x + y) 2 - o(x + y) + 6. 54. 25^ - 61 x 3 y 3 + 36 y 6 . 51. a & xy ab*xy. 55. a^ + 729?/ 6 . 52. 4 a 5 " - a-. 56. 196 r% - z) 2 - 225 s 2 . 53. 49 a 21 - 84 a'b* + 36 & 2 ". 58. 21 c - 5 d + 3 cd - 2 de - 14 e - 35. 59. (x 2 - I) 2 - y2x z -3x + l. g/p4 5 ic 3 7 # 2 -4- 8 x 2 2 cc 2 3 x f) nt __ O /y3 ]_ Q /y2 3 x* + 2 x 2 4 a; 3 . 4a; 2 + 6 x 2 There is no remainder ; the division is exact. The quotient x-2. (2) Divide 16 + 5a 4 - 3a 3 -32a + 36 a 2 by a 2 + 4-4a. 16 - 32 a + 36 a 2 - 16 - 16 a + 4 a 2 3 a 3 + 5 a 4 4 4 a + a 2 4 - 4 a + 4 a 2 - 16 a + 32 a 2 - - 16 a + 16 a 2 - 3 a 3 + 5 a 4 4 a 3 16 a 2 + a 3 + 5 a 4 16a 2 -16a !> 17 a 3 + a 4 There is a remainder, and the division is "not exact." The quotient is ^ 3 , 4 4 4 a + a 2 ' 137. Emphasis must be placed upon the necessity of arrang- ing both polynomials, and each remainder, according to the as- cending or the descending power of some letter. Divide the first term of the dividend by the first term of the divisor for the first term of the quotient. Multiply the entire divisor by the first term of the quotient. Subtract the product from the dividend. Treat the remainder as a new dividend and proceed as before. POLYNOMIALS 113 To check an example in division : I. Multiply the r quotient by the divisor, add the remainder to this product. The result should be the dividend ; or II. Substitute particular numbers for the letters and divide the resulting values. To illustrate the second method of checking : in our first division, let 6 x* - 5 X s - 1 z 2 + 8 x - 2 = 42. 2 x 2 - 3 x + 1 = 3. 3 x 2 + 2 x - 2 = 14. Then, 42 -*. 3 = 14. Hence the division is correct. In this mode of checking, care must be taken to select numbers for the letters which will not reduce the divisor to zero. EXERCISES 138. Divide and check : 1. x 4 - 9 a? + 19 x 2 - 25 x + 6 by x 2 - 2 x + 3. 2. 6 a 4 - a 3 b - 10 a 2 6 2 + 31 ab 3 - 20 6 4 by 3 a 2 + 4 ab - 5 6 2 . 3. 8 a 4 + 8 a 3 b - 28a 2 6 2 + 53 ab 3 - 21 6 4 by 4a 2 - 6 ab + 76 2 . 4. x 5 - x* + 4 a? 3 x- + 5 x 6 by 3? + x 2. 5. a 3 - 3 a 2 6 -f- 3 a& 2 - 6 3 by a 2 - 2 ab + 6 2 . 6. 10a 5 +lla 4 -39a 3 + 42a 2 -17a+5by 2a 3 +3a?-7 a+5. 7. r 8 + r 7 r 6 r 5 + r 3 + r 2 1 by r 4 r 2 + 1. 8. a 4 + a 2 6 2 + & 4 by a 2 + b 2 - ab. 9. x 5 y 5 by a; y. 10. a 3 + 6 3 + c 3 - 3 a&c by a + 6 + c. Simplify : 11. (z 2 + 2 x + 2)(z 2 - 4 x - 5) -s- (x - 5). 12. (a; + t/) 2 (x 2 xy + y 2 ). 13. [(a 3 + 6 3 ) -r- (a 2 - 06 4- 6 2 )] [a 2 + ab + 6 s ]. 14. (a - 6) 3 (a + &) 2 *- (a 2 - & 2 ). 15. [(x + 2/) s - (x - 1/) 3 ] -s- (3 x 2 + 2/ 2 ). CHAPTER X SQUARE ROOT 139. The square root of an expression is one of the two equal factors of the expression. Since (a + 6) 2 = a 2 + 2 ab + 6 2 , Va 2 + 2 ab + & 2 = a + 6. Thus it is a simple matter, by inspection, to extract the square root of a trinomial, which is seen to be of the form Or we may find the square root in this way : a 2 + 2 ab + b 2 \a + b a 2 Trial divisor, 2 a Complete divisor, 2 a + b Thus the square root is a + &. The study of this simple case enables one to devise a rule which is applicable to more complicated cases. The procedure is as follows : I. Extract the square root of the first term and subtract its square from the polynomial, leaving 2 ab + 6 2 . II. We see in 2 ab the factor b which we know is the second term of the root. In cases when & is not known, we see that 6 may be obtained by dividing 2 ab by 2 a. We call 2 a the trial divisor. Since a is the part of the root already found, we see that the trial divisor is double the root already found. After 6 has been found, add it to the trial divisor and we have 2 a + b, the complete divisor. 114 SQUARE ROOT 115 III. Multiply 2 a + b by 6, and subtract. This process may now be extended to finding the square root of any polynomial. 140. The extraction of the square root of 49 a; 4 42ar 3 +79x 2 30 x + 25 is as follows : 49x 4 -42x 8 +79x 2 -30a;-|-25 |7a 2 -3x+6 49 x 4 -42x 8 + 79x 2 30x+25, 1st remainder -42z+ 9x 2 +70x 2 30x+25, 2d remainder +70x 2 -30x+25 1st trial divisor, 2(7 x 2 ) = 14x 2 1st complete divisor, 14 x 2 3 x 2d trial divisor, 2(7 x 2 3 x) =14 x' 2 6 x 2d complete divisor, 14 x 2 6x+5 3d remainder The process is as follows : (1) The square root of 49 x 4 is 7 x 2 . Here a = 7 x 2 ; 2 a = 14 x 2 , the first trial divisor. (2) The first term in the first remainder is 42 x 3 . Take 42 x 3 =2 ab. (3) To find 6, divide - 42 x 3 by 14 x 2 . We obtain 6 = - 3x. (4) Multiply the first complete divisor by 3 x and subtract. The second remainder is what is left after subtracting (7x 2 3x) 2 from the given polynomial. (5) Proceed with the second remainder as you did with the first. Let 7 x 2 3 x be the new value of a. (6) Divide the first term of the second remainder by the first term of the second trial divisor ; you obtain + 5. (7) Multiply the second complete divisor by + 5, and subtract. The third remainder is what is left over after subtracting (7x 2 3x + 5) 2 from the given polynomial. As this remainder is zero, (7 x 2 3 x + 6) 2 is equal to that polynomial. Hence 7 x 2 3 x + 5 is the required square root. EXERCISES 141. Find the square root of : 1. a 4 -4 a 3 + 6 a 2 - 4a + l. 2. x* - 6 y? + 13 x 2 - 12 x + 4. 3. c 6 + c 4 - 26 c 3 + 6 c 5 + 8 c 4- 10 c 2 + 1. 4. 116 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA 5. 250* - 20afy + 34oty 2 - 32^ + 17 aty 4 6. 9 c 4 ^ - 18 c 3 ^ - 3 cW + 12 cd 5 + 4 d 6 . 7. m 4 n, 4 + 16 r 4 + mVr 2 - 6 m 3 n?r + 24 mm*. 10. 4a?-20a:-- a; SQUARE ROOT OF ARITHMETICAL NUMBERS 142. 1 2 = 1, 2 2 = 4, .- 9 2 = 81, 10 2 = 100, 90 2 = 8100, 100 J = 10,000, 1000 2 = 1,000,000. This is sufficient to show that a perfect square consisting of two digits has one digit in the root ; one consisting of three or four digits has two digits in the root; one consisting of Jive or six digits has three digits in the root ; and so on. In other words, the square of a number has twice as many digits, or one less than twice as many, as the number itself. Hence, to find the square root we must separate the number into periods of two digits each, towards the left and right from the decimal point. The period farthest to the left may have one or two digits, whereas the one farthest to the right must have two, a cipher being annexed, if necessary, to complete it. The square root has therefore one digit corresponding to every period in its square. Separating the square number into periods enables one to find one digit in the root at a time. This is seen more clearly if we consider that the square of any number of tens, say 4 tens (40), ends in two ciphers (1600) ; hence the two digits on the right are not needed to find the tens' digit (4), and are set aside until the units' digit is to be found. Likewise, the square of any number of hundreds, say 4 SQUARE ROOT 117 hundreds (400), ends in four ciphers (160,000), and all of these may be set aside until the hundreds' digit is found and they are needed for the tens' and units' digits. After pointing off the number into periods, the method is similar to the one used for polynomials. The procedure is based on the formula a 2 -f- 2 ab + b 2 = (a + &) 2 . When dividing by the trial divisor, exclude, for brevity, the right-hand digit in the remainder. The reason for this is seen in the example which follows ; the trial divisor 2 is equal to 20 of the next lower units. Now 12-^-2 gives the same digit in the root as 127 -=- 20. Find the square root of 2272254.76. 2272254. 76 1 1507 A 1 1st trial divisor = 2(1) =2 1st complete divisor = 26 [125 2d trial divisor = 2(15) =30 3d trial divisor = 2(150) = 300 3d complete divisor = 3007 J31049 4th trial divisor = 2(1507) = 3014 4th complete divisor = 30144 127 1st remainder 22254 2d remainder 120576 3d remainder 120576 Ans. 1507.4. When the 2d trial divisor (30) will not go into 22, a cipher is placed in the root ; the next trial divisor becomes 2(150) or 300 and the next period is brought down. Then 2225 is divided by 300. 143. The square root of a fraction may be found by taking the square root of the numerator and of the denominator separately, or by reducing the fraction to an equivalent decimal and taking the square root of the decimal. Unless the denominator of the fraction is a perfect square, the second method of procedure is far better. EXERCISES 144. Find the square root of : 1. 3249. 3. 51529. 5. 248004. 2. 6084. 4. 93636. 6. 118.1569. 118 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA 7. 1010025. 11. .01522756. 8. 10.4976. 12. 1459.24. 9. .00564001. 13. 420.496036. 10. 64.1601. 14. 7753607.3209. Find, to three decimal places, the square root of : 15. 2. 16. 3. 17. 5. 18. f. 19. f. 20. f. CHAPTER XI GRAPHS OF SIMULTANEOUS EQUATIONS 145. The plotting of linear equations of the form ax + by = c was explained in 90. In the equation x + Oy = 2, y may have any value ; but x must equal 2. Consequently such points as (2, 0), (2, 3), (2, 2), (2, 5), (2, - 1), (2, - 2) would lie on the graph. Thus the graph must be a line parallel to the y-axis, two units to the right. EXERCISES 146. Represent equations 1-8 graphically : 1. x = 4. 3. x = 7. 5. x = 0. 7. y = 2. 2. y = 1. 4. y = 3. 6. ?/ = 0. 8. x = 3. 9. Is the point (3, 4) on the graph of the equation 2 x y = 7 ? Can you tell without making a graph of the equation ? 10. Can you tell without making a graph of an equation whether the graph goes through the origin or not ? 11. Which of the equations 1-8 above go through the origin ? 12. What would you note about the graphs of the equations 13. Do x + y = 7 and 2 # + 2^ = 14 stand for two distinct graphs or only one ? Why ? 14. Can you tell by looking at a linear equation whether its graph is parallel to the oj-axis, or to the y-axis, or parallel to neither of them ? How ? 15. Why are the equations in Ex. 12 called "inconsistent"? Will the same finite values of x and y satisfy both of them ? 119 120 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA 16. Will the same values of x and y satisfy both equations in Ex. 13 ? TWO EQUATIONS IN X AND Y 147. The solution of a pair of linear equations may be obtained by drawing their graphs, referred to the same pair of axes. For instance: x + 2y = 4, (1) 3 x - y = 9. (2) In (l),if z = 0, y = -2. x = - 4, y = 0. Y I 1 f y / f ,!/ / / X x / --b s ^ >* s y ^ N s 1 J 2' r / >> ^ ^ f *x ^ s ) f ^ r * V. s "^ s f *v S;> I " V s 1 3 S, ~ ^ ( i, 3 s 4 / *N V. f V. ^ y ^ S, / ' s, v. X X, / ^ s, / ' "** / / y / FIG. 22 GRAPHS OF SIMULTANEOUS EQUATIONS 121 Plot these points and draw the graph. In (2), if a;=0, y = -9. a; = 3, y = Q. Plot these points and draw the graph. The graphs intersect at point P, whose coordinates are 2, 3. Since two straight lines can intersect in only one point, there can be only one pair of values of x and y which will satisfy two linear equations. Test these coordinates by substituting them in both equations. Let a; = 2, y = 3 ; x + 2y = 4 becomes 4 = 4 ; 3x y = 9 becomes 9 = 9. Hence x = 2, y = 3 satisfy both equations. What would you infer if the graphs were parallel ? What would you infer if the graphs were identical ? EXERCISES 148. Plot the following pairs of equations, each pair on the same set of axes ; determine the coordinates of the intersection, and test the result in each pair of equations : 1. x + y = 3, 7. x + y = 7, aj + 4?/ = 9. x = y. 2. x y = 4, 8. x 2y = l, 2x+y = U. x = 2y. 3- x-y = 5, 9. x -y = l, x + y = 9. y = -2. 4. x + 2y + 3 = Q, 10. 3x-2y = Q, 2x-3y-S = Q. 2x + 3y = Q. 5. 3x 4y = 18, 11. a; = 4, l. = 3. 6. 2x-y = 3, 12. 4x-5y=2Q, 4=x-2y = Q. 4x 5y = 4Q. 13. What is the equation of the #-axis ? 14. What is the equation of the v/-axis ? 122 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS OF GRAPHS* 149. Draw a graph for changing prices expressed in dollars- per-yard to prices expressed in francs-per-meter. 1 yard = .915 meter, 1 dollar = 5.18 francs. Hence $ 1 per yard = 5.18 fr. per .915 meter. If .915 meter cost 5.18 fr., then 1 meter costs 5.18 fr. -=- .915 = 5.66+fr. Hence 1 dollar-per-yard = 5.66 fr. per meter, nearly. Let x = francs-per-meter, and y = dollars-per-yard. Then x = 5.66 y. When y = 0, then x = ; these values determine the point O in Fig. 23. When y = 5, then x = 28.3 ; these values determine the point A. j6 jjjjiijjljj;jlj3 H ^5 : * hR II i !l 1 N 1 1 Illllllll O 5 10 15 20 25 Francs - per - meter FIG. 23 The line OA is the required graph. To reduce 4 dollars-per-yard to francs-per-meter, pass from B to C, and from C to D, The answer is 22.6 francs-per-meter, nearly. EXERCISES 150. By inspection, change the following to francs-per-meter : 1. $2 per yard. 3. $ 6 per yard. 5. $4| per yard. 2. $3 per yard. 4. $5^ per yard. 6. $3| per yard. * May be postponed for the present. GRAPHS OF SIMULTANEOUS EQUATIONS 123 Change the following to dollars-per-yard : 7. 5 fr. per meter. 10. 20 fr. per meter. 8. 10 fr. per meter. 11. 25 fr. per meter. 9. 15 fr. per metet. 12. 27 fr. per meter. 13. Given 1 mile = 1.61 Kilometers, and 1 dollar = 5.18 francs, construct a graph for changing dollars-per-mile to francs- per-Kilometer. 14. Draw a graph for changing miles-per-hour to feet-per- minute. Hint. I mile-per-hour = 5280 feet per 60 minutes = 5280 -4- 60 feet- per-minute. 15. Draw a graph for changing rods-per-minute to feet-per- second. 16. A freight train starts from Denver at noon, running at the rate of 20 miles an hour. Four hours later a passenger train starts in the same direction at the rate of 40 miles per hour. Draw a graph showing the distances of the trains from Den- ver during the first ten hours. Let x = the num- ber of hours after 12 M, and y = num- ber of miles traveled. (a) For the freight train, y = 20 x. When x = 0, then y = ; these values determine the point O in Fig. 24. When x = 10, then y = 200 ; these values determine the point A. 200 180 160 b V > 140 Q 120 S 2 100 M 01 80 3 60 40 20 y A 1 / / / / r 4 / / / / / t / / / / / / / / / / / 1 / / / / t / / / / / / B / X 345678 Hours after 12 M. FIG. 24 9 10 124 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA The line OA shows the distances traveled in different times. (6) For the passenger train, y 40 (x 4). When x = 4, then y = ; these values determine the point B. When x 7, then y = 120 ; these values determine the point C. The line BC shows distances traveled by the passenger train. (c) How far from Denver is each train after 4| hr. ? 5 hr. ? 8J hr. ? (d) How far from Denver does the passenger train overtake the freight train ? (c) At what time does it overtake the freight train ? 17. A starts off on a bicycle at 7 miles an hour. Two hours later B rides in the same direction at 10 miles an hour. Draw a graph and tell from it how far apart the two men are after 3 hr., 5 hr., 6^ hr. Where and when does the second man overtake the first ? 18. A train leaves Denver for Colorado Springs at 8 A.M., traveling 30 miles an hour. At 8 : 30 A.M. a second train leaves Colorado Springs for Denver, traveling 40 miles an hour. The two stations are 80 miles apart. Draw a graph and tell from it how far apart the trains are at 9 o'clock, 9 : 30 o'clock, 10 o'clock. Where and when do the trains meet ? Let x number of hours after 8 A.M., and y = num- ber of miles from Denver. (a) The point O marks the time and place where the first train starts. Ex- plain. (6) The point A marks the time and place where the second train starts. Ex- plain. (c) Explain how the line OB is drawn. (d) Explain how the line AC is drawn. V fi A B \ A / 7fi \ # / \ s y 60 * \ r* y % \ V n \ f & ^ \ ^ / < /< ->N / s \ / ^ O \ / ^ \ / IP \ / / \ L 10 / '* s / j <] s > 1 2 C Hours after 8 A.M. FIG. 25 OF SIMULTANEOUS EQUATIONS 125 19. A man cycles from A to B at 8 miles an hour, and re- turns at 10 miles an hour. If he takes 4 hr. to go there and back, find the distance from A to B. Draw a graph showing how far he was from B after 1 hr., 2 hr., 3 hr. When was he at B ? 20. A boy begins work with a weekly wage of $9 and receives an increase of 25^ every week. Another boy starts with a weekly wage of only $6, but receives an increase of 50^ every week. Draw a graph which shows the wage of each at the beginning of every week, for 20 weeks. When will their wages be the same ? Let and x weeks = the time, y dollars = the wage. (a) After x weeks the wage of the first boy is y = 9 +-. When z=0, y=9; these fix the point A. When x = 20, y 14 ; these fix the point B. The line AB shows the wage of the first boy for every week. (6) After x weeks the wage of the sec- ond boy is y = 6 + - Dollars per Week O > W y ,* ^ ^ s* ^ ^ ^* . ^ ^ ^ l ^ ^* . ^ - ^" ^-* *** " . - s* ** ^ s s s* S - X 10 20 Weeks FIG. 26 When x=0, y=Q ; these fix point C. When x = 20, y = 16 ; these fix D. The line CD shows the wage of the second boy for every week. (c) During which week are the wages the same ? (d) State the difference in wage after 7, 10, 13, and 19 weeks. 21. Fred has $7 in the bank and adds to this 75^ a day. David has $5 in the bank and adds to this $1.25 a day. Draw a graph showing the amounts for the first 7 days. CHAPTER XII SIMULTANEOUS LINEAR EQUATIONS 151. In a linear equation in one unknown, that unknown can have just one value. Thus 2 x = 8, x = 4. In a linear equation in two unknowns, one unknown may vary at pleasure ; the other unknown varies also, but it is de- pendent upon the values of the first. In 2 x y = 4, if x = 0, y = 4 ; if a; = 2, y = ; if x = 3, y = 2, etc. But if besides 2 x y = 4, we have a second relation between the variables, wholly independent of the first relation, as 2 x + y = 12, then we have what is called a system of linear equations in which x and y are subjected to two conditions which restrict x and y to a single value each. The solution of equations by graphs is not always easily ac- complished and may not be accurate. To solve the system without graphs we must reduce the two equations in two unknowns to one equation in one unknown. This process is called elimination. The elimination may be accomplished in either of two ways : I. addition, or subtraction, or II. substitution. SOLUTION BY ADDITION OR SUBTRACTION 152. I. Solve x + y = 7. (1) 2 x - 3 y = 4. (2) Multiply (1) by 2, to make the coefficients of x alike in both equations. 2x + 2y = l4. (8) 2x-3y = 4 (2) Subtract, 5 y = 10 y = 2. Substitute 2 for y in (1), x + 2 = 7. x = 5. Ans. 5, 2. 126 SIMULTANEOUS LINEAR EQUATIONS 127 Check: Substituting 5 for x and 2 for y in (1), and also in (2), we obtain : 5 + 2 = 7, 7 = 7. 10 _ 6 = 4 T 4 = 4. II. Solve 2 x - 3 y = 4. (1) 7 + 4 y = _ 15. (2) Multiply (1) by 4, 8 x - 12 y = 16 (3) Multiply (2) by 3, 21 x + 12 y = - 46 (4) Add, 29 x = - 29 x =- 1. Substitute 1 fora; in (1), 2 - 3 y = 4. - 3 y = 6. y=2. Ans. - 1, 2. Check : Substituting in (1), -2 + 6 = 4; 4=4. Substituting in (2), - 7 - 8 = - 15 ; 15 = - 15. Notice that the coefficients of x or of y in the two equations may be made alike in absolute value by multiplying both sides of one equation or of each equation by some appropriate number. Then either add or sub- tract to eliminate one letter. By substitution, find the value of the other letter. EXERCISES 153. Solve and check : 1. 2x-3y = -l, 7. 3t-10s = 32, 5x + 2y = 45. 6 * - 20 s = 64. 2. 7x + 2y = l, 8. 2m = 3n, 4 x y = 7. 9 m 17 n = 7. 3. x = 2 y, 9. 3 a + 6 b = 7, 3 x + 7 y = 130. 6 a + 12& = 15. 4. 6x-3y = 3, 10. 5. 3x 2y = l, 11. 3x-5y = 23, 4 x + 3 y = 2|. 7 x + y = - 35. 6. 5a + 76 = 14, 12. 128 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA SOLUTION BY SUBSTITUTION 154. Solve 2x-3y = 27. (1) 5x + 2y = l. (2) From (1), 2z = 27+3j/. x = 27+3 y. (3) 2 Substitute in (2), 136 + 15y + 2 y = 1. (4) i| Multiply both sides by 2, /=:2. (6) Whence I9y = -153. y = -l. 07 _ 21 Substitute in (3), x - = 3. ^4ras. 3, 7. 8 . Cftedfc : In (1), 6 + 21 = 27 ; 27 = 27. In (2), 15 - 14 = 1 ; 1 = 1. Notice that the value of x was found in terms of y in one equation and substituted in the other ; the resulting equation was solved, and the value of the other letter found by substitution. Either letter may be eliminated, its value in terms of the other letter being found in either equation and substituted in the other equation. EXERCISES 155. Solve, by substitution, and check. Which two equa- tions are inconsistent ( 146, Ex. 15) ? Which are not inde- pendent ? 1. 4 x + 5 y = 10, 5. x + 21 y = 2, 2. 3x + 2y = 60, 6. 3. 4 cc 6y = 96, 7. 8m + 5n= 1, 4. 3x+5y = 5Q, 8. k = 5l + 3, x-7y = S. I = 2k - 24. SIMULTANEOUS LINEAR EQUATIONS 129 9. 4r + 3s = 5, 11. x + 1 10. a -26 = 2, 26-6a = 3. 6z-8y = 7. EQUATIONS CONTAINING FRACTIONS 156. Solve + ^ = 4. (1) Multiply (1 ) by 3, m + = 12. (3) 4 Multiply (2) by 6, m - 3 ?t = - 18. (4) Subtract (4) from 3, 3 n + = 30. (5) 4 Multiply (5) by 4, 12 n+ 3 n = 120. 15 n = 120. n = 8. Substitute 8 for n in (4), m 24 = 18. m = 6. ^ins. m = 6, n = 8. Check this answer by substitution in (1) and (2). EXERCISES 157. Solve, and check: i + ^ = ^ 4 *_y = _l 323' 34 12' a 6_7 a; 3y_l 2 3~6' 2 16 ~2* m n o 130 7. 8. 9. r + 3 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA i n :0, b 10 2 s + 9 r-2 ft 3 3 2 a - 7 13 - 10 u + 2 3 v-3 3 6 5 + 3a 5y- 2 o 9 y + 7 2 u 4 -. 7 4 60; + 8 y =108. a + b 5 = 20f 11 10 2 -3 x-y - 2 ' 2 1 ' b-a 9' 3a 3& + 11. x + y 2 5 13. a; = 2 y, x + y a; y_3a: 2y 3y a; 31 5 5 3 2 10* . " ^ = i' - * 10 3 =2/ ~3' LITERAL SIMULTANEOUS EQUATIONS 158. Solve ax + y=b, (1) ex dy = e. (2) Multiply (1) by d, adx + dy = 6d, (3) ex dy = e. (2) Add (2) and (3), (d + c)x = bd + e. (4) Divide both sides of (4) by (ad + c), ad + c By substituting this value of x in (1) or in (2) we can find y. But it is easier, in this case, to find y by the same method which gave x. Accordingly, Multiply (1) by c, acx + c,y = be. (6) Multiply (2) by a, acx ady = ae. (6) SIMULTANEOUS LINEAR EQUATIONS 131 Subtract (6) from (5), (c + ad)y = be, ae. _ be ae ~ c + ad EXERCISES 10. m + cm = 0, bm + w = 1. 159. Solve: 1. x + y = a, x y = b. 2. ax + by = c, x y =d. 3. ex dy = m, dx + cy = n. 4. x = ay, bx + dy = bed. 5. mx -+- ny = 1, cx dy = 1. 6. 3x 2y = 2 x 3 y = m n. 7. x y = l, (a + b)x (a 6)y = 0. 8. (a b)x y = 0, + (a - 6)y = 0. 9. r + ds = 3, drs = 3d. 15. Solve for R : (7=2 TT.R. 16. Solve for a and b : A --. M 17. Solve for a and ^ : A = \(a 18. Solve for r and t : d = rt. 19. Solve for M: F = Ma. 3 bx 4- 2 ay = d. 5-2 a 6 13. + a o ? + - & a , . r 14. - 132 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA 20. Solve for &, I, and n : S = ^ (tt + f). 21. Solve for r and t : A = P + Prt. 22. Solve for d and n : I = a + (n 23. Solvefor^: C = %(F-32). 24. Solve for s and a : = -5L . 160. Solve + = 20, . (1) a; y --- = 17. (2) a 2/ If we multiply both sides of each equation by xy, the resulting equations are much more difficult to solve. Hence do not multiply by xy, but eliminate the fraction containing either x or y. Multiply (1) by 3, and (2) by 2, Check : M = 60 (3) 14 + 6 = 20. (1) x y 20 = 20. 0-4=34 (4) 21 - 4 = 17. (2) 13 17 = 17. Subtract, = 26 In (1) substitute \ for y, - + 6 = 20, x 2 = 14x, x = }. Ans. \, \. EXERCISES 161. Solve and check : 1 5 + 6 - 27 2 5 _ 4 - 1 1. -- 1 -- 41, 6. - - -, x y x y 2 ^_ 3 =-39. ^ + ^ = 5. SIMULTANEOUS LINEAR EQUATIONS 133 o 2 3_ , 2 m_ I.-) = O, /. = tt, x y x y 8 _ 5 _ 31 3 _ 6 x y a; i/ 4 . 1_ 1^ 8 . i_=_i, 2 a; 3 y ax by _5_ + JL = 44 3 a; 2?/ bx ay 1,1 6 5 5. - 4- - = & 5 9- = x y ax by 11 9 ^ i ^ O x y ax by x y nx my c 1 , 7i , 9?i . . . = a. -| = m 2 4- n 2 . THREE SIMULTANEOUS LINEAR EQUATIONS 162. If the system consists of three independent equations containing three unknowns, one of the unknowns must be eliminated between two pairs of the equations. The resulting equations may then be solved and the third unknown found by substitution. Solve x + y z = 0, (1) = 9, (2) = 10. (3) Eliminate y between (1) and (2), x + y- 2 = (1) 2x-y + 3z_9 (2) Add, 3 x + 2 z - 9 (4) Eliminate y between (2) and (3), by multiplying (2) by 2, 4z-2y+6z = 18 (5) 3 a; + 2 y + g = 10 (3) Add, lx+ 7e = 28 (6) 134 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA Divide by 7, x -f z = 4. (7) Eliminate z between (4) and (7), by multiplying (7) by 2, 2sc + 2z= 8 (8) 3x + 2z= 9 (4) Subtract, x In (7) substitute 1 for a;, l+z = 4;z = 3. In (1) substitute 1 fora:, and 3 forz, l+y 3 = 0; y = 2. Ans. 1, 2, 3. Be sure that after eliminating one unknown between two pairs of the equations, you have two equations containing the same two unknowns. Should there be more than three unknowns, reduce the system to a system containing one less equation and one less unknown. Continue this process until you have one equation with one unknown. EXERCISES 163. Solve and check : 1. 2z-3y + 4z = 20, 7. 2r-3s = 5, 3x + y-z = S, 3r + t = W, 5x- + 3z = 28. s-2t = 5. 2. x + y + z = 2, 8 . x y + z = 16, a 2c = 9, x + y-z=-2. 7c-46 = 44. 3. 2x-5y-4:z= -4, 1,1,1 z +2 , + z = 0, 9. - + - + - = 6, 4a-3y-22=-4. 1_1 + 1 = 2 4. 4a-36 + 3c = 20, a~~ b c~ -7a + 26 + 6c = 5, 1 + 1 _ 1 _ Q 8a & + 2c = 45. a 6 c 5. 2a-3& + 4c = 2, 1 1_ 3a-3&-15 = 0, 10 ' x + y~ ' 7a-4c-31 = 0. 1 6. 10 n +3p = -2. SIMULTANEOUS LINEAR EQUATIONS 135 , -l9 - ., 11. , n - L "j , -, o a o c a o C+ a= .d, 5 6 7 _ _ 2 g a a 6 c~ a + 6-4c+3d=-.8. 1 1,8 ---- - - = 43. PROBLEMS 164. 1. The sum of two numbers is 78; their difference is 4. Find the numbers. 2. The sum of two numbers is 76; their difference is 26. Find the numbers. 3. If the difference of two numbers is 12 and their sum is 45, what are the numbers ? 4. There are two numbers whose sum is 25. If the larger be subtracted from the smaller, the remainder is 6. Find the numbers. 5. Twice a certain number plus another number is 35. The difference between the two numbers is 1. What are the numbers ? 6. The sum of two numbers is 72. If the second be sub- tracted from twice the first, the remainder is 3. Find the numbers. 7. The difference between two numbers is 10 ; their sum is 98. What are the numbers ? 8. The sum of two numbers is 26 ; their difference is 2. Find them. 9. A father earns $45 more a month than his son. Together they earn $125 a month. What is the monthly salary of each ? 10. A real estate dealer purchases two houses for $11,250; one house is worth $250 more than the other. Find the value of each. 136 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA 11. A mother is 21 years older than her daughter ; their combined ages are 71 years. Ascertain the age of each. 12. Five pounds of sugar and three dozen of eggs cost $ 1.20 ; seven pounds of sugar and five dozen of eggs cost $1.92. What will one dozen of eggs and one pound of sugar cost ? 13. I bought 10 yards of silk and 5 yards of cambric for $14. If I had bought 2 yards less of silk and 3 yards more of cambric, my bill would have been $ 1.60 less. What is the price of each per yard ? 14. Find two numbers such that the greater exceeds the less by 11, and one fourth the less plus one third the greater is 13. 15. Find the fraction in which if 1 be added to the numerator its value is 1, but if 6 be added to the denominator the value is . 16. The sum of three numbers is 29 ; twice the first plus 3 equals the second ; twice the third minus 1 equals the second. Find the numbers. 17. A man hired 3 boys for a day for $4.25. The second boy received half again as much as the first, and the third received 25^ more than the second. How much did each receive ? 18. Find two numbers such that three times the greater exceeds twice the less by 61, and twice the greater exceeds 3 times the less by 4. 19. A and B have equal sums of money. A spent half of his and B earns $ 10 ; then B has 3 times as much as A. How much had each at first ? 20. If A gives B $5, A will have ^ as much as B; but if B gives A $25, B will have the same amount as A. How much has each ? SIMULTANEOUS LINEAR EQUATIONS 137 21. A can do a piece of work in 3 days, B can do the same work in 4 days. In what time will both together do the work? 22. A and B together do some work in 4 days, A and C together in 5 days, B and C in 10 days. How long would it take each alone ? 23. A company of boys bought a boat. If there had been 5 boys more, each would have paid $ 1 less ; but if there had been 3 boys fewer, each would have paid $1 more. How many boys were there ? What did each pay ? What did the boat cost ? 24. A two-digit number has the sum of its digits equal to 9. If 9 be added to the number, the digits will be interchanged. Find the number. Let t the digit in tens' place, u = the digit in units' place. Then 10 1 + u = the number. 25. The tens' digit is twice the units' digit. If 36 be subtracted from the number, the digits will be reversed. What is the number ? 26. The sum of the digits of a three-digit number is 11. The units' digit is twice the tens'. If the digits are reversed, the number will be 396 more than it is. Find the number. 27. Three cities are located at the vertices of a triangle. The distance from A to B by way of C is 150 miles ; from C to A by way of B is 140 miles ; from B to C by way of A is 110 miles. How far apart are the cities ? 28. If a rectangle were 1 inch longer and 2 inches narrower, it would contain 20 square inches less; if it were 3 inches wider, it would become a square. Find its dimensions. 29. A train maintains a uniform speed for a certain dis- tance. If the speed had been 10 miles an hour less, the time would have been 1\- hours more ; if the speed had been 10 miles an hour more, the time would have been If hours less. Find time, rate, distance. 138 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA 30. A man invests a certain sum of money at 4 means |, / means , dZ> is the symbol to indicate that 7 is the denominator of a unit fraction, p means 10. No further progress was made in algebra until the time of the Greek Diophantus (about 300 B.C.), who was very skillful in solving problems. He had a symbol of his own for the unknown x and for x 2 . He had also a symbol to express subtraction and equality. Juxtaposition, which with us represents multiplication, meant addition with him. A most momentous impulse to the development of algebra was given by the Hindus, after the fifth century A.D. They displayed wonderful skill in developing arithmetic and algebra. The Hindu and Greek knowledge of algebra was later transmitted to the Arabs who, in turn, became the teachers of European nations at the close of the dark ages. The early European writers on algebra used hardly any symbols ; everything except arithmetical numbers was fully written out in words. In the sixteenth century the modern symbols began to be invented. These symbols con- stitute a sort of shorthand method of indicating algebraic relations and processes, whereby the power and usefulness of algebra in the solution of problems is very greatly increased. How important they are can be realized when the attempt is made to solve difficult problems without their aid. The sixteenth-century symbols are more clumsy and less convenient than the modern. The great French algebraist, Vieta, wrote in 1595 the polynomial 2-16 x 2 + 20x* - 8 x 6 + x 8 , thus : 2 - 16 Q + 20 QQ - 8 CO + QCC. Here Q (quadratus) stands for x 2 , C (cubus) stands for x 3 . The Portu- guese mathematician, Pedro Nunez, in 1567, wrote VV756 + 27 - V V756 - 27 thus : R. V. cu. R. 756 p"27 m R. V. cu. R. 756 m 27. Here R. V. cu. means radix vniversalis cubica or general cube root, p means plus, m means minus. The notations of Vieta and Descartes will be illustrated by other examples which we place under their portraits opposite pages 110 and 140. The notation of Descartes was nearly the same as the modern notation. The sign of equality ( = ) was first used for this purpose by an English writer on arithmetic and algebra, Robert Recorde. The following photo- graph of part of a page in his algebra, entitled the Whetstone of Witte, 140 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA published in London in 1657. shows the place in that book where the sign = is first introduced. ,foj eaffc alteratfo of ff *tf w.3l Ml p;o pounoe a fc IDC era ple0, bkaufe the cr traction of tljetr rootcsjtnaie tije mo;c sptlp bet tojougijte. 3nD uoiae tl)e tcoioufe repetition of tbcfc UJOO:QCS : quallc to : 3 tuill fette as 31 Hoc often in luoo;fec pa( re of pacallelcs,o; Ccmotue lines of one lengtbe, tljns^^^jbtcaurc noe.2. tinges, can be moare equalle. flno no ID marlic thcfe iiombcrs. 2i3.?; 9.5- ,n t6c firflc tftcrc appearetfj. 2 , nombcrf , tfjat is From Recorde's Whetstone of WUU, 1557. FIG. 27 RENE DESCARTES Modern Notation Descartes' Notation x 8 * +px + q ooO; Descartes used oo as the sign of equality. The * after x 3 signified that the next lower power of x was missing from the expression. CHAPTER XIII QUADRATIC EQUATIONS 166. The equation x 2 + ax + b = is called a complete quadratic equation. It is a quadratic equa- tion because the highest power of the unknown x is the second ; it is complete because it contains also a term involv- ing the unknown x to the first power and a term b (often called the absolute term} which is free from x. Quadratic equations of the forms x* = b, x 1 + ax = 0, are called incomplete quadratic equations, because either the term involving the unknown x to the first power or the abso- lute term b is absent. INCOMPLETE QUADRATIC EQUATIONS 167. Equations of the form x 2 + ax = can be solved by the method of " completing the square," to be explained later. Much easier is the solution by the method of factoring, treated in a previous chapter. Factoring, we obtain x(x + a) = 0. Making the first factor equal to zero, x = 0. Making the second factor equal to zero, x + a = 0. x = a. Very simple is the solution of x- = b. For greater conven- ience, write it x 2 = c 2 . Extracting the square root of both sides, x = c. Since the square root of both sides has been extracted, it might be claimed that the sign should be written on both sides, giving x = c. 141 142 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA But this result is the same as when we write x = c. For the equation x = c means here (1) +x = + c. (3) +x=-c. (2) - x = - c. (4) - x = + c. Of these four sets, the first two are the same, and the last two are the same. Hence, x = c gives all the values of x. EXERCISES 168. 1. Solve - 3 = - + 5. 2 2 Transposing and combining, 4*2 = 8. Hence x 2 = 2, and x = \/2. Check : ^ - 3 = ? + 5, or 6 = 6. Solve the following : 2. 4z 2 - = 3 11. ^ + 3^=13. 12. 2 x z + 5.78 x = 0. 10 7 ~.2 1 ^ ;r 5. 4 ?/ 2 = 3 ?/ 2 + ^. 6. 7 a 2 -63 = 7. 14. 3z-A = o. 2y 2 -8 = 2 T" 16. Ax '- = 0. a; Q <-'*"' I -M-i-r ^^ o 13 17. .01 x 2 - .08 a? = 0. COMPLETE QUADRATIC EQUATIONS 169. In 131 we solved complete quadratic equations by the method of factoring. That method is the best when the QUADRATIC EQUATIONS 143 factors can be found by inspection. But there are equations, like x 2 -\-3x + 1 = 0, which cannot be solved by any method of factoring thus far studied. Let us consider another method of solving complete quadratic equations. Of what expression is the trinomial a 2 -|- 2 ab + b 2 a perfect square ? Of what is x 2 + 2 bx + ft 2 a perfect square ? What must be added to x 2 + 2 bx, to make the resulting trinomial a perfect square ? How can b 2 be found from x 2 + 2 bx ? The process of finding this third term, 6 2 , when the two terms 3? 4- 2 bx are given is called completing the square. KULE. To complete the square of x 2 -f- 2 bx, add to this the square of half the coefficient of x. ORAL EXERCISES 170. Complete the square of the following : 1. x 2 -f 2 x. 3. x 2 4 x. 5. z 2 + 3 z. 7. y 2 + 16 y. 2. x 2 + 6 a. ( 4. # 2 8 y. 6. x 2 + 5 a. 8. z 2 + 11 2. SOLUTION OF QUADRATIC EQUATIONS BY" COMPLETING THE SQUARE 171. 1. Solve the equation x 1 -f 6 x 7 = 0. (1) Transpose the term 7 which does not involve x or a; 2 . x 2 + 6 x 7 = 0. (2) Complete the square in the left member, by adding 3 2 to both sides. x 2 + 6 x + 9 = 16. (3) Take the square root of both sides. x + 3 = 4. (4) Transpose the 3 to the right side. x = 4 3. Simplify. x = + 1 or 7. Checking in the original equation, x 2 + 6 x 7 = 0. The value x = 1 gives : The value x = 7 gives : 1 + 6(1)-7=0. (_7)S + 6(_7)-7=0. 1 + 6 - 7 = 0. 49 - 42 - 7 = 0. Hence 1 is a root. 7 is a root. The reason for substituting the values of x in the original equation, rather than in some equation derived from it, is evident. An error may have been committed in getting the derived equation, but this derived 144 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA equation may be correctly solved. Substituting the values of x in the derived equation would not reveal the error. 2. Solve 9z 2 -5=-4z. (1) Transpose 4 x to the left side and 5 to the right, 9 x 2 + 4 x = 6. (2) Divide both sides by 9, the coefficient of x 2 , x 2 + i x = f . (3) Complete the square by adding (f) 2 to both sides, (4) Find the square root of both sides, x + f = . (5) Transposing and combining, x = $ $. Checking in the original equation, 9x 2 5 = 4 x. The value x = 1 gives : The value x = f gives : 9(- I) 2 - 5 = - 4(- 1). 9(*) - 5 = - 4(f ). 9-6 = 4. ^_6 = _^. 4 = 4. _^,e_y. Hence 1 is a root. Hence | is a root. 172. To solve complete quadratic equations : (1) Transpose the terms in y? and in x to the left side, and the terms free of x to the right. (2) Divide both sides by the coefficient of x 2 . (3) Complete the square by adding to each side the square of half the coefficient of x. (4) When possible, simplify the right side by combining its terms. (5) Extract the square root of both sides, and use both signs on the right. (6) Find the two values of x. EXERCISES 173. Solve the following quadratic equations by completing the square, and check : 1. x 2 + 6z-16 = 0. 4. 25 x 2 + 20 x = 21. 2. cc 2 + 10z = 24. 5. 3. 4x 2 + 12a; = 27. 6. QUADRATIC EQUATIONS 145 7. Solve 9 x 2 + 36 x - 2 = 0. (1) Transpose -2, 9 x 2 + 36 x = 2. (2) Divide both sides by 9, x 2 + 4 x = - . 7 (3) Complete the square by adding 4 to both sides, x 2 (4) Find the square root of both sides, 8 (6) Solve for X, a:=-2 o The value of the radical V38 cannot be computed accurately. Taking \/38 = 6.16 +, we obtain the following approximate values for x : x = +6 ' 16 -2 = 2.05 - 2 = .06. x = - 2.05 - 2 = - 4.05. Except when the approximate values are needed in some computation, it is customary to retain the radical in the expression for x ; thus, Solve the following : 8. 4 y 2 + 20 y = 15. 20. 4 x 2 - 20 x + 5 = 0. 9. 9y 2 -12?/ = 10. 21. 10 - 7 a? = 25 x\ 10. 49 z 2 - 28 x = 16. 22. 16 a; 2 -5 a; = 4. 11. 10z-l = z 2 . 23. 3x + 5 = 9a; 2 . 12. 81 x 2 = 13 - 54 x. 24. 3 x = 10 - 16 x*. 13. 21 - 200 x = 100 z 2 . 25. 36 a 2 + 24 a = 5. 14. 100 f = 25 + 50 y. 26. 2/ 2 + 7y = 13. 15. 121 z 2 - 22 2 = 8. 27. 13 = a 2 + 14 a. 16. a* + fa; = l. 28. 21 - 5 a; - 2^ = 0. 17. 4 a; 2 - 6 a? = 0. 29. 3 a 2 + 8 x = 2. 18. 17?/ 2 + 34y=0. 30. 5# 2 + 9?/-l = 0. 19. 2 2 5z = 1. 31. 4 a? 1 = a?. L 146 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA 32. 2x + 5 = 3x\ 38. z 2 + 2a? + f = 0. 33. a; 2 - a; + f- = 0. 39. 4 a? 2 + 4 z - 15 = 0. 34. 16 = 11 x 4- 3 z 2 . 40. 9 a; 2 - 12 a? -5 = 0. 35. 15 a; = 18 -2 a,- 2 . 41. a; 2 -3a; = 5. 36. 4a? = 6a? + l. 42. 3 z 2 - 5 = 5z - a? + 2. 37. 4a 2 5 = 9a. 43. 6 a; 2 7aj 5 = 3z + 5. 44. Solve a? - 2 a; - 31 = 0. We have x 2 2 x + 1 = 32. a; - 1 = \/32. The radical V32 can be simplified as follows ( 111): As 32 = 2.16, and 16 is a perfect square, we have V32 = x/16.2 = 4 V2. Proceeding in the same way, show that V36 = 5V2, V82 = 2*V2, V32o 8 = 4aV2a. 45. Simplify the following radicals : V18, V8, Solve the following: 46. cc 2 - 4 & - 4 = 0. 49. 9 x 2 - 12 x 46 = 0. 47. z 2 - 6z 9 = 10. 50. 16 a; 2 -40 =175. 48. 4 cc 2 - 12 x = 23. 51. 0^-60; -11 = 0. 52 . Solve 05 1 When x appears in the equation in the denominators of fractions, multiply both sides of the equation by a number which will remove the denominators. In this case multiply by (a; !)(;+ 1). We obtain (a; -l)(g + l)_2g(g -!)(+!)_ a; 1 x+l Dividing both terms of each fraction by the factor common to those terms, we get QUADRATIC EQUATIONS 147 Or x + 1 = 2x(x-l). 2x 2 -3x = 1. 4 4 x = 3 44 Solve the following : 53. -- f = . a; 1 2 54. 2z-l 55. ?LJ: = X , rf 1 O v ^"^ X J 56. -? =,!. x 1 x 57 =- +- 3^ y' x 4 X t><) 1 1 3 * + l 1 # 4 10' 60 2 iB fil X + l 2 y + 5 y + 2' % fi2 *-^ 2-5 ~2-4' PROBLEMS 174. 1. The sum of two numbers is 10, their product is 24. Find the numbers. Let x = one of the numbers, then 10 x = the other number. x(10 x) = their product, which must be equal to 24. Hence x(10 x) = 24. x 2 - 10z = - 24. x 2 - 10x + 25= 1. x = 1 + 5. x = 6 or 4. 10 - x = 4 or 6. Hence the two numbers are 6 and 4. 2. The product of two numbers is 143; their sum is 24. Find the numbers. 148 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA 3. The area of a rectangle is 112 sq. in. ; the sum of its length and breadth is 23 in. Find its length and breadth. 4. Find the length and breadth of a rectangle whose area is 4 sq. in. and whose perimeter is 8 T ^ in. 5. The perimeter of a window frame is 18 ft. ; the area of the window is 19^ sq. ft. Find the dimensions of the window. 6. If a rectangular table is 7 ft. longer than wide, and it contains 36f sq. ft., what are its dimensions ? Are both roots of the quadratic equation to which the problem leads applicable to the problem ? 7. A tinner wants to make a square box 2 inches deep, with a capacity of 72 cubic inches. From each corner of a square sheet of tin a 2-inch square is cut ; the four rectangular strips thus made are turned up. What must be the dimensions of the sheet of tin ? 8. The longer side of a rectangular box exceeds the shorter side 2 in. The box is 3 in. deep and has a capacity of 105 cu. in. "Pin 28 If made out of a single piece of cardboard, what were the dimensions of the cardboard, supposing that there is no other waste than the 3-inch squares cut from each corner ? 9. A flower bed is 12' x 15'. How wide a walk must sur- round the bed, to increase the total area by 160 sq. ft. ? 10. The area of a rectangle exceeds that of a square by 24 sq. in. If the side of the square is equal to half a shorter side of the rectangle, and the longer side of the rectangle ex- ceeds the shorter side by 3 in., find the dimensions of the rectangle. 11. In a right triangle the hypotenuse is 10 ft. longer than the longer leg, and the shorter leg is 10 ft. shorter than the longer leg. Find all three sides. QUADRATIC EQUATIONS 149 12. Two legs of a right triangle are equal. The hypotenuse exceeds the length of a leg by 3 in. Find the three sides. 13. The product of two consecutive integers is 3540. Find them. 14. The longer leg of a right triangle exceeds the shorter by 5 in. The area of the triangle is 88 sq. in. Find the length of each leg. 15. Find a number such that, if 20 is subtracted from it, and the remainder is multiplied by the number itself, the product is 189. 16. A school board has $ 22 to spend on geographies. If the bookseller reduces the price of each book 5 ^, 4 more books can be purchased than at the original price. How many books can be bought at the reduced rate ? 17. Had a man's daily wage been $ 1 less, he would have been obliged to work 7 days longer to earn $ 140. How many days did the man work ? Do both roots apply to the problem ? Why ? 18. A picture 8" x 12" is placed in a frame of uniform width. If the area of the frame is equal to that of the pic- ture, how wide is the frame ? Draw a figure. 19. In a trapezoid, AB exceeds CD by 4 in., and CD exceeds the altitude CE by 1 in. The area of the trapezoid, com- puted by taking the product of the altitude and one half the sum of the parallel sides, is 28 sq. in. Find the lengths of the parallel sides and of the altitude. A B FIG. 29 20. The difference between the parallel sides of a trapezoid is 20 ft. ; the altitude is equal to the shorter of the parallel sides ; the area is 119 sq. ft. Find the lengths of the parallel sides. 21. Find two consecutive integers whose product is 30,800. 150 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA 22. Find two consecutive even numbers whose product is 1088. Hint. Let x be an integer ; then 2 x must be an even integer. How much must be added to 2 x to get the next higher even integer ? 23. Find two consecutive odd numbers whose product is 783. Hint. If 2 x is an even integer, what must be added to 2 x to get the next higher odd integer ? 24. The edges of a rectangular box (with cover) are in the ratio 2:3:6. If the entire surface is 648 sq. ft., find the lengths of the edges. Hint. Let the number of feet in the edges be 2 x, 3 x, 6 x, respectively. SOLUTION OF THE GENERAL QUADRATIC EQUATION 175. The equation ax+bx + c = is called the general quadratic equation, in which the coefficients a, b, c may be any numbers. Let us solve it by completing the square. (1) Divide both sides by a C i& J_^ C and transpose - to the right or -\--x- n side. (2) Complete the square by & / 6 V & 2 c adding fY to both sides. a \W 4 2 a (3) Perform the indicated r2 i & / & y_6 2 -4ac ' * 1 o~~ ) i 2 subtraction on the right side. \* a J (4) Find the square root of b . V& 2 4 ac x -\ = x ' both sides. 2 a 2 a (5) Transpose to the b , V& 2 - 4 ac v / o n x = x " right side. 2 a 2 a (6) Another way of writing _ b V& 2 4 ac < ^ j the answer. 2 a QUADRATIC EQUATIONS 151 SOLUTION OF QUADRATIC EQUATIONS BY FORMULA EXERCISES 176. 1. Solve 3z 2 + 5z+2=0. Here a = 3, b = 5, c = 2. Substitute these numbers in the formula I above. We obtain = 2 6 63 Check : (1) 3(- f) 2 + 5(- f ) + 2 = 0. | - -^ + 2 = 0. = 0. (2) 3(-l) 2 + 5(-l)+2=0. 3 _ 5 + 2 = 0. = 0. Solve: 2. 5z 2 -7a + 2 = 0. 8. iz 3. 4. 3 x 2 - a? -10 = 0. 10. .3a^ + .2x .5 = 0. 5. 5x 2 - 6 x 3 = 0. 6. x*- n - 7. fic2-a;-2=0. 12. x 2 lOlx + 7 = 0. MISCELLANEOUS QUADRATIC EQUATIONS EXERCISES 177. Solve by the method of factoring, whenever the trino- mial can be factored at sight. Otherwise solve by the formula or by completing the square. 1. z 2 - 7 a; -18 = 7. x* + 24 = 10 x. 2. x 2 - 6 x - 8 = 0. x 7 8. 3. x* + 32 = -lSx. a + 60 3 a; -5 4. 2a^ + 5x + 2 = 0. 9. x* + 3x = 18. 5. .2 x 2 + x .5 = 0. 10. x* + 7 x = 0. 6. 1.5 ^ + 50: + 1.2 = 0. 11. 40 = z 2 + 3z. 152 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA 12. X* - 5 x + 6 = 0. 14. .1 x 2 - .1 x = 10. 13 3+12. x ^26 15. (*- 3) = (aj -!)(* + 1) x x + 12 5 16. a; 2 -8 a; + 15 = 0. 17. 4 x 2 1 x - 2 = 0. 18. (aj-2)(*-3) = (a; 5)(aj + l). 19. (x f)(* + 2) = 0. 20. x(x + iQ) = (a: l)(a? 2). 21. 6z 2 - 19 a: + 10 = 0. 22. a; (a? a? 1) = (a? 1) (a? + 1). 7 n& -J Cfi 97 1 , 2 r 358. rr 3 D i 1 I" t)A 1 in Q OQ a; 1 1 X a; - 1 * 3 OK 1 i 1 _ i 29 X 1 1 Q X + 1 ' X 1 x -y)' = 3(x + 2 y) - 2 y) ltt^(v-~-2rfj 4 x 162 FRACTIONS 163 Reduce to the lowest terms : * _i56 19 6(g - 6)(6 - c) (36-3a)(46-4c) 6. 20 a2 - 2a ~ 3 . wy a-3 7. mx . 21 a 2 +a6-66 2 *y 5(o-26) ' 8 a(x + y) 22 2a 2 6(a 3 -63) a(* + y) ' 6 ab(a 2 + ab + 6 2 ) ' 9 . *l=x, J = y, then a = bx, c = dy, and ad = bdx, be = bdy. Dividing equals by equals, ad _ bdx _ x be bdy y -D * x a c But - = --*- _. y b d TT a c ad Hence - -5- - = 6 d be This proves the rule for the division of one fraction by another. Notice that the rules for the multiplication and division of fractions are still applicable when in place of one of the frac- tions we have an integral expression ; we need only write the integral expression with the denominator 1. Thus, .c=U.5 = ?. b bib --5-C = --*--__- 1_ -f,x 2 + 2xy + y 2 , (x - y) 3 . 11. a 2 - b 2 , a 3 - b 3 , a 2 - 2 ab + b 2 . 12. m + n, m 2 + n 2 , m 2 + 2 mn -\- n 2 . 13. 3m 3n, m 3 n 3 , m 2 + mn + n 2 . 14. x 2 + 6 a? + 9, x 2 + 5 x + 6. 170 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA 16. a 2 -6a + 8, a 2 -a -12. 16. 1 - a 2 , 1 - of, 1 + x. 17. xyz, x*y xy z , tfy xy 3 . 18. x* 9, x + 3, a? + 10* + 21. 19. a 2 1, a 3 +'a 2 + a + 1, a 3 - a 2 + a - 1. 20. x 2 - 4 xy + 4 t/ 2 , a? + 2 ay - 8 y 2 , x 2 - xy 2 y 2 . 192. Find the h. c. f . and 1. c. m. of : 1. 24, 36. 6. 25, 75 cd 4 , 100 acU 2. 96, 144. 7. 3 a, a 2 - 06. 3. 49, 98, 147. 8. 4 ax, 4 ate - 4 aa?. 4. 252,216,180. 9. ^-9, a 2 +5z + 6. 5. 8 xy 3 , 4 afyz, 10 afy 2 z 2 . 10. ace + ab, bx + 6 2 . 11. x 2 - y\ a? + 2 a*/ + y 2 , + y 3 . 12. 27 - a 3 , (3 - a) 2 , 4 (3 - a). 13. a 2 - 2 ab, a 2 - 6 aft + 8 6 2 , a 2 + ab - 6 6 2 . 14. c 2 cd* 2 a" 2 , cm + dm en d"w. ADDITION AND SUBTRACTION OF FRACTIONS 193. The process is the same as in arithmetic. If the fractions do not all have the same denominator, they must be reduced to fractions having a common denominator. The lowest common denominator (1. c. d.) is obtained by finding the lowest common multiple (1. c. m.) of the given denominators. 1. Add --- + 3a 2 6 The 1. c. d. of 2 ab 8 , 3 a 2 6, 4 a 2 6 2 is 12 a 2 6 8 . x 6a -T- 3 a 2 6 = 4 ft 2 , = ~ " 4 ft 2 2 aft 3 6 a 12a 2 6 8 X 2 4 6 2 12a 2 & 3 ^4a 2 & 2 = 36, * 36 3ftx " 4a 2 6 2 3 ft 12a 2 6 3 FRACTIONS 171 We obtain^ ___ gg_ + 6 as - 12a 2 6 3 In practice, much of this work can be done mentally and need not be written down. 2 2s 63 (a; - y}\x + y) (x - y)(x + y) 2 ' x The 1. c. d. = (x - y) 2 (x + y) 2 . (x - y) 2 (x + y} 2 divided by (x - y) 2 (x + y) = x + y. (x - yy 2 (x + y) 2 divided by (x y)(x + y) 2 = x y. Hence 2x + Qy (x- y) 2 (x + y) (x-y)(x + y) 2 (x- y) 2 (x + y) 2 194. EXERCISES 1. Add f, I, T V 3. Add A, z __ __ 3 xy 2 15 x z y 2 2. Add 5, -., ^. 4. Add ^, -^, ' ' ' , -., . . , , . 5 15' 25 5 ' 25' 50 Change to a single fraction and reduce that to its lowest terms : 5. "" y * y. 12. i . 5 10 x + y x y 6. _? *_. 13. -J L. x+y x-y x-y x+y 7. i -* 14. [ (a; y) 2 x y' x(m x) m x r* rg* ->/ * , 3. Solve -!=-! 3 4 11 The 1. c.d. =6a;(a:+l)(x-l). FRACTIONS 173 Multiply both sides by the 1. c. d. 18 x - 18 + 24 2 _ 24 x = 11 & + 11 x. 13 z 2 - 17 x - 18 = 0. (z-2)(13z + 9) = 0. x = 2 or - ft. EXERCISES 196. Solve the following : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 12. 13. 1 7 14 x-1 3a;-4 x 8 2 5 3 2x' 2x-l x-2 2 -j *C O U *C O Q />2 /^ 1C A/ U^ ^/ 17 2 * 6 2 33 x + 1 x 13 a; 1 2 a; a; 18 1 I 2 - 5 . 344 | x + 5 x = 7. 6 a? 4 4 x-1 ' a;-2 6 9 3 19. ^ + ^ --0. 3-x 3-x 3 0.6 7 a; ~12' 3a; 1 x-1 x-2 9O it _|_ 9 ~y + 2' 7-1 10 o-i ^ x i /. I 1 /v. 1 13 x 14 ar a?+l 3 -J ff Q a; + 4 a; + 5 .001 .025 *-5 4 3a?-l 4 5-a; 4 a: + 2 24 11.5 x + 3 1.75 25. a; -j- 12 = . a; o 6 1 *. 4 6 _1_ 7 K -j i O x-4~ 4 174 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA 3 2 39. x-l x 2 90 z + 1 z + 2 2+3 28. X "*".+ ~ X = - 30. x 1 3 + x x x1 x+1 PROBLEMS 197. 1. By what number must 72 be divided, that the quotient may exceed the divisor by 6 ? 2. What number, when divided by 13, yields a quotient that is less than the number by 168 ? 3. A is 8 years old, B is 33 years old. When will A be as old as B ? 4. A is 36 years old, B is 48 years old. How many years ago was A ^ as old as B ? 5. What fraction, equal to ^, becomes equal to f when 15 is added to its numerator and denominator ? Hint. Let be the fraction. 6. What must be the dimensions of a rectangle containing 192 sq. in., in order that the perimeter be 56 in. ? 7. A rectangle whose area is ^ sq. ft. has a perimeter of If ft. Find its dimensions. 8. Divide 84 into two parts, such that the fraction formed by these parts is ^. 9. A number exceeds the sum of its one third, one fourth, and one fifth by 26. Find the number. 10. The rate of one train running between two towns exceeds the rate of another by 10 miles an hour. The difference in time is 1 hour. Find the rate of each train, if the towns are 200 miles apart. Negative answers for the rates may be rejected as not permissible in our problem. FRACTIONS 175 11. An oil tank can be filled by one pump in 6 hours, or by another pump in 12 hours. How long will it take to fill the tank when both pumps are working ? Let x = time in hours, when both pumps are working. Then - = part of tank filled by both pumps in 1 hr. X I = part of tank filled by the first pump in 1 hr. ^ = part of tank filled by the second pump in 1 hr Hence - + - - Solve. 6 12 x 12. How long will it take two pumps to fill an oil tank, when one pump alone can fill it in 6 hr., the other pump alone can fill it in 8 hr. ? 13. Two pumps working at the same time can fill an oil tank in 5 hr. One pump working alone can fill it in 8 hr. How long will it take the second pump alone to fill it ? 14. In a debating society a motion was carried 4 to 3 ; on a reconsideration, 4 affirmative votes changed over to the nega- tive, and the motion was lost 10 to 11. Find the number that voted in the affirmative on the first ballot. Hint. Let the affirmative and negative vote on the first ballot be 4 a; and 3 x, respectively. 15. Find the world's production of rubber in a year, when South America produced |, Africa | of the total amount, and the rest of the world produced 2800 tons. 16. A man spends -\ of his income in board, y 1 ^ in clothes, in sundries, and has $ 630 left. What is his income ? 17. A man placed at interest S6000 at 5%, and 6 months later $5500 at 6 %. When will the interest on the two sums be equal ? 18. Two ball teams in a league have the following record: A won 50, lost 24, B won 56, lost 24 games. The two teams play a final series of 10 games together. How many must A win in order that the ratio of games won to games lost be equal for both teams ? 176 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA 19. The height of a bin is 1 foot less than the width and 4 feet less than the length. Find the capacity of the bin if the height is equal to half the length. HISTORY OF FRACTIONS 198. Fractions occur in some of the earliest historic records, but ancient peoples experienced great difficulty in computing with fractions. At the present time fractions may have any number as numerator and any number as denominator. Not so in olden times. The Babylonians, as early as 2000 B.C., perhaps even earlier, used fractions with the denominator 60. In measuring time and angles, they used subdivisions on the scale of 60. The subdivisions of the hour into 60 minutes and the minute into 60 seconds, as also of a degree (angular measure) into 60 minutes and a minute into 60 seconds, are of Babylonian origin. Every time we measure angles and every time we consult our watches we are using units of measure invented by astronomers near the banks of the Ganges over 3000 years ago ! When the Babylonians took 60 as the de- nominator of all fractions, there was no need of actually writing the denominator. They wrote simply the numerator. To distinguish it from a whole number, they placed it a little to the right of the ordinary position for a word or number. A fractional system involving the same denominator was in vogue also among the Romans. They usually took 12 as the denominator; with them 12 was also the number of subdivisions of weights and measures ; the coin called as was subdivided into 12 uncice, the foot into 12 inches. While the Babylonians and Romans preferred the use of fractions with the same denominator and different numerators, the Egyptians and Greeks had, as a rule, fractions with constant numerators and different denominators. In the Ahmes papyrus, an old Egyptian mathematical treatise found about fifty years ago, much attention is given fractions. All fractions in that papyrus, except the fraction f , have the numerator unity. In this case there was no need of writing the numerators ; a fraction was designated by writing the denominator and then placing over it a dot or another simple mark. Two ninths was indicated in the Ahmes papyrus as | T , the sum of J and ^ being f . The more modern point of view in computation with fractions appeared among the Hindus after the fifth century of our era and, somewhat later, among certain Arabic scholars, and among European writers of the renaissance. The Hindus wrote the numerator over the denominator, FRACTIONS 177 but did not separate the two by a fractional line. Among the first to use this line was the Italian mathematician Leonard of Pisa (thirteenth century). At the beginning of the sixteenth century the fractional line had come into general use. Even as late as the fifteenth century certain European writers of prominence experienced difficulty in explaining the multiplication of fractions. If to " multiply " means to "increase," how can the product of two proper fractions be smaller than either of the two fractions ? The earliest algebraist to make extensive use of letters as the representatives of numbers was the Frenchman, Vieta (1540-1603). The use of fractions involving letters was introduced since his day. The most conspicuous figure in the invention of decimal fractions is the Belgian mathematician, Simon Stevin. He explained them in a booklet, La Disme, published in 1585. He did not use the decimal point. He 0123 had a clumsy notation; he wrote the fraction 5.912 thus 5 9 1 2 or thus 5912. The small digit above, or inside a circle, indicated the decimal place of the digit affected. Among the first, if not the first, to simplify the notation of decimals by the use of the decimal point, or comma, was John Napier, of Scotland, in publications of 1616 and 1617. Thus it is seen that the modern fraction and the modern methods of computing with fractions are the result of many stages of evolution, reaching over a period of not less than 4000 years, and that Asiatic, African, and European nations shared in effecting this evolution. CHAPTER XV RADICALS AND GENERAL EXPONENTS 199. All numbers of elementary algebra can be placed in one of two groups, real numbers or imaginary numbers. "^j | 7, 4.675 are real numbers. V 3, 2V 1, V 1 are imaginary numbers. Imaginary numbers or expressions are numbers which in- volve the square roots of negative numbers. Real numbers are. rational or irrational. Rational numbers are positive or negative integers, and numbers which are the quotients of such integers, such as 9, 5, , .125. Irrational numbers or irrationals are numbers that are real but not rational, such as V2, V9, V5. A radical is a root of any algebraic expression, indicated by the use of a radical sign, such as V9, V6, V^ 2 x 6. From this definition it is evident that a radical may be a rational or an irrational number. The integer of the rational sign is called its index. Thus the index of the radical sign -\/ is 4. If no index appears, the index 2 is understood. A number by which a radical is multiplied is called its coefficient. Thus, in 7 \/6, 7 is the coefficient of the radical v/6. 200. The value of an irrational number, like V2~, cannot be expressed exactly in Hindu-Arabic numerals, but we may represent it accurately by means of lines. For instance, the diagonal of a square whose side is 1 is equal to V2. We 178 RADICALS AND GENERAL EXPONENTS 179 cannot find V2 exactly, but we can draw the square and its diagonal. 1 FIG. 34 Likewise, in the right triangle whose legs are 1 and 2, the hypotenuse is Vl 2 + 2 2 = Vo. In this semicircle whose diameter is 4, the perpendicular erected at the distance 1 from one end equals V3, as is shown in geometry. FRACTIONS AS EXPONENTS 201. All the exponents used thus far have been positive integers. We defined a 5 as a a a a a. See 14. That is, the exponent 5 indicates that a is taken as a factor five times. What is the meaning of a 2 ? It would be absurd to say that a* signifies a taken as a factor one half times. A number can be taken as a factor only a whole number of times; for example, three times or ten times. For the purpose of attaching a meaning to a 2 , we stipulate that we shall be able to multiply a? by a* according to the same rule by which a 2 is multiplied by a 2 . The product of a 2 and a 2 is found by adding the exponents. That is, a 2 a 2 = a 4 . If we add the exponents in the multiplication of a* by a*, we obtain a$ + ^ or a 1 . That is, at . a? = a. 180 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA It is seen that CM is one of the two equal factors of a, or the square root of a. Hence a* is another way* of writing the square root of a. That is, a* = Va. In the same way, since a? a^ = al + $ = a 3 , . a* is another way of writing the square root of a 3 . That is, a^ = Va 1 - Similarly, since | | f _ | iu ^^v,,^ .^^ . = and x* = Va; 5 , etc. Thus the numerator of a fractional exponent indicates the power of the base and the denominator indicates the root* 202. In finding the value of 8 7 , we may take the cube root of 8, which is 2, and square 2, getting 4 as a result. Or we may square 8, which gives us 64, and then take the cube root of 64, which is 4. That is, 8* = V8* = ( V8) 2 . All irrational numbers which are expressed by the use of radical signs can be expressed by the use of fractional expo- nents. In fact, the simplification of expressions can be effected more easily by the latter, as will appear later. Thus, Vl6 aPb = 16?a*&^ = 2 a^&i. i * It can be shown that v'a or a n has n different root values, but in ele- mentary algebra only one of these values is usually considered, the so-called principal value. If a is a positive number, then the principal value of tya is its positive root ; if a is negative and the index n is odd, there is no positive root, and the negative root is taken as the principal root. If a is negative and the index n is even, then all the roots are imaginary. RADICALS AND GENERAL EXPONENTS 181 ORAL EXERCISES 203. Express with fractional exponents and simplify : 11. 12. - 13. 14. Vwi Vwi Vra. 15. 16. 3^/|. 17. -- 7 \l 18. )~v c . 19. Va + 6. 20. EXERCISES 204. Write with radical signs : 3 1. a*. 9. 6 2. &i 10. 7 3. a;%l 11. 4. (7a)i 12. 3a 5. 2(5aj)^. 13. ( + y 14. 4 (c 15- 5a^o; 6. 2 ai 7. (2 a)*. 8. 2 16. a&. 182 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA MEANING OF A ZERO EXPONENT 205. Thus far, no meaning has been assigned to a. Can we not discover a meaning ? By the law of exponents in di- vision (i.e. subtracting the exponent in the divisor from that in the dividend) we obtain a 3 -5- a 3 = a. But when a is not a 3 zero, a 3 -=- a 3 = = 1. . . a = 1. a? Therefore any number except with a zero exponent is equal to 1. MEANING OF A NEGATIVE EXPONENT 206. Reasoning as in 205, we obtain a 5 -5- a 8 = or 3 , also a 5 -j- a 8 = = . .*. a~ 3 = a 8 a 3 a 3 Therefore, any quantity with a negative exponent is equal to 1 divided by that quantity with the exponent positive. - V - Further, ' a~ 3 b-*c ! c a 2 c Therefore, a factor may be moved from the numerator to the denominator of a fraction provided the sign of its exponent be changed. Care must be taken to transfer only factors in - i- , a~ 2 is not a b - ~*" Since IIIV lAVl . o a 2 6 (j-2 * fa follows that a~ 2 + 1 a 2 1 + a 2 a' 2 6 6 a 2 6 EXERCISES 207. Simplify: 1. 36~*. 4. 7.16-t. 7. (&)-*. 2. 64*. 5. 9*. 8. (^)*. 3. 125*. 6. (-27)*. 9. 36^-34 RADICALS AND GENERAL EXPONENTS 183 10. (- 8)-* + (jh)*. 13- (- 2)~ 2 (- 3). \ / \ A i U/ i-s A. 1 12. (|)^-2 . 2- 1 *3* 16 ' ' 20 ' I' 24 ' 4 5^' 17. m -A- 21. 2-^. 25. 22. 7 V-*x~ l y-* 26. 19. 1. 23. -<. 3 2/- 3 z a- 1 - 6- REDUCTION OF RADICALS 208. A radical is in its simplest form when the following three conditions are all satisfied : / (1) There are no fractions under the radical sign. VJ is not in its simplest form. (2) The number under the radical sign contains no factor raised to a power equal to or exceeding the index of the radical sign. Vo* is not in its simplest form, because the exponent 4 exceeds the index 3 of the radical sign. (3) In a radical of the form Va", m, and n must have no common factor other than 1. v^ i s no t j n t ne simplest form, because 2 and 4 have the common factor 2. Simplify \/64 a 8 6 2 . We obtain = 2* a . & = 2 cflb = 2 184 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA ORAL, EXERCISES 9. 14. V729ary 2 - 15. 16. 210. 1. Simplify V98. \/98 = >/49 2, wherein 49 is the largest factor of 98 which is a perfect square. V49-2 = 7V2. .-. v / 98 = 7V2. Again 5V/54 = Sv/27 2, wherein 27 is the largest factor of 54 which is a perfect cube. 5v / 2TT2 = 5.3^2 = 16^2. 2. Simplify Vf. Multiply both numerator and denominator by some number which wiU make the denominator a perfect square ; multiplying by 3, Vl = Vf = Vi 6, wherein 1 is the largest factor of 6 which is a square, and 9 is used for its denominator. Since VI = J* Vfc 8 = i V^- ' Vf = Again 7 Vi? = 7-y^il ' I = ^ Vrfy 10 = EXERCISES 211. Simplify: 1. V8. 3. V20. 5. V28. 2. V12. 4. V24. 6. V40. RADICALS AND GENERAL EXPONENTS 185 7. 3 A/44. 27. 10V10000 47. V^T-- 8. 4V18. 28. A/32. 48. 3 A/|. 9. -6A/27. 29. 3^48. 49. //f /f % * 7/fc Ti V(g + 6) 2 ^ , a o rr~ fiO ^7* 2 7/ 2 ^ A / " fA/250. Vxy ADDITION AND SUBTRACTION OF RADICALS 212. Similar radicals are radicals having the same radical sign and the same number under the radical sign. 4 -\/a, 2Va, b\/a have the same radical sign v' , and the same num- ber a under the radical sign. Hence they are similar. 186 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA Add 2 V8, 3 VlO, 5V50, - 7V40. - 7V40 = 4V2 + 3 VlO + 25 V2 - 14 VlO = 29V2 - llVlO. EXERCISES 213. Simplify: 1. V3-2V3. 2. 5V2 + 3V2-V2. 3. 8VTI-5VII. 4. 9Va-2V. 5. aVb + bv'b. 6. 2V2-3V|. 7. 5V3+9V|. 8- Vf + VJ. 9. Vf- V|. 10 . ^+\/?- 11. V20+V45-V5. 12. 2V2-V18 + 3V50. 13. 5V28 + 3V63-VII2. 14. VJ-2V2 + V}. 15. Vct 2 & + V6 3 V9 6. 16. 2 Va 3 6 Vci6c 2 + V4 a6. 19. Vmw + \/ \/ ^ /i ^ mw 20. VC^ 2 2/ 2 ) (a: y) V4 cc 3 ?/ 2 -(- 4 ar 2 ?/ 3 . 21. \Vl6 + \ / 54+Vl28. 23. \V8 x - 16 + V27 x - 54. 22. -\/5 -\/7 + A/-^-. 24. v / (-3) 2 +V9a-27. MULTIPLICATION OF RADICALS HAVING THE SAME INDEX 214. Multiply 5Va by 7V6 and we have 5 . 7 Va . V6 = 35 Va6. Multiply 3V2 by 4 VlO and we have - 3 . 4 V2 VlO = - 12V20 = - 24 V5. RULE. Multiply the rational factors and the radical factors, and simplify. It will be observed that the multiplication of two radicals, Va; and Vy, rests on the identity -\/xy = V# Vy. RADICALS AND GENERAL EXPONENTS 187 ORAL EXERCISES 215. Find the indicated products : 216. Multiply V2 + V3 - V5 by V2 - V3 + V5. V2+V3-V5 V2-V3+V5 -6 +2V15 RULE. Multiply each term of one polynomial by each term of the other, simplify, and combine. EXERCISES 217. Multiply: 1. V6 - VY - 2 V2 by V3. 2. V7+V3-VI1 by V5. 3. 3V2-2V3+V5 by VB. 188 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA 4. V5-4V2+VK) by VlO. 5. V3 + 7V6-5VI2 by V6. 6. 3 + V2 by 7 - V3. 7. 8 - V6 by V5 - 4. 8. 3 V2 + 4 V3 by 2V2 - 5V3. 9. 2 V7 + 7 V2 by 2 V7 - 7V2. 10. 5V3 + 3V5 by 5V3-3V5. 11. V6-V7+V8 by V8+V7-V6. 12. 2 V5 - 3 V6 - 4 V7 by VlO - V5 - V2. 13.' Vi+Vj-V| by V5+V6-V7. 14. x Vy + V#y y Va? by 15. V2--\/3+Vl by ^ DIVISION OF RADICALS HAVING THE SAME INDEX 218. 1. Divide 2 V2 by V3. (a) 2V2-^V3 =2vf = fV6, or (b) 2V2-,V3=^.^=2V6 = V6. V3 V3 3 3. Unless the division of the quantities under the radical signs gives a whole number, the second method is preferable. In (&) we express the division in the form of a fraction, then multiply both numerator and denominator by some number which will make the denominator rational. 2. Divide 3 by 2 + V3. 2-V3 4-3 Again, (3V2 + 4 V3) -s- (3 V2 - 4 V3) _3\/2+W3 _ 3v / 2 + 4\/3_ 18 + 24 V6+48 _ 66 + 24V / 6_ 33 + 12V6 ~3V2-4V3 ' 3V2+4V3~ 18-48 -30 16 RADICALS AND GENERAL EXPONENTS 189 If the denominator is of the form Va Vft, multiply both terms of the fraction by Va T Vb. This is called rationalizing the denominator. To find the numerical value of 2 V2 -f- V'3 in its present form requires the extracting of two square roots and a long division. It is much less work to rationalize the denominator, then in the resulting expression, |V6, find V6, and take f of it. EXERCISES 219. Divide: 1. V2 by V5. 8. V# -f- y by Va; y. 2. 1 by V3. 9. 5 by V5 + 1. 3. 24 by V6. 10. 3 V7 by V7 - 4. 4. 2by\/2. 11. V2+V3by V5+V61 5. 36 by V48. 12. V3 + V5 by V2 - V6. 6. 6by2-V3. 13. VIO-V2by V3-V5. 7. a by Va"+6. 14. Vl5 - V3 by V5 + V6. 15. vn - vi2 by vn + vi2. 16. 2 V2 + 3 V3 by 2 V2 - 3 V2. 17. 2 V3 - 3 V2 by 2 V3 + 3 V2. 18. a V6 + & Va by a V6 6 Va. 19. a Va + 6 by Va + b. 20. Va; + y Vic y by VaH- y+^/x y. RADICAL EQUATIONS 220. 1. Solve VE - 2 = 5. Square both sides, x 2 = 25 ; x = 27. ^4ns. 27. CAedfc ; V27 - 2 = 5 ; 5 = 5. 190 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA 2. Solve V* + 6 + V* 1 = 3. Transpose, Vx + 5 = 3 Vx 1. Square both sides, x + 5 =9 6 Vx 1 + x 1. Transpose and combine, Square both sides, Check : 221. RULE. If the equation contains but one radical, trans- pose so that it will stand alone. If the equation contains two radicals, transpose so that there is one radical on each side and so that the rational terms are com- bined on one side. Raise both sides to a power corresponding to the degree of the radicals. Solve the resulting equation. In squaring both sides of an equation, a value of x may be obtained which will not satisfy the original equation. Such a value is called an extraneous root. For instance, squaring both sides of the equation Vx + 5 = 1 - Vx, there results x + 5 = 1 2Vx + x. Transpose and simplify, 2 = Vx. Square both sides, 4 = x. Substitute in \/x +5 = 1 Vx", 3=1 2, which is absurd. Hence x = 4 is not a root of the original equation, but an extraneous root. In fact, there is no value of x that will satisfy Vx + 5 = 1 Vx. In other words, this equation has no roots. Only by substitution in the original equation involving radicals can we tell whether a value obtained for x is a root of that equation or whether it is an extraneous root. RADICALS AND GENERAL EXPONENTS EXERCISES 222. Solve and check : 191 2. 3. 4. 6. x = 5 Vo? x 6. 7. ^/4z-16=2. 5 = + 2. 8. 8 - -Vx 1 = 5 + Vx + 2. 9. x = 13 - VaT- 13. 12. 2 + 4 5. x 3 = Va 2 6. 10. 3 Vx = Vz + 3. 11. -Vx*-7x + 6= Vz 2 - x - 12. V;e 4- 1 VaT - 3 15. Vz + 3=^- aj-f-3 5 13. Vo; + 17 = x 3. 14. V x 5 x 1. 15. Vz + 3 = 16. Vo; 2 V-2 = 0. CHAPTER XVI REVIEW OF THE ESSENTIALS OF ALGEBRA DEFINITIONS 223. Define the following : Coefficient Monomial Linear equation Exponent Binomial Quadratic equation Term Polynomial Root of an equation Factoring EXERCISES ON PARENTHESES 224. Remove the parentheses and simplify : 1. (5 _ 6) - (7 - 8) + (5 - 6 - 7) - (- 5 - 4 + 6). 2. ll_(3-[4-5]) + [4-(3-5)+(4-l)]. 3. 4(3 - 2) + 4(3 -=- 2) - 4 -- (4 - 2). 4. (4 a + 6) - (8 b - c) - (a - 7 &). 5. 4 x* - 7 y 2 - [7 x 2 - 6 x + 8 y] - [5 x - 3 y]. 6. 3a? 5xy-\2xy 4:a? 9y*} \7a? 5xy\. 7. a - [6 + (c + 2 d) - (- c - d)] - [2 a - 3 &]. 8. -(a - c + d) + (2 a - 3 6 + 4 c) - (4 a - [5 b - 6 c]). Group all terms with a single letter in a parenthesis with + before it, and all terms with two different letters in a parenthesis with before it : 9. a b + 4 c db + 2 oc 4 be + o?b. 10. x + 5 y 4 2 -}- xy 3 xz + 7 ?/z. 11. 2ar J 12. cde 4cd 3de+f d + 2c -3e. 192 REVIEW OF THE ESSENTIALS OF ALGEBRA 193 EXERCISES IN ADDITION, SUBTRACTION, MULTIPLICATION, AND DIVISION 225. Simplify: 1. 2 z + O -I) 2 . 6. 2m(w-4)-ra 2 . 2. 4*+(2* + l) 2 . 7. 3( + y)-2(aj-y). 3. 4+(2-:f). 2 8. (z + 2/) 2 +(a;-2/) 2 . 4. 4y-(2?/ + l) 2 . 9. (a-6) 2 +(a-6) 2 . 5. (ce-?/) 2 +-4a*/. 10. a(a Find the values of the following at sight : 11. 4 3 , 3 4 , 4 1 , I 4 , 2, 8, 25*. 12. a 2 a 3 , a 4 a, ^ , f a_ _ <8 5 6 a 9 ' 6 10 '5c 5 ' 14 4a 2 6 3 12 a 3 5 4 15 x 5 y 5 6 a 3 6 ' 4 a& 2 ' 25 x b y ' Simplify : 15. (a+6) 2 +(a-6) 2 . 18. (a + 2 ft) 2 -(a-f 6)(a-&). 16. (a-26) 2 +(a + 6) 2 . 19. (2 a - 6) 2 + (a - 6) 2 . 17. (a + 6-2c) 2 . 20. (a-6) 2 - Multiply orally : 21. (x + 3)(z + 9). 25. (6 - 5)(& - 4). 22. (2, + 7)(y + 4). 26. (2- Z )(3-). 23. (7-2)(5-z). 27. (a? + 7)(> 2 + 5). 24. (a-6)(a + 8). 28. (ay + l)(ay + 4). Perform the indicated divisions : 29. 30. 31. o 194 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA EXERCISES IN FACTORING 226. Factor: 1. 10 xf - 15 tff. 8. 3 x* (x - 1) - (1 - a?). 2. (2x + y)a + (2x + y)b. 9. 3ra(a 2 + 6 2 ) - 2 w (6 2 + a 2 ). 3. 5 *(a + 6) - 3 x(a + 6). 10. (m - ?) 2 - (m - w). 4. o^ 5 x 5 - 3 x* + 3 a; 1 . 11. 06 as + 6y sy. 5. x 6 - 5 or 5 + a 4 5 a 3 . 12. a 3 - a 2 6 + a& 2 - 6 3 . 6. (a-&)a 2 -(a-6)6 2 . 13. y* + Wy + 25. 7. (a? - 1) m + (a? - 1) w. 14. v? + 8 x + 16. 15. a 2 6 2 + 12 ab + 36. 16. a 2 + & 2 + c 2 2 a& 2 ac + 2 6c. 17. m 2 -49. 32. 6 2 -12&-45. 18. 64 - 2 . 33. c 2 + 14c-32. 19. 81^-25/. 34. x* + 10 a -75. 20. (a-6) 2 -c 2 . 35. x 2 -10x-75. 21. x* - (5 aj + yY- 36. a; 2 - 7 ajy - 8 y 2 . 22. a 2 + 2a6 + 6 2 -c 2 . 37. x* + 15 afy + 14 a^/ 2 . 23. a* 5 a; + 4. 38. 70 a 2 + 17 a + 1. 24. x 2 + 5 a; + 4. 39. 2 a 2 + 9 a? + 9. 25. y* + 6y 16. 40. 2-y-6y*. 26. y* Qy- 16. 41. 6 - m - 15 m 2 . 27. a 2 -? a + 10. 42. a 3 + 86 3 . 28. cc 2 + 7a; + 10. 43. a 3 - 8 6 3 . 29. z 2 + 3a-10. 44. 8^-27^. 30. x 2 -3a;-10. 45. 8 a? + 27 y 3 . 31. a 2 + 7a-18. 46. a^-1. REVIEW OF THE ESSENTIALS OF ALGEBRA 195 EXERCISES ON FRACTIONS 227. 1. h 6 b +b b 2. Show that ^ = .=-2 = _^ = _?. 3. -J- -L- -1_ ? x) (x-y}(x-z) 1 ? Reduce each fraction to its lowest terms : 6x + 3-2c 3(x + y) ' 9 4c 2 6 5 fo + y) 3 . 10 bx + ax 20(x + y)* ' no? nb 2 7 a-6 2a-2&' 8. " ~ l ~" * a 2 - a& (a? - 2) 3 Multiply : 13. by. 15. gng by 10a; 3 16a; 2 2a: J ? 2 - oj , 34^ gy-y , 17 z 2 J 5a;^ ' x 2 + xy Divide : 17. *=* by ^- 27 - 20. (a 2 - rf) by J a 18. ^-Z^ by ^^L. 21 . "~ by (a _ 2 6). cn m+n a + b 19. 6m3 by 3m 22. ^~g+A by *^- n?-m 3 J m-n a; 2 -2 a; -35 & + 5 196 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA Perform the indicated additions and subtractions of fractions : 23 . I_*= 26. a 3 a 5 (a -I) 3 (1-a) 8 24. - + _. 27. 2y 3y Sy x y x + y 25. - ___ _. 28 . _ __ _'. (x y) 3 (y a;) 2 a 3 a 4 Reduce each expression to an equivalent fraction : 29. 3x + l^. 32. m-^Zll. 4 3 m 30. 2y + 5x ~ 3y . 33. a; 2 + aw + y 2 + ~^ . 4 x y 9 n* 7T 3 31. 80 z - * -- 2 a + 6. + y EXERCISES IN LINEAR EQUATIONS 228. Solve: 1. 8 x + 19 = 11 -5 x + 13. 3. #=12 -a. 2. |y + 7 = |y + 8. 4. fa 2 fa = 4aj. 5. (16 * + 5) (9 a? + 31) = (4 x + 12)(36 a; + 10). 6. x (x + 1) + x (x + 2) = (a; + 3)(2 a? + 4). 7. mx = nx + 3. a; + 4 _ - K 8. ay + by = c. 9. 2 ay 2 6y = 16 10 ax + bx ex = d. 9. 2 ay 2 6y = 16 + 2 a. 15. 5 - - = 3. 11. m# nx x = ifi x -\-25 12. (z + a) 2 =.(*-&)'. 13. (a;-4) 2 -(a;-5) 2 =4a;+5. a; -4 a; -2 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 25. REVIEW OF THE ESSENTIALS OF ALGEBRA 197 x-1 x-3 2x-l~2x-2 x + 1 x X 1 a: 1 X + 1 3x-5 = _2 X-4: ~~ 3 4 x 4- J + 1. 2a; 2 2 -f y + 3 _ 2y + 1 26 27 28 29. 30. 31. I2a? *=3& _ Q K O JU t>. a; 2y 5 = 0. 2 x + 1 a 4- 7 3 5 3. y __ J 3a?-|-8?/ = 5, a; + w = 2 3 a; + cy = 3 c 2 3 x cy = c 2 . EXERCISES IN QUADRATIC EQUATIONS 229. Solve: 1. x 2 6x + 5 = 0. 3. a; 2 -5 a; = -4. 12. 15+- = 11. a; 4. (3aj-2)(aj-l)=14. 5. (3aj-2)(aj-l)=200. 6. (2a;-l) 2 =_8a;. 7. x 2 2ax = b 2 . 8. x 2 -(a - l)a? + a = 0. 9. a; 2 + mx + n = 0. 10. px 2 + qx + r = 0. 11. - A_ = 8x + 2 x-1 x 2 - 1 13. 14. _3_ + _ 3 _ = 8. 1 + a; 1 x x l_ d "C a; + l x + ~L x + 2 15. 16. x 1 a; 2 __ IT 17. 198 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. x + y = 15. 23. 24. 1-2=2. x y - y* = 7. PROBLEMS 230. 1. What number added to the numerator and denomi- nator of ^ will give a fraction equal to f ? 2. A train runs 300 miles in a certain time. If the train were to run 10 miles an hour faster, it would take it 1 hour less to travel the same distance. Find the time and rate. 3. The length of the rim of one of the hind wheels of a carriage exceeds the length of the rim of one of the front wheels by 3 ft. The front wheel makes the same number of revolutions in running 200 ft. that the hind wheel makes in running 260 ft. Find the length of the rim of each wheel. 4. A farmer found that the supply of feed for his cows would last only 20 weeks. He therefore sold 50 cows, and his supply lasted 30 weeks. How many cows had he at first ? 5. Two trains start together and run in opposite directions, one at the rate of 47 miles an hour, the other at the rate of 34 miles an hour. After how many hours will they be 1053 miles apart ? 6. The area of a rectangle is 1850 sq. in. Its length exceeds its width by 13 in. How long is each side ? REVIEW OF THE ESSENTIALS OF ALGEBRA 199 7. A farmer expected to receive $5.52 for his eggs. He broke 6 eggs, but by charging 2 ^ a dozen more for the remain- ing eggs, he received the desired amount. How many dozen eggs had he originally ? 8. Weighed on a defective balance a body appears to weigh P pounds when the true weight is a + bP pounds, where a and b are numbers that are the same for all weights. If the balance shows 10 pounds for a real weight of 11.2 pounds, and 30 pounds for a real weight of 33.2 pounds, find a and b. What will the balance show for a real weight of 40 pounds ? 9. According to tradition, the following problem was assigned by Euclid of Alexandria to his pupils, about 3 cen- turies B.C. : A mule and a donkey were going to market laden with wheat. The mule said to the donkey, " If you were to give me 1 measure, I would carry twice as much as you, if I were to give you 1 measure, our burdens would be equal." What was the burden of each ? a 10. A room shaped as in Fig. 37 has a floor area of 320 sq. ft. If the lengths marked a are all alike, and b is 22 ft., find a. 11. To pass from one corner of a rectangu- lar park to the opposite corner I must go 700 j IG. oT feet, if I go around the sides; if I walk diagonally across, I save 200 feet. What are the dimensions of the park ? 12. It takes a cyclist 18 minutes longer to go a distance of 27 miles from A to B than it takes to return by the same route. If he rides up hill 6 miles an hour and down hill 15 miles an hour, how many miles of his trip going is up-hill travel, and how many miles is down hill ? 13. A dealer sells bicycles at a 20 % profit. A rival dealer obtains the same kind of bicycles $ 3 cheaper and sells them $3 cheaper, thereby realizing a profit of 21| %. What price does the first dealer pay for his bicycles ? 200 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA 14. If speculum metal contains 67 % of copper and 33 % of tin (by weight) and gunmetal contains 90 f of copper and 10 / of tin, how many pounds of gunmetal should be melted with 300 pounds of speculum metal, to obtain an alloy in which there is 5 times as much copper as tin ? 15. Water in freezing expands 10 % of its volume. How much water when frozen will fill a 5-gallon freezer ? 16. In a price list, the cost of sewer pipe, per foot of length, is given by the formula c = .4 d? + 14, where d is the diame- ter of the pipe in inches and c is the cost in cents. What will 400 ft. of 15 in. pipe cost ? PROBLEMS ON THE LEVER 231. 1. What force must be applied by the hand to balance or raise a known weight W= 748 pounds ? f w FIG. 38 By careful measurement it has been ascertained that the force multi- plied by the force arm of the lever is equal to the weight multiplied by the weight arm. Notice that the weight arm is measured from the point of application of the weight to the prop or fulcrum, A, and the force arm is measured from the point of application of the force to the prop. In this case / = 4, w = 2. Let F = the required force in pounds, then 4 F = 2 x 748. F = 374 pounds, the answer. 2. How large a weight can be raised with a force of 500 lb., if the force arm is 7.5 ft. and the weight arm .5 ft. ? Draw a figure. 3. The force arm is 16 times greater than the weight arm. What force will balance a weight of 732 pounds ? REVIEW OF THE ESSENTIALS OF ALGEBRA 201 4. The force arm is 2 ft. longer than the weight arm. How long is the weight arm, if a force of 12 pounds balances a weight of 35 pounds ? 5. A lever is 75 in. long. Where must the prop be placed in order that a force of 2 pounds at one end may move 5 pounds at the other end ? 6. Two men carry a load of 212 pounds on a pole between them. If the load is 3.5 ft. from one man and 5.4 ft. from the other, how many pounds does each man carry ? 7. A man weighing 170 pounds has a crowbar 6 ft. long. What pressure can he exert toward moving a rock, if the prop is 3 in. from the lower end of the crowbar ? 8. On an untrue balance a weight of 13 oz. appears to weigh 13.2 oz. If the beam is 6 in. long, and the error is due to a displacement of the fulcrum, how much longer is one arm than the other ? 9. A team is hitched to a doubletree 4 ft. long. At what point must the doubletree be attached to the plow, so that one horse will pull li times as much as the other ? c r?^ D 10. Each of two horses LXJ Plow-Beam hitched to the doubletree A in FlG 39 Fig. 39 pulls 4 as much as a horse at B. At what point should a plow beam be attached to the doubletree evener CD, which is 5 ft. long ? PROBLEMS ON FALLING BODIES 232. Bodies falling from a state of rest obey laws expressed by the following formulas : v _ 32.2 t s = 16.1 1*, v = V64.4 s, where v means the velocity, t the time in seconds, s the space or distance (in feet) through which the body falls. 202 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA 1. Express each of the three formulas in words. 2. Eliminate t from the first two formulas, and thereby de- rive the third formula. I 3. Eliminate s from the last two formulas, and thereby de- rive the first. 4. Eliminate v from the first and third, and thereby de- rive the second. 5. A stone dropped into a mine shaft is heard to strike bottom after 5 seconds. Neglecting the time it takes sound to travel, estimate the depth of the shaft. 6. With what velocity will a body strike the bottom of a mining shaft 1000 ft. deep ? 7. A stone is heard to strike the bottom of a mine shaft after ten seconds, sound traveling, in this instance, at a rate of 1126 ft. a second. What is the depth of the shaft ? INDEX Numbers refer to sections Absolute, term, 166. value, 29. Addition, algebraic, 26, 28, 29. checking, 45. fractions, 193. monomials, 41. polynomials, 43. radicals, 212. Ahmes, 165. Algebraic expression, 2. evaluation of, 4, 23. Area, circle, 134. rectangle, 63. trapezoid, 134, 174. triangle, 134. Arithmetical operations, order 21. Average, 35. Axis, x-axis, 90 ; y-axis, 90. Bank discount, 100. Base, 13, 14. Binomial, 12. Braces, 17. Brackets, 17. Cardan, 183. Circle, 134, 182. area of, 134. length of, 8, 134. Checking, addition, 45. division, 137. equations, 51. factoring, 113. multiplication, 60. subtraction, 45. Coefficient, 10. of radical, 199. Concrete mixture, 83. Coordinates, 147. of, Degree of an equation, 130. Descartes, 165. Dissimilar terms, 41. Division, 36. by zero, 5, 137. checking, 36, 74, 137. law of exponents, 65. of fractions, 70, 186. of monomials, 65. of polynomials by binomials, 76. of polynomials by monomials, 74.7 of polynomials by polynomials, 135; of radicals, 218. with remainders, 79. Elimination, 151, 162. by addition or subtraction, 152. by substitution, 154. Equation, 5. complete quadratic, 166, 169. containing fractions, 98, 156, 160, 195. cubic, 130. degree of, 130. double root, 132. fractional coefficients, 98. general quadratic, 175. graphical solution of quad- ratic, 179. graph of, 89, 90. history of quadratic, 183. incomplete quadratic, 167. involving parentheses, 54, 62. linear, 90, 130. literal, 51. plotting, 89, 90. quadratic, 130, 166. quartic, 130. 203 204 INDEX Equation, radical, 220. root of, 51, 132. solution of, 6, 51. Equations, inconsistent, 146. literal, 158. one linear, one quadratic, 180. simultaneous linear, 147, 151, 162. Exponent, 13, 14. fractional, 201. law for division, 65. law for multiplication, 56. negative, 206. zero, 205. Extraneous roots, 221. Factor, 9. highest common factor, 188. prime, 112. rationalizing, 218. Factoring, 107. checking, 113. Formulas, distance, 8, 100. interest, 3, 100. Fractions, 65, 184. addition, 193. complex, 187. division, 70, 186. history of, 198. multiplication, 68, 186. multiplication by integer, 69. reduction, 65, 185. signs of terms, 69. subtraction, 193. Function, 89. Gauss, 183. Graphic representation, 84. Graphs, construction and use of graphs, 97. identical, 147. of linear equations, 90. / of quadratic equations, / 179. of simultaneous linear equa- tions, 145. parallel, 147. practical application of, 94, 149. Highest common factor, 188. Hyperbola, 182. Imaginaries, 199. Imaginary unit, 178. Income tax, 100. Inconsistent equations, 146. Index, of radical, 199. of root, 15. Interest, 100. Least common denominator, 193. Least common multiple, 190. Magic squares, 49. Monomial, 12. addition, 41. division, 65. multiplication, 56. subtraction, 41. Multiplication, 33. checking, 60. fractions, 68, 186. law of exponents, 56. monomials, 56. numbers, 33. polynomials, 58, 60, 135. radicals, 214. Negative numbers, 24, 26. Two uses of + and -, 28, 39. Newton, frontispiece. Number, absolute value of, 29. integral, 112. unknown, 5, 6. Numbers, addition of, 26, 28, 29. division of, 36. imaginary, 178, 199. irrational, 110, 199, 200. multiplication of, 33. negative, 24, 26. positive, 24, 26. rational, 199. real, 199. subtraction, 31. Origin, 90. Parabola, 180. Parentheses, 17. equations involving, 53, 62. insertion of, 48. removal of, 46. PI, 134. INDEX 205 Plotting, 84, 90, 145, 146. Polynomials, 12. addition, 43. division, 74, 135. multiplication, 58, 60, 135. subtraction, 43. Portraits, Descartes, page 140. Euler, page 40. Newton, frontispiece. Vieta, page 110. Positive numbers, 24, 26. uses of + and -, 28, 39. Power, 13. cube, 13. fourth, 13. square, 13. Problems, algebraic solution, 6. arithmetical solution, 6. bank discount, 100. distance, 100. falling bodies, 232. income tax, 100. interest, 100. lever, 231. concrete mixture, 83. taxes, 100. Products, special, 101. Proportion, 81. direct, 83. inverse, 83. Quadratic equation, 130, 166. complete, 166, 169. general, 175. graph of, 179. history of, 183. incomplete, 166, 167. solved by completing square, 171. solved by factoring, 130. solved by formula, 176. Radical, 199. coefficient of, 199. equation, 220. index of, 199. sign, 15. Radicals, 199. addition, 212. division, 218. multiplication, 214. the Radicals, rationalization, 218. reduction of, 208. similar, 212. simplify, 111. subtraction, 212. Ratio, 81. Rational number, 199. Recorde, 165. Rectangle, area of, 63. Root, cube, 15, 109. fourth, 15. index, 15 of an equation, 51. principal, 108, 201. square, 15, 108, 139, 142. Roots, extraneous, 221. imaginary, 178. Sign, change of, in fractions, 69. not equal to, 113, note. of equality, 1. of operation, 39. of quality, 39. radical, 15. Similar, radicals, 212. terms, 41. Simultaneous equations, 151, 162, 180. Square root, 15, 108, 139. of fractions, 143. of numbers, 142 Subtraction, 26, 28, 31. checking, 32, 45. fractions, 193. monomials, 41. polynomials, 43. radicals, 212. Term, 11. Terms, dissimilar, 41. similar, 41. 'Transposition, 51. Trapczoid, 134. area of, 134, 174. Triangle, altitude, 134. area of, 134. hypothenuse, 134. leg, 134. Trinomial, 12. Unknown, 5, 6. 206 INDEX Variables, 88, 89. Vieta, 165. Vinculum, 17. Volume of rectangular solid, 64. of cube, 64. Whetstone of Witte, 165. X-axis, 90. F-axis, 90. Zero, division by, 137. exponent, 205. operations with, 130. Printed in the United States of America T HE following pages contain advertisements of a few of the Macmillan books on kindred subjects GEOMETRY By Professor W. B. 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